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1. In recent curricular revisions, the humanities are gradually replaced by technical courses that bear
practical consequences. This shows that curricular direction is toward________
a. pragmatism c. utilitarianism
b. realism d. essentialism
2. According to existentialist, every person is in the same predicament and has the same possibilities.
What does this imply?
a. Every person must go to school
b. Every person must go through the same form of education
c. Every person must earn a college degree
d. Every person must be given access to education
3. School B’s curriculum puts emphasis on the classics. School B’s curriculum is predominantly
a. parennialist c. reconstructionist
b. progressivist d. essentialist
4. Student A claims: “I cannot see it so I won’t believe it.” Under which group can he be classified?
a. Idealist c. Pragmatist
b. Realist d. Empiricist
5. Teacher E encourages her students to develop their reasoning power to the fullest in order to arrive
knowledge. Teacher E is/an _____
a. empiricist c. rationalist
b. pragmatist d. utilitarianist
6. “Specialization is knowing more and more about less and less. Then it is better to be a generalist”,
claims Teacher F. On which philosophy does Teacher F lean?
a. Essentialism c. Perennialism
b. Progressivism d. Existentialism
7. “The greatest happiness lies in the contemplative use of the mind,” said Plato. Tehrefore, let us give
more opportunities for out students to do_________
a. social interaction c. cooperative learning
b. role playing d. introspection
8. When we convince our students that pleasure is NOT the only good in life, we object to the teachings
of __________
a. skepticism c. Epicureanism
b. stoicism d. humanism
9. Teacher B teaches his/her students that pleasure is NOT the highest good. What teacher teaches is
contrary to which philosophy?
a. Empiricism c. Hedonism
b. Realism d. Idealism
10. An emphasis on the humanities is a reflection of the ________ philosophy
a. progressivist c. perennialist
b. essentialist d. reconstructionist
11. Teacher L says: “If it is billiard that brings students out of the classroom, let us bring it into the
classroom. Perhaps, I can use it to teach Math.” To which philosophy does Teacher L adhere?
a. Reconstructionism c. Existentialism
b. Essentialism d. Progressivism
12. Class schedule, list of competencies to master, and uniform class requirements belong to a school
governed by the educational philosophy of ________
a. various modes of assessing learning
b. Accommodating students learning styles
c. Sharing form multiple perspectives
d. Uniform requirements
13. Which practice-does NOT fit in a classroom that recognizes individual differences?
a. Various modes of assessing learning
b. Accommodating students learning styles
c. Sharing from multiple perspectives
d. Uniform requirements
14. The practice of motivating students before we proceed to our lesson proper is in accordance with the
law of__________
a. exercise c. readiness
b. effect d. belongingness
15. Pavlov is to classical conditioning as ________ is to operant conditioning
a. B.F. Skinner c. J. Watson
b. J. Holt d. A. Bandura
16. Which psychological theory states that the mind insists on finding patterns in things that contribute to
the development of insight?
a. Gestalt psychology c. Piaget’s psychology
b. Bruner’s theory d. Kohlberg’s psychology
17. If a student is encouraged to develop himself to the fullest and must satisfy his hierarchy of needs,
the highest need is_________
a. belongingness c. psychological need
b. self-actualization d. safety needs
18. Which practice is based on Thorndike’s connectionism?
a. Make use of drill and rewards for students to learn
b. Use collaborative learning often
c. Make use of mnemonics to aid students memory
d. Link teaching and testing
19. Why is it sound to encourage our students to define terms in their own words? Because______
a. students remember information better when they mentally process it in some way
b. they ought to connect the terms that they learn with other terms
c. this is one opportunity to brush up with their English
d. defining the terms in their own words helps them memorize the definition faster
20. Teacher L gives his students opportunities to be creative because of his conviction that much learning
results from the need to express creativity. On which theory is Teacher L’s conviction
anchored?_______ theory
a. Behaviorist c. Cognitive
b. Associationist d. Humanist
21. Based on Freud’s psychoanalytic theory, which component/s of personality is/are concerned with a
sense of right or wrong?
a. Super ego and ego c. Ego
b. Id and Ego d. Super ego
22. Which is a classroom application of this principle. “Students learn more effectively when they
elaborate of new information.” Ask your students to ___________
a. write the principle five times
b. commit the principle memory
c. print the principle in bigger letters then put in a place where they can read it time and again
d. identify an application of the principle
23. Which teaching activity is founded on Bandura’s social learning theory?
a. questioning c. inductive reasoning
b. modeling d. interactive teaching
24. Which practice is an offshoot of B.F. Skinner’s theory of operant conditioning?
a. ensuring mastery of language
b. use of programmed instruction
c. use of scaffolding
d. considering multiple intelligence
25. Teacher Z always checks on entry knowledge and skills before she proceeds to her new lesson. On
which principle is Teacher Z’s practice grounded?
