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Dosen : Suhaimi, M. Pd

Harniwati (1709MK693)

The Importance of Maintaining Health, Start to Apply These 5 Life style for the
sake of Health in the Future

Health is a valuable asset in life. Because by having our health so we are free
to do whatever we like. Isn't that right, girls? Therefore, maintaining health is the
right thing to do. Not only to maintain the current body condition, but also to prepare
for good health in the future.

Although the body currently looks fit, but that is not a reason to live without
regard to health, girls. Because good health in the future can be created if you have a
good lifestyle also in the present. Therefore, let's prepare for health in the future by
applying the following healthy lifestyle:

1. Make sure enough sleep

No matter how busy you are completing work, do not forget to ensure that
you have enough sleep. Because enough time to sleep around eight hours can
optimize energy physically and mentally to perform various activities, you know!
So you should not underestimate sleep and better rest than doing activities that are
not really needed

2. Drink enough water

Girls, are you sure you've been drinking enough water and don't feel
deprived? Water is an important function in the body because 60% of our body
consists of water, which can be used to help the metabolic system to carry
nutrients and oxygen to all parts of the body. But on the other hand, we also every
day remove water from the body through sweat or urine. Therefore, you need to
make sure you drink enough water every day!

3. Pay Attention to Eating Portions and Nutrition

Paying attention to the portion of the meal so that it is not excessive is also
important to help your digestive system run properly and not trigger diseases
associated with excess food. Stop eating when you are full, not when the food on
the plate runs out. So you can make sure the food that goes into the stomach in
accordance with the right portion. And also eat healthy nutritious foods, avoid junk
food or fatty foods.

4. Move

When compared to relaxing on the couch or bed, which do you do more

often: move or just tend to stay at home? Though often moving your body is so
important to get used to being active you know, girls! For example in your free
time you can move your body with things as simple as stretching, sit ups and
various exercises on the floor in the house. Of course you want to have a active
body in the future so you can enjoy the moment with your loved ones? That's why
you have to get used to moving actively from now on.

5. Familiarize Sports with the Fun Way

Still related to the previous point, exercise is one way to move the body. If
you are not familiar with sports, it may be something that feels 'hard' to do. But
like it or not, this one activity needs to be done. Because basically exercise is
indeed what the body needs to maintain strength in muscles and joints. As a
strategy, try to do sports in a fun way like inviting friends and making a regular
exercise schedule. It sure feels good, girls! In addition, because it is fun, you can
later make exercise a habit, not just something you do occasionally

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