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Here is test item: from the data presented in the table, form generalizations that are supported
by the data. Under what type of question does this item fall?
A. Synthesis B. Evaluative C. Convergent D. Application
2. You are required to formulate your own philosophy of education in the course teaching
profession, based on Bloom’s revised taxonomy, in which level of cognitive structure or
processing are you?
A. Applying B. Creating C. Analyzing D. Evaluating
3. Which of the highest level in the revised bloom’s and Anderson’s cognitive taxonomy?
A. Evaluation of answer C. Scoring rubric for research report
B. Application of principles in real life D. Analysis of the causes of a phenomenon
4. A negative discrimination index means:
A. More from the lower group answer the test item correctly
B. More from the upper group answered the test correctly
C. The test item could not discriminate between the upper and the lower group
D. The test item has low reliability
5. How will interpret a student’s 80% percentile score? The student scored:
A. Higher than 80% of the members of group C. High in all the skills being tested
B. Better, relative to the competencies targeted D. Achieved 80% of the specific content
6. Which is true when the standard deviation is small?
A. Scores are toward both extremes C. Scores are tightly bunched together
B. Scores are spread apart D. The bell curve is relatively fat
7. Which statement about standard deviation is correct?
A. The lower the standard deviation the more spread the scores are
B. The higher the standard deviation the more spread the scores are
C. The higher the standard deviation the less spread the scores are
D. It is a measure of central tendency
8. A teacher-made test given at the end of a lesson to find out if the objective has been attained can
be classified as:
A. Criterion-referenced B. Norm-referenced C. Placement test D. Curricular test
9. How can a teacher establish the reliability test?
I. Repeat the same test III. Split the test
II. Administer a parallel test IV. Vary the number of items
A. I, II and III B. I, II and IV C. I and IV only D. II and IV only
10. Of the types of validity tests, what is concerned with the relation of test scores to performance at
some future time, e.g. freshmen college test can show success in college?
A. Curriculum validity B. Criterion validity C. Content validity D. Predictive validity
11. Which are attributes of a good evaluation instrument?
I. Validity II. Reliability III. Sensitivity IV. Objectivity
A. I, II and IV B. I and II only C. I, II and III D. I, II, III and IV
12. You would like to assess student’s ability to write a portfolio. What type of test will determine
their ability to organize ideas and think critically?
A. Long test B. Formative test C. Essay test D. Summative test
13. What is known as the scoring guides for rating open-ended questions?
A. Rubrics B. Outcomes C. Scales D. Outputs
14. Evaluating their own work by using a scoring rubric is an example of _____ assessment by the
A. Self B. Peer C. Formative D. Summative
15. The best way to assess learning is to use real-life situations, objects and materials existing in the
environment. Hence, teachers are encouraged to use:
A. Rating scale B. Pencil-and-paper test C. Observation technique D. Authentic assessment
16. Teacher Mae makes sure that she checks understanding to ensure that the students are following
the lesson. Of what part of assessment is she occupied with?
A. Assessment of learning C. Assessment as learning
B. Assessment for learning D. Assessment for and as learning
17. Among mistaken goals in the Acceptance Approach to discipline, what happens when students
seek to hurt others to make up for being hurt or rejected?
A. Revenge seeking B. Power seeking C. Withdrawal D. Attention getting
18. In avoiding implying sickness or suffering, which of the following is the most preferable way to
refer to those with disabilities like polio?
A. “Is polio-stricken” B. “Had polio” C. “Polio victim” D. “suffers from polio
19. This powerful European country supplied arms to Afghanistan rebels who were fighting a
terrorist war in the Middle East. What was the principle of moral discernment applicable in this
A. Principle of double effect C. Principle of material cooperation
B. principle of lesser evil D. Principle of moral/formal cooperation
20. What principle of moral discernment applies to fire victims who decided to jump over a ten-
storey building rather than die by being burned to death?
A. Principle of material cooperation C. Principle of formal cooperation
B. Principle of lesser of two evil D. Principle of double effect
21. Teacher Nancy is directed to pass an undeserving student with a death threat. Which advise will a
utilitarian give?