a. Effective teaching proceeds from the concrete to the abstract
b. Learning increases when the lesson is relevant
c. Attention is essential for learning
d. New learning builds on previous learning
26. The practice of starting school programs very late points to the Filipino’s ________
a. orientation only on the present
b. lack of discipline
c. poor teamwork
d. lack of initiative
27. In a research conducted by Sadker, it was found out that male and female teachers are more likely to
call on male than female students and are more likely to give positive reinforcement to male’s correct
responses than to those of females. What does this point o? Prevalence of ____in schools.
a. racial prejudice c. ethnocentrism
b. multiculturalism d. gender bias
28. To develop in the young, a sense of pride and appreciation of our very own culture, which one should
schools do more?
I. Stress on the positive aspects of our Filipino culture
II. Invite knowledgeable persons to discuss events in our history for which we can be proud
III. Study the lives of our heroes
a. I,II and III c. I and III
b. II and III d. I and II
29. Which program of the Department of Education is an off shoot of the Filipino bayanihan spirit?
a. The Basic Education Curriculum
b. Every Child A Reader Program (ECARP)
c. Child-Friendly School System
d. Brigada Eskwela
30. According to psychologist Ormrod, considering socio-cultural influences, who can serve as an effective
model for students motivation?
One who is___________
a. popular and loving
b. not like them in terms of race, socio-economic status and cultural background
c. superior to them in age and position in life
d. similar to them in terms of race, socio economic status and cultural background
31. The Continuous Progression Scheme (CPS) in the elementary level in Philippines in the past had as its
objective _________
a. pupil’s progression according to capacity
b. equitable access to education
c. mastery of the 3 r’s
d. mass promotion
32. Which is/are characteristic feature/s of the 2002 Basic Education Curriculum?
I. Constructivist
II. Inegrative III. Essentialist
a. I only c. II only
b. I and II d. I,II and III
33. Which was perceived to be contrary to the democratized access to education?
a. The “Study-Now-Pay-Later” Plan
b. The imposition on moratorium on pro-poor courses
c. The granting of scholarships to a selected few
d. The giving of the National College Entrance Examination (NCEE)
34. Which program was wrongly understood to mean all pupils pass, no one fails?
a. Mastery learning
b. Continuous Progression Scheme
c. Back-to-the-basics
d. Schools First Initiative
35. Which move liberalized access to education during the Spanish period?
a. The hiring of tribal tutors to teach children
b. The provision of vocational training for school age children
c. The establishment of at least one primary school for boys and girls in each municipality
d. The education of illiterate parents
36. Are elementary and secondary education compulsory for all children of school age?
a. No, this violates parents’ and children’s right to decide what is best for them and their children
b. Yes, for all children regardless of age
c. Yes, that is why they are free of charge
d. No, only elementary education is compulsory
37. Which is the main purpose of the compulsory study of the Philippine Constitution in schools?
a. Acquaint students with the historical development of the Philippine Constitution
b. Develop students into responsible, thinking citizens
c. Equip students with the basic knowledge of Philippine Constitution
d. Familiarize the students with the content of the Philippine Constitution
38. To which goals of educational institutions as provided for by the Constitution is the Development of
work skills attuned?
a. To develop moral character
b. To develop vocational efficiency
c. To teach the duties of citizenship
d. To inculcate love of country
39. Which does basic education encompass?
I. Early childhood education
II. Elementary education
III. Secondary education
IV. Alternative learning system
V. Education for Children with Special Needs
a. I,II,III,IV and V c. I,II,III and IV
b. I,II and III d. I,II,III and V
40. The following are characteristics of child friendly school EXCEPT:
a. child centered c. not discriminating
b. gender sensitive d. exclusive
41. Student X says: “I must not cheat even if everyone in class cheats. Never mind if I get ostracized for
that I will only cheat myself if I do. Besides, cheating erodes people’s trusts and relationships. I
condemn cheating.” In the context of Kohlberg’s moral development theory, in what moral
development level is student X?
a. Pre-conventional
b. Post-conventional
c. Conventional
d. In between conventional and post conventional
42. Which teaching practice is contrary the child’s multiple intelligence theory of Gardener?
a. Using portfolio as an alternative way of assessing learning
b. Limiting the assessment of learning to paper-and pencil tests
c. Utilizing varied ways of assessing learning
d. Encouraging the class to use creative ways to show what was learned
43. Which statement on IQ and EQ is correct?
a. EQ has a greater contribution to performance than IQ
b. It is the blending of both IQ and EQ than can make difference in performance
c. The contribution of IQ and EQ to performance is dependent on factors like age and gender
d. IQ has a greater contribution to performance the EQ
44. Peter, a Grade I pupil, is happy when he wins a game but sulks when he doesn’t. Which does Peter’s
behavior indicate?
a. Egocentrism c. Rigidity of thought
