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The constitution of the Philippines is to a lawyer while the Professional Code of Ethics for
Teacher is to a teacher.
A. semantic relationship C. phonetic relationship
B. symbolic relationship D. functional relationship
2. A person’s assessment of his current circumstances determines his response. What will you do
in case you were in a not so pleasant situation?
A. Express your thoughts and feelings to whomever
B. Analyze the situation in different perspective
C. Listen to your friend’s opinion
D. Respond the way you think you are happier
3. Kari was able to achieve her goal of a college degree despite her family’s financial difficulties.
She supported herself by taking student – friendly work schedules. Her determination to change
her future succeeded. Which statement describes her personality development?
A. Personality is a product of heredity
B. Personality is shaped by one’s environment
C. Personality is shaped by the person’s decision
D. Personality is a product of the reactions of people in one’s environment
4. What is defined as the distinctive pattern of thought, emotion, and behavior that makes up an
individuals’ personal style of interacting with physical and social environment?
A. Psychology B. Personality C. Intelligence D. Heredity
5. It is considered the most comprehensive and influential theory of personality. Sigmund Freud,
its proponent, claimed that much of what we think and do is driven by unconscious experience.
A. Evolutionary Psychology B. Humanistic C. Psychoanalytic D. Social Learning
6. Sigmund Freud instructed his patients to say everything that comes to mind during their
treatment session. This is the method of ____________.
A. Free Association B. Hypnosis C. Meditation D. Transference
7. Roderick won the Wen Page Design Competition in his school. His work showed he has superior
capacity for abstract thinking and creative expression.
What stage does he manifest?
A. Sensory motor B. Pre-operational C. Concrete D. Formal
8. What defense mechanism is used when a person gives reasons for failure to perform behavior?
A. Displacement B. Projection C. Rationalization D. Reaction Formation
9. This perspective holds that individuals have an innate tendency to move toward growth,
maturity, and positive change.
A. Behavioral B. Cognitive C. Humanistic D. Psychoanalytic
10. An interrelated set of propositions about a particular phenomenon and supposed to be the most
important source for scientific hypothesis – is referred to as
A. Conclusion B. Experiment C. Problem D. Theory
11. He is the author of the first psychology textbook published in 1890.
A. Burhuss Skinner B. William James C. Ivan Pavlov D. James B. Watson
12. Psychology not only seeks to scientifically study behavior and mental processes, but also
attempts to
A. Understand why people do the things they do
B. Provide continuity between scientific disciplines
C. Combine sociological and psychiatric constructs
D. Apply that knowledge to the service of human welfare
13. Although psychologists study many different topics and use any kinds of methods, there is unity
within the field since most psychologists
A. Work in more that one subfield C. Publish articles on their research
B. Emphasize empirical research D. Engage in speculative research
14. These psychologists believed that perception depends on the patterns formed by the stimuli and
on the organization of experience
A. Behavioral B. Gestalt C. Humanistic D. Psychoanalytic
15. He established the first psychological laboratory in Germany in 1879. His interests were on the
senses, especially vision.
A. Charles Darwin B. Ivan Pavlov C. Kurt Koffka D. Wilhelm Wundt
16. Which would be a logical sequence for solving a problem?
1. Making Conclusion 3. Gathering relevant information
2. Defining the problem 4. Generating Hypothesis
5. Testing the Hypothesis
A. 1 2 3 4 5 B. 2 3 4 1 5 C. 1 2 3 5 4 D. 2 3 4 5 1
17. This perspective understands behavior in terms of unconscious processes.
A. Behavioral B. Cognitive C. Psychoanalytic D. Subjective
18. All behavior is a result of conditioning and the environment shapes behavior by reinforcing
specific habits according to:
A. Structuralism B. Functionalism C. Behaviorism D. Humanism
19. This is the subfield of psychology which conducts research in teaching and learning to influence
development of more effective ways in facilitating learning.
A. Experimental Psychology C. Educational Psychology
B. Developmental Psychology D. Organizational Psychology
20. Which process is involved in integration and meaningful interpretation of information received
by the stimuli?
A. Perception B. Sensation C. Elaboration D. Generalization
21. The most common sleep disorder characterized by long term inability to obtain adequate sleep
due to late onset of sleep or frequent wakening is
A. Insomnia B. Sleep Apnea C. Sleep Walking D. Nightmare
22. This is a kind of talking to oneself which helps the individual to know what to do, what tools to
use, what consequence will be acceptable. What kind of thinking is this?
A. Metacognitive B. Analytical Thinking C. Logical reasoning D. Creative Thinking
23. What kind of thinking do we engage in when we categorize or organize into categories, or
analyze materials by establishing relationships or patterns in them?
A. Critical Thinking B. Creative Thinking C. Generative Thinking D. Reflective Thinking
24. Reactions to a particular situation may vary because of individual differences. Which is not a
factor in the development of schema?
A. Culture B. Prior Knowledge C. Language/Vocabulary D. Physical Attributes
25. This refers to a group of disorders characterized by loss of contact with reality, marked
disturbance of thought and perception. Delusions and hallucinations almost always occur.
A. Anxiety Disorder B. Mood Disorder C. Personality Disorder D. Schizophrenia

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