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Associated to the amatorial site http://digilander.libero.


Piedmontese to English Vocabulary

With some notes about piedmontere writing, phonology, grammar, syntax,
idiomatic expressions and quotations.

This work is an amatorial one, in the sense that the author is not an “officially” expert in
Piedmontese, in English and in languages in general. Indeed he is a Physicist and a retired
researcher in telecommunication field. Just he studies the Piedmontese and the Piedmont,
considering also that the Piedmontese is his mother tongue. This is better explained in the content of
the mentioned web site. In spite of all that the author tried to do a good job. Nevertheless the fact
does not avoid the possibility of errors. Then if you actually need something absolutely reliable,
please refer to books and vocabularies written by “officially true” experts, due to the amatorial
character of this work.

Blank page

As we have already mentioned in the front page, this work has to be considered as an amatorial one,
since the author has not “official titles” about this matter. This is just for underlining what are the limits of
this work.

Phonetical symbols
They are based on the ones of "Merryam WWWEBSTER Dictionary" ( and written in green). For
describing the piedmontese, italian and french sounds we preferred to make some modification, as described
below. We can also (an better) refer to vocal files that you can find in the mentioned web site.

Be careful, these are phonetical symbols and NOT letters.

We shortly recall the sounds represented by the used symbols, with some improvement, that could be
useful and more precise.

It sounds like: It sounds like:

Symbol ............................................................ Symbol ............................................................
& the letters a in banana b the letter b in bed
bb the letters bb in abbey c, k the letter c in car
the letters ch
cc, ck the letters cc in account [ch] in church
[cch] a bit more forced [ch], like tch in switch d the letter d in data
[dd] the group dd in padding e the letter e in bed
& shorter than the letter i in sir (similar to french
æ, a the letter a in and
e mute)
f the letter f in frog [ff] the group ff in afford
g the letter g in green j the letter j in job
i the letter i in ink y the letter y in yard
l the letter l in lip m the letter m in many
[mm] the group mm in mummy n the letter n in nose
[nn] the group nn in Conny [ng] unique sound as ng in speaking
unique sound as in the french digne or
[gn], [ny] ital. castagna u the letters oo in foot
o the letter o in ontario p the letter p in pin
[pp] the group pp in supper [qu] composite sound as qu in queen
r the letter r in ring, more "rolled" [rr] group rr in array
s the letter s in sir [ss] the group ss in massive
z the letter s in rose t the letter t in tip
[tt] the group tt in attack [ue] the letter u in the french sur
v the letter v in native w the letter w in what
[oe] the group eu in the french (piedm) feu the letter w in what but very short

Sounds are represented not depending by the preceding or following ones. The vowel supporting the
tonic stress of the word is preceded by an apostrophe.
We remember here that in piedmontese sounds do not exist like:
1) - \ zh \ as si in vision.
2) - \ sh \ as ssi in mission.
3) - the italian sounds of gli, gle ("fricative" in italian). In case of need they will be indicated respectively
with the symbols \ [gli] \, \ [gle] \.
4) - the italian sounds of z. In case of need they (both) will be indicated as \ Z \.
5) - all the other sounds reported in our reference (Merryam WWWebster).
some of the above sounds exist instead in French and Italian.

Please note! In the piedmontese alphabetic order followed in this vocabulary the letter e is
followed by the letter ë (considered as two different letters), letter n is followed by the letter n-
(considered as two different letters) and the letter o is followed by the letter ò (considered as two
different letters).

The alphabetic order wich we refer to is then the following:

a, b, c, d, e, ë, f, g, h, i, j, l, m, n, n-, o, ò, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, z

In this way the word “ vesta ” will precede the word “ vënner ”, the word “ sinch ” will precede the
word “ sin-a ” and the word “ sota ” will precede the word “ sòco ”.

An editorial note
Piedmontese words are written in black bold, or in black italic. The phonetical symbols are written
in \ green \ and included in reverse slashes. English translations are written in maroon bold or in maroon
italic. Some piedmontese words that are sometimes used, but they are quite bad italianisms, and have to be
avoided whenever possible, are written in blue bold or possibly in blue italic.

Other notes for consultation.

Here we put some notes that can be useful, in particular when the piedmontese grammar and syntax
are not yet completely clear to the reader. Besides, since this is a necessarily reduced vocabulary, we give
some rules (not always valid, of course) that can help in discovering the meaning of some word not listed in
this job. Then, at the beginning of the list of words related to a letter, and if it is the case, we put some notes
specific for that initial letter.

About auxiliary verbs

In Piedmontese, also for the active form, there are two auxiliary verbs which are “avèj“ and “esse”.
Transitive verbs always use the auxiliary “avèj”, while some intransitive verbs (see grammar) use the
auxiliary “avèj” while other intransitive verbs use the auxiliary “esse”. Then there are also some intransitive
verbs that can be found (correcly) both making use of the auxiliary “avèj” and of the auxiliary “esse”. In this
work we specify this situation for all the intransitive verbs, while for the transitive ones we avoid to repeat
each time that they make use of the auxiliary “avèj”.

Adjectives and Participles

Firstly we recall the attention on the fact that in Piedmontese does not exixt a Present Participle
considered a mood and tense of each verb. When it is necessary there are specific adjectives supporting this
logical meaning, may be not derived from the verb itself.
Then we notice that often, in many languages, the Past Participle of the verb is also an adjective.
This can happen also in Piedmontese, but not always. Many common piedmontese verbs have a Past
Participle which is not also an adjective, and it cannot be used as an adjective. For example the verb “rompe”
(= to break) has a Past Participle which is “rompù ”, but the related adjective is “rot ”. Then we have, e. g. :
“mi i l’hai rompù …“ = “I have broken …”, but “ël piat a l’è rot “ = “the dish is broken ”. In this work we
don’t note (always) when the past participle is also an adjective, while we underline when past participle and
adjective are different.

Altered nouns and adjectives

Many nouns, in Piedmontese, can be altered into diminutive, of endearment, augmentative,
pejorative forms. Rules for these alterations are reported in the grammar, and the alteration themselves, in
general, are not listed in this work. Anyway we report the words coming from irregular alterations, and also
some of the most common of the others. In particular we note when the alteration change the meaning of the
word. A similar speech, applied to adjectives, can be done about comparatives and superlatives, which
usually are not listed, unless they are irregular.

Gender and number
For adjectives and for nouns having the two (masculine and feminine) genders, usually the form
which appears in the alphabetic order is the masculine singular one. Masculine plural is usually invariant
with respect the singular (see grammar).Rules for deriving the feminine form, both singular and plural, from
the masculine one, can be find in the grammar.
In this work we tend to report all the forms together with the masculine singular, while in case of
particular exceptions, also the feminine form is listed in alphabetic order. Indeed the rule that we try to
follow is: While finding a feminine or plural piedmontese word, if it is not easy to derive the masculine
singular of that word, then also the feminine form (or the plural form) is listed in alphabetic order.

Feminine of two gender nouns that end by " ...l " at masculine.

According to the preceding vowel, there are rules listed in the grammar, and there are different
situations for endings in, ...el,, etc., also depending on where the stress of the word is. In some cases
the feminine has the same forms of the masculine (usually for adj.), in other cases the feminine adds a "a" at
singular and a "e" at plural (usually for sbst.). In spite of this it is possible to find these rule applied in
slightly different ways. In this vocabulary I reported the most common used forms (according to me).
Anyway it is possible to find also other uses. E. g. the adj. "ùtil " "useful" should have masculine and
feminine with the same form (la ròba util , ël tòch ùtil) but also it can be found la ròba utila , ël tòch ùtil.

About verbs
For verbs we list, as usual, the present infinitive of the active form. Then, sometimes we also report
the infinitive of the reflexive form, in particular when this form has a different meaning. In Piedmontese
there are a number of verb that can have some forms of the second conjugation and other forms of the third
one and verbs that allow forms of both these two conjugation (verb fosonant). It is important to refer to
grammar, but in this case we try to list all what can make it easy to find the meaning of the related words.

Meaning of words not listed in the vocabulary.

While looking for the translation of a piedmontese word, not always the word can be found, as it is,
in the vocabulary. This happens in all the languages due to the fact that words are declinated or conjugated.
In neolatin languages (as Piedmontese is), this is particularly evident.
If the word one is looking for is not present in the vocabulary, the first thing to do is (considering
grammar) to obtain the masculine singular or the present infinitive, in the case the word is declinated or
conjugated, verifying also that the word is or not a comparative, superlative, or an altered noun.
Then it has to be taken into account that, in order to shorten a bit the work (of the author), and that
many words are directly derived from a verb, we report the verb and not always all the derived words, which
can be obtained by applying the following (not absolute) rules, which often work.
1) - If you look for the meaning of a piedmontese word ending by “…ura “, or “…adura “, or
“…atura “, or “…assion “, that you cannot find in the vocabulary, you can suppress this ending
and substitute it with “…é “. If the obtained word is in the vocabulary and it is a verb, then the
original piedmontese word is the name of the action expressed by the verb, or the result of this
action.. E. g. : Piedm. word = “andoradura “. / 1st step “andor… “ / 2nd step “andoré “ / 3rd step
“andoré = to gild “ / 4th step “andoradura “ is the action or the result of gilding something, and
so “andoradura = gilding “.
2) - If the unknown piedmontese word you are looking for ends in “…iura “, or “…idura “, or
“…itura “, or “…ission “, in order to obtain the present infinitive of the related verb you have to
change the ending into “…e “(not stressed) or into “…ì “, an then continue as above. E. g. :
Piedm. word = “finidura “. / 1st step “fin… “ / 2nd step “finì “ / 3rd step “finì = to end, to finish “
/ 4th step “finidura is the action of the result of finishing something , and so “finidura = finish,
smooth “ / In this case, anyway the process brings to some ambiguities since “finidura “ cannot
be translated into “ending “.
3) - In particular the piedmontese endings “…assion “, “…ission “, and also “…ment “, often
correspond to the english endings “…ation “, “…ition “ and also “…ing “. In this case the
related verb can provide the root of the word. E. g. : Piedm. word = “anformassion “ / 1st step

“anform…” / 2nd step “anformé “. / 3rd step “anformé = to inform “ / 4th step “anformassion “ is
equivalent to “inform + ation = information = anform + assion = anformassion “.
4) - In the same way we can say that the piedmontese ending “…àbil “ often corresponds to the
english one “…able “. Also the piedmontese endings “…eur “, or “…ator “, “…ador “, often
correspond to the english ones “… or “, “…er “, when the word is referred to the doing the
action or the tool used in the action. Of course these are not general rules, but often they work..
Here in the following we give just some examples for clarification:

Piedm. verb: sapé Engl. Verb: to hoe

sapeur………………………………. hoer
sapadura……………………………. hoeing
Piedm. verb acumulé Engl. Verb: to accumulate
acumulàbil …………………………. accumulable
acumulator …………………………. accumulator
acumulassion ……………………… accumulation
Piedm. verb parlé Engl. Verb to speak
parleur ……………………………. speaker

Other similar rules are related to prefixes of words. As it happen in many other languages, also in
Piedmontese there are prefixes which changes the meaning of the word. Among them :
“dis…, dës…” are adversative prefixes, corresponding to the english ones “dis…, un…”. For
example “fé , dësfé “ can be translated into “to do , to undo “.
“ar… “, is a prefix having in English the corresponded “re… “ and gives the indication of “again “.
For example “costruve , arcostruve “ can be translated into “to build , to rebuild “.
“auto…” can also be a prefix introducing the idea of “self…”, while in other cases refers the main
word to cars, motors, or something motorized, and then in a number of cases it corresponds to the english
prefix “auto…”, and finally in some cases this group is not a prefix but simply a part of the word. For
example :”autocontròl = self-control “, “autostrà = motorway “ , “autògen = autogenous “ , “autorità =
authority “.
There are also other prefixes, and all of them are mentioned among the terms listed in the
vocabulary, where it is also noted that not all the words making use of there prefixes are listed in the
vocabulary. If a word starting with one of these prefixes is not listed in the vocabulary it is possible to look
for the word obtained by suppressing the prefix, and then apply to its meaning the variation produced by the
prefix itself. For example : Piedm. word = “dëscarié “ / 1st step “…carié “ / 2nd step “carié = to load “ / 3rd
step then we have “dëscarié = to unload “.
Of course, after these processes, it is necessary to verify the meaning of the sentence, in order to be
sure that the process applies in that particular case.

Adverbs ending in “…ment “.

Even if the adverbs ending in “…ment ” are usually italianisms to be avoided, they can be found
since they are quite used, and sometimes they are necessary. In this vocabulary only few of them are
reported. If one of these adverbs is found, which is not in the vocabulary, to find its meaning it is possible to
1) – delete the ending in “…ment ”. 2) – the remaining part should be an adjective in its feminine singular
form. 3) – If the ending of this adjective is in “…a “, delete also this letter. 4) – at this point we have the
adjective in its masculine singular form, the one reported in the vocabulary. The adverb is derived from this
adjective (in English, usually, by adding the desinence “…ly ”). As examples we examine three cases:
Piedm. adverb = fisicament. By deleting “…ment “ we obtain “fisica “. By deleting also the ending
“…a “ we have “fisic “. At this point we have to consider that in Piedmontese the ending in “…c “ alone is
not present (see spelling and phonetics). It has to be “cc “ or “ch “ according the pronunciation, and in this
case it is “ch “. So we have the masculine singular adjective “fisich “ whose meaning is “physical “. If we
add “…ly " to this adjective we obtain “physically “ which is the meaning of the word “fisicament “.
Piedm. adverb = alegrament. By deleting “…ment “ we obtain “alegra “. This is the “irregular ”
feminine form of the adjective “alegher “, (indeed it is one of the rules for passing from masculine to

feminine – see grammar). Anyway this is a masculine not obtained simply by deletion of the ending “…a “.
This adjective means “cheerful “, and so “alegrament “ means “cheerfully “.
Piedm. adverb = facilment. By deleting “…ment “ we obtain “fàcil “ which is a singular adjective
both masculine and feminine, meaning “easy “. So the adverb “facilment “ means “easily “.

Last remarks
At the beginning of the list related to some letters other specific notes are reported which have to be
read, and are referred to pieces of information related to words starting with that particular letter.
Sometimes, and in normal speech, quite often some words starting by vowel, usually by “a… “, and
in particular by “am… “ and “an…”, if they are preceded by a word ending by vowel, can lose the initial
vowel, (usually an “a… “), which is substituted by an apostrophe. At the same way sometimes the ending
vowel, if not stressed and not indicating a numer or gender, in some cases is suppressed (usually it is still an
“…a “). In the vocabulary usually (not always) only the complete words are reported.
Example : he has not yet finished = a l’ha ‘ncor nen finì = a l’ha ancora nen finì.

A very last remark

I am nearly unsurpassable in typing errors - careful !!!

List of abbreviations
adj. adjective / adjectival
adv. adverb / adverbial
art. article
art.-prp. article connected with preposition
art. + prp. article with separated preposition
attr. attribute
aux. auxiliary (verb)
cnj. conjunction
comp. complement.
con. coniugation
crd. cardinal
dem. demonstrative
determ. determinative.
dim. diminutive
dfc. defective
engl. english
excl. exclamation
fig. figurative
fm. feminine
gnd. gender
imp. impersonal
indf. indefinite
int. intransitive
interr. interrogative
inv. invariant
Lat. Latin.
lit. literally
loc. locution
ms. masculine
n. noun having the two genders.
n. f. feminine noun
n. m. masculine noun
nmr. numeral
nr. number
ord. ordinal
part. participle
piedm. piedmontese
plr. plural
pos. possessive
p. p. past participle
pr. pronunciation
prn. pronoun
prn. prt. pronominal particle (see grammar)
prp. preposition / prepositive
prs. personal
prt. particle
ptv. partitive
recp. reciprocal
refl. reflexive
rel. relative
rspy. respectively.
sb. somebody
sbst. substantive
sng. singular
st. something
subj. subject.
trs. transitive
vrb. verb
vrbl. verbal


Letter A

Please note : Many of piemontese word beginning with the letter “a…“ can be found commonly
without this initial letter (as an example there id the word “adobé “, but the word “dobé “ is used as well,
and it is more common. We note also that quite a number of words starting in “am…” or “an…” have a
corresponding word starting in “im…” or “in…” (as an example “amporté “ and “importé “), and
sometimes also in “ëm…” or “en…”. As a general rule we report all two these words, but not always (due to
many reasons and not least “time “ and laziness). Usually we put references, but it can happen that they are
missing. In this case, if the word is not found under the letter “A “, it can be searched under the letter “I “
just changing the initial letter. Another point to be noted is that many words starting with the prefix “ar…”
have also a corrispondent word starting by the prefix “ri…” (e. g. “arfé “ and “rifé “ are the same word).
We follow, about, the same rules above described
As a last point we note that in some writing of some tens of years ago it is possible to find terms
starting in "an..." that now commonly start in "am...".(e. g. "anpinì" instead of "ampinì" - to fill). Consider
that here we prefer the version in "am...".

abandonésse – vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &b&ndun’ese \ ) - to lose

heart, to give oneself up (to), to trust (to), to throw
a - 1) - first letter of the alphabet and n. f. (pr. \ & \ ) Inv. at oneself (on), to let uneself go, to relax, to flop.
possible plr. - a. abasor - n. m. (pr. \ &b&z’ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - lamp-shade.
a - 2) - prp. (pr. \ & \ ) - to, at. In Piedmontese, as it is in many abass - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &b’&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - greenhouse for
neo-latin languages, the difference between “moving to…” vegetables. See also the term “sèra”.
and “staying at …” is not given by the preposition, but by abass - 2) - adv. (pr. \ &b’&s \ ) - down, downward, under,
the meaning of the verb. With the articles ëj, ij, (to the, at downstairs.
the msc. sng. ), respectively forms the prp.-art. al, ai, while abassàbil - adj. (pr. \ &b&s’&bil \ ) Ms. plr. abassàbij. fm. sng.
with other art. the prp. remains separated, produced a prp. + and plr. abassàbil, abassàbij. - lowerable. See also the term
atr. “sbassàbil “.
a - 3) - vrbl. prn. (pr. \ & \ ) - he, she, it, they. This vrbl. prn. abassé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &b&s’e \ ) - to lower. See also the
always supports the third prs. both sng. and plr. for all voices “bassé, sbassé “.
moods and tenses of all vrb.(see grammar for rules and abassìa - n. f. . (pr. \ &b&s’i& \ ) At plr. abassìe. - abbey. See
exceptions) even if another (concordant) explicit subject is also the terms “abadìa, badìa “.
present (noun, pronoun or other). abassial - adj. (pr. \ &b&si'&l \ ) Ms. plr. abassiaj. fm. sng. and
a … - 4) – Many piedmontese adv. loc. start with the particle a plr. abassial, abassiaj. - abbatial.
(as a prp.). In this dictionary they are reported under the abastansa - adv. . (pr. \ &b&st’&[ng]s& \ ) - 1) - enough See
second word, or anyway under the main word. So, e. g., the also the voices “basta (a ---), bastansa “. - 2) - rather. In
adv. loc. “a malòch “ is listed under the word “malòch “. this sense see also the voice “pitòst “.
abà - n. m. . (pr. \ &b’& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - chef, leader, first abate – 1) - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ &b’&te \ ) - 1) - to pull down,
person or boss of the feast. Sometimes this word is also to cut down, to demolish. See also the voices “crasé,
used, not very correctly, with the following meaning : 2) - dëstruve “. - 2) - to demoralize. In this meaning it is more
abbot, abbé. In this case a better word is “abate “. used in the refl. form “abatse “ (see the voice). - 3) - to
àbaco - n. m. (pr. \ ‘&b&cô \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - arithmetic reduce drastically, to lower, to cut down.
primer. Used also in the meaning - 2) - abacus. abate - 2) - n. m. . (pr. \ &b’&te \ ) Inv. at plr. - abbot, abbé.
abadëssa - n. f. (pr. \ &b&d'&ss& \) At plr. abadësse. - abbess, abatiment - n. m. (pr. \ &b&tim’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
Mother Superior. See also the terms "madre, badëssa". demolition, destruction. (also fig.) - 2) - shooting down.
abadìa - n. f. (pr. \ &b&d’i& \ ) At plr. abadìe, - abbey. See (milit.) - 3) - exhaustion, discouragement. - 4) - lowering,
also the voices “abassìa, badìa “. drop.
abandon - n. m. (pr. \ &b&nd’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - desertion, abatse - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ &b’&tse \ ) - to demoralize
abandoning, relinquishment. oneself.
abandonà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &b&ndun’& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and abatù - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &b&t'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. abatù. fm. sng.
nr. – derelict, deserted, neglected, abandoned. and plr. abatùa, abatùe. - depressed, discouraged.
abandoné - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &b&ndun’e \ ) - to abandon, abdicassion - n. f. (pr. \ &bdic&si’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
to resign, to give up, to leave. The meaning can be different abdication. (lit. meaning) - 2) - renouncement,
in the refl. form (as the voice that follows) : relinquishment, resignation, abandonment (for extension,
in a fig. sense ).

abdiché - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ &bdik’e \ ) - 1) - to abdicate. abitudinari - adj. and n. (pr. \ &bit[ue]din’&ri \ ) Ms. plr.
(lit. meaning) - 2) - to renounce. (fig. meaning). abitudinari. fm. sng. and plr. abitudinària, abitudinàrie. -
abecé - n. m. (pr. \ &be[ch]’e \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any) - 1) - a, b, c. 1) - of fixed habits (adj.) - 2) - person of fixed habits
standing for alphabet. - 2) - very basical knowledges. (sbst.).
abecedari - n. m. (pr. \ &be[ch]ed’&ri \ ) Inv. at plr. - first book abitué - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &bitu’e \ ) - 1) - to accustom.
to learn writing and reading. Note the pronunciation of the dypthongs “àu, uà, ué, èu “. In
abeivor - n. m. (pr. \ &bæiv’ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - watering place, this meaning another word is “costumé “. - 2) - to inure. In
trough. this meaning better words are “faité, afaité “. The most
abelì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &bel’i \ ) - to embellish, to adorn. common form in the first meaning is the following refl. one :
See also the term “anzolivé “. abituésse - vrb 1 st con. refl. (pr. \ &bitu’ese \ ) - to accustom
abeliment - n. m. (pr. \ &belim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - oneself. See also the voice “afésse “.
embellishment. abiurassion - n. f. (pr. \ &bi[ue]r&si’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
aberant - adj. (pr. \ &bær'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. aberant. fm. sng. and abjuration.
plr. aberanta, aberante. - aberrant. abiuré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &bi[ue]r’e \ ) - to abiure, to
aberassion - n. f. (pr. \ &bær&si’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - deny.
aberration. ablassion - n. f. (pr. \ &bl&si’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - ablation.
abeté - adj. (pr. \ &bet’e \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - insipid, silly, ablativ - n. m. (pr. \ &bl&t’iu \ ) Inv. at plr. (even if usually it is
foolish, dull. See also the terms “beté, stupid, fòl, folitro “. used at sng.)- ablative. We underline a piedmontese
abijament - n. m. (pr. \ &biy&m’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - clothes, idiomatic way of saying : “esse a l’ablativ “ (lit. = “to be at
clothing. See also the terms “vestiari, abiliament “. ablative “ ) which means “to be pennyless, to be without
abijé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &biy'e \ ) - to dress. See also the resources, to be at the end, to have finished all the resources
term "vestì ". “ (ablative is the last case of the latin declention).
àbil - adj. (pr. \ ‘&bil \ ) Ms. plr. àbij. fm. sng. and plr. àbil, ablussion - n. f. (pr. \ &bl[ue]si’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - ablution.
àbij. - able, skilled. Since the stress is not on the final “…il abnegassion - n. f. (pr. \ &bneg&si’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
” ms. and fm. are the same. abnegation, self-denial.
abiliament - n. m. (pr. \ &bili&m’ænt \ ) - See abijament. abocament - n. m. (pr. \ &buc&m’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - talk,
abilità - n. f. (pr. \ &bilit’& \ ) Inv at plr. - ability, skill. interview. - 2) - appointment.
abilitàbil - adj. (pr. \ &bilit’&bil \ ) Ms. plr. abilitàbij. fm. sng. abocant - adj. (pr. \ &buc’&nt \ ) Ms. plr. abocant. fm. sng. and
and plr. abilitàbil, abilitàbij. - qualifiable, enablable. plr. abocanta, abocante. - sweetish. Mainly used about
abilitassion - n. f. (pr. \ &bilit&si’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - wine.
qualification, enabling. aboché - vrb 1 st con. int. (pr. \ &buk’e \ ) - 1) - to bite. (usually
abilité - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &bilit’e \ ) - to qualify, to enable, about fishing, but also in a fig. sense. -2) - to be cheated (in
to certificate. a fig. sense).
abilment - adv. (pr. \ &bilm’ænt \ ) - with ability. Italianism abolì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &bul’i \ ) - to abolish, to abrogate,
sometimes used, but a piedm. adv. loc. more used is “con to suppress. The meaning changes in the refl. form, which
abilità = with ability “ and various other loc. follows :
abim - n. m. (pr. \ &b’im \ ) Inv. at plr. - abyss. See also the abolìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &bul’ise \ ) - to bring discredit
term “abiss ”. upon oneself.
abimé - vrb 1st con trs. (pr. \ &bim’e \ ) - 1) - to submerge, to abolission - n. f. (pr. \ &bulisi’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - abolition,
sink, to go to bottom. See also the voice “fonghé “. - 2) - to abrogation, suppression.
destroy, to oppress (in a fig. sense). abolissionism - n. m. (pr. \ &bulisiun'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. -
abiné - vrb 1st con trs. (pr. \ &bin’e \ ) - to couple, to join abolitionism.
together. See also the voices “biné, cobié “. abolissionista - n. (pr. \ &bulisiun'ist& \ ) Ms. plr.
abiss - n. m. (pr. \ &b’is \ ) Inv. at plr. - abyss. See also the term abolissionista. fm. sng. and plr. abolissionista,
“abim ”. abolissioniste. - abolitionist.
abissal - adj. (pr. \ &bis’&l \ ) Ms. plr. àbissaj. fm. sng. and plr. abolissionìstich - adj. (pr. \ &bulisiun'istic \ ) Ms. plr.
àbissal, àbissaj. - abyssal. abolissionistich. fm. sng. and plr. abolissionistica,
àbit - n. m. (pr. \ ‘&bit \ ) Inv. at plr. – suit, dress. Italianism, abolissionistiche. - abolitionist.
see the better terms “vesta, vestì, vestimenta, muda “. abolitiv - adj. (pr. \ &bulisiun'istic \ ) Ms. plr. abolitiv. fm. sng.
abitàbil - adj. (pr. \ &bit’&bil \ ) Ms. plr. àbitàbij. fm. sng. and and plr. abolitiva, abolitive. - abolishing.
plr. àbitàbil, àbitàbij. - habitable. abonà - n. (pr. \ &bun’& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - season
abitant - n. (pr. \ &bit’&nt \ ) Ms. plr. abitant. fm. sng. and plr. ticket holder. - 2) - subscriber.
abitanta, abitante. - inhabitant. abonament - n. m. (pr. \ &bun&m’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
abitassion - n. f. (pr. \ &bit&si’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - habitation, season ticket. - 2) - subscription.
dwelling, residence. abondansa - n. f. (pr. \ &bund’&[ng]s& \ ) At plr. (if any)
abité - vrb 1st con. int. and trs. (pr. \ &bit’e \ ) - 1) - to live, to abondanse. - abundance. See also (more common word)
reside. Int. meaning, it uses the aux. “avèj “. In this sense is “bondansa “
not so much used. A preferred term is “sté “. - 2) - to abondant - adj. (pr. \ &bund’&nt \ ) Ms. plr. abondant. fm.
inhabit. trs. meaning. sng. and plr. abondanta, abondante. - abundant, pleintful.
abituà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &bitu’& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - See also (more common words) “bondant, bondos “.
accustomed. Not so much used, since it is quite an abondé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ &bund’e \ ) - to abound. It uses
italianism. See also the voices “costumà, faità “. the aux. “avèj “. See also the voices “bondé, fosoné “.
abitual - adj. (pr. \ &bitu’&l \ ) Ms. plr. abituaj. fm. sng. and aboné – vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &bun’e \ ) - 1) - to make a
plr. abitual, abituaj. - habitual, usual, customary. See also subscription. - 2) - to reduce, to deduct. The refl. form
the more piedmontese word “costumà “. assumes the following meaning :
abitùdin - n. f. (pr. \ &bit’[ue]di[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - habit, abonésse – vrb 1st con. refl (pr. \ &bun’ese \ ) – to subscribe.
custom. The word is quite an italianism, a more correct abonì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &bun’i \ ) - to allay, to calm. See
piedmontese word is “costuma “. also the voice “ambonì “ which has the same and also other
meanings. The refl form assumes the following meaning :

abonìsse – vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &bun’ise \ ) - to become absanta - n. f. (pr. \ &bs’&nt& \ ) At plr (if any) absante.
calm. wormwood, absinth. See also the voices “absent, uissens “.
abordàbil - adj. (pr. \ &burd’&bil \ ) Ms. plr. abordàbij. fm. absent - n. m. (pr. \ &bs’ænt \ ) - See absanta.
sng. and plr. abordàbil, abordàbij. - 1) - accessible, abséss - n. m. (pr. \ &bs’es \ ) Inv. at plr. - abscess. See also the
boardable, approachable. - 2) - affordable (in a fig. term “asséss “.
sense). absidal - adj. (pr. \ &bsid'&l \ ) Ms. plr. absidaj. fm. sng. and
abordagi - n. m. (pr. \ &burd’&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - boarding. plr. absidal, absidaj. - apsidal.
abordé - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &burd’e \ ) - 1) - to board. - 2) - àbside - n. f. (pr. \ '&bside \ ) Inv. at plr. - apse.
to approach. - 3) - to broach. See also the term "angancé abstemi - n. and adj. (pr. \ &bst’emi \ ) Ms. plr. abstemi. fm.
4th meaning". sng. and plr. abstémia, abstémie. - 1) - teetotal (adj.) - 2) -
aborì - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &bur’i \ ) - to abhor. This verb is toototaller (sbst.). See also the term “astémi “.
not particularly used,while instead is very common the vrbl. abù - n. m. (pr. \ &b’[ue] \ ) Inv. at plr. - beam (of the plough or
lov. “nen podèj s-ciàire “, which lit. means “not to can see “. cart).
abortì - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &burt’i \ ) - 1) - to abort, to abulìa - n. f. (pr. \ &b[ue]l'i& \ ) At plr. (if any) abulìe. -
miscarry. This is usually referred to humans. When referred aboulia, lack of will power. (psychology)
to animals, see the voice “sfrasé “. - 2) - to fail, to give up abùlich - adj. (pr. \ &b’[ue]lic \ ) Ms. plr. abùlich. fm. sng. and
in advance. (sometimes in a fig. sense). plr. abùlica, abùliche. - 1) - aboulic (psychology). - 2) -
abortiment - n. m. (pr. \ &burtim’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - abortion. spineless (in a fig. sense).
See also the term “abòrt “. abus - n. m. (pr. \ &b’[ue]z \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - abuse, misuse. -
abossada - n. f. (pr. \ &bus’&d& \ ) At plr. abossade. - 2) - overindulgence.
sketching, rough sketch. abusé - vrb 1 st con. int. (pr. \ &b[ue]z’e \ ) - 1) - to abuse. - 2) -
abossé - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &bus’e \ ) - to sketch, to to to use to excess, to overindulge. It makes use of the aux.
outline, to roughdraft. “avèj “. The refl. form (which is not a true refl., sinche the
abosset - n. m. (pr. \ &bus’æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - sketch, verb is int.) assumes the following int. meaning :
outline. See also the terms “abòss, bosset “. - 2) - skin of abusésse - vrb 1st con. int. with refl. form (pr. \ &b[ue]z’ese \ ) -
grapes. See also the terms “bosset, borset “. to take an undue advantage. It makes use (of course, being
abòrt - n. m. (pr. \ &b’ort \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - abortion. See also a refl. form) of the aux. “esse “.
the term “abortiment “. - 2) - monster. In a fig. sense. abusiv - adj. (pr. \ &b[ue]z’iu \ ) Ms. plr. abusiv. fm. sng. and
abòss - n. m. (pr. \ &b’os \ ) Inv. at plr. – 1) - sketch, outline. plr. abusiva, abusive. - unathorized, illegal.
See also the terms “abòss, bosset “. - 2) - graft, rough copy. abusivament - adv. (pr. \ &b[ue]ziv&m’ænt \ ) - 1) -
See also the term “sbòss “. arbitrarily, without authorization. - 2) - illegally,
abrasà - adj. (pr. \ &br&z’& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - annealed, unlawfully. As we already mentioned, nearly all the adverbs
red-hot, inflammed. See also the voices “afoà, foà “ (these ending by “…ment “ are italianisms that have not to be used,
are also p. p.). if possible. See grammar and syntax about this point. Often
abrasiv - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &br&z’iu \ ) Inv. at plr. - abrasive. the adv. is simply substituted by the adj. used as inv. adv, or
abrasiv - 2) - adj. (pr. \ &br&z’iu \ ) Ms. plr. abrasiv. fm. sng. by an adv. loc. as, e. g. “abusiv, an manera abusiva “ having
and plr. abrasiva, abrasive. - abrasive. When referred to value of “unauthorized, in an unauthorized way “ rspy.
technique, this is the only word used, while in general sense abusivism - n. m. (pr. \ &b[ue]ziv’izm \ ) Inv. at plr. -
see also the terms “grotolù, rùvid “. abusiveness.
abresé - n. m. (pr. \ &brez’e \ ) Inv. at plr. - abstract, abuton – n. m. (pr. \ &b[ue]t’u[ng] \ ) – See arbuton.
summary. aca – 9thletter of the piedmontese alphabet and n. f. (pr. \ ‘&c&
abreviassion - n. f. (pr. \ &brevi&si’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - \ ) Inv. at plr. - aitch (the letter h ). A piedm. idiomatic way
summary, shortening. In general see also the term “scursa of saying is “capì n’aca “ = lit. “to understand an aitch “,
“. If referred to words, see also “abreviatura “. whose value is “do not understand anitying “.
abreviatura - n. f. (pr. \ &brevi&t’[ue]r& \ ) At plr. acablé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &c&bl’e \ ) - 1) - to aggravate, to
abreviature. - abbreviation, shortening. Referred to increase. - 2) - to oppress. - 3) - to tyrannize over (in a fig.
words. sense).
abrevié - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &brevi’e \ ) - to shorten. See acade - vrb 2nd con. int. often used as dfc. (pr. \ &c’&de \ ) - to
also a better piedm. term : “scursé “. happen, to occur. It uses the aux. “esse “. This voice is an
abrivi - n. m. (pr. \ &br’ivi \ ) Inv. at plr. - headway. More often italianism, even if a piedm. word is derived (see “salacad “).
this term is used in the sense of “push, rush “. Better terms to see are “ acapité, ancapité, capité, socede,
abrogassion - n. f. (pr. \ &brug&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - sucede “.
abrogation, cancellation. académia - n. f. (pr. \ &c&d’emi& \ ) At plr. académie. -
abrogativ - adj. (pr. \ &brug&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. abrogativ. fm. academy.
sng. and plr. abrogativa, abrogative. - abrogative, académich – n. and adj. (pr. \ &c&d’emic \ ) Ms. plr.
repealing. académich. fm. sng. and plr. académica, académiche. - 1) -
abroghé - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &brug'e \ ) - to abrogate, to academic (adj.) - 2) - academic, academician (sbst.).
repeal, to cancel. academism - n. m. (pr. \ &c&dem’izm \ ) Inv. at plr. -
abrutì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &br[ue]t’i \ ) - to besot, to academism, academicism.
brutalize, to brutify. In the trs. meaning it uses the aux. academista - n. m. (pr. \ &c&dem’ist& \ ) Inv. at plr. - cadet
“avèj “, while in the int. form it uses the aux. “esse “. The (military).
int. form has a quite refl. meaning (see here below). See also acaloré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &c&lur’e \ ) - 1) - to heat. - 2) -
the term “ambrutì “. to excite. The refl. form has the following meaning:
abrutìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &br[ue]t’ise \ ) - to get acalorésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &c&lur’ese \ ) - to get
angry, to be enraged. see also the term “ambrutìsse “. excited.
abrustolì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &br[ue]stul’i \ ) - to broil, to acampament - n. m. (pr. \ &c&mp&m’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
roast. See also the terms “brustolì, brusaté “. camp, encampment.
abrustoliment - n. m. (pr. \ &br[ue]stulim’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. – acampé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &c&mp’e \ ) - 1) - to camp. In
toasting, roasting. this meaning it is more used in the refl. form (see below). -

2) - to advance. As for example: “to advance an excuse “ = acentrament - n. m. (pr. \ &[ch]æntr&m’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
“acampé na scusa “. centralization.
acampésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &c&mp’ese \ ) - 1) - to acentrator - adj. and n. (pr. \ &[ch]æntr&t’ur \ ) Ms. plr.
camp, to pitch camp. - 2) - to shake down. acentrator. fm. sng. and plr. acentratriss, acentratriss. - 1)
acanìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &c&n’ise \ ) - 1) - to rage, to - centralizing (adj.) - 2) - centralizer (sbst.).
attack furiously. - 2) - to persist obstinately. This term is acentré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ch]æntr’e \ ) - to centralize.
an italianism that is to be avoided (if possible). A more The refl. form assumes the following meaning:
correct term is “ancagnìsse “. acentrésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ch]æntr’ese \ ) - to
acant - prp. (pr. \ &c’&nt \ ) - beside, near, close to. Italianism, agglomerate, to come together.
a better term is “davzin “ and the prp. loc. “a randa “ is also acentuassion – n. f. (pr. \ &[ch]ænt[ue]&si’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
used. accentuation.
acaparament - n. m. (pr. \ &c&p&r&m’ænt \ ) - See acentué – vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ch]ænt[ue]’e \ ) - to stress, to
caparament. accentuate. See also the terms “carché, marché “.
acaparant - adj. (pr. \ &c&p&r'&nt \ ) - See caparant. acertàbil - adj. (pr. \ &[ch]ært’&bil \ ) Ms. plr. acertàbij. fm.
acaparator - n. (pr. \ &c&p&r&t’ur \ ) - See caparator. sng. and plr. acertàbil, acertàbij. - assessable.
acaparé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &c&p&r’e \ ) - See caparé. acertament - n. m. (pr. \ &[ch]ært&m’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
acaparésse - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &c&p&r’ese \ ) - See ascertainment, assessment, control. See also the voices
caparésse. “verìfica, contròl “.
acapité - vrb 1st con. int. often used as dfc. (pr. \ &c&pit’e \ ) - acerté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ch]ært’e \ ) - to ascertain, to
to happen, to occur. It uses the aux. “esse “. See also the check.
terms “capité, ancapité, socede, sucede “. acertésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ch]ært’ese \ ) - to make
acaplà - n. f. (pr. \ &c&pl’& \ ) - See ancaplà. (oneself) sure.
acaplé - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &c&pl’e \ ) - to pile, to heap acéss – n. m. (pr. \ &[ch]’es \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - attack, access. -
(only referred to hay). See also the most used term “ancaplé 2) - fit, attack, access. - 3) - access, admittance, entry. In
“. this meaning the piedm. word can be found but it is misused
acasé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &c&z’e \ ) - to marry. In the sense (italianism). See instead the terms “intrada, passagi “.
of giving a son or a daughter in marriage. It is also used in acessìbil - adj. (pr. \ &[ch]es’ibil \ ) Ms. plr. acessìbij. fm. sng.
the sense of taking (sb.) in marriage, but in this case the refl. and plr. acessìbil, acessìbij. - accessible, approachable.
form is preferred (see below). At any rate this is an acessibilità – n. f. (pr. \ &[ch]esibilit’& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
italianism, and preferred terms to see are “marié, sposé “. accessibility.
See also the term "casé ". acession - n. f. (pr. \ &[ch]esi’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - meaning,
acasésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &c&z’ese \ ) - to marry. In the acceptation.
sense of taking (sb.) in marriage. At any rate this is an acessorià - adj. (pr. \ &[ch]esuri’& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
italianism, and preferred terms to see are “mariésse, provided with accessories.
sposésse, marié, sposé “. acessòri - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &[ch]es’ori \ ) Inv. at plr. - accessory,
acaso - n. m. (pr. \ &c’&zu \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any) - mahogany. fitting, attachment.
acatasté - 1) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &c&t&st’e \ ) - to register acessòri - 2) - adj. (pr. \ &[ch]es’ori \ ) Ms. plr. acessòri. fm.
(st.) at the general land office. sng. and plr. acessòria, acessòrie. - accessory, accessorial,
acatasté - 2) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &c&t&st’e \ ) - to pile up, ancillary.
to stack. Italianism in this sense. Better terms are acét - adj. (pr. \ &[ch]’et \ ) Ms. plr. acet, fm. sng. and plr.
“ambanché, ampilié, ambaroné “. aceta, acete. - agreable (referred to things), liked (referred
acelerassion - n. f. (pr. \ &[ch]eler&si’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - to persons). This word is hardly used in piedm. Usually the
acceleration. words “acetàbil, acetà (p. p. of the vrb aceté)” are instead
acelerator - n. m. (pr. \ &[ch]eler&t’ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - used.
accelerator. acetà - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &[ch]et’& \ ) Inv. at plr. - acetate
aceleré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ch]eler’e \ ) - 1) - to (chemistry).
accelerate. - 2) - to quicken. In this sense see also the term acetà - 2) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &[ch]et’& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr.
“ampressé “. - accepted.
acené – vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &[ch]en’e \ ) - 1) - to acetàbil - adj. (pr. \ &[ch]et’&bil \ ) Ms. plr. acetàbij, fm. sng.
beckon, to nod (int.). See the better and most used vrbl. loc. and plr. acetàbil, acetàbij. - acceptable.
“fé segn “, and the words “indiché, mostré “. - 2) - to hint acetant - n. (pr. \ &[ch]et’&nt \ ) Ms. plr. acetant, fm. sng. and
(int.). - 3) - to show signs (of) (int.) in a fig. sense. - 4) - to plr. acetanta, acetante. - acceptor.
point to (trs.) - 5) - to sketch, to trace (trs.). In any case this acetassion - n. f. (pr. \ &[ch]et&si’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
vrb uses the aux. “avèj “. acceptance. - 2) - reception.
acensa - n. f. (pr. \ &[ch]’æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. acense. - aceté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ch]et’e \ ) - to accept.
tobacconist’s shop. See also the term “censa “. acétich - adj. (pr. \ &[ch]’etic \ ) Ms. plr. acétich, fm. sng. and
acension - n. f. (pr. \ &[ch]æ[ng]si’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - plr. acética, acétiche. - acetic (chemistry).
ignition. The term, in piedm., is limited to motors, any other acetil – n. m. (pr. \ &[ch]et’il \ ) At plr. acetij. - acetyl
use is an italianism to be avoided. See also the terms (chemistry).
“viscagi, anviscagi, etc. “. acetilsalicìlich - adj. (pr. \ &[ch]etils&li[ch]’ilic \ ) Ms. plr.
acent - n. m. (pr. \ &[ch]’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - accent, stress. acetilsalicìlich, fm. sng. and plr. acetilsalicìlica,
This term is referred to stress on words and graphical acetilsalicìliche. – acetylsalicylic (chemistry).
symbol. For the fig. sense and pronunciation, inflexion, etc. acetor - n. m. (pr. \ &[ch]et’ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - acceptor
see also the term “acsan “. (chemistry, physics). - 2) - stock (biology).
acentassion – n. f. (pr. \ &[ch]ænt&si’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - acheuje - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ &k’[oe]ye \ ) - 1) - to receive, to
accentuation. welcome. In this sense see also the term “arsèive “. - 2) - to
acenté - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ch]ænt’e \ ) - to stress, to accept. In this sesne see also the term “aceté “. - 3) - to
accent. The expression “buté l’acent “ having value “to put hold, to contain. In this sense see also the terms “ten-e,
the stress “, is more often used. conten-e “.

achieté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &kiet’e \ ) - to appease, to acobiament - n. m. (pr. \ &cubi&m’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
tranquillize, to calm. combination. - 2) - pairing off. - 3) - matching. - 4) -
achit - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &k’it \ ) Inv. at plr. - introduction, copulation (persons), coupling, mating (animals). - 5) -
foreword, starting. connection, coupling (mechanics). See also the voices
achit (d’---) (pr. \ d &k’it \ ) - adv. loc. - right away. Also, with “acopiament, cobiament, cobiura “.
the same meaning, “ëd prim achit “. acobiator - n. m. (pr. \ &cubi&t’ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - coupler
achitésse – vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d &kit’ese \ ) - 1) - to fulfil. (radio, electronics). - 2) - coupling gear (mechanics).
This is a possible (and frequent) piedm. construction, with acobié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &cubi’e \ ) - 1) - to combine. - 2)
the refl. used as an int. form. For example : “to fulfil a duty “ - to pair off. - 3) - to match. - 4) - to couple, to mate
can be “achitésse con un dover “ (lit. “to fulfil with a duty “) (animals). - 5) - to connect, to couple (mechanics). The refl.
but also and simply “compì un dover “, or “fé un dover “ (lit. form assumes the following meaning:
to “do a duty “), using trs. vrb. - 2) - to free oneself from acobiésse - - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &cubi’ese \ ) - 1) - to pair
debts. Not so much used in this sense, where the vrbl. loc. off (int. meaning). - 2) - to copulate (persons) (int.
“paghé ij débit “ (lit. “to pay the debts “) is much more used. meaning), to couple, to mate (animals) (int. meaning).
- 3) - to repay an obligation, to pay back. acolà - adj. (pr. \ &cul’& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. – high necked,
aciach - n. m. (pr. \ &[ch]i’&c \ ) Inv. at plr. - ailment, ankle-sung. This is not the homonymous p. p. of the vrb
infirmity. It corresponds also to the loc. “aches and pains “. “acolé “ (see below). See also the term “ancolà “.
This term is an italianism, even if quite used. A better acoladura - n. f. (pr. \ &cul&d’[ue]r& \ ) At plr. acoladure. -
piedm. term to see is “malasi “. neckline. See also the term “ancoladura “.
aciadéss - adv. (pr. \ &[ch]i&d’es \ ) - right now, just now. See acolé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &cul’e \ ) - 1) - to load. - 2) - to
also the most used voice “adsadéss “. saddle (sb.) with (st.). The refl. form has the following
acìclich - adj. (pr. \ &[ch]’iclic \ ) Ms. plr. acìclich, fm. sng. and meaning :
plr. acìclica, acìcliche. - acyclic. acolésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &cul’ese \ ) - to take upon
àcid - 1) - adj. (pr. \ ‘&[ch]id \ ) Ms. plr. àcid, fm. sng. and plr. oneself.
àcida, àcide. - acid, sour. This term is correct when referred acoliensa - n. f. (pr. \ &culi’æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. acoliense. - 1) -
to chemistry, otherwise another better piedm. term is reception, welcome. - 2) - acceptance, admittance.
“brusch “. acolient - adj. (pr. \ &culi’ænt \ ) Ms. plr. acolient, fm. sng. and
àcid - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ ‘&[ch]id \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - sourness, plr. acolienta, acoliente. - pleasant, welcoming,
bitterness. See also the term “acidità “. - 2) - acid comfortable, cosy.
(chemistry). acomandant - n. (pr. \ &cum&nd’&nt \ ) Ms. plr. acomandant,
acident - n. m. (pr. \ &[ch]id’ænt \ ) - See assident. fm. sng. and plr. acomandanta, acomandante - limited
acìciola - n. f. (pr. \ &[ch]’i[ch]iul& \ ) Inv. at plr. - dandelion. partner (economy).
acìdia - n. f. (pr. \ &[ch]’idi& \ ) At plr (if any) acìdie. - sloth. acomandatari - n. (pr. \ &cum&nd&t’&ri \ ) Ms. plr.
See also the terms “gargarìa, pigrìssia “. acomandatari, fm. sng. and plr. acomandataria,
acidificàbil – adj. (pr. \ &[ch]idific’&bil \ ) Ms. plr. acomandatarie - general partner (economy).
acidificàbij, fm. sng. and plr. acidificàbil, acidificàbij. - acomàndita - n. f. (pr. \ &cum’&ndit& \ ) At plr. acomàndite. -
acidifiable. limited partnership.
acidificassion - n. f. (pr. \ &[ch]idific&si’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - acomodàbil - adj. (pr. \ &cumud’&bil \ ) Ms. plr. acomodàbij,
acidification (chemistry). fm. sng. and plr. acomodàbil, acomodàbij - mendable,
acidifiché – vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ch]idifik’e \ ) - to acidify. repairable. See also the term “rangiàbil “.
acidios - adj. (pr. \ &[ch]idi’uz \ ) ) Ms. plr. acidios, fm. sng. acomodament - n. m. (pr. \ &cumud&m’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
and plr. acidiosa, acidiose. - slothful. See also the terms settlement, accomodation, arrangement. In this sense see
“gargh, pigher “. also the term “acòrdi “. - 2) - amendment.
acidità - n. f. (pr. \ &[ch]idit’& \ ) Inv. at plr. - acidity, acomodant - adj. (pr. \ &cumud’&nt \ ) Ms. plr. acomodant,
sourness. fm. sng. and plr. acomodanta, acomodante - adaptable,
acinciné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ch]in[ch]in’e \ ) - to beautify, accomodating, compliant. See also the term "andant ". and
to adorn. Nearly only used in the following refl. form. the adj. loc. "ch'a lassa core " lit. "who lets run ".
acincinésse - vrb 1 st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ch]in[ch]in’ese \ ) - to acomodé - vrb. 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &cumud’e \ ) - 1) - to settle,
beautify oneself, to adorn oneself. to arrange. - 2) - to repair, to mend. - 3) - to tidy. - 4) - to
aclamassion - n. f. (pr. \ &cl&m&si’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - flavour, to season. For all thgese meanings it can be used
applause, acclamation. also (see thew voice) "rangé ". The refl. form assumes the
aclamé - vrb 1sr con. trs. (pr. \ &cl&m’e \ ) - to acclaim, to following meanings :
applaud. acomodésse - vrb. 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &cumud’ese \ ) - 1) - to sit
aclimatassion - n. f. (pr. \ &clim&t&si’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - down, to take a seat. - 2) - to tidy oneself. For this meaning
acclimatization, acclimation. it is possible to use (see the voice) "rangésse ". - 3) - to
aclimaté - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &clim&t’e \ ) - to acclimatize, reach an agreement. For this meaning it is possible to use
to acclimate. See also the term "climaté ". (see the voice) "rangésse ". - 4) - to come in, to enter.
aclimatésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &clim&t’ese \ ) - to become acompagnà - n. f. (pr. \ &cump&[gn]'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
acclimatized. See also the term "climatésse". procession, funeral procession. See also the better term
aclude - vrb 2 nd con. trs. (pr. \ &cl’[ue]de \ ) - to enclose. Quite "compagnà ".
an italianism. See also the term “include “. acompagnament - n. m. (pr. \ &cump&[gn]&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at
acoacésse - vrb 1 st con. refl. (pr. \ &cu&[ch]’ese \ ) - to crouch. plr. - accompanying, accompainment. See also the bettere
See also the better term “coacésse “, which is more used. term "compagnament ".
acobià - n. f. (pr. \ &cubi’& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - exacta, acompagnator - n. (pr. \ &cump&[gn]&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr.
perfecta (horse-racing). See also the better term “cobià “. - acompagnator, fm. sng. and plr. acompagnatriss,
2) - a particular couple of persons. In a fig. sense for acompagnatriss. - 1) - companion (in general). - 2) - escort
indicating who, together, form a couple with particular (asccompaining a woman). - 3) - guide, escort. - 4) - team
characteristics, as it could be a comic actor and his stooge. manager. - 5) - guide, hostess, escort. - 6) - chaperon. See
also the better term "compagnator ".

acompagné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &cump&[gn]'e \ ) - 1) - to accoucheur. See also the term "ostétrich ". - 2) -
accompany, to take. - 2) - to follow (with eyes). - 3) - to midiwifery (this meaning is only related to fm. gnd.).
accompany, to escort, to chaperon. - 4) - to couple. See acostament -n. m. (pr. \ &cust&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
also the better term "compagné ". The meaning of the refl. approach (in general sense). - 2) - matching (e. g. for
form is the following: colours).
acompagnésse - vrb 1 st con. refl. (pr. \ &cump&[gn]'ese \ ) - to acosté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &cust'e \ ) - 1) - to approach, to
join up (with), to go along (with). bring to, to draw near. - 2) - to conciliate (in a fig. sense).
acomunàbil - adj. (pr. \ &cum[ue]n'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. acostésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &cust'ese \ ) - 1) - to come
acomunàbij, fm. sng. and plr. acomunàbil, acomunàbij. - near. - 2) - to accept, to start to consider. - 3) - to
that can be joined, that can be considered in a common resemble, to be similar (not so much used in this sense).
way. acostumé – vrb 1st con. (pr. \ &cust[ue]m'e \ ) - 1) - to
acomunament - n. m. (pr. \ &cum[ue]n&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - accustom. - 2) - to inure, to make (sb.)used. See also the
1) - joining, union. - 2) - pooling, sharing. voices "abitué, costumé ".
acomuné - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &cum[ue]n'e \ ) - 1) - to join, acòlit - n. m. (pr. \ &c'olit \ ) Inv. at plr. - acolyte (religion and
to unite. - 2) - to pool, to share. The refl. form is the fig.).
following: acòni - n. m. (pr. \ &c'oni \ ) Inv. at plr. - monk's-hood, aconite
acomunésse - vrb 1sr con. refl. (pr. \ &cum[ue]n'ese \ ) - to (botany - Aconitum napellus). See also the term "napél ".
mingle. acòrd - n. m. (pr. \ &c'ord \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - accord,
aconsente - vrb 2nd con. int. (pr. \ &cu[ng]s'ænte \ ) - See agreement. - 2) - harmony, unison, - 3) - chord (music).
aconsentì. See also the term "acòrdi ", with a similar but not identical
aconsentì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ &cu[ng]sænt'i \ ) - to consent, meaning.
to assent. It uses the aux. "avèj ". See also the voices acòrdi - n. m. (pr. \ &c'ordi \ ) Inv. at plr. - accord, concord,
"consentì, consente, aconsente ". See garmmar about "verb harmony.
fosonant ". acòrt - adj. (pr. \ &c'ort \ ) Ms. plr. acòrt, fm. sng. and plr.
acont - n. m. (pr. \ &c'unt \ ) Inv. at plr. - advance, partial acòrta, acòrte. - shrewd, sagacious.
payment, payment on account. acòrze - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ &c'orze \ ) - to understand, to
acopiator - n. m. (pr. \ &cupi&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - coupler notice. This vrb exists in piedm. even if the use in this form
(radio, electronics). - 2) - coupling gear (mechanics). See is not easy. Mainly it is used in the refl. form as follows.
also the voices "acobiador, cobiador ". acòrzësse - vrb 2 nd con. refl. (pr. \ &c'orz&se \ ) - 1) - to notice.
acopié – vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &cupi'e \ ) - See acobié. See also the terms "adésse, antajésse " - 2) - to realize, to
acordàbil - adj. (pr. \ &curd'&bil \ ) ) Ms. plr. acordàbij, fm. become aware. Even more used is the following form,
sng. and plr. acordàbil, acordàbij. - 1) - grantable. - 2) - containing a partitive.
toneable. acòrzësne - vrb 2 nd con. refl. + prn. prt. (pr. \ &c'orz&sne \ ) - to
acordador - n. m. (pr. \ &curd&d'ur \ ) - See acordator. become aware of it /this/etc..
acordadura - n. f. (pr. \ &curd&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. acrédit - n. m. (pr. \ &cr'edit \ ) Inv. at plr. - credit, crediting.
acordadure. - 1) - tuning. See also the terms "ancordadura, See also the term "acreditament ".
acordatura ". - 2) - chord. acreditament - n. m. (pr. \ &credit&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
acordator - n. (pr. \ &curd&t'ur \ . Ms. plr. acordator, fm. sng. credit, crediting. See also the term "acrédit ". - 2) -
and plr. acordatriss, acordatriss. - tuner. See also the accreditation (diplomatic).
terms "ancordador, acordator, ancordator ". acreditant - n. and adj. (pr. \ &credit'&nt \ ) Ms. plr.
acordé - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &curd'e \ ) - 1) - to grant, to acreditant, fm. sng. and plr. acreditanta, acreditante. - 1)
accord. - 2) - to award. - 3) - to arrange. - 4) - to - crediting (adj.). - 2) - crediting party (sbst.).
reconcile. - 5) - to tune (music). See also the term "ancordé acredité - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &credit'e \ ) - 1) - to credt, to
". - 6) - to make agree (grammar). The refl. form assumes give credit to. - 2) - to accredit (diplomatic). The meaning
the following meaning: of the refl. form is the following:
acordésse – vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &curd'ese \ ) - to agree, to acreditésse - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &credit'ese \ ) - to gain
reach an agreement. credit.
acore - vrb 2 nd con. int. (pr. \ &c'ure \ ) - to run, to rush. this acressiment - n. m. (pr. \ &cresim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - increase,
vrb uses the aux. "esse ". See also the term "core ", which enhancement, growth. In piedm. this word is used nearly
can use the aux. "esse " or "avèj " according to its meaning only in science and technique. A common word to see is
(see grammar). "chërsùa ".
acoré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &cur'e \ ) - to wound deeply (in a acril - n. m. (pr. \ &cri'l \ ) At plr. (if any, in case of need) acrij.
moral sense). The refl. form takes the following meaning: - acryl (chemistry).
acorésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &cur'ese \ ) - to grieve. acrilà - n. m. (pr. \ &cril'& \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - acrylate
acorgiment - n. m. (pr. \ &curjim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - (chemistry).
contrivance, device. This word is an italianism to be acrìlich - adj. (pr. \ &cr'ilic \ ) Ms. plr. acrìlich, fm. sng. and
avoided if possible. Other words to see are "astùssia, truch, plr. acrìlica, acrìliche. - acrylic (chemistry).
malìssia, gàbola ". acrimònia - n. f. (pr. \ &crim'oni& \ ) At plr. acrimònie. –
acortëssa - n. f. (pr. \ &curt'&ss& \ ) At plr. acortësse. - acrimony, acridity.
shrewdness. acrìtich - adj. (pr. \ &cr'itic \ ) Ms. plr. acrìtich, fm. sng. and
acorzù - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &curz'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. acorzù, fm. plr. acrìtica, acrìtiche. - dogmatic, wanting in judgement.
sng. and plr. acorzùa, acorzùe. - 1) - shrewd, sagacious. - acrobassìa - n. f. (pr. \ &crub&s'i& \ ) At plr. acrobassìe. -
2) - cautious, wary. - 3) - the word is also p. p. of the verb acrobatics (also in a fig. sense), stunt (flying).
"acòrze " (note that in this work the letter "ò " follows the acrobàtich - adj. (pr. \ &crub'&tic \ ) Ms. plr. acrobàtich, fm.
letter "o ", and they are considered two different letters). As sng. and plr. acrobàtica, acrobàtiche. - acrobatic.
an adj. the word "acòrt " is more common, but in any case acromàtich - adj. (pr. \ &crum'&tic \ ) Ms. plr. acromàtich, fm.
see also the voices "ancorzù, ancòrzse ". sng. and plr. acromàtica, acromàtiche. - achromatic.
acosseur – n. . (pr. \ &cus'[oe]r \ ) Ms. plr. acosseur, fm. sng. acromatism - n. m. (pr. \ &crum&t'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. -
and plr. acosseusa, acosseuse. - 1) - obstetrician, achromatism.

acropì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ &crup'i \ ) - See acropìsse. have reported this voice since it is much more used that the
acropìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &crup'ise \ ) - 1) - to crouch. form "adasi ".
See also the terms "acropì, crupì, angrumlìsse, ancropìsse ". adat - adj. (pr. \ &d'&t \ ) Ms. plr. adat, fm. sng. and plr. adata,
- 2) - to hide (referred to oneself). adate. - suitable, right, fit. See also the voice "convenient "
acròbata - n. (pr. \ &cr'ob&t& \ ) Ms. plr. acròbata, fm. sng. in one of its meanings.
and plr. acròbata, acròbate. - acrobat. adatà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &d&t'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) -
acsan - n. m. (pr. \ &cs'&[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - accent, fitted. - 2) - adapted. - 3) - arranged. See also the voice
pronunciation, voice inflection. Sometimes the word is "conformà ".
used for: - 2) - stress (on words, symbol) but this use is not adatàbil - adj. (pr. \ &d&t'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. adatàbij, fm. sng.
so much correct. See instead the term "acent ". and plr. adatàbil, adatàbij. - adaptable.
acudì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &c[ue]d'i \ ) - to attend, to look adatabilità - n. f. (pr. \ &d&t&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
after (note that in piedm. this verb is trs.). See also the voice fitness. - 2) - adaptability.
"cudì " which is more used. adatament - n. m. (pr. \ &d&t&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - fitting,
acùmul - n. m. (pr. \ &c'[ue]m[ue]l \ ) At plr. acùmuj. - adaptation.
accumulation. See also the most common term adatativ - adj. (pr. \ &d&t&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. adatativ, fm. sng.
"acumulassion ". and plr. adatativa, adatative. - adaptive, adaptative.
acumulàbil - adj. (pr. \ &c'[ue]m[ue]l'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. adatator - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &d&t&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
acumulàbij, fm. sng. and plr. acumulàbil, acumulàbij. - adapter. - 2) - converter (electricity and electronics).
cumulative. See also the term "cumulativ ". adatator - 2) - adj. (pr. \ &d&t&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. adatator, fm.
acumulassion - n. f. (pr. \ &c'[ue]m[ue]l&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. sng. and plr. adatatriss, adatatriss. - adapting.
– accumulation. See also the voices "acùmul, cùmul, adaté - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &d&t'e \ ) - 1) - to fit. - 2) - to
cumulassion ". adapt. - 3) - to arrange (music).
acumulator – n. m. (pr. \ &c'[ue]m[ue]l&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - adatésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &d&t'ese \ ) - 1) - to fit, to
accumulator. suit, to be suitable. - 2) - to resign oneself. - 3) - to adapt
acumulé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &c[ue]m[ue]l'e \ ) - to oneself.
accumulate, to store up. See also the voices "ambaroné, adébit - n. m. (pr. \ &d'ebit \ ) Inv. at plr. - debit, charge.
mugé ", which are not used in technic field. adebitàbil - adj. (pr. \ &debit'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. adebitàbij, fm.
acurà - adj. (pr. \ &c[ue]r'& \ ) - Inv. in gnd. and nr. - accurate, sng. and plr. adebitàbil, adebitàbij. - chargeable.
careful, precise. See also the term "precis ". adebité - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &debit'e \ ) - 1) - to debit, to
acuratëssa - adj. (pr. \ &c[ue]r&t'&ss& \ ) Al plr. acuratësse. - charge. - 2) - to blame, to charge. Vrbl. loc. like "porté a
accuracy, carefulness, precision. See also "precision ". débit "or "dé la colpa " are also frequently used, (lit. "to
acusa - n. f. (pr. \ &c'[ue]z& \ ) At plr. acuse. - accusation, bring to debt " and "to give the guilt " rspy.).
charge, See also the term "acusassion ". adeguàbil - adj. (pr. \ &degu'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. adeguàbij, fm.
acusà - adj. , p. p. and n. (pr. \ &c[ue]z'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. sng. and plr. adeguàbil, adeguàbij. - adaptable,
- 1) - accused, charged (adj. , p. p. ) - 2) - defendant, conformable. See also the terms "adatàbil, conformàbil ".
indictee (sbst.). adeguament - n. m. (pr. \ &degu&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
acusàbil - adj. (pr. \ &c[ue]z'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. acusàbij, fm. sng. adjustment, adaptation. See also the term "adatament ".
and plr. acusàbil, acusàbij. - chargeable. adeguatëssa - n. f. (pr. \ &degu&t'&ss& \ ) At plr. adeguatësse.
acusassion - n. f. (pr. \ &c[ue]z&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - See - adequacy, adequateness. This word is seldom used. See
acusa. also the voices "adatament, conformità " and consider that
acusator - adj. and n. (pr. \ &c[ue]z&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. acusator, often different sbst. loc. are used.
fm. sng. and plr. acusatriss, acusatriss. - 1) - accusing adegué - vrb. 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &degu'e \ ) - to adjust, to adapt,
(adj.). - 2) - indictor, prosecutor (law). - 3) - accuser to conform. The word is not very much used. See the other
(sbst.). terms "adaté, proporsioné, conformé ".
acusatòri - adj. (pr. \ &c[ue]z&t'ori \ ) Ms. plr. acusatòri, fm. adempì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &demp'i \ ) - to fulfil, to
sng. and plr. acusatòria, acusatòrie. - 1) - accusatory. - 2) - accomplish, to carry out, to perform. The refl. form
accusatorial (law). assumes, in piedm., the meaning reported at the voice
acusé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &c[ue]z'e \ ) - 1) - to accuse, to "adempìsse ".
charge. See also "ancolpé, ancriminé ". - 2) – to adempìbil - adj. (pr. \ &demp'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. adempibij, fm.
acknowledge (e. g. "acusé arseiviment ëd ..." means "to sng. and plr. adempibil, adempibij. - performable.
acknowledge receipt of...". - 3) - to complain (of) (e. g. adempiment - n. m. (pr. \ &dempim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
"acusé un dolor " means " to complain of a pain "). fulfilment, accomplishment, execution.
acut - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &c'[ue]t \ ) Inv. at plr. - high note (only adempìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &demp'ise \ ) - to come true.
musical and fig.). adend - n. m. (pr. \ &d'ænd \ ) Inv. at plr. - addend.
acut - 2) - adj. (pr. \ &c'[ue]t \ ) - See aùss. adenìte - n. f. (pr. \ &den'ite \ ) Inv. at plr. - adenitis.
acutëssa - n. f. (pr. \ &c[ue]t'&ss& \ ) At plr. (if any) acutësse. - adenopatìa - n. f. (pr. \ &denup&t'i& \ ) At plr. adenopatìe. -
1) - acuteness, sharpness. - 2) - height (music). adenopathy.
Adam – n. m. (pr. \ &d'&m \ ) Inv. at a not so probable plr. - adenòid - adj. (pr. \ &den'oid \ ) Ms. plr. adenòid, fm. sng. and
Adam. plr. adenòida, adenòide. - adenoid.
adamìtich - adj. (pr. \ &d&m'itic \ ) Ms. plr. adamìtich, fm. adenòide - n. f. (pr. \ &den'oid \ ) Inv. at plr. - adenoid,
sng. and plr. adamìtica, adamìtiche. - adamitical. The adenoids.
piedm. loc. "an costum adamìtich " is equivalent to the adenòma - n. m. (pr. \ &den'om& \ ) Inv. at plr. - adenoma.
english one "in one's birthday suit ". adentadura - n. f. (pr. \ &dent&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. adentadure.
adàsi - 1) – ad. (pr. \ &d'&zi \ ) - 1) - slowly. - 2) - softly. - 3) - - slotting (carpentry). A better piedm. term to see is
cautiously. "mortasadura ".
adasi - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ &d'&zi \ ) - adagio (music). adenté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &dent'e \ ) - 1) - to bite. In this
adasiòt - adv. (pr. \ &d&zi'ot \ ) - 1) - slowly. - 2) - softly. - 3) – meaning the term is an italianism. A better piedm. term to
cautiously. Similar to "adasi " but in a diminutive form. We see is "mòrde ", and some vrbl. loc. very used like e. g.
"pianté ij dent " lit. "to thrust the teeth ". - 2) - to mortise,

to mortice (carpentry). Italianism. A better piedm. term to adissionàbil - adj. (pr. \ &disiun'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. adissionàbij,
see is "mortasé ". fm. sng. and plr. adissionàbil, adissionàbij. - addable,
adentelà - n. m. (pr. \ &dentel'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - toothing addible (mathematics).
(architecture). - 2) - connection (in a fig. sense). adissional - 1) - adj. (pr. \ &disiun'&l \ ) Ms. plr. adissionaj,
adenteladura - n. f. - (pr. \ &dentel&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. fm. sng. and plr. adissional, adissionaj. - 1) - additional
adenteladure. - toothing (atchitecture). (also mathematics). - 2) - supplementary, extra.
adentelé - vrb 1st con. trs. - (pr. \ &dentel'e \ ) - to leave teeth adissional - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ &disiun'&l \ ) At plr. adissionaj. -
(architecture). addition, additional tax.
adentrésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &dæntr'ese \ ) - to penetrate, adissiuonatriss - n. f. (pr. \ &disiun&tr'is \ ) Inv. at plr. - adder,
to go inside (deeply). additional machine.
aderensa - n. f. (pr. \ &der'æ[ng]s& \ ) - At plr. aderense. - 1) - adissioné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &disiun'e \ ) - to add, to sum,
adhesion. - 2) - agreement (in a fig. sense). - 3) - to cast. See also the terms "agionze, gionze, somé, gionté ".
acceptance (in a fig. sense). - 4) - bond tie. - 5) - aditiv - 1) - adj. (pr. \ &dit'iu \ ) Ms. plr. aditiv, fm. sng. and plr.
adherence, support. aditiva, aditive. - additive.
aderent – adj. and n. (pr. \ &der'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. aderent, fm. aditiv - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ &dit'iu \ ) Inv. at plr. - additive
sng. and plr. aderenta, aderente. - 1) - adherent (adj.). - 2) (chemistry).
- agreeing (adj. in a fig. sense). - 3) - acceptant (adj. in a aditività - n. f. (pr. \ &ditivit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - additivity.
fig. sense). -. 4) - clinging, close-fitting (adj.). - 5) - admëtte – vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ &dm'&tte \ ) - 1) - to admit. -
adhering, supporting (adj. in a fig. sense). - 6) - supporter 2) - to allow. See also the most common voice "amëtte ".
(sbst. in a fig. sense). adobé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &dub'e \ ) - to decorate, to deck
aderì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ &der'i \ ) - 1) - to adhere. - 2) - to out. See also the voice "dobé ". The refl. form takes the
agree. - 3) - to accept. - 4) - to adhere, to support, to join. following meaning:
In any case it used the aux. "avèj ". adobésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &dub'ese \ ) - to deck oneself
adesion - n. f. (pr. \ &dezi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - adhesion out, to dress up, to dress oneself for the feast. See also the
(also in fig. sense). - 2) - agreement. - 3) - acceptance. - 4) voice "dobésse ".
- adherence, support. adocé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &du[ch]'e \ ) - to eye, to cath sight
adesiv. - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &dez'iu \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - adhesive, of... . See also the voices "aducé, docé ".
sticker. - 2) - glue. In this meaning see also the term "còla ". adolessensa - n. f. (pr. \ &dules'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. (if any)
adesiv. - 2) - adj. (pr. \ &dez'iu \ ) Ms. plr. adesiv, fm. sng. and adolessense. - adolescence, teens. See also the voice
plr. adesiva, adesive. - adhesive, self-sticking. "chërsùa ".
adesività - n. f. (pr. \ &dezivit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - adhesiveness. adolessent - adj. and n. (pr. \ &dules'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. adolessent,
adéss - adv. (pr. \ &d'es \ ) - now. fm. sng. and plr. adolessenta, adolessente. - 1) -
adésse - vrb 1 st con. refl. (pr. \ &d'es \ ) - to become aware, to adolescent, teenage (adj.). - 2) - teenager (sbst.). See also
understant, to notice, to ralize. See also the voices the voice "fiolòt ", diminutive of "fieul ".
"acòrzësse, antajésse ". adolorà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &dulur'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
adestràbil - adj. (pr. \ &destr'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. adestràbij, fm. sorrowful, sorry. Italianism. More piedm. words are
sng. and plr. adestràbil, adestràbij. - trainable. "anmagonà, sagrinà ".
adestrament - n. m. (pr. \ &destr&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - Adolorà (l'---) - n. f. (pr. \ l &dulur'& \ ) Only sng., but in any
training. case inv. - Our Lady of Sorrows.
adestrator - n. m. (pr. \ &destr&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - trainer. adoloré - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &dulur'e \ ) - to pain, to grieve,
adestré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &destr'e \ ) - to train, to drill. to cause suffering (to). A better way of expressing this
adét - adj. and n. . (pr. \ &d'et \ ) Ms. plr. adét, fm. sng. and plr. meaning in piedm. usually is to use the vrbl. loc. "fé sagriné
adéta, adéte. - 1) - assigned, employed (adj.). See also the ". See also the term "sagriné ", for the following refl. form:
term "destinà " as a better one. - 2) - employee, agent adolorésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &dulur'ese \ ) - See
(sbst.). - 3) - attaché (sbst. diplomatic). sagrinésse.
adiabàtica - n. f. (pr. \ &di&b'&tic& \ ) At plr. adiabàtiche. - Adon - n. m. (pr. \ &d'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at a mnot probable plr. -
adiabat, adiabatic line. (physics). Adonis (noun of prs).
adiabàtich - adj. (pr. \ &di&b'&tic \ ) Ms. plr. adiabàtich, fm. adoràbil - adj. (pr. \ &dur'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. adoràbij, fm. sng.
sng. and plr. adiabàtica, adiabàtiche. - adiabatic (physics). and plr. adoràbil, adoràbij. - adorable.
adiacensa - n. f. (pr. \ &di&[ch]'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. adiacense. - adorassion - n. f. (pr. \ &dur&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
1) - adiacency. - 2) - surroundings. In this meaning a better adoration, worship.
piedm. word to see is "anviron ". adorator - n. (pr. \ &dur&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. adorator, fm. sng. and
adiacent - adj. (pr. \ &di&[ch]'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. adiacent, fm. plr. adoratriss, adoratriss. - worshipper.
sng. and plr. adiacenta, adiacente. - adjacent. This word is adoré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &dur'e \ ) - to adore, to worship.
nearly only used in geometry. For all the other used see also adoss - n. m. (pr. \ &d'us \ ) Inv. at plr. - spring, source (of
the terms "davzin, tacà, aranda (a randa), etc. " water).
adieu! - excl. (pr. \ &di'[oe] \ ) - goodbye, farewell. See also the adossé - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &dus'e \ ) - 1) - to put against, to
terms "adiù, adiutus ". lean, to put in contact. - 2) - to lay, to saddle with, to
adimensional - adj. (pr. \ &dimæ[ng]siun'&l \ ) Ms. plr. burden with. - 3) - to ascribe, to charge. The following
adimensionaj, fm. sng. and plr. adimensional, refl. form takes the meanings:
adimensionaj. - adimensional (physics). adossésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &dus'ese \ ) - 1) - to lean, to
adiritura - adv. (pr. \ &dirit'[ue]r& \ ) - 1) - even. - 2) - right lean against. - 2) - to crowd. - 3) - to take upon oneself, to
away. In this form the word is an italianism (quite used, saddle oneself.
anyway). See also the most correct forms "adritura, diritura, adossì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &dus'i \ ) - 1) - to sweeten. - 2) -
dritura, gnentemeno che ". to soften, to mitigate (in a fig. sense)- See also the voices
adission - n. m. (pr. \ &disi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - adding. - "andossì, ansucré ".
2) - addition, cast, sum, add. adossion - n. f. (pr. \ &dusi'u[ng] \ ) - Inv. at plr. - adoption.
adotàbil - adj. (pr. \ &dut'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. adotàbij, fm. sng.
and plr. adotàbil, adotàbij. - adoptable.

adoté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &dut'e \ ) -1) - to adopt. See also adulésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &d[ue]l'ese \ ) - to delude
the better voices "afiolì, anfiolì ". - 2) - to utilize, to oneself, to deceive oneself.
employ. adùlter - adj. and n. (pr. \ &d'[ue]ltær \ ) Ms. plr. adùlter, fm.
adotiv - adj. (pr. \ &dut'iu \ ) Ms. plr. adotiv, fm. sng. and plr. sng. and plr. adùltera, adùltere. - 1) - adulterous (adj.) - 2)
adotiva, adotive. - adoptive. - adulterer /adulteress (sbst.).
adotorament - n. m. (pr. \ &dutur&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - adulteràbil - adj. (pr. \ &d[ue]lter'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. adulteràbij,
conferment of a degree. See also the term "dotorament ". fm. sng. and plr. adulteràbil, adulteràbij. - capable of
adotoré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &dutur'e \ ) - to confer a degree. adulteration. Italianism, a better voice to see is "faussàbil ".
See also the term "dotoré ". adulterassion - n. f. (pr. \ &d[ue]lter&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
adotorésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &dutur'ese \ ) - to graduate, adulteration, contamination. Italianism, see also the word
to take a degree. See also the term "dotorésse". "faussament ".
adòb - n. m. (pr. \ &d'ob \ ) Inv. at plr. - decoration, adulteré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &d[ue]lter'e \ ) - to adulterate,
adornment, ornament. to contaminate, to tamper. Italianism. A better voice to see
adòss - adv. (pr. \ &d'os \ ) - on, on one's shoulders, on one's is "faussé " and in the case of wine "tajé ". A term easily
back, on the body, in the body. As an example: "avèj used is "pacioché " having value of "to bungle, to make a
adòss la responsabilità " = "to have on one's back the mess ".
responsibility ". adulteri - n. m. (pr. \ &d[ue]lt'eri \ ) Inv. at plr. - adultery.
adòss a... - prp. loc. (pr. \ &d'os & \ ) - close to, very close to. adulterin - adj. (pr. \ &d[ue]lter'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. adulterin, fm.
Often it is used in a fig. sense, like: "sté adòss (a quaidun) sng. and plr. adulterin-a, adulterin-e. - adulterine.
"= "to press (sb). " and also "dé adòss a quaidun " = "to adussion - n. f. (pr. \ &d[ue]si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - adduction
attack (sb.) " and still "avèj adòss la camisa " = "to wear the (anatomy, technique)
shirt ". adutor - adj. and n. (pr. \ &d[ue]t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. adutor, fm. sng.
adrenalin-a - n. f. (pr. \ &dren&l'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. (if any) and plr. adutriss, adutriss. - 1) - adducent (adj.). - 2) -
adrenalin-e. - adrenalin (chemistry). adductor (sbst.).
adressa - n. f. (pr. \ &dr'es& \ ) At plr. adresse. - 1) - address. adutrinàbil - adj. (pr. \ &d[ue]trin'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. adutrinàbij,
See also the voice "dressa ", and the italianism quite used fm. sng. and plr. adutrinàbil, adutrinàbij. - indoctrinable.
"indiriss ". - 2) - skill, ability, cleverness (in a fig. sense). See also the voice "dutrinàbil ".
adressari - n. m. (pr. \ &dres'&ri \ ) Inv. at plr. - mailing list, adutrinament - n. m. (pr. \ &d[ue]trin&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
address book. indoctrination. See also the voice "dutrinamentl ".
adressé - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &dres'e \ ) - to address, to send, adutriné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &d[ue]trin'e \ ) - to
to direct. See also the less used term "dressé ", and the indoctrinate. See also the term "dutriné ". The refl. form
italianism quite used "indirissé ". assumes the following meaning:
adrét - adj. (pr. \ &dr'et \ ) Ms. plr. adrét, fm. sng. and plr. adutrinésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &d[ue]trin'ese \ ) - to learn
adreta, adrete. - able, skilled, shrewd, sagacious ". (used in a teasing sense). See also the term "dutrinésse ".
Adrian - n. m. (pr. \ &dri'&[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any) - Adrian. aduve - vrb 2 nd con. trs. (pr. \ &d'[ue]e \ ) - See adùe.
Adrian-a - n. f. (pr. \ &dri'&[ng]& \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any) - advent - n. m. (pr. \ &dv'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - Advent
Adriane. (religion). - 2) - accession. See also the term "avent ".
Adriàtich - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &dri'&tic \ ) Being a sea, we have adverb - n. m. (pr. \ &dv'ærb \ ) Inv. at plr. - adverb. See also
only one, so it is only sng. If insome casess a plr. is needed, the terms "averb, averbi ".
this name is anyway inv. - Adriatic. adversità - n. f. (pr. \ &dværsit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - adversity. See
adriàtich - 2) - adj. (pr. \ &dri'&tic \ ) Ms. plr. adriàtich, fm. also the term "aversità ".
sng. and plr. adriàtica, adriàtiche. - adriatic. aerà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &er'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - aired,
adritura - adv. (pr. \ &drit'[ue]r& \ ) - 1) - even. - 2) - ventilated, airy. Mainly used as an adj. and hardly as a p. p.
absolutely, quite. See also the term "dritura ", and the adv. since the related verb "aeré " is an italianism. See also the
loc. "gnentemeno che ". Also the italianism "adiritura " is term "ariegià, ventilà "
sometimes used. aerator - n. m. (pr. \ &er&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - aerator.
adsadéss - adv. (pr. \ &ds&d'es \ ) - right now, just now, in a aerassion - n. f. (pr. \ &er&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - airing,
moment. See also the voice "aciadéss ". ventilation. - 2) - aeration (chemistry). See also the term
adsurbì - vrb 3rd con trs. (pr. \ &ds[ue]rb'i \ ) - to adsorbe "ventilassion ".
(chemistry). See also the voice "assòrbe ". aeré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &er'e \ ) - 1) - to air, to ventilate. -
adsurbiment - n. m. (pr. \ &ds[ue]rbim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 2) - to aerate (chemistry). See also the more piedm. terms
adsorption (chemistry). "ariegé, ventilé " and the vrbl. loc. "dé ària, cambié ària ".
adùe - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ &d'[ue]e \ ) - 1) - to adduct. - 2) - aereo... - 1) - prefix. (pr. \ &ereu... \ ) - air... Sometimes in
to adduce, to bring forward. In this latter sense is quite an piedm. this prefix is used instead of the prefix "aero...", and
italianism. Sometimes also "aduve ". the two are often inter changeable. Here only some example,
adulassion - n. f. (pr. \ &d[ue]l&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - since usually it is very easy, starting from the main part of
flattery. See also the more piedm. term "flatarìa ". the word, catching the meaning of the related term with the
adulator - n. (pr. \ &d[ue]l&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. adulator, fm. sng. prefix "aereo... ".
and plr. adulatriss, adulatriss. - flatterer. See also the most aereo - 2) - adj. (pr. \ &'ereô \ ) Ms. plr. aereo, fm. sng. and plr.
piedm. term "flateur ". aerea, aeree. - aerial. In many piedm. words the final "o"
adulatòri - adj. (pr. \ &d[ue]l&t'ori \ ) Ms. plr. adulatòri, fm. sounds simply \ u \ but in this word and others coming from
sng. and plr. adulatòria, adulatòrie. - flattering. This is an Italian, or in some scientific words, the sound is in between
italianism. In Piedm. a better term could be "flatatòri ", but the \ o \ and the \ u \.
usually different adj. loc. are used like "ch'a flata " = "which aereo - 3) - n. m. (pr. \ &'ereô \ ) Inv. at plr. - airplane, aircraft.
flattes ". E. g. "a flattering speech " can be translated into See also the terms "aeroplan, avion, areoplan ".
"un dëscors ch'a flata ". aereoplan - n. m. (pr. \ &ereupl'&[ng] \ ) - Inv. at plr. -
adulé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &d[ue]l'e \ ) - to flatter. See also airplane, aircraft. See also the terms "aeroplan, avion,
the more piedm. term "flaté ". The refl. form assumes the areo ".
particular following meaning: aereopòrt - n. m. (pr. \ &ereup'ort \ ) - See aeropòrt.

aereostassion - n. f. (pr. \ &ereust&si'u[ng] \ ) - See afacendament - n. m. - (pr. \ &f&[ch]ænd&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr.
aerostassion. - bustle, stir.
aereotassì -n. m. (pr. \ &ereut&s'i \ ) - See aerotassì. afacendésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &f&[ch]ænd'ese \ ) - to be
aero... – prefix. (pr. \ &eru... \ ) - As in Italian and in French (as busy. See also the very used vrbl. loc. "désse da fé ", or
in other languages), also in Piedm. there are many words "esse an facende ", with a respective lit. translation "to give
starting with this prefix. Usually in English the oneself to do ", and "to be in works ".
corresponding prefix is "air..." or still "aero... " or the afacé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &f&[ch]'e \ ) - to put in front. This
separate adj. "aerial " is used. Here we do not report all the word in a general sense is an italianism and it is only used to
possible words making use of this prefix, since it is possible indicate the action of putting two pieces one in front of the
to catch the meaning by looking at the second part of the other to control the correct shape or dimension. The p. p. is
word. We only list some of the most common words. As we also used as an adj. (see "afacià ".). The refl. form has the
have already remarked, sometimes the prefix "aereo... " is following meaning:
used instead of "aero...". afacésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &f&[ch]'ese \ ) - to appear at...
aeroclub - n. m. (pr. \ &erucl'[ue]b \ ) Inv. at plr. - flying club. For example the loc. "to appear at the window " is translated
aerodinàmica - n. f. (pr. \ &erudin'&mic& \ ) At plr. (if any) into "afcésse a la fnestra ". The word is quite an italianism.
aerodinàmiche. - aerodynamics. In Piedm. expressions are preferred like "butésse a... " = "to
aerodinàmich - adj. (pr. \ &erudin'&mic \ ) Ms. plr. put oneself at..." or "fesse a... " (lit. "to do oneself at..."
aerodinàmich, fm. sng. and plr. aerodinàmica, having value "to come (or to go) at..."). The active form
aerodinàmiche. - 1) - aerodynamic. - 2) - stream-lined. "afacé " is not used in this sense (see this voice).
aerofusëtta - n. m. (pr. \ &eruf[ue]z'&tt& \ ) Inv. at plr. - afacià - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &f&[ch]i'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
rocket-plane. put in front.
aerofotografìa - n. f. (pr. \ &erufutugr&f'i& \ ) At plr. afàit - adv. (pr. \ &f'&it \ ) - completely, quite. See also the
aerofotografìe. - aerial photography. voice "d'autut (autut : d'---) ", used in particular dor the
aerofotogràfich - adj. (pr. \ &erufutugr'&fic \ ) Ms. plr. negation ("not at all " is translated into "nèn d'autut ").
aerofotogràfich, fm. sng. and plr. aerofotogràfica, afaité - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &f&it'e \ ) - 1) - to accustom, to
aerofotogràfiche. - aerophotographic. inure, to make (sb.)used. See also the terms "abitué,
aerofren - n. m. (pr. \ &erufr'æ[ng]\ ) Inv. at plr. - air-brake. costumé ". - 2) - to tan (hides). See also the voice "faité ".
aerologìa - n. f. (pr. \ &eruluj'i& \ ) At plr. (when possible) The refl. form has the following meaning:
aerologìe. - aerology (meteorology). afaitésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &f&it'ese \ ) - to get
aeromodelism - n. m. (pr. \ &erumudel'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. (if accustomed, to get used, to accustom oneself.
any). - model aircraft flying. This is an italianism (even if afaitor - n. (pr. \ &f&it'ur \ ) Ms. plr. afaitor, fm. sng. and plr.
quite used) since in Piedm. it is better to use the loc. afaitòira, afaitòire. - tanner (hides).
"modelism aereo" that keeps separate the two words. afaitura - n. f. (pr. \ &f&it'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. afaiture. - tanning
aeroplan - n. m. (pr. \ &erupl'&[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - airplane, (hides).
aircraft. See also the terms "aereoplan, avion, aereo, afaj - n. f. . (pr. \ &f'&y \ ) Inv. at plr. - fairy. See also the voice
areoplan ". The latter is a common used word even if it "faja ".
seems not correctly written. afamà - adj., n. and p. p. (pr. \ &f&m'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
aeropòrt - n. m. (pr. \ &erup'ort \ ) Inv. at plr. - airport. See 1) - starving (adj.), starved (p. p.) - 2) - eager, hungry (adj.
also the term "aereopòrt ". also in a fig. sense). - 3) - hungry person, the hungry
aerostassion - n. f. (pr. \ &erust&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - air (sbst.).
terminal. afamador - n. (pr. \ &f&m&d'ur \ ) Ms. plr. afamator, fm. sng.
aerostàtica - n. f. (pr. \ &erust'&tic& \ ) At plr. (if any) and plr. afamadòira, afamadòire. - starver.
aerostàtiche. - aerostatics. afamé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &f&m'e \ ) - to starve.
aerostàtich - adj. (pr. \ &erust'&tic \ ) Ms. plr. aerostàtich, fm. afanà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &f&n'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) -
sng. and plr. aerostàtica, aerostàtiche. - aerostatic, breathless. A loc. very used is "con ël fià curt " having
aerostatical. value "with short breath ". - 2) - troubled, worried.
aerotassì - n. m. (pr. \ &erut&s'i \ ) Inv. at plr. - air taxi, taxi afané - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &f&n'e \ ) - 1) - to leave
plane. See also the loc. "avion tassì ". breathless. - 2) - to trouble. The refl. form has the
aerotraspòrt - n. m. (pr. \ &erutr&sp'ort \ ) Inv. at plr. - air following meaning :
transport. afanésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &f&n'ese \ ) - 1) - to worry.
aeròlogh - n. (pr. \ &er'olug \ ) Ms. plr. aeròlogh, fm. sng. and See also the term "agitésse ". - 2) - to busy oneself.
plr. aeròloga, aeròloghe. - aerologist. afann - n. m. (pr. \ &f'&n \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - breathlessness. -
aeròmeter - n. m. (pr. \ &er'ometær \ ) Inv. at plr. - aerometer. 2) - worry, trouble. See also the terms "arsaj, anvìa ".
aeròstat - n. m. (pr. \ &er'ost&t \ ) Inv. at plr. - aeròstat. afann (con ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ cu[ng] &f'&n \ ) - 1) - with
afàbil - adj. (pr. \ &f'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. afàbij, fm. sng. and plr. difficulty. - 2) - anxiously. See also the bad italianism
afàbil, afàbij. - affable, kindly. "afanosament ", sometime used.
afabilità - n. f. (pr. \ &f&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - affability, afanos - adj. (pr. \ &f&n'uz \ ) Ms. plr. afanos, fm. sng. and plr.
kindness. afanosa, afanose. - 1) - laboured (breath). - 2) - anxious,
afabilment - adv. (pr. \ &f&bilm'ænt \ ) - in a kindly way. troubled.
Nearly all the adv. ending in "ment..." this is an italianism to afanosament - adv. (pr. \ &f&nuz&m'ænt \ ) - See afann (con -
be avoided, even if it can be found. It is better to use the adj. --).
"afàbil " as an adv., or an adv. loc. like "an manera afàbil ", afarà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &f&r'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
whose meaning is just "in a kindly way ". blushed, inflammed, with reddened cheeks.
afacendà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &f&[ch]ænd'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. afaré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &f&r'e \ ) - 1) - to inflame, to set
and nr. – busy. The p. p. should be of the vrb "afacendé " on fire. - 2) - to excite (in a fig. sense). The refl. form
which is not used in practiceand which could have a value of "afarésse " (see below) stands for :
"to engage ". The refl. form has the meaning reported afarésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &f&r'ese \ ) - 1) - to inflame
below: oneself. - 2) - to excite oneself (in a fig. sense).

afarism - n. m. (pr. \ &f&r'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - profiteering, afidabilità - n. f. (pr. \ &fid&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - reliability.
speculation, unscrupulous business dealing. afidament - n. m. (pr. \ &fid&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
afarista - n. (pr. \ &f&r'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. afarista, fm. sng. and assurance, trust, confidence. - 2) - the juridical figure of
plr. afarista, afariste. - profiteer, speculator. entrusting a child to a family for helping him in growing.
afarìstich - adj. (pr. \ &f&r'istic \ ) Ms. plr. afaristich, fm. sng. afidé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &fid'e \ ) - to entrust. See also the
and plr. afaristica, afaristiche. - speculative. voice "fidé ".
afarùcio - n. m. (pr. \ &f&r'[ue][ch]iu \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - small afidésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &fid'ese \ ) - to trust to.
person. - 2) - little thing. - 3) - little business. This word is afilà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &fil'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) -
a diminutive of "afé ", but the main meaning is different. sharp (adj.). - 2) - sharpened, whetted (adj and p. p. ). See
afé - n. m. (pr. \ &f'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - transaction, bargain, also the most used terms "molà, arfilà ". - 3) - thin (in a fig.
deal. - 2) - business. - 3) - affair, concern. - 4) - thing, sense - adj.).
gadget, contraption. afiladura - n. f. (pr. \ &fil&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. afiladure. -
afél - n. m. (pr. \ &f'el \ ) At plr. (if any) aféj. - 1) - bile, gall. - sharpening, whetting. See also the most used voice "fil ".
2) - acrimony (in a fig. sense). - 3) - gall bladder (popular). afilé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &fil'e \ ) - to sharpen, to whet. A
afermàbil - adj. (pr. \ &færm'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. afermàbij, fm. better piedm. term is "molé ". The refl. form has in general
sng. and plr. afermàbil, afermàbij. - assertable, the fig. meaning that follows:
affirmable. afilésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &fil'ese \ ) - to become thin.
afermassion - n. f. (pr. \ &færm&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - afilià - adj. , n. and p. p. (pr. \ &fili'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
assertion, affirmation. - 2) - performance, achievement. associated, affiliated (related to companies and
afermé - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &færm'e \ ) - to assert, to affirm, organizations).
to state. In the refl. form the meaning is the following: afiliassion - n. f. (pr. \ &fili&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - affiliation
afermésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &færm'ese \ ) - to assert (in Piedm. only referred to companies and organizations).
oneself, to make oneself known. afilié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &fili'e \ ) - to affiliate (related to
afesne - vrb 1st con. refl. + ptv. prn. (pr. \ &f'esne \ ) - See aféss- companies and organizations). The refl. form has usually the
ne. following meaning:
afésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &f'ese \ ) - to accustom oneself, afiliésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &fili'ese \ ) - to join, to become
to adapt oneself. See below the meaning of the derived vrb member.
"aféss-ne ". afinàbil - adj. (pr. \ &fin'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. afinàbij, fm. sng. and
afession - n. f. (pr. \ &fesi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - affection, plr. afinàbil, afinàbij. - that can be refined, perfectible. See
fondness, love. also the term "arfinàbil ".
afessioné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &fesiun'e \ ) - to instil a liking afinàgi - n. m. (pr. \ &fin'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - sharpening. -
for. The refl. form has the following meaning: 2) - refinement. See also the terms "arfinagi, arfinassion ".
afessionésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &fesiun'ese \ ) - to grow afiné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &fin'e \ ) - 1) - to sharpen. - 2) - to
fond. refine. See also the terms "arfiné, molé ".
aféss-ne - vrb 1st con. refl. + ptv. prn. (pr. \ &f'esne \ ) - 1) - to afiolé - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &fiul'e \ ) - to adopt (a child), to
become aware (of st.), to notice. - 2) - to be offended. take a child as one's ward. See also the terms "afiolì,
Sometimes also in the graphy "afesne ". anfiolì ".
afét - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &f'et \ ) Inv. at plr. - affection. See also the afiolì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &fiul'i \ ) - See afiolé.
term "grinor ". afiss - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &f'is \ ) - Inv. at plr. - poster, notice, bill.
afét - 2) - adj. (pr. \ &f'et \ ) Ms. plr. afét, fm. sng. and plr. See also the term "tilet ".
afeta, afete. - afflicted, infected. The term is an italianism afiss - 2) - adj. (pr. \ &f'is \ ) Ms. plr. afiss, fm. sng. and plr.
that can be found. Correcly, loc. like "malavi ëd ..." or afissa, afisse. - posted up.
"ciapà da ..." are used, with lit. meaning rspy. of "ill of ..." afissagi - n. m. (pr. \ &fis'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - posting, bill-
or "taken by ..." are used. posting. See also the terms "afission, amplacura, amplacagi
afetà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &fet'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - ".
affected, artificial. - 2) - simpering, campy. - 3) - afission - n. f. (pr. \ &fisi'u[ng] \ ) - See afissagi.
ostentatious, boasted. afit - n. m. (pr. \ &f'it \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - lease. - 2) - rent. See
afetassion - n. f. (pr. \ &fet&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - affectation, also the terms "fit, afitament ".
boasting. See also the better terms "blaga, sagna ". afitament - n. m. (pr. \ &fit&m'ænt \ ) - See afit.
afeté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &fet'e \ ) - to affect. afité - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &fit'e \ ) - to rent, to lease. See also
afetiv - adj. (pr. \ &fet'iu \ ) Ms. plr. afetiv, fm. sng. and plr. "fité, logé ".
afetiva, afetive. - affective. afitàu - n. m. (pr. \ &fit'&u \ ) Inv. at plr. - tenant, renter. The
afetività - n. f. (pr. \ &fetivit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - affectivity. noun is only ms. See also the terms "afitàvol, fitàvol, afitor,
afetuos - adj. (pr. \ &fet[ue]'uz \ ) Ms. plr. afetuos, fm. sng. and fitor ".
plr. afetuosa, afetuose. - affectionate, fond, loving. See afitàvol - n. (pr. \ &fit'&wul \ ) Ms. plr. afitàvoj, fm. sng. and
also the voice "puss ". plr. afitàvola, afitàvole. - tenant, renter. See also the terms
afetuosament - adv. (pr. \ &fet[ue]uz&m'ænt \ ) - "afitàu, fitàvol, afitor, fitor ".
affectionately, lovingly. As nearly all the adv. in "...ment ", afitor - n. (pr. \ &fit'ur \ ) Ms. plr. afitor, fm. sng. and plr.
also this one is an italianism to be avoided. Usually the adv. afitòira, afitòire. - tenant, renter. See also the terms
loc. "con afét " = "with affection " is used. "afitàu, fitàvol, afitàvol, fitor ". Note the particular fm.
afiaté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &fi&t'e \ ) - to make (sb.) get on aflige - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ &fl'ije \ ) - to afflict, to torment.
well together. The term is an italianism, see also the better terms and loc.
afiatésse - vrb 1 st con. refl. (recp.) (pr. \ &fi&t'ese \ ) - to get on "sagriné, fé sagriné ".
well together. afligg-se - vrb 2 nd con. refl. (pr. \ &fl'ijse \ ) - to distress oneself.
afibié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &fibi'e \ ) - 1) - to give, to let fly. . The term is an italianism, see also the better term
In this meaning see also the better piedm. voice "arfilé ". - "sagrinésse ".
2) - to buckle. See also the voices "ambocolé, amboclé ". aflission - n. f. (pr. \ &flisi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - affliction,
afidàbil - adj. (pr. \ &fid'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. afidàbij, fm. sng. and distress. The term is quite an italianism, see also the better
plr. afidàbil, afidàbij. - reliable. terms "sagrin, magon ".

afluensa - n. f. (pr. \ &fl[ue]'æ[ng]s& \ ) - At plr. afluense. - 1) - afrancator - n. m. (pr. \ &fr&[ng]c&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
flow. - 2) - crowd. liberator. - 2) -redeemer.
afluent - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &fl[ue]'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - tributary. afrancatriss - n. f. (pr. \ &fr&[ng]c&tr'is \ ) Inv. at plr. -
See also the term "provan-a ". stamping-machine.
afluent - 2) - adj. (pr. \ &fl[ue]'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. afluent, fm. sng. afranché - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &fr&[ng]k'e \ ) - 1) - to free, to
and plr. afluenta, afluente. - tributary. set free, to release. See also the voices "afranchì, liberé,
afluì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ &fl[ue]'i \ ) - to flow, to pour in. It delivré ". - 2) - to stamp, to frank. See also the vrbl. loc.
uses the aux. "esse ". "buté 'l francobol ", having value "to put the stamp ". The
àfni(o) - n. m. (pr. \ '&fni(ô) \ ) Chemical element - hafnium. In refl. form is only related to the first meaning, and is an usual
case of plr. it is inv. refl. form, with usual refl. meaning.
afoà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &fu'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - afranchì - vrb 3 rd con. trs. (pr. \ &fr&[ng]k'i \ ) - 1) - to free, to
burning, fiery, red-hot. See also the more common term set free, to release. See also the voices "afranché, liberé,
"foà ". delivré ". The refl. form, in this case, changes its meaning:
afocal - adj. (pr. \ &fuc'&l \ ) Ms. plr. afocaj, fm. sng. and plr. afranchìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &fr&[ng]k'ise \ ) - to take
afocal, afocaj. - afocal. heart again. to pluck up courage.
afoé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &fu'e \ ) - to burn, to make red-hot. afresch - n. m. (pr. \ &fr'æsc \ ) Inv. at plr. - fresco. See also the
See also the term "foé ". term "frësca ".
afogament - n. m. (pr. \ &fug&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - drowning. afrësché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &fr&sk'e \ ) - to fresco. See also
See also the term "fogament ". the voice "frësché ".
afoghé - vrb 1st con. int. and trs. (pr. \ &fug'e \ ) - to drown. afrëscheur - n. (pr. \ &fr&sk'[oe]r \ ) Ms. plr. afrëscheur, fm.
See alsdo the term "foghé ". If int. it used the aux. "esse ", sng. and plr. afrëscheusa, afrëscheuse. - fresco painter.
and ir trs. it uses the aux. "avèj ". afrì - adj. (pr. \ &fr'i \ ) Ms. plr. afrì, fm. sng. and plr. afrìa,
afojadura - n. f. (pr. \ &fuy&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. afojadure. - afrìe. - afflicted, dejected.
the numbering of pages. See also the term "fojadura ". Africa - n. f. (pr. \ '&fric& \ ) At plr. (if any) Afriche. - Africa.
afojé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &fuy'e \ ) - to number pages. See african - adj. and n. (pr. \ &fric'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. african, fm.
also the term "fojé ". sng. and plr. african-a, african-e. - african.
afon - adj. (pr. \ '&fu[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. àfon, fm. sng. and plr. afront - n. m. (pr. \ &fr'unt \ ) Inv. at plr. - affront, insult.
àfon-a, àfon-e. - aphonic. See also the more usual term afronté - vrb 1st con. trs. . (pr. \ &frunt'e \ ) - to confront, to
"ansarì ". face, to tackle.
afond - n. m. (pr. \ &f'und \ ) Inv. at plr. - lunge (sport anf in fig. afrontésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &frunt'ese \ ) - 1) - to clash. -
sense). 2) - to come to blows.
afondàbil - adj. (pr. \ &fund'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. afondàbij, fm. afros - adj. (pr. \ &fr'uz \ ) Ms. plr. afros, fm. sng. and plr.
sng. and plr. afondàbil, afondàbij. - sinkable. See also the afrosa, afrose. - terrible, terrifying.
terms "fongàbil, fondàbil, spërfondàbil ". àfta - n. f. (pr. \ '&ft& \ ) At plr. àfte. - aphtha.
afondador - (pr. \ &fund&d'ur \ ) Ms. plr. afondador, fm. sng. afù - n. m. (pr. \ &f'[ue] \ ) Inv. at plr. - gun carriage.
and plr. afondadòira, afondadòire. - sinker. See also the afumicà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &f[ue]mic'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and
terms "afondator, fongador, spërfongador ". nr. - 1) - smoky, blackened with smoke. - 2) - smoked.
afondament - n. m. (pr. \ &fund&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - sinking. Italianism. See also the most correct term "anfumà ".
See also the terms "fongament, spërfondament, fondament ". afumiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &f[ue]mik'e \ ) - 1) - to fill
afondator - (pr. \ &fond&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. afondator, fm. sng. with smoke, to blacken with smoke. - 2) - to to smoke, to
and plr. afondatriss, afondatriss. - sinker. See also the kipper. Italianism. See also the most correct term "anfumé
terms "afondador, fongador, spërfongador ". ".
afondé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &fund'e \ ) - to sink. See afusolà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &f[ue]sul'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr.
also the terms "fonghé, fondé, spërfondé ". a common vrbl. – tapering, spindle-shaped. It is easier to find the locution "a
loc. is "andé a fond " (int.) or "mandé a fond " (trs.) rspy. for fus " where "fus " = "spindle ".
"to go to ground " and " to send to ground ". afusolé - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &f[ue]sul'e \ ) - to taper. A more
afonìa - n. f. (pr. \ &fun'i& \ ) At plr. afonìe. - aphonia usual term is "fusolé ".
(medical). The usual term to see is "ansarision ". afust - n. m. (pr. \ &f'[ue]st \ ) - See afù.
aforìsma - n. m. (pr. \ &fur'izm& \ ) Inv. at plr. - aphorism. agassé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &g&s'e \ ) - to incite, to istigate,
aforìstich - adj. (pr. \ &fur'istic \ ) Ms. plr. aforìstich, fm. sng. to stir up. See also the terms "gassé, ansighé, cissé ".
and plr. aforìstica, aforìstiche. - aphoristic. àgata - n. f. (pr. \ '&g&t& \ ) - At plr. (if any) àgate. - agate
afortì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &furt'i \ ) - to assert strongly, to (mineral).
underline. See also the term "fortì ". Agata - n. f. (pr. \ '&g&t& \ ) Noun of prs. - Agatha. See also
afossador - n. m. (pr. \ &fus&d'ur \ ) - See anfossador. the voice "Aghëtta ".
afossadura - n. f. (pr. \ &fus&d'[ue]r& \ ) - See anfossadura. agenda - n. f. (pr. \ &j'ænd& \ ) At plr. agende. - agenda, Commento [D1]:
afossé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &fus'e \ ) - See anfossé. diary.
afr - n. m. (pr. \ &fr \ ) Inv. at plr. - fright, fear, terror. See also agensìa - n. f. (pr. \ &j'æ[ng]s'i& \ ) At plr. agensìe. - agency, Commento [D2]:
the terms "sbaruv, sparm ". office.
afradlagi - n. m. (pr. \ &fr&dl'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - agent - n. m. (pr. \ &j'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - agent. The expression Commento [D3]:
fraternization. "agent ëd polissìa " is translated into "police officer ".
afradlé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &fr&dl'e \ ) - to bring (sb.) agét - n. m. (pr. \ &j'et \ ) Inv. at plr. - projection (architecture). Commento [D4]:
together, to unite, to make (sb.) as brothers. The refl. form See also the voices "modion, mènsola, curnìs ".
has the following meaning: agetiv - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &jet'iu \ ) Inv. at plr. - adjective. Note Commento [D5]:
afradlésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &fr&dl'ese \ ) - to fraternize. that in Piedm. often the expression "nòm agetiv (noun
afrancadura - n. f. (pr. \ &fr&[ng]c&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. adjective) " and "nòm sostantiv (noun substantive) " are used
afrancadure. - 1) - stamping, franking. - 2) - franking, for rspy. "adjective " and "substantive ". So usually this term
postage. becomes an adjective.
afrancament - n. m. (pr. \ &fr&[ng]c&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) agetiv - adj. (pr. \ &jet'iu \ ) Ms. plr. agetiv, fm. sng. and plr. Commento [D6]:
- release, liberation. - 2) - redemption. agetiva, agetìve. - adjective.

agetival - adj. (pr. \ &jetiv'&l \ ) Ms. plr. agetivaj, fm. sng. and agité - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &jit'e \ ) - 1) - to shake, to agitate. Commento [D7]:
plr. agetival, agetìvaj. - adjectival. See also the term "sopaté ". - 2) - to toss. - 3) - to upset, to
agetivassion - n. f. (pr. \ &jetiv&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - use of trouble. See also the term "bolversé ". - 4) - to discuss. The Commento [D8]:
adjectives. refl. form assumes the following meanings:
agetivé - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &jetiv'e \ ) - to turn into an agitésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &jit'ese \ ) - 1) - to toss oneself. Commento [D9]:
adjective, to use as an adjective. - 2) - to get excited. - 3) - to bustle (about...). - 4) - to
agévol - adj. (pr. \ &j'evul \ ) Ms. plr. agévoj, fm. sng. and plr. agitate. Commento [D10]:
agévol, agévoj. - easy, smooth. Italianism not much used. agiustàbil - adj. (pr. \ &ji[ue]st'&bil \ ) - See rangiàbil.
See also the most correct voices "fàcil, còmod ". agiustagi - n. m. (pr. \ &ji[ue]st'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - adjustment,
agevolassion - n. f. (pr. \ &jevul&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - fitting (mechanics). Commento [D11]:
facilitation. See also the term "facilitassion ". agiustament - n. m. (pr. \ &ji[ue]st&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
agevolé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &jevul'e \ ) - to facilitate. See mending, repairing, repair. See also the term "rangiament Commento [D12]:
also the term "facilité ". ". - 2) - settlement. See also the term "rangiament ".
agevolment - adv. (pr. \ &jevulm'ænt \ ) - easily. Italianism as agiusté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &ji[ue]st'e \ ) - 1) - to fit Commento [D13]:
nearly all the adv. ending in "...ment". The use is preferred (mechanics). - 2) - to mend, to repair. See also the tyerm
of the adj. "fàcil, còmod ", with a value of adv., or adv. loc. "rangé ". - 3) - to settle. See also the tyerm "rangé ".
like "an manera fàcil " with a value of "in an easy way ". agiusteur - n. (pr. \ &ji[ue]st'[oe]r \ ) Ms. plr. agiusteur, fm.
àgher - 1) - adj. (pr. \ '&gær \ ) Ms. plr. agher, fm. sng. and plr. sng. and plr. agiusteusa, agiusteuse. Even if this term is Commento [D14]:
agra, agre. - acrid, sour, tart. See also the term "brusch ". usually referred to males. - fitter (mechanics). See also the
àgher - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ '&gær \ ) Inv. at plr. - bitterness (in a best term "giusteur ". Commento [D15]:
fig. sense). agiut - n. m. (pr. \ &ji'[ue]t \ ) Inv. at plr. - help. Sometimes the
agherdoss - adj. (pr. \ &gærd'us \ ) Ms. plr. agherdoss, fm. sng. italianism "ajut " is used. Commento [D16]:
and plr. agherdossa, agherdossde. - bitter-sweet, sweet- agiutant - n. (pr. \ &ji[ue]t'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. agiutant, fm. sng.
and-sour. and plr. agiutanta, agiutante. - helper, assistant.
Agëtta - n. f. (pr. \ &g'&tt& \ ) Noun of prs. - Agatha. See also Sometimes the italianism "ajutant " is used.
the voice "Agata ". agiuté - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &ji[ue]t'e \ ) - to help, to assist, to
aghì - n. m. (pr. \ &g'i \ ) Inv. at plr. - dormouse, loir aid. See also the best term "giuté ".
(zoology). See also the voice "ghì ". agiutésse - vrb 1st con. refl. and recp. (pr. \ &ji[ue]t'ese \ ) - 1) -
àghia - n. f. (pr. \ '&gi& \ ) At plr. àghie. - eagle. See also the to help oneself (refl.). - 2) - to help each other (recp.).
terms "àquila, òja ". agn - n. m. plr. (pr. \ &[gn] \ ) Plr. of "ann ". - years. See also
agì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ &j'i \ ) - to act, to operate. (note that the term "ann ".
the meaning is int. in Piedm.) It uses the aux. "avèj ". agnél - n. m. (pr. \ &[gn]'el \ ) At plr. agnéj. - lamb.
agian - n. f. (pr. \ &ji'&[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - acorn. See also the agnelé - n. (pr. \ &[gn]el'e \ ) Ms. plr. agnelé, fm. sng. and plr.
term "gianda ". agnelera, agnelere. - lamb seller (or dealer).
àgil - adj. (pr. \ '&jil \ ) Ms. plr. àgij, fm. sng. and plr. àgil, àgij. Agnese - n. f. (pr. \ &[gn]'eze \ ) Noun of person inv. - Agnes.
- agile, nimble. The term is an italianism, better terms are As such is quite an italianism. Usually the diminutive
"lest, svicc, pront ". "Nisin-a " is used.
agilità - n. f. (pr. \ &jilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - agility, nimbleness. agnolòt - n. m. (pr. \ &[gn]ul'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - "agnolotti".
It is an italianism, better terms are "lestëssa, prontëssa ". Piedm. dish.
agilment - adv. (pr. \ &jilm'ænt \ ) - agilely, nimbly. This is agnosticism - n. m. (pr. \ &[gn]usti[ch]'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. (if
twice an italianism (as a root of the term, and for the ending any). - agnosticism.
in "...ment "). Better words are the adj. "lést, pront, fàcil " agnòstich - adj. and n. (pr. \ &[gn]'ostic \ ) Ms. plr. agnòstich,
used with value of adv., or the adv. loc. "con prontëssa, an fm. sng. and plr. agnòstica, agnòstiche. - agnostic.
manera fàcil, etc. ". àgnus - n. m. (pr. \ '&[gn][ue]s - '&[gn]us \ ) Inv. at plr. - little
agiografìa - n. f. (pr. \ &jiugr&f'i& \ ) At plr. agiografìe. – case for bringing holy pictures. Popular term derived from
hagiography. Latin.
agiogràfich - adj. (pr. \ &jiugr'&fic \ ) Ms. plr. agiogràfich, fm. agonìa - n. f. (pr. \ &gun'i& \ ) At plr. agonìe. - agony. See also
sng. and plr. agiogràfica, agiogràfiche. - hagiographical. the term "angonìa ".
agiògrafo - n. m. (pr. \ &ji'ogr&fô \ ) Inv. at plr. - agonisant - adj. and n. (pr. \ &guniz'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. agonisant,
hagiographer. fm. sng. and plr. agonisanta, agonisante. - in the throes of
agionze - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ &ji'u[ng]ze \ ) - to add. See also death. See also the term "angonisant ".
the words "gionze, gionté, adissioné, somé". agonisé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ &guniz'e \ ) - to be in one's
agiornament - n. m. (pr. \ &jiurn&m'ænt \ ) - 1) - update, death throes. It used the aux. "avèj ". See also the term
updating. - 2) - renovation. - 3) - revision. - 4) - “angonisé”.
postponment, deferment, adjournment. agonism - n. m. (pr. \ &gun'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - competitive
agiorné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &jiurn'e \ ) - 1) - to update. - 2) - spirit.
to revise. - 3) - to renovate. - 4) - to postpone, to defer, to agonista - n. (pr. \ &gun'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. agonista, fm. sng. and
adjourn. plr. agonista, agoniste. - agonist, athlete.
agità - adj. , n. and p. p. (pr. \ &jit'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - agonìstica - n. f. (pr. \ &gun'istic& \ ) At plr. agonìstiche. -
shaken. (adj. and p. p.). - 2) - upset, excited (adj. and p. p.) athletics.
- 3) - violent mental patient (medical – sbst.). - 4) - restless agonìstich - adj. (pr. \ &gun'istic \ ) Ms. plr. agonistich, fm.
person (in a fig. sense). sng. and plr. agonistica, agonistiche. - agonistic, athletic.
agitassion - n. f. (pr. \ &jit&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - agitation, agost - n. m. (pr. \ &g'ust \ ) Inv. at plr. (when required) -
unrest. The loc. "agitassion sindacal " can be translated into August (month of the year). See also the voices "aost, ost ",
"labour troubles ". See also the term "bolversament ". and also see "mesost ".
agitator - 1) - n. (pr. \ &jit&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. agitator, fm. sng. agradì - vrb 3 rd con. trs. (pr. \ &gr&d'i \ ) - 1) - to appreciate,
and plr. agitatriss, agitatriss. - agitator. to enjoy. See also "agrejé, gradì ". - 2) - to accept. See also
agitator - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ &jit&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - agitator, "agrejé, gradì, aceté ".
mixer, stirrer.

agradiment - (pr. \ &gr&dim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - gratification, agricoltor - n. (pr. \ &gricult'ur \ ) Ms. plr. agrìcoltor, fm. (if
liking, pleasure. See also the term "gradiment ". any) sng. and plr. agrìcoltora, agrìcoltore. - farmer. The
agraf - n. m. (pr. \ &gr'&f \ ) Inv. at plr. - staple, brace, clip. name is usually used only at msc. The fem is for cases of
agrafadura - n. f. (pr. \ &gr&f&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. agrafadure. need, while usually the used feminine word is "campagnin-a
- stapling. / campagnin-e " (sng. and plr.) derived from the term
agrafé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &gr&f'e \ ) - to staple, to clip. "campagnin " (see the voice).
agrampé - vrb 1st con trs. (pr. \ &gr&mp'e \ ) - to grasp. The agricoltura - n. f. (pr. \ &gricult'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. agricolture. -
meaning of the refl. form is the following: agriculture, farming.
agrampésse - vrb 1 st con refl. (pr. \ &gr&mp'ese \ ) - 1) - to agrimensor - n. m. (pr. \ &grimæ[ng]s'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. (usually
cling. Sometimes it assumes also the meaning of - 2) - to only msc.) – land surveyor (lit. the word means "field
climb . In this case see also the term "rampiésse ". measurer ". If there is a need of using the fm. form, then it
agrari - adj. and n. (pr. \ &gr'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. agrari, fm. sng. should be "agrimensòira / agrimensòire ".
and plr. agraria, agrarie. - 1) - agrarian, agricultural, agrimensura - n. f. (pr. \ &grimæ[ng]s'[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
rural (adj.). See also the term "agrìcol ". Often the adj. loc. agrimensure. - land surveying.
"ëd campagna " is used, which has value "of country ". - 2) - agrinsé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &gri[ng]s'e \ ) - to wrinkle. This
land owner (sbst.). term is an italianism, better terms are "anrupì, strafogné ".
agrària - n. f. (pr. \ &gr'&ri& \ ) At plr. (if any) agràrie. - agrinsésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &gri[ng]s'ese \ ) - to wrinkle.
agriculture, science and technique about agriculture. This term is an italianism, a better term is "anrupìsse ".
agravament - n. m. (pr. \ &gr&v&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - agronomìa - n. f. (pr. \ &griunum'i& \ ) At plr. (if any)
worsening. agronomìe. - agronomy.
agravé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &gr&v'e \ ) - to worsen. In thre agronòmich - adj. (pr. \ &griun'omic \ ) Ms. plr. agronòmich,
refl. form the meaning is the following: fm. (if any) sng. and plr. agronòmica, agronòmiche. -
agravésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &gr&v'ese \ ) - to worsen, to agronomical.
become worse, to get worse. agrònom - n. (pr. \ &gr'onum \ ) Ms. plr. agrònom, fm. (if any)
agràvi - n. m. (pr. \ &gr'&vi \ ) Inv. at plr. - increase (in sng. and plr. agrònoma, agrònome. - agronomist.
weight). Also fig. in the sense of st. that becomes more agrum - n. m. (pr. \ &gr'[ue]m \ ) Inv. at plr, - citrus fruit.
difficult or similar. agrumé - n. m. (pr. \ &gr[ue]m'e \ ) Inv. at plr, - citrus grove.
agreàbil - adj. (pr. \ &gre'&bil \ ) - Ms. plr. agreàbij, fm. sng. agucé - n. m. (pr. \ &g[ue][ch]'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - needle case. See
and plr. agreàbil, agreàbij. - pleasant agreeable. See also also the most common term "gucé ".
the terms "piasos, greàbil ". agucia - n. f. (pr. \ &g'[ue][ch]i& \ ) At plr. aguce. - 1) - needle.
agredì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &gred'i \ ) - to attack, to assault. See also the most common terms "gucia, uja ". - 2) - shunt
agreditor - n. and adj. (pr. \ &gredit'ur \ ) - See agressor. (railway). See also the most common term "gucia " and also
agregà - n. and adj. (pr. \ &greg'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - the term "scambi ".
aggregate (as a sbst.). - 2) - aggregated, united (as adj.). - agucià - n. f. (pr. \ &g[ue][ch]i'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - needleful. See
3) - associate (as an adj. - finance). also the most common terms "gucià, agujà".
agregassion - n. f. (pr. \ &greg&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - agucin - n. m. (pr. \ &g[ue][ch]'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - pin. This is
aggregation. not a diminutive of "agucia " since the gnd. and the meaning
agreghé - vrb. 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &greg'e \ ). - 1) - to enrole, to are different.
admit. - 2) - to gather, to unite, to aggregate. The refl. agujà - n. f. (pr. \ &g[ue]yi'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - needleful. See also
form takes the folloowing meaning: the most common term "gucià ", and the term "agucià ".
agreghésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &greg'ese \ ). - to join, to ah! - excl. (pr. \ &(&) \ ) - ah! (surprise)
become a member, to make a group (together with sb.). ahi! - excl. (pr. \ &i \ ) - ah !, oh! (pain, worry)
agrejé - vrb 1st con. int. dfc. (pr. \ &grey'e \ ) - to please. (used ahidé! - excl. (pr. \ &id'e \ ) - oh God!
only at the 3rd persons.). ahidemì! - excl. (pr. \ &idem'i \ ) - alas!, oh dear!.
agreman - n. m. (pr. \ &grem'&[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - favour, ai - prp. with art. (pr. \ &i \ ) - to the ..., at the... - Referred to
kindness, gift, present. ms. plr. See the voice "a " (prp.).
agression - n. f. (pr. \ &gresi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - aggression, a-i - vrbl. prn. + adv. (locative) (pr. \ & i \ ) - he (she, it, they) ...
assault. there (here). See grammar. For example "a-i é gnente " =
agressiv - 1) - adj. (pr. \ &gres'iu \ ) Ms. plr. agressiv, fm. sng. "there is nothing ".
and plr. agressiva, agressive. - aggressive. àigra - n. f. (pr. \ '&igr& \ ) At plr. àigre. - maple.
agressiv - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ &gres'iu \ ) Inv. at plr. - weapon àira - n. f. (pr. \ '&ir& \ ) At plr. àire. - threshing floor
(military). (agriculture). See also the voices "éra, èira ".
agressor - n. and adj. (pr. \ &gres'ur \ ) Ms. plr. agressor, fm. airà - n. f. (pr. \ &ir'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - the content of a
sng. and plr. agressora, agressore. - aggressor, assailant. threshing floor.
This word is not used at fem., even if it exists. At fem. it can airagi - n. m. (pr. \ &ir'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - similarity in the
be used "agreditriss " coming from the msc. "agreditor " look.
(see the voice). àire - adj. (pr. \ '&ire \ ) Ms. plr. àire, fm. (if any) sng. and plr.
agrest - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &gr'æst \ ) Inv. at plr. - not ripe grapes. àira, àire. - sour, acid. See also the terms "aserb, brusch ".
agrest - 2) - adj. (pr. \ &gr'æst \ ) Ms. plr. agrest, fm. sng. and airé - vrb 1st con. trs. - (pr. \ &ir'e \ ) - to thresh. See also the
plr. agrësta, agrëste. - sour. See also the term "brusch ". term "eiré ".
agret - adj. (pr. \ &gr'æt \ ) Ms. plr. agret, fm. sng. and plr. airon - n. m. (pr. \ &ir'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - heron (zoology -
agrëtta, agrëtte. - sour but agreable. Ardea). See also the term "eiron".
agrevè - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &grev'e \ ) - to increase the airor - n. (pr. \ &ir'ur \ ) Ms. plr. airor, fm. (if any) sng. and plr.
wight, to make heavy. See also the term "grevé ". airòira, airòire. - thresher. See also the terms "lauror,
agrìcol - adj. (pr. \ &gr'icul \ ) Ms. plr. agrìcoj, fm. sng. and plr. bateur ". Mainly the name is masculine, but there are form
agrìcola, agrìcole. - agrarian, agricultural, rural. See also for a possible feminine.
the term "agrari ". Often the adj. loc. "ëd campagna " is airora - n. f. (pr. \ &ir'ur& \ ) At plr. airore. - tool for
used, which has value "of country ". sharpening the scythe.
airura - n. f. (pr. \ &ir'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. airure. - threshing.

aj - n. m. (pr. \ &y \ ) Inv. at plr. - garlic. This term is used in alba - n. f. (pr. \ '&lb& \ ) At plr. albe. - dawn. The first part of
the idiomatic comparative (see syntax) "giovo coma n'aj " = dawn (the first light) is called "primalba " (see the term),
lit. "young as a garlic " with value "very young ". with a value of "firstdown ", while the last part is called
a-j - vrbl. prn. + prs. prn. (pr. \ & y \ ) - he (she, it, they) ... to "alba d'or " having value of "dawn of gold ", or
him (her, it, them). See grammar. For example "a-j dis " = "goldendawn ".
"he says to him ". albanèis - n. and adj. (pr. \ &lb&n'æiz \ ) Ms. plr. albanèis, fm.
ajà - n. f. (pr. \ &y'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - sauce of garlic. (if any) sng. and plr. albanèisa, albanèise. - Albanian.
ajàhi! - excl. (pr. \ &y'&i \ ) - See ahi!. albarela - n. f. (pr. \ &lb&r'el& \ ) At plr. albarele. - 1) -
ajassa - n. f. (pr. \ &y'&s& \ ) At plr. ajasse. - magpie, pie. See albarello. See also the best voices "amburnìa, burnìa ". - 2)
also the term "berta ". - white poplar. See also the terms "albron, arbron ". For
ajassin - n. m. (pr. \ &y&s'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - corn, callus both meanings see also the term "arbarela ".
(only referred to feet, for the hands see the term "quaj "). albegé – vrb 1st con. int. dfc. (pr. \ &lbej'e \ ) - to dawn. It uses
ajet - (pr. \ &y'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - young green garlic. This is the aux. "avèj ".
not just a diminutive since the meaning is not "little ", but albicòch - n. m. (pr. \ &lbic'oc \ ) Inv. at plr. - apricot, apricot
"green, young ". See also the term "aj " for the use in the tree. Used for both the fruit and the tree. This is an
idiomatic comparative "giovo coma n'ajet ". italianism. See also the more piedmontese terms "armognan,
ajeul - n. m. (pr. \ &y'[œ]l \ ) At plr. ajeuj. - green lizard arbicòch ".
(zoology - Lacerta viridis). See also the term "lajeul ". albigèis - n. and adj. (pr. \ &lbij'æiz \ ) Ms. plr. albigèis, fm. (if
ajoca - n. f. (pr. \ &y'uc& \ ) At plr. ajoche. – bugle. (Ajuga any) sng. and plr. albigèisa, albigèise. - Albigesian,
reptans - botany). Albigenses (in Piedm. the sbst. and the adj. are the same).
ajut - n. m. (pr. \ &y'[ue]t \ ) Inv. at plr. - help. See also the àlbo n. m. (pr. \ '&lbô \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - register, roll. - 2) -
most used term "agiut ". notice board.
ajutant - n. (pr. \ &y[ue]t'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. ajutant, fm. (if any) àlbom - n. m. (pr. \ '&lbum \ ) Inv. at plr. - album.
sng. and plr. ajutanta, ajutante. - helper, assistant. See albra - n. f (pr. \ '&lbr& \ ) At plr. albre. - poplar (black
alsi the term "agiutant ". poplar). See also the most common term "arbra ".
ajuté - vrb. 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &y[ue]t'e \ ) - to help, to assist. albrera - n. f (pr. \ '&lbrer& \ ) At plr. albrere. - poplar-wood.
This is a bad italianism. See also the term "giuté, agiuté ". See also the most common voice "arbrera".
al - prp. with art. (pr. \ &l \ ) - to the ..., at the... - Referred to albron - n. m. (pr. \ &lbr'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr, - white poplar.
ms. sng. See the voice "a " (prp.). See also the most used term "arbron ", and the term "pòbia
ala - n. f. (pr. \ '&l& \ ) At plr. ale. - 1) - wing. - 2) - covered ".
market. A covered place for a market. - 3) - aisle (in a album - n. m. (pr. \ &lb'[ue]m \ ) Inv. at plr. - albumen, egg
church). white. More commonly the loc. used is "bianch d'euv " =
alà - adj. (pr. \ &l'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - winged. "white of egg ", often shortened in the unique word (see the
alabarda - n. f. (pr. \ &l&b'&rd& \ ) At plr. alabarde. - term) "biandeuv ".
halberd. See also the term "labarda". alcal - n. m. (pr. \ &lc'&l \ ) Inv. at plr. - alkali (chemistry).
alabardié - n. m. (pr. \ &l&b&rdi'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - halberdier. alcalìmeter - n. m. (pr. \ &lc&l'imetær \ ) Inv. at plr. -
alabastr - n. m. (pr. \ &l&b'&str \ ) Inv. at plr. (when alkalimeter (chemistry).
applicable). - alabaster. alcalimetrìa - n. f. (pr. \ &lc&limetr'i& \ ) At plr. alcalimetrìe. -
alagament - n. m. (pr. \ &l&g&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - flooding, alkalimetry (chemistry).
flood. See also the terms "anlagament, aluvion ". alcalin - adj. (pr. \ &lc&l'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. alcalin, fm. (if any)
alaghé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &l&g'e \ ) - to flood, to inundate. sng. and plr. alcalin-a, alcalin-e. - alkaline (chemistry).
See also the terms "anlaghé, inondé ". alcalinità - n. f. (pr. \ &lc&linit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - alkalinity
alaghésse - vrb 1 st con. refl. (pr. \ &l&g'ese \ ) - to flood, to be (chemistry).
flooded. See also the terms "anlaghésse, inondésse ". alcalòid - n. m. (pr. \ &lc&l'oid \ ) Inv. at plr. - alkaloid
alam - adj. (pr. \ &l'&m \ ) - See arlam. (chemistry).
alamar - n. m. (pr. \ &l&m'&r \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) – frog. It is alcan - n. m. (pr. \ &lk'&[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - paraffin
also used the sbst. loc. "boton a liassa ", having a value of (chemistry). See also the term "parafin-a ".
"lace button ". - 2) - braiding. See also, for this meaning, alchene - n. m. (pr. \ &lk'ene \ ) Inv. at plr. – alkene
the term "mostrin-a ". (chemistry).
alambich - n. m. (pr. \ &l&mb'ic \ ) - Inv. at plr. - alembic, still. alchil - n. m. (pr. \ &lk'il \ ) At plr. alchij. - alkyl (chemistry).
Italianism sometimes used. See also the term "lambich". alchìlich - adj. (pr. \ &lk'ilic \ ) Ms. plr. alchìlich, fm. (if any)
alarma - n. m. (pr. \ &l'&rm& \ ) Inv. at plr. - alarm. See also sng. and plr. alchìlica, alchìliche. - alkylic (chemistry).
the term "alarme ". alchimìa - n. f. (pr. \ &lkim'i& \ ) At plr. alchimìe. - alchemy.
alarmant - adj. (pr. \ &l&rm'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. alarmant, fm. (if alchimisé -vrb. 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &lkimiz'e \ ) - 1) - to
any) sng. and plr. alarmanta, alarmante. - alarming. alkemize (trs.). - 2) - to falsify (trs. in a fig. sense). - 3) - to
alarme - n. m. (pr. \ &l'&rme \ ) - See alarma. practise alchemy (int.).
alarmé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &l&rm'e \ ) - to alarm, to startle. alchimista - n. (pr. \ &lkim'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. alchìmista, fm. (if
alarmésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &l&rm'ese \ ) - to be any) sng. and plr. alchimista, alchimiste. - alchemist. This
alarmed, to be startled, to take fright. name is usually used at msc.
alarmism - n. m. (pr. \ &l&rm'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - alarmism. alchimìstich - adj. (pr. \ &lkim'istic \ ) Ms. plr. alchìmistich,
alarmista - n. (pr. \ &l&rm'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. alarmista, fm. (if fm. (if any) sng. and plr. alchimistica, alchimistiche. -
any) sng. and plr. alarmista, alarmiste. - alarmist, alchemistical.
scaremonger. alchin - n. m. (pr. \ &lk'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - alkyne, alkine
alarmìstich - adj. (pr. \ &l&rm'istic \ ) Ms. plr. alarmistich, (chemistry).
fm. (if any) sng. and plr. alarmistica, alarmistiche. - àlcol - n. m. (pr. \ '&lcôl \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - alcohol (chemistry).
alarmist. - 2) - spirit. In this general meaning see also the term "spirit
alàuda - (pr. \ &l'&ud& \ ) - At plr. alàude. - lark, skylark - ".
See also the terms "lòdola, lòdna, ludvich, aluëtta, luëtta ". alcolà - n. m. (pr. \ &lcul'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - alcoholate

alcolemìa - n. f. (pr. \ &lculem'i& \ ) At plr. alcolemìe. - alegorisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &leguriz'e \ ) - to allegorize, to
alcoholemìa (medical). interpret in an allegorical way.
alcolicità - n. f. (pr. \ &lculi[ch]it'& \ ) - See alcolissità. alegòrich - adj. (pr. \ &leg'oric \ ) Ms. plr. alegòrich, fm. sng.
alcolìmeter - n. m. (pr. \ &lcul'imetær \ ) - See alcolòmeter. and plr. alegòrica, alegòriche. - allegorical.
alcolisà - n. and adj. (pr. \ &lculiz'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - alegra - n. f. (pr. \ &l'egr& \ ) At plr. alegre. - 1) - fair. See also
alcoholic. As a sbst. see also the term "alcolista "(which is the term "fera ". - 2) - drunkness. Both these meanings are
an italianism sometime used). joky, since the lit. meaning is the fm. sng. of "cheerful ".
alcolisé - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &lculiz'e \ ) - 1) - to alcoholize alegrament - adv. (pr. \ &legr&m'ænt \ ) - cheerfully, merrily.
(st.). - 2) - to intoxicate (sb.). Italianism (adv. ending in "...ment ". The common piedm.
alcolisésse - vrb 1 st con. refl. (pr. \ &lculiz'ese \ ) - to intoxicate way is to use the adj. "alegher " with a value of adv. or some
oneself. equivalent adv. loc. like e. g. "an alegrìa " having the lit.
alcolissità - n. f. (pr. \ &lculisit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - alcoholic value of "in cheerfulness ".
content. alegret - n. m. (pr. \ &legr'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - allegretto (music).
alcolista - n. and adj. (pr. \ &lcul'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. alcolista, fm. alegrëssa - n. f. (pr. \ &legr'&ss& \ ) At plr. alegrësse. -
sng. and plr. alcolista, alcoliste. - alcoholic. Italianism. See joyfulness. See also the term "argioissansa ".
the best term "alcolisà ". alegrìa - n. f. (pr. \ &legr'i& \ ) At plr. alegrìe. - gaiety, mirth,
alcolòmeter - n. m. (pr. \ &lcul'ometær \ ) Inv. at plr. - cheerfulness.
alcoholometer, alcoholimeter. aleluja - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &lel'[ue]y& \ ) Inv. at plr. - hallelujah.
alcòlich - 1) - adj. (pr. \ &lc'olic \ ) Ms. plr. alcòlich, fm. sng. aleluja! - 2) - excl. (pr. \ &lel'[ue]y& \ ) - hallelujah!.
and plr. alcòlica, alcòliche. - alcoholic. alenament - n. m. (pr. \ &len&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
alcòlich - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ &lc'olic \ ) Inv. at plr. - alcoholic training. - 2) - coaching. - 3) - shape. For example "esse an
drink. alenament " is translated into "to be in shape ".
alcova - n. f. (pr. \ &lc'u& \ ) At plr. alcove. - alcove. See also alenator - n. (pr. \ &len&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. alenator, fm. sng. and
the term "arcoa ". plr. alenatriss, alenatriss. - trainer. See also the term
aldèid - n. f. (pr. \ &ld'æid \ ) Inv. at plr. – aldehyde "antreneur ".
(chemistry). alené - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &len'e \ ) - 1) - to train. See also
aldèidich - adj. (pr. \ &ld'æidic \ ) Ms. plr. aldeidich, fm. sng. the terms "antrené, esercité ". - 2) - to coach. In piedm. also
and plr. aldeidica, aldeidiche. - aldehydic. the refl. form is used as follows:
alé - excl. (pr. \ &l'e \ ) - forward!, come on!, right on!. alenésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &len'ese \ ) - to train (referred
aleà - n. and adj. (pr. \ &le'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - ally to oneself).
(sbst.). - 2) - allied (adj.). alentament - n. m. (pr. \ &lænt&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
àlea - n. f. (pr. \ '&le& \ ) At plr. àlee. - risk. Italianism. See also slackening, loosening. - 2) - slowing. - 3) - relaxation.
the terms "risigh, cas " Italianism. See also the best term "arlamura ".
aleansa - n. f. (pr. \ &le'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr. aleanse. - alliance. alenté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &lænt'e \ ) - to loosen, to slacken,
aleàtich - n. m. (pr. \ &le'&tic \ ) Inv. at plr. if any). - to relax. Italianism. See also the voice "arlamé, arlassé ".
"Aleatico". Name of grapes and a red wine produced in alergìa - n. f. (pr. \ &lærj'i& \ ) At plr. alergìe. - allergy. See
central and southern Italy. also the term "arfud ".
aleatòri - adj. (pr. \ &le&t'ori \ ) Ms. plr. aleatòri, fm. sng. and alèrgich - adj. (pr. \ &l'ærjic \ ) Ms. plr. alèrgich, fm. sng. and
plr. aleatòria, aleatòrie. - aleatory. plr. alèrgica, alèrgiche. - 1) – allergic (adj.). - 2) - allergic
aleé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &le'e \ ) - to ally, to unite. sufferer (sbst.).
aleésse - vrb 1st con. recp. (pr. \ &le'ese \ ) - to form an alergisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &lærjiz'e \ ) - to allergize.
alliance, to unite forces. alergologìa - n. f. (pr. \ &lærguluj'i& \ ) At plr. (if any)
alegà - n. m. (pr. \ &leg'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - enclosure. alergologìe. - allergology.
alegassion - n. f. (pr. \ &leg&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - allegation, alergòlogh - n. (pr. \ &lærg'olug \ ) Ms. plr. alergòlogh, fm.
subpoena (legal). sng. and plr. alergòloga, alergòloghe. - allergologist.
alegerì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &lejer'i \ ) - 1) - to lighten, to alèrta! - excl. (pr. \ &l'ært& \ ) - look out!, attention!, beware!.
relieve. - 2) - to ease, to reduce (in a fig. sense). - See also alesador - n. m. (pr. \ &lez&d'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - reamer (the
the voices "alingerì, lingerì ". tool). See also the term "alesoar " which is better.
alegerìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &lejer'ise \ ) - 1) - to put on alesagi - n. m. (pr. \ &lez'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - bore, reaming,
lighter clothes. - 2) - to relieve oneself (from a wight). See boring.
also the terms "lingerìsse, slingerìsse, legerìsse ". alesatriss - n. f. (pr. \ &lez&tr'is \ ) Inv. at plr. - boring-
alegeriment - n. m. (pr. \ &lejerim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - machine.
lightening. - 2) - lessening (in a fig. sense). - 3) - reduction aleseur - n. (pr. \ &lez'[oe]r \ ) Ms. plr. aleseur, fm. sng. and
(in a fig. sense). plr. aleseusa, aleseuse. - borer (the operator)
aleghé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &leg'e \ ) - 1) - to enclose, to alesoar - n. m. (pr. \ &lezu'&r \ ) Inv. at plr. - reamer (the tool).
append, to attach. - 2) - to subpoena (legal). A piedm. way See also the term "alesador.
of saying is "aleghé ij mòrt " which has a value of "to alestì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &lest'i \ ) - to prepare, to equip, to
subpoena the dead " in the sense of reporting things that dress. Italianism. See also the most piedm. term "pronté ".
nobody can verify, or speak about a person who is not alestiment - n. m. (pr. \ &lestim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
present and then cannot ear and answer. preparation, equipment, dressing. Italianism. See also the
alégher - 1) - adj. (pr. \ &l'eger \ ) Ms. plr. alégher, fm. sng. and most piedm. terms "prontament, preparassion ".
plr. alégra, alégre. - cheerful, happy, merry. Note the aleta - n. f. (pr. \ &l'et& \ ) At plr. alete. - run-up, rush, dash.
particular feminine. aletament - n. m. (pr. \ &let&m'æ \ ) Inv. at plr. - allurement,
alégher - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ &l'eger \ ) Inv. at plr. allegro (music). attraction, temptation. See also the voices "anciarm,
alegorìa - n. f. (pr. \ &legur'i& \ ) At plr. alegorìe. - allegory. atrassion ".
alegoricament - adv. (pr. \ &leguric&m'ænt \ ) - in an allegoric aletant - adj. (pr. \ &let'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. aletant, fm. sng. and plr.
way, allegorically. Italianism as nearly all the adv. ending aletanta, aletante. - inviting, tempting. See also the voices
in "...ment ". The adv. loc. "an manera alegòrica " is "anciarmant, invitant, aletèivol, aletévol ".
correctly usable.

aleté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &let'e \ ) - to allure, to entice, to alicìclich - adj. (pr. \ &li[ch]'iclic \ ) Ms. plr. aliciclich, fm. sng.
attract. See also the terms "anciarmé, atiré, tiré, ambabolé and plr. aliciclica, alicicliche. - alicyclic (chemistry).
". A piedm. way of saying is "aleté l'aptit " standing for alien - n. and adj. (pr. \ &li'æ[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. alien, fm. sng. and
"attract, stimulate) the appetite ", and anotyher is "aleté la plr. alien-a, alien-e. - 1) - averse (adj.). See also the most
seugn " standing for "attract (stimulate) the sleep ". piedm. term "contrari ", or the loc. "fòra da ... , lontan da ...
aletèivol - adj. (pr. \ &let'æivul \ ) - See aletant. ". - 2) - alien (sbst.). It can be considered a neologism. -
aletévol - adj. (pr. \ &let'evul \ ) - See aletant. Italianism.
aleton - n. m. (pr. \ &let'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - aileron. See also alienà - adj. , p. p. and n. (pr. \ &lien'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
the term "alëtton ". 1) - alienated (adj. and p. p.) - 2) - lunatic (sbst. - medical).
alevament - n. m. (pr. \ &lev&m'ænt \ ) - Italianism. See alienàbil - adj. (pr. \ &lien'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. alienàbij, fm. sng.
anlevament. and plr. alienàbil, alienàbij. - alienable.
alevator - n. . (pr. \ &lev&t'ur \ ) - Italianism. See anlevator or alienassion - n. f. (pr. \ &lien&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
anleveur. alienation.
alevé - 1) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &lev'e \ ) - Italianism. See aliené - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &lien'e \ ) - to alienate.
anlevé. alifàtich - adj. (pr. \ &lif'&tic \ ) Ms. plr. alifàtich, fm. sng. and
alevé - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ &lev'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - cedar of Lebanon plr. alifàtica, alifàtiche. - aliphatic (chemistry).
(Cedrus libani - conifers). aligator - n. m. (pr. \ &lig&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - alligator.
alëtta - n. f. (pr. \ &l'&tt& \ ) At plr. alëtte - 1) - tongue, fin, aliment - n. m. (pr. \ &lim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
flyer. - 2) - tab. - 3) - pinnule. - 4) - little wing. In Piedm. nourishment. - 2) - alimony (legal).
is the irregular diminutive of "ala " = "wing ". alimentar - adj. and n. m. (pr. \ &limænt'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and
alëttadura - n. f. (pr. \ &l&tt&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. alëttadure. - nr. - 1) - alimentary, food (adj.). - 2) - foodstuff. In this
finning. sense also the loc. "ròba mangiativa ".
alëtté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &l&tt'e \ ) - to fin. alimentarìsta - n. (pr. \ &limænt&r'ist& \ ) Ms. plr.
alëtton - n. m. (pr. \ &l&tt'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - aileron. See alimentarista, fm. sng. and plr. alimentarista,
also the term "aleton ". alimentariste. - 1) - worker in foodstuff. - 2) -
alfa - first letter of the greek alphabet. (pr. \ '&lf& \ ) - alpha. nutritionist.
alfabét - n. m. (pr. \ &lf&b'et \ ) Inv. at plr. - alphabet. alimentassion - n. f. (pr. \ &limænt&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
alfabétich - adj. (pr. \ &lf&b'etic \ ) Ms. plr. alfabétich, fm. sng. nourishment, feeding. - 2) - power supply (electricity).
and plr. alfabética, alfabétiche. - alphabetical. alimentator - n. m. (pr. \ &limænt&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
alfabetisé - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &lf&betiz'e \ ) - to make (sb.) feeder. - 2) - power supplier (electricity). -3) - stoker.
literate, to school. alimenté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &limænt'e \ ) - 1) - to nourish,
alfé - n. m. (pr. \ &lf'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - ensign, bishop (chess). to feed. - 2) - to foment. (in a fig. sense) - 3) - to stoke.
See also the term "portansëgna ". alineament - n. m. (pr. \ &line&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
àlga - n. f. (pr. \ '&lg& \ ) At plr. alghe. - alga, seaweed. alignment. Italianism, see the best piedm. term
àlgebra - n. f. (pr. \ '&ljebr& \ ) At plr. algebre. - algebra. "anlignament ".
Sometimes also "alzebra ". alineé - vrb. 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &line'e \ ) - to line up, to align.
algebricament - adv. (pr. \ &ljebric&m'ænt \ ) - algebrically, Italianism, see the best piedm. term "anligné ".
by algebra. Italianism. Adv. loc. used are "da na mira alingerì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &linjer'i \ ) - 1) - to lighten, to
algébrica " = "from an algebraic point of view ", or "con relieve. - 2) - to ease, to reduce (in a fig. sense). - See also
l'àlgebra " = lit. "with the algebra ". the voices "alegerì, lingerì ".
algébrich - adj. (pr. \ '&ljebric \ ) Ms. plr. algébrich, fm. sng. alingeriment - n. m. (pr. \ &linjerim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
and plr. algébrica, algébriche. - algebraic. Sometimes also lightening. - 2) - lessening. - 3) - reduction. See also
"alzebrich ". "alegeriment, lingeriment ".
algebrista - n. (pr. \ &ljebr'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. algebrista, fm. sng. aliòstra - n. f. (pr. \ &li'ostr& \ ) At plr. aliòstre. - grasshopper
and plr. algebrista, algebriste. - algebraist. Sometimes also (the type living on mountains). See also the term "liòstra".
"alzebrista ". alìquota - n. f. (pr. \ &l'i[qu]ôt& \ ) - At plr. alìquote. - share,
algoritm - n. m. (pr. \ &lgur'itm \ ) Inv. at plr. - algorithm. quota, aliquot, tax rate. Italianism. See instead the best
algorìtmich - adj. (pr. \ &lgur'itmic \ ) Ms. plr. algoritmich, fm. piedm. term "cotis ".
sng. and plr. algoritmica, algoritmiche. - algorithmic. alis - n. m. (pr. \ &l'iz \ ) Inv. at plr. – lily. See also the terms
algum - n. m. (pr. \ &lg'[ue]m \ ) Inv. at plr. - every kind of dry "lis, liri ".
edible legumes. See also the terms "fërsaja, fërzaja , lëm, aliscaf - n. m. (pr. \ &lisc'&f \ ) Inv. at plr. - hydrofoil. Also
legum". used the loc. "batél a ale ", having walue of "wing boat ".
aliam - n. m. (pr. \ &li'&m \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any) - manure, aliterassion - n. f. (pr. \ &liter&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
dung. See also the terms "liam, drugia ". alliteration.
aliamé - n. m. (pr. \ &li&m'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - dunghill, aliterativ - adj. (pr. \ &liter&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. aliterativ, fm. sng.
manure heap. - 2) - pigsty, dirty hovel (in a fig. sense). and plr. aliterativa, aliterative. - alliterative.
See also the terms "aliamera, liamé, liamera, drugé ". Almagna - n. f. (pr. \ &lm'&[gn]& \ ) Usually only sng. but in
aliamera - n. m. (pr. \ &li&m'er& \ ) - See aliamé. case of need the plr. is Almagne. - Germany. See also the
aliant - n. m. (pr. \ &li'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. - glider. See also thew word "Germània ", which is an used italianism.
terms "planeur, velegiator " and the loc. "aeroplan a vela " alman - n. and adj. (pr. \ &lm'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. alman, fm. sng.
standing for "sailplane ". and plr. alman-a, alman-e. - german. See also the word
aliass - adv. (pr. \ '&li&s \ ) - alias. Not so used in Piedm. "tedesch ".
àlibi - n. m. (pr. \ '&libi \ ) Inv. at plr. - alibi. See also the terms almanach - n. m. (pr. \ &lm&n'&c \ ) Inv. at plr. - almanac.
"giustìfica, scusa ". See also the best "armanach ".
alibrament - n. m. (pr. \ &libr&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - almanch - adv. (pr. \ &lm'&[ng]c \ ) - at least. See also the
registration. See also the term "registrassion ". terms "almen, almeno ", less correct but sometime used.
alibrator - n. m. (pr. \ &libr&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - bookmaker. almanda - n. f. (pr. \ &lm'&nd& \ ) At plr. (if any) almande. -
alibré - vrb. 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &libr'e \ ) - to register. See also "almanda " (old german dance).
the term "registré ". almen - adv. (pr. \ &lm'æ[ng] \ ) - See almanch.

almeno - adv. (pr. \ &lm'enu \ ) - Italianism. See almanch. Alp - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &lp \ ) Inv. at plr. (in Piedm. the name can
almosinant - n. and adj. (pr. \ &lmuzin'&nt \ ) - See almosnant. be sng. or plr.) - Alps.
almosiné - 1) - n. and adj. (pr. \ &lmuzin'e \ )- 1) - almoner alp - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ &lp \ ) Inv. at plr. - summer alpine
(sbst.) (history, religion). - 2) - that gives much to charity, pasture.
charitable, benevolent. See also the terms "almosné, alpin - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &lp'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - alpine soldier,
limosiné - 1)". alpine troups.
almosiné - 2) - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &lmuzn'e \ ) - See alpin - 2) - adj. (pr. \ &lp'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. alpin, fm. sng. and
almosné - 2). plr. alpin-a, alpin-e. - alpine, of the Alps, related to
almosnant - n. and adj. (pr. \ &lmuzn'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. mountains.
almosnant, fm. sng. and plr. almosnanta, almosnante. - alpinism - n. m. (pr. \ &lpin'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any) -
beggar, mendicant. See also the term "limosnant, alpinism, mountaineering.
limosinant". alpinista - n. (pr. \ &lpin'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. alpinista, fm. sng. and
almosné - 1) - n. and adj. (pr. \ &lmuzn'e \ ) - See almosiné 1). plr. alpinista, alpiniste. - alpinist, mountaineer,
almosné - 2) - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &lmuzn'e \ ) - to mountain-climber.
beg. It used always the aux. "avèj ". See also the terms alpinìstich - adj. (pr. \ &lpin'istic \ ) Ms. plr. alpinistich, fm.
"almosiné, limosiné, limosné". sng. and plr. alpinistica, alpinistiche. - alpine.
almòsina - n. f. (pr. \ &lm'ozin& \ ) - See almòsna. alsan - adj. and n. (pr. \ &ls'&[ng] \ ) Usually ms. inv., but in
almòsna - n. f. (pr. \ &lm'ozn& \ ) At plr. almòsne. - alms, case of need: Ms. plr. alsan, fm. sng. and plr. alsan-a,
charity. See also the terms "limòsina, limòsna, almòsina". alsan-e. - sorrel (horse).
almùsia - n. f. (pr. \ &lm'[ue]zi& \ ) At plr. almùsie. - old alt! - 1) - excl. (pr. \ &lt \ ) - halt!, stop!.
canonical habit, mozzetta. See also the term "mossëtta". alt - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ &lt \ ) Inv. at plr. - halt, stop.
alocussion - n. f. (pr. \ &luc[ue]si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - altalen-a - n. m. (pr. \ &lt&l'æ[ng]& \ ) - Italianism. See bauti.
allocution, address, speech. See also the term "discors ". altalené - vrb 1st con trs. and int. (pr. \ &lt&len'e \ ) - Italianism.
alocutor - n. (pr. \ &luc[ue]t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. alocutor, fm. sng. See bautié.
and plr. alocutriss, alocurtiss. - orator. See also the voice altar - n. m. (pr. \ &lt'&r \ ) - Italianism. See autar.
"orator ". alteràbil - adj. (pr. \ &lter'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. alteràbij, fm. sng.
alodial - adj. (pr. \ &ludi'&l \ ) Ms. plr. alodiaj, fm. sng. and plr. and plr. alteràbil, alteràbij. - alterable. See also the term
alodial, alodiaj. - alodial (legal – middle age). "auteràbil ".
àloe - n. f. (pr. \ '&lue \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - aloe (botany). alterassion - n. f. (pr. \ &lter&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. –
aloé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &lu'e \ ) - to lodge, to accomodate, alteration, adulteration. See also the term "auterassion ".
to house, to marry off, to receive. See also the term "loé ". alteré - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &lter'e \ ) - to alter, to adulterate,
alogé - vrb 1 st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &luj'e \ ) - 1) - to lodge, to to falsify. See also the terms "auteré, ruiné, guasté, cambié
accomodate, to house (trs.). - 2) - to lodge (at...) (int.), it ".
usesd the aux. "avèj ". altern - adj. (pr. \ &lt'ærn \ ) Ms. plr. altern, fm. sng. and plr.
alogenà – n. , adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &lujen'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and alterna, alterne. - alternate. Italianism seldom used. See
nr. - halogenated (chemistry). also the term "alternà ".
alogené - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &lujen'e \ ) - to halogenate alternà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &ltærn'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
(chemistry). alternate, alternating.
alogenur - n. m. (pr. \ &lujen'[ue]r \ ) Inv. at plr. - halide, alternansa - n. f. (pr. \ &ltærn'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr. alternanse. -
haloid (chemistry). 1) - alternation. - 2) - rotation (agriculture). In this sense
alogià - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &luji'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - see also the term "rotassion ".
lodged. When adj. is usually connected with the verb "esse alternativ - adj. (pr. \ &ltærn&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. alternativ, fm.
". When p. p. it uses the aux. "avèj ". sng. and plr. alternativa, alternative. - 1) - alternate,
alon - n. m. (pr. \ &l'u[ng] \ ) - Italianism. See reu. alternative. - 2) - reciprocating (mechanics).
alontanament - n. m. (pr. \ &lunt&n&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - alternativa - n. f. (pr. \ &ltærn&t'iv& \ ) At plr. alternative. - 1)
removal, dismissal, departure. See also the term - alternative. - 2) - alternation.
"slontanament ". alternator - n. m. (pr. \ &ltærn&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - alternator
alontané - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &lunt&n'e \ ) - to take away, to (electricity)
send away, to remove. See also the best terms "slontané, alterné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &ltærn'e \ ) - 1) - to alternate
lontané ". In the refl. form it takes the following meaning: (general) - 2) - to reciprocate (mechanics). The recp. form
alontanésse - vrb 1 st con. refl. (pr. \ &lunt&n'ese \ ) - to go has the following meanings:
away, to go far. See also the best terms "slontanésse, alternésse - vrb 1st con. recp. (pr. \ &ltærn'ese \ ) - to alternate,
lontanésse ". to take turns (with sb.).
alora - 1) - adv. (pr. \ &l'ur& \ ) - 1) - then. - 2) - in that time. - altipian - n. m. (pr. \ &ltipi'&[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - plateau,
3) - well. then, in this case. - 4) - therefore. - In any case tableland. See also the term "autipian ".
see also the terms "anlora, antlora ". altoparlant - n. m. (pr. \ &ltup&rl'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
alora! - 2) - excl. (pr. \ &l'ur& \ ) - well!, what now? In any loudspeaker.
case see also the terms "anlora!, antlora! ". altretant - 1) - adj. and indf. prn. (pr. \ &ltret'&nt \ ) Ms. plr.
alòdio - n. m. (pr. \ &l'odiu \ ) Inv. at plr. - alodium (legal - altretant, fm. sng. and plr. altretanta, altretante. - 1) - as
middle age). much... (as)..., as many... (as)... . - 2) - the same. See also
alògen(o) - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &l'oje[ng] \ or \ &l'ojenô \ ) Inv. at the best term "autërtant ". The use is particular, so please
plr. - halogen (chemistry). see the grammar.
alògen(o) - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ &l'oje[ng] \ or \ &l'ojenô \ ) Ms. plr. altretant - 2) - adv. (pr. \ &ltret'&nt \ ) - as... as... , so... as... , so
alògen(o), fm. sng. and plr. alògena, alògene. - halogen much... as... . See also the best term "autërtant ". The use is
(chemistry). particular, so please see the grammar.
alògg - n. m. (pr. \ &l'oj \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - accomodation, altrimenti - adv. (pr. \ &ltrim'ænti \ ) - otherwise. This is an
lodging. - 2) - house, flat. italianism which is used sometimes. A better term to see is
alòn! - excl. (pr. \ &l'o[ng] \ ) - come on!, right on!. See also the "dësnò ".
term "andoma! ".

altruism - n. m. (pr. \ &ltr[ue]'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any) - me = (chiel) am dis “. “They speak to me = (lor) am parlo.
altruism, unselfishness. “.
altruista - n. and adj. (pr. \ &ltr[ue]'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. altruista, amàbil - adj. (pr. \ &m’&bil \ ) Ms. plr. amàbij, fm. sng. and
fm. sng. and plr. altruista, altruiste. -altruist. plr. amàbil, amàbij. - 1) - lovable. See also the terms
altruìstich - adj. (pr. \ &ltr[ue]'istic \ ) Ms. plr. altruìstich, fm. “grassios, piasos, gentil “. - 2) - sweet (referred to wine).
sng. and plr. altruìstica, altruìstiche. - altruistic, unselfish. amabilità - n. f. (pr. \ &m&bilit’& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
alucinà - n. , adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &l[ue][ch]in'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - lovableness. - 2) - sweetness (wine).
1) - hallucinated. - 2) - dazzled. (adj. and p. p.) - 3) - àmaca - n. f. (pr. \ ‘&m&c& \ ) At plr. àmache. - hammock.
person suffering from hallucinations (sbst.). amaestransa - n. f. (pr. \ &m&iestr'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr.
alucinant - adj. (pr. \ &l[ue][ch]in'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. alucinant, amaestranse. - hands, workers, employees. See also the
fm. sng. and plr. alucinanta, alucinante. - 1) - term " meistransa, maestransa, amaestransa ".
hallucinatory. - 2) - dazzling (not much used in this sense). amagnétich - adj. (pr. \ &m&[gn]’etic \ ) Ms. plr. amagnétich,
- 3) - haunting. For this meaning see also the term fm. sng. and plr. amagnética, amagnétiche. - non-
"stravirant ". magnetic (physics).
alucinassion - n. f. (pr. \ &l[ue][ch]in&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - amàlgama - n. f. (pr. \ &m’&lg&m& \ ) At plr. amàlgame. -
hallucination. See also the terms "stravirament, deliri ". amalgam (chemistry). - 2) - mix. See also the voice “mës-
alucinatòri - adj. (pr. \ &l[ue][ch]in&t'ori \ ) Ms. plr. cia “.
alucinatòri, fm. sng. and plr. alucinatòria, alucinatòri. - amalgamassion - n. f. (pr. \ &m&lg&m&si’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr.
hallucinatory. - amalgamation (chemistry and in a fig. sense).
aluciné - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &l[ue][ch]in'e \ ) - to hallucinate. amalgamé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &m&lg&m’e \ ) - to
See also the terms (better piedm.) "straviré, stravanié ". amalgamate (chemistry and in a fig. sense).
alucinògen - 1) - adj. (pr. \ &l[ue][ch]in'oje[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. amàndola - n. f. (pr. \ &m’&ndul& \ ) At plr. amàndole. -
alucinògen, fm. sng. and plr. alucinògena, alucinògene. - almond. See also the term “màndola “.
hallucinogenic. amandolà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &m&ndul’& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and
alucinògen(o) - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ &l[ue][ch]in'oje[ng] \ or \ nr. - with almonds, with almonds inserted, almond (attr.).
&l[ue][ch]in'oje[ng]ô \ ) Inv. at plr. - hallucinogen. amandolé - 1) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &m&ndul’& \ ) - to put or
alude - vrb 2 nd con. int. (pr. \ &l'[ue]de \ ) - to allude, to hint, insert almonds.
to refer. It used the aux. "avèj ". See also the term "arciamé amandolé - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ &m&ndul’e \ ) Inv. at plr. - almond
", and consider the vrbl. loc. "fé d'alusion " = lit. "to do grove. See also the tyerm “mandolé “.
allusions ", "parlé ant le poròle " (idiomatic expression = lit. amandolera - n. f. (pr. \ &m&ndul’er& \ ) At plr. amandolere.
"to speak inside the words ") , "dì bianc për fiòca " - almond tree. See aso the term “mandolera “.
(idiomatic expression = lit. "to say white for snow "). amanita - n. f. (pr. \ &m&n’it& \ ) At plr. amanite. - amanita
alum - n. m. (pr. \ &l'[ue]m \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any) - alum. (botany - Amanita).
alumìnio - n. m. (pr. \ &l[ue]m'iniu \ ) - Chemical element, in amant - adj. and n. (pr. \ &m’&nt \ ) Ms. plr. amant, fm. sng.
case of need is inv. at plr. - aluminium. and plr. amanta, amante. - 1) - fond of..., keen on... (as an
alumin-a - n. f. (pr. \ &l[ue]m'i[ng]& \ ) It plr. (if any) alumin- adj.). This word is not so much used in Piedm. - 2) - lover
e. - alumina (chemistry). (as a sbst.). See also the term “sfojor “.
alunagi - n. m. (pr. \ &l[ue]n'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - moon-landing. amara - n. f. (pr. \ &m’&r& \ ) At plr. amare. - hawser, cable.
aluné - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ &l[ue]n'e \ ) - to moon-land. It amaragi - n. m. (pr. \ &m&r’&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - water landing,
usually uses the aux. "esse ", but it can also be found with splash.
the aux. "avèj ". amarant - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &m&r’&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. - amatanth
alusion - n. f. (pr. \ &l[ue]zi’u[ng] \ ) Inv. At plr. - allusion, (both the tree and the colour).
hint, reference. - See also the term “arciam “. amarant - 2) - adj. (pr. \ &m&r’&nt \ ) Ms. plr. amarant, fm.
alusiv - adj. (pr. \ &l[ue]z’iu \ ) Ms. plr. alusiv, fm. sng. and sng. and plr. amaranta, amarante. - amaranthine.
plr. alusiva, alusive. - allusive. amaré - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &m&r’e \ ) - 1) - to fix or
aluvial - adj. (pr. \ &l[ue]vi’&l \ ) - See aluvional. tie with a hawser or a cable (trs.). - 2) - to land on water,
aluvion - n. f. (pr. \ &l[ue]vi’u[ng] \ ) Inv. At plr. - flood, to splash (int.).
alluvion. amaregé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &m&rej’e \ ) - 1) - to embitter,
aluvionà - adj. and n. (pr. \ &l[ue]viun’& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. to make bitter. - 2) - tosadden, to grieve. (referred to
- 1) - flooded (adj.). - 2) - flood victim (sbst.). persons). - See also the term “amarëzzé “. The refl. form
aluvional - adj. (pr. \ &l[ue]viun’&l \ ) Ms. plr. aluvionaj, fm. takes the following meaning:
sng. and plr. aluviunal, aluvionaj. - alluvial. amaregésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &m&rej’ese \ ) - to grieve
alvà - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ &lv’& \ ) Inv. At plr. - yeast, leaven. See (referred to oneself).
also the terms “chërsent, liévit, fërment “. amaret - n. m. (pr. \ &m&r’æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - macaroon. -
alvà - 2) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &lv’& \ ) Inv. In gnd. and nr. - 2) - “amaretto “ (liqueur).
raised, up. amarëssa - n. f. (pr. \ &m&r’ &ss& \ ) At plr. amarësse. - 1) -
alvà - 3) - n. f. (pr. \ &lv’& \ ) Inv. At plr. - raising, rise, rising. bitterness. See also the term (most used) “amer “ used as
See also the terms "levà, alvada ". sbst. - 2) - troubles. - See also the term “ameror “.
alvada - n. f. (pr. \ &lv’&d& \ ) - See alvà. amarëzzé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &m&r&zz’e \ ) - See amagegé.
alvàjes - n. f. (pr. \ &lv’&yæz \ ) Inv. at plr. edelveiss (botany - amaricant - adj. (pr. \ &m&ric’&nt \ ) - See americant.
Leontopodium alpinum). See also the term "lanosa" and the amass - n. m. (pr. \ &m’&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - hoard, mass,
common loc. "stéila alpin-a". heap, stack. - 2) - pool (economy). - 3) - pack (in a fig.
alvé - vrb 1st con. trs (pr. \ &lv’e \ ) - 1) - to raise. See also the sense).
term “aussé “. - 2) - to rise, to ferment. See also the term amassìdi - n. m. (pr. \ &m&s’idi \ ) Inv. at plr. - murder,
“fërmenté “. killing. See also the terms “sassinat, sassinament “.
alvésse - vrb 1 st con. refl. (pr. \ &lv’ese \ ) - 1) - to raise oneself amàssona - n. f. (pr. \ &m’&sun& \ ) At plr. amàssone. -
(normal refl. meaning). Amazon, horsewoman.
am - prn. prt. (vrbl. prs. prn. + prs. prn.) (pr. \ &m \ ) - he (she, amassònich - adj. (pr. \ &m&s’onic \ ) Ms. plr. amassònich,
it, they)... (to) me - See grammar for the use. E. g. : “he tells fm. sng. and plr. amassònica, amassòniche. - Amazonian.

amator - n. (pr. \ &m&t’ur \ ) Ms. plr. amator, fm. sng. and plr. ambaragnésse - vrb. 1st con. refl. usually dfc. (pr. \
amatriss, amatriss. - connoisseur, amateur. &mb&r&[gn]’ese \ ) - to become cloudy. See also the most
amatorial - adj. (pr. \ &m&turi’&l \ ) Ms. plr. amatoriaj, fm. common term “an-nivolésse “.
sng. and plr. amatorial, amatoriaj. - amateur (as an attr.) ambarass - n. m. (pr. \ &mb&r’&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
ambabociada - n. f. (pr. \ &mb&bu[ch]i’&d& \ ) At plr. embarrassment, encumbrance. - 2) - awkwardness. - 3) -
ambabociade. - scribble, daub. See also the term trouble, hindrance. - See also the voices “ambreuj, antrap,
“scarabòcc “. ingombr “.
ambabocé - vrb 1st con.trs. (pr. \ &m&bbu[ch]’e \ ) - to ambarassant - adj. (pr. \ &mb&r&s’&nt \ ) Ms. plr.
scribble, to to scrawl. See also the term “scarabocé“. ambarassant, fm. sng. and plr. ambarassanta,
ambabolada - n. f. (pr. \ &m&bbul’&d& \ ) At plr. ambarassante. - embarrassing, awkward.
ambabolade. - deception, deceiving, cheating, swindling. ambarassé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mb&r&s’e \ ) - to
ambabolé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mb&bul’e \ ) - to deceive, to embarrass, to encumber, to burden with... . See also the
cheat, to swindle, to make a fool of.... voices “ambrojé, ingombré “.
ambacucada - n. f. (pr. \ &mb&c[ue]c’&d& \ ) At plr. ambarbarì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &mb&rb&r’i \ ) - 1) -
ambacucade. - 1) - wrapping up. - 2) - enticement, to barbarize, to corrupt (a language). (trs.). - 2) - to
allurement, seduction (in a fig. sense). become barbarous, to become corrupt (int.) with the same
ambacuché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mb&c[ue]k’e \ ) - 1) - to meaning of the refl. form.
wrap up, to muffle up. - 2) - to entice, to allure, to seduce ambarbariment - n. m. (pr. \ &mb&rb&rim’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
(in a fig. sense). barbarization.
ambagagé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mb&g&j’e \ ) - to make a ambarbarìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &mb&rb&r’ise \ ) - to
bundle, to prepare the baggages. become barbarous, to become corrupt.
ambajà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &mb&y’& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - ambarcador - n. m. (pr. \ &mb&rc&d’ur \ ) Inv. at plr. -
1) - ajar, half-closed. - 2) - spellbound (in a fig. sense). landing-stage. See also the terms “dësbarch, pont“.
ambajé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mb&y’e \ ) - to leave ajar, to ambarcament - n. m. (pr. \ &mb&rc&m’ænt \ ) - 1) - shipping,
half-closed, to half-open. shipment, boarding. See also the term “ambarch “. - 2) -
ambajura - n. f. (pr. \ &mb&y’[ue]r& \ ) At plr. ambajure. - boat, craft. Not much used in this sense, see also the term
crack, cleft, fissure. See also the most common term “filura “ambarcassion “.
“. ambarcassion - n. f. (pr. \ &mb&rc&si’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
ambalador - n. m. (pr. \ &mb&l&d’ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - packer, boat, craft.
baler. This word is usually referred to a person making ambarch - n. m. (pr. \ &mb’&rc \ ) Inv. at plr. - shipping,
packs, or bales, and it is usually ms. If a feminine is needed, shipment, boarding. See also the term “ambarcament “.
then it is better to use “ambaladora, ambaladore “, since the ambarché - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &mb&rk’e \ ) - to ship, to
terms “ambaladòira, ambaladòire “ (see below) are usually board, to embark. The refl. form assumes also the
referred to machines. See also the term “ambaleur “. following particuòlar meaning:
ambaladòira - n. f. (pr. \ &mb&l&d’oir& \ ) At plr. ambarchésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &mb&rk’ese \ ) - 1) - to
ambaladòire. - baling machine. board (referred to oneself - usual refl. meaning). - 2) - to
ambalagi - n. m. . (pr. \ &mb&l’&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - packing, start an enterprise or a job (usually not good or risky).
packaging, baling, boxing. See also the term “imbalagi “. ambardà - n. f. (pr. \ &mb&rd&d’e \ ) Inv. at plr. - yaw
ambalé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mb&l’e \ ) - 1) - to pack, to (planes).
package, to bale, to box up. - 2) - to race (motors). ambardadura - n. f. (pr. \ &mb&rd&d’[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
ambalésse - vrb 1st con. refl. . (pr. \ &mb&l’ese \ ) - to get out ambardadure. - 1) - harness. - 2) - trappings (in a fig.
of control, to become frisky. sense). - 3) - best clothes (in a jocular sense). See also the
ambaleur - n. m. (pr. \ &mb&l’[oe]r \ ) - See ambalador. most commonly used term “bardadura “, and also the term
ambalinà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &mb&lin’& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and "ambardatura".
nr. - 1) - hit with shot (hunting). - 2) - passionately fond, ambardatura - n. f. (pr. \ &mb&rd&t’[ue]r& \ ) - See
fan, enthusiast. ambardadura.
ambaliné - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &mb&lin’e \ ) - 1) - to hit with ambardé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mb&rd&d’e \ ) - 1) - to bard,
shot (hunting). - 2) - to torpedo, to oust (in a fig. sense). to harness. - 2) - to dress up (in a jocular sense). - 3) - to
The refl. form assumes the following meaning: yaw (planes). The refl. form assumes the following
ambalinésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &mb&lin’ese \ ) - to meaning:
become passionately fond (of...). ambardésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &mb&rd&d’ese \ ) - to
ambaloté - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &mb&lut’e \ ) - to ball, to roll. wear a kicky suit.
See also the term “ambalotolé “. ambarilé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mb&ril’e \ ) - to store in
ambalotolé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mb&lutul’e \ ) - See barrel, to barrel. See also the vrbl. loc. “buté ant ël baril “
ambaloté. = “to put in the barrel “ and the term “salamoiré “.
ambalsamador - n. (pr. \ &mb&ls&m&d’ur \ ) Ms. plr. ambaroné - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &mb&run’e \ ) - to pile, to
ambalsamador, fm. sng. and plr. ambalsamadòira, heap. (usually in a disordered way). See also the terms
ambalsamadòire. - embalmer. “anmugé, mugé “.
ambalsamassion - n. f. (pr. \ &mb&ls&m&si’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at ambass - n. m. (pr. \ &mb’&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - double ace in a
plr. - embalming. dice game.
ambalsamé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mb&ls&m’e \ ) - to ambassa - n. f. (pr. \ &mb’&s& \ ) At plr. ambasse. - anguish.
embalm. ambassada - n. f. (pr. \ &mb&s’&d& \ ) At plr. ambassade. -
ambanché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mb&[ng]k’e \ ) - to heap, to embassy.
pile up. ambassador - 1) - n. (pr. \ &mb&s&d’ur \ ) Ms. plr.
ambandieré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mb&ndier’e \ ) - to deck ambassador, fm. sng. and plr. ambassadriss,
with flags. The term is quite an italianism, even if it is used. ambassadriss. - ambassador. It has to be noted that the
A better term is “pavësé “, and a correct vrbl. loc. is “soagné declination of words ending (at ms. sng.) in “... dor ” is
‘d drapò “. having more or less the lit. value “to deck with usually “...or, ...or. ...òira, ...òire “. but in this case the rule
flags “. is similar to the one of nouns ending in “... tor “. Note that

this is true only for the diplomatic degree. (see below the ambërbojé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mb&rbuy’e \ ) - to muddle,
other meaning). to confuse, to entangle. In the refl. Form the meaning is
ambassador - 2) - n. (pr. \ &mb&s&d’ur \ ) Ms. plr. also the following:
ambassador, fm. sng. and plr. ambassadora, ambërbojésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &mb&rbuy’ese \ ) - 1) - to
ambassadore. - mesenger. lose the thread (of what one was saying). - 2) - to confuse
ambassarìa - n. f. (pr. \ &mb&s&r’i& \ ) At plr. ambassarìe. - oneself, etc.
message (brought by a messenger). ambërboré - vrb 1sr con. trs. (pr. \ &mb&rbur’e \ ) - to soak, to
ambassiné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mb&sin’e \ ) - to put into sature. See also the terms “ambibì, ambèive“.
the tub. See also the term “ambioné “. ambërgiàira - n. f. (pr. \ &mb&rji’&ir& \ ) At plr. ambërgiàire. -
ambastardì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &mb&st&rd’i \ ) - hurry, aste, escape, flight. See also the term “sbërgiàira “.
to degenerate, to debase, to bastardize, to deteriorate. All ambërgiairé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mb&rji&ir’e \ ) - to put to
these forms can be trs. or int. The int. form has the same flight, to throw out. See also the term “sbërgiairé “, and the
meaning of the following refl. form. vrbl. loc. “dé la sbërgiàira “ having value of “to give the
ambastardìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &mb&st&rd’ise \ ) - See flight “.
ambastardì (int. meaning). ambërlifà - n. f. , adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &mb&rlif’& \ ) - Inv. In
ambasté - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &mb&st’e \ ) - 1) - to put the gnd. and nr. - 1) - dirtying, soiling, smearing, daubing
packsaddle. - 2) - to tyrannize (in a fig. sense). (sbst.). See also the term “ambërlifada “. - 2) - dirty, soiled
ambastì - vrb 3rd con. trs (pr. \ &mb&st’i \ ) - 1) - to tack, to (adj. and p. p.). See also the term “ambërlifé “.
baste. - 2) - to plan out, to draft, to outline (in a fig. ambërlifada - n. f. (pr. \ &mb&rlif’&d& \ ) At plr. ambërlifade.
sense). - dirtying, soiling, smearing, daubing. See also the terms
ambastiura - n. f. (pr. \ &mb&sti’[ue]r& \ ) At plr. ambastiure. “ambërlifà , bërlifada “.
- 1) - tacking, basting. - 2) - sketch, outline (in a fig. ambërlifàire - n. (pr. \ &mb&rlif’&ire \ ) Ms. plr. ambërlifàire,
sense). fm. sng. and plr. ambërlifàira, ambërlifàire. - soiler,
ambate - vrb 2 nd con. trs. (pr. \ &mb’&te \ ) - to find by dauber. See also the terms “ampiastron, sporcacion “.
chance. Often the form used is the refl. one, as it follows: ambërlifé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mb&rlif’e \ ) - to dirty, to
ambatse - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ &mb’&tse \ ) - to meet with soil, to smear, to cake (with mud). See also the terms
(sb. or st.) (by chance), to run into (sb. or st.) (by chance). “ambociardé, anflé, sporché, sbërlifé “.
ambaucé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mb&u[ch]’e \ ) - to take (sb.) ambëssì - adj. (pr. \ &mb&s’i \ ) Ms. plr. ambëssì, fm. sng. and
into one’s service, to put (sb,) out to service. plr. ambëssìa, ambëssìe. - benumbed, numb, stiff,
ambaulé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mb&[ue]l’e \ ) - to pack (st,) paralyzed. See also the voices “ampëssì, ampsì, ambsì ,
in a trunk. pëssì“.
ambavosé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mb&vuz’e \ ) - to slaver. ambì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &mb’i \ ) - aspire (to), to
ambèive – vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ &mb’æive \ ) - to soak. See long for. Not so much used, the trs. form and the int. one
also the terms “ambërboré, ambibì “. have the same meaning. Both forms make use of the aux,
ambelelà - adv. (pr. \ &mbelel’& \ ) - there, in that place. “avèj “. See also the terms “ambissioné, vorèj, desideré,
Sometimes it is written “an belelà “. Used to refer to a place sugné “, and the vrbl. loc. “avèj l’anvìa “, standing for “to
far away from both speaker and listener. See also the term have a strong wish “.
“là “. ambiancà - n. f. , adj. and p, p, (pr. \ &mbi&[ng]c’& \ ) Inv. In
ambelelì - adv. (pr. \ &mbelel’i \ ) - there, in that place. gnd. and nr. In any case. - 1) - a quick painting of white, a
Sometimes it is written “an belelì “. Used to refer to a place shallow sheet of snow (sbst.). Sometimes the term is used,
far away from speaker and close to listener. See also the on the contrary, to indicate an heavy white painting or a
term “lì “. deep sheet of snow, in a jocular sense, which is quite
ambelessì - adv. (pr. \ &mbeles’i \ ) - here, in this place. common in Piedm. See also the term “ambiancada “. - 2) -
Sometimes it is written “an belessì “. Used to refer to a white, whitened.
place close to the speaker. See also the term “sì “. ambiancada - n. f. (pr. \ &mbi&[ng]c’&d& \ ) At plr.
ambelì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &mbel’i \ ) - 1) - to ambiancade. - a quick painting of white, a shallow sheet
embellish, to adorn (trs.). - 2) - to become beautiful (int.) of snow. See also the term “ambiancà “.
(Same meaning of the refl. form.). ambianché - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &mbi&[ng]k’e \ ) - to
ambeliment - n. m. (pr. \ &mbelim’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - whiten, to whitewash, to paint. The term is used in general
embellishment. for painting white, but also for paining house, no matter the
ambelìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &mbel’ise \ ) - to become colour.
beautiful. ambianchésse - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mbi&[ng]k’ese \ ) - to
ambestialì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ &mbesti&l’i \ ) - to become dirty or paint oneself with (st.) white.
furious, to fly into a rage. It uses the aux. “esse “. This ambianchì - vrb 3 rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &mbi&[ng]k’i \ ) - 1)
meaning is the same of the following refl. form, which is - to whiten, to bleach, to discolour (trs.). It uses the aux.
more used. “avèj “. - 2) - to whiten, to discolour, to fade
ambestialìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &mbesti&l’ise \ ) - to (int.).(referred to oneself). It makes use of the aux. “esse “.
become furious, to fly into a rage. See also the term “sbianchì, stenze “. This form has the
ambestialìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &mbesti&l’ise \ ) - to same meaning of the refl. form below.
become furious, to fly into a rage. ambianchin - n. m. (pr. \ &mbi&[ng]k’i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
ambeusmé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mb[oe]zm’e \ ) - to size whitewasher, house-painting. See also the term “bianchin
(texile industry). See also the term “ambosmé “. “.
ambëcché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mb&kk’e \ ) - 1) - to feed ambianchìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &mbi&[ng]k’ise \ ) - to
(referred to birds). - 2) - to prompt (to put the words into whiten, to discolour, to fade (referred to oneself).
sb.’s mouth). – See also the voice “amboconé “. ambianchisseur - n. . (pr. \ &mbi&[ng]kis[oe]r \ ) Ms. plr.
ambërbojada - n. f. (pr. \ &mb&rbuy’&d& \ ) At plr. ambianchisseur, fm. sng. and plr. ambianchisseusa,
ambërbojade. - muddle, speech without a sense, hotch- ambianchisseuse. - worker assigned to whitening.
potch. ambiancor - n. m. (pr. \ &mbi&[ng]c’ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - texile
worker assigned to the bleaching.

ambiavà - 1) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &mbi&v’& \ ) Inv. in gnd. ambisarìsse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &mbiz&r’ise \ ) - See
and nr. - 1) - as a p. p. see ambiavé. - 2) - as an adj. the term ambisarì.
assumes the fig. meaning : drunk. ambission - n. f. (pr. \ &mbisi’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - ambition.
ambiavà - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ &mbi&v’& \ ) Inv. at plr. - ambissioné - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &mbisiun’e \ ) - to
drunkenness. aspire (to), to long (for). See also the voices “ambì, vorèj,
ambiavé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mbi&v’e \ ) - 1) - to feed with desideré, sugné “, and the vrbl. loc. “avèj l’anvìa “, standing
fodder. - 2) - to seed fodder. In the refl. form the term takes for “to have a strong wish “. In Piedm. it can be used as trs.
the following meaning: or int. In both forms it used the aux. “avèj “.
ambiavésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &mbi&v’ese \ ) - to get ambissios - adj. (pr. \ &mbisi’uz \ ) Ms. plr. ambissios, fm. sng.
drunk. and plr. ambissiosa, ambissiose. - ambitious.
ambibì - 1) - vrb 3 rd con. trs. (pr. \ &mbib’i \ ) - to soak. See àmbit - n. m. (pr. \ ‘&mbit \ ) Inv. at plr. - ambit, circle. See
also the voice “ambërboré “. also the terms “cìrcol, sìrcol, sercc, curnis, sfera, gir,
ambibì - 2) – adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &mbib’i \ ) Ms. plr. ambibì, anviron “.
fm. sng. and plr. ambibìa, ambibìe. - soaked. As an adj. see ambitumé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mbit[ue]m’e \ ) - to
also the term “ambù, ambeivù (p. p. of ambèive ) “. bituminize, to tar. See also the terms “ambiumé, bitumé,
ambient - n. m. (pr. \ &mbi’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - angodroné “.
environment, surroundings, milieu. See also the term ambiumé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mbi[ue]m’e \ ) - See
“anviron “. - 2) - background. - 3) - room. ambitumé.
ambientàbil - adj. (pr. \ &mbiænt’&bil \ ) Ms. plr. ambientàbij, ambivalensa - n. f. (pr. \ &mbiv&l’æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr.
fm. sng. and plr. ambientàbil, ambientàbij. - adaptable, ambivalense. - ambivalence.
adaptable to the environment. ambivalent - adj. (pr. \ &mbiv&l’ænt \ ) Ms. plr. ambivalent,
ambiental - adj. (pr. \ &mbiænt’&l \ ) Ms. plr. ambientaj, fm. fm. sng. and plr. ambivalenta, ambivalente. - ambivalent.
sng. and plr. ambiental, ambientaj. - environmental. àmbla - n. f. (pr. \ ‘&mbl& \ ) At plr. àmble. - amble (horses).
ambientament - n. m. (pr. \ &mbiænt&m’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - amblé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ &mbl’e \ ) - to amble (horses). It
acclimatization, acclimation. uses the aux. “avèj “.
ambientassion - n. f. (pr. \ &mbiænt&si’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) amblé (d’ ---) – adv. loc. (pr. \ d &mbl’e \ ) - suddenly, out of
- acclimatization, acclimation (not so much used in this the blue.
sense, see “ambientament ”). - 2) - adapltation to the amblëtté - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &mbl&tt’e \ ) - 1) - to make up.
environment. - 3) - setting, scenary (theatre, etc.). - 2) - to embellish (in a fig. sense).
ambienté - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &mbiænt’e \ ) - to acclimatize, àmbo - n. m. (pr. \ ‘&mbu \ ) Inv. at plr. - double (lotto).
to adapt, to fit in, to set. In the refl. form it assumes the amboassagi - (pr. \ &mbu&s’&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - wainscoting.
following meaning: amboassé - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &mbu&s’e \ ) - to wainscot.
ambientésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &mbiænt’ese \ ) - to get See also the term “boassé “.
acclimatized, to find one’s feet. ambocadura - n. f. (pr. \ &mbuc&d’[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
ambigù - n. m. (pr. \ &mbig’[ue] \ ) Inv. at plr. - abundant ambocadure. - mouth, opening, entrance, embouchure.
breakfast (which allows not to have lunch). amboch - n. m. (pr. \ &mb’uc \ ) Inv. at plr, - stoppage,
ambiguament - adv. (pr. \ &mbigu&m’ænt \ ) - in an clogging, obstruction. See also “angorgh “.
ambiguous way. Italianism. The adv. loc. “an manera amboché - vrb. 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &mbuk’e \ ) - 1) - to feed (by
ambigua, an manera nen ciàira “ are much more used, putting the food in the mouth e. g. of a little baby). - 2) - to
whose lit. meaning is rspy. “ in an ambiguous way, in a not prompt, to put words into sb’s mouth. - 3) - to enter, to
clear way “. come on, to run into. - The refl. form takes the following
ambiguità - n. f. (pr. \ &mbiguit’& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - meaning:
ambiguity. -2) - shadiness. ambochésse - vrb. 1 st con. refl. (pr. \ &mbuk’ese \ ) - to get
ambiguo - adj. (pr. \ &mb’ig[ue]u \ , \ &mb’iguu \) - Ms. plr. obstructed, to clog.
ambiguo, fm. sng. and plr. ambigua, ambigue. - 1) - ambociardé - vrb. 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mbu[ch]i&rd’e \ ) - 1) - to
ambiguous. - 2) - shady. dirty, to soil, to sully, to smear. See also the terms “anflé,
ambindé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mbind’e \ ) - to bandage, to ambërlifé “.- 2) - to paint a wall with stains of different
dress. See also the terms “ampatagné, bindé, anlupé, colours. - 3) - to spray with plaster. - See also the term
anfassé “. "bociardé ".
ambindlé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mbindl’e \ ) - to adorn with amboclé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mbucl’e \ ) - to buckle, to put
ribbons, to ribbon. buckles. See also the term “ambocolé “.
ambiondé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mbiund’e \ ) - to make ambocolé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mbucul’e \ ) - See amboclé.
blond. amboconé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mbucun’e \ ) - to feed (by
ambiondì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ &mbiund’i \ ) - to turn blond, putting the food in the mouth e. g. of a little baby). See also
to turn golden, to ripen (of wheat). Usually it used the aux. the term “amboché (1st meaning), ambëcché “
“esse “. amboé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mbu’e \ ) - to put the herd in
ambioné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mbiun’e \ ) - to put into the the cow-shed or sheep-fold.
tub (only referred to washing into the wash-tub). See also amboeté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mbuet’e \ ) - to do cigarettes
the terms “ambassiné, sbrumé “. by rolling the tobacco inside the paper.
ambironé - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &mbirun’e \ ) - to pivot, to ambolass - n. m. (pr. \ &mbul’&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - tool used to
unite with pins or nails for wood. See also “anciodé, hitch oxes to the cart. See also the term “amborass “.
ampivé, ampernié, bironé “. ambolatorial - adj. (pr. \ &mbul&turi’&l \ ) Ms. plr.
ambisarì - vrb 1st con. int. and trs. (pr. \ &mbiz&r’i \ ) - 1) - to ambolatoriaj, fm. sng. and plr. ambolatorial,
get out of control (int.). See also the term “malsoavì “. ambolatoriaj. - out-patient, surgery (as attr.).
Since the meaning is always refl., see also the terms ambolatòri - n. m. (pr. \ &mbul&t’ori \ ) Inv. at plr. - surgery.
“anchietésse, anrabiésse “. - 2) - to make (sb. or st,) go out amboloné - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &mbulun’e \ ) - to rivet, to
of control (trs.). See also the term “anchieté, “ and the vrbl. put a bolt, to bolt. See also the term “anciavardé “.
loc. “fé anrabié “ = “to make (sb.) angry “. ambon - n. m. (pr. \ &mb’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - ambo

ambonì - vrb 3 rd con. trs. (pr. \ &mbun’i \ ) - 1) - to calm down, amboschì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &mbusk’i \ ) - to afforest.
to soothe, to pacify. - 2) - to persuade people to buy. - 3) - amboschiment – n. m. (pr. \ &mbuskim’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
to persuade (sb.) to do (st.) not convenient. afforestation.
ambonidor - n. (pr. \ &mbunid’ur \ ) Ms. plr. ambonidor, fm. amboschìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &mbusk’ise \ ) - to grow
sng. and plr. ambonidòira, ambonidòire. - barker, wild, to become covered by a wood (referred to a land or a
huckster. See also the term “bateur “. ground).
amboniment - n. m. (pr. \ &mbunim’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - sales- ambosmé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mbuzm’e \ ) - to size (texile
talk. industry). See also the term “ambeusmé “.
ambonpoèn - n. m. (pr. \ &mbu[ng]pu’æ[ng] \ ) - Inv. at plr. - ambossàbil - adj. (pr. \ &mbus’&bil \ ) Ms. plr. ambossàbij,
prosperity, floridness. fm. sng. and plr. ambossàbil, ambossàbij. - overturnable,
amborass - n. m. (pr. \ &mbur’&s \ ) - See ambolass. tipping.
amboré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mbur’e \ ) - 1) - to stuff, to ambossé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mbus’e \ ) - to turn upside-
poad, to wad. - 2) - to botch, to bungle (in a fig. sense). down, to overturn, to upset (with some sense of a fall).
amboreusa - n. f. (pr. \ &mbur’[oe]z& \ ) At plr. amboreuse. - ambosseur - n. (pr. \ &mbus’[oe]r \ ) Ms. plr. ambosseur, fm.
woman stuffing taylor’s dummy. Usually the noun is only sng. and plr. ambosseusa, ambosseuse. - procurer,
fm., but in case of need, the ms., inv. at plr., is amboreur. pander, pimp, broker, middleman.
amborgheisì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &mburgæiz’i \ ) - ambossoar - n. m. (pr. \ &mbusu’&r \ ) Plr., but in case of need
1) - to make burgeois (trs.). - 2) - to become bourgeois the sng. is the same. - leggings, boot-legs, jambs.
(int.). See also the term “amborzoasì “.It uses the aux. “esse ambossor - n. m. (pr. \ &mbus’ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - funnel. See
“ when int. and the aux. “avèj “ when trs. The refl. form also the terms “ambotor, pidriòt “.
(below) has the same meaning of the int. form. ambossura - n. f. (pr. \ &mbus’[ue]r& \ ) At plr. ambossure. -
amborgheisiment - n. m. (pr. \ &mburgæizim’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. mouth, opening, entrance.
(if any). - bourgeoisification. See also the term ambotaladura - n. f. (pr. \ &mbut&l&d’[ue]r& \ ) - At plr.
“amborzoasiment “. ambotaladure. - casking.
amborgheisìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &mburgæiz’ise \ ) - to ambotalé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mbut&l’e \ ) - to put into a
become bourgeois. See also the term “amborzoasìsse “. cask, to cask.
amborgné - vrb 1sr con. trs. (pr. \ &mbur[gn]’e \ ) - 1) - to ambotì - vrb 3 rd con. trs. (pr. \ &mbut’i \ ) - to stuff, to pad, to
blind. - 2) - to block up (e.g. a window). - 3) - to bury wad, to fill. See also the term “amboré “.
(nails, etc.). See also the term “sborgné “. ambotiadura - n. f. (pr. \ &mbuti&d’[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
amborgnésse - vrb 1sr con. refl. (pr. \ &mbur[gn]’ese \ ) - 1) - ambotiadure. - bottling.
to become blind, to go blind. - 2) - to blind oneself. See ambotidura - n. f. (pr. \ &mbutid’[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
also the term “sborgnésse “. ambotidure. - stuffing, padding, filling, wadding. See also
amboriché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mburik'e \ ) - to load (sb.) the term “ambotiura “.
on shoulders (also in a fig. sense). See also the term ambotié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mbuti’e \ ) - to bottle. Also
"boriché ". with spelling “ambotijé “.
amborichésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &mburik'ese \ ) - to ambotijé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mbutiy’e \ ) - See ambotié.
overload oneself. See also the term "borichésse". ambotiura - n. f. (pr. \ &mbuti’[ue]r& \ ) - See ambotidura.
amborlé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mburl’e \ ) - to pile a sheaf ambotor - n. m. (pr. \ &mbut’ur \ ) - See ambossor.
(agriculture). See also the term “borlé “. ambòss - adj. (pr. \ &mb’os \ ) Ms. plr. ambòss, fm. sng. and
amborlor - n. m. (pr. \ &mburl’ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - reaper, plr. ambòssa, ambòsse. - prone, with face downwards.
mower, harvester. - 2) - tool for piling a sheaf. – It can ambòsta - n. f. (pr. \ &mb’ost& \ ) At plr. ambòste. - the
happen that in the first meaning a feminine for is needed. In content of the two hands united.
this case the forms are : amborlòira, amborlòire rspy. for àmbra - n. f. (pr. \ ‘&mbr& \ ) At plr. (if any) àmbre. - 1) -
sng. and plr. amber. - 2) - bunting. (Emberiza citronella - zoology).
amborn - n. m. (pr. \ &mb’urn \ ) - laburnum (botany). See ambrà - adj. (pr. \ &mbr’& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - coloured as
also the term “arborn “. amber.
amborsé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mburs’e \ ) - to put into the ambragador - n. m. (pr. \ &mbr&g&d’ur \ ) Inv. at plr. -
bag. (often used in a fig. sense). See also the term slinger. Italianism sometimes used. See the best term
“ambussolé “. “ambragheur “.
amborzoasì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &mburzu&z’i \ ) - ambragadura - n. f. (pr. \ &mbr&g&d’[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
See amborgheisì. ambragadure. - slinging, sling. See also the term
amborzoasiment - n. m. (pr. \ &mburzu&zim’ænt \ ) - See “ambragura “.
amborgheisiment. ambragagi - n. m. (pr. \ &mbr&g’&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - clutch,
amborzoasìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &mburzu&z’ise \ ) - See coupling (mechanics).
amborgheisìsse. ambraghé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mbr&g’e\ ) - 1) - to secure
amboscà - 1) - adj. , n. and p. p. (pr. \ &mbusc’& \ ) Inv. in gnd. with a sling, to sling. See also the term, sometime used,
and nr. - 1) - shirker (sbst.). - 2) - hidden, cornered (adj. “ambrajé “. - 2) - to engage (mechanics).
and p. p.). ambragheur - n. m. (pr. \ &mbr&g’[oe]r \ ) - See ambragador.
amboscà - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ &mbusc’& \ ) Inv. at plr. - ambush. ambragura - n. f. (pr. \ &mbr&g’[ue]r& \ ) - See
See also the terms “amprovisa, amprovisà, amprovista, avàit ambragadura.
“. ambrajé - vrb 1 con. trs. (pr. \ &mbr&y’e \ ) - 1) - to put the
amboscament - n. m. (pr. \ &mbusc&m’ænt \ ) - 1) - hiding in trousers to (sb.). - 2) - to sling. In this meaning see also the
a wood, hiding, cornering. - 2) - shirking. term “ambraghé “.
ambosché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mbusk’e \ ) - 1) - to hide in ambrajésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &mbr&y’ese \ ) - to put
a wood, to hide, to corner, to conceal. - 2) - to help (sb.) the trousers (to oneself).
to evade duty (in particular military service). – The refl. ambranà - adj. and n. (pr. \ &mbr&n’& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
form assumes the following meaning: 1) - raw, green, uncouth (adj.). - 2) - greenhorn, raw
amboschésse - vrb 1 st con. refl. (pr. \ &mbusk’ese \ ) - to shirk, recruit (sbst.).
to evade duty. See also the term “scaforé “.

ambranché - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &mbr&[ng]k’e \ ) - to seize, ambrodé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mbrud’e \ ) - 1) - to soil, to
to grasp. See also the term “ampugné “. The refl. form stain with broth. - 2) - to put broth. The refl.form can
assumes the following meaning: assumme the following meanings:
ambranchésse - vrb 1 st con. refl. (pr. \ &mbr&[ng]k’ese \ ) - to ambrodésse - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mbrud’ese \ ) - 1) - to soil
cling. oneself, etc. - 2) - to boast, to brag.
ambrasé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mbr&z’e \ ) - to burn, to ambrojada - n. f. (pr. \ &mbruy’&d& \ ) At plr. ambrojade. -
burn to coal, to burn to embers. 1) - swindle, fraud. - 2) - a poor dish based on eggs and
ambrasiura - n. f. (pr. \ &mbr&zi’[ue]r& \ ) At plr. tomato sauce.
ambrasiure. - loop-hole, slit. See also the terms ambrojé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mbruy’e \ ) - 1) - to tangle,
“ambrasura, filura “. to entangle. See also the terms “pastissé, ancutì, angavigné
ambrass - n. m. (pr. \ &mbr’&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - embrace, hug. “. - 2) - to muddle, to confuse. See also the terms
See also the terms “ambrassada, ambrassament “. “confonde, mës-cé “. - 3) - to cheat, to swindle “.
ambrassada - n. f. (pr. \ &mbr&s’&d& \ ) - See ambrass. ambrojon - n. (pr. \ &mbr[oe]y’u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. ambrojon,
ambrassament - n. m. (pr. \ &mbr&s&m’ænt \ ) - See fm. sng. and plr. ambrojon-a, ambrojon-e. - swindler,
ambrass. cheat, trickster. - See also the term “ambreujon “.
ambrassé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mbr&s’e \ ) - to embrace. ambron - n. m. (pr. \ &mbr’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - corn bunting.
ambrasura - n. f. (pr. \ &mbr&z’[ue]r& \ ) See. ambrasiura. (Emberiza miliaria) (zoology).
ambreuj - n. m. (pr. \ &mbr’[oe]y \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - tangle, ambrun - n. m. (pr. \ &mbr’[un][ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - twilight,
entanglement. - 2) - cheat, swindle, fraud. - 3) - scrape. dusk. In Piedmontese this term is referred both to morning
ambreujé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mbr[oe]y’e \ ) - See and evening. In the morning there is “ambrun matiné “
ambrojé. corresponding to “dawn “ and in the evening there is the
ambreujon - n. (pr. \ &mbr[oe]y’u[ng] \ ) - See ambrojon. “ambrun dla seren-a “ or “ambrunì “ (see in the following).
ambriacada - n. f. (pr. \ &mbri&c’&d& \ ) At plr. See also the term “seren-a “.
ambriacade. - drunkenness. Italianism, see also the best ambrunì - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &mbr[un]n’i \ ) Inv. at plr. -
terms “anciocada, cioca, ambriacògna “. twilight, dusk. In Piedmontese this term is referred only at
ambriach - adj. and n. . (pr. \ &mbri’&c \ ) Ms. plr. ambriach, evening. It is equivalent to the “ambrun dla seren-a “. See
fm. sng. and plr. ambriaca, ambriache. - drunk. also the term or “ambrun “.
Italianism, see also the best term “cioch “. ambrunì - 2) - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ &mbr[un]n’i \ ) - See
ambriaché - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &mbri&k’e \ ) - 1) - to make ambrunìsse.
drunk. - 2) - to fail (st.) (in a fig. sense). - Italianism, see ambrunì - 3) - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &mbr[un]n’i \ ) - to
also the best term “ancioché “. brunish, to polish. See also the most common terms “brunì,
ambriachésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &mbri&k’ese \ ) - to get bronzì “.
drunk. Italianism, see also the best term “anciochésse “. ambrunìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &mbr[ue]n’ise \ ) - to
ambriacon - n. (pr. \ &mbri&c’u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. ambriacon, grow dark. The vrb has a refl. form and an int. meaning
fm. sng. and plr. ambriacon-a, ambriacon-e. - drunkard. (See the term “ambrunì “), and is usually used in a dfc. way.
Italianism, see also the best term “ciocaton “. This verb is used only for the evening, and then see also the
ambriacògna - n. (pr. \ &mbri&c’o[gn]& \ ) At plr. term “scurìsse “, while for the morning see also the term “s-
ambriacògne. - drunkenness. Italianism, see also the best ciairìsse “.
terms “anciocada, cioca “. ambrun-a - n. f. (pr. \ &mbr’[ue][ng]& \ ) At plr. ambrun-e. -
ambrignésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &mbri[gn]’ese \ ) - not to bilberry, whortleberry. In Piedmontese it is called also
care a rap (for). See also the voice “anfòtse“. The most (see the voice) “arëzza, brusson, lostrìa “.
common used form for this term is the following: ambruschì - 1) - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &mbr[ue]sk’i \ ) - to
ambrignés-ne - vrb 1st con. refl. + prn. prt. (pr. \ make acid, to sour, to make sour.
&mbri[gn]’esne \ ) - not to care a rap of it (him, her, ambruschì - 2) - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ &mbr[ue]sk’i \ ) - to get
that, etc.). (See grammar). sour, to become acid. See also the refl. form of the trs. vrb,
ambriladura - n. f. (pr. \ &mbril&d’[ue]r& \ ) At plr. here below, with the same meaning. It uses the aux. “esse “.
ambriladure. - bridling. ambruschìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &mbr[ue]sk’ise \ ) - to
ambrilé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mbril’e \ ) - 1) - to bridle. - 2) get sour, to become acid. See also the voice “ambruschì “.
- to shore up, to dam. ambrutì - 1) - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &mbr[ue]t’i \ ) - 1) - to
ambroacé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mbru&[ch]’e \ ) - 1) - to make (sb.) brutal, to make (sb.) furious. In this form the
soil, to stain with soup. - 2) - to spin out, to draw out (in a verb is very seldom used. - 2) - to make ugly. See also the
fig. sense). See also the most common term “sbroacé “. In term “abrutì “.
the refl. form there is not the fig. sense, as it follows: ambrutì - 2) - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ &mbr[ue]t’i \ ) - 1) - to
ambroacésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &mbru&[ch]’ese \ ) - to turn brutal, to become furious, to become brutish, to get
soil oneself, to stain oneself with soup. See also the most (very) angry. - 2) - to become ugly. - See also the terms
common term “sbroacésse “. “abrutìsse, ambrutìsse “.
ambroacion - n. (pr. \ &mbru&[ch]i’u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. ambrutì - 3) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &mbr[ue]t’i \ ) ) Ms. plr.
ambroacion, fm. sng. and plr. ambracion-a, ambroacion- ambrutì, fm. sng. and plr. ambrutìa, ambrutìe. - very
e. - 1) - messy eater. - 2) - windbag, maunderer (in a fig. angry, furious, enraged.
sense). ambrutìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &mbr[ue]t’ise \ ) - See
ambroaciura - n. f. (pr. \ &mbru&[ch]i’[ue]r& \ ) At plr. ambrutì (int.).
ambroaciure. - 1) - soiling, stain(s). - 2) - spinning out. ambrutiment - n. m. (pr. \ &mbr[ue]tim’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
ambroché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mbruk’e \ ) - 1) - to put brutalization, brutishness.
studs, to nail. See also the terms “anciodé, anciové “. - 2) - ambsì - adj. (pr. \ &mbs’i \ ) - See ambëssì.
to hit, to do (st.) right. See also the term “tachéje “. ambù - adj. (pr. \ &mb’[ue] \ ) - See ambibì.
ambrochëtté - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &mbruk &tt’e \ ) - to adorn ambuaté - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &mb[ue]&t’e \ ) - 1) - to put
with studs or knobs. into a jar. - 2) - to put (sb.) in a spot (in a fig. sense). See
also “ancastré, incastré “.

ambulansa - n. f. (pr. \ &mb[ue]l’&[ng]s& \ ) At plr. americant - adj. (pr. \ &meric’&nt \ ) Ms. plr. americant, fm.
ambulanse. - ambulance. sng. and plr. americanta, americante. - bitterish. See also
ambulant - adj. and n. (pr. \ &mb[ue]l’&nt \ ) Ms. plr. the terms “amaricant, mericant “.
ambulant, fm. sng. and plr. ambulanta, ambulante. - 1) - amerìcio - n. m. (pr. \ &mer’i[ch]iô \ ) Chemical element, inv. at
wandering, itinerant, ambulant (adj.). - 2) - pedlar, plr. (if any). - americium (chemistry).
hawker (sbst.). ameringa - n. f. (pr. \ &mer’i[ng]g& \ ) At plr. ameringhe. -
ambulatorial - adj. (pr. \ &mb[ue]l&turi'&l \ ) Ms. plr. meringue. See also the term “meringa “. -
ambulatoriaj, fm. sng. and plr. ambulatorial, ameror - n. m. (pr. \ &mær’ur \ ) Inv. at plr, - bitterness. See
ambulatoriaj. - out-patient (medical). also the terms “amarëssa, amer, meror “.
ambulatòri - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &mb[ue]l&t'ori \ ) Inv. at plr. - améss - adj. (pr. \ &m’es \ ) Ms. plr. améss, fm. sng. and plr.
surgery. amëssa, amësse. - 1) - admitted. - 2) - allowed, granted. -
ambulatòri - 2) - adj. (pr. \ &mb[ue]l&t'ori \ ) Ms. plr. This adj. is not also a p. p. of the verb “amëtte “ (see below),
ambulatòri, fm. sng. and plr. ambulatòria, ambulatòrie. - which is, instead, “amëttù “.
ambulatory. amésse - vrb 1st con. recp. and refl. (pr. \ &m’ese \ ) - 1) - to
amburbì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &mb[ue]rb’i \ ) - 1) - to love each other (recp.). - 2) - to love oneself (refl.). As we
sharpen the wits of (sb.), to make (sb.) astute (trs.). See noticed about the vrb “amé “, this is not much used in
also the voice “anfurbì “. - 2) - to make oneself astute (int. Piedm., and a vrbl. loc. much more used is “vorèisse bin “.
with refl. value). See also the refl. form “amburbìsse “. ametista - n. f. (pr. \ &met’ist& \ ) At plr. ametiste. -
amburbìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &mb[ue]rb’ise \ ) - to amethyst.
make oneself astute, to become shrewd. See also the voice amëtte - vrb 2 nd con. trs. (pr. \ &m’&tte \ ) - 1) - to admit. - 2) -
“anfurbisse “. to allow. - See also the voice “admëtte “. As we underline
amburì - n. m. (pr. \ &mb[ue]r’i \ ) Inv. at plr. - umbilicus, about the word “améss “, the p. p. of this verb is “amëttù “,
navel. mainly used in active form, but not only. See also the voice
amburià - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &mb[ue]ri’& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and “admëtte”.
nr. - 1) - covered with alluvial mud. - 2) - underground. amìa - n. f. (pr. \ &m’i& \ ) At plr. amìe. - friend (feminine).
amburiada - n. f. (pr. \ &mb[ue]ri’&d& \ ) At plr. amburiade. - This is an irregular feminine of the term “amis “ (see the
1) - alluvial mud, sheet of alluvial mud. - 2) - burial. voice), there is also the regular feminine “amisa ”.
amburié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mb[ue]ri’e \ ) - 1) - to cover àmia - n. f. (pr. \ ‘&mi& \ ) At plr. àmie. - aunt sister of the
with mud (alluvial, brought by rivers). - 2) - to bury. father. See also the term “magna “ which is generich.
amburlé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mb[ue]rl’e \ ) - to make a fool amiant - n. m. (pr. \ &mi’&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). -
of (sb.). See also the refl. form “amburlésse“ that follows: amianthus, asbestos (mineral).
amburlésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &mb[ue]rl’ese \ ) - The amichévol - adj. (pr. \ &mik’evul \ ) Ms. plr. amichévoj, fm.
meaning of the trs. form “amburlé “ and the refl. one is the sng. and plr. amichévol, amichévoj. - friendly.
same. The trs. form, in Piedm., takes the direct object, while amicìssia - n. f. (pr. \ &mi[ch]’isi& \ ) At plr. amicìssie. -
the refl. form takes the genitive - to make fun (of), to poke friendship.
fun (at). àmid - n. m. (pr. \ ‘&mid \ ) Inv. at plr. - starch.
amburnìa - n. f. (pr. \ &mb[ue]rn’i& \ ) - See burnìa. amidé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mid’e \ ) - to starch. See also
ambusé - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &mb[ue]z’e \ ) - to spread the terms “anamidé, amidoné, an-namidé, anlamidé ”.
bovine dung, to manure. See also the term “andrugé “. amidoné - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &midun’e \ ) - See amidé.
ambussé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mb[ue]s’e \ ) - to arrange amidòira - n. f. (pr. \ &mid’oir& \ ) - See anamidòira.
(the wash in the tub). aministrassion - n. f. (pr. \ &ministr&si’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
ambussié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mb[ue]si’e \ ) - to put administration, management. See also the terms “govern,
bushing (to wheels) (“bussìa “ means “bushing “) ministrassion “.
ambussolé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mb[ue]sul’e \ ) - to put into aministrator - n. (pr. \ &ministr&t’ur \ ) Ms. plr. aministrator,
a ballot-box. - 2) - to put into the bag (in a fig. sense) See fm. sng. and plr. aministratriss, aministratriss. -
also the term “amborsé “. administrator, governor, manager. See also the voice
ambusté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mb[ue]st’e \ ) - to put into “meistr “ used only at ms., and the term "ministrator".
envelops. aministré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &ministr’e \ ) - to administre,
amé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &m’e \ ) - to love. In Piedm. this to manage. See also the terms “meinagé, ministré “.
verb is seldom used, and the vrbl. loc. “vorèj bin “ is largely amiraj - n. m. (pr. \ &mir’&y \ ) Inv. at plr. - admiral.
preferred. Lit. the loc. means approximately “to want what is amirajà - n. m. (pr. \ &mir&y’& \ ) Inv. at plr. - admitalty,
good “ but in this case the word “bin “ is fm, and assumes a admiralship.
meaning of “feeling of love “ (See the word “bin “). amirassion - n. f. (pr. \ &mir&si’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
amél - n. m. (pr. \ &m’el \ ) Inv. at plr. (when applicable). - admiration.
honey. See also the term "mél ". amirator - n. . (pr. \ &mir&t’ur \ ) Ms. plr. amirator, fm. sng.
amen - n. m. (pr. \ ‘&mæ[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any) - amen. and plr. amiratriss, amiratriss. - admirer, fan. See also the
amenda - n. f. (pr. \ &m’ænd& \ ) At plr. amende. - 1) - fine. Se voice “stimator “.
also the most common term ”multa “ and the slang term amiré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mir’e \ ) - 1) - to admire. - 2) -
“bòna “. - 2) - amends. to marvel at.
amené - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &men’e \ ) - to furl, to lower. amirèivol - adj. (pr. \ &mir’æivul \ ) Ms. plr. amirèivoj, fm.
amer - 1) - adj. (pr. \ &m’ær \ ) Ms. plr. amer, fm. sng. and plr. sng. and plr. amirèivola, amirèivole. - admirable.
amèra, amère. - bitter. See also the term "mèr". Sometimes also “amirévol “ (see the term).
amer - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ &m’ær \ ) Inv. at plr. - bitterness. See amirévol - adj. (pr. \ &mir’evul \ ) - See amirèivol.
also “amarëssa, ameror “. amis - n. and adj. (pr. \ &m’iz \ ) Ms. plr. amis, fm. sng. and
América - n. f. (pr. \ &m’eric& \ ) At plr. (when applicable) plr. amisa (amìa), amise (amìe). - friend. See also the
Americhe. - America. terms “somà, mecio “ which are quite used slang form. We
american - n. and adj. (pr. \ &meric’&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. underline that this word has two different fm., both used.
american, fm. sng. and plr. amèrican-a, amèrican-e. - amis (da ---) - adj. loc. and adv. loc. (pr. \ d& &m’iz \ ) -
american, See also the term “merican “. friendly, in a friendly way. We note that, even when this loc.

has an adv. meaning, there exists a feminine “da amìse” (the amoral - adj. (pr. \ &mur’&l \ ) Ms. plr. amoraj, fm. sng. and
word “amis “ in the loc. is plr.), when the context is referred plr. amoral, amoraj. - amoral.
to only fm. people. amorbé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &murb’e \ ) - 1) - to infect, to
amison - n. (pr. \ &miz’u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. amison, fm. sng. and corrupt. - 2) - to spread smell (in a fig. sense). - See also
plr. amison-a, amison-e. - great friend. We report this the term “ampesté “.
alteration since the meaning is not “big friend “, but “great amorbidì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &murbid’i \ ) - 1) - to soften. -
friend ”. 2) - to make (sb.) compliant (in a fig. sense. - See also the
amissìbil - adj. (pr. \ &mis’ibil \ ) Ms. plr. amissìbij, fm. sng. term “anmorbidì “. The refl form assumes the following
and plr. amissìbil, amissìbij. – admissible, allowable, meanings:
receivable (legal). See also the term “acetàbil “. amorbidìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &murbid’ise \ ) - 1) - to
amissibilità - n. f. (pr. \ &misibilit’& \ ) Inv. at plr. - become soft. - 2) - to become easy-going, to become
admissibility, acceptability. compliant. - See also the term “anmorbidìsse “.
amission - n. f. (pr. \ &misi’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - amoregé - vrb 1 st con. int. . (pr. \ &murej’e \ ) - to flirt. See
admission, admittance. - 2) - acknowledgement. also the term “flirté” and the vrbl. loc. “fé l’amor “ which is
amit - n. m. (pr. \ &m’it \ ) Inv. at plr. - amice (religion). the most used and lit. means “to do the love “. This vrb uses
amitié - n. f. (pr. \ &miti’e \ ) Inv. at plr. - friendship. the aux. “avèj “.
Frenchsism, see also the term “amicìssia “. amorèivol - adj. (pr. \ &mur’æivul \ ) Ms. plr. amorèivoj, fm.
amlà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &ml'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - sng. and plr. amorèivola, amorèivole. - loving, fond. See
honeyed. - 2) - flattering (in a fig. sense). See also the term also the term “amorévol “.
"melà". amorévol - adj. (pr. \ &mur’evul \ ) - See amorèivol.
amlé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &ml’e \ ) - 1) - to smear with amorevolëssa - n.f. (pr. \ &murevul’&ss& \ ) At plr. (if any)
honey (in the lit. sense). - 2) - to flatter, to butter up (in a amorevolësse. - lovingness, fondness. See also the terms
fig. sense), and also in a meaning similar to “to gild the “amorosità, tenerëssa, dosseur ”.
pill“. - See also the terms "anmlé, mlé". amorevolment - adv. (pr. \ &murevulm’ænt \ ) - lovingly.
amnesìa - n. f. (pr. \ &mnez’i& \ ) At plr. amnesìe. - amnesia. Italianism, since adv. ending in “...ment “. A better
See also the term “dësmèntia “. expression is the adv. loc. “con amor “ = “with love “, and
amnis - n. m. (pr. \ &mn’iz \ ) Inv. at plr. - filthiness, garbage, similar.
litter. See also the best term “mnis “. amorin - n. m. (pr. \ &mur’i[ng] \ ) - Inv. at plr. - 1) - cupid. -
amnisé - n. m. (pr. \ &mniz’e \ ) Inv. at plr. - dustman, refuse- 2) - little darling. - See also the terms “amorùcio, morùcio”,
collector. See also the best term “mnisé “. which are formally alterations of “amor “ (as well as
amnisera - n. f. (pr. \ &mniz’er& \ ) At plr. amnisere. - “amorin “ itself).
dustbin, garbage-can. See also the best term “mnisera “. amoros - adj. and n. (pr. \ &mur’uz \ ) Ms. plr. amoros, fm.
amnistìa - n. f. (pr. \ &mnist’i& \ ) At plr. amnistìe. - amnesty. sng. and plr. amorosa, amorose. - 1) - loving, affectionate
amnistié - vrb. 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mnisti’e \ ) - to amnesty, to (adj). - 2) - lover, sweetheart (sbst.). Not so much used in
grant amnesty (to). this sense, see also “moros “.
amobilié - vrb. 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mubili’e \ ) - to furnish. See amorosità - n. f. (pr. \ &muruzit’& \ ) Inv. at plr (if any) - See
also the term “mobilié “. amorevolëssa.
àmola - n. f. (pr. \ ‘&mul& \ ) At plr. àmole. - cruet, jar amortament - n. m. (pr. \ &murt&m’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
(little). amortization, amortizement.
amolàire - n. m. (pr. \ &mul’&ire \ ) Inv. at plr. - knife- amorté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &murt’e \ ) - to amortize
grinder, knife sharpener. See also the terms “molàire, (finance). See also the terms “amortì, amortisé“.
moleta, molita “. amortì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &murt’i \ ) - 1) - to amortize
amolin - n. m. (pr. \ &mul’i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - ampulla (finance). See also the term “amortisé “. - 2) - to deaden.
(religion). - 2) - diminutive of “amola “ that becomes ms. amortisàgi - n. m. (pr. \ &murtiz’&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - damping,
(see grammar). deadening.
amolon - n. m. (pr. \ &mul’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - flask, big amortisament - (pr. \ &murtiz&m’ænt \ ) - Italianism. - See
bottle, pitcher. Augmentative of “àmola “ but with a bit amortisagi.
different meaning. amortisator - (pr. \ &murtiz&t’ur \ ) - Italianism. - See
amon - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &m’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - fish-hook. amortiseur.
amon - 2) - adv. (pr. \ &m’u[ng] \ ) - See amont. amortisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &murtiz’e \ ) - 1) - to damp, to
amonì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &mun’i \ ) - to admonish, to deaden (mechanics). - 2) - to amortize (finance).
warn, to scold, to reproach. amortiseur - n. m. (pr. \ &murtiz’[oe]r \ ) Inv. at plr. - shock
amonìaca - n. f. (pr. \ &mun’i&c& \ ) At plr. (if required) absorber, damper.
amonìache. - ammonia (chemistry). amorùcio - n. m. (pr. \ &mur’[ue][ch]iu \ ) Inv. at plr. - little
amoniment - n. m. (pr. \ &munim’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - darling. See also the term “amorin “.
admonishment, admonition, warning. amovìbil - adj. (pr. \ &muv’ibil \ ) Ms. plr. amovìbij, fm. sng.
amonission - n. f. (pr. \ &munisi’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - and plr. amovìbil, amovìbij. - removable.
reproach, admonition. amònich - adj. (pr. \ &m’onic \ ) Ms. plr. amònich, fm. sng. and
amont - adv. (pr. \ &m’unt \ ) - toward upper, toward high, plr. amònica, amòniche. - ammoniac (chemistry).
over, up there, upstream. (lit. meaning “to the moutain, to amònio - n. m. (pr. \ &m’oniô \ ) Inv. at plr. (usually only sng.) -
the mount“). See also the term "amon" and the loc. "a mon, ammonium (chemistry).
a mont" amòrf - adj. (pr. \ &m’orf \ ) Ms. plr. amòrf, fm. sng. and plr.
amonté - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ &munt’e \ ) - to amount. It uses amòrfa, amòrfe. - 1) - amorphous (not cristalline),
the aux. “esse “. See also the voice “alvésse“. shapeless. - 2) - colourless, without interest or reactions
amor - n. m. (pr. \ &m’ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - love (in general). (in a fig. sense).
- 2) - sake. As in the sentence “për amor dla precision “ amòrsa - n. f. (pr. \ &m’ors& \ ) At plr. amòrse. - primer.
which has value “ for sake of precision “. - 3) - amours. As ampacc - n. m. (pr. \ &mp’&[ch] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - hindrance,
in the sentence “tuti ij sò amor“ which has value “all the encumbrance, obstacle. - 2) - embarrassment. - See also
amours of him “. the term “impacc “.

ampacé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mp&[ch]’e \ ) - to encumber, ampapiné - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &mp&pin’e \ ) - to glue, to
to hamper, to trouble. See also the term “ambrojé “. The paste (e. g. to paste placards). Slang term, see also the term
refl. form assumes the following meaning: “ancolé “. The refl. form has the following meaning:
ampacésse - vrb 1 st con. refl. (pr. \ &mp&[ch]’ese \ ) - to ampapinésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &mp&pin’ese \ ) - to
interfere, to meddle. See also the term "antrighésse". falter, to stumble.
ampach - n. m. (pr. \ &mp’&c \ ) Inv. at plr. - compress ampapioté - vrb 1 st con trs. (pr. \ &mp&piut’e \ ) - to read
(medical). See also the term “impach “. (sb.’s) fortune in cards.
ampachëtté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mp&k&tt’e \ ) - 1) - to ampapocé - vrb 1 st con trs. (pr. \ &mp&pu[ch]’e \ ) - See
wrap up, to pack, to package. - 2) - to handcuff, to put in ampapëtté.
prison (in a fig. sense). In this meaning also “ampacté “. ampapociura - n. f. (pr. \ &mp&pu[ch]’[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
ampacià - adj. (pr. \ &mp&[ch]i’& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - ampapociure. - dirtying with glue.
awkward, clumsy. - 2) - embarrassed, uneasy. amparadisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mp&r&diz'e \ ) - to put
ampacté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mp&kt’e \ ) - to handcuff. into heaven, to make (sb.) happy. See also the term
See also the term “anmanëtté “. "imparadisé ".
ampadronìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &mp&drun’ise \ ) - 1) - amparadisésse - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &mp&r&diz’ese \ ) - to
to take possession, to appropriate, to seize, to rejoice, to delight.
misappropriate, to steal. - 2) - to master. amparé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mp&r’e \ ) - to learn. See also
ampaginassion - n. f. (pr. \ &mp&jin&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - the terms “amprende, imparé “.
pagination, make-up, paging (typography). See also the amparenté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mp&rænt’e \ ) - to ally (by
term "impaginassion". marriage). The meaning of the refl. form is the following:
ampaginador - n. (pr. \ &mp&jin&d'ur \ ) - See ampaginator. amparentésse - vrb 1 st con. refl. (pr. \ &mp&rænt’ese \ ) - to
ampaginadura - n. f. (pr. \ &mp&jin&d'[ue]r& \ ) - See become related (to). See also the term "imparentésse".
ampaginassion. amparolésse - vrb 1 st con. recp. (pr. \ &mp&rul’ese \ ) - to
ampaginator - n. (pr. \&mp&jin&d'ur \ ) Ms. plr. impaginator, agree verbally, to reach an agreement verbally, to
- fm. sng. and plr. impaginatriss, impaginatriss. - maker- promise verbally. There is not an use in active form.
up (typography). See also the term "impaginator". ampast - n. m. (pr. \ &mp’&st \ ) Inv. at plr. - dough, mixture.
ampaginé - vrb 1st con. trs. - (pr. \ amp&jin'e \ ) - to paginate, ampastador - n. (pr. \ &mp&st&d’ur \ ) Ms. plr. ampastador,
to make-up, to page (typography).See also the term fm. sng. and plr. ampastadòira, ampastadòire. - kneader.
"impaginé". ampastadura - n. f. (pr. \ &mp&st&d’[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
ampaj - n. m. (pr. \ &mp’&y \ ) Inv. at plr. (usually used at plr.). ampastadure. - kneading, mixing.
- 1) - straw, dry shrub. - 2) - pole for holding wine. ampastatriss . n. f. (pr. \ &mp&st&tr’is \ ) Inv. at plr - 1) -
ampajador - n. (pr. \ &mp&y&d’ur \ ) Ms. plr. ampajador, fm. kneading-machine, mixer (mechanics). - 2) - cement
sng. and plr. ampajadòira, ampajadòire. - 1) - chair- mixer, mortar mixing-machine (building). See also the
mender. - 2) - stuffer, taxidermist. See also the term terms “ampastòira, bitumeus “.
“ampajor “. ampasté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mp&st’e \ ) - to knead, to
ampajadura - n. f. (pr. \ &mp&y&d’[ue]r& \ ) At plr. mix.
ampajadure. - 1) - chair-mending. - 2) - taxidermy, ampastissé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mp&stis’e \ ) - to dirty, to
stuffing. See also the term “ampajura “. soil, to smear. See also the terms “ampastrogné, pastissé,
ampajé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mp&y’e \ ) - 1) - to cover with pacioché “.
straw. - 2) - to stuff with straw. - 3) - to bottom(a chair) ampastòira - n. f. (pr. \ &mp&st’oir& \ ) At plr. ampastòire -
with straw. - 4) - to put into the straw. A slang piedm. 1) - kneading-machine, mixer (mechanics). - 2) - cement
expression is “ampajé ij tond “ (and other similar) with a mixer, mortar mixing-machine (building). See also the
value of “to put dishes in the straw “ as when a person terms “ampastatriss, bitumeus “.
moves house, with the idiomatic meaning of “to go away, to ampastrogné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mp&stru[gn]’e \ ) - See
go somewhere else “. ampastissé.
ampajolà - n. f. (pr. \ &mp&yul’& \ ) - 1) - puerpera, woman ampatafià - adj. (pr. \ &mp&stru[gn]’e \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
in childbirth. - 2) - puerperium. - See also the term lying listlessly.
“pajolà “. ampatagné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mp&t&[gn]’e \ ) - 1) - to
ampajor - n. (pr. \ &mp&y’ur \ ) - See ampajador. bandage, to dress (a wound). - 2) - to botch, to patch up
ampajura - n. f. (pr. \ &mp&y’[ue]r& \ ) - See ampajadura. (in a fig. sense). - See also the voices “ampatigné, ambindé,
ampalà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &mp&l’& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - bindé, anfassé, anlupaté, patagné. “.
1) - as stiff as a pole (adj.). - 2) - impaled, staked (p, p,). ampatigné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mp&ti[gn]’e \ ) - See
ampaladura - n. f. (pr. \ &mp&l&d’[ue]r& \ ) At plr. ampatagné.
ampaladure. - staking (agriculture). ampaté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mp&t’e \ ) - to draw, to have a
ampalament - n. m. (pr. \ &mp&l&m’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - draw (games). The refl. form assumes the following
impalement (old torture). meaning:
ampalé - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &mp&l’e \ ) - to impale, to prop ampatésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &mp&t’ese \ ) - to recoup
up, to stake. The refl. form has the following meaning: oneself, to redeem oneself, to make up (of).
ampalésse - vrb 1st con refl. (pr. \ &mp&l’ese \ ) - to stand stiff. ampatrié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mp&tri’e \ ) - to repatriate,
ampanadura - n. f. (pr. \ &mp&n&d’[ue]r& \ ) At plr. to send (sb.) back to his own country. The refl. form
ampanadure. - covering with bread-crumbs, breading. assumes the following meaning:
ampané - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mp&n’e \ ) - 1) - to crumb, to ampatriésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &mp&tri’ese \ ) - to return
roll in bread-crumb, to bread (cooking). See also the term to one’s own country.
“pané “. - 2) - to thread (mechanics). See also the term ampaurì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &mp&[ue]r’i \ ) - to frighten,
“filëtté “. to scare, to terrify. Quite an italianism, see also the most
ampapëtté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mp&p&tt’e \ ) - to spread used terms “sburdì, sbaruvé, spaventé “, and the vrbl. loc.
the glue, to spread with glue. See also the term “fé paura, fé por, fé pau “ having lit.value of “ to do fear
“ampapocé, papëtté“. (dread, scare)”. Please note that the word is derived from

“paùra “ with stress on “ù” and so the dypthong is amperniura - n. f. (pr. \ &mpærni’[ue]r& \ ) - See
pronounced \ &[ue] \ (see phonology). amperniadura.
ampaurìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &mp&[ue]r’ise \ ) - to get amperòmeter - n. m. (pr. \ &mpær’ometær \ ) Inv. at plr. -
frightened, to take fright. Quite an italianism, see also the amperometer, ammeter. See also the form “amperòmetro “
most used terms “sburdìsse, sbaruvésse, spaventésse, which is sometimes used.
sbaruessé “, and the vrbl. loc. “pijésse paùra, fésse paùra, amperòmetro - n. m. (pr. \ &mpær’ometrô \ ) - See
etc. “ having lit. value of “ to do oneself fear (dread, amperòmeter.
scare)”. See the above note. ampertinensa - n. f. (pr. \ &mpærtin’æ[ng]s&\ ) - See
ampautassésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &mp&ut&s’ese \ ) - See ampërtinensa.
ampautésse. ampertinent - adj. (pr. \ &mpærtin’ænt \ ) - See ampërtinent.
ampauté - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &mp&ut’e \ ) - 1) - to cover ampesé - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &mpez’e \ ) - to tar, to pitch, to
with mud, to spatter with mud. - 2) - to throw mud at cover with pitch. See also the terms “ampeisé, apeisé “.
(sb.), to disgrace (in a fig. sense). - See also the voice “an- ampéss - adv. (pr. \ &mp’es \ ) - (a) long time, much time.
nité “. Please note that the word derives from the term ampesté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mpest’e \ ) - 1) - to infect, to
“pàuta“, with the stress on “à”, then the dypthong is stink. - 2) - to spread smell (in a fig. sense). - See also the
pronounced \ &u \ (see phonology). term “amorbé “.
ampautésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &mp&ut’ese \ ) - 1) - to get ampërdonàbil - adj. (pr. \ &mp&rdun'&bil \ ) Ms. plr.
muddy, to sink into the mud. - 2) - to disgrace oneself (in ampërdonàbij, fm. sng. and plr. ampërdonàbil,
a fig. sense). - See also the terms “an-nitésse, pautassésse “ ampërdonàbij. - unforgivable, unpardonable. See also the
and the above note. terms "imperdonàbil. impërdonàbil ".
ampedì - 1) - vrb 3 rd con. trs. (pr. \ &mped’i \ ) - 1) - to ampërfession - n. f. (pr. \ &mp&rfesi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
prevent, not to allow. - 2) – to obstruct. - 3) - to forbid. - imperfection, blemish, faul, flaw. See also the terms
4) - to hamper. See also the term “impedì “. "impërfession, imperfession".
ampedì - 2) - n. (pr. \ &mped’i \ ) Ms. plr. ampedì, fm. sng. and ampërfét - 1) - adj. (pr. \ &mp&rf'et \ ) Ms. plr. ampërfét, fm.
plr. ampedìa, ampedìe. - disabled person. See also the sng. and plr. ampërféta, ampërféte. - 1) - imperfect. - 2) -
term “impedì “. defective, faulty. - 3) - unfinished. See also the terms
ampedìa – n. f. and adj. fm. (pr. \ &mped’i& \ ) At plr. "imperfét, impërfét ".
ampedìe. - pregnant. See also the terms “ansenta, ampërfét - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ &mp&rf'et \ ) Inv. at plr. - imperfect
angravià“. See also the term "impedìa". (grammar). See also the terms "imperfét, impërfét ".
ampediment - n. m. (pr. \ &mpedim’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - ampërgné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mp&r[gn]’e \ ) - 1) - to soak,
impediment, hindrance, inhibition. See also the term to impregnate. - 2) - to impregnate, to fecundate, to make
“impediment “. pregnant. In this meaning see also “angravié “.
ampegné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mpe[gn]'e \ ) - 1) - to engage, ampërgnésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &mp&r[gn]’ese \ ) - 1) - to
to employ. - 2) - to pawn, to pledge. - 3) - to book, to soak oneself. - 2) - to become pregnant.
reserve. - 4) - to bind, to tie. - 5) - to take up. - 6) - to ampërmalì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &mp&rm&l'i \ ) - to annoy,
begin, to start, to engage. - 7) - to engage (military). See to put out. See also the term "impërmalì"
also the term "impegné ". ampërmalìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &mp&rm&l'ise \ ) - to
ampegnésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &mpe[gn]'ese \ ) - 1) - to take offence. See alsao the term "impërmalìsse".
undertake, to engage, to coomit oneself. - 2) - to go bail, ampërmudé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mp&rm[ue]d’e \ ) - to
to stand surety. See also the term "impegnésse". borrow.
ampèiz - n. f. (pr. \ &mp’æiz \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any) - pitch. See ampërsepìbil - adj. (pr.\&mp&rsep'ibil\ ) Ms. plr. ampërsepìbij,
also the term “apèis “. fm. sng. and plr. ampërsepìbil, ampërsepìbij. -
ampeisadura - n. f. (pr. \ &mpæiz&d’[ue]r& \ ) At plr. imperceptible. Quite an italianism. See also the terms
ampeisadure. - tarring, covering with pitch. See also the "impersetìbil, ampërsetìbil, impërcetìbil".
term "apeisadura". ampërsetìbil - adj. (pr. \ &mp&rset'ibil \ ) - See ampërsepìbil.
ampeisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mpæiz’e \ ) - to tar, to pitch, ampërsoné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mp&rsun’e \ ) - to
tocover with pitch. See also the terms “ampesé, apeisé “. personify, to impersonate. See also the term “ancarné “.
ampeivrada - n. f. (pr. \ &mpæivr’&d& \ ) At plr. ampeivrade. - Be careful not to confuse this term with the term
addition of pepper. See also the form “ampëvrada “. “ampërzone “ (see below), having a completely different
ampeivré - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &mpæivr’e \ ) - to pepper, to meaning.
season with pepper. See also the form “ampëvré “. ampërtinensa - n. f. (pr. \ &mp&rtin’æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr.
amper - n. m. (pr. \ &mp’ær \ ) Inv. at plr. - ampere ampërtinense. - impertinence, impudence, cheek,
(electricity). Unity of measurement of electrical intensity. sauciness. See also the terms “impertinensa, ampertinensa“.
ampér - n. m. (pr. \ &mp’er \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - empire. - 2) - ampërtinent - adj. (pr. \ &mp&rtin’ænt \ ) Ms. plr.
rule, sway, control (in a fig. sense). See also the term ampërtinent, fm. sng. and plr. ampërtinenta,
"impér, amperi, imperi ". ampërtinente. - impertinent, pert, saucy, cheeky. See also
amperagi - n. m. (pr. \ &mpær’&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - the terms “impertinent, ampertinent “.
capability of carrying electrical intensity. - 2) - ampërversé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ &mp&rværs’e \ ) - to rage,
absorption of electrical intensity. - 3) - capability of to rail. It uses the aux. “avèj “. See also the term "përversé".
producing electrical intensity. ampërzoné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mp&rzun’e \ ) - to
ampéri - n. m. (pr. \ &mp’eri \ ) - See ampér. imprison, to put in prison, to gaol, to jail.
amperniadura - n. f. (pr. \ &mpærni&d’[ue]r& \ ) At plr. ampëssì - adj. (pr. \ &mp&ss’i \ ) - See ambëssì.
amperniadure. - 1) - hinging, pivoting. See also the term ampëvrada - n. f. (pr. \ &mp&vr’&d& \ ) At plr. ampëvrade. -
“amperniura “. - 2) - hinge, pivot. addition of pepper. See also the term “ampeivrada “.
ampernié – vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mpærni’e \ ) - to hinge, to ampëvré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mp&vr’e \ ) - to pepper, to
pivot. See also the term “ampivé “. season with pepper. See also the term “ampeivré “.
amperniésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &mpærni’ese \ ) - 1) - to ampi - adj. (pr. \ ‘&mpi \ ) Ms. plr. ampi, fm. sng. and plr.
pivot (itself, oneself). - 2) - to pivot (with int. meaning). ampia, ampie. - wide, spacious. See also the voices “ampl,
See also the term “ampivésse “. ampli “.

ampiament - adv. (pr. \ &mpi&m’ænt \ ) - largely, ampinì – vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &mpin’i \ ) - to fill. See also the
abundantly, widely. As nearly all the adv. ending in terms “èmpe, empì “ which are less used. A vrbl. locution
“...ment “, this is an italianism that can be substituted with which is sometimes used is “ampinì ij tubo “ with lit.
adv. loc. which are depending by the particular context. For meaning “to fill the pipes “ with the meaning of “to annoy,
example “an manera ampia “ = “in a large way “ is to trouble “, often in the imperative form “ampinisme nen ij
generic, but not so much used, while often it is used tubo! “ having value “don’t trouble me! “. By the way, we
“motobin “ with a value of “very much “. note that more often the form is found written “ ‘mpinisme
ampiastr - n. m. (pr. \ &mpi’&str \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - poultice nen ij tubo” initially apostrophed.
plaster (medical). In this meaning see also the voice “papin, ampiniment - n. m. (pr. \ &mpinim’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - filling,
impiastr “. - 2) - bore, nuisance (in a fig. sense). – See also refilling, filling up. See also “ampiura “ which is a more
the old voice “amplatre “. correct term, and also the term “ampinidura “.
ampiastrada - n. f. (pr. \ &mpi&str'&d& \ ) At plr. ampinidor - n. (pr. \ &mpinid’ur \ ) Usually ms. since it is used
impiastrade. - besmearing, daubing. See also the term as the name of a tool, but in case of need Ms. plr.
"impiastrada". ampinidor, fm. sng. and plr. ampinidòira, ampinidòire. -
ampiastré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mpi&str’e \ ) - to smear, to filler, refiller.
daub, to soil. See also the terms “ambërlifé, ambociardé, ampinidura - n. f. (pr. \ &mpinid’[ue]r& \ ) - See ampiniment.
ampastissé, ampiastrigné, impiastré ”, taking into account ampinitiv - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &mpinit’iu \ ) Inv. at plr. - filler,
that “ambërlifé “ implies an action lighter than the one filling (material). See also the term “ampiura “.
implied by the other terms. ampinitiv - 2) - adj. (pr. \ &mpinit’iu \ ) Ms. plr. ampinitiv, fm.
ampiastigné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mpi&stri[gn]’e \ ) - See sng. and plr. ampinitiva, ampinitive. - filling.
ampiastré. ampinitriss - n. f (pr. \ &mpinitr’is \ ) Inv. at plr. - filling-
ampiastron - n. (pr. \ &mpi&str’u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. ampiastron, machine.
fm. sng. and plr. ampiastron-a, ampiastron-e. - soiler, ampiombadura - n. f. (pr. \ &mpiumb&d’[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
dauber. See also the terms “ambërlifàire, sporcacion”. As it ampiombadure. - 1) - sealing (with lead). - 2) - leading. -
is clear, this term is not an augmentative of “ampiastr “ (see 3) - stopping, filling (dentist). See also the term
the term). "piombadura".
ampiastrura - n. f. (pr. \ &mpi&str’[ue]r& \ ) At plr. ampiombé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mpiumb’e \ ) - 1) - to seal
ampiastrure. - dirtying, soiling, smearing, daubing. with lead, to lead. - 2) - to fill with lead.
ampiatlì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &mpi&tl’i \ ) - to flatten. The ampipésne - vrb 1st con. refl. + prn.prt. (pr. \ &mpip’esne \ ) -
refl. form takes the following meanings: not to care a rap (of that), not to give a damn (of that).
ampiatlìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &mpi&tl’ise \ ) - 1) - to See first the term “ampipésse “ and then the terms
become flat. - 2) - to crouch. “ambrignésne, anficésne, anfòtësne, ancaghésne “.
ampicà - n. and adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &mpic’& \ ) - Inv. in gnd. ampipésse - vrb 1 st con. refl. (pr. \ &mpip’ese \ ) - not to care a
and nr. - hanged (only referred to person) sometimes also rap, not to give a damn. Usually used in the above form
used in a fig. sense. “ampipésne “. See also the terms “ambrignésse, anficésse,
ampicà - adj. and n. and p. p. (pr. \ &mpic'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and anfòtse, ancaghésse “.
nr. - 1) - hanged (adj. and p. p.). - 2) - hanged person ampiumada - n. f. (pr. \ &mp[ue]m’&d& \ ) At plr.
(sbst.). - See also the term "impicà ". ampiumade. - feathering. See also “ampiumadura “.
ampicada - n. f. (pr. \ &mpic'&d& \ ) At plr. ampicade. - ampiumadura - n. f. (pr. \ &mp[ue]m&d’[ue[r& \ ) - See
hanging. See also the best term "impicada". ampiumada.
ampicador - n. m. (pr. \ &mpic&d'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - ampiumé - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &mp[ue]m’e \ ) - to feather, to
hangman. - 2) - usurer, money-grubber (in a fig. sense). trim with feathers, to emplume. See also the term “ampné
See also the term "impicador". “.
ampiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mpik'e \ ) - 1) - to hang. - 2) - ampiumésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &mpi[ue]m’ese \ ) - to
to act as an usurer, to sell something at a very high price grow feathers.
(in a fig. sense). See also the best term "impiché ". ampiura - n. f. (pr. \ &mpi’[ue]r& \ ) At plr. ampiure. - filling,
ampichésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &mpik'ese \ ) - 1) - to hang refilling, filling up. See also the terms “empiura,
oneself. - 2) - to go into a big trouble (in a fig. sense). See ampinidura, ampiniment “.
also the best term "impichésse ". ampivé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mpiv’e \ ) - 1) - to hinge, to
ampicura - n. f. (pr. \ &mpic’[ue]r& \ ) At plr. ampicure. - pivot, also in fig. sense of: - 2) - to base, to found. See also
hanging. See also the term "impicada". the terms “ampernié, basé, fondé, centré, sentré “.
ampiëssa - n. f. (pr. \ &mpi’ &ss& \ ) At plr. ampiësse. - width, ampivura - n. f. (pr. \ &mpiv’[ue]r& \ ) At plr. ampivure. - 1) -
spaciousness, breadth (also in fig. sense). See also the hinging, pivoting. - 2) - hinge, pivot.
terms “amplura, ampleur, amplëssa “. ampl - adj. (pr. \ ‘&mpl \ ) Ms. plr. ampl, fm. sng. and plr.
ampignatrésse - vrb 1 st con. refl. (pr. \ &mpi[gn]&tr’ese \ ) - to ampla, ample. - wide, roomy. See also the terms “ampi,
be obstinate. There is no use in active form. See also the ampli, ample “.
term "pignatrésse". amplaché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mpl&k’e \ ) - 1) - to apply
ampigrì - 1) - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &mpigr’i \ ) - to make lazy. (lit.). - 2) - to glue, to paste.
See also the terms “amplandronì, angarghì, impigrì “. amplandronì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &mpl&ndrun’i \ ) - to
ampigrì - 2) - vrb 3 rd con. int. (pr. \ &mpigr’i \ ) - to grow lazy. make (sb.) loafer, to make (sb.) slacker. See also the
See also the term “amplandronì, angarghì impigrì, voices “ampoltronì, ampigrì “. Usually used in the refl. form
angarghìsse, impigrìsse “. The meaning is the same of the as below:
refl form that follows: amplandronìsse - vrb 3 rd con. refl. (pr. \ &mpl&ndrun’ise \ ) -
ampigrìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &mpigr’ise \ ) - to grow to become loafer, to become slacker. See also the voices
lazy. See also the term “amplandronìsse “. This is the most “ampoltronìsse, ampigrìsse “.
used form. amplatre - n. m. (pr. \ &mpl’&tre \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - poultice
ampiliagi - n. m. (pr. \ &mpili’&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - piling, plaster (medical). In this meaning see also the term “papin“.
stacking. - 2) - bore, nuisance. This is an old voice, see also the
ampilié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mpili’e \ ) - to pile, to stack. modern one “ampiastr “.

ample - adj. (pr. \ ‘&mple \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - wide, roomy. amportassion - n. f. (pr. \ &mpurt&si’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
See also the terms “ampl, ampli, ampi “. importation, import. See also the term “importassion “.
ampleta - n. f. (pr. \ &mpl’et& \ ) At plr. amplete. - 1) - lenght. amporté - 1) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mpurt’e \ ) - to import.
- 2) - buying up, boarding, cornering. amporté - 2) - vrb 1 st con. int. (pr. \ &mpurt’e \ ) - to matter. It
ampletor - n. (pr. \ &mplet’ur \ ) Ms. plr. ampletor, fm. sng. sues the aux. “esse “. Often used in a dfc. imp. form, and
and plr. ampletòira, ampletòire. - cornerer, buyer up. See often in the form “amportésne “ below.
also the term “caparor “. Note that in this case, in spite of amportéla - vrb 1st con. int. prn. (pr. \ &mpurt’el& \ ) - to
the ms. ending in “...tor “, the fm, ending is not in “...triss “ suceed, to make it, to win. The prn. (fm. sng.) is inv. and
(reserved to more noble activities) but it is in “...òira “, referred to a generich thing won or made, etc.
“...òire “, more “general purpose “. amportésne - vrb 1st con. refl. dfc. imp. prn. prt. (pr. \
ampleur - n. f. (pr. \ &mpl’[oe]r \ ) Inv. at plr. - width, &mpurt’esne \ ) - to matter of (st. or sb.). + prs. prn.
amplitude. See also the terms “ampiëssa, amplura, complement. At this point an example is required “that
amplëssa ”. doesen’t matter me “ = “ am n’ampòrta nen”, which lit. is “it
amplëssa - n. f. (pr. \ &mpl’ &ss& \ ) - See ampiëssa. (to) me of that matters not “. See the grammar and syntax
àmpli - adj. (pr. \ ‘&mpli \ ) Ms. plr. àmpli, fm. sng. and plr. for the particular piedm. construction of the sentence.
àmplia, àmplie. - wide, roomy. See also the terms “ampi, amportésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &mpurt’ese \ ) - to trouble
ampl, ample “. about, to see to. The form of this vrb is refl. but the
ampliament - n. m. (pr. \ &mpli&m’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - meaning is int.
widening, enlargement. amposission - n. f. (pr. \ &mpuzisi’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
ampliassion - n. f. (pr. \ &mpli&si’u[ng] \ ) - See ampliament. imposition. - 2) - command, order. - 3) - tax. See also the
amplié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mpli’e \ ) - to widen, to term “imposission “.
enlarge. The refl. form has the following meaning: ampositiv - adj. (pr. \ &mpuzisit’iu \ ) Ms. plr. ampositiv, fm.
ampliésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &mpli’ese \ ) - to become sng. and plr. ampositiva, ampositive. - impositive. See
larger. also the term “impositiv “.
amplificassion - n. f. (pr. \ &mplific&si’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) ampostassion - n. f. (pr. \ &mpust&si’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
- amplification, enlargement. (general) - 2) - posting, mailing. - 2) - setting out, planning.
amplification, gain (signals, radio). amposté - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &mpust’e \ ) - 1) - to post, to
amplificator - n. m. (pr. \ &mplific&t’ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - mail. - 2) - to set out, to draw, to plan.
amplifier. ampotega - n. f. (pr. \ &mput’eg& \ ) At plr. ampoteghe. -
amplifiché - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &mplifik’e \ ) - to amplify, to mortgage. See also the term “ipoteca “.
enlarge. ampotegàbil - adj. (pr. \ &mputeg’&bil \ ) Ms. plr.
amplura - n. f. (pr. \ &mpl’[ue]r& \ ) At plr. amplure. - width, ampotegàbij, fm. sng. and plr. ampotegàbil, ampotegàbij.
amplitude. See also the terms “ampleur, ampiëssa, - mortageable. See also the term “ipotecàbil “.
amplëssa “. ampotegari - adj. (pr. \ &mputeg’&ri \ ) Ms. plr. ampotegàri,
ampné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mpn’e \ ) - See ampiumé. fm. sng. and plr. ampotegaria, ampotegàrie. - mortgage.
ampodré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mpudr’e \ ) - to powder. See As an attribute. See also the term “ipotecari “.
also the term “ansiprié “. ampoteghé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mputeg’e \ ) - to mortgage.
àmpola - n. f. (pr. \ ‘&mpul& \ ) At plr. àmpole. - raspberry. See also the term “ipoteché “.
ampolin-a - n. f. (pr. \ &mpul’i[ng]& \ ) At plr. ampolin-e. - ampovré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mpuvr’e \ ) - to cover with
ampulla (religion). dust.
ampolos - adj. (pr. \ &mpul’uz \ ) Ms. plr. ampolos, fm. sng. ampovrésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &mpuvr’ese \ ) - 1) - to get
and plr. ampolosa, ampolose. - pompous, bombastic. dusty (int. meaning). - 2) - to cover oneself with dust
ampoltronì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &mpultrun’i \ ) - See (usual refl. meaning).
amplandronì. ampovrì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &mpuvr’i \ ) -1) - to
ampoltronìsse - vrb 3 rd con. refl. (pr. \ &mpultrun’ise \ ) - See impoverish (trs. meaning making use of the aux. “avèj “). -
amplandronìsse. 2) - to become poor (int. meaning making use of the aux.
amponìbil - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &mpun’ibil \ ) - At plr. amponìbij.- “esse “).
taxable income, assessment. See also the term “imponìbi “. ampovrìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &mpuvr’ise \ ) - 1) - to
amponìbil - 2) - adj. (pr. \ &mpun’ibil \ ) Ms. plr. amponìbij, grow poor (int. meaning). - 2) - to make oneself poor (refl.
fm. sng. and plr. amponìbil, amponìbij. – taxable, meaning).
rateable, assessable. See also the term “imponìbil “. ampòst - adj. (pr. \ &mp’ost \ ) Ms. plr. ampòst, fm. sng. and
amponse - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ &mp’u[ng]se \ ) - to impose plr. ampòsta, ampòste. - fixed, forced, imposed. This term
oneself, to dominate, to domineer. See also the term is not also a p. p. of the vrb “ampon-e “, which instead is
“imponse “ and the active form “ampon-e “. “amponù “.
ampon-e - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ &mp’u[ng]e \ ) - to impose, to amprajì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &mpr&y’i \ ) - to make a
order. See also the term “impon-e “. The refl. form is grassland, to grow a meadow on a land.
reported above. ampreivésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &mpræiv’ese \ ) - to
amportàbil - adj. (pr. \ &mpurt’&bil \ ) Ms. plr. amportàbij, become a priest. folk expression.
fm. sng. and plr. amportàbil, amportàbij. - importable. amprende - vrb 2 nd con. trs. (pr. \ &mpr’ænde \ ) - to learn. See
See also the term “importàbil “. also the term “amparé “.
amportansa - n. f. (pr. \ &mpurt’&[ng]s& \ ) At plr. (if any) amprendìbil - adj. (pr. \ &mprænd’ibil \ ) Ms. plr.
amportanse. – importan ce, consequence. See also the amprendìbij, fm. sng. and plr. amprendìbil, amprendìbij.
term “importansa “. - learnable.
amportant - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &mpurt’&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any) - amprendiment - n. m. (pr. \ &mprændim’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
important (what is important). See also the voice learning.
“important “. amprendiss - n. (pr. \ &mprænd’is \ ) Ms. plr. amprendìss, fm.
amportant - 2) - adj. (pr. \ &mpurt’&nt \ ) Ms. plr. amportant, sng. and plr. amprendìssa, amprendìsse. - apprentice.
fm. sng. and plr. amportanta, amportante. - important.
See also the voice “important “.

amprendissagi - n. m. (pr. \ &mprændis’&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - amprovisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mpruviz’e \ ) - to
apprenticeship. improvise, to extemporize. See also the term “improvisé “.
ampresman - n. m. (pr. \ &mpresm’&[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - ampsì - adj. (pr. \ &mps’i \ ) - See ampëssì.
promptness, solicitude, care. ampugnàbil - adj. (pr. \ &mp[ue][gn]’&bil \ ) Ms. plr.
ampressà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &mpres’& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. ampugnàbij, fm. sng. and plr. ampugnàbil, ampugnàbij. -
- 1) - solicitous, thoughtful (adj.) See also the term impugnable (legal).
“premuros “. - 2) - hurried, solicited, stimulated (p. p.). ampugnabilità - n. f. (pr. \ &mp[ue][gn]&bilit’& \ ) Inv. at plr.
ampressé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mpres’e \ ) - 1) - to hurry, to - impugnability, contestability (legal).
stimulate, to solicit. - 2) - to accelerate. In this meaning see ampugnadura - n. f. (pr. \ &mp[ue][gn]&d’[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
also the term “aceleré “. The refl. form assumes the ampugnadure. - 1) - handle, hilt, haft, handgrip. See also
following meanings: the terms “mani, mànich “. - 2) - grip, grasp.
ampressésse - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mpres’e \ ) - 1) - to hurry ampugné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mp[ue][gn]’e \ ) - 1) - to
oneself. - 2) - to become solicitous. dispute, to contest, to impugn (legal). - 2) - to seize, to
ampréstit - n. m. (pr. \ &mpr’estit \ ) Inv. at plr. - loan. See also grasp, to grip. See also, for this meaning, the most correct
the term “préstit “. term “ambranché “.
amprësté - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &mpr&st’e \ ) - to lend. See amputà - n. (pr. \ &mp[ue]t’& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
also the term “prësté “. amputee.
amprié - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &mpri’e \ ) - to calcify, to amputassion - n. f. (pr. \ &mp[ue]t&si’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
petrify. See also the term "calcifiché ". amputation.
ampromess - adj. (pr. \ &mprum’æs \ ) Ms. plr. ampromess, amputé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mp[ue]t’e \ ) - to amputate.
fm. sng. and plr. ampromëssa, ampromësse. - promised. amsé - n. m. (pr. \ &ms’e \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - father-in-law. See
(please note the particular fm.). More often the term also the terms “msé, mëssé “. - 2) - silly, fool (this is a fig.
“ampromëttù “ is used, which is the p. p. of the vrb sense that sometimes this word can assume, with an adj.
“ampromëtte “ (see below). See also the terms “promess, meaning, but it is not usual).
promëttù “. amsoirà - n. f. (pr. \ &msuir'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - stroke of the
ampromëssa - n. f. (pr. \ &mprum’&ss& \ ) At plr. scythe. - 2) - swath. - 3) - a go with the scythe. See also the
ampromësse. - promise. See also the term “promëssa “. term "mëssoirà ".
ampromëtse - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ &mprum’ &tse \ ) - to get amsoiret - n. m. (pr. \ &msuir'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - scikle,
engaged. See also the term (italianism) “fidansésse “. The reaping-hook. See also the term "mëssoiret".
active form has the following meaning: amson - n. m. (pr. \ &ms’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - harvest,
ampromëtte - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ &mprum’ &tte \ ) - to reaping. - 2) - gleaning (sometimes the voice is used also in
promise. See also the term “promëtte “. this meaning). See also the term "mësson".
ampromëttent - adj. (pr. \ &mprum&tt’ænt \ ) Ms. plr. amsoné - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &msun’e \ ) - to reap, to mow,
ampromëttent, fm. sng. and plr. ampromëttenta, to harvest. See also the terms "mëssoné, mèje ".
ampromëttente. - promising. See also the term amsòira - n. f. (pr. \ &ms’oir& \ ) At plr. amsòire. - reaping-
“promëttent“. hook, scithe, scikle.
ampromëttiure - n. f. plr. (pr. \ &mprum&tti’[ue]re \ ) Only plr. amugé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &m[ue]j’e \ ) - to pile, to heap.
- engagement, betrothal. Also quite used the italianism Italianism. See the terms “anmugé, mugé, ambaroné “.
“fidansament “. amulet - n. m. (pr. \ &m[ue]l’æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - amulet. See
amprované - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &mpruv&n’e \ ) - 1) - to also the expression “pòrta-boneur “ (lit. “bring fortune “)
layer, to propagate by layering (agriculture). - 2) - to having value of “mascotte “.
canalize. In this meaning see also the term “ancanalé “. amusament - n. m. (pr. \ &m[ue]z&m’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
amprovanura - n. f. (pr. \ &mpruv&n’[ue]r& \ ) At plr. amusement, recreation, pastime. See also the voices
amprovanure. - 1) - layering (agriculture). - 2) - “divertiment, antërteniment, dësmora “.
canalization. In this meaning see also the term amusant - adj. (pr. \ &m[ue]z’&nt \ ) Ms. plr. amusant, fm.
“ancanalura“. sng. and plr. amusanta, amusante. - amusing,
amprovis - adj. (pr. \ &mpruv’iz \ ) Ms. plr. amprovis, fm. sng. entretaining, funny. See also the voice “divertent “.
and plr. amprovisa, amprovise. - sudden, unespected. See amusé - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &m[ue]z’e \ ) - to amuse, to
also the term “improvis “. entretain. See also the voices “divertì, dësmoré “, and the
amprovis (a l’---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ & l &mpruv’iz \ ) - vrbl. loc. “fé gieughe “ with value of “to make play “.
suddenly, out of the blue. Also “a l’improvis “. amusésse - vrb 1 st con. refl. (pr. \ &m[ue]z’ese \ ) - 1) - to
amprovisà - n. f. (pr. \ &mpruviz’& \ ) - See amprovisada. amuse oneself. - 2) - to play (with int. meaning).
amprovisada - n. f. (pr. \ &mpruviz’&d& \ ) At plr. amutinà - n. and adj. (pr. \ &m[ue]tin’& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
amprovisade. - surprise. See also “amprovisà, improvisà, 1) - mutineer, rebel (sbst.). - 2) - rebellious (adj.).
improvisada “. amutinament - n. m. (pr. \ &m[ue]tin&m’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
amprovisador - n. m. (pr. \ &mpruviz&d’ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - mutiny, rebellion.
improviser, improvisator. See also the term “improvisator amutinassion - n. f. (pr. \ &m[ue]tin&si’u[ng] \ ) - See
“. Note that in this case the sbst. starting by “a...” and amutinament.
ending by “...dor”, is only ms., while the corresponding amutiné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &m[ue]tin’e \ ) - to incite to
synonymous starting by “i...” and ending by “...tor “, has mutiny (seldom used).
also the fm. forms. amutinésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &m[ue]tin’ese \ ) - to
amprovisament - adv. (pr. \ &mpruviz&m’ænt \ ) - suddenly, mutiny.
out of the blue. Italianism not to be used (if possible). Adv. amzura - n. f. (pr. \ &mz'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. amzure. - 1) -
loc. are instead used like “a l’amprovis “ or “ëd bòt an blan measure, measurement. E. g. "la misura dla corent
“. See also the term “improvisament “ (still an italianism). elétrica" = "the measure of the electric current". - 2) - size.
amprovisassion - n. f. (pr. \ &mpruviz&si’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - E. g. "a son dl'istéssa amzura" = "they are of the same size".
improvisation, extemporization. See also the term - 3) - measure, metre (poetry). - 4) - measure, beat
“improvisassion “. (music). - 5) - limit, bound. E. g. "it ses pròpi sensa
amzura!" = "really you don't have a limit!" - 6) -

precaution. E. g. "pija j'amzure necessàrie" = "take the anàgrafe - n. f. (pr. \ &n’&gr&fe \ ) Inv. at plr. - registry office.
necessary precautions". See also the terms "mëzura, mzura, anagràfich - adj. (pr. \ &n&gr’&fic \ ) Ms. plr. anagràfich, fm.
misura". sng. and plr. anagràfica, anagràfiche. - related or
amzurà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &mz[ue]r'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. pertinent to registry office.
- 1) - measured (adj. and p. p.). - 2) - moderate (adj.). - 3) - anagrama - n. m. (pr. \ &n&gr’&m& \ ) Inv. at plr. - anagram.
cautious. - 4) - sparing, scanty (usually in an ironical anagramé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &n&gr&m’e \ ) - to
sense). - See also the terms "misurà, mzurà, mëzurà ". anagrammatize.
amzuràbil - adj. (pr. \ &mz[ue]r'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. amzuràbij. - anagramista - n. (pr. \ &n&gr&m’ist& \ ) Ms. plr.
fm. sng. and plr. amzuràbil, amzuràbij. - measurable, anagramista, fm. sng. and plr. anagramista, anagramiste.
mensurable. See also the terms "misuràbil, mzuràbil, - anagrammatist.
mëzuràbil ". anàit - adv. and prp. (pr. \ &n’&it \ ) - 1) - forward, ahead
amzurabilità - n. f. (pr. \ &mz[ue]r&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - (adv. of place). - 2) - before (adv. of time). - 3) - in front
measurability, measurableness, mensurability, (of) (prp.) - See also the most used term “anans “.
mensurableness. See also the terms "misurabilità, anaj - n. m. plr. (pr. \ &n’&y \ ) Only plr. - annals.
mzurabilità, mëzurabilità ". analcòlich - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &n&lc’olic \ ) Inv. at plr. - non
amzurador - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &mz[ue]r&d'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - alcoholic drink, soft drink.
meter, gauge. See also the terms "amzurador, misurador, analcòlich - 2) - adj. (pr. \ &n&lc’olic \ ) Ms. plr. analcòlich,
mzurador". fm. sng. and plr. analcòlica, analcòliche. - non alcoholic.
amzurador - 2) - n. (pr. \ &mz[ue]r&d'ur \ ) - Ms. plr. analfabeta - n. (pr. \ &n&lf&b’et& \ ) Ms. plr. analfabeta, fm.
amzurador. - fm. sng. and plr. amzuradòira, sng. and plr. analfabeta, analfabete. - illiterate.
amzuradòire. - measurer, gauger, surveyor. See also the analfabetism - n. m. (pr. \ &n&lf&bet’izm \ ) Inv. at plr. (if
term "mëzurador, misurador, mzurador". any). - illiteracy.
amzurassion - n. f. (pr. \ &mz[ue]r&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - analgesìa - n. f. (pr. \ &n&ljez’i& \ ) At plr. (when required)
measurement, measuring, gauging, gaging. See also the analgesìe. - analgesia.
term "mëzurassion, misurassion, mzurassion". analgésich - adj. (pr. \ &n&lj’ezic \ ) Ms. plr. analgésich, fm.
amzuré - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &mz[ue]r'e \ ) - 1) - to measure, sng. and plr. analgésica, analgésiche. - analgésic.
to gauge. E. g. "to measure the lenght of the table" = analisàbil - adj. (pr. \ &n&liz’&bil \ ) Ms. plr. analisàbij, fm.
"amsuré la longhëssa dla tàuta". - 2) - to value, to estimate. sng. and plr. analisàbil, analisàbij. - analyzable.
E. g. "to estimate the risks" = "amzuré ij rìsigh". - 3) - to analisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &n&liz’e \ ) - to analyze.
limit, to ration. E. g. "you must limit your expenses" = "a anàlisi - n. f. (pr. \ &n’&lizi \ ) Inv. at plr. - analysis.
venta ch'it amzure le spèise". - 4) - to try on. E. g. "try it on analista - n. (pr. \ &n&l’ist& \ ) Ms. plr. analista, fm. sng. and
before buying it" = "amzurlo prima 'd catélo". - See also the plr. analista, analiste. - analyst.
terms "mësuré, misuré, mzuré ". analìtich - adj. (pr. \ &n&l’itic \ ) Ms. plr. analìtich, fm. sng.
an - 1) - prp. (pr. \ &[ng] \ ) - in, into. This preposition, in and plr. analìtica, analìtiche. - analytic(al).
presence of an article, does not link with it, but it becomes analogament - adv. (pr. \ &n&lug&m’ænt \ ) - in an analogous
“ant “. E. g. “in Piedmontese “ is translated into “ an way. Italianism (adv. ending in “...ment “). Usually adv. loc.
Piemontéis “ while “in the modern Piedmontese “ is are used like “a l’istéssa manera “, having value “in the
translated into “ant ël Piemontèis modern “. same way “.
an - 2) - prt. prn. (pr. \ &[ng] \ ) - he (she, it, they) ... (to) us. - anàlogh - adj. (pr. \ &n’&lug \ ) Ms. plr. anàlogh, fm. sng. and
prs. vrbl. prm. complement prs. prn. (accusative or dative). plr. anàloga, anàloghe. - analogous.
See the related part of grammar. E. g. the expression “he analogìa - n. f. (pr. \ &n&luj’i& \ ) At plr. analogìe. - analogy.
gives us “ is translated into “chièl an dà”. See also the prt. analogìsm - n. m. (pr. \ &n&luj’izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - analogism.
prn. “no “ since the same above expression can also be analògich - adj. (pr. \ &n&l’ojic \ ) Ms. plr. analògich, fm. sng.
translated into “chièl a no dà “. and plr. analògica, analògiche. - analogic(al).
Àna - n. f. (pr. \ ‘&n& \ ) n. of prs. used only at sng. - Anna, anamidà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &n&mid’& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr.
Anne, Ann. - 1) - starched (p. p.). - 2) - stiff (adj. in a fig. sense). - See
anà - n. f. (pr. \ &n’& \ ) Inv. at plr. - year, the result of the also the terms “amidà, an-namidà, amidonà, anlamidà,
year. Usually referred to the agricultural cycle, or anyway at inamidà “.
a period of 12 months. See also “anada “. anamidé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &n&mid’e \ ) - to starch. See
anabolism - n. m. (pr. \ &n&bul’izm \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any) - also the terms “amidé, an-namidé, amidoné, anlamidé,
anabolism (biology). inamidé “.
anacoreta - n. m. (pr. \ &n&cur’et& \ ) Inv. at plr. - anamidòira - n. f. (pr. \ &n&mid’oir& \ ) At plr. anamidòire. -
anachorite, hermit. See also the term “armita “. woman assigned at starching. See also the terms
anacorétich - adj. (pr. \ &n&cur’etic \ ) Ms. plr. anacorétich, “amidòira, an-namidòira, amidonòira, anlamidòira,
fm. sng. and plr. anacorética, anacorétiche. - inamidòira “.
anachoritical, hermitical. See also the term “armìtich “. anamidura - n. f. (pr. \ &n&mid’oi[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
anacronism - n. m. (pr. \ &n&crun’izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - anamidure. - starching. See also the terms “amidura, an-
anachronism. namidura, amidonura, anlamidura, inamidura “.
anacronìstich - adj. (pr. \ &n&crun’istic \ ) Ms. plr. anandié - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &n&ndi’e \ ) - to start, to set
anacronìstich, fm. sng. and plr. anacronìstica, up, to begin, to put in motion. See also the terms
anacronìstiche. - anachronistical. “ancaminé, comensé “ and the vrbl. loc. “dé l’andi, fé parte
anada - n. f. (pr. \ &n’&d& \ ) Inv. at plr. - year, the result of “, rspy. lit. “to give the (initial) push, to make start “. Thhhe
the year. Usually referred to the agricultural cycle, or refl. form takes the following meanings.
anyway at a period of 12 months. See also “anà “. anandiésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &n&ndi’ese \ ) - to start
anafilassi - n. f. (pr. \ &n&fil’&si \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any) - (referred to oneself), to begin make one’s way.
anaphylaxis (medical). ananas - n. m. (pr. \ &n&n’&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - pineapple.
anafilàtich - adj. (pr. \ &n&fil’&tic \ ) Ms. plr. anafilàtich, fm. anans - adv. and prp. (pr. \ &n’&[ng]s \ ) - 1) - forward, ahead
sng. and plr. anafilàtica, anafilàtiche. - anaphylactic. (adv. of place). - 2) - before (adv. of time). - 3) - in front
(of) (prp.) - See also the term “anait “.

anarboré - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &n&rbur’e \ ) - 1) - to hoist, to ancaminésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]c&min’ese \ ) - to
raise . - 2) - to plant with trees. set out, to start, to begin make one’s way.
anarchìa - n. f. (pr. \ &n&rk’i& \ ) At plr. anarchìe. -1) - ancanalàbil - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]c&n&l’&bil \ ) Ms. plr.
anarchy. - 2) - amarchism. ancanalàbij, fm. sng. and plr. ancanalàbil, ancanalàbij. -
anàrchich - adj. and n. (pr. \ &n’&rkic \ ) Ms. plr. anàrchich, that can be canalized.
fm. sng. and plr. anàrchica, anàrchiche. - 1) - anarchic(al) ancanaladura - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]c&n&l&d’[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
(adj.). - 2) - anarchist (sbst.). ancanaladure. - groove. See also the terms “ancanaliura,
ànas - n. m. (pr. \ ‘&n&z \ ) - See ànes. scanaladura “.
anast - n. m. (pr. \ &n’&st \ ) Inv. at plr. (when required). -1) - ancanalament - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]c&n&l&m’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
smelling, sniffing, scenting. - 2) - sense of smell. - 3) - canalization.
flair, nose (in a fig. sense). See also the term "nast". ancanalé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]c&n&l’e \ ) - to canalize.
anatema - n. m. (pr. \ &n&t’em& \ ) Inv. at plr. - anathema. ancanalì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]c&n&l’i \ ) - to groove,
anatomìa - n. f. (pr. \ &n&tum’i& \ ) At plr. anatomìe. - to spline, to slot. See also the most used term “scanalé “.
anatomy. See also the term “notomìa “. ancanaliura - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]c&n&li’[ue]r& \ ) - See
anatomisé - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &n&tumiz’e \ ) - to ancanaladura.
anatomize. See also the term "notomisé". ancancherì - vrb 3 rd con. int. (pr. \ &[ng]c&[ng]ker’i \ ) - to
anatomista - n. (pr. \ &n&tum’ist& \ ) Ms. plr. anatomista, fm. become cancerous. It uses the aux. "esse". See also the term
sng. and plr. anatomista, anatomiste. - anatomist. See also "ancancherìsse, cancherì ".
the term "notomista". ancancherìsse - vrb 3 rd con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]c&[ng]ker’ise \ ) -
anatomìstich -adj. (pr. \ &n&tum'istic\ ) Ms. plr. notomistich - See ancancherì.
fm. sng. and plr. notomistica, notomistiche. - anatomistic. ancancrenì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ &[ng]c&[ng]cren’i \ ) - See
See also the term "notomìstich". ancancrenìsse.
anatòmich - adj. and n. (pr. \ &n&t’omic \ ) Ms. plr. ancancrenìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]c&[ng]cren’ise \ )
anatòmich, fm. sng. and plr. anatòmica, anatòmiche. - 1) - - 1) - to become gangrenous, to gangrene. - 2) - to become
anatomic, anatomical (adj.). - 2) - anatomist (sbst.).See inveterate (in a fig. sense). - See also the term "cancrenì ".
also the term “notòmich”. ancant - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]c’&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - spell,
anca - n. f. (pr. \ ‘&[ng]c& \ ) At plr. anche. - hip, haunch. charm, enchantement. See also the terms “anciarm,
ancadné - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]c&dn’e \ ) - to chain. to ancantament “. - 2) - auction. See also the term “incant “.
put in chains. ancantament - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]c&nt&m’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
ancaghésne - vrb 1st con. refl. prn. prt. (pr. \ &[ng]c&g’esne \ spell, charm, enchantement. See also the terms “anciarm,
) - not to care a rap of it (of that, etc.). The term is quite ancant “.
rude. See also the terms “anfòtësne, ambrignésne “. See also ancanté - vrb. 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]c&nt’e \ ) - to enchant, to
the term “ancaghésse “ below: charm, to bewitch, to hold spellbound. See also the terms
ancaghésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]c&g’ese \ ) - not to “anciarmé, anmasché “.
care a rap. Usually used in the form “ancaghésne “ see ancantoné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]c&ntun’e \ ) - 1) - to
above. The term is quite rude. See also the terms “anfòtse, put in a corner, to force in a corner. - 2) - to isolate, to
ambrignésse “. put (sb.) with his back to the wall. - 3) - to corner. - 4) -
ancagnì - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]c&[gn]’i \ ) Ms. plr. ancagnì, fm. sng. to put in a niche, to put inside. See also the terms
and plr. ancagnìa, ancagnìe. - relentless, dogged, "ranchigné, nicésse". The refl. form assumes the following
obstinate, stubborn. meaning:
ancagnìsse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]c&[gn]’ise \ ) - 1) - to ancantonésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]c&ntun’ese \ ) - to
rage, to attack furiously. - 2) - to persist obstinately. curl oneself up, to seclude oneself. See also the term
ancajà - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]c&y’& \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any) - "nicésse".
beginning of the shell forming (for some fruits). ancapalà - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]c&p&l’& \ ) Inv. at plr. - set of
ancalé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ &[ng]c&l’e \ ) - to dare. It uses sheaves or haycocks in a field. See also the term “acaplà “.
the aux. “avèj “ but in this form is very seldom used. With ancapalé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]c&p&l’e \ ) - to heap the
the same int. meaning there is the following formally refl. hay, to do haycocks. See also the term “acaplé “.
form: ancaparament - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]c&p&r&m’ænt \ ) - See
ancalesne - vrb 1 st con. refl. prn. prt. (pr. \ &[ng]c&l’esne \ ) - caparament.
to dare (of that). For exampe, “he didn’t dare to telling that ancaparé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]c&p&r’e \ ) - 1) - to pay
to him “ can be translated into “a l’é nen ancalasne a dijlo “. a deposit on. - 2) - to corner, to buy up. - See also
Also used is the normal refl. form as follows: “caparé, acaparé “. The refl. form assumes the following
ancalésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]c&l’ese \ ) - to dare. Int. meaning:
meaning with refl. form. ancaparésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]c&p&r’ese \ ) - to
ancalura - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]c&l’[ue ]r& \ ) At plr. ancalure. - corner, to buy up (for oneself).
boldness, impudence. ancàpit - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]c’&pit \ ) Inv. at plr. - chance.
ancameràbil - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]c&mer’&bil \ ) Ms. plr. ancàpit (d’---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ d &[ng]c’&pit \ ) - by chance,
ancameràbij, fm. sng. and plr. ancameràbil, ancameràbij. at a guess, luckily.
- that can be appropriated or confiscated. ancapité - 1) - vrb 1st con. int. dfc. (pr. \ &[ng]c&pit’e \ ) - to
ancamerament - n. m. . (pr. \ &[ng]c&mer&m’ænt \ ) Inv. at happen, to occur. See also the terms “capité, socede,
plr. - appropriation, confiscation. sucede “. It uses the aux. “esse “.
ancameré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]c&mer’e \ ) - to ancapité - 2) - vrb 1 st con. int. (pr. \ &[ng]c&pit’e \ ) - to drop,
appropriate, to confiscate. to drop in, to arrive by chance. See also the term “capité “.
ancaminament - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]c&minam’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - It uses the aux. “esse “.
1) - start, starting, commencement. - 2) - initiation. See ancaplé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]c&pl’e \ ) - 1) - to put a
also the terms “inissiassion, ancomens, anviarura, àndi “. hat to (sb. or st.). - 2) - to heap the hay, to do haycocks.
ancaminé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]c&min’e \ ) - 1) - to See also the terms “acalpé, ancapalé “. - 3) - to add new
start, to begin, to commence. - 2) - to initiate. wine to an old wine. See also the term “arcaplé “.

ancapliné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]c&plin’e \ ) - to make ancartésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]c&rt’ese \ ) - to have a
(sb.) fall in love. (popular joky term). crash, to get smashed.
ancaplinésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]c&plin’ese \ ) - 1) - ancartocé - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]c&rtu[ch]’e \ ) - to wrap
to take a fancy. - 2) - to fall in love. See also the term up into a paper bag. See also the term “ancarté “.
“antichésse “. - This term is a popular joky one. ancartocésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]c&rtu[ch]’ese \ ) -
ancaponìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]c&pun’ise \ ) - to be See ancartésse.
obstinate. Quite an italianism. See also the terms ancartroné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]c&rtrun’e \ ) - to bind
“antëstésse, antëstardìsse, pignatrësse, ostinésse “. in cartboard, to put in carton. See also the term "cartroné
ancaprissésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]c&pris’ese \ ) - 1) - ".
to take a fancy, to have a whim. - 2) - to fall in love. - 3) - ancasé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]c&z’e \ ) - to pigeon-hole.
to be obstinate (in a fig. sense). The term is also sometime See also the term “ancaslé “.
written “ancaprissiésse “. ancasermé – vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]c&zærm’e \ ) - to
ancaprissiésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]c&prisi’ese \ ) - barrack, to quarter in barracks (military).
See ancaprissésse. ancaslé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]c&zl’e \ ) - to pigeon-hole.
ancapussé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]c&p[ue]s’e \ ) - to put a See also the term “ancasé “.
hood on (trs. meaning). ancass - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]c’&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - collection,
ancapussésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]c&p[ue]s’ese \ ) - to taking, receipts. See also the term “incass “.
put on one’s hood. ancassadura - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]c&s&d’[ue]r& \ ) - See
ancarì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &[ng]c&r’i \ ) - 1) - to ancassiura.
rise the price (trs., it uses the aux “avèj “). - 2) - to become ancassé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]c&s’e \ ) - to cash, to
more expensive (int., it uses the aux. “esse “). collect.
ancaricà - n. (pr. \ &[ng]c&ric’& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - ancassiament - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]c&si&m’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
appointee, delegate. - 2) - man in charge, agent. - See also package into a case.
the term “incaricà “. ancassié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]c&si’e \ ) - 1) - to pack
ancàrich - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]c’&ric \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - charge, into a case. - 2) - to crate, to embed, to set.
commission, assignment. - 2) - nomination. - See also the ancassiura - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]c&si’[ue]r& \ ) At plr. ancassiure.
terms “incàrich, incombensa, ancombensa, comission, - 1) - hollow, cavity. - 2) - setting. - 3) - embedment,
mission “. embedding. See also the terms “ancassadura, giassil,
ancariché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]c&rik’e \ ) - to charge, ancassiament “.
to entrust, to commit (to sb’s) charge. See also the terms ancastlé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]c&stl’e \ ) - to pile up, to
“incariché, ancombensé, comissioné “. The refl. form stack.
assumes the following meaning: ancastr - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]c’&str \ ) Inv. at plr. – joint, fixed
ancarichésse - vrb 1 st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]c&rik’ese \ ) - to joint, mortise joint (carpentry). See also the term "incastr".
undertake, to take upon oneself, to take care. ancastré - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]c&str’e \ ) - 1) - to insert,
ancarnà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &nc&rn'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - to fix, to mortise, to set. See also the terms “incastré,
1) - incarnate. - 2) - grown into the flesh, ingrowing. In anchërné, mortasé “. - 2) - to put (sb.) in a spot. (in a fig.
this sense see also the term "incarnà". sense). See also the term “incastré “. - 3) - to involve (in a
ancarnassion - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]c&rn&si’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. (if fig. sense). See also the term “incastré “.
any). - incarnation, embodiment. ancastrura - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]c&str’[ue]r& \ ) - See ancastr.
ancarné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]c&rn’e \ ) - 1) - to ancatramà - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]c&tr&m’& \ ) Inv. at plr. - sheet
incarnate, to embody. - 2) - to impersonate. In this of tar. See also the term “ancatramadura “.
meaning see also “ampërsoné “. ancatramadura - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]c&tr&m&d’[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
ancarnésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]c&rn’ese \ ) - to ancatramadure. - 1) - sheet of tar. - 2) - the action of
become incarnate. covering with tar. - See also the term “ancatramà “.
ancarnì - 1) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &nc&rn'i \ ) Ms. plr. ancarnì, ancatramé - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]c&tr&m’e \ ) - to tar.
fm. sng. and plr. ancarnìa, ancarnìe. - grown into the See also “ambitumé, bitumé “.
flesh, ingrowing. In this sense see also the term "ancarnà ancàuss - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]c’&us \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - earthing
2nd meaning". up (agriculture). - 2) - reinforcement, support. - See also
ancarnì - vrb 3rd con. int. - (pr. \ &nc&rn'i \ ) - to grow into the the terms “arcàuss, ancaussura “. Note the pronunciation of
flesh. See also the term "ancarnì, ancarnìsse, incarnìsse ". the dypthong “àu “ with the stress on “a “.
ancarnìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. - (pr. \ &nc&rn'ìse \ ) - See ancaussé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]c&us’e \ ) - 1) - to earth
ancarnì. up (agriculture). In this meaning see also the term "arcaussé
ancarognì - vrb 3rd con. int. . (pr. \ &[ng]c&ru[gn]’i \ ) - See ". - 2) - to refill. - 3) - to press, to urge.
ancarognìsse (with the same meaning). ancaussura - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]c&us’[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
ancarognìsse - vrb 3 rd con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]c&ru[gn]’ise \ ) - to ancaussure. - earthing up (agriculture).
become corrupted (also in a fig. sense). ancaussinadura - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]c&usin&’[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
ancarpioné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]c&rpiun'e \ ) - to souse ancaussinadure. - 1) - plastering (with lime). - 2) -
in vinegar (cookery). See also the term "carpioné ". dressing with lime. (agriculture).
ancarpionésse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]c&rpiun’ese \ ) - to ancaussiné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]c&usin’e \ ) - 1) - to
fall in love, to long, to yearn. This is a joky word, whose plaster (with lime). - 2) - to dress with lime, to spread
meaning derives from “carpion “ that is a way of preparing lime on (argiculture).
some food (usually vegetables), “cooking” it into a vinegar ancavagné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]c&v&[gn]’e \ ) - to put
basis. in the basket. See also the term “ansësté “.
ancartament - n. m. . (pr. \ &[ng]c&rt&m’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - ancavalché - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]c&v&lk’e \ ) - 1) - to
papers, documents. See also the term “scartari “. mount (artillery). - 2) - to pass over, to cross. - 3) - to lay
ancarté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]c&rt’e \ ) - to wrap in on, to superimpose. - See also the terms “ancavalé,
paper, to wrap up. See also the terms “ancartocé, travarché “.
anscartocé “. The refl. form assumes the following meaning, ancav - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]c’&u \ ) Inv. at plr. - hollow, groove.
different fron an usual refl.: See also the term “angav “.

ancavalé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]c&v&l’e \ ) - to pass anciarmé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &n[ch]i&rm’e \ ) - to bewitch,
over, to cross. - See also the terms “ancavalché, travarché“. yo charm, to fascinate. See also the terms “ancërmanté,
ancavé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]c&v’e \ ) - to hollow out, to ancanté, anmasché “.
scoop out, to groove. See also the terms “cavé, angavé, anciarmeur - n. and adj. (pr. \ &n[ch]i&rm’[oe]r \ ) Ms. plr.
gavé, creusé “. anciarmeur, fm. sng. and plr. anciarmeusa, anciarmeuse.
ancens - n. m. (pr. \ &n[ch]’æ[ng]s \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - 1) - - 1) - charmer, enchanter (sbst.). - 2) - bewitching,
incense. - 2) - adulation, flattery (in a fig. sense). See also fascinating, enchanting (adj.).
the most common term “incens “. anciarmeusa - n. f. and adj. f. (pr. \ &n[ch]i&rm’[oe]z& \ ) -
ancensador - n. (pr. \ &n[ch]æ[ng]s&d’ur \ ) Ms. plr. See anciarmeur.
ancensador, fm. sng. and plr. ancensadòira, ancensadòire. anciavardé - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &n[ch]i&v&rd’e \ ) - to bolt,
- flatterer (in a fig. sense). See also the most piedm. term to fasten with bolts. See also “amboloné “.
“flateur “, and the term “incensador “. anciavé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &n[ch]i&v’e \ ) - to close with
ancensament - n. m. (pr. \ &n[ch]æ[ng]s&m’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - key. See also the term “ciavé “ and the very used vrbl. loc.
1) - censing incensing, incensation. - 2) - flattering, “saré a ciav “ = lit. “to close at key “. We notice the
adulation (in a fig. sense). - See also the term idiomatic way of saying “anciavé an ment “ that has a lit.
“incensament“. meaning “to close with key in mind “ and a logical meaning
ancensé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &n[ch]æ[ng]s’e \ ) - 1) - to of “to inculcate “. See also the term “anculché “.
cense, to incense. - 2) - to adulate, to flatter (in a fig. ancimenté - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &n[ch]imænt’e \ ) - to
sense). - See also the term “incensé “. cement.
ancesta - n. f. . (pr. \ &n[ch]’est& \ ) At plr. ancéste. - inquiry, ancioa - n. f. (pr. \ &n[ch]i’u& \ ) At plr. ancioe. - anchovy.
investigation. See also the term “indàgin “. Also in the spelling “anciova “, with the same
ancëdna - n. f. (pr. \ &n[ch]’ &dn& \ ) At plr. ancëdne. - pronunciation.
quibble, cavil, spite, pique. See also the terms “cavij, ancioché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &n[ch]iuk’e \ ) - 1) - to make
cavicc “. (sb.) drunk. - 2) - to mistake (in a fig. popular sense). A
ancërmanté - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &n[ch]&rm&nt’e \ ) - See way of saying is “ancioché le quòte “ = lit. “to mistake the
anciarmé. measures “ referred to any things perfomed in a wrong way.
ancërmanteur - n. (pr. \ &n[ch]&rm&nt’[oe]r \ ) - See The refl. form is only related to the first meaning, as follows
anciarmeur. :
ancëtta - n. f. (pr. \ &n[ch]’&tt& \ ) At plr. ancëtte. - 1) - tang, anciochésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &n[ch]iuk’ese \ ) - to get
spline, tongue. - 2) - reed (music). drunk.
anche - 1) - adv. (pr. \ ‘&[ng]ke \ ) - 1) - too, as well, also. anciodé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &n[ch]iud’e \ ) - to nail. See
Example “I vado anche mi “ = “I go too “. - 2) - even (in also the terms “anciové, ambroché, ambrochëtté “.
comparatives). Example “a l’é anche pì fòrt “ = “it is even ancioin - n. m. (pr. \ &n[ch]iu’i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - garden
stronger “. See also the most piedm. term “ëdcò “, (often sorrel (rumex acetosa - botany). Local name. Also called in
written “ ‘dcò “). piedm. “erba brusca “ = “sour grass “.
anche - 2) - cng. (pr. \ ‘&[ng]ke \ ) - even. Example “i ven-o anciorgnì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &n[ch]iur[gn]’i \ ) - 1) - to
anche se am pias nen “ = “I come even if I don’t like it “. deafen, to stun. See also the term “anlochì, s-ciorgnì “. - 2)
See also the most piedm. term “ëdcò “, (often written “ ‘dcò - to annoy, to irritate (in a fig. sense).
“). anciorgniment - n. m. (pr. \ &n[ch]iur[gn]im’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr.
anchegé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ &[ng]kej’e \ ) - to wiggle one’s - deafening. See also the terms “ansordiment, assordiment,
hips. It uses the aux. “avèj “. s-ciorgnision“.
anchegiament - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]keji&m’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - anciostradura - n. f. (pr. \ &n[ch]iustr&d’[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
swaying gait, wiggle. anciostradure. - inking.
anchërna - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]k’&rn& \ ) At plr. anchërne. - 1) - anciostré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &n[ch]iustr’e \ ) - to ink.
clef, fissure, groove. See also the term “filura“. - 2) - joint. anciova - n. f. (pr. \ &n[ch]i’u& \ ) - See ancioa.
See also the terms “ancastr, incastr, anghërna “. anciovada - n. f. (pr. \ &n[ch]iu’&d& \ ) At plr. anciovade. -
anchiét - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]ki’et \ ) Ms. plr. anchiét, fm. sng. and sauce made with anchovies. Note that the letter “v “, as for
plr. anchieta, anchiete. - 1) - worried, uneasy. - 2) - the piedm. phonology, in this case is mute.
restless. anciové - 1) - n. (pr. \ &n[ch]iu’e \ ) Ms. plr. anciové, fm. sng.
anchietant - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]kiet’&nt \ ) Ms. plr. anchietant, and plr. anciovera, anciovere. - anchovy seller, anchovy
fm. sng. and plr. anchietanta, anchietante. - worrying, dealer.
anxious, alarming. anciové - 2) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &n[ch]iu’e \ ) - to nail. See
anchieté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]kiet’e \ ) - to make also the terms “anciodé, ambroché, ambrochëtté, ciodé “.
uneasy, to worry (sb.), to alarm (sb.). anciovendé - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &n[ch]iuænd’e \ ) - to fence
anchietésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]kiet’ese \ ) - 1) - to get in, to enclose with hedge, to hedge. See also the meaning
worried. - 2) - to get angry. of the word “cioenda “.
anchin - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]k’i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - nankeen anciòstr - n. m. (pr. \ &n[ch]i’ostr \ ) Inv. at plr. - ink. See also
(texile). - 2) - bow, reverence, curtsey. In this meaning see “inciòstr “.
also the term “inchin “. anciprié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &n[ch]ipri’e \ ) - to powder
anchiné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]kin’e \ ) - to bow, to (sb. or st.).
lower, to bend. See also the voices “inchiné, chiné “. ancipriésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &n[ch]ipri’ese \ ) - to
anchinésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \&[ng]kin’ese\) - 1) - to bow, powder (oneself, one’s face, etc.).
to curtesy. - 2) - to give in, to yeld, to bow. ancis - n. m. (pr. \ &n[ch]’iz \ ) Inv. at plr. - parenthesis,
ància - n. f. (pr. \ ’&n[ch]i& \ ) At plr. ànce - reed interpolated clause. See also the term “incis “.
(music). ancis (për ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ p&r &n[ch]’iz \ ) - incidentally.
anciarm - n. m. (pr. \ &n[ch]i’&rm \ ) Inv. at plr. - spell, In piedm. it is more common to use the adv. loc. “fra
charm, anchantement, glamour. parentesi “ = “between parentheses “. See also “incis (për --
-) “.

ancision - n. f. (pr. \ p&r &n[ch]izi’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - ancomparàbij. - incomparable, peerless, matchless. See
cut, incision. - 2) - engraving, etching. - 3) - tapping. - 4) - also the term "incomparàbil ".
recording (related to signals on a physycal support, anconen - adv. (pr. \ &[ng]cun’æ[ng] \ ) - not yet.
magnetic or other). - See also the term “incision “. ancontr - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]c’untr \ ) Inv. at plr. - meeting. See
ancisiv - 1) - adj. (pr. \ &n[ch]iz’iu \ ) Ms. plr. ancisiv, fm. sng. also the term “rëscontr “.
and plr. ancisiva, ancisive. - incisive, sharp. See also the ancontra - adv. and prp. (pr. \ &[ng]c’untr& \ ) - 1) - against. E.
term “incisiv “. g. “parlé ancontra a quaidun “ is translated into “to speak
ancisiv - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ &n[ch]iz’iu \ ) Inv. at plr. - incisor against sb. “. - 2) - toward. E. g. “i andoma ancontra a
(tooth - anatomy). Often the two central upper teeth are l’istà “ is translated into “we are going toward summer “. -
asked “palëtte “ = “little shovels “. 3) - versus (sport). E. g. “Real Madrid ancontra Juventus “
ancisor - n. (pr. \ &n[ch]iz’ur \ ) Ms. plr. ancisor, fm. sng. and is translated into “Real Madrid versus Juventus “. - 4) - at.
plr. ancisòira, ancisòire. - engraver, etcher. See also the E. g. “a l’ha sparàje ancontra “ is translated into “the
term “incisor “. shooted at him “. - 5) - counter to, contrary to, in
anclinassion - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]clin&si’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - opposition to. E. g. “Soa idèja a l’é ancontra a la mia “ is
inclination, slope, slant, tilt. - 2) - inclination, tendency. - translated into “His idea is contrary to the mine “. - 6) - on
See also the term “inclinassion “. (commerce). E. g. “la ròba a sarà consignà ancontra a al
ancliné - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]clin’e \ ) - 1) - to tilt, to tip, pagament an contant “ is translated into “the goods will be
to incline, to bend (trs.). It makes use of the aux. “avèj “. - delivered on payment by cash “.This is a case in which the
2) - to dispose, to incline (trs.). It makes use of the aux. word “contra “ (see the term) is much more correct. This
“avèj “. - 3) - to tend, to be inclinated (int.). It makes use of word can be used in all the above meaning, but it is mainly
the aux. “esse “. See also the term “incliné “. used in the two first. In any case, and in particular in the
anclinésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]clin’ese \ ) - to bend, to other cases, see also the word “contra “. Still see also the
lean, to incline. The meaning is more or less the one of the terms “anvers, vers “.
int. form. See also the term “inclinésse “. ancontré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]cuntr’e \ ) - 1) - to meet.
anclude - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]cl’[ue]de \ ) - 1) - to In this meaning (the most used) see also the term “rëscontré
include, to comprise. - 2) - to imply. - 3) - to enclose, to “. - 2) - to run into, to run up against, to find casually. -
attach. - See also the term “include “. 3) - to compare.
anclus - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]cl’[ue]z \ ) Ms. plr. anclus, fm. sng. and ancon-a - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]c’u[ng]& \ ) At plr. ancon-e. - icon.
plr. anclusa, ancluse. - 1) - inclusive, included. - 2) - ancor - adv. (pr. \ &[ng]c’ur \ ) - See ancora.
enclosed, attached. - In piedm. this term is not also the p. p. ancor ancora - adv. loc. (pr. \ &[ng]c’ur &[ng]c’ur& \ ) -
of the vrb “anclude “, since this latter is “ancludù “. See also hardly (in the sense of : “yes, but nothing further” and
the term “inclus “. similar). E. g. “I could hardly take this, but nothing else “ =
anclusion - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]cl[ue]zi’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - “I podrìa ancor ancora pijé sòn, ma gnente d’àutr “.
inclusion. See also the term “inclusion “. ancora - adv. (pr. \ &[ng]c’ur& \ ) - 1) - still, yet. E. g. “ses-to
anclusiv - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]cl[ue]z’iu \ ) Ms. plr. anclusiv, fm. ancora sì? “ = “are you still here? “, and also “a l’é ancora
sng. and plr. anclusiva, anclusive. - inclusive. See also the nen sì “ = “he is not yet here “. - 2) - again. This use, that
term “inclusiv “. can be found, is a bit an italianism. See the term “torna “. E.
ancocésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]cu[ch]’ese \ ) - to get it g. “a ven ancora “ = “he comes again “ = “a ven torna “. -
into one’s head, to persist. 3) - some more, any more. E. g. “pija ancora ‘d toma! “ =
ancojo - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]c’uyu \ ) - See ancuso. “take some more cheese! “, and also “a-i son ancora ‘d
ancoladura - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]cul&d’[ue]r& \ ) At plr. tartifle? “ = “are there any more potatoes? “. - 4) - more. E.
ancoladure. - 1) - sizing (texile). - 2) - sticking, gluing, g. “a-i và ancora temp “ = “it will take more time “. - This
pasting. - 3) - appearence, gait, carriage. - 4) - bruise on word is easily apostrophedat the beginning, each time the
the neck of working animals. - 5) - neck (horse-racing). preceding word ends by vowel. For example the last piedm.
ancolé - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]cul’e \ ) - to stick, to glue, sentence written above is usually found as : “a-i và ‘ncora
to paste. temp “.
ancolpàbil - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]culp’&bil \ ) Ms. plr. ancolpàbij, àncora - n. f. (pr. \ ‘&[ng]cur& \ ) At plr. àncore. - anchor
fm. sng. and plr. ancolpàbil, ancolpàbij. - chargeable, (marine).
that can be accused. See also the term “ancriminàbil “. ancora che - cng. loc. (pr. \ &[ng]c’ur& ke \ ) - even if,
ancolpé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]culp’e \ ) - to accuse, to although. See also the loc. “contut che “.
charge. See also the terms “acusé, ancriminé “. ancora d’assé - adv. loc. (pr. \ &[ng]c’ur& d &s’e \ ) - luckily.
ancolura n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]cul’[ue]r& \ ) - See ancoladura. See also the adv. loc. “ancora pro “.
ancombensa - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]cumb’æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. ancora pro - adv. loc. (pr. \ &[ng]c’ur& pru \ ) - luckily. See
ancombense. - charge, task, office, job. See also the term also the adv. loc. “ancora d’assé “.
”incombensa “. ancoragi - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]cur’&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - ancorage,
ancombensé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]cumbæ[ng]s’e \ ) - to berth.
charge, to entrust. See also the terms “incariché, ancoragiament - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]cur&ji&m’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
comissioné “. encouragement.
ancombré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]cumbr’e \ ) - to tangle, ancoragiant - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]cur&ji’&nt \ ) Ms. plr.
to entangle. See also the term “angavigné “. ancoragiant, fm. sng. and plr. ancoragianta, ancoragiante.
ancomens - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]cum’æ[ng]s \ ) Inv. at plr. - - encouraging.
beginning, start, starting, commencement. See also the ancoragé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]cur&j’e \ ) - to
terms “ comens, ancaminament, anviarura, anviarament, encourage.
àndi “. ancordador - n. (pr. \ &[ng]curd&d’ur \ ) - See ancordator.
ancomensé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]cumæ[ng]s’e \ ) - to ancordadura - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]curd&d’[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
begin, to start, to commence. ancordadure. - 1) - tuning. - 2) - chord. - See also the term
ancomparàbil - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]cump&r'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. “acordadura “.
ancomparàbij, fm. sng. and plr. ancomparàbil,

ancordator - n. (pr. \ &[ng]curd&t’ur \ ) Ms. plr. ancordator, ancropìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]crup’ise \ ) - See
fm. sng. and plr. ancordatriss, ancordatriss. - tuner. See angrumlìsse.
also “acordador “. ancros - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]cr’uz \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - crossing,
ancordé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]curd’e \ ) - to tune (music). cross-roads. In this sense see also the term “crosiera “. - 2)
See also the term “acordé “. - hybridization, cross-breeding. In this sense see also the
ancoré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]cur’e \ ) - to anchor (also in term "ibridassion".
a fig. sense). See also the term “ancré “. ancrosià - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &[ng]cruzi'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and
ancore - vrb 2nd con. int. (pr. \ &[ng]c’ure \ ) - to run into, to nr. - crossed. See also the term "crosià ".
incur. It uses the aux. “esse “. ancrosié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]cruzi’e \ ) - 1) - to cross. -
ancoregìbil - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]curej’ibil \ ) Ms. plr. ancoregìbij, 2) - to cruise (aircrafts, ships). See also the term "crosié ".
fm. sng. and plr. ancoregìbil, ancoregìbij - incorrigible, ancrosiésse - vrb 1 st con. recp. (pr. \ &[ng]cruzi’ese \ ) - to cross,
inveterate. to intercross, to intersect. Used also to indicate the sense of
ancorné - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]curn’e \ ) - to gore. See “to meet by chance each other while walking “.
also the vrbl. loc. “ dé ‘d cornà “ that lit. has value “to give ancrostadura - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]crust&d’[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
butts “. ancrostadure. - 1) - encrustement, incrustation. - 2) -
ancornisadura - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]curniz&d’[ue]r& \ ) At plr. scale, fur.
ancornisadure. - framing, frame. See also the term ancrosté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]crust’e \ ) - to crust over,
“ancurnisadura “. to encrust.
ancornisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]curniz’e \ ) - to frame. ancrostésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]crust’ese \ ) - to
See also the term “ancurnisé “. encrust, to become encrusted.
ancoronament - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]curun&m’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - ancrovaté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]cru&’e \ \ &[ng]cruw&’e
crowning. \ ) - See ancroaté.
ancoronassion - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]curun&si’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - ancrovatésse - vrb 1 st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]cru&’ese \ \
incoronation. &[ng]cruw&’ese \ ) - See ancroatésse.
ancoroné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]curun’e \ ) - 1) - to crown. ancròcia - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]cr’o[ch]i& \ ) At plr. ancròce. - ugly
- 2) - to encircle. - See also the term “coroné “. old wrinkled deformed woman. See also the term
ancorporassion - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]curpur&si’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. “ancròja“.
- 1) - incorporation. - 2) - annexation. - 3) - ancròja - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]cr’oy& \ ) - See ancròcia.
amalgamation, combination, merging. ancrudelì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ &[ng]cr[ue]del’i \ ) - to
ancorporé - vrb 1 con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]curpur’e \ ) - 1) - to become cruel. It uses the aux. “esse “.
incorporate, to include. - 2) - to annex. - 3) - to anculché - vrb 1st con. trs. . (pr. \ &[ng]c[ue]lk’e \ ) - to
amalgamate. - 4) - to blend. inculcate. Often the expression is used : “anciavé an ment “
ancotoné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]cutun’e \ ) - to fill with that lit. has value “to close in mind with key “. and meaning
cotton, to stuff with cotton. See also the term “cotoné “. of “to inculcate “.
ancòrzësne - vrb 2nd con. refl. prn. prt. (pr. \ &[ng]c’orzsne \ ) ancugné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]c[ue][gn]’e \ ) - See
- to become aware (of this or that). See the form below ancunié.
“ancòrzse “ (less used). ancunié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]c[ue]ni’e \ ) - to wedge, to
ancòrzësse - vrb 2 nd con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]c’orzse \ ) - to notice, insert, to fit in. See also the terms "ancugné, cunié".
to realize, to becoma aware. See also the above form ancurnisadura - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]c[ue]rniz&d’[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
“ancòrzësne “. ancurnisadure. - framing, frame. See also the term
ancré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]cr’e \ ) - to anchor. See also “ancornisadura “.
the term “ancoré “. ancurnisé - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]c[ue]rniz’e \ ) - to frame.
ancreus - 1) - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]cr’[oe]z \ ) Ms. plr. ancreus, fm. See also the term “ancornisé “.
sng. and plr. ancreusa, ancreuse - deep. See also the terms ancuso - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]c’[ue]zu \ ) Inv. at plr. - anvil. See
“creus, profond, fond, përfond “. also the term “ancojo “.
ancreus - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]cr’[oe]z \ ) Inv. at plr. - depth. ancute - vrb 2 nd con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]c’[ue]te \ ) - to arouse, to
See also the terms “creus, fond, profond “. excite, to strike. See also the term “anfonde ”.
ancreus - 3) - adv. (pr. \ &[ng]cr’[oe]z \ ) - deep, deeply, ancutì - 1) - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]c[ue]t’i \ ) - to tangle, to
profoundly. See also the terms “creus, fond, profond “. entangle (referred to hair, wires, etc.). See also the term
ancriminàbil - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]crimin’&bil \ ) Ms. plr. “angavigné “.
ancriminàbij, fm. sng. and plr. ancriminàbil, ancriminàbij ancutì - 2) - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]c[ue]t’i \ ) Ms. plr. ancutì, fm. sng.
– accusable, chargeable, impeachable, indictable. See also and plr. ancutìa, ancutìe - 1) - dull, dull-brained, obtuse. -
the terms “incriminàbil, acusàbil, ancolpàbil “. 2) - sad, unhappy (not much used in this meaning).
ancriminassion - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]crimin&si’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. ancutiura - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]c[ue]ti’[ue]r& \ ) At plr. ancutiure. -
- incrimination, accusation, charge, impeachment. See entangled hair.
also the voices “acusa, incriminassion “. andà - n. f. (pr. \ &nd’&\ ) Inv. at plr. - lapse of time.
ancriminé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]crimin’e \ ) - to andadura - n. f. (pr. \ &nd&d’[ue]r& \ ) - See andatura.
incriminate, to accuse, to charge, to impeach, to indict. andafarà - adj. (pr. \ &nd&f&r’& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - busy.
See also the terms “acusé, ancolpé “. Referred to a person doing many things.
ancroaté - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]cru&’e \ ) - to put a tie on andafarésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &nd&f&r’ese \ ) - to engage
(referred to sb.). See also the term “ancrovaté “. oneself in doing things. Also used the expression “désse da
ancroatésse - vrb 1 st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]cru&’ese \ ) - to put a fé “, having a lit. value of “ to give (to) oneself to do “.
tie on (referred to oneself.). See also the term “ancrovatésse andàit - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &nd’&it \ ) Ms. plr. andàit, fm. sng.
“. and plr. andàita, andàite - 1) - gone (irregular p. p. of the
ancrojé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]cruy’e \ ) - to wrinkle, to vrb “andé “ - see below). - 2) - given up, ruined, lost (adj. in
crease. Usually in the following refl. form: a fig. sense).
ancrojésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]cruy’ese \ ) - to become andàita - n. f. (pr. \ &nd’&it& \ ) At plr. andàite. - going,
wrinkled, to wrinkle, to crease. outward journey. See also the terms “andata, andé “. Notice
that the locution “journey there and back “ can be translated

into “viagi d’andàita e artorn “ or “viagi d’andé e vnì “ (lit. like. E. g. “at và ‘n gelato? “ (lit. “does it go to you an ice-
“journey of going and coming “). cream? “) = “do you like an ice-cream?“. - 11) - must,
andament - n. m. (pr. \ &nd&m’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - course, should (to be). E. g. “sta tàula a và rangià “ (lit. “this table
state. Quite an italianism, see also the term “andan-a “. goes repaired “) = “this table must be repaired”. E. g.
andan - n. m. (pr. \ &nd’&[ng] \ ) - See andan-a. “j’ovrié a van pagà “ (lit. “the workers go payed “) = “the
andant - 1) - adj. (pr. \ &nd’&nt \ ) Ms. plr. andant, fm. sng. and workers must be payed “. Then see also the directly derivated
plr. andanta, andante - 1) - common, commonly used, forms “andéje, andésse, andésne “ for other meanings. Some
cheap, plain. - 2) - generous, liberal, munificent (in a fig. few idiomatic locutions: A) - andé a baron - (lit. “to go to
sense). Often in Piedm. comparatives are used to express a heap “) - to ruin. “a l’ha lassà andé la cà a baron “ = “he left
quality, and often these comparatives make use of the adj. the house to ruin “. B) - andé a finì - (lit. “to go to finish) - to
having opposite meaning. One of them, devoted to define a happen, to end. “a va a finì ch’as fà mal “ = “it will happen
srtingy, miserly person, uses this adj. in the following way : that he will hurt himself “. C) - andé a spané ‘d mélia - (lit.
“andant coma l’apèis “ = “generous like pitch “. Another “to go to husk mais “) - to go somewhere else, to go out of
expression to define a miserly person is : “andant con la ròba shoes. D) - andé a taton - (lit. “to go gropingly “) - to grope.
dj’àutri “ = “ generous with goods of the others ”. E) - andé ‘d garela - (lit. ”to go slantwise “) - not to
andant - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ &nd’&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any) - maintain the srtaight way, to go wrong (fig.). F) - andé fòra
andante (music). ‘d carzà - (lit. “to go out of roadway “) - to go astray, to do a
andantin - n. m. (pr. \ &nd&nt’i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any) - mistake. G) - andé për lì - (lit. “to go for there “) - to stroll
andantino (music). about.
andan-a - n. f. (pr. \ &nd’&[ng]& \ ) At plr. andan-e. - 1) - andebitament - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &ndebit&m’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
custom, habit. - 2) - bad habit. - 3) - course, state. See also indebtedness. See also the term “indebitament “.
the term “andament “. - 4) - stroke of the scythe andebitament - 2) - adv. (pr. \ &ndebit&m’ænt \ ) - wrongfully,
(agriculture). - 5) - a worked strip in a field large as a unduly, without any rights. Italianism, see also the best
srtoke of the scythe (agriculture). adv. loc. “a spropòsit, an manera nen dovùa “.
andaré - adv. (pr. \ &nd&r’e \ ) - back, behind, backwards. See andebité - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &ndebit’e \ ) - to get (sb.) into
also the terms “andarera, andré, daré, darera “. Even if this debt.
adv. can be used in all the three meanings, it is more specific andebitésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &ndebit’ese \ ) - to run into
for “backwards “ For the meanings “back, behind “ better debt.
terms are “daré, darera “. andebolì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &ndebul’i \ ) - to
andarera - adv. (pr. \ &nd&r’er& \ ) - See andaré (with the weaken, to enfeeble. When trs. it uses the aux. “avèj “, when
same note). int. it uses the aux. “esse “ and it assumes the meaning of the
andata - n. f. (pr. \ &nd’&t& \ ) At plr. andate. - going, refl. form (see below). See also the term “anfiachì “.
outward journey. Italianism. See also the terms “andàita, andeboliment - n. m. (pr. \ &ndebulim’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
andé (n. m.) “. weakening.
andatura - n. f. (pr. \ &nd&t’[ue]r& \ ) At plr. andature. - 1) - andebolìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &ndebul’ise \ ) - to become
gait, way of walking. - 2) - carriage, way of carrying weak, to weaken.
oneself. - 3) - speed, going. - 4) - running (sport). - This andecapé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &ndec&p’e \ ) - to handicap
term is quite an italianism. See also the best terms “andura, (sport).
andadura, andeuira, anlura “. andéie - vrb 1st con.trs. locative prt. (pr. \ &nd’eie \ ) - 1) - See
andé - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &nd’e \ ) Inv. at plr. – going, outward andeje. – 2) – to go there.
journey. See also the terms “andàita, andata “. andéje - vrb 1st con.trs. prn. prt. (pr. \ &nd’eye \ ) - 1) - to be
andé - 2) - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ &nd’e \ ) - 1) - to go. This vrb is required, to be necessary. See also “venté, bzogné “, and the
an irregular one. It uses the aux. “esse “, and it can support vrbl. loc. “essje da manca, avèj da manca “. On this purpose
different idiomatic meanings. These latter can be found in the we note a question of spelling: logically the locative prt.
specific session of the associated site. Here we try to show would be required, with a meaning of “here “ or “there “, and
the various meanings with examples, and we also report then the spelling “andeie “( “...i... “ is the locative), but
some idiomatic locutions. - 2) - to be, to get on (referred to usually the form “andeje “ is more used (“...j... “ is the prn.).
health, to a situation, etc.). E. g. “com a và? “ or “com và-lo? This point is effective only for infinitive and p. p. , since in
“ (lit. “how does it go? “) = “how are you? “ but also “how the simple tenses the locative is used, connected to the vrbl.
are you getting on? “ and still “how is everything? “. E. g. “a prs. prn. (see grammar) - E. g. “a bottle of water is required “
và bin “ (lit. “it goes well “) = “that’s all right “ or also “that = “ a-i và na bota d’eva “. - E. g. “a l’é andàje na bota d’eva
will do (it is enough) “. - 3) - to act, to behave (referred to “= “a bottle of water was required (has been required) “. We
the behaviour to be taken in some situations). E. g. “i vado an will speak again of this while looking at the verb “esse “ that
sël sicur “ (lit. “I go no the sure “) = “I act without any risk “. can have the same problem. - 2) - to go there (see the above
- 4) - to run, to work, to go (referred to an engine or a note) - 3) - to go ... to him (her, it). E. g. “veus-to andéje a
mechanism). E. g. “sta mostra a và pì nen “ (lit. “this clock porté ij sòld? “ = “do you want to go bringing money to him?
does not go anymore “) = “this clock doesen’t work anymore “.
“. - 5) - to suit, to fit, to match. E. g. “at va bin doman? “ andemonià - adj. and n. . (pr. \ &ndemuni’& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and
(lit. “does it go well to you tomorrow? “) = “does tomorrow nr. – 1) – demoniac (adj. and sbst.). – 2) – possessed (adj.). –
suits you? “. - 6) - to be the fashion. E. g. “st’ann la lan-a a 3) – frenzied, furious (adj. in a fig. sense). – 4) – maniac
và pì nen “ (lit. “this year the wool does not go anymore “ = (sbst. in a fig. sense). – See also the term “indemonià “.
“This year the wool is no more in fashion “. - 7) - to be easy andemoniésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &ndemuni’ese \ ) - to fly
to sell. E. g. “st’ann ij pom a van com tut “ (lit. “this year the into a rage. (in a fig. sense). See also the term “indemoniésse
apples go very much “) = “this year apples can be sold very “.
easily “. - 8) - to be (in its passive form). E. g. “ël lìber a l’é andesne - vrb 1st con. refl. prn. prt. (pr. \ &nd’esne \ ) - 1) - to
andàit perdù “ (lit. “the book is gone lost “) = “the book has go (away). The form is refl. since the decision of going is
been lost “. - 9) - to get (followed by gerund). E. g. “la supposed up to the subject (in a loose sense), but the meaning
situassion a và pegiorand “ (lit. “the situation goes
worsening “) = “the situation is getting worse “. - 10) - to

is int. The prn. prt. is mainly pleonastic. - 2) - to dead (in fig. andor - n. m. (pr. \ &nd’ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - passage, entrance-
sense). hall, lobby, entrance. See also the term “andron “.
andésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &nd’ese \ ) - to go. This “refl. andorador - n. (pr. \ &ndur&d’ur \ ) Ms. plr. andorador, fm.
like” form is used when followed by a refl. loc. (also in a sng. and plr. andoradòira, andoradòire - gilder. See also
loose sense). In this case the refl. form is taken by the vrb the term "doreur".
“andé “, and the following form becomes active. As an andoradura - n. f. (pr. \ &ndur&d’[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
example, to send sb. about his business, in Piedm. the form andoradure. - gilding. See also the terms “andorura,
can be used : “vate a fé benedì “ or the even more dorura“.
characteristic “vate caté ‘n cassul “ wose lit. meaning is rspy. andoré - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &ndur’e \ ) - to gild. See also the
“go yourself to make you bless “ and “go yourself to buy a term “doré “.
ladle “, and true meaning rspy “go to make you bless “ and andorura - n. f. (pr. \ &ndur’[ue]r& \ ) - See andoradura.
“go to buy a ladle (for you) “. andossador - n. m. (pr. \ &ndus&d'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - male
andeuira - n. f. (pr. \ &nd’[oe]ir& \ ) - See andatura. model, male mannequin. See also the term "indossator".
andeurme - vrb 2 nd con. trs. (pr. \ &nd’[oe]rme \ ) - 1) - to put to For the fm. see the term "andossatris".
sleep, to send to sleep, to make sleep. - 2) - to dull. - 3) - to andossatris - n. m. (pr. \ &ndus&tr'iz \ ) Inv. at plr. - model,
anesthetize. See also, in this meaning, the term “anestetisé “. mannequin. See also the term "indossatriss". For the ms.
This verb is a “fosonant “ one (see grammar), having forms see the term "andossador".
of the 3rd con. See also the term “andurmì “. The refl. form is andossé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &ndus’e \ ) - to wear, to have
the following: on. See also the terms “indossé, veste, vestì “, and the vrbl.
andeurmse - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ &nd’[oe]rmse \ ) - to fall loc. “buté adòss, avèj adoss “. This term is not so much used,
asleep, to go numb, to go to sleep. See also the term and it is quite an italianism.
“andurmìsse “. andossì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &ndus’i \ ) - 1) - to
andërmagi - excl. and n. m. . (pr. \ &nd&rm’&ji \ ) - pity, sin, sweeten, to make sweet (trs.). See also the term “ansucré “.
shame, but only in the fig. sense like in the expression “what – 2) – to soften (in a fig. sense). It can be trs. (to soften sb. or
a pity! “. E. g. “sorry but he has just left - Oh, what a pity! “ st.) and in this case it uses the aux. “avèj “, or int. (to become
it can be tranlated into “a l’é pen-a partì - Oh, che “soft “ or “sweet”) and in this case it uses the aux. “esse “.
andërmagi! “. See also the term “darmagi “. For a lit. sense andossìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &ndus’ise \ ) - 1) - to become
see the term “pecà “. sweet. - 2) - to become soft.
andërnà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &nd&rn’& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - andova - adv. (pr. \ &nd’u& \ ) - where. See also the terms
worn out, done up. See also the term “dërnà “. “anté, andoa “. We recall that the letter “v”, in this. word is
andërné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &nd&rn’e \ ) - to exaust, to tire nute.
out, to wear out. See also the term “dërné “. andré - adv. (pr. \ &ndr’e \ ) - See andaré.
andërnésse - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &nd&rn’ese \ ) - to exaust André - n. m. . (pr. \ &ndr’e \ ) - Noun of person. - Andrew. See
oneself, to tire oneself out, to be worn out. also the most common name “Andrea “.
andërnera - n. f. (pr. \ &nd&rn’er& \ ) At plr. andërnere. - Andrea - n. m. . (pr. \ &ndr’e& \ ) - Noun of person. - Andrew.
lumbago. See also the term “dernera “. See also the name “André “, more used in the area of
àndi - n. m. (pr. \ ‘&ndi \ ) Inv. at plr. -1) - start, beginning, westernd Apls.
initial push. The word can assume various meaning in andrinta - 1) - prp. and adv. (pr. \ &ndr’int& \ ) - inside, in,
idiomatic loc. Here some of then often used: A) - “pijé l’andi within. See also the terms “drinta, an, ant “.
“ (lit. “to tke the initial push”) = “to take a run “ or “to start andrinta - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ &ndr’int& \ ) Inv. at plr. - inside, the
moving out of control “. - B) - “dé l’andi (a...) “ (lit. “to give inside part. See also the term “intern “.
the initial push (to...)”) = “to give the initial push “ or “to andrit - n. m. (pr. \ &ndr’int& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - the part
throw away “ - C) - “désse n’andi “ (lit. “ to give oneself a exposed to the sun, the side facing southward (usually in a
start“) = “to hurry up “ usually imperative : “date n’andi! “ = valley). - 2) - the main side of st. - 3) - the front side (in
“ hurry up! “. - 2) - appearence, look, gait, carriage. E. g. opposition to the back side). See also the term “indrit “. A
“avèj l’àndi dël cap “ = “ to look like a boss, to have the look joky piedm. way of saying is “ na facenda dij doi andrit “ lit.
of a boss. “. - 3) - a worked strip in a field. In this meaning = “a question of the two front sides “ in contrast with the
see also the terms “andan, andan-a “. logic that each front must have a back, for referring to
andiavlà - adj. (pr. \ &ndi&ul'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - something that hasn’t an esay solution.
possessed, demoniac. - 2) - devilish, furious, stormy. - 3) - androgin - n. and adj. (pr. \ &ndruj’i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. androgin,
restless. - See also the term "indiavolà ". fm. sng. and plr. androgin-a, androgin-e - androgynous.
andiavlésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &ndi&ul'ese \ ) - to be andron - n. m. (pr. \ &ndr’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - entrance-hall,
furious, to become furious, to play the very devil, to be lobby. See also the term “andor “.
raving mad. See also the term "indiavolésse". andrugé - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &ndr[ue]j’e \ ) - to manure, to
andighé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &ndig’e \ ) - to embank, to fertilize.
dyke. See also the term “arginé “. andura - n. f. (pr. \ &nd’[ue]r& \ ) - See andatura.
andivia - n. f. (pr. \ &nd’ivi& \ ) At plr. (if any) - andivie. - andurant - adj. (pr. \ &nd[ue]r’&nt \ ) Ms. plr. andurant, fm.
endive (botany - Cichorium endivia). See also the term sng. and plr. anduranta, andurante - tolerant, resistant.
"indìvia". anduré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &nd[ue]r’e \ ) - to tolerate.
andoa - adv. (pr. \ &nd’u& \ ) - where. See also the terms “anté, andurent - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &nd[ue]r’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
andova “. hardener.
andobié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &ndubi’e \ ) - to double, to andurent - 2) - adj. (pr. \ &nd[ue]r’ænt \ ) Ms. plr. andurent,
duplicate, to reduplicate. See also the term “ardobié “. fm. sng. and plr. andurenta, andurente - hardening.
andobiura - n. f. (pr. \ &ndubi’[ue]r& \ ) At plr. andobiure. - andurì - vrb 3 rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &nd[ue]r’i \ ) - 1) - to
doubling, duplication, redoubling, reduplication. See also harden, to stiffen, to consolidate. - 2) - to calcify. In this
the term “ardobiura “. sense see also the term "calcifiché". - When trs. it uses the
andolorì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &ndulur’i \ ) - to make sore, to aux. “avèj “, when int. it uses the aux. “esse “.
stiffen, to benumb. anduriment - n. m. (pr. \ &nd[ue]rim’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -

andurìsse - vrb 3 rd con. refl. (pr. \ &nd[ue]r’ise \ ) - 1) - to anestétich - 2) - adj. (pr. \ &nest’etic \ ) Ms. plr. anestétich, fm.
harden. The term has the same meaning of the active int. sng. and plr. anestética, anestétiche. - anaesthetic.
form. - 2) - to become hard. - 2) - to calcify. In this sense anestetisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &nestetiz’e \ ) - to
see also the term "calcifichésse ". anaesthetize.
andurmì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &nd[ue]rm’i \ ) - See aneuitì - vrb 3rd con. int. dfc. (pr. \ &n[oe]it’i \ ) - to become
andeurme. night, to become dark. It uses normally the aux. “avèj “,
andurmìa - n. f. (pr. \ &nd[ue]rm’i& \ ) At plr. andurmìe. - 1) - somerimes in can be found with the aux. “esse “, but this use
sleeping-draught, narcotic. See also the term “narcòtich “. - is an italianism. See also the terms “anoitì, anoitìsse “. It has
2) - anaesthesia (popular word for this meaning). See also the same meaning of the following refl. form (which is more
the term “anestesìa “. used):
andurmìsse - vrb 3 rd con. refl. (pr. \ &nd[ue]rm’ise \ ) - See aneuitìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. dfc. (pr. \ &n[oe]it’ise \ ) - See
andeurmse. aneuitì.
andùstria - n. f. (pr. \ &nd’[ue]stri& \) - See indùstria. aneujé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &n[oe]y’e \ ) - to bore. See also
andusrtial – n. and adj. (pr. \ &nd[ue]stri’&l \) - See industrial. the term “anojé “ and the best term “nojosé “.
andustriésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &nd[ue]stri’ese \ ) - to try aneujésse - vrb 1 st con. refl. (pr. \ &n[oe]y’ese \ ) - to bore
to do one’s best, to strive. See also the term “industriésse “. oneself, to be bored. See also the term “anojésse“ and the
andustrios - adj. (pr. \ &nd[ue]stri’uz \ ) Ms. plr. andustrios, best term “nojosésse “.
fm. sng. and plr. andustriosa, andustriose - industrious, anëtte - vrb 2 nd con. trs. (pr. \ &n&tte \ ) - 1) - to attach, to
hard-working - See also the term “industrios “. enclose. - 2) - to add. - 3) - to annex.
andvin - n. (pr. \ &ndu’i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. andvin, fm. sng. and plr. anfagoté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]f&gut’e \ ) - 1) - to wrap
andvin-a, andvin-e - soothsayer, fortune-teller. This is a up, to bundle up. - 2) - to dress (sb.) badly, to dress (sb.)
case in which the letter “v “ is pronunced “ \ u\ “. abundantly. See also the term "infagoté ". The refl. form is
andvinaja - n. f. (pr. \ &nduin’&y& \ ) At plr. andvinaje. - relate only to the second meaning as follows:
riddle, puzzle. This is a case in which the letter “v “ is anfagotésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]f&gut’ese\) - to dress
pronunced “ \ u\ “. oneself badly, to dress oneself abundantly.
andviné - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &nduin’e \ ) - to guess, to divine, anfalant - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]f&l’&nt \) Ms. plr. anfalant, fm. sng.
to guess right. This is a case in which the letter “v “ is and plr. anfalanta, anfalante. - infallible. See also the term
pronunced “ \ u\ “. "infalìbil".
andvinura - n. f. (pr. \ &nduin’[ue]r& \ ) At plr. andvinure. - anfanghé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]f&[ng]g’e \ ) - 1) - to
prediction, prophecy (popular). This is a case in which the cover with mud, to spatter with mud. In this meaning the
letter “v “ is pronunced “ \ u\ “. term is a bad italianism. See also the term “ampauté “. - 2) -
anecdòt - n. m. (pr. \ &necd’ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - anecdote. See to throw mud at (sb.), to disgrace, to besmirch (in a fig.
also the terms “anégdot, storiëtta, anédot “. sense). In this fig. meaning is quite used, but anyway it is
anédot - n. m. (pr. \ &n’edut \ ) - See anecdòt. Italianism. better to use the term “ampauté “.
anedòtich - adj. (pr. \ &ned’otic \) Ms. plr. anedòtich, fm. sng. anfanghésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]f&[ng]g’ese \ ) - See
and plr. anedòtica, anedòtiche - anecdotal. ampautésse.
an efét - cng. (pr. \ &n ef’et \) - in fact, actually, indeed. anfarinadura - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]f&rin&d’[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
anégdot - n. m. (pr. \ &negd’ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - anecdote. See anfarinadure. - 1) - sprinkling of flour. - 2) - smattering. -
also the terms “anécdot, storiëtta, anédot “. See also the term “anfarinura, infarinura, infarinadura. “.
aneirì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &næir’i \ ) - See an-neirì. anfariné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]f&rin’e \ ) - to flour, to
anél - n. m. (pr. \ &n’el \ ) At plr. anéj. - ring. cover with flour. See also the term "infariné ".
anelàstich - adj. (pr. \ &nel’&stic \ ) Ms. plr. anelàstich, fm. anfarinura - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]f&rin’[ue]r& \ ) - See
sng. and plr. anelàstica, anelàstiche - inelastic. anfarinadura.
anelé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &nel’e \ ) - to ring, to curl. See also anfarsì - vrb 3 rd con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]f&rs’i \ ) - to stuff, to cram.
the terms “ambocolé, amboclé, boclé “. See also the term “farsì “. The refl. form assumes the
anemìa - n. f. (pr. \ &nem’i& \ ) At plr. anemìe. - anaemia, following meanings :
anemia. anfarsìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]f&rs’ise \ ) - to stuff
anémich - adj. (pr. \ &n’emic \ ) Ms. plr. anémich, fm. sng. and oneself, to overeat. See also the term “farsìsse“. The way of
plr. anémica, anémiche - anaemic, anemic. saying “anfarsìsse la testa ëd... “ (lit. “to stuff one’s head
anémol - n. f. (pr. \ &n’emul \ ) - See anémon. of...”) has the meaning of “to fill one’s brain with ideas on
anémon - n. f. (pr. \ &n’emu[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - anemone, some subject without the necessary criticism “.
windflower. See also the terms “anémol, ranëtta“. anfassadura - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]f&s&d’[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
anemòmeter - n. m. (pr. \ &nem’ometær \ ) Inv. at plr. - anfassadure. - bandaging, binding, dressing.
anemometer. Sometimes also “anemòmetro “. anfassé - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]f&s’e \ ) - 1) - to bandage,
anemòmetro - n. m. (pr. \ &nem’ometrô \ ) - See anemòmeter. to bind up, to dress.. - 2) - to wrap. - See also the terms
aneròid - adj. (pr. \ &ner’oid \ ) Ms. plr. aneròid, fm. sng. and “ambindé, bindé, fassé, anlupaté, anlupé, ampatagné “.
plr. aneròida, aneròide - aneroid. anfassiné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]f&sin’e \ ) - to bundle up,
ànes - n. m. (pr. \ ‘&næz \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - anise (botanic). to tie in bundles. See also the term "fassiné".
See also the terms “ànis, àn-nis “. anfastidì - vrb3 rd con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]f&stid'i \) - to annoy, to
anesin - n. m. (pr. \ &nez’i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - aniseed biscuit. vex, to irritate. See also the term "infastidì ".
See also the term “anisin “. anfastidìsse - vrb3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]f&stid'ise \) - to get
anéss - n. m. (pr. \ &n’es \ ) Inv. at plr. - annexe, annex. annoyed, to get bored. See also the term "infastidìsse ".
anession - n. f. (pr. \ &nesi’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - annexation. anfatuassion - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]f&t[ue]&si’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
anestesia - n. f. (pr. \ &nestez’i& \ ) At plr. anestesìe - infatuation.
anaesthesia. See also the term “andurmìa “. anfatué - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]f&t[ue]’e \ ) - to infatuate.
anestesista - n. (pr. \ &nestez’ist& \ ) Ms. plr. anestesista, fm. See also “anciarmé “.
sng. and plr. anestesista, anestesiste. - anaesthetist. anfatuésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]f&t[ue]’ese \ ) - to
anestétich - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &nest’etic \ ) Inv. at plr. - become infatuate.

anfaussì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &[ng]f&us’i \ ) - 1) - to anfiachiment - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]fi&kim’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
adulterate, to counterfeit, to falsify (trs.). See also the enfeeblement. See also the term "infiachiment ".
terms “faussé, sfaussé “. As trs. it uses the aux. “avèj “. - 2) - anfiachìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]fi&k’ise \ ) - to grow
to become false (int.). See also the refl. form “anfausìsse “. weak.
As int. it uses the aux. “esse “. anfiamàbil - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]fi&m’&bil \ ) Ms. plr. anfiamàbij,
anfaussìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]f&us’ise \ ) - to fm. sng. and plr. anfiamàbil, anfiamàbij. - 1) -
become false. inflammable, flammable. - 2) - irascible, quick-tempered.
anferior - 1) - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]færi’ur \ ) - Inv. in gnd. and nr. - (in a fig. sense).
inferior, lower, lesser. Irregular comparative, see also the anfiamabilità - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]fi&m&bilit’& \ ) Inv, at plr. -
term “inferior “, and the adj. loc. “pì cit, pì bass, etc. “. inflammability.
anferior - 2) - n. (pr. \ &[ng]færi’ur \ ) Ms. plr. anferior, fm. anfiamassion - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]fi&m&si’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
sng. and plr. anferiora, anferiore. - inferior, subordinate. inflammation. See also the term “infiamassion “.
See also the term “inferior “. anfiamatòri - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]fi&m&t’ori \ ) Ms. plr.
anferiorità - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]færiurit’& \ ) Inv. at plr. - anfiamatòri, fm. sng. and plr. anfiamatòria, anfiamatòrie.
inferiority. See also the term “inferiorità “. - inflammatory. See also the term “infiamatòri “.
anfermé - n. (pr. \ &[ng]færm’e \ ) Ms. plr. anfermé, fm. sng. anfiamé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]fi&m’e \ ) - 1) - to set on
and plr. anfermera, anfermere. - nurse. See also the term fire, to set ablaze. - 2) - to inflame, to excite (in a fig.
“infermé “. sense). - 3) - to inflame (medical). - See also the terms
anfermerìa - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]færmer’i& \ ) At plr. anfermerìe. - “afaré, brusé “.
infirmary, nursery. See also the term “infermerìa “. anfiamésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]fi&m’ese \ ) - 1) - to
anfermerìstich - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]færmer’istic \ ) Ms. plr. burst into flames, to blaze up, to flare up. - 2) - to get
anfermerìstich, fm. sng. and plr. anfermerìstica, excited. - 3) - to become inflammed (medical).
anfermerìstiche. - nursing. See also the term anfiapì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]fi&mp’i \ ) - 1) - to grow
“infermerìstich “. weak, to become weak. See also the terms “andebolì,
anfermità - n. f . (pr. \ &[ng]færmit’& \ ) Inv. at plr. - infirmity, anfiachì “. - 2) - to wither (botanic). - 3) - to fade (in a fig.
illness. Italianism. See also the best term “maladìa “. sense). - It uses, in any cases, the aux. “esse“.
anferocì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &[ng]feru[ch]’i \ ) - See anfiasché - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]fi&sk’e \ ) - to put into
anferossì. flasks.
anferocìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]feru[ch]’ise \ ) - See anfibi - 1) - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]f’ibi \ ) - Ms. plr. anfibi, fm. sng.
anferossìsse. and plr. anfibia, anfibie. - amphibian, amphibious.
anferossì - vrb 3 rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &[ng]ferus’i \ ) - 1) - to anfibi - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]f’ibi \ ) Inv. at plr. - amphibian.
make fierce (ferocious) (trs.). It uses the aux. “avèj “. – 2) – anficésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]fi[ch]’ese \ ) - See
to become fierce (ferocious) (int.). It uses the aux. “esse “, ampipésse.
and it has the same meaning of the following refl. form: anfilà - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]fil’& \ ) - See anfilada.
anferossìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]ferus’ise \ ) - to grow anfilada - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]fil’&d& \ ) At plr. anfilade. - 1) -
fierce (ferocious), to become fierce (ferocious). string, suite, row. - 2) - enfilade (military). - 3) - fissure,
anfésne - vrb 1 st con. refl. dfc. imp. prn. prt. (pr. \ &[ng]f’esne small opening. - 4) - nonsense ryme.
\ ) - to matter (of this/that). We make some examples since anfiladura - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]fil&d’[ue]r& \ ) At plr. anfiladure. -
the use of this verb is a bit particular, sometimes using the threading, stringing. See also the term “anfilura “.
aux. “avèj “ instead of “esse “. E. g. - A) - “am n’anfà anfilé - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]fil’e \ ) - 1) - to thread, to
gnente, at n’anfà gnente “ (lit. “to me of that it matters string (E. g. “anfilé na gucia” “to thread a needle”). - 2) -
nothing, to you of that it matters nothing “) “It doesen’t to slip, to insert, to put (E. g. “anfilé ‘n feuj an sacòcia”
matter me anithing, it doesen’t matter you anithing “. - E. g. - “to insert a sheet in the pocket”). - 3) - to slip on, to put on
B) - “ a lor a-j n’anfà motobin “ (lit. “to them of that it (E. g. “anfilé la giaca” “to slip on the jacket”). - 4) - to
matters very much “) “It matters them very much “. - E. g.- take, to slip through, to turn into (referred to a road, etc.)
C) – “a l’ha nen anfam-ne “ or “a l’é nen anfam-ne” = “it (E. g. “anfilé la strà ‘d cà” “to take the way to home”). - 5)
didn’t matter me “. - to strike, to hit, to enter upon (E. g. “anfilé la manera
anfession - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]fesi’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - infection. sbalià” “ to strike the wrong way”). - 6) - to run through,
See also the terms “anfetassion, infession “. to pierce, to spit, to skewer. - 7) - to enfilade (military). -
anfestament - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]fest&m’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. – See also the term "infilé ". The refl. form has the following
infestation. See also the terms “infestament, anfestassion, meanings :
infestassion “. anfilésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]fil’ese \ ) - 1) - to thread
anfestassion - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]fest&si’u[ng] \ ) - See one’s way, - 2) - to slip into.
anfestament. anfilsà - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]fils’& \ ) - See anfilsada.
anfesté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]fest’e \ ) - to infest, to anfilsada - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]fils’&d& \ ) At plr. anfilsade. -
pollute, to contaminate. See also the term “ampesté “. series, string, sequence, chain, succession. See also the
anfetant - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]fet’&nt \ ) Ms. plr. anfetant, fm. sng. term "infilsàda".
and plr. anfetanta, anfetante. - infectious, catching. See anfilsadura - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]fils&d’[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
also the terms “anfetiv, infetiv, infetant “. anfilsadure. - stringing together. See also the term
anfetassion - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]fet&si’u[ng] \ ) - See anfession. “anfilsura”.
anfeté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]fet’e \ ) - to infect, to anfilsé - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]fils’e \ ) - 1) - to pierce, to
contaminate. spike, to run through. - 2) - to stick. - 3) - to string
anfetiv - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]fet’iu \ ) - See anfetant. together.
anfiachì - vrb 3 rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &[ng]fi&k’i \ ) - 1) - to anfilsésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]fils’ese \ ) - to be
weaken, to enfeeble (trs.). It uses the aux. “avèj “. - 2) - to pierced, to run oneself through, to stick.
grow weak (int.). It uses the aux. “esse “, and it has the same anfilsura - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]fils’[ue]r& \ ) - See anfilsadura.
meaning of the refl. form below. - See also the terms
“andebolì, anfiapì, infiachì “.

anfiltrassion - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]filtr&s’iu[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - ànfora - n. f. (pr. \ ‘&[ng]fur& \ ) At plr. ànfore. - amphora.
infiltration, penetration, seepage. See also tje term See also the term “ola “.
“infiltrassion “. anforcadura - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]furc&d’[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
anfiltré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]filtr’e \ ) - to infiltrate (sb. anforcadure. - fork. forking. See also the terms “anforcura,
or st.). E. g. “anfiltré na meisin-a sota la pel” “to infiltrate forcura “.
a medicine under the skin”. anforché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]furk’e \ ) - 1) - to
anfiltrésse - vrb 1 st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]filtr’ese \ ) - 1) - to pitchfork. - 2) - to put on (referred e. g. to glasses) - 3) - to
infiltrate, to penetrate to seep through, to percolate. - 2) - get on to (referred e. g. to a bike).
to worm one’s way (into). anforcura - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]furc’[ue]r& \ ) - See anforcadura.
anfilura - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]fil’[ue]r& \ ) - See anfiladura. anformagiada - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]furm&j’&d& \ ) At plr.
anfin - adv. (pr. \ &[ng]f’i[ng] \ ) - 1) - in the end, finally, at anformagiade. - sprinkling of cheese.
last. - 2) - after all. - See also the most used adv. loc. “a la anformagé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]furm&j’e \ ) - to put
fin, an conclusion, dòp tut”, wose lit. value is rspy. “at the cheese on (st.).
end, in conclusion, after all “. anformassion - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]furm&si’u[ng] \ ) - See
anfiocadura - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]fiuc&d’[ue]r& \ ) At plr. informassion.
anfiocadure. - decoration with tassels. anformé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]furm’e \ ) - See informé.
anfioché - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]fiuk’e \ ) - to tassel, anfornà - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]furn’& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - batch,
todecorate with tassels. baking. - 2) - crop, batch (in a fig. sense).
anfiolì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]fiul’i \ ) - See afiolé. anfornasà - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]furn&z’& \ ) Inv. at plr. - furnace-
anfior - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]fi’ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - swelling. See also full.
the terms “anfiura, enfior, enfiura, gonfior “. anfornasé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]furn&z’e \ ) - to put into
anfioré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]fiur'e \ ) - 1) - to deck with a furnace.
flowers. - 2) - to strew with flowers. - 3) - to adorn (in a anforné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]furn’e \ ) - to bake, to put
fig. sense). into a oven.
anfioressensa - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]fiures'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. anfoschìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]fusk'ise \ ) - to
infioressense. - inflorescence. See also the term become foggy, to become dark. See also the terms
"infioressensa". "foschésse, ofuschésse ".
anfiorëtté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]fiur&tt'e \ ) - 1) - to anfossalé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]fus&l’e \ ) - 1) - to
intersperse with flowery expressions. - 2) - to adorn with provide a ditch to (st.). - 2) - to put or send into a ditch.
little flowers. See also the term "infiorëtté ". anfossé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]fus’e \ ) - 1) - to put into a
anfiorìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]fiur’ise \ ) - to become ditch. - 2) - to drain. - 3) - to rut. - 4) - to pigeonhole (in a
inflamed (related to wounds). fig. sense).
anfiteatro - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]fite’&trô \ ) Inv. at plr. - anfòra - adv. and prp. (pr. \ &[ng]f’or& \ ) - 1) - out, outside. -
amphitheatre. See also the term “aren-a “. 2) – except, apart from.
anfitrion - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]fitri’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - anfòra ëd - cng. and prp. (pr. \ &[ng]f’or& &d \ ) - See anfòra
amphitryon. A common and better piedm. idiom is “abà dël che.
disné “, having value of “host (or boss) of the lunch “. anfòra che - cng. and prp. (pr. \ &[ng]f’or& ke \ ) - except, but,
anfiura - n.f. (pr. \ &[ng]fi’[ue]r& \ ) - See anfior. save. See also the most used loc. “fòra che, foravia che”.
anflé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]fl’e \ ) - to dirty, to soil, to anfòtse - vrb 2 nd con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]f’otse \ ) - See
smear. See also the terms “ambërlifé, ambociardé, sporché ambrignésse.
“. anfrasché - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]fr&sk’e \ ) - 1) - to cover
anflésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]fl’ese \ ) - to dirty oneself. with branches. - 2) - to put mulberry branches (to silk
anflura - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]fl’[ue]r& \ ) At plr. anflure. - 1) - worms) (silk work). - 3) - to confuse, to obscure (in a fig.
dirtying, soiling, smearing. - 2) - stain. sense).
anfnojé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]fnuy’e \ ) to hoodwink, to anfreidà - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]fræid’& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - with
bamboozle, to make a fool of (sb.). a cold (illness - medical). See also the term "infreidà ". For
anfodradura - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]fudr&d’[ue]r& \ ) At plr. other meanings see the term "sfreidà ".
anfodradure. - lining, covering. anfreidésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]fræid’ese \ ) - to catch
anfodré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]fudr’e \ ) - to line, to cover. a cold.
See also the term “fodré “. anfreidor - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]fræid’ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - cold, chill.
anfonde - vrb 2 nd con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]f’unde \ ) - to infuse, to anfrobié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]frubi’e \ ) - to hide, to
inspire. See also the terms “ancute, arlevé “. conceal. The refl. form assumes the following meaming:
anfongàbil - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]fu[ng]g’&bil \ ) Ms. plr. anfrobiésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]frubi’ese \ ) - to go
anfongàbij, fm. sng. and plr. anfongàbil, anfongàbij. - into one’s hole, to hide oneself, to isolate oneself.
sinkable. See also the term "afondàbil". anfrognésse - vrb 1 st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]fru[gn]’ese \ ) - to
anfongament - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]fu[ng]g&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - intervene, to interpose, to interfere.
sinking. See also the term "afondament". anfumada - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]f[ue]m’&d& \ ) At plr. anfumade. -
anfonghé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &[ng]fu[ng]g’e \ ) - 1) - 1) - blackening with smoke. - 2) - smoking (food). See also
to sink. If trs. it uses the aux. “avèj “, othewise it uses the the term "anfumadura".
aux. “esse “. - 2) - to plunge, to sink (trs.). - See also the anfumadura - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]f[ue]m&d'[ue]r& \ ) - See
terms “fonghé, anfonsé “. anfumada.
anfonghésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]fu[ng]g’ese \ ) - to anfumé - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]f[ue]m’e \ ) - 1) - to smoke,
sink (referred to oneself). to kipper. - 2) - to fill with smoke.
anfonsé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &[ng]fu[ng]s’e \ ) - See anfurbìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]f[ue]rb’ise \ ) - to
anfonghé. become shrewd. A common piedm. way of saying is “fésse
anfonsésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]fu[ng]s’ese \ ) - See furb “ having a lit. meaning of “to make oneself shrewed “.
anfonghésse. anfurié - vrb. 1st con. int. (pr. \ &[ng]f[ue]ri’e \ ) - to rage.
Usually it uses the aux. “avèj “, in particular when referred to
natural events.

anfuriésse - vrb. 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]f[ue]ri’ese \ ) - to fly anganador - n. and adj. (pr. \ &[ng]g&n&d’ur \ ) Ms. plr.
into a rage, to lose one’s temper. anganador, fm. sng. and plr. anganadàira, anganadòire. -
anfus - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]f’[ue]z \ ) Inv. at plr. - infusion. See 1) - deceiver (sbst.). - 2) - deceiving (adj.).
also the term “infus, infusion, anfusion “. anganamond - n. (pr. \ &[ng]g&n&m’und \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr.
anfus - 2) - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]f’[ue]z \ ) Ms. plr. anfus, fm. sng. - great liar, cheat, swindler. See also the term “anganamond
and plr. anfusa, anfuse. - infused. Notice that in piedm. this “. This is one of the many piedm. metaphoric words, whose
voice is not also the p. p. of the vrb “anfonde “, which is lit. meaning is “a person who pretends to cheat the complete
instead “anfondù “. See also the term “infus “. world “.
anfusion - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]f[ue]zi’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - angancé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]g&n[ch]’e \ ) - 1) - to
infusion. See also the sbst. “anfus “. - 2) - the action of hook. - 2) - to couple (railways). - 3) - to buttonhole (in a
infusing or inspiring. See also the term “infusion “. fig. sense). - 4) - to latch on to... (in a fig. sense). See also, in
angabiagi - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]g&bi’&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - caging. this sense, the term "abordé".
angabié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]g&bi’e \ ) - 1) - to cage, to anganciament - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]g&n[ch]i&m’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr.
shut in a cage. - 2) - to crate. - 3) - to shut in (in a fig. - 1) - hooking. - 2) - coupling (raliways).
sense). angané - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]g&n’e \ ) - to swindle, to
angabiolé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]g&biul’e \ ) - 1) - to cheat, to deceive.
infatuate. See also the term “anciarmé “. - 2) - to cage, to angann - (pr. \ &[ng]g’&n \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - deception,
trap (in a fig. sense). See also the term “angarbiolé “. deceipt. - 2) - fraud, cheat.
angabiura - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]g&bi’[ue]r& \ ) At plr. angabiure. - àngar – n. m. (pr. \ ‘&[ng]g&r \ ) Inv. at plr. - hangar.
framework (building). angarbiolé - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]g&rbiul’e \ ) - See
angabussé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]g&b[ue]s’e \ ) - 1) - to angabiolé.
blandish, to flatter. - 2) - to infatuate. In this meaning see angarboj - n. m. . (pr. \ &[ng]g&rb’uy \ ) Inv. at plr. -
also the term “anmasché “. entanglement, confusion. See also the terms “anghërboj,
angage - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]g’&je \ ) - See angagi. angavign “.
angagé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]g&j’e \ ) - 1) - to engage. A angarbojè - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]g&rbuy’e \ ) - to
way of saying used for this meaning is : “angagé la paròla “ entangle, to muddle. See also the voices “anghërbojé,
(lit. “to engage the word “) standing for “to bind oneself “. - scarabojé “.
2) -to recruit, to enrole, to enlist. - 3) - to commit. The refl. angarbojésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]g&rbuy’ese \ ) - 1) -
form has the following meanings: to entangle oneself. - 2) - to make confusion (usually in
angagésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]g&j’ese \ ) - to engage speaking).
oneself. - 2) - to undertake. angargarì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ &[ng]g&rg&r’i \ ) - to grow
angagg - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]g’&j \ ) - See angagi. lazy. It uses the aux. “esse “, and it has the same meaning of
angagi - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]g’&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - engagement, the refl. form “angargarìsse “, which is more used. See also
commitment. - 2) - enrolement (military). - See also the the term “angarghì “.
voices “angage, angagg, angagiament “. angargarìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]g&rg&r’ise \ ) - to
angagiàbil - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]g&ji’&bil \ ) Ms. plr. angagiàbij, grow lazy. See also the term “angargarì “.
fm. sng. and plr. angagiàbil, angagiàbij. - that can be angarghì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ &[ng]g&rg’i \ ) - See
engaged. angargarì.
angagiador - n. (pr. \ &[ng]g&ji&d’ur \ ) Ms. plr. angagiador, angarghìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]g&rg’ise \ ) - See
fm. sng. and plr. angagiadòira, angagiadòire. - recruiter. angargarìsse.
angagiament - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]g&ji&m’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - angarìa - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]g&r’i& \ ) At plr. angarìe. -
engagement, commitment. See also the term “angagi “. - 2) oppression, vexation, injustice.
- pawn, pledge. angarié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]g&ri’e \ ) - to harry, to
angagiant - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]g&ji’&nt \ ) Ms. plr. angagiant, fm. vex.
sng. and plr. angagianta, angagiante. - tempting, inviting. angarlandé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]g&rl&nd’e \ ) - to
angagianta - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]g&ji’&nt& \ ) At plr. angagiante. - wreathe, to garland. See also the term “anghirlandé “.
oversleeve. angassa - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]g’&s& \ ) At plr. angasse. - noose,
angagiante - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]g&ji’&nte \ ) Only plr. hanging slip-knot, snare, loop. See also the terms “langassa, gassa “.
ornaments of a dress. See also the term "mancion". angassin - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]g&s’i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
angagiura - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]g&ji’[ue]r& \ ) At plr. angagiure. - buttonhole. - 2) - eye of a needle. - 3) - point of union,
bet, wager, stake. according to the following examples: “angassin dl’euj “ is
angambaré - vrb 1 st con. int. (pr. \ &[ng]g&mb&r’e \ ) - to the point of union of the upper and lower eyelid. “angassin
stumble (over), to trip (over). It uses the aux. “avèj “ .See dla boca “ is the point of union of the upper and lower lip.
also the terms “angambarésse, angambé, angambésse, angav - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]g’&u \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - hollow,
antrapé, antrapésse “. The meaning is the same of the groove, notch. - 2) - digging. See also the term “gav”.
following refl. form: angavassé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]g&v&s’e \ ) - 1) - to
angambarésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]g&mb&r’ese \ ) - to gobble, to gulp down. - 2) - to stuff, to fatten. The refl.
stumble (over), to trip (over). The meaning is the same of form assumes the following meaning:
the int. form. This is a refl. form of an hypothetical trs. vrb. angavassésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]g&v&s’ese \ ) - to
See also the terms “antrapésse, angambésse, etc. “. swallow (a great quantity), to devour, to gobble up.
angambé - vrb 1 st con. int. (pr. \ &[ng]g&mb’e \ ) - See angavé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]g&v’e \ ) - to dig, to hollow
angambaré. out, to groove. See also “ancavé, cavé “.
angambésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]g&mb’ese \ ) - See angavëtté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]g&v&tt’e \ ) - to wrap a
angambarésse. wire on reel. See also the voices “anrochëtté, bobiné “.
anganadìo - n. (pr. \ &[ng]g&n&d’iu \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - angavign - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]g&v’i[gn] \ ) - See angarboj.
great liar, hypocrite. See also the term “anganamond “. This angavigné - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]g&vi[gn]’e \ ) - to
is one of the many piedm. metaphoric words, whose lit. entangle, to muddle, to confuse. See also the terms
meaning is “a person who pretends to cheat also God “. “angarbojé, ancombré, anghërbojé “.

angegn - n. m. (pr. \ &nj’æ[gn] \ ) Inv. at plr. - device, anghicio - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]g’i[ch]iu \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any) -
contrivance, apparatus, instrument, implement. See also envy. See also the terms “inghicio, langhicio “.
the terms “angign, ingegn “. anghignésne - vrb 1st con. refl. prn. prt. (pr. \ &[ng]gi[gn]’esne
angeiré – vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &njæir’e \ ) - 1) - to cover with \ ) - to laugh at (sb.), to make fun of (this/that/him, etc.).
gravel, to gravel. - 2) - to ballast (railway). See also the anghignoné - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]gi[gn]un’e \ ) - to hate,
term “angiairé “. The refl. form assumes the following to detest.
meaning : anghirlandé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]girl&nd’e \ ) - See
angeirésse - vrb 1 st con. refl. (pr. \ &njæir’ese \ ) - to run angarlandé.
aground (also in a fig. sense). See also the term “angiairésse angiaché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &nji&k’e \ ) - to dress (sb.)
“. roughly, to dress (sb.) informally.
àngel - n. m. (pr. \ ‘&njæl \ ) At plr. àngej. - angel. angiachésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &nji&k’ese \ ) - to dress
Àngel - n. (pr. \ ‘&njæl \ ) Ms. (Àngel) and fm. (Àngela) first oneself roughly, to dress oneself informally.
noun of person, only sng. - Angel, Angela. angiairé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &nji&ir’e \ ) - See angeiré.
angelet - n. m. (pr. \ ‘&njel’æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - little angel angiairésse - vrb 1 st con. refl. (pr. \ &nji&ir’ese \ ) - See
(diminutive). - 2) - putto. - See also the terms “angëlet, angeirésse.
angiolet “. angiaunì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &nji&un’i \ ) - 1) - to
angélich - adj. (pr. \ ‘&nj’elic \ ) Ms. plr. angélich, fm. sng. and make (st.) yellow (trs.). It uses the aux. “avèj “. - 2) - to
plr. angélica, angéliche. - angelic. become yellow (int.). It uses the aux. “esse “, and it has the
angelosì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &njeluz’i \ ) -1) - to same meaning of the following refl. form:
make (sb.) jealous (trs.), it uses the aux. “avèj“. - 2) - to angiaunìsse - vrb 3 rd con. refl. (pr. \ &nji&un’ise \ ) - to become
become jealous (int.), it uses the aux. “esse “. The meaning, yellow.
in this latter use, is the same taken by the following refl. angiavlé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &nji&ul’e \ , \ &nji&vl’e \ ) -
form: See angerbé.
angelosìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &njeluz’ise \ ) - to become angigantì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &njig&nt'i \ ) - to magnify, to
jealous. exaggerate. See also the term "ingigantì ".
angenojà - adj. (pr. \ &njenuy’& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - angigiolé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &njijiul’e \ ) - to adorn with
kneeling, on one's knees. See also the term "anginojà ". elegance. See also the term “archinché “.
angenojatòri - n. m. (pr. \ &njenuy&t’ori \ ) Inv. at plr. - “prie- angigiolésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &njijiul’ese \ ) - to adorn
dieu “, kneeling-stool. See also the terms “anginojatòri, oneself with elegance, to smarten up oneself. See also the
anginojador, gënociatòri, ginojatòri “. term “archinchésse “.
angenojé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &njenuy'e \ ) - to make (sb.) angign - n. m. (pr. \ &nj’i[gn] \ ) - See angegn.
kneel. More used the vrbl. loc. "buté an genoj " = "to put angigné - n. m. (pr. \ &nji[gn]’e \ ) Inv. at plr. - engineer. This is
(sb.) on his knees". See also the term "anginojé ". quite an old term, see the most modern term “ingegné ”.
angenojésse - vrb 1 st con. refl. (pr. \ &njenuy’ese \ ) - to kneel, angignésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &nji[gn]’ese \ ) - to strive, to
to go on one’s knees. See also the term “anginojésse “. contrive. See also the term “ingegnésse “.
angenojon - adv. (pr. \ &njenuy’u[ng] \ ) - kneeling, on one’s angignos - adj. (pr. \ &nji[gn]’uz \ ) Ms. plr. angignos, fm. sng.
knees. See also the terms “anginojon, ginojon“, and the adv. and plr. angignosa, angignose. - clever, ingenious,
loc. “an ginojon “. resourceful. See also the term “ingegnos “.
angerbé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &njærb’e \ ) - to sheaf. See also angina - n. f. (pr. \ &nj’in& \ ) - At plr. (if any) angine - angina
the terms “anghërbé, angiavlé, giavlé “. (medical). Italianism (which is quite used). See also the best
angerbì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &njærb’i \ ) - See piedm. term “angin-a “.
angërbì. anginojador - n. m. (pr. \ &njinuy&d’ur \ ) - See anginojatòri.
angerbìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &njærb’ise \ ) - See anginojatòri - n. m. (pr. \ &njinuy&t’ori \ ) Inv. at plr. - “prie-
angërbìsse. dieu”, kneeling-stool. See also the terms “angenojatòri,
angëlet - n. m. (pr. \ &nj&l’æt \ ) - See angelet. pregadiù “ and the loc. “scagn dël bin “ lit. “stool of
angërbì - vrb 3 rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &nj&rb’i \ ) - 1) - to prayers “.
make arid, to render sterile, to leave untilled (trs.) it uses st
anginojé - vrb 1 con. trs. (pr. \ &njinuy'e \ ) - to make (sb.)
the aux. “avèj “. - 2) - to become arid, to become untilled kneel. More used the vrbl. loc. "buté an genoj " = "to put
(int.) it uses the aux. “esse “, and the meaning is the same of (sb.) on his knees". See also the term "angenojé ".
the following refl. form. - See also the terms “angerbì, anginojésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &njinuy’ese \ ) - to kneel, to
anzërbì “. go on one’s knees. See also the term “angenojésse “.
angërbìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &nj&rb’ise \ ) - to become anginojon - adv. (pr. \ &njinuy’u[ng] \ ) - kneeling, on one’s
arid, to become untilled. See also the voices “angerbìsse, knees. See also the terms “angenojon, ginojon“, and the adv.
anzërbìsse “. loc. “an ginojon “.
anghetésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]get’ese \ ) - to put on angin-a - n. f. (pr. \ &nj’i[ng]& \ ) - At plr. (if any) angin-e -
gaiters or spats. angina (medical). See also the term “angina “.
anghërbé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]g&rb’e \ ) - See angerbé. angioiré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &njiuir’e \ ) - to wrap up, to
anghërboj - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]g&rb’uy \ ) - See angarboj. dress (sb.) badly.
anghërbojé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]g&rbuy’e \ ) - See angioirésse - vrb 1 st con. refl. (pr. \ &njiuir’ese \ ) - to dress
angarbojé. (oneself) badly.
anghërmoré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]g&rmur’e \ ) - to place angiojadura - n. f. (pr. \ &njiuy&d’[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
the linen in the tub. angiojadure. - bejewelling.
anghërna - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]g’&rn& \ ) - See anchërna. angiojé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &njiuy’e \ ) - to adorn with
anghërnì - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]g &rn’i \ ) Ms. plr. anghërnì, fm. sng. jewels, to bejewel.
and plr. anghërnìa, anghërnìe. - 1) - sickly, weak, feeble. - angiojésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &njiuy’ese \ ) - to adorn
2) - slothful. - 3) - meagre, haggard. oneself with jewels.
anghërsé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]g&rs’e \ ) - 1) - to angiolet - n. m. (pr. \ &njiul’æt \ ) - See angelet.
quicken, to speed up. This voice has a local use. - 2) - to
line up. - See also the term "ghërsé ".

angiolivé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &njiuliv’e \ ) - to embellish, to is quite an italianism. See also the terms “ambarass, ambreuj
adorn. See also the terms “abelì, anzolivé “. “. - 2) - maximum dimensions.
angiolivésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &njiuliv’ese \ ) - to angombrant - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]gumbr’&nt \ ) Ms. plr.
embellish oneself, to adorn oneself. See also the terms angombrant, fm. sng. and plr. angombranta,
“abelìsse, anzolivésse “. angombrante. - cumbersome, bulky.
angion - n. m. (pr. \ &nji’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - claw, talon. - angombré - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]gumbr’e \ ) - to
2) - clutch (in a fig. sense). - See also the terms “artij, grinfa, encumber, to clutter up (with), to burden (with). See also
grifa “. the best piedm. words “ambarassé, ambrojé “.
angiovnì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &njiuun’i \ ) - 1) - to angomé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]gum’e \ ) - 1) - to stick, to
restore, to make younger, to youth (trs.), it uses the aux. glue. - 2) - to cover with a layer of rubber.
“avèj “. - 2) - to become younger, to rejuvenate (int.), it angomiésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]gumi’ese \ ) - to lean
uses the aux. “esse “, and it has the same meaning of the oneself on elbows.
following refl. form: angonaja - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]gun’&y& \ ) At plr. (when
angiovnìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &njiuun’ise \ ) - to become applicable) angonaje. - groin. See also the term "ìnguin".
younger, to rejuvenate. angonìa - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]gun’i& \ ) At plr. angonìe. - agony.
angiòma - n. m. (pr. \ &nji’om& \ ) Inv. at plr. (as a mss. sbst.) - See also the term “agonìa “.
angioma (medical). See also the voice “veuja “ (popular angonisant - adj. and n. (pr. \ &[ng]guniz'&nt \ ) - See
term). agonisant.
angissadura - n. f. (pr. \ &njis&d’[ue]r& \ ) At plr. angissadure. angonisé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ &[ng]guniz'e \ ) - See agonisé.
- 1) - plaster. - 2) - plaster cast (medical). angord - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]g’urd \ ) - Ms. plr. angord, fm. sng. and
angissé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &njis’e \ ) - 1) - to plaster. - 2) - plr. angorda, angorde. - greedy, voracious. See also the
to put in a plaster cast (medical). terms “goliard, ingord “.
angiù - adv. (pr. \ &nji’[ue] \ ) - down, downward. angordésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]gurd’ese \ ) - to
angiutìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &nji[ue]t’ise \ ) - to have the gobble, to gulp down. See also the term “angosésse“.
voice broken by sobs. See also the voice “sangiuté “. angordì - 1) - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]gurd’i \ ) Ms. plr. angordì, fm.
anglet - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]gl'&t \ ) Inv. at plr. - notch on the sng. and plr. angordìa, angordìe. - 1) - torpid, numb. - 2) -
blade of a clasp-knife, for opening with the fingernail. See dull, dull-brained (in a fig. sense).
also the terms "inglet, inglet, ongia, onget". angordì - 2) - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &[ng]gurd’i \ ) - 1) -
anglobé - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]glub’e \ ) - to englobe, to to benumb, to numb (st. or sb.)(trs.). It uses the aux. “avèj “.
absorb. - 2) - to become torpid (int.). It uses the aux. “esse “, with
angnochì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ &[ng][gn]uk’i \ ) - to grow the same meaning of the refl. form below. See also the terms
hard, to set. It uses the aux. “esse “ and it is mainly referred “anreidì, arbrusì, sesì “.
to eath, paste, dough, etc. See also the term “andurì “. The angordisa - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]gurd’iz& \ ) At plr. angordise. -
following refl. form has the same meaning. greed, voracity. See also the terms “angordìssia,
angnochìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng][gn]uk’ise \ ) - 1) - to goliardarìa“.
grow hard, to set, to clot. - 2) - to become stunned, to be angordìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]gurd’ise \ ) - to become
dazen (in a fig. sense). See also the term "ingnochìsse". torpid. See also the terms “anreidìsse, arbrusìsse, sesìsse “.
angodroné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]gudrun’e \ ) - See angordìssia - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]gurd’isi& \ ) - See angordisa.
ambitumé. angorfié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]gurfi'e \ ) - See angolfé.
àngol - n. m. (pr. \ ‘&[ng]gul \ ) - At plr. àngoj. - 1) - angle angorgà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &[ng]gurg’& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and
(geometry). - 2) - corner. In this meaning a better pied. term nr. - choked up, cloged, blocked up. See also the term
to see is “canton “. We notice that in geometry the “acute “ambocà “.
angle” is the “àngol uss” or “àngol aùss” then, the “right angorgh - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]g’urg \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - block,
angle” is the “àngol drit”, still the “obtuse angle” is the blockage. - 2) - jam (referred to traffic). - See also the terms
“àngol tus” or “àngol tuso”, and then the “plane angle” is the “amboch, antasament, ingorgh “.
“àngol piat”. angorghé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]gurg’e \ ) - to choke up,
angolar - 1) - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]gul’&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - to clog, to block up. See also the term “amboché “.
angular. angorghésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]gurg’ese \ ) - to be
angolar - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]gul’&r \ ) Inv. at plr. - angle choked, to be blocked up. See also the term “ambochésse “.
iron, angle bar (mechanics and building). Often the The form is refl. but the meaning is int.
indication is given by using the shape of the section: “fer a L, angorgioné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]gurjiun’e \ ) - to cram,
fer a T, fer a U”. to stuff. See also the term “angosoné, angosé, ingorgioné “.
angolassion - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]gul&si’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - angorgionésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]gurjiun’ese \ ) - to
angulation. - 2) - angle, slant (in a fig. sense). In this sense cram oneself, to stuff oneself. See also the term
see also the term “mira”. “angosonésse “.
angolfé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]gulf’e \ ) - 1) - to choke. - 2) angorzé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]gurz’e \ ) - to gulp down,
- to plunge (into) (in a fig. sense). See also the terms to swallow, to engulf.
"angorfié, ingolfé ".Also the following refl. form has the angosant - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]guz’&nt \ ) Ms. plr. angosant, fm.
same meaning: sng. and plr. angosanta, angosante. - that produces a
angolfésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]gulf’ese \ ) - to plunge sense of obstruction at the throat.
(into). angosé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &[ng]guz’e \ ) - 1) - to
angomà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &[ng]gum'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. gulp down (trs.). See also the term “angorzé “. - 2) - to
and nr. - 1) - gummed. - 2) - rubberized (texile). See also produce a sense of obstruction at the throat (int.).
the term "gomà". angosésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]guz’ese \ ) - to choke
angomadura - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]gum&d’[ue]r& \ ) At plr. oneself while eating. See also the term “angordésse “.
amgomadure. - 1) - gumming. - 2) - layer of rubber. angosoné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]guzun’e \ ) - See
angombr - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]g’umbr \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - angorgioné.
encumbrance, obstruction, impediment. In this meaning it angosonésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]guzun’ese \ ) - See

angossa - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]g’us& \ ) At plr. angosse. - anguish. angrassianésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ a[ng]gr&si&n'ese \ )
See also the terms “magon, sagrin “. - 1) - to make oneself liked. - 2) - to embellish
angossà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &[ng]gus’& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. oneself. See also the term "grassianésse".
- anguished, distressed. See also the best piedm. terms angrassiésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]gr&si’ese \ ) - to
“anmagonà, sagrinà “. ingratiate oneself (with sb.).
angossant - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]gus’&nt \ ) Ms. plr. angossant, fm. angrassiosì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]gr&siuz’i \ ) - to make
sng. and plr. angossanta, angossante. - distressful, graceful (sb. or st.). See also the term “anzolivé “. A possible
grievous, painful. int. use has the same meaning of the refl. form.
angossé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]gus’e \ ) - to distress. angrassiosìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]gr&siuz’ise \ ) - to
angossésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]gus’ese \ ) - to grieve. become graceful. See also the term “anzolivésse “.
angossos - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]gus’uz \ ) - See angossant. angratislé - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]gr&tisl’e \ ) - to close
angramislé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]gr&misl’e \ ) - 1) - to with a grating.
wind into a ball, to ball. - 2) - to huddle (in a fig. sense). angravià - adj. fm. (pr. \ &[ng]gr&vi’& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
See also the term “angrumislé “. The refl. form assumes the pregnant (referred only to women). See also the terms
following meaning: “ampedìa, ansenta “ For a possible fig. sense see also the
angramislésse - vrb 1 st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]gr&misl’ese \ ) - to terms “pien, carià, bondos “.
crouch, to cower, to squat. See also the voice angraviada - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]gr&vi’&d& \ ) At plr. angraviade.
“angrumislésse “. - 1) - pregnancy. - 2) - the action of making pregnant. See
angramonì - 1) - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]gr&mun’i \ ) Ms. plr. also the terms “gravidansa, gestassion, angraviura “.
angramonì, fm. sng. and plr. angramonìa, angramonìe. - angravié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]gr&vi’e \ ) - to make
full of dog’s teeth (agriculture). pregnant. See also the term “ampërgné “.
angramonì - 2) - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &[ng]gr&mun’i \ angraviésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]gr&vi’ese \ ) - to
) - 1) - to seed dog’s teeth (trs.). - 2) - to become full of become pregnant. See also the term “ampërgnésse “.
dog’s teeth (int.). In The refl. form has also this meaning. angraviura - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]gr&vi’[ue]r& \ ) - See angraviada.
angramonìsse - vrb 3 rd con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]gr&mun’ise \ ) - to angrigné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]gri[gn]’e \ ) - to huddle.
become full of dog’s teeth. The refl. form below has different meanings.
angranagi - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]gr&n’&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - gear. angrignésne - vrb 1st con. refl. prn. prt. (pr. \
- 2) - mechanism (in a fig. sense). - See also the term &[ng]gri[gn]’esne \ ) - to make fun (of this/that/him, etc).
“ingranagi “. st
angrignésse - vrb 1 con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]gri[gn]’ese \ ) - 1) - to
angranament - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]gr&n&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - crouch, to cower, to squat. - 2) - to be benumbed. Non
gearing (mechanics). much used in this sense. - 3) - to make fun (of). Not much
angranchì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]gr&[ng]k’i \ ) - to twist, used in this sense, see also the term “angrignésne “.
to entangle. See also the term “angranghì“. angringé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]grinj’e \ ) - 1) - to
angranchìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]gr&[ng]k’ise \ ) - to insinuate, to introduce. - 2) - to insinuate, to imply, to hint
twist, to get entangled. See also the term “angranghì“. (in a fig. sense).
angrandì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]gr&nd’i \ ) - 1) - to angringésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]grinj’ese \ ) - to
enlarge. - 2) - to magnify. - 3) - to exaggerate, to overstate. insinuate oneself, to work one’s way (into), to worm one’s
In this meaning see also “esagerè “. - 4) - to aggrandize. - way (into).
See also the term “ingrandì “. angringiament - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]grinji&m’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
angrandiment - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]gr&ndim’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - penetration, permeation.
1) - enlargement, extension. - 2) - growth. - 3) - angringiura - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]grinji’[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
aggrandizement. - See also the term “ingrandiment “. angringiure. - installation, taking over, settlement.
angranditor - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]gr&ndit’ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - angrossament - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]rus&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
enlarger (photo). See also the term “ingranditor “. thickening. - 2) - swelling. - 3) - increase. See also the terms
angrané - vrb 1 st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &[ng]gr&n’e \ ) - 1) - to "angrossadura, ingrossament ".
put into gear, to gear, to interlock, to engage (trs.) - 2) - to angrossadura - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]rus&d'[ue]r& \ ) - See
get along well (int.) (in a fig. sense). - See also the term angrossament.
“ingrané “. angrossé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]grus’e \ ) - to increase, to
angranghì - vrb 3 rd con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]gr&[ng]g’i \ ) - to twist, broaden, to widen, to enlarge. See also the term “angrossì“.
to entangle. See also the term “angranchì“. angrossì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]grus’i \ ) - See angrossé.
angranghìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]gr&[ng]g’ise \ ) - 1) angrum - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]gr’[ue]m \ ) Inv. at plr. - clot, lump,
- to twist, to get entangled. - 2) - to become complicated. knot, tangle. See also the term “grum “.
See also the terms “angranchì, granghìsse“. angrumislé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]gr[ue]misl’e \ ) - See
angrass - n.m. (pr. \ &[ng]gr’&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - fattening. - angramislé.
2) - manuring, manure. See also the terms “aliam, drugia “. angrumlì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &[ng]gr[ue]ml’i \ ) - 1)
- For both meanings see also the term “ingrass “. - to ripple, to gather, to wrinkle, to crouch (trs.). - 2) - to
angrassador - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]gr&s&d’ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - wrinkle up, to ripple, etc. (with int. meaning). The refl.
lubricator. form has the same following meanings of the int. one.
angrassadura - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]gr&s&d’[ue]r& \ ) At plr. angrumlìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]gr[ue]ml’ise \ ) - to
angrassadure. - 1) - fattening. - 2) - greasing. - See also the wrinkle up, to ripple, to crouch, to cuddle up. See also the
term “angrassagi “. terms “acropìsse, ancropìsse “.
angrassagi - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]gr&s’&ji \ ) - See angrassadura. angruss - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]gr’[ue]s \ ) Inv. at plr. - worry,
angrassé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &[ng]gr&s’e \ ) - 1) - to torment. See also the terms “crussi, sagrin, magon “.
fatten, to make (sb.) fat (trs.). It uses the aux. “avèj “. - 2) - angualé - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]gu&l’e \ ) - 1) - to level. to
to fatten, to grow fat (int.). It uses the aux. “esse “. - 3) - to smooth, to flatten. - 2) - to equalize, to equal. Not used in
grease, to lubricate, to oil (trs.). It uses the aux. “avèj “. - 4) mathematical sense. See also the terms “anvalé, ugualié “.
- to manure, to fertilize (trs.). It uses the aux. “avèj “. anguanté - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]gu&nt’e \ ) - 1 - to put
angrasseur - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]gr&s’[oe]r \ ) Inv. at plr. - gloves on. - 2) - to seize, to grasp (in a fig. sense). In this
greaser, oiler. See also the term “grasseur “.

meaning the term is quite an italianism. See the best piedm. animista - n. (pr. \ &nim’ist& \ ) Ms. plr. animista, fm. sng. and
voice “ambranché “. plr. animista, animiste. - animist.
anguila - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]gu’il& \ ) At plr. anguile. - eel. animìstich - adj. (pr. \ &nim’istic \ ) Ms. plr. animistich, fm.
anguilada - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]guil’&d& \ ) At plr. anguilade. - sng. and plr. animistica, animistiche. - animistic.
cheat swindle, subterfuge, simulation. animos - adj. (pr. \ &nim’uz \ ) Ms. plr. animos, fm. sng. and plr.
anguilé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]guil’e \ ) - 1) - to simulate, animosa, animose. - 1) - courageous, brave. - 2) - hostile. -
to pretend. - 2) - to hesitate, to waver. This term is an italianism. See also the best terms “coragios,
anguria - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]g’[ue]ri& \ ) At plr. angurie. - fogos, farà “.
watermelon. animosità - n. f. (pr. \ &nimuzit’& \ ) Inv. at plr. - animosity, ill
angusada - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]g[ue]z’&d& \ ) At plr. angusade. - will, hostility. See also the term “aversion”.
1) - deception. - 2) - confusion. aniòt - n. m. (pr. \ &ni’ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - duckling.
angusé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]g[ue]z’e \ ) - 1) - to swindle, ànis - n. m. (pr. \ ‘&niz \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any) - anise (botanic).
to deceive. - 2) - to confuse, to muddle. See also the terms “ànes, àn-nis “.
angust - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]g’[ue]st \ ) Ms. plr. angust, fm. sng. and aniset - n. m. (pr. \ &niz’æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - anise liquor,
plr. angusta, anguste. - narrow. Quite an italianism, See anisette, aniseed biscuit. See also the terms “anisëtta, mistrà
also the term “strèit “. “.
angustia - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]g’[ue]sti& \ ) At plr. angustie. - 1) - anisëtta - n. f. (pr. \ &niz’&tt&\ ) At plr. (if any) anisëtte. - anise
narrowness. See also the term “streitëssa “. - 2) - anguish, liquor, anisette. See also the term “aniset”.
distress. See also the term “sagrin “. In both the meanings anisin - n. m. (pr. \ &niz’i[ng] \ ) - See anesin.
the term is quite an italianism. aniversari - n. m. (pr. \ &niværs’&ri \ ) Inv. at plr. -
angustié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]g[ue]sti’e \ ) - to afflict, to anniversary.
distress. See also the term “sagriné “ and the vrbl. loc. “fé anlà - adv. (pr. \ &[ng]l’& \ ) - 1) - on that side, on that part. - 2) - over there, in that direction (hypothetically outw
sagriné “ having value of “to make distress “. The term is anlagà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &[ng]l&g’& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
quite an italianism. flooded. The corresponding sbst. (see the term) is “aluvionà
angustiésse - vrb 1 st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]g[ue]sti’ese \ ) - to “.
distress oneself. See also the term “sagrinésse“. The term is anlaghé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]l&g’e \ ) - to flood, to
quite an italianism. inundate. See also the terms “alaghé, inondé “.
ani - n. m. plr. (pr. \ ‘&ni \ ) - See ann. anlaghésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]l&g'ese \ ) - to flood,
ània - n. f. (pr. \ ‘&ni& \ ) At plr. ànie. - duck, drake. to be flooded. See also the terms "alaghésse, inondésse ".
anichilì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &nikil’i \ ) - to annihilate, to anlamidé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]l&mid’e \ ) - See
destroy. See also the term “anienté “. anamidé.
anientament - n. m. (pr. \ &niænt&m’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - anlamité - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]l&mit’e \ ) - See
destruction, annihilation, wipe-out. anamidé.
anienté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &niænt’e \ ) - to destroy, to wipe- anlardà - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]l&rd’& \ ) - 1) - the action of putting
out, to annihilate. See also the term “anichilì “. lard (into st.). - 2) - beating, thrashing (slang term used in
anicrocia - n. f. (pr. \ &nicr’u[ch]i& \ ) At plr. anicroce. - a fig. sense). In this second meaning see also the terms
obstacle, hindrance. See also the terms “antrap, ambarass, “onzùa, strivassà, bastonà, bastonadura, etc. “.
ambreuj “. anlardé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]l&rd’e \ ) - 1) - to put lard
anidrida - n. f. (pr. \ &nidr’id& \ ) At plr. anidride. - (into st.) , to lard. - 2) - to beat, to hit, to thrash (in a fig.
anhydride. See also the term “anidride “. Note that: slang sense). In this meaning see also the terms “onze,
anidrida carbònica - Is translated into - carbon dioxide. strivassé, bastoné “. See also the term "lardé".
anidride - n. f. (pr. \ &nidr’ide \ ) - See anidrida. anlasté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]l&st’e \ ) - to spit, to spoke
anilin-a - n. f. (pr. \ &nil’i[ng]& \ ) At plr. (if any) anilin-e. - on a spit. See also the term “anfilsé “.
aniline (chemistry). anlév - n. (pr. \ &[ng]l’eu \ ) Ms. plr. anlev, fm. sng. and plr.
ànim - n. m. (pr. \ ‘&nim \ ) Inv. at plr. - hearth, courage, spirit. anleva, anleve. - 1) - pupil, student. See also the terms
ànima - n. f. (pr. \ ‘&nim& \ ) At plr. ànime. - 1) - soul. - 2) - “scolé, student “. - 2) - cadet (military - translated into
core, center. “anlev ufissial “). - 3) - apprentice. In this sense see also the
animà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &nim’& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - term “amprendiss “. – We remember that the pronunciation
animed, living. - 2) - animated, lively. - 3) - brisk. of the feminine is : \ &[ng]l’v& \ (just a recall).
animal - 1) - adj. (pr. \ &nim’&l \ ) Ms. plr. animaj, fm. sng. and anlevam - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]lev’&m \ ) Inv. at plr. - little fishes
plr. animal, animaj. - animal. for fish-pond.
animal - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ &nim’&l \ ) At plr. animaj. - animal, anlevament - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]lev&m’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
beast. As a sbst. it is an italianism. See the most correct upbringing (children). - 2) - breeding (animals). - 3) -
piedm. terms “bestia, bes-cia “. rearing (trees an flowers). - 4) - stock-farm.
animassion - n. f. (pr. \ &nim&si’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - anlevator - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]lev&t’ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - breeder.
animation, liveliness. - 2) - briskness. See also the terms “alevator, anleveur “.
animator - n. and adj. (pr. \ &nim&t’ur \ ) Ms. plr. animator, anlevé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]lev’e \ ) - 1) - to raise, to
fm. sng. and plr. animatriss, animatriss. - 1) - animator, bring up. - 2) - to breed, to raise.
enlivener (sbst.). - 2) - animating, enlivening (adj.). anlevera - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]lev’er& \ ) At plr. anlevere. - fish-
animé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &nim’e \ ) - 1) - to animate, to pond. See also the term “pëschera “.
enliven. - 2) - to encourage. - 3) - to foster, to give life (to), anleveur - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]lev’[oe]r \ ) - See anlevator.
to activate. anlié - vrb 1 st con. int. and trs. (pr. \ &[ng]li’e \ ) - 1) - to set on
animésse - vrb 1 st con. refl. (pr. \ &nim’ese \ ) - 1) - to become edge. (int.). - 2) - to take root. (int.) - It uses the aux. “avèj
animated. - 2) - to take courage. “. - 3) - to lace, to link (trs.). In this meaning see also the
animëtta - n. f. (pr. \ &nim’&tt& \ ) At plr. animëtte. - pall terms "gropé, conëtte, coleghé ".
(religion). anlignament - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]li[gn]&m’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
animism - n. m. (pr. \ &nim’izm \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any) - alignment.
animism. anligné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]li[gn]’e \ ) - to line up, to
align, to range.

anlisté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]list’e \ ) - to list, to put into anmaginé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]m&jin'e \ ) - 1) - to
a list, to make a list. imagine, to picture, to fancy. - 2) - to invent, to think out.
anlitré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]litr’e \ ) - to teach, to teach - 3) - to suppose, to presume. See also the terms "imaginé,
literature. inmaginé ".
anliura - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]li’[ue]r& \ ) At plr. anliure. - 1) - anmagonà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &[ng]m&gun’& \ ) Inv. in gnd.
tying, binding. - 2) - link, linking, connection. See also the and nr. - grief-stricken, sorrowful, sad.
term "anlijura, liura". anmagoné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]m&gun’e \ ) - to wound
anlijura - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]liy’[ue]r& \ ) - See anliura. deeply (feelings).
anlochì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]luk’i \ ) - 1) - to stun, to anmagonésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]m&gun’ese \ ) - to
stupefy, to dazy. - 2) - to astonish. See also the terms grieve.
“anlordì, anlurdì “. - 3) - to deafen. See also the term anmagrì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ &[ng]m&gr’i \ ) - to grow thin,
“anciorgnì “. to slim. See also the terms “anmairì, mairì, dimagrì”. It uses
anlora - adv. (pr. \ &[ng]l’ur& \ ) - 1) - then. - 2) - in that time, the aux. “esse “.
in those times. - 3) - so, therefore. - 4) - well, then, in this anmairì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ &[ng]m&ir’i \ ) - See anmagrì.
case. - See also the voices “alora, antlora “. anmairiment - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]m&irim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
anlordì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]lurd’i \ ) - See anlochì. thinning, slimming. See also the term "dimagriment".
anluchì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]l[ue]k’i \ ) - to hold anmalinconì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &[ng]m&lincun'i \ )
spellbound. - 1) - to make (sb.) melancholy (trs.). - 2) - to grow
anluminàbil - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]l[ue]min’&bil \ ) Ms. plr. melancholy (int.). In this sense see also the terms
anluminàbij, fm. sng. and plr. anluminàbil, anluminàbij. - "anmalinconìsse, malinconìsse, anmalinconisésse,
illuminable, that can be illuminated. malinconisésse".
anluminament - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]l[ue]min&m’ænt \ ) Inv. at anmalinconisésse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr.\&[ng]m&lincuniz'ese\)
plr. illumination (physics). - See anmalinconìsse.
anluminant - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]l[ue]min’&nt \ ) Ms. plr. anmalinconìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]m&lincun'ise \ ) -
anluminant, fm. sng. and plr. anluminanta, anluminante. to grow melancholy.
- 1) - illuminating, illuminant. - 2) - enlightening (in a fig. anmalissiosì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &[ng]m&lisiuz'i \ )
sense). - 1) - to make (sb.) malicious (trs ). - 2) - to grow
anluminassion - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]l[ue]min&si’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at malicious (int.). In this sense see also the term
plr. - lighting, illumination. "anmalissiosìsse".
anluminator - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]l[ue]min&t’ur \ ) Inv. at plr. anmalissiosìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]m&lisiuz'ise \ ) -
- illuminator. to grow malicious.
anluminator - 2) - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]l[ue]min&t’ur \ ) Ms. plr. anmanëtté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]m&n&tt’e \ ) - to
anluminator, fm. sng. and plr. anluminatriss, handcuff. See also the term “ampacté “.
anluminatriss. - illuminating. anmanié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]m&ni’e \ ) - 1) - to put a
anluminé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]l[ue]min’e \ ) - to handle (at a tool). - 2) - to put sleeves (at a suit). See also
illuminate. See also the term "inluminé ". the term "manié ".
anlup - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]l’[ue]p \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - wrapper, anmantlé - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]m&ntl’e \ ) - 1) - to
cover. - 2) - bundle, parcel. See also the voice “pachet “. - mantle, to cloack. - 2) - to wrap. See also the term
For both the meanings see also the terms “anvlup, inlup “. "mantlé".
anlupa - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]l’[ue]p& \ ) At plr. anlupe. - envelope. anmantlésse - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]m&ntl'ese \ ) - 1) - to
See also the term “anvlòpa “. wrap oneself in a cloak. - 2) - to be clothed (in or with). -
anlupaté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]l[ue]p&t’e \ ) - 1) - to 3) - to affect, to parade (in a fig. sense). See also the term
envelop, to wrap up. See also the term “anlupé”. - 2) - to "mantlésse".
bandage, to bind up. See also the terms “ambindé, anmarelé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]m&rel’e \ ) - to wind
ampatagné, anfassé, bindé “. into a skein. See also the terms “anmarlé, davané “.
anlupé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]l[ue]p’e \ ) - to envelop, to anmarlé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]m&rl’e \ ) - See
wrap up. See also the terms “anvlupé, anlupaté, inlupé “. anmarelé.
anlura - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]l’[ue]r& \ ) - See andatura. anmascaroné - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]m&sc&run’e \ ) - 1)
anlurdì - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]l[ue]rd’i \ ) - 1) - to stunt. - to deform, to disfigure. - 2) - to hide with a mask.
See also the term “anlochì “. - 2) - to astonish. See also the anmasché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]m&sk’e \ ) - to bewitch,
terms “anlochì, anlordì “. to enchant, to charm. See also the terms “ancanté,
anmaceironé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]m&[ch]æirun’e \ ) - anciarmé “.
to heap the hay, to make haycocks. anmascrament - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]m&scr&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr.
anmagasinàbil - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]m&g&zin'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. - 1) - masquerade. - 2) - masking. - 3) - disguise.
anmagasinàbij, fm. sng. and plr. anmagasinàbil, anmascré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]m&scr’e \ ) - 1) - to
anmagasinàbij. - storable. mask, to cover with a mask. - 2) - to disguise. See also the
anmagasinàgi - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]m&g&zin'&ji \ ) - Inv. at plr. - term "mascré ".
storage, storing. anmassolé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]m&sul’e \ ) - 1) - to
anmagasiné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]m&g&zin'e \ ) - to make bundles, to make bouquets (with flowers or herbs) -
store, to warehouse. 2) - to put together (in a fig. sense).
anmaginàbil - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]m&jin'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. anmastiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]m&stik’e \ ) - to seal
anmaginàbij, fm. sng. and plr. anmaginàbil, anmaginàbij. with putty, to put mastic, to connect with adhesive.
- imaginable. anmatì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ &[ng]m&t’i \ ) - to madden, to
anmaginàri - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]m&jin'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. go mad. It uses the aux. “esse “. The meaning is nearly the
anmaginàri, fm. sng. and plr. anmaginària, anmaginàrie. same of the refl. following form.
- imaginary. anmatìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]m&t’ise \ ) - 1) - to
anmaginassion - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]m&jin&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. madden, to go mad. - 2) - to rack one’s brains. The vrbl.
- 1) - imagination, fancy. - 2) - figment of the loc. “ven-e mat “ (lit. “to come mad “) is also very used.

anmatricolé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]m&tricul’e \ ) - 1) - to instead an-n... vowel, (like an-namorésse") where the first
admit, to matriculate (students, etc.) - 2) - to register n- is faucal. The two spellings have anyway the same
(cars, etc.) pronunciation " \&[ng]n... \ ". According to our alphabetic
anmemorié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]memuri’e \ ) - 1) - to order the n- is a consonant coming after the n, and therefore
put in memory, to fix in memory. See also the voice these words are enlisted later, in this order.
“memorié “. - 2) - to remember. In this sense see athe most anoansé - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &nu&[ng]s’e \ ) - to fade, to
suited voice “arcordé “. shade off, to modulate (colours).
anmemoriésse - vrb 1 st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]memuri’ese \ ) - to ànod - n. m. (pr. \ ‘&nud \ ) Inv at plr. - anode (physics).
put in (one’s) memory, to remember. Even if the form is anodisassion - n. f. (pr. \ &nudiz&si’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
refl. (and followed by the prp. “ëd / dë ” “of “), the anodizing, anodising.
meaning remains more or less the trs. one. anodisator - n. m. (pr. \ &nudiz&t’ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - anodizer,
anmerdaré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]mærd&r'e \ ) - See anodiser.
anmerdassé. anodisé - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &nudiz’e \ ) - to anodize, to
anmerdassé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]mærd&s’e \ ) - 1) - to anodise.
dirty with shit (vulgar expression). - 2) - to soil, to dirty anoitì - vrb 3rd con. int. dfc. (pr. \ &nuit’i \ ) - See anoitìsse.
(for extension). See also the term “anmerdé, anmerdaré “. anoitìsse - vrb 3 rd con. refl. (pr. \ &nuit’ise \ ) - to become night,
anmerdé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]mærd’e \ ) - See to become dark. See also the term “aneuitìsse “. More
anmerdassé. common vrbl. loc. are “fesse neuit , fésse scur “ whose lit.
anmidajé - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]mid&y’e \ ) - to award a meaning, if exactly transated would be rspy “to make itself
medal. The refl. form takes the different idiomatic meaning night, to make itself dark “.
that follows: anojé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &nuy’e \ ) - 1) - to bore. See also
anmidajésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]mid&y’ese \ ) - to the most used term “stofié “. - 2) - to annoy (not very used
soil oneself. in this meaning). See also the most used term “fastidié “. -
anmlé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]ml’e \ ) - 1) - to smear with For both the meanings see also the terms “nojé, nojosé “.
honey (in the lit. sense). See also the terms "amlé, mlé". - 2) anojésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &nuy’ese \ ) - to be bored. See
- to flatter, to butter up (in a fig. sense), and also in a also the term “stofiésse “more used.
meaning similar to “to gild the pill“. See also the terms anomalìa -n. f. (pr. \ &num&l’i& \ ) At plr. anomalìe. - 1) -
"amlé, mlé". anomaly. - 2) - abnormality.
anmnestré - 1) - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ &[ng]mnestr'e \ ) - to anonari - adj. (pr. \ &nun’&ri \ ) Ms. plr. anonari, fm. sng. and
ladle out the soup. See also the term "mnestré". plr. anonària, anonàrie. - food, victual (attributes).
anmochésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]muk’ese \ ) - not to anonimà - n. m. (pr. \ &nunim’& \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any) -
care, to be not interested. This refl. form has an int. anonymity, anonymousness.
meaning. anonseur - n. (pr. \ &nu[ng]s’[oe]r \ ) Ms. plr. anonseur, fm.
anmoniassion - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]muni&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - sng. and plr. anonseusa, anonseuse. - advrtiser. See also
taking of monastic vows, profession. See also the term “ansersionista, insersionista “.
"monacassion". anonsi - n. m. (pr. \ &n’u[ng]si \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
anmoniésse - vrb 1 st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]muni'ese \ ) - to announcement, notice. - 2) - advertisement. See also the
become a monk, to become a nun. See also the term " term “anunsi “.
monachésse " and the loc. "fésse frà, fésse monia". Anonsià - n. f. (pr. \ &nu[ng]si’& \ ) Inv. in case of a fig. plr. -
anmorbidì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]murbid’i \ ) - See Our Lady of Annunciation. See also the names “Anunsià.
amorbidì. Nonsià, Nunsià “.
anmorbidìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]murbid’ise \ ) - See anonsiator - n. (pr. \ &nu[ng]si&t’ur \ ) Ms. plr. anonsiator,
amorbidìsse. fm. sng. and plr. anonsiatriss, anonsiatriss. - announcer,
anmorsé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]murs’e \ ) - 1) - to prime. news reader, speaker. See also the term “anunsiator “.
- 2) - to bait (referred to a hook). anonsié - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &nu[ng]si’e \ ) - to announce, to
anmosté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]must’e \ ) - to squeeze give out, to report. See also the terms “anunsié, nonsié,
grapes (for making must). nunsié “.
anmugé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]m[ue]j’e \ ) - See anorbì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &nurb’i \ ) - 1) - to bereave, to
ambaroné. deprive, to blind one eye. - 2) - to blind, to dazzle.
anmurà - 1) - adj. (pr. \ m[ue]r'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - anoressìa - n. f. (pr. \ &nures’i& \ ) At plr. (if any) anoressìe. -
walled. walled up, walled in, embedded in a wall. See also anorexia.
the terms "murà anmurajà ". anorfantì - adj. (pr. \ &nurf&nt’i \ ) Ms. plr. anorfantì, fm. sng.
anmurajà - 1) - adj. (pr. \ m[ue]r&y'& \ ) - See anmurajà. and plr. anorfantìa, anorfantìe. - stunned, heedless,
anmurajé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]m[ue]r&y’e \ ) - to wall dreamy. See also the terms "inorfantì, norfantì ".
up, to brick up. See also the terms “anmuré, murajé, anormal - adj. (pr. \ &nurm’&l \ ) Ms. plr. anormaj, fm. sng.
muré“. and plr. anormal, anormaj. - anomalous, abnormal. See
anmuré - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \&[ng]m[ue]r’e\) - See anmurajé. also the voice “foravìa “.
anmutì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &[ng]m[ue]t’i \ ) - 1) - to anormalità - n. f. (pr. \ &nurm&lit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
silence (trs.) - 2) - to be stuck dumb, to hold one’s tongue, abnormality.
to keep silent (int.). This int. meaning is the same of the anotassion - n. f. (pr. \ &nut&si’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
following refl. form: annotation, note. - 2) - registration.
anmutìsse - vrb 3 rd con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]m[ue]t’ise \ ) - to be anoté - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &nut’e \ ) - 1) - to annotate. See
stuck dumb, to hold one’s tongue, to keep silent (int.). also the vrbl. loc. “buté na nòta” lit. “to put a note”. - 2) -
ann - n. m. (pr. \ &n \ ) At plr. agn or ani. - year. (See grammar to note. See also the vrbl. loc. “pijé nòta” lit. “to take
and phonology). note”. - 3) - to book. See also the terms “anregistré, registré
ann... - Sometimes it is possible to find words starting by “. - 4) - to tally.
ann... vowel, like “annamorésse” (“to fall in love”). Even anotomìa - n. f. (pr. \ &nutum’i& \ ) At plr. (if any) anotomìe. -
if this is acceptable, a correct spelling for these words is anatomy. See also the terms “notomìa, anatomìa “.

anotomisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &nutumiz’e \ ) - to anrajassion - n. m. . (pr. \ &[ng]r&y&si’u[ng] \ ) - See
anatomize. See also the terms “notomisé, anatomisé “. anragiassion.
anotomista - n. (pr. \ &nutum’ist& \ ) Ms. plr. anotomista, fm. anrajé - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]r&y’e \ ) - to irradiate, to
sng. and plr. anotomista, anotomiste. - anatomist. See also radiate. See also the terms “anradié, anragé, spantié”.
the terms “notomista, anatomista “. anramé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]r&m’e \ ) - to put
anotòmich - adj. (pr. \ &nut’omic \ ) Ms. plr. anotòmich, fm. branches or poles to sustain vegetables.
sng. and plr. anotòmica, anotòmiche. - anatomic(al). See anrangojé - vrb 1st con. trs. . (pr. \ &[ng]r&[ng]guy’e \ ) - to
also the term “anatòmich”. strangle, to choke.
anòdich - adj. (pr. \ &n’odic \ ) Ms. plr. anòdich, fm. sng. and anratà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &[ng]r&t’& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
plr. anòdica, anòdiche. - anodic. tipsy, drunk.
anòna - n. f. (pr. \ &n’on& \ ) At plr. (in case of need) anòne. - anraté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]r&t’e \ ) - to make (sb.)
food administration. See also the other form “an-nòna”. drunk (one of the many words with this meaning). See e. g.
anònim - n. and adj. (pr. \ &n’onim \ ) Ms. plr. anònim, fm. also the word “ancioché “.
sng. and plr. anònima, anònime. - anonymous. Note that anratésse - vrb 1 st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]r&t’ese \ ) - to get
“società anònima “ is translated into “joint-stock company “. drunk (one of the many words with this meaning). See e. g.
anquadradura - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng][qu]&dr&d’[ue]r& \ ) At plr. also the word “anciochésse “.
anquadradure. - 1) - framing. - 2) - shot (photography). - anregimenté - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]rejimænt’e \ ) - to
See also the terms “quadragi, inquadratura, regiment.
anquadrament“. See also the term "inquadradura". anreidì - vrb 3 rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &[ng]ræid’i \ ) - 1) - to
anquadrament - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng][qu]&dr&m’ænt \ ) Inv. at make rigid, to make stiff, to stiffen (trs.). - 2) - to
plr. - 1) - framing. - 2) - arrangement. - 3) - organization. benumb, to numb (int.). - See also the terms "anrigidì,
- See also “anquadradura, inquadrament “. irigidì, reidì".
anquadré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng][qu]&dr’e \ ) - 1) - to anreidìsse - vrb 3 rd con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]ræid’ise \ ) - 1) - to
frame. - 2) - to arrange. - 3) - to organize. See also the become stiff. - 2) - to grow numb. - 3) - to turn colder
term "inquadré ". (weather) - 4) - to stick obstinately (to). See also the terms
anquarté - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng][qu]&rt’e \ ) - to quarter, "anrigidìsse, irigidìsse, raidìsse".
to cut up. See also the terms “squartaré, squartairé “. The anreidiura - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]ræidi’[ue]r& \ ) At plr. anreidiure.
refl. form assumes the following meaning: - 1) - stiffening. - 2) - increasing cold. - 3) - inflexibility. -
anquartésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng][qu]&rt’ese \ ) - to do See also the term “reidiura “.
one’s utmost. The also used idiomatic expression “fésse an anreisament – n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]ræiz&m’ænt \ ) - See
quatr “ is lit. translated into “to do oneself in four “ and has anradisament.
the same meaning. anreisé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ &[ng]ræiz’e \ ) - See anreisésse.
anrabià - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]r&bi’& \ ) Inv. at plr. - rage. See anreisésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]ræiz’ese \ ) - to root, to
also the terms “anrabiadura, anrabiura “. take root. See also the term “anradisésse“.
anrabià - 2) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &[ng]r&bi’& \ ) Inv. in gnd. anrichì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &[ng]rik’i \ ) - 1) - to
and nr. - 1) - rabid (medical). - 2) - angry. make (sb. or st.) rich, to enrich (trs.). - 2) - to become rich
anrabiadura - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]r&bi&d’[ue]r& \ ) At plr. (int.) with the same meaning of the refl. form below. See
anrabiadure. - rage. See also the terms “anrabià, also the term “arichì “.
anrabiura “. anrichiment - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]rikim’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
anrabié - vrb 1st con. int. and trs. (pr. \ &[ng]r&bi’e \ ) - 1) - to enrichment. See also the term “arichiment “.
become rabid (int.). - 2) - The way of using this vrb in a trs. anrichìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]rik’ise \ ) - to become
vrbl. loc. is “fé anrabié “, with a value of “to make (sb.) rich.
angry”. anridse - vrb 2 nd con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]r’idse \ ) - not to care
anrabiésse - vrb 1 st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]r&bi’ese \ ) - to get about, to make fun (of sb./st.). Italianism, see also the most
angry. correct terms “anrijse, anrijsne “.
anrabiura - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]r&bi’[ue]r& \ ) - See anrabiadura. anrigidì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]rijid’i \ ) - to make rigid,
anradiament – n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]r&di&m’ænt\ ) - See to make stiff, to stiffen. See also the terms "irigidì,
anradiassion. anreidì", the latter being the most correct Piedm.
anradiassion - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]r&di&si’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - anrigidìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]rijid’ise \ ) - 1) - to
irradiation, radiation. See also the terms “iradiassion, become rigid, to stiffen. - 2) - to become colder (weather).
anragiassion, anrajament “. - 3) - to become inflexible. - 4) - to stick obstinately (to).
anradié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]r&di’e \ ) - to irradiate, to See also the terms "irigidìsse, anreidìsse", the latter being
radiate. See also the terms “anrajé, anrajé, spantié”. the most correct Piedm.
anradisà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &[ng]r&diz’& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and anrijse - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]r’iyse \ ) - not to care
nr. - rooted, deep-rooted, deep-seated. about, to make fun (of sb./st.). See also the terms “anridse,
anradisament - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]r&diz&m’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. – anrijsne “.
rooting. Sometimes also (see the term) “anreisament “. anrijsne - vrb 2 nd con. refl. prn. prt. (pr. \ &[ng]r’iysne \ ) -
anradisé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ &[ng]r&diz’e \ ) - See not to care about this/that/him/etc.
anradisésse. anrismé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]rizm’e \ ) - to collect
anradisésse - vrb 1 st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]r&diz’ese \ ) - to root, sheets (of paper) in a ream.
to take root. See also the term “anreisésse“. anrivëtté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]riv&tt'e \ ) - to rivet.
anragé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]r&j’e \ ) - to irradiate, to anrobustì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]rub[ue]st’i \ ) - to
radiate. See also the terms “anradié, anrajé, spantié”. strengthen.
anragiassion - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]r&ji&si’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - anroché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]ruk’e \ ) - to put a bunch
irradiation, radiation. See also the terms “iradiassion, of wool on distaff.
anradiassion, anrajament “. anrochëtté - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]ruk&tt’e \ ) - to wrap a
anrajament - n. m. . (pr. \ &[ng]r&y&m’ænt \ ) - See wire on reel. See also the voices “angavëtté, bobiné “.