b. Egotism d. Semilogical reasoning
45. Which learning principle is the essence of Gardener’s theory on Multiple intelligence?
a. almost all learners are linguistically intelligent
b. Intelligence is not measured in one form
c. Learners have different IQ level
d. Learners have static IQ
46. Kendric, a Grade I pupil plays with his classmates but cannot accept defeat. Based on Piaget’s theory
on cognitive development, in what development stage is Kendric?
a. Sensorimotor c. concrete operation
b. pre-operational d. formal operation
47. According to the cvognivist, Jerome Bruner, for the learner to sue information effectively, it must be
TRANSLATED into his TERMS. What is an implication of this to the teacher?
a. To make him define the terms clearly
b. To use terms within the level of the pupil’s understanding
c. To employ cooperative learning
d. To teach the information in the constructivist way
48. Based on Erikson’s theory, what is the greatest danger in the elementary school years for children’s
The development of a sense of ________
a. identity confusion c. guilt
b. isolation d. inferiority
49. Fully convinced that it is not the right thing to do, Johann convinces his classmates not to cut classes.
In which stage of moral development is Johann?
a. conventional
b. between conventional and post-conventional
c. post-conventional
d. pre-conventional
50. When asked about her order in a restaurant, a little girl tells the waiter” yong kagaya kahapon.” With
Piaget’s theory in mind, what is the little girl’s behavior called?
a. Conservation
b. Reversibility
c. Pre-operational egocentrism
d. Transductive reasoning
51. The following terms refer to performance objectives EXCEPT __________ objectives
a. teacher’s c. learner’s
b. behavioral d. lesson
52. Which objective in the affective domain is in the lowest level?
a. To accumulate examples of authenticity
b. To support viewpoints against abortion
c. To respond positively to a comment
d. To formulate criteria for honestly
53. Here is a lesson objective in literature: “Using the six descriptions of the elements of a good short
story, identify in writing the six elements in the short story by O. Henry with complete accuracy.”
Applying Robert Mager’s principle on writing performance objectives, which is the criterion measure?
a. “the six elements in the short story O. Henry with complete accuracy.”
b. “identify in writing.”
c. “with complete accuracy.”
d. “using the six description of elements for a short story.”
54. Which statement on review is CORRECT?
a. It is a remedial measure for the slow learners class
b. One of its purposes is to link the past with the new lesson
c. It is repeating the lesson on previous day to find out if students learned the lesson
d. Every lesson begins with a review
55. Edgar Dale found out that people generally remember 10% of what they read but generally
remember 90% of what they do. What does this imply to a teacher’s instructional planning?
a. Plan a detailed lecture and provide the students with your lecture outline.
b. Give many reading materials to the students
c. Plan for an activity where students to the real thing
d. Outline the lesson on the board
56. With bloom’s cognitive taxonomy in mind, which objective is in the highest level?
a. To rate a project along relevance, originally and craftsmanship
b. To state the assumption that underlies the given statements
c. To state a generalization from data given
d. Tow rite a paragraph that observes unity, coherence and variety
57. Study the lesson objectives hen answer the question: “After a discussion on how to make a good
rubric and given the criteria of a good rubric, the students is able to evaluate a rubric that he made.”
What is/are lacking in the objective based on Mager’s elements of a good objective?
a. Condition
b. Condition and criterion of success
c. performance behavior
d. criterion of success
58. Although learning can take place anywhere and anytime, the more systematic the teacher, the
greater is the probability for success. This points out the need for teachers to _________
a. set their teaching priorities
b. specify their objectives
c. select their instructional materials
d. plan their lesson
59. “Using the six descriptions of elements of good short story, IDENTIFY IN WRITING THE SIX
ELEMENTS IN THE SHORT STORY BY O. HENRY, with complete accuracy.” The words in capital letters
are referred to as the ___________
a. criterion of success
b. performance statement
c. condition
d. minimum acceptable performance
60. When should a teacher decide to use direct instruction as a method?
a. When the subject matter is easy
b. When the subject matter is difficult
c. When the students will be able to contribute substantially to the lesson
d. When the teacher is expert in direct instruction
61. If teacher is concerned with the development of students’ higher-order-thinking skills, then his lesson
objectives must go beyond __________
a. analysis c. recall
b. application d. comprehension
62. For greater accountability of learning, our lesson objectives must be SMART. T in the acronym means
a. time bound
b. terminal
c. time bound and terminal
d. taxonomic
63. Which is in accordance with the “with-it-ness” principle of classroom management of Kounin?
a. Students agree to disagree in class discussion
b. Teacher is fully aware of what is happening in his classroom
c. Student is with his teacher in everything he teaches
d. both parents and teachers are involved in the education of children
64. Which is a characteristics of an effective classroom management?
a. coercive c. imposed