A. Don’t pass him. You surely will not like someone to give you a death threat in order to pass
B. Pass the student. That will be off use to the student, his parents and you.
C. Pass the student. Why suffer the threat?
D. Don’t pass him. Live by your principle of justice. You will get reward, if not in this life, in the
22. What is the degree of moral certitude of Alegre who entered into marriage only out of obedience
to her parents, but uncertain whether she wanted marriage at all?
A. Lax B. Probable C. Doubtful D. Certain
23. Someone said, “Experience without theory is blind, but theory without experience is mere
intellectual play.” This means that:
A. Theory and experience must go hand-in-hand C. Experience is more important than theory
B. Theory is more important than experience D. One can stand without the other
24. A group of people asserts that their culture is superior to another. This exemplifies:
A. Cultural gap B. Cultural conflict C. Norm conflict D. Ethnocentrism
25. Peter kisses the hand of his other before leaving and upon arrival from a long trip. His younger
son learned to do the same when he left for US to study. This is an example of:
A. Acculturation B. Enculturation C. Tradition D. Value formation
26. What is the pattern of change which can affect child’s development such as in parents going
abroad for work?
A. Microsystem B. Mesosystem C. Macrosystem D. Cronosystem
27. Before being able to fully learn to live and work together under the pillar of the 21st century
education, what must the learner attain for himself?
A. find peace within oneself C. love his fellowmen
B. attain an altruistic mind D. become self-actualized
28. In the learning to do pillar of new education, what is the enabling factor that can make the
learner fully contribute to a peaceful and just society?
A. knowledge B. skills C. insights D. values
29. Which organization advanced insights of “Learning to Treasure within” for 21st century
A. Geneva International conference C. Education for all Initiative
B. International Commission for the 21 Century D. Asia Pacific Regional Bureau
30. Under which pillar of education is responsible for competence and skills of learners?
A. Learning to do B. Learning to be C. Learning to live together D. Learning to know
31. On the categories of exceptionality in the young, what is difficulty in focusing and maintaining
attention, and/or recurrent hyperactive and impulsive behavior?
A. ADHD C. Autism
B. Emotional /conduct disorders D. Speech and communication disorders
32. What field of education manages children with behavioral problems like attention-deficit
A. Distance education C. Skills and technology training
B. Special education D. Early childhood education
33. What development task best displays adolescence 13 to 18 years?
A. Learning social modesty C. Assuming civic responsibility
B. Achieving masculine and feminine roles D. learning to get along well with agemates
34. What explains the tendency of preschool children to focus on an aspect of an object while
excluding other aspects?
A. Centration B. Translation C. Intuition D. Ego-centration
35. For Sigmund Freud, which is the deciding agent of human personality by which we reason and
consider the best response to situation?
A. Id B. Superego C. Ego D. Unconscious
36. Who asserted that children must be given the opportunity to explore and work on different
materials so that they will develop the sense of initiative instead of guilt?
A. Kohlberg B. Erikson C. Maslow D. Gardner
37. Which is the basic in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?
A. Socialization B. Actualization C. Self-esteem D. Altruism
38. When you begin teaching with a generalization and then bringing details, which teaching method
do you employ?
A. It depends on the type of your generalization C. Inductive
B. It depends on the quantity of the details you bring in D. Deductive
39. What dependent variable is apt for the hypothesis: “ more teacher knows the subject matter, the
better she can teach it?
A. Personality trait of teachers C. Teacher’s annual performance rating
B. Motivation by school head D. Incentives given to teachers
40. For bodily kinesthetic learners which activity would appeal and could be appreciated when
assigned to them?