anrodé - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]rud’e \ ) - to graze, to run ansacadura - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]s&c&d’[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
over. ansacadure. - 1) - packaging into sacks. - 2) - sausage-
anroé - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]ru’e \ ) - 1) - to hoop a weel. making. See also the term "insacadura".
- 2) - to encircle, to surround (in a fig. sense). See also the ansaché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]s&k’e \ ) - 1) - to put into
form “anrové ” with the same pronunciation, and the term a sack, to sack. - 2) - to make into sausages. - 3) - to
“ansercé “. pocket (in a fig. sense). See also the term "insaché ".
anrolament - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]rul&m’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - ansachésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]s&k’ese \ ) - 1) - to
enlistment. See also the term “arolament “. pack, to squeeze (referred to oneself). - 2) - to compress
anrolé - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]rul’e \ ) - 1) - to enlist (sb.). one’s joint and back, to have a jolt (usually after a jump or
- 2) - to roll up. In this meaning see also the term a fall).
“anrotolé“. ansacocé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]s&cu[ch]’e \ ) - to
anrolésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]rul’ese \ ) - to enlist pocket, to put into one’s pocket. Sometimes also the voice
(referred to oneself). “antasché “ is used, which is quite a bad italianism. See also
anrompe - vrb 2 con. int. (pr. \ &[ng]r'umpe \ ) - 1) - to storm, the term “sacocé “.
to burst, to break into. - 2) - to pour, to flood. See also the ansalamé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]s&l&m’e \ ) - to truss
term "irompe". It uses the aux. "esse". up, to tie like a salami, to sack as a salami.
anrosassià - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]ruz&si’& \ ) Inv. at plr. - ansalivassion - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]s&liv&si’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
sprinkling, sputtering (with water). insalivation.
anrosassià - 2) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &[ng]ruz&si’& \ ) Inv. in ansalivé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]s&liv’e \ ) - to insalivate.
gnd. and nr. - dewy, moistwith dew, slightly wet on the ansanàbil - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]s&n’&bil \ ) Ms. plr. ansanàbij, -
surface. fm. sng. and plr. ansanàbil, ansanàbij. - incurable (also in
anrosassié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]ruz&si’e \ ) - to moisten a fig. sense). See also the terms "incuràbil, insanàbil".
with dew, to sprinkle. ansangonà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &[ng]s&[ng]gon’& \ ) Inv. in
anrosà - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]ruz'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - wetting. See gnd. and nr. - blood stained.
also the terms “bagnà, seivà “. ansangoné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]s&[ng]gon’e \ ) - to
anrosà - 2) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &[ng]ruz'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and stain with blood.
nr. - wetting. See also the terms “bagnà, seivà “. ansant - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]s’&nt \ ) Ms. plr. ansant, fm. sng. and
anrosé - vrb 1 con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]ruz’e \ ) - to water, to wet. plr. ansanta, ansante. - panting, gasping.
See also the terms “bagné, seivé “. ansarì - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]s&r’i \ ) Ms. plr. ansarì, fm. sng. and
anrossé - vrb 1 con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]rus’e \ ) - 1) - to swindle, plr. ansarìa, ansarìe. - hoarse, raucous.
to cheat, to deceive. - 2) - to redden. ansarior - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]s&ri’ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - hoarseness,
anrossì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ &[ng]rus’i \ ) - to blush. It uses raucousness. See also the terms “ansarision, ansariura “.
the aux. “esse “. See also the term “arossì “. ansarision - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]s&rizi’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
anrotolé - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]rutul’e \ ) - to roll up. See hoarseness, raucousness. See also the terms “ansarior,
also the term “anrolé “. ansariura “.
anrové - vrb 1 con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]ru’e \ ) - See anroé. ansarìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]s&r’ise \ ) - to become
anrovlé - vrb 1 con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]ruvl’e \ ) - to make red- hoarse.
hot. ansariura - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]s&r’[ue]r& \ ) - See ansarision.
anrupì - 1) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &[ng]rup’i \ ) Ms. plr. anrupì, ansarzì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]s&rz’i \ ) - to darn, to
fm. sng. and plr. anrupìa, anrupìe. - wrinkled, wrinkly. mend, to repair. See also the term “sarzì “.
See also the terms “rupì, rupios “. ansavonà - 1) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &[ng]s&un’& \ ) Inv. in gnd.
anrupì - 2) - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]rup’i \ ) - to wrinkle, to and nr. - 1) - soaped. - 2) - flattered (in a fig. sense).
crease, to crumple. See also the term “rupì 2)”. ansavonà - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]s&un’& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
anrupì - 3) - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ &[ng]rup’i \ ) - 1) - to soaping. - 2) - flattery (in a fig. sense). - See also
become wrinkly. - 2) - to age, to grow old. It uses the aux. “ansavonadura, ansavonura “. Note that the letter “v “ in
“esse “.See also the term “rupì 3)”. The refl. form has the this word is completely mute, but it is anyway required by
same meaning: the spelling.
anrupìsse - vrb 3 con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]rup’ise \ ) - to wrinkle, ansavonadura - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]s&un&d’[ue]r& \ ) - See
to become wrinkly. See also the term “rupìsse”. ansavonà.
ansà - adv. (pr. \ &[ng]s’& \ ) - 1) - on this side, on this part. - 2) - over
here, -invrb 1stdirection
this con. trs. (pr.
\ &[ng]s&un’e
\ ) -the
1) -speaker).
to soap. - 3) - up to now, so far. For the opposite meaning see
ansa - n. f. (pr. \ ‘&[ng]s& \ ) At plr. anse. - 1) - handle. - 2) - - 2) - to flatter (in a fig. sense). See also the term “savoné “.
loop, fold - 3) - support. - 4) - courage, spirit, heart. The ansavonura - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]s&un’[ue]r& \ ) - See ansavonà.
way of saying “pijé ansa “ is translated into “to take heart” - anscartocé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]sc&rtu[ch]’e \ ) - to
5) - occasion, opportunity. The way of saying “dé ansa” is wrap in paper, to wrap up. See also the terms “ancarté,
translated into “to give a way, to facilitate”. ancartocé “.
ansabiament - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]s&bi&m’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) anscrission - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]scrisi’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
- sanding up, silting up (in a lit. sense) - 2) - shelving (in a inscription (geometry). See also the terms “inscrission,
fig. sense). See also the term "insabiament ". iscrission “.
ansabié - vrb 1 con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]s&bi’e \ ) - 1) - to sand, to anscrit - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]scr’it \ ) Ms. plr. anscrit, fm. sng. and
cover with sand, to slit up (in a lit. sense). - 2) - to shelve plr. anscrita, anscrite. - inscribed (geometry). This term is
(in a fig. sense). See also the term "insabié ". not also the p. p. of the verb “anscrive “, which is instead
ansabiésse - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]s&bi’ese \ ) - 1) - to be “anscrivù “. See also the term “inscrit “.
sanded up, to sand oneself (in a lit. sense). - 2) - to be anscrive - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]scr’ive \ ) - to inscribe
shelved (in a fig. sense). - 3) - to bury oneself (in a fig. (geometry). See also the term “inscrive “.
sense). anscurì - vrb 3 rd con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]sc[ue]r’i \ ) - to darken, to
ansacà - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]s&c’& \ ) Inv. at plr. - sausages. make darker. See also the terms “scurì, ambrunì, brunì “.
See also the term "insacà 1)". anscurìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]sc[ue]r’ise \ ) - to
ansacà - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]s&c’& \ ) Inv. at plr. - jolt, become dark, to become night.
impact, blow. See also the term "insacà 2)".

ansé - vrb 1 st con. int. (pr. \ &[ng]s’e \ ) - to pant, to gasp. It anseté - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &[ng]set’e \ ) - 1) - to sit
uses the aux. “avèj “. See also the best piedm. term “tranfié (sb. or st.), to make (sb.) sit (trs.). - 2) - to have a seat
“. (int.). - See also the terms “seté, sté, asté, assëtté ”.
anségue - vrb 2 nd con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]s’egue \ ) - to pursue, to ansetésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]set’ese \ ) - to sit, to sit
chase, to follow. See also the terms “inségue, anseguì, down, to seat oneself, to be seated, to take a seat. See also
inseguì “. This vrb can be of the 2nd or of the 3rd con. the terms “setésse, stésse, astésse, assëttésse “.
anseguì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]segu’i \ ) - See anségue. anseugnoché - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ &[ng]s[oe][gn]uk’e \ ) - to
anseguiment - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]seguim’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - doze, to nod, to slumber. It uses the aux. “avèj “. See also
pursuit, chase. See also the term “inseguiment“. See also the terms “ansugnuché, ansignoché “. This term has the
the term “inseguiment “. same value of the following refl. form (as in many cases of
anseguitor - n. and adj. (pr. \ &[ng]seguit’ur \ ) Ms. plr. int. vrb.), but note that in this case the refl. is of the 3rd con.:
anseguitor, fm. sng. and plr. anseguitriss, anseguitriss. - 1) anseugnochìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]s[oe][gn]uk’ise \ )
- pursuer, chaser, follower (sbst.). - 2) - pursuing, - to doze, to nod, to slumber.
following (adj.). See also the term “inseguitor “. ansést - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]s’est \ ) - Inv. at plr. - incest.
ansem - adv. (pr. \ &[ng]s’æm \ ) - together, all together. See ansestos - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]sest’uz \ ) Ms. plr. ansestos, fm. sng.
also the most common term “ansema “. and plr. ansestosa, ansestose. - incestuous.
ansema - 1) - adv. (pr. \ &[ng]s’em& \ ) - together, all ansëgna - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]s’&[gn]& \ ) At plr. ansëgne. - 1) -
together. See also the term “ansem “. sign, sign-board. - 2) - standard, ensign, banner, flag. See
ansema - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]s’em& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - also the terms “stendard, drapò “.
whole. - 2) - unity. - 3) - set, outfit. - 4) - set (algebraic). ansëndré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]s&ndr’e \ ) - to
ansema a - prp. loc. (pr. \ &[ng]s’em& & \ ) - together with. incinerate, to burn to ashes. See also the term “ansënnrì “
ansemìstica - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]sem’istic& \ ) At plr. (if any) ansënnré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]s&nnr’e \ ) - to cover
ansemistiche. - theory of sets (mathematics). See also the with ashes.
term "insemìstica". ansënnrì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]s&nnr’i \ ) - See
ansemìstich - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]sem’istic \ ) Ms. plr. ansemìstich, ansëndré.
fm. sng. and plr. ansemìstica, ansemìstiche. - set (attribute) ansënnriment - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]s&nnrim’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
(mathematics). See also the term "insemìstich". incineration.
ansen - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]s’æ[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - inlet, cove, ansërvient - n. (pr. \ &[ng]s& rvi’ænt \ ) Ms. plr. ansërvient, fm.
creek, little bay. See also the terms “sen, crica, arch ëd sng. and plr. ansërvienta, ansërviente. - attendant, odd-
riva”. job man. See also the terms “servent, servient “.
ansens - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]s’æ[ng]s \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any) - 1) - ansësté - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]s&st’e \ ) - to put into a
wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) (botanic). - 2) - absinth basket.
(liqueur). ànsi - cng. (pr. \ ‘&[ng]si \ ) - 1) - on the contrary. - 2) -
ansercé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]sær[ch]’e \ ) - 1) - to bind indeed, even more. - 3) - or rather.
with hoops, to hoop, to put the rim. - 2) - to surround (in ànsia - n. f. (pr. \ ‘&[ng]si& \ ) At plr. ànsie, - anxiety.
a fig. sense). The refl. form assumes the following Italianism. See also the terms “magon, afann, angossa “.
meanings: ansian - n. and adj. (pr. \ &[ng]si’&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. ansian, fm.
ansercésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]sær[ch]’ese \ ) - 1) - to sng. and plr. ansian-a, ansian-e. - 1) - elderly, old (adj.). -
bend (oneself). - 2) - to become round. 2) - elderly persom. old person (sbst.). - See also the term
anseré - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]ser’e \ ) - See anserì. “vej “.
anserenésse - vrb 1st con. refl. imp. dfc. (pr. \ &[ng]seren’ese \ ) ansianità - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]si&nit’& \ ) Inv. at plr if any) - 1) -
- to become clear, to brighten, to become without clouds old age, seniority. - 2) - seniority, length of service.
(referred to sky). See also the term “anserenìsse “. ansìdia - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]s’idi& \ ) At plr. ansìdie. - 1) - trap,
anserenìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. imp. dfc. (pr. \ &[ng]seren’ise \ ) snare. - 2) - deceipt, deception. - 3) - peril. - See also the
- See anserenésse. terms “insìdia, truch, angann, antrap, etc. “.
anserì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]ser’i \ ) - 1) - to insert, to fit ansidiator - n. (pr. \ &[ng]sidi&t’ur \ ) Ms. plr. ansidiator, fm.
in. See also the terms “anseré, inserì, antërduve, antrodùe “. sng. and plr. ansidiatriss, ansidiatriss. - tempter. See also
- 2) - to integrate (in a fig. sense - for extension). the term “insidiator “.
anserìbil - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]ser’ibil \ ) Ms. plr. anserìbij, fm. ansidié - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]sidi’e \ ) - to lay a trap
sng. and plr. anserìbil, anserìbij. - insertable. See also the (to). See also the term “insidié “. and the vrbl. loc. “monté ‘l
term “inserìbil “. truch “ lit. = “to mount the trick ” and others.
anseriment - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]serim’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - absidios - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]sidi’uz \ ) Ms. plr. ansidios, fm. sng.
insertion, fitting up. See also the term “inseriment”. and plr. ansidiosa, ansidiose. - insidious, treacherous,
ansersion - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]særsi’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - deceitful. See also the term “insidios “.
insertion. - 2) - advertisement. ansietà - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]siet’& \ ) Inv. at plr. Inv. at plr. -
ansersionista - n. (pr. \ &[ng]særsiun’ist& \ ) Ms. plr. anxiety. Italianism, see also the terms “afann, inchietudin,
ansersionista, fm. sng. and plr. ansersionista, angossa “.
ansersioniste. - advertiser. See also the terms “anonseur, ansigador - n. (pr. \ &[ng]sig&d’ur \ ) - See ansigatur.
insersionista “. ansigassion - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]sig&si’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
anservajì - 1) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &[ng]særv&y’i \ ) Ms. plr. instigation, incitement. See also the terms "ansigh,
anservajì, fm. sng. and plr. anservajìa, anservajìe. - wild, istigassion ".
grown wild. ansigator - n. (pr. \ &[ng]sig&t’ur \ ) Ms. plr. ansigator, fm.
anservajì - vrb 3 rd con. trs. and int. - (pr. \ &[ng]særv&y’i \ ) - sng. and plr. ansigatriss, ansigatriss. - instigator. See also
1) - to make (sb. or st.) go wild (trs.) - 2) - to grow wild the terms "ansigador, istigator".
(int). This is also the meaning of the following refl. form: ansigh - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]sig \ ) - See ansigassion.
anservajìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. - (pr. \ &[ng]særv&y’ise \ ) - to ansighé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]sig’e \ ) - to instigate, to
grow wild. incite, to stir up. See also the terms "gassé, cissé, issé,

ansignant - n. and adj. (pr. \ &[ng]si[gn]’&nt \ ) Ms. plr. ansistensa - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]sist’æ[ng]s& \ ) Aty plr.
ansignant, fm. sng. and plr. ansignanta, ansignante. - 1) - ansistense. - persistence, insistence. See also the term
teacher (sbst,). - 2) - teaching (adj.). See also the terms “insistensa “.
“insegnant, magister, precetor, istrutor “. Sometimes, when ansistent - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]sist’ænt \ ) Ms. plr. ansistent, fm.
the term acts as a sbst., it is possible to find a use as an inv. sng. and plr. ansistenta, ansistente. -persistent, insistent,
in gnd. and nr. nagging, continuous. See also the term “insistent “.
ansignoché - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ &[ng]si[gn]uk’e \ ) - See ansivilì - vrb 3 rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &[ng]sivil’i \ ) - 1) - to
anseugnoché. civilize (trs.)- See also the term “sivilisé “. - 2) - to become
ansignochésse - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]si[gn]uk’ese \ ) - See civilized (int.), with the same meaning of the refl. form
ansignochìsse. "ansivilìsse".
ansignochì - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]si[gn]uk’i \ ) Ms. plr. ansignochì, ansiviliment - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]sivilim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
fm. sng. and plr. ansignochìa, ansignochìe. - drowsy, dozy. civilizing, civilization. See also the term "inciviliment ".
ansignochìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]si[gn]uk’ise \ ) - to ansivilìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]sivil’ise \ ) - to become
drowse, to doze off. civilized.
ansilà - adv. (pr. \ &[ng]sil’& \ ) - there. See also the term “là anslà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &[ng]sl’& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1)
“.Used for indicating a place far from both speaker and - saddled. - 2) - seated on a saddle.
listener. ansladura - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]sl&d’[ue]r& \ ) At plr. ansladure. -
ansilì - adv. (pr. \ &[ng]sil’i \ ) - there. See also the term “lì saddling.
“.Used for indicating a place far from the speaker and close anslé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]sl’e \ ) - to saddle, to put a
to the listener. saddle on. The refl. form takes the following meaning:
ansima - prp and adv. (pr. \ &[ng]s’im& \ ) - 1) - on, upon, anslésse - vrb 1 st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]sl’ese \ ) - to mount
above, over (prp.). - 2) - on top (adv.). Lit. the word means one’s horse (also in a fig. sense).
just “on top “, but it is not very used in this meaning. - See anslura - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]sl’[ue]r& \ ) At plr. anslure. - lesion
also the term “dzora “. produced by a saddle (or similar) on the back of the
ansin - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]s’i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - hook. See animal.
also the terms “onsin, lansin, cròch “. - 2) - pretext, excuse ansocolà - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]sucul’& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - who
(in a fig. sense). has feet in the clogs.
ansiné - vrb 1 st cin. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]sin’e \ ) - to hook. See also ansocolé - vrb 1st con. trs. . (pr. \ &[ng]sucul’e \ ) - to put clogs
the terms “onsiné, croché “. (to sb.).
ansinuassion - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]sinu&si’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - ansocolésse - vrb 1 st con. refl. . (pr. \ &[ng]sucul’ese \ ) - to put
insinuation, hint. clogs on one’s feet.
ansinuator - n. (pr. \ &[ng]sinu&t’ur \ ) Ms. plr. ansinuator, ansofré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]sufr’e \ ) - to fumigate
fm. sng. and plr. ansinuatriss, ansinuatriss. - insinuator. with sulphur, to spray sulphur, to sulphur. See also the
ansinué - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]sinu’e \ ) - 1) - to term “sofré “.
penetrate (into), to introduce, to insinuate. - 2) - to ansofrura - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]sufr’[ue]r& \ ) At plr. ansofrure. -
insinuate, to imply, to hint. - 3) - to copy (old meaning for sulphuration.
this term, no more used). - See also the term “insinué “. ansogné - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &[ng]su[gn]’e \ ) - to
ansios - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]si’uz \ ) Ms. plr. ansios, fm. sng. and dream, to day-dream. See also the term “ansugné “.
plr. ansiosa, ansiose. - 1) - anxious, uptight. See also the Usually the refl. form is used with the same meaning.
terms “afanos, afanà “. - 2) - eager. See also the term ansognésse - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &[ng]su[gn]’e \ ) - to
“desideros “, and the adj. loc. “pien d’anvìa “ = “full of wish dream, to day-dream. See also the term “ansugnésse “.
“. ansognìa - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]su[gn]'i& ) At plr. (if any) ansognìe.
ansiprié - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]sipri’e \ ) - to powder. See - insomnia, sleeplessness. See also the terms "insognìa,
also the term “ampodré “. insomnia, malaseugn".
ansipriésse - vrb 1 st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]sipri’ese \ ) - to ansognochìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]su[gn]uk’ise \ ) -
powder (oneself). See also the term “ampodrésse“. See ansignochìsse.
ansiquì - adv. (pr. \ &[ng]si[qu]’i \ ) - here, in this place. See ànsola - n. f. (pr. \ ‘&[ng]sul& \ ) At plr. ànsole. - 1) - eyelet,
also the terms”sì, ansissì “. Used for indicating a place close eyelet of a hook. - 2) - buttohole. - See also the terms
to the speaker. This form is local in some parts of Piedmont. “angassin, botonera “.
ansirà - 1) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &[ng]sir’& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and ansolà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &[ng]sul’& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
nr. - waxed, polished. Notice that the piedm. loc. “tèila sunny, exposed at sun.
ansirà “ is translated into “oil-cloth, oil-skin, tarpaulin”. (See ansolassion - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]sul&si’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
the sbst. “ansirà “). insolation. - 2) - sunstroke.
ansirà - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]sir’& \ ) Inv. at plr. - oil-cloth, ansolché - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]sulk’e \ ) - See ansorghé.
tarpaulin. ansolé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]sul’e \ ) - to expose at sun.
ansiradura - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]sir&d’[ue]r& \ ) At plr. ansoma - adv. (pr. \ &[ng]s’um& \ ) - in short, in conclusion,
ansiradure. - waxing. in a word, the fact is.
ansiré - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]sir’e \ ) - to wax, to polish. ansonajésse - (pr. \ &[ng]sun&y’ese \ ) - See anfòtse.
ansissé - adv. (pr. \ &[ng]sis’e \ ) - enough. See also the terms ansopì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]sup’i \ ) - to make drowsy.
“assè, bastansa, prò “ an the adv. loc. “a basta“. See also the terms “ansupì, assopì, assupì, anseugnoché “.
ansissì - adv. (pr. \ &[ng]sis’i \ ) - here, in this place. See also ansopìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]sup’ise \ ) - See
the terms”sì, ansiquì “. Used for indicating a place close to ansignochìsse.
the speaker. ansoportàbil - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]supurt’&bil \ ) Ms. plr.
ansiste - vrb 2nd con. int. (pr. \ &[ng]s’iste \ ) - 1) - to ansoportàbij, fm. sng. and plr. ansoportàbil, ansoportàbij.
persevere, to persist, to insist, to go on, to stick. See also - unbearable, unendurable. See also the term “insoportàbil
the terms “insiste, fortì, sosten-e, sostnì. përsiste “. - 2) - to “.
exixt, to be defined , to take place (mathematics). - It uses ansorché - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]surk’e \ ) - See ansorghé.
in any case the aux. “avèj “.

ansordé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]surd’e \ ) - 1) - to deafen. - ansù - adv. (pr. \ &[ng]s’[ue] \ ) - 1) - up, upwards. - 2) - and
2) - to stun (in a fig. sense). - See also the terms “ansordì, over, (from there) on. Also in the adv. loc. form “an sù “
anciorgnì “. lit. “in up “. A piedm. way of saying is “da na paròla ansù
ansordésse - vrb 1st con. refl (pr. \ &[ng]surd’ese \ ) - to go ...”, which lit. means “from a word on ... “. The value is “the
deaf. See also the terms “assordésse, ansordì, ansordìsse “. pretext is always ready ...” or “you cannot say anything
ansordì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]surd’ì \ ) - 1) - to deafen. without giving pretext “, and the following example can help
2) - to stun (in a fig. sense). - 3) - to go deaf. See also the in understanding the meaning: “da na paròla ansù at fan
term “ansordé “. noté che lor a l’han ij sòld “ = “as soon as they can, they
ansordìsse - vrb 3 rd con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]surd’ìse \ ) - See remark you that they have the money “. See also the term
ansordésse. "insù ".
ansorghé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]surg’e \ ) - 1) - to ansùbia - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]s’[ue]bi& \ ) At plr. (if any) ansùbie.
furrow, to cut furrows. - 2) - to put in drills, to sow in - wood sorrel (Oxalis acetosella) (botanic). The term is
drills. - 3) - to cover with earth. - 4) - to plough, to plow. locally used in some parts of Piedm.
See also the forms “ansolché, ansorché “. The refl. form ansucrà - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]s[ue]cr’& \ ) Inv. at plr. - sugaring.
assumes the following meaning: ansucrada - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]s[ue]cr’&d& \ ) - See ansucrà.
ansorghésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]surg’ese \ ) - to run ansucradura - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]s[ue]cr&d’[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
away in secret. ansucradure. - the action of sugaring.
ansospetì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]suspet’i \ ) - to make ansucré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]s[ue]cr’e \ ) - to sugar, to
suspicious. sweeten.
ansospetìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]suspet’ise \ ) - to ansugnichìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \&[ng]s[ue][gn]ik’ise’e \)
become suspicious. - See ansignochìsse.
ansossiésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]susi’ese \ ) - to take ansugnochìsse - vrb 3 rd con. refl. (pr. \&[ng]s[ue][gn]uk’ise’e\)
care (of), to worry (about), to trouble oneself. A negative - See ansignochìsse.
form, with a meaning of “not to want to worry about ansupé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]s[ue]p’e \ ) - 1) - to soak,
anything “ is translated into “ansossiésse ‘d nèn “. to drench. Italianism. See also the terms “marsé, bagné “. -
anspëssì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]sp&ss’i \ ) - 1) - to 2) - to soak, to dip. Quite an italianism, see also the terms
thicken. - 2) - to make dense. “pocé, bagné “.
anspinadura - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]spin&d’[ue]r& \ ) At plr. ansuperà - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]s[ue]per'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
anspinadure. - enclosure made with thorny branches or unsurpassed. See also the term "insuperà ".
barbed wires. ansuperàbil - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]s[ue]per'&bil \ ) Ms. plr.
anspiné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]spin’e \ ) - to enclose with ansuperàbij, - fm. sng. and plr. ansuperàbil, ansuperàbij.
thorny branches or barbed wires. - insuperable, unbeatable. See also the term "insuperàbil ".
anstafé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]st&f’e \ ) - to stirrup. The ansuperabilità - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]s[ue]per&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr.
refl. form has the following meanings: - insuperability, insuperableness. See also the term
anstafésse - vrb 1 st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]st&f’ese \ ) - 1) - to "insuperabilità ".
put one’s feet in the stirrups. - 2) - to get a footing, to ansupésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]s[ue]p’ese \ ) - 1) - to
succeed. soak oneself. In this sense it is an italianism, see also the
anstalador - n. (pr. \ &[ng]st&l&d’ur \ ) - See anstalator. most correct term "marsésse". - 2) - to stumble (over). In
anstalassion - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]st&l&si’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - this sense see also the term "insupésse".
installation, plant. See also the term “instalassion “. ansuperbì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &[ng]s[ue]pærb'i \ ) -
anstalator - n. and adj. (pr. \ &[ng]st&l&t’ur \ ) Ms. plr. See ansupërbì.
anstalador, fm. sng. and plr. anstalatriss, anstalatriss. - 1) ansuperbìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]s[ue]pærb'ise \ ) -
- installer, fitter (sbst.). - 2) - installing (adj.). - See also See ansupërbìsse.
the term “instalator “. ansupërbì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &[ng]s[ue]p&rb'i \ ) -
anstalé - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]st&l’e \ ) - 1) - to install, to 1) - to make proud, to make haughty (trs.). - 2) - to
institute. - 2) - to install, to mount. - 3) - to install, to seat, become proud (int.). With the same meaning of the
to set up. - 4) - to put animals into the stall. See also the following refl. form. It uses, as a int., the aux. "esse ".
terms “instalé, istalé “. ansupërbìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]s[ue]p&rb'ise \ ) - to
anstalésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]st&l’ese \ ) - to install become proud, to pride oneself.
oneself, to settle (in). ansupì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]s[ue]p'i \ ) - See ansopì.
anstivalà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &[ng]stiv&l’& \ ) Inv. in gnd. ansupìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]s[ue]p'ise \ ) - See
and nr. - that wears boots. ansopìsse.
anstivalé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]stiv&l’e \ ) - to put on ant - prp. (pr. \ &nt \ ) - in, into. This preposition supposes the
boots (to sb.). presence of an article. See also the term "an ".
anstivalésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]stiv&l’ese \ ) - to to anta - n. f. (pr. \ '&nt& \ ) At plr. ante. - shutter, door.
put on one’s boot. antabacà - adj. (pr. \ &nt&b&c'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) -
anstradé - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]str&d’e \ ) - 1) - to route, dirty of tobacco (lit.) - 2) - angry (in a fig. sense, which is
to direct. - 2) - to make (or help) (sb.) in starting, to help the most used). In this sense see also the terms "anrabià,
(sb.) in taking a decision. - 3) - to educate (in a fig. sense). intabacà ".
For this meaning see also the terms “eduché, mostré “. - antabaché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &nt&b&k'e \ ) - 1) - to stain
This term sounds as an italianism, see also the terms with tobacco. Hardly used in this lit. sense. Used in the trs.
“anstrajé, anviaré, ancaminé “. vrbl. loc. "fé antabaché " with the meaning of - 2) - to make
anstrajé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]str&y’e \ ) - See anstradé. (sb.) become angry. - See also the term "intabaché ".
anstupidì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &[ng]st[ue]pid’i \ ) - antabachésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &nt&b&k'ese \ ) - 1) - to
1) - to make (sb.) stupid, to stunt (trs.). - 2) - to become stain oneself with tobacco. Lit. meaning not much used. -
stupid (int.), with the same meaning of the following refl. 2) - to become angry. See also the term "intabachésse".
form: antabarà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &nt&b&r'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and
anstupidìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]st[ue]pid’ise \ ) - to nr. - wrapped up in a cloak.
become stupid.

antabaré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &nt&b&r'e \ ) - to wrap up in antapa - n. f. (pr. \ &nt'&p& \ ) At plr. antape - carving, notch,
a cloak. hack, cut. See also the term "antaj ".
antabarésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &nt&b&r'ese \ ) - 1) - to antars - n. m. (pr. \ &nt'&rs \ ) Inv. at plr. - inlaid work, inlay,
wrap oneself in one's cloak. - 2) - to dress oneself marquetry. See also the terms "placagi, placadura ,
abundantly (in a fig. sense). antarsi".
antacadura - n. f. (pr. \ &nt&c&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. antarsi - n. m. (pr. \ &nt'&rsi \ ) - See antars.
antacadure. - notching, nicking, indentation, notch, dent. antarsiador - n. m. (pr. \ &nt&rsi&d'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - inlayer.
antaché - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &nt&k'e \ ) - 1) - to make a See also the term "placheur, intarsiador ".
notch, to notch. - 2) - to blunt. - 3) - to corrode. - 4) - to antarsiadura - n. f. (pr. \ &nt&rsi&d'[ue]r& \ ) - At plr.
break into. - 5) - to impair, to damage. - 6) - to affect antarsiadure. - inlaying. See also the terms "placagi,
(medical). - See also the terms "antëcché, intaché ". placadura, intarsiadura ".
antagonism - n, m. (pr. \ &nt&gun'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - antarsié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &nt&rsi'e \ ) - to inlay. See also
antagonism. the terms "plaché, marchëtté, intarsié ".
antagonista - n. and adj. (pr. \ &nt&gun'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. antartaj - n. m. - (pr. \ &nt&rt'&y \ ) - See antërtaj.
antagonista, fm. sng. and plr. antagonista, antagoniste. - antartajé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &nt&rt&y'e \ ) - See antërtajé.
1) - antagonist (sbst.). - 2) - antagonistic (adj.). See also antartajésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &nt&rt&y'ese \ ) - See
the term "antagonìstich ". antajésse.
antagonìstich - adj. (pr. \ &nt&gun'istic \ ) Ms. plr. antartajura - n. f. (pr. \ &nt&rt&y'[ue]r& \ ) - See antërtajura.
antagonistich, fm. sng. and plr. antagonistica, Antàrtich - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &nt'&rtic \ ) Noun of continent. Inv.
antagonistiche. - antagonistic. See also "antagonista ". in any case. - Antarctica.
antaj - n. m. (pr. \ &nt'&y \ ) - Inv. at plr. - 1) - carving, antàrtich - 2) - adj. (pr. \ &nt'&rtic \ ) Ms. plr. antàrtich, fm.
engraving, incision, intaglio. - 2) - notch, hack, cut. See sng. and plr. antàrtica, antàrtiche. - antartic.
also the term "intaj ". antasament - n. m. (pr. \ &nt&z&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
antajador - n. (pr. \ &nt&y&d'ur \ ) Ms. plr. antajador, fm. stoppage, clogging, obstruction. See also the term
sng. and plr. antajadòira, antajadòire. - carver, engraver, "intasament ".
inciser. See also the term "intajador ". antasché - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &nt&sk'e \ ) - to pocket, to put
antajé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &nt&y'e \ ) to carve, to engrave, into one's pocket. Italianism, see also the best term
to incise. See also the term "intajé ". The refl. form assumes "ansacocé " and the term "intasché ".
a completely different, meaning, as in the following two antasé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &nt&z'e \ ) - to stop up, to clog,
terms: to obstruct, to choke up. See also the term "intasé ".
antajésne - vrb 1 st con. refl. prn. prt. (pr. \ &nt&y'esne \ ) - to antasladura - n. f. (pr. \ &nt&sl&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
notice (this/that/him, etc.), to become aware (of antasladure. - dowelling. See also the term
this/that/him, etc.). Quite a slang term, see also the term "antasseladura".
"ancòrzsne ". antaslé - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &nt&sl'e \ ) - to dowel, to
antajésse - vrb 1 st con. refl. (pr. \ &nt&y'ese \ ) - to notice, to reinforce. See also the term "antasselé ".
become aware. Quite a slang term, see also the term antassé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &nt&s'e \ ) - to stow, to pile. See
"ancòrzse ". also the term "antëssé ".
antajolé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &nt&yul'e \ ) - to reeve, to put antasseladura - n. f. (pr. \ &nt&sel&d'[ue]r& \ ) - See
the rope on the pulley. antasladura.
antajolésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &nt&yul'ese \ ) - to be antasselé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &nt&sel'e \ ) - See antaslé.
tangled (in the pulley). antaulé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &nt&ul'e \ ) - 1) - to put on the
antamnà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &nt&mn'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. table, to put on the board. - 2) - to begin, to start (a
- 1) - notched, scratched. - 2) - contaminated, infected, discussion, a talk).
filthy. - See also the term in the form "antëmnà ". anté - adv. (pr. \ &nt'e \ ) - where. See also the terms "andoa,
antamné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &nt&mn'e \ ) - 1) - to notch, to andova ".
scratch. - 2) - to contaminate, to infect, to pollute. - 3) - to antecede - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ &nte[ch]'ede \ ) - to precede,
tamper, to rummage. For this meaning see also the vrbl. to go before, to come before.
loc. "buté a man ". - See also the term in the form antecedent - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &nte[ch]ed'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
"antëmné". antecedent.
antamnura - n. f. (pr. \ &nt&mn'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. amtamnure. antecedent - 2) - adj. (pr. \ &nte[ch]ed'ænt \ ) Ms. plr.
- graze, scratch, notching. antecedent, fm. sng. and plr. antecedenta, antecedente. -
antampé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &nt&mp'e \ ) - 1) - to lay preceeding, previous.
underground, to hide (in the ground) - 2) - to dig (a hole or antecessor - n. m. (pr. \ &nte[ch]es'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. -
a ditch in the ground). - The refl. form assumes the predecessor, progenitor, forefather.
following meaning:
antampésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &nt&mp'ese \ ) - to run antegràbil - adj. (pr. \ &ntegr'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. antegràbij, fm.
aground, to strand (also in a fig. sense). sng. and plr. antegràbil, antegràbij. - integrable. See also
antané - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &nt&n'e \ ) - to put or to hide in the most common term "integràbil ".
a den or in a hole. antegrabilità - n. f. (pr. \ &ntegr&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
antanésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &nt&n'ese \ ) - to hide integrability. See also the most common term "integrabilità
oneself in a hen, to hide oneself. ".
antancanì - adj. (pr. \ &nt&[ng]c&n'i \ ) - Ms. plr. antancanì, antegral - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &ntegr'&l \ ) At plr. antegraj -
fm. sng. and plr. antancanìa, antancanìe. - mouldy (usually integral (mathematics). See also the most common term
referred to cloth). See also the terms "antërnasì, antërnasà ". "integral".
antant - adv. (pr. \ &nt'&nt \ ) - 1) - in the meanwhile, antegral - 2) - adj. (pr. \ &ntegr'&l \ ) Ms. plr. antegraj, fm.
meanwhile, at the same time. See also the term "antratant, sng. and plr. antegral, antegraj. - integral, total, complete.
antramentre, mentre, intant ". - 2) - anyhow. See also the most common term "integral".
antant che - cng. . (pr. \ &nt'&nt ke \ ) - while, as, when.

antegralism - n. m. (pr. \ &ntegr&l'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - bring a legal action against sb. “. See also the term
"intégrisme". See also the most common term "intenté".
"integralism". anten-a - n. f. (pr. \ &nt’e[ng]& \ ) At plr. anten-e. - 1) - aerial,
antegralista - n. (pr. \ &ntegr&l'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. antegralista, antenna (radio). - 2) - antenna, feeler (zoology) . 3) - spar.
fm. sng. and plr. antegralista, antegraliste. - "intégriste". - See also the terms “antena, farcon, antënna “.
See also the most common term "integralista". antér - 1) - adj. (pr. \ &nt’er \ ) Ms. plr. antér, fm. sng. and plr.
antegralment - adv. (pr. \ &ntegr&lm'ænt \ ) - in full, fully, antéra, antére. - 1) - whole, entire. - 2) - intact, complete,
integrally. Italianism (adv. ending in "ment..."). See also the full. - See also the terms “antrégh, ëntér, intér “.
adv. loc. "al complét, d'autut", and also the term antér - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ &nt’er \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - whole. - 2) -
"integralment " (also an italianism). integer (mathematics). See also the term " intér ".
antegrant - adj. (pr. \ &ntegr'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. antegrant, fm. anterament - adv. (pr. \ &nter&m’ænt \ ) - wholly, entirely,
sng. and plr. antegranta, antegrante. - integrant, completely. Italianism (quite bad, as all the adv. ending in
integrating. See also the most common term “integrant “. “...ment ”). See also the adv. loc. “al complet, d’autut, për
antegrassion - n. f. (pr. \ &ntegr&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - antrégh etc. “.
integration. See also the most common term “integrassion“. anteré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &ntær'e \ ) - 1) - to cover with
antegrativ - adj. (pr. \ &ntegr&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. antegrativ, fm. earth. - 2) - to bury. - 3) - to lay underground. See also
sng. and plr. antegrativa, antegrative. - integrative. See the term "interé ".
also the most common term "integrativ". anteressà - n., adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &nteres’& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and
antegré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &ntegr'e \ ) - 1) - to integrate. - nr. - 1) - interested, concerned (adj. and p. p.) - 2) -
2) - to complete. - 3) - to supplement. See also the most interested, selfish (adj.) - 3) - interested person, interested
common term "integré ". party (sbst.). - See also the term “interessà “.
anteilé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &ntæil'e \ ) - to line, to cover anteressament - n. m. (pr. \ &nteres&m’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
with cloth. interest, good offices. - 2) - concern. - See also the term
antèis - adj. (pr. \ &nt'æiz \ ) Ms. plr. antèis, fm. sng. and plr. “interessament “.
antèisa, antèise. - 1) - understood, agreed (upon). - 2) - anteressant - adj. (pr. \ &nteres’&nt \ ) - Ms. plr. anteressant,
meant (to). - See also the voices "intèis, ëntèis ". This term fm. sng. and plr. anteressanta, anteressante. - interesting -
usually is not used as the p, p, of "antende ", which is See also the voice “interessant “.
instead "antendù ". anterésse - n. m. (pr. \ &nter’ese \ ) Inv. at plr. - interest. See
antèisa - n. f. (pr. \ &nt'æiz& \ ) At plr. antèise. - agreement, also the term “interesse “.
understanding. See also the terms "intèisa, antenta, anteressé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &nteres’e \ ) - 1) - to
acòrdi". interest, to be interesting (for) (trs.). - 2) - to concern, to
anteisé - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &ntæiz'e \ ) - to stack in an involve (trs.). - 3) - to be in the interest (of), to matter
ordered way. See also the term "antësé ". (int.). - See also the term “interessé“.
anteligensa - n. f. (pr. \ &ntelij'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. anteligense. - anteressensa - n. f. (pr. \ &nteres’æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr.
intelligence, brain. See also the term "inteligensa". anteressense. - profit-sharing. See also the term
anteligent - adj. (pr. \ &ntelij'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. anteligent, fm. “interessensa “.
sng. and plr. anteligenta, anteligente. - intelligent, clever, anteressésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &nteres’ese \ ) - 1) - to be
bright, sensible. See also the term "inteligent ". interested (in). - 2) - to take care (of). - 3) - to mind, to
antena - n. f. (pr. \ &nt'en& \ ) - See anten-a. look after. - See also the term “interessésse “.
antende - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ &nt'ænde \ ) - 1) - to anterior - adj. (pr. \ &ntæri’ur \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - front
understand, to grasp. - 2) - to hear. - 3) - to mean, to (as an attribute) (related to position). - 2) - former,
intend. - 4) - to listen to. previous, preceeding, prior (related to time).
antendiment - n. m. (pr. \ &ntændim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - anteriorment - adv. (pr. \ &ntæriurm’ænt \ ) - 1) - formerly,
understanding, knowledge, intelligence. - 2) - intention. - previously (referred to time). Italianism. In Piedm, in this
See also the term "intendiment". meaning, the terms "prima, anans" are preferred. - 2) - in
antenditor - n. (pr. \ &ntændit'ur \ ) Ms. plr. antenditor, fm. front (referred to space). Italianism. In Piedm. in this
sng. and plr. antenditriss, antenditriss. - connoisseur, meaning, the terms "davanti, dëdnans, anans" are preferred.
expert. See also the term "intenditor". anterogant - adj. and n. (pr. \ &ntærug’&nt \ ) Ms. plr.
antendse - 1) - vrb 2nd con. recp. (pr. \ &nt'ændse \ ) - to anterogant, fm. sng. and plr. anteroganta, anterrogante. -
understand each other. 1) - asking, questioning, interrogating. (adj.). - 2) -
antendse - 2) - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ &nt'ændse \ ) - to be interrogator, questioner (sbst.). See for sbst. also the terms
expert (of). Often in the following form: “anterogator “ - See also the term “interogant “.
antendsne - vrb 2 nd con. refl. prt. prn. (pr. \ &nt'ændsne \ ) - to anterogassion - n. f. (pr. \ &ntærug&si’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1)
be expert (of this/that). - oral test. - 2) - question, query. - 3) - interrogation
antenerì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &ntener'i \ ) - 1) - to soften. - 2) (legal). - See also the term “interogassion “.
- to tenderize. - 3) - to move, to touch, to arouse a feeling anterogativ - 1) - adj. (pr. \ &ntærug&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr.
of tenderness. For this meaning see also the terms anterogativ, fm. sng. and plr. anterogativa, anterrogative.
"comeuve, ampietosì". - See in general also the terms - interrogative, inquiring. See also "interogativ". We
"antënnerì, intenerì ". notice that "pont anterogativ" "question mark".
antenista - n. m. (pr. \ &nten'ist& \ ) Inv. at plr. - aerial fitter anterogativ - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ &ntærug&t'iu \ ) Inv. at plr.
(radio). interrogative, question, doubt. See also "interogativ".
antension - n. f. (pr. \ &ntæ[ng]si’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - anterogator - n. (pr. \ &ntærug&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. anterogator,
intention, intent. See also the term “intension “. fm. sng. and plr. anterogatriss, anterrogatriss. -
antenta - n. f. (pr. \ &nt’ænt& \ ) - See antèisa. interrogator, questioner. See also the term "interogator".
antenté - vrb 1st con. trs. - (pr. \ &ntænt’e \ ) - to do, to bring. anterogatòri - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &ntærug&t'ori \ ) Inv. at plr. -
In English there is not an unique direct corresponding word. interrogation, questioning, examination. See also the term
Usually the term is used in legal field, as in the case of the "interogatòri".
sentence : “antenté n’assion legal contra quaidun“ “to

anterogatòri - 2) - adj. (pr. \ &ntærug&t'ori \ ) Ms. plr. antër... - prefix. (pr. \ &nt&r... \ ) - In the words in which this
anterogatòri, fm. sng. and plr. anterogatòria, initial is actually a prefix, a first meaning corresponds to the
anterogatòrie. - interrogatory. See also the term english "inter... " (and also in Latin, Italian and Fraench).
"interogatòri". This meaning is "something in between" two entities
anteroghé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &ntærug'e \ ) - 1) - to expressed by the remaining part of the word, or "among "
interrogate, to question, to examine. - 2) - to ask (sb. more of these entities, even if not always the relation is
about st.). - See also the term "interoghé". direct. As usual in the following there are some examples,
anterompe - vrb 2 nd con. trs. (pr. \ &ntær'umpe \ ) - 1) - to and also the words in which these initial letters are not this
interrupt (a speech, a process, etc.). - 2) - to break off. - 3) prefix. A second meaning is the one giving the idea of
- to disconnect (an electric circuit). See also the term "inside " or "into" and corresponds to the english "intro...",
"interompe". limited to few words.
anterot - adj. (pr. \ &ntær'ut \ ) Ms. plr. anterot, fm. sng. and antërbolé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &nt &rbul'e \ ) - 1) - to make
plr. anterota, anterote. - interrupted, broken off, turbid, to cloud. - 2) - to confuse, to trouble. The refl.
disconnected. This term is not also the p. p. of the vrb form that follows assumes an int. meaning. See also the term
"anterompe", which is instead "anterompù". See also the "antërbolì".
term "interot". antërbolì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &nt&rbul'i \ ) - See antërbolé.
antèrpret - n. (pr. \ &nt'ærpræt \ ) - See antërpret. antërbolésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &nt&rbul'ese \ ) - 1) - to
anterpretassion - n. f. (pr. \ &ntærpret&si'u[ng] \ ) - See become turbid. - 2) - to become confused.
antërpretassion. antërboré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &nt&rbur'e \ ) - See antërbolé.
anterpretativ - adj. (pr. \ &ntærpret&t'iu \ ) - See antërboré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &nt&rbur'e \ ) - See antërbolé.
antërpretativ. antërborésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &nt&rbur'ese \ ) - See
anterpreté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &ntærpret'e \ ) - See antërbolésse.
antërpreté. antërcal - n. m. (pr. \ &nt&rc'&l \ ) At plr. antërcaj. - refrain,
anterussion - n. f. (pr. \ &ntær[ue]si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - intercalation. See also the term "intercal ".
interruption. - 2) - break, pause. - 3) - breakdown. - See antërcalar - adj. (pr. \ &nt&rc&l'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
also the term "interussion". intercalary. See also the term "intercalar".
anterutor - n. m. (pr. \ &ntær[ue]t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - antërcalassion - n. f. (pr. \ &nt&rc&l&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
interrupter, switch. See also the term "interutor". interpolation, intercalation. See also the term
antésna - n. f. (pr. \ &nt'ezn& \ ) At plr. antésne. - card, pass, "intercalassion".
ticket, countermark. antërcalé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &nt&rc&l'e \ ) - to intercalate,
antestà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &ntest'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) to insert, to interpolate. See also the term "intercalé ".
- headed, registered. - 2) - obstinate, stubborn. see also antërcola - cng. (pr. \ &nt&rc'ul& \ ) - in the meanwhile. Local
the term "intestà ". term in south Piedm.
antestadura - n. f. (pr. \ &ntest&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. antërcede - vrb 2nd con. int. (pr. \ &nt&r[ch]'ede \ ) - to
antestadure. - connection head to head (of cables, ropes, intercede. It uses the aux. "avèj ". See also the term
etc.), facing (of cables) (mechanics and telephony). See also "intercede, arcomandé ".
the terms "colegament, conession, intestadura". antërcedent - adj. (pr. \ &nt&r[ch] ed'ænt \ ) Ms. plr.
antestardìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &ntest&rd’ise \ ) - to be antërcedent, fm. sng. and plr. antërcedenta, antërcedente.
obstinate. Quite an italianism. See also the terms - interceding, pleading.
“antëstésse, antëstardìsse, pignatrësse, ostinésse, antërcession - n. f. (pr. \ &nt&r[ch]esi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
ancaponìsse, intestardìsse “. intercession. See also the term "intercession".
antestassion - n. f. (pr. \ &ntest&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - antercessor - n. (pr. \ &nt&r[ch]es'ur \ ) - Ms. plr. antërcessor,
heading, title. See also the term "intestassion". fm. sng. and plr. antërceditriss, antërceditriss. (but also
antestatari - n. (pr. \ &ntest&t'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. antestatari, fm. antërcessora, antërcessore) - intercessor, interceder. See
sng. and plr. antestataria, antestatarie. - registered also the term "intercessor".
holder, holder. See also the term "intestatari ". antërcetament - n. m. (pr. \ &nt&r[ch]et&m'ænt \ ) - See
antesté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &ntest'e \ ) - to head, to register. antërcetassion.
See also the term "intesté ". The refl. form assumes the antërcetassion - n. f. (pr. \ &nt&r[ch]et&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
following different meanings: 1) - interception. - 2) - tapping (related to a phone call). -
antestésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &ntest'ese \ ) - 1) - to get it See also the term "intercetassion".
into one's head. - 2) - to persist. - 3) - to be determined. - antërceté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &nt&r[ch]et'e \ ) - 1) - to
4) - to register in favour of oneself. See also the terms intercept. - 2) - to tap (a phone call). - See also the term
"pignatrésse, ostinésse, intestésse". "interceté".
antëcà - adv. (pr. \ &nt&c'& \ ) - at home, in. antërcetor - n. m. (pr. \ &nt&r[ch]et'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. -
antëcché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &nt&kk'e \ ) - See antaché. interceptor. - See also the term "intercetor".
antëmnà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &nt&mn'& \ ) - See antamnà. antërcomunal - adj. (pr. \ &nt&rcum[ue]n'&l \ ) Ms. plr.
antëmné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &nt&mn'e \ ) - See antamné. antërcomunaj, fm. sng. and plr. antërcomunal,
antënna - n. f. (pr. \ &nt&nn'& \ ) - See anten-a. antërcomunaj. - between communes. - See also the term
antënnerì - vrb 3 rd con. trs. (pr. \ &nt&nner'i \ ) - 1) - to soften. - "intercomunal".
2) - to tenderize. - 3) - to move, to touch, to arouse a antërcomunicassion - n. f. (pr. \ &nt&rcum[ue]nic&si'u[ng] \ )
feeling of tenderness. For this meaning see also the terms Inv. at plr. - intercommunication. - See also the term
"comeuve, ampietosì". - See in general also the terms "intercomunicassion".
"antenerì, intenerì ". antërconession - n. f. (pr. \ &nt&rcunesi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
antënnerìsse - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &nt&nner'ise \ ) - to be interconnection. See also the term "interconession".
moved, to be touched. antërconëtte - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ &nt&rcun'&tte \ ) - to
antëppé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &nt &pp'e \ ) - to truf, to grass. interconnect. - See also the term "interconëtte ".
See also the terms "antëppì, masoé ". antërdét - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &nt&rd'et \ ) Inv. at plr. - interdict. -
antëppì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &nt&pp'i \ ) - See antëppé. See also the term "intërdét ".

antërdét - 2) - adj. (pr. \ &nt&rd'et \ ) Ms. plr. antërdét, fm. sng. antërmitensa - n. f. (pr. \ &nt&rmit'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr.
and plr. antërdeta, antërdéte. - 1) - interdicted. -2) - antërmitense. - intermittence. - See also the term
abashed. - 3) - deprived of civil rights. - See also the term "intermitensa".
"intërdét ". This is not also the p. p. of the vrb "antërdì ", antërmitent - adj. (pr. \ &nt&rmit'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. antërmirent,
which is instead "antërdì ". fm. sng. and plr. antërmitenta, antërmitente. -
antërdì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &nt&rd'i \ ) - 1) - to interdict. - intermittent, periodical. See also the term "intermitent ".
2) - to deprive of civil rights. - See also the term "intërdì ". antërnasà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &nt&rn&z'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and
antërdìa - n. f. (pr. \ &nt&rd'i& \ ) At plr. antërdìe. - dilemma. nr. - 1) - mouldy. - 2) - impregnated, imbued. - See also
See also the terms "antërdita, dilem, dilema". the term "antërnasì" (which is only adj.).
antërdìta - n. f. (pr. \ &nt&rd'it& \ ) - See antërdìa. antërnasé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &nt&rn&z'e \ ) - to
antërdission - n. f. (pr. \ &nt&rdisi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - impregnate in deep, to saturate (usually about smell or
interdiction. - 2) - deprivation of civil rights. - See also scent).
the term "intërdission ". antërnasésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &nt&rn&z'ese \ ) - 1) - to
antërdoà - adj. (pr. \ &nt&rdu'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - become impregnated in deep. - 2) - to grow mouldy
uncertain, undecided, irresolute. (usually referred to cloth).
antërdùe - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ &nt &rd'[ue]e \ ) - 1) - to antërnasì - adj. (pr. \ &nt&rn&z'i \ ) Ms. plr. antërnasì, fm. sng.
introduce. - 2) - to insert. - 3) - to lead in. - 4) - to bring and plr. antërnasìa, antërnasìe. - 1) - mouldy. - 2) -
in, to take in. - See also the terms "antërduve, antrodùe, impregnated, imbued. - See also the term "antërnasì"
antroduve ". The refl. form has usually the following (which is only adj.).
meaning: antërpelansa - n. f. (pr. \ &nt&rpel'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr.
antërduvse - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ &nt&rd'[ue]use \ ) - to get antërpelanse - interpellation, question (politics). See also
in. the term "interpelansa".
antërludi - n. m. (pr. \ &nt&rl'[ue]di \ ) Inv. at plr. - interlude antërpelant - n. and adj. (pr. \ &nt &rpel'&nt \ ) Ms. plr.
(music). See also the term "interludi". antërpelant, fm. sng. and plr. antërpelanta, antërpelante.
antërmedi - adj. (pr. \ &nt&rm'edi \ ) Ms. plr. antërmédi, fm. - 1) - interpellant,interpellator (sbst.) (politics). - 2) -
sng. and plr. antërmédia, antërmédie. - intermediate, consulting, asking (often in a fig. sense). - See also the term
mean, middle. "interpelant".
antërmediàri - adj. and n. (pr. \ &nt&rmedi'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. antërpelé - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &nt&rpel'e \ ) - 1) - to consult,
antërmediari, fm. sng. and plr. antërmediària, to contact, to ask. - 2) - to interpellate. See also the term
antërmediàrie. - 1) - intermediary, intermediate (adj.) - "interpelé".
2) - intermediary, go-between (sbst.). - 3) - middleman, antërpì - adj. (pr. \ &nt&rp'i \ ) Ms. plr. antërpì, fm. sng. and
broker (sbst.). (commercial). See also the terms "mediator, plr. antërpìa, antërpìe. - 1) - rough, rude, backward. - 2) -
marossé, bacialé, etc." depending on the object of slow-witted, numb.
mediation. Then see also the term "intermediari". antërpolàbil - adj. (pr. \ &nt &rpul'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. antërpolàbij,
antërmediassion - n. f. (pr. \ &nt &rmedi&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. fm. sng. and plr. antërpolàbil, antërpolàbij. - that can be
- 1) - mediation. - 2) - brokerage. See also the term interpolated. See also the terms "interpolàbil".
"intermediassion". antërpolassion - n. f. (pr. \ &nt&rpul&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
antërmedié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &nt&rmedi'e \ ) - to act as interpolation. See also the term "interpolassion".
go-between. See also the term "intermedié" antërpolator - n. (pr. \ &nt&rpul&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. antërpolator,
antërmés - n. m. (pr. \ &nt&rm'ez \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - fm. sng. and plr. antërpolatriss, antërpolatriss. -
intermezzo, interval. - 2) - food served between two interpolator. See also the term "interpolator".
dishes. - See also the terms "antramés, tramés, tramésia". - antërpolé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &nt &rpul'e \ ) - to interpolate.
2) - middle. See also the term "interpolé".
antërmésia - n. f. (pr. \ &nt&rm'ezi& \ ) At plr. antërmésie. - antërponse - vrb 2 nd con. refl. (pr. \ &nt&rp'u[ng]se \ ) - to
partition. See also the term "tramésia ". intervene, to interpose, to mediate. See also the term
antërmesié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &nt&rmezi'e \ ) - 1) - to "interponse", and the loc. "butésse an més".
divide, to partition. See also the term "tramesié". - 2) - to antërpon-e - vrb 2 nd con. trs. (pr. \ &nt&rp'u[ng]e \ ) - to
intercalate, to insert, to interpolate. See also the terms interpose, to put in between. See also the terms
"antërpon-e, antërmëtte, intërmesié ", and the vrbl. loc. "antërmëtte, interpon-e".
"buté an més " "to put in the middle, to put in between ". antërposé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &nt&rpuz'e \ ) - to deposit
antërmesiura - n. f. (pr. \ &nt&rmezi'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. temporarily.
antërmesiure. - partition, partition wall. See also the antërposission - n. f. (pr. \ &nt&rpuzisi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
terms "tramés, tramesia". interposition. - 2) - intervention. See also the term
antërmeuj - n. m. (pr. \ &nt&rm'[oe]y \ ) Inv. at plr. - hopper, "interposission".
feedbox. See also the terms "tramògia, meujo". antërpòs - n. m. (pr. \ &nt&rp'oz \ ) Inv. at plr. - temporary
antërmës-cé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &nt&rm&s[ch]'e \ ) - to deposit.
intermix, to intermingle, to mix together. antërpòs (për ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ p&r &nt&rp'oz \ ) -
antërmës-ciura - n. f. (pr. \ &nt&rm&s[ch]i'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. provisionally, temporarily.
antërmës-ciure. - 1) - mixture. - 2) - huddle, medley, antërpret - n. (pr. \ &nt'&rpræt \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
jumble. - See also the term "mës-cia". interpreter. See also the voices "anterpret, interpret".
antërmëtte - vrb 2 nd con. trs. (pr. \ &nt&rm'&tte \ ) - See antërpretassion - n. f. (pr. \ &nt&rpret&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
antërpon-e. interpretation. See also the terms "anterpretassion,
antërminàbil - adj. (pr. \ &nt&rmin'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. interpretassion".
antërminàbij, fm. sng. and plr. antërminàbil, antërpretativ - adj. (pr. \ &nt &rpret&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr.
antërminàbij. - interminable, endless. See also the term antërpretativ, fm. sng. and plr. antërpretativa,
"interminàbil ". antërpretative. - interpretative, explanatory. See also the
terms "anterpretativ, interpretativ ".
antërpteté - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &nt&rpret'e \ ) - to interpret,
to explain. See also the terms "anterpreté, interpreté".

antërsach - n. m. (pr. \ &nt&rs'&c \ ) Inv. at plr. - rough hemp, antërventism - n. m. (pr. \ &nt&rvænt'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. -
coarse hempen material. See also the term "intersach ". interventionism. See also the term "interventism".
antërsadura - n. f. (pr. \ &nt&rs&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. antërventista - n. and adj. (pr. \ &nt&rvænt'ist& \ ) Ms. plr.
antërsadure. - 1) - weaving, pleaching. - 2) - braid, plait. antërventista, fm. sng. and plr. antërventista,
In this sense see also the term "tërsa". antërventiste. - interventionist. See also the term
antërsé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &nt&rs'e \ ) - 1) - to weave, to "interventista".
interlace, to twist. - 2) - to pleach, to braid. antërven-e - vrb 2nd con. int. (pr. \ &nt&rv'æ[ng]e \ ) - 1) - to
antërsecassion - n. f. (pr. \ &nt&rsec&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - intervene. - 2) - to interfere. - 3) - to be present. - 4) - to
intersection. See also the terms "intersecassion, operate (medical). - It uses always the aux. "esse ". See also
intersession". the terms "interven-e, antërvnì ". It uses trhe aux. "esse".
antërsech - n. m. (pr. \ &nt&rs'æc \ ) Inv. at plr. collective noun. antërveuid - n. m. (pr. \ &nt&rv'[oe]id \ ) Inv. at plr. - air space,
- shrubs which dry up too early. hollow space.
antërseché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &nt&rsek'e \ ) - to intersect. antërvëdde - vrb 2 nd con. trs. (pr. \ &nt&rv'&dde \ ) - to see
See also the term "interseché ". indistinctly, to glimpse, to catch a glimpse. The p. p. of
antërsegn - n. m. (pr. \ &nt&rs'æ[gn] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - this verb is "antërvëddù ", but often the adj. "antërvist " is
countersign, countermark. - 2) - sign, indication, clue, instead used. See also the terms "antravëdde, intravëdde ".
clew. antërvist - adj. (pr. \ &nt&rv'ist \ ) Ms. plr. antërvist, fm. sng.
antërstissi - n. m. (pr. \ &nt&rst'isi \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - and plr. antërvista, antërviste. - glimpsed. See also the
interstice. - 2) - air space, hollow space. - See also the terms "antravist, intravist ".
terms "antërveuid, chintan-a, quintan-a, intërstìssi ". antërvista - n. f. (pr. \ &nt&rv'ist& \ ) At plr. antërviste. -
antërstissial - adj. (pr. \ &nt&rstisi'&l \ ) Ms. plr. antërstissiaj, interview. See also the term "intervista"
fm. sng. and plr. antërstissial, antërstissiaj. - interstitial. antërvistà - n. (pr. \ &nt&rvist'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
See also the term "intërstissial ". interviewee. See also the term "intervistà ".
antërtaj - n. m. (pr. \ &nt&rt'&y \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - antërvistador - (pr. \ &nt &rvist&d'ur \ ) - See antërvistator.
indentation. - 2) - fret-work. antërvistant - n. (pr. \ &nt &rvist'&nt \ ) - See antërvistator.
antërtajé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &nt &rt&y'e \ ) - to indent, to antërvistator - n. (pr. \ &nt&rvist&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr.
jag. antërvistator, fm. sng. and plr. antërvistatriss,
antërtajura - n. f. (pr. \ &nt&rt&y'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. - antërvistatriss. - interviewer. See also the term
antërtajure. - indentation. "intervistator".
antërtant - adv. (pr. \ &nt&rt'&nt \ ) - in the meanwhile, antërvisté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &nt&rvist'e \ ) - to interview.
meanwhile, at the same time. See also the terms See also the term "intervisté ".
"antratant, antramntre, antant ". antërvnì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ &nt&rvn'i \ ) - See antërven-e.
antërteniment - n. m. (pr. \ &nt&rtenim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - antësé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &nt&z'e \ ) - See anteisé.
entertainment, amusement, recreation, pastime. See also antëstardìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &nt&st&rd’ise \ ) - See
the terms "amusament, divertiment, antrateniment ". antestardìsse.
antërten-e - vrb 2 nd con. trs. (pr. \ &nt&rt'æ[ng]e \ ) - See antësté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &nt&st'e \ ) - See antesté.
antërtnì. antëstésse - vrb 1 st con. refl. (pr. \ &nt&st'ese \ ) - See
antërtense - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ &nt&rt'æ[ng]se \ ) - See antestésse.
antërtnìsse. antëstin - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &nt&st'i[ng] \ ) - intestine, bowel,
antërtnì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &nt&rtn'i \ ) - 1) - to entertain, gut. See also the terms "intestin, buele (fm. plr.), buéj
to amuse. - 2) - to engage (sb.) in conversation. - See also (plr.)".
the terms "antraten-e, antërten-e, antratnì, intratnì ". The antëstin - 2) - adj. (pr. \ &nt&st'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. antëstin, fm.
refl. form assumes the following meanings: sng. and plr. antëstin-a, antëstin-e. - intestine, internal.
antërtnìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &nt&rtn'ise \ ) - 1) - to stop, anti... - prefix. (pr. \ &nti... \ ) Many words (not all) use this
to linger. - 2) - to dwell (upon st.). - See also the terms prefix with the meaning of "against...", which in English is
"antratense, antërtense, antratnìsse, intratnìsse ". often represented by the same "anti...". In Piedm.,
antërtnùa - n. f. (pr. \ &nt&rtn'[ue]& \ ) At plr. antërtnùe. - sometimes, this prefix is used also with a meaning of
kept woman, courtesan. "before...", when in English it is easier to find "ante...". We
antërtojadura - n. f. (pr. \ &nt&rtuy&d'[ue]r& \ ) See will report a number of these words, but certainly not all of
antërtojura. them. When a piedm. word starting with "anti..." cannot be
antërtojé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &nt&rtuy'e \ ) - to twist, to found in the vocabulary, it is possible to try to suppress the
twine. See also the terms "antortojé, antortigné, anvërtojé ". prefix and look at the meaning of the remaining part. If this
antërtojésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &nt&rtuy'ese \ ) - to twist part means something, you can provisionally assume that the
(refl. and int. meaning). See also the term "anvërtojésse ". complete word means something which is "against" the
antërtojura - n. f. (pr. \ &nt &rtuy'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. antërtojure. - entity represented by the second part of the word. If this has
1) twisting. 3) - twist. - 3) - interlacement. See also the not a logical meaning, you can provisionally assume that the
terms "antërtojadura, antortignura ". complete word means something which comes "before" the
antërurban - adj. (pr. \ &nt&r[ue]rb'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. entity represented by the second part of the word. Of course
antërurban, fm. sng. and plr. antërurban-a, antërurban-e. not always this method works (also because not always
- interurban. See also the term "interurban ". "anti..." is a prefix). Examples:- A) - anticher anti...cher.
antërval - n. m. (pr. \ &nt&rv'&l \ ) At plr. antërvaj. - interval, The word cher means cart but also tank, so the word
pause. See also the terms "interval, rëscamp, arlass, arpòs". "anticher" means "anti-tank" in the sense, of course, of
antërvalé - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &nt&rv&l'e \ ) - to space, to against-tank and in fact the word can also be "contracher.".
alternate. - B) - antipast anti...past". The word past means meal. The
antërvent - n. m. (pr. \ &nt&rv'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - meaning "against the meal " is usually not logical, while the
intervention. - 2) - presence, attendance. - 3) - speech, meaning "before the meal" corresponds to the meaning of
(oral) contribution. - 4) - operation (medical). - See also the english word "appetizer". - C) - if you put "antìfona
the term "intervent ". anti...fona", you cannot find a meaning for fona. The process

does not apply in this case, and antìfona means antiphon. A antidepressiv - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &ntidepres'iu \ ) Inv. at plr. -
more precise examination of this word can bring to the antidepressant (pharmacy).
meaning of "a sound (a voice) that comes before", and we antidepressiv - 2) - adj. (pr. \ &ntidepres'iu \ ) Ms. plr.
can consider that an antiphon is a verse that comes before a antidepressiv, fm. sng. and plr. antidepressiva,
psalm, but the process is too indirect, and so not antidepressive. - antidepressive, antidepressant
immediately evident. (pharmacy).
antialèrgich - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &nti&l'ærjic \ ) Inv. at plr. - anti- antìdot - n. m. (pr. \ &nt'idut \ ) Inv. at plr. - antidote
allergic. (pharmacy).
antialérgich - 2) - adj. (pr. \ &nti&l'ærjic \ ) Ms. plr. antieconòmich - adj. (pr. \ &ntiecun'omic \ ) Ms. plr.
antialèrgich, fm. sng. and plr. antialèrgica, antialèrgiche. - antieconòmich, fm. sng. and plr. antieconòmica,
anti-allergic. antieconòmiche. - uneconomic(al).
antibactérich - 1) - adj. (pr. \ &ntib&ct'eric \ ) Ms. plr. antìfona - n. f. (pr. \ &nt'ifun& \ ) At plr. antìfone. - antiphon.
antibactérich, fm. sng. and plr. antibactérica, antifonari - n. m. (pr. \ &ntifun'&ri \ ) Inv. at plr. -
antibactériche. - antibacterial. See also the term antiphonary.
"antibatérich". antigèil - n. m. and adj. (pr. \ &ntij'æil \ ) - See anticongelant.
antibactérich - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ &ntib&ct'eric \ ) Inv. at plr. - antigél - n. m. and adj. (pr. \ &ntij'el \ ) - See anticongelant.
antibacterial. See also the term "antibatérich". antimagnétich - adj. (pr. \ &ntim&[gn]'etic \ ) Ms. plr.
antibiòtich - 1) - adj. (pr. \ &ntibi'otic \ ) Ms. plr. antibiòtich, antimagnétich, fm. sng. and plr. antimagnética,
fm. sng. and plr. antibiòtica, antibiòtiche. - antibiotic. antimagnétiche. - antimagnetic.
antibiòtich - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ &ntibi'otic \ ) Inv. at plr. - antimassion - n. f. (pr. \ &ntim&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
antibiotic. injunction, order, command, precept. See also the terms
anticaja - n. f. (pr. \ &ntic'&y& \ ) At plr. anticaje. - 1) - junk, "intimassion, angiunsion, ingiunsion".
anachronism. - 2) - relic, antique. antimatéria - n. f. (pr. \ &ntim&t'eri& \ ) - At plr. (if any)
anticar - adj. (pr. \ &ntic'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - antitank. antimatérie. - antimatter (physics).
Italianism sometimes used. See also the best piedm. term antimativ - adj. (pr. \ &ntim&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. antimativ, fm.
"anticher". sng. and plr. antimativa, antimative. - injunctive. See also
antich - 1) - adj. (pr. \ &nt'ic \ ) Ms. plr. antich, fm. sng. and the terms "angiuntiv, ingiuntiv, intimativ ".
plr. antica, antiche. - 1) - ancient. - 2) - old, antique. antimé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &ntim'e \ ) - to enjoin, to
antich - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ &nt'ic \ ) Inv. at plr. (usually plr.) - command, to order, to summon. See also the term
ancestor(s), forefather(s). "intimé".
anticher - adj. adj. (pr. \ &ntik'ær \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - antimidassion - n. f. (pr. \ &ntimid&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
antitank. - See also the term "anticar ". intimidation, threat. See also the term "intimidassion".
antichésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &ntik'ese \ ) - 1) - to take a antimidatòri - adj. (pr. \ &ntimid&t'ori \ ) Ms. plr.
fancy. - 2) - to fall in love. See also the voice antimidatòri, fm. sng. and plr. antimidatòria,
"ancaplinésse". antimidatòrie. - intimidatory, threatening. See also the
anticheur - n. m. (pr. \ &ntic'[oe]r \ ) Inv. at plr. - stomach- term "intimidatòri ".
ache, nausea. See also the term "brusacheur". - A piedm. antimidì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &ntimid'i \ ) - 1) - to make shy.
way of saying is "esse n'anticheur" with the lit. meaning "to - 2) - to intimidate. - See also the term "intimidì ".
be a stomach-ache" but with actual meaning "to be antimidìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &ntimid'ise \ ) - to grow
exceptional". shy. See also the term "intimidìsse".
antichità - n. f. (pr. \ &ntikit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any) - antimòni - n. m. (pr. \ &ntim'oni \ ) Chemical element usually
antiquity, antique. sng. Anyway at plr. (possibly) it is inv. - antimony. It can
anticiclon - n. m. (pr. \ &nti[ch]icl'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - be also find in the spelling "antimònio ".
anticyclone. (meteorology). antimònio - n. m. (pr. \ &ntim'oniô \ ) - See antimòni.
antìcip - n. m. (pr. \ &nt'i[ch]ip \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - bringing antimur - n. m. (pr. \ &ntim'[ue]r \ ) Inv. at plr. - defensive
forward, moving up, anticipation. In this sense see also wall, protection wall (in front of st.). See also the term
the term "anticipassion ". - 2) - advance. - 3) - spark "antimuraja".
advance (motors). antimutaja - n. f. (pr. \ &ntim[ue]r'&y& \ ) - See antimur.
antìcip (an ---) - adv. loc. pr. ( \ &n &nt'i[ch]ip \ ) - in advance, antincendi - adj. (pr. \ &ntin[ch]'ændi \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
beforehand. fire (as an attribute), fire-proof.
anticipassion - n. f. (pr. \ &nti[ch]ip&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) antiné - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &ntin'e \ ) - to put into the tun, to
- bringing forward, anticipation, movin up. - 2) - put into the shaft.
advance. See also the term "antìcip". antinura - n. f. (pr. \ &ntin'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. antinure. - action
anticipé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &nti[ch]ip'e \ ) - 1) - to of putting into the tun.
bring forward, to move up, to anticipate (trs.). - 2) - to antiorari - adj. (pr. \ &ntiur'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. antiorari, fm. sng.
anticipate, to pay in advance (trs.) - 3) - to come early, to and plr. antioraria, antiorarie. - counterclockwise.
be ahead of time (int.). It uses the aux. "avèj ". antipartìcola - n. f. (pr. \ &ntip&rt'icul& \ ) At plr. -
anticongelant - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &nticunjel'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. - antipartìcole. - antiparticle (physics).
antifreeze. See also the terms "antigèil, antigél, antizèil ". antipast - n. m. (pr. \ &ntip'&st \ ) Inv. at plr. - hors d'oeuvre,
anticongelant - 2) - adj. (pr. \ &nticunjel'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. appetizers.
anticongelant, fm. sng. and plr. anticongelanta, antipastera - n. f. (pr. \ &ntip&st'er& \ ) At plr. antipastere. -
anticongelante. - antifreezing. See also the terms "antigèil, hors d'oeuvre tray.
antigél, antizèil ". antipatìa - n. f. (pr. \ &ntip&t'i& \ ) At plr. antipatie. -
anticòrp - (pr. \ &ntic'orp \ ) Inv. at plr. - antibody. aversion, dislike. Italianism, see also the best piedm. term
anticrist - (pr. \ &nticr'ist \ ) Inv. at plr. - antichrist, persecutor "ghignon".
of the Christians, evil fellow. antipàtich - adj. (pr. \ &ntip'&tic \ ) Ms. plr. antipàtich, fm.
antidata - n. f. (pr. \ &ntid'&t& \ ) At plr. antidate. - antedate, sng. and plr. antipàtica, antipàtiche. - unpleasant,
date before the true date. disagreeable.
antidaté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &ntid&t'e \ ) - to antedate.

antipòrta - n. f. (pr. \ &ntip'ort& \ ) At plr. antipòrte. - outer antonomàsia - n. f. (pr. \ &ntunum'&zi& \ ) At plr. (if any)
door. antonomàsie. - antonomasia.
antiquà - adj. (pr. \ &nti[qu]'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - antonomàstich - adj. (pr. \ &ntunum'&stic \ ) Ms. plr.
antiquated, old-fashioned, obsolete. antonomàstich, fm. sng. and plr. antonomàstica,
antiquari - n. and adj. (pr. \ &nti[qu]'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. antiquari, antonomàstiche. - antonomastic.
fm. sng. and plr. antiquaria, antiquarie. - antiquarian, antontì - 1) - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &ntunt'i \ ) - to stun, to
antiquary. daze. See also the term "intontì ".
antiquària - n. f. (pr. \ &nti[qu]'&ri& \ ) At plr. antiquàrie. - 1) antontì - 2) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &ntunt'i \ ) Ms. plr. antontì,
- antiquarianism. - 2) - archaeology. See also the term fm. sng. and plr. antontìa, antontìe. - stunned.
"archeologìa". antontiment - n. m. (pr. \ &ntuntim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - stun,
antiquarià - n. m. (pr. \ &nti[qu]&ri'& \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any) - daze, dazeness. See also the term "intontiment ".
antique trade. antontìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &ntunt'ise \ ) - to become
antiruso - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &ntir'[ue]zu \ ) Inv. at plr. - stunned. See also the term "intontìsse".
rustpreventer. antop - n. m. (pr. \ &n'tup \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - obstacle. - 2) -
antiruso - 2) - adj. (pr. \ &ntir'[ue]zu \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - hindrance, impediment. - See also the terms "intop,
antirust, rustproof. antruch ".
antisichì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ &ntizik'i \ ) - 1) - to become antopé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ &ntup'e \ ) - 1) - to run into, to
consumptive. - 2) - to languish (in a fig. sense). - 3) - to bump into. - 2) - to come up (against). - 3) - to stumble. It
wilt (referred to trees). uses the aux. "esse ", but also sometimes the aux. "avèj". See
antitolassion - n. f. (pr. \ &ntitul&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - also the term "intopé ".
entitling. - 2) - dedication. antopésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &ntup'ese \ ) - See antopé.
antitolé - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &ntitul'e \ ) - 1) to entitle. - 2) - antorbolé - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &nturbul'e \ ) - See antërbolé.
to dedicate. - 3) - to call. See also the term "intitolé ". antorésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &ntur'ese \ ) - See
antivëdde - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ &ntiv'&dde \ ) - 1) - to antorniésse.
foresee, to anticipate, to foretell, to predict. In this sense antorn - 1) - adv. (pr. \ &nt'urn \ ) - round, around, about. See
see also the term "prevëdde".- 2) - to perceive, to know by also the term "antorna".
intuition, to guess, to realize, to understand immediately. antorn - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ &nt'urn \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
In this meaning see also the term "intuì ". surrounding, nearby. 2) - environment. See also the term
antivision - n. f. (pr. \ &ntivizi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - intuition, "dintorn".
perception. See also the term "intuission". antorn a... - prp. loc. (pr. \ &nt'urn & \ ) - about. See also the
antivist - adj. (pr. \ &ntiv'ist \ ) Ms. plr. antivist, fm. sng. and loc. "antorna a... , a propòsit ëd...".
plr. antivista, antiviste. - 1) - provident, cautious, antorna - 1) - adv. (pr. \ &nt'urn& \ ) - See antorn.
prudent. In this sense see also the terms "prevident, antorna - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ &nt'urn& \ ) - See antorn.
prudent" - 2) - intuitive, intuitional. In this sense see also antorna a... - prp. loc. (pr. \ &nt'urn& & \ ) - See antorn a... .
the term "intuitiv". antornié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &nturni'e \ ) - to surround.
antivolé - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &ntivul'e \ ) - to cover with flat antorniésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &nturni'ese \ ) - to
tiles. See also the term "tivolé ". surround oneself.
antizèil - n. m. and adj. (pr. \ &ntiz'æil \ ) - See anticongelant. antorpidì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &nturpid'i \ ) - 1) - to
antlaragi - n. m. (pr. \ &ntl&r'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - warp, make torpid, to benumb (trs.). In this case it uses the aux.
warping. "avèj ". - 2) - to make sluggish, to dull (in a fig. sense)
antlaré - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &ntl&r'e \ ) - to mount on the (trs.). In this case it uses the aux. "avèj ". - 3) - to become
framework. torpid (int). In this case it uses the aux. "esse ". - 4) - to
antlarura - n. f. (pr. \ &ntl&r'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. antlarure. - become sluggish (int.). In this case it uses the aux. "esse ".
framing, framework. antorpidiment - n. m. (pr. \ &nturpidim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
antlora - 1) - adv. (pr. \ &ntl'ur& \ ) - 1) - then. - 2) - in those torpor, numbness.
days. - 3) - in this case. - 4) - so, therefore. - See also the antorpidìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &nturpid'ise \ ) - 1) - to
terms "alora, anlora". become torpid. - 2) - to become sluggish.
antlora! - 2) - excl. (pr. \ &ntl'ur& \ ) - well!, what now!. See antorsa - n. f. (pr. \ &nt'urs& \ ) At plr. antorse. - twist, wrench,
also the terms "alora!, anlora!". sprain. See also the term "stòrta".
antologìa - n. f. (pr. \ &ntuluj'i& \ ) At plr. antologìe. - antorsigné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &ntursi[gn]'e \ ) - to twist.
anthology. See also the terms "antortigné, antortojé, antërtojé,
antològich - adj. (pr. \ &ntul'ojic \ ) Ms. plr. antològich, fm. anvërtojé ".
sng. and plr. antològica, antològiche. - anthological. antortigné - vrb 1 st con. trs. (pr. \ &nturti[gn]'e \ ) - See
antonà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &ntun'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) antorsigné.
- able to sing in tune, tuneful, in tune (adj.). - 2) - antortignura - n. f. (pr. \ &nturti[gn]'[ue]r& \ ) - See
matching, well-matched (adj.). - 3) - harmonizing (with), antërtojura.
suitable (for) (adj.). - 4) - tuned (p. p.). - See also the term antortojà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &nturtuy'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and
"intonà ". nr. - 1) - twisted. - 2) - complicated, complex, involved.
antonassion - n. f. (pr. \ &ntun&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - antortojé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &nturtuy'e \ ) - See antorsigné.
intonation. - 2) - tone. - 3) - harmony, matching. See also antossament - n. m. (pr. \ &ntus&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
the term "intonassion ". pollution. See also the terms "anquinament, inquinament ".
antoné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &ntun'e \ ) - 1) - to tune up, to - 2) - the action of making (st.) stocky.
intone. - 2) - to tune. - 3) - to harmonize, to match. See antossé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &ntus'e \ ) - 1) - to pollute. - 2) -
also the term "intoné ". to make (st.) stocky or stronger.
antonésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &ntun'ese \ ) - 1) - to be in antossiament - n. m. (pr. \ &ntusi&m'ænt \ ) - See antossiura.
tune, to become in tune. - 2) - to harmonize, to match. antossicassion - n. f. (pr. \ &ntusic&si'u[ng] \ ) - Italianism -
(referred to oneself, or with int. meaning). See also the term See antossiura.
"intonésse ". antossiché - vrb 1st con trs. (pr. \ &ntusik'e \ ) - Italianism - See

antossié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &ntusi'e \ ) - 1) - to poison. - 2) - entrepreneur, undertaker. See also the term
to mar, to embitter (in a fig. sense). See also the term "imprenditor".
"anvelené, antossiché, intossiché ". antraspinal - adj. (pr. \ &ntr&spin'&l \ ) Ms. plr. antraspinaj,
antossiésse - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &ntusi'ese \ ) - to be fm. sng. and plr. antraspinal, antraspinaj. - interspinal.
poisoned. See also the term "interspinal ".
antossiura - n. f. (pr. \ &ntusi'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. antossiure. - antrassideral - adj. (pr. \ &ntr&sider'&l \ ) Ms. plr.
poisoning, intoxication. See also the term "anvelenament, antrassideraj, fm. sng. and plr. antrassideral,
antossiament, intossicassion ". antrassideraj. - interstellar, intersidereal. See also the
Antòni - n. m. (pr. \ &nt'oni \ ) Noun of person. in case of need, term "intersideral ".
the plr. in inv. - Anthony. A diminutive is "Tòni ". antrasteilar - adj. (pr. \ &ntr&stæil'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
antòrze - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ &nt'orze \ ) - to twist, to wrap. interstellar. See also the term "interesteilar".
antra... - prefix (pr. \ &ntr&... \ ) - inter... . See the term antrat - n. m. (pr. \ &ntr'&t \ ) Inv. at plr. - interval,
"inter..."for further information. intermezzo. (Lit. : what is in between of two acts of a
antraja - n. f. (pr. \ &ntr'&y& \ ) At plr. antraje. - vulva, theatrical performance).
cunnus. antratàbil - adj. (pr. \ &ntr&t'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. antratàbij, fm.
antramentre - cng. (pr. \ &ntr&m'æntre \ ) - while, in the sng. and plr. antratàbil, antratàbij. - intractable,
meanwhile. See also the term "antratant ". unmanageable, impossible. See also the term "intratàbil ".
antrames - 1) - adv. (pr. \ &ntr&m'ez \ ) - between, in the antratant - adv. (pr. \ &ntr&t'&nt \ ) - in the meanwhile, while.
middle. See also the term "framés 1)". See also the terms "antramentre, antant".
antramés - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ &ntr&m'ez \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - antratnì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &ntr&tn'i \ ) - See antërtnì.
intermezzo, interval. See also the term "antërmés ". - 2) - antratnìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &ntr&tn'ise \ ) - See
partition. See also the terms "trames, tramésia, frames 2)". antërtnìsse.
antramesia - n. f. (pr. \ &ntr&m'ezi& \ ) At plr. antramésie. - antrav - n. m. (pr. \ &ntr'&u \ ) - See antrap.
partition, division. See also the terms "tramésia, antravé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &ntr&v'e \ ) - to hamper, to
intramesia". impede, to handicap, to hinder, to clog. See also the terms
antramesiadura - n. f. (pr. \ &ntr&m'ezi&d[ue]d& \ ) At plr. "antrapé, ambrojé ". The refl. form assumes the meanings
antramesiadure. - partitioning, division. See also the term reported below (see "antravésse").
"intramesiadura". antravertebral - adj. (pr. \ &ntr&værtebr'&l \ ) Ms. plr.
antramesié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &ntr&mezi'e \ ) - 1) - to antravertebraj, fm. sng. and plr. antravertebral,
divide, to partition. See also the terms "antërmesié, antravertebraj. - intervertebral. See also the term
tramesié, intramesié ". - 2) - to intercalate, to insert, to "intervertebral".
interpolate. See also the terms "antërpon-e, antërmëtte, antravésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &ntr&v'ese \ ) - to jam, to
intramesié". be blocked, to stick, to run aground, to strand. See also
antramolecolar - adj. (pr. \ &ntr&mulecul'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. the terms "rantanésse, ancutìsse, arenésse ".
and nr. - intermolecular. See also the term antravëdde - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ &ntr&v'&dde \ ) - to see
"intermolecolar". indistincly, to glimpse, to catch a glimpse (of). See also
antramuscolar - adj. (pr. \ &ntr&m[ue]scul'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. the terms "antërvëdde, intravëdde ".
and nr. - intramuscular. See also the term "intermuscolar". antré - n. m. (pr. \ &ntr'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - hors d'oeuvre,
antransigensa - n. f. (pr. \ &ntr&[ng]sij'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. appetizer. See also the term "antipast ".
antransigense. - intransigence, intolerance. See also the antrégh - 1) - adj. (pr. \ &ntr'eg \ ) Ms. plr. antrégh, fm. sng.
term "intranzigensa". and plr. antrega, antreghe. - 1) - whole, entire. - 2) -
antransigent - adj. and n. (pr. \ &ntr&[ng]sij'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. intact, complete, full. - See also the terms "antér, ëntér,
antransigent, fm. sng. and plr. antransigenta, intrégh ".
antransigente. - 1) - uncompromising, intransigent, antrégh - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ &ntr'eg \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - whole. - 2)
intolerant (adj.). - 2) - intransigent person, hard-liner, - integer (mathematics). - See also the terms "antér, ëntér,
uncompromising person (sbst.). See also the term intrégh ".
"intranzigent". antren - n. m. (pr. \ &ntr'æ[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
antrap - n. m. (pr. \ &ntr'&p \ ) Inv. at plr. - obstacle, unembarrassment, ease, boldness.
hindrance, impediment. See also the terms "antrav, antop, an tren - adv. loc. (pr. \ &[ng] tr'æ[ng] \ ) - in motion, at work.
intrap". E. g. "i soma an tren a fé lòn " = "we are at work for doing
antrapé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &ntr&p'e \ ) - 1) - to that ".
hamper, to hinder, to impede, to obstruct. (trs.). In this antrené - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &ntren'e \ ) - 1) - to start, to set
case it uses the aux. "avèj ". - 2) - to trip up, to stumble up. See also the terms "anandié, anviaré ". - 2) - to induce,
over. (int.) In this case it uses the aux. "esse ", and it has a to route, to direct. - 3) - to train, to practise. See also, for
meaning similar to the one of the refl. following form: this meaning, the terms "alené, esercité ". The refl. form
antrapésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &ntr&p'ese \ ) - to trip up, assumes the following meaning:
to stumble, to bump into, to run across. See also the terms antrenésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &ntren'ese \ ) - to put
"angambesse, angambarésse, antopésse, insupésse ". oneself in march, to set off in group.
antrapijé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &ntr&piy'e \ ) - to undertake, antreneur - n. (pr. \ &ntren'[oe]r \ ) - Ms. plr. antreneur, fm.
to embark on, to enter on, to take up. - See also the term sng. and plr. antreneusa, antreneuse. - trainer, coach. See
"antraprende, intrapijé ". also the therm "alenator".
antraprèisa - n. f. (pr. \ &ntr&pr'æiz& \ ) At plr. antraprèise. - antreneus - n. f. (pr. \ &ntren'[oe]z \ ) - Inv. at plr. - entreneuse.
1) - enterprise, undertaking. - 2) - job, project. - 3) - antrigà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &ntrig'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
exploit. See also the term "intraprèisa". intricate, confused, muddled.
antraprende - vrb 2 nd con. trs. (pr. \ &ntr&pr'ænde \ ) - See antrigant - n. and adj. (pr. \ &ntrig'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. antrigant,
antrapijé. fm. sng. and plr. antriganta, antrigante. - 1) - intriguing,
antraprenor - n. (pr. \ &ntr&pren'ur \ ) Ms. plr. antraprenor, meddling, scheming (adj.) - 2) - intriguer, meddler,
fm. sng. and plr. antraprenòira, antraprenòire. - schemer. (sbst.). See also the term "intrigant ".

antrigh - n. m. (pr. \ &ntr'ig \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - mess, nasty antrodutor - n. m. (pr. \ &ntrud[ue]t'ru \ ) Inv. at plr. -
situation. - 2) - intrigue, manoeuvre, plot. See also the introducer. See also the term "introdutor".
term "intrigh ". antrodutòri - adj. (pr. \ &ntrud[ue]t'ori \ ) Ms. plr. antrodutòri,
antrighé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &ntrig'e \ ) - 1) - to fm. sng. and plr. antrodutòria, antrodutòrie. -
entangle (trs.) - 2) - to intrigue, to plot, to lobby (int.). - 3) introductory. See also the term "introdutòri".
- to make curious, to excite curiosity (trs.). It uses always antromëtse - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ &ntrum'&tse \ ) - to
the aux. "avèj", also when trs. See also the term "intrighé ". intervene, to interfere, to intrude. See also the term
antrighésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &ntrig'ese \ ) - 1) - to "intromëtse".
interfere (in), to meddle, to stick one's nose (into). - 2) - to antromëtte - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ &ntrum'&tte \ ) - to insert, to
become curious. - See also the terms "ampacésse, interpose. See also the term "intromëtte".
intrighésse". antromission - n. f. (pr. \ &ntrumisi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
antrigo - n. m. (pr. \ &ntr'igu \ ) - Inv. at plr. - policeman (slang intervention, interference, intrusion. See also the term
word). See also the other slang word "gufa, gucia". Words "intromission".
of correct language are "polissiòt, celerin, guàrdia, civich, antropofagìa - n. f. (pr. \ &ntrupuf&j'i& \) At plr. (if any)
etc.". antropofagìe. - anthropophagy, cannibalism.
antristì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &ntrist'i \ ) - 1) - to antropomorfism - n. m. (pr. \ &ntrupumurf'izm \) Inv. at plr. -
make (sb.) sad, to make (sb.). unhappy (trs.). - 2) - to pine anthropomorfism.
away, to languish (int.). See also the term "intristì ". antropomòrf - adj. (pr. \ &ntrupum'orf \) Ms. plr.
antristìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &ntrist'ise \ ) - to become antropomòrf - fm. sng. and plr. antropomòrfa,
sad, to become unhappy. See also the term "intristìsse ". antropomòrfe. - anthropomorphous.
antrodòt - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &ntrud'ot \ ) Ms. plr. antrodòt, antropologìa - n. f. (pr. \ &ntrupuluj'i& \) At plr. (if any)
fm. sng. and plr. antrodòta, antrodòte. - 1) - well-known, antropologìe. - anthropology.
well-wstablished. (adj.) - 2) - introduced, inserted. (p. p.). antropòfago - n. and adj. (pr. \ &ntrup'of&gô \) Ms. plr.
- See also the term "introdòt ". The p. p. of the vrb antropòfago - fm. sng. and plr. rspy. antropòfaga,
"antroduve" or "antrodùe" is "antrodovù", but also antropòfaghe. - 1) - anthropophagite, cannibal (sbst.) - 2)
"antrodòt" is often used as a p. p. - anthropophagous (adj.).
antrodùe - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ &ntrud'[ue]e \ ) - 1) - to antropològich - adj. (pr. \ &ntrupul'ojic \) Ms. plr.
introduce. - 2) - to insert. - 3) - to lead in, to bring in. - antropològich - fm. sng. and plr. antropològica,
See also "antroduve". which is another possible spelling for antropològiche. - anthropological.
this word, where the letter "v" is mute (or nearly mute) (see antropòlogh - n. (pr. \ &ntrup'olug \) Ms. plr. antropòlogh -
"graphical symbols and phonology"), and then see also the fm. sng. and plr. antropòloga, antropòloghe. -
term "introdùe". anthropologist.
antrodùve - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ &ntrud'[ue]e \ , \ antrubié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &ntr[ue]bi'e \) - to trap, to
&ntrud'[ue]we \ ) - See antrodùe. entrap. See also "angarbiolé ".
antrodùvse - vrb 2 nd con. refl. (pr. \ &ntrud'[ue]use \ ) - to get antrucà - n. f. (pr. \ &ntr[ue]c'& \) - See antruch.
in. See also the term "introdùvse". antrucada - n. f. (pr. \ &ntr[ue]c'&d& \) - See antruch.
antrodussion - n. f. (pr. \ &ntrud'[ue]usi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) antruch - n. m. (pr. \ &ntr'[ue]c \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - crash,
- introduction. - 2) - preliminary. See also the term collision, bump, knock. - 2) - hindrance, obstacle. - 3) -
"introdussion". contretemps, setback. See also the term "intruch ".
antrodutiv - adj. (pr. \ &ntrud[ue]ti'u \ ) Ms. plr. antrodutiv,
fm. sng. and plr. antrodutiva, antrodutive. - introductory,
introductive, preliminary. See also the term "introdutiv".

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anval - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]v'&l \) - At plr. anvaj - time in
antruché - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &ntr[ue]k'e \) - 1) - to which the animal complete its dentition.
bump, to knock, to collide. - 2) - to run into, to come anvalé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]v&l'e \) - to level, to
across. It uses always the aux. "avèj ". See also the term equalize.
"intruché ". anvan - adv. - (pr. \ &[ng]v'&[ng] \) - in vain, uselessly, to
antruchésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &ntr[ue]k'ese \) - to trip, no purpose. See also "invan ".
to stumble, to bump into (referred to oneself). See also anvanì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]v&n'i \) - to boast, to
the term "intruchésse ". flatter.
antrus - n. (pr. \ &ntr'[ue]z \) Ms. plr. antrus - fm. sng. and anvanìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]v&n'ise \) - to boast
plr. rspy. antrusa, antruse. - intruder, outsider. See also (oneself). See also "blaghé, vanagloriésse ". and the vrbl.
the term "intrus". loc. "desse'd sagna ".
antrusion - n. f. (pr. \ &ntr[ue]zi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - anvasé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]v&z'e \) - to pot (flowers,
intrusion, interference. See also the term "intrusion". etc.). See also the term "invasé 1st meaning".
antrusiv - adj. (pr. \ &ntr[ue]z'iu \) Ms. plr. antrusiv - fm. anvece - adv. (pr. \ &[ng]v'e[ch]e \) - instead, on the
sng. and plr. antrusiva, antrusive. - intrusive. See also the contrary, whereas, but. Italianism, see the best words :
term "intrusiv". "nopà, nompà " and the adv. loc. "al contrari".
anual - adj. (pr. \ &nu'&l \) Ms. plr. anuaj - fm. sng. and plr. anvecé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &[ng]ve[ch]'e \) - 1) - to
rspy. anual, anuaj. - annual, yearly. age, to make (st.) old (trs.). E.g. "to make the wine old " =
anualità - n. f. (pr. \ &nu&lit'& \) Inv. at plr. - annuity "anvecé 'l vin ". - 2) - to age, to grow old (int.) - See also
anualment - adv. (pr. \ &nu&lm'ænt \) - annually, yearly. the terms "anvejé, anvëccì, invejé " and the common loc.
Italianism. (adv. ending in "...ment "). The adv. loc. "ògni "vnì véj ". When trs. it uses the aux. "avèj " and when int. it
ann, a l'ann, tuti j'ani " are commonly used. uses the aux. "esse".
anuansa - n. f. (pr. \ &nu'&[ng]s& \) At plr. anuanse. - anvece 'd - prp. (pr. \ &[ng]v'e[ch]e d \) - instead of. See also
gradation (of colour), shade, nuance. See also the term the prp. loc. "al pòst, an leu ".
"nuansa ". anvece ëd - cng. (pr. \ &[ng]v'e[ch]e &d \) - rather than . See
anuansé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &nu&[ng]s'e \) - to shade off, also "pitòst che ".
to graduate (colors), to tone. See also "nuansé ". anvejé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &[ng]vey'e \) - See
anuari - n. m. (pr. \ &nu'&ri \) Inv. at plr. - yearbook, annual. anvecé.
anuensa - n. f. (pr. \ &nu'æ[ng]s& \) At plr. anuense. - assent, anvelenà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &[ng]velen'& \) Inv. in gnd and
approval, adherence. nr. - 1) - poisoned - 2) - embittered. - 3) - angry,
anugré - vrb 1st con. dfc. imp. (pr. \ &n[ue]gr'e \) - to become enraged, furious.
cloudy. With the same meaning of the following refl. form. anvelenament - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]velen&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. -
See also "an-nuvolésse ". poisoning. See also the term "antossiura ".
anugrésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &n[ue]gr'ese \) - to become anvelenator - n. (pr. \ &[ng]velen&t'ur \) Ms. plr.
cloudy. See also "an-nuvolésse ". anvelenator - fm. sng. and plr. anvelenatriss,
anuì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ &n[ue] 'i \) -1) - to nod. - 2) - to anvelenatriss. - poisoner.
agree. Italianism hardly used. The vrbl. loc. "fé che 'd sì, dì anvelené - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]velen'e \) - 1) - to
che 'd sì " (rspy. lit. = "to make that of yes, to say that of poison. - 2) - to mar, to embitter (in a fig. sense). - See
yes ", are very commonly used idioms. also the term "antossié , anvelenì, invelené, invelenì ".
anulament - n. m. (pr. \ &n[ue]l&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - anvelenésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]velen'ese \) - 1) - to
annulment, avoidance, cancellation. poison oneself. - 2) - to get angry, to worry (in a fig.
anular - 1) - adj. (pr. \ &n[ue]l'&r \) Inv. in gnd, and nr. - sense).
annular, ring-shaped, ring (as an attribute). anvelenì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]velen'i \) - 1) - to poison.
anular - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ &n[ue]l'&r \) Inv. at plr. - ring finger. - 2) - to mar, to embitter (in a fig. sense). - See also the
anulé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &n[ue]l'e \) - to annul, to avoid, term "antossié , anvelenì ". This term is more used in the
to cancel, to undo. fig. sense (2nd meaning), while the lit. sense prefers
anunsi - n. m. (pr. \ &n'[ue][ng]si \) - See anonsi. "anvelené ".
Anunsià - n. f. (pr. \ &n[ue][ng]si’& \ ) Inv. in case of a fig. anvension - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]væ[ng]si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
plr. - Our Lady of Annunciation. See also the names invention. See also the term "invension ".
“Nunsià. Anonsià, Nonsià “. anventari - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]vænt'&ri \) Inv. at plr. -
anunsiator - n. (pr. \ &n[ue][ng]si&t'ur \) - See anonsiator. inventory. See also "inventari ".
anunsié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &n[ue][ng]si'e \) - See anonsié. anventarié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]vænt&ri'e \) - to
anvair - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]v'&ir \) Inv. at plr. (if any) - colour inventory, to make an inventory (of). See also the term
tending to black, the first blackish colour (usually of "inventarié ".
grapes). anventiv - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]vænt'iu \) Ms. plr. anventiv - fm.
anvairà - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]v&ir'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - sng. and plr. anventiva, anventive. - inventive, creative.
coloured (referred to black grapes). anventiva - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]vænt'iv& \) At plr. anventive. -
anvairé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ &[ng]v&ir'e \) - to take colour inventiveness, creativity.
(referred to grapes). anventor - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]vænt'ur \) Inv. at plr. - inventor.
anvairet - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]v&ir'æt \) Inv. at plr. - the first See also the term "inventor ".
coloured grapes. anventé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]vænt'e \) - to invent. See
anval - 1) - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]v'&l \) Ms. plr. anvaj - fm. sng. also the terms "inventé, scheuvre ".
and plr. anval, anvaj. - equal, levelled. See also "ugual ". anver - prp. (pr. \ &[ng]v'ær \) - toward. See also "anvers,
vers ".

anvers - 1) - prp. (pr. \ &[ng]v'ærs \) - See anver. anveuja - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]v'[oe]y& \ ) At plr. anveuje. -
anvers - 2) - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]v'ærs \) Ms. plr. anvers - fm. sng. cover, covering, wrapping, wrapper, packing paper. See
and plr. anversa, anverse. - inverse, inverted. See also the also the terms "inveuja, anvlòpa".
term "invers ". anveujé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]v[oe]y'e \) - to make (sb.)
anvers - 3) - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]v'ærs \) Inv. at plr. - (the) want (st.), to induce, to tempt. See also "anvojé ".
contrary, (the) opposite, the side facing nothward, the anvëccé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &[ng]v&[ch][ch]'e \) -
reverse (side). See also the term "invers ". 1) - to age, to grow old (int.). It uses the aux. "esse ". - 2) -
anvers (a l'---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ & l &[ng]v'ærs \) - 1) - to make (sb. or st.) old, to age.(trs.) - It uses the aux.
contrarily, the other way round, on the contrary. - 2) - "avèj" in this case. - See also the words "anvëccì, anvecé,
facing northward. - See also the adv. loc. "a l'invers ". anvejé".
anversé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]værs'e \) - 1) - to pour, to anvëccì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &[ng]v&[ch][ch]'i \) -
spill, to shed - 2) - to empty. See also the terms "anvërsé, See anvecé.
versé ". anvërdì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &[ng]v&rd'i \) - 1) - to
anversésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]værs'ese \) - 1) - to make green (trs.). It uses the aux. "avèj ". - 2) - to become
fall on one's back, to fall on the ground. - 2) - to spill (by green. It uses the aux. "esse " and it has the same meaning
oneself). - 3) - to flow (referred to rivers). See also the of the refl. form below "anvërdìsse". See also the term
terms "anvërsésse, versesse ". "inverdì ".
anverseur - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]værs'[oe]r \) Inv. at plr. - anvërdiment - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]v&rdim'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
inverter. See also the terms "anvërseur, anvertior, the action of becoming green. - 2) - renewal,
anvertitor ". rejuvenation (in a fig. sense). See also the term
anversion - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]værsi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - "inverdiment ".
inversion. See also the terms "anvërsion, inversion, anvërdìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]v&rd'ise \) - to
arversament ". become green. See also "arvërdìsse ".
anverslor - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]værsl'ur \) Inv. at plr. - funnel (to anvërnengh - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]v&rn'æ[ng]g \) Ms. plr.
decant wine). See also the terms. "ambossor, ambotor, anvërnengh - fm. sng. and plr. anvërnenga,
torcereul, anvërslor ". anvërnenghe. - winter (as an attribute), wintry,
anvertì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]vært'i \) - to reverse, to overwintry.
invert. See also "anvërtì, invertì, arversé, arvolté ". anvërnisà - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]v&rniz'& \) Inv. at plr. - coat of
anvertìa - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]vært'i& \) At plr. anvertìe. - lapel, paint or varnish. See also the term "vernisà ".
cuff, flap, turn-up. See also "anvërtìa ". anvërnisadura - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]v&rniz&d'[ue]r& \) At plr.
anvertìbil - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]vært'ibil \) Ms. plr. anvertìbij - anvernisadure. - painting, varnishing. See also the term
fm. sng. and plr. anvertìbil, anvertìbij. - invertible, "vernisadura ".
reversible. See also "anvërtìbil, invertibil, reversìbil ". anvërnisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]v&rniz'e \) - to paint, to
anvertibilità - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]værtibilit'& \) Inv. at plr. - varnish. See also "vernisé ".
reversibility. See also the terms "anvërtibilità, anvërsé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]v&rs'e \) - See anversé.
invertibilità, reversibilità ". anvërsésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]v&rs'ese \) - See
anvertior - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]værti'ur \) - See anverseur. anversésse.
anvestì - vrb 3rd con. trs. - (pr. \ &[ng]vest'i \) - 1) - to invest. - anvërseur - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]v&rs'[oe]r \) - See anverseur.
2) - to run down, to run over, to collide (with). - 3) - to anvërsion - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]v&rsi'u[ng] \) See anversion.
attack, to assault. - See also the term "investì ". anvërslor - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]v&rsl'ur \) - See anverslor.
anvestidura - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]vestid'[ue]r& \) At plr. - anvërtì - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]v&rt'i \) - See anvertì.
anvestidure. - investiture. See also the terms "anvestiura, anvërtìa - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]v&rt'i& \) See anvertìa.
investidura ". anvërtìbil - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]v&rt'ibil \) See anvertìbil.
anvestigassion - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]vestig&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - anvërtibilità - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]v&rtibilit'& \) See anvertibilità.
investigation, inquiry. See also the term "investigassion ". anvërtior - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]v&rti'ur \) - See anverseur.
anvestigativ - adj - (pr. \ &[ng]vestig&t'iu \) Ms. plr. anvërtitor - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]v&rtit'ur \) - See anverseur.
anvestogativ - fm. sng. and plr. anvestigativa, anvërtoj - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]v&rt'uy \) Inv. at plr. - parcel,
anvestigative. - investigative, investigating. See also the envelop, bundle.
term "investigativ ". anvërtojé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]v&rtuy'e \) - to twist, to
anvestigator - n. (pr. \ &[ng]vestig&t'ur \) Ms. plr. twine. See also the terms "antërtojé, antortojé, antortigné
anvestigator - fm. sng. and plr. anvestigatriss, ".
anvestigatriss. - investigator, detective. See also the term anvëstior - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]v&sti'ur \) Inv. at plr. - double-
"investigator ". iron plane.
anvestighé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]vestig'e \) - to anvìa - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]v'i& \) At plr. anvìe. - desire, longing,
investigate, to inquire (into). See also the term "investighé yearning.
". anviarament - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]vi&r&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - 1)
anvestiment - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]vestim'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - - start, beginning. - 2) - sending, delivering, remittance.
investment - 2) - collision. - See also the term anviaré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]vi&r'e \) - to start, to
"investiment". begin. See also the terms "ancomensé, comensé".
anvestitor - n. (pr. \ &[ng]vestit'ur \) Ms. plr. anvestitor - fm. anviarésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]vi&r'ese \) - to start,
sng. and plr. anvestitriss, anvestitriss. - 1) - investor to put oneself in motion. See also the terms
(finance). - 2) - person who runs (sb.) down. - See also the "ancomensésse, comensésse ".
term "investitor". anviarura - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]vi&r'[ue]r& \) At plr. anviarure. -
anvestiura - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]vesti'[ue]r& \) - See anvestidura. beginning, start. See also the terms "inìssi, partensa ".
anvetiva - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]vet'iv& \) At plr. anvetive. - anvigné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]vi[gn]'e \) - to plant vines
invective, diatribe. (in).
anvetivé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ &[ng]vetiv'e \) - to inveigh, to anvinassà - adj. n. and p. p. (pr. \ &[ng]vin&s'& \) Inv. in gnd.
rail. See also the terms "crijassé, inveì ", and the vrbl. loc. and nr. - drunk, fuddled. As an adj. see also the term
"dì contra " "to say against ". "cioch". In general see also the term "anvinà ".

anvinassé - vrb. 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]vin&s'e \) - to make anvitàbil - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]vit'&bil \) Ms. plr. anvitàbij - fm.
(sb.) get drunk, to fuddle. See also the term "ancioché ". sng. and plr. anvitàbil, anvitàbij. - that can be invited. See
anvinassésse - vrb. 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]vin&s'ese \) - to also the term "invitàbil ".
get drunk, to fuddle oneself. See also the term anvitant - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]vit'&bil \) Ms. plr. anvitant - fm.
"anciochésse ". sng. and plr. anvitanta, anvitante. - inviting, tempting,
anvinà - adj. n. and p. p. (pr. \ &[ng]vin&s'& \) Inv. in gnd attractive. See also the term "invitant ".
and nr. - 1) - washed with wine. - 2) - drunk, fuddled. In anvité - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]vit'e \) - 1) - to invite, to
this meaning see also the term "anvinassà". ask. - 2) - to request. - 3) - to summon, to call. - See also
anviné - vrb. 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]vin'e \) - 1) - to wash with the term "invité ".
wine (e.g. a new barrel). - 2) - to fuddle. anvlòpa - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]vl'op& \) At plr. anvlòpe. - 1) -
anvinésse - vrb. 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]vin'ese \) - See envelope. - 2) - cover, covering, wrapping, wrapper,
anvinassésse. packing paper. See also the term "anlupa, anveuja,
anviperì - vrb. 3rd con. int. (pr. \ &[ng]viper'i \) - See inveuja".
anviprìsse. anvlup - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]vl'[ue]p \) Inv. at plr. - cover,
anviperìsse - vrb. 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]viper'ise \) - See wrapper, shelt. See also the term "anlup ".
anviprìsse. anvlupaté - vrb 1st con trs. (pr. \ &[ng]vl[ue]p&t'e \) - to
anviprì - 1) - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]vipr'i \) Ms. plr. anviprì - fm. envelop, to wrap up. See also"anlupaté, anlupé, anvlupé".
sng. and plr. anviprìa, anviprìe. - furious. See also the anvlupé - vrb 1st con trs. (pr. \ &[ng]vl[ue]p'e \)- to envelop,
term "inviperì 1)". to wrap up. See also the terms "anlupaté, anlupé,
anviprì - 2) - vrb. 3rd con. int. (pr. \ &[ng]vipr'i \) - See anvlupaté ". This verb is not perfecly correspondent to
anviprìsse. "anvlupaté ". In fact "anvlupé " express an action more
anviprìsse - vrb. 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]vipr'ise \) - to accurate.
become furious, to flare up. See also the terms "anviprì anvodé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]vud'e \) - to bind (sb.) by
2), inviperìsse" vow. See also the term "anvoté ".
anviron - 1) - n. m. plr. (pr. \ &[ng]vir'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - anvodésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]vud'ese \) - to bind
environs, outskirts. - 2) - environment (mathematics). oneself by vow. See also the term "anvotésse".
anviron - 2) - adv. (pr. \ &[ng]vir'u[ng] \) - about, more or anvolontari - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]vulunt'&ri \) Ms. plr.
less, approximately, roughly, nearly. anvolontari - fm. sng. and plr. anvolontaria,
anvironé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]virun'e \) - to surround, anvolontarie. - unintentional, unvoluntary, accidental.
to encircle, to enclose. anvolontariament - adv. (pr. \ &[ng]vulunt&ri&m'ænt \) -
anvironésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]virun'ese \) - to unintentionally, unvoluntarily. Italianism. See also the
crowd, to throng. commonly used adv. loc. "sensa vorèj, sensa vorèjlo" = lit.
anvisà - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]viz'& \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - screw (action "without to want, without to want it (that, etc.)".
of screwing). - 2) - spin (airplane). - See also the term "vis" anvojé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]vuy'e \) - to make (sb.)
(object that can be screwed). want (st.), to induce, to tempt. See also the term
anvisadura - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]viz&d'[ue]r& \) At plr. "anveujé".
anvisadure. - screwing. anvolù - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]vul'[ue] \) Ms. plr. anvolù - fm. sng.
anvisatriss - n. f. (pr. \ &[ng]viz&tr'is \) Inv. at plr. - wrench and plr. anvolùa, anvolùe. - 1) - involved, intricate,
(mechanics). complex. - 2) - involute (botany, zoology). See also the
anviscà - p. p. (pr. \ &[ng]visc'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - term "involù ".
lighted, turned on, switched on. - 2) - fomented (in a fig. anvoté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]vut'e \) - See anvodé.
sense). - This term is the p. p. of the vrb "anvisché ", and it anvotésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]vut'ese \) - See
is not also an adj., which is instead "anvisch ". anvodésse.
anviscàbil - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]visc'&bil \) Ms. plr. anviscàbij - anzolivé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]zuliv'e \) - to embellish,
fm. sng. and plr. anviscàbil, anviscàbij. - that can be to adorn, to grace. See also the term "angrassiosì ".
lighted, that can be turned on, etc. See also the term anzolivésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]zuliv'ese \) - to
"viscàbil ". become graced, to adorn oneself. See also the term
anvisch - adj. (pr. \ &[ng]v'isc \) Ms. plr. anvisch - fm. sng. "angrassiosìsse ".
and plr. anvisca, anvische. - lighted, turned on, switched an-namidé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]n&mid'e \) - to starch.
on. It is not also the p. p. of "anvisché ", which instead is See also the terms "anamidé, anlamidé, inamidé, amidoné".
"anviscà ". While "anviscà " is connected to an action, an-namoré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]n&mur'e \) - to make
"anvisch " expresses a quality of a status. E. g. "i l'hai (sb.) fall in love. It is quite easy to find this word in the
anviscà la lus " "I have switched on the light " while "ël graphy "annamoré ". See the note at the beginning of the
feu a l'é anvisch " "the fire is lighted ". See also the term letter "A".
"visch ". an-namorésse - vrb 1st con. refl. rcp. (pr. \ &[ng]n&mur'ese \)
anvisché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]visk'e \) - 1) - to light, to - to fall in love. It is quite easy to find this word in the
turn on, to switch on, to ignite. - 2) - to foment (in a fig. graphy "annamorésse ". See the note at the beginning of
sense). - See also the term "visché ". the letter "A".
anvisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]viz'e \) - to screw, to screw an-naqué - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]n&[qu]'e \) - 1) - to
down. water down, to dilute. - 2) - to mitigate (in a fig. sense).
anvisésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]viz'ese \) - to spin, to See also the terms "diluì, smasì ".
go into spin (airplane). an-nebiament - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]nebi&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - 1)
anvit - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]v'it \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - invitation. - 2) - clouding. - 2) - dimness. See also the terms "anebiament,
- call, inducement. - 3) - summons. - See also the terms apanament, panament, ofuscament ".
"invit, invitassion ". an-nebié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]nebi'e \) - 1) - to cloud
anvità - n. (pr. \ &[ng]vit'& \) Inv. in gnd and nr. - guest. See up, to befog, to fog. - 2) - to mist. See also the terms
also the term "invità ". "anebié, apané, pané ".

an-nebiésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]nebi'ese \) - 1) - to apalt - n. m. (pr. \ &p'&lt \) Inv. at plr. - contract. E. g. "dé an
grow foggy. - 2) - to mist over, to grow dim. - See also the apalt " = lit. "to give in contract " = " to let out (on
terms " anebiésse, apanésse, panésse ". contract) ".
an-neirì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]næir'i \) - to blacken, to apaltàbil - adj. (pr. \ &p&lt'&bil \) Ms. plr. apaltàbij - fm.
darken. See also the term "aneirì ". sng. and plr. apaltàbil, apaltàbij. - that can be let out on
an-neirìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]næir'ise \) - to contract.
become black, to become dark. See also the term apaltator - n. (pr. \ &p&lt&t'ur \) Ms. plr. apaltator - fm. sng.
"aneirìsse ". and plr. apaltatriss, apaltatriss. - contractor.
an-nervosì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &[ng]nærvuz'i \ ) - apalté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &p&lt'e \) - 1) - to let out (on
1) - to get on (sb.'s) nerves (trs.). - 2) - to become contract), to farm out. - 2) - to contract, to undertake on
nervous. In this sense see also the refl. form "an- contract.
nervosìsse". Then see also the term "in-nervosì ". apanagi - n. m. (pr. \ &p&n'&ji \) Inv. at plr. - apanage.
an-nervosìsse. - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]nærvuz'ise \ ) - to apanadura - n. f. (pr. \ &p&n&d'[ue]r& \) - See apanament.
become nervous. apanament - n. m. (pr. \ &p&n&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - misting,
an-nicé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]ni[ch]'e \) - See tarnishing, dimming. See also the voices "panament, an-
ancantoné. nebiament, anebiament ".
an-nicésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]ni[ch]'ese \) - See apané - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &p&n'e \) - to mist, to tarnish,
ancantonésse. to dim. See also the terms "pané, an-nebié ".
an-nité - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[ng]nit'e \) - 1) - to cover with apanésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &p&n'ese \) - to mist over, to
mud. - 2) - to throw mud, to disgrace. - See also the term tarnish, to grow dim. See also the term "panésse ".
"ampauté ". aparà - n. m. (pr. \ &p&r'& \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - display, pomp.
an-nitésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]nit'ese \) - 1) - to get - 2) - apparatus, device. - 3) - apparatus, machinery.
muddy. - 2) - to disgrace oneself. See also the term aparensa - n. f. (pr. \ &p&r'æ[ng]s& \) At plr. aparense. -
"ampautésse". appearence, look. (the meaning in Piedm. is limited at
àn-nis - n. m. (pr. \ '&[ng]niz \) Inv. at plr. (if any). - anise "what appears outside, what you can see "). See also the
(botanic). See also the terms "ànis, ànes ". term "aspét ".
an-nivolésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]niwul'ese \) - to aparensa (an ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ &[ng] &p&r'æ[ng]s& \) -
become cloudy. apparently, seemingly.
àora - adv. (pr. \ '&ur& \) - now, at present . See also the aparent - adj. (pr. \ &p&r'æ[ng]t \) Ms. plr. aparent - fm. sng.
terms "ora, adéss ". and plr. aparenta, aparente. - apparent.
aost - n. m. (pr. \ &'ust \) Inv. at plr. (if any). - August (month). aparì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ &p&r'i \) - to appear. It uses the
See also the terms "ost, agost ". aux. "esse ". Italianism. See also "comparì, mostrésse, fesse
Aosta n. f. (pr. \ &'ust& \) n. of city (inv. at plr. just in case) - vëdde, smijé, etc. ".
Aosta. See also "Osta ". City in the Aosta valley northward aparié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &p&ri'e \) - to prepare, to dress,
of Turin. Since the French is also a language of the region, to lay (the table). See also the terms "parié, pronté ".
the name of the city is also "Aoste". The spelling of the aparission - n. f. (pr. \ &p&risi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
italian name is the same of the piedm. one, but apparition. - 2) - appearence. - 3) - ghost, phantom (not
pronunciation is different (see the related section). easy to be found in this meaning).
aostan - n. and adj. (pr. \ &ust'&[ng] \) Ms. plr. aostan - fm. apartà - adj. (pr. \ &p&rt'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - secluded,
sng. and plr. aostan-a, aostan-e. - of Aosta, related to out-of-the-way, isolated.
Aosta, inhabitant of Aosta. See also the term "valdostan", apartament - n. m. (pr. \ &p&rt&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - flat,
referred to (st.) or (sb.) related to the Aosta valley. apartment. See also "alògg ".
aostengh - adj (pr. \ &ust'æ[ng]g \) Ms. plr. aostengh - fm. aparté - vrb. 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &p&rt'e \) - to segregate, to put
sng. and plr. aostenga, aostenghe. - of August, August apart.
(attribute). (we speak about the month of August). See also apartenensa - n. f. (pr. \ &p&rten'æ[ng]s& \) At plr.
the term "ostengh ". apartenense - 1) - belonging. - 2) - membership.
aòra - n. f. (pr. \ &'or& \) At plr. aòre. - light wind. See also apartenent - adj. (pr. \ &p&rten'ænt \) Ms. plr. apartenent -
the term "òra ". fm. sng. and plr. apartenenta, apartenente. - 1) -
apagament - n. m. (pr. \ &p&g&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - belonging. - 2) - proper (to).
satisfaction. aparten-e - vrb 2nd con. int. (pr. \ &p&rt'æ[ng]e \) - 1) - to
apagant - adj. (pr. \ &p&g'&nt \) Ms. plr. apagant - fm. sng. belong. - 2) - to be a member - 3) - to be proper (to). It
and plr. apaganta, apagante. - satisfactory, adequate. can use both aux. "esse " or "avèj " (it is easier to find the
See also the term "pagant ". use of "avèj"). See also the voice "apartnì " (this vrb is a
apaghé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &p&g'e \) - to satisfy. See also "fosonant " one. See grammar).
"paghé ". apartésse - vrb. 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &p&rt'ese \) - to withdraw,
apagésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &p&g'ese \) - to be satisfied, to keep apart, to keep oneself to oneself. See also
to content oneself (with). "isolésse " and the vrbl. loc. "butésse da part " = "to put
apàir - n. m. (pr. \ &p'&ir \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - chance, ease. - 2) oneself apart ".
- availability of time, willingness. See also the term apartnì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ &p&rtn'i \) - See aparten-e.
"pairansa ". apasié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &p&zi'e \) - to appease, to calm,
apairé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ &p&ir'e \) - to have time, to be to quiet. See also "pasié ".
willing. See also the more common term "pairé ". It uses apasiésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &p&zi'ese \) - to calm
the aux. "avèj ". E. g. "i l'hai nen pairà " = " I didnt'have oneself. See also "pasiésse ".
time ". apassì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ &p&s'i \) - 1) - to wither
apalator - n. m. (pr. \ &p&l&t'ur \) Inv. at plr. - policeman, (botany) - 2) - to fade (in a fig. sense). Italianism. See also
guard (old term, no more commonly used). See also the ther terms "passì, fiapì, anfiapì, splufrì ".
terms "polissiòt, cìvich, guàrdia". apassiment - n. m. (pr. \ &p&sim'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
withering (botanic). - 2) - fading (in a fig. sense).
Italianism. See also the term "splufriment ".

apassionà - n. and adj. (pr. \ &p&siun'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. apeupré - adv. (pr. \ &p[oe]pr'e \) - about, roughly,
- 1) - impassioned, , passionate (adj.). - 2) - passionately approximately, nearly, about, or so.
fond. (adj.). - 3) - fan, lover, enthusiast (sbst.). See also a-peu-pré - adv. (pr. \ &p[oe]pr'e \) - about, roughly,
the term "ambalinà ". approximately, nearly, about, or so.
apassionant - adj. (pr. \ &p&siun'&nt \) Ms. plr. apassionant apia - n. f. (pr. \ '&pi& \) At plr. apie. - axe, hatchet. See also
- fm. sng. and plr. rspy. apassionanta, apassionante. - "piòla, assul ".
exciting, thrilling, engrossing, arousing. apianàbil - adj. (pr. \ &pi&n'&bil \) Ms. plr. apianàbij - fm.
apassioné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &p&siun'e \) - 1) - to sng. and plr. apianàbil, apianàbij. - 1) - levellable. - 2) -
impassion. - 2) - to move. removable (in a fig. sense). - See also the term "spianàbil
apassionésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &p&siun'ese \) - to be ".
keen (on), to become fond (of), to grieve. apianament - n. m. (pr. \ &pi&n&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
apatìa - n. f. (pr. \ &p&t'i& \) At plr. apatìe. - apathy, smoothing, planing. - 2) - levelling. - 3) - removal (in a
indifference, listlessness. See also "pigrissia, indiferensa fig. sense). - See also the term "spianament ".
". apiané - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &pi&n'e \) - 1) - to smooth, to
apàtich - adj. (pr. \ &p'&tic \) Ms. plr. apàtich - fm. sng. and plane. - 2) - to level. - See also the term "spiané ".
plr. apàtica, apàtiche. - apathetic, indifferent, listless. apiaté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &pi&t'e \) - to hide (in this sense
See also "pìgher, indiferent ". it is seldom used and it is an italianism. See also the terms
apèis - n. f. (pr. \ &p'æiz \) Inv. at plr. (if any). - pitch. See also "stërmé, scacé, nasconde " ).
"apèis ". apiatésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &pi&t'ese \) - 1) - to hide
apeisadura - n. f. (pr. \ &pæiz d'[ue]r \) At plr. apeisadure. oneself (in this sense it is seldom used and it is an
- tarring, covering with pitch. See also the term italianism. See also the terms "stërmésse, scacésse " ). - 2) -
"ampeisadura". to crouch. (in this sense it is seldom used and it is an
apeisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &pæiz'e \) - to tar, to pitch, to italianism. See also the terms "ababiésse, babiésse " ).
cover with pitch. See also the terms "ampesé, apeisé, apiatì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &pi&t'i \) - to flatten, to level.
ampeisé ". apiatiment - n. m. (pr. \ &pi&tim'ænt \) Inv. at plr. -
apél - n. m. (pr. \ &p'el \) At plr. apéj. - 1) - roll-call, call. - 2) flattening, levelling.
- appeal (legal). - 3) - cry, call. apiatìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &pi&t'ise \) - to flatten, to
apelà - adj, p. p. and n. (pr. \ &pel'& \) Inv. in gender and level out, to become flat. (always referred to oneself,
number. - 1) - appealed (adj. - legal) - 2) - appellee. (sbst) being the vrb. a refl. one).
apelàbil - adj. (pr. \ &pel'&bil \) Ms. plr. apelàbij - fm. sng. apij - n. m. (pr. \ &p'iy \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - support, hold. - 2) -
and plr. rspy. apelàbil, apelàbij. - appealable (legal) pretext, opportunity.
apelabilità - n. f. (pr. \ &pel&bilit'& \) Inv. at plr. (if any). - apijésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &piy'ese \) - 1) - to seize. - 2)
appealability (legal). - to take as a pretext. - See also the refl. vrb "tachésse ".
apelant - n. and adj. (pr. \ &pel'&nt \) Ms. plr. apelànt - fm. apiomb - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &pi'umb \) Inv. at plr. (if any). -
sng. and plr. rspy. apelànta, apelànte. - appellant. perpendicularity.
apelassion - n. f. (pr. \ &pel&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - apiomb - 2) - adv. (pr. \ &pi'umb \). - perpendicularly.
appellation, denomination. apiòt - n. m. (pr. \ &pi'ot \) Inv. at plr. - little axe, little
apelativ - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &pel&t'iu \) Inv. at plr. - appellation, hatchet. Diminutive of "apia ", that changes gnd.
appellative. àpis - n. m. (pr. \ '&piz \) Inv. at plr. - pencil. See also the most
apelativ - 2) - adj. (pr. \ &pel&t'iu \) Ms. plr. apelativ - fm. common terms "làpis, crajon ".
sng. and plr. rspy. apelativa, apelative. - appellative. aplaudì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &pl&ud'i \) - to applaud, to
apelé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &pel'e \) - to call. approve.
apelésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &pel'ese \) - to appeal. aplaus - n. m. (pr. \ &pl'&uz \) Inv. at plr. (usually plr.) - 1) -
apènde - vrb 2nd con trs. (pr. \ &p'ænde \) - See pènde. applause. See also the preferred term "batiman ". - 2) -
apendicite - n. f. (pr. \ &pændi[ch]'ite \) Inv. at plr. - cheers, cheering. - 3) - approval, applause.
appendicitis. See also the term "apendissite ". aplicà - 1) - n. (pr. \ &plic'& \) Inv. in gnd and nr. - junior
apendiss - n. f. (pr. \ &pænd'is \) Inv. at plr. - appendix. clerk.
apendissite - n. f. (pr. \ &pændis'ite \) - See apendicite. aplicà - 2) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &plic'& \) Inv. in gnd and nr. -
Apenin - n. m. (pr. \ &pen'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - Apennines (in applied.
Piedmontese this term can correctly be both sng. and plr.). aplicàbil - adj. (pr. \ &plic'&bil \) - Ms. plr. aplicàbij - fm.
apen-a - adv. and cng. (pr. \ &p'æ[ng]& \) - 1) - hardly, sng. and plr. aplicàbil, aplicàbij. - 1) - applicable. - 2) -
scarcely, just (adv.) - 2) - as soon as, just (cng.) See also enforceable (legal).
the term "pen-a ". aplicabilità - n. f. (pr. \ &plic&bilit'& \) Inv. at plr. (if any) - 1)
aperitiv - n. m. (pr. \ &perit'iu \) Inv. at plr. - aperitif. - applicability. - 2) - enforceability (legal).
apesantì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &pez&nt'i \) - 1) - to increase aplicassion - n. f. (pr. \ &plic&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
the weight, to make heavier. - 2) - to make stout. application. - 2) - application, concentration (in a fig.
apesantiment - n. m. (pr. \ &pez&ntim'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - sense). - 2) - enforcement (legal). - 4) - overlay
increase in weight. - 2) - loading. - 3) - thickening. (tayloring).
apetensa - n. f. (pr. \ &pet'æ[ng]s& \) At plr. apetense. - aplicador - n. m. (pr. \ &plic&d'ur \) Inv. at plr. - tool for
appetency, appetite. See also the most common term applying (st.).
"aptit ". apliché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &plik'e \) - 1) - to apply. - 2) -
apetì -vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &pet'i \) - to crave for. See also to enforce, to impose (legal). - 3) - to assign (sb.) to a job.
"aptì ". aplichésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &plik'ese \) - to apply
apetìbil - adj. (pr. \ &pet'ibil \) Ms. plr. apetìbij - fm. sng. and oneself (to a job, etc.).
plr. apetìbil, apetìbij. - desirable. apocaliss - n. f. (pr. \ &puc&l'is \) Inv. at plr. - apocalypse.
apetibilità - n. f. (pr. \ &petibilit'& \) Inv. at plr. - desirability. See also the term "apocalìsse ".
apetitos - adj. (pr. \ &petit'uz \) Ms. plr. apetitos - fm. sng. apocalìsse - n. f. (pr. \ &puc&l'ise \) - See apocaliss.
and plr. apetitosa, apetitose. - 1) - appetizing. - 2) -
tempting (in a fig. sense). - See also the term "aptitos ".

apocalìtich - adj. (pr. \ &puc&l'itic \) Ms. plr. apocalìtich - apotéma - n. m. (pr. \ &put'em&\) Inv. at plr. - apothem
fm. sng. and plr. apocalìtica, apocalìtiche. - (geometry)
apocalyptical. apoteòsi - n. f. (pr. \ &pute'osi \) Inv. at plr. - apotheosis.
apogé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &puj'e \) - 1) - to lean, to rest. - apòcrif - adj. (pr. \ &p'ocrif \) Ms. plr. apòcrif - fm. sng. and
2) - to support. - See also the term "pogé ". plr. apòcrifa, apòcrife. - apocryphal , spurious.
apogéo - n. m. (pr. \ &puj'eô \) Inv. at plr. (if any). - apogee. apògg - n. m. (pr. \ &p'oj \) Inv. at plr. - brace, support,
apogésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &puj'ese \) - 1) to lean. bracking (also in a fig. sense).
(referred to oneself). - 2) - to place one's trust. apòlid - n. and adj. (pr. \ &p'olid \) Ms. plr. apòlid - fm. sng.
apogiadura - n. f. (pr. \ &puj'&d'[ue]r& \) At plr. apogiadure. and plr. apòlida, apòlide. - 1) - stateless, displaced (adj.)
- appoggiatura, grace note (music). - 2) - stateless person. (sbst.). - See also the term in the
apolìtich - adj. (pr. \ &pul'itic \) Ms. plr. apolìtich - fm. sng. form "apòlide ".
and plr. apolìtica, apolìtiche. - apolitical. apòlide - n. and adj. (pr. \ &p'olide \) - See apòlid.
apolitissità - n. f. (pr. \ &pulitisit'& \) Inv. at plr. (if any). - apòlogh - n. m. (pr. \ &p'olug \) - Inv. at plr. - apologue.
apolitical character, apolitical nature. apòsit - adj. (pr. \ &p'ozit \) Ms. plr. apòsit - fm. sng. and plr.
apologéta - n. (pr. \ &puluj'et& \) Ms. plr. apologeta - fm. apòsita, apòsite. - 1) - special, specific. - 2) - suitable,
sng. and plr. apologeta, apologete. - apologist. fitting.
apologética - n. f. (pr. \ &puluj'etic& \) At plr. (if any) apòsta - adv. (pr. \ &p'ost& \) - 1) - on purpose. - 2) -
apologétiche. - apologetics. expressly, specially. - 3) - special (while working as an
apologétich - adj. (pr. \ &puluj'etic \) Ms. plr. apologetich - adj.). See also the adv. loc. "ëd propòsit " = lit. "of
fm. sng. and plr. apologetica, apologetiche. -apologetical. purpose". Also in the spelling "a pòsta".
apologìa - n. f. (pr. \ &puluj'i& \) At plr. apologìe. - apologia, apòstata - n. (pr. \ &p'ost&t& \) Ms. plr. apòstata - fm. sng.
apology. and plr. apòstata, apòstate. - apostate. See also the term
apologìsta - n. (pr. \ &puluj'ist& \) Ms. plr. apologista - fm. "arnegà ".
sng. and plr. apologista, apologiste. - apologist. apòstol - n. m. (pr. \ &p'ostul \) At plr. apòstoj. - apostle.
apont - n. m. (pr. \ &p'unt \) Inv. at plr, - 1) - note, apòstrofo - n. m. (pr. \ &p'ostrufô \) Inv. at plr. - apostrophe.
memorandum. - 2) - reproach. In this meaning it is an aprèi - n. m. (pr. \ &pr'æi \) Inv. at plr. - spigot. See also the
italianism. See instead the terms "arpròch, rimpròch ". terms "spinela, ponga, spineta ".
apontà - n. m. (pr. \ &punt'& \) Inv. at plr. - lance corporal aprèis - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &pr'æiz \) - Inv. at plr. - rennet. See
(military) also the term "prèis, quajet ".
apontament - n. m. (pr. \ &punt&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - apréis - 2) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &pr'æiz \) - Ms. plr. aprèis -
appointment, rendezvous, date. fm. sng. and plr. aprèisa, apseise. - learnt. As an adj. the
aponté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &punt'e \) - to make notes. See term is quite an italianism. See the best piedm. terms
also "apunté, noté ". "amparà, amprendù ", which are also p. p. This term
apontì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &punt'i \) - to sharpen. sometimes is used as p. p., but the correct p. p. (even if
Italianism. See also the best piedm. terms "aussé, avussé " italianism) should be "aprendù ".
(having the same pronunciation). aprende - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ &pr'ænde \) - See amprende.
aponto - adv. (pr. \ &p'untô \) - exactly, just. This word is aprension - n. f. (pr. \ &præ[ng]si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
quite used, but it is an italianism. See instead the terms apprehension , anxiety.
"pròpi, giusta " and the adv. loc. "pròpi parèj " = "exacly aprensiv - adj. (pr. \ &præ[ng]s'iu \) Ms. plr. aprensiv - fm.
so ". sng. and plr. aprensiva, aprensive. - apprehensive,
apon-e - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ &p'u[ng]e \) - to affix, to anxious, uptight.
append, to put. Italianism. The usual piedm. term to see is apréss - adv. (pr. \ &pr'es \) - after, later, behind. See also the
"buté ". terms "apreu, dapréss, dòp ".
apoplessìa - n. f. (pr. \ &puples'i& \) At a possible plr. apressàbil - adj. (pr. \ &pres'&bil \) Ms. plr. apressàbij - fm.
apoplessìe. - apoplexy. sng. and plr. apressàbil, apressàbij. - appreciable,
apoplétich - adj. (pr. \ &pupl'etic \) - Ms. plr. apoplétich - fm. notable.
sng. and plr.apoplética, apoplétiche. - apoplectical. apressament - n. m. (pr. \ &pres&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. -
apopré - adv. (pr. \ &pupr'e \) - See a-peu-pré. appreciation.
apositiv - adj. (pr. \ &puzit'iu \) Ms. plr. apositiv - fm. sng. apressié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &presi'e \) - to appreciate.
and plr.apositiva, apositive. - appositive (grammar). apreu - adv. (pr. \ &pr'[oe] \) - See apréss.
apostament - n. m. (pr. \ &pust&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - aprocé - vrb. 1st con. int. (pr. \ &pru[ch]'e \) - to approach. It
ambush. uses the aux. "avèj ". The meaning is the same of the
apostatìa - n. f. (pr. \ &pust&z'i& \) At plr. (if any) apostasìe. following refl. form.
- apostasy, apostacy. aprocésse - vrb. 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &pru[ch]'ese \) - to
apostaté - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ &pust&t'e \) - to apostatize. It approach.
uses the aux. "avèj ". aprodé - vrb. 1st con. int. (pr. \ &prud'e \) - 1) - to land. - 2) -
aposté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &pust'e \) - to lie in wait for, to to come (to), to lead (to)
wait for, to put (sb.) in ambush. aprofité - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ &prufit'e \) - to take
apostésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &pust'ese \) - to lie in advantage. See also the term "profité ". It uses the aux.
ambush. See also the term "avaité ", and the vrbl. loc. "sté "avèj ". The meaning is the same of the following refl.
a l'avàit ". form.
apostema - n. m. (pr. \ &pust'em& \) Inv. at plr. - abscess. See aprofitésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &prufit'ese \) - to take
also the terms "postéma, bognon, assess ". advantage, to avail oneself. See also the term "profitésse
apostolà - n. m. (pr. \ &pustul'& \) Inv. at plr. - apostolate. ".
apostòlich - adj. (pr. \ &pust'olic \) Ms. plr. apostòlich - fm. aprofondì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &prufund'i \) - to deepen, to
sng. and plr. apostòlica, apostòliche. - apostolical. go into, to examine closely. See also the vrbl. loc. "andé
apostrofé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &pustruf'e \) - to ant l'ancreus. " = "to go into the deep ".
apostrophize. (in any sense). aprofondìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &prufund'ise \) - to
become deeper. The form is refl. but the meaning is int.

aprofondiment - n. m. (pr. \ &prufundim'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - apuntì - 1) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &p[ue]nt'i \) Ms. plr. apuntì -
deepening, investigation. fm. sng. and plr. apuntìa, apuntìe. - 1) -sharp (adj.). - 2) -
apronté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &prunt'e \) - to ready, to pointed (adj. and p. p.). The term is quite an italianism.
prepare. Italianism, see the best piedm. terms "pronté, See the best terms "aùss, avuss, pontù, avussà, etc.".
preparé ". apuntì - 2) - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &p[ue]nt'i \) - to sharpen, to
aprontésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &prunt'ese \) - to prepare point. The term is quite an italianism. See the best term "
oneself, to get ready. Italianism. See also the best piedm. avussé. ".
terms "prontésse, preparésse ". apuràbil - adj. (pr. \ &p[ue]r'&bil \) Ms. plr. apuràbij - fm.
aproprià - adj. (pr. \ &prupri'& \) Inv. in gender and number. - sng. and plr. apuràbil, apuràbij. - verifiable. See also the
appropriate, suitable. terms "controlàbil, verificàbil ".
apropriassion - n. f. (pr. \ &prupri&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - apurabilità - n. f. (pr. \ &p[ue]r&bilit'& \) Inv. at plr. -
appropriation. verifiability. See also the terms "controlabilità,
apropriatëssa - n. f. (pr. \ &prupri&t'&ss& \) At plr. (if any) verificabilità ".
apropriatësse. - appropriateness, suitability. apurament - n. m. (pr. \ &p[ue]r&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. -
aproprié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &prupri'e \) - 1) - to ascertainment, verification, check. See also the terms
appropriate. - 2) - to adapt, to suit. "contòl, verìfica ".
apropriésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &prupri'ese \) - to apuré - vrb 1sr con. trs. (pr. \ &p[ue]r'e \) - to ascertain, to
appropriate, to take possession. verify, to check. See also the terms "contolé, verifiché ".
aprossimassion - n. f. (pr. \ &prusim&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - aqua... - prefix. (pr. \ '&[qu]&... \) - water... . The addition of
approximation. this prefix in front of the name of an entity, indicates, of
aprossimativ - adj. (pr. \ &prusim&t'iu \) Ms. plr. course, a direct relation with water. Sometimes also the
aprossimativ - fm. sng. and plr. aprossimativa, English uses the same prefix in the same way. E. g the
aprossimative. - approximate. english word "aquaplane " is translated into Piedm. as
aprossimativament - adv. (pr. \ &prusim&tiv&m'ænt \) - "aquaplan ". We do not report all the words using this
approximately, roughly. Italianism. See also the term prefix, since it is easy to find their meaning looking at the
"apeupré, etc. ", and the adv. loc. "pì ò manch " = "more or second part of the word itself. Sometimes the brefix
less ", and others. becomes "aque...". As usual not all the words starting with
aprossimé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &prusim'e \) - 1) - to bring these letters use them as a prefix.
near. - 2) - to approximate. aqua - n. f. (pr. \ '&[qu]& \) At plr. aque. - water. See also the
aprossimésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &prusim'ese \) - to terms "eva, èiva ". Note that the spelling of this word is the
approach, to draw near. See also the most common term same as in Latin.
"avzinésse ". aquacésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[qu]&[ch]'ese \) - to
aprovàbil - adj. (pr. \ &pruw'&bil \) Ms. plr. aprovàbij - fm. crouch, to crouch down. See also the terms "angrignésse,
sng. and plr. aprovàbil, aprovàbij. - 1) - approvable. - 2) babiésse ".
- acceptable, passable. aquafortista - n. (pr. \ &[qu]&furt'ist& \) Ms. plr.
aprovassion - n. f. (pr. \ &pruw&si'ui[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - aquafortista - fm. sng. and plr. aquafortista,
approval, approbation. - 2) - acceptance. - 3) - praise. - aquafortiste. - etcher.
4) - passage (legal, referred to a law). aquafòrt - n. f. (pr. \ &[qu]&f'ort \) Inv. at plr. - etching,
aprovativ - adj. (pr. \ &pruw&t'iu \) Ms. plr. aprovativ - fm. copper etching.
sng. and plr. aprovativa, aprovative. - approbative. aqua fòrta - n. loc. (pr. \ '&[qu]& f'ort& \) At plr. (if any)
aprovator - n. m. (pr. \ &pruw&t'ur \) Inv. at plr. - person in aque fòrte. - nitric acid. (chemistry). Lit. the meaning of
charge of approving, person in charge of certifying. this n. loc. is "strong water". See also the loc. "àcid nìtrich
aprové - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &pruw'e \) - to approve of, to ".
approve, to accept. aquaras - n. f. (pr. \ &[qu]&r'&z \) Inv. at plr. - turpentine.
aprovisionament - n. m. (pr. \ &pruwiziun&m'ænt \) Inv. at See also "evaras ".
plr. - 1) - provisioning, victualling, supplying. - 2) - aquarela - n. f. (pr. \ &[qu]&r'el& \) At plr. aquarele. - 1) -
procurement. - 3) - provisions, supplies. - See also the aquarelle, water colour. - 2) - painting in water colour.
term "provista ". aquarelista - n. (pr. \ &[qu]&rel'ist& \) Ms. plr. aquaerlista -
aprovisionator - n. m. and adj. (pr. \ &pruwiziun&t'ur \) - Ms. fm. sng. and plr. aquarelista, aquareliste. - aquarellist,
plr. aprovisionator - fm. sng. and plr. aprovisionatriss, painter in water colour.
aprovisionatriss. - 1) - supplier (sbst.). - 2) - supplying, aquareul - n. m. (pr. \ &[qu]&r'[oe]l \) At plr. aquareuj. - 1) -
supplier (as an attribute) (adj.). See also "provisionator ". water seller, water bearer. - 2) - who distributes water
aprovisioné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &pruwiziun'e \) - to for watering cultivated lands.
provision, to supply, to procure. See also the term aquari - n. m. (pr. \ &[qu]'&ri \) Inv. at plr. - aquarium. See
"provisioné ". also "eivari ".
aprovisionésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &pruwiziun'ese \) - to aquasantin - n. m. (pr. \ &[qu]&s&nt'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
lay in supplies. See also the vrbl. loc. "fé provista" = lit. holy-water font, stoup.
"to make provision ". aquàtich - adj. (pr. \ &[qu]'&tic \) Ms. plr. aquàtich - fm. sng.
apròcc - n. m. (pr. \ &pr'o[ch] \) Inv. at plr. - approach, and plr. aquàtica, aquàtiche. - aquatic.
overture. aquavita - n. f. (pr. \ &[qu]&v'it& \) At plr. (if any) aquavite. -
apròd - n- m. (pr. \ &pr'od \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - landing. - 2) - brandy. See also te term "branda ", which derives from the
landing place. old word "brandevin " that means "whine that burns ".
aptì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &pt'i \) - See apetì. Sometimes also "aquavis" is found, which is a bad
aptit - n. m. (pr. \ &pt'it \) Inv. at plr. - appetite. italianism.
aptità - adj. (pr. \ &ptit'& \) Inv. in gnd and nr. - that has aquavis - n. f. (pr. \ &[qu]&v'iz \) - Bad italianism. See
appetite. aquavita.
aptitos - adj. (pr. \ &ptit'uz \) - See apetitos. aque... - prefix. (pr. \ &[qu]e... \) - See aqua... .
apunté - vrb 1st st con. trs. (pr. \ &p[ue]nt'e \) - See aponté. aquedòt - n. m. (pr. \ &[qu]ed'ot \) Inv. at plr. - aqueduct,

aqueri - n. m. (pr. \ &[qu]'eri \) Inv. at plr. - downpour, arach - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &r'&c \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - kinckknacs,
cloudburst. gewgaws, gimcracks. See also the terms "rumenta,
aqueté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[qu]et'e \) - to appease, to giargiàtola ". - 2) - ugly person.
calm. See also the terms "achieté, chieté ". arach - 2) - adj. (pr. \ &r'&c \) Ms. plr. arach - fm. sng. and
aquetésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &[qu]et'ese \) - to calm plr. araca, arache. - 1) - ugly, awkward. - 2) - sickly,
down. See also the terms "achietésse, chietésse". weak, feeble. In this sense see also the terms "malatiss,
aquëtta - n. f. (pr. \ &[qu]'&tt& \) - At plr. aquëtte. - 1) - maladiss, malaviuss, aracuss".
drizzle, light rain. See also the terms "piuvzin-a, rosin-a ". aracuss - adj. (pr. \&r&c'èue]s \ ) - See arach 2), 2nd meaning.
- 2) - very light wine (in a fig. sense). arador - n. m. (pr. \ &r&d'ur \) - See lavoror.
àquila - n. f. (pr. \ '&[qu]il& \) At plr. àquile. - 1) - eagle aradura - n. f. (pr. \ &r&d'[ue]r& \) - See lavorura.
(zoology). See also the terms "òja, aghia ". - 2) - genius (in aragn - n. m. (pr. \ &r'&[gn] \) Inv. at plr. - spider (zoology).
a fig. sense). See also the term "ragn ".
aquilin - adj. - (pr. \ &[qu]il'i[ng] \) Ms. plr. aquilin - fm. sng. aragnà - n. f. (pr. \ &r&[gn]'& \) Inv. at plr. - spider web,
and plr. aquilin-a, aquilin-e. - aquiline. cobweb. See also the terms "aragnal, ragnà ".
aquilon - n. m. (pr. \ &[qu]il'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. (when aragnal - n. f. (pr. \ &r&[gn]'&l \) - See aragnà.
applicable). - 1) - noth wind. See also thwe term aragnos - adj. (pr. \ &r&[gn]'uz \) Ms. plr. aragnos - fm. sng.
"tramontan-a ". - 2) - kite. In this meaning see also and plr. aragnosa, aragnose. - full of spider webs. See
"comëtta ". also the term "ragnos".
aquilòt - n. m. (pr. \ &[qu]il'ot \) - little eagle, eaglet. It is a Aragon-a - n. f. (pr. \ &r&g'u[ng]& \) Usually sng. (name of
diminutive of "àquila ", with a change in gender. See also region), in case of need, at plr. Argon-e. - Aragon.
the term "ojet ". aragonèis - adj. (pr. \ &r&gun'æiz \) Ms. plr. aragonèis - fm.
aquirent - n. (pr. \ &[qu]ir'ænt \) Ms. plr. aquirent - fm. sng. sng. and plr. aragonèisa, aragonèise. - Aragonese.
and plr. aquirenta, aquirente. - buyer, purchaser, aragòsta - n. f. (pr. \ &r&g'ost& \) At plr. aragòste. - spiny
shopper. lobster, langouste, crawfish. (zoology) See also the term
aquisì - 1) - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &[qu]iz'i \) - to acquire. See "argòsta ".
also the terms "oten-e, ragiunge ". arald - n. m. (pr. \ &r'&ld \) Inv. at plr. - herald.
aquisì - 2) - adj. and p. p. . (pr. \ &[qu]iz'i \) Ms. plr. aquisì - aràldica - n. f. (pr. \ &r'&ldic& \) At plr. aràldiche. -
fm. sng. and plr. aquisìa, aquisìe. - acquired. See also the heraldry.
term "otnù ". aràldich - adj. (pr. \ &r'&ldic \) Ms. plr. aràldich - fm. sng.
aquisibil - adj. (pr. \ &[qu]iz'ibil \) Ms. plr. aquisìbij - fm. and plr. aràldica, aràldiche. - heraldic.
sng. and plr. aquisìbil, aquisìbij. - acquirable. araldìsta - n. m. (pr. \ &r&ld'ist& \) Inv. at plr. - heraldist.
aquisission - n. f. (pr. \ &[qu]izisi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - aram - n. m. (pr. \ &r'&m \) Usually sng. (chemical element).
acquisition, acquirement. Just in cas, it is inv. at plr. - copper. See also the term
aquist - n. m. (pr. \ &[qu]'ist \) Inv. at plr. - purchase. Quite an "ram".
italianism. See also the term "compra ". aramadura - n. f. (pr. \ &r&m&d'[ue]r& \) At plr.
aquistàbil - adj. (pr. \ &[qu]ist'&bil \) Ms. plr. aquistàbij - aramadure. - 1) - coppering, copper plating. - 2) -
fm. sng. and plr. aquistàbil, aquistàbij. - 1) - buyable, spraying with copper sulphate (agriculture). See also the
purchasable. See also the terms "catàbil, compràbil ". - 2) term "ramadura ", which is more used.
- gainable. See also the term "otnìbil ". aramàich - n. and adj. (pr. \ &r&m'&ic \) Ms. plr. aramàich -
aquisté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &[qu]ist'e \) - 1) - to buy, to fm. sng. and plr. aramàica, aramàiche. - Aramaic.
purchase. See also the terms "compré, caté ". - 2) - to arambagi - n. m. (pr. \ &r&mb'&ji \) Inv. at plr. - boarding,
gain, to acquire. See also the term "oten-e". assault. See also the term "arembagi ".
aquos - adj. (pr. \ &[qu]'uz \) Ms. plr. aquos - fm. sng. and plr. arambé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &r&mb'e \) - to board. See also
aquosa, aquose. - watery. the term "arembé ".
aquosità - n. f. (pr. \ &[qu]uzit'& \) Inv. at plr. - wateriness. arambésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &r&mb'ese \) - 1) - to
ar... - prefix. (pr. \ &r... \) - In Piedmontese this is the prefix approach, to move closer. - 2) - to cling.
that carries the idea of "again..." as it is in English the aramé - vrb 1st con. trs. - (pr. \ &r&m'e \) - 1) - to copper, to
prefix "re..." . We will not report all the words making use copper plate. - 2) - to spray with copper sulphate
of this prefix. At the beginning of this vocabulary we have (agriculture). A term which is more used, for both the
indicated how to deal with words starting by "ar...". Of meanings, is "ramé ".
course not all the words starting with "ar..." have these aramì - 1) - adj. (pr. \ &r&m'i \) Ms. plr. aramì - fm. sng. and
letters as a prefix. plr. aramìa, aramìe. - scorched, singed, burst. See also
arà - n. m. (pr. \ &r'& \) Inv. at plr. - plough, plow. See also the term "ramì ".
the term "slòira ". aramì - 2) - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &r&m'i \) - See ramì.
arabésch - n. m. (pr. \ &r&b'æsc \) Inv. at plr. - arabesque. aranda - adv. (pr. \ &r'&nd& \) - near, close, on the side. See
arabëscà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &r&b&sc'& \) - arabesqued. also the term "randa ", and the adv. loc. "a randa".
arabësché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &r&b&sk'e \) - to arabesque. aranda a - loc. prp. (pr. \ &r'&nd& & \) - close to.
aràbich - adj. (pr. \ &r'&bic \) - See àrabo. aranga - n. f. (pr. \ &r'&[ng]g& \) At plr. aranghe. -
arabìch - n, m. (pr. \ &r&b'ic \) Inv at plr. - alembic, still. harangue, pleading. See also the term "discors ".
(chemistry). See also "lambich ". arangé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &r&nj'e \) - 1) - to repair. - 2) -
arabìch (testa d'---) - loc. adj. (pr. \ t'est& d &r&b'ic \) - odd, to arrange, to adjust. - 3) - to settle. See also the most
strange, dull (referred to a person). Idiomatic expression. common term "rangé ".
àrabo - n. and adj. - (pr. \ '&r&bô \) Ms. plr. àrabo - fm. sng. arangésse - vrb 1st con. refl. and recp. (pr. \ &r&nj'ese \) - 1) -
and plr. àraba, àrabe. - Arabian, Arabic. See also to manage, to get along (refl.).. Also in the sense of - 2) -
"aràbich ". to fight one's own battle "(refl.). - 3) - to come to an
Aràbia - n. f. (pr. \ &r'&bi& \) - usually sng., in case of need at understanding, to reach an agreement (recp.). See also
plr. Aràbie. - Arabia. the most common term "rangésse ". See also the
arabism - n. m. (pr. \ &r&b'izm \) Inv. at plr. - Arabism, particularity of the 2nd sng. person of the imperative
Arabicism. "arante" (the letter "g" is lost).

aranghé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &r&[ng]g'e \) - to harangue. ferment (int.). - See also the term "arbujì. It always uses
arangiament - n. m. (pr. \ &r&nji&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr, - 1) - the aux. "avèj ".
arrangement. See also "rangiament ". - 2) - agreement. arbëccagi - n. m. (pr. \ &rb&kk'&ji \) Inv. at plr. - squabble,
See also "acòrdi ". tiff. See also the terms "batibech, rusa, ciacòt".
arangiator - n. (pr. \ &r&nji&t'ur \) Ms. plr. arangiator - fm. arbëcché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rb&kk'e \) - to retort, to
sng. and plr. arangiatriss, arangiatriss. - arranger. answer back. See also "arbate ".
arante - vrb. 1st con. refl. - 2nd person imperative sng. - (pr. \ arbëcchésse - vrb 1st con. recp. (pr. \ &rb&kk'ese \) - to bicker,
&r'&nte \) - See arangésse. (the voice is reported due to a to squabble.
particular spelling). arbi - n. m. (pr. \ '&rbi \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - barrel, tub (in
arass - n. m. (pr. \ &r'&s \) Inv. at plr. - tapestry. The term is particular a parallelepipedal container for transporting
quite an italianism, and better terms to see are "tapiss, grapes). - 2) - drinking trough
tapissarìa ". arbià - n. f. (pr. \ &rbi'& \) Inv. at plr. - the content of a
arassé - n. (pr. \ &r&s'e \) - See arassié. barrel (of an "àrbi ").
arasserìa - n. f. (pr. \ &r&ser'i& \) At plr. - arasserìe. - arbiciolù - adj. (pr. \ &rbi[ch]iul'[ue] \) Ms. plr. arbiciolù -
tapestry-work, tapestry. See also "tapisserìa, tapissarìa ". fm. sng. and plr. arbiciolùa, arbiciolùe. - in good health,
arassié - n. (pr. \ &r&si'e \) Ms. plr. arassié - fm. sng. and plr. reassured, resourceful, lively, springhtly.
arassiera, arassiere. - tapestry-worker. See also the term arbicòch - n. m. (pr. \ &rbic'oc \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - apricot. - 2)
"tapissé ". - apricot tree. - See also the more piedm. terms
arativ - adj. (pr. \ &r&t'iu \) Ms. plr. arativ - fm. sng. and plr. "armognan, ramognan", used both for the fruit and the tree.
arativa, arative. - arable. See also the term "lavoràbil ". arbindé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rbind'e \) - to bandage again,
arbagné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rb&[gn]'e \) - to water again. to dress again.
See also the term "ribagné ". arbion - n. m. (pr. \ &rbi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - pea. See also the
arbarela - n. f. (pr. \ &rb&r'el& \) - See albarela . terms "pòis, arbèj, lemo ".
arbass - n. m. (pr. \ &rb'&s \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - reduction, arbiòt - n. m. (pr. \ &rbi'ot \) - Inv. at plr. - little drinking
abatement, fall (prices). - 2) - discount, rebate. - 3) - trough, diminutive of "arbi ".
lowering. - 4) - debasement. - See also the term "ribass ". arbit - n. m. (pr. \ &rb'it \) Inv. at plr. - shock, sudden
arbassé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &rb&s'e \) - 1) - to emotion. See also the word "s-ciopon " which is a slang
lower, to reduce, to abate. (trs.) - 2) - to lower, to but very used form.
decline, to fall, to be reduced (int.). In this case it uses the àrbiter - n. m. (pr. \ '&rbitær \) - See àrbitr.
aux. "esse". - 3) - to lower again (trs.). - See also the word arbiton - n. m. (pr. \ &rbit'u[ng] \) - See arbuton.
"ribassé ". arbitoné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rbitun'e\) - See arbutoné.
arbat - n. m. (pr. \ &rb'&t \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - toll, stroke. - 2) - àrbitr - n. m. (pr. \ '&rbitr \) Inv. at plr. - arbiter, arbitrator.
reply, retort, replication. - 3) - pulsation, pant. - 4) - See also the terms "àrbiter, àrbitro ".
repercussion. - But we find also this word in the arbitrà - n. m. (pr. \ &rbitr'& \) Inv. at plr. - arbitration.
expression "a l'arbat dël sol " = "in bright sunshine ". arbitragi - n. m. (pr. \ &rbitr'&ji \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - arbitrage,
arbate - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ &rb'&te \) - 1) - to retort, to arbitraging. - 2) - arbitration, umpirage (legal). - 3) -
replay, to answer back. Also in the idiomatich sentence refereeing, umpiring (sport).
"arbate le paròle " = lit. "to answer back the words ". See arbitral - adj. (pr. \ &rbitr'&l \) Ms. plr. arbitraj - fm. sng.
also the term "arbëcché ". - 2) - to toll. - 3) - to echo, to and plr. arbitral, arbitraj. - arbitral, arbitration (as an
resound. - 4) - to sew again with a sewing-machine. - 5) - attribute).
to rivet, to clinch (mechanics). - 6) - to beat again, to arbitrament - n. m. (pr. \ &rbitr&m'ænt \) - See arbitragi.
strike again, to knock again. - 7) - to thresh again arbitrant - n. and adj. (pr. \ &rbitr'&nt \) Ms. plr. arbitrant -
(agriculture). - 8) - to reflect, to mirror (e. g. the light). fm. sng. and plr. arbitranta, arbitrante. - 1) - arbiter,
See also the term "riflete". - See also in general the term arbitrator (sbst.). - 2) - that arbitrates (adj.).
"ribate ". arbitràri - adj. (pr. \ &rbitr'&ri \) Ms. plr. arbitrari - fm. sng.
arbatidura - n. m. (pr. \ &rb&tid'[ue]r& \) At plr. arbatidure. and plr. arbitraria, arbitrarie. - arbitrary.
- 1) - riveting, clinching (mechanics). - 2) - felling arbitrariament - adv. (pr. \ &rbitr&ri&m'ænt \) - arbitrarily.
(sewing). Italianism. See the adv. loc. "an manera arbitrària " and
arbatù - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &rb&t'[ue] \) Ms. plr. arbatù - the adj. "arbitrari " used as an adv.
fm. sng. and plr. arbatùa, arbatùe. - 1) - riveted, arbitré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rbitr'e \) - 1) - to arbitrate. -
clinched, felled (p. p. and adj.) - 2) - intractable, 2) - to umpire. - 3) - to referee.
unmanageable, impossible (adj.). arbìtrio - n. m. (pr. \ &rb'itriô \) Inv. at plr. - will, liberty, the
arbèra - n. f. (pr. \ &rb'ær& \) At plr. arbère. - bier, coffin. action of doing (st.) arbitrarily.
See also the term "bèra ". àrbitro - n. m. (pr. \ '&rbitrô \) - See àrbitr.
arbeiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rb'æik'e \) - to see again, to arboch - n. m. (pr. \ &rb'uc \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - overflowing,
look again (at), to review. See also the terms "arbuché, regurgitation. - 2) - lapel, jacket-flap.
arvëdde ". arboché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rbuk'e \) - 1) - to overflow, to
arbeichésse - vrb 1st con. recp. and refl. (pr. \ &rb'æik'ese \) - regurgitate. - 2) - to turn up (or down), to tuck up (or
1) - to see each other again, to meet again. - 2) - to see down) (e. g. sleeves).
oneself again (e. g. in a mirror). See also the terms arbogé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rbuj'e \) - to shift, to move, to
"arbuchésse, arvëdse ". remove. The refl. form assumes the following meanings:
arbèj - n. m. (pr. \ &rb'æy \) - See arbion. arbogésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &rbuj'ese \) - 1) - to move
arbeuj - n. m. (pr. \ &rb'[oe]y \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - boiling, oneself. - 2) - to recover, to come to oneself again.
fermentation. - 2) - agitation, unrest, revolt. - See also arbomb - n. m. (pr. \ &rb'umb \) Inv. at plr. - boom, rumble,
the term "arbùj ". rumbling, roar, roaring. See also the term "rimbomb ".
arbeuje - vrb 2nd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &rb'[oe]ye \) - 1) - to arbombant - adj. (pr. \ &rbumb'&nt \) Ms. plr. arbombant -
reboil, to boil again, to boil away (trs. and int.). - 2) - to fm. sng. and plr. arbombanta, arbombante. - booming,
bubble, to ferment (trs.). - 3) - to boil over, to bubble, to rumbling, thundering, resonant.

arbombé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ &rbumb'e \) - to boom, to arbut - n. m. (pr. \ &rb'[ue]t \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - bud, sprout.
rumble, to roar, to thunder, to resound. See also the See also the term "but ". - 2) - repulsion, rejection. - 3) -
term "rimbombé ". replacing.
arboregé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rburej'e \) - to reforest, to arbutament - n. m. (pr. \ &rb[ue]t&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. -
replant with trees. See also the terms "amboschì, repulsion, rejection.
erboregé". arbutant - adj. - (pr. \ &rb[ue]t'&nt \) Ms. plr. arbutant - fm.
arboregiament - n. m. (pr. \ &rburej&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - sng. and plr. arbutanta, arbutante. - repulsive,
reforestation. revolting. See also the terms "arpugnant, arvirant, schifos
arborin - n. m. (pr. \ &rbur'i[ng] \) - See arbust. ".
arborista - n. (pr. \ &rbur'ist& \) Ms. plr. arborista - fm. sng. arbuté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rb[ue]t'e \) - 1) - to bud, to
and plr. arborista, arboriste. - herbalist, herborist. See bud again, to germinate, to germinate again, to sprout.
also the term "erborìsta ". For this meaning see also the term "buté ". - 2) - to repel,
arboristerìa - n. f. (pr. \ &rburister'i& \) At plr. - arboristerìe. to repulse. - 3) - to bump into, to knock against.
- herbalist's shop. See also the term "erborìsterìa ". arbuton - n. m. (pr. \ &rb[ue]t'u[ng] \) - bump, shove, push
arbors - n. m. (pr. \ &rb'urs \) Inv. at plr. - reimbursement, (violent). See also the term "arbiton ".
refund, repayement, redemption. See also the term arbutoné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rb[ue]tun'e \) - to push
"rimbors ". (violently), to shove. See also the term "arbitoné".
arborsàbil - adj. (pr. \ &rburs'&bil \) Ms. plr. arborsàbij - fm. arbutù - adj. (pr. \ &rb[ue]t' [ue] \) - Ms. plr. arbutù - fm.
sng. and plr. arborsàbil, arborsàbij. - reimbursable, sng. and plr. arbutùa, arbutùe. - reticent, reserved. See
repayable, redeemable. See also the term "rimborsàbil ". also the terms "reticent, resistent ".
arborsé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rburs'e \) - to reimburse, to arca - n. f. (pr. \ '&rc& \) At plr. arche. - 1) - kreading-
repay, to refund, to redeem. See also the term "rimborsé trough, chest. - 2) - sarcophagus. - See also the term
". "erca".
arbotù - adj. (pr. \ &rbut'[ue] \) Ms. plr. arbotù - fm. sng. and arcà - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ &rc'& \) Inv. at plr. - arch, arches,
plr. arbotùa, arbotùe. - gruff, surly. See also the terms arcade. See also the term "arcada ".
"grinton, moronù, anrabià, sevér ". arcà - 2) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &rc'& \) Inv. in gnd and nr. -
arbra - n. f. (pr. \ '&rbr& \) At plr. arbre. - poplar, black arched, bent.
poplar (botanic - Populus nigra). arcada - n. f. (pr. \ &rc'&d& \) Inv. at plr. - arch, arches,
arbrera - n. f. (pr. \ &rbr'er& \) At plr. arbrere. - poplar- arcade. See also the term "arcà ".
wood, poplar-grove. arcade - vrb 2nd con. int. (pr. \ &rc'&de \) - See arcasché.
arbroché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rbruk'e \) - to tack again, to arcadùa - n. f. (pr. \ &rc&d'[ue]& \) - See arcascà.
nail again. arcàich - adj (pr. \ &rc'&ic \) Ms. plr. arcàich - fm. sng. and
arbron - n. m. (pr. \ &rbr'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - poplar, white plr. arcàica, arcàiche. - archaic. See also the term "antich
poplar. (botanic - Populus alba). See also the term "pòbia ".
". arcaisé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ &rc&iz'e \) - to archaize. It uses
arbruf - n. m. (pr. \ &rbr'[ue]f \) Inv. at plr. - rebuke, reproof, the aux. "avèj ".
reprimand, scolding. See also the term "arbruscada ". arcaism - n. m. (pr. \ &rc&'izm \) Inv. at plr. - archaism.
arbrufé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rbr[ue]f'e \) - 1) - to rebuke, arcaìsta - n. (pr. \ &rc&'ist& \) Ms. plr. arcaìsta - fm. sng. and
to reprove. - 2) - to upset, to throw into disorder. plr. rspy. arcaìsta, arcaìste. - archaist.
arbruscada - n. f. (pr. \ &rbr[ue]sc'&d& \) - See arbruf. arcaìstich - adj (pr. \ &rc&'istic \) Ms. plr. arcaìstich - fm.
arbrusché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rbr[ue]sk'e \) - to rebuke, sng. and plr. arcaìstica, arcaìstiche. - archaistic.
to reprove. The refl. form assumes the following, different arcal - n. m. (pr. \ &rc'&l \) Inv. at plr. - reduction,
meaning : diminution, lowering, fall (prices), drop (prices).
arbruschésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &rbr[ue]sk'ese \) - to get arcalé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &rc&l'e \) - 1) - to
angry, to get cross. reduce, to lower, to discount (trs.). It uses the aux. "avèj
arbrusì - vrb. 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &rbr[ue]z'i \) - to ". - 2) - to go down again, to descend again. It usas the
benumb, to numb. (with cold). When trs. it uses the aux. aux. "esse ".
"avèj ", when int. it uses the aux. "esse". arcambi - n. m. (pr. \ &rc'&mbi \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
arbrusìsse - vrb. 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &rbr[ue]z'ise \) - to grow reciprocation, return, repayment. - 2) - refill. - 3) - spare
numb. (with cold). part. See also the most common term "ricambi ".
arbuché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rb[ue]k'e \) - to see again, to arcambié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rc&mbi'e \) - 1) - to change
look again (at), to review. See also the terms "arbeiché, again. See also the terms "ricambié ". - 2) - to reciprocate,
arvëdde, arguardé ". to return, to repay. See also the terms "ricambié,
arbuchésse - vrb 1st con. recp. and refl. (pr. \ &rb[ue]k'ese \) - contracambié, arcompensé, arpaghé ". - 3) - to transform,
1) - to see each other again, to meet again (recp.). - 2) - to change. See also the terms "trasformé, cambié ".
to see oneself again (e. g. in a mirror - refl.). See also the arcan - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &rc'&[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - mystery,
terms "arbeichésse, arvëdse, arguardésse ". arcanum.
arbuf - n. m. (pr. \ &rb[ue]f \) - Inv. at plr. - 1) - gust of wind, arcan - 2) - adj. (pr. \ &rc'&[ng] \) Ms. plr. arcan - fm. sng.
flurry. - 2) - scolding, rebuke (in a fig. sense). and plr. arcan-a, arcan-e. - mysterious, occult, arcane.
arbufà - n. f. (pr. \ &rb[ue]f'& \) - See arbuf. arcancél - n. m. (pr. \ &rc&n[ch]'el \) As a rule it is inv. at plr.,
arbufé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &rb[ue]f'e \) - 1) - to but sometimes at plr. arcancéj. - rainbow. Also written in
disarrange, to upset. (trs.). - 2) - to blow strongly (wind). the form "arch an cél. See also the term "arcansiél "
(int.). It uses always the aux. "avèj ". arcàngel - n. m. (pr. \ &rc'&njæl \) Inv. at plr. - archangel.
2) - to blow strongly (wind). (int.). arcansiél - n. m. (pr. \ &rc&nsi'el \) - See arcancél.
arbùj - n. m. (pr. \ &rb'[ue]y \) - See arbeuj. arcàpit - n. m. (pr. \ &rc'&pit \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - address. In
arbujì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &rb[ue]y'i \) - See this sense see also the terms "recàpit, adressa, diression ".
arbeuje. - 2) - delivery. See also the term "recàpit ".
arbust - n. m. (pr. \ &rb'[ue]st \) Inv. at plr. - shrub. See also
the terms "arborin, erborin ".

arcapité - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rc&pit'e \) - 1) - to deliver. archet - n. m. (pr. \ &rk'æt \) Inv. at plr. - bow for violin, little
See also the term "recapité ". - 2) - to happen again. See bow, little arch.
also the term "ricapité ". archeuit - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &rk'[oe]it \) Ms. plr. archeuit -
arcapitolassion - n. f. (pr. \ &rc&pitul&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - fm. sng. and plr. archeuita, archeuite. - 1) - cooked
recapitulation, summary. again, recooked. This should be adj. and not p. p. which is,
arcapitolé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rc&pitul'e \) - to insread, "arcusù ". Anyway this latter word can also have
recapitulate, to summarize. other meanings, and often "archeuit " is used as p. p. - 2) -
arcaplé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rc&pl'e \) - to cover, to cover annealed (metallurgy)
again. The expression "arcaplé 'l vin " = lit. "to cover the archeuita - n. f. (pr. \ &rk'[oe]it& \) At plr. archeuite. - 1) -
wine " indicates the operation of adding new wine to old recooking. - 2) - annealing (metallurgy).
wine. archeuje - 1) - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ &rk'[oe]ye \) - 1) - to pick
arcària - n. f. (pr. \ &rc'&ri& \) At plr. arcàrie. - reloading , up, to pick un again. - 2) - to harvest, to crop, to crop
recharge, refill. again. - 3) - to gather. - 4) - to collect. - 5) - to cover of
arcarich - n. m. (pr. \ &rc'&ric \) Inv. at plr. - reload. earth the seeds with the plough. - 6) - to shelter, to give
arcarié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rc&ri'e \) - to reload, to load shelter (to).- See also the terms "cheuje, arcujì, cujì ". In
up again, to recharge, to refill. particular "arcujì and cujì " are also p. p. and adj. and
arcascà - n. f. (pr. \ &rc&sc'& \) Inv. at plr. - relapse. See also substitute the form "archeujù" or "arcojù" (where "eu "
the term "arcadùa ". becomes "o ") peculiar of the 2nd con.
arcasché - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ &rc&sk'e \) - 1) - to fall archeuje - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ &rk'[oe]ye \) - See archeujta.
again. - 2) - to have a relapse. It uses the aux. "esse ". See archeujiment - n. m. (pr. \ &rk[oe]yim'ænt \) Inv. at plr. -
also the term "arcade ", which is in particular used about concentration, (engrossed) attention, absorption. See
illness. Then see also the terms "artombé, ardroché ", and also the term "racheujiment ".
the vrbl. loc. "robaté torna, droché torna, etc." archeujisse - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ &rk'[oe]yse \) - 1) - to
arcass - n. m. (pr. \ &rc'&s \) Inv. at plr. - kick-back, concentrate, to collect one's thoughts. This form is a bit
clearance, rejection. See also the terms "armand, rimand". forced in this meaning. Preferred terms to see are
arcassè - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rc&s'e \) - to send back, to "concentrésse, artirésse". - 2) - to gather, to assemble, to
return, to push back, to repel. See also the terms crowd (together).
"arpossé " (toward outside), and "arbate, arfiché, arpianté archeujta - n. f. (pr. \ &rk'[oe]yt& \) At plr. archeujte. - 1) -
" (toward inside). harvesting. - 2) - harvest. See also the terms "arcòlt,
arcat - n. m. (pr. \ &rc'&t \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - repurchase. - 2) - racòlt, cheujta ". - 3) - harvest-time. - 4) - collection. - 5) -
ransom. - 3) - redemption, surrender. gathering.
arcaté - vrs 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rc&t'e \) - 1) - to buy back. - 2) archeuse - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ &rk'[oe]ze \) - 1) - to recook,
- to repurchase. - 3) - to redeem. to cook again. - 2) - to anneal (metallurgy).
arcàuss - n. m. (pr. \ &rc'&us \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - earthing up archeuvre - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ &rk'[oe]vre \) - 1) - to cover,
(agriculture). - 2) - reinforcement, support. See also the to cover again. - 2) - to cover up. 3) - to line, to coat. - 4)
terms "ancàuss, rincàuss ". - to plate. - 5) - to cover, to conceal, to hide - 6) - to load,
arcaussé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rc&us'e \) - 1) - to earth up to overwhelm, to smother. - 7) - to hold (e. g. an office) -
(agriculture). - 2) - to prop, to fix. - 3) - to tuck up. - 4) - 8) - to protect. - See also the terms "cheuvre, cuvrì ".
to support (in a fig. sense). See also the terms "ancaussé, archërde - vrb 2nd con. int. (pr. \ &rk'&rde \) - 1) - to belive
rincaussé ". again. - 2) - to change mind. Usually in the construct "fé
arcaussura - n. f. (pr. \ &rc&us'[ue]r& \) Al plr. - arcaussure. archérde " "to make (sb.) change his/her mind ". It uses
- earthing up (the action of earthing up). See also the the aux. "avèj ".
terms "rincaussùra, arcàuss". archërdse - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ &rk'&rdse \) - to change
arcav - n. m. (pr. \ &rc'&u \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - proceeds, one's mind.
revenue, return. - 2) - extract, excerpt. archërse - vrb 2nd con. int. (pr. \ &rk'&rse \) - 1) - to grow
arcavé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rc&v'e \) - 1) - to extract, to again, to regrow. - 2) - to increase (int. meaning). It
draw out, - 2) - to obtain, to derive. - 3) - to get, to makes use of the aux. "esse ".
gain.. See also the term "ricavé ". archërsùa - n. f. (pr. \ &rk&rs'.[ue]& \) -At plr. - archërsùe. -
arcé - n. (pr. \ &r[ch]'e \) Ms. plr. arcé - fm. sng. and plr. 1) - regrowth, new growth. - 2) - increase.
arcera, arcere. - archer, bowman ( or bow woman). archëtta - n. f. (pr. \ &rk'&tt& \) At plr. archëtte. - little
arcesta - n. f. (pr. \ &r[ch]'est& \) At plr. arceste. - request, kreading-trough, little chest.
demand. See also the term "ricesta ". archibus - n. m. (pr. \ &rkib'[ue]z \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - liqueur
arch - n. m. (pr. \ &rc \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - arch. - 2) - bow. (The of herbs. - 2) - arquebus (old fire-arm). See also the term
bow for violin, and in general for music instruments, is "s-ciòp ", more generical.
called "archet " = lit. "little bow " - diminutive - ). archibusà - n. f. (pr. \ &rkib[ue]z'& \) Inv. at plr. - arquebus
arché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rk'e \) - to arch, to bend. shot, arquebus wound.
archegé - vrb 1st con. int. and trs. (pr. \ &rkej'e \) - 1) - to bow archibusé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rkib[ue]z'e \) - to shot with
(music, sport). - 2) - to bend, to bow. arquebuses.
archegi - n. m. (pr. \ &rk'eji \) Inv. at plr. - bowing. archibusié - n. m. (pr. \ &rkib[ue]zi'e \) Inv. at plr. -
archeologìa - n. f. (pr. \ &rkeuluj'i& \) At plr. (if any) arquebusier.
archeologìe. - archaeology. archimìa - n. f. (pr. \ &rkim'i& \) - See alchimìa.
archeològich - adj. (pr. \ &rkeul'ojic \) Ms. plr. archeològich - archimìsta - n. f. (pr. \ &rkim'ist& \) - See alchimìsta.
fm. sng. and plr. archeològica, archeològiche. - archimìstich - adj. (pr. \ &rkim'istic \) - See alchimìstich.
archaeological. archinché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rki[ng]k'e \) - to adorn, to
archeòlogh - n. (pr. \ &rke'olug \) Ms. plr. archeòlogh - fm. smarten up, to dress up.
sng. and plr. archeòloga, archeòloghe. - archaeologist. archinchésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &rki[ng]k'ese \) - to
archera - n. f. (pr. \ &rk'er& \) At plr. archere. - loop-hole, dress oneself elegantly.
slit. archincura - n. f. (pr. \ &rki[ng]k'[ue]r& \) At plr. archincure.
- 1) - refined syle of dress. - 2) - rich ornament.

architet - n. (pr. \ &rkit'æt \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - architect. arcidiàcon - n. m. (pr. \ &r[ch]idi'&cu[ng] \) Inv. at plr.
architeté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rkitet'e \) - to plan. See also archdeacon. See also the term "arsidiàcon".
the term "architëtté ". arcidiaconà - n. m. (pr. \ &r[ch]idi&cun'& \) Inv. at plr. (if
architetònich - adj. (pr. \ &rkitet'onic \) Ms. plr. any). - archdeaconry, archdeaconship. See also the term
architetònich - fm. sng. and plr. architetònica, "arsidiaconà ".
architetòniche. - architectonical, architectural. See also arcidiòcesi - n. f. (pr. \ &r[ch]idi'o[ch]esi \) Inv. at plr. -
the term "architetural ". archdiocese. See also the term "arsidiòcesi ".
architetura - n. f. (pr. \ &rkitet'[ue]r& \) At plr. architeture. - arciduca - n. (pr. \ &r[ch]id'[ue]c& \) Ms. plr. arciduca - fm.
architecture. sng. and plr. arciduchëssa, arciduchësse. -archduke. See
architetural - adj. (pr. \ &rkitetur'&l \) Ms. plr. architeturaj - also the term "arsiduca".
fm. sng. and plr. architetural, architeturaj. - arcioché - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ &r[ch]iuk'e \) - to toll, to toll
architectural. See also the term "architetònich ". again.
architëtté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rkit&tt'e \) - See architeté. arciodé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &r[ch]iud'e \) - to nail again.
architrav - n. f. (pr. \ &rkitr'&u \) - Inv. at plr. - lintel, arcion - n. m. (pr. \ &r[ch]i'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - saddlebow,
breastsummer, architrave. cantle, saddle. See also the term "arsion ".
archivi - n. m. (pr. \ &rk'ivi \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - archives. - 2) - arciòch - n. m. (pr. \ &r[ch]i'oc \) - Inv. at plr. - toll, stroke,
records office. - 3) - file. tolling.
archiviassion - n. f. (pr. \ &rkivi&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - arcipélagh - n. m. (pr. \ &r[ch]ip'el&g \) Inv. at plr. -
registration, recording, filing. - 2) - dismissal. - 3) - archipelago. See also the term "arsipélagh ".
closure, closing (legal). arciprèive - n. m. (pr. \ &r[ch]ipr'æive \) Inv. at plr. -
archivié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rkivi'e \) - 1) - to archive, to archpriest, dean. See also the term "arsiprèive ".
place in the archives. - 2) - to file. - 3) - to shelve (in a arcissé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &r[ch]is'e \) - 1) - to rekindle, to
fig. sense). - 4) - to dismiss (legal). stir again.
archivìsta - n. m. (pr. \ &rkiv'ist& \) Inv. at plr. - archivist, file 2) - to rekindle, to stir up (in a fig. sense).
clerk. See also the terms "arpossé, ranvisché, rianvisché ".
archivistich - adj. (pr. \ &rkiv'istic \) Ms. plr. archivistich - arciucc - n. m. (pr. \ &r[ch]i'[ue][ch] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - eddy.
fm. sng. and plr. archivistica, archivistiche. - archival. - 2) - undertow (naval). See also the term "argòrgh"
archivistica - n. f. (pr. \ &rkiv'istic& \) At plr. (if any) arciucé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &r[ch]i[ue][ch]'e \) - 1) - to
archivistiche. - archive-keeping. suck again, to resuck, to suck in. - 2) - to absorb again,
archivòlt - n. m. (pr. \ &rkiv'olt \) Inv. at plr. - archivolt to reabsorb. See also the term "arseurbe ".
(architecture). arcius - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &r[ch]i'[ue]z \) Inv. at plr. - musty
arci... - prefix. (pr. \ &r[ch]i... \) - This prefix, in front at an smell.
adj., produces the absolute superlative, and correspond to arcius - 2) - adj. (pr. \ &r[ch]i'[ue]z \) Ms. plr. arcius - fm.
an english very. This use is quite an italianism (see sng. and plr. arciusa, arciusa. - closed, shot.
grammar). E. g. "strach " = "tired" and "arcistrach" = "very arcivësco - n. m. (pr. \ &r[ch]iv'&scu \) Inv. at plr. -
tired ". In front at a sbst. it changes the meaning and archbishop. See also the term "arsivësco ".
indicates something of "greater" or "superior". E. g. arcivëscovà - n. m. (pr. \ &r[ch]iv&scuw'& \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
"vësco " = "bishop " and "arcivësco " = "archbishop " in archbishopric. - 2) - archbishop's palace. See also the
this case the prefix can also be "arsi..." (see the voice), term "arsivëscovà ".
which is more piedm. Of course non always this beginning arcivëscovil - adj. (pr. \ &r[ch]iv&scuw'il \) Ms. plr.
is a prefix. arcivëscovij - fm. sng. and plr. arcivëscovil, arcivëscovij.
arciam - n. m. (pr. \ &r[ch]i'&m \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - recall, call. - archiepiscopal. See also the term "arsivëscovil ".
- 2) - warning, reminder. - 3) - call, appeal. - 4) - cross- arclutament - n. m. (pr. \ &rcl[ue]t&m'ænt \) - recruitment.
reference. See also the term "arcrutament ".
arciamà - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &r[ch]i&m'& \) Inv. at plr. - recalled arcluté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rcl[ue]t'e \) - to recruit, to
serviceman (military) enlist. See also the term "arcruté ".
arciamà - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ &r[ch]i&m'& \) Inv. at plr. - arcoa - n. f. (pr. \ &rc'u \) At plr. arcoe. - alcove. See also
flattening out, levelling of , pull out (aeronautics). the term "alcova ".
arciamàbil - adj. (pr. \ &r[ch]i&m'&bil \) Ms. plr. arciamàbij arcobiament - n. m. (pr. \ &rcubi m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. -
- fm. sng. and plr. arciamàbil, arciamàbij. - liable to recoupling.
recall (military). arcobié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rcubi'e \) - to recouple
arciamé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &r[ch]i&m'e \) - 1) - to call arcogé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rcuj'e \) - to put to bed again,
again. - 2) - to recall, to call back. - 3) - to attract, to to lay down again.
draw. - 4) - to withdraw. - 5) - to rebuke, to reprimand. arcogésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &rcuj'ese \) - to go to bed
- 6) - to quote. - 7) - to remind, to recall in mind. again.
arciamésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &r[ch]i&m'ese \) - 1) - to arcognission - n. f. (pr. \ &rcu[gn]isi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
refer. - 2) - to appeal. recognition, reconnaissance. See also the term
arciapé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &r[ch]i&p'e \) - to retake, to "ricognission ".
take again, to catch again. See also the term "arpijé ". arcognitor - n. m. (pr. \ &rcu[gn]it'ur \) Inv. at plr. -
arciciochera - n. f. (pr.\ &r[ch]i[ch]iuk'er& \) At plr. reconnoiterer, reconnaissance aircraft. See also the term
arciciochere. - artichoke garden. See also the term "ricognitor ".
"articiochera ". arcognossìbil - adj. (pr. \ &rcu[gn]us'ibil \) Ms. plr.
arciciòch - n. m. (pr. \ &r[ch]i[ch]i'oc \) Inv. at plr. - arcognossìbij - fm. sng. and plr. arcognossibil,
artichoke. See also the term "articiòch ". A piedm. arcognossibij. - recognizable.
idiomatic expression is "testa d'articioch " lit. "head of arcognossiment - n. m. (pr. \ &rcu[gn]usim'ænt \) Inv. at plr. -
artichoke " standing for "odd person ". 1) - recognition. - 2) - admission. - 3) - identification. See
arcincinésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &r[ch]in[ch]in'ese \) - also the terms "arconossiment, riconossiment ".
See archinchésse.

arcognòsse - vrb. 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ &rcu[gn]'ose \) - 1) - to arcombinant - adj. and n. (pr. \ &rcumbin'&nt \) Ms. plr.
recognize. - 2) - to admit. - 3) - to realize. - to identify. - arcombinant - fm. sng. and plr. arcombinanta,
See also the terms "arconòsse, riconòsse ". arcombinànte. - recombinant (biology). See also the term
arcognoss-se - vrb. 2nd con. refl. and recp. (pr. \&rcu[gn]'osse\) "ricombinant ".
- to recogize oneself, to recognize each other. arcombinassion - n. f. (pr. \ &rcumbin&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
arcojiment - n. m. (pr. \ &rcuyim'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - recombination. See also the term "ricombinassion ".
concentration, concentrated attention, absorption of arcombiné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rcumbin'e \) - 1) - to
mind. See also the term "racojiment". recombinate, to combine again. (e. g. chemistry). - 2) - to
arcolegàbil - adj. (pr. \ &rculeg'&bil \) Ms. plr. arcolegàbij - re-arrange, to fix again. - See also the term "ricombiné ".
fm. sng. and plr. arcolegàbil, arcolegàbij. - 1) - arcomensé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &rcumæ[ng]s'e \) -
reconnectable, that can be reconnect. - 2) - that can be to begin again, to start again. See also the voices
referred. "arcominsé, arcomincé, ricomensé, arcomensé ". It uses
arcolegament - n. m. (pr. \ &rculeg&m'ænt\) Inv. at plr. - always the aux. "avèj ". The refl. form has the same
reconnection. See also the terms "ricolegament, meaning of the int. form.
riconession ". arcomensésse - vrb 1st con. trs. and refl. (pr. \
arcoleghé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rculeg'e \) - 1) - to &rcumæ[ng]s'ese \) - to begin again, to start again
reconnect, to join again. - 2) - to associate. See also the (referred to oneself).
terms "coleghé, ricoleghé ". arcomincé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rcumin[ch]'e \) - See
arcoleghésse - vrb 1st con. refl. and recp. (pr. \ &rculeg'ese \) - arcomensé.
1) - to be linked together (again). - 2) - to refer. - See also arcominsé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &rcumi[ng]s'e \) -
the terms "coleghésse, ricoleghésse ". See arcomensé.
arcolocàbil - adj. (pr. \ &rculuc'&bil \) Ms. plr. arcolocàbij - arcomodé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rcumud'e \) - to repair
fm. sng. and plr. arcolocàbil, arcolocàbij. - replaceable. again, to mend again.
Italianism. See also the most piedm. terms "arpiassàbil, arcomodura - n. f. (pr. \ &rcumud'[ue]r& \) Ar plr.
ripiassàbil". arcomodure. - repair, repairing, mending. See also the
arcolocament - n. m. (pr. \ &rculuc&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - term "racomodura".
replacement. Italianism. See also the most piedm. terms arcompagné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rcump&[gn]'e \) - 1) - to
"arpiassamant, ripiassament". accompany again, to reaccompany. - 2) - to take back. -
arcoloché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rculuk'e \) - 1) - to replace, See also the term "riacompagné ".
to place again. - 2) - to put back again, to put back (st.) arcomparì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ &rcump&r'i \) - to
in its place. Italianism. See also the best piedm. terms reappear, to appear again. It uses the aux. "esse ".
"arpiassé, ripiassé ", and the vrbl. loc. "buté torna a pòst " arcomparission - n. f. (pr. \ &rcump&risi'u[ng] \) - See
lit. "to put again to (its) place ". arcomparsa.
arcoloré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rculur'e \) - to colour again. arcomparsa - n. f. (pr. \ &rcump'&rs& \) At plr. arcomparse.
See also "arcolorì ". - reappearence, reappearing.
arcolorì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &rculur'i \) - 1) - to arcompensa n. f. (pr. \ &rcump'æ[ng]s& \) At plr.
colour up. - 2) - to colour again. - It uses the aux. "avèj arcompense. - 1) - recompense, reward. - 2) -
"when trs., and the aux. "esse " when int.). The first remuneration. See also the term "ricompensa".
meaning is the same of the one of the following refl. form.: arcompensàbil - adj. (pr. \ &rcumpæ[ng]s'&bil \) Ms. plr.
arcolorìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &rculur'ise \) - to colour arcompensàbij - fm. sng. and plr. arcompensàbil,
up (referred to oneself). arcompensàbij. - rewardable. See also the term
arcoltivé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rcultiv'e \) - to grow again. "ricompensàbil ".
arcomandà - 1) - n. and adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &rcumand'& \) arcompensé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rcumpæ[ng]s'e \) - 1) - to
Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - recommended (as an adj. and recompense, to reward. - 2) - to remunerate. See also
p.p.) - 2) - person recommended, protégé (as a sbst.). - "ricompensé, arcambié, ricambié ".
See also the term "racomandà 1)". arcompilassion - n. f. (pr. \ &rcumpil&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
arcomandà - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ &rcumand'& \) - Inv. at plr. - 1) - recompilation, drawing up again. - 2) - refilling (of a
registered letter. See also the most common term form). - See also the term "ricompilassion ".
"racomandà 2)". arcompilé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rcumpil'e \) - 1) - to
arcomandàbil - adj. (pr. \ &rcumand'&bil \) Ms. plr. recompile, to compile again. - 2) - to fill again (in a
arcomandàbij - fm. sng. and plr. arcomandàbil, form). - See also the term "ricompilé ".
arccomandàbij. - recommendable, advisable. See also arcompon-e - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ &rcump'u[ng]e \) - 1) - to
the term "racomandàbil". compose again, to rewrite. - 2) - to recompose, to put
arcomandassion - n. f. (pr. \ &rcumand&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. together again. - 3) - to reconstruct, to form again. - See
- recommendation. See also the most common term also the term "ricompon-e".
"racomandassion ". arcomposission - n. f. (pr. \ &rcumpuzisi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
arcomandatari - n. (pr. \ &rcumand&t'&ri \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - recomposition, recomposing. - 2) - reshuffle. - 3) -
ship's agent. See also the term "racomandatari". reassemblage. - See also the term "ricomposission".
arcomandatòri - adj. (pr. \ &rcumand&t'ori \) Ms. plr. arcompràbil - adj- (pr. \ &rcumpr'&bil \) Ms. plr.
arcomandatòri - fm. sng. and plr. arcomandatòria, arcompràbij - fm. sng. and plr. arcompràbil,
arcomandatòrie. - recommendatory. See also the term arcompràbij. - repurchasable. See also the term
"racomandatòri ". "ricompràbil ".
arcomandé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rcumand'e \) - 1) - to arcomprator - n. (pr. \ &rcumpr&t'ur \) Ms. plr. arcomprator
entrust, to recommend. - 2) - to recommend. - 3) - to - fm. sng. and plr. arcompratriss, arcompratriss. -
register. - 4) - to insist upon. - See also the term repurchaser. See also the term "ricomprator ".
"racomandé ". arcompré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rcumpr'e \) - 1) - to buy
arcomandésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &rcum&nd'ese \) - 1) - back, to repurchase. - 2) - to buy again, to repurchase. -
to entreat, to beg, to implore. - 2) - to recommend See also the terms "arcaté, ricompré ".
oneself. - See also the term "racomandésse ".

arcompréss - adj. (pr. \ &rcumpr'es \) Ms. plr. arcompréss - arconfermàbij. - reconfirmable. See also the term
fm. sng. and plr. arcompressa, arcompresse. - "riconfermàbil ".
compressed, pressed, compressed again. This is not also arconfermé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rcunfærm'e \) - to
the p. p. of the vrb "arcomprime ", which is instead reconfirm, to confirm again. See also the term
"arcomprimù ". - See also the term "ricompréss ". "riconfermé ".
arcomprime - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rcumpr'ime \) - to press arconfisca - n. f. (pr. \ &rcunf'isc& \) - At plr. arconfìsche. -
again, to compress again. The p. p. of this vrb. is not also reforfeiture, reconfiscation (legal).
adj. which is instead "arcompréss ". See also the term arconfisché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rcunfisk'e \) - to
"ricomprime. " reconfiscate, to confiscate again, to seize again.
arcomputé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rcump[ue]t'e \) - to arconforté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rcunfurt'e \) - to comfort
recompute, to recalculate. See also the terms "arcalcolé, again, to reconsole, to cheer up.
ricomputé, ricalcolé". arconfortésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &rcunfurt'ese \) - to take
arcomuniché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rcum [ue]nik'e \) - 1) - heart again.
to inform again. - 2) - to communicate again. - 3) - to arconfronté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rcunfrunt'e \) - to
absolve from excommunication. recompare, to compare again.
arcomunichésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &rcum [ue]nik'e \) - arcongedé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rcunjed'e \) - to dismiss
to go to Holy Communion again. again, to send away again.
arcon - n. f. (pr. \ &rc'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - big kreading- arcongedésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &rcunjed'e \) - to take
trough, big chest. Augmentative of "àrca ". - 2) - big one's leave again, to say good-bye again.
arch, big bow. Augmentative of "arch ". arcongelament - n. m. (pr. \ &rcunjel&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. -
arconcentré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rcun[ch]entr'e \) - to re-freezing. See also the term "arcongelassion ".
reconcentrate, to concentrate again. See also the term arcongelassion - n. f. (pr. \ &rcunjel&si'u[ng] \) - See
(better) "arconsentré, riconsentré ". arcongelament.
arconcentrésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &rcun[ch]entr'ese \) - arcongelé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rcunjel'e \) - to re-freeze.
to concentrate again, to be absorbed (again) in thought. See also the terms "ricongelé, argelé, arzeilé" (the latter is
See also the term "arconsentrésse, riconsentrésse ". an old piedm. term).
arconciliàbil - adj. (pr. \ &rcun[ch]ili'&bil \) Ms. plr. arcongiùnge - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ &rcunji'[ue]nje \) -
arconciliàbij - fm. sng. and plr. arconciliàbil, Italianism. See argionté .
arconciliàbij. - reconciliable. See also the term arcongiungiment - n. m. (pr. \ &rcunji[ue]njim'ænt \) -
"riconciliàbil ". Italianism. See argiunsion.
arconciliassion - n. f. (pr. \ &rcun[ch]ili&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. arcongiunsion - n. f. (pr. \ &rcunji[ue][ng]si'u[ng] \) -
- reconciliation, reconcilement. See also the term Italianism. See argiunsion.
"riconciliassion ". arconossensa - n. f. (pr. \ &rcunus'æ[ng]s& \) At plr. (if any)
arconciliator - n. (pr. \ &rcun[ch]ili&t'ur \) Ms. plr. arconossense. - thankfulness, gratefulness. See also the
arconciliator - fm. sng. and plr. arconciliatriss, term "riconossensa ".
arconciliatriss. - reconciler, peacemaker. arconossent - adj. (pr. \ &rcunus'ænt \) Ms. plr. arconossent -
arconcilié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rcun[ch]ili'e \) - to fm. sng. and plr. arconossenta, arconossente. - thankful,
reconcile, to conciliate again. See also the terms grateful. See also the term "riconossent ".
"riconcilié, pasié ", and the vrbl. loc. "fé (arfé) la pas, buté arconossìbil - adj. (pr. \ &rcunus'ibil \) - See arcognossìbil.
d'acòrdi " lit. "to do (to redo) the peace, to put in arconossiment - n. m. (pr. \ &rcunusim'ænt \) - See
accordance ". arcognossiment.
arconciliesse - vrb 1st con. recp. (pr. \ &rcun[ch]ili'ese \) - to arconòsse - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ &rcun'ose \) - See
become reconciled. arcognòsse.
arcondané - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rcund&n'e \) - to arconòss-se - vrb 2nd con. refl. and recp. (pr. \ &rcun'osse \) -
recondemn. 1) - to acnowledge oneself (refl.). - 2) - to recognize each
arcondensàbil - adj. (pr. \ &rcundæ[ng]s'&bil \) Ms. plr. other (recp.). See also the terms "arcognòss-se, riconòss-
arcondensàbij - fm. sng. and plr. arcondensàbil, se".
arcondensàbij. - recondensable. arconquista - n. f. (pr. \ &rcu[ng][qu]'ist& \) At plr.
arcondensassion - n. f. (pr. \ &rcundæ[ng]s&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at arconquiste. - reconquest. See also the term
plr. - recondensation. See also the term "ricondensassion". "riconquista".
arcondensé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rcundæ[ng]s'e \) - to arconquisté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rcu[ng][qu]ist'e \) - to
recondense, to condense again. See also the term reconquer, to regain, to conquer again, to win again.
"ricondensé ". See also the term "riconquisté ".
arcondì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &rcund'i \) - to flavour again, arconsacrassion - n. f. (pr. \ &rcu[ng]s&cr&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at
to season again, to dress again, to add a sauce again. plr. - reconsecration. See also the term "riconsacrassion ".
arcondùe - vrb. 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ &rcund'[ue]e \) - 1) - to arconsacré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rcu[ng]s&cr'e \) - to
bring again, to lead again. - 2) - to reconduct, to bring reconsecrate, to consecrate again. See also the term
back. Sometimes also with the spelling "arconduve ". It is "riconsacré ".
anyway quite an italianism. See also the terms "armné, arconsegna - n. f. (pr. \ &rcu[ng]s'e[gn]& \) At plr.
armené ". arconsegne. - 1) - reconsignment, redelivery. - 2) -
arconduìbil - adj. (pr. \ &rcund[ue]'ibil \) Ms. plr. return, restitution. See also the terms "riconsegna,
arconduìbij - fm. sng. and plr. arconduìbil, arconduìbij. - restitussion ".
referable. arconsegné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rcu[ng]se[gn]'e \) - 1) - to
arcondussion - n. f. (pr. \ &rcund[ue]si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - reconsign, to redeliver. - 2) - to hand back. See also the
reconduction, relocation. terms riconsegné, restituì ".
arconferma - n. f. (pr. \ &rcunf'ærm& \) At plr. arconferme. - arconsentré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rcunsentr'e \) - to
reconfirmation. See also the term "riconferma ". reconcentrate, to concentrate again. See also the term
arconfermàbil - adj. (pr. \ &rcunfærm'&bil \) Ms. plr. "arconcentré ".
arconfermàbij - fm. sng. and plr. arconfermàbil,

arconsentrésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &rcunsentr'ese \) - to arcordésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &rcurd'ese \) - to
concentrate again, to be lost (again) in thought. See also remember, to recall, to recollect (referred to oneself).
the term "arconcentrésse ". Also quite used the vrbl. loc. "arciamé a la ment " lit. "to
arconsideràbil - adj. (pr. \ &rcunsider'&bil \) Ms. plr. recall in mind ".
arconsideràbij - fm. sng. and plr. arconsideràbil, arcore - vrb 2nd con. int. and trs. (pr. \ &rc'ure \) - 1) - to
arconsideràbij. - reconsiderable. See also the term apply, to resort, to appeal. (int.). It uses the aux. "esse ".
"riconsiderabil ". See also the vrbl. loc. "fé ricors " = lit. "to make recourse "
arconsiderassion - n. f. (pr. \ &rcunsider&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at in the sense of "to have recourse (to sb.) ". - 2) - to appeal
plr. - reconsideration. See also the term (legal). It uses the aux. "esse ". - 3) - to recur, to occur.
"riconsiderassion". (int.). It uses the aux. "esse ". - 4) - to be (int.) referred to
arconsideré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rcunsider'e \) - to recurrence. Of cours it uses the aux. "esse ". - 4) - to run
reconsider, to consider again. See also the term again (int. and trs.). When trs, it uses the aux. "avèj ".
"riconsideré ". When int. it should use the aux. "esse ", but often it is
arconsijé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rcunsiy'e \) - to readvise. possible to find the aux. "avèj". Both uses can be
arconté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rcunt'e \) - 1) - to re-count, to considered as correct. - See also the term "ricore".
count again, to renumber. - 2) - to narrate again, to tell arcorege - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ &rcur'eje \) - to recorrect, to
again. - See also the term "riconté ". revise. See also the term "ricorege ".
arconvàlida - n. f. (pr. \ &rcu[ng]v'&lid& \) At plr. - arcorensa n. f. (pr. \ &rcur'æ[ng]s& \) At plr. - arcorense. - 1)
revalidation. - recurrence. - 2) - anniversary, festivity. - 3) - recursion
arconvalidé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rcu[ng]v&lid'e \) - to (mathematics). - See also the term "ricorensa ".
validate again. arcorent - adj. and n. (pr. \ &rcur'ænt \) Ms. plr. arcorent -
arconversion - n. f. (pr. \ &rcu[ng]værsi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - fm. sng. and plr. arcorenta, arcorente. - 1) - recurrent,
reconversion. See also the term "riconversion ". recurring (adj.). - 2) - petitioning, claiming (legal) (adj.).
arconvertì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &rcu[ng]vært'i \) - to - 3) - petitioner, calimant, complainant (sbst.). - See also
reconvert, to convert again. See also the term the term "ricorent ".
"riconvertì". arcors - n. m. (pr. \ &rc'urs \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - resort,
arconvertìbil - adj. (pr. \ &rcu[ng]vært'ibil \) Ms. plr. recourse. - 2) - petition, appeal. - See also the term
arconvertìbij - fm. sng. and plr. arconvertìbil, "ricors".
arconvertìbij. - reconvertible, reconvertable. See also arcostituent - 1) - adj. (pr. \ &rcustit[ue]'ænt \) Ms. plr.
the term "riconvertìbil ". arcostituent - fm. sng. and plr. arcostituenta,
arconvertìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &rcu[ng]vært'ise \) - to arcostituente. - reconstituent. See also the term
be reconverted, to reconvert. See also the term "ricostituent ".
"riconvertìsse ". arcostituent - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ &rcustit[ue]'ænt \) Inv. at plr. -
arconvince - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ &rcu[ng]v'in[ch]e\) - to tonic (pharmacy).
convince again, to persuade again. See also the term arcostituì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &rcustit[ue]'i \) - 1) - to
"riconvince ". reconstitute, to re-establish. - 2) - to restore. See also the
arconvincc-se - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ &rcu[ng]v'in[ch]se\) - term "ricostituì ".
to convince again oneself, to persuade again oneself. See arcostitussion - n. f. (pr. \ &rcustit[ue]si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
also "riconvincc-se ". Please note the particular spelling. reconstitution, re-establishment. See also the term
arconvocàbil - adj. (pr. \ &rcu[ng]vuc'&bil \) Ms. plr. "ricostitussion ".
arconvocàbij - fm. sng. and plr. arconvocàbil, arcostrùe - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ &rcustr'[ue]e \) - to
arconvocàbij. - resummonable, that can be reconstruct, to rebuild. See also the terms "arcostruì,
resummoned. See also the term "riconvocàbil ". ricostrùe, ricostruì ". Sometimes also with the spelling
arconvocassion - n. f. (pr. \ &rcu[ng]vuc&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at "arcostruve " (with the same pronunciation). This vrb has
plr. - resummons. See also the term "riconvocassion". also a form of 3rd con. (See grammar "verb fosonant").
arconvoché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rcu[ng]vuk'e \) - to arcostruì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &rcustr[ue]'i \) - See
resummon, to summon again. See also the term arcostrùe.
"riconvoché ". arcostrussion - n. f. (pr. \ &rcustr[ue]si'u[ng] ) Inv. at plr. -
arcopé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rcup'e \) - 1) - to pollard again reconstruction, rebuilding. See also the term
(agriculture). - 2) - to cut again (the playing cards). - See "ricostrussion ".
also the voice "copé ". arcostrutiv - adj. (pr. \ &rcustr[ue]t'iu ) Ms. plr. arcostrutiv -
arcopiadura - n. f. (pr. \ &rcupi&d'[ue]r& \) - See arcopiura. fm. sng. and plr. arcostrutiva, arcostrutive. -
arcopié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rcupi'e \) - 1) - to recopy, to reconstructive.
copy again. - 2) - to copy, to make a copy. - 3) - to make arcostrutor - n. and adj. (pr. \ &rcustr[ue]t'ur ) Ms. plr.
a fair copy. See also the voices "ricopié, copié ". arcostrutor - fm. sng. and plr. arcostrutriss,
arcopiura - n. f. (pr. \ &rcupi'[ue]r& \) - 1) - recopying. - 2) - arcostrutriss. - reconstructer, reconstructor.
copying. - See also the terms "copiura, copiadura". arcoveré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rcover'e ) - to shelter, to
arcordàbil - adj. (pr. \ &rcurd'&bil \) Ms. plr. arcordàbij - hospitalize, to give a refuge. See also the terms "ricoveré,
fm. sng. and plr. arcordàbil, arcordàbij. - memorable. arcovré ".
See also "ricordàbil, memoràbil ". arcovertura - n. f. (pr. \ &rcuvert'[ue]r& ) At plr. arcoverture.
arcordansa - n. f. (pr. \ &rcurd'&[ng]s& \) At plr. arcordanse. - 1) - covering. - 2) - coating. - 3) - plating. - See also the
- remembrance, memory, recollection. See also the term terms "covertura, ricovertura ".
"ricordansa ". arcovré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rcuvr'e ) - See arcoveré.
arcordé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rcurd'e \) - 1) - to remember. arcovrì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &rcuvr'i ) - 1) - to cover, to
Also quite used the vrbl. loc. "avèj a la ment " lit. "to cover again. - 2) - to cover up. - 3) - to line. - 4) - to
have in mind ". - 2) - to recollect. - 3) - to recall, to call in plate. - 5) - to conceal, to hide (in a fig. sense).. - 6) - to
mind, to remind. - 4) - to mention. - 5) - to look like. For load, to overwhelm. - 7) - to hold, to fill. - 8) - to cover,
this meaning see also the term "smijé ". - See also the term to protect. - See also the term "archeuvre ".

arcovrìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &rcuvr'ise ) - to cover arcuperador - n. m. (pr. \ &rc[ue]per&d'ur ) Inv. at plr. -
oneself. regenerator, recuperator.
arcovrìbil - adj. (pr. \ &rcuvr'ibil ) Ms. plr. arcovrìbij - fm. arcuperament - n. m. (pr. \ &rc[ue]per&m'ænt ) - See
sng. and plr. arcovrìbil, arcovrìbij. - coverable. arcùper.
arcòlt - 1) - adj. (pr. \ &rc'olt ) Ms. plr. arcòlt - fm. sng. arcuperé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rc[ue]per'e ) - 1) - to
and plr. arcòlta, arcòlte. - 1) - absorbed, collected recover, to retrieve. - 2) - to regain, to recover. - 3) - to
(persons). - 2) - quiet, tranquil (places). See also the regenerate, to salvage. - 4) - to salvage, to rescue. See
term "racòlt 1)". also the terms "ricuperé, recuperé ".
arcòlt - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ &rc'olt ) Inv. at plr. - crop, harvest, arcurv - adj. (pr. \ &rc'[ue]rv ) Ms. plr. arcurv - fm. sng. and
plr. arcurva, arcurve. - bent, curved, crooked. See also
vintage. See also the terms "amson, racòlt 2)".
the terms "curv, curvà ".
arcòlta - n. f. (pr. \ &rc'olt& ) At plr. arcòlte. - 1) -
harvesting, picking. - 2) - harvest-time. - 3) - collection. arcurvé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rc[ue]rv'e ) - 1) - to bent, to
- See also the terms "cujìa, sërnìa, racòlta". curve. - 2) - to bent again, to curve again.
arcòrd - n. m. (pr. \ &rc'ord ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - memory, arcurvì - 1) - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &rc[ue]rv'i ) - See
recollection, remembrance. - 2) - souvenir, memento. archeurve.
See also the terms "arcordansa, arcòrdi, ricòrd ". arcurvì - 2) - p. p. (pr. \ &rc[ue]rv'i \) Ms. plr. arcurvì - fm.
arcòrdi - n. m. (pr. \ &rc'ord ) - See arcòrd. sng. and plr. arcurvìa, arcurvìe. - covered, etc. Irregular
arcòva - n. f. (pr. \ &rc'ov& ) - See alcoa. p. p. of the vrb "archeurve " (See grammar - Verb fosonant
). The corresponding adj. are "arcuvert, cuvert ", that
arcreant - adj. (pr. \ &rcre'&nt ) Ms. plr. arcreant - fm. sng.
and plr. arcreanta, arcreante. - recreative, recreational, should not be p. p. (even if sometimes they can be found as
amusing. See also the terms "amusant, ricreativ ". p. p.).
arcreativ - adj. (pr. \ &rcre&t'iu ) - See arcreant. arcuvior - n. m. (pr. \ &rc[ue]vi'ur ) - See arcruor.
arcreé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rcre'e ) - 1) - to recreate. See arcus - n. m. (pr. \ &rc'[ue]z ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - refusal,
also the terms "amusé, divertì, arfëstié, argiovisé ". - 2) - to rejection. - 2) - denial. See also the term "arfud ".
re-create, to create again. arcusé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rc[ue]z'e ) - 1) - to accuse
acrijésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &rcriy'ese ) - to groan, to again. - 2) - to refuse, to reject. See also, for this meaning,
the term "arfudé ".
moan, to complain.
arcristalisassion - n. f. (pr. \ &rcrist&liz&si'u[ng] ) Inv. at plr. arcuse - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ &rc'[ue]ze ) - 1) - to sew again,
- recrystallization. to mend. - 2) - to botch up (in a fig. sense).
arcristalisé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &rcrist&liz'e ) - to arcusidura - n. f. (pr. \ &rc[ue]zid'[ue]r& ) At plr. arcusidure.
recrystallize. As int. it can use both the aux. "esse" and - 1) - sewing again, mending. - 2) - mend. - 3) - botching
"avèj ", while as trs. it used the aux. "avèj ". up (in a fig. sense).
arcrùa - n. f. (pr. \ &rcr'[ue]& \ ) At plr. arcrùe. - 1) - recruit, arcusiura - n. f. (pr. \ &rc[ue]zi'[ue]r& ) - See arcusidura.
conscript (military). - 2) - beginner (in a fig. sense). See arcusù - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &rc[ue]z'[ue] ) Ms. plr. arcusù -
fm. sng. and plr. arcusùa, arcusùe. - sewed again. This
also the term "récluta".
term, in theory, could be also the p. p. of the verb
arcruor - n. m. (pr. \ &rcr[ue]'ur ) - Inv. at p.r - worker
specialized in covering roofs. See also the term "archeuse " ("to re-cook "), but often for "re-cooked " the
"arcuvior". irregular p. p. is used "archeuit ".
arcruté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rcr[ue]t'e ) - See arcluté. arcuvert - adj. (pr. \ &rc[ue]v'ært ) - Ms. plr. arcuvert - fm.
arcujì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &rc[ue]y'i ) - See archeuje. sng. and plr. arcuverta, arcuverte. - covered, covered
arcujor - 1) - n. (pr. \ &rc[ue]y'ur ) Ms. plr. arcujor - fm. sng. again. See also the terms "cuvert, quatà ".
and plr. arcujòira, arcujòire. - 1) - harvester. - 2) - ardàita - n. f. (pr. \ &rd'&it& ) At plr. ardàite. -
redistribution (card games).
collector. - 3) - picker. - See also the terms "cujor,
ardavané - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rd&v&n'e ) - to remake a
arcujor - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ &rc[ue]y'ur ) Inv. at plr. - file-holder. skein.
See also the terms "cujor, cujeur ". ardé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rd'e ) - 1) - to give again. - 2) -
arcul - n. m. (pr. \ &rc'[ue]l ) Inv. at plr. - recoil, kick. See also to give back, to return, to render.
the term "rincul ". arde - vrb 2nd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ '&rde ) - to burn.
arculada - n. f. (pr. \ &rc[ue]l'&d& ) At plr. arculade. - Italianism, See the best piedm. term "brusé ".
recoiling, recedind, drawing back. ardensa - n. f. (pr. \ &rd'æ[ng]s& ) At plr. ardense. - 1) -
arculé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ &rc[ue]l'e ) - to recoil, to ardour, passion. - 2) - fervour, eagerness. See also the
term "ardor ".
recede, to draw back, to kick. Usually it makes use of the
aux. "avèj ", but also the aux. "esse " can be found. The ardent - adj. (pr. \ &rd'ænt ) - Ms. plr. ardent - fm. sng. and
formally refl. form assumes the following meaning: plr. ardenta, ardente. - 1) - burning, brazing. - 2) -
arculésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &rc[ue]l'ese ) - 1) - to recoil. ardent, fiery, burning.
- 2) - to draw aside, to leave the place. ardésia - n. f. (pr. \ &rd'ezi& ) At plr. (if any) ardésie. - slate
arculon (a l'--- ) - adv. loc. (pr. \ & l &rc[ue]l'u[ng] ) - (mineral). See also the term "lavagna".
ardëscuèrta - n. f. (pr. \ &rdescu'ært& ) At plr. ardëscuèrte. -
backwards. E. g. "andé a l'arculon " "to step
ardì - 1) - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &rd'i ) - 1) - to tell
arcùper - n. m. (pr. \ &rc'[ue]pær ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - recovery,
again, to say again, to repeat (trs.). - 2) - to object, to
rertieval. - 2) - salvage, rescue, regeneration. - See also
find fault (trs.). - 3) - to retort, to answer back (trs.). - 4)
the term "ricùper, recùper ".
- to dare, to venture (int.), it uses the aux. "avèj ". In this
arcuperàbil - adj. (pr. \ &rc[ue]per'&bil ) Ms. plr.
meaning the verb is not very used (since it is quite an
arcuperàbij - fm. sng. and plr. arcuperàbil, arcuperàbij.
italianism). The vrbl. loc. is used "avèj ël coragi " lit. "to
- recoverable, retrievable. See also "recuperàbil ".
arcuperabilità - n. f. (pr. \ &rc[ue]per&bilit'& ) Inv. at plr. - have the courage ". - For the first three meanings see also
recoverableness, retrievableness. See also the term the term "ridì ".
"ricuperabilità ".

ardì - 2) - adj. (pr. \ &rd'i ) Ms. plr. ardì - fm. sng. and plr. aredament - n. m. (pr. \ &red&m'ænt ) Inv. at plr. -
ardìa, ardìe. - 1) - bold, brave, daring. - 2) - risky. - 3) - furnishing, furnishings, furniture. See also the terms
springhtly, agile, lively. "mobilia, furniment, finiment ".
ardì - 3) - n. m. (pr. \ &rd'i ) Inv. at plr. - soldier of shock aredator - n. (pr. \ &red&t'ur ) Ms. plr. aredator - fm. sng.
troops. and plr. aredatriss, aredatriss - fitter.
ardiëssa - n. f. (pr. \ &rdi'&ss& ) At plr. ardiësse. - 1) - daring, aredé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &red'e ) - to furnish, to fit out.
boldness, courage. In this meaning see also the terms See also the terms "mobilié, furnì, dobé, adobé ".
"ardiment, ardiman ". - 2) - agility, liveliness. aredi - n. m. (pr. \ &r'edi ) Inv. at plr. - fittings, equipment,
ardiman - n. m. (pr. \ &rdim'&[ng] ) - See ardiëssa. furniture. See also the terms "furniment, mòbil, adòb ".
ardiment - n. m. (pr. \ &rdim'ænt ) - See ardiëssa. arembagi - n. m. (pr. \ &ræmb'&ji ) Inv. at plr. - boarding,
ardion - n. m. (pr. \ &rdi'u[ng] ) Inv. at plr. - buckle (the metal assault. See also the term "arambagi ".
part). arembé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &ræmb'e \) - to board. See also
ardit - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &rd'it ) Ms. plr. ardìt - fm. sng. and the term "arambé ".
plr. ardìta, ardìte - said again, told again, repeated. arendèivol - adj. (pr. \ &rænd'æivul \) Ms. plr. arendèivoj -
ardità - n. f. (pr. \ &rdit'& ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - hereditament, fm. sng. and plr. arendèivola, arendèivole - easy-going,
inheritance, heritage. - 2) - heredity, inheritance compliant . See also the terms "arendévol , acomodant ".
(biology). - See also the term "eredità ". arendeivolëssa - n. f. (pr. \ &rændæivul'&ss& \) At plr.
arditàri - adj. (pr. \ &rdit'&ri ) Ms. plr. arditàri - fm. sng. and arendeivolësse. - compliance, pliability. See also the term
plr. arditària, arditàrie. - hereditary. "arendevolëssa ".
arditarietà - n. f. (pr. \ &rdit&riet'& ) Inv. at plr. - heredity. arendévol - adj. (pr. \ &rænd'evul \) - See arendèivol.
(biology). arendevolëssa - n. f. (pr. \ &rændevul'&ss& \) - See
ardité - 1) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rdit'e ) - to inherit. arendeivolëssa.
ardité - 2) - n. (pr. \ &rdit'e ) Ms. plr. ardité - fm. sng. and plr. arendse - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ &r'ændse \) - 1) - to
arditéra, arditére. - heir (heiress). surrender. - 2) - to give up, to yield. See also the terms
ardobia - n. f. (pr. \ &rd'ubi& ) At plr. ardobie. - lapel, turn "rendse, armëtte ".
up, cuff, flap, jacket-flap. See also the term "dobia". arenésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &ren'ese \) - 1) - to turn
ardobié - verb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rdubi'e ) - 1) - to double, to aground, to strand. - 2) - to run aground, to deadlock
duplicate. - 2) - to fold, to refold. See also the terms (in a fig. sense).
"andobié, ardopié, dobié, pieghé ". arengh - n. m. (pr. \ &r'æ[ng]g \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - herring. - 2)
ardobiura - n. f. (pr. \ &rdubi'[ue]r& ) At plr. ardobiure. - 1) - - assembly, popular assembly in municipal
duplication. - 2) - folding, refolding. See also the terms organization.
"andobiura, ardopiura, arpiegura ". arent - adj. (pr. \ &r'ænt \) Ms. plr. arent - fm. sng. and plr.
ardopié - verb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rdupi'e ) - See ardobié. arenta, arente. - dry. See also the most common term
ardopiura - n. f. (pr. \ &rdupi'[ue]r& ) - See ardobiura. "sech ".
ardor - n. m. (pr. \ &rd'ur ) Inv. at plr. - See ardensa. aren-a - n. f. (pr. \ &r'æ[ng]& \) At plr. - aren-e. - arena,
ardò - excl. (pr. \ &rd'o ) - who goes there! (military). The anphitheatre. See also the term "anfiteatro ".
expression "sté sl'ardò " means "to be on the qui vive " or arese - vrb 2nd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &r'eze \) - 1) - to bear, to
"to be on the look-out " or "to be on the alert ". support, to carry, to hold (trs.). - 2) - to guide, to rule, to
ardriss - n. m. (pr. \ &rdr'is ) Inv. at plr. - order, govern (trs.). - 3) - to resist, to stand (int.). See also the
arrangement, disposition. An idiomatic expression is terms "rese, rege ".
"desse d'ardriss " lit. "to give oneself of (an) arest - n. m. (pr. \ &r'est \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - arrest (legal). - 2) -
arrangement " with a value of "to re-organize oneself, to stop, stopping, halt. See also the terms "fërmada, fërmà ".
act in a positive way, to restart in a correct way, to start - 3) - stop, catch (mechanics). See also the term "ferm ".
operating efficently " and so on. aresté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rest'e \) - 1) - to arrest (legal). -
ardrissé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rdris'e ) - 1) - to put in order. 2) - to staunch, to stanch. Not very used in this sense, see
- 2) - to arrange, to correct. also the term "fërmé ". - 3) - to stop, to halt. Not very used
ardùe - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ &rd'[ue]e ) - to reduce, to in this sense, see also the term "fërmé ".
curtail, to shorten. See also the spelling "arduve", whose arestésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &rest'ese \) - to halt, to stop
refl. form "arduvse " is the only used. Also used the terms (referred to oneself). Italianism, in this sense the most used
"ridùe, riduve ". (and best) term is "fërmésse ".
arduìbil - adj. (pr. \ &rd[ue]'ibil ) Ms. plr. arduìbij - fm. sng. aret - adj. (pr. \ &r'æt \) - Ms. plr. aret - fm. sng. and plr
and plr. arduìbil, arduìbij. - reducible. See also the term areta, arete - steep, precipitous. See also the term "rìpid
"arduvìbil " (nearly same pronunciation). ".
ardussion - n. f. (pr. \ &rd[ue]si'u[ng] ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - aretrà - adj. and n. m. (pr. \ &retr'& \) Inv. in any case - 1) -
reduction. - 2) - abridgement, adaptation. - 3) - behind, in arrears, outstanding. (adj.) - 2) - arrear
discount, rebate. - See also the voice "ridussion ". (sbst.).
arduvibil - adj. (pr. \ &rd[ue]w'ibil ) - See arduìbil. aretrament - n. m. (pr. \ &retr&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. -
arduve - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ &rd'[ue]e ) - See ardùe. withdrawal.
arduvse - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ &rd'[ue]use ) - 1) - to reduce aretré - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &retr'e \) - 1) - to
oneself. - 2) - to shrink. - 3) - to become, to be reduced. withraw, to put back. Italianism. Better vrbl. loc. are
aré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &r'e ) - to plough, to plow. "buté andarera, bogé andarera " lit. "to put behind, to
Italianism, see also the terms "laorè, lavoré, ansorghé ". move behind ". - 2) - to withdraw, to go back. Italianism. A
Note that there are specific terms that indicates "to plough better vrbl. loc. is "andé andarera " lit. "to go behind, to
of a second time " "arbufé", and "to plough for a third go back ".
time " = "artërsé, parié ". arësca - n. f. (pr. \ &r'&sc& \) At plr. arësche. - fish-bone. See
àrea - n. f. (pr. \ '&re& ) At plr. - àree. - 1) - area, surface. also the term "rësca ".
See also the term "surfassa ". - 2) - land. See also the term arëzza - n. f. (pr. \ &r'&zz& \) At plr. - arëzze. - whortleberry
"teren ". - 3) - zone, area. See also the term "zòna ". (botanic). See also the terms "ambrun-a, brusson ".

arfabricàbil - adj. (pr. \ &rf&bric'&bil \) Ms. plr. arfinà - adj. and p. p. and n. (pr. \ &rfin'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and
arfabricàbij - fm. sng. and plr. arfabricàbil, arfabricàbij. nr. - 1) - refined (adj.). - 2) - refined person (sbst.). - See
- rebuildable. See also the term "rifabricàbil ". also the term "rafinà ".
arfabriché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rf&brik'e \) - to rebuild, to arfinador - n. and adj. (pr. \ r&fin&d'ur \ ) Ms. plr. arfinador -
build again. See also the term "rifabriché". fm. sng. and plr. arfinadora, arfinadore. - 1) - refiner
arfacé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rf&[ch]'e \) - to throw in face, (sbst.) - 2) - refining (adj.). See also the term "arfinador".
to cast in teeth, to reproach. See also the terms "rinfacé, arfinadura - n. f. (pr. \ &r fin&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. arfinadure.
arprocé, rimprocé ". - refinement, refining. See also the terms "rafinadura,
arfaj - n. m. (pr. \ &rf'&i \) Inv. at plr. - elf (mythology). arfinassion, rafinassion, arfinagi".
arfàit - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &rf'&it \) Ms. plr. arfàit - fm. sng. arfinament - n. m. (pr. \ &rfin&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
and plr. arfàita, arfàite. - 1) - remade, made again, done refinement. See also the term "rafinament ".
again. - 2) - refunded, satisfied. See also the term "rifàit ". arfinarìa - n. f. (pr. \ &rfin&r'i& \ ) - See arfinerìa.
arfàita - n. f. (pr. \ &rf'&it& \) At plr. arfàite. - 1) - remaking, arfinassion - n. f. (pr. \ &rfin&si'u[ng] \ ) - See arfinadura.
adaptation. - 2) - recoupment, refund, compensation. In arfinatëssa - n. f. (pr. \ &rfin&t'&ss& \ ) At plr. arfinatësse. -
this sense see also the term "arvangia ". refinement, refinedness. See also the term "rafinatëssa".
arfassé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rf&s'e \) - to rebandage, to arfiné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rfin'e \ ) - to refine. See also the
bind up again, to swaddle again. See also the term term "rafiné ".
"rifassé ". arfinerìa - n. f. (pr. \ &rfiner'i& \) At plr. arfinerìe. - refinery.
arfassonador - n. (pr. \ &rf&sun&d'ur \) Ms. plr. See also the terms "rafinarìa, rafinerìa".
arfassonador - fm. sng. and plr. arfassonadòira, arfinésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &rfin'ese \ ) - to become
arfassonadòire. - botcher, bungler. refined.
arfassonadura - n. f. (pr. \ &rf&sun&d'[ue]r& \) At plr. arforsàbil - adj. (pr. \ &rfurs'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. arforsàbij - fm.
arfassonadure. - touching up, patching up, botching. sng. and plr. arforsàbil, arforsàbij. - reinforceable. See
arfassoné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rf&sun'e \) - to touch up, to also the term "raforsàbil ".
patch up, to botch. arforsament - n. m. (pr. \ &rfurs&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
arfé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rf'e \) - 1) - to do again, to make srengthening, reinforcement. See also the terms
again, to remake. - 2) - to imitate, to ape. - 3) - to forge. "raforsament, ranforsament".
- 4) - to restore, to repair. - 5) - to retrace. - 6) - to arforsativ - adj. (pr. \ &rfurs&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. arforsativ - fm.
change, to renew. - See also the term "rifé ". This vrb is sng. and plr. arforsativa, arforsative. - 1) -
irregular, see the grammar for its conjugation (its p. p. is strengthening, reinforcing. - 2) - intensifying (grammar).
"arfàit ", as we have seen above). See also the terms "raforsativ, ranforsativ".
arfende - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ &rf'ænde \) - to cleave, to cut arforsé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rfurs'e \ ) - to strengthen,
through (the wood). to fortify, to reinforce. See also the terms "raforsé,
arfésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &rf'ese \) - 1) - to remake ranforsé".
(by oneself or for oneself). - 2) - to take one's revenge. arfinì - vrb. 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &rfin'i \) - 1) - to finish again. -
In this sense see also the terms "arvangesse, rifésse", 2) - to finish up, to give the finishing touches (to). - 3) -
- 3) - to rise again, to recover, to correct (all referred to to polish. - See also the term "rifinì ".
oneself). In this sense see also the terms "arlevésse, arfinidor - n. (pr. \ &rfinid'ur \) Ms. plr. arfinidor - fm. sng.
arpijésse, rifésse ". and plr. arfinidòira, arfinidòire. - finisher.
arfëstié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rf&sti'e \) - 1) - to embolden, arfinidura - n. f. (pr. \ &rfinid'[ue]r& \) At plr. arfinidure. -
to make bolder. See also, for this meaning, the terms finish, finishing up.
"argalé, angajardì". - 2) - to recreate. See also, for this arfiorì - vrb 3rd con int. (pr. \ &rfiur'i \) - 1) - to blossom
meaning, the terms "svarié, arcreé, amusé". again, to bloom again. - 2) - to reflourish, to enliven. See
arfëstiura - n. f. (pr. \ &rf&sti'[ue]r& \) Inv. at plr. - also the tyerm "rifiorì".
recreation. See also the terms "ricreassion, amusament, arfioridura - n. f. (pr. \ &rfiurid'[ue]r& \) At plr. arfioridure. -
svari, arlass ". 1) - reflorescence. - 2) - revival.
arfial - n. m. (pr. \ &rfi'&l \) At plr. arfiaj. - 1) - opening, arfissié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rfisi'e \) - 1) - to reassure, to
aperture, cleft, little window for giving air. - 2) - encourage. - 2) - to refresh, to restore.
interstice. Sometimes also the term "arfiaj ", inv. at plr. is arfissiésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &rfisi'ese \) - See arfiésse.
used. arfissiura - n. f. (pr. \ &rfisi'[ue]r& \) At plr. arfissiure. -
arfiaj - n. m. (pr. \ &rfi'&y \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - opening, relief, comfort, solace.
aperture, cleft, little window for giving air. - 2) - arfité - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rfit'e \) - 1) - to let again, to
breathing, rest, relief. rent again. - 2) - to sublet, to sublease.
arfiajì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ &rfi&y'i \) - 1) - to breathe, to arfluì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ &rfl[ue]'i \) - 1) - to reflow, to
take breath. - 2) - to utter a word. It uses the aux. "avèj ". flow back. - 2) - to flow again. - 3) - to pour again. - It
- See also the voice "arfié ". uses the aux. "esse ". - See also the term "rifluì ".
arfiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rfik'e \) - 1) - to thrust again, arfluss - n. m. (pr. \ &rfl'[ue]s \) Inv. at plr. - reflow, reflux.
to rethrust. - 2) - to put again (familiar) arfonde - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ &rf 'unde \) - 1) - to remelt, to
arfié - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ &rfi'e \) - 1) - to breathe, to recast. - 2) - to pay back.
respire. - 2) - to open one's mouth (to speak). It uses the arfondé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rfund'e \) - to refound, to
aux. "avèj ". found again.
arfiésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &rfi'ese \) - to be reassured, arfóndita - n. f. (pr. \ &rf 'undit& \) At plr. arfóndite. - 1) -
to thake heart again. See also the term "arfissiésse ". remelting. - 2) - refund, refunding. - See also the most
arfilé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rfil'e \) - 1) - to trim, to edge. - common term "arfusion".
2) - to deal, to deliver. - 3) - to palm off. - 4) - to arfondù - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &rfund'[ue] \) Ms. plr. arfondù -
sharpen, to sharpen again. In this meaning see also the fm. sng. and plr. arfondùa, arfondùe. - 1) - remelted,
term "afilé ". See also the term "rifilé ". refunded (as the p. p. of the vrb "arfonde "). - 2) -
arfilura - n. f. (pr. \ &rfil'[ue]r& \) At plr. arfilure. - furnished, in a good form. (as an adj.).
sharpening, grinding.

arforma - n. f. (pr. \ &rf'urm& \) At plr. arforme. - 1) - re- arfranzensa - n. f. (pr. \ &rfr&nz'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr.
formation. - 2) - reform, reforming, reformation, arfrangense. - refractivity. See also the term
improvment. - 3) - rejection (military service). - "rifranzensa".
Reformation (history). - See also the term "riforma". arfranzìbil - adj. (pr. \ &rfr&nz'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. arfranzìbij -
arformà - n. and adj. (pr. \ &rfurm'& \) Inv. in gnd and nr. - 1) fm. sng. and plr. arfranzìbil, arfranzìbij. - refrangible.
- re-formed, formed again. - 2) - reformed, improved, See also the term "rifrangìbil ".
amended. - 3) - Reformed (church) - 4) - unwarlike. - 5) - arfranzibilità - n. f. (pr. \ &rfr&nzibilit'& \) Inv. at plr. -
coward. - 6) - unable at military service (adj. and sbst.). - refrangibility. See also the term "rifrangibilità ".
See also the term "riformà ". arfrassion - n. f. (pr. \ &rfr&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - refraction.
arformàbil - adj. (pr. \ &rfurm'&bil \) Ms. plr. arformàbij - See also the term "rifrassion ".
fm. sng. and plr. arformàbil, arformàbij. - 1) - arfrat - adj. (pr. \ &rfr'&t \ ) Ms. plr. arfrat - fm. sng. and plr.
reformable, that can be reformed. - 2) - rejectable arfrata, arfrate. - refracted.
(military service). - See also the term "riformàbil ". arfratometrìa - n. f. (pr. \ &rfr&tumetr'i& \ ) At plr.
arformator - n. and adj. (pr. \ &rfurm&t'ur \) Ms. plr. arfratometrìa. - refractometry. See also "rifratometrìa".
arformator - fm. sng. and plr. arformatriss, arfrator - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &rfr&t'ur \) Inv. at plr. - refractor.
arformatriss. - 1) - reformer, reformist (sbst.). See also See also the term "rifrator".
the term "arformìsta ". - 2) - reforming, reformatory. - arfrator - 2) - adj. (pr. \ &rfr&t'ur \) Ms. plr. arfrator - fm.
See also the term "arformativ, riformator". sng. and plr. arfratriss, arfratriss. - refracring. See also
arformativ - adj. (pr. \ &rfurm&t'iu \) Ms. plr. arformativ - the term "rifrator".
fm. sng. and plr. arformativa, arformative. - reforming, arfratòmeter - n. m. (pr. \ &rfr&t'ometær \) Inv. at plr. -
reformatory. See also "riformativ, arformator ". refractometer. See also the term with spelling
arformatòri - n. m. (pr. \ &rfurm&t'ori \) Inv. at plr. - "arfratòmetro ". This double way is usual in measurement
reformatory, approved school, juvenile jail. See also the instruments.
term "riformatòri ". arfratòmetro - n. m. (pr. \ &rfr&t'ometrô \) - See
arformé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rfurm'e \) - 1) - to re-form, arfratòmeter.
to reshape. - 2) - to reform, to improve. - 3) - to reject as arfreidament - n. m. (pr. \ &rfræid&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. -
unfit (military service). - See also "riformé ". cooling. See also the term "sfreidament ".
arformésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &rfurm'ese \) - to form arfreidator - n. m. (pr. \ &rfræid&t'ur \) Inv. at plr. - chill,
again. It can have also refl. meaning, but often has int. chiller. See also the term"sfreidator ".
meaning. arfreidé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rfræid'e \) - to cool, to cool
arformìsta - n. (pr. \ &rfurm'ist& \) Ms. plr. arformista - fm. down. See also the term "sfreidé ".
sng. and plr. arformista, arformiste. - reformer, arfreidésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &rfræid'ese \) - 1) - to
reformist. See also the terms "riformista, arformator ". become cool, to chill. See also the term "sfreidésse ". - 2) -
arfornì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &rfurn'i \) - 1) - to furnish to catch a cold. See also the term "anfreidésse ", more
again, to restock, to supply, to provide. - 2) - to fill up, common.
to refuel. See also the term "rifornì ". arfreidor - n. m. (pr. \ &rfræid'ur \) Inv. at plr. - cold, chill
arfornidura - n. f. (pr. \ &rfurnid'[ue]r& \) See arforniment. (illness). The term is not very used, see the most used voice
arforniment - n. m. (pr. \ &rfurnim'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - "anfreidor ".
furnishment, supplying. - 2) - filling up, refuelling. - 3) - arfrëscà - n. f. (pr. \ &rfr&sc'& \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - cooling
supplies, provisions, stocks. See also the terms (meteo). - 2) - freshening-up. - See also the term
"riforniment, arfornidura ". "rinfrëscà ".
arfornitor - n. and adj. (pr. \ &rfurnit'ur \) Ms. plr. arfornidor arfrëscant - adj. (pr. \ &rfr&sc'&nt \) Ms. plr. arfrëscant - fm.
- fm. sng. and plr. arfornitriss, arfornitriss. - 1) - sng. and plr. arfrëscanta, arfrëscante. - refreshing,
supplier, provider. (sbst.). - 2) - supplying, providing cooling. See also the term "rinfrëscant ".
(adj.). - See also "rifornitor, fornitor ". arfrësché - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &rfr&sk'e \) - 1) - to
arforsàbil - adj. (pr. \ &rfurs'&bil \) Ms. plr. arforsàbij - fm. refresh, to freshen (trs.). - 2) - to cool, to get cool(er)
sng. and plr. arforsàbil, arforsàbij. - reinforceable. See (int.). It uses the aux. "avèj ". - See also the term
also the term "rinforsàbil ", which is more used. "rinfrësché ".
arforsament - n. m. (pr. \ &rfurs&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - arfud - n. m. (pr. \ &rf'[ue]d \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - refusal,
strengthening, reinforcement. See also the terms "rinfòrs, rejection. In this meaning see also the terms "arcus, ricus,
rinforsament ", which are more used. ripulsa". - 2) - denial. - 3) - waste, refuse, rubbish. In this
arforsé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rfurs'e \ ). - 1) - to strengthen, meaning see also the terms "mnis, scart, ciarafi, ect." - 4) -
to reinforce. - 2) - to support. See also the term allergy. In this meaning see also the term "alergìa". - See
"rinforsé". also, in general, the terms "rifud, arnùnsia ".
arfòrs - n. m. (pr. \ &rf'ors \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - strengthening, arfudàbil - adj. (pr. \ &rf[ue]d'&bil \) Ms. plr. arfudàbij - fm.
reinforcement. - 2) - stiffening, backing. - 3) - reinforce, sng. and plr. arfudàbil, arfudàbij. - refusable, rejectable.
reinforcement (the object acting as...) - 4) - See also the terms "rifiutàbil, rifudàbil ".
intensification (light, flow) - 5) - support, help (in a fig. arfudé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rf[ue]d'e \) - 1) - to refuse, to
sense). - See also the most used term "rinfòrs". decline, to reject. - 2) - to refuse, to deny. - 3) - to
arfrangé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rfr&nj'e \ ) - to reflect, to disown, to refuse, to recognize, to renounce. See also the
throw back. term "rifudé, arfusé "
arfranze - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ &rfr'&nze \ ) - 1) - to refract. arfudésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &rf[ue]d'ese \) - to refuse,
See also the term "rifrange ". - 2) - to make the second to decline. (referred to oneself).
ploughing. arfugésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &rf[ue]j'ese \) - to take
arfranzent - adj. (pr. \ &rfr&nj'ænt \) Ms. plr. arfranzent - fm. refuge, to shelter (oneself), to seek refuge. See also the
sng. and plr. arfranzenta, arfranzente. - refractive, term "rifugésse ".
refracting. See also the term "rifrangent ". arfugi - n. m. (pr. \ &rf'[ue]ji \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - shelter,
refuge. - 2) - refuge (in a fig. sense). - 3) - hospice, house
of refuge. - See also the terms "ricòver, rifugi, ospissi ".

arfugià - n. (pr. \ &rf[ue]ji'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - refugee. argich - n. m. (pr. \ &rj'ic \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - bud, sprout
arfus - n. m. (pr. \ &rf'[ue]z \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - wrong fount. - (mainly if grown on an old brach). - 2) - little branch to
2) - misprint. be transplanted. See also the terms "argit, gich ".
arfusé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rf[ue]z'e \) - See arfudé. argiché - vrb. 1st con. int. (pr. \ &rjik'e \) - to sproud, to
arfusion - n. f. (pr. \ &rf[ue]zi'u[ng] \) - See arfóndita. spring up. It uses the aux. "avèj ".
argal - n. m. (pr. \ &rg'&l \) At plr. argaj. - 1) - present gift. argila - n. f. (pr. \ &rj'il& \) At plr. argile. - clay, argil. See
See also the term "regal ". - 2) - joy, gladness, delight, also the terms "crea, crèja ".
euphoria. See also the term "argioissansa ". argilos - adj. (pr. \ &rjil'uz \) Ms. plr. argilos - fm. sng. and
argalada (a l'---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ & l &rg&l&d& \) - Referred plr. argilosa, argilose. - clayey, argillaceous.
to a way of drinking in the expression "bèive a l'argalada àrgin - n. m. (pr. \ '&rji[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - bank,
" that means " to pour down one's throat ". embankment, dyke.
argalé - vrb. 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rg&l'e \) - to give, to present, arginadura - n. f. (pr. \ &rjin&d'[ue]r& \) - See arginament.
to make a present. See also the most common term arginal - adj. (pr. \ &rjin'&l \) Ms. plr. arginaj - fm. sng. and
"regalé ". plr. arginal, arginaj. - embankment, bank (used as
argalésse - vrb. 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &rg&l'ese \) - 1) - to amuse attributes).
oneself, to rejoice, to be elated. - 2) - to present to arginament - n. f. (pr. \ &rjin&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. -
oneself. In this meaning see also the most common term embankment, dyking, diking.
"regalésse". arginé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rjin'e \) - 1) - to embank, to
argalìssia - n. f. (pr. \ &rg&l'isi& \) At plr. (if any) argalissie. - dyke. See also the term "andighé ". - 2) - to check, to hold,
liquorice, licorice. See also the term "rigolissia ". Note to stem (in a fig. sense).
that the loc "argalissia 'd bòsch" means "male-fern". argin-a - n. f. (pr. \ &rj'i[ng]& \) At plr. argin-e. - queen. See
àrgan - n. m. (pr. \ '&rg&[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - windlass, winch. also the term "regin-a ".
See also the term "arganél ". argioissansa - n. f. (pr. \ &rjiuis'&[ng]s& \) At plr.
arganél - n. m. (pr. \ &rg&n'el \) - See àrgan. argioissanse. - joy, gladness, exultation, cheerfulness.
argaucé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rg&u[ch]'e \) - to turn up (or See also the term "argiojissansa ".
down), to tuck up. Referred, e. g. to sleeves, etc.) argiojissansa - n. f. (pr. \ &rjiuyis'&[ng]s& \) - See
argasto - n. m. (pr. \ &rg'&stu \) Inv. at plr. - life sentence, argioissansa.
penal servitude for life. See also the terms "argàstol, argiojì - vrb 3rd con. int. and trs. (pr. \ &rjiuy'i \) - 1) - to
ergàstol ". rejoice, to delight (int.). It uses the aux. "avèj ". - 2) - to
argàstol - n. m. (pr. \ &rg'&stul \) - See argasto. cheer up, to gladden (trs.). - See also the terms "anlegré,
argastolan - n. (pr.\&rg&stul'&[ng] \) Ms. plr. argastolan - arlegré ".
fm. sng. and plr. argastolan-a, argastolan-e. - convict argiojìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &rjiuy'ise \) - 1) - to cheer
serving a life sentance, lifer. See also the term up, to rejoice (referred to oneself). - 2) - to be delighted,
"ergastolan". to be glad.
argaucé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rg&u[ch]'e \) - to turn up, to argionté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rjiunt'e \) - to rejoin, to
tuck up. (e. g. shirt sleeves). Very common is the vrbl. loc. reunite, to reconnect, to reattach. See also the terms
"argaucé le mànie" or "tirésse sù le mànie " lit. "to draw "arcongiunge, argionze, argiunze ".
up one's sleeves". with the lit. meaning, and an idiomatic argionze - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ &rji'u[ng]ze \) - See argionté.
meaning having value : "to start working hard ". argiorné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rjiurn'e \) - to bring up to
argaucésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &rg&u[ch]'ese \) - to turn date. See also the term "ragiorné".
up, to tuck up. (referred to oneself). See also the terms argiornésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &rjiurn'ese \) - to bring
"argaucé, artrossésse ". oneself up to date. See also the term "ragiornésse".
argavé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rg&v'e \) - 1) - to take again, argiovisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rji'uwiz'e \) - to recreate. See
to take back. - 2) - to take off again. - 3) - to detract also the term "arcreé ".
again. argiovnì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &rjiuun'i \ \ &rjiuwn'i \
argent - n. m. (pr. \ &rj'ænt \) - Inv. at plr. (if any). - silver. ) - 1) - to make younger, to rejuvenate (trs.). - 2) - to
(chemical element ). become younger, to rejuvenate (int.). As int. it uses the
argentador - n. m. (pr. \ &rjænt&d'ur \) Inv. at plr. - silver- aux. "esse ". - See also the term "rangiovnì ".
plater. argiovniment - n. m. (pr. \ &rjiuunim'ænt \ ) - rejuvenation.
argentadura - n. f. (pr. \ &rjænt&d'[ue]r& \) At plr. See also the term "rangiovniment ".
argentadure. - silvering. argiovnìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. - (pr. \ &rjiuwn'ise \ ) - to
argentarìa - n. f. (pr. \ &rjænt&r'i& \) At plr. argentarìe. - become younger, to rejuvenate (the same meaning of the
silverware. See also the spelling "argenterìa ". int. form). See also the term "rangiovnìsse ".
argenté - 1) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rjænt'e \) - to silver, to argir - n. m. (pr. \ &rj'ir \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - outflanking. - 2) -
silver-plate. deception, deceit, cheat, swindle (in a fig. sense). See also
argenté - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ &rjænt'e \) Inv. at plr. - silversmith. the term "ragir".
See also "argentié ". argiré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rjir'e \ ) - 1) - to go around, to
argenterìa - n. f. (pr. \ &rjænter'i& \) - See argentarìa. circle, to outflank. - 2) - to trick. See also the terms
argentié - n. m. (pr. \ &rjænti'e \) - See argenté. "ragiré, rigiré". The refl. form assumes the following
argentìfer - adj. (pr. \ &rjænt'ifær \) Ms. plr. argentìfer - fm. different meanings:
sng. and plr. argentìfera, argentìfere. - argentiferous, argirésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &rjir'ese \ ) - 1) - to do one's
silver-bearing. best, to try hard, to engage oneself. - 2) - to wander
argentin - adj. (pr. \ &rjænt'i[ng] \) Ms. plr. argentin - fm. around, to hang about. See also the term "ragirésse,
sng. and plr. argentin-a, argentin-e. - 1) - silver (as an rigirésse".
attr.) - 2) - silvery. - 3) - Argentinean. argiron - n. (pr. \ &rjir'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. argiron - fm. sng. and
Argentin-a - n. f. (pr. \ &rjænt'i[ng]& \) - At a possible fig. plr. plr. argiron-a, argoron-e. - deceiver, swindler. See also
Argentin-e. - Argentine. the terms "ragiron, ambrojon".
argenton - n. m. (pr. \ &rjænt'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - nickel- argit - n. m. (pr. \ &rj'it \) - See argich.
silver, German silver. argité - vrb. 1st con. int. (pr. \ &rjit'e \) - See argiché.

argiunze - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rji'[ue][ng]ze \) - See argut - adj. (pr. \ &rg'[ue]t \) Ms. plr. argut - fm. sng. and plr.
argionté. arguta, argute. - witty.
argniflù - adj. (pr. \ &r[gn]ifl'[ue] \) Ms. plr. argniflù - fm. ària - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ '&ri& \) At plr. àrie. - 1) - air. - 2) - little
sng. and plr. argniflùa, argniflùe. - surly, gruff, peevish, wind. - 3) - expression, air, look, aspect. - 4) - manner. -
stern. 5) - air, tune, melody. - 6) - the right time, the right
argo - n. m. (pr. \ '&rgô \ ) Inv. at a not probable plr. (chemical place. (e. g. "adéss a l'é nen ària 'd félo " lit. "now it is
element) - argon. See also the term "àrgon". not air of doing it " standing for "now is not the right time
argoment - n. m. (pr. \ &rgum'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - to do it "). - 7) - vainglory, conceit (in a fig. sense) usually
argument. (also mathematics) - 2) - motive, reason. - 3) - used at plr. as in the very common expression "désse d'arie
subject, topic. - See also the terms "rason, motiv, tema ". " = lit. "to give oneself of airs " idiomatic expression
argomentàbil - adj. (pr. \ &rgumænt'&bil \) Ms. plr. standing for " to be vainglorious ".
argumentàbij - fm. sng. and plr. argumentàbil, ària! - 2) - excl. (pr. \ '&ri& \) - go away!
argumentàbij. - arguable. See also the term "dëscutìbil ". arià - n. f. (pr. \ &ri'& \) - Inv. at plr. - 1) - irradiation, a spot
argomentassion - n. f. (pr. \ &rgumænt&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. of radiation (usually solar). - 2) - the shining of the sun.
- argumentation, arguments. See also the term "rajà ".
argomenté - 1) - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &rgumænt'e \) - arian - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &ri'&[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - brook,
1) - to argue, to reason. (int.). It uses the aux. "avèj ". - 2) stream. See also the term "rì ".
- to deduce, to infer (trs.). arian - 2) - n. and adj. (pr. \ &ri'&[ng] \) Ms. plr. arian - fm.
argomenté - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ &rgumænt'e \) Inv. at plr. - sng. and plr. arian-a, arian-e. - Aryan, Arian.
reasoning. arianòt - n. m. (pr. \ &ri&n'ot \) Inv. at plr. - rivulet,
àrgon - n. m. (pr. \ '&rgu[ng] \) - See argo. streamlet, rill, runnel, trickle. See also the term
argonf - n. m. (pr. \ &rg'u[ng]f \) Inv. at plr. - rising of a "roanela".
river, heaving, flood, spate. See also the terms "argonfia, arian-a - n. f. (pr. \ &ri'&[ng]& \) At plr. arian-e. - sewer,
gonfia ". drain. See also the term "rian-a ".
argonfé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ &rgu[ng]f'e \) - to heave, to ariassa - n. f. (pr. \ &ri'&s& \) At plr. ariasse. - bad wind, bad
rise (of waters, rivers, etc.). See also the term "argonfié ". air, wind bringing a thunder-storm. (pejorative of the
It uses the aux. "esse ". term "ària " ).
argonfi - adj. (pr. \ &rg'u[ng]fi \) argunfi - fm. sng. and plr. aribeba - n. f. (pr. \ &rib'eb& \) At plr. aribebe. - Jew's harp.
argunfia, argunfie. - 1) - inflated, swollen, puffer out. - See also the terms "ribeba, aribébola, ribébola, bébola ".
2) - risen (of a river). - See also the term "gonfi ". aribébola - n. f. (pr. \ &rib'ebul& \) - See aribeba.
argonfia - n. f. (pr. \ &rg'u[ng]fi& \) - See argonf. arichì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &rik'i \) - See anrichì.
argonfié - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ &rgu[ng]fi'e \) - See argonfé. arichiment - n. m. (pr. \ &rikim'ænt \) - See anrichiment.
argorgh - n. m. (pr. \ &rg'urg \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - block, àrid - adj. (pr. \ '&rid \) Ms. plr. àrid - fm. sng. and plr. àrida,
bolckage, jam (traffic). See also the term "angorgh ". - 2) - àride. - dry, arid. Quite an italianism, a better
regurgitation, overflowing. - 3) - eddy, undertow. In this piedmontese term is "sech ".
meaning see also "arciucc". aridità - n. f. (pr. \ &ridit'& \) Inv. at plr. - dryness. Quite an
argorghé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ &rgurg'e \) - 1) - to italianism, better terms are "suitin-a, sech ".
regurgitate, to gush back. - 2) - to overflow. arié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &ri'e \) - to air, to give an airing,
argòsta - n. f. (pr. \ &rg'ost& \) - See aragòsta. to ventilate. See also the term "ariegé ".
argòt - n. m. (pr. \ &rg'ot \) Inv. at plr. - slang of the ariegé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &riej'e \) - See arié.
underworld, jargon. See also the term "gergon ". arierpansé - n. m. (pr. \ &riærp&[ng]s'e \) Inv. at plr. - secret
argret - n. m. (pr. \ &rgr'æt \) Inv. at plr. - regret. See also the thought. This term recalls a french style.
terms "ringret, regret, aringret ". ariesse - vrb 2nd con int. (pr. \ &ri'ese \) - 1) - to succeed, to
argreté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rgret'e \) - to regret, to manage, to be able. - 2) - to come out, to turn out. - 3) -
lament. See also the terms "ringreté, regreté ". to be good. See also the expressions "andé bin, esse bon "
argretos - adj. (pr. \ &rgret'uz \) Ms. plr. argretos - fm. rspy. "to go well, to be good ". - See also the terms "ariussì,
sng. and plr. argretosa, argretose. - full of regrets, riesse, riussì, rivé ". It uses the aux. "esse", but sometimes
nostalgic. See also the term "regretos". it is found with the aux. "avèj ", and both have to be
argrignà - adj. (pr. \ &rgri[gn]'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - considered as correct.
crouching. See also the term "angrignà ". ariëtta - (pr. \ &ri'&tt& \) At plr. ariëtte. - 1) - light wind. - 2)
argrigné - vrb 1st. con. trs. (pr. \ &rgri[gn]'e \) - 1) - to ripple, - motive, arietta (music).
to gather, to wrinkle. - 2) - to grind, to gnash. - 3) - to aringa - n. f. (pr. \ &r'i[ng]g& \) At plr. aringhe. - 1) -
crouch (sb.) or (st.). In this meaning see also "angrigné ". herring. Italianism. See the best piedm. term "arengh ". -
argrignésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &rgri[gn]'ese \) - to 2) - harangue, pleading. Italianism. See also the best
crouch, to cower, to squat (referred to oneself). piedm. term "aranga".
arguardé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rgu&rd'e \) - 1) - to look at aringhé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &ri[ng]g'e \) - to harangue.
(sb., st.) again, to see again. - 2) - to regard, to consider. See the best piedm. term "aranghé ".
- 3) - to regard, to concern. - 4) - to keep carefully, to aringret - n. m. (pr. \ &ri[ng]gr'æt \) Inv. at plr. - regret. See
take care (of sb. or st.). - See also the term "riguardé ". also the terms "regret, rigrèt ".
arguardésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &rgu&rd'ese \) - 1) - to ariond - adj. (pr. \ &ri'und \) Ms. plr. ariond - fm. sng. and
protect oneself, to look after oneself. - 2) - to beware, to plr. arionda, arionde. - round, rotund, roundish. See
guard. See also the term "riguardésse ". also the terms "riond, rotond ".
arguì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &rg[ue]'i \) - 1) - to infer, to ariondela - n. f. (pr. \ &riund'el& \) At plr. (if any) ariondele. -
deduce, to demonstrate. (trs.) - 2) - to argue, to reason mallow (Malva sylvestris - botany). See also the terms
(int.). "riondela, malva ".
argussia - n. f. (pr. \ &rg'[ue]si& \) At plr. argussie. - 1) - wit, ariondì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &riund'i \) - to round, to round
keennes of mind. - 2) - witticism, witty remark, shrewd off.
thought. ariondin - n. m. (pr. \ &riund'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - fine
bran. - 2) - flour of second sieving. See also the terms

"riondin, farin-a". - 3) - little round piece of wood. See arìtmich - adj. (pr. \ &r'itmic \) Ms. plr. arìtmich - fm. sng.
also the terms "riondin, tondin". and plr. arìtmica, arìtmiche. - 1) - unrhythmic(al). - 2) -
ariondon - n. m. (pr. \ &riund'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - round stick arrhythmic(al) (medical).
short and big. See also the terms"riondon, baròt ". ariussì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ &ri[ue]s'i \) - See ariesse.
arios - adj. (pr. \ &ri'uz \) Ms. plr. arios - fm. sng. and plr. ariussìa - n. f. (pr. \ &ri[ue]s'i& \) At plt. ariussìe. - issue,
ariosa, ariose. - 1) - airy. - 2) - ariose, arioso (music). result, outcome, success. See also the term "riussìa ".
ariòrda - n. f. (pr. \ &ri'ord& \) At plr. ariòrde. - second cut ariv - n. m. (pr. \ &r'iu \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - arrival. - 2) - finish
of hay. See also the terms "arseta, riòrda ". line.
arisponde - vrb 2nd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &risp'unde \) - See arivé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ &riv'e \) - 1) - to arrive, to reach,
arsponde. to get. - 2) - to go as far as. ( E. g. "i arivo fin-a a la fin
arispondent - adj. (pr. \ &rispund'ænt \) - See arspondent. dla strà I go as far as the end of the street"). - 3) - to last
arisponditor - n. m. (pr. \ &rispundit'ur \) - See arsponditor. (E. g. "ste scarpe a arivo nen fin-a a la fin dl'istà these
arispòsta - n. f. (pr. \ &risp'ost& \) - See arspòsta. shoes do not last up to the end of the summer") - 4) - to
ariss - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &r'is \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - curl. See also happen (E. g. "it sas nen còs a l'é arivàme you don't
"riss, rissolin, brus-cio, brës-cia ". - 2) - burr, husk know what happened me"). - 5) - to succeed, to manage
(chestnut - botanic). See also the terms "riss, spniss, pniss, (E. g. "i son arivà a félo I managed in doing it"). See also
spinch ". - 3) - burr, chip, wood shavings (mechanics). - the term "riesse ". - 6) - to understand. (E. g. "a la fin i
4) - hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus - zoology) - 5) - sea- son arivàje at last I have understood it"). - See also the
urchin (Paracentrotus lividus - zoology). - See also the term "rivé ". It uses the aux. "esse".
sbst. loc. "ariss porchin, ariss ëd mar, riss porchin, riss ëd arlam - adj. (pr. \ &rl'&m \) Ms. plr. arlam - fm. sng. and plr.
mar " (zoology). arlama, arlame. - loose, loosened, unlaced, untied. See
ariss - 2) - adj. (pr. \ &r'is \) Ms. plr. ariss - fm. sng. and plr. also the terms "alam, lam ".
arissa, arisse. - 1) - curly. - 2) - bristly, shaggy. - A arlamé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rl&m'e \) - to loosen, to
piedm. way of asying is "fé ij sign ariss " lit. "to do the release, to slacken. See also the terms "arlassé, dëslamé ".
eyebrows bristly ". for indicating the expression of a child arlamésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &rl&m'ese \) - to loosen, to
who is going to start crying. grow loose, to work loose, to slacken. The meaning can
ariss ëd mar - sbst. loc. msc. (pr. \ &r'is &d m&r \) Inv. at plr. - be refl. or int.
sea-urchin (zoology). arlamura - n. f. (pr. \ &rl&m'[ue]r& \) At plr. arlamure. -
ariss porchin - sbst. loc. msc. (pr. \ &r'is purk'i[ng] \) Inv. at slackening, loosening.
plr. - hedgehog (zoology). arlan - n. m. (pr. \ &rl'&[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - destruction, wipe-
arissadura - n. f. (pr. \ &ris&d'[ue]r& \) At plr. arissadure. - out, dissipation.
1) - curling. - 2) - plastering, rough covering of a wall. - arlan (fé ---) - vrbl. loc. 1st con. int. (pr. \ f'e &rl'&[ng] \) - to
See also the term "rissadura ". dissipate (in Piedm. this vrb is followed by genitive). It
arissé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &ris'e \) - 1) - to plaster (with uses the aux. "avèj ".
lime). See also the term "rissé ". - 2) - to curl. arlans - n. m. (pr. \ &rl'&[ng]s \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - flinging
arissésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &ris'ese \) - to curl up. The again, hurling again, throwing again. - 2) - flinging
form is refl. but the meaning is int. back, hurling back, throwing back. - 3) - raising. - 4) -
arisson - n. m. (pr. \ &ris'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - toupee, relauncing (in a fig. sense).
hairpiece, wiglet. arlansé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rl&[ng]s'e \) - 1) - to fling
aristocrassìa - n. f. (pr. \ &ristucr&s'i& \) At plr. again, to hurl again, to throw again. - 2) - to
aristocrassìe. - aristocracy. fling back, to hurl back, to throw back. - 3) - to raise. 4) - to
aristocrat - n. m. (pr. \ &ristucr'&t \) Inv. at plr. - aristocrat. It relaunch (in a fig. sense).
is an old piedmontese term. See also the term (quite an arlass - n. m. (pr. \ &rl'&s \) Inv. at plr. - relaxation, rest,
italianism when used as sbst.) "aristocràtich ". pause, break. See also the terms "arlassament, rilass ".
aristocràtich - adj. and n. (pr. \ &ristucr'&tic \) Ms. plr. arlassament - n. m. (pr. \ &rl&s&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. -
aristocràtich - fm. sng. and plr. aristocràtica, relaxation. See also the term "arlass ".
aristocràtiche. - 1) - aristocratic (adj.). - 2) - aristocrat arlassé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rl&s'e \) - 1) - to loosen, to
(sbst.). See also the term "aristocrat ". release, to relax. See also the terms "arlamé, rilassé ". - 2)
Aristòtele - n. m. (pr. \ &rist'otele \) Inv. at a possible fig. plr. - - to leave again. (in this case the expression "lassé torna "
Aristotle. lit. "to leave again" is more used.
aristotélich - adj. and n. (pr. \ &ristut'elic \) Ms. plr. arlassésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &rl&s'ese \) - 1) - to relax
aristotélich - fm. sng. and plr. aristotélica, aristotéliche. (oneself). - 2) - to become slack.
- Aristotelian. arlavagi - n. m. (pr. \ &rl&v'&ji \) Inv. at plr. - re-washing,
aristotelism - n. m. (pr. \ &ristutel'izm \) Inv. at plr. - washing again. See also the terms "rilavagi, rilavadura".
aristotelianism. arlavé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rl&v'e \) - to re-wash, to wash
aritmética - n. f. (pr. \ &ritm'etic& \) At plr. - aritmétiche. - again. See also the term "rilavé ".
arithmetic. arlechin - n, m. (pr. \ &rlek'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - Harlequin
aritmeticament - adv. (pr. \ &ritmetic&m'æænt \) - with (theatre). - 2) - harlequin, clown, fool. See also the terms
arithmetical procedure, in an arithmetical way. Italianism "buracio, buratin".
quite bad, see the piedm. adv. loc. "da na mira aritmética, arlechinada - n. f. (pr. \ &rlekin'&d& \) At plr. arlechinade. -
an manera aritmética " whose lit. meaning is rspy. " from tomfoolery, harlequinade.
an arithmetical point of view, in an arithmetical way ". arlechinesch - adj. (pr. \ &rlekin'æsc \) Ms. plr. arlechinesch
aritmétich - adj. and n. (pr. \ &ritm'etic \) Ms. plr. aritmétich - fm. sng. and plr. arlechinësca, arlechinësche. -
- fm. sng. and plr. aritmética, aritmétiche. - 1) - harlequin (as an attribute).
arithmetic(al) (adj.). - 2) - arithmetician (sbst.). arlegador - n. (pr. \ &rleg&d'ur \) - See arlegator.
aritmìa - n. f. (pr. \ &ritm'i& \) At plr. aritmìe. - 1) - want of arlegadura - n. f. (pr. \ &rleg&d'[ue]r& \) At plr. -
rhythm. - 2) - arrhythmy, arrhythmia (medical) arlegadure. - binding, bookbinding. See also the term
"rilegadura ".

arlegator - n. (pr. \ &rleg&t'ur \) Ms. plr. arledator - fm. sng. - 3) - clockwork. - See also the terms "arlogiarìa,
and plr. arlegatriss, arlegatriss. - binder, bookbinder. orlogerìa".
See also the term "arlegador, rilegator". arlogiarìa - n. f. (pr. \ &rluji&r'i& \) - See arlogerìa.
arleghé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rleg'e \) - to bind, to bind up. arlògi - n. m. (pr. \ &rl'oji \) Inv. at plr. - watch, clock. See
See also the terms "rileghé, arlighé, arlié ". also the terms "mostra ", which is the most commonly
arlegrament - n. m. (pr. \ &rlegr&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - used, and the term , "orlògi".
rejoycing. - 2) - congratulations (only plr.). See also the arlòt - n. (pr. \ &rl'ot \) Ms. plr. arlòt - fm. sng. and plr.
term "ralegrament". arlòta, arlòte. - great eater, lout.
arlegré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rlegr'e \) - to cheer up, to arlustré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rl[ue]str'e \) - to polish
raise the spirits (of), to rejoice. See also the term "ralegré again, to repolish.
" which is also often used but it is quite an italianism. See arm - n. m. (pr. \ &rm \) Inv. at plr. - crew.
still also the most piedm. terms "argiojì, egajé ". arma - n. f. (pr. \ '&rm& \) At plr. arme. - 1) - arm, weapon.
arlegrésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &rlegr'ese \) - 1) - to cheer - 2) - noble coat of arms. In this sense there is a curious
up, to rejoice, to be glad. - 2) - to congratulate way of saying in Turin, requiring a little introduction.
(arlegresse con...). See also the term "ralegresse", which is Usually the expression "to make a cuckold ", or "to be
also used but it is quite an italianism. See still also the term unfaithful to his wife" is said "fé ij còrno " = lit. "to make
"argiojìsse". the horns", and the betrayed person is said "to have the
arlese - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ &rl'eze \) - to read again. See horns" = "avèj ij còrno". Then, in normal speech, there is
also the term "rilese". not distinction between "horn" and "antler". In Piedm.
arletura - n. f. (pr. \ &rlet'[ue]r& \) At plr. arleture. - re- "antler" should be (and it is) "palch", but nevertheless also
reading, second reading. See also the most used term the deers are said to have "horns". Now, close to Turin, in
"riletura ". Stupinigi (Stupinis in piedm.) there is a wonderful sabaud
arleuri - n. m. (pr. \ &rl'[oe]ri \) - clock (slang word). See also palace called "mansion of hunt " (that was the purpose).
the terms "arlògi, mostra ". The palace has a large dome with on top a big deer of
arlev - n. m. (pr. \ &rl'eu \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - relief. - 2) - rise, brass, with large antlers, that in a popular way are called
height. - 3) - importance, stress, prominence. - 4) - "còrno". The deer seem to be the coat of arms of the palace.
remark. - See also the term "riliev". At this point persons having an unfaithful partner are said
arlev (dé d'---) - vrbl. loc. 1st con. int. (pr. \ d'e d &rl'eu \) - to "porté j'arme dë Stupinis" "to carry the Stupinigi's coat
give relief. It uses the aux. "avèj ". of arms".
arlevansa - n. f. (pr. \ &rlev'&[ng]s& \) At plr. arlevanse. - armà - 1) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &rm'& \) Inv. in gender and
importance. See also the term "rilevansa ". number. - 1) - armed. - 2) - armed, provided, equipped. -
arlevant - adj. (pr. \ &rlev'&nt \) Ms. plr. arlevant - fm. sng. 3) - reinforced, armoured (e. g. "reinforced concrete
and plr. arlevanta, arlevante. - considerable, (building) " = "ciman armà ").
remarkable, important. See also the term "rilevant ". armà - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ &rm'& \) Inv. at plr. - army. See also the
arlevé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rlev'e \) - 1) - to notice, to terms "armada,armeja ".
point out. - 2) - to take. - 3) - to relieve. - 4) - to take armacòl - n. m. (pr. \ &rm&c'ol \) Inv. at plr. - bandoleer. See
over, to buy out. - 5) - to stir up, to excite. For the first also the terms "bandolera, tracòla ".
four meanings see also the term "rilevé ". armacòl (a ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ & &rm&c'ol \) - baldric-wise,
arlevésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &rlev'ese \) - 1) - to rise slung across the shoulders.
again, to recover, to correct (all referred to oneself). See armada - n. f. (pr. \ &rm'&d& \) At plr. armade - army. See
also the terms "arpijésse, arfésse ". - 2) - to become better also the terms "armà, armeja ".
(of weather). In this meaning there is a piedm. way of armadion - (pr. \ &rm&di'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - big cupboard,
saying which is (after the rain): "ò ch'as arleva ò ch'as big wardrobe (irregular augmentative of the sbst. "armari
arlava" lit. "either (the weather) becomes better or it ")
washes again", standing for "we don't know what will be armador - n. m. (pr. \ &rm&d'ur \) Inv. at plr. - shipowner.
the weather". The saying is on the similarity of the two See also the term "armator ".
words "arleva" and "arlava". armadura - n. f. (pr. \ &rm&d'[ue]r& \) At plr. armadure. - 1)
arlìa - n. f. (pr. \ &rl'i& \) At plr. arlìe. - superstition, whim, - framework. - 2) - bracing, timbering. - 3) - reinforcing
prejudice. rods, mesh. - 4) - armour. - 5) - armature, coil.
arlìchia - n. f. (pr. \ &rl'iki& \) At plr. arlichie. - relic. armajeul - n. m. (pr. \ &rm&y'[oe]l \) At plr. armajeuj. -
arlichiari - n. m. (pr. \ &rliki'&ri \) Inv. at plt. - reliquary. See armourer, gun-dealer. See also the terms "armuré,
also the term "arliquari ". armurié, armareul, armireul, armiré ".
arlichin - n. m. (pr. \ &rlik'i[ng] \) - See arlechin. armament - n. m. (pr. \ &rm&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
arlichinada - n. f. (pr. \ &rlikin'&d& \) - See arlechinàda. armament, arming. - 2) - rigging, fitting out (of a ship). -
arlichinesch - adj. (pr. \ &rlikin'æsc \) - See arlechinesch. 3) - bracing. - 4) - skeleton, framework. - 5) -
arlié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rli'e \) - See arleghé. superstructure (railway).
arlighé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rlig'e \) - See arleghé. armamenta - n. f. plr. (pr. \ &rm&m'ænt& \) Only plr.
arligné - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ &rli[gn]'e \) - 1) - to root , to (collective sbst.) - set of weapons, weapons, arms.
take root. - 2) - to prosper, to flourish. It uses the aux. armamentari - n. f. (pr. \ &rm&mænt'&ri \) Inv. at plr. -
"avèj ". instruments, outfit, paraphernalia. (referred anyway to a
arliquà - n. m. (pr. \ &rli[qu]'& \) Inv. at plr. - residue, set of things).
remainder, scrap. armanach - n. m. (pr. \ &rm&n'&c \) Inv. at plr. - almanac.
arliquari - n. m. (pr. \ &rli[qu]'&ri \) Inv. at plr. - reliquary. See also the term "almanach ".
See also the term "arlichiari ". armanaché - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ &rm&n&k'e \) - to puzzle
arlogé - n. (pr. \ &rluj'e \) Ms. plr. arlogé - fm. sng. and plr. one's brains, to dream about. See also the term
arlogera, arlogere. - 1) - watchmaker, clockmaker. - 2) - "almanaché ". It uses the aux. "avèj ".
watch-seller, clock-seller. See also the term "orlogé". armand - n. m. (pr. \ &rm'&nd \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
arlogerìa - n. f. (pr. \ &rlujer'i& \) At plr. arlogerìe. - 1) - postponement, deferment, deferring. - 2) - return. See
watchmaking, clockmaking. - 2) - watchmaker's (shop). also the term "arcass ". - 3) - cross reference. - 4) -

intermediate control (mechanics). - In general see also the armedié - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ &rmedi'e \) - to remedy. It
word "rimand ". uses the aux. "avèj ". See also the terms "rimedié, remedié
armanda - n. f. (pr. \ &rm'&nd& \) At plr. armande. - 1) - ".
vice of a carpenter's bench. See also the term "dëstrèit ". - armedité - vrb 1st con.trs. (pr. \ &rmedit'e \) - to meditate
2) - amendment, repentance, acknowledgement of one's again, to think about again. See also the term "rimedité ".
faults. armegé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ &rmej'e \) - 1) - to intrigue, to
armandàbil - adj. (pr. \ &rm&nd'&bil \) Ms. plr. armandàbij manoeuvre. - 2) - to fuss. It makes use of the aux. "esse".
- fm. sng. and plr. armandàbil, armandàbij. - 1) - that armegiament - n. m. (pr. \ &rmeji&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
can be postponed. - 2) - that can be returned. intriguing, to manoeuvring. - 2) - fuss.
armandé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rm&nd'e \) - 1) - to send armegiator - n. (pr. \ &rmeji&t'ur \) Ms. plr. armegiator - fm.
again. - 2) - to send back, to return. - 3) - to postpone, to sng. and plr. armegiatriss, armegiatriss. - 1) - fuss-pot. -
defer. - 4) - to make (sb.) repeat an examination. - See 2) - wire-puller.
also the voice "rimandé ". armeja - n. f. (pr. \ &rm'ey& \) At plr. armeje - army. See
armangé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rm&nj'e \) - to eat again. also the terms "armà, armada ".
armangésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &rm&nj'ese \) - 1) - to armelin - n. m. (pr. \ &rmel'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - ermine, stoat.
take back, to eat (one's words). - 2) - to break (a (zoology - Mustela erminea) See also the term "armlin ".
promise). armembransa - n. f. (pr. \ &rmæmbr'&[ng]s& \) At plr. -
armangia - n. f. (pr. \ &rm'&nji& \) At plr. armange. - armembranse. - rimembrance, recollection, memory.
ransom, reciprocation. See also the term "rimembransa ".
armarca - n. f. (pr. \ &rm'&rc& \) At plr. armarche. - 1) - armemorié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rmemuri'e \) - 1) - to
note, comment, remark. - 2) - censure, disapproval. remember, to recollect , to recall, to remind. - 2) - to
armarcàbil - adj. (pr. \ &rm&rc'&bil \) Ms. plr. armarcàbij - mention. See also the term "arcordé ".
fm. sng. and plr. armarcàbil, armarcàbij. - noteworthy. armemoriésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &rmemuri'ese \) - to
See also the term "armarchévol ". remember, to recall to recollect. (referred to oneself). See
armarché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rm&rk'e \) - 1) - to mark also the term "arsovnìsse ".
again. - 2) - to remark, to note, to observe, to point out. armenda - n. f. (pr. \ &rm'ænd& \) At plr. armende. - 1) -
armarchévol - adj. (pr. \ &rm&rk'evul \) Ms. plr. amends, fine. - 2) - repentance. - See also the term
armarchévoj - fm. sng. and plr. armarchévol, "amenda".
armarchévoj. - remarkable, notable. See also the term armendésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &rmænd'ese \) - 1) - to
"armarcàbil ". mend one's ways, to repent. - 2) - to change, to be
armareul - n. m. (pr. \ &rm&r'[oe]l \) - See armajeul. converted. See also the term "emendésse".
armàri - n. m. (pr. \ &rm'&ri \) Inv. at plr. - cupboard, armené - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rmen'e \) - 1) - to bring
wardrobe. See also the term "armoar ". again, to reconduct. - 2) - to bring back. See also the
armarìa - n. f. (pr. \ &rm&r'i& \) At plr. armarìe. - armoury. terms "armné, arporté ".
See also the term "armerìa ". arment - n. m. (pr. \ &rm'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - herd, drove. This
armariass - n. m. (pr. \ &rm&ri'&s \) Inv. at plr. - bad term is quite an italianism, not very used. See also the term
cupboard, bad wardrobe (pejorative of "armari"). "màndria ".
armarié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rm&ri'e \) - to remarry, to armérit - n. m. (pr. \ &rm'erit \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - recognition,
marry again (referred to sb.) See also the term"rimarié ". appreciation. - 2) - recompense, reward.
armariésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &rm&ri'ese \) - to armerité - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rmerit'e \) - to reward, to
remarry, to get married again (referred to oneself). See remunerate. See also the term "rimerité ".
also the term"rimariésse ". armeuj - n. m. (pr. \ &rm'[oe]y \) Inv. at plr. - stagnation (of
armariòt - n. m. (pr. \ &rm&ri'ot \) Inv. at plr. - little water), a point in a river where the water does not run.
cupboard, cabinet, locker. (irregular diminutive of armeuje - vrb 2nd con. int. (pr. \ &rm'[oe]ye \) - to stagnate.
"armari "). armeule - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ &rm'[oe]le \) - to grind again,
armassin - n. m. (pr. \ &rm&s'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - plum. - to mill again, to grist again, to grind better, etc. See also
2) - plum-tree. A type of plum, the one with small fruits. the term "rimaciné ".
(botany). See also the terms "dalmassin, darmassin, armës-cé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rm&s[ch]'e \) - 1) - to remix,
ramassin" (the latter is the most used). to mingle again, to mix up. See also the term "artoiré ". -
armastié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rm&sti'e \) - 1) - to 2) - to shuffle. - (Note the pronunciation of the group "s-
remasticate, to chew again (physical action). - 2) - to c").
chew, to ruminate. - 3) - to chew (st.) over, to ruminate armës-cià - n. f. (pr. \ &rm&s[ch]i'& \) Inv. at plr. - stir, mix,
about (st.) (action of the mind). - 4) - to revolve in one's shuffle.
mind, to turn over and over in one's mind. - 5) - to armëssoné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rm&ssun'e \) - to glean
grumble, to mutter (in a fig. sense). See also the term again, to harvest again, to reap again.
"rimastié". armëtse - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ &rm'&tse \) - 1) - to trust to,
armator - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &rm&t'ur \) - See armador. to entrust oneself, to submit. - 2) - to surrender. - 3) - to
armator - 2) - adj. (pr. \ &rm&t'ur \) Ms. plr. armator - fm. recover (referred to oneself).
sng. and plr. armatriss, armatriss. - shipping. armëtte - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ &rm'&tte \) - to remit, to
armé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rm'e \) - 1) - to arm, to supply deliver, to send.
with arms. - 2) - to fortify. - 3) - to rig (a ship). - 4) - to armiré - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &rmir'e \) - See armajeul.
load (a gun, a rifle, a pistol, etc.). armiré - 2) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rmir'e \) - to gaze at, to
armedi - n. m. (pr. \ &rm'edi \) Inv. at plr. - remedy, way out. stare at. See also the term "rimiré ".
See also the terms "rimedi, remedi ". armireul - n. m. (pr. \ &rmir'[oe]l \) - See armajeul.
armediàbil - adj. (pr. \ &rmedi'&bil \) Ms. plr. armediàbij - armis - adj. (pr. \ &rm'iz \) Ms. plr. armis - fm. sng. and plr.
fm. sng. and plr. armediàbil, armediàbij. - remediable. armisa, armise. - worn, shabby. See also the term "armnà
See also the term "rimediàbil ". ".
armission - n. f. (pr. \ &rmis'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
remission, forgiveness. - 2) - remission. acquittance. - 3)

- submissiveness. - See also the most used term "remission armonisatriss. - 1) - harmonizer (sbst.). - 2) -
". harmonizing (adj.)
armissiv - adj. (pr. \ &rmis'iu \) Ms. plr. armissiv - fm. sng. armonisé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &rmuniz'e \) - 1) - to
and plr. armissiva, armissive. - submissive, docile, meek. harmonize (trs.). - 2) - to harmonize, to match (int.). It
See also the terms "pieghévol, ùmil ". uses the aux. "avèj ".
armissività - n. f. (pr. \ &rmisivit'& \) Inv. at plr. - armonista - n. (pr. \ &rmun'ist& \) Ms. plr. armonista - fm.
submissiveness, compliance, meekness. See also the sng. and plr. armonista, armoniste. - harmonist.
terms "piegavolëssa, umiltà". armonta - n. f. (pr. \ &rm'unt& \) At plr. armonte. -
armistissi - n. m. (pr. \ &rmist'isi \) Inv. at plr. - armistice. remounting, remount, recovery, catching up. See also
armita - n. m. (pr. \ &rm'it& \) Inv. at plr. - hermit. See also the term "rimonta".
the term "romita". armontàbil - adj. (pr. \ &rmunt'&bil \) Ms. plr. armontàbij -
armitagi - n. m. (pr. \ &rmit'&ji \) Inv. at plr. - hermitage. See fm. sng. and plr. armontàbil, armontàbij. - that can be
also the term "romitagi". recovered, recoverable. See also the term "rimontàbil ".
armìtich - adj. (pr. \ &rm'itic \) Ms. plr. armìtich - fm. sng. armontagi - n. m. (pr. \ &rmunt'&ji \) Inv. at plr. -
and plr. armìtica, armìtiche. - hermitical. reassembly. See also the term "armontura, rimontagi ".
armlin - n. m. (pr. \ &rml'i[ng] \) - See armelin. armonté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rmunt'e \) - 1) - to remount,
armnà - adj. (pr. \ &rmn'& \) - See armis. to mount again. - 2) - to reassemble (mechanics). - 3) - to
armné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rmn'e \) - 1) - to bring again, sail up (marine). - 4) - to date back, to go back (in time). -
to lead again, to reconduct. See also the terms "armené, 5) - to recover, to catch up. - 6) - to go upstream, to go
arporté ". - 2) - to handle without care. - 3) - to upwind. - 7) - to wind up again (the spring oùf a clock. In
reproach, to reprove. See also the term "arfacé ". this aense see also the term"arcarié "). - See also the term
armnura - n. f. (pr. \ &rmn'[ue]r& \) At plr. armnure. - "rimonté ".
oakum, waste of hemp or flax. armontura - n. f. (pr. \ &rmunt'[ue]r& \) At plr. armonture. -
armoar - n. m. (pr. \ &rmu'&r \) - See armari. reassembly, reassemblage, remaking. See also the term
armodelatura - n. f. (pr. \ &rmudel&t'[ue]r& \) At plr. "armontagi ".
armodelature. - remodelling. See also the term armor - n. m. (pr. \ &rm'ur \) Inv. at plr. - noise, sound, loud
"armodladura". noise, uproar, din. See also the terms "romor, rumor".
armodernament - n. m. (pr. \ &rmudærn&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. armorchiador - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &rmurki&d'ur \) Inv. at plr. -
- modernization, updating. See also the terms tower, tow-boat. See also the term "rimorchiador ".
"amodernament, rimodernament ". armorchiador - 2) - adj. (pr. \ &rmurki&d'ur \) Ms. plr.
armoderné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rmudærn'e \) - to armorchiador - fm. sng. and plr. armorchiadòira,
modernize, to update, to bring up to date. See also the armorchiadòire. - towing, tow (as an attribute).
terms "arnové, amoderné, rimoderné ". armorchié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rmurki'e \) - to tow. See
armodladura - n. f. (pr. \ &rmudl&d'[ue]r& \) - See also "rimorchié ".
armodelatura. armos-cé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rmus[ch]'e \) - See
armodlé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rmudl'e \) - to remodel. armoliné.
armogn - adj. and n. (pr. \ &rm'u[gn] \) Ms. plr. armogn - fm. armostransa - n. f. (pr. \ &rmustr'&[ng]s& \) At plr.
sng. and plr. armogna, armogne. - grumbler. See also armostranse. - remostration, remostrance, complaint,
the terms " armognos, armognon, barboton, ramognon ". protest. See also the term "rimostransa ".
armognan - n. m. (pr. \ &rmu[gn]'&[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - armostré - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &rmustr'e \) - 1) - to
apricot. - 2) - apricot tree. See also the terms "ramognan, show again. (trs.). - 2) - to teach again (trs.). - 3) - to
arbicòch, albicòch ". Used for both the fruit and the tree. remonstratre (int.). It uses the aux. "avèj ". - See also the
armognon - adj. and n. (pr. \ &rmu[gn]'u[ng] \) - See armogn. term "rimostré ".
armognos - adj. and n. (pr. \ &rmu[gn]'uz \) - See armogn. armònica - n. f. (pr. \ &rm'onic& \) - At plr. armòniche. - 1) -
armogné - vrb 1st con. int. and trs. (pr. \ &rmu[gn]'e \) - 1) - to harmonica (music). - 2) - harmonic (physics).
grumble, to mutter. (int.). It uses the aux. "avèj ". - 2) - to armònich - adj. (pr. \ &rm'onic& \) Ms. plr. armònich - fm.
mumble (trs.). See also the term "barboté ". sng. and plr. armònica, armòniche. - 1) - harmonic. - 2) -
armoliné - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &rmulin'e \) - to turn harmonious. For this meaning see also the term
over and over in one's mind, to ruminate over, to "armonios".
ponder over. See also the terms "armuliné, armos-cé, armòniom - n. m. (pr. \ &rm'onium \) Inv. at plr. -
armës-cé, ramus-cé, rumié, ruminé, gabolisé, serché, harmonium.
sturniché ". It uses always the aux. "avèj ". armòrde - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ &rm'orde \) - 1) - to bite
armondé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rmund'e \) - 1) - to clean again, to bite back. See also the term "rimòrde". - 2) - to
again. See also the terms "polidé, arpolidé ". - 2) - to prick, to torment. See also the terms "argreté, ringreté,
prune (referred to trees). rimòrde ".
armonìa - n. f. (pr. \ &rmun'i& \) At plr. armonìe. - armòrs - n. m. (pr. \ &rm'ors \) Inv. at plr. - remorse,
harmony. (both in a lit. and in a fig. sense). compunction.
armonicament - adv. (pr. \ &rmunic&m'ænt \) - armudé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rm[ue]d'e \) - 1) - to change
harmonically. Italianism. A better way is to use adv. loc. again. - 2) - to slough off (reptiles). - 3) - to moult, to
like "d'acòrdi " "in accordance ", etc. shed (zoology). See also the terms "armué, mué. mudé ".
armonicista - n. (pr. \ &rmuni[ch]'ist& \) Ms. plr. armonicista armué - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rm[ue]'e \) - See armudé.
- fm. sng. and plr. armonicista, armoniciste. - armuliné - vrb 1st con. int. and trs. (pr. \ &rm[ue]lin'e \) - 1) -
harmonicist, harmonica's player. to eddy, to whirl, to turn round and round. (int.). It uses
armonios - adj. (pr. \ &rmuni'uz \) Ms. plr. armonios - fm. the aux. "avèj ". - 2) - to twirl, to swirl (trs.). - 3) - to
sng. and plr. armoniosa, armoniose. - harmonious. revolve in one's mind (in a fig. sense).
armonisassion - n. f. (pr. \ &rmuniz&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - armuré - n. m. (pr. \ &rm[ue]r'e \) - See armajeul.
harmonization. armurié - n. m. (pr. \ &rm[ue]ri'e \) - See armajeul.
armonisator - n. and adj. (pr. \ &rmuniz&t'ur \) Ms. plr. armus-cc - n. m. (pr. \ &rm'[ue]s[ch] \) Inv. at plr. -
armonisator - fm. sng. and plr. armonisatriss, rummaging, ransacking, searching.

armus-cé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rm'[ue]s[ch]'e \) - to arnonsiatàrie. - renouncer. See also the terms
rummage, to ransack. See also the term "ramus-cé ". "arnunsiatari, rinonsiatari, rinunsiatari ".
arnasché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rn&sk'e \) - to adorn, to arnonsié - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ &rnu[ng]si'e \) - 1) - to
dress up. See also the term "arnësché ". renounce, to give up, to relinquish, to abandon. - 2) - to
arnaschésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &rn&sk'ese \) - to dress renounce, to resign, to remise, to waive, to recede
new clothes, to put one's Sunday clothes. See also the (legal). - See also the terms "arnunsié, rinonsié, rinunsié ".
term "arnëschésse ". arnos - adj. (pr. \ &rn'uz \) Ms. plr. arnos - fm. sng. and plr.
arnasse - vrb 2nd con. int. (pr. \ &rn'&se \) - 1) - to be born arnosa, arnose. - sad, with a bad mood, dismal.
again, to revive (both in lit. and fig. sense). - 2) - to spring arnovament - n. m. (pr. \ &rnuw&m'ænt \) - See arnovassion.
up again. - See also the terms "arsussité, arvive, rinasse ". arnovassion - n. f. (pr. \ &rnuw&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
arnassensa - n. f. (pr. \ &rn&s'æ[ng]s& \) At plr. arnassense. - renewal, renovation. See also the terms "rinovassion,
renaissance, revival, re-birth. See also the term rinovament ".
"rinassènsa". arnovativ - adj. (pr. \ &rnuw&t'iu \) Ms. plr. arnovativ - fm.
arnassiment - n. m. (pr. \ &rn&sim'ænt \) Inv. at plr. (if any). - sng. and plr. arnovativa, arnovative - renewing,
Renaissance (art and literature). See also the term renovating. See also the term "rinovativ ".
"rinassiment". arnovator - n. and adj. (pr. \ &rnuw&t'ur \) Ms. plr. arnovator
arnassimental - adj. (pr. \ &rn&simænt'&l \) Ms. plr. - fm. sng. and plr. arnovatriss, arnovatriss. - 1) -
arnassimentaj - fm. sng. and plr. arnassimental, renewer, renovator (sbst.). - 2) - renewing, renovating
arnassimentaj. - Renaissance (as an attribute). See also (adj.). - See also the term "rinovator ".
the term "rinassimental". arnové - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rnuw'e \) - 1) - to renew. - 2) -
arnàssita - n. f. (pr. \ &rn'&sit& \) - See arnassensa. to change, to update, to modernize. - 3) - to repeat. - See
arné - adv. (pr. \ &rn'e \) - nearby, on the edge, near. See also also the terms "arnovlé, rinové ".
the term "davzin ", and the adv. loc. "a randa ". arnovésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &rnuw'ese \) - 1) - to be
arnegà - adj. , p. p. and n. (pr. \ &rneg'& \) - Inv. in gender and renewed, to renew oneself. - 2) - to happen again. - See
number. - 1) - apostate, renegade (sbst.). - 2) - disowned, also the term "rinovésse, arnovlésse ".
repudiated (adj. and p. p.) - 3) - renegade (adj.). arnovlé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rnuvl'e \) - See arnové.
arnegament - n. m. (pr. \ &rneg&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - Arnò - n. m. (pr. \ &rn'o \) Usually sng. (name of person), inv.
abiuration, disownment. See also the term "arnegura ". at a fig. plr. - Arnold.
arneghé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rneg'e \) - 1) - to deny, to arnunsia - n. f. (pr. \ &rn'[ue][ng]si& \) - See arnonsia.
disown, to repudiate, to renounce. - 2) - to discard a arnunsiàbil - adj. (pr. \ &rn[ue][ng]si'&bil \) - See
wrong seed (card play). - See also the terms "rineghé, arnonsiàbil.
arnié ". arnunsiatari - n. m. (pr. \ &rn[ue][ng]si&t'&ri \) - See
arnegura - n. f. (pr. \ &rneg'[ue]r& \) - See arnegament. arnonsiatari.
arnèis - n. m. (pr. \ &rn'æiz \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - tool, arnunsié - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ &rn[ue][ng]si'e \) - See
implement (lit. meaning). - 2) - thing (fig. for "not better arnonsié.
identified object ". - 3) - fellow (fig. for an "odd person "). arogansa - n. f. (pr. \ &rug'&[ng]s& \) At plr. aroganse. -
arnësché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rn&sk'e \) - See arnasché. arrogance.
arnëschésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &rn&sk'ese \) - See arogant - adj. (pr.\ &rug'&nt \) Ms. plr. arogant - fm. sng. and
arnaschésse. plr. aroganta, arogante. - arrogant, overbearing.
arnié - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &rni'e \) Inv. at plr. - set of beehives. arogassion - n. f. (pr.\ &rug&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
arnié - 2) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rni'e \) - to discard a wrong arrogation (legal).
seed (cards play). See also the term "arneghé ". aroghé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rug'e \) - to arrogate (legal).
arniura - n. f. (pr. \ &rni'[ue]r& \) At plr. arniure. - aroghésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr.\ &rug'ese \) - to arrogate (to
discarding of a wrong seed (cards play). oneself).
arnomà - adj. (pr. \ &rnum'& \) Inv. in gender and number. - arolament - n. m. (pr.\ &rul&m'ænt \) - See anrolament.
renowned, famous, celebrated, well-known. See also the arolé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rul'e \) - See anrolé.
term "avosà, rinomà ". arolésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr.\ &rul'ese \) - See anrolésse.
arnomansa - n. f. (pr. \ &rnum'&[ng]s& \) At plr. arnomanse. aroma - n. m. (pr.\ &r'um& \) Inv. at plr. - aroma, fragrance.
- renown, fame, celebrity. See also the term "rinomansa". See also the term "aròma ".
arnominé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rnumin'e \) - 1) - to aromàtich - adj. (pr.\ &rum'&tic \) Ms. plr. aromàtich - fm.
rename, to name again. - 2) - to re-elect. - 3) - to sng. and plr. aromàtica, aromàtiche - 1) - aromatic,
reappoint. - See also the term "rinominé ". fragrant, spiced. - 2) - aromatic (chemistry).
arnóncola - n. f. (pr. \ &rn'u[ng]cul& \) At plr. arnóncole. - aromatisant - adj. and n. (pr.\ &rum&tiz'&nt \) Ms. plr.
ranunculus, buttercup. (botany - Ranunculus). See also aromatisant - fm. sng. and plr. aromatisanta,
the term "ranócola ". Note the acute stress on the first "o ", aromatisante. - 1) - aromarizer, flavouring essence
and its related pronunciation (see "spelling and (sbst.). - 2) - aromatizing, flavouring (adj.).
phonology"). aromatisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rum&tiz'e \) - to aromatize.
arnonsia - n. f. (pr. \ &rn'u[ng]si& \) At plr. arnonsie. - 1) - aromatissità - n. f. (pr.\ &rum&tisit'& \) Inv. at plr. - aromatic
rinunciation, renouncement, relinquishment, quality.
resignation, abandonment. - 2) - renunciation, arosé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &ruz'e \) - to sprinkle, to wet with
quitclaim, waiver (legal). - See also the terms "arnunsia, dew, to water lightly.
rinonsia, rinunsia ". arossì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr.\ &rus'i \) - See anrossì.
arnonsiàbil - adj. (pr. \ &rnu[ng]si'&bil \) Ms. plr. arnonsiàbij arostì - adj. and p. p. (pr.\ &rust'i \) Ms. plr. arostì - fm. sng.
- fm. sng. and plr. arnonsiàbil, arnonsiàbij. - and plr. arostìa, arostìe. - roasted, toasted. See also the
renounceable. See also the terms "arnunsiàbil, rinonsiàbil, term "rustì, aròst ".
rinunsiàbil ". arostiment - n. m. (pr.\ &rustim'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - roasting.
arnonsiatàri - n. (pr. \ &rnu[ng]si&t'&ri \) Ms. plr. See also the term "arustiment, rustiment ".
arnonsiatari - fm. sng. and plr. arnonsiatària, aròma - n. m. (pr.\ &r'om& \) - See aroma.

aròst - 1) - n. m. (pr.\ &r'ost \) Inv. at plr. - roast. See also arpatinésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr.\ &rp&tin'ese \) - See
"ròst " arpatésse.
aròst - 2) - adj. (pr.\ &r'ost \) Inv. in gnd and nr. - roasted, arpatinura - n. f. (pr.\ &rp&tin'[ue]r& \) At plr. arpatinure. -
toasted. See also the terms "rustì arostì ", that are also p. p. satiety, relief, solace. See also the term "arpatiura ".
arpa - n. f. (pr.\ '&rp& \) At plr. arpe. - harp. arpatiura - n. f. (pr.\ &rp&ti'[ue]r& \) - See arpatinura.
arpaghé - vrb 1sr con. trs. (pr.\ &rp&g'e \) - 1) - to repay, to arpegé - vtb 1st con. int. (pr.\ &rpej'e \) - to arpeggio, to play
pay again. - 2) - to repay, to pay back, to recompense. - arpeggios, to harp. It uses the aux. "avèj ".
3) - to pay for, to replace. - See also the term "ripaghé ". arpégg - n. m. (pr.\ &rp'ej \) Inv. at plr. - arpeggio.
arpar - n. m. (pr.\ &rp'&r \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - shelter, cover, arpegiador - n. (pr.\ &rpeji&d'ur \) Ms. plr. arpegiador - fm.
protection. - 2) - protection, defence shield. - 3) - sng. and plr. arpegiadòira, arpegiadòire - harpist. See
remedy, cure. - 4) - guard, apron, shield. - See also the also the term "arpista ". Sometimes in the spelling
terms "ripar, protession, sosta". "arpegiator ".
arparé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rp&r'e \) - 1) - to shelter, to arpegiator - n. (pr.\ &rpeji&t'ur \) - See arpegiador.
protect, to screen. (trs.). - 2) - to redress, to make arpeisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rpæiz'e \) - to weigh again, to
amends. (trs.). - 3) - to remedy, to redress (int.). - See reweigh. See also the term "ripeisé ".
also the terms "riparé, protege ". arpende - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr.\ &rp'ænde \) - to hang again.
arparésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr.\ &rp&r'ese \) - to protect See also the term "ripende ".
oneself. See also the terms (more used) "riparésse, arpensament - n. m. (pr.\ &rpæ[ng]s&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - 1)
protegg-se". - afterthought, reflection. - 2) - change in mind. - See
arparlé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr.\ &rp&rl'e \) - to speak again, to also the term "ripensament ".
talk again. See also the term "riparlé ". It uses the aux. arpensé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rpæ[ng]s'e \) - 1) - to think
"avèj ". again, to think over, to think better. - 2) - to change
arparlésse - vrb 1st con. recp. (pr.\ &rp&rl'ese \) - to be one's mind. - 3) - to recall, to call back to one's mind. -
reconciled, to be friends again. See also the term "ripensé ".
arparte - vrb 2nd con. int. (pr.\ &rp'&rte \) - 1) - to go away arpentìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr.\ &rpænt'ise \) - to repent, to
again, to leave again. - 2) - to restart (in an int. meaning). regret.
- See also the term "arpartì ". - It uses the aux. "esse ". arpentiura - n. f. (pr.\ &rpænti'[ue]r& \) At plr. arpentiure. -
arpartensa - n. f. (pr.\ &rp&rt'æ[ng]s& \) At plr. arpartense. - repentance, acknowledgement of one's faults,
new start, second start. See also the term "ripartensa". amendment. See also the terms "armenda, amenda ".
arpartì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr.\ &rp&rt'i \) - 1) - to go arpentné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rpæntn'e \) - to comb again
away again, to leave again. See also the term "arparte ". - (sb.'s hair).
2) - to divide, to apportion. See also the terms "spartì, arpentnésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr.\ &rpæntn'ese \) - to comb
divide". - See also (for both the meanings) the terms again one's hair.
"ripartì ". arperde - vrb 2nd con. trs. and int. (pr.\ &rp'ærde \) - 1) - to
arpartìbil - adj. (pr.\ &rp&rt'ibil \) \) Ms. plr. arpartìbij - fm. lose again. (trs.). - 2) - to miss again (trs.) - 3) - to waste
sng. and plr. arpartìbil, arpartìbij - divisible, again (trs.). - 4) - to lose again (int.). - 5) - to leak again
distributable, allottable, apportionable. See also the (int.). See also the term "riperde".
terms "ripartìbil, spartìbil ". arpete - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr.\ &rp'ete \) - to repeat. See also
arpartission - n. f. (pr.\ &rp&rtisi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - the term "ripete ".
division, apportionment, sharing out. - 2) - division, arpetent - adj. and n. (pr.\ &rpet'ænt \) Ms. plr. arpetent - fm.
share, portion. - See also the terms "ripartission, sng. and plr. arpetenta, arpetente - 1) - repeating (adj.). -
spartission". 2) - repeat student, pupil repeating a year (sbst.). - See
arpartitor - n. m. (pr.\ &rp&rtit'ur \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - sorter. - also the term "ripetent".
2) - distribution frame. - See also the term "ripartitor". arpetìbil - adj. (pr.\ &rpet'ibil \) Ms. plr. arpetìbij - fm. sng.
arpass - n. m. (pr.\ &rp'&s \) Inv. at plr. - revision. and plr. arpetìbil, arpetìbij. - repeatable, replicable. See
arpassà - 1) - n. f. (pr.\ &rp&s'& \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - another also the term "ripetìbil ".
look, look through. - 2) - overhaul, overhauling. - 3) - arpetibilità - n. f. (pr.\ &rpetibilit'& \) Inv. at plr. -
new coat of paint. - 4) - scolding, thrashing (in a fig. repeatability. See also the term "ripetibilità ".
sense) - See also the term "ripassà". arpetission - n. f. (pr.\ &rpetisi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
arpassà - 2) - adj. and p. p. (pr.\ &rp&s'& \) - See arpassé. repetition. - 2) - revision. - 3) - private lesson. - See also
arpassé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rp&s'e \) - 1) - to cross again, the term "ripetission".
to go through again. - 2) - to revise, to have a look arpetitiv - adj. (pr.\ &rpetit'iu \) Ms. plr. arpetitiv - fm. sng.
(again), to go over (again). - 3) - to touch up, to retouch. - and plr. arpetitiva, arpetitive. - repetitive. See also the
4) - to strain again, to restrain. - 5) - to pass again, to term "ripetitìv ".
hand again. - 6) - to overhaul. - 7) - to scold, to beat (in a arpetitività - n. f. (pr.\ &rpetitivit'& \) Inv. at plr. -
fig. sense). - See also the term "ripassé ". The next term repetitiveness. See also the term "ripetitività ".
has just a different stress, but a completely different arpetitor - 1) - n. m. (pr.\ &rpetit'ur \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
meaning. repeater, relay station. - 2) - echoer. - 3) - coach, private
arpasse - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr.\ &rp'&se \) - 1) - to pasture teacher. - See also the term "ripetitor".
again (lit. meaning). - 2) - to satiate, to satisfy. - See also arpetitor - 2) - adj. (pr.\ &rpetit'ur \) Ms. plr. arpetitor - fm.
the term "arpaté ". sng. and plr. arpetitriss, arpetitriss. - repeating, relay (as
arpassùa - n. f. (pr.\ &rp&s'[ue]& \) At plr. arpassùe. - 1) - an attribute).
hearty meal. - 2) - portion of fodder for animals. arpërcore - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr.\ &rp&rc'ure \) - 1) - to run
arpaté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rp&t'e \) - 1) - to refresh, to through again. - 2) - to go over again (in a fig. sense).
reassure, to restore. - 2) - to satiate, to satisfy. - See also See also the term "arpassé ".
the terms "arpassé, sassié". arpërdoné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rp&rdun'e \) - to forgive
arpatésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr.\ &rp&t'ese \) - to eat one's again.
fill, to satisfy oneself. See also the voice "arpatinésse ". arpësché - vrb 1sr con. trs. (pr.\ &rp&sk'e \) - to fish again, to
fish out.

arpìa - n. f. (pr.\ &rp'i& \) At plr. arpìe. - 1) - harpy arpisté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rpist'e\) - to re-tread, to
(mythology). - 2) - ugly bitch (in a fig. sense). - 3) - trample again, to crush again.
niggardly and rapacious person (in a fig. sense). - 4) - arpiumé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr.\ &rpi[ue]m'e\) - 1) - to feather,
harpy eagle (zoology - Harpya harpya). to emplume. It uses the aux. "avèj ". - 2) - to pluck, to
arpiaghé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rpi&g'e \) - to wound again, lose feathers. See also the vrbl. loc. "posé le piume " = "to
to ulcerate again, to injure again. lay down the feathers ". - 3) - to moult. See also the term
arpianament - n. m. (pr.\ &rpi&n&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - "përmué ".
levelling up (economy). See also the terms "ripianament ". arpiura - n. f. (pr.\ &rpi'[ue]r& \) At plr. arpiure. -
arpiané - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rpi&n'e \) - 1) - to level up. - harrowing. See also the term "erpiura ".
2) - to flatten, to smooth. - 3) - to reconcile (in a fig. arpolidà - n. f. (pr.\ &rpulid'& \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - clean up. -
sense). See also the tyerm "ripiané, spiané ". 2) - clean-sweep (in a fig. sense).
arpianté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rpi&nt'e \) - to replant, to arpolidé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rpulid'e \) - 1) - to clean
plant again. See also the term "ripianté". again. - 2) - to polish, to refine. - 3) - to clean up, to
arpiassàbil - adj. (pr.\ &rpias'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. arpiassàbij - clean out. - 4) - to trim.
fm. sng. and plr. arpiassàbil, arpiassàbij. - replaceable. arpolidura - n. f. (pr.\ &rpulid'[ue]r& \) At plr. arpolidure. -
See also the terms "ricolocàbil, ripiassàbil ". cleaning up.
arpiasament - n. m. (pr.\ &rpias&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - arpon - n. m. (pr.\ &rp'u[ng] \) - See arpion.
replacement. See also the terms "ricolocament, arponadura - n. f. (pr.\ &rpun&d'[ue]r& \) - See
ripiassament ". arpionadura.
arpiassé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rpias'e \ ) - to replace, to arponcia - n. m. (pr.\ &rp'un[ch]i& \) At plr. (if any) arponce.
place again. See also the terms "ricoloché, ripiassé". - stolen goods, loot.
arpica - n. f. (pr.\ &rp'ic& \) At plr. arpìche. - spite, pique, arponé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rpiun'e \) - See arpioné.
resentment. See also the term "ripica ". arponism - n. m. (pr.\ &rpun'izm \) - See arpionism.
arpié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rpi'e \) - to harrow. See also the arpopolé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rpupul'e \) - to repopulate, to
term "erpié ". Sometimes it takes also the meaning of the repeople. See also the term "ripopolé ".
term "arpijé " (see below). arpopolésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr.\ &rpupul'ese \) - to be
arpiegament - n. m. (pr.\ &rpieg&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - repopulated.
bend, curve, turn, winding. - 2) - retreat, withdrawal. - arporté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rpurt'e \) - 1) - to bring again,
See also the terms "ripiegament, artreta ". to bring back. - 2) - to report, to relate. - 3) - to retrieve.
arpiégh - n. m. (pr.\ &rpi'eg \) Inv. at plr. - expedient, - 4) - to receive, to carry off, to suffer. - 5) - to carry
makeshift, resource, stopgag. See also the terms "ripiegh, (mathematics). - 6) - to carry over (finance). - 7) - to
spedient ". transfer (drawings). - 8) - to quote, to mention. - See also
arpieghé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr.\ &rpieg'e \) - 1) - to the term "riporté".
fold again, to fold up. (trs.). - 2) - to retreat, to withdraw arportésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr.\ &rpurt'ese \) - 1) - to go
(int.). - 3) - to make shift (with) (int.). - It always makes back. - 2) - to refer. - 3) - to follow, to rely.
use of the aux. "avèj ". arposada - n. f. (pr.\ &rpuz'&d& \) - At plr. arposade. -
arpiegura - n. f. (pr.\ &rpieg'[ue]r& \) At plr. arpiegure. - interval, pause, break.
fold, folding. See also the term "ardobiura ". arposé - vrb 1st con trs. and int. (pr.\ &rpuz'e \) - 1) - to
arpiessagi - n. m. (pr.\ &rpies'&ji \) Inv. at plr. - patching, replace, to lay down again (trs.). - 2) - to rest (trs.) - 3) -
patch. See also the terms "tacon, taconament ". to rest (int.). It uses the aux. "avèj " (only the refl. form
arpiessé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rpies'e \) - to patch, to patch uses the aux. "esse", as usual). - See also the term "riposé ".
up, to botch up, to mend. See also the term "taconé ". Be arposésse - vrb 1st con refl. (pr.\ &rpuz'ese \) - to rest, to have
careful not to confuse this term with the vrb "arpijésse " a rest.
(see below). arposiss - adj. (pr.\ &rpuz'is \) Ms. plr. arposiss - fm. sng. and
arpieuve - vrb 2nd con. int. and imp. (pr.\ &rpi'[oe]ve \) - to plr. arposissa, arposisse. - at rest, inactive, idle. In
rain again. In Piedmontese it uses only the aux. "avèj ". particular referred to fields (agriculture).
arpij - n. m. (pr.\ &rp'iy \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - support, hold. - 2) arpossament - n. m. (pr.\ &rpus&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
- pretext, opportunuty. - 3) - restarting. - 4) - recovery. repulsion, repelling. - 2) - rejection.
arpijé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr.\ &rpiy'e \) - 1) - to take arpossant - 1) - n. m. (pr.\ &rpus'&nt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
again, to take back. (trs.). - 2) - to resume (trs.). - 3) - to repellent. - 2) - bumper (for railway bumpers see the term
go on, to continue (trs.). - 4) - to recapture (trs.). - 5) - to "respingent ".
reprove (trs.). - 6) - to take in (tailoring) (trs.). - 7) - to arpossant - 2) - adj. (pr.\ &rpus'&nt \) Ms. plr. arpossant -
shoot, to film (trs.). - 8) - to recover, to revive (int.). - 9) fm. sng. and plr. arpossanta, arpossante. - repellent,
to take out again (int.). - 10) - to regain (int.). repelling. See aslo the terms "repelent, arpugnant ".
arpijésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr.\ &rpiy'ese \) - 1) - to recover arpossé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rpus'e \) - 1) - to push again. -
(referred to oneself). - 2) - to correct oneself, to pull 2) - to push back, to repel. - 3) - to rekindle, to stir up.
oneself up. See also, for this meaning, the terms "arcissé, ranvisché,
arpion - n. m. (pr.\ &rpi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - harpoon, spike, rianvisché ".
pawl, hook, hinge. See also the term "arpon". arpòrt - n. m. (pr.\ &rp'ort \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - carry
arpionadura - n. f. (pr.\ &rpiun&d'[ue]r& \) At plt. (mathematics). - 2) - carry over (finance). - 3) - appliqué
arpionadure. - harpooning, hoolking. (tailoring). - 4) - embankment (ground, earth). - See also
arpioné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rpiun'e \) - to harpoon. See the term "ripòrt" for all above meanings from one to four. -
also the term "arponé ". 5) - report. - 6) - correlation. - 7) - reference. - 8) - ratio
arpionism - n. m. (pr.\ &rpiun'izm \) Inv. at plr. - ratchet gear. (mathematics). - See also the term "rapòrt " for all the
(mechanics). above meanings from five to eight.
arpista - n. (pr.\ &rp'ist& \) Ms. plr. arpista - fm. sng. and plr. arpòs - n. m. (pr.\ &rp'oz \) Inv. at plr. - rest. See also the term
arpista, arpiste. - harpist. See also the term "arpegiador "ripòs ".
". arprèis - 1) - adj. (pr.\ &rpr'æiz \) Ms. plr. arprèis - fm. sng.
and plr. arprèisa, arprèise. - curdled, coagulated. This is

not also the p. p. of the vrb "arprende " (see below the arprodutor - n. and adj. (pr.\ &rprud[ue]t'ur \) Ms. plr.
term), which is instead "arprendù". arprodutor - fm. sng. and plr. arprodutriss,
arprèis - 2) - n. m. (pr.\ &rpr'æiz \) Inv. at plr. (if any) - arprodutriss. - 1) - reproducer (sbst.). - 2) -
rennet. reproducting, reproductive (adj.). - See also the term
arprèisa - n. f. (pr.\ &rpr'æiz& \) At plr. arprèise. - 1) - "riprodutor ".
restarting, resumption. - 2) - revival. - 3) - recapture. - arproduve - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr.\ &rprud'[ue]we \) - See
4) - recovery. - 5) - pick-up, acceleration. - 6) - round arprodùe.
(sport). See also the term "riprèisa". arproduvìbil - adj. (pr.\ &rprud[ue]w'ibil \) Ms. plr.
arprende - vrb 2nd con. trs. and int. (pr.\ &rpr'ænde \) - to arproduvìbij - fm. sng. and plr. arproduvìbil,
curdle, to coagulate. arproduvìbij. - reproducible. See also the term
arprendse - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr.\ &rpr'ændse \) - to curdle. "arprodussìbil, arproduìbil, riprodussìbil ".
Same meaning of the int. form. arproduvibilità - n. f. (pr.\ &rprud[ue]sibilit'& \) - See
arpresentansa - n. m. (pr.\ &rprezænt'&[ng]s& \) At plr. arprodussibilità.
arpresentanse. - 1) - representation. - 2) - agency. - 3) - arpromëtse - vrb. 2nd con. refl. (pr.\ &rprum'&tse \) - to
representative. - See also the term "rapresentansa". promise oneself, to expect, to hope. See also the term
arpresentant - n. and adj. (pr.\ &rprezænt'&nt \) Ms. plr. "augurésse ".
arpresentant - fm. sng. and plr. arpresentanta, arpromëtte - vrb. 2nd con. trs. (pr.\ &rprum'&tte \) - to
arpresentante. - 1) - representative, representing. (adj.). promise again.
- 2) - representative, deputy, delegate, agent. - See also arpronté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rprunt'e \) - to prepare
the term "rapresentant ". again.
arpresentassion - n. f. (pr.\ &rprezænt&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - arproponìbil - adj. (pr.\ &rprupun'ibil \) Ms. plr. arproponìbij
1) - representation, description. - 2) - performance, - fm. sng. and plr. arproponìbil, arproponìbij. - that can
show. - See also the term "rapresentassion ". be proposed again.
arpresentativ - adj. (pr.\ &rprezænt&t'iu \) Ms. plr. arpropon-e - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr.\ &rprup'u[ng]e \) - to re-
arpresentativ - fm. sng. and plr. arpresentativa, propose, to propose again.
arpresentative - 1) - representative. - 2) - symbolical. - arprotesté - vrb 1st con. int. (pr.\ &rprutest'e \) - to re-protest,
See also the term "rapresentativ". to protest again. It uses the aux. "avèj ".
arpresentativa - n. f. (pr.\ &rprezænt&t'iv& \) At plr. arprovassion - n. f. (pr.\ &rpruw&si'u[ug] \) Inv. at plr. -
arpresentative. - representative team, delegation. See disapproval, reprobation. See also the term
also the term "rapresentativa ". "riprovassion".
arpresentatività - n. f. (pr.\ &rprezænt&tivit'& \) Inv. at plr. - arprovator - n. (pr.\ &rpruw&t'ur \) Ms. plr. arprovator - fm.
representativeness. See also the term "rapresentatività ". sng. and plr. arprovatriss, arprovatriss. - reprover,
arpresenté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rprezænt'e \) - 1) - to reprehender, reprimander. See also the term
represent, to depict. - 2) - to represent, to act for. - 3) - "riprovator".
to be an agent (for). - 4) - to symbolize, to stand for. - 5) arprové - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr.\ &rpruw'e \) - 1) - to try
- to personify. - 6) - to play, to act. - 7) - to mean. - 8) - again. (trs. and int.). - 2) - to reprove, to reprehend (trs.).
to show. - 9) - to present again, to produce again. - 10) - It uses always the aux. "avèj ". See also the term "riprové ".
to propose again, to submit again. - 11) - to introduce arprovèivol - adj. (pr.\ &rpruv'æivul \) Ms. plr. arprovèivoj -
again (sb.). - See also the term "rapresenté ", for the first fm. sng. and plr. arprovèivola, arprovèivole. -
eight meanings, and the term "ripresenté " for the others. reprovable, reprehensible. See also the term "riprovévol".
arpresentésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr.\ &rprezænt'ese \) - 1) - to arprovëdde - vrb 2nd con. trs. and int. (pr.\ &rpruv'&dde \) - to
present oneself again, to show oneself again. - 2) - to reprovide, to provide again.
introduce oneself again. - 3) - to arise again, to offer arprovëddse - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr.\ &rpruv'&ddse \) - to
again. (usually related to opportunuties). - See also the provide onaself again (with st.).
term "ripresentésse". arpròcc - n. m. (pr.\ &rpr'o[ch] \) Inv. at plr. - reproach,
arpreuva - n. f. (pr.\ &rpr'[oe]v& \) At plr. arpreuve. - proof, reproof, scolding. See also the term "rimpròcc ".
new evidence, new test. arprum - n. m. (pr.\ &rpr'[ue]m \) - See arprim.
arprim - n. m. (pr.\ &rpr'im \) Inv. at plr. (if any). - fine bran. arpublicassion - n. f. (pr.\ &rp[ue]blic&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
See also the term "arprum ". republication, reissue.
arprocé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rpru[ch]'e \) - to scold, to arpubliché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rp[ue]blik'e] \) - to
reproach, to reprove. See also the term "rimprocé ". republish, to reissue.
arprodue - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr.\ &rprud'[ue]e \) - 1) - to arpudi - n. m. (pr.\ &rp'[ue]di \) Inv. at plr. - repudiation,
reproduce. - 2) - to copy. - 3) - to produce again. See disavowing, rejection, disclaimer. Not so used, see also
also the term "riprodùe". Sometimes also with the spelling the term "ripudi, arnegassion, arfud "
"arproduve". arpudiator - n. (pr.\ &rp[ue]di&t'ur \) Ms. plr. arpudiator -
arproduìbil - adj. (pr.\ &rprud[ue]'ibil \) - See arproduvìbil. fm. sng. and plr. arpudiatriss, arpudiatriss. - repudiator,
arprodussìbil - adj. (pr.\ &rprud[ue]s'ibil \) Ms. plr. disavower. See also the term "ripudiator ".
arprodussìbij - fm. sng. and plr. arprodussìbil, arpudié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rp[ue]di'e \) - to repudiate, to
arprodussìbij. - reproducible. See also the term disown, to disavow. See also the terms "ripudié, arneghé,
"arproduvìbil, arproduìbil, riprodussìbil ". arfudé ".
arprodussibilità - n. f. (pr.\ &rprud[ue]sibilit'& \) Inv. at plr. - arpugnansa - n. f. (pr.\ &rp[ue][gn]'&[ng]s& \) At plr.
reproducibility. See also the term "riprodussibilità, arpugnanse. - repugnance, repugnancy, repulsion. See
arproduvibilità ". also the terms "ripugnansa, scheur ".
arprodussion - n. f. (pr.\ &rprud[ue]si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - arpugnant - adj. (pr.\ &rp[ue][gn]'&nt \) Ms. plr. arpugnant -
reproduction. - 2) - copy. - 3) - reprint. - See also the fm. sng. and plr. arpugnanta, arpugnante. -repugnant,
term "riprodussion ". repulsive, revolting. See also the terms "ripugnant,
arprodutiv - adj. (pr.\ &rprud[ue]t'iu \) Ms. plr. arprodutiv - arbutant, schifos ".
fm. sng. and plr. arprodutiva, arprodutive. - arpugné - vrb 1st con. int. (pr.\ &rp[ue][gn]'e \) - to cause
reproductive. See also the term "riprodutiv ". repugnance. It uses the aux. "avèj ".

arputassion - n. f. (pr.\ &rp[ue]t&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - ars-ciairé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rs[ch]i&ir'e \) - to see again.
reputation, credit. See also the term "reputassion ". ars-ciairì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr.\ &rs[ch]i&ir'i \) - 1) - to light
arputé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rp[ue]t'e \) - to consider, to up, to lighten, to illuminate. - 2) - to light up again.
think , to repute. See also the term "reputé ". ars-ciairìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr.\ &rs[ch]i&ir'ise \) - 1) - to
arquadré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &r[qu]&dr'e \) - to square, to clear up, to brighten. - 2) - to become clear, to become
make square. See also the terms "quadré, riquadré ". clear again. The form is refl., the meaning is int.
arquadrura - n. f. (pr.\ &r[qu]&dr&d'[ue]r& \) At plr. arscontr - n. m. (pr.\ &rsc'untr \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - comparison,
arquadrure. - squaring, square. See also the term collation. - 2) - check, verification. - 3) - reply, answer. -
"riquadradura ". 4) - pendant. - 5) - reference. - See also the term (more
arquaté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &r[qu]&t'e \) - 1) - to cover, to used) "riscontr ".
cover again. - 2) - to cover up, to wrap up. - 3) - to line, See also the term (more used) "riscontr ".
to coat, to plate. - 4) - to hold (an office). - 5) - to load, to arscontré - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr.\ &rscuntr'e \) - 1) - to
overwhelm. - 6) - to protect (military). - 7) - to hide (in a compare, to collate. (trs.). - 2) - to check, to verify (trs.). -
fig. sense). See also the terms "archeurve, quaté, cheurve". 3) - to find out, to discover (trs.). - 4) - to correspond, to
arquisté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &r[qu]ist'e \) - 1) - to buy agree, to match (int.). - See also the term (more used)
again, to buy back, to repurchase. - 2) - to recover, to "riscontré ".
regain. - See also the term "riaquisté ". arscrive - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr.\ &rscr'ive \) - to rewrite.
arsach - n. m. (pr.\ &rs'&c \) Inv. at plr - backwash, surf. See arsèive - vrb 2nd con, trs. (pr.\ &rs'æive \) - 1) - to receive. - 2)
also the terms "ondà, rissach ". - to accept. - 3) - to admit. - 4) - to welcome, to meet. - 5)
arsagé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rs&j'e \) - 1) - to taste again. - to grant an audience. Sometimes the italianism "riceve "
See also the term "artasté ". - 2) - to assay again (metals). (see the term), is used instead of this term. See also the
arsagné - vrb 1st con. int. (pr.\ &rs&[gn]'e \) - to bleed again. term "rissèive".
arsaj - n. m. (pr.\ &rs'&y \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - breathlessness. - arseivent - 1) - n. m. (pr.\ &rsæiv'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - receiver.
2) - worry, trouble (in a fig. sense). See also the term See also "arseividor ".
"afann". arseivent - 2) - adj. . (pr.\ &rsæiv'ænt \) Ms. plr. arseivent -
arsaldadura - n. f. (pr.\ &rs&ld&d'[ue]r& \) At plr. fm. sng. and plr. arseiventa, arseivente. - receiving. See
arsaldadure. - rewelding, resoldering. also the term "ricevent ".
arsaldé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rs&ld'e \) - to reweld, to weld arseividor - n. m. (pr.\ &rsæivid'ur \) Inv at plr. - 1) -
again, to resolder, to solder again. receiver. - 2) - collector.
arsanì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr.\ &rs&n'i \) - 1) - to arseividorìa - n. f. (pr.\ &rsæividur'i& \) At plr. arseividorìe. -
restore to health. (trs.) - 2) - to reclaim (trs.). - 3) - to receiving-office. See also "arsevidorìa, ricevitorìa,
recover, to get well again (int.). See also the term boteghin ".
"rissané, sanifiché, bonifiché ". arseiviment - n. m. (pr.\ &rsæivim'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
arsànìbil - adj. (pr.\ &rs&n'&bil \) Ms. plr. arsanìbij - fm. sng. receiving, reception, receipt. - 2) - welcome, reception. -
and plr. arsanìbil, arsanìbij. - 1) - curable, healable. - 2) 3) - reception, party. - 4) - admission. - See also the term
- reclaimable. See also the term "rissanàbil ". "arseviment, riceviment ".
arsaniment - n. m. (pr.\ &rs&nim'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - arseivùa - n. f. (pr.\ &rsæiv'[ue]& \) At plr. arseivùe. -
healing, restoration to health. - 2) - reclamation, receipt, acknowledgement of delivery, quittance. See
reclaiming. - 3) - slum-clearance (city). See also the terms also the terms "arsevùa, ricevuta ".
"risanament, bonìfica ". arselebré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rselebr'e \) - to celebrate
arsapé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rs&p'e \) - to dig again, to hoe again (in all senses).
again. arsenal - n. m. (pr.\ &rsen'&l \) At plr. arsenaj. - 1) -
arsàut - n. m. (pr.\ &rs'&ut \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - rebound, shipyard, dockyard. See also the term "cantié ". - 2) -
bounce, wince, shake. - 2) - jerk, jolt, start. arsenal. - 3) - heap (in a fig. sense).
arsauté - vrb. 1st con. int. and trs. (pr.\ &rs&ut'e \) - 1) - to 2) - arsenal.
rebound, to bounce. - 2) - to jerk, to jolt. (int.). In these arsenià - n. m. (pr.\ &rseni'& \) Inv. at plr. - arsenate,
two meaning it uses the aux. "esse ". - 2) - to jump again arseniate (chemistry).
(trs.). In this meaning it uses the aux. "avèj ". arsenicà - adj. (pr.\ &rsenic'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
arsavèj - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr.\ &rs&v'æy \) - to come to know, arsenicated. (chemistry).
to hear (of st.) . arsenical - adj. (pr.\ &rsenic'&l \) Ms. plr. arsenicaj - fm. sng.
arsavù - adj. and p. p. (pr.\ &rs&v'[ue] \) - 1) - well known and plr. arsenical, arsenicaj. - arsenical. (chemistry).
(adj.). - 2) - heard (p. p. ). arsénich - n. m. - (pr.\ &rs'enic \) Usually sng. anyway inv. at a
arscapé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr.\ &rsc&p'e \) - to run away possible fig. plr. - arsenic (chemical element).
again, to escape again. It uses the aux. "esse ". arsenios - adj. (pr.\ &rseni'uz \) Ms. plr. arsenios - fm. sng.
arscapiné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rsc&pin'e \) - to remake and plr. arseniosa, arseniose. - arsenious. (chemistry).
the stocking-sole. arseniur - n. m. (pr.\ &rseni'[ue]r \) Inv. at plr. - arsenide.
arscapinura - n. f. (pr.\ &rsc&pin'[ue]r& \) At plr. (chemistry).
arscapinure. - remaking of stocking-sole. arsente - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr.\ &rs'ænte \) - 1) - to hear again,
arscaudament - n. m. (pr.\ &rsc&ud&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - to feel again. - 2) - to feel, to get.
heating. This term is not very uysed, see also the most arsentì - 1) - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr.\ &rsænt'i \) - to show traces,
used term "riscaudament ". to feel the effect. See also the term "risentì".
arscaudà - n. f. (pr.\ &rsc&ud'& \) Inv. at plr. - warming up. arsentì - 2) - adj. (pr.\ &rsænt'i \) - Ms. plr. arsentì - fm. sng.
arscaudé - vrb 1sr con. trs. (pr.\ &rsc&ud'e \) - 1) - to warm, and plr. arsentìa, arsentìe. - resentful, offended, angry,
to heat, to warm again. - 2) - to excite, to stir up (in a fig. cross, irritated.
sense). See also the term "scaudé ". arsentiment - n. m. (pr.\ &rsentim'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
arscaudésse - vrb 1sr con. trs. (pr.\ &rsc&ud'e \) - 1) - to resentment, grudge. - 2) - after-effect (medical). See also
warm oneself. - 2) - to get excited (in a fig. sense). the term "risentiment ".
arscheuvre - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr.\ &rsk'[oe]vre \) - to

arsentìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr.\ &rsænt'ise \) - 1) - to resent, arsëcchì - vrb 1sr con. int. (pr.\ &rs&kk'i \) - to become dry,
to take offence. - 2) - to recover one's senses. See also the to wither, to dry up. It uses the aux. "esse ".
voice "rissentìsse ". arsëmné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rs&mn'e \) - to resow, to sow
arsentse - vrb 2nd con. refl. and recp. (pr.\ &rs'æntse \) - 1) - to again.
hear oneself again, to feel oneself again. (refl). - 2) - to arsëppadura - n. f. (pr.\ &rs&pp&d'[ue]r& \) At plr.
hear each other again (recp.). See also the term arsëppadure. - change of the wood of sockets.
"rissentse" arsëppé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rs&pp'e \) - to change the
arserca - n. f. (pr.\ &rs'ærc& \) At plr. arserche. - 1) - search, wood of sockets.
quest. - 2) - pursuit. - 3) - research. - 4) - investigation, arsëttà - adj. (pr.\ &rs&tt'& \) Inv. in gnd and nr. - stale
inquiry. - 5) - demand. - See also the terms "risserca, (mainly referred to bread, or used in a fig. sense.). See also
indàgin ". the term "arsiss ". Sometimes in the spelling "arsetà ".
arsercà - n. adj. and p. p. (pr.\ &rsærc'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. arsi... - prefix. (pr.\ &rsi... \) - arch... This group, when it is a
- 1) - sought-after (adj.). - 2) - refined (adj.). - 3) - prefix, acts as a magnifier of the word. If the word is an
affected (adj.). - 4) - wanted, searched (adj. and p. p.). - 5) adj. this prefix produces the absolute superlative (like the
- wanted (man/woman) (sbst.). - See also the terms word "very "). If the word is a substantive, the idea
"ricercà, rissercà ". introduced by the prefix is "greater " or "superior ". See
arsercador - n. (pr.\ &rsærc&d'ur \) - See arsercator. also the prefix "arci...", which is sometimes used.
arsercatëssa - n. f. (pr.\ &rsærc&t'&ss& \) At plr. arsercatësse. arsìa - n. f. (pr.\ &rs'i& \) At plr. arsìe. - 1) - elastic sling,
- 1) - refinement, elegance. - 2) - affectation. See also the catapult. See also the term "fionda ".- 2) - bird-trap. See
term "rissercatëssa". also the term "arsion ".
arsercateur - n. (pr.\ &rsærc&t'[oe]r \) - See arsercator. 2) - bird-trap.
arsercator - n. (pr.\ &rsærc&t'ur \) Ms. plr. arsercator - fm. arsibisnòna - n. f. (pr.\ &rsibisn'on& \) At plr. arsibisnòne. -
sng. and plr. arsercatriss, arsercatriss. - 1) - researcher, great-great-grandmother.
research worker. - 2) - detector, searcher. - See also the arsibisnòno - n. f. (pr.\ &rsibisn'onu \) Inv. at plr. - great-
quite used term, which is an italianism, "ricercator". great-grandfather.
arserché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rsærk'e \) - 1) - to look for arsicurant - adj. (pr.\ &rsic[ue]r'&nt \) Ms. plr. arsicurant -
(st. or sb.) again. - 2) - to seek, to seek for, to search for. fm. sng. and plr. arsicuranta, arsicurante. - reassuring.
- 3) - to investigate, to inquire. - 4) - to want, to require, arsicurassion - n. f. (pr.\ &rsic[ue]r&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
to demand. reassurance.
arserenament - n. m. (pr. \ &rseren&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - arsicuré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rsic[ue]r'e \) - 1) - to calm, to
clearing up, brightening (weather). - 2) - cheering up, quiet, to reassure. See also the term "rassicuré ". - 2) - to
brightening (in a fig. sense). See also the term reinsure. See also the term "riassicuré ".
"rasserenament ". arsicurésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr.\ &rsic[ue]r'ese \) - 1) - to
arserenant - adj. (pr. \ &rseren'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. arserenant - take heart, to recover confidence. See also the term
fm. sng. and plr. arserenanta, arserenante. - comforting, "rassicurésse ". - 2) - to reinsure oneself. See also the
peace-giving. See also the term "rasserenant ". term "riassicurésse".
arserené - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &rseren'e \ ) - 1) - to clear, to arsidiàcon - n. m. (pr.\ &rsidi'&cu[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
clear up, to brighten. - 2) - to cheer, to cheer up, to archdeacon. Sometimes also the term "arcidiacon" is
brighten (in a fig. sense). See also the term "rasserené ". used.
arserenésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &rseren'ese \ ) - 1) - to arsidiaconà - n. m. (pr.\ &rsidi&cun'& \) Inv. at plr. -
become clear, to brighten (weather). - 2) - to cheer archdeaconry, archdeaconship. Sometimes also the term
up, to brighten (in a refl. sense, referred to oneself). "arcidiaconà" is used.
See also the term "rasserenésse ". arsidiào - n. m. (pr.\ &rsidi'&u \) Inv. at plr. - archfiend.
arserne - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr.\ &rs'ærne \) - to reselect, to Sometimes also the term "arcidiào" is used.
choose again, to pick out again. arsidiòcesi - n. f. (pr.\ &rsidi'o[ch]esi \) Inv. at plr. -
arset - n. m. (pr.\ &rs'æt \) Inv. at plr. - shelter, refuge. archdiocese. Sometimes also the term "arcidiòcesi" is
arseta - n. f. (pr.\ &rs'et& \) At plr. arsete. - 1) - second used.
haymaking. See also the term "ariòrda ". - 2) - arsiduca - n. m. (pr.\ &rsid'[ue]c& \) Inv. at plr. - archduke.
prescription. See also the term "riceta". - 3) - recipe. See Sometimes also the term "arciduca" is used.
also the term "riceta". - 4) - remedy. See also the term arsiducal - adj. (pr.\ &rsid[ue]c'&l \) Ms. plr. arsiducaj - fm.
"riceta". sng. and plr. arsiducal, arsiducaj. - archducal.
arsetà - adj. (pr.\ &rset'& \) - See arsëttà. Sometimes also the term "arciducal" is used.
arsetari - n. m. (pr.\ &rset'&ri \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - book of arsiduchëssa - n. f. (pr.\ &rsid[ue]k'&ss& \) At plr.
prescriptions. - 2) - book of receipts, cookery-book. See arsiduchësse. - archduchess. Sometimes also the term
also the term "ricetari". "arciduchëssa" is used.
arseugn - n. m. (pr.\ &rs'[oe][gn] \) Inv. at plr. - hallucination. arsié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rsi'e \) - to scyte again. See also
See also the term "alucinassion " which is used but it is an the best piedm. term "asié ".
italianism.. ardigiladura - n. f. (pr.\ &rsijil&d'[ue]r& \) At plr. -
arseurbe - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr.\ &rs'[oe]rbe \) - to reabsorb, to arsigiladure. - resealing. See also the term "risigiladura".
absorb again. See also the terms "arsurbì, riassorbì, arsigilé - vrb 1st con trs. (pr.\ &rsijil'e \) - to reseal, to seal
arciucé ". again.
arseurte - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr.\ &rs'[oe]rte \) - to exit again. arsignifiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rsi[gn]ifik'e \) - to notify
See also the term "arsurtì ". again, to mean again.
arsevidorìa - n. f. (pr.\ &rsevidur'i& \) - See arseividorìa. arsigneul - n. m. (pr.\ &rsi[gn]'[oe]l \) At plr. arsigneuij. -
arseviment - n. m. (pr.\ &rsevim'ænt \) - See arseiviment. nightingale. See also the term "rossigneul ".
arsevùa - n. f. (pr.\ &rsevim'ænt \) - See arseivùa. arsij - n. m. (pr.\ &rs'iy \) Inv. at plr. - fidgets, agitation, goad,
arsëcché - vrb 1sr con. trs. (pr.\ &rs&kk'e \) - to desiccate, to harassingh, worry. See also "asij ".
dry up. arsimaregranda - n. f. (pr.\ &rsim&regr'&nd& \) At plr.
arsimaregrande. - great-grandmother. See also the term

"arsinòna ", and the loc. - "granda bela ". lit. arsovnìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr.\ &rsuvn'ise \) - to
"grandmother fine" (considering that "bel, bela" ( "fine, remember, to recollect, to recall. See also the term
good ") in piedm. sometimes correspond to an "armemoriésse ".
augmentative). arsòrt - n. m. (pr.\ &rs'ort \) Inv. at plr. - spring (mechanics).
arsinon - n. m. (pr.\ &rsin'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - great dinner. See also the term "mòla ".
In this term the idea of "great " is not given by the starting arspecé - vrb 1sr con. trs. (pr.\ &rspe[ch]'e \) - 1) - to mirror
"arsi..." which is not prefix, but by the desinence "...on " again. to mirror. - 2) - to reflect, to show.
which is augmentative. arspecésse - vrb 1sr con. refl. (pr.\ &rspe[ch]'ese \) - to be
arsinòna - n. f. (pr.\ &rsin'on& \) - See arsimaregranda. mirrored, to be reflected, to mirror oneself.
arsinòno - n. m. (pr.\ &rsin'onu \) - See arsiparegrand. arspedì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr.\ &rsped'i \) - 1) - to send again,
arsion - n.m. (pr.\ &rsi'u[ng] \) - See arcion and arsìa. to forward again. - 2) - to send back, to return. - See
arsiparegrand - n. m. (pr.\ &rsip&regr'&nd \) Inv. at plr. - also the term "rispedì ".
great-grandfather. See also the terms "arsinòno, bcé, pcé arspedission - n. f. (pr.\ &rspedisi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
". reforwarding, reshipment. - 2) - return, sending back,
arsipien - adj. (at superlative) (pr.\ &rsipi'æ[ng] \) Ms. plr. new sending back. See also the term "rispedission".
arsipien - fm. sng. and plr. arsipien-a, arsipien-e. - arspende - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr.\ &rsp'ænde \) - to spend
completely full, overcrowded. again, to expend again. See also the term "rispende".
arsiprèive - n. m. (pr.\ &rsipr'æive \) Inv. at plr. - archpriest, arspiegadura - n. f. (pr.\ &rspieg&d'[ue]r& \) At plr.
dean. arspiegadure. - new unfolding.
arsipréss - n. m. (pr.\ &rsipr'es \) Inv. at plr. - cypress (botany arspiegassion - n. f. - (pr.\ &rspieg&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
- Cupressus sempervirens). See also the terms "sipréss, new explanation, second explanation, new
cipréss ". interpretation. See also the most common "rispiegassion
arsiss - adj. (pr.\ &rs'is \) - See "arsëttà ". ".
arsivësco - n. m. (pr.\ &rsiv'&scu \) Inv. at plr. - archbishop. arspieghé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rspieg'e \) - 1) - to explain
See also the term "arcivësco ". again. - 2) - to unfold again. - See also the term "rispieghé
arsivëscovà - n. m. (pr.\ &rsiv&scuw'& \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - ".
archbishop's palace. - 2) - archbishopric. - See also the arsplende - vrb 2nd con. int. (pr.\ &rspl'ænde \) - to shine, to
term "arcivëscovà ". be resplendent, to glow. See also the term "risplende ". It
arsivëscovil - adj. (pr.\ &rsiv&scuw'il \) Ms. plr. arsvëscovij - uses the aux. "avèj ".
fm. sng. and plr. arsivëscovil, arsivëscovij - arsplendent - adj. (pr.\ &rsplænd'ænt \) Ms. plr. arsplendent -
archiepiscopal. Due to the fact that the stress is on the last fm. sng. and plr. arsplendenta, arsplendente. -
vowel, according to the rules, the fm sng. and plr. rspy. resplendent, shining, brillant. See also the term
should be "arsivëscovila, arsivëscovìle " but these forms "risplendent ".
are not used. arsponde - vrb 2nd con. trs. and int. (pr.\ &rsp'unde \) - 1) - to
arsivolada - n. f. (pr.\ &rsivul'&d& \) At plr. arsivolade. - answer, to reply, to answer back. (trs. and int). - 2) - to
carelessness, heedlessness, inattention. See also the answer, to be responsible (int.). - 3) - to answer, to
terms “dzatension, distrassion, sbadatàgin”. correspond (int.). - 4) - to respond, to obej (int.). See also
arsivòli - n. m. plr. (pr.\ &rsiv'oli \) Only plr. - day-dreams, the terms "arisponde, risponde", that are more used, since
fancies. Mainly it is a nonsense word, used in the idiomatic they are easier to pronounce for some people. - It uses
expression "vardé j'arsivòli " having a value of "to be always the aux. "avèj ".
absent-minded ". arspondensa - n. f. (pr.\ &rspund'æ[ng]s& \) At plr.
arsoasì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr.\ &rsu&z'i \) - to pick out again, arspondense. - correspondence, conformity. See also the
to choose again. See also the term "arserne". terms "rispondensa, corispondensa".
arsoladura - n. f. (pr.\ &rsul&d'[ue]r& \) - See arsolura. arspondent - adj. (pr.\ &rspund'ænt \) Ms. plr. arspondent -
arsolé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rsul'e \) - to sole, to resole. fm. sng. and plr. arspondenta, arspondente. - 1) - in
arsolura - n. f. (pr.\ &rsul'[ue]r& \) At plr. arsolure. - soling. conformity with, in accordance with. - 2) - respondent.
arson - n. m. (pr.\ &rs'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - saddlebow, See also the terms "arispondent, rispondent".
cantle, saddle. See also "arcion, arsion ". - 2) - boom, arsponditor - n. m. (pr.\ &rspundit'ur \) Inv. at plr. -
rumbling, roaring. See also the term "rimbomb ". responder, transponder. See also the terms "arisponditor,
arsonador - n. m. (pr.\ &rsun&d'ur \) Inv. at plr. - resonator. risponditor".
See also the term "risonator". (physics). arsponté - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr.\ &rspunt'e \) - 1) - to
arsonant - adj. (pr.\ &rsun'&nt \) Ms. plr. arsonant - fm. sng. reappear, to rise again (int.) - 2) - to trim again (trs.).
and plr. arsonanta, arsonante. - 1) - resonant. - 2) - See also the term "risponté ".
resounding. arsposé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rspuz'e \) - to marry again, to
arsonansa - n. f. (pr.\ &rsun'&[ng]s& \) At plr. arsonanse. - 1) remarry. See also the term "armarié ".
- resonance (physics). - 2) - renown, fame, echo, sound arsposésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr.\ &rspuz'ese \) - to get
(in a fig. sense). See also thge term "risonansa". married again. See also "armariésse ".
arsoné - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr.\ &rsun'e \) - 1) - to play arspòsta - n. f. (pr.\ &rsp'ost& \) At plr. arspòste. - 1) -
again, to ring again (trs.). - 2) - to be resonant, to answer. - 2) - response. - See also the most common term
resound (int.). It can be found with both the aux. "esse" "rispòsta".
and "avèj ". - 3) - to be tuned, to resound (physics). - See arstabilì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr.\ &rst&bil'i \) - 1) - to re-
also the term "rissoné ". establish. - 2) - to restore. - See also the term "ristabilì ".
arsopì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr.\ &rsup'i \) - to make drowsy arstabiliment - n. m. (pr.\ &rst&bilim'ænt \) Inv. at plr.- 1) -
again. See also the term "riansopì ". re-establishment. - 2) - restoration. See also the term
arsopìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr.\ &rsup'ise \) - to drowse "ristabiliment ".
again. See also the term "riansopìsse ". arstabilìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr.\ &rst&bil'ise \) - to
arsorsa - n. f. (pr.\ &rs'urs& \) At plr. arsorse. - resource. See recover. (e. g. after an illness). See also the term
also the term in the form "arzorsa ". "ristabilisse ".
arstagn - n. m. (pr.\ &rst'&[gn] \) - See ristagn.

arstagné - vrb 1st con. int. (pr.\ &rst&[gn]'e \) - See stagné. arsura - n. f. (pr.\ &rs'[ue]r& \) At plr. (if any) arsure. - 1) -
arstagniné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rst&[gn]in'e \) - 1) - to re- heat. - 2) - drought. - 3) - parching thirst, feverish thirst.
tin, to tin again. - 2) - to re-solder, to solder again (tin - See also the terms "arsuv, suitin-a, sech ".
soldering). - See also the terms "arstagné, stagné ". arsurbì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr.\ &rs[ue]rb'i \) - See arseurbe.
arstagninura - n. f. - (pr.\ &rst&[gn]in'[ue]r& \) At plr. arsurbiment - n. m. (pr.\ &rs[ue]rbim'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
arstagninure. - re-tinning, re-soldering. See also the term reabsorption. - 2) - resorption (medical).
"ristagnadura". arsuression - n. f. - (pr.\ &rs[ue]resi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
arstagnura - n.f. (pr.\ &rst&[gn]'[ue]r& \) - See arstagninura. resurrection, rising. - 2) - resurrection, revival (in a fig.
arstampa - n. f. (pr.\ &rst'&mp& \) At plr. arstampe. - sense). See also the terms "arsussitament, rissuression".
reprint, reprinting. See also the most used "ristampa ". arsurtì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr.\ &rs[ue]rt'i \) - See arseurte.
arstampàbil - adj. (pr.\ &rst&mp'&bil \) Ms. plr. arstampàbij arsussitament - n. m. (pr.\ &rs[ue]sit&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - 1)
- fm. sng. and plr. arstampàbil, arstampàbij - - resurrection. - 2) - resucitation, revival, revivification.
reprintable. See also the term "ristampabil ". See also the term "arsuression, risuression".
arstampador - n. m. (pr.\ &rst&mp&d'ur \) Inv. at plr. - arsussité - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr.\ &rs[ue]sit'e \) - 1) - to
reprinter. See also the term "ristampador ". resuscitate, to resurrect, to raise from the dead. (trs.). -
arstampé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rst&mp'e \) - to reprint. See 2) - to resuscitate, to revive (int.). In this sense it uses the
also the term "ristampé ". aux. "esse". - See also the terms "arnasse, arvive ".
arstarnué - vrb 1st con. int. (pr.\ &rst&rn[ue]'e \) - to sneeze arsuv - n. m. (pr.\ &rs'[ue]u \) - See arsura.
again. See also the terms "arstranué, ristarnué ". art - n. f. (pr.\ &rt \) Inv. at plr. - art.
arstëbbié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rst&bbi'e \) - 1) - to warm up artaban - n and adj. (pr.\ &rt&b'&[ng] \) Ms. plr. artaban -
(starting from cold), to cool down (starting from hot). - 2) - fm. sng. and plr. artaban-a, artaban-e. - 1) - conceited,
to cool, to attenuate (in a fig. sense). arrogant (adj.). - 2) - conceited person, arrogant person
arstiré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rstir'e \) - 1) - to stretch again. (sbst.). See also the term "autér".
- 2) - to iron again. - 3) - to straighten, to conk. - See also artach - n. m. (pr. \ &rt'&c \ ) Inv. at plr. - rejoining, reunion,
the term "ristiré ". reuniting. See also the term "ratach".
arstranué - vrb 1st con. int. (pr.\ &rstr&n[ue]'e \) - See artaché - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr.\ &rt&k'e \) - 1) - to join
arstarnué. again, to re-attach. (trs.). - 2) - to take root again.
arstrèit - adj. (pr.\ &rstr'æit \) Ms. plr. arstrèit - fm. sng. and (int.). It uses anyway the aux. "avèj ".
plr. arstrèita, arstrèite. - 1) - narrow. - 2) - limited. - 3) - artaconé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rt&cun'e \) - to patch again,
straitened, scanty. - 4) - condensed, concentrated. - See to repair again.
also the term "ristrèit ". artaj - n. m. (pr.\ &rt'&y \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - cutting, cut-out. -
arstreitëssa - n. f. (pr.\ &rstræit'&ss& \) At plr. arstreitësse. - 2) - remnant, scrap.
1) - narrowness. - 2) - meanness, poorness, poverty (in a artajé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rt&y'e \) - 1) - to cut again. - 2)
fig. sense). - 3) - lack, want (in a fig. sense). - 4) - - to cut out.
straitened circumstances, strats. In this sense, in piedm. artajor - n. (pr.\ &rt&y'ur \) Ms. plr. artajor - fm. sng. and plr.
the word is used at plr. artajòira, artajòire. - pork-butcher, delicatessen seller.
arstrenze - vrb 2nd con. trs. - (pr.\ &rstr'æ[ng]ze \) - 1) - to To be noted the particular feminine.See also the term (quite
tighten, to narrow, to narrow again. - 2) - to take in an italianism, but also used) "salumé ".
(dress). - 3) - to reduce, to limit, to restrict, to cut down, artajòira - n. f. (pr.\ &rt&y'oir& \) - See artajor.
to shorten. - 4) - to contract. - See also the terms "strenze, artanésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr.\ &rt&n'ese \) - 1) - to go into
ristrenze ". one's hole again, to run to earth again. - 2) - to hide
arstrenzent - 1) - adj. (pr.\ &rstræ[ng]z'ænt \) - See oneself up, to conceal oneself (in a fig. sense). See also
astringent. the terms "rantanésse, rintanésse".
arstrenzent - 2) - n. m. (pr.\ &rstræ[ng]z'ænt \) - See artapadura - n. f. (pr.\ &rt&p&d'[ue]r& \) - See artapura.
astringent. artapé - vrb 1sr con. trs. (pr.\ &rt&p'e \) - 1) - to adorn, to
arstrenziment - n. m. (pr.\ &rstræ[ng]zim'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - dress up. - 2) - to dress hair up.
1) - tightening, narrowing. - 2) - shrinking. - 3) - artapésse - vrb 1sr con. refl. (pr.\ &rt&p'ese \) - to adorn
contraction. - 4) - stricture, stenosis (medical). - 5) - oneself, to dress up. See also the term "archinchésse".
restriction, limitation. See also the term "restringiment ", artapura - n. f. (pr.\ &rt&p'[ue]r& \) At plr. artapure. - 1) -
which is an italianism, but it is quite used, and the term hairstyle. - 2) - headdress. See also the term
"arstrenziùra ". "artapadura".
arstrenziura - n. f. (pr.\ &rstræ[ng]zi'[ue]r& \) - See artard - n. m. (pr.\ &rt'&rd \) Inv. at plr. - delay, retard,
arstrenziment. retardation. See also the most common term "ritard ".
arstenz-se - vrb 2nd con. refl. - (pr.\ &rstr'æ[ng]zse \) - 1) - to artardà - n. and adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &rt&rd'& \) Inv. in gnd.
become narrower, to tighten. - 2) - to contract. - 3) - to and nr. - 1) - delayed, retarded (adj. and p. p.). - 2) -
shrink. retardated (sbst.). - psychology). - See also the term
arstrobié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rstrubi'e \) - to sow wheat in "ritardà ".
a field for two years without a rest., to sow again after a artardàbil - adj. (pr.\ &rt&rd'&bil \) Ms. plr. artardàbij - fm.
harvest. See also the terms "restobié, rëstrobié ". sng. and plr. artardàbil, artardàbij. - that can be
arstudié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rst[ue]di'e \) - to study again. delayed. See also the term "ritardàbil ".
arsué - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr.\ &rs[ue]'e \) - 1) - to dry, artardant - adj. (pr.\ &rt&rd'&nt \) Ms. plr. artardant - fm.
to dry again. (trs.). - 2) - to become dry, to dry up (int.), sng. and plr. artardanta, artardante. - retarding,
with the same meaning of the following refl. form: delaying. See also the term "ritardant ".
arsuésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr.\ &rs[ue]'ese \) - to become dry, artardé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr.\ &rt&rd'e \) - to delay, to
to dry up. retard, to stave off (trs.). - 2) - to retard, to be delayed
arsugné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rs[ue][gn]'e \) - to (int.). - See also the voice "ritardé ".
hallucinate, to dazzle. artassé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rt&s'e \) - to tax again, to
charge again.

artasté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rt&st'e \) - 1) - to taste again. - àrtich - adj. (pr.\ '&rtic \) Ms. plr. artich - fm. sng. and plr.
2) - to feel again, to touch again, to sound again. - 3) - to artica, artiche. - arctic.
test again, to assay again. àrtich - n. m. (pr.\ '&rtic \) Inv. at a possible fig. plr. - Arctich.
arté - n. (pr.\ &rt'e \) Ms. plr. arté - fm. sng. and plr. artéra, articiochera - n. f. (pr.\ &rti[ch]iuk'er& \) At plr. articiochere.
artére. - craftsman, builder, author, artisan. See also - artichoke garden. See also the term "arciciochera".
the terms "artéfiss, artéfice, artisan ". articiòch - n. m. (pr.\ &rti[ch]i'oc \) Inv. at plr. - artichoke.
artefàit - adj. and p. p. (pr.\ &rtef'&it \) Ms. plr. artefàit - fm. See also the term "arciciòch ". A familiar epithet is "testa
sng. and plr. artefàita, artefàite. - adulterated, artificial. d'articiòch" := lit. "head of artichoke ", having value of
See also the terms "adulterà, artifissial ". "thickhead ".
artefé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rtef'e \) - to adulterate, to artìcol - n. m. (pr.\ &rt'icul \) At plr. artìcoj. - article (in all
adulter, to modigy, to forge. the senses).
artéfice - n. (pr.\ &rt'efi[ch]e \) - See artéfiss. articolà - adj. and p. p. (pr.\ &rticul'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
artéfiss - n. (pr.\ &rt'efis \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - craftsman, 1) - articulate, articulated. - 2) - linked with the article
builder, author, artisan. See also the terms "arté, artéfice, (grammar).
artisan ". articolar - adj. (pr.\ &rticul'&r \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
artegn - n. m. (pr.\ &rt'æ[gn] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - reserve, articular (anatomy). See also the common adj. loc. "dle
reservedness. - 2) - restraint. - 3) - delay, impediment, gionture " = lit. "of the junctions ".
draw-back. See also the term "arten". articolassion - n. f. (pr.\ &rticul&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr.- 1) -
artempré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rtæmpr'e \) - 1) - to articulation. See also the term "giontura ". - 2) -
retemper, to temper again (metals - steel). - 2) - to articolated joint (mechanics).
restore, to recruit, to fortify. (in a fig. sense). articolé - vrb 1st con. trs. - (pr.\ &rticul'e \) - to articulate.
arten - n. m. (pr.\ &rt'æ[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - impediment, articolésse - vrb 1st con. refl. - (pr.\ &rticul'ese \) - 1) - to
hindrance, obstacle. See also the term "artegn". articulate, to be articulated. - 2) - to be composed, to be
arten-e - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr.\ &rt'æ[ng]e \) - 1) - to hold back, subdivided.
to stop, to retain. - 2) - to think, to deem, to believe, to artifissi - n. m. (pr.\ &rtif'isi \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - artifice,
consider. - See also the terms "artnì, riten-e". contrivance. - 2) - device (legal). - Note that the loc- "feu
artension - n. f. (pr.\ &rtæ[ng]si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - d'artifissi" = lit. "fire of artifice ", has value of "fireworks ".
retention, retaining. See also the term "ritension ". artifissial - adj. (pr.\ &rtifisi'&l \) Ms. plr. artifissiaj - fm. sng.
artenté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rtænt'e \) - to try again, to and plr. artifissial, artifissiaj. - 1) - artificial. - 2) - man-
reattempt. made. Note that the loc- "feu artifissiaj" = lit. "artificial
artenùa - n. f. (pr.\ &rten'[ue]& \) - At plr. - artenùe. - fires ", has value of "fireworks ".
deduction (of money). See also the term "artnùa, ritenùa ". artifissié - n. m. (pr.\ &rtifisi'e \) - 1) - artificer, bomb-
artenze - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr.\ &rt'æ[ng]ze \) - to tinge again, disposal expert. - 2) - pyrotechnist.
to colour again, to dye. artifissios - adj. (pr.\ &rtifisi'uz \) Ms. plr. artifissios - fm. sng.
artenziura - n. f. (pr.\ &rtæ[ng]zi'[ue]r& \) At plr. artenziure. and plr. artifissiosa, artifissiose. - 1) - artful, cunning. -
- retincture, dyeing. 2) - artificial, affected.
artéria - n. f. (pr.\ &rt'eri& \) At plr. artérie. - 1) - artery. artifissiosità - n. f. (pr.\ &rtifisiuzit'& \) Inv. at plr. -
(medical). - 2) - thoroughfare, artery. (in a fig. sense). artfulness, cunning.
arterios - adj. (pr.\ &rteri'uz \) Ms. plr. arterios - fm. sng. and artigian - n. and adj. (pr.\ &rtiji'&[ng] \) Ms. plr. artigian - fm.
plr. arteriosa, arteriose. - arterial. (medical). sng. and plr. artigian-a, artigian-e - 1) - artisan (sbst. and
arterioscleròsi - n. f. (pr.\ &rteriuscler'ozi \) Inv. at plr. (in adj.). - 2) - craftsman (sbst.). See also the terms "artisan,
Piedm. this word is often considered as only plr. in familiar artësan, atré ".
slang, while the stress is moved on the " ò " since this artigianà - n. m. (pr.\ &rtiji&n'& \) Inv. at plr. - handicraft,
sound is always stressed in Piedm.). - arteriosclerosis. craftsmen. See also the terms "artisanà, artësanà ".
(medical). artigianal - adj. (pr.\ &rtiji&n'&l \) - Ms. plr. artigianaj - fm.
arterite - n. f. (pr.\ &rter'ite \) Inv. at plr. - arteritis. (medical). sng. and plr. artigianal, artigianaj. - artisan, handicraft
artersé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rtærs'e \) - to plough for the (as attributes). See also "artësanal artisanal ".
third time (agriculture). artigianàt - n. m. (pr.\ &rtiji&n'&t \) - See artigianà.
artesian - adj. (pr.\ &rtezi'&[ng] \) Ms. plr. artesian - fm. sng. artij - n. m. (pr. \&rt'iy \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - claw, talon. -
and plr. artesian-a, artesian-e. - artesian. clutch. - See also the terms "angion, grinfa, grifa".
artesin - n. m. (pr.\ &rtez'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - rhododendron, artijarìa - n. f. (pr.\ &rtiy&r'i& \) At plr. artijarìe. - artillery.
rose-bay. See also the terms "bërmës-cia, brusson, etc.". See also the term "artilieria ".
artética - n. f. (pr.\ &rt'etic& \) At plr. artétiche. - arthritis. artijé - 1) - n. m. (pr.\ &rtiy'e \) Inv. at plr. - artilleryman. See
See also the most common term (even if it is an italianism) also the term "artilié ".
"artrìte ". artijé - 2) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rtiy'e \) - to grip with claws,
artétich - adj. (pr.\ &rt'etic \) Ms. plr. artétich - fm. sng. and to clutch.
plr. artética, artétiche. - arthritic. See also the most artilié - n. m. (pr.\ &rtili'e \) - See artijé.
common term (even if it is an italianism) "artrìtich ". artilierìa - n. f. (pr.\ &rtilier'i& \) - See artijarìa.
artësan - n. and adj. (pr.\ &rt&z'&[ng] \) Ms. plr. artësan - fm. artir - n. m. (pr.\ &rt'ir \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - withdrawal,
sng. and plr. artësan-a, artësan-e. - 1) - artisan. (sbst.. withdrawing, retirement. - 2) - call-back. - 3) -
and adj.). - 2) - craftsman (sbst.). See also the terms collection. - 4) - retreat, seclusion, hermitage. - 5) -
"artisan, artigian, arté ". shrinkage. - 6) - revocation. - See also the term "ritir ".
artësanà - n. m. (pr.\ &rt&z&n'& \) Inv. at plr. - handicraft, artirà - adj. (pr.\ &rtir'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - retired,
craftsmen. See also the terms "artisanà, artigianà, secluded. - 2) - solitary, lonely. For this meaning see also
artësnat ". the term "solitari ". - See also the term "ritirà ".
artësanal - adj. (pr.\ &rt&z&n'&l \) Ms. plr. artësanaj - fm. artirada - n. f. (pr.\ &rtir'&d& \) At plr. artirade. - 1) -
sng. and plr. artësanal, artësanaj. - artisan, handicraft retreat, withdrawal (military and fig.). See also the term
(as attributes). See also the terms "artigianal artisanal ". "artreta ". - 2) - tattoo (military). See also the term "ritirà
artësanat - n. m. (pr.\ &rt&z&n'&t \) - See artësanà. ". - 3) - lavatory. See also the term "céss".

artiré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rtir'e \) - 1) - to withdraw, to artorzeur - n. (pr.\ &rturz'[oe]r \) Ms. plr. artorzeur - fm. sng.
draw back. E. g. "artiré n' oferta" "to withdraw an and plr. artorzeusa, artorzeuse. - twister, doubler. (texile
offer". - 2) - to draw, to collect. E. g. "artiré ij sòld industry).
dl'iscrission" = "to collect the money for the subscription". artorzior - n. m. (pr.\ &rturzi'ur \) Inv. at plr. - twisting frame
- 3) - to call back. E. g. "artiré un prodòt sbalià " "to (texile industry).
call back a wrong product". - 4) - to throw again, to pull artorziura - n. f. (pr.\ &rturzi'[ue]r& \) At plr. artorziure. -
again. E. g. "artiré le pere" = "to throw stones again". - twisting, doubling. (texile industry).
See also the term "ritiré ". artosoné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rturzun'e \) - to reshear, to
artirésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr.\ &rtir'ese \) - 1) - to retire, to shear again.
withdraw. (referred to oneself) - 2) - to retreat. - 3) - to artosse - vrb 2nd con. int. (pr.\ &rt'use \) - to cough again. See
recede. - 4) - to go home. - 5) - to shrink. - See also the also the term "artossì ". It uses the aux. "avèj ".
term "ritirésse ". artossì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr.\ &rtus'i \) - See artosse.
artisan - n. (pr.\ &rtiz'&[ng] \) Ms. plr. artisan - fm. sng. and artòrze - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr.\ &rt'orze \) - 1) - to retwist, to
plr. artisan-a, artisan-e. - artisan, craftsman. See also the twist again. - 2) - to twist, to twine, to double (texile
terms "artësan, artigian ". industry). - 3) - to retort, to turn against, to throw back.
artisanà - n. m. (pr.\ &rtiz&n'& \) Inv. at plr. - handicraft, Sometimes it is also used the word "artorze". See also the
craftsmen. See also the terms "artisanà, artigianà ". term "ritòrze".
artisanal - adj. (pr.\ &rtiz&n'&l \) Ms. plr. artisanaj - fm. sng. artrancé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rtr&n[ch]'e \) - 1) - to deduct,
and plr. artisanal, artisanaj. - artisan, handicraft (as to detract, to discount. - 2) - to shear again (mechanics).
attributes). See also "artigianal artësanal ". - See also the terms "artransé, artrincé ".
artisanat - adj. (pr.\ &rtiz&n'&t \) - See artisanà. artransé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rtr&[ng]s'e \) - See artrancé.
artista - n. (pr.\ &rt'ist& \) Ms. plr. artista - fm. sng. and plr. artrasmëtte - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr.\ &rtr&zm'&tte \) - 1) - to
artista, artiste. - artist. rebroadcast, - 2) - to translate, to transfer. See also the
artìstich - adj. (pr.\ &rt'istic \) Ms. plr. artistich - fm. sng. and term "ritrasmëtte ".
plr. artistica, artistiche. - artistic. artrasmëttitor - n. m. (pr.\ &rtr&zm&ttit'ur \) Inv. at plr. -
artnì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr.\ &rtn'i \) - See arten-e. radio repeater, translator. See also the term
artnù - adj. (pr.\ &rtn'[ue] \) Ms. plr. artnù - fm. sng. and plr. "ritrasmëttitor ".
artnùa, artnùe. - 1) - respectful, regardful, discreet. - 2) artrasmission - n. f. (pr.\ &rtr&zmisi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
- prudent, cautious. rebroadcast. - 2) - translation. See also the term
artnùa - n. f. (pr.\ &rtn'[ue]& \) At plr. artnùe. - deduction. "ritrasmission ".
See also the term "artenùa, ritenùa ". artratàbil - adj. (pr.\ &rtr&t'&bil \) Ms. plr. artratàbij - fm.
artocà - n. f. (pr.\ &rtuc'& \) - See artoch. sng. and plr. artratàbil, artratàbij. - retractable. See also
artoch - n. m. (pr.\ &rt'uc \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - retouch. - 2) - the term "ritratàbil ".
revision (related to prices, fares, etc.). - See also the terms artratassion - n. f. (pr.\ &rtr&t&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
"artocura, artocà, ritoch, ritocà ". retractation. - 2) - retraction, withdrawal. See also the
arocador - n. m. (pr.\ &rtuc&d'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - retoucher term "ritratassion ".
(photography). See also the term "ritocador". artratativa - n. f. (pr.\ &rtr&t&t'iv& \) At plr. artratative. -
artocadura - n. f. (pr.\ artuc&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. artocadure. - re-treatment, rehandling. See also the term "ritratativa ".
1) - retouch, touch up, retouching. - 2) - revision (prices, The term is not very used, it is easier to find the loc.
etc.). See also the terms "ritoch, artoch, artocura, "sconda tratativa, neuva tratativa" rspy. "second
ritocadura". treatment, new treatment ".
artoché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rtuk'e \) - 1) - to retouch, to artraté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rtr&t'e \) - 1) - to treat again,
touch again. - 2) - to retouch, to touch up, to give the to re-treat. - 2) - to retract, to withdraw. (not very used
finishing touches. - 3) - to revise, to readjust. - See also in this sense). - See also the term "ritraté " for both the
the term "ritoché ". meanings.
artocura - n. f. (pr.\ &rtuc'[ue]r& \) - See artoch. artraversament - n. m. (pr.\ &rtr&værs&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. -
artoiré - vrb 1st con trs. (pr. \ &rtuir'e \) - 1) - to remix, to new crossing, re-crossing, crossing back.
mingle again. - 2) - to mix up. - 3) - to rummage (about). artraversé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rtr&værs'e \) - to cross
- See also the term "armës-cé ". again, to cross back. See also the term "ritraversé ".
artombé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr.\ &rtumb'e \) - 1) - to fall, to fall artreta - n. f. (pr.\ &rtr'et& \) At plr. artrete. - retreat,
again. - 2) - to fall ill again. - 3) - to relapse. - See also withdrawal (military and in a fig. sense). See also the
the terms "arcasché, ardroché, ricasché ". It uses the aux. terms "artirada, ritirà ".
"esse ". See also the term "arcade", which is in particular artreuv - n. m. (pr.\ &rtr'[oe]u \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - meeting,
(nearly only) used about illness. Then see also the vrbl. loc. resort. - 2) - meeting-place, resort. - See also the term
"robaté torna, droché torma, etc." wose meaning, also lit., "ritreuv".
is always "to fall again". artriadura - n. f. (pr.\ &rtri&d'[ue]r& \) At plr. - artriadure. -
artorn - n. m. (pr.\ &rt'urn \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - return. - 2) - new mincing, new chopping. See also the term
recovery. - 3) - reversal (mechanics). See also the term "artrijadura".
"ritorn". artrié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rtriy'e \) - See artrijé.
artorné - vrb 1st con. int. and trs. (pr.\ &rturn'e \) - 1) - to artrijadura - n. f. (pr.\ &rtriy&d'[ue]r& \) - See artriadura.
return, to go back, to come back. (int.). - 2) - to recur artrijé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rtriy'e \) - to mince again, to
(trs.). - 3) - to become again (trs.). - 4) - to return, to give chop again. See also the terms "artrié, artrité".
back (trs.). See also the voice "torné ". When int. it uses artrincé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rtrin[ch]'e \) - 1) - to carve
the aux. "esse ". When trs. it uses the aux. "avèj ". again, to cut up again. - 2) - to deduct, to detract, to
artornésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr.\ &rturn'ese \) - 1) - to refresh discount. - See also the term "artrancé ".
oneself, to console oneself. - 2) - to amuse oneself. artrinceré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rtrin[ch]er'e \) - to entrench
artorsion - n. f. (pr.\ &rtursi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - reprisal, again.
retort. artrincerésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr.\ &rtrin[ch]er'ese \) - 1) - to
artorze - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr.\ &rt'urze \) - See artòrze. entrench oneself (again). - 2) - to withdraw (behind st.)

again, to take refuge (behind st.) again. It is anyway arvelé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rvel'e \) - 1) - to reveal, to
easier to find the vrbl. loc. "trinceresse torna" which is lit. disclose. - 2) - to detect (technic). - 3) - to develop
"to entrench oneself again". (photography). - See also the term "rivelé ".
artrite - n. f. (pr.\ &rtr'ite \) Inv. at plr. - arthritis. See also the arvende - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr.\ &rv'ænde \) - to resell, to sell
unusual term "artética ". again, to sell back. See also the term "rivende ".
artrité - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rtrit'e \) - See artrijé. arvendìbil - adj. (pr.\ &rvænd'ibil \) Ms. plr. arvendìbij - fm.
artrìtich - adj. (pr.\ &rtr'itic \) Ms. plr. artrìtich - fm. sng. and sng. and plr. arvendìbil, arvendìbij. - resaleable,
plr. artrìtica, artrìtiche. - arthritic. resalable. See also the term "rivendìbil ".
artrossé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rtrus'e \) - to prepare, to arvendicàbil - adj. (pr.\ &rvændic'&bil \) Ms. plr.
dress (a salad), to season (a dish). arvendicàbij - fm. sng. and plr. arvendicàbil,
artrossésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr.\ &rtrus'ese \) - 1) - to arvendicàbij. - claimable. See also the term
arrange oneself, to get ready. - 2) - to turn up, to tuck "rivendicàbil".
up. In this sense see also the term "argaucésse". arvendicassion - n. f. (pr.\ &rvændic&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
artrovàbil - adj. (pr.\ &rtruw'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. artrovàbij - fm. 1) - vindication. - 2) - revindication (legal). - 3) - claim,
sng. and plr. artrovàbil, artrovàbij. - that may be found demand. - See also the term "rivendicassion".
again, discoverable. See also the term "ritrovàbil ". arvendicassionism - n. m. (pr.\ &rvændic&siun'izm \) Inv. at
artrovament - n. m. (pr.\ &rtruw&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - plr. - tendency to keep on making further demands. See
finding out again, meeting again. - 2) - contrivance. - 3) also the term "rivendicassionism".
- recovering. See also the term "irtrovament". arvendicativ - adj. (pr.\ &rvændic&t'iu \) Ms. plr.
artrové - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rtruw'e \) - 1) - to find again, arvendicativ - fm. sng. and plr. arvendicativa,
to refind. - 2) - to recover. - 3) - to discover. For this arvendicative. - vindicatory, concerning a claim. See
meaning see also the term "dësschuvrì ". - For the first two also the term "rivendicativ".
meanings see also the term "ritrové ". arvendicator - n. and adj. (pr.\ &rvændic&t'ur \) Ms. plr.
artrovésse - vrb 1st con. refl. and recp. (pr.\ &rtruw'ese \) - 1) - arvendicator - fm. sng. and plr. arvendicatriss,
to find oneself. (refl.). - 2) - to make (st.) out (refl.) - 3) - arvendicatriss. - 1) - vindicator, claimer, claimant
to get on well (refl.). - 4) - to meet each other again (sbst.). - 2) - vindicating, vindicative, vindicatory (adj.). -
(recp.). - See also the term "ritrovésse". See also the term "rivendicator".
artròsi - n. f. (pr.\ &rtr'ozi \) Inv. at plr. - arthrosis. arvendiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rvændik'e \) - 1) - to
arùa - n. f. (pr.\ &r'[ue]& \) At plr. arùe. - 1) - caterpillar, avenge again, to vindicate again. - 2) - to claim, to
grub, worm. (entomology) . Also called "gata dij còj " vindicate. - See also the term "rivendiché ".
having a lit. value of "worm of the cabbages ". In this sense arvendichésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr.\ &rvændik'ese \) - to
see also the term “rùa”. - 2) - garden rocket (Eruca sativa vindicate oneself, to avenge oneself (again). See also the
- botany). In this meaning see also the terms "ruga, aruga". term "arvendichésse ".
aruga - n. f. (pr.\ &r'[ue]g& \) - See arùa. arvendior - n. (pr.\ &rvændi'ur \) Ms. plr. arvendior - fm. sng.
arvacinassion - n. f. (pr.\ &rv&[ch]in&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - and plr. arvendiòira, arvendiòire. - reseller, retailer.
revaccination. See also the term "rivacinassion ". arvendior - n. (pr.\ &rvændi'ur \) Ms. plr. arvendior - fm.
arvaciné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rv&[ch]in'e \) - to sng. and plr. arvendiòira, arvendiòire. - reseller, retailer.
revaccinate. See also the term "rivaciné ". See also the term "rivenditor ".
arvacinésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr.\ &rv&[ch]in'ese \) - to get arvèndita - n. f. (pr.\ &rv'ændit& \) At plr. arvéndite. - 1) -
vaccinated again. See also the term "rivacinésse ". resale, reselling. - 2) - retailer shop. arvendior - n. (pr.\
arvalutassion - n. f. (pr.\ &rv&l[ue]t&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - &rvændi'ur \) Ms. plr. arvendior - fm. sng. and plr.
1) - revaluation, re-estimation. - 2) - revaluation, arvendiòira, arvendiòire. - reseller, retailer. See also the
appreciation (finance). - See also the term "rivalutassion term "rivèndita ".
". arven-e - vrb 2nd con. int. and trs. (pr.\ &rv'æ[ng]e \) - 1) - to
arvaluté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rv&l[ue]t'e \) - 1) - to come again, to come back, to return. (int.). - 2) - to
revalue, to re-estimate. - 2) - to revalorize, to revaluate recover consciousness. (int.) - 3) - to temper, to draw
(finance). See also the term "rivaluté ". (metals). (trs.). When int. it uses the aux. "esse ", when trs.
arvangésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr.\ &rv&nj'ese \) - to take it uses the aux. "avèj ".
one's revenge. See also the term "arfésse ". arvers - adj. (pr.\ &rv'ærs \) Ms. plr. arvers - fm. sng. and plr.
arvanghé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rv&[ng]g'e \) - 1) - to dig up arversa, arverse. - 1) - reverse, inverted, upside down,
again. - 2) - to recall, to rake up (in a fig. sense). See also overturned. - 2) - supine, on one's back. See also the
the term "rivanghé ". term "rivers".
arvangia - n. f. (pr.\ &rv'&nji& \) At plr. arvange. - revenge. arversàbil - adj. (pr.\ &rværs'&bil \) Ms. plr. arversàbij - fm.
See also the terms "arfàita, arvìncita, rivìncita ". sng. and plr. arversàbil, arversàbij. - overturnable,
arvedìbil - adj. (pr.\ &rved'ibil \) - See arvëddìbil. tipping, reversible. See also the term "arvërsàbil,
arvelàbil - adj. (pr.\ &rvel'&bil \) Ms. plr. arvelàbij - fm. sng. anvertìbil, arvertibil ".
and plr. arvelàbil, arvelàbij. - 1) - revealable. - 2) - arversal - n. m. (pr.\ &rværs'&l \) - At plr. arversaj. -
detectable (technic). See also the term "rivelàbil ". collection order, collection voucher. See also the term
arvelassion - n. f. (pr.\ &rvel&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - "reversal ".
revelation, disclosure. - 2) - detection (technic). See also arversament - n. m. (pr.\ &rværs&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr, -
the term "rivelassion". inversion, reversal. See also "arvërsament, inversion,
arvelator - 1) - n. m. (pr.\ &rvel&t'ur \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - ranversament ".
revealer, discloser. - 2) - detector, sensor, pick- up. - 3) - arversé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rværs'e \) - 1) - to pour again,
developer (photography). - See also "rivelator". to pour out. - 2) - to turn over. - 3) - to overturn. - 4) -
arvelator - 2) - adj. (pr.\ &rvel&t'ur \) Ms. plr. arvelator - fm. to throw, to lavish (in a fig. sense). See also the terms
sng. and plr. arvelatriss, arvelatriss. - 1) - revealing, "arvërsé, anvërsé, voidé ".
disclosing. - 2) - detecting. - 3) developping arversésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr.\ &rværs'ese \) - 1) - to
(photogtaphy). See also the term "rivelator". overturn, to upset, to capsize. - 2) - to fall, to pour. - See
also the retm "arvërsésse ".

arvèrtia - n. f. (pr.\ &rv'ærti& \) At plr. arvèrtie. - lapel, cuff, arvìncita - n. f. (pr.\ &rv'in[ch]it& \) At plr. arvìncite. - 1 ) -
flap, turn-up. See also the term "svèrtia ". revenge. It is quite an italianism, see also the terms
arvertìbil - adj. (pr.\ &rvært'ibil \) - See anvertìbil. "arfàita, arvangia ". - 2) - return match (sport).
arvertié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rværti'e \) - to turn up, to arviné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rvin'e \) - to decant wine.
tuck up. See also the term "svertié ". arvira - n. f. (pr.\ &rv'ir& \) At plr. arvire. - revolt, rebellion.
arvertiura - n. f. (pr.\ &rværti'[ue]r& \) At plr. arvertiure. - 1) See also the term "arvòlta ".
- turning up, tucking up. - 2) - tuck, turn up, turn down. arvirà - n. f. (pr.\ &rvir'& \) Inv. at plr. - turning over. See
See also the term "svertiura". also the term "arvirada ".
arveste - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr.\ &rv'este \) - 1) - to dress again, arvirada n. f. (pr.\ &rvir'&d& \) - See arvirà.
to clothe again. - 2) - to provide with clothes. - 3) - to arvirant - adj. (pr.\ &rvir'&nt \) Ms. plr. arvirant - fm. sng.
cover, to coat, to line. - 4) - to hold, to take on (in a fig. and plr. arvitanta, arvirante - revolting, repellent,
sense, like e. g. an office, a grade, etc.) - See also the terms disgusting, repulsive, etc. See also the terms "arbutant,
"arvestì, rivestì ". arpugnant, schifos ".
arvestì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr.\ &rvest'i \) - See arveste. arviré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rvir'e \) - 1) - to turn over, to
arvestiment - n. m. (pr.\ &rvestim'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - turn over again. - 2) - to turn inside-out, to turn upside-
covering, coating, lining . - 2) - sheathing, facing. - 3) - down. - 3) - to upset, to revolt. - 4) - to repel, to be
insulating. - 4) - plating. - See also the term "rivestiment, repellent. See also the terms "arviré, rivolté ".
covertura ". arvirésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr.\ &rvir'ese \) - 1) - to turn over
arvestìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr.\ &rvest'ise \) - to dress (again), to toss about (again), to turn round again.
oneself again, to dress oneself. Sometimes also in the 2nd (referred to oneself). - 2) - to revolt, to rebel, to turn
con. "arvestse ". against. See also the terms "arvoltésse, rivoltésse ".
arvestse - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr.\ &rv'estse \) - to dress oneself arviscagi - n. m. (pr.\ &rvisc'&ji \) Inv. at plr. - lighting again,
again, to dress oneself. Usually this form of 2nd con. is not switching on again.
so much used, since the form of 3rd con. "arvestìsse " is arvisché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rvisk'e \) - 1) - to light again,
easier to handle in the speech (see grammar Verb Fosonant to switch on again, to turn on again. - 2) - to rekindle, to
). revive (in a fig. sense).
arvëdde - vrb 2nd con trs. (pr.\ &rv'&dde \) - 1) - to see again, arvischésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr.\ &rvisk'ese \) - 1) - to
to meet again. - 2) - to return to, to go back to. - 3) - to brighten again. - 2) - to catch fire again. - 3) - to be
correct, to revise, to look over. See also the term "corege stirred up.
". - 4) - to revise, to readjust. See also the terms arviscolé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rviscul'e \) - to vivify, to
"arvisioné, revisioné ". In general see also the term enliven, to reinvigorate.
"rivëdde ". arviscolésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr.\ &rviscul'ese \) - 1) - to
arvëddìbil - adj. and n. (pr.\ &rv&dd'ibil \) Ms. plr. arvëddìbij recover oneself. - 2) - to take courage, - 3) - to come to
- fm. sng. and plr. arvëddìbil, arvëddìbij - 1) - that can life again, - 4) - to rejoice, to be delighted.
be revised, revisable (adj.). - 2) - temporarily unfit (adj. arvisité - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rvizit'e \) - to revisit, to visit
and sbst.) (military). See also the terms "arvedibil, again.
rivedìbil, rividìibil ". arvista - n. f. (pr.\ &rv'ist& \) At plr. arviste. - 1) - review,
arvëdse - 1) - vrb 2nd con. refl. and recp. (pr.\ &rv'&dse \) - 1) - parade. - 2) - revision. - 3) - magazine, review, journal,
to see oneself again (refl.). - 2) - to see again each other periodical. - 4) - revue, show.
(recp.). arvista (a l'---) - excl. (pr.\ & l &rv'ist& \) - see you.
arvëdse - 2) - excl. (pr.\ &rv'&dse \) - see you, goodbye. arvive - vrb 2nd con. trs. and int. (pr.\ &rv'ive \) - 1) - to live
arvërdì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr.\ &rv&rd'i \) - 1) - to clothe with again, to revive (int.). It uses the aux. "esse ". - 2) - to live
green (st.) again. - 2) - to renew, to revive. - See also the over again (trs.). It uses the aux. "avèj ". See also the term
term "anvërdì ". "rivive".
arvërdìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr.\ &rv&rd'ise \) - to become arvivé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rviv'e \) - to revive, to enliven.
green. See also "anvërdìsse ". See also the terms "arvivifiché, ravivé ".
arvërnisada - n. f. (pr.\ &rv&rnis'&d& \) At plr. arvernisade. - arvivésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr.\ &rviv'ese \) - to revive, to be
. repainting, quick repainting. See also the term revived.
"arvërnisadura ". arvivifiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rvivifik'e \) - to revivify, to
arvërnisadura - n. f. (pr.\ &rv&rnis&d'[ue]r& \) At plr enliven. See also the term "arvivé ".
arvernisadure. - repainting. See also the term arvnì - vrb 3rd con. int. and trs. (pr.\ &rvn'i \) - See arven-e.
"rivernisadura ". See also the term "arvërnisada ". arvocàbil - adj. (pr.\ &rvuc'&bil \) Ms. plr. arvocàbij - fm.
arvërnisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rv&rnis'e \) - to repaint, to sng. and plr. arvocàbil, arvocàbij. - revocable. See also
paint again. the term "revocàbil ".
arvërsàbil - adj. (pr.\ &rv&rs'&bil \) - See arversàbil. arvocabilità - n. f. (pr.\ &rvuc&bilit'& \) Inv. at plr. -
arvërsament - n. m. (pr.\ &rv&rs&m'ænt \) - See arversament. revocability. See also the term "revocabilità ".
arvërsé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rv&rs'e \) - See arversé. arvocassion - n. f. (pr.\ &rvuc&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
arvërsésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr.\ &rv&rs'ese \) - See revocation, repeal, retraction. See also the term "révoca".
arversésse. arvocatòri - adj. (pr.\ &rvuc&t'ori \) Ms. plr. arvocatòri - fm.
arvià - adj. and p. p. - (pr.\ &rvi'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - sng. and plr. arvocatòria, arvocatòrie. - revoking,
springthly, lively, spry, quick. revocatory. See also the term "revocatòri ".
arvié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rvi'e \) - to enliven, to revive, to arvoché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rvuk'e \) - 1) - to revoke, to
animate, to reinvigorate. See also the term "arvivé ". repeal., to retract. - 2) - to cancel. - 3) - to recall, to call
arviésse - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rvi'ese \) - to recover, to back, to call off. See also the term "revoché ".
revive, to be revived. See also the term "arvivésse ". arvoidé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rvuid'e \) - to empty again, to
arvince - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr.\ &rv'in[ch]e \) - to win again, to re-empty. See also the term "rësvoidé ".
win back. arvoitésse - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rvuit'ese \) - to roll, to roll
on the ground (referred to oneself).
arvolté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rvult'e \) - See arviré.

arvoltésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr.\ &rvult'e \) - See arvirésse. See also the term "risolvent ".
arvòlta - n. f. (pr.\ &rv'olt& \) - See arvira. arzolvent - 2) - n. m. (pr.\ &rzulv'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - resolvent
arzan - n. m. (pr.\ &rz'&[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - money, richness, (pharmacy).
riches. Joky frenchism. arzorsa - n. f. (pr.\ &rz'urs& \) - See arsorsa.
arzansà - n. f. (pr.\ &rz&[ng]s'& \) Inv at plr. - rinse, rinsing. arzòlve - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr.\ &rz'olve \) - 1) - to solve, to
See also the terms "arzantà, arzansada, arzentà, savass ". resolve. - 2) - to decide, to resolve. - 3) - to settle, to
arzansada - n. f. (pr.\ &rz&[ng]s'&d& \) At plr. arzansade. - decide, to define. - 4) - to rescind, to cancel (e. g.
rinse, rinsing. See also the terms "arzansà, arzantà, contracts). - 5) - to resolve, to reduce (chemistry). See also
arzentà ". the term "risòlve".
arzansé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rz&[ng]s'e \) - to rinse, to arzultà - n. m. (pr.\ &rz[ue]lt'& \) Inv. at plr. - result. See also
rinse out. See also the terms "arsanté, arsensé, arsenté, the term "risultà ".
savassé, schërpé ". arzultansa - n. f. (pr.\ &rz[ue]lt'&[ng]s& \) At plr arzultanse.
arzansum - n. m. (pr.\ &rz&[ng]s'[ue]m \) Inv. at plr. - - result, outcome. See also the term "risultansa ".
rinsings, dirty water of rinsing. See also the term arzultant - 1) - n. f. (pr.\ &rz[ue]lt'&nt \) Inv. at plr. -
"arzënsum " resultant (mathematics, physics), outcome. See also the
arzansura - n. f. (pr.\ &rz&[ng]s'[ue]r& \) At plr. arzansure. - term "risultant 1)".
rinse, rinsing. See also the term "arzensura ". arzultant - 2) - adj. (pr.\ &rz[ue]lt'&nt \) Ms. plr. risultant -
arzantà - n. f. (pr.\ &rz&nt'& \) - See arzansà. fm. sng. and plr. risultanta, risultante. - resulting,
arzanté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rz&nt'e \) - See arzansé. resultant. See also the term "risultant 2)".
arzensà - n. f. (pr.\ &rzæ[ng]s'& \) - See arzansà. arzulté - vrb 1st con. int. (pr.\ &rz[ue]lt'e \) - 1) - to result, to
arzensada - n. f. (pr.\ &rzæ [ng]s'&d& \) - See arzansada. come out. - 2) - to understand, to hear, to know (used in
arzensé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rzæ [ng]s'e \) - See arzansé. an imp. way, e. g. "am arzulta che ti it veule andé via "
arzensura - n. f. (pr.\ &rzæ[ng]s'[ue]r& \) - See arzansura. lit. "it result to me that you want to go away " "I
arzentà - n. f. (pr.\ &rzænt'& \) - See arzansà. understand that you want to go away". - 3) - to prove, to
arzenté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rzænt'e \) - See arzansé. turn out. - 4) - to come out, to be. See also the term
arzënsum - n. m. (pr.\ &rz&[ng]s'[ue]m \) - See arzansum. "risulté".
arzigh - n. m. (pr.\ &rz'ig \) Inv. at plr. - risk, hazard. See also as - prn. prt. (vrbl. prs. prn. imp. or refl. prn) (pr.\ &z\) 3rd
the term "risigh ". prs. sng. and plr. - Since the transation has not a one to one
arzighé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &rzig'e \) - to risk, to hazard, to correspondence, we must describe the meaning through
run the risk. See also the term "risighé ". some examples.
arzigogolà - adj. (pr.\ &rzigugul'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - "as lava " "he washes himself " and then : as he ...
bizzarre, fantastic. himself, or as = she ... herself, or as = it ... itself.
arzigogolé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr.\ &rzigugul'e \) - to dream "as lavo " "they wash themselves " and then : as they
about, to ponder, to concoct. ... themselves.
arzigos - adj. (pr.\ &rzig'uz \) Ms. plr. arzigos - fm. sng. and "as dis " "they say, it is said " and then : as imp.
plr. arzigosa, arzigose - risky, hazardous, dangerous. subject.
See also the term "risigos ". Also in the form : a's which is short for : a ës . In any case "a"
arzigosità - n. f. (pr.\ &rziguzit'& \) Inv. at plr. - riskiness, is the vrbl. prs. prn and "(ë)s" is the refl. or imp. prn. - See
dangerousness. See also the term "risigosità ". the grammar on this subject (section of Pronouns).
arzigògol - n. m. (pr.\ &rzig'ogul \) At plr. arzigògoj. - asar - n. m. (pr.\ &z'&r \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - risk, hazard,
circumlocution, contrivance. danger. - 2) - chance. See also the terms "arzigh,
arziste - vrb 2nd con. int. and trs. (pr.\ &rz'iste \) - 1) - to combinassion, cas ".
resist, to hold out. (int.). - 2) - to endure, to bear (trs.). - asar (n'---) - adv. loc. and excl. loc. (pr.\ n &z'&r \) - look
3) - to stand, to be resistant (int.). - 4) - to impede, to what a chance! (mocking sense)
oppose (int. in piedm.) - It uses always the aux. "avèj ". asar (për ---) - adv. loc. (pr.\ p&r &z'&r \) - by chance, by any
See also the most used term "resiste ". chance.
arzistensa - n. f. (pr.\ &rzist'æ[ng]s& \) At plr. arzistense. - 1) asardà - adj. (pr.\ &z&rd'& \) - See asardos.
- resistance, endurance. - 2) - resistance, strenght asardé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &z&rd'e \) - 1) - to risk, to
(scientific) - 3) - resistor (electricity - device), resistance hazard. - 2) - to dare (same meaning of the refl. form). -
(electricity - parameter). - 4) - Resistance (an armed See also the term "asaré, arzighé ".
opposition to an official dictatory power). - See also the asardésse - vrb 1sr con. refl. (pr.\ &z&rd'ese \) - to dare.
most common term "resistensa". asardos - adj. (pr.\ &z&rd'uz \) Ms. plr. asardos - fm. sng. and
arzistent - adj. (pr.\ &rzist'ænt \) - Ms. plr. arzistent - fm. sng. plr. asardosa, asardose. - dangerous, risky. See also the
and plr. arzistenta, arzistente - 1) - resistant, resisting. - terms "asaroz, arzigos ".
2) - strong. - 3) - fast (colours). - 4) - hardy (botanic). - asaros - adj. (pr.\ &z&r'uz \) - See asardos.
See also the most common term "resistent ". asaré - vrb 1sr con. trs. (pr.\ &z&r'e \) - See asardé.
arzolù - adj. (pr.\ &rzul'[ue] \) Ms. plr. arzolù - fm. sng. and asarésse - vrb 1sr con. refl. (pr.\ &z&r'ese \) - See asardésse.
plr. arzolùa, arzolùe. - resolute, determined, firm. See asaros - adj. (pr.\ &z&r'uz \) - See asardos.
also the words "risolù, decis ". asconde - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr.\ &sc'unde \) - to hide, to
arzolussion - n. f. (pr.\ &rzul[ue]si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - conceal. Not very used. See also the terms "sconde, stërmé
resolution, decision. - 2) - solution (mathematics). - 3) - ".
cancellation (legal, referred to contracts). - See also the ascoté - 1) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &scut'e \) - to listen to, to
term "risolussion". pay attention. Italianism. See also the best piedm. term
arzolutiv - adj. (pr.\ &rzul[ue]t'iu \) Ms. plr. arzolutiv - fm.
"scoté ", and the very used loc. "dé da ment " lit. "to give
sng. and plr. arzolutiva, arzolutive. - resolutive,
from mind ".
resolutory, decisive.
ascoté - 2) - n. m. (pr.\ &scut'e \) Inv. at plr. - listening.
arzolvent - 1) - adj. (pr.\ &rzulv'ænt \) Ms. plr. arzolvent - fm.
ascrive - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr.\ &scr'ive \) - 1) - to ascribe. See
sng. and plr. arzolventa, arzolvente. - resolving,
also the term "atribuì ". - 2) - to count, to number. See also
resolvent. See also the term "risolvent ".
the term "conté". Not very used in this meaning.

asdésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr.\ &sd'ese \) - to accustom aslé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &sl'e \) - to convert into steel, to
oneself, to get accustomed. See also the terms "sdésse, steel.
faitésse, costumésse ". aslin - n. m. (pr.\ &sl'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - flint. See also the
Asej - n. m. (pr.\ &z'æy \) Name of a piedmontese town - terms "assalin, assarin "
Azeglio. Well known due to the historical marquis asma - n. f. (pr.\ '&zm& \) At plr. (if any) asme. - asthma
"Maximus of Azeglio" = "Màssim d'Asèj ". (medical).
aséo! - excl. - (pr.\ &z'eu \) - by Jove! asmàtich - adj. and n. (pr.\ &zm'&tic \) Ms. plr. asmàtich - fm.
aserament - n. m. (pr.\ &zær&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - zero- sng. and plr. asmàtica, asmàtiche. - asthmatic (medical,
setting, (zero) resetting, clearing. and also in a fig. sense).
aserb - adj. (pr.\ &z'ærb \) Ms. plr. aserb - fm. sng. and plr. asnada - n. f. (pr.\ &zn'&d& \) At plr. asnade. - asinity,
aserba, aserbe. - 1) - sour, unripe. - 2) - immature, stupid action.
green (in a fig. sense). - 3) - austere, stern. See also the asnarìa - n. f. (pr.\ &zn&r'i& \) At plr. asnarìe. - asinity,
term "brusch ". stupidity.
aseré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &zær&m'ænt \) - 1) - to set to zero asné - n. (pr.\ &zn'e \) Ms. plr. asné - fm. sng. and plr. asnéra,
(general), - 2) - to clear (logics, electronics). asnére. - donkey driver.
asfalt - n. m. (pr.\ &sf'&lt \) Inv. at plr. - asphalt. See also the aso - n. (pr.\ '&zu \) Ms. plr. aso - fm. sng. and plr. sòma,
word "bitum ". sòme. - donkey, ass. It has to be noted the particular fm.
asfaltador - n. m. (pr.\ &sf&lt&d'ur \) - Inv. at plr. - asphalter. See also the term "borich ".
asfaltadura - n. f. (pr.\ &sf&lt&d'[ue]r& \) At plr. àsola - n. f. (pr.\ '&zul& \) - See ansola.
asfaltadure. - asphalting, asphalt asotà - adj. and p. p. (pr.\ &zut'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
asfalté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &sf&lt'e \) - to asphalt. nitrogenous, azotic (chemistry).
asfàltich - adj. (pr.\ &sf'&ltic \) Ms. plr. asfàltich - fm. sng. asoté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &zut'e \) - to nitrogenize, to
and plr. asfàltica, asfaltiche - asphaltic (geology). azotize.
asfissìa - n. f. (pr.\ &sfis'i& \) At plr. asfissìe. - asphyxia, asotemìa - n. f. (pr.\ &zutem'i& \) At plr. (if any) asotemìe. -
suffocation. azotemia.
asfissiant - adj. (pr.\ &sfisi'&nt \) Ms. plr. asfissiant - fm. sng. asòto - n. m. (pr.\ &z'otô \) Chemical element, inv. at possible
and plr. asfissianta, asfissiante - 1) -asphyxiating, plr. - nitrogen, azote.
suffocating. - 2) - boring, tiresome (in a ig. sense). aspa - n. f. (pr.\ '&sp& \) At plr. - aspe. - reel, swift. See also
asfissié - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr.\ &sfisi'e \) - 1) - to the term "davanòira " (texile industry).
asphyxiate. When trs. it uses the aux. "avèj ". When int. it asparz - n. m. (pr.\ &sp'&rz \) Inv. at plr. - asparagus
uses the aux. "esse ". - 2) - to bore,to weary. (trs. - in a fig. (Asaparagus officinalis - botany). See also the most
sense). common term "sparz ".
asfìtich - adj. (pr.\ &sf'itic \) Ms. plr. asfìtich - fm. sng. and aspèrges - n. m. (pr.\ &sp'ærjæs \) - See aspersòri.
plr. asfìtica, asfìtiche. - 1) - asphyxiated (medical). - 2) - aspersion - n. f. (pr.\ &spærsi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - aspersion.
without energy (in a fig. sense). aspersòri - n. m. (pr.\ &spærs'ori \) Inv. at plr. - aspergillum,
asi - 1) - n. m. (pr.\ '&zi \) Inv. at plr. - ease, comfort. aspersorium. See also the term "aspérges".
asi - 2) - n. m. plr. (pr.\ '&zi \) Only plr. - tools, fittings. aspét - n. m. (pr.\ &sp'et \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - appearance, look.
Àsia - n. f. (pr.\ '&zi& \) Noun of continent, usually sng. In See also the terms "aparensa figura , forma, vista ". - 2) -
case of need, at plr. Àsie. - Asia. point of view. See also the term "mira". - 3) - wait,
asià - adj. (pr.\ &zi'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - wealthy, waiting.
well-to-do. - 2) - wide, roomy, comfortable. aspetativa - n. f. (pr.\ &spet&t'iv& \) At plr. aspetative. - 1) -
asiàtich - adj. and n. (pr.\ &zi'&tic \) Ms. plr. asiàtich - fm. expectation, hope. - 2) - leave. - See also the term
sng. and plr. asiàtica, asiàtiche. - 1) - Asiatic, Asian (as a "spetativa ".
sbst.). - 2) - Asiatic (as an adj.). aspeté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &spet'e \) - 1) - to wait for, to
asié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &zi'e \) - 1) - to scyte again. See await. - 2) - to expect. The term is quite an italianism. See
also the term "arsié ". - 2) - to pester, to torment, to also the best form "speté ".
fidget. aspetésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr.\ &spet'ese \) - to expect.
asienda - n. f. (pr.\ &zi'ænd& \) At plr. asiende. - firm, aspi - n. m. (pr.\ '&spi \) - 1) - asp (Vipera aspis - zoology). -
concern, business. 2) - viper. - 3) - snake, serpent. - See also the terms "serp,
asiendal - adj. (pr.\ &ziænd'&l \) Ms. plr. asiendaj - fm. sng. serpent ".
and plr. asiendal, asiendaj. - business, firm (used as aspirant - adj. and n. (pr.\ &spir'&nt \) Ms. plr. aspirant - fm.
attributes). sng. and plr. aspiranta, aspirante. - 1) - aspiring sucking
asij - n. m. (pr.\ &z'iy \) Inv. at plr. - goad, harassing, worry, (adj.). - 2) - suction, intake (used as attributes) (adj.). - 3) -
thought. aspirant, applicant, candidate. (sbst.).
asil - n. m. (pr.\ &z'il \) At plr. asij. - vinegar. aspirapoer - n. m. (pr.\ &spir&p'uær \) Inv. at plr. - vacuum
asilé - n. (pr.\ &zil'e \) Ms. plr. asilé - fm. sng. and plr. asilera, cleaner.
asilere - 1) - dealer in vinegar. - 2) - vinegar-maker. aspirassion - n. f. (pr.\ &spir&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
asilo - n. m. (pr.\ &z'ilô \) Inv. at plr. - kindergarten, nursery aspiration. - 2) - suction. - 3) - inhalation.
school. aspirator - n. m. (pr.\ &spir&t'ur \) Inv. at plr. - aspirator,
asilos - adj. (pr.\ &zil'uz \) Ms. plr. asilos - fm. sng. and plr. exhauster.
asilosa, asilose. - sour, vinegary. See also the term "asios aspiré - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr.\ &spir'e \) - 1) - to inhale,
". to inspire, to breathe in. (trs.). - 2) - to suck up (trs.) - 3)
àsim - adj. (pr.\ '&zim \) Ms. plr. àsim - fm. sng. and plr. - to aspirate. - 4) - to aspire (to) (int.) - Il uses always the
àsima, àsime. - unleavened, azymus. Usually only aux. "avèj ".
referred to bread. aspirin-a - n. f. (pr.\ &spir'i[ng]& \) At plr. aspirin-e. -
asinél - n. m. (pr.\ &zin'el \) At plr. asinéj. - 1) - acinus, aspirin.
(anatomy, botany). - 2) - grape, berry. aspo - n. m. (pr.\ '&spu \) - See aspi.
asios - adj. (pr.\ &zi'uz \) - See asilos. asportàbil - adj. (pr.\ &spurt'&bil \) Ms. plr. asportàbij - fm.
sng. and plr. asportàbil, asportàbij. - removable.