b. reactive d. preventive
65. Teacher G raises her eyebrows and tilts her head to communicate a warning to Jones who talks while
she lectures. Which classroom control technique did she use?
a. Proximity c. prompting
b. name dropping d. eye contact
66. Which seat arrangement has been proven to be effective for learning?
a. Any seat arrangement to suit varied learning styles
b. A combination of fixed and flexible arrangement
c. Flexible to suit varied activities
d. Fixed arrangement to maximize instructional time
67. Which illustrates a proactive approach to discipline?
a. Teacher starts giving rule only after a violation of a rule
b. Teacher arranges the chairs to allow for a smooth traffic flow
c. Teacher brings to the principal two boys engaged in a fight
d. Teacher reprimands a misbehaving student.
68. With preventive discipline in mind, which does NOT belong to the group?
a. Reactive c. Inventive
b. Anticipatory d. Proactive
69. Which is a proactive management practice?
a. Tell them that you enforce the rules on everyone, no exception
b. Set and clarify your rules and expectations on Day 1
c. Punish the misbehaving pupils in the presence of their classmates
d. Stress on penalty for every violation
70. Teacher D strives to draw participation of every student into her classroom discussion. Which student
need is she trying to address? The need to___.
a. show their abilities to the rest of the class
b. feel fulfilled
c. feel significant and be part of a group
d. be creative
71. Which can run counter to the encouragement you give to your students to ask questions?
a. Knitted eyebrows when a question is raised
b. eye to eye contact
c. radiant face
d. An encouraging hand gesture.
72. To encourage class participation, which should a teacher NEVER do?
a. ask non-directed questions
b. Call on non-volunteers to recite
c. Pose high level questions
d. Reject a student’s response at once
73. Which question demands the highest level of thinking?
a. what steps are followed in class reporting?
b. How should you present a report in class?
c. What conditions must be met for reporting method to be effective?
d. Was the student reporting well done? Support your answer
74. Presenting graphs of literacy rate and GNP of 5 countries, Teacher L asked his class this question”
“Based on what you see on the graph, what is the relationship between literacy rate and GNP?”
Noticing that no hand was raised, Teacher L asked: “What do you notice about the GNP when literacy
rate is high? What about when literacy rate is low?”
a. verifying c. rephrasing
b. leading d. probing
75. Teacher Macrina asked her class this question: How will you illustrate symbiosis to your classmates?
Teacher Macrina’s questionis a question that __________
a. leads the students to evaluate
b. makes the students to analyze
c. assesses cognition
d. probes creative thinking
76. Which questioning technique promotes more classroom interaction?
a. Focusing on convergent questions
b. Calling on the students before asking the question
c. Focusing on divergent questions
d. Asking rhetorical questions
77. One effective way to handle a correct response is to give appropriate praise. Which of the following
describe an appropriate praise?
I. It matches the level of difficulty of the question
II. It is generously given
III. It matches the quality of the response given
IV. It is heartily given
a. I and IV c. II and IV
b. I,II,III and IV d. I and III
78. Which is an evaluative question?
a. Why did the researcher make use of the ethnographic method?
b. Do you agree with the way the action research was conducted? Why or why not?
c. What research findings are most significant to you?
d. Does the action research possess the elements of a scholarly research? Why or Why not?
79. To improve listening and speech skills, which will be MOST appropriate?
a. Mock up c. Radio
b. Recording d. Audio recording
80. When you use the overhead projector for topic presentation, point to the _____
a. OHP screen c. OHP light
b. OHP slide d. Projection wall
81. If there is truth to the statement “A picture is worth a thousand words”, then for effective teaching,
what should teachers do?
Teacher should ___________
a. make use of visual aids as often as they can
b. talk less and listen more
c. remain abstract in their teaching method
d. hang many pictures of heroes on the wall
82. Based on Edgar Dale’s Cone of experience, which activity is farthest from the real thing?
a. Watch a demo c. Hear
b. View images d. Attend exhibit
83. Where do you make the correction of your notes while using the overhead projector?
a. On the projection wall
b. On the screen
c. On the overhead projector
d. on the slide
84. The teaching machines of Skinner provided _______ instruction
a. Evaluative c. program
b. collaborative d. recorded
85. Which can best help a Language teacher develop her students’ pronunciation skills?
a. TV c. computer
b. Audio recording d. radio
86. A student memorized the pairs of nucleic acids in the DNA by using initials of his loved ones. Which
device did he use?
a. Acrostic c. Recall
b. Jingle d. Mnemonic
87. For the picture smart the most effective learning activities are ________
a. visual imaginations c. discussions
b. reflections d. manipulatives
88. Which activity is most fit if teacher wants his students to appreciate the value of teamwork?
a. group game c. field rip
b. brainstorming d. buzz group
89. I presented two potted ivy plans in class, one very robust, the other stunted, I asked my class to
share me their thoughts on why one looks healthy and the other not. In what type of activity are my