A. Illustration of body parts and functions C. Display of sports equipment
B. Lecture in the body movements D. Calisthenics
41. The use of drills in the classroom is rooted on Thorndike’s law of :
A. Readiness B. Effect C. Exercise D. Belongingness
42. The leading proponent of social learning theory of Bandura. He believed:
A. Behavior can influence both the environment and the person
B. Learning stays with the individuals until needed
C. Reinforcement influences cognitive processes
D. People learn from one another such as by modeling
43. Skinner is known for his theory based upon the notion that learning is a result of change in overt
behavior, meaning, and individual responds to events that occur in the environment. This theory
came to be known as:
A. Operant conditioning C. Classical conditioning
B. Stimulus-response associations D. Connectionism
44. Of Piaget’s Cognitive Concepts, which refer to the process of fitting a new experience to a
previously created cognitive structure or schema?
A. Assimilation B. Schema C. Accommodation D. Equilibrium
45. In Piaget’s stages of cognitive development which is the tendency of the child to only see his
point of view and to assume that everyone has the same point of view?
A. Assimilation B. Egocentrism C. Symbolic function D. Centration
46. According to Piaget, which refers to cognitive structures example seeing a dog and forming initial
idea of dog?
A. Assimilation B. Accommodation C. Schema D. Equilibrium
47. It is a teaching approach that views learning as an active process that creates a meaningful
connection between prior experience and the present learning activity hence results in better
understanding and meanings. This approach is known as:
A. Inquiry B. Metacognitive C. Problem solving D. Constructivism
48. Using motivational assessment, what could be the most noble motive in students pursuing a
lifetime work and mission for the teaching profession?
A. Promise of high rank and prestige C. Economic security and welfare
B. Social service to upcoming generations D. Respected position in society
49. Of the following effects on learning, what is the effect of simulation that makes students feel and
sense experience in the classroom?
A. Reinforcing learning
B. Providing experiences that otherwise might not have
C. Motivating students
D. Changing attitudes and feelings
50. Which of the following belongs to the more sophisticated learning-to-learn skills for the
individual learner?
A. To ask and gather data C. To process and select information
B. To listen and observe D. To read with understanding
51. It is an approach that makes students “think about their thinking” students get conscious of their
thought processes while they are engaged in their cognitive tasks. This is an example of an
approach called:
A. Cognitive B. Constructivist C. Metacognitive D. Reflectivist
52. The teacher aims to develop critical and creative thinking among her students. She should try
A. Declarative statements C. Divergent questions
B. Convergent questions D. Expository statements
53. Which learning principle is the essence of Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences?
A. Almost all learners are linguistically intelligent
B. Intelligence is not measured in one form
C. Learners have different IQ level
D. Learners have static IQ
54. In the 5’s Formula, to create a conducive learning environment. Which S stands for cleanliness of
the work place?
A. Shine B. Sweep C. Systematize D. Sort
55. What kind of classroom management is applied in the case of Teacher Lenny who attends to
every situation as it comes, hoping to meet it as it comes without much foresight and
A. Proactive B. Reinforcing C. Heading-on D. Reactive
56. Following the principles for punishing students, which of the following is the LEAST desirable
strategy for classroom management?
A. Punishing while clarifying why punishment is done
B. Punishing while angry
C. Punishing the erring student rather than the entire class
D. Give punishment sparingly
57. Among mistaken goals in the Acceptance to discipline, what happens when students defy adult
by arguing, contradicting, teasing temper tantrums, and low level hostile behavior?
A. Power seeking B. Withdrawal C. Revenge seeking D. Attention getting
58. The class has become uncontrollable, and so teacher Yen decided to have some undisciplined
students out of the room to the counselor’s office. What did the teacher Yen apply by the way of
preventive approach to discipline?
A. Removing seductive objects C. Antiseptic bouncing
B. Direct appeal D. Physical restraint
59. The teacher who lacks clear direction and sequence of activities by going from one activity to
another is displaying ___________ behavior in class?
A. Flip-flopping B. Thrust C. Truncating D. Dangling
60. How is the ripple effect illustrating in the class of teacher Ella?
A. Misbehavior escalates in the room C. Learning is transmitted row by row
B. Discipline takes more than teaching D. Teacher’s emotion grow in class
61. Which is in accordance with the witness principle of classroom management of Kounin?
A. Students agree to disagree in class discussions
B. Teacher is fully aware of what is happening in his classroom
C. Student is with his teacher in everything he teaches
D. Both parents and teachers are involved in the education of the children
62. What is the first step in Goodell’s reading skills ladder?
A. Basic sight words B. Phonetic analysis C. Vocabulary reading D. Use of dictionary
63. Among models of reading strategies, what did student Lina adopt when she read back and forth,
attending to both what is in her mind and what’s on the page?