asportassion - n. f. (pr.\ &spurt&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - assassin, killer. (sbst.). - 2) - crippler, butcher (in a fig.
removal. sense) (sbst.). - 3) - murderous, killing (adj.). - See also
asporté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &spurt'e \) - 1) - to remove. See the terms "sassin, amassida ".
also the term "gavé ". - 2) - to carry away. See also the assassinament - n. m. (pr.\ &s&sin&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. -
vrbl. loc. "porté via ", whose lit. meaning is just "to carry murder, assassination. See also the term “sassinament”.
away ". assassinat - n. m. (pr.\ &s&sin'&t \) Inv. at plr. - ferocious
aspr - adj. (pr.\ &spr \) Ms. plr. aspr - fm. sng. and plr. rspy. murder.
aspra, aspre - 1) - sour, tart. - 2) - harsh, rasping. - 3) - assassiné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &s&sin'e \) - 1) - to murder,
rough. - 4) - steep. - 5) - severe, raw, harsh. - See also the to assassinate. - 2) - to cripple, to butcher (in a fig.
terms "àgher, brusch, rudi, grotolù ". sense). - See also the term"sassiné ".
asprament - adv. (pr.\ &spr&m'ænt \) - harshly, severely. assàut - n. m. (pr.\ &s'&ut \) Inv. at plr. - assault, attack. Note
Italianism. Often the adj. are used with value of adv. that the military loc. "storm troups " is translated into
"agher, rudi ", or locution such as "ëd brut " (lit. "of bad ", "trupe d'assàut ".
"of ugly"). assautador - n. m. (pr.\ &s&ut&d'ur \) Inv. at plr. - aggressor,
aspregiant - adj. (pr.\ &sprej'&nt \) Ms. plr. aspregiant - fm. assaulter.
sng. and plr. aspregianta, aspregiante. - setting on edge. assauté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &s&ut'e \) - to assault, to
aspregé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &sprej'e \) - 1) - to set on edge. attack, to storm.
- 2) - to treat harshly (in a fig. sense). assè - adv. (pr.\ &s'æ \) - 1) - enough. See also the terms "basta
aspréss - adv. (pr.\ &spr'es \) - on purpose, expressely. See bastansa ". - 2) - very. See also the term "motobin".
also the term "espréss 2)". assedi - n. m. (pr.\ &s'edi \) Inv. at plr. - siege.
asprëssa - n. f. (pr.\ &spr'&ss& \) At plr. - asprësse. - 1) - assedié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &sedi'e \) - 1) - to besiege. - 2) -
sourness, tartness. - 2) - roughness. - 3) - harshness. to pester (in a fig. sense).
asprign - adj. (pr.\ &spr'i[gn] \) Ms. plr. asprign - fm. sng. and assegn - n. m. (pr.\ &s'æ[gn] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - allowance. - 2)
plr. asprigna, asprigne. - sourish. - cheque, check.
ass - n. m. (pr.\ &s \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - board. (usually of wood) The expression "assegn dë studi " means "maintenance
- 2) - axis (geometry - geography). - 3) - axle (mechanics). grant, subsidy " (for studying).
- 4) - ace (card games). The expression "assegn vitalissi " means "straight life
assada - n. f. (pr.\ &s'&d& \) At plr. assade. - 1) - wood annuity ".
partition. - 2) - plank floor. See also the term "assadura". The expression "assegn alimentar " means "alimony ".
assadura - n. f. (pr.\ &s&d'[ue]r& \) - See assada. The expression "assegn ëd famija " means "family allowance
assagé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &s&j'e \) - 1) - to taste. See also ".
the more used terms "sagé, tasté ". - 2) - to assay (metals, assegnàbil - adj. (pr.\ &se[gn]'&bil \) Ms. plr. assegnàbij - fm.
etc.). See also the most used term "sagé ". sng. and plr. assegnàbil, assegnàbij. - allottable,
assagg - n. m. (pr.\ &s'&j \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - tasting. See also assignable.
the term "atast ". 2) - assay (metals, etc.). assegnament - n. m. (pr.\ &se[gn]&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
assagiador - n. (pr.\ &s&j&d'ur \) Ms. plr. assagiador - fm. assigning, assignment, allotment. - 2) - the action of
sng. and plr. assagiadòira, assagiadòire. - 1) - taster. relying on... E. g. the expression "fé assegnament su... "
(drinks an food). Also possible the term (see) "tastador ". - means "to rely on..., to count on..."
2) - assayer (metals, etc.). - See also the term "sagiador ". assegnassion - n. f. (pr.\ &se[gn]&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
assagiadura - n. f. (pr.\ &s&j&d'[ue]r& \) At plr. assagiadure. assignation, allotment, assignment. - 2) - award, grant.
- 1) - tasting (related to drinks and food). See also the assegnatari - n. (pr.\ &se[gn]&t'&ri \) Ms. plr. assegnatari -
terms "sagiadura, tastadura ". - 2) - assaying (related to fm. sng. and plr. assegnatària, assegnatàrie. - assignee,
metals, and chemistry in general). allottee.
assal - n. m. (pr.\ &s'&l \) At plr. assaj. - axle (mechanics). assegné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &se[gn]'e \) - to assign, to allot,
assalì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr.\ &s&l'i \) - 1) - to attack, to assail, to award, to grant.
to storm. - 2) - to assail, to strike (in a fig. sense). - See assél - n. m. (pr.\ &s'el \) At plr. asséj. - steel.
also the term "assauté ". assende - vrb 2nd con. int. and trs. (pr.\ &s'ænde \) - 1) - to
assalidor - n. m. (pr.\ &s&lid'ur \) Inv. at plr. - assailant, ascend. (int). It uses the aux. "esse ". - 2) - to amount
attacker. (int.). It uses the aux. "esse ". Not very used in this
assalin - n. m. (pr.\ &s&l'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - flint. See also the meaning. - 3) - to ascend, to climb (trs.). It uses the aux.
terms "aslin, assarin ". "avèj ".
assamblagi - n. m. (pr.\ &s&mbl'&ji \) Inv. at plr. - assembly, assendent - 1) - adj. (pr.\ &sænd'ænt \) Ms. plr. assendent -
assemblage, assembling. See also the terms "samblagi, fm. sng. and plr. assendenta, assendente. - ascending,
assemblagi, assamblura, samblura ". rising.
assamblament - n. m. (pr.\ &s&mbl&m'ænt \) - crowd, assendent - 2) - n. m. (pr.\ &sænd'ænt \) - 1) - ancestor. - 2) -
gathering, assembling, meeting, muster. See also the ascendant. - 3) - ascendancy, ascendency.
term "assembrament ". assendensa - n. f. (pr.\ &sænd'æ[ng]s& \) At plr. assendense. -
assamblé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &s&mbl'e \) - to assemble. ancestors.
assambléa - n. f. (pr.\ &s&mbl'e& \) At plr. assamblée. - assendental - adj. (pr.\ &sændænt'&l \) Ms. plr. assendentaj -
assembly, meeting. See also the term "ciambréa". fm. sng. and plr. assendental, assendentaj. - 1) -
assambleur - n. (pr.\ &s&mbl'[oe]r \) Ms. plr. assambleur - ancestral. - 2) - ascending, upward.
fm. sng. and plr. assambleusa, assambleuse. - assens - n. m. (pr.\ &s'æ[ng]s \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - wormwood,
assemblagist. See also the term "sambleur ". absint (botany). See also "absent, uissens ". - 2) - assent,
assamblura - n. f. (pr.\ &s&mbl'[ue]r& \) - See assamblagi. approval.
assamenta - n. m. (pr.\ &s&m'ænt& \) At plr. assamente. - set assensa - n. f. (pr.\ &s'æ[ng]s& \) At plr. assense. - 1) -
of woodden boards. absence, nonattendance. - 2) - lack, want.
assarin - n. m. (pr.\ &s&r'i[ng] \) - See assalin. assenseur - n. m. (pr.\ &sæ[ng]s'[oe]r \) Inv. at plr. - lift,
assassin - n. and adj. (pr.\ &s&s'i[ng] \) Ms. plr. assassin - fm. elevator. See also the term "assensor ".
sng. and plr. assassin-a, assassin-e. - 1) - murderer,

assension - n. f. (pr.\ &sæ[ng]si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - assëtté -vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr.\ &s&tt'e \) - to sit (sb. or
ascension, ascent. - 2) - Ascension (religion). st.) (trs). - 2) - to have a seat (int.). - It uses the aux. "avèj
assensional - adj (pr.\ &sæ[ng]siun'&l \) Ms. plr. assensionaj " when trs. and the aux. "esse " when int. - See also the
- fm. sng. and plr. assensional, assensionaj. - ascensional. most commonly used terms "seté, sté, asté ".
assensor - n. m. (pr.\ &sæ[ng]s'ur \) - See assenseur. assëttésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr.\ &s&tt'ese \) - to sit, to sit
assent - adj. (pr.\ &s'ænt \) Ms. plr. assent - fm. sng. and plr. down, to seat oneself, to be seated, to take a seat. See
rspy. assenta, assente - 1) - absent, away. (adj.). - 2) - also the most used terms "setésse, stésse, astésse ".
absentee (sbst.). assià - adj. and n. and p. p. (pr.\ &si'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
assenteism - n. m. (pr.\ &sænte'izm \) Inv. at plr. (if any). - 1) - thirsty (adj). - 2) - thirsting (adj. and p. p.) - 3) -
absenteism. thirsty person (sbst.). - 4) - pestered, tormented (p. p. of
assenteista - n. (pr.\ &sænte'ist& \) Ms. plr. assenteista - fm. the vrb "assié " in one of its meanings).
sng. and plr. assenteista, assenteiste. - habitual absentee. assicurà - 1) - adj. and. n. and p. p. (pr.\ &sic[ue]r'& \) Inv. in
assentésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr.\ &sænt'ese \) - to absent gnd. and nr. - 1) - insured. (adj. and p. p.) - 2) - insured,
oneself. assured, policy-holder (sbst.).
assensient - adj. (pr.\ &sæ[ng]si'ænt \) Ms. plr. assensient - assicurà - 2) - n. f. (pr.\ &sic[ue]r'& \) Inv. at plr. - insured
fm. sng. and plr. assensienta, assensiente. - consentient. letter.
Very few used word, see also "consensient ". assicurassion - n. f. (pr.\ &sic[ue]r&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
assensionìsta - n. (pr.\ &sæ[ng]siun'ist& \) Ms. plr. assurance. - 2) - insurance. See also the term "sicurassion
assensionista - fm. sng. and plr. assensionista, ".
assensioniste. - climber. assicurativ - adj. (pr.\ &sic[ue]r&t'iu \) Ms. plr. assicurativ -
assentì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr.\ &sænt'i \) - to consent, to fm. sng. and plr. assicurativa, assicurative. - insurance
acquiesce. It uses the aux. "avèj ". Quite few used word, (as an attribute).
see also the terms "aprové, concordé " and the very used assicurator - n. and adj. (pr.\ &sic[ue]r&t'ur \) Ms. plr.
vrbl. loc. "dì che 'd sì " (lit. "to say that of yes " "to say assicurator - fm. sng. and plr. assicuratriss,
yes ") and "esse d'acòrdi " = "to agree ". assicuratriss. - 1) - insurer, assurer (sbst.). - 2) - insuring
asserì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr.\ &ser'i \) - to assert, to affirm. (adj.), insurance (as an attribute).
Italianism, see also the terms "afermé, fortì ". assicuré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &sic[ue]r'e \) - 1) to assure. - 2)
assersion - n. f. (pr.\ &særsi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - assertion, - to ensure, to guarantee. - 3) - to insure, to assure. - 4) -
affirmation. See also the term "afermassion ". to secure, to fasten. - 5) - to deliver (e. g. "to deliver a
assert - n. m. (pr.\ &s'ært \) Inv. at plr. - assertion. See also the criminal to justice" "assicuré 'n criminal a la giustìssia
term "afermassion ". ").
assertiv - adj. - (pr.\ &sært'iu \) Ms. plr. assertiv - fm. sng. and assicurésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr.\ &sic[ue]r'ese \) - 1) - to
plr. assertiva, assertive. - assertive. make sure, to assure oneself. - 2) - to secure (referred to
assertor - n. - (pr.\ &sært'ur \) Ms. plr. assertor - fm. sng. and oneself). - 3) - to take out an insurance, to insure
plr. assertiòira, assertòire. - assertor. oneself.
asséss - n. m. (pr.\ &s'es \) Inv. at plr. - abscess. See also the assident - n. m. (pr.\ &sid'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - event,
term "absess ". accident, mishap. See also the term "dësgràssia ". - 2) -
assessor - n. m. and f. (pr.\ &ses'ur \) Inv. at plr. - councillor, stroke (medical). See also the term "colp". - 3) - alteration
member of an administrative council. of a note (music). - 4) - lively person, unforeseeable
assessorà - n. m. (pr.\ &sesur'& \) Inv. at plr. - councillorship, person.
councillor's office. assident (n'---) - excl. - (pr.\ n &sid'ænt \) - damn!.
assest - n. m. (pr.\ &s'est \) Inv. at plr. - order, orderliness. assidentà - adj. (pr.\ &sidænt'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) -
assestament - n. m. (pr.\ &sest&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - uneven, bumpy. - 2) - paralysed, injured, wounded.
arrangement, settlement. - 2) - balance (commercial). - assidental - adj. (pr.\ &sidænt'&l \) Ms. plr. assidentaj - fm.
3) - bedding (mechanics). - 4) - settling (buildings). sng. and plr. assidental, assidentaj. - 1) - accidental,
assesté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &sest'e \) - 1) - to arrange, to casual, fortuitous. - 2) - incidental.
put in order. - 2) - to balance. - 3) - to deal (e. g. "assesté assidentalità - n. f. (pr.\ &sidænt&lit'& \) Inv. at plr. -
'n tuso " "to deal a blow". This latter use is quite an fortuity, fortuitousness.
italianism, see also the best piedm. term "pianté " used in a assidentalment - adv. (pr.\ &sidænt&lm'ænt \) - accidentally,
fig. sense. casually. Italianism, see instead the more used locutions
2) - to balance "për cas " "by chance " ; "për maleur " = lit. "by bad luck
assestésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr.\ &sest'ese \) - 1) - to settle in. ", etc.
- 2) - to settle (buildings). - 3) - to bed (mechanics). assié - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr.\ &si'e \) - 1) - to molest, to
assét - n. m. (pr.\ &s'et \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - order, annoy, to pester, to worry (trs.). - 2) - to get excited, to
arrangement. - 2) - trim. fidget, to have a rage (int.). - For there two mwanings see
asseta - n. m. (pr.\ &s'et& \) Inv. at plr. - ascetic. See also the also the term "assijé ". - 3) - to make thirsty (trs.).
term "assetich ". assijé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr.\ &siy'e \) - See assié.
assética - n. f. (pr.\ &s'etic& \) - At plr. (if any) assétiche. - assieta - n. f. (pr.\ &si'et& \) At plr. assiete. - 1) - large round
asceticism. dish. See also the term "sieta ". - 2) - the (correct) way of
assétich - n. and adj. (pr.\ &s'etic \) Ms. plr. assétich - fm. sng. staying in saddle.
and plr. assética, assétiche. - ascetic. assimilàbil - adj. (pr.\ &simil'&bil \) Ms. plr. assimilàbij - fm.
assetism - n. m. (pr.\ &set'izm \) - See assética. sng. and plr. assimilàbil, assimilàbij. - assimilable.
asseurbe - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr.\ &s'[oe]rbe \) - 1) - to absorb. assimilabilità - n. f. (pr.\ &simil&bilit'& \) Inv. at plr. -
- 2) - to assimilate. - 3) - to demand, to engross (in a fig. assimilability.
sense). - 4) - to soak. - See also the terms "assurbì, assimilassion - n. f. (pr.\ &simil&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
assòrbe, assorbì ". assimilation.
assëlla - n. f. (pr.\ &s'&ll& \) At plr. assëlle. - armpit, axilla. assimilativ - adj. (pr.\ &simil&t'iu \) Ms. plr. assimilativ - fm.
See also the term "sìsia ". sng. and plr. assimilativa, assimilative. - assimilative.
assëllar - adj. (pr.\ &s&ll'&r \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - axillary. See also the term "assimilator ".

assimilator - adj. (pr.\ &simil&t'ur \) - See assimilativ. assocésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr.\ &su[ch]'ese \) - 1) - to join, to
assimilé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &simil'e \) - to assimilate, to become a member. - 2) - to associate. - 3) - to enter into
absorb. partnership. - 4) - to incorporate. These terms refer to
assiomàtich - adj. (pr.\ &sium'&tic \) Ms. plr. assiomàtich - oneself. Also in the spelling "associésse ". See also the
fm. sng. and plr. assiomàtica, assiomàtiche. - term "socésse".
axiomatic. associà - n. and adj. (pr.\ &su[ch]i'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1)
assion - n. f. (pr.\ &si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - deed, action. - - partner (sbst.). - 2) - subscriber (sbst.). - 3) - in
2) - action, fight, engagement (military). - 3) - share partnership (adj.) - 4) - incorporate (adj.). - See also the
(economy). - 4) - action, effect (chemistry, physics) - 5) - term "socià ".
lawsuit, action (legal). associàbil - adj. (pr.\ &su[ch]i'& \) Ms. plr. associàbij - fm.
assionàbil - adj. (pr.\ &siun'&bil \) Ms. plr. assionàbij - fm. sng. and plr. associàbil, associàbij. - associable. See also
sng. and plr. assionàbil, assionàbij. - operable. the term "sociàbil ".
assionament - n. m. (pr.\ &siun&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - associabilità - n. f. (pr.\ &su[ch]i&bilit'& \) Inv. at plr. -
operation, operating device. associability. See also the term "sociabilità ".
assionari - adj. (pr.\ &siun'&ri \) Ms. plr. assionari - fm. sng. associassion - n. f. (pr.\ &su[ch]i&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
and plr. assionària, assionàrie. - share, stock (used as association. - 2) - society, company. - 3) - syndacate. - 4)
attributes). - institution. - See also the term "sociassion".
assionarià - n. m. (pr.\ &siun&ri'& \) Inv. ar plr. - associativ - adj. (pr.\ &su[ch]i&t'iu \) Ms. plr. associativ - fm.
shareholding, shareholders. sng. and plr. associativa, associative. - associative.
assionator - n. m. (pr.\ &siun&t'ur \) Inv. at plr. - actuator. associé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &su[ch]i'e \) - See assocé.
assioné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &siun'e \) - to operate, to drive, associésse - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &su[ch]i'ese \) - See
to run, to work. assocésse.
assionista - n. (pr.\ &siun'ist& \) Ms. plr. assionista - fm. sng. assodament - n. m. (pr.\ &sud&m'ænt \) - Inv. at plr. -
and plr. assionista, assioniste. - shareholder. reinforcement, consolidation, hardening.
assiòm - n. m. (pr.\ &si'om \) - See assiòma. assodé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &sud'e \) - 1) - to strngthen, to
assiòma - n. m. (pr.\ &si'om& \) Inv. at plr. - axiom. See also harden. - 2) - to consolidate. - 3) - to ascertain, to check
the term "assiòm ". (in a fig. sense).
assir - n. and adj. (pr.\ &s'ir \) Ms. plr. assir - fm. sng. and plr. assodésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr.\ &sud'ese \) - 1) - to harden. -
assira, assire. - Assyrian. 2) - to be strengthened.
assir-babilonèis - n. and adj. (pr.\ &sirb&bilun'æiz \) Ms. plr. assogetàbil - adj. (pr.\ &sujet'&bil \) Ms. plr. assogetàbij -
assir-babilonèis - fm. sng. and plr. assir-babilonèisa, fm. sng. and plr. assogetàbil, assogetàbij. - subduable.
assir-babilonèise. - Assyro-Babylonian. See also the term "sogetàbil ".
Assìria - n. f. (pr.\ &s'iri& \) Usually sng., in case of need at assogetament - n. m. (pr.\ &sujet&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. -
plr. Assirie. - Assyria. subdual, subjection, submission. See also the term
assiriologìa - n. f. (pr.\ &siriuluj'i& \) Usually sng., in case of "sogetament ".
need at plr. assiriologìe. - Assyriology. assogeté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &sujet'e \) - to subdue, to
assiriòlogh -n. (pr.\ &siri'olug \) Ms. plr. assiriòlogh - fm. subject. See also the term "sogeté, assogetì ".
sng. and plr. assiriòloga, assiriòloghe. - Assyriologist. assogetésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr.\ &sujet'ese \) - to submit.
assisa - n. f. (pr.\ &s'iz& \) At plr. assise. - a kind of clothing, (referred to oneself). See also the terms "sogetésse
uniform, livery. assogetì, assogetìsse ".
assìsia - n. f. (pr.\ &s'izi& \) At plr. assisie. - 1) - part of a assogetì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr.\ &sujet'i \) - See assogeté.
cloth under the armpit. - 2) - armpit, axilla. See also the assogetìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr.\ &sujet'ise \) - See
term "assëlla" for this meaning. - See also the term "sisia". assogetésse.
assìsie - n. f. plr. (pr.\ &s'izie \) Only plr. - assizes, Court of assol - n. m. (pr.\ &s'ul \) Only sng. - solo (music).
Assizes, judicial assemblies. assoldé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &suld'e \) - 1) - to recruit, to
assiste - vrb 2nd con. int. and trs. (pr.\ &s'iste \) - 1) - to be enlist. - 2) - to hire. - See also the terms "angagé, anrolé ".
present. (int.). - 2) - to attend (int.). - 3) - to invigilate assolussion - n. f. (pr.\ &sul[ue]si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
(int.). - 4) - to assist, to help (trs.). - 5) - to treat (medical) acquittal, discharge. (legal). - 2) - absolution (religion).
(trs.). assolut - 1) - adj. (pr.\ &sul'[ue]t \) Ms. plr. assolut - fm. sng.
assistensa - n. f. (pr.\ &sist'æ[ng]s& \) At plr. assistense. - 1) - and plr. assoluta, assolute. - absolute.
presence, attendance. - 2) - help, assistance. - 3) - assolut - 2) - n. m. (pr.\ &sul'[ue]t \) Sng. by nature, in case of
treatment (medical). - 4) - service. - 5) - invigilation. need, inv. at plr. - absolute. (phylosophy).
assistensial - adj. (pr.\ &sistæ[ng]si'&l \) Ms. plr. assistensiaj - assolutament - adv. (pr.\ &sul[ue]t&m'ænt \) - absolutely.
fm. sng. and plr. assistensial, assistensiaj. - charitable. Italianism. See the adv. loc. "a tuti ij cost, sensa dubi "
assistent - n. and adj. (pr.\ &sist'ænt \) Ms. plr. assistent - fm. (supposing "yes ") rspy. lit. "at all the costs, without
sng. and plr. assistenta, assistente. - 1) - assistant. (sbst.). doubts "; "nen d'autut, an gnun-e manere " rspy. = lit. "not
- 2) - invigilator (sbst.). - 3) - assisting, attending (adj.). It at all , in no ways " (supposing "not "), etc.
has to be noted that the piedm. loc. "assistent ëd vòl " has assolutëssa - n. f. (pr.\ &sul[ue]t'&ss& \) At plr. assolutësse. -
value of "steward " or "hostess" on planes, and the toc. absoluteness.
"assistent social " has value of "social worker ". assolutism - n. m. (pr.\ &sul[ue]t'izm \) Inv. at plr. -
assistì - adj. and n. and p. p. (pr.\ &sist'i \) - 1) - assisted, absolutism.
helped (adj. and p. p.). - 2) - beneficiary (sbst.). It has to be assolutista - n. and adj. (pr.\ &sul[ue]t'ist& \) Ms. plr.
noted that the regular p. p. of the verb "assiste" should be assolutìsta - fm. sng. and plr. assolutìsta, assolutìste. -
"assistù ", but also the term "assistì " is used as a p. p. of absolutist.
this verb (See grammar - "Verb fosonant"). assolutìstich - adj (pr.\ &sul[ue]t'istic \) Ms. plr. assolutìstich -
assocé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &su[ch]'e \) - 1) - to associate, to fm. sng. and plr. assolutìstica, assolutìstiche. -
join, to combine. - 2) - to elect to membership, to absolutistic, absolutist (as an attribute).
incorporate. Also in the spelling "associé ". See also the assolutor - n. m. (pr.\ &sul[ue]t'ur \) Inv. at plr. - absolver,
term "socé ". acquitter.

assolutòri - adj. (pr.\ &sul[ue]t'ori \) Ms. plr. assolutòri - fm. assotiliésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &sutili'ese \) - 1) - to grow
sng. and plr. assolutòria, assolutòrie. - acquitting, thin. - 2) - to be reduced. - 3) - to lighten. - See also the
absolving. terms "assutiliésse, sutiliésse ".
assolutòria - n. f. (pr.\ &sul[ue]t'ori& \) At plr. assolutòrie. - assòlve - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr.\ &s'olve \) - 1) - to absolve. - 2) -
acquitting sentence. See also the term "solutòria ". to acquit. - 3) - to perform (e. g. a job, a duty. etc.)
assolviment - n. m. (pr.\ &sulvim'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - assòrbe - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr.\ &s'orbe \) - See asseurbe.
performance (e. g. of a duty). assòrt - adj. (pr.\ &s'ort \) Ms. plr. assòrt - fm. sng. and plr.
assomé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &sum'e \) - 1) - to load to put assòrta, assòrte. - engrossed, absorbed. See also the
the burden. - 2) - to oppress. - In these two meanings see terms "surbì, pijià, ciapà, anciarmà, atent ".
also the term "ansomé ". - 3) - to add, to amount. In this assuefàit - adj. (pr.\ &s[ue]ef'&it \) Ms. plr. assuefàit - fm.
meaning see also the terms "somé, adissioné". sng. and plr. assuefàita, assuefàite. - accustomed,
assonansa - n. f. (pr.\ &sun'&[ng]s& \) At plr. assonanse. - habituated, inured. See the better terms "acostumà,
assonance. costumà, abituà, suefàit, faità ".
assonant - adj. (pr.\ &sun'&nt \) Ms. plr. assonant - fm. sng. assefassion - n. f. (pr.\ &s[ue]ef&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
and plr. assonanta, assonante. - assonant. habit, inurement, habituation. - 2) - tolerance (medical).
assonometrìa - n. f. (pr.\ &sunumetr'i& \) At plr. See also the terms "suefassion, costuma, adatament,
assonometrìe. - axonometry. abitùdin ".
assonométrich - adj. (pr.\ &sunum'etric \) Ms. plr. assuefé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &s[ue]ef'e \) - to accustom, to
assonométrich - fm. sng. and plr. assonométrica, inure, to make used, to habituate. See also the terms
assonométriche. - axonometric. "suefé, faité, abitué, costumé ".
assonsion - 1) - n. f. (pr.\ &su[ng]si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - assuefésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr.\ &s[ue]ef'ese \) - to get used,
assumption, undertaking. - 2) - engagement, to develop a tolerance. See also the terms "suefésse,
appointment, hiring. - 3) - ascent, raising. - See also the faitésse, abituésse, costumésse ".
most correct term "assunsion ". assul - n. m. (pr.\ &s'[ue]l \) At plr. assuj. - axe, hatchet. See
Assonsion - 2) - n. f. (pr.\ &su[ng]si'u[ng] \) In case of need also the terms "piòla, piolet, àpia, manarin". An idiomatic
inv. at plr. - Assumption. (religion). See also the best term way of saying is "tajà con l'assul " or "tajà con ël piolet " =
"Assunsion ". lit. "cut with the axe " whose meaning is "rude, coarse,
assont - n. m. (pr.\ &s'unt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - argument, thesis. rough ".
- 2) - task. - See also the best piedm. term "assunt ". assulà - n. f. (pr.\ &s[ue]l'& \) Inv. at plr. - axe stroke.
Assonta - n. f. (pr.\ &s'unt& \) Only sng. - Our Lady of the assume - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr.\ &s'[ue]me \) - 1) - to assume, to
Assumption. put on. - 2) - to undertake, to take upon oneself. - 3) - to
assopì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr.\ &sup'i \) - See ansopì. engage, to appoint, to hire. - 4) - to raise (used in passive
assopiment - n. m. (pr.\ &supim'ænt \) - See ansopiment. form). In this meaning the term is very few used.
assopìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr.\ &sup'ise \) - See ansopìsse. assumse - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr.\ &s'[ue]mse \) - to take upon
assorbent - 1) - adj. (pr.\ &surb'ænt \) Ms. plr. assorbent - fm. oneself.
sng. and plr. assorbenta, assorbente. - absorbent. See assunsion - 1) - n. f. (pr.\ &s[ue][ng]si'u[ng] \) - See
also the term "assurbent ". assonssion.
assorbent - 2) - n. m. (pr.\ &surb'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - Assunsion - 2) - n. f. (pr.\ &s[ue][ng]si'u[ng] \) - See
absorbent, sanitary towel. See also the term "assurbent ". Assonssion.
assorbì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr.\ &surb'i \) - See asseurbe. assunt - n. m. (pr.\ &s'[ue]nt \) - See assont.
assorbìbil - adj. (pr.\ &surb'ibil \) Ms. plr. assorbìbij - fm. sng. assuntor - n. and adj. (pr.\ &s[ue]nt'ur \) Ms. plr. assuntor -
and plr. assorbìbil, assorbìbij. - absorbable. fm. sng. and plr. rspy. assuntriss, assuntriss. - 1) -
assorbiment - n. m. (pr.\ &surbim'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - contractor. (sbst.). - 2) - contracting (adj.).
absorption. - 2) - assimilation. - 3) - take over. - See also assupì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr.\ &s[ue]p'i \) -See ansupì.
the term "assurbiment ". assuransa (social) - n. f. (pr.\ &s[ue]r'&[ng]s& (su[ch]i'&l) \)
assorbitor - n. m. (pr.\ &surbit'ur \) Inv. at plr. - absorber. At plr. assuranse (sociaj) - social insurance.
(physics - electronics). See also the term "assurbitor ". assurbent - n. and adj. - (pr.\ &s[ue]rb'ænt \) - See assorbent.
assordé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &surd'e \) - to deafen. See also assurbì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr.\ &s[ue]rb'i \) - See asseurbe.
the terms "ansordé, ansordì, anciorgnì ". assurbiment - n. m. (pr.\ &s[ue]rbim'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - See
assordésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &surd'ese \) - to be assorbiment.
deadened, to be assuaged (related to sound). See also the assurbitor - n. m. (pr.\ &s[ue]rbit'ur \) Inv. at plr. - See
term "ansordésse ". assorbitor.
assordì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ &surd'i \) - to become deaf. It assurd - 1) - adj. (pr.\ &s'[ue]rd \) Ms. plr. assurd - fm. sng.
uses the aux. "esse ". See also the term "ansordì, assordìsse and plr. assurda, assurde. - absurd.
". assurd - 2) - n. f. (pr.\ &s[ue]rd \) - See assurdità.
assordiment - n. m. (pr. \ &surdim'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - assurdità - n. f. (pr.\ &s'[ue]rdit'& \) Inv. at plr. - absurdity.
deafening. See also "ansordiment anciorgniment ". assurtì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr.\ &s[ue]rt'i \) - See assortì.
assordìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &surd'ise \) - to become assurtiment - n. m. (pr.\ &s[ue]rtim'ænt \) - See assortiment.
deaf. See also "assordì, ansordìsse, anciorgnìsse ". assutilié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ &s[ue]tili'e \) - See assotilié.
assortì - 1) - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &surt'i \) - 1) - to sort out. - assutiliésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr.\ &s[ue]tili'ese \) - See
2) - to stock. - 3) - to match. - See also the term "assurtì ". assotiliésse.
assortì - 2) - adj. (pr. \ &surt'i \) - 1) - assorted. - 2) - Ast - n. m. (pr.\ &st \) The city of Asti. (Inv. at a possible
matched. See also the term "assurtì ". plr.). Note that the sbst. is msc.
assortiment - n. m. (pr. \ &surtim'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - asta - n. f. (pr.\ '&st& \) At plr. aste. - 1) - pole (sport). - 2) -
assortment, selection choice. - 2) - set, lot. See also the pothook (first exercise for writing made by little pupils). -
terms "assurtiment, surtiment ". 3) - stroke. - 4) - boom (marine). - 5) - rod (mecanics). -
assotilié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &sutili'e \) - 1) - to thin, to 6) - lance (old weapon). - 7) - auction.
make thin. - 2) - to sharpen. - 3) - to reduce (in a fig.
sense). - See also the terms "assutilié, sutilié ".

astat - n. m. (pr.\ &st'&t \) Chemical element (in case of need, astor - n. m. (pr. \ &st'ur \ ) - Inv. at plr. - 1) - goshawk
it is inv. at plr.) - astatine. Sometimes also in the spellig (Accipiter gentilis - zoology) - 2) - greedy and artful
"astato ". person (in a fig. sense).
astato - n. m. (pr.\ &st'&tô \) - See astat. astr - n. m. (pr. \ &str \ ) Inv. at plr. - star, planet, heavenly
asté - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr.\ &st'e \) - 1) - to sit (sb. or body.
st.). (trs.). - 2) - to sit, to have a seat (int.). When trs. it astracan - n. m. (pr. \ &str&c'&[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
uses the aux. "avèj ", when int. it uses the aux. "esse". - See astrakhan.
also the terms "seté, sté, anseté, seté ". astrae - vrb 2nd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &str'&e \ ) - 1) - to
astegé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ &stej'e \) - to learn writing, to abstract (trs.). - 2) - to disregard, to leave aside, to
draw pothooks. It uses the aux. "avèj ". prescind (int.).
astemi - n. and adj. (pr. \ &st'emi \) Ms. plr. astemi - fm. sng. astral - adj. (pr. \ &str'&l \ ) Ms. plr. astraj - fm. sng. and plr.
and plr. rspy. astémia, astémie. - 1) - teetotal (adj.). - 2) - astral, astraj. - astral.
teetotaller (sbst.) - See also the term "abstemi ". astrassion - n. f. (pr. \ &str&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
astenìa - n. f. (pr. \ &sten'i& \) At plr. astenìe. - asthenia abstraction.
(medical). astrat - 1) - adj. (pr. \ &str'&t \ ) Ms. plr. astrat - fm. sng. and
asténich - adj. (pr. \ &st'enic \) Ms. plr. asténich - fm. sng. and plr. astrata, astrate. - abstract, abstracted.
plr. asténica, asténiche. - asthenic. astrat - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ &str'&t \ ) Inv. at plr. - abstract.
astense - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ &st'æ[ng]se \) - to abstain, to astratism - n. m. (pr. \ &str&t'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). -
refrain. See also the term "astnìsse ". abstractionism.
astension - n. f. (pr. \ &stæ[ng]si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - astratista - n. and adj. (pr. \ &str&t'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. astratista -
abstention. fm. sng. and plr. astratista, astratiste. - 1) -
astensionism - n. m. (pr. \ &stæ[ng]siun'izm \) Inv. at plr. - abstractionist. (sbst.). - 2) - abstract (adj.).
abstention. astrativ - adj. (pr. \ &str&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. astrativ - fm. sng.
astensionista - n. (pr. \ &stæ[ng]siun'ist& \) Ms. plr. and plr. astrativa, astrative. - abstractive.
astensionista - fm. sng. and plr. astensionista, astrenze - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ &str'æ[ng]ze \ ) - to astrict, to
astensioniste. - abstentionist. astringe. See also the term "strenze ".
astenù - n. (pr. \ &sten'[ue] \) Ms. plr. astenù - fm. sng. and astringensa - n. f. (pr. \ &strinj'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr.
plr. astenùa, astenùe. - abstainer. astringense. - astringency.
asterge - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ &st'ærje \) - to absterge, to astringent - 1) - adj. (pr. \ &strinj'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. astringent -
cleanse. fm. sng. and plr. astringenta, astringente. - astringent,
astergent - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &stærj'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - astrictive.
abstergent. See also the term "astersiv ". astringent - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ &strinj'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
astergent - 2) - adj. (pr. \ &stærj'ænt \) Ms. plr. astergent - fm. astringent, astrictive.
sng. and plr. astergenta, astergente. - absterging. See also astro... - prefix (pr. \ &stru... \ ) - astro.... Used, as it is in
the term "astersiv ". english, for referring the meaning of the main word to
asterisch - n. m. (pr. \ &ster'isc \) Inv. at plr. - asterisk. outside the earth and its atmosphere. In the following some
asteròid - n. m. (pr. \ &ster'oid \) Inv. at plr. - asteroid. examples are reported.
astersiv - n. m. and adj. (pr. \ &stærs'iu \) - See astergent. astrofìsica - n. f. (pr. \ &struf'isic& \ ) At plr. (if any)
astesan - n. and adj. (pr. \ &stez'&[ng] \) Ms. plr. astesan - fm. astrofìsiche. - astrophysics.
sng. and plr. astesan-a, astesan-e. - 1) - of Asti (as an astrofìsich - adj. and n. (pr. \ &struf'isic \ ) Ms. plr. astrofìsich
adj.). - 2) - inhabitant of Asti, born in Asti (sbst.). See - fm. sng. and plr. astrofìsica, astrofìsiche. - 1) -
also the term "astigian ", which is used, but it is quite an astrophysical (adj.). - 2) - astrophysicist (sbst.).
italianism. astrolabi - n. m. (pr. \ &strul'&bi \ ) Inv. at plr, - astrolabe.
astésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &st'ese \) - to sit, to sit down, astrologhé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ &strulug'e \ ) - 1) - to
to seat oneself, to be seated, to take a seat. See also the practise astrology, to divine, to foretell. - 2) - to day-
terms "setésse, stésse, ansetésse, ansëttésse ". dream (in a fig. sense). See also the term "strologhé ".
àsti - n. m. (pr. \ '&sti \) Inv. at plr. - resentment, rancour, astrologìa - n. f. (pr. \ &struluj'i& \ ) At plr. (if any) astrologìe.
spite, grudge. See also the terms "astio, malanim, ruso ". - astrology. See also the term "strologìa ".
astigian - n. and adj. (pr. \ &stiji'&[ng] \) - See astesan. astronàuta - n. (pr. \ &strun'&ut& \ ) Ms. plr. astronàuta - fm.
astigmàtich - adj. (pr. \ &stigm'&tic \) Ms. plr. astigmàtich - sng. and plr. astronàuta, astronàute. - astronaut
fm. sng. and plr. astigmàtica, astigmàtiche. - astigmatic. (spaceman, spacewoman).
astigmatism - n. m. (pr. \ &stigm&t'izm \) Inv. at plr. (if any) - astronàutica - n. f. (pr. \ &strun'&utic& \ ) At plr. (if any)
astigmatism. astronàutiche. - astronautics.
astin - n. m. (pr. \ &st'i [ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - little pole. - 2) - astronàutich - adj. (pr. \ &strun'&utic \ ) Ms. plr.
little rod. - 3) - little lance. Diminutive of the word "asta astronàutich - fm. sng. and plr. astronàutica,
", irregular for its changing in gender. astronàutiche. - astronautical.
astinensa - n. f. (pr. \ &stin'æ[ng]s& \) - At plr. astinense. - 1) astronav - n. f. (pr. \ &strun'&u \ ) Inv. at plr. - spaceship.
- abstinence. - 2) - privation. astronomìa - n. f. (pr. \ &strunum'i& \ ) At plr. (if any)
astinent - adj. (pr. \ &stin'ænt \) Ms. plr. astinent - fm. sng. astronomìe. - astronomy.
and plr. astinenta, astinente. - abstinent. astronòmich - adj. (pr. \ &strun'omic \ ) Ms. plr. astronòmich
astio - n. m. (pr. \ '&stiô \ ; \ '&stiu \ ) - See àsti. - fm. sng. and plr. astronòmica, astronòmiche. -
astios - adj. (pr. \ &sti'uz \ ) Ms. plr. astios - fm. sng. and plr. astronomical.
astiosa, astiose. - resentful, spiteful. astròfich - adj. (pr. \ &str'ofic \ ) Ms. plr. astròfich - fm. sng.
astiosità - n. f. (pr. \ &stiuzit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - spitefulness, and plr. astròfica, astròfiche. - not strophical.
rancour. astròlogh - n. (pr. \ &str'olug \ ) Ms. plr. astròlogh - fm. sng.
astista - n. m. (pr. \ &st'ist& \ ) Inv. at plr. - pole-vaulter and plr. astròloga, astròloghe. - astrologer.
(sport). astrònom - n. m. (pr. \ &str'onum \ ) Ms. plr. astrònom - fm.
astnìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &stn'ise \ ) - See astense. sng. and plr. astrònoma, astrònome. - astronomer. See
also the term "astrònomo ".

astrònomo - n. m. (pr. \ &str'onumô \ ) - See astrònom. to apply (trs.). - 6) - to communicate, to pass (usually
astrus - adj. (pr. \ &str'[ue]z \ ) Ms. plr. astrus - fm. sng. and referred to a disesase) (trs.). - 7) - to attack, to assail (trs.).
plr. astrusa, astruse. - abstruse. - 8) - to begin, to start (trs.). - 9) - to catch on (int.). - 10)
astrusarìa - n. f. (pr. \ &str[ue]z&r'i& \ ) At plr. astrusarìe. - - to take root (int.). - 11) - to strike up. - In any case it
abstruseness, abstruse idea. See also the terms uses the aux. "avèj ". - See also the most common term
"astruserìa, astrusità ". "taché ".
astruserìa - n. f. (pr. \ &str[ue]zer'i& \ ) - See astrusarìa. atachésse - vrb 1st con. refl. and recp. (pr. \ &t&k'ese \ ) - 1) -
astrusità - n. f. (pr. \ &str[ue]zit'& \ ) - See astrusarìa. to stick, to catch, to adhere, to cling (refl. and int.
astucc - n. m. (pr. \ &st'[ue][ch] \ ) Inv. at plr. - case, box, meaning). - 2) - to become attached (refl.) - 3) - to be
container, holder. See also the term "stucc ". This term is contagious, to be catching (refl. form, int. meaning.) - 4) -
referred only to little objects. to stick (int. meaning). - 5) - to devote oneself (refl.). - 6) -
astucé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &st[ue][ch]'e \ ) - 1) - to put to stick together (recp.). - 7) - to come to blows, to set
inside a can (or box, or container, etc.). - 2) - to swindle, about each other. (recp.). - See also the most common
to cheat. - See also the term "stucé ". term "tachésse".
astussia - n. f. (pr. \ &st'[ue]ssi& \ ) At plr. astussie. - atacura - n- f. (pr. \ &t&c'[ue]r& \ ) - See atacadura.
astuteness, trick, contrivance. See also the term "furbìssia atalar - adj. and n. f. (pr. \ &t&l'&r \ ) Inv. in gndr and nr in
". any case. - priest's cassock, cassock. See also the most
astut - adj. (pr. \ &st'[ue]t \ ) Ms. plr. astut - fm. sng. and plr. common term "talar ".
astuta, astute. - astute, crafty, cunning, sly, shrewd, atardésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &t&rd'ese \ ) - to loiter, to
wily. linger.
asur - 1) - adj. (pr. \ &z'[ue]r \ ) Ms. plr. asur - fm. sng. and atast - n. m. (pr. \ &t'&st \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - tasting, taste. - 2)
plr. asura, asure. - blue, azure. - key. - See also the most common terms "tast, tasto ".
asur - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ &z'[ue]r \ ) Inv. at plr. - blue, azure. atedié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &tedi'e \ ) - to bore, to bother, to
asurament - n. m. (pr. \ &z[ue]r&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - annoy. See also the most common terms "tedié, stofié".
blooming. atediésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &tedi'ese \ ) - to get bored.
asuré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &z[ue]r'e \ ) - to colour blue. See also the most used terms "tediésse, stofiésse ".
asurign - adj. (pr. \ &z[ue]r'i[gn] \ ) Ms. plr. asurign - fm. sng. ategé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &tej'e \ ) - to assume, to affect.
and plr. asurigna, asurigne. - bluish. ategésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &tej'ese \ ) - to pose (as).
asurin - adj. (pr. \ &z[ue]r'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. asurin - fm. sng. ategiament - n. m. (pr. \ &teji&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - attitude,
and plr. asurin-a, asurin-e. - pale blue, light blue. pose, behaviour, expression.
at - 1) - prn. prt. (prs. vrbl. prm. (3rd prs.) + prs. prn (2nd prs. ateism - n. m. (pr. \ &te'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - atheism.
sng.)) (pr. \ &t \ ) - he ... (to) you, they ... (to) you. See ateista - n. and adj. (pr. \ &te'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. ateista - fm. sng.
grammar about. Some examples: and plr. atetsta, ateiste. - atheist. See also the term "àteo ".
A) - "he gives (to) you a book " = "chièl at dà un lìber ". ateìstich - adj. (pr. \ &te'istic \ ) Ms. plr. ateistich - fm. sng.
B) - "they are indicating you " = "lor at ìndico ". and plr. atetstica, ateistiche. - atheistic, ateist (this latter
at - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ &t \ ) Inv. at plr. - act, action, deed. used as an attrribute).
at - 3) - adj. (pr. \ &t \ ) Ms. plr. at - fm. sng. and plr. ata, ate. - atelié - n. m. (pr. \ &teli'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - "atelier " (french).
able, capable, fit. Not very used term which is quite an See also the term "atilié ".
italianism. See also the most used terms "adat, àbil. bon ". atempà - adj. (pr. \ &tæmp'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - elderly.
atacà - 1) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &t&c'& \ ) Inv. in gender and atendament - n. m. (pr. \ &tænd&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
number. - 1) - attached, tied. - 2) - attacked. See also the tending, camping, encampment.
most used (and best) term "tacà ", in particular for the first atende - vrb 2nd con. int. (pr. \ &t'ænde \ ) - to pay attention,
meaning. to do, to apply oneself, to engage oneself. It uses the aux.
atacà - 2) - adv. (pr. \ &t&c'& \ ) - near, nearby, close. See "avèj ".
also the most used (and best) word "tacà ". atendésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &tænd'ese \ ) - to camp, to
atacà a - 3) - prp. loc. (pr. \ &t&c'& & \ ) - near, close to, next encamp, to tent.
to, beside. See also the most used (and best) prp. loc. "tacà atendent - n. m. (pr. \ &tænd'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - orderly,
a ". batman. (military)
atacàbil - adj. (pr. \ &t&c'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. atacàbij - fm. sng. atendìbil - adj. (pr. \ &tænd'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. atendìbij - fm. sng.
and plr. atacàbil, atacàbij. - 1) - attachable. - 2) - and plr. atendìbil, atendìbij. - reliable.
assailable. - See also the most used word "tacàbil ". atendibilità - n. f. (pr. \ &tændibilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
atacadura - n. f. (pr. \ &t&c&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. atacadure. - reliability.
1) - attaching, joining. - 2) - junction, juncture, join. See atenent - adj. (pr. \ &ten'ænt \ )- See atinent.
also the most common terms "tacadura, atacura ". atense - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ &t'æ[ng]se \ ) - to keep to, to
atacament - n. m. (pr. \ &t&c&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - follow, to stick to. We recall that the active form "aten-e "
attachment. (witha completely different meaning) is below in the
atacant - adj. and n. (pr. \ &t&c'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. atacant - fm. alphabetic order ("n" and "-n" are two different letters).
sng. and plr. atacanta, atacante. - 1) - sticky (adj.). See atension - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ &tæ[ng]si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
also the term "tachiss ". - 2) - attacking (adj.). 3) - attention. - 2) - kindness. - 3) - attention, care.
attackman (attackwoman), froward (sport) (sbst.). - See Sometimes the word is shortened in "tension", when it is
also the term "tacant ". not possible to confuse it with other meanings of the term.
atach - n. m. (pr. \ &t'&c \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - attack, assault. - atension! - 2) - excl. (pr. \ &tæ[ng]si'u[ng] \ ) - look out!,
2) - attack, fit, stroke (e. g. for a illness). - 3) - junction, caution!.
join, connection. - 4) - forward line, forwards (sport). - atent - adj. (pr. \ &t'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. atent - fm. sng. and plr.
5) - binding (ski). - 6) - start (climbing). - 7) - opening, atenta, atente. - 1) - attentive, diligent, alert. - 2) -
beginning (music, also in a fig. sense). - 8) - etching. careful, thorough.
ataché - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &t&k'e \ ) - 1) - to atentà - n. m. (pr. \ &tænt'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - attack, attempt.
attach, to fasten, to tie, to hitch (trs.). - 2) - to sew on
(trs.). - 3) - to stick, to glue (trs.) - 4) - to hang (trs.). - 5) -

atentament - adv. (pr. \ &tænt&m'ænt \ ) - attentively, atilié - n. m. (pr. \ &tili'e \ ) - See atelié.
carefully. Italianism. The adv. loc. "con atension " is used atilura - n. f. (pr. \ &til'[ue]r& \ ) - See atiladura.
( = lit. "with attention "), or the adj. "atent " used as adv. àtim - n. m. (pr. \ '&tim \ ) Inv. at plr. - moment, instant. See
atentator - n. (pr. \ &tænt&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. atentator - fm. sng. also the term "moment ".
and plr. atentatriss, atentatriss. - assailant. atinensa - n. f. (pr. \ &tin'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. atinense. - 1) -
atenté - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ &tænt'e \ ) - to make an connenction, relation. - 2) - appurtenance.
attempt, to attempt. It uses the aux. "avèj ". atinent - adj. (pr. \ &tin'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. atinent - fm. sng. and
atenti - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &t'ænti \ ) Inv. at plr. - attention. plr. rspy. atinanta, atinente. - connected (with), relating
atenti! - 2) - excl. (pr. \ &t'ænti \ ) - attention!. (to), related (to). See also the term "atenent ".
atenuament - n. m. (pr. \ &tenu&m'ænt \ ) - Inv. at plr. - atini - n. m. (pr. \ &t'ini \ ) Chemical element, usually sng. In
attenuation, mitigation, extenuation. case of need it is anyway inv. at plr. - actinium. See also
atenuansa - n. f. (pr. \ &tenu'&[ng]s& \ ) - See atenuant. the word in the spelling "atinio ".
atenuant - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ &tenu'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. - atìnio - n. m. (pr. \ &t'iniô \ ) - See atini.
extenuation. Sometimes also "atenuansa, atenuanta ". atiré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &tir'e \ ) - 1) - to attract. - 2) - to
atenuant - 2) - adj. (pr. \ &tenu'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. atenuant - fm. draw.
sng. and plr. atenuanta, atenuante. - attenuating, atirésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &tir'ese \ ) - to win, to gain, to
mitigating, extenuating. incur.
atenuanta - n. f. (pr. \ &tenu'&nt& \ ) - See atenuant. atitùdin - n. f. (pr. \ &tit'[ue]di[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
atenuator - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &tenu&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - attitude. - 2) - aptitude, bent, turn.
attenuator (electronics, sound). atitudunal - adj. (pr. \ &tit[ue]din'&l \ ) Ms. plr. atitudinaj -
atenuator - 2) - adj. (pr. \ &tenu&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. atenuator - fm. sng. and plr. atitudinal, atitudinaj. - vocational,
fm. sng. and plr. atenuatriss, atenuatriss. - attenuator. aptitude (this latter as an attribute).
atenuassion - n. f. (pr. \ &tenu&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - ativ - 1) - adj. (pr. \ &t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. ativ - fm. sng. and plr.
attenuation. - 2) - minimization, extenuation. - 3) - ativa, ative. - 1) - busy, active, zippy (in general). - 2) -
fading out. active (grammar and chemistry). - 3) - productive.
atenué - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &tenu'e \ ) - 1) - to attenuate, to ativ - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ &t'iu \ ) Inv. at plr. - assets (commercial).
weaken. - 2) - to mitigate, to ease. - 3) - to tone down. ativament - adv. (pr. \ &tiv&m'ænt \ ) - busily, actively.
atenuésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &tenu'ese \ ) - 1) - to Italianism. Some adv. loc. are usually preferred, as "an
weaken, to abate. - 2) - to tone down. manera ativa " = "in an active way ", and other loc..
aten-e - vrb 2nd con. int. (pr. \ &t'æ[ng]e \ ) - to concern. In the ativassion - n. f. (pr. \ &tiv&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
active form it is used as dfc. vrb, otherwise see the refl. activation.
form "atense ". ativator - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &tiv&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - activator.
àteo - n. and adj. (pr. \ '&teô \ ) - See ateista. ativator - 2) - adj. (pr. \ &tiv&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. ativator - fm.
ateragi - n. m. (pr. \ &tær'&gi \ ) Inv. at plr. - landing. sng. and plr. ativatriss, ativatriss. - activating, operating.
aterament - n. m. (pr. \ &tær&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - ativé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &tiv'e \ ) - 1) - to activate. - 2) - to
knocking down, knock-down. - 2) - demolition. start up, to set (st.) going, to put (sb. or st.) into action.
ateré - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &tær'e \ ) - 1) - to knock ativism - n. m. (pr. \ &tiv'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - activism.
down, to floor (trs.). - 2) - to demolish (trs.). - 3) - to ativista - n. (pr. \ &tiv'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. ativista - fm. sng. and
humble, to prostrate (trs.). - 4) - to land. (int.). - It is plr. ativista, ativiste. - activist, militant (politics).
common the use of the aux. "avèj", also for the int. ativìstich - adj. (pr. \ &tiv'istic \ ) Ms. plr. ativistich - fm. sng.
meaning. However this latter can be found also using the and plr. ativistica, ativistiche. - activistic.
aux. "esse ". atività - n. f. (pr. \ &tivit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - activity. - 2) -
atergà - n. m. (pr. \ &tærg'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - docket. assets (commercial). - 3) - active service (military).
aterghé - vrb 1sr con. trs. (pr. \ &tærg'e \ ) - to docket. atlagi - n. m. (pr. \ &tl'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - set of four or six
(bureaucracy). horses for drawing a carriage.
aterì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &tær'i \ ) - to terrify, to terrorize. atlant - n. m. (pr. \ &tl'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. - atlas. See also the
See also the terms "sbaruvé, sbarué ". term "atlass ".
aterìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &tær'ise \ ) - to be terrified. atlàntich - 1) - adj. (pr. \ &tl'&ntic \ ) - Ms. plr. atlàntich - fm.
See also the terms "sbaruvésse, sbaruésse ". sng. and plr. atlàntica, atlàntiche. - Atlantic.
atestà - n. m. (pr. \ &test'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - certificate. - 2) Atlàntich - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ &tl'&ntic \ ) Inv. at a possible plr.
- proof. (ocean) - Atlantic.
atestàbil - adj. (pr. \ &test'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. atestàbij - fm. sng. atlantism - n. m. (pr. \ &tl&nt'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. -
and plr. atestàbil, atestàbij. - attestable, certifiable. Atlanticism.
atestadura - n. f. (pr. \ &test&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. atestadure. - atlass - n. m. (pr. \ &tl'&s \ ) - See atlant.
junction, abutment (e. g. referred to cables). See also the atlé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &tl'e \ ) - to attach the horses to
most used term "antestadura ". the carriage.
atestament - n. m. (pr. \ &test&m'ænt \ ) - See atestadura. atlésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &tl'ese \ ) - to resign oneself,
atestassion - n. f. (pr. \ &test&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - to obey against one's will. (for extension of the active
attestation. - 2) - testimony. - 3) - certificate. - 4) - token, form's meaning).
sign (in a fig. sense). atleta - n. (pr. \ &tl'et& \ ) Ms. plr. atleta - fm. sng. and plr.
atesté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &test'e \ ) - to attest, to certify, atleta, atlete. - athlete.
to testify to, to vouch for. atlética - n. f. (pr. \ &tl'etic& \ ) At plr. (if any) atlétiche. -
àtich - 1) - n. and adj. (pr. \ '&tic \ ) Ms. plr. àtich - fm. sng. atletics.
and plr. àtica, àtiche. - Attic. atlétich - adj. (pr. \ &tl'etic \ ) Ms. plr. atletich - fm. sng. and
àtich - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ '&tic \ ) Inv. at plr. - attic, penthouse. plr. atletica, atletiche. - athletic.
atiladura - n. f. (pr. \ &til&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. atiladure. - 1) - atletism - n. m. (pr. \ &tlet'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - athleticism.
tightness. - 2) - smartness. See also "atilura". atmosfera - n. f. (pr. \ &tmusf'er& \ ) At plr. atmosfere. -
atilé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &til'e \ ) - to fit closely. atmosphere.
atilésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &til'ese \ ) - to dress up.

atmosférich - adj. (pr. \ &tmusf'eric \ ) Ms. plr. atmosférich - used to indicate magnetic, electric or mechanical attraction
fm. sng. and plr. atmosférica, atmosfériche. - (see instead "atrassion ").
atmospheric. atravers - 1) - prp. (pr. \ &tr&v'ærs \ ) - through, across. See
àtom - n. m. (pr. \ '&tum \ ) Inv. at plr. - atom. See also the also the term "travers ".
term "àtomo ". atravers - 2) - adv. (pr. \ &tr&v'ærs \ ) - obliquely, crosswise.
atomisator - n. m. (pr. \ &tumiz&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - atomizer, See also the term "travers ", and the adv. loc. "për travers
vaporizer. ".
atomisassion - n. f. (pr. \ &tumiz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - atraversàbil - adj. (pr. \ &tr&værs'&bil \ ) Ms. plr.
atomization. atraversàbij - fm. sng. and plr. atraversàbil,
atomisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &tumiz'e \ ) - to atomize. atraversàbij. - crossable. See also the term "traversàbil ".
atomism - n. m (pr. \ &tum'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any) - atraversament - n. m. (pr. \ &tr&værs&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
atomism. (phylosophy). crossing. See also the most used terms "traversa,
atomissità - n. f. (pr. \ &tumisit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - atomicity. traversament ".
atomista - n. (pr. \ &tum'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. atomista - fm. sng. atraversé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &tr&værs'e \ ) - to cross, to
and plr. atomista, atomiste. - atomist (phylosophy). go through. See also the term "traversé ", which is much
atomìstica - n. f. (pr. \ &tum'istic& \ ) At plr. (if any) more used.
atomistiche. - atomic theory, atomism, atomistics. atréss - n. m. (pr. \ &tr'es \ ) Inv. at plr. - sporting tool,
atomìstich - adj. (pr. \ &tum'istic \ ) Ms. plr. atomistich - fm. gymnastic apparatus.
sng. and plr. atomistica, atomistiche. - atomistic atressadura - n. f. (pr. \ &tres&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
(phylosophy). atressadure. - equipment, outfit, rigging.
àtomo - n. m. (pr. \ '&tumô \ ) - See àtom. atressé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &tres'e \ ) - to equip, to rig.
atonal - adj. (pr. \ &tun'&l \ ) Ms. plr. atonaj - fm. sng. and atressésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &tres'ese \ ) - to get ready,
plr. atonal, atonaj. - atonal. to prepare (oneself).
atonalità - n. f. (pr. \ &tun&lit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - atonalism, atressista - n. m. (pr. \ &tres'ist& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - property
atonality. man, propman (theatre). - 2) - gymnast. - 3) - preparer of
àton - adj. (pr. \ '&tun \ ) Ms. plr. àton - fm. sng. and plr. machine-tools.
àtona, àtone. - atonic, unaccented. atrì - n. m. (pr. \ &tr'i \ ) - Inv. at plr. - 1) - friction, attrition.
atonìa - n. f. (pr. \ &tun'i& \ ) At plr. - atonìe. - atony. This word is not very used, see the best terms "fërtagi,
atonissità - n. f. (pr. \ &tunisit'& \ ) - Inv. at plr. - atonicity. resistensa ". Sometimes the italianisms "atrit, atrito " can
ator - n. (pr. \ &t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. ator - fm. sng. and plr. atriss, be found. - 2) - friction, disagreement.
atriss. - 1) - actor. - 2) - plaintiff (legal). atribuibil - adj. (pr. \ &trib[ue]'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. atribuìbij - fm.
atorn - adv. (pr. \ &t'urn \ ) - 1) - around, round. - 2) - about. sng. and plr. atribuìbil, atribuìbij. - 1) - awardable. - 2) -
Quite an italianism. See also the most common terms ascribable, attributable. - 3) - imputable.
"antorn, antorna " . atribuì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &trib[ue]'i \ ) - 1) - to award, to
atorn a - prp.loc. - (pr. \ &t'urn& \ ) - round, about. See also assign. - 2) - to attribute, to ascribe. - 3) - to impute.
the most used terms "antorn a, antorna a " . atribuìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &trib[ue]'ise \ ) - to
atornié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &turni'e \ ) - 1) - to surround. - arrogate to oneself, to claim.
2) - to circumvent. Better terms to see are "antornié, atribussion - n. f. (pr. \ &trib[ue]si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
circondé, ansercé ". awarding. See also the term "assegnassion ". - 2) -
atòl - n. m. (pr. \ &t'ol \ ) At plr. atòj. - atoll. attribution. - 3) - powers. See also the term "podèj ".
atòmica - n. f. (pr. \ &t'omic& \ ) At plr. atòmiche. - atom atribut - n. m. (pr. \ &trib'[ue]t \ ) Inv. at plr. - attribute.
bomb, atomic. atributiv - adj. (pr. \ &trib[ue]t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. atributiv - fm.
atòmich - adj. (pr. \ &t'omic \ ) Ms. plr. atòmich - fm. sng. and sng. and plr. atributiva, atributive. - attributive.
plr. atòmica, atòmiche. - atomich, atom (as an attribute). atrio - n. m. (pr. \ '&triô \ ) Inv. at plr. - entrance hall, lobby,
atònich - adj. (pr. \ &t'onic \ ) Ms. plr. atònich - fm. sng. and hall, atrium. See also the terms "intrada, andron ".
plr. atònica, atòniche. - atonic. atriss - n. f. (pr. \ &tr'is \ ) Inv. at plr. - actress, plaintiff.
atòssich - adj. (pr. \ &t'osic \ ) Ms. plr. atòsich - fm. sng. and (Irregular fm. of "ator ").
plr. atòsica, atòsiche. - non-toxic. atrission - n. f. (pr. \ &trisi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - attrition
atrabilar - adj. (pr. \ &tr&bil'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - prone (religion).
to anger, wrathful., peevish. atrit - n. m. (pr. \ &tr'it \ ) - See atrì.
atràe - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ &tr'&e \ ) - to attract. Quite an atrito - n. m. (pr. \ &tr'itô \ ) - See atrì.
italianism. Better terms to see are "atiré, tiré, anciarmé ". atrocità - n. f. (pr. \ &tru[ch]it'& \ )Inv. at plr. - atrociousness,
atraent - adj. (pr. \ &tr&'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. atraent - fm. sng. and atrocity.
plr. atraenta, atraente. - 1) - attractive. - 2) - pleasant. - atrofìa - n. f. (pr. \ &truf'i& \ ) At plr. atrofìe. - atrophy.
See also the terms "artativ, anciarmant ". atrofisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &trufiz'e \ ) - to atrophy. (to
atrapé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &tr&p'e \ ) - 1) - to trap, to produce atrophy).
entrap. - 2) - to carry off, to ravish. atrofisésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &trufiz'ese \ ) - to atrophy.
atrass - n. m. plr. (pr. \ &tr'&s \ ) Only plr. - tools, (to suffer atrophy).Usually the meaning of this voice is int.
implements. See also the term "utiss ". àtrop - n. m. (pr. \ '&trup \ ) Inv. at plr. - death's head moth.
atrassion - n. f. (pr. \ &tr&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - (Acherontia atropos) (zoology). See also the most common
attraction (general and physics). - 2) - appeal. See also the loc. "testa 'd mòrt ".
terms "atrativa, anciarm ". - 3) - highlight. See also the atropament - n. m. (pr. \ &trup&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
term "atrativa ". trooping. - 2) - crowd. - See also the best terms
atrativ - adj. (pr. \ &tr&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. atrativ - fm. sng. and "antropament, antrupament ".
plr. atrativa, atrative. - attractive. See also the terms atropé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &trup'e \ ) - to assemble, to
"atraent, anciarmant ". gather. See also the best terms "antropé, antrupé ".
atrativa - n. f. (pr. \ &tr&t'iv& \ ) At plr. atrative. - 1) - atropésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &trup'ese \ ) - to troop, to
attraction. - 2) - appeal. - 3) - highlight. See also the crowd, to throng. See also the better term "antropésse,
terms "atrassion, anciarm ". - Note that this term is not antrupésse ".

atropin-a - n. f. (pr. \ &trup'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. (if any) atropin- auguràbil - adj. (pr. \ &ug[ue]r'&bil \) Ms. plr. auguràbij -
e. - atropine. fm. sng. and plr. auguràbil, auguràbij. - desirable, to be
atròfich - adj. (pr. \ &tr'ofic \ ) Ms. plr. atròfich - fm. sng. and wished for.
plr. atròfica, atròfiche. - atrophic, atrophous. augural - adj. (pr. \ &ug[ue]r'&l \) Ms. plr. auguraj - fm. sng.
atuàbil - adj. (pr. \ &tu'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. atuàbij - fm. sng. and and plr. augural, auguraj. - auspicious.
plr. atuàbil, atuàbij. - feasible, practicable. auguré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &ug[ue]r'e \) - 1) - to wish. - 2) -
atual - adj. (pr. \ &tu'&l \ ) Ms. plr. atuaj - fm. sng. and plr. to augur.
atual, atuaj. - 1) - present, current, up-to-date. - 2) - augurésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &ug[ue]r'ese \) - to hope, to
actual (phylosophy). hope for.
atualism - n. m. (pr. \ &tu&l'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - auguri - n. m. (pr. \ &ug'[ue]ri \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - wish. - 2) -
actualism. presage, sign.
atualisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &tu&liz'e \ ) - to bring up to auguros - adj. (pr. \ &ug[ue]r'uz \) Ms. plr. auguros - fm. sng.
date. and plr. rspy. augurosa, augurose. - augural, wishing.
atualità - n. f. (pr. \ &tu&lit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - actuality. - Than, always referred to wishes, note that "bin auguros " =
2) - recent event. - 3) - up-to-dateness. - 4) - newsreel. "happy "; while "mal auguros " = "unhappy ".
atualment - adv. (pr. \ &tu&lm'ænt \ ) - currently, at present. àula - n. f. (pr. \ '&ul& \) At plr. àule. - hall, assembly hall,
Italianism (adv. in ...ment). See also the term "adéss ", and classrom.
the adv. loc. "al moment " = lit. "at the moment ". àulich - adj. (pr. \ '&ulic \) Ms. plr. àulich - fm. sng. and plr.
atuari - n. and adj. (pr. \ &tu'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. atuari - fm. sng. àulica, àuliche. - 1) - aulic, courtly. - 2) - stately, noble.
and plr. atuaria, atuarie. - actuary. aument - n. m. (pr. \ &um'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - increase, rise.
atuarial - adj. (pr. \ &tu&ri'&l \ ) Ms. plr. atuariaj - fm. sng. aumentàbil - adj. (pr. \ &umænt'&bil \) Ms. plr. aumentàbij -
and plr. atuarial, atuariaj. - actuarial. fm. sng. and plr. aumentàbil, aumentàbij. - augmentable,
atuassion - n. f. (pr. \ &tu&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - realization. increasable.
atuator - n. f. (pr. \ &tu&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - actuator. - 2) aumenté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &umænt'e \) - to increase, to
- operating device. raise, to augment.
atué - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &tu'e \ ) - to actuate, to put into àura - n. f. (pr. \ '&ur& \) At plr. - àure. - light wind. See also
effect, to effect. the terms "òra, aurëtta ".
atuésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &tu'ese \ ) - to be realized, to auréola - n. f. (pr. \ &ur'eul& \) At plr. auréole. - halo.
come true. aurëtta - n. f. (pr. \ &ur'&tt& \) - See àura.
Àud - n. m. (pr. \ '&ud \) n. of person used only at sng. - auricolar - 1) - adj. (pr. \ &uricul'&r \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
Aldous. aural, auricular, ear (as an attribute).
Àuda - n. f. (pr. \ '&ud \) n. of person used only at sng. - auricolar - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ &uricul'&r \) Inv. at plr. -
Alda, Aldine. earphone.
audìbil - adj. (pr. \ &ud'ibil \) Ms. plr. audìbij - fm. sng. and aurìfer - adj. (pr. \ &ur'ifær \) Ms. plr. aurìfer - fm. sng. and
plr. audìbil, audìbij. - audible. See also the term "sentìbil plr. aurìfera, aurìfere. - auriferous.
". auror - n. m. (pr. \ &ur'ur \) Inv. at plr. - horror. See also the
audibilità - n. f. (pr. \ &udibilit'& \) Inv. at plr. - audibility. most used term "oror ".
See also the terms "udibilità, sentibilità ". auròra - n. f. (pr. \ &ur'or& \) At plr. auròre. - dawn.
audiensa - n. f. (pr. \ &udi'æ[ng]s& \) At plr. audiense. - 1) - ausà - adj. and p.p - (&[ue]z'&) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
audience, hearing, interview. - 2) - session, sitting, accustomed, inured. See also the terms "abituà, costumà,
hearing (legal). - See also the term "udiensa ". faità ". Note that in this word the diphthong "au " is
audient - n. and adj. (pr. \ &udi'ænt \) Ms. plr. audient - fm. pronounced "&[ue] " (see phonology).
sng. and plr. audienta, audiente. - that can hear, ausé - vrb 1st con. trs. (&[ue]z'e) - to accustom, to inure, to
listening, listener. See also the term "udent ", and the loc. make used, to habituate. See also the terms "costumé,
"ch'a sent " lit. "that hears ". abitué, faité ". Note that in this word the diphthong "au " is
audiment - n. m. (pr. \ &udi'mænt \) Inv. at plr. - hearing. pronounced "&[ue] " (see phonology).
audio... - prefix. (pr. \ '&udiô \ ; \ '&udiu \ ) - audio... As it is ausél - n. m. ( pr. \ &uz'el \ ) At plr. auséj. - bird, fowl. - Some
in English, also in Piedmontese this prefix indicates that loc.: "ausel ëd rapin-a = raptor". ; "vive com j'auséj = lit.
the meaning of the main word is referred to sound, or to live as birds = to live hand-to-mouth". ; "coma n'ausél
something that can be heard. In the following we report an sla rama" = lit "as a bird on the branch" = "free and
only some examples. independent". See also the term "osél".
audio - n. m. (pr. \ '&udiô \) Inv. at plr. - sound, audio. auselin - n. m. ( pr. \ &uzel'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - little bird,
audiofrequensa - n. f. (pr. \ &udiufre[qu]'æ[ng]s& \) At plr. birdie. - 2) - fledgeling. In this sense see also the term
audiofrequense. - audio frequency. "sforniòt ". - See also the terms "oselin, oslin, oslòt, oslet,
audiograma - n. m. (pr. \ &udiugr'&m& \) - Inv. at plr. - auslin, auslòt, auslet ".
audiogram. ausiliar - adj. and n. (pr. \ &uzili'&r \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) -
audiovisiv - 1) - adj. (pr. \ &udiuviz'iu \) Ms. plr. audovisiv - auxiliary, reserve (as an attribute). (adj.). - 2) - assistant,
fm. sng. and plr. audiovisiva, audiovisive. - audiovisual. auxiliary (sbst.). - See also the term "ausiliari ".
audiovisiv - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ &udiuviz'iu \) Inv. at plr. (usually ausiliàri - adj. and n. (pr. \ &uzili'&ri \) - See ausiliar.
used only at plr.) - audiovisual aids, audiovisuals. Ausiliatriss - n. f. (pr. \ &uzili&tr'is \) Only sng. - Our Lady
audission - n. f. (pr. \ &udisi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - hearing. Help of Christians. (religion).
- 2) - audition. auslass - n. m. ( pr. \ &uzl'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - large ugly bird,
auditor - n. (pr. \ &udit'ur \) Ms. plr. auditor - fm. sng. and bird of prey. See also the terms "oslon, auslon, oslass".
plr. auditriss, auditriss. - hearer, listener. auslet - n. m. ( pr. \ &uzl'æt \ ) - See auselin.
auditòri - n. m. (pr. \ &udit'ori \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - audience, auslin - n. m. ( pr. \ &uzl'i[ng] \ ) - See auselin.
listeners. - 2) - auditorium, concert hall. oslon - n. m. ( pr. \ &uzl'u[ng] \ ) - large bird, big bird. See
àuge - n. m. (pr. \ '&uje \) Only used at sng. - height, apex. also the terms "oslon auslass, oslass".
Note that the expression "esse an àuge " means "to have a auslòt - n. m. ( pr. \ &uzl'ot \ ) - See auselin.
very good position, to enjoy great favour ".

auspicàbil - adj. (pr. \ &uspic'&bil \) Ms. plr. auspicàbij - fm. autalen-a - n. f. (pr. \ &ut&l'æ[ng]& \) At plr. autalen-e. -
sng. and plr. auspicàbil, auspicàbij. - desirable, to be swing, seesaw. See also the terms "altalena bauti ".
hoped for. See also the adj. loc. "da augurésse " having a autambulansa - n. f. (pr. \ &ut&mb[ue]l'&[ng]s& \) - See
value "to be wished for". autoambulansa.
auspiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &uspik'e \) - to augur, to autar - n. m. (pr. \ &ut'&r \) Inv. at plr. - altar. See also the
foretell, to hope. term "altar ".
auspìssi - n. m. (pr. \ &usp'isi \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - patronage, autarchìa - n. f. (pr. \ &ut&rk'i& \) At plr. autarchìe. -
auspice. - 2) - auspice, omen. autarky.
aùss - adj. (pr. \ &'[ue]s \) Ms. plr. aùss - fm. sng. and plr. autàrchich - adj. (pr. \ &ut'&rkic \) Ms. plr. autàrchich - fm.
rspy. aùssa, aùsse. - sharp, pointed. See also the term sng. and plr. autàrchica, autàrchiche. - 1) -independent. -
"avuss " (same pronunciation), and the term "ùss ". 2) - autarkical.
àussa - n. f. (pr. \ '&us& \) At plr. àusse. - wedge. autatrass - n. m. (pr. \ &ut&tr'&s \) - See autoatrass.
aussé - 1) - vrb 1st con trs. (pr. \ &us'e \) - 1) - to lift, to raise. - autatréss - n. m. (pr. \ &ut&tr'es \) - See autoatress.
2) - to heave, to hoist. - 3) - to build. The difference of autèntica - n. f. (pr. \ &ut'æntic& \) At plr. autèntiche. -
meaning with respect the following voice is given by authentication. (referred to the object - paper - declaring
pronunciation (and context of the sentence). the authenticity).
aussé - 2) - vrb 1st con trs. (pr. \ &[ue]s'e \) - to sharpen. See autenticassion - n. f. (pr. \ &utæntic&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
also the terms "avussé " (having the same pronunciation), authentication. (referred to the action).
and "ussé ". The difference of meaning with respect the autentich - adj. (pr. \ &ut'æntic \) Ms. plr. autèntich - fm. sng.
previous voice is given by pronunciation (and context of and plr. autèntica, autèntiche. - authentic, genuine,
the sentence). original.
aussésse - 1) - vrb 1st con refl. (pr. \ &us'ese \) - 1) - to raise, to autentiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &utæntik'e \) - to
raise oneself, to heave oneself. - 2) - to get up. - 3) - to authenticate, to legalize.
grow tall. . The difference of meaning with respect the autentissità - n. f. (pr. \ &utæntisit'& \) Inv. at plr. -
following voice is given by pronunciation (and context of authenticity, genuineness. Sometimes the term
the sentence). "autenticità " is also used.
aussésse - 2) - vrb 1st con refl. (pr. \ &[ue]s'ese \) - to become autér - adj. (pr. \ &ut'er \) Ms. plr. autér - fm. sng. and plr.
sharp. See also the term "avussésse " (having the same autéra, autére. - 1) - proud. - 2) - haughty. - 3) -
pronunciation). The difference of meaning with respect the majestic, solemn.
previous voice is given by pronunciation (and context of auteur - n. f. (pr. \ &ut'[oe]r \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - high ground,
the sentence). hill. - 2) - haughtiness (in a fig. sense). See also the term
aussura - n. f. (pr. \ &[ue]s'[ue]r& \) At plr. aussure. - 1) - "autura ".
point, sharp end. - 2) - sharpening. - See also the term àutër - 1) - adj. (pr. \ '&ut&r \) Ms. plr. autër / àutri - fm. sng.
"avussura " (having the same pronunciation). and plr. autra, autre. - 1) - other, another, more,
austér - adj. (pr. \ &ust'er \) Ms. plr. austér - fm. sng. and plr. further, different. - 2) - else (e. g. "someone else "
austéra, austére. - austere, stern, strict. See also the best "quaidun d'àutri, quaidun àutër"). - See also the term
term "sevér ". "àutr". Note the piedm. expression for "the day before
austerità - n. f. (pr. \ &usterit'& \) Inv. at plr. - austerity. See yesterday " and also for "some days ago ", which is "l'àutër
also the best term "severità ". dì ", also written "l'àutërdì " (see the voice).
àustr - n. m. (pr. \ '&ustr \) Inv. at plr. (if any) - south wind. àutër - 2) - prn. (pr. \ '&ut&r \) Ms. plr. autër / àutri - fm. sng.
See also the term "marin ". and plr. autra, autre. - 1) - (the) other (one), another
austral - adj. (pr. \ &ustr'&l \) Ms. plr. austraj - fm. sng. and (one), some more. Note that when used in the meaning of
plr. austral, austraj. - southern, austral. "some more", it is put at partitive "d'àutër". - 2) -
Austràlia - n. f. (pr. \ &ustr'&li& \) Usually sng. In case of something else, someone else. Note that, when used in this
need at plr. Austràlie. - Australia. latter meaning, is put at partitive "d'àutër". - See also the
australian - adj. and n. (pr. \ &ustr&li'&[ng] \) Ms. plr. term "àutr".
australian - fm. sng. and plr. australian-a, australian-e. - autërdì (l'---) - adv. (pr. \ l &ut&rd'i \) - the day before
Australian. yesterday, the other day, a day some days ago.
Àustia - n. f. (pr. \ '&ustri& \) Usually sng. In case of need at autërjér (l'---) - adv. (pr. \ l &ut&ry'er \) - the day before
plr. Austrie. - Austria. yesterday.
austrìach - adj. and n. (pr. \ &ustr'i&c \) Ms. plr. austrìach - autërtant - 1) - adj. (pr. \ &ut&rt'&nt \) Ms. plr. autërtant /
fm. sng. and plr. austrìaca, austrìache. - Austrian. àutërtanti - fm. sng. and plr. autërtanta, autërtante. - as
àut - 1) - adj. (pr. \ '&ut \) Ms. plr. aut - fm. sng. and plr. auta, much (, as many ( , so much (, so many
aute. - 1) - high. - 2) - tall. - 3) - deep (referred to water). - ( See also the term "altretant ", used but italianism.
4) - wide (referred to material - tailoring). - 5) - loud autërtant - 2) - prn. (pr. \ &ut&rt'&nt \) Ms. plr. autërtant /
(referred to volume of voice or sound) - 6) - treble àutërtanti - fm. sng. and plr. autërtanta, autërtante. - as
(referred to tone of voice or sound) - 7) - elevated, lofty, much (as), as many (as) , so much (as), so many (as), the
towering. same. See also the term "altretant ", used but italianism.
àut - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ '&ut \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - top, summit. - 2) - autërtant - 3) - adv. (pr. \ &ut&rt'&nt \) - as (, so (,
upper part. as much ( See also the adv. loc. "an autërtant ", and
àut - 3) - adv. (pr. \ '&ut \) - 1) - high, up, upwards. - 2) - the term "altretant ", used but italianism.
loudy. autërtant (an ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ &[ng] &ut&rt'&nt \) See
aut... - prefix (pr. \ &ut \) - auto... - Sometimes, instead of the autërtant 3).
prefix "auto..." this one is used when the main word starts autëssa - n. f. (pr. \ &ut&ss& \) At plr. autësse. - 1) - height. -
by vowel. Some examples in the following. See also the 2) - tallness. - 3) - depth (of water) - 4) - width (of
voice "auto...". material - tailoring) - 5) - pitch (of sound) - 6) - loftiness,
autacension - n. f. (pr. \ &ut&[ch]æ[ng]si'u[ng] \) - See nobility. - 7) - altitude. - 8) - elevation. - 9) - Highness
autoacension. (title).

autié - n. m. (pr. \ &uti'e \) Inv. at plr. - driver (military) autocomutator - n. m. (pr. \ &utucum [ue] t&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr.
(related to cars and lorries). - automatic switch (telephony). Usually aslo the loc.
autin - n. m. (pr. \ &ut'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - vineyard. See also "central telefònica, sentral telefònica " are used.
the term "vigna ". autoconservassion - n. f. (pr. \ &utucu[ng]særv&si'u[ng] \ )
autipian - n. m. (pr. \ &utipi'&[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - plateau, Inv. at plr. - self-preservation.
tableland. See also the term "altipian ". autocontròl - n. m. (pr. \ &utucuntr'ol \ ) At plr.(if any)
autism - n. m. (pr. \ &ut'izm \) Inv. at plr. (if any) - autism autocontròj. self-control.
(psychiatry). autocrassìa - n. f. (pr. \ &utucr&s'i& \ ) At plr. autocrassìe. -
autista - n. (pr. \ &ut'ist& \) Ms. plr. autista - fm. sng. and plr. autocracy.
autista, autiste. - driver, chaffeur. See also the term autocrat - n. m. (pr. \ &utucr'&t \ ) Inv. at plr. - autocrat.
"safeur ". autocràtich - adj. (pr. \ &utucr'&tic \ ) Ms. plr. autocràtich -
autìstich - adj. (pr. \ &ut'istic \) Ms. plr. autistich - fm. sng. fm. sng. and plr. autocràtica, autocràtiche. -
and plr. autistica, autistiche. - autistic. (psychiatry). autocratic(al).
àuto... - prefix (pr. \ &utu \ ; \ &utô \ ) - auto..., self-..., autocrìtica - n. f. (pr. \ &utucr'itic& \ ) At plr. autocrìtiche. -
motor... As it is often also in English, the main meaning of self-criticism.
this prefix is the "reflexive" one, like a self-capability. E. g. autocrìtich - adj. (pr. \ &utucr'itic \ ) Ms. plr. autocrìtich - fm.
"critica " = "criticism " and then "autocritica " = "self- sng. and plr. autocrìtica, autocrìtiche. - self-critical.
criticism ". Then the prefix can be referred to cars or autodecision - n. f. (pr. \ &utude[ch]izi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr, (if
motors (but notice that also in this case it indicates a "self any) - self-determination. See also the term
capability of moving"). In the following, as usual, only "autodeterminassion ".
some examples. At last we note that not always this autodeterminassion - n. f. (pr. \ &utudetærmin&si'u[ng] \ ) -
beginning of word has a meaning of prefix, as usually it See autodecision.
happens. autodidat - n. (pr. \ &utudid'&t \ ) Ms. plr. autodidat - fm.
àuto - n. m. (pr. \ &utô \ ) Inv. at plr. - motorcar, car, sng. and plr. autodidata, autodidate. - self-taught person,
automobile, auto. See also the terms "automòbil, vitura ". autodidact. Sometimes the italianism "autodidata " is
autoacension - n. f. (pr. \ &utu&[ch]æ[ng]si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at used.
plr. - self-ignition. See also the terms "acension, viscàgi, autodidata - n. (pr. \ &utudid'&t& \ ) - See autodidat.
auto-viscagi, autacension ". autodidàtich - (pr. \&utudid'&tic\) Ms. plr. autodidatich - fm.
autoafermassion - n. f. (pr. \ &utu&færm&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at sng. and plr. autodidatica, autodidatiche. - autodidactic.
plr. - self-affirmation. See also the term "autafermassion autodifèisa - n. f. (pr. \ &utudif'æiz& \ ) At plr. autodifèise. -
". self-defence.
autoambulansa - n. f. (pr. \ &utu&mb[ue]l'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr. autodissiplin-a - n. f. (pr. \ &utudisipl'i[ng]& \ ) At plr.
autoambulanse. - ambulance, motor ambulance. See autodissiplin-e. - self-discipline.
also the term "autambulansa ". autodròm - n. m. (pr. \ &utudr'om \ ) Inv. at plr. - autodrome,
autoarticolà - n. m. (pr. \ &utu&rticul'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - motordrome, automobile race track.
articulated vehicle, semitrailer. See also the term autoemotéca - n. f. (pr. \ &utuemut'ec& \ ) At plr.
"autarticolà ". autoemoteche. - bloodmobile.
autoatrass - n. m. (pr. \ &utu&tr'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - autoficin-a - n. f. (pr. \ &utufi[ch]'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. autoficin-
breakdown van, wrecker. See also the term "autatrass ". e. - car-repair garage.
autoatress - n. m. (pr. \ &utu&tr'es \ ) - See autoatrass. autofonsion - n. f. (pr. \ &utufu[ng]si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
autobiografìa - n. f. (pr. \ &utubiugr&f'i& \ ) At plr. eigenfunction (mathematics).
autobiografìe. - autobiography. autogestion - n. f. (pr. \ &utujesti'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - self-
autobiogràfich - adj. (pr. \ &utubiugr'&fic \ ) Ms. plr. management.
autobiogràfich - fm. sng. and plr. autobiogràfica, autogir - n. m. (pr. \ &utuj'ir \ ) Inv. at plr. - autogyro
autobiogràfiche. - autobiographic(al). (aviation).
autoblindo - n. m. (pr. \ &utubl'indô \ ) Inv. at plr. - armoured autogovern - n. m. (pr. \ &utuguw'ærn \ ) Inv. at plr. - self-
car. See also the term "blindà ". government.
autobos - n. m. (pr. \ '&utubuz \ ) Inv. at plr. - bus, motorbus. autogòl - n. m. (pr. \ &utug'ol \ ) At plr. autogòj. - own-goal.
See also the term "autobus ". autogril - n. m. (pr. \ &utugr'il \ ) At plr. autogrij. - motorway
autobotal - n. m. (pr. \ &utubut'&l \ ) At plr. autobotaj. - restaurant and snack bar. Italianism. See also the better
tanker, tank lorry, tank truck. See also the terms term "ristor ".
"autosisterna, autobotala ". autogrù - n. m. (pr. \ &utugr'[ue] \ ) Inv. at plr. - breakdown
autobotala - n. f. (pr. \ &utubut'&l& \ ) - See autobotal. van, tow truck, wrecker.
autobus - n. m. (pr. \ '&utub[ue]z \ ) - See autobos. autoindussion - n. m. (pr. \ &utuind[ue]si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
autocar - n. m. (pr. \ '&utuc'&r \ ) - See camion. self-induction. (electricity).
autocentrant - adj. (pr. \ &utu[ch]æntr'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. autoindutansa - n. f. (pr. \ &utuind[ue]t'&[ng]a& \ ) At plr.
autocrntrant - fm. sng. and plr. autocentranta, autoinditanse. - self-inductance. (electricity).
autocentrante. - self-centring. See also the term autolavagi - n. m. (pr. \ &utul&v'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - car wash.
"autosentrant ". autolesionìsm - n. m. (pr. \ &utuleziun'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - self-
autocher - n. m. (pr. \ '&utuk'ær \ ) - See camion. injuring.
autocingolà - n. m. (pr. \ &utu[ch]ingul'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - autolesionista - n. (pr. \ &utuleziun'ist& \ ) Ms. plr.
caterpillar vehicle, track vehicle. autolesionista - fm. sng. and plr. autolesionista,
autoclav - n. f. (pr. \ &utucl'&u \ ) Inv. at plr. - autoclave. autolesiniste. - self-injurer.
autocolòna - n. f. (pr. \ &utucul'on& \ ) At plr. autocolòne. - autolìnea - n. f. (pr. \ &utul'ine& \ ) At plr. autolìnee. - bus-
motor column, column of motor vehicles. line. See also the term "autolìnia ".
autocombustion - n. f. (pr. \ &utucumb[ue]sti'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at autolìnia - n. f. (pr. \ &utul'ini& \ ) - See autolìnea.
plr. - spontaneous combustion. autolubrificant - adj. (pr. \ &utul[ue]brific'&nt \ ) Ms. plr.
autolubrificant - fm. sng. and plr. autolubrificanta,
autolubrificante. - self-lubricating.

automassion - n. f. (pr. \ &utum&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - autoribaltàbil - n. m. (pr. \ &uturib&lt'&bil \ ) At plr.
automation. autoribaltàbij. - tipping lorry, dumper. See also the
automàtich - adj. (pr. \ &utum'&tic \ ) Ms. plr. automàtich - term "autotombarél ".
fm. sng. and plr. automàtica, automàtiche. - autorimessa - n. f. (pr. \ &uturim'es& \ ) At plr. autorimesse. -
automatic(al). garage. See also the term "garas ".
automatisassion - n. f. (pr. \ &utum&tiz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at autoriparassion - n. f. (pr. \ &uturip&r&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr.
plr. - automatization. - car repairs.
automatisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &utum&tiz'e \ ) - to autorisassion - n. f. (pr. \ &uturiz&si'u[ng] \ ) - Inv. at plr. - 1)
automatize. - authorization, permission. - 2) - permit, licence.
automatism - n. m. (pr. \ &utum&t'iz'm \ ) Inv. at plr. - autorisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &uturiz'e \ ) - to authorize.
automatism. autorità - n. f. (pr. \ &uturit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - authority. -
automatissità - n. f. (pr. \ &utum&tisit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 2) - power (in a fig. sense). - 3) - influence. - 4) -
automaticity. dignitaries. - 5) - Autorities.
automobilism - n. m. (pr. \ &utumubil'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. (if autoritari - adj. (pr. \ &uturit'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. autoritari - fm.
any) - motoring, motor-racing. sng. and plr. autoritaria, autoritarie. - 1) - authoritative.
automobilista - n. (pr. \ &utumubil'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. - 2) - authoritarian.
automobilista - fm. sng. and plr. automobilista, autoritarism - n. m. (pr. \ &uturit&r'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. -
automobiliste. - car driver, driver, motorist. authoritarianism.
automobilìstich -adj. (pr. \ &utumubil'istic \ ) Ms. plr. autoritrat - n. m. (pr. \ &uturitr'&t \ ) Inv. at plr. - self-
automobilistich - fm. sng. and plr. automobilistica, portrait.
automobilistiche. - motor, auto, (both used as attributes), auto-salon - n. m. (pr. \ &utus&l'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - motor
automotive. show.
automontà - adj. (pr. \ &utumunt'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - autoscala - n. f. (pr. \ &utusc'&l& \ ) At plr. autoscale. - van
motorized (military troops). with movable ladder, ladder.
automotriss - n. f. (pr. \ &utumutr'is \ ) Inv. at plr. - railcar. autoscat - n. m. (pr. \ &utusc'&t \ ) Inv. at plr. - automatic
automòbil - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ &utum'obil \ ) At plr. automòbij. - release, self-timer.
motorcar, car, automobile. See also the terms "àuto, autoscontr - n. m. (pr. \ &utusc'untr \ ) Inv. at plr. - dodgem.
màchina, vitura, autovitura ". autoscòla - n. f. (pr. \ &utusc'ol& \ ) At plr. autoscòle. -
automòbil - 2) - adj. (pr. \ &utum'obil \ ) Ms. plr. automòbij - driving school.
fm. sng. and plr. automòbil, automòbij. - self-propelling. autosentrant - adj. (pr. \ &utusæntr'&nt \ ) - See
autonn - n. m. (pr. \ &ut'un \ ) Inv. at plr. - autumn, fall. autocentrant.
Season of the year. See also the terms "autun, otonn, otogn, autoservissi - n. m. (pr. \ &utusærv'isi \ ) Inv. at plr. - road
oteugn ". passenger service, bus service.
autonolégg - n. m. (pr. \ &utunul'ej \ ) Inv. at plr. - car hire, autosisterna - n. f. (pr. \ &utusist'ærn& \ ) - See autobotal.
car rental. See also the loc. "nolégg d'àuto ". auto-sivëtta - n. f. (pr. \ &utusiv'&tt& \ ) At plr. auto-sivëtte. -
autonomìa - n. f. (pr. \ &utunum'i& \ ) At plr. autonomìe. - police patrol car.
autonomy. autosnodà - n. m. (pr. \ &utusnud'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
autonomism - n. m. (pr. \ &utunum'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - articulated vehicle.
autonomism. autostassion - n. f. (pr. \ &utust&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
autonomista - n. (pr. \ &utunum'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. autonomista service station. - 2) - bus terminal.
- fm. sng. and plr. autonomista, autonomiste. - autostòp - n. m. (pr. \ &utust'op \ ) Inv, at plr. (if any). -
autonomist. hitchhiking.
autonomìstich - adj. (pr. \ &utunum'istic \ ) Ms. plr. autostopeur - n. (pr. \ &utustup'[oe]r \ ) Ms. plr. autostopeur
autonomistich - fm. sng. and plr. autonomistica, - fm. sng. and plr. autostopeusa, autostopeuse. -
autonomistiche. - autonomistic. hitchhiker. See also the term autostopista.
autopista - n. f. (pr. \ &utup'ist& \ ) At plr. autopiste. - motor- autostopista - n. (pr. \ &utustup'ist& \ ) - See autostopeur.
racing track. autostrà - n. f. (pr. \ &utustr'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - motorway.
autopompa - n. f. (pr. \ &utup'ump& \ ) - At plr. autopompe. - autostradal - adj. (pr. \ &utustr&d'&l \ ) Ms. plr. autostradaj
fire-engine. - fm. sng. and plr. autostradal, autostradaj. - motorway
autopsìa - n. f. (pr. \ &utups'i& \ ) At plr. autopsìe. - autopsy. (as an attribute).
autor - n. (pr. \ &ut'ur \ ) Ms. plr. autor - fm. sng. and plr. autosuficensa - n. f. (pr. \ &utus[ue]fi[ch]'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr.
autriss, autriss. - author. autosuficense. - self-sufficiency.
autoràdio - n. f. (pr. \ &utur'&diô \ ) Inv. at plr. - car radio. autosuficent - adj. (pr. \ &utus[ue]fi[ch]'ænt \ ) Ms. plr.
autoradun - n. m. (pr. \ &utur&d'[ue][ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - autosuficent - fm. sng. and plr. autosuficenta,
motor rally. autosuficente. - self-sufficient.
autoreator - n. m. (pr. \ &uture&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - ramjet. autosugestion - n. f. (pr. \ &utus[ue]jesti'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
autoregolassion - n. f. (pr. \ &uturegul&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. autosuggestion.
- self-regulation, autoregulation. autosugestionàbil - adj. (pr. \ &utus[ue]jestiun'&bil \ ) - Ms.
autorèivol - adj. (pr. \ &utur'æivul \ ) Ms. plr. autorèivoj - fm. plr. autosugestionàbij - fm. sng. and plr.
sng. and plr. autorèivol, autorèivoj. - 1) - authoritative. - autosugestionàbil, autosugestionàbij. - auto-suggestable.
2) - influential. - See also the most common term autosugestionésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &utus[ue]jestiun'ese
"autorévol ". \ ) - to influence oneself.
autorespirator - n. m. (pr. \ &uturespir&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - autotombarél - n. m. (pr. \ &ututumb&r'el \ ) - See
aqualung, scuba. autoribaltàbil.
autorévol - adj. (pr. \ &utur'evul \ ) - See autorèivol. autotrasformator - n. m. (pr. \ &ututr&sfurm&t'ur \ ) Inv. at
autorevolëssa - n. f. (pr. \ &uturevul'&ss& \ ) At plr. plr. - auto-transformer. (electicity).
autorevolësse. - authority, authoritativeness. autotrasportator - n. m. (pr. \ &ututr&spurt&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr.
- haulage contractor, haulier, trucker.

autotrasporté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &ututr&spurt'e \ ) - to avalorésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &v&lur'ese \) - to become
carry by motorcar, to lorry. stronger.
autotraspòrt - n. m. (pr. \ &ututr&sp'ort \ ) Inv. at plr. - avambrass - n. m. (pr. \ &v&mbr'&s \) Inv. at plr. - forearm.
carriage by motorcar, carriage by lorry, haulage, motor avampòrt - n. m. (pr. \ &v&mp'ort \) Inv. at plr. - outer
transport. harbour.
autotrenìsta - n. m. (pr. \ &ututren'ist& \ ) Inv. at plr. - lorry- avampòst - n. m. (pr. \ &v&mp'ost \) Inv. at plr. - outpost.
driver, truck-driver. avamprima - n. f. (pr. \ &v&mpr'im& \) At plr. avamprime. -
autotreno - n. m. (pr. \ &ututr'enu \ ) Inv. at plr. - trailer preview.
truck. See also the loc. "camion-rimòrchio ", having lit. avancheur - n. m. (pr. \ &v&[ng]c'[oe]r \) Inv. at plr. - pit of
meaning of " truck trailer ". the stomach.
autovalor - n. m. (pr. \ &utuv&l'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - eigenvalue avancòrp - n. m. (pr. \ &v&[ng]c'orp \) - Inv. at plr. - avant-
(mathematics). corps (architecture).
autovitura - n. f. (pr. \ &utuvit'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. autoviture. - avanguàrdia - n. f. (pr. \ &v&[ng]gu'&rdi& \) At plr.
motorcar. See also the terms "vitura, àuto, màchina ". avanguàrdie. - 1) vanguard, van. - 2) - avant-garde (art).
autòcton - n. and adj. (pr. \ &ut'octu[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. autòcton avanòt - n. m. (pr. \ &v&n'ot \) Inv. at plr. - fry, young fish.
- fm. sng. and plr. autòctona, autòctone. - 1) - See also the collective term "anlevam ".
autochthonal, autochthonous (adj.). - 2) - autochthon avans - n. m. (pr. \ &v'&[ng]s \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - remainder,
(sbst.). Sometimes also in the spelling "auòctono ". (see the scrap. - 2) - remains. - 3) - surplus, leftovers. See also the
voice). term "vansroj ".
autòctono - n. and adj. (pr. \ &ut'octunô \ ) - See autòcton. avansa - n. f. (pr. \ &v'&[ng]s& \) At plr. avanse. - approach,
autògen - adj. (pr. \ &ut'oje[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. autògen - fm. sng. feeler, proposal, advance.
and plr. autògena, autògene. - autogenous. avansà - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ &v&[ng]s'& \) Inv. at plr. - advance.
autògrafo - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &ut'ogr&fô \ ) Inv. at plr. - avansà - 2) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ &v&[ng]s'& \) - See avansé.
autograph. avansament - n. m. (pr. \ &v&[ng]s&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
autògrafo - 2) - adj. (pr. \ &ut'ogr&fô \ ) Ms. plr. autògrafo - advancement. - 2) - promotion. - 3) - feed (machine tool).
fm. sng. and plr. autògrafa, autògrafe. - autograph. avansé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &v&[ng]s'e \) - 1) to
autòma - n. m. (pr. \ &ut'om& \ ) Inv. at plr. - automaton, advance, to put forward, to bring forward. (trs.). - 2) -
robot. to promote, to propose, to present (trs.) - 3) - to precede,
autònom - adj. and n. (pr. \ &ut'onum \ ) Ms. plr. autònom - to surpass (trs.). - 4) - to go forward, to progress, to gain
fm. sng. and plr. autònoma, autònome. - 1) - ground. (trs. and int.). - 5) - to be left, to remain (int.). -
autonomous. - 2) - independent. - 3) - self-sufficient. - 4) 6) - to be in excess (int.). - 7) - to save, to lay aside (trs).
- self-employed. - 5) - self-contained. avansena - n. f. (pr. \ &v&[ng]s'en& \) At plr. avansene. -
àutr - 1) - adj. (pr. \ '&utr \ ) - See àutër (adj.). proscenium, stage. See also the terms "prosseni,
àutr - 2) - prn. (pr. \ '&utr \) - See àuter (sbst.). prossenio".
autrimenti - adv. (pr. \ &utrim'ænti \) - otherwise. See also the avansoiro - n. m. (pr. \ &v&[ng]s'uiru \) Inv. at plr. -
term "altrimenti ", and the adv. loc. "an n'àutra menera " remainder, residue, left-over, remnant, scrap, oddment.
lit. "in another way ". See also the terms " avansroj, avansoj, vansroj ".
autun - n. m. (pr. \ &ut'[ue][ng] \) Inv. at plr. - autumn, fall. avansoj - n. m. (pr. \ &v&[ng]s'uy \) - See avansoiro.
See also the terms "autonn, otonn, otogn, oteugn ". avansroj - n. m. (pr. \ &v&[ng]sr'uy \) - See avansoiro.
autunal - adj. (pr. \ &ut[ue]n'&l \) Ms. plr. autunaj - fm. sng. avantagé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &v&nt&j'e \) - to benefit, to
and plr. autunal, autunaj. - autumnal. Please note the favour. See also the most common term "vantagé ".
different pronunciations of the two vowels " u ", in this avantagésse - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &v&nt&j'e \) - 1) - to take
word (see phonology). advantage. - 2) - to draw ahead. - See the most common
autura - n. f. (pr. \ &ut'[ue]r& \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - high ground, term "vantagésse ".
hill. - 2) - haightiness (in a fig. sense). - See also the term avantagi - n. m. (pr. \ &v&nt'&ji \) Inv. at plr. - advantage,
"auteur ". benefit, profit. See also the most used term "vantagi ".
autut (d'---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ d &ut'[ue]t \) - completely. avantagios - adj. (pr. \ &v&nt&ji'uz \) Ms. plr. avantagios -
av - prn. prt. (prs. vrbl. prm. (3rd prs.) prs. prn (2nd prs. plr.)) fm. sng. and plr. avantagiosa, avantagiose. -
(pr. \ &v \ ) - he ... (to) you (plr.)., they ... (to) you (plr.). advantageous, profitable, favourable. See also the most
See grammar about. Some examples: used term "vantagios ".
A) - "he gives (to) you a book " = "chièl av dà un lìber ". avanti - 1) - adv. (pr. \ &v'&nti \) - forward, ahead (space),
B) - "they are indicating you " = "lor av ìndico ". before, in advance (time). Italianism. See also the best
avairé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ &v&ir'e \) - See anvairé. term "anans ".
avairet - n. m. (pr. \ &v&ir'æt \) - See anvairet. avanti! - 2) - excl. (pr. \ &v'&nti \) - forward!, come in!, go
avàit - n. m. (pr. \ &v'&it \) - Inv. at plr. - ambush. Note that in!.
the loc. "sté a l'avait " means "to lie in ambush ". avanti - 3) - prp. (pr. \ &v'&nti \) - in front of, before. See
avaité - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &v&it'e \) - 1) - to lie in also the best terms "anans, davanti dëdnans ".
ambush (int.). - 2) - to control carefully. (trs.). It always avantiér - adv. (pr. \ &v&nti'er \) - the day before yesterday.
uses the aux. "avéj". Quit an italianism. See also the most correct form "l'autër
aval - n. m. (pr. \ &v'&l \) At plr. avaj. - guaranty, guarantee, ier "
backing. avantren - n. m. (pr. \ &v&ntr'æ[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
avalant - n. (pr. \ &v&l'&nt \) Ms. plr. avalant - fm. sng. and forecarriage.
plr. avalanta, avalante. - guarantor, backer. avar - adj. and n. (pr. \ &v'&r \) Ms. plr. avar - fm. sng. and
avalé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &v&l'e \) - to guarantee, to back. plr. avara, avare. - 1) - niggardly, stingy,miserly, greedy
avalorament - n. m. (pr. \ &v&lur&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - (adj.). - 2) - niggard, miser (sbst.).
confirmation, strengthening. avarìa - n. f. (pr. \ &v&r'i& \) At plr. avarìe. - 1) - average. -
avaloré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &v&lur'e \) - to confirm, to 2) - damage. - 3) - breackdown. See also the term "guast
strengthen. ", which is better.

avarié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &v&ri'e \) - to damage. See also averàbil - adj. (pr. \ &ver'&bil \) Ms. plr. averàbij - fm. sng.
the term "guasté ", which is better. and plr. averàbil, averàbij. - realizable. See also the terms
avariésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &v&ri'ese \) - to go bad. See "realisàbil, faitìbil ".
also the term "guastésse ", which is better. averament - n. m. (pr. \ &ver&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. -
avarìssia - n. f. (pr. \ &v&r'isi& \) At plr. (if any) avarìssie. - realization, fulfilment.
avarice, stinginess. averb - n. m. (pr. \ &v'ærb \) Inv. at plr. - adverb. See also the
avasi - n. m. (pr. \ &v'&zi \) Inv. at plr. - downpour, terms "averbi, adverb ".
cloudburst. averbi - n. m. (pr. \ &v'ærbi \) - See averb.
avaslor -n. m. (pr. \ &v&zl'ur \) Inv. at plr. - funnel. averbial - adj. (pr. \ &værbi'&l \) Ms. plr. averbiaj - fm. sng.
avèj - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &v'æy \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - substance, and plr. averbial, avenrbiaj. - adverbial.
property, possession. - 2) - assets, credit. - 3) - hive, averé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &ver'e \) - to realize.
honeycomb. See also, in this meaning, the term "avié" averésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &ver'ese \) - to be fulfilled, to
avèj - 2) - vrb aux. and vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ &v'æy \) - 1) - to come true.
have, to possess, to own . - 2) - to have (aux. - see aversari - n. and adj. (pr. \ &værs'&ri \) Ms. plr. aversari - fm.
grammar for its use). - 3) - to have (to), to must, to be sng. and plr. aversaria, aversarie. - 1) - opponent,
required of... - In Piedm., as it happens in the most of the adversary, antagonist. (sbst.) - 2) - opposing (adj.).
languages, there are many idiomatic ways of saying aversé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &værs'e \) - to oppose, to set
making use of the vrb. "avèj ". Here we report just a pair of oneself against.
examples: aversésse - vrb 1st con. recp. (pr. \ &værs'ese \) - to oppose
- avèj maitass, avèj martass to be eager, to desire each other.
ardently. (it is difficult to assign a lit. meaning to this aversion - n. f. (pr. \ &værsi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - aversion,
expression, which is very used). hostility.
- avèj bon temp (lit. to have good time) to be aversità - n. f. (pr. \ &værsit'& \) Inv. at plr. - adversity. See
thoughtless, to be happy. also the term "adversità ".
See also the form "avèje " averte - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ &v'ærte \) - 1) - to point out. -
avèje - vrb aux. and vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ &v'æye \) - See avèj. 2) - to notify, to inform. - 3) - to warn. - 4) - to feel. - See
Avemaria - n. f. (pr. \ &vem&r'i& \) At plr. Avemarìe. - 1) - also the 3rd con. form "avertì " (see grammar about the
prayer Hail Mary, Ave Maria. - 2) - the time in the "verb fosonant ").
evening when tolling bells of churches strike the hour of avertensa - n. f. (pr. \ &vært'æ[ng]s& \) At plr. avertense. - 1)
this prayer. The time in which farmers, once, left the work - care, attention. - 2) - note. 3) - directions (often at plr.
an went home for dinner. also in Piedm.: "avertense ".)
avenensa - n. f. (pr. \ &ven'æ[ng]s& \) At plr. (if any) avertì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &vært'i \) - See averte.
avenense. - attractiveness. avertìbil - adj. (pr. \ &vært'ibil \) Ms. plr. avertìbij - fm. sng.
avenent - adj. (pr. \ &ven'ænt \) Ms. plr. avenent - fm. sng. and plr. avertìbil, avertìbij. - perceptible, perceivable,
and plr. avenenta, avenente. - attractive. Not very used noticeable.
word, see instead "atraent, anciarmant, atrativ ". avertiment - n. m. (pr. \ &værtim'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - warning.
aveniment - n. m. (pr. \ &venim'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - event. See avëdse - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ &v'&dse \) - to notice, to
also the term "avniment ". realize. Quite an italianism, see also the voices "ancòrzësse
avent - n. m. (pr. \ &v'ænt \) Inv. at plr. (if any). - Advent ancòrzëssne, antajésse ".
(religion). See also the term "advent ". avìa - n. f. (pr. \ &v'i& \) At plr. avìe - bee, drone. See also the
aventà - adj. (pr. \ &vænt'& \) Inv. in gender and number. - term "avija "
rash, reckless. aviament - n. m. (pr. \ &vi&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - starting,
aventatàgin - n. f. (pr. \ &vænt&t'&ji[ng] \) Inv. at plr, - commencement. - 2) - starting, setting in motion. - 3) -
rashness, recklessness. starting device, starter. In this sense see also the term
aventé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &vænt'e \) - 1) - to fling, to hurl. "aviator 2)".
See also the best terms "slansé, campé, tiré". - 2) - to let aviassion - n. f. (pr. \ &vi&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
fly. See also the terms "molé, tiré, pianté ". - 3) - to aviation. - 2) - Air Force.
venture, to hazard. aviator -1) - n. (pr. \ &vi&t'ur \) Ms. plr. aviator - fm. sng.
aventésse - vrb v con. refl. (pr. \ &vænt'ese \) - to rush, to and plr. aviatriss, aviatriss. - aviator, airman
fling oneself. (airwoman).
aventìssi - n. and adj. (pr. \ &vænt'isi \) Ms. plr. aventissi - aviator - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ &vi&t'ur \) Inv. at plr. - starter. See
fm. sng. and plr. aventìssia, aventìssie. - 1) - outside (adj. also the term "aviament ".
as an attribute), temporary, casual (adj.). - 2) - temporary aviatòri - adj. (pr. \ &vi&t'ori \) Ms. plr. aviatori - fm. sng.
(sbst.). and plr. aviatòria, aviatòrie. - air (as an attributs), flying.
aventor - n. m. (pr. \ &vænt'ur \) Inv. at plr. - regular avìcol - adj. (pr. \ &v'icul \) Ms. plr. avìcoj - fm. sng. and plr.
customer. avìcola, avicole. - avicultural.
aventura - n. f. (pr. \ &vænt'[ue]r& \) At plr. aventure. - 1) - avicoltor - n. m. (pr. \ &vicult'ur \) Inv. at plr. - bird-fancier,
adventure. - 2) - incident. - 3) - affair. chicken farmer.
aventuré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &vænt[ue]r'e \) - to risk, to avicoltura - n. f. (pr. \ &vicult'[ue]r& \) At plr. avicolture. - 1)
venture. This term is few used in the active form, and - bird-fancing, aviculture. - 2) - chicken farming.
more in the refl. one. The term "arzighé ", is more used. àvid - adj. (pr. \ '&vid \) Ms. plr. àvid - fm. sng. and plr. àvida,
aventurésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &vænt[ue]r'ese \) - to àvide. - avid, greedy, eager.
take risks, to venture. See also the term "arzighésse ". avidità - n. f. (pr. \ &vidit'& \) Inv. at plr. - avidity, greed.
aventurié - n. (pr. \ &vænt[ue]ri'e \) Ms. plr. aventurié - fm. avié - 1) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &vi'e \) - 1) - to start, to start
sng. and plr. aventuriéra, aventuriére. - adventurer. off. - 2) - to set up, to start up. - 3) - to start. - Quite an
aventuriera - n. f. (pr. \ &vænt[ue]ri'er& \) - See aventurié. italianism, see the most used terms "anandié, comensé,
aventuros - adj. (pr. \ &vænt[ue]r'uz \) Ms. plr. aventuros - etc.", and vrbl. loc. like "fé parte" lit. "to make start ".
fm. sng. and plr. aventurosa, aventurose. - adventurous, avié - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ &vi'e \) Inv. at plr. - airman.
eventful. See also the term "arzigos ".

avié - 3) - n. m. (pr. \ &vi'e \) Inv. at plr. - hive. See also the avocatésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &vuc&t'ese \) - to take a
form with spelling "avijé ". degree as lawyer.
avija - n. f. (pr. \ &v'iy& \) At plr. avije. - bee, drone. avocatura - n. f. (pr. \ &vuc&t'[ue]r& \) At plr. avocature. - 1)
avijé - n. m. (pr. \ &vi'ye \) Inv. at plr. - hive. See also the form - law, legal profession. - 2) - Bar (set of the lawyers). - 3)
with spelling "avié ". - the Law Officers.
avilent - adj. (pr. \ &vil'ænt \) Ms. plr. avilent - fm. sng. and avoché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &vuk'e \) - to summon.
plr. avilenta, avilente. - disheartening, depressing, avolgìbil - 1) - adj. (pr. \ &vulj'ibil \) Ms. plr. avolgìbij - fm.
demoralizing. sng. and plr. avolgìbil, avolgìbij. - roll-up, (roll-down),
avilì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &vil'i \) - 1) - to dishearten. - 2) - roller (as attributes).
to humiliate. - This term is not very used. See also the avolgibil - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ &vulj'ibil \) At plr. avolgìbij. - roll-
terms "svilì, dëspresié, umilié ". up shutter, roll-up door. See also the best terms "persian-
aviliment - n. m. (pr. \ &vilim'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - a, saranda, taparela ".
disheartenment. - 2) - humiliation. - See also the nost avolgiment - n. m. (pr. \ &vuljim'ænt \) - Inv. at plr. -
used terms " sviliment, dëspresi, umiliassion ". wrapping up, rolling, winding, coil-winding, coiling.
avilìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &vil'ise \) - 1) - to lose heart. avolgitriss - n. f. (pr. \ &vuljitr'is \) - Inv. at plr. - lap machine.
- 2) - to degrade oneself. avosà - adj. (pr. \ &vuz'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - renowned,
àvio - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ '&viu \) Inv. at plr. - river bed. See also famous, celebrated.
the loc. "lét dël fium " lit "bed of the river". avòlge - vrb. 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ &v'olje \) - to wrap up, to
avio - 2) - adj. (pr. \ &viu \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - for aviation. wind, to roll up. This term is mainly used for electrical
avio... - 3) - prefix. (pr. \ &viu \) - avio..., air.... As it is in windings, for other uses see also the terms "anlupé,
other languages, this prefix relates to the fly (in general) anvlupé, etc. ".
the main word. As usual only some examples are reported avòli - n. m. (pr. \ &v'oli \) - See avòri.
here. avòlio - n. m. (pr. \ &v'oliô \) - See avòri.
avioget - n. m. (pr. \ &viuj'et \) Inv. at plr. - jet aircraft. avòri - n. m. (pr. \ &v'ori \) Inv. at plr. (if any) - ivory. See also
aviolìnia - n. f. (pr. \ &viul'inia \) At plr. aviolìnie. - airline, the terms "avòli, avòlio ".
airway. avril - n. m. (pr. \ &vr'il \) At a possible plr. avrij. - April.
avion - n. m. (pr. \ &vi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - aircraft. See also avuj - n. m. (pr. \ &v'[ue]y \) Inv. at plr. - goad, spur. See also
the term "aeroplan ". the terms "avuja, ujiss, uja ".
avis - n. m. (pr. \ &vi'z \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - announcement. - 2) avuja - n. f. (pr. \ &v'[ue]y& \) - See avuj.
- notice. See also "crija " in this sense. - 3) - opinion. avùss - adj. (pr. \ &'[ue]s \) Ms. plr. avùss - fm. sng. and plr.
avisator - n. m. (pr. \ &viz&t'ur \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - informer. - rspy. avùssa, avùsse. - sharp, pointed. See also the term
2) - call-boy. - 3) - call-bell. "aùss " (same pronunciation since in this word the letter "v
avisch - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &v'isc \) Inv. at plr. (if any). - marsh " is completely mute, and can be not written. Note anyway
mallow. (botanic - Althaea officinalis). that not always the mute "v " can be not written, since
avisch - 2) - adj. (pr. \ &v'isc \) Ms. plr. avisch - fm. sng. and sometimes is required), and the term "ùss ".
plr. avisca, avische. - 1) - lighted, lit, burning. - 2) - avussé - vrb 1st con trs. (pr. \ &[ue]s'e \) - to sharpen. See also
turned on, switched on. - 3) - fired on. - 4) - running. - the term "aussé " (having the same pronunciation, see the
5) - bright. - See also the most common term "anvisch ". previous note).
avisché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &visk'e \) - 1) - to light. - 2) - to avussésse - vrb 1st con refl. (pr. \ &[ue]s'ese \) - to become
turn on, to switch on. - 3) - to ignite. - 4) - to foment (in a sharp. See also the term "aussésse " (having the same
fig. sense). - 5) - to burn. - See also the most common pronunciation, see the previous note).
term "anvisché ". avussura - n. f. (pr. \ &[ue]s'[ue]r& \) At plr. avussure. - 1) -
avisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &viz'e \) - 1) - to inform, to point, sharp end. - 2) - sharpening. - See also the term
advise. - 2) - to warn. "aussura " (having the same pronunciation, see the previous
avistament - n. m. (pr. \ &vist&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - sighting. note).
avisté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &vist'e \) - to sight. avzin - 1) - adj. and n. (pr. \ &uz'[ng] \) Ms. plr. avzin - fm.
avivé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &viv'e \) - See arvivé. sng. and plr. avzin-a, avzin-e. - 1) - near, nearby, close.
avnì - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ &vn'i \) Inv. at plr. (if any). - 1) - future. (adj.). - 2) - neighbour (sbst.). - See also the terms "davzin,
- 2) - prospects. vzin ".
avnì - adj. (pr. \ &vn'i \) Inv. in gender and number. - future, to avzin - 2) - adv. and prp. (pr. \ &uz'i[ng] \) - 1) - near, close.
come. As an adj., not so used italianism, see the adj. loc. (adv.). - 2) - close to, near to (prp.). - See also the terms
"ch'a ven, ch'a vnirà, etc. ". "davzin, vzin ".
avnì - vrb 3rd con. trd. imp. dfc. (pr. \ &vn'i \) - to happen. avzinà - n. m. (pr. \ &uzin'& \) Inv. at plr. - neighbourhood,
Italianism, see also the terms "ëvnì, vnì, capité, sucede, neighbours. See also the term "vzinà ".
socede, rivé, etc. ". avzinal - adj. (pr. \ &uzin'&l \) Ms. plr. avzinaj - fm. sng. and
avniment - n. m. (pr. \ &vnim'ænt \) - See aveniment. plr. avzinal, avzinaj. - local.
avocà - adj. (pr. \ &vuc'& \) Inv. in gender and number. - avzinansa - n. f. (pr. \ &uzin'&[ng]s& \) At plr. (if any).
advocate, protector, protectress. avzinanse. - 1) - nearness, closeness, vicinity. - 2) -
avocassion - n. f. (pr. \ &vuc&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - affinity. - See also the term "vzinansa".
assumption, confiscation. (legal) avziné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &uzin'e \) - 1) - to move near, to
avocat - n. m. (pr. \ &vuc'&t \) - Inv. at plr. - lawyer, bring near. - 2) - to have to do with.
advocate. avzinésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &uzin'ese \) - 1) - to come
avocatarìa - n. f. (pr. \ &vuc&t&r'i& \) At plr. avocatarìe. - near, to approach. - 2) - to be similar.
pettifogging trick.


Letter B
babòja " lit. "to do (as an) insect ". with the value of "to
b - second letter of the alphabet and n. f. (pr. \ b \) - b. peep (in or out), to poke one's head (through) "
babacio - n. m. (pr. \ b&b'&[ch]iu \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - rag doll, babòrgna - n. f. (pr. \ b&b'or[gn]& \) Usually used at plr.
puppet. - 2) - numskull, simpleton, dupe (in a fig. sense). babòrgne. - blow, stroke, knock, beating.
In this sense see also the terms "babego, bacicia ". babuin - n. m. (pr. \ b&b[ue]'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - baboon
babàu - n. m. (pr. \ b&b'&u \) Inv. at plr. - bugbear, bugaboo, (zoology - Papio cynocephalus). - 2) - rascal, little
scarecrow. scoundrel.
babego - n. m. (pr. \ b&b'egu \) - See babacio 2). bacaja - n. f. (pr. \ b&c'&y& \) At plr. (if any) bacaje. -
babeo - n. and adj. (pr. \ b&b'eu \) Ms. plr. babeo - fm. sng. loquacity, garrulity. See also the term "babìa ".
and plr. babea, babee. - 1) - numskull, dupe, simpleton, bacajé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ b&c&y'e \) - 1) - to protest
blockhead. (sbst.). - 2) - foolish, stupid, simple (adj.). - verbally. - 2) - to chat noisily. See also the term "bagajé".
See also the terms "babicc, folaton, fòl, garola, etc. ". bacajon - n. and adj.(pr. \ b&c&y'u[ng] \) Ms. plr. bacajon -
babèra - n. m. (pr. \ b&b'ær& \) At plr. babère. - little lamb fm. sng. and plr. bacajon-a, bacajon-e. - 1) - great talker,
(female). See also the terms "bebèra, bèra, bërra ". chatterbox, gossip. (sbst.). - 2) - grumbler (sbst.). - 3) -
babèro - n. m. (pr. \ b&b'æru \) Inv. at plr. - little lamb. See talkative, gossip (adj.).
also the terms "bebèro, bèro ". bacalà - n. m. (pr. \ b&c&l'& \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - dried salted
babi - n. m. (pr. \ b'&bi \) Inv. at plr. - toad (zoology - Bufo cod. - 2) - beanpole (in a fig. sense). - 3) - blockhead (in a
vulgaris). A very common piedmontese way of saying fig. sense). - See also the term "mërluss ".
making use of this term is : "Esse al pian dij babi " lit. bacalàur - n. m.(pr. \ b&c&l'&ur \) Inv. at plr. - bacelor,
"To be at the level of the toads " with a value of "To be in bacelorship.
poverty ", or, in general "to experience great troubles ".. bacan - 1) - adj. (pr. \ b&c'&[ng] \) Ms. plr. bacan - fm. sng.
babìa - n. f. (pr. \ b&b'i& \) At plr. babìe. - 1) - loquacity, and plr. bacan-a, bacan-e. - 1) - cruel, inhuman. - 2) -
garrulity. See also the terms "bacaja, bafoja ". - 2) - rude, rough, boorish.
rhetorical speech. bacan - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ b&c'&[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - din, raket,
babià - n. f. (pr. \ b&bi'& \) Inv. at plr. - heavy fall, nasty noise, uproar, hubbub. See also the term "bacaneri ".
tumble. bacanal - n. m. (pr. \ b&c&n'&l \) At plr. bacanaj. - 1) -
babiass - n. m (pr. \ b&bi'&s \) Inv. at plr. - bad toad - Baccanalia. - 2) - reverly, orgy (in a fig. sense).
pejorative of "babi ", used also in fig. sense with value of bacaneri - n. m. (pr. \ b&c&n'eri \) - See bacan 2).
hideous person, or unsociable person. bach - n. m. (pr. \ b&c \) Inv. at plr. - pile-driver, rammer,
babicc - n. and adj. (pr. \ b&b'i[ch] \) - See babeo. ram, drop-hammer.
babié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ b&bi'e \) - to huddle. bachet - n. m. - (pr. \ b&k'æt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - branch, little
babiésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ b&bi'ese \) - to crouch, to stick. - 2) - little rammer. See also the term "bach", whose
cower, to squat, to huddle up, to cuddle up. See also the this voice is the diminutive.
term "angrignésse ". bachëtta - n. f. (pr. \ b&k'&tt& \) At plr. bachëtte. - stick (long
babiliard - n. and adj. (pr. \ b&bili'&rd \) Ms. plr. babiliard - and slender), cane, rod, baton.
fm. sng. and plr. babiliarda, babiliarde. - 1) - chatterbox, bachëttà - n. f. (pr. \ b&k&tt'& \) Inv. at plr. - blow with a
great talker. (sbst.). - 2) - gossipy (adj.). stick.
babilònia - n. f. (pr. \ b&bil'oni& \) At plr. (if any) babilònie. - bachëtté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ b&k&tt'e \) - to beat with a
confusion, disorder, muddle, bustle. stick (often used in a fig. sense of "to criticize wrong
babiòt - n. m. (pr. \ b&bi'ot \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - little toad behaviours").
(diminutive of "babi "). - 2) - little boy, chubby child (in a bacialé - n. (pr. \ b&[ch]i&l'e \) Ms. plr. bacialé - fm. sng. and
fig. sense). plr. bacialera, bacialere. - procurer (related to
babocc - n. m. (pr. \ b&b'u[ch] \) Inv. at plr. - poodle (dog). marriages).
babòcc - 1) - adj. (pr. \ b&b'o[ch] \) Ms. plr. babòcc - fm. sng. baciass - n. m. (pr. \ b&[ch]i'&s \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - puddle,
and plr. babòcia, babòce. - 1) - fool, foolish. marsh. - 2) - fountain basin, basin, tub. See also the term
babòcc - 2) - adj. and n. (pr. \ b&b'o[ch] \) Ms. plr. babòcc - "paciass".
fm. sng. and plr. babòcia, babòce. - poodle, poodle dog. baciassa - n. m. (pr. \ b&[ch]i'&s& \) At plr. baciasse. -
See also the term "bòcc". trough.
babocia - n. f. (pr. \ b&b'u[ch]& \) At plr. baboce. - 1) - baciassé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ b&[ch]i&s'e \) - to splash
bootee. In this meaning it is quite used. - 2) - slipper. In about, to paddle, to dabble. See also the term "sbaciassé
this meaning it would be an italianism, see the best terms ". It uses the aux. "avèj ".
"pantofla, patërla, savata ". baciassésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ b&[ch]i&s'ese \) - to toss
bàbola - n. f. (pr. \ b'&bul& \) At plr.bàbole. - fib, story, oneself in the water. See also the term "sbaciassésse ".
nonsense, trifle. bacìcia - n. m. (pr. \ b&[ch]'i[ch]i& \) Inv. at plr. - numskull,
babolé - n. (pr. \ b&bul'e \) Ms. plr. babolé - fm. sng. and plr. dupe, puppet. See also the terms "babego, babacio".
babolera, babolere. - 1) - story-teller. - 2) - liar. See also bacioch - adj. (pr. \ b&[ch]i'uc \) Ms. plr. bacioch - fm. sng.
the term "babolèire, contabale ". and plr. bacioca, bacioche. - stunned, torpid, with a
babolèire - n. (pr. \ b&bul'æire \) - See babolé. giddiness.
babòja - n. f. (pr. \ b&b'oy& \) At plr. babòje. - caterpillar, bacioché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ b&[ch]iuk'e \) - to scribble, to
grub,worm, insect, bug. See also the term "bòja ". This scrawl, to scrabble.
term is used in the following idiomatic expression "fé

bacioro - n. m. (pr. \ b&[ch]i'uru \) Inv. at plr. - clamour, badilà - n. f. (pr. \ b&dil'& \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - blow with a
raket, loud noise, infernal noise. shovel. - 2) - shovelful. See also the most used term "palà
baciostré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ b&[ch]iustr'e \) - to wet, to ".
dip, to bathe, to soak. badin - adj. (pr. \ b&d'i[ng] \) Ms. plr. badin - fm. sng. and plr.
baciòch - n. m. (pr. \ b&[ch]i'oc \) Inv. at plr. - scribble, crawl, badin-a, badin-e. - joky, playful, jesting, facetious,
doodle. See also the term "paciòch ". burlescue, funny.
baciòla - n. f. (pr. \ b&[ch]i'ol& \) At plr. baciòle. - dump box, badinà - n. f. (pr. \ b&din'& \) - See badinagi.
container, large case. badinada - n. f. (pr. \ b&din'&d& \) - See badinagi.
Baco - n. m. (pr. \ b'&cu \) Prs. n. inv. in any case. - Bacchus. badinagi - n. m. (pr. \ b&din'&ji \) Inv. at plr. - joke, jest,
(mythology). trick.
Baco (për diri ---) - excl. (pr. \ p&r diri b'&cu \) - by Jove!. badinàire - n. (pr. \ b&din'&ire \) Ms. plr. badinàire - fm. sng.
bacteri - n. m. (pr. \ b&ct'eri \) Inv. at plr. - bacterium. See and plr. badinàira, badinàire. - joker, jester.
also the term "bateri ". badiné - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ b&din'e \) - to make a
bactérich - adj. (pr. \ b&ct'eric \) Ms. plr. bactérich - fm. sng. fool of (sb.), to tease. (trs.). - 2) - to joke (int.). - See also
and plr. bactérica, bactériche. - bacteric, bacterical. See the terms "schërsé, gandiné " and the vrb. loc. "pijé 'n gir "
also the term "baterich ". = lit. "to take in round " with value of "to make fun ".
bacteriologìa - n. f. (pr. \ b&cteriuluj'i& \) At plr. (if any) badoché - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ b&duk'e \) - See badolé.
bacteriologìa. - bacteriology. See also the term badofi - adj. (pr. \ b&d'ufi \ ) - See borenfi.
"bateriologìa ". badolé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ b&dul'e \) - 1) - to lounge
bacteriològich - adj. (pr. \ b&cteriul'ojic \) Ms. plr. about, to wander about, to loaf. - 2) - to idle about, to
bacteriològich - fm. sng. and plr. bacteriològica, laze.
bacteriològiche. - bacteriological. See also the term badò - n. m. (pr. \ b&d'o \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - burden, load,
"bateriològich ". weight (often in a fig. sense). - 2) - blame, fault. Two
bacteriòlogh - n. (pr. \ b&cteri'olug \) Ms. plr. bacteriòlogh - ways of saying can show better this meaning. A) - "carié 'l
fm. sng. and plr. bacteriòloga, bacteriòloghe. - badò " lit. "to charge the blame (upon sb.). with value "to
bacteriologist. See also the term "bateriòlogh ". accuse (sb.)". - B) - "cariésse 'l badò " lit. "to charge the
bacterissida - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ b&cteris'id& \) Inv. at plr. - balme on oneself " with value "to take the blame upon
bactericide. See also the term "baterissida ". oneself ".
bacterissida - 2) - adj. (pr. \ b&cteris'id& \) Ms. plr. badòla - n. (pr. \ b&d'ol& \) Used as inv. in gnd. and nr., with
bacterissida - fm. sng. and plr. bacterissida, bacterisside. the possibility of a fm. plr. "badòle " - 1) - idler, loafer. -
- bactericidal. See also the term "baterissida ". 2) - fool, stupid.
bacuch - n. (pr. \ b&c'[ue]c \) Ms. plr. bacuch - fm. sng. and badraca - n. f. (pr. \ b&dr'&c& \) At plr. badrache. - 1) - old
plr. bacuca, bacuche. - 1) - old person (in a fig. sense). thing, thing out of fashion. In this sense see also the term
The lit. meaning is: - 2) - old hood. "pataca". - 2) - old strumpet. See also the term "patraca".
bada - n. f. (pr. \ b'&d& \) Usually used at sng. In case of need, badsoà - n. m. (pr. \ b&dsu'& \) Inv. at plr. - characteristical
at plr. bade. - bay. The term is not exactly transatable. piedm. dish based on fried legs of pork. See also the term
Used in the expressions "tnì (quaidun) ëd bada " "to keep "batsoà ".
(sb.) at bay " or "to make (sb.) lose time " and "sté 'd bada" bàfer - n. m. plr. (pr. \ b'&fer \) Only plr. - moustaches. See
"to lose time ". also the terms "barbison, barbis ", that can be also sng.
badaja - n. f. (pr. \ b&d'&y& \) At plr. badaje. - carousal, bafoja - n. (pr. \ b&f'uy& \) Ms. plr. bafoja - fm. sng. and plr.
loud merry-making. bafoja, bafoje. - 1) - loquacity, garrulity. -2) - great
badalich - n. m. (pr. \ b&d&l'ic \) - Inv. at plr. - newness, talker, chatterbox, gossip. - 3) - intriguer. See also the
oddity. term "babìa ".
badaloch - n. (pr. \ b&d&l'uc \) Ms. plr. badaloch - fm. sng. bafojé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ b&fuy'e \) - 1) - to talk idly, to
and plr. badaloca, badaloche. - stupid, fool. Usually used chatter. - 2) - to deceive with chatters. It uses the aux.
at ms., see also the terms "badé, stùpid, fòl, badòla ". "avèj ".
badant - n. and adj. (pr. \ b&d'&nt \) Ms. plr. badant - fm. bafrà - n. f. (pr. \ b&fr'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - bellyful, hearty meal.
sng. and plr. badanta, badante. - 1) - looking after (adj.). See also the terms "balafrà, bafrada, balafrada, sbalafrada
- 2) - operator who makes a service at the person. ".
(sbst.). bafrada - n. f. (pr. \ b&fr'&d& \ ) Inv. at plr. - bellyful, hearty
badé - 1) - n. (pr. \ b&d'e \) - See badaloch. meal. See also the terms "balafrà, bafrà, balafrada,
badé - 2) - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ b&d'e \) - 1) - to be careful, to sbalafrada ".
take care, to mind. - 2) - to look after, to care. - 3) - to bafré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ b&fr'e \ ) - to have a bellyful, to
watch, to keep an eye. It uses the aux. "avèj ". Not very have a hearty meal to eat greedily, to gorge. See also the
used term, it is quite an italianism. See also the terms "cudì, terms "balafré, sbalafré ".
ciadlé " and the vrb. loc. "dé d'euj " "lit. "to give (of) bafron - n. and adj. (pr. \ b&fr'u[ng] \ ) - 1) - great eater,
eye", with value "to watch ". glutton, greedy person (sbst.). - See also the terms
badëssa - n. f. (pr. \ b&d'&ss& \) At plr. badësse. - abbess, "balafra, balafron, sbalafron" - 2) - greedy (adj.). See also
Mother Superior. See also the terms "madre, abadëssa". the terms "balafron, sbalafron, ingòrd ".
badìa - n. f. (pr. \ b&d'i& \) At plr. badìe. - 1) - abbey. See also bagagi - n. m. (pr. \ b&g'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - luggage,
the terms "abadìa, abassìa ". - 2) - brotherhood, baggage
confraternity. bagagiass - n. m. (pr. \ b&g&ji'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - hysteria,
badial - adj. (pr. \ b&di'&l \) Ms. plr. badiaj - fm. sng. and plr. hysterics. See also the terms "bërgiabào, isterism "
badial, badiaj. - 1) - immense, huge. This is the usually bagagliaio - (pr. \ b&g&[gli]'&iô \ ) - Italian word. - See
used meaning. - 2) - that is related to abbey. This is the bagaliaio.
lit. meaning, hardly used. bagajé - veb 1st con. int. (pr. \ b&g&y'e \ ) - See bacajé.
badil - n. m. (pr. \ b&d'il \) At plr. badij. - shovel. See also the bagaliaio - n. m. (pr. \ b&gli'&iô \ ) Inv. at plr. - luggage van,
most used term "pala ". luggage compartment, boot. Not just an italianism, but an
italian word which is sometimes used (the only

"piedmontesization" is the deletion of the group "gli" that conclude the meal. The only problem with "bagna cauda" is
does not exixts in piedm. with fricative pronunciation, that the breath of table-companions will dreadfully smell
substituted by the group "li" . See also the word "còfo " for a coulpe of days (or more, but it is worth while!). - 2) -
when referred to a car, and the loc. "forgon dij bagagi, van juice. See also the terms "giuss, sugo ". - 3) - trouble (in a
dij bagagi, etc.", having the same meanings of the english fig. sense). This is a piedm. idiomatic meaning. The
definitions. expression "esse ant la bagna", that lit. means "to be in the
bagara - n. f. (pr. \ b&g'&r& \ ) At plr. bagare. - 1) - muddle, sauce", actually means "to be in big truobles". Similarly
confusion, disorder. - 2) - tumult, uproar. See also the "lassé quaidun ant la bagna " lit. "to leave (sb.) in the
term "cernaja ". sauce " means "to leave (sb.) in troubles ". These
bagarin - n. m. (pr. \ b&g&r'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - forestaller, expressions are commonly very used. - There is another
scalper. piedm. idiomatic expression making use of the term
bagarinagi - n. m. (pr. \ b&g&rin'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - "bagna", which is "perde la bagna " lit. "to lose the
forestalment, scalping. sauce ", whose meaning is "to be tired, to be exhausted "
bagassa - n. f. (pr. \ b&g'&s& \ ) At plr. bagasse. - 1) - and therefore no more in condition of continuing the
shameless woman. - 2) - whore, harlot. march.
bagassëtta - n. f. (pr. \ b&g&s'&tt& \ ) At plr. bagassëtte. - a bagnada - n. f. (pr. \ b&[gn]'&d& \ ) At plr. bagnade. -
kind of pancake. Lool out! this is not the diminutive of wetting.
"bagassa". bagnadura - n. f. (pr. \ b&[gn]&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
bagat - n. m. (pr. \ b&g'&t \ ) - Inv. at plr. - 1) - a card of the bagnadure. - bathing.
tarots card game. This is one of the many cards of this bagné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ b&[gn]'e \ ) - 1) - to bathe, to
game, but there is a piedm. way of saying quite used, wet, to dip, to soak, to water. - 2) - to flow through
which is referred to this game and this card : "scarté bagat (rivers), to wash (seas). See also the terms "mojé, seivé,
" lit. "to discard the bagat " (usually an error on this anrosé, rosiné, etc. ".
game), having the idiomatic meaning of "to have an bagnésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ b&[gn]'ese \ ) - 1) - to bathe,
escapade, to do a prank " or, in general, "to disobey ". - 2) to wet. (oneself). - 2) - to have a bath. - 3) - to get wat, to
- cobbler, shoe repairer (slang term). get soaked. - A joky piedm. way of saying is "bagnésse 'l
bàget - n. m. (pr. \ b'&jæt \ ) - See bùdget. bech " lit. "to wet one's beak " with a value of "to drink ".
bagian - n. and adj. (pr. \ b&ji'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. bagian - fm. bagnet - n. m. (pr. \ b&[gn]'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - sauce, gravy.
sng. and plr. bagian-a, bagian-e. (even if usually, as a (usually for meat). A typical piedm. "bagnet " is the
sbst., is only referred to males and then used at ms.) - 1) - "bagnet verd " lit. "green sauce ", one of the sauces used
numskull, dupe, stupid person (sbst.). - 2) - stupid, for mixed boiled meat. Main ingredients are : parsley (main
foolish, doltish. (adj.). component), some anchovies preserved in salt, some
bagianada- n. f. (pr. \ b&ji&n'&d& \ ) At plr. bagianade. - 1) capers, soft part of bread soaked with vinegar, garlic, hot
- piece of nonsense. - 2) - half-witted action, stupidity. pepper (Cayenne pepper), 2 yolks of hard-boiled eggs,
See also the best piedm. term "gavada ". olive oil. There are at least two groups of versions, one is
bagn - n. m. (pr. \ b'&[gn] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - bath. - 2) - cooked and the other raw, but here we don't go in details.
bathe, swim. - 3) - bathroom. bagneul - n. m. (pr. \ b&[gn]'[oe]l \ ) At plr. bagneuj. - pit for
bagìgia - n. f. (pr. \ b&j'iji& \ ) At plr. bagìge. - groundnut, slaking quicklime.
peanut (botany - Arachis hypogaea). See also the term bagnëtta - n. f. (pr. \ b&[gn]'&tt& \ ) At plr. bagnëtte. - 1) -
"giaponèisa". sap. - 2) - lymph. - 3) - In general any liquid or viscous
bagna - n. f. (pr. \ b'&[gn]& \ ) At plr. bagne. - 1) - sauce. substance not better identified. The term is a popular one.
The use of this term is reserved to some particular sauces bagnin - n. (pr. \ b&[gn]'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. bagnin - fm. sng.
(not, for example, for pasta). See also the diminutive and plr. bagnin-a, bagnin-e. - 1) - bathing-attendant. - 2)
"bagnet ", which is msc. and used for other kinds of sauce, - person in charge of ruling and distributing irrigation
and still the terms "sugo, sàusa ". The Piedmontese most water. In this meaning see also the term "bagnolant ".
famous bagna is the Bagna Caoda (Hot Sauce), that is bagnmarìa - n. m. (pr. \ b&[gn]mar'i& \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). -
composed by a lot of garlic (at least three or four big bain-marie.
cloves of garlic per person) and anchovies (the type bagnolant - n. (pr. \ b&[gn]ul'&nt \ ) Usually ms., but in case
preserved in salt, maybe from five to ten per person), of need, ms. plr. bagnolant - fm. sng. and plr. bagnolanta,
cooked and melted in oil that once was often nut's oil, now bagnolante. - person in charge of ruling and
the olive oil is generally used, but some nuts minced inside distributing irrigation water. See also the terms "bagnin,
recall the original taste. The cooking requires not too much biarlé ".
time, with a very small fire in order not to burn the garlic, bagnolé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ b&[gn]ul'e \ ) - to moisten, to
that has to melt in oil without making boil the oil itself dampen.
(then the anchovies are added and melt as well). This sauce bagnolon - n. (pr. \ b&[gn]ul'u[ng] \ ) ) Ms. plr. bagnolon -
has to remain hot while eaten (from this the name comes) fm. sng. and plr. bagnolon -a, bagnolon -e. - braggart,
and on purpose it is kept inside a tureen with a little fire boaster.
below. Nowadays individual little tureens are used, but the bagnor - n. m. (pr. \ b&[gn]'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - watering-
original way was (and sometimes it is still now) to have a can. - 2) - bathtub (not easy to find in this meaning).
common tureen in the middle of the table. It is eaten by bagnòira - n. f. (pr. \ b&[gn]'oir& \ ) At plr. bagnòire. - tool
dipping all sort of raw and cooked vegetables, and first of for making irrigation water (of a small ditch) go into the
all the famous piedmontese "card gheub" raw (literally the ground to be watered.
"hump-backed cardoon") tasty and bitter. This is a meal for bagnura - n. f. (pr. \ b&[gn]'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. bagnure. - 1) -
a group of friends, classical in the Autumn (its origin is the irrigation. - 2) - drainin, watering. See also the terms
celebration of the end of vintage). Of course a good wine is "seivada, irigassion, eivura".
strictly requied (Barbera one year old, Freisa, Dosset, etc. bagnusché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ b&[gn][ue]sk'e \ ) - to
but not too strong, old, expensive wines, good for another sprinkle delicately.
occasion - at least in my opinion-). At the end a cup of beef bagord - n. m. (pr. \ b&g'urd \ ) Inv. at plr. - carousal, reverly.
and chicken broth, followed by some piedm. cakes, can See also the term "dësbàucia ".

bagordé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ b&gurd'e \ ) - to carouse, to balada - n. f. (pr. \ b&l'&d& \ ) At plr. balade. - 1) - ballade
revel, to go on the spree. It uses the aux. "avèj". - See also (music). - 2) - joyful uproar. The loc. "fé la balada "
the term "dësbaucé ". means "to make merry by jumping " (children).
bagordon - n. (pr. \ b&gurd'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. bagordon - fm. baladé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ b&l&d'e \ ) - to make merry, to
sng. and plr. bagordon -a, bagordon -e. - guzzler, amuse oneself jumping and running. It uses the aux.
glutton, reveller. "avèj ".
bagòrd - n. m. (pr. \ b&g'ord \ ) - See bagord. balafrà - n. f. (pr. \ b&l&fr'& \ ) - See bafrada.
bagòrdi - n. m. (pr. \ b&g'ordi \ ) - See bagord. balafra - n. (pr. \ b&l'&fr& \ ) - See bafron.
bàila - n. f. (pr. \ b'&il& \ ) At plr. bàile. - wet nurse. The balafrada - n. f. (pr. \ b&l&fr'&d& \ ) - See bafrada.
expression "dé a baila " lit. means "to put a child to nurse" balafré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ b&l&fr'e \ ) - See bafré.
but it has also the idiomatic jocular meaning "not to care, balafron - n. (pr. \ b&l&fr'u[ng] \ ) - See bafron.
not to be interested, not to look for news about ". This is balanch - adj (pr. \ b&l'&[ng]c \ ) - See baranch.
particularly underlined by the expression "da dòp ch'i l'hai balandra - n. f. (pr. \ b&l'&ndr& \ ) At plr. balandre. -
dàlo a baila..." lit. "from after that I put it (him / her / inconstant person, lazy person.
that etc.) to nurse..." whose value is "I don't know anything balandran - n. (pr. \ b&l&ndr'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. balandran -
about it, and I'm not as well interested in knowing fm. sng. and plr. balandran-a, balandran-e. - lounger,
something about ". loafer, idler. See also the term "balandron".
bailagi - n. m. (pr. \ b&il'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - wet nurse's balandron - n. (pr. \ b&l&ndr'u[ng] \ ) - See balandran.
wages. - 2) - wet nurse's job. - 3) - child out at nurse. In balandroné - vrb 1st con. int. - to lounge about, to wander
this meaning see also the most used term "bailòt ". about, to loaf. It uses the aux. "avèj ". See also the term
bailam - n. m. (pr. \ b&il'&m \ ) Inv. at plr. - uproar, "plandroné ".
hullabaloo. balansa - n. f. (pr. \ b&l'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr. balanse. - 1) -
bailé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ b&il'e \ ) - to take care of the balance, scale, weighting-machine. - 2) - balance
child, to nurse. (commercial, of the clock, etc.) - 3) - Lybra (astrology). -
bàilo - n. m. (pr. \ b'&ilu \ ) - 1) - husband of the wet nurse. - See also the term "bilansa".
2) - male who takes care of childrens (ironical term) - 3) - balansament - n. m. (pr. \ b&l&[ng]s&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
error, blunder, mistake. The piedm. loc. "pijé 'n bàilo " = balancing. See also the term "bilansament ".
lit. "to take a blunder " means "to make a blunder". balansé - 1) - n. (pr. \ b&l&[ng]s'e \ ) Ms. plr. balansé - fm.
bailòt - n. (pr. \ b&il'ot \ ) Ms. plr. bailòt - fm. sng. and plr. sng. and plr. balanséra, balansére. - balance maker,
bailòta, bailòte. - child out at nurse. See also the term balance seller. See also the term "balansoné ".
"bailàgi ". balansé - 2) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ b&l&[ng]s'e \ ) - 1) - to
bàita - n. f. (pr. \ b'&it& \ ) At plr. bàite. - Alpine hut. balance. - 2) - to ponder. - 3) - to counterbalance. See
baj - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ b&y \ ) Inv. at plr. - yawn. See also the also the term "bilansé ".
term "bajada ". balansëtta - n. f. (pr. \ b&l&[ng]s'&tt& \ ) At plr. balansëtte. -
baj - 2) - adj. (pr. \ b&y \ ) Ms. plr. baj - fm. sng. and plr. baja, dragon-fly (zoology). See also the terms "monigheta,
baje. - bay (horses). madamin".
baja - n. f. (pr. \ b'&y& \ ) At plr. baje. - 1) - teasing, joking. - balansié - n. m. (pr. \ b&l&[ng]si'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - balance
2) - mockery, joke. The expression "dé la baja " lit. "to wheel, swing-wheel. - 2) - rocker arm, equalizer
give the teasing" means "to tease, to make fun of ". (mechanics) - 3) - coining press. - 4) - pole. - 5) - bar
bajada - n. f. (pr. \ b&y'&d& \ ) At plr. bajade. - jawn, (sport). See also the term "bilansié".
jawning. See also the term "baj". balansin - n. m. (pr. \ b&l&[ng]s'i[ng] \ ) - Inv. at plr. - 1) -
bajé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ b&y'e \ ) - to yawn. It uses the aux. trace horse. - 2) - suspended bridge for masons. - 3) -
"avèj ". little balance (precision balance for gold). See also the
bajet - n. m. (pr. \ b&y'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - soldier. This word is term "bilansin ".
a slang one, very used. See also the word "soldà ". The balanson - n. (pr. \ b&l&[ng]s'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - steelyard.
expression "andé bajet " means "to go for doing the See also the term "bilanson, scandaj ".
military service ". balansoné - n. (pr. \ b&l&[ng]sun'e \ ) Ms. plr. balansoné -
bajëtta - n. f. (pr. \ b&y'&tt& \ ) At plr. bajëtte. - little wodden fm. sng. and plr. balansonéra, balansonére. - steelyard-
balcony. See also the term "pogeul ". maker, steelyard-seller. See also the term "balansé,
bajonëtta - n. f. (pr. \ b&yun'&tt& \ ) At plr. bajonëtte. - bilansoné, scandajé ".
bayonet. balarin - n. and adj. (pr. \ b&l&r'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. balarin - fm.
bajonëttà - n. f. (pr. \ b&yun&tt'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - bayonet sng. and plr. balarin-a, balarin-e. - 1) - inconstant (adj.).
thrust. - 2) - not fixed (adj.). - 3) - dancing (adj.). - 4) - dancer
bajòch - n. m. (pr. \ b&y'oc \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - toy. See also (sbst.). See also the term "balerin ".
the terms "gieugh, dësmora ". - 2) - dough, money. - 3) - balarin-a - n. f. (pr. \ b&l&r'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. balarin-e. - 1) -
"bajòcco " (lit. meaning) which is an old copper coin. wagtail (zoology - Motacilla) - 2) - (female) dancer. See
bal - n. m. (pr. \ b&l \ ) At plr. baj. - 1) - dance, ball. - 2) - the ms. "balarin". - See also the term "balerin-a".
dancing. balatron - n. m. (pr. \ b&l&tr'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - abyss,
bal masché - loc. sbst. (pr. \ b&l m&sk'e \ ) At plr. baj chasm. See also the term "baratron ".
masché. - masked ball, fancy-dress ball. balàucc - adj. (pr. \ b&l'&u[ch] \ ) - See baranch.
bala - n. f. (pr. \ b'&l& \ ) At plt. bale. - 1) - ball (in general). - balaucé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ b&l&u[ch]'e \ ) - 1) - to
2) - shot, bullet, shell. - 3) - ballot. - 4) - bale. - 5) - lie, stagger, to totter, to reel. - 2) - to wobbler, to vacillate,
story, fib (in a fig. sense). to waver.
balà - n. f. (pr. \ b&l'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - blow from a ball. balauciament - n. m. (pr. \ b&l&u[ch]i&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
balàbil - 1) - adj. (pr. \ b&l'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. balàbij - fm. sng. staggering, tottering, reeling.
and plr. balàbil, balàbij. - danceable, fit for dancing. balaùstra - n. f. (pr. \ b&l&'[ue]str& \ ) - Italianism. - See
balàbil - 2) - n. (pr. \ b&l'&bil \ ) At plr. balàbij. - dance tune. balustra.
balaustrà - n. f. (pr. \ b&l&ustr'& \ ) - Italianism. - See

balaustrin - n. m. (pr. \ b&l&ustr'i[ng] \ ) - Italianism. - See eyed, squint-eyed. - 3) - cross-eyed person. - See also the
balustrin. terms "galeus, baricc, stràbich".
balconà - n. f. (pr. \ b&lcun'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - sluice-gate for balin - n. m. (pr. \ b&l'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - small ball. (lit.
control of water flow in a canal. See also the terms meaning but not very used). In this sense see the best term
"balconera, barconera ". "balin-a". - 2) - jack (bowls). - 3) - cue ball (billiards). - 4)
balconera - n. f. (pr. \ b&lcun'er& \ ) - See balconà. - shot (hunting) - 5) - dots, spots (texile) - 6) - craze,
baldachin - n. m. (pr. \ b&ld&k'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plt. - mania.
baldachin, canopy. See also the term "bardachin". balin-a - n. f. (pr. \ b&l'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. balin-e. - little ball.
baldansa - n. f. - (pr. \ b&ld'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr. (if any). baliverna - n. f. (pr. \ b&liv'ærn& \ ) At plr. baliverne. -
baldanse. - 1) - daring, boldness. - 2) - self-confidence. trumped-up story.
baldansos - adj. (pr. \ b&ld&[ng]s'uz \ ) Ms. plr. baldansos - balma - n. f. (pr. \ b'&lm& \ ) At plr. balme. - 1) - cave,
fm. sng. and plr. baldansosa, baldansose. - - bold, grotto, cavern. - 2) - den. This word, used also nowadays,
daring, dashing. has been already used in the first piedm. document that we
baldòria - n. f. (pr. \ b&ld'ori& \ ) At plr. baldòrie. - carousal, have (century XII, see the section of Piedmontese
loud merry-making. See also the term "baleuria ". Literature).
baldraca - n. f. (pr. \ b&ldr'&c& \ ) At plr. - baldrache. - balocé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ b&lu[ch]'e \ ) - 1) - to totter, to
whore, harlot. See also the term "bagassa" stagger. - 2) - to bump, to jerk. - 3) - to be undecided, to
balé - 1) - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. - (pr. \ b&l'e \ ) - 1) - to waver, to hesitate. - 4) - to walk quickly (slang use of the
dance. (int.). - 2) - to toss about (int. in a fig. sense). - 3) - term). It uses the aux. "avèj ". See also the terms "locé,
to dance (st.) (trs.) - It always uses the aux. "avèj ". The talocé ".
idiom "baléla " (see the term) = lit. "to dance it / her " balon - n. m. (pr. \ b&l'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - big ball (lit.
means, in a fig. sense "to dead ". meaning). - 2) - football. - 3) - toy-ballon. Then a number
balé - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ b&l'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - liar, story-teller. of loc. are used for different types of "balon " as it follows:
This term is only used at ms. For a more general use see - balon d'arserca - (pr. \ b&l'u[ng] d &rs'ærc& \ ) - sounding
the terms "busiard, craca ", and the composite terms balloon.
"conta-bale, craca-bale ". - balon dragà - (pr. \ b&l'u[ng] dr&g'& \ ) - captive balloon.
balegé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ b&lej'e \ ) - to toss a ball, to - balon volant - (pr. \ b&l'u[ng] vul'&nt \ ) - balloon.
dribble. See also the term "palegé". - balon da osservassion - (pr. \ b&l'u[ng] d& usærv&si'u[ng] \ )
balégg - n. m. (pr. \ b&lej \ ) Inv. at plr. - knock-up (tennis), - observation balloon.
dribble. See also the term "palegg". - etc.
balegiador - n. m. . (pr. \ b&leji&d'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - dribbler. balonà - n. f. (pr. \ b&lun'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - blow with a ball.
See also the terms "balegiator, palegiator". balord - 1) - adj. and n. (pr. \ b&l'urd \ ) Ms. plr. balord - fm.
balegiament - n. m. (pr. \ b&leji&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - sng. and plr. balorda, balorde. - 1) - foolish, doltish (adj.).
tossing of a ball, dribbling. See also the term - 2) - queer, stupefied, peculiar (adj.). - 4) - bad, nasty
"palegiament". (adj.). - 5) - wretched (adj.). - 6) - complicated, complex,
balegiator - n. m. (pr. \ b&leji&t'ur \ ) - See balegiador. difficult (adj). - 7) - dullard, simpleton, dolt (sbst.).
balengo - adj. and n. (pr. \ b&l'æ[ng]gu \ ) Ms. plr. balengo - balord - 2) - adv. (pr. \ b&l'urd \ ) - queer, peculiar. The adj.
fm. sng. and plr. balenga, balenghe. - 1) - stupid, foolish, can be used with adv. meaning.
thick headed (adj.) - 2) - stupid person, fool, thickhead. balordarìa - n. f. (pr. \ b&lurd&r'i& \ ) At plr. balordarìe. - 1)
(sbst.). The term is usually referred to ms. gender, while for - dullness, stupidity. 2) - stupid thing.
a more general use see the terms "fòl, stupid, etc. ". balordion - n. m. (pr. \ b&lurdi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
balenié - n. m. (pr. \ b&leni'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - whaler. giddiness, dizziness. In this sense see also the term
baleniera - n. f. (pr. \ b&leni'er& \ ) At plr. baleniere. - "lordison, lordion, lordision". - 2) - vertigo (medical).
whaling-ship. balordon - n. m. (pr. \ b&lurd'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - illness
balen-a - (pr. \ b&l'æ[ng]& \ ) At plr. balen-e. - whale of horses. - 2) - in a fig. sense: blunder, mistske, as in the
(zoology). idiomatic expression "pijé 'l balordon " lit. " to take the
balera - n. f. (pr. \ b&l'er& \ ) At plr. balere. - public dance- illness (of horses) " with value " to make a mistake ". See
hall. Quite an italianism, see also the loc. "sala da bal " also below the vrbl. loc. "pijé 'l balordon ".
"dance-hall ". balordon (pijé l'---) - vrbl. loc. (pr. \ piy'e l b&lurd'u[ng] \ ) -
balestra - n. f. (pr. \ b&l'estr& \ ) At plr. balestre. - 1) - 1) - to lose one's bearings. - 2) - to make a mistake. See
crossbow. - 2) - leaf spring (machanics). An idiomatic also the term "balordon ".
piedm. sentence is : "carié la balestra" lit. "to load the balossada - n. f. (pr. \ b&lus'&d& \ ) At plr. balossade. - 1) -
crossbow" with the meaning of "to eat fit to burst ". villainy, roguery. - 2) - knavery.
balestré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ b&lestr'e \ ) - 1) - to shoot with balossaja - n. f. (pr. \ b&lus'&y& \ ) At plr. balossaje. - gang
a crossbow (lit. meaning) - 2) - to throw far away. - 3) - of rascals, band of rascals.
to cast a bad glance at. balotagi - n. m. (pr. \ b&lut'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - ballotage,
balestrera - n. f. (pr. \ b&lestr'er& \ ) At plr. balestrere. - second ballot. - 2) - play-off (sport).
loophole. baloté - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ b&lut'e \ ) - 1) - to play ball, to
balestrié - n. m. (pr. \ b&lestri'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - crossbowman. toss a ball. - 2) - to do a second ballot. It uses the aux.
balerin - See balarin. "avèj ".
balet - n. m. (pr. \ b&l'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - dance. - 2) - balotin-a - n. f. (pr. \ b&lut'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. balotin-e. - small
ballet. ball, pellet. See also the term "balòta " whose this term is a
baleuria - n. f. (pr. \ b&l'[oe]ri& \ ) At plr. baleurie. - 1) - diminutive, and the term "balotolin-a ""
carousal, loud merry-making. See also the term balotolin-a - n. f. (pr. \ b&lutul'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. balotolin-e. -
"baldòria " - 2) - dance, ball. See also the loc. "festa da 1) - small ball, pellet. - 2) - little minced meat balls. - See
bal ". also the term "balòta ".
baleus - adj. and n. (pr. \ b&l'[oe]z \ ) Ms. plr. baleus - fm. balòfr - n. m. (pr. \ b&l'ofr \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - whirl. - 2) -
sng. and plr. baleusa, baleuse. - 1) - squint. - 2) - cross- froth of just milked milk.

balòss - adj. and n. (pr. \ b&l'os \ ) Ms. plr. balòss - fm. sng. bàmbola - n. f. (pr. \ b'&mbul& \ ) At plr. bàmbole. - doll.
and plr. balòssa, balòsse. - 1) - impish, mischievous. Italianism (quite used anyway). See the most pied. term
(adj.). - 2) - scamp, little rascal (sbst.). - 3) - scoundrel, "buata".
rascal (sbst.). This word is usually (but not always)used in banal - adj. (pr. \ b&n'&l \ ) Ms. plr. banaj - fm. sng. and plr.
a jocular way, referred to children an boys. banal, banaj. - banal, trivial. See also the terms "ordinari,
balòt - n. m. (pr. \ b&l'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - bale, bundle. grossé, dësdeuit, dzadeuit ".
balòta - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ b&l'ot& \ ) At plr. balòte. - 1) - little banalisé - vrb 1st con trs. (pr. \ b&n&liz'e \ ) - to banalize, to
ball, pellet. - 2) - bullet, shot. - 3) - bead, counter. - 4) - trivialize.
boiled chestnut. - See also the term "balòtola, baròta ". banalità - n. f. (pr. \ b&n&lit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - banality,
balòta - 2) - n. (pr. \ b&l'ot& \ ) Ms. plr. balòta - fm. sng. and triviality. See also the terms "grossarìa, dësdeuitarìa ".
plr. balòta, balòte. - dotard. Used in the expression "véj banana - n. f. (pr. \ b&n'&n& \ ) At plr. banane. - 1) - banana
balòta " = "old dotard ". (fruit). - 2) - sausage curl, french twist (hair).
balòtola - n. f. (pr. \ b&l'otul& \ ) - See balòta. bananera - n. f. (pr. \ b&n&n'er& \ ) At plr. bananere. -
balsam - n. m. (pr. \ b&ls'&m \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - balm, banana tree. (botanic - Musa sapientum).
balsam. - 2) - remedy. - 3) - balm, comfort (in a fig. banastra - n. f. (pr. \ b&n'&str& \ ) At plr. banastre. - big
sense). wicker basket to be mounted on a cart.
bàlsam - n. m. (pr. \ b'&ls&m \ ) - Quite an talianism. - See banastre - n. f. plr. - (pr. \ b&n'&stre \ ) Only plr. - 1) - trash,
balsam. rubbish. - 2) - a quantity of things having a little value.
balsamel - n. f. (pr. \ b&ls&m'el \ ) Only sng. - bechamel See also the term "bnastre".
sauce. banca - n. f. (pr. \ b'&[ng]c& \ ) At plr. banche. - 1) - bench. -
balsàmich - adj. (pr. \ b&ls'&mic \ ) Ms. plr. balsàmich - fm. 2) - garden-seat. This term is referred to a "bench " having
sng. and plr. balsàmica, balsàmiche. - balsamic, balmy. the scope of letting sb. to sit down, as it can be in a garden
bàltich - adj. (pr. \ b'&ltic \ ) Ms. plr. bàltich - fm. sng. and or at home. See also the word "banch " in order to look at
plr. bàltica, bàltiche. - Baltic. the differences in meaning. - 2) - bank.
baluchëtte - n. f. plr. (pr. \ b&l[ue]k'&tte \ ) Only plr. - bancarela - n. f. (pr. \ b&[ng]c&r'el& \ ) - Italianism. - See
dazzling light(s), dazzle. The term is used also in the banchet.
idiomatic expression "avèj le baluchëtte " that means, in a bancari - n. and adj. (pr. \ b&[ng]c'&ri \ ) - 1) - banking,
fig. sense, "to see double, to mistake one thing for bank (as an attribute) (adj.). Note that "assegn bancari "
another". - See also the term "baluëtte". means "cheque, check " - 2) - bank clerk, bank
baluëtte - n. f. plr. (pr. \ b&l[ue]'&tte \ ) - See baluchëtte. employee.
balusé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ b&l[ue]z'e \ ) - to roll (one's bancarota - n. f. (pr. \ b&[ng]c&r'ut& \ ) At plr. (if any)
eyes). It uses the aux. "avèj ". bancarote. - bankruptcy, smash.
balustra - n. f. (pr. \ b&l'[ue]str& \ ) At plr. balustre. - bancarotié - n. m. (pr. \ b&[ng]c&ruti'e \ ) Inv. at plr. -
bainsters, balustrade. See also "balustà, balustrada". bankrupt.
Sometimes also the italianism "balàustra " is used. banch - n. m. (pr. \ b'&[ng]c \ ) - 1) - bench. This term is
balustrà - n. f. (pr. \ b&l[ue]str'& \ ) - See balustra. referred to a bench devoted to some job or work, as it can
Sometimes also the italianism "balaustrà " is used. happen in a church, at school, in a shop, in a laboratory, in
balustrada - n. f. (pr. \ b&l[ue]str'&d& \ ) - See balustra. a workshop, etc. - 2) - counter. - 3) - desk. - 4) -
Sometimes also the italianism "balaustrada " is used. worktable. - 5) - pew. - 6) - school-form.
balustrin - n. m. (pr. \ b&l[ue]str'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - banché - n. (pr. \ b&[ng]k'e \ ) Ms. plr. banché - fm. sng. and
baluster (architecture). - 2) - bow compass. plr. banchera, banchere. - banker. The common use is at
bambané - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ b&mb&n'e \ ) - 1) - to be ms. but nothing forbids the use at fm.
delirious, to rave. - 2) - to talk nonsense. It uses the aux. banchet - n. m. (pr. \ b&[ng]k'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - little
"avèj ". desk, stall, street-stall. Sometimes it is also the used the
bambas - n. m. (pr. \ b&mb'&z \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any) - 1) - term "bancarela ", which is an italianism. - 2) - banquet.
cotton. See also the term "coton". - 2) - wick. See also the See also the terms "convivi, àgap, àgape " and the loc.
terms "stopin, lumignon ". "disné gròss" lit. "big launch ".
bambasa - n. f. (pr. \ b&mb'&z& \ ) - At plr. bambase. - cotton banchëtta - n. f. (pr. \ b&[ng]k'&tt& \ ) At plr. banchëtte. -
cloth. See also the loc. "tèila 'd bambas, tèila 'd coton ", stool, little stool for feet. See also the terms "scagn,
whose meaning is just "cotton cloth ". scagnet, taboret ".
bambasin-a - n. f. (pr. \ b&mb&z'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. (if any) banchin-a - n. f. (pr. \ b&[ng]k'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. banchin-e. -
bambasin-e. - 1) - cotton wool. - 2) - raw cotton. See also 1) - quay, pier, wharf. - 2) - platform. - 3) - footpath,
the term "cotonin-a". bike path.
bambin - n. (pr. \ b&mb'i[ng] \ ) Italianism not very used and bancon - n. m. (pr. \ b&[ng]c'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
usually at ms. sng., but in case of need: Ms. plr. bambin - counter. - 2) - chest, settle.
fm. sng. and plr. bambin-a, bambin-e. - little boy, child, band - n. m. (pr. \ b&nd \ ) - 1) - banishment. See also the
kid. This term is quite an italianism. See also the most terms "esili, proscrission". - 2) - proclamation, ban. Not
piedm. terms "cit, masnà, maraja, marajòta, gagno, gnero, very used in this meaning. See also the terms "edit, crija ".
fiolin, matòt fanciòt ". - 3) - the point in which a fire-arm is ready to fire and
Bambin (ël ---) - n. m. sng. (pr. \ &l b&mb'i[ng] \ ) - Little in general a weapon is ready. (e. g. : a taut bow with the
Jesus Boy. arrow).
bambliné - vrb 1st con int. - 1) - to lounge about, to wander banda - n. f. (pr. \ b'&nd& \ ) At plr. bande. - 1) - side, part.
about, to loaf. In this meaning see also "blambliné, In this meaning see also the terms "part, fianch ". - 2) -
bimblané, blimblané, dindané ". - 2) - to hang, to dangle, band (music). - 3) - band, gang. - 4) - ribbon. In this latter
to swing. In this meaning see also the best terms "biauté, meaning see also the term "bindél ".
bautié ". It uses the aux. "avèj". banda (da ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ d& b'&nd& \ ) - aside. The
bamboch - n. m. (pr. \ b&mb'uc \ ) Inv. at plr. - bamboo. vrbl. loc. "lassé da banda " lit. "to leave aside" has value
"to omit, to leave out, to pass over ".

bandà - adj. (pr. \ b&nd'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - stretched, barabòt - n. (pr. \ b&r&b'ot \ ) Ms. plr. barabòt - fm. sng. and
tense, taut. plr. barabòta, barabòte. - rascal, urchin, tomboy, romp.
bandaròla - (pr. \ b&nd&r'ol& \ ) At plr. bandaròle. - 1) - Is the diminutive of "baraba ", with a joky meaning. See
vane, wind vane. - 2) - torncoat, timeserver (in a fig. also the terms "dësbela, birichin, birba, cabassin ".
sense). - See also the terms "banderòla, vela". barabufa - n. f. (pr. \ b&r&b'[ue]f& \ ) At plr. barabufe. -
bandé - vrb 1st con trs. (pr. \ b&nd'e \ ) - to prepare a weapon brawl, scuffle.
ready to work. (For the exact meaning see also the term baraca - n. f. (pr. \ b&r'&c& \ ) At plr. barache. - 1) -
"band 3 "). Also the loc. "buté an sël band " is used. hut, shanty, hovel (lit. meaning). - 2) - business,
banderòla - n. f. (pr. \ b&nder'ol& \ ) - See bandaròla. family, home (in a fig. sense. E. g.: A) - "tiré anans
bandì - 1) - n. and adj. and p. p. (pr. \ b&nd'i \ ) Ms. plr. bandì
la baraca " lit. "to draw ahead the hut " " to
- fm. sng. and plr. bandìa, bandìe. 1) - outlaw, bandit,
brigand. (sbst.). - 2) - banished (adj. and p. p). - 3) - carry on the business or home or the family" - B) -
expelled. (p. p.). - 4) - proclaimed, publicized (p. p.). "stanté a tiré anans la baraca " lit. "to find it hard
bandì - 2) - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ b&nd'i \ ) - 1) - to publicize, drawing on the hut " "to struggle to make both end
to publish, to proclaim. - 2) - to ban, to banish. - 3) - to meet. " ) - 3) - a thing badly working, something
expel, to banish. In this sense there is a refl. form. (see not well made and of little value, something that
below). often breaks down. (in a fig. sense : E. g. "mia
bandìa - n. f. (pr. \ b&nd'i& \ ) At plr. bandìe. - preserve. See
vitura a l'é na baraca" lit. "my car is a hut " "my
also the term "riserva".
bandiera - n. f. (pr. \ b&ndi'er& \ ) At plr. bandiere. - flag, car is bad one,or is often broken, or it doesent work
banner, colours. Even if it is very used, this term is an well, etc. " - There is a number of idioms using this
italianism. See the best piedm. term "drapò ". word. Here some examples: "pianté baraca e
bandìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ b&nd'ise \ ) - to become an buratin" "to give up everything ". - "andé 'd baraca"
outlaw, to become clandestine, to take to the bush. = "to go bankrupt, to smash ". - "esse na baraca" = "to be
bandista - n. (pr. \ b&nd'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. bandista - fm. sng. in poor health ". - "fé baraca" = "to revel, to roister ". See
and plr. bandista, bandiste. - bandsman, bandswoman. also the term "baraché ".
See also the term "sonador". baraché - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ b&r&k'e \ ) - to revel, to
bandìstich - adj. (pr. \ b&nd'istic \ ) Ms. plr. bandistich - fm. roister "See also the vrbl. loc. "fé baraca ".
sng. and plr. bandistica, bandistiche. - band (as an barachin - n. m. (pr. \ b&r&k'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - food
attribute). container, mess-tin, small bucket (for milk or soup). E. g.
banditism - n. m. (pr. \ b&ndit'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - banditry, it is the food container carrying the worker's lauch.
brigandage. See also the term "brigantagi ". baracon - n. m. (pr. \ b&r&c'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - booth, large
banditor - n. (pr. \ b&ndit'ur \ ) Ms. plr. banditor - fm. sng. tent. E. g. the ones of a fair or a circus.
and plr. banditriss, banditriss. - 1) - public crier. - 2) - baracòt - n. m. (pr. \ b&r&c'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - stall, stand,
auctioneer. This term is an italianism sometimes used. See kiosk. See also the terms "casòt, chiòsch, edìcola".
the best piedm. terms "crior, crijor, bateur ". baragna - n. f. . (pr. \ b&r'&[gn]& \ ) At plr. baragne. - row,
bando - n. m. (pr. \ b'&ndu \ ) Inv. at plr. - end of a skein. See row of vines. See also the terms "taragna, filagn ".
also the terms "senten-a, cavion ". baral - n. m. (pr. \ b&r'&l \ ) At plr. baraj. - barrel, cask. See
bandoliera - n. f. (pr. \ b&nduli'er& \ ) At plr. bandoliere. - also the term "baril ". In particular this term is referred to a
bandoleer. See also the term "bandrojera" flattened barrel for wine.
bandonà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ b&ndun'& \ ) - See abandonà. baramin-a - n. f. (pr. \ b&r&m'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. baramin-e. -
bandoné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ b&ndun'e \ ) - See abandoné. steel, drill bit (mining)
bandò - n. m. (pr. \ b&nd'o \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - band for baranch - adj. (pr. \ b&r'&[ng]c \ ) Ms. plr. baranch - fm. sng.
keeping hair. - 2) - locks on ears. and plr. baranca, baranche. - 1) - unsteady, wobbly,
bandrojera - n. f. (pr. \ b&ndruy'er& \ ) - See bandoliera. rickety. - 2) - limping (not very used in this sense, see also
banf - n. m. (pr. \ b&[ng]f \ ) Inv. at plr. - belch, splutter. the term "sòp"). - See also the terms "balanch, balàucc".
banfé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ b&[ng]f'e \ ) - 1) - to breathe (a barata - n. f. (pr. \ b&r'&t& \ ) At plr. barate. - barter,
word), to breathe, - 2) - to pant, to gasp. excange. See also the term "scambi ".
bar - n. m. (pr. \ b&r \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - bar (shop). - 2) - bar baraté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ b&r&t'e \ ) - to barter, to swap,
(physics - pressure unit). - The composite word "mòbil- to excange. See also the term "scambié ". Also the vrbl.
bar " means "cocktail cabinet ". loc. "fé barata " "to make barter" si used.
bara - n. f. (pr. \ b'&r& \ ) At plr. bare. - 1) - bar, rod baratron - n. m. (pr. \ b&r&tr'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - abyss,
(mechanics). - 2) - stroke (graphic sign). - 3) - bier, coffin. chasm. See also the term "balatron ".
A piedm. idiomatic expression is "toché bara ", that means baraval - n. m. (pr. \ b&r&v'&l \ ) At plr. baravaj. - 1) -
"to dead ". stubble (agriculture). See also the terms "strobia, stobia ".
barà - n. f. (pr. \ b&r'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - blow with a rod. See - 2) - hat for man.
also the term "borà". baravalé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ b&r&v&l'e \ ) - to remove
baraba - n. m. (pr. \ b&r'&b& \ ) Inv. at plr. - criminal, stubbles. See also the term "dëstrobié ".
delinquent. This term is used only for ms. See also the baravantan - adj. (pr. \ b&r&v&nt'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr.
terms "delinquent, criminal ". baravantan - fm. sng. and plr. baravantan-a,
barabàu - n. m. (pr. \ b&r&b'&u \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - baravantan-e. - odd, strange, queer, extravagant.
bogey, bugbear, bugaboo, ogre, Orcus, etc. (any baravlor - n. m. (pr. \ b&r&vl'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - a kind of
imaginary monster). See also the terms "barabìo, sieve. See also the term "baravlòira".
barabìcio, Barabicio Cotela". baravlòira - n. f. (pr. \ b&r&vl'oir& \ ) - See baravlor.
barabìcio - n. m. (pr. \ b&r&b'i[ch]iu \ ) - See barabàu. This barb - n. m. (pr. \ b&rb \ ) Inv. at plr. - barbel (zoology -
was the monster when I was child, with a first name and a Barbus barbus).
surname : Barabìcio Cotela , where "cotela" is a pseudo- barba - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ b'&rb& \ ) Inv. at plr. - uncle. For the
fm. of "cotel " "knife". correspondent fm. see "magna " "aunt ". The composite
barabìo - n. m. (pr. \ b&r&b'iu \ ) - See barabàu.

word "barba-pasi " lit. "quiet-uncle ", means "a slow barbis - n. m. (pr. \ b&rb'iz \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - moustache. -
person, slowcoach ". 2) - a skilful person. Also this term is used in a number of
barba - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ b'&rb& \ ) At plr. barbe. - beard. idioms whose we give some examples. A) - "rije sota ij
There is a number of ways of saying making use of this barbis" lit. "to laugh under the moustaches" = "to laugh
word, an we show some of them. A) - "fé la barba" " to up one's sleeve" ; B) - "fessne 'n barbis " lit. "to make to
shave ". B) - "fésse la barba" "to shave (oneself) ". - C) - oneself a moustache of it " "not to give a damn "; C) -
"féla an barba a (quaidun) " "to cheat (sb.) ". - D) - "an "argaucé ij barbis " = "to turn up the moustaches" "to
barba a (quaidun) "in spite of (sb.) ". - E) - "buté la look at (sb. or st.) with severity" ; D) - "arviré ij barbis"
barba " "to put the beard " "to grow, to become a man lit. "to turn on (to revolt) the moustaches" "to rebel, to
". - F) - "fé vni la barba " = "to be very boring ". G) - "che revolt " .
barba! " = "how boring! ". - etc. - The composite word barbisa - n. f. (pr. \ b&rb'iz& \ ) At plr. barbise. - bunting
"barba-pero" is the popular name of "golden oriole" (zoology - Emberiza). See also the terms "zibola, barbisin,
(zoology - Oriolus oriolus ). zizì ".
barbaboch - n. m. (pr. \ b&rb&b'uc \ ) Inv. at plr. - scorzonera barbisin - n. m. (pr. \ b&rbiz'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - little
(botany - Scorzonera hispanica) moustache. - 2) - bunting. See also the term "barbisa".
barbaboch dij prà - loc. n. m. (pr. \ b&rb&b'uc diy pr'& \ ) barbison - n. m. (pr. \ b&rbiz'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - big
Inv. at plr. - saxifrage (botany - Saxifraga). moustache.
barbacan-a - n. f. (pr. \ b&rb&c'&[ng]& \ ) At plr. barbacan- barbojé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ b&rbuy'e \ ) - 1) - to
e. - barbican, reinforcement wall. See also the loc. mumble, to falter (trs. and int.). - 2) - to burble (int.). It
"muraja a scarpa " lit. "shoe wall ". uses always the aux. "avèj ".
barbagian - n. m. (pr. \ b&rb&ji'&[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - barbojon - n. (pr. \ b&rbuy'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. barbojon - fm.
barn owl (zoology - Tyto alba). -2) - dolt, blockhead (in a sng. and plr. barbojon-a, barbojon-e. - mumbler.
fig. sense). - See also the terms "duso, duch, oloch ". barbon - n. (pr. \ b&rb'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. barbon - fm. sng. and
Barbaresch - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ b&rb&r'æsc \ ) Noun of a wine, plr. barbon-a, barbon-e. - 1) - tramp, vagrant, beggar.
usually sng.. In case of need, it is inv. at plr. - See also the terms "vagabond, clossar". - 2) - poodle (dog).
"Barbaresco" typical and very good piedm. red wine, - 3) - long beard.
whose name comes from the production area, and related barbossada - n. f. (pr. \ b&rbus'&d& \ ) At plr. barbossade. -
village. rebuke, scolding.
barbaresch - 2) - adj. - (pr. \ b&rb&r'æsc \ ) Ms. plr. barbossal - n. m. (pr. \ b&rbus'&l \ ) At plr. barbossaj. - curb.
barbaresch - fm. sng. and plr. barbarësca, barbarësche. - barbossé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ b&rbus'e \ ) - to rebuke, to
1) - barbaric. See also the most used term "barbàrich". - reprove, to reproach, to scold.
2) - Barbaresque (inhabitant of Barbary). barbotada - n. f. (pr. \ b&rbut'&d& \ ) At plr. barbotade. -
barbarìa - n. f. (pr. \ b&rb&r'i& \ ) - 1) - barbarity. - 2) - murmuring, mumbilig, grumbilg.
cruelty. See also the term "barbarità ". barbotagi - n. m. (pr. \ b&rbut'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - bran
barbarià - n. m. (pr. \ b&rb&ri'& \ ) - 1) - a drink derived mash. - 2) - watery soup, dishwater, bad drink (fig. in a
from graminaceous plants. - 2) - bread made with a mix pejorative sense).
of rye and wheat. barboté - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ b&rbut'e \ ) - 1) - to
barbàrich - adj. (pr. \ b&rb'&ric \ ) Ms. plr. barbàrich - fm. mumble, to mutter. (trs. and int.) - 2) - to grumble, to
sng. and plr. barbàrica, barbàriche. - barbaric. See also mutter, to rumble (int.). - 3) - to complain, to grouse
the term "barbaresch - 2) ". (int.). - See also the term "bërboté ".
barbarità - n. f. (pr. \ b&rb&rit'& \ ) - See barbarìa. barboton - n. (pr. \ b&rbut'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. barboton - fm.
barbaròt - n. m. (pr. \ b&rb&r'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - fetlock sng. and plr. barboton-a, barboton-e. - grumbler. See
(horse), wattle. - 2) - pointed beard, goatee. In this sense also the terms "bërboton, brontolon".
see also the term "barbëtta ". barbotù - adj. (pr. \ b&rbut'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. barbotù - fm. sng.
barbé - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ b&rb'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - barber. This term and plr. barbotùa, barbotùe. - complaining, plaintive,
is not very used, see instead the most used term "pruché ". whining, whimpering.
barbé - 2) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ b&rb'e \ ) - to catch, to take, Barbra - n. f. (pr. \ b'&rbr& \ ) - Noun of person only sng. In
to arrest. Slang term. See also the terms "ciapé, pijé, case of need a plr. is Barbre. - Barbara.
aresté ". barbù - adj. (pr. \ b&rb'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. barbù - fm. sng. and
barbél - n. m. (pr. \ b&rb'e \ ) At plr. (if any) barbéj. - tow, plr. barbùa, barbùe. - bearded.
oakum. barca - n. f. (pr. \ b'&rc& \ ) At plr. barche. - 1) - boat. - 2) -
barben-a - n. f. (pr. \ b&rb'æ[ng]& \ ) At plr. (if any) barben- pile, stack, heap (for indicating a large quantity, e. g. "i
e. - vervain, verbena (botanic - Verbena officinalis). l'hai na barca 'd còse da fé " "I have a pile of things to do
Barbera - n. f. (pr. \ b&rb'er& \ ) Noun of a wine, usually sng.. ". In this latter sense see also the term "barcà ".
In case of need, at plr. barbere. "Barbera". Typical and barcà - n. f. (pr. \ b&rc'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - the content of a
very good piedm. red wine, produced in all the south of full boat. - 2) - a large quantity (in a fig. sense). In this
Piedm. latter sense see also the term "barca ".
barbet - n. m. (pr. \ b&rb'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - Waldesian(s) barcamenésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ b&rc&men'ese \ ) - to
(joky term, see also the term "valdèis ") manage to get along. Italianism. See the best term
barbësché - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ b&rb&sk'e \ ) - 1) - to "barchegésse". Also in the spelling "barcamnésse".
stammer, to stutter. - 2) - to babble. - It uses the aux. barcamnésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ b&rc&mn'ese \ ) - to
"esse". See also the term "chëcché ". manage to get along. Italianism. See the best term
barbëtta - n. f. (pr. \ b&rb'&tt& \ ) At plr. barbëtte. - small "barchegésse". Also in the spelling "barcamenésse".
beard, goatee. barcaireul - n. m. (pr. \ b&rc&ir'[oe]l \ ) At plr. barcaireuj. -
barbin - 1) - adj. (pr. \ b&rb'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. barbin - fm. sng. boatman, waterman. See also the term "barcareul, batelié
and plr. barbin-a, barbin-e. - 1) - mean, paltry, scanty, ".
petty, lame. - 2) - narrow-minded. barcareul - n. m. (pr. \ b&rc&r'[oe]l \ ) - See barcaireul.
barbin - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ b&rb'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - sheep.

barchegésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ b&rkej'ese \ ) - to manage baricento - n. m. (pr. \ b&ri[ch]'æntrô \ ) Inv. at plr. -
to get along. See also the terms "barcamenésse, barycentre, centre of gravity. Quite an italianism. See
barcamnésse ". also the most piedm. term "barissenter ".
barchëtta - n. f. (pr. \ b&rc'&tt& \ ) At plr. barchëtte. - small bàrich - adj. (pr. \ b'&ric \ ) Ms. plr. bàrich - fm. sng. and plr.
boat. bàrica, bàriche. - 1) - pressure (as an attribute), weight
barchireul - n. m. (pr. \ b&rckir'[oe]l \ ) - See barcaireul. (as an attribute) (physics). - 2) - related to barium
barcolé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ b&rcul'e \ ) - to pitch (used for (chemistry).
ships, planes or cars while braking). It uses the aux. "avèj ". bariché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ b&rik'e \ ) - See baricadé.
barcon - n. m. . (pr. \ b&rc'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - big boat, barìcia - n. f. (pr. \ b&r'i[ch]i& \ ) At plr. barìce. - anchovy.
barge, scow. See also the term "batél ". (slang term). See also the term "ancioa".
barconera - n. f. (pr. \ b&rcun'er& \ ) - See balconà. barìcole - n. f. plr. (pr. \ b&r'icule \ ) Only plr., but in case of
bard - n. m. (pr. \ b&rd \ ) Inv. at plr. - bard, Celtic poet, need the sng. is barìcola - spectacles, eye-glasses. See the
singer. most correct term "uciaj ". The sng. form is used as a slang
bardachin - n. m. (pr. \ b&rd&k'i[ng] \ ) - See baldachin. term to indicate one eye.
bardadura - n. f. (pr. \ b&rd&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. bardadure. - baricolésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ b&ricul'ese \ ) - to climb
1) - harness, trappings (horse). - 2) - trappings, best up, to clamber up. (the term supposes "with difficulty" in
clothes (in a fig. sense). See also the terms "ambardatura, its meaning).
bardatura". bariera - n. f. (pr. \ b&ri'er& \ ) At plr. bariere. - 1) - barrier.
bardatura - n. f. (pr. \ b&rd&t'[ue]r& \ ) - See bardadura. - 2) - custom barrier. In the city of Turin the name
bardé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ b&rd'e \ ) - 1) - to harness. - 2) - "bariera" is given to the quarters around the old custom
to dress up (joky). See also the term "ambardé ". barriers, associated to the name of the road destination. So,
bardésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ b&rd'ese \ ) - to dress up. e. g. there is the quarter "bariera 'd Fransa " = "custom
(joky, referred to oneself). See also the term "ambardésse barrier of France (on the road to France)" and others.
". baril - n. m. (pr. \ b&r'il \ ) At plr. barij. - barrel, cask. See
bardela - n. f. (pr. \ b&rd'el& \ ) At plr. bardele. - platform, also the term "baral ".
dais, predella. barilé - n. (pr. \ b&ril'e \ ) Ms. plr. barilé - fm. sng. and plr.
bardelin - n. m. (pr. \ b&rdel'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - foot-board, barilera, barlere. - cooper. Italianism sometimes used, but
running-board. not very correct. See the best term "botalé ".
Bardolin - n. m. (pr. \ b&rdul'i[ng] \ ) Noun of a wine, usually barilet - n. m. (pr. \ b&ril'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - keg, cash. - 2)
sng.. In case of need, inv. at plr. - "Bardolino". Typical - barrel, box (clock). - See also the terms "barlet, barilòt,
red wine, produced in Venetian (aera of Verona). barlòt ".
bardòt - n. m. (pr. \ b&rd'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - hinny (zoology). barilòt - n. m. (pr. \ b&ril'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - small cash,
baré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ b&r'e \ ) - 1) - to bar, to block, to keg. - 2) - bull's eye, centre of the target. - 3) - podge.
dam, to barricade. - 2) - to bar, to cross, to delete (with a See also the term "barilet, barlòt ".
bar or slash). - 3) - to beat, to thrash. In this sense see also bariment - n. m. (pr. \ b&rim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - trumpeting.
the term "baroté ". bàrio - n. m. (pr. \ b'&riô \ ) Chemical element usually sng. and
barela - n. f. (pr. \ b&r'el& \ ) At plr. barele. - 1) - stretcher. - inv. in any case. - barium (chemistry).
2) - barrow, handbarrow. In this sense see also the term bariolà - adj. (pr. \ b&riul'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
"sivera". variegated, varicoloured, speckled.
barelé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ b&rel'e \ ) - to carry on a barion - n.m. (pr. \ b&ri'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - baryon
stretcher. (physics).
Bareul - n. m. (pr. \ b&r'[oe]l \ ) Noun of a wine, the wine (the bariònich - adj. (pr. \ b&ri'onic \ ) Ms. plr. bariònich - fm.
best, the king and grandfather of all the wines), usually sng. sng. and plr. bariònica, bariòniche. - baryonic.
In case of need, at plr. bareuj - "Barolo". Typical, barisfera - n. f. (pr. \ b&risf'er& \ ) At plr. (if any) barisfere. -
wonderful red wine, produced in Langa (aera of Piedm.), in barysphere.
a limited zone. it takes its name from the village of Bareul. barista - n. (pr. \ b&r'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. barista - fm. sng. and
barëtta - n. f. - (pr. \ b&r'&tt& \ ) At plr. barëtte. - 1) - cap, plr. barista, bariste. - 1) - barman (barmaid). - 2) -
woollen cap. - 2) - grape-skin. In this meaning see also the barkeeper.
term "borset". - 3) - little rod (lit. meaning). barisél - n. m. (pr. \ b&riz'el \ ) At plr. barisej. - medieval
barëttin - n. m. (pr. \ b&r&tt'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - cap, little magistrate head of the police.
cap. See also the terms "bërtin, bonet ". barite - n. f. (pr. \ b&r'ite \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - baryta,
bargo - n. m. (pr. \ b'&rgu \ ) Inv. at plr. - mountain swallow barytes (mineral).
(zoology). baritin-a - n. f. (pr. \ b&rit'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. (if any) batitin-e.
barì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ b&r'i \ ) - to trumpet. - barite, barytes (mineral).
bària - n. f. (pr. \ b'&ri& \ ) At plr. barie. - barye. (physics) barìton - n. m. (pr. \ b&r'itu[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - baritone. See
baricà - n. f. (pr. \ b&ric'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - barricade. See also also the term "barìtono".
the term "baricada". baritonal - adj. (pr. \ b&ritun'&l \ ) Ms. plr. baritonaj - fm.
baricada - n. f. (pr. \ b&ric'&d& \ ) - See baricà. sng. and plr. baritonal, baritonaj. - baritone (as an
baricadé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ b&ric&d'e \ ) - to bar, to attribute).
barricade. See also the term "bariché ". barìtono - n. m. (pr. \ b&r'itônô \ ) - See barìton.
baricc - adj. (pr. \ b&r'i[ch] \ ) Ms. plr. baricc - fm. sng. and barivél - n. and adj. (pr. \ b&riv'el \ ) Ms. plr. barivéj - fm.
plr. baricia, barice. - 1) - squint. - 2) - cross-eyed, sng. and plr. barivela, barivele. - 1) - little rascal, scamp
squint-eyed. - 3) - cross-eyed person. See also the terms (sbst.). - 2) - impish, mischievous. See also the term
"baleus, galeus". "birichin ".
baricé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ b&ri[ch]'e \ ) - to look at. (slang barivlà - n. f. (pr. \ b&rivl'& \ ) - rascally trick, prank,
term). See also the most correct terms "vardé, beiché, mischievous trick. See also the most correct term
buché ". "barivlada".
barivlada - n. f. (pr. \ b&rivl'&d& \ ) - See barivlà.

barivlé - vrb 1st con. int. - (pr. \ b&rivl'e \ ) - to behave like a bartavela - n. f. (pr. \ b&rt&v'el& \ ) At plr. bartavele. - 1) -
rascal, to mischief. It uses the aux. "avèj ". loquacity, garrulity. - 2) - chattering tongue. See also the
barlet - n. m. (pr. \ b&rl'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - keg, cash. - 2) - term "bërtavela".
barrel, box (clock). - See also the terms "barilet, barilòt, bartavlà - n. f. (pr. \ b&rt&vl'& \ ) - See bartavlada.
barlòt ". The locution "barlèt dël taulass " means "target, bartavlada - n. f. (pr. \ b&rt&vl'&d& \ ) - At plr. bartavlade. -
centre of the target, butt". - 3) - meadow saffron (botany - chat, chit-chat. See also the term "bërtavlada".
Colchicum autumnale). bartavlé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ b&rt&vl'e \ ) - to chatter, to
barlòt - n. m. (pr. \ b&rl'ot \ ) - See barilòt. be a chatterbox. See also the term "bërtavlé".
barlum - n. m. (pr. \ b&rl'[ue]m \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - glimmer, barufa - n. f. (pr. \ b&r'[ue]f& \ ) At plr. barufe. - brawl,
gleam. - 2) - shadow, trace. See also the term "bërlum". scuffle, wrangle. See also the term "rusa".
barociàire - n. m. (pr. \ b&ru[ch]i'&ire \ ) Inv. at plr. - carter. barufa (fé ---) - vrb. loc. (pr. \ f'e b&r'[ue]f& \ ) - to brawl, to
See also the term "barossé 1), birociàire". scuffle.
barocin - n. m. (pr. \ b&ru[ch]'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - gig, cart. bàrziga - n. f. (pr. \ b'&rzig& \ ) At plr. (if any) bàrzighe. - 1)
See also the term "biròcc". - thing, matter, affair, concern. - 2) - bezique (card
barometrìa - n. f. (pr. \ b&rumetr'i& \ ) At plr (if any) game).
barometrìe. - barometry (physics). barzighé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ b&rzig'e \ ) - to
barométrich - adj. (pr. \ b&rum'etric \ ) Ms. plr. barométrich- frequent, to haunt.
fm. sng. and plr. barométrica, barométriche. - barzlëtta - n. f. (pr. \ b&rzl'&tt& \ ) At plr. barzlëtte. - 1) -
barometric (physics). joke. - 2) - tale, story, nonsense. - See also the terms
baron - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ b&r'u[ng] \ ) - 1) - heap, pile. - 2) - a "faribolada, farabolà ".
lot (in a fig. sense). - See also the terms "mugg, patéla ". barzlëtté - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ b&rzl&tt'e \ ) - to crack jokes.
baron - 2) - n. (pr. \ b&r'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. baron- fm. sng. and See also the term "farabolé ".
plr. baron-a (or baronëssa), baron-e (or baronësse). - basadòna - n. f. (pr. \ b&z&d'on& \ ) At plr basadòne. - corn
baron. poppy (botany - Papaver rhoeas).
baronà - n. f. (pr. \ b&run'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - roguery, trickery. basalicò - n. m. (pr. \ b&z&lic'o \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - basil
baronagi - n. m. (pr. \ b&run'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - barony. - (botany - Ocimum basilicum). See also the terms "baslicò,
2) - baronage. basìlich, basìlico ".
baronal - adj. (pr. \ b&run'&l \ ) Ms. plr. baronaj - fm. sng. basalisch - n. m. (pr. \ b&z&l'isc \ ) Inv. at plr. - basilisk. See
and plr. baronal, baronaj. - baronial. also the term "basilisch ".
baroné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ b&run'e \ ) - to pile, tp heap. basalt - n. m. (pr. \ b&z'&lt \ ) Inv. at plr. - basalt
See also the term "ambaroné ". (mineralogy). See also the term "basàut ".
baronëssa - n. f. (pr. \ b&run'&ss& \ ) At plr. baronësse. - basàltich - adj. (pr. \ b&z'&ltic \ ) Ms. plr. basàltich - fm. sng.
baroness. See also the terms "baron, baron-a". and plr. basàltica, basàltiche. - basaltic. See also the term
baron-a - n. f. (pr. \ b&r'u[ng]& \ ) At plr. baron-e. - "basàutich ".
baroness. See alsso the terms "baron, baronëssa". basaman - n. m. (pr. \ b&z&m'&[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - hand-
baross - 1) - adj. (pr. \ b&r'us \ ) Ms. plr. baross - fm. sng. and kissing.
plr. barossa, barosse. - reddish, ruddy, ginger, roufous. basament - n. m. (pr. \ b&z&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - plinth,
baross - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ b&r'us \ ) Inv. at plr. - reddish-colour. base. - 2) - bed, bedplate (mechanics). - 3) - crankcase
barossé - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ b&rus'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - carter. See (car). See also the term "basamenta".
also the terms "barociàire, birociàire ". basamenta - n. f. (pr. \ b&z&m'ænt& \ ) - See basament.
barossé - 2) - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ b&rus'e \ ) - 1) - to limp. - basan-a - n. f. (pr. \ b&z'&[ng]& \ ) At plr. basan-e. - 1) -
2) - to be unsound (in a fig. sense). It uses the aux. "avèj ". tinder, touchwood. - 2) - fuse, slow-match, quick-match.
barotà - n. f. (pr. \ b&rut'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - blow with a basar - n. m. (pr. \ b&z'&r \ ) Inv. at plr. - bazaar.
cudgel, blow with a stick. basativ - adj. (pr. \ b&z&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. basativ - fm. sng. and
baroté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ b&rut'e \ ) - to cudgel, to thrash, plr. basativa, basative. - icy, ice-cold, gelid, chilly.
to beat. See also the terms "baré, bastoné". basch - 1) - adj. and n. (pr. \ b'&sc \ ) Ms. plr. basch - fm. sng.
barotésse - vrb 1st con. recp. (pr. \ b&rut'ese \ ) - to come to and plr. basca, basche. - Basque.
blows. baschin - n. m. (pr. \ b&sk'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - blouse.
baròch - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ b&r'oc \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - bàscula - n. f. (pr. \ b'&sc[ue]l& \ ) - See bassacula.
Baroque. base - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ b'&ze \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - base (military) -
baròch - 2) - adj. (pr. \ b&r'oc \ ) Ms. plr. baròch - fm. sng. 2) - foundation. - 3) - basis. - 4) - rank and file. - 5) -
and plr. baròca, baròche. - 1) - Baroque. - 2) - queer, grounding. - 6) - base (chemistry).
odd, grotesque (in a fig. sense). base - 2) - adj. (pr. \ b'&ze \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - basic,
baròcia - n. f. (pr. \ b&r'o[ch]i& \ ) At plr. baròce. - cart, basical, starting. Standing for "ëd base " lit. "of basis".
wagon. See also the terms "baròssa, biròcia ". basé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ b&z'e \ ) - 1) - to base, to found. -
baròmeter - n. m. (pr. \ b&r'ometær \ ) Inv. at plr. - 2) - to kiss. - 3) - to fit properly, to meet, to match.
barometer. See also the term "baròmetro" which is more basésse - vrb 1st con. refl. and recp. (pr. \ b&z'ese \ ) - 1) - to
used. base oneself (on) (refl.) - 2) - to kiss each other (recp.). -
baròmetro - n. m. (pr. \ b&r'ometrô \ ) See baròmeter. 3) - to fit together, to match.
baròss - adj. and n. (pr. \ b&r'os \ ) Ms. plr. baròss - fm. sng. basëtte - n. f. plr. (pr. \ b&z'&tte \ ) Usually only pr. In case of
and plr. baròssa, baròsse. - 1) - hip-shot, crippled, need the sng. is basëtta. - side whisker(s).
maimed (adj). - 2) - cripple (sbst.). bàsia - n. f. (pr. \ b'&zi& \ ) At plr. bàsie - board for
baròssa - n. f. (pr. \ b&r'os& \ ) - See baròcia. "polenta". See also the term "bàsola", and the loc. "ass
baròt - n. m. (pr. \ b&r'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - cudgel, truncheon. dla polenta".
See also the term "lignòt " sometimes used. bàsich - adj. (pr. \ b'&zic \ ) Ms. plr. basich - fm. sng. and plr.
baròta - n. f. (pr. \ b&r'ot& \ ) At plr. baròte. - boiled basica, basiche. - 1) - basic, essential. - 2) - basic
chestnut. See also the term "balòta ". (chemistry).
basicolé - vrb 1st con.trs. (pr. \ b&zicul'e \ ) - to frequent, to

basìgola - n. f. (pr. \ b&z'igul& \ ) At plr. basigole. - trifle, For the meaning 1) and for little bowls, see also the terms
mere trifle. "catin, gatin".
basilar - adj. (pr. \ b&zil'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - basic, bassiné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ b&sin'e \ ) - to put (st.) to soak,
fundamental, to wash.
basìlica - n. f. (pr. \ b&z'ilic& \ ) At plr. basìliche. - basilica. bassin-a - n. f. (pr. \ b&s'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. bassin-e. - 1) -
basilical - adj. (pr. \ b&zilic'&l \ ) Ms. plr. basilicaj - fm. sng. bassin of a boiler. - 2) - little basin.
and plr. basilical, basilicaj. - basilican, basilical. bassòt - 1) - adj. (pr. \ b&s'ot \ ) Ms. plr. bassòt- fm. sng. and
basìlich - n. m. (pr. \ b&z'ilic \ ) - See basalicò. plr. bassòta, bassòte. - rather short.
basìlico - n. m. (pr. \ b&z'ilicô \ ) - See basalicò. bassòt - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ b&s'ot \ ) - dachshund (dog), badger
basilicò - n. m. (pr. \ b&zilic'o \ ) - See basalicò. dog. See also the loc. "can bassòt, can bassé, can tanin".
basilisch - n. m. (pr. \ b&zil'sc \ ) - See basalisch. bass-pian - n. m. (pr. \ b&spi'&[ng] \ ) - lowland.
basin - n. m. (pr. \ b&z'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - kiss, smack. See bass-rilev - n. m. (pr. \ b&sril'eu \ ) Inv. at plr. - bas-relief,
also the term "basòto" for a diminutive. "basso-rilievo". See also the term "bass-riliev".
basista - n. (pr. \ b&z'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. basista - fm. sng. and bass-riliev - n. m. (pr. \ b&srili'eu \ ) - See bass-rilev.
plr. basista, basiste. - 1) - political fundamentalist. - 2) - bassura - n. f. (pr. \ b&s'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. bassure. - lowland.
one who collect information to plan a crime. See also the term "bassa".
baslicò - n. m. (pr. \ b&zlic'o \ ) - See basalicò. bast - n. m. (pr. \ b&st \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - packsaddle. - 2) -
baso - n. m. (pr. \ b'&zu \ ) Inv. at plr. - cross-bar for carrying heavy burden (in a fig. sense).
two buckets in equilibrium on a shoulder. See also the basta - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ b'&st& \ ) - 1) - tacking, long stitching.
term "bavo". - 2) - tuck.
bàsola - n. f. (pr. \ b'&zul& \ ) At plr. bàsole - board for basta - 2) - adv. (pr. \ b'&st& \ ) - enough, sufficiently. See
"polenta". See also the term "bàsia", and the loc. "ass dla also the terms "bastansa, pro", and the adv. loc. "a basta".
polenta". basta (a ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ & b'&st& \ ) - See basta 2).
basorada - n. f. (pr. \ b&zut'&r& \ ) At plr. basorade. - soup basta! - 3) - excl. (pr. \ b'&st&! \ ) - that's enough!, hold it!,
(slang voice). stop!, etc.
basotada - n. f. (pr. \ b&zut'&d& \ ) At plr. basotade. - basta ch'a sìa - loc. adj. (pr. \ b'&st& c & s'i& \ ) Inv. in gnd. ,
repeated kissing, necking. at plr. basta ch'a sio. - common, ordinary, of poor
basoté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ b&zut'e \ ) - to kiss over and quality.
over again, to smother with kisses. basta che - cng. loc. (pr. \ b'&st& ke \ ) - provided that, if
basotésse - vrb - 1st con. recp. (pr. \ b&zut'ese \ ) to kiss each only, so long as. See also the cng. loc. "basta mach che"
other over and over again. basta mach che. - loc. cng. (pr. \ b'&st& m&c ke \ ) - See
bass - 1) - adj. (pr. \ b&s \ ) Ms. plr. bass- fm. sng. and plr. basta che.
bassa, basse. - 1) - low (in general). - 2) - short (size, bastansa - adv. (pr. \ b&st'&[ng]s& \ ) - 1) - enough. In this
stature). - 3) - shallow (water). - 4) - low, deep, soft sendse see also the terms "basta, pro", and the adv. loc. "a
(sound) - 5) - low, lower (geography). - 6) - low, base, basta ". - 2) - rather, quite. In this sense see also the term
vile. - 7) - lower, inferior. - 8) - late (historical periods). A "pitòst".
number of idioms using this word are present, and we bastant - adj. (pr. \ b&st'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. bastant - fm. sng. and
report some of them : "pressi bass " "cheap " ; "ten-e ij plr. bastanta, bastante. - sufficient, enough. It is more
pressi bass " "to keep prices down" ; "bassa stagion" used the loc. "ch'a basta " "which is enough".
"off season " ; "fé man bassa ëd ... " "to pilfer, to plunder bastanté - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ b&st&nt'e \ ) - 1) - to be in
". need, to be badly off. - 2) - to find it hard, to have
bass - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ b&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - bass, basso difficulty. - 3) - to sweat. See also the term "bëstanté ".
(music - singer). - 2) - lower part. bastard - adj. and n. (pr. \ b&st'&rd \ ) Ms. plr. bastard - fm.
bass - 3) - adv. (pr. \ b&s \ ) - low. sng. and plr. bastarda, bastarde. - 1) - bastard,
bass (a ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ b&s \ ) - down. illegitimate (adj.). - 2) - hybrid, crossbreed (adj.).
bassa - n. f. (pr. \ b'&s& \ ) At plr. basse. - 1) - plain, (zoology, botany). - 3) - corrupt, altered. (adj.). - 4) -
lowlands. In this sense see also the term "bassura". - 2) - bastard, illegitimate child (sbst.). - 5) - crossbreed
pass (military slang).- 3) - south (in Piedm. referring to (animals) (sbst.).
sothern Italy). - 4) - bass viola (music). bastarda - n. f. (pr. \ b&st'&rd& \ ) At plr. bastarde. - bastard
bassacula - n. f. (pr. \ b&s&c'[ue]l& \ ) At plr. bassacule. - file (mechanics).
platform balance. See also the term "bàscula". bastardì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ b&st&rd'i \ ) - 1) - to
bassé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ b&s'e \ ) - 1) - to lower. - 2) - to degenerate, to become degenerate, to deteriorate (int.) -
make lower. - 3) - to humble (in a fig. sense). 2) - to debase, to bastardize (trs.).
basésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ b&s'ese \ ) - to fall, to drop. bastardin - adj. and n. (pr. \ b&st&rd'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr.
The form is refl. and the meaning is int. bastardin - fm. sng. and plr. bastardin-a, bastardin-e. -
bassëssa - n. f. (pr. \ b&s'&ss& \ ) At plr. bassësse. - 1) - little bastard. Diminutive of "bastard", only used for
lowness, shortness. - 2) - baseness (in a fig. sense). animals. For persons see the term "venturin".
bass-fond - n. m. (pr. \ b&sf'und \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - shallow bastardon - adj. and n. (pr. \ b&st&rd'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr.
shoal (lit. meaning). - 2) - slum (in a fig. sense, usually at bastardon - fm. sng. and plr. bastardon-a, bastardon-e. -
plr.). big bastard. Pejorative of "bastard", only used for
bassila - n. f. (pr. \ b&s'il& \ ) At plr. bassile. - 1) - saucer. - 2) animals, and as an epithet.. Thr loc. "bastardon dj'èrbo "
- tray. See also the terms "cabaret, cabaré". indicate a "useless branch of a tree".
bassin - n. m. (pr. \ b&s'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - basin, bowl. basté - 1) - n. (pr. \ b&st'e \ ) Ms. plr. basté - fm. sng. and plr.
(in this meaning the term "bassin " ranges from the bastera, bastere. - packsaddle maker.
container for washing up to the enormous containers of basté - 2) - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ b&st'e \ ) - to be sufficient,
water for feeding penstocks of hydro-electric plants. - 2) - to be enough. It uses the aux. "esse".
basin (geography, e. g. the basin of a river, metallurgy, e. bastèivol - adj. (pr. \ b&st'æivul \ ) Ms. plr. bastèivol - fm. sng.
g. the spure basin) - 3) - docs. - 4) - pelvis (physiology). and plr. bastèivola, bastèivole. - sufficient.

bastìa - n. f. (pr. \ b&st'i& \ ) At plr. bastìe. - stockade, da cusin-a" "set of kitchenware"). - 6) - trash, rubbish. -
entrenchement. See also the terms "bastion, bastija". See also the term "baterìa".
Bastian - n. m. (pr. \ b&sti&'[ng] \ ) Noun of person, only sng. bate - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ b'&te \ ) - 1) - to beat, to strike, to
- Sebastian. hit, to knock. - 2) - to lash, to flap, to tap (light beating) -
bastija - n. f. (pr. \ b&st'iy& \ ) - See bastìa. 3) - to bump into, to bump against. - 4) - to strike (e. g.
bastiment - n. m. (pr. \ b&stim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - ship, vessel. hours, coins). - 5) - to beat, to overcome, to defeat. (e. g.
See also the term "nav". a problem, a trouble, a illness) - 6) - to hammer. - 7) - to
bastimentin - n. m. (pr. \ b&stimænt'in \ ) Inv. at plr. - boat. thresh (e. g. corn). - 8) - to beat, to scour, to frequent. -
See also the term "barca". 9) - to typewrite. - 10) - to pound, to bombard (military).
bastion - n. m. (pr. \ b&sti'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - bastion, - 11) - to serve (sport, tennis) - There is a number of
rampart. See also the term "rampar". idiomatic way of saying making use of this vrb. Here some
bastioné - vrb 1st con.trs. (pr. \ b&stiun'e \ ) - to provide example: A) - "bate le man" "to clap one's hands. to
bastions (to), to fortify. applaud ". B) - "batje frèide " = lit. "to beat them cold " =
baston - n. m. (pr. \ b&st'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - stick. - 2) - "to look indifferent, to appear not interested ". C) - "bate
cudgel, truncheon. - 3) - baton, staff. - 4) - support (in a cassa " "to ask for money". D) - "bate la lan-a" lit. "to
fig. sense). beat the wool" "to be lazy, to be not enough engaged in
bastonà - n. f. (pr. \ b&stun'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - blow with a one's job ".
stick. batél - n. m. (pr. \ b&t'el \) At plr. batéj. - boat. See also the
bastonada - n. f. (pr. \ b&stun'&d& \ ) At plr. bastonade. - term "barcon".
beating, thrashing, hiding. See also the term batelié - n. m. (pr. \ b&teli'e \) Inv. at plr. - boatman,
"bastonadura". waterman. See also the term "barcareul".
bastonadura - n. f. (pr. \ b&stun&d'[ue]r& \ ) - See batent - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ b&t'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - leaf, wing,
bastonada. shutter (doors and windows) - 2) - head (hydraulics) - 3) -
bastoncin - n. m. (pr. \ b&stun[ch]'i[ng] \ ) - Italianism. - See batten, sley (texile). - See also the term "batùa".
bastonin. batent - 2) - adj. (pr. \ b&t'ænt \) Ms. plr. batent - fm. sng. and
bastoné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ b&stun'e \ ) - to beat, to plr. batenta, batente. - 1) - beating, driving. - 2) -
thrash, to cudgel. See also the terms "lëgné, patlé, anlardé flapping.
". batéri - n. m. (pr. \ b&t'eri \) - See bacteri.
bastonet - n. m. (pr. \ b&stun'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - retinal baterìa - n. f. (pr. \ b&ter'i& \ ) - See batarìa.
rod (anatomy). - 2) - little stick. In this sense see also the batérich - adj. (pr. \ b&t'eric \) - See bactérich .
term "bastonin". bateriologìa - n. f. (pr. \ b&teriuluj'i& \) - See bacteriologìa .
bastonin - n. m. (pr. \ b&stun'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - little stick. bateriològich - adj. (pr. \ b&teriul'ojic \) - See bacteriològich.
Diminutive of "baston". See also the term "bastonet ". bateriòlogh - n. (pr. \ b&teri'olug \) - See bacteriòlogh.
bat - n. m. (pr. \ b&t \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - pulsation, baterissida - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ b&teris'id& \) - See bacterissida
palpitation. - 2) - pant, rattle, knocking (mechanics). See 1).
also the term "bati". baterissida - 2) - adj. (pr. \ b&teris'id& \) - See bacterissida
bataclan - n. m. (pr. \ b&t&cl'&[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - 2).
uproar, noise. - 2) - clamour. - 3) - brawl, scuffle, baterìsta - n. m. (pr. \ b&ter'ist& \) Inv. at plr. - drummer.
tumult. batesand - n. (pr. \ b&tez'&nd \) Ms. plr. batesand - fm. sng.
bataj - n. m. (pr. \ b&t'&y \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - door-knocker. and plr. batesanda, batesande. - chlid to be baptized.
In this sense see the best term "tabuss". - 2) - clapper. - batesé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ b&tez'e \) - to baptize, to
See also the term "batòcc". christen. See also the term "batié ". A popular way of
bataja - n. f. (pr. \ b&t'&y& \ ) At plr. bataje. - 1) - battle. - 2) saying is "batesé 'l vin " lit. "to baptize wine" "to water
- fight, struggle. down wine".
batajant - adj. (pr. \ b&t&y'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. batajant - fm. sng. batésim - n. m. (pr. \ b&t'ezim \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - baptism. - 2)
and plr. batajanta, batajante. - 1) - pugnacious, warlike. - christening. See also the term "batiagi ".
- 2) - warrior (as an attribute). See also the terms "batajé, batesimal - adj. (pr. \ b&tezim'&l \) Ms. plr. batesimaj - fm.
batajér, batajeur". sng. and plr. batesimal, batesimaj. - baptismal.
batajé - 1) - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ b&t&y'e \ ) - to battle, to bateur - n. (pr. \ b&t'[oe]r \) Ms. plr. bateur - fm. sng. and plr.
fight, to struggle. bateusa, bateuse. - 1) - barker, huckster, auctioneer. - 2)
batajé - 2) - adj. (pr. \ b&t&y'e \ ) - See batajant. - salesman, canvasser. - 3) - beater. - 4) - thresher.
batajér - adj. (pr. \ b&t&y'er \ ) - See batajant. bateusa - n. f. (pr. \ b&t'[oe]z&l \) At plr. bateuse. -
batajera - n. f. (pr. \ b&t&y'er& \ ) - At plr. batajere. - threshing-machine. The loc. "màchina da bate" is more
pealing, chiming. See also the term "baudëtta". used.
batajeur - adj. and n. (pr. \ b&t&y'[oe]r \ ) - Ms. plr. batajeur bati - n. m. (pr. \ b'&ti \ ) - See bat.
- fm. sng. and plr. batajeusa, batajeuse. - 1) - pugnacious, batiagi - n. m. (pr. \ b&ti'&ji \) - See batésim.
warlike (adj.). - 2) - warrior (sbst.). See also the terms batiaja - n. f. (pr. \ b&ti'&y& \) At plr. batiaje. - 1) - sweet
"batajant, batajé 2) ". distributed in occasion of a baptism. - 2) - the baptism's
batajon - n. m. (pr. \ b&t&y'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - battailon. feast. (for extension and at plr.).
batajòla - n. f. (pr. \ b&t&y'ol& \ ) At plr. batajòle. - 1) - batibech - n. m. (pr. \ b&tib'æc \) Inv. at plr. - squabble, tiff.
skirmish. - 2) - battle for fun (e. g. played by children See also the terms "rusa, ciacòt, arbëccagi ".
with snow balls). batibeuj - n. m. (pr. \ b&tib'[oe]y \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - tumult,
batant - n. m. (pr. \ b&t'&nt \ ) - See batent. uproar, turmoil. - 2) - bustle. - 3) - riot. Sometimes also in
batarél - n. m. (pr. \ b&t&r'el \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - stick. - 2) - the spelling "batibuj " (see the term for pronunciation).
stick tied to the neck of a cow in order to prevent the batibuj - n. m. (pr. \ b&tib'[ue]y \) - See batibeuj.
run. See also the term "tamburél ". baticarn - n. m. (pr. \ b&tic'&rn \) Inv. at plr. - kitchen tool
batarìa - n. f. (pr. \ b&t&r'i& \ ) At plr. batarìe. - 1) - battery for beating sliced meat.
(military) - 2) - battery, accumulator (electicity) - 3) -
drums (music) - 4) - heat (sport). - 5) - set (e. g. "batarìa

baticheur - n. m. (pr. \ b&tik'[oe]r \) Inv. at plr. (if any). - 1) - batse - vrb 1st con. refl. and recp. (pr. \ b'&tse \ ) - 1) - to beat
palpitation (of the heart), heart-pounding. - 2) - funk, oneself (refl.). - 2) - to fight (refl. and recp.).
anxiety. batsoà - n. m. (pr. \ b&tsu'& \) Inv. at plr. - pork's leg
baticòle (a ---) - adv. (pr. \ b&tik'ole \) - on the shoulders, prepared in the Piedm. way. (characteristic dish).
piggyback. Used e. g. in the loc. "porté 'l cit a baticòle" batù - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ b&t'[ue] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - concrete
" to carry the child on his shoulders" - See also the term pavement. - 2) - beaten earth flooring. - 3) - member of
"cabiciòle ". a penitential confraternity.
baticul - n. m. (pr. \ b&tic'[ue]l \) At plr. baticuj. - 1) - a type batù - 2) - adj. (pr. \ b&t'[ue] \) Ms. plr. batù - fm. sng. and
of sail (marine). - 2) - the rear part, on the bottom, of an plr. batùa, batùe. - 1) - beaten. - 2) - overcome, beaten
armour (history). (in a fig. sense). - 3) - hammered, wrought (metals). - 4) -
batidor - n. m. (pr. \ b&tid'ur \) - See bateur. coined (coins). - 5) - frequented (places, roads).
batidura - n. f. (pr. \ b&tid'[ue]r& \) At plr. batidure. - 1) - batùa - n. f. (pr. \ b&t'[ue]& \) At plr. batùe. - 1) - beat,
beating. - 2) - threshing. beating. - 2) - stroke. - 3) - bar, beat (music) - 4) -
batié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ b&ti'e \) - See batesé. wisecrack, quip. - 5) - path or passage made in the
batifanìa - n. f. (pr. \ b&tif&n'i& \) - See baticheur. snow. In this sense see also the word "calà ". - 6) - leaf,
batifiaca - n. and adj. (pr. \ b&tifi'&c& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - wing, shutter (doors and windows). In this sense see also
shirker, skulker, lazy-bones. the term "batent ".
batifianch - n. m. (pr. \ b&tifi'&[ng]c \) - Inv. at plr. - stable- batùa 'd man - n. f. loc. (pr. \ b&t'[ue]& d m&[ng] \) At plr.
rail. batue 'd man. - hand-clapping, applause. See also the
batifolé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ b&tiful'e \) - to frolic. It uses term "batiman".
the aux. "avèj ". batufi - adj. - adj. - (pr. \ b&t'[ue]fi \ ) - See borenfi.
batija - n. f. (pr. \ b&t'iy& \) At plr. (if any) batije. - water's bàucia - n. f. (pr. \ b'&u[ch]i& \ ) At plr. (if any) bàuce. - first
edge. - See also the term "batùa" sprouting in meadows and fields. See also the term
batilastra - n. m. (pr. \ b&til'&str& \) Inv. at plr. - worker "broja".
modelling sheets of metal. baudëtta - n. f. (pr. \ b&ud'&tt& \) At plr. baudëtte. - chiming,
batilòr. - n. m. (pr. \ b&til'or \) Inv. at plr. - gold-beater. joyous peal (bells). See also the term "batajera"
batiman - n. m. (pr. \ b&tim'&[ng] \) - Inv. at plr. - hand- baudëttà - n. f. (pr. \ b&ud&tt'& \) Inv. at plr. - bells concert.
clapping, applause. See also the loc. "batùa 'd man " lit. baudëtté - vrb 1st con. int. - (pr. \ b&ud&tt'e \) - to ring bells
"beating of hands". joyously. It uses the aux. "avèj ".
batiment - n. m. (pr. \ b&tim'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - beating. baudeuria - n. f. (pr. \ b&ud'[oe]ri& \) At plr. baudeurie. -
In this sense see the best term "batidura". - 2) - striking carousal, loud merry-making . See also the term
(mechanics). - 3) - interference (physics). "baleuria".
batipal - n. m. (pr. \ b&tip'&l \) Inv. at plr. - pile-driver, baudiss - n. m. (pr. \ b&ud'is \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - swing. - 2) -
rammer. seesaw (also in a fig. sense). See also the terms "bàuti,
batiscaf - n. m. (pr. \ b&tisc'&f \) Inv. at plr. - bathyscaphe. autalena", whose the latter is quite an italianism.
batisfera - n. f. (pr. \ b&tisf'er& \) At plr. batisfere. - baudissé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ b&udis'e \) - to swing, to
bathysphere. seesaw. Uses also in a fig. sense. It uses the aux. "avèj ".
batista - 1) - n. and adj. (pr. \ b&t'ist& \) - Baptist. Referred to See also the term "bautié ".
a branch of the Reformed Church. baudissésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ b&udis'ese \) - to swing
Batista - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ b&t'ist& \) Noun of person usually oneself, to seesaw oneself. It has more or less the same
sing. and in any case inv. - Baptist, John the Baptist. At value of the int. form. See also the term "bautiésse".
this point we note that the name John the Baptist has been bàudro - n. m. (pr. \ b'&udru \) Inv. at plr. - master, boss
used also at the fm. (e. g. by the regent Mary Joan Baptist (slang voice used in a rude meaning).
of Savoy) and in this case the fm. is Joan, and Baptist baudron - n. m. (pr. \ b&udr'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - arm
remains invariate). (armchair). - 2) - hand-rail, banister.
batista - 3) - n. f. (pr. \ b&t'ist& \) At plr. (if any) batiste. - bàul - n. m. (pr. \ b'&ul \) At plr. bàuj. - bark, barking, howl.
cambric, lawn. See also the term "gëp ".
batipoer - n. m. (pr. \ b&tip'uær \) Inv. at plr. - carpet-beater. baùl - n. m. (pr. \ b&'[ue]l \) At plr. baùj. - 1) - trunk. - 2) -
See also the terms "batoar, bator, batipóver". boot (cars). Also in the spelling "bavul ", having the same
batipóver - n. m. (pr. \ b&tip'uær \) - See batipoer (and note pronunciation (see the voice). A piedm. way of saying is
the same pronunciation) "aussé 'l baùl " = lit. "to raise the trunk" having a value of
batisteri - n. m. (pr. \ b&tist'eri \) Inv. at plr. - baptistery. "to give oneself airs, to behave unduly as an important
batistrà - n. m. (pr. \ b&tistr'& \) Inv. at plr. - tread, track. person". See also the terms "mala, còfo, erca".
batitor - n. (pr. \ b&tit'ur \) - See bateur. baulà - n. f. (pr. \ b&ul'& \) - See baulada.
bativòl - n. m. (pr. \ b&tv'ol \) At plr. bativòj. - game with a baulada - n. f. (pr. \ b&ul'&d& \) At plr. baulade. - 1) -
ball (in general). barking. - 2) - howling (in a fig. sense).
bativòl (a---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ & b&tv'ol \) - at once, at the baulé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ b&ul'e \) - 1) - to bark, to bay. -
first bounce. 2) - to howl (in a fig. sense). The expression "baulé a la
batoar - n. m. (pr. \ b&tu'&r \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - willow (texile) lun-a " which means lit. "to bay at he moon", in Piedm.
See also the terms "bator, batòira" - 2) - beater. - 3) - assumes the particular idiomatic meaning of "to miss one's
carpet-beater. See also the term "batipoer" dinner".
bator - n. m. (pr. \ b&t'ur \) - See batoar. baulèire - adj. and n. (pr. \ b&ul'æire \) Ms. plr. baulèire - fm.
batòcc - n. m. (pr. \ b&t'o[ch] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - clapper. - 2) - sng. and plr. bauléira, bauléire. - 1) - who barks, that
door-knocker. See also the term "bataj ". barks. - 2) - grumbler (sbst.). - See also the terms
batòira - n. f. (pr. \ b&t'oir& \) At plr. batòire. - 1) - willow. - "baulon, baulor".
2) - container for crushing workings. - 3) - little anvil baulon - adj. and n. (pr. \ b&ul'u[ng] \ ) - See baulèire.
for sharpening scythes. See also the terms "bator, pista ". baulor - adj. and n. (pr. \ b&ul'ur \ ) - See baulèire.
batòsta - n. f. (pr. \ b&t'ost& \) At plr. batòste. - 1) - blow. - 2) bàuti - n. m. (pr. \ b'&uti \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - swing. - 2) -
- defeat. - 3) - big damage. seesaw (also in a fig. sense). See also the terms "baudiss,

sbilàucia, autalena ", whose the latter is quite an bébola - n. f. (pr. \ b'ebul& \) At plr. bébole. - Jew's harp. See
italianism. also the terms "aribébola, aribeba, ribeba".
bàutia - n. f. (pr. \ b'&uti& \ ) At plr. bàutie. - gallery, becafì - n. m. (pr. \ bec&f'i \) Inv. at plr. - beccafico, fig-
balcony. See also the terms "galarìa, lòbia, pogeul". pecker (zoology - Sylvia hortensis).
Bàutia (Dòra ---) - n. f. (pr. \ d'or& b'&uti& \) Name of a becamòrt - n. m. (pr. \ bec&m'ort \) Inv. at plr. - grave-digger,
river, only sng. (this river is fm. in Piedm.), coming from sexton. The terrm is quite rude. See also the terms "sotror,
Aosta Valley and tributary (left side) of the river Pò.- fossor, bechin".
"Dora Baltea". becarìa - n. f. (pr. \ bec&r'i& \) At plr. becarìe. - butcher's
bautiada - n. f. (pr. \ b&uti'&d& \ ) At plr. bautiade. - shop. See also the term "bëccherìa ".
rocking, swinging. See also the term "biautada". becassa - n. f. (pr. \ bec'&s& \) At plr. becasse. - woodcock
bautié - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ b&uti'e \ ) - 1) - to swing, (zoology - Scolopax rusticola). See also the therms
to dangle. - 2) - to rock (baby). 3) - to hang about. In this "bëccassa, galinassa ".
meaning see also the term "bambliné ". It uses always the becassé - vrb 1st con. trs. - (pr. \ bec&s'e \) - to peck, to peck
aux. "avèj". - See also the terms "biauté, bilaucé ". up. See also the terms "bëcché, bëcchetté, bëccassé ".
bautiésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ b&uti'ese \ ) - 1) - to swing becassin - n. m. (pr. \ bec&s'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - snipe
(oneself), to rock (oneself). - 2) - to dawdle about, to (zoology - Capella gallinago). See also the term
hang about. "bëccassin".
bava - n. f. (pr. \ b'&v& \ ) At plr. bave. - 1) - slaver, dribble, becc - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ bæ[ch] \) Inv. at plr. - a kind of caprine
drivel. - 2) - filament (silk). - 3) - breath (wind) - 4) - cheese.
burr, fin (mechanics) - 5) - flash (metallurgy) becc - 2) - adj. Ms. plr. bècc - fm. sng. and plr. bècia, bèce. -
bavareul - n. m. (pr. \ b&v&r'[oe]l \ ) At plr. bavareuj. - bib 1) caprine. - 2) - goat (as an attribute). It is esier to find
(babies). See also the terms "bavaireul, bavarin, bavëtta". the adj. loc. "ëd crava" lit. "of goat ".
bavaireul - n. m. (pr. \ b&v&ir'[oe]l \ ) - See bavareul. bech - n. m. (pr. \ bæc \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - he-goat, billy-goat.
bavarin - n. m. (pr. \ b&v&r'i[ng] \ ) - See bavareul. In this meaning see also the most common term "boch ". -
bavera - n. f. (pr. \ b&v'er& \ ) At plt. bavere. - mask. See 2) - beak. - 3) - lip, spout (e. g. of a teapot) - 4) - burner
also the term "mostacia". (e. g. "bech a gas" "gas burner").
bavëtta - n. f. (pr. \ b&v'&tt& \ ) - See bavareul. bechin - n. m. (pr. \ bek'i[ng] \) Inv. at plt. - gravedigger. In
bavo - n. m. (pr. \ b'&vu \ ) - See baso. this meaning see also the term "sotror " - 2) - warbler
bavos - adj. (pr. \ b&v'uz \ ) Ms. plr. bavos - fm. sng. and plr. (zoology - Phylloscopus).
bavosa, bavose. - slavering, dribbling. bècio! - excl. (pr. \ b'æ[ch]iu \) - ugh!, pugh!, pshav!. See also
bavosé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ b&vuz'e \ ) - 1) - to the common loc. "che scheur! " "what a disgust! ".
slaver, to slobber (int.). - 2) - to slaver over, to dribble befana - n. f. (pr. \ bef'&n& \) At plr. befane. - 1) - "Befana".
(trs.). It uses always the aux. "avèj ". (old woman bringing gifts on Epiphany eve). - 2) -
bavosésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ b&vuz'ese \ ) - to beslaver Epiphany (sometimes this term is used in this not proper
oneself, to beslobber oneself. meaning). Sometimes also in the spelling "befan-a".
bavul - n. m. (pr. \ b&v'[ue]l \ ) - See baùl. befan-a - n. f. (pr. \ bef'&[ng]& \) - See befana.
bavum - n. m. (pr. \ b&v'[ue]m \ ) Inv. at plr. - slavering, bega - n. f. (pr. \ b'eg& \) At plr. beghe. - 1) - dispute,
slobbering, slime. quarrel. - 2) - trouble, nasty affair.
bavura - n. f. (pr. \ b&v'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. bavure. - burr beghënna - n. f. (pr. \ beg'&nn& \) At plr. beghënne - bigot . In
(mechanics), trimming, smear. a disparaging sense. Note that this term is only fm. See also
bcé - n. m. (pr. \ b[ch]'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - great-grandfather. the term "beghin", having the fm. "beghin-a".
See also the terms "bëccé. pcé, bisàvol ". beghin - n. (pr. \ beg'i[ng] \). Ms. plr. beghin - fm. sng. and
be' - excl. - (pr. \ bæ \ ) - come on!, now! (The word is a short plr. beghin-a, beghin-e. - bigot. See also the term
for "ben") "beghënna".
bè - n. m. (pr. \ bæ \ ) Inv. at plr. - bleating. beicà - n. f. (pr. \ bæic'& \) Inv. at plr. - look, glance, glimpse.
bè (fé ---) - vrbl. loc. (pr. \ f'e bæ \ ) - to bleat. See also the terms "ucià, uciada, vardà, bucà, bucada ".
beat - adj. and n. (pr. \ be'&t \ ) Ms. plr. beat - fm. sng. and plr. bèich - n. m. (pr. \ b'æic \) - See beicà.
beata, beate. - 1) - blessed, beatified (adj.) - 2) - blissful, beiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ bæik'e \) - 1) - to look at (with
happy, lucky (adj.). - 3) - Blessed (sbst.). attention), to observe, to watch. - 2) - to gaze at. See also
beatament - adv. (pr. \ be&t&m'ænt \ ) - blissfully. Italianism, the terms "vardé, buché ".
as an adv. ending in "...ment ". See also the loc. "a la beata, beivà - n. f. (pr. \ bæiv'& \) Inv. at plr. - drink, drinking bout.
an manera beata" and various loc. having a similar See also the terms "beivada, bùa, beivùa ".
meaning. beivada - n. f. (pr. \ bæiv'&d& \) - See beivà.
beatificàbil - adj. (pr. \ be&tific'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. beatificàbij - bèive - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ b'æive \) - to drink. There are
fm. sng. and plr. beatificàbil, beatificàbij. - beatificable. some idiomatic locutions of expressing some particular
beatificassion - n. f. (pr. \ be&tific&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - ways to drink. Here we report just "bèive a l'argalada " "
beatification. to gulp down, to pour down one's throat". Another fig.
beatìfich - adj. (pr. \ be&t'ific \ ) Ms. plr. beatìfich - fm. sng. idiomatc sentance is "dé da bèive", which, besides the
and plr. beatìfica, beatìfiche. - beatific. literal meaning of "to give st. to drink" means "to make a
beatifiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ be&tifik'e \ ) - to beatify. strong rebuke to st. " used in particular in case of boss and
beatitùdin - n. f. (pr. \ be&tit'[ue]di[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - employees.
beatitude, blessedness, bliss. beivìbil - adj. (pr. \ bæiv'ibil \) Ms. plr. beivìbij - fm. sng. and
Beatris - n. f. (pr. \ be&tr'iz \ ) Noun of person , usually sng. plr. beivìbil, beivìbij. - drinkable, potable. See also the
and in any case inv. - Beatrix, Beatrice. term "bevìbil ".
bebèra - (pr. \ beb'ær& \) At plr. bebère. - little lamb beivon - n. (pr. \ bæiv'u[ng] \) Ms. plr. beivon - fm. sng. and
(female). See also the terms "babèra, bèra, bërra ". plr. beivon-a, beivon-e. - toper, tippler, boozer. (this term
bebèro - n. m. (pr. \ beb'æru \) Inv. at plr. - little lamb. See is more often used at ms.).
also the terms "babèro, bèro ". beivòira - n. f. (pr. \ bæiv'oir& \) At plr. beivòire. - drinking
trough (birds). See also the terms "beverin, bevòira".

beivù - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ bæiv'[ue] \) \) Ms. plr. beivù - fm. bélich - adj. (pr. \ b'elic \) Ms. plr. bélich - fm. sng. and plr.
sng. and plr. beivùa, beivùe. - drunk (adj. and p. p.), tipsy bélica, béliche. - war, wartime (as an attribute). This term
(adj.). See also the terms "ambiavà, cioch ". is quite an italianism, not very used. The adj. loc. "ëd
beivùa - n. f. (pr. \ bæiv'[ue]& \) - See beivà. guèra" = lit. "of war" is largely preferred.
bejòimo - n. m. pl. (pr. \ bey'oimu \) Only plr. - balsam belicism - n. m. (pr. \ beli[ch]'izm \) Inv. at plr. - bellicism.
(botany - Impatiens balsamina). See also the spelling belicos - adj. (pr. \ belic'uz \) Ms. plr. belicos - fm. sng. and plr.
"bejòmo". belicosa, belicose. - warlike, bellicose.
bejòmo - n. m. n. m. pl. (pr. \ bey'omu \) - See bejòimo. beligeransa - n. f. (pr. \ belijer'&[ng]s& \) At plr. beligeranse.
bél - 1) - adj. (pr. \ b'el \) Ms. plr. bej - fm. sng. and plr. bela, - belligerence, belligerency.
bele. - 1) - fine, nice, pretty. - 2) - beautiful. This is more beligerant - n. and adj. (pr. \ belijer'&nt \) Ms. plr. beligerant -
a superlative expressed with locutions like "bin bel, fm. sng. and plr. beligeranta, beligerante. - belligerent.
motobin bel " which lit. mean rspy. "well fine, very well belimbust - n. m. (pr. \ belimb'[ue]st \) Inv. at plr. - dandy,
fine ". - 3) - handsome, good-looking, fair. - 4) - good, fop. This term (quite an italianism) has only a ms. form
fair. In this sense, e. g. we have loc. like "na bela eredità " used. See also the terms "blagheur, sagneur " which have
= "a fair heritage" ; "a l'é fase un bel nòm " = "he has also fm. forms.
made a good name for himself " ; "na bela ocasion " "a belmèr - n. f. (pr. \ belm'ær \) Inv. at plr. - mother-in-law. See
fair opportunity ", even if it is possible (and often it is more also the terms "madòna, mare-madòna, mama-madòna".
common) to use the adj. "bon " "good ". - 5) - fine, bèlora - n. f. (pr. \ b'ælur& \) At plr. bèlore. - weasel.
pretty, used as Reinforcement of another adj. or sbst. in a (zoology - Mustela nivalis). See also the term "mostèila".
pejorative sense, as in the following examples : "it ses belbèr. - n. m. (pr. \ belp'ær \) At plr bejpèr. - father-in-law.
pròpi stàit un bel fòl " " you've been actuaaly a fine fool " See also the term "bopèr " and the best term "mëssé" and
; "it l'has piantàme 'n bel pastiss " "you've made (to) me the loc. "pare mëssé ".
a pretty mess ". - 6) - high (related to prices). - Then there belva - n. f. (pr. \ b'ælv& \) At plr. belve. - wild beast. See
is a number of idiomatic locutions using this adj. and here also the loc. "bestia ferosa" = "fierce beast".
we report some of them. A) - "un bel péss " lit. "a fine belvedér - n. m. (pr. \ belved'er \) - See belavarda.
piece " "a lot of time ". - B) - "it l'has un bel rije (ma)..., belvèj - n. m. (pr. \ belv'æy \) - See belavarda.
it l'has un bel dì (ma).... , it l'has un bel déte da fé (ma).... , belvèje - n. m. (pr. \ belv'æye \) - See belavarda.
etc. " = rspy. "you can also laugh, but...." or "in spite of bemòl - n. m. (pr. \ bem'ol \) Inv. at plr. - flat (music).
your laughing..." ; "in spite of what you can say...." or "you ben - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ bæ[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - good. E. g. "fé
can also say (that) but...." or "say what you will..." ; " in dël ben " "to do good" ; "ël ben comun " "the common
spite of your working hard....", and so on. See also the good " ; "rende ben për mal " = " to render good for evil ".
terms "grassios, piasos, anciarmant, zolì, etc. ". - 2) - love. In particular, in Piedm. the vrb "to love" is
bél - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ b'el \) At plr. (if any) béj. - 1) - (the) hardly used, while it is common the vrbl. loc. "vorèj ben "
beautiful, (the) beauty, (the) fine (in abstract sense). - 2) - lit. "to want good " in the meaning of "to love", and so
sweetheart, boyfriend. - 3) - friend, dear, darling (in a the expression "I love you " is translated into the
jocular sense). The use in this last meaning is quite an expresasion "mi i't veuj ben". - 3) - blessing, gift. E. g. "a
italianism, since in Piedm. it is better the use of "bel " as an l'é stàit un gran ben che chèl a sia vnù " "It has been a
adj. associated to sbst. like "cit, fieul, etc. " e. g. "wake up, great blessig that he has come". - 4) - love, darling
my dear! " = "dësvìjte, bel fieul! ". Also in this case there (referred to the loved person), not very used in this sense. -
are many idiomatic loc. and here some examples : A) - " a 5) - goods, property. The use of this term is preferred in
l'é bel fé " lit. "it is fine doing " " it is easy ". - B) - some parts of the Piedmont, in other parts, an with the
"adéss a-i ven ël bél " = lit. "now the fine is coming here" same meaning the spelling "bin" is preferred (see the term).
"now comes the best (of that)". - C) - "ël bél a l'é... " ben - 2) - adv. (pr. \ bæ[ng] \) - 1) - well. - 2) - correctly,
litr. "the fine is...." "the best of it is...". - D) - "an sël pì rightly. - 3) - properly. In this case see also the adv. loc.
"da ben, da bin" - 5) - very, as a reinforcement for the
bél... " lit. "on the finest..." "just then... , at the crucial
absolute superlative, like in the sentence "i son ben content
point... ".
" = "I am very happy ". The use of this term is preferred in
bela - n. f. (pr. \ b'el& \) At plr. bele. - 1) - girlfriend,
some parts of the Piedmont, in other parts, an with the
sweetheart. - 2) - fair copy. - 3) - last round.
same meaning the spelling "bin" is preferred (see the term).
beladòna - n. f. (pr. \ bel&d'on& \) Inv. at plr. (name of a
ben! - 3) - excl. (pr. \ bæ[ng] \) - well!, okay!. The use of this
vegetable) - deadly nightshade, belladonna. (botany -
term is preferred in some parts of the Piedmont, in other
Atropa belladonna).
parts, an with the same meaning the spelling "bin! " is
belavans - adv. and excl. (pr. \ bel&v'&[ng]s \) - 1) -
preferred (see the term).
unfortunately (adv.). - 2) - alas! (excl.). See also the term
ben (da ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ d& bæ[ng] \) - properly. The use
"purtròp ".
of this term is preferred in some parts of the Piedmont, in
belavarda - n. f. (pr. \ bel&v'&rd& \) At plr. belevarde. -
other parts, an with the same meaning the spelling "da bin"
belvedere, terrace, turret. See also the terms "belavista,
is preferred (see the term).
belveder, belvèje, belvèj, trassa ".
bendagi - n. m. (pr. \ bænd'&ji \) Inv. at plr. - bandaging,
belavista - n. f. (pr. \ bel&v'ist& \) - See. beleavarda.
bandages. Quite an italianism. See also the most common
bele - adv. (pr. \ b'ele \) - 1) - also. - 2) - just, exactly, quite.
term "bindagi ".
Then there are idiomatic forms like "i lo faso bele mì " "I
bendispòst - adj. (pr. \ bændisp'ost \) Ms. plr. bendispòst - fm.
do it by person, I do it by myself " ; "bele sùbit " sng. and plr. bendispòsta, bendispòste. - well-disposed,
"immediately, right now" ; "bele sì" "here, exactly here" favourably disposed. Often the loc. "bin dispòst " is used,
(See also the term in the spelling "belessì "). and the spelling "bindispòst ".
bele che - cnj. and adv. (pr. \ b'ele k'e \) - 1) - even if (cnj.) - 2) benedetin - n. and adj. (pr. \ benedet'i[ng] \) - See beneditin.
- almost, nearly (adv.). benedì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ bened'i \) - to bless. There is an
belessì - adv. (pr. \ beles'i \) - here, exactly here. See also the idiomatic way of saying using this term " andé a fésse
terms "sì, ambelessì " and the loc. "bele sì ". benedì " = lit "to go and make oneself bless " that
beleché - cnj. and adv. (pr. \ belek'e \) - See bele che.

corresponds to the english "to go jump in the lake, to go to bengalèis - adj. and n. (pr. \ be[ng]g&l'æiz \ ) Ms. plr.
hell ". bengalèis. fm. sng. and plr. bengalèisa, benégalèise. -
benedìcite - n. m. (pr. \ bened'i[ch]ite \) Inv. at plr. (Latin Bengali, Bengalee, Bengalese.
word). - benedicite, grace. bengalin - n. m. (pr. \ be[ng]g&l'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
benedission - n. f. (pr. \ benedisi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - blessing, avadavat, amadavat, strawberry finch. (zoology -
benediction. Amandava amandava).
beneditin - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ benedit'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - beni - n. m. (pr. \ b'eni \ ) Inv. at plr. - property. (at sng. is
holy-water font, stoup. - 2) - Benedictine (monk - referred to a single item, at plr. is intended as "goods " in
religion). the whole).
beneditin - 2) - (pr. \ benedit'i[ng] \) Ms. plr. beneditin - fm. beniamin - 1) - n. (pr. \ beni&m'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. beniamin.
sng. and plr. beneditin-a, beneditin-e. - Benedictine. fm. sng. and plr. beniamin-a, beniamin-e. - favourite,
beneducà - adj. (pr. \ bened[ue]c'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - darling, pet. See also the terms "chéco, chéca" (rspy. ms.
well-bred, well-mannered. Often the loc. "bin educà " is and fm.).
used, and also the spelling "bin-educà, ben-educà " in Beniamin - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ beni&m'i[ng] \ ) Noun of person,
which the faucal pronunciation of "n-" is underlined. usually used at sng., inv. in case of need. -Benjamin.
ben-educà - See also the term "bin-educà ". benign - adj. (pr. \ ben'i[gn] \ ) Ms. plr. benign. fm. sng. and
ben-pensant - See also the term "bin-pensant ". plr. benigna, benigne. - benign, clement.
benefator - n. (pr. \ benef&t'ur \) Ms. plr. benefator - fm. sng. benignità - n. f. (pr. \ beni[gn]it'& \ ) - Inv. at plr. (if any). -
and plr. benefatriss, benefatriss. - benefactor. benignity, lindliness, kindness.
beneficensa - n. f. (pr. \ benefi[ch]'æ[ng]s& \) At plr. benissim - adv. superlative (pr. \ ben'isim \ ) - very well. This
beneficense. - charity, beneficence. form is quite an italianism. The loc. "motoben bin" is
benéfich - adj. (pr. \ ben'efic \) Ms. plr. benéfich - fm. sng. and preferred.
plr. benéfica, benéfiche. - 1) - beneficent, charitable. - 2) benservì - n. m. (pr. \ bæ[ng]særv'i \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
- beneficial, advantageous, profitable. reference, testimonial. See also the term "binservì". An
benefiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ benefik'e \) - to benefit, to idiomatic form using this term is "dé 'l benservi (a
help. quaidun)" wit a value of "to give sb. the push, to sack sb ".
benefissi - n. m. (pr. \ benef'isi \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - benefit, bentornà - n. (pr. \ bænturn'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
help. - 2) - profit. - 3) - benefice. welcome back. See also the term "bintornà ".
benefissial - n. and adj. (pr. \ benefisi'&l \) - See benefissiari. benvist - adj. (pr. \ bæ[ng]v'ist \ ) Ms. plr. benvist. fm. sng.
benefissiari - n. and adj. (pr. \ benefisi'&ri \) - Ms. plr. and plr. benvista, benviste. - well-thought-of, well-liked.
benefissiari - fm. sng. and plr. benefissiaria, See also the term "binvist ".
benefissiarie. - beneficiary. benvorèj - 1) - vrb. 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ bæ[ng]vur'æy \ ) - to like,
benèivol - adj. (pr. \ ben'æivul \) - See benévol. to love. See also the term "binvorèj ".
benemerensa - n. f. (pr. \ benemer'æ[ng]s& \) At plr. benvorèj - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ bæ[ng]vur'æy \ ) Inv. at plr. -
benemerense. - merit. See also the term "mérit ". benevolence, affection. See also the term "binvorèj ".
benemerent - adj. (pr. \ benemer'ænt \) Ms. plr. benemerent - benzénich - adj. (pr. \ bæ[ng]z'enic \ ) Ms. plr. benzénich. fm.
fm. sng. and plr. benemerenta, benemerente. - sng. and plr. benzenica, benzeniche. - benzene (as an
meritorious, deserving. This term is not very used, see attribute - chemistry).
instead the most used term "benemérit". benzeul - n. m. (pr. \ bæ[ng]z'[oe]l \ ) In case of need, the plr.
benemérit - adj. (pr. \ benem'erit \) Ms. plr. benemérit - fm. is benzeuj - benzol, benzole, benzene (chemistry).
sng. and plr. benemérita, benemérite. - meritorious. See benzil - n. m. (pr. \ bæ[ng]z'il \ ) In case of need, the plr. is
also the term "benemerent ". benzij. - benzyl.
beneplàcit - n. m. (pr. \ benepl'&[ch]it \) Inv. at plr. - consent, benzin-a - n. f. (pr. \ bæ[ng]z'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. benzin-e. -
approval. See also the best piedm. term "contenta". petrol, gas, gasoline.
benesse - n. m. (pr. \ ben'ese \) Inv. at plr. (if any). - wellbeing, benziné - n. (pr. \ bæ[ng]zin'e \ ) Ms. plr. benziné. fm. sng.
welfare. See also the term "benésser ". and plr. benzinera, benzinere. - service-station
benésser - n. m. (pr. \ ben'esær \) - See benesse. attendant, service-station keeper. See also the term
benestant - adj. and n. (pr. \ benest'&nt \) Ms. plr. benestant - "benzineul ".
fm. sng. and plr. benestanta, benestante. - 1) - well-off, benzineul - n. (pr. \ bæ[ng]zin'[oe]l \ ) - See benziné.
well-to-do (adj.). - 2) - well-off person (sbst.). ben-ëstant - n. and adj..(pr. \ be[ng]&st'&nt \ ) - See benëstant.
benévol - adj. (pr. \ ben'evul \ ) Ms. plr. benévol. fm. sng. and ben-intèis - adv. (pr. \ bæ[ng]int'æiz \ ) - of course. See also
plr. benévola, benévole. - benevolent, benign, kind. See the term "bin-intèis".
also the term "benèivol ". ben-intensionà - adj. (pr. \ bæ[ng]intæ[ng]siun'& \ ) Inv. in
benevolensa - n. f. (pr. \ benevul'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. gnd. and nr. - well-meaning.
benevolense. - benevolence, good will. ben-parlant - n. (pr. \ bæ[ng]p&rl'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. ben-
benevolent - adj. (pr. \ benevul'ænt \ ) - See benévol. parlant. fm. sng. and plr. ben-parlanta, ben-parlante. -
benëstant - n. and adj..(pr. \ ben&st'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. benëstant - good speaker, correct speaker. See also the term "bin-
fm. sng. and plr. benëstanta, benëstante. - 1) - well-off parlant ".
(adj.). - 2) - well-off person (sbst.). See also the terms ben-pensant - n. (pr. \ bæ[ng]pæ[ng]s'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. ben-
"bonstasent, binstasent, ben-ëstant". pensant. fm. sng. and plr. ben-pensanta, ben-pensante. -
benëvnù - 1) - n. m. and excl. (pr. \ be[ng]&vn'[ue] \ ) Inv. at 1) - right minded person. - 2) - conventional person. See
plr. - 1) - welcome (excl.). - 2) - (the) welcome (sbst.). See also the term "bin-pensant".
also the term "binëvnù ". bequàder - (pr. \ be[qu]'&dær \ ) Inv. at plr. - natural (music).
benëvnù - 2) - n. and adj. (pr. \ be[ng]&vn'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. See also the term "bësquàder".
benëvnù. fm. sng. and plr. benëvnùa, benëvnùe. - bèra - n. f. (pr. \ b'ær& \ ) At plr. bère. - 1) - bier, coffin. See
welcome. also the term "bara" and the loc. "cassia da mòrt". - 2) -
bengala - n. m. (pr. \ be[ng]g'&l& \ ) - 1) - Bengal. - 2) - female lamb. See also the terms "bërra, bebèra, babèra".
Bengal light, firework. berchélio - n. m. (pr. \ bærk'eliô \ ) Chemical element - Inv. at
plr. (if any). - berkelium.

bergamòt - n. m. (pr. \ bærg&m'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - beur - n. m. (pr. \ b[oe]y \ ) Inv. at plr. - butter. See also the
bergamot (botany - Citrus bergamina) - 2) - bergamot terms "bur, butir".
pear. beus - adj. (pr. \ b[oe]z \ ) Ms. plr. beus. fm. sng. and plr.
bèrgna - n. f. (pr. \ b'ær[gn]& \ ) At plr. bèrgne. - heavy beusa, beuse. - unripe.
jacket. See also the terms "bernia, carmagnòla". beusma - n. f. (pr. \ b'[oe]zm& \ ) At plr. beusme. - size
berilio - n. m. (pr. \ ber'iliô \ ) Chemical element - Inv. at plr. (texile).
(if any). - beryllium. bevanda - n. f. (pr. \ bev'&nd& \ ) At plr. bevande. - drink,
bèrnia - (pr. \ b'ærni& \ ) - See bèrgna. beverage.
bèro - n. m. (pr. \ b'æru \ ) Inv. at plr. - male lamb. See also beveragi - n. m. (pr. \ bever'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - beverage. -
the terms "bebèro, babèro". 2) - swill.
berta - n. f. (pr. \ b'ært& \ ) At plt. berte. - 1) - magpie, pie beverin - n. m. (pr. \ bever'i[ng] \ ) - See beivòira.
(zoology - Pica pica). - 2) - drop hammer (mechanics). beveur - n. m. (pr. \ bev'[oe]r \ ) Inv. at plr. - drinker, boozer.
besanché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ bez&[ng]k'e \ ) - See bzanché. beviam - n. m. (pr. \ bevi'&m \ ) Inv. at plr. - scolding, rebuke.
besanchésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ bez&[ng]k'ese \ ) - See bevìbil - adj. (pr. \ bev'ibil \ ) - See beivìbil.
bzanchésse. bevòira - n. f. (pr. \ bev'oir& \ ) - See beivòira.
bes-cia - n. f. (pr. \ b'es[ch]i& \ ) - See bestia. bëccà - n. f. (pr. \ b&cc'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - peck. - 2) -
bes-cin - n. m. (pr. \ bes[ch]'i[ng] \ ) - See bestiëtta. beackful.
bes-cion - n. m. (pr. \ bes[ch]'iu[ng] \ ) - See bestion. bëccadin-a - n. f. (pr. \ b&cc&d'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. bëccadin-e. -
bessa - n. f. (pr. \ b'es& \ ) At plr. besse. - protruding chin. little peck.
See also the terms "béssola, sbéssola". bëccarìa - n. f. (pr. \ b&cc&r'i& \ ) At plr. bëccarìe. - butcher's
béssola - n. f. (pr. \ b'esul& \ ) - See bessa. shop.
béstia - n. f. (pr. \ b'esti& \ ) At plr. bestie. - 1) - beast, bëccassa - n. f. (pr. \ b&cc'&s& \ ) At plr, bëccasse. -
animal. - 2) - brute (in a fig. sense). woodcock (zoology - Scolopax rusticola).
bestial - adj. (pr. \ besti'&l \ ) Ms. plr. bestiaj. fm. sng. and plr. bëccassà - n. f. (pr. \ b&cc&s'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - peck.
bestial, bestiaj. - 1) - brutal, bestial, brutish, savage. - 2) bëccassé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ b&cc&s'e \ ) - See bëcché.
- beastly, bloody. bëccassin - n. m. (pr. \ b&cc&s'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - gimlet,
bestialità - n. f. (pr. \ besti&lit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - brutality, auger, wimble (carpentry). See also the term "tinivlòt ". -
bestiality. - 2) - blunder, gross mistake. 2) - snipe (zoology - Capella gallinago)
bestiam - n. m. (pr. \ besti'&m \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - livestock. - bëcce - n. m. (pr. \ b&[ch][ch]'e \ ) - See bcé.
2) - cattle. In this case see also the loc. "bestiam gròss". bëcché - 1) - n. (pr. \ b&kk'e \ ) Ms. plr. bëcché. fm. sng. and
bestiass - n. m. (pr. \ besti'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - bad beast. - plr. bëcchera, bëcchere. - butcher. See also the most
2) - rude and brutal person (pejorative of "béstia "). See common term "maslé ".
also the term "bestiassa". bëcché - 2) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ b&kk'e \ ) - 1) - to peck. - 2)
bestiassa - n. f. (pr. \ besti'&s \ ) - See bestiass. - to pick, to nibble.
bestiëtta - n. f. (pr. \ besti'&tt& \ ) At plr. bestiëtte. - little bëccherìa - n. f. (pr. \ b&kker'i& \) At plr. bëccherìe. -
animal. butcher's shop. See also the term "becarìa ".
bestijin - n. m. (pr. \ bestiy'i[ng] \ ) - See bestiëtta. bëcchésse - vrb 1st con. recp. (pr. \ b&kk'ese \ ) - 1) - to peck
bestiolin - n. m. (pr. \ bestiul'i[ng] \ ) - See bestiëtta. each other. - 2) - to squabble.
bestiolin-a - n. f. (pr. \ bestiul'i[ng]& \ ) - See bestiëtta. bëcchetté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ b&kkett'e \ ) - See bëcché.
bestion - n. m. (pr. \ besti'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - big beast. - bëccia - n. f. (pr. \ b'&[ch][ch]i& \ ) At plr. bëcce - sheep
2) - brute. - 3) - blockhead. See also the term "bes-cion". (zoology - Ovis aries). See also the best terms "fèja, fea".
betisa - n. f. (pr. \ bet'iz& \ ) At plr. betise. - 1) - silliness, bëccù - adj. (pr. \ b&kk'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. bëccù. fm. sng. and plr.
foolishness. - 2) - stupid thing, nonsense. - 3) - big bëccùa, bëccùe. - that has a beak.
mistake. See also the term "piatisa". bëccussé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ b&cc[ue]s'e \ ) - See bëcché.
bétola - n. f. (pr. \ b'etul& \ ) At plr. bétole. - inn, tavern. See bëddo - n. m. (pr. \ b'&ddu \ ) Inv. at plr. - type of cheese made
also the term "piòla". with skimmed milk.
betolàire - n. (pr. \ betul'&ire \ ) Ms. plr. betulàire. fm. sng. bëddra - n. f. (pr. \ b'&ddr& \ ) At plr. bëddre. - big belly, big
and plr. betulàira, betulàire. - innkeeper, tavern-keeper. tummy.
See also the term "betolèire". bëddrassù - adj. (pr. \ b&ddr&s'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. bëddrassù. fm.
betolèire - n. (pr. \ betul'æire \ ) - See betolàire. sng. and plr. bëddrassùa, bëddrassùe. - with a big belly,
betolant - n. (pr. \ betul'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. betulant. fm. sng. and big-bellied, pot-bellied. See also the term "bëddron "
plr. betulanta, betulante. - tavern-goer. bëddron - n. and adj. (pr. \ b&ddr'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. bëddron.
betonera - n. f. (pr. \ betun'er& \ ) At plr. betonere. - cement fm. sng. and plr. bëddron-a, bëddron-e. - 1) - big belly
mixer. See also the terms "betoniera, bitumeus ". (sbst.). - 2) - big-bellied (adj.).
betònica - n. f. (pr. \ bet'onic& \ ) At plr. (if any) betòniche. - bëggeuja - n. f. (pr. \ b&jj'[oe]y& \ ) At plr. bëggeuje. - holy
betony (botany - Betonica officinalis). picture. See also the terms "bigieuja, mistà, imaginëtta".
betoniera - n. f. (pr. \ betuni'er& \ ) See betonera. bëggiojà - adj. (pr. \ b&jjiuy'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
beu - n. m. (pr. \ b[oe] \ ) Inv. at plr. - ox. The idiomatic variegated, streaked, speckled. See also the terms
expression "buté 'l cher anans ai beu" is equivalent to "to "bërgiolà, bërgiolatà ".
put the cart before the horses". bënnal - n. m. (pr. \ b&nn'&l \ ) - See bnal.
beucc - n. m. (pr. \ b[oe][ch] \ ) Inv. at plr. - hole. See also the bërboj - n. (pr. \ b&rb'uy \ ) Ms. plr. bërboj. fm. sng. and plr.
term "përtus". bëboja, bërboje. - stammerer, stutterer.
beuj - n. m. (pr. \ b[oe]y \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - boil, boiling. - 2) - bërbojada - n. f. (pr. \ b&rbuy'&d& \ ) At plr. bërbojade. -
ardour. mumbling, stammering.
beuje - vrb 2nd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ b'[oe]ye \ ) - to boil. An bërbojé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ b&rbuy'e \ ) - 1) - to
idiomatic expression is "lassé beuje" lit "to let boiling" mumble, to stammer (trs. and int.). - 2) - to burble (int.).
"to let things go their own way". It uses always the aux. It uses always the aux. "avèj ".
"avèj ". In the trs. use the vrb. loc. "fé beuje" lit. "to make
boil" is preferred.

bërbot - n. (pr. \ b&rb'ut \ ) Ms. plr. bërbot. fm. sng. and plr. bërlandin - n. m. (pr. \ b&rl&nd'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
bërbota, bërbote. - grumbler. See also the terms coachman. The driver of a "bërlanda".
"bërbotàire, bërboton ". bërlé - n. m. (pr. \ b&rl'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - equine
bërbotada - n. f. (pr. \ b&rbut'&d& \ ) At plr. bërbotade. - excrement, solid excrement. - 2) - dung collector. See
mumbling, grumbling. See also the terms "borbotada, also the terms "busé, busaté ".
brontolada, brontolament ". bërlicà - n. f. (pr. \ b&rlic'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - lick. - 2) -
bërbotàire - n. (pr. \ b&rbut'&ire \ ) - See bërbot. flattering (in a fig. sense).
bërboté - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ b&rbut'e \ ) - 1) - to bërlicabalustre - n. (pr. \ b&rlic&b&l'[ue]stre \ ) Inv. in gnd.
mumble, to mutter. (trs. and int.) - 2) - to grumble, to and nr. - bigot, zealot. See also the terms "lëccabalustre,
mutter, to rumble (int.). - 3) - to complain, to grouse lëccabardele".
(int.). - See also the terms "barboté, borboté ". bërlicàda - n. f. (pr. \ b&rlic'&d& \ ) At plr. bërlicade. - 1) -
bërboton - n. (pr. \ b&rbut'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. bërboton - fm. lick. - 2) - flattering (in a fig. sense).
sng. and plr. bërboton-a, bërboton-e. - grumbler. See bërlicafojòt - n. (pr. \ b&rlic&fuy'ot \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
also the term "brontolon". guzzler, greedy-guts. Word composed by the verb
bërgamin-a - n. f. (pr. \ b&rg&m'i[ng]& \ ) At plt. bërgamin-e. "(he)licks", and the term "pan(s)". Sò the lit. meaning is
- parchment, vellum. See also the term "pergamen-a". "who licks pans".
bërgé - n. (pr. \ b&rj'e \ ) Ms. plr. bërgé - fm. sng. and plr. bërliché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ b&rlik'e \ ) - 1) - to lick. - 2) -
bërgera, bërgere. - shepherd. to flatter (in a fig. sense). - 3) - to overpolish (in a fig.
bërgeròt - n. (pr. \ b&rjer'ot \ ) Ms. plr. bërgeròt - fm. sng. and sense). See also the term "lëcché ".
plr. bërgeròta, bërgeròte. - little shepherd. Irregular bërlichésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ b&rlik'ese \ ) - 1) - to lick
diminutive of "bërgé ". oneself. - 2) - to titivate oneself. We note the three
bërgiabào - n. m. (pr. \ b&rji&b'&u \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - orge, idiomatic expressions "bërlichésse ij barbis " ; "bërlichésse
bugaboo. - 2) - hysteria, hysterics. Also in the spelling ij dij " and "bërlichésse quat dij e un pòles", with a lit.
"bërgiabau " (same pronunciation). meaning rspy. of "to lick one's moustaches ", "to lick one's
bërgiabau - n. m. (pr. \ b&rji&b'&u \ ) - See bërgiabào. fingers " , " to lick ons'e four fingers and a thumb", all
bërgiolà - adj. (pr. \ b&rjiul'& \ ) - See bëggiojà. having the meaning of "to smack one's lips ", "to be very
bërgiolatà - adj. (pr. \ b&rjiul&t'& \ ) - See bëggiojà. satisfied". See also the term "lëcchésse".
bërgna - n. f. . (pr. \ b'&r[gn]& \ ) At plr. bërgne. - plum bërlichin - adj. and n. (pr. \ b&rlik'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. bërlichin -
(botany). See also the term "brigna". fm. sng. and plr. bërlichinùa, bërlichinùe. - vain,
bërgnaché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ b&r[gn]&k'e \ ) - 1) - to conceited. Note the particular fm.
crush, to smash, to squeeze. - 2) - to smash, to overhelm. bërlichinùa - adj. fm. and n. f. (pr. \ b&rlikin'[ue]& \ ) - See
See also the term "sbërgnaché ". bërlichin.
bërgnachésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ b&r[gn]&k'ese \ ) - 1) - to bërlicura - n. f. (pr. \ b&rlik'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. bërlicure. - 1) -
squash, to get squashed. - 2) - to crush, to jam (referred licking. - 2) - flattering (in a fig. sense). - 3) -
to oneself). overelaboration (in a fig. sense). See also the term
bërgne! - excl. (pr. \ b'&r[gn]e \ ) - cripes! .Lit. the meaning is "lëccura".
"plums! ", and there is also the loc. "bërgne càude " = bërlifada - n. f. (pr. \ b&rlif'&d& \ ) At plr. bërlifade. -
lit."hot plums! ". dirtying, soiling, smearing, daubing. See also the term
bërgné - n. m. (pr. \ b&r[gn]'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - plum-tree. "ambërlifada".
(botany - Prunus domestica). bërlin-a - n. f. (pr. \ b&rl'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. (when applicable)
bërgnet - n. m. (pr. \ b&r[gn]'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - sloe. (botany). bërlin-e. - 1) - berlin. - 2) - saloon car. - 3) - public
bërgnëtta - n. f. (pr. \ b&r[gn]'&tt& \ ) - At plr. bërgnëtte. - exposure as punishment (old). - 4) - derision, scorn.
fruit of the blachthorn, sloe. See also the terms "bërgnet, bërlon - n. m. (pr. \ b&rl'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - turd, shit. See
brignëtta". alkso the term "stronz".
bërgnif - n. m. (pr. \ b&r[gn]'if \ ) Inv. at plr. - devil, Old Nick. bërlòca - n. f. (pr. \ b&rl'oc& \ ) At plr. bërlòche. - stoppage
bërgnin - n. m. (pr. \ b&r[gn]'i[ng] \ ) - See bërgnet. of a building work.
bërgnolin - n. m. (pr. \ b&r[gn]ul'i[ng] \ ) - sloe, blackthorn. bërlum - n. m. (pr. \ b&rl'[ue]m \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - glimmer,
(botany - Prunus spinosa). See also the loc. "bòsso nèir". gleam. - 2) - shadow, trace. See also the term "barlum".
bërgnòca - n. f. (pr. \ b&r[gn]'oc& \ ) At plr. bërgnòche. - 1) - bërluse - vrb 2nd con. int. (pr. \ b&rl'[ue]ze \ ) - to blink, to
bump, lump. - 2) - bent, knack (in a fig. sense) - See also glimmer, to twinkle. It uses the aux. "avèj ". See alsao the
the term "bërgnòcola, bròssola". term "luse".
bërgnòcola - n. f. (pr. \ b&r[gn]'ocul& \ ) - See bërgnòca. bërmës-cia - n. f. (pr. \ b&rm'&s[ch]i& \ ) - See brumës-cia.
bërgonzòla - n. f. (pr. \ b&rgunz'ol& \ ) At plr. (when bërnà - n. f. (pr. \ b&rn'& \ ) a path of sawdust connected to
applicable) bërgonzòle. - Gorgonzola cheese. See also the an old country tradition about an abandoned fiancé. See
term "borgonsòla". also the terms "bërnëtta, porà ".
bërichin - n. m. (pr. \ b&rik'i[ng] \ ) - See birichin. bërnagi - n. m. (pr. \ b&rn'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - fireside showel.
bërichinada - n. f. (pr. \ b&rikin'&d& \ ) - See birichinada. See also the term "bërnass".
bërla - n. f. (pr. \ b'&rl& \ ) At plr. bërle. - excrement of little bërnass - n. m. (pr. \ b&rn'&s \ ) - See bërnagi.
animals, or anyway little excrement. bërnëtta - n. f. (pr. \ b&rn'&tt& \ ) - See bërnà.
bërlacia - n. f. (pr. \ b&rl'&[ch]i& \ ) At plr. (if any) bërlace. - bërnùfia - adj. f. and n. f. (pr. \ b&rn'[ue]fi&\ ) Term only
whey, residual products in making cheese. See also the referred to fm. gnd. At plr. - bërnùfie. - 1) - simpering,
term "bërlàita". mincing, affected (adj.). - 2) - affected person (sbst.). For
bërlacium - n. m. (pr. \ b&rl&[ch]i'[ue]m \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). ms. gnd. other terms are used, like "smorfios, schifignos",
- smell of goat, smell of cheese. See also the term but just in case the ms. of this tern could be "bërnùfio" inv.
"bërlàitum". at plr.
bërlàita - n. f. (pr. \ b&rl'&it& \ ) - See bërlacia. bërra - n. f. (pr. \ b'&rr& \ ) - See bërro.
bërlaitum - n. m. (pr. \ b&rl&i't[ue]m \ ) - See bërlacium. bërré - n. (pr. \ b&rr'e \ ) - See bré.
bërlanda - n. f. (pr. \ b&rl'&nd& \ ) - At plr. bërlande. -
landau, city coach drawn by horses.

bërro - n. (pr. \ b'&rru \ ) Ms. plr. bërro - fm. sng. and plr. bëschì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ b&sk'i \ ) - 1) - to skim, to brush
bërra, bërre. -1) - sheep. - 2) - lamb. See also the terms along, to gaze. - 2) - to skim over, to touch on. - 3) - to
"bèro, babèro, bebèro". be very near.
bërsach - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ b&rs'&c \ ) Inv. at plr. - knapsack, bëschiss (për ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ p&r b&sk'is \ ) - See bëscans
bag (of cloth) (për ---).
bërsach - 2) - adj. (pr. \ b&rs'&c \ ) Ms. plr. bërsach - fm. sng. bës-cia - n. f. (pr. \ b'&s[ch]i& \ ) At plr. bës-ce. - 1) - lock,
and plr. bërsaca, bërsache.- clumsy, ungraceful, rude. curl of hair. - 2) - flock. See also the terms "brus-cia, bës-
bërsalié - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ b&rs&li'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - cià, brus-cio, bis-cia, brës-cia".
"bersagliere" soldier of the light infantry (first piedm. and bës-cià - n. f. (pr. \ b&s[ch]i'& \ ) - See bës-cia.
then italian army). bëscoté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ b&scut'e \ ) - See biscoté.
bërsalié - 2) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ b&rs&li'e \ ) - to bombard, bëscotin - n. m. (pr. \ b&scut'ei[ng] \ ) - See biscotin.
to pelt (also in a fig. sense). bëscòt - n. m. (pr. \ b&sc'ot \ ) - See biscòt.
bërsàlio - n. m. (pr. \ b&rs'&lio \ ) Inv. at plr. - target, butt, bëslach - adj. (pr. \ b&sl'&c \ ) - See bislach.
mark. bëslongh - adj. (pr. \ b&sl'u[ng]g \ ) - See bislongh.
bërsò - n. m. (pr. \ b&rs'o \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - pergola, arbour, bësogné - vrb (pr. \ b&zu[gn]'e \ ) - See bisogné.
bower. - 2) - cradle. bësoit - adj. (pr. \ b&z'uit \ ) - See bisoit.
bërta - n. f. - (pr. \ b&r'&tt& \ ) At plr. bërte. - cap, woollen bësoncc - adj. (pr. \ b&z'un[ch] \ ) - See bisoit.
cap. See also the term "barëtta". bësògn - n. m. (pr. \ b&z'o[gn] \ ) - See bisògn.
bërtavél - (pr. \ b&rt&v'el \ ) At plr. bërtavéj. - little wicker bësquàder - n. m. (pr. \ b&s[qu]'&dær \ ) - See bequàder.
basket. bësriond - adj. - (pr. \ b&sri'und \ ) Ms. plr. bësriond - fm.
bërtavela - n. f. (pr. \ b&rt&v'el& \ ) - See bartavela. sng. and plr. bësrionda, bësrionde.- roundish, curved,
bërtavlà - n. f. (pr. \ b&rt&vl'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - long chat. - oval. See also the term "bëstond ".
2) - boring speech. See also the term "bërtavlada". bëssa - n. f. (pr. \ b'&ss& \ ) At plr. bësse. - hoe, mattock
bërtavlada - n. f. (pr. \ b&rt&vl'&d& \ ) - See bartavlada (agriculture).
bërtavlé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ b&rt&vl'e \ ) - See bartavlé. bëssì - adj. . (pr. \ b&ss'i \ ) Ms. plr. bëssì - fm. sng. and plr.
bërtél - n. m. (pr. \ b&rt'el \ ) At plr. bërtéj. - hopper, feedbox. bëssìa, bëssìe.- numb, benumbed, stiff. See also the terms
bërtela - n. f. (pr. \ b&rt'el& \ ) At plr. bërtéle. - 1) - brace, "ambëssì, ambsì, ampsì ".
shoulder strap. - 2) - linking stretch. bëssié - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ b&ssi'e \ ) - to tell tongue-
bërtin - n. m. (pr. \ b&rt'i[ng] \ ) - See barëttin. twister, to speak quickly. It uses the aux. "avèj ".
bërtolin-a - n. f. (pr. \ b&rtul'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. bërtolin-e. - bësson - n. and adj. (pr. \ b&ss'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. bësson - fm.
shrub similar to laurel (botany). sng. and plr. bësson-a, bësson-e.- 1) - twin. (sbst. and
bërtondé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ b&rtund'e \ ) - 1) - to prune adj.). - 2) - twofold, geminate (adj.).
the top of a bud (agriculture). - 2) - to shear the pile of a bëssoné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ b&ssun'e \ ) - 1) - to twin, to
fabric (texile). geminate. - 2) - to duplicate.
bërtoné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ b&rtun'e \ ) - to shear, to clip. bëstaj - adj. (pr. \ b&st'&y \ ) Ms. plr. bëstaj - fm. sng. and plr.
bërtonura - n. f. (pr. \ b&rtun'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. bërtonure. - bëstaja, bëstaje. - 1) - slanting, slantwise, oblique. - 2) -
shearing, clipping. crooked.
bërzignet - n. m. (pr. \ b&rzi[gn]'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - knick- bëstajé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ b&st&y'e \ ) - to cross obliquely,
knack. - 2) - frill, frippery. to cut on the bias.
bësancà - adj. and n. (pr. \ b&z&[ng]c'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. bëstant - n. m. (pr. \ b&st'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - difficulty,
- 1) - hip-shot, crippled, maimed. - 2) - exhausted, tired privation. - 2) - hesitation, indecision. See also the term
out, broken through. See also the term "bzancà, dzancà ". "bëstent ".
bësanché - vrb 1st con.trs. (pr. \ b&z&[ng]k'e \ ) - 1) - to bëstanté - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ b&st&nt'e \ ) - 1) - to be in
cripple. - 2) - to exhaut, to tire out, to wear out. See also need. - 2) - to find it hard. See also the term "bëstenté ".
the term "bzanché ". bëstantin - adj. and n. (pr. \b&st&nt'i[ng] \) Ms. plr. bëstantin
bësanchésse - vrb 1st con.refl. (pr. \ b&z&[ng]k'ese \ ) - to - fm. sng. and plr. bëstantin-a, bëstantin-e. - uncertain,
become a cripple. See also the term "bzanchésse ". irresolute, hesitant. See also the term "bëstentin".
bësbij - n. m. (pr. \ b&zb'iy \ ) Inv. at plr. - whisper, murmur. bëstent - n. m. (pr. \ b&st'ænt \ ) - See bëstant.
bësbijà - n. f. (pr. \ b&zbiy'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - whispering. - bëstenté - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ b&stænt'e \ ) - See bëstanté.
2) - tip, tip-off. (in a fig. sense). bëstentin - n. and adj. (pr. \b&stænt'i[ng] \) - See bëstantin.
bësbijé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ b&zbiy'e \ ) - to bëstëmmia - n. f. (pr. \ b&st'&mmi& \ ) At plr. bëstëmmie. - 1)
whisper. It uses always the aux. "avèj ". - swearword, curse, blasphemy. - 2) - ludicrous
bësbòcia - n. f. (pr. \ b&zb'o[ch]i& \ ) At plr. (if any) bësbòce. - statement.
feasting, revelry, carousing. The term is often referred at bëstëmmiada - n. f. (pr. \ b&st&mmi'&d& \ ) At plr.
eating and drinking abundantly. See also the spelling bëstëmmiade. - a sequence of blasphemies.
"bisbòcia". bëstëmmiator - n. (pr. \ b&st&mmi&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr.
bësbòcia (fé ---) - vrbl. loc. 1st con. int. (pr. \ f'e b&zb'o[ch]i& \ bëstëmmiator - fm. sng. and plr. bëstëmmiatriss,
) - to feast, to revel, to eat and drink abundantly. It uses bëstëmmiatriss. - swearer, blasphemer.
the aux. "avèj ". bëstëmmié - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ b&st&mmi'e \ ) - to
bëscans (për ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ p&r b&sc'&[ng]s \ ) - on the swear, to blaspheme, to curse. It uses always the aux.
slant, slantwise. See also the adv. loc. "dë sbiéss, për "avèj ".
ësbiéss, për bëscant ". bëstòrcc - n. m. (pr. \ b&st'or[ch] \ ) - See bistòrcc.
bëscant (për ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ p&r b&sc'&nt \ ) - See bëstòrt - adj. (pr. \ b&st'ort \ ) Ms. plr. bëstòrt - fm. sng. and
bëscans (për ---). plr. bëstòrta, bëstòrte. - 1) - crooked, twisted. - 2) -
bëscheuit - n. m. (pr. \ b&sc'[oe]it \ ) Inv. at plr. - boiled unequal.
chestnuts dried in the oven. See also the term "bischeuit bëstraté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ b&str&t'e \ ) - See bistraté.
". bëstrossa - n. f. (pr. \ b&str'us& \ ) At plr. - bëstrosse. -
accident, misfortune.

bi... - prefix. (pr. \ bi... \ ) - two... . Some of the words starting bianchin - n. m. (pr. \ bi&[ng]k'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
by "bi..." make use of this group as a prefix indicating the whitewasher, house-painter. See also the term
presence of two entities indicated by the main part of the "ambianchin".
word. This is often expressed in english by means of the bianchissagi - n. m. (pr. \ bi&[ng]kis'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. -1) -
prefix "two-... ", and sometimes the same prefix "bi..." is bleaching. - 2) - whitening, whitewashing.
used also in English. Examples : - A) - "bicolor " " two- bianchisseur - n. (pr. \ bi&[ng]kis'[oe]r \ ) Ms. plr.
coloured" ; - B) - "bicarbonà " "bicarbonate". bianchisseur - fm. sng. and plr. bianchisseusa,
bìa - n. f. (pr. \ b'i& \ ) At plr. bìe. - 1) - marble. - 2) - ball, bianchisseuse. - worker assigned to the bleaching. The
(little) ball. See also the term in the spelling (more correct) use is often at fm., with the following meanings:
"bija ". bianchisseusa - n. f. (pr. \ bi&[ng]kis'[oe]z& \ ) At plr.
bià - n. f. (pr. \ bi'& \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - threshing. bianchisseuse. - 1) - worker assigned to the bleaching. -
biaca - n. f. (pr. \ bi'&c& \ ) At plr. biache. - 1) - white lead, 2) - washerwoman, laudress. See also the term
ceruse (painting). - 2) - lead carbonate (chemistry). "lavandera".
biajì - vrb 3rd con. trs. - (pr. \ bi&y'i \ ) - to leak, to escape (air biancor - n. m. (pr. \ bi&[ng]c'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
or steam). See also the best term "fiajì ". whiteness. - 2) - paleness.
bial - n. m. (pr. \ bi'&l \ ) At plr. biaj. - 1) - channel, canal. - biandeuv - n. m. (pr. \ bi&nd'[oe]u \ ) Inv. at plr. - albumen,
2) - brook, stream. See also the term "bialera". egg white. This term is a popular short for the correct loc.
bialé - n. m. (pr. \ bi&l'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - person in charge of "bianch 'd euv, bianch ëd l'euv" lit. "white of egg".
distributing water (agriculture). See also the terms bianéss - adj. (pr. \ bi&n'es \ ) Ms. plr. bianéss - fm. sng. and
"bagneul, biarlé, bialeré, bialor ". plr. bianëssa, bianësse. - happy, satisfied. See also the
bialera - n. f. (pr. \ bi&l'er& \ ) At plr. bialere. - 1) - channel, term "bienéss".
canal. - 2) - brook, stream. See also the term "bial ". biarava - n. f. (pr. \ bi&r'&v& \ ) At plr. biarave. - beet
bialeré - n. m. (pr. \ bi&ler'e \ ) - See bialé. (botany - Beta vulgaris).
bialerëtta - n. f. (pr. \ bi&ler'&tt& \ ) At plr. bialerëtte. - little biarlé - n. m. (pr. \ bi&rl'e \ ) - See bialé.
brook, little stream. See also the terms "biarlëtta, biarlëtta - n. f. (pr. \ bi&rl'&tt& \ ) - See bialerëtta.
bialeròt, biarlòt, bialòt, arianòt ". Diminutive fm. of biarlòt - n. m. (pr. \ bi&rl'ot \ ) - See bialeròt.
"bialera". Bias - n. m. (pr. \ bi'&z \ ) Noun of person , usually sng. and in
bialeròt - n. m. (pr. \ bi&ler'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - little brook, any case inv. - Blaise.
little stream, irrigation channel. See also the terms biautada - n. f. (pr. \ bi&ut'&d& \ ) - See bautiada.
"biarlëtta, bialerëtta, biarlòt, bialòt, arianòt ". Diminutive biauté - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ bi&ut'e \ ) - See bautié.
ms. of "bialera". biava - n. f. (pr. \ bi'&v& \ ) At plr. (if any) biave. - 1) -
bialor - n. m. (pr. \ bi&l'ur \ ) - See bialé. fodder. - 2) - oats (botany - Avena sativa).
bialòt - n. m. (pr. \ bi&l'ot \ ) - See bialeròt. biavass - n. m. (pr. \ bi&v'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - wild
biancant - 1) - adj. (pr. \ bi&[ng]c'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. biancant - oats.
fm. sng. and plr. biancanta, biancante. - bleaching. See biavé - n. (pr. \ bi&v'e \ ) Ms. plr. biavé - fm. sng. and plr.
also the term "ambiancant ". biavera, biavere. - shytheman, mower, reaper,
biancant - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ bi&[ng]c'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. - bleach. harvester. See also the terms "mior, mejor, seitor". The
biancarìa - n. f. (pr. \ bi&[ng]c&r'i& \ ) At plr. (if any) term "biavé" is usually referred to a day-labourer.
biancarìe. - 1) - linen, clothes. - 2) - underwear, lingerie. biavëtta - n. f. (pr. \ bi&v'&tt& \ ) At plr. (if any) biavëtte. -
See also the terms "biancherìa, lingerìa ". spelt (botany - Triticum spelta).
biancass - adj. (pr. \ bi&[ng]c'&s \ ) Ms. plr. biancass - fm. biberon - n. m. (pr. \ biber'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - feeding bottle,
sng. and plr. biancassa, biancasse. - whitish, off-white. baby's bottle. See also the most used term "bibron".
See also the term "biancastr ". bibi - n. m. (pr. \ b'ibi \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - glass of liqueur,
biancastr - adj. (pr. \ bi&[ng]c'&str \ ) - See biancass. glass of spirits. - 2) - the drinking (sometimes, for
bianch - 1) - adj. (pr. \ bi'&[ng]c \ ) Ms. plr. bianch - fm. sng. extension). - See also the terms "cichet, bicerin".
and plr. bianca, bianche. - white. There is an idiomatic Bìbia - n. f. (pr. \ b'ibi& \ ) At plr. (when applicable) Bìbie. -
jocular sentence, that belongs to the "comparison with the Bible.
contrary" gender (very used in piedm.), which is : "bianch bibin - n. m. (pr. \ bib'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - turkey, turkey-
coma la coa d'un merlo " lit. "white as the tail of an ousel cock (zoology - Meleagris gallopavo). See also the terms
(black bird) " "absolutely black". "biribin, biro, pito ".
bianch - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ bi'&[ng]c \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - white bìbita - n. f. (pr. \ b'ibit& \ ) At plr. bìbite. - drink, refreshing
(colour). - 2) - blank (space). - 3) - white paint (on the drink.
walls). bìblich - adj. (pr. \ b'iblic \ ) Ms. plr. bìblich - fm. sng. and plr.
biancherìa - n. f. (pr. \ bi&[ng]ker'i& \ ) - See biancarìa. bìblica, bìbliche. - biblical.
bianchet - n. m. (pr. \ bi&[ng]k'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - stick of bibliofilìa - n. f. (pr. \ bibliufil'i& \ ) At plr. (if any) bibliofilìe.
chalk (for blackboards, tailors, etc.). See also the term - bibliophilism.
"giss". - 2) - effacer (for writing, for shoes, etc.). bibliografìa - n. f. (pr. \ bibliugr&f'i& \ ) At plr. bibliografìe. -
bianchëssa - n. m. (pr. \ bi&[ng]k'&ss& \ ) At plr. (when bibliography.
applicable) bianchësse. - whiteness, dazzling white. bibliogràfich - adj. (pr. \ bibliugr'&fic \ ) Ms. plr.
bianchëtta - n. f. (pr. \ bi&[ng]k'&tt& \ ) At plr. bianchëtte. - bibliogràfich- fm. sng. and plr. bibliogràfica,
white truffle. See also the loc. "trifola bianca". bibliogràfiche. - bibliographic.
bianchì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ bi&[ng]k'i \ ) - 1) - to bibliomanìa - n. f. (pr. \ biblium&n'i& \ ) At plr. (if any) -
whiten, to bleach, to whitewash (trs.). See also the terms bibliomanìe. - bibliomania. This term is quite an
"ambianché, sbianché". - 2) - to turn pale, to fade, to italianism, since in piedm. the loc. "manìa dij lìber "
become white (int.). When trs. it uses the aux. "avèj ", "books mania", is much more used.
when int. uses the aux. "esse ", but it can also be found bibliomanìach - (pr. \ biblium&n'i&c \ ) Ms. plr.
with the aux. "avèj". See also the most common term bibliomanìach - fm. sng. and plr. bibliomanìaca,
"sbianchì ". bibliomanìache. - bibliomaniac. This term is quite an

italianism, since in piedm. the loc. "manìach dij lìber " bicìpit - 1) - adj. (pr. \ bi[ch]'ipit \ ) Ms. plr. bicìpit - fm. sng.
"books maniac", is much more used. and plr. bicìpita, bicìpite. - two-headed, bicipital. See
biblioteca - n. f. (pr. \ bibliut'ec& \ ) At plr. biblioteche. -1) - also the term "bicéfalo".
library. - 2) - bookcase. bicìpit - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ bi[ch]'ipit \ ) Inv. at plr. - biceps
bibliotecari - n. (pr. \ bibliutec'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. bibliotecari - (anatomy).
fm. sng. and plr. bibliotecaria, bibliotecarie. - librarian. biclorur - n. m. (pr. \ biclur'[ue]r \ ) Inv. at plr. - bichloride
biblioteconomìa - n. f. (pr. \ bibliutecunum'i& \ ) At plr. (chemistry).
biblioteconomìe - library science. bicobia - n. f. (pr. \ bic'ubi& \ ) At plr. bicobie. - quad
bibliòfil - (pr. \ bibli'ofil \ ) Ms. plr. bibliòfij - fm. sng. and plr. (telephony).
bibliòfila, bibliòfile. - bibliophile. bicochin - n. m. (pr. \ bicuk'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - cap, little
biblìsta - n. (pr. \ bibl'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. biblista - fm. sng. and cap. An idiomatic sentence is "fé giré 'l bicochin " lit. "to
plr. biblista, bibliste. - biblicist, biblist. make turn the little cap " = "to make sb. lose one's temper".
biblìstica - n. f. (pr. \ bibl'istic& \ ) At plr. biblìstiche. - Bible bicolor - adj. (pr. \ bicul'ur \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - two-
studies. coloured. - 2) - two-party (as an attribute - politics).
bibombù - adj. (pr. \ bibumb'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. bibombù - fm. biconch - adj. (pr. \ bic'u[ng]c \ ) - See bicreus.
sng. and plr. bibombùa, bibombùe. - biconvex. bicornù - adj. - (pr. \ bicurn'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. bicornù - fm. sng.
Sometimes also (see the term) "biconvéss" which is quite and plr. bicornùa, bicornùe. - two-horned.
an italianism. biconvéss - adj. (pr. \ bicu[ng]v'es \ ) - See bibombù.
bibron - n. m. (pr. \ bibr'u[ng] \ ) - See biberon. bicòca - n. f. (pr. \ bic'oc& \ ) At plr. bicòche. - 1) - small
bicameral - adj. (pr. \ bic&mer'&l \ ) Ms. plr. bicameraj - fm. fortess (usually on hills). - 2) - hovel, shanty.
sng. and plr. bicameral, bicameraj. - bicameral, twin- bicònich - adj. (pr. \ bic'onic \ ) Ms. plr. bicònich - fm. sng.
assembly (as an attribute). and plr. bicònica, bicòniche. - biconical.
bicameralism - n. m. (pr. \ bic&mer&l'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - bicòrn - n. m. (pr. \ bic'orn \ ) Inv. at plr. - two-cornered hat.
bicameralism. bicòrna - n. f. (pr. \ bic'orn& \ ) At plr. bicòrne. - two-beaked
bicarbonà - n. m. (pr. \ bic&rbun'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - anvil, bickern.
bicarbonate (in general - chemistry) - 2) - baking soda bicreus - adj. - (pr. \ bicr'[oe]z \ ) Ms. plr. bicreus - fm. sng.
(sodium bicarbonate). I remember that often my father used and plr. bicreusa, bicreuse. - biconcave.
the way of saying "a l'é tut bicarbonà " = "lit. "all (of this bicromà - n. m. (pr. \ bicrum'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - dichromate,
question) is bicarbonate" with value "the question is an bichromate (chemistry).
artificial one, and it will be resolved in nothing". bicultural - adj. (pr. \ bic[ue]lt[ue]r'&l \ ) Ms. plr. biculturaj -
bicc - n. m. (pr. \ bi[ch] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - bricklayer's boy, fm. sng. and plr. bicultural, biculturaj. - bicultural.
mason's boy. - 2) - hodman mason. See also the term biculturalism - n. m. (pr. \ bic[ue]lt[ue]r&l'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. -
"foricc". biculturalism.
bicéfal - adj. (pr. \ bi[ch]'efal \ ) Ms. plr. bicéfal - fm. sng. and bidé - n. m. (pr. \ bid'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - bidet.
plr. bicéfala, bicéfale. - two-headed, bicephalous, bidél - n. (pr. \ bid'el \ ) Ms. plr. bidéj - fm. sng. and plr.
bicephalic. See also the term "bicipi, bicìpit". bidela, bidele. - 1) - school-caretaker, janitor. - 2) -
bicél - n. m. (pr. \ bi[ch]'el \ ) - See bicér. university porter.
bicelà - n. f. (pr. \ bi[ch]el'& \ ) - See bicerà. bident - n. m. (pr. \ bid'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - pitchfork
bicér - n. m. (pr. \ bi[ch]'er \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - glass, tumbler. bidon - n. m. (pr. \ bid'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - tank, drum,
- 2) - glass, glassful. Loc. making use of this word bin. - 2) - swindle, fraud (in a fig. sense).
(examples) - A) - "bicèr ëd papé (ëd carta) " "paper cup bidonà - n. f. (pr. \ bidun'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - swindle (popular).
". - B) - "bèivse un bicér " or "fésse un bicér " "to have a bidoné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ bidun'e \ ) - to swindle, to cheat.
drop of wine ". - C) - "cul ëd bicér" "fake diamond, false bidonista - n. (pr. \ bidun'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. bidonista - fm. sng.
jewel". See also the terms "copa, san-a, goblòt ". and plr. bidonista, bidoniste. - swindler.
bicerà - n. f. (pr. \ bi[ch]er'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - glassful. - 2) - biela - n. f. (pr. \ bi'el& \ ) At plr. biele. - connecting rod,
round of drinks. See also the term "copà". piston rod (mechanics).
bicerin - n. m. (pr. \ bi[ch]er'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - glass of bienal - 1) - adj. (pr. \ bien'&l \ ) Ms. plr. bienaj - fm. sng. and
liqueur (once glasses for liqueur were very little, and the plr. bienal, bienaj. - 1) - two-year (duration, as an
term is a diminutive of "bicér"). - 2) - Turin specialty made attribute). - 2) - biennial (interval).
of chocolate, cream and coffee, that can be appreciated in bienal - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ bien'&l \ ) At plr. bienaj. - biennial
downtown "cafè ". In this aense see also the term "pànera". exibition.
biceron - n. m. (pr. \ bi[ch]er'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - big glass. bieness - adj. (pr. \ bien'es \ ) - See bianéss.
Augmentative of "bicér". bieni - n. m. (pr. \ bi'eni \ ) Inv. at plr. - two years, period of
biceròt - n. m. (pr. \ bi[ch]er'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - glass of wine. two years. This is an italian neologism. A better piedm.
This term, very used, is an alteration of endearment of loc. is "doi ani". See also the term "biénn ".
"glass", that assumes the meaning of "a good glass of biénn - n. m. (pr. \ bi'en \ ) - See bieni.
wine" which is not a pity to drink (but just one). bieròt - n. m. (pr. \ bier'ot \ ) - See bialerëtta.
bici - n. f. (pr. \ b'i[ch]i \ ) Inv. at plr. - bike. Short for biet - 1) - adj. (pr. \ bi'æt \ ) Ms. plr. biet - fm. sng. and plr.
"biciclëtta" (see the term). biëtta, biëtte. - 1) - pale, pallid. - 2) - sickly, feeble.
biciclëtta - n. f. (pr. \ bi[ch]icl'&tt& \ ) At plr. biciclëtte. - bike, biet - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ bi'æt \ ) - See bijet.
bicycle, cycle. See also the term "bici". biëtta - n. f. (pr. \ bi'&tt& \ ) - See bijëtta.
bicilìndrich - adj. (pr. \ bi[ch]il'indric \ ) Ms. plr. bicilìndrich - biëttin - n. m. (pr. \ bi&tt'i[ng] \ ) - See bijëttin.
fm. sng. and plr. bicilìndrica, bicilìndriche. - bif (e baf) - n. m. (pr. \ bif e b&f \ ) Nonsense word in the
bicylindrical. idiomatic expression "dì bif e baf " lit. " to say bif e baf "
biciolan - n. m. (pr. \ bi[ch]iul'&[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - with value "to speak without thinking at what one is saying
"biciolan", biscuit special product of Vercelli (Versèj). - ".
2) - particular cookie to soak in the milk. bifa - n. f. (pr. \ b'if& \ ) At plr. bife. - 1) - sighting stake
bicipi - n. and adj. (pr. \ bi[ch]'ipi \ ) - See bicìpit. (topografy). - 2) - probe for controlling wall clefts. - 3) -
snout, mug, ugly face.

bifase - adj. (pr. \ bif'&ze \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - biphase, two bijetari - n. (pr. \ biyet'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. bijetari - fm. sng. and
phase (physics). plr. bijetària, bijetàrie. - booking clerk, ticket clerk. See
bifé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ bif'e \ ) - 1) - to put probes on a also the term "bilietari ".
wall for controlling clefts. - 2) - to stake out. - 3) - to bijëtta - n. f. (pr. \ bi'&tt& \ ) At plr. biëtte. - 1) - bill. (like
cross out, to cancel, to strike off. "gas bill, bill of entry", etc.) - 2) - receipt note, delivery
bìfid - adj. (pr. \ b'ifid \ ) Ms. plr. bìfid - fm. sng. and plr. note, quittance. See also the term"biëtta".
bìfida, bìfide. - forked, bifid. See also the term "biforcù ". bijëttin - n. m. (pr. \ bi&tt'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - card (invitation,
bifilar - adj. (pr. \ bifil'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - bifilar greetings, etc.)- See also the terms "biëttin, bijet ".
(electricity). bil - n. f. (pr. \ bil \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - bile (physiology). - 2) -
bìfora - n. f. (pr. \ b'ifur& \ ) At plr. bìfore. - mullion window rage (in a fig. sense). In this meaning is not very used. The
with two lights. word "ràbia " is preferred. - See also the terms "bile, afél,
biforcassion - n. f. (pr. \ bifurc&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - fél ".
bifurcation, fork, branch. See also the terms "crosiera, bilans - n. m. (pr. \ bil'&[ng]s \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - balance,
gùcia " the latter referred to railways. budget. - 2) - (comparison of) pros and cons (in a fig.
biforché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ bifurk'e \ ) - to bifurcate, to sense).
split, to branch. bilansa - n. f (pr. \ bil'&[ng]s& \ ) - See balansa.
biforchésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ bifurk'ese \ ) - to bifurcate, bilansament - n. m. (pr. \ bil&[ng]s&m'ænt \ ) - See
to branch off, to fork. balansament.
biforcù - adj. (pr. \ bifurc'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. biforcù - fm. sng. bilansé - n. - (pr. \ bil&[ng]s'e \ ) - See balansé 1).
and plr. biforcùa, biforcùe. - forked, bifurcate. See also bilansé - 1) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ bil&[ng]s'e \ ) - See balansé
the term "bìfid ". 2).
bifront - adj. (pr. \ bifr'unt \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - bifront, bilansé - 2) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ bil&[ng]s'e \ ) - 1) - to
bifrontal, two-faced. counterbalance. - 2) - to appropriate, to allocate, to set
bifstech - n. m. (pr. \ bifst'æc \ ) Inv. at plr. - beefsteak, steak. apart (usually money)
- See also the terms "bistech, cotlëtta ". bilansié - n. m. (pr. \ bil&[ng]si'e \ ) - See balansié.
biga - n. f. (pr. \ b'ig& \ ) At plr. bighe. - 1) - two-wheeled bilansin - n. m (pr. \ bil&[ng]s'i[ng] \ ) - See balansin.
chariot. - 2) - sow. In this sense see also the terms "treuja, bilateral - adj. (pr. \ bil&ter'&l \ ) Ms. plr. bilateraj - fm. sng.
treuva ". and plr. bilateral, bilateraj. - bilateral.
bìgam - n. and adj. (pr. \ b'ig&m \ ) - Ms. plr. bìgam - fm. sng. bilateralità - n. f. (pr. \ bil&ter&lit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
and plr. bìgama, bìgame. - 1) - bigamous (adj). - 2) - bilaterality, bilateralism.
bigamist (sbst.). bilaucé - vrb 1st con.trs. (pr. \ bil&u[ch]'e \ ) - 1) - to swing, to
bìgamo - n. and adj. (pr. \ b'ig&mô \ ) - See bìgam. dangle. - 2) - to rock. See also the terms "bautié, biauté,
bigamìa - n. f. (pr. \ big&m'i& \ ) At plr. bigamìe. - bigamy. sbilaucé ".
bigaré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ big&r'e \ ) - to variegate, to bilaucésse - vrb 1st con.refl. (pr. \ bil&u[ch]'ese \ ) - to swing
streak. (oneself), to dangle (oneself).
bigarura - n. f. (pr. \ big&r'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. bigarure. - bilauté - vrb 1st con.trs. (pr. \ bil&ut'e \ ) - See bilaucé.
variegation, speckling. bilbochet - n. m. (pr. \ bilbuk'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - type of game,
bigat - n. m. (pr. \ big'&t \ ) Inv. at plr. - silkworm. consisting in throwing a little ball in a narrow targhet; ball
bigaté - n. (pr. \ big&t'e \ ) Ms. plr. bigaté - fm. sng. and plr. and target are connected by a srting, See also the term
bigatera, bigatere. - breeder of or (dealer in) silkworms. "mirabochin ".
bigatera - n. f. (pr. \ big&t'er& \ ) At plr. bigatere. - place bile - n. f. (pr. \ b'ile \ ) - See bil.
(room) for breeding silkworms. bilengh - adj. (pr. \ bil'æ[ng]g \ ) Ms. plr. bilengh - fm. sng.
bigieuja - n. f. (pr. \ biji'[oe]y& \ ) At plr. bigieuje. - holy and plr. bilenga, bilenghe. - bilingual.
picture. See also the terms "bëggieuja, mistà ". bilenghism - n. m. (pr. \ bil'æ[ng]g'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. -
bigiolà - adj. (pr. \ bijiul'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - variegated, bilingualism.
streaked., speckled. biliar - adj. (pr. \ bili'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - biliary,
bigion - n. m. (pr. \ biji'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - poultice, bilious (physiology).
cataplasm. See also the term "papin". biliard - n. m. (pr. \ bili'&rd \ ) Inv. at plr. - billiards.
bigiotarìa - n. f. (pr. \ bijiut&r'i& \ ) At plr. (when applicable) biliardé - n. (pr. \ bili&rd'e \ ) Ms. plr. biliardé - fm. sng. and
bigiotarìe. - cheap jewelrt, trinkets. See also the term plr. biliardera, biliardere. - 1) - manifacturer of billiard
"bigioterìa, bisotarìa". tables. - 2) - billiard-table seller. - 3) - arbiter of the
bigioté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ bijiut'e \ ) - to dress up, to billiard game.
smarten up, to embellish, to ornament. biliardin - n. m. (pr. \ bili&rd'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - bagatelle
bigioterìa - n. f. (pr. \ bijiuter'i& \ ) At plr. (when applicable) table, pinball table, pinball machine.
bigioterìe. - cheap jewelrt, trinkets. Quite an italianism. bilietari - n. (pr. \ biliet'&ri \ ) - See bijetari.
See also the term "bigiotarìa, bisotarìa". bìlich - n. m. (pr. \ b'ilic \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - delicate
bignëtta - n. f. (pr. \ bi[gn]'&tt& \ ) At plr. bignëtte. - pancake, equilibrium, unstable balance, poise. - 2) - bascule.
fritter. See also the most used term "fricieul". pivot (mechanics). - 3) - incertitude (in a fig. sense). - 4) -
bigodin - n. m. (pr. \ bigud'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - hair curler, semitrailer.
curler. See also the terms "bigolin, bigolet ". bilinear - adj. (pr. \ biline'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - bilinear.
bigolet - n. m. (pr. \ bigul'æt \ ) - See bigodin. bilion - n. m. (pr. \ bili'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - billion, milliard.
bigolin - n. m. (pr. \ bigul'i[ng] \ ) - See bigodin. See also the term "miliard".
bija - n. f. (pr. \ b'iy& \ ) At plr. bìje. - 1) - marble. - 2) - ball, bilios - adj. (pr. \ bili'uz \ ) Ms. plr. bilios - fm. sng. and plr.
(little) ball. See also the term in the spelling (less correct) biliosa, biliose. - 1) - bilious. - 2) - choleric, irascible,
"bia ". peevish.
bijet - n. m. (pr. \ biy'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - ticket. - 2) - note, bilirubin-a - n. f. (pr. \ bilir[ue]b'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. (if
short note. - 3) - card (invitation, greetings, etc.). - 4) - applicable) bilirubin-e. - bilirubin (physiology).
banknote. - See also the terms "biet 2), bijëttin". bimblané - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ bimblan'e \ ) - See bambliné.

bimensil - adj. (pr. \ bimæ[ng]s'il \ ) Ms. plr. bimensij - fm. biné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ 'e \ ) - 1) - to do twice the same
sng. and plr. bimensil, bimensij. - fortnightly, semi- thing. - 2) - to couple, to combine.
monthly. bineducà - adj. (pr. \ bineduc'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - well-
biméstr - n. m. (pr. \ bim'estr \ ) Inv. at plr. - (period of) two bred, well-mannered. See also the term in the spelling
months. "bin-educà".
bimestral - adj. (pr. \ bimestr'&l \ ) Ms. plr. bimestraj - fm. binél - n. and adj. (pr. \ bin'el \ ) Ms. plr. binél - fm. sng. and
sng. and plr. bimestral, bimestraj. - bimonthly, two- plr. binéla, binéle. - twin.
monthly. binocular - adj. (pr. \ binuc[ue]l'&r \ but also \ binôcul'&r \ )
bimetal - n. m. (pr. \ bimet'&l \ ) At plr. bimetaj. - bimetal Inv. in gnd. and nr. - binocular.
(technique). binomial - adj. (pr. \ binumi'&l \ ) Ms. plr. binomiaj - fm. sng.
bimetàlich - adj. (pr. \ bimet'&lic \ ) Ms. plr. bimetàlich - fm. and plr. binomial, binomiaj. - binomial.
sng. and plr. bimetàlica, bimetàliche. - bimetallic binòchio - n. m. (pr. \ bin'okiu \ ) - See binòcol.
(technique). binòcol - n. m. (pr. \ bin'ocul \ ) At plr. binòcoj. - binoculars.
bimilenari - adj. (pr. \ bimilen'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. bimilenari - fm. binòm - n. m. (pr. \ bin'om \ ) Inv. at plr. - binomial
sng. and plr. bimilenària, bimilenàrie. - bimillenary. (mathematics).
bimotor - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ bimut'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - twin- binpensant - adj. and n. (pr. \ bi[ng]pe[ng]s'&nt \ ) Ms. plr.
engined plane, bimotor. binpensant - fm. sng. and plr. binpensanta, binpensante.
bimotor - 2) - adj. (pr. \ bimut'ur \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - two- - 1) - right-minded, conventional (adj.). - 2) - right-
engined, bimotored. minded person (sbst.).
bin - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ bi[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - 1) - good. binservì - n. m. (pr. \ bi[ng]særv'i \ ) - See benservì.
Note that the expressions like "to do good, to do good binstasent - n. and adj.(pr. \ bi[ng]st&z'ænt \ ) Ms. plr.
actions" in Piedm. use the partitive "fé ëd bin, fé dël bin"- binstasent - fm. sng. and plr. binstasenta, binstatente. -
2) - prayer. In this sense only in the loc. "dì 'l bin " "to 1) - well-off (adj.). - 2) - well-off person (sbst.). See also
say one's prayers". - 3) - blessing, gift. - Usually the term the terms "bonstasent, benëstant, ben-ëstant".
is used at sng. See also the term "ben". bintornà - n. , excl. and adj. (pr. \ binturn'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and
bin - 2) - n. m. plr. (pr. \ bi[ng] \ ) Only plr. - goods, property. nr. - welcome back.
See also the term "beni ". bintrovà - n. , excl. and adj. (pr. \ bintruw'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and
bin - 3) - n. f. (pr. \ bi[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - love, affection, nr. - well met.
fondness. The term "to love " is usually translated into the binvist - adj. (pr. \ bi[ng]v'ist \ ) Ms. plr. binvist - fm. sng. and
loc. "vorèj bin " meaning "to want the good of the loved plr. binvista, binviste. - well-thought-of, well-liked.
person". Note that in this sense the word is fm. See also the binvorèj - vrb 2nd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ bi[ng]vur'æy \ ) - to
term "ben". like, to love. A common way of saying is "pijé a binvorèj
bin - 4) - adv. (pr. \ bi[ng] \ ) - 1) - well. - 2) - rightly. - 3) - (quaidun)" "to take a liking (to sb.)".
properly. See also the term "ben". binvorsù - adj. (pr. \ bi[ng]vurs'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. binvorsù - fm.
bin - 5) - excl. (pr. \ bi[ng] \ ) - well!, okay!. sng. and plr. binvorsùa, binvorsùe. - liked, loved,
binà - adj. (pr. \ bin'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - in couples, beloved.
arranged in pairs. bin-amà - n. and adj. (pr. \ bi[ng]&m'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr.
binadura - n. f. (pr. \ bin&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. binadure. - - beloved.
doubling. bin-educà - adj. (pr. \ bi[ng]ed[ue]c'& \ ) - See bineducà.
binagévol - adj. (pr. \ bin&j'evul \ ) Ms. plr. binagévoj. - fm. bin-ëvnù - n. , excl. and adj. (pr. \ bi[ng]&vn'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr.
sng. and plr. binagévola, binagévole. - 1) - manageable, bin-ëvnù - fm. sng. and plr. bin-ëvnùa, bin-ëvnùe. -
esay-handled, handy. - 2) - tractable (usually in a fig. welcome. In this case also the excl. is declined, since it is
sense). See also the terms "manegévol,manegèivol, always referred to prs. which can be sng. or plr. ms, or fm.
maniàbil ". bin-intèis - adv. (pr. \ bi[ng]int'æiz \ ) - of course.
binari - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ bin'&ri \ ) Inv. at plr. - track, railway bin-intensionà - adj. (pr. \ bi[ng]intæèng]siun'& \ ) Inv. in gnd.
track, line. and nr. - well-meaning.
binari - 2) - adj. (pr. \ bin'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. binari - fm. sng. and bin-pensant - n. and adj. (pr. \ bi[ng]pe[ng]s'&nt \ ) - See
plr. binaria, binarie. - binary. binpensant.
binatriss - n. f. (pr. \ bin&tr'is \ ) Inv. at plr. - doubler, bio... - 1) - prefix. (pr. \ b'iu... \ ; \ bi'o... \ depending on the
doubling machine (texile). tonic stress of the word ) - bio... . Prefix connected with
binda - n. f. (pr. \ b'ind& \ ) At plr. binde. - bandage. life and living organism. The meaning in Piedm. is the
bindagi - n. m. (pr. \ bind'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - bandaging. - same as in English. As usual we don't report all the words
2) - bandages. making use of this prefix, since it is easy to know the
bindé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ bind'e \ ) - 1) - to bandage, to meaning starting from the main part of the word itself. As
dress. - 2) - to blindfold. usual not all the words starting with these letters use them
bindél - n. m. (pr. \ bind'el \ ) At plr. bindéj. - 1) - ribbon. - 2) as a prefix.
- tape, band, strap. The loc. "reusa 'd bindéj " lit. "rose bio - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ b'iu \) Inv. at plr. - hen-coop for chickens,
of ribbons", means "tassel, bow, knot ". See also the term hutch chicken-coop. See also the term "ghërmo ".
"nastr ". bioangigné - n. m. (pr. \ biuangign'e \) Inv. at plr. -
bindelin - n. m. (pr. \ bindel'i[ng] \ ) - See bindlin. bioengineer. See also the term "bioingegné ".
bindispòst - adj. (pr. \ bindisp'ost \ ) Ms. plr. bindispòst - fm. bioangignerìa - n. f. (pr. \ biuangigner'i& \) At plr. (if any) -
sng. and plr. bindispòsta, bindispòste. - well-disposed, bioangignerìe. - bioengineering. See also the term
favourably disposed. See also the term "bendispòst ". "bioingegnerìa ".
bindlé - n. (pr. \ bindl'e \ ) Ms. plr. bindlé - fm. sng. and plr. biocatalisator - n. m. (pr. \ biuc&t&liz&t'ur \) Inv. at plr. -
bindléra, bindlére. - ribbons' seller. biocatalyst.
bindlin - n. m. (pr. \ bindl'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - ribbon bioch - n. m. (pr. \ bi'uc \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - tuft, flock. - 2) -
(military) - 2) - little ribbon. - See also the term tow, ravelling.
"bindelin". biochìmica - n. f. (pr. \ biuk'imic& \) At plr. (if any)
biochìmiche. - biochemistry.

biochìmich - adj. and n. (pr. \ biuk'imic \) Ms. plr. biochìmich bioterapìa - n. f. (pr. \ biuter&p'i& \) At plr. - bioterapìe. -
- fm. sng. and plr. biochìmica, biochìmiche. - 1) - biotherapy.
biochemical (sdj.). - 2) - biochemist (sbst.). biotipo - n. m. (pr. \ biut'ipu \) Inv. at plr. - biotype.
biocolù - adj. (pr. \ biucul'[ue] \) Ms. plr. bioculù - fm. sng. biotite - n. f. (pr. \ biut'ite \) Inv. at plr. - biotite. (mineral)
and plr. biocolùa, biocolùe. - tufted. biòca - n. f. (pr. \ bi'oc& \) At plr. biòche - head (usually in a
biodegradabil - adj. (pr. \ biudegr&d'&bil \) Ms. plr. pejorative sense, like "blockhead ").
biodegradàbij - fm. sng. and plr. biodegradàbil, biòcia - n. f. (pr. \ bi'o[ch]i& \) At plr. biòce. - cutting of
biodegradàbij. - biodegradable. fabric, remnant, scrap.
biodegradassion - n. f. (pr. \ biudegr&d&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. biògrafo - n. (pr. \ bi'ogr&fô \) Ms. plr. biògrafo - fm. sng. and
- biodegradation. plr. biògrafa, biògrafe. - biographer.
biodegradé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ biudegr&d'e \) - to biòlogh - n. (pr. \ bi'olug \) Ms. plr. biòlogh - fm. sng. and plr.
biodegrade. If trs. it uses the aux. "avèj ". If int. it uses the biòloga, biòloghe. - biologist.
aux. "esse ". biòssid - n. m. (pr. \ bi'osid \) Inv. at plr. - dioxide (chemistry).
biodegradésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ biudegr&d'ese \) - to biòva - n. f. (pr. \ bi'ov& \) At plr. biòve. - a kind of bread,
biodegrade. The meaning is the same as for the int. form. loaf. See also the term "cusiòira".
bioelétrich - adj. (pr. \ biuel'etric \) - Ms. plr. bioelétich - fm. biòvo - adj. and n. (pr. \ bi'ou \) - Ms. plr. biòvo - fm. sng. and
sng. and plr. bioelétrica, bioelétriche. - bioletlectrical. plr. biòva, biòve. - stupid, blockhead. Slang term, usually
bioeletrissità - n. f. (pr. \ biueletrisit'& \) Inv. at plr. (if any). - only used at ms.
bioelectricity. bipala - adj. (pr. \ bip'&l& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - double-
biofìsica - n. f. (pr. \ biuf'izic& \) At plr. (if any) biofìsiche. - bladed.
biophysics. bipartì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ bip&rt'i \) - to divide into two,
biofìsich - adj. and n. (pr. \ biuf'izic \) Ms. plr. biofìsich - fm. to bifurcate.
sng. and plr. biofìsica, biofìsiche. - 1) - biophysical (adj.). bipartìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ bip&rt'ise \) - 1) - to
- 2) - biophysicist (sbst.) bifurcare (int. meaning). - 2) - to divide (oneself) into
biografìa - n. f. (pr. \ biugr&f'i& \) At plr. biografìe. - two. In a fig. sense as in the meaning of "to do two things
biography, life. at the same moment".
bioingegné - n. m. (pr. \ biuinge[gn]'e \) - See bioangigné. bipartission - n. f. (pr. \ bip&rtisi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
bioingegnerìa - n. f. (pr. \ biuinge[gn]et'i& \) - See bipartition, division into two parts.
bioangignerìa. bipartìtich - adj. (pr. \ bip&rt'itic \) Ms. plr. bipartìtich - fm.
biola - n. f. (pr. \ bi'ul& \) At plr. biole. - birch (botany - sng. and plr. bipartìtica, bipartìtiche. - two -party (as an
Betula). See also the terms "bola, brola". attribute), bipartisan. (politics).
biologìa - n. f. (pr. \ biuluj'i& \) At plr. (if applicable) biologìe. bipartitism - n. m. (pr. \ bip&rtit'izm \) Inv. at plr. - two-party
- biology. system (politics).
biològich - adj. (pr. \ biul'ojic \) Ms. plr. biològich - fm. sng. bipé - n. and adj. (pr. \ bip'e \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - biped,
and plr. biològica, biològiche. - biological. two-footed (adj.). - 2) - biped animal, two-footed animal
biomassa - n. f. (pr. \ bium'&s& \) At plr. biomasse. - (sbst.).
biomass. biplan - n. m. (pr. \ bipl'&[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - biplane
bion - n. m. (pr. \ bi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - trunk, log. - 2) - (aviation).
big beam, big girder. bipolar - adj. (pr. \ bipul'&r \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - bipolar.
biond - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ bi'und \) Inv. at plr. - fair colour, bipolarità - n. f. (pr. \ bipul&rit'& \) Inv. at plr. - bipolarity
blond, gold. (electricity).
biond - 2) - n. and adj. (pr. \ bi'und \) Ms. plr. biond - fm. sng. bipòl - n. m. (pr. \ bip'ol \) At plr. bipòj. - bipole (electricity,
and plr. bionda, bionde. - 1) - fair-haired man (woman), magnetism). - See also the term "dipòl ".
blond man, blonde (sbst.). - 2) - fair, blond, golden (adj.). bipòst - adj. (pr. \ bip'ost \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - two-seater (as
bionda - n. f. - (pr. \ bi'und& \) At plr. bionde. - silk lace. an attribute) (car, aircraft).
biondass - adj. (pr. \ biund'&s \) Ms. plr. biondass - fm. sng. bira - n. f. (pr. \ b'ir& \) At plr. bire. - beer, ale. We note that a
and plr. biondassa, biondasse. - blondish, rather blond. fifth of liter of beer has the slang name "ciorgnet" (see the
See also the terms "biondastr, biondiss". voice).
biondastr - adj. (pr. \ biund'&str \) - See biondass. birarìa - n. f. (pr. \ bir&r'i& \) At plr. birarìe. - beer house,
biondegé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ biundej'e \) - to be yellow, to beer cellar. See also the terms "birerìa, brassarìa,
be golden, to become golden. It uses the aux. "avèj". brasserìa".
biondegiant - adj. (pr. \ biundeji'&nt \) Ms. plr. biondegiant - birba - n. f. (pr. \ b'irb& \) At plr. birbe. - 1) - rascal, scamp.
fm. sng. and plr. biondegianta, biondegiante. - golden. (often jocular) - 2) - dishonest person. For the first jocular
biondëssa - n. f. (pr. \ biund'&ss& \) At plr. (if any) biondësse. meaning see also the diminutives "birbëtta, birbonòt ".
- fairness. birbant - n. (pr. \ birb'&nt \) Ms. plr. birbant - fm. sng. and
biondì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ biund'i \) - See biondegé. plr. birbanta, birbante. - scoundrel, rogue, rascal
biondin - adj. and n. (pr. \ biund'i[ng] \) Ms. plr. biondin - fm. (sometimes in a jocular sense).
sng. and plr. biondin-a, biondin-e. - 1) - fair-haired (adj.) birbantada - n. f. (pr. \ birb&nt'&d& \) At plr. birbantade. -
- 2) - blond boy, blond girl (sbst.). knavery, roguery. See also the term "birbantarìa".
biondiss - adj. (pr. \ biund'is \) - See biondass. birbantarìa - n. f. (pr. \ birb&nt&r'i& \) - See birbantada.
biopsìa - n. f. (pr. \ biups'i& \) At plr. biopsìe. - biopsy. birbasson - n. and adj. (pr. \ birb&s'u[ng] \) Ms. plr.
biora - n. f. (pr. \ bi'ur& \) At plr. biore. - small ditch, birbasson - fm. sng. and plr. birbasson-a, birbasson-e. -
channel (usually for bringing water to a mill). rascal. See also the term "birbonass".
biosch - adj. (pr. \ bi'usc \) Ms. plr. biosch - fm. sng. and plr. birbëtta - n. f. (pr. \ birb'&tt& \) At plr. birbëtte. - little rascal
biosca, biosche. - darkened, dimmed, dim, cloudy. See (in general in affectionate sense). Diminutive of
also the term "fosch ". "birba".See also the term "birbonòt ".
biot - adj. (pr. \ bi'ut \) Ms. plr. biot - fm. sng. and plr. biota, birbon - n. and adj. (pr. \ birb'u[ng] \) Ms. plr. birbon - fm.
biote. - 1) - devoid, stripped, deprived. - 2) - bare. sng. and plr. birbon-a, birbon-e. - villain, rascal.

birbonada - n. f. (pr. \ birbun'&d& \) At plr. birbonade. - bisbétich - adj. (pr. \ bizb'etic \ ) Ms. plr. bisbétich - fm. sng.
knavish trick, mischievous trick, mischief. See also the and plr. bisbética, bisbétiche. - bad-tempered, peevish,
terms "birbonarìa, birbonerìa". crabbed.
birbonarìa - n. f. (pr. \ birbun&r'i& \) - See birbonada. bisbòcia - n. f. (pr. \ bizb'o[ch]i& \ ) - See bësbòcia.
birbonass - n. and adj. (pr. \ birbun'&s \) - See birbasson. bisca - n. f. (pr. \ b'isc& \ ) At plr. bische. - gambling-house,
birbonegé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ birbunej'e \) - to behave like gambling-den, casino. See also the terms "tripò, biscassa,
a villain, to do mischief. Italianism. In Piedm the vrbl. loc. casin".
"fé 'l birbon" is preferred. It uses, anyway, the aux. "avèj ". biscassa - n. f. (pr. \ bisc'&s& \ ) - See bisca.
birbonerìa - n. f. (pr. \ birbuner'i& \) - See birbonada. bisché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ bisk'e \ ) - to be consumed with
birbonesch - adj. (pr. \ birbun'æsc \) Ms. plr. birbonesch - fm. jealousy, to be consumed with envy, to get angry. See
sng. and plr. birbonësca, birbonësche. - knavish, roguish. also the term "ciché ".
This term is an italianism. In Piedm- the loc. "da birbon " bischeuit - n. m. (pr. \ bisk'[oe]it \ ) - See bëscheuit.
is preferred. bischin - nonsense term (pr. \ bisk'i[ng] \ ) Always associated
birbonòt - n. m. (pr. \ birbun'ot \) - See birbëtta. to the other nonsense term "biscòsa", is the classical
bireator - n. m. (pr. \ bireat'ur \) Inv. at plr. - twin-jet, two- introduction to a riddle : "a-i é na còsa, bischin e biscòsa,
engined jet (aviation). che ...... Còs a l'é?" "there is a thing (bischin e biscòsa),
birém - n. f. (pr. \ bir'em \) Inv. at plr. - bireme (history). that ...... What is it?. ".
birerìa - n. f. (pr. \ birer'i& \) - See birarìa. bischiss - n. m. (pr. \ bisk'is \ ) Inv. at plr. - disagreement.
biribin - n. m. (pr. \ birib'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - turkey, turkey- bis-cia - n. f. (pr. \ b'is[ch]i& \ ) - See bës-cia.
cock (zoology - Meleagris gallopavo). See also the terms biscoté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ biscut'e \ ) - to bake over again,
"bibin, biro, pito ". to bake twice. See also the term "bëscoté ".
birichin - n. and adj. (pr. \ birik'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. birichin - fm. biscotin - n. m. (pr. \ biscut'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - little biscuit,
sng. and plr. birichin-a, birichin-e. - 1) - impish, cookie. - See also the term "bëscotin".
mischievous (adj.). - 2) - scamp, little rascal (sbst.). biscòt - n. m. (pr. \ bisc'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - biscuit, cookie. - See
birichinà - n. f. (pr. \ birikin'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - prank, also the term "bëscòt ".
mischievous trick. See also the terms "birichinada, bisél - n. m. (pr. \ biz'el \ ) At plr. biséj. - thrust-bearing,
birichinaja". thrust-block.
birichinada - n. f. (pr. \ birikin'&d& \ ) - See birichinà. bisestil - adj. (pr. \ bizest'il \ ) Ms. plr. bisestij - fm. sng. and
birichinaja - n. f. (pr. \ birikin'&y& \ ) - See birichinà. plr. bisestil, bisestij. - bissextile, intercalary. The
birlo - n. m. (pr. \ b'irlu \ ) Inv. at plr. - starling (zoology - expression "leap year " is translated into "ann bisestil ".
Sturnus vulgaris). See also the term "stornél ". biset - n. m. (pr. \ biz'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - pigeon, dove
biro - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ b'iru \ ) Inv. at plr. - turkey, turkey-cock (zoology). See also the term "colomb". In particular this
(zoology - Meleagris gallopavo). See also the terms "pito, type of pigeon is also called "colomb toré " "pigeon of
biribin, bibin". towers".
biro - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ b'iro \ ) Inv. at plr. - ballpoint pen. biro. bislach - adj. (pr. \ bisl'&c \ ) Ms. plr. bislach - fm. sng. and
Neologism with the same italian pronunciation. plr. bislaca, bislache. - queer, odd, peculiar, eccentric.
birociàire - n. m. . (pr. \ biru[ch]i'&ire \ ) - See barociàire. See also the term "bëslach ".
birocin - n. m. (pr. \ biru[ch]'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - little two bislongh - adj. (pr. \ bisl'u[ng]g \ ) Ms. plr. bislongh - fm. sng.
wheels cart. and plr. bislonga, bislonghe. - oblong. See also the term
biron - n. m. (pr. \ bir'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - wooden pin, "bëslongh ".
peg (mechanics). - 2) - dibble (agriculture). See also the bismalva - n. f. (pr. \ bism'&lv& \ ) At plr. bismalve. -
term "cavicc". marshmallow (botany - Althaea officinalis). See also the
bironé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ birun'e \ ) - 1) - to pivot, to unite term "malvavisch".
with pins or nails for wood. - 2) - to put pegs or dibbles. bismut - n. m. (pr. \ bism'[ue]t \ ) Only sng, and in any case
See also the term "ambironé ". inv. at plr. - bismuth (chemical element).
biròcc - n. m. (pr. \ bir'o[ch] \ ) Inv. at plr. - two wheels cart. bisnòna - n. f. (pr. \ bisn'on& \ ) At plr. bisnòne. - great
biròcia - n. f. (pr. \ bir'o[ch]i& \ ) At plr. biròce. - four wheels grand-mother.
cart. bisnòno - n. m. (pr. \ bisn'onu \ ) Inv. at plr. - great grand-
bis - n. m. (pr. \ bis \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - encore (theatre). - 2) - father.
repetition. bisó - n. m. (pr. \ biz'u \ ) Inv. at plr. - jewel, valuable trinket.
bisa - n. f. (pr. \ b'iz& \ ) At plr. bise. - cold wind. (from the french "bijiou"). Note the acute stress an the
bisabòsa - n. f. (pr. \ biz&b'oz& \ ) At plr. bisabòse. - chaos, letter "ó " and the related pronunciation.
confusion. bisocarìa - n. f. (pr. \ bizuc&r'i& \ ) At plr. (if any) bisocarìe. -
bisaca - n. f. (pr. \ biz'&c& \ ) At plr. bisache. - knapsack, bigotry, sanctimony.
haversack. See also the term in the spelling "bissaca". bisocon - n. and adj. (pr. \ bizuc'u[ng] \ ) Pejorative of "bisòch"
bisantin - adj. (pr. \ biz&nt'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. bisantin - fm. sng. (see the term).
and plr. bisantin-a, bisantìn-e. - 1) - Byzantine. - 2) - bisodié - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ bizudi'e \ ) - 1) - to pray
pedantic. in a low voice. - 2) - to mumble (in a fig. sense). It uses
bisar - adj. (pr. \ biz'&r \ ) Ms. plr. bisar - fm. sng. and plr. anyway the aux. "avèj ".
bisara, bisare. - odd, bizzarre, eccentric, peculiar, bisogné - vrb 1st con. int. and imp. (pr. \ bizu[gn]'e \ ) - 1) - to
strange. See also the most piedm. term "dròlo". be necessary (imp.). - 2) - to need. (in this meaning the
bisarìa - n. f. (pr. \ biz&r'i& \ ) At plr. bisarìe. - eccentricity, piedm. vrb requires the genitive). - See also the terms
oddity, whimsicality. See also the most piedm. term "bësogné, bzogné ", and the vrbl. loc. "avèj da manca, essie
"drolarìa". da manca".
bisàvol - n. (pr. \ biz'&vul \ ) Ms. plr. bisàvoj - fm. sng. and bisognos - adj. and n. (pr. \ bizu[gn]'uz \ ) Ms. plr. bisognos -
plr. bisàvola, bisàvole. - great-grandfather, great- fm. sng. and plr. bisognosa, bisognose. - 1) - needly, poor
grandmother. See also the terms "bcé, bisnòno, bisnòna". (adj.). - 2) - needly person. - See also the term "bzognos".
bisbética - n. f. (pr. \ bizb'etic& \ ) At plr. bisbétiche. - shrew. bisoit - adj. (pr. \ biz'uit \ ) Ms. plr. bisoit - fm. sng. and plr.
bisoita, bisoite. - very greasy. See also the term "bësoit ".

bi-solfà - n. m. (pr. \ bisulf'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - bisulphate bituminos - adj. (pr. \ bit[ue]min'uz \ ) Ms. plr. bituminos -
(chemistry). fm. sng. and plr. bituminosa, bituminose. - bituminous.
bi-solfìt - n. m. (pr. \ bisulf'it \ ) Inv. at plr. - bisulphite bium - n. m. (pr. \ bi'[ue]m \ ) Inv. at plr. - triturated hay,
(chemistry). grinded straw.
bi-solfur - n. m. (pr. \ bisulf'[ue]r \ ) Inv. at plr. - bisulphide biunìvoch - adj. (pr. \ bi[ue]n'ivuc \ ) Inv. at plr. - Ms. plr.
(chemistry). biunìvoch - fm. sng. and plr. biunìvoca, biunìvoche. -
bisont - n. m. (pr. \ biz'unt \ ) Inv. at plr. - bison (zoology - biunique (mathematics).
Bison). biunivossità - n. f. (pr. \ bi[ue]nivusit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
bisotarìa - n. f. (pr. \ bizut&r'i& \ ) At plr. bisotarìe. - cheap biuniqueness (mathematics).
jewelry, trinkets. See also the terms "bigiotarìa, bivach - n. m. (pr. \ biv'&c \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - bivouac, camp.
bigioterìa". - 2) - bivouacking, camping out.
bisotié - n. (pr. \ bizuti'e \ ) Ms. plr. bisotié - fm. sng. and plr. bivaché - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ biv&k'e \ ) - to bivouac, to
bisotiéra, bisotiére. - dealer in trinkets. camp. Note that the english expression "to sleep in the
bisò - n. m. (pr. \ biz'o \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - wedge. - 2) - key, open air" has a piedm. correspondent in "deurme a la
locking bar (mechanics). seren-a", where the term "seren-a" means "the dew of the
bisòch - adj. and n. (pr. \ biz'oc \ ) Ms. plr. bisòch - fm. sng. night ". It uses the aux. "avèj ".
and plr. bisòca, bisòche. - 1) - bigoted (ajd.). - 2) - bigot, bivalensa - n. f. (pr. \ biv&l'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. (if any)
pious humbug (sbst.). - 3) - hypocritical (ad.). - 4) - bivalense. - bivalence (chemistry).
hypocrite (sbst.). bivalent - adj. (pr. \ biv&l'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. bivalent - fm. sng.
bisògn - n. m. (pr. \ biz'o[gn] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - need. - 2) - and plr. bivalenta, bivalente. - 1) - bivalent. - 2) -
necessity. - 3) - poverty. See also the terms "bësògn, bivalent, divalent, dyadic (chemistry).
bzògn". bivi - n. m. (pr. \ b'ivi \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - fork. - 2) -
bisògna - n. f. (pr. \ biz'o[gn]& \ ) At plr. (if any) bisògne. - crossroads, moment of decision (in a fig. sense).
business, work, necessity. See also the term "bzògna". blaga - n. f. (pr. \ bl'&g& \ ) At plr. (if any) blaghe. - 1) -
This term is not very used in current Piedm. ostentation, vainglory, arrogance. See also the term
biss - n. m. (pr. \ bis \ ) Inv. at plr. - fine linen. "sagna". - 2) - tobacco pouch.
bissa - n. f. (pr. \ b'is& \ ) At plr. bisse. - nonpoisonous snake blagada - n. f. (pr. \ bl&g'&d& \ ) At plr. blagade. -
(zoology) ostentation, showing off (the action of...)
bissa copera - n. f. (pr. \ b'is& cup'er& \ ) - See bissacopera. blaghé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ bl&g'e \ ) - 1) - to parade, to
bissaca - n. f. (pr. \ bis'&c& \ ) - See bisaca. show off. - 2) - to be proud. - 3) - to boast. It uses the aux.
bissacopera - (pr. \ bis&cup'er& \ ) At plr. bissecopere. - 1) - "avèj". Often the vrb is substituted by the vrbl. loc. "désse
tortoise. - 2) - turtle (zoology). Also in the spelling "bissa 'd blaga, désse 'd sagna" with a lit. meaning of "to give
copera". oneself some ostentation".
bissé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ bis'e \ ) - to encore (theatre). blagheur - n. (pr. \ bl&g'[oe]r \ ) Ms. plr. blagheur - fm. sng.
bissochet - n. m. (pr. \ bisuk'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - chimney-pot. - and plr. blagheura, blagheure. - vain person, boaster,
See also the term "fumareul". braggart. Note that the fm. is not "blagheusa", as for the
bista - n. f. (pr. \ b'ist& \ ) At plr. biste. - lock (of hair). rule, but "blagheura". Alterations of this term in pejorative
bistàbil - 1) - adj. (pr. \ bist'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. bistàbij - fm. sng. sense are "blagron, blagheuron, blagheurass".
and plr. bistàbil, bistabij. - bistable. blagheurass - n. (pr. \ bl&g[oe]r'&s \ ) - See blagheur.
bistàbil - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ bist'&bil \ ) At plr. bistabij. - blagheuron - n. (pr. \ bl&g[oe]r'u[ng] \ ) - See blagheur.
bistable, flip-flop. blagron - n. (pr. \ bl&gr'u[ng] \ ) - See blagheur.
bistabilità - n. f. (pr. \ bist&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - bistability. blàiso - adj. (pr. \ bl'&izu \ ) Ms. plr. blàiso - fm. sng. and plr.
bistech - n.m. (pr. \ bist'æc \ ) Inv. at plr. - beefsteak, steak. - blàisa, blàise. - 1) - careless, negligent, careless in one's
See also the terms "bifstech, bistëcca". dress. - 2) - ungirt. - 3) - seedy.
bistëcca - n. f. (pr. \ bist'&cc& \ ) - See bistech. blambech - adj. and n. (pr. \ bl&mb'æc \ ) Ms. plr. blambech -
bistëcchera - n. f. (pr. \ bist&kki'er& \ ) - At plr. bistëcchiere - fm. sng. and plr. blambëcca, blambëcche. - lad, boy
grill. The term is not very used and is derived from italian. (girl) (jocular) - The term is used mainly at ms.
Indeed the steaks, in Piedm. were (and are) not grilled but blamblan - adj. (pr. \ bl&mbl'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. blamblan -
slightly fried with butter (at least this is what was done in fm. sng. and plr. blamblan-a, blamblan-e. - idler, loafer,
my family). lounger. See also the term "blimblan".
bistòrcc - n. m. (pr. \ bist'or[ch] \ ) Inv. at plr. - watercress blambliné - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ bl&mblin'e \ ) - See
(botany - Nasturtium officinale), garden cress (botany - bambliné.
Lepidium sativum). See also the term "bëstòrcc". blan (ëd bòt an ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ &d b'ot &[ng] bl&[ng] \ )
bistr - n. m. (pr. \ bistr \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any) - 1) - bistre. - 2) - - suddenly, out of the blue.
eye black. blasfém - adj. and n. (pr. \ bl&sf'em \ ) Ms. plr. blasfém - fm.
bistraté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ bistr&t'e \ ) - to maltreat, to ill- sng. and plr. blasfema, blasfeme. - 1) - blasphemous
treat. See also the term "bëstraté ". (adj.). - 2) - blasphemer, swearer (sbst.).
bisturin - n. m. (pr. \ bist[ue]r'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - bistoury, blason - n. m. (pr. \ bl&z'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - coat of arms,
scalpel (medical). blazon.
bit - n. m. (pr. \ bit \ ) Inv. at plr. - bit (unity of information). blasonista - n. (pr. \ bl&zun'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. blasonista - fm.
bitum - n. m. (pr. \ bit'[ue]m \ ) Inv. at plr. - bitumen. sng. and plr. blasonista, blasoniste. - heraldist.
bitumadura - n. f. (pr. \ bit[ue]m&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. blasonà - adj. and n. (pr. \ bl&zun'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1)
bitumadure. - bituminization. - titled, of noble birth (adj.) - 2) - noble, member of the
bitumé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ bit[ue]m'e \ ) - 1) - to nobility (sbst.).
bituminize, to tar. - 2) - to caulk. blateré - vrb 1st con. int. and trs. (pr. \ bl&ter'e \ ) - to chatter,
bitumeus - n. f. (pr. \ bit[ue]m'[oe]z \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - to blather, to blether. Quite an italianism, see also the
cement mixer. In this meaning see also the term most piedm. terms "ciaramlé, sparlassé ". The verb is
"betoniera". - 2) - bitumen sprinkler. sometimes used as trs. In any case it uses the aux. "avèj ".

blateron - n. and adj. (pr. \ bl&ter'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. blateron - blufador - n. (pr. \ bl[ue]f&d'ur \ ) Ms. plr. blufador - fm. sng.
fm. sng. and plr. blateron-a, blateron-e. - chatterbox, and plr. blufadora, blufadore. - bluffer.
blatherskite. Quite an italianism, see also the most piedm. blufé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ bl[ue]f'e \ ) - to bluff. It uses the
term "ciaciaron ". aux. "avèj ".
blefarite - n. f. (pr. \ blef&r'ite \ ) Inv. at plr. - blepharitis blugins - n. m. plr. (pr. \ bl[ue]j'i[ng]s \ ) Only plr. - blue-jeans
(medical). (trousers).
blenda - n. f. (pr. \ bl'ænd& \ ) At plr. (if any) blende. - blende bnà - n. f. (pr. \ bn'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - stupidity, foolish action.
(mineralogy). See also the term "folairà ".
blenoragìa - n. f. (pr. \ blenuraj'i& \ ) At plr. (when applicable) bnal - n. m. (pr. \ bn'&l \ ) At plr. bnaj. - large hut of straw,
- blenoragìe. - blennorrhoea (medical). See also the most hide. See also the term "bënnal ".
popular term "scol ". bnastre - n. f. plr. (pr. \ bn'&stre \ ) - See banastre.
blet - n. m. (pr. \ blæt \ ) Inv. at plr. - cosmetic, make-up, boà - n. f. (pr. \ bu'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - drink, drinking bout. See
rouge. also the terms "buà, beivùa, beivada, beivà".
bleu - 1) - adj. (pr. \ bl[oe] \ ) Ms. plr. bleu - fm. sng. and plr. boarìa - n. f. (pr. \ bu&r'i& \ ) At plr. boarìe. - coarseness,
bleuva, bleuve. - blue. grossness, roughness.
bleu - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ bl[oe] \ ) Inv. at plr. - blue (the colour). boarin-a - n. f. (pr. \ bu&r'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. boarin-e. - yellow
An idiomatic popular piedm. expression is "dé 'l bleu (a wagtail (zoology - Motacilla flava).
quaidun)" lit. "to give the blue (to sb.), to paint in blue bobinador - n. (pr. \ bubin&d'ur \ ) Ms. plr. bobinador - fm.
(sb.)" with value of "to abandon (sb.)". sng. and plr. bobinadòira, bobinadòire. - winder (texile).
bleuf - n. m. (pr. \ bl[oe]f \ ) Inv. at plr. - bluff. See also the bobinatriss - n. f. (pr. \ bubin&tr'is \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
most common term "bluf ". winding machine, coil winder. - 2) - winding frame
bleuvastr - adj. (pr. \ bl[oe]v'&str \ ) - See bluastr. (texile).
bleuvëtta - n. f. . (pr. \ bl[oe]v'&tt& \ ) - See bluet. bobiné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ bubin'e \ ) - to wind (texile,
blëssa - n. f. (pr. \ bl'&ss& \ ) - At plr. blësse. beauty, electricity, etc.)
loveliness. An ironical expression is "mostré le blësse " bobin-a - n. f. (pr. \ bub'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. bobin-e. - 1) - spool,
lit. "to show the beauties" with value of "to speak about reel (film). - 2) - coil (car, electricity). - 3) - bobbin.
defects, bad habits and so on". bobó - n. m. (pr. \ bub'u \ ) Inv. at plr. - pain, ache (infantile
blimblan - adj. (pr. \ blimbl'&[ng] \ ) - See blamblan. voice, used sometimes in an ironic way).
blimblané - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ blimbl&n'e \ ) - See boca - n. f. (pr. \ b'uc& \ ) At plr. boche. - 1) - mouth. - 2) -
bambliné. lips (often the piedm. tefers to mouth when english refers
blindà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ blind'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - to lips). We report some of the many piedm. loc. using this
armoured, armour-clad. See also the term "corassà ". term : A) - "ten-e la boca sarà" "to hold the mouth
blindadura - n. f. (pr. \ blind&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. blindadure. closed" "to hold one's tongue". - B) - "la boca dël giassé
- 1) - armour plating (military). - 2) - metal edging, " "the shout of the glacier". - C) - "boca dl'àutforn "
sheeting (mechanics). See also the terms "blindagi, "throat of the blast furnace". - D) - "boca dël forn"
corassa". "strokehole" - E) - "boca dlë stòmi" "pit of the stomach ".
blindagi - n. m. (pr. \ blind'&ji \ ) - See blindadura. - F) - "boca da incendi " "fire hydrant". - G) - "boca da
blindé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ blind'e \ ) - to armour. - See also feu" "gun". - H) - "andé an boca al luv" lit. "to go into
the tertm "corassé". the mouth of the wolf " "to put oneself in the hands of
blitri - n. m. (pr. \ bl'itri \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - trifle, one's enemy". - I) - "avèj la boca sota 'l nas" lit. "to have
bagatelle, mere nothing.
the mouth under the nose" "to have a mouth to feed, to
blocagi - n. m. (pr. \ bluc'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - blocking.
have some necessities (as everyone)". - L) - "pijé na
blocasters - n. m. (pr. \ bluc&st'ærs \ ) Inv. at plr. - steering
lock. meisin-a për boca" "to take a medicine orally". Etc.
bloché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ bluk'e \ ) - 1) - to block, to bocà - n. f. (pr. \ buc'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - mouthful. - 2) -
block up. - 2) - to stop. - 3) - to jam, to stall, to lock. See breath (e. g. "pijé na bocà d'ària" "to have a breath of
also the term"fërmé ". air".
blochésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ bluk'ese \ ) - to jam, to stall bocafin-a - n. (pr. \ buc&f'i[ng]& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
(the form is refl. and the meaning is int.). gourmet.
blochet - n. m. (pr. \ bluk'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - little block bocal - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ buc'&l \ ) At plr. bocaj. - 1) - jug, pot.
(diminutive of "blòch "). - 2) - pad, note-pad, notebook. - See also the term "doja"- 2) - jugful, potful. - 3) - old
3) - swatch (e. g. referred to bustichets. - 4) - cobble, piedm. measure of capacity equivalent to 0,88 litres.
paving-stone. bocal - 2) - adj. (pr. \ buc'&l \ ) Ms. plr. bocaj - fm. sng. and
blongios - n. m. (pr. \ blunji'uz \ ) Inv. at plr. - a kind of heron, plr. bocal, bocaj. - buccal, oral (anatomy). This term is
bittern (zoology). not very used. The loc. "dla boca" "of the mouth" is
blos - n. f. (pr. \ blunji'uz \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - blouse. - 2) - preferred.
smock. See also the terms "giacòt, giubòt ". bocalé - 1) - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ buc&l'e \ ) - to tipple, to
blòch - n. m. (pr. \ bl'oc \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - block, bulk. - 2) - bouse, to booze.
pad (paper). - 3) - coalition, bloc (politics). - 4) - blockage bocalé - 2) - n. (pr. \ buc&l'e \ ) Ms. plr. bocalé - fm. sng. and
- 5) - control, blockade, freeze (e.g. prices, wages). plr. bocalera, bocalere.- toper, tippler, bouser, boozer.
bluastr - adj. (pr. \ bl[ue]'&str \ ) Ms. plr. bluastr - fm. sng. See also the terms "bocalèire, bocalié".
and plr. bluastra, bluastre. - bluish. See also the term bocalèire - n. (pr. \ buc&l'æire \ ) - See bocalé.
"bleuvastr". bocalié - n. (pr. \ buc&li'e \ ) - See bocalé.
bluet - n. m. (pr. \ bl[ue]'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - corn-flower, bocapòrt - n. m. (pr. \ buc&p'ort \ ) Inv. at plr. - hatch,
bluebottle (botany - Centaurea cyanus).. See also the hatchway.
terms "bluëtta, bleuvëtta". bocassa - n. f. (pr. \ buc'&s& \ ) At plr. bocasse. - 1) - ugly
bluëtta - n. f. (pr. \ bl[ue]'&tt& \ ) - See bulet. mouth (pejorative of "boca"). - 2) - grimace. - 3) - nasty
bluf - (pr. \ bl[ue]f \ ) Inv. at plr. - bluff. See also the term taste in one's mouth. - 4) - slanderer (in a fig. sense). - 5)
"bleuf ". - foul-mouthed person (in a fig. sense). - The english

expression "to pull faces" can be translated into "fé la - "gavésse 'l bocon da 'n boca" "to take the food from
bocassa", even if better expressions are "fé le svergne, fé le one's mouth, to make big sacrifices". - 2) - bait, poisonous
schergne". bait. In this meaning the expression "dé 'l bocon" can mean
bocc - n. m. (pr. \ bu[ch] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - hoard, heap, "to poison (an animal)" or also "to bribe (sb.)"
bundle, pack. - 2) - swarm, flock. boconié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ bucuni'e \ ) - 1) - to nibble, to
bocé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ bu[ch]'e \ ) - 1) - to reject, nibble at. - 2) - to split up.
to turn down. (trs.). - 2) - to fail (exams, school). (trs.). - bocsé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ buks'e \ ) - to box. It uses the aux.
3) - to hit, to strike out. (trs.). - 4) - to collide, to crash. "avèj ".
(trs. and int.). It uses anyway the aux. "avèj ". bocseur - n. m. (pr. \ buks'[oe] r\ ) Inv. at plr. - boxer, pugilist.
bocëtta - n. f. (pr. \ bu[ch]'&tt& \ ) At plr. bocëtte. - 1) - little bodé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ bud'e \ ) - to pout, to sulk. It uses
bottle. - 2) - little bowl. the aux. "avèj ". Vrbl. loc, like "fé 'l muso " or "fé 'l trogno"
boch - n. m. (pr. \ buc \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - he-goat, billy goat. - (lit. both mean "to make a long face") are more used.
2) - cuckold (in a fig. sense). bodèire - n. (pr. \ bud'æire \ ) Ms. plr. bodèire - fm. sng. and
bochegé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ bukej'e \ ) - to gasp. See also plr. bodèira, bodèire.- sulker, sulry person.
the term "bochié ". bodin - n. m. (pr. \ bud'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - black
bochera - n. f. (pr. \ buk'er& \ ) At plr. bochere. - pudding, blood-pudding, blood-sausage. - 2) -
inflammation of lips in a corner of the mouth. simpleton, greenhorn, gull. (in a fig. sense).
bochet - n. m. (pr. \ buk'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - bunch (usually bodo - n. m. (pr. \ b'udu \ ) Inv. at plr. - long face, sulks. See
referred to flowers). - 2) - small opening, mouthpiece. - 3) also the term "trogno".
- nozzle. - 4) - mouth, opening, mouth of a channel. bodoar - n. m. (pr. \ budu'&r \ ) Inv. at plr. - boudoir,
bochetin - n. m. (pr. \ buket'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - little bunch. dressing-room for ladies.
bochëttin - n. m. (pr. \ buk&tt'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - rock-goat, bodra - n. f. (pr. \ b'udr& \ ) At plr. bodre. - mixing, shuffle,
stein bock, ibex (zoology - Capra ibex). shuffling, blending, minglement.
bochié - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ buki'e \ ) - See bochegé. bodré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ budr'e \ ) - to mix, to blend, to
bochin - n. m. (pr. \ buk'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - cigarette shuffle, to mingle.
holder. - 2) - mouthpiece (musical instruments). - 3) - bodrié - n. m. (pr. \ budri'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - baldric, bauldric.
pipe mouthpiece. - 4) - little mouth. (diminutive of bodrigà - n. f. (pr. \ budrig'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - mixture. - 2)
"boca" - saee also the term "bochin-a"). - medley. - 3) - miscellany. See also the term "bodrignà".
bochin-a - n. f. (pr. \ buk'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. bochin-e. - little bodrighé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ budrig'e \ ) - to mix pell-mell,
mouth. to disorder.
bocià - n. f. (pr. \ bu[ch]i'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - hit (sport - bodrignà - n. f. (pr. \ budri[gn]'& \ ) - See bodrigà.
bowls). - 2) - crash (cars). See also the term "bociada". bodrigné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ budri[gn]'e \ ) - See bodrighé.
bociada - n. f. (pr. \ bu[ch]i'&d& \ ) - See bocià. bodrura - n. f. (pr. \ budr'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. bodrure. - 1) -
bociador - n. m. (pr. \ bu[ch]i&d'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - the player mixture, blend. - 2) - "petroil".
in bowls game skilled in hitting bowls. boé - n. (pr. \ bu'e \ ) Ms. plr. boé - fm. sng. and plr. boera,
bociadura - n. f. (pr. \ bu[ch]i&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. bociadure. boere. - cattleman (cattlewoman), cowherd. See also the
- 1) - failing, failure. - 2) - rejection. terms "bové, bociné, bërgé, s-ciavandari, s-ciavandé".
bociard - n. m. (pr. \ bu[ch]i'&rd \ ) Inv. at plr. - redstart, boera - n. f. (pr. \ bu'er& \ ) Only sng. - Venus (planet). Also
redtail (zoology - Phoenicurus phoenicurus). called "stèila boera".
bociardé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ bu[ch]i&rd'e \ ) - 1) - to soil boèt - n. m. (pr. \ bu'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - can, tin, little box for
(lit. meaning) - 2) - to spray with plaster (masonry). - See collecting offerings. See also the terms "boeta, boetin".
also the term "ambociardé ". boeta - n. f. (pr. \ bu'et& \ ) At plr. boete. - 1) - can, tin, little
bocin - n. m. (pr. \ bu[ch]'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - little calf. box for collecting offerings. - 2) - tobacco pouch, little
See also the terms "vailet, vailëttin". - 2) - veal (cookery). container for gun power (hunting). - See also the terms
In this sense the term "vitél " is more used. - 3) - jack, kitty "boèt, boetin ".
(bowls game). boetin - n. m. (pr. \ buet'i[ng] \ ) - See boét.
bocion - n. m. (pr. \ bu[ch]i'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - sign- bof - (pr. \ buf \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - blow, blowing, breath,
board of a tavern. - 2) - floor-cloth, dust-cloth, duster, puff, gust. - 2) - enlargement of sleeves. See also the most
etc. used term "buf ".
bocioné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ bu[ch]iun'e \ ) - to wipe, to bofa - n. f. (pr. \ b'uf& \ ) At plr. bofe. - 1) - gust of wind,
clean with a floor-cloth. flurry (stronger than a "bof ") - 2) - blow. See also the
bociòfil - n. and adj. (pr. \ bu[ch]i'ofil \ ) Ms. plr. bociòfij - fm. most used term "bufà ", and the terms "bofada, bufada".
sng. and plr. bociòfila, bociòfile.- 1) - bowling fan (sbst.). bofada - (pr. \ buf'&d& \ ) - See bofa.
- 2) - bowling (adj. as an attribute). bofé - vrb 1st (pr. \ buf'e \ ) - 1) - to blow. - 2) - to
bociòfila - n. f. (pr. \ bu[ch]i'ofil& \ ) At plr. bociòfile. - pant. - 3) - to puff. See also the most used term "bufé ". It
bowling club. uses the aux. "avèj ".
bocla - n. f. (pr. \ b'ucl& \ ) At plr. bocle. - 1) - buckle. - 2) - bogé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ buj'e \ ) - 1) - to move, to shift, to
bush, bushing. - 3) - axle box. See also the term "bòcola". displace. - 2) - to hurry up. Used usually at the imperative
boclé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ bucl'e \ ) - 1) - to buckle. - 2) - to as an order or an urgent invitation. On this purpose we
adorn with bushes, to put bushes. See also the terms recall the attention on a particularity (see Observations on
"bocolé, amboclé " verbs) : at the imperative, when associate to the prs. prn.
boclin - n. m. (pr. \ bucl'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - ferrule of a "...te" the letter "g" becomes "j" : "move yourself!, hurry
buckle. See also the term "bocolin, bogiarin 2)". up!" = "bojte! ".
boclura - n. f. (pr. \ bucl' [ue]r& \ ) At plr. boclure. - buckling. boghé - n. m. (pr. \ bug'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - high-class two wheels
bocolé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ bucul'e \ ) - See boclé. carriage.
bocolin - n. m. (pr. \ bucul'i[ng] \ ) - See boclin bógher - adj. and n. (pr. \ b'uger \ ) Ms. plr. bógher - fm. sng.
bocon - n. m. (pr. \ buc'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - mouthful, and plr. bógra, bógre. - scoundrel, rogue.
morsel, bite. In this meaning we give two idiomatic
sentences : - A) - "mangé 'n bocon" "to have a bite" - B)

bogiarin - 1) - adj. (pr. \ buji&r'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. bogiarin - fm. bolà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ bul'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) -
sng. and plr. bogiarin-a, bogiarin-e. - 1) - lively, stamped, sealed. - 2) - bruised, dented. - 3) - marked
springhtly, brisk. - 2) - restless. (usually in a fig. sense). In this latter meaning see also the
bogiarin - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ buji&r'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - term "marcà".
ferrule of a buckle. - 2) - lively child. In this meaning see bolador - n. m. (pr. \ bul&d'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - sealer, stamper
also the term "bogiatin". (both the person and the machine).
bogiaté - vrb 1st con. int. and trs. (pr. \ buji&t'e \ ) - to move boladura - n. f. (pr. \ bul&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. boladure. - 1) -
(oneself) slowly, to start moving a bit. If trs. it uses the stamping, sealing. - 2) - bruise, dent. See also, for this
aux. "avèj", if int. it uses the aux. "esse". See also the term meaning, the term "bol " (third and fourth meanings).
"bogiatésse". bolangé - n. (pr. \ bul&nj'e \ ) Ms. plr. bolangé - fm. sng. and
bogiatésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ buji&t'ese \ ) - to move plr. bolangera, bolangere. - baker. See also the term
(oneself) slowly. It has the same meaning of the vrb int. "panaté ", and the term "forné " indicating only who makes
"bogiaté ". bread.
bogiatin - n. m. (pr. \ buji&t'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - grub. - bolangerìa - n. f. pr. \ bul&nger'i& \ ) At plr. bolangerìe. -
2) - lively child (in a fig. sense). In this meaning see also baker's, bakers' shop. See also the term "panatarìa".
the terms "bogiarin, birichin". bolaversé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ bul&væsr'e \ ) - See bolversé.
bogiòt - n. m. (pr. \ buji'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - small pocket in boldòch - n. m. (pr. \ buld'oc \ ) Inv. at plr. - bulldog (dog).
waistcoat or jacket. - See also the terms "borgiachin, boldòdzer - n. m. (pr. \ buld'odzær \ ) - See boldòzer.
sacocin ". boldrò - n. m. (pr. \ buldr'o \ ) Inv. at plr. - list, note,
bognon - n. m. (pr. \ bu[gn]'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - furuncle, bordereau. See also the term "borderò ".
boil. See also the terms "bubon, bugnon". boldron - n. m. (pr. \ buldr'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - dressed
boicotador - n. (pr. \ buicut&d'ur \ ) Ms. plr. boicotador - fm. sheep hide with all the wool (oftrn used as a carpet). - 2) -
sng. and plr. boicotadora, boicotadore. - boycotter. coarse blanket.
boicotagi - n. m. (pr. \ buicut'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - boycott, bolè - n. m. (pr. \ bul'æ \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - mushroom. - 2) -
boycotting. fungus (botany and medicine). - 3) - knuckle, fetlock
boicoté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ buicut'e \ ) - to boycott. (horse).
boin - adj. and n. (pr. \ bu'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. boin - fm. sng. and bolé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ bul'e \ ) - 1) - to stamp, to seal. - 2)
plr. boin-a, boin-e. - bovine, cattle. See also the term - to brand (in a fig. sense). - 3) - to mark. - 4) - to bruise,
"bovin". to dent.
boin-a - n. f. (pr. \ bu'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. boin-e. - sighting bolejé - n. (pr. \ bulæy'e \ ) Ms. plr. bolejé - fm. sng. and plr.
stake. See also the terms "bòina, palin-a". bolejera, bolejere. - mushroom's collector.
boiro - n. m. (pr. \ b'uiru \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - dirtying, soiling. - bolengh - n. m. (pr. \ bul'æ[ng]g \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - little
2) - daub. See also the term "boiron". lagoon. - 2) - stagnant water, puddle. See also the term
boiron - n. m. (pr. \ buir'u[ng] \ ) - See boiro. "bola ".
boiror - n. (pr. \ buir'ur \ ) Ms. plr. boiror - fm. sng. and plr. boleta - n. f. (pr. \ bul'et& \ ) At plr.(if any) bolete. - lack of
boirora, boirore. - 1) - soiler. - 2) - dauber, daubster. money. Used in the expression "esse an boleta", which has
boj (d'avìje) - n. m. (pr. \ buy d &v'iye \ ) Inv. ar t plr. - hive. the correspondent english expression "to be on the rocks, to
See also the loc. "buss d'avìje". be broke". Be careful not to confuse this term with the term
boja - n. f. (pr. \ b'uy& \ ) At plr. boje. - tub, vat. See also the "bolëtta", having another meaning.
terms "sëbber, sëbròt ". boletari . n. m. (pr. \ bulet'&ri \ ) Inv. at plr. - receipt book,
bojabess - n. f. (pr. \ buy&b'æs \ ) Inv. at plr. - fish soup. counterfoil book.
bojaca - n. f. (pr. \ buy'&c& \ ) At plr. bojache. - poor boletin - n. m. (pr. \ bulet'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - bulletin.
vegetable soup, soup not well done. (for communications) - 2) - gazette (news-reel). - 3) - list. -
bojada - n. f. (pr. \ buy'&d& \ ) At plr. bojade. - 1) - bad job, 4) - report. - 5) - form for payments. See also the term
botch. - 2) - nasty trick. "bolëttin ".
bojar - n. m. (pr. \ buy'&r \ ) Inv. at plr. - rich man. bolëtta - n. f. (pr. \ bul'&tt& \ ) At plr. bolëtte. - bill, note.
boje - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ b'uye \ ) - to boil. See also the term bolëttin - n. m. (pr. \ bul&tt'i[ng] \ ) - See boletin.
"beuje ". The expression "lassé boje" = lit. "to let it boil " bolëtton - n. m. (pr. \ bul&tt'u[ng] \ ) - See bolton.
has the idiomatic meaning of "not to worry about it , to bolicam - n. m. (pr. \ bulic'&m \ ) Inv. at plr. - swarming,
leave things to go ". swarm.
bojeul - n. m. (pr. \ buy'[oe]l \ ) At plr. bojeuj. - bucket for bolich - n. m. (pr. \ bul'ic \ ) Inv. at plr. - caterpillar, grub,
masons. (little) worm.
bojosa - n. f. (pr. \ buy'uz& \ ) At plr. bojose. - prison. Slang boliché - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ bulik'e \ ) - 1) - to swarm, to
term. See also the term "përzon ". teem. - 2) - to teem (in a fig. sense). It uses the aux. "avèj
bojòt - n. m. (pr. \ buy'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - bag or container ". Sere also the term "buliché ".
for hot water. In this meaning see also the term "bola" bolin - n. m. (pr. \ bul'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - trading stamp.
first meaning. - 2) - assistant of the executioner. - 3) - - 2) - coupon. - 3) - jack (bowls game). In this meaning see
bad surgeon (in a fig. sense). also the terms "balin, bòcc".
bol - n. m. (pr. \ bul \ ) At plr. boj. - 1) - stamp. - 2) - seal. - 3) bologné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ bulu[gn]'e \ ) - 1) - to bruise, to
- bruise. - 4) - dent. The two latter meanings are in a fig. dent. In this meaning see also the term "bolé ". - 2) - to
sense, very used. strike, to beat.
bol - n. f. (pr. \ bul \ ) At plr. boj. - rubber bag for hot water. bolognura - n. f. (pr. \ bulu[gn]'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. - bolognure.
See also the term "bola", first meaning. - 1) - bruise, bruising, dent, denting. - 2) - stroke, blow,
bola - n. f. (pr. \ b'ul& \ ) At plr. bole. - 1) - rubber bag for beating.
hot water. - 2) - bull, bill, note. In this meaning see also bolon - n. m. (pr. \ bul'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - bolt, screw bolt
the term "bolëtta". - 3) - brich (botany - Betula). In this (mechanics).
meaning see also the term "biola". - 4) - lagoon, stagnant boloné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ bulun'e \ ) - to push, to bump
water (more or less large surfaces). In this meaning see into, to shove. See also the term "boroné ".
also the term "bolengh". - 5) - air bubble (building).

bolsévich - adj. and n. (pr. \ buls'evic \ ) Ms. plr. bolsévich - bombon - n. m. (pr. \ bumb'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - sweet. -
fm. sng. and plr. bolsévica, bolséviche. - Bolshevik, 2) - sugared almond. - 3) - pill (medical). - 4) - woman or
Bolshevist. child smartly-dressed and graceful. In this fig. sense see
bolsevisassion - n. f. (pr. \ bulseviz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - also the term "bombonin".
bolshevization (politics). bombonera - n. f. (pr. \ bumbun'er& \ ) At plr. bombonere. -
bolsevisé - vrb 1st con. trs. - (pr. \ bulseviz'e \ ) - to bolshevize fancy sweet-box, bombonnière.
(politics). bombonin - n. m. (pr. \ bumbun'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - little
bolsevism - n. m. (pr. \ bulsev'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - Bolshevism. sweet (usually of sugar), lit. meaning. - 2) - a type of pasta
bolson - n. m. (pr. \ buls'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - rod of the with little size. - 3) - woman or child smartly-dressed
bolt. - 2) - tool for killing animals for slaughter. and graceful. See also the term "bombon".
boltin - n. m. (pr. \ bult'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - poultice, bombù - adj. (pr. \ bumb'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. bombù - fm. sng. and
cataplasm. See also the terms "papin, ampiastr" plr. bombùa, bombùe. - convex. - See also the terms
bolton - n. m. (pr. \ bult'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - diploma, title "convéss, angombà, gombà ".
establishing a right (history). See also the term "bolëtton". bompat - adj. (pr. \ bump'&t \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - cheap,
bolversament - n. m. (pr. \ bulværs&m’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - not expensive. See also the loc. "bon pat, a bon pat ".
troubling, upsetting, derangement, throwing into bon - 1) - adj. and. n. (pr. \ bu[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. bon - fm. sng.
disorder. See also the term “scombussolament”. and plr. bon-a, bon-e. - 1) - good (adj.). - 2) -
bolversé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ bulværs'e \ ) - 1) - to upset, to wholesome(adj.). - 3) - strong(adj.). - 4) - tasty(adj.). -
derange, to perturb. - 2) - to ruin, to destroy. - See also 5) - good (to), fit (to) (adj.). - 6) - good man (woman),
the term in the spelling "bolaversé, bolvërsé, sbolversé, good people (sbst.). A number of idiomatic expressions
scombussolé ". makes use of this word. In some of these expression the
bolvërsé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ bulv&rs'e \ ) - See bolversé. word "bon" can lit. act as adj. or sbst., while the expression
bom - n. m. (pr. \ bum \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - 1) - period of itself can e. g. to be an adv. loc. We list them in the
large economical development. Coming from the english following. Here we report some more complex idiomatic
"boom" as "quick espansion".- 2) - the noise of a blast. expressions, in which "bon" is an adj.: - A) - "bon për la
bomba - n. f. (pr. \ b'umb& \ ) At plr. bombe. - bomb. The use toss" lit. "good for the cough", beyond the lit. meaning,
is similar to the english one, with some exceptions : "hand also means "not useful (referred to things), not a good
grenade" "bomba a man" "torné a bomba" "to get person, not reliable (referred to person)". - B) - "esse 'd
back to the point". bon-a borsa" lit."to be of good wallet" "to be rich". -
bombà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ bumb'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) C) - "esse 'd boca bon-a" lit. "to be of good mouth " "to
- convex. - 2) - curved, bent, arched (usually referred to be easy to be satisfied ". - D) - "esse bon ëd boca" lit. "to
surfaces). be good of mouth " "to easily promise what will not be
bombadura - n. f. (pr. \ bumb&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. fulfilled ". See also below locutions with the term "bon-a".
bombadure. - 1) - convexity. - 2) - curvature, bending. bon - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ bu[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - 1) - (the)
See also the term "curvadura". good, goodness (absract). - 2) - bond, bill, note, order,
bombagi - n. m. (pr. \ bumb'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - swelling. warrant. (commercial). - 3) - coupon, voucher. We still
bombansa - n. f. (pr. \ bumb'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr. (when report an idiomatic loc. using this sbst. (in Piedm.) : "savèj
applicable) bombanse. - 1) - vainty, ostentation. - 2) - ëd bon " " to smell good".
hauteur, haughtiness. See also the term "burbansa, bon a nén - adj. loc. (pr. \ bu[ng] & næ[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. bon a
spatuss". nèn - fm. sng. and plr. bon-a a nèn, bon-e a nèn. - good-
bombarda - n. f. (pr. \ bumb'&rd& \ ) At plr. bombarde. - 1) - for-nothing, wimpy.
bombard (military). - 2) - two-master sailing ship (navy). bon a tut - adj. loc. and sbst. loc. (pr. \ bu[ng] & t[ue]t \ ) Ms.
- 3) - bombard (music). plr. bon a tut - fm. sng. and plr. bon-a a tut, bon-e a tut. -
bombardament - n. m. (pr. \ bumb&rd&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - general, factotum.
bombing, bombardment. bon (--- cheur) - sbst. loc. m. (pr. \ bu[ng] k[oe]r \ ) Inv. at plr.
bombardé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ bumb&rd'e \ ) - to bomb, to - generosity.
bombard, to shell. bon (da ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ d& bu[ng] \ ) - really, indeed.
bombardié - n. m. (pr. \ bumb&rdi'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - bomber bon (esse ---) - vrbl. loc. (pr. \ ese bu[ng] \ ) - to be able, to be
(both the pane and the man assigned to drop bombs). capable, to be skilled (in...). In this loc. the adj. "bon" is
bombardiera - n. f. (pr. \ bumb&rdi'er& \ ) At plr. declinated. (e. g. "chièl a l'é bon a..." = "he is able at...",
bombardiere. - embrasure (military). See also the term "chila a l'é bon-a a..." = "she is able at...").
"canoniera". bon (a --- pat) - adj. loc. (pr. \ & bu[ng] p&t \ ) Inv. in gnd.
bombardin - n. m. (pr. \ bumb&rd'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - and nr. - cheap, not expensive. See also the loc. "bon pat"
baritone saxhorn (music). and the term "bompat ".
bombardon - n. m. (pr. \ bumb&rd'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - bon (--- pat) - adj. loc. (pr. \ bu[ng] p&t \ ) - See bon (a ---
bombardon (music). pat).
bombé - 1) - adj. (pr. \ bumb'e \ ) - See bombà. bon (--- pro!) - excl. (pr. \ bu[ng] pru \ ) - prosit!, to your
bombé - 2) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ bumb'e \ ) - 1) - to curve, to health!, cheers!, be it of advantage to you!. Also in this
bend, to arch. See also the terms "curvé, ancurvé ".- 2) - case there is a pair of idiomatic sentences that we report : -
to make convex. A) - " dé 'l bon pro " "to congratulate (sb. on st.)". - B) -
bombëtta - n. f. (pr. \ bumb'&tt& \ ) At plr. bombëtte. - bowler "avèj ëd bon pro fasa" " to receive reproaches or
(hat). See also the popular term "risòt ". afflictions" (ironic sense, very common in Piedm.).
bombiss - n. m. (pr. \ bumb'is \ ) Inv. at plr. - silkworm bon (--- ton) - n. m. (pr. \ bu[ng] tu[ng] \ ) - See bonton.
(zoology - Bombyx). bonànima - n. f. (pr. \ bun'&nim& \ ) At plr. bonànime. - dear
bombista - n. (pr. \ bumb'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. bombista - fm. sng. departed.
and plr. bombista, bombiste. - story-teller, liar. See also bonari - adj. (pr. \ bun'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. bonari - fm. sng. and
the term "busiard". plr. bonaria, bonarie. - good-natured, affable, kindly,
bómbola - n. f. (pr. \ b'umbul& \ ) At plr. bómbole. - bomb, mild. See also the term "bonass, bonasson".
bottle, cylinder. Usually for gas.

bonarietà - n. f. (pr. \ bun&riet'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - good- bonora - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ bun'r& \ ) This term is a sbst. only in a
naturedness, affability, kindliness. See also the term lit. meaning "good hour" which is not used as such (ir
"bonitudin". would be inv. at plr.), but it is used as an adv. and in adv.
bonass - adj. (pr. \ bun'&s \ ) - See bonari. loc.
bonassa - n. f. (pr. \ bun'&s& \ ) At plr. bonasse. - 1) - dead bonora - 2) - adv. (pr. \ bun'r& \ ) - early. See also the adv.
calm (sea). - 2) - calm, peace (in a fig. sense). loc. "ëd bonora ".
bonasson - adj. (pr. \ bun&s'u[ng] \ ) - See bonari. bonora (a la ---) - adv. loc. and excl. (pr. \ & l& bun'r& \ ) - at
bondansa - n. f. (pr. \ bund'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr. (if any) last!, finally!. See also the loc. "a la boneur".
bondanse. - abundance, plenty. See also the term bonora (ëd ---) - (pr. \ &d bun'r& \ ) - See bonora 2).
"abondansa". bonòm - n. m. (pr. \ bun'om \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - good-natured
bondant - adj. (pr. \ bund'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. bondant - fm. sng. man, easy- going man. - 2) - ingenuous man, simpleton.
and plr. bondanta, bondante. - abundant. See also the - The fm. of this term is "bon-adòna, bon-a dòna" (see the
term "abondant, bondos". terms). There are jocular diminutives : "bonomét,
bondé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ bund'e \ ) - to abund. It uses the bonomass , bonomeri, cristianeri " In this case also the
aux. "avèj". See also the term "abondé". term "bonomass" having the form of a pejorative, has a
bondì - n. m. and excl. (pr. \ bund'i \ ) Inv. in any case. - good meaning of jocular diminutive. See also the terms
morning. "bonvivan, bonvivent ".
bondiòla - n. f. (pr. \ bundi'ol& \ ) At plr. bondiòle. - a kind of bonstasent - n. and adj. (pr. \ bu[ng]st&z'ænt \ ) - See
salt pork. binstasent.
bondos - adj. (pr. \ bund'uz \ ) - See bondant. bonsùa - n. f. (pr. \ bu[ng]s'[ue]& \ ) At plr. bonsùe. - blister,
bonet - n. m. (pr. \ bun'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - type of hat. - 2) - pustule (medical).
traditional piedm. pudding. The "bonet ëd cusin-a" is a bontà - n. f. (pr. \ bunt'& \ ) Inv. at plr. (if applicable). - 1) -
container for making cakes. goodness, kindness. - 2) - good quality, excellence,
boneur - n. m. (pr. \ bun'[oe]r \ ) Inv. at plr. - luck, good luck, virtue, quality. See also the term"bonitudin".
fortune. bontadios - adj. (pr. \ bunt&di'uz \ ) Ms. plr. bontadios - fm.
boneur (a la ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ & l& bun'[oe]r \ ) - See sng. and plr. bontadiosa, bontadiose. - brave,
bonora (a la ---). courageous, valiant, gallant, daring, pulky.
boneur (për ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ p&r bun'[oe]r \ ) - luckily, bontados - adj. (pr. \ bunt&d'uz \ ) - See bontadios.
fortunately. bontemp - n. m. (pr. \ bunt'æmp \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - 1) -
boneurdugior - n. m. (pr. \ bun'[oe]rd[ue]j'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - diversion, cheeriness. - 2) - jolly life, careless life.
little writing-desk for ladies. bontempass - n. (pr. \ buntæmp'&s \ ) Ms. plr. bontempass -
bongust - n. m. (pr. \ bu[ng]g'[ue]st \ ) Inv. at plr. - good taste. fm. sng. and plr. bontempassa, bontempasse. - carefree
bongusté - n. (pr. \ bu[ng]g[ue]st'e \ ) Ms. plr. bongusté - fm. person, jolly person. See also the term "bontempon".
sng. and plr. bongustera, bongustere. - gourmet, bontempon - n. (pr. \ buntæmp'u[ng] \ ) - See bontempass.
connoisseur. See also the best term "gentilboca". bonton - n. m. (pr. \ bunt'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - elegant
bonìfica - n. f. (pr. \ bun'ific& \ ) At plr. bonìfiche. - 1) - land and correct behaviour, elegant dressing. See also the loc.
reclamation, drainage. - 2) - reclaimed land. - 3) - "bon ton".
clearing. - 4) - moral uplift. bonumor - n. m. (pr. \ bun[ue]m'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). -
bonificàbil - adj. (pr. \ bunific'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. bonificàbij - good mood, high spirit. See also the terms "bon-umor,
fm. sng. and plr. bonificàbil, bonificàbij. - reclaimable, bonimor, bon-imor".
clearable. bonuros - adj. and n. (pr. \ bun[ue]r'uz \ ) Ms. plr. bonuros -
bonìfich - n. m. (pr. \ bun'ific \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - allowance, fm. sng. and plr. bonurosa, bonurose. - 1) - lucky,
discount (commerce). - 2) - money transfer, credit fortunate. - 2) - successful. See also the term "fortunà".
transfer (finance). bonvivan - n. m. (pr. \ bu[ng]viv'&[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
bonifiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ bunifik'e \ ) - 1) - to reclaim good-natured man, easy- going man. - 2) - ingenuous
(land). - 2) - to clear (land) - 3) - to allow, to discount man, simpleton. - See also the terms "bonòm, bonvivent,
(commerce) - 4) - to credit (finance, bank). bon-afan".
bonifichésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ bunifik'ese \ ) - 1) - to get bonvivent - n. (pr. \ bu[ng]viv'ænt\ ) Ms. plr. bonvivent - fm.
better, to make improvements. - 2) - to calm oneself. sng. and plr. bonviventa, bonvivente. - 1) - good-natured
bonimor - n. m. (pr. \ bunim'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - good man (woman), easy- going man (woman). - 2) -
mood, high spirit. See also the terms "bon-umor, ingenuous man (woman), simpleton. - See also the terms
bonumor, bon-imor". "bonòm, bon-adòna".
bonìssim - adj. (pr. \ bun'isim \ ) Ms. plr. bonìssim - fm. sng. bon-a (--- dòna) - sbst. loc. fm. (pr. \ b'u[ng]& d'on& \ ) At plr.
and plr. bonìssima, bonìssime. - very good. This is an bon-e dòne. - 1) - good-natured woman, easy- going
absolute superlative of "bon" and it is quite an italianism, woman. - 2) - ingenuous woman. For the ms. see the term
since the piedm. avoids when possibe the forms ending in "bonòm". See also the term "bon-adòna".
"....issim". Better loc. are "pròpi bon, motobin bon, ... and bon-a (féla ---) - vrbl. loc. 1st con. int. (pr. \ f'el& b'u[ng]& \ )
so on." - to take advantage.
bonitùdin - n. f. (pr. \ bunit'[ue]di[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - bon-a (fesla ---) - vrbl. loc. 1st con. refl. (pr. \ f'esl& b'u[ng]& \
goodness, kindness. - 2) - good-naturedness, affability, ) - to give oneself a good time.
kindliness. See also the terms "bontà, bonarietà". bon-a (--- neuit) - excl. (pr. \ b'u[ng]& n'[oe]it \ ) - good night.
bonomass - n. m. (pr. \ bunum'&s \ ) - See bonòm. bon-a (--- sèira) - excl. (pr. \ b'u[ng]& s'æir& \ ) - good
bonoméri - n. m. (pr. \ bunum'eri \ ) - See bonòm. evening.
bonomerìa - n. f. (pr. \ bunumer'i& \ ) - See bonomìa. bon-a (--- surtìa) - sbst. loc. fm. (pr. \ b'u[ng]& s[ue]rt'i& \ )
bonomèt - n. m. (pr. \ bunum'æt \ ) - See bonòm. At plr. bon-e surtìe. - 1) - retirement bonus. - 2) - key
bonomìa - n. f. (pr. \ bunum'i& \ ) At plr. (when applicable) money. - 3) - goodwill money. - 4) - compensation for
bonomìe. - 1) - good nature, good-naturedness. - 2) - loss of office.
credulity. In this sense see also the term "bonomerìa". bon-adòna - n. f. (pr. \ bu[ng]&d'on& \ ) At plr. bon-edòne. -
1) - good-natured woman, easy- going woman. - 2) -

ingenuous woman. For the ms. see the term "bonòm". See bordà - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ burd'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - boardside
also the term "bon-a dòna". (guns, and in a fig. sense). - 2) - beat, tack, board, stretch
bon-afan - n. m. (pr. \ bu[ng]&f'&[ng] \ ) - See bonvivan. (nautical).
bon-agrassia - n. f. (pr. \ bu[ng]&gr'&si& \ ) At plr. bon- bordà - 2) - adj. (pr. \ burd'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) -
egrassie. - kindness, courtesy. bordered, edged (fabric, clothes). - 2) - beaded.
bon-aman - n. f. (pr. \ bu[ng]&m'&[ng] \ ) At plr. bon-eman. - (mechanics).
tip, gratuity. bordadura - n. f. (pr. \ burd&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. bordadure. -
bon-imor - n. m. (pr. \ bu[ng]im'ur \ ) - See bonimor. 1) - rim, border, edge. - 2) - beading, rim, flange. - 3) -
bon-umor - n. m. (pr. \ bu[ng][ue]m'ur \ ) - See bonumor. planking, sheathing. - See also the term "bordura".
bopèr - n. m. (pr. \ bôp'ær \ ) - See belpèr. bordagi - n. m. (pr. \ burd'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - planking,
bora - n. f. (pr. \ b'ur& \ ) At plr. (when applicable) bore. - plating (ships, boats).
stuffing, flocks, down. The term is also used in some loc. bord-còl - n. m. (pr. \ burdc'ol \ ) At plr. bord-còj. - type of
like "bora d'aso" "lit. "down of donkey" which is a mix of collar.
animal hair for doing a low quality felt, "bora dla fruta" bordé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ burd'e \ ) - 1) - to hem, to border,
lit. "down of the fruits" which is in general vegetable down. to edge. - 2) - to bead, to rim. - 3) - to spread sails, to
Then the isiomatic expression "bate la bora" = lit. "to beat gather the sheets (nautical).
the down" means "to shiver". The same meaning is also bordegé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ burdej'e \ ) - to beat, to ply
associated to the expression "bate le brochëtte" (see the windward, to tack, to sail along the coast. (nautical)
term "brochëtta"). bordegi - n. m. (pr. \ burd'eji \ ) Inv. at plr. - tacking.
borà - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ bur'& \ ) - See barà. bordél - n. m. (pr. \ burd'el \ ) At plr. bordéj. - 1) - brothel. -
borà - 2) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ bur'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 2) - bedlam, racket, shindy (in a fig. sense, and for
watered (animals). extension). - See also the term "casin" for both the groups
borà - 3) - n. f. (pr. \ bur'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - crowd, throng, of meaning.
mob. See also the term "borada". borderò - n. m. (pr. \ burder'o \ ) Inv. at plr. - list, note,
borà - 4) - n. m. (pr. \ bur'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - borate (chemistry). bordereau. See also the terms "boldrò, bordrò ".
borace - n. m. (pr. \ bur'&[ch]e \ ) Inv. at plr. - borax bordin - n. m. (pr. \ burd'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - flat band
(mineralogy). (mechanics). - 2) - molding (architecture). - 3) - wheel
boracia - n. f. (pr. \ bur'&[ch]i& \ ) At plr. borace. - 1) - flange (raiway). - 4) - trimming (clothes). See also the term
water-bottle, flask. - 2) - canteen (military). "lisré ".
boracio - n. m. (pr. \ bur'&[ch]iu \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - puppet, bordon - n. m. (pr. \ burd'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - bourdon
rag-doll, scare-crows. - 2) - awkward person. See also (music - organ). An idiomatic fig. sentence is "ten-e bordon
the most used term "buracio". "a quaidun) " lit. "to hold bourdon (to sb.) " " to be
borada - n. f. (pr. \ bur'&d& \ ) At plr. borade. - crowd, sb.'s accomplice".
throng, mob. See also the term "borà". bordonal - n. m. (pr. \ burdun'&l \ ) At plr. bordonaj. -
borass - n. m. (pr. \ bur'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - borage (botany - furrow for bringing and draining water (agriculture).
Borrago officinalis). Also indicated with the loc. "lenga 'd bordòch - n. m. (pr. \ burd'oc \ ) Inv. at plr. - cockroach
beu" lit. "tongue of ox". (zoology - Blatta orientalis). See also the most used loc.
borasca - n. f. (pr. \ bur'&sc& \ ) At plr. borasche. - 1) - "bòja panatera".
storm, gale, tempest. - 2) - trouble, quarrel (in a fig. bordrò - n. m. (pr. \ burdr'o \ ) - See borderò.
sense). See also the most common term "burasca". bordura - n. f. (pr. \ burd'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. bordure. - 1) -
borascos - adj. (pr. \ bur&sc'uz \ ) Ms. plr. borascos - fm. sng. border, fringe, hem. - 2) - bordure (heraldry).
and plr. borascosa, borascose. - stormy. See also the boré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ bur'e \ ) - 1) - to water (animals). -
most common term "burascos". 2) - to instigate, to incite, to stir up (in a fig. sense). - A
borassù - adj. (pr. \ bur&s'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. borassù - fm. sng. pair of idiomatic sentences makes use of this word: - A) -
and plr. borassùa, borassùe. - downy. "borè sla pistòla" "to press the trigger of the gun". - B) -
borboj - n. m. (pr. \ burb'uy \ ) Inv. at plr. - rumbling (usually "boré un discors" "to botch a speech ". The refl. form
referred to stomach). See also the terms "borborism, assumes the different meaning listed below.
gargoj, rojament ". borea - n. f. (pr. \ bur'e& \ ) In case of need the plr. is borée. -
borbojé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ burbuy'e \ ) - to rumble, to 1) - a type of ancient dance. See also the term "corenta". -
gurgle. It uses the aux. "avèj ". See also the term "gargojé, 2) - nothern wind. See also the terms "tramontan-a, bisa".
rojé ". boreal - adj. (pr. \ bure'&l \ ) Ms. plr. boreaj - fm. sng. and plr.
borborism - n. m. (pr. \ burbur'izm \ ) - See borboj. boreal, boreaj. - northern, boreal.
borbotada - n. f. (pr. \ burbut'&d& \ ) At plr. borbotade. - borél - n. m. (pr. \ bur'el \ ) At plr. boréj. - breastband for
mumbling, grumbling. See also the term "bërbotada". draft horse.
borboté - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ burbut'e \ ) - 1) - to borela - n. f. (pr. \ bur'el& \ ) At plr. borele. - 1) - ball, pellet. -
mumble, to mutter. (trs. and int.) - 2) - to grumble, to 2) - bullet, shot. - 3) - ball for playing with skittles.
mutter, to rumble (int.). - 3) - to complain, to grouse borenfi - adj. - (pr. \ bur'æ[ng]fi \ ) Ms. plr. borenfi - fm. sng.
(int.). - See also the terms "barboté, bërboté ". and plr. borenfia, borenfie. - 1) - swollen. - 2) - blown up,
borboton - n. (pr. \ burbut'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. borboton - fm. fat. - 3) - bombastic, turgid. - 4) - conceited, bumptious
sng. and plr. borboton-a, borboton-e. - grumbler. See (in a fig. sense).
also the terms "barboton, bërboton". borenfié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ buræ[ng]fi'e \ ) - 1) - to swell,
borca - n. f. (pr. \ b'urc& \ ) At plr. borche. - forked branch, to make bulge. - 2) - to fatten up. - 3) - to puff up, to
forked wooden stick. boost.
borchia - n. f. (pr. \ b'urki& \ ) At plr. borchie. - 1) - stud, borenfiura - n. f. (pr. \ buræ[ng]fi'[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
knob. - 2) - upholsterer nail. borenfiure. - 1) - swelling, blowing up. - 2) - arrogance,
borcù - adj. (pr. \ burc'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. borcù - fm. sng. and plr. conceit, vainglory, boastfulness. - See also the term
borcùa, borcùe. - forked, bifurcate. See also the term "enfiura".
"forcù ". borésse - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ bur'ese \ ) - to crowd, to

borgà - n. f. (pr. \ burg'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - hamlet, village. See borich - 1) - adj. - (pr. \ bur'ic \ ) Ms. plr. borich - fm. sng. and
also the terms "borgh, borgià ". plr. borica, boriche. - stupid, ass, donkey. See also the
borgareul n. (pr. \ burg&r'[oe]l \ ) Ms. plr. borgareuj - fm. term "aso".
sng. and plr. borgareula, borgareule. - villager. borich - 2) - n. - (pr. \ bur'ic \ ) Inv, at plr. - ass, donkey
borgh - n. m. (pr. \ burg \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - hamlet, village. (zoology - Equus asinus). See also the term "aso".
See also the term "borgà ". - 2) - suburb, quarter. In boriché - 1) - n. (pr. \ burik'e \ ) Ms. plr. boriché - fm. sng. and
Turin many quarters outside the central (Centro or Senter) plr. borichera, borichere. - donkey driver (usually ms.)
one are called "borgh ", like : Borg San Salvari, Borgh boriché - 2) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ burik'e \ ) - to load (sb.) on
Vanchija, Borgh dël fum, Borgh San Pàul, Borgh Pò, shoulders (also in a fig. sense). See also the term
Borgh Dòra. Others are called "borgà" , like Borgà Lesna, "amboriché ".
then there are the quarters around the old custom houses, borichésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ burik'ese \ ) - to overload
that take their name from the destination of the controlled oneself. See also the term "amborichésse ".
street, like Bariera 'd Milan, Bariera 'd Fransa, Bariera 'd borichet - n. m. (pr. \ burik'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - little donkey.
Nissa, Bariera 'd Lans, Bariera 'd Casal. At last there are See also the terms "boricòt, borieul ".
quarters with usually are referred with just a name like Cit boricòt - n. m. (pr. \ buric'ot \ ) - See borichet.
Turin, Crosëtta, Mirafior (subdivided into Nòrd and Sud), boriésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ buri'ese \ ) - 1) - to put on
Santa Rita, San Donà, Aeronautica, Lingòt, Martinet, airs, to puff oneself up. - 2) - to boast, to brag. - 3) - to
Criméa, Pòrta Palass (in slang : Pòrta Pila), Valdòch, Val grow proud.
Sales. Two of these quarters have an italian name, used borieul - n. m. (pr. \ buri'[oe]l \ ) - See borichet.
also in Piedm. : Gran Madre and Regio Parco. borion - adj. (pr. \ buri'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. borion - fm. sng. and
borghèis - n. and adj. (pr. \ burg'æiz \ ) Ms. plr. borghèis - fm. plr. borion-a, borion-e. - 1) - vainglorious, conceited. See
sng. and plr. borghèisa, borghèise. - 1) - bourgeois, also the term "borios". - 2) - boaster, braggart,
middle-class (as an attribute) (adj.). - 2) - civilian (in swaggerer.
opposition to "military") (adj.). - 3) - middle-class person, borios - adj. (pr. \ buri'uz \ ) Ms. plr. borios - fm. sng. and plr.
bourgeois (sbst.). - See also the term "borzoà, borzoé ". boriosa, boriose. - vainglorious, haughty, arrogant,
borgheisum - n. m. (pr. \ burgæiz'[ue]m \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). conceited. See also the term "borion".
- group of bourgeois, people with middle-class ideas. borla - n. f. (pr. \ b'url& \ ) At plr. borle. - 1) - corn-sheaf,
This term is in a pejorative sense for indicating people with stack (agriculture). - 2) - head-ring. See also the terms
poor social feelings. See also the term "borzoasum". "borlet, borlòt".
borghesìa - n. f. (pr. \ burgez'i& \ ) At plr. borghesìe. - borlé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ burl’e \ ) - to pile a sheaf
bourgeoisie, middle class. See also the terms "borzoasìa, (agriculture). See also the term “amborlé “.
borzoesaja". borlet - n. m. (pr. \ burl’æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - head-ring, pad. See
borgh-mèistr - n. m. (pr. \ burgmæistr \ ) Inv. at plr. - also the terms "borla, borlòt".
burgomaster. borlo - n. m. (pr. \ b'urlu \ ) Inv. at plr. - bad humor, bad
borgià - n. f. (pr. \ burji'& \ ) - See borgà. mood. See also the terms "cativimor, cativ-umor". The
borgiachin - n. m. (pr. \ burji&k'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - little expression "avèj ël torlo-borlo" means "to pout, to sulk".
purse, handbag. See also the terms "borgiòt, borsòt" - 2) - borlòt - n. m. (pr. \ burl'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - a quality of
small pocket in waistcoat or jacket. See also the term beans. - 2) - head-ring, pad. For this meaning see also the
"bogiòt". - 3) - wallet. There is an idiomatic expression terms "borla, borlet".
using this word that is : "avèj ël granfi al borsachin " bornél - n. m. (pr. \ burn'el \ ) At plr. bornéj. - 1) - shower (the
lit."to have the cramp at the purse (wallet)" "to be terminal part of the pipe). - 2) - water-pipe, conduit. - 3) -
niggard ". little channel for water. - See also the term "bornò ".
borgiòt - n. m. (pr. \ burji'ot \ ) - See borgiachin. bornera - n. f. (pr. \ burn'er& \ ) At plr. bornere. - shrike,
borgnada - n. f. (pr. \ bur[gn]'&d& \ ) At plr. borgnade. - butcher-bird (zoology - Lanius).
borgné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ bur[gn]'e \ ) - 1) - to blind. - 2) - bornò - n. m. (pr. \ burn'o \ ) - See bornel.
to dazzle. - See also the terms "amborgné, sborgné, boro - n. m. (pr. \ b'uru \ ) Inv. at plr. - mistake, error,
sbaluché ". blunder.
borgnet - n. m. (pr. \ bur[gn]'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - wren (zoology boron - n. m. (pr. \ bur'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - shove,
- Troglodytes troglodytes). See also the loc. "pcit re, re-cit violent push. - 2) - bump, collision.
". boroné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ burun'e \ ) - to push, to bump
borgnëtta - n. (pr. \ bur[gn]'&tt& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - into, to shove. See also the term "boloné ".
short sighted person. - 2) - sinister person, shady person boronésse - vrb 1st con. recp. (pr. \ burun'ese \ ) - to push each
(in a fig. sense). other.
borghignòta - n. f. (pr. \ burgi[gn]'ot& \ ) At plr. - boror - n. m. (pr. \ bur'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - drinking trough,
borghignòte. - a type of ancient helmet. See also the term watering trough. See also the term "abeivor".
"borgognòta" borsa - n. f. (pr. \ b'urs& \ ) At plr. borse. - 1) - bag, purse,
borgognòta - n. f. (pr. \ burgo[gn]'ot& \ ) - See borghignòta. handbag. - 2) - stock excange, market (finance) In this
borgonzòla - n. f. (pr. \ burgu[ng]z'ol& \ ) - See bërgonzòla. sense see also the loc. "borsa valor". - 3) - pouch. - 4) -
borgòm - n. m. (pr. \ burg'om \ ) - Inv. at plr. - gummy sweet bursa (anatomy).
of sugar. borsà - n. f. (pr. \ burs'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - the content of a
boriada - n. f. (pr. \ buri'&d& \ ) At plr. boriade. - act of bag. - 2) - a blow given with a bag.
kindness. borsa valor - sbst. loc. f. (pr. \ burs'& v&lur \ ) - See borsa 2).
boricada - n. f. (pr. \ buric'&d& \ ) At plr. boricade. - foolish borsanèira - n. f. sng. (pr. \ burs&n'æir& \ ) Not used at plr. -
thing, foolish act, nonsense, asinity, stupidity. black market.
boricass - adj. and n. (pr. \ buric'&s \ ) Ms. plr. boricass - fm. borsareul - n. (pr. \ burs&r'[oe]l \ ) Ms. plr. borsareuj - fm.
sng. and plr. boricassa, boricasse. - big stupid, great sng. and plr. borsareula, borsareule. - 1) - bags maker,
lumbering ass. bags dealer. - 2) - pick-pocket, purse snatcher. In this
second meaning see also the best piedm. term "tajaborse",
and the term "borsegiator". This term is mainly used at ms.

borsegé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ bursej'e \ ) - to pick (sb.'s) bosarossa! - excl. (pr. \ buz&r'us&! \ ) - See bosara! 2).
pocket. boscagi - n. m. (pr. \ busc'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - timber, lumber,
borsegiator - n. (pr. \ burseji&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. borsegiator - wooden equipment. See also the terms "boscam,
fm. sng. and plr. borsegiatriss, borsegiatriss. - pick- boscamenta ".
pocket, purse snatcher. See also the best piedm. term boscairant - n. (pr. \ busc&ir'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. boscairant - fm.
"tajaborse", and the term "borsareul". This term is mainly sng. and plr. boscairanta, boscairante - woodcutter. See
used at ms. also the terms "boscareul, boschireul, boscajant ".
borsél - n. m. (pr. \ burs'el \ ) At plr. borséj. - (gentleman's) boscaja - n. f. (pr. \ busc'&y& \ ) At plr. boscaje. - thicket,
handbag, purse. (more little than a "borsa"). See also the brush, scrub, wood. See also the term "boschin-a".
terms "borset, borsòt, borgiachin". boscajant - n. (pr. \ busc&y'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. boscajant - fm.
borset - n. m. (pr. \ burs'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - (gentleman's) sng. and plr. boscajanta, boscajante - woodcutter. See
handbag, purse. (more little than a "borsa"). See also the also the terms "boscareul, boschireul, boscairant ".See also
terms "borsél, borsòt, borgiachin". - 2) - grape-skin. See the terms "boscairant, boscareul, boschireul ".
also, for this meaning, the terms "borsòt, caplet, barëtta, boscam - n. m. (pr. \ busc'&m \ ) - See boscagi.
bosset ". boscamenta - n. m. (pr. \ busc&m'ænt& \ ) - See boscagi.
borsin - n. m. (pr. \ burs'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - coulisse (bank - boscardo - n. m. (pr. \ busc'&rdu \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - dwarf,
finance). gnome, goblin. See also the term "faunet ". - 2) - wily old
borsista - n. (pr. \ burs'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. borsista - fm. sng. and fox (in a fig. sense).
plr. borsista, borsiste. - 1) - speculator, stockjobber. - 2) boscareul - n. (pr. \ busc&r'[oe]l \ ) - See boscajant.
- scolarship holder. boscarù - adj. (pr. \ busc&r'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. boscarù - fm. sng.
borsistich - adj. (pr. \ burs'istic \ ) Ms. plr. borsistich - fm. sng. and plr. boscarùa, boscarùe - scabrous, rough, harsh,
and plr. borsistica, borsistiche. - stock-excange (as an rugged. See also the term "grotolù ".
attribute). boscassù - adj. (pr. \ busc&s'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. boscassù - fm.
borson - n. m. (pr. \ burs'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - large bag. sng. and plr. boscassùa, boscassùe - 1) - woody, wooded.
borsòt - n. m. (pr. \ burs'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - (gentleman's) - 2) - woody, wooden, tough, stiff.
handbag, purse. - 2) - small pocket in waistcoat or boscaté - n. (pr. \ busc&t'e \ ) Ms. plr. boscaté - fm. sng. and
jacket. See also the term "bogiòt". - 3) - grape-skin. See plr. boscatera, boscatere - dealer in wood and lumber.
also, for this meaning, the terms "borset, caplet, barëtta, boschera - n. f. (pr. \ busk'er& \ ) At plr. boschere. - wood-
bosset ". - 4) - swelling under eyes. shed.
borù - adj. (pr. \ bur'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. borù - fm. sng. and plr. boschet - n. m. (pr. \ busk'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - small wood,
borùa, borùe. - 1) - surly, gruff, crusty. - 2) - austere. - grove, copse.
3) - stern, srtict. - 4) - rough, hard. - See also the term boschin-a - n. f. (pr. \ busk'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. (if any) boschin-
"rudi". e. - thicket, brush, scrub, wood. See also the term
borzëcchin - n. m. "boscaja". - 2) - underwood, brushwood, underbrush.
borzoà - n. and adj. (pr. \ burzu'& \ ) - Ms. plr. borzoà - fm. boschireul - n. (pr. \ buskir'[oe]l \ ) - See boscajant.
sng. and plr. borzoasa, borzoase - 1) - bourgeois, middle- boschiv - adj. (pr. \ busk'iu \ ) Ms. plr. boschiv - fm. sng. and
class (as an attribute) (adj.). - 2) - civilian (in opposition to plr. boschiva, boschive - wooded, woody, cultivated with
"military") (adj.). - 3) - middle-class person, bourgeois wood.
(sbst.). - See also the term "borghèis, borzoé ". boscon - n. m. (pr. \ busc'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - forest, wild
borzoé - n. and adj. (pr. \ burzu'e \ ) - See borzoà. wood.
bosa - n. f. (pr. \ b'uz& \ ) At plr. bose. - puddle, pool, marshy boscos - adj. - (pr. \ busc'uz \ ) Ms. plr. boscos - fm. sng. and
land. plr. boscosa, boscose - wooded, woody, rich of woods.
bosara - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ buz'&r& \ ) At plr. bosare. - 1) - error, boseca - n. f. (pr. \ buz'ec& \ ) At plr. boseche. - bovine tripe.
mistake. - 2) - contrariety, anger, huff. See also the terms "buseca, tripa".
bosara! - 2) - excl. (pr. \ buz'&r&! \ ) - gosh!, golly!, crikey!. bosëra - n. f. (pr. \ b'uz&r& \ ) At plr. bosëre. - 1) - blunder,
See also the terms "bosarossa!, bosaron! ". gross mistake. - 2) - bagatelle. - 3) - crumb. 4) - anger,
bosarada - n. f. (pr. \ buz&r'&d& \ ) At plr. bosarade. - 1) - huff. In this meaning see also the term "bòstica". - See
trifle, bagatelle, mere nothing. - 2) - silly thing, also the term "bosra".
thoughtlrssness, mistake. bosoar - n. m. (pr. \ buzu'&r \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - candlestick. -
bosarado - n. (pr. \ buz&r'&du \ ) Ms. plr. bosarado - fm. sng. 2) - small oil-lamp. See also the term "busìa".
and plr. bosarada, bosarade - astute, shrewd, artful. See bosra - n. f. (pr. \ b'uzr& \ ) - See bosëra.
also the most common term "bosaron". bosset - n. m. (pr. \ bus'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - grape-skin. See also
bosaraté - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ buz&r&t'e \ ) - 1) - to the terms "borsòt, caplet, barëtta, borset ".
intrigue, to plot, to maneuvre, to lobby (int.) - 2) - to bossëtta - n. f. (pr. \ bus'&tt& \ ) At plr. bossëtte. - pustule,
trick, to cheat, to entangle (trs.). It uses always the aux. pimple. See also the term"brossa".
"avèj ". bosson - n. m. (pr. \ bus'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - cork, bung,
bosaré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ buz&r'e \ ) - to damage, to spoil, stopper, any tipe of object blocking up a pipe. See also
to ruin, to destroy. the term "nata".
bosaron - 1) - n. (pr. \ buz&r'u[ng]! \ ) Ms. plr. bosaron - fm. bostiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ bustik'e \ ) - to molest, to
sng. and plr. bosaron-a, bosaron-e - astute, shrewd, annoy, to prod. See also the term "bustiché ".
artful. See also the term "bosarado". bot - n. m. (pr. \ but \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - pot or bottle(glass or
bosaron! - 2) - excl. (pr. \ buz&r'u[ng]! \ ) - See bosara! 2). terracotta), mainly used for oil. - 2) - wheel-hub (mainly
bosaroné - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ buz&run'e \ ) - to curse, to for carts). - 3) - the expression "bot dla gamba" (popular)
imprecate, to insult, to inveigh. It uses the aux. "avèj ". lit."pot of the leg" has the meaning of "calf" (anatomy).
bosaron-a - adj. fm. (pr. \ buz&r'u[ng]& \ ) At plr. bosaron-e. See also the correct term "polpass".
Only fm. - malicious, mischievous. Mainly used in the bota - n. f. (pr. \ b'ut& \ ) At plr. bote. - bottle. The english
idiomatic expression "a la bosaron-a", having the meaning "Leyden jar " (electricity) is translated into Piedm. as "bota
of the adv. "badly" or "in an approximate way" or "without 'd Lèida". Sometimes the term "botelia" is also used, but it
any care ". is quite rare.

botada - n. f. (pr. \ but'&d& \ ) At plr. botade. - brag, boast. Piedm. the "navel" (translated correctly into "amburì "), is
botal - n. m. (pr. \ but'&l \ ) At plr. botaj. - barrel, cask, butt. often called "boton dla pansa" lit. "button of the belly".
botala - n. f. (pr. \ but'&l& \ ) At plr. botale. - cylindrical big botonà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ butun'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1)
barrel (usually metallic) mounted on cart or lorry. - buttoned up. - 2) - reserved, tight-lipped. (in a fig.
botalarìa - n. f. (pr. \ but&l&r'i& \ ) At plr. (when applicable) sense). The idiomatic expression "ten-se botonà " lit. "to
botalarìe. - the equipment of various barrels of a cellar, keep oneself buttoned up" means "to act cautiously".
cooperage. botoné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ butun'e \ ) - to button up.
botalé - n. (pr. \ but&l'e \ ) Usually ms., but in case of need: botonera - n. f. (pr. \ butun'er& \ ) At plr. botonere. -
Ms. plr. botalé - fm. sng. and plr. botalera, botalere - buttonhole, row of buttons.
cooper. botonet - n. m. (pr. \ butun'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - small button.
botalin - n. m. (pr. \ but&l'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - small barrel, See also the term "botonin".
small butt. botonin - n. m. (pr. \ butun'i[ng] \ ) - See botonet.
botalin-a - n. f. (pr. \ but&l'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. botalin-e. - a botonura - n. f. (pr. \ butun'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. botonure. - 1) -
type of tomato. buttoning. - 2) - buttons.
botànica - n. f. (pr. \ but'&nic& \ ) At plr. (when applicable) botòira - n. f. (pr. \ but'oir& \ ) At plr. - botòire. - 1) - trap
botàniche. - botany. door. - 2) - manhole. - 3) - hatch (for passing fodder). See
botànich - adj. and n.(pr. \ but'&nic \ ) Ms. plr. botànich - fm. also the terms - "butòira, bòtola, passafen".
sng. and plr. botànica, botàniche - 1) - botanical, botanic botura - n. f. (pr. \ but'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. boture (agriculture). -
(adj.). - 2) - botanist (sbst.). rooted cutting, scion.
botea - n. f. (pr. \ but'e& \ ) See botega. bovin - adj. (pr. \ buw'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. bovin - fm. sng. and plr.
botega - n. f. (pr. \ but'eg& \ ) At plr. boteghe. - 1) - shop, bovin-a, bovin-e. - bovine.
business. - 2) - row of buttons of the trousers (slang - bò! - excl. (pr. \ bo \ ) - excl. of various meanings, depending
popular term). See also the terms "butea, botea". on the context, that requires an explicative part of sentence.
botegàire - n. (pr. \ buteg'&ire \ ) Ms. plr. botegàire - fm. sng. - 1) - affirmation. "vniras-to doman? - bò, i vnirai" "will
and plr. botegàira, botegàire - shopkeeper, storekeeper. you come tomorrow? - yes, I shall ". - 2) - negation.
See also the terms "botegari, botegant ". "vniras-to doman? - bò, i pairo nen" "will you come
botegant - n. (pr. \ buteg'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. botegant - fm. sng. tomorrow? - no, I cannot". - 3) - doubt. "vniras-to doman?
and plr. boteganta, botegante - shopkeeper, storekeeper. - bò?, i sai nen" "will you come tomorrow? - who
See also the terms "botegàire, botegant ". knows?, I don't know". See also the term in the spelling
botegari - n. (pr. \ buteg'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. botegri - fm. sng. and "bòh ".
plr. botegaria, botegarie - shopkeeper, storekeeper.See bòa - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ b'o& \ ) At plr. bòe. - buoy. See also the
also the terms "botegàire, botegant ". term "galegiant"
boteghëtta - n. f. (pr. \ buteg'&tt& \ ) At plr. boteghëtte. - bòa - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ b'o& \ ) Inv. at plr. - boa (zoology - Boa
small shop. Actual diminutive of "botega". moda).
boteghin - n. m. (pr. \ buteg'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - ticket bòba - n. f. (pr. \ b'ob& \ ) At plr. bobe. - 1) - wrinkle, crease.
office. - 2) - box office. - 3) - lottery office. False - 2) - grimace, wry face. - 3) - mess, ration (military). - 4)
diminutive of "botega". An idiomatic piedm. expression is : - hunger. - 5) - bad food (good for animals). In the
"fé boteghin" having value of : "to do an illicit trading". meanings 3) to 5) the term is a slang one (as an extension
botegon - n. m. (pr. \ buteg'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - large shop, of the second meaning). For these slang meanings see also
supermarket, bazaar. Actual augmentative of "botega". the term "sbòba".
botélia - n. f. (pr. \ but'eli& \ ) At plr. botélie. - bottle. The bòcc - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ b'o[ch] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - jack, kitty
term is not very used. See also the best piedm. term "bota". (bowls game). See also the terms "bolin balin". An
botenfi - adj. (pr. \ but'æ[ng]fi \ ) - See borenfi. idiomatic use of this word is "flambé 'l bòcc" lit. "to
botìa - n. f. (pr. \ but'i& \ ) At plr. botìe. - bottle. The term is destroy (to burn) the jack" with a nearly lit. meaning of "to
not very used. See also the best piedm. term "bota". hit the jack" and an idiomatic one "to excel, to stand out". -
botià - n. f. (pr. \ buti'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - blow with a bottle. See 2) - poodle (dog). In this meaning see also the term
also the term "botijà ". "babòcc " which is also an adj.
botiëtta - n. f. (pr. \ buti'&tt& \ ) - See botin-a. bòcia - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ b'o[ch]i& \ ) At plr. bòce. - bowl. From
botìja - n. f. (pr. \ but'iy& \ ) At plr. botìje. - bottle. The term the bowl game there is the idiomatic expression "a bòce
is not very used. See also the best piedm. term "bota". fërme" = lit. "at still bowls" with the meaning of "when
botijà - n. f. (pr. \ butiy'& \ ) - See botià. things are stabilized, at the end of the game".
botijarìa - n. f. (pr. \ butiy&r'i& \ ) At plr. - botijarìe. - wine bòcia - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ b'o[ch]i& \ ) Inv. at plr. - boy,
shop. See also the term "botilieria". apprentice, recruit, young alpine soldier. This term is a
botijëtta - n. f. (pr. \ butiy'&tt& \ ) - See botin-a. slang one.
botijon - n. m. (pr. \ butiy'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - big bottle with bòcola - n. f. (pr. \ b'ocul& \ ) - See bocla.
a capacity of 2 litres. This term is devoted to this bòcs - n. m. (pr. \ b'ocs \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - box. 2) - pit. - 3) -
particular type of bottle, and then is not considered as a playpen. - 4) - cubicle. - 5) - boxing, pugilism.
generic augmentative of "bottle" itself. This augmentative bòfa - n. f. (pr. \ b'of& \ ) At plr. bòfe. - belly (local term used
could be the fm. term "botijon-a". in North-East of the Piedm.) See also the terms "pansa,
botilierìa - n. f. (pr. \ butilier'i& \ ) - See botijarìa. bëddra".
botin - n. m. (pr. \ but'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - small bottle, bògia - n. f. (pr. \ b'oji& \ ) At plr. bòge. - vesicle, small
bottle, phial. - 2) - booty, haul. - 3) - equipment of a pustule.
soldier. In this meaning see also the term "fardél ". bòh - excl. (pr. \ bo \ ) - See bò.
botin-a - n. f. (pr. \ but'i[ng]& \ ) - 1) - small bottle bòina - n. f. (pr. \ b'oin& \ ) At plr. bòine. - sighting stake. See
(diminutive of "bota"). In this sense see also the terms also the terms "boin-a, palin-a".
"botiëtta, botijëtta". - 2) - boot with buckles for woman. bòita - n. f. (pr. \ b'oit& \ ) At plr. bòite. - 1) - small shop. - 2)
botion - n. m. (pr. \ buti'u[ng] \ ) - See botijon. - goods case for pedlars (lit. meaning). - 3) - small
boton - n. m. (pr. \ but'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - button (in workshop. - 4) - strongbox (in a fig. sense). - 5) - hump
general). - 2) - pin (mechanics) - 3) - bud (botany). In (in a fig. sense). - 6) - prison, jail (slang term).