students engaged?
a. comparison
b. experimentation
c. drawing conclusion
d. hypothesis formulation
90. To elicit more student’s response, Teacher F made use of covert responses. Which one did she do?
a. She had the students privately write their responses and keep them secretly.
b. She had the students share their responses only with their seatmate
c. She told her students to cover their written responses to prevent seatmates from copying
d. She had the students write their responses privately before showing the correct answers on the
91. Considering Filipino students passivity, with which activity can you best develop students questioning
and interactive skills?
a. Instruct your students to listen closely to your questions and ask them to comment on them when
b. After every lesson, encourage your students to ask questions
c. After a lesson ask your student to write down their questions for their classmates to answer
d. Based on your lesson, assign your students to write down their questions for them to answer
92. After dividing her Values Education class into small groups, Teacher B asked her students to go
through this activity: “You are under nuclear attack. The bomb shelter can allow only five persons.
Decide who must get in.” This was followed by class discussion. Which activity did Teacher B use?
a. Game c. Forum
b. Drama d. Simulation
93. Which activity is meant for the kinesthetically intelligent pupils?
a. Dance
b. Independent study
c. Individualized instruction
d. Cooperative learning
94. Which activity is most appropriate if I want my students to get a graphic overview of the whole lesson
on figures of speech before I discuss them one by one?
a. Topic outline c. sentence outline
b. Venn diagram d. advance organizer
95. Which should I use more if I want to counteract the spirit of destructive competition among my
a. Listening activities
b. self evaluation
c. concept miming
d. community involvement projects
96. Which activity should I use when I want to generate possible topics for panel discussion?
a. task group c. debate
b. forum d. brainstorming
97. Which activity is good for organizing and summarizing?
a. cartoons c. power point presentation
b. interview d. case study
98. If you want your pupils to master the multiplication table, which activity is MOST fit?
a. reflection c. simulation
b. game d. drill
99. As a professional teacher, which one can renew your enthusiasm to fight burnout?
a. Initiate changes in your job
b. Judge yourself as right and someone else as wrong
c. stick to your job
d. engage in self-pity
100. Here is a prayer, “Lord give the courage to change those I can change the serenity to accept those
I cannot change and the wisdom to know the difference.” What is the right attitude towards change
as expressed in the prayer?
a. Change only if you can
b. Resign yourself to things which are not within your power to change
c. Take the initiative to introduce change
d. Welcome and work on change and submit to those you cannot change
101. I want to teach a plant’s response to light inductively. How will I proceed?
a. Draw plant’s response to light then explain
b. Show pictures of plants growing toward the light then ask students draw their conclusion on
plant’s response to light
c. State plant’s response to light then prove by showing examples
d. Make my students share their research on phototropism and ask one another questions
102. Which method has been proven to be effective in the courses that stress acquisition of knowledge?
a. cooperative learning c. mastery learning
b. Socratic method d. lecture method
103. If “a picture is worth a thousand words”, which teaching technique is preferred?
a. game c. graphic organize
b. role playing d. anecdote
104. For integrative purposes, which method/approach should be used?
a. metacognitive approach
b. cooperative learning
c. thematic approach
d. constructive approach
105. A master teacher, the resource speaker in an in-service training, presented the situated learning
theory and encouraged her colleagues to apply the same in class. Which did she encourage her
colleagues to do?
a. Application of lesson in real-life activities
b. Use of pro-active classroom management
c. Use of independent study as a method
d. creation of a conductive setting for tests
106. Teacher N developed a card game in which pupil’s matched different fractions. The shapes
contained within each card were the same while the number of parts shaded were different. Which
concept/ process was taught by this activity?
a. sequencing fractions
b. equivalent fractions
c. proper and improper fractions
d. converting fractions
107. Which graphic organizer organizer is MOST fit for sequencing steps of a process?
a. hierarchy diagram c. venn diagram
b. flow chart d. double cell diagram
108. Which is a characteristic of constructivist teaching approach?
I. metacognitive
II. Reflective III. Integrativ
a. I and II c. I only
b. I,II and III d. II only
109. Which would likely increase students participation?
a. Emphasize on self-evaluation
b. Keep students in the same small groups
c. The teacher calls only on students who raise their hands
d. Repeat questions for everybody to listen
110. In computer based instruction,w hich tool can help you revise your short stories, essays and other
written work?
a. word processing c. database
b. spreadsheet d. desktop publishing
111. Which does NOT belong to the group?
a. Cooperative learning
b. Thematic approach
c. Content-based instruction
d. multi-disciplinary approach