A. Down-top B. Interactive C. Top-down D. Bottoms-up
64. Teacher Ann would like to compare and contrast plant cell to animal cell. She would most likely
A.KWL chart B. Tree diagram C. Venn diagram D. Fishbone diagram
65. The teacher wants to check prior knowledge of his pupils about water pollution. She writes the
main topic water pollution in the center of the board and encircles it, she asks the pupils to
provide information that can be clustered around the main topic. Which technique did the
teacher employ?
A. Vocabulary building B. Demonstration C. Semantic mapping D. Deductive teaching
66. In acquiring language competence, what is the process of attaching meaning to words?
A. Phonology B. Syntax C. Semantics D. Morphology
67. Teacher wants to teach his pupils the technique on reading for information. Which technique
should be used?
A. Text structure B. Prior knowledge C. Story map D. SQ3R
68. In the implementation of the curriculum at the classroom level, ineffective strategies are called
“Red”. Which of the following belongs to the Red Flag?
A. Integration of problem solving C. Content applied to real-life situations
B. Available enrichment activities D. Overemphasis on drill and practice
69. What roles does the teacher assume a “sage on the stage”?
A. Authority to impose rules C. Dispenser of knowledge
B. Mentor to students D. Facilitator of learning
70. What is the framework of assigning students to create their own journals in the internet using a
free domain?
A. Independent practice B. Consolidation C. Review D. Modeling
71. According to Nagel’s Acronym PPPF, what is important to follow Up in their proper use of
instructional materials?
A. Student interest B. Student expectation C. Lesson objectives D. Media and materials
72. One interesting instructional visual is Edgar Dale’s Cone of Experience. Visualizing the cone which
represents his theory on the importance of sensory experiences, what are at the bottom an d at
the top of the cone?
A. Direct purposeful experience; verbal symbols
B. Contrived experiences
C. Demonstration; motion pictures
D. Dramatized experience; study trips
73. At the beginning of the school year, what project can best determine a student’s mastery of the
previous year’s subject matter prior to introducing new subject matter?
I. Journal II. Submission of portfolio III. Mock-up IV. Realia
A. I and IV B. I and III C. II and III D. I and II
74. I like to show a close representation of the size and shape of the earth and its location in the
entire solar system. What is the best instructional aid?
A. Picture B. Models C. Realia D. Films
75. What technology integration is achieved by teacher Nina who encourages adaptation of tool
based software that allows the student to choose a tool and modify its use to accomplish a task
at hand?
A. Adaption B. Transformation C. Infusion D. Adaptation
76. What technology integration is achieved by teacher Nina who create rich learning environment in
which students regularly engage in activities that would have been impossible to achieve without
A. Infusion B. Transformation C. Adaption D. Adaptation
77. In the new K-12 Program, how many percent is given to Performance Tasks in Mathematics and
A. 40% B. 60% C. 20% D. 50%
78. Which is the language medium of instruction from K to 3 in accordance to RA 10533 or the
Enhanced Basic Education Act 2013?
A. Language chosen by parents B. Mother tongue of the learners
C. English as the official language D. Language chosen by the school
79. What comprises the spiral approach in teaching Math in K12 Curriculum?
A. Teach Algebra, Geometry, and Trigonometry in Grades 8, 9, and 10 respectively
B. Give schools choice in teaching Algebra, Geometry, and Trigonometry
C. Teach Algebra, Geometry, and Trigonometry only to higher grades
D. Progressively teach Math concepts from Grade 1 and continue to Grade 10
80. Which of the following processes usually comes first in developing curriculum?
A. Selection of educational content C. Evaluating learning experiences
B. Organization of learning experiences D. Identifying goals and objectives
81. If you lean toward a progressivist philosophy, with which response do you agree?
A. 4 B. 2 C. 1 D. 3
82. Which responses come from a behaviorist?
A. 1 and 3 B. 2 and 4 C. 1 and 2 D. 3 and 4
83. On which educational philosophy is response #1 anchored?
A. Behaviorism B. Progressivism C. Existentialism D. Essentialism
84. On what factor contributed to the great demand for teachers during the American regime?
A. Rationalist period for the next generation
B. American literacy modeling
C. Democratic tutoring of the country
D. Opening of the free public education
85. What program aims to reduce gap between social status and educational opportunities for
deserving students?