bòja - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ b'oy& \ ) At plr. bòje. - 1) - insect, bug. - make head against...". - E) - "dé na bòta" = "to say biting
2) - caterpillar, grub. - 3) - intestinal worms (used at plr. words, to make a witty remark ".
: "bòje"). In this meaning see also the term "verm". - The bòtola - n. f. (pr. \ b'otul& \ ) At plr. - bòtole. - 1) - trap door.
term "cockroach" is always translated into "bòja panatera - 2) - manhole. See also the terms "botòira, butòira".
", and the terms "fire-fly, glow-worm" can be translated brach - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ br&c \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - hound (dog).
also into "boja mëssonera". - 2) - heather, heath (botany - Erica). See also, for this
bòja - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ b'oy& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - executioner. - meaning, the terms "brech, bru, bruera".
2) - rascal. (in a fig. sense). brach - 2) - adj. (pr. \ br&c \ ) Ms. plr. brach - fm. sng. and
bòl - n. m. (pr. \ b'ol \ ) At plr. bòj. - bolus. See also the term plr. braca, brache. - stocky, squat, thickset, short and
"bòluss". fat.
bòluss - n. m. (pr. \ b'ol[ue]s \ ) - See bòl. braché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ br&k'e \ ) - to point, to aim, to
bòmbo - n. m. (pr. \ b'ombô \ ) Inv. at plr. - sweet, sugar sight, to level (military - mainly referred to pieces of
sweet. This term is a childish one. artillery).
bòn! - excl. (pr. \ b'o[ng] \ ) - stop!, enough!, hold it! . See brachet - n. m. (pr. \ br&k'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. (when applicable).
also the term "pro". - 1) - type of carpenter's vice, latch for the worked
bonn - n. f. (pr. \ b'on \ ) Inv. at plr. - nursemaid, nanny. wood. See also the terms "brichet, tenca, grep, vailet ". - 2)
bòra - n. f. (pr. \ b'or& \ ) - Only sng. name of a wind. In case - "Brachetto", very good Piedm. red wine, not very
of need, at plr. bòre. - bora. strong.
bòrd - n. m. (pr. \ b'ord \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - hem, border, edge, brachial - adj (pr. \ br&ki'&l \ ) Ms. plr. brachiaj - fm. sng.
margin, rim, verge, brink. - 3) - bank, shore, side. and plr. brachial, brachiaj. - brachial. (anatomy).
bòrda - n. f. (pr. \ b'ord& \ ) At plr. bòrde. - mote, speck, brachialgìa - n. f. (pr. \ br&ki&lj'i& \ ) At plr. brachialgìe. -
straw, crumb. brachialgia.
bòrgn - adj. and n. (pr. \ b'or[gn] \ ) Ms. plr. bòrgn - fm. sng. brachicéfal - adj. and n. (pr. \ br&ki[ch]'ef&l \ ) Ms. plr.
and plr. bòrgna, bòrgne. - 1) - blind (adj) - 2) - blind brachicéfaj - fm. sng. and plr. brachicéfala, brachicéfale.
person (sbst.). See also the term in the spelling "bòrgno". - 1) - brachycephalic (adj.) - 2) - brachycephal (sbst.).
bòrgno - adj. and n. (pr. \ b'or[gn]u \ ) - See bòrgn. brachicefalìa - n. f. (pr. \ br&ki[ch]ef&l'i& \ ) At plr.
bòria - n. f. (pr. \ b'ori& \ ) At plr. bòrie. - vainglory, brachicefalìe. - brachycephaly.
haughtiness, arrogance, conceit. brachié - n. m. (pr. \ br&ki'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - girdle, belt, truss,
bòrich - adj. (pr. \ b'oric \ ) Ms. plr. bòrich - fm. sng. and plr. suspensory (medical). See also the terms "brajé, braghé,
bòrica, bòriche. - boric (chemistry). braghié, sospensòri".
bòro - n. m. (pr. \ b'orô \ ) Chemical element - Inv. at plr. (if brachigrafìa - n. f. (pr. \ br&kigr&f'i& \ ) At plr. (if any)
any). - boron. brachigrafìe. - shortened writing.
bòro-talch - (pr. \ borut'&lc \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - talcum brachilogìa - n. f. (pr. \ br&kiluj'i& \ ) At plr. (if any)
powder. Note that in this composite word the tonic stress is brachilogìe. - brevity of speech.
on the letter "a" even if a stress is present on the letter "ò", brachipnea - n. f. (pr. \ br&kipn'e& \ ) At plr. (if any)
where it is necessary for indicating the correct brachpnee. - short breathing.
pronunciation. braconagi - n. m. (pr. \ br&kun'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - poaching.
bòrt - n. m. (pr. \ b'ort \ ) Inv. at plr. - artificial diamond used braconié - n. m. (pr. \ br&kuni'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - poacher.
as abrasive. bradicardìa - n. f. (pr. \ br&dic&rd'i& \ ) At plr. bradicardìe.
bòsch - n. m. (pr. \ b'osc \ ) Inv. at plr. - wood. This term is - bradycardia.
referred both to the land with trees and the tree's material, bràdip - n. m. (pr. \ br'&dip \ ) Inv. at plr. - sloth (zoology -
as it is in English. Bradypus).
bòsma - n. f. (pr. \ b'ozm& \ ) At plr. bòsme. - 1) - size (texile). bradisism - n. m. (pr. \ br&diz'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. -
- 2) - branmash (hen's food). bradyseism.
bòsso - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ b'osu \ ) Inv. at plr. - thorn (of bradon - n. m (pr. \ br&d'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - brand,
blackthorn, hawtorn or bramble). firebrand. - 2) - torch. See also the term "brandon".
bòsso - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ b'osu \ ) Inv. at plr. hawthorn (botany - braga - n. f. (pr. \ br'&g& \ ) At plr. braghe. - 1) - stirrup,
Crataegus oxyacantha). bracket. - 2) - Y branch. - 3) - sling. - 4) - breeching-
bòsso nèir - loc. sbst. m. (pr. \ b'osu n'æir \ ) Inv. at plr. - strap.
backthorn, sloe (botany - Prunus spinosa). bragalada - n. f. (pr. \ br&g&l'&d& \ ) At plr. bragalade. - 1)
bòstica - n. f. (pr. \ b'ostic& \ ) At plr. bòstiche. - anger, huff, - cackling, uproar, confusion. - 2) - brag, boast,
aversion, dislike. See also the terms "bosëra, bosra". bravado.
bòt - n. m. (pr. \ b'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - srtoke, toll (bells) In bragalàire - n. (pr. \ br&g&l'&ire \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) -
this meaning this term is used for indicaring the first two or noisy person, rowdy. - 2) - bungler, muddler. - 3) -
three hours of the day and the afternoon : "one o'clock" braggart, boaster. - See also the terms "bragalèire,
"un bòt" ; "two o'clock" "doi bòt" ; "three o'clock" "tre bragaleur ".
bòt" or "tre ore". - 2) - stroke, blow, shot, knock, bang. - bragalé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ br&g&l'e \ ) - 1) - to make a
3) - time, in the expressions like "one thing at a time" din, to clamour. - 2) - to tell boasts. It uses the aux.
"na còsa al bòt" . - 4) - moment, instant, as in the "avèj".
expression "in a moment" "ant un bòt". Then we note the bragalèire - n. (pr. \ br&g&l'æire \ ) - See bragalàire.
piedm. adv. loc. "ëd bòt an blan" "suddenly". bragaleur - n. (pr. \ br&g&l'[oe]r \ ) - See bragalàire.
bòta - n. f. (pr. \ b'ot& \ ) At plr. bòte. - 1) - blow, stroke, braghé - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ br&g'e \ ) - See brachié.
knock. - 2) - propelling charge (rifle) - 3) - burst of a braghé - 2) - adj. and n. (pr. \ br&g'e \ ) Ms. plr. braghé - fm.
charge. - 4) - witty remark. Then there are some sng. and plr. braghera, braghere. - 1) - unsuit, inect,
idiomatic uses of this term : - A) - "a bòta " "on a lump- incapable, lazy (adj.) - 2) - loafer, good-for-nothing. See
sum basis" (see also the term "forfé "). - B) - "caté a bòta, also the term "bragon".
vende a bòta" = "to buy wholesale, to sell wholesale". - C - braghié - n. m. (pr. \ br&gi'e \ ) - See brachié.
"a bòta franca" "without fail". - D) - "tnì bòta" = "to bragon - adj. and n. (pr. \ br&g'u[ng] \ ) - See braghé.

braida - n. f. (pr. \ br'&id& \ ) At plr. braide. - a field or a brancard - n. m. (pr. \ br&[ng]c'&rd \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - bier,
meadow near to the village or the town. coffin. - 2) - a sort of hand-barrow for bringing statues
braj - n. m. (pr. \ br&y \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - cry, shout, yell, in procession.
scream. - 2) - scolding, rebuke. - 3) - braying, bray. branch - n. m. (pr. \ br'&[ng]c \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - branch. An
braja - n. f. (pr. \ br'&y& \ ) At plr. braje. - each one of the idiomatic way of saying (imperative sentence having value
two parts of the trousers. See also the plr. term "braje". of suggestion) is: "ten-te ai branch!" lit. "hold yourself at
brajada - n. f. (pr. \ br&y'&d& \ ) At plr. brajade. - 1) - branches" "be careful, don't go too far (in a fig, sense) -
scolding, rebuke. - 2) - noise, uproar, clamour. See also 2) - sector, line, branch.
the terms "brajassà, brajassada". branché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ br&[ng]k'e \ ) - to seize, to
brajassà - n. f. (pr. \ br&y&s'& \ ) - See brajada. grasp (only in a physicl, lit. sense). - See also the term
brajassada - n. f. (pr. \ br&y&s'&d& \ ) - See brajada. "ambranché ".
brajassé - vrb. 1st con. int. and trs. (pr. \ br&y&s'e \ ) - 1) - to branchet - n. m. ( pr. \ br&[ng]k'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - small
make a din, to clamour. It uses the aux. "avèj ". - 2) - to branch, twig, sprig, spray. See also the term "s-cianchet
say (st.) or call (sb.) by shouting. - See also the terms ".
"bragalé, sbrajassé ". branchigné - vrb 1st con. trs. ( pr. \ br&[ng]ki[gn]'e \ ) - 1) - to
brajasson - adj. and n. (pr. \ br&y&s'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - handle, to manipulate, to mould. - 2) - to manage. - See
noisy, that speaks with loud voice. (adj.) - 2) - noisy also the term "manié ".
person, rowdy (sbst.). branda - n. f. ( pr. \ br'&nd& \ ) At plr. brande. - 1) - cot,
braje - n. f. plr. (pr. \ br'&ye \ ) Only plr. - 1) - trousers, pants camp bed, folding bed. - 2) - "grappa" (brandy of dregs
- 2) - slacks. A number of way of saying uses this word in of pressed grapes). This name derives from the oldest,
ways both lit. and idiomatic : - A) - "caval dle braje" lit. nowaday not very used, term "brandevin" lit. "burning
"horse of the trousers" "fork of the trousers" (but also wine". See also the terms "brandevin, brandvin, brandven".
"forcura dle braje"). - B) - "andé a caval dle braje " lit. brandé - 1) - n. m. ( pr. \ br&nd'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - firedog,
"to go on the horse of the trousers" "to go on foot". - C) - andiron. The name has been assigned to a piedmontese
"ël fond dle braje" lit. "the bottom of the trousers" poetry association, and indicates also the members of this
"buttocks". Etc. association.
brajé - vrb 1st con. int. and trs. (pr. \ br&y'e \ ) - 1) - to shout, brandé - 2) - vrb 1st con. int. ( pr. \ br&nd'e \ ) - 1) - to burn
to yell (int.). - 2) - to reproach , to scold (int.). - 3) - to with blaze, to blaze. - 2) - to boil noisily. - 3) - to act
cry (int.). - 4) - to low, to moo (int.). - 5) - to bray (int.). - quickly, to toss oneself, to bustle about. It uses the aux.
to say (st.) or to call (sb.) by shouting (trs.) "avèj ". In the first two meanings also the aux. "esse" can
brajëtta - n. f. (pr. \ br&y'&tt& \ ) At plr. brajëtte. - The use at be found.
sig. is limited to a couple of idiomatic sentences, otherwise brandevin - n. m. ( pr. \ br&ndev'i[ng] \ ) - See branda.
see the plr. term "brajëtte". - A) - "an braj'ëtta" lit."in brando - n. m. ( pr. \ br'&ndo \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - antique
pants, in underpants" with the meaning "without money, piedm. dance. - 2) - action, motion. This meaning
without resources". - B) - "pecà 'd brajëtta" lit. "pity of (idiomatic or fig.) is explained in the following exampes : -
underpants" with the meaning "carnal pity". A) - "essa an brando" "to be in action". - B) - "butésse
brajëtte - n. f. (pr. \ br&y'&tte \ ) Only plr. - 1) - pants, an brando" "to start an action or work" - C) - "fé 'l
panties. - 2) - shorts, slips. See also the terms "mudande, brando" "to toss oneself". - D) - "mné 'l brando" "to
culòt". escape, to run away".
brajon - n. m. (pr. \ br&y'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - lage trousers brandon - n. m. ( pr. \ br&nd'u[ng] \ ) - See bradon.
turkish style. brandven - n. m. ( pr. \ br&ndv'æ[ng] \ ) - See branda.
bram - n. m. (pr. \ br&m \ ) Inv. at plr. - bellow, roar, bell. brandvin - n. m. ( pr. \ br&ndv'i[ng] \ ) - See branda.
bramé - vrb 1st con. int. and trs. (pr. \ br&m'e \ ) - 1) - to roar, branet - n. m. ( pr. \ br&n'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - destruction,
to bellow, to bell. (int.) It uses the aux. "avèj". See also the wipe-out. See also the term "pranet". The expressions "fé
term "bramì ". - 2) - to desire, to long for, to crave (trs.) branet" or "fé pranet", also in the spelling "fé prà net "
(in a fig. sense). mean "to make a clean sweep, to use up all, to waste all, to
bramboj - n. m. (pr. \ br&mb'uy \ ) Inv. at plr. - young shoot destroy all". In the spelling "fé prà net " a lit. value can be
of vine. See also the term "brombo". intended as "to make the meadow clean".
bramì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ br&m'i \ ) - See bramé 1st brann - n. m. ( pr. \ br&n \ ) Inv. at plr. - bran. See also the
meaning. term "brenn". We recall that the two ending "nn" indicates
bramosìa - n. f. (pr. \ br&muz'i& \ ) At plr. bramosìe. - a simple (not double) sound of palatal "n" instead of
longing, yearning, craving. The term is not very used, see guttural, at the end of the word. (See Piedmontese
also the term "anvìa". phonology and Spelling in this site). The idiomatic
branca - n. f. (pr. \ br'&[ng]c& \ ) At plr. branche. - 1) - span. expression "vende 'd brann" means "to cheat".
Some idiomatic way of saying : - A) - "esse grand na brasa - n. f. ( pr. \ br'&z& \ ) At plr. brase. - charcoal embers,
branca" lit. "to be tall a span" "to be tiny ". - B) - coals, cinders.
"branca pì branca meno" lit. "span plus span minus" brasà - 1) - adj. ( pr. \ br&z'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - braised.
"approximately". - C) - "truch e branca" lit. "hit and (cooking).
span" = "approximately". - 2) - stoch, race, family, brasà - 2) - n. m. ( pr. \ br&z'& \ ) braised meat, braise. A
lineage, discent. - 3) - branch, sector. In this meaning the very good piedm. dish is the "Beu brasà al bareul". The
term "branch " is more correct (but less used). - The lit. writer is not an expert in cooking (but in eating YES, of
meaning of this term (not used) is "leg with claw". course) but approximately the operations are the following:
brancà - n. f. (pr. \ br&[ng]c'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - handful. See a piece of ox meat (good for roast - the piedm. ox is at least
also the term "pugnà". famous) is put in a pot with carrots, celery, onions,
brancadié - n. m. (pr. \ br&[ng]c&di'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - (garlic?), cloves, nutmeg, (cinnamon?), and it is covered
stretcher-bearer. with a good "bareul" wine, and then left there for the whole
brancal - n. m. (pr. \ br&[ng]c'&l \ ) At plr. brancaj. - 1) - night. The day after the vegetables in the wine are strained
litter, stretcher. - 2) - hand-barrow. and mixed to the wine itself, while the meat is put to cook
as it were a common roast (very little fire), adding time by

time little quantities of the wine with the strained brav - adj. ( pr. \ br'&u \ ) Ms. plr. brav - fm. sng. and plr.
vegetables. After some hours (at the end of the wine) the brava, brave. - 1) - fine, good, clever, capable. - 2) -
"brasà" is ready, in its "bareul" sauce. These are the main honest, good, fair.
points, but certaily some particular contrivances are bravà - n. f. ( pr. \ br&v'& \ ) - See bravada.
required for an actually good "brasà". bravada - n. f. ( pr. \ br&v'&d& \ ) At plr. bravade. - 1) -
brasadura - n. f. ( pr. \ br&z&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. brasadure. - bravado. - 2) - brag, boast. - 3) - provocation. - 4) - act
1) - brazing (mechanics - a type of soldering). - 2) - of courage. Not very used in this last meaning. See also the
braising (a type of cooking) terms "bravarìa, bravà ".
brasaté - vrb 1st con. trs. ( pr. \ br&z&t'e \ ) - 1) - to toast, to bravarìa - n. f. ( pr. \ br&v&r'i& \ ) - See bravada.
roast. - 2) - to bronze, to tan. See also the term "rasaté ". bravass - n. m. ( pr. \ br&v'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - hired
brasé - 1) - vrb 1st con. trs. ( pr. \ br&z'e \ ) - 1) - to braze ruffian, thug. - 2) - arrogant person, bully. - 3) -
(mechanics). - 2) - to braise (cooking). - 3) - to roast on braggart. See also the terms "bravo, braveur".
coals. bravassada - n. f. ( pr. \ br&v&s'&d& \ ) At plr. bravassade. -
brasé - 2) - n. m. ( pr. \ br&z'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - big pot for coals arrogant action.
(used fot heating). See also the term "brasiera". bravé - vrb 1st con. int. ( pr. \ br&v'e \ ) - 1) - to behave in
braseri - n. m. ( pr. \ br&z'eri \ ) Inv. at plr. - a heap of arrogant way. - 2) - to be threatening. - 3) - to confront
burning coals. See also the term "braserìa". with courage. - 4) - to manage, to manoeuvre, to
braserìa - n. f. ( pr. \ br&zer'i& \ ) - See braseri. contrive. - It uses the aux. "avèj ".
brasiera - n. f. ( pr. \ br&zi'er& \ ) - See brasé. braveur - n. m. ( pr. \ br&v'[oe]r \ ) - See bravass.
braslet - n. m. ( pr. \ br&sl'æt \ ) - See brassalet. bravëssa - n. f. ( pr. \ br&v'&ss& \ ) At plr. bravësse -
brass - n. m. ( pr. \ br&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - arm (in general). - goodness, kindness, honesty, wisdom. See also the term
2) - beam, bar (balance). - 3) - jib (cranes, etc.). - 4) - "bravità ".
wing (architecture). - 5) - branch (rivers etc.). Some bravità - n. f. ( pr. \ br&vit'& \ ) - See bravëssa.
expressions having an used lit. meaning and an idiomatic bravo - n. m. ( pr. \ br'&vô \ ) - See bravass.
one. : - A) - "aussé ij brass" lit. "to put up one's hand" bravòm - n. ( pr. \ br&v'om \ ) Inv. at plr. - honest man, good
"to surrender". - B) - "avèj ij brass longh " lit. "to have man, correct man. At fm. the loc. "brava dòna" for sng.
long arms" "to be powerful, to be influent". - C) - "pijé an and "brave dòne" for plr. are used, instead of a unique
brass" lit. "to take up (sb.) in one's arms" "to cheat word.
(sb.)". - D) - "parlé a brass" lit. "to speak at arms" "to bravura - n. f. ( pr. \ br&v'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. bravure. - 1) -
make an impromptu speach". - D) - "fé casché ij brass" cleverness, skill. - 2) - bravery, courage. - 3) - bravura
lit. "to make fall the arms" "to dishearten, to send the
bré - n. ( pr. \ br'e \ ) Ms. plr. bré - fm. sng. and plr. bréra,
heart in the boots". - E) - "dé brass fòrt " lit. "to give
brére. - lamb breeder, lamb seller, lamb dealer, lamb
strong arm" "to back (sb.) up, to help". butcher. See also the term "bërré ".
brassa - n. f. ( pr. \ br'&s& \ ) At plr. brasse. - 1) - measure brech - n. m. ( pr. \ bræk \ ) - See brach 1), 2nd meaning.
equivalent at the two arms extended. - 2) - old linear brecia - n. f. ( pr. \ br'e[ch]i& \ ) At plr. brece. - breach. We
measure equivalent at a length from 58 to 70 cm (differet recall two fig. ways of using this term: - A) - "sté an sla
from place to place).
brécia" "to stand in the breach, to fight for one's own
brassà - n. f. ( pr. \ br&s'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - armful. - 2) -
ideas, etc.". - B) - "bate an brecia" "to beat in breach, to
stroke (swimming). - The idiomatic expression "a brassà"
be prevalent, to impose one's ideas, etc. "
means "in large quantity".
bref - adv. ( pr. \ br'æf \ ) - in short, briefly. - See also the
brassabòsch - n. m. ( pr. \ br&s&b'osc \ ) Inv. at plr. - ivy
term "brev".
(botany - Hedera helix).
brenn - n. m. ( pr. \ br'æn \ ) - See brann.
brassal - n. m. ( pr. \ br&s'&l \ ) At plr. brassaj. - 1) - arm
breu - n. m. ( pr. \ br'[oe] \ ) Inv. at plr. - broth, soup,
band. - 2) - bracelet. In this sense see also the term
bouillon. This term is usually referred to the vegetables
"brassalet". - 3) - arm (of an armchair).
broth, since the meat broth is better called "bròd" (see the
brassalà - n. f. ( pr. \ br&s&l'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - blow with a
breugé - vrb 1st con. int. ( pr. \ br[oe]j'e \ ) - 1) - to low, to
brassalet - n. m. ( pr. \ br&s&l'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - bracelet,
moo. - 2) - to roar. - 3) - to blech. - It uses the aux. "avèj".
bangle. - 2) - wrist-strap.
See also the terms "breuge, brogé, brugé, mugì". Also
brassarìa - n. f. ( pr. \ br&s&r'i& \ ) At plr. brassarìe. - beer
referred to the noise of the strong wind, the thunder and the
house, ale house. See also the terms "brasserìa, birarìa,
stormy sea.
breuge - vrb 2nd con. int. ( pr. \ br'[oe]je \ ) - See breugé.
brasserìa - n. f. ( pr. \ br&ser'i& \ ) - See brassarìa.
breugg - n. m. ( pr. \ br'[oe]j \ ) Inv. at plr. - bellow, roar. Also
brasset (a ---) - adv. loc. ( pr. \ & br&s'æt \ ) - arm-in-arm.
referred to the noise of the strong wind, the thunder and the
See also the loc. "sot brasset" and "sot brassëtta", which is
stormy sea.
the most used.
brev - 1) - adv. ( pr. \ br'eu \ ) - See bref.
brasset (sot ---) - adv. loc. ( pr. \ sut br&s'æt \ ) See brasset (a
brev - 2) - n. m. ( pr. \ br'eu \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - small
reliquary hanged around the neck (old devotion).- 2) -
brassëtta (sot ---) - adv. loc. ( pr. \ sut br&s'&tt& \ ) See
breve (a duration of a musical note) - 3) - papal brief.
brasset (a ---).
brevet - n. m. ( pr. \ brev'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - patent
brassié - n. m. ( pr. \ br&si'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - escort. See also
(inventions). - 2) - licence (planes - pilot's licence) - 3) -
the term "compagnor".
certificate (marine - master's certificate).
brassin - n. m. ( pr. \ br&s'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - small arm.
breveté - vrb 1st con. trs. ( pr. \ brevet'e \ ) - See brevëtte.
diminutive of "brass".
brevëttàbil - adj. ( pr. \ brev&tt'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. brevëttàbij -
brasson - n. m. ( pr. \ br&s'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - big arm.
fm. sng. and plr. brevëttàbil, brevëttàbij. - patentable.
augmentative of "brass".
brevëtté - vrb 1st con. trs. ( pr. \ brev&tt'e \ ) - to patent.
braté - vrb 1st con. trs. ( pr. \ br&t'e \ ) - to row with only one
oar at the stern of the boat.

brevëttual - adj. ( pr. \ brev&tt[ue]'&l \ ) Ms. plr. brevëttuaj - brigarìa - n. f. ( pr. \ brig&r'i& \ ) At plr. brigarìe. - quarrel.
fm. sng. and plr. brevëttual, brevëttuaj. - patent (as an See also the terms "rusa, ciacòt ".
attribute). brighé - vrb 1st con. int. ( pr. \ brig'e \ ) - 1) - to scheme, to
breviari - n. m. ( pr. \ brevi'&ri \ ) Inv. at plr. - breviary intrigue. - 2) - to be busy, to strive. It uses the aux. "avèj
(religion). ".
breviassion - n. f. ( pr. \ brevi&si'u[ng] \ ) - See abreviassion. brighèire - adj. and n. ( pr. \ brig'æire \ ) - See brigàire.
brevié - vrb 1st con. trs. ( pr. \ brevi'e \ ) - See abrevié. brighela - n. m. ( pr. \ brig'el& \ ) Inv. at plr. (when
brevità - n. f. ( pr. \ brevit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - applicable). - 1) - "Brighella", the italian Carnival mask-
shortness, brevity. character. - 2) - scamp, little rascal. - 3) - lively child.
brës-cia - n. f. ( pr. \ br'&s[ch]i& \ ) - See bës-cia. brigna - n. f. See bërgna.
bricaireul - n. ( pr. \ bric&ir'[oe]l \ ) Ms. plr. bricaireuj - fm. brignëtta - n. f. See bërgnëtta.
sng. and plr. bricaireul, bricaireuj. - inhabitant of hills brila - n. f. ( pr. \ br'il& \ ) At plr. brile. - 1) - bridle, rein. See
and mountains, highlander. See also the terms "bricareul, also the terms "rëdna, cavëssa ". The piedm. expression "a
bricolin". See also the meaning of the voice "brich ". brila batùa" lit. "at hit bridle", means "at full gallop".
bricareul - n. ( pr. \ bric&r'[oe]l \ ) - See bricaireul. The word has also a fig. meaning : "arlamé la brila" lit.
bricél - n. m. ( pr. \ bri[ch]'el \ ) At plr. bricéj. - "burchiello" "to slacken the bridle" has the fig, meaning of the english
(sort of rowing boat on rivers). See also the terms "burcel, "to slacken the reins" " to allow, to leave doing". - 2) -
brucet, burcet ". bridle (mechanics).
brich - n. m. ( pr. \ bric \ ) Inv. at plr - 1) - hill, mountain, brilansa - n. f. ( pr. \ bril'&[ng]s& \ ) At plt. brilanse. -
high ground, hillock. - 2) - cliff, rock, crag. See also the brilliancy (physics).
term "montagnëtta". brilant - 1) - n. m. ( pr. \ bril'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. - diamond. See
brichet - n. m. ( pr. \ brik'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - flint, match, also the terms "briliant, diamant".
sulphur match. brilant - 2) - adj. ( pr. \ bril'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. brilant - fm. sng.
bricola - n. f ( pr. \ bric'ul& \ ) At plr. brìcole. - 1) - hill, small and plr. brilanta, brilante. - bright, shining.
mountain. See also the terms "bricolet, bricòcola, bricòla brilantadura - n. f. ( pr. \ bril&nt&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
2nd meaning)". - 2) - pole to draw water from a well. brilantadure. 1) - cutting (jewels). - 2) - polishing
bricolé - vrb 1st con. int. - to climb, to scramble up, to (technique). - See also the term "briliantadura".
cramble up. It uses the aux. "avèj ". See also the terms brilanté - vrb 1st con. trs. ( pr. \ bril&nt'e \ ) - 1) - to cut, to
"rampié, rampigné ". facet (jewels). - 2) - to polish (technique). See also the
bricolet - n. m. ( pr. \ bric'ulæt \ ) - See bricola 1st meaning. term "brilianté ". The refl. form assumes the following fig.
bricolin - n. ( pr. \ bricul'i[ng] \ ) - See bricaireul. meaning:
bricon - n. and adj. ( pr. \ bric'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. bricon - fm. brilantésse - vrb 1st con. refl. ( pr. \ bril&nt'ese \ ) - to make
sng. and plr. bricon-a, bricon-e. - rascal, rogue, oneself conspicuous, to put oneself in a good light. (in a
scoundrel. fig. sense).
briconada - n. f. ( pr. \ bricun'&d& \ ) At plr. briconade. - brilantëssa - n. f. ( pr. \ bril&nt'&ss& \ ) At plr. brilantësse. -
knavery, rascally trick. See also the terms brilliance, lustre, brightness. See also the term
"briconarìa,birbonerìa, birbanterìa". Used also in a gentle "briliantëssa".
meaning. brilantin - n. m. ( pr. \ bril&nt'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - small
briconarìa - n. f. ( pr. \ bricun&r'i& \ ) - See briconada. diamond. - 2) - satiny silk material.
bricòcola - n. f. ( pr. \ bric'ocul& \ ) At plr. bricòcole. - hill. brilantin-a - n. f. ( pr. \ bril&nt'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. brilantin-e. -
small mountain. For this meaning see also "bricola 1st brilliantine.
meaning, bricolet, bricòla". brilantor - n. m. ( pr. \ bril&nt'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - gloss,
bricòla - n. f. ( pr. \ bric'ol& \ ) At plr. bricòle. - 1) - brightness, shininess. - In this sense see also the terms
smuggler's bag. - 2) - hill. small mountain, hillock. For "lustr, lusor, lucid ".
this meaning see also "bricola 1st meaning, bricolet, brilé - 1) - vrb 1st con. int. and trs. ( pr. \ bril'e \ ) - 1) - to
bricòcola, montagnëtta". shine, to sparkle (int.). - 2) - to burst, to explode
bridgë - n. m. ( pr. \ br'idj& \ ) Inv. at plr. - bridge (card game). (explosives) (trs.). The construction is "fé brilé" "to make
bridon - n. m. ( pr. \ brid'u[ng] \ ) - See brilon. explode". - 3) - to mill, to husk and polish (rice and other
briga - n. f. ( pr. \ br'ig& \ ) At plr. brighe. - 1) - duty, charge, cereals) (trs.) - It always uses the aux. "avèj ". See also the
task. - 2) - bother, trouble, care. The expression "pijésse term "brilié ".
la briga ëd fé..." is translated into "to take the trroble to brilé - 2) - n. m. ( pr. \ bril'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - bridles' producer.
do...". briliant - n. m. and adj. ( pr. \ brili'&nt \ ) - See brilant 1) and
brigà - n. f. ( pr. \ brig'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - brigate (military). 2).
brigada - n. f. ( pr. \ brig'&d& \ ) At plr. brigade. - company, briliantadura. - n. f. ( pr. \ brili&nt&d'[ue]r& \ ) - See
group, set, gang. brilantadura.
brigadié - n. m. ( pr. \ brig&di'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - "brigadiere". brilianté - vrb 1st con. trs. ( pr. \ brili&nt'e \ ) - See brilanté.
In Piedm. this term is referred to a rank of non- briliantésse - vrb 1st con. refl. ( pr. \ brili&nt'ese \ ) - See
commissioned officer (more or less sergeant, sergeant- brilantésse.
major) in the military-civilian police, a Corps of the italian briliantëssa - n. f. ( pr. \ brili&nt'&ss& \ ) - See brilantëssa.
army. (italian : Carabinieri - piedm. : Carabigné). brilié - vrb 1st con. int. and trs. ( pr. \ brili'e \ ) - See brilé 1).
brigaire - adj. and n. ( pr. \ brig'&ire \ ) Ms. plr. brigàire - fm. brilon - n. m. ( pr. \ bril'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - bit, snaffle.
sng. and plr. brigàira, brigàire. - 1) - intriguing, (horse). See also the term "bridon".
scheming, meddling (adj.). 2) - intriguer, chemer, brin - n. m. ( pr. \ bri[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - lock, tuft, wisp. See
meddler, swindler (sbst.). - See also the term "brighèire". also the term "bron", and in someway also the term"bës-
brigant - n. m. ( pr. \ brig'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. - brigand, bandit. cia".
brigantagi - n. m. ( pr. \ brig&nt'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - brinà - 1) - n. f. ( pr. \ brin'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - frost, fall of frost.
brigandism, brigandage. See also the term "brinada".
brigantin - n. m. ( pr. \ brig&nt'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
brigantine, brig (marine).

brinà - 2) - adj. and p. p. ( pr. \ brin'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - See also the best piedm. terms "tërmolon, tramolon,
frosted, covered with frost. As an adj. see also the term frisson".
"brinos". brivilegi - n. m. ( pr. \ brivil'eji \ ) Inv. at plr. - privilege. See
brinàda - n. f. ( pr. \ brin'&d& \ ) - See brinà 1). also the most common term "privilegi ".
brinda - n. f. ( pr. \ br'ind& \ ) At plr. brinde. - "brenta" broa - n. f. ( pr. \ br'u& \ ) At plr. broe. - edge, bank, brink,
(wine cask of about 50 litres that can be carried on verge. The piedm. expression "andé an broa" lit. "to go
shoulders). The "brinda" is nearly no more in use to edge" means "to run a risk, to ris, to find oneself in a
nowadays. An used cask for wine is now the "damigiana" risk ". (the expression can be also "andé a brus" - see the
(often sill called "brinda") of about 54 litres. voice "brus").
brindé - vrb 1st con. int. ( pr. \ brind'e \ ) - to toast, to drink. It broà - adj and p. p. ( pr. \ bru'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - boiled,
uses the aux. "avèj ". cooked in boiling water. The idiomatic piedm. expression
brindela - n. f. ( pr. \ brind'el& \ ) At plr. brindele. - half a "esse broà" lit. "to be boiled" means "to be worn out ".
"brenta" (then wine cask of about 25 litres). See also the broacé - vrb 1st con. trs. ( pr. \ bru&[ch]'e \ ) - 1) - to soil, to
term "brinda". stain with soup. - 2) - to spin out, to draw out (in a fig.
brìndes - n. m. ( pr. \ br'indæz \ ) Inv. at plr. - toast. The sense). - See also the term "ambroacé, sbroacé".
expression "fé 'n brindes" is translate into "to drink a toast" broacésse - vrb 1st con. refl. ( pr. \ bru&[ch]'ese \ ) - to soil
and can also be "fé bon pro" or "toché 'l bicer" lit. "to oneself, to stain oneself with soup. See also the term
touch the glass". "ambroacésse, sbroacésse".
brindor - n. m. ( pr. \ brind'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - wine porter. broàcia - n. f. ( pr. \ bru'&[ch]i& \ ) At plr. broace. - watery
briné - vrb 1st con. imp. and trs. ( pr. \ brin'e \ ) - 1) - to be a soup, bad soup.
frost (somewhere - there) (imp.). "Sta neuit a l'ha brinà" broaciàire - n. ( pr. \ bru&[ch]i'&ire \ ) Ms. plr. broaciàire -
"last night there was a frost". - 2) - to frost. In any case it fm. sng. and plr. broaciàira, broaciàire. - messy eater. See
uses the aux. "avèj ". also the term "ambroacion". - 2) - dirty person. - 3) -
brìnel - n. m. ( pr. \ br'inæl \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - Brinell drunkard.
number, grade of hardness of a solid body. (physics - broacèire - n. ( pr. \ bru&[ch]i'æire \ ) - See broaciàire.
metrology). broacion - n. ( pr. \ bru&[ch]i'u[ng] \ ) - See broaciàire.
brinos - adj. ( pr. \ brin'uz \ ) Ms. plr. brinos - fm. sng. and plr. broaciura - n. f. ( pr. \ bru&[ch]i'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. broaciure. -
brinosa, brinose. - frosty, covered with frost " - See also 1) - dirtying, soiling. - 2) - stain(s).
the term "brinà ". brocà - n. m. ( pr. \ bruc'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - brocade. - 2) -
brin-a - n. f. ( pr. \ br'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. brin-e. - frost, jugful.
hoarfrost. When the frost is heavy and adheres to broca - n. f. ( pr. \ br'uc& \ ) At plr. broche. - jug, pitcher. Not
branches, wires, etc. then its name is "galaverna" (see the to be confuded with the term"bròca" (see below), with a
voice). completely differen meaning.
brio - n. m. ( pr. \ br'iu \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - brio (general and brocadél - n. m. ( pr. \ bruc&d'el \ ) At plr. brocadéj. -
music). - 2) - liveliness, gaiety, high spirits. brocatel, brocatelle.
brios - adj. ( pr. \ bri'uz \ ) Ms. plr. brios - fm. sng. and plr. brocé - vrb 1st con. trs. ( pr. \ bru[ch]'e \ ) - to broach
briosa, briose. - gay, lively, full of life, full of beans. (mechanics).
briosità - n. f. ( pr. \ briuzit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - gaiety, brochëtta - n. f. ( pr. \ bruk'&tt& \ ) At plr. brochëtte. - small
cheerfulness, liveliness. nail, small tack. Also called "smens ëd ciò" lit. "seed of
briòss - n. f. ( pr. \ bri'os \ ) Inv. at plr. - nail". Diminutive of the term "bròca" (see below). A
brisa - n. f. ( pr. \ br'iz& \ ) At plr. brise. - crumb. See also commonly used piedm. way of saying is "bate le brochëtte"
the most correct terms "frisa, fërvaja". lit. "to pound the small nails" "to have the teeth that
brisà - adj. and p. p. ( pr. \ briz'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - are chattering, to be very cold".
crumbled. See also the best term "sfrisà ". brochëtterìa - n. f. ( pr. \ bruk&tter'i& \ ) At plr. brochëtterìe.
brisca - n. f. ( pr. \ br'isc& \ ) At plr. brische (when applicable). - assortment of nails, assortment of tack, nails and
- 1) - card game "briscola". See also the term "brìscola". tacks.
- 2) - old type of carriage. brochëtté - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. ( pr. \ bruk&tt'e \ ) - 1) - to
brìscola - n. f. ( pr. \ br'iscul& \ ) At plr. briscole. - card game put studs or knobs, to put nails (trs.). (in sabots or
"briscola". See also the term "brisca". A couple of idioms hobnailed boots). See also the term "ambrochëtté ". - 2) -
derives from this word : - A) - "esse l'ass ëd brìscola" "to to begin the gemmation (int.). (botany - on branches of
be the most important person". - B) - "conté coma 'l doi ëd trees).
brìscola" "not to have any importance". This follows brociadura - n. f. ( pr. \ bru[ch]i&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
from the rules of the game. brociadure. - broaching (mechanics).
briscolà - n. f. ( pr. \ briscul'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - a game of brociatriss - n. f. ( pr. \ bru[ch]i&tr'is \ ) Inv. at plr. -
"briscola". broaching machine.
briscolé - vrb 1st con. trs. ( pr. \ briscul'e \ ) - to beat, to brocolù - adj. ( pr. \ brucul'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. brocolù - fm. sng.
cudgel, to punish. (in a fig. sense). and plr. brocolùa, brocolùe. - pimply, spotty. See also the
briscolon - n. m. ( pr. \ briscul'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - a type of terms "grotolù, gropassù ".
the card game "briscola". brocon - n. m. ( pr. \ bruc'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - big stud, big
brisé - vrb 1st con. trs. ( pr. \ briz'e \ ) - 1) - to break into small knob, big nail. Augmentative of the term "bròca".
pieces, to mince, to crumble, to grind. In this sense see brodà - adj. and p. p. ( pr. \ brud'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
also the term "sfrisé". - 2) - to skim, to graze, to keep embroidered.
close to. In this sense see also the terms "sfrisé, sfioré, brodàire - adj. and n. ( pr. \ brud'&ire \ ) Ms. plr. brodàire -
rasenté ". fm. sng. and plr. brodàira, brodàire. - fond of broth, fond
briseur - n. (pr. \ briz'[oe]r \ ) Ms. plr. briseur - fm. sng. and of soup. See also the terms "brodareul, brodari". The
plr. briseura, briseure. - blackleg, scab, strike-breaker. expression "frà brodàire" is used to indicate a "serving
See also the terms "crumiro, cromiro". monk" and ironically an "informal waiter".
brivid - n. m. ( pr. \ br'ivid \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - shiver, brodareul - adj. and n. ( pr. \ brud&r'[oe]l \ ) - See brodàire.
shudder. - 2) - thrill (in a fig. sense). Quite an italianism. brodari - adj. and n. ( pr. \ brud'&ri \ ) - See brodàire.

brodarìa - n. f. ( pr. \ brud&r'i& \ ) At plr. brodarìe. - 1) - bronch-polmonar - adj. (pr. \ bruncpulmun'&r \) Inv. in gnd.
embroidery. - 2) - street ornament made with festoons. and nr. - bronchopulmonary. See also the term
brodé - vrb 1st con. trs. ( pr. \ brud'e \ ) - 1) - to embroider. - "broncopolmonar".
2) - to adorn. bronch-polmonite - n. f. (pr. \ bruncpulmun'ite \) Inv. at plr. -
brodeur - n. ( pr. \ brud'[oe]r \ ) Ms. plr. brodeur - fm. sng. bronchopneumonia (medical). See also the term
and plr. brodeusa, brodeuse. - embroiderer. See also the "broncopolmonite".
fm. term "brodeusa" and the term "ricamator". bronch-ragìa - n. f. (pr. \ bruncr&j'i& \) At plr. bronch-ragìe.
brodeusa - n. f. ( pr. \ brud'[oe]z& \ ) At plr. brodeuse. - - bronchial hemorrhage (medical). - See also the term
embroideress. See also the ms. term "brodeur" and the "broncoragìa".
terms "ricamator, ricamatriss". bronch-tomìa - n. f. (pr. \ brunctum'i& \) At plr. bronch-
brodin - n. m. ( pr. \ brud'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - jelly broth, tomìe. - bronchotomy. (medical). See also the term
small quantity of broth. Diminutive of the term "bròd". "broncotomìa".
brodos - adj. ( pr. \ brud'uz \ ) Ms. plr. brodos - fm. sng. and broncografìa - n. f. (pr. \ bruncugr&f'i& \) - At plr.
plr. brodosa, brodose. - 1) - watery, thin (soup). - 2) - broncografìe. - bronchography (medical).
boring (in a fig. sense). broncopolmonar - adj. (pr. \ bruncupulmun'&r \) - See
broé - vrb 1st con. trs. ( pr. \ bru'e \ ) - to boil, to stew. Usually bronch-polmonar.
the term is referred to vegetables. See also the terms broncopolmonite - n. f. (pr. \ bruncupulmun'ite \) - See
"beuje, bujì ". Then see also the same term in the spelling bronch-polmonite.
"brové". Some times the vrbl. loc. "fé broé " "to make (it) broncoragìa - n. f. (pr. \ bruncur&j'i& \) - See bronch-ragìa.
boil ", is used. broncotomìa - n. f. (pr. \ bruncutum'i& \) - See bronch-tomìa.
brogé - vrb 1st con. int. ( pr. \ bruj'e \ ) - See breugé. bronda - n. f. (pr. \ br'und& \) At plr. bronde. 1) - branch
broja - n. f. ( pr. \ br'uy& \ ) - See bàucia. with leaves, leafy bough. - 2) - leafy boughs. - See also
brojass - n. m. ( pr. \ bruy'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - daybook, the terms "frasca, sbronda".
waste-book. - 2) - notebook, scribbling block. brondé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ brund'e \) - to strip of leaves, to
brojé - vrb 1st con. int. ( pr. \ bruy'e \ ) - to germinate, to bud, thin out the branches, to prune. See also the terms
to sprout. It uses the aux. "esse". See also the term "sbrondé, sfrondé, scopé ".
"brojoné ". brons - adj. and n. (pr. \ bru[ng]s \) - 1) - drunk. (adj.). - 2) -
brojon - n. m. ( pr. \ bruy'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - bud, drunken man (sbst.). See also the term "bronson" 1st
sprout, shoot. - 2) - weevil (zoology). meaning . This term has not to be confused with "bronz"
brojoné - vrb 1st con. int. ( pr. \ bruyun'e \ ) - See brojé. (see below).
brojura - n. f. ( pr. \ bruy'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. brojure. - bronsa - n. f. (pr. \ br'u[ng]s& \) At plr. bronse. - 1) - pot in
budding, sprouting, germination. bronze or copper. - 2) - drunkenness, in the expression
brola - (pr. \ br'ul& \) At plr. brole. - birch (botany - Betula). "pijé na bronsa" = "to get drunk ".
See also the terms "bola, biola". bronsëtta - n. f. (pr. \ bru[ng]s'&tt& \) At plr. bronsëtte - small
bromà - n. m. (pr. \ brum'& \) Inv. at plr. - bromate pot in bronze or copper. See also the term "bronsin".
(chemistry). Diminutive of the term "bronsa".
bromatologìa - n. f. (pr. \ brum&tuluj'i& \) At plr. (if any). - bronsin - n. m. (pr. \ bru[ng]s'i[ng] \) - See bronsëtta.
bromatologìe. - bromatology, chemistry of food. bronson - 1) - n. (pr. \ bru[ng]s'u[ng] \) Ms. plr. bronson - fm.
(chemistry). sng. and plr. bronson-a, bronson-e. - drunkard.
bromatològich - adj. (pr. \ brum&tul'òjic \) Ms. plr. bronson - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ bru[ng]s'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
bromatològich - fm. sng. and plr. bromatològica, myrtle (botany - Myrtus communis). - 2) - bilberry,
bromatològiche. - bromatologic. wortleberry (botany - Vaccinium myrtillus). In this
brombo - n. m. (pr. \ br'umbu \) Inv. at plr. - young shoot of meaning see the best terms "ambrun-a, brusson". - 3) -
vine. See also the term "bramboj". rhododendron. rose-bay (botany - Rhododendron). See
bromìdrich - adj. (pr. \ brum'idric \) Ms. plr. bromidrich - fm. also the terms "brussaj, bronson-a".
sng. and plr. bromidrica, bromidriche. - hydrobromic. bronson-a - n. f. (pr. \ bru[ng]s'u[ng]& \) - See bronson 2), 3rd
bromism - n. m. (pr. \ brum'izm \) Inv. at plr. - bromism meaning.
(medical). bronsògna - n. f. (pr. \ bru[ng]s'o[gn]& \) At plr. bronsògne. -
bromofòrmi - n. m. (pr. \ brumuf'ormi \) Usually only sng. In drunkenness.
case of need inv. at plr. - bromoform (chemistry). brontofobìa - n. f. (pr. \ bruntufub'i& \) At plr. (if applicable)
bromògrafo - n. m. (pr. \ brum'ogr&fô \) Inv. at plr. - contact brontofobìe. - phobia of thunderstorms.
printer (photography). brontolada - n. f. (pr. \ bruntul'&d& \) At plr. brontolade. -
bromur - n. m. (pr. \ brum'[ue]r \) Inv. at plr. - bromide. mumbling, grumbling. See also the terms "bërbotada,
bromurassion - n. f. (pr. \ brum[ue]r&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - brontolament ".
bromination. brontolament - n. m. (pr. \ bruntul&m'ænt \) - See
bron - n. m. (pr. \ bru[ng] \) - Inv. at plr. - 1) - lock, tuft, wisp. brontolada.
See also the term "brin", and in someway also the brontolé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ bruntul'e \) - 1) - to
term"bës-cia". - 2) - swarm. mumble, to mutter. (trs. and int.) - 2) - to grumble, to
broncc - n. m. (pr. \ brun[ch] \) Inv. at plr. - obstacle, mutter, to rumble (int.). - 3) - to complain, to grouse
hindrance, difficulty. See also the term "antrap ". (int.). - See also the terms "bërboté, barboté ".
broncé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ brun[ch]'e \) - to grumble, to brontolon - n. (pr. \ bruntul'u[ng] \) Ms. plr. brontolon - fm.
mutter. sng. and plr. brontolon-a, brontolon-e. - grumbler. See
bronch - n. m. (pr. \ brunc \) Inv. at plr. - broncus (anatomy). also the terms "bërboton, barboton".
bronchial - adj. (pr. \ brunki'&l \) Ms. plr. bronchiaj - fm. sng. bronz - n. m. (pr. \ bru[ng]z \) Usually sng. In case of need inv.
and plr. bronchial, bronchiaj. - bronchial. at plr. - bronze. A common way of saying is "facia 'd
bronchite - n. f. (pr. \ brunk'ite \) Inv. at plr. - bronchitis bronz" = lit. "face of bronze" which is a sbst. loc.
(medical). corresponding at the endlish adj. loc. "brazen-faced ". A
bronchìtich - adj. (pr. \ brunki'tic \) Ms. plr. bronchìtich - fm. most piedm. sbst. loc. is "facia 'd tòla" = lit."face of tin-
sng. and plr. bronchìtica, bronchìtiche. - bronchitic.

plate" always with the meaning of "impudent person, bròssola. - n. f. (pr. \ br'osul& \) - See bërgnòca.
cheeky fellow". bru - n. m. (pr. \ br[ue] \) Inv. at plr. (if any). - heather, heath
bronzà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ bru[ng]z'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - (botany - Erica). See also the terms "bruera, brech, brach".
1) - bronzed, tanned, suntanned. - 2) - made of bronze, brucet - n. m. (pr. \ br[ue][ch]'æt \) - See bricél.
bronzy, bronze (as an attribute). See also the term brucio - n. m. (pr. \ br'[ue][ch]iu \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - lock, curl
"bronzin". - 3) - covered with bronze. of hair. - 2) - flock. - See also the terms "brus-cia, bës-cià,
bronzadura - n. f. (pr. \ bru[ng]z&d'[ue]r& \) At plr. brus-cio, bis-cia, brës-cia, brus-cio ". - 3) - crumb, bit.
bronzadure. - bronzing. brué - adj. (pr. \ br[ue]'e \) Ms. plr. brué - fm. sng. and plr.
bronzé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ bru[ng]z'e \) - to bronze. bruera, bruere. - similar to a moor, having the
bronzet - n. m. (pr. \ bru[ng]z'æt \) Inv. at plr. - bronze characters of a moor.
statuette. bruera - n. f. (pr. \ br[ue]'er& \) Ar plr. bruere. - 1) - heather,
bronzeur - n. m. (pr. \ bru[ng]z'[oe]r \) Inv. at plr. - worker heath (botany - Erica). See also the terms "bru, brech,
assigned to the bronzing of metals brach". - 2) - moor, heath. For this meaning see also the
bronzin - adj. (pr. \ bru[ng]z'i[ng] \) Ms. plr. bronzin - fm. terms "brujera, vàuda, gèrbola".
sng. and plr. bronzin-a, bronzi-e. - made of bronze, brugé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ br[ue]j'e \) - See breugé.
bronzy, bronze (as an attribute). See also the term "bronzà bruì - 1) - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ br[ue]'i \) - 1) - to rustle. - 2) -
", 2nd meaning. to hum.
bronzin-a - n. f. (pr. \ bru[ng]z'i[ng]& \) At plr. bronzin-e. - 1) bruì - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ br[ue]'i \) Inv. at plr. (if any). - 1) -
- bushing, bush (mechanics). - 2) - bearing (mechanics). rustle, rustling. - 2) - sound of animals.
bross - n. m. (pr. \ brus \) Inv. at plr (if any). - typical hot brujera - n. f. (pr. \ br[ue]y'er& \) Ar plr. brujere. - moor,
piedm. cheese. heath. See also the term "bruera " 2nd meaning.
brossa - n. f. (pr. \ br'us& \) At plr. brosse. - 1) - hard bruch, brulé - adj. (pr. \ br[ue]l'e \) Used only as inv. in gnd. and nr. -
curry-comb. - 2) - pustule, pimple, spot, scab. lit. "burnt" In the expression "vin brulé" "wine boiled
brossaj - n. m. (pr. \ br'us&y \ ) Inv. at plr. - rhododendron, with spices and sugar", to be drunk hot.
rose-bay (botany - Rhododendron). See also the terms brumës-cia - rhododendron, rose-bay. (botany -
"rate, brusson, barmës-cia, artesin". Rhododendron). See also the terms "artesin, bërmës-cia,
brosse - n. f. plr. (pr. \ br'use \) Only plr. - nibblings. bronson, brusson, brussaj, bronson-a ".
brossé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ brus'e \) - 1) - to weave, to brumestia - n. f. (pr. \ br[ue]m'esti& \) At plr. (if any)
embroider. - 2) - to bind (a book, etc.). brumestie. - a type of grapes that can be kept for the
brossëtta - n. m. (pr. \ brus'&tt& \) At plr. brossëtte. - small winter. See also the term "grumestia".
pustle, small pimple (diminutive of the term "brossa"). brun - 1) - adj. and n. (pr. \ br[ue][ng] \) Ms. plr. brun - fm.
See also the term "bossëtta". sng. and plr. brun-a, brun-e. - 1) - dark, brown (adj.). - 2)
brossolin - n. m. (pr. \ brusul'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - hawthorn, - dark-haired person.
maybush. (botany - Crataegus oxyacantha). See also the brun - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ br[ue][ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - brown
terms "bòsso, bussolin". (colour). - 3) - mourning. In this last meaning see also the
brossura - n. f. (pr. \ brus'[ue]r& \) At plr. brossure. - term "deul ".
paperback, paperback binding. brunëssa - n. f. (pr. \ br[ue]n'&ss& \) At plr. brunësse. - the
broté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ brut'e \) - to nibble, to browse being brown or dark.
(on). brunëtta - n. f. (pr. \ br[ue]n'&tt& \) At plr. - brunëtte. - pretty
brotin - n. m. (pr. \ brut'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - the inner part of brunette.
a salad tuft (or similar). See also the term "brutin". brunì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ br[ue]n'i \) - 1) - to
brové - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ bruw'e ; bru'e \) - See broé. burnish, to polish (mechanics) (trs.). - 2) - to brown(trs.).
brovura - n. f. (pr. \ bru'[ue]r& \) At plr. brovure. - boiling, - 3) - to bronze, to tan (trs.). - 4) - to become dark (int.).
stewing. brunidor - n. m. (pr. \ br[ue]nid'ur \) Inv. at plr. - burnisher
bròca - n. f. (pr. \ br'oc& \) At plr. bròche. - 1) - short nail (both the tool and the assigned worker).
with (relatively) large head. - 2) - stud., tack. brunidura - n. f. (pr. \ br[ue]nid'[ue]r& \) At plr. brunidure. -
bròch - n. m. (pr. \ br'oc \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - nag (horse). - 2) - burnishing, polishing (metals). See also the terms
rude man (in a fig. sense). - 3) - athlete of lacklustre "burnidura, brunissagi ".
performances (in a fig. sense). brunissagi - (pr. \ br[ue]nis'&ji \) - See brunidura.
bròcia - n. f. (pr. \ br'o[ch]i& \) At plr. bròce. - broach brunitriss - n. f. (pr. \ br[ue]nitr'is \) Inv. at plr. - burnishing
(mechanics). machine.
bròcol - n. m. (pr. \ br'ocul \) At plr. bròcoj. - broccoli. brus - n. m. (pr. \ br[ue]z \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - smell or taste of
(botany - Brassica oleracea). something burnt. - 2) - limit, extremity, border,
bròd - n. m. (pr. \ br'od \) Inv. at plr. - broth. Usually obtained "narrow squeak" in expressions like : - A) - "andé a
with meat. For vegetable soup a better term is "breu" (see brus" "to have a narrow squeak, to have reached the
the voice). safety limit. to risk". - B) - "esse al brus ëd..." "to be on
bròda - n. f. (pr. \ br'od& \) At plr. bròde. - 1) - watery soup, the point of...".
dishwater. - 2) - long and boring speech (in a fig. sense). brusà - adj and p. p. (pr. \ br[ue]z'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) -
- 3) - fuel, petrol, gas (slang term). burned, burnt. - 2) - nipped
bròm - n. m. (pr. \ br'om \) Chemical element - Inv. at plr. (if brusacafè - n. m. (pr. \ br[ue]z&c&f'æ \) Inv. at plr. - coffee-
any). - bromine. roaster.
bròmich - adj. (pr. \ br'omic \) Ms. plr. bròmich - fm. sng. and brusacheur - n. m. (pr. \ br[ue]z&c'[oe]r \) Inv. at plr. (if any).
plr. bròmica, bròmiche. - bromic. - heartburn, stomach-ache, gastric acidity.
bròpa - n. f. (pr. \ br'op& \) At plr. bròpe. - 1) - knotty brusador - n. m. (pr. \ br[ue]z&d'ur \) Inv. at plr. - burner.
branch. - 2) - strong pole for supporting vines. - 3) - dry brusadura - n. f. (pr. \ br[ue]z&d'[ue]r& \) At plr. brusadure.
shoot of an old stump. See also the terms "paloch, pal, - 1) - burning. - 2) - burn, scald. - 3) - cauterization. See
passon". also the terms "brusura, bruson".
bròss - n. m. (pr. \ br'os \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - clasp. - 2) - brooch.
- 3) - ornament for clothes or hair.

brusaròla - n. f. (pr. \ br[ue]z&r'ol& \) At plr. brusaròle. - brustidura - n. f. (pr. \ br[ue]stid'[ue]r& \) At plr. brustidure.
dermatitis with reddening and burning. (this is a popular - toasting, roasting.
term). brustié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ br[ue]sti'e \) - See brus-cé.
brusatà - 1) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ br[ue]z&t'& \) Inv. in gnd. brustium - n. m. (pr. \ br[ue]sti'[ue]m \) Inv. at plr. - tow. See
and nr. - singed, scorched, roasted. also the terms "brustiura, brustiada 2nd meaning ".
brusatà - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ br[ue]z&t'& \) Inv. at plr. - roast brustiura - n. f. (pr. \ br[ue]sti'[ue]r& \) - See brustium.
chestnut. See also the term "mondaj " and the loc. brustolada - n. f. (pr. \ br[ue]stul'&d& \) At plr. brustolade. -
"castagna brusatà ". 1) - toasting. - 2) - roasting.
brusaté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ br[ue]z&t'e \) - 1) - to singe, to brustolì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ br[ue]stul'i \) - 1) - to toast. - 2)
scorch. - 2) - to frost. See also the terms "rasaté, ramì, - to roast.
anrossì ". brustolìa - m. f. (pr. \ br[ue]stul'i& \) - See brustolada.
brus-cé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ br[ue]s[ch]'e \) - to use the brusura - n. f. (pr. \ br[ue]z'[ue]r& \) At plr. brusure. -
brush or the combing-card, to comb, to card (texile). scorch, burn, scald. See also the terms "brusadura,
See also the term "brustié ". bruson".
brusch - adj. (pr. \ br[ue]sc \) Ms. plr. brusch - fm. sng. and brut - adj. (pr. \ br[ue]t \) Ms. plr. brut - fm. sng. and plr.
plr. brusca, brusche. - 1) - sour, acidulous, tart, acrid. - bruta, brute. - 1) - ugly. - 2) - bad. In this sense see also
2) - surly, gruff, crusty, brusque, abrupt. A number of the term "cativ". - 3) - base, mean. - 4) - dirty (in moral
way of saying makes use of this word : - A) - "con le sense). - 5) - dry (used for sparking wines). A number of
brusche" lit. "with the barupt manners" "coarsely, way of saying uses this term : - A) - "fé bruta figura" "to
rudely, impolitely ". - B) - "vnì brusch " lit. "to come cut a poor figure". - B) - "brute manere" "ill manners". -
sour" "to sour, to turn sour" (usually related to food, and C) - "con le brute" = "by the use of threats". - D) - "ëd
in particular to wine). brut" "impolitely, rudely" - E) - "pèis brut " "gross
bruschet - adj. (pr. \ br[ue]sk'æt \) Ms. plr. bruschet - fm. sng. weight ". - F) - "bruta còpia" "rough copy". In this
and plr. bruschëtta, bruschëtte. - acidulous, slightly meaning see also the term sbst. "bruta".
sour. To be noted the fm. bruta - n. f. (pr. \ br'[ue]t& \) At plr. brute. - 1) - rough copy.
bruschëssa - n. f. (pr. \ br[ue]sk'&ss& \) At plr. bruschësse. - - 2) - bad hunger. In this latter meaning the term is a slang
1) - sourness, tartness. - 2) - harshness, abruptness. one.
brus-cia - n. f. (pr. \ br'[ue]s[ch]i& \) At plr. brus-ce. - 1) - brutaja - n. f. (pr. \ br[ue]t'&y& \) At plr. brutaje. - 1) -
curry-comb. - 2) - combing-card (texile). - 3) - lock, curl rabble, mob, scum. - 2) - scoundrel. Not so used in this
of hair. In this sense see also the term "bës-cia". sense, since usually the term is used as a collective name.
brus-ciàire - n. (pr. \ br[ue]s[ch]i'&ire \) Ms. plr. brus-ciàire - See also the term "canaja".
fm. sng. and plr. brus-ciàira, brus-ciàire. - 1) - carder, brutal - adj. and n. (pr. \ br[ue]t'&l \) Ms. plr. brutaj - fm. sng.
teaser. See also the term "brustiàire". and plr. brutal, brutaj. - brutal, savage (adj.). - 2) - brutal
brus-cin - n. m. (pr. \ br[ue]s[ch]'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - person (sbst.). In this sense see also the term "bruteur".
scrubbing-brush. brutalisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ br[ue]t&liz'e \) - to brutalize.
brus-ciné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ br[ue]s[ch]in'e \) - to brush. brutalità - n. f. (pr. \ br[ue]t&lit'& \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
brus-cio - n. m. (pr. \ br'[ue]s[ch]iu \) - See bës-cia. brutality, savagery. - 2) - brutal things.
brusé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int.(pr. \ br[ue]z'e \) - 1) - to burn, brutass - adj. and sbst. (pr. \ br[ue]t'&s \) Ms. plr. brutass -
to set on fire (trs.). - 2) - to cauterize (trs.). - 3) - to burn, fm. sng. and plr. brutassa, brutasse. - 1) - big bad ugly
to be on fire (int.). - 4) - to smart, to sting (int.). - 5) - to (adj.). - 2) - big bad ugly person (sbst.). - Pejorative of the
rankle (int.) (in a fig. sense). - 6) - to cut (trs.), as in the term "brut". See also the term "bruteri, bruton ".
expression "to cut a lesson (going somewhere else)" bruteri - adj. and sbst. (pr. \ br[ue]t'eri \) - See brutass.
"brusé na lession" or also "brusé la scòla" "to cut the bruteur - n. (pr. \ br[ue]t'[oe]r \) Ms. plr. bruteur - fm. sng.
school, to play truant ". For the meanings 3) and 4) see also and plr. bruteura, bruteure. - brutal person. See also the
the term "brandé". term "brutal 2nd meaning".
brusésse - vrb 1st con. refl.(pr. \ br[ue]z'ese \) - 1) - to burn brutëssa - n. f. (pr. \ br[ue]t'&ss& \) At plr. brutësse. - 1) -
oneself. - 2) - to scald oneself. - 3) - to burn out (in a fig. ugliness, unsightliness. - 2) - ugly thing, ugliness.
sense). brutin - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ br[ue]t'i[ng] \) - See brotin.
brusòla - n. f. .(pr. \ br[ue]z'ol& \) At plr. (if any) brusòle. - brutin - 2) - adj. (pr. \ br[ue]t'i[ng] \) Ms. plr. brutin - fm. sng.
disease of vegetables produce by frost. and plr. brutin-a, brutin-e. - not fine but not so ugly.
bruson - n. m. (pr. \ br[ue]z'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. (when Diminutive of "brut" having a more polite meaning.
applicable). - 1) - rice-disease. - 2) - scorch, burn, scald. bruton - adj. (pr. \ br[ue]t'u[ng] \) - See brutass.
See also the terms "brusadura, brusura". brutura - n. f. . (pr. \ br[ue]t'[ue]r& \) At plr. bruture. - 1) -
brusor - n. m. (pr. \ br[ue]z'ur \) Inv. at plr. - burning, ugly thing, horrible thing. - 2) - filth. - 3) - base action,
burning sensation, smart, sting. mean thing.
brussaj - n. m. (pr. \ br[ue]s'&y \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - bilberry, bsach - n. m. (pr. \ bs'&c \) Inv. at plr. - heap, plenty, lot.
wortleberry (botany - Vaccinium myrtillus). In this Some idiomatic expressions : - A) - "në bsach e mes" lit.
meaning see the best terms "ambrun-a, brusson". - 2) - "a lot and a half " "a large abundancy". - B) - "buté a
rhododendron. rose-bay (botany - Rhododendron). See bsach" lit. "to put to heap" "to mess (st.) up". - C) -
also the terms "brossaj, bronson, bronson-a, brusson". "esse a bsach" lit. "to be to heap" " to be ruined, to be
brusson - n. m. (pr. \ br[ue]s'u[ng] \) - See brussaj. in penury".
brùstia - n. f. (pr. \ br'[ue]sti& \) - See brus-cia. bsest - n. m. and adj. (pr. \ bs'est \) - See bzest.
brustià - n. f. (pr. \ br[ue]sti'& \) Inv. at plr. - curry-combing, bu - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ b[ue] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - aim, end,
currying. See also the term "brustiada". purpose. See also the term "but ". - 2) - the front part of
brustiada - n. f. (pr. \ br[ue]sti'&d& \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - curry- plough. See also the term"abù".
combing, currying. See also the term "brustià". - 2) - tow. bu - 2) - adj. (pr. \ b[ue] \) Ms. plr. bu - fm. sng. and plr. bua,
See also the terms "brustiura, brustium". bue. - tipsy.
brustiàire - n. (pr. \ br[ue]sti'&ire \) - See brus-ciàire.

bùa - n. f. (pr. \ b'[ue]& \) At plr. bùe. - 1) - prong, tine. - 2) - bufera - n. f. (pr. \ b[ue]f'er& \) At plr. bufere. - storm,
drink. In this meaning see also the terms "boà, beivada, tempest. This is an italianism, sometimes used. See also
etc.". the best terms "tempésta, tormenta, stravent, orissi, bùria ".
buà - n. f. (pr. \ b[ue]'& \) Inv. at plr. - wash, washing, bufetarìa - n. f. (pr. \ b[ue]fet&r'i& \) At plr. (if any)
laundry. bufetarìe. - buffet service.
buass - n. and adj. (pr. \ b[ue]'&s \) Ms. plr. buass - fm. sng. bufì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ b[ue]f'i \) - to puff (as
and plr. buassa, buasse. - 1) - uneducated, ignorant, characteristic of the cooking "polenta" and similar). It uses
stupid (adj.). - 2) - uneducated person, ignorant person, the aux. "avèj ".
stupid person (sbst.). bufon - n. and adj. (pr. \ b[ue]f'u[ng] \) Ms. plr. bufon - fm.
buata - n. f. (pr. \ b[ue]'&t& \) At plr. buate. - doll, puppet, sng. and plr. bufon-a, bufon-e. - buffoon, droll, clown.
rag-doll. See also the term in the spelling "buvata". bufonada - n. f. (pr. \ b[ue]fun'&d& \) At plr. bufonade. -
buatass - n. (pr. \ b[ue]&t'&s \) Ms. plr. buatass - fm. sng. and tomfoolery. See also the term "bufonarìa".
plr. buatassa, buatasse. - 1) - puppet, scarecrow. - 2) - bufoné - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ b[ue]fun'e \) - to play the fool.
good-natured fellow. - 3) - simple, naive. The vrbl. loc. "fé 'l bufon" lit. "to make the buffoon" is
bubon - n. m. (pr. \ b[ue]b'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - bubo, more used.
swelling. - 2) - furuncle, boil. See also the term "bognon". bugansa - n. f. (pr. \ b[ue]g'&[ng]s& \) At plr. buganse. -
buca - n. f. (pr. \ b'[ue]c& \) At plr. buche. - 1) - letter box, chilblain. See also the term "tignòla".
post box. - 2) - hole, pit, den. - 3) - pocket (billiards) bugna - n. f. (pr. \ b'[ue][gn]& \) At plr. bugne. - 1) - boss,
bucà - n. f. (pr. \ b[ue]c'& \) Inv. at plr. - look, glance, ashlar. - 2) - clew.
glimpse. See also the terms "ucià, uciada, vardà, beicà, bugnadura - n. f. (pr. \ b[ue][gn]&d'[ue]r& \) At plr.
bucada, buch ". bugnadure. - bossage.
bucada - n. f. (pr. \ b[ue]c'&d& \) - See bucà. bugné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ b[ue][gn]'e \) - to boss.
bucc - n. m. (pr. \ b'[ue][ch] \) - See bocc. bugnon - n. m. (pr. \ b[ue][gn]'u[ng] \) - See bognon.
buch - n. m. (pr. \ b[ue]c \) - look, glance, glimpse. See also bujent - adj. (pr. \ b[ue]y'ænt \) Ms. plr. bujent - fm. sng. and
the terms "ucià, uciada, vardà, beicà, bucada, buch ". plr. bujenta, bujente. - boiling, hot.
There is an idiomatic expression : "nen tëmme 'l buch" bujì - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ b[ue]y'i \) Inv. at plr. - boiled meat.
lit. "not to fear the glance" "not to bother at gossip". bujì - 2) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ b[ue]y'i \) - bujì - fm. sng. and
buché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ b[ue]k'e \) - 1) - to look at (with plr. bujìa, bujìe. - boiled. An idiomatic way of saying is
attention), to observe, to watch. - 2) - to gaze at. See also "cicin bujì" lit. "boiled tender meat" with a value of
the terms "vardé, beiché ". "weak person".
buda - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ b'[ue]d& \) - Only sng. with meanings bujì - 3) - vrb 1st con. int. and trs. (pr. \ b[ue]y'i \) - See beuje.
deriving from the idiomatic expressions in which it is used bujìa - n. f. (pr. \ b[ue]y'i& \) At plr. bujìe. - 1) - boiling. - 2) -
(the author, as noted before, is not so expert to be able fermentation (in particular of the wine). - 3) - the
giving precise meanings to this word). - A) - "promëtte sensation of hot (usually felt at hands after having handled
buda" = "to promise wonders". - B) - "fé buda" = "to work snow or ice).
strongly". - C) - "andé a buda" = "to dead, to go away bula - n. f. (pr. \ b'[ue]l& \) At plr. bule. - chaff (agriculture).
forever". See also the term "vòrva".
Buda - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ b'[ue]d& \) - Only sng. In case of need bulada - n. f. (pr. \ b[ue]l'&d& \) At plr. bulade. - 1) -
inv. at plr. - Buddha. bravado. - 2) - brag, boast. - 3) - bragging, boasting. - 4)
bùdget - n. m. (pr. \ b'[ue]djæt \) Inv. at plr. - budget. See also - arrogance. See also the terms " bravarìa bravada,
the terms "budsé, budzé, bàget". (Neologism coming from bularìa, blagada".
English). bularìa - n. f. (pr. \ b[ue]l&r'i& \) - See bulada.
budlam - n. m. (pr. \ b[ue]dl'&m \) Inv. at plr. - a set of bulass - n. and adj. (pr. \ b[ue]l'&s \) Ms. plr. bulass - fm. sng.
intestines, a set of bowels. (amimals - butchery) and plr. bulassa, bulasse. - braggart, boaster. swaggerer.
budsé - n. m. (pr. \ b[ue]ds'e \) - See bùdget. (In Piedm. the term is also used as an adj.).
budzé - n. m. (pr. \ b[ue]dz'e \) - See bùdget. bulb - n. m. (pr. \ b[ue]lb \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - bulb (general). -
buel - n. m. (pr. \ b[ue]'el \) At prl. both buéj (ms.) and buele 2) - eyeball (eye - anatomy).
(fm.). - 1) - bowels, intestine. The plr. fm. is used usually buldòzer - n. m. (pr. \ b[ue]ld'ozær \) Inv. at plr. - bulldozer.
for human anatomy, while the plr. ms. is used for animals. - See also the term "boldòdzer".
2) - alley (ms. at plr.). - 3) - narrow tube (ms. at plr.). buliché - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ b[ue]lik'e \ ) - 1) - to swarm, to
buf - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ b[ue]f \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - blow, blowing, teem. - 2) - to teem (in a fig. sense). It uses the aux. "avèj
breath. See also the terms "bufà, bufada" - 2) - gust, puff. ". See also the term "boliché ".
buf - 2) - adj. (pr. \ b[ue]f \) Ms. plr. buf - fm. sng. and plr. bulin - n. m. (pr. \ b[ue]l'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - burin, graver.
bufa, bufe. - funny, comical, droll, peculiar, eccentric. See also the term "burin".
See also the term "dròlo". bulinador - n. (pr. \ b[ue]lin&d'ur \ ) Ms. plr. bulinador - fm.
bufa - n. f. (pr. \ b'[ue]f& \) Used only at sng. - Joky epithet sng. and plr. bulinadòira, bulinadòire. - engraver,
assigned by the Alpine troops to the Infantry. As an burinist. Not easy to find it at fm. See also the term
extension of the adj. "buf ". "burinador ".
bufà - n. f. (pr. \ b[ue]f'& \) Inv. at plr. - blow, blast, puff. bulinadura - n. f. (pr. \ b[ue]lin&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
bufada - n. f. (pr. \ b[ue]f'&d& \) - See bufà. bulinadure. - engraving. See also the term "burinadura ".
bufé - 1) - vrb 1st con. int. and trs. (pr. \ b[ue]f'e \) - 1) - to buliné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ b[ue]lin'e \ ) - to engrave. See
blow (int.). - 2) - to blow, to pant, to puff (int.). - 3) - to also the term "buriné ".
blow (trs.). It always uses the aux. "avèj ". bulo - n. m. (pr. \ b'[ue]lu \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - dandy, fop. - 2) -
bufé - n. m. (pr. \ b[ue]f'e \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - cupboard, bold, arrogant. - 3) - swaggerer, braggart. A common
sideboard. - 2) - buffet. expression is : - A) - "fé 'l bulo" "to show off", or also "to
bùfer - n. (pr. \ b'[ue]fær \) Ms. plr. bùfer - fm. sng. and plr. simulate to be strong ". - 4) - Sometimes the term assumes
bùfera, bùfere. - buffalo (zoology - Bubalus bubalis). also the meaning of expert, skilled person. The expression
"esse 'n bulo" can also mean "to be an expert ".

bulon - n. m. (pr. \ b[ue]l'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - violent burià - n. f. (pr. \ b[ue]ri'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - strong wave of
push, shove. - 2) - bump, collision. See also the terms flood. - 2) - short thunder-storm. See also the term "ramà
"boron, buton, arbuton". ". - 3) - turmoil, uproar, racket.
buloné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ b[ue]lun'e \ ) - to push, to bump burian-a - n. f. (pr. \ b[ue]ri'&[ng]& \ ) At plr. burian-e. - 1) -
into, to shove. See also the term "boroné, butoné, storm, gale, tempest. - 2) - trouble, quarrel (in a fig.
arbutoné". sense).
bulonésse - vrb 1st con. recp. (pr. \ b[ue]lun'ese \ ) - to push burin - n. m. (pr. \ b[ue]r'i[ng] \ ) - See bulin.
each other. See also the term "boronésse". burinador - n. m. (pr. \ b[ue]rin&d'ur \ ) - See bulinador.
bur - n. m. (pr. \ b[ue]r \ ) Inv. at plr. - butter. See also the burinadura - n. m. (pr. \ b[ue]rin&d'[ue]r& \ ) - See
terms "butir, beur". bulinadura.
bura - n. f. (pr. \ b'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. bure. - 1) - flood, spate buriné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ b[ue]rin'e \ ) - See buliné.
(torrents). - 2) - mud, slime, slush. - 3) - crowd, throng burios - adj. (pr. \ b[ue]ri'uz \ ) Ms. plr. burios - fm. sng. and
(in a fig. sense). See also the term "buria". plr. buriosa, buriose. - stormy, tempestuous.
burà - n. f. (pr. \ b[ue]r'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - whey (residual in burla - n. f. (pr. \ b'[ue]rl& \ ) At plr. burle. - joke, trick, jest,
production of butter). fun.
burabacio - n. m. (pr. \ b[ue]r&b'&[ch]iu \ ) - See buracio. burlé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ b[ue]rl'e \ ) - to make a fool (of
buracio - n. m. (pr. \ b[ue]r'&[ch]iu \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - sb.), to moch, to make fun (of sb.).
puppet, rag-doll, scare-crows. - 2) - awkward person. burlon - n. and adj. (pr. \ b[ue]rl'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. burlon - fm.
See also the most used terms "boracio, burabacio, sng. and plr. burlon-a, burlon-e. - 1) - carefree person,
marionëtta". jolly fellow, joker, jester (sbst.). - 2) - full of life, lively
burat - n. m. (pr. \ b[ue]r'&t \ ) Inv. at plr. - bolter, sifter, (adj.) - See also the term "burlos".
sieve. (referred to the machine). burlora - n. f. (pr. \ b[ue]rl'ur& \ ) - See burba.
buratà - n. f. (pr. \ b[ue]r&t'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - sifting, bolting. burlos - n. and adj. (pr. \ b[ue]rl'uz \ ) - See burlon.
See also the terms "buratada, buratura" burlòt - n. m. (pr. \ b[ue]rl'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - big stick tied to
buratada - n. f. (pr. \ b[ue]r&t'&d& \ ) - See buratà. the neck of animals (in order to avoid them to run and go
buratarìa - n. f. (pr. \ b[ue]r&t&r'i& \ ) At plr. buratarìe. - the away). See also the term "tamburlet ".
place for bolting. burnì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ b[ue]rn'i \ ) - See brunì.
buraté - 1) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ b[ue]r&t'e \ ) - 1) - to sift, to burnìa - n. f. (pr. \ b[ue]rn'i& \ ) At plr. burnìe. - 1) -
bolt. - 2) - to sieve, to riddle (in this meaning see also the "albarello" (pharmacy). - 2) - jar of glass.
term "valé ". burnidor - n. m. (pr. \ b[ue] rnid'ur \) - See brunidor.
buraté - 2) - n. (pr. \ b[ue]r&t'e \ ) Ms. plr. buraté - fm. sng. burnidura - n. f. (pr. \ b[ue] rnid'[ue]r& \) - See brundura.
and plr. buratera, buratere. - 1) - sifter, bolter (referred burnitriss - n. f. (pr. \ b[ue]rnitr'is \) - See brunitriss.
to worker). - 2) - butter maker or butter seller. In this burocrassìa - n. f. (pr. \ b[ue]rucr&s'i& \) - At plr.
meaning see also the term "butiré ". burocrassìe. - 1) - bureaucracy, civil service. - 2) - red-
buratin - n. m. (pr. \ b[ue]r&t'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - puppet. tape (in a fig. sense).
In this sense see also the terms "buracio, burabacio, burocrat - n. m. (pr. \ b[ue]rucr'&t \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
marionëtta". - 2) - bolter's boy. In this second case the bureaucrat. - 2) - red-tapist (in a fig. sense). See also the
term is the diminutive of "buraté " used for extension. term "buròcrate".
buratinà - n. f. (pr. \ b[ue]r&tin'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - foolish burocratèis - n. m. (pr. \ b[ue]rucr&t'æiz \) Inv. at plr. -
action. See also the term "buratinada, marionëttà". bureaucratese. (in a jocular pejorative sense).
buratinada - n. f. (pr. \ b[ue]r&tin'&d& \ ) - See buratinà. burocraticament - adv. (pr. \ b[ue]rucr&tic&m'ænt \) -
buratiné - 1) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ b[ue]r&tin'e \ ) - to laugh bureaucratically. Italianism The adv. loc. "an manera
at, to mock, to scorn, to scoff. burocràtica, da na mira burocràtica" = "in a bureaucratic
buratiné - 2) - n. (pr. \ b[ue]r&tin'e \ ) Ms. plr. buratiné - fm. way, from a bureaucratical point of view" are commonly
sng. and plr. buratinera, buratinere. - puppeteer, puppet used.
seller, puppet maker. burocràtich - adj. (pr. \ b[ue]rucr'&tic \) Ms. plr. burocràtich
buratura - n. f. (pr. \ b[ue]r&t'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. burature. - - fm. sng. and plr. burocràtica, burocràtiche. -
See buratà. bureaucratich.
burb - adj. and n. (pr. \ b[ue]rb \ ) Ms. plr. burb - fm. sng. and burocratisassion - n. f. (pr. \ b[ue]rucr&tiz&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at
plr. burba, burbe. - 1) - astue, shrewd, artful (adj.). - 2) - plr. - bureaucratization.
artful fellow (sbst.). The expression "fé 'l burb " means "to burocratisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ b[ue]rucr&tiz'e \) - to
try to be clever". See also the most common term "furb ". bureaucratize.
burba - n. f. (pr. \ b'[ue]rb& \ ) At plr. burbe. - windlass, burocratism - n. m. (pr. \ b[ue]rucr&t'izm \) Inv. at plr. -
winch. See also the terms "bùrbora, burlora". bureaucratism.
burbansa - n. f. (pr. \ b[ue]rb'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr. (when burolista - n. (pr. \ b[ue]rul'ist& \) Ms. plr. burolista - fm. sng.
applicable) burbanse. - 1) - vainty, ostentation. - 2) - and plr. burolista, buroliste. - employee.
hauteur, haughtiness. See also the term "bombansa, burò - n. m. (pr. \ b[ue]r'o \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - commode, chest
spatuss". of drawers. - 2) - writing-desk. - 3) - director's office,
burbarìa - n. f. (pr. \ b[ue]rb&r'i& \ ) At plr. burbarìe. - management office. - 4) - a type of hotel.
slyness, cunning, shrewdness, astuteness. buròcrate - (Italianism). - See burocrat.
bùrbora - n. f. (pr. \ b'[ue]rbur& \ ) - See burba. bus - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ b[ue]z \) Inv. at plr. - hole. The use of this
burcél - n. m. (pr. \ b'[ue]r[ch]'el \ ) - See bricél. term, in this meaning, is more diffused in eastern Piedm.
buré - n. (pr. \ b'[ue]r'e \ ) Ms. plr. buré - fm. sng. and plr. More common terms to see are "beucc, përtus".
burera, burere. - butter maker, butter seller. This term bus - 2) - adj. (pr. \ b[ue]z \) Ms. plr. bus - fm. sng. and plr.
is also used for a quality of pears, called " pruss buré ". See busa, buse. - 1) - empty. - 2) - without a soul. - See also
also the term "butiré, casé ". the term "veuid".
burera - n. f. (pr. \ b[ue]r'er& \ ) At plr. burere. - 1) - churn. - busa - n. f. (pr. \ b'[ue]z& \) At plr. buse. - bovine
2) - butter-dish. See also the terms "portabur, portabutir". excrement.In Piedm. comparisons associated to an adj. are
buria - n. f. (pr. \ b'[ue]ri& \ ) - See bura. very used, in order to underline the meaning. One of them

(not very polite) uses this word : "brut com na busa" lit. busset - n. m. (pr. \ b[ue]s'æt \) Inv. at plr. - slicker, sleeker.
"as ugly as a bovine excrement" "very ugly ". A more bussia - n. f. (pr. \ b'[ue]si& \) At plr. bussie. - steel or bronze
polite comparison (even more used) with this meaning is bush, bushing, bearing.
"brut com la neuit " "as ugly as the night ". bùssola - n. f. (pr. \ b'[ue]sul& \) At plr. bùssole. - 1) -
busaté - n. m. (pr. \ b[ue]z&t'e \) Inv. at plr. - dung collector. compass (navigation). - 2) - bush (mechanics). - 3) - inner
See also the terms "bërlé, busé ". door (space between inner and outer door). - 4) - alms-
busca - n. f. (pr. \ b'[ue]sc& \) At plr. busche. - straw, mote. A box, box for lottery tickets, etc.
couple of way of saying with this term : - A) - "porté le bussolà - n. f. (pr. \ b[ue]sul'& \) Inv. at plr. - bush, shrub,
busche" lit. "to bring straws" "to prepare a house for hedge. See also the term (more common) "bussonà ".
one's marriage" (as the birds preparing a nest). - B) - "tiré bussolé - vrb 1st con. trs. - to beat down (fruits like nuts,
le busche" lit. "to pull the straws" "to draw lots ". olives, etc.).
buscaja - n. f. (pr. \ b[ue]sc'&y& \) At plr. buscaje. - 1) - bussolin - n. m. (pr. \ b[ue]sul'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - hawthorn,
shaving. wood-shavings. - 2) - small pieces of dry wood maybush. (botany - Crataegus oxyacantha). See also the
for lighting the fire. Collective name. terms "bòsso, brossolin".
busché - vrb 1st con. trs. - (pr. \ b[ue]sk'e \) - 1) - to look for bussolòt - n. m. (pr. \ b[ue]sul'ot \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - can, tin. -
(sb. or st.) and find it, to find while looking for. - 2) - to 2) - dice-box.
steal. This term is close to spanish. busson - n. m. (pr. \ b[ue]s'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - bush, shrub.
buschéje - vrb 1st con. trs. prs. prn. (pr. \ b[ue]sk'eye \) - to bussonà - n. f. (pr. \ b[ue]sun'& \) - See bussolà.
look for them and find them (lit. meaning). The expression bust - n. m. (pr. \ b[ue]st \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - bust. - 2) - corset.
is referred to blows, in the sense of "receiving blows". This busta - n. f. (pr. \ b'[ue]st& \) At plr. buste. - 1) - envelope.
latter meaning is often the meaning assigned to the term, See also the term "anvlòpa". - 2) - portfolio, briefcase. - 3)
but in this sensethe meaning is derived from the italian one. - case.
The lit. meaning underlines that blows are a consequence bustarela - n. f. (pr. \ b[ue]st&r'el& \) At plr. bustarele. -
of a bad behaviour. bribe (in a fig. sense).
bus-cia - n. f. (pr. \ b'[ue]s[ch]i& \) - See bës-cia. busté - n. (pr. \ b[ue]st'e \) Ms. plr. busté - fm. sng. and plr.
busé - n. m. (pr. \ b[ue]z'e \) Inv at plr. - 1) - equine bustéra, bustére. - corset-maker. Usually the name id fm.
excrement, solid excrement. - 2) - dung collector. - 3) - since the job is mainly made by women. Then see
dullard (in a fig. sense). See also the term "bërlé ". "bustéra".
buseca - n. f. (pr. \ b[ue]z'ec& \) - See boseca. bustéra - n. f. (pr. \ b[ue]st'er& \) - See busté.
busìa - n. f. (pr. \ b[ue]z'i& \) At plr. busìe. - 1) - lie, untruth, bustet - n. m. (pr. \ b[ue]st'æt \) Inv. at plr. - small corset,
fib. - 2) - candlestick. - 3) - type of biscuit fried in oil. bodice. See also the terms "bustin, corpet, corpetin,
(typical for Carnival). corpin".
busiard - adj. and n. (pr. \ b[ue]zi'&rd \) Ms. plr. busiard - fm. bùstica - n. f. (pr. \ b'[ue]stic& \ ) At plr. bùstiche. - 1) -
sng. and plr. busiarda, busiarde. - 1) - lying, deceitful, anger, wrath, rage, huff, ill-temper. - 2) - instigation.
false (adj.). - 2) - liar (sbst.). See also the terms "busios, bustiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ b[ue]stik'e \ ) - to molest, to
fàuss". annoy, to prod. See also the term "bostiché ". The
busiardarìa - n. f. (pr. \ b[ue]zi&rd&r'i& \) At plr. expression "to poke the fire" can be translated into
busiardarìe. - 1) - untruthfulness, deceitfulness. - 2) - lie, "bustiché 'l feu".
untruth. See also, in this sense, the term "busìa 1st bustin - n. m. (pr. \ b[ue]st'i[ng] \) - See bustet.
meaning". bustin-a - n. f. (pr. \ b[ue]st'i[ng]& \) At plr. bustin-e. - 1) -
busiardé - vrb 1st con. int. and trs. (pr. \ b[ue]zi&rd'e \) - to lie, small envelope. - 2) - military hat without peak. - 3) -
to tell lies, to tell stories. Sometime the use of this vrb is little envelope containing medicides.
trs. (to tell lies about ...). It uses always the aux. "avèj ". but - n. m. (pr. \ b[ue]t \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - bud, sprout. - 2) -
See also the term "sbusiardé ", with a complementary aim, purpose, end, goal. - 3) - jet, spouting.
meaning. butà - n. f. (pr. \ b[ue]t'& \) Inv. at plr. - germination,
busiardet - n. (pr. \ b[ue]zi&rd'æt \) Ms. plr. busiardet - fm. budding.
sng. and plr. busiardëtta, busiardëtte. - little liar, story- buta - n. f. (pr. \ b'[ue]t& \) At plr. bute. - 1) - a farrier's tool,
teller. Diminutive of "busiard " (note the particular fm.). a veterinary tool. - 2) - wooden tool for equalizing
See also "busiardin". furrows (agriculture). - 3) - prop for a mine gallery. - 4) -
busiardin - 1) - n. (pr. \ b[ue]zi&rd'i[ng] \) - See busiardet. reinforce of a wall.
busiardin - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ b[ue]zi&rd'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - butafen - n. m. ( pr. \ b[ue]t&f'æ[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - hatch
sheet of notes associated to medicines. In a fig. sense, but for passin fodder. See also the terms "passafen, butòira".
commonly used also in medical environment. The idea butafeu - n. (pr. \ b[ue]t&f'[oe] \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
recalled by this term is that this sheet contains some instigator (in a fig. sense).
untruth. butafòra - n. (pr. \ b[ue]t&f'or& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) -
busìlis - n. m. (pr. \ b[ue]z'iliz \) Inv. at plr. - difficulty, call-boy (theatre). - 2) - chucker-out. (night club) - 3) -
problem. The expression "cost a l'é 'l busilis" is translated bumpkin (marine).
into "there's the rub ". butalà - n. m. (pr. \ b[ue]t&l'& \) Inv. at plr. - clothes-tree,
busios - adj. and n. (pr. \ b[ue]zi'uz \) Ms. plr. busios - fm. sng. cupboard for clothes.
and plr. busiosa, busiose. - 1) - lying, deceitful, false butassela - n. m. (pr. \ b[ue]t&s'el& \) Inv. at plr. (if any) -
(adj.). - 2) - liar (sbst.). This term is less rude that boot and saddle, saddle up (military order, old cavalry).
"busiard". See also the terms "busiard, fàuss". buté - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ b[ue]t'e \) - 1) - to put, to
buss - n. m. (pr. \ b[ue]s \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - box (botany - set, to lay, to place, to arrange. (in general - trs.) - 2) - to
Buxus sempervirens). - 2) - box-wood. - See also the term put on, to slip on (clothes - trs.). - 3) - to put up, to hang
"martél " one of the meanings. (trs. - e. g. "to put up a notice on the board" "buté n'avis
buss (d'avìje) - n. m. (pr. \ buy d &v'iye \ ) Inv. ar t plr. - hive. an vetrin-a") - 4) - to take (trs. - time - with a differnt
See also the loc. "boj d'avìje". syntax : e. g. "it will take me an hour" "i-i butrai n'ora"
bussa - n. f. (pr. \ b'[ue]s& \) At plr. busse. - block on which lit. "I will put one hour". - 5) - to put into, to turn into
shoe-repair (or maker) beats the sole. (trs. - translation - e. g. "to put into music" "buté an

mùsica". - 6) - to suppose, to assume. (trs. e. g. "butoma bzancà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ bz&[ng]c'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr.
ch' it vince" "let's assume that you win". - 7) - to - broken through, exhausted, tired out. See also the term
compare (trs. - e. g. "do you want to compare my car ..." = "bësancà ".
"veus-to buté la mia vitura....". - 8) - to lead (int. - e. g. " bzanché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ bz&[ng]k'e \ ) - to exhaut, to
the path lead to the road " "ël senté a buta an sla strà ". - tire out, to wear out. See also the term "bësanché ".
9) - to flow (int. - rivers - e. g. "the torrent flows into the bzanchésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ bz&[ng]k'ese \ ) - 1) - to
river" "ël torent a buta ant ël fium". -10) - to bud, to break open, to burst. - 2) - to exhaust oneself, to tire
sprout, to germinate. (int.). Then there are some idiomatic oneself out. See also the term "bësanchésse ".
way of saying making use of this word. - A) - "buté an bzest - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ bz'est \ ) Inv. at plr. - anger, bad
carta" lit "to put in paper" = "to put in writing". - B) - temper. See also the term "bsest".
"buté a meuj" "to dip, to soak". - C) - "buté an tren" or bzest - 2) - adj. (pr. \ bz'est \ ) Ms. plr. bzest - fm. sng. and plr.
"buté an brando" "to start, to begin". - D) - "buté an bzesta, bzeste. - 1) - bad-tempered, peevish. - 2) - odd,
fàula" or "buté an butlëtta" "to deride, to mock, to laugh
bzogné - vrb 1st con. int. and imp. (pr. \ bzu[gn]'e \ ) - 1) - to
at". - E) - "buté an balansa" "to put in equilibrium" or (in
need, to be needed, to be required, must, to have
fig. sense) "to take into accout, to consider". - F) - "buté an
to.(int.). - 2) - to be necessary, (imp.). Often in Piedm. this
solevassion" "to provoke a riot" - G) - "buté bin" lit. "to concept is expressed by vrbl. loc. not present in other
put well" "to promise well". - H) - "buté da part" "to languages, and with a particular syntax. Also the vrb.
save, to save up". - I) - "buté mal" lit. "to put evil" "to "venté " has to be seen. The aux. used can be "avèj" or
sow dissension". - L) - etc. "esse", according to the particular case (usually the aux. is
butea - n. f. (pr. \ b[ue]t'e& \ ) See botega. "esse"). Some examples can be useful, which uses also the
butésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ b[ue]t'ese \) - 1) - to put said vrbl. loc. :
oneself., to place oneself, to set oneself. - 2) - to start, to - A) - "a bzògna andé " "a venta andé " "it is
begin, to set about. (E. g. "butésse a travajé" "to start necessary to go". In this case the vrb "venté" and "bzogné "
working"). - 3) - to put on, to slip on, to wear. - 4) - to are fully equivalent.
turn out (E. g. "as buta a fé bél " "the weather turns out - B) - "a l'han da manca dij ciò " "they need the
fine"). Then there are some idiomatic way of saying nails". This expression uses the vrbl. loc. "avèj da manca"
making use of this word. - A) - "butésse bin (mal)" = "to (ëd) , that could be approximately transated lit. into "to
take a turn for the better (worse) - B) - "butésse a fé " "to have by lack of " which is a nonsense. The expression is
start doing, to undertake ". - C) - "butésse j'oss a baron" int. but prs.
"lit. "to put one's bones to heap" "to work very hard, to - C) - "a-i é da manca ch'it ven-e" "there is the
overwork ". need that you come" "you have to come". This expression
butir - n. m. (pr. \ b[ue]t'ir \ ) Inv. at plr. - butter. See also the uses the vrbl. loc. "essie da manca" (ëd) , that could be
terms "beur, bur". approximately transated lit. into "to be there by lack of "
butiré - n. (pr. \ b[ue]tir'e \ ) Ms. plr. butiré - fm. sng. and plr. which is even more a nonsense. The expression is imp.
buitrera, butirere. - butter-seller, butter-maker. See - D) - "a bzognavo ëd tut " "a l'avìo da manca ëd
also the best term "marghé ", and the term "buré, casé ". tut" " they needed all".
butiros - adj. (pr. \ b[ue]tir'uz \ ) Ms. plr. butiros - fm. sng. and bzognèivol - adj. (pr. \ bzu[gn]'æivul \ ) Ms. plr. bzognèivoj -
plr. buitrosa, butirose. - buttery. fm. sng. and plr. bzognèivola, bzognèivole. - necessary,
buton - n. m. (pr. \ b[ue]t'u[ng] \ ) - See bulon. needful, required.
butoné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ b[ue]tun'e \ ) - See buloné. bzognëtte - n. f. plr. (pr. \ bzu[gn]'&tte \ ) Only plr. - miseries,
butòira - n. m. (pr. \ b[ue]t'oir& \ ) - See bòtola. poverty, straitened circumstances.
buva - n. f. . (pr. \ b'[ue]& \ ; \ b'[ue]wa \ ) At plr. buve. - bzognos - adj. and n. (pr. \ bzu[gn]'æivul \ ) Ms. plr. bzognos -
drink. See also the term "bùa 2nd meaning". fm. sng. and plr. bzognosa, bzognose. - 1) - needy, in
buvata - n. f. (pr. \ b[ue]'&t& \ ; \ b[ue]w'&t& \) - See buata. need, poor (adj.). - 2) - needy person, pauper (sbst.).
buvèt - n. f. (pr. \ b[ue]w'æt \) Inv. at plr. - small pub, tap- bzoit - adj. (pr. \ bz'uit \ ) Ms. plr. bzoit - fm. sng. and plr.
room. bzoita, bzoite. - 1) - very greasy. - 2) - dirty. See also the
buveur - n. (pr. \ b[ue]w'[oe]r \) Ms. plr. buveur - fm. sng. and term "bzont ".
plr. buveura, buveure. - drunkard. Not very used at fm. bzont - adj. (pr. \ bz'unt \ ) - See bzoit.
buvòira - n. f. (pr. \ b[ue]v'oir& \ ) - At plr. buvòire. - bzògn - n. m. (pr. \ bz'o[gn] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - need,
drinking trough, watering trough. See also the term necessity. - 2) - need, poverty. - 3) - eventuality. We note
"abeivor". that the sentance "avèj sò bzògn" = lit. "to have one's
needs" means "to have the necessary".


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Letter C
cabassin - n. (pr. \ c&b&s'i[ng] \) Usually ms., but in case of
c - third letter of the alphabet and n. f. (pr. \ c \) - c. need : Ms. plr. cabassin - fm. sng. and plr. cabassin-a,
cà - n. f. (pr. \ c& \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - house, building, cabassin-e. - 1) - porter. - 2) - coarse person (in a fig.
dwelling. - 2) - home. - 3) - house, family (e. g. House of sense). See also the term "gabassin ".
Savoy, Royal Family, etc.). - 4) - house, firm. - 5) - cabassinada - n. f. (pr. \ c&b&sin'&d& \) At plr. cabassinade.
household. A number of idiomatic expressions with this - incivility, discourtesy, rude action. See also the term
word : - A) - "cà dël diav" lit. "house of the devil" "gabassinada ".
"evil" or "damned house". - B) - "sté a cà dël diav" lit. cabassòt - n. m. (pr. \ c&b&s'ot \) - See cabasset.
"to live at the house of the devil" "to live far away, to live cabial - n. m. (pr. \ c&b'i&l \) At plr. (if any) cabiaj. - 1) -
at the back of beyond ". - C) - "cà dij giari" or "cà dij rat" cattle, set of animals of the breeding. - 2) - agricultural
lit. "house of the mice" "hovel, old dirty and ruined equipment of a farm.
house". - D) - "esse 'd cà " lit. "to be of home" "to be cabin-a - n. f. (pr. \ c&b'i[ng]& \) At plr. cabin-e. - cabin (in
general). See also the term "gabin-a". In Piedm. this term is
like one of the family ". - E) - "buté sù cà" lit. "to put on
used with different meanings according to the use and the
house" "to set up house" and also "to get married ". - F) - types of "cabin-a" itself, which in English have different
"esse a cà 'd dì" lit. "to be at home of (at - in the) day" names.
"to have reached the goal, to have had success". - G) - "cà A) - cabin (ships and aircrafts). ("cabin-a").
granda " lit. "great house " "foundling hospital". - H) - B) - telephone kiosk, phone box. ("cabin-a dël teléfono")
"pé 'd cà" = lit. "foot of house" = "the family's way of C) - bathing hut ("cabin-a").
living, the life style of a family". - I) - "avèj la testa a cà ". D) - cage, car (funicular) ("cabin-a dla funicolar").
lit. "to have the head at home" "to be a sensible E) - telepher (cableway) ("cabin-a dla teleférica").
person". - L) - "a mia cà" or "a cà mia" lit. "at my home" F) - signal box (railway) ("cabin-a 'd comand segnaj")
"according to me, in my opinion, as far as I know" (and G) - cockpit (aircraft) ("cabin-a 'd pilotagi").
also the lit. meaning). H) - projection booth (cinema) ("cabin-a 'd projession")
càbala - n. f. (pr. \ c'&b&l& \) At plr. càbale. - 1) - cabbala. - I) - passenger compartment (in general) ("cabin-a
2) - sorcery, divination. - 3) - intrigue, plot, cabal, passeger").
tangle. - 4) - cheat. - See also the term "gabola". L) - polling booth (election) ("cabin-a eletoral ").
cabalëtta - (pr. \ c&b&l'&tt& \) At plr. cabalëtte. - catchy cabinà - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ c&bin'& \) Inv. at plr. - cabin cruiser.
tune, easy musical motive. See also the term "gabolëtta". See also the term "gabinà ".
cabalisé - vrb 1st con. trs. - 1) - to day-dream. - 2) - to cabinà - 2) - adj. (pr. \ c&bin'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - cabin
meditate, to ponder. - 3) - to plot, to conspire. - 4) - to (as an attribute). See also the term "gabinà ".
divine. See also the terms "cabolisé, gabolisé ". The first 3 cabinovìa - n. f. carway, cableway . See also the tyerm
meanings are in a fig. sense, the 4th meaning is lit. "gabinovìa". This term is reserved to systems making use
cabalista - n. (pr. \ c&b&l'ist& \) Ms. plr. cabalista - fm. sng. of a series of small telephers, while for systems with only
and plr. cabalista, cabaliste. - 1) - cabbalist. - 2) - one telepher in each directionthe terms are "funivìa,
diviner. - 3) - swindler. - 4) - quibbler, captious person. teleférica".
cabalìstich - adj. (pr. \ c&b&l'istic \) Ms. plr. cabalistich - fm. cablagi - n. m. (pr. \ c&bl'&ji \) Inv. at plr. - wiring
sng. and plr. cabalistica, cabalistiche. - 1) - cabbalistic. - (electricity).
2) - mysterious. - 3) - undecipherable, illegible. cablator - n. and adj. (pr. \ c&bl&t'ur \) Ms. plr. cablator -
caban-a - n. f. (pr. \ c&b'&[ng]& \) At plr. caban-e. - 1) - hut, fm. sng. and plr. cablatriss, cablatriss. - 1) - worker
cabin. - 2) - hut, hovel. - 3) - alpine refuge. See also the assigned to wiring (sbst.). - 2) - that wires (adj.).
terms "gaban-a, ciabòt ". cablé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&bl'e \) - 1) - to wire, to cable. -
cabaré - n. m. (pr. \ c&b&r'e \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - cabaret, 2) - to cable, to send a cablegram.
night-club. - 2) - rustic restaurant. cablo - n. m. . (pr. \ c'&blô \) Inv. at plr. - cable, cablegram.
cabaret - n. m. (pr. \ c&b&r'æt \) Inv. at plr. - tray. See also the term "cablograma".
cabass - n. m. (pr. \ c&b'&s \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - big pannier cablogràfich - adj. (pr. \ c&blugr'&fic \) Ms. plr. cablogràfich
carried on shoulders. In this meaning see also the term - fm. sng. and plr. cablografica, cablogràfiche. -
"cabassa". - 2) - scrubbing-brush. - 3) - rolling-pin for cablographic.
mason. - 4) - container for bringing lime. See also the cablograma - n. m. (pr. \ c&blugr'&m& \) - See cablo.
term "gabass". cabolisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&bluliz'e \) - See cabalisé.
cabassa - n. f. (pr. \ c&b'&s& \) At plr. cabasse. - 1) - big caborna - n. f. (pr. \ c&b'urn& \) At plr. caborne. - poor
pannier carried on shoulders. - 2) - large oval basket. - house, mean dwelling, hove. See also the most used term
3) - cradle (made like a basket). See also the term "ciaborna".
"gabassa". cabotagi - n. m. (pr. \ c&but'&ji \) Inv. at plr. - coasting trade,
cabassà - n. f. (pr. \ c&b&s'& \) Inv. at plr. - the content of a cabotage.
pannier, pannierful. See also the term "gabassà". The caboté - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ c&but'e \) - to coast. It uses the
expression "a cabassà" means "in lange quantity". See also aux. "avèj ".
the term "gabassà". cabotié - n. m. (pr. \ c&buti'e \) Inv. at plr. - coaster, skipper.
cabasset - n. m. (pr. \ c&b&s'æt \) Inv. at plr. - basket, cabrà - n. f. (pr. \ c&br'& \) Inv. at plr. - pull-up (aircraft).
hamper. See also the terms "gabasset, cabassòt ".

cabré - vrb 1st con. trs. e int. (pr. \ c&br'e \) - to pull-up. It cadansa - n. f. (pr. \ c&d'&[ng]s& \) At plr. cadanse. - 1) -
uses always the aux. "avèj ". See also the terms "aussé, cadence. - 2) - accent, pronunciation. See also the term
alvé ". "cadensa".
cabreo - n. m. (pr. \ c&br'eu \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - cadastral cadansé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&d&[ng]s'e \) - to mark the
register. - 2) - map. rhythm (of). See also the term "cadensé ".
cabriolëtta - n. f. (pr. \ c&briul'&tt& \) - See cabriòla. cadast - n. m. (pr. \ c&d'&st \) - See cadastr.
cabriòla - n. f. (pr. \ c&bri'ol& \) At plr. cabriòle. - 1) - cadastr - n. m. (pr. \ c&d'&str \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - cadastre. 2) -
somersault, caper. - 2) - cabriole. See also the terms general land office. See also the terms "cadast, catast ".
"cabriolëtta, gabriòla, stiribàcola, stirobàcola". cadàver - n. m. (pr. \ c&d'&vær \) Inv. at plr. - dead body,
cabriolé - 1) - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ c&briul'e \) - 1) - to turn a corpse, cadaver.
somersault, to cut a caper. - 2) - to capriole (equitation). cadavérich - adj. (pr. \ c&d&v'eric \) Ms. plr. cadavérich -
It uses the aux. "avèj ". fm. sng. and plr. cadavérica, cadavériche. - 1) -
cabriolé - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ c&briul'e \) Inv. at plr. - cabriolet, cadaverous, corpse-like. - 2) - cadaveric. - 3) - ghostly,
convertible. See also the term "cabriolet". deadly pale.
cabriolet - n. f. (pr. \ c&briul'æt \) - See cabriolé. cadensa - n. f. - See cadansa.
caca - n. f. (pr. \ c'&c& \) At plr. cache. - 1) - shit, stool. In cadensé - vrb - See cadansé.
Piedm. this voice is not a vulgar one, and is part of infantile cadent - adj. (pr. \ c&d'ænt \) Ms. plr. cadent - fm. sng. and
language. With the same meaning a vulgar term is "merda" plr. cadenta, cadente. - 1) - falling. - 2) - crumbling,
(see the voice). - 2) - dirty thing (in general and in a fig. derelict, grungy. - 3) - enfeebled, feeble. - See also the
sense). best term "cascant ".
cacam - n. m. (pr. \ c&c'&m \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - Authorities, caden-a - n. f. (pr. \ c&d'æ[ng]& \) At plr. caden-e. - 1) -
notable men (always plr. in an ironic sense). - 2) - chain (in general). - 2) - chains, bonds (in a fig. sense). -
arrogant person. 3) - chain, sequence (in a fig. sense). - 4) - chain, range
cacào - n. m. (pr. \ c&c'&u \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - cacao, cacao (mountains). - 5) - chain, tie rod (architecture) - We list
tree (botany - Theobroma cacao). - 2) - cocoa. here some types of chains with their translation: - A) -
cacaré - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ c&c&r'e \) - to cackle, to cluck. "caden-a da feu" or "chèina" or "chen-a" "fireplace
It uses the aux. "avèj ". See also the term "cacërré ". chain". - B) - "caden-a dël poss" or "cadnass" "well
cacc - adj. (pr. \ c&[ch] \) Ms. plr. cacc - fm. sng. and plr. chain". - C) - "caden-a dla mostra" or "cadnëtta" "watch
cacia, cace. - 1) - cowering, crouching. - 2) - hidden and chain". - D) - "caden-a dla bici" "bicycle chain". - E) -
silent. See also the term "cacì, quacc, quacì, quacià ". The "caden-a 'd montagi" "assembly line". - etc.
piedm. expression "butésse cacc" lit. "to put oneself cadét - n. m. and adj. m. (pr. \ c&d'et \) Used only at ms. Inv.
crouching", means "to crouch down". at plr. - 1) - younger, junior, cadet (as an attribute) (adj.).
cacé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&[ch]'e \) - to steal, to pilfer - 2) - cadet, younger son (sbst.) - 3) - cadet (military)
(slang term very used). (sbst.)
cacet - n. m. (pr. \ c&[ch]'æt \) Inv. at plr. - seal, signet. cadiment - n. m. (pr. \ c&dim'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - fall,
cacërré - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ c&[ch]&rr'e \) - See cacaré. falling, drop. - 2) - downfall, failure, ruin. - See also the
cacëtté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&[ch]&tt'e \) - to seal, to seal most common term "cascà".
up, to put seals. caditòja - n. f. - (pr. \ c&dit'oy& \) At plr. caditòje. - 1) - trap
cachet - n. m. (pr. \ c&k'æt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - loquacity, door (history). - 2) - drain (roads).
garrulity. - 2) - vainglory, arrogance. The expression cadmi - n. m. (pr. \ c'&dmi \ ) Chemical element - Inv. at plr.
"aussé 'l cahet " = "lit. "to raise the arrogance" means "to (if any). - cadmium.
be insolent ". cadmiadura - n. f. (pr. \ c&dmi&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
cachëtté - vrb 1st con. int. and trs. (pr. \ c&k&tt'e \) - to croak cadmiadure. - cadmium plating.
(int. - both in lit. and fig. sense). For this meaning see also cadmié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&dmi'e \ ) - to plate with
the terms "cochëtté, craché ". - 2) - to stammer, to stutter cadmium.
(trs. and int.). For this meaning see also the term "cachëzzé cadnass - n. m. (pr. \ c&dn'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - bolt, bar,
". - It uses always the aux. "avèj". padlock. See also the term "froj". - 2) - well chain. See
cachëzzé - vrb 1st con. int. and trs. (pr. \ c&k&zz'e \) - to also the loc. "caden-a dël poss". 3) - defensive tactics
stammer, to stutter. - See also the terms "chëcchëzzé, (sport). - See also the term "cainass".
chëcché, cachëtté 2nd meaning ". It uses the aux. "avèj ". cadné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&dn'e \ ) - 1) - to chain, to put
cachi - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ c'&ki \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - khaki (colour). in chains. - 2) - to reinforce with tie-rods (architecture). -
- 2) - Japanese persimmon, kaki (botany - Diospyros 3) - to tie down, to captivate (in a fig. sense). See also the
kaki) both fruit and tree. term "ancadné ".
cachi - 2) - adj. (pr. \ c'&ki \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - khaki cadnëtta - n. f. (pr. \ c&dn'&tt& \ ) At plr. cadnëtte. - (small)
(colour). chain, chain, watch-chain. See also the term "cadnin-a".
cacì - adj. (pr. \ c&[ch]'i \) - See cacc. Diminutive of the term "caden-a".
caciòla - n. f. (pr. \ c&[ch]i'ol& \) - See caciòt. cadnin-a - n. f. (pr. \ c&dn'i[ng]& \ ) - See cadnëtta.
caciòt - n. m. (pr. \ c&[ch]i'ot \) Inv. at plr. - wool cap, leather cadò - n. m. (pr. \ c&d'o \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - gift, present (lit.
cap. See also the term "caciòla". sense). - 2) - trouble (caused by sb.) (in a fig. sense).
cacìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ c&[ch]'ise \) - to croach down, cadrega - n. f. (pr. \ c&dr'eg& \ ) At plr. cadreghe. - chair.
to hide (oneself). See also the term "quacésse". Some loc. using this term: - A) - "cadrega a plian"
cacoara - n. f. (pr. \ c&cu'&r& \) At plr. cacoare. - "folding chair". - B) - "cadrega da porteur" "sedan-chair
cockchafer, May-bug (zoology - Melolontha melolontha). ". - C) - "cadrega a brass" "arm-chair".
See also the term "quaquara, givo". cadreghé - n. m. (pr. \ c&dreg'e \ ) Usually only ms. In case of
cacofonìa - n. f. (pr. \ c&cufun'i& \) At plt. cacofonìe. -
need : Ms. plr. cadreghé - fm. sng. and plr. cadreghera,
cadreghere. - chair maker, chair seller.
cacografìa - n. f. (pr. \ c&cugr&f'i& \) At plt. cacografìe. -
cadreghëtta - n. f. (pr. \ c&dreg'&tt& \ ) At plr. caderghëtte. -
small chair, baby's chair. See also the term "cadreghin-
a". Diminutive of the term "cadrega".

cadreghin - n. m. (pr. \ c&dreg'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - small cagassé - vrb 1st con. int. and trs. (pr. \ c&g&s'e \ ) - to shit
bench, small seat. - 2) - bench or seat as a symbol of here and there (usually referred to small animals). See
power (in a fig., ironic sense). also the most common term "scagassé ". It always uses the
cadreghin-a - n. f. (pr. \ c&dreg'i[ng]& \ ) - See cadreghëtta. aux. "avèj ".
cadregon - n. f. (pr. \ c&dreg'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - big cagassura - n. f. (pr. \ c&g&s'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. cagassure. -
chair. - 2) - high chair. (for childrens). Augmentative of dung or droppings of insects, small excrement. See also
the term "cadrega". the most common terms "cagura, scagassura".
caduch - adj. (pr. \ c&d'[ue]c \ ) Ms. plr. caduch - fm. sng. caghé - vrb 1st con. int. and trs. (pr. \ c&g'e \ ) - to shit (in
and plr. caduca, caduche. - 1) - short-lived, fleeting, Piedm. this word is less vulgar than in English). It uses the
transitory. - 2) - deciduous. In Piedm. the "epilepsy" is aux. "avèj ".
also called "mal caduch". caghèire - n. (pr. \ c&g'æire \ ) Ms. plr. caghèire - fm. sng.
caducità - n. f. (pr. \ c&d[ue][ch]it'& \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - and plr. caghèira, caghèire. - 1) - who often defecates (lit.
1) - frailty, caducity, transitoriness. - 2) - caducity, lapse meaning). - 2) - presumptuous boy, little prig. In this
(legal). meaning is mainly used at ms. See also the terms "caghet,
caduta - n. f. (pr. \ c&d'[ue]t& \ ) At plr. cadute. - 1) - fall, casset ".
falling, drop. - 2) - downfall, failure, ruin. (in a fig. caghet - n. (pr. \ c&g'æt \ ) Ms. plr. caghet - fm. sng. and plr.
sense). Quite an italianism. See also the terms "cadiment, caghëtta, caghëtte. - presumptuous boy, little prig. This
cascà". term is mainly used at ms. See also the term "caghèire,
cafar - adj. and n. (pr. \ c&f'&r \ ) Ms. plr. cafar - fm. sng. and casset ".
plr. cafara, cafare. - 1) - bigoted (adj.). - 2) - bigot (sbst.). caghëtta - n. f. (pr. \ c&g'&tt& \ ) - See cagarela.
- 3) - hypocritical (adj.). - 4) - hypocrite (sbst.). See also cagion - n. f. (pr. \ c&ji'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - cause, motive,
the terms "cafard, ipòcrita". reason. Italianism. See also the terms "rason, motiv,
cafard - adj. and n. (pr. \ c&f'&rd \ ) - See cafar. càusa".
cafass - n. m. (pr. \ c&f'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - bush, shrub, cagioné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&jiun'e \ ) - to cause, to give
copse, thicket. - 2) - heap (not very used in this meaning). rise (to). Italianism. See also the terms "provoché, causé "
cafè - n. m. (pr. \ c&f'æ \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - coffee (in general). cagionèivol - adj. (pr. \ c&jiun'æivul \ ) Ms. plr. cagionèivoj -
- 2) - cafè, coffee house. In this sense see also the term fm. sng. and plr. cagionèivola, cagionèivole. - sickly,
"cafetarìa". infirm, weakly. See also the term "cagionévol ".
cafein-a - n. f. (pr. \ c&fe'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. (if any). cafein-e. - cagionévol - adj. (pr. \ c&jiun'evul \ ) - See cagionèivol.
caffeine. cagna - n. f. (pr. \ c'&[gn]& \ ) At plr. cagne. - 1) - bitch. - 2) -
cafè-làit - n. m. (pr. \ c&fæl'&it \ ) Inv. at plr. - "cappuccino", idle tale, nonsense, lie, fib (in a fig. sense). - 3) - trifle,
coffee and milk, white coffee. bagatelle (in a fig. sense). In this meaning see also the term
cafetarìa - n. f. (pr. \ c&fet&r'i& \ ) At plr. cafetarìe. - 1) - "cagnarìa".
coffee and light drinks. - 2) - coffee shop, coffe room. cagnara - n. f. (pr. \ c&[gn]'&r& \ ) At plr. cagnare. - noisy
See also the term "cafeterìa". squabble, rumpus, hubbub.
cafeterìa - n. f. (pr. \ c&feter'i& \ ) - See cafetarìa. cagnarìa - n. f. (pr. \ c&[gn]&r'i& \ ) - See cagna 3rd meaning.
cafetié - n. m. (pr. \ c&feti'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - coffee-house cagnass - n. m. (pr. \ c&[gn]'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - big ugly dog.
keeper, coffee-man. Used only at ms. Pejorative of the term "can" (see the
cafetiera - n. f. (pr. \ c&feti'er& \ ) At plr. cafetiere. - 1) - voice).
coffee pot. - 3) - espresso maker. - 2) - old crock, old cagnet - n. m. (pr. \ c&[gn]'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - doggie, doggy
rattletrap (in a fig. sense). (ms.). For the feminine see the term "cagnëtta" 1st
cafëtté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&f&tt'e \ ) - to toast, to roast meaning. See also the terms "cagnòt, cagnolin "
(in general, not only coffee). cagnëtta - n. m. (pr. \ c&[gn]'&tt& \ ) At plr. cagnëtte. - 1) -
cagà - n. f. (pr. \ c&g'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - shit. See also the doggie, doggy (mf.). - 2) - anger, bad temper, grudge,
term "cagada". - 2) - something badly made, stupidity. pique (in a fig. sense). In this meaning see also the term
(in a fig. sense). - See also the terms "cagada, cagassada". "cagnin-a".
cagabraje - n. (pr. \ c&g&br'&ye \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - cagnin - adj. (pr. \ c&[gn]'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. cagnin - fm. sng.
jearful, afraid, vile. This term is quite rude. See also the and plr. cagnin-a, cagnin-e. - 1) - canine, of a dog. - 2) -
terms "cagass, cagon, calabraje". waspish, hostile, enraged (in a fig. sense).
cagada - n. f. (pr. \ c&g'&d& \ ) - See cagà. cagnin-a - n. f. (pr. \ c&[gn]'i[ng] \ ) At plr. cagnin-e. - anger,
cagador - n. m. (pr. \ c&g&d'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - lavatory, bad temper, grudge, pique (in a fig. sense). See also the
latrine (quite an impolite term). See also the terms "cagào, term "cagnëtta ".
céss ". cagnolà - n. f. (pr. \ c&[gn]ul'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - a large
cagadubi - n. (pr. \ c&g&d'[ue]bi \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - litter of puppies. - 2) - a group of many dogs. - 3) - large
unduly cautious person (vulgar term). brood (in a fig. sense). See also the terms "cagnolada,
cagàire - n. (pr. \ c&g'&ire \ ) - See caghèire. cagnolarìa".
cagarela - n.f. (pr. \ c&g&r'el& \ ) At plr. cagarele - 1) - cagnolada - n. f. (pr. \ c&[gn]ul'&d& \ ) - See cagnolà.
looseness of the bowels, dysentery. See also the terms cagnolarìa - n. f. (pr. \ c&[gn]ul&r'i& \ ) - See cagnolà.
"caghëtta, sfoira". A common jocular loc. is "pì lesta" lit. cagnolé - n. (pr. \ c&[gn]ul'e \ ) Ms. plr. cagnolé - fm. sng.
"the most quick". - 2) - funk (in a fig. sense). and plr. cagnolera, cagnolere. - 1) - dogs' breeder. - 2) -
cagào - n. m. (pr. \ c&g'&u \ ) - See cagador. keen on dogs. - 3) - dog-catcher. In this meaning see also
cagass - n. (pr. \ c&g'&s \ ) Ms. plr. cagass - fm. sng. and plr. the loc. "ciapa can" lit. "dog catcher".
cagassa, cagasse. - jearful, afraid, vile. This term is quite cagnolin - n. m. (pr. \ c&[gn]ul'[ng] \ ) - See cagnet.
rude. See also the term "cagabraje". cagnon - n. m. (pr. \ c&[gn]'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - big dog.
cagassa - n. f. (pr. \ c&g'&s& \ ) Used only at sng. in the Augmentative of the term "can". - 2) - V.I.P., bigwig, big
idiomatic expression "a la cagassa" with the meaning shot (in a fig. sense). There is a simple piedm. dish called
"sloppy" which in English is adj. A bit forced lit. meaning "ris an cagnon", which is simple boiled rice (in water and a
cold be "in the way typical of an untidy person". See also bit of salt) and flavoured with butter and Parma cheese (I
the most common term "scagassa". also add a bit of pepper).

cagnòt - n. m. (pr. \ c&[gn]'ot \ ) - See cagnet. pot, inkwell, inkstand. In this sense see also the term
cagon - n. m. (pr. \ c&g'u[ng] \ ) - See cagabraje. "caramal ".
cagura - n. f. (pr. \ c&g' [ue]r& \ ) At plr. cagure. - dung or calambor - n. m. (pr. \ c&l&mb'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - witticism
droppings of insects, small excrement. See also the terms based on a play on words, pun. See also the terms
"cagassura, scagassura". "calamborgh, calembor ".
càich - adj. indf. (pr. \ c'&ic \ ) Only sng. and inv. in gnd. - calamborgh - n. m. (pr. \ c&l&mb'urg \ ) - See calambor.
some, any, a few. See also the terms "chèich, quàich ". The calamita - n. f. (pr. \ c&l&m'it& \ ) At plr. calamite. -
same for affirmative and negative forms. 1)magnet. - 2) - loadstone.
caicòs - prn. indf. (pr. \ c&ic'oz \ ) Only sng. and inv. in gnd. calamità - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ c&l&mit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - calamity,
(usually ms.). - something, anything. See also the terms disaster.
"quaicòs, caicòsa, quaicòsa, cheicòs, chèicòsa ". calamità - 2) - adj and p. p. (pr. \ c&l&mit'& \ ) Inv. in gnd.
caicòsa - prn. indf. (pr. \ c&ic'oz& \ ) - See caicòs. and nr. - 1) - magnetic (adj.). See also the term "magnétich
caidun - prn. indf. (pr. \ c&id'[ue][ng] \ ) Only sng. at fm. - " - 2) - magnetized (p. p.). See also the term "magnetisà ".
caidun-a. - somebody, someone., anybody, anyone. The calamité - vrb 1st con trs. (pr. \ c&l&mit'e \ ) - to magnetize
same for affirmative and negative forms. See also the terms (both in lit. and fig. sense).
"quaidun, cheidun". calamitos - adj. (pr. \ c&l&mit'uz \ ) Ms. plr. calamitos - fm.
caiman - n. m. (pr. \ c&im'&[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - cayman, sng. and plr. calamitosa, calamitose. - calamitous,
caiman (zoology - Caiman). unlucky.
cain - 1) - n. and adj. (pr. \ c&'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. cain - fm. sng. calanch - n. m. (pr. \ c&l'&[ng]c \ ) Inv. at plr. - gully
and plr. cain-a, cain-e. - 1) - cruel, wicked (adj.) - 2) - (geology).
cruel person, wicked person (sbst.). A loc. quite used is calandra - n. f. (pr. \ c&l'&ndr& \ ) At plr. calandre. - 1) -
"banda 'd cain " lit. "gang of wicked persons" for calandra lark (zoology - Melanocorypha calandra). - 2) -
indicating "a group or an organization of absolutely not calender (mechanics), rotary press (texile), rolling press
reliable, bad persons". (paper). - 3) - radiator grill (cars).
Cain - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ c&'i[ng] \ ) Noun of person only sng. In calandradura - n. f. (pr. \ c&l&ndr&d'[ue]r& \ ) - See
case of need inv. at plr. - Cain (bible). calandragi.
cainass - n. m. (pr. \ c&in'&s \ ) - See cadnass. calandragi - n. m. (pr. \ c&l&ndr'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. -
caj - n. m. (pr. \ c&y \ ) Inv. at plr. - rennet. See also the terms calendering. See also the term "calandratura,
"caprèis, prèis". calandradura"
cajà - n. f. (pr. \ c&y'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - curd. See also the term calandrator - n. m. (pr. \ c&l&ndr&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. -
"quajà ". calenderer, who operates the calender.
cajé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ c&y'e \ ) - to curdle. It uses the calandratura - n. f. (pr. \ c&l&ndr&t'[ue]r& \ ) - See
aux. "esse ".See also the term "cajésse, quajé, quajésse ". calandragi.
cajésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ c&y'ese \ ) - See cajé. calandré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&l&ndr'e \ ) - to calender.
cal - n. m. (pr. \ c&l \ ) At plr. caj. - 1) - fall, drop (prices). - 2) calandrin - n. m. (pr. \ c&l&ndr'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
- shrinkage (volume). - 3) - falling-off (quality). - 4) - square for carpenters. - 2) - dupe, simpleton (in a fig.
shortage (wight). In the senses 1) to 4) see also the term sense).
"arcal ". - 5) - descent. - 6) - descent, slope. In the senses calant - adj. (pr. \ c&l'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. calant - fm. sng. and plr.
5) and 6) senses see also the best term "calà ". - 7) - loss. calanta, calante. - 1) - falling, declining, decreasing. - 2)
(power, prestige, etc.) - 8) - corn. In this sense is only used - setting (sun), waning (moon). - 3) - short, below
in the loc. "fé 'l cal " lit. "to do the corn" "to become specification, below weight.
hardened, to be hardened (to it)". For all the other possible calca - n. f. (pr. \ c'&lc& \ ) At plr. calche. - crowd, throng,
uses see the voices "duron, ajassin, quàj ". - 9) - tare. In mob. See also the terms "carca, furfa, sbërgnachëtta".
this sense see also the terms "arcal, tara". calcadura - n. f. (pr. \ c&lc&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. calcadure. - 1)
calà - n. f. (pr. \ c&l'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - descent, slope. - 2) - - treading. - 2) - stress. See also the terms "carcadura
fall, drop. - 3) - path in the snow, path. - 4) - passage in carcament, calcament".
a hedge. calcafeuj - n. m. (pr. \ c&lc&f'[oe]y \ ) Inv. at plr. - paper-
calabraje - n. (pr. \ c&l&br'&ye \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - weight. See also the term "carcafeuj ".
jearful, afraid, vile. - 2) - weakling, funk. This term is calcament - n. m. (pr. \ c&lc&m'ænt \ ) - See calcadura.
quite rude. See also the term "cagabraje". calcant - adj. (pr. \ c&lc'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. calcant - fm. sng. and
calabrèis - 1) - n. and adj. (pr. \ c&l&br'æiz \ ) Ms. plr. plr. calcanta, calcante. - 1) - copiying. - 2) - In the loc.
calabrèis - fm. sng. and plr. calabrèisa, calabrèise. - 1) - "carta calcanta" or "carta calcant" "carbon paper". See
calabrian (adj.). - 2) - Calabrian (sbst.). also the term "carcant ". We note that sometimes this word
calabrèis - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ c&l&br'æiz \ ) Inv. at plr. - piper. is used as inv. in gnd. and nr. See also the term "carcant ".
Calàbria - n. f. (pr. \ c&l'&bri& \ ) Usually sng. (name of calcar - n. m. (pr. \ c&lc'&r \ ) Inv. at plr. - limestone
region). In case of need at plr. Calàbrie. - Calàbria (geology, chemistry).
(region of southern Italy). - It appears in an idiomatic calcari - adj. (pr. \ c&lc'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. calcari - fm. sng. and
piedm. vrbl. loc. : "bate la Calàbria" with the meaning : plr. calcaria, calcarie. - calcareous, calcarious.
"to wander about ". calcestruss - n. m. (pr. \ c&l[ch]estr'[ue]s \ ) Inv. at plr. -
calabron - n. m. (pr. \ c&l&br'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - hornet concrete (building). See also the best term "caussëstruss".
(zoology - Vespa crabro). - 2) - nagging suitor, calch - n. m. (pr. \ c&lc \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - tracing, moulding.
troublesome person (in a fig. sense). See also the terms - 2) - imprint. See also the term "carch ".
"galavron, sgalavron". calché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&lk'e \ ) - 1) - to tread, to tread
calamandra - n. f. (pr. \ c&l&m'&ndr& \ ) At plr. (if any) upon. - 2) - to trace. - 3) - to emphasize, to stress. - 4) -
calamandre. - 1) - refined woollen fabric. - 2) - valuable to reproduce by moulding. See also the term "carché ".
indian wood. calcificassion - n. f. (pr. \ c&l[ch]ifik'e \ ) Inv. at plr. -
calamar - n. m. (pr. \ c&l&m'&r \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - squid, calcification, hardening of tissues (medical - biology).
calamary (zoology - Loligo vulgaris). - 2) - ink bottle, ink calcifiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&l[ch]ifik'e \ ) - to calcify.
See also the terms "amprié, andurì".

calcifichésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ c&l[ch]ifik'ese \ ) - to calèndola - n. f. (pr. \ c&l'ændul& \ ) At plr. calèndole. - pot
calcify. (Int. meaning). marigold (botany - Calendula officinalis). - See also the
calcinareul - n. m. (pr. \ c&l[ch]in&r'[oe]l \ ) At plr. term "sitronet".
calcinareuj. - hole due to flake of plaster. See also best calepin - n. m. (pr. \ c&lep'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
the term "caussinareul". dictionary. - 2) - tome.
calcinadura - n. f. (pr. \ c&l[ch]in&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. càless - n. m. (pr. \ c'&læs \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - chalice, calix
calcinadure. - calcination. See also the terms (religion). See also the term "càliss". - 2) - calyx (botany). -
"caussinadura, caussinura, calcinura". 3) - wine glass, champagne glass.
calciné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&l[ch]in'e \ ) - 1) - to lime. - 2) caléss - n. m. (pr. \ c&l'es \ ) Inv. at plr. - gig, calash.
- to calcine (chemistry). See also the best term "caussiné ". calésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ c&l'ese \ ) - to let oneself
calcinura - n. f. (pr. \ c&l[ch]in'[ue]r& \ ) - See calcinadura. down.
càlcio - n. m. (pr. \ c'&l[ch]iô \ ) Usually sng. (chemical calessin - n. m. (pr. \ c&les'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - small gig. See
element) in case of need inv. at plr. - calcium. also the term "calëssòt ".
calcografìa - n. f. (pr. \ c&lcugr&f'i& \ ) At plr. calcografìe. - calëssòt - n. m. (pr. \ c&l&ss'ot \ ) - See calessin.
chalcography, copperplate engraving. See also the term calëtta - n. f. (pr. \ c&l'&tt& \ ) At plr. calëtte. - 1) - mortise,
"carcografìa". mortice. - 2) - dovetail.
càlcol - n. m. (pr. \ c'&lcul \ ) At plr. càlcoj. - 1) - calculus, calëttadura - n. f. (pr. \ c&l&tt&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
calculation, reckoning (mathematics). See also the term calëttadure. - 1) - keying. - 2) - shrinking on. - 3) -
"cont". - 2) - calculation, estimate. - 3) - accounts, dovetailing. - See also the term "calëttament ".
figures. (also in Piedm. in this meaning can be used the calëttament - n. m. (pr. \ c&l&tt&m'ænt \ ) - See calëttadura.
plr.). See also the term "cont". - 4) - calculus, stone calëtté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&l&tt'e \ ) - 1) - to key, to force-
(medical). See also the term "pera". fit. - 2) - to shrink on. - 3) - to dovetail.
càlcola - n. f. (pr. \ c'&lcul& \ ) At plr. càlcole. - treadle càliber - n. m. (pr. \ c&lib'ær \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - gauge, bore,
(texile). caliber, calibre. - 2) - calipers. Then the term is also used
calcolàbil - adj. (pr. \ c&lcul'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. calcolàbij - fm. in a fig. sense for indicating a type of person. E. g. the
sng. and plr. calcolàbil, calcolàbij. - calculable. expression "a sont tuti dl'istéss càliber" = lit. "they are all
calcolador - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ c&lcul&d'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - of the same caliber" means "among them there is not a
computer, elaborator, processor. See also the term person better (or worse) than the others". - See also the
"calcolator, compiùte, processor". term "càlibro".
calcolador - 2) - adj. and n. (pr. \ c&lcul&d'ur \ ) Ms. plr. calibrador - n. m. (pr. \ c&libr&d'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - gauge,
calcolador - fm. sng. and plr. calcoladora, calcoladore. - calipers. - See also the term "calibrator".
1) - calculating (adj.). - 2) - calculator, calculating calibradura - n. f. (pr. \ c&libr&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
person (sbst.). - See also the term "calcolator 1)". calibradure. - gauging, calibration. See also the terms
calcolator - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ c&lcul&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - "calibratura, calibrassion".
computer, elaborator, processor. See also the term calibrassion - n. f. (pr. \ c&libr&si'u[ng] \ ) - See calibradura.
"calcolador, compiùter, processor". calibrator - n. m. (pr. \ c&libr&t'ur \ ) - See calibrador.
calcolador - 2) - adj. and n. (pr. \ c&lcul&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. calibratris - n. f. (pr. \ c&libr&tr'iz \ ) Inv. at plr. - gauging
calcolator - fm. sng. and plr. calcolatriss, calcolatriss. - 1) machine. See also the term "calibratriss".
- calculating (adj.). - 2) - calculator, calculating person calibratriss - n. f. (pr. \ c&libr&tr'is \ ) - See calibratris.
(sbst.). - See also the term "calcolador 2)". calibratura - n. f. (pr. \ c&libr&t'[ue]r& \ ) - See calibradura.
calcolatris - n. f. (pr. \ c&lcul&tr'iz \ ) Inv. at plr. - calculating calibré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&libr'e \ ) - to gauge, to
machine, (pocket) calculator. calibrate.
calcolatriss - n. f. (pr. \ c&lcul&tr'is \ ) - See calcolatris. càlibro - n. m. (pr. \ c'&librô \ ) - See càliber.
calcolé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&lcul'e \ ) - 1) - to compute, to calicant - n. m. (pr. \ c&lic'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
calculate (mathematics), - 2) - to reckon, to allow, to calycanthus, Carolina allspice (botany - Calycanthus
consider. - 3) - to estimate, to value. - 4) - to take into floridus). - 2) - Japan allspice (botany - Chimonanthus
account, to bargain for. See also the term "conté ". praecox). See also the term "calicàntus".
calcomanìa - n. f. (pr. \ c&lcum&n'i& \ ) At plr. calcomanìe. - calicàntus - n. m. (pr. \ c&lic'&nt[ue]z \ Piedm. pr. ; \
decalcomania, transfer. c&lic'&ntus \ Latin pr. ) - See calicant.
calé - 1) - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ c&l'e \ ) - 1) - to lower, calié - n. (pr. \ c&li'e \ ) Ms. plr. calié - fm. sng. and plr.
to let down (trs.). See also the term "arcalé ". - 2) - to caliera, caliere. - shoemaker, shoe repairer. Note the loc.
strike (trs.). - 3) - to decrease (trs.). - 4) - to sink, to drop, "botega da calié" standing for "shoemaker's (shop)" and
to get lower (int.). - 5) - to go down, to come down (int.). "shoe shop".
When trs. it uses the aux. "avèj ". When int. it uses the aux. calif - n. m. (pr. \ c&l'if \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - caliph, calif. - 2) -
"esse". ringleader (in a fig. disparaging sense).
calé - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ c&l'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - descent, califà - n. m. (pr. \ c&lif'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - caliphate, califate.
lowering. - 2) - sunset ("calé dël sol"), nightfall ("calé dla calignàire - n. (pr. \ c&li[gn]'&ire \ ) Ms. plr. calignàire - fm.
neuit"). sng. and plr. calignàira, calignàire. - match-maker,
calembor - n. m. (pr. \ c&læmb'ur \ ) - See calambor. procurer (about marriages), paranymph. See also the
calendari - n. m. (pr. \ c&lænd'&ri \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - term "marossé ".
calendar. - 2) - calendar, almanac. - 3) - calendar, calignëtta - n. f. (pr. \ c&li[gn]'&tt& \ ) At plr. calignëtte. - a
programme. type of oil-lamp.
calendëdmagg - n. m. (pr. \ c&lænd&dm'&j \ ) Inv. at plr. - caligrafìa - n. f. (pr. \ c&ligr&f'i& \ ) At plr. caligrafìe. - 1) -
May Day, festival of spring. See also the term calligraphy. - 2) - handwriting.
"calendëdmaj ". caliso - n. m. (pr. \ c&l'izu \ ) Inv. at plr. - soot, smut. See also
calendëdmaj - n. m. (pr. \ c&lænd&dm'&y \ ) - See the most used term "caluso"
calendëdmagg. càliss - n. m. (pr. \ c'&lis \ ) - See càless.
calisson - n. m. (pr. \ c&lis'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
"colascione" (music). - 2) - ancient dance.

calista - n. (pr. \ c&l'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. calista - fm. sng. and plr. calunia - n. f. (pr. \ c&l'[ue]ni& \ ) At plr. calunie. - calumny,
calista, caliste. - chiropodist. slander, defamation.
calm - adj. (pr. \ c&lm \ ) Ms. plr. calm - fm. sng. and plr. caluniador - n. (pr. \ c&l[ue]ni&d'ur \ ) - See caluniator.
calma, calme. - calm, tranquil, peaceful, quiet. caluniator - n. (pr. \ c&l[ue]ni&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. caluniator -
calma - n. f. (pr. \ c'&lm& \ ) At plr. (if any) calme. - calm, fm. sng. and plr. caluniatriss, caluniatriss. - slanderer,
calmness, peacefulness, tranquillity. calumniator, defamer. See also the term "caluniador".
calmant - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ c&lm'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. - sedative, calunié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&l[ue]ni'e \ ) - to calumniate,
calmative. to slander, to defame.
calmant - 2) - adj. (pr. \ c&lm'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. calmant - fm. calura - n. f. (pr. \ c&l'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. calure. - great heat,
sng. and plr. calmanta, calmante. - calming soothing. sultriness. See also the terms "calor, tuf, caudura ".
calmé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&lm'e \ ) - 1) - to calm, to caluso - n. m. (pr. \ c&l'[ue]zu \ ) Inv. at plr. - soot, smut. See
soothe. See also the term "pasié ". - 2) - to soothe, to also the term "caliso".
lessen. calvari - n. m. (pr. \ c&lv'&ri \ ) Inv. at plr. when applicable. -
calmésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ c&lm'ese \ ) - 1) - to grow 1) - Calvary. - 2) - trial, ordeal, cross (in a fig. sense).
calm, to calm down. - 2) - to abate. calvinism - n. m. (pr. \ c&lvin'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any) -
calmié - n. m. (pr. \ c&lmi'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - ceiling price (fixed Calvinism (religion).
by authorities). calvinista - n. and adj. (pr. \ c&lvin'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. calvinista
calmieré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&lmier'e \ ) - to fix a ceiling - fm. sng. and plr. calvinista, calviniste. - Calvinist
price. (religion).
calmoch - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ c&lm'uc \ ) Inv. at plr. - wollen cloth calvinìstich - adj. (pr. \ c&lvin'istic \ ) Ms. plr. calvinistich -
with long hair. See also the term "calmuch ". fm. sng. and plr. calvinistica, calvinistiche. - Calvinistical
calmoch - 2) - n. and adj. (pr. \ c&lm'uc \ ) - Kalmuck. See (religion).
also the term "calmuch ". Cam - n. m. (pr. \ c&m \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any) noun of person -
calmuch - n. and n. m. and adj. (pr. \ c&lm'[ue]c \ ) - See Ham (Bible).
calmoch. camaldolèis - n. and adj. (pr. \ c&m&ldul'æiz \ ) Ms. plr.
calor - n. m. (pr. \ c&l'ur \ ) Invc. at plr. - 1) - heat. - 2) - camaldolèis - fm. sng. and plr. camaldolèisa,
warmth. - 3) - fervour, ardour, heath, warmth (in a fig. camaldolèise. - 1) - Camaldolite, Camaldolese (sbst.) - 2)
sense). - 4) - great heat, sultriness. In this sense see also - of the Camaldolites (adj.).
the terms "calura, caudura, tuf ". camalo - n. m. (pr. \ c&m'&lu \ ) Inv. at plr. - porter, docker,
calorà - adj. (pr. \ c&lur'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - heated. dockhand. See also the term "gamalo".
- 2) - excited (in a fig. sense). camamìa - n. f. (pr. \ c&m&m'i& \ ) At plr. camamìe. - 1) -
calorass - n. m. (pr. \ c&lur'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - very great (wild) chamomile (botany - Marticaria chamomilla) . - 2)
heat (see also the loc. "gran caudùra"). - 2) - sultriness. - camomile-tea. - See also the term "camamila" and the
In this sense see also the term "tuf ". best and most used term "canamìa".
caloré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&lur'e \ ) - 1) - to heat. - 2) - to camamìla - n. f. (pr. \ c&m&m'il& \ ) - See camamìa.
excite (in a fig. sense). camarlengh - n. m. (pr. \ c&m&rl'æ[ng]g \ ) Inv. at plr. - papal
calorésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ c&lur'ese \ ) - to grow chamberlain, camerlengo, camerlingo. See also the term
heated, to get excited. "camerlengh ".
calorìa - n. f. (pr. \ c&lur'i& \ ) At plr. calorìe. - calorie, camata - n. f. (pr. \ c&m'&t& \ ) At plr. camate. - pillbox,
calory. (physics). casemate (military). See also the loc. (separate words) "cà
calorìfer - n. m. (pr. \ c&lur'ifær \ ) Inv. at plr. - radiator. mata", and the term "casamata".
calorìfich - adj. (pr. \ c&lur'ific \ ) Ms. plr. calorìfich - fm. camàur - n. m. (pr. \ c&m'&ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - papal
sng. and plr. calorìfica, calorìfiche. - calorific. beretta. - 2) - hat covering ears.
calorìmeter - n. m. (pr. \ c&lur'imetær \ ) Inv. at plr. - cambi - n. m. (pr. \ c'&mbi \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - change,
calorimeter. See also the word in the spelling alteration. - 2) - excange, swap. - 3) - excange, rate of
"calorìmetro". excange (finance). - 4) - change gear, speed gear
calorimetrìa - n. f. (pr. \ c&lurimetr'i& \ ) At plr. calorimetrìe. (mechanics). - 5) - derailleur (bike). - 6) - gear (cars). - 7)
- calorimetry. - turnover (sport). - 8) - changing. A couple of
calorimétrich - adj. (pr. \ c&lurim'etric \ ) Ms. plr. expressions using this term: - A) - "dé 'l cambi (a
calorimétrich - fm. sng. and plr. calorimétrica, quaidun)" lit. "to give the change (to sb.)" "to relieve
calorimetriche. - calorimetric, calorimetrical. (sb.)". - B) - "désse 'l cambi" lit. "to give the change each
calorìmetro - n. m. (pr. \ c&lur'imetrô \ ) - See calorìmeter. other" "to take (st.) in turns". - C) - "an cambi ëd..." lit.
caloros - adj. (pr. \ c&lur'uz \ ) Ms. plr. caloros - fm. sng. and "in excange of..." "in excange for...".
plr. calorosa, calorose. - 1) - warming. - 2) - warm, cambiàbil - adj. (pr. \ c&mbi'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. cambiàbij - fm.
hearty (in a fig. sense). sng. and plr. cambiàbil, cambiàbij. - changeable.
calorosità - n. f. (pr. \ c&luruzit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - warmth, cambiada - n. f. (pr. \ c&mbi'&d& \ ) At plr. cambiade. - 1) -
heartiness. change. - 2) - alteration. See also the most common term
calos - adj. (pr. \ c&l'uz \ ) Ms. plr. calos - fm. sng. and plr. "cambiament", and the term "cambiura".
calosa, calose. - 1) - full of corns, with corns. - 2) - cambial - n. f. (pr. \ c&mbi'&l \ ) At plr. cambiaj. - bill of
horny, calloused. This term is not very used, since it is exchange, bill, draft.
quite an italianism. Loc. like "pien ëd quaj" (hands) or cambiament - n. m. (pr. \ c&mbi&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
"pien d'ajassin" (foot) are preferred. change. - 2) - alteration. See also the terms "cambiada,
calòssa - n. f. (pr. \ c&l'os& \ ) At plr. calòsse. - galosh, cambiura".
golosh. See also the term "galòssa". cambiari - adj. (pr. \ c&mbi'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. cambiari - fm.
calòta - n. f. (pr. \ c&l'ot& \ ) At plr. calòte. - 1) - cap, cover sng. and plr. cambiària, cambiàrie. - pertaining to a bill
(mechanics). - 2) - calotte, skullcap. - 3) - canopy of exchange, exchange (as an attribute)
(parachute). - 4) - cap. - 5) - crown (of hat). cambiavalute - n. (pr. \ c&mbi&v&l'[ue]te \ ) Inv. in gnd. and
calumet - n. m. (pr. \ c&l[ue]m'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - peace pipe, nr. - money-changer.

cambié - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ c&mbi&'e \ ) - 1) - to caminà - n. f. (pr. \ c&min'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - (long) walk. -
change, to alter (trs.). - 2) - to replace (trs.). - 3) - to 2) - gait. - In the first meaning see also the terms
change (int.). - 4) - to shift, to turn (int.) (wind, weather, "caminada, spasgiada, promenada".
etc.). When trs. it uses the aux. "avèj ". When int. it uses caminada - n. f. (pr. \ c&min'&d& \ ) - See caminà.
the aux. "esse ". - See also the terms "cangé, varié ". caminament - n. m. (pr. \ c&min&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
cambiésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ c&mbi&'ese \ ) - 1) - to communication trench (military).
change (oneself, one's clothes, etc.). - 2) - to turn (into). caminant - n. (pr. \ c&min'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. caminant - fm. sng.
cambièivol - adj. (pr. \ c&mbi&'æivul \ ) Ms. plr. cambièivoj - and plr. caminanta, caminante. - wayfarer, traveller (on
fm. sng. and plr. cambièivola, cambièivole. - mutual. foot).
reciprocal. See also the terms "cambévol, scambièivol ". caminass - n. m. (pr. \ c&min'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - canal for a
cambiévol - adj. (pr. \ c&mbi&'evul \ ) - See cambièivol. mill, the canal on the mill wheel.
cambiura - n. f. (pr. \ c&mbi'[ue]r& \ ) - See cambiament. caminé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ c&min'e \ ) - to walk. See also
cambrada - n. m. (pr. \ c&mbr'&d& \ ) - Inv. at plr. - 1) - the term "marcé ". It uses the aux. "avèj ".
comrade, chum, pal. See also the slang term "somà". - 2) - caminet - n. m. (pr. \ c&min'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - fireplace.
dormitory. In this meaning see the most correct terms càmion - n. m. (pr. \ c'&miu[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - lorry, motor-
"camerada, camerata". lorry, truck. See also the terms "autocher, autocar".
cambré - n. (pr. \ c&mbr'e \ ) Ms. plr. cambré - fm. sng. and camionàbil - 1) - adj. (pr. \ c&miun'&bil \ ) Ms. plr.
plr. cambrera, cambrere. - 1) - waiter/waitress. - 2) - camionàbij - fm. sng. and plr. camionàbil, camionàbij. -
manservant/maid, maidservant. - 3) - valet. See also the open to lorry traffic, that can be used by lorries.
term "cambrera" (at fm. there are also other meanings). camionàbil - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ c&miun'&bil \ ) At plr
Then see also the terms "cameré, camré ". camionàbij. - road that can be used by lorries. See also
canbrera - n. f. (pr. \ c&mbr'er& \ ) At plr. cambrere. - 1) - the term "camional ".
waitress. - 2) - maidservant. - 3) - chambermaid. - 4) - camional - n. f. (pr. \ c&miun'&l \ ) See camionàbil (2).
housemaid. - 4) - lady's maid. - See also the term "cambré camioncin - n. m. (pr. \ c&miun[ch]'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - light
". lorry, van.
cambrin - n. m. (pr. \ c&mbr'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - small camionëtta - n. f. (pr. \ c&miun'&tt& \ ) At plr. camionëtte. -
room. - 2) - dressing room. - 3) - cabin. jeep, off-road vehicle.
cambron - n. m. (pr. \ c&mbr'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - large camionista - n. (pr. \ c&miun'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. camionista - fm.
room. - 2) - dormitory. sng. and plr. camionista, camioniste. -lorry-driver, truck
cambrura - n. f. (pr. \ c&mbr'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. cambrure. - 1) driver, truckman.
- curvature, bending. - 2) - camber. - 3) - bilge (nautical). camionìstich - adj. (pr. \ c&miun'istic \ ) Ms. plr. camionistich
- 4) - sweep. - 5) - sinuosity. - This term is mainly used in - fm. sng. and plr. camionistica, camionistiche. - related
aesthetical sense. See also the terms "camrura, curvadura". to lorry.
camé - n. m. (pr. \ c&m'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - cameo. See also the camisa - n. f. (pr. \ c&m'iz& \ ) At plr. camise. - 1) - shirt. - 2)
term "cameo ". - blouse. In this sense see also the term "camisin-a". - 3) -
camél - n. m. (pr. \ c&m'el \ ) At plr. caméj. - camel (zoology - jacket, cover, lining, case (mechanics, etc.). A piedm. way
Camelus bactrianus). See also the most used term "gamél of saying with this term is "dobié la camisa" lit. "to fold
". the shirt" "to slip away, to slink away". Then note the loc.
cameo - n. m. (pr. \ c&m'eu \ ) Inv. at plr. - cameo. See also the "camisa da neuit" "night-gown", also said "brassiera".
term "camé ". camisà - n. f. (pr. \ c&miz'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - abundant
càmera - n. f. (pr. \ c'&mer& \ ) At plr. càmere. - 1) - sweat. - 2) - great effort (in a fig. sense). See also the term
bedroom. In this meaning the term is an italianism. See "camisada".
also the terms "stansia, stansa" and the loc."stansa da lét ". camisada - n. f. (pr. \ c&miz'&d& \ ) - See camisà.
- 2) - Chamber, House (politics). This term, in Piedm., is camisass - n. m. (pr. \ c&miz'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - labourer's
mainly used for political, legal and administrative entities, smock. - 2) - white coat. - 3) - working-dress. See also
bt there are some exceptions : - A) - "musica da càmera" the term "camison".
"chamber music". - B) - "càmera d'ària" "tube, inner camisé - n. (pr. \ c&miz'e \ ) Ms. plr. camisé - fm. sng. and plr.
tube ; bladder". camisòira, camisòire. - 1) - shirtmaker. - 2) - shirt-seller.
camerada - n. f. (pr. \ c&mer'&d& \ ) camisëtta - n. f. (pr. \ c&miz'&tt& \ ) At plr. camisëtte. - shirt
cameral - adj. (pr. \ c&mer'&l \ ) Ms. plr. cameraj - fm. sng. (short sleeves).
and plr. cameral, cameraj. - 1) - related to room (lit. camisin - n. m. (pr. \ c&miz'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - baby's shirt,
meaning). - 2) - the adj. is used for documents about the baby's blouse.
situation of companies. The "visura cameral" is a camisin-a - n. f. (pr. \ c&miz'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. camisin-e. -
document that reports the legal situation of a firm, a blouse (light).
company, a commercial activity, etc. camison - n. m. (pr. \ c&miz'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
cameramen - n. m. (pr. \ c'&mer&mæ[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - labourer's smock. - 2) - white coat. See also the term
cameraman (the word is a noelogism directly derived "camisass".
from English). See also the loc. "operator a la riprèisa". camisòira - n. f. (pr. \ c&miz'oir& \ ) - See camisé.
camerari - n. m. (pr. \ c&mer'&ri \ ) Inv. at plr. - chamber camisòla - n. f. (pr. \ c&miz'ol& \ ) At plr. camisòle. - slip,
gentleman. petticoat, underskirt.
camerata - n. f. (pr. \ c&mer'&t& \ ) - See camerada. camlòt - n. m. (pr. \ c&ml'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any) - camlet
cameré - n. (pr. \ c&mer'e \ ) - See cambré. (texile). See also the term "gamlòt ".
camerlengh - n. m. (pr. \ c&merl'æ[ng]g \ ) - See camarlengh. camojin - n. m. (pr. \ c&muy'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - a type of
camin - n. m. (pr. \ c&m'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - fireplace, pear (botany).
hearth. - 2) - chimney. In this sense see also the terms càmola - n. f. (pr. \ c'&mul& \ ) At plr. càmole. - 1) - moth. -
"fornél, fumareul, franclin ". - 3) - walk, way. - 4) - path, 2) - woodworm.
track. - 5) - road. - 6) - route. camolà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ c&mul'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
1) - moth-eaten. - 2) - worm-holed, worm-eaten.

camolé - vrb 1st con trs. (pr. \ c&mul'e \ ) - 1) - to get worm- lit. "to throw down " "to demolish, to pull down". -A1)
eaten. - 2) - to get moth-eaten. For these two meanings - "campé giù" "to swallow". - B) - "campé via" "to
see also the refl. form "camolésse". - 3) - to corrupt, to throw away" or "to vomit, to throw up". - C) - "campé an
bribe (in a fig. sense). ària" lit. "to throw in the air" "to throw into disorder,
camolura - n. f. (pr. \ c&mul'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. camolure. - 1) - to to turn topsy-turvy, to disarrange". - 2) - to live, to get
worm-hole, moth-hole. - 2) - caries (referred to teeth). along somehow. (int.). In this meaning the term id not very
camora - n. f. (pr. \ c&m'ur& \ ) At plr. (if any) camore. - 1) - used. In any casas it uses the aux. "avèj ".
"camorra". - 2) - racket. - 3) - gang. campegé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ c&mpej'e \ ) - 1) - to camp, to
camorista - n. (pr. \ c&mur'ist& \ ) go camping. - 2) - to camp, to encamp. - 3) - to stand
càmos - n. m. (pr. \ c'&muz \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - white coat out. - It uses the aux. "avèj ".
(doctors, etc. ). - 2) - alb (religion). - See also the term campégg - n. m. (pr. \ c&mp'ej \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - camping. -
"càmus". 2) - camp. - 3) - camping ground.
camoss - n. m. (pr. \ c&m'us \ ) Inv. at plr. - chamois (zoology campegiator - n. (pr. \ c&mpeji&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. campegiator
- Rupicapra rupicapra). - fm. sng. and plr. campegiatriss, campegiatriss. -
camossà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ c&mus'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - (holiday) camper.
shammy, oil-tanned. campésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ c&mp'ese \ ) - to throw
camossé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&mus'e \ ) - to chamois, to oneself, to fling oneself. - 2) - to throw oneself into. A way
oil-tan. of saying: - "campésse giù" lit. "to throw oneself down"
camossura - n. f. (pr. \ c&mus'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. camossure. - "to lose heart, to get depressed".
chamoising, oil-tanning. campéstr - adj. (pr. \ c&mp'estr \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - rural,
camp - n. m. (pr. \ c&mp \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - field. - 2) - camp. countrified, country (as an attribute).
campà - n. f. (pr. \ c&mp'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - span. - 2) - campet - n. m. (pr. \ c&mp'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - small field,
span, bay. patch.
campada - n. f. (pr. \ c&mp'&d& \ ) At plr. campade. - space campì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ c&mp'i \ ) - to paint the
on a wall reserved to paints. background.
campagna - n. f. (pr. \ c&mp'&[gn]& \ ) At plr. campagne. - campidura - n. f. (pr. \ c&mpid'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. campidure. -
1) - country, farmland. - 2) - campaign. - 3) - estate, background painting.
property (in the country). Note that the loc. "artijerìa da campion - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ c&mpi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
campagna " is translated into "field artillery". champion. - 2) - sample.
campagneul - adj. and n. (pr. \ c&mp&[gn]'[oe]l \ ) Ms. plr. campion - 2) - adj. (pr. \ c&mpi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. 1)
campagneuj - fm. sng. and plr. campagneula, - champion (as an attribute) - 2) - sample, demonstration
campagneule. - 1) - countrified, rustic, country (as an (as attributes). - 3) - standard.
attribute) (adj). - 2) - countryman (countrywoman) (sbst). campionà - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ c&mpiun'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
- This term is not very used, the term "campagnin" (see championship. - 2) - games.
below) is preferred. campionà - 2) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ c&mpiun'& \ ) Inv. in gnd.
campagnin - adj. and n. (pr. \ c&mp&[gn]'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. and nr. - sampled.
campagnin - fm. sng. and plr. campagnin-a, campagnin- campionador - n. m. (pr. \ c&mpiun&d'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. -
e. - 1) - countrified, rustic, country (as an attribute) (adj). sampler.
- 2) - countryman (countrywoman) (sbst). - See also the campionadura - n. f. (pr. \ c&mpiun&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
term "campagneul ". campionadure. - sampling. See also the term
campagnòla - n. f. (pr. \ c&mp&[gn]'ol& \ ) At plr. "campionament".
campagnòle. - off-road vehicle (a type of...). campionament - n. m. (pr. \ c&mpiun&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
campal - adj. (pr. \ c&mp'&l \ ) Ms. plr. campaj - fm. sng. sampling. See also the term "campionadura".
and plr. campal, campaj. - field, open-field (as attributes) campionari - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ c&mpiun'&ri \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
campanil - n. m. (pr. \ c&mp&n'il \ ) At plr. campanij. - bell sample, set of samples. - 2) - pattern book.
tower, church tower. This term can be found sometimes, campionari - 2) - adj. (pr. \ c&mpiun'&ri \ ) Ms. plr.
but it is an italianism. See also the best term "cioché ". campionari - fm. sng. and plr. campionaria,
campanilism - n. m. (pr. \ c&mp&nil'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - local campionarie. - trade (as an attribute). E. g. "fera
patriotism, parochialism. campionaria" "trade fair".
campanilìsta - n. (pr. \ c&mp&nil'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. campioné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&mpiun'e \ ) - to sample.
campanilista - fm. sng. and plr. campanilista, camposanto - n. m. (pr. \ c&mpus'&ntu \) Inv. at plr. -
campaniliste. - local patriot (narrow minded). graveyard, cemetery. See also the terms "cimiteri,
campanilìstich - adj. (pr. \ c&mp&nil'istic \ ) Ms. plr. simiteri, sementeri ".
campanilistich - fm. sng. and plr. campanilistica, camrada - n. m. (pr. \ c&mr'&d& \ ) - See cambrada.
campanilistiche. - parochial. camré - n. (pr. \ c&mr'e \ ) - See cambré.
campanin - n. m. (pr. \ c&mp&n'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - little camrura - n. f. (pr. \ c&mr'[ue]r& \ ) - See cambrura.
bell. Quite an italianism, see the best term "ciochin" càmus - n. m. (pr. \ c'&m[ue]z \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - white coat
(diminutive of "ciòca"). (doctors, etc. ). - 2) - alb (religion). - See also the term
campanon - n. m. (pr. \ c&mp&n'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - big "càmos".
bell. Quite an italianism, see the best term "ciòca granda". can - n. (pr. \ c&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. can - fm. sng. and plr. cagna,
(augmentative of "ciòca"). cagne. - 1) - dog. - 2) - hound. - 3) - bad actor, bad
campan-a - n. f. (pr. \ c&mp'&[ng]& \ ) At plr. campan-e. - 1) worker, bad singer, etc. (in a fig. sense). Some types of
- bell. Quite an italianism (in this meaning), see the best dog: - A - "can babòcc" "poodle". - B) - "can tanin"
term "ciòca". - 2) - glass dome. "dachshund ". - C) - "can da cassa" "gun dog". - D) -
campé - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ c&mp'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - country
"can da bërgé" "sheepdog". - E) - "can dogh" "Great
campé - 2) - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ c&mp'e \ ) - 1) - to Dane". - F) - "can luv" "wolf dog".
throw, to fling, to cast, to pitch. (trs). In this meaning cana - n. f. (pr. \ c'&n& \ ) At plr. cane. - 1) - reed (botany -
there are some idiomatic expressions : - A) - "campé giù " Arundo donax). - 2) - canna (botany). - 3) - cane (botany).

- 4) - stick, cane. - 5) - chimney. - 6) - barrel (rifle). - 7) - cancelada - n. f. (pr. \ c&n[ch]'el \ ) At plr. cancelade. -
pipe (organ). railing, iron fence. See also the terms "cioenda, rastél,
canà - n. f. (pr. \ c&n'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - blow with a cane. frà".
- 2) - hurdle, trellis (made of canes). canceladura - n. f. (pr. \ c&n[ch]el&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
canadìa - n. f. (pr. \ c&n&d'i& \ ) At plr. canadìe. - 1) - canceladure. - cancellation, erasure. See also the most
embroidery made with gold and silver wires. - 2) - common term "scanceladura".
purls, tinsel. See also the word "canutìa". cancelassion - n. f. (pr. \ c&n[ch]el&d'[ue]r& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
canaja - n. f. (pr. \ c&n'&y& \ ) At plr. canaje. - 1) - rabble, 1) - cancellation, crossing out. - 2) - annulment,
mob, scum. In this sense see also the term "canajum". - 2) cancellation. See also the most common terms
- scoundrel, rascal. "scancelassion, scancelament".
canajà - n. f. (pr. \ c&n&y'& \ ) - See canajada. cancelé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&n[ch]el'e \ ) - 1) - to cross
canajada - n. f. (pr. \ c&n&y'&d& \ ) At plr. canajade. - out, to cancel, to strike out, to rub out, to erase. - 2) - to
canajum - n. m. (pr. \ c&n&y'[ue]m \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - annul, to cancel, to write off, to abolish. - 3) - to wipe
rabble, mob, scum. See also the term "canaja". out, to erase, to efface, to obliterate (usually in a fig.
canal - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ c&n'&l \ ) At plr. canaj. - 1) - canal. - sense). See also the most common terms "scancelé,
2) - channel. - 3) - duct, channel, groove. dëscancelé ".
canal - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ c&n'&l \ ) At plr. canaj. - gutter, rain- cancelerìa - n. f. (pr. \ c&n[ch]eler'i& \ ) At plr. cancelerìe. -
pipe. Sometimes also used the term "canala". See also the 1) - chancellery. (politics) - 2) - office of the clerk (law).
terms "gronda, grondan-a". 4) - stationery. See also the terms "canslarìa, canslerìa".
canala - n. f. (pr. \ c&n'&l& \ ) - See canal - 2). cancelié - n. m. (pr. \ c&n[ch]eli'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
canalisassion - n. f. (pr. \ c&n&liz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - Chancellor (politics). - 2) - magistrate's clerk (law). See
canalization. also the terms "canselié, canslé". In case of need of a fm.
canalisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&n&liz'e \ ) - to canalize. sng. and plr. "canceliera, canceliere".
canalòt - n. m. (pr. \ c&n&l'ot \ ) - Inv. at plr. - small channel, cancelierà - n. m. (pr. \ c&n[ch]elier'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
rivulet, streamlet, small ditch. chancellorship. See also the term "canselierà ".
canamìa - n. f. (pr. \ c&n&m'i& \ ) At plr. (if any) - 1) - càncher - n. m. (pr. \ c'&[ng]kær \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - cancer
camomile (botany - Matricaria chamomilla). - 2) - (medical). See also the term "ciàncher".- 2) - Cancer, the
camomila-tea. See also the term "camamìa". Crab (astronomy).
canapé - n. m. (pr. \ c&n&p'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - sofa. See also the cancherì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ c'&[ng]ker'i \ ) - to become
term "sislonga". cancerous. It uses the aux. "esse". See also the term
canàpia - n. f. (pr. \ c&n'&pi& \ ) At plr. canàpie. - big nose. "ancancherì ".
See also the term "nàpia". cancheros - adj. (pr. \ c'&[ng]ker'uz \ ) Ms. plr. cancheros -
canar - n. m. (pr. \ c&n'&r \ ) Inv. at plr. - false news-item. fm. sng. and plr. cancherosa, cancherose. - cancerous.
See also the term "canard". cancrenì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ c&[ng]cren’i \ ) - See
canard - n. m. (pr. \ c&n'&rd \ ) - See canar. cancrenìsse.
canarin - n. m. (pr. \ c&n&r'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - canary cancrenìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ c&[ng]cren’ise \ ) - 1) - to
(zoology - Serinus canarius). - 2) - delicate-looking become gangrenous, to gangrene. - 2) - to become
person (in a fig. sense). inveterate (in a fig. sense). - See also the term "ancancrenì
canasta - n. f. (pr. \ c&n'&st& \ ) At plr. (if any) canaste. - ".
canasta (card game). cancrenos - adj. (pr. \ c&[ng]cren’uz \ ) Ms. plr. cancrenos -
canaston - n. m. (pr. \ c&n&st'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - a variant fm. sng. and plr. cancrenosa, cancrenose. - gangrenous.
of canasta (card game). cancren-a - n. f. (pr. \ c&[ng]cr'æ[ng]& \ ) At plr. cancren-e. -
canàula - n. f. (pr. \ c&n'&pul& \ ) At plr. canàule. - ring gangrene.
holding the chain of the plough. cand - 1) - adv. (pr. \ c&nd \ ) - when. See also the terms
canavass - n. m. (pr. \ c&n&v'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - canvas. - "candi, quand, quandi".
2) - draft. - 3) - plot. - See also the term "canovass". cand - 2) - cnj. . (pr. \ c&nd \ ) - 1) - when. - 2) - whenever. -
canavera - n. f. (pr. \ c&n&v'er& \ ) At plr. canavere. - hemp 3) - while. See also the terms "candi, quand, quandi".
field. See also the term "canavril ". candegé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&ndej'e \ ) - to bleach, to
canaveuid - n. m. (pr. \ c&n&v'[oe]id \ ) - See canaveuj. whiten.
canaveuj - n. m. (pr. \ c&n&v'[oe]y \ ) Inv. at plr. - stalk of candegg - n. m. (pr. \ c&nd'ej \ ) Inv. at plr. - bleaching.
hemp - See also the term "canaveuid ". candegiant - 1) - adj. (pr. \ c&ndeji'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. candegiant
canavëtta - n. f. (pr. \ c&n&v'&tt& \ ) At plr. canavëtte. - - fm. sng. and plr. candegianta, candegiante. - bleaching.
basket for carrying bottles. candegiant - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ c&ndeji'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
canavos - n. m. (pr. \ c&n&v'uz \ ) Inv. at plr. - seed of hemp. bleach.
See also the term "canavros". candegiator - n. (pr. \ c&ndeji&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. candegiator -
canavril - n. m. (pr. \ c&n&vr'il \ ) At plr. canavrij. - hemp fm. sng. and plr. candegiatriss, candegiatriss. - bleacher,
field. See also the term "canavera ". laundryman (laundrywoman).
canavros - n. m. (pr. \ c&n&vr'uz \ ) - See canavos. candegin-a - n. f. (pr. \ c&ndej'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. (if any)
canavrosa - n. f. (pr. \ c&n&vr'uz& \ ) At plr. canavrose - candegin-e. - bleach. See the most used term "conegrin-
blackcap (zoology - Sylvia atricapilla). See also the terms a".
"canavròla, canvròta", and the loc. "testa nèira". candèila - n. f. (pr. \ c&nd'æil& \ ) At plr. candèile. - 1) -
canavròla - n. f. (pr. \ c&n&vr'ol& \ ) - See canavrosa. candle. - 2) - sparking plug (motors). - 3) - candela
canavròta - n. f. (pr. \ c&n&vr'ot& \ ) - See canavrosa. (physics).
cancan - n. m. (pr. \ c&[ng]c'&[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - 1) - candeilëtta - n. f. (pr. \ c&ndæil'&tt& \ ) At plr. candeilëtte. -
cancan. - 2) - racket. - 3) - scandal. 1) - little candle. - 2) - glow plug. See also the
cancél - n. m. (pr. \ c&n[ch]'el \ ) At plr. cancéj. - 1) - gate. terms"candlëtta, candlin-a". Diminutive of "candèila".
See also the term "rastél". - 2) - writing-desk (old term). candeilin-a. - n. f. (pr. \ c&ndæil'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. candeilin-e.
- little candle. - See also the terms "candlëtta, candlin-a".
Diminutive of "candèila".

candelabr - n. m. (pr. \ c&ndel'&br \ ) Inv. at plr. - canëstrél - n. m. (pr. \ c&n&str'el \ ) At plr. canëstéj. - sweet
candelabrum. See also the term "candlé ". shaped as a little hurdle.
candi - 1) - adv. and cnj. (pr. \ c'&ndi \ ) - See cand 1) and 2). canëstrëlà - n. f. (pr. \ c&n&str&l'& \ ) - See canëstërlà.
candi - 2) - adj. (pr. \ c'&ndi \ ) Ms. plr. candi - fm. sng. and canëstrëlé - n. (pr. \ c&n&str&l'e \ ) - "canestréj" maker (or
plr. càndia, càndie. - 1) - snow-white, white. - 2) - naive, seller).
candid, innocent (in a fig. sense). - 3) - spotless. canëtta - n. f. (pr. \ c&n'&tt& \ ) At plr. canëtte. - 1) - small
candì - 1) - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ c&nd'i \ ) - to candy. reed, thin cane. - 2) - stem. - 3) - drinkking straw. - See
candì - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ c&nd'i \ ) Inv. at plr. - candied fruit also the term "canùcia".
(piece of...) cànfora - n. f. (pr. \ c'&[ng]fur& \ ) At plr. (if any). cànfore. -
candì - 3) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ c&nd'i \ ) Ms. plr. candì - fm. camphor (chemistry).
sng. and plr. candìa, candìe - candied. canforà - adj. (pr. \ c&[ng]fur'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
candidà - n. (pr. \ c&ndid'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - camphorated (chemistry).
candidate. - 2) - applicant. cangé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&nj'e \ ) - See cambié.
candidadura - (pr. \ c&ndid&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. cangiant - adj. (pr. \ c&nji'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. cangiant - fm. sng.
candidadure. - candidature, candidacy. See also the term and plr. cangianta, cangiante. - changing, shot (as an
"candidatura". attribute).
candidatura - (pr. \ c&ndid&t'[ue]r& \ ) - See candidadura. cangur - n. m. (pr. \ c&[ng]g'[ue]r \ ) Inv. at plr. - kangaroo
candidé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&ndid'e \ ) - to candidate, to (zoology - Macropus).
propose as a candidate. canìbal - n. (pr. \ c&n'ib&l \ ) Ms. plr. canìbaj - fm. sng. and
candidésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ c&ndid'ese \ ) - to propose plr. canìbal, canìbaj. - 1) - cannibal. - 2) - fierce, cruel
oneself as a candidate. man. See also the voice "canìbale".
candlà - n. f. (pr. \ c&ndl'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - row of candles. canìbale - n. (pr. \ c&n'ib&le \ ) - See canìbal.
candlé - n. (pr. \ c&ndl'e \ ) Ms. plr. candlé - fm. sng. and plr. canibalisassion - n. f. (pr. \ c&nib&liz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr.
candlera, candlere. - 1) - candlestick. - 2) - chandler, - cannibalization.
candle-maker. canibalisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&nib&liz'e \ ) - to
candlera - n. f. (pr. \ c&ndl'er& \ ) At plr. (when and if cannibalize.
applicable) candlere. - Candlemas. Feast of the canibalism - n. m. (pr. \ c&nib&l'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
Purification of the Virgin Mary, in which candles are cannibalism. - 2) - barbarous cruelty (in a fig. sense).
blessed. See also the term "candlòra". canibalìstich - adj. (pr. \ c&nib&l'istic \ ) Ms. plr.
candlëtta - n. f. (pr. \ c&ndl'&tt& \ ) - See candeilëtta. canibalìstich - fm. sng. and plr. canìbalìstica,
candlin-a - n. f. (pr. \ c&ndl'i[ng]& \ ) - See candeilin-a. canìbalìstiche. - cannibalistic, cannibal-like.
candlòra - n. f. (pr. \ c&ndl'or& \ ) See candlera. canìcola - n. f. (pr. \ c&n'icul& \ ) - At plr. canìcole. -
candlòt - n. m. (pr. \ c&ndl'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - squat summer heat, noondy heat.
candle. - 2) - stick of dynamite (candlòt ëd dinamite) - canicolar - adj. (pr. \ c&nicul'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - hot,
smoke bomb (candlòt fumògen) - tear-gas bomb (candlòt burning (usually referred to weather).
lacrimògeno). cànid - n. plr. (pr. \ c'&nid \ ) Only plr. - canidae (zoology -
candor - n. m. (pr. \ c&nd'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - 1) - Canidae).
brilliant white, snowy whiteness. - 2) - purity, canil - n. m. (pr. \ c&n'il \ ) At plr. canij. - 1) - kennel. - 2) -
innocence, candour. dog pound. - 3) - den, sty (in a fig. sense). See also the
cané - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ c&n'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - cane thicket, bed term "cënil ".
of reeds. See also the term "canéj ". canin - 1) - adj. (pr. \ c&n'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. canin - fm. sng.
cané - 2) - vrb. 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&n'e \ ) - 1) - to beat with a and plr. canìn-a, canìn-e. - canine, of a dog. See also the
cane. - 2) - to go very quick (slang expression). most common term "cagnin". The expression "canine
canegé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&nej'e \ ) - to measure with a tooth" is translated into "dent ojé " and also "dent canin".
metric cane (ground, fields, etc.). canin- 2) - n. m. (pr. \ c&n'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - canine (tooth).
canéj - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ c&n'ey \ ) Inv. at plr. - cane thicket, cànoa - n. f. (pr. \ c&n'o& \ ) At plr. cànoe. - hemp. (botany -
bed of reeds. See also the term "cané ". Cannabis sativa). See also the term "càuna".
Canej - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ c&n'ey \ ) Only sng. noun of the town canocial - n. m. (pr. \ c&nu[ch]i'&l \ ) - See canucial.
"Canelli " where a wonderful sparkling wine is produced, canocialin - n. m. (pr. \ c&nu[ch]i&l'i[ng] \ ) - See canucialin.
and the sweet wine "Moscato" (Moscà 'd Canéj). canon - n. m. (pr. \ c&n'u [ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - gun,
canel - n. m. (pr. \ c&n'el \ ) At plr. canéj. - 1) - narrow tube, (cannon). - 2) - pipe, tube (usually referred to stove). - 3) -
small pipe. See also the terms "canet, tubet, rochet ". - 2) - ace, champion, wizard (in a fig. sense).
pipette (chemistry). - 3) - blowpipe, welding blowpipe. cànon - n. m. (pr. \ c'&nu[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - canon, rule,
canela - n. f. (pr. \ c&n'el \ ) At plr. (if any) canele. - precept. - 2) - rent, rental, fee.
cinnamon (botany - Cinnamomum zeylanicum). canonà - n. f. (pr. \ c&nun'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - cannon-shot,
canelin - n. f. (pr. \ c&nel'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - sugared gunshot. - 2) - smasher, knock-out (in a fig. sense). See
pieces of cinnamon. - 2) - a type of beans. also the term "canonada".
canestrel - n. m. (pr. \ c&nestr'el \ ) - See canëstrél. canonada - n. f. (pr. \ c&nun'd& \ ) - See canonà.
canet - n. m. (pr. \ c&n'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - reed (botany - canoncin - n. m. (pr. \ c&nun[ch]'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - small
Arundo donax). - 2) - small pipe. In this meaning see also gun (irregular diminutive).
the terms "canet, tubet, rochet ". cànone - n. m. (pr. \ c'&nune \ ) Inv. at plr. - See cànon.
canëstërlà - n. f. (pr. \ c&n&st&rl'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - hurdle, canoné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&nun'e \ ) - See canonegé.
fence. - See also the term "canestrëlà ". canonegé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&nunej'e \ ) - to cannonade,
canëstërlé - 1) - n. (pr. \ c&n&str&rl'e \ ) Ms. plr. canëstërlé - to fire, to shell. See also the term "canoné".
fm. sng. and plr. canëstërlera, canëstërlere. - pastry-cook canonegiament - n. m. (pr. \ c&nuneji&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
of "canestréj" (see the voice). canonade, gunfire, shelling.
canëstërlé - 2) - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ c&n&str&rl'e \ ) - 1) - to canonera - n. f. (pr. \ c&nun'er& \ ) At plr. canonere. - 1) -
make hurdles. - 2) - to make "canestréj". (see the voice). embrasure. - 2) - gunboat.
It uses the aux. "avèj ".

canonicà - n. m. (pr. \ c&nunic'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - canonicate, cackle. - 7) - "canto" (poetry). - 8) - poem, lyric. - 9) -
canonry. corner. In this sense the word is an italianism, and a
canonicità - n. f. (pr. \ c&nuni[ch]it'& \ ) - See canonissità. correct term is "canton". - 10) - way, hand, as in the
canonié - n. m. (pr. \ c&nuni'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - gunner. See sentence "in a way I can agree, but on the other hand it is
also the term "artilié ". - 2) - goal-scorer (sport, in a fig. not what I prefer" "da mè cant i peulo esse d'acòrdi, ma
sense). d'àutr cant a l'é nen lòn ch'i preferisso". Also in this case
canonisassion - n. f. (pr. \ c&nuniz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - this use is an italianism (quite bad), and the most correct
canonization. word is "part". I.e. "da part mia i peulo esse d'acòrdi, ma
canonisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&nuniz'e \ ) - 1) - to canonize d'àutra part a l'é nen lòn ch'i preferisso". The expressions
(religion). - 2) - to sanction, to ratify (in a fig. sense). "da mè cant, da tò cant, etc." have more the meaning : "as
canonissità - n. f. (pr. \ c&nunisit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - canonicity, for me (as far as I'm concerned), as for you, etc."
canonicalness. cant (da ---) - 1) - adv. loc. (pr. \ d& c&nt \ ) - 1) - nearby. - 2)
canonista - n. m. - aside, apart, to one side, on one side. See also the term
canotagi - n. m. (pr. \ c&nut'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - 1) - "dacant" as a unique word.
boating, rowing, sculling. - 2) - boat racing (sport). cant (da ---) - 2) - prp. (pr. \ d& c&nt \ ) - beside, near, close
canotié - n. m. (pr. \ c&nuti'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - oarsman, rowing to. See also the term "dacant" as a unique word.
man. cantà - n. f. and adj. (pr. \ c&nt'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - "cantata"
canotiera - n. f. (pr. \ c&nuti'er& \ ) At plr. canotiere. - (sbst.) (music). - 2) - singing, sing-song. (sbst.). - 3) - with
singlet, vest. chants, in the expression "Mëssa cantà " which is
canovass - n. m. (pr. \ c&nuv'&s \ ) - See canavass. translated into "high Mass". As a sbst. see also the term
canòa - n. f. (pr. \ c&n'o& \ ) At plr. canòe. - canoe. "cantada".
canòl - n. m. (pr. \ c&n'ol \ ) At plr. canòj. - "cannolo" (spiced cantada - n. f. (pr. \ c&nt'&d& \ ) - See cantà.
stuffed pastry roll). cantanbanch - n. m. (pr. \ c&nt&mb'&[ng]c \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1)
canònica - n. f. (pr. \ c&n'onic& \ ) At plr. canòniche. - - ballad-singer, story-teller. - 2) - charlatan, quack.
parsonage, rectory, vicarage. mountebank.
canònich - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ c&n'onic \ ) Inv. at plr. - canon. cantant - n. (pr. \ c&nt'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. cantant - fm. sng. and
canònich - 2) - adj. (pr. \ c&n'onic \ ) Ms. plr. canònich - fm. plr. cantanta, cantante. - singer.
sng. and plr. canònica, canòniche. - 1) - canonical, canon cantaran-a - n. f. (pr. \ c&nt&r'&[ng]& \ ) At plr. cantaran-e.
(as an attribute). - 2) - appropriate, suitable (in a fig. - rattle. This is a sort of rattle used in the Holy Week (as
sense). an old tradition). There is a also a big "cantaran-a" for
canòt - n. m. (pr. \ c&n'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - canoe. - 2) - bell-tower, called "tënebra" or "teneubra" (See the terms).
small boat. cantarin - adj. and n. (pr. \ c&nt&r'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. cantarin -
canselié - n. m. (pr. \ c&[ng]seli'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - fm. sng. and plr. cantarin-a, cantarin-e. - 1) - singer
Chancellor (politics). - 2) - magistrate's clerk (law).See (sbst.). - 2) - singing, warbling (adj.).
also the terms "cancelié, canslé ". In case of need of a fm. cantarin-a - n. f. (pr. \ c&nt&r'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. cantarin-e. -
sng. and plr. "canseliera, canseliere". primrose (botany - Primula acaulis), cowslip (botany -
canselierà - n. m. (pr. \ c&[ng]selier'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - Primula veris). See also the terms "primavera, pampocèt ".
chancellorship. See also the term "cancelierà ". cantariss - n. m. (pr. \ c&nt&r'is \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - singing
canslarìa - n. f. (pr. \ c&[ng]sl&r'i& \ ) At plr. canslarìe. - 1) - bird. - 2) - decoy bird.
chancellery. (politics) - 2) - office of the clerk (law). 4) - cantarlé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ c&nt&rl'e \ ) - to sing
stationery. See also the terms "cancelerìa, canslerìa". softly. See also the terms "cantërlé, cantrogné". It uses
canslé - n. m. (pr. \ c&[ng]sl'e \ ) - See canselié. always the aux. "avèj".
canslerìa - n. f. (pr. \ c&[ng]sler'i& \ ) - See canslarìa. cantassé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ c&nt&s'e \ ) - to sing
canson - n. f. (pr. \ c&[ng]s'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - song. - 2) coarsely. It always uses the aux. "avèj ".
- canzone (poetry). The idiomatic way of saying "conté 'd cantastòrie - n. (pr. \ c&nt&st'orie \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
canson", with a lit. meaning "to tell songs" means "to speak ballad-singer, minstrel.
without doing". The idiomatic way of saying "buté cantautor - n. (pr. \ c&nt&ut'ur \ ) Ms. plr. cantautor - fm.
canson", with a lit. meaning "to put in songs" means "to sng. and plr. cantautriss, cantautriss. - song singer-
tease, to make fun of (sb.)". writer.
cansonà - n. f. . (pr. \ c&[ng]sun'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - teasing, canté - 1) - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ c&nt'e \ ) - 1) - to
joking. - 2) - joke, mockery. See also the term sing, to chant. - 2) - to crow, to cackle. - 3) - to chirp. It
"cansonada". always uses the aux. "avèj".
cansonada - n. f. (pr. \ c&[ng]sun'&d& \ ) - See cansonà. canté - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ c&nt'e \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any) - singing.
cansonador - adj. and n. (pr. \ c&[ng]sun&d'ur \ ) Ms. plr. cànter - n. m. (pr. \ c'&ntær \ ) Inv. at plr. - chamber pot.
cansonador - fm. sng. and plr. cansonadòira, cantërlé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ c&nt&rl'e \ ) - See
cansonadòire. - 1) - teasing, mocking. (adj.). - 2) - cantarlé.
mocker, tease (sbst.). càntica - n. f. (pr. \ c'&ntic& \ ) At plr. càntiche. - poem
cansoné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&[ng]sun'e \ ) - to tease, to (religious or narrative). See also the term "càntich ".
make fun. càntich - n. m. (pr. \ c'&ntic \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - hymn,
cansonëtta - n. f. (pr. \ c&[ng]sun'&tt& \ ) At plr. cansonëtte. - religious poem. - 2) - canticle (religion).
1) - light music song. - 2) - canzonet (poetry). cantié - n. m. (pr. \ c&nti'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - yard. - 2) -
cansonëttista - n. (pr. \ c&[ng]sun&tt'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. shipyard. - 3) - stope.
cansonëttista - fm. sng. and plr. cansonëttista, cantierìstich - adj. (pr. \ c&ntier'istic \ ) Ms. plr. cantierìstich
cansonëttiste. - music-hall singer. - fm. sng. and plr. cantierìstica, cantierìstiche. -
cansonié - n. m. (pr. \ c&[ng]suni'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - shipbuilding (pertaining to ...).
collection of lyrics, lyrical output (literature). - 2) - song- cantilena - n. f. (pr. \ c&ntil'en& \ ) At plr. cantilene. - 1) -
book. - 3) - songwriter. sing-song. - 2) - sing-song voice. - 3) - lullaby. - 4) -
cant - n. m. (pr. \ c&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - song. - 2) - singing. boring speech. The term is used but is quite an italianism.
- 3) - chant. - 4) - chirrup (birds). - 5) - chirp. - 6) - crow, See also the term "cantilen-a", which is more correct.

cantilené - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ c&ntilen'e \ ) - to also the term "binòcol". Sometime also "canocial " (see the
sing-song. It always uses the aux. "avèj". term).
cantilen-a - (pr. \ c&ntil'æ[ng]& \ ) At plr. cantilen-e. - 1) - canucialin - n. m. (pr. \ c&n[ue][ch]i&l'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
sing-song. - 2) - sing-song voice. - 3) - lullaby. - 4) - opera glasses. See also the terms "canocialin, lorgnëtta"
boring speech. See also the term "cantilena". and the loc. "canucial da teatro".
cantin - n. m. (pr. \ c&nt'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - E-string (music). canutìa - n. f. (pr. \ c&n[ue]t'i& \ ) - See canadìa.
The expression "toché 'l cantin giust" means "to touch the can-a - n. f. (pr. \ c'&[ng]& \ ) At plr. can-e. - white hair.
right chord ". càoss - n. m. (pr. \ c'&ôs \ ) Inv. at plr. - chaos. Note the
cantiné - n. (pr. \ c&ntin'e \ ) Ms. plr. cantiné - fm. sng. and part'cula pronunciation.
plr. cantinera, cantinere. - 1) - cellarman, butler. - 2) - caòtich - adj. (pr. \ c&'otic \ ) Ms. plr. caòtich - fm. sng. and
tavern-keeper. In this sense see also the term "òsto". plr. caòtica, caòtiche. - chaotic.
cantinëtta - n. m. (pr. \ c&ntin'&tt& \ ) At plr. cantinëtte. - cap - n. (pr. \ c&p \ ) Ms. plr. cap - fm. sng. and plr. capa,
small cellar. See also the term "crotin". cape. - 1) - head, chief, boss. - 2) - head (e.g. to be at the
cantin-a - n. f. (pr. \ c&nt'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. cantin-e. - 1) - head of...) - 3) - head (e. g. head of cattle) not very used in
cellar, wine vault. In this sense the word is an italianism. this sense. - 4) - cape, headland, promontory. Some
See also the most correct term "cròta". - 2) - wine shop. - piedm. uses of this word : "cap-meistr" "master builder,
3) - tavern. In this meaning see also the best terms "òsto, master mason" ; "cap-d'ann" "New Year's Day" ; "cap-
ostarìa". - 4) - hovel. The expression "cantin-a social" cordà" "roped-party leader" (alpinism) ; "cap-còrda"
means "cooperative store for the sale of wine". A way of "terminal, lug" (electicity) ; "cap-d'euvra" = "masterpiece"
saying is "andé 'n cròta" which, beyond the lit. meaning of See also "ciadeuvra" ; "capoficin-a" "chief foreman". ;
"to go into the cellar" means also "to drop the tone of one's "cap-leu" "chief town" ; "cap-sald" "strong point,
voice". stronghold" or also "cornerstone" ; "cap-lìnia" or "cap-
canton - n. m. (pr. \ c&nt'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - corner. - 2) lìnea" "terminus, terminal station". "cap-ufissi" "head
- district. - 3) - part, side. - 4) - quarter. A way of saying clerk, chief clerk" ; etc.
"an tuti ij canton " lit. "in every corner" "everywhere". capa - n. f. (pr. \ c'&p& \ ) At plr. cape. - 1) - cape, mantle. -
cantonà - n. f. (pr. \ c&ntun'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - street 2) - cope, cowl. - 3) - cooker hood. - 4) - chimney. In this
corner. - 2) - blunder (in a fig. sense). - 3) - corner sense see also the terms "fornél, fumareul ".
cupboard. In this sense see also the trems "cantonal capacità - n. f. (pr. \ c&p&[ch]it'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - ability,
(sbst.), cantonera". capacity, capability. - 2) - capacitance (electricity) - 3) -
cantonal - 1) - adj. (pr. \ c&ntun'&l \ ) Ms. plr. cantonaj - fm. capacity (referred to space, volume, etc.).
sng. and plr. cantonal, cantonaj. - cantonal. capacité - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&p&[ch]it'e \ ) - to persuade.
cantonal - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ c&ntun'&l \ ) At plr. cantonaj. - capacitésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ c&p&[ch]it'ese \ ) - to
corner cupboard. See also the terms "cantonà (third understand, to realize, to accept.
meaning), cantonera". capala - n. f. (pr. \ c&p'&l& \ ) At plr. capale. - stack of
cantoné - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ c&ntun'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - road sheaves.
tender, road inspector. - 2) - trackman, signalman capara - n. f. (pr. \ c&p'&r& \ ) At plr. capare. - 1) - earnest
(railways). money, deposit. - 2) - earnest, pledge (in a fig. sense).
cantoné - 2) - adj. (pr. \ c&ntun'e \ ) Ms. plr. cantoné - fm. caparament - n. m. (pr. \ c&p&r&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
sng. and plr. cantonera, cantonere. - referred to cornering, buying-up. See also the term "acaparament".
"cantoné" e. g. "cà cantonera" "road-tender's house". caparant - adj. (pr. \ c&p&r'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. caparant - fm.
This house is sometime called just "cantonéra" with a sbst. sng. and plr. caparanta, caparante. - 1) - flattering,
value. alluring, tempting. - 2) - polite courteous, pleasant-
cantoné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&ntun'e \ ) - 1) - to lay aside, mannered. See also the term "acaparant".
to put aside. - 2) - to shelve (in a fig. sense). - 3) - to set caparator - n. (pr. \ c&p&r&t'ut \ ) Ms. plr. caparator - fm.
aside. - 4) - to quarter (military). sng. and plr. caparatriss, caparatriss. - cornerer, buyer-
cantonéra - n. f. (pr. \ c&ntun'er& \ ) At plr. cantonere. - 1) - up. See also the term "acaparator".
corner cupboard. See also the term "cantonal 2)". - 2) - caparé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&p&r'e \ ) - 1) - to pay a
road-tender's house. deposit on. - 2) - to corner, to buy up, to engross. See
cantonet - n. m. (pr. \ c&ntun'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - corner, also the term "acaparé".
nook. - 2) - solitary and pretty spot. (diminutive of caparésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ c&p&r'ese \ ) - 1) - to
"canton"). See also the term "cantonin". corner. - 2) - to gain, to secure for oneself. See also the
cantonin - n. m. (pr. \ c&ntun'i[ng] \ ) - See cantonet. term "acaparésse".
cantonù - adj. (pr. \ c&ntun'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. cantonù - fm. sng. caparùcia - n. f. (pr. \ c&p&r'[ue][ch]i& \ ) At plr. caparùce. -
and plr. cantonùa, cantonùe. - 1) - angular. - 2) - rough, comb, crest. (zoology). See also the term "crësta".
difficult (in a fig. sense). capél - n. m. (pr. \ c&p'el \ ) At plr. capéj. - 1) - hat. - 2) - cap,
cantor - n. m. (pr. \ c&nt'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - member of a safety cover (mechanics). - 3) - cap (mushrooms). - 4) -
choir, chorist. - 2) - singer, bard, poet. preamble. A piedm. way of saying : "fé 'n capél " lit. "to
cantorìa - n. f. (pr. \ c&ntur'i& \ ) At plr. cantorìe. - 1) - choir make a hat " " to scold, to reproach".
stalls. - 2) - choir. capela - n. f. (pr. \ c&p'el& \ ) At plr. capele. - 1) - chapel,
cantorin - n. m. (pr. \ c&ntur'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - choir book, small church. - 2) - choir. The loc. "musica a capela " is
psalter, psalm book. translated into "cappella music". - 3) - cap (mushrooms). -
cantrogné - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ c&ntru[gn]'e \ ) - See 4) - head (nails). - 5) - raw recruit (military slang). The
cantarlé. loc. "capela 'd fen" is translated into "haycock ". In this
canù - adj. (pr. \ c&n'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. canù - fm. sng. and plr. sense see also the loc. "maciairon ëd fen".
canùa, canùe. - white-haired, hoary. capelanìa - n. f. (pr. \ c&pel&n'i& \ ) At plr. capelanìe. -
canucia - n. f. (pr. \ c&n'[ue][ch]i& \ ) - See canëtta. chaplainship. See also the term "caplanìa".
canucial - n. m. (pr. \ c&n[ue][ch]i'&l \ ) At plr. canuciaj. - 1) capelvënner - n. m. (pr. \ c&pelv'&nnær \ ) Inv. at plr. -
- telescope, spyglass. - 2) - binoculars, fiel-glasses. See maidenhair (botany - Adiantum capillus Veneris). See also
the term "capiler".

capéstr - n. m. (pr. \ c&p'estr \ ) Inv. at plr. - halter, noose. caplanìa - n. f. (pr. \ c&pl&n'i& \ ) At plr. caplanìe. -
capëstorn - n. m. (pr. \ c&p&str'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - chaplainship. See also the term "capelanìa".
giddiness, dizziness. - 2) - odd thought. - 3) - worry, caplass - n. m. (pr. \ c&pl'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - shabby hat. -
trouble. 2) - outcrop (mineralogy).
capì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ c&p'i \ ) - 1) - to understand, to cap-lavor - n. m. (pr. \ c&pl&w'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - work
see. - 2) - to realize. - 3) - to make out. used for testing the capabilities of an applicant worker.
capìbil - adj. (pr. \ c&p'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. capìbij - fm. sng. and - 2) - masterpiece. - See also the term "ciadeuvra".
plr. capìbil, capìbij. - understandable. caplé - n. (pr. \ c&pl'e \ ) Ms. plr. caplé - fm. sng. and plr.
capiler - n. m. (pr. \ c&pil'ær \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - maidenhair. capléra, caplére. - hatter, hat-maker, hat-seller.
In this meaning see also the term "capelvënner". - 2) - hot caplera - n. f. (pr. \ c&pl'er& \ ) At plr. caplere. - 1) - hat-
drink. - 3) - infusion, decoction. box, hat case. - 2) - hat-rack.
capiliatura - n. f. (pr. \ c&pili&t'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. capliliature. caplet - n. m. (pr. \ c&pl'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - little hat. - 2) -
- 1) - hair, head of hair. In this sense see also the term cap. In this sense see also the term "caplòt". - 3) -
"caviera". - 2) - mane. In this sense see also the term "cappelletti" (cooking). - 4) - capsule. - 5) - crown.
"còma". capleu - n. m. (pr. \ c&pl'[oe] \ ) Inv. at plr. - chief town, seat
capìsse - vrb 3rd con. recp. (pr. \ c&p'ise \ ) - to understand of local government.
one another. cap-leugh - n. m. (pr. \ c&pl'[oe]g \ ) - See capleu.
capital - n. m. (pr. \ c&pit'&l \ ) At plr. capitaj. - 1) - capital. - caplëtta - n. f. (pr. \ c&pl'&tt& \ ) At plr. caplëtte. - small
2) - lot of money, fortune. - 3) - store, wealth (in a fig. chapel. See also the term "caplin-a" even if this term is not
sense). very correct in this sense.
capitalisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&pit&liz'e \ ) - to capitalize. caplin - n. m. - (pr. \ c&pl'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - small hat, hat
capitalism - n. m. (pr. \ c&pit&l'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - for woman.
capitalism. caplin-a - n. f. (pr. \ c&pl'i[ng]& \ ) - 1) - small chapel. In this
capitalista - n. and adj. (pr. \ c&pit&l'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. sense see the most correct term "caplëtta". - 2) - straw-hat.
capitalista - fm. sng. and plr. capitalista, capitaliste. - 1) - 3) - infatuation (slang term).
- capitalist (sbst.). - 2) - capitalìstic, capitalist (adj.). In capliné - n. (pr. \ c&plin'e \ ) Ms. plr. capliné - fm. sng. and
this sense see also the term "capitalistich". plr. caplinéra, caplinére. - straw-hat maker, straw-hat
capitalìstich - adj. (pr. \ c&pit&l'istic \ ) Ms. plr. capitalistich seller.
- fm. sng. and plr. capitalistica, capitalistiche. - caplon - n. m. (pr. \ c&pl'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - large hat. -
capitalistic, capitalist. 2) - boy with long hair.
capitané - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&pit&n'e \ ) - to lead, to caplòt - n. m. (pr. \ c&pl'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - cap.
command, to head. caplù - adj. (pr. \ c&pl'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. caplù - fm. sng. and plr.
capitani - n. m. (pr. \ c&pit'&ni \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - captain caplùa, caplùe. - 1) - tufted, tufty, crested. - 2) - long
(military). - 2) - captain, leader (history, sport). - 3) - haired.
captain, master, skipper (marine). cap-mèistr - n. m. (pr. \ c&pm'æistr \ ) Inv. at plr. - master
capité - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&pit'e \ ) - 1) - to happen, to builder, master mason.
befall (usually in imp. forms) - 2) - to turn up, to arise, to cap-négher - n. m. (pr. \ c&pn'egær \ ) Inv. at plr. - blackcap
occur. - 3) - to find oneself, to happen to go, to arrive. (zoology - Sylvia atricapilla). See also the loc. "testa
capitél - n. m. (pr. \ c&pit'el \ ) At plr. capitéj. - 1) - capital nèira".
(architecture). - 2) - headband (books). capon - n. m. (pr. \ c&p'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - capon. - 2) -
capìtol - n. m. (pr. \ c&p'itul \ ) At plr. capìtoj. - 1) - chapter cat-tackle (marine).
(books). - 2) - chapter, chathedral chapter. - 3) - comic caponà - adj. (pr. \ c&pun'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - castrated,
poem "in terza rima". emasculated.
capitolà - n. m. (pr. \ c&pitul'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - caponé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&pun'e \ ) - 1) - to capon, to
specifications. - 2) - tender. caponize, to castrate. - 2) - to cat the anchor (marine). -
capitolar - 1) - adj. (pr. \ c&pitul'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 3) - to mend badly. Note the sentence "fé caponé la pél "
capitular. with meaning "to make one's flesh creep".
capitolar - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ c&pitul'&r \ ) Inv. at plr. - caponéra - (pr. \ c&pun'er& \ ) At plr. caponére. - 1) - capon
capitulary. coop, mew. - 2) - caponniere, covered lodgement
capitolassion - n. f. (pr. \ c&pitul&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - (military). - 3) - prison, quod (fig. slang term).
capitulation, surrender. caponet - n. m. (pr. \ c&pun'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - little roulade of
capitolé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ c&pitul'e \ ) - to capitulate, to minced meat, eggs and vegetables into a leaf of cabbage.
surrender, to give in. It uses usually the aux. "avèj ", even This is also known as "pess-còj" = lit. "fish cabbage" due
if sometimes it can be found using the aux. "esse". to the shape of a fish taken by the roulade.
capitómbol - n. m. (pr. \ c&pit'umbul \ ) At plr. capitómboj. - caponù - n. m. (pr. \ c&pun'[ue] \ ) Only ms. Inv. at plr. -
1) - headlong fall, tumble. - 2) - downfall (in a fig. sense). castrated person.
Also in the spelling "capitòmbol ", with different caponura - n. f. (pr. \ c&pun'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. caponure. - 1) -
pronunciation. castration, gelding. - 2) - badly made mending.
capitombolé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ c&pitumbul'e \ ) - to fall caporal - n. m. (pr. \ c&pur'&l \ ) At plr. caporaj. - 1) - lance-
down headlong, to fall head over heels. See also the corporal (military). - 2) - ganger. The english military
terms "casché, robaté ". It uses the aux. "esse ". "corporal" corresponds to the "caporalmagior".
capitòmbol - n. m. (pr. \ c&pit'ombul \ ) - See capitómbol. caporion - n. (pr. \ c&puri'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. caporion - fm.
caplà - n. f. (pr. \ c&pl'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - hatful. The way of sng. and plr. caporion-a, caporion-e. - 1) - ringleader. -
saying "a caplà " = lit. "at hatfuls" means "in a large 2) - overseer, foreman. See also the term "capòcia" 1st and
quantity". 2nd meanings.
caplada - n. f. (pr. \ c&pl'&d& \ ) At plr. caplade. - 1) - capòcia - n. m. (pr. \ c&p'o[ch]i& \ ) Inv. at plr. 1) -
greeting made by taking off one's hat. - 2) - scolding, ringleader. - 2) - overseer, foreman. For these meanings
rebuke (in a fig. sense). see also the term "caporion". - 3) - head.
caplan - n. m. (pr. \ c&pl'&[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - chaplain.

capòt - n. m. (pr. \ c&p'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - overcoat, great-coat. carabin-a - (pr. \ c&r&b'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. carabin-e. -
This word is also used in some expressions like : - A) - "fé carbine, light and precise rifle.
capòt " lit. "to make overcoat " "to capot, to slam" carabitòle (a ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ & c&r&bit'ole \ ) - astride.
(games). - B) - "resté capòt " "to be taken aback, to be See also the loc. "a baticòle".
dumbfounded ". caracala - n. f. (pr. \ c&r&c'&l& \ ) At plr. caracale. - type of
capòta - n. f. (pr. \ c&p'ot& \ ) At plr. capòte. - hood. long woman's dress, evening dress. See also the term
cap-pòst - n. m. (pr. \ c&p-p'òst \ ) Inv. at plr. - corporal of the "cracala".
guard, commander of the watch (military). caracolé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ c&r&cul'e \ ) - to caracol
caprèis - n. m. (pr. \ c&pr'æiz \ ) Inv. at plr. - rennet. See also (horses). It uses the aux. "avèj".
the terms "prèis, caj ". caracòl - n. m. (pr. \ c&r&c'ol \ ) At plr. caracòj. - caracol
caprèisa - n. f. (pr. \ c&pr'æiz& \ ) At plr. caprèise. - curdling. (horses).
capricòrn - n. m. (pr. \ c&pric'orn \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - black carafa - n. f. (pr. \ c&r'&f& \ ) At plr. carafe. - carafe,
buch (zoology - Antilope cervicapra) - 2) - Capricorn, the decanter.
Goat (constellation). - See also the term "cavricòrn". carafin-a - n. m. (pr. \ c&r&f'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. carafin-e. - 1) -
caprissi - n. m. . (pr. \ c&pr'isi \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - whim, small carafe (diminutive of the term "carafa"). - 2) -
passing fancy, vagary, caprice. - 2) - "capriccio" cruet.
(music). - 3) - unconventional work (art). carafògna - n. f. (pr. \ c&r&f'o[gn]& \ ) At plr. (if any)
caprissi (a ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ & c&pr'isi \ ) - whimsically, in carafògne. - rosin, colophony.
one's own sweet way. caramal - n. m. (pr. \ c&r&m'&l \ ) - ink bottle, ink pot,
caprissios - adj. (pr. \ & c&prisi'uz \ ) Ms. plr. caprissios - fm. inkwell, inkstand. See also the term "calamar ", 2nd
sng. and plr. caprissiosa, caprissiose. - 1) - capricious, meaning.
whimsical, wayward, moody. - 2) - naughty. caràmbola - n. f. (pr. \ c&r'&mbul& \ ) At plr. caràmbole. -
càpsula - n. f. (pr. \ c'&ps'[ue]l& \ ) At plr. càpsule. - 1) - carambole (billiards), cannon (also in a fig. sense).
capsule. - 2) - crown. - 3) - primer, percussion cap. - See carambolagi - n. m. (pr. \ c&r&mbul'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. -
also the term "caplet ". cannon, cannoning.
cap-ufissi - n. (pr. \ c&p[ue]f'isi \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - head carambolé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ c&r&mbul'e \ ) - 1) - to
clerk, chief clerk. cannon. - 2) - to produce a series of hits (in a fig. sense).
capulor - n. m. (pr. \ c&p[ue]l'ur \ ) - See ciapulor. It uses the aux. "avèj".
capulé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&p[ue]l'e \ ) - See ciapulé. caramél - n. m. (pr. \ c&r&m'el \ ) At plr. (if any) caraméj. -
capulura - n. f. (pr. \ c&p[ue]l'[ue]r& \ ) - See ciapulura. caramel.
capuss - n. m. (pr. \ c&p'[ue]s \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - hood. - 2) - caramela - n. f. (pr. \ c&r&m'el& \ ) At plr. caramele. - 1) -
cap. - 3) - cowl. sweetmeat, sweet, caramel, toffee, candy. - 2) - monocle
capussa - n. f. (pr. \ c&p'[ue]s& \ ) At plr. capusse. - hoopoe (in a fig. sense).
(zoology - Upupa epops). See also the terms "pupù, popò, caramlà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ c&r&ml'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr.
puta". - caramelized, coated with burnt sugar.
capussin - (pr. \ c&p[ue]s'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - Capuchin caramlé - 1) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&r&ml'e \ ) - 1) - to
(friar). - 2) - "cappuccino", white coffee. In this sense see caramelize (sugar). - 2) - to coat with burnt sugar.
also the composite word "cafè-làit". caramlé - 2) - n. (pr. \ c&r&ml'e \ ) Ms. plr. caramlé - fm. sng.
caquara - n. f. (pr. \ c&[qu]'&r& \ ) At plr. caquare. - 1) - and plr. caramlera, caramlere. - sweet vendor.
cockchafer, May-bug (zoology - Melolontha melolontha). caramlìsta - n. (pr. \ c&r&ml'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. caramlista - fm.
In this sense see also the terms "givo, conquara, gherba". - sng. and plr. caramlista, caramliste. - worker assigned to
2) - a sort of grasshopper. - 3) - loquacious woman (in a the production of sweets.
fig. sense). caramlos - adj. - (pr. \ c&r&ml'uz \ ) Ms. plr. caramlos - fm.
car - 1) - adj. (pr. \ c&r \ ) Ms. plr. car - fm. sng. and plr. cara, sng. and plr. caramlosa, caramlose. - 1) - caramellike. -
care. - 1) - dear. - 2) - expensive, costly. 2) - namby-pamby. (in a fig. sense).
car - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ c&r \ ) Inv. at plr. (usually only plr.) - 1) - carat - n. m. (pr. \ c&r'&t \ ) - See carà - 2).
dear ones, beloved ones. - 2) - high cost. caraté - 1) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&r&t'e \ ) - 1) - to weight in
car - 3) - adv. (pr. \ c&r \ ) - dear. Two piedm. idiomatic way carats. - 2) - to examine meticulously (in a fig. sense).
of saying : - A) - "avèj car" lit. "to have dear" "to like, caraté - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ c&r&t'e \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any) - karate.
to appreciate". - B) - "avej pì car" lit. "to have more caràter - n. m. (pr. \ c&r'&tær \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - character,
dear" "to prefer". temper, nature. - 2) - character, peculiarity,
cara - n. f. (pr. \ c'&r& \ ) At plr. care. - 1) - cheek. - 2) - face, characteristic. In this meaning see also the term
visage, countenance. Not very used in this sense. - 3) - "caraterìstica". - 3) - character, font, letter, type
caress (baby term). See also,for this meaning, the term (writing).
"carëssa". - 4) - cartful. cartload. In this meaning see the caraterass - n. m. (pr. \ c&r&ter'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - bad
most common term "carà". temper. See also the term "caraterin".
carà - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ c&r'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - cartful. cartload. caraterial - n. and adj. (pr. \ c&r&teri'&l \ ) ) Ms. plr.
carà - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ c&r'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - carat. See also the carateriaj - fm. sng. and plr. caraterial, carteriaj. - 1) -
term "carat". character, personality (used as attributes). - 2) - suffering
carabàtola - n. f. (pr. \ c&r&b'&tul& \ ) At plr. carabàtole. - from behaviour disorders (adj.) - 3) - person with
1) - odds an ends, things. - 2) - trifle, bauble (in a fig. behaviour disorders (sbst.).
sense). - See also the terms "rumenta, giargiàtola, caraterin - n. m. (pr. \ c&r&ter'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - bad
rabadan". temper, difficult character (ironic). See also the term
carabinà - n. f. (pr. \ c&r&bin'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - shot with a "caraterass".
carbine. caraterisassion - n. f. (pr. \ c&r&teriz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
carabinié - n. m. (pr. \ c&r&bini'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - carabineer, characterization.
"carabiniere". Sometimes in a fig. sense (and now also in caraterisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&r&teriz'e \ ) - 1) - to
lit. sense) the fm. sng. and plr. carabiniera, carabiniere is characterize. - 2) - to be characteristic of....
also used.

caraterìstica - n. f. (pr. \ c&r&ter'istic& \ ) At plr. carbonio - n. m. (pr. \ c&rb'ôniô \ ) Chemical element - Inv. at
caraterìstiche. - 1) - characteristic, feature, peculiarity, plr. (if any). - carbon. See also the terms "carbònio,
trait. - 2) - characteristic (mathematics) - 3) - pattern carbon".
(radio). - 4) - specifications. (motors, etc.). carbonisassion - n. f. (pr. \ c&rbuniz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
caraterìstich - adj. (pr. \ c&r&ter'istic \ ) Ms. plr. caraterìstich 1) - carbonization. - 2) - charring (if not complete).
- fm. sng. and plr. caraterìstica, caraterìstiche. - carbonisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&rbuniz'e \ ) - 1) - to
caracteristic, typical. carbonize. - 2) - to chat (wood).
caraterologìa - n. f. (pr. \ c&r&teruluj'i& \ ) At plr. (if any) carbonù - adj. (pr. \ c&rbun'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. carbonù - fm.
caraterologìe. - characterology. (psychology). sng. and plr. carbonùa, carbonùe. - 1) - with carbon, of
caraterològich - adj. (pr. \ c&r&terul'ojic \ ) Ms. plr. carbon, containing carbon. - 2) - with coal. - 3) -
caraterològich - fm. sng. and plr. caraterològica, carbuncular (medical). - 4) - smutty (agriculture).
caraterològiche. - characterology. (psychology). carboro - n. m. (pr. \ c&rb'urô \ ) Inv. at plr. - carbide. See
caratura - n. f. (pr. \ c&r&t'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. carature. - 1) - also the term "carbur".
weighing in carats. - 2) - share (commerce). carborondom - n. m. (pr. \ c&rbôr'undum \ ) Inv. at plr. -
caravan - n. m (pr. \ c&r&v'&[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - caravan, Carborundum.
trailer. See also the term "rolòt ". carbossil - n. m. (pr. \ c&rbus'il \ ) At plr. carbossij. -
caravané - adj. (pr. \ c&r&v&n'e \ ) Ms. plr. caravané - fm. carboxyl (chemistry).
sng. and plr. caravanera, caravanere. - pertaining to carbossìlich - adj. (pr. \ c&rbus'ilic \ ) Ms. plr. carbossìlich -
caravans. fm. sng. and plr. carbossìlica, carbossìliche. - carboxylic
caravanera - n. f. (pr. \ c&r&v&n'er& \ ) At plr. caravanere. - (chemistry).
caravan route. carbònio - n. m. (pr. \ c&rb'oniô \ ) Chemical element - Inv. at
caravanié - n. m. (pr. \ c&r&v&ni'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - caravan plr. (if any). - carbon. See also the terms "carbonio,
guide, caravaneer. carbon".
caravan-a - n. f. (pr. \ c&r&v'&[ng]& \ ) At plr. caravan-e. - carburant - n. m. (pr. \ c&rb[ue]r'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - fuel.
1) - caravan. - 2) - party, large company, group. - 3) - - 2) - petrol.
convoy. - See also the term "carovan-a". carburassion - n. f. (pr. \ c&rb[ue]r&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
caravela - n. f. (pr. \ c&r&v'el& \ ) At plr. caravele. - caravel, carburetion, carburation.
carvel (marine). carburator - n. m. (pr. \ c&rb[ue]r&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. -
carbamà - n. m. (pr. \ c&rb&m'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - carbamate carburettor, carburetter, carburetor.
(chemistry) carburé - vrb. 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&rb[ue]r'e \ ) - to carburize,
carbàmich - adj. (pr. \ c&rb'&mic \ ) Ms. plr. carbàmich - fm. to carburet.
sng. and plr. carbàmica, carbàmiche. - carbamic carca - n. f. (pr. \ c&r'c& \ ) At plr. carche. - crowd, throng.
(chemistry) See also the terms "scarcagnëtta, sbërgnachëtta".
carboidrà - n. m. (pr. \ c&rbuidr'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - carcà - 1) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ c&rc'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
carbohydrate (chemistry) 1) - pressed. - 2) - underlined, stressed. - 3) - trodden.
carbon - n. m. (pr. \ c&rb'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - coal. - 2) - carcà - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ c&rc'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - beaten track.
charcoal (carbon ëd bòsch). - 3) - carbon (electricity) - 4) carcababi - n. m. (pr. \ c&rc&b'&bi \ ) Inv. at plr. -
- carbon (chemistry - Chemical element). In this meaning goatsucker, nightjar. (zoology - Caprimulgus europaeus).
see also the terms "carbonio, carbònio". carcada - n. f. (pr. \ c&rc'&d& \ ) At plr. carcade. - treading,
carbonà - n. m. (pr. \ c&rbun'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - carbonate. pressure, stress. See also the terms "carcadura,
carbonch - n. m. (pr. \ c&rb'u[ng]c \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - carcament, carcura".
carbuncle, ruby (mineral). - 2) - carbuncle (medical). - 3) carcadura - n. f. (pr. \ c&rc&d'[ue]r& \ ) - See carcada.
- anthrax (veterinary). - 4) - black blight, smut carcafeuj - n. m. (pr. \ c&rc&f'[oe]y \ ) Inv. at plr. - paper-
(agriculture). weight. See also the term "calcafeuj ".
carbonchios - adj. (pr. \ c&rbu[ng]ki'uz \ ) Ms. plr. carcam - n. m. (pr. \ c&rc'&m \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - necklace. -
carbonchios - fm. sng. and plr. carbonchiosa, 2) - coronet. See also the terms "carcan, colan-a".
carbonchiose. - 1) - carbuncular (medical). - 2) - smutty carcament - n. m. (pr. \ c&rc&m'ænt \ ) - See carcada.
(agriculture). carcan - n. m. (pr. \ c&rc'&[ng] \ ) - See carcam.
carboncin - n. m. (pr. \ c&rbun[ch]'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - carcant - adj. (pr. \ c&rc'&nt \ ) - See calcant.
charcoal-pencil. In this aense see also the term "carbonet carcassa - n. f. (pr. \ c&rc'&s& \ ) At plr. carcasse. - 1) -
". - 2) - coal brush for electric machines. carcass, carcase. - 2) - framework. - 3) - casing. - 4) - old
carboné - n. (pr. \ c&rbun'e \ ) Ms. plr. carboné - fm. sng. and crock (in a fig. sense).
plr. carbonera, carbonere. - 1) - charcoal burner. - 2) - carcatëppe - n. m. (pr. \ c&rc&t'&ppe \ ) - 1) - a sort of thistle
coal seller, coalman. (botany). - 2) - wheatear (zoology - Oenanthe oenanthe).
carbonera - n. f. (pr. \ c&rbun'er& \ ) At plr. carbonere. - 1) - carcaveja - n. f. (pr. \ c&rc&v'æy& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
charcoal pit. - 2) - coal cellar. nightmare. - 2) - ghost, phantom. - 3) - mirage.
carbonet - n. m. (pr. \ c&rbun'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - charcoal- carch - n. m. (pr. \ c&rc \ ) - See calch.
pencil. - 2) - small coal. carché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&rk'e \ ) - See calché.
carbonié - n. m. (pr. \ c&rbuni'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - coal carcinòma - n. m. (pr. \ c&r[ch]in'om& \ ) Inv at plr. -
miner. - 2) - coal dealer. carcinoma (medical).
carbonìfer - adj. (pr. \ c&rbun'ifær \ ) Ms. plr. carbonìfer - carcura - n. f. (pr. \ c&rc'[ue]r& \ ) - See carcada.
fm. sng. and plr. carbonìfera, carbonìfere. - 1) - card - n. m. (pr. \ c&rd \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - thistle (botany -
carboniferous. - 2) - coal (as an attribute). Carduus).In this sense see also the term "cardon". Note
carbonin-a - n. f. (pr. \ c&rbun'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. carbonin-e. - that in Piedm. the term indicates the wild plant. - 2) -
charcoal slack. A (quite rude) pied. expression is : "mandé cardoon (botany - Cynara cardunculus altilis).
(quaidun) a caghé 'nt la carbonin-a" lit. "to send (sb.) to carda - n. f. (pr. \ c'&rd& \ ) At plr. carde. - carding machine.
shit in the charcola slack" "to tell (sb.) to go to hell". See also the term "cardatris".
cardadura - n. f. (pr. \ c&rd&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. cardardure.
- carding, teasing. See also the term "cardura".

cardàire - n. (pr. \ c&rd'&ire \ ) Ms. plr. cardàire - fm. sng. carenadura - n. f. (pr. \ c&ren&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
and plr. cardàira, cardàire. - carder, teaser. See also the carenadure. - fairing (planes, ships)
terms "cardèire cardor, cardator". carenagi - n. m. (pr. \ c&ren'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - careening,
cardan - n. m. (pr. \ c&rd'&[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - cardan joint dry-docking, graving.
(mechanics). carenatura - n. f. (pr. \ c&ren&t'[ue]r& \ ) - See carenadura.
cardànich - adj. (pr. \ c&rd'&nic \ ) Ms. plr. cardànich - fm. carensa - n. f. (pr. \ c&r'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. carense. - 1) -
sng. and plr. cardànica, cardàniche. - cardanic, cardan lack, want. - 2) - shortage. - 3) - deficiency (medical).
(as an attribute). carent - adj. (pr. \ c&r'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. carent - fm. sng. and plr.
cardator - n. (pr. \ c&rd&t'ur \ ) - See cardàire. carenta, carente. - lacking, wanting.
cardatris - n. f. (pr. \ c&rd&tr'iz \ ) Inv. at plr. - carding caren-a - n. f. (pr. \ c&r'æ[ng]& \ ) At plr. caren-e. - bottom,
machine. See also the term "carda". keel, hull. (ships).
cardé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&rd'e \ ) - to card, to tease. See carera - n. f. (pr. \ c&r'er& \ ) At plr. carere. - wine butt
also the terms "scardassé, scarmisé, brustié, pentné". mounted on cart. See also the term "botala".
cardèire - n. (pr. \ c&rd'æire \ ) - See cardàire. carestìa - n. f. (pr. \ c&rest'i& \ ) At plr. carestìe. - 1) -
carderìa - n. f. (pr. \ c&rder'i& \ ) At plr. carderìe. - carding- famine. See also the most correct term "famin-a". - 2) -
house, carding-room. shortage, dearth, scarcity. (also in a fig. sense).
cardìach - adj. (pr. \ c&rd'i&c \ ) Ms. plr. cardìach - fm. sng. caret - n. m. (pr. \ c&r'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - cart, pushcart,
and plr. cardìaca, cardìache. - cardiac, heart (as an handcart.
attribute). The term is quite an italianism. In Piedm. is caretin - n. m. (pr. \ c&ret'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - little cart. -
more correct the loc. "ëd cheur" lit. "of heart". 2) - toy-cart. - 3) - barrow.
cardiopatìa - n. f. (pr. \ c&rdiup&t'i& \ ) At plr. cardiopatìe. - carëssa - n. f. (pr. \ c&r'&ss& \ ) At plr. carësse. - 1) - caress. -
cardiopathy. 2) - enderaments.
cardiopàtich - n. (pr. \ c&rdiup'&tic \ ) Ms. plr. cardiopàtich - carëssant - adj. (pr. \ c&r&ss'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. carëssant - fm.
fm. sng. and plr. cardiopàtica, cardiopàtiche. - sng. and plr. carëssanta, carëssante. - 1) - caressing,
cardiopath. endearing, tender. - 2) - of endearment (grammar). See
cardiòlogh - n. (pr. \ c&rdi'olug \ ) Ms. plr. cardiòlogh - fm. also the terms "carëssèivol, carëssos".
sng. and plr. cardiòloga, cardiòloghe. - cardiologist. carëssé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&r&ss'e \ ) - 1) - to caress, to
cardiologìa - n. f. (pr. \ c&rdiuluj'i& \ ) At plr. (when stroke. - 2) - to flatter (in a fig. sense).
applicable) cardiologìe. - cardiology. carëssèivol - adj. (pr. \ c&r&ss'æivul \ ) - See carëssant.
cardinal - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ c&rdin'&l \ ) At plr. cardinaj. - 1) - carëssos - adj. (pr. \ c&r&ss'uz \ ) - See carëssant.
cardinal (religion). - 2) - cardinal (zoology - carëssura - n. f. (pr. \ c&r&ss'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. caressure. - 1) -
Richmondena cardinalis) caressing. - 2) - flattering (in a fig. sense).
cardinal - 2) - adj. (pr. \ c&rdin'&l \ ) Ms. plr. cardinaj - fm. carëstios - adj. (pr. \ c&r&sti'uz \ ) Ms. plr. carëstios - fm. sng.
sng. and plr. cardinal, cardinaj. - cardinal. and plr. carëstiosa, carëstiose. - 1) - expensive, costly. - 2)
cardinalà - n. m. (pr. \ c&rdin&l'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - - who sells at high price.
cardinalate, cardinalship. carëtta - n. f. (pr. \ c&r'&tt& \ ) At plr. carëtte. - 1) - cart. - 2)
cardinalissi - adj. (pr. \ c&rdin&l'isi \ ) Ms. plr. cardinalissi - - old crock (in a fig. sense). - 3) - wheelbarrow. In this
fm. sng. and plr. cardinalìssia, cardinalìssie. - pertaining meaning see also the term "cariòla".
to a cardinal, cardinal (as an attribute). carëttà - n. f. (pr. \ c&r&tt'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - cartload, cartful.
cardlin - n. m. (pr. \ c&rdl'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - goldfinch carëtté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&r&tt'e \ ) - to carry with cart.
(zoology - Carduelis carduelis). carëttin - n. m. (pr. \ c&r&tt'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - small cart.
cardo - n. m. (pr. \ c'&rdu \ ) Inv. at plr. - croze. carëtton - n. m. (pr. \ c&r&tt'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - big cart, big
cardon - n. m. (pr. \ c&rd'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - thistle (botany wheelbarrow.
- Carduus). cargh - n. m. (pr. \ c&rg \ ) Inv. at plr. - cargo boat, cargo
cardor - n. (pr. \ c&rd'ur \ ) - See cardàire. plane.
cardura - n. f. (pr. \ c&rd'[ue]r& \ ) - See cardadura. càrgia - n. f. (pr. \ c'&rji& \ ) - See càrica.
caré - 1) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&r'e \ ) - to cart. cària - n. f. (pr. \ c'&ri& \ ) At plr. càrie. - 1) - charge.
caré - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ c&r'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - cartage, carting. (general for e. g. electrical, propelling, blasting, of
See also the term "carégg" batteries, etc.). - 2) - office, position. - 3) - load, burden,
caré - 3) - adj. (pr. \ c&r'e \ ) Ms. plr. caré - fm. sng. and plr. weight.
caréa, carée. - car, carriage (as attributes). carià - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ c&ri'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) -
caréa - n. f. (pr. \ c&r'e& \ ) At plr. carée. - plain chair, rustic loaded. - 2) - burdened. - 3) - charged. - 4) - full, filled.
chair. See also the terms "carèja, cadrega". cariabaterìe - n. m. (pr. \ c&ri&b&ter'ie \ ) Inv. at plr. -
carégg - n. m. (pr. \ c&r'ej \ ) Inv. ar plr. - 1) - cartage, battery charger.
carting. In this meaning see also the terms "cariagi, caré cariafen - n. m. (pr. \ c&ri&f'æ[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - hay-loader.
2)". - 2) - heavy traffic, transit of many vehilcles. cariagi - n. m. (pr. \ c&ri'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - cartage,
carèja - n. f. (pr. \ c&r'æy& \ ) - See caréa. carting. - 2) - baggage train.
carél - n. m. (pr. \ c&r'el \ ) At plr. caréj. - 1) - trolley. - 2) - cariate - n. f. (pr. \ c&ri'&te \ ) Inv. at plr. - caryatid. See also
hand-car. - 3) - bogie (railways). - 4) - cabin. - 5) - truck the terms "cariàtida, modion".
(mining) - 6) - undercarriage, landing gear. (planes). - 7) cariàtida - n. f. (pr. \ c&ri'&tid& \ ) - See cariate.
- trolley table. - 8) - dolly (cinema, television). càrica - n. f. (pr. \ c'&ric& \ ) At plr. cariche. - charge,
carelà - n. f. (pr. \ c&rel'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - tracking shot, dolly onslaught (military). See also the terms "càriga, cargia".
shot. caricadura - n. f. (pr. \ c&ric&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. caricadure.
carelista - n. m. (pr. \ c&rel'ist& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - operator - 1) - caricature. - 2) - cartoon. See also the term
(cinema, television). - 2) - worker assigned to trolley "caricatura, carigadura".
moving. caricator - n. m. (pr. \ c&ric&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - loader. -
carelé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ c&rel'e \ ) - to track, to dolly. It 2) - magazine (films, guns).
uses the aux. "avèj ". caricatura - n. f. (pr. \ c&ric&t'[ue]r& \ ) - See caricadura.

càrich - n. m. (pr. \ c'&ric \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - load. - 2) - carmagnòla - n. f. (pr. \ c&rm&[gn]'ol& \ ) At plr. (when
burden. applicable) carmagnòle. - 1) - jacket - 2) - dance (period
carie - n. f. (pr. \ c'&rie \ ) Inv. at plr. - caries, decay of the French Revolution). - 3) - name of a piedm. town
(medical). See also the term "camolura" teferred to theeth. carmassa - n. f. (pr. \ c&rm'&s& \ ) At plr. carmasse. - 1) -
carié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&ri'e \ ) - 1) - to load, to charge carcass, carcase. - 2) - dirty woman (in a fig. sense). - 3) -
(in general). - 2) - to load, to cover, to burden. - 3) - to prostitute (in a fig. sense).
fill. - 4) - to arm. carmelit - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ c&rmel'it \ ) Inv. at plr. - grey
cariera - n. f. (pr. \ c&ri'er& \ ) At plr. cariere. - career. colour.
carierism - n. m. (pr. \ c&rier'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - careerism. carmelit - 2) - adj. (pr. \ c&rmel'it \ ) Ms. plr. carmelit - fm.
carierista - n. (pr. \ c&rier'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. carierista - fm. sng. sng. and plr. carmelita, carmelite. - grey.
and plr. carierista, carieriste. - careerist. carmelitan - n. and adj. (pr. \ c&rmelit'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr.
cariésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ c&ri'ese \ ) - 1) - to hoist. - 2) carmelitan - fm. sng. and plr. carmelitan-a, carmelitan-e.
- to burden oneself. - 3) - to summon. - Carmelite. (nun / friar).
càriga - n. f. (pr. \ c'&rig& \ ) - See càrica. carmin - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ c&rm'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - carmine
carigadura - n. f. (pr. \ c&rig&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. carigadure. colour.
- 1) - caricature. - 2) - cartoon. See also the term carmin - 2) - adj. (pr. \ c&rm'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. carmin - fm.
"caricatura, caricadura". sng. and plr. carmin-a, carmin-e. - carmine.
carigatural - adj. (pr. \ c&rig&d[ue]r'&l \ ) Ms. plr. carn - n. f. (pr. \ c&rn \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - flesh, meat. - 2) -
carigaduraj - fm. sng. and plr. carigadural, carigaduraj. flesh, pulp. - 3) - flesh.
- grotesque, ludicrous. carnagi - n. m. (pr. \ c&rn'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any) - 1) - all
carigadurista - n. (pr. \ c&rig&d[ue]r'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. sort of meat. - 2) - slaughter, carnage, massacre.
carigadurista - fm. sng. and plr. carigadurista, carnagion - n. f. (pr. \ c&rn&ji'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
carigaduriste. - 1) - caricaturist. - 2) - cartoonist. complexion.
carijon - n. m. (pr. \ c&riy'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - carillon. See carnaireul - n. m. (pr. \ c&rn&ir'[oe]l \ ) At plr. carnaireuj. -
also the term "carijòn". game-bag, shooting-bag. See also the term "carné ".
carijòn - n. m. (pr. \ c&riy'o[ng] \ ) - See carijon. carnal - adj. (pr. \ c&rn'&l \ ) Ms. plr. carnaj - fm. sng. and
cariolant - n. m. (pr. \ c&riul'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - plr. carnal, carnaj. - 1) - carnal. - 2) - sensual.
barrowboy. - 2) - wagoner. carnalità - n. f. (pr. \ c&rn&lit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
carion - n. m. (pr. \ c&ri'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - philanderer, carnality. - 2) - sensuality.
lady-killer. Slang term. carnam - n. m. (pr. \ c&rn'&m \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any) - 1) -
carios - adj. (pr. \ c&ri'uz \ ) Ms. plr. carios - fm. sng. and plr. mass of carcases, carnage. - 2) - crowd (in particular on
cariosa, cariose. - decayed, carious (tooth). the beach - in a fig. sense).
cariòla - n. f. (pr. \ c&ri'ol& \ ) At plr. cariòle. - carnassa - n. f. (pr. \ c&rn'&s& \ ) At plr. carnasse. - bad
wheelbarrow. meat.
carisma - n. m. (pr. \ c&r'izm& \ ) Inv. at plr. - charisma, carnassé - adj. and n. (pr. \ c&rn&s'e \ ) Ms. plr. carnassé -
charism. fm. sng. and plr. carnassera, carnassere. - 1) - flesh-
carismàtich - adj. (pr. \ c&rizm'&tic \ ) Ms. plr. carismàtich - eating, carnivorous. (adj.) - 2) - carnivore (sbst.). - See
fm. sng. and plr. carismàtica, carismàtiche. - also the terms "carnassié, carnìvor".
charismatic. carnassié - adj. and n. (pr. \ c&rn&si'e \ ) - See carnassé.
carìsta - n. m. (pr. \ c&r'ist& \ ) Inv. at plr. - tank crew- carnassù - adj. (pr. \ c&rn&s'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. carnassù - fm.
member, tankman (military). sng. and plr. carnassùa, carnassùe. - well covered, full-
carità - n. f. (pr. \ c&rit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - charity, fleshed.
charitableness. - 2) - love. - 3) - alms. In this sense see carné - n. m. - 1) - game-bag, shooting-bag. See also the term
also the terms "almòsna, limòsna". "carnaireul ". - 2) - small book. - 3) - (dance)
caritatévol - adj. (pr. \ c&rit&t'evul \ ) Ms. plr. caritatévoj - programme. - 4) - chequebook. - 5) - swatch (e. g.
fm. sng. and plr. caritatévola, caritatévole. - charitable, bustickets swatch).
benevolent. carnevalada - n. f. (pr. \ c&rnev&l'&d& \ ) - See carlevalada.
caritativ - adj. (pr. \ c&rit&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. caritativ - fm. sng. carnevalon - n. m. (pr. \ c&rnev&l'u[ng] \ ) - See carlevalon.
and plr. caritativa, caritative. - of charity. carnificassion - n. f. (pr. \ c&rnific&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
carlevalada - n. f. (pr. \ c&rlev&l'&d& \ ) At plr. carlevalade. carnification (medical).
- 1) - buffoonery, farce. - 2) - festive celebration in carnifissin-a - n. f. (pr. \ c&rnifis'i[ng]& \ ) At. plr.
Carnival. carnifissin-e. - slaughter, carnage, massacre. See also the
carlevalon - n. m. (pr. \ c&rlev&l'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - Big term "carnagi 2nd meaning".
Carnival (the first sunday after Carnival). See also the carnìvor - adj. and n. (pr. \ c&rn'ivur \ ) Ms. plr. carnìvor -
terms "carnevalon, carnovalon". fm. sng. and plr. carnìvora, carnìvore. - 1) - flesh-eating,
carlevé - n. m. (pr. \ c&rlev'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - Carnival. Two carnivorous. (adj.) - 2) - carnivore (sbst.). - See also the
piedm. idiomatic sentences: - A) - "fé carlevé" lit. "to terms "carnassé, carnassié".
make Carnival" "to make merry". - B) - "avèj tròpi carnos - adj. (pr. \ c&rn'uz \ ) Ms. plr. carnos - fm. sng. and
carlevé" lit. "to have too many Carnivals" "to be old, to plr. carnosa, carnose. - 1) - fleshy, plump, fat. - 2) -
be very aged". fleshy, pulpy.
carlinga - n. f. (pr. \ c&rl'ing& \ ) At plr. carlinghe. - carling, carnosità - n. f. (pr. \ c&rnuzit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
nacelle, fuselage (planes). fleshiness, plumpness. - 2) - fleshy excrescence
Carlo - n. m. (pr. \ c'&rlô \ ) Noun of person only sng. In case (medical). In this sense see also the term "carnum".
of need inv. at plr. - Charles. There is also a fm. version of carnovalon - n. m. (pr. \ c&rnuv&l'u[ng] \ ) - See carlevalon.
the noun which is Carla. carnucc - n. m. (pr. \ c&rn'[ue][ch] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - shred
carlon-a (a la ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ & l& c&rl'u[ng]& \ ) - of flesh. - 2) - low quality meat. - 3) - oddments of meat.
carelessly, approximately, roughly, in a slapdash carnum - n. m. (pr. \ c&rn'[ue]m \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - mass of
manner. carcases, carnage. - 2) - rotten meat. - 3) - fleshy

excrescence (medical). In this sense see also the term carovanera - n. f. (pr. \ c&ruv&n'er& \ ) At plr. carovanere. -
"carnosità". caravan route.
carobi - n. m. (pr. \ c&r'ubi \ ) Inv. at plr. - carob (botany - carovanié - n. m. (pr. \ c&ruv&ni'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - caravan
Ceratonia siliqua) (both tree and fruit). - See also the terms guide, caravaneer.
"carubi, carubo". carovan-a - n. f. (pr. \ c&ruv'&[ng]& \ ) At plr. carovan-e. - 1)
carocé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ c&ru[ch]'e \ ) - 1) - to - caravan. - 2) - party, large company. - 3) - convoy. -
take (sb.) round about. - 2) - to drive about (in a carò - n. m. (pr. \ c&r'o \ ) Inv. at plr. - flat-iron, iron,
carriage). See also the terms "scarocé, scarossé ". It uses smoothing iron (for ironing linen, etc.).
the aux. "avèj ". carògna - (pr. \ c&r'o[gn]& \ ) - See caropa.
carogio - n. m. (pr. \ c&r'ujiu \ ) - See caross. caròssa - n. f. (pr. \ c&r'os& \ ) At plr. caròsse. - 1) - carriage,
carognà - n. f. (pr. \ c&ru[gn]'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - mean, coach. - 2) - carriage, coach railway car.
contemptible action. caròta - n. f. . (pr. \ c&r'ot& \ ) At plr. caròte. - 1) - carrot
carognëtta - n. f. (pr. \ c&ru[gn]'&tt& \ ) At plr. carognëtte. - (botany - Daucus carota). - 2) - tall story (in a fig. sense).
1) - pot marigold (botany - Calendula officinalis). - 2) - - 3) - core (mining).
little skunk, backguard. (in a fig. sense, as a diminutive carp - n. m. (pr. \ c'&rp \ ) Inv. at plr. - carpus, wrist joint
of the term "carògna"). (anatomy).
caropa - n. f. (pr. \ c&r'up& \ ) At plr. carope. - 1) - carcass, carpa - n. f. (pr. \ c'&rp& \ ) At plr. carpe. - carp (zoology -
carcase. - 2) - blackgard, skunk, mean scoundrel. See Cyprinus carpio).
also the term "carògna" carpal - adj. (pr. \ c&rp'&l \ ) Ms. plr. carpaj - fm. sng. and
carosél - n. m. (pr. \ c&ruz'el \ ) At plr. caroséj. - 1) - plr. carpal, carpaj. - carpal (anatomy).
carousel. - 2) - merry-go-round. - 3) - swirl, whirl (in a carpendù - n. m. (pr. \ c&rpænd'[ue] \ ) Inv. at plr. - rennet
fig. sense). (type of apple). See also the terms "chërpandù, renëtta". In
caross - n. m. (pr. \ c&r'us \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - "carroccio". - this case there is a particularity: the name "pom" (
2) - coach, carriage (2 wheels) - 3) - chariot. - 4) - old "apple") is ms. in gnd., but it becomes fm. in the
and useless tool or piece of furniture. In this meaning see expression "poma renëtta" "rennet apple".
also the terms "carogio, carùgio" carpenterìa - n. f. (pr. \ c&rpænter'i& \ ) At plr. (when
carossà - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ c&rus'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - a number of applicable) carpenterìe. - carpentry. Quite an italianism.
persons contained in a carriage, many persons (in a fig. See also the term "sarpentarìa".
sense). carpentié - n. m. (pr. \ c&rpænti'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - carpenter.
carossà - 2) - adj. (pr. \ c&rus'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - See also the term "sarpentié ".
equipped with body (usually referred to cars) - 2) - carpet - n. m. (pr. \ c&rp'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - folder.
shapely, buxom, curvaceous (ironic, in a fig. sense). carpì - 1) - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ c&rp'i \ ) - to unravel, to
carossàbil - 1) - adj. (pr. \ c&rus'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. carossàbij - disentangle. See also the terms "scarpì, scarboté ".
fm. sng. and plr. carossàbil, carossàbij. - carriageable, carpì - 2) - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ c&rp'i \ ) - 1) - to wring, to
carriage (as an attribute) seize. - 2) - to extort. - 3) - to swindle. Bad italianism,
carossàbil - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ c&rus'&bil \ ) At plr. carossàbij. - sometime used. See the best piedm. words "grinfé, rafé,
carriage road. robé, sgrafigné ".
carossé - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ c&rus'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - car carpion (an ---) - adj. loc. (pr. \ &[ng] c&rpi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. in
stylist, car-body builder, coach . - 2) - car-body gnd. and nr. - soused in vinegar (cookery).
repairer, coach-body repairer. - 3) - carriage-builder. In carpioné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&rpiun'e \ ) - to souse in
this meaning see also the term "saron". - 4) - coachman, vinegar (cookery). See also the term "ancarpioné ".
cabman. carpionera - n. f. (pr. \ c&rpiun'er& \ ) At plr. carpionere. -
carossé - 2) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&rus'e \ ) - to make the small vessel for keeping fish (or other) soused in vinegar.
body of a car. carpionura - n. f. (pr. \ c&rpiun'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. carpionure.
carossera - n. f. (pr. \ c&rus'er& \ ) At plr. carossere. - 1) - - sousing in vinegar.
mews, coach-house. - 2) - garage. carpo - n. m. (pr. \ c'&rpu \ ) Inv. at plr. - hornbeam (botany -
carosserìa - n. f. (pr. \ c&ruser'i& \ ) At plr. carosserìe. - 1) - Carpinus betulus). See also the term "chërpo".
coachwork, styling, bodywork, body (of a car, etc.) . - 2) carpogn - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ c&rp'u[gn] \ ) Inv. at plr. - a badly
- body shop. - 3) - car repairer's. made mend.
carossëtta - n. f. (pr. \ c&rus'&tt& \ ) At plr. carossëtte. - 1) - carpogn - 2) - adj. (pr. \ c&rp'u[gn] \ ) Ms. plr. carpogn - fm.
perambulator, pram, baby carriage. - 2) - little sng. and plr. carpogna, carpogne. - towly, tough,
carriage. - 3) - wheelchair. See also the term "carossin-a" tasteless, insipid.
carossin - n. m. (pr. \ c&rus'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - light carsà - n. f. (pr. \ c&rs'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - roadway,
carriage. - 2) - sidecar. - 3) - fraudulent contract, usury. carriageway. - 2) - rut, wheel track. - 3) - track, tread,
carossin-a - n. f. (pr. \ c&rus'i[ng]& \ ) - See carossëtta. gauge. - 4) - right way, right walk. This last meaning is a
carosson - n. m. (pr. \ c&rus'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - large fig. one, as in the example: "buté (quaidun) an carsà" lit.
coach, lumbering coach. - 2) - van, wagon. - 3) - "to put (sb.) on roadway" " to set (sb.) right". See also
bureaucratic monster (in a fig. sense).. the terms "carzà, scarzà ".
carotagi - n. m. (pr. \ c&rut'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - core boring carsaj - n. m. (pr. \ c&rs'&y \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - opening,
(mining). passage, way. - 2) - passage in a hedge. - See also the
caroté - 1) - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ c&rut'e \ ) - 1) - to terms "carzaj, sapél ".
core (trs. - mining). - 2) - to lie, to tell fibs (int.) (in a fig. carta - n. f. (pr. \ c'&rt& \ ) At plr. carte. - 1) - paper. See also
sense). In this sense see also the vrbl loc. "pianté 'd caròte" the term "papé ". - 2) - papers, document, contract.
lit. "to plant carrots". It always uses the aux. "avèj ". (carte). See also the terms "papé, strument ". - 3) - map,
caroté - 2) - n. (pr. \ c&rut'e \ ) Ms. plr. caroté - fm. sng. and plan, chart. (carta geogràfica). - 4) - card, playing card.
plr. carotera, carotere. - 1) - carrot seller. - 2) - liar. In (carta da geugh). - 5) - charter. See also the term
this sense see also the term "carotista" and the loc. "pianta "statuto". Some types of paper and card : - A) -
caròte". "cartacòpia" or "cartacarbon" "carbon paper". - B) -
carotìsta - n. (pr. \ c&rut'ist& \ ) - See caroté 2nd meaning. "cartacòla" "self-sticking paper". - C) - "carta

d'anvlòpa" "wrapping paper". - D) - "carta suga" or (medical). - 4) - cigarette paper. The expression "cartin-a
"carta sugant" "blotting paper". - E) - "carta pécora" or 'd tornasol" is translated intp "litmus paper".
"bërgamin-a" "vellum paper". - F) - "cartavéder" cartlin - n. m. (pr. \ c&rtl'i[ng] \ ) - See cartëlin.
"sandpaper". - G) - "carta velin-a" "tissue paper" or cartlon - n. m. (pr. \ c&rtl'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - (large)
"copy paper". - H) - "carta dë strassa" "waste paper". - poster, placard, billboard, - 2) - playbill, programme
I) - "carta 'd crédit" "credit card". - L) - "carta and cast. - 3) - sometimes this word is used (uncorrectly)
instead of the term "cartron" for indicating "pasteboard,
d'identità" "identity card ". - M) - "carta sërnaja"
fibreboard, carton". - See also the term "cartëlon" (less
"faulty paper".
cartabél - n. m. (pr. \ c&rt&b'el \ ) At plr. cartabéj. - 1) -
cartlonista - n. (pr. \ c&rtlun'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. cartlonista - fm.
scribbling block, note-book, jotter. - 2) - copy-book for
sng. and plr. cartlonista, cartloniste. - poster designer.
rough drafts. - See also the terms "scartabél, scartafass".
cartocia - n. f. (pr. \ c&rt'u[ch]i& \ ) See cartatocia.
cartaglòria - n. f. (pr. \ c&rt&gl'ori& \ ) Inv. at plr. (or also
cartocià - n. f. (pr. \ c&rtu[ch]i'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - bagful,
"carteglòria") - altar card (religion).
cartassa - n. f. (pr. \ c&rt'&s& \ ) At plr. cartasse. - waste
cartocera - n. f. (pr. \ c&rt'u[ch]er& \ ) At plr. cartocere. -
paper, bad paper. See also the term "paprass".
cartridge belt. - Italianism. See the best piedm. terms
cartatocia - n. f. (pr. \ c&rt&t'u[ch]i& \ ) At plr. cartatoce. - 1)
"pòrta-cartatoce, pòrta-cartoce, ziberna, giberna, casalin-
- cartridge. - 2) - refill. - 3) - part of a filter. (the filtering
part). - 4) - pigmy (in a fig. sense, usually as "mésa
cartolari - n. m. (pr. \ c&rtul'&ri \ ) Inv. at plr. - diary, book
cartatocia"). See also the terms "cartocia, cartucia,
of memories.
cartatucia, carton-a".
cartolé - n. (pr. \ c&rtul'e \ ) Ms. plr. cartolé - fm. sng. and plr.
cartatucia - n. f. (pr. \ c&rt'[ue][ch]i& \ ) See cartatocia.
cartolera, cartolere. - stationer.
cartegé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ c&rtej'e \ ) - to keep up
cartolerìa - n. f. (pr. \ c&rtuler'i& \ ) At plt. cartolerìe. -
correspondence. It uses the aux. "avèj ".
stationery shop.
cartégg - n. m. (pr. \ c&rt'ej \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
cartolin-a - n. f. (pr. \ c&rtul'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. cartolin-e. - 1) -
correspondence. - 2) - collection of letters.
postcard. - 2) - picture postcard. - 3) - call-up notice.
cartél - n. m. (pr. \ c&rt'el \ ) At plr. cartéj. - 1) - signboard,
cartomant - n. (pr. \ c&rtum'&nt \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
sign, shop sign. - 2) - road sign, traffic sign. - 3) - bill,
fortune-teller (by cards).
poster, placard. - 4) - cartel, syndacate, combine, pool.
cartomansìa - n. f. (pr. \ c&rtum&[ng]s'i& \ ) At plr. (if any)
cartela - n. f. (pr. \ c&rt'el& \ ) At plr. cartele. - 1) - folder. -
cartomansìe. - cartomancy, fortune-telling (by cards).
2) - file. - 3) - portfolio. - 4) - satchel, school-bag.
carton - n. m. (pr. \ c&rt'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - cart, farm cart,
(pupils). - 5) - briefcase. - 6) - typewritten page. - 7) -
farm wagon.
tombola scorecard. (cartéla dla tómbola) - 8) - lottery
cartonà - n. f. (pr. \ c&rtun'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - cartload.
ticket (cartéla dla lotarìa). - 9) - tax assessment (cartela
cartoné - n. (pr. \ c&rtun'e \ ) Ms. plr. cartoné - fm. sng. and
dle tasse).
plr. cartonera, cartonere. - 1) - carter, carman. - 2) -
cartelonista - n. (pr. \ c&rtelun'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. cartelonista -
rough person (in a fig. sense).
fm. sng. and plr. cartelonista, carteloniste. - poster
cartòcc - n. m. (pr. \ c&rt'o[ch] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - paper bag,
designer. See also the term "cartlonista" (more correct).
cornet. - 2) - cartouche (architecture). - 3) - powder
càrter - n. m. (pr. \ c'&rtær \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - chain guard.
charge (old artillery). In this sense see also the term
(bike). - 2) - oil sump. (car).
cartera - n. f. (pr. \ c&rt'er& \ ) At plr. cartere. - paper mill,
cartron - n. m. (pr. \ c&rtr'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
paper factory. See also the terms "cartiera, paprera".
cardboard, pasteboard, millboard. - 2) - cartoon. In this
cartesian - adj. (pr. \ c&rtezi'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. cartesian - fm.
sense see also thew loc. "cartron animà". - 3) - carton.
sng. and plr. cartesian-a, cartesian-e. - Cartesian.
cartroncin - n. m. (pr. \ c&rtrun[ch]i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
cartesianism - n. m. (pr. \ c&rtezi&n'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. (if
thin pasteboard. - 2) - card.
any). - Cartesianism.
cartroné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&rtrun'e \ ) - to bind in paper
Cartésio - n. m. (pr. \ c&rt'eziô \ ) Noun of person only sng. -
boards. See also the term "ancartroné ".
Cartesius (René Descartes).
cartronìsta - n. (pr. \ c&rtrun'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. cartronista - fm.
cartëlin - n. m. (pr. \ c&rt&l'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - label,
sng. and plr. cartronista, cartroniste. - cartoonist.
ticket, tag. - 2) - card. - 3) - timecard. See also the term
carton-a - n. f. (pr. \ c&rt'u[ng]& \ ) At plr. carton-e - powder
"cartlin" (more correct).
charge, cartridge. See also the term "cartatocia".
cartëlon - n. m. (pr. \ c&rt&l'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - (large)
cartucia - n. f. (pr. \ c&rt'[ue][ch]i& \ ) - See cartatocia.
poster, placard, billboard, - 2) - playbill, programme
carubi - n. m. (pr. \ c&r'[ue]bi \ ) - See carobi.
and cast. See also the term "cartlon" (more correct).
carubo - n. m. (pr. \ c&r'[ue]bu \ ) - See carobi.
cartësin - n. m. (pr. \ c&rt&z'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - insert,
carzà - n. f. (pr. \ c&rz'& \ ) - See carsà.
inset, centerfold. - 2) - additional pages (e. g. for
carzàj - n. f. (pr. \ c&rz'&y \ ) - See carsàj.
cas - n. m. (pr. \ c&z \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - chance. - 2) - case,
cartiemetre - n. m. (pr. \ c&rtiem'etre \ ) Inv. at plr. -
event, circumstance, affair. - 3) - possibility, alternative.
quartermaster. See also the term "cartiermetre".
- 4) - case (grammar). Some expressions making use of this
cartiera - n. f. (pr. \ c&rti'er& \ ) - See cartera.
cartiermetre - n. m. (pr. \ c&rtierm'etre \ ) - See cartiemetre. word: - A) - "al cas" "in case of need, if it were
cartij - n. m. (pr. \ c&rt'iy \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - cartouche, scroll necessary". - B) - "a cas" "casually". - C) - "an cas
ornament (architecture). - 2) - strip of paper. contrari" "otherwise". - D) - "a cas pensà" "on
cartilàgin - n. f. (pr. \ c&rtil'&ji[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - cartilage, purpose, deliberately".
gristle (anatomy). casà - n.f. (pr. \ c&z'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - lineage, clan,
cartilaginos - adj. (pr. \ c&rtil&jin'uz \ ) Ms. plr. cartilaginos - family. - 2) - family name.
fm. sng. and plr. cartilaginosa, cartilaginose. - casaca - n. f. (pr. \ c&z'&c& \ ) At plr. casache. - 1) - coat,
cartilaginous, gristly. jacket. - 2) - cassock.
cartin-a - n. f. (pr. \ c&rt'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. cartin-e. - 1) - casal - n. m. (pr. \ c&z'&l \ ) At plr. casaj. - 1) - hamlet. - 2) -
small map. - 2) - small sheet of paper. - 3) - dose farmhouse.

casalengh - 1) - adj. (pr. \ c&z&l'æ[ng]g \ ) Ms. plr. casalengh expressions like "fé casin" "to kick up a racket, to make a
- fm. sng. and plr. casalenga, casalenghe. - 1) - homely, hubbub".
unpretentions, plain. - 2) - home-made. - 3) - home- casinista - n. (pr. \ c&zin'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. casinista - fm. sng.
loving. and plr. casinista, casiniste. - hell-raiser, bungler,
casalengh - 2) - n. m. plr. (pr. \ c&z&l'æ[ng]g \ ) Only plr. - blunderer.
household articles. casìstica - n. f. (pr. \ c&z'istic& \ ) At plr. casìstiche. - 1) -
casalinga - n. f. (pr. \ c&z&l'i[ng]g& \ ) At plr. casalinghe - casuistry. - 2) - case histories.
housewife. The term is quite an italianism. See also the cason - n. m. (pr. \ c&z'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - large
best piedm. loc. "dòna 'd cà ". building. - 2) - room where butter and cheese are made.
casalin-a - n. f. (pr. \ c&z&l'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. casalin-e. - See also the terms "crotin, casera ".
cartridge belt. See also the. terms "pòrta-cartatoce, pòrta- casòt - n. m. (pr. \ c&z'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - wooden shelter. -
cartoce, ziberna, giberna". 2) - sentry box. In this sense see also the term "garita". - 3)
casamata - n. f. (pr. \ c&z&m'&t& \ ) - See camata. - shooting lodge. - 4) - brothel. - 5) - mess, racket,
casament - n. m. (pr. \ c&z&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - tenement hubbub (in a fig. sense). For the last three meanings see
house, block of flats. also the term "casin". - 6) - stall, sand, kiosk. Fot this
casba - n. f (pr. \ c'&zb& \ ) At plr. (if any) casbe - kasbah. meaning see also the terms "chiòsch, baracòt, edìcola".
cascà - n. f. (pr. \ c&sc'& \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - waterfall. - 2) - casòta - n. f. (pr. \ c&z'ot& \ ) - See casëtta.
fall, tumble. - 3) - cascade. See also the term "cascada". casotin-a - n. f. (pr. \ c&zut'i[ng]& \ ) - See casëtta.
cascada - n. f. (pr. \ c&sc'&d& \) - See cascà. cassa - n. f. (pr. \ c'&s& \ ) At plr. casse. - 1) - hunt, hunting. -
cascam - n. m. (pr. \ c&sc'&m \) Inv. at plr. - waste, shappe 2) - cash, cash desk, counter, check-out counter. - 3) -
(texile). ladle (the type in metal - usually copper - with flat bottom),
cascamòrt - n. m. (pr. \ c&sc&m'ort \) Inv. at plr. - casting ladle. - 4) - goal, try (rugby, etc.). - 5) - a type of
languishing lover, love-sick man. bank (E. g: "Saving bank" "Cassa 'd rësparmi". - 6) -
cascant - adj. (pr. \ c&sc'&nt \) Ms. plr. cascant - fm. sng. fund. (E. g. "Cassa malatìe" "Sickness fund").
and plr. cascanta, cascante. - 1) - falling. - 2) - cassà - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ c&s'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - "cassata", frozen
crumbling, derelict, grungy. - 3) - enfeebled, feeble. - cake.
See also the term "cadent ". cassà - 2) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ c&s'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
casch - n. m. (pr. \ c&sc \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - helmet (In general. 1) - broken. - 2) - hunted. - 3) - driven in. - 4) - thrown
For military helmet see also the term "elmet"). - 2) - hair out.
dryer. cassaciò - n. m. (pr. \ c&s&[ch]i'o \ ) Inv. at plr. - tool for
casché - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ c&sk'e \) - to fall, to drop, to driving nails completely in wood or leather.
tumble. See also the terms "droché, robaté, tombé". It uses cassador - n. (pr. \ c&s&d'ur \ ) Ms. plr. cassador - fm. sng.
the aux. "esse". and plr. cassadora, cassadore. - 1) - hunter. - 2) - light
caschet - n. m. (pr. \ c&sk'æt \) Inv. at plr. - small helmet. infantry man (military, usually only ms.).
casé - 1) - vrb. 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&z'e \) - to marry. See also cassadora - n. f. (pr. \ c&s&d'ur& \ ) At plr. - cassadore. - 1) -
the term "acasé, casié ". shooting jacket. - 2) - "cacciatora", a type of cooking.
casé - 2) - n. (pr. \ c&z'e \) Ms. plr. casé - fm. sng. and plr. cassafòrt - n. f. (pr. \ c&s&f'ort \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - safe,
casera, casere. - butter-maker, butter-seller. See also the strongbox. - 2) - strongroom. See also the loc. "cassia
terms "buré, butiré, marghé". fòrt".
casél - n. m. (pr. \ c&z'el \) At plr. caséj. - 1) - trackman's cassaninsòle - n. m. (pr. \ c&s&ni[ng]s'ole \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
lodging. - 2) - toll booth, toll gate. - 3) - tollhouse. nutcrackers (a pair of). In this meaning see also the term
casela - n. f. (pr. \ c&z'el& \) At plr. casele. - 1) - box. - 2) - "cassanos". - 2) - squirrel (zoology - Sciurus vulgaris) In
pigeonhole. - 3) - square. this meaning see also the most common terms "schërieul,
caselant - n. m. (pr. \ c&zel'&nt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - signalman, scrieul ".
trackman (railway). - 2) - road tender. cassanos - n. m. (pr. \ c&s&n'uz \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
caselari - n. m. (pr. \ c&zel'&ri \) Inv. at plr. - filing cabinet, nutcrackers (a pair of). In this meaning see also the term
files.. The expressions "judicial register" and "criminal "cassaninsòle". - 2) - cock of the wood. In this sense see
records" are translated into "caselari giudissiari" and also the loc. "gal ëd montagna".
"caselari penal". cassarél - adj. (pr. \ c&s&r'el \ ) Ms. plr. cassarej - fm. sng.
casera - n. f. (pr. \ c&z'er& \) At plr. casere. - room where and plr. cassarela, cassarele. - the quality of a fruit that
butter and cheese are made. See also the terms "crotin, can be easily broken into two parts, easily removed
cason ". from the stone. See also the terms "cassarin, s-ciapor".
caserma - n. f. (pr. \ c&z'ærm& \) At plr. caserme. - barracks. cassarin - adj. (pr. \ c&s&r'i[ng] \ ) - See cassarél.
casermagi - n. m. (pr. \ c&zærm'&ji \) Inv. at plr. - barrack cassarolà - n. f. (pr. \ c&s&rul'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - the
equipment. content of a casserole. - 2) - a blow given with a
casermëtta - n. f. (pr. \ c&zærm'&tt& \) At plr. casermëtte. - casserole.
small decentralized barrack. cassaròla - n. f. (pr. \ c&s&r'ol& \ ) At plr. cassaròle. -
casermon - n. m. (pr. \ c&zærm'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - ugly casserole, saucepan.
barrack-like building. cassassion - n. f. (pr. \ c&s&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. (when
casésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ c&zi'ese \) - to get married. applicable) - 1) - cassation. - 2) - Cassation (Court of---).
casëtta - n. f. (pr. \ c&z'&tt& \) At plr. casëtte. - little and fine cassé - 1) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&s'e \ ) - 1) - to break, to
house. - See also the best terms "casòta, casotin-a". crack (nuts, etc.). - 2) - to score out, to cross out. - 3) - to
casiament - n. m. (pr. \ c&zi&m'ænt \ ) - See casament. hunt, to go hunting. - 4) - to drive, to hammer in, to
casié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&zi'e \ ) - See casé. stick.
casiésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ c&zi'ese \ ) - See casésse. cassé - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ c&s'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - capsule,
casin - n. m. (pr. \ c&z'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - country cachet (pharmacy). - 2) - fee, booking (for temporary
house. - 2) - clubhouse. - 3) - shooting lodge. - 4) - work).
gambling house. - 5) - brothel. - 6) - mess, racket,
hubbub (in a fig. sense). In this meaning there are

casset - n. m. (pr. \ c&s'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - presumptuous eaten. - 3) - punishment, rebuke, scolding (in a fig.
boy, little prig, young boy. - 2) - little man. See also the sense). - The expression "pijé (quaidun) an castagna" lit.
term "caghet ". "to find (sb.) in chestnut" means "to catch (sb.) in the act ".
càssia - 1) - n. f. . (pr. \ c'&si& \ ) At plr. (when applicable) - See also the term "castagnada".
càssie. - 1) - case, chest, box. A number of common castagnacio - n. m. (pr. \ c&st&[gn]'&[ch]iu \ ) Inv. at plr. -
piedm. expressions makes use of this term. - A) - "càssia chestnut cake (one of the various types).
da mòrt " "bier, coffin". - B) - "càssia fòrta" " safe, castagnada - n. f. (pr. \ c&st&[gn]'& \ ) - See castagnà.
strongbox ". - C) - "càssia dla gucia" "eye of a needle". - castagné - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ c&st&[gn]'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
D) - "càssia dl'anél " "seat of the stone in a ring". - E) - chestnut (tree) (botany - Castanea sativa). In this meaning
"càssia dla mostra" "case of a clock". - 2) - cassia, senna see also the term "castagnera". - 2) - wood of chestnuts. -
(botany - Cassia). 3) - chestnut seller.
cassié - n. (pr. \ c&si'e \ ) Ms. plr. cassié - fm. sng. and plr. castagné - 2) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&st&[gn]'e \ ) - to
cassiera, cassiere. - 1) - cashier. - 2) - treasurer. punish, to discipline.
cassiëtta - n. f. (pr. \ c&si'&tt& \ ) At plr. cassiëtte. - box, castagnera - n. f. (pr. \ c&st&[gn]'er& \ ) At plr. castagnere. -
small case. A number of common piedm. expressions chestnut (tree). See also the term "castagné".
makes use of this term. - A) - "cassiëtta dla pòsta" "letter castagnëtta - n. f. (pr. \ c&st&[gn]'&tt& \ ) At plr. castagnëtte.
box, mailbox". - B) - "cassiëtta dla limòsina" "alms-box". - 1) - pat, tap. - 2) - snap. (with fingers) - 3) - petard
- C) - "cassiëtta dj'utiss" "tool box". (small), banger (small). In this sense see also the terms
cassiné - n. (pr. \ c&sin'e \ ) Ms. plr. cassiné - fm. sng. and plr. "castagnòla, petard ".
cassinera, cassinere. - farmer, owner of a farmhouse. castagnëtte - n. f. pl. (pr. \ c&st&[gn]'&tte \ ) Only plr. -
cassin-a - n. f. (pr. \ c&s'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. cassin-e - castanet (music).
farmhouse. castagnin - adj. (pr. \ c&st&[gn]'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. castagnin -
cassion - n. m. (pr. \ c&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - large case. fm. sng. and plr. castagnin-a, castagnin-e. - suitable for
- 2) - caisson, cofferdam, tank. - 3) - body (of a lorry). - growing chestnuts.
4) - piece of furniture made like a case. - 5) - bass-drum castagniss - adj. (pr. \ c&st&[gn]'is \ ) Ms. plr. castagniss - fm.
(music). sng. and plr. castagnissa, castagnisse. - of a colour
cassiòt - n. m. (pr. \ c&si'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - drawer. In this tending to reddish brown.
meaning see also the term "tirol". - 2) - thorax, chest castagnòla - n. f. (pr. \ c&st&[gn]'ol& \ ) - See castagnëtta 3rd
(anatomy - in a fig. slang term). meaning.
cass-né - n. m. (pr. \ c&sn'e \ ) - 1) - scarf. - 2) - large tie In castald - n. m. (pr. \ c&st'&ld \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - land agent. -
this meaning see also the terms "croata, croaton". Probably 2) - steward (history). See also the terms "gastald, gastàud
from the French "cache - nez" "hide - nose".
castél - n. m. (pr. \ c&st'el \ ) At plr. castéj. - 1) - castle. - 2) -
cassolà - n. f. (pr. \ c&sul'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - trowelful.
manor house. - 3) - strong hold (middle age). - 4) -
cassò - n. m. (pr. \ c&s'o \ ) Inv. at plr. - India rubber,
movable tower-shaped scaffolding (building). - 5) -
caoutchouc. See also the term "cauciù ".
structure of shelves (silk). - 6) - pile, stack (e. g. referred
cassòla - n. f. (pr. \ c&s'ol& \ ) At plr. cassòle. - trowel.
to books).
cassul - n. m. (pr. \ c&s'[ue]l \ ) At plr. cassuj. - ladle (not the
castigà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ c&stig'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
type with flat bottom which is the "cassa"). There are some
1) - punished. (adj. and p. p.). - 2) - chaste, pure, decent,
piedm. expressions making use of this term : - A) - "fé
proper. (adj.).
cassul " lit. "to make ladle" "for children, to assume the
castigàbil - adj. (pr. \ c&stig'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. castigàbij - fm.
expression indicating that the child is going to start
sng. and plr. castigabil, castigabij. - punishable.
crying". - B) - "avèj ël cassul an man" lit. "to have the castigamat - n. m. (pr. \ c&stig&m'&t \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
ladle in the hand" "to be in the position of commanding". stick, cudgel. - 2) - bogeyman (in a fig. sense).
- C) - "cassul dl'agian" "cupule of the acorn". castigatëssa - n. f. (pr. \ c&stig&t'&ss& \ ) At plr. (if any)
cassulà - n. f. (pr. \ c&s[ue]l'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - ladleful. - castigatësse. - chastity, purity, decency.
2) - a hit with a ladle. castigator - n. (pr. \ c&stig&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. castigator - fm.
cassulé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ c&s[ue]l'e \ ) - 1) - to sng. and plr. castigatriss, castigatriss. - punisher,
ladle out, to dish up. (trs.) - 2) - to command (int. in a fig. chastiser.
sense.) In this meaning see also the loc. "mné 'l cassul " castigh - n. m. (pr. \ c&st'ig \ ) Inv. at plr. - punishment,
lit. "to handle the ladle". It always uses the aux. "avèj". chartisement.
cassulera - n. f. (pr. \ c&s[ue]l'er& \ ) At plr. cassulere. - castighé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&stig'e \ ) - 1) - to punish, to
skimmer, skimming spoon. See also the terms "scumon, chastise, to discipline. - 2) - to chasten, to emend (lit.
scumòira". meaning).
cast - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ c&st \ ) Inv. at plr. - cast (cinema, castimònia - n. f. (pr. \ c&stim'oni& \ ) At plr. (if any)
theatre). castimònie. - chastity - See also the term "castità ".
cast - 2) - adj. (pr. \ c&st \ ) Ms. plr. cast - fm. sng. and plr. castità - n. f. (pr. \ c&stit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - chastity, purity.
casta, caste. - 1) - chaste, continent. - 2) - chaste, pure, castlà - n. f. (pr. \ c&stl'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - castellany. See also
innocent (in a fig. sense). the term "castlanìa".
castagn - adj. (pr. \ c&st'&[gn] \ ) Ms. plr. castagn - fm. sng. castlan - n. (pr. \ c&stl'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. castlan - fm. sng. and
and plr. castagna, castagne. - 1) - chestnut-coloured, nut- plr. castlan-a, castlan-e. - lord of a castle (fm. lady of a
brown, reddish brown. - 2) - related to the wood castle).
obtained from chestnut. - 3) - wood obtained from castlanìa - n. f. (pr. \ c&stl&n'i& \ ) - See castlà.
chestnut. castlass - n. m. (pr. \ c&stl'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - large and
castagna - n. f. (pr. \ c&st'&[gn]& \ ) At plr. castagne. - ruined castle.
chestnut (the fruit). The loc. "castagna d'India" indicates castlé - n. m. (pr. \ c&stl'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - village built around
the "horse cestnut". a castle.
castagnà - n. f. (pr. \ c&st&[gn]'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - bellyful
of chestnuts. - 2) - feast in which chestnuts are largely

castlet - n. m. (pr. \ c&stl'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - little castle, catalogàbil - adj. (pr. \ c&t&lug'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. catalogàbij -
tower. - 2) - scaffold, staging (building) - 3) - credit line fm. sng. and plr. catalogàbil, catalogàbij.- classifiable,
(bank). catalogable.
castor - n. m. (pr. \ c&st'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - beaver (zoology - catalogassion - n. f. (pr. \ c&t&lug&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
Castor). cataloguing, cataloging.
castrà - 1) - adj. (pr. \ c&str'& \ ) Only ms. and inv. at plr. (in catalogator - n. (pr. \ c&t&lug&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. catalogator -
case of fig. use inv. also at fm. sng. and plr.) - castrated, fm. sng. and plr. catalogatriss, catalogatriss.- cataloguer,
gelded. cataloguist, cataloger.
castrà - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ c&str'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - wether, catàlogh - n. m. (pr. \ c&t'&lug \ ) Inv. at plr. - catalogue,
gelding, neuter. - 2) - mutton, lamb (coocking) - 3) - catalog.
eunuch. cataloghé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&t&lug'e \ ) - to catalogue,
castracan - n. m. (pr. \ c&str&c'&[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - dog to catalog.
gelder. - 2) - sawbones (in a fig. sense). catalògna - n. f. (pr. \ c&t&l'o[gn]& \ ) At plr. catalògne. - 1) -
castrador - n. m. (pr. \ c&str&d'ur] \ ) Inv. at plr. - (In case of a type of (heavy) wool blanket. - 2) - a type of chicory
need the fm sng. and plr. castradòira, castradòire) - 1) - (with large leaves).
gelder. - 2) - censurer (in a fig. sense). cataplan - n. m. (pr. \ c&t&pl'&[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - catarrhal
castradura - n. f. (pr. \ c&str&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. castradure. spit. See also the terms "scataplan, scracc".
- 1) - castration, gelding. - 2) - censorship, mutilation (in cataplasma - n. m. (pr. \ c&t&pl'&zm& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
a fig. sense, referred to books, writings, etc.) See also the poultice, cataplasm. - 2) - valetudinarian,
term "castrassion". hipochondriac. - 3) - bore, nagger. See also the term
castrassion - n. f. (pr. \ c&str&si'u[ng] \ ) - See castradura. "papin".
castré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&str'e \ ) - 1) - to castrate, to catapulta - n. f. (pr. \ c&t&p'[ue]lt& \ ) At plr. catapulte. -
geld, to emasculate. - 2) - to mutilate, to expurgate, to catapult.
bowdlerize (in a fig. sense, referred to writings, etc.). The catapulté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&t&p[ue]lt'e \ ) - to
expression "castré le castagne" means "to slit chestnuts" catapult.
(before roasting them). catar - n. m. (pr. \ c&t'&r \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - catarrh
casrton - n. m. (pr. \ c&str'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - wether. - (medical).
2) - gelding. - 3) - coward (in a fig. sense). - 4) - Càtar - adj. and n. (pr. \ c'&t&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
simpleton (in a fig. sense). Catharist (history, religion).
castronerìa - n. f. (pr. \ c&struner'i& \ ) At plr. castronerìe. - cataral - adj. (pr. \ c&t&r'&l \ ) Ms. plr. cataraj - fm. sng. and
1) - stupidity, foolishness. - 2) - idiotic mistake. plr. cataral, cataraj.- catarrhal (medical).
casual - adj. (pr. \ c&zu'&l \ ) Ms. plr. casuaj - fm. sng. and catarata - n. f. (pr. \ c&t&r'&t& \ ) At plr. catarate. - 1) -
plr. casual, casuaj. - 1) - accidental, casual, chance (as an sluice, sluice-gate. - 2) - cataract (fall). - 3) - cataract
attribute). - 2) - random (mathematics). (medical). - See also the term "caterata".
casualism - n. m. (pr. \ c&zu&l'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - fortuitism catarifrangent - 1) - adj. (pr. \ c&t&rifr&nj'ænt \ ) Ms. plr.
(philosophy). catarifrangent - fm. sng. and plr. catarifrangenta,
casualità - n. f. (pr. \ c&zu&lit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - catarifrangente. - reflecting back.
fortuitousness, fortuity, casualness. catarifrangent - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ c&t&rifr&nj'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr.
casualment - adv. (pr. \ c&zu&lim'ænt \ ) - by chance, - rear reflector, cat's eye.
accidentally, fortuitously. Italianism. See the most common catarinfrangent - n. m. and adj. (pr. \ c&t&ri[ng]fr&nj'ænt \ )
and correct adv. loc. "për cas". - See catarifrangent 1) and 2).
casucia - n. f. (pr. \ c&z'[ue][ch]i& \ ) - See casùpola. cataros - adj. (pr. \ c&t&r'uz \ ) Ms. plr. cataros - fm. sng. and
casùpola - n. f. (pr. \ c&z'[ue]pul& \ ) At plr. casùpole. - poor plr. catarosa, catarose.- catarrhal (medical).
house, mean dwelling, hovel. catast - n. m. (pr. \ c&t'&st \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - cadastre. 2) -
catabuj - n. m. (pr. \ c&t&b'[ue]y \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - clamour, general land office. See also the terms "cadast, cadastr ".
racket, infernal noise. - 2) - rising, revolt. - 3) - mess, catasta - n. f. (pr. \ c&t'&st& \ ) At plr. cataste. - pile, stack,
muddle, disorder. heap. See also the terms "banch, mugg, castél, baron".
cataclism - n. m. (pr. \ c&t&cl'izm \ ) - See cataclisma. catastal - adj. (pr. \ c&t&st'&l \ ) Ms. plr. catastaj - fm. sng.
cataclisma - n. m. (pr. \ c&t&cl'izm& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - and plr. catastal, catastaj.- cadastral, land (as an
cataclysm, deluge. - 2) - cataclysm, disaster, upheaval attribute).
(in a fig. sense). catasté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&t&st'e \ ) - to stack. See also
catacomba - n. f. (pr. \ c&t&c'umb& \ ) At plr. catacombe. - the best term "ambanché ".
1) - catacomb. - 2) - dark and airless place (in a fig. catàstrofe - n. f. (pr. \ c&t'&strufe \ ) Inv. at plr. - catastrophe,
sense). disaster, crash.
catafalch - n. m. (pr. \ c&t&f'&lc \ ) Inv. at plr. - catafalque. catastròfich - adj. (pr. \ c&t&str'ofic \ ) Ms. plr. catastròfich -
catalet - n. m. (pr. \ c&t&l'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - coffin, bier. fm. sng. and plr. catastròfica, catastròfiche. -
catalétich - adj. (pr. \ c&t&l'etic \ ) Ms. plr. catalétich - fm. catastrophical.
sng. and plr. catalética, catalétiche. - 1) - cataleptic caté - vrb 1sr con. trs. (pr. \ c&t'e \ ) - 1) - to buy, to purchase.
(medical). - 2) - catalectic (poetry). - 2) - to birbe, to buy (in a fig. sense). See also the term
catalëssìa - n. f. (pr. \ c&t&l&ss'i& \ ) At plr. catalëssìe. - "compré ".
catalepsy (medical). catechesi - n. f. (pr. \ c&tek'esi \ ) Inv. at plr. - catechesis.
catalisator - n. m. (pr. \ c&t&liz&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - catalyst catechétich - adj. (pr. \ c&tek'etic \ ) Ms. plr. catechétich - fm.
(chemistry). sng. and plr. catechética, catechétiche. - catechetical.
catalisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&t&liz'e \ ) - to catalyze catechis - n. m. (pr. \ c&tek'iz \ ) Inv. at plr. - catechism. See
(chemistry). also the most used term "catechism".
catalisi - n. f. (pr. \ c&t&l'izi \ ) Inv. at plr. - catalysis catechisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&tekiz'e \ ) - 1) - to
(chemistry). catechize. - 2) - to lecture (in a fig. sense).
catalìtich - adj. (pr. \ c&t&l'itic \ ) Ms. plr. catalìtich - fm. sng. catechism - n. m. (pr. \ c&tek'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - catechism.
and plr. catalìtica, catalìtiche. - catalytic (chemistry). See also the most used term "catechis".

catechista - n. (pr. \ c&tek'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. catechista - fm. catlinëtta - (pr. \ c&tlin'&tt& \ ) - See caterinëtta.
sng. and plr. catechista, catechiste. - catechist, Catlin-a - n. f. (pr. \ c&tl'i[ng]& \ ) Noun of person only sng.
catechizer. (In case of need at plr. Catlin-e) - Catherine, Catharine,
catechìstich - adj. (pr. \ c&tek'istic \ ) Ms. plr. catechìstich - Katherine, Katharine.
fm. sng. and plr. catechìstica, catechìstiche. - catlin-a - n. f. (pr. \ c&tl'i[ng]& \ ) Only sng. - Sometimes this
catechistical. name is used to indicate the death.
catecùmin - n. m. (pr. \ c&tec'[ue]mi[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - catolicésim - n. m. (pr. \ c&tuli[ch]'ezim \ ) Inv. at plr. (when
catechumen. applicable). - Catholicism. See also the term "catolicism".
catecuminà - n. f. (pr. \ c&tec[ue]min'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - catolicism - (pr. \ c&tuli[ch]'izm \ ) - See catolicésim.
catechumenate. catolicità - n. f. (pr. \ c&tuli[ch]it'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
càtedra - n. f. (pr. \ c'&tedr& \ ) At plr. càtedre. - 1) - catholicity. - 2) - (the) Catholics.
teacher's desk. - 2) - teaching post. - 3) - chair, catòlich - adj. and n. (pr. \ c&t'olic \ ) Ms. plr. catòlich - fm.
professorship. - 4) - episcopal chair. sng. and plr. catòlica, catòliche. - Catholic.
catedral - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ c&tedr'&l \ ) At plr. catedraj. - catòrba - n. f. (pr. \ c&t'orb& \ ) Only sng. - name of a
cathedral. children's game. - blindman's-buff. See also the term
catedral - 2) - adj. (pr. \ c&tedr'&l \ ) Ms. plr. catedraj - fm. "gatòrba". A way of saying using this word : "andé a
sng. and plr. catedral, catedraj. - cathedral. l'òrba catòrba" lit. (approximately) "to go as a blid (in
catedràtich - n. and adj. (pr. \ c&tedr'&tic \ ) catedràtic - fm. one eye) (who plays) blindman's-buff " "to grope one's
sng. and plr. catedràtica, catedràtiche. - 1) - professorial, way" and also, in a fig. sense, "to act rashly".
pertaining to a university chair, university (as an catòrcc - n. m. (pr. \ c&t'or[ch] \ ) Inv. at plr. - old crock,
attribute) (adj.). - 2) - pedantic, priggish (adj.). - 3) - something out of order, thing of little value. See also the
professor (sbst.). term "scatòrcc".
categorìa - n. f. (pr. \ c&tegur'i& \ ) At plr. categorìe. - 1) - catram - n. m. (pr. \ c&tr'&m \ ) Inv. at plr. - tar.
category, class. - 2) - grade (goods). catramadura - n. f. (pr. \ c&tr&m&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
categorial - adj. (pr. \ c&teguri'&l \ ) Ms. plr. categoriaj - fm. catramadure. - tarring.
sng. and plr. categorial, categoriaj. - related to category. catramatriss - n. f. (pr. \ c&tr&m&tr'is \ ) Inv. at plr. - tarring
categoricament - adv. (pr. \ c&teguric&m'ænt \ ) - machine. - See also the term "catrameus".
categorically. Italianism. See also the best loc. "an manera catramé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&tr&m'e \ ) - to tar. See also
categòrica". the term "ancatramé ".
categòrich - adj. (pr. \ c&teg'oric \ ) Ms. plr. categòrich - fm. catrameus - n. f. (pr. \ c&tr&m'[oe]z \ ) - See catramatriss.
sng. and plr. categòrica, categòriche. - categorical. catramos - adj. (pr. \ c&tr&m'uz \ ) Ms. plr. catramos - fm.
caterata - n. f. (pr. \ c&ter'&t& \ ) - See. catarata. sng. and plr. catramosa, catramose. - tarry.
caterinëtta - n. f. (pr. \ c&terin'&tt& \ ) At plr. caterinëtte. - catura - n. f. (pr. \ c&t'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. cature. - 1) - arrest,
(apprentice) dress-maker, young dress-maker. See also capture, seizure. - 2) - capture (physics).
the term "catlinëtta". caturé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&t[ue]r'e \ ) - 1) - to capture, to
caterpìler - n. m. (pr. \ c&tærip'ilær \ ) Inv. at plr. - caterpillar seize. - 2) - to take (bs.) prisoner. - 3) - to capture
(vehicle). (physics).
caterva - n. f. (pr. \ c&t'ærv& \ ) At plr. caterve. - 1) - horde, cauciù - n. m. (pr. \ c&u[ch]i'[ue] \ ) Inv. at plr. - India
mob. - 2) - pile, heap. rubber, caoutchouc. See also the term "cassò ".
catét - n. m. (pr. \ c&t'et \ ) Inv. at plr. - cathetus (geometry). càud - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ c'&ud \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - 1) - heat. -
catétere - n. m. (pr. \ c&t'etere \ ) Inv. at plr. - catheter 2) - hot weather. - Note the fm. gnd. which is mainly
(medical). referred to natural heat. - See also the term "calura".
catërla - n. f. (pr. \ c&t'&rl& \ ) At plr. catërle. - 1) - eye rheum càud - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ c'&ud \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - 1) - heat,
(medical). - 2) - eye-gum. - 3) - snivel, snot. - 4) - warmth. 2) - fervour, ardour. - The ns. term is mainly used
droppings. See also the term "potërla". in a fig. sense, for artificial heat and in physics. - See also
catërlos - adj. (pr. \ c&t&rl'uz \ ) Ms. plr. catërlos - fm. sng. the term "calor".
and plr. catërlosa, catërlose. - 1) - blear, bleary, rheumy. càud - 3) - adj. (pr. \ c'&ud \ ) Ms. plr. càud - fm. sng. and plr.
- 2) - snotty, dirty. See also the term "potërlos". càuda, càude. - 1) - warm. - 2) - hot. - 3) - warming. - 4)
catin - n. m. (pr. \ c&t'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - basin, washing up - warm, hearty. In these two latter meaning see also the
basin. term "caloros".
cation - n. m. (pr. \ c&ti'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - cation (physics). càuda - n. f. (pr. \ c'&ud& \ ) At plr. càude. - operation of
See also the term "catjon". heating iron red-hot for forging it.
cativ - adj. and n. (pr. \ c&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. cativ - fm. sng. and caudan-a - n. f. (pr. \ c&ud'&[ng]& \ ) At plr. caudan-e. - 1) -
plr. cativa, cative. - 1) - bad, wicked, evil. (adj.). - 2) - hot flushes. - 2) - hottest time of day.
naughty, bad. (adj.). - 3) - bad, poor. (adj.). - 4) - bad, caudera - n. f. (pr. \ c&ud'er& \ ) At plr. caudere. - boiler,
nasty. (adj.). - 5) - hard-hearted. (adj.). - 6) - bitter, furnace.
harsh. (adj.). - 7) - bad person (sbst.). - 8) - (the) bad. - 9) caudron - n. m. (pr. \ c&udr'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. 1) - cauldron.
- bad (part). - See also the term "gram", more used. See also the term "raminon". - 2) - medley, hotchpotch.
cativéria - n. f. (pr. \ c&tiv'eri& \ ) At plr. cativérie. - 1) - (In a fig. sense).
wichedness, malice, spite. - 2) - naughtiness. - 3) - caudura - n. f. (pr. \ c&ud'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. caudure. - great
wicked action, spiteful word, unkind thing. See also the heat, sultriness. See also the terms "calura, calor".
terms "cativëssa, gramìssia". caulifior - n. m. (pr. \ c&ulifi'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - cauliflower
cativésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ c&tiv'ese \ ) - to win, to gain, (botany - Brassica oleracea botrytis). See also the term in
to earn. (E. g. "to win sb.'s respect" "cativésse la stima 'd the spelling "cavlifior" and "cavolifior" with the same
quaidun"). pronunciation.
cativëssa - n. f. (pr. \ c&tiv'&ss& \ ) - See cativéria. càuna - n. f. (pr. \ c'&un& \ ) At plr. càune. - hemp. (botany -
cativimor - n. m. (pr. \ c&tivim'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - bad Cannabis sativa). See also the term "cànoa".
humour, bad mood. See also the loc. "cativ umor".
catjon - n. m. (pr. \ c&ty'u[ng] \ ) - See cation.

càusa - n. f. (pr. \ c'&uz& \ ) At plr. càuse. - 1) - cause. - 2) - caussinareul - n. m. (pr. \ c&usin&r'[oe]l \ ) At plr.
motive, reason. - 3) - suit, case, action, cause (legal). - 4) caussinareuj. - hole due to flake of plaster. See also the
- cause, ideal. term "calcinareul".
causal - 1) - adj. (pr. \ c&uz'&l \ ) Ms. plr. causaj - fm. sng. caussinass - n. m. (pr. \ c&usin'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - flake of
and plr. causal, causaj. - causal. plaster. - 2) - masonry debris. See also the term
causal - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ c&uz'&l \ ) At plr. causaj. - 1) - motive, "garavéla".
ground, cause. - 2) - description (bank). caussinassion - n. f. (pr. \ c&usin&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
causalità - n. f. (pr. \ c&uz&lit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - causality. calcination (chemistry).
causativ - adj. (pr. \ c&uz&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. causativ - fm. sng. caussiné - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ c&usin'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - lime-
and plr. causativa, causative. - causative. maker, lime-seller.
causé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&uz'e \ ) - to cause, to be the caussiné - 2) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&usin'e \ ) - 1) - to
cause of..., to bring about, to produce, to give rise to.... calcinate (chemistry). - 2) - to lime (agriculture).
causìdich - n. m. (pr. \ c&uz'idic \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - pleader. - caussinera - n. f. (pr. \ c&usin'er& \ ) At plr. (when applicable)
2) - pettyfogger. caussinere. - 1) - a type of illness of birds. - 2) - pit for
càuss - n. m. (pr. \ c'&us \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - kick. - 2) - foot, slaking quicklime. - 3) - mole (zoology - Talpa europaea).
base. (referred to trees). In this meaning see the most used terms "tarpon, trapon".
càuss (al ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ &l c'&us \ ) - 1) - at the foot, at caussin-a - n. f. (pr. \ c&us'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. caussin-e. - lime.
the bottom, below. - 2) - near, close. Various types : "caussin-a viva" "quicklime, caustic
càussa - n. f. (pr. \ c'&us& \ ) At plr. càusse. - 1) - stocking. lime" ; "caussin-a mòrta, caussin-a bagnà" "slaked lime,
Referred to a stocking covering all the leg. See also the hydrated lime" ; "fé beuje la caussin-a" lit. "to make the
term "causset ". - 2) - braiding. - The expression "mesa lime boil" "to slack the lime".
càusa" lit "half stocking" means "second-rate person". caussion - n. f. (pr. \ c&usi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - caution
The expressions "fé càussa" and "fé causset " mean "to money, security, warranty. - 2) - bail (this engl. term is
knit". translated into the piedm. "caussion", even if the "bail" is
caussà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ c&us'& \ ) Inv. in gnd and nr. - not present in our laws). See also the term "caussionament
worn with shoes. There is a way of saying referred to a ".
person : "caussà e vestì " which means "complete" as in the caussional - adj. (pr. \ c&usiun'&l \ ) Ms. plr. caussionaj - fm.
sentence :"a l'é n'aso caussà e vestì " lit."he is a donkey sng. and plr. caussional, caussionaj. - caution, security
worn with shoes and clothes" "he is a complete donkey". (as attributes).
caussagna - n. f. (pr. \ c&us'&[gn]& \ ) At plr. caussagne. - 1) caussionament - n. m. (pr. \ c&usiun&m'ænt \ ) - See
- shore, coast, bank, strand. - 2) - elevation of the caussion.
ground which limits a field. - 3) - escarp. - 4) - caussionari - n. m. (pr. \ c&usiun'&ri \ ) Inv. at plr. -
extremity, end (in a fig. sense).- 5) - passage in a fence, guarantor, warranter.
breach. caussioné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&usiun'e \ ) - to guarantee.
caussamaja - n. f. (pr. \ c&us&m'&y& \ ) At plr. caussemaja. càustich - adj. (pr. \ c&ust'ic \ ) Ms. plr. caustich - fm. sng.
- tights, leotards, long underwear. and plr. caustica, caustiche. - 1) - caustic, corrosive. - 2) -
caussament - n. m. (pr. \ c&us&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - caustic, mordant, biting (in a fig. sense). In this sense see
footwear, any type of footwear. See also the term also the terms "pontù, picant, satìrich ".
"caussamenta". càut - adj. (pr. \ c'&ut \ ) Ms. plr. càut - fm. sng. and plr.
caussamenta - n. f. (pr. \ c&us&m'ænt& \ ) - See caussament. càuta, càute. - cautious, prudent, wary. See also the
caussascàrpe - n. m. (pr. \ c&us&sc'&rpe \ ) Inv. at plr. - terms "antivist, prudent ".
shoehorn. See also the term "còrn". cautéla - n. f. (pr. \ c&ut'el& \ ) At plr. cautele. - caution,
caussé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ c&us'e \ ) - 1) - to wear circumspection, prudence. The term is an italianism. See
(shoes, stockings or socks) (trs.). - 2) - to put on (trs.) - 3) - also the best terms "prudensa, precaussion, gena".
to put wedges under... (trs.). - 4) - to fit, to be fitting. cautelar - adj. (pr. \ c&utel'&r \ ) - Italianism. - See cautelativ.
(int). - It always uses the aux. "avèj". cautelativ - adj. (pr. \ c&utel&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. cautelativ - fm.
causset - n. m. (pr. \ c&us'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - sock. A piedm. sng. and plr. cautelativa, cautelative. - precautionary.
way of saying : "tiré ij causset" lit. "to pull the socks" See also the term "cautelar".
"to dead". cautelé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&utel'e \ ) - to protect, to
caussëstruss - n. m. (pr. \ c&us&str'[ue]s \ ) Inv. at plr. - defens, to insure the safety of ....
concrete (building). See also the term "calcestruss". cautelésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ c&utel'ese \ ) - to take
caussëtta - n. f. (pr. \ c&us'&tt& \ ) At plr. caussëtte. - thin precautions, to protect oneself.
stockings in silk or nylon. cauteri - n. m. (pr. \ c&ut'eri \ ) Inv. at plr. - cautery (medical).
caussëttarìa - n. f. (pr. \ c&us&tt&r'i& \ ) At plr. caussëttarìe. cauterisassion - n. f. (pr. \ c&uteriz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
- hoisiery. cauterization.
caussëttass - n. m. (pr. \ c&us&tt'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - old sock, cauterisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c&uteriz'e \ ) - to cauterize.
bad sock (pejorative of the term "causset", used also in a cav - n. m. (pr. \ c&u \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - excavation, digging.
fig. sense, about not appreciated persons). See also the terms "gav, gava". - 2) - hole. (in particular in
caussëtté - n. (pr. \ c&us&tt'e \ ) Ms. plr. caussëtté - fm. sng. the ground for planting. See also the terms "angav, beucc,
and plr. caussëttera, caussëttere. - hosier, socks or teucc".
stockings seller, socks or stockings maker. cava - n. f. (pr. \ c'&v& \ ) At plr. cave. - 1) - quarry. - 2) - pit.
caussëttin - n. m. (pr. \ c&us&tt'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - small - 3) - mine. See also the term "gava".
sock, short sock. cavagn - n. m. (pr. \ c&v'&[gn] \ ) Inv. at plr. - basket,
caussëtton - n. m. (pr. \ c&us&tt'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - knee hamper. See also the term "cavagna".
sock, heavy sock (e. g. for ski and mountain). cavagna - n. f. (pr. \ c&v'&[gn]& \ ) At plr. cavagne. - 1) -
caussinadura - n. f. (pr. \ c&usin&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. basket, hamper. See also the term "cavagn". - 2) - cradle.
caussinadure. - 1) - calcination (chemistry). - 2) - liming See also the term "cun-a".
(agriculture). - See also the term "caussinassion". cavagnà - n. f. (pr. \ c&v&[gn]'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - basketful.

cavagné - n. (pr. \ c&v&[gn]'e \ ) Ms. plr. cavagné - fm. sng. cavalé - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ c&v&l'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - truss
and plr. cavagnera, cavagnere. - basket maker, basket (building). See also the terms "cavrià, cavalet ".
seller. cavalegér - n. m. (pr. \ c&v&lej'er \ ) Inv. at plr. - light
cavagnet - n. m. (pr. \ c&v&[gn]'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - small cavalryman (military).
basket. See also the term "cavagnin". cavaleresch - adj. (pr. \ c&v&ler'esc \ ) Ms. plr. cavaleresch -
cavagnëtta - n. f. (pr. \ c&v&[gn]'&tt& \ ) At plr. cavagnëtte. - fm. sng. and plr. cavalerësca, cavalerësche.- 1) - kinghtly,
small basket. See also the term "cavagnin". of kinghthood. - 2) - chivalrous. - 3) - courteous,
cavagnin - n. m. (pr. \ c&v&[gn]'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - gentlemanly.
small basket. - 2) - wastebasket. 3) - bottle-holder. - 4) - cavalerìa - n. f. (pr. \ c&v&ler'i& \ ) - See cavalarìa.
cilinder, central agitator (washing-machine). See also the cavaleriss - n. (pr. \ c&v&ler'is \ ) - See cavalarìss.
terms "cavagnëtta, cavagnin". cavalerissa - n. f. (pr. \ c&v&ler'is& \ ) - See cavalarìssa.
cavajer - n. (pr. \ c&v&y'ær \ ) Ms. plr. cavajer - fm. sng. and cavalet - n. m. (pr. \ c&v&l'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - stand
plr. (when applicable) cavajera, cavajere. - 1) - rider, (mechanics) - 2) - easel (painter). - 3) - tripod. - 4) -
horseman / horsewoman (the fm. applies). - 2) - knight trestle, truss (building). - 5) - sawhorse.
(history only ms. ; title of honour both ms. and fm.) - 3) - cavalëtta - n. f. (pr. \ c&v&l'&tt& \ ) At plr. cavalëtte. - 1) -
cavalryman (military - only ms). - 4) - gentleman (only grasshopper (zoology). - 2) - locust (zoology - Locusta
ms.) - 5) - chevalier (both ms. and fm. - title of honour). migratoria). See also the terms "cravëtta, aliòstra".
cavajerà - n. m. (pr. \ c&v&yer'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - kinghthood. cavalìa - n. f. (pr. \ c&v&l'i& \ ) At plr. cavalìe. - old farm
cavajerin - n. m. (pr. \ c&v&yer'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - rider tool for threshing cereals by hand. See also the term
(analytical balance). - 2) - signal, card index tab. (file, "cavarìa, galavia".
card-index). cavalin - n. and adj. (pr. \ c&v&l'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. cavalin - fm.
caval - n. (pr. \ c&v'&l \ ) Ms. plr. cavaj - fm. sng. and plr. sng. and plr. cavalin-a, cavalin-e.- 1) - colt, young horse
(when applicable) cavala, cavale. - 1) - horse (the fm. is (filly, young mare) (sbst.). - 2) - pony (sbst.). - 3) - horsy,
applicable). - 2) - knight (chess). - 3) - fork (trousers). - 4) horse (as an attribute) (adj.) . As an adj. see also the loc.
- vaulting horse (gymnastics - the large one with handles). "da caval".
- 5) - unity of power, H. P. (practical - used as short for cavalin-a - n. f. (pr. \ c&v&l'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. (when
"caval-vapor" - see the term). Some types of "caval " in lit. applicable) cavalin-e. - 1) - vaulting horse (gymnastics -
and fig. sense, and expression using this word : - A) - the narrow one without handles). - 2) - leapfrog (children
"caval da monta" "stallion, stud-horse". - B) - "caval da play). A piedm. idiomatic expression is "sauté la cavalin-
tir" "draft horse". - C) - "caval da bast " = "pack horse". a" lit. "to jump the vaulting horse" but also "to play at
- D) - "caval d'arlass" "spare horse". - D) - "caval ëd leapfrog", with the meaning "to give oneself a good time".
Frisa" "cheval-de-frise". - "caval ëd San Fransesch " cavalon - n. m. (pr. \ c&v&l'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - big
"Shank's pony". horse (lit. meaning). - 2) - billow, roller, surge. - 3) -
cavala - n. f. (pr. \ c&v'&l& \ ) At plr. cavale. - mare, fm. of breaker. - 4) - clumsy person (in a fig. sense).
"caval" "horse". cavalòt - n. (pr. \ c&v&l'ot \ ) Ms. plr. cavalòt - fm. sng. and
cavalant - n. (pr. \ c&v&l'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. cavalant - fm. sng. plr. (when applicable) cavalòta, cavalòte. - 1) - small
and plr. (when applicable) cavalanta, cavalante. - 1) - horse, pony. In this meaning see also the terms "cavaluss,
herdsman. (herdswoman). - 2) - horse dealer. In this cavalùcio") - 2) - jumper (electrical circuits, only ms.).
sense see also the term "cavalé ". - 3) - horse driver. cavalucio - n. (pr. \ c&v&l'[ue][ch]iu \ ) - See cavalòt 1st
cavalarìa - n. f. (pr. \ c&v&l&r'i& \ ) At plr. cavalarìe. - 1) - meaning.
cavalry. - 2) - chivalry. cavaluss - n. m. (pr. \ c&v&l'[ue]s \ ) - See cavalòt 1st
cavalariss - n. (pr. \ c&v&l&r'is \ ) Ms. plr. cavalariss - fm. meaning.
sng. and plr. (when applicable) cavalarissa, cavalarisse. - caval-vapor - n. m. (pr. \ c&v&lv&p'ur \ ) At plr. cavaj-vapor.
1) - skilled horseman. (skilled horsewoman) - 2) - riding - horse power (H. P.). Practical unit of measure related to
master. - 3) - circus rider. power.
cavalarissa - n. f. (pr. \ c&v&l&r'is& \ ) At plr. cavalarisse. - cavan-a - n. f. (pr. \ c&v'&[ng]& \ ) At plr. cavan-e. - alpine
riding school. hut (built with stones without mortar. This type of building
cavalass - n. m. (pr. \ c&v&l'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - bad horse. is called "a pera sùita" = lit. "at dry stone").
- 2) - vehement and rude person. cavanëtta - n. f. (pr. \ c&v&n'&tt& \ ) At plr- cavanëtte. -
cavalcà - n. f. (pr. \ c&v&lc'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - ride. - 2) - bottle-holder.
riding party. - 3) - cavalcade. See also the term cavarìa - n. f. (pr. \ c&v&r'i& \ ) - See cavalìa.
"cavalcada". cavatin-a - n. f. (pr. \ c&v&t'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. cavatin-e. -
cavalcàbil - adj. (pr. \ c&v&lc'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. cavalcàbij - "cavatina" (music).
fm. sng. and plr. cavalcàbil, cavalcàbij.- that can be cavé - 1) - vrb 1st con.trs. (pr. \ c&v'e \ ) - to make holes in the
ridden (also in a fig. meaning). ground (for planting).
cavalcada - n. f. (pr. \ c&v&lc'&d& \ ) - See cavalcà. cavé - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ c&v'e \ ) Inv. at plr - simpleton, gull.
cavalcadura - n. f. (pr. \ c&v&lc&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. cavèj - n. m. (pr. \ c&v'æy \ ) Inv. at plr. - hair. Some
cavalcadure. - mount. expression with this term : - A) - "bocla 'd cavèj" "curl of
cavalcavìa - n. m. (pr. \ c&v&lc&v'i& \ ) Inv. at plr. - flyover, hair" - B) - "cavèj ancutì " "entangled hair". - C) -
overpass, railway bridge. "dëscutì ij cavèj " "to disentangle the hair". - D) - "cavèj
cavalché - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ c&v&lk'e \ ) - 1) - to ariss" "curly hair". - E) - "avèine fin-a dzora ai cavèj"
ride (trs.). - 2) - to straddle, to bestride(trs.). - 3) - to lit. "to have (of it/him/that/etc.) up to over the hair" = "to
span (trs.). - 4) - to ride, to go on horseback (int.). In this be fed up (with...)". - F) - "bërtin ëd cavèj pstiss" or "finta
meaning see also the best vrbl. loc. "andé a caval ". - The 'd cavèj" "toupee, hairpiece".
loc. "cavalché a sdòss" means "to ride without saddle". caverna - n. f. (pr. \ c&v'ærn& \ ) At plr. caverne. - 1) - cave,
This vrb always uses the aux. "avèj ". cavern. See also the term "balma". - 2) - cavity (medical).
cavalé - 1) - n. (pr. \ c&v&l'e \ ) Ms. plr. cavalé - fm. sng. and cavess - n. m. (pr. \ c&v'æs \ ) Inv. at plr. - end of a skein. See
plr. cavalera, cavalere.- horse dealer. See also the term also the term "cavion".
"cavalant" 2nd meaning.

cavet - n. m. (pr. \ c&v'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - small cable cavlifior - n. m. (pr. \ c&ulifi'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - cauliflower
(electricity). (botany - Brassica oleracea botrytis). See also the term in
cavënìcol - n. and adj. (pr. \ c&v&rn'icul \ ) Ms. plr. cavërnìcoj the spelling "caulifior" and "cavolifior" with the same
- fm. sng. and plr. cavërnìcola, cavërnìcole. - 1) - cave pronunciation.
dweller (sbst.). - 2) - cave dwelling (adj.). cavolifior - n. m. (pr. \ c&ulifi'ur \ ) - See cavlifior.
cavërnos - adj. (pr. \ c&v&rn'uz \ ) Ms. plr. cavërnos - fm. sng. cavrià - n. f. pr. \ c&vri'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - truss (building). See
and plr. cavërnosa, cavërnose. - 1) - cavernous. - 2) - also the terms "cavalé, cravià ".
hollow, deep (voice). - 3) - cavernosum (corpus ---) cavricòrn - n. m. (pr. \ c&vric'orn \ ) - Inv. at plr. - 1) - black
(anatomy). buch (zoology - Antilope cervicapra) - 2) - Capricorn, the
cavëssa - n. f. (pr. \ c&v'&ss& \ ) At plr. cavësse. - 1) - halter. Goat (constellation). - See also the term "capricòrn".
In this meaning we report the expression: "rompe la cavrieul - n. m. (pr. \ c&vri'[oe]l \ ) At plr. cavrieuj. - roe
cavëssa" lit. "to break the halter" "to free oneself ". - 2) deer (buck and doe) (zoology - Capreolus capreolus). See
- noose, hangman's halter. In this meaning we report the also the most used term "cravieul ".
expression: "deurme an sla cavëssa" lit. "to sleep on the cavrieula - n. f. (pr. \ c&vri'[oe]l& \ ) At plr. cavrieule. - 1) -
noose" "to waste one's time". somersault, caper. - 2) - capriole (horses). - 3) -
cavësson - n. m. (pr. \ c&v&ss'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - halter with "cabriole" (dance). - See also the term "stirobàcola".
muzzle, rein. cavriòla - n. f. (pr. \ c&vri'ol& \ ) - See cavrieula.
càvia - n. f. (pr. \ c'&vi& \ ) At plr. càvie. - 1) - guinea pig cavron - n. m. (pr. \ c&vr'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - he-goat, billy-
(zoology - Cavia cobaya), also in a fig. sense. - 2) - cavy. - goat. See also the most used terms "boch, cravon".
3) - experimental subject. cé - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]e \ ) Inv. at plr. - grandfather. See also the
cavial - n. m. (pr. \ c&vi'&l \ ) At plr. (if any) caviaj. - caviar. terms "bcé, pcé, papà grand, pare grand, grand ", and the
caviassù - adj. and n. (pr. \ c&vi&s'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. caviassù - italianism (quite used) "nòno".
fm. sng. and plr. caviassùa, caviassùe. - long-haired, with céa - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]'e& \ ) At plr. cée. - 1) - hurdle, trellis. - 2)
a lot of hair. - rush matting. - 3) - lattice (texile). See also the term
cavicc - n. m. (pr. \ c&v'i[ch] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - wooden pin, "ceja".
peg (mechanics). - 2) - rung. - 3) - dibble (agriculture). In cede - vrb 2nd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ [ch]'ede \ ) - 1) - to give,
this sense the expression "avèj ël cavicc" lit. "to have the to give up (trs.). - 2) - to cede (trs.). - 3) - to make over, to
dibble" means "to be lucky". - 4) - quibble, cavil. - 5) - hand over, to transfer (trs.). - 4) - to sell, to dispose of
chicanery. (legal). - For all the meanings see also the term (trs.). - 1) - to surrender , to give up (int.). - 2) - to sink
"cavij", and for the first three meanings see also the term down, to give way, to subside (int.). It always uses the
"cavija". aux. "avèj". The trs. expression "cede j'arme" lit. "to give
caviera - n. f. (pr. \ c&vi'er& \ ) At plr. caviere. - 1) - head of up the arms" has the int. meaning of "to surrender".
hair, flowing locks. See also the term "caviura". - 2) - cedèivol - adj. (pr. \ [ch]ed'æivul \ ) Ms. plr. cedèivoj - fm. sng.
mane. In this sense see also the term "còma". and plr. cedèivol, cedèivoj. (it is also possible to find - fm.
cavij - n. m. (pr. \ c&v'iy \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - wooden pin, peg sng. and plr. cedèivola, cedèivole.). - 1) - that gives,
(mechanics). - 2) - rung. - 3) - dibble (agriculture). - 4) - yielding, pliable, soft. - 2) - apt to give in, docile,
quibble, cavil. - 5) - chicanery. (legal). - For all the amenable, accomodating. See also the term "cedévol ".
meanings see also the term "cavicc", and for the first three cedent - n. and adj. (pr. \ [ch]ed'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. cedent - fm.
meanings see also the term "cavija". sng. and plr. cedenta, cedente. - 1) - alienor, surrenderor,
cavija - n. f. (pr. \ c&v'iy& \ ) At plr. cavije. - 1) - wooden pin, transferor (sbst.). - 2) - assignor, grantor (sbst.). - 3) -
peg (mechanics). - 2) - rung. - 3) - dibble (agriculture). - releasor (sbst.). - 4) - surrendering (adj.). - 2) assigning,
4) - belaying pin (marine). - 5) - treenail. - 6) - sleeper granting (adj.). - 3) - releasing (adj.). See also the term
screw. - 7) - ankle (anatomy). The expression "cavija real "ceditor".
" means "royal sceptre". céder - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]'edær \ ) - See cedro.
cavijera - n. f. (pr. \ c&viy'er& \ ) At plr. cavijere. - 1) - ankle cedévol - adj. (pr. \ [ch]ed'evul \ ) - See cedèivol.
band. - 2) - belaying-pin rack (marine). cedevolëssa - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]edevul'&ss& \ ) At plr. (if required)
cavilassion - n. f. (pr. \ c&vil&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - quibble, cedevolësse. - 1) - pliability. - 2) - amenability, docility.
the action of quibbling. cedìbil - adj. (pr. \ [ch]ed'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. cedìbij - fm. sng. and
cavilator - n. (pr. \ c&vil&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. cavilator - fm. sng. plr. cedìbil, cedìbij. - transferable, assignable.
and plr. cavilatriss, cavilatriss. - quibbler, captious cedilia - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]ed'ili& \ ) At plr. cedilie. - cedilla.
person. cediment - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]edim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - giving
cavilé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ c&vil'e \ ) - to cavil, to chicane, in. - 2) - settling, settlement, yielding, sinking, subsiding,
to quibble, to carp at, to trifle. It uses the aux. "avèj". sag.
cavilos - adj. (pr. \ c&vil'uz \ ) Ms. plr. cavilos - fm. sng. and ceditor - n. and adj. (pr. \ [ch]edit'ur \) Ms. plr. ceditor - fm.
plr. cavilosa, cavilose. - quibbling, captious, hair- sng. and plr. ceditriss, ceditriss. - 1) - alienor,
splitting. surrenderor, transferor. - 2) - assignor, grantor. - 3) -
cavilosità - n. f. (pr. \ c&viluzit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - releasor. See also the term "cedent".
captiousness, chicanery. cédola - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]'edul& \) At plr. cédole. - coupon.
cavion - n. m. (pr. \ c&vi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - end of a skein, Expressions : "cédola dl'assegn bancari" "check
end of a wire (in general). See also the term "cavess". A counterfoil" ; "cédola 'd comission " "order form". See
way of saying : "trové 'l cavion" lit. "to find the end of a also the term "copon".
skein" " to find the clue to the problem". cedolar - 1) - adj. (pr. \ [ch]edul'&r \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
caviòt - n. m. (pr. \ c&vi'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - crochet hook. See coupon (as an attribute). The loc. "taja cedolar" has the
also the term "crossé ". same meaning of the sbst. "cedolar" see below the term.
cavità - n. f. (pr. \ c&vit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - hollow, cavity. - cedolar - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]edul'&r \) Inv. at plr. - tax on
2) - hole, pit, excavation. See also the term "gav". - 3) - dividend warrants, capital gain tax.
cave, cavern. See also the terms "balma, caverna, cròta, cedrà - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]edr'& \) Inv. at plr. - citron juice. See
gròta". also the term "sitronà ".
caviura - n. f. (pr. \ c&vi'[ue]r& \ ) - See caviera.

cedro - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]'edrô \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - citron (botany - celest - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]el'est \) Inv. at plr. - sky-blue, light
Citrus medica). - 2) - cedar (botany - Cedrus libani). See blue, pale blue (colour).
also the terms "céder, sitron". celesta - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]el'est& \) At plr. celeste. - celesta
cefaléa - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]ef&l'e& \) At plr. cefalée. - (music). See also the term "cilesta".
cephalalgia, headache (medical). See also the term celestial - adj. (pr. \ [ch]elesti'&l \) Ms. plr. celestiaj - fm. sng.
"cefalgìa". and plr. celestial, celestiaj. - heavenly, celestial. See also
cefalgìa - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]ef&lj'i& \) - See cefaléa. the term "celest " 2nd meaning.
cefàlich - adj. (pr. \ [ch]ef'&lic \) Ms. plr. cefàlich - fm. sng. celestin - 1) - adj. (pr. \ [ch]elest'i[ng] \) Ms. plr. celestin - fm.
and plr. cefàlica, cefàliche. - cephalic. sng. and plr. celestin-a, celestin-e. - light sky-blue, very
céfola - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]'eful& \) At plr. céfole. - 1) - thing light blue, very pale blue.
without a value. - 2) - unable person, incompetent. - 3) - celestin - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]elest'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - light
trifle. See also the term "cìfola". sky-blue, very light blue, very pale blue (colour). See
ceja - n. f. - See céa. also the terms "celestrin, cilestrin".
cèir - 1) - adj. (pr. \ [ch]'æir \) Ms. plr. cèir - fm. sng. and plr. celestrin - adj. and n. m. (pr. \ [ch]elestr'i[ng] \) - See celestin
cèira, cèire. - 1) - clear, limpid. - 2) - light, pale. - 3) - 1) and 2).
bright. - 4) - clear, obvious. - See also the most common celia - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]'eli& \) At plr. celie. - jest, joke, fun.
term "ciàir 1)". Italianism not very used. See also the term "schers".
cèir - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]'æir \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - brightness. - celìach - adj. and n. (pr. \ [ch]el'i&c \) Ms. plr. celìach - fm.
2) - light. - 3) - lamp. (sometimes). - See also the most sng. and plr. celìaca, celìache. - 1) - coeliac (adj.)
common term "ciàir 2)". (anatomy and medicine). - 2) - coeliac sufferer (sbst.).
cèir - 3) - adv. (pr. \ [ch]'æir \) - clearly. - See also the most celiachìa - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]eli&k'i& \) At plr. (when required)
common term "ciàir 3)". celiachìe. - coeliac disease.
ceirëssa - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]æir'&ss& \) At plr. ceirësse. - celié - vrb. 1st con. int. (pr. \ [ch]eli'e \) - to jest, to joke.
clearness, clarity, lucidity. See also the most common Italianism not very used. See also the term "schersé". It
term "ciairëssa". uses the aux. "avèj ".
ceirin - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]æir'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - small light, celibà - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]elib'& \) Inv. at plr. - celibacy,
small lamp, small candle. See also the most common term bachelorhood. See also the term "celibato".
"ciairin". celibatari - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]elib&t'&ri \) Inv. at plr. - bachelor,
ceiror - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]æir'ur \) Inv. at plr. - dim light, faint unmarried man, single man. The term is usually referred
light, glimmer. See also the most common term "ciairor". to aged men. See also the term "célibe".
cél - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]'el \) At plr. (when applicable) céj. - 1) - celibato - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]elib'&tô \) - See celibà.
sky, heaven(s) - 2) - Heaven. - 3) - ceiling, vault, top. In célibe - n. m. and adj. ms. (pr. \ [ch]'elibe \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
this sense see also the term "vòlta". celibate, unmarried, single. - 2) - bachelor, unmarried
cela - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]'el& \) At plr. cele. - 1) - cell. - 2) - cellar, man, single man. In this sense see also the term
larder, storeroom. The expression "cela frigo, cela "célibatari".
frigorìfera" means "cold store, refrigerator". célofan - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]'eluf&[ng] \) Inv. at plr. (if any). -
celé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ [ch]el'e \) - to conceal, to hide. cellophane.
Italianism. See the best terms "stërmé, sconde". célola - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]'elul& \) At plr. célole. - cell. (biology,
celebrà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ [ch]elebr'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - physics, politics). The expression "célola fotoelétrica"
1) - celebrated, praised (adj. and p. p.) - 2) - famous, means "photoelectric cell ". See also the term "célula".
renowned, illustrious. In this sense see also the terms celolar - 1) - adj. (pr. \ [ch]elul'&r \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
"avosà, célebre, famos ". - 3) - celebrated, officiated. cellular. See also the term "celular".
celebrant - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]elebr'&nt \) Inv. at plr. - celebrant celolar - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]elul'&r \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - prison-
(religion). van. - 2) - mobile phone, cell-phone. See also the term
celebrassion - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]elebr&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - "celular".
celebration. celolite - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]elul'ite \) Inv. at plr. (if any). - cellulitis
celebrativ - adj. (pr. \ [ch]elebr&t'iu \) Ms. plr. celebrativ - fm. (medical). See also the term "celulite".
sng. and plr. celebrativa, celebrative. - celebration (as an celolosa - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]elul'oz& \) At plr. (if any) celulòse. -
attribute), commemorative. cellulose (chemistry). See also the term "celulosa".
celebrator - n. (pr. \ [ch]elebr&t'ur \) Ms. plr. celebrator - fm. celolòide - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]elul'oide \) Inv. at plr. (if any). -
sng. and plr. celebratriss, celebratriss. - celebrator. celluloid. See also the term "celulòide"
celebré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ [ch]elebr'e \) - 1) - to celebrate, celt - n. (pr. \ [ch]ælt \) Ms. plr. celt - fm. sng. and plr. celta,
to praise. - 2) - to celebrate, to officiate. celte. - Celt (history).
célebre - adj. (pr. \ [ch]'elebre \) - See celebrà 2nd meaning. céltich - 1) - adj. (pr. \ [ch]'æltic \) Ms. plr. cèltich - fm. sng.
celebrità - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]elebrit'& \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - celebrity. and plr. cèltica, cèltiche. - Celtic.
- 2) - famous person. céltich - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]'æltic \) Inv. at plr. - Celtic
célere - 1) - adj. (pr. \ [ch]'elere \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - (language).
swift, quick. - 2) - prompt. - 3) - rapid. celtism - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]ælt'izm \) Inv. at plr. - celtism (Celtic
célere - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]'elere \) Inv. at plr. (if any). - the language element - some of them are still in the piedm.
Flying Squad (police). language).
celerin - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]eler'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - policeman célula - n.f. (pr. \ [ch]'el[ue]l& \) - See célola.
member of the Flying Squad. celular - 1) - adj. and n. m. (pr. \ [ch]el[ue]l'&r \) - See celolar
celerità - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]elerit'& \) Inv. at plr. - swiftness, 1) and 2).
quickness, rapidity. celulìte - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]el[ue]l'ite \) - See celolote.
celest - 1) - adj. (pr. \ [ch]el'est \) Ms. plr. celest - fm. sng. and celulosa - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]el[ue]l'oz& \) See celolosa.
plr. celesta, celeste. - 1) - heavenly. - 2) - heavenly, celulòide - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]el[ue]l'oide \) - See celolòide.
celestial. In this sense see also the term "celestial ".- 3) - cèmbal - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]'æmb&l \) At plr. cèmbaj. - cymbal
sky-blue, light blue, pale blue. (music). See also the terms "cembol, ciòmbal, spinëtta".
cémbol - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]'æmbul \) - See cèmbal.

cement - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]em'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - cement. The centésim - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]ænt'ezim \) Inv. at plr. - cent (of
term is quite an italianism. See also the most correct dollar, of euro, etc.).
"ciman". centìgrad - adj. (pr. \ [ch]ænt'igr&d \) Ms. plr. centìgrad - fm.
cementassion - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]emænt&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - sng. and plr. centìgrada, centìgrade. - centigrade.
1) - cementation. - 2) - case-hardening (metallurgy). Sometime also "sentìgrad " (see the term).
cementé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ [ch]emænt'e \) - 1) - to cement. centigram - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]æntigr'&m \) Inv. at plr. -
- 2) - to case-harden (metallurgy). centigram, centigramme. See also the term "centigrama".
cementìfer - adj. (pr. \ [ch]emænt'ifær \) Ms. plr. cementìfer - centigrama - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]æntigr'&m& \) - See centigram.
fm. sng. and plr. cementìfera, cementìfere. - centìliter - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]ænt'ilitær \) Inv. at plr. - centilitre,
cementiferous. centiliter.
cementifìssi - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]emæntif'isi \) Inv. at plr. - cement centim - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]ænt'im \) Inv. at plr. - centimetre,
factory. centimeter. See also the terms "centìmeter, sentim"
cementista - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]emænt'ist& \) Inv. at plr. - cement centìmeter - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]ænt'imeter \) - See centim.
layer. centimetrà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ [ch]æntimetr'& \) Inv. in gnd.
cementite - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]emænt'ite \) Inv. at plr. - cementite. and nr. - subdivided into centimetres.
cenàcol - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]en'&cul \) At plr. cenàcoj. - 1) - centimetré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ [ch]æntimetr'e \) - to divide
coenaculum, cenaculum, cenacle, supping room. - 2) - into centimetres.
coterie (in a fig. ironic sense). - 3) - Last Supper. centin - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]ænt'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - coin of one
cèngia - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]'ænji& \) At plr. cènge. - ledge (on the cent.
rock fase) (alpinism). cèntina - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]'æntin& \) At plr. cèntine. - 1) -
cenn - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]æn \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - sign, signal. In centreing, centring, centre, center (building) - 2) - rib
this meaning see also the term "segn". - 2) - gesture. In this (planes). - 3) - structure of support. See also the terms
meaning see also the term "gest". - 3) - nod, wave, wink. - "sènter, cènter, sèntina".
4) - short notice. - 5) - hint, mention. - 6) - outline. centinà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ [ch]æntin'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr.
cenobita - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]enub'it& \) Inv. at plr. - coenobite, - 1) - supported with a centering. - 2) - shaped with ribs.
cenobite. - 3) - cambered. See also the term "sentinà ".
cenobìtich - adj. (pr. \ [ch]enub'itic \) Ms. plr. cenobìtich - fm. centinadura - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]æntin&d'[ue]r& \) At plr.
sng. and plr. cenobìtica, cenobìtiche. - coenobitical, centinadure. - 1) - centreing, centering. - 2) - camber.
cenobitic. See also the term "sentinadura ".
cenotafi - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]enut'&fi \) Inv. at plr. - cenotaph. centiné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ [ch]æntin'e \) - 1) - to support
cenosòich - 1) - adj. (pr. \ [ch]enuz'oic \) Ms. plr. cenozòich - with a centering. See also the loc. "armé a cènter". - 2) -
fm. sng. and plr. cenozòica, cenozòiche. - Cenozoic, to camber. See also the tern "angombé " and the loc.
Caenozoic, Cainozoic. "sagomé a cènter". For both meanings see also the term
cenosòich - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]enuz'oic \) Only sng. (in case of "sèntiné ".
need inv. at plr.) - Cenozoic era. centinura - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]æntin'[ue]r& \) - See centinadura.
cenòbi - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]en'obi \) Inv. at plr. - coenoby, cenoby. centr - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]æntr \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - centre, center. -
cens - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]æ[ng]s \) Inv. at plr. - estate, wealth. The 2) - centre, resort, town. - 3) - centre, town centre,
piedm. expression "cens vitalissi" means "life annuity". downtown. - 4) - centre, institute. - 5) - middle. - 6) -
censì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ [ch]æ[ng]s'i \) - 1) - to take a bull's eye (of a target). - 7) - hub (wheel). See also the
census, to census. - 2) - to assess (property) (finance). term "centro, cènter, sènter".
censiment - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]æ[ng]sim'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - centrà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ [ch]æntr'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
census. 1) - true, balanced (mechanics). - 2) - right on the mark
censitor - n. (pr. \ [ch]æ[ng]sit'ur \) Ms. plr. censitor - fm. sng. (in a fig. sense).
and plr. censitriss, censitriss. - census taker. centradura - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]æntr&d'[ue]r& \) - See centragi.
censor - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]æ[ng]s'ur \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - censor. - centragi - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]æntr'&ji \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
2) - fault-finder, severe critic (in a fig. sense). centering, truing. - 2) - balancing. -3) - operation of
censòri - adj. (pr. \ [ch]æ[ng]s'ori \) Ms. plr. censòri - fm. sng. putting (st.) in the centre. See also the terms "centrament,
and plr. censòria, censòrie. - 1) - censorial. - 2) - centradura, sentragi, sentradura".
censorious, critical, fault-finding. central - 1) - adj. (pr. \ [ch]æntr'&l \) Ms. plr. centraj - fm.
censuari - adj. and n. (pr. \ [ch]æ[ng]su'&ri \) Ms. plr. sng. and plr. central, centraj. - 1) - central. - 2) - main,
censuari - fm. sng. and plr. censuaria, censuarie.- 1) - central. See also the term "sentral ".
related to estate, tributary (adj.). - 2) - taxpayer, central - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]æntr'&l \) At plr. centraj. - 1) -
contributor (sbst.).. plant (e. g. "central elétrica" "(electric) power plant"). -
censura - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]æ[ng]s'[ue]r& \) At plr. censure. - 1) - 2) - centre (e. g. "central dël làit " "milk-distributing
censorship. - 2) - censure. - 3) - severe criticism. centre"). - 3) - exchange (telephony).
censuràbil - adj. (pr. \ [ch]æ[ng]s[ue]r'&bil \) Ms. plr. centralin - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]æntr&l'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
censuràbij - fm. sng. and plr. censuràbil, censuràbij. - switchboard.
censurable. centralinista - n. (pr. \ [ch]æntr&lin'ist& \) Ms. plr.
censuré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ [ch]æ[ng]s[ue]r'e \) - 1) - to centralinista - fm. sng. and plr. centralinista,
censor. - 2) - to censure, to criticize. centraliniste. - telephone operator, operator,
cènter - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]'æntær \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - centreing, telephonist.
centring, centre, center (building) - 2) - rib (planes). - 3) - centralisassion - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]æntr&liz&s'iu[ng] \) Inv. at plr.
structure of support. In these three first meaning see also - centralization.
the terms "sènter, cèntina, sèntina". - 4) - center, centre centralisator - n. and adj. (pr. \ [ch]æntr&liz&t'ur \) - 1) -
(as indication of a place, a point, etc. and geometry). In this centralizer (sbst.). - 2) - centralizing (adj.).
meaning see also the terms "centr, centro, sènter". centralisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ [ch]æntr&liz'e \) - to
centésim - 1) - adj. (pr. \ [ch]ænt'ezim \) Ms. plr. centésim - centralize.
fm. sng. and plr. centésima, centésime. - hundredth (this centralism - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]æntr&l'izm \) Inv. at plr. -
is one of the few ordinal adj. in Piedm.) centralism.

centrament - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]æntr&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - centuria - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]ænt'[ue]ri& \) At plr. centurie. -
centering, truing. - 2) - balancing. -3) - operation of century.
putting (st.) in the centre. See also the terms "centragi, centurion - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]ænt[ue]ri'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
centradura, sentragi, sentradura". centurion.
centratach - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]æntr&t'&c \) Inv. at plr. - centre cera - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]'er& \) At plr. cere. - appearance, look.
forward (sport). See also the term "centravanti ". Quite an italianism, usually the term "facia" (see the voice)
centrador - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]æntr&d'ur \) Inv. at plr. - centerer. is preferred.
centradura - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]æntr&d'[ue]r& \) At plr. ceralaca - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]er&l'&c& \) At plr. (if any)
centradure. - centering, truing. See also the terms ceralache. - sealing wax. See also the term "siralaca" and
"centrament, centragi, sentragi, sentradura, centratura". the loc. "sira dë Spagna".
centrament - n. m (pr. \ [ch]æntr&m'ænt \) - See centradura. ceràmica - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]er'&mic& \) At plr. ceràmiche. - 1) -
centrator - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]æntr&t'ur \) - See centrador. ceramics, pottery. - 2) - baked clay. - 3) - piece of
centratura - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]æntr&t'[ue]r& \) - See centradura. pottery. See also the term "seràmica".
centravanti - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]æntr&v'&nti \) - See centratach. ceràmich - adj. (pr. \ [ch]er'&mic \) Ms. plr. ceràmich - fm.
centré - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ [ch]æntr'e \) - 1) - to hit sng. and plr. ceràmica, ceràmiche. - ceramic. See also the
the centre of... (trs.). - 2) - to centre, to true up (trs.). - 3) term "seràmich ".
- to get to the heart of.... (in a fig. sense) (trs.). - 4) - to ceramista - n. (pr. \ [ch]er&m'ist& \) Ms. plr. ceramista - fm.
hit the centre. (int.). sng. and plr. ceramista, ceramiste. - ceramist. See also
centrìfich - adj. (pr. \ [ch]æntr'ific \) Ms. plr. centrìfich - fm. the term "seramista ".
sng. and plr. centrìfica, centrìfiche. - centrifugal cercc - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]'ær[ch] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - circle. - 2) -
(physics). See also the terms "centrìfugh, sentrìfugh ". rim. - 3) - hoop. This term is not very used. See the most
centrìfica - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]æntr'ific& \) At plr. centrìfiche. - common term "sercc".
centrifuge, centrifugal machine. See also the term cercé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ [ch]ær[ch]'e \) - 1) - to hoop, to
"centrìfuga, sentrìfuga". bind with hoops. - 2) - to encircle, to surround. See also
centrificassion - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]æntrific&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - the terms "sercé, ansercé ".
centrifugation. See also the terms "centrifugassion, cerciadura - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]ær[ch]i&d'[ue]r& \) At plr.
sentrifugassion". cerciadure. - 1) - hooping. - 2) - hoops. This term is not
centrifiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ [ch]æntrifik'e \) - to very used. See the most common term "serciadura".
centrifuge, to centrifugate. See also the terms cercion - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]ær[ch]i'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - rim,
"centrifughé, sentrifughé". tread. This term is not very used. See the most common
centrìfugh - adj. (pr. \ [ch]æntr'if[ue]g \) - See centrìfich. term "sercion".
centrìfuga - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]æntr'if[ue]g& \) - See centrìfica. cerea - excl. (pr. \ [ch]er'e& \) - good morning, good day,
centrifugassion - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]æntrif[ue]g&si'u[ng] \) - See good evening, good night, cheerio. This is a general way
centrificassion. of greeting sb. with courtesy. See also the terms "serea,
centrifughé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ [ch]æntrif[ue]g'e \) - See cereja".
centrifiché. cereja - excl. (pr. \ [ch]er'ey& \) - See cerea.
centrin - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]æntr'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - doily. cereal - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]ere'&l \) At plr. cereaj. - cereals,
centrin - 2) - adj. (pr. \ [ch]æntr'i[ng] \) Ms. plr. centrin - fm. grain, corn.
sng. and plr. centrin-a, centrin-e. - skilled in hitting the cereal - 2) - adj. (pr. \ [ch]ere'&l \) Ms. plr. cereaj - fm. sng.
centre. (Slang voice, quite used). and plr. cereal, cereaj. - cereal.
centrìpete - adj. (pr. \ [ch]æntr'ipete \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. cerealìcol - adj. (pr. \ [ch]ere&l'icul \) Ms. plr. cerealìcoj - fm.
(sometimes the fm. sng. is "centrìpeta") - centripetal. See sng. and plr. cerealìcola, cerealìcole. - cereal (as an
also the term "sentrìpete". attribute).
centrism - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]æntr'izm \) Inv. at plr. - centrism. cerealicoltura - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]ere&licult'[ue]r& \) At plr.
centro - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]'æntrô \) - See centr. cerealicolture. - cereal growing.
centrocampista - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]æntruc&mp'ist& \) Inv. at plr. cerebral - adj. (pr. \ [ch]erebr'&l \) Ms. plr. cerebraj - fm. sng.
- centre fielder (sport). and plr. cerebral, cerebraj. - cerebral, brain (ae an
centrocamp - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]æntruc'&mp \) Inv. at plr. - attribute). See also the term "cerebros"
centre field (sport). cerebralism - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]erebr&l'izm \) Inv. at plr. -
centrodestra - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]æntrud'estr& \) Inv. at plr. - cerebralism.
Centre-Right (politics). cerebros - adj. (pr. \ [ch]erebr'uz \) - See cerebral.
centrodestr - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]æntrud'estr \) Inv. at plr. - inside cerebrospinal - adj. (pr. \ [ch]erebruspin'&l \) Ms. plr.
right (sport). cerebrospinaj - fm. sng. and plr. cerebrospinal,
centro-europengh - adj (pr. \ [ch]æntrueurup'æ[ng]g \) Ms. cerebrospinaj. - cerebrospinal.
plr. centro-europengh - fm. sng. and plr. centro- ceresa - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]er'ez& \) At plr. cerese. - cherry (the
europenga, centro-europenghe. - mid-European. See fruit). See also the terms "ciresa, sëresa".
also the term "centroeuropeo". Note that in this word the ceresé - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]erez'e \) Inv. at plr. - cherry (the tree)
group "eu" is not the diphthong [oe]. (botany - Prunus avium). See also the term (most correct)
centro-europeo - adj (pr. \ [ch]æntrueurup'eô \) See centro- "ceresera".
europengh. ceresera - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]erez'er& \) At plr. ceresere. 1) -
centromedian - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]æntrumedi'&[ng] \) Inv. at plr. cherry (the tree) (botany - Prunus avium). See also the
- centre halfback (sport). term "ceresé". - 2) - cherry (the wood). - 3) - ground
centrosinistr - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]æntrusin'istr \) Inv. at plr. - planted with cherries.
inside left (sport). cergnera - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]ær[gn]'er& \) - See cerniera.
centrosinistra - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]æntrusin'istr& \) Inv. at plr. cérica - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]'eric& \) At plr. cériche. - tonsure
Centre-Left (politics). (religion). See also the most used term "cirià ".
centupliché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ [ch]ænt[ue]plik'e \) - 1) - to cerical - adj. and n. (pr. \ [ch]eric'&l \) Ms. plr. cericaj - fm.
centuplicate, to centuple. - 2) - to increase greatly (in a sng. and plr. cerical, cericaj. - 1) - clerical (adj.). - 2) -
fig. sense). See also the term "sentupliché ". clericalist (sbst.). See also the term "clerical ".

cérich - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]'eric \) Inv. at plr. - cleric, clergyman. certansa - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]ært'&[ng]s& \) At plr. certanse. - 1) -
One of the first ecclesiastical orders on the way to become certainty, certitude. - 2) - conviction. See also the term
priest. "certëssa".
cericòt - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]eric'ot \) Inv. at plr. - altar boy, certe - prn. and adj. indf. fm. plr. (pr. \ [ch]'ærte \) - some. E. g.
choirboy. See also the terms "cerighin, cerigòt, ceriget, "certe fior a son ancora bele e certe a son gia fiape"
cericuss, cergòt " "some flowers are still fine, and some are already faded".
cericuss - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]eric'[ue]s \) - See cericòt. certëssa - (pr. \ [ch]ært'&ss& \) At plr. certësse. - 1) -
cerighet - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]erij'æt \) - See cericòt. certainty, certitude. - 2) - conviction. See also the term
cerighin - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]erig'i[ng] \) - See cericòt. "certansa".
cerigòt - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]erig'ot \) - See cericòt. certi - prn. and adj. indf. ms. plr. (pr. \ [ch]'ærti \) - some. E. g.
cerimonial - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]erimuni'&l \) At plr. "certi pom a son ancora bon e certi a son gia mars"
cerimoniaj - ceremonial, etiquette. The term is quite an "some apples are still good, and some are already bad ".
italianism (even if it is very used). See also the best term When referred to persons see also the term "certidun".
"sirimonial 1)". certidun - prn. indf. ms. plr. (pr. \ [ch]ærtid'[ue][ng] \) - some,
cerimonial - 2) - adj. (pr. \ [ch]erimuni'&l \) Ms. plr. some people. Only referred to persons.
cerimoniaj - fm. sng. and plr. cerimonial, cerimoniaj. - certificà - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]ærtific'& \) Inv. at plr. -
ceremonial. The term is quite an italianism (even if it is certificate. The piedm. expression "certificà 'd servissi" is
very used). See also the best term "sirimonial 2)". stranslated into the engl. "testimonial".
cerimonié - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]erimuni'e \) Inv. at plr. - master of certificà - 2) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ [ch]ærtific'& \) Inv. in gnd.
ceremonies. The term is quite an italianism (even if it is and nr. - certified, attested.
very used). See also the best term "sirimonié". certificassion - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]ærtific&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
cerimonios - adj. (pr. \ [ch]erimuni'uz \) Ms. plr. cerimonios - certification, certifying.
fm. sng. and plr. cerimoniosa, cerimoniose. - 1) - certifiché - vrb 1st con. trs. - (pr. \ [ch]ærtifik'e \) - 1) - to
ceremonious, formal. - 2) - flowery (speech). The term is certify, to certificate, to attest. - 2) - to ascertain, to
quite an italianism (even if it is very used). See also the assess.
best term "sirimonios". certo - adv. (pr. \ [ch]'ærtô \) - certainly. See also the term
cerimoniosità - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]erimuniuzit'& \) Inv. at plr. - "cert 2)".
ceremoniousness. The term is quite an italianism (even if certosa - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]ært'us& \) At plr. certose. -
it is very used). See also the best term "sirimoniosità". Carthusian monastery, "Chartreuse".
cerimònia - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]erim'oni& \) At plr. cerimònie. - 1) - certosin - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]ærtus'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
ceremony. - 2) - ritual. - 3) - service (religion). The term Chartusian monk. The expression "travaj da certosin"
is quite an italianism (even if it is very used). See also the lit. "work for Chertusian monk" means "work requiring a
best term "sirimònia". lot of patience".
cernàia - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]ern'&i& \) At plr. (when required) - certosin - 2) - adj. (pr. \ [ch]ærtus'i[ng] \) Ms. plr. certosin -
cernàie. - clamour, infernal noise, racket. This term fm. sng. and plr. certosin-a, certosin-e. - Chartusian.
comes from a river in southern Russia, where the cerum - n. m (pr. \ [ch]er'[ue]m \) Inv. at plr. - cerumen,
piedmontese army won a celebrated battle (middle of XIX earwax. See also the term "sirum"
century). cerv - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]ærv \) Inv. at plr. - deer. (stag, doe)
cerniera - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]erni'er& \) At plr. cerniere. - 1) - (zoology - Cervus). See also the term "serv".
hinge. - 2) - zip fastener. See also the terms "cergnera, cervical - adj (pr. \ [ch]ærvic'&l \) Ms. plr. cervicaj - fm. sng.
ciorgnera 2nd meaning". and plr. cervical, cervicaj. - cervical (anatomy). See also
ceron - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]er'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - grease paint the term "servical ".
(theatre). See also the term "siron" cesa - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]'ez& \) At plr. cese. - 1) - church,
ceròt - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]er'ot \) Inv. at plr. - plaster, sticking minster, chapel. - 2) - Church. See also the term "gésia".
plaster, adhesive bandage. See also the terms "seròt, siròt cesëtta - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]ez'&tt& \) At plr. cesëtte - small
". church, chapel. See also the terms "capela, cesiòta
cert - 1) - adj. (pr. \ [ch]'ært \) Ms. plr. certi - fm. sng. and plr. gesiòta".
certa, certe. - This is one of the few words that have a ms. cesiòta - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]ez'ot& \) - See cesëtta.
plr. different from the sng. - 1) - certain, sure. - 2) - céspit - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]'espit \) Inv. at plr. - source of income,
reliable. - 3) - certainly true. (descriptive adj. in these yielder.
meanings). See also the terms "sicur, evident, ciàir". - 1) - céss - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]es \) Inv. at plr. - lavarory, loo, latrine.
some. (indf. adj.) - 2) - certain. (indf. adj.). E. g. "un cert See also the terms "còmod, gabinet ".
Gioan a l'ha giusta ciamà 'd ti" "a certain John asked for cessa - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]'es& \) At plr. cesse. - strip of ground
you right now". without vegetation left in the wood in order to stop a
cert - 2) - adv. (pr. \ [ch]'ært \) - certainly. Often this adv. is possible fire. See also the term "dëstaca".
followed by the prt. "che". E. g. "certainly I will go" "cert cessassion - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]es&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
che i andrai". See also the terms "certament, certo, sicura" cessation, discontinuance. - 2) - termination.
and the loc."sens'àutr". cessé - vrb 1st con. int. and trs. (pr. \ [ch]es'e \) - 1) - to stop, to
cert - 3) - prn. (pr. \ [ch]'ært \) Not used at sng. - Ms plr. certi, leave off, to cease. (int.). - 2) - to abate, to subside (int.) -
fm. plr. certe. - some, some people. (indf. prn.). We have 3) - to stop. (trs.). See also the term "chité ". When trs. it
reported this not used word as an help to find the plural uses the aux. "avèj ", while when int. it uses, as a
words. See also the words "certi, certe, quaidun". E. g. preference, still the aux. "avèj ", and sometimes in found
"certi a diso che ..." "some people say that ...". using the aux. "esse".
cert - 4) - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]'ært \) Inv. at plr. (if any) - certainty. cession - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]esi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - assignment,
certament - adv. (pr. \ [ch]ært&m'ænt \) - certainly. Italianism cession, conveyance, transfer.
(adv. ending in "...ment "). See the most correct terms cessionari - n. (pr. \ [ch]esiun'&ri \) Ms. plr. cessionari - fm.
"sicura, certo, cert". Sometimes also the frenchism "bin sng. and plr. cessionaria, cessionarie. - transferee,
sicur" ("bien sure") is used. assignee.

cest - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]est \) Inv. at plr. - basket (only for sport, cëppì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ [ch]&pp'i \) - See cipì.
this is the basket for basketball) - See also the term "sësta". cërfojet - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]&rfuy'æt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - chervil
cestism - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]est'izm \) Inv. at plr. (if any). - (botany - Anthriscus cerefolium). - 2) - lock (in a fig.
basketball activity. See also the term "sëstism". sense). See also the term "ciarfojet ".
cestista - n. (pr. \ [ch]est'ist& \) Ms. plr. cestista - fm. sng. and cërfusa - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]&rf'[ue]z& \) At plr. (if any) cërfuse. -
plr. cestista, cestiste. - basketball player. See also the a type of seasoning (sauce). (Melted lard, vegetables and
term "sëstista". flavours).
cesura - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]ez'[ue]r& \) At plr. cesure. - caesura cërlach - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]&rl'&c \) Inv. at plr. - tawny pipit
(poetry). See also the term "sesura". (zoology - Anthus campestris).
cét - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]et \) Inv. at plr. - social class, rank, order. cërlì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ [ch]&rl'i \) - to trill (of lark). It
ceugn - adj. (pr. \ [ch][oe][gn] \) Ms. plr. ceugn - fm. sng. and uses the aux. "avèj". See also the term "cëcché 2nd
plr. ceugna, ceugne. - phlegmatic, lazy, sluggish, slow. meaning".
See also the terms "cieugn, meusi". A way of saying: cërlich - 1) - adj. (pr. \ [ch]&rl'ic \) Ms. plr. cërlich - fm. sng.
"magna ceugna" lit. "phlegmatic aunt " means "slow and and plr. cërlica, cërliche. - moody, strange, odd,
phlegmatic person". whimsical. See also the term "dròlo".
cëcca - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]'&cc& \) At plr. cëcche. - 1) - tick cërlich - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]&rl'ic \) - cry of the partridge.
(zoology). - 2) - snap (with fingers) In this sense see also cërliché - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ [ch]&rlik'e \) - to cry
the term "ghiga". - 3) - smack. - 4) - seat for a nail-head (partridge). See also the term "cëcché 2nd meaning". It uses
or a screw-head. the aux. "avèj".
cëcca-lendne - n. (pr. \ [ch]&cc&l'ændne \) Inv. in gnd.and nr. - cërlin - adj (pr. \ [ch]&rl'i[ng] \) Ms. plr. cërlin - fm. sng. and
1) - lousy, full of lice. - 2) - ragged person, tramp. - 3) - plr. cërlin-a, cërlin-e. - tipsy. See also the term "cirilin".
stringy, miserly (in a fig. sense). See also the term "cëcca- cërliné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ [ch]&rlin'e \) - to drink
poj". abundantly (usually wine). See also the term "ciriné".
cëccàire - n. and adj. (pr. \ [ch]&cc'&ire \) Ms. plr. cëccàire - cëttì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ [ch]&tt'i \) - 1) - to chirp, to yelp. -
fm. sng. and plr. cëccàira, cëccàire. - 1) - stammerer, 2) - to breathe a word, to open one's mouth, to speak. It
stutterer (sbst.). - 2) - stammering, stuttering (adj.). See uses the aux. "avèj".
also the term "chëccàire". cëvrin - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]&vr'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - goat's
cëcca-poj - n. (pr. \ [ch]&cc&p'uy \) - See cëcca-lendne. milk cheese. See also thje term "cravin" 1st meaning.
cëcché - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ [ch]&kk'e \) - 1) - to cëvrin - 2) - adj. (pr. \ [ch]&vr'i[ng] \) Ms. plr. cëvrin - fm. sng.
crush, to press (trs.). In this sense see also the term "ciché and plr. cëvrin-a, cëvrin-e. - goat-like, goatish, caprine,
". - 2) - to whistle (int.). In this sense see also the terms goat (as an attribute). See also thje term "cravin" 2nd
"cërlì, cërliché ". It uses always the aux. "avèj ". meaning., and the loc. "ëd crava".
cëcchigné - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ [ch]&kki[gn]'e \) - to che - 1) - rel. prn. (pr. \ ke \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - who,
squabble. See also the term "cichigné ". which, that (subject). - 2) - whom, which, that (direct
cëcchignèire - n. (pr. \ [ch]&kki[gn]'æire \) Ms. plr. object). For indirect objects and other situations see
cëcchignèire - fm. sng. and plr. cëcchignèira, grammar and syntax. See also the term "dont" used in
cëcchignèire. - quarrelsome person, wrangler. genitive and other cases and the prn. "qual (ël ---), etc.".
cëcchignos - adj. (pr. \ [ch]&kki[gn]'uz \) Ms. plr. cëcchignos - The use of this prn. is quite complex in Piedm. for people
fm. sng. and plr. cëcchignosa, cëcchignose. - accustomed to english or italian syntax. Here we report a
quarrelsome, contentious. number of cases by using examples. - A) - "la përson-a che
cëffì - adj. (pr. \ [ch]&ff'i \) Ms. plr. cëffì - fm. sng. and plr. i l'hai parlaje" "the person to whom I have spoken". In
cëffìa, cëffìe. - thick, dense, close. See also the term "satì this case the dative is built with a direct object and the
". addition of the prn. prt. at the end of the verb. Lit. the
cëgoj - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]&g'uy \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - splashing of a translation is "the person whom I have spoken-to-him",
liquid in a container. - 2) - watery soup, dishwater. - 3) - that formally is not so different from the english "the
intrigue, manoeuvre (in a fig. sense). - 4) - bungle, botch, person whom I've spoken to", buy here the last word is just
mess. (in a fog. sense). See also the terms "ciagoj, cigoj". a cng. moved to the end of the sentence, after the verb, and
cëgojà - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]&guy'& \) Inv. at plr. - shaking of a not an addition of the prs. prn. - B) - "ël lìber dont a l'han
liquid. See also the term "cëgojada, cigojà, cigojada". parlame" "the book of which they spoke to me", this
cëgojé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ [ch]&guy'e \) - 1) - to sentence can also be "ël lìber che a l'han parlam-ne". lit.
shake a liquid in a container (trs.). - 2) - to wave (of "the book which they spoke to me of it ". - C) - "ël lìber che
liquids), to gurgle (int.). See also the terms "ciagojé, it l'has lesù" "the book which you've read" or "the book
cigojé, cioché, ciocaté ". you've read". While in English the prn. object can be
cëmmì - 1) - vrb 3rd con. (pr. \ [ch]&mm'i \) - to burn slowly, understood, in Piedm. has always to be expressed. - D) - "ël
to burn under cinders. Also in a fig. sense. See also the dì che i son andait via" = "the day in which I went away".
terms "cimì, ciumì ". It uses the aux. "esse". Note that if the word following "che" starts with vowel,
cëmmì - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]&mm'i \) Inv. at plr. (if any) - often the "che" itself becomes "ch' ". E. g. "ël lìber ch' it l'
musty smell. See also the terms "arcius, cëmmis, ciumis" has lesù " ; "ël dì ch' i son andait via"
cëmmì - 3) - adj. (pr. \ [ch]&mm'i \) Ms. plr. cëmmì - fm. sng. che - 2) - interr. adj. (pr. \ ke \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - what,
and plr. cëmmìa, cëmmìe. - stale, mouldy. which. E. g. "che tipo 'd regal a và bin? " "what type of
cëmmiss - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]&mm'is \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - present will do? ". In Piedm. this term is not used as an
marshland, bog. In this sense see also the terms "mojiss, interr. prn., which instead uses "còs, còsa" (see the terms).
maré, ciòm". - 2) - musty smell. In this sense see also the E. g "what do you want? " = "còs it veule" or "còs veus-to?
terms "arcius, cëmmì, ciumiss". ".
cënìa - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]&n'i& \) At plr. (when applicable) cënìe. - che - 3) - excl. adj. (pr. \ ke \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - what a,
1) - chenille. - 2) - thread for embroidery. - 3) - what, how . E. g. "che colp!" "what a hit!" ; "che fòl!"
caterpillar, grub, worm. See also the term "cënnìa". "how stupid!" ; "che pom!" "what apples!". In Piedm.
cënil - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]&n'il \) - See canil. this term is not used as an excl. prn., which instead uses
cënnìa - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]&nn'i& \) - See cënìa.

"còs, còsa" (see the terms). E. g. "what! It is possible" chepì - n. m. (pr. \ kep'i \) Inv. at plr. - kepi.
"còsa! a l'é possìbil". cher - n. m. (pr. \ kær \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - cart, wagon (two or
che - 4) - cng. (pr. \ ke \) - 1) - that. Declaratory with all the four wheels) - 2) - chariot. - 3) - cartload (referred to the
verbs, the use is more extensive in Piedm. than in English, content). In this meaning see also the term "cartonà". Some
and this cng. is never understood, but always expressed. - particular use of this word : - A) - "cher armà" "tank"
A) - "i seu ch' a vnirà" or "i seu che a vnirà" "I know (military). - B) - "cher (ëd Carlevé)" "float (Carnival)". -
(that) he will come". - B) - "i veulo che it vades" or "i C) - "cher marcandise" "goods wagon" (railways). - D) -
veulo ch' it vades" "I want you to go". In this case "esse l'ùltima roa dël cher" lit. "to be the last wheel of the
English does not use the cng., while in Piedm. it is always car t" "to be the fifth wheel ". - E) - "buté 'l cher anans ai
mandatory. - 2) - for. Causal. - C) - "mersì ch' it ven-e 'dcò beu" lit. "to put the cart before the oxes" "to put the
ti" "thank you for coming you as well". - 3) - that. cart before the horse". - F) - "ël Cher Grand " or "l'Orsa
Consecutive. - D) - "I j'era tant ëstrach che i son pì nen Magior" "The Great Bear". - G) - "ël Cher Cit " or
andait" "I was so tired that I didn't go any more". - 4) - "l'Orsa Minor" "The Little Bear".
that, so that. Final, always expressed. - E) - "varda ch' a chermis - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ kærm'iz \) Inv. at plr. (if any) -
casca nen" "be careful (that) it doesn't drop". - 5) - than. crimson (colour). See also the term "chërmisin".
Comparative. - "cost a l'é méj che l'àutr" "this is better chermis - 2) - adj. (pr. \ kærm'iz \) Ms. plr. chermis - fm. sng.
than the other". - 6) - when, after, as soon as, no sooner and plr. chermisa, chermise. - crimson. See also the term
than. Temporal, the sentence has a different construction. - "chërmisin".
F) - "andàit ch' a l'é stàit, i l'hai sarà la pòrta" "as soon cherosen - n. m. (pr. \ keruz'æ[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - kerosene
as he went I closed the door". Lit. the piedm. contruction is (chemistry). See also the term "cherosen-e".
"gone that he was, I closed the door". - G) - "i l'hai vistlo cherosen-e - n. m. (pr. \ keruz'æ[ng]e \) - See cherosen.
che a l'era doi bòt" "when I saw him it was two o'clock". cherubin - n. m. (pr. \ ker[ue]b'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - cherub
Lit. the piedm. contruction is "I have seen him that it was (religion).
two o'clock". - 7) - whether. Disjunctive. - H) - "che a chét - adj. (pr. \ kæt \) Ms. plr. chet - fm. sng. and plr. cheta,
pieuva o nò, mi i andreu" "whether it rains or not, I will chete. - 1) - quiet. - 2) - silent. See also the term "chiét".
go". - 8) - but, only. Exceptive. - I) - "a fà nen d'àutr che cheté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ ket'e \) - 1) - to quiet, to still, to
bèive" = "he does nothing but drink". - 9) - other uses more hush, to make (sb.) be quiet, to make (sb.) be silent. - 2)
or less idiomatic, optative : - L) - "ch'a vada!" = "let him - to pacify, to calm down, to soothe, to appease. See also
go!". - M) - "che it sie content!" = "may you be happy!" the term "chieté ".
ché - 1) - cng. (pr. \ ke \) - 1) - since, as, because, for. Causal. chetésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ ket'ese \) - to keep silent, to
- 2) - so that, lest. Final. See also the term "përché" in an calm down (oneself).
explicative sense. chetì - n. m. (pr. \ ket'i \ ) Inv. at plr. - blanket, rough cloth.
ché - 2) - adv. (pr. \ ke \) - 1) - why?, for what reason?, what See also the term "quetì ".
... for?. - Interr. or in interr. sense. See also the term cheugn - 1) - adj. (pr. \ k[oe][gn] \) Ms. plr. cheugn - fm. sng.
"përché" in an interr. sense. - 2) - for which. E. g. "costa a and plr. cheugna, cheugne. - 1) - cooked, done. - 2) - in
l'é la rason ché i son vnùit" = "this is the reason for which love, infatuated (in a fig. sense). - 3) - exhausted (sport)
I came". (in a fig. sense). - 4) - drunk (in a fig. sense). See also the
checo - n. (pr. \ k'ecu \) Ms. plr. checo - fm. sng. and plr. most common term "cheuit 1)".
checa, cheche. - favourite, pet. See also the terms cheugn - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ k[oe][gn] \) Inv. at plr. - hide-and-
"beniamin, polin". seek (a children play). See also the term "cheuit 2)" and the
chèica - indf. adj. (pr. \ k'æic& \) - See chèich. loc. "a stërmésse".
cheicadun - indf. prn. (pr. \ kæic&d'[ue][ng] \) - See cheidun. cheuje - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ k'[oe]ye \) - 1) - to pick, to
chèich - indf. adj. (pr. \ k'æic \) Only sng. and inv. at fm. - pluck, to gather, to pick up. - 2) - to reap, to harvest, to
some, any, a few. E. g. "pijte chèich ciresa" "take (by crop. - 3) - to collect. - 4) - to find, to catch (out). In this
yourself) some cherries" ; "veus-to chèich ciresa?" "do meaning see also the terms "cuché, ciapé". In general see
you wanr any cherries?". Note that : "da chèica part " or also the term "cujì ".
"an chèich pòst" are translated into "somewhere" cheuir - n. m. (pr. \ k[oe]'ir \) Inv. at plr. - leather. See also the
or"anywhere". In the same way we have "chèica còsa" term "coram".
(that can be also "cheicòs, cheicòsa") which is translated cheuit - 1) - adj. (pr. \ k'[oe]it \) Ms. plr. cheuit - fm. sng. and
into "something", then "chèich vira" which is translated plr. cheuita, cheuite. - 1) - cooked, done. - 2) - in love,
into "sometime", then "an chèich manera" that can be infatuated (in a fig. sense). - 3) - exhausted (sport) (in a
translated into "somehow" etc. - See also the terms "chèica, fig. sense). - 4) - drunk (in a fig. sense). See also the term
quàich, quàica, quèich". "cheugn 1)". Sometimes this term is also used for p. p. of
cheicòs - indf. prn. - (pr. \ kæic'oz \) Only sng. and inv. at fm. - the vrb "cheuse" "to cook" (see the term) but the correct
something. anything. See also the terms "chèicòsa, p. p. of this vrb is "cosù, cheusù ".
quaicòs, quaicòsa". cheuit - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ k'[oe]it \) Inv. at plr. - 1) brick. - 2) -
cheicòsa - indf. prn. - (pr. \ kæic'oz \) - See cheicòs. "terra cotta". In this meaning see also the term
cheicun - indf. prn. (pr. \ kæic'[ue][ng] \) - See cheidun. "teracheuita". - 3) - brickwork. - 4) - hide-and-seek (a
cheidun - indf. prn. (pr. \ kæid'[ue][ng] \) Only sng. At fm. children play). For this meaning see also the term "cheugn
cheidun-a. - someone, somebody, anyone, anybody. See 2)".
also the terms "quaidun, cheicadun, cheicun, quaicadun, cheuita - n. f. (pr. \ k'[oe]it& \) At plr. cheuite. - 1) - cooking,
queidun, queicadun". baking. - 2) - batch. - 3) - infatuation (in a fig. sense). - 4)
chèina - n. f. (pr. \ k'æin& \) At plr. chèine. - fireplace chain. - drunkenness. Not very used in this sense, see instead the
See also the term "chen-a" and the loc. "caden-a da feu". most common terms "cioca, piomba, etc."
chenché - n. m. (pr. \ kæin[ch]'e \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - oil lamp cheur - n. m. (pr. \ k'[oe]r \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - heart. - 2) -
with more than one light. - 2) - chandelier with more heart, centre. Some loc. using this word : - A) - "avèj
than one bulb. See also the term "chinché ". cheur" "to have a kind heart" and also "to have courage".
chen-a - n. f. (pr. \ k'æ[ng]& \) - See chèina. - B) - "avèj a cheur, pijé a cheur" "to care, to take st. to

heart". - C) - "con mal al cheur" or "dë stracheur" chërdensin - n. m. (pr. \ k&rdæ[ng]s'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - small
"unwillingly, reluctantly". - D) - "perde 'l cheur" "to lose sideboard, small cupboard.
heart, to get discouraged ". etc. chërdenson - adj. and n. (pr. \ k&rdæ[ng]s'u[ng] \) Ms. plr.
cheurve - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ k'[oe]rve \) - 1) - to cover, to chërdenson - fm. sng. and plr. chërdenson-a,
cover up. - 2) - to conceal, to hide. - See also the terms chërdenson-e. - 1) - credulous, naïve, gullible (adj.). - 2) -
"quaté, curvì ". gull, sucker (sbsr.).
cheuse - vrb 2nd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ k'[oe]ze \) - 1) - to cook, chërdent - n. and adj. (pr. \ k&rd'ænt \) Ms. plr. chërdent - fm.
to cook up (trs.). In this sense the idiomatic vrbl. loc. "fé sng. and plr. chërdenta, chërdente. - 1) - believing (adj.).
andé " lit. "to make go" is very used. - 2) - to bake, to - 2) - believer (sbst.). At ms. plr. also "the faithful ". See
fire, to klink (trs.). - 3) - to burn (trs. and int.) (in a fig. also the term "credent".
sense). It uses in any case the aux. "avèj". chërdìbil - adj. (pr. \ k&rd'ibil \) Ms. plr. chërdìbij - fm. sng.
cheussa - n. f. (pr. \ k'[oe]s& \) At plr. cheusse. - 1) - thigh and plr. chërdìbil, chërdìbij. - 1) - credible, believable. -
(anatomy). - 2) - hind leg, leg, haunch (cooking). - 3) - 2) - trustworthy, reliable. See also the term "credìbil ".
hauch, abutment (buildings) - 4) - jaws (mechanics). chërdibilità - n. f. (pr. \ k&rdibilit'& \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
cheuv - n. m. (pr. \ k'[oe]u \) Inv. at plr. - sheaf (agriculture). credibility. - 2) - reliability.
See also the terms "giavela, gerba". chërdo - n. m. (pr. \ k'&rdu \) - See credo.
cheuva - n. f. (pr. \ k'[oe]v& \) At plr. cheuve. - 1) - thatched chërdse - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ k'&rdse \) - to consider
roof. - 2) - sheaf of straw for covering roofs. - 2) - straw oneself, to belive oneself (to be ...), to think (one is...).
mat. - 3) - straw couch. chërdulità - n. f. (pr. \ k&rd[ue]lit'& \) Inv. at plr. - credulity.
chëccàire - n. and adj. (pr. \ k&cc'&ire \) Ms. plr. chëccàire - See also the terms "chërdansa, chërdensarìa, bonomerìa,
fm. sng. and plr. chëccàira, chëccàire. - 1) - stammerer, credulità".
stutterer (sbst.). - 2) - stammering, stuttering. See also chërmesin - n. m. and adj. (pr. \ k&rmez'i[ng] \) - See
the terms "cëccàire , chëcchèire". chermisin. 1) and 2).
chëcché - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ k&kk'e \) - to stammer, chërmisin - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ k&rmiz'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. (if any) -
to stutter (trs. and int.). See also the terms "cachëzzé, crimson (colour). See also the term "chermis , crémes,
chëcchëzzé, chëcchësé, cahëtté ". - It uses always the aux. crémis".
"avèj". chërmisin - 2) - adj. (pr. \ k&rmiz'i[ng] \) Ms. plr. chermisin -
chëcchèire - n. and adj. (pr. \ k&cc'æire \) - See chëccàire. fm. sng. and plr. chermisin-a, chermisin-e. - crimson. See
chëcchësé - vrb1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ k&kk&z'e \) - See also the term "chërmis".
chëcché. chërpa - n. f. (pr. \ k'&rp& \) At plr. chërpe. - 1) - crack, cleft,
chëcchësìa - (pr. \ k&kk&z'i& \) At plr. (if any) chëcchësìe. - crevice, chink, fissure. See also the terms "chërpadura,
stammer, stutter. chërpura, chërpassura". - 2) - crevasse. See also the terms
chëcchëssìa - indf. prn. (pr. \ k&kk&s'i& \) - See chicassìa. "chërpass, chërvass".
chëcchëzzé - vrb1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ k&kk&zz'e \) - See chërpacheur - n. m. (pr. \ k&rp&c'[oe]r \) Inv. at plr. -
chëcché. heartbreak, broken heart.
chërdansa - n. f. (pr. \ k&rd'&[ng]s& \) - See chërdensa. chërpadura - n. f. (pr. \ k&rp&d'[ue]r& \) - See chërpa.
chërdanson - n. and adj. (pr. \ k&rd&[ng]s'u[ng] \) Ms. plr. chërpairon - n. (pr. \ k&rp&ir'u[ng] \) Ms. plr. cherpairon -
chërdanson - fm. sng. and plr. chërdanson-a, fm. sng. and plr. cherpairon-a, cherpairon-e. - great
chërdanson-e. - 1) - gull, sucker (sbst.). - 2) - credulous, eater, who eats fit to burst.
naïve, gullible. See also the term "credulon". chërpandù - n. m. (pr. \ k&rp&nd'[ue] \) - See carpendù.
chërde - 1) - vrb 2nd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ k'&rde \) - 1) - to chërpapansa (a ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ & k&rp&p'&[ng]s& \) - fit
believe (trs. and int.). - 2) - to believe, to trust. - 3) - to to burst. In the loc. "mangé a chërpapansa" "to eat fit to
think, to believe, to consider. - 4) - to suppose, to burst".
assume. - See also the terms "crèje, crëdde". It always uses chërpass - n. m. (pr. \ k&rp'&s \) Inv. at plr. - crevasse. See
the aux. "avèj". - Some idiomatic expressions using this also the terms "chërpa, chërpura, chërvass".
word : - A) - "dé da chërde" lit. "to give to believe" "to chërpassé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ k&rp&s'e \) - to chap, to
tell (st.) as it were true, to deceive". - B) - "chërde che 'd cause to crack, to cleave.
nò" lit. "to think that of not" "not to think so". ; "i chërpassésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ k&rp&s'ese \) - to chap,
chërdo che 'd nò" "I don't think so". - C) - "chërde che 'd to crack (the meaning is int.).
sì" lit. "to think that of yes" "to think so". ; "i chërdo chërpassura - n. f. (pr. \ k&rp&s'[ue]r& \) At plr. chërpassure.
- crack, cleft, crevice, chink, fissure. See also "chërpura,
che 'd sì" "I think so". - D) - "com it chërde" lit. "as you
chërpadura, chërpa".
think " "as you like". - E) - "chërde (a quaidun) an sla
chërpé - vrb 1st con. int. and trs. (pr. \ k&rp'e \) - 1) - to crack,
paròla " lit. "to believe (to sb.) on the word " "to take to split, to break (int.). - 2) - to burst (int.) (fig. jocular) -
(sb.'s) word for it ". - F) - "i lo chërdo bin!" lit. "I believe 3) - to die (int.) (fig. vulgar) ("to kick the bucket, to give up
it well! " "I should think so! ". - G) - "chërde bin" lit. the ghost "). - 4) - to crack (trs.). The action of cracking st.
"to think well" "to think it best". - Some idiomatic expressions : - A) - "nen dì "chërpa"! "
chërde - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ k'&rde \) Inv. at plr. (if any) - 1) - lit. "not (even) to say "die"! " "not to answer at all, not to
belief. - 2) - judgement, opinion. See also the terms thank at all, to show a complete indifference". - B) -
"crèje, crëdde". "chërpé dal rije" "to burst one's sides with laughter". - C)
chërdensa - n. f. (pr. \ k&rd'æ[ng]s& \) At plr. chërdense. - 1) -
- "chërpé 'd salute" "to be bursting with health ". When
sideboard, kitchen dresser, kitchen cabinet, cupboard.
int. it uses the aux. "esse". When trs. it uses the aux. "avèj".
Not very used in this sense. See also the term "bufé ". - 2) -
chërpésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ k&rp'e \) - to crack (int.
belief, faith, credence. - 3) - opinion, judgment. - 4) -
credit (finance). See also the terms "chërdansa, credensa".
chërpo - n. m. (pr. \ k'&rpu \) Inv. at plr. - hornbeam (botany -
chërdensarìa - n. f. (pr. \ k&rdæ[ng]s&r'i& \) At plr.
Carpinus betulus). See also the term "carpo".
chërdensarìe. - credulity. See also the terms "chërdansa,
chërpogn - adj. (pr. \ k&rp'u[gn] \) - See carpogn.
chërdulità, bonomerìa, credulità".
chërpolà - n. f. (pr. \ k&rpul'& \) Inv. at plr. - avenue of
hornbeams, hedge of hornbeams.

chërpura - n. f. (pr. \ k&rp'[ue]r& \) - See chërpa. - 2) - anybody, anyone. See also the terms "chissëssìa,
chërsativ - 1) - agg. - (pr. \ k&rs&t'iu \) Ms. plr. chërsativ - fm. chiònque, qualonque", and the loc. "a-i fà nen chi " (lit.
sng. and plr. chërsativa, chërsative. - augmentative. "it doesn't matter who"). The idea contained in this word,
chërsativ - 2) - n. m. - (pr. \ k&rs&t'iu \) Inv. at plr. - when rel. indf. prn., is often more close to the expression
augmentative. "whoever he/she/it is "at sng., and "whoever they are " at
chërse - vrb 2nd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ k'&rse \) - 1) - to grow plr. In this case often this prn. is followed by "che", still
up, to grow (int.). - 2) - to rise (int.). - 3) - to add on (int.). with a function of rel. prn. We underline that the addition
- 4) - to rear, to bring up (trs.) (e. g. children). - 5) - to of a pleonastic "che" is quite frequent in Piedm. -
raise, to increase, to advance (trs.) (e. g. taxes). 1) - to Examples : - A) - "chicassìa ch'a ven-a dìje dë spetéme"
develop, to expand (often in the expression "fé chërse" "whoever comes tell him to wait for me". - B) - "mandlo a
lit. "to make expand, to make develop". - See also the term chicassia ch'it conosse" "send it to whomever you know".
"aumenté ". When int. it uses the aux. "esse". When trs. it - C) - "chicassìa 'd voiàutri che a l'é nen dacòrdi a l'ha
uses the aux. "avèj". See also the term "crësse". mach d'andé via" "whichever of you does not agree has
chërsensa - n. f. (pr. \ k&rs'æns& \) At plr. chërsense. - 1) - just to go away". - D) - "chicassìa a l'é bon a félo"
type of fermented and baked cake. For this meaning see "anybody is able to do it ".
also the term "chërsenta". - 2) - growth. - 3) - increase, chìchera - n. f. (pr. \ k'iker& \) At plr. chìchere. - cup (usually
rise. For the meanings 2) and 3) see also the term a precious one). A way of saying : "butésse an chìchere"
"chërsùa". lit. "to put oneself in cups" "to dress oneself up
chërsent - n. m. (pr. \ k&rs'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - yeast, leaven. carefully".
See also the term "alvà ". - 2) - pruning-hook. See also the chichirichì - excl. and n. (pr. \ k'ikirik'i \) In any case inv. -
terms "ronca, fausset". cockadoodledoo (excl.), cockcrow (sbst.).
chërsent - adj. (pr. \ k&rs'ænt \) Ms. plr. chërsent - fm. sng. chichirié - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ kikiri'e \) - to crow. See also
and plr. chërsenta, chërsente. - 1) - growing. - 2) - the term "chirichirié ".
waxing (moon). chièl - prs. prn. ms. (pr. \ ki'æl \) 3rd prs. sng. At fm chila. - he,
chërsenta - n. f. (pr. \ k&rs'ænt& \) At plr. chërsente. - type of him (fm. she, her). See also the fm. term "chila". This
fermented and baked cake. See also the term "chërsensa" word is the same for subject and complement. As a subject
1st meaning. before the vrb. this prn. can be expressed or understood,
chërson - n. m. (pr. \ k&rs'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - watercress but the vrb requires the vrbl. prs. prn. which is "a" for the
(botany - Nasturtium officinale). - 2) - garden cress 3rd sng. prs. (not at the imperative -see grammar-).
(botany - Lepidium sativum). Examples : - A) - "he comes" "chièl a ven" or "a ven" but
chërsùa - n. f. (pr. \ k&rs'[ue] & \) At plr. chërsùe. - 1) - not "chièl ven" that would be a bad mistake. - B) - "this is
growth. - 2) - increase, rise. See also the term
for him" "sòn a l'é për chièl ".
"chërsensa". 2nd abd 3rd meanings.
chièl-là - dem. prn. (pr. \ ki'æl l'& \) This term is only ms. sng.
chërzà - n. f. (pr. \ k&rz'& \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - roadway,
For ms plr. see the term "lor-là", for fm. sng and plr. see
carriageway. - 2) - rut, wheel track. - 3) - track, tread,
rspy. the terms "chila-là, lor-là". - that one (referred to a
gauge. - 4) - right way, right walk (in a fig. sense). See
person) , that man. It is used (as a preference) for
also the terms "carsà, carzà".
indicating a person far from both the speaker and the
chi - 1) - rel. prn. (pr. \ ki \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - who, he
listener. The idea understood by this expression is "that
who, the man who, she who, the woman who, they, who,
man, that fellow". Example : "i l'hai parlaje, ma chièl-là
etc. (subject.) .- 2) - whom, him whom, the man who, her
am ëscotava gnanca" "I have spoken to him, but that
whom, the woman whom, them whom, etc.
(complement). - Examples : -A) - "chi a dis lòn a l'ha capì man didn't even listen to me".
chièl-lì - dem. prn. (pr. \ ki'æl l'i \) This term is only ms. sng.
gnente" " (the person) who says that haven't understood
For ms plr. see the term "lor-lì", for fm. sng and plr. see
anything". - B) - "I lo dago a chi veui mì" "I give it to
rspy. the terms "chila-lì, lor-lì". - that one, this one
whom I want ". - C) - "a lo dis a chi a intra" "he tells it (referred to a person), this man. It is used (as a preference)
to them who come in". for indicating a person far from the speaker and close to the
chi - 2) - rel. indf. prn. (pr. \ ki \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - listener.
someone who, some who, anyone who, whoever, etc. - 2) chiel-sì - dem. prn. (pr. \ ki'æl s'i \) This term is only ms. sng.
- whom ever, anyone whom, etc. - Examples : -A) - "chi a For ms plr. see the term "lor-sì", for fm. sng and plr. see
lo veul a peul pijélo" = "whoever wants it can take it". - B) rspy. the terms "chila-sì, lor-sì". - this one (referred to a
- "contla a chi 't veule, ma nen a mi" "tell it whom ever person) , this man. It is used (as a preference) for
you want, but not me". indicating a person close to both the speaker and the
chi - 3) - rel. interr. prn. (pr. \ ki \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - listener.
who. - 2) - whom. - 3) - which. - Examples : -A) - "chi a chiét - adj. (pr. \ ki'et \) - See chét.
veul andé ? " "who wants to go? ". - B) - "ëd chi it parle chiete - n. f. (pr. \ ki'ete \) Inv. at plr. - quiet, quietness, calm,
? " "whom are you speaking about? ". - C) - "chi 'd stillness, tranquillity, peace. See also the term
vouàutri a và?" "which of you goes? ". "chietëssa".
chi (ëd ---) - rel. prn. genitive (pr. \ &d ki \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. chieté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ kiet'e \) - See cheté.
- whose. - Examples : - A) - "ëd chi a l'é sto lìber?". - B) - chietëssa - n. f. (pr. \ kiet'&ss& \) - See chiete.
"i seu pròpi nen ëd chì a peussa esse" "I really don't chìfel - n. m. (pr. \ k'ifæl \) At plr. chifej - croissant, crescent-
know whose it can be". shaped pastry. See also the term "chìfer".
chiasm - n. m. (pr. \ ki'&zm \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - chiasmus chìfer - n. m. (pr. \ k'ifær \) - See chìfel.
(rhetoric). - 2) - chiasma (anatomy). See also the term chila - prs. prn. fm. (pr. \ k'il& \) 3rd prs. sng. At ms chèl. - she,
"ciasm". her (ms. he, him). See also the ms. term "chièl". This word
chica - n. f. (pr. \ k'ic& \) At plr. chiche. - sweet, sweetie. is the same for subject and complement. As a subject
chicassìa - indf. prn. (pr. \ kic&s'i& \) Ms. plr. chicassìo - fm. before the vrb. this prn. can be expressed or understood,
sng. and plr. chicassìa, chicassìo. - 1) - whoever, anyone but the vrb requires the vrbl. prs. prn. which is "a" for the
who, whomever, anyone who, whichever (of them) (rel.). 3rd sng. prs. (not at the imperative -see grammar-).