112. Which should I use when the lesson involves tasks that are too large or difficult for a single
student to accomplish independently?
a. Computer based instruction
b. Direct instruction
c. Cooperative learning
d. Expository instruction
113. In the value clarification approach, which is NOT appropriate for a teacher to do?
a. To help his/her students know what they value
b. To pass judgment on student values
c. To share his/her own value
d. To listen to his/her students share what they value
114. Teacher Lovelyn English as a second language. In teaching a lesson about grocery shopping, she
makes use of vocabulary cards, fill-in-the-blank sentences, dialogues, dictation, and writing exercises.
Based on this information, which of the following is a valid conclusion? Teacher Lovelyn_________
a. was applying Bloom’s hierarchy of cognitive learning
b. taught the used of varied techniques because not all students learn in the same manner
c. was emphasizing writing skills
d. wanted her students to talk more
115. Which will I AVOID if I have to do responsive teaching?
a. Teach the textbook
b. Encourage students to work alone and with peers
c. Teach for the test
d. Teach in multiple ways
116. Which is the first step in the goal-oriented or outcome-based model of teaching?
a. establishing learning objectives
b. implementing learning activities
c. designing learning activities
d. Assessing learner’s entry capabilities
117. For effective comparison, which one can I use?
a. Fishbone diagram c. Metaphor
b. Webbing d. Spider map
118. On which assumption is the use of the Socratic method anchored?
a. There are lot of latent ideas in the child’s mind
b. The child;s mind is “tabula rasa”
c. The child’s mind is an empty vessel
d. The child’s needs to be motivated to learn
119. Which concept backs up the integrated teaching approach?
a. The need to destroy communication barriers
b. The necessity of the scientific method
c. The desire to became experts at least in one field
d. The interrelatedness of concepts
120. With the directness of instruction as criterion, which is LEAST direct?
a. Lecture c. Deductive method
b. Cooperative learning d. Demonstration
121. Teachers are encouraged to make use of authentic assessment. Which goes with authentic
a. De-contextualized drills
b. Unrealistic performance
c. Answering multiple choice test items
d. Real world application of lessons learned
122. Which evaluation tool will be most reliable in determining the students’ stage acquisition of the
value of punctuality?
a. Projective technique
b. Unobstructive observation
c. Opinionnaire
d. Likert scale
123. Which assessment activity is most appropriate to measure the objective “to explain the meaning
of molecular bonding” for the group with strong interpersonal intelligence?
a. Write down chemical formulas and show how they were derived
b. Build several molecular structures with multi-colored pop beads
c. Draw diagrams that show different bonding patterns
d. Demonstrate molecular bonding using student as atoms
124. Can paper-and-pencil tests diagnose students ability to organize thoughts?
a. Yes, by way of the essay test
b. No, unless the multiple choice type of test is made situational
c. Yes, by way of the selected response type of test
d. No, they are limited only to simple recall
125. Which is the most reliable tool for seeing the development in your pupils’ ability to write?
a. Interview of pupils c. Scoring rubric
b. Self-assessment d. Portfolio assessment
126. Under what value measurement instrument does sentence/story completion fall?
a. Moral dilemma c. opinionnaire
b. Observation guide d. projective technique
127. I’d like to test whether a student knows what a particular word means. Which should I ask the
student to do?
a. Give the word a tune then sing it
b. Define the word
c. Spell the word and identify its part of speech
d. Give the etymology of the word
128. To what extent were the objectives of the course met? This is the concern of the process of
a. norm-referenced
b. authentic
c. criterion-referenced
d. formative
129. Which assessment tool can diagnose more specific learning difficulties?
a. Sociogram
b. Journal entry
c. Analytic rubric
d. Holistic rubric
130. Teacher G has NOT to wait for the end of the term to find out how much his students learned?
With which does Teacher G agree?
a. Authentic evaluation
b. Formative evaluation
c. Norm-referenced evaluation
d. Summative evaluation
131. Which is the most authentic way of measuring student’s ability to debate?
a. Let them watch debates on video and ask them to identify strong and weak points
b. Ask them to outline the steps involved in a debate and list down do’s and dont’s
c. Have your students witness a debate and ask them to evaluate the debate after
d. Organize a debate in class and have them debate on a controversial issue
132. To ensure mastery of a cognitive lesson, which assessment tool is most appropriate?
a. pre-test and post-test
b. summative test
c. essay test
d. objective test
133. “In the light of the facts presented, what is most likely to happen when…?” is a sample thought
question on _________
a. generalizing c. justifying
b. concluding d. inferring
134. Here is a test item: DISTANT: NEAR as GENUINE _______. This test is a/an _______
a. Analogy c. metaphor
b. riddle d. completion
135. ‘State a set of principles that can explain the following events” is a test item on _______
a. relating cause-and-effect
b. summarizing
c. generalizing
d. predicting
Direction: match Column A with Column B. Write only the letter of your answer at the blank column
on the left.