A. National Achievement Test C. Annual Fiscal Allocation
B. Education Service Contracting Scheme D. National College Admission Examination
86. What is the concrete proof that teacher as a public servant and or official has violated RA 6713
mandate to demonstrate traight of modest lives appropriate to their positions and income?
A. Extravagance and instantaneous wealth C. Inefficient use of public funds
B. Fettling undue patronage D. Political party affiliation and preference
87. On which policy is RA 4670 known as the Magna Carta for Public School Teachers focused?
A. Right to establish or join organizations
B. Code of ethics for professional teacher
C. Recruitment shall take place after training
D. To promote and improve the social and economic status of public school teachers
88. The provision of academic freedom is applicable for teachers in:
A. Colleges and Universities C. Basic education teachers
B. Private tertiary institutions D. Public schools only
89. From the constitution, what is the condition for allowing students to be taught religion in public
A. Catechists paid by government C. Outside of school hours only
B. Extra pay for teacher D. Upon written permission by parents
90. Under R.A. 7722 or Higher Education Act of 1994, which agency has direct supervision and
management of teacher education institutions or colleges of education in the country?
A. Commission on Higher Education C. Teacher Education Council
B. Professional Board Teachers D. Department of Education
91. Is it professional for a teacher to receive gifts fro he student and parents?
A. Not at all
B. No, especially if done in exchange for requested concessions
C. Yes, if deserved
D. Yes, in-season and out-of-season gifts
92. Can a failed examinee qualify for the position of para-teacher?
A. No B. Yes C. Yes, if his LET rating is below 75 D. Yes, if his LET rating is 70 and above
93. Which is true of LET passers?
A. Every LET passer shall be required to take the Professional Oath before practicing as a
Professional Teacher
B. Taking the Professional Oath before practicing as a Professional Teacher is optional for LET
C. The Professional Oath can be taken before any Professional Teacher
D. The taking of oath must be within one month from passing the LET
94. Which is true of the periodic merit exam for teacher provided for in RA 7836?
I. Consist of oral exam
II. Consist of written exam
III. May serve as additional basis for merit promotion in addition to performance rating
IV. Taken with fee of P 1000 per examinee
A. I only B. I and IV C. I, II and III D. II only
95. What is the core of the Teacher Education Development Program?
A. High order thinking skills or HOTS C. National Competency-Based Teacher Standards
B. Student-centered learning D. Technology integration in instruction
96. Which program directly embodies both the pre-service and in-service programs?
A. BESRA- Basic Education Sector Reform Agenda C. K-12
B. TEDP- Technical Education Development Program D. BEC- Basic Education Curriculum
97. What can be done with too much TEI and less quality as evidence of 20 to 30% LET passing rate?
A. Closure of substandard TEI C. Accreditation of substandard TEI
B. Extra support of the TEI from the region D. Sending teachers for expert study
98. What needs to be eliminated so schools can be transformed into a learning community?
A. Collective inquiry to best practices C. Centralized governance
B. Commitment for continuing improvement D. Shared mission vision values
99. Among the following, which directly qualifies the teacher candidate to be registered at par with
other professions like medicine, law, nursing, and the like?
A. Teaching job placement C. Continuing professional education
B. Licensure examination D. Membership in professional association
100. An act known as the Philippine Teacher’s Professionalization Act of 1994, to strengthen the
regulation and supervision of the practice of teaching provided in:
A. Republic Act No. 8736 C. Republic Act No. 8980
B. Republic Act No. 7836 D. Republic Act No. 9880

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