Examples : - A) - "she comes" "chila a ven" or "a ven" chilòlit - n. m. (pr. \ kil'olit \) - See chilolìter.
but not "chila ven" that would be a bad mistake. - B) - "this chilòmetro - n. m. (pr. \ kil'ometrô \) - See chilométer.
is for her" "sòn a l'é për chila". chim - n. m. (pr. \ kim \) Inv. at plr. - chyme (physiology).
chila-là - dem. prn. (pr. \ k'il& l'& \) This term is only fm. sng. chimera - n. f. (pr. \ kim'er& \) At plr. chimére. - 1) -
For fm plr. see the term "lor-là", for ms. sng and plr. see chimaera (mythology). - 2) - fancy, illusion, dream (in a
rspy. the terms "chièl-là, lor-là". - that one (referred to a fig. sense).
person) , that woman. It is used (as a preference) for chimeré - vrb 1st con.trs. and int. (pr. \ kimer'e \) - 1) - to
indicating a person far from both the speaker and the dream about (trs.). - 2) - to day-dream (int.).
listener. Example : "i l'hai parlaje, ma chila-là am chimérich - adj. (pr. \ kim'eric \) Ms. plr. chimérich - fm. sng.
ëscotava gnanca" "I have spoken to her, but that woman and plr. chimérica, chimériche. - chimerical, unreal,
didn't even listen to me". visionary, dreamlike.
chila-lì - dem. prn. (pr. \ k'il& l'i \) This term is only fm. sng. chìmica - n. f. (pr. \ k'imic& \) At plr. (if any) chìmiche. -
For fm plr. see the term "lor-lì", for ms. sng and plr. see chemistry.
rspy. the terms "chièl-lì, lor-lì". - that one, this one chìmich - adj. and n. (pr. \ k'imic \) Ms. plr. chìmich - fm. sng.
(referred to a person), this woman. It is used (as a and plr. chìmica, chìmiche. - 1) - chemical (adj.). - 2) -
preference) for indicating a person far from the speaker and chemist (sbst.).
close to the listener. chimiché - vrb vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ kimik'e \) - to analyze the
chila-sì - dem. prn. (pr. \ k'il& s'i \) This term is only fm. sng. chemical composition.
For fm plr. see the term "lor-sì", for ms. sng and plr. see chimificassion - n. f. (pr. \ kimific&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
rspy. the terms "chièl-sì, lor-sì". - this one (referred to a chymification (physiology).
person) , this woman. It is used (as a preference) for chimifiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ kimifik'e \) - to chymify.
indicating a person close to both the speaker and the chimòno - n. m. (pr. \ kim'onô \) Inv. at plr. - kimono.
listener. chin - adj. (pr. \ ki[ng] \) Ms. plr. chìn - fm. sng. and plr. chìn-
chilìfer - adj. (pr. \ kil'ifær \) Ms. plr. chilìfer - fm. sng. and a, chìn-e. - lowered, bowed, bent. See also the terms
plr. chilìfera, chilìfere. - chyliferous (physiology). "chinà, cin". An idiomatich expression : "andé a chin" lit.
chilifiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ kilifik'e \) - to chylify "to go to bowed " "to go with one's head lowered ".
(physiology). china - n. f. (pr. \ k'in& \) At plr. (when applicable) chine. - 1)
chilo... - 1) - prefix. (pr. \ k'ilu \) - kilo... Multiple of a unit of - slope, declivity, descent - 2) - cinchona (botany -
measure (1000 times). In the following we report some Cinchona). - 3) - "china" (liquor) - 4) - Indian ink . For
units making use of this prefix. this meaning see also the loc. "inciòstr ëd china". - - For all
chilo - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ k'ilu \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - chyle the meanings see also the term "chin-a".
(physiology). - 2) - short for kilogram. See also the term chinà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ kin'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1)
"chilograma". lowered, bowed. - 2) - containing cinchona.
chiloamper - n. m. (pr. \ kilu&mp'ær \) Inv. at plr. - chinada - n. f. (pr. \ kin'&d& \) At plr. chinade. - curvature,
kiloampere. Also in the spelling "chiloampere". bending. See also the terms "chinadura, chinura".
chiloampere - n. m. (pr. \ kilu&mp'ær \) - See chiloamper. chinadura - n. f. (pr. \ kin&d'[ue]r& \) At plr. chinadure. - 1)
chilocalorìa - n. f. (pr. \ kiluc&lur'i& \) At plr. chilocalorìe. - - curvature, bending. See also the terms "chinada,
kilocalorìe (heat). chinura". - 2) - the operation of putting inside cinchona
chilocìclo - n. m. (pr. \ kilu[ch]'iclô \) Inv. at plr. - kilocycle flavour. (e. g. in the wine).
(frequency). The inv. at plr. is as for rule, but sometimes chincajarìa - n. f. (pr. \ ki[ng]k&y&r'i& \) At plr. chincajarìe.
the plr. "chilocicli" is found as an italianism. See also the - trinkets, kinckknacks. See also the term "ghingajarìa".
term "chilohèrtz". chinché - n. m. (pr. \ ki[ng]k'e \) - See chenché.
chiloeletronvòlt - n. m. (pr. \ kilueletrunv'olt ) Inv. at plr. - chine - n. m. (pr. \ k'ine \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - set of five numbers
kiloelectronvolt (energy). played (lotto). - 2) - winning line. See also the term
chilograma - n. m. (pr. \ kilugr'&ma \) Inv. at plr. - kilogram. "chìnes".
(mass). See also the term "chilo 2)". chiné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ kin'e \) - to bend, to bow, to
chilohèrtz - n. m. (pr. \ kilu'ærs \) - See chilociclo. lower.
chiloòhm - n. m. (pr. \ kilu'om \) - See chiloòm. chìnes - n. m. (pr. \ k'inez \) - See chine.
chilolìter - n. m. (pr. \ kilui'itær \) Inv. at plr. - kiloliter chinésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ kin'ese \) - 1) - to stoop down,
(volume, capacity). See also the term "chilòlit". to bow, to bend down. - 2) - to submit, to give in (in a
chilométer - n. m. (pr. \ kilum'etær \) Inv. at plr. - kilometre, fig. sense).
kilometer. (length, distance). See also the term chinet - n. m. (pr. \ kin'æt \) Inv. at plr. - a variety of sour
"chilòmetro". orange (botany - Citrus aurantium myrtifolia). Both tree
chilometragi - n. m. (pr. \ kilumetr'&ji \) Inv. at plr. - distance and fruit. See also the most common term "chinòt".
in kilometres. chinin - n. m. (pr. \ kin'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. (if any) - quinine
chilométrich - adj. (pr. \ kilum'etric \) Ms. plr. chilométrich - (pharmacy).
fm. sng. and plr. chilométrica, chilométriche. - 1) - chinin-a - n. f. (pr. \ kin'i[ng]& \) At plr. (if any) chinin-e. -
kilometrical, kilometric. - 2) - never ending, quinine (chemistry).
interminable (in a fig. sense). chinòt - n. m. (pr. \ kin'ot \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - a variety of sour
chiloòm - n. m. (pr. \ kilu'om \) Inv. at plr. - kiloohm orange (botany - Citrus aurantium myrtifolia). Both tree
(electrical resitence). and fruit. See also the term "chinet". - 2) - "chinotto" (soft
chiloton - n. m. (pr. \ kilut'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - kiloton drink flavoured with sour orange).
(energy) chintan-a - n. f. (pr. \ kint'&[ng]& \) At plr. chintan-e. - 1) -
chilovat - n. m. (pr. \ k'iluv&t \) - Inv. at plr. - kilowatt narrow lane between houses. 2) - quintain. In this sense
(power). see also the term "quintan-a".
chilovatora. - n. m. (pr. \ kiluv&t'ur& \) - Inv. at plr - chinura - n. f. (pr. \ kin'[ue]r& \) - See chinadura.
kilowatt-hour. (energy). chin-a - n. f. (pr. \ k'i[ng]& \) - See china.
chilovòlt - n. m. (pr. \ kiluv'olt \) Inv. at plr. - kilovolt. chionque - 1) - indf. rel. prn. (pr. \ ki'u[ng][qu]e \) Inv. in gnd.
(electrical potential). and nr. (vrb at sng.) - 1) - whoever, anybody who, anyone

who. (as subject). - 2) - whomever, anyone whom (as a chistoné - vrb 1st con int. and trs. (pr. \ kistun'e \) - 1) - to
complement). - 3) - whichever. See also the terms make a quest, to collect alms. (int.). - 2) - to beg (trs. and
"chicassìa, chissëssìa, qualonque". int.) It always uses the aux. "avèj ". See also the term
chionque - 2) - indf. prn. (pr. \ ki'u[ng][qu]e \) Inv. in gnd. and "quistoné ".
nr. (vrb at sng.) - 1) - anyone, anybody. - 2) - whosever chiston-a - n. f. (pr. \ kist'u[ng]& \) - See chistonagi.
(genitive possessive). chistonèire - n. and adj. (pr. \ kistun'æire \) - See chistonàire.
chiòsch - n. m. (pr. \ ki'osc \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - stall, stand, chit - adj. (pr. \ kit \) Ms. plr. chit - fm. sng. and plr. chita,
kiosk. - 2) - newsstand. - 3) - refreshment booth. See chite. - acquitted, absolved, liberated, set free, relieved.
also the terms "casòt, baracòt , edìcola". The expression "fé chit" means "to square accounts, to
chiòstr - n. m. (pr. \ ki'ostr \) Inv. at plr. - cloister. See also the settle old scores, to close the question ".
terms "clàustr, convent ", and the loc. "pòrti dël convent". chitansa - n. f. (pr. \ kit'&[ng]s& \) At plr. chitanse. - receipt,
chiri - n. m. (pr. \ k'iri \) Inv. at plr. - overcoat, loose hooded quittance, acquittance. See also the terms "quitansa,
overcoat. See also the term "chirich". chietansa, quietansa".
chìrich - n. m. (pr. \ k'iric \) - See chiri. chitansé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ [qu]iet&[ng]s'e \) - to redeipt.
chirichirié - See chichirié. See also the terms "quitansé, chietansé, quietansé ".
chirie - n. m. (pr. \ k'irie \) Inv. at plr. (if any). - kyrie (derived chitara - n. f. (pr. \ kit'&r& \) At plr. chitare. - guitar. See also
from latin mass) used in the idiomatic expression "esse al the term "ghitara", and the slang jocular term "froja". The
chirie" having value of "to be pennyless" , "to be at the expression "graté la chitara" correspons to the english "to
end". scrape the guitar".
chiriela - n. f. (pr. \ kiri'el& \) At plr. chiriele. - slowness, chitaré - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ kit&r'e \) - 1) - to play guitar. -
prolixity. 2) - to flatter (in a fig. sense). In this last meaning it can be
chirografari - adj. (pr. \ kirugr&f'&ri \) Ms. plr. chirografari - also trs. It uses always the aux. "avèj ".
fm. sng. and plr. chirografària, chirografàrie. - chitarin - n. m. (pr. \ kit&r'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - small guitar,
chirographary. lute. (lit. meaning). A way of saying "rompe ij chitarin"
chiromansìa - n. f. (pr. \ kirum&[ng]s'i& \) At plr. lit. "to break the small guitars" "to annoy, to irritate",
chiromansìe. - palmistry, fortune-telling, chiromancy. that makes an unpolite reference to "testicles".
chiromant - n. (pr. \ kirum'&nt \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - chitarista - n. (pr. \ kit&r'ist& \) Ms. plr. chitarista - fm. sng.
palmist, fortune-teller, chiromancer. and plr. chitarista, chitariste. - guitarist, guitar player.
chiromàntich - adj. (pr. \ kirum'&ntic \) Ms. plr. chitaron - n. m. (pr. \ kit&r'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - big guitar,
chìromantich - fm. sng. and plr. chìromantica, big lute.
chìromantiche. - chiromantical, chiromantic. chité - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ kit'e \) - 1) - to stop, to cease, to
chiropràtica - n. f. (pr. \ kirupr'&tic& \) At plr. (if any) leave off, to discontinue, to give up. - 2) - to leave, to
chiropràtiche. - chiropractic (medical). abandon, to desert. In some cases the meaning can be int.
chiropràtich - n. (pr. \ kirupr'&tic \) Ms. plr. chiropràtich - : e. g. "it has stopped raining " "a l'ha chità 'd pieuve"
fm. sng. and plr. chiropràtica, chiropràtiche. - (The aux. is always "avèj").
chiropractor. chitésse - vrb 1st con. recp. (pr. \ kit'ese \) - to leave each
chirògrafo - n. m. (pr. \ kir'ogr&fô \) Inv. at plr. - chirograph. other, to separate.
chirògrafon - n. m. (pr. \ kir'ogr&fu[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - chi-viv! - excl. (pr. \ kiv'iu \) - halt there!, who lives!, who is!.
chirograph. The expression "sté an sël chi-viv" means "to be on the
chiròter - n. m. (pr. \ kir'otær \) Inv. at plr. - chiropters look-out ".
(zoology - Chiroptera), chiropteran. cià! - excl. (pr. \ [ch]i'& \) - come on!, come now!. See also the
chirurgh - n. (pr. \ kir'[ue]rg \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. (always term "sà ".
ms.) - surgeon (medical). See also the term "sirògi, ciabaleri - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i&b&l'eri \) Inv. at plt. - 1) - old
chirurgi, sirògich". ruined house. - 2) - old object out of order. See also the
chirurgìa - n. f. (pr. \ kir[ue]rj'i& \) At plr. chirurgìe. - term "tabaleuri".
surgery (medicine). See also the term "sirusìa, sirogìa". ciaborna - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i&b'urn& \) At plr. ciaborne. - poor
chirùrgich - adj. (pr. \ kir'[ue]rjic \) Ms. plr. chirùrgich - fm. house, mean dwelling, hove. See also the term "caborna".
sng. and plr. chirùrgica, chirùrgiche. - surgical (medical). ciaboté - n. (pr. \ [ch]i&but'e \) Ms. plr. ciaboté - fm. sng. and
See also the term "sirògich ". plr. ciabotera, ciabotére. - hut-dweller, shanty-dweller,
chissà - adv. (pr. \ kis'& \) - 1) - who knows, heaven knows, I person who lives in a hovel.
wonder (wether). - 2) - maybe, perhaps, possibly. See ciabòt - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i&b'ot \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - hut, cabin. -
also the loc. "chi sà, chi lo sà ". 2) - hut, hovel. - 3) - alpine refuge. See also the terms
chissëssìa - indf. rel. prn. (pr. \ kis&ss'i& \) - See chicassìa. "gaban-a, caban-a".
chista - n. f. (pr. \ k'ist& \) At plr. chiste. - quest, collection (of ciabra - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i'&br& \) At plr. ciabre. - rowdy and
alms). - See also the terms "chistonagi, quéstua, quiston-a". cheerful show. A way of saying : "fé la ciabra a quaidun"
chiston - 1) - n. and adj. (pr. \ kist'u[ng] \) Ms. plr. chiston - "to make a fool of sb. ".
fm. sng. and plr. chiston-a, chiston-e. - 1) - begging (adj.) ciabrissà - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i&bris'& \) Inv. at plr. - row,
- 2) - beggar (sbst.). See also the terms "chistonàire, hubbub, racket (in a cheerful style).
questuant, quiston". ciabrissé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ [ch]i&bris'e \) - to make a
chiston - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ kist'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - begging cheerful noise. It uses the aux. "avèj ".
friar. - 2) - lay brother. See also the terms "questuant, ciach - 1) - excl. (pr. \ [ch]i'&c \) - squash!, whack!, slap!.
quiston". ciach - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i'&c \) Inv. at plr. - clapper boards
chistonagi - n. m. (pr. \ kistun'&ji \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - begging. (cinema).
- 2) - collection (of alms). See also the terms "chista, ciach-ciach - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i&c[ch]i'&c \) - See coanèira.
chiston-a, quiston-a, quéstua". ciaciach - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i&[ch]i'&c \) - See coanèira.
chistonàire - n. and adj. (pr. \ kistun'&ire \) Ms. plr. chiston - ciaciara - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i&[ch]i'&r& \) At plr. ciaciare. - 1) -
fm. sng. and plr. chiston-a, chiston-e. - 1) - begging (adj.) chat, chatter, talk. - 2) - gossip, tale, rumor. - 3) -
- 2) - beggar (sbst.). See also the terms "chiston 1), loquacity.

ciaciarà - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i&[ch]i&r'& \) Inv. at plr. - chat, talk. ciaflassa - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i&fl'&s& \) At plr. ciaflasse. - 1) -
See also the terms "ciaciarada, ciacolada, ciapolada, chubby face, chubby cheeks. - 2) - very fat woman.
ciaramlà, ciaramlada.". ciaflassù - adj. (pr. \ [ch]i&fl&s'[ue] \) Ms. plr. ciaflassù - fm.
ciaciarada - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i&[ch]i&r'&d& \) - See ciaciarà. sng. and plr. ciaflassùa, ciaflassùe. - plump, chubby. See
ciaciaré - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ [ch]i&[ch]i&r'e \) - 1) - to talk, also the term "ciaflù"
to chat. - 2) - to gossip. - 3) - to chatter. It uses the aux. ciaflù - adl. (pr. \ [ch]i&fl'[ue] \) - See ciaflassù.
"avèj ". ciafri - n. m. plr. (pr. \ [ch]i'&fri \) Only plr. - 1) - little things,
ciaciaret - n. and adj. (pr. \ [ch]i&[ch]i&r'æt \) Ms. plr. little affairs. - 2) - kinckknacs, gimcracks. - 3) - noise,
ciaciaret - fm. sng. and plr. ciaciarëtta, ciaciarëtte. - 1) - racket.
chatterer, chatterbox (sbst.). - 2) - chattering, chatty ciafrogné - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ [ch]i&fru[gn]'e \) - 1) - to do
(adj.). See also the terms "ciaciarin, ciancet, ciancërlin". very little work. -2) - to work badly. -3) - to rummage,
Note the particular fm. to ransack (in a disordered way). - It uses the aux.
ciaciaricc - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i&[ch]i&r'i[ch] \) Inv. at plr. - "avèj".See also the terms "cianfrigné, cianfrogné,
chatter, chattering. cinfrogné".
ciaciarin - n. and adj. (pr. \ [ch]i&[ch]i&r'i[ng] \) Ms. plr. ciagoj - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i&g'uy \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - splashing of
ciaciarin - fm. sng. and plr. ciaciarin-a, ciaciarin-e. - 1) - a liquid in a container. - 2) - concoction, slop, watery
chatterer, chatterbox (sbst.). - 2) - chattering, chatty soup, dishwater. - 3) - intrigue, manoeuvre (in a fig.
(adj.). The loc. "passaròt ciaciarin" means both "twittering sense). - 4) - bungle, botch, mess. (in a fig. sense). See
sparrow" and "prattling child". also the terms "cëgoj, cigoj".
ciaciaron - n. and adj. (pr. \ [ch]i&[ch]i&r'u[ng] \) Ms. plr. ciagojà - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i&guy'& \) Inv. at plr. - shaking of a
ciaciaron - fm. sng. and plr. ciaciaron-a, ciaciaron-e. - 1) liquid. See also the term "cigojada, cëgojà, cëgojada,
- great talker, chatterbox (sbst.). - 2) - gossip (sbst.). - 3) cigojà, ciagojada".
- talkative (adj.). - 4) - gossipy (adj.). - In an ironic sense ciagojada - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i&guy'&d& \) - See ciagojà.
also : 5) - guide, cicerone (for assonance and for the job ciagojé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ [ch]i&guy'e \) - 1) - to
itself). In this sense see also the term "ciceron". See also shake a liquid in a container (trs.). - 2) - to wave (of
the terms "ciacolon, ciapolon, ciancion". liquids), to gurgle (int.). It uses the aux. "avèj". See also
ciaciarum - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i&[ch]i&r'[ue]m \) Inv. at plr. - the terms "cëgojé, cigojé ".
useless chattle, harmful gossip. ciàir - 1) - adj. (pr. \ [ch]i'&ir \) Ms. plr. ciàir - fm. sng. and
ciàcola - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i'&cul& \) - See ciàpola. plr. ciàira, ciàire. - 1) - clear, limpid. - 2) - light, pale. -
ciacolada - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i&cul'&d& \) - See ciapolada. 3) - bright. - 4) - clear, obvious. - See also the term "cèir
ciacolé - vrb 1st con int. (pr. \ [ch]i&cul'e \) - See ciapolé 1). 1)".
ciacolé - 2) - n. (pr. \ [ch]i&cul'e \) - See ciapolé 2). ciàir - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ [ch] i'&ir \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - brightness.
ciacolàire - n. (pr. \ [ch]i&cul'&ire \) - See ciapolé 2). - 2) - light. - 3) - lamp. (sometimes). - See also the term
ciacolon - n. and adj. (pr. \ [ch]i&cul'u[ng] \) - See "cèir 2)". The loc. "ciàir dl'euv" means "albumen, egg
"ciaciaron". white".
ciacotàire - n. (pr. \ [ch]i&cut'&ire \) Ms. plr. ciacotàire - fm. ciàir - 3) - adv. (pr. \ [ch]i'&ir \) - clearly. - See also the term
sng. and plr. ciacotàira, ciacotàire. - quarrelsome "cèir 3)".
person, mischief-maker, wrangler. See also the term ciàira - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i'&ir& \) At plr. ciàire. - In the loc.
"ciacotèire". "ciàira dl'euv" "egg white" (See also the loc. "ciàir
ciacoté - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ [ch]i&cut'e \) - to quarrel, to 'dl'euv").
bicker, to squabble. ciairél - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i&ir'el \) - See ciairet 1).
ciacotèire - n. (pr. \ [ch]i&cut'æire \) - See ciacotàire. ciairet - 1) - adj. (pr. \ [ch]i&ir'æt \) Ms. plr. ciairet - fm. sng.
ciacòt - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i&c'ot \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - altercation, and plr. ciairëtta, ciairëtte. - light, pale. (often referred to
wrangle, squabble, violent discussion. - 2) - brawl, the colour of wine). See also the term "ciaret ".
scuffle, riot. ciairet - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i&ir'æt \) Inv. at plr. - claret (type
ciadél - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i&d'el \) At plr. ciadéj. - This is a of wine). See also the terms "ciairëtta, picheta, ciairél".
particular word : - 1) - order, arrangement, care. (this is ciairëssa - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i&ir'&ss& \) At plr. ciairësse. -
the lit. meaning as used in the past, still present in some clearness, clarity, lucidity. See also the term "cèirëssa".
derived terms, but no more assigned to this term). - 2) - ciair-ëscur - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i&ir&sc'[ue]r \) Inv. at plr. - light
disorder, confusion, noise, clamour, racket. (this is the and shade, "chiaroscuro".
meaning nowadays commonly assigned to this term). ciairëtta - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i&ir'&tt& \)- See ciairet 1).
ciadeuvra - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i&d'[oe]vr& \) At plr. ciadeuvre ciairì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ [ch]i&ir'i \) - 1) - to make clear,
(but it can also be inv.). - 1) - masterpiece. - 2) - work to clarify. - 2) - to clear up, to explain. See also the most
used for testing the capabilities of an applicant worker. used term "s-ciairì".
See also the term "cap-lavor". ciairificador - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i&irific&d'ur \) Inv. at plr. -
ciadlant - n. and adj. (pr. \ [ch]i&dl'&nt \) Ms. plr. ciadlant - clarificant, clarifier, clarifying agent. See also the best
fm. sng. and plr. ciadlanta, ciadlante. - 1) - who takes term "s-ciairidor", and the term "ciarificador".
care of sb. or st. (sbst.). - 2) - solicitous, careful (adj.). ciairificant - n. and adj. (pr. \ [ch]i&irific'&nt \) Ms. plr.
ciadlé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ [ch]i&dl'e \) - 1) - to reorder, to ciairificant - fm. sng. and plr. ciairificanta, ciairificante. -
tidy up, to clean. - 2) - to take care. 1) - clarifier (sbst.). - 2) - clarifying (adj). See also the
ciafàud - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i&f'&ud \) Inv. at plr. - planking, best term "s-ciairent", and the term "ciarificant".
wooden floor. ciairificassion - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i&irific&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
ciafarìa - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i&f&r'i& \) At plr. ciafarìe. - thing, 1) - clarification. - 2) - explanation, clearing up (in a fig.
business, trouble, care. See also the term "faciarìa". sense). See also the best terms "s-ciairiment, s-ciairìa", and
ciafela - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i&f'el& \) At plr. ciafele. - 1) - cheek. - the term "ciarificassion".
2) - face, visage. See also the term "ciafërla". ciairifiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ [ch]i&irifik'e \) - 1) - to
ciafeu - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i&f'[oe] \) Inv. at plr - blackcap clarify. - 2) - to clear up, to explain (in a fig. sense). See
(zoology - Sylvia atricapilla). See also the term "ciafò". also the best term "s-ciairì", and the term "ciarifiché".
ciafërla - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i&f'&rl& \) - See ciafela.

ciairiment - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i&irim'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - ciàncher - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i'&nkær \) - See càncher.
explanation. clearing up. See also the most used term "s- ciancia - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i'&n[ch]i& \) At plr. ciance. - 1) -
ciairiment". talkativeness, loquacity. - 2) - tale, rumor, gossip,
ciairin - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i&ir'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - small light, useless talk (usually at plr.). - 3) - tale, nonsense. In this
small lamp, small candle. See also the term "cèirin". meaning see also the term "ciàpola". The expression "pòca
ciairìsse - vrb 3rd con. int., refl. and recp. (pr. \ [ch]i&ir'ise \) - ciancia " which lit. means "little loquacity" is used in
1) - to clear up (int. imp. - weather). - 2) - to become clear ironical sense for "great talker, chatterbox".
(refl. - e. g. to lose colour). - 3) - to explain each other cianciafrùscola - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i&n[ch]i&fr'[ue]scul& \) At
(recp.). - See also the most used term "s-ciairìsse". Having plr. cianciafrùscole or ciancefrùscole. - trifle, bagatelle,
a refl. form it uses the aux. "esse". mere nothing.
ciairor - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i&ir'ur \) Inv. at plr. - dim light, faint ciancion - n. & adj.(pr. \ [ch]i&n[ch]i'u[ng]\) Ms. plr. ciancion
light, glimmer. See also the term "ciairor". - fm. sng. and plr. ciancion-a, ciancion-e. - 1) - great
ciama - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i'&m& \) At plr. ciame. - call, roll call. talker, chatterbox (sbst.). - 2) - gossip (sbst.). - 3) -
See also the terms "ciamà, ciamada". talkative (adj.). - 4) - gossipy (adj.). See also the term
ciamà - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i&m'& \) Inv. at plr. - call, summons, "ciaciaron".
calling up. See also the terms "ciama, ciamada". ciancium . n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i&n[ch]i'[ue]m \ ) Only sng.,
ciamada - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i&m'&d& \) Inv. at plr. - call, collective sbst. - useless talks, chatters without a
summons, calling up. See also the terms "ciama, ciamà". meaning.
The expression "ciamada 'd tambron" means "roll of drums cianfrign - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i&nfr'i[gn] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
(e. g. for sounding the assembly - military)". rounding off, bevelment. (lit. meaning, not very used). -
ciambela - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i&mb'el& \) At plr. ciambele. - 1) - 2) - little and not important work. - 3) - disordered
ring-shaped cake, bun. - 2) - ring, hoop. (for example: ransacking. See also the terms "cianfrin,cianfrogn,
life ring, etc.) In general all what is ring-shaped and not too cinfrogn".
small. cianfrignada - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i&nfri[gn]'&d& \ ) At plr.
ciambërlan - n. (pr. \ [ch]i&mb&rl'&[ng] \) Ms. plr. cianfrignade. - 1) - bad work, work done half-heartedly.
ciambërlan - fm. sng. and plr. ciambërlan-a, ciambërlan- - 2) - disorder. - 3) - mess. See also the term
e. - 1) - chamberlain, steward. - 2) - fawning flatterer. "cianfrognada, cinfrognada".
(in a fig. sense). - See also the term "ciamblan". cianfrigné - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ [ch]i&nfri[gn]'e \ ) - 1) - to
ciambërlera - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i&mb&rl'er& \) At plr. work half-heartedly. - 2) - to be busy in a disordered
ciambërlere. - 1) - long leather whip in training horses. way. - 3) - to strive. - 4) - to search untidily, to
- 2) - lash. - See also the term "scorià ". rummage, to ransack. - 5) - to round off, to bevel. (lit.
ciambiron - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i&mbir'u[ng] \) - Inv. at plr. - old meaning). - It uses the aux. "avèj ". See also the terms
type of boot used on mountains. "ciafrogné, cianfrogné, cinfrogné".
ciamblan - n. (pr. \ [ch]i&mbl'&[ng] \) - See ciambërlan. cianfrignàire - n. (pr. \ [ch]i&nfri[gn]'&ire \ ) Ms. plr.
ciambran-a - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i&mbr'&[ng]& \) At plr. cianfrignàire - fm. sng. and plr. cianfrignàira,
ciambran-e. - 1) - jamb, door jamb, window jamb. - 2) - cianfrignàire. - 1) - fidget, little lively child. (referred to
sash. children) - 2) - muddler (referred to adults) See also the
ciambrea - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i&mbr'e& \) At plr. ciambrée. - 1) - term "cianfrognèire".
assembly, meeting, sitting. - 2) - brotherhood, club. cianfrignèire - n. (pr. \ [ch]i&nfri[gn]'æire \ ) - See
ciamé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ [ch]i&m'e \) - 1) - to call. - 2) - cianfrognàire.
to ask, to ask for. - 2) - to ask about, to inquire. - 3) - to cianfrogn - (pr. \ [ch]i&nfr'u[gn] \ ) - See cianfrign.
demand. cianfrognada - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i&nfru[gn]'&d& \ ) - See
ciamésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ [ch]i&m'ese \) - 1) - to be cianfrignada.
called. - 2) - to consider oneself, to count oneself, to call cianfrogné - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ [ch]i&nfru[gn]'e \ ) - See
oneself. - 3) - to wonder. cianfrigné.
ciampairé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ [ch]i&mp&ir'e \) - 1) - to put ciansa - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr. cianse. - 1) - way
to flight. - 2) - to drive away, to turn out. - See also the of living, way of behaving. - 2) - chance, occasion,
terms "s-ciampairé, sbërgiairé ". opportunity.
ciampanele (andé an ---) - vrbl. loc. (pr. \ &nd'e &[ng] ciansa (a ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ & [ch]i'&[ng]s& \ ) - in an
[ch]i&mp&n'ele \) - lit. meaning ="to go in(to) unforeseeable way.
ciampanéle" where the last term has not a precise ciao! - excl. - (pr. \ [ch]i'&u \ ) - hullo!, hi!, bye-bye!, so long!.
translation. The first meaning is "to lose one's mind " and See also the tyerm "ciàu! ".
the second meaning is "to lose one's temper". ciap - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i'&p \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - earthen pot,
ciamporgnin - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i&mpur[gn]'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - crock, earthenware of little value. - 2) - fragments,
piper. See also the term "sirimàire" and the loc. "sonador broken bits. A pair of ways of saying : -A) - "fé 'd ciap"
ëd ciampòrgna" or "sonador ëd sirimìa". "to break into pieces, to smash, to shatter". - B) - "rompe ij
ciampòrgna - n. f. . (pr. \ [ch]i&mp'or[gn]& \) At plr. ciap" lit. "to break earthenware" "to pester, to bother,
ciampòrgne. - 1) - bagpipes, pipe. See also the term to annoy ".
"zampòrgna, sirimìa, cirimìa, piva". - 2) - gossipy mean ciapa - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i'&p& \ ) At plr. ciape. - 1) - buttock
woman. (in a fig. sense). - 3) - trollop, harlot. (in a fig. (anatomy). In this meaning see also the term "naja". - 2) -
sense). part of st., piece, segment, slice, clove. E. g. "na ciapa 'd
ciancé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ [ch]i&n[ch]'e \) - to talk idly, to pom" "a slice of apple" ; "la ciapa dl'uss" "the leaf of
chatter, to chat, to gossip. It uses the aux. "avèj ". See the door".
also the term "ciaciaré ". ciapa-ciapa - n. and n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i'&p&[ch]i'&p& \ ) Inv. in
ciancet - n. and adj. (pr. \ [ch]i&n[ch]'æt \) - See ciaciarin. gnd. and nr. - 1) - swindle, fraud. - 2) - swindler,
ciancërlin - n. and adj. (pr. \ [ch]i&n[ch]&rl'i[ng] \) - See trickster. - 3) - brawl, scuffle. - 4) - policeman, bobby.
ciaciarin. The term is more or less always in a fig. sense, with two
ciancëtta - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i&n[ch]'&tt& \) At plr. ciancëtte. - different words of derivation : "ciapa" is a voice of the vrb
agreeable loquacity (usually referred to children). "ciapé" "to grasp", and "ciapa" is also "buttock".

ciapamenta - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i&p&m'ænt& \ ) At plr. (if any) plr.). - 3) - tale, nonsense, lie, fib. See also the term
ciapamente (but it can also be inv.). - 1) - crockery. - 2) - "ciàcola".
majolica. See also the term "ciaparìa". ciapolada - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i&pul'&d& \ ) At plr. ciapolade. -
ciapamosche - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i&p&m'uske \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - chat, talk. See also the terms "ciacolada, ciaciarada".
fly-catcher, fly-trap. - 2) - fly-swatter. - 3) - idler, ciapolàire - n. (pr. \ [ch]i&pul'&ire \ ) - See ciapolé 2).
lounger (in a fig. sense). In this meaning see also the term ciapolé - 1) - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ [ch]i&pul'e \ ) - to talk idly,
"ciapa-rat ", and it can be also fm. It is anyway inv. In to chatter. See also the terms "ciacolé, ciancé".
general see also the term "mangiamosche". ciapolé - 2) - n. (pr. \ [ch]i&pul'e \ ) Ms. plr. ciapolé - fm. sng.
ciapa-rat - n. (pr. \ [ch]i&p&r'&t \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. and plr. ciapolera, ciapolere. - gossip, tattler, magpie. -
(usually used at ms.) - 1) - idler, loafer, lounger. - 2) - 2) - chatterbox. -. 3) - braggart. - See also the terms
braggart, boaster. This term, used in a fig. sense, lit. "ciacolé, ciacolàire, ciapolàire, ciapoléire."
means : "mouse-catcher", and it is understood : "only able ciapolèire - n. (pr. \ [ch]i&pul'æire \ ) - See ciapolé 2).
for that job ". ciapolon - n. and adj. (pr. \ [ch]i&pul'u[ng]\) - Ms. plr.
ciaparìa - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i&p&r'i& \ ) - See ciapamenta. ciapolon - fm. sng. and plr. ciapolon-a, ciapolon-e. - 1) -
ciapass - n. and adj. (pr. \ [ch]i&p'&s \ ) Ms. plr. ciapass - fm. great talker, chatterbox (sbst.). - 2) - gossip (sbst.). - 3) -
sng. and plr. ciapassa, ciapasse. - 1) - coarse, rough (adj.). talkative (adj.). - 4) - gossipy (adj.). See also the terms
- 2) - rough fellow (sbst.). "ciacolon, ciaciaron".
ciapé - 1) - n. (pr. \ [ch]i&p'e \ ) Ms. plr. ciapé - fm. sng. and ciapon - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i&p'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - a quantity of
plr. ciapera, ciapere. - 1) - potter. - 2) - crockery-maker, skeins put together.
crockery-seller. ciapostràire - n. (pr. \ [ch]i&pustr'&ire \ ) Ms. plr.
ciapé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ [ch]i&p'e \ ) - 1) - to catch. - 2) - ciapostràire - fm. sng. and plr. ciapostràira, ciapostràire.
to seize, to grasp. In this sense see also the terms - muddler, bungler, botcher. See also the terms
"ambranché, branché". - 3) - to take. In this sense see also "ciapostrèire, ciapuss".
the term "pijé". - 4) - to reach, to overtake, to catch up. - ciapostré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ [ch]i&pustr'e \ ) - 1) - to
5) - to chtch, to surprise. In this sense see also the term work badly, to botch, to bungle. In this sense see also the
"cuché ". - 6) - to hit, to strike. In this sense see also the terms "ciapussè, ciapoté ". - 2) - to make confusion. - 3) -
term "colpì ". An idiomatich sentence "ciapé (quaidun) an to tell blunders.
sël lobiòt", lit. meaning "to catch sb. on the balcony", ciapostrèire - n. (pr. \ [ch]i&pustr'æire \ ) - See ciapostràire.
idiomatic meaning "to catch sb. on the act ". Another one : ciapostro - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i&p'ustru \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
"ciapé l'ors" lit. "to catch the bear" "to get drunk". clumsy piece of work, bungle, botch. - 2) - mess. - 3) -
ciapéje - vrb 1st con. trs. + prs. prn. (pr. \ [ch]i&p'eye \ ) - to be rambling speech.
beaten, to catch it. ciapoté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ [ch]i&put'e \ ) - 1) - to cut up,
ciapél - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i&p'el \ ) At plr. ciapéj. - 1) - slab of to shred, to mince. - 2) - to make st. badly. See also the
stone. - 2) - fragment, broken brick or stone See also the terms "ciaputé, ciapussé".
term "ciapela". ciapòira - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i&p'oir& \ ) At plr. ciapòire. - trap.
ciapela - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i&p'el& \ ) - See ciapél. See also the term "trabucet ".
ciapésse - vrb 1st con. refl. and recp. (pr. \ [ch]i&p'ese \ ) - 1) - ciapul - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i&p'[ue]l \ ) At plr. ciapuj. - minced
to catch (for oneself) (refl.). e. g. "to catch a cold" material (usually vegetables or meat). See also the term
"ciapésse n'anfreidor". - 2) - to come to blow, to set about "ciapulura".
each other. - 3) - to play tig "geughe a ciapésse". ciapulà - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i&p[ue]l'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - a
ciapëtta - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i&p'&tt& \ ) At plr. ciapëtte. - 1) - quantity of minced material (usually vegetables or meat).
patch. - 2) - temporary remedy (in a fig. sense). For both - 2) - the action of mincing. See also the term
the meanings see also the term "tacon". "ciapulàda".
ciapëtte - n. f. plr. (pr. \ [ch]i&p'&tte \ ) Only plr. - discord, ciapulada - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i&p[ue]l'&d& \ ) - See ciapulà.
disagreement. The loc. "vnì a ciapëtte" means "to pick a ciapulé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ [ch]i&p[ue]l'e \ ) - to mince, to
quarrel". chop, to cut up. See also the term "trié ".
ciapìa - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i&p'i& \ ) At plr. ciapìe. - wrapping of ciapulor - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i&p[ue]l'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
the cocoon. chopping-knife. - 2) - mincer, food chopper. In this
ciapin - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i&p'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - horse- meaning see also the terms "trior, triatut ".
shoe. (mule-shoe). - 2) - metal reinforcements under tips ciapulòira - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i&p[ue]l'oir& \ ) At plr. ciapulòire.
and heels of shoes (used once for protracting their - trencher, chopping board.
duration). - 3) - devil (in a fig. sense). ciapulura - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i&p[ue]l'[ue]r& \ ) - See ciapul.
ciapinabò - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i&pin&b'o \ ) Inv. at plr. - ciapuss - n. (pr. \ [ch]i&p'[ue]s \ ) - See ciapostràire.
Jerusalem artichoke, sunroot, sunchoke (botany - ciapussé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ [ch]i&p[ue]s'e \ ) - 1) - to
Helianthus tuberosus). See also the term "tapinabò ". work badly, to botch, to bungle. In this sense see also the
ciapiné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ [ch]i&pin'e \ ) - to shoe (horses), terms "ciapostré, ciapoté ". - 2) - to mince, to cut up.
to put horse-shoes to the horse (or mule). See also the ciaputé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ [ch]i&p[ue]t'e \ ) - See ciapoté.
vrbl. loc. "fré 'l caval" and "buté ij ciapin" ciarabesch - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i&r&b'æsc \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
ciapinésse - vrb 1st con. recp. (pr. \ [ch]i&pin'ese \ ) - to tangle, mess, nasty situation. - 2) - uproar, bustle. - 3) -
squabble, to bicker, to criticize each other. complex adornmen. - 4) - strange dress. See also the
ciapinàire - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i&pin'&ire \ ) Inv. at plr. - farrier, term "ciarabësca".
shoeing-smith (in an ironic or fig. sense). See also the ciarabësca - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i&r&b'&sc& \ ) - See ciarabesch.
terms "ciapinèire, feracaval ". ciarabësché - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ [ch]i&r&b&sk'e \ ) - 1) - to
ciapinèire - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i&pin'æire \ ) - See ciapinàire. make bustle. - 2) - to stammer. - 3) - to adorn in a
ciapiron - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i&pir'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - cowl strange and complex way.
covering the face (a particular old brotherhood). ciarafa - n. f. . (pr. \ [ch]i&r'&f& \ ) At plr. ciarafe. - 1) -
ciàpola - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i'&pul& \ ) At plr. ciàpole. - 1) - chat, thing of no value. - 2) - old household goods without any
talk. - 2) - tale, rumor, gossip, useless talk (usually at value. - 3) - discards. - 4) - bagatelle, trifle (in a fig.

ciarafi - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i&r'&fi \ ) - See ciarafa. ciarlatanada - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i&rl&t&n'&d& \) At plr.
ciarafié - 1) - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ [ch]i&r&fi'e \ ) - 1) - to ciarlatanade. - humbug, quackish action. See also the
rummage, to ransack. - 2) - to make a mess, to bungle. It term "ciarlatanarìa".
uses the aux. "avèj ". ciarlatanarìa - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i&rl&t&n&r'i& \) At plr.
ciarafié - 2) - n. (pr. \ [ch]i&r&fi'e \ ) Ms. plr. ciarafié - fm. ciarlatanarìe. - quackery, charlatanry. See also the term
sng. and plr. ciarafiera, ciarafiere. - 1) - who loves to live "ciarlatanada".
among old things. - 2) - antiquary (in an ironic sense). ciarlatanésch - adj (pr. \ [ch]i&rl&t&n'esc \) Ms. plr.
ciarafion - n. (pr. \ [ch]i&r&fi'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. ciarafion - fm. ciarlatanésch - fm. sng. and plr. ciarlatanësca,
sng. and plr. ciarafion-a, ciarafion-e. - botcher, bungler. ciarlatanësche. - quackish, quack (as an attribute),
ciaramél - n. (pr. \ [ch]i&r&m'el \ ) Ms. plr. ciaraméj - fm. charlatan (asd an attribute).
sng. and plr. ciaramela, ciaramele. - 1) - great talker. 2) - ciarlé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ [ch]i&rl'e \) - to cht, to chatter,
gossip. - 3) - chatterer (children). to gossip. It uses the aux. "avèj ".
ciaramela - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i&r&m'el& \ ) At plr. ciaramele. - ciarlon - n. and adj. (pr. \ [ch]i&rl'u[ng] \) Ms. plr. ciarlon -
1) - loquacity. - 2) - bagpipe (in this sense see also the fm. sng. and plr. ciarlon-a, ciarlon-e. - 1) - great talker,
terms "ciampòrgna, cirimìa, sirimìa". chatterbox. (sbst.). - 2) - talkative, loquacious (adj.). See
ciaramlà - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i&r&ml'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - chat, talk, also the terms "ciaramlàire, ciaramléire, ciaramlon".
chit-chat. See also the terms "ciaciarà, ciaramlada ". With ciaschedun - indf. prn. (pr. \ [ch]i&sked'[ue][ng] \) Only sng.,
respect to the word "ciaciarà", which is more general, this ar fm. ciaschedun-a. - 1) - everybody, everyone. - 2) -
word suggest the idea of an informal chat without a each one, each person. The term is quite an italianism. See
specific subject. the most piedm. term "ognidun, ognun". Another italianism
ciaramlada - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i&r&ml'&d& \ ) - See ciaramlà. used is "ciascun" (see the term).
ciaramlàire - n. (pr. \ [ch]i&r&ml'&ire \ ) - See ciaramlon 1st ciasm - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i'&zm \) - See chiasm.
meaning. ciass - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i'&s \) Inv. at plr. (if any). - solemn
ciaramlé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ [ch]i&r&ml'e \ ) - to talk, to sound of bells during a funeral.
chat. See also the term "ciaciaré ". With respect to the ciat - n. (pr. \ [ch]i'&t \) Ms. plr. ciat - fm. sng. and plr. ciata,
word "ciaciaré", which is more general, this word suggest ciate. - cat. See also the term "gat ".
the idea of an informal chat without a specific subject. ciatinà - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i&tin'& \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - group of
ciaramlèire - n. (pr. \ [ch]i&r&ml'æire \ ) - See ciaramlon 1st children. - 2) - large family, numerous offspring.
meaning. ciàu! - excl. (pr. \ [ch]i'&u \) See ciào!.
ciaramlon - n. and adj. (pr. \ [ch]i&r&ml'u[ng] \) Ms. plr. ciaudron - n. (pr. \ [ch]i&udr'u[ng] \) Ms. plr. ciaudron - fm.
ciaramlon - fm. sng. and plr. ciaramlon-a, ciaramlon-e. - sng. and plr. ciaudron-a, ciaudron-e. - 1) - muddler,
1) - great talker, chatterbox. (sbst.). - 2) - talkative, untidy person. - 2) - clumsy person, ungraceful person. -
loquacious (adj.). See also the terms "ciaramlàire, 3) - (only ms.) womanizer.
ciaramléire, ciarlon". ciaudroné - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ [ch]i&udrun'e \) - 1) - to
ciaramolàire - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i&r&mul'&ire \) Inv. at plr. - walk jumping (lit. meaning). - 2) - to walk in an
knife sharpener, knife-grinder. See also the terms ungraceful way. - 3) - to behave in a wayward fashion
"ciaramolet, molita, moleta, amolàire, molàire". (in a fig. sense). It uses the aux. "avèj ".
ciaramolet - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i&r&mul'æt \) - See ciaramolàire. ciav - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i'&u \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - key. - 2) - clef
ciarea - excl. (pr. \ [ch]i&r'e& \) - See cerea. (music). - 3) - spanner, wrench (mechanics).
ciaret - 1) - adj. (pr. \ [ch]i&ir'æt \) Ms. plr. ciaret - fm. sng. ciavandé - n. (pr. \ [ch]i&v&nd'e \) Ms. plr. ciavandé - fm.
and plr. ciarëtta, ciarëtte. - light, pale. (often referred to sng. and plr. ciavandera, ciavandere. - 1) - guard,
the colour of wine). custodian. - 2) - doorkeeper. See also the term "portié ". -
ciaret - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i&ir'æt \) Inv. at plr. - claret (type 3) - treasurer (lit. meaning).
of wine). See also the terms "ciairëtta, picheta, ciairél, ciavarda - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i&v'&rd& \) At plr. ciavarde. - bolt.
ciairet ". See also the term "bolon".
ciarfojet - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i&rfuy'æt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - chervil ciavardé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ [ch]i&v&rd'e \) - to bolt, to
(botany - Anthriscus cerefolium). - 2) - lock (in a fig. fasten with a bolt. See also the term "anciavardé ".
sense). See also the term "cërfojet ". ciavarin - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i&v&r'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - locks and
ciarificador - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i&irific&d'ur \) Inv. at plr. - keys maker.
clarificant, clarifier, clarifying agent. See also the best ciavatin - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i&v&t'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
term "s-ciairidor". cobbler, shoe repairer. - 2) - cobbler, bungler, botcher
ciarificant - n. and adj. (pr. \ [ch]i&irific'&nt \) Ms. plr. (in a fig. sense).
ciairificant - fm. sng. and plr. ciairificanta, ciairificante. - ciavatinada - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i&v&tin'&d& \) At plr.
1) - clarifier (sbst.). - 2) - clarifying (adj). See also the ciavatinade. - clumsy piece of work, bungle, botch,
best term "s-ciairent". error. (in a fig. sense).
ciairificassion - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i&irific&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - ciavatiné - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ [ch]i&v&tin'e \) - to
1) - clarification. - 2) - explanation, clearing up (in a fig. work badly, to botch, to touch up.
sense). See also the best terms "s-ciairiment, s-ciairìa". ciavé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ [ch]i&v'e \) - 1) - to lock. - 2) - to
ciarifiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ [ch]i&rifik'e \) - 1) - to clamp, to tighten. - 3) - to put in prison, to shut in, to
clarify. - 2) - to clear up, to explain (in a fig. sense). See lock up (in a fig. sense).
also the best term "s-ciairì". ciavél - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i&v'el \) At plr. ciavéj. - 1) - furuncle. -
ciarivarì - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i&riv&r'i \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - 2) - infection of a hair follicle. See also the term "giavél ".
chirruping, twittering. - 2) - low rumbling. ciavela - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i&v'el& \) At plr. ciavele. - sheaf
ciarla - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i'&rl& \) At plr. ciarle. - 1) - baseless (agriculture). See also the term "giavéla".
rumor, gossip, slander. - 2) - chatter. See also the terms ciavëtta - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i&v'&tt& \) At plr. ciavëtte. - 1) -
"frëscarìa, tarabësca, busiardarìa". small key. - 2) - spline (mechanics). - 3) - starter key
ciarlatan - n. (pr. \ [ch]i&rl&t'&[ng] \) Ms. plr. ciarlatan - fm. (cars).
sng. and plr. ciarlatan-a, ciarlatan-e. - charlatan, quack, ciàvica - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i'&vic& \) - See ciavìcola.

ciavìcola - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i&v'icol& \) At plr. ciavìcole. - cicatrisé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ [ch]ic&triz'e \) - to
sewer, drain. See also the term "ciàvica". cicatrize, to heal, to scar. When trs. it uses the aux. "avèj
ciavié - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i&vi'e \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - key-ring, ", when int. it uses the aux. "esse ".
key-chain. See also the term "portaciav". - 2) - old term cicartisésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ [ch]ic&triz'ese \) - to
for : who carries keys. cicatrize, to heal, to scar. (int. meaning).
ciavin - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i&v'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - small key. ciceron - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i[ch]er'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - guide,
Diminutive of "ciav". cicerone. - 2) - great talker (iocular, for assonance with
ciavorin - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i&vur'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - nail the term "ciaciaron").
maker, nailer. - 2) - smith. See also the term "sarajé ". ciceul - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i[ch]'[oe]l \) At plr. ciceuj. cracklings
ciavrinà - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i&vrin'& \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - strum. (cooking) Usually at plr.
pound, bang. - 2) - strum, thrum, scrape. cich - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]ic \) Inv. at plr. - the cry of the thrush.
ciavriné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ [ch]i&vrin'e \) - 1) - to strum, cich cich. - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]ic[ch]ic \) Inv. at plr. - fly-catcher
to pound. - 2) - to thrum, to scrape. (zoology - Muscicapa grisola).
ciavrineur - n. (pr. \ [ch]i&vrin'[oe]r \) Ms. plr. ciavrineur - ciché - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ [ch]ik'e \) - 1) - to quid, to chew
fm. sng. and plr. ciavrineusa, ciavrineuse. - 1) - tobacco. - 2) - to sulk (in a fig. sense). 3) - to get angry
strummer, banger. - 2) - thrummer, scraper. (in a fig. sense). - 4) - to crush, to press . In this sense see
ciavrinura - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i&vrin'[ue]r& \) At plr. ciavrinure. also the term "cëcché 1st meaning". - It uses the aux. "avèj
- 1) - strumming, banging. - 2) - thrumming, scraping. ".
ciavurin - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i&v[ue]r'i[ng] \) - See ciavorin. cichet - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]ik'æt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - nip, drop,
cibari - adj. (pr. \ [ch]ib'&ri \) Ms. plr. cibari - fm. sng. and dram (the content of a lille glass for liqueur) - 2) -
plr. cibària, cibàrie. - related to food. priming (cars - motors). - 3) - sharp rebuke. The
cibària - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]ib'&ri& \) At plr. cibàrie. - provisions, expression "pijésse un cichet " lit. "to take a nip" means
foodstuff. "to receive a sharp rebuke".
cibé - vrb 1st con. trs. - (pr. \ [ch]ib'e \) - to feed. This term is cichëtté - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ [ch]ik&tt'e \) - to drink (often)
not very used. See also the term "alimenté" and the a drop, to have the habit of drinking drops. It uses the
common vrbl. loc. "dé da mangé". aux. "avèj ".
cibernética - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]ibærn'etic& \) At plr. (if any) cichignàire - n. (pr. \ [ch]iki[gn]'&ire \) Ms. plr. cichignàire -
cibernétiche. - cybernetics. fm. sng. and plr. cicignàira, cicignàire. - quarrelsome
cibernétich - adj. (pr. \ [ch]ibærn'etic \) Ms. plr. cibernétich - person, mischief-maker, wrangler. See also the term
fm. sng. and plr. cibernética, cibernétiche. - cybernetic. "cichignèire".
cibésse - vrb 1st con. refl. - (pr. \ [ch]ib'ese \) - to feed (oneself) cichigné - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ [ch]iki[gn]'e \) - to squabble. It
(on st.). See also the term "mangé ". uses the aux. "avèj ". See also the terms "cicogné, cicoté ".
cibibi - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]ib'ibi \) Inv. at plr. - great titmouse cichignèire - n. (pr. \ [ch]iki[gn]'æire \) - See cichirgàire.
(zoology - Parus major). See also the terms "cincia, cicia - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]'i[ch]i& \) At plr. (if any) cice. - 1) - meat,
ciribibi, cinciamora, cicncimora, etc.". eatable meat without bones. - 2) - flesh, fat (referred to a
cibré - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]ibr'e \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - chitterlings, person). The expression "fé cicia" means "to fatten, to
pluck. - 2) - giblets. - 3) - trash, rubbish, st. of little become fat".
value. See also the terms "cibréo, sibréo". ciciass - 1) - n. (pr. \ [ch]i[ch]i'&s \) Ms. plr. ciciass - fm. sng.
cibréo - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]ibr'eu \) - See cibré. and plr. ciciassa, ciciasse. - 1) - simpleton, big baby. - 2)
cica - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]'ic& \) At plr. ciche. - 1) - cigarette end, - big and fat person.
cigar end. - 2) - quid. - 3) - chewing gum (slang). - 4) - ciciass - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i[ch]i'&s \) Inv. at plr. - scarecrow,
anger, bad temper. puppet.
cicana - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]ic'&n& \) At plr. cicane. - 1) - quibble, ciciassa - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i[ch]i'&s& \) At plr. ciciasse. - bad
cavil, chicanery. - 2) - sophism. - 3) - quibbler, captious meat, meat to be discarded.
person (for extension). In this meaning see also the terms cicin - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i[ch]'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - tender meat
"cicanàire, cicanèire". (this term sounds a bit ironical). The expression "cicin bujì"
cicanàire - n. (pr. \ [ch]ic&n'&ire \) Ms. plr. cicanàire - fm. lit. "boiled tender meat" indicates a "delicate person" or
sng. and plr. cicanàira, cicanàire. - quibbler, captious a "weak person" or "shy person" or "faint-hearted person".
person. See also the terms "cicana 3rd meaning, cicanèire". ciciné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ [ch]i[ch]in'e \) - 1) - to cuddle, to
cicané - vrb 1st cin. int. (pr. \ [ch]ic&n'e \) - 1) - to quibble, to pet, to cosset. - 2) - to deceive, to circumvent. (in a fig.
cavil, to slit hairs. - 2) - to quarrel. - It uses the aux. sense). - See also the term "ciciolé ".
"avèj". See also the terms "cicoté, ratlé". cicinòt - n. (pr. \ [ch]i[ch]in'ot \) Ms. plr. cicinòt - fm. sng. and
cicanèire - n. (pr. \ [ch]ic&n'æire \) - See cicanàire. plr. cicinòta, cicinòte. - pretty child.
cicanos - adj. (pr. \ [ch]ic&n'uz \) Ms. plr. cicanos - fm. sng. ciciolé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ [ch]i[ch]iul'e \) - See ciciné.
and plr. cicanosa, cicanose. - 1) - quibbling, captious. - 2) ciciolin - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i[ch]iul'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - fried stew
- quarrelsome, contentious. of pork. See also the term "ciciorin".
cicareul - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]ic&r'[oe]l \) At plr. cicareuj. - one cicion - 1) - n. and adj. (pr. \ [ch]i[ch]i'u[ng] \) Ms. plr. cicion -
who picks up cigarette ends. fm. sng. and plr. ciciona, cicipne. - 1) - very fat, fatty
cicatris - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]ic&tr'iz \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - cicatrix, (adj.). - 2) - very fat man, very fat woman (sbst.).
scar (medical). - 2) - scar (in a fig. sense). cicion - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i[ch]i'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
cicatrisant - 1) - adj. (pr. \ [ch]ic&triz'&nt \) Ms. plr. excrescence of fat.
cicatrisant - fm. sng. and plr. cicatrisanta, cicatrisante. - ciciorin - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i[ch]iur'i[ng] \) See ciciolin.
cicatrizant. ciciòt - adj. (pr. \ [ch]i[ch]i'ot \) Ms. plr. ciciòt - fm. sng. and
cicatrisant - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]ic&triz'&nt \) Inv. at plr. - plr. ciciòta, ciciòte. - plump, chubby.
cicatrizant agent. cicisbéo - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i[ch]isb'eu \) Inv. at plr. - "cicisbeo",
cicatrisassion - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]ic&triz&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - gallant, fop.
cicatrization, process of healing. cicl - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]icl \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - cycle. - 2) - loop. E.
g. "histeresis loop" "cicl d'istéresi". See also the terms

"torna, tornà, gir". - 3) - cycle, bike. In this sense see also cicogné - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ [ch]icu[gn]'e \) - to squabble. It
the most common terms "bici, biciclëtta". uses the aux. "avèj ". See also the terms "cichigné, cicoté ".
ciclàbil - adj. (pr. \ [ch]icl'&bil \) Ms. plr. ciclàbij - fm. sng. cicolata - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]icul'&t& \) At plr. cicolate. -
and plr. ciclàbil, ciclàbij. - 1) - for bikes. - 2) - cycle (as chocolate. (Great and very old tradition of Turin). Two
an attribute), cycling. expressions : - A) - "a bar of chocolate" "un rolò 'd
ciclamin - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]icl&m'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - cicolata". - B) - "milk chocolate" "cicolata al làit ".
cyclamen (botany - Cyclamen europaeum). - 2) - cicolaté - n. (pr. \ [ch]icul&t'e \) Ms. plr. cicolaté - fm. sng.
cyclamen (colour). and plr. cicolatera, cicolatere. - chocolate manufacturer,
ciclamin - 2) - adj. (pr. \ [ch]icl&m'i[ng] \) Used as inv. in gnd. chocolate seller. A piedm. way of saying : "fé na figura da
and nr. In case of need : Ms. plr. ciclamin - fm. sng. and cicolaté" lit. "to make a figure of the chocolate seller"
plr. ciclamin-a, ciclamin-e. - cyclamen-coloured. "to cut a poor figure".
cìcless - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]'iclæs \) Inv. at plr. - chewing gum. cicolatera - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]icul&t'er& \) At plr. cicolatere. -
ciclëtta - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]icl'&tt& \) At plr. ciclëtte. - "ciclette", chocolate pot.
fixed bike for gym and therapy. cicolatin - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]icul&t'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
cìclich - adj. (pr. \ [ch]'iclic \) Ms. plr. ciclich - fm. sng. and chocolate. (small pieces, often with cream), chocolate
plr. ciclica, cicliche. - cyclical. cream. (Great and very old tradition of Turin).
ciclisassion - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]icliz&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - cicoté - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ [ch]icut'e \) - See cicogné.
cyclization. cicògna - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]ic'o[gn]& \) At plr. cicògne. - 1) -
ciclisé - vrb 1st con. trs. - (pr. \ [ch]icliz'e \) - to cyclize. stork (zoology - Ciconia). - 2) - wooden support of the
ciclism - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]icl'izm \) Inv. at plr. - cycling, bell. - 3) - pile-driver. See also the term "sigògna".
bicycling (sport). cicuta - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]ic'[ue]t& \) At plr. (if any) cicute. - 1) -
ciclissità - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]iclisit'& \) Inv. at plr. - cyclicity. hemlock (botany - Conium maculatum). - 2) - hemlock
ciclista - 1) - n. (pr. \ [ch]icl'ist& \) Ms. plr. ciclista - fm. sng. (poison).
and plr. ciclista, cicliste. - cyclist, cycler. cieugn - adj. (pr. \ [ch]i'[oe][gn] \) - See ceugn.
ciclista - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]icl'ist& \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - bicycle cieùlica - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i'[oe]lic& \) At plr. (if any) cieùliche.
repairer. - 2) - cyclery. - prolonged chirruping of many birds. See also the terms
ciclìstich - adj. (pr. \ [ch]icl'istic \) Ms. plr. ciclìstich - fm. sng. "cieùrica, ciùlica. ciùrica".
and plr. ciclìstica, ciclìstiche. - bicycle, cycle (as cieùrica - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i'[oe]ric& \) - See cieùlica.
attributes). cifo - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]'ifu \) Inv. at plr. - anger, wrath, rage,
ciclocamp - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]icluc'&mp \) Inv. at plr. (if any). - huff, fury, ire.
cyclo-cross, cross-country cycle racing. See also the term cifogn - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]if'u[gn] \) Inv. at plr. - rubbed and
"ciclocròss". ruined cloth. See also the terms "sifogn, strigogn,
ciclocrossista - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]iclucrus'ist& \) Inv. at plr. - strafogn".
cross-country cyclist. cifogné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ [ch]ifu[gn]'e \) - to rub, to
ciclocròss - (pr. \ [ch]iclucr'os \) - See ciclocamp. crumple, to crease, to wrinkle. See also the terms
ciclofurgon - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]icluf[ue]rg'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - "sifogné, strifogné, strafogné, storcioné".
carrier tricycle. cìfola - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]'iful& \) - See céfola.
cicloidal - adj. (pr. \ [ch]icluid'&l \) Ms. plr. cicloidaj - fm. cifolé - vrb. 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ [ch]iful'e \) - 1) - to
sng. and plr. cicloidal, cicloidaj. - cycloidal (geometry). whistle (e. g. wind - int.). - 2) - to whisper, to nurmur
ciclomotor - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]iclumut'ur \) Inv. at plr. - motor- (trs. and int.) - It uses always the aux. "avèj ". See also the
bicycle, moped. term "sifolé".
ciclomotorista - n. (pr. \ [ch]iclumutur'ist& \) Ms. plr. cifota - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]if'ut& \) At plr. cifote. - 1) - light
ciclomotorista - fm. sng. and plr. ciclomotorista, beverage similar to wine. Obtained (once), after the
ciclomotoriste. - motorcyclist. production of the good wine, adding water and sugar to the
ciclon - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]icl'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - cyclone. marc, for a new light fermentation. The beverage obtained
(meteorology). - 2) - ball of fire (in a fig. sense). cannot be called "wine", and it is not sold. Used (once) as a
ciclopista - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]iclup'ist& \) At plr. ciclopiste. - cycle fresh beverage by farmers during the summer works in the
path, bike lane. sun (it has a very low alcololic strength and cannot be
ciclostil - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]iclust'il \) At plr. ciclostij. - conserved after the summer). The term can also indicate a:
cyclostyle, duplicator. - 2) - light wine, weak wine. See also the terms "picheta,
ciclostilà - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]iclustil'& \) Inv. at plr. - duplicated picërla".
sheet, duplicated writing, duplicated document. cifra - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]'ifr& \) At plr. cifre. - 1) - figure,
ciclostilé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ [ch]iclustil'e \) - to cyclostyle, numeral (in general). - 2) - figure, sum, amount (referred
to duplicate, to stencil. to money). - 3) - initials, monogram. - 4) - cipher,
ciclotron - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]iclutr'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - cyclotron cypher, code. - 5) - digit, figure, place (mathematics). See
(physics). also the term "gifra".
cicloturism - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]iclut[ue]r'izm \) Inv. at plr. (if cifrà - adj. (pr. \ [ch]ifr'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - with
any). - tourist cycling. initials. - 2) - in cypher. See also the term "gifrà ".
cicloturista - n. (pr. \ [ch]iclut[ue]r'ist& \) Ms. plr. cicloturista cifradura - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]ifr&d'[ue]r& \) At plr. cifradure. -
- fm. sng. and plr. cicloturista, cicloturiste. - tourist 1) - ciphering, coding. - 2) - notation (music). See also
cyclist. the term "gifradura".
ciclòid - n. f. . (pr. \ [ch]icl'oid \) Inv. at plr. - cycloid cifrari - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]ifr'&ri \) Inv. at plr. - cipher, cypher,
(geometry). code. See also the term "gifrari".
ciclònich - adj. (pr. \ [ch]icl'onic \) Ms. plr. ciclònich - fm. sng. cifré - vrb 1st con. trs. - (pr. \ [ch]ifr'e \) - 1) - to cipher, to
and plr. ciclònica, ciclòniche. - cyclonic. cypher, to code. - 2) - to mark with initials. See also the
ciclòp - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]icl'op \) Inv. at plr. - Cyclop term "gifré".
(mythology). cign - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i[gn] \) Inv. at plr. - swan, pen (zoology -
ciclòpich - adj. (pr. \ [ch]icl'opic \) Ms. plr. ciclòpich - fm. sng. Cygnus). See also the loc. "òca cigna".
and plr. ciclòpica, ciclòpiche. - cyclopean.

cigna (òca ---) - n. f. (pr. \ oc& [ch]i[gn]& \) At plr. òche cimentésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ [ch]imænt'ese \) - 1) - to
cigne. - swan, pen (zoology - Cygnus). See also the term put oneself to the test, to test oneself. - 2) - to make an
"cign". attempt, to try.
cignal - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i[gn]'&l \) At plr. cignaj. - wild boar cìmes - n.f. (pr. \ [ch]'imæs \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - bug, cimex
(zoology - Sus scropha). - See also the terms "cingial, (zoology - Cimex). - 2) - shield carried at buttonhole of
singial, cinghial ". the jacket.
cigoj - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]ig'uy \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - splashing of a cimënna - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]im'&nn& \) Inv. at plr. - feckless and
liquid in a container. - 2) - watery soup, dishwater. - 3) - irresolure person. See also the term "simënna".
intrigue, manoeuvre (in a fig. sense). - 4) - bungle, botch, cimì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ [ch]im'i \) - to burn slowly, to
mess. (in a fog. sense). See also the terms "ciagoj, cëgoj". burn under cinders. Also in a fig. sense. See also the
cigojà - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]iguy'& \) Inv. at plr. - shaking of a terms "cëmmì, ciumì ". In this sense it uses the aux. "esse".
liquid. See also the term "cigojada, cëgojà, cëgojada, - 2) - to idle about. In this sense it uses the aux. "avèj ".
ciagojà, ciagojada". cimin - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]im'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - upper part of
cigojada - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]iguy'&d& \) - See cigojà. the fishing rod. See also the term "cò ".
cigojé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ [ch]iguy'e \) - 1) - to ciminera - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]imin'er& \) At plr. ciminere. - 1) -
shake a liquid in a container (trs.). - 2) - to wave (of chimney, smokestack. - 2) - funnel. See also the terms
liquids), to gurgle (int.). It uses the aux. "avèj". See also "siminera, simineja".
the terms "cëgojé, ciagojé, s-ciagoté ". cimiss - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]im'is \) Inv. at plr. (if any). - musty
cileca - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]il'ec& \) Usually sng. in case of need at smell. In this sense see also the terms "arcius, cëmmiss,
plr. cileche. - failure, flop. Usually used in the loc. "fé cëmmì, ciumiss".
cileca" (see below). See also the term "cilëcca". cimiteri - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]imit'eri \) Inv. at plr. - graveyard,
cileca (fé ---) - vrbl loc. 1st con. int. (pr. \ f'e [ch]il'ec& \) - 1) - cemetery. See also the terms "camposanto, simiteri,
not to go off, to misfire (referred to guns, rifles, etc.). - 2) sementeri ".
- not to succeed. (in general, in a fig. sense). It uses the cimossa - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]im'us& \) At plr. cimosse. - 1) -
aux. "avèj ". The loc. is int. but the vrb "fé" is trs. and selvage, selvedge, listing (texile). - 2) - blackboard
"ciléca" is the object. duster. - 3) - ribbon on the top of wall-paper.
ciléman (stè an ---) - vrbl. loc. 1st con. int. (pr. \ st'e &[ng] cimpà - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]imp'& \) Inv. at plr. - good drink, swill.
[ch]il'em&[ng] \) - to be idle, to laze, not to lift a hand. It See also the term "cimpada".
uses the aux. "esse". cimpada - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]imp'&d& \) - See cimpà.
cilesta - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]il'est& \) At plr. cileste. - celesta cimpé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ [ch]imp'e \) - to drink, to guzzle,
(music). See also the term "celesta". to knock back.
cilestrin - adj. and n. m. (pr. \ [ch]ilestr'i[ng] \) - See celestin cimpèire - n. (pr. \ [ch]imp'æire \) Ms. plr. cimpèire - fm. sng.
1) and 2). and plr. cimpèira, cimpèire. - toper, tippler, boozer. See
cilëcca - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]il'&cc& \) - See cileca. also the term "ciocaton".
cilëcca (fé ---) - vrbl loc. 1st con. int. (pr. \ f'e [ch]il'&cc& \) - cimzé - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]imz'e \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - bug-infested
See cileca (fé ---). place. - 2) - pigsty (in a fig. sense). See also the term
cilìnder - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]il'indær \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - cylinder "cimëzzé ".
(geometry, cars, etc.) - 2) - calender. - 3) - top hat. cimzera - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]imz'er& \) At plr. cimzere. - a barrier
cilindrà - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]ilindr'& \) Inv. at plr. - piston (trap) for bugs. See also the term "cimëzzera ".
displacement (cars, motors), swept, volume. cimëzzé - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]im&zz'e \) - See cimzé.
cilindrador - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]ilindr&d'ur \) Inv. at plr. - cimëzzera - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]im&zz'er& \) - See cimzera.
calender. cin - adj. (pr. \ [ch]i[ng] \) Ms. plr. cìn - fm. sng. and plr. cìn-a,
cilindradura - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]ilindr&d'[ue]r& \) At plr. cìn-e. - lowered, bowed, bent. See also the terms "chinà,
cilindradure. - 1) - calendering (cloth, paper). - 2) - road chin".
rolling (road). cinaprèis - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]in&pr'æiz \) Inv. at plr. (if any) -
cilindratriss - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]ilindr&tr'is \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - red colouring earth (used in buildings).
calender (texile). - 2) - roller (road). cinapri - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]in'&pri \) Inv. at plr. (if any) - 1) -
cilìndrich - adj. (pr. \ [ch]il'indric \) Ms. plr. cil'ndrich - fm. cinnabar (mineral). - 2) - vermilion (colour).
sng. and plr. cilìndrica, cilìndriche. - 1) - cylindrical. - 2) cincer - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]'in[ch]æt \) - See cìncia.
- parallel (mechanics - shaft). cìncia - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]'in[ch]i& \) At plr. cince. - great
cilindròid - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]ilindr'oid \) Inv. at plr. - cylindroid titmouse (zoology - Parus major). See also the terms
(geometry). "cibibi, ciribibi, cinciamora, cicncimora, testamòra, etc.",
cilissi - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]il'isi \) Inv. at plr. - cilice, hair shirt. and the loc. "testa bleuva".
ciman - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]im'&[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - cement. The cinciamòra - (pr. \ [ch]in[ch]i&m'or& \) - See cìncia.
loc. "ciman armà" is translated into "reinforced concrete". cincimòra - (pr. \ [ch]in[ch]im'or& \) - See cìncia.
cimasa - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]im'&z& \) At plr. cimase. - 1) - cyma, cincin - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]in[ch]'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - curl.
cymatium (architecture). - 2) - coping (buildings). - 3) - cincin - 2) - excl. (pr. \ [ch]in[ch]'i[ng] \) - cheers!, here's to
carving on top of a piece of furniture. See also the term you!. Italianism. A better piedm. excl. is "bon pro! " or
"simasa". "bon pro fasa! ".
cimeli - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]im'eli \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - relic. - 2) - cinciné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ [ch]in[ch]in'e \) - 1) - to dress
curio, antique. - 3) - trophy. up, to smatren up, to titivate. - 2) - to adorn, to
ciment - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]im'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - test. - 2) - decorate. See also the term "archinché ".
risk, danger. - 3) - nuisance, bother, annoyance, cincinésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ [ch]in[ch]in'ese \) - to
vexation. smarten oneself up, to adorn oneself, to beautify oneself,
cimenté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ [ch]imænt'e \) - 1) - to put to to doll oneself up.
the test, to try. - 2) - to risk. - 3) - to goad. - 4) - to cincisbech - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]in[ch]isb'æc \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
annoy, to trouble, to bother. princhbeck, tombac, tombak. - 2) - frippery, showy
decoration. - 3) - false appearance (in a fig. sense). See
also the terms "pincisbech, princisbech ".

cine... - 1) - prefix (pr. \ [ch]ine... \) - cine... , kine... The prefix cinge - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ [ch]'inje \ ) - 1) - to gird on, to
is connected to the idea of motion, both in physical terms wreathe. - 2) - to encircle, to surround, to enclose. In this
(english kine...) and in terms related to cinema. As usual sense see also the term "circondé ". - 3) - to enclose (with a
not always this group is prefix. We report some words hedge). In this sense see also the term "ciodé ". - 4) - to
(probably not all) that make use of this prefix. surround (with a wall). In this sense see also the term
cine - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]'ine \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - cinema, "cinté ". For all the meanings see also the term "cinze".
picture house (the building) - 2) - cinema, moving cingé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ [ch]inj'e \ ) - 1) - to put a belt
pictures (art). - 3) - motion-picture industry. - 5) - sight, round, to tie with a belt or a strap. - 2) - to beat with a
show (in a fig. sense). - 6) - sometimes also in the sense of strap. See also the terms "sangé, singé ".
film. This term is a popular short for "cinematògrafo" or cìnghia - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]'i[ng]gi& \ ) At plr. cìnghie. - 1) -
"cìnema, cinéma" (see the terms). strap, thong, strop. - 2) - belt. See also the terms "cingia,
cineamator - n. (pr. \ [ch]ine&m&t'ur \) Ms. plr. cineamator - singia, corèja, corìa".
fm. sng. and plr. cineamatriss, cineamatriss. - film- cinghià - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i[ng]gi'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - blow with a
maker amateur, film amateur. strap.
cineàsta - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]ine'&st& \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - film cinghial - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i[ng]gi'&l \ ) At plr. cinghiaj. - wild
expert, cinema expert. - 2) - (film) director. - 3) - (film) boar (zoology - Sus scropha). - See also the terms "cingial,
producer. - 4) - cineworker. singial, cignal ".
cinecàmera - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]inec'&mer& \) At plr. cinecàmere. cinghion - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i[ng]gi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - big belt,
- cine camera, movie camera. This term is derived from large belt (e. g. for transmitting motion in big machines).
English. See also the loc. "màchina da prèisa", and the See also the terms "cingion, sengion".
term "cineprèisa". cingia - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]'i[ng]ji& \ ) - See cìnghia.
cinefòrom - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]inef'orum \) Inv. at plr. - film cingià - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i[ng]ji'& \ ) - See cìnghià.
debate. cingial - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]inji'&l \ ) - Sere cinghial.
cinegiornal - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]inejiurn'&l \) At plr. cinegiornaj. cingion - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i[ng]ji'u[ng] \ ) - See cinghion.
- newsreel. cìngol - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]'i[ng]gul \ ) At plr. cìngoj. - track,
cinèis - n. and adj. (pr. \ [ch]in'æiz \) Ms. plr. cinèis - fm. sng. crawler, wheel belt. See also the term "cordon".
and plr. cinèisa, cinèise. - Chinese. cingolà - 1) - adj. (pr. \ [ch]i[ng]gul'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
cineisarìa - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]inæiz&r'i& \) At plr. cineisarìe. - 1) tracked.
- chinoiserie. - 2) - kinckknacks, gimcracks (in a cingolà - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i[ng]gul'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
pejorative sense). tracked vehicle. - 2) - crawler tractor.
cinéma - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]in'em& \) - See cine. cinich - adj. and n. - (pr. \ [ch]'inic \ ) Ms. plr. cìnich - fm. sng.
cìnema - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]'inem& \) - See cine. and plr. cìnica, cìniche. - 1) - cynical (adj.). - 2) - cynic
cinemàtica - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]inem'&tic& \) At plr. (when (sbst.).
applicable) cinemàtiche. - kinematics (physics). cinija - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]'iy& \ ) At plr. cinije. - chenille.
cinemàtich - adj. (pr. \ [ch]inem'&tic \) Ms. plr. cinemàtich - cinìsia - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]in'izi& \ ) At plr. cinìsie. - coals mixed
fm. sng. and plr. cinemàtica, cinemàtiche. kinematic, with hot ash . See also the term "sinìsia".
kinematical. cinism - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]in'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - cynicism.
cinematism - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]inem&t'izm \) Inv. at plr. - cinofilìa - n.f. (pr. \ [ch]inufil'i& \ ) At plr. (if any) cinofilìe. -
mechanism allowing or transmitting motion. love of dogs.
cinematografé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ [ch]inem&tugr&f'e \) - cinòfil - n. and adj. (pr. \ [ch]in'ofil \ ) Ms. plr. cinòfij - fm.
to film. See also the terms "arpijé, filmé ", and the vrbl. sng. and plr. cinòfila, cinòfile. - 1) - cynophilist, dig
loc. "pijé 'l cime, fé 'l cine". fancier (sbst.). - 2) - dog-loving (adj.).
cinematografìa - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]inem&tugr&f'i& \) At plr. cint - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]int \ ) Inv. at plr. - girdle, belt. See also
cinematografìe. - cinematography, cinema. the terms "sint, sentura". The loc. "cint erniari" is
cinematogràfich - adj. (pr. \ [ch]inem&tugr'&fic \) Ms. plr. translated into "truss" (medical).
cinematogràfich - fm. sng. and plr. cinematogràfica, cinta - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]'int& \ ) At plr. cinte. - 1) - walls
cinemàtogràfiche. - film, cinema, movie (as attributes), (referred to cities, castles, etc.) - 2) - enclosure wall. - 3) -
cinematographic. fence. The loc. "cinta 'd paj" is translated ito "palisade"
cinematògrafo - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]inem&t'ografô \) - See cine. and can also be expressed by the term "palissada". - See
cineprèisa - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]inepr'æiz& \) At plr. cineprèise. - also the term "cintadura".
cine camera, movie camera. See also the term cintadura - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]int&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. cintadure. -
"cinecàmera". 1) - enclosure, pen. - 2) - play-pen. - 3) - fence. - 4) -
cineromanz - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]inerum'&nz \) Inv. at plr. - enclosure wall. See also the term "cinta".
photo-strip story. cinté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ [ch]int'e \ ) - 1) - to wall. - 2) - to
cineteca - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]inet'ec& \) At plr. cineteche. - fence in. See also the terms "cinge, cinze".
motion-picture film library. cinze - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ [ch]'i[ng]ze \ ) - See cinge.
cinética - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]in'etic& \) At plr. (if applicable) cioà - adj. (pr. \ [ch]iu'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - nailed. See
cinétiche. - kinetics. also the terms "ancioà, anciodà ".
cinétich - adj. (pr. \ [ch]in'etic \) Ms. plr. cinétich - fm. sng. cioaté - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]iu&t'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - nailer.See also
and plr. cinética, cinétiche. - kinetic. The loc. "energìa the term "ciovaté " (same pronunciation).
cinética" is translated into "kinetic energy". cioca - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i'uc& \ ) At plr. cioche. - drunkenness,
cinfrogn - (pr. \ [ch]infr'u[gn] \ ) - See cianfrign. intoxication. See also the term "ciocògna". The expression
cinfrognada - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]infru[gn]'&d& \ ) - See "pijé na cioca" is translated into "to get drunk".
cianfrignada. ciocatà - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]iuc&t'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - peal, pealing
cinfrogné - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ [ch]infru[gn]'e \ ) - See (bells).
cianfrigné. ciocaté - 1) - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ [ch]iuc&t'e \ ) - 1) - to peal,
cinfrognura - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]infru[gn]'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. to chime (bells). In this sense see also the term "baudëtté ".
cinfrognure. - dreadful hairstyle. - 2) - to wave (of liquids), to gurgle. See also the terms
"ciagojé, cigojé, cioché, cëgojé ". It uses tyhe aux. "avèj ".

ciocaté - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]iuc&t'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - bell- bolt. In this sense see also the term "dama". - 4) - rings of
ringer. a padlock. In this sense see also the term "dobion".
ciocaton - n. and adj. (pr. \ [ch]iuc&t'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. ciodin - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]iud'i[ng] \ ) - See coet.
ciocaton - fm. sng. and plr. ciocaton-a, ciocaton-e. - cioè - adv. (pr. \ [ch]iu'æ \ ) - 1) - that is, i. e. , that means. See
toper, tippler, boozer. Used sometimes also as an adj. also the adv. loc. "coma dì, tant coma dì" and the word
cioch - 1) - n. and adj. (pr. \ [ch]i'uc \ ) Ms. plr. cioch - fm. sng. "visadì, vis-a-dì ". - 2) - or rather, or, better, at least. - 3)
and plr. cioca, cioche. - 1) - drunk person (sbst.). - 2) - - what does it mean?
drunk (adj.). cioenda - n. f. - (pr. \ [ch]iu'ænd& \ ) At plr. cioende. - fence,
cioch - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i'uc \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - owl hedge, stockade. See also the term "ciovenda" with the
(zoology - Bubo). - 2) - barn owl (zoology - Tyto alba). same pronunciation. The loc. "fé cioenda" means "to make
Some other owls - A) - "cioch servaj" or "oloch" "tawny barrier".
owl ". - B) - "cioch nuité " "horn owl ". - C) - "cioch ëd cioendé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ [ch]iuænd'e \ ) - to enclose with
montagna" or "duso" "eagle-owl". a hedge, to enclose with a fence. See also the terms
cioché - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]iuk'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - bell tower, "ciovendè (same pronunciation), ancioendé, anciovendé,
church tower. ciòde ".
cioché - 2) - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ [ch]iuk'e \ ) - 1) - to sound cioet - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]iu'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - small nail. See also
out of tune. - 2) - to toll, to knell. - 3) - to cackle, to the terms "ciodin, cioin, smens".
cluck. - 4) - to remonstrate. - 5) - to wave (of liquids), to cioëtta - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]iu'&tt& \ ) At plr. cioëtte - 1) - owl
gurgle. In this meaning see also the term "cëgojé". - It uses (zoology - Careine noctua). - 2) - coquette (in a fig. sense).
always the aux. "avèj ". See also the terms "ciovëtta, siàtola, sivìtola, sìtola".
cioché - 3) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ [ch]iuk'e \ ) - to disgust, to cioin - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]iu'i[ng] \ ) - See coet.
offend. See also the term "soché ". ciola - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i'ul& \ ) At plr. ciole. - simpleton, fool,
ciocherinera - n- f. (pr. \ [ch]iukerin'er& \ ) At plr. silly. See also the terms "ciolandari, gadan ".
ciocherinere. - cow with a cowbell at the neck. See also ciolada - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]iul'&d& \ ) At plr. ciolade. - 1) -
the term "ciochinera 3rd meaning ". stupidity, foolish thing. - 2) - deception, swindle. - 3) -
chochëtta - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]iuk'&tt& \ ) At plr. ciochëtte. - 1) - swindle, sell. In this sense see also the term "fregadura". -
little bell. See also the term "ciochin". - 2) - campanula, 4) - fuck (vulgar - rude).
bellflower (botany - Campanula). ciolandari - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]iul&nd'&ri \ ) - See ciola.
ciochié - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ [ch]iuki'e \ ) - to crackle, to ciolé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ [ch]iul'e \ ) - 1) - to fuck (vulgar -
cluck. See also the terms "cioché 2) 3rd meaning, croché, rude). - 2) - to cheat, to swindle. In this sense see also the
ciossé, etc. ". It uses the aux. "avèj ". term "freghé ".
ciochin - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]iuk'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - handbell. cioliné - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ [ch]iulin'e \ ) - 1) - to idle away,
- 2) - doorbell. - 3) - (electric) bell. - 4) - harness-bell. In to waste time. - 2) - to work half-heartedly. It uses the
this meaning see also the term "sonaj ". - 5) - At plr. aux. "avèj ".
glockenspiel (music). In this sense see also the term ciomos - adj. (pr. \ [ch]ium'uz \ ) Ms. plr. paludos - fm. sng.
"ciochinera". and plr. paludosas, paludose. - marshy, boggy, swampy,
ciochinà - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]iukin'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - loud ringing fenny. See also the terms "padulos, pautos, rantanos,
(door). See also the term "ciochinada". paludos".
ciochinada - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]iukin'&d& \ ) At plr. ciochinade. - cioncioné - vrb 1st con. int. - (pr. \ [ch]iun[ch]iun'e \ ) - 1) - to
loud ringing (door). See also the term "ciochinà". work half-heartedly, to do very little work. - 2) - to mess
ciochinera - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]iukin'er& \ ) At plr. ciochinere. - 1) up, to bungle. See also the term "cinfrogné ".
- glockenspiel (music). In this sense see also the term cioncionésse - vrb 1st con. refl. - (pr. \ [ch]iun[ch]iun'ese \ ) - to
"ciochin" 5th meaning". - 2) - collar with bells. In this put on frippery for adorning oneself.
sense see also the term "sonajera". - 3) - cow with a cioncionòt - n. (pr. \ [ch]iun[ch]iun'ot \ ) Ms. plr. cioncionòt -
cowbell at the neck. See also the term "ciocherinera ". fm. sng. and plr. cioncionòta, cioncionòte. - darling. Term
ciochinet - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]iukin'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - small of endearment used with babies and one's sweetheart. See
handbell. also the similar terms "prussòt, passaròt, passarotin,
ciócio - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i'u[ch]iu \ ) Inv. at plr. - comforter, pocionin, cirilin, etc.".
(baby's) dummy, pacifier (babies) - See also the most cióndol - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i'undul \ ) At plr. cióndoj. - pendant.
common terms "ciùcio, ciucet ". Note the pr. of the "ó" with acute stress.
ciócio - 2) - adj. (pr. \ [ch]i'u[ch]iu \ ) Ms. plr. ciócio - fm. sng. ciopon - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i'up'u[ng] \ ) - See ciòp.
and plr. ciócia, cióce. - good-for-nothing. See also the loc. ciorgnarìa - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]iur[gn]&r'i& \ ) At plr. ciorgnarìe.
"bon a nèn". See also the term "ciùcio 2)". Hardly used at - deafness. See also the terms "ciorgnerìa, ciorgnision,
fm. Note the pr. of the "ó" with acute stress. sordarìa, sorderìa".
ciocògna - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]iuc'o[gn]& \ ) At plr. ciocògne. - ciorgnera - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]iur[gn]'er& \ ) At plr. ciorgnere. - 1)
drunkenness, intoxication. See also the term "cioca". - confessional organizes for deaf people (religion). - 2) -
ciodamenta - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]iud&m'ænt& \ ) If required, at plr. hinge. - 3) - zip fastener. In the two last meanings see also
"ciodamente" or also "ciodamenta". - nails, set of different the term "cerniera".
nails. - See also the term "ciodarìa". ciorgnerìa - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]iur[gn]er'i& \ ) - See ciorgnarìa.
ciodarìa - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]iud&r'i& \ ) At plr. ciodarìe. - 1) - ciorgnet - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]iur[gn]'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - fifth of a
nails, set of different nails. - See also the term liter, vessel holding a fifth of a liter.
"ciodamenta". - 2) - nailery, nail factory. ciorgnì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ [ch]iur[gn]'i \ ) - 1) - to
ciodadura - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]iud&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. ciodadure. deafen (trs.). - 2) - to stun (in a fig. sense) (trs.) - 3) - to
- riveting (mechanics). become deaf (int.). In this sense see also the term
ciodé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ [ch]iud'e \ ) - to enclose (with a "ciorgnìsse". - For all the meanings see also the term
hedge). See also the terms "cioendé, ancioendé, ciovendé, "anciorgnì". When trs. it uses the aux "avèj ". When int. it
anciovendé ". uses the aux. "esse".
ciodera - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]iud'er& \ ) At plr. ciodere. - 1) - nail ciorgnision - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]iur[gn]izi'u[ng] \ ) - See
box. - 2) - die for making the head of nails. - 3) - latch, ciorgnarìa.

ciorgnison - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]iur[gn]iz'u[ng] \ ) - See ciorgnarìa. cipréss - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]ipr'es \ ) Inv. at plr. - cypress (botany -
ciorgnìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ [ch]iur[gn]'ise \ ) - to Cupressus sempervirens). See also the terms "arsipréss,
become deaf. See also the term "anciorgnìsse". sipréss".
ciorgnon - 1) - n. and adj. (pr. \ [ch]iur[gn]'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. cìpria - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]'ipri& \ ) At plr. cìprie. - powder
ciorgnon - fm. sng. and plr. ciorgnon-a, ciorgnon-e. - 1) - (cosmetic). See also the term "sìpria" and the loc. "poer ëd
very deaf. - 2) - false deaf. sìpria".
ciorgnon - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]iur[gn]'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - ciramela - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]ir&m'el& \ ) At plr. ciramele. -
despicable woman. (even if referred to a woman, the term bagpipes (music). See also the terms "siramela, sirimìa".
remains ms.). circa - prp. and adv. (pr. \ [ch]'irc& \ ) - 1) - with regard to,
ciosion - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]iuzi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - whisper, concerning, about, on. (prp.) See also the loc. "për lòn
murmur. - 2) - rustle, rustling. - 3) - chirruping. - See ch'a riguarda..., a propòsit ëd...., an merit a...". - 2) - or so,
also the term "ciusion". or thereabouts, about, roughly, neartly, approximately
ciosionada - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]iuziun'&d& \ ) At plr. ciosionade. - (adv.). See also the terms and loc. "circomcirca, quasi,
1) - whisper, murmur. - 2) - rustle, rustling. - See also squasi, a-peu-pré, apopré, su për giù. - 3) - near, not far
the term "ciusiada". from, close to (adv. locative). See also the terms and loc.
ciosionàire - n. (pr. \ [ch]iuziun'&ire \ ) Ms. plr. ciosionàire - "aranda, anvers, nen lontan da..., ant j'anviron ed..."
fm. sng. and plr. ciosionàira, ciosionàire. - murmurer, circh - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]'irc \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - circus. - 2) -
backbiter. See also the term "ciusionàire". cirque, corrie (geology). See also the term "sirch".
ciosioné - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ [ch]iuziun'e \ ) - 1) - to cìrcol - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]'ircul \ ) At plr. cìrcoj. - 1) - circle. - 2)
whisper. - 2) - to chirrup. - See also the term "ciusioné". - club. - 3) - circulation (medical). See also the terms
cioss - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i'us \ ) Inv. at plr. - brooding hen, hen "sercc, tond " and (sometimes) the term "sircol ".
with a brood of chicks. See also the terms "ciossa, seuta, circolament - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]ircul&m'ænt \ ) - See
crocia, croch, etc. ". circolassion.
ciossa - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i'us& \ ) - See cioss. circolar - 1) - adj. (pr. \ [ch]ircul'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
ciossé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ [ch]ius'e \ ) - to crackle, to circular, round. See also the terms "rotond, tond " and
cluck. It uses the aux. "avèj ". See also the terms "crochié, (sometimes) the term "sircolar".
ciochié, crucì, ciossì, crocì, etc.). circolar - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]ircul'&r \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
ciovaté - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]iu&t'e \ ) - See cioaté. circular (letter). - 2) - belt line, circle line (tram, bus). See
ciové - vrb 1st con. trs. pr. \ [ch]iu'e \ ) - to nail, to fix with also (sometimes) the term "sircolar".
nails. See also the terms "ancioé, anciodé". circolarment - adv. (pr. \ [ch]ircul&rm'ænt \ ) - circularly,
ciovenda - n. f. - (pr. \ [ch]iu'ænd& \ ) - See cioenda. round in circle. Italianism. See also the terms "rotond,
ciovendé - vrb 1st con. trs. - (pr. \ [ch]iuænd'e \ ) - See cioendé. circolar, tond" used as adv., and the loc. "an tond, an circol
ciovëtta - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]iu'&tt& \ ) - See cioëtta. ".
ciò - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i'o \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - nail, rivet, stud, circolassion - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]ircul&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
hobnail. - 2) - piton, peg (alpinism). See also the terms circulation (in general). - 2) - traffic flow. See also the
"bròca, rivet". A way of saying : "pijé ciò për bròca" term "circolament" and (sometimes) the term
lit."to take nail for stud" "to misunderstand". "sircolassion".
ciòca - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i'oc& \ ) At plr. ciòche. - 1) - bell. - 2) - circolatòri - adj. (pr. \ [ch]ircul&t'ori \ ) Ms. plr. circolatòri -
glass dome. ("ciòca 'd véder") - 3) - bells, chimes (music, fm. sng. and plr. circolatòria, circolatòrie. - circulatory
at plr.). (anatomy, etc.). See also (sometimes) the term
ciòch - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i'oc \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - rebuke, "sircolatòri".
scolding. - 2) - quarrel. (slang term). circolé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ [ch]ircul'e \ ) - 1) - to circulate
ciòde - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ [ch]i'ode \ ) - See cioendé. (in general). - 2) - to move on, to keep moving. - 3) - to
ciòm - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i'om \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - marshy flow (liquid in a circuit) - 4) - to spread, to go round
ground, marsh, bog, swamp. See also the term "maré ". - (news, etc.). In this latter meaning it uses in general the
2) - quagmire, slough. See also the term "mojiss ". aux. "esse", but in the sense of "to flow, to move " it uses,
ciòp - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i'op \ ) Inv. at plr. - cup, bowl. See also as a preference, the aux. "avèj ". See also (sometimes) the
the terms "ciopon, ciòt, ciòtola". term "sircolé". Often the loc. "andè an gir" "to go
ciòrgn - n. and adj. (pr. \ [ch]i'or[gn] \ ) Ms. plr. ciòrgn - fm. around" is used.
sng. and plr. ciòrgna, ciòrgne. - 1) - deaf (adj.). - 2) - deaf circom... - prefix - (pr. \ [ch]ircum... \ ) - circum... The prefix
person (sbst.). A way of saying : "ciòrgn coma n'ola" indicates (as it is in English) something referred to a
lit. "deaf as a pot" "completely deaf ". complete roud made around the ogject of the main part of
ciòrgna - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i'or[gn]& \ ) At plr. ciòrgne. - 1) - the word. In the following some examples. (As usual, not
despicable woman, mean woman (vulgar and rude term). always this beginning is this prefix).
- 2) - vulva, cunnus (vulgar and rude term). In this circomcirca - adv. (pr. \ [ch]ircum[ch]'irc& \ ) - See circa 2).
meaning see the most "normal" term "volva, vurva". circomlunar - adj. (pr. \ [ch]ircuml[ue]n'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and
ciòs - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i'oz \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - enclosure, nr. - circumlunar.
enclosed land - 2) - garden, kitchen garden. - See also circomnavigassion - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]ircumn&vig&si'u[ng] \ ) -
the term "cius". Inv. at plr. - circumnavigation.
ciòsa - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i'oz& \ ) At plr. ciòse. - gloss, note, foot- circomnavigator - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]ircumn&vig&t'ur \ ) Inv. at
note. plr. - circumnavigator.
ciòsp - adj. (pr. \ [ch]i'osp \ ) Ms. plr. ciòsp - fm. sng. and plr. circomnavighé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ [ch]ircumn&vig'e \ ) - to
ciòspa, ciòspe. - old, worn down, in bad condition. circumnavigate, to sail round.
ciòt - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - cup, bowl. See also the circompolar - adj. (pr. \ [ch]ircumpul'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr.
terms "ciopon, ciòp, ciòtola". - circumpolar.
ciòtola - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i'otul& \ ) - See ciòt. circomteréstr - adj. (pr. \ [ch]ircumtær'estr \ ) Inv. in gnd. and
ciòv - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i'ou \ ) - See ciò. nr. - circumterrestrial.
cipì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ [ch]ip'i \ ) - to chirrup, to twitter. circon... - prefix (pr. \ [ch]ircu[ng]... \ ) - circum... In English it
See also the term "cëppì ". is not always used as a prefix as in Piedm. in the sense that

piedm. words using this prefix are often translated into circoscrive - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ [ch]ircuscr'ive \ ) - 1) - to
english words not using a specific prefix. The meaning is circumscribe (geometry). - 2) - to restrain, to limit, to
close to the one of the prefix "circom..." and the difference circumscribe (in a fig. sense). - 3) - to get under control
is mainly due to euphonical reasons. (e. g. fire).
circoncide - vrb 2nd con. trs. - (pr. \ [ch]ircun[ch]'ide \ ) - to circospession - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]ircuspesi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
circumcise. circumspection, caution, wariness. See also the term
circoncis - n. and adj. (pr. \ [ch]ircun[ch]'iz \ ) Ms. plr. "prudensa".
circoncis - fm. sng. and plr. circoncisa, circoncise. - circospét - adj. (pr. \ [ch]ircusp'et \ ) Ms. plr. circospét - fm.
circoncised. Note that this word is not (usually) also p. p. sng. and plr. circospéta, circospéte. - circumspect,
which is instead "circoncidù ". Anyway also this term can cautious, wary. See also the terms "prudent, antivist ".
be found sometimes as a p. p. circostansa - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]ircust'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr.
circoncision - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]ircun[ch]izi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - circostanse. - 1) - circumstance. - 2) - occasion,
circumcision. circumstances. See also the term "sircostansa".
circondàbil - adj. (pr. \ [ch]ircund'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. circondàbij circostansià - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ [ch]ircust&[ng]si'& \ ) Inv. in
- fm. sng. and plr. circondàbil, circondàbij. - that can be gnd. and nr. - circumstantial (adj.), detailed (adj. and p.
surrounded. p.).
circondament - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]ircund&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - circostansial - adj. (pr. \ [ch]ircust&[ng]si'&l \ ) Ms. plr.
surrounding. circostansiaj - fm. sng. and plr. circostansial,
circondari - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]ircund'&ri \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - circostansiaj. - circumstantial.
neighbourhood, surroundings. - 2) - district. See also the circostansialment - adv. (pr. \ [ch]ircust&[ng]si&lm'ænt \ ) -
term "sircondari ". circumstantially, in detail. Italianism. See also the term
circondé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ [ch]ircund'e \ ) - 1) - to "circostansià " used as an adv. and the adv. loc. "ant ij
surround, to encircle, to enclose. - 2) - to load, to detaj, ant ij particolar, an manera circostansià ".
overwhelm (in a fig. sense). - See also the term "sircondé circostansié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ [ch]ircust&[ng]si'e \ ) - to
". circumstantiate, to detail, to describe circumstantially.
circondésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ [ch]ircund'ese \ ) - to circostant - 1) - adj. (pr. \ [ch]ircust'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. circostant
gather round oneself, to surround oneself. See also the - fm. sng. and plr. circostanta, circostante. -
term "sircondésse ". surrounding, encompassing, neighbouring.
circondùe - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ [ch]ircund'[ue]e \ ) - to circostant - 2) - n. m. plr. (pr. \ [ch]ircust'&nt \ ) Only plr. -
rotate (gym). See also the term "circonduve", having the those nearby, bystanders.
same pronunciation. circuì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ [ch]irc[ue]'i \ ) - to deceive, to
circondussion - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]ircund[ue]si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. entrap, to circumvent. See also the term "circonvnì ".
- circling (gym). circuission - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]irc[ue]isi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
circondùve - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ [ch]ircund'[ue]e \ ) - See circumvention, entrapment. - 2) - Sometimes also
circondùe. circumlocution. See also the term "circonvension".
circonferensa - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]ircu[ng]fer'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. circuit - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]irc[ue]'it \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - circuit
circonferense. - 1) - circumference (geometry). - 2) - (physics and general). Some tpyes and situations : - A) -
girth. See also the term sometimes used "sirconferensa". "circuit duvert" "open circuit". - B) - "circuit sarà "
circonfléss - adj. (pr. \ [ch]ircu[ng]fl'es \ ) Ms. plr. circonfléss "closed circuit". - C) - "curt circuit" "short circuit". - D)
- fm. sng. and plr. circonfléssa, circonflésse. - 1) - curved, - "circuit elétrich" "electrical circuit". - E) - "circuit
bent, round. Seldom used in this sense. See also the most magnétich" "magnetic circuit". - F) - "circuit cobià" =
used terms "curv, ancurvà, etc.". - 2) - circumflex. "coupled circuits". - 2) - circular track, closed race-
circonflession - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]ircu[ng]flesi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. course (sport). See also the term "sircuit".
- circumflexion, circumflection. circuital - adj. (pr. \ [ch]irc[ue]it'&l \ ) Ms. plr. circuitaj - fm.
circonflete - vrb 2nd con. trs. - (pr. \ [ch]ircu[ng]fl'ete \ ) - 1) - sng. and plr. circuital, circuitaj. - circuit (as an attribute).
to curve, to bent, to round. Seldom used in this sense. See circuitassion - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]irc[ue]it&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
also the most used terms "curvé, ancurvé, etc.". - 2) - to circuitation, circulation (vectorial fields - mathematics
circumflex. and physics).
circonfonde - vrb 2nd con. trs. - (pr. \ [ch]ircu[ng]f'unde \ ) - to Cirenàica - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]iren'&ic& \ ) Name of region only
surround (st. or sb. with) sng. In case of need a plr. is Cirenàiche - Cyrenaica.
circonfus - adj. (pr. \ [ch]ircu[ng]f'[ue]z \ ) Ms. plr. circonfus - cirenaich - n. and adj. (pr. \ [ch]iren'&ic \ ) Ms. plr. cirenaich -
fm. sng. and plr. circonfusa, circonfuse. - surrounded fm. sng. and plr. cirenaica, cirenaiche. - Cyrenaic.
(by, with), bathed (in). Cirene - n. f. sng. (pr. \ [ch]ir'ene \ ) Name of city only sng.
circonlocussion - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]ircu[ng]luc[ue]si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. Inv. in case of need. - Cyrene.
at plr. - circumlocution. cireneo - n. and adj. (pr. \ [ch]iren'eô \ ) Ms. plr. cireneo - fm.
circonvalassion - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]ircu[ng]v&l&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at sng. and plr. cirenea, cirenee. - 1) - of Cyrene (adj.). - 2) -
plr. - ring road. inhabitant of Cyrene (sbst.).
circonvension - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]ircu[ng]væ[ng]si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at cir - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]ir \ ) Inv. at plr - cyrrus (meteorology).
plr. - circumvention, duping. See also the term ciresa - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]ir'ez& \ ) - See ceresa.
"circuission". ciresé - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]irez'e \ ) - See ceresé.
circonvolussion - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]ircu[ng]vul[ue]si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. ciresera - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]irez'er& \ ) - See ceresera.
at plr. - 1) - circumvolution. - 2) - convolution (anatomy). cirià - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]iri'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - tonsure (religion).
circonvnì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ [ch]ircu[ng]vn'i \ ) - to cheat, ciribébola - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]irib'ebul& \ ) At plr. ciribébole. -
to swindle, to trick, to circumvent, to dupe. See also the Jew's harp (music). See also the terms "aribeba, ribeba,
term "circuì ". ribébola".
circoscrission - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]ircuscrisi'u[ng] \ ) - 1) - district, ciribibì - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]iribib'i \ ) - See cincia.
area, territory. - 2) - the action of limiting, the action of ciribicòcola - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]iribic'ocul& \ ) At plr.
circumscribing. ciribicòcole. - head (jocular).

ciribiricòcola - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]iribiric'ocul& \ ) - See cistite - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]ist'ite \) Inv. at plr. - cystitis.
ciribicòcola. cis valà! - excl. (pr. \ [ch]iz v&l'& \) - See cis!.
ciricòcola - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]iric'ocul& \ ) - See ciribicòcola. cisvalà! - excl. (pr. \ [ch]izv&l'& \) - See cis!.
cirighet - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]irig'æt \ ) - See cerigòt. cit - 1) - n. (pr. \ [ch]it \) Ms. plr. cit - fm. sng. and plr. cita,
cirighin (euv al ---) - loc. sbst. (pr. \ [oe]u &l [ch]irig'i[ng] \ ) cite. - child, baby, little boy. See also the terms "masnà,
Inv. at plr. - fried egg(s). See also the most common loc. gognin, gnèro, gòrba, cito, pcit ".
"euv al palet, euv al fojòt ". cit - 2) - adj. (pr. \ [ch]it \) Ms. plr. cit - fm. sng. and plr. cita,
cirilin - adj (pr. \ [ch]iril'i[ng] \) - See cërlin. cite. - little, small. See also the term "pcit ".
cirimela - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]irim'el& \) At plr. (if any) cirimele. - cita - n. fm. (pr. \ [ch]'it& \) At plr. cite. - girl, little girl, baby
tip-cat (children play). See also the term "lipa". (she) - See cit 1).
cirimìa - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]irim'i& \) At plr. cirimìe. - bagpipes, citàbil - adj. (pr. \ [ch]it'&bil \) Ms. plr. citàbij - fm. sng. and
pipe. See also the term "zampòrgna, sirimìa, ciampòrgna, plr. citàbil, citàbij. - quotable, citable.
piva". citant - n. and adj. (pr. \ [ch]it'&nt \) Ms. plr. citant - fm. sng.
cirimochét - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]irimuc'æt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - altar and plr. citanta, citante. - plaintiff (legal).
boy, choirboy. - 2) - sacristan. - This term is used in a citassion - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]it&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
jocular sense. See also the terms "cerigòt, sacrista". quotation, citation. - 2) - summons, subpoena (legal).
ciriné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ [ch]irin'e \) - See cërliné. cité - vrb. 1st con. trs. (pr. \ [ch]it'e \) - 1) - to quote. - 2) - to
cirlimirli (an ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ &[ng] [ch]irlim'irli \) - in instance, to mention, to cite. - 3) - to summon, to
one's Sunday best, dressed up to the nines. The word subpoena, to sue, to convene (legal).
"cirlimirli" has not a direct translation into English, and citëssa - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]it'&ss& \) At plr. citësse. - 1) -
corresponds roughly to the italian "ghingheri". smallness, littleness. - 2) - little thing, trifle. - 3) -
cirlimirli (soagnésse an --- fërte) - vrbl. loc. 1st con. refl. (pr. \ meanness, pettiness, narrow-mindedness. See also the
su&[gn]'ese &[ng] [ch]irlim'irli f'&rte \) - to smarten up term "pcitëssa".
oneself, to titivate oneself, to dress up. The expression is citin - n. and adj. (pr. \ [ch]it'i[ng] \) Ms. plr. citin - fm. sng.
used in an ironical sense. See also the term "soagnésse", and plr. citin-a, citin-e. - 1) - baby (sbst). - 2) - quite little,
and the adv. loc. "an cirlimirli". quite small, very small. See also the term "pcitin".
ciross - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]ir'us \) Inv. at plr. - red concrete (brick cito - 1) - n. and adj. (pr. \ [ch]'itu \) - See cit 1) and 2).
powder instead of sand) (buildings). cito - 2) - adv. (pr. \ [ch]'itu \) - silently, in silence. See also the
cis! - excl. (pr. \ [ch]iz \) - gee!. Incitement for draught-horses, term "ciuto".
oxes, etc. cito - 3) - adj. (pr. \ [ch]'itu \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - silent,
cisalpin - adj. (pr. \ [ch]iz&lp'i[ng] \) Ms. plr. cisalpin - fm. quiet. See also the term "ciuto". In Piedm. the use of this
sng. and plr. cisalpin-a, cisalpin-e. - cisalpine. adj. is a bit particular, and it is also possible to think that
cisampa - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]iz'&mp& \) At plr. cisampe. - heavy actually it has always an adv. meaning. With the same
hoarfrost. See also the term "galaverna". meaning but a normal behaviour see the terms "silensios,
cìser - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]'izær \) - See cisi. chet, etc.". Some examples : - A) - "ël cit a sta cito" lit
cisi - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]'izi \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - gram, chickpea "the child stays silent (in silence)" "the child is silent". -
(botany - Cicer arietinum). See also the term "ciser". The B) - "la cita a stà cito" lit "the girl stays silent (in
loc. "cisi marià " lit. "married chickpeas" indicates "soup silence)" "the girl is silent". - C) - "ël cit a l'é silensios"
of pasta and chickpeas". - 2) - fleshy excrescence lit "the child is silent ". - B) - "la cita a l'é silensiosa"
(medical). lit "the girl is silent".
cispa - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]'isp& \) At plr. (if any) cispé. - eye citofoné - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ [ch]itufun'e \) - to speak by
rheum (medical). intercom, to call on the housephone.
cisrà - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]isr'& \) Inv. at plr. - chickpea purée, citologìa - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]ituluj'i& \) At plr. (if any) citologìe. -
chichpea soup. cytology (biology).
cissà - 1) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ [ch]is'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - citològich - adj. (pr. \ [ch]itul'ojic \) Ms. plr. citològich - fm.
swollen-headed, self impotrant. sng. and plr. citològica, citològiche. - cytological
cissà - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]is'& \) Inv. at plr. - hit of goad, (biology).
stimulus, spur. See also the term "cissada". citon - n. (pr. \ [ch]it'u[ng] \) Ms. plr. citon - fm. sng. and plr.
cissada - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]is'&d& \) - See cissà. citon-a, citon-e. - big baby. Both in actual and fig. sense.
cissant - adj. (pr. \ [ch]is'&nt \) Ms. plr. cissant - fm. sng. and citoplasma - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]itupl'&zm& \) Inv. at plr. -
plr. cissanta, cissante. - stimulating, inciting. cytoplasm.
cissé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ [ch]is'e \) - to stimulate, to incite. citòfon - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]it'ofun \) Inv. at plr. - internal phone,
cissésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ [ch]is'ese \) - to grow excited, intercom, housephone, interphone. Also in the spelling
to get a swollen head. "citòfono".
cist! - excl. (pr. \ [ch]ist \) - Incitement for draught-horses, citòfono - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]it'ofunô \) - See citòfon.
oxes, etc (turn right!). See also the voice ta! (turn left!). citòlogh - n. (pr. \ [ch]it'olug \) Ms. plr. citòlogh - fm. sng. and
ciste - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]'iste \) Inv. at plr. - cyst (biology, plr. citòloga, citòloghe. - cytologist.
medicine). See also the term "cisti". citrà - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]itr'& \) Inv. at plr. - citrate (chemistry).
cisterna - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]ist'ærn& \) At plr. cisterne. - cìtrich - adj. (pr. \ [ch]'itric \) Ms. plr. cìtrich - fm. sng. and
reservoir, cistern, tank. See also the term "sisterna". plr. cìtrica, cìtriche. - citric.
cisternista - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]istærn'ist& \) Inv. at plr. - tanker ciucà - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i[ue]c'& \) Inv. at plr. - bang with the
driver. head, knock on the head. See also the terms "ciucatà,
cisti - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]'isti \) Inv. at plr. - cyst (biology, testà, testassà, sucatà ".
medicine). See also the term "ciste". ciucatà - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i[ue]c&t'& \) - See ciucà.
cìstich - adj. (pr. \ [ch]'istic \) Ms. plr. cìstich - fm. sng. and ciucc - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i'[ue][ch] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - gravy,
plr. cìstica, cìstiche. - cystic. sauce. - 2) - juice. - See also the terms "sugo, bagna,
cistifélea - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]istif'ele& \) At plr. (if any) cistifélee. bagnet, sàusa, giuss". - 3) - wine (in a jocular sense).
- gall bladder (anatomy). Also the loc. "vessìa dl'afél " is ciucé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ [ch]i[ue][ch]'e \) - 1) - to suck. - 2)
used. - to absorb. - 3) - to sip.

ciucet - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i[ue][ch]'æt \) Inv. at plr. - nursing ciumiss - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i[ue]m'iz \) Inv. at plr. (if any). - 1) -
teat, comforter, (baby's) dummy, pacifier (babies) - See musty smell. In this sense see also the terms "arcius,
also the terms "ciùcio, ciocio ". cëmmiss, cëmmì, cimiss". - 2) - marshland, bog. In this
ciuch - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i'[ue]c \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - base of a tree, sense see also the terms "ciòm, mojiss".
stump. - 2) - log. - 3) - block (wooden). - 4) - brake ciupì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ [ch]i[ue]p'i \) - to leave ajar, to
block. - 5) - blockhead (in a fig. sense). See also the terms half-close, to half-open.
"such, sëppa ". ciupiné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ [ch]i[ue]pin'e \) - to gulp down,
ciucia - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i'[ue][ch]i& \) At plr. ciuce. - 1) - breast. to drink. (In a jocular sense).
- 2) - udder. See also the term "pupa". ciurica - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i'[ue]ric& \) - See ciùlica.
ciucià - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i[ue][ch]i'& \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - suck. ciurma - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i'[ue]rm& \) At plr. (when applicable)
- 2) - drink (in a fig. sense). ciurme. - riff-raff, rabble, mob (in a fig. sense, but
ciucià - 2) - adj. (pr. \ [ch]i[ue][ch]i'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - usually used in this sense). - 2) - crew (not very used in
1) - worn out, run down, wasted. - 2) - thin, lean, this sense).
meagre (in a fig. sense). ciurmaja - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i[ue]rm'&y& \) At plr. (when
ciuciadoje - n. (pr. \ [ch]i[ue][ch]i&d'uye \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. applicable) ciurmaje. - rabble, mob, despicable people.
- toper, tippler, boozer. This term is one of the many See also the terms "gentaja, gosaja, ciurma".
words composed by a vrbl. voice and a name, which, in a ciurumìa - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i[ue]r[ue]m'i& \) At plr. ciurumìe. -
jocular way, describe a character. This is made up by 1) - bagpipes, pipe. See also the term "zampòrgna,
"ciucia" 3rd prs. sng. present of "ciucé" "to suck" and cirimìa, sirimìa, ciampòrgna, piva". - 2) - hurdy-gurdy.
the name "doje" plr. of "doja" "jug". The lit. meaning Classical Languedocian musical instrument.
of the term is then "who sucks jugs". See also the term cius - 1) - adj. - (pr. \ [ch]i'[ue]z \) Ms. plr. cius - fm. sng. and
(similar) "ciuciamartin", and terms like "ciocaton, plr. ciusa, ciuse. - 1) - closed, shut (in general) - 2) -
cimpèire, ciuciardòt". overcast, cloudy (weather). - 3) - balanced, settled
ciuciafurmìe - n. (pr. \ [ch]i[ue][ch]i&f[ue]rm'ie \) Inv. in gnd. (finance, commerce). 4) - reserved, uncommunicative.
and nr. - thin, meagre, lean, lank. This term is one of the See also the term "sarà ".
many words composed by a vrbl. voice and a name, which, cius - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i'[ue]z \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - musty
in a jocular way, describe a character. This is made up by smell. In this sense see also the term "arcius ". - 2) - owl
"ciucia" 3rd prs. sng. present of "ciucé" "to suck" and (in some parts of Piedm. - Langa). In this sense see also the
the name "furmìe" plr. of "furmìa" "ant". The lit. term "suiton", also a local term.
meaning of the term is then "who sucks ants", a very poor ciusa - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i'[ue]z& \) At plr. ciuse. - 1) - dyke, dam,
food indeed. See also the terms "màgher, màire". weir. - 2) - lock, sluice. - 3) - narrowing. - 4) - ending,
ciucialait - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i[ue][ch]i&l'&it \) Inv. at plr. - conclusion.
honeysuckle (botany - Lonicera caprifolium). The ciusela - n.f. (pr. \ [ch]i[ue]z'el& \) At plr. ciusele. - 1) -
composite name "ciucia" "suck" and "lait" "milk", narrow passage. - 2) - gorge, narrow valley.
follows the same structure of the english one, with a ciusiada - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i[ue]zi'&d& \) At plr. ciusiade. - 1) -
different name used (milk instead of honey). whisper, murmur. - 2) - rustle, rustling. - See also the
ciuciamartin - n. (pr. \ [ch]i[ue][ch]i&m&rt'i[ng] \) - See terms "ciosionada, ciusion, ciosion".
ciuciadoje. ciusié - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ [ch]i[ue]zi'e \) - to
ciuciamèra - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i[ue][ch]i&m'ær& \) At plr. whisper. It uses always the aux. "avèj ".
ciuciamère. - woody nightshade, bitter-sweet (botany - ciusion - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i[ue]zi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
Solanum dulcamara). whisper, murmur. - 2) - rustle, rustling. - 3) -
ciuciardòt - n. (pr. \ [ch]i[ue][ch]i&rd'ot \) - See ciuciadoje. chirruping. - See also the terms "ciosion, ciusionada".
ciuciassangh - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i[ue][ch]i&s'&[ng]g \) Inv. at ciusionàire - n. (pr. \ [ch]i[ue]ziun'&ire \ ) Ms. plr. ciosionàire
plr. - 1) - leech (zoology - Hirudo medicinalis). - 2) - - fm. sng. and plr. ciosionàira, ciosionàire. - murmurer,
blood-sucker, leech (in a fig. sense). backbiter. See also the term "ciosionàire, ciusionèire".
ciucio - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i'[ue][ch]iu \ ) Inv. at plr. - ciusioné - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ [ch]i[ue]ziun'e \ ) - 1) - to
comforter, (baby's) dummy, pacifier (babies) - See also whisper. - 2) - to chirrup. - See also the term "ciusioné".
the most common terms "ciocio, ciucet ". ciusionèire - n. (pr. \ [ch]i[ue]ziun'æire \ ) - See ciusionàire.
ciuciù! - excl. (pr. \ [ch]i[ue][ch]i'[ue] \) - Term used for ciut - adj. (pr. \ [ch]i'[ue]t \ ) - See cito 3).
teasing children in an affable way, without a precise ciuto - adj. and adv. (pr. \ [ch]i'[ue]tu \ ) - See cito 2) and 3).
translation in English. See also the loc. "ciuciù la baja! , civansa - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]iv'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr. civanse. - 1) -
ciuciù la bagna!". gain, profit. - 2) - benefit, income. - 3) - advantage.
ciuf - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]i'[ue]f \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - tuft. - 2) - civëtta - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]iv'&tt& \ ) At plr. civëtte - 1) - owl
forelock. (zoology - Careine noctua). - 2) - coquette (in a fig. sense).
ciufé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ [ch]i[ue]f'e \) - 1) - to snatch. - 2) - See also the terms "cioëtta, ciovëtta, siàtola, sivìtola,
to catch. - 3) - to grasp. - 4) - to swindle, to cheat (in a sìtola".
fig. sense). See also the term "ciufì ". civëttarìa - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]iv&tt&r'i& \ ) At plr. civëttarìe. -
ciufì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ [ch]i[ue]f'i \) - See ciufé. coquetry, coquettishness. See also the term "sivëttarìa".
ciùfola - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i'[ue]ful& \) At plr. ciùfole. - 1) - trifle, civëtté - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ [ch]iv&tt'e \ ) - to coquette, to
bagatelle. - 2) - idle talk, idle tale, fib. flirt. It uses the aux. "avèj ". See also the term "sivëtté ".
ciùlica - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]i'[ue]lic& \) At plr. ciùliche. - See also civëtton - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]iv&tt'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - fop. See
the terms "ciùrica, cieulica". - prolonged chirruping of also the term "sivëtton ".
many birds. See also the terms "cieùrica, cieulica. cìvich - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]'ivic \ ) Inv. at plr. - local
ciùrica". policeman, traffic warden.
ciumì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ [ch]i[ue]m'i \) - to burn slowly, cìvich - 2) - adj. (pr. \ [ch]'ivic \ ) Ms. plr. cìvich - fm. sng. and
to burn under cinders. Also in a fig. sense. See also the plr. cìvica, cìviche. - 1) - civic. - 2) - municipal, town (as
terms "cëmmì, cimì ". In this sense it uses the aux. "esse". - an attribute).
2) - to idle about. In this sense it uses the aux. "avèj ". civil - adj. (pr. \ [ch]iv'il \ ) Ms. plr. civij - fm. sng. and plr.
civil, civij. - 1) - civil. - 2) - civilian. - 3) - civilized. - 4) -

polite, urbane (in a fig. sense). - 5) - respectable, decent classicista - n. (pr. \ cl&si[ch]'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. classicista - fm.
(in a fig. sense). See also the term "sivil ". sng. and plr. classicista, classiciste. - classicist.
civilisassion - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]iviliz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - classicìstich - adj. (pr. \ cl&si[ch]'istic \ ) Ms. plr. classicìstic -
civilization. See also the term "sivilisassion". fm. sng. and plr. classicìstica, classicìstiche. - classicistic,
civilisator - n. and adj. (pr. \ [ch]iviliz&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. classical.
civilisator - fm. sng. and plr. civilisatriss, civilisatriss. - 1) classicità - n. f. (pr. \ cl&si[ch]it'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
- civilizing (adj.). - 2) - civilizer (sbst.). See also the term classicism. - 2) - classical antiquity.
"sivilisator". classìfica - n. f. (pr. \ cl&s'ific& \ ) At plr. classìfiche. - 1) -
civilisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ [ch]iviliz'e \ ) - to civilize. See classification, classing. - 2) - results, placings (sport). - 3)
also the term "sivilisé ". - position (in a classification).
civilisésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ [ch]iviliz'ese \ ) - to become classificàbil - adj. (pr. \ cl&sific'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. classificàbij -
civilized. See also the term "sivilisésse ". fm. sng. and plr. classificàbil, classificàbij. - classifiable.
civilista - n. (pr. \ [ch]ivil'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. civilista - fm. sng. classificassion - n. f. (pr. \ cl&sific&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1)
and plr. civilista, civiliste. - civilian. See also the term - classification, classing. - 2) - grading. - 3) - mark,
"sivilista". grade. - 4) - rating.
civilìstich - adj. (pr. \ [ch]ivil'istic \ ) Ms. plr. civilìstich - fm. classificator - n. m. (pr. \ cl&sific&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
sng. and plr. civilìstica, civilìstiche. -concerning civil law. classifier. - 2) - classified file.
See also the term "sivilìstich ". classifiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cl&sifik'e \ ) - 1) - to
civilment - adv. (pr. \ [ch]ivilm'ænt \ ) - civilly. Italianism, classify. - 2) - to class. - 3) - to mark. - 4) - to grade. - 5) -
even if quite used. See the best loc. "an manera civil" or to rate.
the adj. "civil " used as an adv., and the term "sivilment ". classism - n. m. (pr. \ cl&s'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - class-
civiltà - n. f. (pr. \ [ch]ivilt'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - civilization. - consciousness.
2) - civility. See also the term "siviltà ". classista - n. and adj. (pr. \ cl&s'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. classista - fm.
civism - n. m. (pr. \ [ch]iv'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - public spirit, sng. and plr. classista, classiste. - 1) class (as an attribute -
good citizenship, civic virtue. adj.). - 2) - class-conscious person (sbst.).
clach - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ cl'&c \ ) Inv. at plr. - galosh, golosh. classistich - adj. (pr. \ cl&s'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. classìstich - fm.
clach - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ cl'&c \ ) Inv. at plr. - claque, hired sng. and plr. classìstica, classìstiche. - class (as an
applauders. attribute).
clacheur - n. (pr. \ cl&k'[oe]r \ ) Ms. plr. clacheur - fm. sng. clàstich - adj. - (pr. \ cl'&stic \ ) Ms. plr. clàstich - fm. sng. and
and plr. clacheusa, clacheuse. - claquer, hired plr. clàstica, clàstiche. - clastic (geology).
applauder. See also the term "clachista". clàun - n. m. (pr. \ cl'&un \ ) Inv. at plr. - clown. See also the
clachista - n. (pr. \ cl&k'ist& \ ) - See clacheur. term "tòni ".
clacson - n. m. (pr. \ cl'&cso[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - hooter, motor claunesch - adj. (pr. \ cl&un'æsc \ ) Ms. plr. claunesch - fm.
horn. sng. and plr. claunësca, claunësche. - clownish.
clan - n. m. (pr. \ cl&[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - clan. clàustr - n. m. (pr. \ cl'&ustr \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - cloister. - 2) -
clandestin - n. and adj. (pr. \ cl&ndest'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. convent.
clandestin - fm. sng. and plr. clandestin-a, clandestin-e. - claustral - adj. (pr. \ cl&ustr'&l \ ) Ms. plr. claustraj - fm. sng.
1) - clandestine, covert, underground (adj.). - 2) - and plr. claustral, claustraj. - claustral, cloistered.
clandestine, stowaway (sbst.). claustrofobìa - n. f. (pr. \ cl&ustrufub'i& \ ) At plr. (if any)
clandestinità - n. f. (pr. \ cl&ndestinit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - claustrofobìe. - claustrophobia.
clandestinity, clandestineness. claustrofòbich - adj. (pr. \ cl&ustruf'obic \ ) Ms. plr.
clarin - n. m. (pr. \ cl&r'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - clarino (music). claustrofòbich - fm. sng. and plr. claustrofòbica,
clarinet - n. m. (pr. \ cl&rin'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - clarinet (music). claustrofòbiche. - claustrophobic.
clarinëtta - n. f. (pr. \ cl&rin'&tt& \ ) At plr. clarnëtte. - claustròfobo - n. adj. (pr. \ cl&ustr'ofubô \ ) Ms. plr.
clarino (music). claustròfobo - fm. sng. and plr. claustròfoba,
clarinëttista - n. (pr. \ cl&rin&tt'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. clarinëttista - claustròfobe. - claustrophobic.
fm. sng. and plr. clarinëttista, clarinëttiste. - clarinet clàusula - n. f. (pr. \ cl'&uz[ue]l& \ ) At plr. clàusule. - 1) -
player, clarinettist. clause, stipulation. - 2) - proviso. - 3) - clause (legal).
clarinista - n. (pr. \ cl&rin'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. clarinista - fm. sng. clausura - n. f. (pr. \ cl&uz'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. clausure. - 1) -
and plr. clarinista, clariniste. - clarin player. seclusion. - 2) - cloister.
clarissa - n. f. (pr. \ cl&r'is& \ ) At plr. clarisse. - Poor Clare, clava - n. f. (pr. \ cl'&v& \ ) At plr. clave. - club, cludgel,
Minoress (religion). bludgeon.
claron - n. m. (pr. \ cl&r'is& \ ) Inv. at plr. - bass clarinet clavicèmbal - n. m. (pr. \ cl&vi[ch]'æmb&l \ ) At plr.
(music). clavicèmbaj. - haprsichord.
classa - n. f. (pr. \ cl'&s& \ ) - See classe. clavicembalista - n. (pr. \ cl&vi[ch]æmb&l'ist& \ ) Ms. plr.
classe - n. f. (pr. \ cl'&se \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - class. - 2) - class, clavicembalista - fm. sng. and plr. clavicembalista,
rating. - 3) - class, form, classroom, schoolrom. - 3) - clavicembaliste. - haprsichordist, haprsichord player.
class, contingent, year. clavìcola - n. f. (pr. \ cl&v'icul& \ ) At plr. clavìcole. - clavicle,
classé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cl&s'e \ ) - 1) - to classify. - 2) - collarbone (anatomy).
to class. - 3) - to mark. - 4) - to grade. - See also the term clavicolar - adj. (pr. \ cl&vicul'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
"classifiché ". clavicular.
clàssich - 1) - adj. (pr. \ cl'&sic \ ) Ms. plr. clàssich - fm. sng. clavicòrd - n. m. (pr. \ cl&vic'ord \ ) Inv. at plr. - clavichord.
and plr. clàssica, clàssiche. - classical. See also the loc. "spinëtta sorda".
clàssich - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ cl'&sic \ ) Inv. at plr. - classic. clemensa - n. f. (pr. \ clem'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. clemense. -
classicisé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ cl&si[ch]iz'e \ ) - to mercifulness, leniency, mildness, mercy, clemency.
classicize. clement - 1) - adj. (pr. \ clem'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. clement - fm. sng.
classicism - n. m. (pr. \ cl&si[ch]'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - and plr. clementa, clemente. - merciful, lenient, mild,
classicism. clement.

Clement - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ clem'ænt \ ) Noun of person, only cloaca - n. f. (pr. \ clu'&c& \ ) At plr. cloache. - 1) - sewer,
sng. (in case of need it is inv.) - Clement. principal drain, cloaca. - 2) - cesspool, sink of iniquity
clementin-a - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ clemænt'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. (in a fig. sense).
clementin-e. - clementine (fruit). clochì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ cluk'i \ ) - to cackle, to cluck. It
Clementin-a - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ clemænt'i[ng]& \ ) Noun of uses the aux. "avèj ".
person, only sng. (in case of need Clementin-e). - clorà - n. m. (pr. \ clur'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - chlorate (chemistry).
Clementina, Clementine. clorassion - n. f. (pr. \ clur&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
clerical - 1) - adj. (pr. \ cleric'&l \ ) Ms. plr. clericaj - fm. sng. chlorination (chemistry).
and plr. clerical, clericaj. - clerical. See also the term cloridrà - n. m. (pr. \ cluridr'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - hydrochlorate,
"cerical ". chlorhydrate (chemistry).
clerical - 2) - n. (pr. \ cleric'&l \ ) Ms. plr. clericaj - fm. sng. clorìdrich - adj. (pr. \ clur'idric \ ) Ms. plr. clorìdrich - fm.
and plr. clerical, clericaj. - clerical, clericalist. See also sng. and plr. clorìdrica, clorìdriche. - hydrocloric
the term "cerical ". (chemistry).
clero - n. m. (pr. \ cl'erô \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - clergy. clorofila - n. f. (pr. \ cluruf'il& \ ) Usually sng. (in case of need
client - n. (pr. \ cli'ænt \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr., but somerimes at plr. clorofile.) - chlorophyll (botany).
Ms. plr. client - fm. sng. and plr. clienta, cliente. - 1) - clorofilian - adj. (pr. \ clurufili'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. clorofilian -
client. - 2) - customer. - 3) - guest. fm. sng. and plr. clorofilian-a, clorofilian-e. - chlorophyll
clientela - n. f. (pr. \ cliænt'el& \ ) At plr. clientele. - 1) - (as an attribute) (botany).
clientele. - 2) - clients. - 3) - customers. - 4) - patrons. cloroformisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ clurufurmiz'e \ ) - to
clientelism - n. m. (pr. \ cliæntel'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - patronage chloroform, to chloroformize. See also the loc. "dé
system, favouritism. l'andurmìa" lit "to give the sleep" "to make sleep, to
clima - n. m. (pr. \ cl'im& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - climate. - 2) - anaesthetize".
atmosphere, climate (in a fig. sense). clorofòrmi - n. m. (pr. \ cluruf'ormi \ ) Usually sng. (in case of
cilmatéri - n. m. (pr. \ clim&t'eri \ ) - Inv. at plr. (if any). - need it is inv. at plr.). - chloroform (chemistry).
climateric, menopause, andropause. clorur - n. m. (pr. \ clur'[ue]r \ ) - See cloruro.
climatérich - adj. (pr. \ clim&t'eric \ ) Ms. plr. climatérich - clorurassion - n. f. (pr. \ clur[ue]r&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
fm. sng. and plr. climatérica, climatériche. - 1) - chlorination (chemistry).
climateric (medical). - 2) - critical, dangerous, cloruré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ clur[ue]r'e \ ) - to chlorinate, to
unpropitious (in a fig. sense). clorinize (chemistry).
climaté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ clim&t’e \ ) - to acclimatize, to cloruro - n. m. (pr. \ clur'[ue]rô \ ) Inv. at plr. - chloride
acclimate. See also the term "aclimaté ". (chemistry).
climatésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ clim&t’ese \ ) - to become clòrich - adj. (pr. \ cl'oric \ ) Ms. plr. clòrich - fm. sng. and plr.
acclimatized. See also the term "aclimatésse". clòrica, clòriche. - chloric (chemistry).
climàtich - adj. (pr. \ clim'&tic \ ) Ms. plr. climàtich - fm. sng. clòro - n. m. (pr. \ cl'orô \ ) Usually sng. (chemical element),
and plr. climàtica, climàtiche. - climatic. and anyway inv. at plr. - chlorine (chemistry).
climatisassion - n. f. (pr. \ clim&tiz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - club - n. m. (pr. \ cl[ue]b \ ) Inv. at plr. - club. Word coming
air-conditioning. from English. See also the term "cìrcol ".
climatisator - n. m. (pr. \ clim&tiz&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - air- co - n. m. (pr. \ cu \ ) Inv. at plr. - whetstone, hone. See also
conditioning unit. the term "cov".
climatisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ clim&tiz'e \ ) - to air- coa - n. f. (pr. \ c'u& \ ) At plr. coe. - 1) - tail, brush. - 2) -
condition. queue, line. - 3) - train, tail. - 4) - tail end. - 5) - coda
climatologìa - n. f. (pr. \ clim&tuluj'i& \ ) At plr. (if any) (music).
climatologìe. - climatology. coà - n. f. (pr. \ cu'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - brood. - 2) - litter.
climatològich - adj. (pr. \ clim&tul'ojic \ ) Ms. plr. Also in a fig. sense. See also the term "covà ".
climatològich - fm. sng. and plr. climatològica, coabitassion - n. f. (pr. \ cu&bit&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
climatològiche. - climatological. cohabitation, living together
climatòlogh - n. (pr. \ clim&t'olug \ ) Ms. plr. climatòlogh - coabité - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ cu&bit'e \ ) - to cohabit, to live
fm. sng. and plr. climatòloga, climatòloghe. - together. It uses the aux. "avèj ".
climatologist. coacésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ cu&[ch]'ese \ ) - to crouch, to
clìncher - n. m. (pr. \ cl'inkær \ ) Inv. at plr. - clinker. cower, to squat.
clìnica - n. f. (pr. \ cl'inic& \ ) At plr. clìniche. - 1) - clinic, coadiutor - n. (pr. \ cu&di[ue]t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. coadiutor - fm.
clinical instruction. - 2) - clinic, hospital department. - sng. and plr. coadiutriss, coadiutriss. - 1) - assistant,
3) - clinic, nursing home. coworker. - 2) - coadjutor.
clìnich - 1) - adj. (pr. \ cl'inic \ ) Ms. plr. clìnich - fm. sng. and coadiutorà - n. m. (pr. \ cu&di[ue]tur'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - office
plr. clìnica, clìniche. - clinical. of coadjutor (religion).
clìnich - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ cl'inic \ ) Inv. at plr. - clinician. coadiuvant - 1) - n. and adj. (pr. \ cu&di[ue]v'&nt \ ) Ms. plr.
clip - n. f. (pr. \ clip \ ) Inv. at plr. - paperclip, clip. coadiuvant - fm. sng. and plr. coadiuvanta, coadiuvante.
clisma - n. m. (pr. \ cl'izm& \ ) Inv. at plr. - enema (medical). - 1) - assisting, coadjutant (adj.). - 2) - adjuvant (adj.)
clissé - n. m. (pr. \ clis'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - block, cliché (pharmacy). - 3) - assistant, coadiutor (sbst.). - See also
(typography). - 2) - cliché, hackneyed phrase (in a fig. the terms "coagiutant, agiutant ".
sense). coadiuvant - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ cu&di[ue]v'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
clisteri - n. m. (pr. \ clist'eri \ ) Inv. at plr. - enema, clyster adjuvant (pharmacy).
(medical). coadiuvé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cu&di[ue]v'e \ ) - to help, to
clivi - n. m. (pr. \ cl'ivi \ ) - See declivi. cooperate (with sb.), to be (sb.'s) coadjutor. -See also the
clo - n. m. (pr. \ clu \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - climax, chief terms "colaboré, giuté ".
attraction, high spot. - 2) - main point of interest. See coafeur - n. (pr. \ cu&f'[oe]r \ ) Ms. plr. coafeur - fm. sng. and
also the term "nos". plr. coafeusa, coafeuse. - 1) - hairdresser. For men also
barber, and see also the term "pruché ". For ladies see also
the term "pentnòira". See also the ter "coefeur".

coafur - n. f. (pr. \ cu&f'[ue]r \ ) Inv. at plr. - hair-dressing, cobalt - 2) - adj. (pr. \ cub'&lt \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - cobalt,
coiffure. See also the terms "coefura, pënnura, pentnura". blue cobalt. Colour. See also the loc. "bleu cobalt".
coagiutant - n. and adj. (pr. \ cu&ji[ue]t'&nt \ ) - See cobeligeransa - n. f. (pr. \ cubelijer'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr.
coadiuvant 1). cobeligeranse. - cobelligerency.
coàgul - n. m. (pr. \ cu'&g[ue]l \ ) At plr. coàguj. - 1) - cobeligerant - a. and n. (pr. \ cubelijer'&nt \ ) Ms. plr.
coagulum, clot. - 2) - curd. - Italianism. See the best cobeligerant - fm. sng. and plr. cobeligeranta,
piedm. terms "grum, prèis, caj, quaj, aprèis". cobeligerante. - cobelligerent.
coagulant - 1) - adj. (pr. \ cu&g[ue]l'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. coagulant cobi - adj. (pr. \ c'ubi \ ) Ms. plr. cobi - fm. sng. and plr. cobia,
- fm. sng. and plr. coagulanta, coagulante. - coagulative. cobie. - in pair, two by two. See also the term "cobià ".
coagulant - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ cu&g[ue]l'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. - cobia - n. f. (pr. \ c'ubi& \ ) At plr. cobie. - 1) - pair, couple. -
coagulant. 2) - brace. - 3) - couple, torque (physics).
coagulassion - n. f. (pr. \ cu&g[ue]l&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - cobià - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ cubi'& \ ) - 1) - in pair, two by two
coagulation. (adj.). - 2) - coupled, paired off. - 3) - connected, coupled
coagulativ - adj. (pr. \ cu&g[ue]l&t'iu \ ) - See coagulant 1). (mechanics, electricity).
coagulé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ cu&g[ue]l'e \ ) - 1) - to cobiàbil - adj. (pr. \ cubi'&bil \ ) - Ms. plr. cobiàbij - fm. sng.
coagulate (trs.). - 2) - to coagulate (int.). - 3) - to gel (int.). and plr. cobiàbil, cobiàbij. - matchable, that may be
- 4) - to curdle (int). - Quite an italianism but used. See coupled.
also the best piedm. terms "grumé, arpijé, quajé, trinché ". cobiador - n. m. (pr. \ cubi&d'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - coupler.
When trs. it uses the aux. "avèj ". When int. it uses the aux. cobié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cubi'e \ ) - 1) - to combine, to
"esse" and in this case see also the meaning of the refl. match. - 2) - to pair off. - 3) - to couple. - 4) - to connect,
form "coagulésse". to couple (mechanics, electricity).
coagulésse - vrb 1st con. refl . (pr. \ cu&g[ue]l'ese \ ) - 1) - to cobiésse - vrb 1st con. refl. and recp. (pr. \ cubi'ese \ ) - 1) - to
coagulate (int.). - 2) - to gel (int.). - 3) - to curdle (int). - pair off. - 2) - to copulate. - 3) - to couple. 4) - to mate.
See also the terms "arpijesse, sëcchésse" and the term cobiet - n. m. (pr. \ cubi'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - double shot. -
"coagulé " int. meaning. 2) - couple of goals, one-two (sports).
coalera - n. f. (pr. \ cu&l'er& \ ) At plr. coalere. - train (of cobiòt - n. m. (pr. \ cubi'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - engaged couple,
people), retinue, suite, long procession. See also the terms just married couple.
"filera, rablera, filonghera". cobiura - n. f. (pr. \ cubi'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. cobiure. - 1) -
coalisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cu&liz'e \ ) - 1) - to form into a combination. - 2) - pairing off. - 3) - coupling. - 4) -
coalition. - 2) - to combine (commerce, finance). connection. - 5) - copulation. - 6) - mating.
coalisésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ cu&liz'ese \ ) - to form an cocagna - n. f. (pr. \ cuc'&[gn]& \ ) At plr. cocagne. - 1) -
alliance, to combine (involving oneself) abundance, plenty. - 2) - fun, high jinks, merrymaking.
coalission - n. f. (pr. \ cu&lisi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - Ways of saying : - A) - "ël pais dla cocagna"
coalition, alliance. - 2) - combination, combine "Cockaigne, the land of Plenty". - B) - "l'erbo dla cocagna"
(commerce, finance). "the greasy pole". - C) - "fé cocagna" "to make merry".
coanèira - n. m. (pr. \ cu&n'æir& \ ) Inv. at plr. - menila See also the term "cucagna".
torquata (latin name - zoology). The english name of this cocala - n. f. (pr. \ cuc'&l& \ ) At plr. cocale. - 1) - blister,
bird was not found by the author. In italian the bird is pustule, swelling (medical). See also the terms "gogala,
known with the name "Griva savoiarda". The term gòla, gògola". - 2) - bow, knot (with a ribbon). See also
"coanèira is the composition of "coa" "tail", and "nèira" the term "gala".
"black", so the meaning is "black tail". Other piedm. cocarda - n. f. (pr. \ cuc'&rd& \ ) At plr. cocarde. - cockade,
names are "ciaciach, ciach-ciach". rosette.
coardità - n. f. (pr. \ cu&rdit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - coinheritance. cocésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ cu[ch]'ese \ ) - to lie down, to
coardité - 1) - n. (pr. \ cu&rdit'e \ ) Ms. plr. coardité - fm. sng. curl up.
and plr. coarditera, coarditere. - joint heir, coheir, joint cocëtta - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ch]'&tt& \ ) At plr. cocëtte. - 1) - berth,
heiress, coheiress. couchette. - 2) - berth, bunk.
coardité - 2) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cu&rdit'e \ ) - to inherit cochet - n. m. (pr. \ cuk'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - cocoon of the
jointly. silkworm.
coarin - n. m. (pr.\ cu&r'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - sort of cochëtta - n. f. (pr. \ cuk'&tt& \ ) At plr. cochëtte. - whore,
mushroom growing on feet of trees in mountain. See also harlot, prostitute. See also the terms "cocòta, sivìtola".
the terms "quarin, covarin". cochëtté - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ cuk&tt'e \ ) - to croak (int. -
coaross - n. m. (pr. \ cu&r'us \ ) Inv. at plr. - redstart, redtail both in lit. and fig. sense). See also the terms "cachëtté,
(zoology - Phoenicurus phoenicurus). craché ". It uses the aux. "avèj".
coaté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cu&t'e \ ) - 1) - to cover. - 2) - to cochëttera - n. f. (pr. \ cuk&tt'er& \ ) At plr. cochëttere. - egg-
conceal, to hide. - 3) - to cover up. - 4) - to wrap up. - 5) cup. See also the terms "cochëttiera, coconera 2nd
- to protect. - 6) - to safeguard. See also the term "quaté ". meaning".
coatésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ cu&t'ese \ ) - 1) - to cover chochëttiera - n. f. (pr. \ cuk&tti'er& \ ) - See cochëttera.
oneself. - 2) - to become overcast (sky). - 3) - to be on cochin - n. (pr. \ cuk'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. cochin - fm. sng. and plr.
one's guard. See also the term "quatésse ". cochin-a, cochin-e. - scoundrel, rascal, rogue,
coautor - n. (pr. \ cu&ut'ur \ ) Ms. plr. coautor - fm. sng. and blackguard. Very used are the pejorative "cochinass" and
plr. coautriss, coautriss. - 1) - coauthor. - 2) - joint the augmentative "cochinon" (see also these terms).
author (legal). cochinada - n. f. (pr. \ cukin'&d& \ ) - See cochinarìa.
cobaj - n. m. (pr. \ cub'&y \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - vent, outburst. - cochinaja - n. f. (pr. \ cukin'&y& \ ) At plr. (when applicable)
2) - coitus. cochinaje. - riff-raff, rabble, mob, scum.
cobalt - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ cub'&lt \ ) Only sng. - 1) - cobalt. cochinarìa - n. f. (pr. \ cukin&r'i& \ ) At plr. - cochinarie. - 1)
Chemical element only sng. (in case of need inv. at plr.). - - scurvy trick, blackguardly action. - 2) - bravado,
2) - cobalt, blue cobalt. Colour. See also the loc. "bleu boast.

cochinass - n. (pr. \ cukin'&s \ ) Ms. plr. cochinass - fm. sng. cocolé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cucul'e \ ) - to cuddle, to pet, to
and plr. cochinassa, cochinasse. - bad scoundrel, cosset. See also the term "pussié ".
dreadful rascal. cocolésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ cucul'ese \ ) - to nestle.
cochiné - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ cukin'e \ ) - to behave as a cocomar - (pr. \ cucum'&r \ ) Inv. at plr. - jug, coffeepot. See
rascal. It uses the aux. "avèj ". also the term "cocmar".
cochinon - n. (pr. \ cukin'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. cochinon - fm. sng. cocómber - n. m. (pr. \ cucumb'ær \ ) Inv. at plr. - cocomber
and plr. cochinon-a, cochinon-e. - big scoundrel, big (botany - Cucumis sativus). See also the term "cocomer".
rascal. Note the pr. of "ó " with acute stress.
cocia - n. f. (pr. \ c'u[ch]i& \ ) At plr. coce. - 1) - dog's bed. - cocómer - n. m. (pr. \ cucum'ær \ ) - See cocomber.
2) - bed (in a fig. jocular sense). - 3) - tow. In this sense cocon - n. m. (pr. \ cuc'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - royal agaric
see also the term "armnura". (botany - Amanita caesarea). See the most used loc. "bolè
cocinìa - n. f. . (pr. \ cu[ch]in'i& \ ) - See cocionìa 1) and 2). real ". - 2) - cocoon of the silkworm. - 3) - egg-cup.
cocion - n. m. (pr. \ cu[ch]i'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - roll of tow. coconà - adj. (pr. \ cucun'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - having a
cocionìa - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ch]iun'i& \ ) At plr. cocionìe. - good head (vegetables).
cochineal insect (zoology - Coccus cacti). See also the coconera - n. f. (pr. \ cucun'er& \ ) At plr. coconere. - 1) -
terms "cocionìlia, cocinìa". room in which cocoons are kept. - 2) - egg-cup. In this
cocionìa - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ cu[ch]iun'i& \ ) Inv. at plr. - sense see also the term "cochëttera".
cochineal (colour). coconésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ cucun'æse \ ) - to develop a
cocionìlia - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ch]iun'ili& \ ) - See cocionìa 1) and good head (vegetables).
2). coconeuch - n. m. (pr. \ cucun'[oe]c \ ) Inv. at plr. - cackle of a
cocionà - adj. (pr. \ cu[ch]iun'& \ ) - See cocionù. hen that has made an egg. In the loc. "la galin-a a canta 'l
cocionù - adj. (pr. \ cu[ch]iun'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. cocionù - fm. coconeuch" lit. "the hen sings the cackle".
sng. and plr. cocionùa, cocionùe. - 1) - towy, towkike. - 2) cocòta - n. f. (pr. \ cuc'ot& \ ) - See cochëtta.
- tough, stringy. - 3) - fibrous. See also the terms codega - n. f. (pr. \ cud'eg& \ ) At plr. codeghe. - pigskin. See
"cocionà, goregn ". also the term "cona".
coclicò - n. m. (pr. \ cuclic'o \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - wild poppy codighin - n. m. (pr. \ cudig'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - "cotechino"
(botany - Papaver rhoeas) - 2) - orange (colour). In this (sort of pork sausage to be boiled).
aense see also the term"groson". codin - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ cud'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - pigtail. See
cocmar - n. m. (pr. \ cucm'&r \ ) - See cocomar. also the term "coin".
coco - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ c'ucu \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - cuckoo, gowk codin - 2) - n. and adj. (pr. \ cud'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. codin - fm.
(zoology - Cuculus canorus). In this meaning see also the sng. and plr. codin-a, codin-e. - 1) - reactionary, die-hard
terms "cuch, cococh ". - 2) - simpleton, gull. - 3) - brazier, (sbst.) - 2) - reactionary (adj.). Always in a fig. sense.
warming pan. - 4) - bedpan (medical). codion - n. m. (pr. \ cudi'u[ng] \ ) - See codrion.
coco! - 2) - excl. (pr. \ c'ucu \ ) - snooks!. Spiteful and mocking codognà - n. f. (pr. \ cudu[gn]'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - quince jam.
voice used by children codon - n. m. (pr. \ cud'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - part of the
cococh - n. m. (pr. \ cuc'uc \ ) - See coco 1), 1st meaning. crupper-strap passing under the tail.
cocodè! - excl. (pr. \ cucud'æ \ ) - cackle!. Also used as a sbst. codògn - n. m. (pr. \ cud'o[gn] \ ) Inv. at plr. - quince (botany,
inv. at plr. both tree and fruit).
cocodril - n. m. (pr. \ cucudr'il \ ) At plr. cocodrij. - crocodile codrion - n. m. (pr. \ cudri'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - coccyx. See
(zoology - Crocodilus). See also the term "cocodrilo". also the terms "codion, pòrta-coa".
cocodrilo - n. m. (pr. \ cucudr'ilu \ ) - See cocodril. codron - n. m. (pr. \ cudr'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - water-drip of
the roof.


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coèrt - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ cu'ært \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - cover,

coé - 1) - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ cu'e \ ) - 1) - to sit on shelter. - 2) - place (laid at table), cover. See also the
(eggs), to brood, to hatch. (trs.) - 2) - to nurse (trs.) (in a terms "covert, cuert, cuvert ".
fig. sense). - 3) - to smoulder, to be latent. (int.). It uses coèrta - n. f. (pr. \ cu'ært& \ ) At plr. coèrte. - blanket,
always the aux. "avèj ". See also the term "cové ". bedspread. See also the terms "coverta, cuverta".
coé - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ cu'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - whetstone holder. coertin-a - n. f. (pr. \ cuært'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. coertin-e. -
See also the term "pòrta-co". binding, paper cover, dust jacket, sleeve. See also the
coefa - n. f. (pr. \ cu'ef& \ ) At plr. coefe. - veil. (used as terms "covertin-a, cuvertin-a".
feminine headgear in church). See also the spelling coesion - n. f. (pr. \ cuezi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - cohesion.
"quefa". coesiste - vrb 2nd con. int. (pr. \ cuez'iste \ ) - to coexist.
coefà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ cuef'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - coesistensa - n. f. (pr. \ cuezist'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. coesistense.
combed, spruce, spruced up. - coexistence.
coefé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ cuef'e \ ) - to comb coesistent - adj. - (pr. \ cuezist'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. coesistent - fm.
refinedly, to dress (hair). See also the spelling "quefé". sng. and plr. coesistenta, coesistente. - coexistent.
coefeur - n. (pr. \ cuef'[oe]r \ ) Ms. plr. coefeur - fm. sng. and coesiv - adj. (pr. \ cuez'iu \ ) Ms. plr. coesiv - fm. sng. and plr.
plr. coefeusa, coefeuse. - 1) - hairdresser. For men also coesisva, coesive. - cohesive.
barber, and see also the term "pruché ". For ladies see also coesor - n. m. (pr. \ cuez'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - coherer (physics).
the terms "pentnòira, quefeur". coetan - n. and adj. (pr. \ cuet'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. coetan - fm.
coeficent - n. m. (pr. \ cuefi[ch]'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - coefficent, sng. and plr. coetan-a, coetan-e. - 1) - contemporary, (of
factor. the) same age (adj.) - 2) - person of the same age (sbst.). -
coefin - n. m. (pr. \ cuef'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - hat-veil, light See also the term "coetani".
veil. See also the term "quefin". coetani - n. and adj. (pr. \ cuet'&ni \ ) Ms. plr. coetani - fm.
coefura - n. f. (pr. \ cuef'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. coefure. - hairstyle, sng. and plr. coetania, coetanie. - 1) - contemporary, (of
hairdo, hair-dressing. See also the terms "coafur, the) same age (adj.). - 2) - person of the same age (sbst.).
quefura". - See also the term "coetan".
coèrcc - n. m. (pr. \ cu'ær[ch] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - cover, lid coév - adj. (pr. \ cu'eu \ ) Ms. plr. coév - fm. sng. and plr.
(pot, sucepan, etc.), cap (mechanics). See also the terms coéva, coéve. - contemporary, coeval.
"coercia, covercc, cuercc, cuvercc". The idiomatic cofanet - n. m. (pr. \ cuf&n'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - casket, jewel
expression "bate ij coercc" lit. " to beat covers" means box, little chest. See also the term "cofnet".
"to do odd things, to be out of head". - 2) - cymbals (at plr. cofnet - n. m. (pr. \ cufn'æt \ ) - See cofanet.
- music). - 3) - Sometimes also roof. cogé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cuj'e \ ) - to lay, to lay down, to
coercé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cuær[ch]'e \ ) - to put the lid, to put to bed.
put the cover, to cover. See also the terms " covercé, cogésse - (pr. \ cuj'e \ ) - 1) - to lay down, to go to bed, to
cuercé, cuvercé". retire. - 2) - to set (sun, moon, etc.).
coercia - n. f. (pr. \ cu'ær[ch]i& \ ) At plr. coerce. - 1) - cover, cogiòira - n. f. (pr. \ cuji'oir& \ ) At plr. cogiòire. - layer
lid (pot, saucepan etc.). See also the terms "coercc, (agriculture - to propagate by layers). See also the term
covercia, cuvercc, cuvercia". The idiomatic expression "provan-a".
"bate le coerce" lit. " to beat covers" means "to do odd cogn - n. m. (pr. \ cu[gn] \ ) - See codògn.
things, to be out of head".- 2) - cymbals (at plr. - music). - cognà - n. f. (pr. \ cu[gn]'& \ ) - See codognà.
3) - Sometimes also roof. cognachin - n. m. (pr. \ cu[gn]&k'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - small
coercìbil - adj. (pr. \ cuær[ch]'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. coercìbij - fm. glass of cognac, small glass of brandy.
sng. and plr. coercìbil, coercìbij. - coercible. cogné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cu[gn]'e \ ) - 1) - to wedge up, to
coercibilità - n. f. (pr. \ cuær[ch]ibilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - key (mechanics). - 2) - to put a wedge in the wood for
coercibility. - 2) - compressibility (physics). breaking it. - See also the terms "cunié, ancunié ". - 3) - to
coercission - n. f. (pr. \ cuær[ch]isi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - coin, to mint. In this sense see also the term "conié ".
coercion, compulsion, duress. cognission - n. f. (pr. \ cu[gn]isi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
coercitiv - adj. (pr. \ cuær[ch]it'iu \ ) Ms. plr. coercitiv - fm. knowledge, notion. - 2) - cognizance (legal). - 3) -
sng. and plr. coerctiva, coercitive. - coercive. cognition (phylosophy). - 4) - common sense, wisdom,
coerensa - n. f. (pr. \ cuer'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. - coerense. - 1) - reason, discretion. This last is the sense in which this term
cohesion, coherence. - 2) - coherence, consistency, is mainly used. Here there are some ways of saying : - A) -
logical connection. (in a fig. sense). "buté 'd cognission" lit. "to put (some) wisdom" = "to
coerensié - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ cueræ[ng]si'e \ ) - to border, become wise". - B) - "perde la cognission" lit. "to lose
to adjoin. It uses the aux. "avèj ". the wisdom" "to lose one's mind ". - C) - "vnì an
coerent - adj. (pr. \ cuer'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. coerent - fm. sng. and cognission" lit. "to come in knowledge" "to get to know,
plr. coerenta, coerente. - 1) - coherent, well-knit, to learn".
cohering. - 2) - consistent, logical, coherent. (in a fig. cognossù - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ cu[gn]us'[ue] \ ) - See conossù.
sense). - 3) - bordering (on), neighbouring. cognòm - n. m. (pr. \ cu[gn]'om \ ) Inv. at plr. - surname,
coèrt - 1) - adj. (pr. \ cu'ært \ ) Ms. plr. coèrt - fm. sng. and plr. family name, last name.
coèrta, coèrte. - 1) - covered. - 2) - closed. - 3) - clothed, cognòsse - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ cu[gn]'ose \ ) - 1) - to know. -
clad. See also the terms "covert, cuvert ". 2) - to recognize. See also the term "conòsse".

coin - n. m. (pr. \ cu'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - pigtail. See also the col - adj. and prn. dem. (pr. \ cul \ ) Ms. plr. coj - fm. sng. and
term "codin 1)". plr. cola, cole. - 1) - that / those (adj.). E. g. "col can a l'é
coincide - vrb 2nd con. int. (pr. \ cuin[ch]'ide \ ) - 1) - to nen mè " "that dog is not mine". - 2) - the. (adj. in
coincide (geometry and in general). - 2) - to agree exactly. Piedm.). E. g. "col bon gust ëd na vira" lit. "that good
- 3) - to occur at the same time. Usually it makes use of taste of a time" "the good taste of a time". In this case the
the aux. "esse", but sometimes it can also be found with the Piedm. can make use of the dem. prn. for giving emphasis,
aux. "avèj ". while this is not usual in English. - 3) - such (a) (adj.). E. g.
coincidensa - n. f. (pr. \ cuin[ch]id'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. "i l'hai pijàit un ëd coj anfreidor..." lit."I took one of
coincidense. - 1) - coincidence, correspondence. - 2) - those colds..." "I took such a cold...". Also in this case
coincidence, chance. - 3) - connection (railway, etc.). the Piedm. can make use of the dem. prn. (plr. in a partitive
coincident - adj. (pr. \ cuin[ch]id'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. coincident - expression) for giving emphasis, while the English syntax
fm. sng. and plr. coincidenta, coincidente. - coinciding, is usually different. Of course the same type of expression
coincident. can also have lit. meaning. E. g. "i pijrai un-a 'd cole torte"
coiné - n. f. (pr. \ cuin'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - koine (language). "I will take one of those cakes". - 4) - that, that one,
cointeressà - n. and adj. (pr. \ cuinteres'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and those (ones) (prn.). E. g. "col a l'é nen mè" "that one is
nr. - 1) - profit-sharing (adj.). - 2) - copartner (sbst.).
not mine". - 5) - the one / the ones (prn. in Piedm.). E. g.
cointeressé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cuinteres'e \ ) - to give (sb.)
"pija coj ch'it preferisse" lit. "take those (that) you
a share in the profit.
cointeressensa - n. f. (pr. \ cuinteres'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. prefer" "take the ones you prefer". - 6) - With a
cointeressense. - profit-sharing. possessive genitive, in English disappears. E. g. "nen cost,
coinvòlge - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ cui[ng]v'olje \ ) - to involve. ma col ëd Pero" lit. " not this one but the one of Peter"
coirà - n. f. (pr. \ cuir'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - beating, "not this one, but Peter's". - 7) - who (when the term is
thrashing. - 2) - blow with a stick. associated to a rel. prm.). E. g. "col ch'a l'ha ditlo a l'ha
coiré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cuir'e \ ) - to beat, to thrash, to nen capì la situassion " lit. "the one who said it to you
cudgel. didn't undersand the situation" "who said it to you didn't
coirésse - vrb 1st con. recp. (pr. \ cuir'ese \ ) - to come to understand the situation". Note that this case refers only to
blows. persons, not things where the prn. is different (see the term
coiss - n. m. and adj. ms. (pr. \ cu'is \ ) Inv. at plr. - egg whose "lòn"). This is a difference with respect the italian syntax. -
brooding didn't work. As an adj. the term is used only in 8) - he, him, she, her, they, them. In some cases this prn.
the expression "euv coiss" with the same value of the sbst. can be found, in particular cases, in substitution of the prs.
See also the term "coviss". prn. 3rd person sng. or plr. (this is not very common). E. g.
coj - adj. and prn. dem. ms. plr.(pr. \ c'ule \ ) - See col. "i l'hai dijlo, ma col a vorija nen capì " lit. "I said it to
coja - n. f. (pr. \ c'uy& \ ) At plr. coje. - 1) - scrotum him, but that one didn't want to undersatand" "I said it to
(anatomy). - 2) - error, mistake. - 3) - trifle, bagatelle, him, but he didn't want to undersatand". - 7) - As a
mere nothing. - 4) - pigskin. In this sense see also the correlative in sentences like: - A) - "Gian e Pero a son bin
terms "cona, codega". divers, cost a travaja e col a fà gente" "John and Peter
cojànder - See also the term "cojàndre". are very different, the former works the latter doesn't do
cojandre - n. m. (pr. \ cuy'&ndre \ ) Inv. at plr. - coriander anything". - B) - "cost a fà na còsa, col a na fà n'àutra" = "
(botany- Coriandrum sativum). See also the term the one does a thing the one does another one". - For the
"cojànder". prn. see also the terms "col-là. col-lì".
cojet - n. m. (pr. \ cuy'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - arrogant boy. See cola - adj. and prn. dem. (fm. sng.) (pr. \ cul \ ) - See col..
also the terms "cojët, cojonet ". colà - 1) - n. f. - (pr. \ cul'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - casting,
cojët - n. m. (pr. \ cuy'&t \ ) - See cojonet. pouring, tapping (metallurgy). - 2) - cast, melt, trap. - 3)
cojin! - excl. (pr. \ cuy'i[ng] \ ) - cripes!, you dont't say so!, - flow (geology). See also the terms "colada, coladura".
confound it all!, crickey!. See also the terms "cojuss!, colà - 2) - adj. (pr. \ cul'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - refined.
cojusso!, cojon!. colaborator - n. (pr. \ cul&bur&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. colaborator -
cojon - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ cuy'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - testicle, fm. sng. and plr. colaboratriss, colaboratriss. - 1) -
testis. - 2) - simpleton, stupid person (in a fig. sense). A collaborator, member of a team. - 2) - contributor.
couple of idiomatic expressions : - A) - "fé 'l cojon" "to colaborassion - n. f. (pr. \ cul&bur&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1)
pretend not to understand". - B) - "cojon com la lun-a" - teamwork, joint work, cooperation, collaboration. - 2)
"extremely ingenuous person". - contribution.
cojon! - 2) - excl. (pr. \ cuy'u[ng] \ ) - See cojin!. colaborassionism - n. m. (pr. \ cul&bur&siun'izm \ ) Inv. at
cojonada - n. f. (pr. \ cuyun'&d& \ ) At plr. cojonade. - 1) - plr. - collaborationism, quislingism.
practical joke, jest, trick, jeers. - 2) - cheat, swindle, colaborassionista - n. (pr. \ cul&bur&siun'ist& \ ) Ms. plr.
fraud. colaborassionista - fm. sng. and plr. colaborassionista,
cojonarìa - n. f. (pr. \ cuyun&r'i& \ ) At plr. cojonarìe. - colaborassioniste. - collaborationist, quisling.
blunder, bad mistake, error. The expression "cojonarìa colaboré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cul&bur'e \ ) - to help, to
da nen" lit. "blunder (by) nothing" means "trifle, mere cooperate (with sb.), to work together, to collaborate. -
nothing". See also the terms "coadiuvé, giuté ".
cojoné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cuyun'e \ ) - 1) - to deride, to colabròd - n. m. (pr. \ cul&br'od \ ) Inv. at plr. - colander,
moch, to scoff at, to laugh at. - 2) - to swindle, to cheat, strainer. See also the terms "scumòira, s-ciumòira, colin".
to deceive. colada - n. f. (pr. \ cul'&d& \ ) At plr. colade. - 1) - straining,
cojonet - n. (pr. \ cuyun'æt \ ) Ms. plr. cojonet - fm. sng. and filtering, draining. - 2) - casting. - 3) - dripping. - 4) -
plr. cojonëtta, cojonëtte. - 1) - arrogant boy (or girl). - 2) pouring out. See also the terms "colà, coladura, colura".
- little prig. - 3) - impudent person, brazenface. See also coladura - n. f. (pr. \ cul&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. coladure. - 1) -
the terms "cojet, cojët, fotrichet ". This term is hardly used straining, filtering, draining. - 2) - strained substances. -
at fm. 3) - dregs. - 4) - overlow. See also the terms "colatura,
cojusso! - excl. See cojin!. colura".

colàgen - n. m. (pr. \ cul'&jæ[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - collagen colbach - n. m. (pr. \ culb'&c \ ) Inv. at plr. - busby, bearskin.
(biology). cole - adj. and prn. dem. fm. plr.(pr. \ c'ule \ ) - See col.
colagi - n. m. (pr. \ cul'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - collage (art). - 2) colé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ cul'e \ ) - 1) - to cast, to
- sticking, gluing. In this sense see the most common pour (trs.). - 2) - to strain, to filter, to drain (trs.). - 3) - to
terms "ancolagi, incolagi". drip (trs.). - 4) - to pour out slowly (trs.) - 5) - to strain,
colan - n. m. (pr. \ cul'&[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - pantyhose, tights. to filter, to drain, to percolate, to trickle (int.). - 6) - to
colànder - n. m. (pr. \ cul'&ndær \ ) - See cojandre. pour, to drip, to leak (int.). - When trs. it uses the aux.
colant - 1) - adj. (pr. \ cul'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. colant - fm. sng. and "avèj ". When int. it uses the aux. "esse".
plr. colanta, colante. - 1) - dripping, pouring. - 2) - colecisti - n. f. (pr. \ cule[ch]'isti \ ) Inv. at plr. - cholecyst
gluing. (anatomy).
colant - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ cul'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. - adhesive, glue. colecistite - n. f. (pr. \ cule[ch]ist'ite \ ) Inv. at plr. -
See also the terms "adesiv, còla". cholecystitis (medical).
colan-a - n. f. (pr. \ cul'&[ng]& \ ) At plr. colan-e. - 1) - colega - n. (pr. \ cul'eg& \ ) Ms. plr. colega - fm. sng. and plr.
necklace. - 2) - series (books, etc.) - 3) - sequence, colega, coleghe. - colleague. See also the term
collection. "cambrada", and the loc. "compagn ëd travaj ".
colapasta - n. m. (pr. \ cul&p'&st& \ ) Inv. at plr. - colander. colegà - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ culeg'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - subsidiary
colar - n. m. (pr. \ cul'&r \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - collar (dogs, etc.). company, subcompany.
- 2) - breastband (horses). - 3) - neckband. - 4) - collar colegà - 2) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ culeg'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
(mechanics). 1) - connected, joined, linked. - 2) - connected, related
colaré - n. (pr. \ cul&r'e \ ) Ms. plr. colaré - fm. sng. and plr. (in a fig. sense). - 3) - incorporated (firms, etc.).
colarera, colarere. - collar-maker, collar-seller. colegament - n. m. (pr. \ culeg&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
colaret - n. m. (pr. \ cul&r'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - collar of fm. connection, connexion. - 2) - association, relation (in a
dress. - 2) - collar of cloak. - 3) - priest's neckband, fig. sense). - 3) - connection (electricity, telephony, etc.) -
clerical collar. See also the terms "colarëtta, colarin-a". 4) - link, liaison.
colarëtta - n. f. (pr. \ cul&r'&tt& \ ) - See colaret. colegansa - n. f. (pr. \ culeg'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr. coleganse. -
colarin - n. m. (pr. \ cul&r'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - small collar. friendship, union, relation.
The sentence "pijé (quaidun) për ël colarin" means "to colegassion - n. f. (pr. \ culeg&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
confront (sb.) rudely, to recall strongly (sb.) at a correct connection (action of connecting).
behaviour". Not to be confused with the expression "pijé coleghé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ culeg'e \ ) - 1) - to connect, to
(quaidun) për ël còl", having also different meanings (see join, to link. See also the term "conëtte". - 2) - to connect,
the term "còl "). to relate (in a fig. sense). - 3) - to incorporate (firms,
colarin-a - n. f. (pr. \ cul&r'i[ng] \ ) At plr. colarin-e. - priest's etc.).
neckband, clerical collar. coleghésse - vrb 1st con. refl. and recp. (pr. \ culeg'ese \ ) - 1) -
colass - n. m. (pr. \ cul'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - (heart) failure to connect oneself, to connect each other. - 2) - to
(medical). This is the only classical meaning of this term in establish a liaison, to join in a league, to confererate.
Piedm. See also the term "colp ", and the loc. "colass colegi - n. m. (pr. \ cul'eji \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - boarding school,
cardìach" or "colp al cheur" for "heart failure". - 2) - college, public school. - 2) - hall of residence. - 3) -
collapse, breakdown. In this sense the meaning is taken college, corporation, body. - 4) - board, committee. - 5) -
from Italian-English. constituency (politics). - 6) - counsel (of lawyers) (legal).
colassé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ cul&s'e \ ) - to collapse. Taken colegià - n. f. (pr. \ culeji'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - collegiate church.
from Italian-English. better terms to see are "crolé, ruiné, colegial - adj. and n. (pr. \ culeji'&l \ ) Ms. plr. colegiaj - fm.
cede, dësblésse". sng. and plr. colegial, colegiaj. - 1) - collegiate, collegial
colassion - n. f. (pr. \ cul&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - (adj.). - 2) - group, team, joint (as attributes) (adj.). - 3) -
collation, comparing. - 2) - hotchpot (legal). - 3) - boarder, awkward schoolboy, demure schoolgirl (sbst.).
breakfast. - 4) - lunch (sometimes the term is used also for In this sense see also the term "colegiant ".
the meal of noon, but this use is more an italianism. The colegialità - n. f. (pr. \ culeji&lit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
Piedm. prefers the term "disné ". collegiate character, joint nature. - 2) - collegiality.
colassionator - n. m. (pr. \ cul&siun&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - colegiant - n. (pr. \ culeji'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. colegiant - fm. sng.
proofreader. and plr. colegianta, colegiante. - boarder, schoolboy,
colassioné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cul&siun'e \ ) - to collate, to awkward schoolboy, schoolgirl, demure schoolgirl. See
compare. also the term "colegial 3rd meaning".
colaté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cul&t'e \ ) - to accustom (mainly colegianta - n. f. (pr. \ culeji'&nt& \ ) At plr. colegiante. -
referred to working animals like oxes, horses, etc.) schoolgirl, demure schoolgirl. See also the terms
colateral - adj. and n. (pr. \ cul&ter'&l \ ) Ms. plr. colateraj - "colegiant, educanda".
fm. sng. and plr. colateral, colateraj. - 1) - collateral colera - n. m. (pr. \ cul'er& \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - cholera.
(adj.) - 2) - collateral (kinsman / kinswoman) (sbst.). colérich - adj. - (pr. \ cul'eric \ ) Ms. plr. colérich - fm. sng.
colatissi - n. m. (pr. \ cul&t'isi \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - drippings. - and plr. colérica, colériche. - irascible, quick-tempered.
2) - drippings from a mold. coleros - adj. and n. (pr. \ culer'uz \ ) Ms. plr. coleros - fm. sng.
colatura - n. f. (pr. \ cul&t'[ue]r& \ ) - See coladura. and plr. colerosa, colerose. - affected with cholera (adj.).
colaud - n. m. (pr. \ cul'&ud \ ) Inv. at plr. - test, trying, - 2) - cholera patient (sbst.).
testing, experimental verification. colession - n. f. (pr. \ culesi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
colaudator - n. and adj. (pr. \ cul&ud&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. collection. - 2) - collecting.
colaudator - fm. sng. and plr. colaudatriss, colaudatriss. - colessioné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ culesiun'e \ ) - to collect, to
1) - tester, inspector (sbst.). See also the term "colaudeur" be a collector of... .
(only sbst.). - 2) - test (adj. - as an attribute). colessionism - n. m. (pr. \ culesiun'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - hobby
colaudé - vrb 1st con trs. (pr. \ cul&ud'e \ ) - to test, to try out, of collecting things.
to approve, to verify. colessionista - n. (pr. \ culesiun'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. colessionista -
colaudeur - n. m. (pr. \ cul&ud'[oe]r \ ) Inv. at plr. - tester, fm. sng. and plr. colessionista, colessioniste. - collector.
inspector. See also the term "colaudator".

colestereul - n. m. (pr. \ culester'[oe]l \ ) At plr. (if applicable) colm - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ culm \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - summit, peak,
colestereuj - cholesterol (biology). culmination. - 2) - top, brow. - 3) - ridge. See also the
colet - n. m. (pr. \ cul'æt \ ) - 1) - collar (suit, shirt, etc.) - 2) - term "corm".
collarette (dress). - 3) - small hill. - 4) - little col on a colm - 2) - adj. (pr. \ culm \ ) Ms. plr. colm - fm. sng. and plr.
ridge. colma, colme. - full, brimful, overflowing. See also the
coleta - n. f. (pr. \ cul'et& \ ) At plr. colete. - 1) - collection. - term "corm".
2) - begging. - 3) - collect (religion). See also the term colmà - n. f. (pr. \ culm'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - roof, penthouse.
"colëtta". - 2) - rustic shed for agricultural tools. See also the term
coletàire - n. m. (pr. \ culet'&ire \ ) Inv. at plr. - collector "cormà ".
(taxes, etc.) - See also the terms "coletor, esator". colmadura - n. f. (pr. \ culm&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. colmadure. -
coletam - n. m. (pr. \ culet'&m \ ) Inv. at plr. - packages 1) - filling on the top. - 2) - overflow. See also the term
(commercial). "cormadura".
coletiv - 1) - adj. (pr. \ culet'iu \ ) Ms. plr. coletiv - fm. sng. and colmé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ culm'e \ ) - to fill to the brim, to
plr. coletiva, coletive. - collective. fill up. See also the term "cormé ".
coletiv - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ culet'iu \ ) Inv. at plr. - collective. colmura - n. f. (pr. \ culm'[ue]r& \ ) - See colmadura.
coletivisassion - n. f. (pr. \ culetiviz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - colocàbil - adj. (pr. \ culuc'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. colocàbij - fm. sng.
collectivization. and plr. colocàbil, colocàbij. - placeable.
coletivisé - vrb 1st con. trs. - (pr. \ culetiviz'e \ ) - to colocament - n. m. (pr. \ culuc&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
collectivize. disposal, placing. - 2) - employment, appointment. - 3) -
colitivism - n. m. (pr. \ culetiv'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - collectivism. placement.
coletivista - n. and adj. (pr. \ culetiv'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. coletivista colocassion - n. f. (pr. \ culuc&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
- fm. sng. and plr. coletivista, coletiviste. - collectivist. position, placing, place. - 2) - arrangement. - 3) -
coletivìstich - adj. (pr. \ culetiv'istic \ ) Ms. plr. coletivìstich - classification. (legal). - 4) - pressmark (books in library).
fm. sng. and plr. coletivìstica, coletivìstiche. - colocator - n. (pr. \ culuc&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. colocator - fm. sng.
collectivistic. and plr. colocatriss, colocatriss. - placer.
coletività - n. f. (pr. \ culetivit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - collectivity, coloché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ culuk'e \ ) - 1) - to place, to put,
community. to arrange. - 2) - to find a job for (sb.).
coletor - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ culet'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - collector coloidal - adj. (pr. \ culuid'&l \ ) Ms. plr. coloidaj - fm. sng.
(taxes, etc. ; transistors, radiations, etc.). - 2) - collector and plr. coloidal, coloidaj. - colloidal (chemistry).
ring, commutator (electricity, electric motors, etc.). - 3) - colomb - n. (pr. \ cul'umb \ ) Ms. plr. colomb - fm. sng. and
mainfold (mechanics). - 4) - drain. - 5) - garbage chute. plr. colomba, colombe. - dove, pigeon (zoology).
coletor - 2) - adj. (pr. \ culet'ur \ ) Ms. plr. coletor - fm. sng. colomba - n. f. (pr. \ cul'umb& \ ) At plr. colombe. - 1) dove-
and plr. coletriss, coletriss. - collecting. Note that "bassin cake. - 2) - dove (in a fig. sense in politics). - This trem is
coletor" is translated into "catchment basin". also the fm. of "colomb", but has fig. meanings that cannot
colëtta - n. f. (pr. \ cul'&tt& \ ) - See coleta. be assigned to the ms.
colì - n. m. (pr. \ cul'i \ ) Inv. at plr. - gravy produced by meat colombera - n. f. (pr. \ culumb'er& \ ) At plr. colombere. -
when cooking. dovecote.
colide - vrb 2nd con. int. (pr. \ cul'ide \ ) - to collide. Quite an colombian - adj. and n. (pr. \ culumbi'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr.
italianism. See also the terms "antruché, bate, scontrésse". colombian - fm. sng. and plr. colombian-a, colombian-e. -
colié - n. m. (pr. \ culi'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - precious necklace. 1) - Columbian (adj.). - 2) - Colombian (adj.). - 3) -
- 2) - leather collar for animals. Colombian (sbst.).
coligian - n. (pr. \ culiji'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. coligian - fm. sng. colombin - n. m. (pr. \ culumb'i[ng] \ ) - See colombòt.
and plr. coligian-a, coligian-e. - inhabitant of hills, colombòt - n. m. (pr. \ culumb'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - dove at
inhabitant of cols. the first flight (often in a fig. sense). - 2) - at plr. :
colimassion - n. f. (pr. \ culim&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - engaged couple, just married couple (in a fig. sense). See
coincidence. - 2) - collimation. also the term "colombin".
colimator - n. m. (pr. \ culim&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - collimator. colonà - n. m. and adj. (pr. \ culun'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
colimé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ culim'e \ ) - 1) - to colonnade, "portico" (sbst.). - 2) - colonnaded (adj.).
collimate (trs.). - 2) - to agree, to coincide, to fit, to tally colonada - n. f. (pr. \ culun'&d& \ ) At plr. colonade. -
(int.). When trs. it uses the aux. "avèj ". When int. it uses colonnade, "portico".
the aux. "esse", but sometimes it can be found using the colonél - n. m. (pr. \ culun'el \ ) At plr. colonéj. - colonel
aux. "avèj ". (military). See also the term "coronél ".
colin - n. m. (pr. \ cul'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - small strainer. colonëtta - n. f. (pr. \ culun'&tt& \ ) At plr. colonëtte. - 1) -
colinèis - n. (pr. \ culin'æiz \ ) Ms. plr. colinèis - fm. sng. and petrol pump. - 2) - cippus (architecture). - 3) - rail post. -
plr. colinèisa, colinèise. - inhabitant of hills. 4) - stud, studbolt (mechanics). See also the term
colinëtta - n. f. (pr. \ culin'&tt& \ ) At plr. colinëtte. - small "colonin-a".
hill. See also the term "brich ". colonial - adj. and n. (pr. \ culuni'&l \ ) Ms. plr. coloniaj - fm.
colinos - adj. (pr. \ culin'uz \ ) Ms. plr. colinos - fm. sng. and sng. and plr. colonial, coloniaj. - 1) - colonial (adj.). - 2) -
plr. colinosa, colinose. - hilly. colonial, colonist.
colin-a - n. f. (pr. \ cul'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. colin-e. - 1) - hill. - 2) colonialism - n. m. (pr. \ culuni&l'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. -
- hill country. colonialism.
coliri - n. m. (pr. \ cul'iri \ ) Inv. at plr. - collyrium, eye-wash, colonialista - n. (pr. \ culuni&l'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. colonialista -
eye-drops (pharmacy). fm. sng. and plr. colonialista, colonialiste. - 1) - colonial
colision - n. f. (pr. \ culizi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - collision. See expert. - 2) - colonialist.
also the best term "antruch ". colonialìstich - adj. (pr. \ culuni&l'istic \ ) Ms. plr.
colissa - n. f. (pr. \ cul'is& \ ) At plr. colisse. - 1) - groove, colonialistich - fm. sng. and plr. colonialistica,
spline. - 2) - the groove part of a joint. - 3) - sliding colonialistiche. - colonialist, colonialistic.
groove, runners. colonin-a - n. f. (pr. \ culun'i[ng]& \ ) - See colonëtta.
colite - n. f. (pr. \ cul'ite \ ) Inv. at plr. - colitis (medical).

colonisassion - n. f. (pr. \ culuniz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - colòid - n. m. (pr. \ cul'oid \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - colloid.
colonization, settlement. (chemistry)
colonisator - n. and adj. (pr. \ culuniz&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. cològn (eva 'd ---) - sbst. loc. f. (pr. \ 'ev& d cul'o[gn] \ ) At pr.
colonisator - fm. sng. and plr. colonisatriss, colonisatriss. eve 'd cològn. - eau de Cologne. See also the loc. "aqua 'd
- 1) - colonizer. (sbst.). - 2) - colonizing (adj.). cologn, aqua 'd colònia, eva 'd colònia, eva d'odor, aqua 'd
colonisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ culuniz'e \ ) - to colonize, to odor".
colonialize. colòna - n. f. (pr. \ cul'on& \ ) At plr. colòne. - 1) - column. -
color - n. m. (pr. \ cul'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - colour, color (in 2) - pillar. - 3) - mainstay, pillar of support.
general). - 2) - dye. - 3) - paint, colour. - 4) - suit, flush colònia - n. f. (pr. \ cul'oni& \ ) At plr. colònie. - 1) - colony. -
(card games). - 5) - complexion, colour (referred to skin, 2) - settlement. - 3) - camp (summer camp, mountain
face, etc.) In this meaning see also the term "colorì 2)". - camp, seaside camp, usually for children).
Some expressions using this term and some ways of colònica - n. f. (pr. \ cul'onic& \ ) At plr. colòniche. - part of
defining colours in a popular way : - A) - "color dj'aso cit" harvest due to share-cropper.
lit. "colour of the little donkeys" "indefinable, bad colònich - adj. (pr. \ cul'onic \ ) Ms. plr. colònich - fm. sng. and
colour". - B) - "na scàtola 'd color" lit. "a box of colours" plr. colònica, colòniche. - farmer's, farm (as an
"a paint box, a box of paints". - C) - "fabrica 'd color" attribute).
"paint factory". - D) - "fene 'd tuti ij color" = lit. "to make colòss - n. m. (pr. \ cul'os \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - colossus. - 2) -
(of them) of all the colours" "to be a thorough-going genius giant (in a fig. sense).
rascal " or "to be up to all sotrs of mischief ". - E) - "color colòstra - n. f. (pr. \ cul'ostr& \ ) At plr. (if any) colòstre. -
a euli" "oil colours". - F) - "verdin, verd, verdon" "light colostrum (biology).
green, green, dark green". - G) - "bianch ëspòrch" lit. colp - n. m. (pr. \ c'ulp \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - blow, hit, stroke,
knock, bang. - 2) - cut, slash, thrust, stab, chop. - 3) -
"dirty white" "whitish, ivory". - H) - "bleu fonsà" lit.
shot. - 4) - touch, push, stroke. - 5) - bang. - 6) - tap,
"deep blue" "deep blue". - I) - "color dij pet" lit.
beat. - 7) - collapse, heart failure (medical). Some ways
"colour of farts" "faded colour". - L) - "color ëd marin-
of saying : - A) - "ant un colp" lit. "in a blow" "at once,
a" lit "colour of marine (sea)" "green-blue, sea green".
all at once". - B) - "mërcandé sò colp" lit. "to negotiate
- M) - "color ëd pensé" lit. "colour of pansy" "a type of
one's blow" "to wait for the correct moment". - C) - "colp
violet". - N) - "color pèil ëd rat" lit. "colour fur of
ëd sol " "sunstroke". - D) - "colp ëd grassia" "finishing
mouse" "colour mouse-grey ". - O) - "color pùles" lit. stroke".
"colour flea" "dark reddish brown". colpa - n. f. (pr. \ c'ulp& \ ) At plr. colpe. - 1) - fault. E. g. "a
colorant - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ culur'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. - dye. l'é nen colpa mia" "it is not my fault". - 2) - sin, wrong.
colorant - 2) - adj. (pr. \ culur'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. colorant - fm.
E. g. "cole a son le colpe dij nòstri véj " "those are the
sng. and plr. coloranta, colorante. - colouring, dye.
sins of our fathers". - 3) - guilt. E. g. "un sens ëd colpa"
colorassion - n. f. (pr. \ culur&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
"a sense of guilt ". - 4) - blame. E. g. "it das sempe la
colouring, colouration. - 2) - dyeing. - 3) - colour, hue,
tint. colpa a j'àutri" "you always lay the blame on the others".
coloré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ culur'e \ ) - 1) - to colour, to - 5) - offence, negligence (legal). E. g. "a-i é un concors ëd
color, to tinge, to tint. - 2) - to dye. colpa" "there is a contributory negligence".
colorerìa - n. f. (pr. \ culurer'i& \ ) At plr. colorerìe. - paint colpèivol - adj. and n. (pr. \ culp'æivul \ ) - See colpevol.
shop. colpeivolëssa - n. f. (pr. \ culpæivul'&ss& \ ) - See
colorì - 1) - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ culur'i \ ) - 1) - to colour, to colpevolëssa.
color, to paint. - 2) - to gild, to embellish (in a fig. sense) colpeivolisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ culpæivuliz'e \ ) - See
colorì - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ culur'i \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - colouring, colpevolisé.
colour. - 2) - complexion, colour. - 3) - vivacity, colpeivolism - n. m. (pr. \ culpæivul'izm \ ) - See colpevolism.
liveliness (referred to expression). colpeivolista - n. (pr. \ culpæivul'ist& \ ) - See colpevolista.
colorì - 3) adj. and p. p. (pr. \ culur'i \ ) Ms. plr. colorì - fm. colpet - n. m. (pr. \ culp'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - tap, pat. - 2) -
sng. and plr. colorìa, colorìe. - 1) - coloured. - 2) - rosy, nudge. - 3) - little blow, tittle hit, etc. Diminutive of the
pink (face). - 3) - colouful, lively (in a fig. sense). word "colp".
coloridor - n. (pr. \ culurid'ur \ ) Ms. plr. coloridor - fm. sng. colpévol - adj. and n. (pr. \ culp'evul \ ) Ms. plr. colpévoj - fm.
and plr. coloridòira, coloridòire. - 1) - colourer. - 2) - sng. and plr. colpévol, colpévoj. - 1) - guilty, culpable, to
embellisher, embroiderer (in a fig. sense). be blamed. (adj.). - 2) - culprit, guilty person, offender.
coloridura - n. f. (pr. \ culurid'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. coloridure. - (subst.). - See also the term "colpèivol ".
colouring. colpevolëssa - n. f. (pr. \ culpæivul'&ss& \ ) At plr.
colorifissi - n. m. (pr. \ culurif'isi \ ) Inv. at plr. - paint factory. colpevolësse. - guilt, culpability. See also the term
colorìmeter - n. m. (pr. \ culur'imetær \ ) Inv. at plr. - "colpeivolëssa".
colorimeter. colpevolisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ culpevuliz'e \ ) - to make
colorimetrìa - n. f. (pr. \ culurimetr'i& \ ) At plr. colorimetrìe. feel guilty.
- colorimetry. colpevolism - n. m. (pr. \ culpevul'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. -
colorista - n. (pr. \ culur'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. colorista - fm. sng. upholding of an accused person's guilt.
and plr. colorista, coloriste. - colourist. colpevolista - n. (pr. \ culpæivul'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. colpevolista -
colos - adj. (pr. \ cul'uz \ ) Ms. plr. colos - fm. sng. and plr. fm. sng. and plr. colpevolista, colpevoliste. - upholder of
colosa, colose. - glutinous, sticky, viscous, tacky. Quite an accused person's guilt
an italianism. See alsao the best piedm. term "tachiss". colpì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ culp'i \ ) - 1) - to beat, to hit, to
colossal - adj. (pr. \ culus'&l \ ) Ms. plr. colossaj - fm. sng. and strike, to knock. - 2) - to shoot. - 3) - to wound. - 4) - to
plr. colossal, colossaj. - colossal, huge, enormous. affect (with), to impress (with) (in a fig. sense).
colòbia - n. f. (pr. \ cul'obi& \ ) At plr. colòbie. - dish-water. colpitor - n. (pr. \ culpit'ur \ ) Ms. plr. colpitor - fm. sng. and
colòdio - n. m. (pr. \ cul'odiô \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - collodion plr. colpitriss, colpitriss. - who hits, who beats, who
(chemistry). impresses.

colpos - adj. (pr. \ culp'uz \ ) Ms. plr. colpos - fm. sng. and plr. reinforcement : "ma ch'a l'é bela sta cà! " or " ma s'a l'é
colposa, colpose. - culpable, without malice bela sta cà! ". - 8) - how, how well, how much, what...
aforethought (legal). like (interrogative). E. g. "com it parle Piemontèis? " =
colt - adj. (pr. \ cult \ ) Ms. plr. colt - fm. sng. and plr. colta, "how well do you speak Piedmontese? ". - 9) - what!
colte. - cultivated, well-educated, learned, cultured. See (exclamative with emphasis). E. g. "com! it ses torna sensa
also the terms "dot, istruì, dotrinà ". sòld" "what! you are still pennyless". 10) - as soon as. E.
coltiv - adj. (pr. \ cult'iu \ ) Ms. plr. coltiv - fm. sng. and plr. g. "com i rivo i-j teléfono" "as soon as I arrive I call
coltiva, coltive. - 1) - cultivable. - 2) - cultivated. - See him". The same sentence can be "pen-a i rivo i-j teléfono".
also the term "coltivà 1)". - 11) - that (not very used in Piedm- in this sense, quite an
coltivà - 1) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ cultiv'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. italianism). E. g. "i sai bin com a sio sempe ocupà " "I
- cultivated, under cultivation. know well that they are always busy" "I know well they
coltivà - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ cultiv'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - cultivated are always busy". - See also the terms "coma, come". We
land. note that the use of one or another of these terms is
coltivàbil - adj. (pr. \ cultiv'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. coltivàbij - fm. determined by euphonical reasons. The word "com" is
sng. and plr. coltivàbil, coltivàbij. - 1) - cultivable, more used if the following word starts by vowel. We add
tillable. - 2) - workable (mining). some ways of using this word : - A) - "com da disegn"
coltivabilità - n. f. (pr. \ cultiv&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - "as per drawing". - B) - "com da vòstra arcesta"
cultivability. "according to your request". - C) - "com pura, coma pura"
coltivador - n. (pr. \ cultiv&d'ur \ ) - See coltivator. "as well as". - D) - "com sempe, coma sempe" "as
coltivament - n. m. (pr. \ cultiv&m'ænt \ ) - See coltivassion.
usual". - E) - "com a l'é ch'it ses torna sì? " "how is it
coltivassion - n. f. (pr. \ cultiv&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
that you are here again? ". - F) - "com as dis" "as people
cultivation, tillage, farming. - 2) - growing. - 3) -
plantation. - 4) - crops. - 5) - working, exploitation say". - G) - "com a l'é com a l'é nen" or "parèj com a stan
(mining). See also the term "coltivament ". le còse " "as things are, as it is". - H) - "ch'a sia com a
coltivator - n. (pr. \ cultiv&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. coltivator - fm. sng. sia" "be that as it may , however that may be". - I) -
and plr. coltivatriss, coltivatriss. - 1) - farmer. - 2) - "come mai? " "why? , how is that?, why ever? ". - L) -
grower, cultivator. "come mai" "how it is that" - M) - "com a l'é? " "how is
coltivé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cultiv'e \ ) - 1) - to cultivate, to it? " but also "what is he/she/it like? " and also "how are
till (agriculture). - 2) - to grow (a product). - 3) - to work, you? ".
to exploit (mining). - 4) - to cultivate, to encourage, to com - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ cum \ ) Inv. at plr. - way, the way,
develop, to go in for (in a fig. sense). manner. E. g. "i lo faso se i capisso 'l com" "I do it if I
coltura - n. f. (pr. \ cult'[ue]r& \ ) At plr colture. - 1) - understand the manner".
cultivation, farming (agriculture). - 2) - rearing. - 3) - coma - 1) - adv. and cnj. and excl. (pr. \ c'um& \ ) - See com
culture, colony (biology). - 4) - culture, education, 1).
learning. In this last sense see also the term "cultura". coma - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ c'um& \ ) - See com 2).
coltural - adj. (pr. \ cult[ue]r'&l \ ) Ms. plr. colturaj - fm. sng. com a dì - adv. loc. (pr. \ cum & d'i \ ) - as to say, that is to
and plr. coltural, colturaj. - cultural. See also the term say. See also the term "visadì".
"cultural". comand - n. m. (pr. \ cum'&nd \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - order,
colturism - n. m. (pr. \ cult[ue]r'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - physical command (general). - 2) - order, injunction (legal). - 3) -
culture. See also the term "culturism". command (as authority). - 4) - headquarters. - 5) -
colura - n. f. (pr. \ cul'[ue]r& \ ) - See coladura. control (mechanics, electicity, electronics). E. g. "un
colusion - n. f. (pr. \ cul[ue]zi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - segnal ëd comand dla comutassion" "a control signal of
collusion. - 2) - secret pact (politics). the switching". - 6) - head (sport) - 7) - captainship
colusiv - adj. (pr. \ cul[ue]z'iu \ ) Ms. plr. colusiv - fm. sng. and (marine). A way of saying : "avèj ël baston dël comand"
plr. colusiva, colusive. - collusive. lit. "to have the stick of the command" "to have authority,
colutassion - n. f. (pr. \ cul[ue]t&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - fray, to be in the position of giving orders".
brawl, scuffle. See also the best terms "rusa, ciacòt, ratela, comanda - n. f. (pr. \ cum'&nd& \ ) At plr. comande. - 1) -
lòta ". order. - 2) - prescription.
colutòri - n. m. (pr. \ cul[ue]t'ori \ ) Inv. at plr. - mouthwash, comandà - n. f. (pr. \ cum&nd'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - fatigue
gargle, collutorium (pharmacy). duty, corvée. - 2) - work to be done for common
com - 1) - adv. and cnj. and excl. (pr. \ cum \ ) - 1) - as, like. E. interest. See also the terms "reuida, corvé ".
g. "parla com it manges" lit. "speak as you eat " "speak comandament - n. m. (pr. \ cum&nd&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1)
in a simple way". - "mangé com un crin" = "to eat like a - commandment (religion). - 2) - order, command.
pig". - 2) - as... as (in comparisons). E. g. "a l'é bòrgno comandant - n. m. (pr. \ cum&nd'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
com un pom" lit. "he is as blind as an apple" idiom for commander, commanding officer. - 2) - Sir (as an
"he does not see anything (also in a fig. sense)". - 3) - like, appellative). - 3) - captain, skipper, master (marine and
such as. (illustrative). E. g. "un pòst tranquil com sto sì " = aviation).
"a place quiet like this one" - "bes-ce ferose, com leon e comandé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ cum&nd'e \ ) - 1) - to
luv" "wild beasts, such as lions and wolves". - 4) - as, command, to be in command (of), to order (trs.) - 2) - to
speaking as. E. g. "com amis, it dirìa 'd nen andé " dominate, to have power (int). It uses always the aux.
"speaking as a friend, I would tell you not to go". - 5) - "avèj ".
both... and, as well... as. (correlative). E. g. "le ceres, com comandisa - n. f. (pr. \ cum&nd'iz& \ ) At plr. comandise. - 1)
le fròle a son rosse" = "both cherries and strawberries are - recommendation. - 2) - limited partnership. In this last
red ". - 6) - how (interrogative). E. g. "com podom-ne fé? " sense see also the term "comàndita".
"how can we do? ". - 7) - how (exclamative). E. g. "com comàndita - n. f. (pr. \ cum'&ndit& \ ) At plr. comàndite. -
a l'é bela sta cà! " "how fine this house is! " Note that the limited partnership. See also the term "comandisa 2nd
same sentence can be better expressed with "ch'a l'é bela meaning".
sta cà" or "s'a l'é bela sta cà" and often the sentence is comaragi - n. m. (pr. \ cum&r'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - chatter,
preceded by the cnj. "ma" "but", having just a value of chattering, gossip.

comaràire - n. (pr. \ cum&r'&ire \ ) Ms. plr. comaraire - fm. combinassion - n. f. (pr. \ cumbin&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
sng. and plr. comaraira, comaraire. - chatterbox, great luck, chance, coincidence. - 2) - combination (chemistry,
talker, gossip, tattler. mathematics).
comare - n. f. (pr. \ cum'&re \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - godmother. In combinator - n. m. (pr. \ cumbin&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
this sense see also the most used term "marin-a". - 2) - combiner. - 2) - controller. - 3) - dial (telephone)
midwife. - 3) - witness (at a wedding). - 4) - gossipy combinatòri - adj. (pr. \ cumbin&t'ori \ ) Ms. plr. combinatòri
woman (in a fig. sense). In general this term is not very - fm. sng. and plr. combinatòria, combinatòrie. -
used. combinarotial (mathematics).
comarèire - n. (pr. \ cum&r'æire \ ) - See comaràire. combin che - cnj. loc. (pr. \ cumb'i[ng] ke \ ) - 1) - although,
comaré - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ cum&r'e \ ) - to chatter, to talk though. - 2) - even if. - See also the loc "comben che".
idly, to gossip. It uses the aux. "avèj ". combiné - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ cumbin'e \ ) - 1) - to
comarum - n. m. (pr. \ cum&r'[ue]m \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - 1) combine, to match (trs.). - 2) - to arrange, to plan, to
- gossip. - 2) - group of gossipy women. In a pejorative conclude (trs.). - 3) - to combine (chemistry) (trs.). - 4) -
sense. to do (in a fig. sense) (trs.). - 5) - to agree, to go together
comatos - adj. (pr. \ cum&t'uz \ ) Ms. plr. comatos - fm. sng. (int.). It uses alvays the aux. "avèj ".
and plr. comatosa, comatose. - comatose. combineus - n. f. (pr. \ cumbin'[oe]z \ ) Inv. at plr. -
comba - n. f. (pr. \ c'umb& \ ) At plr. combe. - combe, small combinations, combs.
narrow valley, hollow. combrìcola - n. f. (pr. \ cumbr'icul& \ ) At plr. combrìcole. - 1)
combasament - n. m. (pr. \ cumb&z&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - gang, shady coterie. - 2) - band, set, group.
- fitting together. - 2) - joint. - 3) - mating, matching. comburent - 1) - adj. (pr. \ cumb[ue]r'ænt \ ) Ms. plr.
combasé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ cumb&z'e \ ) - 1) - to fit comburent - fm. sng. and plr. comburenta, comburente.
properly, to meet. - 2) - to fit together, to joint. - 3) - to - burning.
mate, to match. - 4) - to agree, to coincide, to tally (in a comburent - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ cumb[ue]r'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
fig. sense). - See also the terms "basé, samblé, gionté, supporter of combustion, oxidizer.
quadré ". combustìbil - 1) - adj. (pr. \ cumb[ue]st'ibil \ ) Ms. plr.
combat - n. m. (pr. \ cumb'&t \ ) Inv. at plr. - fighting, fight, combustìbij - fm. sng. and plr. combustìbil, combustìbij.
battle, combat. - See also the term "combatiment ". - combustible.
combate - vrb 2nd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ cumb'&te \ ) - 1) - to combustìbil - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ cumb[ue]st'ibil \ ) At plr.
fight, to combat, to be at war. - 2) - to fight, to oppose combustìbij. - fuel, combustible material.
(in a fig. sense). combustibilità - n. f. (pr. \ cumb[ue]stibilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
combatse - vrb 2nd con. recp. (pr. \ cumb'&tse \ ) - 1) - to fight, combustibility.
to clash - 2) - to oppose each other. combustion - n. f. (pr. \ cumb[ue]sti'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
combatent - n. and adj. (pr. \ cumb&t'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. combustion, burning.
combatent - fm. sng. and plr. combatenta, combatente. - com Dio veul - excl. (pr. \ cum diu v[oe]l \ ) - thanks God,
1) - fighter, combatant (sbst.). - 2) - man (woman) in the (lit.) as God wants.
fighting service (sbst.) - 3) - fighting, combatant (adj.). come - 1) - adv. and cnj. and excl. (pr. \ c'ume \ ) - See com 1).
combatentìstich - adj. (pr. \ cumb&tænt'istic \ ) Ms. plr. come - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ c'ume \ ) - See com 2).
combatentìstich - fm. sng. and plr. combatentìstica, comédia - n. f. (pr. \ cum'edi& \ ) At plr. comédie. - 1) -
combatentìstiche. - ex-servicemen's (as an attribute). comedy, play. - 2) - play-acting, sham, pretence (in a fig.
combatidor - n. and adj. (pr. \ cumb&tid'ur \ ) Ms. plr. sense. - 3) - farce (in a fig. sense).
combatidor - fm. sng. and plr. combatidòira, comediàire - n. (pr. \ cumedi'&ire \ ) Ms. plr. comediàire - fm.
combatidòire. - 1) - fighter, combatant (sbst. and adj.). sng. and plr. comediàira, comediàire. - carefree person,
See also the term "combatent". - 2) - pugnacious, bellicose jolly fellow, joker, jester.
(adj.). comediant - n. (pr. \ cumedi'&nt \ ) Usually inv. in gnd. and
combatiment - n. m. (pr. \ cumb&tim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - nr., even if for fm. sng. and plr. the words comedianta,
fighting, fight, battle, combat. - 2) - conflict, clash, comediante can be found. - 1) - comedian. 2) - mummer,
contest (in a fig. sense). - 3) - match, bout (boxing). - See third-rate actor (in a pejorative sense). - 3) - humbug,
also the term "combat ". shammer (in a fig. sense).
combativ - adj. (pr. \ cumb&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. combativ - fm. comedié - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ cumedi'e \ ) - 1) - to joke, to
sng. and plr. combativa, combative. - combative, make fun, to make hubbub. - 2) - to simulate (in a fig.
fighting, pugnacious, aggressive. sense). - 3) - to make a scene (in a fig. sense). It uses the
combatività - n. f. (pr. \ cumb&tivit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - aux. "avèj ".
combativeness, pugnacity. comediògrafo - n. (pr. \ cumedi'ografô \ ) Ms. plr.
combatù - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ cumb&t'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. comediògrafo - fm. sng. and plr. comediògrafa,
combatù - fm. sng. and plr. combatùa, combatùe. - 1) - comediògrafe. - writer of comedies, comedywright.
troubled, distressed. - 2) - tormented, undecided, com éla? - excl. (pr. \ cum 'el& \ ) - how are you?, what is the
restless (adj.). Used when a person find it difficult to situation?.
decide between two solutions, due to deep personal comemoràbil - adj. (pr. \ cumemur'&bil \ ) Ms. plr.
reasons. - 2) - fighted (p. p. of the vrb "combate"). comemoràbij - fm. sng. and plr. comemoràbil,
comben che - cnj. loc. (pr. \ cumb'æ[ng] ke \ ) - 1) - although, comemoràbij. - commemorable.
though. - 2) - even if. - See also the loc "combin che". comemorassion - n. f. (pr. \ cumemur&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
combin - n. f. (pr. \ cumb'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - combine (sport - commemoration.
illicit agreement). comemorativ - adj. (pr. \ cumemur&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr.
combinà - 1) - adj.and p. p. (pr. \ cumbin'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and comemorativ - fm. sng. and plr. comemorativa,
nr. - combined. comemorative. - 1) - commemorative. - 2) - memorial
combinà - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ cumbin'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - combined (as an attribute).
competition (sport - skiing). comemoré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cumemur'e \ ) - to
combinàbil - adj. (pr. \ cumbin'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. combinàbij - commemorate.
fm. sng. and plr. combinàbil, combinàbij. - combinable.

comenda - n. f. (pr. \ cum'ænd& \ ) At plr. comende. - 1) - comercialisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cumær[ch]i&liz'e \) - to
allowance, living. - 2) - commendam (Church). - 3) - market, to commercialize.
"commenda" (honorific title). comercialista - n. (pr. \ cumær[ch]i&l'ist& \) Ms. plr.
comendàbil - adj. (pr. \ cumænd'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. comendàbij - comercialista - fm. sng. and plr. comercialista,
fm. sng. and plr. comendàbil, comendàbij. - comercialiste. - business consultant.
commendable, praiseworthy. See also the term comercialìstich - adj. (pr. \ cumær[ch]i&l'istic \) Ms. plr.
"comendèivol ". comercialìstich - fm. sng. and plr. comercialìstica,
comendatari - adj. (pr. \ cumænd&t'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. comercialìstiche. - related to business advice.
comendatari - fm. sng. and plr. comendataria, comerciant - n. (pr. \ cumær[ch]i'&nt \) - Ms. plr. comerciant
comendatarie. - commendatory (Church). - fm. sng. and plr. comercianta, comerciante. - 1) -
comendatissi - adj. - (pr. \ cumænd&t'isi \ ) Ms. plr. dealer, trader. - 2) - tradesman, wholesaler, retailer. See
comendatissi - fm. sng. and plr. comendatissia, also the terms "comersant, comersiant ".
comendatissie. - 1) - commending. - 2) - comercé - vrb 1st con. int. and trs. (pr. \ cumær[ch]'e \) - to
recommendatory. deal, to trade, to handle, to merchant. - See also the
comendatìssia - n. f. (pr. \ cumænd&t'isi& \ ) At plr. terms "comresé, comersié ". It uses always the aux. "avèj ".
comendatìssie. - recommendation, letter of comersant - n. (pr. \ cumærs'&nt \) - See comerciant.
recommendation. comersé - vrb 1st con. int. and trs. (pr. \ cumærs'e \) - See
comendator - n. m. (pr. \ cumænd&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - comercé.
commender. - 2) - knight-commander. - 3) - comersi - n. m. (pr. \ cum'ærsi \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - commerce,
"commendatore" (honorific title in Italy). trading, trade, business, market. - 2) - intercourse,
comendé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cumænd'e \ ) - 1) - to dealings (in a fig. sense). - 3) - Sometimes this term is used
commend, to praise. In this sense see also the term "laudé in the fig. sense of : mess, confusion, traffic.
". - 2) - to commend, to recommend. comersiàbil - adj. (pr. \ cumærsi'&bil \) - See comerciàbil.
comendèivol - adj. (pr. \ cumænd'æivul \ ) - See comendàbil. comersiabilità - n. f. (pr. \ cumærsi&bilit'& \) - See
comens - n. m. (pr. \ cum'æ[ng]s \ ) Inv. at plr. - beginning, comerciabilità.
start. See also the terms "comensament, cominsament, comersial - adj. (pr. \ cumærsi'&l \) - See comercial.
prinsipi". comersialisàbil - adj. (pr. \ cumærsi&liz'&bil \) See
comensa - adv. (pr. \ cum'æ[ng]s& \ ) - 1) - in the meanwhile. comercialisàbil.
- 2) - anyhow. - 3) - for one thing. - 4) - just to start. comersialisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cumærsi&liz'e \) - See
comensal - n. (pr. \ cumæ[ng]s'&l \ ) Ms. plr. comensaj - fm. comercialisé.
sng. and plr. comensal, comensaj. - table companion, comersialista - n. (pr. \ cumærsi&l'ist& \) - See
fellow guest. comercialista.
comensament - n. m. (pr. \ cumæ[ng]s&m'ænt \ ) - See comersialìstich - adj. (pr. \ cumærsi&l'istic \) - See
comens. comercialìstich.
comensé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ cumæ[ng]s'e \ ) - 1) - comersiant - n. (pr. \ cumærsi'&nt \) - See comerciant.
to start, to begin, to commence. See also the term comersié - vrb 1st con. int. and trs. (pr. \ cumærsi'e \) - See
"ancaminé ". It uses always the aux. "avèj". comercé.
comensuràbil - adj. (pr. \ cumæ[ng]s[ue]r'&bil \) Ms. plr. coméss - n. (pr. \ cum'es \) Ms. plr. coméss - fm. sng. and plr.
comensuràbij - fm. sng. and plr. comensuràbil, coméssa, comésse. - 1) - salesman, shop assistant, sales
comensuràbij. - commensurable. clerk. - 2) - messenger, walk-clerk. The loc. "coméss
comensurabilità - n. f. (pr. \ cumæ[ng]s[ue]r&bilit'& \) Inv. at viagiator" is translated into "commercial traveller".
plr. - commensurability. comessa - n. f. (pr. \ cum'es \) At plr. comésse. - 1) - order,
comensuré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cumæ[ng]s[ue]r'e \) - to work order. - 2) - as fm. of "coméss" : saleswoman, etc..
compare. comestìbil - 1) - adj. - (pr. \ cumest'ibil \) Ms. plr. comestìbij -
coment - n. m. (pr. \ cum'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - note, fm. sng. and plr. comestìbil, comestìbij. - edible, eatable.
annotation, comment. - 2) - comment, remark. - 3) - See also the term "mangiàbil ".
commentary. - 4) - talk, gossip. comestìbil - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ cumest'ibil \) At plr. comestìbij -
comentari - n. m. (pr. \ cumænt'&ri \) Inv. at plr. - foodstuffs, eatables.
commentary. comeuve - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ cum'[oe]ve \) - to touch, to
comentator - n. (pr. \ cumænt&t'ur \) Ms. plr. comentator - move, to affect, to excite (sb.'s) pity.
fm. sng. and plr. comentatriss, comentatriss. - 1) - comeuvse - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ cum'[oe]use \) - to be
annotator, expounder. - 2) - commentator. touched, to be moved, to break down.
comenté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cumænt'e \) - 1) - to annotate, comëtta - n. f. (pr. \ cum'&tt& \) At plr. comëtte. - 1) - comet
to expound, to provide a commentary. - 2) - to comment (astronomy) - 2) - kite (play).
on, to criticize. - 3) - to remark. comëtte - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ cum'&tte \) - 1) - to commit, to
comerciàbil - adj. (pr. \ cumær[ch]i'&bil \) Ms. plr. perpetrate, to do, to make. - 2) - to entrust, to commit.
comerciàbij - fm. sng. and plr. comerciàbil, comerciàbij. comëttidura - n. f. (pr. \ cum&ttid'[ue]r& \) At plr.
- saleable, marketable, merchantable. comëttidure. - 1) - joining together. - 2) - juncture. This
comerciabilità - n. f. (pr. \ cumær[ch]i&bilit'& \) Inv. at plr. - term in not very used, probably an italianism. See also the
saleability, marketability. more usual term "giontura".
comercial - adj. (pr. \ cumær[ch]i'&l \) Ms. plr. comerciaj - comià - n. m. (pr. \ cumi'& \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - leave. - 2) -
fm. sng. and plr. comercial, comerciaj. - 1) - commercial. departure. - 3) - dismissal.
- 2) - trade, business (as attributes). comiaté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cumi&t'e \) - 1) - to dismiss, to
comercialisàbil - adj. (pr. \ cumær[ch]i&liz'&bil \) Ms. plr. send away. - 2) - to give (sb.) leave.
comercialisàbij - fm. sng. and plr. comercialisàbil, comiatésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ cumi&t'ese \) - to take
comercialisàbij. - marketable. one's leave.
comercialisassion - n. f. (pr. \ cumær[ch]i&liz&si'u[ng] \) Inv. comicisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cumi[ch]iz'e \) - to turn (st.)
at plr. - marketing, commercialization. into comedy. See also the vrbl. loc. "buté an sël còmich"
lit. "to put on the (into) fun".

comiliton - n. m. (pr. \ cumilit'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - fellow lets out on contract. In this meaning see also the term
soldier, comrade-at-arms. See also the terms "cambrada, "comissionari".
camrada", and the plr. loc. "soldà ansema" "soldiers comitiva - n. f. (pr. \ cumit'iv& \ ) At plr. comitive. - party,
together". band, group, company.
cominassion - n. f. (pr. \ cumin&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - comodà - adj. (pr. \ cumud'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
infliction, threatening. flavoured, seasoned, cooked in flavours. (I am not sure of
cominatòri - adj. (pr. \ cumin&t'ori \) Ms. plr. cominatòri - this meaning. This is a term that I remember used by my
fm. sng. and plr. cominatòria, cominatòrie. - threatening. parents about food. It seems to me that the meaning is
cominatòria - n. f. . (pr. \ cumin&t'ori& \) At plr. cominatòrie. correct, but my memory can fail. I will try to verify and
- warning, threatening (legal). possibly correct the translation). See also the p. p. of the
cominé - vrb 1st con. trs. - to inflict, to threaten (with a term "comodé ", and the term "cons".
penalty). comodament - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ cumud&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
cominsament - n. m. (pr. \ cumi[ng]s&m'ænt \ ) - See comens. 1) - settlement, accomodation, arrangement. - 2) -
comiserand - adj. (pr. \ cumizer'&nd \ ) Ms. plr. comiserand - mend, repair. - 3) - amendment. - 4) - adaptation. - See
fm. sng. and plr. comiseranda, comiserande. - that has to also the term "comodura".
be pitied. See also the terms "comiserèivol, comiserevol". comodament - 2) - adv. (pr. \ cumud'&nt \ ) - 1) -
comiserassion - n. f. (pr. \ cumizer&si'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - comfortably. - 2) - easily. Italianism.
commiseration, pity. comodant - adj. (pr. \ cumud'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. comitent - fm.
comiseré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cumizer'e \ ) - to sng. and plr. comitenta, comitente. - obliging, adaptable,
commiserate, to pity. accommodating.
comiserèivol - adj. (pr. \ cumizer'æivul \ ) Ms. plr. comodé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cumud'e \ ) - 1) - to repair, to
comiserèivoj - fm. sng. and plr. comiserèivol, mend. - 2) - to amend. - 3) - to adapt. - 4) - to tidy. - 5) -
comiserèivoj. - commiserable, pitiable. See also the terms to adorn, to decorate. - 6) - to settle, to arrange.
"comiserand, comiserévol". comodésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ cumud'ese \ ) - 1) - to take
comiserevol - adj. (pr. \ cumizer'evul \ ) - See comiserèivol. a seat, to sit down, to come in, to make oneself
comissari - n. m. (pr. \ cumis'&ri \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - comfortable. - 2) - to come to an agreement. - 3) - to
commissioner, officer. - 2) - officer in the police force. - make do with. Mainly used in the first meaning.
3) - commissary (military). - 4) - commissioner, member comodin - n. m. (pr. \ cumud'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - beside
of a committee, member of an examining board, etc. table. - 2) - substitute, stand-in, factotum. - 3) - joker
comissarià - n. m. (pr. \ cumis&ri'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - (card games).
commissariat (military). - 2) - police station. - 3) - comodità - n. f. (pr. \ cumudit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - convenience,
commissionership. comfort, amenity, comfortableness.
comissarial - adj. (pr. \ cumis&ri'& \ ) Ms. plr. comissariaj - comodura - n. f. (pr. \ cumud'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. comodure. - 1)
fm. sng. and plr. comissarial, comissariaj. -commissarial. - settlement, accomodation, arrangement. - 2) - mend,
comissi - n. m. (pr. \ cum'isi \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - political repair. - 3) - amendment. - 4) - adaptation. - See also the
meeting, electioneering meeting. For the last meaning see term "comodament 1)".
also the loc. "comissi eletoral" - 2) - comitium, comitia comonque - adv. and cnj. (pr. \ cum'u[ng][qu]e \ ) - 1) -
(history). however, anyhow, in any case, at any rate (adv.). - 2) -
comissial - adj. (pr. \ cumisi'&l \ ) Ms. plr. comissiaj - fm. sng. however, no matter how, in whatever way (cnj.).
and plr. comissial, comissiaj. - 1) - comitial, related to a comossion - n. f. (pr. \ cumusi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - emotion,
political meeting. - 2) - epileptic (medical). The loc. "mal compassion, show of sympathy. Thee loc. "comossion
comissial " is translated into "epilepsy". cerebral" is translated into "concussion" (medical). - See
comissiant - n. (pr. \ cumisi'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. comissiant - fm. also the term "comoviment ".
sng. and plr. comissianta, comissiante. - 1) - person comovent - adj. (pr. \ cumuv'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. comovent - fm.
attending a political meeting. - 2) - stump orator. sng. and plr. comoventa, comovente. - touching, moving,
comission - n. f. (pr. \ cumisi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - errand, piyiful, pathetic.
commission, message. - 2) - shopping. - 3) - committee, comoviment - n. m. (pr. \ cumuvim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
board, commission. - 4) - commission (commercial). - 5) emotion, compassion. See also the term "comossion".
- order. See also the less common term "cumission". comò - n. m. (pr. \ cum'o \ ) Inv. at plr. - commode, chest of
comissionàire - n. (pr. \ cumisiun'e \ ) - See comissioné 2). drawers. See also the term "comòd ".
comissionari - n. (pr. \ cumisiun'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. comissionari - comòd - n. m. (pr. \ cum'od \ ) - See comò.
fm. sng. and plr. comissionaria, comissionarie. - 1) - comòss - adj. (pr. \ cum'os \ ) Ms. plr. comòss - fm. sng. and
commission agent, selling agent. - 2) - broker. - 3) - who plr. comòssa, comòsse. - touched, moved.
lets out on contract. In this meaning see also the term compadron - n. (pr. \ cump&dr'u[ng] \ ) - Ms. plr. compadron
"comitent". - fm. sng. and plr. compadron-a, compadron-e. - joint
comissionaria - n. f. (pr. \ cumisiun'&ri& \ ) At plr. owner, co-owner, co-proprietor. See also the term
comissionàrie. - commission agency, selling agency. "comproprietari ".
comissioné - 1) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cumisiun'e \ ) - 1) - to compàgin - n. f. (pr. \ cump'&ji[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
order, to place an order (for). - 2) - to commission (arts). framework, structure.
comissioné - 2) - n. (pr. \ cumisiun'e \ ) Ms. plr. comissioné - compaginé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cump&jin'e \ ) - 1) - to
fm. sng. and plr. comissionera, comissionere. - executor assemble, to hold together, to put together, to unite. - 2)
of a commission (order) on behalf of others. See also the - to put into pages, to order pages. In this sense see also
term "comissionàire". the term "ampaginé ".
comisuré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cumis[ue]r'e \ ) - to compagn - n. and adj. (pr. \ cump'&[gn] \ ) Ms. plr. compagn -
proportion. See also the terms "conmisuré, proporsioné". fm. sng. and plr. compagna, compagne. - 1) - companion,
comitent - n. and adj. (pr. \ cumit'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. comitent - mate. (sbst.). - 2) - partner (sbst.). - 3) - comrade (sbst.).
fm. sng. and plr. comitenta, comitente. - 1) - consignor, - 4) - husband (wife), life-companion (sbst.). - 5) - the
buyer, customer (sbst.). - 2) - ordering (adj.). - 3) - who other (sbst.) (in a couple of objects). See also the terms
"cambrada, camrada, sòcio". - 6) - like, alike, similar,

equal (adj.). See also the terms "istéss, ugual ", and the comparission - n. f. (pr. \ cump&risi'u[ng] \ ) - See
loc. "ch'a smìja". compariment.
compagnà - n. f. (pr. \ cump&[gn]'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - compars - n. m. (pr. \ cump'&rs \ ) Inv. at plr. - compass, pair
accompaniment, accompanying. - 2) - suite, retinue. - 3) of compasses. See also the term "compass".
- funeral procession. comparsa - n. f. (pr. \ cump'&rs& \ ) At plr. comparse. - 1) -
compagné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cump&[gn]'e \ ) - 1) - to appearing, appearance. - 2) - supernumerary (actor -
accompany, to take. - 2) - to follow. - 3) - to accompany, theatre, cinema).
to escort. - 4) - to couple, to combine. - 5) - to match. comparsé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cump&rs'e \ ) - 1) - to
compagnésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ cump&[gn]'ese \ ) - 1) - measure with a compass. - 2) - to measure with
to join company (with), to join up (with). - 2) - to copule. precision (in a fig. sense). The piedm. loc. "comparsé bin
- 3) - to match. le paròle" is translated into "to weigh one's words". See
compagnon - n. (pr. \ cump&[gn]'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. also the term "compassé ".
compagnon - fm. sng. and plr. compagnon-a, compart - n. m. (pr. \ cump'&rt \ ) Inv. at plr. - division,
compagnon-e. - carefree person, jolly fellow, person of section. See also the term "scompart".
good company. compartecipansa - n. f. (pr. \ cump&rte[ch]ip'&[ng]s& \ ) At
compagnor - n. m. (pr. \ cump&[gn]'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - escort. plr. compartecipanse. - 1) - participation, sharing. - 2) -
See also the term "brassié ". copartnership (legal). - 3) - share. - See also the terms
compaisan - n. (pr. \cump&iz'&[ng]\) Ms. plr. compaisan - "compartecipassion, compartessipansa,
fm. sng. and plr. compaisan-a, compaisan-e. - fellow compartessipassion".
townsman. compartecipassion - n. f. (pr. \ cump&rte[ch]ip&si'u[ng] \ ) -
companari - n. m. (pr. \ cump&n'&ri \ ) Inv. at plr. - See compartecipansa.
something to go with bread. See also the term compartecipé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ cump&rte[ch]ip'e \ ) - 1)
"companàtich ". - to participate, to share. - 2) - to be a shareholder. It
companàtich - n. m. (pr. \ cump&n'&tic \ ) - See companari. uses the aux. "avèj ". See also the term "compartessipé ".
companìa - n. f. (pr. \ cump&n'i& \ ) At plr. companìe. - 1) - compartessipansa - n. f. (pr. \ cump&rtesip'&[ng]s& \ ) - See
company, companionship. - 2) - company, corporation. - compartecipansa.
3) - gathering, band, group, circle. - 4) - company compartessipassion - n. f. (pr. \ cump&rtesip&si'u[ng] \ ) -
(theatre). See compartecipansa.
comparà - adj. compartessipé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ cump&rtesip'e \ ) - See
comparàbil - adj. (pr. \ cump&r'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. comparàbij - compartecipé.
fm. sng. and plr. comparàbil, comparàbij. - comparable. compartì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ cump&rt'i \ ) - to divide, to
See also the term "paragonàbil ". share out, to distribute.
comparabilità - n. m. (pr. \ cump&r&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - compartiment - n. m. (pr. \ cump&rtim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
comparability. division, section. - 2) - compartment. In these two senses
comparagi - n. m. (pr. \ cump&r'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - see also the term "scompartiment". - 3) - department. In
relationship between godparents and godcild. this sense see also the term "dipartiment".
comparassion - n. f. (pr. \ cump&r&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) compartimental - adj. (pr. \ cump&rtimænt'&l \ ) Ms. plr.
- comparison. - 2) - simile. See also the terms compartimentaj - fm. sng. and plr. compartimental,
"comparision, paragon". compartimentaj. - departmental. See also the term
comparativ - 1) - adj. (pr. \ cump&r&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. "dipartimental ".
comparativ - fm. sng. and plr. comparativa, compartimentassion - n. f. (pr. \ cump&rtimænt&si'u[ng] \ )
comparative. - comparative. Inv. at plr. - division into compartments.
comparativ - 2) - n. m. . (pr. \ cump&r&t'iu \ ) Inv. at plr. - compartission - n. f. (pr. \ cump&rtisi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
comparative (grammar). division, section. See also the term "compart".
comparator - n. m. (pr. \ cump&r&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - compass - n. m. (pr. \ cump'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - compass, pair
comparator, gauge (mechanics). of compasses. See also the term "compars".
compare - n. m. (pr. \ cump'&re \ ) - 1) - godfather. Not very compassà - adj. (pr. \ cump&s'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
used in this sense. See also the best term "parin". - 2) - measured, cool and collected, stiff.
accomplice. - 3) - stooge. compassé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cump&s'e \ ) - See comparsé.
comparé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cump&r'e \ ) - to compare, to compassion - n. f. (pr. \ cump&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). -
liken. See also the term "paragoné ". compassion, pity, sympathy. The piedm. loc. "fé
comparì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ cump&r'i \ ) - 1) - to appear, compassion (a quaidun)" is translated into "to arouse
to show oneself. - 2) - to turn up, to come out. - It uses (sb.'s) pity".
the aux. "esse". compassioné - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ cump&siun'e \ ) -
compariment - n. m. (pr. \ cump&rim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - to sympathize with, to pity, to feel compassion for, to be
appearance, the act of appearing. See also the terms sorry for. It uses also the aux. "avèj ".
"comparission, comparsa 1st meaning" compassionèivol - adj. (pr. \ cump&siun'æivul \ ) Ms. plr.
comparision - n. f. (pr. \ cump&rizi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - compassionèivoj - fm. sng. and plr. compassionèivol,
comparison. - 2) - simile. See also the terms compassionèivoj. - 1) - pityful, pathetic. - 2) -
"comparassion, paragon". Pay attention not to confuse this compassionate, sypathetic, pitying. See also the terms
term with "comparission", having a completely different "compassionévol, compassionos".
meaning. compassionévol - adj. (pr. \ cump&siun'evul \ ) adj. (pr. \
comparisioné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cump&riziun'e \ ) - 1) - cump&siun'evul \ ) - See compassionèivol.
to compare. In this sense see also the term "comparé". - 2) compassionos - adj. (pr. \ cump&siun'uz \ ) Ms. plr.
- to confront. In this sense see also the term "confronté ". compassionos - fm. sng. and plr. compassionosa,
comparissensa - n. f. (pr. \ cump&ris'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. compassionose. - compassionate, sypathetic, pitying. See
comparissense. - 1) - strikingness, garishness, also the terms "compassionèivol, compassionévol ".
showiness. - 2) - smart appearance. compat - adj. (pr. \ cump'&t \ ) Ms. plr. compat - fm. sng. and
plr. compata, compate. - 1) - compact, close-packed,

close. - 2) - firm, dense, thick, solid. - 3) - united. - Quite compensàbil - adj. (pr. \ cumpæ[ng]s'&bil \ ) Ms. plr.
an italianism. See also the best terms "satì, dens, spess, s- compensàbij - fm. sng. and plr. compensàbil,
ciass, unì, etc.". compensàbij. - 1) - compensable, that can be
compaté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cump&t'e \ ) - to make compensated. - 2) - indemnifiable.
compact, etc. - Quite an italianism (and also a neologism). compensassion - n. f. (pr. \ cumpæ[ng]s&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr.
See also the best terms "satì, anspëssì, s-ciassé, unì, etc.". - 1) - compensation (measurements, technique, etc.) - 2) -
compatëssa - n. f. (pr. \ cump&t'&ss& \ ) At plr. compatësse. - set-off, clearance, clearing, cutting out (commerce,
compactness, compactedness, solidity, firmness. See also finance).
the best term "satiura". compensativ - adj. (pr. \ cumpæ[ng]s&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr.
compatì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ cump&t'i \ ) - 1) - to pity, to be compensativ - fm. sng. and plr. compensativa,
sorry for, to sypathize with. - 2) - to forgive, to make compensative. - compensatory, compensative,
allowances for. compensation (as an attribute).
compatìbil - adj. (pr. \ cump&t'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. compatìbij - compensator - n. m. (pr. \ cumpæ[ng]s&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1)
fm. sng. and plr. compatìbil, compatìbij. - 1) - - compensator, phase advancer (electricity). - 2) -
compatible, consistent. - 2) - forgivable, excusable. trimmer, trimming condenser (radio). - 3) - tab (planes).
compatibilità - n. f. compatibility, consistency. - 4) - corrector, compensator (navigation compass).
compatibilment - adv. (pr. \ cump&tibilm'ænt \ ) - compensé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cumpæ[ng]s'e \ ) - 1) - to
compatibly, in line. As usual the adv. ending in "...ment " compensate, to counterbalance, to offset. - 2) - to pay
are more or less italianisms, even if some of them, like this compensation for, to indemnify. - 3) - to reward, to
one, are quite used. recompense.
compatiment - n. m. (pr. \ cump&tim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - compensésse - vrb 1st con. recp. (pr. \ cumpæ[ng]s'ese \ ) - to
pity. - 2) - sympathy. - 3) - condescension. - 4) - balance each other.
forbearance, indulgence. compete - vrb 2nd con. int. (pr. \ cump'ete \ ) - 1) - to compete,
compatriòt - n. (pr. \ cump&tri'ot \ ) Ms. plr. compatriòt - fm. to rival. - 2) - to be due, to be owing. It uses the aux. "avèj
sng. and plr. compatriòta, compatriòte. - (fellow) ".
countryman / countrywoman. competensa - n. f. (pr. \ cumpet'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr.
compendi - n. m. (pr. \ cump'ændi \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - competense. - 1) - competence, capacity, ability,
abridged version/edition. 2) - précis, digest, outline, expertise. - 2) - authority. - 3) - job (in a fig. sense). - 4) -
summary, abstract. See also the term "abresé ". fee, fees. - 5) - competence, cognizance (legal).
compendiari - adj. (pr. \ cumpændi'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. competent - adj. and n. (pr. \ cumpet'ænt \ ) Ms. plr.
compendiari - fm. sng. and plr. compendiaria, competent - fm. sng. and plr. competenta, competente. -
compendiarie. - recapitulatory, resumptive, 1) - fair, suitable, adequate (adj.) - 2) - competent,
summarizing. expert (adj.). - 3) - competent, cognizant (adj.) (legal). -
compendiator - n. and adj. (pr. \ cumpændi&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. 4) - expert, connoisseur (sbst.).
compendiator - fm. sng. and plr. compendiatriss, competidor - n. (pr. \ cumpetid'ur \ ) - See competitor.
compendiatriss. - abridger, epitomizer, summarizer. competission - n. f. (pr. \ cumpetisi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
compendié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cumpændi'e \ ) - to competition, contest.
summarize, to abridge, to sum up, to condense, to competitiv - adj. (pr. \ cumpetit'iu \ ) Ms. plr. competitiv - fm.
epitomize. See also the terms "riassume, riepiloghé, scursé sng. and plr. competitiva, competitive. - competitive.
". competitività - n. f. (pr. \ cumpetitivit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
compendios - adj. (pr. \ cumpændi'uz \ ) Ms. plr. compendios - competitiveness.
fm. sng. and plr. compendiosa, compendiose. - brief, competitor - n. (pr. \ cumpetit'ur \ ) Ms. plr. competitor - fm.
shortened, concise, compendious. sng. and plr. competitriss, competitriss. - competiror,
compendiosità - n. f. (pr. \ cumpændiuzit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - rival.
brevity, shortness, conciseness. compì - 1) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cump'i \ ) - 1) - to finish, to
compenetràbil - adj. (pr. \ cumpenetr'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. complete, to conclude. - 2) - to accomplish, to do, to
compenetràbij - fm. sng. and plr. compenetràbil, achieve, to perform. - 3) - to fulfil, to discharge. - 4) - to
compenetràbij. - penetrable, permeable. commit. Note that in Piedm. the birthday is the day in
compenetrabilità - n. f. (pr. \ cumpenetr&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. which a number of years is finished. So the piedm. loc.
- penetrability, permeability. "compì j'agn" lit. "to finish years", is what happens at the
compenetrassion - n. f. (pr. \ cumpenetr&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at birthday. E. g. "cand compiras-to 60 agn?" lit. "when
plr. - penetration, permeation. will you finish 60 years" "When will you be 60?".
compenetré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cumpenetr'e \ ) - to compì - 2) - adj. (pr. \ cump'i \ ) Ms. plr. compì - fm. sng. and
penetrate, to imbue, to permeate. Often vrbl. loc. are plr. compìa, compìe. - polite, refined.
used like : "intré andrinta, fonghé andrinta, etc." lit. "to com pì - loc. adv. (pr. \ cum p'i \ ) - the more. E. g. "com pì il
enter inside, to sink inside. etc.". lese com pì it ampare" "the more you read the more you
compenetrésse - vrb 1st con. refl. and recp. (pr. \ cumpenetr'ese learn". There is not in Piedm. a symmetrical loc. like "com
\ ) - 1) - to realize, to be fully aware (refl.). - 2) - to be manch" "the less", or at least is not commonly used. E. g.
overhelmed (with) (refl.). - 3) - to interpenetrate (recp.). "com pì it deurme, manch it ëstudie" = "the more you
compens - n. m. (pr. \ cump'æ[ng]s \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - sleep the less you study".
remuneration, pay, fee. - 2) - recompense, reward. - The compìa - n. f. (pr. \ cump'i& \ ) At plr. compìe - complin,
piedm. loc. "an compens" is translated into "in compline (Church). One of the "canonical hours" for the
compensation, to make up for it, on the other hand ", prayer of the Church. They are "matutin, tersa, sesta, nòna,
depending on the context. vespr, compìa". We note that in Piedm. the adj. ordinal
compensà - 1) - adj and p. p. (pr. \ cumpæ[ng]s'& \ ) Inv. in "nòna" " 9th " at fm. , is not usually used, substituted by
gnd. and nr. - 1) - compensated. - 2) - rewarded. - 3) - the loc. "ch'a fà neuv" "which is (does) nine". In this case
counterbalanced. "nòna" is the name of the canonical hour, coming directly
compensà - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ cumpæ[ng]s'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - from Latin. Some ways of saying : - A) - "da la primalba a
plywood. compìa" lit. "from the dawn to compline" "all the day

long". - B) - "esse a compìa" lit. "to be at compline" to compleani - n. m. (pr. \ cumple'&ni \ ) Inv. at plr. - birthday,
be at the end ". - C) - "soné compìa dnans a vespr" lit. "to anniversary. See also the terms "aniversari, compijani"
ring compline before vespers" "to do things in a wrong and the loc. "dì natal" whose meaning is just "birthday".
order, to be precipitate, to put the cart before the oxes". complement - n. m. (pr. \ cumplem'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
See also the term "cumpìa". complement. - 2) - object (grammar : "direct object "
compianze - vrb 2nd con.trs. (pr. \ cum pi'&[ng]ze \ ) - 1) - to "complement ogét " ; "indirect object " "complement
pity, to be sorry for, to sympathize with. - 2) - to lament, indirét ". - 3) - reserve (military : "reserve officer"
to mourn. See also the terms "compassioné, compatì". "ufissial ëd complement".
compiant - 1) - adj. (pr. \ cumpi'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. compiant - complementar - adj. (pr. \ cumplemænt'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and
fm. sng. and plr. compianta, compiante. - lamented. This nr. - 1) - complementary. - 2) - subsidiary.
word is hardly used in Piedm. Used terms are "pòvr, complementarità - n. f. (pr. \ cumplemænt&rit'& \ ) Inv. at plr.
bonànima", as in the expressions : "my lamented uncle" - complementarity.
"mè pòvr barba" or "mè barba bonànima". complenta - n. f. (pr. \ cumpl'ænt& \ ) At plr. complente. - 1) -
compiant - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ cum pi'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - moan, groan, moaning, wailing. - 2) - whining,
regret. - 2) - mourning, grief. This word is hardly used in whimpering. - 3) - lament, lamentations (poetry). The
Piedm. Used terms are "deul, aringret, regret". "complenta" is a poetical composition quite common in the
compiasèj - vrb 2nd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ cumpi&z'æy \ ) - to Piedm. of Middle Age.
gratify, to please, to humour. See also the term compléss - 1) - adj. (pr. \ cumpl'es \ ) Ms. plr. compléss - fm.
"compiasì". It uses always the aux. "avèj ". Note that the sng. and plr. complessa, complesse. - 1) - complex,
present infinitive has a particular form, as the vrb "piasèj ". complicated, intricate, involved, subtle. - 2) - complex
See also grammar - section "Verb fosonant". (mathematics).
compiasèjsse - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ cumpi&z'æyse \ ) - 1) - compless - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ cumpl'es \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
to be glad, to delight (in). - 2) - to congratulate oneself combination, number, set. - 2) - plant, unit, assembly,
(on). 3) - to be graciously pleased, to be so good as (to). - set. - 3) - ensemble, band, group (music). - 4) - complex
See also the term "compiasìsse". (psychology).
compiasensa - n. f. (pr. \ cumpi&z'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. compless (an ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ &[ng] cumpl'es \ ) - in all,
compiasense. - 1) - obligingness, affability, altogether, as a whole.
complaisance. - 2) - pleasure, gratification, satisfaction. complessà - adj. and n. (pr. \ &[ng] cumples'& \ ) Inv. in gnd.
compiasent - adj. (pr. \ cumpi&z'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. compiasent - and nr. - 1) - full of complexes, neurotic (adj.). - 2) -
fm. sng. and plr. compiasenta, compiasente. - 1) - person full of complexes, neurotic (person) (sbst.).
obliging, complaisant. - 2) - adaptable, accomodating. - complession - n. f. (pr. \ cumplesi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
3) - easy, fast (referred to a woman, in a pejorative sense). constitution (physical) - See also the term "costitussion".
compiasì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ cumpi&z'i \ ) - See complessiv - 1) - adj. (pr. \ cumples'iu \ ) Ms. plr. complessiv -
compiasèj. fm. sng. and plr. complessiva, complessive. - general,
compiasiment - n. m. (pr. \ cumpi&zim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - overall, comprehensive.
gratification, satisfaction. - 2) - congratulations. complessiv - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ cumples'iu \ ) Inv. at plr. - unique
compiasìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ cumpi&z'i \ ) - See object made by a number of connected parts, set.
compiasèjsse. complét - 1) - adj. (pr. \ cumpl'et \ ) Ms. plr. complét - fm. sng.
compijani - n. m. (pr. \ cumpiy'&ni \ ) - See compleani. and plr. completa, complete. - 1) - complete, entire,
compilador - n. (pr. \ cumpil&d'ur \ ) See compilator. whole. - 2) - outright, thorough. - 3) - full.
compiladura - n. f. (pr. \ cumpil&d'[ue]r& \ ) - See complét - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ cumpl'et \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - suit. - 2)
compilassion. - suit, outfit, costume. - 3) - set.
compilassion - n. f. (pr. \ cumpil&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - complet (al ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ &l cumpl'et \ ) - completely,
compilation, drawing up. - 2) - filling in. wholly, fully, thoroughly.
compilator - n. (pr. \ cumpil&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. compilator - fm. completament - 1) - adv. (pr. \ cumplet&m'ænt \ ) -
sng. and plr. compilatriss, compilatriss. - compiler, completely, wholly, fully, thoroughly. This term is a used
drawer up. italianism. See also the best adv. loc. "al complet" or
compilé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cumpil'e \ ) - 1) - to compile, "d'autut".
to edit, to draw up. - 2) - to fill in. completament - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ cumplet&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr.
compiment - n. m. (pr. \ cumpim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - - completion.
ending, end, conclusion, completion, accomplishment, completé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cumplet'e \ ) - to complete, to
achievement. - 2) - compliment. - 3) - compliments, finish, to conclude.
regards. - 4) - congratulations. - 5) - flowery speeches, completëssa - n. f. (pr. \ cumplet'&ss& \ ) At plr. completësse.
elaborate courtesies. In the meanings from 2) to 5) see - completeness, entirety.
also the most used term "compliment ". completiv - adj. (pr. \ cumplet'iu \ ) Ms. plr. complet - fm. sng.
compité - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cumpit'e \ ) - to spell, to spell and plr. completiva, completive. - completive,
out. See also the most used term "silabé ". completory.
compitëssa - n. f. (pr. \ cumpit'&ss& \ ) At plr. (when compliànus - n. m. (pr. \ cumpli'&n [ue]s \ ) - See
applicable) compitësse. - politeness, courtesy, refined compleàmus.
manners. See also the term "politëssa". complicà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ cumplic'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr.
compiùter - n. m. (pr. \ cumpi'[ue]tær \ ) - See compùter. - 1) - complicated, complex. - 2) - involved (in a fig.
compleàmus - n. m. (pr. \ cumple'&mus \ ) Inv. at plr. - sense, referred to a person).
birthday, anniversary. This term is quite a joking one, complicansa - n. f. (pr. \ cumplic'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr.
badly derived from Latin. See also the similar term complicanse. - complication. See also the term
"compliànus". A joking way of saying : "complianus com "complicassion".
pì aso", based on the assonance of words, with a lit. complicassion - n. f. (pr. \ cumplic&si'u[ng] \ ) - See
meaning of "birthday, the more donkey", but the sound is complicansa.
very closed to "the more years, the more donkey". See the compliché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cumplik'e \ ) - to complicate.
more usual term "compleani".

complichésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ cumplik'ese \ ) - 1) - to compositor - n. (pr. \ cumpuzit'ur \ ) Ms. plr. compositor - fm.
become complicated. - 2) - to become worse (illness, etc.) sng. and plr. compositriss, compositriss. - 1) - composer
- 3) - to thichen (in a fig. sense). (music). - 2) - compositor (typography).
complicità - n. f. (pr. \ cumpli[ch]it'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - compositriss - n. f. (pr. \ cumpuzitr'is \ ) Inv. at plr. -
complicity. See also the term "conivensa". composing machine (typography).
compliment - n. m. (pr. \ cumplim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - compostié - n. m. (pr. \ cumpusti'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - compote
compliment. - 2) - compliments, regards. - 3) - jar.
congratulations. - 4) - flowery speeches, elaborate compòsit - adj. (pr. \ cump'osit \ ) Ms. plr. compòsit - fm. sng.
courtesies. See also the most used term "compliment " and plr. compòsita, compòsite. - 1) - composite. - 2) -
meanings from 2) to 5).. We note the sentence "fé 'd compound (mechanics).
compliment" whose meaning is "to display self-restraint". compòst - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ cump'ost \ ) Inv. at plr. - mixture,
complimenté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cumplimænt'e \ ) - 1) - to compound.
compliment. -2) - to do homage to. compòst - 2) - adj. (pr. \ cump'ost \ ) Ms. plr. compòst - fm.
complimentésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ cumplimænt'ese \ ) - sng. and plr. compòsta, compòste. - 1) - composed,
to congratulate. See also the term "congratulésse". consisting, made up.- 2) - compound. - 3) - tidy, neat. -
complimentos - adj. (pr. \ cumplimænt'uz \ ) Ms. plr. 4) - composite (botany). We note that this adj. is not used
complimentos - fm. sng. and plr. complimentosa, as a p. p. of the verb "compon-e", which is instead
complimentose. - 1) - full of polite attentions, "componù", even if the term can be sometimes found also
ceremonious. - 2) - mincing. - 3) - affected, mannered. - as a p. p.
4) - flattered, complimentary. compòsta - n. f. (pr. \ cump'ost& \ ) At plr. compòste. - stewed
comploté - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ cumplut'e \ ) - to plot, to fruit, compote.
conspire. It uses the aux. "avèj ". compra - n. f. (pr. \ c'umpr& \ ) At plr. compre. - 1) -
complòt - n. m. (pr. \ cumpl'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - plot, purchase, buying, buy. - 2) - shopping.
conspiracy. comprador - n. (pr. \ cumpr&d'ur \ ) - See comprator.
component - 1) - n. (pr. \ cumpun'ænt \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - comprator - n. and adj. (pr. \ cumpr&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr.
1) - component, part. - 2) - component, member. - 3) - comprator - fm. sng. and plr. compratriss, compratriss. -
component (mathematics, physics, chemistry). - 4) - 1) - buying (adj.). - 2) - buyer, purchaser (sbst.). - 3) -
component, constituent, element (in a fig. sense). vendee (legal) (sbst.). - 4) - shopper, customer. (sbst.). -
component - 2) - adj. (pr. \ cumpun'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. component 5) - purchasing agent (sbst.).
- fm. sng. and plr. componenta, componente. - compravende - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ cumpr&v'ænde \ ) - to
component. buy and sell, to trade.
componìbil - adj. (pr. \ cumpun'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. componìbij - compravèndita - n.f. (pr. \ cumpr&v'ændit& \ ) At plr.
fm. sng. and plr. componìbil, componìbij. - sectional, compravèndite. - 1) - trading, buying and selling. - 2) -
modular. contract of sale.
componiment - n. m. (pr. \ cumpunim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - compré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cumpr'e \ ) - 1) - to buy, to
essay, composition (school). - 2) - composition (music). - purchase. - 2) - to bribe, to buy (in a fig. sense). See also
3) - work, writing (literature). - 4) - settlement (dispute, the term "caté ". Some ways of saying : -A) - "comprè a
quarrel). - See also the term "composission". bòta" lit "to buy at blow" "to buy wholesale". - B) -
componse - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ cump'u[ng]se \ ) - to put "compré a pof " "to buy at debt" "to buy on credit ". -
oneself in order, to assume a tidy pose. C) - "compré a strassapat" or "compré a bompat" "to buy
componsion - n. f. (pr. \ cumpu[ng]si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - (st.) cheap". - D) - "compré a l'òrba" "to buy a pig in a
compunction, regret, scruple. See also the terms poke, to buy without seeing what".
"compunsion, pentiment". comprèis - adj. (pr. \ cumpr'æiz \ ) Ms. plr. comprèis - fm. sng.
compont - adj. (pr. \ cump'unt \ ) Ms. plr. compont - fm. sng. and plr. comprèisa, comprèise. - 1) - included. - 2) - fully
and plr. componta, componte. - contrite, regretful, sorry. aware. - 3) - undrestood. - See also the term "comprendù
See also the terms "conpunt, pentì ". " which is the p. p. of the vrb "comprende" (see the voices).
compon-e - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ cump'u[ng]e \ ) - 1) - to comprende - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ cumpr'ænde \ ) - 1) - to
make up, to constitute, to form. - 2) - to compose, to include, to cover, to take in, to comprise, to
invent, to create. - 3) - to tidy up, to put in order, to contemplate. - 2) - to understand, to see, to be able to
arrange. - 4) - to compose, to settle. - 5) - to set type, to make out, to comprehend. In this meaning see also the
compose (typography). - 6) - to lay out. - 7) - to most used term "capì ".
componud (chemistry). - 8) - to dial (telephone number). comprendìbil - adj. (pr. \ cumprænd'ibil \ ) Ms. plr.
Note that the p. p. of this vrb is "componù", and not comprendìbij - fm. sng. and plr. comprendìbil,
"compòst ", which is only adj. and sbst. Anyway sometimes comprendìbij. - 1) - understandable, intelligible. - 2) -
the adj. is used instead of the p. p. excusable. See also the terms "comprensìbil, capìbil ".
comportament - n. m. (pr. \ cumpurt&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - comprendibilità - n. f. (pr. \ cumprændibilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
behaviour, conduct. 1) - comprehensibility, intelligibility. - 2) - capability of
comportamental - adj. (pr. \ cumpurt&mænt'&l \ ) Ms. plr. understanding and excusing. See also the term
comportamentaj - fm. sng. and plr. comportamental, "comprensibilità ".
comportamentaj. - behavioural. comprendòni - n. m. (pr. \ cumprænd'oni \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any)
comporté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cumpurt'e \ ) - 1) - to involve, - brains, wits, intelligence, capability of understanding.
to take. - 2) - to allow, to permit. Jocular term used in expression like "dur ëd comprendòni "
comportésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ cumpurt'ese \ ) - to lit. "hard of intelligence" "sb. who hardly can
behave, to act. understand things".
composission - n. f. (pr. \ cumpuzisi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - comprendòri - n. m. (pr. \ cumprænd'ori \ ) - See
composition (music). - 2) - work, writing (literature). - 3) comprendòni.
- settlement (dispute, quarrel). - See also the term comprensìbil - adj. (pr. \ cumpræ[ng]s'ibil \ ) See
"componiment". comprendìbil.

comprensibilità - n. f. (pr. \ cumpræ[ng]sibilit'& \ ) - See comproprietà - n. f. (pr. \ cumprupriet'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - joint
comprendibilità. ownership.
comprension - n. f. (pr. \ cumpræ[ng]si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. (if comproprietari - n. (pr. \ cumprupriet'&ri \ ) Ms. plr.
any). - 1) - understanding, intelligence, grasp, comproprietari - fm. sng. and plr. comproprietaria,
comprehension. - 2) - sympathy. - 3) - tolerance. comproprietarie. - joint owner.
comprensiv - adj. (pr. \ cumpræ[ng]s'iu \ ) Ms. plr. comprovàbil - adj. (pr. \ cumpruv'&bil \ ) Ms. plr.
comprensiv - fm. sng. and plr. comprensiva, comprovàbij - fm. sng. and plr. comprovàbil,
comprensive. - 1) - comprehensive, inclusive. - 2) - comprovàbij. - provable, demonstrable.
sympathetic, understanding. comprovant - adj. (pr. \ cumpruv'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. comprovant
comprensorial - adj. (pr. \ cumpræ[ng]suri'&l \ ) Ms. plr. - fm. sng. and plr. comprovanta, comprovante. - that
comprensoriaj - fm. sng. and plr. comprensorial, proofs.
comprensoriaj. - related to an area or district or comprovassion - n. f. (pr. \ cumpruv&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
territory (usually defined by some characteristic - See the 1) - proof, demonstration. - 2) - approval.
term "comprensòri ") comprové - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cumpruv'e \ ) - to prove, to
comprensòri - n. m. (pr. \ cumpræ[ng]s'ori \ ) Inv. at plr. - confirm, to demonstrate.
area, district, territory (usually defined by some compulsé - vrb 1st con trs. (pr. \ cump[ue]ls'e \ ) - to consult,
characteristic. E. g. "ël comprensòri schiìstich dla Valsusa" to examine.
= "the skiing territory of the Susa valley"). compunsion - n. f. (pr. \ cump[ue][ng]si'u[ng] \ ) - See
compréss - adj. (pr. \ cumpr'es \ ) Ms. plr. compréss - fm. sng. componsion.
and plr. compréssa, comprésse. - 1) - compressed, compunt - adj. (pr. \ cump'[ue]nt \ ) - See compont.
pressed. - 2) - suppressed, repressed. computàbil - adj. (pr. \ cump[ue]t'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. computàbij
compressa - n. f. (pr. \ cumpr'es& \ ) At plr. compresse. - 1) - - fm. sng. and plr. computàbil, computàbij. - calculable,
compress (medical). - 2) - tablet (pharmacy). computable.
compressìbil - adj. (pr. \ cumpres'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. compressìbij computassion - n. f. (pr. \ cump[ue]t&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
- fm. sng. and plr. compressìbil, compressìbij. - calculation, computation.
compressible. See also the term "comprimìbil ". computassional - adj. (pr. \ cump[ue]t&siun'&l \ ) Ms. plr.
compressibilità - n. f. (pr. \ cumpresibilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - computassionaj - fm. sng. and plr. computassional,
compressibility. computassionaj. - computational.
compression - n. f. (pr. \ cumpresi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - compùter - n. m. (pr. \ cump'[ue]tær \ ) Inv. at plr. - computer.
pressure, compression. - 2) - squeeze. Italian-anglicism, like the term "compiùter". See also the
compressor - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ cumpres'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - most correct terms "calcolator, elaborator".
compressor (mechanics). - 2) - supercharger (motors). - computista - n. (pr. \ cump[ue]t'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. computista -
3) - condenser (texile). The loc. "compressor stradal" fm. sng. and plr. computista, computiste. - 1) -
means "road-roller". This machine is also called calculator, reckoner. - 2) - book-keeper.
"cilindratriss" or "pistapere". computisterìa - n. f. (pr. \ cump[ue]tister'i& \ ) At plr. (if any)
compressor - 2) - adj. (pr. \ cumpres'ur \ ) Ms. plr. compressor computisterìe. - 1) - business mathematics. - 2) - book-
- fm. sng. and plr. compressòira, compressòire. - keeping.
compressing. comsëssìa - adv. and cnj. (pr. \ cums&ss'i& \ ) - 1) - however,
compreuva - n. f. (pr. \ cumpr'[oe]v& \ ) At plr. compreuve. - anyhow, in any case (adv.). - 2) - however, no matter
proof, confirmation. See also the terms "preuva, how, whatever, in whatever way (cnj.). As a cnj. see also
conferma". the term "tutun" and the loc. "tant tutun". See also, in
comprimari - n. (pr. \ cumprim'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. comprimari - general, the term "comsissìa".
fm. sng. and plr. comprimaria, comprimarie. - 1) - comsissìa - adv. and cnj. (pr. \ cumsis'i& \ ) - See comsëssìa.
second lead (theatre). - 2) - co-head physician, joint-head comtut - adv. (pr. \ cumt'[ue]t \ ) - very much, at the
physician (medical). maximum. This adv. is used for the absolute superlative.
comprime - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ cumpr'ime \ ) - 1) - to press, "a l'é gram comtut" "he is extremely bad". Also in the
to compress, to constrict. - 2) - to squeeze. See also the spelling "com tut".
term "sgnaché ". comun - 1) - adj. (pr. \ cum'[ue][ng] \ ) Ms. plr. comun - fm.
comprimìbil - adj. (pr. \ cumprim'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. comprimìbij sng. and plr. comun-a, comun-e. - 1) - common, general.
- fm. sng. and plr. comprimìbil, comprimìbij. - 1) - - 2) - common, ordinary, usual. - 3) - common, average.
compressible. - 2) - restrainable. - 3) - squeezable. See - 4) - common, cheap.
also the term "compressìbil ". comun - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ cum'[ue][ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. (when
comprimibilità - n. f. (pr. \ cumprimibilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - applicable) - 1) - commune, municipality. - 2) - town,
compressibility. - 2) - squeezability. See also the term city. - 3) - city hall. In the meanings from 1) to 3) see also
"compressibilità ". the term "comun-a". - 4) - common, ordinary, with value
comproméss - n. m. (pr. \ cumprum'es \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - of sbst. in expression like - A) - "avèj quaicòs an comun"
compromise. - 2) - agreement to sell. "to have st. in common". - B) - "fòra dal comun" "out of
compromëtse - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ cumprum'&tse \ ) - 1) - the ordinary".
to compromise oneself. - 2) - to commit oneself. comunàbil - adj. (pr. \ cum[ue]n'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. comunàbij -
compromëtte - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ cumprum'&tte \ ) - 1) - to fm. sng. and plr. comunàbil, comunàbij. - that can be
compromise, to endanger, to jeopardize. - 2) - to joined. See also the term "acomunàbil ".
implicate, to involve. comunal - adj. (pr. \ cum[ue]n'&l \ ) Ms. plr. comunaj - fm.
compromëttent - adj. (pr. \ cumprum&tt'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. sng. and plr. comunal, comunaj. - municipal, town (as an
compromëttent - fm. sng. and plr. compromëttenta, attribute), city (as an attribute), communal. See also the
compromëttente. - compromising. term "municipal ".
compromissòri - adj. (pr. \ cumprumis'ori \ ) Ms. plr. comunament - n. m. (pr. \ cum[ue]n&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1)
compromissòri - fm. sng. and plr. compromissòria, - joining, union. - 2) - pooling, sharing. See also the term
compromissòrie. - arbitration (as an attribute) (legal). "acomunament ".

comunansa - n. f. (pr. \ cum[ue]n'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr. comunitari - adj. (pr. \ cum[ue]nit'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. comunitari -
comunanse. - community. fm. sng. and plr. comunitaria, comunitarie. - community
comuné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cum[ue]n'e \ ) - 1) - to join, to (as an attribute).
unite. - 2) - to pool, to share. - 3) - to equalize. See also comun-a - n. f. (pr. \ cum'[ue][ng]& \ ) At plr. - comun-e. - 1) -
the term "acomuné ". commune, municipality. - 2) - town, city. - 3) - city hall.
comunela - n. f. (pr. \ cum[ue]n'el& \ ) At plr. comunele - See also the term "comun". - 4) - commune, collective
league, in the sentence "fé comunela" "to be in a league, (politics).
to gang together". comutàbil - adj. (pr. \ cum[ue]t'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. comutàbij -
comunésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ cum[ue]n'ese \ ) - to fm. sng. and plr. comutàbil, comutàbij. - commutable,
mingle. See also the term "acomunésse". exchangeable.
comunicà - n. m. (pr. \ cum[ue]nic'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - comutabilità - n. f. (pr. \ cum[ue]t&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
"communiqué ". - 2) - statement, announcement. - 3) - commutability.
notice. - 4) - bulletin (medical). See also the terms comutassion - n. f. (pr. \ cum[ue]t&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
"comunicassion, crija". switching. - 2) - commutation. (also mathematics). - 3) -
comunicàbil - adj. (pr. \ cum[ue]nic'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. change.
comunicàbij - fm. sng. and plr. comunicàbil, comutativ - adj. (pr. \ cum[ue]t&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. comutativ -
comunicàbij. - communicable. fm. sng. and plr. comutativa, comutative. - commutative.
comunicabilità - n. f. (pr. \ cum[ue]nic&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - comutatività - n. f. (pr. \ cum[ue]t&t'iu \ ) - Inv. at plr. (if any)
communicability. - commutativity.
comunicand - n. (pr. \ cum[ue]nic'&nd \ ) Ms. plr. comutator - n. m. (pr. \ cum[ue]t&t'ur \ ) - 1) - commutator. -
comunicand - fm. sng. and plr. comunicanda, 2) - switch. - 3) - exchange (telephone).
comunicande. - communicant (religion). comutatriss - n. f. (pr. \ cum[ue]t&tr'is \ ) Inv. at plr. - rotary
comunicant - 1) - adj. (pr. \ cum[ue]nic'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. converter, rectifier, commutator (electricity).
comunicant - fm. sng. and plr. comunicanta, comuté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cum[ue]t'e \ ) - 1) - to commute,
comunicante. - communicating. to change. - 2) - to commutate, to switch, to switch over.
comunicant - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ cum[ue]nic'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. - See also the term "scambié ".
priest administering Holy Communion. con - prp. (pr. \ cu[ng] \ ) - 1) - with. E. g. "i ven-o con ti" "I
comunicassion - n. f. (pr. \ cum[ue]nic&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. come with you" ; "na përson-a con ël nas longh" "a
- 1) - communication. - 2) - message, announcement. - 3) person witha long nose". - 2) - by, by means of, with. E. g.
- paper (scientific report). - 4) - call (telephone). - See also "i ven-o con ël treno" "I come by train". - 3) - in, with. E.
the terms "comunicà, crija". g. "fé con atension" = "to do with attention". - 4) - at, on,
comunicativ - adj. (pr. \ cum[ue]nic&t'iv \ ) Ms. plr. with. E. g. "dësvijésse con ël sol" "to wake up at sunrise,
comunicativ - fm. sng. and plr. comunicativa, to wake up with the sun". - 5) - with, to, towards. E. g.
comunicative. - 1) - communicative. - 2) - contagious, "esse gentij con lor" "to be polite to them". - 6) - with,
catching. against. E. g. "combate con lor" "to fight against them". -
comunicativa - n. f. (pr. \ cum[ue]nic&t'iv& \ ) At plr. 7) - from, out to. E. g. "sta bojaca a l'é nen fàita con l'uva"
comunicative. - communicativeness. "this bad wine is not made from grapes". - 8) - with, in
comuniché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cum[ue]nik'e \ ) - 1) - to spite of (adversative). E. g. "con tut tò spatuss it ses
communicate, to be in communication, to hold gnanca bon a scrive" "in spite of all your arrogance you
intercourse (trs.). - 2) - to impart, to share, to
are not even able to write". - 9) - to (consecutive). E. g.
communicate (trs.). - 3) - to communicate, to administer
"con sò dëspiasì i l'hai vinciù mi" "to his disappointment
Holy Communion (religion) (trs.) - 4) - to transmit (e. g.
I was the winner". - 10) - through. E. g. "i l'hai podulo fé
a virus) (trs.). - 5) - to communicate (int.) It uses anyway
the aux. "avèj ". con l'agiut dël calcolator" "I could do it through the help
comunichésse - vrb 1st con. refl. and recp. (pr. \ cum[ue]nik'ese of the computer". - 11) - for. E. g. "con tut sòn i l'hai capì
\ ) - 1) - to be communicated, to be transmitted (illness) che a val nen la pen-a" "for all this I have understood
(refl.). - 2) - to receive Holy Communion (refl.). - 3) - to that it doesen't worth while".
communicate one another (recp.). cona - n. f. (pr. \ c'un& \ ) - See codega.
comunion - n. f. (pr. \ cum[ue]ni'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - conassional - n. and adj. (pr. \ cun&siun'&l \ ) - Ms. plr.
communion. - 2) - Holy Communion (religion). - 3) - conassionaj - fm. sng. and plr. conassional, conassionaj. -
community. E. g. "comunion dij bin" "community of 1) - of the same nationality (adj.) - 2) - fellow
property". - The expression "avèj an comunion (quaicòs)" countryman / countrywoman (sbst.). See also the term
is translated into "to share (st.)". "con-nassional ".
comunism - n. m. (pr. \ cum[ue]n'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - conatural - adj. (pr. \ cun&t[ue]r'&l \ ) Ms. plr. conaturaj -
Communism. fm. sng. and plr. conatural, conaturaj. - connatural. See
comunista - n. and adj. (pr. \ cum[ue]n'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. also the term "con-natural".
comunista - fm. sng. and plr. comunista, comuniste. - 1) - conaturé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cun&t[ue]r'e \ ) - to make
communist (adj.). - 2) - Communist, commie, commy connatural. See also the term "con-naturé".
(sbst.). See also the slang word "còmo". conaturésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ cun&t[ue]r'ese \ ) - to
comunistich - adj. (pr. \ cum[ue]n'istic \ ) Ms. plr. comunistich become second nature, to become natural. See also the
- fm. sng. and plr. comunistica, comunistiche. - term "con-naturésse".
communist, communistich. conca - n. f. (pr. \ c'u[ng]c& \ ) At plr. conche. - 1) - basin,
comunistisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cum[ue]nistiz'e \ ) - to pot. - 2) - reservoir. - 3) - lock (canals). - 4) - hollow. - 5)
communize, to communise. - dell.
comunistòide - n. (pr. \ cum[ue]nist'oide \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. concà - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]c'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - basinful, potful
- pseudo-communist. concaden-assion - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]c&dæ[ng]&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv.
comunità - n. f. (pr. \ cum[ue]nit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - at plr. - 1) - concatenation, connection, link. - 2) -
community. - 2) - colony (animals). linkage. See also the term "concadnassion".

concadnassion - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]c&dn&si'u[ng] \ ) - See concepìbil - adj. (pr. \ cun[ch]ep'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. concepìbij -
concaden-assion. fm. sng. and plr. concepìbil, concepìbij. -conceivable,
concadné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cu[ng]c&dn'e \ ) - to kink, to imaginable.
connect, to concatenate. concepibilità - n. f. (pr. \ cun[ch]epibilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
concadnésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ cu[ng]c&dn'ese \ ) - to be conceivability, conceivableness.
linked together, to get linked together, to be connected concepiment - n. m. (pr. \ cun[ch]epim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
in series. conception. See also the term "concession 3rd and 4th
concàusa - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]c'&uz& \ ) At plr. concàuse. - meanings".
concause, concomitant cause, joint cause. concerìa - n. f. (pr. \ cun[ch]er'i& \ ) At plr. (when applicable)
concc - adj. (pr. \ cun[ch] \ ) Ms. plr. concc - fm. sng. and plr. concerìe. - 1) - tannery. - 2) - tanning, tannage. See also
concia, conce. - dirty, filthy, soiled. See also the terms the term "faitarìa".
"spòrch, maunet". concerne - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ cun[ch]'ærne \ ) - to concern,
concé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cun[ch]'e \ ) - to tan. See also the to relate to, to pertain to. See also the terms "riguardé,
term "faité ". rësguardé ".
concede - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ cun[ch]'ede \ ) - 1) - to grant, concert - n. m. (pr. \ cun[ch]'ært \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - concert,
to allow, to accord, to give, to award. - 2) - to adfmit, to recital (music) - 2) - concerto (musical work). - 3) -
agree, to concede. chorus, symphony (ironical - e. g. "un concert ëd ran-e
concedent - adj. (pr. \ cun[ch]ed'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. concedent - ch'a cracavo" "a symphony of croaking frogs"). - 4) -
fm. sng. and plr. concedenta, concedente. - granting, agreement, concert, harmony (in a fig. sense). - See also
allowing. the term "consert 1) ".
concedìbil - adj. (pr. \ cun[ch]ed'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. concedìbij - concertà - 1) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ cun[ch]ært'& \ ) Inv. in gnd.
fm. sng. and plr. concedìbil, concedìbij. - allowable, and nr. - 1) - concerted, united. - 2) - polyphonic,
grantable. concerted (music).
concediment - n. m. (pr. \ cun[ch]edim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - concertà - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ cun[ch]ært'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
concession. - 2) - permit, licence. - 3) - franchise. See concertato (music).
also the term "concession". concertant - adj. (pr. \ cun[ch]ært'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. concertant -
conceditor - n. (pr. \ cun[ch]edit'ur \ ) Ms. plr. conceditor - fm. sng. and plr. concertanta, concertante. - concertante
fm. sng. and plr. conceditriss, conceditriss. - grantor. See (music).See also the term "consertant ".
also the term "concessor". concertador - n. m. (pr. \ cun[ch]ært&d'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. -
concelebrant - n. m. (pr. \ cun[ch]elebr'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. - conductor (of opera). See also the term "consertador ".
concelebrant. See also the term "conselebrant". concertassion - n. f. (pr. \ cun[ch]ært&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
concelebrassion - n. f. (pr. \ cun[ch]elebr&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at 1) - orchestration, orchestral arrangement. - 2) -
plr. - concelebration. See also the term "conselebrassion". discussion for reaching an agreement, planning. See
concelebré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cun[ch]elebr'e \ ) - to also the term "consertassion ".
concelebrate. See also the term "conselebré ". concerté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cun[ch]ært'e \ ) - 1) - to
concent - n. m. (pr. \ cun[ch]'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - harmony. orchestrate. - 2) - to plan, to arrange, to deliberate. For
concentrà - 1) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ cun[ch]æntr'& \ ) Inv. in this meaning see also the term "combiné ". - See also the
gnd. and nr. - concentrated. See also the term "condensà". term "concerté ".
concentrà - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ cun[ch]æntr'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - concertésse - vrb 1st con. recp. (pr. \ cun[ch]ært'ese \ ) - to
concentrated food, concentrate. - 2) - heap, lot (in a fig. agree.
sense). concertin - n. m. (pr. \ cun[ch]ært'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
concentrador - n. m. (pr. \ cun[ch]æntr&d'ur \ ) - See concertino (music). See also the term "consertin ".
concentrator. concertista - n. (pr. \ cun[ch]ært'ist&\ ) Ms. plr. concertista -
concentrament - n. m. (pr. \ cun[ch]æntr&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. fm. sng. and plr. concertista, concertiste. - concert
- 1) - concentration. - 2) - convergence (toward a point, musician. See also the term "consertista ".
in an area, etc.). See also the term "concentrassion". concésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ cun[ch]'ese \ ) - to dirty
concentrassion - n. f. (pr. \ cun[ch]æntr&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. oneself, to soil oneself.
- 1) - concentration. - 2) - concentration, strength concession - n. f. (pr. \ cun[ch]esi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
(chemistry). - 3) - massing (military). - 4) - focushing. - 5) concession. - 2) - franchise, permit, licence. - 3) -
- amalgamation, consolidation, merger (economy). conception, conceiving. Note that the piedm. loc. "la
concentrator - n. m. (pr. \ cun[ch]æntr&t'ur] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) Concession" means "the Immaculate Conception". - 4) -
- concentrator. - 2) - thickener. conception, idea, concept. In the meanings 3) and 4) see
concentré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cun[ch]æntr'e \ ) - 1) - to also the term "concepiment".
concentrate. - 2) - to assemble, to gather together. - 3) - concessional - adj. (pr. \ cun[ch]esiun'&l \ ) Ms. plr.
to combine. to amalgamate (economy). See also the term concessionaj - fm. sng. and plr. concessional,
"condensé". concessionaj. - conceptional.
concèntrich - adj. (pr. \ cun[ch]'æntric \ ) Ms. plr. concèntrich concessionari - n. and adj. (pr. \ cun[ch]esiun'&ri \ ) Ms. plr.
- fm. sng. and plr. concèntrica, concèntriche. - concessionari - fm. sng. and plr. concessionaria,
concentrical, concentric. concessionarie. - 1) - concessionary (adj.). - 2) -
concentricità - n. f. (pr. \ cun[ch]æntri[ch]it'& \ ) - See concessionaire, grantee, agent. (sbst.).
concentrissità. concessiv - adj. (pr. \ cun[ch]es'iu \ ) Ms. plr. concessiv - fm.
concentrissità - n. f. (pr. \ cun[ch]æntrisit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - sng. and plr. concessiva, concessive. - 1) - concessive. - 2)
concentricity. - permissive.
concepì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ cun[ch]ep'i \ ) - 1) - to concét - n. m. (pr. \ cun[ch]'et \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - concept. - 2)
conceive. - 2) - to understand, to imagine (in the fig. - opinion, idea, conception. - 3) - design, plan, project,
sense of conceiving the idea in one's mind). - 3) - to feel, to conception (not very used in this sense). - 4) - conceit,
form, to entertain (not very used in this sense). - 4) - to "concetto". - The expression "travaj ëd concét " is
draw up, to devise, to contrive. - 4) - to word. E. g. "na translated into "responsible work" or "creative work".
litra concepìa parèj..." " a letter worded in this way...".

concetisé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ cun[ch]etiz'e \ ) - to writhe concimatriss - n. f. (pr. \ cun[ch]im&tr'is \ ) Inv. at plr. -
with affectation. fertilizer spreader (agriculture).
concetos - adj. - (pr. \ cun[ch]et'uz \ ) Ms. plr. concetos - fm. concimé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cun[ch]im'e \ ) - to fertilize
sng. and plr. concetosa, concetose. - 1) - pithy, full of with chemical fertilizer (agriculture).
ideas. - 2) - sententious, full of conceits. concis - adj. (pr. \ cun[ch]'iz \ ) Ms. plr. concis - fm. sng. and
concetosità - n. f. (pr. \ cun[ch]etuzit'& \ ) - 1) - pithiness, plr. concisa, concise. - concise, brief, succinct, pithy.
conciseness. - 2) - frequent use of conceits. concision - n. f. (pr. \ cun[ch]izi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
concetual - adj. (pr. \ cun[ch]etu'&l \ ) Ms. plr. concetuaj - fm. concision, conciseness, brevity.
sng. and plr. concetual, concetuaj. - conceptual. concistorial - adj. (pr. \ cun[ch]isturi'&l \ ) Ms. plr.
concetualism - n. m. (pr. \ cun[ch]etu&l'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - concistoriaj - fm. sng. and plr. concistorial, concistoriaj. -
conceptualism. consistorial (Church). See also the term "consistorial ".
concetualista - n. (pr. \ cun[ch]etu&l'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. concistòri - n. m. (pr. \ cun[ch]ist'ori \ ) Inv. at plr. - consistory
concetualista - fm. sng. and plr. concetualista, (Church). See also the term "consistòri ".
concetualiste. - conceptualist (art and phylosophy). concità - adj. (pr. \ cun[ch]it'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
conché - n. (pr. \ cunk'e \ ) Ms. plr. conché - fm. sng. and plr. agitated, excited.
conchera, conchere. - procurer (related to marriages). concitassion - n. f. (pr. \ cun[ch]it&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
See also the term "bacialé ". agitation, excitement.
conchet - n. m. (pr. \ cunk'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - tub, vat, trough. conclamassion - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]cl&m&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr.
See also the terms "concòt, treu". - 1) - declaration. - 2) - proclamation. - 3) - acclamation.
concia - n. f. (pr. \ c'un[ch]i& \ ) At plr. conce. - tanning. See conclamé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cu[ng]cl&m'e \ ) - 1) - to
also the term "conciadura, faitarìa, tanagi". declare. - 2) - to proclaim. - 3) - to acclaim.
conciador - n. m. (pr. \ cun[ch]i&d'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - tanner. conclav - n. m. (pr. \ cu[ng]cl'&u \ ) Inv. at plr. - conclave
A possible fm. sng. and plr. would be : "conciadòita, (Church). See also the term "conclave".
conciadòire". See also the terms "afaitor, faitor, taneur". conclave - n. m. (pr. \ cu[ng]cl'&ve \ ) - See conclav.
conciadura - n. f. (pr. \ cun[ch]i&d'[ue]r& \ ) - See concia. conclude - vrb 2nd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ cu[ng]cl'[ue]de \ ) - 1)
concili - n. m. (pr. \ cun[ch]'ili \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - council - to conclude, to end, to clinch (trs.). - 2) - to achieve, to
(religion). - 2) - council, committee, assembly. See also carry out (trs.). - 3) - to conclude, to infer, to deduce
the term "consili". (trs.). - 4) - to be conclusive (int.). It uses anyway the aux.
conciliàbil - adj. (pr. \ cun[ch]ili'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. conciliàbij - "avèj ". The p. p. of this vrb is "concludù ", while the term
fm. sng. and plr. conciliabil, conciliàbij. - 1) - compatible, "conclus" (see below) is only adj.
consistent. - 2) - that can be conciliated. concludse - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ cu[ng]cl'[ue]dse \ ) - to end
conciliàbol - n. m. (pr. \ cun[ch]ili'&bul \ ) At plr. conciliàboj. up, to conclude.
- furtive gathering, secret meeting, conventicle. See also conclus - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]cl'[ue]z \ ) Ms. plr. conclus - fm. sng.
the terms "consiliàbol, conventìcol, conventìcola". and plr. conclusa, concluse. - 1) - concluded. - 2) -
conciliant - adj. (pr. \ cun[ch]ili'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. conciliant - complete, exaustive, thorough.
fm. sng. and plr. concilianta, conciliante. - conciliating, conclusion - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]cl[ue]zi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
conciliatory. conclusion, settlement. - 2) - conclusion, inference. - 3) -
conciliar - adj. and n. (pr. \ cun[ch]ili'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. conclusion, end, ending. - 4) - summing up (legal). - 5) -
- 1) - conciliar, of a council (adj.). - 2) - member of a result, issue. The piedm. expression "an conclusion",
council (sbst.). according to the context, can assume the following
conciliarism - n. m. (pr. \ cun[ch]ili&r'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - meanings : "well,..." ; "in short,..." ; "to sum up,..." ; "as a
conciliarism (religion). result,...".
conciliassion - n. f. (pr. \ cun[ch]ili&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - conclusiv - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]cl[ue]z'iu \ ) Ms. plr. conclusiv -
reconciliation, conciliation. fm. sng. and plr. conclusiva, conclusive. - conclusive,
conciliator - n. and adj. (pr. \ cun[ch]ili&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. final.
conciliator - fm. sng. and plr. conciliatriss, conciliatriss. - concomitansa - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]cumit'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr. (if
1) - conciliator, peacemaker (sbst.). - 2) - conciliatory any) concomitanse. - concomitance, concomitancy,
(adj.). The loc. "giudess conciliator" means "Justice of the concurrence.
Peace". concomitant - adj. - (pr. \ cu[ng]cumit'&nt \ ) Ms. plr.
conciliatòri - adj. (pr. \ cun[ch]ili&t'ori \ ) Ms. plr. conciliatòri concomitant - fm. sng. and plr. concomitanta,
- fm. sng. and plr. conciliatòria, conciliatòrie. - concomitante. - concomitant, concurrent, contributory.
conciliatory, conciliative, conciliating. concordà - 1) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ cu[ng]curd'& \ ) Inv. in gnd.
concilié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cun[ch]ili'e \ ) - 1) - to and nr. - agreed, arranged.
reconcile, to conciliate, to pacify. - 2) - to cause, to help, concordà - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ cu[ng]curd'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
in sentences like : "sta pieuva a concilia la seugn" "this agreement. - 2) - concordat, pact. - 4) - arrangement,
rain helps the sleep". - 3) - to gain, in sentences like : "sò composition, settlement. - 4) - deed of arrangement
spatuss a-j concilia vàire nemis" "his arrogance gains (legal).
him many enemies". Uses like 2) and 3) can be found even concordàbil - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]curd'&bil \ ) Ms. plr.
if are quite italianisms. concordàbij - fm. sng. and plr. concordàbil, concordàbij.
conciliésse - vrb 1st con. recp. (pr. \ cun[ch]ili'ese \ ) - 1) - to - 1) - reconciliable, compatible. - 2) - that can be made
become reconciled. - 2) - to be compatible. to agree.
concim - n. m. (pr. \ cun[ch]'im \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - manure, concordansa - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]curd'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr.
dung. - 2) - fertilizer (agriculture). In the first meaning concordanse. - 1) - agreement. - 2) - concordance.
this term is an italianism. See also the most piedm. terms concordant - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]curd'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. concordant
"drugia, angrass, aliam, liam". In the second meaning it - fm. sng. and plr. concordanta, concordante. -
indicates only chemical fertilizers. concordant, agreeing, harmonious.
concimassion - n. f. (pr. \ cun[ch]im&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - concordatari - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]curd&t'&ri \ ) Ms. plr.
fertilization (with chemical fertilizers) (agriculture). concordatari - fm. sng. and plr. concordataria,

concordatarie. - concordatory, in accordance with, - 2) - concubinari - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]c[ue]bin'&ri \ ) Ms. plr.
composition (legal, as an attribute). concubinari - fm. sng. and plr. concubinaria,
concordé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cu[ng]curd'e \ ) - 1) - to concubinarie. - concubinary.
reconcile. - 2) - to agree upon. - 3) - to arrange, to concubin-a - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]c[ue]b'i[ng]& \ ) At plr.
negotiate. concubin-e. - concubine. See the term "concubin" for the
concore - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ cu[ng]c'ure \ ) - 1) - to correspondent ms.
assemble, to converge. - 2) - to contribute, to concur. - concupì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ cu[ng]c[ue]p'i \ ) - 1) - to covet.
3) - to contribute, to take part (in), to share (in). - 4) - to - 2) - to strongly desire. See also the vrbl. loc. "avèj
compete. - 5) - to apply. - 6) - to concur, to agree, to be l'anvìa".
in agreement. concupissensa - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]c[ue]pis'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr.
concorensa - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]cur'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. concupissense. - concupiscence.
concorense. - 1) - concourse. - 2) - competition. - 3) - concupissent - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]c[ue]pis'ænt \ ) Ms. plr.
competitors. concupissent - fm. sng. and plr. concupissenta,
concorensial - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]curæ[ng]si'&l \ ) Ms. plr. concupissente. - lusty, concupiscent.
concorensiaj - fm. sng. and plr. concorensial, concussion - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]c[ue]si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
concorensiaj. - competitive, competing. extortion, graft.
concorent - n. and adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]cur'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. concussionari - n. (pr. \ cu[ng]c[ue]siun'&ri \ ) Inv. at plr. -
concorent - fm. sng. and plr. concorenta, concorente. - 1) extortioner (legal).
- concurrent (adj.). - 2) - competing (adj.). - 3) - condana - n. f. (pr. \ cund'&n& \ ) At plr. condane. - 1) -
converging, concurring (adj.) (mathematics). - 4) - sentence, conviction, condemnation. - 2) -
candidate, applicant (sbst.). - 5) - competitor (sbst.). condemnation, censure.
concors - n. m. (pr. \ cu[ng]c'urs \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) concourse, condanà - n. (pr. \ cund&n'& \ ) - 1) - convict (legal). - 2) -
throng. - 2) - concurrence, coincidence. - 3) - damned.
contribution, sharing. - 4) - competition, contest, condanàbil - adj. (pr. \ cund&n'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. condanàbij -
competitive exam. - 5) - complicity (legal). fm. sng. and plr. condanàbil, condanàbij. - 1) -
concòid - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]c'oid \ ) Inv. at plr. - conchoid condemnable. - 2) - censurable.
(mathematics). condanator - n. (pr. \ cund&n&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. condanator -
concòid - 2) - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]c'oid \ ) Ms. plr. concòid - fm. fm. sng. and plr. condanatriss, condanatriss. -
sng. and plr. concòida, concòide. -conchoidal condemner.
(mathematics). condané - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cund&n'e \ ) - 1) - to convict,
concòrdi - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]c'ordi \ ) Often the use is inv. in to sentence, to condemn. - 2) - to damn. - 3) - to censure.
gnd. and nr, but also : Ms. plr. concòrdi - fm. sng. and plr. - 4) - to wall up, to close (architecture).
concòrda, concòrde. - 1) - concordant, agreeing, condens - adj. (pr. \ cund'æ[ng]s \ ) Ms. plr. condens - fm. sng.
harmonious. - 2) - concordant, in the same direction and plr. condensa, condense. - dense, thick. See also the
(mathematics). term "spess".
concòrdia - n. f. . (pr. \ cu[ng]c'ordi& \ ) At plr. concòrdie. - condensa - n. f. (pr. \ cund'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. condense. -
concord, harmony, good-fellowship. condensation, liquid coming from a condensation.
concòt - n. m. (pr. \ cu[ng]c'ot \ ) - See conchet. condensà - 1) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ cundæ[ng]s'& \ ) Inv. in
concression - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]cresi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - gnd. and nr. - condensed.
concretion. condensà - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ cundæ[ng]s'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
concrét - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]cr'et \ ) Ms. plr. concrét - fm. sng. summary. - 2) - mass, heap.
and plr. concreta, concrete. - concrete, actual, positive, condensàbil - adj. (pr. \ cundæ[ng]s'&bil \ ) Ms. plr.
real. condensàbij - fm. sng. and plr. condensàbil, condensàbij.
concretament - adv. (pr. \ cu[ng]cret&m'ænt \ ) - concretely, - condensable.
positively. Italianism. See also the adv. loc. "an concrét, an condensador - n. m. (pr. \ cundæ[ng]s&d'ur \ ) - See
manera concreta". condensator.
concreté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cu[ng]cret'e \ ) - 1) - to condensament - n. m. (pr. \ cundæ[ng]s&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
embody, to make (st.) concrete. - 2) - to carry out, to get condensation, condensing. See also the terms "condensa,
(st.) done. - See also the term "concretisé ". condensassion".
concretésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ cu[ng]cret'ese \ ) - to take condensant - 1) - n. m. . (pr. \ cundæ[ng]s'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
shape, to be realized, to become true. See also the term thickener.
"concretisé ". condensant - 2) - adj. (pr. \ cundæ[ng]s'&nt \ ) Ms. plr.
concretëssa - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]cret'&ss& \ ) At plr. concretësse. condensant - fm. sng. and plr. condensanta, condensante.
- concreteness, concrete form. - thickening.
concretisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cu[ng]cretiz'e \ ) - See condensator - n. m. (pr. \ cundæ[ng]s&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
concreté. condenser (general). - 2) - capacitor (radio, electricity).
concretisésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ cu[ng]cretiz'ese \ ) - See See also the term "condensador".
concretésse. condensassion - n. f. (pr. \ cundæ[ng]s&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
concretism - n. m. (pr. \ cu[ng]cret'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - condensation, condensing. See also the terms "condensa,
concretism (art, literature) condensament".
concretista - n. (pr. \ cu[ng]cret'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. concretista - condensé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cundæ[ng]s'e \ ) - 1) - to
fm. sng. and plr. concretista, concretiste. - concretist (art, condense. - 2) - to condense, to compress, to concentrate
literature) (in a fig. sense). - 3) - to summarize.
concubin - n. m. (pr. \ cu[ng]c[ue]b'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - condì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ cund'i \ ) - 1) - to flavour, to
concubinary. See the term "concubin-a" for the season, to dress (salad). - 2) - to add a sauce. - 3) - to
correspondent fm. season, to sprinkle, to pepper (in a fig. sense).
concubinà - n. m. (pr. \ cu[ng]c[ue]bin'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - condiment - n. m. (pr. \ cundim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
concubinage. flavouring, seasoning. - 2) - condiment. - 3) - sauce.

condiression - n. f. (pr. \ cundiresi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - joint condot - 2) - adj. (pr. \ cund'ut \ ) Ms. plr. condot - fm. sng.
management. and plr. condota, condote. - The forms of the fm. are hardy
condiretor - n. (pr. \ cundiret'ur \ ) Ms. plr. condiretor - fm. used, since the term is usually only referred to "municipal
sng. and plr. condiretriss, condiretriss. - 1) - co-director, doctor" in the loc. "médich condot ". A literal meaning
joint director, joint manager. would be the one of the p. p. of vrb "condùe" (see the
condissende - vrb 2nd con. int. (pr. \ cundis'ænde \ ) - to voice) used as an adj. This p. p. should be "condoù " or
consent. It uses the aux. "avèj ". "condovù" (with the same pronunciation). See also the
condissendensa - n. f. (pr. \ cundisænd'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. terms "condòt, condut ".
condissendense. - 1) - condescension, indulgence. - 2) - condota - n. f. (pr. \ cund'ut& \ ) At plr. condote. - 1) - the
compliance. district in which a municipal doctor acts. - 2) - post of
condissendent - adj. (pr. \ cundisænd'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. municipal doctor. - 3) - conveyance, conveying. - 4) -
condissendent - fm. sng. and plr. condissendenta, pipes, piping. In this sense the loc. "condota forsà " is
condissendente. - 1) - condescending, indulgent. - 2) - translated into "penstock".
compliant, yelding. condotié - n. m. (pr. \ cunduti'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
condissépol - n. m. (pr. \ cundis'epul \ ) At plr. condissépoj. - "condottiere", leader of a troop of mercenaries
fellow disciple. (history). - 2) - captain, general, commander.
condission - n. f. (pr. \ cundisi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - condòmin - n. (pr. \ cund'omi[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. condòmin - fm.
condition, term. E.g. "I do it on this condition" "i lo faso sng. and plr. condòmina, condòmine. - joint owner, co-
a costa condission" ; "there aren't the terms for doing it" owner. See also the term "condòmino".
"a-i son nen le condission për félo". - 2) - condition, condòmino - n. (pr. \ cund'ominô \ ) - See condòmin.
position, state. E. g. "to be in the position of deciding" condòt - n. m. and adj. (pr. \ cund'ot \ ) - See condot 1) and 2).
"esse an condission ëd decide". - 3) - condition, social condòta - n. f. (pr. \ cund'ot& \ ) At plr. condòte. - 1) -
class, background. - 4) - quality, qualification, behaviour, conduct. - 2) - handling, treatment,
requirement. management.
condissionà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ cundisiun'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. conducent - n. (pr. \ cund[ue][ch]'ænt \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr.
and nr. - 1) - conditional. - 2) - conditioned. (sometimes it is found, for fm. sng. and plr. : conducenta,
condissionàbil - adj. (pr. \ cundisiun'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. conducente.). - driver, "chauffeur" / "chauffeuse". See
condissionàbij - fm. sng. and plr. condissionàbil, also the terns "safeur, autista, viturin".
condissionàbij. - conditionable, that can be conditioned. condùe - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ cund'[ue]e \ ) - 1) - to lead, to
condissionador - n. m. (pr. \ cundisiun&d'ur \ ) - See conduct. - 2) - to take, to bring. - 3) - to drive. In these
condissionator. three meanings see also the terms "porté, guidé, compagné
condissional - 1) - adj. (pr. \ cundisiun'&l \ ) Ms. plr. ". - 4) - to conduct, to manage. - 5) - to carry out (e. g. a
condissionaj - fm. sng. and plr. condissional, work). - 6) - to draw (geometry : e. g. "condùe na lìnia fra
condissionaj. - 1) - conditional. - 2) - provisory (legal). A e B " "to draw a line from A to B ". See also this term
condissional - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ cundisiun'&l \ ) At plr. in the spelling "condùve".
condissionaj. - 1) - conditional mood, conditional clause condussion - n. f. (pr. \ cund[ue]si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
(grammar). - 2) - probation (legal). management. - 2) - conduction (physics). - 3) - leasehold.
condissionament - n. m. (pr. \ cundisiun&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. condut - n. m. and adj. (pr. \ cund'[ue]t \ ) - See condot 1) and
- conditioning. 2).
condissionator - n. m.(pr. \ cundisiun&t'ur \)Inv. at plr. - condutansa - n. f. (pr. \ cund[ue]t'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr.
conditioner. See also the term "condissionador". condutanse. - conductance (physics).
condissioné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cundisiun'e \ ) - 1) - to condutiv - adj. (pr. \ cund[ue]t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. condutiv - fm.
condition - 2) - to make conditional, to qualify. - 3) - to sng. and plr. condutiva, condutive. - conductive
prepare, to treat (not very used in this sense). (physics).
condoliansa - n. f. (pr. \ cunduli'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr. condutività - n. f. (pr. \ cund[ue]tivit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
condolianse. - condoleance, sympathy. Note that the conductivity (physics).
english vrb "to condole (with...)" in Piedm. is translated condutor - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ cund[ue]t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
into the loc. "fé le concolianse (a...)". See also the term conductor. - 2) - (electric) wire.
"condoliensa". condutor - 2) - adj. and n. (pr. \ cund[ue]t'ur \ ) Ms. plr.
condoliensa - n. f. (pr. \ cunduli'æ[ng]s& \ ) - See condoliansa. condutor - fm. sng. and plr. condutriss, condutriss. - 1) -
condomini - n. m. (pr. \ cundum'ini \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - joint leading, guiding (adj.). - 2) - conductor, leader, guide
ownership, joint control (legal) - 2) - jointly owned (sbst.). - 3) - driver (sbst.). See also the term "conducent".
block of flats, condominium. - 4) - manager (sbst.). - 5) - lessee, tenant (sbst.).
condominial - adj. (pr. \ cundumini'&l \ ) Ms. plr. condutura - n. f. (pr. \ cund[ue]t'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. conduture. -
condominiaj - fm. sng. and plr. condominial, plumbing, pipes, mains.
condominiaj. - related to joint ownership. conession - n. f. (pr. \ cunesi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
condon - n. m. (pr. \ cund'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - remission, connection, connexion (in general). - 2) - joint, juncture,
pardon. - 2) - conditional amnesty (for tax evaders). See join, link.
also the terms "condonassion, përdon". conestàbil - n. m. (pr. \ cunest'&bil \ ) At plr. conestàbij. -
condonàbil - adj. (pr. \ cundun'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. condonàbij - constable (history).
fm. sng. and plr. condonàbil, condonàbij. - 1) - conetiv - adj. (pr. \ cunet'iu \ ) Ms. plr. conetiv - fm. sng. and
remissible. - 2) - forgivable, excusable. plr. conetiva, conetive. - connective.
condonassion - n. f. (pr. \ cundun&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - conetività - n. f. (pr. \ cunetivit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - capability of
remission. See also the terms "condon, përdon". connection, connectivity.
condoné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cundun'e \ ) - 1) - to remit. - conetor - n. m. (pr. \ cunet'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - connector, jack.
2) - to condone, to forgive, to excuse. conëtte - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ cun'&tte \ ) - 1) - to connect, to
condot - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ cund'ut \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - pipe, join, to link. - 2) - to think straight, to be conscious. See
channel, conduit, duct. - 2) - duct (anatomy). alsso the term "coleghé ".

confabulassion - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]f&b[ue]l&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at confessionista - (pr. \ cu[ng]fesiun'ist& \ ) - See
plr. - confabulation. confessionator 2nd meaning.
confabulé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ cu[ng]f&b[ue]l'e \ ) - to confét - n. m. (pr. \ cu[ng]f'et \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - sweet,
confabulate, to powwow (joky). sugared almond. - 2) - pill (pharmacy).
confalon - n. m. (pr. \ cu[ng]f&l'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - banner, confetà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ cu[ng]fet'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr.
gonfalon. See also the term "gonfalon". - candied, comfited.
confasent - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]f&z'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. confasent - confetarìa - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]fet&r'i& \ ) - See confeterìa.
fm. sng. and plr. confasenta, confasente. - suitable, fitting confeté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cu[ng]fet'e \ ) - to candy, to
(for), becoming (to). comfit.
confederà - adj. and n. (pr. \ cu[ng]feder'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and confeterìa - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]feter'i& \ ) At plr. confeterìe. - 1)
nr. - confederate. - confectionery. - 2) - confectioner's shop. - 3) -
confederal - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]feder'&l \ ) Ms. plr. confederaj - confectionery, sweets.
fm. sng. and plr. confederal, confederaj. - confederal, confetié - n. (pr. \ cu[ng]feti'e \ ) Ms. plr. confetié - fm. sng.
federal. and plr. confetiera, confetiere. - confectioner.
confederativ - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]feder&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. confetiéra - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]feti'er& \ ) At plr. confetiere. -
confederativ - fm. sng. and plr. confederativa, sweet box, sweet jar.
confederative. - confederative. confetura - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]fet'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. confeture. -
confederassion - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]feder&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. 1) - jam. - 2) - marmalade. - See also the terms
- 1) - confederation. - 2) - federation. "confitura, marmlada".
confederé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cu[ng]feder'e \ ) - to federate. confeturarìa - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]fet[ue]r&r'i& \ ) At plr.
confederésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ cu[ng]feder'ese \ ) - to confeturarìe. - firm or plant producing jam.
form a confederation, to federate. confeturé - n. (pr. \ cu[ng]fet[ue]r'e \ ) Ms. plr. confeturé - fm.
conferensa - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]fer'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. sng. and plr. confeturera, confeturere. - confectioner,
conferense. - 1) - lecture. - 2) - conference. jam maker, jam seller. - See also the term "confituré".
conferensié - n. (pr. \ cu[ng]feræ[ng]si'e \ ) Ms. plr. confëssé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cu[ng]f&ss'e \ ) - See confessé.
conferensié - fm. sng. and plr. conferensiera, confëssésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ cu[ng]f&ss'ese \ ) - See
conferensiere. - lecturer, speaker. confessésse.
conferì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ cu[ng]fer'i \ ) - 1) - to confëssion - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]f&ssi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
confer, to bestow, to give, to grant, to award. (trs.). - 2) - confession, admission, concession. - 2) - confession
to appoint (trs.). - 3) - to lend, to give (trs.). - 4) - to (religion).- 3) - creed, religion, confession. - 4) -
confere, to be in conference. (int.). - 5) - to contribute confessions, memoirs.
(trs.). - 6) - to convey. (trs.). It uses in any case the aux. confëssional - 1) - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]f&ssiun'&l \ ) - Ms. plr.
"avèj ". confëssionaj - fm. sng. and plr. confëssional,
conferiment - n. m. (pr. \ cu[ng]ferim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - confëssionaj. - confessional, denominational.
congerring, conferment, bestowal, grant, award. - 2) - confëssional - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ cu[ng]f&ssiun'&l \ ) At plr.
appointment. - 3) - contribution. confessionaj. - confessional (religion). See also the term
conferma - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]f'ærm& \ ) At plr. conferme. - "confessionari ".
confirmation. confëssionari - n. m. (pr. \ cu[ng]f&ssiun'&ri \ ) - See
confermassion - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]færm&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. confessional 2).
- confirmation (mainly religion) - See also the term confëssor - n. m. (pr. \ cu[ng]f&ss'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - confessor.
"crésima". confidansa - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]fid'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr.
confernativ - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]færm&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. confidanse. - confidence, trust. Not to be confused with
confermativ - fm. sng. and plr. confermativa, "confidènsa" (see the term).
confermative. - confirmative, confirmatory. confidé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ cu[ng]fid'e \ ) - to confide, to
confermé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cu[ng]færm'e \ ) - to confirm, trust, to believe firmly.
to attest. confidensa - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]fid'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr.
conféss - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]f'es \ ) Ms. plr. conféss - fm. sng. and confidense. - intimacy, familiarity. Not to be confused
plr. conféssa, confésse. - (who has) confessed, self- with "confidansa" (see the term).
acknowledged. confidensial - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]fidæ[ng]si'&l \ ) Ms. plr.
confessé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cu[ng]fes'e \ ) - 1) - to confess, confidensiaj - fm. sng. and plr. confidensial, confidensiaj.
to admit, to acknowledge. - 2) - to confess (religion), to - 1) - confidential. - 2) - friendly, familiar.
hear confessions (religion). - 3) - to confess, to attest. See confidensialment - adv. (pr. \ cu[ng]fidæ[ng]si&lm'ænt \ ) -
also the term in the spelling "confëssé ". confidentially - Italianism. See also the term "confidensial
confessésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ cu[ng]fes'ese \ ) - to " used as an adv. and the adv. loc. "an confidensa, an
confess. manera confidensial".
confession - n. m. (pr. \ cu[ng]fesi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - confident - adj. and n. (pr. \ cu[ng]fid'ænt \ ) Ms. plr.
wrapping, packaging. - 2) - clothing industry. - 3) - confident - fm. sng. and plr. confidenta, confidente. - 1) -
garment, suit, dress. - 4) - manifacture, manifacturing. confiding, trusting (adj.). - 2) - confidant / confidante,
confessionator - n. (pr. \ cu[ng]fesiun&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. informer (sbst.).
conféessionator - fm. sng. and plr. confessionatriss, configuràbil - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]fig[ue]r'&bil \ ) Ms. plr.
confessionatriss. - 1) - packer, wrapper. - 2) - configuràbij - fm. sng. and plr. configuràbil,
manufacturer of (ready-made) articles of clothing. In this configuràbij. - configurable, that can be shaped, that
sense see also the term "confessionista". can be supposed.
confessionatriss - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]fesiun&tr'is \ ) Inv. at plr. - configurassion - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]fig[ue]r&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at
packer. plr. - configuration, shape, outline, lay-out.
confessioné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cu[ng]fesiun'e \ ) - 1) - to configuré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cu[ng]fig[ue]r'e \ ) - to shape.
make up, to wrap up, to pack, to package. - 2) - to configurésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ cu[ng]fig[ue]r'ese \ ) - 1) -
manufacture. - 3) - to concot, to prepare, to make. to assume a shape, to take on a shape. - 2) - to can be
considered (in a fig. sense). E. g. "costa assion as

configura com un crìmin" "this action can be considered conformàbil - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]furm'&bil \ ) Ms. plr.
as a crime". (another way of expressing this meaning is "to conformàbij - fm. sng. and plr. conformàbil,
assume the consistency (of)"). conformàbij. - conformable, adaptable.
confin - n. m. (pr. \ cu[ng]f'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - boundary, conformassion - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]furm&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr.
limit. - 2) - frontier, border. - 3) - condinement, - conformation, shape, structure.
internment, forced domicile. conformé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cu[ng]furm'e \ ) - to conform,
confinà - n. and adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]fin'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - to shape, to proportion, to form, to adapt.
1) - interned, confined (to a particular place) (adj.). - 2) - conformésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ cu[ng]furm'ese \ ) - to
internee, person subjected to confinement. conform to, to meet, to comply with.
confinant - adj. and n.(pr. \ cu[ng]fin'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. conformism - n. m. (pr. \ cu[ng]furm'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
confinant - fm. sng. and plr. confinanta, confinante. - 1) - conformity. - 2) - conventionality.
neighbouring, adjoining, bordering (adj.). - 2) - conformista - n. (pr. \ cu[ng]furm'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. conformista
neighbour (sbst.). - fm. sng. and plr. conformista, conformiste. - 1) -
confiné - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ cu[ng]fin'e \ ) - 1) - to conformist. - 2) - conventional person.
intern, to confine, to force (sb.) to live in. (trs.). - 2) - to conformìstich - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]furm'istic \ ) Ms. plr.
confine, to restrict (in a fig. sense) (trs.). - 2) - to border, conformistich - fm. sng. and plr. conformistica,
to adjoin, to be bounded (int.). In any case it uses the aux. conformistiche. - conformist (as an attribute),
"avèj ". conforming.
confisca - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]f'isc& \ ) At plr. confische. - conformità - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]furmit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
forfeiture, confiscation. conformity, compliance, accordance.
confiscàbil - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]fisc'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. confiscàbij - confortàbil - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]furt'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. confortàbij
fm. sng. and plr. confiscàbil, confiscàbij. - forfeitable, - fm. sng. and plr. confortàbil, confortàbij. - consolable.
confiscable. confortacheur - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]furt&k'[oe]r \ ) Inv. at plr. -
confiscator - n. and adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]fisc&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. lemon balm, balm-mint (botany - Melissa officinalis).
confiscator - fm. sng. and plr. confiscatriss, confiscatriss. confortador - n. (pr. \ cu[ng]furt&d'ur \ ) - See confortator.
- 1) - confiscator (sbst.). - 2) - confiscating (adj.). confortansa -
confisché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cu[ng]fisk'e \ ) - to forfeit, to confortant -
confiscate. confortator - n. (pr. \ cu[ng]furt&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. confortator -
confitié - n. (pr. \ cu[ng]fiti'e \ ) - See confetié. fm. sng. and plr. confortatriss, confortatriss. - 1) -
confitura - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]fit'[ue]r& \ ) - See confetura. conforter (sbst.). - 2) - conforting, reassuring (adj.). - See
confiturarìa - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]fit[ue]r&r'i& \ ) - See also the term "confortador".
confeturarìa. confortatòri - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]furt&t'ori \ ) Ms. plr.
confituré - n. (pr. \ cu[ng]fit[ue]r'e \ ) - See confeturé. confortatòri - fm. sng. and plr. confortatòria,
conflagrassion - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]fl&gr&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. confortatòrie. - consolatory.
- 1) - conflagration. - 2) - outbreack of hostilities. (in a conforté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cu[ng]furt'e \ ) - 1) - to
fig. sense). comfort, to console, to reassure. - 2) - to encourage. - 3)
conflagré - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ cu[ng]fl&gr'e \ ) - 1) - to - to bear out, to support, to strenghten.
blaze up, to conflagrate. - 2) - to breack out suddenly (in confortésse - vrb 1st con. refl. and recp. (pr. \ cu[ng]furt'ese \ )
a fig. sense). - 1) - to console oneself, to take comfort (refl.) - 2) - to
conflit - n. m. (pr. \ cu[ng]fl'it \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - conflict, console each other (recp.).
clash, collision. - 2) - war. confòrt - n. m. (pr. \ cu[ng]f'ort \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
conflitual - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]flitu'&l \ ) Ms. plr. confliutaj - fm. reassurance, consolation, encouragement, comforting,
sng. and plr. conflitual, conflituaj. - conflictual. comfort. - 2) - support. - 3) - comfort, ease.
conflitualità - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]flitu&lit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - confrairìa - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]fr&ir'i& \ ) At plr. confrairìe. -
conflict, strife. brotherhood, confraternity (religion). See also the terms
confluensa - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]fl[ue]'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. "confrerìa, confratèrnita".
confluense. - confluence. confratél - n. (pr. \ cu[ng]fr&t'el \ ) Ms. plr. confratéj - fm.
confluent - 1) - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]fl[ue]'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. sng. and plr. consoréla, consoréle. - brother / sister
confluent - fm. sng. and plr. confluenta, confluente. - (religion). See also the term "consoréla".
confluent. confratrèrnita - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]fr&t'ærnit& \ ) - See
confluent - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ cu[ng]fl[ue]'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - confrairìa.
confluent. confrerìa - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]frer'i& \ ) - See confrairìa.
confluì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ cu[ng]fl[ue]'i \ ) - 1) - to flow confront - n. m. (pr. \ cu[ng]fr'unt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
into each other, to mix. - 2) - to join, to mix, to come comparison. - 2) - confrontation. - 3) - collation.
together (in a fig. sense). It uses the aux. "esse". confrontàbil - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]frunt'&bil \ ) Ms. plr.
confonde - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ cu[ng]f'unde \ ) - 1) - to confrontàbij - fm. sng. and plr. confrontàbil,
muddle, to confuse. - 2) - to take, to mistake. - 3) - to confrontàbij. - comparable.
confuse, to mix up, to embarrass, to upset. confrontant - adj. and n. (pr. \ cu[ng]frunt'&nt \ ) Ms. plr.
confondìbil - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]fund'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. confondìbij confrontant - fm. sng. and plr. confrontanta,
- fm. sng. and plr. confondìbil, confondìbij. - confusable, confrontante. - 1) - neighbouring, bordering (adj.). - 2) -
easily mistaken. neighbour (sbst.). The expression "esse confrontant"
confondse - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ cu[ng]f'undse \ ) - 1) - to means "to border" or "to be one in front of the other" or "to
mingle, to blend. - 2) - to be confused. - 3) - to get upset. be neighbours".
- 4) - to become blurred. confronté - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ cu[ng]frunt'e \ ) - 1) -
conforma - adv. (pr. \ cu[ng]f'urm& \ ) - accordingly, to compare (trs.). - 2) - to confront (trs.). - 3) - to collate
according to, in conformity with. (trs.). - 4) - to border (int.).
conformà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ cu[ng]furm'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. confus - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]f'[ue]z \ ) Ms. plr. confus - fm. sng.
and nr. - shaped. and plr. confusa, confuse. - 1) - confused, muddled,
addled. - 2) - confused, blurred, vague, indistinct. - 3) -

confused, bewildered, embarassed, disconcerted. - 4) - congelament - n. m. (pr. \ cunjel&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
upset. This term is not also the p. p. of the vrb "confonde", freezing, congelation (physics). - 2) - frostbite,
which is instead "confondù ". congelation (medical). - 3) - freeze (economy).
confusion - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]f[ue]zi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - congelassion - n. f. (pr. \ cunjel&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
muddle, disorder, confusion, mess. - 2) - bustle, frostbite (medical).
hullabaloo. - 3) - confusion, embarassment. congelator - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ cunjel&t'ur \ ) - See congelador
confusional - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]f[ue]ziun'&l \ ) Ms. plr. 1).
confusionaj - fm. sng. and plr. confusional, confusionaj. - congelator - 2) - adj (pr. \ cunjel&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. congelador -
confusional. fm. sng. and plr. congelatriss, congelatriss. - freezing. See
confusionari - adj. and n. (pr. \ cu[ng]f[ue]ziun'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. also the term "congelador 2)".
confusionari - fm. sng. and plr. confusionaria, congelé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cunjel'e \ ) - 1) - to freeze, to
confusionarie. - 1) - bungling, muddling, muddleheaded congeal. - 2) - to frostbite (medical).
(adj.). - 2) - bungler, muddler, muddlehead (sbst.). congelésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ cunjel'ese \ ) - 1) - to freeze,
confusionism - n. m. (pr. \ cu[ng]f[ue]ziun'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. to become frozen. - 2) - to become frostbitten (medical).
(if any). - 1) - state of extreme confusion. - 2) - tendency congenerà - adj. (pr. \ cunjener'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
to confuse matters. - 3) - confused behaviour. congenital. See also the term "congénit ".
confusionista - n. (pr. \ cu[ng]f[ue]ziun'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. congenial - adj. (pr. \ cunjeni'&l \ ) Ms. plr. congeniaj - fm.
confusionista - fm. sng. and plr. confusionista, sng. and plr. congenial, congeniaj. - congenial.
confusioniste. - muddler, who creates confusion. congénit - adj. (pr. \ cunj'enit \ ) - See congenerà.
confutàbil - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]f[ue]t'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. confutàbij congéria - n. f. (pr. \ cunj'eri& \ ) At plr. (if any) congérie. -
- fm. sng. and plr. confutàbil, confutàbij. - confutable, heap, congeries, confused mass. See also the terms
refutable, disprovable. "conzubia, conzebia, conzëbbia, sconzubia".
confutassion - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]f[ue]t&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - congestion - n. f. (pr. \ cunj'estiu[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
confutation, refutation, rebuttal. congestion.
confutativ - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]f[ue]t&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. confutativ congestioné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cunjestiun'e \ ) - 1) - to
- fm. sng. and plr. confutativa, confutative. -confutative. congest (medical). - 2) - to congest, to overcrowd (in a
confutatòri - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]f[ue]t&t'ori \ ) Ms. plr. fig. sense).
confutatòri - fm. sng. and plr. confutatòria, confutatòrie. congestionésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ cunjestiun'ese \ ) - 1) -
- confuting, disproving. to get congested. - 2) - to get overcrowded.
confuté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cu[ng]f[ue]t'e \ ) - to confute, to congetura - n. f. (pr. \ cunjet'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. congeture. -
disprove, to refute, to rebut. conjecture, presumption, supposition.
congé - n. m. (pr. \ cunj'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - leave, leave- congeturàbil - adj. (pr. \ cunjet[ue]r'&bil \ ) Ms. plr.
taking, farewell. - 2) - leave (of absence). - 3) - discharge congeturàbij - fm. sng. and plr. congturàbil,
(military). - 4) - dismissal, discharge. - 5) - retirement, congeturàbij. - conjecturable.
discharge. - 6) - envoy (writings) congetural - adj. (pr. \ cunjet[ue]r'&l \ ) Ms. plr. congeturaj -
congedà - adj. and n. (pr. \ cunjed'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) fm. sng. and plr. congtural, congeturaj. - conjectural.
- dischareged (military) (adj.). - 2) - discharged soldier congeturé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ cunjet[ue]r'e \ ) - 1) -
(sbst.). to conjecture (tr. and int.). - 2) - to suppose, to presume
congedàbil - adj. (pr. \ cunjed'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. congedàbij - (trs.). It uses anyway the aux. "avèj ".
fm. sng. and plr. congedàbil, congedàbij. - dischargeable. congigné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cunji[gn]'e \ ) - See congegné.
congedament - n. m. (pr. \ cunjed&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - congiontiv - 1) - adj. (pr. \ cunjiunt'iu \ ) Ms. plr. congiontiv -
discharge. fm. sng. and plr. congiontiva, congiontive. - 1) -
congedand - n. (pr. \ cunjed'&nd \ ) Ms. plr. congedand - fm. conjunctive. - 2) - subjunctive (grammar). - See also the
sng. and plr. congedanda, congedande. - dischargee. term "congiuntiv 1)".
congedé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cunjed'e \ ) - 1) - to dismiss. - congiontiv - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ cunjiunt'iu \ ) Inv. at plr. -
2) - to discharge, to dismiss, to sack. 3) - to discharge subjunctive (grammar). - See also the term "congiuntiv
(from the army), to demobilize. - 4) - to discharge (from 2)".
service), to retire. congiontiva - n. f. (pr. \ cunjiunt'iv& \ ) At plr. congiuntive. -
congedésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ cunjed'ese \ ) - 1) - to take coniunctiva (anatomy).
one's leave. - 2) - to leave (work), to quit. - 3) - to retire. congiontival - adj. (pr. \ cunjiuntiv'&l \ ) Ms. plr. congiontivaj
congégn - n. m. (pr. \ cunj'e[gn] \ ) Inv. at plr. - device, - fm. sng. and plr. congiontival, congiontivaj. -
contrivance, apparatus, gear, machine, instrument, conjunctival (anatomy).
mechanism. See also the term "angign". congiontivite - n. f. (pr. \ cunjiuntiv'ite \ ) Inv. at plr. -
congegnador - n. (pr. \ cunje[gn]&d'ur \ ) Ms. plr. conjunctivitis (medical).
congegnador - fm. sng. and plr. congegnadòira, congiont - adj. and n. (pr. \ cunji'unt \ ) - See congiunt.
congegnadòire. - 1) - inventor, deviser. - 2) - planner, congiontura - n. f. (pr. \ cunjiunt'[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
designer. congiunture. - 1) - joint, joining. - 2) - joint, articulation
congegnator - n. (pr. \ cunje[gn]&t'ur \ ) - See congegnador. (anatomy). - 3) - juncture, occasion (in a fig. sense). - 4) -
congegné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cunje[gn]'e \ ) - 1) - to put economic situation, economic trend. - 5) - business
together, to invent, to design, to devise. - 2) - to plan, to cycle. - 6) - economic crisis. - See also the term
construct (in a fig. sense). - 3) - to assemble, to fit "congiuntura".
together. See also the term "congigné ". congionze - vrb.2nd con. trs. - (pr. \ cunji'u[ng]ze \ ) - 1) - to
congelà - adj. and p. p. and n. (pr. \ cunjel'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and connect, to join, to link, to unite, to clasp, to splice, to
nr. - 1) - congelated, frozen (adj. and p.p.). - 2) - mortise.
frostbitten (medical) (adj.). - 3) - person having congionzse - vrb.2nd con. refl. and recp. - (pr. \ cunji'u[ng]se \ )
frostbitten parts (usually hands or feet - medical). - to be joined, to join each other, to meet, to join forces.
congelador - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ cunjel&d'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - congiunsion - n. f. (pr. \ cunji[ue][ng]si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1)
freezer. See also the term "congelator 1)". - junction, joining. - 2) - conjunction (grammar).
congelador - 2) - adj. (pr. \ cunjel&t'ur \ ) - See congelator 2).

congiunt - adj. and n. (pr. \ cunji'[ue]nt \ ) Ms. plr. congiunt - congualio - n. m. (pr. \ cu[ng]gu'&liô \ ) Inv. at plr. -
fm. sng. and plr. congiunta, congiunte. - 1) - joined, adjustment, settlement, balance.
connected, united (adj.). - 2) - joint (adj.). - 3) - relative, coniador - n. m. (pr. \ cuni&d'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - coiner,
relation (sbst.). minter.
congiuntiv - 1) - adj. (pr. \ cunji[ue]nt'iu \ ) - See congiontiv coniadura - n. f. (pr. \ cuni&d'[ue]r& \ ) - See coniassion.
1). coniassion - n. f. (pr. \ cuni&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - coniage,
congiuntiv - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ cunji[ue]nt'iu \ ) - See congiontiv mintage.
2). conié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cuni'e \ ) - to coin, to mint, to
congiuntor - n. m. (pr. \ cunji[ue]nt'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - strike. See also the terms "cogné 3rd meaning, cunié 2nd
connector. meaning".
congiuntura - n. f. (pr. \ cunji[ue]nt'[ue]r& \ ) - See conicità - n. f. (pr. \ cuni[ch]it'& \ ) - See conissità.
congiontura. conìfer - adj. (pr. \ cun'ifer \ ) Ms. plr. conìfer - fm. sng. and
congiuntural - adj. (pr. \ cunji[ue]nt[ue]r'&l \ ) Ms. plr. plr. conìfera, conìfere. - coniferous.
congiunturaj - fm. sng. and plr. congiuntural, conìfera - n. f. (pr. \ cun'ifer& \ ) At plr. conìfere. - conifer
congiunturaj. - 1) - conjunctural, related to the current (botany - Conifera)
situation. - 2) - cyclical. - 3) - short-term (economy). conissità - n. f. (pr. \ cunisit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - conicalness,
congiura - n. f. (pr. \ cunji'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. congiure. - conicity. - 2) - taper (mechanics).
conspiracy, plot. See also the term "congiurassion". coniugà - n. and adj. (pr. \ cuni[ue]g'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
congiurà - n. (pr. \ cunji[ue]r'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - married (adj.). - 2) - conjugate (mathematics) (adj.). -
conspirator, plotter. 3) - married person (sbst.).
congiurassion - n. f. (pr. \ cunji[ue]r&si'u[ng] \ ) - See coniugàbil - adj. (pr. \ cuni[ue]g'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. coniugàbij -
congiura. fm. sng. and plr. coniugàbil, coniugàbij. - conjugable.
congiuré - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ cunji[ue]r'e \ ) - to conspire, coniugal - adj. (pr. \ cuni[ue]g'&l \ ) Ms. plr. coniugaj - fm.
to plot. It uses the aux. "avèj ". sng. and plr. coniugal, coniugaj. - 1) - conjugal. - 2) -
conglobament - n. m. (pr. \ cu[ng]glub&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - marriage (as an attribute). - 3) - married. See also the loc.
conglobation, lumping together, combining. See also the "da marià ".
term "conglobassion". coniugassion - n. f. (pr. \ cuni[ue]g&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
conglobassion - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]glub&si'u[ng] \ ) - See conjugation (grammar).
conglobament. coniughé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cuni[ue]g'e \ ) - to conjugate,
conglobé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cu[ng]glub'e \ ) - to to inflect (grammar).
conglobate, to lump together, to combine. conivensa - n. f. (pr. \ cuniv'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. conivense. -
conglomerà - n. m. (pr. \ cu[ng]glumer'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - connivance.
conglomerate, mass, pile, conglomeration. - 2) - conivent - adj. and n. (pr. \ cuniv'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. conivent - fm.
conglomerate, pudding stone (geology). - 3) - concrete, sng. and plr. coniventa, conivente. - 1) - conniving (adj.).
mix (building). - 2) - conniver, accomplice. In this sense see also the
conglomerassion - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]glumer&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at italianism "còmplice". Note that the english vrb "to
plr. - conglomeration. connive" is translated into "esse conivent" lit. "to be
conglomeré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cu[ng]glumer'e \ ) - to conniving".
conglomerate. conmisuré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cu[ng]miz[ue]r'e \ ) - See
congratulassion - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]gr&t[ue]l&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. comisuré.
at plr. - congratulation, congratulations. conoidal - adj. (pr. \ cunuid'&l \ ) Ms. plr. conoidaj - fm. sng.
congratulésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ cu[ng]gr&t[ue]l'ese \ ) - and plr. conoidal, conoidaj. - conoidal (geometry).
to congratulate. See also the term "complimentésse". conomìa - n. f. (pr. \ cunum'i& \ ) At plr. conomìe. - economy,
congrega - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]gr'eg& \ ) At plr. congreghe. - 1) - saving. See also the term "economìa".
band, bunch, set, gang. - 2) - congregation, conopéo - n. m. (pr. \ cunup'eô \ ) Inv. at plr. - ciborium veil
confraternity (religion - not very used in this sense). (religion).
congregassion - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]greg&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - conossensa - n. f. (pr. \ cunus'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. conossense. -
1) - assembly, gathering, congregation. - 2) - 1) - knowledge. - 2) - consciousness. - 3) - acquaintance.
congregation (religion). - 4) - cognizance (legal). - 5) - cognition (phylosophy). -
congreghé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cu[ng]greg'e \ ) - to 6) - a known person. - The plr. term "conossense" is used
congregate, to gather together. for indicating the "global knowledges about a subject", and
congreghésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ cu[ng]greg'ese \ ) - to also "influent acquaintances".
congregate, to band together. conossent - n. (pr. \ cunus'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. conossent - fm. sng.
congréss - n. m. (pr. \ cu[ng]gr'es \ ) Inv. at plr. - congress, and plr. conossenta, conossente. - acquaintance.
conference, convention. conossìbil - 1) - adj. - (pr. \ cunus'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. conossìbij -
congressista - n. (pr. \ cu[ng]gres'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. congresista - fm. sng. and plr. conossìbil, conossìbij. - knowable.
fm. sng. and plr. congresista, congresiste. - member of a conossìbil - 2) - n. m. - (pr. \ cunus'ibil \ ) At plr. (if any)
congress, attendee, participant. conossìbij. - knowledge, what can be known.
congressual - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]gresu'&l \ ) Ms. plr. conossibilità - n. f. (pr. \ cunusibilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
congressuaj - fm. sng. and plr. congressual, congressuaj. knowability.
- congressional, congress (as an attribute). conossidor - n. (pr. \ cunusid'ur \ ) Ms. plr. conossidor - fm.
congruensa - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]gr[ue]'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. sng. and plr. conossidòira (conossidora), conossidòire
congruense. - 1) - congruence, congruity. - 2) - (conossidore). - expert, connoisseur.
coherence, consistency, logical connection. conossù - 1) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ cunus'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr.
congruent - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]gr[ue]'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. congruent - conossù - fm. sng. and plr. conossùa, conossùe. - known,
fm. sng. and plr. congruenta, congruente. - 1) - well-known. See also the term "cognossù".
congruent. - 2) - consistent, logical, coherent. conossù - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ cunus'[ue] \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). -
congualié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cu[ng]gu&li'e \ ) - to adjust, the known, what is known.
to settle, to balance

conotà - n. m. (pr. \ cunut'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - personal consapévol - adj. (pr.\ cu[ng]s&p'evul \ ) Ms. plr. consapévoj -
characteristics, description, characteristic. fm. sng. and plr. consapévol, consapévoj. - aware,
conotassion - n. f. (pr. \ cunut&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - conscious.
connotation. consapevolëssa - n. f. (pr.\ cu[ng]s&pevul'&ss& \ ) At plr. (if
conòid - n. m. (pr. \ cun'oid \ ) Inv. at plr. - conoid (geometry). any) consapevolësse. - awareness, consciousness.
conòsse - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ cun'ose \ ) - 1) - to know. - 2) - consé - vrb 1st con trs. (pr.\ cu[ng]s'e \ ) - 1) - to flavour. - 2) -
to be conscious. - 3) - to recognize. - 4) - to make the to treat. - 3) - to dress (hair).
acquaintance, to get acquainted. - 5) - to discern, to consecutiv - adj. (pr.\ cu[ng]sec[ue]t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. consecutiv -
distinguish. - See also the term "cognòsse". fm. sng. and plr. consecutiva, consecutive. - 1) -
conòss-se - vrb 2nd con. refl and recp. (pr. \ cun'osse \ ) - 1) - to consecutive. - 2) - following, next.
know oneself (refl.). - 2) - to know each other (recp.). - 3) consecutivament - adv. (pr.\ cu[ng]sec[ue]tiv&m'ænt \ ) -
- to meet (in recp. sense). consecutively. Italianism. See the best adv. loc. "an séguit,
conquass - n. m. (pr. \ cu[ng][qu]'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - dapréss, dòp, an sucession, un dòp l'àutr, etc."
shattering, smash, crash, ruin. - 2) - disorder, mess, consegna - n. f. . (pr.\ cu[ng]s'e[gn]& \ ) At plr. consegne. - 1)
confusion. See also the term "sconquass". - delivery. - 2) - consignment. - 3) - confinement to
conquassé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cu[ng][qu]&s'e \ ) - 1) - to barracks (military). - 4) - orders (military). This term is
shatter, to smash, to ruin, to destroy. - 2) - to upset, to quite an italianism. See also the terms "consëgna,
shake up. See also the term "sconquassé". consigna".
conquibus - n. m. plr. (pr. \ cu[ng][qu]'ibus \ ) - money. The consegnà - n. (pr.\ cu[ng]se[gn]'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
term (used in jocular sense) comes from Latin and soldier confined to barracks.
maintains the Latin pronunciation. ("cum quibus = with consegnatari - n. (pr.\ cu[ng]se[gn]'& \ ) Ms. plr. consegnatari
which "). See also the term "quibus". - fm. sng. and plr. consegnataria, consegnatarie. -
conquista - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng][qu]'ist& \ ) At plr. conquiste. - 1) consignee. This term is quite an italianism. See also the
- conquest, victory, subjugation, capture. - 2) - terms "consëgnatari, consignatari".
conquered territory. - 3) - attainment, achievement. - 4) consegné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ cu[ng]se[gn]'e \ ) - 1) - to
- conquest (in a fig. sense). deliver, to give, to hand out, to give in charge. - 2) - to
conquistàbil - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng][qu]ist'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. commit, to entrust. - 3) - to confine to barracks
conquistàbij - fm. sng. and plr. conquistàbil, (military). - 4) - to deliver, to consign. This term is quite
conquistàbij. - conquerable. an italianism. See also the terms "consëgné, consigné,
conquistador - n. and adj. (pr. \ cu[ng][qu]ist&d'ur \ ) Ms. plr. consgné".
conquistador - fm. sng. and plr. conquistadòira, consegue - vrb 2nd con. trs. and int. (pr.\ cu[ng]s'egue \ ) - 1) -
conquistadòire. - 1) - conqueror / conqueress (sbst.). - 2) to achieve, to attain, to gain, to win. (trs.). When trs. it
- lady-killer (sbst.). (only ms., in a fig. sense) - 3) - uses the aux. "avèj ". - 2) - to follow, to come after, to
conquering (adj.). In this spelling the term is mainly used derive. (int.). When int. it uses the aux. "esse". In this
at ms. See also the term "conquistator". sense see also the terms "derivé, conseguité " and the loc.
conquistator - n. (pr. \ cu[ng][qu]ist&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. "vnì dòp". - See also the term "conseguì". See also in
conquistator - fm. sng. and plr. conquistatriss, Grammar the section "Verb fosonant".
conquistatriss. - 1) - conqueror / conqueress (sbst.). - 2) - conseguensa - n. f. (pr.\ cu[ng]segu'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr.
lady-killer (sbst.). (only ms., in a fig. sense) - 3) - conseguense. - 1) - consequence, result, outcome. - 2) -
conquering (adj.). See also the term "conquistador". consequence, importance (not very used in this sense) - 3)
conquisté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cu[ng][qu]ist'e \ ) - 1) - to - aftereffect, aftereffects.
conquer, to capture (military). - 2) - to win, to win over. conseguensa (ëd ---) - adv. loc. (pr.\ &d cu[ng]segu'æ[ng]s& \
(in a fig. sense). - 3) - to achieve, to get. - 4) - to conquer ) - consequently, as a consequence.
(in a fig. sense). conseguensial - adj. (pr.\ cu[ng]seguæ[ng]si'&l \ ) Ms. plr.
cons - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]s \ ) Ms. plr. cons - fm. sng. and plr. conseguensiaj - fm. sng. and plr. conseguensial,
consa, conse. - flavoured, seasoned, dressed. See also the conseguensiaj. - consequential.
term "comodà". conseguent - 1) - adj. (pr.\ cu[ng]segu'ænt \ ) Ms. plr.
consa - n. f. (pr. \ c'u[ng]s& \ ) At plr. conse. - 1) - flavouring, conseguent - fm. sng. and plr. conseguenta, conseguente.
seasoning. - 2) - manure. - 1) - consequent. - 2) - consistent, consequent.
consà - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]s'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - hairstyle, hairdo. conseguent - n. m. (pr.\ cu[ng]segu'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
consacrament - n. m. (pr. \ cu[ng]s&cr&m'ænt \ ) - See consequent (mathematics).
consacrassion. conseguì - vrb. 3rd con. trs. (pr.\ cu[ng]segu'i \ ) - See
consacrassion - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]s&cr&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - consegue.
1) - consecration. - 2) - final seal, blessing, approval (in a conseguìbil - adj. (pr.\ cu[ng]segu'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. conseguìbij -
fig. sense). - See also the term "consacrament ". fm. sng. and plr. conseguìbil, conseguìbij. - achievable,
consacrator - adj. and n. (pr. \ cu[ng]s&cr&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. attainable.
consacrator - fm. sng. and plr. consacratriss, conseguiment - n. m. (pr.\ cu[ng]seguim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
consacratriss. - 1) - consecrator (sbst.). - 2) - achievement, attainment.
consecratory (adj.). conseguité - vrb 1st con. int. (pr.\ cu[ng]seguit'e \ ) - to follow,
consacré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cu[ng]s&cr'e \ ) - 1) - to to come after, to derive. It uses the aux. "esse". See also
consecrate. - 2) - to hallow, to devote (in a fig. sense). the term "consegue 2nd meaning".
consanghin - adj. and n. (pr.\ cu[ng]s&[ng]g'i[ng]\) Ms. plr. consej - n. m. (pr.\ cu[ng]s'æy \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - advice,
consanghin - fm. sng. and plr. consanghin-a, consanghin- suggestion. - 2) - counsel, opinion. - 3) - council, board.
e. - 1) - consanguineous, akin (adj.). - 2) - blood relation, conselebrant - n. m. (pr. \ cu[ng]selebr'&nt \ ) - See
kinsman (sbst.).. concelebrant.
consanghinità - n. f. - (pr.\ cu[ng]s&[ng]ginit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - conselebrassion - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]selebr&si'u[ng] \ ) - See
blood relationship, consanguinity, kinship. concelebrassion.
conselebré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cu[ng]selebr'e \ ) - See

consens - n. m. (pr. \ cu[ng]s'æ[ng]s \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - conservànt - 1) - adj. (pr. \ cunsærv'&nt \ ) Ms. plr.
consent, permission, agreement. - 2) - approval. - 3) - conservant - fm. sng. and plr. conservanta, conservante. -
consent, assent (legal). See also the terms "assens, preservative.
consentiment, consenta ". conservant - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ cunsærv'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
consensient - adj - (pr. \ cu[ng]sæ[ng]si'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. preservative.
consensient - fm. sng. and plr. consensienta, conservassion - n. f. (pr. \ cunsærv&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
consensiente. - consentient, consenting, agreeing, preservation.
granting. conservativ - adj. (pr. \ cunsærv&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. conservativ -
consensual - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]sæ[ng]su'&l \ ) Ms. plr. fm. sng. and plr. conservativa, conservative. -
consensuaj - fm. sng. and plr. consensual, consensuaj. - conservative.
consensual, by mutual consent. conservator - n. and adj. (pr. \ cunsærv&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr.
consenta - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]s'ænt& \ ) At plr. consente. - conservator - fm. sng. and plr. conservatriss,
consent. See also the terms "consens, consentiment". conservatriss. - conservative.
consente - vrb 2nd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ cu[ng]s'ænte \ ) - 1) - conservatòri - n. m. (pr. \ cunsærv&t'ori \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
to allow, to give, to grant (trs.). - 2) - to agree, to concur conservatoire, conservatory (music). - 2) - convent
(int.). - 3) - to consent, to assent. (int.). - 4) - to make it school for young ladies.
possible, to enable (int.). See also the term "consentì" and conservé - 1) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cunsærv'e \ ) - 1) - to
the part of Grammar related to "Verb fosonant ". It uses in keep, to preserve, to conserve, to retain. (in general). - 2)
any case the aux. "avèj ". - to cheerish, to treasure. - 3) - to save. - 4) - to preserve,
consentì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ cu[ng]sænt'i \ ) - See to conserve, to bottle, to pot, to can, etc. (food).
consente. conservé - 2) - n. (pr. \ cunsærv'e \ ) Ms. plr. conservé - fm.
consentiment - n. m. (pr. \ cu[ng]sæntim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - sng. and plr. conservera, conservere. - 1) - cannery man,
consent. See also the terms "consens, consenta". canner, tinner. (sbst.). - 2) - cannery (as an attribute)
conserge - n. m. (pr. \ cu[ng]s'ærje \ ) Inv. at plr. - concierge, (adj.).
doorkeeper (usually referred to palaces and castles - conservésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ cunsærv'ese \ ) to
sometime also hotels) See also the term "consergi ", for fm. preserve oneself, to keep, to keep fit.- See also the terms
see the term "consergia". "mantènse, mantnìsse".
consergi - n. m. (pr. \ cu[ng]s'ærji \ ) - See conserge. conservifìssi - n. m. (pr. \ cunsærvif'isi \ ) Inv. at plr. -
consergia - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]s'ærji& \ ) At plr. consergie. - cannery.
concierge, (female) doorkeeper. See also the term conséss - n. m. (pr. \ cuns'es \ ) Inv. at plr. - assembly,
"conserge" for ms. meeting. See also the term "radunansa".
consert - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ cu[ng]s'ært \ ) - See concert. consëgna - n. f. (pr. \ cuns'&[gn]& \ ) - See consegna.
consert - 2) - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]s'ært \ ) Ms. plr. consert - fm. consëgnatari - n. (pr.\ cu[ng]s&[gn]&t'&ri \ ) - See
sng. and plr. conserta, conserte. - intertwined, consegnatari.
interwoven, crossed. The expression "brass consert " consëgné - n. f. (pr. \ cuns&[gn]'e \ ) - See consegné.
means "crossed arms". consgné - n. f. (pr. \ cuns[gn]'e \ ) - See consegné.
consertà - 1) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ cunsært'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and considerà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ cunsider'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and
nr. - 1) - concerted, united. - 2) - polyphonic, concerted nr. - 1) - considered, appraised, esteemed (adj. amd p. p.)
(music). - 2) - cautious, prudent, careful (adj.).
consertà - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ cunsært'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - concertato consideràbil - adj. (pr. \ cunsider'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. consideràbij
(music). - fm. sng. and plr. consideràbil, consideràbij. -
consertant - adj. (pr. \ cunsært'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. consertant - considerable.
fm. sng. and plr. consertanta, consertante. - concertante considerassion - n. f. (pr. \ cunsider&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1)
(music).See also the term "concertant ". - consideration, reflection. - 2) - consideration, regard,
consertador - n. m. (pr. \ cunsært&d'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - esteem. - 3) - consideration, considering.
conductor (of opera). See also the term "concertador ". consideré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cunsider'e \ ) - 1) - to
consertassion - n. f. (pr. \ cunsært&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - consider, to examine, to think over. - 2) - to observe, to
orchestration, orchestral arrangement. - 2) - discussion consider, to contemplate. - 3) - to consider, to regard, to
for reaching an agreement, planning. See also the term deem. - 4) - to consider, to bear in mind. - 5) - to think
"concertassion ". over. - 6) - to provide for (laws, etc.).
conserté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cunsært'e \ ) - 1) - to considerèivol - adj. (pr. \ cunsider'æivul \ ) Ms. plr.
orchestrate. - 2) - to plan, to arrange, to deliberate. For considerèivoj - fm. sng. and plr. considerèivol,
this meaning see also the term "combiné ". - See also the considerèivoj. - considerable, conspicuous. See also the
term "concerté ". term "considerévol ".
consertésse - vrb 1st con. recp. (pr. \ cunsært'ese \ ) - to agree. considerésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ cunsider'ese \ ) - to
consertin - n. m. (pr. \ cunsært'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - concertino consider oneself.
(music). See also the term "concertin ". considerévol - adj. (pr. \ cunsider'evul \ ) - See considerèivol.
consertista - n. (pr. \ cunsært'ist&\ ) Ms. plr. consertista - fm. consié - n. (pr. \ cunsi'e \ ) - See consijé 1).
sng. and plr. consertista, consertiste. - concert musician. consiènsa - n. f. (pr. \ cunsi'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. consiense. - 1) -
See also the term "concertista ". conscience. - 2) - conscientiousness. - 3) - awareness. - 4)
conserva - n. f. (pr. \ cuns'ærv& \ ) At plr. conserve. - 1) - - consciousness (also in a fig. sense). - See also the term
preserve (in general). - 2) - tomato-sauce. Note that the "cossiensa".
action of preserving food in jars, pots, tins, etc. is consigna - n. f. (pr. \ cuns'i[gn]& \ ) - See consegna.
expressed with the loc. "buté an conserva" or "buté an consignatari - n. (pr. \ cunsi[gn]&t'&ri \ ) - See consegnatari.
compòsta". consigné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cunsi[gn]'e \ ) - See consegné.
conservàbil - adj. (pr. \ cunsærv'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. conservàbij - consijàbil - adj. (pr. \ cunsiy'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. consijàbij - fm.
fm. sng. and plr. conservàbil, conservàbij. - preservable, sng. and plr. consijàbil, consijàbij. - advisable. See also
conservable. the term "consiliàbil ".

consijar - adj. (pr. \ cunsiy'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - board, consolidassion - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]sulid&si'u[ng] \ ) - See
council (as attributes). See also the term "consiliar ". consolidament.
consijé - 1) - n. (pr. \ cunsiy'e \ ) Ms. plr. consijé - fm. sng. and consolidator - 1) - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]sulid&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr.
plr. consijera, consijere. - 1) - advised, counsellor. - 2) - consolidator - fm. sng. and plr. consolidatriss,
councillor, councilman. consolidatriss. - consolidating, strengthening.
consijé - 2) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cunsiy'e \ ) - to advise, to consolodator - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ cu[ng]sulid&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. -
recommend, to suggest, to counsel. consolidator.
consijésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ cunsiy'ese \ ) - to ask for consolidé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cu[ng]sulid'e \ ) - 1) - to
advice, to consult. consolidate, to stiffen. - 2) - to consolidate, to
consili - n. m. (pr. \ cuns'ili \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - council strengthen, to to firm, to bolster. - 3) - to consolidate, to
(religion). - 2) - council, committee, assembly. See also fund (commerce, finance).
the term "concili". consomé - n. m. (pr. \ cu[ng]sum'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - broth of
consiliàbil - adj. (pr. \ cunsili'&bil \ ) - See consijàbil. meat, clear soup, consommé. See also the term "consumé
consiliàbol - n. m. (pr. \ cunsili'&bul \ ) See. conciliàbol. ".
consiliar - adj. (pr. \ cunsili'&r \ ) - See consijar. consonant - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]sun'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
consìmil - adj. (pr. \ cuns'imil \ ) Ms. plr. consìmij - fm. sng. consonant.
and plr. consìmil, consìmij. - similar, like, alike. consonàntich - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]sun'&ntic \ ) Ms. plr.
consiste - vrb 2nd con. int. (pr. \ cuns'iste \ ) - 1) - to consist consonàntich - fm. sng. and plr. consonàntica,
(of), to be composed (of). - 2) - to consist (in), to lie (in), consonàntiche. - consonantal, consonantic, consonant
to depend (on). It uses the aux. "esse". (as an attribute).
consistensa - n. f. (pr. \ cunsist'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. consistense. consonansa - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]sun'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr.
- 1) - consistence, consistency. - 2) - firmness, solidity. - consonanse. - 1) - consonance, harmony, agreement. - 2)
3) - soundness, validity. - consonance, consonant interval, concord (music).
consistent - adj. (pr. \ cunsist'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. consistent - fm. consonsion - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]su[ng]si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
sng. and plr. consistenta, consistente. - 1) - substantial, consumption. See also the term "consunsion".
firm. - 2) - thick. - 3) - sound, convincing, valid. consont - adj. and n. - (pr. \ cu[ng]s'unt \ ) Ms. plr. consont -
consistorial - adj. (pr. \ cunsisturi'&l \ ) - See concistorial. fm. sng. and plr. consonta, consonte. - 1) - worn out,
consistòri - n. m. (pr. \ cunsist'ori \ ) - See concistòri. shabby (adj.). - 2) - run down, wasted (person) (adj.). - 3)
consitadin - n. (pr. \ cunsit&d'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. consitadin - - consumptive, tubercular patient (sbst.). See also the
fm. sng. and plr. consitadin-a, consitadin-e. - 1) - fellow term "consunt ".
citizen. - 2) - fellow countryman. consorela - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]sur'el& \ ) At plr. consorele. - 1) -
consobrin - n. (pr. \ cunsubr'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. consobrin - fm. sister (religion). - 2) - subsidiary company, sister
sng. and plr. consobrin-a, consobrin-e. - cousin from branch.
side of mother. - See also the terms "consubrin, cusin". consorsial - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]sursi'&l \ ) Ms. plr. consorsiaj -
cónsol - n. m. (pr. \ c'u[ng]sul \ ) At plr. cónsoj. - consul. fm. sng. and plr. consorsial, consorsiaj. - of a league or
consolà - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ cu[ng]sul'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - consulate. association. - See also the term "consortil ".
consolà - 2) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ cu[ng]sul'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. consorsié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cu[ng]sursi'e \ ) - to associate,
and nr. - consoled, comforted. to pool.
Consolà - 3) - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]sul'& \ ) Noun only sng. Title consorsiésse - vrb 1st con. recp. (pr. \ cu[ng]sursi'ese \ ) - to
of the Holy Virgin protectress of Turin. pool.
consolàbil - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]sul'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. consolàbij - consortarìa - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]surt&r'i& \ ) At plr. consortarìe.
fm. sng. and plr. consolàbij, consolàbij. - consolable. - faction, clique, junto, association. See also the term
consolant - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]sul'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. consolant - fm. "consorterìa".
sng. and plr. consolanta, consolante. - comforting, consorterìa - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]surter'i& \ ) See. consortarìa.
consoling. consortil - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]surt'il \ ) - See consorsial.
consolar - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]sul'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - consòl - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]s'ol \ ) At plr. consòj. - console.
consular. consòrsi - n. m. (pr. \ cu[ng]s'orsi \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - society,
consolassion - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]sul&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - league, association. - 2) - syndacate, union, consortium.
consolation, comfort. - 2) - joy. delight. - 3) - cartel, trust. - 4) - pool.
consolator - n. and adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]sul&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. consòrt - n. (pr. \ cu[ng]s'ort \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - consort,
consolator - fm. sng. and plr. consolatriss, consolatriss. - husband, wife.
1) - consoler, comforter (sbst.). - 2) - consoling, constatassion - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]st&t&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
comforting (adj.). 1) - ascertainment, statement. - 2) - noting, observation.
consolatòri - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]sul&t'ori \ ) Ms. plr. consolatòri - 3) - recognition, admission. - See also the term
- fm. sng. and plr. consolatòria, consolatòrie. - "costatassion".
consolatory, consoling, comforting. constaté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cu[ng]st&t'e \ ) - 1) - to
consolé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cu[ng]sul'e \ ) - 1) - to console, ascertain, to state. - 2) - to note, to observe. - 3) - to
to shoote, to comfort. - 2) - to cheer. recognize, to admit. - See also the term "costaté ".
consolésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ cu[ng]sul'ese \ ) - 1) - to consùbia - n. f. (pr. \ cuns'[ue]bi&\ ) At plr. consùbie. -
take comfort, to be comforted, to get over it. - 2) - to leather strip connecting two parts of a yoke.
cheer up., to take heart. consubrin - n. (pr. \ cuns[ue]br'i[ng] \ ) - See consobrin.
consolidàbil - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]sulid'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. consuét - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]s[ue]'et \ ) Ms. plr. consuét - fm.
consolidàbij - fm. sng. and plr. consolidàbil, consolidàbij. sng. and plr. consueta, consuete. - usual, customary,
- consolidable. ordinary. See also the terms "sòlit, abitual ".
consolidant - adj. and n. (pr. \ cu[ng]sulid'&nt \ ) - See consuetùdin - n. f. (pr. \cu[ng]s[ue]et'[ue]di[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
consolidator 1) and 2). 1) - custom, habit. - 2) - custom. law-way. - 3) - rule. -
consolidament - n. m. (pr. \ cu[ng]sulid&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - See also the terms "costuma, usansa, abitùdin".
1) - consolidation. - 2) - stregthening. See also the term consuetudinari - adj. and n. (pr. \ cu[ng]s[ue]et[ue]din'&ri \ )
"consolidassion". Ms. plr. consuetudinari - fm. sng. and plr.

consuetudinaria, consuetudinarie. - 1) - customary, consunsion - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]s[ue][ng]si'u[ng] \ ) - See
habitual (adj.). - 2) - consuetudinary (adj). - 3) - creature consonsion.
of habit (sbst.). - 4) - customary person. (sbst.). - See also consunt - adj. and n. - (pr. \ cu[ng]s'[ue]nt \ ) - See consont.
the term "abitudinari". consuntiv - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ cu[ng]s [ue]nt'iu \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
consulensa - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]s[ue]l'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. final balance, aggregate. - 2) - survey (in a fig. sense).
consulense. - advice. consuntiv - 2) - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]s[ue]nt'iu \ ) Ms. plr.
consulent - n. and adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]s[ue]l'ænt \ ) Inv. in gnd. consuntiv - fm. sng. and plr. consuntiva, consuntive. -
and nr. (Sometimes it can be found at fm. sng. and plr. final, definitive.
consulenta, consulente.). - 1) - consultant (sbst.). - 2) - consustansial - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]s[ue]st&[ng]si'&l \ ) Ms. plr.
consulting, consultant (as an attribute) (adj.). consustansiaj - fm. sng. and plr. consustansial,
consult - n. m. (pr. \ cu[ng]s'[ue]lt \ ) Inv. at plr. - consustansiaj. - consubstantial (religion).
consultation, second opinion. (usually medical). consustansialità - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]s[ue]st&[ng]si&lit'& \ )
consulta - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]s'[ue]lt& \ ) At plr. consulte. - 1) - Inv. at plr. - consubstantiality.
conference, consultation. - 2) - council. consustansiassion - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]s[ue]st&[ng]si&si'u[ng] \
consultàbil - adj. - (pr. \ cu[ng]s[ue]lt'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. ) Inv. at plr. - consubstantiation.
consultàbij - fm. sng. and plr. consultàbil, consultàbij. - cont - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ cunt \ ) - Inv. at plr. - 1) - account. - 2) -
consultable. bill, reckoning, check. - 3) - invoice. In this sense see also
consultassion - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]s[ue]lt&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. the term "fatura". - 4) - calculation, reckoning. In this
- 1) - consultation. - 2) - reference (books). - 3) - sense see also the term "càlcol". - 5) - count. In this sense
conference, meeting. - 4) - discussion. see also the terms "conta 2nd meaning, contégg". Some
consultator - n. (pr. \ cu[ng]s[ue]lt&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. ways of saying: - A) - "cont an banca , cont corent"
consultator - fm. sng. and plr. consultatriss, "bank-account, current account". - B) - "a bon cont"
consultatriss. - consultant. "anyhow". - C) - "a cont fàit" "taken all in all, all things
consulté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cu[ng]s[ue]lt'e \ ) - 1) - to considered". - D) - "fe cont ëd..." "to imagine, to
consult, to see, to advise (with). - 2) - to look up in. - 3) - suppose". - E) - "fe cont su quaidun / quaicòs" "to rely on
to refer to. - 4) - to examine. sb. / st. ". - F) - "an fin dij cont " "after all ". - G) -
consultésse - vrb 1st con. refl. and recp. (pr. \ cu[ng]s[ue]lt'ese \ "butésse për sò cont " "to set up (in business) for oneself
) - 1) - to confer (with), to seek the advice (of) (refl.) - 2) -
". - H) - "rendse cont" "to consider, to be aware". - I) -
to consult together (recp.).
"ciamé cont " "to demand an explanation (usually about
consultiv - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]s[ue]lt'iu \ ) Ms. plr. consultiv - fm.
sng. and plr. consultiva, consultive. - advisory, a behaviour)". - L - "rende cont" "to give an explanation
consultative, consultatory. (usually about a behaviour)".
consultor - n. m. (pr. \ cu[ng]s[ue]lt'ur \ ) - 1) - consultant. See cont - 2) - n. (pr. \ cunt \ ) Ms. plr. cont - fm. sng. and plr.
also the term "consultator". - 2) - consultor (religion). contëssa, contësse. - Count, Earl, Lord (vocative). See
consultòri - n. m. (pr. \ cu[ng]s[ue]lt'ori \ ) Inv. at plr. - the term "contëssa" for fm.
advisory bureau. conta... - prefix. - (pr. \ c'unt& \ ) - 1) - count..., counter of... .
consum - n. m. (pr. \ cu[ng]s'[ue]m \ ) Inv. at plr. - This prefix, when such, is used for indicating the
consumption, expenditure, use, wear. instrument able to count the events or entities expressed by
consumà - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]s[ue]m'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - the main part of the word. E. g. "contagir" is a "revolution
1) - worn out, used up. - 2) - wasted, useless. - 3) - counter", since "gir" "revolution" (in physical sense, of
consummate, accomplished. course). Another meaning of this prefix is: - 2) - ...teller.
consumàbil - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]s[ue]m'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. "contacuche" "story-teller, liar"
consumàbij - fm. sng. and plr. consumàbil, consumàbij. - conta - n. f. (pr. \ c'unt& \ ) At plr. conte. - 1) - story, tale,
consumable. narration. - 2) - reckoning, calculation, count,
consumassion - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]s[ue]m&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. computation.
- 1) - consummation. - 2) - cosumption. - 3) - contà - 1) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ cunt'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
refreshment, drink, etc. (bar). 1) - counted, numbered. - 2) - precise (in a fig. sense).
consumator - n. (pr. \ cu[ng]s[ue]m&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. contà - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ cunt'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - county. - 2) -
consumator - fm. sng. and plr. consumatriss, earldom. - 3) - territory of a Count.
consumatriss. - 1) - consumer. - 2) - customer, guest contabale - n. (pr. \ cunt&b'&le \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - story-
(bar, restaurant). teller, liar, fibber. (Slang term) - See also the terms
consumé - 1) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cu[ng]s[ue]m'e \ ) - 1) - to "busiard, contacùche, contafròtole, craca, etc.".
consume, to use, to expend, to wear out, to use up, to contàbil - adj. and n. (pr. \ cunt'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. contàbij - fm.
waste. - 2) - to get through, to dissipate. - 3) - to eat, to sng. and plr. contàbil, contàbij. - 1) - book-keeping (adj.).
consume. - 4) - to complete, to accomplish, to carry out, - 2) - accounting (adj.). - 3) - tellable, fit to be told (adj.).
to consummate, to commit. - 4) - book-keeper (sbst.). - 5) - accountant (sbst.).
consumé - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ cu[ng]s[ue]m'e \ ) - See consomé. contabilisassion - n. f. (pr. \ cunt&biliz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr.
consumésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ cu[ng]s[ue]m'ese \ ) - 1) - - computation, calculation.
to consume, to wear out, to burn out. - 2) - to long, to be contabilisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cunt&biliz'e \ ) - 1) - to
consumed. count, to compute. - 2) - to enter. (bureaucracy). - 3) - to
consumism - n. m. (pr. \ cu[ng]s[ue]m'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - reckon.
consumerism. contabilità - n. f. (pr. \ cunt&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
consumista - n. (pr. \ cu[ng]s[ue]m'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. accounting, accountancy. - 2) - book-keeping.
consumista - fm. sng. and plr. consumista, consumiste. - contacc! - excl. (pr. \ cunt'&[ch] \ ) - hell!, cripes!.
consumerist. Exclamation of annoyance or surprise, without an exact
consumìstich - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]s[ue]m'istic \ ) Ms. plr. translation in all the other languages. See also the terms
consumìstich - fm. sng. and plr. consumìstica, "contagg 2), contagion 2), contara "
consumìstiche. - consumeristic, consumer (as an contachilòmeter - n. m. (pr. \ cunt&kil'ometær \ ) - See
attribute). contachilòmetro.

contachilòmetro - n. m. (pr. \ cunt&kil'ometrô \ ) Inv. at plr. - contat - n. m. (pr. \ cunt'&t \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - contact. E. g.
1) - mileometer, odometer. In this sense see also the term "a venta polidé ij contat elétrich" "it is necessary to clean
"contapass". - 2) - speed indicator, speedometer. In this the electrical contacts". "evité 'l contat con le man"
sense see also the terms "tachìmeter, tachìmetro". "avoid the contact with hands". - 2) - contact, touch. E. g.
contacuche - n. (pr. \ cunt&c'[ue]ke \ ) - See contabale. "we'd better stay in touch " "a l'é méj ch'i stago an
contadin - n. and adj. (pr. \ cunt&d'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. contadin - contat".
fm. sng. and plr. contadin-a, contadin-e. - 1) - farmer contaté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cunt&t'e \ ) - to contact, to get
(sbst). - 2) - countryman / countrywoman (sbst). - 3) - in touch (with).
paesant (sbst). 4) - country (as an attribute) (adj.). - 5) - contatemp - n. m. (pr. \ cunt&t'æmp \ ) Inv. at plr. - timer (lit.
rustic, rural (adj.). - 6) - rough, oafish (adj.). - See also " count-time"). See also the term "contaminute". We don't
the terms "campagnin, paisan, paco, pacolin, rural, report in this little vocabulary the terms "contasecond,
rustich". contaore" having obvious meaning.
contadin - 2) - adj. (pr. \ cunt&d'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. contadin - conté - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ cunt'e \ ) - 1) - to count,
fm. sng. and plr. contadin-a, contadin-e. - to number, to enumerate, to calculate, to reckon. - 2) -
contafròtole - n. (pr. \ cunt&fr'otule \ ) - See contabale. to count out, to grudge, to dole out. E. g. "a-j conta fin-a
contagé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cunt&j'e \ ) - 1) - to infect, to le cerese ch'a mangia" " he grudges him even the
communicate (diseases). - 2) - to contaminate, to pollute. cherries he eats" - 3) - to expect. E. g. "i conto 'd rivé për
- 3) - to corrupt. See also the terms "antamné, anfeté, sin-a" " I expect to arrive for dinner". - 4) - to count, to
contaminé ". be of importance. E. g. "chièl a conta gnente" " he is of
contagg - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ cunt&j \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - no importance". - 5) - to rely, to depend on. E. g. "i conto
contagion, infection. - 2) - contagious disease. - 3) - su chièl për félo" "I rely on him for doing it". - 6) - to
epidemic. See also the terms "contagi, contagion 1),
tell. E. g. "granda, contme na stòria" "granny, tell me a
infession, anfession, epidemìa".
tale". - It uses anyway the aux. "avèj ".
contagg!- 2) - excl. (pr. \ cunt&j \ ) - See contacc!.
contegé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ cuntej'e \ ) - to count,
contagi - n. m. (pr. \ cunt'&ji \ ) - See contagg 1).
to number, to enumerate, to calculate, to reckon. It uses
contagion - 1) - (pr. \ cunt&ji'u[ng] \ ) - See contagg 1).
anyway the aux. "avèj ".
contagion - 2) - excl. (pr. \ cunt&ji'u[ng] \ ) - See contacc!.
contégg - n. m. (pr. \ cunt'ej \ ) Inv. at plr. - reckoning,
contagioné - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ cunt&jiun'e \ ) - to curse, to
calculation, computation, count.
imprecate. It uses the aux. "avèj ".
contegn - n. m. (pr. \ cunt'æ[gn] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - behaviour.
contagios - adj. (pr. \ cunt&ji'uz \ ) Ms. plr. contagios - fm.
- 2) - attitude, bearing. - 3) - dignity, reserve of
sng. and plr. contagiosa, contagiose. - contagious,
infectious, catching.
contegnos - adj. (pr. \ cunte[gn]'uz \ ) Ms. plr. contegnos - fm.
contagir - n. m. (pr. \ cunt&j'ir \ ) Inv. at plr. - revolution
sng. and plr. contegnosa, contegnose. - dignified,
counter, engine speed indicator.
reserved, demure, self-contained, grave.
contagosse - n. m. (pr. \ cunt&g'use \ ) Inv. at plr. - dropper,
contèis - adj. (pr. \ cunt'æiz \ ) Ms. plr. contèis - fm. sng. and
medicine dropper. See also the term "contastisse".
plr. contèisa, contèise. - contested, disputed, contended.
contàiner - n. m. (pr. \ cunt'&inær \ ) Inv. at plr. - container.
contèisa - n. f. (pr. \ cunt'æiz& \ ) At plr. contèise. - argument,
Word coming directly from English.
dispute, contest, contention.
contaminàbil - adj. (pr. \ cunt&min'&bil \ ) Ms. plr.
contemp (ant ël ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ &nt &l cunt'æmp \ ) -
contaminàbij - fm. sng. and plr. contaminàbil,
meanwhile, in the meantime .
contaminàbij. - contaminable.
contemplassion - n. f. (pr. \ cuntæmpl&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
contaminassion - n. f. (pr. \ cunt&min&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
contamination, infection, pollution.
contemplativ - adj. and n. (pr. \ cuntæmpl&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr.
contaminator - n. and adj. (pr. \ cunt&min&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr.
contemplativ - fm. sng. and plr. contemplativa,
contaminator - fm. sng. and plr. contaminatriss,
contemplative. - contemplative.
contaminatriss. - 1) - contaminator, polluter, corruptor
contemplator - n. and adj. - (pr. \ cuntæmpl&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr.
(sbst.). - 2) - contaminating, polluting (adj.).
contemplator - fm. sng. and plr. contemplatriss,
contaminé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cunt&min'e \ ) - 1) - to
contemplatriss. - 1) - contemplator (sbst.). - 2) -
contaminate, to infect, to pollute. - 2) - to corrupt, to
contemplative (adj.).
taint. See also the terms "antamné, contamné ".
contemplé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cuntæmpl'e \ ) - 1) - to
contaminésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ cunt&min'ese \ ) - to be
contemplate, to gaze at. - 2) - to admire.
contaminated, to be infected, to be tainted. See also the
contemporani - n. and adj. (pr. \ cuntæmpur'&ni \ ) Ms. plr.
terms "antamnésse, contamnésse ".
contemporani - fm. sng. and plr. contemporània,
contaminute - n. m. (pr. \ cunt&min'[ue]te \ ) Inv. at plr. -
contemporànie. - 1) - contemporary, contemporaneous,
timer (lit. " count-minutes"). See also the term
present-day (as an attribute) (adj.). - 2) - contemporary
(sbst.). See also the term "contemporàneo".
contamné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cunt&mn'e \ ) - See
contemporàneo - n. and adj. (pr. \ cuntæmpur'&neô \ ) - See
contamnésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ cunt&mn'ese \ ) - See
contende - vrb 2nd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ cunt'ænde \ ) - 1) - to
contend, to contest, to dispute (trs.). - 2) - to compete, to
contant - n. m. (pr. \ cunt'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. - ready money,
contend (with) (int.). - 3) - to quarrel (int.). It uses
anyway the aux. "avèj ".
contapass - n. m. (pr. \ cunt&p'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
contendent - adj. and n. . (pr. \ cuntænd'ænt \ ) Ms. plr.
odometer. In this sense see also the term
contendent - fm. sng. and plr. contendenta, contendente.
"contachilòmetro".- 2) - step-counter.
- 1) - contending (adj.). - 2) - contestant, contender
contara! - excl. (pr. \ cunt'&r& \ ) - See contacc!.
(sbst.). - 3) - litigant (sbst.).
contastisse - n. m. (pr. \ cunt&st'ise \ ) - See contagosse.
contendse - vrb 2nd con. recp. (pr. \ cunt'ændse \ ) - to
contastòrie - n. (pr. \ cunt&st'orie \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) -
compete, to rival each other, to be rivals.
story-teller. - 2) - liar. See also the term "contabale".

contenensa - n. f. - (pr. \ cunten'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. contesté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cuntest'e \ ) - 1) - to contest, to
contenense. - capacity. See also the term "contnensa". challenge, to question, to object to. - 2) - to deny. - 3) -
conteniment - n. m. (pr. \ cuntenim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - to notify. - 4) - to protest.
containment, restraint, limitation. contestual - adj. (pr. \ cuntestu'&l \ ) Ms. plr. contestuaj - fm.
contenidor - n. m. (pr. \ cuntenid'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - container. sng. and plr. contestual, contestuaj. - 1) - contextual. - 2)
See also the term "contenitor". - happening at the same time (legal).
contenitor - n. m. (pr. \ cuntenit'ur \ ) - See contenidor. contestualisassion - n. f. (pr. \ cuntestu&liz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at
contense - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ cunt'æ[ng]se \ ) - 1) - to plr. - contextualization.
contain oneself, to control oneself. - 2) - to behave, to contestualisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cuntestu&liz'e \ ) - to
take a line. This is the refl. of the vrb "conten-e " (see contextualize.
below). See also the term "contnìsse", and Grammar "Verb conteur - n. m. (pr. \ cunt'[oe]r \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - meter. E. g.
fosonant". "conteur dël gas" "gas meter". - 2) - counter. E. g.
contension - n. f. (pr. \ cuntæ[ng]si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - "conteur Geiger" " Geiger counter".
retention (medical). contëssa - n. f. (pr. \ cunt'&ss& \ ) At plr. contësse - 1) -
contensios - n. m. (pr. \ cuntæ[ng]si'uz \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - countess. - 2) - lady (vocative). Fm. of "cont 2)" (see the
contentious jurisdiction, contentious procedure. - 2) - term).
cases. continensa - n. f. (pr. \ cuntin'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. (if any)
contensios - adj. (pr. \ cuntæ[ng]si'uz \ ) Ms. plr. contensios - continense. - continence, temperance, self-restraint.
fm. sng. and plr. contensiosa, contensiose. - contentious. continent - 1) - adj. (pr. \ cuntin'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. continent - fm.
content - adj. (pr. \ cunt'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. content - fm. sng. and sng. and plr. continenta, continente. - continent,
plr. contenta, contente. - 1) - happy cheerful, glad, temperated, self-controlled.
pleased. - 2) - content, satisfied. continent - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ cuntin'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
contenta - n. f. (pr. \ cunt'ænt& \ ) At plr. contente. - 1) - continent, mainland.
consent, approval. - 2) - receipt, quittance. continental - adj. (pr. \ cuntinænt'&l \ ) Ms. plr. continentaj -
contentàbil - adj. (pr. \ cuntænt'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. contentàbij - fm. sng. and plr. continental, continentaj. - continental.
fm. sng. and plr. contentàbil, contentabij. - satisfiable. contingensa - n. f. (pr. \ cuntinjæ[ng]s& \ ) At plr.
contenté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cuntænt'e \ ) - 1) - to satisfy, to contingense. - 1) - contingency. - 2) - contingency,
please. - 2) - to give satisfaction. occasion, circumstance, event. - 3) - cost-of-living
contentésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ cuntænt'ese \ ) - to be allowance.
pleased, to be content. In Piedm. this vrb is usually used contingent - 1) - adj. (pr. \ cuntinj'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. contingent -
in the sense : "to be content just since one doesen't want fm. sng. and plr. contingenta, contingente. - contingent.
(too strongly) what he cannot have", or "to be content due contingent - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ cuntinj'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
to lack of something better". contingent (military, phylosophy). - 2) - quota, share
contentëssa - n. f. (pr. \ cuntænt'&ss& \ ) At plr. contentësse. - (economy). - 3) - conscriptable men of a given age (old
cheerfulness, happyness, joy, gladness. See also the term military service).
"argioissansa". contingentament - n. m. (pr. \ cuntinjænt&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr.
contentin - n. m. (pr. \ cuntænt'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - extra, - 1) - curtailing, curtailment (economy). - 2) - quota
bonus, sop. - 2) - good measure (ironical). system. - 3) - rationing.
conten-e - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ cunt'æ[ng]e \ ) - 1) - to contingenté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cuntinjænt'e \ ) - 1) - to
contain, to comprise, to include. - 2) - to conain, to repress, curtail (economy). - 2) - to ration.
to force back. See also the term "contnì ", and Grammar continuà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ cuntinu'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr.
"Verb fosonant". - 1) - continued. - 2) - continuous, uninterrupted.
conterani - n. and adj. (pr. \ cuntær'&ni \ ) Ms. plr. conterani - continuabil - adj. (pr. \ cuntinu'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. continuàbij -
fm. sng. and plr. conterània, conterànie. - 1) - of the fm. sng. and plr. continuàbil, continuàbij. - continuable.
same country (adj.). - 2) - fellow countryman continuament - adv. (pr. \ cuntinu&m'ænt \ ) - continuously.
(countrywoman) (sbst.). Note that in the word "tèra" and in Italianism. See also the best piedm. adv. loc. "d'un
its composed words the pronunciation of the "e" does not continuo".
follow the rule. continuassion - n. f. (pr. \ cuntinu&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
contést - n. m. (pr. \ cunt'est \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - context. - 2) - continuation.
framework. continuativ - adj. (pr. \ cuntinu&t'iu\) Ms. plr. continuativ -
contestàbil - adj. (pr. \ cuntest'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. contestàbij - fm. sng. and plr. continuativa, continuative. -
fm. sng. and plr. contestàbil, contestàbij - contestable, continuative.
challengeable, questionable. continuator - n. (pr. \ cuntinu&t'ur\) Ms. plr. continuator -
contestador - adj. and n. (pr. \ cuntest&d'ur \ ) - See fm. sng. and plr. continuatriss, continuatriss. - 1) -
contestator. continuator, continuer. - 2) - follower.
contestassion - n. f. (pr. \ cuntest&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - continué - vrb 1st con trs. and int. (pr. \ cuntinu'e \ ) - 1) to
contestation. challenge, objection. - 2) - denial. - 3) - continue, to keep on. (trs.). - 2) - to resume (trs.). - 3) - to
intimation, notification. - 4) - protest. go on, to continue (int.) - 4) - to continue, to extend, to
contestatari - adj. and n. (pr. \ cuntest&t'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. stretch on (int.). When trs. it uses the aux. "avej ". When
contestatari - fm. sng. and plr. contestatària, int. it uses the aux. "esse".
contestatàrie - 1) - protesting, protest (as an attribute) continuità - n. f. (pr. \ cuntinuit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
(adj.). - 2) - protester, protestor (sbst.). - See also the term continuity, continuousness. - 2) - continuance. - 3) -
"contestator". coherence.
contestator - n. and adj. (pr. \ cuntest&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. contìnuo - adj. (pr. \ cunt'inuô \ ) Ms. plr. continuo - fm. sng.
contestator - fm. sng. and plr. contestatriss, contestatriss. and plr. continua, continue. - 1) - continuous. - 2) -
- 1) - contestant, challenger. (sbst.). - 2) - protester, continual, everlasting, constant. - 3) - direct (electricity,
protestor (sbst.). - 3) - protesting, protest (as an attribute) referred to "current" and similar).
(adj.). contitolar - n. (pr. \ cuntitul'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - co-

contnensa - n. f. (pr. \ cuntn'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. contnense. - contrabalansé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cuntr&b&l&[ng]s'e \ ) -
capacity. See also the term "contenensa". Be careful not to counterbalance, countervail. See also the term
confuse it with "continensa", having a completely different "contrabilansé ".
meaning. contraband - n. m. (pr. \ cuntr&b'&nd \ ) Inv. at plr. -
contnì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ cuntn'i \ ) - See conten-e. smuggling, contraband.
contnìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ cuntn'ise \ ) - See contense. contrabandé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cuntr&b&nd'e \ ) - to
contnù - 1) - adj- and p. p. (pr. \ cuntn'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. contnù - smuggle, to contraband.
fm. sng. and plr. contnùa, contnùe. - 1) - contained. - 2) - contrabandié - n. and adj. (pr. \ cuntr&b&ndi'e \ ) Ms. plr.
measured, restrained. contrabandié - fm. sng. and plr. contrabandiera,
contnù - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ cuntn'[ue] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - contrabandiere. - 1) - smuggler (adj. and sbst.) - 2) -
contents. - 2) - content, subject. - 3) - substance, content, contrabandist (sbst.).
tenor. contrabass - n. m. (pr. \ cuntr&b'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
contorn - n. m. (pr. \ cunt'urn \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - contour, double bass, contrabass. - 2) - bourdon (organ register) -
outline. - 2) - edging. - 3) - side dish, vegetables See also the terms "crin-a, cron-a".
(cooking). contrabassista - n. (pr. \ cuntr&b&s'ist& \ ) Ms. plr.
contorné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cunturn'e \ ) - 1) - to edge, to contrabassista - fm. sng. and plr. contrabassista,
border. - 2) - to outline. - 3) - to surround. contrabassiste. - double-bass player.
contorsion - n. f. (pr. \ cuntursi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - contrabate - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ cuntr&b'&te \ ) - to
contortion, writhing. - 2) - involution (in a fig. sense). counter, to answer back, to confute.
contorsionism - n. m. (pr. \ cuntursiun'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - contrabilansé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cuntr&bil&[ng]s'e \ ) -
contortionism. See contrabalansé.
contorsionista - n. (pr. \ cuntursiun'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. contracambi - n. m. (pr. \ cuntr&c'&mbi \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any).
contorsionista - fm. sng. and plr. contorsionista, - return, reciprocation, excange.
contorsioniste. - contortionist. contracambié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cuntr&c&mbi'e \ ) - to
contorzù - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ cunturz'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. return, to reciprocate, to repay.
contorzù - fm. sng. and plr. contorzùa, contorzùe. - 1) - contracant - n. m. (pr. \ cuntr&c'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
twisted, contorted. - 2) - involved. - 3) - warped (wood). countermelody.
Mainly this term is the p. p. of the vrb "contòrze". See also contracàrich - n. m. (pr. \ cuntr&c'&ric \ ) Inv. at plr. -
the terms "contòrt, torzù". counterbalancing load. See also the term "contracàrigh ".
contòrt - adj. (pr. \ cunt'ort \ ) Ms. plr. contòrt - fm. sng. and contracàrigh - n. m. (pr. \ cuntr&c'&rig \ ) - See contracàrich.
plr. contòrta, contòrte. - 1) - twisted, contorted. - 2) - contracheur - adv. (pr. \ cuntr&c'[oe]r \ ) - unwillingly.
involved. - 3) - warped (wood). This term is not the p. p. contracheur (ëd ---) - adv. loc. See contracheur.
of the vrb "contòrze". See also the terms "contorzù, torzù". contracession - n. f. (pr. \ cuntr&[ch]esi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
contòrze - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ cunt'orze \ ) - to twist, to contraception.
contort, to wring. - See also the term "tòrze" contracetiv - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ cuntr&[ch]et'iu \ ) Inv. at plr. -
contòrz-se - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ cunt'orzse \ ) - to twist contraceptive.
about, to writhe, to roll about. See also the term "tòrz-se" contracetiv - 2) - adj. (pr. \ cuntr&[ch]et'iu \ ) Ms. plr.
contra - 1) - prp. and adv. (pr. \ c'untr& \ ) - 1) - against. E. g. contracetiv - fm. sng. and plr. contracetiva, contracetive.
"sossì a l'é contra le bòje" lit."this is against worms" - contraceptive, antifertility.
"this is dreadful" (idiomatic expression). - 2) - at. E. g. "a contracolp - n. m. (pr. \ cuntr&c'ulp \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
l'ha tiraje na pera contra" "he threw a stone at him". - 3) counterblow, rebound. - 2) - kick, recoil. - 3) -
- counter to, contrary to, in opposition to. E. g. "n'assion repercussion, effect, consequence (in a fig. sense).
contra le régole" "an action contrary to rules". - 4) - contracorent - 1) - adv. (pr. \ cuntr&cur'ænt \ ) -
versus (sport). - 5) - against, on (commercial). E. g. countercurrent.
"pagament contra assegn" "cash on delivery". Some contracorent - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ cuntr&cur'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
ways of saying: - A) - "contra veuja" "unwillingly". - B) - countercurrent.
"contra vent " "into the wind". - C) - "andé contra contracultura - n. f. (pr. \ cuntr&c[ue]lt'[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
contraculture. - counterculture.
corent" "to go upstream". - D) - "andé a sbate contra un
contracusa - n. f. (pr. \ cuntr&c'[ue]z& \ ) At plr. contracuse. -
paloch" " to bump into a post".
contra - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ c'untr& \ ) Inv. at plr. - con, cons, as in
contradansa - n. f. (pr. \ cuntr&d'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr.
the expression : "pros and cons" "ij pro e ij contra". contradanse. - contradance, contredanse.
contra... - 3) - prefix. (pr. \ cuntr&... \ ) - This prefix supports contradaté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cuntr&d&t'e \ ) - to redate,
the idea of "against, counter", or "anti..." but also the idea to assign a new date.
of "back, on return" and the idea of "in opposition". or "on contradì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ cuntr&d'i \ ) - to contradict, to
the other side". Of course not always this beginning has be contrary to.
the function of prefix. As usual we do not report all the contradìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl and recp. (pr. \ cuntr&d'ise \ ) -
words making use of this prefix, supposing that it is not 1) - to contradict oneself (refl.). - 2) - to contradict each
difficult to find the meaning starting from the one of the other (recp.).
main word. Examples : - A) - "contrapèis" "contra - contradission - n. f. (pr. \ cuntr&disi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
pèis" "counter - weight" "counterweight, contradiction, discrepancy. Note that the engl. term
counterbalance, counterpoise". - B) - "contraerea" "contrariness" is translated intp "spìrit ëd contradission".
"contra - aerea (artijarìa)" "anti-aircraft (artillery)". - C) contradit - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ cuntr&d'it \ ) Ms. plr. contradit
- "contabate" "contra - bate" "back - to hit" "to - fm. sng. and plr. contradita, contradite. - contradicted.
answer back (and against), to confute". Please note that this term, as a p. p., is an irregular voice
contrà - n. f. (pr. \ cuntr'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - district (of a (as all the vrbs derived from "dì " "to say, to tell".
city). - 2) - land. - 3) - street of a city. This last meaning is contraditor - n. (pr. \ cuntr&dit'ur \ ) Ms. plr. contraditor -
the most used in old Piedm. for addresses: E. g. "contrà Pò fm. sng. and plr. contraditriss, contraditriss. - opposer,
250" = "250, Pò street". contradictor.

contraditòri - 1) - adj. (pr. \ cuntr&dit'ori \ ) Ms. plr. contramarché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cuntr&m&rk'e \ ) - 1) -
contraditòri - fm. sng. and plr. contraditòria, to countermark. - 2) - to counterstamp.
contraditòrie. - contradictory, contradicting. contramiraj - n. m. (pr. \ cuntr&mir'&y \ ) Inv. at plr. - rear
contraditòri - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ cuntr&dit'ori \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - admiral.
debate. - 2) - cross-examination (legal). contrapart - n. f. (pr. \ cuntr&p'&rt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
contràe - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ cuntr'&e \ ) - 1) - to contract. - counterpart. - 2) - opposite party (legal).
2) - to contract, to acquire, to get into. - 3) - to contract, contrapartìa - n. f. (pr. \ cuntr&p&rt'i& \ ) At plr.
to make, to enter into. contrapartìe. - 1) - counterpart. - 2) - contra, set-off. - 3)
contraent - n. and adj. (pr. \ cuntr&'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. contraent - - compensation, return (in a fig. sense).
fm. sng. and plr. contraenta, contraente. - 1) - contractor contrapass - n. m. (pr. \ cuntr&p'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. -
(sbst.). - 2) - contracting (adj.). retaliation, requital.
contraérea - n. f. (pr. \ cuntr&'ere& \ ) At plr. contraeree. - contrapé - n. m. (pr. \ cuntr&p'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
anti-aircraft artillery. counterattack (football). -2) - wrong footing (tennis)
contraéreo - adj. (pr. \ cuntr&'ereô \ ) Ms. plr. contraereo - contrapedal - n. m. (pr. \ cuntr&ped'&l \ ) At plr.
fm. sng. and plr. contraerea, contraeree. - anti-aircrafr contrapedaj. - coaster brake.
(as an attribute). contrapèil - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ cuntr&p'æil \ ) At plr. contrapeij. -
contrafagòt - n. m. (pr. \ cuntr&f&g'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - double shaving against the hair, the wrong way.
bassoon, contrabassoon. contrapèil - 2) - adv. (pr. \ cuntr&p'æil \ ) - in the wrong way.
contrafàit - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ cuntr&f'&it \ ) Ms. plr. contrapèis - n. m. (pr. \ cuntr&p'æiz \ ) Inv. at plr. -
contrafàit - fm. sng. and plr. contrafàita, contrafàite. - 1) counterpoise, counterbalance, counterweight.
- counterfeit, false, mock. - 2) - counterfeit, forged, contrapendensa - n. f. (pr. \ cuntr&pænd'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr.
adulterated. contrapendense. - reverse gradient, counterslope.
contrafassion - n. f. (pr. \ cuntr&f&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - contrapodèj - n. m. (pr. \ cuntr&pud'æy \ ) Inv. at plr. -
imitation. - 2) - counterfeiting, counterfeit, falsification, counterpower.
forgery. - 3) - adulteration. contraponse - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ cuntr&p'u[ng]se \ ) - to
contrafator - n. (pr. \ cuntr&f&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. contrafator - oppose, to contrast. This term is the refl. form of the vrb
fm. sng. and plr. contrafatriss, contrafatriss. - 1) - "contapon-e" (see below).
imitator. - 2) - counterfeiter, forger, falsifier. - 3) - contrapont - n. m. (pr. \ cuntr&p'unt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
adulterator. counterpoint, contrapunto (music).
contrafé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cuntr&f'e \ ) - 1) - to contraponta - n. f. (pr. \ cuntr&p'unt& \ ) At plr. contraponte.
counterfeit, to forge, to falsify. - 2) - to imitate. - 3) - to - footstock, tailstock (technique).
mimic, to copycat. contrapon-e - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ cuntr&p'u[ng]e \ ) - 1) - to
contrafigura - n. f. (pr. \ cuntr&fig'[ue]r&\) At plr. oppose, to counter. - 2) - to compare, to match.
contrafigure. - stand-in, double, stunt man (cinema). contraposission - n. f. (pr. \ cuntr&puzisi'u[ng] \ ) - Inv. at plr.
contrafilet - n. m. (pr. \ cuntr&fil'æt \) Inv. at plr. - sirloin, - contrast, contraposition, juxtaposition.
fillet (cooking). contrapòrta - n. f. (pr. \ cuntr&p'ort& \ ) At plr. contrapòrte. -
contrafirmé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cuntr&firm'e \ ) - second door, inner door, outer door.
countersign. contrapòst - adj. and n. (pr. \ cuntr&p'ost \ ) Ms. plr.
contrafnestra - n. f. (pr. \ cuntr&fn'estr& \ ) At plr. contrapòst - fm. sng. and plr. contrapòsta, contrapòste. -
contrafnestre. - double window, outer window, storm opposite, contrary. This term is not also p. p. of the verb
window. "contrapon-e", which is instead "contraponù ".
contrafond - n. m. (pr. \ cuntr&f'und \ ) Inv. at plr. - false contrapreuva - n. f. (pr. \ cuntr&pr'[oe]v& \ ) At plr.
bottom. See also the term "dobifond ". contrapreuve. - 1) - double check, countercheck - 2) -
contrafornél n. m. ( pr. \ cuntr&furn'el \ ) Inv. at plr. - counterevidence, counterproof (legal). Also in the
chimney-board, fire-board. See also the term spelling "contra preuva".
"parafornél ". contraproducent - adj. (pr. \ cuntr&prud[ue][ch]'ænt \ ) Ms.
contrafòrt - n. m. (pr. \ cuntr&f'ort \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - plr. contraproducent - fm. sng. and plr.
buttress, counterfort (architecture). - 2) - spur contraproducenta, contraproducente. -
(geography). counterproductive, having the opposite effect.
contrafòss - n. m. (pr. \ cuntr&f'os \ ) Inv. at plr. - contrapropòsta - n. f. (pr. \ cuntr&prup'ost& \ ) At plr.
countertrench, counterditch. contrapropòste. - counterproposition, counterproposal.
contraindicassion - n. f. (pr. \ cuntr&indic&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at contrareassion - n. f. (pr. \ cuntr&reasi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
plr. - contraindication. negative feedback.
contraindiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cuntr&indik'e \ ) - to contrargin - n. m. (pr. \ cuntr'&rji[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
contraindicate. counterdike.
contralt - n. m. (pr. \ cuntr'&lt \ ) Inv. at plr. - contralto contrari - 1) - adj. (pr. \ cuntr'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. contrari - fm.
(music). See also the term "contràut". sng. and plr. contrària, contràrie. - 1) - contrary,
contralus - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ cuntr&l'[ue]z \ ) Inv. at plr. - opposite. - 2) - unfavourable, adverse. - 3) - unwilling,
backlighted photograph. reluctant, averse.
contralus - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ cuntr&l'[ue]z \ ) Inv. at plr. - contrari - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ cuntr'&ri \ ) Inv. at plr. - contrary,
backlighting (cinema). opposite.
contralus - 3) - adv. (pr. \ cuntr&l'[ue]z \ ) - 1) - in a bad light. contrarié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cuntr'&ri \ ) - 1) - to cross, to
- 2) - against the light. - 3) - with backlighting. thwart, to oppose. - 2) - to put out, to vex, to annoy, to
contraman - adv. - (pr. \ cuntr&m'&[ng] \ ) - in the wrong irritate. - 3) - to contradict.
direction, on the wrong side of the road. contrarotaja - n. f. (pr. \ cuntr&rut'&j& \ ) At plr.
contramarca - n. f. (pr. \ cuntr&m'&rc& \ ) At plr. contrarotaje. - guardrail, checkrail (railways).
contramarche. - 1) - countermark. - 2) - pass-out check. contrassegn - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ cuntr&s'æ[gn] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1)
- 3) - counterstamp. - countermark, countersign. - 2) - token. - 3) - badge. -
4) - marking.

contrassegn - 2) - adv. (pr. \ cuntr&s'æ[gn] \ ) - on delivery contribut - n. m. (pr. \ cuntrib'[ue]t \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
(referred to payment by cash). contribution, tax, levy. - 2) - notes (in academic papers). -
contrassegné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cuntr&se[gn]'e \ ) - 1) - to 3) - social-insurance taxes (paid by an employes). - 4) -
mark, to check, to countermark. - 2) - to label. - 3) - to levy (for public expenses).
colour-code (technique, wires in a telephone cable, value contributiv - adj. - (pr. \ cuntrib[ue]t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. contrivutiv
of resistors, etc.). - fm. sng. and plr. contributiva, contributive. -
contrassens - n. m. (pr. \ cuntr&s'æ[ng]s \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - contributing, contributive, contributory.
contradiction in terms. - 2) - nonsense. contributor - n. (pr. \ cuntrib[ue]t'ur \ ) - See contribuent.
contrassion - n. f. (pr. \ cuntr&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - contrission - n. f. (pr. \ cuntrisi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
contraction (general, anatomy). - 2) - drop, shrinkage, contrition. See also the term "pentiment ".
decline, fall-off (economy). contristé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cuntrist'e \ ) - to sadden, to
contrast - n. m. (pr. \ cuntr'&st \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - contrast. - distress, to make (sb.) sad, to grieve.
2) - conflict. - 3) - wrangle, dispute. - 4) - tackle (sport contristésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ cuntrist'ese \ ) - to be
football). - 5) - disputation in verse, "contrasto" distresseds, to grieve.
(literature). contrit - adj. (pr. \ cuntr'it \ ) Ms. plr. contrit - fm. sng. and plr.
contrastant - adj. (pr. \ cuntr&st'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. contrastant - contrita, contrite. - contrite, penitent, remorseful.
fm. sng. and plr. contrastanta, contrastante. - controfensiva - n. f. (pr. \ cuntrufæ[ng]s'iv& \ ) At plr.
contrasting. controfensive. - counteroffensive.
contrasté - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. - (pr. \ cuntr&st'e \ ) - 1) - controfirma - n. f. (pr. \ cuntruf'irm& \ ) At plr. controfirme. -
to impede, to oppose (trs.). - 2) - to resist (trs.). - 3) - to countersignature.
dispute (trs.). - 4) - to contrast (with) (int.). It uses always controlàbil - adj. (pr. \ cuntrul'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. controlàbij -
the aux. "avèj ". fm. sng. and plr. controlàbil, controlàbij. - controllable,
contrat - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ cuntr'&t \ ) Inv. at plr. - contract, checkable, verifiable.
agreement. controlé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cuntrul'e \ ) - to check, to
contrat - 2) - adj. (pr. \ cuntr'&t \ ) Ms. plr. contrat - fm. sng. verify, to control, to examine, to inspect. - 2) - to control, to
and plr. contrata, contrate. - 1) - contracted. - 2) - syndicate. - 3) - to audit. - 4) - to mark (sport).
shrunk. controlésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ cuntrul'ese \ ) - to control
contratemp - n. m. (pr. \ cuntr&t'æmp \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - oneself, to have self-control.
contretemps, setback, mishap, hitch. - 2) - syncopation, controlor - n. (pr. \ cuntrul'ur \ ) Usually ms., used as inv. in
contretemps (music). gnd. and nr. It is possible (but not probable) to find for fm.
contratual - adj. (pr. \ cuntr&tu'&l \ ) Ms. plr. contratuaj - fm. sng. and plr. controlòira, controlòire, or controlora,
sng. and plr. contratual, contratuaj. - contractual, controlore. - 1) - controller, inspector, supervisor. See
pertaining to a contract. also the terms "ispetor, supervisor". - 2) - auditor (book-
contratura - n. f. (pr. \ cuntr&t'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. contrature. - keeping). - 3) - ticket-collector, guard, conductor.
contracture (medical). contrordin - n. m. (pr. \ cuntr'urdi[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
contràut - n. m. (pr. \ cuntr'&ut \ ) - See contralt. counterorder, countermand.
contrautar - n. m. (pr. \ cuntr&ut'&r \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - altar controvers - adj. (pr. \ cuntruv'ærs \ ) Ms. plr. controvers - fm.
in front of another (lit., not very used) - 2) - sng. and plr. controversa, controverse. - discussed,
counterattraction, rival show (in a fig. sense). controversial, disputed.
contravalor - n. m. (pr. \ cuntr&v&l'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - controvèrsia - n. f. (pr. \ cuntruv'ærsi& \ ) At plr.
equivalent. - 2) - excange value (economy). controvèrsie. - 1) - controversy, dispute, debate,
contravéder - n. m. (pr. \ cuntr&v'edær \ ) Inv. at plr. - double contention, contest. - 2) - litigation (legal).
glass, double window. See also the term "contrafnestra". contròl - n. m. (pr. \ cuntr'ol \ ) At plr. contròj. - 1) - check,
contravelen - n. m. (pr. \ cuntr&vel'æ[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - verification, examination, control, test. - 2) - control,
antidote. control apparatus, controls. - 3) - audit, auditing (book-
contravension - n. f. (pr. \ cuntr&væ[ng]si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. keeping).
- 1) - transgression, contravention, infringement, contròler - n. m. (pr. \ cuntr'olær \ ) Inv. at plr. - control
violation. - 2) - fine. apparatus, controller.
contravent - 1) - adv. (pr. \ cuntr&v'ænt \ ) - 1) - into the contunde - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ cunt'[ue]nde \ ) - to bruise, to
wind, against the wind, windward, on the wind. - 2) - contuse.
facing the wind, in teeth of the wind. contundent - adj. (pr. \ cunt[ue]nd'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. contundent
contravent - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ cuntr&v'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - wind- - fm. sng. and plr. contundenta, contundente. - blunt.
brace. (buildings). See also the term "contraventadura". conturbament - n. m. (pr. \ cunt[ue]rb&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
contraventadura - n. f. (pr. \ cuntr&vænt&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. 1) - perturbation, agitation, excitement. - 2) - anxiety. -
contraventadure. - 1) - wind bracing. - 2) - bracing. See also the term "conturbassion".
contraventor - n. m. (pr. \ cuntr&vænt'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - conturbant - adj. (pr. \ cunt[ue]rb'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. conturbant
transgressor, infringer, offender. - fm. sng. and plr. conturbanta, conturbante. - 1) -
contraveuja - adv. - (pr. \ cuntr&v'[oe]y& \ ) - unwillingly. perturbing. - 2) - exciting.
See also the term "malvolenté ". conturbassion - n. f. (pr. \ cunt[ue]rb&si'u[ng] \ ) - See
contravnì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ cuntr&vn'i \ ) - to transgress, conturbament.
to contravene, to infringe, to violate. It uses the aux. conturbator - n. (pr. \ cunt[ue]rb&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. conturbator
"avèj ". - fm. sng. and plr. conturbatriss, conturbatriss. -
contribuent - n. (pr. \ cuntrib[ue]'ænt \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - perturbator / perturbatrix.
1) - contributor. - 2) - taxpayer, ratepayer. conturbé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cunt[ue]rb'e \ ) - to perturb,
contribuì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ cuntrib[ue]'i \ ) - 1) - to to upset, to disturb.
contribute. - 2) - to take part in. - 3) - to share, to pay conturbésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ cunt[ue]rb'ese \ ) - to get
one's share. - 4) - to help. - It uses the aux. "avèj ". upset, to be disturbed.
contribussion - n. f. (pr. \ cuntrib[ue]si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - contus - adj. and n. (pr. \ cunt'[ue]z \ ) Ms. plr. contus - fm.
contribution. sng. and plr. contusa, contuse. - 1) - bruised, contused

(adj.). - 2) - bruised person, person suffering from conventìcol - n. m. (pr. \ cu[ng]vænt'icol \ ) At plr. conventìcoj
contusions (sbst.). - furtive gathering, secret meeting, conventicle. See also
contusion - n. f. (pr. \ cunt[ue]zi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - bruise, the terms "consiliàbol, conciliabol, conventìcola".
contusion. conventìcola - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]vænt'icol& \ ) - See
contut - cng. (pr. \ cunt'[ue]t \ ) - although, though. Usually in conventìcol.
the form "contut che...". E. g. "contut ch'a l'abia studià conventual - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]væntu'&l \ ) Ms. plr. conventuaj
tant, a capiss gnente" = "although he studied a lot, he - fm. sng. and plr. conventual, conventuaj. - conventual,
doesen't understand anything". convent (as an attribute).
contut che - cng. (pr. \ cunt'[ue]t k'e \ ) - See contut. convenù - adj. and p, p, and n. (pr. \ cu[ng]ven'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr.
con tut lòn - cng. loc. and prp. loc. - (pr. \ cu[ng] t'[ue]t l'o[ng] convenù - fm. sng. and plr. convenùa, convenùe. - 1) -
\ ) - in spite of that, even though, nevertheless, however. agreed (adj.). - 2) - agreement, settlement (sbst.). - 3) -
convalessensa - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]v&les'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. defendant (legal) (sbst.). - 4) - the presents, who has
convalessense. - convalescence (medical). come. (plr.). (sbst.). - See also the term "convnù".
convalessensiari - n. m. (pr. \ cunv&lesæ[ng]si'&ri \ ) Inv. at conven-e - vrb 2nd con. int. and trs. - (pr. \ cu[ng]v'æ[ng]e \ ) -
plr. - nursing home, convalescent home, rest home 1) - to be necessary, must, to be better (int. dfc. imp. and
(medical). prs.). In this case it uses the aux. "esse". - 2) - to come
convalessent - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]v&les'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. together, to gather. In this case it uses the aux. "esse". - 3)
convalessent - fm. sng. and plr. convalessensa, - to agree (int.). In this case it uses the aux. "avèj". - 4) - to
convalessense. - convalescent. allow, to grant, to admit (int.). In this case it uses the aux.
convàlida - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]v'&lid& \ ) At plr. convàlide. - 1) "avèj". - 5) - to suit (int.). In this case it uses the aux.
- corroboration, confirmation. - 2) - ratification. - 3) - "esse". - 6) - to agree upon. (trs.). It uses the aux. "avèj ". -
validation. See also the term "convalidassion". 7) - to summon (legal) (trs.). It uses the aux. "avèj ". See
convalidament - n. m. (pr. \ cu[ng]v&lid&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. also the term "convnì".
- validation. converge - vrb 2nd con. int. (pr. \ cu[ng]v'ærje \ ) - to converge,
convalidassion - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]v&lid&si'u[ng] \ ) - See to draw together. It uses the aux. "esse".
convàlida. convergensa - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]værj'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr.
convalidé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cu[ng]v&lid'e \ ) - 1) - to bear convergense. - convergence.
out, to strenghten, to confirm, to corroborate. - 2) - to convergent - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]værj'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. convergent
make valid, to confirm, to ratify. - 3) - to validate, to - fm. sng. and plr. convergenta, convergente. -
confirm, to affirm, to sanction. converging, convergent.
convegn - n. m. (pr. \ cu[ng]v'æ[gn] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - convers - n. m. (pr. \ cu[ng]v'ærs \ ) Inv. at plr. - lay brother.
meeting, conference, convention, congress. - 2) - conversa - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]v'ærs& \ ) At plr. converse. - 1) -
appointment, rendezvous. - 3) - meeting place. lay sister. - 2) - valley (building).
convenévoj - n. m. plr. (pr. \ cu[ng]ven'evuj \ ) Only plr. - conversassion - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]værs&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
polite remarks, conventional compliments, greetings. 1) - conversation, talk, interview. - 2) - (telephone) call.
conveniensa - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]veni'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. conversé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ cu[ng]værs'e \ ) - to converse,
conveniense. - - 1) - convenience, suitability, fitness. - 2) to talk.
- propriety. - 3) - moderateness, cheapness. - 4) - conversion - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]værsi'u[ng] \ ) - 1) - conversion.
expediency, advantage, convenience. - 2) - wheeling movement (military). - 3) - U-turn (cars).
conveniense - n. f. plr. (pr. \ cu[ng]veni'æ[ng]se \ ) Only plr. - converson - n. m. (pr. \ cu[ng]værs'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - ridge
rules of social behaviour, social conventions. tile.
convenient - adj. (pr. \ cunveni'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. convenient - converte - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ cu[ng]v'ærte \ ) - 1) - to
fm. sng. and plr. convenienta, conveniente. - 1) - suitable, change, to turn. - 2) - to convert. - See also the term
fitting, convenient. - 2) - proper, decorous. - 3) - "convertì 1)". (See also grammar "Verb fosonant ").
moderate, low, cheap (price). - 4) - expedient. convertì - 1) - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ cu[ng]vært'i \ ) - See
convension - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]ve[ng]si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) converte.
- agreement, covenant, convention, provision. - 2) - convertì - 2) - adj. and n. and p. p. (pr. \ cu[ng]vært'i \ ) Ms.
convention. plr. convertì - fm. sng. and plr. convertìa, convertìe. - 1)
convensional - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]ve[ng]siun'&l \ ) Ms. plr. - convert (sbst.). - 2) - converted (adj. and p. p.).
convensionaj - fm. sng. and plr. convensional, convertìbil - 1) - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]vært'ibil \ ) Ms. plr.
convensionaj. - conventional. convertìbij - fm. sng. and plr. convertìbil, convertìbij. -
convensionalista - n. (pr. \ cu[ng]ve[ng]siun&l'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. convertible.
convensionalista - fm. sng. and plr. convensionalista, convertìbil - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]vært'ibil \ ) At plr.
convensionaliste. - conventionalist. convertìbij - convertible car.
convensionalità - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]ve[ng]siun&lit'& \ ) Inv. at convertibilità - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]værtibilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
plr. - conventionality. convertibility.
convensionalment - adv. (pr. \ cu[ng]ve[ng]siun&lm'ænt \ ) - convertìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ cu[ng]vært'ise \ ) - See
conventionally. Italianism sometimes used. See also the convertse.
most correct adv. loc. "an manera convensional". convertitor - n. m. and adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]værtit'ur \ ) Ms. plr.
convensioné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cu[ng]ve[ng]siun'e \ ) - to convertitor - fm. sng. and plr. convertitriss, convertitriss.
reach an agreement on, to settle, to arrange. - 1) - converter (person - sbst.). - 2) - converter,
convensionésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ cu[ng]ve[ng]siun'ese \ ) convertor (device - sbst.). - 2) - converter (adj. as an
- to settle, to reach an agreement (referred to oneself). attribute).
convent - n. m. (pr. \ cu[ng]v'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - convent, convertitriss - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]værtitr'is \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
nunnery, monastery. There is a piedm. way of saying : frequency converter tube. Superheterodyne receivers in
"frà an convent e monio an monasté" lit."friars in the old radio technique (vacuum tubes). - 2) - Sometime
convent and monks in monastery" whose meaning is "each this term is used for a conversion (electrical) machine.
one has to stay in his own house, each one has to do his convertse - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ cu[ng]v'ærtse \ ) - 1) - to
own job and not others". change. - 2) - to be converted.

convéss - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]v'es \ ) Ms. plr. convéss - fm. sng. convolé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ cu[ng]vul'e \ ) - 1) - lit. meaning
and plr. convéssa, convésse. - convex. See also the terms to fly together (not used in this sense). - 2) - in the loc.
"angombà, gombà, bombù". "convolé a nòsse" it means "to get married ". It uses the
convession - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]vesi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). aux. "esse".
- convection (physics). convuls - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]v'[ue]ls \ )
convessità - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]vesit'& \ ) - Inv. at plr. - convulsion - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]v[ue]lsi'u[ng] \ )
convexity. See also the term "gombura". convulsionari - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]v[ue]lsiun'&ri \ )
convetiv - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]vet'iu \ ) Ms. plr. convetiv - fm. sng. convulsiv - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]v[ue]ls'iu \ )
and plr. convetiva, convetive. - convective (physics). conzebia - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]z'ebi& \ ) - See congéria.
convetor - n. m. (pr. \ cu[ng]vet'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - convector. conzëbbia - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]z'&bbi& \ ) - See congéria.
conveuj - n. m. (pr. \ cu[ng]v'[oe]y \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - convoy, conzubia - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]z'[ue]bi& \ ) - See congéria.
escort. - 2) - train (railway). con-nassional - n. and adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]n&siun'&l \ ) - Ms. plr.
convì - n. m. (pr. \ cu[ng]v'i \ ) - See convit 1st meaning. con-nassionaj - fm. sng. and plr. con-nassional, con-
convince - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ cu[ng]v'in[ch]e \ ) - to nassionaj. - 1) - of the same nationality (adj.) - 2) - fellow
convince, to persuade. countryman / countrywoman (sbst.). See also the term
convincc-se - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ cu[ng]v'in[ch]se \ ) - to "con-nassional ".
convince oneself, to become convinced. To be noted the con-natural - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]n&t[ue]r'&l \ ) Ms. plr.
particular spelling. conaturaj - fm. sng. and plr. conatural, conaturaj. -
convincent - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]vin[ch]'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. connatural. See also the term "conatural".
convincent - fm. sng. and plr. convincenta, convincente. - con-naturé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cu[ng]n&t[ue]r'e \ ) - to
1) - convincing. - 2) - satisfactory. make connatural. See also the term "conaturé".
convonciment - n. m. (pr. \ cu[ng]vin[ch]im'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. con-naturésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ cu[ng]n&t[ue]r'ese \ ) -
- 1) - convincement. - 2) - conviction, persuasion, belief. to become second nature, to become natural. See also
convinsion - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]vi[ng]si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - the term "conaturésse".
belief, conviction, persuasion. cooperassion - n. f. (pr. \ cuuper&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
convint - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]v'int \ ) Ms. plr. convint - fm. sng. cooperation, collaboration.
and plr. convinta, convinte. - 1) - convinced, persuaded. - cooperativ - adj. (pr. \ cuuper&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. cooperativ - fm.
2) - convicted. This term is not also the p. p. of the verb sng. and plr. cooperativa, cooperative. - cooperative.
"convince", which is instead "convinciù ". cooperativa - n. f. (pr. \ cuuper&t'iv& \ ) At plr. cooperative. -
convit - n. m. (pr. \ cu[ng]v'it \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - banquet. In cooperative, co-op, coop (economy). - See also the term
this meaning see also the terms "convì, banchet ". - 2) - "coperativa".
boarding school. cooperativism - n. m. (pr. \ cuuper&tiv'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. -
convità - n. (pr. \ cu[ng]vit'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - guest (at cooperativism.
a banquet, etc.). cooperativìstich - adj. (pr. \ cuuper&tiv'istic \ ) Ms. plr.
convité - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cu[ng]vit'e \ ) - to invite (to cooperativìstich - fm. sng. and plr. cooperativìstica,
dinner, to a banquet, etc.) - See also the loc. "anvité a disné, cooperativìstiche. - cooperativistic.
anvité a sin-a, etc.). cooperator - n. (pr. \ cuuper&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. cooperator - fm.
convitor - n. (pr. \ cu[ng]vit'ur \ ) Ms. plr. convitor - fm. sng. sng. and plr. cooperatriss, cooperatriss. - 1) - cooperator,
and plr. convitriss, convitriss. - boarder, pupil of a collaborator. - 2) - coadjutor (religion).
boarding school. cooperé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ cuuper'e \ ) - to cooperate, to
convive - vrb 2nd con. int. (pr. \ cu[ng]v'ive \ ) - 1) - to live collaborate.
together. - 2) - to cohabit. It uses the aux. "avèj ". cooptassion - n. f. (pr. \ cuupt&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
convivensa - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]viv'æ[ng]s&\) At plr. cooptation, cooption.
convivense. - 1) - living together. - 2) - cohabitation. coopté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cuupt'e \ ) - to coopt.
convivent - n. and adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]viv'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. coordinà - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ cuurdin'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - coordinate
convivent - fm. sng. and plr. conviventa, convivente. - 1) - (E. g. "Cartesian coordinates" "coordinà cartesian-e").
living together (adj.). - 2) - cohabitant (sbst.). coordinà - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ cuurdin'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - suit,
convivi - n. m. (pr. \ cu[ng]v'ivi \ ) Inv. at plr. - banquet. outfit. - 2) - matching set (in general).
convivial - adj. (pr. \ cu[ng]vivi'&l \ ) Ms. plr. conviviaj - fm. coordinà - 3) - adj. (pr. \ cuurdin'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
sng. and plr. convivial, conviviaj. - convivial. coordinate, coordinated, connected.
convnì - vrb 2nd con. int. and trs. - (pr. \ cu[ng]vn'i \ ) - See coordinament - n. m. (pr. \ cuurdin&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
conven-e. coordination, coordinating.
convnù - adj. and p, p, and n. (pr. \ cu[ng]vn'[ue] \ ) - See coordinassion - n. f. (pr. \ cuurdin&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
convenù. coordination.
convocà - adj. and n. and p. p. (pr. \ cu[ng]vuc'& \ ) Inv. in coordinator - n. and adj. (pr. \ cuurdin&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr.
gnd. and nr. - summoned, convoked, called. coordinator - fm. sng. and plr. coordinatriss,
convocassion - n. f. (pr. \ cu[ng]vuc&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) coordinatriss. - 1) - coordinator (sbst.). - 2) -
- convocation, summons. - 2) - meeting. coordinating (adj.).
convoché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cu[ng]vuk'e \ ) - 1) - to coordiné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cuurdin'e \ ) - 1) - to
summon, to send for. - 2) - to convoke, to convene a coordinate. - 2) - to connect.
meeting of. cop - n. m. (pr. \ cup \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - tile, pantile
convojador - n. m. (pr. \ cu[ng]vuy&d'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - (building). See also the terms "converson, copon" - 2) - old
conveyor. See also the term "convojator". measure of volume (about 3 litres).
convojament - n. m. (pr. \ cu[ng]vuy&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - copa - n. f. (pr. \ c'up& \ ) At plr. cope. - 1) - goblet, compote.
carriage, conveyance. - 2) - calix, chalice. - 3) - cup, trophy (sport) - 4) - cup (in
convojator - n. m. (pr. \ cu[ng]vuy&t'ur \ ) - See convojador. general for what has that shape). - 5) - pan, sump
convojé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cu[ng]vuy'e \ ) - 1) - to carry, (mechanics - cars, in the loc. "copa dl'euli" "pan, sump").
to convey. - 2) - to pipe. - 3) - to escort, to convoy. - 4) - - 6) - nape. In this meaning see also the terms "cupiss,
to divert, to converge, to direct.

copòt, copet, copin". - 7) - "coppa" a type of pork sausage, coprodutor - n. (pr. \ cuprud[ue]t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. coprodutor -
and a part of veal meat. fm. sng. and plr. coprodutriss, coprodutriss. - co-
copà - n. f. (pr. \ cup'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - glassful, gobletful. producer.
- 2) - cutting of the cards (card plays) copulassion - n. f. (pr. \ cup[ue]l&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
copatà - n. f. (pr. \ cup&t'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - round of drinks, copulation.
drinking party. copulativ - adj. (pr. \ cup[ue]l&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. copulativ - fm.
copaté - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ cup&t'e \ ) - to drink (wines). It sng. and plr. copulativa, copulative. - copulative.
uses the aux. "avèj ". corà - n. f. (pr. \ cur'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - heart lungs and
copé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cup'e \ ) - 1) - to beat to death, to kidneys of butchered animals.
knock on the head, to kill. - 2) - to cut cards (card plays) coradela - n. f. (pr. \ cur&d'el& \ ) At plr. coradele. - pluck,
- 3) - to pollard, to top and lop, to cut branches to trees liver and entrails of butchered animals.
(agriculture). coradin-a - n. f. (pr. \ cur&d'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. coradin-e. -
copela - n. f. (pr. \ cup'el& \ ) At plr. copele. - cupel, test. little run, short running.
coperativa - (pr. \ cuper&t'iv& \ ) - See cooperativa. coragi - n. m. (pr. \ cur'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - bravery,
copet - n. m. (pr. \ cup'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - bottom of a fearlessness, courage., fortitude. - 2) - nerve, face,
female cap. - 2) - nape. In this meaning see also the term effrontery. Some ways of saying : - A) - "fésse coragi"
"copa 6th meaning". - See also the term "copòt ". "to screw up one's courage". - B) - "perdse 'd coragi" "to
copëtta - n. f. (pr. \ cup'&tt& \ ) At plr. copëtte. - 1) - little cup. lose heart ". - C) - "fé coragi a quaidun" "to comfort sb.
- 2) - cupping glass (medical). - 3) - lamp-shade (with a ".
shape of cap). coragios - adj. (pr. \ cur&ji'uz \ ) Ms. plr. coragios - fm. sng.
copiador - n. (pr. \ cupi&d'ur \ ) - See copiator. and plr. coragiosa, coragiose. - brave, corageous,
copiadura - n. f. (pr. \ cupi&d'[ue]r& \ ) - See copiatura. fearless, daring, valiant, gallant.
copiativ - adj. (pr. \ cupi&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. copiativ - fm. sng. coral - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ cur'&l \ ) At plr. coraj. - 1) - coral
and plr. copiativa, copiative. - copying, indelible. hymn, anthem, anthem book (music). - 2) - coral
copiator - n. (pr. \ cupi&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. copiator - fm. sng. and (jewelry).
plr. copiatriss, copiatriss. - 1) - imitator. In this sense see coral - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ cur'&l \ ) At plr. coraj. - choir, singing
also the terms "imitador, imitator". - 2) - copyst, copier, academy.
typist. In this sense see also the term "copista". coral - 3) - adj. (pr. \ cur'&l \ ) Ms. plr. coraj - fm. sng. and plr.
copiatriss - n. f. (pr. \ cupi&tr'is \ ) Inv. at plr. - copying coral, coraj. - 1) - coral. - 2) - unanimous.
machine. coralin - adj. (pr. \ cur&l'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. coralin - fm. sng.
copiatura - n. f. (pr. \ cupi&t'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. copiature. - 1) - and plr. coralin-a, coralin-e. - 1) - coral (as an attribute). -
copying. - 2) - copy. - 3) - imitation. - 4) - crib (school). 2) - coralline.
See alsoi the term "copiadura". coram - n. m. (pr. \ cur'&m \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - 1) -
copié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cupi'e \ ) - 1) - to copy. - 2) - to leather. - 2) - stamped leather. See also the term "cheuir".
imitate. - 3) - to transcribe. - 4) - to crib (school). - 5) - to coramela - n. f. (pr. \ cur&m'el& \ ) At plr. coramele. - razor
mimic. - See also the term "tracopié " in the meaning of strap, strop.
"to copy by transparency". Coran - n. m. (pr. \ cur'&[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - Koran.
copija - n. f. (pr. \ cup'iy& \ ) At plr. copije. - cotter, cotter corànich - adj. (pr. \ cur'&nic \ ) Ms. plr. corànich - fm. sng.
pin (mechanics). - See the most used term "cupija". and plr. corànica, coràniche. - Koranic.
copin - n. m. (pr. \ cup'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - small dish, small corassa - n. f. (pr. \ cur'&s& \ ) At plr. corasse. - 1) - cuirass,
cup, small bowl for melting colours. body armour. - 2) - cuirass, carapace , shell (zoology). -
copion - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ cupi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - prompt 3) - armour plating. - 4) - fencing jacket, chest
copy, promptbook (theatre). - 2) - script (cinema). protector, etc.
copion - 2) - n. (pr. \ cupi'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. copion - fm. sng. corassà - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ cur&s'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - battleship.
and plr. copion-a, copion-e. - a person who usually cribs. corassà - 2) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ cur&s'& \ ) Inv. in gmd. and
copista - n. (pr. \ cup'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. copista - fm. sng. and nr. - armour-plated.
plr. copista, copiste. - copyst, copier, typist. corassadura - n. f. . (pr. \ cur&s&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
copistarìa - n. f. (pr. \ cupist&r'i& \ ) At plr. copistarìe. - corassadure. - armour-plating.
copying office, copying agency. See also the term corassé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cur&s'e \ ) - 1) - to equip with
"copisterìa". armour, to armour. - 2) - to strengthen, to fortify. - 3) -
copisterìa - n. f. (pr. \ cupister'i& \ ) - See copistarìa. to plate. - 4) - to harden.
copolin - n. m. (pr. \ cupul'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - small dome, corassésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ cur&s'ese \ ) - to armour
small cupola. See also the most used term "cupolin". oneself, to protect oneself.
copolù - adj. (pr. \ cupul'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. copolù - fm. sng. and corassié - n. m. (pr. \ cur&si'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - cuirassier
plr. copolùa, copolùe. - with a dome, having a dome. See (military).
also the most used term "cupolù ". corasson - n. m. (pr. \ cur&s'u[ng] \ ) Inv at plr. - kind-heart
copon - n. m. (pr. \ cup'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - coupon. In corba - n. f. (pr. \ c'urb& \ ) At plr corbe. - curb (animals).
this meaning see also the term "cédola". - 2) - ridge tile, corbèj - n. f. (pr. \ curb'æy \ ) Inv. at plr. - corbeille, basket of
pantile (building). In this meaning see also the terms flowers.
"converson, cop". corbela - n. f. (pr. \ curb'el& \ ) At plr. corbele. - basket,
coponé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cupun'e \ ) - to slap, to smack, round basket. See also, as diminutives, the terms "corblìn-
to cuff. a, gorblin-a".
copòt - n. m. (pr. \ cup'ot \ ) - See copet. cordà - n. f. (pr. \ curd'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - roped party,
copreus - n. m. (pr. \ cupr'[oe]z \ ) Inv. at plr. - honeysuckle climbers roped together (alpinism).
(botany - Lonicera caprifolium) Sometimes also called cordagi - n. m. (pr. \ curd'&ji \ ) - See cordam.
"brassabòsch " like the " ivy ". cordam - n. m. (pr. \ curd'&m \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - ropes,
coprodussion - n. f. (pr. \ cuprud[ue]si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - cordage. - 2) - cordage, rigging (ships).
coproduction. cordarìa - n. f. (pr. \ curd&r'i& \ ) At plr. cordarìe. - rope
factory, ropery. See also the term "corderìa".

cordé - n. (pr. \ curd'e \ ) Ms. plr. cordé - fm. sng. and plr. coredentriss - n. f. (pr. \ curedæntr'is \ ) Only sng. - co-
cordera, cordere. - roper, rope maker, seller of ropes. redemprtix. A title assigned to the Holy Virgin.
corderìa - n. f. (pr. \ curder'i& \ ) - See cordarìa. coredin - n. m. (pr. \ cured'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - layette,
cordial - 1) - adj. (pr. \ curdi'&l \ ) Ms. plr. cordiaj - fm. sng. baby's outfit. See also the term "fardlin".
and plr. cordial, cordiaj. - cordial, hearty, affable, good- coredo - n. m. (pr. \ cur'edô\ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - outfit,
natured. equipment, kit. - 2) - store, fund (in a fig. sense). See also
cordial - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ curdi'&l \ ) At plr. cordiaj. - cordial the terms "coredament, fardel, bagagi, dòta".
(liqueur). corege - vrb. 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ cur'eje\ ) - 1) - to correct, to
cordialità - n. f. (pr. \ curdi&lit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - cordiality, rectify, to adjust. - 2) - to straighten, to right (also in a
geniality, heartiness. fig. sense). - 3) - to amend, to modify. - 4) - to punish. -
cordiera - n. f. (pr. \ curdi'er& \ ) At plr. cordiere. - tailpiece 5) - to lace (drinks).
(music). coregìbil - adj. (pr. \ curej'ibil\ ) Ms. plr. coregìbij - fm. sng.
cordin - n. m. (pr. \ curd'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - little rope, and plr. coregìbil, coregìbij. - corrigible.
thin rope, string. In this sense see also the terms "filsela, coregional - n. and adj. (pr. \ curejiun'&l \ ) Ms. plr.
fissela". - 2) - spare rope (alpinism). coregionaj - fm. sng. and plr. coregional, coregionaj. - 1)
cordon - n. m. (pr. \ curd'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - cord, - coming from the same part of the country (adj.). - 2) -
string. - 2) - cordon (in general, also in a fig. sense) - 3) - fellow countryman / countrywoman (sbst.).
kerb, curb. coreità - n. f. (pr. \ cureit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - complicity.
cordonà - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ curdun'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - stone corèja - n. f. (pr. \ cur'æy& \ ) At plr. corèje. - 1) - strap,
ramp (road with...), stone steps. 2) - kerb, border. thong, strop. - 2) - belt. See also the terms "cingia, singia,
cordonà - 2) - adj. (pr. \ curdun'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - cinghia, corìa".
corded. - 2) - ribbed (texile industry). corèjëtta - n. f. (pr. \ curæy'&tt& \ ) - At plr. corèjëtte. - belt,
cordonatriss - n. m. (pr. \ curdun&tr'is \ ) Inv. at plr. - small belt. See also the terms "corèja, coriëtta".
creasing machine. corelà - adj. (pr. \ curel'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
cordonatura - n. f. (pr. \ curdun&t'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. correlated.
cordonature. - 1) - application of a braid, application of corelassion - n. f. (pr. \ curel&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
ribs, ribbing. - 2) - crease, notch. correlation.
cordoné - vrb. 1st con. trs. (pr. \ curdun'e \ ) - 1) - to kerb, to corelativ - adj. (pr. \ curel&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. corelativ - fm.
border. - 2) - to make ribbed. sng. and plr. corelativa, corelative. - correlative.
cordonin - n. m. (pr. \ curdun'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - cord, corelator - n. m. (pr. \ curel&t'or \ ) Inv. at plr. - correlator.
string (thin). - 2) - thread. - 3) - braid. This term is a corelé - vrb 1st con. trs. - (pr. \ curel'e \ ) - to correlate.
diminutive of the term "cordon". coreligionari - adj. and n. (pr. \ curelijiun'&ri\ ) Ms. plr.
core - vrb 2nd con. int. and trs. (pr. \ c'ure \ ) - 1) - to run, to coreligionari - fm. sng. and plr. coreligionaria,
rush, to speed (int.). If trs. it uses the aux. "avèj". If int. coreligionarie. - 1) - of the same religion or persuasion.
and the sentence supposes or express a destination it uses (adj.). - 2) - coreligionist (sbst.).
the aux. "esse", otherwise it uses the aux. "avèj". E. g. - A) corent - 1) - adj. (pr. \ cur'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. corent - fm. sng.
- "when you called I ran (here) immediately" "cond it and plr. corenta, corente. - 1) - running, flowing. - 2) -
l'has ciamà i son corù (sì) sùbit ". - B) - "I'm tired, I ran current. - 3) - fluent. - 4) - ordinary, standard, cheap, of
all the day long" "i son strach, i l'hai corù tut ël dì". - C) average quality.
- "I ran a good race" "i l'hai corù na bela gara". - 2) - to corent - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ cur'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - stream,
run along (int.). E. g. "la strà a cor arlong ël fium" "the current, draught. (air, water, etc.). - 2) - current
street runs along the river". - 3) - to run, to flow (int.). E. (electricity). - 3) - trend, tendency, current. - 4) - fraction,
g. "l'eva a cor giù dal tèit" "the water flows down from wing (in a political party)
the roof ". - 4) - to race, to run (trs.). - 5) - to run on, to corent - 3) - n. m. (pr. \ cur'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - In
go on, to go fast. E. g. "cor nen parèj, a l'é prest " "don't the loc. "esse al corent " "to be informed" ; "buté al
go so fast, it's early". - 6) - to turn, to go, to fly (in a fig. corent " "to inform". In this way the word "corent" in
sense). E. g. "a sente lòn, me pensé a cor a l'ann passà" this meaning is the "status" in which a person knows about
"earing that, my thought turns to last year". - 7) - to a subject.
circulate, to be current. E. g. "a-i coro 'd vos dròle su ti" corent - 4) - adv. (pr. \ cur'ænt \ ) - 1) - fluently, easily. - 2) -
"strange rumors circulates about you". - 8) - to take. E. usually, generally. In this meaning the loc. "ëd sòlit" is
g. "cor nen sti perìcoj! " "don't take such a risks! ". There more used.
is a piedm. way of saying which is "core com un lasertin" corenta - n. f. (pr. \ cur'ænt& \ ) At plr. (in case of need)
lit. "to run like a small lizard" with the meaning of "to corente. - characteristic piedm. dance. See also the term
run very fast, to run like a hare, to run like the wind, ... and "monfrin-a".
so on". corentëssa - n. f. (pr. \ curænt'&ss& \ ) At plr. corentësse. -
coré - n. m. . (pr. \ cur'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - carrier, parcel 1) - fluency. - 2) - easy-goingness.
service. - 2) - mail. - 3) - courier. corentìa - n. f. (pr. \ curænt'i& \ ) At plr. corentìe. - flow of
corea - n. f. (pr. \ cur'e& \ ) - At plr. coree. - 1) - strap, rivers and torrents.
thong, strop. - 2) - belt. In this meaning see also the terms corentista - n. (pr. \ curænt'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. corentista - fm.
"cingia, singia, cinghia, corìa". - 3) - chorea, St. Vitus's sng. and plr. corentista, corentiste. - holder of a current
dance. - 4) - Korea. account, depositor.
corean - adj. (pr. \ cure'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. corean - fm. sng. coreografìa - n. f. (pr. \ cureugr&f'i& \ ) At plr. coreografìe.
and plr. corean-a, corean-e. - Korean. - choreography.
coredament - n. m. (pr. \ cured&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - coreogràfich - adj. (pr. \ cureugr'&fic \ ) Ms. plr.
outfit, equipment, kit. - 2) - store, fund (in a fig. sense). coreogràfich - fm. sng. and plr. coreogràfica,
See also the term "coredo". coreogràfiche. - choreographic.
coredé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cured'e \ ) - 1) - to equip, to
supply, to fit out, to furnish. - 2) - to add.

coreògrafo - n. (pr. \ cure'ogr&fô \ ) Ms. plr. coreògrafo - match ". - 6) - to bear out, to agree (int.). E. g. "sòn a
fm. sng. and plr. coreògrafa, coreògrafe. - corispond nen a lòn ch'it l'has dime jer" "this does not
choreographer. agree with what you said me yesterday". - 7) - to tally
coression - n. f. (pr. \ curesi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - (int.). - 8) - to pay, to pay out, to give (trs.).
correction, alteration, rectification, revision. - 2) - corispondensa - n. f. (pr. \ curispund'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr.
admonition, reproof, lesson. corispondense. - 1) - correspondence. - 2) - dispatch,
coressional - n. m. (pr. \ curesiun'&l \ ) At plr. coressionaj. - article (newspapers)..
reformatory. See also the term "riformatòri ". corispondent - adj. and n. (pr. \ curispund'ænt \ ) Inv. in gnd.
corét - adj. (pr. \ cur'et \ ) Ms. plr. corét - fm. sng. and plr. and nr. - 1) - corresponding (adj.). - 2) - correspondent
coréta, coréte. - 1) - correct. - 2) - polite, proper, (sbst.).
decorous, civil. - 3) - right, accurate. - 4) - honest, corista - 1) - n. (pr. \ cur'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. corista - fm. sng.
straightforward. - 6) - laced, fortified (drinks). and plr. corista, coriste. - member of a choir, singer in a
coret - n. m. (pr. \ cur'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - tribune with a choir, choirister, member of a chorus.
grate (for hearing mass separately from the congregation), corista - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ cur'ist& \ ) Inv. at plr. - tuning fork,
private chapel. diapason., See also the term "diàpason".
coretëssa - n. f. (pr. \ curet'&ss& \ ) At plr. coretësse. - 1) - corm - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ c'urm \ ) Inv. at plr - 1) - summit,
correctness. - 2) - correctitude, property, honesty. peak, culmination. - 2) - top, brow. - 3) - ridge. See also
coretiv - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ curet'iu \ ) Inv. at plr. - corrective. the term "colm".
coretiv - 2) - adj. (pr. \ curet'iu \ ) Ms. plr. coretiv - fm. sng. corm - 2) - adj. (pr. \ curm \ ) Ms. plr. corm - fm. sng. and plr.
and plr. coretiva, coretive. - corrective. corma, corme. - full, brimful, overflowing. See also the
coretor - n. m. (pr. \ curet'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - corrector. - term "colm".
2) - proofreader (typography). corma - n. f. (pr. \ c'urm& \ ) At plr. (if any) corme. - fullness,
coreur - n. and adj (pr. \ cur'[oe]r \ ) Ms. plr. coreur - fm. plenitude.
sng. and plr. coreusa, coreuse. - 1) - running (adj.). - 2) - cormà - n. f. (pr. \ curm'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - roof, penthouse.
runner (sbst.). See also the terms "coridor, podista". - 2) - rustic shed for agricultural tools. See also the term
corëzza - n. f. .(pr. \ cur'&zz& \ ) At plr. - corëzze. - "colmà ".
breaking wind, fart. See also the term "scorëzza". cormadura - n. f. (pr. \ curm&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. cormadure.
corìa - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ cur'i& \ ) - See corèja. - 1) - filling on the top. - 2) - overflow. See also the term
corìa - 2) - (pr. \ cur'i& \ ) Only fm. At plr. corìe. - "colmadura".
flowing referred to water. "aqua corìa" or "eva corìa" cormé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ curm'e \ ) - to fill to the brim, to
"flowing water, running water". fill up. See also the term "colmé ".
coriàndola - n. f. (pr. \ curi'&ndul& \ ) At plr. coriàndole. - cormolum - n. m. (pr. \ curmul'[ue]m \ ) Inv. at plr. - what is
confetti (little disks of paper). required for filling to the brim.
coriassù - adj. (pr. \ curi&s'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. coriassù - fm. cormura - n. f. (pr. \ curm'[ue]r& \ ) - See cormadura.
sng. and plr. coriassùa, coriassùe. - leathery, tuogh, cornà - n. f. (pr. \ curn'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - butt, blow with a
coriaceous. horn. See also the term "cornassà ".
coridor - n. m. (pr. \ curid'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - runner. In cornach - n. m. (pr. \ curn'&c \ ) - See cornajass.
this meaning see also the term "coreur". This term is cornaj - n. m. (pr. \ curn'&y \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - cornel tree,
usually only ms. In case of need the fm. sng and plr. can be cornelian cherry tree (botany - Cornus mas).- 2) - cornel,
"coridora, coridore" or "coridòira, coridòire". - 2) - cornelian cherry (fruit). See also the terms "cornal,
passage, corridor. The "coridor anticort" or "andor" is cornalin".
the passage from entrance to cour of a house. cornaja - n. f. (pr. \ curn'&y& \ ) - See cornajass.
coriera - n. f. (pr. \ curi'er& \ ) At plr. coriere. - 1) - coach, cornajass - n. m. (pr. \ curn&y'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - carrion
local bus. - 2) - mail coach. crow (zoology - Corvus corone). See also the terms
coriëtta - n. f. (pr. \ curi'&tt& \ ) At plr. coriëtte. - belt, "cornaja, cornach, croassa".
small belt. See also the terms "corèjëtta, corìa, corèja". cornal - n. m. (pr. \ curn'&l \ ) - See cornaj.
corin - n. m. (pr. \ cur'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - little heart cornalin - n. m. (pr. \ curn&l'i[ng] \ ) - See cornaj.
(usually in a fig. sense). cornalin-a - n. f. (pr. \ curn&l'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. cornalin-e. -
corior - n. m. (pr. \ curi'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - tanner. See also cornelian, carnelian (mineral). See also the term
the term "afaitor". "corniòla".
corispetiv - 1) - n. m. (pr. \curispet'iu\) Inv. at plr. - 1) - cornamusa - n. f. (pr. \ curn&m'[ue]z& \ ) At plr. cornamuse.
equivalent. - 2) - compensation, consideration. - bagpipe. This term is quite an italianism. See also the
corispetiv - 2) - adj. (pr. \ curispet'iu \ ) Ms. plr. corispetiv - terms "piva, sirimìa, ciampòrgna".
fm. sng. and plr. corispetiva, corispetive. - cornamusé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ curn&m[ue]z'e \ ) - to play
corresponding, correspondent, equivalent. bagpipe. It uses the aux. "avèj ".
corisponde - vrb 2nd con. int. and trs. (pr. \ curisp'unde \ ) - cornassà - n. f. (pr. \ curn&s'& \ ) - See cornà.
1) - to correspond (int.). E. g. "la paròla piemontèisa feu a corné - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ curn'e \ ) - to play horn. This is a
particular use of horn made once in High Langa for
corispond al fransèis feu" " the piedm. word feu
collecting people, instead of using bells.
corresponds to the french feu. - "a corispond con un
cornet - n. m. (pr. \ curn'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - small horn. - 2)
fransèis" "he corresponds with a french person". - 2) - to
- paper bag, cornet.
return, to repay, to reciprocate (int.). E. g. "a l'ha
cornëtta - n. f. (pr. \ curn'&tt& \ ) At plr. cornëtte. - 1) - cornet
corispondùme bin mal " "he repaid me very badly". - 3) - (music) - 2) - receiver (telephone). - 3) - French bean.
to answer, to come up to (int.). E. g. "a corispond nen a (usually plr. - See also the term "cornëtte")
lòn ch'am serv" "it doesn't answer what I need ". - 4) - to cornëtte - n. f. pl. (pr. \ curn'&tt& \ ) Only plr. - French beans,
look out on (to), to open on (to), to communicate (with) string beans. See also the term "fasolin".
(int.). E. g. "sta pòtra a corispond a la stansa mangé" corniòla - n. f. (pr. \ curni'ol& \ ) - See cornalin-a.
"this door communicates with the dining room". - 5) - to
match (int.). E. g. "sti causset a corispondo" "these socks

cornison - n. m. (pr. \ curniz'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - cornice, coroné - 2) - n. (pr. \ curun'e \ ) Ms. plr. coroné - fm. sng. and
moulding, eaves. (architecture, buildings). See also the plr. coronera, coronere. - wreath maker, wreath seller,
term "curnison". garland maker, garland seller.
cornista - n. (pr. \ curn'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. cornista - fm. sng. and coronél - n. m. (pr. \ curun'el \ ) At plr. coronéj. - colonel
plr. cornista, corniste. - horn player. (military). - See also the term "colonél".
cornù - adj. - (pr. \ curn'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. cornù - fm. sng. and coronin - n. m. (pr. \ curun'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - little
plr. cornùa, cornùe. - horned, with horns. The loc. "stèila garland. - 2) - rosary.
cornùa" (or " comëtta") means "comet" (astronomy). coron-a - n. f. (pr. \ cur'u[ng]& \ ) At plr. coron-e. - 1) -
cornura - n. f. (pr. \ curn'[ue]r&\) At plr. cornure. - 1) - set of crown. - 2) - coronet. - 3) - wreath, garland. - 4) -
horns, horns, antlers. - 2) - temperament, disposition (in rosary. - 5) - circle, ring. - 6) - set, sequence. Note that
a fig. sense). the expression (mechanica) "coron-a dentà " is translated
coroborant - 1) - adj. (pr. \ curubur'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. into "crown wheel".
coroborant - fm. sng. and plr. coroboranta, coroborante. corosion - n. f. (pr. \ curuzi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - corrosion.
- 1) - strengthening, invigorating. - 2) - corroborative. corosiv - 1) - adj. (pr. \ curuz'iu \ ) Ms. plr. corosiv - fm. sng.
coroborant - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ curubur'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - and plr. corosiva, corosive. - 1) - corrosive. - 2) - caustic,
corroborant. - 2) - tonic, energizer (pharmacy). corrosive (in a fig. sense).
coroboré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ curubur'e \ ) - 1) - to fortify, corosiv - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ curuz'iu \ ) Inv. at plr. - corrosive.
to invigorate, to strengthen. - 2) - to corroborate, to coròde - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ cur'ode \ ) - to corrode, to rust,
confirm. to wear away, to consume.
corodent - adj. and n. - (pr. \ curud'ænt \ ) - See corosiv. 1) and corògrafo - n. (pr. \ cur'ogr&fô \ ) Ms. plr. corògrafo - fm.
2). sng. and plr. corògrafa, corògrafe. - chorographer.
corodìbil - adj. (pr. \ curud'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. corodìbij - fm. sng. coròt - adj. (pr. \ cur'ot \ ) Ms. plr. coròt - fm. sng. and plr.
and plr. corodìbil, corodìbij. - corrodible. coròta, coròte. - 1) - corrupt, bribed. - 2) - vicious,
corodibilità - n. f. (pr. \ curudibilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - depraved. - 3) - foul, contaminated. - 4) - corrupt,
corrodibility, corrosibility. rotten. This term is not used as a p. p. of the vrb
corodiment - n. m. (pr. \ curudim'ænt \ ) - See corosion. "corompe", which is instead "corompù " (see the voice).
corografìa - n. f. (pr. \ curugr&f'i& \ ) At plr. (if any) corpasson - n. m. (pr. \ curp&s'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - big body,
corografìe. - chorography (geography). fat body.
corogràfich - adj. (pr. \ curugr'&fic \ ) Ms. plr. corogràfich - corpassù - adj. (pr. \ curp&s'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. corpassù - fm.
fm. sng. and plr. corogràfica, corogràfiche. - sng. and plr. corpassùa, corpassùe. - corpulent, stout.
corographical. See also the term "corpù ".
corolari - n. m. (pr. \ curul'&ri \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - corollary corpet - n.m. (pr. \ curp'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - waistcoat.
(mathematics, phylosophy). - 2) - addition, appendix. corpetin - n. m. (pr. \ curp'eti[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - small body.
corompe - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ cur'umpe \ ) - 1) - to corpëttin - n. m. (pr. \ curp&tt'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - bodice,
contaminate, to infect, to taint. - 2) - to corrupt, to top. See also the term "corpin".
deprave, to pervert. - 3) - to bribe, to buy off. - 4) - to corpin - n. m. (pr. \ curp'i[ng] \ ) - See corpëttin.
suborn. See also the term "antamné ". corporadura - n. f. (pr. \ curpur&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
corompìbil - adj. (pr. \ curump'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. corompìbij - corporadure. - build, physique, frame. See also the term
fm. sng. and plr. corompìbil, corompìbij. - corruptible. "corporatura".
See also the term "corutìbil ". corporal - 1) - adj. (pr. \ curpur'&l \ ) Ms. plr. corporaj - fm.
corompiment - n. m. (pr. \ curumpim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - sng. and plr. corporal, corporaj. - corporal, corporeal,
corruption. See also the term "corussion". bodily.
corompse - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ cur'umpse \ ) - 1) - to rot, to corporal - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ curpur'&l \ ) At plr. corporaj. -
putrefy. - 2) - to become perverted, to be corrupted. corporal cloth (religion).
corompù - p. p. and adj. (pr. \ curump'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. corporalità - n. f. (pr. \ curpur&lit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
corompù - fm. sng. and plr. corompùa, corompùe. - corporality.
corrupt, corrupted, bribed, contaminated, depraved, corporassion - n. f. (pr. \ curpur&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
suborned. This term is mainly used as p. p. of the vrb corporation. - 2) - guild (history).
"corompe", and not as adj. For this latter see also the term corporativ - adj. (pr. \ curpur&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. corporativ - fm.
"coròt ". sng. and plr. corporativa, corporative. - corporative,
coronà - adj. and n. (pr. \ curun'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - corporate.
crowned. corporativism - n. m. (pr. \ curpur&tiv'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. -
coronament - n. m. (pr. \ curun&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - corporativism, corporatism.
completion, finishing touch. - 2) - crowning corporativìstich - adj. (pr. \ curpur&tiv'istic \ ) Ms. plr.
achievement. corporativìstich - fm. sng. and plr. corporativìstica,
coronària - n. f. (pr. \ curun'&ri& \ ) At plr. coronàrie. - corporativìstiche. - corporatist.
coronary artery (anatomy). corporatura - n. f. (pr. \ curpur&t'[ue]r& \ ) - See
coronàrich - adj. (pr. \ curun'&ric \ ) Ms. plr. coronàrich - fm. corporadura.
sng. and plr. coronàrica, coronàriche. - coronary corpos - adj. (pr. \ curp'uz \ ) Ms. plr. corpos - fm. sng. and plr.
(anatomy). corposa, corpose. - full-bodied, that has bulk, thick.
coronassion - n. f. (pr. \ curun&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - corpù - adj. (pr. \ curp'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. corpù - fm. sng. and plr.
crowning achievement, crowning. - 2) - coronation. See corpùa, corpùe. - corpulent, stout. See also the term
also, in this meaning, the terms "ancoronassion, "corpassù ".
incoronassion". corpùscol - n. m. (pr. \ curp'[ue]scul \ ) At plr. corpùscoj. -
coroné - vrb. 1st con. trs. (pr. \ curun'e \ ) - 1) - to reward, to corpuscle (physics).
crown. - 2) - to complete, to bring to an end. - 3) - to corpuscolar - adj. (pr. \ curp[ue]scul'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr.
surrond, to encircle, to ring. - 4) - to crown. In this last - corpuscolar.
meaning see also the term "ancoroné" cors - n. m. (pr. \ curs \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - course. - 2) - year
(referred to studies). - 3) - main street in a city (E. g. in