Column A
______1. Jose Rizal
______2. Ferdinand Marcos
______3. Corazon Aquino
______4. Manila
______5. November 30
______6. Banawe Rice terraces
Column B

a. Considered the 8th wonder of the world

b. The national hero of the Philippines
c. National Heroes Day
d. The first woman President of the Philippines
e. The capital of the Philippines
f. The President of the Philippines who served the longest

What is WRONG with the test?

a. It contains less than ten items
b. It is NOT a reliable test
c. Columns A and B in the wrong place
d. It does not measure what supposed to be the measure
137. I am going to construct a periodic test. Which is the first thing for me to do?
a. Go back to my instructional objectives
b. Study the content of my lessons
c. Decide on the number of test items
d. Decide on the type of test of construct
138. Study this matching type of test. Then answer the question below
_____1. Measure of relationship
_____2. Measure of central tendency
_____3. Binet-Simon
_____4. statistical test of mean difference
_____5. measure of variability

a. mean
b. standard deviation
c. rho
d. t-ratio
e. intelligence testing movement
a. Add five items in both columns
b. Add one or two items in the right column
c. Add ten items in both columns to make the test more comprehensive
d. Add one or two items in the left column
139. Study this multiple choice test, then answer the question

How may you check whether an egg is fresh?

a. By the smoothness of the shell
b. There is a shadow when it is seen against a candle light
c. it sinks in water
d. It moves when shaken


a. The correct answer is obvious
b. The options are not grammatically parallel
c. The distracters are not effective
d. B is a very long option in comparison with the rest
140. What’s defective with this test?