Turin : Cors Vitòrio, Cors Rè Umbert, Cors Prinsi Odon, cortegianerìa - n. f. (pr. \ curtiji&ner'i& ) - See cortegianerìa.
Cors Peschiera, Cors Fransa, and many others). - 4) - cortil - n. m. (pr. \ curt'il ) At plr. cortij. - coutyard, farmjard.
current use (words). - 5) - circulation (money, notes, This term is quite an italianism. See the most used term
coins). - 6) - layer : E. g. "un cors ëd mon" "a layer of "cort", and for farmer's houses, the terms "èira, àira, era".
bricks". cortin-a - n. f. . (pr. \ curt'i[ng]& ) At plr. cortin-e. - 1) -
corsa - n. f. (pr. \ c'urs& \ ) At plr. corse. - 1) - run, running. - screen (only in fig. sense). E. g. "cortin-a 'd fum" "smoke
2) - race, racing. - 3) - journey, trip, route, run (trains, screen". - 2) - curtain (military, in a fig. sense). E. g.
etc.). - 4) - race, run (in a fig. sense). - 5) - stroke "cortin-a 'd fer" "iron curtain".
(mechanics - engine). cortisan - adj. and n. (pr. \curtiz'&[ng] ) - See cortegian.
corsal - n. m. (pr. \ curs&'l \ ) - See corsar. 1) and 2). cortisanarìa - n. f. (pr. \ curtiz&n&r'i& ) - See cortegianerìa.
corsar - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ curs&'r \ ) Inv. at plr. - corsair, pirate, cortisanerìa - n. f. (pr. \ curtiz&ner'i& ) - See cortegianerìa.
buccaneer. - See also the term "corsal". cortisanìa - n. f. (pr. \ curtiz&n'i& ) - See cortegianerìa.
corsar - 2) - adj. (pr. \ curs&'r \ ) Ms. plr. corsar - fm. sng. and cortison - n. m. (pr. \ curtiz'u[ng] ) Inv. at plr. - cortisone
plr. corsara, corsare. - pirate. (chemistry, pharmacy).
corsé - n. m. (pr. \ curs'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - corset (also medical), cortisònich - adj. (pr. \ curtiz'onic ) Ms. plr. cortisònich - fm.
stay, bodice. sng. and plr. cortisònica, cortisòniche. - related to
corsìa - n. f. (pr. \ curs'i& \ ) At plr. corsìe. - 1) - traffic lane, cortisone (chemistry, pharmacy).
lane (also sport). - 2) - passage, gangway, aisle. - 3) - corù - adj. (pr. \ cur'[ue] ) Ms. plr. corù - fm. sng. and plr.
ward (hospital). - 4) - runner (carpet). corùa, corùe. - 1) - popular, frequented. - 2) - famous. -
corsiv - 1) - adj. (pr. \ curs'iu \ ) Ms. plr. corsiv - fm. sng. and 3) - in fashion, in vogue. This term is also the p. p. of the
plr. corsiva, corsive. - 1) - cursive (writing). - 2) - italic vrb "core", with its own logical meaning.
(typography). corussion - n. f. (pr. \ cur[ue]si'u[ng] ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
corsiv - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ curs'iu \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - cursive corruption, depravity. - 2) - bribery. - 3) - subornation.
(writing). - 2) - italics (typography). - 3) - short article - 4) - putrefaction. - 5) - corruption, decay. See also the
printed in italics (newspapers). term "corompiment".
cort - n. f. (pr. \ curt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - courtyard, court, corutìbil - (pr. \ cur[ue]t'ibil ) Ms. plr. corutìbij - fm. sng. and
farmyard. In High Susa valley this term indicated the plr. corutìbil, corutìbij. - 1) - corruptoble. - 2) - bribable.
entrance room of a farmer's house, in common between corutiv - adj. and n. (pr. \ cur[ue]t'iu ) - See corosiv.
the kitchen of the habitation (usually on one side), and the corutor - n. and adj. (pr. \ cur[ue]t'ur ) Ms. plr. corutor - fm.
cattleshed (usually in front of the main door). From this sng. and plr. corutriss, corutriss. - 1) -corrupter, briber
room started also the stairs to the bedrooms and the hay- (sbst.). - 2) - corrupting, bribing (adj.).
loft. This type of stone houses, up to no more than fifty corv - n. m. (pr. \ curv ) Inv. at plr. - crow (zoology - Corvus).
years ago, came from Middle Age). - 2) - court (kings, See also the term "croass".
dukes, etc.). - 3) - retinue, train. - 4) - law court, court corvé - n. f. (pr. \ curv'e ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - corvée (history) - 2)
(law). - 5) - courting, courtship, wooing. - for meanings - fatigue duty (military). - 3) - tiring task, sweat (in a fig.
3) an 5) see also the term "cortégg". sense).
cortegé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ curtej'e \ ) - 1) - to court. - 2) - corvëtta - n. f. (pr. \ curv'&tt& ) At plr. corvëtte. - 1) - corvet,
to woo. - 3) - to flatter, to curry favour with, to fawn. corvette, sloop (navy). - 2) - curvet (horses). Note that the
cortégg - n. m. (pr. \ curt'ej \ ) Inv. at plr - retinue, suite, military degree "capitani 'd corvëtta" corresponds to the
court. "lieutenant commander".
cortegiament - n. m. (pr. \ curteji&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - corvin - adj. (pr. \ curv'i[ng] ) Ms. plr. corvin - fm. sng. and
courting, courtship. - 2) - wooing. plr. corvin-a, corvin-e. - 1) - corvine. - 2) - raven (as an
cortegian - adj. and n. (pr. \curteji'&[ng] ) Ms. plr. cortegian - attribute), raven-black.
fm. sng. and plr. cortegian-a, cortegian-e. - 1) - coutr (as cosach - n. and adj. (pr. \ cuz'&c ) Ms. plr. cosach - fm. sng.
an attribute) (adj.). - 2) - courtier / courtesan. - 3) - and plr. cosaca, cosache. - Cossack.
flatterer, fawner. - See also the terms "cortesan, cortigian, cosassa - n. f. (pr. \ cuz'&s& ) At plr. cosasse. - 1) - bad thing,
cortisan". bad matter, bad affair. - 2) - big thing, big matter. - 3) -
cortegianerìa - n. f. (pr. \curteji&ner'i& ) At plr. cortigianerìe. wonderful thing.
- 1) - courtier's art. - 2) - flattery, obsequiousness, coscrission - n. f. (pr. \ cuscrisi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
servility. conscription, enrolment, draft.
cortegiator - n. (pr. \curteji&t'ur ) Ms. plr. cortegiator - fm. coscrit - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ cuscr'it \ ) Inv. at plr. - conscript,
sng. and plr. cortegiatriss, cortegiatriss. - admirer, recruit, draftee.
suitor, wooer. coscrit - 2) - adj. (pr. \ cuscr'it \ ) Ms. plr. coscrit - fm. sng. and
cortèis - 1) - adj. (pr. \curt'æiz ) Ms. plr. cortèis - fm. sng. and plr. coscrita, coscrite. - of the same age (in fig. sense).
plr. cortèisa, cortèise. - 1) - polite, kind, curteous, well- cosëtta - n. f. (pr. \ cus'&tt& \ ) At plr. cosëtte. - little thing,
mannered. - 2) - obliging. - 3) - affable. - 4) - courtly trifle. This is the diminutive of "còsa" (see below the term)
(literature). that can still have the diminutive "cosëttin-a".
Cortèis - 2) - n. m. (pr. \curt'æiz ) Inv. at plr. - great cosëttin-a - n. f. (pr. \ cus&tt'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. - cosëttin-e. -
piedmontese white wine coming from Gavi. very little thing, little trifle.
cortél - n. m. (pr. \curt'el ) At plr. cortéj. - 1) - knife. - 2) - cosfì - n. m. (pr. \ cusf'i \ ) Inv. at plr. - power factor, cos
knife edge. - 3) - courtel (plough). - 4) - knife, cutter, (electricity).
blade (mechanics). - See also the most used term "cotel". cosfìmeter - n. m. (pr. \ cusf'imetær \ ) Inv. at plr. - power
cortesan - adj. and n. (pr. \curtez'&[ng] ) - See cortegian. factor meter. Sometimes also "cosfìmetro".
cortesanerìa - n. f. (pr. \curtez&ner'i& ) - See cortegianerìa. cosfìmetro - n. m. (pr. \ cusf'imetrô \ ) - See cosfìmeter.
cortesìa - n. f. (pr. \curtez'i& ) At plr. cortesìe. - 1) - courtesy, così - adv. and cng. (pr. \ cus'i \ ) - 1) - so, thus (adv.). - 2) -
politeness. - 2) - kindness, favour. - 3) - affability. like this, like that, this way (adv.). - 3) - that is what,
cortëtta - n. f. (pr. \curt'&tt& ) At plr. cortëtte. - small that is how (adv.). - 4) - so, such. - 5) -, so... as,
courtyard, small farmyard. so...that, both...and (adv. correlative). - 6) - so, then
cortigian - n. and adj. (pr. \curtiji'&[ng] ) - See cortegian. (cng.). - 7) - so, therefore (cng.). - This term is quite used,

but it is an italianism. See the most correct term "parèj ". A cossiensiosità - n. f. (pr. \ cusiæ[ng]siuzit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
common way of saying is "così e così" (better: "parèj e conscientiousness.
parèj" with meaning : "so so" ; "not so well" etc., and the cossient - adj. (pr. \ cusi'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. cossient - fm. sng. and
same expression is used for summarizing a not expressed plr. cossienta, cossiente. - aware, conscious, responsible.
speech. E. g. "i l'hai dije così e così (parèj e parèj)" lit "I cosso - n. m. (pr. \ c'usu \ ) Inv. at plr. - fennel flower (botany -
told him so so" "I told him what was the question". Nigella sativa), love-in-a-mist (botany - Nigella
cosidit - adj. (pr. \ cusid'it \ ) Ms. plr. cosidit - fm. sng. and plr. damascena).
cosidita, cosidite. - so-called. This word is not very used, cosson - n. m. (pr. \ cus'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - trainer, breeder
often substiruted bi the loc. "dit parèj". of horses, horse trainer, horse dealer, horse middleman.
cosin - n. (pr. \ cus'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. cosin - fm. sng. and plr. See also the term "scosson".
cosin-a, cosin-e. - 1) - little thing. In this sense it can be cossoné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cusun'e \ ) - 1) - to train
used both at ms. and fm. independently from the gender of (horses). - 2) - to spur, to urge, to goad, to train. (in a fig.
the referred thing. - 2) - small or weak person. In this sense).
sense it is often used as inv. in gnd. and nr., and has the cossonera - n. f. (pr. \ cusun'er& \ ) - See cossairòla.
symonymous "frisin" (see the term). cossòt - n. m. (pr. \ cus'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - courgette, zucchini.
cosmética - n. f. (pr. \ cusm'etic& \ ) At plr. (in any) See also the terms "sucòt, sicòt ".
cosmétiche. - cosmetics. cost - 1) - dem. adj. and prn. (pr. \ cust \ ) Ms. plr. costi - fm.
cosmétich - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ cusm'etic \ ) Inv. at plr. - cosmetic. sng. and plr. costa, coste. - Note that the ms. plr. assumes
cosmétich - 2) - adj. (pr. \ cusm'etic \ ) Ms. plr. cosmetich - here a final "i" (this is one of the very few terms doing
fm. sng. and plr. cosmetica, cosmetiche. - cosmetic. this). - 1) - this / these (adj.). See also the terms "sto, sta,
cosmetista - n. (pr. \ cusmet'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. cosmetista - fm. sti, ste". - 2) - this (one) / these (ones). (prn.). As a prn. the
sng. and plr. cosmetista, cosmetiste. - cosmetologist, term is not much used. See also the term "cost-sì, sto-sì,
beautician. sta-sì, sti-sì, ste-sì", and (only for persons) "chiel-sì, chila-
cosmetologìa - n. f. (pr. \ cusmetuluj'i& \ ) At plr. sì, lor-sì".
cosmetologìe. - cosmetology. cost - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ cust \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - cost, expense,
cosmonàuta - n. (pr. \ cusmun'&ut& \ ) Ms. plr. cosmonàuta - price. See also, for these meanings, the terms "spèisa,
fm. sng. and plr. cosmonàuta, cosmonàute. - cosmonaut. pressi". - 2) - cost (in a fig. sense).
cosmonàutica - n. f. (pr. \ cusmun'&utic& \ ) At plr. costà - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ cust'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - chop (cooking).
cosmonàutiche. - cosmonautics, astronautics. costà - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ cust'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - chest, ribs. -
cosmonàutich - adj. (pr. \ cusmun'&utic \ ) Ms. plr. 2) - side (animal - butchery).
cosmonàutich - fm. sng. and plr. cosmonàutica, costal - adj. (pr. \ cust'&l \ ) Ms. plr. costaj - fm. sng. and plr.
cosmonàutiche. - cosmonautical. costal, costaj. - costal (anatomy).
cosmonav - n. f. (pr. \ cusmun'&u \ ) Inv. at plr. - spaceship. costansa - n. f. (pr. \ cust'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr. costanse. -
cospét - n. m. (pr. \ cusp'et \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - presence, constancy, faithfulness, perseverance, steadfastness.
before, in front, in sentences like "al cospét ëd...." "in costant - 1) - adj. (pr. \ cust'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. costant - fm. sng.
presence of...", or "al cospét ëd tuti" "in front of and plr. costanta, costante. - costant, faithful,
everybody". persevering, steady.
cospetoné - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ cuspetun'e \ ) - to curse, to costant - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ cust'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. - constant
imprecate. It uses the aux. "avèj ". (mathematics).
cospié - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ cuspi'e \ ) - to grow suckers costantan-a - n. f. (pr. \ cust&nt'&[ng]& \ ) Usually sng. In
(trees). It uses the aux. "avèj ". case of need plr. costantan-e. - costantan (metal alloy).
cospirassion - n. f. (pr. \ cuspir&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - costan-a - n. f. . (pr. \ cust'&[ng]& \ ) At plr. costan-e. -
conspiracy, plot. square rafter, joist. (See also the term "travet").
cospirativ - adj. (pr. \ cuspir&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. cospirativ - fm. costatassion - n. f. (pr. \ cust&t&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
sng. and plr. cospirativa, cospirative. - conspirative, ascertainment, statement. - 2) - noting, observation. - 3)
conspirational. - recognition, admission. - See also the term
cospirator - n. (pr. \ cuspir&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. cospirator - fm. "constatassion".
sng. and plr. cospiratriss, cospiratriss. - conspirator, costaté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cust&t'e \ ) - 1) - to ascertain, to
plotter. state. - 2) - to note, to observe. - 3) - to recognize, to
cospiré - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ cuspir'e \ ) - to conspire, to admit. - See also the term "constaté ".
plot. It uses the aux. "avèj ". costé - 1) - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ cust'e \ ) - 1) - to cost, to sell
cossa - n. f. (pr. \ c'us& \ ) At plr. cosse. - 1) - pumpkin for, to be worth. - 2) - to be a great wrench, to require a
(botany - Cucurbita pepo). - 2) - head, blockhead (in a fig. great effort. - It uses the aux. "esse".
sense). Way of saying : "cossa plà " "bald head " or also costé - 2) - adj. (pr. \ cust'e \ ) Ms. plr. costé - fm. sng. and plr.
"tasteless fruit ". costera, costere. - coastal, coasting, coast (as an attribute).
cossairòla - n. f. (pr. \ cus&ir'ol& \ ) At plr. cossairòle. - mole- costegé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ custej'e \ ) - 1) - to sail
cricket (zoology - Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa). See also the along, to coast along, to coast. - 2) - to skirt, to walk
terms "cossaròla, cossera, cossonera". along, to go along, to run along, etc. (in a fig. sense).
cossaròla - n. f. (pr. \ cus&r'ol& \ ) - See cossairòla. costégg - n. m. (pr. \ cust'ej \ ) Inv. at plr. - (the) coasting.
cossé - n. m. (pr. \ cus'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - pumpkin bed. costegiator - n. and adj. (pr. \ custeji&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr.
cossera - n. f. (pr. \ cus'er& \ ) - See cossairòla. costegiator - fm. sng. and plr. costegiatriss, costegiatriss.
cossiensa - n. f. (pr. \ cusi'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. cossiense. - 1) - - 1) - coasting (adj.). - 2) - coaster (sbst.).
conscience. - 2) - conscientiousness. - 3) - awareness. A costelassion - n. f. (pr. \ custel&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
particular piedm. way of saying is "avèj la cossiensa constellation.
longa" lit. "to have the long conscience" "to be costelé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ custel'e \ ) - to spangle, to deck,
hungry". to stud, to powder.
cossiensios - adj. (pr. \ cusiæ[ng]si'uz \ ) Ms. plr. cossiensios - costera - n. f. (pr. \ cust'er& \ ) At plr. costere. - 1) - stretch of
fm. sng. and plr. cossiensiosa, cossiensiose. - coast, coastline. In this sense see also the terms "còsta,
conscientious, scrupulous, careful.

rivera". - 2) - slope (of mountains or hills). - 3) - edge of costritiv - adj. (pr. \ custrit'iu \ ) Ms. plr. costritiv - fm. sng.
flowerbed. and plr. costritiva, costritive. - compelling, constrictive,
costernassion - n. f. (pr. \ cust'ærn&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - coercive.
dismay, costernation. costritor - adj. (pr. \ custrit'ur \ ) Ms. plr. costritor - fm. sng.
costerné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cust'ærn'e \ ) - to dismay, to and plr. costritriss, costritriss. - constrictor, retractor
costernate. (mainly ms. - anatomy, zoology).
costipassion - n. f. (pr. \ custip&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - costrùe - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ custr'[ue]e \ ) - 1) - to build, to
constipation (medical). - 2) - bad cold (illness) - 3) - build up, to construct, to erect. - 2) - to construe
consolidation (of a ground). (grammar). See the grammar - Verb fosonant.- This vrb has
costipé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ custip'e \ ) - 1) - to condensate, voices of the 2nd con. and voices of the 3rd con. - See also
to compress, to pack tight. In this meaning the term is an the term "costruì ".
italianism. See also the best piedm. terms "stivé, stuvé, stué costruì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ custr[ue]'i \ ) - See costrùe.
". - 2) - to pack down, to tamp (ground). - 3) - to costruìbil - adj. (pr. \ custr[ue]'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. costuìbij - fm.
constipate (medical). sng. and plr. costruìbil, costruìbij. - constructible.
costipésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ custip'ese \ ) - to catch a costrussion - n. f. (pr. \ custr[ue]si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
bad cold. construction, building, manufacture. - 2) - building,
costituent - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ custit[ue]'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - erection. - 3) - construction (grammar).
member of a constituent assembly. - 2) - constituent costrut - n. m. (pr. \ custr'[ue]t \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - profit,
assembly. - 3) - constituent (chemistry). advantage, result. - 2) - sense, meaning. - 3) -
costituent - 2) - adj. (pr. \ custit[ue]'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. costituent - construction (grammar).
fm. sng. and plr. costituenta, costituente. - constituent. costrutiv - adj. - (pr. \ custr[ue]t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. costrutiv - fm.
costituì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ custit[ue]'i \ ) - 1) - to sng. and plr. costrutiva, costrutive. - 1) - constructive. -
constitute, to establish, to set up. - 2) - to constitute, to 2) - building (as an attribute).
form, to compose. - 3) - to constitute, to appoint. - 4) - to costrutor - n. and adj. (pr. \ custr[ue]t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. costrutor -
give, to settle. fm. sng. and plr. costrutriss, costrutriss. - 1) - builder,
costituìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ custit[ue]'ise \ ) - 1) - to maker, constructor (sbst.). - 2) - building (adj.) (as an
give oneself up (to the police). - 2) - to constitute oneself, attribute).
to become. - 3) - to appoint oneself. costudì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ cust[ue]d'i \ ) - 1) - to keep, to
costitussion - n. f. (pr. \ custit[ue]si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - guard, to preserve. - 2) - to ltake care, to look after. - 3) - to
constitution, establishment, settlement. - 2) - hold in custudy, to ward. - 4) - ti cherish. - See also the
constitution (politics). - 3) - constitution (physical). In terms "custodì, guerné ".
this meaning see also the term "complession". The costudìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ cust[ue]d'ise \ ) - See
loc."costitussion an giudissi" is translated into "appearance guernésse.
before the court ". costum - n. m. (pr. \ cust'[ue]m \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - custom,
costitussional - adj. (pr. \ custit[ue]siun'&l \ ) Ms. plr. usage, habit. In this sense see also the terms "costuma,
costitussionaj - fm. sng. and plr. costitussional, costumansa". - 2) - morals, behaviour. - 3) - costume.
costitussionaj. - constitutional. costuma - n. f. (pr. \ cust'[ue]m& \ ) At plr. costume. - custom.
costitussionalism - n. m. (pr. \ custit[ue]siun&l'izm \ ) Inv. at usage, habit. See also the terms "costumansa, costum 1st
plr. - constitutionalism. meaning".
costitussionalista - n. (pr. \ custit[ue]siun&l'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. costumà - adj. (pr. \ cust[ue]m'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) -
costitussionalista - fm. sng. and plr. costitussionalista, well-behaved, well-mannered. polite, civilized. - 2) -
costitussionaliste. - constitutionalist. decent.
costitussionalità - n. f. (pr. \ custit[ue]siun&lit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. costumansa - n. f. (pr. \ cust[ue]m'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr.
- constitutionality. costumanse. - custom. usage, habit. See also the terms
costitutiv - adj. (pr. \ custit[ue]t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. costitutiv - fm. "costuma, costum 1st meaning".
sng. and plr. costitutiva, costitutive. - constitutive. costumé - vrb 1st con. int. (usually imp.) (pr. \ cust[ue]m'e \ ) -
costitutor - n. (pr. \ custit[ue]t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. costitutor - fm. 1) - to be the custom (imp). - 2) - to be in the habit (imp).
sng. and plr. costitutriss, costitutriss. - constituter, - 3) - to use (to do st.).
constitutor. costumésse - vrb 1st con. refl. imp. (pr. \ cust[ue]m'e \ ) - to be
coston - n. m. (pr. \ cust'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - ridge, rib in the habit (imp).
(mountain). costumista - n. (pr. \ cust[ue]m'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. costumista -
costos - adj. (pr. \ cust'uz \ ) Ms. plr. costos - fm. sng. and plr. fm. sng. and plr. costumista, costumiste. - 1) - costume
costosa, costose. - expensive. Italianism. See also the term designer. - 2) - costumier / costumiére.
"car". costura - n. f. (pr. \ cust'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. costure. - seam.
costrenze - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ custr'ænze \ ) - 1) - to oblige, costuron - n. m. (pr. \ cust[ue]r'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
to force, to compel. See also the terms "costringe, oblighé, cicatrix, scar. - 2) - seam. In this sense see also the term
sforsé ". - 2) - to compress, to squeeze (in this sense the "costura".
term is an italianism). We note that the p. p. of this vrb is cotarìa - n. f. (pr. \ cut&r'i& \ ) At plr. cotarìe. - cheerful
"costrenzù ", and not "costrét", which is instead only adj. company, cheerful gang.
costrét - adj. (pr. \ custr'et \ ) - Ms. plr. costrét - fm. sng. and cotel - n. m. (pr. \ cut'el \ ) At plr. cotéj. - 1) - knife. - 2) -
plr. costreta, costrete. - obliged, forced, compelled. See knife edge. - 3) - courtel (plough). - 4) - knife, cutter,
also the terms "obligà, sforsà ". We note that this term is blade (mechanics). See also the term "cortel ".
only adj. and not the p. p. of the vrb "costrenze ", which is cotél ëd j'avìje - sbst. loc. m. (pr. \ cut'el &d y &v'iye \ ) At plr.
instead "costrenzù ". cotéj ëd j'avìje. - honeycomb.
costringe - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ custr'inje \ ) - See costrenze. cotela (erba ---) - sbst. loc. f. (pr. \ ærb& cut'el& \ ) Only sng. -
costrission - n. f. (pr. \ custrisi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - ribwort plantain (botany - Plantago lanceolata).
pressure, constraint, compulsion. - 2) - coercion (legal). cotidian - 1) - adj. (pr. \ cutidi'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. cotidian - fm.
sng. and plr. cotidian-a, cotidian-e. - daily, everyday (as
an attribute). See also the term "quotidian 1)".

cotidian - 2) - n. m.. (pr. \ cutidi'&[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - daily covada - n. f. (pr. \ cuw'&d& \ ) At plr. covade. - brooding. In
newspaper. See also the term "quotidian 2)". this sense see also the term "cov 3rd meaning".
cotijon - n. m. (pr. \ cutiy'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - cotillon, covarin - n. m. (pr.\ cuw&r'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - sort of
cotillion (ancient dance). - 2) - present given during a mushroom growing on feet of trees in mountain. See also
hall. - See also the term "cotilion". the terms "quarin, coarin".
cotilion - n. m. (pr. \ cutili'u[ng] \ ) - See cotijon. cové - 1) - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ cuw'e \ ) - 1) - to sit on
cotin - n. m. (pr. \ cut'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - skirt. (eggs), to brood, to hatch. (trs.) - 2) - to nurse (trs.) (in a
cotis - n. m. (pr. \ cut'iz \ ) Inv. at plr. - instalment, tribute, fig. sense). - 3) - to smoulder, to be latent. (int.). It uses
tax, admission fee, membership fee, etc. always the aux. "avèj ". See also the term "coé ".
cotisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cutiz'e \ ) - to tax, to establish an cové - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ cuw'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - whetstone holder.
instalment. See also the terms "covié, coé, pòrta-co".
cotisésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ cutiz'ese \ ) - to tax oneself, covercc - n. m. (pr. \ cuw'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - cover, lid (pot,
to contribute for given amount. sucepan, etc.), cap (mechanics). See also the terms
cotlà - n. f. (pr. \ cutl'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - stab, knife thrust. "coercia, covercia, coèrcc, cuercc, cuvercc". The idiomatic
- 2) - stab, pang, stunning blow (in a fig. sense). - 3) - expression "bate ij covercc" lit. " to beat covers" means
dreadful performance or film or book that does not "to do odd things, to be out of head". - 2) - cymbals (at plr.
worth while seeing or reading etc. (this is, of course, in a - music). - 3) - Sometimes also roof.
fig. jocular sense). "l'has-to vist la comédia jer sèira? - é!, covercé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cuwær[ch]'e \ ) - See coercé.
ma a l'era na cotlà" "have you see the comedy last night? covercia - n. f. (pr. \ cuw'ær[ch]i& \ ) - See coèrcia.
- yes, but it was dreadful (a knife thrust)". covert - n. m. (pr. \ cuw'ært \ ) Inv. at plr. - cover, shelter,
cotlass - n. m. (pr. \ cutl'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - cutlass. - 2) - penthouse, roof. See also the terms "coèrt, cuert, cuvert ".
studding sail. covertura - n. f. (pr. \ cuwært'[ue]r& \ ) At plt. coverture. - 1) -
cotlé - 1) - vrb 1st con. trs. - (pr. \ cutl'e \ ) - to stab, to knife. cover, covering. - 2) - cover, coverage. See also the term
cotlé - 2) - n. (pr. \ cutl'e \ ) Ms. plr. cotlé - fm. sng. and plr. in the spelling "covërtura".
cotlera, cotlere. - cutler. covërtura - n. f. (pr. \ cuw&rt'[ue]r& \ ) - See covertura.
cotlera - n. f. (pr. \ cutl'er& \ ) At plr. cotlere. - knife sheath, covin - n. m. (pr. \ cuv'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - small sheaf, sheaf
knife box. of rice.
cotlëtta - n. f. (pr. \ cutl'&tt& \ ) At plr. cotlëtte. - cutlet coviss - adj. ms. (pr. \ cuv'is \ ) Only ms. inv. at plr. - (egg)
(cooking). badly brooded, (egg) ruined. This term is only referred to
cotlin - n. m. (pr. \ cutl'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - small knife, fruit eggs.
knife, pocket-knife. covon - n. m. (pr. \ cuv'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - sheaf.
cotlin-a - n. m. (pr. \ cutl'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. cotlin-e - small cò - n. m. (pr. \ co \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - extremity, tip, point. -
knife for butchery. 2) - height, peak, acme. - 3) - top, vertex.
coton - n. m. (pr. \ cut'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - cotton (botany - còbra - n. m. (pr. \ c'obr& \ ) Inv. at plr. - cobra (zoology -
Gossypium). Naja).
cotonà - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ cutun'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - silk and còca - n. f. (pr. \ c'oc& \ ) At plr. còche. - 1) - hen. In this
cotton fabric. - 2) - painted cotton fabric. sense see also the term "galin-a". - 2) - nock, notch. - 3) -
cotonà - 2) - adj. (pr. \ cutun'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - tip.
cottony. - 2) - cotton (as an attribute). - 3) - back combed còch - n. m. (pr. \ c'oc& \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any) - coke (coal).
(hair). còch (euv a la ---) - sbst. loc. m. (pr. \ '[oe]u & l& c'oc& \ )
cotonadura - n. f. (pr. \ cutun&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. cotonadure. Inv. at plr. - soft-boiled egg.
- back-combing. còche còche - excl. (pr. \ c'oke c'oke \ ) - voice for calling
cotoné - 1) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cutun'e \ ) - 1) - to back- hens. See also the loc. "pine pine".
comb. - 2) - to make a fabric like cotton. còco - n. m. (pr. \ c'ocô \ ) Inv. at plr. - egg. (childish voice).
cotoné - 2) - n. and adj. (pr. \ cutun'e \ ) Ms. plr. cotoné - fm. còdega - n. f. (pr. \ c'odeg& \ ) At plr. còdeghe. - sheet of
sng. and plr. cotonera, cotonere. - 1) - cotton veneer.
manufacturer. - 2) - cotton worker. - See also the term còdes - n. m. (pr. \ c'odæz \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - code. - 2) -
"cotonié" codex, manuscript.
cotonié - n. and adj. (pr. \ cutuni'e \ ) - See cotoné 2). còfo - n. m. (pr. \ c'ofu \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - chest, coffer. - 2) -
cotonifissi - n. m. (pr. \ cutunif'isi \ ) Inv. at plr. - cotton mill bonnet. - 3) - trunk, boot.
(texile). còmpito - (pr. \ c'ompitô \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - task, duty, job. -
cotonin-a - n. f. (pr. \ cutun'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. (if any) cotonin- 2) - homework.
e. - 1) - calico - 2) - cotton wool. cògn - n. m. (pr. \ c'o[gn] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - minting die. - 2)
cotonù - adj. (pr. \ cutun'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. cotonù - fm. sng. and - stamp. - 3) - mintage.
plr. cotonùa, cotonùe. - cottony. cògnach - n. m. (pr. \ c'o[gn]&c \ ) Inv. at plr. - cognac,
cotrion - n. m. (pr. \ cutri'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - cassock. - brandy.
2) - too alrge or too long dress. cògnit - adj. (pr. \ c'o[gn]it \ ) Ms. plr. cògnit - fm. sng. and
cotura - n. f.. (pr. \ cut'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. coture. - 1) - cooking, plr. cògnita, cògnite. - known, well-known, of common
baking. - 2) - worked and fertile ground. knowledge.
coturé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cut[ue]r'e \ ) - to plough in deep còj - n. m. (pr. \ c'oy \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - cabbage (botany -
the land. Brassica oleracea - various types) - 2) - savoy (botany -
coturié - n. (pr. \ cut[ue]ri'e \ ) Ms. plr. coturié - fm. sng. and Brassica oleraces sabauda).
plr. coturiera, coturiere. - dress-maker who creates còl - n. m. (pr. \ c'ol \ ) At plr. còj. - 1) - neck (anatomy). - 2) -
fashion. neck (in a fig. sense). E. g. "neck of a bottle" "còl ëd na
cov - n. m. (pr. \ cuw \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - whetstone, hone. In bota". - 3) - instep (foot, shoe). - 4) - item, item of
this sense see also the term "co". - 2) - nest, den. - 3) - luggage, package. - 5) - hill. - 6) - col (pass between
brooding. In this sense see also the term "covada". mountains).
covà - n. f. (pr. \ cuw'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - brood. - 2) - litter.
Also in a fig. sense. See also the term "coà".

còla - n. f. (pr. \ c'ol& \ ) At plr. còle. - 1) - glue, cement. - 2) - còsa - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ c'oz& \ ) At plr. còse. - 1) - thing. - 2) -
paste. The piedm. loc. "còla 'd pess" is translated into matter, affair.
"isinglass". còsa !? - excl. (pr. \ c'oz& \ ) - what !?.
còlera - n. f. (pr. \ c'oler& \ ) At plr. còlere. - 1) - anger, bad còsca - n. f. (pr. \ c'osc& \ ) At plr. còsche. - "cosca", Mafia
temper. 2) - fury, rage. cell.
còma - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ c'om& \ ) At plr. còme. - 1) - head of còsm - n. m. (pr. \ c'ozm \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - cosmos,
hair, long thick hair, flowing locks. - 2) - mane (horse, universe.
animals). - 3) - tail (stars). - 4) - foliage (trees) còsmich - adj. (pr. \ c'ozmic \ ) Ms. plr. còsmich - fm. sng. and
còma - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ c'om& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - paragraph plr. còsmica, còsmiche. - 1) - cosmical, cosmic. - 2) -
(legal). - 2) - clause (grammar). - 3) - comma (music). - 4) universal.
- coma (medical). còso - n. m. (pr. \ c'ozu \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
còmica - n. f. (pr. \ c'omic& \ ) At plr. còmiche. - comic, short thingummy,thingumabob. - 2) - what-d'you-call-it. - 3) -
slapstick-type silent film. what's-his-name.
còmich - 1) - adj. and n. (pr. \ c'omic \ ) Ms. plr. còmich - fm. còsta - n. f. (pr. \ c'ost& \ ) At plr. còste. - 1) - rib (anatomy). -
sng. and plr. còmica, còmiche. - 1) - comical, laughable, 2) - slope, side, hillside, mountainside. - 3) - coast,
funny (adj.). - 2) - comic actor, comic. - 3) - writer of coastline, seaboard. - 4) - spine, back (book, knife, etc.). -
comedies, comedian. 5) - rib, chard (botany).
còmich - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ c'omic \ ) Inv. at plr. - comicality, còta - n. f. (pr. \ c'ot& \ ) At plr. còte. - 1) - dress. The
comic spirit, comic effect. diminutive "cotin" means "skirt". - 2) - frock (babies).
còmod - 1) - adj. (pr. \ c'omud \ ) Ms. plr. còmod - fm. sng. Note that the expression "còta da prèive" means "priest's
and plr. còmoda, còmode. - 1) - convenient. - 2) - cassock", and "còta da frà" means "frock, cowl ".
comfortable. - 3) - roomy. còti - adj. (pr. \ c'oti \ ) Ms. plr. còti - fm. sng. and plr. còtia,
còmod - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ c'omud \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - còtie. - 1) - soft, tender, mellow. - 2) - slow in the action
convenience. - 2) - comfort. (in a fig. sense, referred to a person).
còmoda - n. f. (pr. \ c'omud& \ ) At plr. còmode. - commode, còtim - n. m. (pr. \ c'otim \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - job contract. - 2)
close-stool. - piecework, jobwork. - 3) - incentive pay. The
còmplice - n. (pr. \ c'ompli[ch]e \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - expression "travajé a còtim" means "to work by the job".
accomplice, accessory, accessary. Italianism, see also the craca - n. (pr. \ cr'&c& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - story-teller,
terms "sòcio, cambrada, compare". liar. See also the term "cracheur".
còmput - n. m. (pr. \ c'omp[ue]t \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - reckoning, cracada - n. m. (pr. \ cr&c'&d& \ ) At plr. cracade. -
calculation, account. - 2) - computation. - 3) - estimate. trumped-up story, lie, fib.
còngrua - n. f. (pr. \ c'o[ng]gr[ue]& \ ) At plr. còngrue. - state crach - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ cr&c \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - crash, ruin,
supplementation of the income from benefice. collapse. - 2) - breakdownd.
cònica - n. f. (pr. \ c'onic& \ ) At plr. còniche. - conic section crach - 2) - excl. (pr. \ cr&c \ ) - crack. Noise of something
(curve coming from a conic section) (mathematics). that breaks.
cònich - adj. (pr. \ c'onic& \ ) Ms. plr. cònich - fm. sng. and craché - vrb 1st con. int. and trs. (pr. \ cr&k'e \ ) - 1) - to croak
plr. cònica, còniche. - conical, conic. (int.). In this meaning see also the term "cachëtté". - 2) - to
cònio - n. m. (pr. \ c'oniu \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - minting die. - 2) - tell stories, to talk nonsense, to tell fibs (trs). - 2) - to
mint mark, stamp on a coin. - 3) - stamp, type (in a fig. break (trs. and int.). It uses, in this sense, the aux. "avèj". -
sense). - 4) - coinage, mintage. 3) - to get broken (int.). In this sense see also the term
còno - n. m. (pr. \ c'onu \ \ c'onô \) Inv. at plr. - cone "cragné", and it uses the aux. "esse", but it can be found
(geometry). also with the aux. "avèj".
cònsol - n. m. (pr. \ c'o[ng]sul \ ) At plr. cònsoj. - consul. cracheur - n. (pr. \ cr&k'[oe]r \ ) Ms. plr. cracheur - fm. sng.
còpia - n. f. (pr. \ c'opi& \ ) At plr. còpie. - 1) - copy, and plr. cracheusa, cracheuse. - story-teller, liar. See also
transcript. - 2) - imitation, reproduction. - 3) - draft. - 4) the term "craca".
- print (photography). - 5) - counterpart. cràcia - n. f. (pr. \ cr'&[ch]i& \ ) At plr. crace. - 1) - dregs,
còrba - n. m. (pr. \ c'orb& \ ) At plr. còrbe. - large basket, lees. - 2) - dirtiness, filthiness (in a fig. sense).
hamper, big wicker basket. See also the term "gòrba 2nd cragné - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ cr&[gn]'e \ ) - to break down, to
meaning". crash under a big weight. It uses the aux. "esse", but it
còrdol - n. m. (pr. \ c'ordul \ ) At plr. còrdoj. - kerb, curb. can be found also with the aux. "avèj".
còrn - n. m. (pr. \ c'orn \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - horn (general). - 2) crajon - n. m. (pr. \ cr&y'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - pencil.
- antler (zoology) - 3) - horn (music) In this sense see also cran - n. m. (pr. \ cr&[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - notch, hack, cut.
the term "còrna". In general see also the term "còrno". crànich - adj. (pr. \ cr'&nic \ ) Ms. plr. crànich - fm. sng. and
còrna - n. f. (pr. \ c'orn& \ ) At plr. còrne. - horn (music). See plr. crànica, cràniche. - cranial.
also the term "còrn". crànio - n. m. (pr. \ cr'&niô \ ) Inv. at plr. - skull, cranium.
còrner - n. m. (pr. \ c'ornær \ ) Inv. at plr. - corner-kick cràpa - n. f. (pr. \ cr'&p& \ ) At plr. cràpe. - 1) - withered
(sport). branches and leaves, dead leaves. - 2) - tow (coming
còrno - n. m. (pr. \ c'ornu \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - horn (general). - from hemp and flax). - 3) - pumpkin badly grown. - 4) -
2) - antler (zoology) - A number of way of saying use this head, empty head, blockhead.
word. - A) - "sté an sij còrno" lit. "to stay on horns" "to cràpola - n. f. (pr. \ cr'&pul& \ ) At plr. cràpole. - 1) -
be disliked". - B) - "fé ij còrno" "1 - to cross one's guzzling. - 2) - gluttony.
fingers, to touch wood" " 2 - to make a cuckold, to be crapoln - n. (pr. \ cr&pul'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. crapolon - fm. sng.
unfaithful". - C) - "un còrno!" = "rubbish!, not at all! ". and plr. crapolon-a, crapolon-e. - 1) - guzzler. - 2) -
còro - n. m. (pr. \ c'orô \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - chorus. - 2) - choir. glutton.
còrp - n. m. (pr. \ c'orp \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - body (general). - 2) crasament - n. m. (pr. \ cr&z&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
- corpus (anatomy). - 3) - corps (also military), staff. - 4) - crushing, grinding, smashing. - 2) - oppression (in a fig.
substance, matter (in a fig. sense). - 5) - type size sense).
(typography). crasé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cr&z'e \ ) - 1) - to grind, to crush,
to smash. - 2) - to oppress (in a fig. sense).

cratere - n. m. (pr. \ cr&t'ere \ ) Inv. at plr. - crater. used in this sense. See also the term "bufé ". - 2) - belief,
cratérich - adj. (pr. \ cr&t'eric \ ) Ms. plr. cratérich - fm. sng. faith, credence. - 3) - opinion, judgment. - 4) - credit
and plr. cratérica, cratériche. - craterous, crateral. (finance). See also the terms "chërdansa, chërdensa".
cràut - n. m. (pr. \ cr'&ut \ ) Inv. at plr. - sauerkraut. See also credensarìa - n. f. (pr. \ credæ[ng]s&r'i& \ ) - credulity. See
the most used terms "sancrao, sancràu". also the terms "chërdansa, chërdulità, bonomerìa,
crava - n. f. (pr. \ cr'&v& \ ) At plr. crave. - 1) - goat. Note credulità, chërdensarìa".
that the ms. is often "boch" or "cravon" (see the terms). - 2) credent - n. and adj. (pr. \ cred'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. credent - fm.
- trestle. - 3) - a type of mushroom (a type of Boletus sng. and plr. credenta, credente. - 1) - believing (adj.). -
edulis) In this sense see also the term "cravëtta 3rd 2) - believer (sbst.). At ms. plr. also "the faithful ". See
meaning". The loc. "crava sërvaja" means "rock-goat, also the term "chërdent".
steinbock" (see also the terms "bochetin,. bochëttin"). credìbil - adj. (pr. \ cred'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. credìbij - fm. sng. and
cravé - n. (pr. \ cr&v'e \ ) Ms. plr. cravé - fm. sng. and plr. plr. credìbil, credìbij. - 1) - credible, believable. - 2) -
cravera, cravere. - goatherd. trustworthy, reliable. See also the term "chërdìbil ".
cravëtta - n. f. (pr. \ cr&v'&tt& \ ) At plr. cravëtte. - 1) - little crédit - n. m. (pr. \ cr'edit \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - credit (general
goat. In this sense see also the terms "cravòta, cravotin-a". and finance). - 2) - esteem, reputation. - 3) - debt. - 4) -
2) - grasshopper, locust. - 3) - a type of mushroom. In credit, confidence, trust. The loc. "istituto 'd crédit"
this sense see also the term "crava 3rd meaning". means "bank".
cravià - n. f. (pr. \ cr&vi'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - truss (building). credité - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ credit'e \ ) - 1) - to give credit. -
See also the terms "cavalé, cavrià ". 2) - to credit. - 3) - to accredit. See also the term "acredité
cravicòrn - n. m. (pr. \ cr&vic'orn \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - black ".
buck (zoology - Antilope cervicapra). - 2) - Capricorn creditor - n. and adj. (pr. \ credit'ur \ ) Ms. plr. creditor - fm.
(constellation). sng. and plr. creditriss, creditriss. - 1) creditor (sbst.). -
cravieul - n. m. (pr. \ cr&vi'[oe]l \ ) At plr. cravieuj. - roe deer 2) - creditor (adj. as an attribute).
(zoology - Capreolus capreolus). See also the term creditòri - adj. (pr. \ credit'ori \ ) Ms. plr. creditòri - fm. sng.
"cavrieul ". and plr. creditòria, creditòrie. - related to credit, of the
cravin - adj. (pr. \ cr&v'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. cravin - fm. sng. and credit, about credit. (finance).
plr. cravin-a, cravin-e. - goat-like, goatish, caprine, goat credo - n. m. (pr. \ cr'edô \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - creed. - 2) -
(as an attribute). Credo. - See also the term "chërdo".
craviolésse - vrb.1st con. refl. (pr. \ cr&viul'ese \ ) - to turn credulità - n. f. (pr. \ cred[ue]lit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - credulity.
somersaults. See also the terms "chërdansa, chërdulità, bonomerìa,
craviòla - n. f. (pr. \ cr&vi'ol& \ ) At plr. craviòle. - credulità, credensarìa".
somersault. See also the term "cavriòla". credulon - n. and adj. (pr. \ cred[ue]l'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr.
cravon - n. m. (pr. \ cr&v'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - he-goat, billy credulon - fm. sng. and plr. credulon-a, credulon-e. - 1) -
goat. See also the term "boch, cavron". gull, sucker (sbst.). - 2) - credulous, naïve, gullible. See
cravotin - n. (pr. \ cr&vut'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. cravotin - fm. sng. also the term "chërdanson".
and plr. cravotin-a, cravotin-e. - little goat. See also the creé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cre'e \ ) - 1) - to create, to make, to
term "cravòt". invent. - 2) - to create, to make, to appoint. - 3) - to
cravòt - n. (pr. \ cr&v'ot \ ) - See cravotin. make, to give rise, to originate.
crea - n. f. (pr. \ cr'e& \ ) At plr. (if any) cree. - clay. See also crèja - n. f. (pr. \ cr'æy& \ ) - See crea.
the term "crèja". crèje - vrb 2nd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ cr'æye \ ) - See crëdde.
creà - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ cre'& \ ) Inv. at plr. (when applicable). - crem - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ cr'æm \ ) Inv. at plr. cream (colour)
1) - creation. - 2) - foetus, product of conception. See crem - 2) - adj. (pr. \ cr'æm \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - cream-
also the term "creatura". coloured.
creà - 2) - p. p. (pr. \ cre'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - created. crem - 3) - n. f. (pr. \ cr'æm \ ) Inv. at plr. - cream (in a fig.
creada - n. f. (pr. \ cre'&d& \ ) At plr. creade. - 1) - maid, sense, often ironical) In the meaning of "the best people",
servant. - 2) - lady companion. etc.)
crèja - n. f. (pr. \ cr'æy& \ ) - See crea. crema - n. f. (pr. \ cr'em& \ ) At plr. creme. - cream.
creansa - n. f. (pr. \ cre'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr. (if any) creanse. - cremassion - n. f. (pr. \ crem&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
manners, politeness. cremation.
creassion - n.f. (pr. \ cre&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - creation, crematòri - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ crem&t'ori \ ) Inv. at plr. -
making. - 2) - appointment. - 3) - creation. See also, in crematory, crematorium.
this sense, the term "creà 1st meaning". - 4) - foundation, crematòri - 2) - adj. (pr. \ crem&t'ori \ ) Ms. plr. crematòri -
establishment. fm. sng. and plr. crematòria, crematòrie. - crenatory,
creativ - adj. (pr. \ cre&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. creativ - fm. sng. and crematorial.
plr. creativa, creative. - creative. crem-caramel - n. f. (pr. \ cremc&r&m'el \ ) Inv. at pr. -
creatività - n. f. (pr. \ cre&tivit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - creativity. cream caramel.
Creator - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ cre&t'ur \ ) Only sng. - Creator, cremé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ crem'e \ ) - to cremate.
Maker. cremerìa - n. f. (pr. \ cremer'i& \ ) At plr. cremerìe. - ice-
creator - 2) - n. and adj. (pr. \ cre&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. creator - cream shop.
fm. sng. and plr. creatriss, creatriss. - 1) - creator, maker crémes - n. and adj. (pr. \ cr'emæz \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
(sbst.). - 2) - creative (adj.). crimson (colour). See also the term "chermis , crémis,
creatura - n. f. (pr. \ cre&t'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. creature. - 1) - chërmisin 1) and 2)".
creature. - 2) - baby. 3) - creature, favourite. - 4) - crémis - n. and adj. (pr. \ cr'emiz \ ) - See crémes.
foetus, product of conception. In this sense see also the cren - n. m. (pr. \ cr'æ[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - horseradish (botany
term "creà". - Armoracia rusticana), radish (botany - Raphanus
creaturin-a - n. f. (pr. \ cre&t[ue]r'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. creaturin- sativus). In this sense see also the term "rafan".
e. - little baby. creolin-a - n. f. (pr. \ creul'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. creolin-e. -
credensa - n. f. (pr. \ cred'æ[ng]s& \ ) - 1) - sideboard, creolin.
kitchen dresser, kitchen cabinet, cupboard. Not very

crèp - n. m. (pr. \ cr'æp \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - noise produced by crësse - vrb 2nd con. tr. and int. (pr. \ cr'&sse \) - See chërse.
a blast or crash. - 2) - blast, crash, bang. An idiomatic crësson - n. m. (pr. \ cr&ss'u[ng] \) - See chërson.
way of saying: "tut ant un crep" = lit. "all in a crash" = "all crëssùa - n. f. (pr. \ cr&ss'[ue]& \) - See chërsùa.
in one time". crësta - n. f. (pr. \ cr'&st& \) At plr. crëste. - 1) - comb, crest
crepé - n. m. (pr. \ crep'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - "granita", crushed- (zoology). - 2) - ridge, watershed. - 3) - crest peak, tip
ice drink. See also the terms "grené, gramolà, giassà ". (physics). The idiomatic sentence "avèj la crësta" lit "to
crepon - n. m. (pr. \ crep'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - heavy pleated have the crest" means "to be too proud, to be arrogant ".
cloth. crëstà - adj. (pr. \ cr&st'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - cristated,
crepùscol - n. m. (pr. \ crep'[ue]scul \ ) at plr. crepuscoj. - cristate (zoology and botany). - 2) - crested. - 3) -
dusk, twilight. - See also the term "ambrun-a" , which is indented, toothed.
used both for morning and evening in the loc. "ambrun-a crëstin-a - n. f. (pr. \ cr&st'i[ng]& \) At plr. crëstin-e. -
matinera" for "dawn" and , "ambrun-a seiran-a" for maidservant's cap (once it was also an elegant cap for
"dusk". many feminine traditional costumes).
crepuscolar - adj. (pr. \ crep[ue]scul'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. crëston - n. m. (pr. \ cr&st'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - big ridge of a
- crepuscular, twilight (as an attribute). mountain.
crésima - n. f. (pr. \ cr'ezim& \ ) At plr. crésime. - cria - n. f. (pr. \ cr'i& \) At plr. crie. - proclamation, ban,
confirmation (religion). edict. See also the most used term "crija".
cresimand - n. (pr. \ crezim'&nd \ ) Ms. plr. cresimand - fm. criada - n. f. (pr. \ cri'&d& \) At plr. criade. - 1) - shout, cry, a
sng. and plr. cresimanda, cresimande. - candidate for number of shouts. - 2) - scolding, strong rebuke. See
confirmation. also the most used term "crijada".
cresimé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ crezim'e \ ) - to confirm. criassà - n. f. (pr. \ cri&s'& \) - See criassada.
crespin - n. m. (pr. \ cresp'i[ng] \ ) - See crispin 1). criassada - n. f. (pr. \ cri&s'&d& \) At plr. criassade. - yelling,
cress - n. m. (pr. \ cræs \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - increase, growth. - clamour, uproar. See also the most used terms
2) - revenue. "crijassada, scriassà".
cretin - adj. and n. (pr. \ cret'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. cretin - fm. sng. criassé - vrb 1st con. trs, and int. (pr. \ cri&s'e \) - to shout, to
and plr. cretin-a, cretin-e. - 1) - stupd, foolish (adj.). - 2) - clamour, to make a din. See also the most used term
cretinous (adj. medical). - 3) - stupid person, fool (sbst.). "crijassé, scriassé ".
cretinà - n. f. (pr. \ cretin'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - silly thing. See also criasson - n. (pr. \ cri&s'u[ng] \) Ms. plr. criasson - fm. sng.
the term "cretinada". and plr. criasson-a, criasson-e. - who has the habit of
cretinada - n. f. (pr. \ cretin'&d& \ ) - See cretinà. shouting. See also the most used term "crijasson".
cretinerìa - n. f. (pr. \ cretiner'i& \ ) At plr. cretinerìe. - 1) - cribi - n. m. (pr. \ cr'ibi \) Inv. at plr. - sieve, sifter, riddle. See
foolishness, stupidity. - 2) - piece of stupidity. In this also the terms "crivél, siass, sërnèj".
meaning see also the term "cretinà ". cribié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cribi'e \) -1) - to sieve, to sift. - 2)
cretinism - n. m. (pr. \ cretin'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - cretinism - to comb (in a fig. sense). See also the term "crivlé ".
(medical). - 2) - stupidity (un a fig. sense). crìbio! - excl. (pr. \ cr'ibiu \) - cripes!, crikey!.
cretinòide - n. (pr. \ cretin'oide \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - nitwit, cribion - n. m. (pr. \ cribi'u[ng] \) - See crivlon.
mug. cribiura - n. f. (pr. \ cribi'[ue]r& \) - See crivlura.
cretòn - n. f. (pr. \ cret'o[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - cretonne (texile). crica - n. f. (pr. \ cr'ic& \) At plr. criche. - 1) - lock. - 2) -
creus - 1) - adj. (pr. \ cr[oe]z \ ) Ms. plr. creus - fm. sng. and keyhole. - 3) - clique, set, gang. - 4) - crack (metallurgy).
plr. creusa, creuse. - 1) - deep. - 2) - low. - 3) - hollow, cricà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ cric'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) -
sunken. - 4) - empty inside. See also the terms "ancreus, locked. - 2) - cracked (metallurgy)
fond, përfond". crich - n. m. (pr. \ cric \) Inv. at plr. - jack, car jack.
creus - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ cr[oe]z \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - depth. - 2) - criché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ crik'e \) - to lock (with a key).
hollow. - 3) - empty space. crichet - n. m. (pr. \ crik'æt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - door-latch. - 2)
creus - 3) - adv. (pr. \ cr[oe]z \ ) - deep, deeply. - pallet. See also the terms "crochet, froj, frojet ".
creuve - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ cr'[oe]ve \ ) - See cheurve, crié - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ cri'e \) - to shout, to yell, to cry, to
curvì. scream. See also the most used term "crijé"
crëdde - 1) - vrb 2nd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ cr'&dde \) - 1) - to crij - n. m. (pr. \ cr'iy \) Inv. at plr. - cry, shout, yell, scream,
believe (trs. and int.). - 2) - to believe, to trust. - 3) - to howl.
think, to believe, to consider. - 4) - to suppose, to crija - n. f. (pr. \ cr'iy& \) - See cria.
assume. - See also the terms "crèje, chërde". It always uses crijada - n. f. (pr. \ criy'&d& \) - See criada.
the aux. "avèj". - Some idiomatic expressions using this crijassada - n. f. (pr. \ criy'&s&d& \) - See criassada.
word : - A) - "dé da chërde" lit. "to give to believe" "to crijé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ criy'e \) - See crié.
tell (st.) as it were true, to deceive". - B) - "chërde che 'd crim - n. m. (pr. \ crim \) Inv. at plr. - crime. See also the terms
nò" lit. "to think that of not" "not to think so". ; "i "crimen, crimin".
chërdo che 'd nò" "I don't think so". - C) - "chërde che 'd crimen - n. m. (pr. \ cr'imæ[ng] \) - See crim.
sì" lit. "to think that of yes" "to think so". ; "i chërdo crimin - n. m. (pr. \ cr'imi[ng] \) - See crim.
che 'd sì" "I think so". - D) - "com it chërde" lit. "as you criminal - 1) - n. (pr. \ crimin'&l \) Ms. plr. criminaj - fm. sng.
think " "as you like". - E) - "chërde (a quaidun) an sla and plr. criminala, criminale. - criminal. The fm. sng. and
paròla " lit. "to believe (to sb.) on the word " "to take plr. often do not follow the rule and take the forms of the
(sb.'s) word for it ". - F) - "i lo chërdo bin!" lit. "I believe
criminal - 2) - adj. (pr. \ crimin'&l \) Ms. plr. criminaj - fm.
it well! " "I should think so! ". - G) - "chërde bin" lit.
sng. and plr. criminal, criminaj. - criminal.
"to think well" "to think it best".
criminalisassion - n. f. (pr. \ crimin&liz&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr.
crëdde - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ cr'&dde \) Inv. at plr. (if any) - 1) - - criminalization.
belief. - 2) - judgement, opinion. See also the terms criminalisé - vrb 1st con. trs. - (pr. \ crimin&liz'e \) - to
"crèje, chërde ". criminalize.
crëppia - n. f. (pr. \ cr'&ppi& \) At plr. crëppie. - manger, criminalità - n. f. (pr. \ crimin&lit'& \) Inv. at plr. -
rack, crib. See also the most common term "grupia". criminality, crime.

criminé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ crimin'e \) - to incriminate, to crismal - adj. (pr. \ crizm'&l \) Ms. plr. crismaj - fm. sng. and
accuse, to charge. plr. crismal, crismaj. - related to chrism.
criminologìa - n. f. (pr. \ criminuluj'i& \) At plr. (if any) crispa! - excl. (pr. \ cr'isp& \) - cripes!, crickey!.
criminologìe. - criminology. crispassion - n. f. (pr. \ crisp&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
criminos - adj. (pr. \ crimin'uz \) Ms. plr. criminos - fm. sng. wrinkling, rippling, crisping.
and plr. criminosa, criminose. - criminal. crispé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ crisp'e \) - to ripple, to gather,
criminòlogh - n. (pr. \ crimin'olug \) Ms. plr. criminòlogh - to wrinkle, to crisp.
fm. sng. and plr. criminòloga, criminòloghe. - crispin - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ crisp'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - tool-holder
criminologist. for shoe repairer. See also the terms "crespin, sancrispin".
crin - 1) - n. (pr. \ cri[ng] \) Ms. plr. crin - fm. sng. and plr. Crispin - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ crisp'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. Noun of
crin-a, crin-e. At fm, sng. and plr. also treuja, treuje or person - Crispin.
treuva, treuve. - 1) - pig, hog, swine. - 2) - pork. - 3) - Crist - n. m. (pr. \ crist \) Inv. at plr. (if any) - Christ, Jesus
dirty person (in all senses). Christ.
crin - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ cri[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - horsehair. - 2) cristal - n. m. (pr. \ crist'&l \) At plr. cristaj. - crystal. The loc.
- vegetable hair. "cristal ëd ròca" means "quartz".
crinada - n. f. (pr. \ crin'&d& \) At plr. crinade. - 1) - cristaliera - n. f. (pr. \ crist&li'er& \) At plr. cristaliere. - glass
obscenity, indecency. - 2) - fithy action. - 3) - dirt, filth. - case, display case.
4) - rubbish, trash. See also the terms "salopada, cristalin - 1) - adj. (pr. \ crist&l'i[ng] \) Ms. plr. cristalin - fm.
saloparìa". sng. and plr. cristalin-a, cristalin-e. - 1) - crystalline,
crinàire - n. (pr. \ crin'&ire \) - See crinèire. crystal (as an attribute). - 2) - crystal-clear (in a fig.
crinass - n. (pr. \ crin'&s \) Ms. plr. crinass - fm. sng. and plr. sense).
crinassa, crinasse. - 1) - despicable person. - 2) - very cristalin - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ crist&l'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
dirty person. crystalline lens (anatomy).
crinaté - n. (pr. \ crin&t'e \) Ms. plr. crinaté - fm. sng. and plr. cristalisàbil - adj. (pr. \ crist&liz'&bil \) Ms. plr. cristalisàbij -
crinatera, crinatere. - 1) - swine-herd. - 2) - swine- fm. sng. and plr. cristalisàbil, cristalisàbij. -
dealer. crystallizable.
criné - vrb 1st. con. int. and trs. (pr. \ crin'e \) - 1) - to grunt, to cristalisassion - n. f. (pr. \ crist&liz&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
growl, to grumble (int.). - 2) - to strive, to endeavour crystallization.
(int.). - 3) - to scrape, to play badly (trs.). It uses always cristalisator - n. m. (pr. \ crist&liz&t'ur \) Inv. at plr. -
the aux. "avèj ". crystallizer, crystallization vessel (chemistry).
crinèire - n. (pr. \ crin'æire \) Ms. plr. crinèire - fm. sng. and cristalisé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ crist&liz'e \) - to
plr. crinèira, crinèire. - strummer, scraper, bad player. crystallize.
crinet - n. (pr. \ crin'æt \) Ms. plr. crinet - fm. sng. and plr. cristalografìa - n. f. (pr. \ crist&lugr&f'i& \) At plr.
crinëtta, crinëtte. For fm. sng. and plr. also crinòta, cristalografìe. - crystallography.
crinòte. - 1) - young pig. (lit.). - 2) - child not very clean cristalogràfich - adj. (pr. \ crist&lugr'&fic \) Ms. plr.
(in a loving sense). cristalogràfich - fm. sng. and plr. cristalogràfica,
criniera - n. f. (pr. \ crini'er& \) At plr. criniere. - mane cristalogràfiche. - crystallogràphical.
(zoology, and in a fig. sense for "hair") See also the term cristalògrafo - n. m. (pr. \ crist&l'ogr&fô \) Inv. at plr. -
"còma". In a fig. sense see also the term "caviera". crystallographer.
crinolin - n. m. (pr. \ crinul'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - fabric for cristeri - n. m. (pr. \ crist'eri \) Inv. at plr. - enema, clyster
crinoline. (medical). See also the terms "clisteri, lavativ, servissial".
crinolin-a - n. f. (pr. \ crinul'i[ng]& \) At plr, crinolin-e. - cristian - n. and adj. . (pr. \ cristi'&[ng] \) Ms. plr. cristian -
crinoline, hooped petticoat. fm. sng. and plr. cristian-a, cristian-e. - Christian.
crin-a - n. f. (pr. \ cr'i[ng]& \) At plr. crin-e. - 1) - feminine of cristianass - n. (pr. \ cristi&n'&s \) Ms. plr. cristianass - fm.
pig (see the term "crin") - 2) - double bass, contrabass. In sng. and plr. cristianassa, cristianasse. - good person,
this sense see also the terms "cron-a, contrabass". good sort, simple person. See also the term "cristianeri".
crio... - prefix. (pr. \ criu... \) - cryo... Prefix for "cold", whose cristiandòro! - excl. (pr. \ cristi&nd'oru \) - cripes!.
use is perfectly similar to the english one. We report only a cristianeri - n. (pr. \ cristi&n'eri \) - See cristianass.
couple of words as examples. cristianésim - n. m. (pr. \ cristi&n'ezim \) Inv. at plr. (if any). -
criométrich - adj. (pr. \ crium'etric \) Ms. plr. criométrich - Christianity.
fm. sng. and plr. criométrica, criométriche. - cryometric. cristianet - n. (pr. \ cristi&n'æt \) Ms. plr. cristianet - fm. sng.
crioscopìa - n. m. (pr. \ criuscup'i& \) At plr. (if any) and plr. cristianëtta, cristianëtte. Also fm. sng. and plr.
crioscopìe. - cryoscopy. cristianòta, cristianòte. - little fellow, little woman. Also
crior - n. m. (pr. \ cri'ur \) Inv. at plr. - crier, public crier. referred to children.
cripta - n. f. (pr. \ cri'pt& \) At plr. cripte. - crypt. cristianisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cristi&niz'e \) - to
cripton - n. m. (pr. \ cri'ptu[ng] \) Only sng. (chemical christianize.
element). - krypton. cristianità - n. f. (pr. \ cristi&nit'& \) Inv. at plr. (if any) - 1) -
crisantem - n. m. (pr. \ criz&nt'æm \) Inv. at plr. - Christianity. - 2) - Christendom.
chrisanthemum (botany - Chrysanthemum). See also the cristologìa - n. f. (pr. \ cristuluj'i& \) At plr. cristologìe. -
term "grisantem". Christology.
criseul - n. m. (pr. \ criz[oe]l \) At plr. criseuj. - 1) - crucible, cristològich - adj. (pr. \ cristul'ojic \) Ms. plr. cristològich - fm.
melting pot. - 2) - little square net for fishing. See also sng. and plr. cristològica, cristològiche. - Christological.
the term "griseul ". cristoné - vrb 1st con int. (pr. \ cristun'e \) - to curse, to
crisi - n. f. (pr. \ cr'izi \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - crisis. - 2) - crisis, blaspheme.
slump. - 3) - paroxism, fit, attack. cristòlogh - n. (pr. \ crist'olug \) Ms. plr. cristòlogh - fm. sng.
crisma - n. m. (pr. \ cr'izm& \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - chrism, holy and plr. cristòloga, cristòloghe. - Christologist.
oil. (religion). - 2) - official blessing, sanction (in a fig. criteri - n. m. (pr. \ crit'eri \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - criterion,
sense). principle, rule, standard. - 2) - judiciousness, sense,

criterios - adj. (pr. \ criteri'uz \) Ms. plr. criterios - fm. sng. croassan - n. m. (pr. \ cru&s'&[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - croissant
and plr. criteriosa, criteriose. - judicious, sensible. (french).
crìtica - n. f. (pr. \ cr'itic& \) At plr. crìtiche. - 1) - criticism. - croassant - n. m. (pr. \ cru&s'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. - fireplace
2) - review. - 3) - critics. - 4) - criticism, censure. See also hook for tools.
the term "criticura". croata - n. f. (pr. \ cru'&t& ) At plr. croate. - 1) - tie, necktie. -
criticàbil - adj. (pr. \ critic'&bil \) Ms. plr. criticàbij - fm. sng. 2) - scarf. See also the term "crovata" with the same
and plr. criticàbil, criticàbij. - 1) - criticizable. - 2) - pronunciation.
censurable. croaté - n. (pr. \ cru&t'e ) Ms. plr. croaté - fm. sng. and plr.
criticàire - n. (pr. \ critic'&ire \) Ms. plr. criticàire - fm. sng. croatera, croatere. - 1) - tie manufacturer, tie seller. - 2)
and plr. criticàira, criticàire. - fault-finder, censorious - usurer (in a fig. sense). - See also the term "crovaté "
person. See also the term "critichèire, criticon". with the same pronunciation.
crìtich - n. and adj. (pr. \ cr'itic \) Ms. plr. crìtic - fm. sng. and croatin - n. m. (pr. \ cru&t'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - small tie,
plr. crìtica, crìtiche. - 1) - critical (adj.). - 2) - crucial, bow tie. In this sense see also the term "farfalin". - 2) -
decisive (adj.). - 3) -critic (sbst.). - 4) - reviewer (sbst.). scolding, rebuke (in a fig. sense). In this sense see also the
critiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ critik'e \) - 1) - to criticize. - 2) term "cichet ".
- to censure, to criticize. crocant - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ cruc'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. - almond
critichèire - n. (pr. \ critik'æire \) - See chriticàire. toffee, almond sweetmeat.
criticism - n. m. (pr. \ criti[ch]'izm \) Inv. at plr. - criticism. crocant - 2) - adj. (pr. \ cruc'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. crocant - fm. sng.
criticità - n. f. (pr. \ criti[ch]it'& \) Inv. at plr. - criticality. - and plr. crocanta, crocante. - crisp, crackling.
See also the term "critissità". crocc - n. f. (pr. \ cru[ch] \ ) Inv. at plr. - brooding hen. See
criticon - n. (pr. \ critic'u[ng] \) - See chriticàire. also the terms "crocia, croch, cioss, seuta, ciossa ".
criticura - n. f. (pr. \ critic'[ue]r& \) At plr. criticure. - crocera - n. f. (pr. \ cru[ch]'er& \ ) At plr. crocere. - cruise.
censure, criticism. crocerista - n. (pr. \ cru[ch]er'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. crocerista - fm.
critissità - n. f. (pr. \ critisit'& \) - See criticità. sng. and plr. crocerista, croceriste. - passenger on a
critogamìa - n. f. (pr. \ critug&m'i& \) At plr. critogamìe. - cruise.
cryptogamy. crocet - n. m. (pr. \ cru[ch]'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - little buckle or
critogàmich - adj. (pr. \ critug'&mic \) Ms. plr. critogàmich - clasp, made up with a little hook (male) and a little ring
fm. sng. and plr. critogàmica, critogàmiche. - (female).
cryptogamic, cryptogamous. crocëtté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cru[ch]&tt'e \ ) - 1) - to close
critografìa - n. f. (pr. \ critugr&f'i& \) At plr. critografìe. - the litte buckles (crocet). - 2) - to button (for extension).
cryptography. croch - n. f. (pr. \ cruc \ ) - See crocc.
critogràfich - adj. (pr. \ critugr'&fic \) Ms. plr. critogràfich - croché - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ cruk'e \ ) - 1) - to crackle, to
fm. sng. and plr. critogràfica, critogràfiche. - crack. - 2) - to cluck. In this sense see also the terms
cryptographic. "crocì, crucì ". It uses the aux. "avèj ".
critograma - n. m. (pr. \ critugr'&m& \) Inv. at plr. - crochet - n. m. (pr. \ cruk'æt \ ) Inv. at plr - 1) - crochet
cryptogram, cryptograph. needle, crochet hook. - 2) - pallet, door-latch, little
critògama - n. f. (pr. \ crit'og&m& \) At plr. critògame. - 1) - hook. In this sense see also the term "crichet ".
cryptogam (botany). - 2) - powdery mildew (vines). crochì - n. m. (pr. \ cruk'i \ ) Inv. at plr - croquette (cookery).
critògrafo - n. m. (pr. \ crit'ogr&fô \) Inv. at plr. - crocì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ cru[ch]'i \ ) to cluck. See also the
cryptographer. term "crucì " and the term "croché 2nd meaning". It uses the
crivél - n. m. (pr. \ criv'el \) At plr. crivéj. - sieve, sifter, aux. "avèj ".
riddle. See also the terms "cribi, siass, sërnèj". crocia - n. f. (pr. \ cr'u[ch]i& \ ) - See crocc.
crivela - n. f. (pr. \ criv'el& \) At plr. crivéle. - kestrel, crocìfer - n. and adj. (pr. \ cru[ch]'ifær \ ) Ms. plr. crocìfer -
windhover (zoology - Falco tinnunculus). fm. sng. and plr. crocìfera, crocìfere. - 1) - cruciferous,
crivelador - n. (pr. \ crivel&d'ur \) Ms. plr. crivelador - fm. cross-bearing (adj.). - 2) - crucifer, cross-bearer (sbst.).
sng. and plr. criveladòira, criveladòire. - who or what See also the term "crucifer".
sifts. See also "crivelator". crocifige - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ cru[ch]if'ije \ ) - 1) - to
criveladura - n. f. (pr. \ crivel&d'[ue]r& \) At plr. criveladure. crucify. - 2) - to torment (in a fig. sense). Italianism. See
- sifting, siftage. See also "crivelatura, crivelassion". the best loc. "buté an cros" lit. "to put in cross".
crivelassion - n. f. (pr. \ crivel&si'u[ng] \) - See criveladura. crocifiss - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ cru[ch]if'is \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
crivelator - n. (pr. \ crivel&t'ur \) - See crivelador. crucifix. - 2) - the Crucified. See also the term "crucifiss
crivelatura - n. f. (pr. \ crivel&t'[ue]r& \) - See criveladura. 1)".
crivelé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ crivel'e \) - 1) - to riddle, to crocifiss - 2) - adj. (pr. \ cru[ch]if'is \ ) Ms. plr. crocifiss - fm.
pepper. - 2) - to sieve, to sift. In this sense see the best sng. and plr. crocifissa, crocifisse. - crucified. See also the
term "crivlé ". term "crucifiss 2)".
crivlé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ crivl'e \) - 1) - to riddle, to crocio - n. m. (pr. \ cr'u[ch]iu \ ) Inv. at plr. - piece (usually
pepper. In this sense see the best term "crivelé ". - 2) - to referred to bread). See also the terms "crostion, crocion".
sieve, to sift. In this sense see also the term "cribié ". crociolésse - vrb 1st con. relf. (pr. \ cru[ch]iul'ese \ ) - See
crivlin - n. m. (pr. \ crivl'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - small sieve, small crocionésse.
sift. crocion - n. m. (pr. \ cru[ch]i'u[ng] \ ) - See crocio.
crivlon - n. m. (pr. \ crivl'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - big sieve of the crocionésse - vrb 1st con. relf. (pr. \ cru[ch]iun'ese \ ) - to
threshing-machine. crouch, to cower, to squat. See also the terms
crivlor - n. (pr. \ crivl'ur \) Ms. plr. crivlor - fm. sng. and plr. "angrumlìsse, quacésse, ababiésse, crociolésse".
crivlòira, crivlòire. - who sieves, who sifts. crocù - adj. (pr. \ cruc'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. crocù - fm. sng. and plr.
crivlura - n. f. (pr. \ crivl'[ue]r& \) At plr. crivlure. - sifting, crocùa, crocùe. - hooked.
siftage, screening. See also the term "cribiura". croé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ cru'e \ ) - to fall (mainly fruits from
croass - n. m. (pr. \ cru&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - crow (zoology - trees and hair from head). See also the spelling "crové"
Corvus). See also the terms "corv, crov, crovass". with the same pronunciation. Then see "casché, droché,
croassa - n. f. (pr. \ cru'&s& \ ) - See cornajass. tombé". It uses the aux. "esse".

croj - adj. (pr. \ cruy \ ) Ms. plr. croj - fm. sng. and plr. croja, cronometré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ crunumetr'e \ ) - to time.
croje. - withered, maggoty, rotten, corrupt. cronométrich - adj. (pr. \ crunum'etric \ ) Ms. plr.
crol - n. m. (pr. \ crul \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - collapse, falling cronométrich - fm. sng. and plr. cronométrica,
down. 2) - slump, crash, fall. See also the terms cronométriche. - 1) - chronometrical. 2) - exact.
"crolament, cròl ". cronometrista - n. (pr. \ crunumetr'ist& \ ) Ms. plr.
crolament - n. m. (pr. \ crul&m'ænt \ ) - See crol. cronometrista - fm. sng. and plr. cronometrista,
crolé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ crul'e \ ) - 1) - to collapse, to fall cronometriste. - timekeeper.
down. - 2) - to break down. - 3) - to crumble. - 4) - to cronoscòpi - n. m. (pr. \ crunusc'opi \ ) Inv. at plr. -
drop, to flop down, to slump down. It uses the aux. chronoscope.
"esse". cronògrafo - n. m. (pr. \ crun'ogr&fô \ ) - Inv. at plr. -
cromà - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ crum'& \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - chronograph.
chromate. cronòmeter - n. m. (pr. \ crun'ometær \ ) - See cronòmetro.
cromà - 2) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ crum'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - cronòmetro - n. m. (pr. \ crun'ometrô \ ) Inv. at plr. -
chromium-plated. chronometer. See also the loc. "mostra 'd precision" =
cromadura - n. f. (pr. \ crum&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. cromadure. "precision clock ".
- chromium-plating. cron-a - n. f. (pr. \ cr'u[ng]& \) - See crin-a.
cromàtich - adj. (pr. \ crum'&tic \ ) Ms. plr. cromàtich - fm. cropì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ crup'i \) - See crupì.
sng. and plr. cromàtica, cromàtiche. - chromatic. cropié - n. m. (pr. \ crupi'e \) Inv. at plr. - croupier. See also
cromatin-a - n. f. (pr. \ crum&t'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. (if any) the term "gropié ".
cromatin-e. - chromatin (biology). cros - n. f. (pr. \ cruz \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - cross (in general). - 2)
cromatism - n. m. (pr. \ crum&tizm \ ) Inv. at plr. - - trial, cross, affliction (in a fig. sense). - 3) - tails (coin). -
chromatism. 4) - dagger (typography).
cromé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ crum'e \ ) - to chromium-plate. crosà - n. f. (pr. \ cruz'& \) Inv. at plr. - brotherhood,
crominansa - n. f. (pr. \ crumin'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr. confraternity.
crominanse. - chrominance (television). crosëtta - n. f. (pr. \ cruz'&tt& \) At plr. crosëtte. - 1) - small
cromiragi - n. m. (pr. \ crumir'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - cross. - 2) - the name of a quarter of Turin. - An idiomatic
blackleggery, blacklegism. See also the term "crumiragi". way of saying : "fé 'd cros e crosëtte" lit. "to do crosses
cromiro - n. (pr. \ crum'iru \ ) Ms. plr. cromiro - fm. sng. and and small crosses" "to fast, to be without something to
plr. cromira, cromire. - blackleg, scab, strike-breaker. eat ".
See also the terms "crumiro, briseur". crosia - n. f. (pr. \ cr'uzi& \) At plr. crosie. - crossroads, road
cromisassion - n. f. (pr. \ crumiz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - crossing, crossing. See also the term "crosiera".
chromizing. crosià - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ cruzi'& \) Inv. at plr. - crusade.
cromisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ crumiz'e \ ) - to chromize crosià - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ cruzi'& \) Inv. at plr. - crusader.
(metallurgy). crosià - 3) - adj. (pr. \ cruzi'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) -
cromìte - n. f. (pr. \ crum'ite \ ) Inv. at plr. - chromite cruciform, cross-shaped. - 2) - crossed. See also the term
(mineral). "ancrosià ".
cromoplast - n. m. (pr. \ crumupl'&st \ ) Inv. at plr. - crosiadura - n. f. (pr. \ cruzi&d'[ue]r& \) At plr. crosiadure. -
chromoplast (botany). 1) - crossing. - 2) - cross, crossbreed. - 3) - cross-
cromoscòpi - n. m. (pr. \ crumusc'opi \ ) Inv. at plr. - fertilization (botany). See also the terms "ancrosiadura,
chromoscope. crosiura".
cromosòma - n. m. (pr. \ crumus'om& \ ) Inv. at plr. - crosial - adj. (pr. \ cruzi'&l \) Ms. plr. crosiaj - fm. sng. and
chromosome. plr. crosial, crosiaj. - crucial.
cromosòmich - adj. (pr. \ crumus'omic \ ) Ms. plr. crosié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cruzi'e \) - 1) - to cross. - 2) - to
cromosòmich - fm. sng. and plr. cromosòmica, cruise (aircrafts, ships). See also the term "ancrosié ".
cromosòmiche. - chromosomal. crosiura - n. f. (pr. \ cruzi'[ue]r& \) - See crosiadura.
cronachìstica - n. f. (pr. \ crun&k'istic& \ ) At plr. crossan - n. m. (pr. \ crus'&[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - tongs-stand.
cronachìstiche. - chronicles. See also the term "pòrtamòle".
cronachìstich - adj. (pr. \ crun&k'istic \ ) Ms. plr. crossé - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ crus'e \) Inv. at plr. - crochet hook. See
cronachistich - fm. sng. and plr. cronachistica, also the term "caviòt ".
cronachistiche. - of the chronicle, like a chronicle. crossé - 2) - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ crus'e \) - to cross-pass
cronicari - n. m. (pr. \ crunic'&ri \ ) Inv. at plr. - hospital for (sport).
chronic invalids. crosta - n. f. (pr. \ cr'ust& \) At plr. croste. - 1) - crust. - 2) -
cronissità - n. f. (pr. \ crunisit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - chronicity. shell. - 3) - scab (medical). - 4) - scale. - 5) - daub (in a
cronista - n. (pr. \ crun'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. cronista - fm. sng. and fig. sense, painting). - 6) - (cheese) rind.
plr. cronista, croniste. - 1) - chronicler. - 2) - reporter. crostà - n. f. (pr. \ crust'& \) Inv. at plr. - jam tart (cooking).
cronistòria - n. f. (pr. \ crunist'ori& \ ) At plr. cronistòrie. - 1) crostass - n. m. pl. (pr. \ crust'&s \) Only plr. - crustaceans
- chronicle. - 2) - record. (zoology - Crustacea). See also the term "crostassé".
cronografìa - n. f. (pr. \ crunugr&f'i& \ ) At plr. cronografìe. - crostassé - - n. m. pl. (pr. \ crust&s'e \) - See crostass.
chronography (metrology). crostin - n. m. (pr. \ crust'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - "canapé "
cronogràfich - adj. (pr. \ crunugr'&fic \ ) Ms. plr. (toast or fried bread). - 2) - crouton. - 3) - sippet.
cronogràfich - fm. sng. and plr. cronogràfica, crostion - n. m. (pr. \ crusti'u[ng] \) - See crocio.
cronogràfiche. - chronographic. crostioné - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ crustiun'e \) - 1) - to beg, to
cronologìa - n. f. (pr. \ crunuluj'i& \ ) At plt. cronologìe. - go begging. - 2) - to nibble. It uses the aux. "avèj".
chronology. croston - n. m. (pr. \ crust'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - large piece
cronològich - adj. (pr. \ crunul'oj'ic \ ) Ms. plr. cronològich - of fried bread (cooking). - 2) - hardpan (geology).
fm. sng. and plr. cronològica, cronològiche. - crostos - adj. (pr. \ crust'uz \) Ms. plr. crostos - fm. sng. and
chronological. plr. crostosa, crostose. - 1) - crusty. - 2) - scabby
cronometragi - n. m. (pr. \ crunumetr'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - (medical).
timing, precision timing.

crotin - n. m. (pr. \ crut'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - little cellar (in crupìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ cr[ue]p'ise \ ) - 1) - to crouch.
general). - 2) - room where butter and cheese are made, - 2) - to numb, to grow numb. See also the terms "acropì,
cellar for cheese. See also the term. "casera". crupì, angrumlìsse, ancropìsse ".
croton - n. m. (pr. \ crut'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - large cellar cruscòt - n. m. (pr. \ cr[ue]sc'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - dashboard.
(in general). - 2) - military prison. In this meaning see also - 2) - instrument panel - See also the sbst. loc. "tàula djë
the term "cròt". strument " lit. "table of the instruments".
crov - n. m. (pr. \ cr'uw \ ) Inv. at plr. - crow (zoology - cruss - n. m. (pr. \ cr[ue]s \ ) Inv. at plr. - bran (coming from
Corvus). See also the terms "corv, croass, crovass". mais, the one coming from wheat is called "bren" in
crovass - n. m. (pr. \ cru'&s \ \ cruw'&s \ ) - See crov. Piedm.). See also the term "gruss".
crovata - n. f. (pr. \ cru'&t& \ \ cruw'&t& \ ) - See croata. crussi - n. m. (pr. \ cr'[ue]si \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - worry,
crové - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ cru'e \ \ cruw'e \) - to fall (mainly torment, sorrow, grief. - 2) - bother, trouble. See also the
fruits from trees and hair from head). See also the spelling term "sagrin".
"croé" with the same pronunciation. Then see "casché, crussié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ cr[ue]si'e \ ) - to pain, to grieve,
droché, tombé". It uses the aux. "esse". to cause suffering (to).
cròch - n. m. (pr. \ cr'oc \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - hook, hooked iron, crussiésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ cr[ue]si'e \ ) - to grieve, to
hooked nail. - 2) - debt (in a fig. sense). be sorry, to regret.
cròl - n. m. (pr. \ cr'ol \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - collapse, falling cruvì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ c[ue]rv'i \) - 1) - to cover, to
down. 2) - slump, crash, fall. See also the terms cover up. - 2) - to conceal, to hide. - See also the terms
"crolament, crol ". "cheurve, quaté, curvì ".
cròm - n. m. (pr. \ cr'om \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - polish, polishing- cua - n. f. (pr. \ c'[ue]& \) At plr. cue. - joint, dovetail.
cream, shoe-polish. - 2) - chrome, chromium In this cubadura - n. f. (pr. \ c[ue]b&d'[ue]r& \) At plr. cubadure. -
meaning see also the term "cròmo". cubature, cubage, (cubic) volume. See also the term
cròma - n. f. (pr. \ cr'om& \ ) At plr. cròme. - quaver (music). "cubatura".
cròmo - n. m. (pr. \ cr'omô \ ) Only sng. (anyway inv.). - cubatura - n. f. (pr. \ c[ue]b&t'[ue]r& \) - See cubadura.
chrome, chromium (chemical element). Italianism. See cubé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c[ue]b'e \) - to cube. There is an
also the best piedm. term "cròm". idiomatic int. slang use with the meaning of "to become
cròmich - adj. (pr. \ cr'omic \ ) Ms. plr. cròmich - fm. sng. and something large" also in a fig. sense. E.g. "la bròda për
plr. cròmica, cròmiche. - chromic (chemistry). andé a travajé tuti ij dì, a la fin dël mèis a cuba" = "the fuel
crònaca - n. f. (pr. \ cr'on&c& \ ) At plr. crònache. - 1) - for going to work all the days, at the end of the month
chronicle. - 2) - news, reporting, reportage. becomes a lot of spent money".
crònich - adj. (pr. \ cr'onic \ ) Ms. plr. crònich - fm. sng. and cubianch - n. m. (pr. \ c[ue]bi'&nc \) Inv. at plr. - wheatear
plr. crònica, cròniche. - chronic. (zoology - Oenanthe oenanthe). See also the term
cròss - n. m. (pr. \ cr'os \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - cross-pass (soccer). "culbianch".
- 2) - cross-counter (boxing). - 3) - country race (sport). cùbica - n. f. (pr. \ c'[ue]bic& \) At plr. cùbiche. - cubic
cròssa - n. f. (pr. \ cr'os& \ ) At plr. cròsse. - crutch. Some (mathematics).
particular uses : - A) - "cròssa dël fusil " "gunstock" - B) cùbich - adj. (pr. \ c'[ue]bic \) Ms. plr. cùbich - fm. sng. and
- "cròssa dla seradura" "sliding part of a lock". - C) - plr. cùbica, cùbiche. - cubic, cubical.
"andé con le cròsse" lit. "to go on crutches" "to have cubilòt - n. m. (pr. \ c[ue]bil'ot \) Inv. at plr. - cupola furnace.
difficulty, to be in the need", beyond the lit. meaning. cubism - n. m. (pr. \ c[ue]b'izm \) Inv. at plr. - cubism (art).
cròt - n. m. (pr. \ cr'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - prison, jail. See also the cubissità - n. f. (pr. \ c[ue]bisit'& \) Inv. at plr. - cubicity.
terms "croton, përzon". cùbit - n. m. (pr. \ c'[ue]bit \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - ulna (anatomy).
cròta - n. f. (pr. \ cr'ot& \ ) At plr. cròte. - 1) - cellar, wine - 2) - elbow (lit.) - 3) - cubit (old measurement unit).
vault. - 2) - wine shop, tavern. In this sense see also the cubo - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ c'[ue]bu \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - cube
terms "òsto, piòla". - 3) - cave. In this sense see also the (geometry). - 3) - third power (mathematics).
terms "balma, trun-a". cubo - 2) - adj. (pr. \ c'[ue]bu \) Only ms. inv. at plr. - cubic.
cru - adj. (pr. \ cr[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. cru - fm. sng. and plr. crùa, For fm. see "cubich".
crùe. - 1) - raw, underdone. - 2) - unripe, sour. - 3) - cubòid - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ c[ue]b'oid \) Inv. at plr. - cuboid
crude, gross rough. - 4) - coarse (metals). (anatomy and geometry).
crucì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ cr[ue][ch]'i \ ) - See crocì. cubòid - 2) - adj. (pr. \ c[ue]b'oid \) Ms. plr. cubòid - fm. sng.
crucìfer - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ cr[ue][ch]'ifær \ ) - See and plr. cubòida, cubòide. - cuboid.
crocìfer. cuca - n. f. (pr. \ c'[ue]c& \) Ar plr. cuche. - 1) - idle tale, tall
crucifiss - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ cr[ue][ch]if's \ ) - See crocifiss - 1). story, lie, fib. - 3) - canard.
crucifiss - 2) - adj. (pr. \ cr[ue][ch]if's \ ) - See crocifiss - 2). cucagna - n. f. (pr. \ c[ue]c'&[gn]& \) - See cocagna.
crudél - adj. (pr. \ cr[ue]d'el \ ) Ms. plr. crudéj - fm. sng. and cucamela - n. f. (pr. \ c[ue]c&m'el& \) At plr. cucamele - 1) - a
plr. crudél, crudéj. - 1) - cruel, barbarous. - 2) - type of mushroom. (edible). In this sense see also the term
merciless. - 3) - painful. See also the terms "dzuman, "cucuméla". - 2) - very low quality mushroom. In this
brutal, sanglan". sense see also the term "pissacan".
crudeltà - n. f. (pr. \ cr[ue]delt'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - cruelty, cucc - n. (pr. \ c[ue][ch] \) Ms. plr. cucc - fm. sng. and plr.
mercilessness. - 2) - cruel thing. cucia, cuce. - pup, puppy. See also the terms "cagnet,
cruent - adj. (pr. \ cr[ue]'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. cruent - fm. sng. and cagnòt ", diminutive of "can".
plr. cruenta, cruente. - bloody, sanguinary. Italianism. See cuch - n. m. (pr. \ c[ue]c \) Inv. at plr. - cuckoo, gowk (zoology
the best piedm. terms "sanglan, sangonos, sangonant ". - Cuculus canorus). See also the terms "cococh, cucuch,
cruëssa - n. f. (pr. \ cr[ue]'&ss& \ ) At plr. cruësse. - 1) - coco 1st meaning".
rawness. - 2) - harshness. cuché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c[ue]k'e \) - 1) - to drink, to to
crumiragi - n. m. (pr. \ cr[ue]mir'&ji \ ) - See cromiragi. suck. - 2) - to catch (e. g. a cold). - 3) - to bear, to suffer,
crumiro - n. m. (pr. \ cr[ue]m'iru \ ) - See cromiro. to put up with. In the meanings 2nd and 3dr ee also the term
crupì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ cr[ue]p'i \ ) - See crupìsse. "cuchésse".

chchésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ c[ue]k'ese \) - 1) - to catch (e. cugni - n. m. (pr. \ c'[ue][gn]i \ ) - See cugn.
g. a cold). - 2) - to bear, to suffer, to put up with. See cujé - n. m. (pr. \ c[ue]y'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - wooden spoon. See
also the term "cuché 2nd and 3rd meanings". also the loc. "cuciar ëd bòsch".
cuchìa - n. f. (pr. \ c[ue]k'i& \) At plr. cuchìe. - shell, test cujì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ c[ue]y'i \ ) - 1) - to pick, to pluck,
(zoology, metallurgy, etc.). See also the term "cuchìja". to gather, to pick up. - 2) - to reap, to harvest, to crop. -
cuchìja - n. f. (pr. \ c[ue]k'iy& \) - See cuchìa. 3) - to collect. - See also the term "cheuje ".
cucia - n. f. (pr. \ c'[ue][ch]i& \) - See cucc. cujìa - n. f. (pr. \ c[ue]y'i& \ ) At plr. cujìe. - 1) - harvest,
cuciar - n. m. (pr. \ c[ue][ch]i'&r \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - spoon. - 2) harvesting, hatvest-time. - 2) - collection. - 3) - catch,
- spoonful. In this meaning see also the terms "cuciarà, round-up (in a fig. sense).
cuciarada ". cujor - n. (pr. \ c[ue]y'ur \ ) Ms. plr. cujor - fm. sng. and plr.
cuciara - n. f. (pr. \ c[ue][ch]i'&r& \) At plr. cuciare. - 1) - big cujòira, cujòire. - 1) - collector. - 2) - picker. - 3) - file-
spoon. - 2) - shovel, dipper. - 3) - mason's trowel. holder, loose-leaf binder.
cuciarà - n. f. (pr. \ c[ue][ch]i&r'& \) Inv. at plr. - spoonful. cujòira - n. f. (pr. \ c[ue]y'oir& \ ) At plr. cujòire. - picker
See also the term " cuciarada ". machine (agriculture).
cuciarada - n. f. (pr. \ c[ue][ch]i&r'&d& \) - See cuciarà. cul - n. m. (pr. \ c[ue]l \ ) At plr. cuj. - 1) - arse, ass, backside,
cuciaré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c[ue][ch]i&r'e \) - 1) - to take behind, etc. (in Piedm. the term is not particularly vulgar).
with a spoon. - 2) - to pour with a spoon. - 3) - to catch, - 2) - bottom. (bottless, glasses, etc.). - 3) - luck (in a fig.
to grasp, to seize (in a fig. sense). sense). Other terms and loc. used : "daré, darera, sëddes,
cuciarésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ c.[ue][ch]i&r'ese \) - 1) - to sarapapé, tafanari, përtus dj'erbëtte". There are some
appropriate. - 2) - to catch. In this meaning see also the idiomatic expressions using this term: - A) - "cul ëd sach ",
term "cuchésse 1st meaning". like the french "cul de sac" "way or situation without an
cuciarera - n. f. (pr. \ c[ue][ch]i&r'er& \) At plr. cuciarere. - exit". - B) - "dë dël cul" "to go bankrupt".
box or drawer containing the spoons. culass - n. m. (pr. \ c[ue]l'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - ignis fatuus, will-
cuciarin - n. m. (pr. \ c[ue][ch]i&r'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - tea o'-the wisp, jack-o'-lantern. See also the terms "culess,
or coffee spoon, little spoon. - 2) - spoon (fishing). culèiss, lunèiri, luneri".
cuciaron - n. m. (pr. \ c[ue][ch]i&r'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - culata - n. f. (pr. \ c[ue]l'&t& \ ) At plr. culate. - 1) - breech
big spoon. - 2) - ladle. See also the term "cassul ". (guns). - 2) - seat (trousers). - 3) - rump (cooking).
cucuch - n. m. (pr. \ c[ue]c'[ue]c \ ) Inv. at plr. - cuckoo, gowk culatà - n. f. (pr. \ c[ue]l&t'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - bump with the
(zoology - Cuculus canorus). See also the terms "cuch, behind. (in Piedm. the term is not particularly vulgar). See
cococh ". also the term "maciacula".
cuculucù - excl. (pr. \ c[ue]c[ue]l[ue]c'[ue] \ ) - culaton - n. m. (pr. \ c[ue]l&t'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - terminal
cockadoodledoo. See also the term " cucurucù". part of a loaf (of bread).
cucumela - - n. f. (pr. \ c[ue]c[ue]m'el& \) - See cucamela. culbianch - n. m. (pr. \ c[ue]lbi'&[ng]c \ ) - See cubianch.
cucùrbita - n. f. (pr. \ c[ue]c'[ue]rbit& \) At plr. cucurbite. - 1) culèiss - n. m. (pr. \ c[ue]l'æs \ ) - See culass.
- pumpkin (botany - Cucurbita pepo). - 2) - head (in a fig. culera - n. f. (pr. \ c[ue]l'er& \ ) At plr. culere. - 1) - irritation
sense). For both meanings see also the term "cossa". of buttocks (for riding or for sweat) - 2) - dirt on buttocks
cucurucù - excl. (pr. \ c[ue]c[ue]r[ue]c'[ue] \ ) - See cuculucù. due to a fall.
cudì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ c[ue]d'i \ ) - to attend, to look culess - n. m. (pr. \ c[ue]l'æis \ ) - See culass.
after (note that in piedm. this verb is trs.). See also the culinari - adj. (pr. \ c[ue]lin'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. culinari - fm. sng.
voice "acudì ". and plr. culinària, culinàrie. - culinary, gastronomic,
cuercc - n. m. (pr. \ c[ue]'ær[ch] \ ) Inv. at plr. - cover, lid, cap. cookery (as an attribute).
See also the terms "coercc, cuercia, cuvercc". culinària - n. f. (pr. \ c[ue]lin'&ri& \ ) At plr. (if any).
cuercé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c[ue]ær[ch]'e \ ) - to cover, to culinàrie. - gastronomy, cookery.
put the lid, to put the cap. - See also the term "cuvercé". culminé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ c[ue]lmin'e \ ) - to culminate.
cuerce - n. f. plr. (pr. \ c[ue]'ær[ch]e \ ) Only plr. - cymbals. It uses the aux. "esse".
See also the term "cuverce". culòt - n. f. plr. (pr. \ c[ue]l'ot \ ) Only plr. - panties, knickers.
cuercia - n. f. (pr. \ c[ue]'ær[ch] \ ) At plr. cuerce. - cover, lid, cult - n. m. (pr. \ c[ue]lt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
cap. See also the terms "cuercc, cuvercia". worship,adoration. - 2) - veneration, cult. - 3) - religion,
cuert - n. m. (pr. \ c[ue]'ært \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - cover, shelter, creed. See also the terms "venerassion, adorassion,
roof. - 2) - place (laid at table), cover. See also the terms divossion, rit, liturgìa".
"covert, cuert, cuvert ". cultor - n. (pr. \ c[ue]lt'ur \ ) Ms. plr. cultor - fm. sng. and plr.
cuerta - n. f. (pr. \ c[ue]'ært& \ ) At plr. cuerte. - 1) - blanket. cultriss, cultriss. - student, cultivator, promoter.
- 2) - bedspread. - 3) - deck (ships). See also the term cultura - n. f. (pr. \ c[ue]lt'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. culture. - culture,
"cuverta". education, learning. See also the term "coltura 4th
cuertin-a - n. f. (pr. \ c[ue]ært'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. cuertin-e. - 1) meaning".
- binding, paper cover (books). - 2) - dust jacket. See cultutal - adj. (pr. \ c[ue]lt[ue]r'&l \ ) Ms. plr. culturaj - fm.
also the term "cuvertin-a". sng. and plr. cultural, culturaj. - cultural. See also the
cuerton - n. m. (pr. \ c[ue]ært'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - tyre. - term "coltural".
2) - tarpaulin. In this meaning see also the term "cuertor". culturism - n. m. (pr. \ c[ue]lt[ue]r'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - physical
- See also the term "cuverton". culture. See also the term "colturism".
cuertor - n. m. (pr. \ c[ue]ært'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - tarpaulin. See cumin - n. m. (pr. \ c[ue]m'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - cumin,
also the term "cuvertor" and "cuerton 2nd meaning". cummin (botany - Cuminum cyminum).
cugn - n. m. (pr. \ c[ue][gn] \ ) Inv. at plr. - wedge. See also the cumission - n. f. (pr. \ c[ue]misi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
terms "cuni, cun-i, cugni". errand, commission, message. - 2) - shopping. - 3) -
cugnà - n. (pr. \ c[ue][gn]'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - brother- committee, board, commission. - 4) - commission
in-law, sister-in-law. (commercial). - 5) - order. See also the most common term
cugné - vrb 1st con. trs. - to wedge. See also the term "comission".
"ancugné". cumissioné - 1) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c[ue]misiun'e \ ) - See
cugnet - n. m. (pr. \ c[ue][gn]'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - small wedge. comissioné 1).

cumissioné - 2) - n. (pr. \ c[ue]misiun'e \ ) - See comissioné 2). cupolòt - n. m. (pr. \ c[ue]pul'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - small dome,
cùmol - n. m. (pr. \ c'[ue]mul \ ) At plr. cùmoj. - 1) - small cupola. See also the terms "copolin, cupolin".
pluralism, plurality (law). - 2) - cumulus (clouds). - 3) - cupolù - adj. (pr. \ c[ue]pul'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. cupolù - fm. sng.
heap, accumulation. In this sense the term is an italianism, and plr. cupolùa, cupolùe. - with a dome, having a dome.
see also the best piedm. terms "baron, mugg". See also the term "copolù ".
cumolàbil - adj. (pr. \ c[ue]mul'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. cumolàbij - cupraluminio - n. m. (pr. \ c[ue]pr&l[ue]m'iniô \ ) Inv. at plr. -
fm. sng. and plr. cumolàbil, cumolàbij. - accumulable. aluminium bronze (metallurgy).
See also the term "cumulàbil ". cuprite - n. f. (pr. \ c[ue]pr'ite \ ) Inv. at plr. - cuprite
cumolativ - adj. (pr. \ c[ue]mul&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. cumolativ - (mineral).
fm. sng. and plr. cumolativa, cumolative. - 1) - cura - n. f. (pr. \ c'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. cure - 1) - care. - 2) - care,
accumulative, cumulative. - 2) - total, overall, accuracy, attention. - 3) - attentions. - 4) - cure,
combined. See also the term "cumulativ". treatment (medical).
cumolé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c[ue]mul'e \ ) - to accumulate, curà - n. m. (pr. \ c[ue]r'& \ ) Inv. at plr, - 1) - parish priest.
to cumulate, to heap up. . See also the terms "cumulé, cura... - prefix. (pr. \ c[ue]r&... \ ) - This prefix, when such, is
mugé, ambaroné ". used for indicating a tool or a person aimed at cleaning or
cumpì - 1) - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ c[ue]mp'i \ ) - See compì 1). taking care of something, which is expressed in the main
cumpì - 2) - adj. (pr. \ c[ue]mp'i \ ) - See compì 2). term. E. g. "curapipe" "pipe cleaner".
cumpìa - n. f. (pr. \ c[ue]mp'i& \ ) - See compìa. curàbil - adj. (pr. \ c[ue]r'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. curàbij - fm. sng.
cumulàbil - adj. (pr. \ c[ue]m[ue]l'&bil \ ) - See cumolàbil. and plr. curàbil, curàbij. - curable.
cumulativ - adj. (pr. \ c[ue]m[ue]l&t'iu \ ) - See cumolativ. curabilità - n. m. (pr. \ c[ue]r&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any) -
cumulé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c[ue]m[ue]l'e \ ) - See cumolé. curability, curableness.
cumuniché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c[ue]m[ue]nik'e \ ) - See curadent - n. m. (pr. \ c[ue]r&d'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - toothpick.
comuniché. See also the tewrm "gariadent ".
cumunion - n. f. (pr. \ c[ue]m[ue]ni'u[ng] \ ) - See comunion. curador - n. (pr. \ c[ue]r&d'ur \ ) Ms. plr. curador - fm. sng.
cunada - n. f. (pr. \ c[ue]n'&d& \ ) At plr. cunade. - the action and plr. curadòira, curadòire. - 1) - trustee,
of rocking or cradling or dandling. administrator (legal). - 2) - curator, guardian (of an
cuncc - adj. (pr. \ c[ue]n[ch] \ ) Ms. plr. cuncc - fm. sng. and underage). - 3) - trustee (in bankruptcy), receiver.- See
plr. cuncia, cunce. - dirty, soiled, stained. also the term "curator".
cuncé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c[ue]n[ch]'e \ ) - to dirty, to soil, curant - adj. (pr. \ c[ue]r'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. curant - fm. sng. and
to stain. plr. curanta, curante. - in charge (referred to a doctor).
cuné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c[ue]n'e \ ) - to rock, to cradle, to curaorije - n. m. (pr. \ c[ue]r&ur'ie \ ) Inv. at plr. - stick for
dandle. cleaning ears, ear cleaner. See also the term "gariaorije".
cunëtta - n. f. (pr. \ c[ue]n'&tt& \ ) At plr. cunëtte. - 1) - small curapipe - n. m. (pr. \ c[ue]r&p'ipe \ ) Inv. at plr. - pipe
cradle. See also the term "cunòt ". - 2) - ditch, road cleaner.
bump, gutter. curaposs - n. m. (pr. \ c[ue]r&p'us \ ) Inv. at plr. - who cleans
cuni - n. m. (pr. \ c'[ue]ni \ ) - See cugn. wells, maintenance man of wells. See also the term
cunié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c[ue]ni'e \ ) - 1) - to wedge, to "guraposs".
insert, to fit in. See also the terms "ancugné, ancunié". - 2) curarian-e - n. m. (pr. \ c[ue]r&ri'&[ng]e \ ) Inv. at plr. -
- to coin, to mint, to strike. See also the terms "cogné 3rd maintenance man of sewers, man in charge to empty or
meaning, conié ". sinks. See also the terms "curatampe, gurarian-e,
cunij - n. (pr. \ c[ue]n'iy \ ) Ms. plr. cunij - fm. sng. and plr. guratampe".
cunija, cunije. - rabbit (zoology - Oryctolagus cuniculus). curassò - n. m. (pr. \ c[ue]r&s'o \ ) Inv. at plr. - curaçao
cunija - n. f. (pr. \ c[ue]n'iy& \ ) - See cunij. (liquor).
cunijà - n. f. (pr. \ c[ue]niy'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - litter of rabbits. curatampe - n. m. (pr. \ c[ue]r&t'&mpe \ ) - See curarian-e.
cunijé - n. (pr. \ c[ue]niy'e \ ) Ms. plr. cunijé - fm. sng. and curatela - n. f. (pr. \ c[ue]r&t'el& \ ) At plr. curatele. - 1) -
plr. cunijera, cunijere. - breeder of rabbits, seller of trusteeship. - 2) - curatorship, guardianship. - 3) -
rabbits. receivership.
cunujera - n. f. (pr. \ c[ue]niy'er& \ ) At plr. cunijere. - 1) - curativ - adj. (pr. \ c[ue]r&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. curativ - fm. sng.
rabbit hutch. - 2) - rabbit warren. See also the terms and plr. curativa, curative. - curative (medical).
"garënna, grënna, grun-a". curator - n. (pr. \ c[ue]r&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. curator - fm. sng. and
cunòt - n. m. (pr. \ c[ue]n'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - small cradle. plr. curatriss, curatriss. - 1) - trustee, administrator
cun-a - n. f. (pr. \ c'[ue][ng]& \ ) At plr. cun-e. - 1) - cradle. - (legal). - 2) - curator, guardian (of an underage). - 3) -
2) - swing cot. trustee (in bankruptcy), receiver.- See also the term
cun-i - n. m. (pr. \ c'[ue][ng]i \ ) - See cugn. "curador".
cupìa - n. f. (pr. \ c[ue]p'i& \ ) At plr. cupìe. - cotter, cotter curé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c[ue]r'e \ ) - 1) - to take care of. -
pin, slit pin (mechanics). See also the term "cupija". 2) - to see, to provide for. - 3) - to treat, to cure, to nurse
cupija - n. f. (pr. \ c[ue]p'iy& \ ) - See cupìa. (medical).
cupio - n. m. and adj. ms. (pr. \ c'[ue]piu \ ) Only ms. Inv. at curésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ c[ue]r'ese \ ) - 1) - to take care
plr. - homosexual, gay (the term is quite rude). of oneself, to follow a treatment. - 2) - to look after, to
cupiss - n. m. (pr. \ c[ue]p'is \ ) Inv. at plr. - nape, nucha mind.
(anatomy - popular term). See also the terms "guca, copin, cùria - n. f. . (pr. \ c'[ue]ri& \ ) At plr. cùrie. - 1) - curia
copet, copòt ". (history, Church). - 2) - law court.
cùpola - n. f. (pr. \ c'[ue]pul& \ ) At plr. cupole. - dome, curial - adj. (pr. \ c[ue]ri'&l \ ) Ms. plr. curiaj - fm. sng. and
cupola. plr. curial, curiaj. - 1) - curial. - 2) - courtly, majestic.
cupolin - n. m. (pr. \ c[ue]pul'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - small dome, curios - adj. and n. (pr. \ c[ue]ri'uz \ ) Ms. plr. curios - fm. sng.
small cupola. See also the term "copolin, cupolòt ". and plr. curiosa, curiose. - 1) - curious, inquisitive,
cupolon - n. m. (pr. \ c[ue]pul'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - big dome, prying (adj.). - 2) - odd, bizarre, quaint (adj.). In this
big cupola. sense see also the term "dròlo". - 3) - curious person
(sbst.). There is a way of saying as an answer to whom

wants to know what he mustn't, usually given to children cuse - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ c'[ue]ze \ ) - 1) - to sew, to stitch. -
asking "what is that ?, what have you in your pocket? , 2) - to suture, to stitch (medical). - 3) - to staple (paper).
etc." and the answer is : "Jë smens ëd curios ! " "The See also the term "cusì ". (See grammar - Verb "fosonant
seeds of curious persons ! ". ").
curiosità - n. f. (pr. \ c[ue]riuzit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - curiosity. cusé - vrb 1st con trs. (pr. \ c[ue]z'e \ ) - 1) - to bid (card
curla - n. f. (pr. \ c'[ue]rl& \ ) At plr. curle. - butt mounted on games). - 2) - to accuse. - 3) - to charge, to accuse (legal).
a cart for wine transport. See also the term "botala". cusì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ c[ue]z'i \ ) - See cuse.
curlo - n. m. (pr. \ c'[ue]rlu \ ) Inv. at plr. - dolly, roller. See cusiariss - n. f. (pr. \ c[ue]zi&r'is \ ) - See cusariss.
also the terms "rolin, rolatin". cusidòira - n. f. (pr. \ c[ue]zid'oir& \ ) - See cusariss.
curnis - n. f. (pr. \ c[ue]rn'iz \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - frame. - 2) - cusidriss - n. f. (pr. \ c[ue]zidr'is \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - sewing
picture frame. - 3) - cornice, moulding. machine. - 2) - stapling machine. See also the term
curnisé - n. (pr. \ c[ue]rniz'e \ ) Ms. plr. curnisé - fm. sng. and "cusitriss".
plr. curnisera, curnisere. - frame maker, frame seller. cusidura - n. f. (pr. \ c[ue]zid'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. cusidure. - 1) -
curnison - n. m. (pr. \ c[ue]rniz'u[ng] \ ) - See cornison. seam. - 2) - sewing. - 3) - stapling. - 4) - stitch. - 5) -
curos - adj. (pr. \ c[ue]r'uz \ ) Ms. plr. curos - fm. sng. and plr. suture (medical).
curosa, curose. - 1) - careful, solicitous. - 2) - cusin - n. (pr. \ c[ue]z'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. cusin - fm. sng. and plr.
conscentious, diligent. cusin-a, cusin-e. - cousin.
curt - adj. (pr. \ c[ue]rt \ ) Ms. plr. curt - fm. sng. and plr. cusiné - 1) - vrb 1st con trs. (pr. \ c[ue]zin'e \ ) - to cook.
curta, curte. - short. The expressions "për tajé curt ; për cusiné - 2) - n. (pr. \ c[ue]zin'e \ ) Ms. plr. cusiné - fm. sng. and
copé curt " which lit. mean both "for cutting short " mean plr. cusinera, cusinere. - cook.
"in short ; to make a long story short". cusinera - n. f. (pr. \ c[ue]zin'er& \ ) - See cusiné 2).
curt (an ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ &[ng] c[ue]rt \ ) - shortly. cusinëtta - n. f. (pr. \ c[ue]zin'&tt& \ ) At plr. cusinëtte. -
curtëssa - n. f. (pr. \ c[ue]rt'&ss& \ ) At plr. (if any) curtësse. - kitchenette (not very small). - See also the term
shortness, brevity. "cusinòta".
curura - n. f. (pr. \ c[ue]r'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. curure. - 1) - cusinin - n. m. (pr. \ c[ue]zin'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - kitchenette
cleaning. - 2) - purging. - 3) - discharge. (smaller than "cusinëtta" - see the term).
curv - adj. (pr. \ c[ue]rv \ ) Ms. plr. curv - fm. sng. and plr. cusinòta - n. f. (pr. \ c[ue]zin'ot& \ ) - See cusinëtta.
curva, curve. - 1) - curved, bent. - 2) - curvilinear. cusin-a - n. f. (pr. \ c[ue]z'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. cusin-e. - 1) -
curva - n. f. (pr. \ c'[ue]rv& \ ) At plr. curve. - 1) - curve, arc. kitchen. - 2) - cooking, cookery, cuisine. - 3) - fm. of
- 2) - bend, curve. - 3) - trajectory. - 4) - contour line. "cusin" (See the term).
curvadura - n. f. (pr. \ c[ue]rv&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. curvadure. cusiòira - n. f. (pr. \ c[ue]z&r'is \ ) Inv. at plr. - seamstress,
- 1) - curvature, bending. - 2) - camber (mechanics). - 3) - needlewoman. (In particular this term is referred to women
sweep (architecture). working at home for their family). See also the terms
curvament - n. m. (pr. \ c[ue]rv&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - the "cusiariss, cusariss, cusidòira".
action of bending. cusitriss - n. f. (pr. \ c[ue]zitr'is \ ) - See cusidriss.
curvatriss - n. f. (pr. \ c[ue]rv&tr'is \ ) Inv. at plr. - bender, cussin - n. m. (pr. \ c[ue]s'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - cushion,
bending machine. pillow. 2) - pad, cushion (mechanics).
curvé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. - (pr. \ c[ue]rv'e \ ) - 1) - to cussinet - n. m. (pr. \ c[ue]sin'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - small
bend, to curve, to camber. (trs.). - 2) - to warp. (trs.). - 3) cushion, small pillow. - 2) - bearing (mechanics).
- to corner, to turn. (int.). It uses always the aux. "avèj ". "cussinet a sfere" "ball bearing" ; "cussinet a rolin"
curvésse - vrb 1st con. refl. - (pr. \ c[ue]rv'ese \ ) - to bend, to "rolling bearing".
become bent. custodì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ c[ue]stud'i \ ) - 1) - to keep, to
curvì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ c[ue]rv'i \ ) - 1) - to cover, to guard, to preserve. - 2) - to take care of, to look after. -
cover up. - 2) - to conceal, to hide. - See also the terms 3) - to cherish. - 4) - to hold in custody, to ward.
"quaté, cheurve, creuve ". custon - adj. and n. (pr. \ c[ue]st'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. custon - fm.
curvilìneo - 1) - adj. (pr. \ c[ue]rvil'ineô \ ) Ms. plr. curvilìneo sng. and plr. custon-a, custon-e. - 1) - begging (adj.
- fm. sng. and plr. curvilìnea, curvilìnee. - curvilinear. referred to friars and nuns). - 2) - beggar (sbst.). See also
Italianism. See also the term "curv". the term "chiston".
curvilìneo - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ c[ue]rvil'ineô \ ) Inv. at plr. - custoné - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ c[ue]stun'e \ ) - 1) - to
French curve. (neologism coming from Italian). beg (trs.) - 2) - to go begging (int.). See also the term
curviment - n. m. (pr. \ c[ue]rvim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - "chistoné ".
cover. - 2) - coverage. custòde - n. (pr. \ c[ue]st'ode \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) -
curvimenta - n. f. (pr. \ c[ue]rvim'ænt& \ ) At plr. (if caretaker, keeper. - 2) - janitor, custodian, porter. - 3) -
applicable). curvimente. - all what can be used to cover receiver (legal). Note that the expression "àngel custòde"
and cover oneself. See also the term "cuvertura". means "guardian angel ". See also the term "custòdi".
cusà - n. f. (pr. \ c[ue]z'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - bidding (card custòdi - n. (pr. \ c[ue]st'odi \ ) - See custòde.
games). custòdia - n. f. (pr. \ c[ue]st'odi& \ ) At plr. custòdie. - 1) -
cusàbil - adj. (pr. \ c[ue]z'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. cusàbij - fm. sng. care, custody, guardianship. - 2) - custody,
and plr. cusàbil, cusàbij. - chargeable. See also the most guardianship (legal, referred to persons). - 3) - case,
used term "acusàbil". holder, box, container, sheath, etc.
cusador - n. (pr. \ c[ue]z&d'ur \ ) - See cusator. cuticagna - n. f. (pr. \ c[ue]tic'&[gn]& \ ) At plr. cuticagne. -
cusariss - n. f. (pr. \ c[ue]z&r'is \ ) Inv. at plr. - seamstress, 1) - nape, scruff of the neck. - 2) - scalp.
needlewoman. See also the terms "cusiariss, cusiòira, cuvercc - n. m. (pr. \ c[ue]'ær[ch] \ ) Inv. at plr. - cover, lid,
cusidòira". cap. See also the terms "coercc, cuercia, cuercc".
cusator - n. and adj. (pr. \ c[ue]z&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. cusator - fm. cuvercé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ c[ue]ær[ch]'e \ ) - to cover, to
sng. and plr. cusatriss, cusatriss. - 1) - accuser. (sbst.). - put the lid, to put the cap. - See also the term "cuercé".
2) - accusing. (adj.). See also the most used term cuverpié - n. m. (pr. \ c[ue]ærpi'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - small quilt
"acusator". covering feet and legs.

cuvert - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ c[ue]v'ært \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - cover, cuvertin-a - n. f. (pr. \ c[ue]wært'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. cuertin-e. -
shelter. - 2) - roof. - 3) - place laid at table, cover. - 4) - 1) - binding, paper cover (books). - 2) - dust jacket. See
cover charge. See also the terms "covert, coèrt ". also the term "cuertin-a".
cuvert - 2) - adj. (pr. \ c[ue]v'ært \ ) Ms. plr. cuvert - fm. sng. cuverton - n. m. (pr. \ c[ue]wært'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - tyre.
and plr. cuverta, cuverte. - 1) - closed. - 2) - covered. - 3) - 2) - tarpaulin. In this meaning see also the term
- clothed, clad. See also the terms "covert, coèrt ". "cuertor". - See also the term "cuerton".
cuverta - n. f. (pr. \ c[ue]w'ært& \ ) At plr. cuerte. - 1) - cuvertor - n. m. (pr. \ c[ue]wært'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - tarpaulin.
blanket. - 2) - bedspread. - 3) - deck (ships). See also the See also the term "cuertor" and "cuerton 2nd meaning".
term "cuerta". cuvertura - n. f. (pr. \ c[ue] wært'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. cuverture. -
1) - cover. - 2) - covering. - 3) - covertage.

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Letter D
d - fourth letter of the alphabet and n. f. (pr. \ d \) - d. See the dabòr - adv. (pr. \ d&b'or \) - firstly, first of all, at once. See
term "de". also the term "dabòrd ".
'd - prp. (pr. \ d \) - of (main meaning) - See the term ëd. dabòrd - adv. (pr. \ d&b'ord \) - See dabòr.
d' - prp. (pr. \ d \) - of (main meaning) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - of. dacant - adv. (pr. \ d&c'&nt \) - nearby, beside.
Used in front of words starting by vowel. For all the uses dafé - n. m. (pr. \ d&f'e \) Inv. at plr. - work, task, grind. The
see the terms "dë, ëd ". sentence "avèj sò dafé" means "to be very busy, to have
da - prp. (pr. \ d& \) - 1) - from. E.g. - A) - "a ven da Turin" quite a lot to do".
"he comes from Turin". - B) - "da col dì anans" "from daga - n. f. (pr. \ d'&g& \) At plr. daghe. - dagger.
that day on"- C) - "ël Piemontèis a deriva dal Latin" "the dagherotipìa - n. f. (pr. \ d&gerutip'i& \) At plr. dagherotipìe.
Piedmontese derives from Latin". - D) - "protege 'l teren - daguerreotypy.
da l'assion dl'àqua" "to protect the ground from the dagherotìpo - n. m. (pr. \ d&gerut'ipo \) Inv. at plr. -
water action". - E) - "duvert da eut ore a des ore" "open daguerreotype.
from eight o'clock to ten". - F) - "andé via da quaidun" da già - cng. loc. (pr. \ d& ji'& \) - 1) - since. - 2) - since, as.
"to go away from someone". - G) - "tò maltesta a ven da Often in the form "da già che". E. g. "da già ch'it vade lì,
toe costume sregolà " "your headache comes from your pòrta 'dcò sòn" = "since you are going there, bring also
this one".
immoderate habits". - 2) - by. E. g. - A) - "a l'é stàit s-
dagn - n. m. (pr. \ d& [gn] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - drop. - 2) -
ciapà da na pera" "it was broken by a stone". - B) - "a
dropping. - 3) - cleft through which drops of liquid pass.
l'é stàit fàit da chièl " "it was made by him". - C) - "cissà - 4) - scythe. In this sense see also the terms "daj, faussìa,
da l'anvìa" "driven by eagerness". - 3) - of. E. g. - A) - sessa".
"Sant Antòni da Pàdua" "St. Anthont of Padua". - B) - dagné - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ d& [gn]'e \) - to drop, to trickle,
"vnì da na bon-a rassa" "to come of a good race". - 4) - to leak. It uses the aux. "avèj ". A way of saying : "dagné
for. E. g. "i vado nen lì da doi dì " = "I haven't gone there coma në siass" "to lose water like a sieve".
for the last two days". - 5) - since. E. g. "a travaja da gené dai - art.-prp. (pr. \ d'&i \) Only ms. plr. - from the, by the,
" "he works since January". - 6) - as. E. g. - A) - "da cit a etc. Referred to only ms. plr. indirect objects. E. g. "sta
l'era un dësbela" "as a child he was a little rascal ". - B) toma a ven dai pais ëd montagna" "this cheese comes
- "fé da magìster" "to act as teacher". - 7) - through. E. from the mountain villages". See the prp. "da". It is
g. "i passo da la pòrta " "I pass through the door". - 8) - possible to find this prp. separated from the article in the
out of. E. g. "camplo nen fòra da la fnestra" "don't throw form "da jë". This is mandatory if the following word starts
it out of the window". - 9) - at. E. g. "it peule catélo dal with a "s" followed by consonant (impure "s"), or by a
feramenta" "you can buy it at the ironmonger's". - 10) - strong "s" as in the word "siass". (see below the related
to. E. g. "i vado dal dotor" "I'm going to the doctor". - terms).
11) - with, or composite word (for indicating an attribute). daim - n. m. (pr. \ d'&im \) - See dain.
E. g. "na fija dai cavèj longh " "a girl with long hair" or dain - n. m. (pr. \ d'&i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - fallow deer (zoology
"a long-haired girl ". - 12) - in, on (with a limitating - Dama dama). The expression "pél ëd dain" means
value). E. g. - A) - "sòp da un pé " "lame in one foot". - "doeskin, buckskin". See also tyhe term "daim, dan".
B) - "la fnestra da la part snistra" "the window on the dàit - 1) - adj. (pr. \ d'&it \) Ms. plr. dàit - fm. sng. and plr.
left side". - 13) - for, with. E. g. - A) - "a l'é scapà da la dàita, dàite. - 1) - given (to), given over, devoted,
paura" "he ran away with fear". - B) - "a criava da la addicted. - 2) - engrossed (in), absorbed (in). - 3) - given,
ràbia" "he was shouting for anger". - 14) - like. E. g. "a certain. In this sense the term can be found, but see the
best term "dato".
l'é nen da ti fé ste còse" = "it is not like you doing these
dàit - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ d'&it \) Inv. at plr. - datum. The term can
things". Then we have to consider a number of adv. loc.,
be found, but see the best term "dato".
adj. loc. and sbst. loc. starting with this preposition.
dàita - n. f. (pr. \ d'&it& \) At plr. dàite. - 1) - distribution of
Usually we report them with the main term. Here we report
cards (in card games). - 2) - hit given to a ball. - 3) -
some examples : - A) - "da fòl" "in a stupid way, like a
direction, setting out. In this sense see also the terms
fool". - B) - "da pocio" lit. "like a sorb" "very well". - "dreta, drita".
C) - "da rije" "fun". - D) - "da bass" "1) - down, below. da j' - prp. + art. plr. (pr. \ d& y \) Ms. and fm. plr. - from the,
- 2) - downstairs". by the, etc. Referred to both ms. and fm. plr. indirect
dà - n. m. (pr. \ d'& \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - die. - 2) - screw nut objects, in front of words starting by vowels. E. g. "sòn a
(mechanics). - 3) - die, dado (architecture). - 4) - cube. - 5) l'é mangià da j'ànie" "this is eaten by the ducks". See the
- bouillon cube. A couple of idiomatic expressions : - A) - prp. "da".
"tiré 'l dà " lit. "to throw the die" "to try one's luck". - daj - n. m. (pr. \ d&y \) Inv. at plr. - scythe. See also the terms
B) - "campes-to ij dà?" lit. "are you throwing dies?" "dagn 4th meaning, faussìa, sessa".
"are you stupid?". da jë - prp. + art. plr. (pr. \ d& y& \) Ms. plr. - from the, by
dabin - adj. (pr. \ d&b'i[ng] \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - respected, the, etc. Referred to only ms. plr. indirect objects, in front
worthy, honest. of words starting by "s" + consonant, some double
dabon - adv. (pr. \ d&b'u[ng] \) - really, indeed. Often in the consonant and strong "s" (see grammar). E. g. "sòn a l'é
form "për dabon", in particular in interrogative sentences. fàit da jë student" "this is made by the students". See the
prp. "da".

da l' - prp + art. sng. (pr. \ d& l \) Ms. and fm. sng. - from the, damasch - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ d&m'&sc \) Inv. at plr. - damask.
by the, etc. Referred to both ms. and fm. sng. indirect Damasch - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ d&m'&sc \) Only sng. (name of
objects, in front of words starting by vowels. E. g. "sòn a city). - Damascus.
l'é mangià da l'ània" "this is eaten by the duck". See the damasché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&m&sk'e \) - 1) - to weave
prp. "da". (damask), to damask. - 2) - to damask, to damascene
dal - art.-prp. (pr. \ d'&l \) Only ms. sng. - from the, by the, (metallurgy).
etc. Referred to only ms. sng. indirect objects. E. g. "sta damaschin - adj. (pr.\d&m&sk'i[ng]\) Ms. plr. damaschin -
toma a ven dal pais ëd montagna" "this cheese comes fm. sng. and plr. damaschin-a, damaschin-e. - 1) - of
from the mountain village". See the prp. "da". Damascus. - 2) - damascene (metal). - 3) - damask
da la - prp. + art. (pr. \ d& l& \) Only fm. sng. - from the, by (fabric, as an attribute).
the, etc. Referred to only fm. sng. indirect objects, in front damaschinador - n. (pr. \ d&m&skin&d'ur \) Ms.plr.
of words starting by consonant. E. g. "sta toma a ven da la damaschinador - fm. sng. and plr. damaschinadòira,
montagna" "this cheese comes from the mountain ". See damaschinadòire. - damascener.
the prp. "da". damaschiné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&m&skin'e \) - to
da le - prp. + art. (pr. \ d& le \) Only fm. plr. - from the, by damask, to damascene (metallurgy).
the, etc. Referred to only fm. plr. indirect objects, in front d'amblé - adv. loc. (pr. \ d&mbl'e \) - 1) - at once. - 2) -
of words starting by consonant. E. g. "sta toma a ven da le suddenly. out of the blue.
montagne" "this cheese comes from the mountains ". See damé - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ d&m'e \) Inv. at plr. - draughtboard.
the prp. "da". damé - 2) - vrb 1st con. int. and trs. (pr. \ d&m'e \) - to crown
daleugn - adv. (pr. \ d&l'[oe][gn] \) - in the distance, far (draughts game). It uses in any case the aux. "avèj ".
away, from far. Also in the spelling "da leugn" (see the damegé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ d&mej'e \) - to woo a woman.
loc.). It uses the aux. "avèj ".
da leugn - adv. loc. (pr. \ d&l'[oe][gn] \) - See daleugn. damerin - n. m. (pr. \ d&mej'e \) Inv. at plr. - dandy, fop,
da lë - prp. + art. plr. (pr. \ d& l& \) Ms. sng. - from the, by coxcomb.
the, etc. Referred to only ms. sng. indirect objects, in front Damian - n. m. (pr. \ d&mi'&[ng] \) Only sng. (noun of
of words starting by "s" + consonant, some double person). - Damian.
consonant and strong "s" (see grammar). E. g. "sòn a l'é damigian-a - n. f. (pr. \ d&miji'&[ng]& \) At plr. damigian-e.
fàit da lë student" "this is made by the student ". See the - 1) - demijohn. - 2) - carboy (chemical industry).
prp. "da". damin-a - n. f. (pr. \ d&m'i[ng]& \) At plr. damin-e. - 1) -
dàlia - n. f. (pr. \ d'&li& \) At plr. dalie. - dahlia (botany - damsel. - 2) - bridesmaid. In these two senses see also the
Dahlia). term "damisela". - 3) - wren. (zoology - Troglodytes
da lì a 'n pòch - adv. loc. (pr. \ d& li & [ng]p'oc \) - after some troglodytes). In this sense see also the term "borgnet" and
time. Similar adv. loc. are "da lì a pòch" "after a short the loc. "pcit rè, rècit ".
damisela - n. f. (pr. \ d&miz'el& \) At plr. damisele. - 1) -
time, in a short time" and "da lì a dontrè dì" "after few
damsel. - 2) - bridesmaid. See also the term "damin-a 1st
days, in some days". The time is referred to the time of the
and 2nd neanings".
speech. See also the adv. loc. "da sì a 'n pòch".
damista - n. (pr. \ d&m'ist& \) Ms. plr. damista - fm. sng. and
Dalmassia - n. f. (pr. \ d&lm'&si& \) Usually only sng. (name
plr. damista, damiste. - draughts player.
of country). In case of need at plr. Dalmàssie. - Dalmatia.
dan - n. m. (pr. \ d&[ng] \) - See dàin.
dalmassin - n. m. (pr. \ d&lm&s'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - plum,
danà - adj. and n. (pr. \ d&n'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) -
plum of Damascus. A type of plum, small fruits. (botany).
damned (adj.). - 2) - damned soul (sbst.). - 3) - wicked
See also the terms "darmassin, armassin, ramassin" (the
latter is the most used). person. A way of asying : "danà com un cop" lit.
dalmassiné - n. m. (pr. \ d&lm&si'e \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - plum- "damned like a roof " "damned without way out" or "very
tree, plum of Damascus tree. - 2) - plum-orchard. See poor person".
also the terms "darmassiné, armassiné, ramassiné". danassion - n. f. (pr. \ d&n&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - eternal
dàlmata - n. and adj. (pr. \ d'&lm&t& \) Ms. plr. dàlmata - fm. perdition, damnation. - 2) - trial, curse, pest (in a fig.
sng. and plr. dàlmata, dàlmate. - Dalmatian. sense).
dalmàtica - n. f. (pr. \ d&lm'&tic& \) At plr. dalmàtiche. - d'ancheuj - adv. loc. (pr. \ d&[ng]k'[oe]y \) - of today, from
dalmatic (religion). today. Some idiomatic sentences : - A) - "al d' d'ancheuj"
dalmàtich - adj (pr. \ d&lm'&tic& \) Ms. plr. dalmàtich - fm. "nowadays". - B) - "d'ancheuj an doman" "all of a
sng. and plr. dalmàtica, dalmàtiche. - Dalmatic. sudden, overnight". - C) - "d'ancheuy an eut" "in eight
da lor - prn. loc. (pr. \ d& lur \) - See daspërlor. days, within eight days" (or another number of days, of
dalora - adv. (pr. \ d&l'ur& \) - a long time ago, for a long course).
time. Also in the spelling "d'alora". dandaireul - n. m. (pr. \ d&nd&ir'[oe]l \) At plr. dandaireuj. -
d'alora - adv. loc. (pr. \ d&l'ur& \) - See dalora. teething-ring.
dama - n. f. (pr. \ d'&m& \) At plr. dame. - 1) - lady. - 2) - dandané - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ d&nd&n'e \) - 1) - to swing, to
partner (dance). - 3) - queen (cards). - 4) - dam dangle. - 2) - to ring the bells, to peal the bells. It uses the
(metallurgy). - 5) - draughts (game). - 6) - owl (zoology - aux. "avèj ". See also the term "dindané ".
Bubo) In this sense see also the term "cioch ". - 7) - barn dandarin - n. m. (pr. \ d&nd&r'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - a type of
owl (zoology - Tyto alba). In this sense see also the term wery small "pasta", shaped as small balls. See also the
"oloch". - The loc. "dama 'd carità" means "district visitor, term "bombonin".
sister of charity". dandiné - vrb 1st con int. (pr. \ d&ndin'e \) - to lounge about,
damantré - cng. (pr. \ d&m&ntr'e \) - while, as, when. to wander about, to loaf. See also the terms "blambliné,
damascà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ d&m&sc'& \) Inv. in gnd. and bimblané, blimblané, bambliné ". It uses the aux. "avèj".
nr. - 1) - damasked (p. p.) - 2) - damask (adj. as an dandinésse - vrb 1st con refl. (pr. \ d&ndin'ese \) - See
attribute) dandiné.
damascadura - n. f. (pr. \ d&m&sc&d'[ue]r& \) At plr. dané - vrb 1st con. trs. - (pr. \ d&n'e \) - to damn.
damascadure. - 1) - damasking. - 2) - damasking,
damascening (metallurgy).

danegé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&nej'e \) - 1) - to damage. - 2) follow", and the vrbl. loc. "core dapréss" means "to pursue,
- to spoil. - 3) - to impair. - 4) - to harm, to injure. See to chase".
also the vrbl. loc. "fé 'd dann, porté 'd dann". da préss - adv. (pr. \ d& pr'es \) - See dapréss 1st meaning.
danegià - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ d&neji'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - da ràir - adv. (pr. \ d& r'&ir \) - seldom, rarely.
1) - damaged. - 2) - deteriorated. - 3) - injured (legal). dard - n. m. (pr. \ d&rd \) Inv. at plr. - dart, arrow. See also
danegiament - n. m. (pr. \ d&neji&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - the term "sajëtta".
damaging. - 2) - damage. dardegé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ d&rdej'e \) - to dart, fo
danésse - vrb 1st con. refl. - (pr. \ d&n'ese \) - 1) - to be blaze, to flash. See also the term "sajëtté ". It uses always
damned. - 2) - to worry oneself to death, to go crazy. the aux. "avèj ".
dangreus - adj. (pr. \ d&[ng]gr'[oe]z \) Ms. plr. dangreus - fm. daré - 1) - adv. and prp. (pr. \ d&r'e \) - behind, at the back,
sng. and plr. dangreusa, dangreuse. - 1) - unpleasant, in the bach, at the rear, after. See also the terms "apréss,
regrettable. - 2) - sorrowful. - 3) - disgusting. See also darera".
the term "dangrus". daré - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ d&r'e \) Inv. at plr. - buttocks, sit-upon,
dangrus - adj. (pr. \ d&[ng]gr'[ue]z \) - See dangreus. behind, backside, bottom. See also the term "cul ".
dani - n. m. (pr. \ d'&ni \) - See dann. darera - adv. and prp. (pr. \ d&r'er& \) - See daré 1).
dann - n. m. (pr. \ d'&n \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - damage. - 2) - da riva - (pr. \ d&r'iv& \) - See dapé.
harm, injury. See also the term "dani". For the vrbl. loc. darmagé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&rm&j'e \) - 1) - to damage.
"fé 'd dann, porté 'd dann", see the term "danegé ". - 2) - to spoil. - 3) - to ruin, to devastate.
danos - adj. (pr. \ d&n'uz \) Ms. plr. danos - fm. sng. and plr. darmagi - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ d&rm'&ji \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
danosa, danose. - 1) - harmful, injurious, detrimental. - damage, detriment, drawback, failure. - 2) - pity. E. g.
2) - noxious, bad (for). "a l'é un darmagi che a ven-a nen" "it's pity that he
danosità - n. f. (pr. \ d&nuzit'& \) Inv. at plr. - harmfulness, doesn't come".
injuriousness, noxiousness. darmagi! - 2) - excl. (pr. \ d&rm'&ji \) - pity!, what a pity!.
dansa - n. f. (pr. \ d'&[ng]s& \) At plr. danse. - 1) - dance. - 2) darmassin - n. m. (pr. \ d&rm&s'i[ng] \) - See dalmassin.
- dancing. - 3) - intrigue, plot (in a fig. sense). In this da scondion - adv. loc. (pr. \ d& scundi'u[ng] \) - secretely,
sense the idiomatic sentence "mné la dansa" lit. "to drive behind sb.'s back, in a hidden way. - See also the adv.
the dance" means "to direct the plot". - See also the term loc. "da stërmà ".
"bal". dasent - adj. (pr. \ d&z'ænt \) Ms. plr. dasent - fm. sng. and
dansant - adj. (pr. \ d&[ng]s'&nt \) Ms. plr. dansant - fm. sng. plr. dasenta, dasente. - generous, liberal, munificent (in
and plr. dansanta, dansante. - dancing. a fig. sense). See also the term "andant 2nd meaning".
dansé - vrb 1st con. int. and trs. (pr. \ d&[ng]s'e \) - to dance. da sì a 'n pòch - adv. loc. (pr. \ d& si & [ng]p'oc \) - in some
dantorn - prp. and adv. (pr. \ d&nt'urn \) - round, about, time (from now). Similar adv. loc. are "da sì a pòch" " in
around. Also in the spelling "d'antorn". a short time (from now)" and "da sì a dontrè dì" "in few
d'antorn - prp. and adv. (pr. \ d&nt'urn \) - See dantorn. days (from now)". The time is referred to the present. See
dantorné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&nturn'e \) - 1) - to edge, to also the adv. loc. "da sì a 'n pòch".
border. - 2) - to outline. - 3) - to surround. dasiant - adj. (pr. \ d&si'&nt \) Ms. plr. dasiant - fm. sng. and
dapara - adv. (pr. \ d&p'&r& \) - 1) - behind. - 2) - in front. - plr. dasianta, dasiante. - majestic, grand, lofty, stately,
3) - sheltered from, covered from. As it is possible to see, solemn. See also the term "maestos".
this word is a bit odd, as well as its syntax. E. g. - A) - daspart - adv. (pr. \ d&sp'&rt \) - See da part 1).
"stërmésse dapara dla la pòrta " "to hide oneself behind daspërchièl - adv. (pr. \ d&sp&rki'æl \) 3rd prs. sng. ms. - by
the door". Note that in this case the term is followed by the himself. E. g. "a l'ha fàlo daspërchièl" "he made it by
prp. "dla" "of the". - B) - "a l'é andàit dapara 'd chièl ". = himself (alone, without a help of someone else)". See also
"he went in front of him". Also in this case the term is the term "dëspërchièl ".
followed by the prp. " 'd" "of ". - C) - "butésse dapara a daspërchila - adv. (pr. \ d&sp&rk'il& \) 3rd prs. sng. fm. - by
la pieuva" "to put oneself sheltered from the rain". In herself. E. g. "a l'ha fàlo daspërchila" "he made it by
this case the term is followed by the prp. " a" "to, at ". herself (alone, without a help of someone else)". See also
Also in the spelling "da para". the term "dëspërchila".
da para - adv. (pr. \ d& p'&r& \) - See dapara. daspërlor - adv. (pr. \ d&sp&l'ur \) 3rd prs. plr. ms. and fm. - by
da part - 1) - adv. loc. (pr. \ d& p'&rt \) - aside, apart, aloof. themselves. E. g. "a l'han fàlo daspërlor" "they made it
The expression "buté da part quaicòs" lit "to put aside by themselves (alone, without a help of someone else)". See
something" means, beyond the lit. meaning, "to set (st.) also the term "dëspërlor".
aside, to put (st.) on the shelf ". See also the terms daspërmì - adv. (pr. \ d&sp&rm'i \) 1st prs. sng. ms. and fm. -
"daspart, dësport ". by myself. E. g. "i l'hai fàlo daspërmi" "I made it by
da part - 2) - prp. loc. (pr. \ d& p'&rt \) - 1) - on behalf of... . myself (alone, without a help of someone else)". See also
E. g. "tell him on behalf of me..." "dije da part mia...". - the term "dëspërmì".
2) - as for... . E. g. "no problems, as for me " "gnun daspërnoi - adv. (pr. \ d&sp&n'ui \) 3rd prs. plr. ms. and fm. -
problema da part mia". by ourselves. E. g. "i l'oma fàlo daspërnoi" "we made it
dapé - adv. (pr. \ d&p'e \) - 1) - nearby, near, close. - 2) - by ourselves (alone, without a help of someone else)". See
beside. See also the terms "aranda, davzin" and the loc. also the term "dëspërnoi ".
"da riva". daspërtì - loc. prn. (pr. \ d&sp&t'i \) 3rd prs. sng. ms. and fm. -
dapërdaré - adv. (pr. \ d&p&rd&r'e \) - behind, on the back by yourself. E. g. "it l'has fàlo daspërti" "you made it by
side. yourself (alone, without a help of someone else)". See also
dapërtut - adv. (pr. \ d&p&rt'[ue]t \) - everywhere. - See also the term "dëspërtì ".
the term "daspërtut". daspërvoi - adv. (pr. \ d&sp&v'ui \) 3rd prs. plr. ms. and fm. -
dapréss - adv. (pr. \ d&pr'es \) - 1) - near, nearby, close. - 2) - by yourselves. E. g. "i l'eve fàlo daspërvoi" "you made it
behind .In these two meanings also in the spelling "da by yourselves (alone, without a help of someone else)". See
préss". - 3) - after, later, then. In this meaning see also also the term "dëspërvoi".
the term "apress". - The vrbl. loc. "sté dapréss" means "to daspërtut - adv. (pr. \ d&sp&rt'[ue]t \) - See dapërtut.

dassi - n. m. (pr. \ d'&si \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - duty, custom duty. open (onto) (int.). In this sense see also the term "vardé ".
In this sense see also the term "gabela". - 2) - customs This is an irregular verb (see grammar). See also the refl.
house. form "désse". It uses always the aux. "avèj ". In the
dassiari - adj. (pr. \ d&si'&ri \) Ms. plr. dassiari - fm. sng. and following we give some examples of use and some
plr. dassiaria, dassiarie. - customs (as an attribute). Often idiomatic sentances making use of this term. - A) - "la
the loc. "dël dassi" is used. pòrta darera a dà 'nt ël giardin" "the rear door opens
dassié - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ d&si'e \) Inv. at plr. - duty collector. onto the garden". - B) - "st'erbo a dà tanti pom" "this
dassié - 2) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&si'e \) - to tax, to lay a tree yields many apples". - C) - "a l'ha nen dane 'l
duty. përmess" = "he didn't grant us the permission". - D) - "dé
da stërmà - adv. loc. (pr. \ d& st&rm'& \) - See da scondion. dapréss" "to pursue". - E) - "dé adòss" = "to persecute, to
data - n. f. (pr. \ d'&t& \) At plr. date - date. oppress". - F) - "dé ansa" "to offer a possibility, to give
datàbil - adj. (pr. \ d&t'&bil \) Ms. plr. datàbij - fm. sng. and an occasion". - G) - "dé da ment " "to pay attention, to
plr. datàbil, datàbij. - datable, dateable. listen, to obej". - H) - "dé contra" "to contradict, to
datari - n. m. (pr. \ d&t'&ri \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - dater, date hinder". - I) - "dé andaré " "to recoil" or also "to return
stamp. - 2) - datary (religion).
st. back". - L) - "dé ardriss" "to put in order". - M) - "dé
datassion - n. f. (pr. \ d&t&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - dating.
daté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&t'e \) - to date. da dì " "to give rise to gossip". - N) - "dé giù" "to
dàter - n. m. (pr. \ d'&tær \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - date palm. - 2) - decline, to fall off ". - O) - "dé la dëstorna" "to tease, to
date. (botany - Phoenix dactylifera). make fun (of) ". - P) - "dé via" "to distribute, to present,
dativ - n. m. (pr. \ d&t'iu \) Inv. at plr. - dative (grammar). to hand out, to get rid (of) ". - Q) - "dé 'l gir, dé 'l vir" "to
dato - 1) - adj. (pr. \ d'&tô \) Ms. plr. dati - fm. sng. and plr. overturn, to capsize". - R) - "dela dossa" "to consent". -
data, date. - given, certain. Note that this is one of the S) - "dé 'l bianch" "to paint walls". - T) - "dé 'l bleu"
very few adj. that have the ms. plr. in "...i ". See also the "to desert (slang expression with lit. meaning "to paint
term "dàit 1) 3rd meaning". blue")". - U) - "dejla për ël bel temp" "to lead a jolly life,
dato - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ d'&tô \) At plr. dato or dati (this last is an to be on the spree". - V) - "dé da bèive" "to swindle, to
used italianism). - datum. See also the term dàit 2). deceive" or "to rebuke".
dator - n. (pr. \ d&t'ur \) - See donator. de - n. f. (pr. \ de \) Inv. at plr. - name of the letter "d".
d'àutr - adv. (pr. \ d'&utr \) - otherwise. dea - n. f. (pr. \ d'e& \) At plr. dee. - goddess.
d'autut - adv. (pr. \ d&ut'[ue]t \) - 1) - completely, quite. - 2) - debà - n. m. (pr. \ deb'& \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - debate, discussion,
at all (in negative sentences). E. g. "a l'é d'autut dispute. - 2) - quarrel, wrangle. See also the terms "debat,
andipendent " "he is completely independent" ; "nen dìsputa ".
d'autut" "not at all ". See also the adv. loc. "dël tut ". debat - n. m. (pr. \ deb'&t \) - See debà.
daval - adv. (pr. \ d&v'&l \) - low, down, in (or to) the low debelé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ debel'e \) - 1) - to vanquish, to
side, toward down. toward valley, downhill. Also in the defeat. - 2) - to subdue, to eliminate (in a fig. sense).
spelling "da val ". débil - adj. (pr. \ d'ebil \) Ms. plr. débij - fm. sng. and plr.
da val - adv. loc. (pr. \ d& v'&l \) - See daval. débil, débij. - weak, feeble, frail. See also the term
davané - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ d&v&n'e \) - 1) - to "débol".
reel, to wind on a reel, to spool (trs. texile). - 2) - to rave, debilità - n. f. (pr. \ debilit'& \) Inv. at plr. - weakness,
to be delirious (int. in a fig. sense) - It uses always the aux. feebleness, frailty. See also the terms "deblëssa,
"avèj ". debolëssa".
davanòira - n. f. (pr. \ d&v&n'oir& \) At plr. davanòire. - debilitament - n. m. (pr. \ debilit&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. -
winder, wool-winder, reel-winder. See also the term weakening, enfeeblement, the action of making weaker.
"vindo". See also the term "debilitassion".
david - n. m. (pr. \ d&v'id \) Inv. at plr. - carpenter's clamp. debilitant - adj. (pr. \ debilit'&nt \) Ms. plr. débilitant - fm.
See also the terms "serzan, sërgent ". sng. and plr. débilitanta, débilitante. - weakening,
davzin - 1) - adv. and prp. (pr. \ d&uz'i[ng] \) - 1) - near, enfeebling, debilitating.
nearby, close (adv.). - 2) - near, close to, next, in the debilitassion - n. f. (pr. \ debilit&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
neighbourhood, by, beside (prp.). weakening enfeeblement, debilitation. See also the term
davzin - 2) - adj. and n. (pr. \ d&uz'i[ng] \) Ms. plr. davzin - "debilitament ".
fm. sng. and plr. davzin-a, davzin-e. - 1) - near, nearby, debilité - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ debilit'e \) - to weaken, to
close, neighbouring, next (adj.). - 2) - neighbour (sbst.). enfeeble, to debilitate. See also the term "anfiachì ".
dcò - cng. and adv. (pr. \ dco \) - 1) - also, as well, too (adv.). - debilitésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ debilit'ese \) - to grow
2) - also, even (cng.). Also in the spelling " 'dcò ". See also weak, to weaken. See also the term "anfiachìsse".
the terms "ëdcò, anche, bele, fin-a". Some examples (which débit - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ d'ebit \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - debt. - 2) -
put also in evidence the different use from italian). - A) - debit (commercial). - 3) - duty (in a fig. sense).
"even if you dont do...." "bele che ti it fase nen...." (most débit - adj. (pr. \ d'ebit \) Ms. plr. débit - fm. sng. and plr.
correct form) or "dcò se ti it fase nen....". - B) - "there was débita, débite. - due, proper.
also Mary " "a-i era 'dcò Maria". - C) - "there was Mary debitor - n. (pr. \ debit'ur \) Ms. plr. débitor - fm. sng. and plr.
too" "a-i era ('dcò) fin-a Maria". - D) - "it was even débitriss, débitriss. - debtor.
better" "a l'era fin-a pì bon". debitòri - adj. (pr. \ debit'ori \) Ms. plr. débitòri - fm. sng. and
Dé - 1) - n. m. sng. (pr. \ de \) Only sng. In case of need (e. g. plr. débitòria, débitòrie. - debt, debit (as attributes). The
pagan gods) inv. at plr. - God. See also the terms expression "situassion debitòria" means "indebtedness".
"Nosgnor, Dio". debitucc - n. m. (pr. \ debit'[ue][ch] \) - See debituss.
dé - 2) - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ de \) - 1) - to give. - 2) - debituss - n. m. (pr. \ debit'[ue]s \) Inv. at plr. - little debt.
to grant, to award (trs.). In this sense see also the terms deblëssa - n. f. (pr. \ debl'&ss& \) At plr. deblësse. - weakness,
"përmëtte, concede". - 3) - to bear, to yield (trs.). In this feebleness, frailty. See also the terms "debilità,
sense see also the term "produve". - 4) - to hit, to bump debolëssa".
(against st.) (int.). In this sense see also the term "bate". -
5) - to look out (onto), to have view (on), to overlook, to

débol - 1) - adj. (pr. \ d'ebul \) Ms. plr. déboj - fm. sng. and plr. decagrama - n. m. (pr. \ dec&gr'&m& \) Inv. at plr. -
débol, déboj. - weak, feeble, frail. See also the term decagram, gecagramme.
"débil". decalché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dec&lk'e \) - to transfer (a
débol - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ d'ebul \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - weak point. - disign), to trace (a drawing).
2) - weak person. - 3) - weakness. - 4) - weakling. decalcificant - adj. (pr. \ dec&l[ch]ific'&nt \) Ms. plr.
debolëssa - n. f. (pr. \ debul'&ss& \) At plr. deblësse. - decalcificant - fm. sng. and plr. decalcificanta,
weakness, feebleness, frailty. See also the terms "debilità, decalcificante. - decalcifier.
deblëssa". decalcificassion - n. f. (pr. \ dec&l[ch]ific&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at
debolin - adj. (pr. \ debul'i[ng] \) Ms. plr. débolin - fm. sng. plr. - decalcification (chemistry, medicine).
and plr. débolin-a, débolin-e. - 1) - weak, feeble, frail. - decalcifiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dec&l[ch]ifik'e \) - to
2) - quite weak, weak and small. See also the terms decalcify (chemistry, medicine).
"débil. débol ". This term has a diminutive meaning. decalcomanìa - n. f. (pr. \ dec&lcum&n'i& \) At plr.
debordament - n. m. (pr. \ deburd&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - decalcomanìe. - decalcomania, transfer.
overflowing, flooding. - 2) - wandering from the point decàlitr - n. m. (pr. \ dec'&litr \) Inv. at plr. - decalitre,
(in a fig. sense). See also the term "debòrd ". decaliter.
debordant - adj. (pr. \ deburd'&nt \) Ms. plr. debordant - fm. decàlogo - n. m. (pr. \ dec'&lugô \) Inv. at plr. (if any). -
sng. and plr. debordanta, debordante. - overlowing, Decalogue (religion).
superabundant. decàmeter - n. m. (pr. \ dec'&metær \) - See decàmetro.
debordé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ deburd'e \) - to overflow, to decàmetro - n. m. (pr. \ dec'&metrô \) Inv. at plr. - decametre,
superabund. It can be found using the aux. "esse" or the decameter.
aux. "avèj ". This latter is more commonly find when the decampé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ dec&mp'e \) - 1) - to climb
vrb is referred to an action of a person. See also the terms down, to abandon, to give up one's opinions (in a fig.
"dësbordé, sbordé ". sense). - 2) - do decamp (not very used in this sense, in
debòrd - n. m. (pr. \ deb'ord \) - See debordament. which it is an italianism).
debu - n. m. (pr. \ deb'[ue] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - debut. - 2) - decan - n. m. (pr. \ dec'&[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - doyen, dean,
beginning, start. See also the terms "dëbut. dësbut ". senior member. - 2) - dean (religion).
debutant - n. (pr. \ deb[ue]t'&nt \) Ms. plr. debutant - fm. sng. decantament - n. m. (pr. \ dec&nt&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - the
and plr. debutanta, debutante. - beginner, debutant. See action of highly praising, of extoling, of singing the
also the term "dësbutant ". praises (of).
debuté - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ deb[ue]t'e \) - 1) - to make one's decantassion - n. f. (pr. \ dec&nt&sim'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
debut. - 2) - to begin, to start off. - See also the term settling, separating.
"dësbuté ". It uses the aux. "avèj ". decantator - n. m. (pr. \ dec&nt&t'ur \) Inv. at plr. - decanter,
decade - vrb. 2nd con. int. (pr. \ dec'&de \) - 1) - to decline, to settler.
decay, to fall off. - 2) - to lose, to forfeit (legal). It uses decanté - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ dec&nt'e \) - 1) - to
the aux. "esse". extol, to sing the praises of, to praise (trs.). - 2) - to
décade - n. f. (pr. \ d'ec&de \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - ten days. - 2) - settle, to separate (trs.). - 3) - to settle, to separate (int.).
series of ten units. It uses the aux. "avèj".
decadensa - n. f. (pr. \ dec&d'æ[ng]s& \) At plr. decadense. - decapagi - n. m. (pr. \ dec&p'&ji \) Inv. at plr. - pickling
1) - decline, decay, falling off. - 2) - decadence (art, (metallurgy).
literature). - 3) - loss, withdrawal, foreclosure, lapse decapé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dec&p'e \) - to pickle
(legal). See also the term "decadiment ". (metallurgy).
decadent - adj. (pr. \dec&d'ænt \) Ms. plr. decadent - fm. sng. decapitassion - n. f. (pr. \ dec&pit&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
and plr. decadenta, decadente. - decadent. behading, decapitation.
decadentism - n. m. (pr. \dec&dænt'izm \) Inv. at plr. (when decapité - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dec&pit'e \) - 1) - to behad, to
applicable) - decadentism, decadence (art, literature). decapitate, to cut off (sb.'s) head. - 2) - to cut oiff the top
decadentista - n. (pr. \ dec&dænt'ist& \) Ms. plr. decadentista of, to poll.
- fm. sng. and plr. decadentista, decadentiste. - decadent decapotàbil - adj. (pr. \ dec&put'&bil \) Ms. plr. decapotàbij -
(art, literature). fm. sng. and plr. decapotàbil, decapotàbij. - convertible
decadentìstich - adj. (pr. \dec&dænt'istic \) Ms. plr. (cars).
decadentìstich - fm. sng. and plr. decadentìstica, decapoté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dec&put'e \) - to take the top
decadentìstiche. - decadent (art, literature). off (a car).
decadiment - (pr. \ dec&dim'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - decay (mainly decarburassion - n. f. (pr. \ dec&rb[ue]r&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr.
used for a physical phoenomenon, like e. g. nuclear decay). - decarbonization, decarburization.
See also the term "decadensa". decarburé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dec&rb[ue]r'e \) - to
decaéder - n. m. (pr. \ dec&'edær \) Inv. at plr. - decahedron. decarbonize, to decarburize, to decarburet.
decaédrich - adj. (pr. \ dec&'edric \) Ms. plr. decaédrich - fm. decassìlabo - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ dec&s'il&bô \) Inv. at plr. -
sng. and plr. decaédrica, decaédriche. - decahedral. decasyllable.
decafeinà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ dec&fein'& \) Inv. in gnd. and decassilabo - 2) - adj. (pr. \ dec&s'il&bô \) Ms. plr.
nr. - decaffeinated (adj. and p. p.), caffeine-free (adj.). decassìlabo - fm. sng. and plr. decassìlaba, decassìlabe. -
decafeinadura - n. f. (pr. \ dec&fein&d'[ue]r& \) At plr. decasyllabic.
decafeinadure. - decaffeination. decatì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ dec&t'i \) - to decatize (texile).
decafeinassion - n. f. (pr. \ dec&fein&si'u[gn] \) - See decatissagi - n. m. (pr. \ dec&tis'&ji \) Inv. at plr. - decating,
decafeinadura. decatizing (texile).
decafeiné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \dec&fein'e \) - to decede - vrb 2nd con. int. (pr. \ de[ch]'ede \) - to decease, to
decaffeinate, to decaffeinize. die. It use the aux. "esse".
decagonal - adj. (pr. \ dec&gun'&l \) Ms. plr. decagonaj - fm. decedù - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ de[ch]ed'[ue] \) Ms. plr. decedù -
sng. and plr. decagonal, decagonaj. - decagonal. fm. sng. and plr. decedùa, decedùe. - deceased, dead.
decàgono - n. m. (pr. \ dec'&gunô \) Inv. at plr. - decagon. decelerassion - n. f. (pr. \ de[ch]eler&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
deceleration (mechanics).

decelerator - adj. (pr. \ de[ch]eler&t'ur \) Ms. plr. decelerator decisòri - adj. (pr. \ de[ch]iz'ori \) Ms. plr. decisòri - fm. sng.
- fm. sng. and plr. deceleratriss, deceleratriss. - and plr. decisòria, decisòrie. - decisive.
decelerating (mechanics). declamà - 1) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ decl&m'& \) Inv. in gnd. and
deceleré - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ de[ch]eler'e \) - to nr. - declaimed.
decelerate. It uses always the aux. "avèj ". declamà - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ decl&m'& \) Inv. at plr. - recitative
decensa - n. f. (pr. \ de[ch]eler'e \) At plr. decense. - decency, (music).
propriety, respectableness, decorum. declamassion - n. f. (pr. \ decl&m&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
decent - adj. (pr. \ de[ch]'ænt \) Ms. plr. decent - fm. sng. and declamation, recitation. - 2) - rhetorical speech,
plr. decenta, decente. - 1) - decent, proper, respectable, bombast.
decorous. - 2) - satisfactory, decent (in a fig. sense). declamator - n. (pr. \ decl&m&t'ur \) Ms. plr. declamator -
decentrament - n. m. (pr. \ de[ch]æntr&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - fm. sng. and plr. declamatriss, declamatriss. - declaimer,
1) - decentralization. - 2) - devolution (politics). ranter.
decentré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ de[ch]æntr'e \) - to declamatòri - adj. (pr. \ decl&m&t'ori \) Ms. plr. declamatòri
decentralize. - fm. sng. and plr. declamatòria, declamatòrie. -
decéss - n. m. (pr. \ de[ch]'es \) Inv. at plr. - decease, death. declamatory, ranting, bombastic.
decide - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ de[ch]'ide \) - 1) - to decide, to declamé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ decl&m'e \) - 1) - to
settle, to solve. - 2) - to decide, to resolve, to determine. declaim, to recite (trs.). - 2) - to declaim, to rant. (int). It
decifrassion - n. f. (pr. \ de[ch]ifr&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - uses always the aux. "avèj ".
deciphering, decoding. See also the terms "dësgifrassion, declaratòri - adj. (pr. \ decl&r&t'ori \) Ms. plr. declaratòri -
dës-cifrassion". fm. sng. and plr. declaratòria, declaratòrie. - declaratory
decifrator - n. m. (pr. \ de[ch]ifr&t'ur \) Inv. at plr. - (legal).
decipherer, decoder. See also the terms "dësgifrator, dës- declaratòria - n. f. (pr. \ decl&r&t'ori& \) At plr. declaratòrie.
cifrator". - declaratory judgement. (legal).
decifré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ de[ch]ifr'e \) - 1) - to decipher, declassament - n. m. (pr. \ decl&s&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. -
to decode. - 2) - to make out, to solve (in a fig. sense). degrading, declassing, down-grading.
decigrama - n. m. (pr. \ de[ch]igr'&m& \) Inv. at plr. - declassé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ decl&s'e \) - to degrade, to
decigram, decigramme. declass, to down-grade.
decìliter - n. m. (pr. \ de[ch]'ilitær \) Inv. at plr. - decilitre, declin - n. m. (pr. \ decl'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - decay,
deciliter. Ths term is quite an italianism, but is used in decline. - 2) - setting (sun).
technique. The loc. "décim ëd lìter" is more common. declinàbil - adj. (pr. \ declin'&bil \) Ms. plr. declinàbij - fm.
decìlitr - n. m. (pr. \ de[ch]'ilitr \) - See decìliter. sng. and plr. declinàbil, declinàbij. - declinable
décim - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ d'e[ch]im \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - the tenth (grammar).
part. - 2) - a tenth of millimetre (mechanics.) declinassion - n. f. (pr. \ declin&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
décim - 2) - adj. (pr. \ d'e[ch]im \) Ms. plr. décim - fm. sng. declension (grammar). - 2) - declination (astronomy,
and plr. décima, décime. - tenth. See the grammar about geophysics).
the piedm. use of nmr. ord. adj. (few of them are present, decliné - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ declin'e \) - to decline,
substituded by loc.). to turn down, to refuse (trs.). - 2) - to decline (grammar)
decìm - n. m. (pr. \ de[ch]'im \) Inv. at plr. - decimetre, (trs.). - 3) - to sink, to get lower, to decline (int.). - 4) - to
decimeter. set (sun) (int.). - 5) - to decline, to wane (int.). - When trs.
decimal - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ de[ch]im'&l \) At plr. decimaj. - it uses the aux. "avèj ". When int. it uses the aux. "esse".
decimal. declivi - n. m. (pr. \ decl'ivi \) Inv. at plr. - downward slope,
decimal - 2) - adj. (pr. \ de[ch]im'&l \) Ms. plr. decimaj - fm. declivity. See also the terms "clivi, riva, pendiss, còsta,
sng. and plr. decimal, decimaj. - decimal. pendensa".
decimassion - n. f. (pr. \ de[ch]im&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - decolagi - n. m. (pr. \ decul'&ji \) Inv. at plr. - take-off (planes,
decimation. - 2) - drastic reduction (in a fig. sense). and in a fig. sense). See also the term "decòl ".
decimé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ de[ch]im'e \) - to decimate. decolassion - n. f. (pr. \ decul&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
decis - 1) - adj. (pr. \ de[ch]'iz \) Ms. plr. decis - fm. sng. and decollation, beheading, decapitation.
plr. decisa, decise. - 1) - definited, fixed, settled. - 2) - decolé - vrb 1st. con. trs. and int. (pr. \ decul'e \) - 1) - to
firm, resoluted, decided. - 3) - clean, sharp. - 4) - decided, behead, to decollate, to decapitate (trs.) - 2) - to take-off
marked. We notice that this term is adj. and not p. p., which (planes, and in a fig. sense). When trs. it uses the aux. "avèj
is instead "decidù ". ". When int. it uses usually the aux. "esse", but it can be
decis - 2) - adv. (pr. \ de[ch]'iz \) - 1) - resolutely, decidedly. - found also using the aux. "avèj ".
2) - decidedly, definitely, quite. See also the term decolonisassion - n. f. (pr. \ deculuniz&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
"decisament ", which is an italianism quite used, even if decolonization.
non correctly. Then see also the loc. "an manera decisa". decolonisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ deculuniz'e \) - to
decisament - adv. (pr. \ de[ch]iz&m'ænt \) - 1) - resolutely, decolonize.
decidedly. - 2) - decidedly, definitely, quite. Italianism. decolorant - 1) - adj. (pr. \ deculur'&nt \) Ms. plr. decolorant
See also the best term "decis". - fm. sng. and plr. decoloranta, decolorante. -
decision - n. f. (pr. \ de[ch]izi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - decolourizing, bleaching.
decision, judgement. - 2) - ruling (legal). - 3) - decision, decolorant - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ deculur'&nt \) Inv. at plr. -
resolution, firmness. - 4) - resolution (e. g. taken by an decolorant.
assembly). decolorassion - n. f. (pr. \ deculur&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
decisional - adj. (pr. \ de[ch]iziun'&l \) Ms. plr. decisionaj - decolorization, bleaching.
fm. sng. and plr. decisional, decisionaj. - decisional, decoloré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ deculur'e \) - to decolourize,
decision-making. to bleach.
decisiv - adj. (pr. \ de[ch]iz'iu \) Ms. plr. decisiv - fm. sng. and decolté - n. m. and adj. (pr. \ decult'e \) Inv. in any case. - 1) -
plr. decisiva, decisive. - 1) - decisive, conclusive. - 2) - decolletage (sbst.). - 2) - decolleté (adj.).
crucial, critic.

decomponìbil - adj. (pr. \ decumpun'ibil \) Ms. plr. overdue. The use as an adj. is an italianism. See the best
decomponìbij - fm. sng. and plr. decomponìbil, term "decorù ".
decomponìbij. - decomposable. decorù - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ decur'[ue] \) Ms. plr. decorù - fm.
decomponibilità - n. f. (pr. \ decumpunibilit'& \) Inv. at plr. (if sng. and plr. decorùa, decorùe. - 1) - elapsed, past. - 2) -
any). - decomposability. due, overdue.
decomponse - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ decump'u[ng]se \) - 1) - decòl - n. m. (pr. \ dec'ol \) - See decolagi.
to decompose (chemistry). - 2) - to decay, to rot, to decòr - n. m. (pr. \ dec'or \) Inv. at plr. (if any). - 1) - decorum,
putrefy, to decompose. dignity. - 2) - propriety, seemliness. - 3) - ornament,
decompon-e - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ decump'u[ng]e \) -1) - to honour. Also in the spellig "decòro" (see the term).
decompose (chemistry). - 2) - to disintegrate, to dissolve, decòro - n. m. (pr. \ dec'orô \) - See decòr.
to decompose. - 3) - to factorize (mathematics). decòt - n. m. (pr. \ dec'ot \) Inv. at plr. - decoction.
decomposission - n. f. (pr. \ decumpuzisi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - decrement - n. m. (pr. \ decrem'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - decrement.
1) - decomposition. - 2) - putrefaction. - 3) - See also the term "arcal ".
factorization. decrementé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ decremænt'e \) - to
decompression - n. f. (pr. \ decumpresi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - decrement. Used mainly in mathematics. In genral see also
decompression. the terms "arcalé, arduve, diminuì, minuì ".
decomprime - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ decumpr'ime \) - to decrépit - adj. - (pr. \ decr'epit \) Ms. plr. decrépit - fm. sng.
decompress. and plr. decrépita, decrépite. - 1) - decrepit. - 2) - in
decongelament - n. m. (pr. \ decunjel&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - decay, declining.
defrosting. decrét - n. m. (pr. \ decr'et \) Inv. at plr. - decree, order,
decongelassion - n. f. (pr. \ decunjel&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - warrant, writ. See also the terms "edit, comand, órdin,
defrosting, thaw. precét, provediment, crija, band ".
decongelator - n. m. (pr. \ decunjel&t'ur \) Inv. at plr. - decretassion - n. f. (pr. \ decret&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
defroster. decreeing.
decongelé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ decunjel'e \) - to defrost, to decreté - vrb 1st con. trs. - (pr. \ decret'e \) - 1) - to decree, to
unfreeze. See also the term "dëscongelé ". command. - 2) - to ordain. See also the terms "ordiné,
decongestionament - n. m. (pr. \ decunjestiun&m'ænt \) Inv. at deliberé, proclamé, emané ".
plr. - decongestion. decriminalisassion - n. f. (pr. \ decrimin&liz&si'u[ng] \) Inv.
decongestionant - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ decunjestiun'&nt \) Inv. at at plr. - decriminalization (legal).
plr. - decongestant. decriminalisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ decrimin&liz'e \) - to
decongestionant - 2) - adj. (pr. \ decunjestiun'&nt \) Ms. plr. decriminalize (legal).
decongestionant - fm. sng. and plr. decongestionanta, decritassion - n. f. (pr. \ decrit&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
decongestionante. - decongestive. decryption, decryptment.
decongestioné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ decunjestiun'e \) - 1) - to decritator - n. (pr. \ decrit&t'ur \) Ms. plr. decritator - fm. sng.
decongest (medical). - 2) - to keep moving. and plr. decritatriss, decritatriss. - decipherer.
decontaminassion - n. f. (pr. \ decunt&min&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at decrité - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ decrit'e \) - to decrypt.
plr. - decontamination. decroté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ decrut'e \) - to clean, to polish
decontaminé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ decunt&min'e \) - to (only referred to shoes).
decontaminate. decroteur - n. m. (pr. \ decrut'[oe]r \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
decopé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ decup'e \) - to indent, to jag, to shoeblack. - 2) - person who polishes shoes.
cut. decùbit - n. m. (pr. \ dec'[ue]bit \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - decubitus. -
decopoar - n. m. (pr. \ decupu'&r \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - punch 2) - bedsores.
(mechanics). - 2) - tool for indenting or cutting and decupliché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dec'[ue]plik'e \) - to decuple,
folding paper. to multiply by ten.
decopura - n. f. (pr. \ decup'[ue]r& \) At plr. decopure. - cut, dédica - n. f. (pr. \ d'edic& \) At plr. dédiche. - dedication.
cutting, incision. dedicà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ dedic'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
decorà - adj. and n. (pr. \ decur'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - dedicated, devoted, consecrated. As an adj. see also the
decorated (adj.). - 2) - holder of a decoration (sbst.). term "dédit ".
decorassion - n. f. (pr. \ decur&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - dedicassion - n. f. (pr. \ dedic&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
decoration, ornament. - 2) - decoration, medal. dedication.
decorativ - adj. (pr. \ decur&t'iu \) Ms. plr. decorativ - fm. dedicatòri - n. m.. (pr. \ dedic&t'ori \) Inv. at plr. - dedicatee.
sng. and plr. decorativa, decorative. - decorative, dediché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dedic&k'e \) - 1) - to dedicate,
ornamental. to consecrate. - 2) - to dedicate, to inscribe. - 3) - to
decorator - n. m. (pr. \ decur&t'ur \) - 1) - decorator. - 2) - devote, to dedicate, to consecrate.
paper-hanger. dedichésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ dedic&k'ese \) - to devote
decoré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ decur'e \) - to decorate, to oneself.
ornament. dedission - n. f. (pr. \ dedisi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. (if any). -
decore - vrb 2nd con. int. (pr. \ dec'ure \) - 1) - to pass, to devotion.
elapse, to go by. - 2) - to start (from), to run, to have dédit - adj. (pr. \ d'edit \) Ms. plr. dédit - fm. sng. and plr.
effect. It uses the aux. "esse". dédita, dédite. - 1) - given (to), devoted (to). - 2) -
decorensa - n. f. (pr. \ decur'æ[ng]s& \) At plr. decorense. - engrossed, absorbed. - See also the trerm "dedicà ".
starting from, start. Note that the expression "con dedomagé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dedum&j'e \) - to recoup, to
decorensa da doman" is tranlated into "starting from refund, to indemnify.
tomorrow". See also the term "partensa" and the loc. "data dedot - adj. - (pr. \ ded'ut \) Ms. plr. dedot - fm. sng. and plr.
'd validità ". dedota, dedote. - deducted. It is easier to find expressions
decors - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ dec'urs \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - passing, making use of the vrb "gavé " = "to take off, to remove". E.
lapse. - 2) - course. g. "once the expenses are deducted" "dedote le spèise" or
decors - 2) - adj. (pr. \ dec'urs \) Ms. plr. decors - fm. sng. and "gavà le spèise" or "gavand le spèise" and also "sensa le
plr. decorsa, decorse. - 1) - elapsed, past. - 2) - due, spèise" "without expenses".

deducìbil - adj. (pr. \ ded[ue][ch]'ibil \) Ms. plr. deducìbij - definitiva (an ---) - loc. adv. (pr. \ &[ng] definit'iv& \) - at the
fm. sng. and plr. deducìbil, deducìbij. - 1) - deducible. - end, as a colclusion.
2) - deductible. definitivament - adv. (pr. \ definitiv&m'ænt \) - definitively,
dedùe - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ ded'[ue]e \) - 1) - to deduce, to finally, for good. Italianism. See the adv. loc. "an manera
infer, to draw. See also, in this meaning, the term definitiva, për sempe, ëd pianta, etc.".
"desume". - 2) - to deduct, to take off. In this meaning the deflagrant - adj. (pr. \ defl&gr'&nt \) Ms. plr. deflagrant - fm.
term is an italianism. See the best piedm. terms "gavé, sng. and plr. deflagranta, deflagrante. - deflagrating,
arcalé, defalché, difalché ". Also in the spelling "deduve" deflagrable.
with the same pronunciation. deflagrassion - n. f. (pr. \ defl&gr&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
dedussion - n. f. (pr. \ ded[ue]si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - deflagration.
deduction, inference. - 2) - deduction (in the sense of deflagré - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ defl&gr'e \) - 1) - to
"taking off "). deflagrate. - 2) - to burst out, to break out (in a fig.
dedutiv - (pr. \ ded[ue]t'iu \) Ms. plr. dedutiv - fm. sng. and sense). It uses the aux. "esse".
plr. dedutiva, dedutive. - deductive. deflassion - n. f. (pr. \ defl&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
deduve - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ ded'[ue]e \) - See dedùe. deflation. - 2) - disinflation.
defalché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ def&lk'e \) - to deduct, to deflassioné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ defl&siun'e \) - to deflate,
subtract, to cut. See also the terms "difalché, defrajé ". to disinflate (economy).
defassistisassion - n. f. (pr. \ def&sistiz&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. deflassionìstich - adj. (pr. \ defl&siun'istic \) Ms. plr.
- anti-Fascist purge. deflassionìstich - fm. sng. and plr. deflassionìstica,
defassistisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ def&sistiz'e \) - to purge of deflassionìstiche. - deflationay, disinflationary
Fascists. (economy).
deferensa - n. f. (pr. \ defer'æ[ng]s& \) At plr. deferense. - deflession - n. f. (pr. \ deflesi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - deflection,
deference. deflexion.
deferent - adj. (pr. \ defer'ænt \) Ms. plr. deferent - fm. sng. deflete - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ defl'ete \) - to deflect, to
and plr. deferenta, deferente. - 1) - deferential, deviate, to bend.
respectful. - 2) - deferent (duct, channel, etc.). defletor - n. m. (pr. \ deflet'ur \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - deflector,
deferì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ defer'i \) - 1) - to defer, to baffle (mechanics). - 2) - flap (planes). - 3) - quarter light
commit, to refer, to report, to submit. - 2) - to hand (cars).
over. deflorassion - n. f. (pr. \ deflur&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
deferiment - n. m. (pr. \ deferim'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - referring, defloration, deflowering.
submitting, deferring. defloré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ deflur'e \) - to deflower.
defession - n. f. . (pr. \ defesi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - defection, defluent - adj. (pr. \ defl[ue]'ænt \) Ms. plr. defluent - fm. sng.
desertion. See also the term "dzersion" (in particular in and plr. defluenta, defluente. - defluent.
military sense). defluì - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ defl[ue]'i \) - 1) - to flow down. -
defessioné - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ defesiun'e \) - to desert, to 2) - to flow, to stream (in a fig. sense). It uses the aux.
defect, to rat. See also the terms "dzerté, diserté" (in "esse".
particular in military sense). defluss - n. m. (pr. \ defl'[ue]s \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - downflow. -
deficensa - n. f. (pr. \ defi[ch]'æ[ng]s& \) At plr. deficense. - 1) 2) - reflux. - 3) - streaming out, outflow. See also the
- deficiency, lack, want.- 2) - shortage. - 3) - gap. - 4) - terms "scol, colura, fluss".
mental deficiency (medical). deform - adj. (pr. \ def'urm \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. deformed,
deficent - adj. and n. (pr. \ defi[ch]'ænt \) Ms. plr. deficent - disfigured, misshapen. Italianism. See the most piedm.
fm. sng. and plr. deficenta, deficente. - 1) - deficient, term "dësformà ".
defective, insufficient (adj.). - 2) - mentally deficient deformàbil - adj. (pr. \ defurm'&bil \) Ms. plr. deformàbij -
(adj.). - 3) - idiotic, stupid. (adj.). - 4) - mental deficient, fm. sng. and plr. deformàbil, deformàbij. -deformable.
moron (medical, sbst.). - 5) - idiot, fool, imbecile (sbst.). deformant - adj. (pr. \ defurm'&nt \) Ms. plr. deformant - fm.
déficit - n. m. (pr. \ d'efi[ch]it \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - deficit, sng. and plr. deformanta, deformante. - deforming,
shortage, gap. - 2) - loss. disfiguring.
deficitari - adj. (pr. \ defi[ch]it'&ri \) Ms. plr. deficitari - fm. deformassion - n. f. (pr. \ defurm&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
sng. and plr. deficitaria, deficitarie. - 1) - insufficient. - 2) deformation, disfigurement. - 2) - deformity,
- showing a deficit. - 3) - debit, deficit (as attributes). malformation, distortion. - 3) - buckling (mechanics). -
defilament - n. m. (pr. \ defil&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - defilade 4) - warping (wood). - 5) - strain (buildings).
(military, and in a fig. sense). deformé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ defurm'e \) - 1) - to deform, to
defilé - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ defil'e \) Inv. at plr. - fashion parade. disfigure, to misshape. - 2) - to alter, to warp, to distort.
defilé - 2) - vrb 1st con.trs. (pr. \ defil'e \) - to defilade - 3) - to buckle (mechanics). - 4) - to warp (wood). - 5) -
(military, and in a fig. sense). to strain (buildings). See also the term "dësformé ".
defilésse - vrb 1st con.refl. (pr. \ defil'ese \) - to conceal deformità - n. f. (pr. \ defurmit'& \) Inv. at plr. - deformity,
oneself, to take cover. malformation.
definì - 1) - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ defin'i \) - 1) - to define. - 2) defrajé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ defr&y'e \) - to deduct,
- to settle. to subtract. See also the terms "difalché, defalché "
definì - 2) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ defin'i \) - 1) - definite (adj.). - defraudassion - n. f. (pr. \ defr&ud&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
2) - defined (p. p.). cheating, defrauding, swindling.
definìbil - adj. (pr. \ defin'ibil \) Ms. plr. definìbij - fm. sng. defraudator - n. (pr. \ defr&ud&t'ur \) Ms. plr. defraudator -
and plr. definìbil, definìbij. - definable. fm. sng. and plr. defraudatriss, defraudatriss. - cheat,
definission - n. f. (pr. \ definisi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - cheater, swindler, trickster.
definition. - 2) - settlement. defraudé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ defr&ud'e \) - to cheat, to
definitëssa - n. f. (pr. \ definit'&ss& \) At plr. definitësse. - defraud, ti swindle, to trick.
definiteness. degasament - n. m. (pr. \ deg&z&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. -
definitiv - adj. (pr. \ definit'iu \) Ms. plr. definitiv - fm. sng. outgassing.
and plr. definitiva, definitive. - definitive, final. degasé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ deg&z'e \) - to outgas.

degasificassion - n. f. (pr. \ deg&zific&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - deicidi - n. m. (pr. \ dei[ch]'idi \) Inv. at plr. - deicide. See also
degasification. the term "deissidi".
degasificator - n. m. (pr. \ deg&zific&t'ur \) Inv. at plr. - deidratassion - n. f. (pr. \ deidr&t&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
deaerator. dehydration, dewatering. See also the term
degasifiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ deg&zifik'e \) - to degas. "disidratassion ".
degéner - adj. (pr. \ dej'enær \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - deidraté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ deidr&t'e \) - to dehydrate, to
degenerate. Italianism. See the best piedm. term "degenerà dewater. See also the term "disidraté ".
". deificassion - n. f. (pr. \ deific&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
degenerassion - n. f. (pr. \ dejener&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - deification (usually in a fig. sense).
degeneration, degeneracy. - 2) - decline, degeneration. deìfich - adj. (pr. \ de'ific \) Ms. plr. deìfich - fm. sng. and plr.
degenerativ - adj. (pr. \ dejener&t'iu \) Ms. plr. degenerativ - deìfica, deìfiche. - deific.
fm. sng. and plr. degenerativa, degenerative. - deifiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ deifik'e \) - to deify.
degenerative. deism - n. m. (pr. \ de'izm \) Inv. at plr. - deism (phylosophy).
degenerà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ dejener'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. deissida - n. (pr. \ deis'id& \) - See deicida.
- degenerate, degenerated. deissidi - n. m. (pr. \ deis'idi \) - See deicidi.
degeneré - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ dejener'e \) - 1) - to deista - n. (pr. \ de'ist& \) Ms. plr. deista - fm. sng. and plr.
degenerate, to deteriorate. - 2) - to grow worse deista, deiste. - deist (phylosophy).
(illness).It uses the aux. "esse". deìstich - adj. (pr. \ de'istic \) Ms. plr. deistich - fm. sng. and
degensa - n. f. (pr. \ dej'æ[ng]s& \) At plr. degense. - plr. deistica, deistiche. - deistic (phylosophy).
degent - n. and adj. (pr. \ dej'ænt \) Ms. plr. degent - fm. sng. deità - n. f. (pr. \ deit'& \) Inv. at plr. - deity, godhead.
and plr. degenta, degente. - 1) - ill in bed, bedridden delabrament - n. m. (pr. \ del&br&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
(adj.). - 2) - patient (sbst.). Sometimes the term is used as laceration, tearing. - 2) - ruin, destruction. - 3) -
inv. in gnd. and nr. derangement.
deghisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ degiz'e \) - 1) - to counterfeit, delabré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ del&br'e \) - 1) - to tear. - 2) -
to forge. 2) - to adulterate. - 3) - to simulate. - 4) - to to ruin, to destroy, to derange.
disguise. delassion - n. f. (pr. \ del&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - secret
deglutì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ degl[ue]t'i \) - to swallow. See accusation, delation.
also the term "travonde". delator - n. (pr. \ del&t'ur \) Ms. plr. delator - fm. sng. and plr.
degultission - n. f. (pr. \ degl[ue]tisi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - delatriss, delatriss. - informer, police spy, copper's
swallowing, deglutition. nark.
degn - adj. (pr. \ dæ[gn] \) Ms. plr. degn - fm. sng. and plr. délega - n. f. (pr. \ d'eleg& \) At plr. déleghe. - delegation.
degna, degne. - 1) - worthy, deserving, worth. - 2) - delegà - n. and adj. (pr. \ deleg'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) -
respectable, worthy, dignified. - 3) - worthy. delegated, deputed (adj.). - 2) - delegate, representative,
degnassion - n. f. (pr. \ de[gn]&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - deputy (sbst.).
condescension. - 2) - affability, kindness. delegassion - n. f. (pr. \ deleg&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
degné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ de[gn]'e \) - to deem worthy, to delegation. - 2) - deputation. - 3) - committee.
condescend, to deign. delegatàri - n. (pr. \ deleg&t'&ri \) Ms. plr. delegatàri - fm.
degnésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ de[gn]'ese \) - to deign, to be sng. and plr. delegatària, delegatàrie. - delegatee.
kind enough to... . deleghé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ deleg'e \) - to delegate.
degordì - adj. (pr. \ degurd'i \) Ms. plr. degordì - fm. sng. and deleteri - adj. (pr. \ delet'eri \) Ms. plr. deleteri - fm. sng. and
plr. degordìa, degordìe. - 1) - free and easy, plr. deleteria, deleterie. - noxious, harmful, deleterious,
unembarrassed. - 2) - shrewd. - 3) - wide-awake, quick- injurious.
witted, sharp, smart. See also the terms "dësgordì , delëgné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ del&[gn]'e \) - See delinié.
digordì". delfin - n. m. (pr. \ dælf'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - dolphin
degrad - n. m. (pr. \ degr'&d \) Inv. at plr. - decay. (zoology - Delphinus delphis). - 2) - dolphin (heir to the
degradàbil - adj. (pr. \ degr&d'&bil \) Ms. plr. degradàbij - french throne - history). - 3) - probable successor (in a
fm. sng. and plr. degradàbil, degradàbij. - degradable. fig. sense).
degradabilità - n. f. (pr. \ degr&d&bilit'& \) Inv. at plr. - delìbera - n. f. (pr. \ del'iber& \) - See deliberassion.
degradability. deliberassion - n. f. (pr. \ deliber&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
degradament - n. m. (pr. \ degr&d&m'ænt \) - See deliberation, resolution. See also the term "delìbera".
degradassion. deliberatàri - n. (pr. \ deliber&t'&ri \) Ms. plr. deliberatàri -
degradassion - n. f. (pr. \ degr&d&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - fm. sng. and plr. deliberatària, deliberatàrie. - 1) -
degradation, demotion. - 2) - degradation, depravity, highest bidder (auctions). - 2) - lowest bidder (contracts).
degeneration (moral). - 3) - degradation (physics). deliberativ - adj. (pr. \ deliber&t'iu \) Ms. plr. deliberativ - fm.
degradant - adj. (pr. \ degr&d'&nt \) Ms. plr. degradant - fm. sng. and plr. deliberativa, deliberative. - deliberative.
sng. and plr. degradanta, degradante. - degrading. deliberé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ deliber'e \) - 1) - to deliberate.
degradé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ degr&d'e \) - 1) - to - 2) - to decide, to resolve.
degrade, to reduce in rank, to demote, to down-grade delicà - adj. (pr. \ delic'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - delicate. -
(trs.) - 2) - to slope down, to decline (int.). When trs. it 2) - tender, soft, gentle. - 3) - dainty fine. - 4) - tactful. -
uses the aux. "avèj ". When int. it uses the aux. "esse". 5) - sensitive. - 6) - weakly, frail. Italianism. See also the
degringolament - n. m. (pr. \ degringul&m'ænt \) - sliding best piedm. term "dlicà ".
down of ground (mainly due to infiltration of water). delicatëssa - n. f. (pr. \ delic&t'&ss& \) At plr. delicatësse. - 1)
degringolé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ degringul'e \) - 1) - to slide - delicacy, softness. - 2) - refinement, daintiness. - 3) -
down (ground). - 2) - to decline, to go down (in a fig. tact. - 4) - sensitiveness. - 5) - delicacy, frailty. See also
sense). the best term "dlicadëssa".
deicida - n. (pr. \ dei[ch]'id& \) Ms. plr. deicida - fm. sng. and delimitassion - n. f. (pr. \ delimit&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
plr. deicida, deicide. - deicide. See also the term delimitation. - 2) - limits, boundary.
"deissida". delimitativ - adj. (pr. \ delimit&t'iu \) Ms. plr. delimitativ - fm.
sng. and plr. delimitativa, delimitative. - delimitative.

delimité - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ delimit'e \) - 1) - to delimit, to demani - n. m. (pr. \ dem'&ni \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - State
circumscribe. - 2) - to define. property. - 2) - State property office. See also the term
delinià - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ delini'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - "demànio".
defined, delineated. demanial - adj. (pr. \ dem&ni'&l \) Ms. plr. demaniaj - fm.
deliniament - n. m. (pr. \ delini&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - outline, sng. and plr. demanial, demaniaj. - 1) - pertaining to the
delineation. property of the State. - 2) - State (as an attribute).
delinié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ delini'e \) - to outline, to trace demanio - n. m. (pr. \ dem'&niô \) - See demani.
the outline. See also the terms "delëgné, trassé, sbossé ". demarcassion - n. f. (pr. \ dem&rc&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
deliniésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ delini'ese \) - 1) - to loom. - demarcation. - 2) - boundary.
2) - to take shape, to emerge, to come forward (in a fig. demarché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dem&rk'e \) - to demarcate.
sense). demàrcia - n. f. (pr. \ dem'&r[ch]i& \) At plr. demarce. - 1) -
delinquensa - n. f. (pr. \ deli[ng][qu]'æ[ng]s& \) At plr. gait, way of walking. - 2) - carriage, way of carrying
delinquense. - criminality, delinquency. oneself. - 3) - going, speed. - 4) - pace, running. For these
delinquensial - adj. (pr. \ deli[ng][qu]æ[ng]si'&l \) Ms. plr. meanings see also the term "andura". - 5) - experience (in
delinquensiaj - fm. sng. and plr. delinquensial, a fig. sense).
delinquensiaj. - delinquent (as an attribute). demensa - n. f. (pr. \ dem'æ[ng]s& \) At plr. demense. - 1) -
delinquent - n. (pr. \ deli[ng][qu]'ænt \) Ms. plr. delinquent - insanity, madness, crazyness. - 2) - dementia (medical).
fm. sng. and plr. delinquenta, delinquente. - 1) - demensial - adj. (pr. \ demæ[ng]si'&l \) Ms. plr. demensiaj -
criminal, delinquent. - 2) - scoundrel, rogue, rascal (in a fm. sng. and plr. demensial, demensiaj. - demential.
jocular sense). dement - adj. and n. (pr. \ dem'ænt \) Ms. plr. dement - fm.
delìnque - vrb 2nd con. int. (pr. \ del'i[ng][qu]e \) - to commit a sng. and plr. dementa, demente. - 1) - insane, mad, crazy
crime. It uses the aux. "avèj ". (adj.). - 2) - lunatic, madman, madwoman (sbst.). Note
delirant - adj. (pr. \ delir'&nt \) Ms. plr. delirant - fm. sng. and that tis tem is often used as inv. in gnd. and nr.
plr. deliranta, delirante. - 1) - delirious, raving. - 2) - dementì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ demænt'i \) - 1) - to belic. - 2) -
wild, frenzied. to disavow. - 3) - to give the lie to. - See also the term
deliré - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ delir'e \) - 1) - to be delirious, to "smentì, sbusiardé ".
rave. - 2) - to be wild, to be frenzied. It uses the aux. dementìa - n. f. (pr. \ demænt'i& \) At plr. dementìe. - denial,
"avèj ". disavowal. See also the terms "mentìa, smentìa,
deliri - n. m. (pr. \ del'iri \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - delirium, raving. - dësmentìa".
2) - infatuation, frenzy, fever, raptures. demérit - n. m. (pr. \ dem'erit \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - demerit,
delìssia - n. f. (pr. \ del'isi& \) At plr. delìssie. - delight, unworthiness. - 2) - discredit. See also the term
pleasure. "dësmèrit".
delissié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ delisi'e \) - to delight. demerité - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ demerit'e \) - 1) - to
delissiésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ delisi'ese \) - to delight (in fail to deserve, to forfeit, to lose. (trs.). - 2) - to deserve
st.), to relish, to enjoy. censure. It uses in any case the aux. "avèj ". See also the
delissios - adj. (pr. \ delisi'uz \) Ms. plr. delissios - fm. sng. and term "dësmerité ".
plr. delissiosa, delissiose. - 1) - delightful, delicious. - 2) - demilitarisassion - n. f. (pr. \ demilit&riz&si'u[ng] \) -
charming, lovely. Italianism - See dësmilitarisassion.
delit - n. m. (pr. \ del'it \) Inv. at plr. - crime (legal and also in a demilitarisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ demilit&riz 'e \) -
fig. sense). Italianism - See dësmilitarisé.
delitos - adj. (pr. \ delit'uz \) Ms. plr. delitos - fm. sng. and plr. demineralisassion - n. f. (pr. \ deminer&liz&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at
delitosa, delitose. - criminal. plr. (if any). - demineralization.
delivré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ delivr'e \) - 1) - to free, to set demineralisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ deminer&liz'e \) - to
free. - 2) - to deliver, to rescue. - 3) - to deliberate. - 4) - demineralize.
to decide, to resolve. In the last two meanings see also the demistificassion - n. f. (pr. \ demistific&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
term "deliberé ". demystification.
delta - n. m. (pr. \ d'ælt& \) Inv. at plr. - delta (all meanings). demistifiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ demistifik'e \) - to
deltaplan - n. m. (pr. \ dælt&pl'&[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - hang- demystify. See also the term "demitisé ".
glider. demitisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ demitiz'e \) - demythicize. See
delucidassion - n. f. (pr. \ del[ue][ch]id&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - also the term "demistifiché ".
1) - elucidation, explanation. - 2) - decatizing (texile). demiurgh - n. m. (pr. \ demi'[ue]rg \) -Inv. at plr. - demiurge.
See also the term "dilucidassion". See also the term "dëmiurgi".
delucidé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ del[ue][ch]id'e \) - 1) - to demiùrgich - adj. (pr. \ demi'[ue]rjic \) Ms. plr. demiùrgich -
elucidate, to explain. - 2) - to decatize (texile) See also fm. sng. and plr. demiùrgica, demiùrgiche. - demiurgic,
the term "dilucidé ". demiurgical.
delùde - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ del'[ue]de \) - to disappoint. democrassìa - n. f. (pr. \ demucr&s'i& \) At plr. democrassìe.
deludent - adj. (pr. \ del[ue]d'ænt \) Ms. plr. deludent - fm. - democracy.
sng. and plr. deludenta, deludente. - disappointing. democrat - n. m. . (pr. \ demucr'&t \) Inv. at plr. only ms. -
delus - adj. (pr. \ del'[ue]z \) Ms. plr. delus - fm. sng. and plr. democrat.
delusa, deluse. - disappointed. democràtich - n. and adj. (pr. \ demucr'&tic \) Ms. plr.
delusion - n. f. (pr. \ del[ue]z'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - democràtich - fm. sng. and plr. democràtica,
disappointment. democràtiche. - 1) - democratic (adj.). - 2) - democrat
demagogìa - n. f. (pr. \ dem&guj'i& \) At plr. demagogìe. - (sbst.).
demagogy. democratisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ demucr&tiz'e \) - to
demagògich - adj. (pr. \ dem&g'ojic \) Ms. plr. demagògich - democratize.
fm. sng. and plr. demagògica, demagògiche. - demagogic, democratissità - n. f. (pr. \ demucr&tisit'& \) Inv. at plr. -
gemagogical. democratism.
demagògo - n. (pr. \ dem&g'ogu \) Ms. plr. demagògo - fm. democristian - n. and adj. (pr. \ demucristi'&[ng] \) Ms. plr.
sng. and plr. demagòga, demagòghe. -demagogue. democristian - fm. sng. and plr. democristian-a,

democristian-e. - 1) - Christian Democratic (adj.). - 2) - denigreur - n. (pr. \ denigr'[oe]r \) Ms. plr. denigreur - fm.
Cristian Democrat (sbst.). sng. and plr. denigreusa, denigreuse. - denigrator,
démoda - n. f. (pr. \ d'emud& \) At plr. démode. - weekly disparager, detractor. See also the term "denigrador".
lesson. denominassion - n. f. (pr. \ denumin&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1)
demodulassion - n. f. (pr. \ demud[ue]l&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - - denomination. - 2) - company's name.
demodulation. denominativ - 1) - adj. (pr. \ denumin&t'iu \) Ms. plr.
demodulator - n. m. (pr. \ demud[ue]l&t'ur \) Inv. at plr. - denominativ - fm. sng. and plr. denominativa,
demodulator. denominative. - denominative.
demodulé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ demud[ue]l'e \) - to denominativ - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ denumin&t'iu \) Inv. at plr. -
demodulate. denominative.
demografìa - n. f. (pr. \ demugr&f'i& \) At plr. (if any) denominator - n. m. (pr. \ denumin&t'ur \) Inv. at plr. -
demografìe. - demography. denominator (mathematics).
demogràfich - (pr. \ demugr'&fic \) Ms. plr. demogràfich - denominé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ denumin'e \) - to name, to
fm. sng. and plr. demogràfica, demogràfiche. - call, to denominate.
demographic, population (as an attribute). denonsia - n. f. (pr. \ den'u[ng]si& \) - See denunsia.
demògrafo - n. m. (pr. \ demugr&fô \) Inv. at plr. - denonsié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ denu[ng]si'e \) - See
demographer. denunsié.
demolì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ demul'i \) - 1) - to demolish, to dens - adj. (pr. \ d'æ[ng]s \) Ms. plr. dens - fm. sng. and plr.
pull down, to destroy. - 2) - to discredit, to ruin (in a fig. densa, dense. - 1) - dense, thick. - 2) - full, teeming
sense). charged (in a fig. sense). - See also the terms "spess, satì ".
demolission - n. f. . (pr. \ demulisi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - densìmeter - n. m. (pr. \ dæ[ng]s'imetær \) - See densìmetro.
demolition. densìmetro - n. m. - (pr. \ dæ[ng]s'imetô \) Inv. at plr.
demolitor - n. and adj. (pr. \ demulit'ur \) Ms. plr. demolitor - densimeter, hydrometer. - See also the term
fm. sng. and plr. demolitriss, demolitriss. - 1) - "densìmetro".
demolisher, destroyer. - 2) - destroying (adj.). densità - n. f. (pr. \ dæ[ng]sit'& \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - density. - 2)
demoltìplica - n. f. (pr. \ demult'iplic& \) At plr. - fullness, wealth (in a fig. sense).
demoltìpliche. - reduction gear. dent - n. m. (pr. \ dænt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - tooth. - 2) - prongs,
demoltiplicassion - n. f. (pr. \ demultiplic&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at teeth. - 3) - cogs. - 4) - rack teeth. - 5) - tooth-like
plr. - 1) - dear down (mechanics). - 2) - scaling notches. - 6) - jag, jagged peak. Some expressions. - A) -
(electronics). "dent fint " "false tooth/teeth ". - B) - "dent da lait "
demoltiplicator - n. m. (pr. \ demultiplic&t'ur \) Inv. at plr. - "milk-teeth ". - C) - "dent ojé " "canine tooth ". - D) -
scaler. "dent maslé, dent masëllé " "molar tooth". - E) -
demoltipliché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ demultiplik'e \) - to gear "argrigné ij dent " "to gnash one's teeth ". - F) - "arviré ij
down (mechanics). dent " "to show one's teeth ". - G) -"parté fòra dij dent "
demoralisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ demur&liz'e \) - to lit. "to speak ontside the teeth " "to speak out, to be
demoralize, to dishearten. outspoken, to speak openly ". - H) - "parlé fra ij dent "
demoralisésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ demur&liz'ese \) - to "to say st. between one's teeth, to mumble".
become demoralize, to lose heart. dentà - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ dænt'& \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - bite. - 2) -
demòni - n. m. (pr. \ dem'oni \) Inv. at plr. - devil, demon,
fiend. See also the term "diav".
dentà - 2) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ dænt'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
demòrde - vrb 2nd (pr. \ dem'orde \) - to leave off, to
1) - toothed, dentate. - 2) - dented, indented. - 3) -
toothed, cogged, serrated (mechanics).
denassionalisassion - n. f. (pr. \ den&siun&liz&si'u[ng] \) Inv.
dentadura - n. f. (pr. \ dænt&d'[ue]r& \) At plr. dentadure. -
at plr. - denationalization.
1) - dentition, set of teeth. - 2) - toothing. See also the
denassionalisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ den&siun&liz'e \) - to term "dentura". For the 2nd meaning see also the term
denationalize. "indentadura".
denaturant - 1) - adj. (pr. \ den&t[ue]r'&nt \) - See
dentaireul - n. m. (pr. \ dænt&ir'[oe]l \) - See dentareul.
dësnaturant 1).
dental - adj. (pr. \ dænt'&l \) Ms. plr. dentaj - fm. sng. and plr.
denaturant - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ den&t[ue]r'&nt \) - See
dental, dentaj. - dental.
dësnaturant 2).
dentareul - n. m. (pr. \ dænt&r'[oe]l \) At plr. dentareuj. -
denaturassion - n. f. (pr. \ den&t[ue]r&si'u[ng] \) - See
teething-ring. See also the term "dentaireul ".
dësnaturassion .
dentatriss - n. f. (pr. \ dænt&tr'is \) Inv. at plr. - gear cutter,
denaturé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ den&t[ue]r'e \) - See gear cutting machine.
dësnaturé . denté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dænt'e \) - 1) - to cog, to tooth, to
denegassion - n. f. (pr. \ deneg&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
indent. - 2) - to be teething (babies).
denegation, disavowal. - 2) - refusal.
dentera - n. f. (pr. \ dænt'er& \) At plr. dentere. - 1) - denture,
deneghé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ deneg'e \) - to deny, to
set of artificial teeth. - 2) - rack (mechanics). E. g. "tram
disavow, to refuse.
a dentera" "rack-tram" (as the one going from Turin to
denigrador - n. and adj. (pr. \ denigr&d'ur \) Ms. plr.
denigrador - fm. sng. and plr. denigradòira,
dentifrissi - n. m. (pr. \ dæntifr'isi \) Inv. at plr. - tooth-paste,
denigradòire. - denigrator, disparager, detractor. See
tooth-powder. See also the loc. "pasta për ij dent , poer
also the term "denigreur" for the sbst.
për ij dent".
denigrassion - n. f. (pr. \ denigr&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
dentin-a - n. f. (pr. \ dænt'i[ng]& \) At plr. (if applicable)
denigration, disparagement, detraction.
dentin-e. - dentine (anatomy).
denigratòri - adj. (pr. \ denigr&t'ori \) Ms. plr. denigratòri -
dentission - n. f. (pr. \ dæntisi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - dentition,
fm. sng. and plr. denigratòria, denigratòrie. -
teething, cutting of teeth.
disparaging, defamatory.
dentista - n. (pr. \ dænt'ist& \) Ms. plr. dentista - fm. sng. and
denigré - vrb 1st con. trs. - (pr. \ denigr'e \) - to denigrate, to
plr. dentista, dentiste. - dentist.
disparage, to defame. See also the term "dëscredité ".

dentìstich - adj. (pr. \ dænt'istic \) Ms. plr. dentìstich - fm. sng. deploré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ deplur'e \) - 1) - to grieve for
and plr. dentìstica, dentìstiche. - dental. (sb. or st.), to deplore, to lament. - 2) - to disapprove, to
dentura - n. f. (pr. \ dænt'[ue]r& \) - See dentadura. blame. - 3) - to complain of (st.), to deplore.
denùnsia - n. f. (pr. \ den'[ue][ng]si& \) At plr. denùnsie. - 1) - depolarisant - 1) - adj. (pr. \ depul&riz'&nt \) Ms. plr.
declaration, statement, report, notification, depolarisant - fm. sng. and plr. depolarisanta,
denunciation, denouncement. 2) - accusation, depolarisante. - depolarizing (physics).
complaint. depolarisant - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ depul&riz'&nt \) Inv. at plr. -
denunsié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ den[ue][ng]si'e \) - 1) - to depolarizer (physics).
report, to make a statement, to notify, to declare. - 2) - depolarisassion - n. f. (pr. \ depul&riz&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
to denounce. - 3) - to denounce, to impeach. - 4) - to depolarization (physics).
reveal, to show. depolarisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ depul&riz'e \) - to
denunsiador - n. (pr. \ den'[ue][ng]si&d'ur \) - See depolarize (physics).
denunsiator. deponent - adj. ms. and n. m. (pr. \ depun'ænt \) - deponent
denunsiator - n. (pr. \ den'[ue][ng]si&td'ur \) Ms. plr. (grammar - Latin).
denunsiator - fm. sng. and plr. denunsiatriss, depon-e - vrb 2nd con. int. (pr. \ dep'u[ng]e \) - to testify, to
denunsiatriss. - denouncer, informer. depose, to bear witness (legal).
denutrì - adj. (pr. \ den[ue]tr'i \) Ms. plr. denutrì - fm. sng. and deportà - n. and adj. and p. p. (pr. \ depurt'& \) Inv. in gnd. and
plr. denutrìa, denutrìe. - underfed, undernourished. nr. - 1) - deported, convict (sbst.). - 2) - deported,
denutrission - n. f. (pr. \ den[ue]trisi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - transported (adj. and p. p.).
underfeeding, undernourishment. - 2) - malnutrition deportassion - n. f. (pr. \ depurt&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
(medical). deportation.
den-a - adv. (pr. \ d'æ[ng]& \) - See dun-a 1). deporté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ depurt'e \) - to deport, to
deodorant - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ deudur'&nt \) Inv. at plr. - transport.
deodorant, deodorizer. See also the terms "disodorant, deposission - n. f. (pr. \ depuzisi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
dzodorisant ". deposition. - 2) - removal. - 3) - deposition, testimony
deodorant - 2) - adj. (pr. \ deudur'&nt \) Ms. plr. deodorant - (legal).
fm. sng. and plr. deodoranta, deodorante. - deodorant. depositant - n. and adj. (pr. \ depuzit'&nt \) Ms. plr.
See also the terms "disodorant, dzodorisant ". depositant - fm. sng. and plr. depositanta, depositante. -
deodoré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ deudur'e \) - to deodorize. See 1) - depositing (adj.). - 2) - depositor (sbst.). In this
also the term "disodoré, dzodorisé ". meaning see also the term "depositor". - 3) - bailor, bailer
deodorisassion - n. f. (pr. \ deuduriz&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - (sbst. - legal).
deodorization. See also the terms "disodorisassion, depositari - n. (pr. \ depuzit'&ri \) Ms. plr. depositari - fm.
dzodorisassion". sng. and plr. depositària, depositàrie. - 1) - depositary,
deontologìa - n. f. (pr. \ deuntuluj'i& \) At plr. deontologìe. - trustee, consignee. - 2) - bailee. (legal - commercial).
1) - code of conduct. - 2) - deontology (phylosophy). - 3) - deposité - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ depuzit'e \) - 1) - to deposit, to
ethics, code of ethics. bank. - 2) - to leave (st. with sb.), to entrust (st. with sb.).
deontològich - adj. (pr. \ deuntul'ojic \) Ms. plr. deontològich - - 3) - to store. - 4) - to bail (legal). Note that the
fm. sng. and plr. deontològica, deontològiche. - expressions "deposité na marca, deposité un brevet", are
deontological. translated into "to register a trademark, to register a patent
deòr - n. m. (pr. \ de'or \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - external ".
environment. - 2) - external look. - 3) - dehors (french). - depositor - n. (pr. \ depuzit'ur \) Ms. plr. depositor - fm. sng.
4) - outside local of a bar or restaurant. and plr. depositriss, depositriss. - depositor. See also the
depassé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dep&s'e \) - 1) - to go beyond, term "depositant 2nd meaning".
to overpass. - 2) - to exceed, to strain (in a fig. sense). depòsit - n. m. (pr. \ dep'ozit \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - deposit (in
deperì - 1) - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ deper'i \) - 1) - to waste general). - 2) - warehouse, storehose, depot. - 3) - engine-
away, to lose streght, to decline. - 2) - to deteriorate., to shed, garage, bus-depot.
decay. - 3) - to wither. It uses the aux. "esse". depòst - adj. (pr. \ dep'ost \) Ms. plr. depòst - fm. sng. and plr.
deperì - 2) - adj. (pr. \ deper'i \) Ms. plr. deperì - fm. sng. and depòsta, depòste. - 1) - dismissed, deposed. - 2) -
plr. deperìa, deperìe. - emaciated, run down. deponed, witnessed. This term is used mainy as an adj.
deperiment - n. m. (pr. \ deperim'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - state and not as a p. p. of the vrb "depon-e", which is instead
of being run down in health. - 2) - deterioration. "deponù ".
depilador - n. m. (pr. \ depil&d'ur \) - See depilator. depravà - n. and adj. (pr. \ depr&v'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1)
depilator - n. m. (pr. \ depil&t'ur \) Inv. at plr. - hair remover. - depraved, perverted, debauched, corrupt (adj.) - 2) -
depilatriss - n. f. (pr. \ depil&tr'is \) Inv. at plr. - unhairing depraved person, pervert (sbst.).
machine (tanning). depravassion - n. f. (pr. \ depr&v&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
depilassion - n. f. (pr. \ depil&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - depravity, corruption, viciousness.
depilation. depravé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ depr&v'e \) - to deprave, to
depilé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ depil'e \) - to depilate, to pluck. pervert, to debauch, to corrupt.
See also the term "dëspluché ". deprecàbil - adj. (pr. \ deprec'&bil \) Ms. plr. deprecàbij - fm.
depisté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ depist'e \) - to put (sb.) off the sng. and plr. deprecàbil, deprecàbij. - to be deprecated.
track, to give (sb.) a slip. deprecassion - n. f. (pr. \ deprec&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
deplian - n. m. (pr. \ depli'&[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - folder, leaflet, deprecation.
hand-out. deprecativ - adj. (pr. \ deprec'&bil \) Ms. plr. deprecativ - fm.
deploràbil - adj. (pr. \ deplur'&bil \) Ms. plr. deploràbij - fm. sng. and plr. deprecativa, deprecative. - deprecating,
sng. and plr. deploràbil, deploràbij. - 1) - deplorable, deprecatory..
regrettable, lamentable. - 2) - blameworthy. depreché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ deprek'e \) - to deprecate.
deplorassion - n. f. (pr. \ deplur&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - depress - adj. (pr. \ depr'es \) Ms. plr. depréss - fm. sng. and
disapplroval, blame, censure. plr. depressa, depresse. - 1) - depressed. - 2) -
underdeveloped. - 3) - dispirited, dejected, depressed.

depressament - n. m. (pr. \ depres&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - derapé - vrb 1st con. int. - (pr. \ der&p'e \) - to skid, to side-
depreciation. slip. It uses the aux. "avèj ".
depressé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ depres'e \) - to depreciate. derata - n. f. (pr. \ der'&t& \) At plr. derate. - 1) - commodity.
depression - n. f. (pr. \ depresi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - - 2) - merchandise, goods. - 3) - food-stuffs,
depression. - 2) - depression, slump (economy). - 3) - consumables.
dejection, depression. - 4) - depression, low trough deratisassion - n. f. (pr. \ der&tiz&si'u[ng] \) - Inv. at plr. - de-
(meteorology). - 5) - depression, vacuum (as an attribute) ratting, deratization.
(mechanics, physics). - 6) - hollow, depression deratisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ der&tiz'e \) - to de-rat, to rid
(geography). of rats.
depressionari - adj. (pr. \ depresiun'&ri \) Ms. plr. dèrbes - n. m. (pr. \ d'ærbæz \) Inv. at plr. - dermatosis,
depressionari - fm. sng. and plr. depressionaria, herpes. See also the terms "derbis, derbi, èrpes".
depressionarie. - depressional, of depression derbi - n. m. (pr. \ d'ærbi \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - match (soccer). -
(meteorology). 2) - Derby.
depressiv - adj. (pr. \ depres'iu \) Ms. plr. depressiv - fm. sng. derelit - adj. and n. (pr. \ derel'it \) Ms. plr. derelit - fm. sng.
and plr. depressiva, depressive. - depressive. and plr. derelita, derelite. - 1) - abandoned, forsaken
depressor - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ depres'ur \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - (adj.). - 2) - derelict (adj.). - 3) - wretch, down-and-out
depressor (anatomy - referred to a muscle). - 2) - vacuum (sbst.). - 4) - waif (sbst.).
pump (mechanics). dergna - n. f. (pr. \ d'ær[gn]& \) At plr. dergne. - shrike,
depressor - 2) - adj. (pr. \ depres'ur \) Only ms. inv. at plr. - butcher-bird. (zoology - Lanius). See also the terms
depressor (anatomy). "dernia, s-cionca".
depressurisassion - n. f. (pr. \ depres[ue]riz&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at deride - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ der'ide \) - to deride, to mock,
plr. - depressurization. to laugh at, to scoff at, to jeer at. This term is not very
depressurisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ depres[ue]riz'e \) - used. See the preferred vrbl. loc. "pijé 'n gir, fé le svergne".
depressurize. The first has a lit. meaning "to take in roud ". and the
deprime - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ depr'ime \) - 1) - to depress, to second "to make sneers ".
press down. - 2) - to depress, to sadden, to discourage, derision - n. f. (pr. \ derizi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - derision,
(in a fig. sense). mockery, jeering, jeers.
depriment - adj. (pr. \ deprim'ænt \) Ms. plr. depriment - fm. deriva - n. f. (pr. \ der'iv& \) At plr. derive. - 1) - drift,
sng. and plr. deprimenta, deprimente. - 1) - depressing. - driftage (panes, ships). - 2) - keel (ships), fin (planes).
2) - depressant, sedative (pharmacy). derivà - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ deriv'& \) Inv. at plr. - derivative
deprimse - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ depr'imse \) - to get (mathematics).
depressed (in a fig. sense). derivà - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ deriv'& \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - by-product.
deprofondis - n. m. (pr. \ depruf'undis \) Inv. at plr. - de - 2) - spin-off. - 3) - derivative (chemistry, grammar).
profundis (religion - Latin). derivà - 2) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ deriv'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
depurament - n. m. (pr. \ dep[ue]r&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - 1) - derived. - 2) - diverted, deflected. - 3) - shunted.
purification, filtering. - 2) - washing. - 3) - depuration derivàbil - adj. (pr. \ deriv'&bil \) Ms. plr. derivàbij - fm. sng.
(chemical, medical). See also the term "depurassion". and plr. derivàbil, derivàbij. - derivable.
depurassion - n. f. (pr. \ dep[ue]r&si'u[ng] \) - See derivassion - n. f. (pr. \ deriv&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
depurament. derivation, origin. - 2) - shunt, branch (electricity). - 3) -
depurativ - 1) - adj. (pr. \ dep[ue]r&t'iu \) Ms. plr. depurativ - drift. - 4) - offtake, deviation (water streams, etc.).
fm. sng. and plr. depurativa, depurative. -depurative, derivator - n. m. (pr. \ deriv&t'ur \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - penstock.
deputant. - 2) - shunt.
depurativ - 2) - n. m.. (pr. \ dep[ue]r&t'iu \) Inv, at plr. - derivé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ deriv'e \) - 1) - to divert,
depurative, deputant. to deflect (trs.). - 2) - to derive (trs.). - 3) - to shunt (trs.).
depurator - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ dep[ue]r&t'ur \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - - 4) - to derive, to come, to result from, to originate (int.).
depurator, purifier. - 2) - cleaner (mechanics). - 5) - to be descended, to descend from (int.). If trs. ir uses
depurator - 2) - adj. (pr. \ dep[ue]r&t'ur \) Ms. plr. depurator the aux. "avèj ". If int. it uses the aux. "esse".
- fm. sng. and plr. depuratriss, depuratriss. - depurant, derma - n. m. (pr. \ d'ærm& \) Inv. at plr. - derm, derma
purifying. (anatomy).
depuratòri - 1) - adj. (pr. \ dep[ue]r&t'ori \) Ms. plr. dermatite - n. f. (pr. \ dærm&t'ite \) Inv. at plr. - dermatitis
depuratòri - fm. sng. and plr. depuratòria, depuratòrie. - (medical).
depurative. dermatologìa - n. f. (pr. \ dærm&tuluj'i& \) At plr.
depuratòri - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ dep[ue]r&t'ori \) Inv. at plr. - dermatologìe. - dermatology (medical).
water-purifier. dermatològich - adj. (pr. \ dærm&tul'ojic \) Ms. plr.
depuré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dep[ue]r'e \) - 1) - to purify, to dermatològich - fm. sng. and plr. dermatològica,
filter, to clean, to cleanse. - 2) - to depurate (chemistry - dermatològiche. - dermatologic, dermatological
medicine). (medical).
deputà - n. (pr. \ dep[ue]t'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - deputy, dermatòlogh - n. (pr. \ dærm&t'olug \) Ms. plr. dermatòlogh -
member of Parliament. See also the term "deputat". fm. sng. and plr. dermatòloga, dermatòloghe. -
deputassion - n. f. (pr. \ dep[ue]t&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - dermatologist (medical).
deputation. - 2) - delegation. dermatòlogo - n. (pr. \ dærm&t'olugô \) - See dermatòlogh.
deputat - n. (pr. \ dep[ue]t'&t \) Ms. plr. deputat - fm. sng. and dermatòsi - n. f. (pr. \ dærm&t'ozi \) Inv. at plr. - dermatosis
plr. deputata, deputate. - deputy, member of (medical).
Parliament. See also the term "deputà". dernia - n. f. (pr. \ d'ærni& \) - See dergna.
deputé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dep[ue]t'e \) - 1) - to depute, to déroga - n. f. (pr. \ d'erug& \) At plr. déroghe. - derogation,
delegate. - 2) - to appoint. partial repeal.
derapà - n. f. (pr. \ der&p'& \) Inv. at plr. - skid, skidding, derogàbil - adj. (pr. \ derug'&bil \) Ms. plr. derogàbij - fm.
side-slip. See also the term "derapagi ". sng. and plr. derogàbil, derogàbij. - that can be
derapagi - n. m. (pr. \ der&p'&ji \) - See derapà. derogated.

derogassion - n. f. (pr. \ derug&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - desinensial - adj. (pr. \ dezinæ[ng]si'&l \) Ms. plr. desinensiaj
derogation (legal). - fm. sng. and plr. desinensial, desinensiaj. - desinential
derogativ - adj. (pr. \ derug&ti'u \) Ms. plr. derogativ - fm. (grammar).
sng. and plr. derogativa, derogative. - derogatory. desolà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ dezul'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) -
derogatòri - adj. (pr. \ derug&t'ori \) Ms. plr. derogatiòri - fm. desolate, deserted, lonely. - 2) - desolate, disconsolated,
sng. and plr. derogatòria, derogatòrie. - derogatory. distressed. - 3) - sorry.
derogatòria - n. f. (pr. \ derug&t'ori& \) At plr. derogatòrie. - desolant - adj. (pr. \ dezul'&nt \) Ms. plr. desolant - fm. sng.
derogatory clause. and plr. desolanta, desolante. - distressing, desolating.
deroghé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ derug'e \) - 1) - to derogate, to desolassion - n. f. (pr. \ dezul&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
depart from. - 2) - to contravene, to fail to conform. It desolation, devastation. - 2) - sorrow, grief, distress.
uses the aux. "avèj ". desolé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dezul'e \) - 1) - to lay waste, to
derotament - n. m. (pr. \ derut&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - desolate. - 2) - to afflict, to distress.
change of course (marine). - 2) - hijacking, skyjacking, désse - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ d'ese \) - 1) - to devote
air piracy. - 3) - diversion, deviation (in a fig. sense). - oneself, to give oneself up (to st.). - 2) - to take up, to
See also the term "dirotament". start. - 3) - to give oneself (to sb.). Some idiomatic
deroté - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ derut'e \) - 1) - to change expressions : - A) - "désse d'ardriss" "to settle down, to
course (trs.) (marine). - 2) - to hijack, to skyjack (trs.). - start to behave in a correct way ". - B) - "désse n'àndi"
3) - to reroute (finance, etc.) (trs.). - 4) - to divert (in a fig. "to hurry up ". - C) - "désse da fé ". "to do one's best ". -
sense) (trs.). - 5) - to deviate, to turn off (int.). It uses D) - "désse la pòsta" "to arrange to meet each other ".
always the aux. "avèj ". - See also the terms "droté, dëroté, destin - n. m. (pr. \ dest'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - destiny, fate. -
diroté". 2) - doom. - 3) - lot. See also the term "dëstin".
dés - 1) - adj. nmr. crd. and n. m. (pr. \ dez \) Inv. in any case. - destinà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ destin'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
ten. fated, destined. See also the term "dëstinà".
des... - 2) - prefix. (pr. \ dez... \ , \ des...\ ) - Adversative prefix destinassion - n. f. (pr. \ destin&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
like the english un... . As such it is an italianism, together destination. - 2) - posting. See also the term
with the prefix "dis...", but they are sometimes used. The "dëstinassion".
correct adversative prefix, in Piedm., is "dës...". In correct destinatari - n. (pr. \ destin&t'&ri \) Ms. plr. destinatari - fm.
Piedm. the initial "des ..." is not a prefix. We notice that sng. and plr. destinataria, destinatatie. - 1) - receiver. - 2)
also "dës..." is not always a prefix. - addressee. - 3) - consignee. See also the term
desabilié - n. m. (pr. \ dez&bili'e \) - See dësabijé. "dëstinatari".
descrission - n. f. (pr. \ descrisi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - destiné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ destin'e \) - 1) - to destine. - 2) -
description. - 2) - specification. to appoint, to assign. - 3) - to set aside, to assign, to
descritiv - adj. (pr. \ descrit'iu \) Ms. plr. descritiv - fm. sng. appropriate. - 4) - to address. - 5) - to intend, to mean,
and plr. descritiva, descritive. - descriptive. to design, to be. - 6) - to devote. See also the term "dëstiné
descritor - n. m. (pr. \ descrit'ur \) Inv. at plr. - describer. ".
descrive - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ descr'ive \) - 1) - to describe. - destituì - 1) - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ destit[ue]'i \) - 1) - to
2) - to describe, to trace, to draw. dismiss, to replace, to remove. - 2) - to demote.
descrivìbil - adj. (pr. \ descriv'ibil \) Ms. plr. descrivìbil - fm. destituì - 2) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ destit[ue]'i \) Ms. plr. destituì
sng. and plr. descrivìbil, descrivìbij. - describable. - fm. sng. and plr. destituìa, destituìe. - 1) - devoid,
desert - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ dez'ært \) Inv. at plr. - desert. destitute (adj.). - 2) - dismissed, removed. (p. p.).
desert - 2) - adj. (pr. \ dez'ært \) Ms. plr. desert - fm. sng. and destitussion - n. f. (pr. \ destit[ue]si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
plr. deserta, deserte. - 1) - desert, wild. - 2) - deserted, dismissal, replacement, removal. - 2) - domotion.
desolate. - 3) - bare (in a fig. sense). - 4) - empty (in a fig. déstr - 1) - adj. (pr. \ destr \) Ms. plr. destr - fm. sng. and plr.
sense). destra, destre. - 1) - right, right-hand. - 2) - clever,
desèrtich - adj. (pr. \ dez'ærtic \) Ms. plr. desertich - fm. sng. adroit, able, dexterous (in this sense the term is quite an
and plr. desertica, desertiche. - desert (as an attribute). italianism).
desideràbil - adj. (pr. \ dezider'&bil \) Ms. plr. desideràbij - destr - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ destr \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - straight right
fm. sng. and plr. desideràbil, desideràbij. - desirable. See (boxing). - 2) - right foot (soccer and sport in general).
also the best piedm. terms "desiderèivol, desiderévol ". destr! - excl. (pr. \ destr \) - right!. (orer for changing
desideré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dezider'e \) - 1) - to wish, to direction, etc.).
like, to want, to desire. - 2) - to be eager. - 3) - to covet. déstra - n. f. (pr. \ d'estr& \) At plr. destre. - 1) - right, right
desiderèivol - adj. (pr. \ dezider'æivul \) Ms. plr. desiderèivoj - side. - 2) - right hand. - 3) - Right, Right Party, Right
fm. sng. and plr. desiderèivol, desiderèivoj. - desirable. Wing (politics).
See also the terms "desideràbil, desiderévol ". destregésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ destrej'ese \) - to manage,
desiderévol - adj. (pr. \ dezsider'evul \) - See desiderèivol. to manoeuvre, to contrive. Quite an italianism, see also
desideri - n. m. (pr. \ dezid'eri \) Inv. at plr. - wish, desire. the terms "dësbrojésse, dëstortojésse, dësgavignésse,
desideros - adj. (pr. \ dezider'uz \) Ms. plr. desideros - fm. sng. bravé, manovré ".
and plr. desiderosa, desiderose. - desirous, eager, longing déstrëssa - n. f. (pr. \ destr'&ss& \) At plr. destrësse. -
(for). dexterity, deftness, adroitness, skill. Quite an italianism,
designàbil - adj. (pr. \ dezi[gn]'&bil \) Ms. plr. designàbij - see also the terms "abilità, bravura, lestëssa, prontëssa".
fm. sng. and plr. designàbil, designàbij. - that may be desume - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ dez'[ue]me \) - to deduce, to
designated. infer, to draw. See also the term "dedùe 1st meaning".
designassion - n. f. (pr. \ dezi[gn]&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - desvijé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dezviy'e \) - See dësvijé.
designation. nomination, appointment. desvijésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ dezviy'ese \) - See dësvijése.
designé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dezi[gn'e \) - 1) - to designate, detà - n. m., adj and p. p. (pr.\ det'&\) Inv. in any case. 1) -
to nominate, to appoint. - 2) - to set, to fix, to appoint. dictation (sbst.). - 2) - dictated (adj. and p. p.).
desinensa - n. f. (pr. \ dezin'æ[ng]s& \) At plr. desinense. - detadura - n. f. (pr.\ det&d'[ue]r&\) At plr. detadure. -
ending, termination, desinence (grammar). dictation, the action of dictating.

detaj - n. m. (pr. \ det'&y \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - detail. - 2) - retail determinativ - adj. (pr. \ detærmin&t'iu \) Ms. plr.
(commerce). determinativ - fm. sng. and plr. determinativa,
detaj (an ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ &[ng] det'&y \) - in detail. determinative. - 1) - determinative. - 2) - definitive,
detaj (al ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ &l det'&y \) - by retail. definite (grammar).
detajant - n. (pr. \ det&y'&nt \) Ms. plr. detajant - fm. sng. determiné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ detærmin'e \) - 1) - to
and plr. detajanta, detajante. - retailer, retail trader. See determine, to establish, to define. - 2) - to assess. - 3) - to
also the terms "mnutant, minutant ". determine, to reckon, to calculate. - 4) - to make (sb. do
detajé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ det&y'e \) - 1) - to detail, to give st.), to get (sb. to do st.). - 5) - to be the determining
full details (of). - 2) - to retail, to sell by retail factor, to cause.
(commerce). determinésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ detærmin'ese \) - 1) - to
detam - n. m. (pr. \ det'&m \) Inv. at plr. - precept, dictate, decide, to determine, to resolve (to do st.) - 2) - to occur,
teachings. to come about.
deté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ det'e \) - 1) - to dictate (e. g. a detersiv - 1) - adj. (pr. \ detærs'iu \) - Ms. plr. detersiv - fm.
letter). - 2) - to direct, to counsel, to suggest. - 3) - to sng. and plr. detersiva, detersive. - detersive, cleansing.
dictate, to impose, to prescribe. detersiv - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ detærs'iu \) Inv. at plr. - detersive,
detension - n. f. (pr. \ detæ[ng]si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - detergent, cleaning preparation.
holding. - 2) - detention, possession (legal). - 3) - detesté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ detest'e \) - to detest, to hate, to
imprisonment, custody, detention. loathe, to abhor, to abominate. See also the vrbl. loc.
detentiv - adj. (pr. \ detænt'iu \) Ms. plr. detentiv - fm. sng. "avèj an ghignon".
and plr. detentiva, detentive. - detentive. detestésse - vrb 1st con. recp. (pr. \ detest'e \) - to detest each
detenù - n. and adj. and p. p. (pr. \ deten'[ue] \) Ms. plr. detenù other, to hate each other. See also the vrbl. loc. "avèjse an
- fm. sng. and plr. detenùa, detenùe. - 1) - prisoner, ghignon".
convict, detainee (sbst.). - 2) - held, detained (adj. and p. detnù - n. and adj. and p. p. (pr. \ detn'u \) - See detenù.
p.). See also the terms "detnù, ditenù ". detonant - 1) - adj. (pr. \ detun'&nt \) Ms. plr. detonant - fm.
deten-e - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ det'æ[ng]e \) - 1) - to hold. - 2) sng. and plr. detonanta, detonante. - detonating,
- to detain. - 3) - to possess. explosive.
deterent - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ deter'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - deterrent. detonant - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ detun'&nt \) Inv. at plr. - explosive.
deterent - 2) - adj. (pr. \ deter'ænt \) Ms. plr. deterent - fm. detonassion - n. f. (pr. \ detun&si'u[nng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
sng. and plr. detereta, deterente. - deterrent. blast, detonation. -2) - pinking, knocking (motors). - See
detergent - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ detærj'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - also the terms "crèp, s-ciòp ".
detergent. detonator - n. m. (pr. \ detun&t'ur \) Inv. at plr. - detonator.
detergent - 2) - adj. (pr. \ detærj'ænt \) Ms. plr. detergent - fm. detoné - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ detun'e \) - to detonate. It uses
sng. and plr. detergeta, detergente. - cleansing, the aux. "esse".
detergent. detràe - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ detr'&e \) - 1) - to deduct, to
deterior - adj. (pr. \ detæri'ur \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - inferior, detract, to discount, to allow. - 2) - to depreciate, to
second-rate, low-grade (as attibutes). disparage.
deteriorà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ detæriur'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. detraìbil - adj. (pr. \ detr&'ibil \) Ms. plr. detraìbij - fm. sng.
- deteriorated, damaged. and plr. detraìbil, detraìbij. - deducible.
deteriorament - n. m. (pr. \ detæriur&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - detrassion - n. f. (pr. \ detr&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - deduction,
deterioration. detraction, discount, allowance.
deteriorassion - n. f. (pr. \ detæriur&si'u[ng] \) - See detrator - n. (pr. \ detr&t'ur \) Ms. plr. detrator - fm. sng. and
deteriorament. plr. detrtriss, detratriss. - detractor.
deterioré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ detæriur'e \) - to deteriorate, detriment - n. m. (pr. \ detrim'ænt \) Inv. at plr. (if any) -
to impair, to damage. detriment, harm, damage. See also the terms "dann,
deteriorésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ detæriur'ese \) - 1) - to go scàpit ".
bad, to perish. - 2) - to deteriorate. detronisassion - n. f. (pr. \ detruniz&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
determinà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ detærmin'& \) Inv. in gnd. and dethronement. See also the term "dëstronisassion"
nr. - 1) - determinate, certain. - 2) - determined, detronisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ detruniz'e \) - 1) - to
resoluted. - 3) - determinate, fixed. - 4) - determinate dethrone, to depose. - 2) - to oust, to drive out (in a fig.
(mathematics) - 5) - determined (p. p.). sense). See also the terms "dëstronisé, dëscoroné ".
determinàbil - adj. (pr. \ detærmin'&bil \) Ms. plr. deuit - n. m. (pr. \ d'[oe]it \) Inv. at plt. - 1) - behaviour. - 2) -
determinàbij - fm. sng. and plr. determinàbil, politeness, grace, kindness. Depending on the sentence,
determinàbij. - determinable, definable. the meaning can be quite different. In particular "bel deuit"
determinant - 1) - adj. and n. (pr. \ detærmin'&nt \) Ms. plr. means "good behaviour, politeness", and also the sentences
determinant - fm. sng. and plr. determinanta, "a l'ha 'd deuit ; a l'ha deuit" mean "his behaviour is kind,
determinante. - 1) - conclusive, determining, polite, good, etc.". The excl. expression "a l'ha un deuit !?
determinant (adj.). - 2) - determining factor, " means, on the contrary "his behaviour is unpolite, he is
determinant. not kind at all ", an this concept is also expressed with the
determinant - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ detærmin'&nt \) Inv. at plr. - loc. "brut deuit", and there is a correspondence in the adj.
determinant (mathematics). "dësdeuit, disdeuit" (see the terms). Then we underline
determinassion - n. f. (pr. \ detærmin&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - three idiomatic waj of using this word. - A) - "dé deuit "
1) - determination. - 2) - determination, reckoning, lit. "to give grace" "to put in order". - B) - "desse deuit "
calculation. - 3) - determination, decision. - 4) - lit. "to give oneself behaviour" "to set about (st.)". - C)
resolution, determination. See also the term - "dé 'd deuit " lit. "to give some grace" = " to give the
"determinatëssa 1st meaning". correct grace".
determinatëssa - n. f. (pr. \ detærmin&t'&ss& \) At plr. deuitin - n. m. (pr. \ d[oe]it'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - grace,
determinatësse. - 1) - determination. In this sense see kindness (referred to children). See also the term "duitin".
also the term "determinassion". - 2) - precision, exactness. deuja - n. f. (pr. \ d'[oe]y& \) At plr. deuje. - affliction,
distress, pain, throe.

deul - n. m. (pr. \ d[oe]l \) At plr. (when required) deuj. - 1) - deviassionista - n. (pr. \ devi&siun'ist& \) Ms. plr.
mourning. - 2) - deep sorrow. deviassionista - fm. sng. and plr. deviassionista,
de-umidificassion - n. f. (pr. \ de[ue]midific&si'u[ng] \) - Inv. deviassioniste. - deviationist (politics).
at plr. - dehumidification. It is also possible to find this deviassionìstich - adj. (pr. \ devi&siun'istic \) Ms. plr.
word in the spelling "deumidificassion" paying attention at deviassionistich - fm. sng. and plr. deviassionistica,
the fact that the group "eu" is not diphthong. deviassionistiche. - deviationist (as an attribute).
de-umidifiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ de[ue]midifik'e \) - to deviator - n. m. (pr. \ devi&t'ur \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - points,
dehumidify. It is also possible to find this word in the switch (railways). - 2) - pointsman, shunter, switchman.
spelling "deumidifiche" paying attention at the fact that the - 3) - switch.
group "eu" is not diphthong. devié - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ devi'e \) - 1) - to divert, to
deurbe - vrb 2nd con. trs. and int. - (pr. \ d'[oe]rbe \) - 1) - to turn aside (trs.). - 2) - to shunt (trs.). - 3) - to deviate, to
open (trs.). E. g. "deurb ël tirol " "open the drawer". - 2) swerve, to diverge (int.). - 4) - to turn aside, to go out of
- to open up (trs.). E. g. "deurbe un mercà" "to open up a one's way (int.). - 5) - to go astray (int.). It uses in any
market ". - 3) - to open out, to unfold, to unwrap (trs.). E. case the aux. "avèj ".
g. "deurb tò pachet " "unwrap your packet ". - 4) - to devitalisassion - n. f. (pr. \ devit&liz&si'u [ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
unlock (trs.). E. g. "deurb la pòrta" "unlock the door" - devitalization.
5) - to turn on, to switch on (trs.). E. g. "deurb ël gas e devitalisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ devit&liz'e \) - to devitalize.
deurb la lus" "turn on the gas and switch on the light ". - devolussion - n. f. (pr. \ devul[ue]si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
5) - to dig (trs.). E. g. "i deurboma na tampa ambelessì " devolution. - 2) - assignment, allocation.
"we dig a hole here". - 6) - to unzip., to zip open (trs.). E.
g. "deurb la valis" "zip your case open" - 7) - to open, to
devolutiv - adj. (pr. \ devul[ue]t'iu \) Ms. plr. devolutiv - fm.
begin (trs.). "a deurb la conferensa" "he begins the
sng. and plr. devolutiva, devolutive. - devolutionary.
conference" - 8) - to head, to lead (trs.). - 9) - to open
devossion - n. f. (pr. \ devusi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - piety,
(int.). E. g. "ël negòssi ancheuj a deurb nen" "the shop reverence, devotion. - 2) - devotions, prayers. - 3) -
does not open today ". - It uses in any case the aux. "avèj ". devotion, attachment. - 4) - affection. See also the term
- See also the terms "deurve, duverté, durvì ". "divossion"
deurme - veb 2nd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ d'[oe]rme \) - 1) - to devòlve - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ dev'olve \) - 1) - to devolve, to
sleep (in general). - 2) - to be dormant. It uses in any case devolute. - 2) - to assign, to allocate.
the aux. "avèj ". - Some idiomatic uses of this word: - A) - devòt - n. and adj. (pr. \ dev'ot \) Ms. plr. devòt - fm. sng. and
"deurme s-ciass" or "deurme sarà" " to sleep soundly, to plr. devòta, devòte. - 1) - devout, pious (adj.). - 2) -
sleep deeply". - "deurme a la bela stèila" "to sleep in the devoted, sincere (adj.). - 3) - devout person (sbst.). - 4) -
open air". - C) - "andé a deurme con la madòna" "to go devotee (sbst.). See also the terms "dëvòt, divòt, divot ".
to sleep without having had dinner". - See also the term dë - prp. (pr. \ d& \) Only in front of words starting by "s"
"durmì ". followed by consonant, and in front of strong "s" and
deurve - vrb 2nd con. trs. and int. - (pr. \ d'[oe]rve \) - See particular groups of consonants. - 1) - of (indirect objects
deurbe. of: specification, denomination, abundance, deprivation,
deuteri - n. m. (pr. \ deut'eri \) Only sng. (chemical element) in substance, etc.). E. g. - A) - "un tòch dë strass" "a piece
case of need it is inv. at plr. - deuterium. - isotope of of rag". - B) - "a l'é fàit dë stagn" "it is made of tin". - 2)
hydrogen (chemistry, physics). - Note that the group "eu" is - of, or possessive case. E. g. "un travaj dë stupid" "a
not a diphthong And is pronunced "\ eu \". See also the stupid's work" - 3) - In front of an attribute: of, or not
term "deutério".
present in English. E. g. "la cà dë studi" "the studies
deutério - n. m. (pr. \ deut'eriô \) - See deuteri.
house , the house of studies". - 4) - In front of an infinitive,
devastant - adj. (pr. \ dev&st'&nt \) Ms. plr. devastant - fm.
or for expressing the age, in compound prp. etc. (idiomatic
sng. and plr. devastanta, devastante. - 1) - devastating,
use, not present in English). E. g. - A) - "I son
ravaging. - 2) - blighting.
dësmentiame dë stopé la bota" "I forgot to cork the
devastassion - n. f. (pr. \ dev&st&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
devastation, destruction, ravages. bottle". - B) - "na përson-a dë stant'ani ". "a person
devastator - n. and adj. (pr. \ dev&st&t'ur \) Ms. plr. seventy years old". - C) - "fe sensa dë sta ròba" "to do
devastator - fm. sng. and plr. devastatriss, devastatriss. - without this stuff". - 5) - that, or not present in English. E.
1) - devastator (sbst.). - 2) - devastating (adj.). g. "i chërdo dë studié tant" I think (that) I am studying a
devasté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dev&st'e \) - 1) - to devastate, lot". - 6) - than, (in comparisons). E. g. " lòn a l'é mej dë
to lay waste, to ravage. - 2) - to blight. sto sì " " that is better than this one". - 7) - by, to indicate
deviament - n. m. (pr. \ devi&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - the author. E. g. "la musica dë Stràuss" "the music by
deflection, deviation. - 2) - shunting (railways). Strauss". - 8) - some, any, (partitive). E. g. "pija dë strass
deviansa - n. f. (pr. \ devi'&[ng]s& \) At plr. devianse. - 1) - për polidé" "take some rags for cleaning". - 9) - from,
deviance, deviancy. (psychology - medicine). - 2) - (provenance) E. g. "mi i son dë Stresa" "I come from
deviation, yaw (planes). Stresa". - 10) - in adv. loc. with idiomatic use. E. g. - A) -
deviant - adj. and n.(pr. \ devi'&nt \) Ms. plr. deviant - fm. "dë scondion" "in a hidden way, behind sb.'s back ". - B)
sng. and plr. devianta, deviante. - 1) - deviant (adj.) - 2) - - "dë stòrt" "crooked manner , twisted manner , etc.". -
deviant, deviate (sbst.). 11) - with, of, by, on, (manner, instrument). E. g. "un colp
deviassion - n. f. (pr. \ devi&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - dë scopél " "one blow with the chisel ". - 12) - about, of.
deviation. - 2) - deflexion (physics). - 3) - diversion, E, g, "i l'hai pì nen savù dë Steo " "I haven't any more
detour, bt-pass (roads). - 4) - shunt (railways). - 5) - had news about Stephen". - Then this prp. is use in other
perversion (sexual). expression like "dë dsà" "here, ove here, in here" (see
deviassionism - n. m. (pr. \ devi&siun'izm \) Inv. at plr. - below the term), "dë dnans" " in front" (see below the
term), "dë dlà" "there, ove there, in there" (see below the
term). See also the main prp. "ëd" used in front of the other
words, and the prp. " 'd ", and " d' ". This prp. can produce

prp. combined with article which are "dlë, djë " See the dërnésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&rn'ese \) - 1) - to break
related voices. See also the grammar. one's back. - 2) - to overstrain oneself (in a fig. sense).
dëbate - vrb 2nd con.trs. (pr. \ d&b'&te \) - See dibate. dërompe - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ d&r'umpe \) - 1) - to soften. -
dëbut - n. m. (pr. \ d&b'[ue]t \) - See debù. 2) - to dilute, to melt. - 3) - to warm (in a fig. sense). -
dë dlà - adv. loc. (pr. \ d& dl'& \) - there, in there, over there, See also the term "drompe".
beyond, (in) the other part, (to) the other part, on the dërompse - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ d&r'umpse \) - to accustom
other part. Also in the spelling "dëdlà " (see the term). oneself, to get used.
dëdlà - adv. (pr. \ d&dl'& \) - See dë dlà. dërot - adj. (pr. \ d&r'ut \) Ms. plr. dërot - fm. sng. and plr.
dë dnans - adv. loc. (pr. \ d& dn'&[ng]s \) - in front. Also in dërota, dërote. - 1) - used, accustomed, inured. - 2) -
the spelling "dëdnans " (see the term). See also the term resistant. See also the term "drot ".
"dnans". dërota - n. f. (pr. \ d&r'ut& \) At plr. dërote. - 1) - defeat, rout,
dëdnans - adv. (pr. \ d&dn'&[ng]s \) - See dë dnans. overthrow. - 2) - ruin, heavy loss. - See also the term
dë dsà - adv. loc. (pr. \ d& ds'& \) - here, in here, over here, "dirota".
on this part, (in) this part, (to) this part. Also in the dëroté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&rut'e \) - See deroté.
spelling "dëdsà " (see the term). See also the term "dsà ". dës... - prefix. (pr. \ d&s... \ ; \ d&z... \) - un... , dis... etc..
dëdsà - adv. (pr. \ d&ds'& \) - See dë dsà. Adversative prefix. Sometime it is possible to find "dis..."
dëfalch - n. m. (pr. \ d&f'&lc \) - See difalch. as an adversative prefix, but usually this is an italianism.
dëfamassion - n. f. (pr. \ d&f&m&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - Not always this starting is a prefix, and sometimes it
defamation, slander. See also the terms "dësfamassion, maintains the adversative meaning, even if then following
difamassion". main word cannot be recognizer as a word with its own
dëfamator - n. (pr. \ d&f&m&t'ur \) Ms. plr. dëfamator - fm. meaning. Some examples: - A) - "dëscuse" "to unstitch",
sng. and plr. dëfamatriss, dëfamatriss. - defamer, where "cuse" means "to stitch". - B) - "dësfende" "to
slanderer. See also the terms "dësfamator, difamator". defend", in this word the initial "dës..." is not a prefix. - C)
dëfamatòri - adj. (pr. \ d&f&m&t'ori \) Ms. plr. dëfamatòri - - "dësbela" "mischievous" where the prefix "dës.. " has a
fm. sng. and plr. dëfamatòria, dëfamatòrie. - mild adversative idea, but the word "bela" has not a
defamatory, slanderous. See also the terms "dësfamatòri, meaning in this context. We note also that this prefix is
difamatòri". often shortened into the prefix "dz...", and often is
dëfamé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&f&m'e \) - to defame, to equivalent to the prefix "dis...".
slander. In this meaning see also the terms "dësfamé 2nd dësabijé - n. m. (pr. \ d&z&biy'e \) Inv. at plr. - house-frock.
meaning, difamé ". See also the terms "desabilié, dzabijé ".
dëffida - n. f. (pr. \ d&ff'id& \) - See difida. dësabità - adj. (pr. \ d&z&bit'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
dëffidé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&ffid'e \) - See difidé. uninhabited, deserted, empty (referred to house). See
dël - art-prp. ms. sng. (pr. \ d&l \) Ms. plr. dij - fm. sng. and plr. also the terms "disabità, dzabità".
dla, dle. - of the. - Only in front of words starting by dësabituà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ d&z&bit[ue]'& \) Inv. in gnd.
consonant. For all the other uses see the main prp. "ëd " and nr. - disaccustomed. See also the terms "disabituà,
and the form "dë ". dzabituà".
dël rést - adv. loc. (pr. \ d&l rest \) - 1) - moreover. - 2) - on dësabitué - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&z&bit[ue]'e \) - to make
the other hand (not very used in this sense, since in this (sb.) lose the habit (of), to disaccustom. See also the
case the loc. "d'àutra part" is more used. Also in the terms "disabitué, dzabitué, dëscostumé".
spelling "dëlrest " (see the voice). dësabituésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&z&bit[ue]'ese \) - to get
dëlrest - adv. (pr. \ d&l rest \) - See dël rest. out of the habit (of). See also the terms "disabituésse,
dël tut - adv. loc. (pr. \ d&l tut \) - 1) - completely, quite. - 2) - dzabituésse, dëscostumésse".
at all (in negative sentences). E. g. "a l'é d'autut dësabus - n. m. (pr. \ d&z&b'[ue]z \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
andipendent " "he is completely independent" ; "nen disappointment. - 2) - disillusionment, undeceiving.
d'autut" "not at all ". See also the adv. loc. "d'autut ". dësabusé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&z&b[ue]z'e \) - to
dëluri - n. (pr. \ d&l'[ue]ri \) Ms. plr. dëluri - fm. sng. and plr. undeceive, to disenchant, to disillusion. See also the term
dëluria, dëlurie. Even if the term is usually only referred "disabusé ".
to ms. - greedy person, glutton. See also the term "dluri ". dësabusésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&z&b[ue]z'ese \) - to be
dëmiurgi - n. n. m. (pr. \ demi'[ue]rji \) - See demiurgh. undeceived, to be disenchanted, to become disillusioned.
dëmora - n. f. (pr. \ d&m'ur& \) At plr. dëmore. - 1) - toy, dësadeuit - adj. (pr. \ d&z&d'[oe]it \) Ms. plr. dësadeuit - fm.
plaything. - 2) - pastime (in a fig. sense). See also the sng. and plr. dësadeuita, dësadueite. - impolite, ill-
terms "dësmora, domora, dimora, dismora, dmora". mannered, uncivil, coarse, gross, rough. See also the
dëmoré - vrb 1st con. trs. - (pr. \ d&mur'e \) - to keep amused. - terms "dzadeuit, dësdeuit, disdeuit".
See also the terms "dësmoré, dismoré, dimoré ". dësadeuitarìa - n. f. (pr. \ d&z&d[oe]it&r'i& \) At plr.
dëmorésse - vrb 1st con. refl. - (pr. \ d&mur'ese \) - to amuse dësadeuitarìe. - impoliteness, coarseness, grossness. See
oneself, to drawle. See also the terms "dësmorésse, also the term "dzadeuitarìa ".
dismorésse ". dësadrëssà - adj. (pr. \ d&z&dr&ss'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1)
dëmorin - n. and adj. (pr. \ d&mur'i[ng] \) Ms. plr. dëmorin - - inexperienced, inexpert. - 2) - awkward, clumsy. See
fm. sng. and plr. dëmorin-a, dëmorin-e. - 1) - playful, also the terms "malàbil, maladret".
frolicsome, gamesome (adj.). - 2) - person who loves to dësafession - n. f. (pr. \ d&z&fesi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
play (sbst.). See also the term "dësmorin". estrangement, disaffection, waning of affection. See also
dëné - n. m. (pr. \ d&n'e \) Inv. at plr. (if any). - money. See the term "disafession".
also the terms "dné, sòld ". dësafessioné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&z&fesiun'e \) - to
dërné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&rn'e \) - to break through, to alienate (from), to estrange, to disaffect. See also the
exaust, to wear out, to break the back of. See also the term "disafessioné".
terms "bësanché, dzanché, andërné, dëslombé, dësrené ". dësafessionésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&z&fesiun'ese \) - to
dërnera - n. f. (pr. \ d&rn'er& \) At plr. dërnere. - lumbago lose one's affection, to lose interest (in st.). See also the
(medical). term "disafessionésse".

dësagreàbil - adj. (pr. \ d&z&gre'&bil \) Ms. plr. dësagreàbij - dësbancament - n. m. (pr. \ d&zb&[ng]c&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. -
fm. sng. and plr. dësagreàbil, dësagreàbij. -bothersome, 1) - excavation. - 2) - strip, stripping (mining). See also
tiresome, annoying, disagreeable, unpleasant. See also the term "sbancament ".
the term "dzagreàbil ". dësbanché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zb&[ng]k'e \) - 1) - to
dësambrojé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&z&mbruy'e \) - to break the bank (gambling). - 2) - to ruin, to bankrupt (in
disentangle, to extricate, to unravel. See also the term a fig. sense). - 3) - to excavate, to move earth (from). See
"dzambrojé, dësbrojé ". also the term "sbanché ".
dësamoré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&z&mur'e \) - to estrange, dësbandament - n. m. (pr. \ d&zb&[ng]d&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. -
to alienate, to disaffect. See also the term "dzamoré ". 1) - disbandment, dispersion, disbanding. - 2) - skid,
dësamorésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&z&mur'ese \) - to skidding, side-slip (cars). - 3) - heel, heeling, careening
become estranged, to lose interest. See also the term (ships). - 4) - bank, banking (planes). See also the term
"dzamorésse ". “sbandà 1)”.
dësamparé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&z&mp&r'e \) - 1) - to dësbandé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ d&zb&[ng]d'e \) - 1) -
forget, to unlearn. - 2) - to learn not to ... - See also the to disband, to disperse, to scatter (trs.). - 2) - to skid, to
terms "dësimparé, dësamprende, dësprende, dësparé, side-slip (cars) (int.). - 3) - to list, to heel, to careen
disamparé, etc. ". (ships) (int.). - 4) - to bank (planes) (int.). - 5) - to lean, to
dësamprende - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ d&z&mpr'ænde \) - See tend (int.). - It uses in any case the aux. "avèj ". See also
dësamparé. the term "sbandé ".
dësancà - adj. and n. (pr. \ d&z&[ng]c'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - dësbandésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&zb&[ng]d'ese \) - 1) - to
1) - hip-shot, crippled, lame (adj.) - 2) - cripple (sbst.). disband, to disperse, to scatter. - 2) - to relax (in a fig.
See also the term "dzancà ". sense). See also the term "sbandésse ".
dësanché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&z&[ng]k'e \) - to cripple. dësbandì - adj. (pr. \ d&zb&[ng]d'i \) Ms. plr. dësbandì - fm.
See also the term "dzanché ". sng. and plr. dësbandìa, dësbandìe. - bloomed, blown,
dësanchésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&z&[ng]k'ese \) - to opened.
dislocate one's hip. - to become a cripple. See also the dësbandìsse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&zb&[ng]d'ise \) - to
term "dzanchésse ". blow, to open, to bloom.
dësanciarmé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&z&n[ch]&rm'e \) - to dësbarassé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zb&r&s'e \) - to rid
disenchant, to disillusion. See also the terms "dës-ciarmé, (sb./st. of), to free (sb./st. from), to clear. See also the term
disanciarmé ". “sbarassé “.
dësanciarmésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&z&n[ch]&rm'ese \) - dësbarassésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&zb&r&s'ese \) - 1) - to
to disenchant oneself. See also the term "dës-ciarmésse, rid oneself (of), to get free (from), to get rid (of). - 2) - to
disanciarmésse ". vomit (in a fig. sense). See also the term “sbarassésse “.
dësancutìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ d&z&nc[ue]t'ise \) - to dësbaraté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zb&r&t'e \) - 1) - to
stir oneself, to rouse oneself, to screw up one's courage change money (a large note into smaller money, or a
(in a fig. sense). See also the term "dëscutìsse". cheque into cash). - 2) - to barter, to swap. - 3) - to
dësanimé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&z&nim'e \) - to discourage, mistake. See also the term "dëscambié ".
to dishearten, to daunt. See also the terms "dzanimé, dësbarbé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zb&rb'e \) - to shave. See
disanimé ". also the more used vrbl. loc. "fé la barba" lit. "to do the
dësanimésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&z&nim'ese \) - to lose beard".
heart. dësbarbésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&zb&rb'ese \) - to shave
dësan-amorà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ d&z&[ng]n&mur'& \) - See oneself.
dësnamorà. dësbassé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zb&s'e \) - 1) - to lower, to
dësan-namoré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&z&[ng]n&mur'e \) - bring down. - 2) - to let down. - 3) - to lower, to make
See dësnamoré. lower. See also the term "sbassé ".
dësan-namorésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&z&[ng]n&mur'ese dësbassésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&zb&s'ese \) - to drop, to
\) - See dësnamorésse. fall.
dësarsion - n. f. (pr. \ d&z&rsi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - desertion. dësbasté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zb&st'e \) - to pull off the
(military and in a fig. sense). See also the most used term packsaddle.
"disersion ". dësbastì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ d&zb&st'i \) - to take the
dësarté - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ d&z&rt'e \) - 1) - to tacking out (of).
leave, to desert (trs.). - 2) - to desert, to defect (int.). It dësbàucc - n. and adj. (pr. \ d&zb'&u[ch] \) Ms. plr. dësbàucc -
uses in any case the aux. "avèj ". - In the second meaning fm. sng. and plr. dësbàucìa, dësbàuce. - 1) - dissolute,
see also the most used term "diserté ". licentious, libertine, debauched, corrupt (adj.). - 2) -
dësarteur - n. m. (pr. \ d&z&rt'[oe]r \) Inv. at plr. - deserter, dissolute person, ... corrupt person, debauchee (sbst.).
defector. See also the terms "disertor, dzarteur, dzertor ". dësbàucia - n. f. (pr. \ d&zb'&u[ch]i& \) At plr. dësbàuce. - 1)
dësatension - n. f. (pr. \ d&z&tæ[ng]si'u'[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - - debauch, carousal, debauchery. - 2) - dissoluteness,
inattention, carelessness. - 2) - oversight. See also the licentiousness, depravity. - 3) - intemperance.
terms "dzatension, disatension". dësbaucé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ d&zb&u[ch]'e \) - 1) -
dësavantagi - n. m. (pr. \ d&z&v&nt'&ji \) Inv. at plr. - to corrupt, to deprave, to pervert, to debauch (trs.). - 2)
disadvantage, drawback, detriment, handicap. See also - to carouse, to go on the spree, to revel (int.).
the terms "dzavantagi, dëscàpit, svantagi, discàpit, dësbaucésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&zb&u[ch]'ese \) - to
disavantagi ". become perverted, to be corrupted.
dësavantagià - adj. (pr. \ d&z&v&nt&ji'& \) Inv. in gnd. and dësbela - n. and adj. (pr. \ d&zb'el& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) -
nr. - at a disadvantage. See also the terms "dzavantagià, squanderer, spendthrift. - 2) - rascal, scamp. - 3) - rude,
svantagià ". impolite.
dësbalé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zb&l'e \) - to unpack. - See dësbiandent - adj. (pr. \ d&zbi&nd'ænt \) Ms. plr. dësbiandent
also the term "sbalé 1st meaning". - fm. sng. and plr. dësbiandenta, dësbiandente. - 1) -
insolent, rude impolite, contemptuous. - 2) - slovenly,
untidy, neglectful, shabby. In this sense see also the terms

" slandent, sbiandent ". - See also, in general, the terms spelling rules (see grammar), changes the vowel " o " of the
"dësbiandos ". infinitive into "eu". See also the term "dësgajte".
dësbiandos - adj. (pr. \ d&zbi&nd'uz \) - See dësbiandent. dësbrigh - n. m. (pr. \ d&zbr'ig \) Inv. at plr. - dispath,
dësbiavà - adj. (pr. \ d&zbi&v'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - settlement.
faded. - 2) - colourless. - 3) - pale, wan. - 4) - dësbrighé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zbrig'e \) - to dispatch, to
insignificant (in a fig. sense). settle. See also the term “sbrighé “.
dësbigaté - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ d&zbig&t'e \) - to dësbrighésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&zbrig'ese \) - to hurry
take the cocoons (from) (trs.). - 2) - to come out of the up, to make haste, to be quick. See also the most used
cocoon (int.). It uses always (usually) the aux. "avèj ". See term "dësgagésse, sbrighésse".
also the terms "dëscochëtté, dëscoconé". dësbrilà - adj. (pr. \ d&zbril'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) -
dësbindé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zbind'e \) - to unbandage, unbrided. - 2) - unruly, unrestrained.
to remove the bandage. See also the term "dëspatagné ". dësbrilé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zbril'e \) - 1) - to unbride. -
dësbindésse - to unbandage oneself, to remove one's 2) - to give the rein (to), to let go.
bandage. dësbriné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zbrin'e \) - to defrost, to
dësbironà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ d&zbirun'& \) Inv. in gnd. and demist. Note that the expression "dësbriné ij cavèj " lit.
nr. - 1) - disconnected, out of pivots. - 3) - with a strange "to defrost hair" means "to dishevel (sb.'s) hair".
shape (in a fig. sense). dësbrochëtté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zbruk&tt'e \) - to
dësbironé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zbirun'e \) - 1) - to unrivet, to unnail, to remove studs.
disconnect, to disarrange. - 2) - to shatter. dësbrojé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zbruy'e \) - to disentangle,
dësbironésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&zbirun'ese \) - to get to extricate, to unravel. See also the term "dzambrojé,
smashed, to crash. dësambrojé, sbrojé ".
dësblé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zbl'e \) - 1) - to undo. In this dësbrojésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&zbruy'ese \) - to
meaning see also the terms "dësfé, disfé ". - 2) - to smash. - disentangle oneself, to get out of a trouble. See also the
3) - to split up. - 4) - to break up. imperative voice "dësbreujte", with another meaning.
dësblésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&zbl'ese \) - 1) - to fall to dësbrondé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zbrund'e \) - See
pieces. - 2) - to ruin, to dissolve. - 3) - to melt, to dësbranché.
consume, to be anguished. (in a fig. sense). dësbrossé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zbrus'e \) - to remove
dëssbloché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zsbluk’e \ ) - 1) - to stakes supporting branches of trees or vines
release (a brake), to free. - 2) - to deregulate, to unfreeze. (agriculture).
- 3) - to raise the blockade. See also the term “sbloché “. dësbut - n. m. (pr. \ d&zb'[ue]t \) - See debù.
dësblura - n. f. (pr. \ d&zbl'[ue]r& \) At plr. dësblure. - dësbutant - n. (pr. \ d&zb[ue]t'&nt \) - See debutant.
remnants, pieces of st. splitted up. dësbuté - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ d&zb[ue]t'e \) - See debuté.
dësbocà - adj. (pr. \ d&zbuc'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - foul- dësscadnà - adj. (pr. \ d&sc&dn’& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) -
mouthed, coarse. If the word is p. p. see below the term unbrided, unrestrained, wild. (lit. “not tied with a chain”)
"dësboché ". - 2) - furious, enraged, agitated, excited. (in a fig. sense).
dësboché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zbuk'e \) - 1) - to pour a See also the term “scadnà “.
few drops (from the top). (usually for bottles of wine) - 2) dëscadné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sc&dn'e \) - 1) - to take off
- to clear, to unclog. (a pipe). chains. - 2) - to istigate, to incite, to spur. The use of the
dësbochésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&zbuk'ese \) - 1) - to get term in this meaning is quite an italianism. See also, for
cleared (e. g. a drain). - 2) - to get free of a trouble, to this meaning, the terms "cissé, larghé, sfoghé, scadné ".
unburden one's heart. to say one's fill. dëscadnésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&sc&dn'ese \) - 1) - to
dësboclé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zbucl'e \) - to un buckle, to unbridle oneself. - 2) - to break out, to rage. See also the
unfasten, to unclasp. See also the terms "dësbocolé, term “scadnésse”.
sbocolé ". dëscambié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sc&mbi'e \) - 1) - to
dësbocolé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zbucul'e \) - See dësboclé. excange, to swap. - 2) - to mistake. - See also the term
dësbogé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zbuj'e \) - 1) - to shift, to "dësbaraté ".
move, to remove. - 2) - to move, to touch, to affect (in a dëscampé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ d&sc&mp'e \) - 1) - to
fig. sense). See also the term “sbogé “. decamp. - 2) - to abandon, to go away, to give up (in a
dësbordà - adj. (pr. \ d&zburd'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - fig. sense). - It uses the aux. "avèj ".
without a hem, without a brim. - 2) - with a frayed hem. dëscantoné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sc&ntun'e \) - to trim off
dësbordé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ d&zburd'e \) - See debordé. (corners, edges)
dësboscament - n. m. (pr. \ d&zbusc&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - dëscaparucià - adj. (pr. \ d&sc&par[ue][ch]i'& \) Inv. in gnd.
deforestation. See also the term “sboscament”. and nr. - without comb, without crest.
dësbosché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zbusk'e \) - to deforest. dëscàpit - n. m. (pr. \ d&sc'&pit \) Inv. at plr. - detriment,
See also the terms "dësboschì , disbosché, sbosché ". damage, prejudice. See also the terms "dësavantagi,
dësboschì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ d&zbusk'i \) - See dësbosché. discàpit, dzavantagi, svantagi, scàpit ".
dësbotié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zbuti'e \) - to uncork. dëscapité - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ d&sc&pit'e \) - to suffer loss,
dësbotoné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zbutun'e \) - to unbutton. to lose. It uses the aux. "avèj ". See also the term
dësbotonésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&zbutun'ese \) - 1) - to "discapité".
unbutton oneself. - 2) - to unbosom oneself, to disclose dëscaplésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&sc&pl'ese \) - to raise
one's feelings, to open up (in a fig. sense). one's hat. See also the term “scaplésse”.
dësbranché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zbr&[ng]k'e \) - to thin dëscaprissié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sc&prisi'e \) - to gratify
(a tree), to cut branches. See also the terms "dësbrondé, (sb.'s) whims. See also the term “scaprissié”.
sbrondé ". dëscaprissiésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&sc&prisi'ese \) - to
dësbrassésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&zbr&s'ese \) - 1) - to gratify one's whims. See also the term “scaprissiésse”.
tuck up one's sleeves. - 2) - to toss about one's arms. - 2) dëscarbojé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sc&rbuy'e \) - to
- to do one's best. See also the term “sbrassésse”. disentangle, to unravel. See also the term "dësgarbojé ".
dësbreujte! - excl. (pr. \ d&zbr'[oe]yte \) - hurry up! - This is a
voice of the verb "dësbrojésse" which, according to the

dëscària - n. f. (pr. \ d&sc'&ri& \) - At plr. dëscàrie. - 1) - dës-cifré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&s[ch]ifr'e \) - See decifré.
discharge, volley (fire-arms). - 2) - deposit of waste dës-ciodé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&s[ch]iud'e \) - to unrivet, to
material and rubbish. unnail. See also the terms “s-ciodé, dës-ciové “.
dëscàrich - n. m. (pr. \ d&sc'&ric \) - Inv. at plr. - 1) - dës-cioé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&s[ch]iu'e \) - See dës-ciodé.
unloading, disburdenment. - 2) - relief, exoneration, dës-ciolà - adj. (pr. \ d&s[ch]iul'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
allowance (in a fig. sense). - 3) - defence, evidence of quick-witted, smart, alert, sharp, lively, able.
innocence. dës-ciolé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&s[ch]iul'e \) - to make (sb.)
dëscarié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sc&ri'e \) - 1) - to unload, to quick-witted, to make (sb.) smart, etc. (see the term "dës-
unburden, to discharge. - 2) - to release. - 3) - to drain, ciolà".
to empty. - 4) - to dump. dës-ciolésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&s[ch]iul'ese \) - to make
dëscarpentà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ d&sc&rpænt'& \) Inv. in gnd. haste, to hurry up, to be quick.
and nr. - ruffled, tousled, dishevelled. See also the terms " dës-ciové - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&s[ch]iu'e \ ; \ d&s[ch]iuw'e \ )
dëspentnà, scarpentà ". - See dës-ciodé.
dëscarpenté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sc&rpænt'e \) - to ruffle dëscobi - adj. (pr. \ d&sc'ubi \) Ms. plr. dëscobi - fm. sng. and
(sb.'s) hair, to dishevel (sb.'s) hair. See also the terms plr. dëscobia, dëscobie. - odd, unmatched, uncoupled,
"dëscoefé, dëspentné, scarpenté ". unpaired. See also the terms "dëscompagn, dëscobì,
dëscarpentésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&sc&rpænt'ese \) - to dëscobià, dëscompagnà ".
ruffle one's hair. dëscobià - adj. (pr. \ d&scubi'& \) - See dëscòbi.
dëscassé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sc&s'e \) - 1) - to drive dëscobiament - n. f. (pr. \ d&scubi&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. -
away, to turn out. - 2) - to banish. - 3) - to expel. - 4) - to separation, uncoupling, de-coupling. See also the term
dispel. "disacopiament ".
dëscassié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sc&si'e \) - to unbale, to dëscobié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&scubi'e \) - to uncouple, to
unpack, to put out of the packing case. separate (a pair). See also the term "disacopié ".
dëscàuss - adj. (pr. \ d&sc'&us \) - Ms. plr. dëscàuss - fm. sng. dëscochëtté - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ d&scuk&tt'e \) - See
and plr. dëscàussa, dëscàusse. - barefoot, barefooted. dësbigaté.
dëscaussé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sc&us'e \) - 1) - to take dëscoconé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ d&scucun'e \) - See
shoes an socks off (lit. to take socks off). - 2) - to hoe dësbigaté.
up, to bare the roots (agriculture). - 3) - to undermine. dëscoefé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&scuef'e \) - to dishevel (sb.'s)
(also in a fig. sense). - 4) - to oust (from) (in a fig. sense). hair, to undo the hair-dress (of). See also the terms
See also the term “scaussé “. "scarpenté, dëscarpenté ".
dëscaussésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&sc&us'ese \) - to take dëscolà - adj. (pr. \ d&scul'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - low-
one's shoes and sock off. See also the term “scaussésse “. necked, decolleté. - 2) - wearing a low-neched dress. - 3)
dëscaussiné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sc&usin'e \) - to - unglued, unpasted.
unplaster. See also the term “scaussiné “. dëscoladura - n. f. (pr. \ d&scul&d'[ue]r& \) At plr.
dëscaussinésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&sc&usin'ese \) - 1) - dëscoladure. - 1) - neckline, neck-opening. - 2) -
to become unplastered, to lose plaster. - 2) - to become unsticking.
shabby (in a fig. sense). See also the term “scaussinésse “. dëscolarisassion - n. f. (pr. \ d&scul&riz&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr.
dëscavalcavìa - n. m. (pr. \ d&sc&v&lc&v'i& \) Inv. at plr. - - deschooling.
flyover, overpass. See also the terms "scavalcavìa, dëscolarisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&scul&riz'e \) - to
cavalcavìa ". deschool.
dëscavalché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sc&v&lk'e \) - 1) - to dëscolé - vrb 1st con trs. (pr. \ d&scul'e \) - 1) - to cut the neck-
unhorse, to unsaddle. - 2) - to pass over, to jump over. hole (in). - 2) - to unglue, to unstick, to unpaste.
See also the term "scavalché ". dëscolésse - vrb 1st con refl. (pr. \ d&scul'ese \) -1) - to wear
dëscavié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sc&vi'e \) - to disarrange low-necked deresses (in). - 2) - to unglue, to come off.
hair, to dishevel, to ruffle (sb.'s) hair. dëscolorì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ d&sculur'i \) - 1) - to
dëscheurve - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ d&sk'[oe]rve \) - 1) - to discolour, to fade (trs.). - 2) - to discolour, to lose colour,
find, to find out, to discover. - 2) - to uncover. - 3) - to to grow pale (int.) In this int. meaning see also the term
disclose. See also the term "dëscurvì ". "dëscolorìsse" (refl. form).
dëschilibrà - adj. and n. - (pr. \ d&s[qu]ilibr'& \) Inv. in gnd. dëscolorìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ d&sculur'ise \) - 1) - to
and nr. - 1) - unbalanced (adj.). - 2) - mentally deranged discolour, to lose colour, to grow pale (int. meaning). - 2)
(adj.). - 3) - lunatic, madman (sbst.). See also the term - to discolour (st. of) oneself. Sometime it can happen of
"dësquilibrà ". finding this verb in a true refl. meaning.
dëschilibré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&s[qu]ilibr'e \) - 1) - to dëscolpa - n. f. (pr. \ d&sc'ulp& \) At plr. (if any) dëscolpe. - 1)
unbalance. - 2) - to embarass. See also the term - evidence of innocence, excuse, defence. - 2) -
"dësquilibré ". exoneration (legal).
dëschilibrésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&s[qu]ilibr'ese \) - to dëscolpé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sculp'e \) - 1) - to clear (sb.
lose one's balance. See also the term "dësquilibrésse ". of a charge). - 2) - to excuse, to justify. - 3) - to exonerate
dëschilibri - n. m. (pr. \ d&s[qu]il'ibri \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - (legal).
unbalance, imbalance. - 2) - deragement, lunacy, dëscolpësse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&sculp'ese \) - to clear
insanity. See also the term "dësquilibri ". oneself (of a charge), to prove one's innocence.
dës-ciarmé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&s[ch]i&rm'e \) - See dëscombiné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&scumbin’e \ ) - to
dësanciarmé. discompose, to confound, to disjoin, to disarrange, to
dës-ciarmésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&s[ch]i&rm'ese \) - See unmatch. See also the term “scombiné”.
dësanciarmésse. dëscomodé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&scumud'e \) - 1) - to put
dës-ciavé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&s[ch]i&v'e \) - to open to inconvenience. - 2) - to disurb, to bother. See also the
(with a key), to unlock. term “scomodé “.
dës-cifrassion - n. f. (pr. \ d&s[ch]ifr&si'u[ng] \) - See dëscomodésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&scumud'ese \) - to
decifrassion. disturb oneself, to trouble. See also the term
dës-cifrator - n. m. (pr. \ d&s[ch]ifr&t'ur \) - See decifrator. “scomodésse”.

dëscomodëssa - n. f. (pr. \ d&scumud'&ss& \) - See dësconveniente. - 1) - unbecoming, unseemly. - 2) -
dëscomodità. indecent. See also the term “sconvenient”.
dëscomodità - n. f. (pr. \ d&scumudit'& \) Inv. at plr. - dësconven-e - vrb 2nd con. int. (pr. \ d&scu[ng]v’æ[ng]e \ ) - to
uneasiness, discomfort. See also the term "disagi 1st misbecome, to be unseemly, to be inconvenient. See also
meaning, scomodëssa, dëscomodëssa". the term “sconven-e”.
dëscompagn - adj. (pr. \ d&scump'&[gn] \) - See dëscobi. dëscoragé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&scur&j'e \) - to discourage,
dëscompagnà - adj. (pr. \ d&scump&[gn]'& \) - See dëscobi. to dishearten, to depress, to deject. See also the terms
dëscompagné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&scump&[gn]'e \) - See "dëscoragì, scoragé ".
dëscobié. dëscoragésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&scur&j'ese \) - to lose
dëscompon-e - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ d&scump’u[ng]e \) - 1) - heart, to get discouraged. See also the term “scoragésse”.
to decompose, to decompound, to disassemble. - 2) - to dëscoragì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ d&scur&j'i \) - See dëscoragé.
disorder. See also the term “scompon-e”. dëscoragià - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ d&scur&ji’& \) - Inv. in gnd.
dësconforté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&scu[ng]furt’e \ ) - to and nr. discouraged, dejected. See also the terms “dzacorà,
discomfort, to dishearten. See also the term “sconforté“. scorà”.
dësconfortésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&scu[ng]furt’ese \ ) - dëscoragiament - n. m. (pr. \ d&scur&ji&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. -
to get disheartened, to be discomforted. See also the disheartenment, discouragement. See also the terms
term “sconfortésse”. “dëscorament, sconfòrt”.
dëscongelé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&scunjel'e \) - to defrost, to dëscoragiant - n. m. (pr. \ d&scur&ji'&nt \) Ms. plr.
unfreeze. See also the terms "decongelé, scongelé ". dëscoragiant - fm. sng. and plr. dëscoragianta,
dësconossensa - n. f. (pr. \ d&scunus'æ[ng]s& \) At plr. dëscoragiante. - disheartening, discouraging,
dësconossense. - ungratefulness, thanklessness, depressiong. See also the term “scoragiant “.
ingratitude. dëscorament - n. m. (pr. \ d&scur&m'ænt \) - See
dësconossent - adj. and n. (pr. \ d&scunus'ænt \) Ms. plr. dëscoragiament.
dësconossent - fm. sng. and plr. dësconossenta, dëscordà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ d&scurd'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr.
dësconossente. - 1) - ungrateful (adj.). - 2) - ungrateful - untuned, out of tune.
person (sbst.). See also the terms "disconossent, ingrat ". dëscordansa - n. f. (pr. \ d&scurd'&[ng]s& \) At plr.
dësconossù - (pr. \ d&scunus'[ue] \) Ms. plr. dësconosùt - fm. dëscordanse. - 1) - discordance, dissonance, conflict. - 2)
sng. and plr. dësconossùa, dësconossùe. - disregarded, - discord (music).
misappreciated. See also the terms “sconossù 3rd meaning, dëscordant - adj. (pr. \ d&scurd'&nt \) Ms. plr. dëscordant -
disconossù”. fm. sng. and plr. dëscordanta, dëscordante. - 1) -
dësconòsse - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ d&scun'ose \) - to disown, discordant, dissonant, conflicting, clashing. - 2) -
to refuse to acknowledge, to ignore. See also the term discordant, jarring (music).
"disconòsse". dëscordé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&scurd'e \) - 1) - to untune,
dësconsacrà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ d&scuns&cr’& \ ) Inv. in gnd. to put out of tune. - 2) - to play out of tune.
and nr. - desecrated. See also the term “sconsacrà “. dëscordésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&scurd'ese \) - 1) - to get
dësconsacrassion - n. f. (pr. \ d&scuns&cr&si’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at out of tune. - 2) - to forget. In this second meaning only
plr. - desecration. See also the term “sconsacrassion”. the refl. form is used, while for active form see the term
dësconsacré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&scuns&cr’e \ ) - to "dësmentié ", which has also an used refl. form.
desecrate. See also the term “sconsacré “. dëscore - 1) - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ d&scu're \) - to talk, to
dësconsijé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&scunsiy’e \ ) - to dissuade chat, to chatter. See also the term "discore 1)".
from, to advise against. See also the terms “sconsilié, dëscore - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ d&scu're \) Inv. at plr. - talk. See also
sconsijé, dësconsilié”. the term "discore 2)".
dësconsijé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&scunsili’e \ ) - See dëscoroné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&scurun'e \) - See
dësconsijé. detronisé.
dësconsolà - adj. (pr. \ d&scu[ng]sul'& \) - Inv. in gnd. and nr. - dëscors - n. m. (pr. \ d&sc'urs \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - speech. - 2) -
disconsolate, desolate, comfortless. See also the term words. E. g. "tò dëscors a l'é nen piasùme" "I didn't like
"sconsolà ". your words". - 3) - conversation. - 4) - subject. E. g.
dësconsolant - adj. (pr. \ d&scu[ng]sul'&nt \) Ms. plr. "cambioma dëscors! " or "voltoma 'l dëscors" "let's
dësconsolant - fm. sng. and plr. dësconsolanta, change subject !". - See also the term "discors".
dësconsolante. - disheartening, distressing, saddening, dëscostament - n. m. (pr. \ d&scust&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
sad. removal, shifting, pushing aside. - 2) - variance. - 3) -
dësconsolassion - n. f. (pr. \ d&scu[ng]sul&si’u[ng] \) Inv. at deviation. See also the term "discostament ".
plr. - desolation, gloominess, disconsolation. dëscosté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&scust'e \) - to move (st.).
dëscontent - 1) - adj. (pr. \ d&scunt’ænt \ ) Ms. plr. scontent - away. See also the term "discosté ".
fm. sng. and plr. scontenta, scontente. - discontent, dëscostésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&scust'ese \) - to move
discontented, displeased, disappointed. See also the (oneself) away.
terms “scontent, malcontent 1)”. dëscostumé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&scust[ue]m'e \) - See
dëscontenté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&scuntænt’e \ ) - to dësabitué.
displease, to dissatisfy, to disappoint. See also the term dëscostumésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&scust[ue]m'ese \) -
“scontenté “. See dësabituésse.
dëscontentëssa - n. f. (pr. \ d&scuntænt’&ss& \ ) At plr. dëscòmod - 1) - adj. (pr. \ d&sc'omud \) Ms. plr. dëscòmod -
scontentësse. - discontent, dissatisfaction. See also fm. sng. and plr. dëscòmoda, dëscòmode. - inconvenient,
the terms “scontent 2), malcontent 2), scontentëssa”. uncomfortable, uneasy. See also the term "disagi ".
dësconveniensa - n. f. (pr. \ d&scu[ng]veni’æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. dëscòmod - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ d&sc'omud \) - See dëscomodità.
dësconveniense. - 1) - unbecomingness, unseemliness. - dëscòrdia - n. f. (pr. \ d&sc'ordi& \) At plr. dëscòrdie. - 1) -
2) - indecency. See also the term “sconveniensa”. discord, variance, disagreement. - 2) - discrepancy. -
dësconvenient - adj. (pr. \ d&scu[ng]veni’ænt \ ) Ms. plr. See also the term "discòrdia".
dësconvenient, fm. sng. and plr. dësconvenienta,

dëscòst - 1) - adj. (pr. \ d&sc'ost \) Ms. plr. dëscòst - fm. sng. dëscusìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ d&sc[ue]z'ise \) - to come
and plr. dëscòsta, dëscòste. - far, distant. See also the unstitched.
term "lontan". dëscusiura - n. f. . (pr. \ d&sc[ue]zi'[ue]r& \) At plr.
dëscòst - 2) - adv. (pr. \ d&sc'ost \) - far off, far away. See also dëscusiure. - 1) - unstitching, unseaming. - 2) - seam-
the term "lontan". rent.
dëscrédit - n. m. (pr. \ d&scr'edit \) Inv. at plr. - disrepute, bad dëscussion - n. f. (pr. \ d&sc[ue]si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
name, discredit. See also the term "discrédit". discussion, debate. - 2) - dispute, argument. See also the
dëscredité - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&scredit'e \) - 1) - to term "discussion".
discredit, to bring into discredit. - 2) - to denigrate, to dëscute - vrb 2nd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ d&sc'[ue]te \) - 1) - to
disparage, to defame. See also the terms "denigré, discuss, to debate, to talk over. - 2) - to argue, to
discredité ". quarrel. - 3) - to conest, to challenge, to question, to
dëscreditésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&scredit'ese \) - to be object (to). In this meaning see also the term "dëscutiné ".
discredited, to fall into disrepute. See also the term dëscutì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ d&sc[ue]t'i \) - 1) - to
"discreditésse ". disentangle, to extricate. - 1) - to rouse, to wake up (in a
dëscreuve - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ d&scr'[oe]ve \) - See fig. sense).
dëscheurve. dëscutiné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sc[ue]tin'e \) - See dëscute
dëscriché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&scrik'e \) - to unlock, to 3rd meaning.
unlatch. See also the terms "dës-ciavé, dëscroché ". dëscutìsse - (pr. \ d&sc[ue]t'ise \) - to stir oneself, to rouse
dëscrichésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&scrik'ese \) - to spring, oneself, to screw up one's courage (in a fig. sense). See
to come out suddenly. also the term "dësancutìsse".
dëscrission - n. f. (pr. \ d&scrisi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - dëscuvercé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sc[ue]ær[ch]'e \ , \
description. - 2) - specification. d&sc[ue]wær[ch]'e \) - See dëscuercé.
dëscritiv - adj. (pr. \ d&scrit'iu \) Ms. plr. dëscritiv - fm. sng. dëscuverta - n. f. (pr. \ d&sc[ue]'ært& \ , \ d&sc[ue]w'ært& \) -
and plr. dëscritiva, dëscritive. - descriptive. See dëscuerta.
dëscritor - n. m. (pr. \ d&scrit'ur \) Inv. at plr. - descriptor. dëscuverté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sc[ue]ært'e \ , \
dëscrive - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ d&scr'ive \) - 1) - to describe. - d&sc[ue]wært'e \) - See descheurve.
2) - to describe, to trace, to draw. dësdàit - adj. (pr. \ d&zd'&it \) - Ms. plr. dësdàit - fm. sng. and
dëscrivìbil - adj. (pr. \ d&scriv'ibil \) Ms. plr. dëscrivìbij - fm. plr. dësdàita, dësdàite. - 1) - relaxed. - 2) - lax, loose,
sng. and plr. dëscrivìbil, dëscrivìbij. - describable. slackened. - 3) - used, accustomed (in this meaning the
dëscrocëtté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&scru[ch]&tt'e \ ) - to term is not very used).
unbuckle, to unfasten, to unclasp (referred to small dësdavané - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zd&v&n'e \) - 1) - to undo
buckles applied on dresses - a little hook and a little ring - a skein, to disentangle a skein. - 2) - to disentangle, to
see the term "crocet " ). unravel (in a fig. sense).
dëscroché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&scruk'e \) - to open a dësdé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zd'e \) - 1) - to loosen, to
locking hook. (of a door, etc.). See also the terms release, to slacken. - 2) - to deform, to corrupt (in a fig.
"dëscriché, dës-ciavé ". sense). - 3) - to accustom.
dëscrostadura - n. f. (pr. \ d&scrust&d'[ue]r& \) At plr. dësdésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&zd'ese \) - 1) - to loosen, to
dëscrostadure. - 1) - scraping, stripping, peeling. - 2) - grow loose, to work loose. - 2) - to get accustomed.
peeling patch. dësdeuit - adj. (pr. \ d&zd'[oe]it \) Ms. plr. dësdeuit - fm. sng.
dëscrosté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&scrust'e \ ) - 1) - to take the and plr. dësdeuita, dësdeuite. - impolite, ill-mannered,
crust off. - 2) - to scrape off, to strip off, to peel off. uncivil, coarse, gross, rough. See also the terms
dëscrostésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&scrust'ese \ ) - to scale "dzadeuit, dësadeuit, disdeuit, sabard ".
off, to peel off. dësdeuitarìa - n. f. (pr. \ d&zd[oe]it&r'i& \) At plr.
dëscuercé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sc[ue]ær[ch]'e \ ) - to take dësdeuitarìe. - coarseness, roughness, discourtesy. See
the lid off, to remove the cover (from), to uncover, to also the terms "disdeuitarìa, dzadeuitarìa".
unroof. See also the term in the spelling "dëscuvercé ". dësdì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ d&zd'i \) - 1) - to retract. - 2) - to
dëscuert - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ d&sc[ue]'ært \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - rescind. - 3) - to contradict. See also the term "disdì ".
outdoor place, open air. - 2) - overdraft (banking). dësdìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ d&zd'ise \) - 1) - to be
dëscuert - 2) - adj. (pr. \ d&sc[ue]'ært \) Ms. plr. dëscuert - fm. unseemly, to be inopportune, to be indecorous. -2) - to
sng. and plr. dëscuerta, dëscuerte. - 1) - uncovered, contradict oneself.
open, bare, unsheltered, unroofed, unprotected. In this dësdit - adj. (pr. \ d&zd'it \) Ms. plr. dësdit - fm. sng. and plr.
meaning see also the term "dësquatà ". - 2) - discovered, dësdita, dësdite. - retracted, cancelled.
foun out, diclosed. dësdita - n. f. (pr. \ d&zd'it& \) At plr. dësdìte. - 1) -
dëscuerta - n. f. (pr. \ d&sc[ue]'ært& \) At plr. dëscuerte. - 1) - cancellarion, retractation. - 2) - notice (legal). - 3) - bad
discovery, finding out. - 2) - detection, disclosure. - 3) - luck, piece of bad luck.
reconnaissance (military). - See also the term in the dësdobé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zdub'e \) - See dësparé.
spelling "dëscuverta", with the same pronunciation. dësdobié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zdubi'e \) - to unfold, to
dëscuerté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sc[ue]ært'e \) - See spread out, to unfurl. See also the term "dëspieghé ".
descheurve. dësdobiésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&zdubi'ese \) - to open
dëscunié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sc[ue]ni'e \) - to unwedge. out, to lose the fold, to stretch (oneself).
dëscurvì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ d&sc[ue]rv'i \) - See dësdogané - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zdug&n'e \) - to clear
descheurve. (through the customs), to pay duty. See also the term
dëscurvìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ d&sc[ue]rv'ise \) - to raise "dësdugané ".
one's hat. dësdon - adj. (pr. \ d&zd'u[ng] \) - Ms. plr. dësdon - fm. sng.
dëscuse - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ d&sc'[ue]ze \) - 1) - to unstitch, and plr. dësdon-a, dësdon-e. - ill-mannered, impolite,
to unseam. - 2) - to divide, to distinguish, to separate (in coarse, rough.
a fig. sense). See also the term "dëscusì ". dësdorésse - vrb 1st con refl. (pr. \ d&zdur'ese \) - to lose the
dëscusì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ d&sc[ue]z'i \) - See dëscuse. gilding.

dësdugané - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zd[ue]g&n'e \) - See dësfiguré - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ d&sfig[ue]r'e \) - 1) -
dësdogané. to disfigure, to deface, to ruin, to spoil (trs.) - 2) - to
dësen-a - n. f. (pr. \ d&z'æ[ng]& \) At plr. dësen-e. - 1) - ten, distort (trs.). - 3) - to cut a bad figure (int.). - 2) - not to
ten(s). - 2) - about ten. See also the term "dzen-a". match, not to go well (int.).
dëseredé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zered'e \) - to disinherit. dësfilà - n. f. (pr. \ d&sfil'& \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - passing, filing
See also the terms "dëseredité, diseredé, dzardité, dzeredité off, parade. - 2) - long line, long row, succession. See
". also the term "dësfilada".
dëseredité - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zeredit'e \) - See dëseredé. dësfilada - n. f. (pr. \ d&sfil'&d& \) - See dësfilà.
dëserta - n. f. (pr. \ d&z'ært& \) At plr. dëserte. - remnants (of dësfilandré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sfil&ndr'e \) - to unravel,
a banquet), scrap. See also the terms "dzerta, dzertam". to fray.
dësfàit - agg. (pr. \ d&sf'&it \) Ms. plr. dësfàit - fm. sng. and dësfilé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ d&sfil'e \) - 1) - to
plr. dësfàita, dësfàite. - 1) - undone. - 2) - melted. - 3) - parade, to file, to file off, to pass by (int.). - 2) - to
stripped. - 4) - worn-out. - 5) - defeated. - 6) - unthread, to unspit. - 3) - to slip off, to take off (dresses)
overcooked, overdone (food). - See also the term "disfàit (trs.). - 4) - to draw out (a thread) (trs.)- It always uses the
". aux. "avèj ".
dësfàita - n. f. (pr. \ d&sf'&it& \) At plr. dësfàite. - defeat, dësfilésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&sfil'ese \) - 1) - to get
overthrow, rout. - See also the term "disfàita". unthreaded, to get unstrung, to come off the string. - 2)
dësfamassion - n. f. (pr. \ d&sf'&m&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - - to ladder, to run (socks).
defamation, slander. See also the terms "dëfamassion, dësfilsé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sfils'e \) - to unstring, to
difamassion". unthread (a needle).
dësfamator - n. (pr. \ d&sf'&m&t'ur \) Ms. plr. dësfamator - dësfinëstrassion - n. f. (pr. \ d&sfin&str&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
fm. sng. and plr. dësfamatriss, dësfamatriss. - defamer, 1) - defenestration (history). - 2) - dismissal (in a fig.
slanderer. See also the terms "dëfamator, difamator". sense).
dësfamatòri - adj. (pr. \ d&sf'&m&t'ori \) Ms. plr. dësfamatòri dësfinëstré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sfin&str'e \) - 1) - to
- fm. sng. and plr. dësfamatòria, dësfamatòrie. - throw (sb.) out of the window. - 2) - to throw (sb.)
defamatory, slanderous. - See also the terms "dëfamatòri, overboard, to dismiss (in a fig. sense).
difamatòri". dësfioré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sfiur'e \) - to skim, to cream
dësfamé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sf&m'e \) - 1) - to satisfy off. See also the term "disfioré ".
sb's hunger, to feed. - 2) - to defame, to slander. In this dësfiorì - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ d&sfiur'i \) - 1) - to drop one's
meaning see also the terms "dëfamé, difamé ". petals, to fade, to wither. - 2) - to fade away, to decay.
dësfamésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&sf&m'ese \) - to satisfy See also the term "disfiorì".
one's hunger, to feed oneself. dësfodré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sfudr'e \) - 1) - to unline, to
dësfassé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sf&s'e \) - 1) - to take the lining out. - 2) - to unsheathe. - 3) - to draw out
unbandage. - 2) - to un swathe. (in a fig. sense).
dësfassura - n. f. (pr. \ d&sf&s'[ue]r& \) At plr. dësfassure. - 1) dësfojé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sfuy'e \) - 1) - to strip the
- ungandaging. - 2) - unswathing. leaves off, to husk. In this sense see also the terms
dësfatism - n. m. (pr. \ d&sf&t'izm \) Inv. at plr. - defeatism. "scarzolé, dëspané, spané ". - 2) - to skim through. In this
dësfatista - n. (pr. \ d&sf&t'ist& \) Ms. plr. dësfatista - fm. sng. sense see also the terms "sfojëtté, scartablé ". - In general
and plr. dësfatista, dësfatiste. - defeatist. see also the term "dësfujé ".
dësfavor - n. m. (pr. \ d&sf&v'ur \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - disfavour. dësfojésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&sfuy'ese \) - 1) - to lose
- 2) - disadvantage, drawback, damage. See also the term leaves, to lose petals. - 2) - to exfoliate, to flake off, to
"disfavor". scale.
dësfavorèivol - adj. (pr. \ d&sf&vur'æivul \) Ms. plr. dësfondé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sfund'e \) - 1) - to break the
dësfavorèivoj - fm. sng. and plr. dësfavorèivol, bottom. - 2) - to break open. - 3) - to crash into. - 4) - to
dësfavorèivoj. - unfavourable, adverse, unpropitious, wear out. - 5) - to break through (military).
contrary. dësfonsion - n. f. (pr. \ d&sfu[ng]si'u[ng] \) - See disfunsion.
dësfavorevol - adj. (pr. \ d&sf&vur'evul \) - See dësfavorèivol. dësformà - adj. (pr. \ d&sfurm'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
dësfavorì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ d&sf&vur'i \) - to treat shapeless, unshapely, deformed, disfigured.
unfairly. dësformé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sfurm'e \) - 1) - to spoil the
dësfé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sf'e \) - 1) - to undo, to shape (of), to stave in. - 2) - to take out of a mould.
unmake. - 2) - to take down. - 3) - to destroy, to melt. - dësfornasé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sfurn&z'e \) - to take out
4) - to unravel, to rip. - As all the verbs derived from the of the furnace, to take out of the kiln.
vrb "fé ", it has an irregular con. (see grammar). dësforné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sfurn'e \) - 1) - to take out
dësfésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&sf'ese \) - 1) - to come of the oven. - 2) - to dish up, to bring out , to turn out.
undone. - 2) - to melt, to dissolve. (in a fig. sense).
dësfende - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sf'ænde \) - to defend, to dësfornì - adj. (pr. \ d&sfurn'i \) Ms. plr. dësfornì - fm. sng.
protect. See also the term "difende". and plr. dësfornìa, dësfornìe. - unprovided, lacking (in),
dësfianchésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&sfi&nk'ese \) - to out (of), destituted (of).
exaust oneself, to tire oneself out, to be worn out. See dësfortunà - adj. (pr. \ d&sfurt[ue]n'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
also the term "andërnesse". 1) - unlucky, luckless. - 2) - unsuccessful.
dësfida - n. f. (pr. \ d&sf'id& \) At plr. dësfide. - 1) - challenge, dësfrangé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sfr&nj'e \) - to fringe, to
defiance. - 2) - provocation. - 3) - warning, notice, fray. See also the term "sfrangé ".
intimation (legal). In this last meaning see also the terms dësfrangésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&sfr&nj'ese \) - to fray.
"dëffida, difida". See also the term "sfrangésse ".
dësfidé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sfid'e \) - 1) - to challenge, to dësfrangiura - n. f. (pr. \ d&sfr&nji'[ue]r& \) At plr.
defy, to dare. - 2) - to warn, to enjoin (legal). In this last dësfrangiure. - 1) - unravelling. - 2) - fraying. See also
meaning see also the tyerms "dëffidé, difidé ". the term "sfrangiura".
dësfidésse - vrb 1st con. recp. (pr. \ d&sfid'ese \) - to challenge dësfrasché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sfr&sk'e \) - to take out
each other. the leafy branches of silkworms.

dësfratésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&sfr&t'ese \) - to unfrock dësgifrassion - n. f. (pr. \ d&zjifr&si'u[ng] \) - See
oneself. decifrassion.
dësfré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sfr'e \) - to unshoe (horses, dësgifrator - n. m. (pr. \ d&zjifr&t'ur \) - See decifrator.
etc.) dësgifré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zjifr'e \) - See decifré.
dësfrenà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ d&sfren'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - dësgioché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zjiuk'e \) - 1) - to drive
1) - unbraked, uncontrolled (mechanics). - 2) - out, to rouse, to flush. - 2) - to make the hens out of the
unbridled, unrestrained, uncontrolled, wild. - 3) - hen-pen.
licentious, dissolute. dësgiochésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&zjiuk'ese \) - to become
dësfrenatëssa - n. f. (pr. \ d&sfren&t'&ss& \) At plr. shrewd, to become experienced.
dësfrenatësse. - 1) - lack of restraint, unbridledness, dësgionsion - n. f. (pr. \ d&zjiu[ng]si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
wildness. - 2) - laxity of morals, dissoluteness. - 3) - wild disjunction. - 2) - disconnection. See also the term
behaviour. "dësgiunsion".
dësfrené - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sfren'e \) - dësgiont - adj. (pr. \ d&zji'unt \) Ms. plr. dësgiont - fm. sng.
dësfrenésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&sfren'ese \) - and plr. dësgionta, dësgionte. - disjointed, disconnected.
dësfrojé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sfruy'e \) - See also the term "dësgiunt".
dësfujé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sf[ue]y'e \) - See dësfojé. dësgiontiv - adj. (pr. \ d&zjiunt'iu \) Ms. plr. dësgiunt - fm.
dësfurnié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sf[ue]rni'e \) - 1) - to leave sng. and plr. dësgiunta, dësgiunte. - disjunctive
the nest, to make the first fly (birds). - 2) - to drive out, (grammar). See also the term "dësgiuntiv".
to rouse (from nest), to flush (birds from the nest). In this dësgiontor - n. m. (pr. \ d&zjiunt'ur \) Inv. at plr. - disjunctor.
second meaning see also the term "dësnicé ". See also the term "dësgiuntor".
dësgabié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zg&bi'e \) - 1) - to let out of dësgionze - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ d&zji'u[ng]ze \) - to separate,
a cage, to uncage. - 2) - to uncrate. to sever, to disjoin.
dësgabusé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zg&b[ue]z'e \) - to dësgiové - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zjiuw'e \) - to take off the
undeceive, to disillusion. yoke.
dësgabusésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&sg&b[ue]z'ese \) - to dësgissé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zjis'e \) - to take off the
be undeceived, to change one's mind. plaster (medical).
dësgagé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sg&j'e \) - to dispatch, to dësgiunésse - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zji[ue]n'ese \) - to break
expedite, to work off, to settle, to clear up. one's fast.
dësgagésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&zg&j'ese \) - to hurry dësgiunsion - n. f. (pr. \ d&zji[ue][ng]si'u[ng] \) - See
up, to make haste, to be quick. See also the most used dësgionsion.
term "dësbrighésse". dësgiuntiv - adj. (pr. \ d&zji[ue]nt'iu \) - See dësgiontiv.
dësgagià - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ d&zg&ji'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. dësgiuntor - n. m. (pr. \ d&zji[ue]nt'ur \) - See dësgiontor.
- wide-awake, quick-witted, sharp, smart. See also the dësgiust - adj. (pr. \ d&zji'[ue]st \) Ms. plr. dësgiust - fm. sng.
terms "degordì 3rd meaning, dësgordì, digordì ". and plr. dësgiusta, dësgiuste. - 1) - unequal, different,
dësgàjte! - excl. (pr. \ d&zg'&yte \) - hurry up! This is the uneven, with different shape and dimension. - 2) - not
imperative of the vrb "dësgagésse" and we reported it for recommendable, unreliable (in a fig. sense).
the particular spelling, where the group "gi " is substituted dësgogné - vrb 1st con. int. and trs. (pr. \ d&zgu[gn]'e \) - 1) - to
by the letter "j ". See "Phonology and Spelling - Grammar". cut a poor figure, to be unbecoming. - 2) - to mack, to
dësgambà - adj. (pr. \ d&zg&mb'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - scoff (at), to jeer (at) , to deride. (trs.). - See also the term
slender, slim. - 2) - agile, quick and light. Often the "sgogné ". It uses always the aux. "avèj ".
expression "lést ëd gamba" lit. "quick of leg" is used. dësgonfié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zgu[ng]fi'e \) - 1) - to
dësgarbojé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zg&rbuy'e \) - to deflate, to flatten. - 2) - to bring down the swelling. - 3) -
disentangle, to extricate, to unravel. See also the terms to put down, to prick (in a fig. sense).
"dësambrojé, dësbrojé, etc.". dësgonfiésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&zgu[ng]fi'ese \) - 1) - to
dësgarghìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ d&zg&rg'ise \) - 1) - to become deflated, to go flat, to flatten. - 2) - to go down. -
stretch oneself. - 2) - to beat one's laziness with action. 3) - to be deflated (in a fig. sense).
dësgavassésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&zg&v&s'ese \) - 1) - dësgordì - 1) - adj. (pr. \ d&zgurd'i \) - See degordì.
to unbosom oneself, to unburden one's heart. - 2) - to dësgordì - 2) - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ d&zgurd'i \) - to rough-
tell all what one has to tell without limits. hew, to train, to exercise, to make (sb.) able (to do st.).
dësgavignésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&zg&vi[gn]'ese \) - 1) - dësgordìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ d&zgurd'ise \) - to stretch
to extricate oneself. - 2) - to manage, to wriggle out. oneself, to wake up, to take vigour.
dësgél - n. m. (pr. \ d&sj'el \) At plr. (if any) dësgéj. - thaw. See dësgranador - n. m. (pr. \ d&zgr&n&t'ur \) Inv. at plr. -
also the term "dësgèil ". sheller, huller.
dësgèil - n. m. (pr. \ d&sj'æil \) - See disgél. dësgranadura - n. f. (pr. \ d&zgr&n&d'[ue]r& \) At plr. -
dësgeilé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ d&sjæil'e \) - See dësgranadure. - 1) - shelling, hulling. - 2) - ginning
disgelé. (texile). - See also the term "sgranadura".
dësgelé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ d&sjel'e \) - See disgelé. dësgranatriss - n. f. (pr. \ d&zgr&n&tr'is \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
dësgelésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&sjel'ese \) - See shelling machine, huller. - 2) - cotton gin (texile). See
disgelésse. also the term "sgranatriss".
dësgenà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ d&zjen'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - dësgrané - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zgr&n'e \) - 1) - to remove
unembarrassed, free and easy. grains (from st.), to pick (grapes). - 2) - to shell, to hull. -
dësgené - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zjen'e \) - to make (sb.) free 3) - to ungear, to trow out of gears (mechanics). 4) - to
and easy, to take off awe, to make (sb.) feel easy. gin (texile). - See also the terms "sgrané, sgruné".
dësgenésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&sjen'e \) - to feel easy, dësgrassador - n. m. (pr. \ d&zgr&s&d'ur \) Inv. at plr. -
non to stand in awe, to feel unembarrassed. degreaser.
dësgerbì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ d&zjerb'i \) - to plough, to till, dësgrassadura - (pr. \ d&zgr&s&d'[ue]r& \) At plr.
to break up (referred to lands untilled for long time). sgrassadure. - 1) - degreasing. - 2) - scouring (texile).
dësgiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zjik'e \) - to take off excess dësgrassé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zgr&s'e \) - 1) - to remove
buds of a tree. grease. - 2) - to degrease, to scour (industry).

dësgràssia - n. f. (pr. \ d&zgr'&si& \) At plr. dësgràssie. - 1) - dësgrossé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zgrus'e \) - 1) - to whittle
accident. - 2) - misfortune. - 3) - disgrace. down, to thin down. - 2) - to rough out. - 3) - to refine, to
dësgrassià - n. and adj. (pr. \ d&zgr&si'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. polish (in a fig. sense).
- 1) - unfortunate, unlucky, wretched (adj.). - 2) - wretch dësgrujé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zgr[ue]y'e \) - See dësgrojé.
(sbst.). dësgruné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zgr[ue]n'e \) - to shell, to
dësgrassios - adj. (pr. \ d&zgr&si'uz \) Ms. plr. dësgrassios - hull. (peas, beans, etc.). See also the terms "dësgrané,
fm. sng. and plr. dësgrassiosa, dësgrassiose. - 1) - unkind, sgrané, sgruné ".
rude, impolite. - 2) - peevish, morose, unsocial, bad- dësgrunésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&zgr[ue]n'ese \) - to
tempered. - See also the term "malgrassios". crumble, to fall to pieces, to moulder.
dësgrassiosità - n. f. (pr. \ d&zgr&siuzit'& \) Inv. at plr. - dësguarnì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ d&zgu&rn'i \) - 1) - to
impoliteness, discourtesy, rudeness. untrim, to strip a trimming. - 2) - to dismantle, to leave
dësgravé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zgr&v'e \) - 1) - to lighten, undefended (military). See also the term "dësguernì ".
to relieve. - 2) - to comfort, to console, to encourage (in a dësguernì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ d&zguærn'i \) - See
fig. sense). dësguarnì.
dësgravi - n. m. (pr. \ d&zgr'&vi \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - lightening. dësgust - n. m. (pr. \ d&zg'[ue]st \) Inv. at plr. - disgust,
- 2) - lessening. - 3) - reduction. repulsion, dislike. See also the term "disgust ".
dësgravià - n. f. and adj. fm. (pr. \ d&zgr&vi'& \) - puerpera, dësgusté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zg[ue]st'e \) - 1) - to disgust,
woman in childbirth. to make (sb.) feel sick, to sicken. - 2) - to sadden, to
dësgraviésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&zgr&vi'ese \) - 1) - to afflict (in a fig. sense). See also the term "disgusté ".
be delivered of a child. - 2) - to unburden oneself, to free dësgustos - adj. (pr. \ d&zg[ue]st'uz \) Ms. plr. dësgustos - fm.
oneself, to get rid. sng. and plr. dësgustosa, dësgustose. - disgusting,
dësgregàbil - adj. (pr. \ d&zgreg'&bil \) Ms. plr. dësgregàbij - repugnating, repulsive. See also the term "disgustos ".
fm. sng. and plr. dësgregàbil, dësgregàbij. - breakable. dësimparé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zimp&r'e \) - See
dësgregassion - n. f. (pr. \ d&zgreg&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - dësamparé.
break-up, disruption, disintegration. - 2) - disgregation dësimpegn - n. m. (pr. \ d&zimp'æ[gn] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
(physics). See also the term "disgregassion". disengagement. - 2) - redemption (of a pledge). - 3) -
dësgregativ - adj. (pr. \ d&zgreg&t'iu \) Ms. plr. dësgregativ - fulfilment. See also the terms "disimpegn, dzimpegn".
fm. sng. and plr. dësgregativa, dësgregative. - disruptive, dësimpegné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zimpe[gn]'e \) - 1) - to
disintegrative. See also the term "disgregativ". disengage, to release. - 2) - to get out of pawn, to
dësgregator - adj. (pr. \ d&zgreg&t'ur \) Ms. plr. dësgregator - redeem. - 3) - to fulfil, to carry out, to perform. 4) - to
fm. sng. and plr. dësgregatriss, dësgregatriss. - make independent (a room). - 5) - to relieve (military).
disintegrating, disrupting. See also the term See also the terms "disimpegné, dzimpegné".
"disgregator". dësimpegnésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&zimpe[gn]'ese \) - 1)
dësgreghé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zgreg'e \) - 1) - to break- - to get out (of), to disengage oneself. - 2) - to manage. -
up, to disintegrate, to disrupt. - 2) - to break-up, to 3) - to disengage, to get away (military). - See also the
disperse, to disunite (in a fig. sense). - 3) - to disgregate. terms "disimpegnésse, dzimpegnésse".
See also the term "disgreghé". dësimpieghé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zimpieg'e \) - to throw
dësgreghésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&zgreg'ese \) - 1) - to out of employment, to dismiss.
disintegrate, to separate (with an int. and refl. meaning). - dësincanté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zi[ng]c&nt'e \) - 1) - to
2) - to disunite, to be dispersed (in a fig. sense). See also disenchant. - 2) - to disillusion. See also the term
the term "disgreghésse". "dzincanté".
dësgringé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zgri[ng]g'e \) - to dësinesté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zinest'e \) - See disinesté.
extirpate, to eradicate, to disinfest. dësinfession - n. f. (pr. \ d&zi[ng]fesi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
dësgringojé - vrb 1st con. int. and trs. (pr. \ d&zgri[ng]guy'e \) - disinfection. See also the terms "disinfession, dzinfession".
1) - to slide down, to slip (int.) - 2) - to make slide down, dësinfetant - 1) - adj. (pr. \ d&zi[ng]fet'&nt \) Ms. plr.
to make slip (trs.) These meanings are referred to ground dësinfetant - fm. sng. and plr. dësinfetanta, dësinfetante.
and snow. According to my knowledges (I have already - disinfectant. See also the term "disinfetant 1)".
said that I'm not a "true" expert), the vrb can be used both dësinfetant - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ d&zi[ng]fet'&nt \) Inv. at plr. -
in trs. or int. way. It uses the aux. "avèj " when trs., while it disinfectant. See also the term "disinfetant 2)".
uses as a preference the aux. "avèj " also when int., even if dësinfeté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zi[ng]fet'e \) - to disinfect.
it can be found, in this case, with the aux. "esse". See also the term "disinfeté, dzinfeté ".
dësgringolura - n. f. (pr. \ d&zgri[ng]gul'[ue]r& \) At plr. dësinserì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ d&zi[ng]ser'i \) - See disinserì.
dësgringolure. - landslide, landslip. We note that the dësintegrassion - n. f. (pr. \ d&zintegr&si'u[ng] \) - See
expression "dësgringolura 'd fiòca" means "snowslide, disintegrassion.
snowslip". dësintegré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zintegr'e \) - See
dësgrojé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zgruy'e \) - to shell, to hull, disintegré.
to husk (eggs or peas, beans, etc.) - See also the term dësintegrésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&zintegr'ese \) - See
"dësgrujé ". disintegrésse.
dësgropé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zgrup'e \) - 1) - to untie, to dësinteressà - adj. (pr. \ d&zinteres'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1)
loosen, to unfasten. - 2) - to set free, to release (in a fig. - disinterested, unselfish. - 2) - impartial, fair, unbiased.
sense). See also the term "disinteressà".
dësgropésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&zgrup'ese \) - 1) - to dësinteressament - n. m. (pr. \ d&zinteres&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr.
untie oneself (lit. meaning). - 2) - to gain ease, to gain - lack of interest, indifference. See also the term
ability. "disinteressament ".
dësgropte! - excl. - (pr. \ d&zgr'upte \) - wake up! - This is the dësinteresse - n. m. (pr. \ d&zinter'ese \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
imperative of the vrb "dësgropésse", and the lit. meaning is disinterestedness, unselfishness. - 2) - lack of interest,
"untie yourself!, come untied! ". indifference. See also the terms "disinteresse, dzinteresse".
dësinteressé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zinteres'e \) - to make
(sb.) lose interest. See also the term "disinteressé ".

dësinteressésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&zinteres'ese \) - to dësmanié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zm&ni'e \) - to remove the
take no interest, to lose one's interest. See also the term handle.
"disinteressésse ". dësmaniésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&zm&ni'ese \) - to lose
dësiste - vrb 2nd con. int. (pr. \ d&z'iste \) - 1) - to desist, to the handle.
leave off, to forbear. - 2) - to discontinue (in Piedm. the dësmantlé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zm&ntl'e \) - 1) - to take
vrb is int. and so "to discontinue st." is translated into off the mantle. - 2) - to dismantle. - 3) - to demolish.
"dësiste da quaicòs" dësmarché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zm&rk'e \) - to free (from
dësistensa - n. f. (pr. \ d&zist'æ[ng]s& \) At plr. desistense. - 1) marking) (sport).
- desistence, desistance. - 2) - discontinuance. dësmarchésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&zm&rk'ese \) - 1) - to
dëslaité - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zl&it'e \) - to wean. free oneself (from marking). - 2) - to avoid controls.
dëslamé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zl&m'e \) - to loosen, to dësmarià - adj. and n. (pr. \ d&zm&ri'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
release, to slacken. See also the terms "arlassé, arlamé ". 1) - divorced, legally separated (marriage) - (adj.). - 2) -
dëslaudé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zl&ud'e \) - to blame, to divorcé / divorcèe, legally separated (sbst.).
reprove, to censure. See also the term "dëslodé ". dësmarié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zm&ri'e \) - to divorce, to
dëslassé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zl&s'e \) - to unlace, to separate (legally). (referred to marriage, trs. meaning - to
untie, to loosen. See also the term "dësliassé " divoce sb.).
dësliassé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zli&s'e \) - See dëslassé. dësmariésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&zm&ri'ese \) - to
dëslavà - adj. (pr. \ d&zl&v'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - dirty, divorce, to separate (legally). (referred to marriage, refl.
filthy. - 2) - pale, wan. - 3) - colourless, expressionless. meaning - to divorce from sb.).
dëslavé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zl&v'e \) - 1) - to dirty, to dësmarinésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&zm&rin'ese \) - to
soil. - 2) - to wash away. melt, to thaw (snow and ice). This term comes from a
dëslavésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&zl&v'ese \) - to dirty warm wind called "marin". - See also the term "dësgelésse,
oneself, to get dirty. disgelésse".
dëslié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zli'e \) - 1) - to unlace. - 2) - to dësmascré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zm&scr'e \) - 1) - to
absolve (from st.), to set free. unmask (lit. meaning). - 2) - to unmask, to disclose, to
dësliésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&zli'ese \) - to free oneself, uncloak, to expose (in a gif. sense).
to come untied, to get loose. dësmascrésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&zm&scr'ese \) - 1) - to
dëslingué - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zli[ng]gu'e \) - to liquefy, unmask, to take off oneìs mask. - 2) - to reveals one's
to melt. See also the term "slingué ". true nature, to manifest oneself.
dëslinguésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&zli[ng]gu'ese \) - to dësmastiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zm&stik'e \) - to take
liquefy, to melt. (with refl. or int. meaning). See also the off mastic or putty.
term "slinguésse ". dësmatinésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&zm&tin'ese \) - to
dëslodé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zlud'e \) - See dëslaudé. wake up early in the morning.
dësloé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zlu'e \) - See dëslogé. dësmembrament - n. m. (pr. \ d&zmæmbr&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr.
dësloésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&zlu'ese \) - See dëslogésse. - dismemberment, breaking up. See also the term
dëslogadura - n. f. (pr. \ d&zlug&d'[ue]r& \) - dislocation, "smembrament ".
sprain, strain. dësmembré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zmæmbr'e \) - to
dëslogé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zluj'e \) - to luxate, to dismember, to break up. See also the term "smembré ".
dislocate, to sprain, to strain. Also in the spelling dësmentì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ d&zmænt'i \) - to deny, to
"dësloghé " (see the term). See also the terms "dësloé, belie, to disavow.
dëslové ". dësmèntia - n. f. (pr. \ d&zm'ænti& \) At plr. dësmèntie. - 1) -
dëslogésse. - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&zluj'ese \) - to get forgetfulness. - 2) - oversight, omission. - 3) - oblivion.
dislocated, to dislocate (one's ...) See also the terms "smentia, oblì ".
dësloghé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zlug'e \) - See dëslogé. dësmentìa - n. f. (pr. \ d&zmænt'i& \ ) At plr. dësmentìe. -
dëslombé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zlumb'e \) - to break denial, disavowal, recantation. See also the terms
through, to exaust, to wear out, to break the back of. "smentìa, dementìa".
See also the terms "bësanché, dzanché, andërné, dërné ". dësmentiàbil - adj. (pr. \ d&zmænti'&bil \) Ms. plr.
dëslombésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&zlumb'ese \) - 1) - to dësmentiàbij - fm. sng. and plr. dësmentiàbil,
break one's back. - 2) - to overstrain oneself (in a fig. dësmentiàbij. - forgettable, likely to be forgotten.
sense). See also the terms "dërnésse, andërnésse". dësmentié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zmænti'e \) - 1) - to forget.
dëslové - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zluw'e \) - See dëslogé. - 2) - to neglect, to overlook. - 3) - to omit. - 4) - to leave.
dëslovésse - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zluw'ese \) - See - 5) - to forgive. See also the term "dismentié ".
dëslogésse. dësmentiésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&zmænti'ese \) - 1) - to
dëslupé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zl[ue]p'e \) - 1) - to unpack, forget (referred to oneself). - 2) - to forgive (referred to
to unwrap. In this sense see also the term "dëspachëtté ".- oneself).
2) - to develop, to increase, to progress (in a fig. sense). dësmérit - n. m. (pr. \ d&zm'erit \) - See demérit.
dësmajadura - n. f. (pr. \ d&zm&y&d'[ue]r& \) At plr. dësmerité - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ d&zmerit'e \) - See
dësmajadure. - 1) - undoing the meshes. - 2) - ladder demerité.
(socks). 3) - stretch mark (skin). - 4) - discontinuity (in a dësmilitarisassion - n. f. (pr. \ d&zmilit&riz&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at
fig. sense). See also the term "smajadura". plr. - demilitarization. - See also the term
dësmajé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zm&y'e \) - 1) - to undo the "demilitarisassion".
meshes. - 2) - to ladder (socks). See also the term "smajé". dësmilitarisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zmilit&riz'e \) - to
dësmajésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&zm&y'ese \) - 1) - to demilitarize. See also the term "demilitarisé ".
ladder, to run (socks). - 2) - to develop stretch marks dësmisurà - adj. (pr. \ d&zmiz[ue]r'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
(skin). See also the term "smajésse". immense, enormous, unbounded, excessive,
dësmalé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ d&zm&l'e \) - to unpack the immoderate.
suit-case. It uses the aux. "avèj ". dësmëtse - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ d&zm'&ttse \ ) - to resign, to
dësmanià - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ d&zm&ni'& \) Inv. in gnd. and retire, to step down. See also the main vrb "dësmëtte".
nr. - without handle.

dësmëtte - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ d&zm'&tte \ ) - 1) - to dësnaturant - 1) - adj. (pr. \ d&zn&t[ue]r'&nt \) Ms. plr.
discharge, to release. - 2) - to remove (from office), to dësnaturant - fm. sng. and plr. dësnaturanta,
dismiss, to discharge. dësnaturante. - denaturing (chemistry).
dësmiolà - adj. and n. (pr. \ d&zmiul'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - dësnaturant - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ d&zn&t[ue]r'&nt \) Inv. at plr. -
1) - without marrow (lit. meaning) (adj.) - 2) - spineless denaturant (chemistry).
(adj). - 3) - spineless person (sbst.). dësnaturé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zn&t[ue]r'e \) - 1) - to
dësmiolé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zmiul'e \ ) - 1) - to remove denature (chemistry). - 2) - to alter, to adulterate, to
the mallow from (a bone). (it. meaning). - 2) - to remove corrupt, to deteriorate, to degenerate.
the crumb from (a loaf). In this sense the vrbl. loc. "gavé dësnicé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zni[ch]'e \) - to drive out, to
la molèja" is much more used. - 3) - to enfeeble, to rouse (from nest), to flush (birds from the nest). See also
weaken. the term "dësfurnié 2nd meaning".
dësmiolésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&zmiul'ese \ ) - to grow dësnitésse - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&znit'ese \) - 1) - to clear
weak, to lose one's vigour or energy. mud off (oneself). - 2) - to get out of troubles.
dësmobilià - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ d&zmubili'& \ ) - unfurnished. dësnodà - adj. (pr. \ d&znud'& \) Inv. in gnd and nr. - jointed,
(flat, room, house). supple, flexible, slouching, shambling.
dësmobilié - vrb 1st con. trs. - (pr. \ d&zmubili'e \ ) - to remove dësnò - adv. (pr. \ d&zn'o- \) - otherwise. See also the terms
the furniture from (a house, a flat, etc.). "sedësnò" and the loc. "se nò ".
dësmobilitassion - n. f. (pr. \ d&zmubilit&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at dësoblighé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zublig'e \) - to release, to
plr. - demobilization. See also the term "smobilitassion". relieve (sb.) from an abligation. See also the terms
dësmobilité - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zmubilit'e \ ) - to "disoblighé, dzoblighé ".
demobilize. See also the term "smobilité ". dësoblighésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&zublig'ese \) - to
dësmodà - adj. (pr. \ d&zmud'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - repay an obligation, to do (st.) in return (for st.). See also
immoderate, excessive, unrestrained. the term "dzoblighésse ".
dësmontàbil - adj. (pr. \ d&zmunt'&bil \) Ms. plr. dësmontàbij dësonest - adj. and n. (pr. \ d&zun'est \) Ms. plr. dësonest - fm.
- fm. sng. and plr. dësmontàbil, dësmontàbij. - sng. and plr. dësonesta, dësoneste. - 1) - dishonest,
demountable, detachable. deceitful (adj.). - 2) - dishonest person, cheat. See also
dësmontagi - n. m. (pr. \ d&zmunt'&ji \) Inv. at plr. - the terms "dzonest, disonest ".
disassembly. dësonestà - n. f. (pr. \ d&zunest'& \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
dësmonté - vrb 1st con. int. and trs. (pr. \ d&zmunt'e \) - 1) - to dishonesty, deceit. - 2) - fraud. See also the terms
get off, to get out, to get down, to dismount. (int.). 2) - to "dzonestà, disonestà ".
go off duty, to stop work. (int.). In these two senses it uses dësonor - n. m. (pr. \ d&zun'ur \) Inv. at plr. (if any). -
the aux. "esse". - 3) - to drop, to set down, to disembark dishonour, shame. See also the terms "disonor, dzonor".
(trs.). - 4) - to disassemble, to dismount, to dismantle dësonorant - adj. (pr. \ d&zunur'&nt \) - See disonorévol.
(trs.). In these two senses it uses the aux. "avèj ". dësonoré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zunur'e \) - 1) - to
dësmontésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&zmunt'ese \) - 1) - to dishonour, to disgrace. - 2) - to seduce. See also the terms
lose one's temper. - 2) - to lose one's enthusiasm. "disonoré, dzonoré ".
dësmora - n. f. (pr. \ d&zm'ur& \) At plr. dësmore. - 1) - toy, dësonorèivol - adj. (pr. \ d&zunur'æivul \) - See disonorévol.
plaything. - 2) - pastime (in a fig. sense). See also the dësonorévol - adj. (pr. \ d&zunur'evul \) - See disonorévol.
terms "dëmora, domora, dimora, dismora, dmora". dësossé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zus'e \) - 1) - to bone. - 2) -
dësmoré - vrb 1st con. trs. - (pr. \ d&zmur'e \) - to keep to strip the flesh off.
amused. - See also the terms "dëmoré, dismoré ". dëspacé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sp&[ch]'e \) - 1) - to sell off.
dësmorésse - vrb 1st con. refl. - (pr. \ d&zmur'ese \) - to amuse - 2) - to circulate (often referred to counterfeit or
oneself, to drawle. See also the terms "dëmorésse, prohibited things - like drugs-). - 3) - to tell (fibs).
dismorésse ". dëspachëtté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sp&k&tt'e \) - to
dësmorin - n. and adj. (pr. \ d&zmur'i[ng]\) Ms. plr. dësmorin - unpack, to unwrap.
fm. sng. and plr. dësmorin-a, dësmorin-e. - 1) - playful, dëspaisà - agg. (pr. \ d&sp&iz'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
frolicsome, gamesome (adj.). - 2) - person who loves to bewildered, lost, out of one's element.
play (sbst.). See also the term "dëmorin". dëspajé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sp&y'e \ ) - to remove straw
dësmorsé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zmurs'e \) - to defuse. See from.
also the term "dzamorsé ". dëspajésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&sp&y'ese \ ) - to lose the
dësmorté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zmurt'e \) - to extinguish, straw (e. g. chairs).
to blow out, to switch off, to turn off, to put out. See also dëspalé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sp&l'e \ ) - 1) - to take off
the term "dëstissé ". poles. - 2) - to shovel. In this sense see also the term "spalé
dësmorteur - n. m. (pr. \ d&zmurt'[oe]r \) Inv. at plr. - ". - 3) - to ruin the back of a working animal with an
extinguisher. See also the terms "dëstissor, estintor". excessive effort. In this meaning see also the term
dësmòrt - adj. (pr. \ d&zm'ort \) - See "dëstiss". "dispalé".
dësmoscaj - n. m. (pr. \ d&zmusc'&y \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - fringe. dëspané - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sp&n'e \ ) - to husk, to srtip
- 2) - frills. See also the terms "dramoscaj, moscaj, off the leaves. The term is used mainly referred to cobs.
piumél". See also the terms "spané, dësfojé 1st meaning". A common
desnamorà - adj. (pr. \ d&zn&mur'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - piedm. way of saying is "mandé a dëspané 'd mélia" lit.
estranged, indifferent, listless. See also the terms "dësan- "to send (sb.) to husk mais" "to send (sb.) away, to send
namorà, dzan-namorà". (sb.) about his/her business".
dësnamoré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zn&mur'e \) - to dësparé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sp&r'e \ ) - 1) - to forget, to
estrange. unlearn. - 2) - to learn not to ...In these two senses see
dësnamorésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&zn&mur'ese \) - to fall also the terms "dësamparé, dzimparé, dësprende ". - 3) - to
out of love. take off adornments. In this sense see also the term
dësnandié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zn&ndi'e \) - 1) - to divert, "dësdobé".
to avert, to turn away. - 2) - to lead astray, to corrupt. - dësparié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sp&ri'e \ ) - to clear (e. g.
3) -to disturb, to stun. the table after lunch). See also the term "dëspronté ".

dëspart (an ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ &[ng] d&sp'&rt \ ) - aside, dëspiané - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&spi&n'e \) - 1) - to level, to
apart, aloof. flatten. - 2) - to raze.
dëspartì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ d&sp&rt'i \ ) - to share out, to dëspianelé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&spi&nel'e \) - 1) - to take
divide. See also the term "spartì ". off tiles. - 2) - to unpave. See also the term "dësternì ".
dëspartìa - n. f. (pr. \ d&sp&rt'i& \ ) At plr. dëspartìe. - 1) - dëspiantà - adj. and n. (pr. \ d&spi&nt'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr.
departure, leaving. - 2) - death. In this sense see also the - 1) - ruined, penniless (adj.). - 2) - penniless person
term "dipartìa". (sbst.).
dëspassionà - adj. (pr. \ d&sp&siun'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - dëspianté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&spi&nt'e \) - 1) - to uproot,
dispassionate, impartial, unbiased. to expirpate, to eradicate. - 2) -. to ruin, to destroy (in a
dëspasté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sp&st'e \ ) - to clean the fig. sense).
table from remainders of dough. dëspiase - vrb 2nd con. int. (pr. \ d&spi'&ze \) - 1) - to be
dëspatagné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sp&t&[gn]'e \) - to unpleasant. - 2) - to dislike. - 3) - to be sorry, to mind. -
unbandage, to remove the bandage. See also the term 4) - to displease. - 5) - to pain, to grieve. The Piedm.
"dësbindé ". syntax of this vrb is quite different from the English one,
dëspatanùa - n. f. (pr. \ d&sp&t&n'[ue]& \) At plr. dëspatanùe and it is used often in an impersonal way, so we do some
- strip-tease. examples. - A) - "sossì am dëspias nen " "I don't dislike
dëspatriésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&sp&tri'ese \) - to leave this one". - B) - "a l'é dëspiasùme ch'it sie nen vnùit " "I
one's country, to emigrate. was sorry that you didn't come". - It uses the aux. "esse".
dëspendios - adj. (pr. \ d&spændi'uz \) Ms. plr. dëspendios - See also the terms "dëspiasèj, dëspiasì ".
fm. sng. and plr. dëspendiosal, dëspendiose. - expensive, dëspiasèj - vrb 2nd con. int. (pr. \ d&spi&z'æy \) - See dëspiase.
costly, dear. See also the term "dispendios". dëspiasì - 1) - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ d&spi&z'i \) - See
dëspentëné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&spænt&n'e \) - to ruffle dëspiase.
(sb.'s) hair, to dishevel (sb.'s) hair. See also the terms dëspiasì - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ d&spi&z'i \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
"dëscoefé, dëscarpenté, dëscarpentëné, scarpenté ". affliction, sadness. - 2) - regret, sorrow. - 3) - worry,
dëspentënésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&spænt&n'ese \) - to trouble. - 4) - disappointment. See also the terms "sagrin,
ruffle one's hair. See also the terms "dëscoefésse, ringret ".
dëscarpentésse, dëscarpentënésse, scarpentésse ". dëspiassé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&spi&s'e \) - 1) - to cause
dëspentnà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ d&spæntn'& \) Inv. in gnd. and (sb.) to find himself out of position (sport and in a fig.
nr. - ruffled, tousled, dishevelled. See also the terms " sense). - 2) - to remove. - 3) - to dismiss (from an office).
dëscarpentà, scarpentà ". dëspicolé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&spicul'e \) - to take off
dëspentné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&spæntn'e \) - See stems from fruit.
dëspentëné. dëspieuve - vrb 2nd con. int. imp. (pr. \ d&spi'[oe]ve \) - to stop
dëspentnésse - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&spæntn'ese \) - See raining. It uses the aux. "avèj ".
dëspentënésse. dëspieghé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&spieg'e \) - to unfold, to
dësperde - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ d&sp'ærde \) - 1) - to spread out, to unfurl. See also the term "dësdobié ".
disperse, to scatter, to dissipate. - 2) - to rout. - 3) - to dëspioché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&spiuk'e \) - to take off hull
waste. - 4) - to make sb. lose the way. See also the term from nuts. See also the term "dësrolé ".
"disperde". dëspiombé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&spiumb'e \) - 1) - to break
dësperdse - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ d&sp'ærdse \) - 1) - to the leaden seals, to unseal. - 2) - to take off lead (lit.
disperse, to scatter. - 2) - to get lost, to lose oneself. - 3) - meaning).
to lose one's way. See also the terms "sperdse, perdse, dësplé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&spl'e \) - 1) - to skin, to take
disperdse". off the skin. - 2) - to scrape, to gaze. See also the term
dëspers - agg. (pr. \ d&sp'ærs \) Ms. plr. dëspers - fm. sng. and "splé ".
plr. dëspersa, dësperse. - 1) - bewildered, puzzled. - 2) - dësplojé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&spluy'e \) - to peel, to take
lost, mislaid. See also the term "spers". off the rind, to take off the bark. See also the terms
dëspeuj - n. m. (pr. \ d&sp'[oe]y \) Inv. at plr. - counting, "dësplujé, dësfujé".
scrutiny. See also the term "speuj ". dëspluché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&spl[ue]k'e \) - See depilé.
dëspeuja - n. f. (pr. \ d&sp'[oe]y& \) At plr. dëspeuje. - 1) - dësplujé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&spl[ue]y'e \) - See dësplojé.
slough, cast-off skin. In this meaning see also the term dëspojà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ d&spuy'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
"muda". - 2) - draft (foundry). - 3) - sediment (wine bare, tripped, undressed. See also the terms "nù, patanù,
cleared since too old). dësvestì ".
dëspërchièl - adv. (pr. \ d&sp&rki'æl \) - he alone, he by dëspojé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&spuy'e \) - 1) - to strip. - 2) -
himself. See also the term "daspërchièl ". to undress, to strip. - 3) - to deprive, to strip, to divest.
dëspërchila - adv. (pr. \ d&sp&rk'il& \) - she alone, she by (in a fig. sense).
herself. See also the term "daspërchila ". dëspojésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&spuy'ese \) - 1) - to
dëspërlor - adv. (pr. \ d&sp&rl'ur \) - they alone, they by undress, to strip. - 2) - to shed (trees). - 3) - to deprive
themselves. See also the term "daspërchila ". oneself. - 4) - to rid oneself.
dëspërmì - adv. (pr. \ d&sp&rm'i \) - I alone, I by myself. See dëspojura - n. f. (pr. \ d&spuy'[ue]r& \) At plr. dëspojure. - 1)
also the term "daspërmì ". - undressing, unclothing. - 2) - dispossession. - 3) -
dëspërpojinésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&sp&rpuyin'ese \ ) despoliation, pillage.
- to shake off lice. (birds, hens, etc.). See also the terms dëspolpé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&spulp'e \) - to strip the flesh
"spërpojinésse, përpojinésse". off, to pick. See also the term "dësossé". The action
dëspërnoi - adv. (pr. \ d&sp&rn'ui \) - we alone, we by described by these two verbs is the same (to separate flesh
ourselves. See also the term "daspërnoi ". and bones). The term "dëspolpé " means "to take off flesh
dëspërtì - adv. (pr. \ d&sp&rt'i \) - you alone, you by yourself. (from bones)" while the term "dësossé " means "to take of
See also the term "daspërtì ". bones (from flesh)", with the same result.
dëspërvoi - adv. (pr. \ d&sp&rv'ui \) - you alone, you by dëspontalé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&spunt&l'e \) - to unprop,
yourselves. See also the term "daspërvoi ". to remove the props from... .

dësponté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&spunt'e \) - 1) - to blunt, to dësprovista (a la ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ & l& d&spruv'ist& \) -
break the point of... . - 2) - to cut the tip off, to trim. - 3) unespectedly.
- to unpin. dësprucà - adj. (pr. \ d&spr[ue]c'& \) Inv. in grn. and nr. - 1) -
dëspopolament - n. m. (pr. \ d&spupul&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - without wig. - 2) - bald, bald-headed.
depopulation. See also the term "dëspopolassion". dëspupé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sp[ue]p'e \) - to wean.
dëspopolassion - n. f. (pr. \ d&spupul&si'u[ng] \) - See dësquatà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ d&s[qu]&t'& \) Inv. in gnd. and
dëspopolament. nr. - uncovered, open, shelterless.
dëspopolé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&spupul'e \) - to dësquatè - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&s[qu]&t'e \) - 1) - to
depopulate, to reduce the population. uncover, to unveil, to bare, to take the lid off. - 2) - to
dëspopolésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&spupul'ese \) - to reveal, to disclose (in a fig. sense). - See also the terms
depopulate, to decrease in population. "dëscheurve, dëscurvì ".
dëspossessé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&spuses'e \) - to dësquinterné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&s[qu]intærn'e \) - 1) - to
expropriate, to dispossess. See also the term "dësproprié disarrange, to put out of order. - 2) - to upset, to
". derange, to disturb.
dëspovré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&spuvr'e \) - to dust, to dësquilibrà - adj. and n. - (pr. \ d&s[qu]ilibr'& \) Inv. in gnd.
brush, to beat the dust out (of st.) and nr. - 1) - unbalanced (adj.). - 2) - mentally deranged
dëspreivésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&spræiv'ese \) - to (adj.). - 3) - lunatic, madman (sbst.). See also the term
unfrock oneself, to quit the frock. See also the term "dëschilibrà ".
"dëspreviésse". dësquilibré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&s[qu]ilibr'e \) - 1) - to
dësprende - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&spr'ænde \) - See unbalance. - 2) - to embarass. See also the term
dësamparé. "dëschilibré ".
dëspresi - n. m. (pr. \ d&spr'ezi \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - contempt, dësquilibrésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&s[qu]ilibr'ese \) - to
scorn. - 2) - disparagement, depreciation. - 3) - offence, lose one's balance. See also the term "dëschilibrésse ".
outrage. - 4) - mockery, derision. dësquilibri - n. m. (pr. \ d&s[qu]il'ibri \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
dësprésia - n. f. (pr. \ d&spr'ezi& \) At plr. dëspresie. - 1) - unbalance, imbalance. - 2) - deragement, lunacy,
spiteful action. - 2) - jest. - 3) - bantering. insanity. See also the term "dëschilibri ".
dëspresiàbil - adj. (pr. \ d&sprezi'&bil \) Ms. plr. dëspresiàbij dësradisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zr&diz'e \) - to uproot, to
- fm. sng. and plr. dëspresiàbil, dëspresiàbij. - root out, to eradicate, to estirpate. See also the term
despicable. "dësreisé ". See also the term "dësreisé ".
dëspresiativ - 1) - adj. (pr. \ d&sprezi&t'iu \) Ms. plr. dësrajé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ d&zr&y'e \) - to run off the
dëspresiativ - fm. sng. and plr. dëspresiativa, rails. The expression "fé dësrajé " is translated into "to
dëspresiative. - disparaging, depreciatory, pejorative. derail ". As a rule it uses the aux. "esse", but often is found
dëspresiativ - 2) - n. m. . (pr. \ d&sprezi&t'iu \) Inv. at plr. - using the aux. "avèj ".
pejorative (grammar). dësramé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zr&m'e \) - to prune, to
dëspresié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sprezi'e \) - 1) - to trim, to cut needless branches (agriculture).
contemn, to despise. - 2) - to scorn, to spurn. See also the dësrangé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sr&nj'e \) - to disconcert, to
term "dispressé ". derange, to upset.
dëspresiésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&sprezi'ese \) - to despise dësrantané - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zr&nt&n'e \) - 1) - to take
oneself. off (sb./st.) from quagmire (also in a fig. sense). - 2) - to
dëspresios - adj. (pr. \ d&sprezi'uz \) Ms. plr. dëspresios - fm. take off (sb.) from scrape.
sng. and plr. dëspresiosa, dëspresiose. - 1) - spiteful. - 2) dësrapé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zr&p'e \) - 1) - to detach
- disdainful, scornful. - 3) - haughty. grapes from bunch. - 2) - to take off grape-stalks from
dëspreviésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&sprevi'ese \) - See tun.
dëspreivésse. dësregolà - adj. (pr. \ d&zregul'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) -
dëspromëtte - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ d&sprum'&tte \) - not to immoderate, intemperate. - 2) - reckless, dissolute. See
keep a promise, to go back on one's promise. also the term "sregolà, intemperant ".
dëspronté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sprunt'e \) - See dësparié. dësregolatëssa - (pr. \ d&zregul&t'&ss& \ ) At plr.
dësproporsion - n. f. (pr. \ d&sprupursi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - dësregolatësse. - intemperance, excess. See also the term
disproportion. "intemperansa".
dësproporsionà - adj. (pr. \ d&sprupursiun'& \) Inv. in gnd. and dësreisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zræiz'e \) - See dësradisé.
nr. - disproportionate, unproportionate. See also the dësrené - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zren'e \) - See dërné.
term "sproporsionà ". dësrissé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zris'e \) - to take off
dësproporsioné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sprupursiun'e \) - to (chestnuts) from husk.
disproportion. dësroché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zruk'e \) - to spin taking
dësproprié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sprupri'e \) - to wire from distaff.
expropriate, to dispossess. See also the term "dëspossessé dësrolé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zrul'e \) - 1) - to take off hull
". from nuts. In this meaning see also the term "dëspioché "
and the vrbl. loc. "gavé la ròla". - 2) - to bark (a tree), to
dësprovëdde - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ d&spruv'&dde \) - to peel. - 3) - to unroll. In this meaning see also the term
deprive. "dësrotolé ".
dësprovëddù - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ d&spruv&dd'[ue] \) Ms. plr. dësrotolé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zrutul'e \) - to unroll. See
dësprovëddù - fm. sng. and plr. dësprovëddùa, also the term "dësrolé 3rd meaning".
dësprovëddùe. - unprovided, deprived. dësrusnenté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&zr[ue]znænt'e \) - to
dësprovëdse - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ d&spruv'&dse \) - to remove rust (from), to cleas from rust, to brush rust.
deprive oneself. dëssaché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&ss&k'e \) - to empty a sack,
dësprovist - adj. (pr. \ d&spruv'ist \) Ms. plr. dësprovist - fm. to take off from a sack.
sng. and plr. dësprovista, dësproviste. - unprovided, not dëssacrador - n. (pr. \ d&ss&cr&d'ur \) Ms. plr. dëssacrador -
supplied, unprepared. See also the terms "dësprovëddù, fm. sng. and plr. dëssacradòira, dëssacradòire. -
improvist ". desacralizer.

dëssacrassion - n. f. (pr. \ d&ss&cr&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - dëstèis - adj. (pr. \ d&st'æiz \) Ms. plr. dëstèis - fm. sng. and
desacration. plr. dëstèisa, dëstèise. - extended, outstretched, drawn
dëssacré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&ss&cr'e \) - to desacrate. out, taut (sail). See also the term "distéis".
See also the term "dissacré ". dëstèisa - n. f. (pr. \ d&st'æiz& \) At plr. dëstèise. - expanse,
dëssalador - n. m. (pr. \ d&ss&lad'ur \) Inv. at plr. - desalter. stretch. See also the term "dëstendùa".
dëssalassion - n. f. (pr. \ d&ss&lasi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - dëstènde - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ d&st'ænde \) - 1) - to spread. -
desalination, desalinization. 2) - to stretch out. - 3) - to lay. - 4) - to widen the range
dëssaldé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&ss&ld'e \) - to unsolder. (voice). - 5) - to relax. Note that the p. p. is "dëstendù "
dëssalé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&ss&l'e \) - to desalinize, to (which is not also adj.) and not "dëstèis" which is only adj.
desalinate. dëstèndse - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ d&st'ændse \) - 1) - to lay
dëssëlé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&ss&l'e \) - to unsaddle. See oneself down. - 2) - to stretch. - 3) - to relax.
also the term "dësslé ". dëstendùa - n. f. (pr. \ d&stænd'[ue]& \) - See dëstèisa.
dëssamblé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&ss&mbl'e \) - to dëstendùa (a la ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ & l& d&stænd'[ue]& \) -
dissemble, to disassemble. for a long time, at great length. Referring to bells, the
dëssanguament - n. m. (pr. \ d&ss&[ng]gu&m'ænt \) Inv. at sentence "soné a la distèisa" means "to ring a full peal ".
plr. (if any). - bleeding, blood-letting. See also the term dëstenebré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&stenebr'e \) - 1) - to upset,
"dissanguament". to derange, to disarrange. - 2) - to shatter, to smash.
dëssangué - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&ss&[ng]gu'e \) - to bleed, dëstension - n. f. (pr. \ d&stæ[ng]si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
to draw blood from (sb.) stretcing out. - 2) - relax.
dëssanguésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&ss&[ng]gu'ese \) - to dëstensiv - adj. (pr. \ d&stæ[ng]s'iu \) Ms. plr. dëstensiv - fm.
bleed oneself. sng. and plr. dëstensiva, dëstensive. - relaxing, soothing.
dëssens - n. m. (pr. \ d&ss'æ[ng]s \) - See dissens. dësternì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ d&stærn'i \) - to unpave. See
dëssensient - adj. and n. (pr. \ d&ssæ[ng]si'ænt \) - See also the term "dëspianelé 2nd meaning".
dissensient. dëstesse - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ d&st'ese \) - to unravel
dëssente - vrb 2nd con. int. (pr. \ d&ss'ænte \) - See dissentì. (fabric).
dëssentì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ d&ssænt'i \) - See dissentì. dëstërvojé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&st&rvuy'e \) - to unroll, to
dësservelésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&ssærvel’ese \ ) - to unwrap. See also the term "dëstërvujé, dësvërtojé".
rack one’s brain. See also the term “s-cervelésse”. dëstërvujé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&st&rv[ue]y'e \) - See
dëssident - n. and adj. . (pr. \ d&ssid'ænt \) - See dissident. dëstërvojé.
dëssigilé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&ssijil'e \) - to unseal, to dëstijadura - n. f. (pr. \ d&stiy&d'[ue]r& \) At plr. dëstijadure.
break the seal (of). - scutching, swingling (texile). Quite an italianism. See the
dëssingésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&ssinj'ese \) - best piedm. term "dëstiura".
dësslé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&ssl'e \) - See dëssëlé. dstijatriss - n. f. (pr. \ d&stiy&tr'is \) Inv. at plr. - scutching-
dëssolé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&ssul'e \) - to take off the sole machine, scutcher, swingle (texile).
(shoes). dëstijé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&stiy'e \) - to scutch, to swingle
dëssonansa - n. f. (pr. \ d&ssun'&[ng]s& \) - See dissonansa. (texile).
dëssonant - adj. (pr. \ d&ssun'&nt \) - See dissonant. dëstilà - n. m. (pr. \ d&stil'& \) Inv. at plr. - distillate
dëssoné - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ d&ssun'e \) - See dissoné. (chemistry).
dëssotré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&ssutr'e \) - to exhume, to dëstilàbil - adj. (pr. \ d&stil'& \) Ms. plr. dëstilàbij - fm. sng.
disinter, to unbury, to dig up. and plr. dëstilàbil, dëstilàbij. - distillable (chemistry).
dëssù - n. m. (pr. \ d&ss'[ue] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - superiority, dëstilassion - n. f. (pr. \ d&stil&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
advantage. - 2) - arrogance, haughtiness, hardiness. distillation (chemistry).
dëstacà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ d&st&c'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - dëstilator - n. m. (pr. \ d&stil&t'ur \) Inv. at plr. - distiller, still.
1) - detached, separated. - 2) - detached, indifferent (in a (chemistry).
fig. sense). dëstilé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&stil'e \) - to distil. See also the
dëstacament - n. m. (pr. \ d&st&c&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - term "distilé ".
detachment, separation. - 2) - detachment (military). See dëstin - n. m. (pr. \ d&st'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - destiny, fate. -
also the term "distacament ". 2) - lot. - 3) - destination. In this meaning see also the term
dëstach - n. m. (pr. \ d&st'&c \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - separation, "dëstinassion".
detaching, removal. - 2) - parting, leaving. - 3) - take-off dëstinà - adj. (pr. \ d&stin'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - fated,
(planes). - 4) - detachment, indifference. See also the destined.
term "distach ". dëstinassion - n. f. (pr. \ d&stin&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
dëstaché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&st&k'e \) - 1) - to detach, to destination. - 2) - posting. - See also the term "dëstin 3rd
separate. - 2) - to alienate, to estrange. - 3) - to transfer, meaning".
to detach. - 4) - to outdistance (sport etc.). - 5) - to dëstinatari - n. (pr. \ d&stin&t'&ri \) Ms. plr. dëstinatari - fm.
undock (forms, etc.). - 6) - to untie (animals). See also the sng. and plr. dëstinatària, dëstinatàrie. - receiver,
term "distaché ". addressee, consignee.
dëstachésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&st&k'ese \) - 1) - to be dëstiné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&stin'e \) - 1) - to destine. - 2) -
detached, to get separated. - 2) - to withdraw, to retire. - to appoint, to assign. - 3) - to set aside, to assign, to
3) - to stand out. appropriate. - 4) - to address. - 5) - to intend, to mean,
dëstagniné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&st&[gn]in'e \) - to take off to design, to be. - 6) - to devote. See also the term "destiné
the tinning. ".
dëstampé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&st&mp'e \) - to pull out of dëstiss - adj. (pr. \ d&st'is \) Ms. plr. dëstiss - fm. sng. and plr.
a hole or ditch. dëstissa, dëstisse. - 1) - extinguished, switched off. - 2) -
dëstané - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&st&n'e \) - 1) - to drive out, extinct. - 3) - dull, dead, lifeless (in a fig. sense). See also
to rouse. 2) - to get (sb.) to go out (in a fig. sense). the terms "smòrt, dësmòrt ".
dëstapissé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&st&pis'e \) - to take off dëstissé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&stis'e \) - to extinguish, to
tapestry or wall-paper. blow out, to switch off, to turn off, to put out. See also
the term "dësmorté ".

dëstissor - n. m. (pr. \ d&stis'ur \) Inv. at plr. - extinguisher. dëstrùe - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ d&str'[ue]e \) - to destroy, to
See also the terms "dësmorteur, estintor". wipe out, to shatter, to annihilate. See also the term
dëstivalé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&stiv&l'e \) - to take off "distrùe". The term can also have the spelling "dëstrùve"
boots. dëstruìbil - adj. (pr. \ d&str[ue]'ibil \) Ms. plr. dëstruìbij - fm.
dëstiura - n. f. (pr. \ d&sti'[ue]r& \) At plr. dëstiure. - sng. and plr. dëstruìbil, dëstruìbij. - destroyable,
scutching, swingling (texile). destructible.
dëstonà - adj. (pr. \ d&stun'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - out of dëstrussion - n. f. (pr. \ d&str[ue]si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
tune, false (music). - 2) - out of place, jarring (in a fig. destruction, wipe-out.
sense). dëstrutiv - adj. (pr. \ d&str[ue]t'iu \) Ms. plr. dëstrutiv - fm.
dëstonadura - n. f. (pr. \ d&stun&d'[ue]r& \) At plr. sng. and plr. dëstrutiva, dëstrutive. - destructive.
dëstonadure. - 1) - singing/playing out of tune, false dëstrutor - n. and adj. (pr. \ d&str[ue]t'ur \) Ms. plr. dëstrutor -
note. - 2) - jarring note (in a fig. sense). fm. sng. and plr. dëstrutriss, dëstrutriss. - 1) - destroyer
dëstonassion - n. f. (pr. \ d&stun&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - (sbst.). - 2) - destroying, destructive (adj.).
dissonance. dëstrùve - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ d&str'[ue]e ; d&str'[ue]we \) -
dëstoné - vrb 1st con.trs. and int. (pr. \ d&stun'e \) - 1) - to See dëstrùe.
sing/play out of tune (trs. and int.). - 2) - to be out of dëstruvse - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ d&str'[ue]use \) - 1) - to be
place, to jar (int.). It uses in any case the aux. "avèj ". destroyed, to waste away. - 2) - to go to ruin (in a fig.
dëstopé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&stup'e \) - 1) - to uncork, to sense).
uncap, to unbung. - 2) - to clear, to unclog. dësturb - n. m. (pr. \ d&st'[ue]rb \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - bother,
dëstorb - n. m. (pr. \ d&st'urb \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - bother, trouble, inconvenience, disturbance. - 2) - indisposition,
trouble, inconvenience, disturbance. - 2) - indisposition, ailment (medical). - 3) - noise (radio, etc.). See also the
ailment (medical). - 3) - noise (radio, etc.). See also the terms "dëstorbi, dëstorb, dësturbi, disturb".
terms "dëstorbi, dësturb, dësturbi, disturb". dësturbé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&st[ue]rb'e \) - 1) - to bother,
dëstorbé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sturb'e \) - 1) - to bother, to to disturb, to trouble, to inconvenience. - 2) - to upset. -
disturb, to trouble, to inconvenience. - 2) - to upset. - 3) 3) - to jam (radio, etc.). See also the term "dëstorbé,
- to jam (radio, etc.). See also the term "dësturbé, disturbé ".
disturbé". dësturbésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&st[ue]rb'ese \) - to
dëstorbator - n. and adj. (pr. \ d&sturb&t'ur \) Ms. plr. bother, to trouble, to take the trouble.
dëstorbator - fm. sng. and plr. dëstorbatriss, dësturbeur - n. and adj. (pr. \ d&st[ue]rb'[oe]r \) Ms. plr.
dëstorbatriss. - 1) - disturber (sbst.). - 2) - disturbing, dëstrurbeur - fm. sng. and plr. dësturbeusa, dësturbeuse.
troubling, upsetting. See also the term "dësturbeur, - - 1) - disturber (sbst.). - 2) - disturbing, troubling,
përtorbator, disturbator". upsetting. See also the term "dëstorbeur, përtorbator".
dëstorbi - n. m. (pr. \ d&st'urbi \) - See dëstorb. dësturbi - n. m. (pr. \ d&st'[ue]rbi \) - See dësturb.
dëstorna - n. f. (pr. \ d&st'urn& \) At plr. dëstorne. - 1) - dësugual - adj. (pr. \ d&z[ue]g'[ue]&l \) Ms. plr. dësuguaj - fm.
disturbance, noise, uproar, distraction. - 2) - joke, jest, sng. and plr. dësugual, dësuguaj. - unequal, different,
mockery. - 3) - disconcertment. uneven. See also the terms "disugual, dzugual ".
dëstornant - adj. (pr. \ d&sturn’&nt \ ) Ms. plr. dëstornant, dësugualiansa - n. f. (pr. \ d&z[ue]g[ue]&li'&[ng]s& \) At plr.
fm. sng. and plr. dëstornanta, dëstornante. - dësugualianse. - 1) - difference, inequality, uneveness. - 2)
disconcerting, puzzling. See also the terms “sconcertant, inequality (mathematics). See also the terms "
stravirant”. disugualiansa, dzugualiansa ".
dëstorné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sturn'e \) - to divert, to dësugualié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&z[ue]g[ue]&li'e \) - to
distract, to disturb, to stun, to disconert. make unequal. See also the terms "disugualié, dzugualié ".
dëstòrze - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ d&st'orze \) - to distort, to dësutil - adj. (pr. \ d&z'[ue]til \) Ms. plr. dësùtij - fm. sng. and
writhe, to twist, to contort. plr. dësùtil, dësùtij. - useless. See also the terms "disùtil,
dëstrae - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ d&str'&e \) - See distrae. dzùtil".
dëstravié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&str&vi'e \) - 1) - to make dësvalisator - n. (pr. \ d&sv&liz&t'ur \) Ms. plr. dësvalisator -
(sb.) exit one's way, to divert. - 2) - to lead astray, to fm. sng. and plr. dësvatisatriss, dësvalisatriss. -
corrupt. ransacker, pillager, plunder, robber.
dëstravis - adj. (pr. \ d&str&v'iz \) Ms. plr. dëstravis - fm. sng. dësvalisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sv&liz'e \) - 1) - to take off
and plr. dëstravisa, dëstravise. - unusual, strange, from suit-case. - 2) - to ransack, to pillage, to plunder
peculiar, odd. See also the term "stravis". (for extension).
dëstravse - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ d&str'&wse \) - See distravse. dësvari - n. m. (pr. \ d&sv'&ri \) Inv. at plr. - discrepancy,
dëstré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&str'e \) - 1) - to raise, to lift up. difference, gap, diversity. See also the term "divari".
- 2) - to heighten. dësvarié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sv&ri'e \) - 1) - to vary, to
dëstrèit - n. m. (pr. \ d&str'æit \) Inv. at plr. - vice, vise. See diversify. - 2) - to anuse, to distract.
also the term "mòrsa". dësvelé - - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&svel'e \) - See disvelé.
dëstrenze - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ d&str'æ[ng]ze \) - 1) - to dësven-e - vrb 2nd con. int. (pr. \ d&svæ[ng]-e \) - to faint, to
loosen, to release, to slacken. In this sense see also the swoon. It uses the aux. "esse". See also the terms "dësvenì,
term "arlamé ". - 2) - to give up, to surrender, to leave dësvnì, sven-e".
off, to desist. In this sense see also the term "demòrde". dësvenì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ d&sven'i \) - See dësven-e.
dëstrëssa - n. f. (pr. \ d&str'&ss& \) At plr. dëstrësse. - 1) - dësveniment - n. m. (pr. \ d&svenim'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - faint,
dexterty, skill. - 2) - shrewdness, wariness. fainting-fit, swoon. See also the term "sveniment".
dëstrighé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&strig'e \) - to disentangle, dësverginé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sværjin'e \) - to ravish, to
to sort out, to extricate, to resolve. deflower.
dëstronisassion - n. f. (pr. \ d&struniz&si'u[ng] \) - See dësversé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sværs'e \) - to turn up (shirt
detronisassion. sleeves, etc.) See also the term "argaucé ".
dëstronisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&struniz'e \) - See dësvestì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ d&svest'i \) - See dëspojé.
detronisé. dësvëlupé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sv&l[ue]p'e \) - See

dësvërgogné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sv&rgu[gn]'e \) - 1) - to diabétich - adj. (pr. \ di&b'etic \) Ms. plr. diabétich - fm. sng.
put (sb.) to shame, to shame. - 2) - to unmask, to expose. and plr. diabética, diabétiche. - diabetic (medical).
dësvërtojé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sv&rtuy'e \) - to unroll, to diablotin - n. m. (pr. \ di&blut'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - small sweet
unwrap. See also the term "dëstërvojé ". of chocolate.
dësviarin - n. m. (pr. \ d&svi&r'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - alarm- diabòlich - adj. (pr. \ di&b'olic \) Ms. plr. diabòlich - fm. sng.
clock. See also the term "dësvijarin". and plr. diabòlica, diabòliche. - diabolical, devilish,
dësvij - adj. (pr. \ d&sv'iy \) Ms. plr. dësvij - fm. sng. and plr. fiendish, satanic.
dësvija, dësvije. - 1) - awake. - 2) - wide-awake, alert, diaconà - n. m. (pr. \ di&cun'& \) Inv. at plr. - deaconship,
quick-witted, sharp, smart. See alsao the term "dësvijà". diaconate (religion).
dësvijà - adj. (pr. \ d&sviy'& \) - See dësvij. diaconal - adj. (pr. \ di&cun'&l \) Ms. plr. diaconaj - fm. sng.
dësvijarin - n. m. . (pr. \ d&sviy&r'i[ng] \) - See dësviarin. and plr. diaconal, diaconaj. - diaconal (religion).
dësvijé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sviy'e \) - 1) - to wake up, to diàcono - n. m. (pr. \ di'&cunô \) Inv. at plr. - deacon
awake, to rouse. - 2) - to liven up. - 3) - to awaken, to (religion).
arouse. diadem - n. m. (pr. \ di&d'æm \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - diadem. - 2)
dësvijésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d&sviy'ese \) - 1) - to wake - tiara, coronet. See also the term "diadema".
up, to awake. - 2) - to reawaken, to rekindle. - 3) - to diadema - n. m. (pr. \ di&d'em& \) - See diadem.
become sharp. diafonìa - n. f. (pr. \ di&fun'i& \) At plr. diafonìe. - 1) -
dësviné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&svin'e \) - to draw wine (from diaphony (music). - 2) - cross-talk (telephony).
a vat). diafònich - adj. (pr. \ di&f'onic \) Ms. plr. diafònich - fm. sng.
dësvisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&sviz'e \) - to unscrew. and plr. diafònica, diafòniche. - diaphonic (telephony).
dësvista - n. f. (pr. \ d&sv'ist& \) At plr. dësviste. - oversight, diaframa - n. m. (pr. \ di&fr'&m& \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
mistake, slip. diaphragm. - 2) - screen. - 3) - brattice (mining).
dësvlupé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&svl[ue]p'e \) - See dëslupé. diaframàtich - adj. (pr. \ di&fr&m'&tic \) Ms. plr.
dësvoidé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&svuid'e \) - 1) - to empty, to diaframàtich - fm. sng. and plr. diaframàtica,
clear out, to deplete. - 2) - to deprive, to divest (in a fig. diaframàtiche. - diaphragmatic (anatomy).
sense). diaframadura - n. f. (pr. \ di&fr&m&d'[ue]r& \) At plr.
dësvojà - adj. (pr. \ d&svuy'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - listless, diaframadure. - diaphragm opening.
indolent, lazy. diaframé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ di&fr&m'e \) - to diaphragm,
dësvojé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d&svuy'e \) - to make (sb.) lose to stop (photography).
the wish (of st.), to make (sb.) lose the interest (in st.) diàgnosi - n.f. - (pr. \ di'&[gn]usi \) Inv. at plr. - diagnosis.
dëvòt - n. and adj. (pr. \ d&v'ot \) - See devòt. diagnostiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ di'&[gn]ustik'e \) - to
di - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ di \) Inv. at plr. - day. Some common way diagnose.
of saying with this word: - A) - "al di d'ancheuj " lit. "at diagnòstica - n. f. (pr. \ di&[gn]'ostic& \) At plr. diagnòstiche.
the day of today" "nowadays, at present ". - B) - "l'autër - diagnostics.
dì" lit. "the other day" "the day before yesterday". - C) diagnòstich - adj. and n. (pr. \ di&[gn]'ostic \) Ms. plr.
- "a la ponta dël dì" lit. "at the point (tip) of the day" diagnòstich - fm. sng. and plr. diagnòstica, diagnòstiche.
"at sunset" or "at day break". - D) - "eut dì a ancheuj" lit. - 1) - diagnostic (adj.). - 2) - diagnostician (sbst.).
"eight days to today" "eight days ago". - E) - "ant ël bon diagonal - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ di&[gn]un'&l \) At plr. diagonaj. - 1)
- diagonal. - 2) - twill (fabric).
dël dì " lit. "in the good of the day" "at broad daylight
diagonal - 2) - adj. (pr. \ di&gun'&l \) Ms. plr. diagonaj - fm.
". - F) - "di 'd travaj " or "di 'd lavor" "working day". - G)
sng. and plr. diagonal, diagonaj. - diagonal.
- "di 'd festa " "holyday". - H) - "di 'd màir" "fish-day". diagrama - n. m. (pr. \ di&gr'&m& \) Inv. at plr. - diagram,
dì - 2) - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ di \) - 1) - to say, to tell. - 2) - to graph, curve.
speak. In this sense see also the term "parlé". 3) - to diagramé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ di&gr&m'e \) - to make a
narrate, to tell. In this sense see also the term "conté 6th disgram of, to diagrammatize.
meaning". - 4) - to declare. In this sense see also the term dial - n. m. (pr. \ di'&l \) At plr. diaj. - 1) - thimble. - 2) -
"diciaré ". - 5) - to express. In this sense see also the term finger-stall (medical).
"esprime". There are mani ways of saying with this vrb. dialà - n. f. (pr. \ di&l'& \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - thimbleful (lit.) -
Here some examples : - A) - "dì a paròle longhe e larghe" 2) - needleful (for extension).
lit. " to say at (with) long and wide words" "to speak dialet - n. m. (pr. \ di&l'æt \) Inv. at plr. - dialect, regional
very clearly and directly, to speak without beating about speech.
the bush". - B) - "dì curt " "to say shortly". - C) - "dì a dialetal - adj. (pr. \ di&let'&l \) Ms. plr. dialetaj - fm. sng. and
stim" "to evaluate approximately". - D) - "avèj da dì (con plr. dialetal, dialetaj. - dialectal, dialect (as an attribute).
quaidun)" = lit. "to have to say (with sb.)" "to be at dialética - n. f. (pr. \ di&l'etic& \) At plr. dialétiche. -
variance (with sb.)". - E) - "dì che 'd sì ; dì che 'd nò " dialectics (phylosophy), argumentation.
lit. "to say that of yes ; to say that of no " "to say yes ; to dialétich - adj. and n. - (pr. \ di&l'etic \) Ms. plr. dialétich - fm.
say no". - F) - "torné a dì" lit "to come back to say" "to sng. and plr. dialética, dialétiche. - 1) - dialectical (adj.). -
repeat ". - G) - "a dì gròss" lit. "to say big" "at the 2) - dialectician (sbst.).
most". - H) - "a dì pòch" "to say the least" "at least". dialisator - n. m. (pr. \ di&liz&t'ur \) Inv. at plr. - dialyzer,
Then we note the expression "ch'a disa! " or "ch' a dìa! " dialyser.
which is the 3rd prs. of the present subjunctive and present diàlisi - n. f. (pr. \ di'&lizi \) Inv. at plr. - dialysis.
imperative. In Piedm. this expression has the value of the dialisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ di&liz'e \) - to dialyze, to
English "excuse me (sir /madam)", while introducing a dialyse.
question to a not known person. E. g. "ch'a disa monsù! a dialìtich - adj. (pr. \ di&l'itic \) Ms. plr. dialitich - fm. sng. and
va bin da sì për piassa Castél?" "excuse me sir, is it the plr. dialitica, dialitiche. - dialytic (chemistry).
right way toward Castle square?". diàlogh - n. m. (pr. \ di'&lug \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - dialogue,
di' - 3) - n. m. (pr. \ di \) - See dil. dialog. - 2) - talks, conversations (in a fig. sense). - 3) -
diabéte - n. m. (pr. \ di&b'ete \) Inv. at plr. - diabetes. negotiations (politics). See also the term "diàlogo".

dialoghé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ di&lug'e \) - to talk, to diavlet - n. m. (pr. \ di&ul'æt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - little devil. -
converse. - It uses the aux. "avèj ". 2) - lively child, little rascal (in a fig. sense). Also referred
diàlogo - n. m. (pr. \ di'&lugô \) - See dialogh. to girls. See also the term in the spelling "diavolet ".
diamagnétich - adj. (pr. \ di&m&[gn]'etic \) Ms. plr. diavo - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ di'&u ; di'&wu \) - See diav 1).
diamagnétich - fm. sng. and plr. diamagnética, diavo! - 2) - excl. (pr. \ di'&wu ; di'&u \) - See diàmine!.
diamagnétiche. - diamagnetic. diavolarìa - n. f. (pr. \ di&ul&r'i& ; di&wul&r'i& \) - See
diamagnetism - n. m. (pr. \ di&m&[gn]et'izm \) Inv. at plr. (if diavlarìa.
applicable) - diamagnetism. diavoleri! - excl. (pr. \ di&ul'eri ; di&wul'eri \) - See diàmine!.
diamant - n. m. (pr. \ di&m'&nt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - diamond. - diavolet - n. m. (pr. \ di&ul'æt ; di&wul'æt \) - See diavlet.
2) - glass-cutter. dibat - n. m. . (pr. \ dib'&t \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - debate,
diamantadura - n. f. (pr. \ di&m&nt&d'[ue]r& \) At plr. discussion, dispute. - 2) - quarrel, wrangle. See also the
diamantadure. - diamonding. terms "debà, debat ".
diamanté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ di&m&nt'e \) - to diamond. dibate - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ dib'&te \) - to debate, to
diamantìfer - adj. (pr. \ di&m&nt'ifær \) Ms. plr. diamantìfer discuss, to dispute. See also the term "dëbate".
- fm. sng. and plr. diamantìfera, diamantìfere. - dibatiment - n. m. (pr. \ dib&tim'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
diamondiferous, diamantiferous. debate, discussion, dispute. - 2) - trial, hearing (legal).
diameter - n. m. (pr. \ di'&metær \) - See diametro. See also the term "dibàtit".
diametral - adj. (pr. \ di&metr'&l \) Ms. plr. diametraj - fm. dibàtit - n. m. (pr. \ dib'&tit \) Inv. at plr. - debate, to
sng. and plr. diametral, diametraj. - diametral, discussion, dispute. See also the term "dibatiment".
diametrical. dibatse - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ dib'&tse \) - 1) - to sruggle, to
diametralment - adv. (pr. \ di&metr&lm'ænt \) - diametrally, wriggle. - 2) - to be torn, to grapple (in a fig. sense).
diametrically. Italianism (adv. ending in "...ment "). Even if dicasteri - n. m. (pr. \ dic&st'eri \) Inv. at plr. - office,
the term is quite used, best piedm. loc. are : "second ël ministry, department.
diàmetro ; arlong ël diàmetro ; an manera diametral " or dicerìa - n. f. (pr. \ di[ch]er'i& \) At plr. dicerìe. - rumor,
simply the term "diametral " used as an adv. gossip, hearsay. See also the term "diciarìa".
diàmetro - n. m. (pr. \ di'&metrô \) Inv. at plr. - diameter. diciara - n. f. (pr. \ di[ch]i'&r& \) At plr. diciare. -
diàmine! - excl. (pr. \ di'&mine \) - 1) - the devil!, the declaration, announcement. See also the term
dickens!. - 2) - certainly!, of course!. The expression "che "diciarassion".
diamine! " can be translated into "what the devil! ", and the diciarà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ di[ch]i&r'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
expression "còs diàmine fas-to? " can translated into "what declared, avowed.
on the earth are you doing? ; what the hell are you doing?
". See also the terms "diaschine, diasch-ne, diao!, diavo!, diciaràbil - adj. (pr. \ di[ch]i&r'&bil \) Ms. plr. diciaràbij - fm.
diavleri!, divoleri! ". sng. and plr. diciaràbil, diciaràbij. - declarable,
diana - n. f. (pr. \ di'&n& \) At plr. (when applicable) diane. - avowable.
1) - morning star, Lucifer. - 2) - reveille, dian (military). diciarant - n. (pr. \ di[ch]i&r'&nt \) Ms. plr. diciarant - fm.
diane! - excl. (pr. \ di'&ne \) - See diàmine!. sng. and plr. diciaranta, diciarante. - declarant.
diao - n. m. (pr. \ di'&u \) Inv. at plr. - devil, demon, fiend. diciarassion - n. f. (pr. \ di[ch]i&r&si'u[ng] \) - See diciara.
See also the term "diav" with the same pronunciation. diciarativ - adj. (pr. \ di[ch]i&r&t'iu \) Ms. plr. diciarativ - fm.
diàpason - n. m. (pr. \ di'&p&zô[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - sng. and plr. diciarativa, diciatative. - declaratory.
tuning-fork (music). - 2) - diapason. diciarator - n. (pr. \ di[ch]i&r&t'ur \) Ms. plr. diciarator - fm.
diapositiva - n. f. (pr. \ di'&puzit'iv& \) At plr. diapositive. - 1) sng. and plr. diciaratriss, diciatatriss. - 1) - declarer. - 2)
- filmslide, slide. - 2) - direct reversal (typography). - declarant (legal).
diarea - n. f. (pr. \ di&r'e& \) At plr. diaree. - diarrhea, diciaratòri - (pr. \ di[ch]i&r&t'ori \) Ms. plr. diciaratòri - fm.
diarrhoea (medical). See also the terms "dierea, sfoira", sng. and plr. diciaratòria, diciatatòrie. - declaratory.
and the popular jocular expression "la pì lesta" lit. "the diciaré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ di[ch]i&r'e \) - to declare, to
most quick ". avow, to announce, to state.
diàri - n. m. (pr. \ di'&ri \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - diary, journal. - 2) diciarésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ di[ch]i&r'ese \) - 1) - to
- notebook (school). - 3) - timetable. - 4) - daybook. declare oneself (to be ...). - 2) - to declare one's love, to
diària - n. f. (pr. \ di'&ri& \) At plr. diàrie. - daily allowance propose.
(for expenses), expenses account per diem. diciarìa - n. f. (pr. \ di[ch]i&r'i& \) - See dicerìa.
diàschine! - excl. (pr. \ di'&skine \) - See diàmine!. didascalìa - n. f. (pr. \ did&sc&l'i& \) At plr. didascalìe. - 1) -
diasch-ne! - excl. (pr. \ di'&skne \) - See diàmine!. explanation, caption, underline. - 2) - sub-titles.
diav - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ di'&u \) Inv. at plr. - devil, demon, didascàlich - adj. (pr. \ did&sc'&lic \) Ms. plr. didascàlich -
fiend. A number of way of saying use this term : - A) - "a fm. sng. and plr. didascàlica, didascàliche. - didactic.
cà dël diav" lit. "at the house of the devil" "far away". - diedro - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ di'edrô \) Inv. at plr. - dihedron.
B) - "andé a cà dël diav" lit. "to go to devil's house" "to diedro - 2) - adj. (pr. \ di'edrô \) Ms. plr. diedro - fm. sng. and
damn oneself, to go to hell ". - C) - "esse un bon diav" lit. plr. diedra, diedre. - dihedral.
"to be a good devil" "to be a good person". - D) - "un pòr dierea - n. f. (pr. \ dier'e& \) - See diarea.
diav" lit. "a poor devil " "a poor fellow". - E) - "se a l'é diesé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ diez'e \) - to put sharp notations,
nen bërgnif nì 'l bërgiabao a l'é 'l diav" = "if he is neither to rise a note of a semitone. (music).
the demon nor (another) demon then is the devil". diesel - n. m. and adj. (pr. \ dizæl \) - See disel.
diav! - 2) - excl. (pr. \ di'&u \) - See diàmine!. diesi - adj. and n. m. (pr. \ di'ezi \) - See diesis.
diavlarìa - n. f. (pr. \ di&ul&r'i& \) At plr. diavlarìe. - 1) - diésis - adj and n. m. (pr. \ di'eziz \) Anyway inv. - sharp
devilry, devilment, deviltry. - 2) - mischief, trick, (music).
devilry. - 3) - bizarre thing, oddity. See also the term dieta - n. f. (pr. \ di'et& \) At plr. diete. - diet (both historical
"diavolarìa". and medical).
diavléri! - excl. (pr. \ di&ul'eri \) - See diàmine!. dietética - n. f. (pr. \ diet'etic& \) At plr. (if required)
dietétiche. - dietetics.

dietétich - adj. (pr. \ diet'etic \) Ms. plr. dietètich - fm. sng. and diferì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ difer'i \) - 1) - to
plr. dietètica, dietétiche. - dietetical. postpone, to put off, to defer, to delay (trs., it uses the
dietìsta - n. (pr. \ diet'ist& \) Ms. plr. dietista - fm. sng. and aux. "avèj ".). - 2) - to be different. (int., it uses the aux.
plr. dietista, dietiste. - dietician, dietitian, nutritionist. "esse"). The use as int. vrb is quite an italianism. A best
difalcàbil - adj. (pr. \ dif&lc'&bil \) Ms. plr. difalcàbij - fm. piedm. way is, in this case, to use the expression "esse
sng. and plr. difalcàbil, difalcàbij. - deductible. diferent" which is exacltly "to be different".
difalcassion - n. f. (pr. \ dif&lc&bsi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - diferìbil - adj. (pr. \ difer'ibil \) Ms. plr. diferìbij - fm. sng. and
deduction (operation of deducting) plr. diferìbil, diferìbij. - postponable, deferable.
difalch - n. m. (pr. \ dif'&lc \) Inv. at plr. - deduction, cut (the diferiment - n. m. (pr. \ diferim'ænt \) Inv. at plr. -
quantity deducted). See also the term "dëfalch ". postponement, deferment.
difalché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dif&lk'e \) - to deduct, to difét - n. m. (pr. \ dif'et \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - defect. - 2) - fault,
subtract, to cut. See also the term "defalché". blemish. - 3) - deficency, shortage, lack. - 4) - bad habit.
difamassion - n. f. (pr. \ dif&m&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - - 5) - wrong thing.
defamation, slander, libel. difét (an ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ &[ng] dif'et \) - failing. E.g. "an
difamator - n. (pr. \ dif&m&t'ur \) Ms. plr. difamatur - fm. difét ëd lòn, i androma nen" = "failing that, we won't go".
sng. and plr. difamatriss, difamatriss. - defamer, difetass - n. m. (pr. \ difet'&s \) Inv. at plr. - big defect, big
slanderer. and bad fault (referred usually to moral questions).
difamatòri - adj. (pr. \ dif&m&t'ori \) Ms. plr. difamatòri - difetiv - adj. (pr. \ difet'iu \) Ms. plr. difetiv - fm. sng. and plr.
fm. sng. and plr. difamatòria, difamatòrie. - defamatory, difetiva, difetive. - defective.
slanderous. difetos - adj. (pr. \ difet'uz \) Ms. plr. difetos - fm. sng. and plr.
difamé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dif&m'e \) - to defame, to difetosa, difetose. - defective, faulty, imperfect,
slander, to libel. See also the term "denigré ". unsound.
difèis - adj. (pr. \ dif'æiz \) Ms. plr. difèis - fm. sng. and plr. difetucc - n. m. (pr. \ difet'[ue][ch] \) Inv. at plr. - small defect,
difèisa, difèise. - 1) - sheltered, protected. - 2) - excusable fault.
fortified. This term is not also p. p., which is instead difetuss - n. m. (pr. \ difet'[ue]s \) - See difetucc.
"difendù " (see the term "difende"). difìcil - 1) - adj. (pr. \ dif'i[ch]il \) Ms. plr. difìcij - fm. sng. and
difèisa - n. f. (pr. \ dif'æiz& \) At plr. difèise. - 1) - defence, plr. difìcil, difìcij. - 1) - difficulr, hard. - 2) - fussy. - 3) -
defense. - 2) - defences, defensive works. - 3) - counsel unlikely, improbable.
for the defence (legal). difìcil - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ dif'i[ch]il \) At plr. (when required)
difende - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ dif'ænde \) - 1) - to defend, to difìcij. - 1) - difficulty, difficult part. - 2) - difficult
protect, to safeguard. - 2) - to defend (legal). - 3) - to person.
maintain, to support, to uphold. dificoltà - n. f. (pr. \ dificult'& \) Inv. at plr. - difficulty.
difendse - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ dif'ændse \) - 1) - to defend dificoltos - adj. (pr. \ dificult'uz \) Ms. plr. difìcoltos - fm. sng.
oneself, to withstand, to ward off. - 2) - to be on the and plr. difìcoltosa, difìcoltose. - 1) - difficult,
defensive. - 3) - to justify oneself (in a fig. sense). trickypuzzling, full of problems. - 2) - particular,
difendìbil - adj. (pr. \ difænd'ibil \) Ms. plr. difendìbij - fm. difficult (referred to a person).
sng. and plr. difendìbil, difendìbij. - defensible, tenable. difida - n. f. (pr. \ dif'id& \) At plr. difìde. - warning, notice,
difensiv - adj. (pr. \ difæ[ng]s'iu \) Ms. plr. difensiv - fm. sng. intimation. See also the terms "dëffida, difidament".
and plr. difensiva, difensive. - defensive. difidament - n. m. (pr. \ difid&m'ænt \) - See difida.
difensiva - n. f. (pr. \ difæ[ng]s'iv& \) At plr. (if any) difensive. difidé - vrb 1st con. int. and trs. (pr. \ difid'e \) - 1) - to
- defensive position. mistrust, to distrust, to be suspicious (of) (int.). - 2) - to
difensor - n. m. and adj. m. (pr. \ difæ[ng]s'ur \) Inv. at plr. - 1) beware (of) (int.) - 3) - to warn, to enjoin (legal) (trs.).- It
- defender (sbst.). - 2) - defending (adj.). uses always the aux. "avèj ". See also the term "dëffidé".
diferensa - n. f. (pr. \ difer'æ[ng]s& \) At plr. diferense. - difidensa - n. f. (pr. \ difid'æ[ng]s& \) At plr. difidense. -
difference. mistrust, distrust, suspicion.
diferensiàbil - adj. - (pr. \ diferæ[ng]si'&bil \) Ms. plr. difident - adj. (pr. \ difid'ænt \) Ms. plr. difìdent - fm. sng. and
diferensiàbij - fm. sng. and plr. diferensiàbil, plr. difìdenta, difìdente. - mistrustful, distrustful,
diferensiàbij. - differentiable (also mathematics). suspicious.
diferensial - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ diferæ[ng]si'&l \) At plr. difissios - adj. (pr. \ difisi'uz \) Ms. plr. difìssios - fm. sng. and
diferensiaj. - differential (also mathematics), differential plr. difìssiosa, difìssiose. - 1) - particular, over-nice,
gear (mechanics). fastidious. - 2) - squeamish, finical, finicking. - 3) -
diferensial - 2) - adj. (pr. \ diferæ[ng]si'&l \) Ms. plr. simpering, mincing. - 4) - sophistical.
diferensiàj - fm. sng. and plr. diferensiàl, diferensiàj. - difonde - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ dif'unde \) - 1) - to spread, to
differential. propagate, to diffuse, to scatter. In this meanings see also
diferensiament - n. m. (pr. \ diferæ[ng]si&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. the term "spantié " - 2) - to put about. - 3) - to broadcast,
- differentiation. See also the term "diferensiassion". to telecast.
diferensiassion - n. f. (pr. \ diferæ[ng]si&si'u[ng] \) - See difondìbil - adj. (pr. \ difund'ibil \) Ms. plr. difondìbij - fm.
diferensiament. sng. and plr. difondìbil, difondìbij. - diffusible.
diferensié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ diferæ[ng]si'e \) - 1) - to difondse - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ dif'undse \) - 1) - to spread,
discriminate, to distinguish. - 2) - to differentiate (also to propagate. - 2) - to expatiate, to dwell. In this second
mathematics). meaning the loc. "tirela an longh " is more used.
diferensiésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ diferæ[ng]si'ese \) - 1) - to difrange - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ difr'&nje \) - to diffract
be different, to differ. - 2) - to differentiate, to become (physics).
different. difrangg-se - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ difr'&nje \) - to be
diferent - 1) - adj. (pr. \ difer'ænt \) Ms. plr. diferent - fm. sng. diffracted (physics).
and plr. diferenta, diferente. - different, differing. See difrassion - n. f. (pr. \ difr&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - diffraction
also the term "divers". (physics).
diferent - 2) - adv. (pr. \ difer'ænt \) - otherwise. difrat - adj. (pr. \ difr'&t \) Ms. plr. difrat - fm. sng. and plr.
difrata, difrate. - diffracted (physics).

difratòmeter - n. m. (pr. \ difr&t'ometær \) Inv. at plr. - digiuné - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ diji[ue]n'e \) - to fast, to starve
diffractometer (physics). See also the term "difratòmetro". (oneself).
difratòmetro - n. m. (pr. \ difr&t'ometrô \) - See difratòmeter. dignità - n. f. (pr. \ di[gn]it'& \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - dignity, self-
difterich - adj. (pr. \ dift'eric \) Ms. plr. diftéric - fm. sng. and respect. - 2) - high office.
plr. diftérica, diftériche. - diphtheric, diphtheritic, dignitari - n. (pr. \ di[gn]it'&ri \) Ms. plr. dignitari - fm. sng.
diphtherial. and plr. dignitària, dignitàrie. - dignitary.
difterite - n. f. (pr. \ difter'ite \) Inv. at plr. - diphtheria. dignitos - adj. (pr. \ di[gn]it'uz \) Ms. plr. dignitos - fm. sng.
difus - adj. (pr. \ dif'[ue]z \) Ms. plr. difus - fm. sng. and plr. and plr. dignitosa, dignitose. - dignified, decorous,
difusa, difuse. - 1) - diffuse, widespread. - 2) - widely- decent.
circulated. - 3) - diffuse, prolix. Note that this word is not digordì - adj. (pr. \ digurd'i \) - See degordì.
also a p. p. (vrb "difonde") which is instead "difondù ". digredì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ digred'i \) - to stray, to ramble,
difusìbil - adj. (pr. \ dif[ue]z'ibil \) Ms. plr. difusìbij - fm. sng. to digress.
and plr. difusìbil, difusìbij. - diffusible. digression - n. f. (pr. \ digresi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - detour.
difusibilità - n. f. (pr. \ dif[ue]zibilit'& \) Inv. at plr. - - 2) - digression.
diffusibility. digressiv - adj. (pr. \ digres'iu\) Ms. plr. digresiv - fm. sng. and
difusion - n. f. (pr. \ dif [ue]zi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - plr. digresiva, digresive. - digressive.
diffusion, spread, propagation. - 2) - broadcast, telecast. dij - art-prp. ms. plr. (pr. \ di : diy \) - of the. Only plr. and only
- 3) - circulation. - 4) - scattering (physics). in front of words starting by consonant.
difusiv - adj. (pr. \ dif [ue]z'iu \) Ms. plr. difusiv - fm. sng. and dj' - art-prp. plr. (ms. and fm.) (pr. \ dy \) - of the. Only plr.
plr. difusiva, difusive. - diffusive. and only in front of words starting by vowel.
difusor - n. m. (pr. \ dif [ue]z'ur \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - diffusor, dil - n. m. (pr. \ di : dil \) At plr. dij. - 1) - finger. - 2) - toe.
diffuser, spreader, propagator - 2) - choke tube See also the term "di' ". For the hand: - A) - "thumb"
(mechanics). - 3) - scatterer. - 4) - disseminator. "pòles", - B) - "indes" or "dil ch'a mostra" "forefinger", -
diga - n. f. (pr. \ d'ig& \) At plr. dighe. - 1) - dike, dyke. - 2) - C) - "dil ëd més" "middle finger", - D) - "dil dl'anél " or
embankment. - 3) - breakwater. - 4) - defence, barrier "anelar" or "anular" "ring finger", - E) - "dil mamlin"
(in a fig. sense). "little finger". For the foot: - F) - "dilon" or "dil gròss"
digerent - adj. (pr. \ dijer'ænt \) Ms. plr. digerent - fm. sng. "big toe". Then the other toes are, repectively, "scond,
and plr. digerenta, digerente. - digestive. (ters, quart, quint) dil dël pé " = "2nd , (3rd , 4th , 5th ) toe".
digerì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ dijer'i \) - 1) - to digest. - 2) - to dilà - n. f. (pr. \ dil'& \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - finger-print, finger-
digest, to assimilate, to tolerate (in a fig. sense). mark. - 2) - jab with a finger.
digerìbil - adj. (pr. \ dijer'ibil \) Ms. plr. digerìbij - fm. sng. dilagant - adj. (pr. \ dil&g'&nt \) Ms. plr. dilagant - fm. sng.
and plr. digerìbil, digerìbij. - digestible. and plr. dilaganta, dilagante. - 1) - rampant. - 2) -
digeribilità - n. f. (pr. \ dijeribilit'& \) Inv. at plr. - overflowing.
digestibleness, digestibility. dilaghé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dil&g'e \) - 1) - to flood. - 2) - to
digestion - n. f. (pr. \ dijesti'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - digestion. spread. - 3) - to be rampant, to increase rapidly. It uses
digestiv - 1) - adj. (pr. \ dijest'iu \) Ms. plr. digestiv - fm. sng. the aux. "esse", but it can be found also using the aux. "avèj
and plr. digestiva, digestive. - digestive. ".
digestiv - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ dijest'iu \) Inv. at plr. - digestive, dilanié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dil&ni'e \) - to tear to pieces, to
digester. lacerate, to rend.
digital - adj. (pr. \ dijit'&l \) Ms. plr. digitaj - fm. sng. and plr. dilapidassion - n. f. (pr. \ dil&pid&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
digital, digitaj. - 1) - digital, related to fingers. E. g. squandering, waste, dissipation.
"impronta digital" or "segn dij dij " "finger-prints". - 2) - dilapidator - n. and adj. (pr. \ dil&pid&t'ur \) Ms. plr.
digital, numerical. In this sense the term is an italianism, dilapidator - fm. sng. and plr. dilapidatriss, dilapidatriss.
and in Italian it is imported from English. A correct piedm. - 1) - squanderer (sbst.). - 2) - squandering (adj.).
way is to use the term "numérich" (see the term). dilapidé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dil&pid'e \) - to squander, to
digitalisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dijit&liz'e \) - to digitize. The waste, to dissipate.
term is an italianism, and in Italian it is imported from dilassion - n. f. (pr. \ dil&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - delay. - 2)
English. A correct piedm. way is to use the term - extension (commercial). - 3) - postponement.
"numerisé" (see the term). dilassionàbil - adj. (pr. \ dil&siun'&bil \) Ms. plr. dilassionàbij
digitassion - n. f. (pr. \ dijit&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - - fm. sng. and plr. dilassionàbil, dilassionàbij. -
fingering (music). - 2) - digitation. In this sense the term extendible, extendable, that can be delayed.
is an italianism, and in Italian it is imported from English. dilassioné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dil&siun'e \) - 1) - to delay. -
According to the context, the Piedm. uses other terms. E. g. 2) - to extend (commercial). - 3) - to postpone.
in telephony the term used is "selession", etc. dilatament - n. m. (pr. \ dil&t&m'ænt \) - See dilatassion.
digité - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dijit'e \) - 1) - to finger (music). - dilatassion - n. f. (pr. \ dil&t&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
2) - to digit. In this sense the term is an italianism, and in dilatation, expansion.
Italian it is imported from English. According to the dilatator - 1) - adj. (pr. \ dil&t&t'ur \) Ms. plr. dilatator - fm.
context, the Piedm. uses other terms. E. g. in telephony the sng. and plr. dilatatriss, dilatatriss. - dilating, dilator (as
term used is "selessioné", etc. an attribute).
digiun - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ diji'[ue][ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - fast. - dilatator - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ dil&t&t'ur \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
2) - jejunum (anatomy). - 3) - privation (in a fig. sense). expansion bend (mechanics). - 2) - dilator, dilatator
digiun - 2) - adj. (pr. \ diji'[ue][ng] \) Ms. plr. digiun - fm. sng. (medical).
and plr. digiun-a, digiun-e. - empty, lacking (in), devoid dilatatòri - adj. (pr. \ dil&t&t'ori \) - See dilatator 1).
(of). Some examples will be helpful : - A) - "esse digiun" dilaté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dil&t'e \) - 1) - to dilate, to
"to have the stomach empty, not to have eaten". - B) - "esse extend, to stretch, to expand. - 2) - to broaden (in a fig.
digiun d'esperiensa " "to be lacking in experience". sense).
digiunador - n. (pr. \ diji[ue]n&d'ur \) - See digiunator. dilatésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ dil&t'ese \) - 1) - to swell, to
digiunator - n. (pr. \ diji[ue]n&t'ur \) Ms. plr. digiunator - fm. spread, to widen out. - 2) - to expand. E. g. "na bara 'd
sng. and plr. digiunatriss, digiunatriss. - faster.

fer as dilata con la temperatura" = "an iron rod expands dimagrant - 2) - adj. (pr. \ dim&gr'&nt \) Ms. plr. dimagrant -
with temperature". fm. sng. and plr. dimagranta, dimagrante. - slimming.
dilatometrìa - n. f. (pr. \ dil&tumetr'i& \) At plr. (if any) See also the term "dimairant 2) ".
dilatometrìe. - dilatometry. dimagrì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ dim&gr'i \) - to lose weight, to
dilatòmeter - n. m. (pr. \ dil&t'ometær \) - See dilatòmetro. slim down, to thin down. It uses the aux. "esse". See also
dilatòmetro - n. m. (pr. \ dil&t'ometrô \) Inv. at plr. - the terms "anmagrì, anmairì ", and the vrbl. loc. "vnì
dilatometer. màire".
dilatòri - adj. (pr. \ dil&t'ori \) Ms. plr. dilatòri - fm. sng. and dimagriment - n. m. (pr. \ dim&grim'ænt \) Inv. at plr. -
plr. dilatòria, dilatòrie. - dilatory, delaying, suspensive. thinning, slimming. See also the term "anmairiment ".
dilegué - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dilegu'e \) - diman - n. m. (pr. \ dim'&[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - tomorrow. See
dileguésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ dilegu'ese \) - also the terms "dman, doman".
dilem - n. m. (pr. \ dil'em \) - See dilema. dimanda - n. f. (pr. \ dim'&nd& \) - See domanda.
dilema - n. m. (pr. \ dil'em& \) Inv. at plr. dilemma. - See also dimandé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dim&nd'e \) - Italianism. - See
the terms "antërdìa, antërdita, dilem". domandé (ciamé ).
dilét - n. m. (pr. \ dil'et \) Inv. at plr. - pleasure, delight. See dimené - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dimen'e \) - to wag, to swing.
also the terms "piasì, gòj, divertiment, etc.". The term is not very used. See also the most used terms
diletant - n. and adj. (pr. \ dilet'&nt \) Ms. plr. diletant - fm. "agité, bogé ".
sng. and plr. diletanta, diletante. - 1) - amateur, dimenésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ dimen'ese \) - 1) - to toss
dilettante (adj.). - 2) - amateur, dilettante (sbst.). Often about, to toss and turn. - 2) - to try hard. The term is not
the term is used as inv. very used. See also the most used terms "agitésse, bogésse
diletantism - n. m. (pr. \ dilet&nt'izm \) Inv. at plr. - ".
dilettantism, amateurishness. dimension - n. f. (pr. \ dimæ[ng]si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
diletantìstich - adj. (pr. \ dilet&nt'istic \) Ms. plr. dimension, size.
diletantìstich - fm. sng. and plr. diletantìstica, dimensional - adj. (pr. \ dimæ[ng]siun'&l \) Ms. plr.
diletantìstiche. - dilettantish, amateurish, amateur (as dimensionaj - fm. sng. and plr. dimensional,
an attribute). dimensionaj. - dimensional.
dileté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dilet'e \) - 1) - to give pleasure, to dimensioné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dimæ[ng]siun'e \) - to
please, to deight. - 2) - to amuse, to entertain. See also dimension, to assign dimensions, to calculate
the terms "amusé, arlegré, divertì ". dimensions.
diligensa - n. f. (pr. \ dilij'æ[ng]s& \) At plr. diligense. - 1) - dimesament - n. m. (pr. \ dimez&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. -
conscientiousness, diligence, care. - 2) - solicitude. - 3) - halving.
stage-coach. dimesé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dimez'e \) - to halve, to cut into
diligent - adj. (pr. \ dilij'ænt \) Ms. plr. diligent - fm. sng. and halves. See also the vrbl. loc. "tajé an doi".
plr. diligenta, diligente. - 1) - industrious, diligent. - 2) - dimëtse - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ dim'&tse \) - to resign, to
conscientious, careful. retire, to step down.
dilin - n. m. (pr. \ dil'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - little finger, 5th toe. dimëtte - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ dim'&tte \) - 1) - to discharge. -
dilon - n. m. (pr. \ dil'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - big finger, thumb, 2) - to remove (from office), to dismiss.
big toe. diminuend - n. m. (pr. \ dimin[ue]'ænd \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
dilongament - n. m. (pr. \ dilu[ng]g&m'ænt \) - See dilongh. minuend (mathematics). In this sense see also the term
dilongh - n. m. (pr. \ dil'u[ng]g \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - tarrying, "minuend ". - 2) - diminuendo (music).
lingering. - 2) - expantiation. See also the term diminuì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ dimin[ue]'i \) - to diminish, to
"dilongament ". decrease, to lessen, to lower, to reduce, to cut down. See
dilonghé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dilu[ng]g'e \) - to expantiate. also the terms "calé, arduve, sbassé, tajé, etc."
dilonghésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ dilu[ng]g'ese \) - 1) - to diminuìbil - adj. (pr. \ dimin[ue]'ibil \) Ms. plr. diminuìbij -
expantiate, to dwell. - 2) - to tarry, to linger. fm. sng. and plr. diminuìbil, diminuìbij. - diminishable.
dilucidassion - n. f. (pr. \ dil[ue][ch]id&si'u[ng] \) - See diminussion - n. f. (pr. \ dimin[ue]si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
delucidassion. diminution, lessering, lowering, decrease.
dilucidé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dil[ue][ch]id'e \) - See delucidé. diminutiv - 1) - adj. (pr. \ dimin[ue]'itiv \) Ms. plr. diminutiv -
diluent - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ dil[ue]'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - diluent, fm. sng. and plr. diminutiva, diminutive. - diminutive.
thinner. diminutiv - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ dimin[ue]'itiv \) Inv. at plr. -
diluent - 2) - adj. (pr. \ dil[ue]'ænt \) Ms. plr. diluent - fm. sng. diminutive.
and plr. diluenta, diluente. - diluent, diluting. dimission - n. f. plr. (pr. \ dimisi'u[ng] \) Only plr. -
diluì - vrb 3rd con. trs (pr. \ dil[ue]'i \) - to dilute, to thin, to resignations, resignation.
dissolve. dimissionari - adj and n. (pr. \ dimisiun'&ri \) Ms. plr.
diluission - n. f. (pr. \ dil[ue]isi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - dilution, dimissionari - fm. sng. and plr. dimissionària,
thinning. dimissionàrie. - 1) - resigning, outgoing (adj.). - 2) -
diluvi - n. m. (pr. \ dil'[ue]vi \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - downpour, resigner (sbst.).
deluge. - 2) - shower, flood, torrent (in a fig. sense). dimissioné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dimisiun'e \) - to induce
diluvié - vrb 1st con. int. imp. (pr. \ dil[ue]vi'e \) - 1) - to pour, (sb.) to resign.
to rain cats and dogs. - 2) - to pour, to shower (in a fig. dimissòri - adj. (pr. \ dimis'ori \) Ms. plr. dimissòri - fm. sng.
sense). and plr. dimissòria, dimissòrie. - dimissory.
diluvion - n. (pr. \ dil[ue]vi'u[ng] \) Ms. plr. diluvion - fm. sng. dimissòria - n. f. (pr. \ dimis'ori& \) At plr. dimissòrie. -
and plr. diluvion-a, diluvion-e. - great eater, glutton. See dimissory letter.
also the term "mangion". dimora - n. f. (pr. \ dim'ur& \) At plr. dimore. - 1) - toy,
dimagrant - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ dim&gr'&nt \) Inv. at plr. - plaything, pastime. In this sense see also the term
slimmer, weightwatcher. See also the term "dimairant 1) "dësmora". - 2) - abode, dwelling, home. In this second
". meaning the term is not very used. See instead words like
"cà, abitassion, etc.".

dimoré - vrb 1st con. trs. - (pr. \ dimur'e \) - to keep amused. - Dio - n. m. (pr. \ d'iu \) Only sng. - God. Some invocatory
See also the terms "dëmoré, dësmoré, dismoré ". excl.: - A) - "Dio t'agiuta! " "God help you! ". - B) -
dimorésse - vrb 1st con. refl. - (pr. \ dimur'ese \) - to amuse "com Dio veul! " "as God wants! ". - C) - "se Dio veul "
oneself, to drawle. See also the terms "dëmorésse, "God willing ". See also the used terms "Dé, Nosgnor"
dismorésse ". whose the second means "Our Lord".
dimostràbil - adj. (pr. \ dimustr'&bil \) Ms. plr. dimostràbij - dio - n. (pr. \ d'iu \) Ms. plr. dio - fm. sng. and plr. dea, dee. -
fm. sng. and plr. dimostràbil, dimostràbij. - god / goddess.
demonstrable. diocesan - adj. (pr. \ diu[ch]ez'&[ng] \) Ms. plr. diocesan - fm.
dimostrassion - n. f. (pr. \ dimustr&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - sng. and plr. diocesan-a, diocesan-e. - diocesan.
demonstration. dìod - n. m. (pr. \ d'iud \) Inv. at plr. - diode (electronics).
dimostrant - n. (pr. \ dimustr'&nt \) Ms. plr. dimostrant - fm. diorama - n. m. (pr. \ diur'&m& \) Inv. at plr. - diorama.
sng. and plr. dimostranta, dimostrante. - demonstrator. diorite - n. f. (pr. \ diur'ite \) Inv. at plr. - diorite, greenstone
dimostrativ - adj. (pr. \ dimustr&t'iu \) Ms. plr. dimostrativ - (mineralogy).
fm. sng. and plr. dimostrativa, dimostrative. - diossin-a - n. f. (pr. \ dius'i[ng]& \) At plr. (if any) diossin-e. -
demonstrative. dioxin (chemistry).
dimostrator - n. m. (pr. \ dimustr&t'ur \) Inv. at plr. - diotrìa - n. f. (pr. \ diutr'i& \) At plr. diotrìe. - diopter,
demonstrator. dioptre.
dimostré - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ dimustr'e \) - 1) - to diòcesi - n. f. (pr. \ di'o[ch]ezi \) Inv. at plr. - diocese.
show, to demonstrate, to manifest, to display (trs.). - 2) - diòimo - n. m. (pr. \ di'oimu \) Inv. at plr. - plane (a type of ---)
to prove, to demonstrate, to establish (trs.). - 3) - to (carpentry). See also the terms "ghiòm, ghiòimo".
look, to appear (trs.). - 4) - to demonstrate (int.). diòtr - n. m. (pr. \ di'otr \) Inv. at plr. - dioptric surface.
dimostrésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ dimustr'ese \) - to show diòtrich - adj. (pr. \ di'otric \) Ms. plr. diòtrich - fm. sng. and
oneself, to prove to be. plr. diòtrica, diòtriche. - dioptric, dioptrical.
dina - n. f. (pr. \ d'in& \) At plr. dine. - Dyna (physics). dipartìa - n. f. (pr. \ dip&rt'i& \) - See dëspartìa 2nd meaning.
dinàmica - n. f. (pr. \ din'&mic& \) At plr. dinàmiche. - dipartiment - n. m. (pr. \ dip&rtim'ænt \) Inv. at plr. -
dynamics. department.
dinàmich - adj. (pr. \ din'&mic \) Ms. plr. dinàmich - fm. sng. dipartimental - adj. (pr. \ dip&rtimænt'&l \) Ms. plr.
and plr. dinàmica, dinàmiche. - 1) - dynamic. - 2) - dipartimentaj - fm. sng. and plr. dipartimental,
dinamical, energetic (in a fig. sense). - 3) - restless, dipartimentaj. - departmental.
zippy. - 4) - booming (economy). dipende - vrb 2nd con. int. (pr. \ dip'ænde \) - 1) - to depend. -
dinamism - n. m. (pr. \ din&m'izm \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - 2) - to come (from), to be owing (to) - 3) - to be under, to
dynamism. - 2) - dynamism, energy, zip (in a fig. sense). be subordinate (to). - 4) - to depend, to be dependent. It
dinamissità - n. f. (pr. \ din&misit'& \) Inv. at plr. - uses the aux. "esse".
dynamism. dipendensa - n. f. (pr. \ dipænd'æ[ng]s& \) At plr. dipendense.
dinamitard - n. and adj. (pr. \ din&mit'&rd \) Ms. plr. - 1) - dependence (in general). - 2) - annex, outbuildings,
dinamitard - fm. sng. and plr. dinamitarda, dinamitarde. outhouses. (buildings). - 3) - addiction (related to drug).
- 1) - dynamiter, dynamitard (sbst.). - 2) - dynamitical, dipendent - adj. and n. (pr. \ dipænd'ænt \) Ms. plr. dipendent
dynamite (as an attribute). - fm. sng. and plr. dipendenta, dipendente. - 1) -
dinamite - n. f. (pr. \ din&m'ite \) Inv. at plr. - dynamite. dependent, subordinate (adj.). - 2) - employee,
dinamitifissi - n. m. (pr. \ din&mitif'isi \) Inv. at plr. - plant subordinate. - 3) - staff, personnel (at plr.).
for production of dynamite. dipinge - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ dip'inje \) - to paint, to depict.
dìnamo - n. f. - (pr. \ d'in&mô \) Inv. at plr. - dynamo, The term is quite an italianism. See the most pedm. term
(electric) generator. "pituré ".
dinamòmeter - n. m. (pr. \ din&m'ometær \) Inv. at plr. - dipint - n. m. (pr. \ dip'int \) Inv. at plr. - painting. The term is
dynamometer. quite an italianism. See also the term "dipintura" and the
dinamòmetro - n. m. (pr. \ din&m'ometrô \) Inv. at plr. - most pedm. term "pitura ".
dynamometer. dipintura - n. f. (pr. \ dipint'[ue]r& \) - See dipint.
d'incant - (adv. loc.) - (pr. \ d inc'&nt \) - in the best of ways, diplomà - adj. and p. p. and n. (pr. \ diplum'& \) Inv. in gnd.
wery well, excellently. and nr. - 1) - trained, professional (adj. and p. p.). - 2) -
dinci! - excl. (pr. \ d'in[ch]i \) - gosh!, golly!, crikey! . holder of a diploma, graduated. (sbst. and p. p.).
dincinato! - excl. (pr. \ din[ch]in'&tu \) - gosh!, golly!, crikey! diplomassìa - n. f. (pr. \ diplum&s'i& \) At plr. diplomassìe. -
. 1) - diplomacy. - 2) - diplomatic body.
dincio! - excl. (pr. \ d'in[ch]iu \) - gosh!, golly!, crikey! . diplomàtich - adj. and n. (pr. \ diplum'&tic \) Ms. plr.
dincio patata! - excl. (pr. \ d'in[ch]iu p&t'&t& \) - gosh!, diplomàtich - fm. sng. and plr. diplomàtica,
golly!, crikey!. diplomàtiche. - 1) - diplomatic (adj.). - 2) - diplomatical,
dindané - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ dind&n'e \) - See dandané. paloegraphic (adj.). - 3) - diplomatic, tactful (adj.) (in a
dindin - n. m. (pr. \ dind'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. (when applicable). fig. sense). - 4) - diplomatist, diplomat (sbst.).
- 1) - sound of bells and sound of money. - 2) - money (in diplomé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ diplum'e \) - to grant (sb.) a
a fig. sense, for extension). diploma, to graduate.
dindo - n. m. (pr. \ d'indu \) Inv. at plr. - turkey (zoology - diplomésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ diplum'ese \) - to get a
Meleagris gallopavo). See also the most used terms "pito, diploma, to graduate.
biro". diplòma - n. m. (pr. \ dipl'om& \) Inv. at plr. - diploma,
dindòt - n. m. (pr. \ dind'ot \) Inv. at plr. - little turkey. certificate.
dinoguarda! - excl. (pr. \ dinugu'&rd& \) - God forbid!, God dipolar - adj. (pr. \ dipul'&r \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - dipolar
protect us!. (electricity).
dintorn - n. m. plr. (pr. \ dint'urn \) Only plr. - environs, diportésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ dipurt'ese \) - to behave, to
outskirts, suburbs. act.
dintorné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dinturn'e \) - See dantorné. dipòl - n. m. (pr. \ dip'ol \) At plr. dipòj - dipole (electricity
and magnetism).

dipòrt - n. m. (pr. \ dip'ort \) Inv, at plr. - recreation, dirigent - n. and adj. (pr. \ dirij'ænt \) Ms. plr. dirigent - fm.
amusement, hobby, pastime. sng. and plr. dirigenta, dirigente. - 1) - leading, ruling
diradament - n. m. (pr. \ dir&d&m'ænt \) - 1) - thinning out, - (adj.). - 2) - manager, executive, leader (sbst.).
2) - rarefaction. See also the terms "anrairiment, rairiment dirigìbil - 1) - adj. (pr. \ dirij'ibil \) Ms. plr. dirigìbij - fm. sng.
". and plr. dirigìbil, dirigìbij. - dirigible.
diradé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dir&d'e \) - to space (things) dirigìbil - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ dirij'ibil \) At plr. dirigìbij. -
further apart, to thin out. See also the terms "rairì, srairì dirigible balloon, airship.
". dirime - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ dir'ime \) - to settle, to resolve.
diramassion - n. f. (pr. \ dir&m&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - diriment - adj. (pr. \ dirimænt \) Ms. plr. diriment - fm. sng.
branch, ramification. - 2) - branch-line (railway). - 3) - and plr. dirimenta, dirimente. - diriment, invalidating
diffusion, sending out. (legal).
diramé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dir&m'e \) - 1) - to prune, to dirit - n. m. - (pr. \ dir'it \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - right. - 2) - law,
trim, to cut needless branches (agriculture). In this sense jurisprudence. - 3) - dues, fees. The loc. "dirit d'autor" is
see also the term "dësramé ". - 2) - to issue, to circulate, to translated into "copyright ".
send out. diritura - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ dirit'[ue]r& \) - 1) - straightness. - 2) -
diression - n. f. (pr. \ diresi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - direction, uprightness. See also the terms "dritura, drissura".
course. - 2) - directing, management. - 3) - diritura - 2) - adv. (pr. \ dirit'[ue]r& \) - 1) - even. - 2) -
administrative department. - 4) - board of directors, absolutely, quite. See also the term "adritura ", and the
management. adv. loc. "gnentemeno che ". Also the italianism "adiritura
diressional - adj. (pr. \ diresiun'&l \) Ms. plr. diressionaj - fm. " is sometimes used.
sng. and plr. diressional, diressionaj. - directional. dirocà - adj. (pr. \ diruc'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - fallen in
dirét - 1) - adj. (pr. \ dir'et \) Ms. plr. dirét - fm. sng. and plr. ruins, dismantled, demolished. See also the term "drocà
diréta, diréte. - 1) - direct, straight. - 2) - direct, ".
immediate. - 3) - addressed, intended. - 4) - going to, dirocament - n. m. (pr. \ diruc&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. -
bound for. demolition, dismantlement, ruin.
dirét - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ dir'et \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - straight punch diroché - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ diruk'e \) - 1) - to
(boxing). - 2) - fast train (railway). demolish, to dismantle.(trs.) - 2) - to ruin, to fall, to
dirét - 3) - adv. (pr. \ dir'et \) - direct, straight, directly. tumble (ruinously) (int.).. See also the term "droché",
diretìssim - n. m. (pr. \ diret'isim \) Inv. at plr. - express train. which is in particular applied to the second meaning. When
diretìssima - n. f. (pr. \ diret'isim& \) At plr. diretìssime - 1) - trs. it uses the aux. "avèj ". When int. it uses the aux.
shortest route (railvays, roads). - 2) - direct ascent "esse".
(alpinism). dirompe - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ dirump'e \) - 1) - to disrupt, to
diretìssima (për ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ p&r diret'isim& \) - break, to shatter (in a violent way). - 2) - to soften. - 3) -
summarily (legal). to dilute, to melt. - 4) - to warm (in a fig. sense). In the
diretiv - 1) - adj. (pr. \ diret'iu \) Ms. plr. diretiv - fm. sng. and meanings from 2 to 4 see also the terms "dërompe, drompe,
plr. diretiva, diretive. - 1) - governing, directive, leading. rompe".
- 2) - managing, managerial, executive. dirompent - adj. (pr. \ dirump'ænt \) Ms. plr. dirompent - fm.
diretiv - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ diret'iu \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - board of sng. and plr. dirompenta, dirompente. - bursting,
directors. - 2) - leaders. disruptive. The expression "esplosiv dirompent" means
diretiva - n. f. (pr. \ diret'iv& \) At plr. diretive. - directive, "high explosive".
direction, instruction, course of action. dirompse - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ dir'umpse \) - to accustom
diretività - n. f. (pr. \ diretivit'& \) Inv. at plr. - directivity. oneself, to get used.
diretor - n. and adj. (pr. \ diret'ur \) Ms. plr. diretor - fm. sng. dirota - n. f. (pr. \ dir'ut& \) - See dërota.
and plr. diretriss, diretriss. - 1) - manager, director. - 2) - dirotament - n. m. (pr. \ dirut&m'ænt \) - See derotament.
editor (newspapers). - 3) - conductor (orchestra). - 4) - dirotator - n. m. (pr. \ dirut&t'ur \) Inv. at plr. - hijacker,
headmaster (school). In the first five meanings the term is skyjacker, air pirate.
sbst. - 5) - guiding (adj.). diroté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dirut'e \) - See deroté.
diretorial - adj. (pr. \ direturi'&l \) Ms. plr. diretoriaj - fm. dis... - prefix. (pr. \ diz... ; dis... \) - un... , dis... etc..
sng. and plr. diretorial, diretoriaj. - directorial, Adversative prefix. See what we have written about the
managerial. prefix "dës...". Here we will not report all the words
diretòri - n. m. (pr. \ diret'ori \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - directorate. - making use of this prefix, and it has to be considered that
2) - Directoire, Directory (french history). many words with prefix "dis..." can be found also with
diretriss - n. f. (pr. \ diretr'is \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - guide-line. - 2) prefix "dës..." and sometimes also with the prefix "dz...".
- direction. - 3) - directress. In this last sense see also the Not always here we repeat the translation or all the possible
term "diretor". translations (in each case we will do what seems more
dirige - vrb 2nd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ dir'ije \) - 1) - to direct, opportune). Of course also in this case this beginning of
to manage, to run, to oversee (trs.). - 2) - to direct, to word is not always an adversative prefix.
turn, to address (toward a place) (usually int., but it can disabità - adj. (pr. \ diz&bit'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
be used also with trs. meaning). - 3) - to direct, to aim, to unhabited, deserted. See also the terms "dësabità, dzabità
point. - 4) - to conduct (an orchestra) (trs.). When trs. it ".
uses the aux. "avèj ". When int. it uses the aux. "esse". disabitué - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ diz&bit[ue]'e \) - to
dirigg-se - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ dir'ijse \) - to head (for), to disaccustom. See also the terms "dësabitué, dzabitué".
go (towards). disabusé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ diz&b[ue]z'e \) - to undeceive,
dirigensa - n. f. (pr. \ dirij'æ[ng]s& \) At plr. dirigense. - 1) - to disenchant, to disillusion. See also the term "dësabusé
management, direction. - 2) - managerial status. ".
dirigensial - adj. (pr. \ dirijæ[ng]si'&l \) Ms. plr. dirigensiaj - disabusésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ diz&b[ue]z'ese \) - See
fm. sng. and plr. dirigensial, dirigensiaj. - managerial, dësabusésse.
executive. disacopiament - n. m. (pr. \ diz&cupi&m'ænt \) - See

disacopié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ diz&cupi'e \) - See dëscobié. disarmonìa - n. f. (pr. \ diz&rmun'i& \) At plr. disarmonìe. -
disadat - adj. (pr. \ diz&d'&t \) Ms. plr. disadat - fm. sng. and 1) - discord (music). - 2) - disharmony, discord,
plr. disadata, disadate. - unsuitable (for), unfit (for). This discordance.
term is used as an italianism. The Piedm. prefers the loc. disarmonisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ diz&rmuniz'e \) - to
"nen adat ". disharmonize.
disadatà - n. and adj. (pr. \ diz&d&t'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. 1) disarmònich - adj. (pr. \ diz&rm'onic \) Ms. plr. disarmònich
- maladjusted, disadapted (adj.). - 2) - maladjusted - fm. sng. and plr. disarmònica, disaròniche. -
person (sbst.). discordant.
disadatament - n. m. (pr. \ diz&d&t&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) disarticolà - adj. (pr. \ diz&rticul'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
- maladjustment. - 2) - disadaption. - 3) - unfitness. disjointed.
disadaté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ diz&d&t'e \) - 1) - to disarticolassion - n. f. (pr. \ diz&rticul&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
maladjust. - 2) - to disadapt. disarticulation.
disafession - n. f. (pr. \ diz&fesi'u[ng] \) estrangement, disarticolé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ diz&rticul'e \) - 1) - to put
disaffection, waning of affection. See also the term out of joint, to dislocate. - 2) - to disarticulate (medical).
"dësafession". disarticolésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ diz&rticul'ese \) - to get
disafessioné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ diz&fesiun'e \) - See dislocated.
dësafessioné. disastr - n. m. (pr. \ diz'&str \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - disaster,
disafessionésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ diz&fesiun'ese \) - See calamity. - 2) - accident, wreck, crash. - 3) - failure
dësafessionésse. (referred to person and in a fig. sense).
disagi - n. m. (pr. \ diz'&ji \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - uneasiness, disastrà - adj. (pr. \ diz&str'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - heavily
discomfort. In this sense see also the terms "dëscòmod, damaged, badly-hit.
dëscomodità ".- 2) - inconvenience, trouble. - 3) - disastré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ diz&str'e \) - to bring disaster
poverty, privation. - 4) - embarrassment (in a fig. sense). upon, to damage badly.
disagradì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ dizgr&d'i \) - to dislike, to disastros - adj. (pr. \ diz&str'uz \) Ms. plr. disastros - fm. sng.
unwelcome, not to appreciate. and plr. disastrosa, disastrose. - disastrous, calamitous,
disàmina - n. f. (pr. \ diz'&min& \) At plr. disàmine. - critical ruinous.
examination. disatension - n. f. (pr. \ diz&tæ[ng]si'u'[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
disamoré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ diz&mur'e \) - to estrange, to inattention, carelessness. - 2) - oversight. See also the
alienate, to disaffect. See also the term "dësamoré ". terms "dzatension, dësatension".
disamorésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ diz&mur'ese \) - See disatent - adj. (pr. \ diz&t'ænt \) Ms. plr. disatent - fm. sng.
dësamorése. and plr. disatenta, disatente. - inattentive, unmindful,
disamparé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ diz&mp&r'e \) - 1) - to careless.
forget, to unlearn. - 2) - to learn not to ... - See also the disavantagi - n. m. (pr. \ diz&v&nt'&ji \) - See dësavantagi.
term "dësamparé ". disaventura - n. f. (pr. \ diz&vænt'[ue]r& \) At plr.
disamprende - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ diz&mpr'ænde \) - See disaventure. - misadventure, mishap, mischance.
dësamprende. disavertensa - n. f. (pr. \ diz&vært'æ[ng]s& \) At plr.
disanciarmé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ diz&n[ch]i&rm'e \) - to disavertense. - inadvertence, inattention, carelessness.
disenchant, to disillusion. See also the term "dësanciarmé disbosché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dizbusk'e \) - to deforest. See
". also the term "dësbosché ".
disanciarmésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ diz&n[ch]i&rm'ese \) - disbrighé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ disbrig'e \) - See dësbrighé.
See dësanciarmésse. disbrojé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ disbruy'e \) - See dësbrojé.
disancoré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ diz&[ng]cur'e \) - to discàpit - n. m. (pr. \ disc'&pit \) Inv. at plr. - detriment,
unanchor, to weigh anchor. damage, prejudice.
disangrané - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ diz&[ng]gr&n'e \) - to discapité - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ disc&pit'e \) - See dëscapité.
disconnect the gears (of), to throw out of gear, to discària - n. f. (pr. \ disc'&ri& \) - See dëscària.
disengage. See also the terms "dësinestè, disinesté, discàrich - n. m. (pr. \ disc'&ric \) - See dëscàrich.
disingrané ". discarié - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ disc&ri'e \) - See dëscarié.
disanimé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ diz&nim'e \) - to discourage, disch - n. m. (pr. \ disc \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - disk, disc. - 2) -
to dishearten, to daunt. See also the terms "dzanimé, record (music). - 3) - discus (sport). - 4) - railway signal
dësanimé ". target.
disaprovassion - n. f. (pr. \ diz&pruv&si'u[ng] ; discheurve - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ disk'[oe]rve \) - See
diz&pru&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - disapproval, objection. dëscheurve.
disaprové - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ diz&pruv'e ; diz&pruw'e ; discogràfich - adj. (pr. \ discugr'&fic \) Ms. plr. discogràfich -
diz&pru'e \) - to disapprove, to object. fm. sng. and plr. discogràfica, discogràfiche. - record (as
disarcioné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ diz&r[ch]iun'e \) - to unseat, an attribute).
to unsaddle. discoidal - adj. (pr. \ discuid'&l \) Ms. plr. discoidaj - fm. sng.
disargenté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ diz&rjent'e \) - to remove and plr. discoidal, discoidaj. - discoidal, disk-shaped.
the silver plate. dìscol - adj. and n. (pr. \ d'iscul \) Ms. plr. dìscoj - fm. sng. and
disarm - n. m. (pr. \ diz'&rm \) Inv. at plr. (if any). - plr. dìscola, dìscole. - 1) - mischevous, wild, unruly (adj.)
disarmament, dismantlement, laying up. (referred usually to children) - 2) - scamp, rougue, little
disarmant - adj. (pr. \ diz&rm'&nt \) Ms. plr. disarmant - fm. rascal (sbst.).
sng. and plr. disarmanta, disarmante. - disarming. discolpa - n. f. (pr. \ disc'ulp& \) - See dëscolpa.
disarmé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ diz&rm'e \) - 1) - to discolpé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ disculp'e \) - See dëscolpé.
disarm (in general, and also in fig. sense) (trs.). - 2) - to discolpésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ disculp'ese \) - See
dismantle (fortess, etc.) (trs.). - 3) - to lay up (ships) (trs.). dëscolpésse.
- 4) - to take down the scaffolding (building) (trs.). - 5) - disconossent - adj. (pr. \ discunus'ænt \) - See dësconossent.
to uncock (gun, etc.) (trs.). - 6) - to disarm, to give in disconossù - (pr. \ discunus'[ue] \) - See dësconossù.
(int.). It uses always the aux. "avèj ". disconòsse - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ discun'ose \) - See

discore - 1) - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ discu're \) - See dëscore 1). diserbé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dizærb'e \) - to weed, to free
discore - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ discu're \) - See dëscore 2). from weeds (agriculture). See also the term "dzerbé ".
discors - n. m. (pr. \ disc'urs \) - See dëscors. diseredé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dizered'e \) - See dëseredé.
discostament - n. m. (pr. \ discust&m'ænt \) - See disersion - n. f. (pr. \ dizærsi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - desertion.
dëscostament. (military and in a fig. sense). See also the term "dësarsion,
discosté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ discust'e \) - See dëscosté. dzersion ".
discostumé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ discust[ue]m'e \) - See diserté - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ disært'e \) - to desert, to defect,
dëscostumé. to rat. See also the terms "dësarté, dzarté, defessioné ".
discostumésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ discust[ue]m'ese \) - See disertor - n. m. (pr. \ dizært'ur \) - See dësarteur.
dëscostumésse. disfàit - agg. (pr. \ disf'&it \) - See dësfàit.
discòid - 1) - adj. (pr. \ disc'oid \) Ms. plr. dìscòid - fm. sng. disfàita - n. f. (pr. \ disf'&it& \) - See dësfàita.
and plr. dìscòida, dìscòide. - discoidal, disk-shaped. See disfavor - n. m. (pr. \ disf&v'ur \) - See dësfavor.
also the term "discoidal ". disfé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ disf'e \) - See dësfé.
discòid - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ disc'oid \) Inv. at plr. - discoid, tablet. disfida - n. f. (pr. \ disf'id& \) - See dësfida.
(pharmacy). disfidé - vrb 1st con. trs. recp. (pr. \ disfid'ese \) - See
discòrdia - n. f. (pr. \ disc'ordi& \) - See dëscòrdia. dësfidésse.
discrédit - n. m. (pr. \ discr'edit \) - See dëscrédit. disfioré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ disfiur'e \) - See dësfioré.
discredité - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ discredit'e \) - See dëscredité. disfiorì - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ disfiur'i \) - See dësfiorì.
discreditésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ discredit'ese \) - See disfunsion - n. f. (pr. \ disf[ue][ng]si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
dëscreditésse. dysfunction, disfunction (medical). - 2) - malfunction (in
discression - n. f. (pr. \ discresi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - a fig. sense). See also the term "dësfonsion".
discretion. (all meanings). - 2) - moderation. disgél - n. m. (pr. \ disj'el \) Inv. at plr. - thaw. See also the
discrét - adj. (pr. \ discr'et \) Ms. plr. dìscrét - fm. sng. and plr. term "dësgél ".
dìscreta, dìscrete. - 1) - discreet. - 2) - fair. quite good. - disgelé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. imp. (pr. \ dizjel'e \) - 1) - to
3) - adequate. - 4) - moderate. - 5) - not continuous, thaw out, to defrost (trs.). - 2) - to thaw (int. imp.). See
discrete (subdivided into fixed levels - physics). also the term "dësgelé, dësgeilé ". It uses always the aux.
discussion - n. f. (pr. \ disc[ue]si'u[ng] \) - See dëscussion. "avèj ".
discute - vrb 2nd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ disc'[ue]te \) - See disgelésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ dizjel'ese \) - to thaw. The
dëscute. meaning is the same of "disgelé " int. imp.
disdét - adj. (pr. \ dizd'et \) - See dësdit. disgràssia - n. f. (pr. \ dizgr'&si& \) - See dësgràssia.
disdeta - n. f. (pr. \ dizd'et& \) At plr. dësdìte. - 1) - disgrassià - n. and adj. (pr. \ dizgr&si'& \) - See dësgrassià.
cancellarion, retractation. - 2) - notice (legal). - 3) - bad disgregassion - n. f. (pr. \ dizgreg&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
luck, piece of bad luck. See also the term "dësdita". break-up, disruption, disintegration. - 2) - disgregation
disdeuit - adj. (pr. \ dizd'[oe]it \) - See dësdeuit. (physics). See also the term "dësgregassion".
disdeuitarìa - n. f. (pr. \ dizd[oe]it&r'i& \) - See dësdeuitarìa. disgregativ - adj. (pr. \ dizgreg&t'iu \) Ms. plr. disgregativ -
disdeut - nmr. adj. (pr. \ dizd'[oe]t \) Inv. in gnd. (only plr.). - fm. sng. and plr. disgregativa, disgregative. - disruptive,
eighteen. For the ord. adj. related to this number see the disintegrative. See also the term "dësgregativ".
grammar. disgregator - adj. (pr. \ dizgreg&t'ur \) Ms. plr. disgregator -
disdì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ dizd'i \) - See dësdì. fm. sng. and plr. disgregatriss, disgregatriss. -
disdìsse - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ dizd'ise \) - See dësdìsse. disintegrating, disrupting. See also the term
disdit - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ dizd'it \) - See dësdit. "dësgregator".
disecitassion - n. f. (pr. \ dize[ch]it&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - disgreghé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dizgreg'e \) - 1) - to break-
deenergization (electricity). up, to disintegrate, to disrupt. - 2) - to break-up, to
disecité - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dize[ch]it'e \) - to deenergize disperse, to disunite (in a fig. sense). - 3) - to disgregate.
(electricity). See also the term "dësgreghé".
diseducassion - n. f. (pr. \ dized[ue]c&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - disgreghésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ dizgreg'ese \) - 1) - to
miseducation. disintegrate, to separate (with an int. and refl. meaning). -
diseducativ - adj. (pr. \ dized[ue]c&t'iu \) Ms. plr. diseducativ 2) - to disunite, to be dispersed (in a fig. sense). See also
- fm. sng. and plr. diseducativa, diseducative. - the term "dësgreghésse".
miseducating. disgust - n. m. (pr. \ dizg'[ue]st \) Inv. at plr. - disgust. See also
diseduché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dized[ue]k'e \) - to the term "dësgust ".
miseducate, to bring up badly. disgusté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dizg[ue]st'e \) - See dësgusté.
disegn - n. m. (pr. \ diz'æ[gn] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - drawing (in disgustos - adj. (pr. \ dizg[ue]st'uz \) - See dësgustos.
general). - 2) - draftsmanship. - 3) - design, plan, disimparé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dizimp&r'e \) - See
scheme. - 4) - intention. See also the term in the spelling dësamparé.
"dissegn". disimpegn - n. m. (pr. \ dizimp'æ[gn] \) - See dësimpegn.
disegnator - n. m. (pr. \ dizæ[gn]&t'ur \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - disimpegné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dizimpe[gn]'e \) - See
drafrsman. - 2) - designer. See also the term in the dësimpegné.
spelling "dissegnator ". disimpegnésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ dizimpe[gn]'ese \) - See
disegné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dizæ[gn]'e \) - 1) - to draw. - 2) dësimpegnésse.
- to design. - 3) - to outline. - 4) - to plan, to intend. - See disimpieghé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dizimpieg'e \) - See
also the term in the spelling "dissegné ". dësimpieghé.
disel - n. m. (pr. \ d'izæl \) - See diesel. disinesché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dizinesk'e \) - to defuse.
diserbant - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ dizærb'&nt \) Inv. at plr. - Italianism. See the piedm. terms "dësmorsé, dzamorsé ".
herbicide, weed-killer (agriculture). See also the term disinesté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dizinest'e \) - 1) - to
"dzerbant 1)". disengage, to disconnect (mechanics). - 2) - to switch off
diserbant - 2) - adj. (pr. \ dizærb'&nt \) Ms. plr. diserbant - (electricity). See also the terms "dësinesté, disangrané ".
fm. sng. and plr. diserbanta, diserbante. - herbicidal disinfession - n. f. (pr. \ dizi[ng]fesi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
(agriculture). See also the term "dzerbant 2)". disinfection. See also the term "dësinfession".

disinfestant - 1) - adj. (pr. \ dizi[ng]fest'&nt \) Ms. plr. dislocament - n. m. (pr. \ dizluc&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
disinfestant - fm. sng. and plr. disinfestanta, displacement (ships). - 2) - dislocation, stationing
disinfestante. - disinfesting. (military).
disinfestant - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ dizi[ng]fest'&nt \) Inv. at plr. - dislocassion - n. f. (pr. \ dizluc&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
disinfestant, insecticide. dislocation.
disinfestassion - n. f. (pr. \ dizi[ng]fest&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - disloché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dizluk'e \) - 1) - to displace. -
disinfestation. 2) - to dislocate.
disinfestator - n. m. (pr. \ dizi[ng]fest&t'ur \) Inv. at plr. - dismèntia - n. f. (pr. \ dizm'ænti& \) - See dësmèntia.
disinfestor. dismentié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dizmænti'e \) - 1) - to forget.
disinfesté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dizi[ng]fest'e \) - to disinfest. - 2) - to neglect, to overlook. - 3) - to omit. - 4) - to leave.
disinfetant - 1) - adj. (pr. \ dizi[ng]fet'&nt \) Ms. plr. - 5) - to forgive. See also the term "dësmentié ".
disinfetant - fm. sng. and plr. disinfetanta, disinfetante. - dismëtte - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ dizm'&tte \ ) - 1) - to
disinfectant. See also the term "dësinfetant 1)". discharge, to release. - 2) - to remove (from office), to
disinfetant - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ dizi[ng]fet'&nt \) Inv. at plr. - dismiss, to discharge. See also the term "dësmëtte ".
disinfectant. See also the term "dësinfetant 2)". dismisura - n. f. (pr. \ dizmiz'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. (if required)
disinfeté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dizi[ng]fet'e \) - to disinfect. dismisure. - excess. This word is mainly used in the adv.
See also the term "dësinfeté". loc. "a dismisura" (see below) and is an italianism.
disingané - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dizi[ng]g&n'e \) - to dismisura (a ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ & dizmiz'[ue]r& \ ) -
undeceive, to disillusion. excessively. Italianism. See the terms "esagerà, tròp" and
disingani - n. m. (pr. \ dizi[ng]g'&ni \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - adv. loc. like " sensa misura, etc.".
undeceiving, disillusionment. - 2) - disappointment. See dismora - n. f. (pr. \ & dizm'ur& \ ) - See dësmore.
also thew term "disingann". dismoré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ & dizmur'e \ ) - See dësmoré.
disingann - n. m. (pr. \ dizi[ng]g'&n \) - See disingani. dismorésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ & dizmur'ese \ ) - See
disingrané - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dizi[ng]gr&n'e \) - See dësmorésse.
disangrané. disnà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ dizn'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
disinserì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ dizi[ng]ser'i \) - 1) - to lunched, after lunch. Referred to a person who has
disconnect, to switch off (electricity). - 2) - to disconnect already had lunch. Usually used as p. p. and seldom as an
(mechanics). - See also the term "dësinserì ". adj.
disintasament - n. m. (pr. \ dizint&z&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - disnada - n. f. (pr. \ dizn'&d& \ ) At plr. disnade. - hearty
clearing, unblocking (pipes, etc.) meal, squar meal.
disintasé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dizint&z'e \) - to clear, to disné - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ dizn'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - lunch. - 2) -
unblock, to free (pipes, etc.). See also the term "dëstopé banquet.
2nd meaning". disné - 2) - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ dizn'e \ ) - to lunch, to have
disintegrassion - n. f. (pr. \ dizintegr&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - lunch. Sometomes also for "to dinner, to have dinner",
disintegration. See also the term "dësintegrassion". even if in this case it is more correct the use of the vrb.
disintegré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dizintegr'e \) - to "siné " (see the term). - It uses the aux. "avèj ".
disintegrate. disneron - n. m. (pr. \ dizner'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - great lunch,
disintegrésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ dizintegr'ese \) - to great banquet, great dinner. (irregular augmentative of
disintegrate (refl. form with int. meaning). the word "disné ").
disinteressà - adj. (pr. \ dizinteres'& \) - See dësinteressà. disneuv - nmr. adj. (pr. \ dizn'[oe]u \ ) Inv. in gnd. Only plr. -
disinteressament - n. m. (pr. \ dizinteres&m'ænt \) - See nineteen. For the ord. adj. related to this number see the
dësinteressament. grammar.
disinterésse - n. m. (pr. \ dizinter'ese \) - See dësinteresse. disoblighé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dizublig'e \) - See
disinteressé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dizinteres'e \) - See dësoblighé.
dësinteressé. disocupà - n. and adj. (pr. \ dizuc[ue]p'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr.
disinteressésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ dizinteres'ese \) - See - 1) - unemployed, jobless (adj.). - 2) - unemplojed
dësinteressésse. person (sbst.). See also the term "dzocupà ".
disintossicassion - n. f. (pr. \ dizintusic&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - disocupassion - n. m. (pr. \ dizuc[ue]p&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
detoxication, disintoxication (medical). unemployment.
disintossiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dizintusik'e \) - to disodorant - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ dizudur'&nt \) - See deodorant 1).
detoxicate, to detoxify (medical). disodorant - 2) - adj. (pr. \ dizudur'&nt \) - See deodorant 2).
disintossichésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ dizintusik'ese \) - to disodoré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dizudur'e \) - See deodoré.
clear one's system (medical). disodorisassion - n. f. (pr. \ dizuduriz&si'u[ng] \) - See
disinvestì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ dizi[ng]vest'i \) - to disinvest deodorisassion.
(economy). disonest - adj. and n. (pr. \ dizun'est \) Ms. plr. disonest - fm.
disinvoltura - n. f. (pr. \ dizi[ng]vult'[ue]r& \) At plr. sng. and plr. disonesta, disoneste. - 1) - dishonest,
disinvolture. - unembarrassment, ease. deceitful (adj.). - 2) - dishonest person, cheat. See also
disinvòlt - adj. adj. and p. p. (pr. \ dizi[ng]v'olt \) Ms. plr. the terms "dzonest, dësonest ".
disinvòlt - fm. sng. and plr. disinvòlta, disinvòlte. - disonestà - n. f. (pr. \ dizunest'& \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
unembarrassed, uninhibited, free and easy. See also the dishonesty, deceit. - 2) - fraud. See also the terms
term "dësgenà ". "dzonestà, dësonestà ".
dislessìa - n. f. (pr. \ dizles'i& \) At plr. dislessìe. - dyslexia. disonor - n. m. (pr. \ dizun'ur \) Inv. at plr. (if any). -
disléssich - adj. (pr. \ dizl'esic \) Ms. plr. disléssich - fm. sng. dishonour, shame. See also the terms "disonor, dzonor".
and plr. disléssica, disléssiche. - dyslexic. disonorant - adj. (pr. \ dizunur'&nt \) - See disonorévol.
dislivel - n. m. (pr. \ dizliv'el \) At plr. dislivéj. - 1) - disonoré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dizunur'e \) - 1) - to
difference in level, difference in height, difference in dishonour, to disgrace. - 2) - to seduce. See also the terms
depth. - 2) - inequality, difference. "disonoré, dzonoré ".
disonorèivol - adj. (pr. \ dizunur'æivul \) - See disonorévol.

disonorévol - adj. (pr. \ dizunur'evul \) - Ms. plr. disonorévoj destitute, wretched (adj.). - 4) - wretch (sbst.). - 5) -
- fm. sng. and plr. disonorévol, disonorévoj. - reckless man, desperado (sbst.).
dishonourable, shameful, disgraceful. See also the terms disperassion - n. f. (pr. \ dispær&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
"disonorant, dësonorèivol, dësonorévol, dzonorèivol, despair, hopelessness, desperation.
dzonorévol " disperde - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ disp'ærde \) - See dësperde.
disórdin - n. m. (pr. \ diz'urdi[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - disorder, disperdse - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ disp'ærdse \) - See
confusion, mess. In this sense see also the term dësperdse.
"malardriss". - 2) - intemperance, wildness (in a fig. disperdent - n. m. (pr. \ dispærd'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - dispersant
sense). - (chemistry).
disordinà - adj. and p. p. and n. (pr. \ dizurdin'& \) - Inv. in disperé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ disper'e \) - to despair, to give
gnd. and nr. - 1) - untidy, disorderly, unmethodical (adj.) up hope, to have no hope. It use the aux. "avèj ". Note that
- 2) - disordered, disarranged (p. p.). - 3) - disorderly the expression "fé disperé " lit "to make despair" means
person, muddler (sbst.). - 4) - intemperate, wild (adj.). "to drive (sb.) mad, to bring (sb.) to the verge of despair".
disordiné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dizurdin'e \) - to put out of disperésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ disper'ese \) - to give
order, to muddle, to confuse, to disorder, to disarrange. oneself up to despair.
disorgànich - adj. (pr. \ dizurg'&nic \) Ms. plr. disorgànich - dispers - adj. and n. (pr. \ disp'ærs \) Ms. plr. dispers - fm. sng.
fm. sng. and plr. disorgànical, disorgàniche. - incoherent. and plr. dispersa, disperse. - 1) - lost, missing (adj.). - 2)
disorganisà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ dizurg&niz'& \) Inv. in gnd. - missing soldier, missing person (sbst.).
and nr. - disorganized. dispersion - n. f. (pr. \ dispærsi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
disorganisassion - n. f. (pr. \ dizurg&niz&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at dispersion, dispersal, scattering (general and physics and
plr. - disorganization. chemistry). - 2) - leak, leakage. - 3) - waste (in a fig.
disorganisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dizurg&niz'e \) - to sense) - 4) - spread. (statistics).
disorganize. dispersività - n. f. (pr. \ dispæsivit'& \) Inv. at plr. -
disorganisésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ dizurg&niz'ese \) - to dispersiveness.
become disorganized. dispersiv - adj. (pr. \ dispærs'iu \) Ms. plr. dispersiv - fm. sng.
disorientà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ dizuriænt'& \) Inv. in gnd. and and plr. dispersiva, dispersive. - 1) - dispersive. - 2) -
nr. - 1) - disorientated.- 2) - bewildered, puzzled, time-wasting (in a fig. sense).
confused. dispersor - n. m. (pr. \ dispærs'ur \) Inv. at plr. - ground plate,
disorientament - n. m. (pr. \ dizuriænt&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - earth plate (electricity).
1) - disorientation. - 2) - confusion, bewilderment. (in a dispét - n. m. (pr. \ disp'et \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - spite,
fig. sense). spitefulness. - 2) - irritation, annoyance. The adv. loc. "a
disorienté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dizuriænt'e \) - 1) - to dispét" is translated into "in spite".
disorientate, to cause (sb.) to lose bearings. - 2) - to dispetà - adj. (pr. \ dispet'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - vexed,
confuse, to disconcert, to bewilder, to puzzle. cross, annoyed.
disorientésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ dizuriænt'ese \) - 1) - to dispeté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dispet'e \) - to tease, to annoy.
lose one's bearings. - 2) - to get confused (in a fig. sense). dispetésse - vrb 1st con. recp. (pr. \ dispet'ese \) - to tease each
disossé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dizus'e \) - See dësossé. other, to annoy each other.
dispalé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ disp&l'e \) - to shovel. See also dispetos - adj. pr. \ dispet'euz \) Ms. plr. dispetos - fm. sng.
the term "dëspalé 2nd meaning". and plr. dispetosa, dispetose. - spiteful, saucy, impudent.
dìspar - adj. (pr. \ d'isp&r \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - odd, uneven. dispiasèj - vrb 2nd con. int. (pr. \ dispi&z'æy \) - See dëspiasèj.
See also the terms "dìsper, ghìsper". dispiasì - 1) - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ dispi&z'i \) - See dëspiase.
disparità - n. f. (pr. \ disp&rit'& \) Inv. at plr. - disparity, dispiasì - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ dispi&z'i \) - See dëspiasì 2).
inequality, difference. disponìbil - adj. (pr. \ dispun'ibil \) Ms. plr. disponìbij - fm.
dispart (an ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ &[ng] disp'&rt \ ) - See sng. and plr. disponìbil, disponìbij. - 1) - available. - 2) -
dëspart (an ---). disposed, willing (person). - 3) - free. - 4) - vacant
dispendi - n. m. (pr. \ disp'ændi \ ) Inv. at plr. - expenditure, (rooms, seats, etc.).
expense, spending. (often used in a fig. sense). disponibilità - n. f. (pr. \ dispunibilit'& \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
dispendios - adj. (pr. \ dispændi'uz \) - See dëspendios. availability. - 2) - willingness. - 3) - receptiveness. 4) -
dispensa - n. f. (pr. \ disp'æ[ng]s& \) At plr. dispense. - 1) - available funds.
sideboard, cupboard. - 2) - dispensation (legal and disponse - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ disp'u[ng]se \) - 1) - to
religion) - 3) - exemption. - 4) - periodical publication, arrange oneself, to set up. - 2) - to prepare, to get ready,
number, part. - 5) - distribution. to ba about. - 3) - to prepare oneself to... . See also the
dispensàbil - adj. (pr. \ dispæ[ng]s'&bil \) Ms. plr. dispensàbij active form "dispon-e".
- fm. sng. and plr. dispensàbil, dispensàbij. - dispensable. dispon-e - vrb 2nd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ disp'u[ng]e \) - 1) - to
dispensari - n. m. (pr. \ dispæ[ng]s'&ri \) Inv. at plr. - place, to arrange, to set out (trs.). - 2) - to display (trs.). -
dispensary, clinic (medical). 3) - to make arrangements (trs.). - 4) - to dispose (legal).
dispensator - n. (pr. \ dispæ[ng]s&t'ur \) Ms. plr. dispensator - - 5) - to have at one's disposal (int.). - 6) - to provide, to
fm. sng. and plr. dispensatriss, dispensatriss. - order (int.). It uses always the aux. "avèj ".
distributor, dispenser. disposission - n. f. (pr. \ dispuzisi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
dispensé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dispæ[ng]s'e \) - 1) - to disposal. - 2) - disposition, arrangement, placing. - 3) -
dispense, to distribute. - 2) - to dispense, to exempt, to order, direction, instruction. - 4) - provision (legal). - 5)
relieve. - disposition, tendency, bent. - 6) - frame of mind. - 7) -
dispensié - n. (pr. \ dispæ[ng]si'e \) Ms. plr. dispensié - fm. disposition (statistics).
sng. and plr. dispensiera, dispensiere. - 1) - distributor, dispositiv - 1) - adj. (pr. \ dispuzit'iu \) Ms. plr. dispositiv - fm.
dispenser. In this meaning see also the term "dispensator". sng. and plr. dispositiva, dispositive. - dispositive.
- 2) - steward. dispositiv - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ dispuzit'iu \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
disper - adj. (pr. \ d'ispær \) - See dispar. device, contrivance, appliance (technique). - 2) - purview
disperà - adj. and n. (pr. \ disper'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - (legal).
desperate, hopeless (adj.). - 2) - despairing (adj.). - 3) - dispotism - n. m. (pr. \ disput'izm \) Inv. at plr. - despotism.

dispòst - adj. (pr. \ disp'ost \) Ms. plr. dispòst - fm. sng. and dissenterìa - n. f. (pr. \ disænter'i& \) At plr. dissenterìe. -
plr. dispòsta, dispòste. - 1) - disposed, inclined, ready, dysentery (medical).
willing, open. - 2) - placed. dissentì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ disænt'i \) - to dissent, to
dispòtich - adj. (pr. \ disp'otic \) Ms. plr. dispòtich - fm. sng. disagree. See also the terms "dëssentì, dëssente ".
and plr. dispòtica, dispòtiche. - despotic. dissentiment - (pr. \ disæntim'ænt \) - See "dissens".
dispréss - n. m. (pr. \ dispr'es \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - contempt, disserne - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ dis'ærne \) - to discern, to
scorn, disdain. - 2) - insult, offence. See also the terms perceive, to see clearly, to distinguish.
"dëspresi, dispressi". dissernensa - n. f. (pr. \ disærn'æ[ng]s& \) At plr. dissernense.
dispressé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dispres'e \) - 1) - to contemn, - discernment, perception. See also the term
to despise. - 2) - to scorn, to spurn. See also the term "disserniment".
"dëspresié ". dissernìbil - adj. (pr. \ disærn'ibil \) Ms. plr. dissernìbij - fm.
dispressi - n. m. (pr. \ dispr'esi \) - See dispréss. sng. and plr. dissernìbil, dissernìbij. - discernible,
dispròsi - n. m. (pr. \ dispr'ozi \) - See dispròsio. perceptible.
dispròsio - n. m. (pr. \ dispr'oziô \) Only sng. (chemical disserniment - n. m. (pr. \ disærnim'ænt \) - See dissernensa.
element) in case of need it is inv. at plr. - dysprosium. dissertassion - n. f. (pr. \ disært&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
dìsputa - n. f. (pr. \ d'isp[ue]t& \) At plr. dìspute. - 1) - debate, dissertation, discourse.
discussion, dispute. - 2) - quarrel, wrangle. See also the dissertator - n. (pr. \ disært&t'ur \) Ms. plr. dissertator - fm.
terms "debat, debà ". sng. and plr. dissertatriss, dissertatriss. - dissertator. See
disputàbil - adj. (pr. \ disp[ue]t'&bil \) Ms. plr. disputàbij - also the term "disserteur".
fm. sng. and plr. disputàbil, disputàbij. - disputable. dissertatòri - adj. (pr. \ disært&t'ori \) Ms. plr. dissertatòri -
disputàire - n. (pr. \ disp[ue]t'&ire \) Ms. plr. disputàire - fm. fm. sng. and plr. dissertatòria, dissertatòrie. -
sng. and plr. disputàira, disputàire. - 1) - disputant. - 2) - dissertational.
great talker, chatterbox (in a fig. sense). See also the term disserté - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ disært'e \) - to dissert, to
"disputèire". discourse. It uses the aux. "avèj ".
disputassion - n. f. (pr. \ disp[ue]t&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - disserteur - (pr. \ disært&t'[oe]r \) Ms. plr. disserteur - fm.
discussion, disputation. - 2) - realization. sng. and plr. disserteusa, disserteuse. - dissertator. See
disputé - vrb 1st con. int. and trs. (pr. \ disp[ue]t'e \) - 1) - to also the term "dissertator".
dispute, to discuss, to argue (int.). - 2) - to quarrel (int.). dissesa - n. f. (pr. \ dis'ez& \) - See dissèisa.
- 3) - to dispute, to take part (in a contest) (trs.). It uses disset - nmr. adj. (pr. \ dis'æt \) Inv. in gnd. (only plr.). -
always the aux. "avèj ". seventeen. For the ord. adj. related to this number see the
disputèire - n. (pr. \ disp[ue]t'æire \) - See disputàire. grammar.
disputésse - vrb 1st con. recp. (pr. \ disp[ue]t'ese \) - to fight dissident - adj. and n. (pr. \ disid'ænt \) Ms. plr. dissident - fm.
over, to contend for. sng. and plr. dissidenta, dissidente. - 1) - dissident,
dissacré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dis&cr'e \) - See dëssacré ". dissentient, dissenting, nonconformist (adj.). - 2) -
dissanguament - n. m. (pr. \ dis&[ng]gu&m'ænt \) - See dissident, dissenter, nonconformist (sbst.).
dëssanguament. dissidi - n. m. (pr. \ dis'idi \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - dissention,
dissangué - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ di&[ng]gu'e \) - See dissidence, disagreement. - 2) - quarrel. See also the term
dëssangué. "dissens".
dissanguésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ dis&[ng]gu'ese \) - See dission - n. f. (pr. \ disi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - diction, recitation,
dëssanguésse. pronunciation.
dissegn - n. m. (pr. \ dis'æ[gn] \) - See disegn. dissionari - n. m. (pr. \ disiun'&ri \) Inv. at plr. - dictionary.
dissegnator - n. m. (pr. \ dsæ[gn]&t'ur \) See disegnator. dissionarista - n. (pr. \ disiun&r'ist& \) Ms. plr. dissionarista -
dissegné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ disæ[gn]'e \) - See disegné. fm. sng. and plr. dissionarista, dissionariste. -
dissèisa - n. f. (pr. \ dis'æiz& \) At plr. dissèise. - 1) - descent. - lexicographer, compile of a dictionary.
2) - slope, declivity. - 3) - down-grade. - 4) - fall, drop. - dissipàbil - adj. (pr. \ disip'&bil \) Ms. plr. dissipàbij - fm. sng.
5) - lead-in (radio). - 6) - dive, nose-dive (airplanes). See and plr. dissipàbil, dissipàbij. - dispersible, that can be
also the terms "calà, cala, dissesa". dissipated. E. g. related to heat produced in mechanical or
dissende - vrb 2nd con. int. (pr. \ dis'ænde \) - 1) - to descend, chemical processes, electricity, etc.
to go down, to come down, to get down (general). - 2) - dissipassion - n. f. (pr. \ disip&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
to descend, to slope down, to fall away. (hills, dissipation (physics, chemistry, etc.) - 2) - dissipation,
mountains). - 3) - to fall, to drop (prices, etc.). - 4) - to set squandering.
(sun). - 5) - to descend, to be descended (from). It uses the dissipatëssa - n. f. (pr. \ disip&t'&ss& \) At plr. dissipatësse. -
aux. "esse". This term is not very used. See the preferred dissipatedness, dissipation.
term "calé ", and the vrbl. loc. "andé giù, ven-e giù, ven-e dissipator - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ disip&t'ur \) Inv. at plr. -
da..." dissipator (E. g. device able to bring away the heat
dissendensa - n. f. (pr. \ disænd'æ[ng]s& \) At plr. dissendense. produced by electric or electronic components)
- 1) - descent. - 2) - descendants. dissipator - n. (pr. \ disip&t'ur \) Ms. plr. dissipator - fm. sng.
dissendent - adj. and n. (pr. \ disænd'ænt \) Ms. plr. dissendent and plr. dissipatriss, dissipatriss. - squanderer.
- fm. sng. and plr. dissendenta, dissendente. - 1) - dissipé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ disip'e \) - 1) - to dissipate, to
descending (adj.). - 2) - descendant (sbst.). waste. - 2) - to dispel, to disperse, to dissipate. - 3) - to
dissens - n. m. (pr. \ dis'æ[ng]s \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - dissent, dissipate, to squander.
disagreement. - 2) - discord, variance, dissention. See dissipésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ disip'ese \) - 1) - to
also the terms "dëssens, dissension". disperse, to vanish. - 2) - to dissolve, to fade away. E. g.
dissensient - adj. and n. (pr. \ disænd'ænt \) Ms. plr. "la nébia a l'é dissipàsse vers mesdì " " the fog vanished
dissensient - fm. sng. and plr. dissensienta, dissensiente. - towards noon".
1) - dissentient (adj.). - 2) - dissentient, dissenter (sbst.). dissiplinàbil - adj. (pr. \ disiplin'&bil \) - Ms. plr. dissiplinàbij
See also the term "dëssensient". - fm. sng. and plr. dissiplinàbil, dissiplinàbij. -
dissension - n. m. (pr. \ disæ[ng]si'u[ng] \) - See dissens. disciplinable.

dissiplinament - n. m. (pr. \ disiplin&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - distilàbil - adj. (pr. \ distil'&bil \) Ms. plr. distilàbij - fm. sng.
disciplining. and plr. distilàbil, distilàbij. - distillable.
dissiplinar - adj. (pr. \ disiplin'&r \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - distilassion - n. f. (pr. \ distil&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
disciplinaty. distillation.
dissipliné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ disiplin'e \) - 1) - to distilator - n. m. (pr. \ distil&t'ur \) Inv. at plr. - distiller, still.
discipline. - 2) - to regulate. - 3) - to chastise. distilé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ distil'e \) - to distil. When
dissiplin-a - n. f. (pr. \ disipl'i[ng]& \) At plr. disciplin-e. - 1) - trs. it uses the aux. "avèj ". When int. it uses the aux. "esse
discipline. - 2) - discipline, subject (studies). - 3) - school, ". See also the term "dëstilé".
teaching, discipline (in a fig. sense). distilerìa - n. f. (pr. \ distiler'i& \) At plr. distilerìe. - distillery.
dissolù - 1) - adj. and n. (pr. \ disul'[ue] \) Ms. plr. dissolù - fm. distìngue - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ dist'i[ng]gue \) - 1) - to
sng. and plr. dissolùa, dissolùe. - 1) - dissolute, licentious, distinguish. - 2) - to make out, to see. - 3) - to separate,
debauched (adj.). - 2) - dissolute person, debauchee to divide. - 4) - to mark, to differentiate.
(sbst.). distingusse - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ dist'i[ng]gwse \) - 1) - to
dissolussion - n. f. (pr. \ disul[ue]si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - distinguish oneself. - 2) - to be conspicuous. - 3) - to
dissolution, disintegration. - 2) - dissipation, dispersing. differ.
- 3) - dissoluteness. distinguìbil - adj. (pr. \ disti[ng]gu'ibil \) Ms. plr. distinguibij -
dissolvensa - n. f. (pr. \ disulv'æ[ng]s& \) At plr. dissolvense. - fm. sng. and plr. distinguibil, distinguibij. -
fading. Note that the expression "dissolvensa ancrosià" is distinguishable.
translate into "cross-fade". (cinema) distinsion - n. f. (pr. \ disti[ng]si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
dissolvent - 1) - adj. (pr. \ disulv'ænt \) Ms. plr. dissolvent - distinction.
fm. sng. and plr. dissolventa, dissolvente. - dissolving. distint - adj. (pr. \ dist'int \) Ms. plr. distint - fm. sng. and plr.
dissolvent - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ disulv'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - distinta, distinte. - 1) - distinct, separate. - 2) - refined,
dissolvent, solvent. See also the term "solvent". distinguished.
dissonansa - n. f. (pr. \ disun'&[ng]s& \) At plr. dissonanse. - distinta - n. f. (pr. \ dist'int& \) At plr. distinte. - 1) - list, note,
1) - dissonance. - 2) - disagreement. See also the term shedule. - 2) - slip (bank).
"dëssonansa". distintiv - 1) - adj. (pr. \ distint'iu \) Ms. plr. distintiv - fm. sng.
dissonant - adj. (pr. \ disun'&nt \) - dissonant. See also the and plr. distintiva, distintive. - distinctive,
term "dëssonant". distinguishing.
dissoné - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ disun'e \) - 1) - to be out of distintiv - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ distint'iu \) Inv. at plr. - badge,
tune (music). - 2) - to disagree (in a fig. sense). See also shield, insigna.
the term "dëssoné ". It uses the aux. "avèj ". distonìa - n. f. (pr. \ distun'i& \) At plr. distonìe - dystonia.
dissòlve - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ dis'olve \) - 1) - to dissolve, to distorsion - n. f. (pr. \ distursi'u[ng] \) Inv- at plr. - 1) -
disintegrate. - 2) - to dispel, to disperse. distortion, writhing. - 2) - sprain (medical).
distacament - n. m. (pr. \ dist&c&m'ænt \) - See dëstacament. distònich - adj. (pr. \ dist'onic \) Ms. plr. distònich - fm. sng.
distach - n. m. (pr. \ dist'&c \) - See dëstac. and plr. distònica, distòniche. - dystonic (medical).
distaché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dist&k'e \) - See dëstaché. distòrze - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ dist'orze \) - to distort, to
distansa - n. f. . (pr. \ dist'&[ng]s& \) At plr. distanse. - writhe, to twist, to wrench.
distance. distòrz-se - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ dist'orzse \) - to sprain
distansial - n. m. (pr. \ dist&[ng]si'&l \) - See distansiator. (one's ankle, wrist, etc.).
distansiament - n. m. (pr. \ dist&[ng]si&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - distrae - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ distr'&e \) - 1) - to distract. - 2)
1) - outdistancing (sport). - 2) - separation. - to entertain. - 3) - to divert. See also the term "dëstrae".
distansiator - n. m. (pr. \ dist&[ng]si&t'ur \) Inv. at plr. - distràvse - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ distr'&use \) - 1) - to let
spacer. one's mind wander. - 2) - to amuse oneself. See also the
distansié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dist&[ng]si'e \) - 1) - to leave term "dëstravse".
behind, to outdistance. - 2) - to space out. - 3) - to distrassion - n. f. (pr. \ distr&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
surpass, to outdo, to outstrip (in a fig. sense). absent-mindedness, inattention, carelessness. - 2) -
distant - 1) - adj. (pr. \ dist'&nt \) Ms. plr. distant - fm. sng. amusement, entertainment, distraction. - 3) - diversion.
and plr. distanta, distante. - 1) - distant, remote, far. - 2) distrat - n. and adj. (pr. \ distr'&t \) Ms. plr. distrat - fm. sng.
- distant, detached, indifferent (in a fig. sense). See also and plr. distrata, distrate. - 1) - absent-minded,
the terms "lontan, leugn". inattentive, careless (adj.). - 2) - absent-minded person,
distant - 2) - adv. (pr. \ dist'&nt \) - far, far off, far away. See etc. (sbst.).
also the terms "lontan, leugn". distrét - n. m. (pr. \ distr'et \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - district. - 2) -
distèis - adj. (pr. \ dist'æiz \) Ms. plr. distèis - fm. sng. and plr. recruiting center (military). - 3) - straits (geography).
distèisa, distèise. - extended, outstretched, drawn out, distretual - adj. (pr. \ distretu'&l \) Ms. plr. distretuaj - fm.
taut (sail). This term is not the p. p. of the verb "distende", sng. and plr. distretual, distretuaj. - district (as an
which is instead "distendù ". See also the term "dëstèis". attribute).
disèisa - n. f. (pr. \ dist'æiz& \) At plr. distèise. - expanse, distribuì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ distrib[ue]'i \) - 1) - to
stretch. See also the terms "dëstèisa, dëstendùa". distribute, to dispense, to hand out. - 2) - to allot, to
distende - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ dist'ænde \) - 1) - to spread. - allocate. - 3) - to share out. - 4) - to deal (the cards of a
2) - to stretch out. - 3) - to lay. - 4) - to widen the range game) - 5) - to place, to arrange (st. or sb. over an area). -
(voice). - 5) - to relax. Note that the p. p. is "distendù " 6) - to deliver (mail). - 7) - to pipe (gas, water, etc.) - 8) -
(which is not also adj.) and not "distèis" which is only adj. to provide for circulation (newspapers, etc.). - 9) - to
See also the term "dëstende" send out (to many persons).
distension - n. f. (pr. \ dist'æ[ng]si'u[ng] \) - See dëstension. distribuìbil - adj. (pr. \ distrib[ue]'ibil \) Ms. plr. distribuìbij -
distensiv - adj. (pr. \ dist'æ[ng]s'iu \) - See dëstensiv. fm. sng. and plr. distribuìbil, distribuìbij. - distributable.
distilà - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ distil'& \) - Inv. in gnd. and nr. - distribussion - n. f. (pr. \ distrib[ue]si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
distillate. distribution. - 2) - allocation. - 3) - delivery (mail). - 4) -
distilà - 2) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ distil'& \) Inv. at plr. - distilled. valve gear (mechanics).

distributiv - adj. - (pr. \ distrib[ue]t'iu \) Ms. plr. distributiv - dit - 1) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ dit \) Ms. plr. dit - fm. sng. and plr.
fm. sng. and plr. distributiva, distributive. - distributive. dita, dite. - 1) - called. - 2) - said, above mentioned. - 3) -
distributor - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ distrib[ue]t'ur \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - the same.
distributor, dispenser. - 2) - petrol pump. - 3) - vending dit - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ dit \) Inv. at plr. - saying, word, witticism.
machine. - 4) - vendor. - 5) - distributor (films). See also the most used term "dita 1st meaning".
distributor - 2) - adj. (pr. \ distrib[ue]t'ur \) Ms. plr. dita - s. f. (pr. \ d'it& \) At plr. dite. - 1) - saying, word,
distributor - fm. sng. and plr. distributriss, distributriss. witticism. In this sense see also the term "dit 2)". - 2) -
- distributing, distributive, dispensing. firm, business, concern.
distrofìa - n. f. (pr. \ distruf'i& \) At plr. distrofìe. - ditàfon - n. m. (pr. \ dit'&fu[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - dictaphone.
dystrophia, dystrophy. ditator - n. m. (pr. \ dit&t'ur \) Inv. at plr. - dictator.
distròfich - adj. and n. (pr. \ distr'ofic \) - Ms. plr. distròfich - ditatorial - adj. (pr. \ dit&turi'&l \) Ms. plr. ditatoriaj - fm.
fm. sng. and plr. distròfica, distròfiche. - 1) - dystrophic sng. and plr. ditatorial, ditatoriaj. - dictatorial.
(adj.). - 2) - suffering from dystrophy (sbst.). ditatura - n. f. (pr. \ dit&t'[ue]r& \) At plr. ditature. -
distrùe - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ distr'[ue]e \) - See dëstrue. dictatorship.
distruìbil - adj. (pr. \ distr[ue]'ibil \) - See distrutìbil. ditenù - n. and adj. and p. p. (pr. \ diten'[ue] \) Ms. plr. ditenù -
distrussion - n. f. (pr. \ distr[ue]si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - fm. sng. and plr. ditenùa, ditenùe. - 1) - prisoner, convict,
destruction, wipe-out. detainee (sbst.). - 2) - held, detained (adj. and p. p.). See
distrut - adj. (pr. \ distr'[ue]t \) Ms. plr. distrut - fm. sng. and also the terms "detenù, detnù".
plr. distruta, distrute. - 1) - destroyed. - 2) - consumed. - dìtich - n. m. (pr. \ d'itic \) Inv. at plr. - diptych.
3) - demolished. ditongh - n. g. (pr. \ dit'u[ng]g \) Inv. at plr. - diphthong.
distrutìbil - adj. (pr. \ distr[ue]t'ibil \) Ms. plr. distrutìbij - fm. diuresi - n. f. (pr. \ di[ue]r'ezi \) Inv. at plr. - diuresis.
sng. and plr. distrutìbil, distrutìbij. - destroyable, diurétich - adj. (pr. \ di[ue]r'etic \) Ms. plr. diurétich - fm. sng.
destructible. and plr. diurética, diurétiche. - diuretic.
distrutiv - adj. (pr. \ distr[ue]t'iu \) Ms. plr. distrutiv - fm. sng. diurn - adj. (pr. \ di'[ue]rn \) Ms. plr. diurn - fm. sng. and plr.
and plr. distrutiva, distrutive. - destructive. diurna, diurne. - 1) - day-time. - 2) - diurnal.
distrutor - n. and adj. (pr. \ distr[ue]t'ur \) Ms. plr. distrutor - divagà - adj. (pr. \ div&g'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - absent-
fm. sng. and plr. distrutriss, distrutriss. - 1) - destroying, minded, inattentive, dreamy. See also tyhe term "svagà ".
destructive (adj). - 2) - destroyer (sbst.). divagassion - n. f. (pr. \ div&g&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
distruve - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ distr'[ue]e \) - See dëstrùe. digression, straying, wandering.
distruvse - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ distr'[ue]use \) - See divaghé - vrb 1st con. int. and trs. (pr. \ div&g'e \) - 1) - to
dëstruvse. digress, to stray, to wander (int.). - 2) - to entertain, to
disturb - n. m. (pr. \ dist'[ue]rb \) - See dësturb. amuse (trs.). - It uses always the aux. "avèj ".
disturbator - n. and adj. - (pr. \ dist[ue]rb&t'ur \) - See divaghésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ div&g'ese \) - to amuse
dëstorbator. oneself.
disturbé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dist[ue]rb'e \) - See dësturbé. divan - n. m. (pr. \ div'&[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - sofa, divan,
disturbésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ dist[ue]rb'ese \) - See settee. See also the term "sislonga, sofà ".
dësturbésse. divari - n. m. (pr. \ div'&ri \) - See disvari.
disubidì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ diz[ue]bid'i \) - 1) - to disobey. divaricassion - n. f. (pr. \ div&ric&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
- 2) - to break (a rule, a law). See also the vrbl. loc. "nen divarication.
scoté ". divariché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ div&rik'e \) - to divaricate, to
disubidiensa - n. f. (pr. \ diz[ue]bidi'æ[ng]s& \) At plr. open wide. See also the terms "slarghé, duverté ".
disubidiense. - disobedience. diventé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ divænt'e \) - to become, to grow
disubidient - adj. and n. (pr. \ diz[ue]bidi'ænt \) Ms. plr. (and adj.), to turn (and adj.), to turn into, to turn to. See
disubidient - fm. sng. and plr. disubidienta, also the term "dventé ".
distubidiente. - 1) - disobedient (adj.). - 2) - disobedient diverbi - n. m. (pr. \ div'ærbi \) Inv. at plr. - altercation,
person (sbst.). See also the term "dzubidient". squabble, tiff. See also the terms "rusa, ciacòt ".
disugual - adj. (pr. \ diz[ue]g[ue]'&l \) - See dësugual. diverge - vrb 2nd con. int. (pr. \ div'ærje \) - to diverge (from).
disugualiansa - n. f. (pr. \ diz[ue]g[ue]&li'&[ng]s& \) - See See also the term "dverge"
dësugualiansa. divergensa - n. f. (pr. \ diværj'æ[ng]s& \) At plr. divergense. -
disugualié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ diz[ue]g[ue]&li'e \) - See 1) - divergence, divergency, difference. - 2) - divergence
dësugualié. (physics). - See also the term "dvergensa".
disuman - adj. (pr. \ diz[ue]m'&[ng] \) Ms. plr. disuman - fm. divergent - adj. (pr. \ diværj'ænt \) Ms. plr. divergent - fm.
sng. and plr. disuman-a, disuman-e. - inhuman, brutal. sng. and plr. divergenta, divergente. - 1) - divergent,
disumanità - n. f. (pr. \ diz[ue]m&nit'& \) Inv. at plr. - diverging. - 2) - divaricate (botany and zoology). See also
inhumanity, brutality. the term "dvergent ".
disunì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ diz[ue]n'i \) - to disunite, to divers - 1) - adj. (pr. \ div'ærs \) Ms. plr. divers - fm. sng. and
disjoin. See also the term "dzunì ". plr. diversa, diverse. - unlike, different, diverse.
disunion - n. f. (pr. \ diz[ue]ni'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - divers - 2) - n. (pr. \ div'ærs \) Ms. plr. divers - fm. sng. and
disunion. - 2) - dissension. plr. diversa, diverse. - misfit, social outcast, who is
disus - n. m. (pr. \ diz'[ue]z \) Inv. at plr. - disuse, desuetude. different.
disutil - adj. (pr. \ diz'[ue]til \) Ms. plr. disùtij - fm. sng. and diversament - adv. (pr. \ diværs&m'ænt \) - otherwise, if not.
plr. disùtil, disùtij. - useless. See also the terms "dësùtil, Italianism. the term is used but a better term to see is
dzùtil". "dësnò ".
disvari - n. m. (pr. \ dizv'&ri \) Inv. at plr. - discrepancy, diversi - indf. adj and prn. plr. (pr. \ div'ærsi \) Only plr. fm.
difference, gap, diversity. See also the terms "dësvari, plr. diverse. - several, a good many, various.
divari ". diversificassion - n. f. (pr. \ diværsific&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
disvelé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dizvel'e \) - to disclose, to diversification, variation.
reveal. See also the terms "dësvelé, svelé ". diversifiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ diværsifik'e \) - 1) - to
diversify, to vary. - 2) - to differentiate.

diversifichésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ diværsifik'ese \) - to divisìbil - adj. (pr. \ diviz'ibil \) Ms. plr. divisìbij - fm. sng. and
differ, to be different. plr. divisìbil, divisìbij. - divisible.
diversion - n. f. (pr. \ diværsi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - divisibilità - n. f. (pr. \ divizibilit'& \) Inv. at plr. - divisibility.
diversion, deviation. - 2) - fun, amusement, pastime. In division - n. f. (pr. \ divizi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - division (in
this fig. sense see also the terms "divertiment, svari ". general). - 2) - separation. - 3) - discord. - 4) - partition
diversità - n. f. (pr. \ diværsit'& \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - diversity, (also legal). - 5) - department, division (bureaucracy). - 6)
difference. - 2) - variety. - indexing (mechanics).
diversiv - 1) - adj. (pr. \ diværs'iu \) Ms. plr. diversiv - fm. sng. divism - n. m. (pr. \ div'izm \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - star worship. -
and plr. diversiva, diversive. - diversionary, diverting. 2) - star megalomania. - 3) - showing off.
diversiv - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ diværs'iu \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - divisor - n. m. (pr. \ diviz'ur \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - divisor
divertion, distraction. - 2) - amusement. (mathematics). - 2) - dividing head, index head
diverte - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ div'ærte \) - 1) - to amuse, to (mechanics).
entertain. - 2) - to divert. See also the term "divertì ". and divisòri - 1) - adj. (pr. \ diviz'ori \) Ms. plr. divisòri - fm. sng.
look at grammar for "Verb fosonant ". and plr. divisòria, divisòrie. - dividing, partition (as an
divertent - adj. (pr. \ divært'ænt \) Ms. plr. divertent - fm. sng. attribute).
and plr. divertenta, divertente. - amusing, entertaining, divisòri - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ diviz'ori \) Inv. at plr. - partition.
funny. divolgassion - n. f. (pr. \ divulg&si'u[ng] \) - See divulgassion.
divertì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ divært'i \) - 1) - to amuse, to divolghé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ divulg'e \) - See divulghé.
entertain. - 2) - to divert. See also the term "diverte ". and divorator - n. and adj. (pr. \ divur&t'ur \) Ms. plr. divorator -
look at grammar for "Verb fosonant ". See also the terms fm. sng. and plr. divoratriss, divoratriss. - 1) - devourer
"amusé, dileté, etc." (sbst.). - 2) - devouring (adj.).
divertìcol - n. m. (pr. \ divært'icul \) At plr. divertìcoj. - 1) - divoré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ divur'e \) - to devour, to eat up,
divertìculum. (anatomy). - 2) - side-street (lit.) - 3) - to gobble up, to wolf down.
subterfuge (in a fig. sense). The meanings 2) and 3) are divorsià - n. and adj. (pr. \ divursi'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1)
very hardly used. - divorcé / divorcee (sbst.). - 2) - divorced (adj.).
diverticolìte - n. f. (pr. \ diværticul'ite \) Inv. at plr. - divorsié - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ divursi'e \) - to divorce. It uses
diverticulitis (medical). the aux. "avèj ".
diverticolòsi - n. f. (pr. \ diværticul'ozi \) Inv. at plr. - divorsìstich - adj. (pr. \ divurs'istic \) Ms. plr. divorsìstich -
diverticulosis (medical). fm. sng. and plr. divorsìstica, divorsìstiche. - divcorce (as
divertiment - n. m. (pr. \ diværtim'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - fun, an attribute).
amusement, pastime. See also the terms "svari, diversion divossion - n. f. (pr. \ divusi'u[ng] \) - See devossion.
2nd meaning". divot - adj. (pr. \ div'ut \) - See devòt.
divertìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ divært'ise \) - to amuse divòrsi - n. m. (pr. \ div'orsi \) Inv. at plr. - divorce.
oneself., to have fun. divòt - adj. (pr. \ div'ot \) - See devòt.
divide - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ div'ide \) - 1) - to divide. - 2) - to divulgassion - n. f. (pr. \ div[ue]lg&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
split. - 3) - to share. - 4) - to separate. - 5) - to sort out. divulgation, divulgence, spreading. - 2) -
dividse - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ div'idse \) - 1) - to divide, to popularization., vulgarization.
separate. - 2) - to dissolve one's partnership. - 3) - to divulgativ - adj. (pr. \ div[ue]lg&t'iu \) Ms. plr. divulgativ -
split, to break. fm. sng. and plr. divulgativa, divulgative. - popular.
dividend - n. m. (pr. \ divid'ænd \) Inv. at plr. - dividend. divulgator - n. and adj. (pr. \ div[ue]lg&t'ur \) Ms. plr.
diviét - n. m. (pr. \ divi'et \) Inv. at plr. - prohibition. Quite an divulgator - fm. sng. and plr. divulgatriss, divulgatriss. -
italianism. See also the terms "proibission, vét, viét ". 1) - divulger, popularizer (sbst.). - 2) - popular (adj.).
divin - adj. (pr. \ div'i[ng] \) Ms. plr. divin - fm. sng. and plr. divulghé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ div[ue]lg'e \) - 1) - to divulge,
divin-a, divin-e. - 1) - divine, godly, godlike. - 2) - to spread. - 2) - to popularize, to vulgarize.
excellent, heavenly, divine. dl' - art.-prp. ms. and fm. sng. (pr. \ dl \) Ms and fm. plr. dj'. -
divinador - n. abd adj. (pr. \ divin&d'ur \) Ms. plr. divinador - of the. Used in front of words at sng. starting by vowel.
fm. sng. and plr. divinadòira, divinadòire. - 1) - diviner, Equivalent to the expression "ëd lë ". See also the main
foreteller (sbst.). - 2) - divining, prophetic (adj.). prp. "dë" and the Grammar and Syntax for a correct use.
divinassion - n. f. (pr. \ divin&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - dla - art.-prp. fm. sng. (pr. \ dl& \) At plr. dle. - of the. Used in
divination. - 2) - forekowledge (in a fig. sense). front of fm. words at sng. starting by consonant. Equivalent
divinatòri - adj. - (pr. \ divin&t'ori \) Ms. plr. divinatòri - fm. to the expression "ëd la ". See also the main prp. "dë" and
sng. and plr. divinatòria, divinatòrie. - divinatory, the Grammar and Syntax for a correct use.
prophetic. dlà - adv. (pr. \ dl'& \) - 1) - in there, over there. - 2) - on the
diviné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ divin'e \) - to divine, to foretell. other side.
See also the terms " andviné, strologhé, antivëdde". dle - art.-prp. fm. plr. (pr. \ dl& \) At sng. dla. - of the. Used in
divinisassion - n. f. (pr. \ diviniz&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - front of fm. words at plr. starting by consonant. Equivalent
deification, divinization. to the expression "ëd le ". See also the main prp. "dë" and
divinisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ diviniz'e \) - to deify, to the Grammar and Syntax for a correct use.
divinize. dlicà - adj. (pr. \ dlic'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - delicate. -
divinità - n. f. (pr. \ divinit'& \) Inv. at plr. (when applicable). - 2) - tender, soft, gentle. - 3) - dainty fine. - 4) - tactful. -
1) - divinity. - 2) - god, goddess. - 3) - Divinity, God. 5) - sensitive. - 6) - weakly, frail. Italianism. See also the
divis - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ div'iz \) Ms. plr. divis - fm. sng. and term "delicà " (which is an used italianism).
plr. divisa, divise. - 1) - divided, separated. - 2) - divided, dlicadëssa - n. f. (pr. \ dlic&d'&ss& \) At plr. dlicadësse. - 1) -
disunited. delicacy, softness. - 2) - refinement, daintiness. - 3) -
divisa - n. f. (pr. \ div'iz& \) At plr. divise. - 1) - uniform. - 2) - tact. - 4) - sensitiveness. - 5) - delicacy, frailty. See also
livery, device. - 3) - foreign currency. the term "delicatëssa".
divisament - n. m. (pr. \ diviz&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - decision, dlicadin - adj. (pr. \ dlic&d'i[ng] \) Ms. plr. dlicadin - fm. sng.
proposal. and plr. dlicadin-a, dlicadin-e. - delicate, frail, weak.
divisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ diviz'e \) - to decide.

dlong - adv. (pr. \ dl'u[ng]g \) - 1) - without a break. - 2) - at doblon - n. m. (pr. \ dubl'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - doubloon (old
once, immediately. spanish coin). See also the terms "dobion 3rd meaning,
dluri - n. (pr. \ dl'[ue]ri \) - See dëluri. doblassa".
dman - n. m. (pr. \ dm&n \) - See doman. docc - adj. (pr. \ du[ch] \) Ms. plr. docc - fm. sng. and plr.
dmora - n. f. (pr. \ dmur& \) - See dësmora. docia, doce. - pretty, nice, fine.
dmoré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dmur'e \) - See dësmoré. docé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ du[ch]'e \) - 1) - to eye, to cast an
dmorésse - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dmur'ese \) - See dësmorésse. eye on. In this sense see also the terms "adocé, ducé". - 2) -
dmorin - n. and adj. (pr. \ dmur'i[ng] \) - See dëmorin. to spy.
dnans - adv. (pr. \ dn&[ng]s \) - See dëdnans. docià - n. f. (pr. \ du[ch]i'& \) - See dociada.
dné - n. m. (pr. \ dn'e \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - money. - 2) - cash. - dociada - n. f. (pr. \ du[ch]i'&d& \) At plr. dociade. - 1) - look.
3) - wealth, riches. See also the term "sòld ". - 2) - eyeing. See also the term "docià ".
doa - 1) - adv. (pr. \ d'u& \) - where. See also the term in the document - n. m. (pr. \ duc[ue]m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. -
spelling "dova" with the same pronunciation, and the terms document, paper, record.
"dov, andoa, andova". documentàbil - adj. (pr. \ duc[ue]mænt'&bil \) Ms. plr.
doa - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ d'u& \) At plr. doe. - stave. See also the documentàbij - fm. sng. and plr. documentàbil,
spelling "dova". documentàbij. - documentable.
doba (a la ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ & l& d'ub& \) - served in the documental - adj. (pr. \ duc[ue]mænt'&l \) Ms. plr.
jelly. documentaj - fm. sng. and plr. documental, documentaj.
dobé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dub'e \) - to decorate, to adorn. - documentary.
dobi - 1) - adj. (pr. \ d'ubi \) Ms. plr. dobi - fm. sng. and plr. documentari - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ duc[ue]mænt'&ri \) Inv. at plr. -
dobia, dobie. - 1) - double. - 2) - twofold. - 3) - dual. - 4) 1) - documentary film. - 2) - news-reel.
- square-built, thickset, sturdy (in a fig. sense). See also documentari - 2) - adj. (pr. \ duc[ue]mænt'&ri \) Ms. plr.
the term "dopi ". documentari - fm. sng. and plr. documentaria,
dobi - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ d'ubi \) Inv. at plr. - twice, double, documentarie. - documentary.
twiche quantity, etc. documentassion - n. f. (pr. \ duc[ue]mænt&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at
dobia - n. f. (pr. \ d'ubi& ) At plr. dobie. - lapel, turn up, cuff, plr. - 1) - documentation. - 2) - documents.
flap, jacket-flap. See also the term "ardobia". documentator - n. (pr. \ duc[ue]mænt&t'ur \) Ms. plr.
dobié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dubi'e ) - 1) - to fold. - 2) - to fold documentator - fm. sng. and plr. documentatriss,
into two parts. - 3) - to double, to duplicate. In this sense documentatriss. - documentalist.
see also the term "ardobié ". documenté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ duc[ue]mænt'e \) - to
dobiéjla - vrb 1st con. trs. + prn. prt. (pr. \ dubi'eyl& ) - to go document.
away, to take to flight, to escape. In a fig. sense. The lit. documentésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ duc[ue]mænt'ese \) - to
meaning is "to fold it to him/her", but the meaning is gather information.
idiomatich. dodecaédrich - adj. (pr. \ dudec&'edric \) Ms. plr.
dobiésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ dubi'ese ) - to bend (oneself), dodecaédrich - fm. sng. and plr. dodecaédrica,
to curve. dodecaédriche. - dodecahedral.
dobiet - n. m. (pr. \ dubi'æt ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - double- dodecaéder - n. m. (pr. \ dudec&'edær \) Inv. at plr. -
barrelled gun. - 2) - couple of goals (sport). - 3) - one-two dodecahedron.
(boxing). dodecafonìa - n. f. (pr. \ dudec&fun'i& \) At plr. (if any)
dobiliter n. m. (pr. \ dubil'itær \ ) Inv. at plr. - large bottle dodecafonìe. - dodecaphony, twelve-note-system.
with a capacity of 2 litres. See also the term "pinton". dodecafònich - adj. (pr. \ dudec&f'onic \) Ms. plr.
dobion - n. m. (pr. \ dubi'u[ng] ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - duplicate, dodecafònich - fm. sng. and plr. dodecafònica,
doublet. In this sense see also the terms "duplicà 1), dodecafòniche. - dodecaphonic.
còpia". - 2) - sieve, sifter. - 3) - doubloon (old spanish dodecàgon - n. m. (pr. \ dudec'&gu[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
coin). In this sense see also the terms "doblon, doblassa".- dodecagon.
4) - rings of a padlock. In this sense see also the term dodecagonal - adj. (pr. \ dudec&gun'&l \) Ms. plr.
"ciodera". dodecagonaj - fm. sng. and plr. dodecagonal,
dobipet - n. m. (pr. \ dubip'æt ) Inv. at plr. - double-breasted dodecagonaj. - dodecagonal.
(jacket, coat). dodes - adj. nmr. crd. (pr. \ d'udæz \) Inv. in any case. - twelve.
dobiura - n. f. (pr. \ dubi'[ue]r& ) At plr. dobiure. - 1) - dodesmila - adj. nmr. crd. (pr. \ dudæzm'il& \) Inv. in any case.
folding, fold, bending. - 2) - heavy lining. - twelve thousand.
dobla - n. f. (pr. \ d'ubl& ) At plr. doble. - dobla (old spanish dodicésim - adj. nmr. ord. (pr. \ dudi[ch]'ezim \) Ms. plr.
coin), gold coin. See also the term "doblëtta". dodicésim - fm. sng. and plr. dodicésima, dodicésime. -
doblassa - n. f. (pr. \ dubl'&s& ) At plr. doblasse. - doubloon twelfth. The use of this ord. adj. is an italianism (see
(old spanish coin). See also the terms "dobion 3rd meaning, Grammar for ord. adj. in Piedm.). A better piedm. way is to
doblon". use the loc. "ch'a fà dodes" lit. "that makes twelve". In
doblëtta - n. f. (pr. \ dubl'&tt& ) At plr. doblëtte. - dobla (old fractions the syntax (as for the other numbers) is different.
spanish coin), gold coin. See also the term "dobla". E. g. " 3 / 12 " is read "trè su dodes" lit. "three over
doblé - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ dubl'e \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - a type of twelve" or "trè ëd dodes" lit. "three of twelve". See also
french cloth made with cotton and flax. In this meaning the term "duodécim".
see also the term "doblet". - 2) - a type of dance. doe - adj. nmr. (pr. \ d'ue \) Only plr. and fm. - two.
doblé - 2) - adj. ms. (pr. \ dubl'e \) Inv. at plr. - false, double The ms. gender is doi (see the term).
(in a teasing sense). Only referred to gold: "òr doblé" doé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ du'e \) - to put staves (to barrels,
"false gold". A way of saying is "òr doblé, fàit dal tolé e casks, butts). See also the term "dové " with the same
garantì dal sarajé " which lit. means "gold doblé, made by pronunciation.
the tinsmith and warranted by the blacksmith". doganal - adj. (pr. \ dug&n'&l \) Ms. plr. doganaj - fm. sng.
doblet - n. m. (pr. \ dubl'æt \) Inv. at plr. - a type of french and plr. doganal, doganaj. - customs (as an attribute). See
cloth made with cotton and flax. See also the term "doblé also the term "duganal ".
1) 1st meaning.".

doganié - n. m. (pr. \ dug&ni'e \) Inv. at plr. - customs officer, dolos - adj. (pr. \ dul'uz \) Ms. plr. dolos - fm. sng. and plr.
surveyor. See also the terms "dugané, gablé ". dolosa, dolose. - fraudulent, malicious (legal)
dogan-a - n. f. (pr. \ dug'&[ng]& \) At plr. dogan-e. - 1) - dolosità - n. f. (pr. \ duluzit'& \) Inv. at plr. - malice,
customs. - 2) - customs house. - 3) - customs duty. See wilfulness.
also the term "dugan-a". domàbil - adj. (pr. \ dum'&bil \) Ms. plr. domàbij - fm. sng.
dogh - n. m. (pr. \ dug \) Inv. at plr. - dog Great Dane. and plr. domàbil, domàbij. - 1) - tamable. - 2) - that can
doghin - n. m. (pr. \ dug'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - little dog, young be broken in (horses, etc.). See also the term "domèivol ".
Great Dane. doman - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ dum'&[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - tomorrow.
dogmàtica - n. f. (pr. \ dugm'&tic& \) At plr. (if any) See also the terms "diman, dman".
dogmàtiche. - dogmatics (religion). doman - 2) - adv. (pr. \ dum'&[ng] \) - tomorrow. See also the
dogmàtich - adj. and n. (pr. \ dugm'&tic \) Ms. plr. dogmàtich terms "diman, dman".
- fm. sng. and plr. dogmàtica, dogmàtiche. - 1) - domanda - n. f. (pr. \ dum'&nd& \) At plr. domande. - 1) -
dogmatic (adj.). - 2) - dogmatist (sbst.). question. - 2) - application. - 3) - request. - 4) - demand.
dogmatism - n. m. (pr. \ dugm&t'izm \) Inv. at plr. - - 5) - petition.
dogmatism. domandé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int.(pr. \ dum&nd'e \) - 1) - to
doi - adj. nmr. crd. ms. (pr. \ d'ui \) Only plr. and ms. - two. ask, to ask for, to ask about. - 2) - to demand. Italianism.
The fm. gender is doe (see the term). See also the most piedm. term "ciamé ". It uses always the
doiden - n. m. (pr. \ duid'æ[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - duodenum aux. "avèj ".
(anatomy). domandésse - vrb 1st con. refl.(pr. \ dum&nd'ese \) - to
doidenal - adj. (pr. \ duiden'&l \) Ms. plr. doidenaj - fm. sng. wander, to ask oneself. Italianism. See also the most
and plr. doidenal, doidenaj. - duodenal. piedm. term "ciamésse ".
doidné - n. m. (pr. \ duidn'e \) Inv. at plr. - name of an old domator - n. m.(pr. \ dum&t'ur \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - tamer. - 2) -
copper coin. breaker (horses).
doitin - n. m. (pr. \ duit'i[ng] \) - See deuitin. domatura - n. f. .(pr. \ dum&t'[ue]r& \) At plr. domature. - 1)
doj - n. m. (pr. \ duy \) Inv. at plr. - pot, carafe of terracotta, - taming. - 2) - breaking-in.
large jug. domé - vrb 1st con. trs. .(pr. \ dum'e \) - 1) - to tame. - 2) - to
doja - n. f. (pr. \ d'uy& \) At plr. doje. - jug. The piedm. mask- break in. - 3) - to crush, to subdue, to control (in a fig.
character Giandoja has the name deriving from Gian sense).
John and doja jar, and so his name means "John of the domèivol - adj. (pr. \ dum'æivul \) - See domàbil.
jar". domesti - n. and adj. (pr. \ dum'esti \) - See doméstich.
dojanse - n. f. (pr. \ duy'&[ng]se \) - See doliansa 4th meaning. doméstich - n. and adj. (pr. \ dum'estic \) Ms. plr. doméstich -
dojòt - n. m. (pr. \ duy'ot \) Inv. at plr. - small jug. fm. sng. and plr. doméstica, doméstiche. - 1) - man-
dolcëssa - n. f. (pr. \ dul[ch]'&ss& \) At plr. dolcësse. - 1) - servant, maid, servant (sbst.). - 2) - domestic, household,
sweetness. - 2) - softness. - 3) - fragrance. Italianism. See home (as an attribute) (adj.). - 3) - domestic (animals)
the best piedm. terms "dosseur, dossëssa". (adj.).
dolcificant - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ dul[ch]ific'&nt \) Inv. at plr. - domestié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dumesti'e \) - 1) - to tame, to
sweetener. Italianism. See the best piedm. term domesticate. - 2) - to soothe, to calm.
"dossificant ". domestiésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ dumesti'ese \) - to grow
dolcificant - 2) - adj. (pr. \ dul[ch]ific'&nt \) Ms. plr. familiar, to get accustomed.
dolcificant - fm. sng. and plr. dolcificanta, dolcificante. - domestiura - n. f. (pr. \ dumesti'[ue]r& \) At plr. domestiure. -
sweetening. 1) - taming, domestication (animals). - 2) - training
dolcifiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dul[ch]ifik'e \) - to sweeten. (trees, flowers). - 3) - cultivation (persons).
Italianism. See the best piedm. term "dossifiché ". domicili - n. m. (pr. \ dumi[ch]'ili \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - domicile,
dolent - adj. (pr. \ dul'ænt \) Ms. plr. dolent - fm. sng. and plr. place of residence (legal). - 2) - domicile, house, home.
dolenta, dolente. - 1) - sorrowful, sad. - 2) - sorry. - 3) - See also the term "domissili ".
aching, sore. domicilià - adj. (pr. \ dumi[ch]ili'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
doleuri - adj. (pr. \ dul'[oe]ri \) Ms. plr. doleuri - fm. sng. and domiciled, resident, residing. See also the term
plr. doleuria, doleurie. - 1) - aching, sore, stiff, numb. - "domissilià ".
2) - sorrowful, sorry. domiciliàbil - adj. (pr. \ dumi[ch]ili'&bil \) Ms. plr.
doliansa - n. f. (pr. \ duli'&[ng]s& \) At plr. dolianse. - 1) - domiciliàbij - fm. sng. and plr. domiciliàbil, domiciliàbij.
sorrow, anguish. - 2) - (at plr.) complain, moaning. - 3) - - domiciliable, that can be domiciled. See also the term
lament. - 4) - condoleance. In this sense see also the terms "domissiliàbil ".
"dojanse, condoliansa". domiciliar - adj. (pr. \ dumi[ch]ili'&r \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
dolor - n. m. (pr. \ dul'ur \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - pain, ache, domiciliary. See also the term "domissiliar ".
suffering. - 2) - sorrow, grief, regret. domiciliassion - n. f. (pr. \ dumi[ch]ili&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
dolorà - adj. sorrowful, doleful, sorry. domiciliation. See also the term "domissiliassion ".
Dolorà (l' ---) - n. f. (pr. \ l& dulur'& \ ) Only sng., but in any domicilié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dumi[ch]ili'e \) - to domicile.
case inv. - Our Lady of Sorrows. See also the term See also the term "domissilié ".
"l'Adolorà ". domiciliésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ dumi[ch]ili'ese \) - to
doloret - n. m. (pr. \ dulur'æt \) Inv. at plr. - slight pain. See settle, to take up one's residence. See also the term
also the terms "dolorin, doloruss" "domissiliésse ".
dolorìfich - adj. (pr. \ dulur'ific \) Ms. plr. dolorìfich - fm. sng. dominàbil - adj. (pr. \ dumin'&bil \) - Ms. plr. dominàbij - fm.
and plr. dolorìfica, dolorìfiche. - that generates pain, sng. and plr. dominàbil, dominàbij. - controllable.
painful. dominant - adj. (pr. \ dumin'&nt \) Ms. plr. dominant - fm.
dolorin - n. m. (pr. \ dulur'i[ng] \) - See doloret. sng. and plr. dominanta, dominante. - 1) - dominant. - 2)
doloros - adj. (pr. \ dulur'uz \) Ms. plr. doloros - fm. sng. and - predominant, prevalent, prevailing.
plr. dolorosa, dolorose. - painful, sorrowful, dolorous, dominassion - n. f. (pr. \ dumin&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
distressing. domination, rule, sway.
doloruss - n. m. (pr. \ dulur'[ue]s \) - See doloret.

dominator - n. (pr. \ dumin&t'ur \) Ms. plr. dominator - fm. donon - (pr. \ dun'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - imposing woman, big
sng. and plr. dominatriss, dominatriss. - dominator, woman. Augmentative of "dòna". The term becomes ms.
ruler. dont - rel. prn. (pr. \ dunt \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - of whom, of
dominé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ dumin'e \) - 1) - to which. E. g. "cola a l'é la cà dont i l'hai dite" "that is the
dominate. - 2) - to prevail. - 3) - to overlook. - 4) - to house of which I've told you".
rule. dontré - indf. adj. and prn. (pr. \ duntr'æ \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
domìni - n. m. (pr. \ dum'ini \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - dominion. - 2) some, any, two or three. Referred to a little number of
- domination. See also the term "domìnio". persons or things.
domìnio - n. m. (pr. \ dum'iniô \) - See domìni. dopi - adj. and n. (pr. \ d'upi \) - See dobi.
domissili - n. m. (pr. \ dumis'ili \) - See domicili. dorà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ dur'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - gilt,
domisslià - adj. (pr. \ dumisili'& \) - See domicilià. gilded. See also the term "andorà ".
domissliàbil - adj. (pr. \ dumisili'&bil \) - See domiciliàbil. doradura - n. f. (pr. \ dur&d'[ue]r& \) At plr. doradure -
domissiliar - adj. (pr. \ dumisili'&r \) - See domiciliar. gilding. See also the term "dorura".
domissiliassion - n. f. (pr. \ dumisili&si'u[ng] \) - See d'or anans - adv. loc. (pr. \ d ur &n&[ng]s \) - from now
domiciliassion. onwards, from now on.
domissilié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dumisili'e \) - See domicilié. doré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dur'e \) - 1) - to gild. - 2) - to
domissiliésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ dumisili'ese \) - See brown (cooking). See also the term "andoré ".
domiciliésse. doreur - n. (pr. \ dur'[oe]r \) Ms. plr. doreur - fm. sng. and plr.
don - n. m. (pr. \ du[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - gift, present. In this doreusa, doreuse. - gilder. See also the term "andorador".
sense see also the term "donativ". - 2) - gift, talent. - 3) - dorgné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dur[gn]'e \) - to bruise, to beat
Father, Dom (religion). - 4) - Don (title of rank). producing bumps.
donà - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ dun'& \) Inv. at plr. - Latin grammar. dorin - n. m. (pr. \ dur'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - small ball of gold,
Donà - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ dun'& \) Noun of person, usually only pearl of gold. (usually for necklaces).
sng. and anyway inv. - Donatus. dormeus - n. f. (pr. \ durm'[oe]z \) Inv- at plr. - lounge-chair,
donassa - n. f. (pr. \ dun'&s& \) At plr. donasse. - woman of armchair that can become a bed. See also the term
loose morals, tart. Pejorative of the term "dòna" (see "durmeus". Derived from the vrb "durmì, deurme" "to
below). sleep".
donassion - n. f. (pr. \ dun&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - donation, dormiensa - n. f. (pr. \ durmi'æ[ng]s& \) At plr. (if any)
gift. dormiense. - "sleeping" status of trees and seeds during
donatari - n. (pr. \ dun&t'&ri \) Ms. plr. donatari - fm. sng. the winter. See also the term "durmiensa".
and plr. donataria, donatarie. - donee. dormitòri - n. m. (pr. \ durmit'ori \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
donativ - n. m. (pr. \ dun&t'iu \) Inv. at plr. - gift, present, dormitory. - 2) - free hostel (if public). See also the term
donation. See also the terms "elargission, largission, don "durmitòri ".
1st meaning". dorsal - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ durs'&l \) At plr. dorsaj. - 1) - ridge
donator - n. (pr. \ dun&t'ur \) Ms. plr. donator - fm. sng. and (mountain). - 2) - back (chair).
plr. donatriss, donatriss. - donor. dorsal - 2) - adj. (pr. \ durs'&l \) Ms. plr. dorsaj - fm. sng. and
donca - cng. (pr. \ d'u[ng]c& \) - so, therefore, well then. See plr. dorsal, dorsaj. - dorsal.
also the terms "donch, doncre, donche". dorura - n. f. (pr. \ dur'[ue]r& \) At plr. dorure. - gilding. See
donch - cng. (pr. \ du[ng]c \) - See donca. also the term "doradura".
donche - cng. (pr. \ d'u[ng]ke \) - See donca. dosen-a - n. f. (pr. \ duz'æ[ng]&\) At plr. dosen-e. - 1) - dozen.
doncre - cng. (pr. \ d'u[ng]cre \) - See donca. - 2) - board and lodging.
dond - adv. (pr. \ dund \) - 1) - whence, from where. - 2) - dosen-a (ëd ---) - adj. loc. (pr. \ &d duz'æ[ng]& \) Inv. in gnd.
wherefore. See also the term "donda". and nr. - cheap-looking, second-rate, commonplace.
donda - adv. (pr. \ d'und& \) - See dond. doseul - n. m. (pr. \ duz'[oe]l \) At plr. doseuj. - horn-owl
dóndol - n. m. (pr. \ d'undul \) At plr. dóndol. - swing. Note (zoology - Otus scops). See also the term "ciuch".
that "caval a dóndol" means "rocking-horse" and dosent - adj. nmr. crd. (pr. \ d'uzænt \ ) Inv. in any case. - two
"caderega a dóndol " means "rocking-chair". hundred.
dondolament - n. m. (pr. \ dundul&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - dosinant - n. (pr. \ duzin'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. dosinant - fm. sng.
rocking, swinging. and plr. dosinanta, dosinante. - monthly lodger, boarder.
dondolé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ dundul'e \) - 1) - to dosman - adv. (pr. \ dusm'&[ng] \ ) - sweetly, tenderly,
swing, to dangle. - 2) - to rock. It uses always the aux. slowly.
"avèj ". dosnant - n. (pr. \ dusn'&nt \ ) - See dosinant.
dondolon - n. and adj. (pr. \ dundul'u[ng]\) Ms. plr. dondolon - doson - n. m. (pr. \ duz'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - old piedm. coin.
fm. sng. and plr. dondolon-a, dondolon-e. - loafer, idler, The idiomatic expression "dé un doson" means "to make a
dawdler. rebuke".
dondsëssìa - adv. - (pr. \ dunds&ss'i& \) - everywhere. doss - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ dus \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - spring, source.
doné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dun'e \) - 1) - to donate (legal). - In this sense see also the terms "adoss, sorgis, sorgent". -
2) - to give, to present. The term is usually used in the 2) - sweet things, sweet tasting things. In this sense see
sense of giving a present, but sometimes is used also for "to also the term "dossàina". - 3) - sweetmeat, sweet, candy,
give" in general, instead of the vrb "dé ". In this case it has cake.
a slightly particular conjugation (see Grammar). doss - 2) - adj. (pr. \ dus \ ) Ms. plr. doss - fm. sng. and plr.
dongion - n. m. (pr. \ dunji'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - dungeon, dossa, dosse. - 1) - sweet (in general). - 2) - soft (e. g. "fer
donjon, donjonkeep, keep. doss" "soft iron").
donin - n. m. (pr. \ dun'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - little woman. The dossàin - adj. (pr. \ dus'&i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. dossàin - fm. sng.
term is diminutive of "dòna" (see below), and it becomes and plr. dossàina, dossàine. - 1) - sweetish. - 2) -
ms. See also the fm. version "donin-a". unpeasantly sweet. - 3) - soft-spoken, ingratiating (in a
donin-a - (pr. \ dun'i[ng]& \) At plr. donin-e. - little woman. fig. sense). See also the terms "dossastr, dossign".
The term is diminutive of "dòna" (see below). See also the
term "donin".

dossàina - n. f. (pr. \ dus'&in& \ ) At plr. dossàine. - sweet dové - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ du'e \) - to put staves (to barrels,
things, sweet tasting things, confectionery. See also the casks, butts). See also the term "doé " with the same
terms "dossèina, dossium, dossum". pronunciation.
dossastr - adj. (pr. \ dus'&i[ng] \ ) - See dossàin. dovèj - vrb 2nd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ duv'æy : duw'æy \) - 1) -
dossèina - n. f. (pr. \ dus'æin& \ ) - See dossàina. must, shall, to have to. - 2) - to have to, to need. - 3) - to
dosset - n. m. (pr. \ dus'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - Name of the piedm. be to. For the correct translation of this vrb, and for
wine "dolcetto" (the commercial name is in italian - the equivalent loc. see the following examples: - A) - "it deuve
true name is in Piedm. - ). Red and dry wine. nen fé lòn (as an order)" "you must not do that" but also
dossëssa - n. f. (pr. \ dus'&ss& \) At plr. dossësse. - 1) - (less imperative) "a venta nen ch'it fase lòn" (see the voice
sweetness. - 2) - softness. - 3) - fragrance. See also the "venté"). Then the meaning can also be "you don't need to
terms "dosseur, dolcëssa". do that" and in this case another correspondent expression
dosseur - n. m. (pr. \ dus'[oe]r \) - See dossëssa. is "a-i é nen da manca ch'it fase lòn". See also the term
dossié - n. f. (pr. \ dusi'e \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - back (chairs). - 2) - "manca (da ---)". - B) - "i deuvo andé " "I must go". - C -
head (bed). - 3) - dossier. "i dovrìa andé" "I should go , I would have to go". - D) -
dossificant - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ dusific'&nt \) Inv. at plr. - "i l'hai dovù pijé 'l treno dòp" "I had to take the train
sweetener. See also the term "dolcificant 1) ". after". - E) - "it deuve caté 'l bijet ancheuj " "you need to
dolcificant - 2) - adj. (pr. \ dusific'&nt \) Ms. plr. dossificant - buy the ticket today". but also "a venta ch'i cate 'l bijet
fm. sng. and plr. dossificanta, dossificante. - sweetening. ancheuj", and still "a-i é da manca ch'it cate 'l bijet
See also the term "dolcificant 2) ". ancheuj". This last expression has the meaning of "it is
dossifiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dusifik'e \) - to sweeten. See necessary that you buy the ticket today". - 4) - to be due. E.
also the term "dolcifiché ". g. "ël consum esagerà a l'é dovù a na pèrdita" " the
dossign - adj. (pr. \ dus'i[gn] \ ) - See dossàin. excessive consumption is due to a leakage". - 5) - to owe.
dossium - n. f. (pr. \ dusi'[ue]m \ ) - See dossàina. E. g. "am deuv sinquanta euro" = "he owes me fifty euros".
dossum - n. f. (pr. \ dus'[ue]m \ ) - See dossàina. See also the term "dovèje".
dot - 1) - adj. and n. (pr. \ dut \ ) Ms. plr. dot - fm. sng. and plr. dovèje - vrb 2nd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ duv'æy : duw'æye \) -
dota, dote. - 1) - learned, erudite (adj.). - 2) - learned See dovèj.
man, scientist. man of science. (sbst.). dover - n. m. (pr. \ duw'er ; du'er \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - duty,
dot - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ dut \ ) Inv. at plr. - duct (anatomy). obligation. - 2) - homework (school).
dotà - adj. (pr. \ dut'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - endowed, dover (a ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ & duw'er \) - correctly,
gifted. - 2) - provided, qualified. thoroughly, well.
dotassion - n. f. (pr. \ dut&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - doveros - adj. (pr. \ duwer'uz \) Ms. plr. doveros - fm. sng. and
endowment. - 2) - equipment, outfit. plr. doverosa, doverose. - right and proper, dutiful.
doté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dut'e \ ) - 1) - to endow, to furnish, dovrà - adj. (pr. \ duvr'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - second-hand,
to supply. - 2) - to assign a dowry. used.
dotor - n. (pr. \ dut'ur \ ) Ms. plr. dotor - fm. sng. and plr. dovràbil - adj. (pr. \ duvr’&bil \ ) Ms. plr. dovràbij, fm. sng.
dotorëssa, dotorësse. - 1) - doctor. - 2) - graduate (at the and plr. dovràbil, dovràbij. - usable. See also the term
University). The expression "dotor an fìsica, etc." is "impiegàbil ".
translated into "Bachelor of Physics, etc.". At fm. also the dovré - vrb 1st con. trs. - (pr. \ duvr'e \) - to employ, to make
terms "dotora, dotore" for sng. and plr. are sometimes use, to use.
used. dovù - 1) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ duv'[ue] ; duw'[ue] \) Ms. plr.
dotora - n. f. (pr. \ dut'ur& \ ) At plr. dotore. - (lady) doctor. dovù - fm. sng. and plr. dovùa, dovùe. - 1) - due. - 2) -
Seldom used. See also the term "dotor". payable.
dotorà - n. m. (pr. \ dutur'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - doctorate. dovù - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ duv'[ue] ; duw'[ue] \) Inv. at plr. -
dotorada - n. f. (pr. \ dutur'&d& \ ) At plr. dotorade. - amount due.
pedantry, presumption, bumptiousness. dòch - n. m. (pr. \ d'oc \) Inv. at plr. - stick, cudgel,
dotorào - n. m. (pr. \ dutur'&u \ ) Inv. at plr. - pedant, truncheon. See also the term "baston".
wiseacre, know-all. See also the term "dotoruss". dòcia - n. f. (pr. \ d'o[ch]i& \) At plr. dòce. - 1) - shower,
dotoré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dutur'e \ ) - to confer a degree, douche. - 2) - conduit, pipe.
to confer a doctorate. dòcil - adj. (pr. \ d'o[ch]il \) Ms. plr. dòcij - fm. sng. and plr.
dotorésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ dutur'ese \ ) - to graduate, to dòcil, dòcij. - docile, meek, compliant, pliable.
take a degree. dògma - n. m. (pr. \ d'ogm& \) Inv. at plr. - dogma.
dotorëssa - n. f. (pr. \ dutur'&ss& \ ) - See dotor. dòira - n. f. (pr. \ d'oir& \) At plr. dòire. - 1) - brook, stream,
dotorin - n. m. (pr. \ dutur'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - young doctor, torrent. - 2) - channel, ditch. See also the terms "rì, rio,
doctor without experience. Lit. this is the diminutive of torent". Sometimes also "dòra".
the word "dotor" (medicine). dòm - n. m. (pr. \ d'om \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - cathedral, main
dotoron - n. m. (pr. \ dutur'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - renowned church of a city. - 2) - dome, steam dome (mechanics).
doctor. Lit. this id the augmentative of the word "dotor" dòma - n. f. (pr. \ d'om& \) At plr. dòme. - gig. See also the
(medicine). terms "ghigh, scorata. ".
dotoruss - n. m. (pr. \ dutur'[ue]s \ ) - See dotorào. dòna - n. f. (pr. \ d'on& \) At plr. dòne. - 1) - woman. - 2) -
dotòira - n. f. (pr. \ dut'oir& \ ) At plr. dotòire. - little prig wife. See also the term "fomna". Then we note that: - A) -
woman, insolent woman. "dòna 'd cà" "housewife". - B) - "dòna 'd servissi "
dotriné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dutrin'e \ ) - to indoctrinate, to
"servant, maid ". - C) - "dòna volan t" "part-time help". -
teach. See also the terms "dutriné, andutriné ".
D) - "dòna d'artorn" "middle-aged woman". - 3) - red
dotrin-a - See also the term "dutrin-a".
dov - adv. (pr. \ d'uw \) - where. See also the terms "dova, weed, corn poppy (botany - Papaver rhoeas). In this sense
andoa, andova". see also the term "madòna - 2) - 2nd meaning".
dova - 1) - adv. (pr. \ d'uw& \) - See dov. dòp - 1) - prp. (pr. \ d'op \) - 1) - after. - 2) - after, beyond,
dova - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ d'uw& \) At plr. dove. - stave. See also past. - 3) - after, when. - 4) - since.
the term "doa - 2)".

dòp - 2) - adv. (pr. \ d'op \) - 1) - after, afterwards, then. - 2) - drama - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ dr'&m& \) At plr. drame. - 1) -
later, later on. - 3) - after, next, behind. drachma. Antique greek coins. In this meaning see also
dòp... - 3) - prefix. (pr. \ d'op... \) - after... . Some words can be the term "drama - 2)". - 2) - old weight measure in
composed with this prefix, exactly as it happens in english pharmacy. In this meaning see also the term "dragma 2nd
with the prefix "after...". For example "afternoon" is meaning".
translated into "dopdisné " or "dopmesdì". Here we note dramàtica - n. f. (pr. \ dr&m'&tic& \) At plr (if any).
that the letter "o" is no more stressed but it continue dramàtiche. - dramatics, dramatic art.
keeping the sound \ o \ , and this due to the fact that in dramatich - adj. (pr. \ dr&m'&tic \) Ms. plr. dramàtich - fm.
Piedm. usually only one stress is indicated on a word. The sng. and plr. dramàtica, dramàtiche. - dramatic.
spelling using the two stresses would be "dòpdisné, dramatisassion - n. f. (pr. \ dr&m&tiz&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
dòpmesdì ". In any case the word can be split in the two dramatization.
parts: "dòp disné ; dòp mesdì ", and this is the most used dramatisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dr&m&tiz'e \) - to
form. dramatize.
dòra - 1) - n. f. - (pr. \ d'or& \) - See dòira. dramatissità - n. f. (pr. \ dr&m&tisit'& \) Inv. at plr. -
Dòra - 2) - n. f. - (pr. \ d'or& \) At plr. (if any), Dore. - Dora. dramatic force, drama.
Name of two piedm. rivers, The first "Dòra Riparia" flows dramaturgh - n. (pr. \ dr&m&tisit'& \) Ms. plr. dramaturgh -
in Susa Valley, and the second "Dòra Baltea" comes from fm. sng. and plr. dramaturga, dramaturghe. -
the Aosta Valley. The name is used also as fm. noun of playwright, dramatist.
person. dramoscaj - n. m. (pr. \ dr&musc'&y \) - See dësmoscaj.
dòrgna - n. f. (pr. \ d'or[gn]& \) At plr. dòrgne. - bump, lump. dranché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dr&[ng]k'e \) - to extirpate, to
See also the term "drògno, drugno". unroot, to eradicate, to pull out. See also the most used
dòrs - n. m. (pr. \ d'ors \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - back. (anatomy) term "ranché ".
In this sense see also the term "dòss".. - 2) - back, spine drap - n. m. (pr. \ dr&p \) Inv. at plr. - cloth, fabric, drape.
(books) In this sense see also the term "dòss". - 3) - ridge draparìa - n. f. (pr. \ dr&p&r'i& \) At plr. draparìe. - 1) -
(mountains) In this sense see also the term "dòss". - 4) - drapery, draper's stock. - 2) - draper's. See also the term
backstroke (swimming). "draperìa".
dòrsa - n. f. (pr. \ d'ors& \) At plr. dòrse. - pod, hull, siliqua drapé - 1) - n. (pr. \ dr&p'e\) Ms. plr. drapé - fm. sng. and plr.
(botany). See also the term "dòssa 1st meaning". drapera, drapere. - draper, cloth maker, cloth seller.
dòse - n. f. (pr. \ d'oze \) Inv. at plr. - dose, quantity, amount. drapé - 2) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dr&p'e\) - 1) - to felt, to
dòss - n. m. (pr. \ d'os \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - back. (anatomy) In work a cloth making it similar to felt. - 2) - to adorn
this sense see also the term "dòrs".. - 2) - back, spine with drapery. In this sense see also the term "drapegé ".
(books) In this sense see also the term "dòrs". - 3) - ridge drapegé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dr&pej'e\) - See drapé 2nd
(mountains) In this sense see also the term "dòrs". 4) - meaning.
prominence. - 5) - hump, cat's back (roads). drapégg - n. m. (pr. \ dr&p'ej\) Inv. at plr. - drapery, drape.
dòssa - n. f. (pr. \ d'os& \) - 1) - pod, hull, siliqua (botany). draperìa - n. f. (pr. \ dr&per'i& \) - See draparìa.
See also the term "dòrsa". - 2) - French bean. See also the drapié - n. (pr. \ dr&pi'e\) - See drapé 1).
term "fasolin". drapò - n. m. (pr. \ dr&p'o \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - flag, banner,
dòta - n. f. (pr. \ d'ot& \) At plr. dòte. - 1) - marriage colours. In this sense seealso the term "bandiera" (an used
settlement, dowry, dot. - 2) - endowment. - 3) - italianism), but not for the piedm. flag which is anyway
endowment, gift. In this sense see also the term "dòte". "drapò ". - 2) - standard. In this sense see also the term
dòte - n. f. (pr. \ d'ote \) Inv. at plr. - endowment, gift. See also "stendard".
the term "dòte 3rd meaning". dràstich - adj. (pr. \ dr'&stic \) Ms. plr. drastich - fm. sng. and
dracma - n. f. (pr. \ dr'&cm& \) At plr. dracme. - drachma. plr. drastica, drastiche. - drastic, forcible, strong.
greek currency before euro. See also the terms "drama - 2), dré - prp. (pr. \ dr'e \) - behind, after. See also the terms "daré,
dragma", referred to antique greek coins. darera".
draconian - adj. (pr. \ dr&cuni'&[ng] \) Ms. plr. draconian - drenagi - n. m. (pr. \ dren'&ji \) Inv. at plr. - drain, drainage.
fm. sng. and plr. draconian-a, draconian-e. - Draconian, drené - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dren'e \) - to drain.
Draconic. drent - 1) - adv. (pr. \ dr'ænt \) - 1) - in, inside. - 2) - within. -
draga - n. f. (pr. \ dr'&g& \) At plr. draghe. - dredge 3) - indoors. - 4) - inwardly (in a fig. sense). See also the
(mechanics). terms "drenta, drinta, andrinta".
dragagi - n. m. (pr. \ dr&g'&ji \) Inv. at plr, - 1) - gredging. - drent - 2) - prp. (pr. \ dr'ænt \) - 1) - in, inside. - 2) - within. -
2) - mine-sweeping. 3) - by. See also the terms "drenta, drint, drinta, andrinta".
dragamin-e - n. m. (pr. \ dr&g&m'i[ng]e \) - mine-sweeper drenta - adv. and prp. (pr. \ dr'ænt& \) - See drent 1) and 2).
(military navy). dressa - n. f. (pr. \ dr'es& \) At plr. dresse. - 1) - address. - 2) -
dragator - n. m. (pr. \ dr&g&t'ur \) Inv. at plr. - dredger. See dexterty, adroitness, skill. - See also the term "adressa".
also the term "draghista". dressagi - n. m. (pr. \ dres'&ji \) Inv. at plr. - dressage,
draghé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dr&g'e \) - 1) - to dredge. - 2) - training (horses, animals).
to sweep (mines) dressé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dres'e \) - 1) - to address. - 2) -
draghista - n. m. (pr. \ dr&g'ist& \) - See dragator. to train (animals).
dragma - n. f. (pr. \ dr'&gm& \) At plr. dragme. - 1) - dreta - n. m. (pr. \ dr'et& \) At plr. drete - direction, setting
drachma. Antique greek coins. In this meaning see also out, advice. See also the terms "dàita 3rd meaning, drita".
the term "drama - 2)". - 2) - old weight measure in dreume - vrb 2nd con. int. (pr. \ dr'[oe]me \) - to sleep. - It uses
pharmacy. In this meaning see also the term "drama - 2) the aux. "avèj ". See also the term "deurme, drumì".
2nd meaning)". dreuve - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ dr'[oe]ve \) - to open. - See also
dragon - n. m. (pr. \ dr&g'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - dragon the term "deurbe, druvì".
(mythology). - 2) - dragoon (military). drint - adv. and prp. (pr. \ dr'int \) - See drent 1) and 2).
drama - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ dr'&m& \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - play, drinta - adv. and prp. (pr. \ dr'int& \) - See drent 1) and 2).
drama. - 2) - drama, tragedy (in a fig. sense). drissé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dris'e \) - 1) - to straighten. - 2) -
to prik up. - 3) - to erect.

drissésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ dris'ese \) - 1) - to rise, to drompse - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ dr'umpse \) - to accustom
stand up. - 2) - to straighten. - 3) - to correct oneself, to oneself, to get used.
mend one's ways (in a fig. sense). drossé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ drus'e \) - 1) - to knock down, to
drissura - n. f. (pr. \ dris'[ue]r& \) - See dritura. bend to ground. - 2) - to humble, to prostrate (in a fig.
drissura (a ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ & dris'[ue]r& \) - 1) - certaily, sense).
definitely. - 2) - directly. - 3) - right away. - 4) - drot - adj. (pr. \ drut \) Ms. plr. drot - fm. sng. and plr. drota,
absolutely. See also the terms "adrissura, adritura" and drote. - 1) - accustomed, used, able, skilled. - 2) -
the loc. "a dritura, a drissura". diluted. - 3) - warmed. E. g. "eva drota" "slightly
drissura (an ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ &[ng] dris'[ue]r& \) - warmed water" ; "vin drot" "wine mixed with water or
straight, directly, in straight line. with another type of wine".
drit - 1) - adj. (pr. \ dr'it \) Ms. plr. drit - fm. sng. and plr. droté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ drut'e \) - See deroté.
drita, drite. - 1) - straight, upright, erect, direct. - 2) - dròch - n. m. (pr. \ dr'oc \) Inv. at plr. - abundance, plenty.
right, right-hand. - 3) - straightforward. See also the term "drògh".
drit - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ dr'it \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - right (e.g. human dròch (a ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ & dr'oc \) - abundantly.
rights). - 2) - law, jurisprudence. (e.g. civil law, penal dròga - n. f. (pr. \ & dr'g& \) At plr. dròghe. - 1) - spice. - 2) -
law, etc.).-3) - dues, fees, duty. (e.g. custom duties). - See drug, dope.
also the term "dirit". drògh - (pr. \ dr'og \) - See dròch.
drita - n. f. (pr. \ dr'it& \) At plr. drite. - 1) - direction, setting drògno - n. m. (pr. \ dr'o[gn]u \) Inv. at plr. - bump, lump. See
out, advice. In this sense see also the terms "dàita 3rd also the terms "dòrgna, drugno".
meaning, dreta". - 2) - right, right hand, right hand side. dròlo - adj. (pr. \ dr'olu \) Ms. plr. dròlo - fm. sng. and plr.
In this sense see also the term "destra" (which is an used dròla, dròle. - strange, curious, odd, bizarre, facetious.
italianism). dròssa - n. f. (pr. \ dr'os& \) At plr. dròsse. - combing-card
drito - n. and adj. (pr. \ dr'itu \) Ms. plr. drito - fm. sng. and (texile). See also the term "carda".
plr. drita, drite. - 1) - astute, crafty, slick (adj.) - 2) - dru - adj. (pr. \ dr[ue] \) Ms. plr. dru - fm. sng. and plr. drùa,
slicker, astute person (sbst.). Often the word is used in drùe. - 1) - fertile, fruitful. - 2) - luxuriant (vegetables
ironic sense with the opposite meaning). See also the term and in a fig. sense). - 3) - squeamish. In this sense see also
"driton", augmentative of "drito". the term "schifignos".
driton - n. and adj. (pr. \ dr'itu[ng] \) - See drito. druensa - n. f. (pr. \ dr[ue]'æ[ng]s& \) At plr. druense. -
dritura - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ drit'[ue]r& \) At plr. driture. - 1) - fertility, fruitfulness.
straightness. - 2) - uprightness. See also the terms drugia - n. f. (pr. \ dr'[ue]ji& \) At plr. (when applicable)
"diritura, drissura". druge. - stable manure, dung.
drocà - adj. (pr. \ druc'& \) - See dirocà. drugno - n. m. (pr. \ dr'[ue][gn]u \) - See drògno.
droché - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ druk'e \) - 1) - to fall, to fall drùid - n. m. (pr. \ dr'[ue]id \) Inv. at plr. - Druid (history).
down, to drop, to tumble, to fall out. - 2) - to ruin drùida - n. m. (pr. \ dr'[ue]id& \) - See drùid.
(buildings). - See also the terms "casché, tombé ". druìdich - adj. (pr. \ dr[ue]'idic \) Ms. plr. druìdich - fm. sng.
drochèis - n. m. (pr. \ druk'æiz \) - See drochiss. and plr. druìdica, druìdiche. - Druidical, Druid (as an
drocheri - n. m. (pr. \ druk'eri \) Inv. at plr. - ruins, rubble. attribute).
drochism - n. m. (pr. \ druk'izm \) - See drochiss. druidism - n. m. (pr. \ dr[ue]id'izm \) Inv. at plr. - Druidism.
drochiss - n. m. (pr. \ druk'is \) Inv. at plr. - hovel, hut, slum, drumì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ dr[ue]m'i \) - See deurme.
half ruined house. druvì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ dr[ue]v'i \) - See deurbe.
drogant - adj. and n. (pr. \ drug'&nt \) Ms. plr. drogant - fm. dsà - adv. (pr. \ ds'& \) - here, in here, over here, on this
sng. and plr. droganta, drogante. - 1) - astute, intriguing, part, (in) this part, (to) this part. See also the term
meddling (adj.). - 2) - intriguer, meddler (sbst.). See also "dëdsà " and the loc. "dë dsà ".
the term "droghèire". duàl - adj. and n. (pr. \ d[ue]'&l \) Ms. plr. duàj - fm. sng. and
drogarìa - n. f. (pr. \ drug&r'i& \) At plr. drogarìe. - grocer's plr. duàl, duàj. - dual.
(shop), grocery. See also the terms "drogherìa, dualism - n. m. (pr. \ d[ue]&l'izm \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - dualism.
fondicarìa". - 2) - rivalry.
droghé - 1) - n. (pr. \ drug&r'i& \) Ms. plr. droghé - fm. sng. dualista - n. (pr. \ d[ue]&l'ist& \) Ms. plr. dualista - fm. sng.
and plr. droghéra, droghére. - grocer. See also the terms and plr. dualista, dualiste. - dualist.
"droghista, fondiché ". dualìstich - adj. (pr. \ d[ue]&l'istic \) Ms. plr. dualistich - fm.
droghé - 2) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ drug'e \) - 1) - to season, to sng. and plr. dualistica, dualistiche. - dualistic.
spice. - 2) - to drug, to dope. dualità - n. f. (pr. \ d[ue]&lit'& \) Inv. at plr. - duality.
droghésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ drug'ese \) - to take drugs, dubi - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ d'[ue]bi \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - doubt,
to drug, to be a drug addict. uncertainty. - 2) - suspicion. See also the terms "dùbit,
droghèire - adj. and n. (pr. \ drug'æire\) - See drogant. dubiëssa, dubitassion ".
drogherìa - n. f. (pr. \ druger'i& \) - See drogarìa. dubi - 2) - adj. (pr. \ d'[ue]bi \) Ms. plr. dubi - fm. sng. and plr.
droghista - n. (pr. \ drug'ist& \) - See droghé 1). dubia, dubie. - doubtful, uncertain, dubious,
drognoné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dru[gn]un'e \) - to beat or to questionable.
cudgel leaving bruises and bumps. dubiëssa - n. f. (pr. \ d[ue]bi'&ss& \) At plr. dubiësse. -
drolarìa - n. f. (pr. \ drul&r'i& \) At plr. drolarìe. - agreeable doubtfulness, uncertainty. See also the terms "dùbit, dubi,
oddity, pleasantry, curiosity, joke. dubitassion ".
dromadari - n. m. (pr. \ drum&d'&ri \) Inv. at plr. - dùbit - n. m. (pr. \ d'[ue]bit \) - See dubi.
dromedary (zoology - Camelus dromedarius). dubios - adj. (pr. \ d[ue]bi'uz \) Ms. plr. dubios - fm. sng. and
dromedari - n. m. (pr. \ drum&d'&ri \) - See dromadari. plr. dubiosa, dubiose. - doubtful, uncertain, dubious.
drompe - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ drump'e \) - 1) - to disrupt, to dubitativ - adj. (pr. \ d[ue]bit&t'iu \) Ms. plr. dubitativ - fm.
break, to shatter (in a violent way). - 2) - to soften. - 3) - sng. and plr. dubitativa, dubitative. - dubitative.
to dilute, to melt. - 4) - to warm (in a fig. sense). In the dubitassion - n. f. - doubtfulness, uncertainty. See also the
meanings from 2 to 4 see also the terms "dërompe, terms "dubi 1), dubiëssa, dùbit ".
dirompe, rompe".

dubité - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ d[ue]bit'e \) - 1) - to doubt. - 2) - duplicatriss - n. f. (pr. \ d[ue]plic&tr'is \ ) Inv. at plr. -
to suspect, to be afraid. - 3) - to distrust. - It uses the duplicating machine.
aux. "avèj ". dupliché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d[ue]plik'e \ ) - to duplicate.
duca - n. m. (pr. \ d'[ue]c& \) Inv. at plr. - duke. For the fm. See also the term "ardobié ".
see the term "duchëssa". dur - adj. (pr. \ d[ue]r \ ) Ms. plr. dur - fm. sng. and plr. dura,
ducà - n. m. (pr. \ d[ue]c'& \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - dukedom. - 2) - dure. - 1) - hard. - 2) - tough. - 3) - stiff (mechanics). - 4)
dukedom, duchy. - obstinate. - 5) - harsh.
ducal - adj. (pr. \ d[ue]c'&l \) Ms. plr. ducaj - fm. sng. and plr. durà - n. f. (pr. \ d[ue]r'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - duration. E. g.
ducal, ducaj. - ducal. "sto film a l'ha na durà bin curta" "this film has a very
ducaton - n. m. (pr. \ d[ue]c&t'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - ducatoon short duration". - 2) - period, term. E. g. "ël negòssi a
(coin). sarà duvert për la durà 'd des dì " "the shop will be open
duce - n. m. (pr. \ d'[ue][ch]e \) - Inv. at plr. - 1) - leader, for a period of ten days".- 3) - life. "la durà dë sta vitura a
captain. - 2) - "duce" (history). l'é nen vàire lòn" "the life of this car is not so much ".- 5)
ducé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d[ue][ch]'e \) - See docé. - wear. "sta sòfa a l'ha pà gnun-e durà" "this fabric has
duchëssa - n. f. (pr. \ d[ue]c'&ss& \) At plr. duchësse. - no wear".
duchess. For the ms. see the term "duca". duràbil - adj. (pr. \ d[ue]r'&bil \ ) - See durèivol.
duchëssin-a - n. f. (pr. \ d[ue]c&ss'i[ng]& \) At plr. duchessin- durant - prp. (pr. \ d[ue]r'&nt \ ) - 1) - during, in, in the
e. - duke's daughter, "duchessina". course of. E. g. "I was born during the second world war"
duchin - n. m. (pr. \ d[ue]k'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - duke's son. "i son nà durant la sconda guèra mondial ". - 2) - all
duél - n. m. (pr. \ d[ue]'el \) At plr. duéj. - duel. through. E. g. "it rained all through the whole week" "a
duèrt - adj. (pr. \ d[ue]'ært \) - See duvert. l'ha piovù durant tuta la sman-a completa".
duerté - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ d[ue]ært'e \) - 1) - to durass - adj. (pr. \ d[ue]r'&s \ ) Ms. plr. durass - fm. sng. and
open (in general, trs.). - 2) - to unfold (trs.). - 3) - to plr. durassa, durasse. - clingstone (fruits). For "clingstone
unlock (trs.). - 4) - to turn on (trs.). - 5) - to switch on cherries" see also the term "duron 2nd meaning"
(trs.). In this sense see also the term "anvisché ". - 6) - to duré - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ d[ue]r'e \ ) - 1) - to last, to go on. -
unzip (trs.). - 7) - to open, to begin (trs.). - 8) - to open 2) - to hold out. - 3) - to persist. - 4) - to persevere. It
(int.). It uses in any case the aux. "avèj ". - See also the uses the aux. "avèj ", but, as an italianism, it can be found
terms "deurbe, duverté ". using the aux. "esse".
duet - n. m. (pr. \ d[ue]'æt \) Inv. at plr. - duet (music and in a durèivol - adj. (pr. \ d[ue]r'æivul \ ) Ms. plr. durèivoj - fm.
fig. sense). sng. and plr. durèivol, durèivoj. - lasting, durable,
duëtta - n. f. (pr. \ d[ue]'&tt& \) At plr. duëtte. - one plus one permanent. We notice that sometimes it is possible to find
playing dice. See also the term "duin". the fm. sng. and plr. as "durèivola, durèivole" as it happens
duganal - adj. (pr. \ d[ue]g&n'&l \) - See doganal. with many adj. ending with "...l ". See also the term
dugané - n. m. see doganié. "duràbil ".
dugan-a - n. f. (pr. \ d[ue]g'&[ng]& \) - See dogan-a. durëssa - n. f. (pr. \ d[ue]r'&ss& \ ) At plr. durësse. - 1) -
duin - n. m. (pr. \ d[ue]'i[ng] \) - See duëtta. hardness. - 2) - stiffness. - 3) - toughness. - 4) -
duitin - n. m. (pr. \ d[ue]it'i[ng] \) - See deuitin. harshness. - 5) - obstinacy.
Dumìni - n. m. (pr. \ d[ue]m'ini \ ) Noun of person only sng. In durgnon - n. m. (pr. \ d[ue]r[gn]'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
case of need inv. at plr. - Dominic. callosity, corny skin. See also the terms "duron, durijon,
dumìnica - n. f. (pr. \ d[ue]m'inic& \ ) At plr. dumìniche. - durignon".
Sunday. duribech - n. m. (pr. \ d[ue]rib'æc \ ) Inv. at plr. - hawfinch,
duminical - adj. (pr. \ d[ue]minic'&l \ ) Ms. plr. duminicaj - grosbeak (zoology - Coccothraustes vulgaris)
fm. sng. and plr. duminical, duminicaj. - Sunday (as an durignon - n. m. (pr. \ d[ue]ri[gn]'u[ng] \ ) - See durgnon.
attribute). durijon - n. m. (pr. \ d[ue]riy'u[ng] \ ) - See durgnon.
duminican - n. and adj. (pr. \ d[ue]minic'&[ng] \ ) - Ms. plr. durlindan-a - n. f. (pr. \ d[ue]rlind'&[ng]& \ ) At plr.
duminican - fm. sng. and plr. duminican-a, duminican-e. durlindan-e. - 1) - Durendal. - 2) - sword, sabre. See also
- Dominican. the term "saber".
dun-a - 1) - adv. (pr. \ d'[ue][ng]& \ ) - quickly, at once. See durmeus - (pr. \ d[ue]rm'[oe]z \ ) - See dormeus.
also the term "den-a" durmì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ d[ue]rm'i \ ) - See deurme.
dun-a - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ d'[ue][ng]& \ ) At plr. dun-e. - dune. durmìa - n. f. (pr. \ d[ue]rm'i& \ ) At plr. durmìe. - 1) - long
duodécim - nmr. ord. adj. (pr. \ d[ue]ud'e[ch]im \ ) Inv. at plr. - and restful sleep. - 2) - sleeping-pill, soporific. - 3) -
twelfth. anaesthesia. In the last two meanings see also the term
dupa - n. f. (pr. \ d'[ue]p& \ ) At plr. dupe. - deception, cheat, "andurmìa".
swindle. See also the term "duparìa". The expression "esse durmiada - n. f. (pr. \ d[ue]rmi'&d& \ ) At plr. durmiade. - 1)
la dupa 'd quaidun" means "to be laughing-stock of sb.". - sleep, good sleep.
duparìa - n. f. (pr. \ d[ue]p&r'i& \ ) - See dupa. durmiàire - n. (pr. \ d[ue]rmi'&ire \ ) - See durmion.
dupé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d[ue]p'e \ ) - 1) - to cheat, to durmiass - n. (pr. \ d[ue]rmi'&s \ ) - See durmion.
swindle, to deceive. - 2) - to betray, to disappoint. durmiensa - n. f. (pr. \ d[ue]rmi'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. (if any)
dupésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ d[ue]p'ese \ ) - to make a durmiense. - period of rest for trees ( usually during the
mistake, to be wrong. winter).
duplicà - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ d[ue]plic'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - duplicate, durmiolé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ d[ue]rmiul'e \ ) - to doze, to
doublet. See also the terms "dobion 1st meaning, còpia". nod. It uses the aux. "avèj ". See also the terms "sognoché,
duplicà - 2) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ d[ue]plic'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and sugnoché ".
nr. - duplicated, copied. durmion - n. (pr. \ d[ue]rmi'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. durmion - fm.
duplicassion - n. f. (pr. \ d[ue]plic&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - sng. and plr. durmion-a, durmion-e. - sleepy-head. See
duplication. also the terms "durmiàire, durmiass".
duplicator - n. m. (pr. \ d[ue]plic&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - durmitòri - n. m. (pr. \ d[ue]rmit'ori \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
duplicator, doubler (e. g. of frequency - radio). dormitory. - 2) - free hostel.

durmiura - n. f. (pr. \ d[ue]rmi'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. (if any) dzamoré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dz&mur'e \) - to estrange, to
durmiure - sleep (some animals, silk worms in particular alienate, to disaffect. See also the term "dësamoré ".
periods). dzamorésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ dz&mur'ese \) - to become
duron - n. m. (pr. \ d[ue]r'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - corn, estranged, to lose interest. See also the term
callosity. - 2) - clingstone cherry. "dësamorésse ".
durvì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ d[ue]rv'i \ ) - See deurbe. dzamorsé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dz&murs'e \) - to defuse. See
durvìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ d[ue]rv'ise \ ) - 1) - to open. - also the term "dësmorsé ".
2) - to begin. - 3) - to clear up (sky). - 4) - to open one's dzancà - adj. and n. (pr. \ dz&[ng]c'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
mind. 1) - hip-shot, crippled, lame (adj.) - 2) - cripple (sbst.).
durviura - n. f. (pr. \ d[ue]rvi'[ue]r& \ ) - 1) - opening (in See also the term "dësancà ".
general). - 2) - beginning. E. g. "la duvriura dla dzanché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dz&[ng]k'e \) - to cripple. See
conferensa" "the beginning of the conference". - 3) - also the term "dësanché ".
outbreak. - 4) - cleft, crack. - 5) - gap. - 6) - hole. - 7) - dzanchésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ dz&[ng]k'ese \) - to
width, spread. - 8) - span (wings). - 9) - overture (music). dislocate one's hip. - to become a cripple. See also the
See also the term "duvertura". term "dësanchésse ".
duso - n. m. (pr. \ d'[ue]zu \ ) Inv. at plr. - owl of mountain dzanemis - adj. and n. (pr. \ dz&nem'iz \) Ms. plr. dzanemis -
(zoology). fm. sng. and plr. dzanemisa, dzanemise. - 1) - hostile,
dùssia - n. f. (pr. \ d'[ue]si& \ ) - See dussìa. adverse, opposed (adj.). - 2) - harmful, noxious (adj.). -
dussìa - n. f. (pr. \ d[ue]s'i& \ ) At plr. - dussìe. - 1) - metal 3) - enemy, adversary (sbst.). See also the terms "dzinimis,
ring, ring nut. See also the terms "bòcola, bussìa". - 2) - nemis".
bushing, bush, bearing. See also the term "bronzin-a". dzanimé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dz&nim'e \) - See dësanimé.
dussiera - n. f. (pr. \ d[ue]si'er& \ ) At plr. dussiere. - shaft- dzan-namorà - adj. (pr. \ dz&[ng]n&mur'& \) Inv. in gnd. and
strap. nr. - estranged, indifferent, listless. See also the terms
dutrin-a - n. f. (pr. \ d[ue]tr'i[ng]& \ ) - See dotrin-a. "dësnamorà, dzan-namorà".
dutrinàire - n. (pr. \ d[ue]trin'&ire \ ) Ms. plr. dutrinàire - fm. dzan-namoré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dz&[ng]n&mur'e \) - to
sng. and plr. dutrinàira, dutrinàire. - catechist, estrange.
catechizer. dzan-namorésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ dz&[ng]n&mur 'ese \)
dutriné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ d[ue]trin'ere \ ) - See dotriné. - to fall out of love.
duvert - adj. (pr. \ d[ue]w'ært ; d[ue]'ært \ ) Ms. plr. duvert - dzardité - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dz&rdit'e \) - to disinherit. See
fm. sng. and plr. duverta, duverte. - 1) - open (in general) also the terms "dëseredité, diseredé, dëseredé, dzeredité ".
. - 2) - frank, sincere, open (person). - 3) - exposed, dzarté - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ dz&rt'e \) - See diserté.
unprotected. - 4) - clear, unobstructed. The term is not dzarteur - n. m. (pr. \ dz&rt'[oe]r \) - See dësarteur.
also p. p. of "duverté ", which is instead "duvertà ". dzatension - n. f. (pr. \ dz&tæ[ng]si'u'[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
duverté - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ d[ue]wært'e ; d[ue]ært'e inattention, carelessness. - 2) - oversight. See also the
\ ) - See deurbe. terms "dësatension, disatension".
duvertura - n. f. (pr. \ d[ue]wært'[ue]r& ; d[ue]ært'éue]r& \ ) - dzavantagi - n. m. (pr. \ dz&v&nt'&ji \) Inv. at plr. -
See durviura. disadvantage, drawback, detriment, handicap. See also
dventé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dvænt'e \ ) - to become, to grow the terms "dësavantagi, dëscàpit, svantagi, discàpit,
(and adj.), to turn (and adj.), to turn into, to turn to.See disavantagi ".
also the term "diventé ". dzavantagià - adj. (pr. \ dz&v&nt&ji'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
dvot - adj. and n. (pr. \ dv'ot \ ) - See devòt. at a disadvantage. See also the terms "dësavantagià,
dz... - prefix. (pr. \ dz... \ ) - un... , dis... etc.. Arversative svantagià ".
prefix. Used only in front of main words starteing by dzèmber - n. m. (pr. \ dz'æmbær \) Inv. at plr. (when
vowel. See what we said about the terms "des... ; dës... ; applicable). - December.
dis... ". In the following some examples, usually with the dzen-a - n. f. (pr. \ dz'æ[ng]& \) At plr. dzen-e. - 1) - ten,
reference to the word using the other prefixes. ten(s). - 2) - about ten. See also the term "dësen-a".
dzabijé - n. m. (pr. \ d&z&biy'e \) Inv. at plr. - house-frock. dzeredité - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dzeredit'e \) - See dzardité.
See also the terms "desabilié, dësabijé". dzersion - n. f. (pr. \ dzærsi'u[ng] \) - See disersion.
dzabituà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ dz&bit[ue]'& \) Inv. in gnd. and dzerté - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ dzært'e \) - See diserté.
nr. - disaccustomed. See also the terms "disabituà, dzertor - n. m. (pr. \ dzært'ur \) - See dësarteur.
dësabituà". dzimparé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dzimp&r'e \) - 1) - to forget,
dzabitué - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dz&bit[ue]'e \) - to make (sb.) to unlearn. - 2) - to learn not to ... . See also the term
lose the habit (of), to disaccustom. See also the terms "dësamparé ".
"disabitué, dësabitué, dëscostumé". dzimpegn - n. m. (pr. \ dzimp'e[gn] \) - See dësimpegn.
dzabituésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ dz&bit[ue]'ese \) - See dzimpegné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dzimpe[gn]'e \) - See
dësabituésse. dësimpegné.
dzacorà - adj. (pr. \ dz&cur’& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - dzimpegnésse - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dzimpe[gn]'ese \) - See
descouraged, dejected. See also the terms “scorà, dësimpegnésse.
dëscoragià “. dzincanté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dzi[ng]c&nt'e \) - See
dzadeuit - adj. (pr. \ dz&d'[oe]it \) Ms. plr. dzadeuit - fm. sng. dësincanté.
and plr. dzadeuita, dzadeuite. - impolite, ill-mannered, dzinimis - adj. and n. (pr. \ dzinim'iz \) Ms. plr. dzinimis - fm.
uncivil, coarse, gross, rough. See also the terms sng. and plr. dzinimisa, dzinimise. - 1) - hostile, adverse,
"dzadeuit, dësadeuit, disdeuit".dësdeuit. opposed (adj.). - 2) - harmful, noxious (adj.). - 3) -
dzadeuitarìa - n. f. (pr. \ d&zd[oe]it&r'i& \) At plr. enemy, adversary (sbst.). See also the terms "dzanemis,
dzdeuitarìe. - coarseness, roughness, discourtesy. See nemis".
also the terms "disdeuitarìa, dësdeuitarìa". dzinteresse - n. m. (pr. \ dzinter'ese \) - See dësinteresse.
dzagreàbil - adj. (pr. \ dz&gre'&bil \) - See dësagreàbil. dzoblighé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dzublig'e \) - to release, to
dzambrojé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dz&mbruy'e \) - See relieve (sb.) from an abligation. See also the terms
dësambrojé. "disoblighé, dësoblighé ".

dzoblighésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ dzublig'ese \) - to repay "da dzora" (see the related adv. loc.). - 8) - on top. E. g.
an obligation, to do (st.) in return (for st.). See also the "mach dzora a-i é 'l sùcher" "only on top there is the
term "dësoblighésse ". sugar".
dzocupà - adj. and n. (pr. \ dzuc[ue]p'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. dzora (da ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ d& dz'ur& \) - 1) - above
- 1) - unemplojed, jobless. - 2) - unemplojed person. See (adv.). E. g."com i l'oma scrit sì da dzora" "As we wrote
also the term "disocupà". here above". - 2) - upstairs (adv.). E. g. "a l'é andait da
dzocupassion - n. m. (pr. \ dzuc[ue]p&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - dzora" "he went upstairs". - 3) - on top. E. g. "mach da
unemployment. See also the term "disocupassion". dzora a-i é 'l sùcher" "only on top there is the sugar". See
dzodorisant - 1) - n. m. (pr.\dzuduriz'&nt\)- See deodorant 1). also the term "dzora meanings 6th 7th 8th ".
dzodorisant - 2) - adj. (pr. \dzuduriz'&nt\) - See deodorant 2). dzorman - n. m. (pr. \ dzurm'&[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
dzodorisassion - n. f. (pr. \ dzuduriz&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - whipping, overcasting (sewing). - 2) - slap, smack, cuff.
deodorization. See also the terms "disodorisassion, dzorsté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dzurst'e \) - to excel, to
deodorisassion". surpass, to stand out. See also the term "ecele".
dzodorisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dzuduriz'e \) - to deodorize. dzossé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dzus'e \) - See dësossé.
See also the term "disodoré, deodoré ". dzubidì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ dz[ue]bid'i \) - 1) - to disobey. -
dzonest - adj. and n. (pr. \ dzun'est \) Ms. plr. dësonest - fm. 2) - to break (a rule, a law). See also the vrbl. loc. "nen
sng. and plr. dësonesta, dësoneste. - 1) - dishonest, scoté ". and the term "disubidì ".
deceitful (adj.). - 2) - dishonest person, cheat. See also dzubidiensa - n. f. (pr. \ dz[ue]bidi'æ[ng]s& \) At plr.
the terms "dësonest, disonest ". dzubidiense. - disobedience. See also the term
dzonestà - n. f. (pr. \ dzunest'& \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - dishonesty, "disubidiensa".
deceit. - 2) - fraud. See also the terms "dësonestà, dzubidient - adj. and n. (pr. \ dz[ue]bidi'ænt \) Ms. plr.
disonestà ". dzubidient - fm. sng. and plr. dzubidienta, dztubidiente. -
dzonor - n. m. (pr. \ dzun'ur \) Inv. at plr. (if any). - 1) - disobedient (adj.). - 2) - disobedient person (sbst.).
dishonour, shame. See also the terms "disonor, dzonor". See also the term "disubidient".
dzonorant - adj. (pr. \ dzunur'&nt \) - See disonorévol. dzugual - adj. (pr. \ dz[ue]g'[ue]&l \) Ms. plr. dësuguaj - fm.
dzonoré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dzunur'e \) - 1) - to dishonour, sng. and plr. dësugual, dësuguaj. - unequal, different,
to disgrace. - 2) - to seduce. See also the terms "disonoré, uneven. See also the terms "disugual, dësugual ".
dësonoré ". dzugualiansa - n. f. (pr. \ dz[ue]g[ue]&li'&[ng]s& \) At plr.
dzonorèivol - adj. (pr. \ dzunur'æivul \) - See disonorévol. dësugualianse. - 1) - difference, inequality, uneveness. - 2)
dzonorèvol - adj. (pr. \ dzunur'evul \) - See disonorévol. inequality (mathematics). See also the terms "
dzora - prp. and adv. (pr. \ dz'ur& \) - 1) - on, upon. (prp.) E. disugualiansa, dësugualiansa ".
g. "ël piat dzora la taula" "the dish on the table".- 2) - dzugualié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ dz[ue]g[ue]&li'e \) - to make
over. (prp.). E. g. "l'avion a vòla dzora le cà" "the plane unequal. See also the terms "disugualié, dësugualié ".
flies over the houses". - 3) - above (prp.). E. g." mila meter dzunì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ dz[ue]n'i \) - to disunite, to
dzora 'l livél dël mar" "one thousand meters above the disjoin. See also the term "disunì ".
sea level". - 4) - on, about (prp.). E. g. "fe 'n dëscors dzora dzunion - n. f. (pr. \ dz[ue]ni'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
nòstra stòria" "to make a speech about our history". - 5) disunion. - 2) - dissension. See also the most common
- beyond. E. g. "Venaus a l'é un pais dzora a Susa" term "disunion".
"Venaus is a village beyond Susa". See also the terms "sù, dzutil - adj. (pr. \ dz'[ue]til \) Ms. plr. dzùtij - fm. sng. and plr.
ansù, ansima". - 6) - above (adv.). E. g."com i l'oma scrit sì dzùtil, dzùtij. - useless. See also the terms "dësùtil,
dzora" "As we wrote here above". - 7) - upstairs (adv.). disùtil".
E. g. "a l'é andait (da) dzora" "he went upstairs". Here
we note that this adv. is often expresse with the adv. loc.


Letter E
e - 1) - fifth letter of the alphabet and n. f. (pr. \ e \ ; \ æ \) - e. ecedent - 1) - adj. (pr. \ e[ch]ed'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. ecedent - fm.
We remember that in this vocabulary we consider the letter sng. and plr. ecedenta, ecedente. - excess (as an attribute),
ë as a different letter, following the letter e, having its own surplus (as an attribute), in excess.
"half-mute" sound. We also remember that the letter e has ecedent - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ e[ch]ed'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - excess,
two very different sounds, according to the type of stress or surplus.
the position in the word. ece-òm - n. m. (pr. \ e[ch]e'om \ ) Inv. at plr. (when applicable)
e - 2) - cng. (pr. \ e \ ) - and. - 1) - ecce homo (art). - 2) - person in a bad physical
é! - excl. and adv. (pr. \ e \ ) - yes. See also the terms "éh! , sé, condition (in a fig. sense).
sì, òi, òhi, ohil, bò ". ecele - vrb 2nd con. int. (pr. \ e[ch]'ele \ ) - to excel, to surpass,
è? - excl. and adv. (pr. \ æ \ ) - what?. See also the term "èh? ". to stand out. It uses the aux. "avèj ". See also the terms
éban - n. m. (pr. \ 'eb&[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - ebony. See "eclaté, sovrasté, bate, dzorsté " and the vrbl. loc. like
also the term "ébano". "esse dzora, alvesse ansima".
ebanìsta - n. (pr. \ eb&n'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. ebanista - fm. sng. ecelensa - n. f. (pr. \ e[ch]el'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. ecelense. - 1) -
and plr. ebanista, ebaniste. - cabinet-maker. excellence. - 2) - Excellency.
ebanisterìa - n. f. (pr. \ eb&nister'i& \ ) At plr. ebanisterìe. - ecelent - adj. (pr. \ e[ch]el'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. ecelent - fm. sng.
1) - cabinet-maker's shop. - 2) - cabinet-making. and plr. ecelenta, ecelente. - excellent, first-rate, first-
ebanite - n. f. (pr. \ eb&n'ite \ ) Inv. at plr. (when applicable). - class.
ebonite, vulcanite. ecèntrich - 1) - adj. and n. (pr. \ e[ch]'æntric \ ) Ms. plr.
ébano - n. m. (pr. \ 'eb&nô \ ) - See éban. ecèntrich - fm. sng. and plr. ecèntrica, ecèntriche. - 1) -
eben - cng. (pr. \ eb'æ[ng] \ ) - well, well then, and so. E. g. : eccentric, whimsical. (adj.). - 2) - eccentric (geometry,
"a l'é tardi? eben, noi i andoma" "is it late? and so we mechanics) (adj.). - 3) - eccentric person, crank (sbst.). -
go". See also the term "ebin". See also the terms "ës-centrich 1), dës-centrà".
ebdomadari - n. and adj. (pr. \ ebdum&d'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. ecèntrich - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ e[ch]'æntric \ ) Inv. at plr. -
ebdomadari - fm. sng. and plr. ebdomadaria, eccentric, cam (mechanics). See also the term "ës-centrich
ebdomadarie. - weekly. 2)".
ebeté - adj. and n. (pr. \ ebet'e \ ) - See ébete. ecentricità - n. f. (pr. \ e[ch]æntri[ch]it'& \ ) - See ecentrissità.
ébete - adj. and n. (pr. \ 'ebete \ ) - Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - ecentrissità - n. f. (pr. \ e[ch]æntrisit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
half-witted, dull-witted, stupid, foolish, etc. (adj.). - 2) - eccentricity, oddity, whimsicality. - 2) - eccentricity
idiot, blckhead. (sbst.). - See also "beté (the most used), (mechanics, geometry). See also the term "ecentricità ".
abeté, ebeté ". ecepì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ e[ch]ep'i \ ) - 1) - to object. - 2) -
ebetism - n. m. (pr. \ ebet'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - dullness, to plead, to demur (legal).
stupidity, idiocy. - 2) - hebetude (medical). ecebìbil - adj. (pr. \ e[ch]ep'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. ecepìbij - fm. sng.
ebin - cng. (pr. \ eb'i[ng] \ ) - See eben. and plr. ecepìbil, ecepìbij. - objectionable, exceptionable.
ebolission - n. f. (pr. \ ebulisi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - boiling, ecéss - n. m. (pr. \ e[ch]'es \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - excess,
ebullition. - 2) - agitation (in a fig. sense). Note that the overplus, surplus. - 2) - immoderacy, immoderation,
expression "pont d'ebolission" is translated into "boiling- excess. - 3) - excess, misuse.
point ". ecession - n. f. (pr. \ e[ch]esi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
ebràich - 1) - adj. (pr. \ ebr'&ic \ ) Ms. plr. ebràich - fm. sng. exception. - 2) - objection, exception. - 3) - saving clause,
and plr. ebraica, ebraiche. - Hebrew, Hebraic, Jewish. reservation.
ebraich - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ ebr'&ic \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - ecessional - adj. (pr. \ e[ch]esiun'&l \ ) Ms. plr. ecessionaj -
Hebrew (the tongue). fm. sng. and plr. ecessional, ecessionaj. - exceptional.
ebraism - n. m. (pr. \ ebr&'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - Hebraism. ecessionalità - n. f. (pr. \ e[ch]esiun&lit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
ebréo - n. and adj. (pr. \ ebr'eu \ ) Ms. plr. ebreo - fm. sng. and exceptionality.
plr. ebrea, ebree. - 1) - Hebrew, Jewish (adj.). - 2) - ecessionalment - adv. (pr. \ e[ch]esiun&lm'ænt \ ) - as an
Hebrew, Jew (sbst.). exception, exceptionally. Italianism. See the adv. loc. "an
ecatomba - n. f. (pr. \ ec&t'umb& \ ) At plr. ecatombe. - 1) - via ecessional, coma ecession, etc.".
hecatomb. - 2) - massacre (in a fig. sense). ecessiv - adj. - (pr. \ e[ch]es'iu \ ) Ms. plr. ecessiv - fm. sng. and
ecatombe - (pr. \ ec&t'umbe \ ) - See ecatomba. plr. ecessiva, ecessive. - excessive, exaggerated, extreme.
ecco - adv. (pr. \ 'æcco \ ) - here..., there... . (here is ..., here ecessività - n. f. (pr. \ e[ch]esivit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
you are... etc.). Italianism. In Piedm. adv. loc. are preferred excessiveness.
as: varda-sì, varda-lì, varda-la, vardé-sì, vardé-lì, vardé- ecet - prp. (pr. \ e[ch]'et \ ) - Italianism. See ecetuà 1).
là, with lit. meaning "look here, look there". E. g. "ecco mè ecetuà - 1) - prp. (pr. \ e[ch]etu'& \ ) - except, but, save.
crajon" "varda-sì mé crajon" "here's my pencil ". ecetuà - 2) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ e[ch]etu'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and
ecede - vrb 2nd con. trs and int. (pr. \ e[ch]'ede \ ) - 1) - to nr. - except for, excepted, excepting.
exceed, to surpass (trs.). - 2) - to go too far (int.). In any ecetué - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ e[ch]etu'e \ ) - to except.
case it uses the aux. "avèj ". echilibrador - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ ekilibr&d'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. 1) -
ecedensa - n. f. (pr. \ e[ch]ed'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. ecedense. - 1) poiser, equalizer. - 2) - elevator (planes). See also the
- excess, surplus (in general). - 2) - overweight, term "equilibrador 1), equilibrator 1), echilibrator 1)".
overcharge. - 3) - overbalance, surplus (finance). echilibrador - 2) - adj. (pr. \ ekilibr&d'ur \ ) Ms. plr.
echilibrador - fm. sng. and plr. echilibradòira,
echilibradòire. - poising, balancing. See also the terms

"equilibrador 2), equilibrator 2), echilibrator 2)". We note ecité - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ e[ch]it'e \ ) - 1) - to excite, to
that at fm. usually the term "echilibratriss" is used (see stimulate. - 2) - to excite, to rouse. - 3) - to excite
"echilibrator"). (electricity).
echilibradura - n. f. (pr. \ ekilibr&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. ecitésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ e[ch]it'ese \ ) - to get excited.
echilibradure. - balancing. See also the term eclat - n. m. n. m. (pr. \ ecl'&t \ ) Inv. at plr. - strikingness,
"equilibradura". showiness, relief, prominence.
echilibrator - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ ekilibr&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. 1) - eclatant - adj. (pr. \ ecl&t'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. eclatant - fm. sng.
poiser, equalizer. - 2) - elevator (planes). See also the and plr. eclatanta, eclatante. - striking, garish, showy.
terms "equilibrador 1), equilibrator 1), echilibrador 1)". eclaté - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ ecl&t'e \ ) - to stand out, to be
echilibrator - 2) - adj. (pr. \ ekilibr&d'ur \ ) Ms. plr. conspicuous, to be garish. It uses the aux."avèj ".
echilibrator - fm. sng. and plr. echilibratriss, eclesiastich - 1) - adj. (pr. \ eclezi'&stic \ ) Ms. plr. eclesiàstich
echilibratriss. - poising, balancing. See also the terms - fm. sng. and plr. eclesiàstica, eclesiàstiche. -
"equilibrador 2), equilibrator 2), echilibrador 2)". ecclesiastical, clerical.
echilibré - vrb 1st con. trs. - (pr. \ ekilibr'e \ ) - to balance, to eclesiàstich - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ eclezi'&stic \ ) Inv. at plr. -
counterbalance. See also the term "equilibré". ecclesiastic, priest, clergyman.
echilibri - n. m. (pr. \ ekil'ibri \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - balance, eclétich - adj. and n. (pr. \ ecl'etic \ ) Ms. plr. eclétich - fm. sng.
equilibrium. - 2) - stability. - 3) - common sense, and plr. eclética, eclétiche. - eclectic.
moderation (in a fig. sense). See also the terms "equilibri, ecletism - n. m. (pr. \ eclet'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - eclecticism.
equilìbrio". ecliss - n. m. (pr. \ ecl'is \ ) Inv. at plr. - eclipse. See also the
echilibrism - n. m. (pr. \ ekilibr'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - acrobatics. terms "eclisse, eclissi ".
See also the term "equilibrism". eclisse - n. m. (pr. \ ecl'ise \ ) - See ecliss.
echilibrista - n. (pr. \ ekilibr'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. echilibrista - fm. eclissé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ eclis'e \ ) - 1) - to eclipse
sng. and plr. echilibrista, echilibriste. - acrobat, rope- (astronomy). - 2) - to eclipse, to outshine, to obscure.
walker, equilibrist. See also the term "equilibrista". eclissésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ eclis'ese \ ) - 1) - to suffer
echimòsi - n. f. (pr. \ ekim'ozi ; ek'imôzi \ ) Inv. at plr. - an eclipse (astronomy). - 2) - to withdraw, to disappear.
ecchymosis, bruise. See also the term "niss" (term most eclissi - n. m. (pr. \ ecl'isi \ ) - See ecliss.
popular). eclìtica - n. f. (pr. \ ecl'itic \ ) Inv. at plr. - ecliptic (astronomy).
echinòssi - n. m. (pr. \ ekin'osi \ ) Inv. at plr. - equinox. See eclìtich - adj. (pr. \ ecl'itic \ ) Ms. plr. eclìtich - fm. sng. and
also the term "equinòssi". plr. eclìtica, eclìtiche. - ecliptical.
echip - n. f. (pr. \ ek'ip \ ) Inv. at plr. - team. See also the term écloga - n. f. eclogue. See also the term "égloga".
"equipe". eco - n. m. (pr. \ 'ecô \ ) Inv. at plr. - echo. - See also the words
echipagé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ ekip&j'e \ ) - 1) - to equip, to "arson, arbat, arbomb".
fit out. - 2) - to man, to fit out. See also the term ecologìa - n. f. (pr. \ eculuj'i& \ ) At plr. (if any) ecologìe. -
"equipagé, ocupagé ". ecology.
echipagésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ ekip&j'ese \ ) - to equip ecològich - adj. (pr. \ ecul'ojic \ ) Ms. plr. ecològich - fm. sng.
oneself. See also the term "equipagésse ". and plr. ecològica, ecològiche. - ecological.
echipagi - n. m. (pr. \ ekip'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - crew. - 2) - ecome! - excl. and adv. (pr. \ ec'ume \ ) - yes indeed!,
equipage. See also the term "equipagi, ocupagi ". certainly!.
echipagiament - n. m. (pr. \ ekip&ji&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - economà - n. m. (pr. \ ecunum'& \ ) - Inv. at plr. - 1) -
equipment, outfit. See also the term "equipagiament ". stewardship, bursarship. - 2) - steward's office, bursar's
echìvoch - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ ek'ivuc \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - office. See also the term "economato".
misunderstanding. - 2) - equivocation. See also the terms ecomomato - n. m. (pr. \ ecunum'&to \ ) - Italianism. - See
"malintèis, equìvoch 1) ". economà.
echìvoc - 2) - adj. (pr. \ ek'ivuc \ ) Ms. plr. echìvoch - fm. sng. economìa - n. f. (pr. \ ecunum'i& \ ) At plr. economìe. - 1) -
and plr. echìvoca, echìvoche. - 1) - equivocal, ambiguous. economy, saving. - 2) - economy. - 3) - economics.
- 2) - doubtful, questionable. See also the term " equìvoch economios - adj. (pr. \ ecunumi'uz \ ) Ms. plr. economios - fm.
2) ". sng. and plr. economiosa, economiose. - sparing, frugal,
echivoché - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ ekivuk'e \ ) - to parsimonious.
misunderstand, to mistake. See also the term economisador - n. m. (pr. \ ecunumiz&d'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. -
"equivoché". economizer, saver.
ecidi - n. m. (pr. \ e[ch]'idi \ ) Inv. at plr. - slaughter, economisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ ecunumiz'e \ ) - to
massacre. See also the terms "massacri, stermini ". economize, to save.
ecipient - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ e[ch]ipi'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - excipient. economissità - n. f. . (pr. \ ecunumisit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
ecipient - 2) - adj. (pr. \ e[ch]ipi'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. ecipient - fm. cheapness, inexpensiveness.
sng. and plr. ecipienta, ecipiente. - excipient. economista - n. (pr. \ ecunum'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. economista -
ecitàbil - adj. (pr. \ e[ch]it'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. ecitàbij - fm. sng. fm. sng. and plr. economista, economiste. - economist.
and plr. ecitàbil, ecitàbij. - excitable, flappable. econòmich - adj. (pr. \ ecun'omic \ ) Ms. plr. econòmich - fm.
ecitabilità - n. f. (pr. \ e[ch]it&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - sng. and plr. econòmica, econòmiche. - 1) - economical,
excitability. inexpensive, cheap. - 2) - economic.
ecitament - n. m. (pr. \ e[ch]it&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - ecoté - adv. (pr. \ ecut'e \ ) - suddenly, in that moment.
excitement. - 2) - stimulation, incitement. écote - adv. (pr. \ 'ecute \ ) - See ecoté.
ecitant - 1) - adj. (pr. \ e[ch]it'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. ecitant - fm. sng. ecòlogh - n. (pr. \ ec'olug \ ) Ms. plr. ecòlogh - fm. sng. and plr.
and plr. ecitanta, ecitante. - exciting, stimulating. ecòloga, ecòloghe. - ecologist.
ecitant - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ e[ch]it'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. - stimulant, ecònomo - n. (pr. \ ec'onumô \ ) Ms. plr. ecònomo - fm. sng.
excitant. and plr. ecònoma, ecònome. - steward, treasurer, bursar.
ecitassion - n. f. (pr. \ e[ch]it&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -1) - ecran - n. m. (pr. \ ecr'&[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - fireproof
excitement, turn-on. - 2) - excitation (electricity). partition. See also the term "parafeu".
ectoplasma - n. m. (pr. \ ectupl'&zm& \ ) Inv. at plr. -

ectoplasmàtich - adj. (pr. \ ectupl&zm'&tic \ ) Ms. plr. edité - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ edit'e \ ) - to edit, to publish.
ectoplasmàtich - fm. sng. and plr. ectoplasmàtica, editor - n. and adj. (pr. \ edit'ur \ ) Ms. plr. editor - fm. sng.
ectoplasmàtiche. - ectoplasmic. and plr. editriss, editriss. - 1) - publishing, editing (adj.).
ecujer (a l'---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ & l' ec[ue]yær \ ) - riding. - 2) - publisher, editor (sbst.).
ecuménich - adj. - (pr. \ ec[ue]m'enic \ ) Ms. plr. ecuménich - editorìa - n. f. (pr. \ editur'i& \ ) At plr. editorìe. - publishing
fm. sng. and plr. ecuménica, ecuméniche. - ecumenical. trade.
ecumenism - n. m. (pr. \ ec[ue]men'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - editorial - 1) - adj. (pr. \ edituri'&l \ ) Ms. plr. editoriaj - fm.
ecumenism, ecumenicalism. sng. and plr. editorial, editoriaj. - publishing, editorial.
ecumenissità - n. f. (pr. \ ec[ue]menisit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. (if editorial - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ edituri'&l \ ) At plr. editoriaj. -
any). - ecumenicity. editorial, leading article.
eczema - n. m. (pr. \ ecz'em& \ ) Inv. at plr. - eczema. editriss - n. f. (pr. \ editr'is \ ) Inv. at plr. - publishers,
eczematos - adj. (pr. \ eczem&t'uz \ ) Ms. plr. eczematos - fm. publishing house.
sng. and plr. eczematosa, eczematose. - eczematous. edonìsm - n. m. (pr. \ edun'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - hedonism.
edcamp - n. m. (pr. \ edc'&mp\ ) Inv. at plr. - aide-de-camp. edonìsta - n. (pr. \ edun'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. edonista - fm. sng.
edcan - n. m. (pr. \ edc'&[ng]\ ) - See edcamp. and plr. edonista, edoniste. - hedonist.
edelvàis - n. m. (pr. \ edelv'&iz \ ) Inv. at plr. - edelweiss edonìstich - adj. (pr. \ edun'istic \ ) Ms. plr. edonistich - fm.
(botany - Leontopodium alpinum). See also the terms sng. and plr. edonistica, edonistiche. - hedonistic.
"eitiera, zitiera" and the most common loc. "stèila alpin- edot - adj. (pr. \ ed'ut \ ) Ms. plr. edot - fm. sng. and plr. edota,
a". edote. - informed. See also the terms "informà, istruì ".
edema - n. m. (pr. \ ed'em& \ ) Inv. at plr. - edema. edòt - adj. (pr. \ ed'ot \ ) - Italianism. - See edot.
edemàtich - adj. (pr. \ edem'&tic \ ) - See edematos. edra - n. f. (pr. \ 'edr& \ ) - See édera.
edematos - adj. (pr. \ edem&t'uz \ ) Ms. plr. edematos - fm. educà - adj. (pr. \ ed[ue]c'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - polite,
sng. and plr. edematosa, edematose. - edematous, well-bred, well brought up.
edematose. educanda - n. f. (pr. \ ed[ue]c'&nd& \ ) At plr. educande. -
Eden - n. m. (pr. \ 'ede[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. (if applicable). - girl boarder. See also the term "colegianta".
Eden, earthly Paradise. educandà - n. m. (pr. \ ed[ue]c&nd'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - girls
edera - n. f. (pr. \ 'eder& \ ) At plr. edere. - ivy (botany - boarding school, convent school.
Hedera helix). This term is quite an italianism. See also the educassion - n. f. (pr. \ ed[ue]c&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
most piedm. terms "edra, ambrassabòsch, brassabòsch ". education. - 2) - training. - 3) - good manners, good
edìcola - n. f. (pr. \ ed'icul& \ ) At plr. edìcole. - 1) - breeding.
newspaper kiosk. - 2) - niche, shrine. educatament - adv. (pr. \ ed[ue]c&t&m'ænt \ ) - politely. This
edicolant - n. (pr. \ edicul'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. edicolant - fm. sng. adv. is sometimes used, but it is a bad italianism. See also
and plr. edicolanta, edicolante. - newsvendor, bookstall- the loc. "da educà ; con educassion ; etc." or, when
keeper. possible, the adj. "educà" used as an adv.
edificàbil - adj. (pr. \ edific'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. edificàbij - fm. educativ - adj. (pr. \ ed[ue]c&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. educativ - fm.
sng. and plr. edificàbil, edificàbij. - suitable for building, sng. and plr. educativa, educative. - 1) - educational. - 2)
building (as an attribute). - instructive.
edificant - adj. (pr. \ edific'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. edificant - fm. sng. educator - n. (pr. \ ed[ue]c&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. educator - fm. sng.
and plr. edificanta, edificante. - edifying. and plr. educatriss, educatriss. - educator,
edificassion - n. f. (pr. \ edific&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - educationalist.
building. - 2) - edification. educatòri - n. m. (pr. \ ed[ue]c&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. -
edificator - adj. and n. (pr. \ edific&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. edificator - educational institute.
fm. sng. and plr. edificatriss, edificatriss. - 1) - building eduché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ ed[ue]k'e \ ) - 1) - to educate, to
(as an attribute) (adj.) - 2) - builder (sbst.). train. - 2) - to bring up.
edificatòri - adj. (pr. \ edific&t'ori \ ) Ms. plr. edificatòri - fm. ef - seventh letter of the piedm. alphabet and n. f. (pr. \ æf \) -
sng. and plr. edificatòria, edificatòrie. - edifying, f, ef. The letter " f ". See also the term "efe".
edificatory. efe - seventh letter of the piedm. alphabet and n. f. (pr. \ æfæ\)
edifiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ edifik'e \ ) - 1) - to build, to - See ef.
erect, to set up. - 2) - to edify. efemerida - n. f. (pr. \ efem'erid& \ ) At plr. efemeride. -
edifichésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ edifik'ese \ ) - to be ephemeris, almanac.
edified. efeminà - adj. and n. (pr. \ efemin'& \ ) Only ms. inv. in nr. - 1)
edifìssi - n. m. (pr. \ edif'isi \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - building. - 2) - - effeminate, unmanly (adj.). - 2) - effeminate man
structure, framework, fabric. (sbst.). - See also the term "fomlin".
édil - 1) - adj. (pr. \ 'edil \ ) Ms. plr. édij - fm. sng. and plr. édil, efeminatëssa - n. f. (pr. \ efemin&t'&ss& \ ) At plr. (if
édij. - building (as an attribute). See also the term applicable) efeminatësse. - effeminacy. See also the term
"edilissi". "fomlinura".
édil - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ 'edil \ ) At plr. édij - building worker. efeminé - vrb 1st con. trs. - (pr. \ efemin'e \ ) - to effeminize,
edilissì - adj. - (pr. \ edil'isi \ ) Ms. plr. edilissi - fm. sng. and to make (sb.) effeminate.
plr. edilissia, edilissie. - building (as an attribute). See also efeminésse - vrb 1st con. refl. - (pr. \ efemin'ese \ ) - to become
the term "édil ". effeminate.
edilìssia - n. f. (pr. \ edil'isi& \ ) At plr. edilìssie. - building, eferà - adj. (pr. \ efer'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - ferocious,
housebuilding, building trade. cruel, savage.
edission - n. f. (pr. \ edisi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - edition. eferatëssa - n. f. (pr. \ efer&t'&ss& \ ) At plr. eferatësse. -
edit - n. m. (pr. \ ed'it \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - edict. 2) - ferocy, atrocity, cruelty, savagery. See also the terms
proclamation. - 3) - ordinance. See also the terms " "ferosità, crudeltà, disumanità ".
ordinansa, crija". efét - n. m. (pr. \ ef'et \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - effect. - 2) - bill,
édit - adj. (pr. \ 'edit \ ) Ms. plr. édit - fm. sng. and plr. édita, paper (finance). - 3) - feeling, sensation. Some idiomatic
édite. - published, printed. This term in not also p. p. of uses: - A) - "efét përsonaj" "personal belongings".. - B) -
the vrb "edité ", which is instead "edità ".

"a tuti j'efét " "in every respect ". - C) - "a dobi efét " egajé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ eg&y'e \ ) to cheer up, to raise
"double acting ". the spirits (of), to rejoice. See also the term "arlegré ".
efét (an ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ &[ng] ef'et \ ) - actually, in fact, egemonìa - n. f. (pr. \ ejemun'i& \ ) At plr. egemonìe. - 1) -
really. hegemony. - 2) - leadership, supremacy.
efetiv - adj. and n. (pr. \ efet'iu \ ) Ms. plr. efetiv - fm. sng. and egemònich - adj. (pr. \ ejem'onic \ ) Ms. plr. egemònich - fm.
plr. efetiva, efetive. - 1) - real, actual (adj.). - 2) - effective sng. and plr. egemònica, egemòniche. - hegemonic.
(adj.). - 3) - regular, permanent (adj.) (military, staff). - 4) eghiera - n. f. (pr. \ egi'er& \ ) At plr. eghiere. - carafe for
- permanent member (sbst.). - 5) - cash on hand (sbst. water. See also the term "evera".
loc.) (finance, translating the loc. "efetiv ëd cassa"). égida - n. f. (pr. \ 'ejid& \ ) At plr. égide. - 1) - aegis. - 2) -
efetivament - adv. (pr. \ efetiv&m'ænt \ ) - Italianism. - See an aegis, shield, protection. The common expression : "under
efét. the protection (aegis) of...", can be translated into "sota
efetività - n. f. (pr. \ efetivit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - reality, l'égida ëd..." or also "a l'ansëgna ëd...".
actuality. - 2) - effect. egissian - adj. and n. (pr. \ ejisi'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. egissian - fm.
efeton - n. m. (pr. \ efet'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - very good effect, sng. and plr. egissian-a, egissian-e. - Egyptian.
very good impression. egissi - adj. (pr. \ ej'isi \ ) Ms. plr. egissi - fm. sng. and plr.
efetuàbil - adj. (pr. \ efetu'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. efetuàbij - fm. sng. egissia, egissie. - (ancient) Egyptian. We remember that
and plr. efetuàbil, efetuàbij. - practicable. the Egyptian Museum (Museo egissi) of Turin is the first
efetuabilità - n. f. (pr. \ efetu&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - Egyptian museum in Europe, and the second in the world.
practicability, practicableness, practical possibility. Egit - n. m. (pr. \ ej'iti \ ) Noun of nation usually sng. In case of
efetual - adj. - (pr. \ efetu'&l \ ) Ms. plr. efetuaj - fm. sng. and need inv. at plr. - Egypt.
plr. efetual, efetuaj. - actual, real. egitologìa - n. f. (pr. \ ejituluj'i& \ ) At plr. (if any) egitologìe. -
efetuassion - n. f. (pr. \ efetu&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - Egyptology.
execution. egitòlogh - n. (pr. \ ejit'olug \ ) Ms. plr. egitòlogh - fm. sng.
efetué - vrb 1st con. trs. - (pr. \ efetu'e \ ) - to effect, to carry and plr. egitòloga, egtòloghe. - Egyptologist.
out, to put into practice. See also the terms "fé, realisé, égloga - n. f. (pr. \ 'eglug& \ ) - See écloga.
livré ". egocèntrich - adj. and n. (pr. \ egu[ch]'æntric \ ) Ms. plr.
efërvëssensa - n. f. (pr. \ ef&rv&ss'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. egocèntrich - fm. sng. and plr. egocèntrica, egocèntriche.
efërvëssense. - 1) - effervescence, fizz. - 2) - excitement, - 1) - egocentric, self-centred (adj.). - 2) - egocentric
effervescence (in a fig. sense). person (sbst.).
efërvëssent - adj. (pr. \ ef&rv&ss'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. efërvëssent - egocentricità - n. f. (pr. \ egu[ch]æntri[ch]it'& \ ) - See
fm. sng. and plr. efërvëssenta, efërvëssente. - egocentrism.
effervescent, sparkling, fizzy. egocentrism - n. m. (pr. \ egu[ch]æntr'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. -
eficensa - n. f. (pr. \ efi[ch]'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. eficense. - egocentricity, egocentrism.
efficiency. egoism - n. m. (pr. \ egu'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - selfishness,
eficent - adj. (pr. \ efi[ch]'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. eficent - fm. sng. and egoism.
plr. eficenta, eficente. - 1) - efficient. - 2) - effective, egoista - adj. and n. (pr. \ egu'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. egoista - fm. sng.
efficacious. and plr. egoista, egoiste. - 1) - selfish (adj.). - 2) - egoist,
eficentism - n. m. (pr. \ efi[ch]ænt'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - selfish person (sbst.).
(excessive) concern about efficiency. egoistich - adj. (pr. \ egu'istic \ ) Ms. plr. egoistich - fm. sng.
efigé - vrb 1st con. trs. - (pr. \ efij'e \ ) - and plr. egoistica, egoistiche. - selfish, egoistical.
efigi - n. (pr. \ ef'iji \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - effigy, image, egotism - n. m. (pr. \ egut'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - egotism.
portrait. This word can be ms. as well as fm. See also the egotista - n. (pr. \ egut'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. egotista - fm. sng. and
term "ritrat ". Note that the expression "holy image" can be plr. egotista, egotiste. - egotist.
translated into the terms "mistà, santin, bigeuja, image", egotìstich - adj. (pr. \ egut'istic \ ) Ms. plr. egotistich - fm. sng.
and the loc. "sacra efigi ". and plr. egotistica, egotistiche. - egotistical.
efìmer - adj. (pr. \ ef'imær \ ) Ms. plr. efìmer - fm. sng. and plr. egual - adj. (pr. \ egu'&l \ ) Ms. plr. eguaj - fm. sng. and plr.
efìmera, efìmere. - ephemeral, fleeting, short-lived. egual, eguaj. - equal. See also the terms "idèntich, midem,
efìmera - n. f. (pr. \ ef'imer& \ ) At plr. efimere. - 1) - medésim, istéss, ugual ".
ephimeral temperature (medical). - 2) - ephemera, may- egualiansa - n. f. (pr. \ egu&li'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr. egualianse. -
fly (zoology - Ephemera vulgata). See also the term equality. See also the term "ugualiansa".
"fìmera". egualié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ egu&li'e \ ) - to equal, to make
efluì - veb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ efl[ue]'i \ ) - to flow out. It uses equal, to bring to the same level. See also the term
the aux. "esse". "ugualié ".
efluss - n. m. (pr. \ efl'[ue]s \ ) Inv. at plr. - efflux, outflow, egualisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ egu&liz'e \ ) - to make equal,
outflux. to smooth, to plane, to level. See also the term "ugualisé
efluvi - n. m. (pr. \ efl'[ue]vi \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - scent, ".
effluvium, exalation. - 2) - glow discharge (electricity). egualitàri - adj. and n. (pr. \ egu&lit'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. egualitari
efonde - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ ef'unde \ ) - 1) - to pour out. - - fm. sng. and plr. egualitària, egualitàrie. - egalitarian,
2) - to manifest (in a fig. sense). See also the vrbl. loc. equalitarian.
"versé fòra". egualitarism - n. m. (pr. \ egu&lit&r'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. -
efusion - n. f. (pr. \ ef[ue]zi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - effusion. egalitarianism, equalitarianism.
- 2) - show (of affection). éh! - excl. and adv. (pr. \ e \ ) - See é!.
efusiv - adj. - (pr. \ ef[ue]z'iu \ ) Ms. plr. efusiv - fm. sng. and èh? - excl. and adv. (pr. \ æ \ ) - See è?.
plr. efusiva, effusive. - effusive (also for geology). ehi! - excl. (pr. \ 'ei \ ) - hey!, hullo!, you there!.
efusor - n. m. (pr. \ ef[ue]z'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - propelling nozzle ehila! - excl. (pr. \ eil'a \ ) - 1) - hello!. - 2) - wow!, gosh!.
(mechanics). eiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ æik'e \ ) - to look, to look at. -
egajant - adj. (pr. \ eg&y'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. egajant - fm. sng. See also the terms "beiché, guardé, vardé ".
and plr. egajanta, egajante. - jolly fellow.

einstenian - adj. (pr. \ æi[ng]steni'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. einstenian elegansa - n. f. (pr. \ eleg'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr. eleganse. - 1) -
- fm. sng. and plr. einstenian-a, einstenian-e. Einsteinian, elegance, smartness. - 2) - grace.
Einstein (as an attribute). elegansa (con ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ cu[ng] eleg'&[ng]s& \ ) -
einsténio - (pr. \ æi[ng]st'eniô \ ) - Usually sng. (chemical elegantly, with elegance.
element) in case of need inv. at plr. - einsteinium. elegant - adj. (pr. \ eleg'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. elegant - fm. sng. and
èira - n. f. (pr. \ 'æir& \ ) At plr. èire. - threshing floor, plr. eleganta, elegante. - smart, elegant, graceful.
farmyard. See also the terms "àira, éra". elegantament - adv. (pr. \ eleg&nt'&ment \ ) - elegantly.
eirà - n. f. (pr. \ æir'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - the maize of wheat Italianism. See also the term"elegantement ", and the loc.
harvest spreaded on the threshing floor. See also the "con elegansa". As all the adv. of this type, the word is
terms "airà, erà ". obtained from the fm. sng. of the corresponding adj.
eiré - vrb 1st con. trs. - (pr. \ æir'e \ ) - to thresh. See also the ("eleganta ") and the addition of the suffix "...ment". So
term "airé ". "eleganta + ment ". In this way the word is an italianism
eiron - n. m. (pr. \ æir'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - heron (zoology - due to the type of construction, that the Piedm. prefers to
Ardea). See also the term "airon". avoid. Even more the following word is an italianism:
eiror - n. (pr. \ æir'ur \ ) Ms. plr. eiror - fm. sng. and plr. elegantement - adv. (pr. \ eleg&nt'ement \ ) - elegantly.
eiròira, eiròire. - thresher. Italianism. If you look at what we said about the term
eirura - n. f. (pr. \ æir'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. eirure. - threshing. "elegantament", you can notice that here the word is made
eitiera - n. f. (pr. \ eiti'er& \ ) At plr. eitiere. - edelweiss by "elegante + ment" and "elegante" is the italian form of
(botany - Leontopodium alpinum). See also the terms the adj. fm. sng. The most correct piedm. way is to use the
"edelvàis, zitiera" and the most common sbst. loc. "stèila loc. "con elegansa", or "an manera eleganta".
alpin-a". elege - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ el'eje \ ) - 1) - to elect. (by
eivura - n. f. (pr. \ æiv'[ue]r& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - irrigation. - voting) - 2) - to appoint, to nominate. - 3) - to fix.
2) - drainin, watering. See also the terms "seivada, (usually to fix the domicile in some place).
bagnura, irigassion". elegìbil - adj. (pr. \ elej'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. elegìbij - fm. sng. and
ejession - n. f. (pr. \ eyesi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - ejection. plr. elegìbil, elegìbij. - eligible.
ejetàbil - adj. (pr. \ eyet'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. ejetàbij - fm. sng. and elegibilità - n. f. (pr. \ elejibilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - eligibility.
plr. ejetàbil, ejetàbij. - ejection, ejector (as attributes). elegìa - n. f. (pr. \ elej'i& \ ) At plr. elegìe. - elegy (poetry).
ejeté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ eyet'e \ ) - to eject. elegiàl - adj. (pr. \ eleji'&l \ ) Ms. plr. elegiàj - fm. sng. and plr.
ejetor - n. m. (pr. \ eyet'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - ejector. elegial, elegiaj. - elegiac.
el - twelfth letter of the piedm. alphabet and n. f. (pr. \ æl \) - l, elegiù - adj. and n. and p. p. (pr. \ eleji'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. elegiù -
el. The letter " l ". See also the term "ele". fm. sng. and plr. elegiùa, elegiùe. - 1) - elected (by
elaborà - 1) - adj. (pr. \ el&bur'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - voting). - 2) - chosen (adj. and p. p.), elect, (adj.). - 3) -
elaborate, worked out. elected person, elected member (sbst.). - 4) - (the) chosen
elaborà - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ el&bur'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - paper. (sbst.). As an adj. and a n. see also the term "elet", which is
elaborassion - n. f. (pr. \ el&bur&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - not also a p. p.
elaboration, working out, drafting. element - n. m. (pr. \ elem'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - element. - 2)
elaboratëssa - n. f. (pr. \ el&bur&t'&ss& \ ) At plr. - component. - 3) - section, cell, unit. - 4) - contributing
elaboratësse. - elaborateness. factor. - 5) - data, facts. - 6) - rudiments, elements. - 7) -
elaborator - n. m. (pr. \ el&bur&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - individual, member.
elaborator. - 2) - computer, processor. elementar - 1) - adj. (pr. \ elemænt'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
elaboré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ el&bur'e \ ) - 1) - to work out, 1) - elementary. - 2) - simple, easy.
to elaborate, to draft. - 2) - to process. elementar - 2) - n. f. plr. (pr. \ elemænt'&r \ ) Only plr. -
elargì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ el&rj'i \ ) - to give liberally, to primary school.
lavish, to bestow. See also the term "largì ". elementarisassion - n. f. . (pr. \ elemænt&riz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv.
elargission - n. f. (pr. \ el&rjisi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - donation. at plr. - simplification.
See also the terms "largission, donativ". elementarisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ elemænt&riz'e \ ) - to
elargitor - n. (pr. \ el&rjit'ur \) Ms. plr. largitor - fm. sng. and simplify, to make elementar.
plr. largitriss, largitriss. - bestower. See also the term elementarità - n. f. (pr. \ elemænt&rit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
"largitor". elementariness, simplicity.
elàstich - 1) - adj. (pr. \ el'&stic \ ) Ms. plr. elàstich - fm. sng. elemosiné - 1) - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ elemuzin'e \ ) -
and plr. elàstica, elàstiche. - 1) - elastich. - 2) - to beg. See also the terms "almosiné, limosiné". It uses
accomodating, easy-going. (in a fig. sense). - 3) - nimble, always the aux. "avèj ".
agile. elemosiné - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ elemuzin'e \ ) Inv. at plr. -
elàstich - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ el'&stic \ ) Inv. at plr. - rubber band, almoner. See also the terms "almosiné, limosiné ".
elastic. elemosnànt - n. (pr. \ elemuzn'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. elemosnant -
elasticisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ el&sti[ch]iz'e \ ) - to fm. sng. and plr. elemosnanta, elemosnante. - beggar,
elasticize. mendicant. See also the terms "almosinant, limosinant,
elasticità - n. f. (pr. \ el&sti[ch]it'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - alimosnant ".
elasticity. - 2) - agility, nimbleness. - 3) - broad- elemòsna - n. f. (pr. \ elem'ozn& \ ) At plr. elemòsne. - alms,
mindedness. See also the term "elastissità ". charity. See also the terms "limòsna, alimòsna".
elastissità - n. f. (pr. \ el&stisit'& \ ) - See elasticità. elencassion - n. f. (pr. \ elæ[ng]c&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
ele - twelfth letter of the piedm. alphabet and n. f. (pr. \ æle \) - listing, enrolment. - 2) - enumeration, listing.
See el. elench - n. m. (pr. \ el'æ[ng]c \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - list, panel,
eléctron - n. m. (pr. \ el'ectrô[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - roll. - 2) - directory (telephone).
electron, elektron. (light alloy - metals). elenché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ elæ[ng]k'e \ ) - 1) - to list, to
elefant - n. m. (pr. \ elef'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. - elephant (zoology enrol. - 2) - to enumerate.
- Elephas loxodonta) elénich - adj. (pr. \ el'enic \ ) Ms. plr. elénich - fm. sng. and plr.
elefantìasi - n. f. (pr. \ elef&nt'i&zi \ ) Inv. at plr. - elénica, eléniche. - Hellenic (history).
elephantiasis (medical). elenism - n. m. (pr. \ elen'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - Hellenism.

elenìsta - n. (pr. \ elen'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. elénich - fm. sng. and eletrochìmich - adj. and n. (pr. \ eletruk'imic \ ) Ms. plr.
plr. elénica, eléniche. - Hellenist. eletrochìmich - fm. sng. and plr. eletrochìmica,
elenìstich - adj. (pr. \ elen'istic \ ) Ms. plr. elenìstich - fm. sng. eletrochìmiche. - 1) - electrochemical (adj.). - 2) -
and plr. elenìstica, elenìstiche. - Hellenistic. electrochemist (sbst.).
elession - n. f. (pr. \ elesi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - election. - elétrod - n. m. (pr. \ el'etrud \ ) Inv. at plr. - electrode
2) - choice. (physics). See also the term "elétrodo".
elét - adj. and n. (pr. \ el'et \ ) Ms. plr. elét - fm. sng. and plr. eletrodinàmica - n. f. (pr. \ eletrudin'&mic& \ ) At plr. (if any)
eléta, eléte. - 1) - chosen, elect (adj.). - 2) - select, eletrodinàmiche. - electrodynamics.
distinguished, noble (adj.). - 3) - elected person (sbst.). - eletrodinàmich - adj. (pr. \ eletrudin'&mic \ ) Ms. plr.
4) - the elect, the chosen (sbst.). eletrodinàmich - fm. sng. and plr. eletrodinàmica,
eleta - n. f. (pr. \ el'et& \ ) At plr. elete. - right to vote, right to eletrodinàmiche. - electrodynamical.
choose. See also the term "leta". elétrodo - n. m. (pr. \ el'etrudô \ ) - See elétrod.
eletiv - adj. (pr. \ eletiu \ ) Ms. plr. eletiv - fm. sng. and plr. eletrodoméstich - n. m. (pr. \ eletrudum'estic \ ) Inv. at plr. -
eletiva, eletive. - elective. electric household appliance.
eletor - n. (pr. \ elet'ur \ ) Ms. plr. eletor - fm. sng. and plr. eletrodòt - n. m. (pr. \ eletrud'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - electroduct.
eletriss, eletriss. - 1) - elector, voter. - 2) - constituent. eletroencefalografìa - n. f. (pr. \ eletruen[ch]ef&lugr&f'i& \ )
eletorà - n. m. (pr. \ eletur'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - electorate. At ple. eleroencefalografìe. - electroencephalography.
eletoral - adj. (pr. \ eletur'&l \ ) Ms. plr. eletoraj - fm. sng. and eletroencefalogràfich - adj. (pr. \ eletruen[ch]ef&lugr'&fic \ )
plr. eletoral, eletoraj. - electoral, election (as an attribute). Ms. plr. eletroencefalogràfich - fm. sng. and plr.
eletr... - prefix. (pr. \ eletr... \ ) - electro... . See also the prefix. eletroencefalogràfica, eletroencefalogràfiche. -
eletro... . As it is in English, also in Piedm. this prefix electroencephalographic.
refers to electricity, and the use is the same in the two eletroencefalògrafo - n. m. (pr. \ eletruen[ch]ef&l'ogr&fô \ )
languages. In the following some examples, without Inv. at plr. - electroencephalograph.
reporting all the words making use of this prefix.. Of eletroforési - n. f. (pr. \ eletrufur'ezi \ ) Inv. at plr. -
course, as usual, not always this starting is a prefix, even if electrophoresis.
it always refers to electricity. eletrolisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ eletruliz'e \ ) - to electrolyse.
eletràut - n. m. (pr. \ eletr'&ut \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - car eletrolisi - n. f. (pr. \ eletrul'izi \ ) Inv. at plr. - electrolysis.
electrician. - 2) - car electrical repairs. See also the term eletrolit - n. m. (pr. \ eletrul'it \ ) Inv. at plr. - electrolyte. See
"eletràuto". also the term "eletrolito".
eletràuto - n. m. (pr. \ eletr'&utô \ ) Inv. at plr. - See eletràut. eletrolìtich - adj. (pr. \ eletrul'itic \ ) Ms. plr. eletrolìtich - fm.
elétrich - adj. and n. (pr. \ el'etric \ ) Ms. plr. elétrich - fm. sng. sng. and plr. eletrolìtica, eletrolìtiche. - electrolytical.
and plr. elétrica, elétriche. - 1) - electrical (adj.). - 2) - eletrolito - (pr. \ eletrul'itô \ ) - See eletrolit.
electric, restless (adj.) (in a fig. sense). - 3) - electriciry- eletromagnete - n. m. (pr. \ eletrum&[gn]'ete \ ) Inv. at plr. -
worker (sbst.). electromagnet. See also the term "eletrocalamita".
eletricista - n. m. (pr. \ eletri[ch]'ist& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - eletromagnétich - adj. (pr. \ eletrum&[gn]'etic \ ) Ms. plr.
electrician. - 2) - electrical contractor. eletromagnétich - fm. sng. and plr. eletromagnética,
eletrificàbil - adj. (pr. \ eletrific'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. eletrificàbij - eletromagnétiche. - electromagnetical.
fm. sng. and plr. eletrificàbil, eletrificàbij. - electrifiable. eletromagnetism - n. m. (pr. \ eletrum&[gn]et'izm \ ) Inv. at
eletrificassion - n. f. (pr. \ eletrific&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - plr. - electromagnetism.
electrification. eletromecànica - n. f. (pr. \ eletrumec'&nic& \ ) At plr.
eletrifiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ eletrifik'e \ ) - to electrify. eletromecàniche. - electromechanics.
eletrisant - adj. (pr. \ eletriz'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. eletrisant - fm. eletromecànich - adj. and n. (pr. \ eletrumec'&nic \ ) Ms. plr.
sng. and plr. eletrisanta, eletrisante. - 1) - electrifying. - eletromecànich - fm. sng. and plr. eletromecànica,
2) - exciting, thrilling (in a fig. sense). eletromecàniche. - 1) - electromecanical (adj.). - 2) -
eletrisassion - n. f. (pr. \ eletriz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - electrician (sbst.).
electrification. The difference, in Piedm., between eletrometalurgìa - n. f. (pr. \ eletrumet&l[ue]rj'i& \ ) At plr.
eletrificassion and eletrisassion is that the first is related to eletrometalurgìe. - electrometallurgy.
the passage from another source of power to electricity, eletrometrìa - n. f. (pr. \ eletrumetr'i& \ ) At plr. (if any)
while the second is related to a body that acquires an eletrometrìe. - electrometry.
electric charge. eletromotor - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ eletrumut'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. -
eletrisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ eletriz'e] \ ) - 1) - to electrify. - electromotor.
2) - to electrify, to thrill (in a fig. sense). The difference, eletromotor - 2) - adj. (pr. \ eletrumut'ur \ ) Ms. plr.
in Piedm., between eletrifichsé and eletrisé is that the first eletromotor - fm. sng. and plr. eletromotriss,
is related to the passage from another source of power to eletromotriss. - electromotive.
electricity, while the second is related to a body that eletromotriss - n. f. (pr. \ eletrumutr'is \ ) Inv. at plr. - electric
acquires an electric charge. rail-car.
eletro... - prefix. (pr. \ eletru... \ ) - See eletr... . eletron - n. m. (pr. \ eletr'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - electron.
eletrocalamìta - n. f. (pr. \ eletrôc&l&m'it& \ ) At plr. eletronvòlt - n. m. (pr. \ eletru[ng]v'olt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
eletrocalamite. - electromagnet. See also the term electronvolt (physics).
"eletromagnete". eletroscòpi - n. m. (pr. \ eletrusc'opi \ ) Inv. at plr. -
eletrocardiografìa - n. f. (pr. \ eletrôc&rdiugr&f'i& \ ) At plr. electroscope.
eletrocardiografìe. - electrocardiography. eletrossòch - n. m. (pr. \ eletrus'oc \ ) Inv. at plr. -
eletrocardiograma - n. m. (pr. \ eletrôc&rdiugr'&m& \ ) Inv. electroshock.
at plr. - electrocardiogram. eletrostàtica - n. f. (pr. \ eletrust'&tic& \ ) At plr.
eletrocardiògrafo - n. m. (pr. \ eletrôc&rdi'ogr&fô \ ) Inv. at eletrostàtiche. - electrostatics.
plr. - electrocardiograph. eletrostàtich - adj. (pr. \ eletrust'&tic \ ) Ms. plr. eletrostàtich
eletrochìmica - n. f. (pr. \ eletruk'imic& \ ) At plr. (if any) - fm. sng. and plr. eletrostàtica, eletrostàtiche. -
eletrochìmiche. - electrochemistry. electrostatic.

eletrotécnica - n. f. (pr. \ eletrut'ecnic& \ ) At plr. - elio... - prefix. (pr. \ eliu... \ ) - helio... Prefix related to "sun",
eletrotécniche. - electrotecnics. whose piedm. use is similar to the english one. As usual we
eletrotécnich - adj. and n. (pr. \ eletrut'ecnic \ ) Ms. plr. report just some examples.
eletrotécnich - fm. sng. and plr. eletrotécnica, eliocentrich - adj. (pr. \ eliu[ch]'æntric \ ) Ms. plr. eliocèntrich
eletrotécniche. - 1) - electrotecnical (adj.). - 2) - - fm. sng. and plr. eliocèntrica, eliocèntriche. -
electrotechnician, electrical engineer (sbst.). heliocentric. See also the term in the spelling
eletroterapìa - n. f. (pr. \ eletruter&p'i& \ ) At plr. "eliossèntrich ".
eletroterapìe. - electrotherapeutics, electrotherapy. eliocentrism - n. m. (pr. \ eliu[ch]æntr'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. -
eletrotèrmich - adj. (pr. \ eletrut'ærmic \ ) Ms. plr. heliocentrism. See also the term in the spelling
eletrotèrmich - fm. sng. and plr. eletrotèrmica, "eliossèntrism ".
eletrotèrmiche. - electrothermal. eliografìa - n. f. (pr.\ eliugr&f'i& \) At plr. eliografìe. - 1) -
eletrotreno - n. m. (pr. \ eletrutr'enu \ ) Inv. at plr. - electric heliography. - 2) - heliograph, heliogravure.
train. eliogràfich - adj. (pr. \ eliugr&f'i& \ ) Ms. plr. eliogràfich - fm.
eletròmeter - n. m. (pr. \ eletr'ometær \ ) - See eletròmetro. sng. and plr. eliogràfica, eliogràfiche. - heliographic.
eletròmetro - n. m. (pr. \ eletr'ometrô \ ) Inv. at plr. - elioscopìa - n. f. (pr. \ eliuscup'i& \ ) At plr. elioscopìe. -
electrometer. helioscopy (astronomy).
eletrònica - n. f. (pr. \ eletr'onic& \ ) At plr. (if any) elioscòpi - n. m. (pr. \ eliusc'opic \ ) Inv. at plr. - helioscope
eletròniche. - electronics. (astronomy).
eletrònich - adj. (pr. \ eletr'onic \ ) Ms. plr. eletrònich - fm. eliossentrich - adj. (pr. \ elius'æntric \ ) - See eliocèntrich.
sng. and plr. eletrònica, eletròniche. - electronic. eliossentrism - n. m. (pr. \ eliusæntr'izm \ ) - See eliocentism.
elevà - adj. (pr. \ elev'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - elevated, elioterapìa - n. f. (pr. \ eliuter&p'i& \ ) At plr. elioterapìe. -
high. Not very used in this meaning, see also the term "àut heliotherapy.
". - 2) - lofty, noble, high-minded. elioteràpich - adj. (pr. \ eliuter'&pic \ ) Ms. plr. elioteràpich -
elevàbil - adj. (pr. \ elev'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. elevàbij - fm. sng. fm. sng. and plr. elioteràpica, elioteràpiche. -
and plr. elevàbil, elevàbij. - raisable. heliotherapic.
elevament - n. m. (pr. \ elev&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - raising, eliotropism - n. m. (pr. \ eliutrup'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. -
elevation. heliotropism.
elevassion - n. f. (pr. \ elev&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - elipòrt - n. m. (pr. \ elip'ort \ ) Inv. at plr. - heliport, helistop.
elevation. - 2) - raising (also mathematics), elevation, elision - n. f. (pr. \ elizi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - elision (grammar).
lifting. - 3) - altitude, elevation (also astronomy). elisir - n. m. (pr. \ eliz'ir \ ) Inv. at plr. - elixir.
elevatëssa - n. f. (pr. \ elev&t'&ss& \ ) At plr. elevatësse. - 1) - eliss - n. f. (pr. \ el'is \ ) Inv. at plr. - ellipse (geometry). See
highness. - 2) - loftiness, nobility. also the term "elisse".
elevator - n. m. (pr. \ elev&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - elevator. - elisse - n. f. (pr. \ el'ise \ ) - See eliss.
2) - service-lift. elissi - n. f. (pr. \ el'isi \ ) Inv. at plr. - ellipsis (grammar).
elevatriss - n. f. (pr. \ elev&tr'is \ ) Inv. at plr. - elevating elissoidal - adj. (pr. \ elisuid'&l \ ) Ms. plr. elissoidaj - fm. sng.
machine. and plr. elissoidal, elissoidaj. - ellipsoidal (geometry).
elevé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ elev'e \ ) - 1) - to raise, to elevate, elissòide - n. m. (pr. \ elis'oide \ ) Inv. at plr. - ellipsoid
to heighten, to increase. - 2) - to erect. - 3) - to lift up. (geometry).
élica - n. f. (pr. \ 'elic& \ ) At plr. éliche. - 1) - helix, spiral elit - n. f. (pr. \ el'it \ ) Inv. at plr. - élite, cream, flower, pick.
(geometry). - 2) - (screw) propeller (planes, ships, elitari - adj. and n. (pr. \ elit'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. elitari - fm. sng.
mechanics) - 3) - rotor (helicopter). and plr. elitària, elitàrie. - elitist.
elicoidal - adj. (pr. \ elicuid'&l \ ) Ms. plr. elicoidaj - fm. sng. elitarism - n. m. (pr. \ elit&r'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - elitism.
and plr. elicoidal, elicoidaj. - 1) - helicoidal (geometry). - elìtich - adj. (pr. \ el'itic \ ) Ms. plr. elìtich - fm. sng. and plr.
2) - helical (mechanics). elìtica, elìtiche. - elliptic, elliptical.
elicòid - n. f. (pr. \ elic'oid \ ) Inv. at plr. - helicoid, screw- elm - n. m. (pr. \ ælm \ ) Inv. at plr. - helmet. (This term refers
shaped surface (geometry). to ancient armour).
elicòter - n. m. (pr. \ elic'oter \ ) Inv. at plr. - helicopter. elmet - n. m. (pr. \ ælm'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - helmet. (This term
elicòtero - n. m. (pr. \ elic'oterô \ ) - See elicòter. refers to modern helmet).
elide - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ el'ide \ ) - 1) - to annul (general). elocussion - n. f. (pr. \ eluc[ue]si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
- 2) - to elide (grammar). - 3) - to cancel (matematics). See elocution. - 2) - speech.
also the term "eliminé". elogé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ eluj'e \ ) - to praise.
elidse - vrb 2nd con. recp. (pr. \ el'idse \ ) - to cancel each elogiàbil - adj. (pr. \ eluji'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. elogiàbij - fm. sng.
other, to annul each other. and plr. elogiàbil, elogiàbij. - praiseworthy.
eliminàbil - adj. (pr. \ elimin'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. eliminàbij - fm. elogiativ - adj. (pr. \ eluji&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. elogiativ - fm. sng.
sng. and plr. eliminàbil, eliminàbij. - eliminable. and plr. elogiativa, elogiative. - laudatory, eulogistical.
eliminassion - n. f. (pr. \ elimin&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - elogiador - n. (pr. \ eluji&d'ur \ ) Ms. plr. elogiador - fm. sng.
elimination, removal, exclusion. and plr. elogiadora, elogiadore. - praiser, eulogist.
eliminatòri - adj. (pr. \ elimin&t'ori \ ) Ms. plr. eliminatòri - Sometimes the fm, sng, and plr. can be "elogiadòira,
fm. sng. and plr. eliminatòria, eliminatòrie. - eliminating, elogiadòire".
preliminary. elongassion - n. f. (pr. \ elu[ng]g&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
eliminatòria - n. f. (pr. \ elimin&t'ori& \ ) At plr. eliminatòrie. elongation (physics).
- preliminary heat, eliminating trial. (sport). eloquensa - n. f. (pr. \ elu[qu]'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. eloquense. -
eliminé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ elimin'e \ ) - 1) - to eliminate, 1) - eloquence. - 2) - meaningfulness, significance.
to exclude, to get rid of. - 2) - to eliminate (sport). - 3) - eloquent - adj. (pr. \ elu[qu]'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. eloquent - fm. sng.
to liquidate, to bump off. and plr. eloquenta, eloquente. - 1) - eloquent. - 2) -
elio - n. m. (pr. \ 'eliô \ ) Usually sng. (chemical element) in meaningful, significant.
case of need inv. at plr. - helium. elògi - n. m. (pr. \ el'oji \ ) Inv. at plr. - praise, commendation,
elòqui - n. m. (pr. \ el'o[qu]i \ ) Inv. at plr. - speech, language.

èlsa - n. f. (pr. \ 'æls& \ ) At plr. èlse. - hilt. vanish". - B) - "avèj la testa an emauss" "lit. "to have the
elucubrassion - n. f. (pr. \ el[ue]c[ue]br&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. head in Emmaus" "to have one's head in the clouds".
- lucubration. emblema - n. m. (pr. \ embl'em& \ ) Inv. at plr. - emblem,
elucubré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ el[ue]c[ue]br'e \ ) - to ponder symbol, badge.
over, to lucubrate. emblemàtich - adj. (pr. \ emblem'&tic \ ) Ms. plr.
elude - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ el'[ue]de \ ) - to elude, to dodge, emblemàtich - fm. sng. and plr. emblemàtica,
to evade, to shirk. emblemàtiche. - emblematic, symbolic.
elusion - n. f. (pr. \ el[ue]zi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - elusion, èmbol - n. m. (pr. \ 'æmbul \ ) At plr. èmboj. - embolus.
evasion. embolìa - n. f. (pr. \ æmbul'i& \ ) At plr. embolìe. - embolism.
elusiv - adj. (pr. \ el[ue]z'iu \ ) Ms. plr. elusiv - fm. sng. and plr. embriologìa - n. f. (pr. \ æmbriuluj'i& \ ) At plr. embriologìe. -
elusiva, elusive. - elusive, evasive. embryology.
elusività - n. f. (pr. \ el[ue]zivit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - elusiveness, embrion -n. m. (pr. \ æmbri'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - embryo.
evasiveness. embrional - adj. (pr. \ æmbriun'&l \ ) Ms. plr. embrionaj - fm.
elzevir - 1) - adj. (pr. \ ælzev'ir \ ) Ms. plr. elzevir - fm. sng. sng. and plr. embrional, embrionaj. - embryonal,
and plr. elzevira, elzevire. - Elzevirian, Elzevir (as an embryonic.
attribute). embriòlogh - n. (pr. \ æmbri'olug \ ) Ms. plr. embriòlogh - fm.
elzevir - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ ælzev'ir \ ) Inv. at plr. - literary sng. and plr. embriòloga, embriòloghe. - embryologist.
article. See also the term "embriòlogo".
elzevirista - n. (pr. \ ælzevir'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. elzevirìsta - fm. emgriòlogo - n. (pr. \ æmbri'olugô \ ) - See embriòlogh.
sng. and plr. elzevirìsta, elzevirìste. - writer of literary eme - thirteenth letter of the piedm. alphabet and n. f. (pr. \
articles. æmæ \) - See em.
em - thirteenth letter of the piedm. alphabet and n. f. (pr. \ æm emenda - n. f. (pr. \ em'ænd& \ ) At plr. emende. - 1) -
\) - m, em. The letter " m ". See also the term "eme". amendment, emendation. See also the term
emanassion - n. f. (pr. \ em&n&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - "emendament". - 2) - fine. See also the terms "multa,
emanation, exhalation. - 2) - issuing. menda". - 3) - amends, penitence. See also the term
emancipà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ em&n[ch]ip'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. "penitensa".
and nr. - 1) - emancipated. - 2) - open-minded. emendàbil - adj. (pr. \ emænd'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. emendàbij -
emancipassion - n. f. (pr. \ em&n[ch]ip&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. fm. sng. and plr. emendàbil, emendàbij. - amendable.
- emancipation. emendament - n. m. (pr. \ emænd&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
emancipé - vrb 1st con. trs. - (pr. \ em&n[ch]ip'e \ ) - to amendment, emendation. - 2) - reproof, penitence.
emancipate. emendassion - n. f. (pr. \ emænd&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
emancipésse - vrb 1st con. refl. - (pr. \ em&n[ch]ip'ese \ ) - to emendation.
become emancipated, to free oneself. emendé - vrb 1st con. trs. - (pr. \ emænd'e \ ) - 1) - to amend,
emané - vrb 1st con. trs. - (pr. \ em&n'e \ ) - 1) - to emanate, to emend. - 2) - to pay a fine. - 3) - to expiate the evil
to exhale. - 2) - to issue. done.
Emanuel - n. m. (pr. \ em&n[ue]'el \ ) emendésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ emænd'ese \ ) - to mend
emarginà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ em&rjin'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and one's ways.
nr. - 1) - marginalized. - 2) - with marginal notes. emerge - vrb 2nd con. int. (pr. \ em'ærje \ ) - 1) - to emerge, to
emarginassion - n. f. (pr. \ em&rjin&liz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at come to the surface. - 2) - to emerge, to come out (in a
plr. - marginalization. fig. sense). It uses the aux. "esse".
emarginé - vrb 1st con. trs. - (pr. \ em&rjin'e \ ) - 1) - to emergensa - n. f. (pr. \ emærj'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. emergense. -
marginalize. - 2) - to make marginal notes on. emergency.
emàtich - adj. (pr. \ em'&tic \ ) Ms. plr. emàtich - fm. sng. and emergent - adj. (pr. \ emærj'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. emergent - fm.
plr. emàtica, emàtiche. - hematic, haematic. sng. and plr. emergenta, emergente. - emergent,
ematin-a - n. f. (pr. \ em&t'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. (if any) ematin-e. emerging.
- hematin, haematin (biology). emérit - adj. (pr. \ em'erit \ ) Ms. plr. emérit - fm. sng. and plr.
ematite - n. f. (pr. \ em&t'ite \ ) Inv. at plr. hematire, emérita, emérite. - 1) - emeritus. - 2) - egregious (in an
haematite (mineralogy). ironical sense).
ematologìa - n. f. (pr. \ em&tuluj'i& \ ) At plr. ematologìe. - emersion - n. f. (pr. \ emærsi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - emersion.
hematology, haematology. emétich - 1) - adj. (pr. \ em'etic \ ) Ms. plr. emétic - fm. sng.
ematopojesi - n. f. (pr. \ em&tupuy'esi \ ) Inv. at plr. - and plr. emética, emétiche. - emetic, emetical. See also
hematopoiesis, haematopojesis. See also the term the terms "gomitiv, gumitiv, vomitiv".
"emopojesi ". emétich - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ em'etic \ ) Inv. at plr. - emetic.
ematopojétich - adj. (pr. \ em&tupuy'etic \ ) Ms. plr. emëtte - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ em'&tte \ ) - 1) - to utter (voice).
ematopojétich - fm. sng. and plr. ematopojética, - 2) - to give out, to send forth. - 3) - to exude (humidity)
ematopojétice. - hematopoietic, haematopojetic. See - 4) - to issue, to put into circulation. See also the vrbl.
also the term "emopojétich ". loc. "buté fòra" lit "to put outside" or "mandé fòra" lit.
ematòlogh - n. (pr. \ em&t'olug \ ) - Ms. plr. ematòlogh - fm. "to send outside".
sng. and plr. ematòloga, ematòloghe. - hematologist, emicicl - n. m. (pr. \ emi[ch]'icl \ ) Inv. at plr. - hemicycle. See
haematòlogist. also the term "emissicl ". Note that the final " l " does not
ematòlogo - n. (pr. \ em&t'olugô \ ) - See ematòlogh. change at plural, since it follows a consonant and not a
ematòma - n. m. (pr. \ em&t'om& \ ) Inv. at plr. - hematoma, vowel.
haematoma. emicrània - n. f. (pr. \ emicr'&ni& \ ) At plr. emicrànie. -
ematùria - n. f. (pr. \ em&t'[ue]ri& \ ) At plr. ematùrie. - hemicrania, megrim, migraine (medical). See also the
hematuria, haematuria. term "migran-a".
emauss (an ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ &n 'em&us \ ) - outside the emigrà - n. and adj. and p. p. (pr. \ emigr'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and
actual present. The reference is the biblic Emmaus. Term nr. - emigrant (when already living in the new nation)
used by some of idiomatic sentences like: - A) - "andé an
emauss" lit."to go to Emmaus" "to disappear, to

emigrant - n. and adj. (pr. \ emigr'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. emigrant - emolument - n. m. . (pr. \ emul[ue]m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
fm. sng. and plr. emigranta, emigrante. - emigrant (when emolument, fee, honorarium.
going to the new nation). emometrìa - n. f. (pr. \ emumetr'i& \ ) At plr. emometrìe. -
emigrassion - n. f. (pr. \ emigr&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - hemometry, haemometry.
emigration. emopojesi - n. f. (pr. \ emupuy'ezi \ ) - See ematopojesi.
emigratòri - adj. (pr. \ emigr&t'oti \ ) Ms. plr. emigratòri - fm. emopojétich -adj. (pr. \ emupuy'etic \ ) - See ematopojétich.
sng. and plr. emigratòria, emigratòrie. - emigratory. emoragìa - n. f. (pr. \ emur&j'i& \ ) At plr. emoragìe. -
emigré - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ emigr'e \ ) - to emigrate. It uses hemorrhage, haemorrhage.
the aux. "esse". emoràgich - adj. (pr. \ emur'&jic \ ) Ms. plr. emoràgich - fm.
Emili - n. (pr. \ em'ili \ ) Noun of person, usually sng., anyway sng. and plr. emoràgica, emoràgiche. - hemorrhagic,
Ms. inv. at plr. - fm. sng. and plr. Emilia, Emilie. - Emil / haemorrhagic.
Emily. emoroidal - adj. (pr. \ emuruid'&l \ ) Ms. plr. emoroidaj - fm.
Emilia - n. f. (pr. \ em'ili& \ ) Noun of person and noun of sng. and plr. emoroidal, emoroidaj. - hemorrhoidal,
region. Usually sng. In case of need at plr. Emilie. - 1) - haemorrhoidal. See also the terms "emoroidari,
Emilia (region). - 2) - Emily (prs. noun.). moroidal".
emilian - adj. and n. (pr. \ emili'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. emilian - fm. emoròide - n. f. (pr. \ emur'oide \ ) Inv. at plr. (usually plr.). -
sng. and plr. emilian-a, emilian-e. - 1) - Emilian, of hemorrhoids, haemorrhoids. See also the term
Emilia (adj.). - 2) - inhabitant of Emilia (sbst.). "moròide".
eminensa - n. f. (pr. \ emin'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. eminense. - emoscopìa - n. f. (pr. \ emuscup'i& \ ) At plr. emoscopìe. -
eminence. blood-test. See also the most common loc. "eseme dël
eminent - adj. (pr. \ emin'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. eminent - fm. sng. sangh ".
and plr. eminenta, eminente. - eminent, outstanding, emossion - n. f. (pr. \ emusi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - emotion,
distinguished. excitement.
emiparési - n. f. (pr. \ emip&r'ezi \ ) Inv. at plr. - hemiparesis emossionàbil - adj. (pr. \ emusiun'&bil \ ) Ms. plr.
(medical). emossionàbij - fm. sng. and plr. emossionàbil,
emiplegìa - n. f. (pr. \ emiplej'i& \ ) At plr. emiplegìe. - emossionàbij. - emotional, excitable.
hemiplegia, hemiplegy. emossional - adj. (pr. \ emusiun'&l \ ) Ms. plr. emossionaj -
emiplégich - adj. and n. (pr. \ emipl'ejic \ ) Ms. plr. emiplégich fm. sng. and plr. emossional, emossionaj. - emotional.
- fm. sng. and plr. emiplégica, emiplégiche. - hemiplegic, emossionant - adj. (pr. \ emusiun'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. emossionant
hemiplegiac. - fm. sng. and plr. emossionanta, emossionante. -
emir - n. m. (pr. \ em'ir \ ) Inv. at plr. - emir. exciting, moving.
emirà - n. m. (pr. \ emir'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - emirate. emossioné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ emusiun'e \ ) - to excite, to
emisfer - n. m. (pr. \ emisf'ær \ ) - See emisferi. move.
emisferi - n. m. (pr. \ emisf'eri \ ) Inv. at plr. - hemisphere. emossionésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ emusiun'ese \ ) - to get
emisférich - adj. (pr. \ emisf'eri \ ) Ms. plr. emisferich - fm. excited, to be moved.
sng. and plr. emisferica, emisferiche. - hemispheric, emostàsi - n. f. (pr. \ emust'&si \ ) Inv. at plr. - hemodtasis,
hemispherical. hemostasia, haemostasìa.
emissari - n. m. (pr. \ emis'&ri \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - emissary. - emostàtich - 1) - adj. (pr. \ emust'&tic \ ) Ms. plr. emostàtich -
2) - effluent. - 3) - outlet, drain. fm. sng. and plr. emostàtica, emostàtiche. - hemostatic,
emissicl - n. m. (pr. \ emis'icl \ ) - See emicicl. haemostatic (medical).
emission - n. f. (pr. \ emisi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - emission emostàtich - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ emust'&tic \ ) Inv. at plr. -
(physics) - 2) - issue (economy, finance). hemostatic, haemostatic (pharmacy).
emissiv - adj. (pr. \ emis'iu \ ) Ms. plr. emissiv - fm. sng. and emoteca - n. f. (pr. \ emut'etc& \ ) At plr. emoteche. - blood
plr. emissiva, emissive. - emissive. bank (medical)
emissività - (pr. \ emisivit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - emissivity. emotisi - n. f. (pr. \ emut'izi \ ) Inv. at plr. - hemoptysis,
emitent - 1) - adj. (pr. \ emit'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. emitent - fm. sng. haemoptysis
and plr. emitenta, emitente. - 1) - issuing (economy, emotiv - adj. and n. (pr. \ emut'iu \ ) Ms. plr. emotiv - fm. sng.
finance). - 2) - broadcasting, transmitting (radio, signals). and plr. emotiva, emotive. - emotional, sensitive.
emitent - 2) - n. (pr. \ emit'ænt \ ) - 1) - issuer (finance). - 2) - emotività - n. f. (pr. \ emutivit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - emotionality,
drawer, maker (finance). emotivity, emotiveness, sensitiveness.
emitent - 3) - n. f. (pr. \ emit'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - transmitting empe - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ 'æmpe \ ) - to fill, to fill up, to
station, transmitter. stuff, to cram. See also the terms "empì, ampinì"
emodiàlisi - n. f. (pr. \ emudi'&lisi \ ) Inv. at plr. - empi - adj. (pr. \ 'æmpi \ ) Ms. plr. empi - fm. sng. and plr.
hemodialysis, haemodialysis. empia, empie. - 1) - impious. - 2) - cruel, pitiless. The
emofilìa - n. f. (pr. \ emufil'i& \ ) At plr. (if ant) emofilìe. - loc. "sensa pietà" is more used.
hemophilia, haemophilia. empì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ æmp'i \ ) - See empe.
emofilìach - adj. (pr. \ emufil'i&c \ ) Ms. plr. emofilìach - fm. empietà - n. f. (pr. \ æmpiet'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - impietiy. -
sng. and plr. emofilìaca, emofilìache. - hemopiliac, 2) - impious act.
hemophilic, haemophilic. empiment - n. m. (pr. \ æmpim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - filling,
emoglobin-a - n. f. (pr. \ emuglub'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. filling up, filling in. See also the term "empiura".
emoglobin-e. - hemoglobin, haemoglobin. empìreo - n. m. (pr. \ æmp'ireô \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). -
emolient - 1) - adj. (pr. \ emuli'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. emolient - fm. empyrean.
sng. and plr. emolienta, emoliente. - emollient. empìrich - adj. and. n. (pr. \ æmp'iric \ ) Ms. plr. empirich -
emolient - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ emuli'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - emollient. fm. sng. and plr. empirica, empiriche. - 1) - empirical
emolisi - n. f. (pr. \ emul'izi \ ) Inv. at plr. - hemolysis, (adj.). - 2) - empiric (sbst.).
haemolysis. empirism - n. m. (pr. \ æmpir'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - empiricism.
emolìtich - adj. (pr. \ emul'itic \ ) Ms. plr. emolìtich - fm. sng. empirista - n. (pr. \ æmpir'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. empirista - fm. sng.
and plr. emolìtica, emolìtiche. - hemolytic, haemolytic. and plr. empirista, empiriste. - empiricist.

empirìstich - adj. - (pr. \ æmpir'istic \ ) Ms. plr. empiristich - encefalòid - adj. (pr. \ en[ch]ef&l'oid \ ) Ms. plr. encefalòid -
fm. sng. and plr. empiristica, empiristiche. - empiristic. fm. sng. and plr. encefalòida, encefalòide. - encephaloid.
empìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ æmp'ise \ ) - 1) - to fill up, to encìclica - n. f. (pr. \ en[ch]'iclic& \ ) At plr. encìcliche. -
become crowded. - 2) - to gorge oneself. See also the encyclical, encyclical letter.
most common term "ampinìsse". encìclich - (pr. \ en[ch]'iclic \ ) Ms. plr. encìclich - fm. sng. and
èmpit - n. m. (pr. \ 'æmpit \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - impetuosity, plr. encìclica, encìcliche. - encyclic, encyclical.
vehemence. - 2) - impulse, transport, outburst. - 3) - enciclopedìa - n. f. (pr. \ en[ch]icluped'i& \ ) At plr.
force, impact, assault. See also the term "ìmpit ". enciclopedìe. - encyclopedia, encyclopaedia.
empitiv - 1) - adj. (pr. \ æmpit'iu \ ) Ms. plr. empitiv - fm. sng. enciclopédich - adj. (pr. \ en[ch]iclup'edic \ ) Ms. plr.
and plr. empitiva, empitive. - filling. - See also the enciclopédich - fm. sng. and plr. enciclopédica,
term "riempitiv 1)". enciclopédiche. - encyclopedic, encyclopaedic,
empitiv - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ æmpit'iu \ ) Inv. at plr. - filler. - See encyclopedian.
also the term "riempitiv 2)". enciclopedism - n. m. (pr. \ en[ch]icluped'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. -
empiura - n. f. (pr. \ æmpi'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. empiure. - filling, encyclopedism, encyclopaedism.
filling up, filling in. See also the term "empiment". enciclopedista - n. (pr. \ en[ch]icluped'ist& \ ) Ms. plr.
empòri - n. m. (pr. \ æmp'ori \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - emporium, enciclopedista - fm. sng. and plr. enciclopedista,
market. - 2) - general shop, department stores. - 3) - enciclopediste. - encyclopedist, encyclopaedist.
bazaar. See also the terms "supermercà, botegon, basar". encomiàbil - adj. (pr. \ encumi'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. encomiàbij -
emù - n. m. (pr. \ em'[ue] \ ) Inv. at plr. - emu (zoology - fm. sng. and plr. encomiàbil, encomiàbij. - praiseworthy,
Dromiceius novae- hollandiae). commendable.
emulassion - n. f. (pr. \ em[ue]l&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - encomiàstich - adj. (pr. \ encumi'&stic \ ) Ms. plr.
emulation. encomiàstich - fm. sng. and plr. encomiàstica,
emulativ - adj. (pr. \ em[ue]l&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. emulativ - fm. encomiàstiche. - encomiastical, laudatory, eulogistic.
sng. and plr. emulativa, emulative. - emulative. encomié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ encumi'e \ ) - to praise, to
emulator - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ em[ue]l&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - commend.
emulator, simulator (computer programs). encòmi - n. m. (pr. \ enc'omi \ ) Inv. at plr. - encomium,
emulator - 2) - n. (pr. \ em[ue]l&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. emulator - commendation.
fm. sng. and plr. emulatriss, emulatriss. - 1) - emulator. - endecaéder - n. m. (pr. \ endec&'eder \ ) Inv. at plr. -
2) - rival, antagonist. hendecahedron.
emulé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ em[ue]l'e \ ) - to emulate. endecagon - n. m. (pr. \ endec'&gu[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
emulsion - n. f. (pr. \ em[ue]lsi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - emulsion hendecagon.
(chemistry, photography). endecassilabo - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ endec&s'il&bô \ ) Inv. at plr. -
emulsionàbil - adj. (pr. \ em[ue]lsiun'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. hendecasyllable.
emulsionàbij - fm. sng. and plr. emulsionàbil, endecassìlabo - 2) - adj. (pr. \ endec&s'il&bô \ ) Ms. plr.
emulsionàbij. - emulsifiable, emulsible. endecassìlabo - fm. sng. and plr. endecassìlaba,
emulsionant - 1) - adj. (pr. \ em[ue]lsiun'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. endecassìlabe. - hendecasyllabic.
emulsionant - fm. sng. and plr. emulsionanta, endemìa - n. f. (pr. \ endem'i& \ ) At plr. endemìe. - endemic
emulsionante. - emulsifying. disease (medical).
emulsionant - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ em[ue]lsiun'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. - endémich - adj. (pr. \ end'emic \ ) Ms. plr. endémich - fm. sng.
emulsifier. See also the term "emulsionator". and plr. endémica, endémiche. - endemical, endemic.
emulsionator - n. m. (pr. \ em[ue]lsiun&t'ur \ ) - See endemissità - n. f. (pr. \ endemisit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
emulsionant 2). endemicity.
emulsioné - vrb 1st con. trs. - (pr. \ em[ue]lsiun'e \ ) - to endìvia - n. f. (pr. \ end'ivi& \ ) At plr. endìvie. - endive
emulsify. (botany - Cichorium endivia). See also the term "andìvia".
emulsiv - adj. (pr. \ em[ue]ls'iu \ ) Ms. plr. emulsiv - fm. sng. endo... - prefix. (pr. \ endu... \ ) - endo... (and sometimes
and plr. emulsiva, emulsive. - emulsive. intra...). This prefix recall the idea of "inside", usually in
en - fourteenth letter of the piedm. alphabet and n. f. (pr. \ æn scientific terms, and its use is very similar in Piedm. and in
\) - n, en. The letter " n ". See also the term "ene". English. So we report some examples (the term can be
enàgon - n. m. (pr. \ en'&gu[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - enneagon. applied to a large numbers of main words).
enagonal - adj. (pr. \ en&gun'&l \ ) Ms. plr. enagonaj - fm. endocard - n. m. (pr. \ enduc'&rd \ ) Inv. at plr. - endocardium
sng. and plr. enagonal, enagonaj. - enneagonal. (medical). See also the term "endocardi ".
enarmonìa - n. f. (pr. \ en&rmun'i& \ ) At plr. enarmonìe. - endocardi - n. m. (pr. \ enduc'&rdi \ ) - See endocard.
enharmonic relation (music) endocardite - n. f. (pr. \ enduc&rd'ite \ ) Inv. at plr. -
enarmònich - adj. (pr. \ en&rm'onic \ ) Ms. plr. enarmònich - endocarditis (medical).
fm. sng. and plr. enarmònica, enarmòniche. - endocrinologìa - n. f. (pr. \ enducrinuluj'i& \ ) At plr.
enharmonic. endocrinologìe. - endocrinology.
encàust - n. m. (pr. \ enc'&ust \ ) Inv. at plr. - encaustic. endocrinòlogh - n. (pr. \ enducrin'olug \ ) Ms. plr.
(painting). endocrinòlogh - fm. sng. and plr. endocrinòloga,
encàustica - n. f. (pr. \ enc'&ustic& \ ) At plr. (when endocrinòloghe. - endocrinologist.
applicable) - encàustiche. - encaustic painting. endogamìa - n. f. (pr. \ endug&m'i& \ ) At plr. endogamìe. -
encàustich - adj. (pr. \ enc'&ustic \ ) Ms. plr. encàustich - fm. endogamy.
sng. and plr. encàustica, encàustiche. - encaustic. endomorfism - n. m. (pr. \ endumurf'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. -
encefàlich - adj. (pr. \ en[ch]ef'&lic \ ) Ms. plr. encefàlich - endomorphism.
fm. sng. and plr. encefàlica, encefàliche. - encephalic. endoreator - n. m. (pr. \ endure&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - rocket
encefalite - n. f. (pr. \ en[ch]ef&l'ite \ ) Inv. at plr. - propeller.
encephalitis. endoreassion - n. f. (pr. \ endure&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
encéfalo - n. m. (pr. \ en[ch]'ef&lô \ ) Inv. at plr. - encephalon. rocket propulsion.
encefalografìa - n. f. (pr. \ en[ch]ef&lugr&f'i& \ ) At plr. endoscopìa - n. f. (pr. \ enduscup'i& \ ) At plr. endoscopìe. -
encefalografìe. - encephalography. endoscopy.

endoscòpi - n. m. (pr. \ endusc'opi \ ) Inv. at plr. - endoscope. enfitèusi - n. f. (pr. \ æ[ng]fit'æuzi \ ) Inv. at plr. -
endoscòpich - adj. (pr. \ endusc'opic \ ) Ms. plr. endoscòpich - emphyteusis.
fm. sng. and plr. endoscòpica, endoscòpiche. - enfitèuta - n. (pr. \ æ[ng]fit'æut& \ ) Ms. plr. enfitèuta - fm.
endoscopic. sng. and plr. enfitèuta, enfisteute. - emphyteuta.
endotèrmich - adj. (pr. \ endut'ærmic \ ) Ms. plr. endotèrmich enfitèutich - adj. (pr. \ æ[ng]fit'æutic \ ) Ms. plr. enfitèutich -
- fm. sng. and plr. endotèrmica, endotèrmiche. - fm. sng. and plr. enfitèutica, enfisteutiche. - emphyteutic.
endothermic, endothermal. enfiura - (pr. \ æ[ng]fi'[ue]r& \ ) - See enfior.
endovenos - adj. (pr. \ enduven'uz \ ) Ms. plr. endovenos - fm. enigma - n. m. (pr. \ en'igm& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - enigma,
sng. and plr. endovenosa, endovenose. - intravenous. puzzle. - 2) - riddle. See also the term "andvinaja".
endovenosa - n. f. (pr. \ enduven'uz& \ ) At plr. endovenose. - enigmàtich - adj. (pr. \ enigm'&tic \ ) Ms. plr. enigmàtich -
intravenous injection. fm. sng. and plr. enigmàtica, enigmàtiche. - enigmatical,
endòcrin - adj. (pr. \ end'ocri[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. endòcrin - fm. mysterious.
sng. and plr. endòcrin-a, endòcrin-e. - endocrine. enigmista - n. (pr. \ enigm'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. enigmista - fm. sng.
endògamo - adj. (pr. \ end'og&mô \ ) Ms. plr. endògamo - fm. and plr. enigmista, enigmiste. - emigmatographer.
sng. and plr. endògama, endògame. - endogamous. enigmìstica - n. f. (pr. \ enigm'istic& \ ) At plr. enigmìstiche. -
endògeno - adj. (pr. \ end'ojenô \ ) Ms. plr. endògeno - fm. puzzle, art of inventing or solving puzzles.
sng. and plr. endògena, endògene. - 1) - endogeneous. - 2) enigmìstich - adj. (pr. \ enigm'istic \ ) Ms. plr. enigmistich -
- endogenetic (geology). fm. sng. and plr. enigmistica, enigmistiche. - puzzle (as an
ene - fourteenth letter of the piedm. alphabet and n. f. (pr. \ attribute).
ænæ \) - See en. enologìa - n. f. (pr. \ enuluj'i& \ ) At plr. enologìe. - oenology.
energética - n. f. (pr. \ enærj'etic& \ ) At plr. (if applicable) enològich - adj. (pr. \ enul'ojic \ ) Ms. plr. enològich - fm. sng.
energétiche. - energetics. and plr. enològica, enològiche. - oenological.
energétich - 1) - adj. (pr. \ enærj'etic \ ) Ms. plr. energétich - enormità - n. f. (pr. \ enurmit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
fm. sng. and plr. energética, energétiche. - 1) - enormousness, hugeness, immensity. - 2) - blunder,
energetich, energy (as an attribute) (physics). - 2) - absurdity (in a fig. sense).
invigorating, energy-giving. enoteca - n. f. (pr. \ enut'ec& \ ) At plr. enoteche. - stock of
energétich - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ enærj'etic \ ) Inv. at plr. - vintage wines.
energizer, tonic, energy-giving substance. enòfil - adj. and n. (pr. \ en'ofil \ ) Ms. plr. enòfil - fm. sng. and
energìa - n. f. (pr. \ enærj'i& \ ) At plr. energìe. - 1) - energy. - plr. enòfila, enòfile. - 1) - wine (as an attribute - adj.) - 2) -
2) - vitality, vigour. oenophilist (sbst.).
enèrgich - adj. (pr. \ en'ærjic \ ) Ms. plr. enèrgich - fm. sng. enòlogh - n. (pr. \ en'olug \ ) Ms. plr. enòlogh - fm. sng. and
and plr. enèrgica, enèrgiche. - 1) - vigorous, forcible, plr. enòloga, enòloghe. - oenologist.
energetic. - 2) - powerful, strong. - 3) - "energico" enòrm - adj. (pr. \ en'orm \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. (usually used
(music). at sng.) - 1) - enormous, huge, immense, colossal. - 2) -
enésim - adj. (nmr. ord). (pr. \ æn'ezim \ ) Ms. plr. enésim - tremendous, monstrous. - See also the terms "enòrme,
fm. sng. and plr. enésima, enésime. - nth. See also the loc. madornal, straordinari " and the loc. "në spropòsit,
"ch'a fà ene". In mathematics the use is (some examples) : - motobin gròss, motobin grand, n'enormità ".
A) - "elevé a l'enésima potensa" "to raise to the nth enòrme - adj. (pr. \ en'orme \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - See
power" but also "elevé a ene " " to raise to n ". - B) - "ant enòrm.
l'enésima colòna" "in the nth column", but also "ant la ent - n. m. (pr. \ ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - being (phylosophy,
colòna ch'a fà ene" or simply "an colòna ene". - C) - "doi religion). - 2) - corporation, body, board, agency (legal).
enésim" "two nth" but also "doi ëd ene" or also "doi su Ent Suprém - n. m. (pr. \ ænt s[ue]pr'em\ ) only sng. -
ene". See also Grammar - ordinal adjectives. This term can Supreme Being, God.
be considered an ord. nmr. adj. enta - n. f. (pr. \ 'ænt& \ ) At plr. ente. - 1) - graft, grafring
ènfasi - n. f. (pr. \ 'æ[ng]f&si \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - emphasis, (agriculture). - 2) - leather patch for repairing shoes.
stress. - 2) - bombast, grandiloquence. - See also the term entador - n. m. (pr. \ ænt&d'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - grafter.
"gonfiura". entadura - n. f. (pr. \ ænt&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. entadure. -
enfàtich - adj. (pr. \ æ[ng]f'&tic \ ) Ms. plr. enfàtich - fm. sng. grafting, graftage. See also the term "entura".
and plr. enfàtica, enfàtiche. - 1) - emphatic. - 2) - entalpìa - n. f. (pr. \ ænt&lp'i& \ ) At plr. (if any) entalpìe. -
bombastic, grandiloquent. - See also the term "gonfi ". enthalpy (physics).
enfatisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ æ[ng]f&tiz'e \ ) - to entàlpich - adj. (pr. \ ænt'&lpic \ ) Ms. plr. entàlpich - fm.
emphasize. - See also the term "gonfié ". sng. and plr. entàlpica, entàlpiche. - enthalpy (as an
enfi - adj. (pr. \ 'æ[ng]fi \ ) Ms. plr. ènfi - fm. sng. and plr. attribute) (physics).
ènfia, ènfie. - 1) - swollen. - 2) - blown up. - 3) - enté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ ænt'e \ ) - to graft. Two idiomatic
bombastic, turgid, pretentious. - 4) - conceited, sentances : - A) - "enté 'd cuche" lit "to graft lies". "to
bumptious. - 4) - stupid (in a fig. sense). See also the be a liar, to tell fibs" - B) - "entà sël pom codògn" "lit.
terms "borenfi, gonfi ". "grafted on the quince tree" "stupid, simpleton, gull".
enfié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ æ[ng]f'e \ ) - 1) - to blow up, to entérich - adj. (pr. \ ænt'eric \ ) Ms. plr. entérich - fm. sng. and
inflate. - 2) - to swell, to fill. - 3) - to enflate. See also the plr. entérica, entériche. - enteric, intestinal (medical).
terms "gonfié, borenfié ". enterite - n. f. (pr. \ ænter'ite \ ) Inv. at plr. - enteritis
enfiésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ æ[ng]f'ese \ ) - to swell. (medical).
enfior - n. m. (pr. \ æ[ng]fi'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - swelling. - 2) enteroclisma - n. m. (pr. \ ænterucl'izm& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
- pomposity, bombast (in a fig. sense). See also the term enema, enteroclysis. - 2) - enema syringe.
"enfiura". enterocolite - n. f. (pr. \ ænterucul'ite \ ) Inv. at plr. -
enfisema - n. m. (pr. \ æ[ng]fiz'em& \ ) Inv. at plr. - enterocolitis.
emphysema. entità - n. f. (pr. \ æntit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - entity
enfisematos - adj. (pr. \ æ[ng]fizem&t'uz \ ) Ms. plr. (phylosophy) . - 2) - importance, gravity, extent,
enfisematos - fm. sng. and plr. enfisematosa, magnitude.
enfisematose. - emphysematous.

entomologìa - n. f. (pr. \ æntumuluj'i& \ ) At plr. (if any) epicàrdio - n. m. (pr. \ epic'&rdiô \ ) Inv. at plr. - epicardium.
entomologìe. - entomology. epicedi - n. m. (pr. \ epi[ch]'edi \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - epicedium.
entomològich - adj. (pr. \ æntumul'ojic \ ) Ms. plr. In this meaning see also the loc. "làuda mortòria". - 2) -
entomològich - fm. sng. and plr. entomològica, elegy. In this meaning see also the loc. "poesìa
entomològiche. - entomological, entomic. malinconiosa", and the term "elegìa".
entomòlogh - n. (pr. \ æntum'olug \ ) Inv. at plr. - epicentr - n. m. (pr. \ epi[ch]'æntr \ ) Inv. at plr. - epicentrum,
entomologist. See also the term "entomòlogo". epicentre, focus. See also the term "epicentro".
entomòlogo - n. (pr. \ æntum'olugô \ ) - See entomòlogh. epicentro - n. m. (pr. \ epi[ch]'æntrô \ ) - See epicentr.
enton - n. m. (pr. \ ænt'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - graft, scion épich - adj. and n. (pr. \ 'epic \ ) Ms. plr. épich - fm. sng. and
(agriculture). plr. épica, épiche. - 1) - epic (adj.). - 2) - epic poet (sbst.).
entrada - n. f. (pr. \ æntr'&d& \ ) - See intrada. epicìclo - n. m. (pr. \ epi[ch]'iclô \ ) Inv. at plr. - epicycle
entradura - n. f. (pr. \ æntr&d'[ue]r& \ ) - See intradura. (astronomy).
entrant - adj. (pr. \ æntr'&nt \ ) - See intrant. epicicloidal - adj. (pr. \ epi[ch]icluid'&l \ ) Ms. plr. epicloidaj -
entré - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ æntr'e \ ) - See intré. fm. sng. and plr. epicloidal, epicloidaj. - epicycloidal
entropìa - n. f. (pr. \ æntrup'i& \ ) At plr. (if any) entropìe. - (geometry).
entropy (physics). epiciclòid - n. f. (pr. \ epi[ch]icl'oid \ ) Inv. at plr. - epycicloid
entròpich - adj. (pr. \ æntr'opic \ ) Ms. plr. entròpich - fm. sng. (geometry).
and plr. entròpica, entròpiche. - entropy (as an attribute). epicoquana - n. f. (pr. \ epicu[qu]'&n& \ ) At plr. (if
entura - n. f. (pr. \ ænt'[ue]r& \ ) - See entadura. applicable) epicoquane. - 1) - ipecaquanha. - 2) -
entusiasm - n. m. (pr. \ ænt[ue]zi'&zm \ ) Inv. at plr. - purgative, boring person (in a fig. sense). See also the
enthusiasm, excitement. term "picoquana".
entusiasmant - adj. (pr. \ ænt[ue]zi&zm'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. epicureism - n. m. (pr. \epicure'izm\) - 1) - Epicureanism
entusiasmant - fm. sng. and plr. entusiasmanta, (phylosophy). - 2) - epicurism (in a fig. sense).
entusiasmante. - exciting, srirring. epicuréo - adj. and n. (pr. \ epicur'eu \ ) - See epicurian.
entusiasmé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ ænt[ue]zi&zm'e \ ) - to epicurian - adj. and n. (pr. \ epicuri'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr.
excite, to stirr, to arouse enthusiasm, to enthrall, to epicurian - fm. sng. and plr. epicurian-a, epicurian-e. - 1)
thrill, to turn on. - Epicurean (adj.) (phylosophy). - 2) - Epicurean (sbst.)
entusiasta - n. and adj. (pr. \ ænt[ue]zi'&st& \ ) Ms. plr. (phylosophy). - 3) - epicure (sbst.) (in a fig. sense).
entusiasta - fm. sng. and plr. entusiasta, entusiaste. - 1) - epidemìa - n. f. (pr. \ epidem'i& \ ) At plr. epidemìe. -
enthusiastic (adj.) - 2) - delighted, very pleased (adj.). - epidemic. See also the term "contagion".
3) - enthusiast (sbst.). epidémich - adj. (pr. \ epid'emi \ ) Ms. plr. epidémich - fm.
entusiàstich - adj. (pr. \ ænt[ue]zi'&stic \ ) Ms. plr. sng. and plr. epidémica, epidémiche. - epidemical.
entusiastich - fm. sng. and plr. entusiastica, epidemicità - n. f. (pr. \ epidemi[ch]it'& \ ) - See epidemissità.
entusiastiche. - enthusiastic. epidemiologìa - n. f. (pr. \ epidemiuluj'i& \ ) At plr.
enucleassion - n. f. (pr. \ en[ue]cle&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - epidemiologìe. - epidemiology.
enucleation. epidemissità - n. f. (pr. \ epidemisit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
enucleé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ en[ue]cle'e \ ) - to enucleate. epidemicity. See also the term "epidemicità ".
enumerassion - n. f. (pr. \ en[ue]mer&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - epidèrmia - See also the term "pél ".
1) - enumeration. - 2) - detailing. epidèrmich - adj. (pr. \ epid'ærmic \ ) Ms. plr. epidèrmich -
enumeré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ en[ue]mer'e \ ) - 1) - to fm. sng. and plr. epidèrmica, epidèrmiche. - 1) -
enumerate. - 2) - to detail. epidermic, epidermal (anatomy). - 2) - superficial, skin-
enuncé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ en[ue]n[ch]'e \ ) - to enunciate, deep (in a fig. sense).
to state, to express, to utter. See also the term "enunsié ". Epifanìa - n. f. (pr. \ epif&n'i& \ ) At plr. in case of need
enunciàbil - adj. (pr. \ en[ue]n[ch]i'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. enunciàbij Epifanìe. - Epiphany.
- fm. sng. and plr. enunciàbil, enunciàbij. - enunciable. epìfisi - n. f. (pr. \ ep'ifisi \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - epiphysis
See also the term "enunsiàbil ". (anatomy). - 2) - epiphysis, pineal gland (anatomy).
enunciassion - n. f. (pr. \ en[ue]n[ch]i&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - epigàstrich - adj. (pr. \ epig'&strich \ ) Ms. plr. epigàstrich -
enunciation, statement, expression, utteramce. See also fm. sng. and plr. epigàstrica, epigàstriche. - epigastric
the term "enunsiassion ". (anatomy).
enunsiàbil - adj. (pr. \ en[ue][ng]si'&bil \ ) - See enunciàbil. epiglòta - n. f. (pr. \ epigl'ot& \ ) At plr. epiglòte. - epiglottis
enunsiassion - n. f. (pr. \ en[ue][ng]si&si'u[ng] \ ) - See (anatomy).
enunciassion. epiglòtich - adj. (pr. \ epigl'otic \ ) Ms. plr. epiglòtich - fm.
enunsié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ en[ue][ng]si'e \ ) - See enuncé. sng. and plr. epiglòtica, epiglòtiche. - epiglottic
en- - fifteenth letter of the piedm. alphabet and n. f. (pr. \ (anatomy).
æ[ng] \) - not present in english. The letter " n-". See also epiglòtida - (pr. \ epigl'otid& \ ) See epiglòta.
the term "en-e". epìgon - n. (pr. \ ep'igu[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. epìgon - fm. sng. and
en-e - fifteenth letter of the piedm. alphabet and n. f. (pr. \ plr. epìgona, epìgone. - imitator, follower. See also the
æ[ng]e \) - See en-. term "imitator". Note that in this word at fm. the "n"
eòlich - adj. (pr. \ e'olic \ ) Ms. plr. eòlich - fm. sng. and plr. remains a palatal one.
eòlica, eòliche. - aeolian, eolian. epìgrafe - n. f. (pr. \ ep'igr&fe \ ) Inv. at plr. - epigraph.
eparin-a - n. f. (pr. \ ep&r'i[ng]& \ ) Atr plr. (if any) eparin-e. epigrafìa - n. f. (pr. \ epigr&f'i& \ ) At plr. epigrafìe. -
- heparin (biology). epigraphy.
epata - n. f. (pr. \ ep'&t& \ ) At plr. epate. - epact (astronomy). epigràfich - adj. - (pr. \ epigr'&fic \ ) Ms. plr. epigràfich - fm.
epatich - adj. (pr. \ ep'&tic \ ) Ms. plr. epàtich - fm. sng. and sng. and plr. epigràfica, epigràfiche. - epigraphical,
plr. epàtica, epàtiche. - hepatic, liver (as an attribute). lapidary.
epatite - n. f. (pr. \ ep&t'ite \ ) Inv. at plr. - hepatitis. epigrafìsta - n. (pr. \ epigr&f'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. epigrafista - fm.
épica - n. f. (pr. \ 'epic& \ ) At plr. (when applicable) - épiche. - sng. and plr. epigrafista, epigrafiste. - epigrapher,
epic poetry, epos. epigraphist.
epicardi - n. m. (pr. \ epic'&rdi \ ) - See epicàrdio. epigrama - n. m. (pr. \ epigr'&m& \ ) Inv. at plr. - epigram.

epigramàtica - n. f. (pr. \ epigr&m'&tic& \ ) At plr. (if any) epìtoma - n. f. (pr. \ ep'itum& \ ) At plr. epìtome. - epitome,
epigramàtiche. - art of writing epigrams. compendium, abridgement. See also the terms "resumé,
epigramàtich - adj. (pr. \ epigr&m'&tic \ ) Ms. plr. compendi, abresé ".
epigramàtich - fm. sng. and plr. epigramàtica, epitomator - n. (pr. \ epitum&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. epitomator - fm.
epigramàtiche. - epigrammatical. sng. and plr. epitomatriss, epitomatriss. - epitomist,
epigramé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ epigr&m'e \ ) - to epitomizer.
epigrammatize. It uses the aux. "avèj ". epitomé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ epitum'e \ ) - to epitomize, to
epigramista - n. (pr. \ epigr&m'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. epigramista - summarize, to abridge.
fm. sng. and plr. epigramista, epigramàtiche. - época - n. f. (pr. \ 'epuc& \ ) At plr. epoche. - 1) - epoch. - 2) -
epigrammatist. time, days, period. - 3) - era, age.
epilessìa - n. f. (pr. \ epiles'i& \ ) At plr. (if any) epilessìe. - epolèt - n. f. (pr. \ epul'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - epaulet(te),
epilepsy. shoulder loop. - 2 - shoulder strap. - 3) - shoulder
epilétich - adj. (pr. \ epil'etic \ ) Ms. plr. epilétich - fm. sng. padding. See also the terms "spalin, spalin-a".
and plr. epilética, epilétiche. - epileptic. See also the loc. epopea - n. f. (pr. \ epup'e& \ ) At plr. epopee. - 1) - epic. - 2) -
"mal caduch, mal ëd San Gioann". epos.
epiloghé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ epilug'e \ ) - to recapitulate, epsilon - 5th letter of the greek alphabet. and n. f. (pr. \
to summarize. 'epsilô[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - epsilon.
epìlogo - n. m. (pr. \ ep'ilugô \ ) Inv. at plr. - epilogue. See also eptacòrd - n. m. (pr. \ ept&c'ord \ ) Inv. at plr. - heptachord
the term "conclusion". (music).
episcopà - n. m. (pr. \ episcup'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - eptaédrich - adj. (pr. \ ept&'edric \ ) Ms. plr. eptaédrich - fm.
episcopacy. See also the loc. "ij vësco" lit. "the bishops". sng. and plr. eptaédrica, eptaédriche. - heptahedral.
- 2) - episcopate. eptaédro - n. m. (pr. \ ept&'edrô \ ) Inv. at plr. - heptahedron.
episcopal - adj. (pr. \ episcup'&l \ ) Ms. plr. episcopaj - fm. eptàgon - n. m. (pr. \ ept'&gu[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - heptagon.
sng. and plr. episcopal, episcopaj. - episcopal. See also eptagonal - adj. (pr. \ ept&gun'&l \ ) Ms. plr. eptagonaj - fm.
the term "vëscovil ". sng. and plr. eptagonal, eptagonaj. - heptagonal.
episcòpi - n. m. (pr. \ episc'opi \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - bishop's eptan - n. m. (pr. \ ept'&[ng] \ ) Chemical gas substance only
palace. - 2) - episcope (physics). sng. In any case inv. at plr. - heptane. See also the term
episossìa - n. f. (pr. \ epizus'i& \ ) At plr. epizossìe. - epizootic "eptano".
disease. eptano - n. m. (pr. \ ept'&nô \ ) - See eptan.
episòdi - n. m. (pr. \ epiz'odi \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - episode, epulon - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ ep[ue]l'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - rich man
event. - 2) - episode. (Gospel).
episòdich - adj. (pr. \ epiz'odic \ ) Ms. plr. episòdic - fm. sng. epulon - 2) - n. (pr. \ ep[ue]l'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. epulon - fm. sng.
and plr. episòdica, episòdiche. - episodical. and plr. epulon-a, epulon-e. - 1) - glutton. - 2) - epulo
epistass - n. f. (pr. \ epist'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - epistaxis, (roman history).
nosebleed. See also the loc. "nas ch'a sagna". See also the epura - cng. (pr. \ ep'[ue]r& \ ) - and yet, all the same,
term "epistassi". nevertheless.
epistassi - n. f. (pr. \ epist'&si \ ) - See epistass. epurà - adj. and n. (pr. \ ep[ue]r'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) -
epistemologìa - n. f. (pr. \ epistemuluj'i& \ ) At plr. eliminated (in a purge) (adj.). - 2) - purgee (sbst.).
epistemologìe. - 1) - epistemology. - 2) - phylosophy of epurator - n. (pr. \ ep[ue]r&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. epurator - fm. sng.
science. and plr. epuratriss, epurariss. - purger.
epistemològich - adj. (pr. \ epistemul'ojic \ ) Ms. plr. epurassion - n. f. (pr. \ ep[ue]r&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
epistemològich - fm. sng. and plr. epistemològica, expulsion. - 2) - purge (politics).
epistemològiche. - epistemological. epuré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ ep[ue]r'e \ ) - 1) - to weed out, to
epistemòlogh - n. (pr. \ epistem'olug \ ) Ms. plr. epistemòlogh expel. - 2) - to purge (politics).
- fm. sng. and plr. epistemòloga, epistemòloghe. - equalisator - n. m. (pr. \ e[qu]&liz&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. -
epistemologist. See also the term "epistemòlogo". equalizer (technique).
epistemòlogo - n. (pr. \ epistem'olugô \ ) - See epistemòlogh. equalisassion - n. f. (pr. \ e[qu]&liz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
epìstola - n. f. (pr. \ ep'istul& \ ) At plr. epìstole. - epistle. See equalization (technique).
also the loc."litra dj'Apòstoj" "letter of the Apostles", equalisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ e[qu]&liz'e \ ) - to equalize
"litra importanta " "impotrant letter"., and the term (technique).
"litra". equànim - adj. (pr. \ e[qu]'&nim \ ) Ms. plr. equànim - fm.
epistolar - adj. (pr. \ epistul'&r \ ) - Inv. in gnd. and nr. - sng. and plr. equànima, equànime. - even-tempered, just,
epistolary. fair, impartial. See also the terms "giust, imparsial ".
epistolari - n. m. (pr. \ epistul'&ri \ ) - Inv. at plr. - letters, equanimità - n. f. (pr. \ e[qu]&nimit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
correspondence. See also the loc. "colession ëd litre" lit. equanimity, impartiality, fairness, justness.
"letters collection". equassion - n. f. (pr. \ e[qu]&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - equation
epitafi - n. m. (pr. \ epit'&fi \ ) Inv. at plr. - epitaph. See also (mathematics).
the loc. "iscrission tombal ". equator - n. m. (pr. \ e[qu]&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any) -
epitàlam - (pr. \ epit'&l&m \ ) Inv. at plr. - epithalamus equator.
(anatomy). equatorial - adj. (pr. \ e[qu]&turi'&l \ ) Ms. plr. equatoriaj -
epitalàmi - n. m. (pr. \ epit&l'&mi \ ) Inv. at plr. - fm. sng. and plr. equatorial, equatoriaj. - equatorial.
epithalamium. See also the loc. "cant ëd nosse" lit. equéster - adj. (pr. \ e[qu]'estær \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
"wedding song". equestrian.
epiteli - (pr. \ epit'eli \ ) Inv. at plr. - epithelium. equestr - adj. (pr. \ e[qu]'estr \ ) - See equéster.
epitelial - adj. (pr. \ epiteli'&l \ ) Ms. plr. epiteliaj - fm. sng. equidistant - adj. (pr. \ e[qu]idist'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. equidistant -
and plr. epitelial, epiteliaj. - epithelial. fm. sng. and plr. equidistanta, equidistante. - equidistant
epìteto - n. m. (pr. \ ep'itetô \ ) Inv. at plr. - epithet. (also geometry).

equilàter - adj. (pr. \ e[qu]il'&tær \ ) Ms. plr. equilàter - fm. equipolent - adj. (pr. \ e[qu]ipul'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. equipolent -
sng. and plr. equilàtera, equilàtere. - equilateral. See also fm. sng. and plr. equipolenta, equipolente. - equivalent,
the term "equilateral". equipollent. Also in the spelling "echipolent ".
equilateral - adj. (pr. \ e[qu]il'&ter&l \ ) - See equilater. equipotensial - adj. (pr. \ e[qu]iputæ[ng]si'&l \ ) Ms. plr.
equilibrà - adj. (pr. \ e[qu]ilibr'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - equipotensiaj - fm. sng. and plr. equipotensial,
well-balanced, balanced. - 2) - level-headed (in a fig. equipotensiaj. - equipotential. Also in the spelling
sense). "echipotensial ".
equilibrador - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ e[qu]ilibr&d'ur \ ) - See equità - n. f. (pr. \ e[qu]it'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - equity,
echilibrador 1). impartiality, fairness.
equilibrador - 2) - adj. (pr. \ e[qu]ilibr&d'ur \ ) See equitassion - n. f. (pr. \ e[qu]it&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - riding,
echilibrador 2). horsemanship, equitation.
equilibradura - n. f. (pr. \ e[qu]ilibr&d'[ue]r& \ ) - See equitativ - adj. (pr. \ e[qu]it&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. equitativ - fm.
echilibradura. sng. and plr. equitativa, equitative. - equitative.See also
equilibrament - n. m. (pr. \ e[qu]ilibr&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - the loc. "conforma a equità ".
balancing. - See also the terms "equilibrassion, equivalèj - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ e[qu]iv&l'æy \ ) - 1) - to be
equilibratura". equivalent, to be the same (as). - 2) - to have the same
equilibrassion - n. f. (pr. \ e[qu]ilibr&s'iu[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - value. In this sense see also the loc. "valèj l'istéss". It uses
balancing. - See also the terms "equilibrament, the aux. "esse". Also in the spelling "echivalèj ".
equilibratura". equivalensa - n. f. (pr. \ e[qu]iv&l'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr.
equilibrator - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ e[qu]ilibr&t'ur \ ) - See equivalense. - equivalence.
echilibrator 1). equivalent - adj. (pr. \ e[qu]iv&l'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. equivalent -
equilibrator - 2) - adj. (pr. \ e[qu]ilibr&t'ur \ ) See fm. sng. and plr. equivalenta, equivalente. - equivalent.
echilibrator 2). equìvoch - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ e[qu]'ivuc \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
equilibratriss - n. f. (pr. \ e[qu]ilibr&tr'is \ ) Inv. at plr. - misunderstanding. - 2) - equivocation. See also the terms
balancing-machine (mechanics). "malintèis, echìvoch, equìvoco".
equilibré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ e[qu]ilibr'e \ ) - to balance, to equìvoc - 2) - adj. (pr. \ e[qu]'ivuc \ ) Ms. plr. equìvoch - fm.
counterbalance. See also the terms "bilansé, balansé, sng. and plr. equìvoca, equìvoche. - 1) - equivocal,
echilibré ". ambiguous. - 2) - doubtful, questionable. See also the
equilibri - n. m. (pr. \ e[qu]il'ibri \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - balance, term " echìvoch 2) ".
equilibrium. - 2) - stability. - 3) - common sense, equivoché - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ e[qu]ivuk'e \ ) - to
moderation (in a fig. sense). See also the terms "echilìbri, misunderstand, to mistake. See also the term
equilìbrio". "echivoché".
equilìbrio - n. m. (pr. \ e[qu]il'ibriô \ ) - See equilibri. equìvoco - n. m. (pr. \ e[qu]'ivucô \ ) - See equìvoch.
equilibrism - n. m. (pr. \ e[qu]ilibr'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - equivossità - n. f. (pr. \ e[qu]ivusit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
acrobatics. See also the term "echilibrism". equivocality, equivocalness.
equilibrista - n. (pr. \ e[qu]ilibr'ist& \ ) - See echilibrista. équo - adj. - (pr. \ 'e[qu]ô \ ) Ms. plr. équo - fm. sng. and plr.
equin - 1) - adj. (pr. \ e[qu]'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. equin - fm. sng. équa, éque. - 1) - equitable, fair, just. - 2) - rightful.
and plr. equin-a, equin-e. - equine, horse (as an attribute). er - nineteenth letter of the piedm. alphabet and n. f. (pr. \ ær \)
equin - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ e[qu]'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - equid, - r, er, ar. The letter " r ". See also the term "ere".
equine. éra - n. f. (pr. \ 'er& \ ) At plr. ére. - era, age, period.
equinòssi - n. m. (pr. \ e[qu]in'osi \ ) - See echinòssi. èra - n. f. (pr. \ 'ær& \ ) At plr. ère. - threshing floor,
equinossial - adj. (pr. \ e[qu]inusi'&l \ ) Ms. plr. equinossiaj - farmyard. See also the terms "àira, èira".
fm. sng. and plr. equinossial, equinossiaj. - equinoctial. erà - n. f. (pr. \ ær'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - the maize of wheat
See also the term "echinossial ". harvest spreaded on the threshing floor. See also the
equipagé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ e[qu]ip&j'e \ ) - 1) - to equip, terms "airà, eirà ".
to fit out. - 2) - to man, to fit out. See also the term erari - n. m. (pr. \ er'&ri \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - national revenue
"echipagé ". (finance). - 2) - Treasury.
equipagésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ e[qu]ip&j'ese \ ) - to erarial - adj. (pr. \ er&ri'&l \ ) Ms. plr. erariaj - fm. sng. and
equip oneself. See also the term "echipagésse ". plr. erarial, erariaj. - fiscal, revenue (as an attribute).
equipagi - n. m. (pr. \ e[qu]ip'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - crew. - 2) eràtich - adj. (pr. \ er'&tic \ ) Ms. plr. eràtich - fm. sng. and
- equipage. See also the term "echipagi ". plr. eràtica, eràtiche. - 1) - wandering. - 2) - erratic
equipagiament - n. m. (pr. \ e[qu]ip&ji&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - (geplogy). See also the terms "vagabond, vagant ".
equipment, outfit. See also the term "echipagiament ". erba - n. f. (pr. \ 'ærb& \ ) At plr. erbe. - 1) - grass. - 2) - herb.
equiparàbil - adj. (pr. \ e[qu]ip&r'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. equiparàbij We report some loc. of particular grass or herb, together
- fm. sng. and plr. equiparàbil, equiparàbij. - with the common Piedm. name (if any). - A) - erba amèra
comparable. Also in the spelling "echiparabil ". or erba 'd San Pé or erba dla frità rosemary, costmary.-
equiparassion - n. f. (pr. \ e[qu]ip&r&si'u[ng] \ ) - 1) - B) - erba bandòira or séler or séner, or séleri celery. - C)
comparison. - 2) - equalization. Inv. at plr. - Also in the - erba bianca wild camomile, fevefew. - D) - erba
spelling "echiparassion". bindela reed canarygrass. - E) - erba brusa water-
equiparé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ e[qu]ip&r'e \ ) - 1) - to pepper. - Ë) - erba brusca garden sorrel. - F) - erba
compare. - 2) - to equalize. See also the term "paragoné ". càmola henbane. - G) - erba canarin-a chickweed. -
Also in the spelling "echiparé ". H) - erba carera or menta servaja calamint. - I) - erba
"equipe" - n. f. (pr. \ e[qu]'ip \ ) Inv. at plr. - team. Frenchism.
cotela or ireos or liri bluèt or giajeul flower-de-luce. - J)
See also the term "echip".
- erba dël bagagiass or canamìa or erba Marìa
equipolensa - n. f. (pr. \ e[qu]ipul'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr.
equipolense. - equivalence, equipollence. Also in the camomile. - K) - erba dël coco wood sorrel. - L) - erba
spelling "echipolensa". dël polmon or erba 'd San Cristòfo lungwort. - M) -
erba dël savon soapwort. - N) - erba dij bòrgno or urtìa
nettle, stinging-nettle. - O) - erba dla tërnità liverwort,

pennywort. - P) - erba dòna celandine, swallowwort. - erede - n. (pr. \ er'ede \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - heir - Quite an
Q) - erba 'd San Bartromé or erba solitària self-heal or italianism. Used as a preference at ms., and for the heir of a
heal-all. - R) - erba 'd Santa Barbra rocket. - S) - erba title, and similar. See also the terms "eredité 1), ardité ".
fava or pedòch lesser celandine, pilewort. - T) - erba eredità - n. f. (pr. \ eredit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - inheritance,
médica lucerne, purple medic.-U) - erba përtusà or erba heritage. - 2) - heredity, inheritance (biology). See also
'd San Gioann St John's wort. - V) - erba plosa the term "ardità ".
ereditari - adj. (pr. \ eredit'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. ereditari - fm. sng.
mouse-ear hawkweed. - W) - erba purga hedgehyssop
and plr. ereditària, ereditàrie. - hereditary. See also the
or herb of Grace. - X) - erba rablòira or erba sinchen-a
terms "arditari ".
creeping cinquefoil or European cinquefoil or creeping
eredité - 1) - n. (pr. \ eredit'e \ ) Ms. plr. eredité - fm. sng. and
tormentil. - Y) - erba rùa rue. - Z) - erba tërponera or plr. ereditera, ereditere. - heir / heiress. For fm. see
anticheur = jimsonweed, thorn-apple. - And may others. "ereditera ".
erbaboch - n. m. (pr. \ ærb&b'uc \ ) Inv. at plr. - meadow eredité - 2) - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ eredit'e \ ) - 1) - to
salsify (botany - Tragopogon pratensis). inherit (trs.) - 2) - to come into an inheritance (int.). - It
erbagi - n. m. (pr. \ ærb'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - greens, vegetables. uses always the aux. "avèj ". See also the term "ardité ".
Usually plr., but it can be used also at sng. ereditera - n. f. (pr. \ eredit'er& \ ) At plr. ereditére. - heiress.
erbalus - n. f. (pr. \ ærb&l'[ue]z \ ) Inv. at plr. - "erbaluce" See also the term "arditera".
name of a type of piedm. grapes and related white wine. eremita - n. m. (pr. \ erem'it& \ ) Inv. at plr. - hermit. Quite an
(known, outside Piedm., with the italian name). italianism. See also the best piedm. terms "armita, ermìta".
erbareul - n. (pr. \ ærb&r'[oe]l \ ) Ms. plr. erbareuj - fm. sng. eremitagi - n. m. (pr. \ eremit'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - hermitage.
and plr. erbareula, erbareule. - greengrocer Quite an italianism. See also the best piedm. terms
erbareula - n. f. (pr. \ ærb&r'[oe]l& \ ) At plr. erbareule. - "armitagi, ermìtagi ".
heifer at its first pasture. See also the term "erbaròla". eremìtich - adj. (pr. \ erem'itic \ ) Ms. plr. eremìtich - fm. sng.
erbari - n. m. (pr. \ ærb'&ri \ ) Inv. at plr. - herbarium. and plr. eremìtica, eremìtiche. - hermitical. See also the
erbaròla - n. f. (pr. \ ærb&r'ol& \ ) - See erbareula. term "armìtich ".
erbass - n. m. (pr. \ ærb'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - weed, dirty grass. éremo - n. m. (pr. \ 'eremô \ ) Inv. at plr. - hermitage. See also
erbe - n. f. plr. (pr. \ 'ærbe \ ) Only plr. - herbs (medicinal and the terms "érimo, ermo, armitagi, ermitagi"".
for cooking). Note that "erbe meisinòire" is translated into eresìa - n. f. (pr. \ erez'i& \ ) At plr. eresìe. - 1) - heresy. - 2) -
"medicinal herbs". nonsense (in a fig. sense).
erbëtte - n. f. plr. (pr. \ ærb'&tte \ ) Only plr. - aromatic herbs. eresiàrca - n. (pr. \ erezi'&rc& \ ) Ms. plr. eresiarca - fm. sng.
A way of saying : "ël përtus dj'erbëtte" "the anus". and plr. eresiarca, eresiarche. - heresiarch.
erbi - n. m. (pr. \ 'ærbi \ ) Inv. at plr. (when applicable). - 1) - eression - n. f. (pr. \ eresi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - erection. -
tub, vat, wash-tub. In this sense see also the term "arbi " - 2) - building. - 3) - establishment.
2) - erbium (chemical element). In this sense see also the eretical - adj. (pr. \ eretic'&l \ ) Ms. plr. ereticaj - fm. sng. and
term "erbio". plr. eretical, ereticaj. - heretical. See also the term
erbio - n. m. (pr. \ 'ærbiô \ ) Inv. at a possible plr. - erbium "erétich 1st meaning".
(chemical element). erétich - adj. and n. (pr. \ er'etic \ ) Ms. plr. erétich - fm. sng.
erbion - n. m. (pr. \ ærbi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. pea (botany - and plr. erética, erétich. - 1) - heretical (adj.). See also the
Pisum sativum). See also the terms "arbion, pòis". term "eretical ". - 2) - heretic (sbst.).
erbìvor - adj. and n. (pr. \ ærb'ivur ; ærb'iwur \ ) Ms. plr. erétil - adj. (pr. \ er'etil \ ) Ms. plr. erétij - fm. sng. and plr.
erbìvor - fm. sng. and plr. erbìvora, erbìvore. - 1) - erétil, erétij. - erectile (anatomy, botany).
herbivorous (adj.). - 2) - herbivore (sbst.). eretism - n. m. (pr. \ eret'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - erethism
erbo - n. m. (pr. \ 'ærbu \ ) Inv. at plr. - tree. For a particular (psychology).
meaning see the loc. "erbo pretòri". eretor - adj. and n. (pr. \ eret'ur \ ) Ms. plr. eretor - fm. sng.
erbolin - n. m. (pr. \ ærbul'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - small tree. and plr. eretriss, eretriss. - erector.
erbo pretòri - n. m. (pr. \ 'ærbu \ ) Inv. at plr. - municipal ergàstol - n. m. (pr. \ ærg'&stul \ ) At plr. ergàstoj. - life
notice board. sentence. See also the term "argàstol ".
erboré - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ ærbur'e \ ) - to go looking for ergastolan - n. (pr. \ ærg&stul'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. ergastolan -
medicinal herbs, to herborize. fm. sng. and plr. ergastolan-a, ergastolan-e. - convict
erborent - n. m. (pr. \ ærbur'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - parsley serving a life sentence. See also the term "argastolan ".
(botany - Petroselinum sativum). See also the term èrgna - n. f. (pr. \ 'ær[gn]& \ ) At plr. èrgne. - hernia, rupture
"pransëmmo, erborin". (medical). See also the term "èrnia".
erborin - n. m. (pr. \ ærbur'i[ng] \ ) - See erborent. ergnari - adj. (pr. \ ær[gn]'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. ergnari - fm. sng.
erborista - n. (pr. \ ærbur'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. erborista - fm. sng. and plr. ergnària, ergnàrie. - hernial, herniary.
and plr. erborista, erboriste. - herbalist, herborist, (medical). See also the term "erniari ".
herbal pratictioner. ergotin-a - n. f. (pr. \ ærgut'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. (if any) ergotin-e.
erboristerìa - (pr. \ ærburister'i& \ ) At plr. erboristerìe. - - ergot (chemistry). See also the term "fërmasangh ".
herbalist's shop. erige - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ er'ije \ ) - 1) - to erect, to put up,
erbos - adj. (pr. \ ærb'uz \ ) Ms. plr. erbos - fm. sng. and plr. to raise, to build, to construct. - 2) - to found, to
erbosa, erbose. - grassy, grass-grown, grass (as an institute, to set up.
attribute). erigg-se - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ er'ijse \ ) - to set oneself up.
erca - n. f. (pr. \ 'ærc& \ ) At plr. èrche. - kneading-trough. érimo - n. m. (pr. \ 'erimô \ ) - See eremo.
erchëtta - n. f. (pr. \ ærc'&tt& \ ) At plr. - erchëtte. - small eritema - n. m. (pr. \ erit'em& \ ) Inv. at plr. - erythema
trunk (for keeping linen). See also the loc. "còfo dla ròba". (medical).
ercon - n. m. (pr. \ ærc'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - large kneading- eritematos - adj. (pr. \ eritem&t'uz \ ) Ms. plr. eritematos - fm.
trough, big case. sng. and plr. eritematosa, eritematose. - erythematous,
ere - nineteenth letter of the piedm. alphabet and n. f. (pr. \ ær erythematic (medical).
\) - See er. erlo - n. m. (pr. \ 'ærlu \ ) Inv. at plr. - merganser (zoology -

ermelin - n. m. (pr. \ ærmel'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - ermine, stoat erpetòlogh - n. (pr. \ ærpet'olug \ ) Ms. plr. erpetòlogh - fm.
(zoology - Mustela erminea). See also the term "ermlin". sng. and plr. erpetòloga, erpetòloghe. - herpetologist. See
ermenèutica - n. f. (pr. \ ærmen'æutic& \ ) At plr. also the term in the spelling "erpetòlogo".
ermenèutiche. - hermeneutics. erpetòlogo - n. (pr. \ ærpet'olugô \ ) - See erpetòlogh.
ermenèutich - adj. (pr. \ ærmen'æutic \ ) Ms. plr. ermenèutich erpi - n. m. (pr. \ 'ærpi \ ) Inv. at plr. - harrow (agriculture).
- fm. sng. and plr. ermenèutica, ermenèutiche. - erpié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ ærpi'e \ ) - to harrow
hermeneutical. (agriculture).
ermétich - adj. (pr. \ ærm'etic \ ) Ms. plr. ermètich - fm. sng. èrpis - n. f. (pr. \ 'ærpis ; 'ærpiz \ ) - See èrpes.
and plr. ermètica, ermètiche. - 1) - hermetical, erpiura - n. f. (pr. \ ærpi'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. erpiure. -
air(water)-tight. - 2) - hermetic, obscure, cryptic. harrowing (agriculture).
ermetism - n. m. (pr. \ ærmet'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - Hermetic ert - adj. (pr. \ ært \ ) Ms. plr. ert - fm. sng. and plr. erta, erte.
phylosophy. - 2) - obscurity, inscrutability. - steep, precipitous. This term is not very used. See the
ermetissità - n. f. (pr. \ ærmetisit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - most used terms "rìpid, drit, pressipitos ".
airtightness, watertightness. - 2) - obscurity, erta - n. f. (pr. \ 'ært& \ ) At plr. erte. - 1) - steep ascent,
inscrutability. uphill street. In this sense see also the most common terms
ermita - n. m. (pr. \ ærm'it& \ ) - See eremita. "monta, montà ". - 2) - steepness, precipitousness. In this
ermitagi - n. m. (pr. \ ærmit'&ji \ ) - See eremitagi. sense see also the most used term "ertëssa".
ermlin - n. m. (pr. \ ærml'i[ng] \ ) - See ermelin. erta (a l'---!) - excl. (pr. \ & l 'ært& \ ) - look out! . The
ermo - n. m. (pr. \ 'ærmu \ ) - See éremo. expression "sté a l'èrta" is translated into "to be on look
èrnia - n. f. (pr. \ 'ærni& \ ) - See èrgna. out, to be on the alert ".
erniari - adj. (pr. \ ærni'&ri \ ) - See ergnari. ertëssa - n. f. (pr. \ ært'&ss& \ ) - See erta 2nd meaning.
ernios - adj. (pr. \ ærni'uz \ ) Ms. plr. ernios - fm. sng. and plr. ertsian - adj. (pr. \ ærtsi'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. ertsian - fm. sng.
erniosa, erniose. - 1) - suffering from hernia (adj.). - 2) - and plr. ertaian-a, ertsian-e. - Hertzian.
hernia sufferer (sbst.). erudì - 1) - adj. and n. and p. p. (pr. \ er[ue]d'i \ ) Ms. plr. erudì
erniotomìa - n. f. (pr. \ ærniutum'i& \ ) At plr. erniotomìe. - - fm. sng. and plr. erudìa, erudìe. - 1) - learned (adj. and
herniotomy. p.p ). - 2) - erudite, scholarly (adj.). - 3) - scholar (sbst.).
erogàbil - adj. (pr. \ erug'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. erogàbij - fm. sng. erudì - 2) - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ er[ue]d'i \ ) - to educate, to
and plr. erogàbil, erogàbij. - 1) - distributable. - 2) - teach, to instruct.
deliverable. eruditism - n. m. (pr. \ er[ue]dit'zmi \ ) Inv. at plr. - pedantry.
erogassion - n. f. (pr. \ erug&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - erudission - n. f. (pr. \ er[ue]disi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
disbursement, allocation (money). - 2) - endowment. - 3) learning, erudition, scholarship.
- distribution. - 4) - delivery (water, gas). erussion - n. f. (pr. \ er[ue]si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - eruption
erogator - n. and adj. (pr. \ erug&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. erogator - (in general). - 2) - eruption, rash (medical).
fm. sng. and plr. erogatriss, erogatriss. - 1) - delivering, eruté - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ er[ue]t'e \ ) - 1) - to erupt,
distributing (adj.). - 2) - deliverer, distributor (sbst.). to belch (trs. and int.) - 2) - to throw out (trs.). It uses
eroghé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ erug'e \ ) - 1) - to disburse, to always the aus. "avèj ", but, when int., it is possible to find
allocate. - 2) - to supply, to deliver, to distribute. it using the aux. "esse" (as an italianism)..
eroicisé - vrb 1st con. trs. - (pr. \ erui[ch]iz'e \ ) - to heroize. erutiv - adj. (pr. \ er[ue]t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. erutiv - fm. sng. and
eroìn-a - n. f. (pr. \ eru'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. eroin-e. - 1) - plr. erutiva, erutive. - eruptive.
heroine. - 2) - heroin (chemistry). èrzo - n. m. (pr. \ erzu \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - small embankment.
eroism - n. m. (pr. \ eru'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - heroism. - 2) - balk, ridge (agriculture).
eror - n. m. (pr. \ er'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - mistake, error. - 2) esacòrd - n. m. (pr. \ ez&c'ord \ ) Inv. at plr. - hexachord.
- blunder, howler. In this sense see also the term "erorass, esaéder - n. m. (pr. \ ez&'edær \ ) - See esaerdo.
boro". - 3) - slip, lapse. esaédrich - adj. (pr. \ ez&'edric \ ) Ms. plr. esaédrich - fm.
erorass - n. m. (pr. \ erur'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - bad mistake, big sng. and plr. esaédrica, esaédriche. - hexahedrical.
mistake. esaédro - n. m. (pr. \ ez&'edrô \ ) Inv. at plr. - hexahedron.
erosion - n. f. (pr. \ eruzi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - erosion. esagerà - adj. and p. p. and n. (pr. \ ez&jer'& \ ) Inv. in gnd.
erosiv - adj. (pr. \ eruz'iu \ ) Ms. plr. erosiv - fm. sng. and plr. and nr. - 1) - exaggerated (adj.). - 2) - exaggerate,
erosiva, erosive. - erosive. exaggerator (sbst.).
erotism - n. m. (pr. \ erut'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - erotism, esagerassion - n. f. (pr. \ ez&jer&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
eroticism. exaggeration.
eròde - 1) - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ er'ode \ ) - to erode, to wear esageré - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. - 1) - to exaggerate (trs. and
away. int.). - 2) - to go too far (int.). It uses always the aux. "avej
Eròde - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ er'ode \ ) Noun of prs. only sng. In case ".
of need inv. at plr. - Herod. esagità - adj. and n. (pr. \ ez&jt'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) -
eròe - n. (pr. \ er'oe \ ) Ms. plr. eròe - fm. sng. and plr. eroin-a, troubled, restless (adj.). - 2) - troubled person. (sbst.).
eroin-e. - heroine. For fm. see also the term "eroin-a". esagité - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ ez&jt'e \ ) - to trouble, to
eròich - adj. (pr. \ er'oic \ ) Ms. plr. eròich - fm. sng. and plr. agitate.
eròica, eròiche. - heroic. esagitésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ ez&jt'ese \ ) - to trouble
eròtich - adj. (pr. \ er'otic \ ) Ms. plr. eròtich - fm. sng. and plr. oneself too much.
eròtica, eròtiche. - erotic. esàgon - n. m. (pr. \ ez'&gu[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - hexagon. See
èrpes - n. f. (pr. \ 'ærpæz ; 'ærpæs \ ) Inv. at plr. - herpes. See also the term "esàgono".
also the terms "èrpis, èrpeta, èrpete". esagonal - adj. (pr. \ ez&gun'&l \ ) Ms. plr. esagonaj - fm. sng.
èrpeta - n. f. (pr. \ 'ærpet& \ ) - See èrpes. and plr. esagonal, esagonaj. - hexagonal.
èrpete - n. f. (pr. \ 'ærpete \ ) - See èrpes. esàgono - n. m. (pr. \ ez'&gunô \ ) - See esàgon.
erpétich - adj. (pr. \ ærp'etic \ ) Ms. plr. erpétich - fm. sng. and esalassion - n. f. (pr. \ ez&l&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
plr. erpética, erpétiche. - herpetic. exhalation, fumes, vapour.
erpetologìa - n. f. (pr. \ ærpetuluj'i& \ ) At plr. erpetologìe. - esalator - n. m. (pr. \ ez&l&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - vent, outlet.
herpetology (zoology).

esalé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ ez&l'e \ ) - to exhale, to give esat - adj. (pr. \ ez'&t \ ) Ms. plr. esat - fm. sng. and plr. esata,
out. esate. - 1) - exact, correct, right. - 2) - precise, accurate.
esaltà - adj. and p. p. and n. (pr. \ ez&lt'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and - 3) - punctual. - 4) - sharp (time).
nr. - 1) - excited, thrilled, elated (adj. and p. p.). - 2) - esatëssa - n. f. (pr. \ ez&t'&ss& \ ) At plr. esatësse - 1) -
fanatical, hot-heated (adj.). - 3) - fanatic, hot-head exactness. - 2) - precision, accuracy. - 3) - punctuality.
(sbst.). esator - n. m. (pr. \ ez&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - collector (money,
esaltant - adj. (pr. \ ez&lt'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. esaltant - fm. sng. taxes).
and plr. esaltanta, esaltante. - thrillig, exciting. esatorìa - n. f. (pr. \ ez&tur'i& \ ) At plr. esatorìe. - collector's
esaltassion - n. f. (pr. \ ez&lt&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - office, tax office.
exalting, extollingh. - 2) - exaltation, elevation. - 3) - esatorial - adj. (pr. \ ez&turi'&l \ ) Ms. plr. esatotiaj - fm. sng.
excitement, elation. and plr. esatorial, esatoriaj. - of the collector's office.
esaltator - n. m. (pr. \ ez&lt&si'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - exalter, esaudì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ ez&ud'i \ ) - to grant, to fulfil,
extoller. to satisfy.
esalté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ ez&lt'e \ ) - 1) - to exalt, to esaudìbil - adj. (pr. \ ez&ud'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. esaudìbij - fm. sng.
extoll, to magnify. - 2) - to exalt, to elevate, to raise. - 3) and plr. esaudìbil, esaudìbij. - grantable, that can be
- to thrill, to excite, to stir. granted.
esam - n. m. (pr. \ ez'&m \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - examination, esaudiment - n. m. (pr. \ ez&udim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
exam. - 2) - check, control, checking. - 3) - inspection. - granting, ful filment, satisfaction.
4) - test. See also the terms "esame, esami ". esaurì - 1) - adj. (pr. \ ez&ur'i \ ) Ms. plr. esaurì - fm. sng. and
esame - n. m. (pr. \ ez'&me \ ) - See esam. plr. esaurìa, esaurìe. - 1) - exhausted, worn out, run
esàmetro - n. m. (pr. \ ez'&metrô \ ) Inv. at plr. - hexameter. down. - 2) - sold out, out of stock, out of print.
esami - n. m. (pr. \ ez'&mi \ ) - See esam. esaurì - 2) - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ ez&ur'i \ ) - 1) - to exhaust,
esaminand - n. (pr. \ ez&min'&nd \ ) Ms. plr. esaminand - fm. to deplete, to wear out. - 2) - to sell out.
sng. and plr. esaminanda, esaminande. - candidate, esaurìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ ez&ur'ise \ ) - 1) - to get
examinee. exhausted, to wear oneself out. - 2) - to run short. - 3) -
esaminant - adj. and n. (pr. \ ez&min'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. to run dry. - 4) - to be out of print.
esaminant - fm. sng. and plr. esaminanta, esaminante. - esaurìbil - adj. (pr. \ ez&ur'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. esaurìbij - fm. sng.
1) - examining (adj.). In this sense see also the term and plr. esaurìbil, esaurìbij. - exhaustible.
"esaminator 2nd meaning". - 2) - inspector, examiner esaurient - adj. (pr. \ ez&uri'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. esaurient - fm.
(sbst). In this sense see also the term "esaminator 1st sng. and plr. esaurienta, esauriente. - exhaustive,
meaning". thorough, extensive.
esaminator - n. and adj. (pr. \ ez&min&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. esauribilità - n. f. (pr. \ ez&uribilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
esaminator - fm. sng. and plr. esaminatriss, esaminatriss. exhaustibility.
- 1) - inspector, examiner (sbst). In this sense see also the esauriment - n. m. (pr. \ ez&urim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
term "esaminant 2nd meaning". - 2) - examining. (adj.) In exhaustion, depletion. Note the the expression
this sense see also the term "esaminant 1st meaning". "esauriment nervos" is translated into "nervous
esaminé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ ez&min'e \ ) - 1) - to examine, breakdown".
to interrogate. - 2) - to observe, to scrutinize, to inspect. esàust - adj. (pr. \ ez'&ust \ ) Ms. plr. esàust - fm. sng. and plr.
- 3) - to check, to control. - 4) - to investigate. esàusta, esàuste. - 1) - empty, exhausted. - 2) -
esaminésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ ez&min'ese \ ) - to exhausted, worn out.
examine oneself, to do an examination of one's esaustiv - adj. (pr. \ ez&ust'iu \ ) Ms. plr. esàustiv - fm. sng.
conscience. and plr. esàustiva, esàustive. - eshaustive.
esansa - n. f. (pr. \ ez'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr. esanse. - comfort, esautoré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ ez&utur'e \ ) - to deprive (sb.)
amenity, ease, affluence. Two way of saying: - A) - "vive of authority.
ant l'esansa" "to live comfortably". - B) - "con esansa" esavalent - adj. (pr. \ ez&val'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. esavalent - fm.
"with affability". sng. and plr. esavalenta, esavalente. - hexavalent.
esànim - adj. (pr. \ ez'&nim \ ) Ms. plr. esànim - fm. sng. and escatologìa - n. f. (pr. \ esc&tuluj'i& \ ) At plr. (if any)
plr. esànima, esànime. - exanimate, lifeless, dead. escatologìe. - eschatology.
esano - n. m. (pr. \ ez'&nô \ ) Only sng. (chemical substance). escatològich - adj. (pr. \ esc&tul'ojic \ ) Ms. plr. escatològich -
In case if need inv. at plr. - hexane. fm. sng. and plr. escatològica, escatològiche. -
esantema - n. m. (pr. \ ez&nt'em& \ ) Inv. at plr. - exanthema eschatologic, eschatological.
(medical). escavassion - n. f. (pr. \ esc&v&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
esantemàtich - adj. (pr. \ ez&ntem'&tic \ ) Ms. plr. excavation. See also the most piedm. terms "gav, scav".
esantemàtich - fm. sng. and plr. esantemàtica, escavator - n. m. (pr. \ esc&v&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - excavator,
esantemàtiche. - exanthematous, exanthematic. digger. See alsao the terms "scavator, scavatriss,
esasperà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ ez&sper'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. escavatriss".
- exasperated, irritated, fuming. escavatriss - n. f. (pr. \ esc&v&tr'is \ ) - See escavator.
esasperant - adj. (pr. \ ez&sper'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. esasperant - esclamassion - n. f. (pr. \ escl&m&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
fm. sng. and plr. esasperanta, esasperante. - exclamation. - 2) - interjection.
exasperating, irritating. escalamativ - adj. (pr. \ escl&m&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. esclamativ -
esasperassion - n. f. (pr. \ ez&sper&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - fm. sng. and plr. esclamativa, esclamative. - exclamatory,
exasperation. exclamation (as an attribute).
esasperé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ ez&sper'e \ ) - to exasperate, esclamé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ escl&m'e \ ) - to exclaim, to
to irritate, to infuriate. cry out.
esasperésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ ez&sper'esse \ ) - to esclude - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ escl'[ue]de \ ) - 1) - to exclude,
become exxasperated. to leave out. - 2) - to refuse to believe. - 3) - to cut out, to
esassion - n. f. (pr. \ ez&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - exaction, switch off. - 4) - to except.
collection. escludse - vrb 2nd con. recp. (pr. \ escl'[ue]dse \ ) - to annul
each other, to exclude each other.

eclus - adj. and n. (pr. \ escl'[ue]z \ ) Ms. plr. esclus - fm. sng. esecratòri - adj. (pr. \ esecr&t'ori \ ) Ms. plr. esecratòri - fm.
and plr. esclusa, escluse. - 1) - excluded, excepted, left sng. and plr. esecratòria, esecratòrie. - execratory,
out (adj.). - 2) - impossible, out of the question (adj.). - 3) imprecatory.
- excluded person, excluded subject. (sbst.).Note that this esecré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ esecr'e \ ) - to execrate, to
term is not also the p. p. of the vrb "esclude", which is abhor, to abominate.
instead "escludù ". esecussion - n. f. (pr. \ esec[ue]si'u[ng] \ ) - See eseguiment.
esclusion - n. f. (pr. \ escl[ue]zi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - esecutiv - 1) - adj. (pr. \ esec[ue]t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. esecutiv - fm.
exclusion. - 2) - cutting out, switching off. sng. and plr. esecutiva, esecutive. - executive, executory,
esclusiv - adj. - (pr. \ escl[ue]z'iu \ ) Ms. plr. esclusiv - fm. sng. enforceable.
and plr. esclusiva, esclusive. - 1) - exclusive. - 2) - esecutiv - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ esec[ue]t'iu \ ) Inv. at plr. - executive.
intolerant. esecutor - n. (pr. \ esec[ue]t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. esecutor - fm. sng.
esclusivism - n. m. (pr. \ escl[ue]ziv'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - and plr. esecutriss, esecutriss. - 1) - performer,
exclusivism. executant. - 2) - executor. - 3) - executioner.
esclusivista - n. and adj. (pr. \ escl[ue]ziv'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. esecutòri - adj. (pr. \ esec[ue]t'ori \ ) Ms. plr. esecutòri - fm.
esclusivista - fm. sng. and plr. esclusivista, esclusiviste. - sng. and plr. esecutòria, esecutòrie. - executive,
1) - exclusivist (sbst.). - 2) - sole agent (sbst.) (commerce). executory.
- 3) - exclusivistic (adj.). - 4) - monopolistic (adj.). esegesi - n. f. (pr. \ esej'esi \ ) Inv. at plr. - exegesis.
esclusivistich - adj. (pr. \ escl[ue]ziv'istic \ ) Ms. plr. esegeta - n. (pr. \ esej'et& \ ) Ms. plr. esegeta - fm. sng. and plr.
esclusivistich - fm. sng. and plr. esclusivistica, esegeta, esegete. - exegete, exegetist.
esclusivistiche. - exclusivistic. esegétich - adj. (pr. \ esej'etic \ ) Ms. plr. esegetich - fm. sng.
esclusività - n. f. (pr. \ escl[ue]zivit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - and plr. esegetica, esegetiche. - exegetical.
exclusiveness. eségue - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ es'egue \ ) - 1) - to execute, to
escogitassion - n. f. (pr. \ escujit&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - put into execution, to carry out. - 2) - to execute, to
contrivance, contriving, excogitation. - 2) - contrivance, fulfil, to effect. - 3) - to perform. See also the term "eseguì
device, plan. ".
escogitator - n. (pr. \ escujit&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. escogitator - fm. eseguì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ esegu'i \ ) - See eségue.
sng. and plr. escogitatriss, escogitatriss. - contriver. eseguìbil - 1) - adj. (pr. \ esegu'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. eseguìbij - fm.
escogité - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ escujit'e \ ) - to contrive, to sng. and plr. eseguìbil, eseguìbij. - executable,
devise, to excogitate. accomplishable, performable, effectuable.
escoriassion - n. f. (pr. \ escuri&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - eseguìbil - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ esegu'ibil \ ) At plr. eseguìbij. -
excoriation, abrasion, graze. executable program (computer).
escorié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ escuri'e \ ) - to excoriate, to eseguibilità - n. f. (pr. \ eseguibilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
graze. feasibility, praticability, possibility of execution.
escoriésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ escuri'ese \ ) - to graze eseguiment - (pr. \ eseguim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - execution,
(oneself or one's (st)). carrying out, performance.
escrement - n. m. (pr. \ escrem'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - esempi - n. m. (pr. \ es'æmpi \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - example,
excrement, faeces. - 2) - dung, droppings (animals). instance. - 2) - model, pattern. Note that the expressions
escression - n. f. (pr. \ escresi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - excretion. "for example, for instance" are translated into "pr'esempi
escretiv - adj. (pr. \ escret'iu \ ) Ms. plr. escretiv - fm. sng. and ".
plr. escretiva, escretive. - excretory. esemplar - adj. and n. m. (pr. \ esæmpl'&r \ ) Inv. in any case. -
escursion - n. f. (pr. \ esc[ue]rsi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - 1) - exemplary, model (as an attribute) (adj.). - 2) -
excursion, trip, outing, hike. - 2) - range. specimen (sbst.). - 3) - copy (sbst.).
escursionista - n. (pr. \ esc[ue]rsiun'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. esemplificassion - n. f. (pr. \ esæmplific&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at
escursionista - fm. sng. and plr. escursionista, plr. - 1) - exemplification. - 2) - examples.
escursioniste. - excursionist, tripper, hiker. esemplificativ - adj. (pr. \ esæmplific&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr.
escursionìstich - adj. (pr. \ esc[ue]rsiun'istic \ ) Ms. plr. esemplificativ - fm. sng. and plr. esemplificativa,
escursionistich - fm. sng. and plr. escursionistica, esemplificative. - exemplifying, illustrative.
escursionistiche. - excursional, excursion (as an esemplifiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ esæmplifik'e \ ) - to
attribute). exemplify.
escussion - n. f. (pr. \ esc[ue]si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - esension - n. f. (pr. \ esæ[ng]si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - exempion.
examination (legal). esent - adj. (pr. \ es'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. esent - fm. sng. and plr.
escute - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ esc'[ue]te \ ) - to examine esenta, esente. - 1) - exempt, exempted, free. - 2) -
(legal). immune.
eséchie - n. f. plr. (pr. \ es'ekie \ ) Only plr. - obsequies, esenté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ esænt'e \ ) - to exempt, to free,
funeral-rites, exequies, funeral service. See also the term to relieve. See also the term "esime".
"eséquie". esentésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ esænt'ese \ ) - to free oneself
esecràbil - adj. (pr. \ esecr'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. esecràbij - fm. sng. (from st.). See also the term "esimse".
and plr. esecràbil, esecràbij. - execrable, abominable. eséquie - n. f. plr. (pr. \ es'e[qu]ie \ ) - See eséchie.
esecrabilità - n. f. (pr. \ esecr&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - esercent - n. (pr. \ esær[ch]'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. esercent - fm. sng.
execrableness, abominableness. and plr. esercenta, esercente. - shop-keeper, trader,
esecrand - adj. (pr. \ esecr'&nd \ ) Ms. plr. esecrand - fm. sng. dealer.
and plr. esecranda, esecrande. - execrable, abominable, esercì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ esær[ch]'i \ ) - to run, to carry
detestable. on, to keep (a shop).
esecrassion - n. f. (pr. \ esecr&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - esercissi - n. m. (pr. \ esær[ch]'isi \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - exercise.
execration, abhorrence. - 2) - practice (also of a profession). - 3) - drill. - 4) -
esecrator - n. (pr. \ esecr&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. esecrator - fm. sng. financial year, accounting period. - 5) - shop, business,
and plr. esecratriss, esecratriss. - execrator. undertaking.
esercit - n. m. (pr. \ es'ær[ch]it \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - army. - 2) -
host, crowd (in a fig. sense).

esercitassion - n. f. (pr. \ esær[ch]it&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) esistensialism - n. m. (pr. \ ezistæ[ng]si&l'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. -
- exercise, practice, drill. - 2) - training. - 3) - drill- existentialism.
lesson. esistensialìstich - adj. (pr. \ ezistæ[ng]si&l'istic \ ) Ms. plr.
esercité - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ esær[ch]it'e \ ) - 1) - to practise esistensialìstich - fm. sng. and plr. esistensialìstica,
(a profession). - 2) - to exercise, to practise. - 3) - to drill, esistensialìstiche. - existentialist.
to train. - 4) - to exert, to wield, to exercise. esistent - adj. (pr. \ ezist'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. esistent - fm. sng. and
esercitésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ esær[ch]it'ese \ ) - to plr. esistenta, esistente. - 1) - existing, in existence. - 2) -
practise, to get practise. surviving, extant.
esibì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ esib'i \ ) - 1) - to exhibit, to show, ésit - n. m. (pr. \ 'ezit \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - result, outcome,
to display. - 2) - to produce, to exhibit. issue. In this meaning see also the terms "surtìa, riussìa" -
esibìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ esib'ise \ ) - 1) - to show off. - 2) - consequence. In this meaning see also the term
2) - to perform (theatre, etc.). "conseguensa". - 3) - sale (commercial).
esibission - n. f. (pr. \ esibisi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - esitansa - n. f. (pr. \ ezit'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr. esitanse. - 1) -
exhibition, show, display. - 2) - exhibition, production, hesitation, wavering. - 2) - shilly-shallying. See also the
presentation. - 3) - show, performance. term "esitassion".
esibissionism - n. m. (pr. \ esibisiun'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - esitant - adj. (pr. \ ezit'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. esitant - fm. sng. and
exhibitionism. plr. esitanta, esitante. - 1) - doubtful, hesitating. - 2) -
esibissionìsta - n. (pr. \ esibisiun'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. faltering. See also the terms "dubuis, dubitos, limocià,
esibissionìsta - fm. sng. and plr. esibissionìsta, antërdoà ".
esibissionìste. - exhibitionist. esitassion - n. f. (pr. \ ezit&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
esibissionìstich - adj. (pr. \ esibisiun'istic \ ) Ms. plr. hesitation, wavering. - 2) - shilly-shallying. See also the
esibissionìstich - fm. sng. and plr. esibissionìstica, term "esitansa".
esibissionìstiche. - exhibitionistic. esité - vrb 1st con. int. and trs. (pr. \ ezit&si'u[ng]'e \ ) - 1) - to
esibitor - n. (pr. \ esibit'ur \ ) Ms. plr. esibitor - fm. sng. and hesitate, to waver (int.). - 2) - to sell (commercial (trs.). It
plr. esibitriss, esibitriss. - exhibitor. uses in any case the aux. "avèj ". See also the terms
esige - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ es'ije \ ) - 1) - to demand, to "dubité, limocé ", and the vrbl. loc. "esse antërdoà ".
require. - 2) - to request, to exact. - 3) - to collect (a Esodo - n. m. sng. (pr. \ 'ezudô \ ) Only sng. (in any case inv. at
credit, etc.). plr.). - Exodus (bible). This term, in Piedm. is reserved to
esigensa - n. f. (pr. \ esij'æ[ng]s& \ ) Ar plr. esigense. - 1) - the related book of Bible. In other meanings see the terms
demand, requirement. - 2) - need, exigency. "surtìa, partensa".
esigent - adj. (pr. \ esij'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. esigent - fm. sng. and esogamìa - n. f. (pr. \ ezug&m'i& \ ) At plr. esogamìe. -
plr. esigenta, esigente. - exacting, exigent, demanding. exogamy (anthropology).
esigìbil - adj. (pr. \ esij'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. esigìbij - fm. sng. and esogàmich - adj. (pr. \ ezug'&mic \ ) Ms. plr. esogàmich - fm.
plr. esigìbil, esigìbij. - due, payable, collectable. sng. and plr. esogàmica, esogàmiche. -exogamous,
esigibilità - n. f. (pr. \ esijibilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - exogamic.
exigibility. - 2) - current liabilities. esoneré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ ezuner'e \ ) - to exonerate, to
ésil - adj. (pr. \ 'esil \ ) Ms. plr. ésij - fm. sng. and plr. ésil, ésij. free, to exempt, to relieve, to release (sb. from...). See
- 1) . slender, slight, slim. - 2) - feeble, faint, weak. also the term "esime".
esilarant - adj. (pr. \ esil&r'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. esilarant - fm. sng. esorbitansa - n. f. (pr. \ ezurbit'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr.
and plr. esilaranta, esilatante. - exhilarating, cheering. esorbitanse. - exorbitance, excessiveness, exaggeration.
See also the terms "arlegrant, amusant". esorbitant - adj. (pr. \ ezurbit'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. esorbitant - fm.
esilaré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ esil&r'e \ ) - to exhilarate, to sng. and plr. esorbitanta, esorbitante. - exorbitant,
cheer up, to gladden. See also the terms "arlegré, amusé". excessive.
esilé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ esil'e \ ) - See esilié. esorcisator - n. m. (pr. \ ezur[ch]iz&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. -
esili - n. m. (pr. \ es'ili \ ) Inv. at plr. - exile, banishment. exorcizer, exorcist. See also the term "esorcista".
esilià - 1) - adj. and p. p. and n. (pr. \ esili'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - esorcisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ ezur[ch]iz'e \ ) - to exorcize.
exiled, banished (adj. and p.p .). - 2) - exile (sbst.). esorcism - n. m. (pr. \ ezur[ch]'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - exorcism.
esilié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ esili'e \ ) - to exile, to banish. See esordì - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ ezurd'i \ ) - 1) - to begin, to start
also the terms "esilé, esulé 2nd meaning". off. - 2) - to make one's "debut". - 3) - to begin one's
esime - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ es'ime \ ) - to exempt, to career.
dispense, to release. esordient - adj, and n. (pr. \ ezurdi'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. esordient -
esiment - adj. (pr. \ esims'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. esiment - fm. sng. fm. sng. and plr. esordienta, esordiente. - 1) - beginner.
and plr. esimenta, esimente. - exempting. (sbst.). - 2) - just beginning, "debutant" (adj.).
esimi - adj. (pr. \ es'imi \ ) Ms. plr. esìmi - fm. sng. and plr. esortassion - n. f. (pr. \ ezurt&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
esìmia, esìmie. - 1) - distinguished, eminent. - 2) - exhortation, urge.
egregious (in an ironical sense). See also the terms "soasì, esortativ - adj. (pr. \ ezurt&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. esortativ - fm. sng.
vajant, ecelent, degn". and plr. esortativa, esortative. - exhortative, exhortatory,
esimse - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ es'imse \ ) - to get out of... , to urging.
refuse. esortator - n. (pr. \ ezurt&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. esortator - fm. sng.
esissial - adj. (pr. \ ezisi'& \ ) Ms. plr. esissiaj - fm. sng. and and plr. esortatriss, esortatriss. - exhorter.
plr. esissial, esissiaj. - ruinous, deadly, fatal. esorté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ ezurt'e \ ) - to urge, to exhort.
esiste - vrb 2nd con. int. (pr. \ ez'iste \ ) - to be, to exist. It uses esos - adj. (pr. \ ez'uz \ ) Ms. plr. esos - fm. sng. and plr. esosa,
the aux. "esse". esose. - 1) - greedy, mean, stringy. - 2) - excessive,
esistensa - n. f. (pr. \ ezist'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. esistense. - 1) - exhorbitant (prices).
existence, life. - 2) - existence, presence. esosarìa - n. f. (pr. \ ezuz&r'i& \ ) - 1) - greediness, meannes,
esistensial - adj. (pr. \ ezistæ[ng]si'&l \ ) Ms. plr. esistensiaj - stringiness. - 2) - excessiveness, exorbitance (prices). See
fm. sng. and plr. esistensial, esistensiaj. - existential, also the term "esosità ".
existentialist. esosità - n. f. (pr. \ ezuzit'& \ ) - See esosarìa.

esotérich - adj. (pr. \ ezut'eric \ ) Ms. plr. esotérich - fm. sng. the following), which is used, as well as the derivative
and plr. esotérica, esotériche. - esoteric. See also the words.
terms "segretos, misterios". esperant - n. m. (pr. \ esper'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). -
esoterism - n. m. (pr. \ ezuter'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - esotericism, Esperanto.
esoterism. esperantista - n. (pr. \ esper&nt'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. esperantista -
esotèrmich - adj. (pr. \ ezut'ærmic \ ) adj. Ms. plr. esotèrmich - fm. sng. and plr. esperantista, esperantiste. - Esperantist.
fm. sng. and plr. esotèrmica, esotèrmiche. - exothermic. esperantìstich - adj. (pr. \ esper&nt'istic \ ) Ms. plr.
esotism - n. m. (pr. \ ezut'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - exoticism. esperantistich - fm. sng. and plr. esperantistica,
esòfago - n. m. (pr. \ ez'of&gô \ ) Inv. at plr. - esophagus, esperantistiche. - Esperanto (as an attribute).
gullet. See also the terms "gariòt, garion, gardion, esperiensa - n. f. (pr. \ esperi'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. esperiense. -
gordion" and the loc. "canal dlë stòmi ". 1) - experience. - 2) - experiment, test, trial. In this sense
esògeno - adj. (pr. \ ez'ojenô \ ) Ms. plr. esògeno - fm. sng. and see also the term "esperiment ".
plr. esògena, esògene. - exogenous (botany). esperiment - n. m. (pr. \ esperim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
esònero - n. m. (pr. \ ez'onerô \ ) Inv. at plr. - exemption, experiment. - 2) - test, trial. In this sense see also the term
release, exoneration, relief. See also the term "esension". "esperiensa 2nd meaning".
esòrdi - n. m. (pr. \ ez'ordi \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - exordium, esperimenté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ esperimænt'e \ ) - to
preamble. - 2) - "debut", first appearance. - 3) - experiment, to test, to try. See also the term "sperimenté "
beginning, start, opening (in a fig. sense). espert - n. and adj. (pr. \ esp'ært \ ) Ms. plr. espert - fm. sng.
esòtich - adj. (pr. \ ez'otic \ ) Ms. plr. esòtich - fm. sng. and plr. and plr. esperta, esperte. - 1) - experienced, expert,
esòtica, esòtiche. - exotic. skilled, skilful. (adj.). - 2) - expert, consultant (sbst.).
espande - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ esp'&nde \ ) - to expand, to espiàbil - adj. . (pr. \ esp'i&bil \ ) Ms. plr. espiàbij - fm. sng.
enlarge, to spread, to extend. and plr. espiàbil, espiàbij. - expiable.
espandse - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ esp'&ndse \ ) - to expand, espiassion - n. f. (pr. \ espi&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - expiation.
to enlarge, to spread, to extend. espiatòri - adj. (pr. \ espi&t'ori \ ) Ms. plr. espiatòri - fm. sng.
espandìbil - adj. (pr. \ esp&nd'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. espandìbij - fm. and plr. espiatòria, espiatòrie. - expiatory.
sng. and plr. espandìbil, espandìbij. - expansible, espié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ espi&'e \ ) - 1) - to ezpiate, to
expanding. See also the term "espansìbil". make amends for. - 2) - to serve (legal).
espandibilità - n. f. (pr. \ esp&ndibilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - espirassion - n. f. (pr. \ espir&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
expansibility. expiration, exhalation.
espans - 1) - adj. (pr. \ esp'&[ng]s \ ) Ms. plr. espans - fm. sng. espiratòri - adj. (pr. \ espir&t'ori \ ) Ms. plr. espiratòri - fm.
and plr. espansa, espanse. - expanded. This term is not sng. and plr. espiratòria, espiratòrie. - expiratory.
also p. p. of the vrb "espande", which is instead "espandù". espiré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ espir'e \ ) - to expire, to exhale,
espans - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ esp'&[ng]s \ ) Inv. at plr. - expanded to breathe out.
resin, foamed plastic. esplicassion - n. f. (pr. \ esplic&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
espansìbil - adj. (pr. \ esp&ns'ibil \ ) - See espandìbil. explication, explanation, interpretation.
espansibilità - n. f. (pr. \ esp&nsibilit'& \ ) - See espandibilità. espliché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ esplik'e\ ) - 1) - to expound, to
espansion - n. f. (pr. \ esp&[ng]si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - explain. - 2) - to carry out, to perform.
expansion (physics) - 2) - expansion, spread. In this sense esplìcit - adj. (pr. \ espl'i[ch]it \ ) Ms. plr. esplìcit - fm. sng. and
see also the term "spantìa". plr. esplìcita, esplìcite. - explicit, express, definite.
espansionism - n. m. (pr. \ esp&[ng]siun'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - esplicité - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ espli[ch]it'e \ ) - to render
expansionism. explicit.
espansionista - n. and adj. (pr. \ esp&[ng]siun'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. esplicirésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ espli[ch]it'ese \ ) - to be
espansionista - fm. sng. and plr. espansionista, explicit.
espansioniste. - expansionist. esploà - n. m. (pr. \ esplu'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - exploit, feat. From
espansionìstich - adj. (pr. \ esp&[ng]siun'istic \ ) Ms. plr. the french "exploit", whose the pronunciation is
espansionistich - fm. sng. and plr. espansionistica, maintained.
espansionistiche. - expansionistic. esplodù - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ esplud'[ue] \ ) - Ms. plr. esplodù -
espansiv - adj. - (pr. \ esp&[ng]s'iu \ ) Ms. plr. espansiv - fm. fm. sng. and plr. esplodùa, esplodùe. - exploded, burst.
sng. and plr. espansiva, espansive. - 1) - expansive. - 2) - esplorassion - n. f. (pr. \ esplur&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
expansive, exuberant, effusive (in a fig. sense). exploration (in general). - 2) - scouting, reconnaissance
espansività - n. f. (pr. \ esp&[ng]sivit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - (military). - 3) - exploration, probing, sounding
expansiveness, expansivity. - 2) - expansivvity, (medical). - 4) - scanning (television).
effusiveness, exuberance. esplorator - n. (pr. \ esplur&t'ur \ ) - Ms. plr. esplorator - fm.
espatriassion - n. f. (pr. \ esp&tri&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - sng. and plr. esploratriss, esploratriss. - 1) - explorer. -
expatriation. See also the term "espatrié 2)" 2) - scout.
espatrié - 1) - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ esp&tri'e \ ) - to leave esploré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ esplur'e \ ) - 1) - to explore. - 2)
one's country, to go abroad. See also the terms "spatrié, - to investigate. - 3) - to scout.
emigré". esplosion - n. f. (pr. \ espluzi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
espatrié - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ esp&tri'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - explosion, burst, blast. - 2) - outburst, outbreak.
expatriation. See also the term "espatriassion". esplosiv - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ espluz'iu \ ) Inv. at plr. - explosive.
espedient - n. m. (pr. \ espedi'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - contrivance, esplosiv - 2) - adj. (pr. \ espluz'iu \ ) Ms. plr. esplosiv - fm. sng.
device, expedient, trick. and plr. esplosiva, esplosive. - explosive.
espele - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ esp'ele \ ) - 1) - to expel, to esplòde - vrb 2nd con. int. (pr. \ espl'ode \ ) - 1) - to explode,
eject, to turn out. - 2) - to discharge (medical). The term to burst, to go off. - 2) - to burst out (in a fig. sense).
is used, but it is an italianism. In Piedm. are preferred vrbl. esponensial - 1) - adj. (pr. \ espunæ[ng]si'&l \ ) Ms. plr.
loc. like "campé fòra, sbate fòra, campé via, taparé via" esponensiaj - fm. sng. and plr. esponensial, esponensiaj. -
and the teerm "scassé ". Note that the p. p. of this vrb is exponential.
"espelù", while the related adj. is "espuls" (see the voice in esponensial - n. m. (pr. \ espunæ[ng]si'&l \ ) At plr.
esponensiaj - exponential.

esponent - 1) - n. (pr. \ espun'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. esponent - fm. espròpi - n. m. (pr. \ espr'opi \ ) Inv. at plr. - expropriation,
sng. and plr. esponenta, esponente. - 1) - applicant, dispossession. See also the terms "espròpriassion, espròpri
petitioner. - 2) - exponent, member, representative. ".
esponent - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ espun'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - exponent, espròpri - n. m. (pr. \ espr'opri \ ) Inv. at plr. - expropriation,
index, superscript (mathematics). dispossession. See also the terms "espròpriassion, espròpi
espon-e - (pr. \ esp'u[ng]e \ ) - 1) - to expose. - 2) - to exhibit. - ".
3) - to expound, to explain. espugnassion - n. f. (pr. \ esp[ue][gn]&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
esportàbil - adj. (pr. \ espurt'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. esportàbij - fm. assault and capture, taking by storm.
sng. and plr. esportàbil, esportàbij. - exportable. espugnàbil - adj. (pr. \ esp[ue][gn]'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. espugnàbij
esportassion - n. f. (pr. \ espurt&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - - fm. sng. and plr. espugnàbil, espugnàbij. - conquerable,
export, exportation. that can be taken by force.
esportator - n. and adj. (pr. \ espurt&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. espugnator - n. m. (pr. \ esp[ue][gn]&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. -
esportator - fm. sng. and plr. esportatriss, esportatriss. - conqueror.
1) - exporter (sbst.). - 2) - exporting (adj.). espugné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ esp[ue][gn]'e \ ) - 1) - to take
esporté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ espurt'e \ ) - to export. by storm, to storm. - 2) - to overcome (in a fig. sense).
esposìmeter - n. m. (pr. \ espuz'imetær \ ) Inv. at plr. - espuls - adj. (pr. \ esp'[ue]ls \ ) Ms. plr. espuls - fm. sng. and
exposure meter. See also the term "esposìmetro". plr. espulsa, espulse. - ejected, turned out, expelled.
esposìmetro - n. m. (pr. \ espuz'imetrô \ ) - See esposìmeter. espulsion - n. f. (pr. \ esp[ue]lsi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
esposission - n. f. (pr. \ espuzisi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - expulsion.
exposure. - 2) - exhibition. - 3) - expounding, exposition. espulsiv - adj. (pr. \ esp[ue]ls'iu \ ) Ms. plr. espulsiv - fm. sng.
- 4) - statement. and plr. espulsiva, espulsive. - expulsive.
espositiv - adj. (pr. \ espuzit'iu \ ) Ms. plr. espositiv - fm. sng. espulsor - n. m. (pr. \ esp[ue]ls'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - ejector.
and plr. espositiva, espositive. - expository, expositive. ess - twentyfirst letter of the piedm. alphabet and n. f. (pr. \ æs
espositor - n. and adj. (pr. \ espuzit'ur \ ) Ms. plr. espositor - \) - s, es. The letter " s ". See also the term "esse 1)".
fm. sng. and plr. espositriss, espositriss. - 1) - 1) - esse - 1) - twentyfirst letter of the piedm. alphabet and n. f. (pr.
exhibitor (sbst.). - 2) - commentator, expositor (sbst.). - \ 'æsæ \) - See the term ess.
3) - exhibiting (adj.). esse - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ 'ese \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - being, existence,
espòst - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ esp'ost \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - statement, life. E. g. - "l'Esse Suprem" "the Supreme Being, God ". -
account (of facts), petition, "exposé ". 2) - creature, individual, fellow. - 3) - human being,
espòst - 2) - adj. and n. (pr. \ esp'ost \ ) Ms. plr. espòst - fm. being, human.
sng. and plr. espòsta, espòste. - 1) - exposed, displayed, esse - 3) - aux. vrb. own con. int. (pr. \ 'ese \) - 1) - to be. - 2) -
exhibited (adj.). - 2) - explained, stated, expressed (adj.). to stay, to exist. E. g. "cogito, ergo sum" "I think,
- 3) - facing (adj.) - 4) - pinned up, put up, displayed therefore I am" "i penso, doca i son". - 3) - aux. in some
(adj.) (notices). - 5) - exposed, open (adj.) (medical). - 6) - int. vrb and in some motion vrb, always in the passive, refl.
foundling (sbst.). and recp. forms, aux. of itself in composite tenses. E. g. -
espréss - 1) - adj. (pr. \ espr'es \ ) Ms. plr. espréss - fm. sng. A) - "I have been" "i son stàit". - B) - "I went to Turin"
and plr. espréssa, esprésse. - 1) - express, explicit, "i son stàit a Turin". - C) - "I have gone" "i son andàit ".
definite. - 2) - express, fast. - D) - "I washed myself " "I son lavame". See grammar. -
espréss - 2) - adv. (pr. \ espr'es \ ) - expressly, on purpose. See 4) - to become. E. g. - "we don't know what will become all
also the term "aspress". this" "I savoma nen lòn ch'a sarà ëd tut sòn". - 5) - to
espréss - 3) - n. m. (pr. \ espr'es \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
consist, to lie. E. g. "true richness does not lies in money"
"espresso" (coffee) - 2) - fast train, express, express
"la richëssa véra a l'é nen ant ij sòld ". Some particular
espression - n. f. (pr. \ espresi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - uses : - A) - "esse andàit " lit. "to be gone" " to be half
expression. - 2) - words, remarks. dead, to be in bad condition". - B) - "esse arvers" lit. "to
espressionism - n. m. (pr. \ espresiun'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - be turned out" "to be very angry". - C) - "esse fòra dij
expressionism (art, literature). feuj" lit. "to be out of the sheets" "to be furious, to be
espressionista - n. and adj. (pr. \ espresiun'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. enraged ". - D) - "esse al pian dij babi " lit. "to be at the
espressionista - fm. sng. and plr. espressionista, foor (at the level) of the toads" "to be in poverty" or "to
espressioniste. - expressionist. be in low spirits". - E) - "esse pien ëd lassme sté" lit. "to
espressionìstich - adj. (pr. \ espresiun'istic \ ) Ms. plr. be full of 'leave me alone' " "to be gloomy and peevish ".
espressionistich - fm. sng. and plr. espressionistica, - F) - ...and many others.
espressionistiche. - expressionistic. essensa - n. f. (pr. \ es'æ[ng]s& \) At plr. essense. - 1) -
espressiv - adj. (pr. \ espres'iu \ ) Ms. plr. espressiv - fm. sng. essence (in general). - 2) - being.
and plr. espressiva, espressive. - expressive, eloquent. essensial - adj. (pr. \ esæ[ng]si'&l \) Ms. plr. essensiaj - fm.
espressività - n. f. (pr. \ espresivit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - sng. and plr. essensial, essensiaj. - 1) - essential. - 2) -
expressiveness. essential, fundamental, main.
esprime - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ espr'ime \ ) - 1) - to express, essensialità - n. f. (pr. \ esæ[ng]si&lit'& \) Inv. at plr. -
to voice, to word, to state. - 2) - to express, to mean. essentiality.
esprimìbil - adj. (pr. \ esprim'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. esprimìbij - fm. essensialment - adv. (pr. \ esæ[ng]si&lm'ænt \) - essentially,
sng. and plr. esprimìbil, esprimìbij. - expressible. fundamentally. Italianism quite used. See also the best
esprimse - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ espr'imse \ ) - to express piedm. loc. like "an sostansa", "an essensa".
oneself. essie - aux. vrb. + adv. of place (pr. \ 'esie \) - to be there, to
espropriassion - n. f. (pr. \ esprupri&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - be present. This is the form most correct in theory (the
expropriation, dispossession. See also the terms "espròpi, locative adv. is " i "), but the common use prefers the
espròpri ". spelling "essje" (see the voice).
esproprié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ esprupri'e \ ) - to essje - aux. vrb. + adv. of place or aux. vrb. + prs. prn. (pr. \
expropriate, to dispossess. 'esie : 'esye \) - 1) - to be there, to be present. In this case
often the adv. is pleonastic : "a la lession a venta essje"

"one needs to be (there) at the lesson" but it is also correct esterior - adj. (pr. \ estæri'ur \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - external,
"a venta esse a la lession". - 2) - to him (her, it). E. outer, outside (as an attribute), exterior.
g. "a venta essje d'agiut" "one needs to be of help to esteriorisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ estæriuriz'e \) - to
him". externalize, to exteriorize.
est - n. m. (pr. \ æst \) Inv. at plr. (in case of need) - east. esteriorità - n. f. (pr. \ estæriurit'& \) Inv. at plr. - outward
éstasi - n. f. (pr. \ 'est&zi \) Inv. at plr. - ecstasy, rapture. See appearance, superficiality.
also the term "estasìa". esteriorment - adv. (pr. \ estæriurm'ænt \) - outwardly, on the
estasìa - n. f. (pr. \ est&z'i& \) - See éstasi. outside, externally. Italianism quite used. See also the best
estasié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ est&zi'e \) - to enrapture, to piedm. adv. loc. "da fòra", and the term "fòra" used as an
send into raptures. adv..
estasiésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ est&zi'ese \) - to be estern - 1) - adj. (pr. \ est'ærn \) Ms. plr. estern - fm. sng. and
enraptured, to be in one's seventh heaven. plr. esterna, esterne. - external, outer, outside, out (as an
estàtich - adj. (pr. \ est'&tic \) Ms. plr. estàtich - fm. sng. and attribute), outdoor.
plr. estàtica, estàtiche. - ecstatic, enraptured. estern - 2) - n. (pr. \ est'ærn \) Ms. plr. estern - fm. sng. and
estèis - adj. (pr. \ est'æiz \) Ms. plr. estèis - fm. sng. and plr. plr. esterna, esterne. - day-pupil, day-boarder, person
estèisa, estèise. - wide, broad, extensive, extended. coming from ouside (in general), non-resident (doctor in
estemporani - adj. (pr. \ estæmpur'&ni \) Ms. plr. an hospital).
estemporani - fm. sng. and plr. estemporania, estern - 3) - n. m. (pr. \ est'ærn \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - outside,
estemporanie. - extemporary, impromptu, extempore, exterior (architecture). - 2) - exteriors (cinema). - 3) -
extemporaneous. outfielder (sport).
estemporanità - n. f. (pr. \ estæmpur&neit'& \) Inv. at plr. - esterné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ estærn'e \) - 1) - to express, to
extemporaneousness, spontaneity. show. - 2) - to disclose, to reveal.
estende - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ est'ænde \) - 1) - to extend, to éstero - 1) - adj. (pr. \ 'estærô \) - See éster 1).
spread out, to enlarge, to lengthen, to expand. - 2) - to éstero - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ 'estærô \) - See éster 2) 1st meaning.
bestow, to grant, to give (laws, rights, etc.). esterofilìa - n. f. (pr. \ estærufil'i& \) At plr. esterofilìe. -
estendìbil - adj. (pr. \ estænd'ibil \) Ms. plr. estendìbij - fm. xenomania.
sng. and plr. estendìbil, estendìbij. - extensible. esterofobìa - n. f. (pr. \ estærufub'i& \) At plr. esterofobìe. -
estendse - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ est'ændse \) - 1) - to extend, xenophobia.
to stretch, to spread. - 2) - to expand. - 3) - to dwell esteròfil - adj. and n. (pr. \ estær'ofil \) Ms. plr. esteròfij - fm.
(upon), to linger (over). sng. and plr. esteròfila, esteròfile. - 1) - xenophilous
estensìmeter - n. m. (pr. \ estæ[ng]s'imetær \) - See (adj.). - 2) - xenophile (sbst.). Note that in this case the fm.
estensìmetro. adds a "a" or a "e" (rspy. for sng. and plr.) to the ms. sng.,
estensìmetro - n. m. (pr. \ estæ[ng]s'imetrô \) Inv. at plr. - following the declention of the word "esteròfilo" (See the
extensometer, extensimeter, strain gauge. term).
estension - n. f. (pr. \ estæ[ng]si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - esteròfilo - adj. and n. (pr. \ estær'ofilô \) Ms. plr. esteròfilo -
extension. - 2) - extent, expanse, range. fm. sng. and plr. esteròfila, esteròfile. - 1) - xenophilous
estensiv - adj. (pr. \ estæ[ng]s'iu \) Ms. plr. estensiv - fm. sng. (adj.). - 2) - xenophile (sbst.). See also the term "esteròfil".
and plr. estensiva, estensive. - 1) - extensive. - 2) - esteròfobo - adj. and n. (pr. \ estær'ofubô \) Ms. plr.
extended, broad, wide. esteròfobo - fm. sng. and plr. esteròfoba, esteròfobe. -
estensor - 1) - n. (pr. \ estæ[ng]s'ur \) Ms. plr. estensor - fm. xenophobe.
sng. and plr. estensòira, estensòire. - 1) - writer, esteta - n. (pr. \ est'et& \) Ms. plr. esteta - fm. sng. and plr.
compiler, author. - 2) - drafter. esteta, estete. - aesthete.
estensor - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ estæ[ng]s'ur \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - chest estética - n. f. (pr. \ est'etic& \) At plr. (if any) estétiche. -
expander. - 2) - extensor (anatomy). aesthetics.
estensor - 3) - adj. (pr. \ estæ[ng]s'ur \) Ms. plr. estensor - fm. esteticament - adv. (pr. \ estetic&m'ænt \) - aesthetically.
sng. and plr. estensòira, estensòire. - extensor (as an Italianism. In Piedm. it is better to use the adv. loc. "da na
attribute). mira estética" = lit. "from an aesthetical point of view".
estenuant - adj. (pr. \ estenu'&nt \) Ms. plr. estenuant - fm. estétich - adj. (pr. \ est'etic \) Ms. plr. estetich - fm. sng. and
sng. and plr. estenuanta, estenuante. - weary, tiring, plr. estetica, estetiche. - aesthetic, aesthetical.
exhausting. estetism - n. m. (pr. \ estet'izm \) Inv. at plr. - aestheticism.
estenuassion - n. f. (pr. \ estenu&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - éstim - n. m. (pr. \ 'estim \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - estimate. - 2) -
exhaustion, weariness. essessment, appraisement.
estenué - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ estenu'e \) - to wear out, to tire estimàbil - (pr. \ estim'&bil \) Ms. plr. estimàbij - fm. sng.
out, to exhaust. and plr. estimàbil, estimàbij. - estimable.
estenuésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ estenu'ese \) - to be worn estimassion - n. f. (pr. \ estim&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - esteem.
out, to become worn out, to get exhausted, to tire See also the term "stim".
oneself. estimativa - n. m. (pr. \ estim&t'iv& \) At plr. estimative. -
éster - 1) - adj. (pr. \ 'estær \) Ms. plr. éster - fm. sng. and plr. judgement.
éstera, éstere. - foreing. - See also the term "éstero 1)". estimator - n. (pr. \ estim&t'ur \) Ms. plr. estimator - fm. sng.
éster - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ 'estær \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - foreing and plr. estimatriss, estimatriss. - estinator, appreciator,
country. "The loc. "a l'éster" is translated into "abroad". In steemer.
this sense see also the term "éstero 2)". - 2) - ester estimatòri - adj. (pr. \ estim&t'ori \) Ms. plr. estimatòri - fm.
(chemistry). In this sense see also the term "éstere". sng. and plr. estimatòria, estimatòrie. - concerning a
éstere - n. m. (pr. \ 'estere \) - See éster 2) 2nd meaning". valutation.
esterificassion - n. f. (pr. \ esterific&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - estimé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ estim'e \) - 1) - to estimate, to
esterification (chemistry). value, to appraise, to rate. - 2) - to steem. - 3) - to
esterifiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ esterifik'e \) - to esterify consider, to think. - See also the term "stimé ".

estingue - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ est'i[ng]gue \) - to settle, to estremità - n. f. (pr. \ estremit'& \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
pay off, to discharge. Only referred to debts. For the other extremity, end, tail, tip, point. - 2) - height, peak, acme.
cases see the terms "dëstissé, dësmorté, smorté ". See also the term "estrem 2)".
estinguìbil - adj. (pr. \ esti[ng]gu'ibil \) Ms. plr. estinguìbij - estrìnsech - adj. (pr. \ estr'i[ng]sæc \) Ms. plr. estrìnsech - fm.
fm. sng. and plr. estinguìbil, estinguìbij. - extinguishable. sng. and plr. estrìnseca, estrìnseche. - extrinsic.
estinsion - n. f. (pr. \ esti[ng]guesi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - estrinsecassion - n. f. (pr. \ estri[ng]sec&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr.
settlement, paying off (debts). - 2) - extinction. - expression. manifestation.
estintor - n. m. (pr. \ estint'ur \) Inv. at plr. - extinguisher, estrinseché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ estri[ng]sek'e \) - to
fire-extinguisher. See also the terms "dëstissor, express, to manifest.
dësmorteur". estromëtte - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ estrum'&tte \) - to expel. to
estiv - adj. (pr. \ est'iu \) Ms. plr. estiv - fm. sng. and plr. turn out, to oust.
estiva, estive. - summery, summer (as an attribute). estromission - n. f. (pr. \ estrumisi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
estorsion - n. f. (pr. \ estursi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - extortion. expulsion, turning out, ousting.
estòrse - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ est'orze \) - to extort, to wring. estros - adj. (pr. \ estr'uz \) Ms. plr. estros - fm. sng. and plr.
estr - n. m. (pr. \ estr \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - inspiration, creative estrosa, estrose. - whimsical, capricious, moody,
impulse. - 2) - bent, gift. - 3) - fancy, caprice. fanciful, freakish.
estra... - prefix. (pr. \ estr&... \) - extra..., It recalls the idea of estrovers - adj. (pr. \ estruv'ærs \) Ms. plr. estrovers - fm. sng.
"ouside", and its use is similar to the english one. As usual, and plr. estroversa, estroverse. - extroverted.
in the following, just some examples. estroversion - n. f. (pr. \ estruværsi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
estradé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ estr&d'e \) - to extradite. extroversion.
estradission - n. f. (pr. \ estr&disi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - estrude - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ estr'[ue]de \) - to extrude
extradition. (metallurgy).
estrae - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ estr'&e \) - 1) - to extract, to estrusion - n. f. (pr. \ estr[ue]zi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - extrusion
pull out, to take out, to draw out. - 2) - to quarry, to (metallurgy).
mine. - 3) - to draw. - 4) - to extract (mathematics). estrusiv - adj. (pr. \ estr[ue]z'iu \) Ms. plr. estrusiv - fm. sng.
estraìbil - adj. (pr. \ estr&'ibil \) Ms. plr. estraìbij - fm. sng. and plr. estrusiva, estrusive. - extrusive (geology,
and plr. estraìbil, estraìbij. - extractable, extractible. metallurgy).
estradòss - n. m. (pr. \ estr&d'os \) Inv. at plr. - extrados estrusor - n. m. (pr. \ estr[ue]z'ur \) Inv. at plr. - extruder.
(architecture, wings). estuari - n. m. (pr. \ est[ue]'&ri \) Inv. at plr. - estuary
estragalàtich - adj. (pr. \ estr&g&l'&tic \) Ms. plr. (geography).
estragalàtich - fm. sng. and plr. estragalàtica, esuberansa - n. f. (pr. \ es[ue]ber'&[ng]s& \) At plr.
estragalàtiche. - extragalactic. esuberanse. - exuberance, superabundance, more than
estralegal - adj. (pr. \ estr&leg'&l \) Ms. plr. estralegaj - fm. enough.
sng. and plr. estralegal, estralegaj. - extralegal. esuberant - adj. (pr. \ es[ue]ber'&nt \) Ms. plr. esuberant -
estranié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ estr&ni'e \) - to estrange. fm. sng. and plr. esuberanta, esuberante. - 1) -
estraniésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ estr&ni'ese \) - to get exuberant, excess (as an attribute). - 2) - exuberant, lively
estranged. (in a fig. sense).
estraparlamentar - adj. and n. (pr. \ estr&p&rl&mænt'&r \) esulé - vrb 1st con. int. and trs. (pr. \ es[ue]l'e \) - 1) - to go
Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - extraparliamentary (adj.) - 2) - into exile (int). - 2) - to send to exile (trs.). In this sense
member of an extraparliamentaty party. see also the term "esilié ". - 3) - to be beyond, to lie
estrapolassion - n. f. (pr. \ estr&pul&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - outside (int.). (in a fig. sense). It uses anyway the aux.
extrapolation. "avèj ".
estrapolé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ estr&pul'e \) - to esultansa - n. f. (pr. \ es[ue]lt'&[ng]s& \) At plr. esultanse. -
extrapolate. exultation. See also the term "argiojissansa".
estrassion - n. f. (pr. \ estr&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - esultant - adj. (pr. \ es[ue]lt'&nt \) Ms. plr. esultant - fm. sng.
extraction, pulling out. - 2) - quarrying, mining, and plr. esultanta, esultante. - exultant, exulting,
digging. - 3) - drawing, draw. - 4) - exraction rejoicing.
(mathematics). - 6) - origin, descent, birth, extraction (in esultassion - n. f. (pr. \ es[ue]lt'&nt \) Inv. at plr. - exultation.
a fig. sense). esulté - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ es[ue]lt'e \) - to exult, to rejoice.
estrat - 1) - adj. (pr. \ estr'&t \) Ms. plr. estrat - fm. sng. and See also the term "argiojì".
plr. estrata, estrate. - extracted, drown out, dug out, esumassion - n. f. (pr. \ es[ue]m&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
pulled out. Usually not used as a p. p. of the vrb "estrae", exhumation, disinterment. - 2) - exhumation, bringing
which is instead "estraù ". to light, unearthing (in a fig. sense).
estrat - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ estr'&t \) Inv. at plr. - extract, attar. esumé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ es[ue]m'e \) - 1) - to exhume, to
estrator - n. m. (pr. \ estr&t'ur \) Inv. at plr. - extractor. unearth, to disinter, to dig up. - 2) - to exhume, to bring
estrem - 1) - adj. (pr. \ estr'em \) Ms. plr. estrem - fm. sng. to light (in a fig. sense).
and plr. estrema, estreme. - extreme, utmost. et - n. m. (pr. \ æt \) Inv. at plr. (if any). - jot, nothing.
estrem - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ estr'em \) Inv. at plr. - extreme, eta - n. m. (pr. \ et& \) Inv. at plr. - eta. Seventh letter of the
extremity. greek alphabet.
estremisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ estremiz'e \) - to make età - n. f. (pr. \ et'& \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - age. - 2) - age, period.
extreme, to exasperate the problems. etaédrich - adj. (pr. \ et&'edric \ ) Ms. plr. etaédrich - fm. sng.
estremism - n. m. (pr. \ estrem'izm \) Inv. at plr. - extremism. and plr. etaédrica, etaédriche. - heptahedral (geometry).
estremìsta - n. and adj. (pr. \ estrem'ist& \) Ms. plr. etaédro - n. m. (pr. \ et&'edrô \) Inv. at plr. - heptahedron
estremista - fm. sng. and plr. estremista, estremiste. - (geometry).
extremist. etàgon - n. m. (pr. \ et'&gu[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - heptagon
estremìstich - adj. (pr. \ estrem'istic \) Ms. plr. estremistich - (geometry).
fm. sng. and plr. estremistica, estremistiche. - extremist, etagonal - adj. (pr. \ et&'edric \ ) Ms. plr. etagonaj - fm. sng.
extremistic. and plr. etagonal, etagonaj. - heptagonal (geometry).

etan - n. m. (pr. \ et'&[ng] \) Inv. at plr. (if any - chemical gas). etimologìsta - n. (pr. \ etimuluj'ist& \) Ms. plr. etimologista -
- ethane. See also the term in the spelling "etano". fm. sng. and plr. etimologista, etimologiste. - etymologist.
etano - n. m. (pr. \ et'&nô \) - See etan. See also the terms "etimòlogh, etimòlogo".
éter - n. m. (pr. \ 'etær \) Inv. at plr. - ether (chemistry). See etimològich - adj. (pr. \ etimul'ojic \) Ms. plr. etimològich -
also the term "étere". fm. sng. and plr. etimològica, etimològiche. -etymologic,
étere - n. m. (pr. \ 'etere \) - See éter. etymological.
etéreo - adj. (pr.\et'ereô\) Ms. plr. etéreo - fm. sng. and plr. etimòlogh - n. (pr. \ etim'olug \) Ms. plr. etimòlogh - fm. sng.
etérea, etéree. - ethereal, etheric (chemistry). and plr. etimòloga, etimòloghe. -etymologist. See also the
eterificassion - n. f. (pr. \ eterific&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - terms "etimologìsta, etimòlogo".
etherification (chemistry). etimòlogo - n. (pr. \ etim'olugô \) - See etimologìsta.
eterifiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ eterifik'e \) - to etherify etnìa - n. f. (pr. \ etin'i& \) At plr. etnìe. - ethnic group.
(chemistry). étnich - adj. (pr. \ 'etinic \) Ms. plr. étnich - fm. sng. and plr.
eterisassion - n. f. (pr. \ eteriz&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - étnica, étniche. - ethnic, ethnical.
etherization (medical). etnografìa - n. f. (pr. \ etnugr&f'i& \) At plr. etnografìe. -
eterisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ eteriz'e \) - to etherize ethnography.
(medical). etnogràfich - adj. (pr. \ etnugr'&fic \) Ms. plr. etnogràfich -
etern - adj. (pr. \ et'ærn \) Ms. plr. etern - fm. sng. and plr. fm. sng. and plr. etnogràfica, etnogràfiche. -
eterna, eterne. - 1) - eternal. - 2) - everlasting, endless, ethnographical, ethnographic.
unending (in a fig. sense). etnologìa - n. f. (pr. \ etnuluj'i& \) At plr. etnologìe. -
Etern (l'---) - sbst. loc. m. (pr. \ l et'ærn \) Only sng. - the ethnology.
Eternal, God. etnològich - adj. (pr. \ etnul'ojic \) Ms. plr. etnològich - fm.
eterné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ etærn'e \) - to perpetuate, to sng. and plr. etnològica, etnològiche. - ethnologic,
immortalize. See also the term "eternisé ". ethnological.
eternésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ etærn'ese \) - to become etnògrafo - n. (pr. \ etn'ogr&fô \) Ms. plr. etnògrafo - fm. sng.
eternal, to grow immortal, to last for ever. and plr. etnògrafa, etnògrafe. - ethnographer.
eternisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ etærniz'e \) - See eterné. etnòlogh - n. (pr. \ etn'olug \) Ms. plr. etnòlogh - fm. sng. and
eternisésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ etærniz'ese \) - See plr. etnòloga, etnòloghe. - ethnologist. See also the term
eternésse. "etnòlogo".
eternit - n. m. (pr. \ 'etærnit \) Inv. at plr. - asbestos cement etnòlogo - n. (pr. \ etn'olugô \) - See etnòlogh.
material (no more in use). eto - n. m. (pr. \ 'etu \) Inv. at plr. - hectogram, hectogramme.
eternità - n. f. (pr. \ etærnit'& \) Inv. at plr. - eternity. See also the terms "etto, etogram, etograma".
etero... - prefix. (pr. \ eteru... \) - hetero... . The piedm. use is etogram - n. m. (pr. \ etugr'&m \) Inv. at plr. - hectogram,
similar to the english one. It corresponds to the idea of hectogramme. See also the terms "eto, etto, etograma"
"different". Here we report only some examples (as usual). etograma - n. m. (pr. \ etugr'&m& \) - See etogram.
eterodin-a - n. f. (pr. \ eterud'in& \) At plr. eterodin-e - etòliter - n. m. (pr. \ et'olitær \) - See etòlitr.
heterodyne (radio). etòlitr - n. m. (pr. \ et'olitr \) Inv. at plr. - hectolitre, hectoliter.
eteromorfism - (pr. \ eterumurf'izm \) Inv. at plr. - See also the terms "etòliter, etòlitro".
heteromorphism (biology). etòlitro - n. m. (pr. \ et'olitrô \) - See etòlitr.
eteromòrf - adj. (pr. \ eterum'orf \) Ms. plr. eteromòrf - fm. etrusch - n. and adj. (pr. \ etr'[ue]sc \) Ms. plr. etrusch - fm.
sng. and plr. eteromòrfa, eteromòrfe. - heteronorphic, sng. and plr. etrusca, etrusche. - Etruscan.
heteromorphous. etto - n. m. (pr. \ 'ettu \) - See eto.
eteropolar - adj. (pr. \ eterupul'&r \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - eucaliptos - n. m. (pr. \ æuc&l'iptuz \) Inv. at plr. - eucalyptus,
heteropolar. eucalypt (botany - Eucalyptus). In this word the group "eu"
ética - n. f. (pr. \ 'etic& \) At plr. étiche. - ethics (phylosophy). is not the diphthong pronunced " \ [oe] \" but its
See also the loc. "filosofia moral ". pronunciation is \ æu \.
étich - adj. and n. - (pr. \ 'etic \) Ms. plr. étich - fm. sng. and eucarestìa - n. f. (pr. \ æuc&rest'i& \) At plr. (when applicable)
plr. ética, étiche. - 1) - ethical, moral (adj.). (phylosophy). eucarestìe. - Eucharist, Holy Communion. Also in the
- 2) - hetic, consumptive (adj. and n.) (medical). spelling "eucaristia" (see the term). In this word the group
etichëtta - n. f. (pr. \ etik'&tt& \) At plr. etichëtte. - 1) - label, "eu" is not the diphthong pronunced " \ [oe] \" but its
docket. - 2) - etiquette. pronunciation is \ æu \.
etichëttadura - n. f. (pr. \ etik&tt&d'[ue]r& \) At plr. eucaristìa - n. f. (pr. \ æuc&rist'i& \) - See eucarestìa. In this
etichëttadure. - labelling. word the group "eu" is not the diphthong pronunced " \ [oe]
etichëttatriss - n. f. (pr. \ etik&tt&tr'is \) Inv. at plr. - labelling \" but its pronunciation is \ æu \.
machine. eucarìstich - adj. (pr. \ æuc&r'istic \) Ms. plr. eucarìstich - fm.
etichëtté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ etik&tt'e \) - to label, to sng. and plr. eucarìstica, eucarìstiche. - Eucharistic,
docket. Eucharistical. In this word the group "eu" is not the
etil - n. m. (pr. \ et'il \) At plr. etij. - ethyl (chemistry). diphthong pronunced " \ [oe] \" but its pronunciation is \ æu
etilé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ etil'e \) - to ethylate (chemistry). \.
etilen - n. m. (pr. \ etil'æ[ng] \) Inv. at plr. (if any - chemical eucc - n. m. (pr. \ [oe][ch] \) - See euj.
compound). - ethylene. See also the term "etilene". Euclide - n. m. sng. (pr. \ æucl'ide \) Only sng. (noun of
etilene - n. m. (pr. \ etil'ene \) - See etilen. person) Inv. at plr. in case of need - Euclid. In this word
etìlich - adj. (pr. \ et'ilic \) Ms. plr. etìlich - fm. sng. and plr. the group "eu" is not the diphthong pronunced " \ [oe] \"
etìlica, etìliche. - ethylic, ethyl (as an attribute). but its pronunciation is \ æu \.
etilism - n. m. (pr. \ etil'izm \) Inv. at plr. - alcoholism. eufemism - n. m. (pr. \ æufem'izm \) Inv. at plr. - euphemism.
étim - n. m. (pr. \ 'etim \) Inv. at plr. - etymon. In this word the group "eu" is not the diphthong pronunced
etimologìa - n. f. (pr. \ etimuluj'i& \) At plr. etimologìe. - " \ [oe] \" but its pronunciation is \ æu \.
etymology. eufemìstich - adj. (pr. \ æufem'istic \) Ms. plr. eufemìstich -
fm. sng. and plr. eufemìstica, eufemìstiche. -
euphemistical, euphemistic. In this word the group "eu" is

not the diphthong pronunced " \ [oe] \" but its this word the group "eu" is not the diphthong pronunced " \
pronunciation is \ æu \. [oe] \" but its pronunciation is \ æu \.
eufonìa - n. f. (pr. \ æufun'i& \) At plr. eufonìe. - euphony. In europeìstich - adj. (pr. \ æurupe'istic \ ) Ms. plr. europeìstich -
this word the group "eu" is not the diphthong pronunced " \ fm. sng. and plr. europeìstica, europeìstiche. -
[oe] \" but its pronunciation is \ æu \. Europeanist (as an attribute). In this word the group "eu"
euforìa - n. f. (pr. \ æufur'i& \) At plr. euforìe. - euphoria, is not the diphthong pronunced " \ [oe] \" but its
elation. In this word the group "eu" is not the diphthong pronunciation is \ æu \.
pronunced " \ [oe] \" but its pronunciation is \ æu \. europengh - adj.and n. (pr. \ æurup'æ[ng]g \ ) Ms. plr.
eufònich - adj. (pr. \ æuf'onic \) Ms. plr. eufònich - fm. sng. europengh - fm. sng. and plr. europenga, europenghe. -
and plr. eufònica, eufòniche. - euphonical. In this word European. See also the term "europeo". In this word the
the group "eu" is not the diphthong pronunced " \ [oe] \" group "eu" is not the diphthong pronunced " \ [oe] \" but its
but its pronunciation is \ æu \. pronunciation is \ æu \.
eufòrich - adj. (pr. \ æuf'oric \) Ms. plr. eufòrich - fm. sng. and europeo - adj. and n. (pr. \ æurup'eô \ ) Ms. plr. europeo - fm.
plr. eufòrica, eufòriche. - elated, euphoric, in high sng. and plr. europea, europee. - European. See also the
spirits. In this word the group "eu" is not the diphthong term "europengh". In this word the group "eu" is not the
pronunced " \ [oe] \" but its pronunciation is \ æu \. diphthong pronunced " \ [oe] \" but its pronunciation is
eufre - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ '[oe]fre \) - 1) - to offer, to \æu\.
tender. - 2) - to offer up, to dedicate. - 3) - to bid eurovision - n. f. (pr. \ æuruvizi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
(auctions). - 4) - to present, to offer. - 5) - to expose. - 6) - Eurovision. In this word the group "eu" is not the
to invite. See also the terms "ufrì, ofrì ". diphthong pronunced " \ [oe] \" but its pronunciation is
euj - n. m. (pr. \ [oe]y \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - eye (anatomy). - 2) - \æu\.
eye, hole (mechanics). See also the term "eucc". There are eut - adj. nmr. crd. (pr. \ [oe]t \) Inv. in any case. - eight.
a number of ways of saying like : - A) - "a euj " "as far eutàgon - n. m. (pr. \ [oe]t'&gu[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - octagon
as one can judge". - B) - "arviré j'euj " "to roll one's (geometry). See also the term "otagon".
eyes". - C) - "dé d'euj" " to keep an eye on...". - D) - "euj eutagonal - adj. (pr. \ [oe]t&gun'&l \ ) Ms. plr. eutagonaj - fm.
da polastrin" "small eyes". - E) - "avèj j'euj fodrà 'd sng. and plr. eutagonal, eutagonaj. - octagonal
saotìssa" " to be blind to what's going on". - F) - "euj ëd (geometry). See also the term "otagonal ".
përnis" "corn between two toes". - G) - "cugné j'euj" euv - n. m. (pr. \ [oe]u \) Inv. at plr. - egg. Types of eggs and
ways of saying : - A) - "bianch d'euv" or, sometimes,
"to wink at sb.". - H) - "sghicé j'euj " "to screw up one's
eyes". - I) - " un tir d'euj" = "a glance, a quick look". - L) - "biandeuv" "albumen, egg white". - B) - "greuja, greuja
"euj dël but" "eyes, buds (botany)". - M) - "euj ëd beu" d'euv" "egg-shell". - C) - "ross d'euv" "yolk". - D) -
"bull's eye (architecture)". - N) - "euj dël formagg" "holes "euv al palet, euv al fojòt" "fried eggs" - E) - "euv a dur"
in cheese". - O) - ....and many others. "hard-boiled eggs". - F) - "euv a la còch" "soft-boiled
eulé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ [oe]l'e \) - to howl, to ululate, to eggs". - G) - "euv ëd galin-a" "hen's egg". H) - "euv ëd
yelp. See also the terms "uché, ulé ". ran-a" = "frog-spawn". - I) - "euv dij poj (also "lendna")"
euli - n. m. (pr. \ '[oe]li \) Inv. at plr. - oil. We report some "nit". - L) - "pien coma n'euv" lit. "full as an egg" "very
expressions using this word, and some types of oil : - A) - crowded, completely full ". - M) - etc.
"euli d'uliva" "olive-oil ". - B) - "euli 'd linosa" "linseed euvra - n. f. (pr. \ '[oe]vr& \) At plr. euvre. - 1) - work,
oil ". - C) - "euli 'd nos" "nuts oil" (used once for "bagna action, deed. - 2) - work, piece of work. - 3) -
càoda"). - D) - "euli 'd pera" "mineral oil, petroleum". - organization, institution, institute (in this sense the word
E) - "mulin ëd l'euli" "oil-mill". - F) - "fé d'euli" lit. "to "òpera" is more used). Note that the word "ciadeuvra"
means "masterpiece". The expression "euvra 'd muradura"
make oil" "to weep, to cry". - G) - "euli 'd rolatin" lit.
means "stonework, brickwork".
"oil of stick" "beating, blows".
ev - n. m. (pr. \ 'eu ; ev \) Inv. at plr. - epoch, ages, times. E. g.
eurìstica - n. f. (pr. \ æur'istic& \ ) At plr. eurìstiche. -
"ël Medio Ev, ël Medioev" "the Middle Ages". See also
heuristics. In this word the group "eu" is not the diphthong
the term "evo"
pronunced " \ [oe] \" but its pronunciation is \ æu \.
eva - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ 'ev& \) At plr. eve. - water. See also the
eurìstich - adj. (pr. \ æur'istic \ ) Ms. plr. eurìstich - fm. sng.
and plr. eurìstica, eurìstiche. - heuristic. In this word the term "aqua". Some loc. : "eva benedeta" "holy water" ;
group "eu" is not the diphthong pronunced " \ [oe] \" but its "eva d'odor" "eau de Cologne" ; "eva ossigenà"
pronunciation is \ æu \. "hydrogen peroxide".
euritmìa - n. f. (pr. \ æuritm'i& \ ) At plr. euritmìe. - Eva - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ 'ev& \) Noun of person, only sng. In case
eurhythmy. In this word the group "eu" is not the of need at plr. Eve. - Eve.
diphthong pronunced " \ [oe] \" but its pronunciation is \ æu evacuant - 1) - adj. - (pr. \ ev&cu'&nt \) Ms. plr. evacuant -
\. fm. sng. and plr. evacuanta, evacuante. - evacuant.
eurìtmich - adj. (pr. \ æur'itmic \ ) Ms. plr. eurìtmich - fm. evacuant - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ ev&cu'&nt \) Inv. at plr. - evacuant.
sng. and plr. eurìtmica, eurìtmiche. - eurhythmical, evacuassion - n. f. (pr. \ ev&cu&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
eurithmic. In this word the group "eu" is not the diphthong evacuation.
pronunced " \ [oe] \" but its pronunciation is \ æu \. evacué - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ ev&cu'e \) - 1) - to
euro... - prefix. (pr. \ æuru... ; æurô... \ ) - euro... . This prefix evacuate, to clear out (trs.). - 2) - to evacuate, to drain
is referred to Europe and is used in Piedm. as it is in away, to remove. (trs.). - 3) - to evacuate (int). - It uses
English. In this word the group "eu" is not the diphthong always the aux. "avèj ".
pronunced " \ [oe] \" but its pronunciation is \ æu \. evade - vrb 2nd con. int. and trs. (pr. \ ev'&de \) - 1) - to
europeìsm - n. m. (pr. \ æurupe'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - escape, to run away, to get away. (int.). - 2) - to evade, to
Europeanism. In this word the group "eu" is not the dodge, to dispatch (trs.). - It uses always the aux. "avèj ".
diphthong pronunced " \ [oe] \" but its pronunciation is evanessensa - n. f. (pr. \ ev&nes'æ[ng]s& \) At plr.
\æu\. evanessense. - 1) - evanescence. - 2) - fading (radio). See
europeìsta - n. (pr. \ æurupe'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. europeìsta - fm. also the term "evanissensa".
sng. and plr. europeìsta, europeìste. - Europeanist. In evanissensa - n. f. (pr. \ ev&nis'æ[ng]s& \) - See evanessensa.

evanessent - adj. (pr. \ ev&nes'ænt \) Ms. plr. evanessent - fm. eversion - n. f. (pr. \ eværsi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
sng. and plr. evanessenta, evanessente. - evanescent, destruction, subversion. - 2) - overthrow.
vanishing, fading. eversiv - adj. (pr. \ eværs'iu \) Ms. plr. eversiv - fm. sng. and
Evangeli - n. m. (pr. \ ev&nj'eli \) Inv. at plr. - Gospel. See plr. eversiva, eversive. - subversive, revolutionary.
also the term "Vangéli ". eversor - n. m. (pr. \ eværs'ur \) Inv. at plr. - destroyer (lit.
evangélich - adj. and n. (pr. \ ev&nj'elic \) Ms. plr. evangélich meaning).
- fm. sng. and plr. evangélica, evangéliche. - 1) - evidensa - n. f. (pr. \ evid'æ[ng]s& \) At plr. evidense. - 1) -
evangelical, gospel (as an attribute) (adj.). - 2) - obviousness, evidence. - 2) - emphasis. Note that the loc.
Protestant, Evangelical, etc. (adj.). - 3) - Evangelical "buté an evisensa" means "to emphasize" (lit. "to put into
(sbst.). evidence").
evangelisassion - n. f. (pr. \ ev&njeliz&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - evidensié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ evidæ[ng]si'e \) - to
evangelization. underline, to point out, to emphasize, to stress.
evangelisator - n. (pr. \ ev&njeliz&t'ur \) Ms. plr. evident - adj. (pr. \ evid'ænt \) Ms. plr. evident - fm. sng. and
evangelizator - fm. sng. and plr. evangelisatriss, plr. evidenta, evidente. - evident, obvious, plain, clear.
evangelisatriss. - evangelizer. evince - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ ev'in[ch]e \) - 1) - to deduce, to
evangelista - n. m. (pr. \ ev&njel'ist& \) Inv. at plr. - infer. - 2) - to evict (legal). See also the terms "dedùe,
evangelist. (San Maté, San March, San Luch (or San conclude".
Luca), San Gioann). evirà - adj. ms. (pr. \ evir'& \) Inv. in any case. - 1) -
evangelisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ ev&njelz'e \) - 1) - to emasculated, evirated. - 2) - spineless, nerveless (in a fig.
evangelize. - 2) - to win over (in a fig. sense). sense).
evaporàbil - adj. (pr. \ ev&pur'&bil \) Ms. plr. evaporàbij - evirassion - n. f. (pr. \ evir&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
fm. sng. and plr. evaporàbil, evaporàbij. - evaporable. emasculation, eviration.
evaporassion - n. f. (pr. \ ev&pur&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - eviré - vrb 1st con. trs. - (pr. \ evir'e \) - to emasculate, to
evaporation, vaporisation. See also the term evirate, to castrate.
"svaporassion". evitàbil - adj. (pr. \ evit'&bil \) Ms. plr. evitàbij - fm. sng. and
evaporator - n. m. (pr. \ ev&pur&t'ur \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - plr. evitàbil, evitàbij. - avoidable.
evaporator. - 2) - humidifier. evité - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ evit'e \) - 1) - to avoid, to shun, to
evaporé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ ev&pur'e \) - to eschew. - 2) - to escape. - 3) - to spare.
evaporate, to vaporize. When trs. it uses the aux. "avèj". eviva! - excl. (pr. \ ev'iv& \) - long live!, hurrah, yippee!.
When int. it uses the aux. "esse".See also the term "svaporé evo - n. m. (pr. \ 'evu : 'evô \) - See ev.
". evocassion - n. f. (pr. \ evuc&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - evocation.
evaporìmeter - n. m. (pr. \ ev&pur'imetær \) - See evocativ - adj. (pr. \ evuc&t'iu \) Ms. plr. evocativ - fm. sng.
evaporìmetro. and plr. evocativa, evocative. - evocative.
evaporimetrìa - n. f. (pr. \ ev&purimetr'i& \) At plr. (if any). evoché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ evuk'e \) - 1) - to evoke, to
evaporimetrìe. - evaporimetry. conjure up, to summon forth. - 2) - to evoke, to recall.
evaporìmetro - (pr. \ ev&pur'imetrô \) Inv. at plr. - evolù - adj. (pr. \ evul'[ue] \) Ms. plr. evolù - fm. sng. and plr.
evaporimeter. - See also the term "evaporìmeter". evolùa, evolùe. - 1) - evolved, developed. - 2) -
evas - adj. and n. (pr. \ ev'&z \) Ms. plr. evas - fm. sng. and plr. progressive, advanced. - 3) - open-minded.
evasa, evase. - 1) - escaped (adj). - 2) - evaded, cleared evolussion - n. f. (pr. \ evul[ue]si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
off, dispatched (adj.). - 3) - run-away, fugitive (sbst.). evolution, progress.
evasion - n. f. (pr. \ ev&zi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - escape, evolussionism - n. m. (pr. \ evul[ue]siun'izm \) Inv. at plr. (if
jail-break, get-away. - 2) - evasion (finance). - 3) - any). - evolutionism, theory of evolution.
execution, carrying out (commercial). evolussionìstich - adj. (pr. \ evul[ue]siun'istic \) Ms. plr.
evasiv - adj. (pr. \ ev&z'iu \) Ms. plr. evasiv - fm. sng. and plr. evolussionìstich - fm. sng. and plr. evolussionìstica,
evasiva, evasive. - evasive. evolussionìstiche. - evolutionist, evolutionistic.
eveniensa - n. f. (pr. \ eveni'æ[ng]s& \) At plr. eveniense. - evolutiv - adj. (pr. \ evul[ue]t'iu \) Ms. plr. evolutiv - fm. sng.
eventuality, occurrence, circumstance, event. and plr. evolutiva, evolutive. - evolutive, evolutionary.
event - n. m. (pr. \ ev'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - event, happening. evòlve - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ ev'olve \) - to evolve. See also
- 2) - result. the term "dësvilupé ".
eventual - adj. (pr. \ evæntu'&l \) Ms. plr. eventuaj - fm. sng. evòlvse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ ev'olvse \) - to evolve. (to get
and plr. eventual, eventuaj. - 1) - possible, eventual, evolved).
contingent, incidental. - 2) - probable. ex - prp. (pr. \ eks \) - former, late. We note that the letter " x "
eventualità - n. f. (pr. \ evæntu&lit'& \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - is not part of the piedm. alphabet. This preposition is used
eventuality, possibility. - 2) - probability. as taken from Latin, and does not appear in words as a
eventualment - adv. (pr. \ evæntu&lm'ænt \) - in case, if prefix. Sometimes it assumes the function of sbst. (short for
necessary, possibly. Italianism. See the best piedm. loc. a longer loc.).
"se dël cas, an cas, etc."

Letter Ë
We note that in Piedm. words starting with inpure " s " or with some particular consonant group, add a prosthetic " ë " at the
beginning of the word. Of course here we don't report these words with this initial. An example: We write "trè stèile" "three
stars", pronounced \ træ st'æile \ , but we write "set ëstèile" " seven stars", pronounced \ sæt &st'æile \ . You will find in the
vocabulary the word "stèila", but not the word "ëstèila".
We note also that there are some words, starting by the groups an..., am..., in..., im... that can also start by ëm..., ën... so please
keep this in mind while looking for words in the vocabulary (under this letter we report only some of them).

ëdgiora - prp. and adv. (pr. \ &dji'ur& \) - 1) - on, upon, over

ë - sixth letter of the piedm. alphabet and n. f. (pr. \ \) - This (prp.). - 2) - above, upstairs, on top (adv.). See also
letter is not present in english alphabet. Usually this letter the term "dzora".
is present in "collapsed" syllabs inside a word and it is ëd pianta - adv. loc. (pr. \ &d pi'&nt& \) - completely, for
found before the piedm. double consonant. It is only initial good, definitively, radically. See also the adv. loc.
of a very small group of particles (article, and prn.), and "d'autut".
some othter words. It can also be found as initial (not very ël - art. ms. sng. (pr. \ &l \) At plr. ij. - the. This art. is used in
used) of words usually starting in in... or an.... front of ms. sng. words starting by simple consonant (but
ëd - prp. (pr. \ &d \) - Used in front of words starting by not by inpure " s " or some particular consonant group, or
consonant (but not by inpure " s " or some particular "strong s ".). E. g. "ël caval" "the horse". See also the
consonant group). 1) - of (indirect objects of: specification, voices "lë, 'l, l' ". We note that the form "lë " is used in
denomination, abundance, deprivation, substance, etc.). E. front of impure s, strong s, an some consonant group (see
g. "un tòch ëd pan" "a piece of bread" ; "la sità ëd Turin" the voice). The form " 'l " is used in front of simple
"the city of Turin" ; "un mugg ëd gent" "plenty of consonants if the preceding word ends by vowel (see the
people". - 2) - of, 's (possessive case). E. g. "ël vin ëd mé voice). The form " l' " is used in front of words starting by
amis" "my friend's wine" or "the wine of my friend". - 3) - vowel (see the voice). The majority of the piedm. nouns are
of or not present in English, when introducing an attribute. invarianr in nr., so the art. has a great importance, since it
E. g. "na cà ëd pera" "a house of stone" or "a stone differentiates the nr. and sometimes also the gnd. The fm.
house". - 4) - In front of an infinitive, or for expressing the forms are "la, le, j' " (See the related voices).
age, in compound prp. etc. (idiomatic use, not present in ëm - 1) - prs. prn. object (pr. \ &m \) 1st prs. sng. - me, to me.
English). E. g. "i son content ëd trovete sì" "I am glad to In Piedm. the use of prs. prn. is quite complex, so it is
find you here". (or "I am glad of finding you here"). - 5) - better to refer at the Grammar. See also the spelling " 'm
that or not present in English. E. g. "i son sicur ëd nen ".We note that in presence of vrbl. prs. prn. this prn. can
sbalié " "I am sure (that) I'm not wrong". - 6) - than, (in generate the prt. am, im (see the related terms). See also
comparisons). E. g. " lòn a l'é mej ëd sòn " " that is better the terms "em,, 'm, m' ". Then there are quite a
than this one". - 7) - by, to indicate the author. E. g. "la number of composite prn. prt., connected or not to the vrb,
which are, anyway, reported in this vocabulary. Here we
musica ëd Verdi" "the music by Verdi". - 8) - some, any,
report an example : "it ëm dise gnente 'd neuv" " you do
(partitive). E. g. "pija ëd ciò " "take some nails". - 9) -
not tell me nothing new".
from, (provenance) E. g. "mi i son ëd Susa" "I come
ëm... - 2) - prefix. (pr. \ &m \) - Look at the second note at the
from Susa". - 10) - in adv. loc. with idiomatic use. E. g. -
beginning of the letter ë.
A) - "i l'hai dàjlo ëd cheur" "I gave it to him sincerely ". - ëmbianchin - n. m. (pr. \ &mbi&[ng]k'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
11) - with, of, by, on, (manner, instrument). E. g. "un colp whitewasher, house-painter. See also the terms
ëd martél " "one blow with the hammer ". - 12) - about, "ambianchin, imbianchin".
of. E, g, "i l'hai pì nen savù ëd Pero " "I haven't any more ëmpì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ &mp'i \) - to fill. See also the
had news about Peter". See also the prp. "dë" used in front most common terms "empì, empe. ampinì ".
of words, and the prp. " 'd ", and " d' ". This prp. can ëmpiastr - n. m. (pr. \ &mpi'&str \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - poultice,
produce prp. combined with article which are "dël, dij, dla, plaster, cataplasm. - 2) - bore, nuisance (in a fig. sense).
dle " See the related voices, but often prp. and art. remain See also the terms "impiastr, papin".
separated. See also the grammar. ën - 1) - prp. (pr. \ &[ng] \) - 1) - in, at. E. g. "esse ën
ëd bòt an blan - adv. loc. (pr. \ &d b'ot &[ng] bl'&[ng] \) - Piemont." "to be in Piedm.". - 2) - to. E. g. "andé ën
suddenly, out of the blue. Piemont " "to go to Piedm." - 3) - in, into. E. g. "andé ën
ëdcò - 1) - adv. (pr. \ &dc'o \) - 1) - too, as well, also. Example cà" "to go into the house". - 4) - in, round. E. g. "viagé
“I vado ëdcò mi “ = “I go too “. - 2) - even (in
ën Fransa" "to travel round France." - 5) - on, upon. -
comparatives). Example “a l’é ëcò pì fòrt “ = “it is even
E. g. "im buto un capél ën testa" = "I put a hat on my
stronger “. See also the term “anche “, and the spellings
head". - 6) - in, inside. E. g. "i të speto ën vitura" = "I wait
"'dcò, 'co".
for you inside my car". - 7) - in, at, on (referred to time). E.
ëdcò - 2) - cng. (pr. \ &dc'o \) - even, also. Example “i ven-o
anche se am pias nen “ = “I come even if I don’t like it g. "i andrai ën sman-a" "i will go in this week" ; "i rivo
“.See also the term “anche “, and the spellings " 'dcò, 'co". ën temp" "I arrive on time". - 8) - by. E. g. "i vado ën
ëdfergnà - adj. (pr. \ &dfær[gn]'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - treno" = "I go by train". - 9) - in. into. E. g. "volté ën
unbridled. (old term). Inglèis" "to translate into English". - 10) - in. E. g. "ën
ëd filòt - adv. loc. (pr. \ &d fil'ot \) - without interruption. pressa" "in a hurry". - 11) - in, at. E. g. "i son brav ën
ëd longh - adv. loc. (pr. \ &d lu[ng]g \) - at once, directly, geometrìa" "I am good at geometry ". - 12) - as. - "i
immediately. 'hai daijlo ën regal " "I gave him it as a gift ". Usually
this prp. is find as "an ", which is the most correct form.
The prp. "ën" (as well as the prp. "an") is referred to a word

without the art. If an art. is present, associated to the same ës-cèntrich - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ &s[ch]'æntric \ ) Inv. at plr. -
word, the prp. becomes "ënt ". Some examples : - A) - eccentric, cam (mechanics). See also the term "ecèntrich
"deurme ënt la tenda " = "to sleep in the tent". - B) - "andé 2) ".
ënt la cà" " to go into the house". - C) - "i andrai ënt la ës-là - dem. prn. and adj. (pr. \ &sl'& \ ) Only sng. ms. - that
sman-a ch'i ven" " I will go (in the) next week". Note also one, that. Note that when this term is adj., usually the
that this prp. is often associated to the prp. "su" "on, related sbst. is located between the two part of the term
over" without a particular meaning. See also the terms "an, itself. E. g. "ës tòch là" "that piece". The term is referred
ant, in, ënt ". to an item far away from speaker and listener.
ën - 2) - prs. prn. object (pr. \ &[ng] \) 1st prs. plr. - us, to us. ës-lì - dem. prn. and adj. (pr. \ &sl'i \ ) dem. prn. and adj. (pr. \
See the notes to the term "ëm".See also the terms ", në, sl'& \ ) Only sng. ms. - that one, that, this one, this. Note
n', 'n ". An example : "it ën dise gnente 'd neuv" " you do that when this term is adj., usually the related sbst. is
not tell us nothing new". located between the two part of the term itself. E. g. "ës
ën - 3) - prefix. (pr. \ &[ng] \) - Look at the second note at the tòch lì" "that piece". The term is referred to an item far
beginning of the letter ë. away from speaker and close to listener.
ënfin - adv. (pr. \ &[ng]f'i[ng] \) - 1) - finally, in the end, at ës-sì - dem. prn. and adj. (pr. \ &s s'i \ ) Only sng. ms. - this
last. - 2) - after all. See also the adv. loc. "an fin, ën fin" one, this. Note that when this term is adj., usually the
and the adv. "anfin". related sbst. is located between the two part of the term
ënté - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ &nt'é \) - 1) - to be necessary, to itself. E. g. "ës tòch sì" "this piece". The term is referred
have to, must, should, ought (imp.) - 2) - to need. - 3) - to to an item close to the speaker.
be lacking in. See also the term "venté". This vrb is mainly ëst - dem. adj. and prn. (ms. sng.) (pr. \ &st \ ) Ms. plr. ësti - fm.
used in the first meaning. It uses the aux. "esse". sng. and plr. ësta, ëste. (see the related voices.) - this, this
ëntreivé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &ntræiv'é \) - to undersatand one. See also the term "ist ".
(old slang term) ësta - dem. adj. and prn. (fm. sng.) (pr. \ '&st& \ ) Ms. sng. and
ës - 1) - dem. adj. (pr. \ &s ; &z \) - this. This form is only ms. plr. ëst, ësti - fm. ëste. (see the related voices.) - this, this
sng.. See also the terms "cost, costi, costa, coste, sto, sti, one. See also the term "ista ".
sta, ste, 's." Then see also the terms "ës-sì, ës-lì, ës-là". ëste - dem. adj. and prn. (fm. plr.) (pr. \ '&ste \ ) Ms. sng. and
Some examples : "ës tòch" "this piece" ; "ës negòssi a l'é plr. ëst, ësti - fm. sng. ësta. (see the related voices.) -
duvert" "this shop is open". these, these ones. See also the term "iste ".
ës - 2) - prs. prn. object (pr. \ &s ; &z \) - 1) - himself, itself, ësti - dem. adj. and prn. (ms. plr.) (pr. \ '&sti \ ) Ms. sng. ëst -
herself, themselves, one. 3rd prs. sng. and plr. The fm. sng. and plr. ësta, ëste. (see the related voices.) -
meaning is refl. or imp. - 2) - ourselves 1st prs. plr. with these, these ones. See also the term "isti ".
refl. meaning. It is difficult to find this term in this form, ët - prs. prn. object (pr. \ &t \) 2nd prs. sng. - you, to you
since usually it is collapsed with the vrbl. prs. prn, giving (sng.). In Piedm. the use of prs. prn. is quite complex, so it
rise to the prt. "is, as" (rspy. i ës , a ës) See also the is better to refer at the Grammar. See also the spelling " 't
terms "is, as". Mainly see the Grammar. ".We note that in presence of vrbl. prs. prn. this prn. can
ëscarlo - n. m. (pr. \ &sc'&rlu \) Inv. at plr. - bonfire. generate the prt. at, i 't (see the related terms). See also
ëscart - n. m. (pr. \ &sc'&rt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - discard. - 2) - the terms "et, ...te, 't, t' ". Then there are quite a number of
swerve. - 3) - margin, spread. See also the term "scart ". composite prn. prt., connected or not to the vrb, which are,
ës-centrà - adj. (pr. \ &s[ch]æntr'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - anyway, reported in this vocabulary. Here we report an
out of centre - 2) - mad, insane (in a fig. sense). See also example : "i ët diso gnente 'd neuv" " I do not tell you
the term "dës-centrà". (sng.) nothing new".
ës-centré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &s[ch]æntr'e \) - to put out of ëv - prs. prn. object (pr. \ &v ; &u \) 2nd prs. plr. - you, to you
centre. See also the term "dës-centré ". (plr.). In Piedm. the use of prs. prn. is quite complex, so it
ës-centrésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ &s[ch]æntr'ese \) - 1) - to is better to refer at the Grammar. See also the spelling " 't
get out of centre. - 2) - to go mad (in a fig. sense). See ".We note that in presence of vrbl. prs. prn. this prn. can
also the term "dës-centrésse". generate the prt. at, i 't (see the related terms). See also
ës-cèntrich - 1) - adj. and n. (pr. \ &s[ch]'æntric \ ) Ms. plr. ës- the terms "et, ...te, 't, t' ". Then there are quite a number of
cèntrich - fm. sng. and plr. ës-ecèntrica, ës-ecèntriche. - composite prn. prt., connected or not to the vrb, which are,
1) - eccentric, whimsical. (adj.). - 2) - eccentric anyway, reported in this vocabulary. Here we report an
(geometry, mechanics) (adj.). - 3) - eccentric person, example : "i ëv diso gnente 'd neuv" " I do not tell you
crank (sbst.). - See also the terms "ecèntrich 1), dës- (plr.) nothing new".