The Philippines ___________

a. is in Southeast Asia
b. has a democratic form of government
c. belongs to the Third World
d. is the most thickly populated in Southeast
a. it has no distracter
b. The stem is very short
c. it has several correct answer
d. The stem does not contain the question
141. A test item begins with these words: IN THE LIGHT OF THE FACTS PRESENTED, WHAT IS MOST
a. summarizing
b. inferring
c. relating cause and effect
d. applying
142. Which is a way to improve the following item?

Clay can be used for ___________

a. making hollow blocks

b. making pots
c. garden soil

a. make the options equal in length

b. Make the stem of the question longer
c. Add 2 o more options
d. Add the word “making” to garden soil option C
Here is a lesson objective: “to reduce
fractions to their lowest term.”

Which is a valid test item to test the attainment of this objective?

a. Which is the equivalent of 8/12?
a. 2/3 b. 3/4 c. 4/6 d. 16/24
b. Reduce 2/4, 6/8, 3/9, 4/10 and 8/12 to their lowest terms
c. What is a fraction
d. How do you reduce a fraction to its lowest term
144. Study this group of test which administered with the following results, then answer the question
Subject Mean SD SOC’S SCORE
MATH 56 10 43
PHYSICS 41 9 31
ENGLIS 80 16 109
On the basis of Soc’s Scores, what type learner is Soc? More of the _______
a. kinesthetic type c. linguistic type
b. spatial type d. logical type
0-59 2%
60-69 8%
70-79 39%
80-89 38%
90-100 13%
What percent of the student’s scores are below 70?
a. 10% b. 28% c. 2% d. 8%
146. Which graph suggest the relationship that exists between to sets of data?
a. Histograph c. Pictograph
b. Scattergraph d. Frequency polygon
147. Which is implied by a positively skewed score distribution?
a. Most of the scores are low
b. The mean, median, and mode are equal
c. The mode is low
d. Most of the scores are high
148. Teacher Lorelle does norm referenced interpretation of scores. Which of the following does she do?
a. She uses a specified content as frame reference
b. She describes the class performance against a set level of mastery
c. She compares individual student’s scores with other students scores
d. She describes what should be every individual student’s performance.
149. What can be said of student performance in a negatively score distribution?
a. Most students did quite well
b. Almost all students had an average performance
c. A few students performed excellently
d. Most students performed poorly
150. The results of National Achievement Test (NAT) are interpreted against a set mastery level. This
means that NAT is categorized as a/an _____ test
I. Criterion-referenced
II. norm-referenced
a. I only c. II only
b. Either I and II d. Neither I or II


1 A 101 D
2 D 102 C
3 A 103 C
4 B 104 C
5 C 105 A
6 A 106 B
7 D 107 B
8 C 108 B
9 C 109 A
10 C 110 A
11 C 111 C
12 C 112 C
13 D 113 B
14 C 114 B
15 A 115 C
16 A 116 A
17 B 117 A
18 A 118 A
19 A 119 D
20 D 120 B
21 D 121 D
22 D 122 B
23 B 123 D
24 B 124 A
25 D 125 D
26 B 126 A
27 D 127 B
28 A 128 C
29 B 129 C
30 C 130 B
31 D 131 D
32 B 132 D
33 C 133 D
34 B 134 A
35 C 135 A
36 D 136 D
37 B 137 A
38 B 138 B
39 A 139 C
40 D 140 C
41 B 141 C
42 B 142 D
43 B 143 A
44 A 144 C
45 B 145 A
46 B 146 A
47 B 147 A
48 D 148 C
49 A 149 A
50 A 150 A
51 A 151
52 A 152 A
53 C 153 A
54 B 154 D
55 C 155 A
56 A 156 B
57 D 157 D
58 D 158 D
59 B 159 C
60 B 160 B
61 A 161 C
62 A 162 D
63 B 163 B
64 D 164 A
65 D 165 A
66 A 166 C
67 C 167 B
68 A 168 D
69 B 169 A
70 C 170 C
71 A 171 D
72 D 172 C
73 D 173 C
74 B 174 C
75 D 175 B
76 C 176 A
77 C 177 C
78 B 178 C
79 D 179 C
80 D 180 B
81 A 181 B
82 C 182 D
83 D 183 D
84 C 184 D
85 B 185 A
86 D 186 B
87 D 187 C
88 A 188 C
89 D 189 C
90 D 190 D
91 C 191 A
92 D 192 B
93 A 193 B
94 D 194 B
95 D 195 D
96 D 196 D
97 C 197 B
98 D 198 A
99 A 199 B
100 D 200 C

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