Letter F
f - seventh letter of the piedm. alphabet and n. f. (pr. \ f \) - See facessios - adj. (pr. \ f&[ch]esi'uz \) Ms. plr. facessios - fm.
also the term "ef ". sng. and plr. facessiosa, facessiose. - humorous, jocular,
fa - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ f& \) Inv. at plr. - F, fa (music). facetious. See also the term "lépid".
fa - 2) - adv. (pr. \ f& \) - ago. "dés ani fa" "ten years ago". facëtta - n. f. (pr. \ f&[ch]'&tt& \) At plr. facëtte. - facet
fà - vrb (3rd prs. sin. present tense) - (he, she, it) does, (he, she, (mineralogy, geometry). See also the term "fassëtta 2nd
it) makes. See also the term "fé ". meaning".
fabiocada - n. f. (pr. \ f&biuc'&d& \) At plr. fabiocade. - 1) - facëttadura - n. f. (pr. \ f&[ch]&tt&d'[ue]r& \) At plr.
foolish thing, stupid thing. - 2) - stupidity, foolishness. facëttadure. - 1) - faceting. - 2) - facets.
fabiòch - n. (pr. \ f&bi'oc \) Ms. plr. fabiòch - fm. sng. and plr. facëtté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ f&[ch]&tt'e \) - to facet, to cut
fabiòca, fabiòche. - fool, silly. See also the term facets on. See also the term "fassëtté ".
"pataloch". fachin - n. m. (pr. \ f&k'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - porter. See also
fabrian - n. m. (pr. \ f&bri'&[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - buttocks, the term "gamalo ".
behind, backside. (popular term). fachinada - n. f. (pr. \ f&kin'&d& \) At plr. fachinade. - 1) -
fàbrica - n. f. (pr. \ f'&bric& \) At plr. fàbriche. - factory, drudgery, tough job. In this sense see also the terms
eatablishment, plant, works. "sfachinada, gamalada, fatigada, fatigà". - 2) - coarse
fabricà - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ f&bric'& \) Inv. at plr. - building, word, coarse action. Not very used in this sense.
edifice, block fachinagi - n. m. (pr. \ f&kin'&ji \) Inv. at plr. - porterage.
fabricà - 2) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ f&bric'& \) Inv. in gnd. and fachiné - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ f&kin'e \) - to toil, to drugle, to
nr. - built, constructed, made. work like a slave. It uses the aux. "avèj ". See also the
fabricàbil - adj. (pr. \ f&bric'&bil \) Ms. plr. fabricàbij - fm. terms "sfachiné, gamalé ".
sng. and plr. fabricàbil, fabricàbij. - manufacturable, fachir - n. m. (pr. \ f&k'ir \) Inv. at plr. - fakir.
building (as an attribute). The expression "àrea fabricàbil" fàcia - n. f. (pr. \ f'&[ch]i& \) At plr. face. - 1) - face (anatomy,
is translated into "building site" or "building ground". geometry, and fig.). - 2) - face, nerve, effrontery,
fabricant - n. (pr. \ f&bric'&nt \) Ms. plr. fabricant - fm. sng. boldness. - 3) - expression, look, mien. See also the terms
and plr. fabricanta, fabricante. - 1) - manufacturer, "visagi, moro, figura". Here there are some ways of saying:
maker. - 2) - builder, constructor. - 3) - worker of a - A) - "na fàcia brusca" "a surly expression". - B) - "na
factory. fàcia scura" "a threatening expression". - C) - "fàcia
fabricassion - n. f. (pr. \ f&bric&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - proibìa" "a person to be shunned". - D) - "facia 'd tòla"
make, making, manufacture, manufacturing. - 2) - "impudent person, shameless person".
building. facià - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ f&[ch]i'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
fabriché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ f&brik'e \) - 1) - to offended, annoyed.
manufacture, to produce. - 2) - to make. - 3) - to build. faciada - n. f. (pr. \ f&[ch]i'&d& \) At plr. faciade. - 1) - front,
fabricé - n. m. (pr. \ f&bri[ch]'e \) Inv. at plr. - vestryman façade, face (architecture). - 2) - page. - 3) - outside,
(religion). appearances. See also the term "fassada".
fabricerìa - n. f. (pr. \ f&bri[ch]er'i& \) At plr. fabricerìe. - facial - adj. (pr. \ f&[ch]i'&l \) Ms. plr. faciaj - fm. sng. and plr.
vestry-board (religion). facial, faciaj. - facial.
facé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ f&[ch]'e \) - 1) - to offend. - 2) - to faciarìa - (pr. \ f&[ch]i&r'i& \) At plr. faciarìe. - 1) - thing,
insult. See also the term "ofènde". business, trouble, care, complex question (to be solved).
facenda - n. f. (pr. \ f&[ch]'ænd& \) At plr. facende. - 1) - In this meaning see also the term "ciafarìa". - 2) -
thing. - 2) - matter, affair, business. - 3) - housework (in humorous, witty remark, witticism. In this meaning see
this sense it is at plr.). also the term "facéssia".
facendàire - n. (pr. \ f&[ch]ænd'&ire \) Ms. plr. facendàire - fàcil - 1) - adj. (pr. \ f'&[ch]il \) Ms. plr. fàcij - fm. sng. and plr.
fm. sng. and plr. facendàira, facendàire. - 1) - busybody, fàcil, fàcij. - 1) - easy, simple. - 2) - ready, inclined. - 3) -
meddler. - 2) - intriguer. See also the terms "facendèire, amenable, tractable. - 4) - probable, likely. See also the
facendé". adj. loc. "bel ëd fé, bel fé".
facendé - 1) - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ f&[ch]ænd'e \) - to be fàcil - 2) - adj. (pr. \ f'&[ch]il \) - easily, probably. See also the
busy. It uses the aux. "avèj ". See also the terms term "facilment".
"facendésse, meinagé ". facilità - n. f. (pr. \ f&[ch]ilit'& \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - ease,
facendé - 2) - n. (pr. \ f&[ch]ænd'e \) - Ms. plr. facendé - fm. facility. - 2) - easiness. - 3) - aptitude, facility.
sng. and plr. facendera, facendere. - busybody, meddler. facilitassion - n. f. (pr. \ f&[ch]ilit&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
See facendàire 1st meaning. facilitation. - 2) - facility, concession, accommodation. -
facendèire - n. (pr. \ f&[ch]ænd'æire \) - See facendàire. 3) - special terms, easy terms.
facendera - n. f. (pr. \ f&[ch]ænd'er& \) - See facendé. facilité - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ f&[ch]ilit'e \) - 1) - to facilitate,
facendésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ f&[ch]ænd'ese \) - to be to make easy, to simplify. - 2) - to help.
busy. The form is refl. and the meaning is int. See also the facilment - adv. (pr. \ f&[ch]ilm'ænt \) - 1) - easily. - 2) -
term "facendé 1)". readily. - 3) - probably. Italianism. See the best piedm.
facendon - n. (pr. \ f&[ch]ænd'u[ng] \) Ms. plr. facendon - fm. terms "fàcil, còmod " (adj. used with adv. value), and adv.
sng. and plr. facendon-a, facendon-e. - hustler, busy bee, loc. like "con facilità"
muddler. facilon - n. (pr. \ f&[ch]il'u[ng] \) Ms. plr. facilon - fm. sng.
facéssia - n. f. (pr. \ f&[ch]'esi& \) At plr. facéssie. - witty and plr. facilon-a, facilon-e. - easy-going person,
remark, witticism. See also the terms "faciarìa 2nd superficial person.
meaning, folarìa, farabolada, faràbola, drolarìa". facilonarìa - n. f. (pr. \ f&[ch]ilun&r'i& \) At plr. facilonarìe. -
facessié - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ f&[ch]esi'e \) - to jest, to joke, carelessness, easy-goingness.
to mock. It uses the aux. "avèj ".

facin - n. m. (pr. \ f&[ch]'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - little face, nice faité - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ f&it'e \) - 1) - to tan. - 2) - to cure
face, pretty face. See also the terms "muset, musin". (tobacco). - 3) - to accustom (in a fig. sense). See also the
facinoros - n. and adj. (pr. \ f&[ch]inur'uz \) Ms. plr. facinoros term "afaité ".
- fm. sng. and plr. facinorosa, facinorose. - 1) - lawless, faitésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ f&it'ese \) - to get
ruffianly, violent (adj.). - 2) - ruffian (sbst.). accustomed. See also the term "afaitésse ".
facoltà - n. f. (pr. \ f&cult'& \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - faculty. - 2) - faitìbil - adj. (pr. \ f&it'ibil \) Ms. plr. faitìbij - fm. sng. and plr.
power, authority, right, leave, licence, permission. - 3) - faitìbil, faitìbij. - feasible, praticable. See also the term
department, faculty, school (university). "fatìbil ".
facoltativ - adj. (pr. \ f&cult&t'iu \) Ms. plr. facoltativ - fm. faitor - n. (pr. \ f&it'ur \) Ms. plr. faitor - fm. sng. and plr.
sng. and plr. facoltativa, facoltative. - optional, faitòira, faitòire. - tanner. See also the term "afaitor ".
facultative. faj - n. f. (pr. \ f&y \) - See faja.
facoltos - adj. (pr. \ f&cult'uz \) Ms. plr. facoltos - fm. sng. and faja - n. f. (pr. \ f'&y& \) At plr. faje. - fairy. Note that in
plr. facoltosa, facoltose. - well-off, well-to-do, rich, Piedm. this term can be associated to the adj. : "grama"
wealthy. "bad", and in this case "faja grama" means "witch,
facsìmil - n. m. (pr. \ f&cs'imil \) At plr. facsìmij. - facsimile. sorceress" (usually called "masca"). In the same way the
factòtum - n. (pr. \ f&ct'otum \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - factotum. term "masca" "witch ", can be associated to the adj.
Latine word. See also the term "fatut ". "brava" "good", and in this case "masca brava" means
fad - adj. (pr. \ f&d \) Ms. plr. fad - fm. sng. and plr. fada, "fairy". We report this note for helping the understanding
fade. - tasteless, insipid. See also the most used term of tales related to old piedm. traditions. See also the term
"fat". "fata 1) 1st meaning".
fadëssa - n. f. (pr. \ f&d'&ss& \) At plr. fadësse. - insipidity, fajansa - n. f. (pr. \ f&y'&[ng]s& \) At plr. fajanse. - gaunt,
silliness, nonsensical thing. See also the term "fota 2nd shire (fabric). See also the term "fala" 2nd meaning.
meaning". fal - n. m. (pr. \ f&l \) Inv. at plr. - fault, error, offence.
fafioché - n. (pr. \ f&fiuk'e \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - story- fala - n. f. (pr. \ f'&l& \) At plr. fale. - 1) - leak. - 2) - gaunt,
teller, boaster. - 2) - gull, sucker. This term is composed shire. In the 2nd meaning see also the term "fajansa".
by two vrb and lit. means "make - to snow" "who makes falà - adj. (pr. \ f&l'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - mistaken,
snow". Words of this type are quite characteristic in Piedm. wrong, with a gaunt (fabric), with a crack, etc.
fagnan - adj. and n. (pr. \ f&[gn]'&[ng] \) Ms. plr. fagnan - fm. fala (për ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ p&r f'&l& \) - inadvertently,
sng. and plr. fagnan-a, fagnan-e. - idler, loafer, lounger, unintentionally.
yobbo. Used also as an adj. See also the terms "fanean, falabracada - n. f. (pr. \ f&l&br&c'&d& \) At plr.
fenean". falabracade. - foolosh thing, stupid thing.
fagnanada - n. f. (pr. \ f&[gn]&n'&d& \) - At plr. fagnanade. - falabrach - n. m. (pr. \ f&l&br'&c \) Inv. at plr. - big but also
laziness, indolence, sluggishness. See also the term stupid person, big and gull person. Even it would be
"plandronerìa". possible to use this term at fm. as well, (falabraca,
fagocita - n. m. (pr. \ f&gu[ch]'it& \) Inv. at plr. - phagocyte. falabrache) this is not in use.
fagocité - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ f&gu[ch]it'e \) - 1) - to falangia - n. f. 1) - phalanx (history). - 2) - phalanx
phagocyte, to phagocityze. - 2) - to absorb, to engulf, to (anatomy). In anatomy sometimes this term is also used for
swallow up (in a fig. sense). phalanx, but it is more common the use of the words
fagocitòsi - n. f. (pr. \ f&gu[ch]it'osi \) Inv. at plr. - "osset, ossin" (see the terms) in the loc. "osset polpù"
phagocitosis. "phalanx" ; "osset ëd mès-dil " "middle phalanx" ; "osset
fagoté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ f&gut'e \) - to wrap up, to ëd l'óngia" "terminal phalanx".
bundle up. See also the term "anfagoté ". falanluca - n. f. (pr. \ f&l&[ng]l'[ue]c& \) - See fanfaluca.
fagorésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ f&gut'ese \) - 1) - to wrap falansa - n. f. (pr. \ f&l'&[ng]s& \) At plr. falanse. - 1) -
oneself up. - 2) - to dress badly. See also the term famine. - 2) - scarcity, shortage. - See also the term
"anfagotésse ". "famin-a".
fagotin - n. m. (pr. \ f&gut'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - roulade. - falavasch - n. m. (pr. \ f&l&v'&sc \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - fern
2) - small bundle. (botany - In general). - 2) - bracken, brake (botany -
fagotista - n. (pr. \ f&gut'ist& \) Ms. plr. fagotista - fm. sng. Pteridium aquilinum). See also the term "falavisch ". Then
and plr. fagotista, fagotiste. - bassoonist (music). see also the terms "fèiless, flèiss, fless, fèils, ciuciamèra,
fagòt - n. m. (pr. \ f&g'ot \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - bundle. - 2) - dociamèra" and the loc. "flèiss dossa".
bassoon (music). falavisch - n. m. (pr. \ f&l&v'isc \) - See falavasch.
fàit - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ f'&it \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - fact, event, affair, falavosca - n. f. (pr. \ f&l&v'usc& \) At plr. falavosche. - 1) -
matter. - 2) - action, deed. See also the term "fat ". Two spark, sparkle. - 2) - snow-flake. See also the terms
idioms : - A) - "buté al fàit " "to inform". - B) - "pijé an "faravosca, faravòsca, faluspa".
sël fàit " "to catch (sb.) in the very act ". falbalà - n. m. (pr. \ f&lb&l'& \) Inv. at plr. - flounce, frill,
fàit - 2) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ f'&it \) Ms. plr. fàit - fm. sng. and ruffle. See also the term "farabalà ".
plr. fàita, fàite. - 1) - made, done. - 2) - ripe. Some idioms falchet - n. m. (pr. \ f&lk'æt \) Inv. at plr. - falconet, kestrel
: - A) - "a cont fàit " "(after having) all considered ". - B) (zoology - Falco tinnunculus). See also the most common
- "fàit për ... " "fit for... , suitable for...". - C) - "òm fàit" term "farchet ".
"full-grown man". falciatriss - n. f. (pr. \ f&l[ch]i&tr'is \) Inv. at plr. - mowing-
fàita - n. f. (pr. \ f'&it& \) At plr. fàite. - quality, gender, kind, machine, lawn-mower, motor-scythe. Usually the loc.
sort. See also the term "fata 2)". "màchina da tajé ('l fen, 'l gran) " is used. See also the term
faità - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ f&it'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - "faussiatriss".
tanned, dressed. - 2) - accustomed (in a fig. sense). See falcon - n. m. (pr. \ f&lc'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - hawk, falcon
also the term "afaità ". (zoology - Falco). See also the most common term
faitarìa - n. f. (pr. \ f&it&r'i& \) At plr. faitarìe. - 1) - tanning. "farcon".
- 2) - tannery. - 3) - tanning technique. falconé - n. m. (pr. \ f&lcun'e \) Inv. at plr. - falconer. See also
the most common term "farconé".
faldàu - n. m. (pr. \ f&ld'&u \) - See fèud.

faldàul - adj. (pr. \ f&ld'&ul \) - See fèudal. famédi - n. m. (pr. \ f&m'edi \) Inv. at plr. - memorial chapel.
faldàuli - n. (pr. \ f&ld'&uli \) - See feudatari. famélich - adj. (pr. \ f&m'elic \) Ms. plr. famélich - fm. sng.
faldaulésim - n. m. (pr. \ f&ld&ul'ezim \) - See feudalésim. and plr. famélica, faméliche. - ravenous, famished,
faldistòri - n. m. (pr. \ f&ldist'ori \) Inv. at plr. - faldstool starving.
(religion).See also the term "faudistòri ". famigerà - adj. (pr. \ f&mijer'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
falé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ f&l'e \) - 1) - to mistake, to notorious, ill-famed. See also the term "malfamos".
break (trs.) - 2) - to be mistaken, to be at fail, to err famij - n. m. (pr. \ f&m'iy \) - See famaj.
(int.). See also the term "falì 1)". famija - n. f. (pr. \ f&m'iy& \) At plr. famije. - 1) - family. - 2)
falì - 1) - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ f&l'i \) - 1) - to miss - household. - 3) - home, heart and home. - 4) - family
(trs.). - 2) - to fail (int.). - 3) - to go bankrupt (int.). - 4) - (zoology). Some way of saying: - A) - "fé famija" lit. "to
to smash, to crash (economy, finance). make family" "to get married". - B) - "arma 'd famija" =
falì - 2) - n. and adj. (pr. \ f&l'i \) Ms. plr. falì - fm. sng. and "family coat of arms". - C) - "fieul ëd famija" lit. "son of
plr. falìa, falìe. - 1) - bankrupt (adj.). - 2) - unsuccessful family" "good boy". - D) - "esse 'd famija " "to be in
(adj.). (in a fig. sense). - 3) - bankrupt (sbst.). - 4) - familiar terms with ... , to be a member of the household".
unsuccessful person, failure (sbst.). (in a fig. sense). famijar - n. and adj. (pr. \ f&miy'&r \) See familiar.
falìbil - adj. (pr. \ f&l'ibil \) Ms. plr. falìbij - fm. sng. and plr. famijarisé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ f&miy&riz'e \) See
falìbil, falìbij. - fallible, liable to be mistaken. familiarisé.
falibilità - n. f. (pr. \ f&libilit'& \) Inv. at plr. - fallibility, famijarità - n. f. (pr. \ f&miy&rit'& \) See also familiarità.
liability to err. familiar - n. and adj. (pr. \ f&mili'&r \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1)
faliment - n. m. (pr. \ f&lim'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - - family (as an attribute - adj.), domestic. - 2) - familiar
bankruptcy (legal). - 2) - smash, crash (finance, (in a fig. sense - adj.). - 3) - informal, homely (adj.). - 4) -
economy). - 3) - failure, flop (in a fig. sense). customary (adj.). - 5) - member of the family, relation,
falimentar - adj. (pr. \ f&limænt'&r \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - relative (sbst.).
bankruptcy (legal). - 2) - ruinous, disastrous (in a fig. familiarisé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ f&mili&riz'e \) - 1) - to
sense). familiarize oneself, to make oneself familiar. - 2) - to
falos - adj. (pr. \ f&l'uz \) Ms. plr. falos - fm. sng. and plr. become friendly, to become familiar. It uses the aux.
falosa, falose. - 1) - faulty, defective. - 2) - rough, foul "avèj ". See also the term "familiarisésse", with refl. form
(sport). and the same meaning.
falosità - n. f. (pr. \ f&luzit'& \) Inv. at plr. - faultiness, familiarità - n. f. (pr. \ f&mili&rit'& \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
defectiveness. familiarity. - 2) - informality, familiarity.
falò - n. m. (pr. \ f&l'o \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - bonfire. - 2) - famin-a - n. f. (pr. \ f&m'i[ng]& \) At plr. famin-e. - famine,
beacon. See also the most common term "farò ". lack of food.
falòpa - n. f. (pr. \ f&l'op& \) At plr. falòpe. - 1) - error, famiòla - n. f. (pr. \ f&mi'ol& \) At plr. famiòle. - honey
mistake. - 2) - defective cocoon. - 3) - abortion (in a fig. mushroom (botany - Armillaria mellea).
sense). See also the term "flapa". famos - adj. (pr. \ f&m'uz \) Ms. plr. famos - fm. sng. and plr.
falsari - n. (pr. \ f&ls'&ri \) Ms. plr. falsari - fm. sng. and plr. famosa, famose. - 1) - famous, celebrated, renowned.
falsaria, falsarie. - 1) - counterfeiter, forger, falsifier. - See also the term "avosà ". - 2) - notorius, ill-famed. See
2) - coiner. See also the terms "faussari, fausseur, also the term "famigerà ".
sfaussamonede ". famosità - n. f. (pr. \ f&muzit'& \) Inv. at plr. - fame, renown.
falset - n. m. (pr. \ f&ls'æt \) Inv. at plr. - falsetto (singing). See See also the term "fama 1st meaning".
also the term "farset ". fan - n. (pr. \ f&[ng] \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - fan.
falsificassion - n. f. (pr. \ f&lsific&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - fanal - n. m. (pr. \ f&n'&l \) At plr. fanaj. - lamp, lantern,
falsification. - 2) - forgery, counterfeiting. See also the light.
terms "faussificassion, sfaussificassion". fanalerìa - n. f. (pr. \ f&n&ler'i& \) At plr. fanalerìe. - lighting
falsificator - n. (pr. \ f&lsific&t'ur \) - See falsari. equipment, lights.
falurco - n. m. (pr. \ f&l'[ue]rcu \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - queer, odd, fanalin - n. m. (pr. \ f&n&l'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - small lamp
strange. - 2) - dullard, dolt, simpleton. (lit.) - Usually referred to "tail lamp" "fanalin ëd coa".
faluspa - n. f. (pr. \ f&l'[ue]sp& \) Inv. at plr. - spark. See also The expression "fanalin ëd coa" is often used for indicating
the term "falavosca". "who is the last , who brings up the rear".
fam - n. f. (pr. \ f&m \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - hunger. - 2) - fanalista - n. m. (pr. \ f&n&l'ist& \) Inv. at plr. - lighthouse-
starvation. Ways of saying : -A) - "avèj na fam da keeper, lamp-lighter.
sonador" lit. "to have a hunger like a player" "to be fanàtich - adj. and n. (pr. \ f&n'&tic \) Ms. plr. fanàtich - fm.
very hungry". - B) - "grand coma la fam" "tall (grown sng. and plr. fanàtica, fanàtiche. - 1) - fanatical (adj.). - 2)
up) like the hunger" = "grown up enough" This saying is - fanatic, zealot (sbst.). - 3) - fan (sbst.).
usually addressed to a boy who says of not being able to do fanatisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ f&n&tiz'e \) - to fanaticize, to
st. - C) - "un mòrt ëd fam" lit. "a dead of (by) hunger" arouse fanaticism.
"a poor wretch". - D) - "buté ansema la fam con la sèi = lit. fanatism - n. m. (pr. \ f&n&t'izm \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
to put together the hunger with the thirst" said about two fanaticism. - 2) - wild enthusiasm, mania, craze.
poor persons who get married. E. g "i soma partì da fanciotin - n. (pr. \ f&n[ch]iut'i[ng] \) Ms. plr. fanciotin - fm.
gnente: cand i soma sposàsse i l'oma butà ansema la fam sng. and plr. fanciotin-a, fanciotin-e. - 1) - little boy. - 2) -
con la sèi = we started from nothing : when we got married baby. - See also the term "fantolin" and the term "fanciòt ",
we put together the hunger with the thirst". whose this term is a diminutive.
fama - n. f. (pr. \ f'&m& \) At plr. fame. - 1) - fame, renown, fanciòt - n. (pr. \ f&n[ch]i'ot \) Ms. plr. fanciòt - fm. sng. and
notoriety. In this sense see also the term "rinomansa". - 2) plr. fanciòta, fanciòte. - young boy / girl, little boy / girl.
- reputation, name, repute. In this sense see also the See also the terms "fanciotin, fiolòt, matòt".
terms "nòmina, riputassion". - 3) - court maid (antique fandonié - 1) - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ f&nduni'e \) - to talk
term). nonsense, to tell stories. It uses the aux. "avèj".
famaj - n. m. (pr. \ f&m'&y \) Inv. at plr. - servant. See also
the term "famij ".

fandonié - 2) - n. (pr. \ f&nduni'e \) Ms. plr. fandonié - fm. fantassiensa - n. f. (pr. \ f&nt&si'æ[ng]s& \) At plr.
sng. and plr. fandoniera, fandoniere. - story-teller, liar. fantassiense. - science fiction.
See also the term "babolàire". fantassientìfich - adj. (pr. \ f&nt&siænt'ific \) Ms. plr.
fandònia - n. f. (pr. \ f&nd'oni& \) At plr. fandònie. - piece of fantassientìfich - fm. sng. and plr. fantassientìfica,
nonsense, story, lie, fib. See also the terms "fanfaluca, fantassientìfiche. - science-fiction (as an attribute), sci-fi
fanfërluca, falanluca". (as an attribute).
fanean - adj. and n. (pr. \ f&ne'&[ng] \) Ms. plr. fanean - fm. fantassìn - n. m. (pr. \ f&nt&s'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - puppet.
sng. and plr. fanean-a, fanean-e. - idler, loafer, lounger, - 2) - foot-soldier, infantryman (in a jocular sense). - See
yobbo. See also the terms "fagnan, fenean". also the term "fantòcc".
fanél - n. m. (pr. \ f&n'el \) At plr. fanéj. - linnet, redpoll fantasticarìa - n. f. (pr. \ f&nt&stic&r'i& \) At plr.
(zoology - Carduelis cannabina). See also the term "fanet". fantasticarìe. - day-dream, fancies, idle thoughts,
fanerògam - adj. (pr. \ f&ner'og&m \) Ms. plr. fanerògam - reverie.
fm. sng. and plr. fanerògama, fanerògame. - fantàstich - adj. (pr. \ f&nt'&stic \) Ms. plr. fantàstich - fm.
phanerogamous, phanerogamic (botany). sng. and plr. fantàstica, fantàstiche. - 1) - fantastical,
fanerògama - n. f. (pr. \ f&ner'og&m& \) Ay plr. fanerògame. fantastic, fanciful. - 2) - eccentric, odd, queer,
- phanerogam. whimsical. - 3) - marvellous, wonderful, terrific.
fanet - n. m. (pr. \ f&n'æt \) - See fanél. fantastiché - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ f&nt&stikj'e \) - See
fanfaluca - n. f. (pr. \ f&[ng]f&l'[ue]c& \) At plr. fanfaluche. - fantasié.
piece of nonsesne, story. See also the term "fanfërluca, fanterìa - n. f. (pr. \ f&nter'i& \) - See fantarìa.
falanluca". fantin - n. m. (pr. \ f&nt'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - jockey.
fanfara - n. f. (pr. \ f&[ng]f'&r& \) At plr. fanfare. - 1) - fantin-a - n. f. (pr. \ f&nt'i[ng]& \) At plr. fantin-e. - bushing,
fanfare (music). - 2) - brass-band (music). bush (mechanics). See also the term "bronzin-a".
fanfaron - n. (pr. \ f&[ng]f&r'u[ng] \) Ms. plr. fanfaron - fm. fantolin - n. (pr. \ f&ntul'i[ng] \) - See fanciotin.
sng. and plr. fanfaron-a, fanfaron-e. - braggart, boaster. fantomàtich - adj. (pr. \ f&ntum'&tic \) Ms. plr. fantomàtich -
fanfaronada - n. f. (pr. \ f&[ng]f&run'&d& \) At plr. fm. sng. and plr. fantomàtica, fantomàtiche. - 1) -
fanfaronade. - brag, boastful talk, gasconade, swagger. spectral, phantom (as an attribute). - 2) - elusive,
fanfërluca - n. f. (pr. \ f&[ng]f&rl'[ue]c& \) - See fanfaluca. chimerical.
fanga - n. f. . (pr. \ f'&[ng]g& \) At plr. fanghe. - 1) - soft mud, fantòcc - n. m. (pr. \ f&nt'o[ch] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - puppet. - 2)
slush. In this sense see the best piedm. terms "paciàuta, - foot-soldier, infantryman (in a jocular sense). - See also
paciòch ". - 2) - mud, slime, mire. In this sense see also the term "fantassin".
the best piedm. terms "pauta, nita". far - n. m. (pr. \ f&r \) Inv. at plr. (if any). - spelt (botany -
fangh - n. m. (pr. \ f'&[ng]g \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - thermal mud. - Triticum spelta).
2) - mud bath. fara - n. f. (pr. \ f'&r& \) At plr. fare. - flame, blaze, flare. See
fangos - adj. (pr. \ f&[ng]g'uz \) Ms. plr. fangos - fm. sng. and also the term "fiama"
plr. fangosa, fangose. - muddy, miry, slimy. See also the farà - adj. (pr. \ f&r'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - burning,
best piedm. term "ampautà ". fiery. - 2) - blushed, inflammed, with reddened cheeks. -
fangosa - n. f. (pr. \ f&[ng]g'uze \) At plr. fangose. (usually 3) - excited (in a fig. sense) - See also the term "afarà ".
used at plr.). - shoes fit to walk in the mud, heavy shoes farabalà - n. m. (pr. \ f&r&b&l'& \) - See falbalà.
fot the winter. (slang term). farabolada - n. f. (pr. \ f&r&bul'&d& \) At plr. farabolade. -
fanin - n. m. (pr. \ f&n'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - bunting (zoology - 1) - fable, story, tale. - 2) - curious story. - 3) - fib, lie.
Emberiza). See also the terms "pataflada, patalocada, faribolada".
fant - n. m. (pr. \ f&nt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - foot-soldier, farabolàire - n. (pr. \ f&r&bul'&ire \) Ms. plr. farabolàire -
infantryman. - 2) - jack (cards). fm. sng. and plr. farabolàira, farabolàire. - 1) - story-
fantapolìtica - n. f. (pr. \ f&nt&pul'itic& \) At plr. (if any) teller, tale-teller. - 2) - boaster, braggart. See also the
fantapolìtiche - politics fiction. terms "farabolé 1), faribolé 1), farabolèire, faribolàire,
fantarìa - n. f. (pr. \ f&nt&r'i& \) At plr. fantarìe. - infantry, faribolèire".
foot. See also the term "fanterìa". farabolé - 1) - n. (pr. \ f&r&bul'e \) - See farabolàire.
fantasìa - n. f. (pr. \ f&nt&z'i& \) At plr. fantasìe. - 1) - farabolé - 2) - vrb. 1st con. int. (pr. \ f&r&bul'e \) - 1) - to tell
immagination. - 2) - fantasy, phantasy. - 3) - fancy, stories, to tell fables. - 2) - to tell lies, to brag (about). See
whim, caprice. - 4) - fancy, design, pattern (fashion, also the term "faribolé 2)"
fabric). - 5) - fantasia (music). farabolèire - n. (pr. \ f&r&bul'æire \) - See farabolàire.
fantasié - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ f&nt&zi'e \) - 1) - to farabòla - n. f. (pr. \ f&r&b'ol& \) - See farabolada.
deram about (trs.). - 2) - to day-dream, to fancy, to muse faràndola - n. f. (pr. \ f&r'&ndul& \) At plr. faràndole. - old
(int.). It uses anyway the aux. "avèj ". See also the term "chain" dance.
"fantastiché ". farandola - n. f. (pr. \ f&r&nd'ul& \) - See faràndola.
fantasios - adj. (pr. \ f&nt&zi'uz \) Ms. plr. fantasios - fm. sng. faraon - n. m. (pr. \ f&r&'u[ng] \) - Inv. at plr. - Pharaoh
and plr. fantasiosa, fantasiose. - fanciful, fantastic, (history).
imaginative. faraon-a - (pr. \ f&r&'u[ng]& \) At plr. faraon-e. - guinea-
fantasista - n. (pr. \ f&nt&z'ist& \) Ms. plr. fantasista - fm. fowl, guinea-han.
sng. and plr. fantasista, fantasiste. - variety artist, faravosca - n. f. (pr. \ f&r&v'usc& \) - See falavosca.
entertainer. faravòsca - n. f. (pr. \ f&r&v'osc& \) - See falavosca.
fantasma - n. m. (pr. \ f&nt'&zm& \) Inv. at plr. - ghost, farchet - n. m. (pr. \ f&rk'æt \) - See falchet.
phantom, spectre. See also the term "carcaveja". farchëtton - n. m. (pr. \ f&rk'&ttu[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - goshawk
fantasmagorìa - n. f. (pr.\ f&nt&zm&gur'i& \) At plr. (zoology - Accipiter gentilis).
fantasmagorìe. - phantasmagory. farcon - n. m. (pr. \ f&rk'u[ng] \) - See falcon.
fantasmagòrich - adj. (pr. \ f&nt&zm&g'oric \) Ms. plr. farconé - n. m. (pr. \ f&rkun'e \) - See falconé.
fantasmagòrich - fm. sng. and plr. fantasmagòrica, fard - adj. (pr. \ f&rd \) Ms. plr. fard - fm. sng. and plr. farda,
fantasmagòriche. - phantasmagorical. farde. - false, sham, artificial.

fardé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ f&rd'e \) - 1) - to cover a defect, farmacèutica - n. f. (pr. \ f&rm&[ch]'æutic& \) At plr.
to adorn for covering a defect. - 2) - to alter, to farmaceutiche. - pharmaceutics. (chemistry). See also the
mispresent, to falsify. term "farmacologìa".
fardél - n. m. (pr. \ f&rd'el \) At plr. fardéj. - bundle, burden. farmacèutich - adj. (pr. \ f&rm&[ch]'æutic \) Ms. plr.
The loc. "fardél dla sposa" lit."bride's bundle" means farmaceutich - fm. sng. and plr. farmaceutica,
"marriage settlement ". farmaceutiche. - pharmaceutical.
farfala - n. f. (pr. \ f&rf'&l& \) At plr. farfale. - 1) - butterfy. - farmacìa - n. f. (pr. \ f&rm&[ch]'i& \) At plr. farmacìe - 1) -
2) - moth. In this sense see also the term "farfalon". - 3) - pharmacy, pharmaceutics. - 2) - drugstore, chemist's
butterfly-stroke (swimming). - See (in general) also the shop. See also the term "farmassìa".
term "parpajon". farmacista - n. (pr. \ f&rm&[ch]'ist& \) Ms. plr. farmacista -
farfalin - n. m. (pr. \ f&rf&l'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - bow-tie. fm. sng. and plr. farmacista, farmaciste. - chemist,
farfalìsta - n. (pr. \ f&rf&l'ist& \) Ms. plr. farfalista - fm. sng. druggist.See also the term "spessiari ".
and plr. farfalista, farfaliste. - butterfly-stroke swimmer. farmacologìa - n. f. (pr. \ f&rm&culuj'i& \) At plr.
fàrfara - n. f. (pr. \ f'&rf&r& \) At plr. (if any) fàrfare. - colt's farmacologìe. - pharmacology.
foot (botany - Tussilago farfara). Also called "pé 'd mula" farmacològich - adj. (pr. \ f&rm&cul'ojc \) Ms. plr.
lit. "mule's foot". farmacològich - fm. sng. and plr. farmacològica,
farfo - n. (pr. \ f'&rfu \) Ms. plr. farfo - fm. sng. and plr. farfa, farmacològiche. - pharmacological.
farfe. - silly fellow, fool. farmassìa - n. f. (pr. \ f&rm&s'i& \) - See farmacìa.
farfoj - n. m. (pr. \ f&rf'uy \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - fidget, lively farneticament - n. m. (pr. \ f&rnetic&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. -
child. - 2) - rummager. - See also the terms "fërfoj, delirium, raving.
farfojin ". farnetiché - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ f&rnetik'e \) - 1) - to rave, to
farfojé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ f&rfuy'e\) - to rummage. It uses be delirious. - 2) - to talk nonsense. It uses the aux.
the aux. "avèj". See also the term "fërfojé ". "avèj". See also the terms "straparlé, frenetiché ".
farfojin - n. (pr. \ f&rfuy'i[ng] \) Ms. plr. farfojin - fm. sng. faro - n. m. (pr. \ f'&rô \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - lighthouse. - 2) -
and plr. farfojin-a, farfojin-e. - rummager. - See also the light. - 2) - beacon (aeronautics)
term " farfoj ". farò - n. m. (pr. \ f&r'o \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - bonfire. - 2) -
faribolada - n. f. (pr. \ f&ribul'&d& \) - See farabolada. beacon. See also the term "falò ".
faribolàire - - n. (pr. \ f&ribul'&ire \) - See farabolàire. farsa - n. f. (pr. \ f'&rs& \) At plr. farse. - 1) - stuffing, force-
faribolé - 1) - n. (pr. \ f&ribul'e \) - See farabolàire. meat (cooking). In this sense see also the term "farsura". -
faribolé - 2) - vrb. 1st con. int. (pr. \ f&ribul'e \) - See farabolé 2) - farce (theatre). - 3) - farce, mockery.
2). farsésch - adj. (pr. \ f&rs'esc \) Ms. plr. farsésch - fm. sng. and
faribolèire - n. (pr. \ f&ribul'æire \) - See farabolàire. plr. farsésca, farsésche. - farcical, ludicrous.
faribòla - n. f. (pr. \ f&rib'ol& \) - See farabolada. farseur - n. (pr. \ f&rs'[oe]r \) Ms. plr. farseur - fm. sng. and
farinà - n. f. (pr. \ f&rin'& \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - solid porridge plr. farseusa, farseuse. - 1) - comic actor, buffoon. - 2) -
(with chickpea meal) - 2) - porridge, wheatmeal boaster, braggart, swaggerer.
porridge. farsì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ f&rs'i \) - to stuff (cooking).
fariné - n. (pr. \ f&rin'e \) Ms. plr. fariné - fm. sng. and plr. farsidura - n. f. . (pr. \ f&rsid'[ue]r& \) At plr. farsidure. -
farinera, farinere. - meal dealer. stuffing, the operation of stuffing (cooking) - See also the
farinél - n. (pr. \ f&rin'el \) Ms. plr. farinél - fm. sng. and plr. term "farsiura".
farinela, farinele. - 1) - astute malicious artful person. - farsìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ f&rs'ise \) - to cram oneself,
2) - When used about children the meaning is little rascal. to stuff oneself.
farinent - adj. (pr. \ f&rin'ænt \) Ms. plr. farinent - fm. sng. farsiura - n. f. (pr. \ f&rsi'[ue]r& \) At plr. farsiure. - stuffing,
and plr. farinenta, farinente. - friable, crumbly, floury. the operation of stuffing (cooking) - See also the term
farinera - n. f. (pr. \ f&rin'er& \) At plr. farinere. - the place "farsidura".
(room) in which the meal is kept. farsura - n. f. (pr. \ f&rs'[ue]r& \) At plr. farsure. - stuffing,
faringe - n. f. (pr. \ f&r'inje \) Inv. at plr. - pharynx (anatomy). filling (what is used for stuffing, what is filled inside)
faringite - n. f. (pr. \ f&rinj'ite \) Inv. at plr. - pharyngitis (cooking).
(medical). fasan - n. m. (pr. \ f&z'&[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - pheasant, hen-
farinos - adj. (pr. \ f&rin'uz \) Ms. plr. farinos - fm. sng. and pheasant. (zoology - Phasianus colchicus). Then we have :
plr. farinosa, farinose. - 1) - floury. - 2) - powdery - A) - "fasan ëd montagna" or "fasan nèir" "heath cock
(referred e. g. to snow). (zoology - Lyrurus tetrix). - B) - "fasan dorà" "golden
farinòira - n. f. (pr. \ f&rin'oir& \) At plr. farinòire. - pheasant" (zoology - Crysolophus pictus).
kneading-trough (for meal). See also the loc. "èrca fasanera - n. f. (pr. \ f&z&n'er& \) At plr. fasanere. - place of
farinòira". breeding for pheasants, a game preserve for pheasants.
farin-a - n. f. (pr. \ f&r'i[ng]& \) At plr. farin-e. - 1) - meal. - fase - n. f. (pr. \ f'&ze \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - stage, period, phase
2) - flour. In this meaning see also the term "fumèt" and the (time, point in time). - 2) - phase (astronomy, electricity,
loc. "fior ëd farin-a". Then see the term "ariondin" "flour radio). - 3) - stroke (mechanics).
of second sieving" and the loc. "farin-a volaria" "powder fasent - adj. (pr. \ f&z'ænt \) Ms. plr. fasent - fm. sng. and plr.
of flour". fasenta, fasente. - active, laborious, industrious,
farisàich - adj. (pr. \ f&riz'&ic \) Ms. plr. farisàich - fm. sng. engaged. Here we report two loc. : - A) - "bin fasent "
and plr. farisàica, farisàiche. - 1) - Pharisaic, Pharisaical, "benefactor". - B) - "mal fasent" "malefactor".
Pharisean. - 2) - hipocritical, self-righteous. (in a fig. faseu - n. m. (pr. \ f&z'[oe] \) - See faseul.
sense). faseul - n. m. (pr. \ f&z'[oe]l \) At plr. faseuj. - 1) - bean
fariseism - n. m. (pr. \ f&riz&'izm \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - (botany - Phaseolus vulgaris). - 2) - simpleton, gull. Used
Pharisaism, Phariseeism. - 2) - pharisaism, hypocrisy, only at ms. In this sense see also the term "fasolass". - In
self-righteousness (in a fig. sense). general see also the term "faseu".
farisé - n. m. (pr. \ f&riz'e \) Inv. at plr. (term usually at ms. faseusa - n. f. (pr. \ f&z'[oe]z& \) At plr. faseuse. - milliner.
only). - 1) - Pharisee. - 2) - pharisee, hypocrite, whited See also the term "monteusa".
sepulcre (in a fig. sense).

fasolada - n. f. (pr. \ f&zul'&d& \) At plr. fasolade. - 1) - bean fassistisassion - n. f. (pr. \ f&sistiz&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
soup.- 2) - square meal of beans - 3) - silly thing, silly fascistization.
action (due to ingenuousness) - In this fig. sense see also fassistisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ f&sistiz'e \) - to fascistize.
the term "fasolarìa". fassolet - n. m. (pr. \ f&sul'æt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - handkerchief.
fasolarìa - n. f. (pr. \ f&zul&r'i& \) At plr. fasolarìe. - silly - 2) - scarf, foulard. - 3) - head-square. In this sense see
thing, silly action (due to ingenuousness). See also the also the term "coefa". - 4) - tiny plot (in a fig. sense,
term "fasolada 3rd meaning". usually referred to land).
fasolass - n. m. (pr. \ f&zul'&s \) Inv. at plr. - simpleton, gull. fassolëttà - n. f. (pr. \ f&sul&tt'& \) Inv. at plr. - the content of
Used only at ms.See also the term "faseul 2nd meaning". an handkerchief.
fasolet - n. m. (pr. \ f&zul'æt \) - See fasolin. fasson - n. f. (pr. \ f&s'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - manner,
fasolëtta - n. f. (pr. \ f&zul'&tt& \) - See fasolin. fashion, way. Two piedm. expressions: -A) - "ëd fasson
fasolin - n. m. (pr. \ f&zul'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - French bean, che ..." " in such a way.... , so that ... , and so...". - B) - "a
string bean. See also the terms "fasolet, fasolëtta, dòssa, la san fasson" "informal, informally, simple, simply". - 2)
cornëtta" and the loc. "faseul dël tòch ". - good style, high quality. - 3) - ceremony, formality. A
fasòmeter - n. m. (pr. \ f&z'ometær \) - See fasòmetro. way of saying : "fé 'd fasson" "to do formalities, to
fasòmetro - n. m. (pr. \ f&z'ometrô \) Inv. at plr. - phasemeter, behave as a formal person".
phase indicator. fassoné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ f&sun'e \) - to beautify, to
fass - n. m. (pr. \ f&s \) Inv. at plr. - bundle, bund, sheaf. embellish, to give a good form.
fassa - n. f. (pr. \ f'&s& \) At plr. fasse. - 1) - band, wrapper, fast - n. m. (pr. \ f'&st\) Inv. at plr. - pomp, magnificence,
strap. - 2) - bandage. (medical). - 3) - cummerbund, splendour, luxury. See also the term "spatuss".
sash. - 4) - swaddling clothes (babies). - 5) - puttees fastidi - n. m. (pr. \ f&st'idi \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - nuisance,
(military). - 6) - layer, sheet. - 7) - fillet, fascia annoyance, bother. - 2) - worry, trouble , inconvenience.
(architecture). - 8) - fesse (heraldry). - 9) - belt, fascia See also the term "fastudi". Some expressions : - A) -
(astronomy). - 10) - fascia (anatomy). - 11) - ring, band "désse fastidi" lit. "to give oneself troubles" to "to take
(cars, mechanics). an engagement (not required)". - B) - "gavésse un fastidi "
fassada - n. f. (pr. \ f&s'&d& \) At plr. fassade. - 1) - front, "to get out of a trouble, to get out of an engagement". -
façade, face (architecture). - 2) - page. - 3) - outside, C) - "cariésse 'd fastidi" lit. "to load oneself with
appearances. See also the term "faciada". troubles" "to take heavy engagements".
fassadura - n. f. (pr. \ f&s&d'[ue]r& \) At plr fassadure. - 1) - fastidié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ f&stidi'e \) - to annoy, to vex,
bandaging, binding, dressing. - 2) - bandages, dressings.
to irritate, to disturb, to bother, to trouble.
See also the term "anfassadura".
fastidiésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ f&stidi'ese \) - 1) - to tke
fassé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ f&s'e \) - 1) - to bandage, to bind
care of..., to take the trouble of.... - 2) - to worry.
up, to dress. - 2) - to wrap, to swathe. - 3) - to plank, to
fastidios - adj. (pr. \ f&stidi'uz \) Ms. plr. fastidios - fm. sng.
plate. - 4) - to swaddle. - 5) - to tape. See also the term
and plr. fastidiosa, fastidiose. - troublesome,
"anfassé ".
bothersome, tiresome, annoying.
fassëlla - n. f. (pr. \ f&s'&ll& \) At plr. fasëlle. - wooden form
fastos - adj. (pr. \ f&st'uz \) Ms. plr. fastos - fm. sng. and plr.
for making cheese. See also the terms "fissela 1st fastosa, fastose. - pompous, gorgeous, magnificent,
meaning, fissëlla". sumptuous.
fassésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ f&s'ese \) - 1) - to bandage
fastosità - n. f. (pr. \ f&stuzit'& \) Inv. at plr. - pomp,
oneself. - 2) - to wrap oneself.
magnificence, splendour.
fassëtta - n. f. (pr. \ f&s'&tt& \) At plr. fassëtte. - 1) - paper
fat - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ f&t \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - fact, event, affair,
band for address, wrapper. - 2 - clamp, clip (mechanics).
matter. - 2) - action, deed. In this see also the term "fàit
- 3) - little face, facet. In this sense see also the term
1)". - 3) - fate, destiny, lot. In this sense see also the term
fassëttari - n. m. (pr. \ f&s&tt'&ri \) Inv. at plr. - collection fat - 2) - adj. (pr.\ f&t \) Ms. plr. fat - fm. sng. and plr. fata,
(archive) of wrappers with adresses. fate. - 1) - tasteless, insipid. - 2) - foolish, unwise. See
fassëtté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ f&s&tt'e \) - to facet, to cut
also the term "fad ".
facets on. See also the term "facëtté ".
fata - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ f'&t& \) At plr. fate. - 1) - fairy. See also
fassìcol - n. m. (pr. \ f&s'icul \) At plr. fassìcoj. - 1) - issue,
the term "faja". - 2) - wonderful woman.
number (magazines). - 2) - pamphlet. - 3) - file (legal,
fata - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ f'&t& \) At plr. fite. - quality, gender,
bureaucracy). - 4) - fasciculus, fascicle (anatomy).
kind, sort. See also the term "fàita".
fassinada - n. f. (pr. \ f&sin'&d& \) At plr. fassinade. - fascine,
fatà - adj. (pr. \ f&t'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - enchanted,
trench or barricade or embankment made with faggots. bewitched, fairy (as an attribute).
fassiné - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ f&sin'e\) Inv. at plr. - heap of faggots, fatal - adj. (pr. \ f&t'&l \) Ms. plr. fataj - fm. sng. and plr.
place in which faggots are kept.
fatal, fataj. - 1) - fatal. - 2) - fated, destined. - 3) -
fassiné - 2) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ f&sin'e\) - to make faggots,
irresistible, killing.
to bundle up, to tie in bundles. (collecting litte wood and
fatalism - n. m. (pr. \ f&t&l'izm \) Inv. at plr. - fatalism.
branches). See also the term "anfassiné ".
fatalìstich - adj. (pr. \ f&t&l'istic \) Ms. plr. fatalìstich - fm.
fassin-a - n. f. (pr. \ f&s'i[ng]&\) At plr. fassin-e. - fagot,
sng. and plr. fatalìstica, fatalìstiche. - fatalistic.
faggot, fascine, bundle.
fatalità - .n. f. (pr. \ f&t&lit'& \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - fate, destiny.
fassion - n. f. (pr. \ f&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - faction. - 2) - fatality, mischance.
fassios - adj. and n. (pr. \ f&si'uz \) Ms. plr. fassios - fm. sng. fatëssa - n. f. (pr. \ f&t'&ss& \) At plr. fatësse. - feature,
and plr. fassiosa, fassiose. - 1) - factious, seditious (adj.). -
figure, appearance, aspect, (this term is usually used at
2) - factionist (sbst.).
plr.) features.
fassiosità - n. f. (pr. \ f&siuzit'& \) Inv. at plr. - factiousness,
fatìbil - adj. (pr. \ f&t'ibil \) Ms. plr. fatìbij - fm. sng. and plr.
faction, party-spirit.
fatìbil, fatìbij. - feasible, praticable. See also the term
fassism - n. m. (pr. \ f&s'izm \) Inv. at plr. - Fascism.
"faitìbil ".
fassista - n. and adj. (pr. \ f&s'ist& \) Ms. plr. fassista - fm. fatìdich - adj. (pr. \ f&t'idic \) Ms. plr. fatìdich - fm. sng. and
sng. and plr. fassista, fassiste. - Fascist. plr. fatìdica, fatìdiche. - 1) - prophetic. - 2) - fatal.

fatiga - n. f. (pr. \ f&t'ig& \) At plr. fatighe. - 1) - labour, hard faudalin - n. m. (pr. \ f&ud&l'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - pinafore
work, toil. - 2) - effort, exertion. - 3) - tiredness, (diminutive of the term "faudal ").
exhaustion, fatigue. - 4) - work, job. faudin-a - n. f. (pr. \ f&ud'i[ng]& \) At plr. faudin-e. - lappet,
fatigà - 1) - adj. (pr. \ f&tig'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - tired, tail (dresses).
fatigued, wearied. faudistòri - n. m. (pr. \ f&udist'ori \) - See faldistòri.
fatigà - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ f&tig'& \) Inv. at plr. - exertion, effort, fàula - n. f. . (pr. \ f'&ul& \) At plr. fàule. - 1) - fable, story,
drudgery, sweat. See also the term "fachinada". tale, legend. - 2) tall story, idle tale, yarn. - 3) -
Sometimes also "fatigada" (see the term). laughing-stock, talk. Note that the piedm. expression
fatigada - n. f. (pr. \ f&tig'&d& \) See fatigà. "buté an fàula" means "to tease, to joke about..." and the
fatigant - adj. and n. (pr. \ f&tig'&nt \) Ms. plr. fatigant - fm. expression "moral ëd la fàula" lit. "tale morals" means
sng. and plr. fatiganta, fatigante. - 1) - man employed for "as a result..., at the end of the question...". See also the
heavy works, who is heavily working (sbst.). - 2) - tiring, term "fàvola".
laborious, difficult (adj.). faulista - n. (pr. \ f&ul'ist& \) Ms. plr. faulista - fm. sng. and
fatighé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ f&tig'e \) - 1) - to toil, to plr. faulista, fauliste. - fabulist, writer of fables.
labour. - 2) - to find it difficult, to slog along. It uses the faulìstich - adj. - (pr. \ f&ul'istic \) Ms. plr. faulistich - fm. sng.
aux. "avèj ". and plr. faulistica, faulistiche. - of fables.
fatighin - n. (pr. \ f&tig'i[ng] \) Ms. plr. fatighin - fm. sng. and faulos - adj. - (pr. \ f&ul'uz \) Ms. plr. faulos - fm. sng. and plr.
plr. fatighin-a, fatighin-e. - person who works hardly, faulosa, faulose. - 1) - fabulous, fabled, legendary. - 2) -
who is able to work a lot. fabulous, fantastic, terrific, fab (in a fig. sense). See also
fatigos - adj. (pr. \ f&tig'uz \) Ms. plr. fatigos - fm. sng. and plr. the term "favolos". Note that in this word the group "au" is
fatigosa, fatigose. - 1) - tiring, fatiguing, exhausting. - 2) not a diphthong (false diphthong coming from the
- laborious. - 3) - difficult, hard. elimination of the letter "v" in the group "avu" of the word
fativ - adj. (pr. \ f&t'iu \) Ms. plr. fativ - fm. sng. and plr. "favolos"), and the two sounds are pronunced well
fativa, fative. - 1) - effective, positive. - 2) - active, busy, separated.
efficient. fàun - n. m. (pr. \ f'&un \) Inv. at plr. - faun (mythology).
fato - n. m. (pr. \ f'&tô \) Inv. at plr. (if any). - fate, destiny, fàuna - n. f. (pr. \ f'&un \) At plr. faune. - fauna.
lot. See also the terms "fat 1) 3rd meaning, destin, fatalità, faunet - n. m. (pr. \ f&un'æt \) Inv. at plr. - gnome, goblin,
providensa". mythical little inhabitants of the alpine forrest, whose
fator - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ f&t'ur \) Inv. at plr. - factor, element presence is found in many piedm. legends.
(mathematics, technics, science). faunìstica - n. f. (pr. \ f&un'istic& \) At plr. faunìstiche. -
fator - 2) - n. (pr. \ f&t'ur \) Ms. plr. fator - fm. sng. and plr. zoogeography.
fatora, fatore, and also - fm. sng. and plr. fatòira, fatòire. faunìstich - adj. (pr. \ f&un'istic \) Ms. plr. faunistich - fm.
- 1) - maker. - 2) - steward, land-agent, bailiff. sng. and plr. faunistica, faunistiche. - faunal, faunistic,
fatora - n. f. (pr. \ f&t'ur& \) - See fator. concerning fauna.
fatorìa - n. f. (pr. \ f&tur'i& \) At plr. fatorìe. - 1) - farm. - 2) - fauss - adj. (pr. \ f'&us \) Ms. plr. fauss - fm. sng. and plr.
farm-house, homestead. See also the term "cassìn-a". faussa, fausse. - 1) - false (in general). - 2) - false, wrong,
fatorial - adj. (pr. \ f&turi'&l \) Ms. plr. fatoriaj - fm. sng. and unfounded. - 3) - false, lying, deceitful. - 4) - false, sham,
plr. fatorial, fatoriaj. - factorial (usually mathematics). fake, imitation.
fatorin - n. m. (pr. \ f&tur'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - messenger, faussà - adj. (pr. \ f&us'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) -
errand-boy. - 2) - telegraph-boy. - 3) - page, buttons distorted, altered, mispresented. - 2) - falsified. See also
(hotels). - 4) - floor-boy. the term "sfaussà ".
fatòira - n. f. (pr. \ f&t'oir& \) - See fator. faussari - n. (pr. \ f&us'&ri \) Ms. plr. faussari - fm. sng. and
fatura - n. f. (pr. \ f&t'[ue]r& \) At plr. fature. - 1) - invoice, plr. faussària, faussàrie. - 1) - counterfeiter, forger,
bill of sale, bill. - 2) - making, manufacture. - 3) - falsifier. - 2) - coiner. See also the terms "falsari, fausseur,
workmanship. sfaussamonede ".
faturà - n. m. (pr. \ f&t[ue]r'& \) Inv. at plr. - proceeds of faussarìa - n. f. (pr. \ f&us&r'i& \) At plr. faussarìe. - 1) -
sales, sales, turnover, billing. falseness, falsity. - 2) - falsehood, lie, untruth. - 3) -
faturàbil - adj. (pr. \ f&t[ue]r'&bil \) Ms. plr. faturàbij - fm. deceitfulness, duplicity.
sng. and plr. faturàbil, faturàbij. - that can be invoiced. faussariga - n. f. (pr. \ f&us&r'ig& \) At plr. faussarighe. - 1) -
faturassion - n. f. (pr. \ f&t[ue]r&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - guide sheet of ruled paper. - 2) - model, pattern. See
invoicing, billing. also the terms "tracòpia, modél, esempi ".
faturatriss - n. f. (pr. \ f&t[ue]r&tr'is \) Inv. at plr. - invoicing faussator - n. (pr. \ f&us&t'ur \) Ms. plr. fausator - fm. sng.
machine. and plr. fausatriss, fausatriss. - counterfeiter, forger,
faturé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ f&t[ue]r'e \) - to invoice, to bill. falsifier. See also the terms "falsari, fausseur,
faturista - n. . (pr. \ f&t[ue]r'ist& \) Ms. plr. faturista - fm. sfaussamonede, faussificator".
sng. and plr. faturista, faturiste. - invoice clerk, accounts faussé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ f&us'e \) - 1) - to distort, to
clerk. alter, to mispresent. - 2) - to falsify. In this sense see also
fatut - n. (pr. \ f&t'[ue]t \) - See factòtum. the most common term "faussifiché ".
faucal - adj. (pr. \ f&uc'&l \) Ms. plr. faucaj - fm. sng. and plr. fausset - n. m. (pr. \ f&us'æt \) Inv. at plr. - pruning-hook,
faucal, faucaj. - faucal. bill-hook. (agriculture).
fàuda - n. f. (pr. \ f'&ud& \) At plr. fàude. - 1) - lap. - 2) - lap, fausseur - n. (pr. \ f&us'[oe]r \) Ms. plr. fausseur - fm. sng.
lappet (part of a dress). - 3) - stratum, layer, slab. and plr. fausseusa, fausseuse. - 1) - counterfeiter, forger,
faudà - n. f. (pr. \ f&ud'& \) - See faudalà. falsifier. - 2) - coiner. See also the terms "faussari, falsari,
faudal - n. m. (pr. \ f&ud'&l \) At plr. faudaj. - 1) - apron, sfaussamonede ".
overall, smock. - 2) - pinafore (child). - 3) - sheet of fausëtta - n. f. (pr. \ f&us'&tt& \) At plr. fausëtte. - sickle,
protection for machines, safety screen. reaping-hook (agriculture).
faudalà - n. f. (pr. \ f&ud&l'& \) Inv. at plr. - apronful. fausëttà - n. f. (pr. \ f&us&tt'& \) Inv. at plr. - stroke with a
faudalet - n. m. (pr. \ f&ud&l'æt \) Inv. at plr. - small leather pruning-hook.
apron used by some workers for protection.

faussìa - n. f. (pr. \ f&us'i& \) At plr. faussìe. - scythe favòt - n. m. (pr. \ f&v'ot \) Inv. at plr. - broad beans hull. See
(agriculture). See also the terms "faussìja, sìa, daj, sessa, also the loc. "dòssa dle fave".
ranza, mëssòira". ". favuss - - n. m. (pr. \ f&v'[ue]s \) Inv. at plr. - shrub which
faussià - n. f. (pr. \ f&usi'& \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - stroke of a produces the broad beans (before the harvest).- See also
scythe. - 2) - swath. See also the term "faussijà". the term "favass".
faussiatriss - n. f. (pr. \ f&usi&tr'is \) Inv. at plr. - mowing- fé - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ f'e \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - manner, manners,
machine, lawn-mower, motor-scythe. Usually the loc. behaviour. We note the piedm. expression "bél fé " which,
"màchina da tajé ('l fen, 'l gran) " is used. See also the as an adj. loc., means "easy" while, as a sbst. loc., means
terms "falciatriss, faussijatriss". "good behaviour", and also the expression "un fé
faussificàbil - adj. (pr. \ f&usific'&bil \) Ms. plr. fausificàbij - malgrassion" "a bad behaviour, a peevish behaviour". -
fm. sng. and plr. fausificàbil, fausificàbij. - falsifiable. 2) - action, work, doing. - 3) - faith. In this sense see slso
faussificassion - n. f. (pr. \ f&usific&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) the most common term "fede".
- falsification. - 2) - forgery, counterfeiting. See also the fé - 2) - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. irregular (pr. \ f'e \) - 1) - to do
terms "falsificassion, sfaussificassion". (trs.). - 2) - to make (trs.). - 3) - to make, to turn into
faussificator - n. (pr. \ f&usific&t'ur \) Ms. plr. fausificator - (trs.). - 4) - to give (trs.). E. g. "fé crédit a quaidun" "to
fm. sng. and plr. fausificatriss, fausificatriss. - give credit to sb.". - 5) - to say (trs.). E. g. "i l'hai faje -
counterfeiter, forger, falsifier. See also the terms "falsari, piantla lì!- " "I said him -give it up!-". - 6) - to act (trs.).
fausseur, sfaussamonede, faussator". E. g. "fa nen ël fòl ! " "dont't act the fool! ". - 7) - to
faussifiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ f&usifik'e \) - 1) - to falsify, pretend (trs.). E. g. "fé 'l fòl për nen paghé 'l dassi " "to
to fake. - 2) - to forge, to counterfeit. pretend to be foolish for not paying the duty". - 8) - to go
faussìja - n. f. (pr. \ f&us'iy& \) - See faussìa. in for (trs.). E. g. "fé polìtica" "to go in for politics". - 9)
faussijà - n. f. (pr. \ f&usiy'& \) - See faussià - to clean (trs.). E. g. "fé la stansa" "to clean the room". -
faussijatriss - n. f. (pr. \ f&usiy&tr'is \) - See faussiatriss.
10) - to think, to believe (trs.). E. g. "i lo fasìa nen gadan
fautor - n. (pr. \ f&ut'ur \) Ms. plr. fautor - fm. sng. and plr.
parèj" "I didn't think him so gull". - 11) - to bear, to
fautriss, fautriss. - advocate, partisan, supporter.
fava - n. f. (pr. \ f'&v& \) At plr. fave. - broad bean (botany - have (trs.). E. g. "la gata a l'ha fàit doi gatin" "the cat
Vicia faba). has had two kittens". - 12) - to spend, to do (trs.). E. g. "i
favà - n. f. (pr. \ f&v'& \) Inv. at plr. - broad bean soup, broad l'hai fàit le vacansa an montagna" "I spent my holydays
bean purée. on mountain". - 13) - to do, to go, to walk, to ride, etc.
faval - n. m. (pr. \ f&v'&l \) At plr. favaj. - land under (trs.). E. g. "i faso doi chilòmetro tuti ij dì" = "I walk two
cultivation of broad beans. See aso the terms "favalé, favé kilometers every day". - 14) - to have (trs.). E. g. "i l'hai
". fàit un seugn" "I had a dream". - 15) - to take (trs.). E. g.
favalé - n. m. (pr. \ f&v&l'e \) - See faval. "fé un pass" "to take a step". - 16) - to do (trs.). "mangg-
favaron - n. m. (pr. \ f&v&r'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - hackberry. lo com i faso mì " "eat it as I do". - 17) - to make, to let,
See also the term "tenës-cia". to order, etc. (followed by an infinitive) (trs.). E. g. "fàme
favass - n. m. (pr. \ f&v'&s \) Inv. at plr. - shrub which vëdde" "let me see". - 18) - to do or to make st. that in
produces the broad beans (after the harvest).- See also Engl. is translated into a unique verb. E. g. "fé la coa" "to
the term "favuss". queue" ; "fé beuje" "to boil". - 19) - to be (int.). "ancheuj
favé - n. m. (pr. \ f&v'e \) - See faval. a fà càod " "today it is hot ". - 20) - to suit (int.). E. g.
favëtta - n. f. (pr. \ f&v'&tt& \) At plr. favëtte. - low quality "sòn a fa nen al mè cas" "this doesn't suit my problem"-
broad bean, broad bean for feeding of the cattle. 21) - to be about. - E. g. " i l'hai fàit për pijélo, ma peui i
fàvola - n. f. . (pr. \ f'&wul& ; f'&vul& ; f'&ul& \) - See faula. l'hai lassà sté " "I was about to take it, but then I didn't".
favolos - adj. (pr. \ f&wul'uz ; f&vul'uz ; f&ul'uz \) - See faulos. - 22) - to be like, to act as, to serve as, to serve for. (int.).
favor - n. m. (pr. \ f&w'ur ; f&v'ur \) - 1) - favour. - 2) - E. g. "parèj l'aqua a fà da lente" "in this way the water
kindness. - 3) - preference. - 3) - courtesy. acts as a lens". Then there are quite a number of way of
favoregiament - n. m. (pr. \ f&wureji&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - saying and idiomatic expressions. Here few of them : - A)
aiding and abetting (legal). - "fé l'ajassin" or "fé l'òss" lit. "to make the corn" or "to
favoregiator - n. (pr. \ f&wureji&t'ur \) Ms. plr. favoregiator - make the bone" "to get accustomed, to become
fm. sng. and plr. favoregiatriss, favoregiatriss. - 1) -
hardened". - B) - "fé alt " lit. "to do halt" "to stop". - C)
supporter. - 2) - abettor (legal).
- "fé l'anghìcio" "to make the strong desire" "to excite,
favoregé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ f&wurej'e \) - 1) - to support,
to favour. - 2) - to aid and abet (legal). to produce a strong desire (to sb.)". - D) - "fé andé mat"
favorèivol - adj. (pr. \ f&wur'æivul \) Ms. plr. favorèivoj - fm. lit. "to make go mad" "to drive sb. mad, to make sick and
sng. and plr. favorèivol, favorèivoj. - favourable, tired, to annoy, to bore". - E) - "fé arlan" or "fé prà net"
propitious. See also the term "favorévol ". lit. "to do squandering" or "to make clean meadow" "to
favorévol - adj. (pr. \ f&wur'evul \) - See favorèivol. squander". - F) - "fé la bënna" lit. "to make the hut" "to
favorì - 1) - n. and adj. (pr. \ f&wur'i \) Ms. plr. favorì - fm. be in a poor health, to be about to fall ill, to be about to
sng. and plr. favorìa, favorìe. - 1) - favourite, favoured dead". - G) - "fé contra" lit."to do against" "to oppose,
(adj.). - 2) - favourite (sbst.). to be opposed to". - H) - "fé 'd cròch" lit. "to make hooks"
favorì - 2) - n. m. plr. (pr. \ f&wur'i \) Only plr. - side whiskers. "to get into debts ". - I) - "fé l'erlo" lit. "to do the
favorì - 3) - n. m. (pr. \ f&wur'i \) Inv at plr. - chervil (botany - merganser" "to be a show-off ". - L) - " fé gamba" lit. "
Anthriscus cerfolium). See also the term "cërfojet ". to do leg" "to ergain strength ". - M) - "fé gënojet" "to
favorì - 4) - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ f&wur'i \) - 1) - fo favour, to do small knee" "cannot stand on his feet". - N) - "fé da
make a favourite of, - 2) - to support, to help, to aid. - 3) manca" or "fé dë bsògn" "to be necessary". - O) - "fé
- to foster, to promote, to encourage. - 4) - to favour, to l'oloch" lit. "to do the tawny owl" "to go aimlessly, to
give (kindly), to pass (kindly). See also the term "favorisé
stroll about". - P) - "fé bon pro" lit. "to do good benefit"
"to be good, to be useful ". - Q) - "fé 'l rampan" lit. "to
favorisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ f&wuriz'e \) - See favorì 4).
do the climbing plant " "to flatter". - R) - "fé invìdia"

"to raise envy". - S) - "fé a meno" or "féne a meno" "to do felice - adj. (pr. \ fel'i[ch]e \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - happy,
without (of it, of that etc.)". - T) - "fé j'euv" "to lay eggs". pleased, glad. - 2) - lucky, fortunate, felicitous. See also
- U) - "a-i fà nen" "it does not matter". the terms "content, sodisfàit, alégher, argiojissant, giojos,
fea - n. f. (pr. \ f'e& \) At plr. fee. - sheep (zoology - Ovis beà ".
aries). See also the most common term "fèja". felicità - n. f. (pr. \ feli[ch]it'& \) Inv. at plr. - happyness,
fecia - n. f. (pr. \ f'e[ch]i& \) - See fëccia. felicity.
fecond - adj. (pr. \ fec'und \) Ms. plr. fecond - fm. sng. and plr. felicitassion - n. f. plr. (pr. \ feli[ch]it&si'u[ng] \) Only plr. -
feconda, feconde. - fertile, productive, fruitful, prolific. congratulations.
See also the term "drù ". felicitésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ feli[ch]it'ese \) - 1) - to
fecondàbil - adj. (pr. \ fecund'&bil \) Ms. plr. fecondàbij - fm. congratulate. - 2) - to rejoice, to be glad.
sng. and plr. fecondàbil, fecondàbij. - fertilizable. felpa - n. f. (pr. \ f'ælp& \) At plr. felpe. - plush, beaver
fecondabilità - n. f. (pr. \ fecund&bilit'& \) Inv. at plr. - (texile).
fertilizability. felpà - adj. (pr. \ fælp'e \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - plushy,
fecondassion - n. f. (pr. \ fecund&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - plush-covered. - 2) - soft, stealthy (in a fig. sense).
fertilization, fecundation, enrichment. - 2) - fèlter - n. m. (pr. \ f'æltær \) Inv. at plr. - felt (texile).See also
insemination (biology). the term "feltr".
fecondativ - adj. - (pr. \ fecund&t'iu \) Ms. plr. fecondativ - feltradura - n. f. (pr. \ fæltr&d'[ue]r& \) At plr. feltradure. -
fm. sng. and plr. fecondativa, fecondative. - fertilizing, felting (texile).See also the term "feltrura".
fecundative. feltré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ fæltr'e \) - to felt, to line with felt
fecondator - n. and adj. - (pr. \ fecund&t'ur \) Ms. plr. (texile).
fecondator - fm. sng. and plr. fecondatriss, fecondatriss. - feltreur - n. (pr. \ fæltr'[oe]r \) Ms. plr. feltreur - fm. sng. and
1) - fertilizer (sbst.). - 2) - fertilizing (adj.). plr. feltreusa, feltreuse. - felter (texile).
fecondé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ fecund'e \) - to fertilize, to feltrura - n. f. (pr. \ fæltr'[ue]r& \) - See feltradura.
fecundate, to make fruitful. to enrich, to impregnate. feminil - 1) - adj. (pr. \ femin'il \) - See feminin 1).
fecondità - n. f. (pr. \ fecundit'& \) Inv. at plr. - fertility, feminil - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ femin'il \) - See feminin 2).
fruitfulness, fecundity. feminin - 1) - adj. (pr. \ femin'i[ng] \) Ms. plr. feminin - fm.
fedaìn - n. (pr. \ fed&'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - fedai, fedayin, sng. and plr. feminin-a, feminin-e. - 1) - female. - 2) -
fedayee (politics). feminine, womanly. - 3) - feminine (grammar).
fede - n. f. (pr. \ f'ede \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - faith. - 2) - faith, feminin - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ femin'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
word. - 3) - belief. - 4) - trust, confidence. - 5) - wedding feminine (grammar). - 2) - women's tournament (sport)
ring. See also the term "fé 1) 3rd meaning". feminism - n. m. (pr. \ femin'izm \) Inv. at plr. - feminism.
fedél - adj. and n. (pr. \ fede'l \) Ms. plr. fedéj - fm. sng. and feminista - n. (pr. \ femin'ist& \) Ms. plr. feminista - fm. sng.
plr. fedél, fedéj. - 1) - faithful, loyal, true (adj.). - 2) - and plr. feminista, feministe. - feminist.
true, accurate, exact (adj). - 3) - believer (sbst.). - 2) - feminìstich - adj. (pr. \ femin'istic \) Ms. plr. feminìstich - fm.
follower, supporter (sbst.). See also the term "fidél". sng. and plr. feminìstica, feminìstiche. -feministic.
fedeltà - n. f. (pr. \ fedælt'&l \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - faithfulness, fen - n. m. (pr. \ fæ[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - hay.
loyalty, trustwothiness. - 2) - accuracy, exactness, fenaròla - n. f. (pr. \ fen&r'ol& \) At plr. fenaròle. - pit-saw,
fidelity. - 3) - fidelity (technical). - 4) - allegiance, loyalty. whip-saw, two-men saw. See also the term "strompor".
federà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ feder'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - fende - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ f'ænde \) - to cleave, to cut
federate, confederate. through, to break. See also the term "strompé " and the
federal - adj. (pr. \ feder'&l \) Ms. plr. federaj - fm. sng. and vrbl. loc. "tajé për longh ".
plr. federal, federaj. - federal. fenean - adj. and n. (pr. \ fene'&[ng] \) - See fanean.
federalism - n. m. (pr. \ feder&l'izm \) Inv. at plr. - federalism. fenomenal - adj. (pr. \ fenumen'&l \) Ms. plr. fenomenaj - fm.
federalista - n. and adj. (pr. \ feder&l'ist& \) Ms. plr. sng. and plr. fenomenal, fenomenaj. - 1) - phenomenal. -
federalista - fm. sng. and plr. federalista, federaliste. - 2) - phenomenal, extraordinary, prodigious.
federalist. fenòmen - n. m. (pr. \ fen'omæ[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
federassion - n. f. (pr. \ feder&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - phenomenon. - 2) - symptom. - 3) - case, instance. - 4) -
federation, confederation. wonder, marvel. See also the term "fenòmeno".
federativ - adj. (pr. \ feder&t'iu \) Ms. plr. federativ - fm. sng. fenòmeno - n. m. (pr. \ fen'omenô \) - See fenòmen.
and plr. federativa, federative. - federative. fèod - n. m. (pr. \ f'æud \) - See fèud.
federé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ feder'e \) - to federate, to feodal - adj. (pr. \ fæud'&l \) - See feudal.
confederate. feodalésim - n. m. (pr. \ fæud&l'ezim \) - See feudalésim.
federésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ feder'ese \) - to federate, to feodatari - n. (pr. \ fæud&t'&ri \) - See feudatari.
confederate. fer - n. m. (pr. \ fær \) Inv. at plr. (when applicable). - 1) - iron
fedin-a - n. f. (pr. \ fed'i[ng]& \) At plr. fedin-e. - record, (chemical element). - 2) - tool (in a fig. general sense). E.
police record. Usually in the expression "fedin-a penal" g. "ij fer dël mesté" "the tool of one's trade". Then this
"police record". word is used in loc. indicating particular objects, tool or
fèles - n. f. (pr. \ f'ælæz \) - See fèiless. implements : - A) - "fer da stir" or "fer da stiré " "flat-
fèiless - n. f. (pr. \ f'æilæs \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - fern (botany - In iron, tool for ironing". - B) - "fer da caval " (also "ciapin")
general). - 2) - bracken, brake (botany - Pteridium "horse-shoe". - C) - "fer da sghijé " "ice-skates". - D) -
aquilinum). See also the terms "falavisch, fèles, fèiss, flèils, "fer doss" "soft iron". - E) - "fer batù " "forged iron" or
fless". "wrought iron". - F) - "fer a L (a T, a U)" L (T, U)-bar". -
fèils - n. f. (pr. \ f'æils \) - See fèiless. G) - "fil fer" "wire, iron wire".
féjla - vrb 1st con. int. - prn. prt (pr. \ f'eyl& \) - to manage, to fera - n. f. (pr. \ f'er& \) At plr. fere. - 1) - fair. E. g. "la fera
be able. It uses the aux. "avèj ". dël pais" "the village fair" ; "la fera dle vache" "the
felibre - n. m. (pr. \ fel'ibre \) Inv. at plr. - member of the cattle-fair" , etc. - 2) - clamour, noise, racker (in a fig.
"felibrism" (see the term). sense).
felibrism - n. m. (pr. \ felibr'izm \) Inv. at plr. - noun of a feracaval - n. m. (pr. \ fær&c&v'&l \) At plr. feracavaj. -
Provençal literary movement. farrier, shoeing-smith. See also the term "manescard ".

feradura - n. f. (pr. \ fær&d'[ue]r& \) - See fradura. fermentativ - adj. (pr. \ færmænt&t'iu \) Ms. plr. fermentativ -
feragi - n. m. (pr. \ fær'&ji \) - See fradura. fm. sng. and plr. fermentativa, fermentative. -
feragost - n. m. (pr. \ fær&gust \) Inv. at plr. (if any). - 1) - fermentative (biology - chemistry).
mid-August holiday. - 2) - feast of the Assumption (of fermentator - n. m. (pr. \ færmænt&t'ur \) Inv. at plr. -
the Virgin Mary). fermenter (biology - chemistry).
feramenta - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ fær&m'ænt& \) At plr. feramente. fermenté - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ færmænt'e \) - to ferment, to
(note that, as a collective noun is usually sng.) - hardware, work, to rise.
ironware, iron goods. See also the term "framenta 1)". fermëssa - n. f. (pr. \ færm'&ss& \) At plr. fermësse. - 1) -
feramenta - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ fær&m'ænt& \) Inv. at plr. - firmness, stability, steadiness. - 2) - steadfastness,
ironmonger, ironmonger's shop. See also the term resoluteness (in a fig. sense).
"framenta 2)". fermio - n. m. (pr. \ f'ærmiô \) Only sng. (chemical element). In
feramiù - n. m. (pr. \ fær&m'[ue] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - dealer on case of need inv. at plr. - fermium (chemical element).
old iron, scrap-metal dealer. - 2) - second hand-dealer, fermion - n. m. (pr. \ færmi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - fermion
junk dealer. (physics - particle following the Fermi-Dirac statistics).
feraté - n. m. (pr. \ fær&t'e \) - See fraté. fermodelism - n. m. (pr. \ færmudel'izm \) Inv. at plr. - model
ferdoné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ færdun'e \) - to strum, to raiway collecting, model railway construction.
thrum, to scrape (-bad-music). fermodelista - n. m. (pr. \ færmudel'ist& \) Inv. at plr. - model
ferelétrich - adj. (pr. \ færel'etric \) Ms. plr. ferelétrich - fm. raiway collector, model railway constructtor.
sng. and plr. ferelétrica, ferelétriche. - ferroelectric fernet - n. m. (pr. \ færn'æt \) Inv. at plr. - fernet (liqueur).
(physics). ferocità - n. f. (pr. \ feru[ch]it'& \) - See ferosità.
fereletricità - n. f. (pr. \ færeletri[ch]it'& \) - See fereletrissità. feros - adj. (pr. \ fer'uz \) Ms. plr. feros - fm. sng. and plr.
fereletrissità - n. f. (pr. \ færeletrisit'& \) Inv. at plr. - ferosa, ferose. - 1) - fierce, wild, savage, ferocious. -
ferroelectricity. See also the term "fereletricità". (chemistry, mineralogy).
ferì - 1) - adj. and p. p. and n. (pr. \ fer'i \) Ms. plr. ferì - fm. ferosità - n. f. (pr. \ feruzit'& \) Inv. at plr. - ferocity, wildness,
sng. and plr. ferìa, ferìe. - 1) - wounded, injured (adj. and savagery, fierceness. See also the term (italianism)
p. p.) - 2) - wounded person. "ferocità ".
ferì - 2) - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ fer'i \) - 1) - to wound, to ferovìa - n. f. (pr. \ feruv'i& \) At plr. ferovìe. - railway,
injure, to hurt. - 2) - to offend, to wound, to hurt (in a railroad. See also the loc. "strà 'd fer".
fig. sense). feroviari - adj. (pr. \ feruvi'&ri \) Ms. plr. feroviari - fm. sng.
ferìa - n. f. (pr. \ fer'i& \) At plr. ferìe. - wound, injury, hurt. and plr. feroviària, feroviàrie. - railway (as an attribute).
féria - n. f. (pr. \ f'eri& \) At plr. férie. - 1) - feria (religion). - ferovié - n. (pr. \ feruvi'e \) Ms. plr. ferovié - fm. sng. and plr.
2) - each not holiday day. At plr. it can also assume feroviéra, feroviére. - 1) - railwayman (railwaywoman).
another meaning : see the term "férie". - 2) - trainman (trainwoman).
ferial - adj. (pr. \ feri'&l \) Ms. plr. feriaj - fm. sng. and plr. feròce - adj. (pr. \ fer'o[ch]e \) - See feros 1st meaning.
ferial, feriaj. - 1) - ferial (religion). - 2) - week, work, fèrtil - adj. (pr. \ f'ærtil \) Ms. plr. fèrtij - fm. sng. and plr.
working, business (as attributes). fèrtil, fèrtij. - fertile, fruitful. See also the most piedm.
fèrich - adj. (pr. \ f'æric \) Ms. plr. fèrich - fm. sng. and plr. term "dru".
fèrica, fèriche. - ferric (chemistry). fertilisant - 1) - adj. (pr. \ færtiliz'&nt \) Ms. plr. fertilisant -
férie - n. f. plr. (pr. \ f'erie \) Only plr. - holidays, vacation. fm. sng. and plr. fertilisanta, fertilisante. - fertilizing.
feridor - n. m. (pr. \ ferid'ur \) Inv. at plr. - wounder. fertilisant - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ færtiliz'&nt \) Inv. at plr. -
feriera - n. f. (pr. \ færi'er& \) At plr. feriere. - 1) - ironworks, fertilizer.
iron-foundry. - 2) - iron and steel plant. See also the fertilisassion - n. f. (pr. \ færtiliz&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
terms "frera, fusin-a, fonderìa ". enrichment, fertilization.
feriment - n. m. (pr. \ ferim'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - wounding. fertilisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ færtiliz'e \) - to enrich, to
ferìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ fer'ise \) - to wound oneself, to fertilize.
hurt oneself. fertilità - n. f. (pr. \ færtilit'& \) Inv. at plr. - fertility,
ferìte - (pr. \ fær'ite \) Inv. at plr. - ferrite (chemistry). fruitfulness.
ferm - 1) - adj. (pr. \ f'ærm \) Ms. plr. ferm - fm. sng. and plr. fervent - adj. (pr. \ færv'ænt \) - See fèrvid.
fërma, fërme. - 1) - firm, still, motionless. - 2) - stable, fèrvid - adj. (pr. \ f'ærvid \) Ms. plr. fèrvid - fm. sng. and plr.
steady, unwavering. - 3) - stationary. Note the particular fèrvida, fèrvide. - fervent, ardent, fervid, eager. See also
fm. (see grammar). See also the term "frem". the terms "fervent, fërvent".
ferm - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ f'ærm \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - detention, fervor - n. m. (pr. \ færv'ur \) Inv. at plr. - heat, excitement,
arrest (police). - 2) - seizure (legal). - 3) - embargo fervour, ardour. - See also the term "fërvor".
(ships). - 4) - catch, lock, stop, latch, self dstopping fésne - vrb 1st con. refl. dfc. imp. prn. prt. (pr. \ &[ng]f’esne
device (mechanics). \ ) - to matter (of this/that). See also the term "anfésne".
fermagnétich - adj. (pr. \ færm&[gn]'etic \) Ms. plr. fésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ f'ese \) - 1) - to become, to grow.
fermagnétich - fm. sng. and plr. fermagnética, E. g. "fésse prèive" "to become a priest ". - 2) - to make
fermagnétiche. - ferromagnetic. oneself. E. g. "fésse capì" "to make oneself understood ".
fermagnetism - n. m. (pr. \ færm&[gn]et'izm \) Inv. at plr. - - 3) - to have oneself, to get oneself. E. g. "fésse
ferromagnetism. arpresenté" "to have oneself represented ". - 4) - to get,
ferment - n. m. (pr. \ færm'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - ferment to grow. E. g. "as fa tardi " "it is getting late".
(biology - chemistry). - 2) - leaven. - 3) - yeast. - 4) - festa - n. f. (pr. \ f'est& \) At plr. feste. - 1) - feast-day, feast,
ferment, unrest, agitation (in a fig. sense). holy day (religion). - 2) - holiday. - 3) - birthday, name-
fermentà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ færmænt'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. day. - 4) - great joy, rejoicing. - 5) - festivity, festival,
- fermented, soured. party.
fermentassion - n. f. (pr. \ færmænt&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) festajola - n. f. (pr. \ fest&y'ol& \) At plr. festajòle. - informal
- fermentation (biology - chemistry). - 2) - rising. party. See also the term "festaròla".
festant - adj. (pr. \ fest'&nt \) Ms. plr. festant - fm. sng. and plr.
festanta, festante. - joyful, jubilant, festive.

festareul - n. and adj. (pr. \ fest&r'[oe]l \) Ms. plr. festareuj - feudalésim - n. m. (pr. \ fæud&l'ezim \) Inv. at plr. - feudalism
fm. sng. and plr. festareula, festareule. - 1) - reveller (history). See also the terms "fëodalésim, feodalésim,
(sbst.). - 2) - party-going (as an attribute), fond of parties. faldaulésim ". Note that the group "èu" is not pronuncied as
festaròla - n. f. (pr. \ fest&r'ol& \) - See festajòla. the diphthong "eu" \ [oe] \ but is pronunced \ æu \.
festegé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ festej'e \) - 1) - to celebrate feudatàri - n. and adj. (pr. \ fæud&t'&ri \) Ms. plr. feudatari -
(trs.). - 2) - to give (sb.) a hearty welcome (trs.). - 3) - to fm. sng. and plr. feudatària, feudatàrie. - feudatory. See
give a party (trs, and int.). - 4) - to feast. (trs. and int.). A also the terms "fëodatari, feodatari, faldauli, gastaud,
way of saying with this meaning is :"déjla për ël bél temp". gastald, vassal, etc.". Note that the group "èu" is not
festegià - n. (pr. \ festeji'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - guest of pronuncied as the diphthong "eu" \ [oe] \ , but is
honour. pronunced \ æu \.
festegiament - n. m. (pr. \ festeji&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - feuder - n. m. (pr. \ f'[oe]dær \) Inv. at plr. - sheath, scabbard.
celebration. - 2) - festivity, festival. feudra - n. f. (pr. \ f'[oe]dr& \) At plr. feudre. - 1) - lining. - 2)
festegiator - n. (pr. \ festeji&t'ur \) Ms. plr. festegiator - fm. - dust-jacket. - 3) - cover. Note that the cover of a pillow
sng. and plr. festegiatriss, festegiatriss. - reveller. (or pillow-slip) is called "fodrëtta" (see the term), which is
festèivol - adj. (pr. \ fest'æivul \) Ms. plr. festèivoj - fm. sng. a diminutive of "feudra".
and plr. festèivol, festèivoj. - light-hearted, gay, jovial. feuj - n. m. (pr. \ f'[oe]y \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - sheet. - 2) - sheet,
See also the term "festévol". plate (metals). - 3) - leaf, page. Two ways of saying: - A) -
festévol - adj. (pr. \ fest'evul \) - See festèivol. "fòra dij feuj" lit. "out of sheets" "very angry". - B) -
festin - n. m. (pr. \ fest'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - party, "feuj për feuj" lit. "sheet by sheet " "one thing at a
entertainment, ball, fête. time".
festiv - adj. (pr. \ fest'iu \) Ms. plr. festiv - fm. sng. and plr. feuja - n. f. (pr. \ f'[oe]y& \) - At plr. feuje. - 1) - leaf (botany).
festiva, festive. - 1) - holiday, Sunday. - 2) - festive, - 2) - foil (metals, etc.).
merry. feura - adv. and prp. (pr. \ f'[oe]r& \) - 1) - out, out of. - 2) -
féstival - n. m. (pr. \ f'estiv&l \) At plr. féstivaj. - festival. outside. - 3) - outdoors. - 4) - except, apart from. In this
festività - n. f. (pr. \ festivit'& \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - festivity. - 2) sense see also the term "foravia". See also the term "fòra".
- feast. fëccia - n. m. (pr. \ f'&[ch][ch]i& \) At plr. fëcce. - dregs, lees.
feston - n. m. (pr. \ fest'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - festoon. In this See also the terms "fecia, cracia".
sense see also the term "pendon 1)". - 2) - scallop. fëlon - adj. and n. (pr. \ f&l'u[ng] \) Ms. plr. fëlon - fm. sng. and
festonà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ festun'& \) Inv. at plr. - festooned. plr. fëlon-a, fëlon-e. - 1) - traitor. - 2) - rascal (in a fig.
festoné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ festun'e \) - to put festoons to. jocular sense). See also the term "flon 2nd meaning".
festos - adj. (pr. \ fest'uz \) Ms. plr. festos - fm. sng. and plr. fëlonìa - n. f. (pr. \ f&lun'i& \) At plr. flonìe. - betrayal,
festosa, festose. - festive, merry, joyful, gay. treachery. See also the term "flonìa".
fét - n. m. (pr. \ fet \) Inv. at plr. - foetus (biology). See also the fënareul - n. m. (pr. \ f&n&r'[oe]l \) At plr. fënareuj. -
terms "creà, creatura". equipment made of wooden sticks and ropes for
fetal - adj. (pr. \ fet'&l \) Ms. plr. fetaj - fm. sng. and plr. fetal, packing hay. See also the terms "fiareul, fnareul, fnareu".
fetaj. - foetal. See also the loc. "dël creà". fënestra - n. f. (pr. \ f&n'estr& \) - See fnestra.
fetassion - n. f. (pr. \ fet&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - foetus fënna - n. f. (pr. \ f&nn& \) At plr. fënne. - anxious hurry,
formation. See also the loc. "formassion dël creà". haste (not justified).
fetènsia - n. f. (pr. \ fet'ænsi& \) At plr. fetènsie. - 1) - stench, fënno - n. m. (pr. \ f&nnu \) Inv. at plr. - buttocks, sit-upon.
stink, smell. - 2) - stinking thing. See also the terms "cul, tafanari".
fetent - adj. and n. (pr. \ fet'ænt \) Ms. plr. fetent - fm. sng. and fëodal - adj. (pr. \ f&ud'&l \) - See feudal.
plr. fetenta, fetente. - 1) - stinking, fetid (adj.). - 2) - fëodalésim - n. m. (pr. \ f&ud&l'ezim \) - See feudalésim.
stinking, dirty, despicable (in a fig. sense) (adj.). - 3) - fëodatari - n. (pr. \ f&ud&t'&ri \) - See feudatari.
stinker (sbst.). fërfoj - n. m. (pr. \ f&rf'uy \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - fidget, lively
fetor - n. m. (pr. \ fet'ur \) Inv. at plr. - stench, stink. child. - 2) - rummager. - See also the terms "farfoj,
feu - n. m. (pr. \ f[oe] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - fire. - 2) - fire farfojin, foghèire ".
(military, guns, etc.). - 3) - focus (mathematics, physics, fërfojé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ f&rfuy'e\) - to rummage. It uses
photography) - 4) - fire, ardour (in a fig. sense). - 5) - fire- the aux. "avèj". See also the term "farfojé ".
place. chimney. - 6) - focus, centre of infection. fërfojin - n. (pr. \ f&rfuy'i[ng] \) - See farfojin.
(medical). Some particular uses : - A) - "feu d'artifìssi " or fërgiolin-a - n. f. (pr. \ f&rjiul'i[ng]& \) At plr. fërgiolin-e. -
"feu artifissiaj" or "fusëtte" "fireworks". - B) - ."feu fat " meadow saffron. naked lady (botany - Colchicum
or "culass" or "culèis" or culèss" "ignis fatuus" or "jack- autumnale). See also the most common term "freidolin-a".
o'-lantern". - C) - "feu servaj " "sunburn". - D) - "feu 'd fërleca - n. f. (pr. \ f&rl'ec& \) At plr. fërleche. - wound, knife
Sant Antòni " "herpes zoster". - D) - "dé 'l feu" "to set cut, slash, gash.
fire". - E) - "fé feu" "to light the fire". or "to open fire fërlingòt - n. (pr. \ f&rling'ot \) Ms. plr. fërlingòt - fm. sng. and
(military)". - F) - "pijé feu" "to catch fire". - G) - "tissé 'l plr. fërlingòta, fërlingòte. - sly fellow, cunning
feu" "to poke the fire". man(woman). See also the term "farinél ".
feucal - adj. . (pr. \ fæc'&l \) - See focal. fërloché - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ f&rluck'e \) - 1) - to chatter, to
fèud - n. m. (pr. \ f'æud \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - feud (history). - 2) - blather. - 2) - to talk at random. It uses the aux. "avèj ".
large estate. - 3) - domain (in a fig. sense). See also the fërlòca - n. f. (pr. \ f&rl'oc& \) At plr. fërlòche. - 1) - feminine
terms "fèod, faldàu". Note that the group "èu" is not bonnet. - 2) - feminine headgear (jocular).
pronuncied as the diphthong "eu" \ [oe] \ , but is fërlòch - n. (pr. \ f&rl'oc \) Ms. plr. fërlòch - fm. sng. and plr.
pronunced \ æu \. fërlòca, fërlòche. - chatterbox, great talker.
feudal - adj. (pr. \ fæud'&l \) Ms. plr. feudaj - fm. sng. and plr. fërma - 1) - adj. fm. (pr. \ f'&rm& \) - See ferm.
feudal, feudaj. - feudal (history). See also the terms fërma - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ f'&rm& \) At plr. fërme. - 1) - term of
"fëodal, feodal, faldàul ". Note that the group "èu" is not service, conscription (military). In this sense see also the
pronuncied as the diphthong "eu" \ [oe] \, but is term "angagi". - 2) - apòst (hunting).
pronunced \ æu \. fërmà - n. f. (pr. \ f&rm'& \) - See fërmada.
fërmada - n. f. (pr. \ f&rm'&d& \) At plr. fërmade. - stop.

fërmé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ f&rm'e \) - 1) - to stop, to halt, fëtta - n. f. (pr. \ f'&tt& \) At plr. fëtte. - 1) - slice. - 2) - piece,
to arrest. - 2) - to strengthen, to sew on firmly. - 3) - to bit, chunk, strip.
detain in custody (police). - 4) - to set (hunting dog). fëtté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ f&tt'e \) - to cut into slices, to slice.
fërmésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ f&rm'ese \) - 1) - to stop, to fëttin-a - n. f. (pr. \ f&tt'i[ng]& \) At plr. fëttin-e. - small slice.
halt. - 2) - to pull up (cars), to stall, to stop working fëttiné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ f&ttin'e \) - to cut into small
(mechanics). - 3) - to stay. - 4) - to pause. - 5) - to dwell. slices.
fërmiolà - n. f. (pr. \ f&rmiul'& \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - swarming, fëvré - n. m. (pr. \ f&vr'e \) - See fërvé .
teeming. - 2) - tingling. See also the term "furmiolà ". fëvrëtta - n. f. (pr. \ f&vr'&tt& \) - See fërvëtta.
fërmiolé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ f&rmiul'e \) - 1) - to boil over, fi - n. m. (pr. \ fi \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - fig. (the fruit) (botany -
to seethe, to surge. - 2) - to be anxious. - 3) - to itch, to Ficus carica). - 2) - fig-tree (the tree) In this sense see also
be itchy. - 4) - to swarm, to teem. - 5) - to tingle. See also the most correct term "fié ". Note the loc. "fi sech" "dried
the terms "fërmolé, furmiolé ". It uses the aux. "avèj ". figs".
fërmoar - n. m. (pr. \ f&rmu'&r \) Inv. at plr. - clasp, clip, fìa - n. f. (pr. \ f'i& \) At plr. fìe. - small green fig (white
buckle, brooch. See also the term in the spelling "fërmuar" internally).
(same pronunciation). fià - n. m. (pr. \ fi'& \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - breath (in general). - 2)
fërmolé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ f&rmul'e \) - See fërmiolé. - wind (music, sports). E. g. "strument a fià" "wind
fërmuar - n. m. (pr. \ f&rmu'&r \) - See fërmoar. instruments". - 3) - stamina, staying, power, srtength.
fërsaja - n. f. (pr. \ f&rs'&i& \) At plr. (if any) fërsaje The expression "savèj ëd fià " means "to have a bad
(collective noun). - every kind of dry edible legumes. See breath", and the expression "fià curt" lit. "short breath "
also the terms "fërzaja, legum, lëm". means "laboured breath ".
fërse - n. f. plr. (pr. \ f'&rse \) Only plr. - pork chitterlings. See fiaca - n. f. (pr. \ fi'&c& \) At plr. fiàche. - 1) - tiredness,
also the term "frësse". weariness. - 2) - laziness, slackness. In this sense see also
fërta - n. f. (pr. \ f'&rt& \) At plr. fërte. - robbery, larceny. The the term "loira". - 3) - weakness.
loc. "fé le fërte" means "to thieve, to steal". At plr. the term fiacà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ fi&c'& \) Inv. in gnd.and nr. -
can also have another meaning : then see also the term bruised, dented.
"fërte". fiacada - n. f. (pr. \ fi&c'&d& \) At plr. fiacade. - nonsense,
fërtass - n. m. (pr. \ f&rt'&s \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - floor-cloth. - 2) story, lie, fib.
- duster. See also the term "fërton 1)". fiach - adj. (pr. \ fi'&c \) Ms. plr. fiach - fm. sng. and plr. fiaca,
fërtassé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ f&rt&s'e \) - 1) - to rub, to fiache. - 1) - tired, weary. - 2) - slack, lazy. - 3) - weak. -
scrub, to wipe (in general - in a strong way). - 2) - to rub 4) - listless.
down the plaster (masonry). fiaché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ fi&k'e \) - 1) - to flatten, to
fërte - n. f. plr. (pr. \ f'&rte \) Only plr. - immoderate whims, squeeze. - 2) - to cudgel. - 3) - to fatigue, to weary. - 2) -
crazy desires. to depress.
fërté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ f&rt'e \) - to rub, to wipe. See also fiachésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ fi&k'ese \) - 1) - to get tired
the terms "freghé 1st meaning, frocé, frocioné, frossé ". out. - 2) - to get depressed. - 3) - to get bruised, to get
fërton - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ f&rt'u[ng] \) - See fërtass. dented.
fërton - 2) - n. (pr. \ f&rt'u[ng] \) Ms. plr. fërton - fm. sng. and fiachèire - n. (pr. \ fi&k'æire \) Ms. plr. fiachèire - fm. sng. and
plr. fërton-a, fërton-e. - person employed for heavy plr. fiachèira, fiachèire. - 1) - story-teller, liar. - 2) -
work, person employed for cleaning. boaster, braggart.
fërtor - n. m. (pr. \ f&rt'ur \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - brush (for fiàcher - n. m. (pr. \ fi'&kær \) Inv. at plr. - horse-cab, fiacre.
cleaning). - 2) - mop. - 3) - floor-cloth. fiachëssa - n. f. (pr. \ fi&k&ss& \) At plr. fiachësse. - 1) -
fërvaja - n. f. (pr. \ f&rv'&y& \) At plr. fërvaje. - 1) - scrap, tiredness, weariness. - 2) - weakness. - 3) - laziness.
crumb, morsel. - 2) - bit, little quantity (in a fig. sense). fiàcola - n. f. (pr. \ fi'&cul& \) At plr. fiàcole. - torch. Quite an
See also the terms "frisa, friaja, fruvaja, sbriaja". italianism. See also the best piedm. term "flambò " and the
fërvajin - n. m. (pr. \ f&rv&y'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - small loc. "tòrcia a vent ".
crumb. - 2) - very little quantity. Diminutive of the term fiacura - n. f. (pr. \ fi&c'[ue]r& \) At plr. fiacure. - 1) - bruise.
"fërfaja". - 2) - dent. - 3) - contusion (medical).
fërvajin-a - n. m. (pr. \ f&rv&y'i[ng]& \) At plr. fërvajin-e. - 1) fiàira - n. f. (pr. \ fi'&ir& \) At plr. fiàire. - stench, stink,
- small crumb. - 2) - very little quantity. Diminutive of dreadful smell. See also the terms "fièira, fiairor, fieiror".
the term "fërfaja". fiairé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ fi&ir'e \) - to stink, to smell
fërvassa - n. f. (pr.\ f&rv'&s&\) At plr. fërvasse. - very high nasty. It uses the aux. "avèj ". See also the term "fieiré,
fever (medical). See also the term "frevassa". fiaré ".
fërvé - n. m. (pr. \ f&rv'e \) Usually sng. and inv. at plr. - fiairon - n. (pr. \ fi&ir'u[ng] \) Ms. plr. fiairon - fm. sng. and
February. See also the term "fëvré ". plr. fiairon-a, fiairon-e. - bad-smelling person. See also
fërvensa - n. f. (pr. \ f&rv'æ[ng]s& \) At plr. fërvense. - heat, the term "fiairos 1st meaning, fieiron".
excitement, ardour, fervour. See also the term "fërvor". fiairor - n. m. (pr. \ fi&ir'ur \) Inv. at plr. - stench, stink,
fërvent - adj. (pr. \ f&rv'ænt \) Ms. plr. fërvent - fm. sng. and dreadful smell. See also the terms "fiàira, fieiror, fièira".
plr. fërventa, fërvente. - fervent, ardent. See also the fiairos - n. and adj. (pr. \ fi&ir'uz \) Ms. plr. fiairos - fm. sng.
term "fervid ". and plr. fiairosa, fiairose. - 1) - bad-smelling person
fërvëtta - n. f. (pr. \ f&rv'&tt& \ ) At plr. fërvëtte. - slight fever (sbst.). - 2) - stinking, smelling bad (adj.). See also the
(usually persistent). See also the terms "frevëtta, fëvrëtta". terms "fieiros, fieiron, fiairon".
fërvor - n. m. (pr. \ f&rv'ur \) Inv. at plr. - heat, excitement, fiajì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ fi&y'i \) - to breathe, to respire.
ardour, fervour. See also the term "fërvensa". See also the terms "fiatì, arfiajì, fiarì 1st meaning ".
fërvorin - n. m.(pr.\ f&rvur'i[ng]\) Inv. at plr. - exhortation fiala - n. f. (pr. \ fi'&l& \) At plr. fiale. - 1) - phial, vial. - 2) -
(religion), short fervent speech, mild reproof. ampoule. See also the terms"àmola, amolin, fiola, fiòla".
fërvoros - adj. (pr.\ f&rvur'uz\) Ms. plr. fërvoros - fm. sng. and fiama - n. f. (pr. \ fi'&m& \) At plr. fiame. - 1) - flame. (in lit.
plr. fërvorosa, fërvorose. - ardent, fervid. sense of fire). - 2) - streamer (navy - in the sense of flag). -
fërvos - adj. (pr.\ f&rv'uz\) - See frevos. 3) - flash (military - See also the term "mostrin-a") - 4) -
fërzaja - n. f. (pr. \ f&rz'&y& \) - See fërsaja.

flush, blush (in a fig. sense). See also the terms "fara, fiaté - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ fi&t'e \) - to breathe. See also the
fiara, giòla". terms "fiatì, fiajì ".
fiamà - n. f. (pr. \ fi&m'& \) Inv. at plr. - blaze, flare, flame. fiatì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ fi&t'i \) - See fiaté.
See also the term "giòla". fiàuna - (pr. \ fi'&un& \) At plr. fiàune. - stalk and leaves of
fiamant - adj. (pr. \ fi&m'&nt \) Ms. plr. fiamant - fm. sng. and garlic onion and leek.
plr. fiamanta, fiamante. - 1) - flaming, brazing. - 2) - fìbia - n. f. (pr. \ f'ibi& \) At plr. fìbie. - buckle, clasp, clip.
brand new. fibié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ fibi'e \) - 1) - to buckle. - 2) - to
fiamegé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ fi&mej'e \) - to be aflame, to palm off (in a fig. sense). - 3) - to assign (sometimes used
blaze, to flame. in this fig. sense). - 4) - to give, to let fly (seldom used in
fiamegiant - adj. (pr. \ fi&meji'&nt \) Ms. plr. fiamegiant - fm. this fig. sense). - For the fig. meanings see also the terms
sng. and plr. fiamegianta, fiamegiante. - 1) - flaming, "afibié, arfilé ".
brazing. - 2) - sparkling, flashing. fìbola - n. f. (pr. \ f'ibul& \) At plr. fìbole. - fibula (anatomy).
fiamengh - adj. (pr. \ fi&m'æ[ng]g \) Ms. plr. fiamengh - fm. See also the term "pron".
sng. and plr. fiamenga, fiamenghe. - stupendous, fibra - n. f. (pr. \ f'ibr& \) At plr. fìbre. - fibre, fiber.
wonderful, amazing, perfect. fibrilassion - n. f. (pr. \ fibril&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
fiamera - n. f. (pr. \ fi&m'er& \) At plr. fiamere. - feast fibrillation (medical).
bonfire. See also the term "farò ". fibrilé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ fibril'e \) - to fibrillate (medical).
fiamerà - n. f. (pr. \ fi&mer'& \) Inv. at plr. - a short fire in It uses the aux. "avèj ".
chimney or stove (in order to raise a bit the air fibrin-a - n. f. (pr. \ fibr'i[ng]& \) At plr. (if required) fibrin-e.
temperature). - fibrin (biology).
fiamëtta - n. f. (pr. \ fi&m'&tt& \) At plr. fiamëtte. - little fibros - adj. (pr. \ fibr'uz \) Ms. plr. fibros - fm. sng. and plr.
flame (e. g. of a candle). fibrosa, fibrose. - fibrous. See also the term "filos".
fiancà - n. f. (pr. \ fi&[ng]c'& \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - boardside. - fibròma - n. m. (pr. \ fibr'om& \) Inv. at plr. - fibroma
2) - side, flank. - 3) - blow with one's side. (medical).
fianch - n. m. (pr. \ fi'&[ng]c \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - side. - 2) - fica - n. f. (pr. \ f'ic& \) At plr. fiche. - weir, overflow.
flank. - 3) - hip (persons). ficanas - n. (pr. \ fic&n'&z \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - meddler,
fianch (da ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ d& fi'&[ng]c \) - laterally, busybody, nosy parker, inquisitive person. See also the
sideways, on the side. term "ficheto".
fianchegé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ fi&[ng]kej'e \) - 1) - to flank, ficant - adj. (pr. \ fic'&nt \) Ms. plr. ficant - fm. sng. and plr.
to line, to border. - 2) - to cover the flank of, to flank. - ficanta, ficante. - inquisitive, invadent, indiscreet.
3) - to support, to back up. fiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ fik'e \) - 1) - to thrust, to poke, to
fianchegiament - n. m. (pr. \ fi&[ng]keji&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - stick, to hammer. - 2) - to put, to stuff.
1) - support, backing up. - 2) - flanking (military). fichésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ fik'ese \) - to get into, to
fianchegiator - n. (pr. \ fi&[ng]keji&t'ur \) Ms. plr. thrust oneself. Some ways of saying : - A) - "fichésse ant
fianchegiator - fm. sng. and plr. fianchegiatriss, ij pastiss" "to get into scrapes". - B) - "fichësse
fianchegiatriss. - 1) - supporter, fellow-traveller. - 2) - daspërtut" "to slip into every place". - C) - "fichésse na
flanker (military). còsa an testa" "to get it into one's head ".
fianconà - n. f. (pr. \ fi&[ng]cun'& \) - See fianconada. ficheto - n. (pr. \ fik'etu \) - See ficanas.
fianconada - n. f. (pr. \ fi&[ng]cun'&d& \) At plr. fianconade. fìcia - n. f. (pr. \ f'i[ch]i& \) At plr. fice. - chip (gambling).
- hit with the sword's edge on the flank (fencing). ficèt - n. f. (pr. \ f'i[ch]'æt \) - See fìcia.
fianta - n. f. (pr. \ fi'&nt& \) At plr. (if any). fiante. - stable ficogné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ ficu[gn]'e \) - to insert
sewage. confusedly, to thrust confusedly.
fianté - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ fi&nt'e \) - to produce stable ficognésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ ficu[gn]'ese \) - to thrust
sewage (animals). It uses the aux. "avèj ". oneself (in a rude way).
fiap - adj. (pr. \ fi'&p \) Ms. plr. fiap - fm. sng. and plr. fiapa, fidà - adj. (pr. \ fid'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - trustworthy,
fiape. - withered, faded, flabby, flaccid. See also the term reliable, faithful, loyal. See also the terms "fidat, fedél,
"floss". fidél, fiusà ".
fiaparin - (pr. \ fi&p&r'i[ng] \) Ms. plr. fiaparin - fm. sng. and fidansa - n. f. (pr. \ fid'&[ng]s& \) At plr. fidanse. - 1) -
plr. fiaparin-a, fiaparin-e. - that becomes easily confidence, reliance. - 2) - trust. See also the terms "fiusa,
withered. fidùcia".
fiapì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ fi&p'i \) - to wither, to fade, to fidansà - n. (pr. \ fid&[ng]s'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) -
become flabby. It uses the aux. "esse". See also the loc. fiancé / fiancée. - 2) - engaged couple. See also the terms
"vnì fiap". "moros / morosa, ampromëttù / ampromëttùa".
fiara - n. f. (pr. \ fi'&r& \) - See fiama. fidansament - n. m. (pr. \ fid&[ng]s&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. -
fiaré - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ fi&r'e \) - See fiairé. engagement, betrothal. See also the term
fiareul - n. m. (pr. \ fi&r'[oe]l \) - See fënareul. "ampromëttiure".
fiarì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ fi&r'i \) 1) - to breathe. In this fidansé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ fid&[ng]s'e \) - to engage, to
meaning see also the term "fiajì ". - 2) - to transpire, to betroth. (in active trs. sense is sedom used ).
exhale. - 3) - to leak. fidansésse - vrb 1st con. refl. and recp. (pr. \ fid&[ng]s'ese \) -
fiasch - n. m. (pr. \ fi'&sc \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - flask. - 2) - fiasco, to get engaged (sometimes the term is used in recp. sense).
failure (in a fig. sense). fidat - adj. (pr. \ fid'&t \) - See fidà.
fiaschëtta - n. f. (pr. \ fi&sc'&tt& \) At plr. fiaschëtte. - hip- fidé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ fid'e \) - to entrust.
flask. fidél - adj. (pr. \ fid'el \) - See fedél.
fiassa - n. f. (pr. \ fi'&s& \) At plr. fiasse. - big and strong girl, fidésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ fid'ese \) - to trust, to rely on.
buxom woman. See also the term "fijassa, fiasson-a". fidecoméss - n. m. (pr. \ fidecum'es \) Inv. at plr. - fidei-
fiasson-a - n. f. (pr. \ fi&s'u[ng]& \) - See fiassa. commissum, deed of trust. See also the term "fidecomiss".
fiastr - n. (pr. \ fi'&str \) Ms. plr. fiastr - fm. sng. and plr. fidecomiss - n. m. (pr. \ fidecum'is \) - See fidecoméss.
fiastra, fiastre. - step-son, (step-daughter), step-child. fideism - n. m. (pr. \ fide'izm \) Inv. at plr. - fideism (religion).
See also the term "fijastr ".

fideista - n. (pr. \ fide'ist& \) Ms. plr. fideista - fm. sng. and plr. figura - n. f. (pr. \ fig'[ue]r& \) At plr. figure. - 1) - figure. - 2)
fideista, fideiste. - fideist (religion, phylosophy). - figure, character, personage. - 3) - shape, form. - 4) -
fideìstich - adj. (pr. \ fide'istic \) Ms. plr. fideìstich - fm. sng. picture, illustration. - 5) - court-card (card games). Note
and plr. fideìstica, fideìstiche. - fideistic. (religion, that the expressions "fé bela figura, fé bruta figura" are
phylosophy). translated into "to make a good impression, to make a bad
fidéj - n. m. plr. (pr. \ fid'ey \) Only plr. - "vermicelli" (a type impression", and the expression "che figura! " is translated
of thin "spaghetti "). into "what a disgrace! ".
fidejussion - n. f. (pr. \ fidey[ue]si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - figurà - adj. (pr. \ fig[ue]r'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) -
fidejussion, guaranty. figured, figure (as an attribute). - 2) - figurative. - 3) -
fidejussor - n. m. (pr. \ fidey[ue]s'ur \) Inv. at plr. - fidejussor, illustrated.
surety. figuràbil - adj. (pr. \ fig[ue]r'&bil \) Ms. plr. figuràbij - fm.
fidejussòri - adj. (pr. \ fidey[ue]s'ori \) Ms. plr. fidejussòri - sng. and plr. figuràbil, figuràbij. - figurable.
fm. sng. and plr. fidejussòria, fidejussòrie. - concerning figurant - adj. and n. (pr. \ fig[ue]r'&nt \) Ms. plr. figurant -
fidejussion. fm. sng. and plr. figuranta, figurante. - 1) - figuring,
fìdich - n. m. (pr. \ f'idic \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - liver (anatomy). - representing, embodying, symbolizing (adj.). - 2) -
2) - courage, guts (in a fig. sense). figurant / figurante, dummy supernumerary (theatre)
fidlin - n. m. plr. (pr. \ fidl'i[ng] \) Only plr. - a type of very (sbst.).
thin "spaghetti". figurassa - n. f. (pr. \ fig[ue]r'&s& \) At plr. figurasse. - bad
fido - n. m. (pr. \ f'idô \) Inv. at plr. - credit (bank). role, bad impression. E. g. "fé na figurassa" "to appear
fiducia - n. f. (pr. \ fid'[ue][ch]i& \) At plr. fiduce. - 1) - in a bad role, to make a bad impression".
confidence, reliance. - 2) - trust. See also the terms "fiusa, figurassion - n. f. (pr. \ fig[ue]r&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
fidansa". figuration.
fiducia (con ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ cu[ng] fid'[ue][ch]i& \) - figurativ - adj. (pr. \ fig[ue]r&t'iu \) Ms. plr. figurativ - fm.
confidently, with confidence, trustfully. sng. and plr. figurativa, figurative. - figurative.
fiduciari - adj. and n. (pr. \ fid[ue][ch]i'&ri \) Ms. plr. fiduciari figurativism - n. m. (pr. \ fig[ue]r&tiv'izm \) Inv. at plr. -
- fm. sng. and plr. fiduciària, fiduciàrie. - 1) - fiduciary, representative art.
trust (as an attribute) (adj.). - 2) - trustee, fiduciary figuré - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ fig[ue]r'e \) - 1) - to
(sbst.). represent (trs.). - 2) - to symbolize (trs.). - 3) - to imagine
fiducios - adj. (pr. \ fid[ue][ch]i'uz \) Ms. plr. fiducios - fm. (trs.). - 4) - to pretend (trs.). - 5) - to look smart, to show
sng. and plr. fiduciosa, fiduciose. - confident, trustful, off (int.). - 6) - to appear, to be down, to figure (int.). - 7)
trusting, hopeful. See also the term "fiusant, fiusos". - to show up (int.).
fiduciosament - adv. (pr. \ fid[ue][ch]iuz&m'ænt \) - figurésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ fig[ue]r'ese \) - to imagine,
confidently, with confidence, trustfully. - Dreadful to suppose, to figure to oneself. The expression "ch'as
italianism that sometimes can be foud. See the adv. loc. figura! " is translated into "say no more! ", and also we
"con fiducia, con fiusa". have "figurte che..." "just imagine that..."
fié - n. m. (pr. \ fi'e \) Inv. at plr. - fig-tree. See also the term "fi figurin - n. m. (pr. \ fig[ue]r'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - fashion-plate.
2nd meaning". figurinista - n. (pr. \ fig[ue]rin'ist& \) Ms. plr. figurinista - fm.
fièira - n. f. (pr. \ fi'æir& \) - See fiàira. sng. and plr. figurinista, figuriniste. - fashion-designer,
fieiré - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ fiæir'e \) - See fiairé. dress-designer, stylist.
fieiron - n. (pr. \ fiæir'u[ng] \) - See fiairon. figurin-a - n. f. (pr. \ fig[ue]r'i[ng]& \) At plr. figurin-e. - 1) -
fieiror - n. m. (pr. \ fiæir'ur \) - See fiairor. figurine. - 2) - picture-card.
fieiros - n. and adj. (pr. \ fiæir'uz \) - See fiairos. figuron - n. m. (pr. \ fig[ue]r'u[ng] \) - See figuron-a.
fièivol - adj. (pr. \ fi'æivul \) Ms. plr. fièivoj - fm. sng. and plr. figuron-a - n. f. (pr. \ fig[ue]r'u[ng]& \) At plr. figuron-e. -
fièivol, fièivoj. - faint, feeble, weak, dim. fine show, fine figure. E. g. "fé na figuron-a" "to kake a
fiér - adj. (pr. \ fi'er \) Ms. plr. fiér - fm. sng. and plr. fiéra, fine show".
fiére. - 1) - proud. - 2) - daring, bold. - 3) - untamed. - 4) fij - n. (pr. \ fiy \) - See fieul.
- valiant, intrepid. fija - n. f. (pr. \ f'iy& \) At plr. fije. - See also the term "fieul"
fierëssa - n. f. (pr. \ fier'&ss& \) At plr. fierësse. - 1) - pride. - for ms. - 1) - daughter. - 2) - feminine child - 3) - girl. -
2) - daring, boldness.. - 3) - intrepidity. 4) - feminine person (for extension). Referred to young
fieul - n. (pr. \ fi'[oe]l \) Ms. plr. fieuj - fm. sng. and plr. fija, sons or daughter or, in general, childrens see also the term
fije. - See also the term "fija" for fm. Here we report the "masnà", which is inv. in gnd. and nr. Some ways of saying
meaning of the ms. sng. "fieul" plr. "fieuj". 1) - son. - 2) - : - A) - "fija da marié" or "mariòira" "unmarried girl /
masculine child. - 3) - boy. - 4) - masculine person (for woman". - B) - "fija con jë spron" lit. "woman with spurs
extension). Referred to young sons or daughter or, in (calcars)" "old maid".
general, childrens see also the term "masnà", which is inv. fijassa - n. f. (pr. \ fiy'&s& \) At plr. fijasse. - big and strong
in gnd. and nr. Some ways of saying : - A) - "fieul adotiv" girl, buxom woman. See also the term "fiassa, fiasson-a".
"adopted son". - B) - "fieul bon" "legitimate child". - C) fijastr - n. (pr. \ fiy'&str \) Ms. plr. fijastr - fm. sng. and plr.
- "fòrsa fieuj! " "come on boys! ". For altered nouns see fijastra, fijastre. - step-son, (step-daughter), step-child.
the terms "fiolin, fiolòt, fiolass". See also the term "fij". See also the terms "fiastr, fieulastr ".
fieulastr - n. (pr. \ fi[oe]l'&str \) - See fijastr. fijëtta - n. f. (pr. \ fiy'&tt& \) At plr. fijëtte. - young girl,
fiësca - n. f. (pr. \ fi'&sc& \) At plr. fiësche. - segment (orange), young lady. See also the terms "fiëtta, totin-a"
slice, clove (garlic). See also the terms "fisca, fiosca, fil - n. m. (pr. \ fil \) At plr. fij - 1) - thread, yarn, twine,
fiusca". warp, woof (in general and texile). - 2) - wire (usual
fiëtta - n. f. (pr. \ fi'&tt& \) - See fijëtta. metal). - 3) - edge (cutting elements). - 4) - line. - 5) -
fifa - n. f. (pr. \ fi'f& \) At plr. fife. - funk. See also the terms grain. - 6) - threads (in a fig. sense). Some particular loc. :
"fofa, paura, por, pàu, fonfon". - A) - "ël fil dël discors" "the thread of the argument, the
fifon - adj. and n. (pr. \ fif'u[ng] \) Ms. plr. fifon - fm. sng. and thread of what one is saying". - B) - "fil fer" "iron wire" ;
plr. fifon-a, fifon-e. - funk. "fil d'aram" "copper wire". - C) - "fil dla schin-a"

"backbone spine". - D) - "fil për fil" "in detail, filatriss - n. f. (pr. \ fil&tr'is \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - spinner. - 2) -
exhausively". spinning-machine.
fila - n. f. - (pr. \ f'il& \) At plr. file - 1) - line. - 2) - file. - 3) - filatura - 1) - spinning. In this sense see also the term
row. - 4) - rank. - 5) - streing, series, succession. - 6) - "filadura". - 2) - spinning-mill, spinning workshop. In
queue. this sense see also the term "filanda".
fila (ëd ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ &d f'il& \) - consecutively, on end. filé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ fil'e \) - 1) - to spin (in
filà - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ fil'& \) Inv. at plr. - yarn. general) (trs.). - 2) - to draw out (gold and silver) (trs.). -
filà - 2) - adj. (pr. \ fil'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - spun. - 2) - 3) - to flatter (trs.). When trs. it uses the aux. "avèj ". - 4) -
running, on end. - 3) - logical. to make off, to clear off, to get off, to bugger off (int.). In
filador - n. (pr. \ fil&d'ur \) Ms. plr. filador - fm. sng. and plr. this case it uses the aux. "esse". - 5) - to go steady (int.). In
filadòira, filadòire. - spinner. this fig. case it uses the aux. "avèj ".
filadura - n. f. (pr. \ fil&d'[ue]r& \) At plr. filadure. - filera - n. f. (pr. \ fil'er& \) At plr. filere. - 1) - spinner. In this
spinning. See also the term "filatura 1st meaning". case see also the terms "fileusa, filòira, filandera". 2) -
filagn - n. m. (pr. \ fil'&[gn] \) Inv. at plr. - row of vines, row screw-cutting die, draw-plate, threading die, bolt die. -
of trees. See also he terms "filar, rëssa". 3) - train of people. In this sense see also the term
filagran-a - n. f. (pr. \ fil&gr'&[ng]& \) At plr. filagran-e. - 1) "filonghera".
- filigree. - 2) - watermark. filésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ fil'ese \) - to become cracked,
filament - n. m. (pr. \ fil&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - filament to get a cleft.
(biology, electricity). filet - n. m. (pr. \ fil'æt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - border, fillet. - 2) -
filanda - n. f. (pr. \ fil'&nd& \) At plr. filande. - spinning-mill, stripe (military). - 3) - fillet (cooking). - 4) - screw thread.
spinning workshop. See also the term "filator 1st - 5) - rule (typography). - 6) - serif.
meaning, filatura 2nd meaning". fileusa - n. f. (pr. \ fil'[oe]z& \) - See filandera.
filandé - n. (pr. \ fil&nd'e \) Ms. plr. filandé - fm. sng. and plr. filëttadura - n. f. (pr. \ fil&tt&d'[ue]r& \) At plr. filëttadure. -
filandera, filandere. - spinner, worker in a spinning 1) - filleting. - 2) - threading, screw thread. - 3) - ruling
plant. Usually at fm. then see also the terms "filandera, (typography).
fileusa filòira, filera". filëttatriss - n. f. (pr. \ fil&tt&tr'is \) Inv. at plr. - threader,
filandera - n. f. (pr. \ fil&nd'er& \) - See filandé. threading-machine.
filandrù - adj. (pr. \ fil&ndr'[ue] \) Ms. plr. filandrù - fm. sng. filëtté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ fil&tt'e \) - 1) - to decorate with
and plr. filandrùa, filandrùe. - 1) - filamentous, fillets, to fillet. - 2) - to thread (mechanics).
filamentary, threadlike. - 2) - stringy. See also the term filial - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ fili'&l \) At plr. filiaj - branch office.
"filos". filial - 2) - adj. (pr. \ fili'&l \) Ms. plr. filiaj - fm. sng. and plr.
filant - adj. (pr. \ fil'&nt \) Ms. plr. filant - fm. sng. and plr. filial, filiaj. - filial.
filanta, filante. - 1) - that produces filaments. - 2) - filiassion - n. f. (pr. \ fili&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - filiation.
spinning. - 3) - fast (e. g. skis) - 4) - shooting (of stars). film - n. m. (pr. \ film \) Inv. at plr. - film, motion-picture.
filàntrop - n. (pr. \ fil'&ntrup \) - See filàntropo. filmà - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ film'& \) Inv. at plr. - filmed sequence.
filantropìa - n. f. (pr. \ fil&ntrup'i& \) At plr. filantropìe. - filmà - 2) - adj. (pr. \ film'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - filmed.
philanthropy. filmàbil - adj. (pr. \ film'&bil \) Ms. plr. filmàbij - fm. sng. and
filantropìsm - n. m. (pr. \ fil&ntrup'izm \) Inv. at plr. - plr. filmàbil, filmàbij. - filmable.
philanthropism. filmé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ film'e \) - to film, to shoot.
filànrtopo - n. (pr. \ fil'&ntrupô \) Ms. plr. filantropo - fm. filmin - n. m. (pr. \ film'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - film-strip.
sng. and plr. filantropa, filantrope. - philanthropist, filobos - n. m. (pr. \ f'ilubuz \) Inv. at plr. - trolley-bus. See
phylantrope. See also the term "filàntrop". also the term "fìlobus".
filantròpich - adj. (pr. \ fil&ntr'opic \) Ms. plr. filantròpich - fìlobus - n. m. (pr. \ f'ilub[ue]z \) - See filobos.
fm. sng. and plr. filantròpica, filantròpiche. - filodifusion - n. f. (pr. \ filudif[ue]zi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. (if
philanthropical. any). - wire broadcasting.
filar - n. m. (pr. \ fil'&r \) Inv. at plr. - row (trees, etc.). See filodifusor - n. m. (pr. \ filudif[ue]z'ur \) Inv. at plr. - wired
also the terms "filagn, taragna, baragna". radio-set.
filaret - n. m. pr. \ fil&r'æt \) Inv. at plr. - wool-winder, skein- filodramàtica - n. f. (pr. \ filudr&m'&tic& \) At plr.
winder, reel-winder. See also the term "filator 2nd filodramàtiche. - amateur dramatic society.
meaning". filodramàtich - n. and adj. (pr. \ filudr&m'&tic \) Ms. plr.
filarmònica - n. f. (pr. \ fil&rm'onic& \) At plr. filarmòniche. - filodramàtich- fm. sng. and plr. filodramàtica,
philharmonic society. filodramàtiche. - 1) - amateur dramatic (adj.). - 2) -
filarmònich - adj. and n. (pr. \ fil&rm'onic \) Ms. plr. amateur actor (sbst.).
filarmònich - fm. sng. and plr. filarmònica, filarmòniche. filologìa - n. f. (pr. \ filuluj'i& \) At plr. filologìe. - philology.
- 1) - philharmonic (adj.). - 2) - lover of music (sbst.). filològich - adj. (pr. \ filul'ojic \) Ms. plr. filològich- fm. sng.
filastròca - n. f. (pr. \ fil&str'oc& \) - See filastròcola. and plr. filològica, filològiche. - philological.
filasrtòcola - n. f. (pr. \ fil&str'ocul& \) At plr. filastròcole. - filon - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ fil'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - vein, lode
rigmarole, nonsense-ryme. (mining). - 2) - seam, sill. - 3) - current (river). - 4) -
filatelìa - n. f. (pr. \ fil&tel'i& \) At plr. (if any) filatelìe. - trend, current (in a fig. sense). - 5) - loaf, French loaf.
philately. filon - 2) - n. (pr. \ fil'u[ng] \) Ms. plr. filon- fm. sng. and plr.
filatélich - adj. (pr. \ fil&t'elic \) Ms. plr. filatelich - fm. sng. filon-a, filon-e. - wise guy.
and plr. filatelica, filateliche. - philatelical. filonghera - n. f. (pr. \ fil'u[ng]g'er& \) At plr. filonghere. - 1) -
filatelista - n. (pr. \ fil&tel'ist& \) Ms. plr. filatelista - fm. sng. train of people. In this sense see also the term "filera". - 2)
and plr. filatelista, filateliste. - philatelist. - slowness.
filator - n. m. (pr. \ fil&t'ur \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - spinning-mill, filos - adj. (pr. \ fil'uz \) Ms. plr. filos- fm. sng. and plr. filosa,
spinning workshop. In this sense see also the term filose. - stringy. See also the terms "filandrù, fibros".
"filanda". - 2) - wool-winder, skein-winder, reel-winder. filosofal - adj. (pr. \ filuzuf'&l \) Ms. plr. filosofaj- fm. sng. and
In this sense see also the terms "filaret, roèt". plr. filosofal, filosofaj. - of philosopher. Note the
expression "pera filosofal" "philosopher's stone".

filosofastr - n. (pr. \ filuzuf'&str \) Ms. plr. filosofastr- fm. sng. finagi - n. m. (pr. \ fin'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - border, boundary.
and plr. filosofastra, filosofastre. - philosophaster. See also the terms "confin, finansa 3rd meaning.".
filosofé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ filuzuf'e \) - to philosophize. final - 1) - adj. (pr. \ fin'&l \ ) Ms. plr. finaj - fm. sng. and plr.
filosofegé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ filuzufej'e \) - to play the final, finaj. - final.
philosopher. final - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ fin'&l \ ) At plr. finaj. - 1) - end, ending,
filosofìa - n. f. (pr. \ filuzuf'i& \) At plr. filosofìe. - philosophy. conclusion. - 2) - "finale" (music).
filosòfich - adj (pr. \filuz'ofic\) Ms. plr. filosòfich- fm. sng. and final - 3) - n. f. (pr. \ fin'&l \ ) At plr. finaj. - 1) - final, finals
plr. filosòfica, filosòfiche. - philosophical. (sport). - 2) - last round, final trial. - 3) - final clause
filovìa - n. f. (pr. \ filuv'i& \) At plr. filovìe. - 1) - trolley-bus (grammar) - 4) - last letter(s) of a word.
line. finalment - adv. (pr. \ fin&lm'ænt \ ) - 1) - at last, finally. In
filoviari - adj. (pr. \ filuvi'&ri \) Ms. plr. filoviari- fm. sng. and this sense see the best piedm. adv. loc. "a la fin ". - 2) - in
plr. filoviaria, filoviarie. - trolley-bus (as an attribute). the end, lastly. In this sense see the best piedm. adv. loc.
filòira - n. f. (pr. \ fil'oir& \) - See filandera. "da ùltim, com ùltim, ùltim". Italianism quite used.
filòlogh - n. (pr. \ fil'olug \) - See filòlogo. finansa - n. f. (pr. \ fin'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr. finanse. - 1) -
filòlogo - n. (pr. \ fil'olugô \) Ms. plr. filòlogo- fm. sng. and plr. finance. - 2) - finances (of the nation and jocular) - 3) -
filòloga, filòloghe. - philologist. border, boundary. In this sense see also the terms "finagi,
filòsof - n. (pr. \ fil'ozuf \) - See filòsofo. fin, confin ".
filòsofo - n. (pr. \ fil'ozufô \) Ms. plr. filòsofo- fm. sng. and plr. finansiament - n. m. (pr. \ fin&[ng]si&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1)
filòsofa, filòsofe. - philosopher. - financing, finance. - 2) - funds.
filòssera - n. f. (pr. \ fil'oser& \) At plr. (when required) finansiari - adj. (pr. \ fin&[ng]si'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. finansiari -
filòssere. - phylloxera, vine-pest (zoology - Phylloxera fm. sng. and plr. finansiària, finansiàrie. - financial.
vastatrix). finansiària - n. f. (pr. \ fin&[ng]si'&ri& \ ) At plr. finansiàrie.
filòt (ëd ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ &d fil'ot \) - continuously, one - finance company, holding company.
after another. finansiator - n. (pr. \ fin&[ng]si&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. finansiator -
filsa - n. f. (pr. \ f'ils& \) At plr. filse. - 1) - string. - 2) - file. fm. sng. and plr. finansiatriss, finansiatriss. - financer,
See also the terms "sfilsa, , fila, coalera". backer.
filsela - n. f. (pr. \ fils'el& \) At plr. filsele. - 1) - string, twine, finansié - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ fin&[ng]si'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
thin cord. - 2) - waxed thread (shoemaker). See also the financier. - 2) - customs officer.
term "fissela 2nd meaning". finansié - 2) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ fin&[ng]si'e \ ) - 1) - to
filsëtta - n. f. (pr. \ fils'&tt& \) At plr. filsëtte. - tacking, finance. - 2) - to back, to sponsor.
basting. finansiera - n. f. (pr. \ fin&[ng]si'er& \ ) - 1) - "financiere"
fìlter - n. m. (pr. \ f'iltær \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - filter (cars, sauce (cooking). - 2) - typical piedm. dish. (cooking).
mechanics, photo). - 2) - percolator (coffee). - 3) - finché - cng. (pr. \ fi[ng]k'e \ ) - 1) - untill. till. - 2) - as long
strainer. - 4) - philtre, philter (magic potion). See also the as. - 3) - as much as. See also the terms "tant che, fin-a
term "filtr". che, fin che".
filtr - n. m. (pr. \ f'iltr \) - See filter. fin che - cng. (pr. \ fi[ng]k'e \ ) - 1) - untill. till. - 2) - as long
filtrà - n. m. (pr. \ filtr'& \) Inv. at plr. - filtrate. as. - 3) - as much as. See also the terms "tant che, fin-a
filtràbil - adj. (pr. \ filtr'&bil \) Ms. plr. filtràbij- fm. sng. and che, finche". Note that this loc. is often shortened into "fin
plr. filtràbil, filtràbij. - filterable, filtrable. ch' " when the following word starts by vowel : "fin ch'a
filtrabilità - n. f. (pr. \ filtr&bilit'& \) Inv. at plr. - filterability. fonsion-a" "as log as it works".
filtrassion - n. f. (pr. \ filtr&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - filtering, findi - adv. (pr. \ f'indi \ ) - even, just.
filtration. See also the term "filtrura". finestra - n. f. (pr. \ fin'estr& \ ) - Italianism. - See fnestra.
filtré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ filtr'e \) - 1) - to filter, to filtrate, fingard - adj. and n. (pr. \ fi[ng]g'&rd \ ) Ms. plr. fingard - fm.
to strain. - 2) - to leak out, to filter out. sng. and plr. fingarda, fingarde. - 1) - slothful, lazy,
filtror - n. m. (pr. \ filtr'ur \) Inv. at plr. - device used for sluggish (adj.). - 2) - sluggard, slacker, lazy-bones (sbst.).
filtering liquids. (it could also be a simple piece of fabric). See also the term "infingard ".
filtrura - n. f. (pr. \ filtr'[ue]r& \) - See filtrassion. fingardàgin - n. f. (pr. \ fi[ng]g&rd'&ji[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
filura - n. f. (pr. \ fil'[ue]r& \) At plr. filure. - 1) - crack, cleft, sloth, laziness, sluggishness. See also the term
fissure. - 2) - split, flaw, crevice. - 3) - slit, slot. - 4) - "infingardàgin".
small opening, fissure, vent. See also the term "fissura" finge - vrb 2nd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ f'inje \ ) - 1) - to pretend,
(less used). to feign, to simulate. - to imagine, to suppose. Not very
filurà - 1) - cracked, chapped, chappy, fissured. - 2) - riddled. used. Preferred vrbl. loc. are : "fé finta, fé visa". See also
filuré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ fil[ue]r'e \) - to fissure. the term "finze".
filurésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ fil[ue]r'ese \) - to fissure. fingg-se - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ f'injse \ ) - to pretend, to
fìmera - n. f. (pr. \ f'imer& \ ) At plr. fimere. - 1) - ephimeral feign oneself.
temperature (medical). - 2) - ephemera, may-fly fingiment - n. m. (pr. \ f'injim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
(zoology - Ephemera vulgata). See also the term "efìmera". pretence, sham, make-believe. - 2) - deceitfulness,
fin - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ fi[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - end, termination, falsehood. - 3) - fiction, invention. - 4) - art, cunnung,
expiry. - 2) - border. - 3) - boundary. deceit. See also the terms "finziment, finsion".
fin - 2) - s. m. (pr. \ fi[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - scope, aim, end, finì - 1) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ fin'i \ ) Ms. plr. finì - fm. sng. and
object, purpose. See also the term "but". plr. finìa, finìe. - 1) - closed, finished, ended, terminated.
fin - 3) - adj. (pr. \ fi[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. fin - fm. sng. and plr. fin- - 2) - complete, completed, done, perfect. - 3) - broken. -
a, fin-e. - 1) - fine, thin. - 2) - delicate, kind. - 3) - 4) - finite (mathematics). Some loc. using this word : - A) -
refined. - 4) - subtle. - See also the term "sutil ". "féla finìa" lit. "to do it (fm.) closed " "to do (with)", e.
fin - 4) - prp. (pr. \ fi[ng] \ ) - 1) - untill, till, up to (time). - 2) g. "fomla finìa con sta landa ! " "let's have done with this
- as far as, to (space and fig.) - 3) - so much that vrb. In whining ! ". - B) - "n'afé mai pì finì" lit. "a never ended
this sense usually fin a infinitive.- See also the term "fin- business" "a thing very long or difficult to do". - C) - "a
a 1) and 2)". l'é në scritor finì" "he is a complete writer" or (depending
on context) "he is a broken writer". - D) - "la fonsion a l'ha

mach valor finì ant l'interval RS " "the function has only fiochëtta - n. f. (pr. \ fiuk'&tt& \ ) At plr. fiochëtte. - sleet.
finite values in the interval RS ". fiochëtté - vrb 1st con. int. imp. (pr. \ fiuk&tt'e \ ) - to sleet, to
finì - 2) - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ fin'i \ ) - 1) - to end, to snow with very small flakes.
come to an end (int.). E. g. "the works ends at six p. m." fiocos - adj. (pr. \ fiuc'uz \ ) Ms. plr. fiocos - fm. sng. and plr.
"ël travaj a finiss a ses ore 'd sèira". - 2) - to end by fiocosa, fiocose. - 1) - snowy. - 2) - snow-covered, snow-
gerund, (int.), corresponding to the piedm. finì për clad.
infinitive. E. g. "i l'hai finì për vendlo" "I ended by fiocosità - n. f. (pr. \ fiucuzit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - snowiness.
selling it ". 3) - to stop (int.). E. g. " ël travaj sì a finiss fiola - n. f. (pr. \ fi'ul& \ ) - See fiala.
mai" "the work here never stops". - 4) - to finish up, to fiolansa - n. f. (pr. \ fiul'[ng]s& \ ) At plr. fiolanse. - progeny,
wear out, to sell out (int.). - 5) - to end, to finish (trs.). - offspring, children.
2) - to finish off (trs.). - 3) - to polish off (trs.). fiolass - n. m. (pr. \ fiul'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - big and strong boy
finì - n. m. (pr. \ fin'i \ ) Inv. at plr. - end. E. g. "an sël finì dël or young man. See also the terms "fiolon, fiolastron".In
dì" "toward the end of the day". this case the pejorative form is not used in pejorative sense.
fiolì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ fiul'i \ ) - 1) - to give birth to, to
finiment - n. m. (pr. \ finim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - set,
deliver, to procreate. - 2) - to reproduce (mainly
"parure". - 2) - harness. - 3) - end, conclusion.
vegetables). - 3) - to adopt (a child). In this sense see also
finimond - n. m. (pr. \ finim'und \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - end of the
the terms "anfiolì, fiolìsse, anfiolìsse".
worl (lit.). - 2) - bedlam, pandemonium, rumpus (in a
fiolìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ fiul'ise \ ) - to adopt (a child).
fig. sense).
In this sense see also the terms "anfiolì, fiolì, anfiolìsse".
finissagi - n. m. (pr. \ finis'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - finishing.
finitëssa - n. f. (pr. \ finit'&ss& \ ) At plr. finitësse. - 1) - fiolin - n. m. (pr. \ fiul'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - young boy,
perfection, perfect finish. - 2) - finiteness, limitedness. teenager. See also the term "fiolòt". Diminutive of the
word "fieul ".
finitiv - adj. (pr. \ finit'iu \ ) Ms. plr. finitiv - fm. sng. and plr.
fiolòt - n. m. (pr. \ fiul'ot \ ) - See fiolin.
finitiva, finitive. - useful or required for reaching a
fior - n. f. (pr. \ fi'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - flower. - 2) - blossom
conclusion, conclusive. The expression "a la finitiva"
(trees). - 3) - cream (of the milk). - 4) - mould produced
means "in conclusion".
by a wine not well preserved (e. g. if it has put in wet
finitura - n. f. (pr. \ finit'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. finiture. - finishing.
bottles, or when grapes themselves were mouldy after a
finsion - n. f. (pr. \ fi[ng]si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - pretence,
sham, make-believe. - 2) - deceitfulness, falsehood. - 3) - rainy season). - 5) - surface (of liquids). E. g. "a fior d'eva"
fiction, invention. - 4) - art, cunnung, deceit. See also the "on the surface of the water". Note that in Piedm. this
terms "finziment, fingiment, finta". term is fm. Then there are some fig. ways of saying. Here
fint - adj. (pr. \ fint \ ) Ms. plr. fint - fm. sng. and plr. finta, we report some examples : - A) - "fior ëd farin-a" or "fumet
finte. - 1) - false, sham, mock. - 2) - deceitful. - 3) - " "flour, refined wheat meal". - B) - "na fior d'òm" "lit.
dummy, simulated, feigned. - 4) - imitation (as an "a flower of man" "a perfect gentleman, a good man". -
attribute). - 5) - fictitious. C) - "esse sla fior" lit. "to be on the flower" "to be in
finta - n. f. (pr. \ f'int& \ ) At plr. finte. - 1) - pretence, feint, one's prime". - D) - "esse a fior" lit. "to be at flower"
put-on. - 2) - feint (sport). - 3) - flap (tailoring). The "to be on the edge".
expression "fé finta" means "to pretend, to make believe" or fiorà - n. f. (pr. \ fiur'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - the content of a
also "to suppose, to imagine". "fioré" (see the term "fioré 1st meaning") Usually the
finta (për ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ p&r f'int& \ ) - as a feint, as a content is hay. See also the term "linsolà ".
simulation. fioragé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ fiur&j'e \ ) - to deck with
finsion - n. f. (pr. \ fi[ng]si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - pretence, flowers.
sham, make-believe. - 2) - deceitfulness, falsehood. - 3) - fioragi - n. m. (pr. \ fiur'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - flowery
fiction, invention. See also the terms "finterìa, faussità". pattern. - 2) - flowers (as a whole in a given place), set of
finterìa - n. f. (pr. \ finter'i& \ ) - See finsion. flowers.
finze - vrb 2nd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ f'inze \ ) - See finge. fioragià - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ fiur&ji'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
finziment - n. m. (pr. \ finzim'ænt \ ) - See fingiment. adorned with flowers.
fin-a - 1) - prp. (pr. \ f'i[ng]& \ ) - 1) - untill, till, up to (time). fioral - adj. (pr. \ fiur'&j \ ) Ms. plr. fioraj - fm. sng. and plr.
- 2) - as far as, to (space and fig.) - 3) - so much that fioral, fioraj. - floral. See also the term "floreal".
vrb. In this sense usually fin-a a infinitive.- See also the fiordalis - n. f. (pr. \ fiurd&l'iz \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - lily, fleur-
term "fin 4)". E. g. "a l'ha beivu fin-a a anciochésse" "he de-lis (heraldry). - 2) - corn-flower, bluebottle (botany -
drank so much that he got drunk". Centaurea cyanus). See also the terms "bluèt, bluvëtta" and
fin-a - 2) - adv. (pr. \ f'i[ng]& \ ) - even, just. The expression the loc. "fior ëd Sant Antòni, fior ëd San Luis".
"fin-a tròp" is translated into "even too much.". fioré - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ fiur'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - a large square
fin-a che - cng. (pr. \ f'i[ng]& ke \ ) - 1) - untill. till. - 2) - as of strong fabric used for collecting hay, grass, dry leaves,
long as. - 3) - as much as. See also the term "finché, fin etc., with pieces of rope at each corner. In this sense see
che, tant che ". E. g. - A) - "pijne fin-a che it na veule" = also "linseul". - 2) - a piece of cloth used for doing the
"take of it (them) as much as you want". - B) - "cor, fin-a washing with cinders (old method used in country).
che a pieuv nen" = "run as long as it is not raining" fioré - 2) - n. (pr. \ fiur'e \ ) Ms. plr. fioré - fm. sng. and plr.
fin-amai - adv. (pr. \ fi[ng]&m'&i \ ) - abundantly, in large fiorera, fiorere. - florist, flower-seller. See the terms
quantity. "fiorera 2nd meaning, fiorìsta".
fin-atant - cng. (pr. \ fi[ng]&nt'&nt \ ) - See finché. fiorera - n. f. (pr. \ fiur'er& \ ) At plr. fiorere. - 1) flower-box,
fiocà - n. f. (pr. \ fiuc'& \ ) - See fiocada. flower-holder. - 2) - florist, flower-seller. In this sense see
fiocada - n. f. (pr. \ fiuc'&d& \ ) At plr. fiocade. - snowfall. also the terms "fioré, fiorista".
fioché - vrb 1st con. int. imp. (pr. \ fiuk'e \ ) - to snow. It uses fioret - n. m. (pr. \ fiur'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - foil (sport). - 2) -
the aux. "avèj ". act of mortification (religion). - 3) - selection, selected
fiochet - n. m. (pr. \ fiuk'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - small bow, passages (literature). - 4) - bunch of candy floss. - 5) -
small knot, small tassel. - 2) - small snow-flake. floss-silk. - 6) - embellishment. In this sense see also the
(Diminutive of the term "fiòch" -see below-). term "brodarìa".
fior fior - (pr. \ fi'ur fi'ur \ ) - See fiorton.

fiorì - 1) - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ fiur'i \ ) - 1) - to flower. - 2) - fis-cc - n. m. (pr. \ f'is[ch] \ ) Inv. at plr. - whistle. This term is
to blossom. - 3) - to bloom. - 4) - to burst into flowers. - not very used. See the most common terms "subi, sìfol ".
5) - to grow mouldy (wine). - 6) - to flourish, to prosper fiscal - adj. (pr. \ fisc'&l \ ) Ms. plr. fiscaj - fm. sng. and plr.
(in a fig. sense). - 7) - to flourish, to be active (in a fig. fiscal, fiscaj. - 1) - fiscal, tax (as an attribute). - 2) -
sense). It is possible to find this vrb using the aux. "avèj " inquisitorial, strict, exacting.
as well as the aux. "esse". fiscalegé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ fisc&lej'e \ ) - to be too
fiorì - 2) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ fiur'i \ ) Ms. plr. fiorì - fm. sng. exacting, to examine too critically. It uses the aux. "avèj
and plr. fiorìa, fiorìe. - 1) - flowered (adj. and p. p.). - 2) - ".
healthy, blooming. (adj.). - 3) - prosperous, florid (adj.). fiscalegiament - n. m. (pr. \ fisc&leji&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
fiorìa - n. f. (pr. \ fiur'i& \ ) At plr. fiorìe. - 1) - adornment exaction, fiscal zeal.
with flowers. - 2) - florilegium, anthology (in a fig. fiscalisassion - n. f. (pr. \ fisc&liz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
sense). - 3) - flowering, blooming, blossoming. In this exemption from taxes.
sense see also the term "fioridura". - 4) - furunculosis. In fiscalisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ fisc&liz'e \ ) - to exempt from
this sense see also the term "fioronìa". taxes.
fioricoltor - n. (pr. \ fiuricult'ur \ ) Ms. plr. fioricoltor - fm. fiscalism - n. m. (pr. \ fisc&l'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - fiscal
sng. and plr. fioricoltòira, fioricoltòire. - floriculturist, system. - 2) - inquisitorial methods.
flower-grower. See also the term "floricoltor". fiscalista - n. (pr. \ fisc&l'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. fiscalista - fm. sng.
fioricoltura - n. f. (pr. \fiuricult'[ue]r& \) At plr. fioricolture. - and plr. fiscalista, fiscaliste. - tax expert, tax consultant.
floriculture, flower-growing. See also the term fiscalità - n. f. (pr. \ fisc&lit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - fiscal system.
"floricoltura". See also the loc. "sistema fiscal ".
fioridura - (pr. \ fiurid'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. fioridure. - 1) - fis-cé - vrb 1st con. int. and trs. (pr. \ fis[ch]'e \ ) - 1) - to
flowering, blooming, blossoming. - 2) - flowers, crop of whistle (trs. and int.). - 2) - to whizz, to hoot (int.). It uses
flowers. - 3) - flourishing (in a fig. sense). - 4) - eruption, always the aux. "avèj ". This term is not very used (quite an
efflorescence (in a fig. sense). italianism). See the most common terms "subié, siflé ".
fiorin - n. m. (pr. \ fiur'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - florin fis-cet - n. m. (pr. \ fis[ch]'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - whistle. See also
(history). - 2) - guilder (old Dutch money). the most common term "subiet".
fiorin-a - n. f. (pr. \ fiur'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. fiorin-e. - floret, fis-cëtté - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ fis[ch]&tt'e \ ) - to
floweret, small flower. whistle (softly, a song). It uses always the aux. "avèj ".
fiorista - n. (pr. \ fiur'i[ng]& \ ) Ms. plr. fiorista - fm. sng. and This term is not very used (quite an italianism). See the
plr. fiorista, fioriste. - florist, flower-seller. See also the most common terms "subiëtté ".
term "fioré ". fis-cià - n. f. (pr. \ fis[ch]i'& \ ) - See fis-ciada.
fioron - n. m. (pr. \ fiur'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - furuncle, boil. fis-ciada - n. f. (pr. \ fis[ch]i'&d& \ ) At plr. fis-ciade. - 1) -
See also the terms "ciavel, bognon". whistling. - 2) - hissing, booing. See also the terms
fioronìa - n. f. (pr. \ fiurun'i& \ ) At plr. fioronìe. - "fischiada, siflada, subiada, subià, siflà ".
furunculosis. fisch - n. m. (pr. \ fisc \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - revenue, public
fiorton - n. m. (pr. \ fiurt'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - the best (of revenue. - 2) - tax office. - 3) - revenue authorities,
whatever), the cream (in a fig. sense). See also the loc. treasury officers.
"fior fior". fischiada - n. f. (pr. \ fiski'&d& \ ) - See fis-ciada.
fiosca - n. f. (pr. \ fi'usc& \ ) - See fiësca. fischié - vrb 1st con. int. and trs. (pr. \ fiski'e \ ) - See fis-cé.
fioté - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ fiut'e \ ) - to feel disappointment, fìsica - n. f. (pr. \ f'izic& \ ) At plr. (if any) fìsiche. - physics.
to feel annoyance. It uses the aux. "avèj ". fìsich - 1) - n. and adj. (pr. \ f'izic \ ) Ms. plr. fisich - fm. sng.
fiòca - n. f. (pr. \ fi'oc& \ ) At plr. fiòche. - snow. and plr. fìsica, fìsiche. - 1) - physical (adj.). - 2) - physicist
fiòch - n. m. (pr. \ fi'oc \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - bow, knot. - 2) - (sbst.).
flake, snow-flake. - 3) - tuft, flock (texile). - 4) - tassel. - fisich - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ f'izic \ ) Inv. at plr. - physique,
5) - staysail (boats). constitution.
fiòla - n. f. (pr. \ fi'ol& \ ) - See fiala. fisicism - n. m. (pr. \ fizi[ch]'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - physicism
fiòss - n. m. (pr. \ fi'os \ ) Inv. at plr. - godson, godchild. (philosopy).
fiòssa - n. f. (pr. \ fi'os& \ ) At plr. fiòsse. - goddaughter, fisicista - n. (pr. \ fizi[ch]'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. fisicista - fm. sng.
godchild. and plr. fisicista, fisiciste. - physicist. (philosophy).
fiòt - n. m. (pr. \ fi'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - gush, stream. fìsima - n. f. (pr. \ f'izim& \ ) At plr. fìsime. - whim, fancy,
firma - n. f. (pr. \ f'irm& \ ) At plr. firme. - 1) - signature. - 2) conceit. See also the term "fissa".
- lifer (military slang). In this sense see also the terms fisiografìa - n. f. (pr. \ fiziugr&f'i& \ ) At plr. fisiografìe. -
"firmajeul, firmareul ". physiography.
firmajeul - n. m. (pr. \ firm&y'[oe]l \ ) At plr. firmajeuj. - 2) - fisiologìa - n. f. (pr. \ fiziuluj'i& \ ) At plr. fisiologìe. -
lifer (military slang). See also the term "firma 2nd physiology.
meaning". fisiològich - adj. (pr. \ fiziul'ojic \ ) Ms. plr. fisiològich - fm.
firmament - n. m. (pr. \ firm&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. (when sng. and plr. fisiològica, fisiològiche. - physiological.
applicable). - firmament. fisionomìa - n. f. (pr. \ fiziunum'i& \ ) - See fisonomìa
firmareul - n. m. (pr. \ firm&r'[oe]l \ ) - See firmajeul. fisionomista - n. (pr. \ fiziunum'ist& \ ) - See fisonomista.
firmatari - n. (pr. \ firm&t'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. firmatari - fm. sng. fisioterapìa - n. f. (pr. \ fiziuter&p'i& \ ) At plr. fisioterapìe. -
and plr. firmatària, firmatàrie. - 1) - signatory, signer, physiotherapy, physical therapy.
signee. - 2) - subscriber. fisioteràpich - adj. (pr. \ fiziuter'&pic \ ) Ms. plr. fisioterapich
firmé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ firm'e \ ) - 1) - to sign. - 2) - to - fm. sng. and plr. fisioterapica, fisioterapiche. -
subscribe. physiotherapeutic.
fisa - n. f. (pr. \ f'iz&\ ) At plr. fise. - accordion. The term is a fisiòlogh - n. (pr. \ fizi'olug \ ) Ms. plr. fisiòlogh - fm. sng. and
slang short for "fisarmònica" (see the word). plr. fisiòloga, fisiòloghe. - physiologist.
fisarmònica - n. f. (pr. \ fiz&rm'onic& \ ) At plr. fisiòlogo - n. (pr. \ fizi'olugô \ ) - See fisiòlogh.
fisarmòniche. - accordion. See also the term "fisa". fisonomìa - n. f. (pr. \ fizunum'i& \ ) At plr. fisonomìe. - . -
fisca - n. f. (pr. \ f'isc&\ ) - See fiësca. physiognomy, face, expression, aspect.

fisonomìsta - n. (pr. \ fizunum'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. fisonomista - fitàvol - n. (pr. \ fit'&wul \ ) Ms. plr. fitàvol - fm. sng. and plr.
fm. sng. and plr. fisonomista, fisonomiste. - one who is fitàvola, fitàvole. - tenant, renter, leaseholder. See also
good at remembering faces, physiognomist. the term "fitào".
fisonòmich - adj. (pr. \ fizun'omic \ ) Ms. plr. fisonòmich - fm. fité - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ fit'e \ ) - 1) - to let, to rent, to lease.
sng. and plr. fisonòmica, fisonòmiche. - physiognomical. - 2) - to lease, to rent (becoming a tenant). See also the
fiss - 1) - adj. (pr. \ fis \ ) Ms. plr. fiss - fm. sng. and plr. fissa, term "afité ".
fisse. - 1) - fixed. - 2) - regular. - 3) - settled. - 4) - fitissi - adj. (pr. \ fit'isi \ ) Ms. plr. fitissi - fm. sng. and plr.
stationary. fitissia, fitissie. - fictitious, imaginary, unreal, sham. See
fiss - 2) - adv. (pr. \ fis \ ) - fixedly. also the term "fàuss" and the loc. "nen vér (ms.), nen véra
fiss - 3) - n. m. (pr. \ fis \ ) Inv. at plr. - fixed salary, fixed (fm.)".
allowance. fito... - prefix (pr. \ fitu... \ ) - phyto... . Prefix related to
fissa - n. f. (pr. \ f'is& \ ) At plr. fisse. - 1) - fixation. - 2) - vegetables in general, whose use is similar in Piedm. and in
obsession, fixed idea, conceit, whim. See also the term English. In the following just some exemples.
"fìsima, fisassion". fito-fito - adv. (pr. \ fitufitu \ ) - quickly, rapidly. See also the
fissà - adj. and p. p. and n. (pr. \ fis'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - terms "vito-vito, vit-vit".
1) - fixed, set (adj. and p. p. ). - 2) - arranged, fixed, fitologìa - n. f. (pr. \ fituluj'i& \ ) At plr. (if any) fitologìe. -
appointed (adj. and p. p. ). - 3) - person with an phytology, botany.
obsession (sbst.). fitològich - adj. (pr. \ fitul'ojic \ ) Ms. plr. fitològich - fm. sng.
fissàbil - adj. (pr. \ fis'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. fissàbij - fm. sng. and and plr. fitològica, fitològiche. - phytological.
plr. fissàbil, fissàbij. - fixable. fiton - (pr. \ fit'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - tap-root, primary root.
fissada - n. f. (pr. \ fis'&d& \ ) At plr. fissade. - stare. fitopatologìa - n. f. (pr. \ fitup&tuluj'i& \ ) At plr.
fissagi - n. m. (pr. \ fis'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - fixing, fitopatologìe. - phytopathology, plant pathology.
fastening, clamping (mechanics). - 2) - fastener, clamp. - fitopatòlogh - n. (pr. \ fitup&t'olug \ ) Ms. plr. fitopatòlogh -
3) - fixing (photography). fm. sng. and plr. fitopatòloga, fitopatòloghe. -
fissassion - n. f. (pr. \ fis&si'u[ng] \ ) - See fissa. phytopathologist.
fissativ - 1) - adj. (pr. \ fis&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. fissativ - fm. sng. fitoterapìa - n. f. (pr. \ fituter&p'i& \ ) At plr. fitoterapìe. -
and plr. fissativa, fissative. - fixative. phytotherapy.
fissativ - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ fis&t'iu \ ) Inv. at plr. - fixative. fium - n. m. (pr. \ fi'[ue]m \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - river. - 2) -
fissator - n. m. (pr. \ fis&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - fixer, fixing river, torrent, flow, stream (in a fig. sense).
agent (chemistry). - 2) - fixing-bath (photography). - 3) - fiusa - n. f. (pr. \ fi'[ue]z& \ ) At plr. (if any) fiuse. - 1) -
setting lotion, hair-spray. confidence, reliance. - 2) - trust. See also the terms
fissé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ fis'e \ ) - 1) - to fix. - 2) - to fasten. "fiducia, fidùcia".
- 3) - to arrange, to decide upon. - 4) - to book. - 5) - to fiusà - adj. (pr. \ fi[ue]z'& \ ) - See fidà.
stare at, to gaze at. fiusant - adj. (pr. \ fi[ue]z'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. fiusant - fm. sng.
fissela - n. f. (pr. \ fis'el& \ ) At plr. fissele. - 1) - wooden form and plr. fiusanta, fiusante. - confident, trustful, trusting,
for making cheese. In this sense see also the terms hopeful. See also the terms "fiusos, fiducios".
"fissëlla, fassëlla". - 2) - string, twine, thin cord, waxed fiusca - n. f. (pr. \ fi'[ue]sc& \ ) - See fiësca.
thread.In this sense see also the term "filsela". fiusé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ fi[ue]z'e \ ) - to trust (to give trust
fissésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ fis'ese \ ) - 1) - to settle down, to sb.).
to take one's residence. - 2) - to be fixed. - 3) - to fix fiusésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ fi[ue]z'ese \ ) - to rely on (to
one's mind, to insist (on...), to have a bee in one's have trust in sb.). See also the term "fidésse".
bonnet. fiusos - adj. (pr. \ fi[ue]z'uz \ ) Ms. plr. fiusos - fm. sng. and
fissëlla - (pr. \ fis'&ll& \ ) - See fissela 1). plr. fiusosa, fiusose. - confident, trustful, trusting,
fissil - adj. (pr. \ f'isil \ ) Ms. plr. fìssij - fm. sng. and plr. fìssil, hopeful. See also the terms "fiducios, fiusant".
fìssij. - 1) - fissile, cleavable (geology). - 2) - fissionable flabél - n. m. (pr. \ fl&b'el \ ) At plr. flabéj. - flabellum.
(physics). flacon - n. m. (pr. \ fl&c'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - bottle, phial.
fission - n. f. (pr. \ fisi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - fission (physics). flacù - adj. (pr. \ fl&c'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. flacù - fm. sng. and plr.
fissionàbil - adj. (pr. \ fisiun'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. fìssionàbij - fm. flacùa, flacùe. - vainglorious, presumptuous, self-
sng. and plr. fìssionàbil, fìssionàbij. - fissionable conceited.
(physics). flagel - n. m. (pr. \ fl&j'el \ ) At plr. flagéj. - 1) - flagellum,
fissità - (pr. \ fisit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - fixity. scourge, whip. - 2) - calamity.
fissù - n. m. (pr. \ fis'[ue] \ ) Inv. at plr. - fichu. flagelant - n. m. (pr. \ fl&jel'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. - flagellant. In
fissura - n. f. See filura. general the term used in piedm. is "batù " (see the term).
fìstola - n. f. (pr. \ f'istul& \ ) At plr. fìstole. - 1) - fistula flagelassion - n. f. (pr. \ fl&jel&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
(medical). - 2) - Pan-pipe (music - organ). flagellation, scourging.
fistolisassion - n. f. (pr. \ fistuliz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - flagelé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ fl&jel'e \ ) - 1) - to flagellate, to
fistulization (medical). scourge. - 2) - to lash. - 3) - to scourge, to castigate (in a
fistolos - adj. (pr. \ fistul'uz \ ) Ms. plr. fistolos - fm. sng. and fig. sense).
plr. fistolosa, fistolose. - fistulous, fistular. flagiolet - n. m. (pr. \ fl&jiul'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - small flute,
fit - n. m. (pr. \ fit \ ) Inv. at plr. - rent, hire. octave flute, piccolo, flageolet. See also the term "flautin".
fitào - n. (pr. \ fit'&u \ ) Ms. plr. fitào - fm. sng. and plr. fitàoa, flagransa - n. f. (pr. \ fl&gr'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr. flagranse. -
fitàoe. - tenant, renter, leaseholder. Usually this term is flagrancy.
only used at ms. See also the terms "fitàol, fitàvol, afitàvol flagrant - adj. (pr. \ fl&gr'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. flagrant - fm. sng.
". and plr. flagranta, flagrante. - 1) - flagrant. - 2) - open,
fitàol - n. (pr. \ fit'&ul \ ) Ms. plr. fitàol - fm. sng. and plr. evident, flagrant.
fitàola, fitàole. - tenant, renter, leaseholder. See also the flambà - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ fl&mb'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - stroke, slash
term "fitào". flambà - 2) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ fl&mb'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and
nr. - destroyed, annihilated, ruined.

flambé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ fl&mb'e \ ) - to destroy, to ruin, flessiv - adj. (pr. \ fles'iu \ ) Ms. plr. flessiv - fm. sng. and plr.
to disperse, to waste, to hit. The expression "flambé 'l flessiva, flessive. - inflected (grammar, language).
bòcc" lit. is referred to playing bowls and meand "to hit the flessor - n. m. (pr. \ fles'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - flexor (anatomy).
jack", while in a fig. sense means "to produce an excellent Used also as an adj. referred to the muscle in the loc.
performance". "muscol flessor" = "flexor muscle".
flambò - n. m. (pr. \ fl&mb'o \ ) Inv. at plr. - torch. flessos - adj. (pr. \ fles'uz \ ) Ms. plr. flessos - fm. sng. and plr.
flan - n. m. (pr. \ fl&[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - pastry cooked in flessosa, flessose. - supple, flexuous, flexuose.
oven, timbale, pie, flan. flessosità - n. f. (pr. \ flesuzit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - flexuosity,
flanché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ fl&[ng]k'e \ ) - to throw, to suppleness.
fling, to hurl. See also the terms "frandé, sfrandé". flete - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ fl'ete \ ) - to inflect (grammar).
flanela - n. f. . (pr. \ fl&n'el& \ ) At plr. flanele. - 1) - flannel This vrb is only referred to grammar. For other meanings
(texile). - 2) - vest. In this sense see also the term see the terms "pieghé, gombé, curvé, etc.".
"majëtta". A way piedm. of saying : "fé flanela" lit. " to fleurt - n. m. (pr. \ fl'[oe]rt \ ) Inv. at plr. - flirt, flirtation. See
make flannel" "to be idle, to be an idler". also the term "flirt".
flàngia - n. f. (pr. \ fl'&nji& \ ) At plr. flange. - flange flicòrn - n. m. (pr. \ flic'orn \ ) Inv. at plr. - flügelhorn (music).
(technique). flin - n. m. (pr. \ fli[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - anger, wrath, rage,
flapa - n. f. (pr. \ fl'&p& \ ) - See falòpa. bad temper, huff. See also the fm. form "flin-a".
flat - n. m. (pr. \ fl&t \ ) Inv. at plr. - intestinal flatulence. See flin-a - n. f. (pr. \ fl'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. flin-e. - - anger, wrath,
also the term "flato". rage, bad temper, huff. See also the ms. form "flin ".
flatan - adj. (pr. \ fl&t'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. flatan - fm. sng. and flinà - n. f. (pr. \ flin'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - blow, stroke, knock.
plr. flatan-a, flatan-e. - flattering, alluring, tempting. See also the term "flinga".
See also the term "flatant ". finé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ flin'e \ ) - to strike, to hit, to beat,
flatant - adj. (pr. \ fl&t'&nt \ ) - See flatan. to knock.
flaté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ fl&t'e \ ) - to flatter, to allure. flinga - n. f. (pr. \ fl'i[ng]g& \ ) - See flinà.
flatésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ fl&t'ese \ ) - to flatter oneself, fliper - n. m. (pr. \ fl'ipær \ ) Inv. at plr. - pin-table, pinball
to deceive oneself. machine (term derived from English).
flateur - n. (pr. \ fl&t'[oe]r \ ) Ms. plr. flateur - fm. sng. and flip-flop - n. m. (pr. \ flipfl'op \ ) - flip-flop, bistable
plr. flateusa, flateuse. - flatterer. multivibrator (electronics). See also the term "bistàbil "
flato - n. m. (pr. \ fl'&tu \ ) - See flat. and the loc. "multivibrator bistàbil ".
fatulensa - n. f. (pr. \ fl&t[ue]l'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. flatulense. - flirt - (pr. \ fl'irt \ ) Inv. at plr. - flirt, flirtation. See also the
flatulence. See alsdo the loc. "fiàira 'd pansa". term "fleurt".
flatulent - adj. (pr. \ fl&t[ue]l'ænt \ ) ) Ms. plr. flatulent - fm. flirté - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ flirt'e \ ) - to flirt. It uses the aux.
sng. and plr. flatulenta, flatulente. - flatulent. "avèj ".
flàut - n. m. (pr. \ fl'&ut \ ) Inv. at plr. - flute. See also the term flit - n. m. (pr. \ flit \ ) Inv. at plr. - insecticide (extension
"fluta". coming from an old insecticide method). Note the fig.
flautin - n. m. (pr. \ fl&ut'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - flageolet. See expression "dé 'l flit" means "to abandon, to send away".
also the terms "flutin-a, flagiolet ". flo - n. m. (pr. \ flu \ ) Inv. at plr. - soft focus (photography).
flautista - n. (pr. \ fl&ut'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. flautista - fm. sng. flon - n. and adj. (pr. \ flu[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. flon - fm. sng. and
and plr. flautista, flautiste. - flautist, flutist. See also the plr. flon-a, flon-e. - 1) - braggart, boaster. - 2) - traitor. -
term "flutista". 3) - rascal (in a fig. jocular sense). See also the term
flebite - n. f. (pr. \ fleb'ite \ ) Inv. at plr. - phlebitis (medical). "fëlon".
flebìtich - adj. (pr. \ fleb'itic \ ) Ms. plr. flebìtich - fm. sng. and floné - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ flun'e \ ) - to brag, to bluster, to
plr. flebìtica, flebìtiche. - phlebitic (medical). boast. It uses the aux. "avèj ". See also the vrbl. loc. "fé 'l
flebo - n. f. (pr. \ fl'ebô \ ) - See fleboclisi. flon".
fleboclisi - n. f. (pr. \ flebucl'izi \ ) Inv. at plr. - phleboclysis. flonela - vrb 1st con. int. + prs. prn. (pr. \ flun'el& \ ) - to play
flecé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ fle[ch]'e \ ) - to shoot arrows, to the peacock, to strut. The meaning is refl. and idiomatic.
throw with a sling. It uses the aux. "avèj ". The lit. meaning is "to brag it" (with prn. fm. object).
flécia - n. f. (pr. \ fl'e[ch]i& \ ) At plr. fléce. - 1) - arrow. - 2) - flonìa - n. f. (pr. \ flun'i& \ ) - See fëlonìa.
sling. floreal - adj. (pr. \ flure'&l \ ) Ms. plr. floreaj - fm. sng. and
flecià - n. f. (pr. \ fle[ch]i'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - arrow-shot. - plr. floreal, floreaj. - floral.
2) - stinging remark, quip, gibe (in a fig. sense). floricoltor - n. (pr. \ fluricult'ur \ ) - See fioricoltor.
flèiss - n. f. (pr. \ fl'æis \ ) - See fèiless. floricoltura - n. f. (pr. \ fluricult'[ue]r& \ ) - See fioricoltura.
flema - n. f. (pr. \ fl'em& \ ) At plr. (if any) fleme. - phlegm, florilégi - n. m. (pr. \ fluril'eji \ ) Inv. at plr. - anthology,
coolness. florilegium. See also the term "fiorìa".
flemàtich - adj. (pr. \ flem'&tic \ ) Ms. plr. flemàtich - fm. sng. floris - n. m. (pr. \ flur'iz \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - healthy glow. - 2)
and plr. flemàtica, flemàtiche. - phlegmatic, cool. - floridness, prosperity.
flèss - n. f. (pr. \ flæs \ ) - See fèiless. floris (esse an ---) - vrbl. loc (pr. \ 'ese &[ng]flur'iz \ ) - to be
fléss - n. m. (pr. \ fles \ ) Inv. at plr. - flex, inflection, flex all right, to be strong and fit.
point (mathematics). florur - n. m. (pr. \ flur'[ue]r \ ) - See fluorur.
flessìbil - adj. (pr. \ fles'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. flessìbij - fm. sng. and floss - adj. (pr. \ flus \ ) Ms. plr. floss - fm. sng. and plr. flossa,
plr. flessìbil, flessìbij. - 1) - flexible, pliable, pliant, flosse. - limp, flabby, flaccid, floppy, soft. See also the
supple. - 2) - adaptable, accommodating (in a fig. sense). term "fiap".
flessibilità - n. f. (pr. \ flesibilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - flexibility, flot - n. m. (pr. \ flut \ ) - See flut 1) 1st meaning.
pliability, pliancy, suppleness. flotant - 1) - adj. (pr. \ flut'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. flotant - fm. sng.
flession - n. f. (pr. \ flesi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - bending, and plr. flotanta, flotante. - floating. See also the term
flexion, flection. - 2) - decrease, decline, drop. - 3) - "flutant"
inflection, inflexion (grammar). - 4) - flexure, flexion, flotant - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ flut'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. - floating funds
bending (mechanics). (economy).

floté - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ flut'e \ ) - 1) - to float, to plane. - fnera - n. f. (pr. \ fn'er& \) At plr. fnere. - 1) - barn. - 2) - hay-
2) - to rise and fall, to heave and surge. - 3) - to rock, to loft.
roll, to ripple. - 4) - to wave, to undulate, to flicker. fnesta - n. f. (pr. \ fn'est& \) - See fnestra.
flotija - n. f. (pr. \ flut'iy& \ ) At plr. flotije. - flotilla. See also fnestra - n. f. (pr. \ fn'estr& \) At plr. fnestre. - 1) - window. 2)
the term "flotìlia". - casement. - 3) - French window. The loc. "fnestra frà"
flotìlia - n. f. (pr. \ flut'ili& \ ) - See flotija. indicates a "window with grating". See also the terms
flòra - n. f. (pr. \ fl'or& \ ) At plr. (when applicable) flòre. - "fënestra, finestra, fnesta".
flora (botany). fnestrin - n. m. (pr. \ fnestr'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - window of
flòta - n. f. (pr. \ fl'ot& \ ) At plr. flòte. - 1) - fleet, navy. - 2) - trains or cars, an in general of means of transport.
multitude, crowd (in a fig. sense). fnestrin-a - n. f. (pr. \ fnestr'i[ng]& \) At plr. fnestrin-e. -
fluèt - adj. (pr. \ fl[ue]'æt \ ) Ms. plr. fluèt - fm. sng. and plr. small window.
fluëtta, fluëtte. - weak, feeble, frail, sickly. fnestron - n. m. (pr. \ fnestr'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - large window.
fluì - vrb 3rd con. int. - 1) - to flow, to stream. - 2) - to gush fnocc - n. m. (pr. \ fnu[ch] \) - See fnoj.
out. See also the terms "colé, score, sgorghé ". fnoj - n. m. (pr. \ fnuy \) Inv. at plr. - fennel (botany -
flùid - 1) - adj. (pr. \ fl'[ue]id \ ) Ms. plr. flùid - fm. sng. and Foeniculum vulgare).
plr. flùida, flùide. - 1) - fluid, flowing. - 2) - fluent (in a fnor - n. (pr. \ fnur \) Ms. plr. fnor - fm. sng. and plr. fnòira,
fig. sense). - 3) - unstable, unsettled (in a fig. sense). fnòire. - 1) - person engaged in haymaking. In this sense
flùid - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ fl'[ue]id \ ) Inv. at plr. - flùid. see also the fm. "fnòira". - 2) - stick used in turning hay.
fluidità - n. f. (pr. \ fl[ue]idit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - fluidity. - fnòira - n. f. (pr. \ fn'oir& \) - See fnor.
2) - fluency. - 3) - unstableness. fnura - n. f. (pr. \fn'[ue]r&\) At plr. fnure. - 1) - haymaking. -
fluodinàmica - n. f. (pr. \ fl[ue]udin'&mic& \ ) At plr. (when 2) - hay-time.
applicable) fluodinàmiche. - fluid dynamics (physics). foà - adj. (pr. \fu'&\) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - red-hot. - 2) -
fluor - n. m. (pr. \ fl[ue]'ôr \ ) - See fluòr. fiery, burning (in a fig. sense). See also the term "afoà ".
fluoressensa - n. f. (pr. \ fl[ue]ôres'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. foajé - n. m. (pr. \fu&y'e \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - fire-place. In this
fluoressense. - fluorescence. sense see also the terms "foalé, feu". - 2) - foyer.
fluoressent - adj. (pr. \ fl[ue]ôres'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. floressent - foalé - n. m. (pr. \fu&l'e \) - See foajé 1st meaning.
fm. sng. and plr. fluoressenta, fluoressente. - fluorescent. foassa - n. f. (pr. \fu'&s& \) At plr. foasse. - husk (olives, nuts,
fluorìdrich - adj. (pr. \ fl[ue]ôr'idric \ ) Ms. plr. fluorìdrich - etc.)
fm. sng. and plr. fluorìdrica, fluorìdriche. - hydrofluoric foat - n. m. (pr. \fu'&t \) Inv. at plr. - whip, lash, scourge. See
(chemistry). also the term "foèt".
fluorite - n. f. (pr. \ fl[ue]ôr'ite \ ) Inv. at plr. - fluorspar, foatà - n. f. (pr. \fu&t'& \) Inv. at plr. - lash, blow with a
fluorite (mineralogy). whip.
fluorisassion - n. f. (pr. \ fl[ue]ôriz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - foatada - n. f. ( pr. \ fu&t'& \ ) At plr. foatade. - flogging,
fluoridation (chemistry). lashing.
fluorur - n. m. (pr. \ fl[ue]ôr'[ue]r \ ) Inv. at plr. fluoride foaté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ fu&t'e \ ) - to whip, to flog, to
(chemistry). See also the terms "florur, fluoruro". lash.
fluoruro - n. m. (pr. \ fl[ue]ôr'[ue]rô \ ) - See fluorur. fobìa - n. f. (pr. \ fub'i& \ ) At plr. fobìe. - 1) - phobia. - 2) -
fluòr - n. m. (pr. \ fl[ue]'or \ ) Only sng. (chemical element). In aversion, dread.
case of need it is inv. at plr. - fluorine (chemistry). foborgh - n. m. (pr. \ fub'urg \ ) Inv. at plr. - suburb. See also
fluss - n. m. (pr. \ fl[ue]s \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - flow. - 2) - flux, the term "bariera".
stream (physics). - 3) - flux (medical) focal - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ fuc'&l \ ) At plr. focaj. - focal length,
flussion - n. f. (pr. \ fl[ue]si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - fluxion focal distance (physics, photography).
(medical). - 2) - catarrh (medical) - 3) - sometimes also focal - 2) - adj. (pr. \ fuc'&l \ ) Ms. plr. focaj - fm. sng. and plr.
rheumatism (medical), focal, focaj. - 1) - focal (physics, mathematics). -2) - in the
flussionera - n. f. (pr. \ fl[ue]siun'er& \ ) At plr. flussionere. - expression "péra focal" lit. "focal stone" or "fire stone"
type of female cap for protecting from cold. flint. In this sense see also the term "foghera 2)"
flut - n. m. (pr. \ fl[ue]t \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - wave. - 2) - flute focòl - n. m. (pr. \ fuc'ol \ ) At plr. focòj. - 1) - detachable
glass. See also the term "flot ". collar. - 2) - sailor collar.
flut - 2) - adj. (pr. \ fl[ue]t \ ) Ms. plr. flut - fm. sng. and plr. fodradura - n. f. (pr. \ fudr&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. fodradure. -
fluta, flute. - ruined, hopeless, given up. lining, covering. This term is quite an italianism. See also
fluta - n. f. (pr. \ fl'[ue]t& \ ) At plr. flute. - flute (music). The the best piedm. term "fodrura".
expression "fluta dossa" means "recorder". fodré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ fudr'e \ ) - 1) - to line. - 2) - to
flutà - adj. (pr. \ fl[ue]t'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - fluty, fluted, cover. See also the term "anfodré ".
soft and musical, flute-like. fodrëtta - n. f. (pr. \ fudr'&tt& \ ) At plr. fodrëtte. - pillow-
flutant - adj. (pr. \ fl[ue]t'&nt \ ) - See flotant. case, pillow-slip. See also the term "feudra".
flutin - n. m. (pr. \ fl[ue]t'i[ng] \ ) - See flutin-a. fodrighet - n. (pr. \ fudrig'æt \ ) Ms. plr. fodrighet - fm. sng.
flutin-a - n. f. (pr. \ fl[ue]t'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. flutin-e. - and plr. fodrighëtta, fodrighëtte. - fidget, lively child. See
flageolet, octave flute, small flute. See also the terms also the terms "farfoj, fotrighet".
"flautin, flagiolet". fodrura - n. f. (pr. \ fudr'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. fodrure. - lining,
flutista - n. (pr. \ fl[ue]t'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. flutista - fm. sng. and covering.
plr. flutista, flutiste. - flautist, flutist. See also the term foé - 1) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ fu'e \ ) - 1) - to make red-hot. -
"flautista". 2) - to inflame (also in a fig. sense).See also the term
flutuassion - n. f. (pr. \ fl[ue]t[ue]&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - "afoé".
fluctuation. - 2) - floating, float (finance). foé - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ fu'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - beech-wood.
fluvial - adj. (pr. \ fl[ue]vi'&l \ ) Ms. plr. fluviaj - fm. sng. and foésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ fu'ese \ ) - 1) - to become red-
plr. fluvial, fluviaj. - fluvial, river (as an attribute). hot. - 2) - to enflame, to kindle.
fnareul - n. m. (pr. \ fn&r'[oe]l \) - See fënareul. foèt - n. m. (pr. \ fu'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - whip, lash.
fné - n. m. vrb 1st (pr. \ fn'e \ ) - to make hay. See also foëtté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ fu&tt'e \ ) - to whip, to flog, to
the vrbl. loc. "fé ij fen ". lash. See also the terms "foaté, frusté ".

fofa - n. f. (pr. \ f'uf& \ ) - See fifa. composite word, typical in Piedm. : "bërlicafojòt " "who
fogagi - n. m. (pr. \ fug'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - firewood. - 2) - licks the pans" "greedy person".
stock of firewood for winter. folà - n. f. (pr. \ ful'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - gust, puff (of wind, but
fogagna - n. f. (pr. \ fug'&[gn]& \ ) At plr. (if any) fogagne. - also in a fig. sense). See also the term "buf ".
riff-raff, rabble, mob. foladura - n. f. (pr. \ ful&d'[ue]r& \ ) - See folatura.
fogassa - n. f. (pr. \ fug'&s& \ ) At plr. fogasse. - flat cake, folairà - n. f. (pr. \ ful&ir'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - pleasantry,
bun (cooking). joke, foolosh thing, piece of nonsense. - 2) - trifle.
fogaton - n. m. (pr. \ fug&t'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - fire, big fire folandrà - n. f. (pr. \ ful&ndr'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - stupid thing,
(buildings, etc.) See also the term "fogheri "- nonsense, doltishness, awkwardness. See also the term
foghera - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ fug'er& \ ) At plr. foghere. - brazier, "folandràgin".
warming pan. See also the terms "fogon, brasé ". folandràgin - n. f. (pr. \ ful&ndr'&ji[ng] \ ) - See folandrà.
foghera - 2) - adj. fm. (pr. \ fug'er& \ ) At plr. foghere. - In the folar - n. m. (pr. \ ful'&r \ ) Inv. at plr. - foulard, head-square,
expression "pera foghera" = flint. See also the term "focal silk scarf.
2) 2nd meaning". folarin - n. m. (pr. \ ful&r'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - small silk
fogheri - n. m. (pr. \ fug'eri \ ) - See fogaton. foulard.
foghet - n. m. (pr. \ fug'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - little fire. - 2) - folastré - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ ful&str'e \ ) - to frolic. See also
fireworks (at plr.). the term "folatré ". It uses the aux. "avèj ".
foghin - n. m. (pr. \ fug'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - worker assigned folastron - n. (pr. \ ful&str'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. folastron - fm.
at firing mines. sng. and plr. folastron-a, folastrone. - wag, jolly fellow,
foghista - n. m. (pr. \fug'ist&\ ) Inv. at plr. - fireman, stoker. foolish person, happy-go-lucky person.
fogna - n. f. (pr. \ f'u[gn]& \ ) At plr. fogne. - perquisition, folatin - n. m. (pr. \ ful&t'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - down, first
search. Be careful not to confuse this term with the term hair, first bread.
"fògna", having a completely different meaning (see folaton - n. (pr. \ ful&t'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. folaton - fm. sng. and
below). plr. folaton-a, folatone. - fool, silly, stupid person.
fognadura - n. f. (pr. \ fu[gn]&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. fognadure. - folatura - n. f. (pr. \ ful&t'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. folature. - 1) -
1) - sewrage, drainage. - 2) - sewers. - 3) - sewer, drain. fulling, milling (texile). - 2) - wine pressing. See also the
See also the term "fògna". terms "foladura, folura".
fogné - vrb 1st con. trs. - (pr. \ fu[gn]'e \ ) - to search. folé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ ful'e \ ) - 1) - to full, to mill (texile).
fognèire - n. (pr. \ fu[gn]'æire \ ) Ms. plr. fognèire - fm. sng. - 2) - to press (grapes).
and plr. fognèira, fognèire. - 1) - fidget, lively child. - 2) - folera - n. f. (pr. \ ful'er& \ ) At plr. folere. - alpine warbler
rummager. - See also the term "fërfoj ". (zoology - Motacilla alpina).
fogon - n. m. (pr. \ fug'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. brazier, warming folet - n. m. (pr. \ ful'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - elf, sprite, goblin.
pan. See also the terms "foghera, brasé ". folfoliro - n. (pr. \ fulful'iru \ ) Ms. plr. folfoliro - fm. sng. and
fogos - adj. (pr. \ fug'uz \ ) Ms. plr. fogos - fm. sng. and plr. plr. folfloira, folfolire. - fool, silly, simpleton, gull. See
fogosa, fogose. - passionate, ardent, impetuous, fiery. also the terms "folfolitro, folitro".
fogosità - n. f. (pr. \ fuguzit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - impetuosity, folfolitro - n. (pr. \ fulful'itru \ ) - See folfoliro.
vehemence, ardour, passion. folìa - n. f. (pr. \ ful'i& \ ) At plr. folìe. - 1) - madness,
foin - n. m. (pr. \ fu'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - beech-marten insanity. - 2) - extravagance.
(zoology - Martes foina). - 2) - fidget, lively child. - See folitro - n. (pr. \ ful'itru \ ) - See folfoliro.
also the term "fuin". folon - n. m. (pr. \ ful'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - fulling-mill (texile).
foinera - n. f. (pr. \ fuin'er& \ ) At plr. foinere. - trap for foloné - n. (pr. \ fulun'e \ ) Ms. plr. foloné - fm. sng. and plr.
beech-marten. folonera, folonere. - fuller.
fojagi - n. m. (pr. \ fuy'&gi \ ) Inv. at plr. - foliage, leaves, folura - n. f. (pr. \ ful'[ue]r& \ ) - See folatura.
leafage. See also the term "fujagi, fojam, fujam ". foment - n. m. (pr. \ fum'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - fomentation
fojam - n. m. (pr. \ fuy'&m \ ) - See fojagi. (medical). - 2) - suffumigation (medical). In this sense see
fojass - n. m. (pr. \ fuy'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - heap of leaves, litter also the term "fument ". - 3) - instigation, incitement.
of leaves. See also the term "fujass". fomentador - n. (pr. \ fumænt&d'ur \ ) Ms. plr. fomentador -
fojassa - n. f. (pr. \ fuy'&s \ ) At plr. fojasse. - large leaf. See fm. sng. and plr. fomentadòira, fomentadòire. -
also the term "fujassa". fomenter, instigator.
fojassù - adj. (pr. \ fuy&s'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. fojassù - fm. sng. fomentassion - n. f. (pr. \ fumænt&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
and plr. fojassùa, fojassùe. - leafy. See also the term fomentation, instigation, stirring up. - 2) - fomentation
"fujassù ". (medical).
fojé - vrb 1st con. int. and trs. (pr. \ fuy'e \ ) - 1) - to produce fomenté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ fumænt'e \ ) - to foment, to stir
leaves (botany - int.) - 2) - to number pages of ... (trs.). E. up, to instigate. See also the terms "cissé, issé, visché ".
g. "fojé un lìber" "to number the pages of a book". - 3) - fomlam - n. m. (pr. \ fuml'&m \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any) - group of
to rummage (int.). - It uses always the aux. "avèj". women (in a disparaging sense). See also the term
fojet - n. m. (pr. \ fuy'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - small sheet, note, "fumlam".
card. See also the term "fujet ". fomlin - adj. (pr. \ fuml'i[ng] \ ) - See fomnin 2).
fojëtta - n. f. (pr. \ fuy'&tt& \ ) At plr. fojëtte. - 1) - small leaf. fomna - n. f. (pr. \ f'umn& \ ) At plr. fomne. - 1) - woman. - 2)
In this sense see also the terms "fojin-a, fujin-a". - 2) - - wife. - 3) - female. See also the term "dòna". Common
baking-pan. In this sense see also the term "feuja". See (in expressions : - A) - "òm e fomna" = lit. "man and woman"
general) also the term "fujëtta". = (usually) "husband and wife". - B) - "mia fomna" = "my
fojin-a - n. f. (pr. \ fuy'i[ng]& \ ) - See fojëtta 1st meaning. wife". - C) - "fomna 'd cà" = "housewife".
fojotin - n. m. . (pr. \ fuyut'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - saucepan, fomnasson - n. m. (pr. \ fumn&s'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - big and
small pan, small frying pan (usually in terracotta, but also strong woman. Note that the word is ms. (this often
in metal, with one handle). happens in altered nouns). The fm. version is "fomnon-a"
fojòt - n. m. (pr. \ fuy'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - pan (usually in (see the term).
terracotta, but also in metal, with one handle). A derive fomné - n. m. (pr. \ fumn'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - lady-killer,
ladies'man, womanizer. See also the term "fumlé ".

fomnëtta - n. f. (pr. \ fumn'&tt& \ ) - See fomnin-a. fondé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ fund'e \ ) - 1) - to found, to build,
fomnin - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ fumn'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - little to base, to ground. - 2) - to establish, to constitute, to
woman (age or aspect), sensible girl. Note that the word institute, to set up.
is ms. (this often happens in altered nouns). The fm. fondél - n. m. (pr. \ fund'el \ ) At plr. fondéj. - bottom.
version is "fomnin-a" (see the term). - 2) - feminine. fondent - n. and adj. (pr. \ fund'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. fondent - fm.
fomnin - 2) - adj. (pr. \ fumn'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. fomnin - fm. sng. and plr. fondenta, fondente. - 1) - flux (metallurgy -
sng. and plr. fomnin-a, fomnin-e. - 1) - feminine, sbst.). - 2) - fondant, sugar sweet (sbst.). - 3) - melting
womanly. - 2) - effeminate. (adj.).
fomnin-a - n. f. (pr. \ fumn'i[ng] \ ) At plr. fomnin-e. - Inv. at fonderìa - n. f. (pr. \ funder'i& \ ) At plr. fonderìe. - foundry.
plr. - 1) - little woman (age or aspect), sensible girl. See See also the term "fondarìa".
also the terms "fomnin 1), fomnëtta, fomnucia". fondet - n. m. (pr. \ fund'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - front bottom of a
fomnon-a - n. f. (pr. \ fumn'u[ng]& \ ) At plr. fomnon-e. - big cask.
and strong woman. See also the term "fomnasson". fondeur - n. m. (pr. \ fund'[oe]r \ ) Inv. at plr. - founder,
fomnucia - n. f. (pr. \ fumn'[ue][ch]i& \ ) - See fomnin-a. caster, smalter, foundryman. See also the term "fonditor"
fonassion - n. f. (pr. \ fun&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - phonation. fondiari - adj. (pr. \ fundi'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. fondiari - fm. sng.
(physiology). and plr. fondiaria, fondiarie. - land (as an attribute),
fonatòri - adj. (pr. \ fun&t'ori \ ) Ms. plr. fonatòri - fm. sng. landed.
and plr. fonatòria, fonatòrie. - phonatory. (physiology). fondìbil - adj. (pr. \ fund'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. fondìbij - fm. sng. and
fond - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ fund \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - bottom.- 2) - plr. fondìbil, fondìbij. - meltable, fusible.
end. - 3) - ground (sea). - 4) - back, background. - 5) - fondicarìa - n. f. (pr. \ fundic&r'i& \ ) At plr. fondicarìe -
seat (trousers). - 6) - bottom, bed. - 7) - grounds, dregs, grocery, grocer's.
lees. - 8) - remainders, remnants. - 9) - leading article, fondiché - n. (pr. \ fundik'e \ ) Ms. plr. fondiché - fm. sng. and
editorial. - 10) - long distance race, cross-country race, plr. fondichera, fondichere. - grocer.
cross-country riding. (sport), - 11) - goal line (football). - fondin-a - n. f. (pr. \ fund'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. fondin-e. - holster.
12) - land tenement. See also the term "fonda 1st meaning".
fond - 2) - n. m. plr. (pr. \ fund \ ) Only plr. - funds. (money) fondista - n. (pr. \ fund'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. fondista - fm. sng. and
Italianism. See "fondo". plr. fondista, fondiste. - 1) - long distance runner,
fond - 3) - adj. (pr. \ fund \ ) Ms. plr. fond - fm. sng. and plr. "langlaufer" (sport). - 2) - writer of leading articles
fonda, fonde. - deep. See also the terms "përfond, ancreus, (newspapers).
creus". fóndita - n. f. (pr. \ f'undit& \ ) At plr. fóndite - fusion,
fonda - n. f. (pr. \ f'und& \ ) At plr. (when applicable) fonde. - founding, casting, smelting. melting. Note the letter "ó "
1) - holster. In this sense see also the term "fondin-a". - 2) with acute stress, sounding \ u \.
- anchorage (ship). fonditor - n. m. (pr. \ fundit'ur \ ) - See fondeur.
fondal - n. m. (pr. \ fund'&l \ ) At plr. fondaj. - 1) - back-drop fondo - n. m. (pr. \ f'undu \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - funds. - 2) -
(theatre). - 2) - soundings (sea). Note that "fondal àut " estate, property.
means "deep sea" and "fondal bass" means "shoal ". fondrium - n. m. (pr. \ fundri'[ue]m \ ) - See fondam.
fondam - n. m. (pr. \ fund'&m \ ) Inv. at plr. - dregs, lees. See fondù - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ fund'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. fondù - fm.
also the terms "fondrium, fondum, fond 1) 7th meaning". sng. and plr. fondùa, fondùe. - fused, cast, smelted,
fondament - n. m. (pr. \ fund&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - melted, molten.
foundation, basis. - 2) - principle, grounding (in a fig. fondùa - n. f. (pr. \ fund'[ue]& \ ) At plr. fondùe. - "fondue"
sense). - 3) - validity, truth. In this last sense see also the (melted cheese in a few milk and a couple of jolks of eggs :
term "fondatëssa". the resulting cream - not easy to prepare - can be put on
fondamenta - n. f. plr. (pr. \ fund&m'ænt& \ ) Only plr. - sliced and baked potatoes).
foundations (building). See also the term "fondamente". fondum - n. n (pr. \ fund'[ue]m \ ) - See fondam.
fondamental - adj. (pr. \ fund&mænt'&l \ ) Ms. plr. fonema - n. m. (pr. \ fun'em& \ ) Inv. at plr. - phoneme.
fondamentaj - fm. sng. and plr. fondamental, fonemàtica - n. f. (pr. \ funem'&tic& \ ) At plr. fonemàtiche. -
fondamentaj. - fundamental, basic. phonematics.
fondamentalism - n. m. (pr. \ fund&mænt&l'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. fonemàtich - adj. (pr. \ funem'&tic \ ) Ms. plr. fonemàtich -
- fundamentalism. fm. sng. and plr. fonemàtica, fonemàtiche. - phonematic,
fondamente - n. f. plr. (pr. \ fund&m'ænte \ ) - See phonemic.
fondamenta. fonética - n. f. (pr. \ fun'etic& \ ) At plr (if any) fonétiche. -
fondant - n. m. (pr. \ fund'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. - fondant (sweet phonetics.
of sugar). fonétich - adj. (pr. \ fun'etic \ ) Ms. plr. fonétich - fm. sng. and
fondarìa - n. f. (pr. \ fund&r'i& \ ) At plr. fondarìe. - foundry. plr. fonética, fonétiche. - phonetical.
See also the term "fonderìa". fonetìsta - n. (pr. \ funet'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. fonetista - fm. sng.
fondassion - n. f. (pr. \ fund&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - and plr. fonetista, fonetiste.- phonetician (language).
foundation. - 2) - institution, foundation. - 3) - fonfon - n. m. (pr. \ fu[ng]f'u[ng] \ ) funk. See also the terms
promotion (finance). "fofa, fifa, paura, por, pàu".
fondatëssa - n. f. (pr. \ fund&t'&ss& \ ) At plr. fondatësse. - fongà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ fu[ng]g'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1)
validity, truth. See the most piedm. term "fondament 3rd - sunk, digged dip. - 2) - hollow, sunken, deep-set.
meaning". fongh - adj. (pr. \ fu[ng]g \ ) Ms. plr. fongh - fm. sng. and plr.
fondator - n. (pr. \ fund&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. fondator - fm. sng. fonga, fonghe. - deep. See also the terms "fons, creus,
and plr. fondatriss, fondatriss. - 1) - founder. - 2) - ancreus, përfond ".
promoter. fonghé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ fu[ng]g'e \ ) - 1) - to
fonde - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ f'unde \ ) - 1) - to melt. - 2) - to sink (trs. and int.). - 2) - to plunge (trs.). - 3) - to go to the
fuse, to found. - 3) - to cast. - 4) - to smelt. - 5) - to blend, bottom (int.). - 4) - to fall down (int.). When trs. it uses
to amalgamate, to merge. the aux. "avèj ", when int. it uses the aux. "esse".
foniatrìa - n. f. (pr. \ funi&tr'i& \ ) At plr. foniatrì -

foniàtrich - adj. (pr. \ funi'&tric \ ) Ms. plr. foniàtrich - fm. foradura - n. f. (pr. \ fur&d'[ue]r& \ ) - See forada.
sng. and plr. foniàtrica, foniàtriche. - phoniatric. foragera - adj. fm. (pr. \ fur&j'er& \ ) - At plr.foragere. -
fono... - prefix and ...fono - suffix. (pr. \ funu... \ \ ...funô \ ) - fodder (as an attribute) in the expression "fodder plant "
phono... , The piedm. use is similar to the english "pianta foragera".
one, and it refers to sound. E. g. "fonografìa" = foragi - n. m. (pr. \ fur'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - forage, fodder. See
"phonography" or "teléfono" = "telephone". In the also the term "foragg".
following some examples. foragg - n. m. (pr. \ fur'&j \ ) - See foragi.
fonografìa - n. f. (pr. \ funugr&f'i& \ ) At plr. fonografìe - foraneo - adj. (pr. \ fur'&neu \ ) - See forani.
phonography. forani - adj. (pr. \ fur'&ni \ ) Ms. plr. forani - fm. sng. and plr.
fonogràfich - adj. (pr. \ funugr'&fic \ ) Ms. plr. fonogràgich - forània, forànie. - 1) - outer, offshore. - 2) - forane
fm. sng. and plr. fonogràfica, fonogràfiche. - (religion).
phonographic. foratà - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ fur&t'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - puncture,
fonograma - n. f. (pr. \ funugr'&m& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - prick, holing, punching. In this sense see also the term
written telephone message. - 2) - phonogram. "foraton". - 2) - a series of holes, many punctures, In this
fonologìa - n. f. (pr. \ funuluj'i& \ ) At plr. (if any) fonologìe. - sense see also the term "foratada".
phonology. foratà - 2) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ fur&t'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
fonògrafo - n. m. (pr. \fun'ogr&fô\ ) Inv. at plr. - phonograph. riddled, pricked.
fonòlogh - n. (pr. \ fun'olug \ ) Ms. plr. fonòlogh - fm. sng. and foratada - n. f. (pr. \ fur&t'&d& \ ) At plr. foratade. - a series
plr. fonòloga, fonòloghe. - phonologist. See also the term of holes, many punctures. See also the term "foratà 2nd
"fonòlogo". meaning".
fonòlogo - n. (pr. \ fun'olugô \ ) - See fonòlogh. foraté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ fur&t'e \ ) - to riddle with holes.
fons - adj. (pr. \ fu[ng]s \ ) - See fongh. foraton - n. m. (pr. \ fur&t'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - puncture,
fonsion - n. f. (pr. \ fu[ng]si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - function, prick, holing, punching (violent od in deep).
role. - 2) - office. - 3) - sevice (religion). - 4) - function foravia - 1) - prp. and adv. (pr. \ fôr&v'i& \ ) - except, but,
(mathematics). See also the term "funsion". save. Usually in the forms "foravia che..., foravia 'd...".
fonsional - adj. (pr. \ fu[ng]siun'&l \ ) Ms. plr. fonsionaj - fm. foravia - 2) - adj. (pr. \ fôr&v'i& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
sng. and plr. fonsional, fonsionaj. - 1) - functional. - 2) - exceptional, not usual.
handy (in a fig. sense). See also the term "funsional". forca - n. f. (pr. \ f'urc& \ ) At plr. forche. - 1) - hay-fork,
fonsionalism - n. m. (pr. \ fu[ng]siun&l'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - pitchfork (agriculture). In this sense see also the term
functionalism. See also the term "funsionalism". "forcon". - 2) - gallows, gibbet.
fonsionalità - n. f. (pr. \ fu[ng]siun&lit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - forcà - n. f. (pr. \ furc'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - forkful. - 2) -
functionality, functonal character. thrust with a fork. Both the definitions are referred to
fonsionament - n. m. (pr. \ fu[ng]siun&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - agriculture. See also the term "forconà ".
working, dunning, functioning, operation. See also the forcadura - n. f. (pr. \ furc&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. forcadure. -
term "funsionament". fork, forking. See also the term "forcura".
fonsionant - adj. (pr. \ fu[ng]siun'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. fonsionant - forcëlinà - n. f. (pr. \ fur[ch]&lin'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - forkful.
fm. sng. and plr. fonsionanta, fonsionante. -working, - 2) - fork-thrust. Both meanings referred to cutlery. See
operating. See also the term "funsionant". also the term "forchëttà, forciolinà , forslinà".
fonsionari - n. (pr. \ fu[ng]siun'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. fonsionari - fm. forcëlin-a - n. f. (pr. \ fur[ch]&l'i[ng]& \ ) Ar plr. forchëlin-e -
sng. and plr. fonsionaria, fonsionarie. - official, officier, fork (cutlery). See also the terms "forciolin-a, forchëtta 1st
functionary. See also the term "funsionari". meaning, forslin-a".
fonsioné - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ fu[ng]siun'e \ ) - 1) - to work, forchëtta - n. f. (pr. \ furk'&tt& \ ) At plr. forchëtte. - 1) - fork
to operate, to run. - 2) - to act. - 3) - to work, to (cutlery). - 2) - forked-stick.
function, to go (in a fig. sense). See also the term forchëttà - (pr. \ furk&tt'& \ ) - Inv. at plr. - 1) - forkful. - 2) -
"funsioné". fork-thrust.
fontanass - n. m. (pr. \ funt&n'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - false spring forchin - n. m. (pr. \ furk'i[ng] \ ) - Inv. at plr. - pitchfork
due to infiltration of water from a river or torrent. (agriculture)
fontané - n. (pr. \ funt&n'e \ ) Ms. plr. fontané - fm. sng. and forciolinà - n. f. (pr. \ fur[ch]iulin'& \ ) - See forcëlinà.
plr. fontanera, fontanere. - fountain-attendant. forciolin-a - n. f. (pr. \ fur[ch]iul'i[ng]& \ ) - See forcëlin-a.
fontanela - n. f. (pr. \ funt&n'el& \ ) At plr. fontanele. - 1) - forcon -n. m. (pr. \ furc'u [ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - hay-fork,
drinking-fountain. - 2) - fontanelle (anatomy). pitchfork (agriculture). See also the term "forca 1st
fontanin - n. m. (pr. \ funt&n'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - spring, meaning".
small fountain. forconà - n. f. (pr. \ furcun'& \ ) - See forcà.
fontanon - n. m. (pr. \ funt&n'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - big forconé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ furcun'e \ ) - to pitchfork. See
fountain, monumental fountain. also the terms "anforché, anforconé ".
fontan-a - n. f. (pr. \ funt'&[ng]& \ ) - At plr. fontan-e. - 1) - forcù - adj. (pr. \ furc'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. forcù - fm. sng. and plr.
fountain. - 2) - spring, source. forcùa, forcùe.- forked, furcate.
fontin-a - n. f. (pr. \ funt'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. fontin-e. - forcura - n. f. (pr. \ furc'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. forcure. - fork,
"fontina" (Aosta cheese). forking. See also the term "forcadura".
fonz - n. m. (pr. \ fu[ng]z \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - mushroom. See foré - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ fur'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - quartermaster
also the most common term "bolé ". - 2) - fungus (also (military). See also the terms "furé, furié ".
medical). foré - 2) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ fur'e \ ) - 1) - to perforate, to
for - n. m. (pr. \ fur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - piercing, perforation, pierce, to punch. - 2) - to bore. - 3) - to drill. - 4) - to
tunnel. - 2) - hole. In this sense see also the terms "beucc, puncture. - 5) - to hole, to make a hole. See also the term
përtus". "përtusé, ponsoné ".
forada - n. f. (pr. \ fur'&d& \ ) At plr. forade. - 1) - forést - 1) - n. and adj. (pr. \ fur'est \ ) Ms. plr. forést - fm. sng.
perforation, pierging, punching. - 2) - drilling. - 3) - and plr. foresta, foreste. - 1) - foreign, alien. - 2) -
boring. - 4) - puncturing. See also the terms "foradura, foreigner, alien, stranger (sbst.).

forést - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ fur'est \ ) Inv. at plr. - secluded place, fé ij capéj " "a hat-block" ; "na forma da scarpe" "a
secluded house or small village. last (for shoes)", etc.
foresta - n. f. (pr. \ fur'est& \ ) At plr. foreste. - forest. formà - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ furm'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - size, format.
forestal - adj. (pr. \ furest'&l \ ) Ms. plr. forestaj - fm. sng. and formà - 2) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ furm'& \ ) - 1) - fully-grown,
plr. forestal, forestaj. - forest, forestry (as attributes). fully-developed, well proportioned. - 2) - who has an
forestarìa - n. f. (pr. \ furest&r'i& \ ) At plr. forestarìe. - education. - 3) - formed, shaped.
guest-quarters, guest-rooms. See also the term formàbil - adj. (pr. \ furm'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. formàbij - fm. sng.
"forësterìa" and plr. formàbil, formàbij. - 1) - formable. - 2) -
foret - n. m. (pr. \ fur'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - punch, pricker, mouldable.
bodkin. formador - n. (pr. \ furm&d'ur \ ) - See formator.
forësté - adj. and n. (pr. \ fur&st'e \ ) Ms. plr. foresté - fm. sng. formagé - n. (pr. \ furm&ji'e \ ) Ms. plr. formagé - fm. sng.
and plr. forestera, forestere. - 1) - foreign, alien. - 2) - and plr. formagera, formagere. - cheese-maker, cheese-
foreigner, alien, stranger (sbst.). A way of saying : monger.
"fé 'l foresté " lit. "to do the stranger" = "to pretend formagera - n. f. (pr. \ furm&ji'er& \ ) At plr. formagere. -
not to understand ". cheese-dish, cheese-plate.
forësterìa - (pr. \ fur&ster'i& \ ) - See forestarìa. formagg - n. m. (pr. \ furm'&j \ ) Inv. at plr. - cheese. See also
forfa - n. f. (pr. \ f'urf& \ ) At plr. forfe. - dandruff, scurf. See the terms indicating the types of piedm. cheeses, like
also the terms "fórfora, grat ". "toma, sarass, sairass, seirass, bleu, murianengh (from
forfé - n. m. (pr. \ furf'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - lump sum. The Savoy), bross, rubiòla, tomin, fontin-a, etc. ".
expression "dé forfé " means "to give up, to withdraw". For formagin - n. m. (pr. \ furm&j'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - ewe-milk
the expression "a forfé " see the term "forfetari ". cheese.
forfetari - adj. (pr. \ furfet'&ri \ ) ) Ms. plr. forfetari - fm. sng. formal - adj. (pr. \ furm'&l \ ) Ms. plr. formaj - fm. sng. and
and plr. forfetària, forfetàrie. - 1) - on a lump-sum basis. plr. formal, formaj. - formal.
- 2) - contract (as an attribute). formaldèide - n. f. (pr. \ furm&ld'æide \ ) Usually
fórfora - n. m. (pr. \ f'urfur& \ ) - See forfa. anyway inv. at plr. - formaldehyde (chemistry).
forgé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ furj'e \ ) - 1) - to forge, to shape. - formalin-a - n. f. (pr. \ furm&l'i[ng]& \ ) Usually sng. in case
2) - to mould (also in a fig. sense). of need plr. formalin-e. - formalin (chemistry).
forgià - 1) - adj. (pr. \ furj'i& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. forged, formalisassion - n. f. (pr. \ furm&liz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
shaped, moulded. formalization.
forgià - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ furji'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - large quantity. formalisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ furm&liz'e \ ) - to formalize.
forgiàbil - adj. (pr. \ furji'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. forgiàbij - fm. sng. formalisésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ furm&liz'ese \ ) - 1) - to
and plr. forgiàbil, forgiàbij. - forgeable. be shocked, to take offence. - 2) - to be too formal, to
forgiabilità - n. f. (pr. \ furji&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - stand on ceremony.
forgeability. formalism - n. m. (pr. \ furm&l'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - formalism.
forgiadura - n. f. (pr. \ furji&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. forgiadure - formalista - n. (pr. \ furm&l'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. formalista - fm.
forging. sng. and plr. formalista, formaliste. - formalist, red-
forgiairon - n. m. (pr. \ furji&ir'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - forger. tapist.
forgiatriss - n. f. (pr. \ furji&tr'is \ ) Inv. at plr. - forger, formalìstich - adj. (pr. \ furm&l'istic \ ) Ms. plr. formalistich -
forging-machine. fm. sng. and plr. formalistica, formalistiche. -
forgion - n. m. (pr. \ furji'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - poker (for formalistic.
fire). - 2) - tool for mixing cast material. formalità - n. f. (pr. \ furm&lit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - formality.
forgioné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ furjiun'e \ ) - 1) - to poke (fire). formassion - n. f. (pr. \ furm&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
- 2) - to stuff, to overstuff, to push inside. See also the formation, forming. - 2) - formation, flight (aviation). -
term "sforgioné ". 3) - training, coaching. - 4) - line-up, formation (sport).
forgionésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ furjiun'ese \ ) - 1) - to stuff formativ - adj. (pr. \ furm&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. formativ - fm. sng.
oneself. - 2) - to worm one's way in (insistently). See also and plr. formativa, formative. - formative.
the term "sforgionésse ". formator - n. (pr. \ furm&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. formator - fm. sng.
forgon - n. m. (pr. \furg'u[ng]\) Inv. at plr. - van, delivery van. and plr. formatriss, formatriss. - 1) - moulder. - 2) -
See also the term "furgon". educator.
forgoncin - n. m. (pr. \ furgun[ch]'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - small formatriss - n. f. (pr. \ furm&tr'is \ ) Inv. at plr. - moulding-
delivery van (irregular diminutive of the term "forgon"). machine, moulder.
See also the term "furgoncin". formé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ furm'e \ ) - 1) - to form, to shape.
forì - n. m. (pr. \ fur'i \ ) Inv. at plr. - ticking. - 2) - to make, to create. - 3) - to mould. - 4) - to train, to
foricc - n. m. (pr. \ fur'i[ch] \ ) Inv. at plr. - hodman mason, form. - 5) - to be, to form, to constitute.
apprentice mason. See also the term "bicc, ghicc, gacin". formela - n. f. (pr. \ furm'el& \ ) At plr. formele. - 1) - tile,
forlan - adj. and n. (pr. \ furl'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. forlan - fm. marble slab, floor-brick. - 2) - panel. - 3) - hole to plant
sng. and plr. forlan-a, forlan-e. - 1) - of Friuli (italian trees. - 4) - butter-roll. - 5) - tinder-cake.
region) (adj.).. - 2) - native of Friuli, Friulian, Furlian forment - n. m. (pr. \ furm'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - wheat (botany -
(sbst.). Triticum vulgare).
forlan-a - n. f. (pr. \ furl'&[ng]& \ ) - forlana, furlana (music - formentin - n. m. (pr. \ furmænt'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - maize,
folk dance). Indian corn (botany - Zea mays), buckwheat. See also the
forma - n. f. (pr. \ f'urm& \ ) At plr. forme. - 1) - shape, form. term "formenton".
E. g. "la forma dla tàula" "the shape of the table" ; "la formenton - n. m. (pr. \ furmænt'u[ng] \ ) - See formentin.
forma dla conta" "the form of the tale". - 2) - mould. E. formésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ furm'ese \ ) - 1) - to form. -
g. "na forma për la torta" "a mould for the cake". - 3) - 2) - to grow up. - 3) - to be trained.
form (grammar). - 4) - style. Then there are some english formëtta - n. m. (pr. \ furm'&tt& \ ) Inv. at plr. - who produces
terms that in piedm. are translated making use of this word. lasts for shoes, boots, etc.
E. g. "na forma 'd formagg " "a cheese" ; "na forma për formìa - n. f. (pr. \ furm'i& \ ) At plr. formìe. - ant (zoology).
See also the terms "furmìa, furmija ", more used.

formidàbil - adj. (pr. \ furmid'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. formidàbij - forniché - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ furnik'e \ ) - to fornicate. It
fm. sng. and plr. formidàbil, formidàbij. - formidable, uses the aux. "avèj ".
impressive. fornidura - n. f. (pr. \ furnid'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. fornidure. - 1) -
formié - n. m. (pr. \ furmi'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - ant-nest, ant- supplying. - 2) - supply, consignment. - 3) - equipment,
heap. - 2) - swarm. - 3) - giant ant-eater (zoology - fittings. See also the term "forniment, furnidura,
Myrmecophaga tridactyla). See also the most common furnitura".
terms "furmié, furmijé ". fornil - n. m. (pr. \ furn'il \ ) At plr. fornij. - room in front of
formiolé - 1) - vrb. 1st con. int. (pr. \ furmiul'e \ ) - 1) - to the oven. (large ovens for bakery).
swarm, to teem. - 2) - to be full (of). - 3) - to tingle, to forniment - n. m. (pr. \ furnim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
have pins and needles. See also the most common term supplying. - 2) - supply, consignment. - 3) - equipment,
"furmiolé ". It uses the aux. "avèj ". fittings. - 4) - "parure". - 3) - harness. See also the term
formiolé - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ furmiul'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - "fornidura".
swarming, teeming. - 2) - tingling. See also the terms fornìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ furn'ise \ ) - 1) - to provide
"formiolura, furmiolé ". oneself, to supply oneself. - 2) - to deal (with), to buy
formiolura - n. f. (pr. \ furmiul'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. formiolure. - (from).
- 1) - swarming, teeming. - 2) - tingling. See also the term fornitor - n. (pr. \ furnit'ur \ ) Ms. plr. fornitor - fm. sng. and
furmiolura, formiolé, furmiolé, fërmiolé ". plr. fornitriss, fornitriss. - supplier, furnisher, purveyor.
formion - n. m. (pr. \ furmi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - big ant. See forò - n. m. (pr. \ fur'o \ ) Inv. at plr. - pinafore. See also the
also the terms "furmion, furmijon". term "faudalin".
formolari - n. m. (pr. \ furmul'&ri \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - forsà - n. and adj. (pr. \ furs'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) -
formulary. - 2) - form. See also the term "formulari". prisoner condemned to hard labour, convict. (sbst.). - 2)
formolassion - n. f. (pr. \ furmul&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - - forced (adj.).
formulation, wording. See also the term "formulassion". forsadura - n. f. (pr. \ furs&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. forsadure. -
formolé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ furmul'e \ ) - 1) - to formulate. forcing, strain.
- 2) - to express, to word. See also the term "formulé ". forsament - n. m. (pr. \ furs&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - shrinking,
formos - adj. (pr. \ furm'uz \ ) Ms. plr. formos - fm. sng. and shrinkage (mechanics).
plr. formosa, formose. - shapely, buxom, curvaceous. forsé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ furs'e \ ) - 1) - to force, to compel,
formosità - n. f. (pr. \ furmuzit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - to oblige. - 2) - to force open, to break open, to pick. - 3)
shapeliness, buxomness. - 2) - curves. - to force, to strain.
formulari - n. m. (pr. \ furm[ue]l'&ri \ ) - See formolari. forse - 1) - adv. (pr. \ f'urse \ ) - 1) - perhaps, maybe. - 2) -
formulassion - n. f. (pr. \ furm[ue]l&si'u[ng] \ ) - See about, almost, some. E. g. "i l'hai forse des croate" "I
formolassion. am about ten ties". See also the terms "fòrse, forsi , miraco,
formulé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ furm[ue]l'e \ ) - See formolé. salacad".
forn - n. m. (pr. \ f'urn \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - oven. - 2) - klin. - 3) forse - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ f'urse \ ) Inv. at plr. - doubt,
- stove. - 4) - furnace. uncertainty. E. g. "i son an forse se andé ò nò" = "I am in
fornà - n. f. (pr. \ furn'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - batch, baking. - doubt if to go or not".
2) - crop, batch. forsi - adv. (pr. \ f'ursi \ ) - See forse.
fornasa - n. f. (pr. \ furn'&z& \ ) At plr. fornase. - 1) - forslinà - n. f. (pr. \ furslin'& \ ) - See forcëlinà.
furnace. - 2) - klin. - 3) - brick factory. forslin-a - n. f. (pr. \ fursl'i[ng]& \ ) - See forcëlin-a.
fornasé - n. m. (pr. \ furn&z'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - furnaceman, forsos - adj. (pr. \ furs'uz \ ) Ms. plr. forsos - fm. sng. and plr.
klinman. - 2) - brick-maker. In this sense see also the forsosa, forsose. - 1) - compulsory, forced. - 2) - heavy,
term "monaté ". strong, robust.
fornasin - n. m. (pr. \ furn&z'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - small fortet - adj. (pr. \ furt'æt \ ) Ms. plr. fortet - fm. sng. and plr.
furnace, small klin. See also the term "fornasin-a". fortëtta, fortëtte. - sour, tart.
fornasin-a - n. f. (pr. \ furn&z'i[ng]& \ ) - See fornasin. fortëssa - n. f. (pr. \ furt'&ss& \ ) At plr. (when applicable).
forné - n. (pr. \ furn'e \ ) Ms. plr. forné - fm. sng. and plr. fortësse. - 1) - fortitude, strength. - 2) - fortess, fort,
fornera, fornere. - baker. stronghold.
fornél - n. m. (pr. \ furn'el \ ) At plr. fornéj. - 1) - hearth, fortì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ furt'i \ ) - to assert strongly, to
fireplace. - 2) - riser (mining). In this case it is easier to assert insistently, to maintain (a principle). See also the
find the loc. "fornel da min-a". - 3) - bowl (pipe). term "furtì".
Sometimes the term is also used for the following fortificàbil - adj. (pr. \ furtific'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. fortificàbij -
meanings : - 4) - cooking stove. - 5) - gas-ring. - 6) - hot- fm. sng. and plr. fortificàbil, fortificàbij. - fortifiable.
plate. - 7) - spirit-stove. For meanings from 3) to 7) see fortificassion - n. f. (pr. \ furtific&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
also the terms "fornelin, fornelet, fornlet ". fortification. - 2) - defensive works. - (military).
fornelet - n. m. (pr. \ furnel'æt \ ) - See fornél. fortifiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ furtifik'e \ ) - 1) - to
fornelin - n. m. (pr. \ furnel'i[ng] \ ) - See fornél. stregthen, to invigorate, to brace. - 2) - to fortify
fornì - 1) - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ furn'i \ ) - 1) - to supply, to (military and in a fig. sense).
provide. - 2) - to endow, to furnish. - 3) - to give. - 4) - to fortin - n. m. (pr. \ furt'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - blockhouse.
fit up, to equip. fortunà - adj. and n. (pr. \ furt[ue]n'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
fornì - 2) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ furn'i \ ) Ms. plr. fornì - fm. sng. 1) - lucky, fortunate. - 2) - successful. See also the term
and plr. fornìa, fornìe. - 1) - supplied, provided. - 2) - "bonuros".
equipped, fitted up. - 3) - endowed, furnished. fortunal - n. m. (pr. \ furt[ue]n'&l \ ) At plr. fortunaj. - storm,
fornicassion - n. f. (pr. \ furnic&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - gale. See also the terms "tempesta, burasca".
fornication. fortunassa - n. f. (pr. \ furt[ue]n'&s& \ ) At plr. fortunasse. -
fornicator - n. (pr. \ furnic&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. fornicator - fm. impudent luck, too high luck.
sng. and plr. fornicatriss, fornicatriss. - fornicator / fortunél - n. (pr. \ furt[ue]n'el \ ) Ms. plr. fortunéj - fm. sng.
fornicatrix. and plr. fortunéla, fortunéle. - lucky person (jocular).
fornicatòri - adj. (pr. \ furnic&t'ori \ ) Ms. plr. fornicatòri - fortunos - adj. (pr. \ furt[ue]n'uz \ ) Ms. plr. fortunos - fm. sng.
fm. sng. and plr. fornicatòria, fornicatòrie. - fornicatory. and plr. fortunosa, fortunose. - eventful, stormy.

fortun-a - n. f. (pr. \ furt'[ue][ng]& \ ) At plr. fortun-e. - 1) - fota - n. f. (pr. \f'ut& \ ) At plr. fote. - 1) - mistake, error,
fortune, luck. - 2) - fortune, success. The locution "ëd fault, pity. - 2) - trifle, mere trifle, silliness. In this sense
fortun-a" means "makeshift, (of) emergence" with value of see also the terms "betisa, fadëzza, fotèisa, ghënìa".
adj. . See also the term "boneur". fotan - adj. (pr. \fut'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. fotan - fm. sng. and plr.
forura - n. f. (pr. \ fur'[ue]r& \ ) - See forada. fotan-a, fotan-e. - regrettable, unpleasant.
fosch - adj. (pr. \ fusc \ ) Ms. plr. fosch - fm. sng. and plr. fote fòra - vrbl. loc. 2nd con. trs. (pr. \f'ute f'or& \ ) - to drive
fosca, fosche. - 1) - dark, shadowy, hazy. - 2) - gloomy away, to throw out, to turn out. See also the vrbl. loc.
(in a fig. sense). "fote via".
fosëtta - n. f. (pr. \ fuz'&tt& \ ) - See fusëtta. fotèisa - n. f. (pr. \fut'æiz& \ ) At plr. fotèise. - trifle, mere
fosfà - n. m. (pr. \fusf'& \) Inv. at plr. - phosphate (chemistry). trifle, silliness. See also the term "fadëzza, fota 2nd
fosfàtich - (pr. \ fusf'&itc \ ) Ms. plr. fosfàtich - fm. sng. and meaning".
plr. fosfàtica, fosfàtiche. - phosphatic, phosphate (as an foter - n. m. (pr. \f'utær \ ) - See fotre.
attribute). foteuj - n. m. (pr. \fut'[oe]y \ ) Inv. at plr. - armchair,
fosfatisassion - n. f. (pr. \ fusf&itz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - easy.chair.
phosphatization, phosphatizing. fote via - vrbl. loc. 2nd con. trs. (pr. \f'ute v'i& \ ) - to drive
fosfit - n. m. (pr. \ fusf'it \ ) Inv. at plr. - phosphite. away, to throw out, to turn out. See also the vrbl. loc.
fosforà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \fusfur'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - "fote fòra".
phosphorated. foto... - prefix. (pr. \futu... \ ) - photo... . The piedm. use is
fosforé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \fusfur'e \ ) - to phosphorate. similar to the english one. In the following some examples.
fosforessensa - n. f. (pr. \fusfures'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. fotocélula - n. f. (pr. \futu[ch]'el[ue]l& \ ) At plr. fotocélule. -
fosforessense. - phosphorescence. photocell, photoelectric cell.
fosforessent - adj. (pr. \fusfures'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. fosforessent - fotochìmica - n. f. (pr. \futuk'imic& \ ) At plr. (if any)
fm. sng. and plr. fosforessenta, fosforessente. - fotochimiche. - photochemistry.
phosphorescent. fotochìmich - adj. (pr. \futuk'imic \ ) Ms. plr. fotochìmich -
fosforite - n. f. (pr. \fusfur'ite \ ) Inv. at plr. - phosphorite fm. sng. and plr. fotochìmica, fotochìmiche. -
(mineral). photochemical.
fosforos - adj. - (pr. \fusfur'uz \ ) Ms. plr. fosforos - fm. sng. fotocoagulassion - n. f. (pr. \futucu&g[ue]l&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at
and plr. fosforosa, fosforose. - phosphorous. plr. - photocoagulation.
fosfòrich - adj. (pr. \fusf'oric \ ) Ms. plr. fosfòrich - fm. sng. fotocopiatriss - n. f. (pr. \futucupi&tr'is \ ) Inv. at plr. -
and plr. fosfòrica, fosfòriche. - phosphoric. photocopier, photocopying-machine.
fosfur - n. m. (pr. \fusf'[ue]r \ ) Inv. at plr. - phosphide. fotocòpia - n. f. (pr. \futuc'opi& \ ) At plr. fotocòpie. -
foson - n. m. (pr. \fus'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - profit, gain, yield, photocopy.
abundance. fotodìod - n. m. (pr. \futud'iud \ ) Inv. at plr. - photodiode.
fosonant - adj. (pr. \fusun'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. fosonant - fm. sng. fotoelétrica - n. f. (pr. \futuel'etric& \ ) At plr. fotoelétriche. -
and plr. fosonanta, fosonante. - 1) - that produces a good searchinglight.
yield. - 2) - that lasts in the time. - 3) - abundant (also fotoelétrich - adj. (pr. \futuel'etric \ ) Ms. plr. fotoelétrich - fm.
grammar). sng. and plr. fotoelétrica, fotoelétriche. - photoelectric.
fosoné - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \fusun'e \ ) - 1) - to yield, to fotogénich - adj. (pr. \futuj'enic \ ) Ms. plr. fotogenich - fm.
produce, to bring. - 2) - to last well. - 3) - to have a good sng. and plr. fotogenica, fotogeniche. - photogenic.
efficiency. It uses the aux. "avèj ". fotografé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \futugr&f'e \ ) - to photograph,
fossairé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \fus&ir'e \ ) - 1) - to dig, to to snap, to foto.
spade. - 2) - to provide ditches for watering a ground. See fotografìa - n. f. (pr. \futugr&f'i& \ ) At plr. fotografìe. -
also the term "fossalé 1)". photography, photo. See also the term "fòto".
fossaireul - n. m. (pr. \fus&ir'[oe]l \ ) At plr. fossaireuj. - who fotogràfich - adj. (pr. \futugr'&fic \ ) Ms. plr. fotogràfich - fm.
digs ditches, worker assigned to the maintenance of sng. and plr. fotogràfica, fotogràfiche. - photographic.
ditches. See also the term "fossalé 2)" fotorgama - n. m. (pr. \futugr'&m& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
fossal - n. m. (pr. \fus'&l \ ) At plr. fossaj. - 1) - ditch. - 2) - photogram. - 2) - frame (cimena).
ditch, fosse, moat. - 3) - drain. See also the term "fòss". fotoincision - n. f. (pr. \futuin[ch]izi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
fossalé - 1) - vrb. 1st con. trs. (pr. \fus&l'e \ ) - See fossairé. photoengraving, photoengravure.
fossalé - 2) - n. m. (pr. \fus&l'e \ ) - See fossaireul. fotoincisor - n. (pr. \futuin[ch]iz'ur \ ) Ms. plr. fotoincisor -
fossalet - n. m. (pr. \fus&l'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - small ditch, small fm. sng. and plr. fotoincisòira, fotoincisòire. -
stream. See also the terms "biarlòt, biarlëtta, fosset ". photoengraver.
fosset - n. m. (pr. \fus'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - small ditch. See also fotojonisassion - n. f. (pr. \futuyuniz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
the term "fossalet ". photoionization.
fossëtta - n. f. (pr. \fus'&tt& \ ) At plr. fossëtte. - small pit, fotolit - n. m. (pr. \futul'it \ ) Inv. at plr. - photolitho. See also
small hole, small hollow. the term "fotolito".
fossor - n. m. (pr. \fus'ur \ ) Inv. at plr, - gravedigger. See also fotolito - n. m. (pr. \futul'itô \ ) - See fotolit.
the term "sotror". fotolitografìa - n. f. ( pr. \futulitugr&f'i& \ ) At plr.
fossilisassion - n. f. (pr. \fusiliz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - fotolitografìe. - 1) - photolithography. - 2) -
fossilization. photolithograph.
fossilisé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \fusiliz'e \ ) - 1) - to fotolitogràfich - adj. ( pr. \futulitugr'&fc \ ) Ms. plr.
fossilize (int. and seldom trs.). - 2) - to ossify. - 3) - to fotolitogràfich - fm. sng. and plr. fotolitogràfica,
become a fossil, to ossify. In this sense see also the term fotolitogràfiche. - photolithographic.
"fossilisésse". When trs. it uses the aux. "avèj ". When int. fotolitògrafo - n. ( pr. \futulit'ogr&fô \ ) Ms. plr. fotolitògrafo
it uses the aux. "esse". - fm. sng. and plr. fotolitògrafa, fotolitògrafe. -
fossilisésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \fusiliz'ese \ ) - to become a photolithographer.
fossil, to ossify. See also the term "fossilisé 3rd meaning". fotomecànica - n. f. ( pr. \futumec'&nic& \ ) At plr. (if any)
fot - n. m. (pr. \fut \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - regret, worry. - 2) - fotomecàniche. - photomechanics.
annoyance, irritation. - 3) - envy.

fotomecànich - adj. ( pr. \futumec'&nic \ ) Ms. plr. fòra - adv. and prp. (pr. \f'or& \ ) - 1) - out, out of. - 2) -
fotomecànich - fm. sng. and plr. fotomecànica, outside. - 3) - outdoors. - 4) - except, apart from. In this
fotomecàniche. - photomechanical. sense see also the term "foravia". See also the term "feura"
fotometrìa - n. f. ( pr. \futumetr'i& \ ) At plr. fotometrìe. - fòra che - cng. loc. (pr. \f'or& ke \ ) - unless.
photometry. fòrgia - n. f. (pr. \f'orji& \ ) At plr. fòrge. - forge, smithy.
fotométrich - adj. ( pr. \futum'etric \ ) Ms. plr. fotométrich - fòrmich - adj. (pr. \f'ormic \ ) Ms. plr. fòrmich - fm. sng. and
fm. sng. and plr. fotométrica, fotométriche. - plr. fòrmica, fòrmiche. - formic (chemistry).
photometrical. fòrmola - n. f. (pr. \f'ormul& \ ) At plr. fòrmole. - 1) -
fotomodela - n. f. ( pr. \futumud'el& \ ) At plr. fotomodele - formula. - 2) - wording. - 3) - form, system, lines. See
model, cover-girl. also the term "fòrmula".
fotomoltiplicator - n. m. ( pr. \futumultiplic&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. fòrmula - n. f. (pr. \f'orm[ue]l& \ ) - See fòrmola.
- photomultiplier, multiplier phototube. fòro - n. m. (pr. \f'orô \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - forum (history). - 2)
fotomontagi - n. m. ( pr. \futumunt'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - - law-court, court of justice. - 3) - the Bar.
montage, photomontage fòrsa - n. f. (pr. \f'ors& \ ) At plr. fòrse. - 1) - strength (in
foton - n. m. ( pr. \fut'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - photon (physics). general). - 2) - force (phyiscs, military, etc.). - 3) - power,
fotoreassion - n. f. ( pr. \future&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - strain, stress (in some expressions). We report some
photoreaction. expression as examples, and some idiomatich uses. - A) -
fotoreportagi - n. m. ( pr. \futurepurt'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - "la fòrsa dla paùra" " the power of fear". - B) - "la fòrsa
photoreport. fìsica" "the bodily strngth". - C) - "la fòrsa 'd gravità "
fotorepòrter - n. ( pr. \futurep'ortær \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - "the gravity force". - D) - "fésse fòrsa" "to pick up
press-photographer. courage". - E) - "a fòrsa dë studié" "by dint of study". -
fotoriprodussion - n. f. ( pr. \futuriprud[ue]si'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at F) - "a l'ha dìjlo con fòrsa" "he told him it with stress".
plr. - dye transfer. fòrt - 1) - adj. (pr. \f'ort \ ) Ms. plr. fòrt - fm. sng. and plr.
fotoromanz - n. m. ( pr. \futurum'&[ng]z \ ) Inv. at plr. - fòrta, fòrte. - 1) - strong. - 2) - sturdy. - 3) - loud. - 4) -
picture-story. heavy. - 5) - hard.
fotostàtich - adj. ( pr. \futust'&tic \ ) Ms. plr. fotostàtich - fm. fòrt - 2) - n. m. (pr. \f'ort \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - fort, fortess. - 2) -
sng. and plr. fotostàtica, fotostàtiche. - photostatic. strong man. - 3) - strong point. - 4) - "forte" (music).
fototerapìa - n. f. ( pr. \fututer&p'i& \ ) At plr. fototerapìe - fòrt - 3) - adv. (pr. \f'ort \ ) - 1) - strongly. - 2) - hard. - 3) -
phototherapy. loudly. - 4) - heavily. - 5) - fast.
fototropism - n. m. ( pr. \fututrup'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - fòsfor - n. m. (pr. \f'osfur \ ) Only sng. (chemical element). In
phototropism (biology). case of need inv. at plr. - phosphorus. See also the term
fotovoltàich - adj. ( pr. \futuvult'&ic \ ) Ms. plr. fotovoltàich - "fòsforo".
fm. sng. and plr. fotovoltàica, fotovolàiche. - fòsforo - n. m. (pr. \f'osfurô \ ) - See fòsfor.
photovoltaic. fòss - n. m. (pr. \f'os \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - ditch. - 2) - ditch,
fotògrafo - n. (pr. \fut'ogr&fô \ ) Ms. plr. fotògrafo - fm. sng. fosse, moat. - 3) - drain. See also the term "fossal ".
and plr. fotògrafa, fotògrafe. - photographer. fòssa - n. f. (pr. \f'os& \ ) At plr. fòsse. - 1) - pit, hole, hollow.
fotre - n. m. (pr. \f'utre \ ) Inv. at plr. - thingummy, - 2) - trench, fosse (military). - 3) - grave. - 4) - fossa
thingumabob, what-d'you-call-it. See also the term (anatomy). Then note the expression : "fòssa biològica"
"foter". "cesspool, sump".
fotrighet - n. (pr. \futrig'æt \ ) Ms. plr. fotrighèt - fm. sng. and fòssil - 1) - n. m. (pr. \f'osil \ ) At plr. fòssij. - 1) - fossil. - 2) -
plr. fotrighëtta, fotrighëtte. - fidget, lively child. See also old fossil, old fogey (in a fig. sense).
the terms "farfoj, fodrighet". fòssil - 2) - adj. (pr. \f'osil \ ) Ms. plr. fòssij - fm. sng. and plr.
fò - n. m. (pr. \f'o \ ) Inv. at plr. - beech (botany - Fagus fòssil, fòssij. - fossilized, fossil (as an attribute).
silvatica). fòto - n. f. (pr. \f'otô \ ) Inv. at plr. - photography, photo. See
fòca - n. f. (pr. \f'oc& \ ) At plr. fòche. - seal, sea-calf (zoology also the term "fotografìa".
- Phoca vitulina). fra - prp. (pr. \fr& \ ) - 1) - between. - 2) - among, amongst. -
fòga - n. f. (pr. \f'og& \ ) At plr. fòghe. - impetuosity, 3) - amid, in the middle of, in. - 4) - in, within. - 5) - of
enthusiasm, keenness, ardour. (partitive).
fògna - n. f. (pr. \f'o[gn]& \ ) At plr. fògne. - 1) - sewer, drain. - frà - 1) - n. f. (pr.\fr'&\) Inv. at plr. - iron bars, grille, grating.
2) - cesspool. See also the term "fognadura". frà - 2) - n. m. (pr. \fr'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - friar, monk. See also
fòl - n. and adj. (pr. \f'ol \ ) Ms. plr. fòl - fm. sng. and plr. fòla, the term "monio".
fòle. - 1) - mad, lunatic, crazy, stupid (adj.). - 2) - foolish frà - 3) - adj. (pr. \fr'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - shod, iron-
(adj.). - 3) - madman / madwoman, lunatic (sbst.). - 4) - hooped, pelted, iron-plated. - 2) - well-informed (in a fig
stupid, fool (sbst.). - See also the terms "foliro, folitro". sense).
Some way of saying : - A) - "fé 'l fòl " lit. "to do the fracass - n. m. (pr. \ fr&c'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - din, racket,
stupid " "to play the fool". - B) - "fé 'l fòl për nen paghé 'l noise. - 2) - crash. - 3) - clang.
dassi " lit. " to pretend to be stupid for not to pay duty" fracassàire - n. (pr. \ fr&c&s'&ire \ ) - See fracassé 1).
"to pretend not to know for not being involved ". - C) - "fòl fracassé - 1) - n. (pr. \ fr&c&s'e \ ) Ms. plr. fracassé - fm. sng.
da taròch " lit. "mad of the tarots" "who pretends to be and plr. fracassera, fracassere. - clumsy person. See also
a fool". - D) - "batla da fòl" = lit. "to beat it (fm.) as a fool" the terms "fracassàire, fracasson".
= "to pretend not to understand". fracassé - 2) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ fr&c&s'e \ ) - to smash, to
fòla - n. f. (pr. \f'ol& \ ) At plr. fòle. - coot, bald-coot. (zoology shatter, to crash.
- Fulica atra). See also the loc. "pola fòla". fracassésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ fr&c&s'ese \ ) - to smash,
fòmit - n. m. (pr. \f'omit \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - incitement. - 2) - to break up, to crash
cause, source. fracasson - n. (pr. \ fr&c&s'u[ng] \ ) - See fracassé 1).
fònich - n. and adj. (pr. \f'onic \ ) Ms. plr. fònich - fm. sng. and fracassura - n. f. (pr. \ fr&c&s'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. fracassure. -
plr. fònica, fòniche. - 1) - sound-recordist, sound breaking, shattering, smash.
tecnician (sbst.). - 2) - phonic (adj.). frach - n. m. . (pr. \ fr'&c \ ) Inv. at plr. - tail-coat, tails. We
note the expressions "un frach", beyond the lit. meaning,

also means "a lot, a high quantity", while the expression framboas - n. m. (pr. \ fr&mbu'&z \ ) Inv. at plr. - raspberry
"fejne un frach" means "to give sb. a good thrashing". (botany - Rubus idaeus). See also the terms "àmpola,
frachet - n. m. (pr. \ fr&k'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - Quite an odd framboasa".
drink, made with something like sour milk, "grappa", framboasa - n. f. (pr. \ fr&mbu'&z& \ ) - See framboas.
parmesan cheese, salt, pepper" (don't try it at home, I don't frament - n. m. (pr. \ frgm'ænt \ ) - See fragment.
know what can be its dangerousness level). framenta - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ fr&m'ænt& \) At plr. feramente.
fradél - n. m. (pr. \ fr&d'el \ ) At plr. fradéj. - brother. See (note that, as a collective noun is usually sng.) - hardware,
also the terms "fratél, frel" and the slang term "fròcc". ironware, iron goods. See also the term "feramenta 1)".
fradlansa - n. f. (pr. \ fr&dl'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr. fradlanse. - 1) framenta - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ fr&m'ænt& \) Inv. at plr. -
- brotherhood. - 2) - fraternity. See also the term ironmonger, ironmonger's shop. See also the term
"fratlansa". "feramenta 2)".
fradlastr - n. m. (pr. \ fr&dl'&str \ ) Inv. at plr. - half-brother, framentari - adj. (pr. \fr&mænt'&ri \ ) - See fragmentari.
step-brother. See also the term "fratlastr". framentarietà - n. f. (pr. \fr&mænt&riet'& \ ) - See
fradlé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ fr&dl'e \ ) - to bring people fragmentarietà.
together, to unite. framentassion - n. f. (pr. \fr&mænt&si'u[ng] \ ) - See
fradlèivol - adj. (pr. \ fr&dl'æivul \ ) Ms. plr. fradlèivoj - fm. fragmentassion.
sng. and plr. fradlèivola, fradlèivole. - brotherly, framenté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ fr&mænt'e \ ) - See
fraternal. It is also possible to find the declention: fragmenté.
fradlèivol, fradlèivoj, fradlèivol, fradlèivoj. framentre - adv. (pr. \ fr&m'æntre \ ) - while, in the
fradlésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ fr&dl'ese \ ) - to fraternize. meanwhile. See also the terms "tramentre, antramentre,
fradlin - n. m. (pr. \ fr&dl'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - little brother, antratant".
younger brother (when still a child). See also the terms framés - 1) - adv. (pr. \ fr&m'ez \ ) - in the middle, between.
"fradlucio, fradluss". See also the terms "trames, antrames".
fradlùcio - n. m. (pr. \ fr&dl'[ue][ch]iu \ ) - See fradlin. framés - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ fr&m'ez \ ) Inv. at plr. - partition. See
fradluss - n. m. (pr. \ fr&dl'[ue]s \ ) - See fradlin. also the terms "trames, tramésia".
fradura - n. f. (pr. \ fr&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. fradure. - 1) - framesé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ fr&mez'e \ ) - 1) - to divide, to
shoeing (horses). In this sense see also the terms "feradura, partition. - 2) - to interpose, to insert. - See also the terms
frura, fragi, feragi". - 2) - iron bars, grille, grating. In this "tramesié, antramesié, framesié ".
sense see also the term "frà 1)". - 3) - iron fittings. In this framesié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ fr&mezi'e \ ) - See framesé.
sense see also the term "framenta". framës-cé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ fr&m&s[ch]'e \ ) - 1) - to
fragi - n. m. (pr. \ fr'&ji \ ) - See fradura. intermix, to mix together, to intermingle. - 2) - to
fràgil - adj. (pr. \ fr'&jil \ ) Ms. plr. fràgij - fm. sng. and plr. confuse (in a fig. sense).
fràgil, fràgij. - 1) - fragile, brittle. - 2) - frail, weak. (in a framës-césse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ fr&m&s[ch]'ese \ ) - to
fig. sense). meddle in, to interfere, to tamper with.
fragilità - n. f. (pr. \ fr&jilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - brittleness, franament - n. m. (pr. \ fr&n&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
fragility. - 2) - frailty (in a fig. sense). sliding down, slipping. - 2) - landslip, slip, cave-in.
fragmasson - n. m. (pr. \ fr&gm&s'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - frané - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ fr&n'e \ ) - 1) - to slide down, to
Freemason. See also the term "framasson". slip. - 2) - to cave-in. - 3) - to collapse. 4) - to give way. -
fragmassonarìa - n. f. (pr. \ fr&gm&sun&r'i& \ ) At plr. 5) - to crumble. It uses the aux. "esse".
fragmassonarìe. - Freemasonry. See also the term francament - adv. (pr. \ fr&[ng]c&m'ænt \ ) - frankly,
"framassonerìa". honestly, sincerely. Italianism quite used. When possile,
fragment - n. m. (pr. \ fr&gm'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - other better terms and loc. are : " ciàir, s-cet" that are adj.
fragment, splinter. - 2) - potsherd. In this sense see also used with adv. value, or "ciàir e tond, a dila tuta, an vrità
the term "ciap". See also, in general, the term "frament ". an tuta sincerità, etc."
fragmentari - adj. (pr. \fr&gmænt'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. fragmentari francescan - adj. and n. (pr. \ fr&néch*esc'&[ng] \ ) - See
- fm. sng. and plr. fragmentària, fragmentàrie. - fransescan.
fragmentary, incomplete, scrappy. See also the term franch - 1) - adj. and n. - (pr. \ fr&[ng]c \ ) Ms. plr. franch -
"framentari ". fm. sng. and plr. franca, franche. - 1) - frank, open,
framentarietà - n. f. (pr. \fr&gmænt&riet'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - candid, outspoken. (adj.). - 2) - free (commerce) (adj.). -
fragmentariness, scrappiness. See also the term 3) - Frankish (history) (adj.). - 4) - Frank (history) (sbst.).
"framentarietà". franch - 2) - adv. (pr. \ fr&[ng]c \ ) - 1) - frankly. - 2) -
fragmentassion - n. f. (pr. \fr&gmænt&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - absolutely, completely, perfectly. E. g. "a l'é franch istéss"
fragmentation. See also the term "framentassion". "it is perfectly the same".
fragmenté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ fr&gmænt'e \ ) - to break franch - 3) - n. m. (pr. \ fr&[ng]c \ ) Inv. at plr. - frank
into fragments, to fragmentize. See also the term (currency).
"framenté ". franché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ fr&[ng]k'e \ ) - to stamp (mail).
fragransa - n. f. (pr. \ fr&gr'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr. fragranse. - See also the term "afranché ".
fragrance, sweet scent. See also the term "përfum". franchëssa - n. f. (pr. \ fr&[ng]k'&ss& \ ) At plr. franchësse. -
fragrant - adj. (pr. \ fr&gr'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. fragrant - fm. sng. frankness, candour, outspokenness. See also the terms
and plr. fragranta, fragrante. - fragrant, scented, sweet- "franchisa 2nd meaning, s-cetëssa".
smelling. franchì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ fr&[ng]k'i \ ) - 1) - to free, to
fraintende - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ fr&int'ænde \ ) - to set free, to release. - 2) - to redeem.
misunderstand. franchìgia - n. f. (pr. \ fr&[ng]k'iji& \ ) At plr. franchìge. - 1) -
fraja - n. f. (pr. \ fr'&y& \ ) At plr. fraje. - scrap-iron. immunity, exemption, privilege (accorded by law). - 2) -
framasson - n. m. (pr. \ fr&m&s'u[ng] \ ) - See fragmasson. franchise (assurances). See also the terms "franchisa 1st
framassonarìa - n. f. (pr. \ fr&m&sun&r'i& \ ) - See meaning, franchìsia, esension".
fragmassonarìa. franchin - adj. and n. (pr. \ fr&[ng]k'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. franchin
- fm. sng. and plr. franchin-a, franchin-e. - duty-free,

franchisa - n. f. (pr. \ fr&[ng]k'iz& \ ) At plr. franchise. - 1) - fràola - n. f. (pr. \ fr'&ul& \ ) At plr. fràole. - wife or daughter
immunity, exemption, franchise. - 2) - frankness. In this of a soldier.
sense see also the most common term "franchëssa". frapà - adj. (pr. \ fr&p'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - amazed,
franchisia - n. f. (pr. \ fr&[ng]k'izi& \ ) At plr. franchisie. - 1) astonished.
- immunity, exemption, privilege (accorded by law). - 2) - frapé - 1) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ fr&p'e \ ) - 1) - to amaze, to
franchise (assurances). See also the terms "franchisa 1st astonish, to surprise. - 2) - to strike, to beat, to wound.
meaning, franchìgia, esension". frapé - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ fr&p'e \ ) Inv. at plt. - shake, milk-
franchìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ fr&[ng]k'ise \ ) - to free shake.
oneself. frapon-e - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ fr&p'u[ng]e \ ) - to interpose.
franclin - n. m. (pr. \ fr&[ng]cl'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - fireplace See also the term "antërpon-e".
in bricks, Franklin stove. frasari - n. m. (pr. \ fr&z'&ri \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - vocabulary,
francon - adj. (pr. \ fr&[ng]c'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. francon - fm. language. - 2) - phrase-book.
sng. and plr. francon-a, francon-e. - impudent, frasca - n. f. (pr. \ fr'&sc& \ ) At plr. frasche. - 1) - leafy
shameless, cheeky, forward. branch. - 2) - bush (of tavern).
franda - n. f. (pr. \ fr'&nd& \ ) At plr. frande. - 1) - sling. - 2) - frascà - n. f. (pr. \ fr&sc'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - shed made up with
catapult, slingshot. See also the terms "gatafrust, flécia". leafy branches.
frandà - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ fr&nd'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - sligshot, a frascam - n. m. (pr. \ fr&sc'&m \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - heap of
blow with a sling, a throw with the sling. - 2) - stone leafy branches, leafy boughs. - 2) - series of mistakes or
fight, shower of stones. See also the term "sfrandà ". whimsical actions.
frandà - 2) - adj. (pr. \ fr&nd'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - frascarìa - n. f. (pr. \ fr&sc&r'i& \ ) At plr. frascarìe. - witty
impetuous, vehement, violent. See also the term remark, joke, pleasantry, witticism. See also the term
"sfrandà". "facéssia".
frandaròla - n. f. (pr. \ fr&nd&r'ol& \ ) At plr. frandaròle. - frasché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ fr&sk'e \ ) - to cover with leafy
frame-saw. See also the term "réssia". branches. See also the terms "anfrasché, anramé".
frandé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ fr&nd'e \ ) - to throw, to fling, fraschëtta - n. f. (pr. \ fr&sk'&tt& \ ) At plr. fraschëtte. - 1) -
to hurl. See also the terms "flanché, sfrandé". small branch, twig, sprig. - 2) - fatuous woman, fickle
franela - n. f. (pr. \ fr&n'el& \ ) At plr. franéle. - flannel. See woman, light-minded woman.
also the term "flanela" frase - n. f. (pr. \ fr'&ze \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - sentence, phrase. -
franelin - n. m. (pr. \ fr&nel'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - flannelette, 2) - clause (grammar). - 3) - phrase (music).
light flanelle. See also the term "flanelin". frasegé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ fr&zej'e \ ) - to phrase.
frangent - n. m. (pr. \ fr&nj'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - breaker, fraségg - n. m. (pr. \ fr&z'ej \ ) Inv. at plr. - phrasing.
roller, beach-comber. - 2) - reef, shallows. - 3) - frasela - n. f. (pr. \ fr&z'el& \ ) At plr. frasele. - resinous stick
emergency, awkward situation (in a fig. sense). used as a torch. See also the term "frassela".
frangia - n. f. (pr. \ fr&nj'i& \ ) At plr. frange. - 1) - fringe. - frassa - n. f. (pr. \ fr'&s& \ ) At plr. frasse. - hook or chain
2) - embellishment, frills. We note a couple of ways of employed in ploughs. See also the term "provèj".
saying : - A) - "giontéje le frange" lit. "to add frills" "to frassela - n. f. (pr. \ fr&s'el& \ ) - See frasela.
malign". - B) - "parlé con ij fiòch e le frange" lit. "to frassinada - n. f. (pr. \ fr&ssin'&d& \ ) Ar plr. frassinade. -
speak with bows and frills" "to speak in an over-refined fraxinella, bastard dittany (botany - Dictamus fraxinella).
way". See also the terms "frassinel, frassinela".
frangià - adj. (pr. \ fr&nji'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - adorned frassiné - n. m. (pr. \ fr&sin'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - ash-grove, wood
with frills. of ashes.
frangiadura - n. f. (pr. \ fr&nji&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. frassinel - n. m. (pr. \ fr&sin'el \ ) - See frassinada.
frangiadure. - frills, ornament with frills. frassinela - n. f. (pr. \ fr&sin'el& \ ) - See frassinada.
frangoél - n. m. (pr. \ fr&[ng]gu'el \ ) - See frangoj. frassion - n. f. (pr. \ fr&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - fraction (in
frangoj - n. m. (pr. \ fr&[ng]g'uy \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - chaffinch general sense). - 2) - hamlet (village).
(zoology - Fringuilla coelebs). - 2) - lively boy or man, frassionàbil - adj. (pr. \ fr&siun'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. frassionàbij -
crafty or skilled person. See also the term "franguel ". fm. sng. and plr. frassionàbil, frassionàbij. - that can be
franos - adj. (pr. \ fr&n'uz \ ) Ms. plr. franos - fm. sng. and plr. split up.
franosa, franose. - subject to landslides, liable to sink. frassionament - n. m. (pr. \ fr&siun&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
Fransa - n. f. (pr. \ fr'&[ng]s& \ ) Usually sng. in case of need splitting up, breaking up. - 2) - fractionization.
plr. Franse. - France. frassionari - adj. (pr. \ fr&siun'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. frassionari -
fransèis - 1) - n. and adj. (pr. \ fr&[ng]s'æiz \ ) Ms. plr. fm. sng. and plr. frassionaria, frassionarie. - fractional,
fransèis - fm. sng. and plr. fransèisa, fransèise. - 1) - divisional (mathematics).
French (adj.). - 2) - Frenchman, Frenchwoman (sbst.). frassioné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ fr&siun'e \ ) - 1) - to split up.
fransèis - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ fr&[ng]s'æiz \ ) Inv. at plr. - French to break up, to divide. - 2) - to fractionize (mathematics).
(the language). - 3) - to fractionate (chemistry).
franseisism - n. m. . (pr. \ fr&[ng]sæiz'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - frassionism - n. m. (pr. \ fr&siun'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. -
Gallicism, Frenchism. fractionalism.
Fransesch - n. m. (pr. \ fr&[ng]s'æsc \ ) usually only sng. frass - n. m. (pr. \ fr'&s \ ) - See frasso.
(noun of person). In case of need inv. at plr. - Francis. frasso - n. m. (pr. \ fr'&su \ ) Inv. at plr. - ash, ash-tree.
fransescan - adj. and n. (pr. \ fr&[ng]sesc'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. (botany - Fraxinus excelsior). See also the terms "frass,
fransescan - fm. sng. and plr. fransescan-a, fransescan-e. nos-mat ".
- Franciscan. See also the term "francescan". frastaj - n. m. (pr. \ fr&st'&y \ ) Inv. at plr. - indentation, fret-
Fransësca - n. f. (pr. \ fr&[ng]s'&sc& \ ) usually only sng. work. See also the term "antaj ".
(noun of person). In case of need at plr. Fransësche. - frastajé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ fr&st&y'e \ ) - to indent, to jag.
Frances. See also the term "antajé ".
fran-a - n. f. (pr. \ fr'&[ng]& \ ) At plr. fran-e. - 1) - landslide, frastorn - n. m. (pr. \ fr&st'urn \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - annoyance,
landslip. - 2) - collapse (in a fig. sense). distrub, trouble. See also the term "dëstorna". - 2) -
stunning, daze. See also the term "stordiment".

frastorné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ fr&sturn'e \ ) - do disturb, to fregadura - n. f. (pr. \ freg&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. fregadure. -
bewilder, to stun. cheat, swindle, sell. In this sense see also the term
fratada - n. f. (pr. \ fr&t'&d& \ ) At plr. fratade. - monkish or "fregada 3rd meaning".
monk-like thing or behaviour. freghé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ freg'e \ ) - 1) - to rub, to rub
frataja - n. f. (pr. \ fr&t'&y& \ ) At plr. frataje. - friary. down, to massage. In this sense see aldo the term "fërté ".
fratant - adv. (pr. \ fr&t'&nt \ ) - in the meantime, - 2) - to cheat, to dupe. - 3) - to pinch.
meanwhile. frèid - 1) - adj. (pr. \ fr'æid \ ) Ms. plr. frèid - fm. sng. and plr.
fratarìa - n. f. (pr. \ fr&t&r'i& \ ) At plr. fratarìe. - all the frèida, frèide. - 1) - cold, cool, chill, chilly. - 2) - well-
monks of a convent. pondered, cautious. - 3) - lazy, slow.
fraté - n. m. (pr. \ fr&t'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - iron or scrap-iron frèid - 2) - n. m. and n. f. (pr. \ fr'æid \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - cold,
dealer. See also the term "feraté ". chill (fm.) - 2) - coldness, coolness (fm.).) - 3) - cold, chill
fratél - n. m. (pr. \ fr&t'el \ ) At plr. fratéj. - brother. See also (ms.). At ms. it can be considered an italianism, even if it is
the terms "fradél, frel" and the slang term "fròcc". used.
fratemp (ant ël ---, an col ---, an sto ---) - adv. (pr. \ &nt &l frèid - 3) - adv. (pr. \ fr'æid \ ) - 1) - coldly, coolly. - 2) - in
fr&t'æmp , etc... \ ) - in the meantime, meanwhile. cold blood.
fratern - adj. (pr. \ fr&t'ærn \ ) Ms. plr. fratern - fm. sng. and freidëssa - n. f. (pr. \ fræid'&ss& \ ) At plr. freidësse. - 1) -
plr. fraterna, fraterne. - brotherly, fraternal. coldness, coolness. - 2) - coolness, self-control.
fraternisassion - n. f. (pr. \ fr&tærniz&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - freidolent - adj. (pr. \ fræidul'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. freidolent - fm.
fraternization. sng. and plr. freidolenta, freidolente. - that feel very
fraternisé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ fr&tærniz'e \) - to fraternize. much the cold, chilly, sensitive to cold. See also the terms
It uses the aux. "avèj ". "freidolin, freidolos".
fraternità - n. f. (pr. \ fr&tærnit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - fraternity, freidolin - adj. (pr. \ fræidul'i[ng] \ ) - See freidolent.
brotherhood. freidolin-a - n. f. (pr. \ fræidul'i[ng]& \ ) meadow saffron,
fratin - n. m. (pr. \ fr&t'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - humble friar, naked lady (botany - Colchicum autumnale). See also the
young friar. In this sense see also the term "fratossin". - 2) term "fërgiolin-a".
- a type of oil-lamp. - 3) - Kentish plover (zoology - freidolos - adj. (pr. \ fræidul'uz \ ) - See freidolent.
Charadrius alexandrinus). freidura - n. f. (pr. \ fræid'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. freidure. - pun,
fratlansa - n. f. (pr. \ fr&tl'&[ng]s& \ ) - See fradlansa. quip, witticism.
fratlastr - n. m. (pr. \ fr&tl'&str \ ) - See fradlastr. frèisa - n. f. (pr. \ fr'æiz& \ ) At plr. freise. - noun of a piedm.
fratossin - n. m. (pr. \ fr&tus'i[ng] \ ) - See fratin 1st meaning. red wine and related vine.
fratrissida - n. and adj. (pr. \ fr&tris'id& \ ) Ms. plr. freja - n. f. (pr. \ fr'æy& \ ) - See frea.
fratrissida - fm. sng. and plr. fratrissida, fratrisside. - 1) - frél - n. m. (pr. \ fr'el \ ) - See fradel.
fratricide (sbst.). - 2) - fratricidal (adj.). frem - adj. (pr. \ fr'æm \ ) Ms. plr. frem - fm. sng. and plr.
fratrissidi - n. m. (pr. \ fr&tris'idi \ ) Inv. at plr. - fratricide. frëma, frëme. - 1) - firm, still, motionless. - 2) - stable,
fratum - n. m. (pr. \ fr&t'[ue]m \ ) Inv. at plr. - a lot of friars steady, unwavering. - 3) - stationary. Note the particular
(in a disparaging sense). fm. (see grammar). See also the term "ferm".
fratura - n. f. (pr. \ fr&t'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. frature. - break, fren - n. m. (pr. \ fr'æ[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - brake. - 2) -
fracture. See also the terms "s-ciapura, rotura, rompura". check, curb, restraint (in a fig. sense). - 3) - bit (horses).
fràuda - n. f. (pr. \ fr'&ud& \ ) At plr. fràude. - 1) - fraud, Some ways of saying : - A) - "rusié 'l fren" "to champing
deceit. - 2) - fraudolence. at the bit ". - B) - "nen avèj fren" "to be unable to control
fraudator - n. (pr. \ fr&ud&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. fraudator - fm. oneself ". - C) - "frené la lenga" "to hold one's tongue".
sng. and plr. fraudatriss, fraudatriss. - defrauder, cheat, frenà - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ fren'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - braking. - 2) -
swindler. See also the term "fraudeur". tyre marks. See also the term "frenada".
fraudé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ fr&ud'e \ ) - to deceive, to cheat, frenà - 2) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ fren'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
to swindle, to defraud. controlled, curbed, braked.
fraudeur - n. (pr. \ fr&ud'[oe]r \ ) - See fraudator. frenada - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ fren'&d& \ ) - See frenà 1).
fraudolent - adj. (pr. \ fr&udul'ænt \ ) - See fraudulos. frenador - n. f. (pr. \ fren&d'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - brakesman
fraudulos - adj. (pr. \ fr&ud[ue]l'uz \ ) Ms. plr. fraudulos - fm. (railways).
sng. and plr. fraudulosa, fraudulose. - fraudulent. frenadura - n. f. (pr. \ fren&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. frenadure. - 1)
fràula - n. f. (pr. \ fr&ul'& \ ) - See fràola. - locking. - 2) - braking. See also the term "frenagi ".
fravassa - n. f. (pr. \ fr&v'&s& \ ) - See frevassa. frenagi - n. m. (pr. \ fren'&ji \ ) See frenadura.
fré - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ fre \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) smith, blacksmith - frené - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ fren'e \ ) - 1) - to put on
2) - a type of mushroom (botany - Boletus scaber). In this the brakes to, to brake. - 2) - to crub, to rein in (horses).
case see also the loc. "bolè fré " (toxic). - 3) - to check, to crub, to restrain, to hold back, to
fré - 2) - n. m. plr. (pr. \ fre \ ) Only plr. - the price of a game, control (in a fig. sense).
the price to pay for playing (or also other). frenesìa - n. f. (pr. \ frenez'i& \ ) At plr. frenesìe. - 1) - frenzy,
fré - 3) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ fr'e \ ) - 1) - to fit with iron. - 2) delirium. - 2) - frenzy, mania.
- to shoe (horses). - 3) - to set with hobnails. frenésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ fren'ese \) - to control oneself.
frea - n. f. (pr. \ fr'e& \ ) At plr. free. - 1) - heat (animals). - 2) frenétich - adj. (pr. \ fren'etic \ ) Ms. plr. frenétich - fm. sng.
- spawning (fishes). - 3) - rutting (sheeps). - 4) - urge, and plr. frenética, frenétiche. - 1) - frantic, phrenetical,
excitement, desire (in a fig. sense). See also the term frenzied, raving. - 2) - frenzied, enthusiastic. - 3) -
"freja". frenzied.
frega - n. f. (pr. \ fr'eg& \ ) At plr. freghe. - rubbing, frenetiché - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ frenetik'e \) - 1) - to rave, to
massaging, friction. be delirious. - 2) - to talk nonsense. It uses the aux.
fregada - n. f. (pr. \ freg'&d& \ ) At plr. fregade. - 1) - frigate "avèj". See also the terms "straparlé, farnetiché ".
(navy). - 2) - rub, rubbing. In this sense see also the terms frequensa - n. f. (pr. \ fre[qu]'æ[ng]s& \) At plr. frequense. - 1)
"sfregada, sfregadura, sfregament ". - 3) - cheat, swindle, - frequence, frequency, constant visiting, attendance,
sell. In this sense see also the term "fregadura". assiduity. - 2) - frequency (physics).

frequensìmeter - n. m. (pr. \ fre[qu]'æ[ng]s'imetær \ ) See friand - adj. (pr. \ fri'&nd \) Ms. plr. friand - fm. sng. and plr.
frequensìmetro. frianda, friande. - fragrant, scented, sweet-smelling
frequensìmetro - n. m. (pr. \ fre[qu]'æ[ng]s'imetrô \ ) Inv, at (usually referred to food).
plr. - 1) - frequency-meter. - 2) - wavemeter (radio). fricandolin - n. m. (pr. \ fric&ndul'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - a piece
frequent - adj. (pr. \ fre[qu]'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. frequent - fm. sng. of meat of the "fricandò" (see the term).
and plr. frequenta, frequente. - 1) - frequent. - 2) - quick, fricandò - n. m. (pr. \ fric&nd'o \) Inv. at plr. - fricandeau
rapid (referred to pulses). (cooking).
frequentà - adj. (pr. \ fre[qu]ænt'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - fricassà - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ fric&s'& \) Inv. at plr. - fried food (in
popular, frequented. - 2) - crowded. general), fry. See also the term "fritura".
frequent (ëd ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ &d fre[qu]'ænt \ ) - fricassà - 2) - n. f. plr. (pr. \ fric&s'& \) Only plr. - fried
frequently, often. See also the terms "soens, sovens". chitterlings.
frequentàbil - adj. (pr. \ fre[qu]ænt'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. fricassé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ fric&s'e \) - to fry. See also the
frequentàbij - fm. sng. and plr. frequentàbil, term "frise".
frequentàbij. - frequentable. fricassum - n. m. (pr. \ fric&s'[ue]m \ ) Inv. at plr. - nasty fried
frequentassion - n. f. (pr. \ fre[qu]ænt&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - stuff.
frequentation, habitual visiting. fricassura - n. f. (pr. \ fric&s'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. fricassure. - 1) -
frequentator - n. (pr. \ fre[qu]ænt&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. frying (cooking) - 2) - fried food.
frequentator - fm. sng. and plr. frequentatriss, friceul - n. m. (pr. \ fri[ch]&i'[oe]l \ ) At plr. friceuj - 1) -
frequentartiss. - 1) - frequenter, haunter. - 2) - frequent fritter of minced meat mixed with an egg, cheese
visitor. - 3) - regular customer, "habitué ". (parmesan). or fritter of potatoes or other vegetables
frequenté - vrb 1st con. trs. - (pr. \ fre[qu]ænt'e \ ) - 1) - to (always mixed with an egg and flavoured). In this sense see
frequent, to haunt. to go often to. - 2) - to attend, to go also the term "subrich". - 2) - fritter of sliced apples or
to. - 3) - to patronize. - 4) - to go about with, to associate pears. In this sense see also the term "bignëtta".
with. friciolà - n. f. (pr. \ fri[ch]iul'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - quick frying.
frera - n. f. (pr. \ fr'er& \) At plr. frere. - 1) - ironworks, iron- See also the term "friciolada".
foundry. - 2) - iron and steel plant. See also the terms frociolada - n. f. (pr. \ fri[ch]iul'&d& \ ) - See friciolà.
"feriera, fusin-a, fonderìa ". friciolé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ fri[ch]iul'e \ ) - to fry slowly, to
fresa - n. f. (pr. \ fr'ez& \) At plr. frese. - 1) - collar, ruff. - 2) - fry. See also the terms "frige, frise".
lace trimming for blouses. In this sense see also the term frié - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ fri'e \ ) - to tremble, to long, to
"frisa". - 3) - milling-cutter, mill, miller (mechanics). yearn, to have a rage. It uses the aux. "avèj ". See also the
fresadura - n. f. (pr. \ frez&d'[ue]r& \) At plr. fresadure. - term "frijé ".
milling. frieul - adj. (pr. \ fri'[oe]l \ ) Ms. plr. frieuj - fm. sng. and plr.
fresatriss - n. f. (pr. \ frez&tr'is \) Inv. at plr. - milling- frieul, frieuj. - friable, crumbly. Usually referred to
machine, miller. bricks.
fresch - 1) - adj. (pr. \ fræsc \) Ms. plr. fresch - fm. sng. and frige - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ fr'ije \ ) - See friciolé.
plr. frësca, frësche. - 1) - fresh. - 2) - cool, chilly. - 3) - frìgid - adj. (pr. \ fr'ijid \ ) Ms. plr. frìgid - fm. sng. and plr.
newly-made, new. - 4) - refreshed. Note the particular frìgida, frìgide. - frigid.
declension. frigidità - n. f. (pr. \ frijidit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - frigidity.
fresch - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ fræsc \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - coolness, frigo - n. m. (pr. \ fr'igô \ ) - See frigorìfer.
freshness. - 2) - light wool (fabric). frigorìfer - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ frigur'ifær \ ) Inv. at plr. -
fresé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ frez'e \) - to mill. refrigerator, fridge.
freseur - n. (pr. \ frez'[oe]r \) Ms. plr. freseur - fm. sng. and frigorìfer - 2) - adj. (pr. \ frigur'ifær \ ) Ms. plr. frigorìfer - fm.
plr. freseusa, freseuse. (but more used : fm. sng. and plr. sng. and plr. frigorìfera, frigorìfere. - refrigerating,
freseura, freseure. ) - milling-machine operator. freezing.
frésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ fr'ese \ ) - to prepare oneself to frijé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ friy'e \ ) - See frié.
cope with some difficulty. friné - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ frin'e \ ) - to work half-heartedly,
fret - n. m. (pr. \ fræt \) Inv. at plr. - iron gadget. to work badly, to bungle.
frév - n. f. (pr. \ fr'eu \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - temperature, fever fringant - adj. (pr. \ fri[ng]g'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. fringant - fm. sng.
(medical). - 2) - cold sore. - 3) - fever, excitement, heat and plr. fringanta, fringante. - unembarrassed, nimble,
(in a fig. sense). quich and light, brisk.
frevass - n. m. (pr. \ frev'&s \) Inv. at plr. - high fever. See also fringhé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ fri[ng]g'e \ ) - to act with skill
the terms "fravassa, frevassa, frevon-a". or quickness.
frevassa - n. f. . (pr. \ frev'&s& \) - See frevass. fringuél - n. m. (pr. \ fri[ng]gu'el \ ) - See frangoj.
frevëtta n. f. (pr. \ f&rv'&tt& \ ) At plr. frevëtte. - slight fever friplé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ fripl'e \ ) - 1) - to break in pieces,
(usually persistent). See also the terms "fërvëtta, fëvrëtta". to tear to pieces. - 2) - to thrash, to cudgel (in a fig.
frevon-a - n. f. (pr. \ frev'u[ng]& \) - See frevass. sense).
frevos - adj. (pr. \ frev'uz \) Ms. plr. frevos - fm. sng. and plr. friplon - n. and adj. (pr. \ fripl'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. friplon - fm.
frevosa, frevose. - feverish. See also the term "fërvos". sng. and plr. friplon-a, friplon-e. - 1) - ragged person
friàbil - adj. (pr. \ fri'&bil \) Ms. plr. friàbij - fm. sng. and plr. (sbst.) - 2) - ragged (adj.).
friàbil, friàbij. - friable, crumbly. fripon - n. and adj. (pr. \ frip'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. fripon - fm. sng.
friabilità - n. f. (pr. \ fri&bilit'& \) Inv. at plr. - friability, and plr. fripon-a, fripon-e. - scoundrel, rascal. Used also
friableness. with value of adj.
friaja - n. f. (pr. \ fri'&y& \) At plr. friaje. - 1) - scrap, crumb, friponada - n. f. (pr. \ fripun'&d& \ ) At plr. friponade. -
morsel. - 2) - bit, little quantity (in a fig. sense). See also scurvy trick, scoundrelly action. See also the term
the terms "frisa, fërvaja". "trocionada ".
friajé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ fri&y'e \) - 1) - to crumble. - 2) - friponé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ fripun'e \ ) - to swindle, to
to crush. deceive, to cheat. See also the term "trocioné ".

fris - n. m. (pr. \ friz \ ) Inv. at plr. - ribbon, band (for frodé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ frud'e \ ) - to swindle, to deceit, to
trimming), trimming. See also the term "frisa 1st cheat, to defraud. See also the terms "trassé, trocioné,
meaning". fraudé ".
frisa - n. f. (pr. \ fr'iz& \ ) At plr. frise. - 1) - ribbon, tape. In frodolent - adj. (pr. \ frudul'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. frodolent - fm. sng.
this sense see also the term"fresa 2nd meaning". See also and plr. frodolenta, frodolente. - fraudulent. See also the
the terms "fris, gansa". - 2) - crumb, very small quantity. term "fraudolent ".
- 3) - pall. frogné - vrb 1st con. int. and trs. (pr. \ fru[gn]'e \ ) - 1) - to
frisca - n. f. (pr. \ fr'isc& \ ) At plr. frische. - segment (orange), work half-heartedly (int.). - 2) - to rummage, to ransack
slice, clove (garlic). See also the terms "fisca, fiësca, (int.). In this sense see also the term "cinfrogné ". - 3) - to
fiosca, fiusca". search (trs.). In this sense see also the term "fogné ".
frise - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ fr'ize \ ) - See friciolé. frognàire - n. (pr. \ fru[gn]'&ire \ ) - See frognèire.
frisé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ friz'e \ ) - 1) - to curl, to frognèire - n. (pr. \ fru[gn]'æire \ ) Ms. plr. frognèire - fm. sng.
ripple, to gather, to back-comb (trs.). - 2) - to turm a and plr. frognèira, frognèire. - fidget, lively child.
somersault (int.). - 3) - to fizz, to effervesce (int.). In this froj - n. m. (pr. \ fruy \ ) Inv. at plr. - sliding-wedge, bolt.
sense see also the term "frissé". - It uses always the aux. froja - n. f. (pr. \ fr'uy& \ ) At plr. froje. - guitar (slang term).
"avèj ". frojé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ fruy'e \ ) - to close with sliding-
frìser - n. m. (pr. \ fr'izær \ ) Inv. at plr. - freezer. wedge, to latch.
friseur - n. . (pr. \ fr'iz[oe]r \ ) Ms. plr. friseur - fm. sng. and frojera - n. f. (pr. \ fruy'er& \ ) At plr. frojere. - 1) - part of a
plr. friseusa, friseuse. - hairdresser. See also the term lock receiving the bolt. - 2) - lock for gates or front
"frisotin" doors.
frisin - n. m. (pr. \ friz'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - little piece, frojet - n. m. (pr. \ fruy'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - small sliding-wedge.
very small quantity. - 2) - little and delicate person (in a frolà - n. m. (pr. \ frul'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - shake (cooking). See
fig. sense). also the term "frulà ".
frisin-a - n. f. (pr. \ friz'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. frisin-e. - little frolada - n. f. (pr. \ frul'&d& \ ) At plr. frolade. - strawberries
crumb, little piece, very small quantity. The expression with sugar and lenon juice and liqueur (cooking).
"na frisin-a da gnente" means "a mere nothing". frolador - n. m. (pr. \ frul&d'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - mixer, blender.
frison - n. m. (pr. \ friz'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - cotton cloth. - See also the terms "frolor, frulador".
2) - hawfinch, grosbeak (zoology - Coccothraustes froladura - n. f. (pr. \ frul&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. froladure. -
vulgaris). In this sense see also the terms "duribech, mixing, blending. See also the term "fruladura".
froson". frolé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ frul'e \ ) - to beat up, to whip, to
frisoté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ frizut'e \ ) - 1) - to back-comb. - whisk. See also the term "frulé ".
2) - to curl, to ripple, to gather. frolera - n. f. (pr. \ frul'er& \ ) At plr. frolere. - field of
frisotin - n. (pr. \ frizut'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. frisotin - fm. sng. and strawberries, strawberry-bed.
plr. frisotin-a, frisotin-e. - hairdresser. frolëtta - n. f. (pr. \ frul'&tt& \ ) At plr. frolëtte. - small
frissant - adj. (pr. \ fris'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. frissant - fm. sng. and strawberry.
plr. frissanta, frissante. - 1) - effervescent, fizzy. - 2) - frolin - n. m. (pr. \ frul'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - mixer, blender.
pointed, pungent, witty (in a fig. sense). See also the terms "frulin, frolor".
frissé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ fris'e \ ) to fizz, to effervesce. It frolon - n. m. (pr. \ frul'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - big strawberry.
uses the aux. "avèj ". See "frisé 3rd meaning". (botany - Fragaria). See also the term "magiostra".
frission - n. f. (pr. \ frisi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - rubbing, frolor - n. m. (pr. \ frul'ur \ ) - See frolador.
friction, massage. - 2) - friction, attrition (physics). - 3) - froment - n. m. (pr. \ frum'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - wheat (botany -
clutch (mechanics). - 4) - conflict, friction (in a fig. Triticum vulgare). See also the terms "forment,frument,
sense). gran ".
frissioné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ frisi'u[ng] \ ) - to rub, to fronda - n. f. (pr. \ fr'und& \ ) At plr. fronde. - leafy branch.
massage. See also the terms "bronda, frasca".
frisson - n. m. (pr. \ fris'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - shiver, fronsì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ fru[ng]s'i \ ) - to ripple, to
shudder. - 2) - thrill (in a fig. sense). gather, to wrinkle, to crisp. See also the term "fronzì ".
frissoné - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ frisun'e \ ) - to shudder, to fronsidura - n. f. (pr. \ fru[ng]sid'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. fronsidure.
shiver. - ripple, gathers, frill, wrinkles, crisp. See also the term
frisura - n. f. (pr. \ friz'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. frisure. - hair "fronziura".
curling. front - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ frunt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - forehead, brow.
frit - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ frit \ ) Inv. at plr. - fried food, fry. See - 2) - front, façade, frontage (buildings). - 3) - frontlet
also the term "fritura". (animals). - 4) - opening part. - 5) - head.
frit - 2) - adj. (pr. \ frit \ ) Ms. plr. frit - fm. sng. and plr. frita, front - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ frunt \ ) Inv. at plr. - front (military, in
frite. - fried. This term is only used as adj.. Terms used fig. sense, meteorology).
both for p. p. and adj. are "fricassà, friciolà". frontal - 1) - adj. (pr. \ frunt'&l \ ) Ms. plr. frontaj - fm. sng.
frità - n. f. (pr. \ frit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - omelette, omelet and plr. frontal, frontaj. - frontal.
(cooking). frontal - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ frunt'&l \ ) At plr. frontaj - façade
fritura - n. f. (pr. \ frit'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. friture. - 1) - frying. - decoration.
2) - fried food, fry. In this sense see also the term "frit 1)". frontegé - vrb 1st con. trs. - (pr. \ fruntej'e \ ) - to face, to
frìvol - adj. (pr. \ fr'ivul ; fr'iwul \ ) Ms. plr. frìvol - fm. sng. and oppose, to withstand.
plr. frìvola, frìvole. - frivolous, trifling, futile, trivial. frontera - n. f. (pr. \ frunt'er& \ ) At plr. frontere. - protection
frivolëssa - n. f. (pr. \ frivul'&ss& \ ) At plr. frivolësse. for brow., head-ring, pad.
frivolity. See also the term "frivolità ". frontespissi - n. m. (pr. \ fruntesp'isi \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
frivolità - n. f. (pr. \ frivulit'& \ ) - See frivolëssa. pediment, frontispiece (buildings). - 2) - title-page
frocé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ fru[ch]'e \ ) - to rub, to wipe. See (books).
also the terms "freghé 1st meaning, fërté ". frontiera - n. f. (pr. \ frunti'er& \ ) At plr. frontiere. - 1) -
frocion - n. m. (pr. \ fru[ch]i'u[ng] \ ) - See fërtass. frontier, boundary, border. - 2) - bound, boundary (in a
frocioné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ fru[ch]iun'e \ ) - See frocé. fig. sense).

fronton - n. m. (pr. \ frunt'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - pediment, frut - n. m. (pr. \ fr[ue]t \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - fruit. - 2) - one of
fronton, gable. the fruits. - 3) - result, results. - 4) - interest, income.
fronzì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ fru[ng]z'i \ ) - See fronsì. fruta - n. f. (pr. \ fr'[ue]t& \ ) At plr. (when applicable) frute. -
fronziura - n. f. (pr. \ fru[ng]zi'[ue]r& \ ) - See fronsidura. fruit. (more general and usually in a collective sense).
fros - adj. (pr. \ fruz \ ) Ms. plr. fros - fm. sng. and plr. frosa, frutareul - n. (pr. \ fr[ue]t&r'[oe]l \ ) Ms. plr. frutareuj - fm.
frose. - 1) - dark, obscure, dull, sad. - 2) - horrid, sng. and plr. frutareula, frutareule. - greengrocer,
fearful, frightful. In this sense see also the terms "afros, fruiterer. See also the terms "frutassé, fruté ".
sfros". frutassé - n. (pr. \ fr[ue]t&s'e \ ) Ms. plr. frutassé - fm. sng.
froson - n. m. (pr. \ fruz'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - hawfinch, and plr. frutassera, frutassere. - greengrocer, fruiterer.
grosbeak (zoology - Coccothraustes vulgaris). In this See also the terms "frutareul, fruté ".
sense see also the terms "duribech, frison 2nd meaning". fruté - 1) - n. (pr. \ fr[ue]t'e \ ) Ms. plr. fruté - fm. sng. and plr.
frossé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ frus'e \ ) - See fërté. frutera, frutere. - greengrocer, fruiterer. See also the
fròcc - n. (pr. \ fr'o[ch] \ ) Ms. plr. fròcc - fm. sng. and plr. terms "frutareul, frutassé ".
fròcia, fròce. - brother / sister (slang term) See also the fruté - 2) - vrb 1st con. int. and trs. (pr. \ fr[ue]t'e \ ) - 1) - to
terms "frel, fradel, fratel ". yeld, to produce (int.) (agriculture). - 2) - to produce a
fròda - n. f. (pr. \ fr'od& \ ) At plr. fròde. - fraud, deceit, profit (int.) (economy). - 3) - to yeld, to give (trs.)
sham, cheat. See also the term "fràuda". (economy). It always uses the aux. "avèj ". See also the
fròl - adj. (pr. \ fr'ol \ ) Ms. plr. fròl - fm. sng. and plr. fròla, term "frutifiché ".
fròle. - 1) - soft, tender, friable. - 2) - spineless, nerveless fruté - 3) - n. m. (pr. \ fr[ue]t'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - orchard.
(in a fig. sense). frutera - n. f. (pr. \ fr[ue]t'er& \ ) At plr. frutere. - fruit-dish,
fròla - n. f. (pr. \ fr'ol& \ ) At plr. fròle. - strawberry (botany - fruit-bowl.
Fragaria). fruticoltor - n. m. (pr. \ fr[ue]ticult'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - fruit-
fròsna - n. f. (pr. \ fr'osn& \ ) At plr. fròsne. - harpoon. grower, fruit-farmer.
fròtola - n. f. (pr. \ fr'otul& \ ) At plr. fròtule. - idle tale, tall fruticoltura - n. f. (pr. \ fr[ue]ticult'[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
story, bragging lie, fib. fruticolture. - fruit-growing, fruit-farming.
frùa - n. f. (pr. \ fr'[ue]& \ ) - See fruva. frutìfer - adj. (pr. \ fr[ue]t'ifær \ ) Ms. plr. frutìfer - fm. sng.
frugal - adj. (pr. \ fr[ue]g'&l \ ) Ms. plr. frugaj - fm. sng. and and plr. frutìfera, frutìfere. - 1) - fruit-bearing, fruitful
plr. frugal, frugaj. - 1) - frugal. - 2) - thrifty, saving. In (agriculture). - 2) - interest-beating (economy). - 3) -
this sense see also the term "parsomonios" useful, profitable.
frugalità - n. f. (pr. \ fr[ue]g&lit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - frutificassion - n. f. (pr. \fr[ue]tific&si'u[ng]\ ) - fructification.
frugality. - 2) - thrift. In this sense see also the term frutifiché - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ fr[ue]tifik'e \ ) - See fruté.
"parsimònia". frutos - adj. (pr. \ fr[ue]t'uz \ ) Ms. plr. frutos - fm. sng. and
frulà - n. m. (pr. \ fr[ue]l'& \ ) - See frolà. plr. frutosa, frutose. - 1) - fruitful. - 2) - advantageous,
fruladura - n. f. (pr. \ fr[ue]l&d'[ue]r& \ ) - See froladura. profitable.
frulé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ fr[ue]l'e \ ) - See frolé. frutosità - n. f. (pr. \ fr[ue]tuzit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - yield, take,
frulin - n. m. (pr. \ fr[ue]l'i[ng] \ ) - See frolador. profit.
frument - n. m. (pr. \ fr[ue]m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - wheat frutòsi - n. m. (pr. \ fr[ue]t'ozi \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - fructose
(botany - Triticum vulgare). See also the terms (chemistry).
"forment,froment, gran ". fruva - n. f. (pr. \ fr'[ue]v& \ ) At plr. fruve. - boiled chestnut
frura - n. f. (pr. \ fr'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. frure. - 1) - shoeing (with the peel). See also the terns "balòta, baròta, frùa"
(horses). - 2) - iron fittings. - 3) - ironmongery. See also and the loc. "castagna broà ".
the term "framenta". fruvaja - n. f. (pr. \ fr[ue]v'&y& \ ) - See fërvaja.
frust - adj. (pr. \ fr'[ue]st \ ) Ms. plr. frust - fm. sng. and plr. fubian-a - n. f. (pr. \ f[ue]bi'&[ng]& \ ) At plr. fubian-e. -
frusta, fruste. - shabby, threadbare, worn-out. salamander (zoology - Salamandra). See also the term
frusta - n. f. (pr. \ fr'[ue]st& \ ) At plr. fruste. - whip, lash. See "piuvan-a".
also the terms "foat, foèt". fufna - n. f. (pr. \ f'[ue]fn& \ ) At plr. fufne. - dirty trick,
frustà - n. f. (pr. \ fr[ue]st'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - lash, blow with a action made in order to swindle.
whip. See also the term "foatà". fuga - n. f. (pr. \ f'[ue]g& \ ) At plr. fughe. - 1) - escape, flight.
frustacadreghe - n. (pr. \ fr[ue]st&c&dr'ege \ ) Inv. in gnd. and - 2) - elopement. - 3) - leak, leakage, escape. - 4) - fugue
nr. loafer, layabout. - This term in a metaphorical (music). - 5) - vista. - 6) - sprint, spur (sport).
definition made up by a verbal voice (3rd prs sng. present fugiasch - n. and adj. (pr. \ f'[ue]ji'&sc \ ) - 1) - runaway,
indicadive) and a noun: In this case "(who) wears out fugitive. - 2) - refugee (sbst.). - See also the term "fugitiv".
chairs". fugitiv - n. and adj. (pr. \ f'[ue]jit'iu \ ) - See fugiasch 1st
frustagelosìe - n. (pr. \ fr[ue]st&jeluz'ie \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. meaning
curious person, nosy parker. - This term in a fuin - n. m. (pr. \ f[ue]'i[ng] \ ) - See foin.
metaphorical definition made up by a verbal voice (3rd prs fujagi - n. m. (pr. \ f[ue]y'&gi \ ) See fojagi.
sng. present indicadive) and a noun: In this case "(who) fojam - n. m. (pr. \ f[ue]y'&m \ ) - See fojagi.
wears out window-shutters". fujass - n. m. (pr. \ f[ue]y'&s \ ) - See fojass.
frustagi - n. m. (pr. \ fr[ue]st'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - wear and fujassa - n. f. (pr. \ f[ue]y'&s \ ) - See. fojassa.
tear, strain. See also the term "frustura". fujassù - adj. (pr. \ f[ue]y&s'[ue] \ ) - See fojassù.
frustan-a - n. f. (pr. \ fr[ue]st'&[ng]& \ ) At plr. frustan-e. - fujet - n. m. (pr. \ f[ue]y'æt \ ) - See fojet.
fustian. fujëtta - n. f. (pr. \ f[ue]y'&tt& \ ) - See. fojëtta.
frusté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ fr[ue]st'e \ ) - 1) - to whip, to fujin-a - n. f. (pr. \ f[ue]y'i[ng]& \ ) - See fojëtta 1st meaning.
flog, to lash. In this sense see also the terns "foaté, foëtté ". fùlmin - n. m. (pr. \ f'[ue]lmi[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - thunderbolt,
- 2) - to wear out. bolt, lightning.
frustésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ fr[ue]st'ese \ ) - 1) - to wear fulminà - n. m. (pr. \ f[ue]lmin'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - fulminate
out. - 2) - to wear oneself out. (chemistry).
frustura - n. f. (pr. \ fr[ue]st'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. frusture. - wear
and tear, strain. See also the term "frustagi ".

fulminant - 1) - adj. (pr. \ f[ue]lmin'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. fulminant fumlin - adj. (pr. \ f[ue]ml'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. fumlin - fm. sng.
- fm. sng. and plr. fulminanta, fulminante. - fulminant, and plr. fumlin-a, fumlin-e. - 1) - feminine, womanly. - 2)
fulminating. - effeminate. See also the terms "fomlin, fomnin 2)".
fulminant - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ f[ue]lmin'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - fumoar - n. m. (pr. \f[ue]mu'&r\ ) Inv. at plr. - smoking-room.
primer. - 2) - wooden match (old name). See also the term in the spelling "fumuar", with the same
fulminassion - n. f. (pr. \ f[ue]lmin&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - pronunciation..
fulmination, fulguration. fumos - adj. (pr. \ f[ue]m'uz \ ) Ms. plr. fumos - fm. sng. and
fulminé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ f[ue]lmin'e \ ) 1) - to strike by plr. fumosa, fumose. - 1) - smoky. - 2) - conceited,
lightning. - 2) - to electrocute. - 3) - to thunder-strike. haughty (in a fig. sense). - 3) - obscure (in a fig. sense).
fum - n. m. (pr. \ f[ue]m \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - smoke. - 2) - fumuar - n. m. (pr. \f[ue]mu'&r\ ) - See fumoar.
fumes. - 3) - smoking (the habit). - 4) - vanity, conceit. funàmbol - n. (pr. \f[ue]n'&mbul \ ) Ms. plr. funàmboj - fm.
We just notice one of the idiomatic expressions using this sng. and plr. funàmbola, funàmbole. - 1) - tight-rope
word : "na bala 'd fum" = lit. "a ball of smoke" for walker, rope-dancer, funambulist. - 2) - opportunust,
indicating a very low price, or something having no value. time-server (in a fig. sense). - See also the loc. "balarin da
fuma - n. f. (pr. \ f'[ue]m& \ ) At plr. fume. - (tobacco) pipe. còrda".
See also the most common term "pipa". fùnebre - adj. (pr. \f'[ue]nebre \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr., but often,
fumà - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ f[ue]m'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - puff of at plr. (both ms. and fm.) the italianism "funebri" is used. -
smoke, smoke-signal. - 2) - smoke. See also the term 1) - funeral (as an attribute). - 2) - funereal. - 3) - gloomy
"fumada". (in a fig. sense).
fumà - 2) - adj. (pr. \ f[ue]m'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - smoke- funeral - n. m. (pr. \f[ue]ner'&l \ ) At plr. funeraj. - funeral.
gray, smoked. funerari - adj. (pr. \f[ue]ner'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. funerari - fm. sng.
fumada - n. f. (pr. \ f[ue]m'&d& \ ) - See fumà 1). and plr. funerària, funeràrie. - funeral (as an attribute),
fumador - n. (pr. \ f[ue]m&d'ur \ ) Ms. plr. fumador - fm. sng. funerary.
and plr. fumadora, fumadore. - smoker. Sometimes the funést - adj. (pr. \f[ue]n'est \ ) Ms. plr. funést - fm. sng. and
fm. sng. and plr. are "fumadòira, fumadòire". See also the plr. funesta, funeste. - deadly, fatal, ruinous, sad.
term "fumator". funesté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \f[ue]nest'e \ ) - 1) - to afflict, to
fumaieul - n. m. (pr. \ f[ue]m&i'[oe]l \ ) At plr. fumaieuj. - distress, to sadden. - 2) - to ruin, to oppress, to
chimney-pot, chimney-top, smoke-stack. See also the devastate.
terms "fornél, fumareul". funì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ f[ue]n'i \ ) - See finì.
fumàire - n. (pr. \ f[ue]m'&ire \ ) Ms. plr. fumàire - fm. sng. funsion - n. f. (pr. \ f[ue][ng]si'u[ng] \ ) - See fonsion.
and plr. fumàira, fumàire. - heavy smoker. funsional - adj. (pr. \ f[ue][ng]siun'&l \ ) - See fonsional.
fumareul - n. m. (pr. \ f[ue]m&r'[oe]l \ ) - See fumaieul. funsionalism - n. m. (pr. \ f[ue][ng]siun&l'izm \ ) - See
fumator - n. (pr. \ f[ue]m&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. fumator - fm. sng. fonsionalism.
and plr. fumatriss, fumatriss. - smoker. See also the term funsionalità - n. f. (pr. \ f[ue][ng]siun&lit'& \ ) - See
"fumador". fonsionalità.
fumé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ f[ue]m'e \ ) - 1) - to smoke. - 2) - funsionament - n. m. (pr. \ f[ue][ng]siun&m'ænt \ ) - See
to fume. - 3) - to stem. fonsionament.
fumela - n. f. (pr. \ f[ue]m'el& \ ) At plr. fumele. - 1) - female, funsionant - adj. (pr. \ f[ue][ng]siun'&nt \ ) - See fonsionant.
she (as an attribute). Referred to animals. If referred to a funsionari - n. (pr. \ f[ue][ng]siun'&ri \ ) - See fonsionari.
person the term has a quite disparaging meaning.. - 2) - funsioné - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ f[ue][ng]siun'e \ ) - See
woman, girl (persons). - 3) - female (used often as an fonsioné.
attribute) (mechanics, electricity, etc.). furb - adj. and n. (pr. \ f'[ue]rb \ ) Ms. plr. furb - fm. sng. and
fument - n. m. (pr. \ f[ue]m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - plr. furba, furbe. - 1) - astute, shrewd, artful, cunning,
fomentation (medical). - 2) - hot flushes. In this sense see sly. (adj.). - 2) - astute person, etc. (sbst.). The loc. "fé 'l
also the term "caudan-a". furb " means "to try to be clever".
fumeri - n. m. (pr. \ f[ue]m'eri \ ) Inv. at plr. - thick smoke, furbacion - n. (pr. \ f[ue]rb&[ch]i'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. furbacion -
black smoke, large quantity of smoke. See also the term fm. sng. and plr. furbacion-a, furbacion-e. - sly old thing,
"fuméria". sly-boots, wily old fox, arrant knave.
fuméria - n. f. (pr. \ f[ue]m'eri& \ ) - See fumeri. furbarìa - n. f. (pr. \ f[ue]rb&r'i& \ ) At plr. furbarìe. - 1) -
fumerìa - n. f. (pr. \ f[ue]mer'i& \ ) At plr. fumerìe. - 1) - astuteness, shrewdness. - 2) - clever trick, ruse. See also
smoking-room. In this sense see also the terms the term "furberìa".
"fumoar, fumuar". - 2) - opium den. furberìa - n. f. (pr. \ f[ue]rber'i& \ ) - See furbarìa.
fumet - n. m. (pr. \ f[ue]m'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - flour, refined furbastr - adj. . (pr. \ f[ue]rb'&str \ ) Ms. plr. furbastr - fm.
wheat meal. - 2) - balloon, bubble, cartoons, comics. - 3) sng. and plr. furbastra, furbastre. - cunning, sly (with a
- fumes, vapour, exhalation. - 4) - anger, huff (in a fig. bit of disparagement).
sense). furbesch - adj. (pr. \ f[ue]rb'æsc \ ) Ms. plr. furbesch - fm. sng.
fumicà - adj. (pr. \ f[ue]mic'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - and plr. furbësca, furbësche. - cunning, sly.
blackened with smoke, smoky. - 2) - smoked. See also furbissia - n. f. (pr. \ f[ue]rb'isi& \ ) See - furbarìa.
the term "fumigà ". furé - n. m. (pr. \ f[ue]r'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - quartermaster
fumigà - adj. (pr. \ f[ue]mig'& \ ) - See fumicà. (military). See also the terms "foré, furié ".
fumigassion - n. f. (pr. \ f[ue]mig&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - furent - adj. (pr. \ f[ue]r'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. furent - fm. sng. and
blackening with smoke, smoking. plr. furenta, furente. - raging, furious. See also the term
fumista - n. m. (pr. \ f[ue]m'ist& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - stove- "furios 1)".
repairer, boilerman. - 2) - heating contractor. furerìa - n. f. (pr. \ f[ue]rer'i& \ ) At plr. furerìe. - orderly
fumlam - n. m. (pr. \ f[ue]ml'&m \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any) - group office (military).
of women (in a disparaging sense). See also the term furfa - n. f. (pr. \ f'[ue]rf& \ ) At plr. furfe. - crowd,
"fomlam". multitude, mob, throng.
fumlé - n. m. (pr. \ fumn'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - lady-killer, furfaja - n. f. (pr. \ f[ue]rf'&y& \ ) At plr. furfaje. - rabble,
ladies'man, womanizer. See also the term "fomné ". despicable people.

furfant - adj. and n. (pr. \ f[ue]rf'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. furtant - fm. (int.). - 5) - to end, to finish (trs.). - 6) - to finish off (trs.).
sng. and plr. furfanta, furfante. - scoundrel, rogue, - 7) - to polish off (trs.). - In the senses from 1 to 7 see
rascal, scamp. also the term "finì" - 8) - to supply, to provide (trs.). - 9) -
furfantaja - n. f. (pr. \ f[ue]rf&nt'&y& \ ) At plr. furfantaje. - to endow, to furnish (trs.). - 10) - to give (trs.). - 11) - to
rabble, mob, scum. See also the terms "canàja, marmaja". fit up, to equip (trs.). - In the senses from 8 to 11 see also
furfantarìa - n. f. (pr. \ f[ue]rf&nt&r'i& \ ) At plr. furfantarìe. the term "fornì". When int. it uses the aux. "esse",
- 1) - roguery, rascality, knavery. - 2) - rascally act. otherwise it uses the aux. "avèj ".
furgon - n. m. (pr. \ f[ue]rg'u[ng] \ ) - See forgon. furnidura - n. f. (pr. \ f[ue]rnid'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. furnidure. -
furgoncin - n. m. (pr. \ f[ue]rgun[ch]'i[ng] \ ) - See forgoncin. 1) - supplying. - 2) - supply, consignment. - 3) -
furgonsin - n. m. (pr. \ f[ue]rguns'i[ng] \ ) - See forgoncin. equipment, fittings. - 4) - harness. See also the term
furia - n. f. (pr. \ f'[ue]ri& \ ) At plr. furie. - 1) - fury, rage, "forniment, fornidura, furnitura".
anger. - 2) - fury, heat, frenzy. - 3) - great hurry, haste, furniment - n. m. (pr. \ f[ue]rnim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
rush. supplying. - 2) - supply, consignment. - 3) - equipment,
furibond - adj. (pr. \ f[ue]rib'und \ ) Ms. plr. furibond - fm. fittings. In the senses from 1 to 3 see also the term
sng. and plr. furibonda, furibonde. - furious, enraged, "forniment ". - 4) - set, "parure". - 5) - harness. - 6) -
wrathful, raging. end, conclusion. In the senses from 4 to 6 see also the term
furié - n. m. (pr. \ f[ue]ri'e \ ) - See furé. "finiment ".
furiëtta - n. f. (pr. \ f[ue]ri'&tt& \ ) At plr. furiëtte. - 1) - furnitura - n. f. (pr. \ f[ue]rnit'[ue]r& \ ) - See furnidura.
hurry, precipitation. - 2) - excited person. furor - n. m. (pr. \ f[ue]r'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - fury, rage. - 2)
furigà - n. f. (pr. \ f[ue]rig'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - outburst of - frenzy, frenzied vehemence.
anger. - 2) - scolding, tirade. See also the term "furigada". furtì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ f[ue]rt'i \ ) - See fortì.
furigada - n. f. (pr. \ f[ue]rig'&d& \ ) - See furigà. furtiv - adj. (pr. \ f[ue]rt'iu \ ) Ms. plr. furtiv - fm. sng. and plr.
furighëtta - n. f. (pr. \ f[ue]rig'&tt& \ ) At plr. furighëtte. - furtiva, furtive. - furtive, stealthy.
hurry of passing through the crowd. furvaja - n. f. (pr. \ f[ue]rv'&y& \ ) - See fërvaja.
furios - 1) - adj. and n. (pr. \ f[ue]ri'uz \ ) Ms. plr. furios - fm. fus - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ f[ue]z \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - spindle (texile).
sng. and plr. furiosa, furiose. - 1) - furious, enraged, in a - 2) - lune (geometry). - 3) - shaft (column - architecture).
rage (adj.). - 2) - furious, wild, violent (adj.). - 3) - raving - 4) - spoke (wheel).
madman, violent maniac. fus - 2) - adj. (pr. \ f[ue]z \ ) Ms. plr. fus - fm. sng. and plr.
furios - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ f[ue]ri'uz \ ) Inv. at plr. - train. A joular fusa, fuse. - cast, fused, smelted. Italianism. In piedm the
term of the slang for defining the very slow and old steam term "fondù " is more used (see the term).
trains still operating, about fifty years ago, some minor fusà - n. f. (pr. \ f[ue]z'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - spindleful.
railways. See also the term "lampo". fusé - n. (pr. \ f[ue]z'e \ ) Ms. plr. fusé - fm. sng. and plr.
furmìa - n. f. (pr. \ f[ue]rm'i& \ ) At plr. furmìe. - ant fusera, fusere. - spindle-maker.
(zoology). See also the terms "formìa, furmija ". fusela - n. f. (pr. \ f[ue]z'el& \ ) At plr. fusele, - reel, spool.
furmià - n. f. (pr. \ f[ue]rmi'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - swarming, See also the term "rochet ".
teeming. - 2) - tingling. See also the term "furmijà ". fusera - n. f. (pr. \ f[ue]z'er& \ ) At plr. fusere. - 1) - spindle-
furmié - n. m. (pr. \ f[ue]rmi'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - ants' nest, holder. - 2) - particular candalabrum used in the past in
ant-nest. - 2) - ant-hill, ant-heap. - 3) - swarm. See also celebrations of the Holy Week.
the term "furmijé ". fusëtta - n. f. (pr. \ f[ue]z'&tt& \ ) At plr. fusëtte. - rocket. See
furmij - n. m. (pr. \ f[ue]rm'iy \ ) - See furmiolament. also the term "fosëtta".
furmija - n. f. (pr. \ f[ue]rm'iy& \ ) - See furmìa. fusëtton - n. m. (pr. \f[ue]z&tt'u[ng]\ ) Inv. at plr. - potentiated
furmijà - n. f. (pr. \ f[ue]rmiy'& \ ) - See furmià. rocket.
furmijé - n. m. (pr. \ f[ue]rmiy'e \ ) - Inv. at plr. - 1) - ants' fusì - n. m. (pr. \ f[ue]z'i \ ) - See fusil.
nest, ant-nest. - 2) - ant-hill, ant-heap. - 3) - swarm. In fusìbil - 1) - adj. (pr. \ f[ue]z'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. fusìbij - fm. sng.
this sense see also the term "furmié ". - 4) - ant-eater and plr. fusìbil, fusìbij. - meltable, fusible.
(zoology - Myrmecophaga tridactyla). fusìbil - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ f[ue]z'ibil \ ) At. plr. fusìbij. - fuse.
furmiol - n. m. (pr. \ f[ue]rmi'ul \ ) - See furmiolament. fusibilità - n. f. (pr. \ f[ue]zibilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - fusibility.
furmiolada - n. f. (pr. \ f[ue]rmiul'&d& \ ) At plr. furmiolade. fusij - n. m. (pr. \ f[ue]z'iy \ ) - See fusil.
- swarming, teeming. (ants and other insects). fusil - n. m. (pr. \ f[ue]z'il \ ) At plr. fusij. - gun, rifle.
furmiolament - n. m. (pr. \ f[ue]rmiul'&d& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - fusilassion - n. f. (pr.\ f[ue]zil&si'u[ng] \) - See fusiliassion.
swarming, teeming. - 2) - tingling. - 3) - anxiety (in a fig. fusilerìa - n. f. (pr. \ f[ue]ziler'i& \ ) At plr. fusilerìe. - 1) -
sense). fusillade. - 2) - musketry. See also the term "fusilierìa".
furmiolé - 1) - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ f[ue]rmiul'e \ ) 1) - to fusilià - n. f. (pr.\f[ue]zili'&\) Inv. at plr. - gun-shot, rifle-shot.
swarm, to teem. - 2) - to itch, to be itchy. - 3) - to tingle. fusiliada - n. f. (pr. \ f[ue]zili'&d& \ ) At plr. fusiliade. -
See also the terms "fërmolé, fërmijolé, boliché ". It uses the execution by shooting.
aux. "avèj ". fusiliassion - n. f. (pr.\ f[ue]zili&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
furmiolé - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ f[ue]rmiul'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - execution by shooting.
swarming, teeming. - 2) - tingling. See also the terms fusilié - 1) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ f[ue]zili'e \) - to shoot.
"formiolura, formiolé " fusilié - 2) - n. m. (pr.\ f[ue]zili'e \) Inv. at plr. - rifleman
furmiolura - n. f. (pr. \ f[ue]rmiul'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. fusiliera - n. f. (pr.\ f[ue]zili'er& \) At plr. fusiliere. - 1) - rack
furmiolure. - - 1) - swarming, teeming. - 2) - tingling. for rifles. - 2) - loop-hole (fortess).
See also the term formiolura, formiolé, furmiolé, fërmiolé". fusilierìa - n. f. (pr. \ f[ue]zilier'i& \ ) - See fusilerìa.
furmion - n. m. (pr. \ f[ue]rmi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - big ant. fusin-a - n. f. (pr.\ f[ue]z'i[ng]& \) At plr. fusin-e. - 1) - forge. -
See also the terms "formion, furmijon". 2) -smithy. - 3) - hotbed, mine, source (in a fig. sense).
furmijon - n. m. (pr. \ f[ue]rmiy'u[ng] \ ) - See furmion. fusion - n. f. (pr.\ f[ue]zi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - fusion,
furnì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ f[ue]rn'i \ ) - 1) - to end, founding, smelting. - 2) - blowout. - 3) - fusion, merging
to come to an end (int.). - 2) - to end by gerund, (int.), (in a fig. sense).
corresponding to the piedm. finì për infinitive. - 3) - to fuslé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ f[ue]zl'e \) - to taper, to spindle-
stop (int.). - 4) - to finish up, to wear out, to sell out shape.

fusoliera - n. f. (pr.\ f[ue]zuli'er& \) At plr. fusoliere. - fùtil - adj. (pr.\ f'[ue]til \) Ms. plr. fùtij - fm. sng. and plr. fùtil,
fuselage (planes). fùtij. - futile, trifling, frivolus, trivial. See also the terms
fust - n. m. (pr.\ f[ue]st \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - stem. - 2) - stalk, "van, fat".
stem. caulis, trunk (botany). - 3) - torso, trunk. - 4) - futilità - n. f. (pr.\ f[ue]tilit'& \) Inv. at plr. - futility, frivolity,
shaft (architecture). - 5) - drum, can, cash, barrel. triviality.
fustagn - n. m. (pr.\ f[ue]st'&[gn] \) Inv. at plr. - fustian. See futur - 1) - n. m. (pr.\ f[ue]t'[ue]r \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - (the)
also the term "fustan-a". future. - 2) - future (grammar). - 3) - future, posterity.
fustan-a - n. f. (pr.\ f[ue]st'&[ng]& \) At plr. fustan-e. - futur - 2) - adj. (pr.\ f[ue]t'[ue]r \) Ms. plr. futur - fm. sng. and
fustian. See also the term "fustagn". plr. futura, future. - future, next, to come. The loc. "ch'a
fustela - n. f. (pr.\ f[ue]st'el& \) At plr. fustele. - 1) - hollow ven, ch'a vnirà ", are very used.
punch, die. - 2) - price-tag. futurìbil - adj. (pr.\ f[ue]t[ue]r'ibil \) Ms. plr. futurìbij - fm.
fustelé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ f[ue]stel'e \) - to punch. sng. and plr. futurìbil, futurìbij. - possible in the future.
fustigassion - n. f. (pr.\ f[ue]stig&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - futurism - n. m. (pr.\ f[ue]t[ue]r'izm \) Inv. at plr. - futurism.
flogging, lashing, flagellation, whipping. futurista - n. and adj. (pr.\ f[ue]t[ue]r'ist& \) Ms. plr. futurista
fustigator - n. (pr.\ f[ue]stig&t'ur \) Ms. plr. fustigator - fm. - fm. sng. and plr. futurista, futuriste. - futurist.
sng. and plr. fustigatriss, fustigatriss. - 1) - flogger, futuristich - adj. (pr.\ f[ue]t[ue]r'istic \) Ms. plr. futurìstich -
scourger, whipper. - 2) - severe critic (in a fig. sense). fm. sng. and plr. futurìstica, futurìstiche. - futuristich.
fustighé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ f[ue]stig'e \) - 1) - to flog, to futurologìa - n. f. (pr.\f[ue]t[ue]ruluj'i&\) At plr. futurologìe.
lash, to scourge, to whip. - 2) - to criticize severely, to - futurology.
censure. futuròlogh - n. (pr.\ f[ue]t[ue]r'olug \) - See futuròlogo.
futuròlogo - n. (pr.\ f[ue]t[ue]r'olugô \) Ms. plr. futuròlogo -
fm. sng. and plr. futuròloga, futuròloghe. - futurologist.

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Letter G
g - eighth letter of the alphabet and n. f. (pr. \ g& \ ; \ j& \) - g. gablàire - n. (pr. \ g&bl'&ire \ ) Ms. plr. gablàire - fm. sng.
The sound of this letter changes, if followed by "i" , "e" , and plr. gablàira, gablàire. - wrangler, quarrelsome
"ë" or another letter (See in the grammar: "Spelling and person, mischief-maker.
Phonology"). gablé - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ g&bl'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - exciseman.
gaba - n. f. (pr. \ g'&b& \ ) At plr. gabe. - practical joke, jest. gablé - 2) - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ g&bl'e \ ) - 1) - to tax
The expression "pijé 'd gaba" = lit. "to take of (as) (trs.). - 2) - to quarrel, to squabble (int.).
practical joke" means "to moch, to make fun of ". gàbola - n. f. (pr. \ g'&bul& \ ) At plr. gàbole. - 1) - cabala. -
gabamond - n. (pr. \ g&b&m'und \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 2) - sorcery, divination, cabal. - 3) - intrigue, plot. - 4) -
swindler, trickster. complex question (in a fig. sense).
gabanéla - n. f. (pr. \ g&b&n'el& \ ) At plr. gabanele. - gabolé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ g&bul'e \ ) - 1) - to make
doctor's white coat. See also the terms "càmuss, càmiss". the cabal, to divine. - 2) - to foretell. - 3) - to dream
gabanòt - n. m. (pr. \ g&b&n'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - little hut, about projects, to day-dream. See also the term
cabin. See also the terms "cabanòt, ciabòt ". "gabolisé". It uses always the aux. "avèj ".
gaban-a - n. f. (pr. \ g&b&[ng]'& \ ) At plr. gaban-e. - . - 1) - gabolisé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ g&buliz'e \ ) - See
hut, cabin. - 2) - hut, hovel. - 3) - alpine refuge. See also gabolé.
the terms "caban-a, ciabòt ". gabolista - n. (pr. \ g&bul'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. gabolista - fm. sng.
gabardin - n. m. (pr. \ g&b&rd'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - and plr. gabolista, gaboliste. - 1) - cabalist. - 2) - "lotto"
gabardine (fabric). fortune-teller. - 3) - swindler, trickster.
gabass - n. m. (pr. \ g&b'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - basket. - 2) - gabolìstich - adj. (pr. \ g&bul'istic \ ) Ms. plr. gabolistich - fm.
wooden vessel used by masons for lime. sng. and plr. gabolistica, gabolistiche. - 1) - cabalistic. -
gabassa - n. f. (pr. \ g&b'&s& \ ) At plr. gabasse. - pannier. 2) - mysterious. - 3) - undecipherable.
See also the term "cabassa". gabriòla - n. f. (pr. \ g&bri'ol& \ ) At plr. gabriòle. -
gabassà - n. f. (pr. \ g&b&s'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - pannierful, somersault, caper. See also the term "stirobàcola".
quantity contained in a pannier. See also the term gabus - 1) - adj. (pr. \ g&b'[ue]z \ ) Ms. plr. gabus - fm. sng.
"cabassà ". and plr. gabusa, gabuse. - 1) - empty inside. - 2) - In the
gabassin - n. (pr. \ g&b&s'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. gabassin - fm. sng. loc. "còj gabus" whose meaning is "head cabbage" (botany
and plr. gabassin-a, gabassin-e. - 1) - porter . - 2) - - Brassica oleracea capitata). - The expression "testa
coarse person (in a fig. way). gabusa" means "empty-headed person".
gabassinà - n. f. (pr. \ g&b&sin'& \ ) - See gabassinada. gabus - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ g&b'[ue]z \ ) Inv. at plr. - void,
gabassinada - n. f. (pr. \g&b&sin'&d&\ ) At plr. gabassinade. internal void, vacuity.
- 1) - coarse word. - 2) - coarse action. gabusé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ g&b[ue]z'e \ ) - to rejoice
gabassòt - n. m. (pr. \ g&b&s'ot \ ) - small pannier. See also secretly, to be happy in one's heart.
the terms "cabassòt, garbin". gacin - n. m. (pr. \ g&[ch]'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - hodman
gabavilan - n. m. (pr. \ g&b&vil'&[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - a kind mason, apprentice mason. See also the term "bicc, ghicc,
of pear. Also called with the loc. "pruss busiard ". foricc".
gabé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ g&b'e \ ) - 1) - to hoodwink, to gadan - n. (pr. \ g&d'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. gadan - fm. sng. and
dupe, to cheat, to swindle. - 2) - to make a fun of. plr. gadan-a, gadan-e. - blockheaded, numskull,
gabela - n. f. (pr. \ g&b'el& \ ) At plr. gabele. - tax, duty, simpleton.
excise, toll. See also the tertm "taja". gadolìnio - n. m. (pr. \ g&dul'iniô \ ) Only sng. (chemical
gàbia - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ g'&bi& \ ) At plr. gabie. - cage, crate. element). In case of need inv. at plr. - gadolinium.
gàbia - 2) - n. (pr. \ g'&bi& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - madman / gadolinite - n. f. (pr. \ g&dulin'ite \ ) Inv. at plr. - gadolinite
madwoman (in a fig. sense). (mineral).
gabià - n. f. (pr. \ g&bi'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - cageful, the content gaf - n. f. (pr. \ g&f \ ) Inv. at plr. - "faux pas", "gaffe",
of a cage. blunder.
gabian - n. m. (pr. \ g&bi'&[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - sea-gull gagà - n. m. (pr. \ g&g'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - dandy, fop, toff.
(zoology - Larus). Also called with nthe loc. "ochëtta 'd gagé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ g&j'e \ ) - to bet, to wager, to put
mar". on. See also the terms "angagé, scomëtte".
gabiass - n. m. (pr. \ g&bi'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - hopper. - 2) - gage - n. m. (pr. \ g'&je \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - pawn, pledge. - 2)
feedbox. - testimony, proof (in a fig. sense). See also the term
gabiëtta - n. f. (pr. \ g&bi'&tt& \ ) At plr. gabiëtte. - small "gagi".
cage. Diminutive of "gàbia 1)". gaget - n. m. (pr. \ g&j'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - trigger of the rifle or
gabieul - n. m. (pr. \ g&bi'[oe]l \ ) At plr. gabieuj. - muzzle gun. See also the term "gagëtta".
for cows and horses. See also the terms "musél, gagëtta - n. f. (pr. \ g&j'&tt& \ ) - See gaget.
musaròla". gagi - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ g'&ji \ ) - See gage.
gabinet - n. m. (pr. \ g&bin'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - lavatory, toilet, gagi - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ g'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - engagement.
washroom. See also the terms "céss, toaleta". gagiura - n. f. (pr. \ g&ji'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. gagiure. - bet,
gabiòt - n. m. (pr. \ g&bi'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - porter's lodge, wager.
gatekeeper's lodge. - 2) - store-room. gagno - n. (pr. \ g'&[gn]u \ ) Ms. plr. gagno - fm. sng. and plr.
gabion - n. m. (pr. \ g&bi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - gabion, cage gagna, gagne. - child (in a jocular sense).
for rocks used for embankments.

gagnolerìa - (pr. \ g&[gn]uler'i& \ ) At plr. (if any) gagnolerìe. galarin - n. m. (pr. \ g&l&r'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - tap, cock,
- a gruop of children (in a jocular sense). faucet.
gàida - n. f. (pr. \ g'&id& \ ) At plr. gàide. - gusset, gore. galarù - adj. m. and n. m. (pr. \ g&l&r'[ue] \ ) Only ms. inv. at
gaità - n. f. (pr. \ g&it'& \ ) Inv. at plr. gaiety, cheerfulness. plr. - 1) - lady-killer, flirt, womanizer. - 2) - mawkish
See also the term "gajëttà ". man (with women). - 3) - lustful.
gaj - n. m. (pr. \ g'&y \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - jay (zoology - galarùa - adj. f. and n. f. (pr. \ g&l&r'[ue]& \ ) Only fm. inv. at
Garrulus glandarius). - 2) - snowdrop (botany - Galanthus plr. - coquettish.
nivalis). galass - n. m. (pr. \ g&l'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - bully.
gajard - adj. (pr. \ g&y'&rd \ ) Ms. plr. gajard - fm. sng. and galassia - n. f. (pr. \ g&l'&si& \ ) At plr. galassie. - Galaxy.
plr. gajarda, gajarde. - 1) - strong, vigorous. - 2) - galateo - n. m. (pr. \ g&l&t'eô \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - 1) -
robust. - 3) - bold, brave. book of etiquette. - 2) - good manners, etiquette.
gajardet - n. m. (pr. \ g&y&rd'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - pennon, galaverna - n. f. (pr. \ g&l&v'ærn& \ ) At plr. galaverne. -
pennant. hoar-frost, rime. When the frost is deep, also on trees and
gajardìa - n. f. (pr. \ g&y&rd'i& \ ) At plr. gajardìe. - vigour, walls. In other cases see the term "brin-a".
energy, hardiness, lustiness. galàvia - n. f. (pr. \ g&l'&vi& \ ) At plr. galàvie. - 1) -
gajé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ g&y'e \ ) - to stain, to spot thresher. - 2) - old farm tool for threshing cereals by
gajëttà - n. f. (pr. \ g&y&tt'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - gaiety, hand. (agriculture). See also the terms "cavàlia, cavalion".
cheerfulness. See also the terms "gaità, argioissansa". galavron - n. m. (pr. \ g&l&vr'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - hornet
gajëtté - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ g&y&tt'e \ ) - to jest cheerfully, (zoology - Vespa crabro). - See also the terms "sgalavron,
to feast, to be rejoicing. calabron". A little joke (circulating among plane
gajolà - adj. (pr. \ g&yul'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - engineers) "Given its weight, the wing area, the speed, etc.
spotted, dappled. - 2) - variegated. - 3) - freckled. See etc. according to the aerodinamics' laws, a hornet cannot
also the term "giajolà". fly. But a hornet does not know anything about
gajòf - adj. and n. (pr. \ g&y'of \ ) Ms. plr. gajòf - fm. sng. and aerodinamics, an so it flies just the same".
plr. gajòfa, gajòfe. - 1) - oafish, loutish (adj.). - 2) - oaf, galé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ g&l'e \ ) - to fecundate eggs
lout, rogue (sbst.). (cocks).
gajòfa - n. f. (pr. \ g&y'of& \ ) At plr. gajòfe. - big mouth. galegé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ g&lej'e \ ) - to float. It uses the
Sometine in disparaging sense, referred to a salnderer. aux. "avèj ".
gal - n. m. (pr. \ g&l \ ) At plr. gaj. - 1) - cock, rooster. galegiament - n. m. (pr. \ g&leji&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
(zoology). The piedm. expression "gal ëd montagna" floating, floatation.
indicates the "capercaillie, cock of the wood" (zoology - galegiant - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ g&leji'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. - craft,
Tetrao urogallus). See also the terms "galucio, galet ". - 2) float, barge. - 2) - buoy.
- Gaul. (as a sbst. used only at ms.) See also the term galegiant - 2) - adj. (pr. \ g&leji'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. galegiant - fm.
"gàlich ". sng. and plr. galegianta, galegiante. - floating, afloat.
gala - n. f. (pr. \ g'&l& \ ) At plr. gale. - 1) - bow. - 2) - pomp, galeon - n. m. (pr. \ g&le'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - galleon (ship,
show, gala. - 3) - surface (of a liquid), e. g. in the history).
expression "a gala" "floating, afloat". or e. g. "vnì a galeòt - 1) - n. (pr. \ g&le'ot \ ) Ms. plr. galeòt - fm. sng. and
gala" "to emerge". - 4) - blister, gall. In this sense see plr. galeòta, galeòte. - 1) - convict. - 2) - scoundrel. See
also the terms "gòla, gògola". also the term "galiòt ".
galaberna - n. f. (pr. \ g&l&b'ærn& \ ) At plr. galaberne. - galeòt - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ g&le'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - galley-slave,
salamander (zoology - Salamandra). See also the terms galley-man (history).
"galiverna, piuvan-a". galeòta - n. f. (pr. \ g&le'u[ng] \ ) At plr. galeòte. - galliot
galafré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ g&l&fr'e \ ) - to eat greedily, to (ship, history).
gorge, to gormandize, to devour. See also the terms galera - n. f. (pr. \ g&le'r& \ ) At plr. galere. - 1) - prison, jail.
"galofré, galufré, sbalafré ". - 2) - treadmill (in a fig. sense). - 3) - galley (ship,
galan - n. m. (pr. \ g&l'&[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - dandy, fop, history). A way of saying : "fàcia da galera" lit. "face of
gallant, ladies' man. See also the terms "galantin, jail" "sinister type, ugly-looking fellow".
ghirlindin". galerìa - n. f. (pr. \ g&ler'i& \ ) - See galarìa.
galant - adj. (pr. \ g&l'&nt \ ) Usually referred to ms., where it galerista - n. (pr. \ g&ler'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. galerista - fm. sng.
is inv. at plr. In case of need a possible fm. sng and plr. is and plr. galerista, galeriste. - manager of an art-gallery.
galanta, galante. - gallant, love (as an attribute). galet - n. m. (pr. \ g&l'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - young cock. - 2) -
galantarìa - n. f. (pr. \ g&l&nt&r'i& \ ) At plr. galantarìe. - 1) dandy. - 3) - impertinent person. - 4) - sainfoin (botany
- courtesy, gallantry. - 2) - compliment. See also the term - Onobrychis sativa). In this sense see also the term
"galanterìa". "gialet ".
galanterìa - n. f. (pr. \ g&l&nter'i& \ ) - See galantatìa.
galeus - n. and adj. (pr. \ g&l'[oe]z \ ) Ms. plr. galeus - fm. sng.
galantin - n. m. (pr. \ g&l&nt'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - gallant, and plr. galeusa, galeuse. - 1) - squint. - 2) - cross-eyed,
young gallant, sweetheart. squint-eyed. - 3) - cross-eyed person. - See also the terms
galantin-a - n. f. (pr. \ g&l&nt'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. galanin-e. - "baleus, baricc, stràbich".
galantine (cooking). galëtta - n. f. (pr. \ g&l'&tt& \ ) At plr. galëtte. - biscuit.
galontomism - n. m. (pr. \ g&l&ntum'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - galëzzé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ g&l&zz'e \ ) - 1) - to embolden,
rectitude, integrity, honesty, probity. to make cocky. See also the term "galusé 2nd meaning".
galantòm - n. m. (pr. \ g&l&nt'om \ ) Inv. at plr. - honest man, galëzzésse - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ g&l&zz'ese \ ) - to become
cocky, to grow bolder.
galarà - adj. ms. (pr. \ g&l&nt'om \ ) Inv. at plr. - failed Galia - n. f. (pr. \ g'&li& \ ) At plr. Galie - Gaul (history).
(capon). gàlich - adj. (pr. \ g'&lic \ ) Ms. plr. gàlich - fm. sng. and plr.
galarìa - n. f. (pr. \ g&l&r'i& \ ) At plr. galarìe. - 1) - gallery, gàlica, gàliche. - 1) - Gallic (history). - 2) - gallic
arcade, art-gallery. - 2) - circle, balcony. - 3) - tunnel, (chemistry).
subway. See also the term "galerìa".

galinàire - n. m. (pr. \ g&lin'&ire \ ) Inv. at plr. - lady-killer, galupàire - n. (pr. \ g&l[ue]p'&ire \ ) Ms. plr. galupàire - fm.
womanizer. See also the terms "galiné, galinass". sng. and plr. galupàira, galupàire. - greedy person,
galinass - n. m. (pr. \ g&lin'&s \ ) - See galinàire. glutton, gourmand. See also the terms "galupass,
galiné - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ g&lin'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - lady-killer, galupon".
womanizer. In this sense see the term "galinàire". - 2) - galuparìa - n. f. (pr. \ g&l[ue]p&r'i& \ ) At plr. galuparìe. - 1)
poultry-pen, hen-pen, hen-house. In this sense see also - greediness, gluttony. - 2) - delicious-dish, tit-bit, dainty
the terms "polé, gioch ". morsel.
galiné - 2) - n. (pr. \ g&lin'e \ ) Ms. plr. galiné - fm. sng. and galupass - n. (pr. \ g&l[ue]p'&s \ ) - See galupàire.
plr. galinera, galinere. - breeder or dealer in galupé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ g&l[ue]p'e \ ) - to eat only for
gallinaceans. gluttony. It uses the aux. "avèj ".
galinëtta - n. f. (pr. \ g&lin'&tt& \ ) At plr. galinëtte. - 1) - galupon - n. (pr. \ g&l[ue]p'u[ng] \ ) - See galupàire.
pullet. - 2) - seven-spot ladybird (zoology - Coccinella galura - n. f. (pr. \ g&l'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. galure. - red spot in a
septempunctata). In this meaning usually the complete fecundated egg.
name is "galinëtta dla Madòna". galusé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ g&l[ue]z'e \ ) - 1) - to peer at, to
galin-a - n. f. (pr. \ g&l'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. galin-e. - hen glance at. In this sense see also the term "galucé " - 2) - to
(zoology). The loc. "galin-a faraon-a" or "faraon-a" embolden, to make cocky. In this sense see also the term
indicates the "Guinea-hen" (zoology - Numida meleagris). "galëzzé ".
galio - n. m. (pr. \ g'&liô \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any - chemical galv - adj. (pr. \ g&lv \ ) Ms. plr. galv - fm. sng. and plr. galva,
element). gallium. galve. - soft, tender, mellow. See also the terms "garv,
galiòt - n. (pr. \ g&li'ot \ ) - See galeòt. còti, sople".
galìtola - n. f. . (pr. \ g&l'itul& \ ) At plr. galìtole. - chanterelle galvanich - adj. (pr. \ g&lv'&nic \ ) Ms. plr. galvànich - fm.
(botany - Cantharellus cibarius). See also the most sng. and plr. galvànica, galvàniche. - galvanic.
common term "garìtola". galvanisassion - n. f. (pr. \ g&lv&niz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
galofré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ g&lufr'e \ ) - See galafré. galvanization.
galon - n. m. (pr. \ g&l'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - side, flank, galvanisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ g&lv&niz'e \ ) - to galvanize
hip, haunch. - 2) - braid, galloon. - 3) - strip, chevron (also in a fig. sense).
(military). galvanism - n. m. (pr. \ g&lv&n'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - galvanism
galonà - adj. (pr. \ g&lun'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - braided, (physics).
gallooned. galvanometrìa - n. f. (pr. \ g&lv&numetr'i& \ ) At plr. (if any)
galoné - vrb 1st con. trs. - (pr. \ g&lun'e \ ) - to trim with galvanometrìe. - galvanometry.
braid, to braid, to decorate with strips. galvanométrich - adj. (pr. \ g&lv&num'etrich \ ) Ms. plr.
galonura - n. f. (pr. \ g&lun'[ue]r&\ ) At plr. galonure. - galvanométrich - fm. sng. and plr. galvanométrica,
trimming with braids. galvanométriche. - galvanometrical.
galopada - n. f. (pr. \ g&lup'&d& \ ) At plr. galopade. - 1) - galvanòmeter - n. m. (pr. \ g&lv&n'ometær \ ) - See
gallop. - 2) - steady hard work, grind. galvanòmetro.
galopador - n. m. (pr. \ g&lup&d'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - galloper. galvanòmetro - n. m. (pr. \ g&lv&n'ometr \ ) Inv. at plr. -
galopant - adj. (pr. \ g&lup'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. galopant - fm. sng. galvanometer.
and plr. galopanta, galopante. - galloping. gama - n. f. (pr. \ g'&m& \ ) At plr. (when applicable) game. -
galopatòio - n. m. (pr. \ g&lup&t'oiô \ ) Inv. at plr. - riding- 1) - gamma. third letter of the greek alphabet. - 2) -
track. gamma (nuclear radiation - physics). - 3) - range, gamut. -
galopé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ g&lup'e \ ) - 1) - to gallop. - 2) - See also the used italianism "gamma".
to proceed at great speed, to be always on the go (in a gamàcio - adj. and n. (pr. \ g&m'&[ch]iu \ ) Ms. plr. gamàcio -
fig. sense). fm. sng. and plr. gamàcia, gamàce. - 1) - unsuited, unfit
galopin - n. m. (pr. \ g&lup'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - errand- (adj.). - 2) - inept, incapable (adj.). - 3) - bungler,
boy, messenger-boy. - 2) - canvasser. botcher, incompetent person (sbst.). See also the term
galossa - n. f. (pr. \ g&l'us& \ ) At plr. galosse. - large wooden "lanlass, lanlàcio".
showel for corn. gamaglobulin-a - n. f. (pr. \ g&m&glub[ue]l'i[ng]& \ ) At plr.
galossà - n. f. (pr. \ g&lus'& \ ) Inv, at plr. - 1) - the content of gamaglobulin-e. - gamma globulin (biology).
a "galossa", - 2) - a blow with a "galossa". See the term gamalada - n. f. (pr. \ g&m&l'&d& \ ) At plr. gamalade. - 1) -
"galossa". long march. - 2) - long effort.
galossé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ g&lus'e \ ) - to collect and sack gamalé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ g&m&l'e \ ) - to carry on
cereals with a "galossa". See the term "galossa". shoulders, to transport.
galossòt - n. m. (pr. \ g&lus'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - wooden small gamalo - n. m. (pr. \ g&m'&lu \ ) Inv. at plr. - porter. See also
showel, big wooden ladle for cereals. See also the term the terms "camalo, fachin".
"palotin". gamba - n. f. (pr. \ g'&mb& \ ) At plr. gambe. - 1) - leg. - 2) -
galòp - n. m. (pr. \ g&l'op \ ) Inv. at plr. - gallop. shank. - 3) - strut. - 4) - stalk, stem (flowers, etc.). We
galòss - n. f. plr. (pr. \ g&l'os \ ) Only plr. - galosh, golosh. report some particular uses and way of saying. - A) - "esse
galtass - n. m. (pr. \ g&lt'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - garret. an gamba" "to be fit and strong". - B) - "esse an gamba
galucé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ g&l[ue]s'e \ ) See galusé 1st an quaicòs" "to be skilled in st. ". - C) - "déjla a gambe"
meaning. "to flee, to escape, to run away ". - D) - "avèj le gambe
galucio - n. m. (pr. \ g&l'[ue][ch]iu \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - little mòle" "to be weak ". - "tajé le gambe" lit. "to cut legs"
cock. - 2) - kernel of a nut. In this sense see also the term "to tire out" said, for example, of a steep slope made on
"garij ". - 3) - wind vane, weathercock. foot. This s said also abont, e. g. , good srink of a strong
galufré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ g&l[ue]fr'e \ ) - See galafré. wine, ect.
galup - adj. and n. (pr. \ g&l'[ue]p \ ) Ms. plr. galup - fm. sng. gambà - n. f. (pr. \ g&mb'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - a blow with a leg.
and plr. galupa, galupe. - 1) - greedy, gluttonous (adj.). - See also the terms "gambassà, sgambassà ".
2) - delicious, dainty (adj.). - 3) - eager (adj.). - 4) - gambacurta - n. (pr. \ g&mb&c'[ue]rt& \ ) Inv. at plr. - short-
glutton (sbst.). See also the terms "goliard, labré ". leg (jocular), lame person.

gambal - n. m. (pr. \ g&mb'&l \ ) At plr. gambaj. - 1) - ganimede - n. m. (pr. \ g&nim'ede \ ) Inv. at plr. - dandy,
legging. - 2) - boot-leg. - 3) - jamb (history). In this sense beau. In the common use this term recalls also the idea of
see also the term "gambera". "a bit stupid". See also the term "ganimedi ".
gambalonga - n. (pr. \ g&mb&l'u[ng]g& \ ) Inv. at plr. - long- ganimedi - n. m. (pr. \ g&nim'edi \ ) - See ganimede.
leg (jocular), person tall and thin. See also the loc. ganivél - n. m. (pr. \ g&niv'el \ ) At plr. ganivéj. - 1) - lad, boy
"ànima longa". who pretends to be a man. - 2) - young man who tries to
gambaret - n. m. (pr. \ g&mb&r'æt \ ) - See gamberet. be elegant.
gambaron - n. m. (pr. \ g&mb&r'u[ng] \ ) - See gamberon. gansa - n. f. (pr. \ g'&[ng]z& \ ) At plr. ganse. - cotton or silk
gambassà - n. f. (pr. \ g&mb&s'& \ ) - See gambà. ribbon for trimming or hemming.
gambassù - adj. (pr. \ g&mb&s'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. gambassù - gansé - vrb 1st con trs. (pr. \ g&[ng]z'e \ ) - to trim with
fm. sng. and plr. gambassùa, gambassùe. - with long "gansa" (see the term).
legs. See also the term "gambù ". gansëtta - n. f. (pr. \ g&[ng]z'&tt& \ ) At plr. gansëtte. - 1) -
gàmber - n. m. (pr. \ g'&mbær \ ) Inv. at plr. - crayfish, small ribbon. - 2) - small cotton or silk ribbon for
crawfish. (zoology - Astacus cambarus). trimming or hemming.
gambera - n. f. (pr. \ g&mb'er& \ ) At plr. gambere. - 1) - ganster - n. m. (pr. \ g'&[ng]stær \ ) Inv. at plr. - gangster.
jamb. - 2) - legging. See also the term "gambal ". Anglicism.
gamberet - n. m. (pr. \ g&mber'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - prawn gansterism - n. m. (pr. \ g&[ng]ster'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. -
(zoology - Palaemon serratus). - 2) - shrimp (zoology - gangsterism. Anglicism.
Crangon vulgaris). See also the term "gambaret". ganza - n. f. (pr. \ g'&[ng]z& \ ) At plr. ganze. - lover (female -
gamberon - n. m. (pr. \ g&mber'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - prawn, slang term).
large crrawfish. See also the term "gambaron". gara - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ g'&r& \ ) At plr. gare. - 1) - competition.
gambëtta - n. f. (pr. \ g&mb'&tt& \ ) At plr. gambëtte. - 1) - - 2) - competition, contest, match (sports). - 3) - race. -
small leg. - 2) - trip (in a fig. sense). Note that the loc. "gara d'apalt" means "tender for
gambisa - n. f. (pr. \ g&mb'iz& \ ) At plr. gambise. - simple contract, bidding".
collar for cows. gara! - 2) - excl. (pr. \ g'&r& \ ) - look out!, attention!, on the
gambisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ g&mbiz'e \ ) - to shoot in the alert!. See also the term "gher! ".
legs. garabìa - n. f. (pr. \ g&r&b'i& \ ) At plr. garabìe. - muddle,
gambòss - n. m. (pr. \ g&mb'os \ ) Inv. at plr. - stem of the mess, bustle. See also the terms "garabuj, garabugg". The
screw. loc. "a la garabìa" means "in a random way". Used as an
gambòssa - n. f. (pr. \ g&mb'os& \ ) At plr. gambòsse. - excl., the word "garabìa!" shouted while throwing sweets
wooden arch corresponding to a quarter of a wheel (90°). or other to a group of children means "take what you can!"
gambù - adj. (pr. \ g&mb'[ue] \ ) - See gambassù . (the following mess is assured).
gamél - n. m. (pr. \ g&m'el \ ) At plr. gaméj. - camel (zoology garabugg - n. m. (pr. \ g&r&b'[ue]j \ ) - See garabìa.
- Camelus bactrianus). Often the loc. "gamél a na gheuba" garabuj - n. m. (pr. \ g&r&b'[ue]y \ ) - See garabìa.
is used for "dromedary" (see also the term "dromedari "). garagi - n. m. (pr. \ g&r'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - garage. See also
gamela - n. f. (pr. \ g&m'el& \ ) At plr. gamele. - mess-tin the term "garas".
(military) - See also the term "gavëtta". garagista - n. m. (pr. \ g&r&j'ist& \ ) Inv. at plr. - garage
gamlotin - n. m. (pr. \ g&mlut'i[ng] \ ) - See gamlòt. hand, garage-owner. See also the term "garasista".
gamlòt - n. m. (pr. \ g&ml'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - camlet (texile). garansìa - n. f. (pr. \ g&r&[ng]s'i& \ ) At plr. garansìe. -
gamma - n. f. (pr. \ g'&mm& \ ) - See gama. guaranty, security, warranty, warrant, guarantee.
ganassa - n. f. (pr. \ g&n'&s& \ ) At plr. ganasse. - 1) - jaw. - garant - n. (pr. \ g&r'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. garant - fm. sng. and
2) - jaws (mechanics). - 3) - brake-shoes (cars). plr. garanta, garante. - guarantor, , warrantor,
ganassà - n. f. (pr. \ g&n&s'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - bite. - 2) - surety.
shout. See also the term "sganassà ". garantì - 1) - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ g&r&nt'i \ ) - 1) - to
ganassé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ g&n&s'e \ ) - 1) - to bite, to guarantee, to warrant. - 2) - to vouch for, to answer for.
gnaw, to nibble. - 2) - to shout, to yell, to scream. - 3) - to assure, to warrant.
ganassé - 2) - n. (pr. \ g&n&s'e \ ) Ms. plr. ganassé - fm. sng. garantì - 2) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ g&r&nt'i \ ) Ms. plr. garantì
and plr. ganassera, ganassere. - howler, shouter. - fm. sng. and plr. garantìa, garantìe. - guaranteed,
ganasson - n. (pr. \ g&n&s'u[ng] \ ) - See ganassé. secured.
gancio - n. m. (pr. \ g'&n[ch]iu \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - hook. - 2) - garantìa - n. f. (pr. \ g&r&nt'i& \ ) At plr. garantìe. -
coupler (railway). See also the term "croch ". immunity, exemption, privilege.
ganda - n. f. (pr. \ g'&nd& \ ) At plr. gande. - whore (slang garantism - n. m. (pr. \ g&r&nt'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - support of
term). civil liberties.
gandiné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ g&ndin'e \ ) - 1) - to tease, to garas - n. m. (pr. \ g&r'&z \ ) Inv. at plr. - garage. See also the
make fun of. - 2) - to swindle. term "garagi".
gandola - n. f. (pr. \ g&nd'ul& \ ) At plr. gandole. - giddiness, garasista - n. m. (pr. \ g&r&z'ist& \ ) Inv. at plr. - garage
dizziness. hand, garage-owner. See also the term "garagista".
ganga - n. f. (pr. \ g'&[ng]& \ ) At plr. ganghe. - 1) - gangue, garàuda - n. f. (pr. \ g&r'&ud& \ ) At plr. garàude. - 1) - stilt.
gang (mining). - 2) - gang, band. In this sense see also the In this sense see also the term "tràmpol ". - 2) - long leg (in
terms "ghenga, crica, còca". a fig. sense - very used). - 3) - high boot (for hunting).
gangaj - n. m. (pr. \ g&[ng]'&y \ ) Inv. at plr. - heart of a ball garaudé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ g&r&ud'e \ ) - to agitate legs
(of wool, etc.) that can be a piece of folded paper for unseemly. It uses the aux. "avèj ".
starting the thread winding. garavela - n. f. (pr. \ g&r&v'el& \ ) At plr. garavele. - 1) -
gàngher - n. m. (pr. \ g'&[ng]gær \ ) Inv. at plr. - hinge, pivot, flake of plaster. - 2) - masonry debris. See also the term
pintle. See also the term "pòles". "caussinass".
ganglo - n. m. (pr. \ g'&[ng]glu \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - ganglion garaviolésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ g&r&viul'ese \ ) - to
(medical). - 2) - vital point (in a fig. sense). scramble up with hands an feet. See also the term
gangren-a - n. f. (pr. \ g&[ng]gr'æ[ng]& \ ) At plr. gangren-e. "rampiolésse".
- gangrene (medical).

garavlù - adj. (pr. \ g&r&vl'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. garavlù - fm. sng. gargarìa - n. f. (pr. \ g&rg&r'i& \ ) At plr. gargarìe. - laziness,
and plr. garavlùa, garavlùe. - 1) - empty inside. - 2) - indolence, idleness, slothfulness.
tasteless. - 3) - towy, towlike. The term is usually gargarisé - vrb 1st con. int. and trs. - (pr. \ g&rg&riz'e \ ) - 1) -
referred to fruits. See also the terms "gabus 1), ravassù". to gargle (int.). - 2) - to drink (in a jocular sense) (trs.).
garavon-a - n. f. (pr. \ g&r&v'u[ng]& \ ) At plr. garavon-e. - gargarism - n. m. (pr. \ g&rg&r'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - gargle.
habitation, house, shelter. (slang, disparaging term). gargaròt - n. m. (pr. \ g&rg&r'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - throat,
garb - n. m. (pr. \ g'&rb \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - politeness, larynx. - 2) - goitre. See also the term "gariòt ".
tact, grace. This term is not very used, see the most used gargass - n. (pr. \ g&rg'&s \ ) Ms. plr. gargass - fm. sng. and
term "deuit ". plr. gargassa, gargasse. - lazy person (in a disparaging
garbà - adj. (pr. \ g&rb'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - polite, sense). See also the term "gargon".
courteous, pleasant-mannered. gargh - adj. (pr. \ g&rg \ ) Ms. plr. gargh - fm. sng. and plr.
garbagna - n. f. (pr. \ g&rb'&[gn]& \ ) At plr. garbagne. - big garga, garghe. - lazy, indolent.
wicker basket at the two ends of a cart for transport of gargoj - n. m. (pr. \ g&rg'uy \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - chirruping,
corn. twittering. - 2) - gurgling, bubbling. - 3) - gurgle,
garbarìa - n. f. (pr. \ g&rb&r'i& \ ) At plr. garbarìe. - bubble. See also the terms "ghërgoj, gorgoj ".
politeness, polite manners. See also the term gargojé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ g&rguy'e \ ) - 1) - to chirrup,
"garbatëssa". to twitter. - 2) - to gurgle, to bubble. - See also the term
garbatëssa - n. f. (pr. \ g&rb&t'&ss& \ ) - See garbarìa. "ghërgojé, ghërgoté ". - 3) - to grumble. (trs. and int.) - It
garbé - 1) - vrb.1st con. int. (pr. \ g&rb'e \ ) - to like. In Piedm. uses always the aux. "avèj ".
the construction is imp.). It uses the aux. "esse". See also gargon - n. (pr. \ g&rg'u[ng] \ ) - See gargass.
the term "piasèj ". gargotàire - n. (pr. \ g&rgut'&ire \ ) Ms. plr. gargotàire - fm.
garbé - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ g&rb'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - belly, big belly. sng. and plr. gargotàira, gargotàire. - 1) - drunkard. - 2)
See also the terms "bëddra, ghërbi ". - glutton.
garbin - n. m. (pr. \ g&rb'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - small gargoté - vrb 1st con. int. And trs. (pr. \ g&rgut'e \ ) - 1) - to eat
pannier to be carried on the head or on shoulders. In this and drink heavily (int.). - 2) - to carouse (int.). - 3) - to
sense see also the terms "gabassòt, ghërbin 1st meaning". - grumble. (trs. and int.) - It uses always the aux. "avèj ".
2) - basin (of wood, stone or also "terracotta") used for gargòta - n. f. (pr. \ g&rg'ot& \ ) At plr. gargòte. - inn, tavern
doing the whashing or for watering animals. In this sense (of low level).
see also the terms "ghërbin, gòja, treu". garì - n. m. (pr. \ g&r'i \ ) - See garij.
garbin-a - n. f. (pr. \ g&rb'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. garbin-e. - 1) - gariadent - n. m. (pr. \ g&ri&d'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - toothpick.
oval-shaped shallow basket. - 2) - basket with supports See also the term "curadent ".
used as a cradle. In this sense see also the terms "gòrba, gariaorije - n. m. (pr. \ g&ri&ur'iye \ ) Inv. at plr. - stich for
gorbin-a, cun-a". cleaning ears. See also the term "curaorije".
garboj - n. m. (pr. \ g&rb'uy \ ) Inv. at plr. - entanglement, garibaldin - n. and adj. (pr. \ g&rib&ld'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr.
tangle, knot, muddle, mess, intrigue. garibaldin - fm. sng. and plr. garibaldin-a, garibaldin-e. -
garbojé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ g&rbuy'e \ ) - to muddle, to 1) - Garibaldian (adj.). - 2) - dashing, daring, reckless
entangle. See also the term "angarbojé ". (adj.) (in a fig. sense). - 3) - follower of Garibaldi. (sbst.).
gardamela - n. f. (pr. \ g&rd&m'el& \ ) At plr. gardamele. - Gariboja - n. m. sng. (pr. \ g&ribuy& \ ) Only sng. (noun of
1) - gullet, throat. - 2) - goitre. See also the terms person) and inv. in any case. - "Gariboja". Is the noun of
"gargamèila, garzamela, gòrgia, papagòrgia". a generic stupid person, used in the ironical coparison "furb
gardanfan - n. m. (pr. \ g&rd&[ng]f'&[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - coma Gariboja" lit. "as clever as Gariboja" "stupid
crinoline, farthingale. See also the term "guardanfan". person".
gardénia - n. f. (pr. \ g&rd'eni& \ ) At plr. gardénie. - gariboldin - n. m. (pr. \ g&ribuld'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
gardenia (botany - Gardenia). picklock. See also the term "passapërtut ".
garegé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ g&rej'e \ ) - to compete, to vie. gariboté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ g&ribut'e \ ) - to clean a
It uses the aux. "avèj ". hollow, to clean a hole. See also the term "garié ".
garela - n. f. (pr. \ g&r'el& \ ) At plr. (if any) garele. - slant. garié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ g&ri'e \ ) - See gariboté.
garela (ëd ---) - adv. loc. and adj. inv. (pr. \ &d g&r'el& \ ) - 1) garij - n. m. (pr. \ g&r'iy \ ) Inv. at plr. - kernel of a nut. See
- slantingly, on the slant, obliquely. - 2) - slanting, also the terms "garì, galucio".
oblique (as an adj. inv. but usually referred to fm. things. gariòt - n. m. (pr. \ g&ri'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - throat, larynx.
In this case there is also the possible plr. "garele", instead - 2) - goitre. See also the terms "gargaròt, laringe,
of "ëd garela" inv.). laringia".
garés - n. m. (pr. \ g&r'ez \ ) - See garon. garìsola - n. f. (pr. \ g&r'izul& \ ) At plr. garìsole. - cracklings
garet - n. m. (pr. \ g&r'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - heel. - 2) - (cooking).
fetlock. See also the term "giaret". garista - n. (pr. \ g&r'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. garista - fm. sng. and
garënna - n. f. (pr. \ g&r'&nn& \ ) At plr. garënne. - rabbit- plr. garista, gariste. - competitor.
warren. See also the terms "grënna, grun-a, cunijera". garita - n. f. (pr. \ g&r'it& \ ) At plr. garite. - 1) - sentry-box
garëttà - n. f. (pr. \ g&r&tt'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - hit with heel. See (military). - 2) - brakesman's cabin (railway).
also the term "gartà ". garitin - n. m. (pr. \ g&rit'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - wicket in
garëttin - n. m. (pr. \ g&r&tt'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - thin heel, window-shutter or window.
stiletto heel. See also the term "gartin". garìtola - n. f. (pr. \ g&r'itul& \ ) At plr. garitole. - chanterelle
garga - n. m. (pr. \ g'&rg& \ ) Inv. at plr. - ponce, bully. See (mushroom - botany - Cantharellus cibarius). See also the
also the term "gargagnan" whose this term is a short. term "galitola".
gargamèila - n. f. (pr. \ g&rg&m'æil& \ ) At plr. gargamele. - garlanda - n. f. (pr. \ g&rl'&nd& \ ) At plr. garlande. -
1) - gullet, throat. - 2) - goitre. See also the terms werath, garland. See also the terms "ghërlanda,
"gardamèila, garzamela, gòrgia, papagòrgia". ghirlanda".
gargamela - n. f. (pr. \ g&rg&m'el& \ ) - See gargamèila. garlet - n. m. (pr. \ g&rl'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - large and wet
gargagnan - n. m. (pr. \ g&rg&[gn]'&[ng] \ ) - See garga. snow-flake characteristic in spring snow. See also the
terms "patarass, spatarass".

gargnacc - n. m. (pr. \ g&r[gn]'&[ch] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - gasésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ g&z'ese \ ) - to get excited, to
trash, rubbish. - 2) - nonentity (in a fig. sense). - 3) - get a swollen head.
shrimp (in a disparaging sense, for extension). In this gaseus - n. f. (pr. \ g&z'[oe]z \ ) Inv. at plr. - "gassosa" (fizzy
sense see also the terms "garnacc, ghërnacc". drink tasting like lemonade).
garnacc - n. m. (pr. \ g&rn'&[ch] \ ) - See gargnacc 3rd gasëtta - n. f. (pr. \ g&z'&tt& \ ) At plr. gasëtte. - gazette,
meaning. newspaper.
garofolin - n. m. (pr. \ g&ruful'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - small gasëttié - n. m. (pr. \ g&z&tti'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - hack reporter
carnation (see the term "garòfo"), wild carnation, wild (in a disparaging sense).
pink (botany - Dianthus sylvestris). See also the terms gasìa - n. f. (pr. \ g&z'i& \ ) At plr. gasìe. - 1) - false acacia
"ginoflada, ginofrada" and the loc. "garofolin servaj ". (botany - Robinia pseudoacacia). - 2) - acacia (botany -
garon - n. m. (pr. \ g&r'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any) - withers Acacia).
(animals). See also the term "garés" gasié - n. m. (pr. \ g&zi'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - acacia plantation.
garoté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ g&rut'e \ ) - to handcuff, to gasificassion - n. f. (pr. \ g&zific&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
arrest. gasification.
garòfo - n. m. (pr. \ g&r'ofu \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - pink (botany - gasifiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ g&zifik'e \ ) - to gasify.
Dianthus). - 2) - carnation, gillyflower (botany - Dianthus gasista - n. m. (pr. \ g&z'ist& \ ) Inv. at plr. - gas-man, gas-
caryophyllus). - 3) - clove (botany - Eugenia fitter.
caryophyllata). gasoj - n. m. (pr. \ g&z'uy \ ) Inv. at plr. - chirruping,
garson - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ g&rs'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - boy, twittering, peeping, chirping (in general).
apprentice. gasojada - n. f. (pr. \ g&zuy'&d& \ ) At plr. gasojade. -
garson - 2) - n. (pr. \ g&rs'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. garson - fm. sng. chirruping, twittering, peeping, chirping (an episode
and plr. garson-a, garson-e. - boy / girl. lasting a while)
gartà - n. f. (pr. \ g&rt'& \ ) - See garëttà. gasojé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ g&zuy'e \ ) - to chirrup, to
gartin - n. f. (pr. \ g&rt'i[ng] \ ) - See garëttin. twitter, to peep, to cheep. It uses the aux. "avèj ".
garùsola - n. f. (pr. \ g&r'[ue]zul& \ ) - At plr. garùsole. - poor gasojura - n. f. (pr. \ g&zuy'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. gasojure. -
house, hovel, shelter. chirruping, twittering, peeping, chirping (the action)
garv - - adj. (pr. \ g&rv \ ) Ms. plr. garv - fm. sng. and plr. gasos - adj. (pr. \ g&z'uz \ ) Ms. plr. gasos - fm. sng. and plr.
garva, garve. - soft, tender, mellow. See also the terms gasosa, gasose. - gaseous, gassy. See also the term "gasà".
"galv, còti, sople". gasògeno - n. m. (pr. \ g&z'ojenô \ ) Inv. at plr. - gasogene.
garza - n. f. (pr. \ g'&rz& \ ) At plr. garze. - 1) - gauze. - 2) - gasòmetro - n. m. (pr. \ g&z'ometrô \ ) Inv. at plr. - gas-meter.
combing-card (texile). In this sense see also the term gaspé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ g&sp'e \ ) - 1) - to scratch (e. g.
"carda". hens). - 2) - to rummage (in a fig. sense). In this sense see
garzador - n. (pr. \ g&rz&d'ur \ ) Ms. plr. garzador - fm. sng. also the term "rumé ". It uses the aux. "avèj ".
and plr. garzadòira, garzadòire. - teaseller, teazler gassa - n. f. (pr. \ g’&s& \ ) At plr. angasse. - noose, slip-knot,
(texile). snare, loop. See also the terms “langassa, angassa “.
garzadura - n. f. (pr. \ g&rz&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. garzadure. - gassé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ g&s'e \ ) - to instigate, to incite,
teaselling, teazling (texile). to stir up. See also the terms "ansighé, cissé, issé ".
garzatriss - n. f. (pr. \ g&rz&tr'is \ ) Inv. at plr. - teaselling- gastralgìa - n. f. (pr. \ g&str&lj'i& \ ) At plr. gastralgìe -
machine (texile). gastralgia.
garzamela - n. f. (pr. \ g&rz&m'el& \ ) At plr. garzamele. - 1) gastràlgich - adj. (pr. \ g&str'&ljic \ ) Ms. plr. gastràlgich -
- gullet, throat. - 2) - goitre. See also the terms fm. sng. and plr. gastràlgica, gastràlgiche. - gastralgic.
"gargamèila, gardamela, gòrgia, papagòrgia". gàstrich - adj. (pr. \ g'&stric \ ) Ms. plr. gàstrich - fm. sng. and
garzavela - n. f. (pr. \ g&rz&v'el& \ ) At plr. garzavele. - plr. gàstrica, gàstriche. - gastric. See also the very used
rape, cole, kale (botany - Brassica napus oleifera). loc. "dlë stòmi".
garzé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ g&rz'e \ ) - 1) - to teasel, to teazle gastrìte - n. f. (pr. \g&str'ite\ ) Inv. at plr. - gastritis (medical).
(texile). - 2) - to card, to tease (texile). In this sense see gastroentérich - adj. (pr. \ g&struent'eric \ ) Ms. plr.
also the term "cardé ". gastroentérich - fm. sng. and plr. gastroentérica,
garzeul - n. m. (pr. \ g&rz'[oe]l \ ) At plr. garzeuj. - shoot gastroentériche. - gastroenrtic (medical).
(botany). gastroenterìte - n. f. (pr. \ g&struenter'ite \ ) Inv. at plr. -
gas - n. m. (pr. \ g&z \ ) Inv. at plr. - gas. gastroenteritis (medical).
gasà - adj. and p. p. and n. (pr. \ g&z'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - gastroenterologìa - n. f. (pr. \ g&struenteruluj'i& \ ) Ar plr.
1) - gassed (adj. and p. p.). - 2) - gassed, aerated (adj. and gastroenterologìe. - gastroenterology.
p. p.). - 3) - gaseous, gas (as na attribute). - 4) - excited, gastroenteròlogh - n. (pr. \ g&struenter'olug \ ) Ms. plr.
fanatical (adj.) (in a fig. sense). - 5) - fanatic, hot-head gastroenteròlogh - fm. sng. and plr. gastroenteròloga,
(sbst.) (in a fig. sense). gastroenteròloghe. - gastroenterologist.
gascon - n. (pr. \ g&sc'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. gascon - fm. sng. and gastronomìa - n. f. (pr. \g&strunum'i&\ ) At plr. gastronomìe.
plr. gascon-a, gascon-e. - boaster, swaggerer, braggart. - gastronomy.
It is difficult to find this term at fm. gastronòmich - adj. (pr. \ g&strun'omic \ ) Ms. plr.
gasconada - n. f. (pr. \ g&scun'&d& \ ) At plr. gasconade. - gastronòmich - fm. sng. and plr. gastronòmica,
brag, boastful talk, gasconade. gastronòmiche. - gastronomical.
gasconé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ g&scun'e \ ) - to brag, to boast. gastrònomo - n. (pr. \ g&str'onumô \ ) Ms. plr. gastrònomo -
gasdinàmica - n. f. (pr. \ g&sdin'&mic& \ ) At plr. (if any) fm. sng. and plr. gastrònoma, gastrònome. - gastronome,
gasdinàmiche. - gas dynamics. gastronomist.
gasdòt - n. m. (pr. \ g&sd'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - gas-pipeline. The gat - n. (pr. \ g&t \ ) Ms. plr. gat - fm. sng. and plr. gata, gate.
loc. "tubassion dël gas" is more common. - cat, he-cat, she-cat. See also the terms "migno, micio,
gasé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ g&z'e \ ) - 1) - to gas, to aerate (a ciat, mignin". Some expressions using this word : - A) -
liquid), to carbonate (a liquid, when the added gas is "sté a l'avàit coma ij gat " lit. "to be on the look-out like
carbon dioxide). - 2) - to excite, to stimulate, to stir up (in the cats" "to be always on the look-out, to be suspicious".
a fig. sense). - B) - "esse coma can e gat" lit. "to be like dog and cat"

"to be enemies, to wrangle often". - C) - "esse quat gat" gavadent - n. (pr. \ g&v&d'ænt \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - bad
lit."to be four cats" = "to be very few". - D) - "esse an- dentist, tooth-drawer, lousy dentist.
namorà coma un gat" lit."to be in lova as a cat " "to be gavafanga - n. f. (pr. \ g&v&f'&[ng]g& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
very much in love". floating dredge for rivers and cannels
gata - n. f. (pr. \ g'&t& \ ) At plr. gate. - 1) - she-cat (See the gavamace - n. m. (pr. \ g&v&m'&[ch]e \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
term "gat "). - 2) - trouble, bore, nuisance. This follows 1) - cleaner. - 2) - stain-remover.
from the expression "to have a trouble or a not easy gavanate - n. m. (pr. \ g&v&n'&te \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
problem to solve, to have a hard nut to crack, to have a corkscrew. See also the term "tirabosson".
crow to pluck" "avèj na gata da plé " lit."to have a she- gavass - n. m. (pr. \ g&v'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - goitre
cat to skin". - 3) - caterpillar, grub, worm. (medical). - 2) - throat, gullet. See also the terms "goitro,
gataboja - n. f. (pr. \ g&t&b'uy& \ ) At plr. gataboje. - prison gosé, goso".
(jocular term). gavassà - n. f. (pr. \ g&v&s'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - what can be
gatafrust - n. m. (pr. \ g&t&fr'[ue]st \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - sling. - contained in the goitre (lit. meaning). - 2) - what one's
2) - catapult. See also the terms "franda, flécia, wanted to say for some time (usual actual meaning).
gatafrusta". gavassù - adj. (pr. \ g&v&s'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. gavassù - fm. sng.
gatafrusta - n. f. (pr. \ g&t&fr'[ue]st& \ ) - See gatafrust. and plr. gavassùa, gavassùe. - goitrous, goitred.
gatagnàu - adv. (pr. \ g&t&[gn]'&u \ ) - on all fours. Usually gavé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ g&v'e \ ) - 1) - to take away, to
in the loc. "a gatagnàu". take off, to take out of, to take from, to remove. - 2) - to
gatalin (a ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \& g&t&l'i[ng*\ ) - on shoulders. prevent. E. g. "sòn a gava nen ch'a sia 'n làder" "this
gataròla - n. f. - (pr. \ g&t&r'ol& \ ) At plr. gataròle. - hole in doesn't prevent him from being a thief ". - 3) - to relieve. E.
a door for a cat. See also the term "gatera". g. "con costa assion a l'ha gavate dai pastiss" "with this
gatél - n. m. (pr. \ g&t'el \ ) At plr. gatéj. - 1) - bracket, action he relieved you from troubles". - 4) - to steel. E. g.
console. - 2) - corbel (architecture). In this sense see also "gava nen temp al travaj " "don't steel time to work ". A
the term "modion". - 3) - capital (architecture). way of saying : "gavé quaidun da l'ùmid" "to take (sb.)
gatera - n. f. (pr. \ g&t'eR& \ ) - See gataròla. out of the wet " "to make sb. to behave properly".
gatij - n. m. (pr. \ g&t'iy \ ) Inv. at plt. - 1) - tickle, tickling. - gavéj - n. m. plr. (pr. \ g&v'ey \ ) Only plr. - ends of the axle
2) - spur, prick (in a fig. sense). - 3) - whim, caprice. - 4) of a card, where wheels are connected.
- itch, itching (for extension). gavél - n. m. (pr. \ g&v'el \ ) At plr. gavéj - strong stool,
gatijé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ g&tiy'e \ ) - 1) - to tickle. - 2) - to supportwith three or four legs, strong stand.
stimulate, to spur. - 3) - to itch (for extension) In this gavésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ g&v'ese \ ) - to get out of , to
sense see also the term "smangé ". get away. A way of saying : "gavésse la veuja ëd..." "to
gatijon - n. m. (pr. \ g&tiy'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - trigger (guns). satisfy the desire of...".
See also the term "grilet ". gavëssé - vrb 1st con. trs. - (pr. \ g&v&ss'e \ ) - to collect, to put
gatin - n. (pr. \ g&t'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. gatin - fm. sng. and plr. in order.
gatin-a, gatin-e. - small cat. The expression "fé ij gatin" gavëtta - n. f. (pr. \ g&v'&tt& \ ) At plr. gavëtte. - mess-tin
means (popular) "to vomit ". (military). See also the term "gamela". A way of saying :
gatò - n. m. (pr. \ g&t'o \ ) Inv. at plr. - a type of cake. "vnì da la gavëtta" lit. "to come from mess-tin" "to rise
gatògna - n. f. (pr. \ g&t'o[gn]&\ ) At plr. gatògne. - 1) - whim from the ranks" and "to be a self-made man".
of falling in love. - 2) - sexual whim. - 3) - exaggerated gàvia - n. f. (pr. \ g'&vi& \ ) At plr. gàvie. - vessel of
expression of affection. "terracotta" or wood or glass round an quite deep for
gatòrba - n. f. (pr. \ g&t'orb&\ ) At plr. (if any) gatòrbe. - soups or milk or salad etc., big tureen.
blindman's-buff. gavià - n. f. (pr. \ g&vi'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - tureenful, the
gatòrba (a ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ & g&t'orb&\ ) - at random. content of a "gàvia" (see the term).
gàucc - adj. (pr. \ g'&u[ch] \ ) Ms. plr. gàucc - fm. sng. and plr. gaviotà - n. f. (pr. \ g&viut'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - bowlful, the
gàucia, gàuce. - 1) - curved, bent, crooked, distorted. In content of a bowl.
this sense see also the terms "gombù, stòrt, sirà, piegà ". - gaviòt - n. f. (pr. \ g&vi'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - bowl, small tureen.
2) - left, left-hand. In this sense the term is quite a gavòta - n. f. (pr. \ g&v'ot& \ ) At plr. gavòte. - gavotte (music
frenchism (anyway quite used). More piedm. terms are and dance).
"snistr, mancin" (see the voices). gavura - n. f. (pr. \ g&v'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. gavure. - extraction,
gàucia - n. f. (pr. \ g'&u[ch]i& \ ) At plr. gauce. - left, left- pulling out. See also the term "gavada 2nd meaning".
side, left-hand. The term is quite a frenchism (anyway gèil - n. m. (pr. \ j'æil \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - cold. - 2) - ice, frost
quite used). More piedm. terms are "snistra, mancin-a" (for extension). - 3) - chill, iciness (in a fig. sense). See
(see the voices). also the terms "gel , zèil ".
gaucé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ g&u[ch]'e \ ) - to curve, to bend, geilà - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ jæil'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - frost, ice. See also
to arch, to twist. the terms "gelà , zèilà, gelada ".
gaudent - n. and adj. (pr. \ g&ud'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. gaudent - fm. geilà - 2) - adj. (pr. \ jæil'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - icy, frozen.
sng. and plr. gaudenta, gaudente. - 1) - pleasure-loving, See also the terms "gelà , zèilà ".
pleasure-seeking, rejoicing (adj.). - 2) - fast-liver, high- geilé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ jæil'e \ ) - to freeze, to
liver, reveller (sbst.). - See also the terms "bontempass, congeal, to ice. See also the terms "gelé, zeilé ".
dësbàucc, riboteur". geiloté - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ jæilut'e \ ) - to feel shudders of
gaudineta - n. f. (pr. \ g&udin'et& \ ) At plr. gaudinete. - cold, to shiver with cold. See also the term "gëloté ".
noisy cheerfulness, rowdy gaiety. gèira - n. f. (pr. \ j'æir& \ ) At plr. gèire. - gravel, shingle. See
gaudios - adj. (pr. \ g&udi'uz \ ) Ms. plr. gaudios - fm. sng. also the term "giàira".
and plr. gaudiosa, gaudiose. - joyful. geirëtta - n. f. (pr. \ jæir'&tt& \ ) At plr. gèirëtte. - fine gravel.
gav - n. m. (pr. \ g'&u \ ) Inv. at plr. - excavation. See also the term "giairëtta".
gava - n. f. (pr. \ g'&v& \ ) At plr. gave. - quarry. geiron - n. m. (pr. \ jæir'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - scree (geology).
gavada - n. f. (pr. \ g&v'&d& \ ) At plr. gavade. - 1) - silly See also the term "giairon".
thing, piece of nonsense, mistake. - 2) - extraction. In geiros - adj. (pr. \ jæir'uz \ ) Ms. plr. geiros - fm. sng. and plr.
this sense see also the term "gavura". geirosa, geirose. - gravelly.

gél - n. m. (pr. \ j'el \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - cold. - 2) - ice, frost genealògich - adj. (pr. \ jene&l'ojic \ ) Ms. plr. genealògich -
(for extension). - 3) - chill, iciness (in a fig. sense). See fm. sng. and plr. genealògica, genealògiche. - genealogic,
also the terms "gèil , zèil ". genealogical.
gelà - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ jel'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - frost, ice. See also the genepì - n. m. (pr. \ jenep'i \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - wormwood
terms "gèilà , zèilà, gelada ". (botany - Artemisia). - 2) - genepì liqueur. See also the
gelà - 2) - adj. (pr. \ jel'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - icy, frozen. terms "ginepì, ginipì ".
See also the terms "gèilà , zèilà ". géner - n. m. (pr. \ j'enær \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - kind, sort, type,
gelada - n. f. (pr. \ jel'&d& \ ) - See gelà. way. - 2) - genus (biology). - 2) - gender (grammar).
geladinos - adj. (pr. \ jel&din'uz \ ) Ms. plr. geladinos - fm. general - 1) - adj. (pr. \ jener'&l \ ) Ms. plr. generaj - fm. sng.
sng. and plr. geladinosa, geladinose. - gelatinous, jelly- and plr. general, generaj. - 1) - general, common. - 2) -
like. general (hierarchies).
geladin-a - n. f. (pr. \ jel&d'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. geladin-e. - 1) - general - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ jener'&l \ ) At plr. generaj. - 1) -
jelly (cooking). - 2) - gelatine (chemical). - 3) - gel general (military). Different generals : "general ëd còrp
(medical). d'armà " "lieutenant general " ; "general ëd division"
gelairon - n. and adj. (pr. \ jel&ir'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. gelairon - "major general " ; "general ëd brigà " "brigadier ". - 2) -
fm. sng. and plr. gelairon-a, gelairon-e. - who (that) feels (the) general. E. g. "am anteressa 'l general e nen ij
the cold very much. See also the term "gëleuri ". particolar" = "I'm interested in the general, not in the
gelaté - n. (pr. \ jel&t'e \ ) Ms. plr. gelaté - fm. sng. and plr. particulars".
gelatera, gelatere. - ice-cream man, ice-cream vendor. generala - n. f. (pr. \ jener'&l& \ ) At plr. generale. - general
gelatera - n. f. (pr. \ jel&t'er& \ ) At plr. gelatere. - ice-cream assembly. In the past the name "generala" was assigned to
machine. the juvenile prison (reformatiry) of Turin.
gelaterìa - n. f. (pr. \ jel&ter'i& \ ) At plr. gelaterìe. - ice- generalisassion - n. f. (pr. \ jener&liz&si'u[ng] \ ) - Inv. at plr.
cream shop. - generalization.
gelé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ jel'e \ ) - to freeze, to generalisé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. . (pr. \ jener&liz'e \ ) - to
congeal, to ice. See also the terms "gèilé, zeilé ". generalize.
gélid - adj. (pr. \ j'elid \ ) Ms. plr. gélid - fm. sng. and plr. generalità - n. f. (pr. \ jener&lit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
gélida, gélide. - 1) - icy, ice-cold. - 2) - icy, gelid, chilly, generality, general run, majority. - 2) - name and
cold (in a fig. sense). address, personal data for burocracy. (at plr.).
gelon - n. m. (pr. \ jel'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - chilblain (medical). generalment - adv. (pr. \ jener&lm'ænt \ ) - generally, in
When the skin is chapped see the instead the terms general. Italianism. See also the most piedm. adv. loc. "an
"scarvassa, scravassa, schërvassa". general ".
gelos - adj. (pr. \ jel'uz \ ) Ms. plr. gelos - fm. sng. and plr. generassion - n. f. (pr. \ jener&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
gelosa, gelose. - 1) - jealous, envious. - 2) - solicitous. generation, procreation. - 2) - generation, production. -
gelosìa - n. f. (pr. \ jeluz'i& \ ) At plr. gelosìe - 1) - jealousy, 3) - generation (people with nearly the same age).
envy. - 2) - solicitude. - 3) - jalousie, shutter. generativ - adj. (pr. \ jener&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. generativ - fm.
gelsomin - n. m. (pr. \ jelsum'[ng] \ ) - See gelsumin. sng. and plr. generativa, generative. - generative.
gelsumin - n. m. (pr. \ jels[ue]m'[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - jasmine, generator - 1) - n. m. (pr. \jener&t'ur\ ) Inv. at plr. - generator.
jessamine (botany - Jasminum). generator - 2) - adj. (pr. \ jener&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. generator -
gem - n. m. (pr. \ jæm \ ) Inv. at plr. - moan, groan, wail. See fm. sng. and plr. generatriss, generatriss. - generating,
also the term "gëm". generative.
gembond - adj. (pr. \ jæmb'und \ ) Ms. plr. gembond - fm. sng. generatriss - n. f. (pr. \ jener&tr'is \ ) Inv. at plr. - generatrix
and plr. gembonda, gembonde. - moaning, groaning. (geometry).
geméj - n. m. plr. (pr. \ jem'ey \ ) Only plr. - 1) - cuff-link generé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ jener'e \ ) - 1) - to give birth, to
(shirt). - 2) - Gemini (astronomy). procreate, to breed. - 2) - to produce, to generate. - 3) -
gemél - n. and adj. (pr. \ jem'el \ ) Ms. plr. geméj - fm. sng. and to generate, to beget, to cause, to arouse (in a fig. sense).
plr. gemela, gemele. - twin. See also the term "binél ". genérich - adj. and n. (pr. \ jen'eric \ ) Ms. plr. genérich - fm.
gemelagi - n. m. (pr. \ jemel'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - twinning. sng. and plr. genérica, genériche. - generic, generical,
gemelar - adj. (pr. \ jemel'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - twin (as general, vague.
an attribute). generissità - n. f. (pr. \ jenerisit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - vagueness,
gemelé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ jemel'e \ ) - to twin. lack of precision.
gena - n. f. (pr. \ j'en& \ ) At plr. gene. - embarrassment, generos - adj. (pr. \ jener'uz \ ) Ms. plr. generos - fm. sng. and
bother, uneasiness, trouble. plr. generosa, generose. - 1) - generous, liberal, open-
genà - adj. (pr. \ jen'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - embarrassed, handed. - 2) - rich, generous. - 3) - plentiful, generous,
uneasy. bounteous.
genant - adj. (pr. \ jen'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. genant - fm. sng. and generosità - n. f. (pr. \ jeneruzit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - generosity,
plr. genanta, genante. - embarrassing, awkward. liberality, munificence.
gendarm - n. m. (pr. \ jend'&rm \ ) Inv. at plr. - "gendarme", génesi - n. f. (pr. \ j'enezi \ ) Inv. at plr. (when applicable). - 1) -
policeman. See also the term "giandarm". genesis, origin, birth. - 2) - Genesis (bible).
gendarmarìa - n. f. (pr.\jend&rm&r'i&\) At plr. gendarmarìe. genésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ jen'ese \ ) - to feel oneself
- 1) - "gendarmerie", police. - 2) - police-station. See uneasy, to be embarrassed.
also the term "giandarmarìa". genestra - n. f. (pr. \ jen'estr& \ ) - See ginestra.
gendarmerìa - n. f. (pr. \ jend&rmer'i& \ ) - See gendarmarìa. genética - n. f. (pr. \ jen'etic& \ ) At plr. (if any) genétiche. -
gené - 1) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ jen'e \ ) - to inspire awe, to genetics.
make feel uneasy. genétich - adj. (pr. \ jen'etic \ ) Ms. plr. genétich - fm. sng. and
gené - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ jen'e \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any) - January. plr. genética, genétiche. - genetic.
genealogìa - n. f. (pr. \ jene&luj'i& \ ) At plr. genealogìe. - genetìsta - n. (pr. \ jenet'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. genetista - fm. sng.
genealogy. and plr. genetista, genetiste. - geneticist.
geni - n. m. (pr. \ j'eni \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - genius, talent,
aptitude, natural bent, flair. - 2) - genius, person having

high talent. - 3) - genius (mythology). - 4) - genie. - 5) - gentil - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ jænt'il \ ) At. plr. gentij - Gentile
Corps of Engineers (military). (Bible).
genìa - n. f. (pr. \ jen'i& \ ) At plr. genìe - brood, tribe, evil gentildòna - n. f. (pr. \ jæntild'on& \ ) - At plr. gentildòne. -
breed. See also the terms "gëneuria, gineuria, gentaja, gentlewoman, lady. (Ms. "gentilòm" - see the term-).
gusaja, canaja". gentilëssa - n. f. (pr. \ jæntil'&ss& \ ) At plr. gentilësse. -
genial - adj. (pr. \ jeni'&l \ ) Ms. plr. geniaj - fm. sng. and plr. kindness.
genial, geniaj. - 1) - ingenious, clever, brillant. - 2) - gentilissi - adj. (pr. \ jæntil'isi \ ) Ms. plr. gentilissi - fm. sng.
congenial. - 3) - genial. and plr. gentilìssia, gentilìssie. - aristocratic, noble. See
genialità - n. f. (pr. \ jeni&lit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - also the term "nobiliar". The loc. "arma gentilìssia" means
ingeniousness, cleverness, brillance. - 2) - geniality. "coat-of-arms".
genialòid - n. and adj. (pr. \ jeni&l'oid \ ) - See genialòide. gentilment - adv. (pr. \ jæntilm'ænt \ ) - kindly, gently,
genialòide - n. and adj. (pr. \ jeni&l'oide \ ) Ms. plr. genialòide politely. Italianism. See also the most piedm. loc. "për
- fm. sng. and plr. genialòida, genialòide. - 1) - eccentric piasì ".
genius (sbst.). - 2) - eccentric but gifted, talented and gentilòm - n. m. (pr. \ jæntil'om \ ) Inv. at plr. - gentleman.
erratic. genuflession - n. m. (pr. \ jen[ue]flesi'u[ng] \ ) - See
génich - adj. (pr. \ j'enic \ ) Ms. plr. génich - fm. sng. and plr. gënuflession.
génica, géniche. - genic. genuin - adj. (pr. \ jen[ue]'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. genuin - fm. sng.
genié - n. m. (pr. \ jeni'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - sapper, engineer and plr. genuin-a, genuin-e. - genuine, authentic. See also
(military). the term "genit".
génis - n. m. (pr. \ j'eniz \ ) Inv. at plr. - type of brass wind genuinità - n. f. (pr.\ jen[ue]init'&\ ) Inv. at plr. - genuineness,
instrument. authenticity.
genit - adj. (pr. \ jeni't \ ) Ms. plr. genit - fm. sng. and plr. geo... - prefix. (pr.\ jeu \ ) - geo... . The use of this prefix is
genita, genite. - genuine, true, pure, sincere, frank. See similar to the one in English. In the following some
also the terms "genuin, gënit, ginit". examples (as usual).
genitaj - n. m. plr. (pr. \ jenit'&y \ ) Only plr. - genitals, geocèntrich - adj. (pr.\ jeu[ch]'æntric \ ) Ms. plr. geocèntrich -
genitalia. (neologism). fm. sng. and plr. geocèntrica, geocèntriche. - geocentric,
genital - adj. (pr. \ jenit'&l \ ) Ms. plr. genitaj - fm. sng. and geocentrical.
plr. genitaj, genitaj. - genital. geocentrism - n. m. (pr.\ jeu[ch]æntr'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. -
genitiv - 1) - adj (pr. \ jenit'iu \ ) Ms. plr. genitiv - fm. sng. and geocentrism.
plr. genitiva, genitive. - genitive. geochìmica - n. f. (pr.\ jeuk'imic& \ ) At plr. (if any)
genitiv - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ jenit'iu \ ) Inv. at plr. - genitive geochimiche. - geochemistry.
(grammar). geochìmich - n. and adj. (pr.\ jeuk'imic \ ) Ms. plr. geochìmich
genitor - n. m. (pr. \ jenit'ur \ ) Ms. plr. genitor - fm. sng. and - fm. sng. and plr. geochìmica, geochìmiche. - 1) -
plr. genitriss, genitriss. - father / mother, parents. geochemical (adj.). - 2) - geochemist (sbst.).
genojet - n. m. (pr. \ jenuy'æt \ ) - See ginojet. geodinàmica - n. f. (pr.\ jeudin'&mic& \ ) At plr. (if any)
genossidi - n. m. (pr. \ jenus'idi \ ) Inv. at plr. - genocide. geodinàmiche. - geodynamics.
gensanela - n. f. (pr. \ jæ[ng]s&n'el& \ ) At plr. gensanele. - geodinàmich - adj. (pr.\ jeudin'&mic \ ) Ms. plr. geodinàmich
gentianella (botany - Gentiana acaulis). See also the terms - fm. sng. and plr. geodinàmica, geodinàmiche. -
"giansanela, giansianela, gensianela". geodynamic, geodinamical.
gensan-a - n. f. (pr. \ jæ[ng]s'&[ng]&\ ) At plr. (when required) geofìsica - n. f. (pr.\ jeuf'izic& \ ) At plr. (if any) geofìsiche. -
gensian-e. - gentian (botany - Gentiana lutea). See also geophysics.
the terms "giansan-a, argiansan-a, gensian-a" geofìsich - adj. and n. (pr.\ jeuf'izic \ ) Ms. plr. geofìsich - fm.
gensianela - n. f. (pr. \ jæ[ng]si'&n'el& \ ) - See gensanela. sng. and plr. geofìsica, geofìsiche. - 1) - geophysicist
gensian-a - n. f. (pr. \ jæ[ng]si'&[ng]& \ ) - See gensan-a. (sbst.). - 2) - geophysical (adj.).
gent - n. f. (pr. \ jænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - people, folk. - 2) - geografìa - n. f. (pr.\ jeugr&f'i& \ ) At plr. (if any) geografìe. -
people. This term has a quite peculiar use. Usually it is geography.
used at sng., and often the vrb is at plr. When this term is geogràfich - adj. (pr.\ jeugr'&fic \ ) Ms. plr. geogràfich - fm.
used at plr. means something like "nations" or a number of sng. and plr. geogràfica, geogràfiche. - geographic,
groups of people. Then the loc. "gent ëd ..." is used for geographical.
indicating the inhabitants of s place with a name. E. g. the geologìa - n. f. (pr.\ jeuluj'i& \ ) At plr. (if any) geologìe. -
inhabitants of Turin can be said "turinèis" but also "gent ëd geology.
Turin". This is always used when the name of the place geològich - adj. (pr.\ jeul'ojic \ ) Ms. plr. geològich - fm. sng.
would produce a strange name for the inhabitants, like the and plr. geològica, geològiche. - geologic, geological.
village of "Sant Antonin", that would produce a deradful geometrìa - n. f. (pr.\ jeumetr'i& \ ) At plr. geometrìe. -
"santantoninèis", which is substituded by a simple "gent ëd geometry.
Sant Antonin", or "ëd Sant Antonin". Then we note the geométrich - adj. (pr.\ jeum'etric \ ) Ms. plr. geometrich - fm.
expressions "mia gent, toa gent, etc." that have the meaning sng. and plr. geometrica, geometriche. - geometric,
of "my family, your family, etc. , my relatives, your geometrical.
relatives, etc." geostassionari - adj. (pr.\ jeust&siun'&ri \ ) Ms. plr.
gentaja - n. f. (pr. \ jænt'&y& \ ) At plr. (when applicable) geostassionari - fm. sng. and plr. geostassionaria,
gentaje. - rabble, despicable people. geostassionarie. - geostationary.
gentaldon - n. m. (pr. \ jænt&ld'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - narcissus geotèrmich - adj. (pr.\ jeut'ærmic \ ) Ms. plr. geotèrmich - fm.
(botany - Narcissus poeticus). See also the terms "narsis, sng. and plr. geotèrmica, geotèrmiche. - geothermal,
narcis, ginojet, genojet". geothermic.
gentil - 1) - adj. (pr. \ jænt'il \ ) Ms. plr. gentij - fm. sng. and geotropism - n. m. (pr.\ jeutrup'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any) -
plr. gentila, gentile. - 1) - kind, courteous. - 2) - gentle. - geotropism.
3) - delicate. - 4) - Dear (in letters) E. g. "Gentila geotròpich - adj. (pr.\ jeut'ærmic \ ) Ms. plr. geotròpich - fm.
Madama" = "Dear Madam". sng. and plr. geotròpica, geotròpiche. - geotopic.

geògraf - n. (pr.\ je'ogr&f \ ) Ms. plr. geògraf - fm. sng. and Germània - n. f. (pr. \ jærm'&ni& \ ) At plr. Germànie. -
plr. geògrafa, geògrafe. - geographer. See also the term Germany.
"geògrafo". germànich - adj. (pr. \ jærm'&nic \ ) Ms. plr. germanich - fm.
geògrafo - n. . (pr.\ je'ogr&fô \ ) - See geògraf. sng. and plr. germanica, germaniche. - Teutonic,
geòlogh - n. (pr.\ je'olug \ ) Ms. plr. geòlogh - fm. sng. and plr. Germanic, German. See also the most common terms
geòloga, geòloghe. - geologist. See also the term "tedesch, alman".
"geòlogo". germanio - n. m. (pr. \ jærm'&niô \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any -
geòlogo - n. (pr.\ je'olugô \ ) - See geòlogh. chemical element) - germanium.
geòmetra - n. m. (pr.\ je'ometr& \ ) Inv. at plr. - geometer, germinal - adj. (pr. \ jærmin'&l \ ) Ms. plr. germinaj - fm. sng.
land-surveyor. and plr. germinal, germinaj. - germinal, embryonic.
geòrgich - adj. (pr.\ je'orjic \ ) Ms. plr. geòrgich - fm. sng. and germinassion - n. f. (pr. \ jærmin&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
plr. geòrgica, geòrgiche. - georgic, georgical (literature). germination.
gep - n. m. (pr.\ jæp \ ) Inv. at plr. - yelp, yelping, bark, germinativ - adj. (pr. \jærmin&t'iu\ ) Ms. plr. germinativ - fm.
barking, howl, howling. See also the terms "gëp, giap". sng. and plr. germinativa, germinative. - germinative.
geranio - n. m. (pr.\ jer'&niô \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - wild germiné - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ jærmin'e \ ) - to germinate, to
geranium (botany - Geranium). - 2) - garden geranium sprout, to bud, to shoot. See also the most piedm. term
(botany - Pelargonium). See also the term "giranio". "buté ".
gerarca - n. (pr.\ jer'&rc& \ ) Ms. plr. gerarca - fm. sng. and germissida - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ jærmis'id& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
plr. gerarca, gerarche. - 1) - hierarch. - 2) - party leader. germicide.
gerarchìa - n. f. (pr.\ jer&rk'i& \ ) At plr. gerarchìe. - germissida - 2) - adj (pr. \ jærmis'id& \ ) Ms. plr. germissida -
hierarchy. fm. sng. and plr. germissida, germisside. - germicidal.
geràrchich - adj. (pr.\ jer'&rkic \ ) Ms. plr. gerarchich - fm. geroflada - n. f. (pr. \ jerufl'&d& \ ) - See garofolin.
sng. and plr. gerarchica, gerarchiche. - hierarchic, geroglìfich - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ jerugl'ific \ ) Inv. at plr. -
hierarchical. hieroglyph.
gerarchisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ jer&rkiz'e\ ) - to hierarchize. geroglìfich - 2) - adj. (pr. \ jerugl'ific \ ) Ms. plr. geroglìfich -
gerb - n. m. (pr.\ jærb \ ) Inv. at plr. - untilled groud, steppe, fm. sng. and plr. geroglìfica, geroglìfiche. - hieroglyphic.
wild land. See also the terms "gèrbi, gerbid, zerb, zerbi, gerontologìa - n. f. (pr. \ jeruntuluj'i& \ ) At plr. gerontologìe.
gërbola". - gerontology.
gerba - n. f. (pr.\ j'ærb& \ ) At plr. gerbe. - sheaf, sheaf of gerontòlogh - n. (pr. \ jerunt'olug \ ) Ms. plr. gerontòlogh - fm.
ears. sng. and plr. gerontòloga, gerontòloghe. - gerontologist.
gerbé - 1) - n. m. (pr.\ jærb'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - heap of sheaves. gerundi - n. m. (pr. \ jer'[ue]ndi \ ) Inv. at plr. - gerund
gerbé - 2) - vrb 1st con. int. (pr.\ jærb'e \ ) - to make sheaves. It (grammar).
uses the aux. "avèj ". See also the term "angerbé ". gerundiv - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ jer[ue]nd'iu \ ) Inv. at plr. -
gerbi - n. m. (pr.\ j'ærbi \ ) - See gerb. gerundive (grammar).
gèrbid - n. m. (pr.\ j'ærbid \ ) See gerb. gerundiv - 2) - adj. (pr. \ jer[ue]nd'iu \ ) Ms. plr. gerundiv -
gèrbola - n. f. (pr. \ j'ærbul& \ ) At plr. gèrbole. - 1) - untilled fm. sng. and plr. gerundiva, gerundive. - gerundial,
groud, steppe, moor. In this sense see also the term gerundival (grammar).
"gerb". - 2) - handful of wheat ears. In this case see also gèsia - n. f. (pr. \ j'ezi& \ ) At plr. gésie. - church. See also the
the term "giavela".- In any case see also the term term "cesa".
"gërbola". gest - n. m. (pr. \ jest \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - gesture, sign. - 2) -
gerbolada - n. f. (pr. \ jærbul'&d& \ ) At plr. gerbolade. - deed. - 3) - deeds, heroic achievement, feats. In this sense
slang language, slang expression. See also the terms see also the term "gesta".
"gergolada, gërgolada, gërbolada". gesta - n. f. (pr. \ j'est& \ ) - See gest 3rd meaning.
geremiada - n. f. (pr. \ jeremi'&d& \ ) At plr. geremiade. - gestant - n. f. (pr. \ jest'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. - pregnant woman,
jeremiad, long and plaintive speech. expectant mother.
gerensa - n. f. (pr. \ jer'æ[ng]s& \ ) - management, direction. gestassion - n. f. (pr. \ jest&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - pregnancy,
gerent - n. (pr. \ jer'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. gerent - fm. sng. and plr. gestation. See also the term "gravidansa".
gerenta, gerente. - manager, managing director. gestatòri - adj. (pr. \ jest&t'ori \ ) Ms. plr. gestatòri - fm. sng.
gergal - adj. (pr. \ jærg'&l \ ) Ms. plr. gergaj - fm. sng. and plr. and plr. gestatòria, gestatòrie. - gestatorial. Commonly
gergal, gergaj. - slangy, slang (as an attribute). only in the expression "cadrega gestatòria" = "gestatorial
gergh - n. m. (pr. \ j'ærg \ ) Inv. at plr. - slang, cant, jargon. chair".
See also the most used term "gergon". gestì - vrb 3rd con.trs. and int. (pr. \ jest'i \ ) - 1) - to run, to
gergolada - n. f. (pr. \ jærgul'&d& \ ) - See gerbolada. manage, to administer (trs.). - 2) - to gesticulate (int.). It
gergon - n. m. (pr. \ jærg'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - slang, cant, uses always the aux. "avèj ".
jargon. See also the term "gergh". gestion - n. f. (pr. \ jesti'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - management,
geriatra - n. (pr. \ jeri'&tr& \ ) Ms. plr. geriatra - fm. sng. and direction, administration.
plr. geriatra, geriatre. - geriatrician, geriatrist. gestor - n. m. (pr. \ jest'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - manager,
geriatrìa - n. f. (pr. \ jeri&tr'i& \ ) At plr. geriatrìe. - geriatrics. administrator. When referred to fm. usually the term
geriàtrich - adj. (pr. \ jeri'&tric \ ) Ms. plr. geriatrich - fm. "gerent, (gerenta, gerente)" is preferred (see the voice).
sng. and plr. geriatrica, geriatriche. - geriatric. gestual - adj. (pr. \ jestu'&l \ ) Ms. plr. gestuaj - fm. sng. and
gerla - n. f. (pr. \ j'ærl& \ ) At plr. gerle. - 1) - big jar for oil. - plr. gestual, gestuaj. - gestural.
2) - basin for washing or watering animals. - 3) - pannier. gestualità - n. f. (pr. \ jestu&lit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - capacity for
In this last meaning the term in quite an italianism, best gesticulation.
piedm. words are "garbin, cabassa" (see the terms). Gesù - n. m. (pr. \ jez'[ue] \ ) Only sng., in case of need inv. at
germ - n. m. (pr. \ j'ærm \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - germ, embryo. - plr. - Jesus (religion). See also the term "Giusù ".
2) - point of start, beginning (in a fig. sense) gesuita - n. m. (pr. \jez[ue]'it&\ ) Inv. at plr. - Jesuit (geligion).
german - adj. (pr. \ jærm'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. german - fm. sng. gesuìtich - adj. (pr. \ jez[ue]'itic \ ) Ms. plr. gesuìtich - fm. sng.
and plr. german-a, german-e. - german. and plr. gesuìtica, gesuìtiche. - Jesuitic, Jesuitical.

get - n. m. (pr. \ jæt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - throwing, throw. - 2) - gërgoj - n. m. (pr. \ j&rg'uy \ ) Inv. at plr. - warble, trill,
jet, spouting, spurt. - 3) - casting (foundry), moulding. chirruping, twittering.
getà - n. f. (pr. \ jet'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - trow. - 2) - cast. - 3) gërgojé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ j&rguy'e \ ) - 1) - to chirrup, to
- casting. See also the term "gità ". twitter. - 2) - to gurgle, to bubble. See also the terms
getal - n. m. (pr. \ jet'&l \ ) At plr. getaj. - string, lace. See "ghërgojé, gargojé ".
also the terms "gital, giutal, gëttal, liassa ". gërgolada - n. f. (pr. \ j&rgul'&d& \ ) At plr. gërgolade. - slang
getalin - n. m. (pr. \ jet&l'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - stiffened language, slang expression. See also the terms
terminal part of a string or lace. See also the term "gergolada, gerbolada, gërbolada".
"gitalin, giutalin". gërla - n. f. (pr. \ j'&rl& \ ) At plr. gërle. - 1) - hailstone. In this
geté - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ jet'e \ ) - 1) - to cast. - 2) - sense see also the terms "ghërla, grela". - 2) - gravel. In
to pour. (metal. cement, etc.) - 3) - to gush out. (int.). - 4) this sense see also the term "giàira".
- to bud (int.). In this sense see also the term "gité ". It uses gëtta - n. f. (pr. \ j'&tt& \ ) At plr. gëtte. - brudock (botany -
always the aux. "avej ". Arctium lappa).
getì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ jet'i \) - 1) - to chirp, to yelp. - 2) - gëttal - n. m. (pr. \ j&tt'&l \ ) - See getal.
to breathe a word, to open one's mouth, to speak. It uses gëttì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ j&tt'i \) - See getì.
the aux. "avèj". See also the terms "gëttì, cëttì". ghe - n. m. (pr. \ g'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - jay (zoology - Garrulus
gétit - n. m. (pr. \ j'etit \) Inv. at plr. - yield, take, proceeds, glandarius). See also the terms "gaj, gaja".
takings. (finance). ghebra - n. f. (pr. \ g'ebr& \ ) At plr. ghebre. - cockchafer,
geton - n. m. (pr. \ jet'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - token, counter. May-bug (zoology - Melolontha melolontha). See also the
- 2) - counter, chip (gambling). See also the term "giton". terms "givo, caquara, quaquara".
getoné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ jetun'e \) - to use a token in ghegio - n. m. (pr. \ g'ejiu \ ) Inv. at plr. - brazier of
order to phone or other. The construction is trs. "getoné terracotta. Often used the loc. "tupin ëd la brasa".
quaidun" "to use a coin to phone to sb." "to call sb. (by ghen - n. (pr. \ gæ[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. ghen - fm. sng. and plr.
phone, with a token)". ghen-a, ghen-e. - pig, hog, swine. See also the terms
getonera - n. f. (pr. \ jetun'er& \) At plr. getonere. - 1) - "crin, ghin", and the less used "pòrs".
automatic coin dispenser. - 2) - slot, slit, device ghenga - n. f. (pr. \ g'&[ng]& \ ) At plr. ghenghe. - gang,
accepting tokens. band. See also the terms "ganga 2nd meaning, crica, còca".
geugh - n. m. (pr. \ j'[oe]g \) - See gieugh. ghepa - n. f. pr. \ g'ep& \ ) - See ghëspa.
geughe - vrb 1st con. int. and trs. (pr. \ j'[oe]ge \) See gieughe. gher ! - excl. (pr. \ gær \ ) - look out!, attention!, on the
gëleuri - n. and adj. (pr. \ j&l'[oe]ri \ ) Ms. plr. gëleuri - fm. alert!. See also the term "gara! 2) ".
sng. and plr. gëleuria, gëleurie. - who (that) feels the cold ghercc - adj. and n. (pr. \ gær[ch] \ ) Ms. plr. ghercc - fm. sng.
very much. See also the term "gelairon ". and plr. ghercia, gherce. - 1) - crooked, distorted, bent,
gëloté - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ j&lut'e \ ) - to feel shudders of crippled (adj.). - 2) - cripple (sbst.).
cold, to shiver with cold. See also the term "geiloté ". ghet - n. m. (pr. \ gæt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - ghetto. - 2) - slum (in
gëm - n. m. (pr. \ j&m \ ) - See gëm. a fig. sense, for extension).
gëmma - n. f. (pr. \ j'&mm& \ ) At plr. gëmme. - gemma, bud, gheta - n. f. (pr. \ g'et& \ ) At plr. ghete. - 1) - gaiter(s),
button (botany). spat(s). - 2) - breeches. Usually at plr.
gëmme - vrb 2nd con. int. (pr. \ j'&mme \ ) - to moan, to groan, gheu - n. m. (pr. \ g[oe] \ ) - 1) - ragamuffin, ragged person.
to wail. It uses he aux. "avèj ". This term, in this meaning, is used only as ms. See also the
gënèiver - n. m. (pr. \j'&n'æivær\) Inv. at plr. - juniper (botany terms "strasson, striplon, pòver, gusass". - 2) - puddle,
- Juniperus communis). See also the term "zënèiver". pool. In this sense see also the terms "gheuj, gòja".
gënestra - n. f. (pr. \ j&n'estr& \ ) - See ginestra. gheub - 1) - adj. and n. (pr. \ g[oe]b \ ) Ms. plr. gheub - fm.
gëneuria - n. f. (pr. \ j&n'[oe]ri& \ ) At plr. gëneurie. - brood, sng. and plr. gheuba, gheube. - 1) - humpbacked (adj.). -
tribe, evil breed, rabble, despicable people. See also the 2) - hunched, bent (adj.). - 3) - humpback (sbst.). Some
terms "genìa, gineuria, gentaja, gusaja, canaja". way of saying : - A) - "marcé gheub " "to walk with a
gënit - adj. (pr. \ j&n'it \ ) - See genit. stoop, to suffer the consequences of a trouble". - B) - "mné
gënner - n. m. (pr. \ j'&nnær \ ) Inv. at plr. - son-in-law. 'l gheub " lit. "to carry the humpback " "to work a lot,
gënociatòri - n. m. (pr. \ j'&nu[ch]i&t'ori \ ) Inv. at plr. - “prie- to carry a heavy work ".
dieu “, kneeling-stool. See also the terms "ginojatòri, gheub - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ g[oe]b \ ) Inv. at plr. - "agnolotti"
anginojador". (cooking) In a fig. sense.
gënoj - n. m. (pr. \ j&n'uy \ ) - See ginoj. gheuba - n. f. (pr. \ g'[oe]b& \ ) At plr. gheube. - 1) - hump,
gënojà - n. f. (pr. \ j&nuy'& \ ) - See ginojà. hunch. - 2) - protuberance, prominence (for extension).
gënojé - vrb 1st con. int. - (pr. \ j&nuy'e \ ) - See ginojé. A copule of ways of saying : - A) - "spòrze la gheuba"
gënojera - n. f. (pr. \ j&nuy'er& \ ) - See ginojera. lit."to stretch out the hump" "to live at sb.'s expense". -
gënojésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ j&nuy'ese \ ) - See ginojésse. B) - "caté a gheuba" lit. "to buy at hump" "to byu on
gënojet - n. m. (pr. \ j&nuy'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - small (or week) credit".
knee. See also the term "ginojet 2nd meaning". gheuj - n. m. (pr. \ g[oe]y \ ) Inv. at plr. - puddle, pool. See
gënojon - adv. (pr. \ j&nuy'u[ng] \ ) - See ginojon. also the terms "gheu, gòja".
gënuflession - n. f. (pr. \ j&nuflesi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - gheusaja - n. f. (pr. \ g[oe]z'&y& \ ) At plr. geusaje. - rabble,
genuflection, genuflexion. See also the terms despicable people, evil breed. See also the term "gentaja,
"genuflession, ginuflession". gëneuria, gusaja".
gëp - n. m. (pr.\ j&p \ ) Inv. at plr. - yelp, yelping, bark, ghëddo - n. m. (pr. \ g'&ddu \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - politeness,
barking, howl, howling. See also the terms "gep, giap". grace, tact. In this sense see also the term "deuit ". - 2) -
gëppé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr.\ j&pp'e \ ) - to yelp, to bark, to initial direction, initial push, trend.
howl. See also the terms "gëppì, giapé, giapì". ghëmmo - n. m. (pr. \ g'&mmu \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - elbow
gëppì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr.\ j&pp'i \ ) - See gëppé. (anatomy). - 2) - crank, elbow (mechanics). - 3) - sharp
gërbola - n. f. (pr. \ j'&rbul& \ ) - See gèrbola. bend (rivers, roads, etc.). See also the term "gomo".
gërbolada - n. f. (pr. \ j&rbul'&d& \ ) - See gerbolada. ghëmmonà - n. f. (pr. \ g&mmun'& \ ) - See gomià 2) .
ghëmmoné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ g&mmun'e \ ) - See gomié .

ghëmmonésse - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ g&mmun'ese \ ) - See ghignà - n. f. (pr. \ gi[gn]'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - sneer, leer. - 2)
gomiésse . - lughter. - 3) - malicious laugh. - See also the term
ghëmna - n. f. (pr. \ g'&mn& \ ) At plr. ghëmne. - affectation, "ghignada".
mawkishness. See also the terms "ghimna, gnògna". ghignada - n. f. (pr. \ gi[gn]'&d& \ ) - See ghignà.
ghënìa - n. f. (pr. \ g&n'i& \ ) At plr. ghënìe. - trifle, mere ghignarda (ëd ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ &d gi[gn]'&d& \ ) -
nothing. Sometimes in the spelling "gh-nìa". slantingly, obliquely, crabwise, on the slant. See also the
ghërbi - n. m. (pr. \ g'&rbi \ ) - See garbé 2). term "ghinda (ëd ---)".
ghërbin - n. m. (pr. \ g&rb'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - small ghignassà - n. f. (pr. \ gi[gn]&s'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - scornful
pannier to be carried on the head or on shoulders. In this laughter. - 2) - guffaw, horse-laugh.
sense see also the terms "gabassòt, garbin 1st meaning". - ghignassé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ gi[gn]&s'e \ ) - 1) - to sneer,
2) - basin (of wood, stone or also "terracotta") used for to laugh scornfully. - 2) - to guffaw. It uses the aux.
doing the whashing or for watering animals. In this sense "avèj".
see also the terms "garbin, gòja, treu". - 3) - hive. In this ghigné - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ gi[gn]'e \ ) - 1) - to laugh. - 2) -
sense see also the loc. "buss d'avìe". to laugh maliciously. - 3) - to laugh with relish.
ghërbin-a - n. f. (pr. \ g&rb'i[ng]& \ ) - See garbin-a. ghignet - n. m. (pr. \ gi[gn]'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - malicious
ghërgoj - n. m. (pr. \ g&rg'uy \ ) - See gargoj. face, roguish face. - 2) - sad face.
ghërgojé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ g&rguy'e \ ) - See gargojé. ghignon - n. m. (pr. \ gi[gn]'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - annoyance,
ghërgoté - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ g&rgut'e \ ) - See gargojé. aversion, dislike.
ghërla - n. f. (pr. \ g'&rl& \ ) At plr. gërle. - hailstone. See also ghignonant - adj. (pr. \ gi[gn]un'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. ghignonant -
the terms "gërla 1st meaning, grela". fm. sng. and plr. ghignonanta, ghignonante. -
ghërlanda - n. f. (pr. \ g&rl'&nd& \ ) At plr. ghërlande. - disagreable, unpleasant, repulsive. See also the term
werath, garland. See also the term "garlanda, ghirlanda". "iritant 2nd meaning".
ghërlé - vrb 1st con. int. imp. (pr. \ g&rl'e \ ) - to hail. See also ghignoné - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ gi[gn]un'e \ ) - 1) - to
the terms "tempesté, grelé ". detest, to hate, to abhor (trs.). - 2) - to annoy, to disgust
ghërmo - n. m. (pr. \ g'&rmu \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - hen-coop, (trs. and int.).
cage for chicks. - 2) - baby-walker, basket for babies. ghija - n. f. (pr. \ g'iy& \ ) At plr. ghije. - small wooden ball
ghërnacc - n. m. . (pr. \ g&rn'&[ch] \ ) Inv. at plr. - shrimp, used in the "game of holes" (see the term "teucc"). See also
disfigured little man. See also the term "garnacc". the terms "ghila, ghilia".
ghërpia - n. f. (pr. \ g'&rpi& \ ) At plr. ghërpie. - manger, ghijotin-a - n. f. (pr. \ giyut'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. ghijotin-e. -
rack, crib. See also the term "grupia". guillotine.
ghërsa - n. f. (pr. \ g'&rs& \ ) At plr. ghërse. - 1) - row, series, ghijotiné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ giyuti'ne \ ) - to guillotine.
sequence. In this sense see also the term " filagn ". - 2) - ghila - n. f. (pr. \ g'il& \ ) - See ghija.
long loaf of bread. In this sense see also the terms "stiròt, ghìlia - n. f. (pr. \ g'ili& \ ) - See ghija.
stirà ". See also the terms "grëssa, grissa, grìssia". ghiliotin-a - n. f. (pr. \ giliut'i[ng]& \ ) - See ghijotin-a.
ghërsé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ g&rs'e \ ) - 1) - to line up. - 2) - ghiliotiné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ giliuti'ne \ ) - See ghijotiné.
to cut loaves to be cooked from dough. - 3) - to hurry up ghimna - n. f. (pr. \ g'imn& \ ) - See ghëmna.
(in a fig. sense). See also the term "anghërsé ". ghin - n. (pr. \gi[ng]\ ) Ms. plr. ghin - fm. sng. and plr. ghin-a,
ghërsin - n. m. (pr. \ g&rs'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - bread-stick. See ghin-e. - pig, hog, swine. See also the terms "crin, ghen",
also the term "grissin". and the less used "pòrs".See ghen.
ghërsiòt - n. m. (pr. \ g&rsi'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - small loaf of ghincé - vrb 1st con. trs. - (pr. \ gin[ch]'e \ ) - See ghicé.
bread. See also the term "grissòt ". ghinda (ëd ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ &d g'ind& \ ) - slantingly,
ghëspa - n. f. (pr. \ g'&sp& \ ) At plr. ghëspe. - wasp. See also obliquely, crabwise, on the slant. See also the term
the terms "ghepa, vespa". "ghignarda (ëd ---)".
ghëspé - n. m. (pr. \ g&sp'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - wasps'nest. - 2) ghinea - n. f. (pr. \ gin'e& \ ) At plr. ghinee. - guinea.
- loose stone foundation (buildings). See also the term ghingaja - n. f. (pr. \ gi[ng]g'&y& \ ) At plr. ghingaje. -
"vespé ". kinckknacks' shop. See also the term "ghingajarìa".
ghi - n. m. (pr. \ g'i \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - dormouse, loir ghingajarìa - n. f. (pr. \ gi[ng]g&y&r'i& \ ) - See ghingaja.
(zoology - Glis glis). - 2) - Sometimes also squirrel. - See gingaje - n. f. plr. (pr. \ gi[ng]g'&ye \ ) Only plr. - trinkets,
also the term "aghì ". kinckknacks.
ghicc - n. m. (pr. \ g'i[ch] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - storerom, closet, ghingajé - n. (pr. \ gi[ng]g'&ye \ ) Ms. plr. ghingajé - fm. sng.
narrow room. - 2) - hodman mason, apprentice mason. and plr. ghingajera, ghingajere. - seller of kinckknacks.
In this sense see also the term "gacin". ghìngari (an ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ &[ng] g'i[ng]g&ri \ ) - in
ghicé - vrb 1st con. trs. - (pr. \ gi[ch]'e \ ) - to peer at, to glance one's Sunday best. See also the loc. "ghingheri (an ---)".
at. The expression "ghicé l'euj" means "to wink at". See ghìngheri (an ---) - - adv. loc. (pr. \ &[ng] g'i[ng]geri \ ) - See
also the terms "ghincé, sghicé ". ghìngari (an ---).
ghicet - n. m. (pr. \ gi[ch]'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - peep-hole, spy- ghingola - n. f. (pr. \ gi[ng]g'ul& \ ) At plr. ghingole. - Adam's
hole. apple.
ghidon - n. m. (pr. \ gid'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - pennant, guidon. ghioimo - n. m. (pr. \ gi'uimu \ ) Inv. at plr. - type of plane for
See also the term "guidon". carpenter. See also the terms "ghiòimo, ghiòm".
ghiga - n. f. (pr. \ g'ig& \ ) At plr. ghighe. - snap with fingers, ghiòimo - n. m. (pr. \ gi'oimu \ ) - See ghioimo.
pat, tap. ghiòm - n. m. (pr. \ gi'om \ ) - See ghioimo.
ghigh - n. m. (pr. \ g'ig \ ) Inv. at plr. - gig. See also the term ghirba - n. f. (pr. \ g'irb& \ ) At plr. (when applicable) ghirbe.
"dòma". - 1) - water-skin, water-bag. - 2) - skin, life (slang - in a
ghign - n. m. (pr. \ g'i[gn] \ ) Inv. at plr. - grin, sneer, mocking fig. sense).
laugh. ghiribiss - n. m. (pr. \ girib'is \ ) Inv. at plr. - whim, caprice.
ghigna - n. f. (pr. \ g'i[gn]& \ ) At plr. ghigne. - surly See also the term "sghiribiss".
expression. See also the term "grinta". ghirigòro - n. m. (pr. \ girig'oru \ ) Inv. at plr. - scribble,

ghirindon - n. m. (pr. \ girind'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - giacolatòria - n. f. (pr. \ ji&cul&t'ori& \) At plr. giacolatòrie. -
candelabrum, long candelabrum for some religious 1) - ejaculatory prayer. - 2) - curse (in a fig. ironical
processions. - 2) - basis for wool-winder or candlestick. sense).
ghirlanda - n. f. (pr. \ girl'&nd& \ ) At plr. garlande. - werath, giacòt - n. m. (pr. \ ji&c'ot \) - See giachet.
garland. See also the terms "ghërlanda, garlanda". giaculatòria - n. f. (pr. \ ji&c[ue]l&t'ori& \) - See giacolatòria.
ghirlindin - n. m. (pr. \ girlind'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - dandy, giàira - n. f. (pr. \ ji'&ir& \ ) At plr. giàire. - gravel, shingle.
fop, gallant, ladies' man. See also the term "galantin". See also the term "gèira".
ghironda - n. f. (pr. \ gir'und& \ ) At plr. ghironde. - hurdy- giairëtta - n. f. (pr. \ ji&ir'&tt& \ ) - See geirëtta.
gurdy (music). Musical instrument used in particular in giainon - n. m. (pr. \ ji&ir'u[ng] \ ) - See geiron.
provençal songs. giairos - adj. (pr. \ ji&ir'uz \ ) - See geiros.
ghisa - n. f. (pr. \ g'iz& \ ) At plr. ghise. - 1) - cast iron, giaj - 1) - adj. (pr. \ ji'&y \ ) Ms. plr. giaj - fm. sng. and plr.
foundry pig, pig iron (metallurgy). - 2) - manner, way, giaja, giaje. - black, drappled black.
guise. giaj - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ ji'&y \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - mole, freeckle. -
ghisa (a ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ & g'iz& \ ) - like, as, in a manner 2) - variegation.
like, so that. giajet - n. m. (pr. \ ji&y'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - bead, very small
ghìsper - adj. (pr. \ g'ispær \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - odd, coloured glass ball for necklaces.
uneven. See also the terms "dìspar, dìsper". giajeul - n. m. (pr. \ ji&y'[oe]l \ ) At plr. giajeuj. - iris (botany
ghitara - n. f. (pr. \ git'&r& \) At plr. ghitare. - 1) - guitar. See - Iris).
also the term "chitara", and the slang jocular term "froja". giajolà - adj. (pr. \ ji&yul'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) -
The expression "graté la chitara" correspons to the english spotted, dappled. - 2) - variegated. - 3) - freckled. See
"to scrape the guitar". - 2) - Sometimes also lute. also the term "gajolà, melangià, melanzi".
ghitarin - n. m. (pr. \ git&r'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - small guitar, giajolura - n. f. (pr. \ ji&yul'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. giajolure. -
lute. (lit. meaning). A way of saying "rompe ij ghitarin" variegation, speckling.
lit. "to break the small guitars" "to annoy, to irritate", gialapa - n. f. (pr. \ ji&l'&p& \ ) At plr. (if any) gialape. - 1) -
that makes an unpolite reference to "testicles". jalap plant (botany - Exogonium purga). - jalap
ghitarista - n. (pr. \ git&r'ist& \) Ms. plr. ghitarista - fm. sng. (pharmacy).
and plr. ghitarista, ghitariste. - guitarist, guitar player. giald - 1) - adj. (pr. \ ji'&ld \ ) Ms. plr. giald - fm. sng. and plr.
ghitaron - n. m. (pr. \ git&r'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - big gialda, gialde. - yellow, yellowish. See also the most
guitar, big lute. common term "giàun 1)".
già - adv. (pr. \ ji'& \) - 1) - already. - 2) - formerly. - 3) - giald - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ ji'&ld \ ) Inv. at plr. - yellow. See also
indeed. Examples : - A) - "ses-to già sì? " "are you the most common term "giàun 2)".
already here? ". - B) - "chièl, già professor, adéss a l'é gialdolin - 1) - adj. (pr. \ ji&ldul'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. gialdolin -
fm. sng. and plr. gialdolin-a, gialdolin-e. - yellowish, light
giusta 'n pensionà" "he, formerly professor, now is just a
yellow. See also the most common term "giaunet 1)".
retired person". - C) - "già, a l'é pròpi parèj " "indeed, it
gialdolin - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ ji&ldul'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. light
is just so".
yellow. See also the most common term "giaunet 2)".
giaca - n. f. (pr. \ ji'&c& \) At plr. giache. - coat, jacket. The
gialet - n. m. (pr. \ ji&l'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - sainfoin (botany -
loc. "giaca a vent" is translated into "wind-cheater,
Onobrychis sativa). See also the term "galet 4th meaning".
windjammer, windbreaker, anorak ".
gialsant - n. m. (pr. \ ji&ls'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - deep
giacensa - n. f. (pr. \ ji'&èch]'æ[ng]s& \) At plr. giacense. - 1) -
yellow. See also the term "giaun-sant".
cash in hand (finance). - 2) - remainder, stock, unsold
giamai - adv. (pr. \ ji&m'&i \ ) - never, absolutely never. See
goods. (commerce). See also the terms "avans, fond "
also the term "mai".
giach - n. m. (pr. \ ji'&c \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - heavy jacket,
giamb - n. m. (pr. \ ji'&mb \ ) Inv. at plr. - iambus, iamb
leather coat. - 2) - breastplate. - 3) - nightdress. - 4) -
giambela - n. f. (pr. \ ji&mb'el& \ ) At plr. giambele. - ring-
giachet - n. m. (pr. \ ji&k'æt \) Inv. at plr. - jacket. See also the
shaped cake, bun.
term "giacòt, giacotin ".
giàmbich - adj. (pr. \ ji'&mbic \ ) Ms. plr. giàmbich - fm. sng.
giachëtta - n. f. (pr. \ ji&k'&tt& \) At plr. giachëtte. - jacket
and plr. giàmbica, giàmbiche. - iambic (poetry).
(usually for woman)
giambon - n. m. (pr. \ ji&mb'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - ham. The
giaciment - n. m. (pr. \ ji&[ch]im'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - layer,
two main types are "giambon crù " "raw ham" and
bed, body, deposit, field, mine. See also the term
"giambon cheuit " "cooked ham".
"giassiment ".
giacint - n. m. (pr. \ ji&[ch]'int \) Inv. at plr. - hyacinth (botany giambòt - n. m. (pr. \ ji&mb'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - vine shoot, vine
- Hyacinthus orientalis). See also the term "giassinta". shrub.
giaco - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ ji'&cu \) Inv. at plr. - bittern, bull of giambragari - n. and adj. (pr. \ ji&mbr&g'&ri \ ) Inv. in gnd.
the bog. (zoology - Botaurus stellaris) and nr. - 1) - good-for-nothing, frail and fearful (adj.). -
Giaco - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ ji'&cu \) Noun of person. Inv. at plr. (if 2) - good-for-noting fellow, frail and fearful person
applicable). - James. (sbst.). See also the terms "giambragheta, gambrajëtta"
giacobin - n. and adj. (pr. \ ji&cub'i[ng] \) - 1) - Jacobin (sbst. giambragheta - n. and adj. (pr. \ ji&mbr&g'et& \ ) - See
- 2) - Jacobin, Jacobinical (adj.). (history). giambragari.
giacofomna - n. m. (pr. \ ji&cuf'umn& \) Inv. at plr. - giambrajëtta - n. and adj. (pr. \ ji&mbr&y'&tt& \ ) - See
effeminate man. giambragari.
Giacolin - n. m. (pr. \ ji&cul'i[ng] \) Noun of person. Inv. at giampetadé - n. m. (pr. \ ji&mpet&d'e \ ) Inv. at plr. -
plr. (if applicable). - Jim, Jimmy. wanderig Jew. See also the term "gian-petadé"
Giacomëtta - n. f. (pr. \ ji&cum'&tt& \) Noun of person. At plr. gianchet - n. m. (pr. \ ji&[ng]k'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - whitebait
(if applicable) Giacomëtte - Jacqueline. This is also the (cooking).
name of the wife of Giandoja, carnival character of Piedm.. giand - n. m. (pr. \ ji'&nd \ ) Inv. at plr. - acorn (botany). See
giacotin - n. m. (pr. \ ji&cut'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - small jacket. also the terms "gianda, agiand". Note that the loc. "canarin
See also the terms "giachet, giacòt ". Diminutive of the da giand " lit. "canary of acorn" means "pig".
word "giacòt ". gianda - n. f. (pr. \ ji'&nd& \ ) - See giand.

giandarm - n. m. (pr. \ ji&nd'&rm \ ) - See gendarm. giaret - n. m. (pr.\ ji&r'æt \ ) - See garet.
giandarmarìa - n. f. (pr. \ ji&nd&rm&r'i& \ ) - See giarëtta - n. f. (pr.\ ji&r'&tt& \ ) At plr. giarëtte. - clot of
gendarmarìa. grime.
Giandoja - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ ji&nd'uy& \ ) Noun of person. Inv. giargiàtola - n. f. (pr.\ ji&rji'&tul& \ ) At plr. giargiàtole. -
at plr. (if applicable). - "Giandoja". Carnival character of trash, rubbish, gewgaw(s), gimcrack(s).
Turin (and of Piedmont in general).. giargon - n. m. (pr. \ ji&rg'u[ng] \ ) - See gergon.
giandoja - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ ji&nd'uy& \ ) Inv. at plr. - giargoté - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ ji&rgut'e \ ) - to
"giandoja", "gianduia" (this last is the italian use). soft grumble. (trs. and int.) - It uses always the aux. "avèj ".See
sweet Turin chocolate. also the terms "gargoté 3rd meaning, gargojé 3rd meaning".
giandojòt - n. m. (pr. \ ji&nduy'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - "giandojòt", giari - n. m. (pr. \ ji'&ri \ ) Inv. at plr. - mouse, rat. (zoology -
"gianduiotto" (this last is the italian use). Turin chocolate. Mus). See also the term "rat ". A piedm. way of saying is :
giàndola - n. f. (pr. \ ji'&ndul& \ ) At plr. giàndole. - gland "cand ij giari a l'avìo ij sòco" lit. "when the mouses had
(anatomy). sabots" = "in some time far in the past ".
giandolar - adj. (pr. \ ji&ndul'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - giariass - n. m. (pr. \ ji&ri'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - big (bad) rat.
glandular (anatomy). giariet - n. m. (pr. \ ji&ri'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - small mouse. See
gianet - n. m. (pr. \ ji&n'æt \ ) - See gianin. also the term "giariòt ".
gianfarin-a - n. m. (pr. \ ji&[ng]f&r'i[ng]& \ ) Used only at ms. giarion - n. m. (pr. \ ji&ri'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - big mouse.
Inv. at plr. - miller (ironical, lit. it sounds John-flour). giariòt - n. m. (pr. \ ji&ri'ot \ ) - See giariet.
gianfatut - n. m. (pr. \ ji&[ng]f&t'[ue]t \ ) Used only at ms. giass - n. m. (pr. \ ji'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - bedstead, litter (of
Inv. at plr. - 1) - factorum. - 2) - bungler. (ironical, lit. it straw or leaves for animals).
sounds John-does-all). giassa - n. f. (pr. \ ji'&s& \ ) At plr. (when required) giasse. - 1)
gianin - n. m. (pr. \ ji&n'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - little worm like - ice. - 2) - glass (in some cases and in a fig. sense).
to ones parasite of the fruit. giassà - 1) - adj. (pr. \ ji&s'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - frozen,
gianinà - adj. (pr. \ ji&nin'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - maggoty, icy, ice-cold.
worm-eaten, rotten. giassà - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ ji&s'& \ ) - See granìa.
gianiné - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ ji&nin'e \ ) - 1) - to become giassal - adj. (pr. \ ji&s'& \ ) Ms. plr. giassaj - fm. sng. and plr.
worm-eaten, to go bad. - 2) - to become corrupted (in a giassal, giassaj. - - glacial (geology). See also the terms
fig. sense). It uses the aux. "esse". "glacial, glassial".
gianìsser - n. m. (pr. \ ji&n'især \ ) Inv. at plr. - janissary, giassaté - n. (pr. \ ji&s&t'e \ ) Ms. plr. giassaté - fm. sng. and
janizary. - 2) - henchman (in a fig. sense). plr. giassatera, giassatere. - ice-seller. Before the
giansanela - n. f. (pr. \ ji&[ng]s&n'el& \ ) - See gensanela. diffusion of fridges, the ice was sold by carts passing in the
giansan-a - n. f. (pr. \ ji&[ng]s'&[ng]& \ ) - See gensan-a. streets of the city. See also the term "portagiassa".
giansé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ ji&[ng]s'e \ ) - to run, to giassé - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ ji&s'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - glacier.
manage, to administer. See also the term "jansé ". giassé - 2) - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ ji&s'e \ ) - 1) - to
giansenism - n. m. (pr. \ ji&[ng]sen'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). freeze, to ice over, to turn to ice, to frost (int.). - 2) - to
- Jansenism. freeze, to ice (trs.). When int. it uses the aux. "esse". When
giansenista - n. (pr. \ ji&[ng]sen'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. giansenista - trs. it uses the aux. "avèj ". Note that in the expression "sta
fm. sng. and plr. giansenista, gianseniste. - Jansenist. neuit a l'ha gelà" "this night has frozen", the vrb uses the
gian-petadé - n. m. (pr. \ ji&[ng]pet&d'e \ ) - See giampetadé. aux. "avèj ", as it happens for the other weather vrbs "to
giap - n. m. (pr.\ ji'&p \ ) Inv. at plr. - yelp, yelping, bark, rain, to snow, etc.".
barking, howl, howling. See also the terms "gëp, gep". giassera - n. f (pr. \ ji&s'er& \ ) At plr. giassere. - ice-house,
giapàire - n. and adj. (pr.\ ji&p'&ire \ ) - See giapèire. ice-chamber, ice-box.
giapé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr.\ ji&p'e \ ) - to yelp, to bark, to giasset - n. m. (pr. \ ji&s'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - icicle. - 2) - ice-
howl. See also the terms "gëppì, gëppé, giapì". lolly. In this sense see also the term "stich". See also the
giapèire - n. and adj. (pr.\ ji&p'æire \ ) Ms. plr. giapèire - fm. terms "giassòt, giasson".
sng. and plr. giapèira, giapèire. - (dog) that often barks. giasseuj - n. m. . (pr. \ ji&s'[oe]y \ ) Inv. at plr. - Ragged
giapì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr.\ ji&p'i \ ) - See giapé. Robin (botany - Lychnis flos cuculi).
Giapon - n. m. (pr.\ ji&p'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. (in case of need) - giassëtta - n. f. (pr. \ ji&s'&tt& \ ) At plr. giassëtte. - feeling of
Japan. cold at teeth. See also the term "giassin-a".
giaponèis - adj. and n. (pr.\ ji&pun'æiz \ ) Ms. plr. giaponèis - giassil - n. m. (pr. \ ji&s'il \ ) At plr. giassij. - window frame.
fm. sng. and plr. giaponèisa, giaponèise. - Japanese. See also the term "jassil ".
giaponèisa - n. f. (pr.\ ji&pun'æiz& \ ) At plr. giaponèise. - giassilarìa - n. f. (pr. \ ji&sil&r'i& \ ) At plr. giassilarìe. - set
groundnut, peanut (botany - Arachis hypogaea). of pieces for a window frame. See also the term
giarada (a la ---) - adv. loc. (pr.\ & l& ji&r'&d& \ ) - at full "giassilerìa, jassilarìa".
gallop, very quickly. giassilerìa - n. f. (pr. \ ji&siler'i& \ ) - See giassilarìa.
giardin - n. m. (pr.\ ji&rd'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - garden. - 2) giassilon - n. m. (pr. \ ji&sil'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - large
- kitchen-garden. In this sense see also the term"òrt ". window frame.
giardinagi - n. m. (pr.\ ji&rdin'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - gardening. giassiment - n. m. (pr. \ ji&sim'ænt \ ) - See giaciment.
giardiné - n. (pr.\ ji&rdin'e \ ) Ms. plr. giardiné - fm. sng. and giassinta - (pr. \ ji&s'int& \) At plr. giassinte. - hyacinth
plr. giardinera, giardinere. - gardener. (botany - Hyacinthus orientalis). See also the term
giardinera - n. f. (pr.\ ji&rdin'er& \ ) At plr. giardinere. - 1) - "giacint".
pickled vegetables (usually in tomatoes an peppers sauce). giassin-a - n. f. (pr. \ ji&s'i[ng]& \ ) - See giassëtta.
- 2) - vegetable soup. - 3) - charabanc. - 4) - mole-cricket giassitura - n. f. (pr. \ ji&sit'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. giassiture. -
(zoology - Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa). lying position (geometry - position of a plane in the space).
giardinet - n. m. (pr.\ ji&rdin'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - small garden. giasson - n. m. (pr. \ ji&s'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - icicle. See also
See also the term "giardinòt ". the terms "giassòt, giasson".
giardinëtta - n. f. (pr.\ ji&rdin'&tt& \ ) At plr. giardinëtte. - giassòt - n. m. (pr. \ ji&s'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - icicle. - 2) - ice-
estate car, station-wagon. lolly. In this sense see also the term "stich". See also the
giardinòt - n. m. (pr.\ ji&rdin'ot \ ) - See giardinet. terms "giasset, giasson".

giatansa - n. f. (pr. \ ji&t'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr. giatanse. - "avèj ". Sometimes it is possible to find the spelling
haughtiness, conceitedness, boastfulness. "geughe".
giatésse - vrb 1st con refl. (pr. \ ji&t'ese \ ) - to boast, to brag, gieuj - n. m. (pr. \ ji'[oe]y \ ) - darnel (botany - Lolium
to be arrogant. temulentum). See also the term "loej".
giàun - 1) - adj. (pr. \ ji'&un \ ) Ms. plr. giàun - fm. sng. and gieuve - 1) - vrb 1st con. int. and trs. (pr. \ ji[oe]v'e \ ) - See
plr. giàuna, giàune. - yellow, yellowish. See also the term gieughe.
"giald 1)". gieuve - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ ji[oe]v'e \ ) - See giòbia.
giàun - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ ji'&un \ ) Inv. at plr. - yellow. See also gieuves - n. m(pr. \ ji[oe]v'ez \ ) - See giòbia.
the term "giald 2)". gifra - n. f. (pr. \ j'ifr& \) At plr. gfre. - 1) - figure, numeral
giaunastr - adj. (pr. \ ji&un'&str \ ) Ms. plr. giaunastr - fm. (in general). - 2) - figure, sum, amount (referred to
sng. and plr. giaunastra, giaunastre. - yellowish. money). - 3) - initials, monogram. - 4) - cipher, cypher,
giaunet - 1) - adj. (pr. \ ji&un'æt \ ) Ms. plr. giaunet - fm. sng. code. - 5) - digit, figure, place (mathematics). See also the
and plr. giaunëtta, giaunëtte. - yellowish, light yellow. term "cifra".
See also the term " gialdolin 1)". Note the particular fm. gifrà - adj. (pr. \ jifr'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - with
giaunet - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ ji&un'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. light yellow. initials. - 2) - in cypher. See also the term "cifrà ".
See also the term "gialdolin 2)". gifradura - n. f. (pr. \ jifr&d'[ue]r& \) At plr. gifradure. - 1)
giaunëssa - n. f. (pr. \ ji&un'&ss& \ ) At plr. giaunësse. - - ciphering, coding. - 2) - notation (music). See also the
yellowishness, sallowness. term "cifradura".
giaunëtte - n. f. plr. (pr. \ ji&un'&tte \ ) Only plr. - gold coins. gifrari - n. m. (pr. \ jifr'&ri \) Inv. at plr. - cipher, cypher,
giaunissa - n. f. (pr. \ ji&un'is& \ ) At plr. giaunìsse. - code. See also the term "cifrari".
jaundice, icterus. gifré - vrb 1st con. trs. - (pr. \ jifr'e \) - 1) - to cipher, to cypher,
giaun-sant - n. m. (pr. \ ji&u[ng]s'&nt \ ) - See gialsant. to code. - 2) - to mark with initials. See also the term
giavela - n. f. (pr. \ ji&v'el& \ ) At plr. giavele. - 1) - handful "cifré".
of wheat ears. - 2) - sheaf. See also the term "javela". giga - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ j'ig& \) At plr. gighe. - type of old musical
giavlé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ ji&vl’e \ ) - to sheaf. See also string instrument.
the terms “anghërbé, angiavlé, angerbé “. giga... - 2) - prefix. (pr. \ jig&... \) - giga... . Prefix for ten to
gibassé - n. m. (pr. \ jib&s’e \ ) Inv. at plr. - shooting-bag, nine (109) (measurement units, mathematics).
game-bag. See also the terms "carné, carnaireul, gigant - n. and adj. (pr. \ jig'&nt \) Ms. plr. gigant - fm. sng.
gibassié ". and plr. giganta, gigante. - 1) - giant (sbst.). - 2) -
gibassera - n. f. (pr. \ jib&s’er& \ ) At plr. gibassere. - jacket huge, gigantic (adj.).
with game-bag used by hunters. gigantegé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ jig&ntej'e \) - to tower over,
gibassié - n. m. (pr. \ jib&si’e \ ) - See gibassé. to rise like a giant. -It uses the aux. "avèj ".
giberna - n. f. (pr. \ jib'ærn& \ ) At plr. giberne. - cartridge- gigantésch - adj. (pr. \ jig&nt'esc \) - Ms. plr. gigantesch - fm.
box (military). sng. and plr. gigantesca, gigantesche. - gigantic, giant
gibigiana - n. f. (pr. \ jibiji'&n& \ ) At plr. gibigiane. - flash (as an attribute).
of light refleted by a mirror. See also the term giget - n. m. (pr. \ jij'æt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - urge, excitement,
"gibigian-a". desire, fidgets. - 2) - craze, rage, longing, mania. - 3) -
gibigian-a - n. f. (pr. \ jibiji'&[ng]& \ ) - See gibigiana. excessive vivacity. See also the term "morbin".
giblin - n. m. (pr. \ jibl'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - small hat, bonnet gigg - adj. (pr. \ jij \) Ms. plr. gigg - fm. sng. and plr. gigia,
(in a jocular, ironic sense). gige. - lively, restless.
giborada - n. f. (pr. \ jibur'&d& \ ) At plr. giborade. - mess, Gigin - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ jij'i[ng] \) Only sng. (noun of person). In
untidy work, botching, muddled affair. case of need inv. at plr. - diminutive of Louis. See also
giboré - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ jibur'e \ ) - 1) - to bungle, to the term "Gigin" at fm.
work half heartedly, to patch up. - 2) - to strive, to Gigin - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ jij'i[ng] \) Only sng. (noun of person). In
endeavour. case of need inv. at plr. - diminutive of Theresa. See
giboron - n. (pr. \ jibur'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. giboron - fm. sng. also the terms "Gin, Ginòta".
and plr. giboron-a, giboron-e. - hustler, busy-bee, gigiolé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ jijiul'e \) - to dress up, to
muddler. smarten up, to adorn, to deck.
gich - n. m. (pr. \ jic \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - bud, sprout, shoot, gigiolésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ jijiul'ese \) - to adorn
offset. In this sense see also the terms "but, git". - 2) - oneself, to dress oneself up.
small part of a bunch of grapes. Note that the gigiò - (pr. \ jiji'o \) Inv. at plr. - horse (childish voice).
expression "gich d'avìje" indicates "swarm of bees". gilanté - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ jil&nt'e \) - to dangle, to swing,
giché - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ jik'e \ ) - to bud, to sprout, to to oscillate.
germinate. It uses the aux. "avèj ". See also the terms gilantésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ jil&nt'ese \) - to swing, to
"gité, buté ". rock oneself.
gìdola - n. f. (pr. \ j'idul& \ ) At plr. gìdole. - garden sorrel gilard - n. and adj. (pr. \ jil'&rd \) Ms. plr. gilard - fm. sng. and
(botany - Rumex acetosa". See also the term "asìdola" plr. gilarda, gilarde. - 1) - dirty, filthy (adj.). - 2) -
and the loc. "erba brusca". dirty person (sbst.). See also the term "girard ".
gieu - n. m. (pr. \ ji'[oe] \ ) - See gieugh. gilardin-a - n. f. (pr. \ jil&rd'i[ng]& \) - See girardin-a.
gieugh - n. m. (pr. \ ji'[oe]g \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - game. - 2) - gilardon - n. m. (pr. \ jil&rd'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - water-hen,
play. - 3) - clearance, play (mechanics). - 4) - joke, moor-hen (zoology - Gallinula chloropus).
fun. - 5) - game, set. - 6) - speculation, gambling. See gilé - n. m. (pr. \ jil'e \) Inv. at plr. - waistcoat. See also the term
also the term "gieu". Sometimes it is possible to find the "corpet".
spelling "geugh". gilep - n. m. (pr. \ jil'æp \) Inv. at plr. - sugared syrup, fruit
gieughe - vrb 1st con. int. and trs. (pr. \ ji[oe]g'e \ ) - 1) - to syrup.
play. - 2) - to gamble. - 3) - to bet, to stake. - 4) - to gili - n. m. (pr. \ j'ili \) Inv. at plr. - lily (botany - Lilium). See
outwit, to take (sb.) in, to make a fool of. See also the also the term "liri ".
terms "gieuve, giuvé, giughé ". It uses always the aux. Gili - n. m. (pr. \ j'ili \) Only sng. (noun of person). In case of
need inv. at plr. - Giles.

gilichet - adj. (pr. \ jilik'æt \) Ms. plr. gilichet - fm. sng. and plr. gìnich - adj. (pr. \ j'inic \ ) Ms. plr. gìnich - fm. sng. and
gilichëtta, gilichëtte. - graceful, charming, attractive. plr. gìnica, gìniche. - gymnastic.
See also the term "zilichet". ginìch - n. m. (pr. \ jin'ic \ ) Inv. at plr. - cold, chill
gilofrada - n. f. (pr. \ jilufr'&d& \) At plr. gilofrade. - wild (referred to weather, inside a room, etc.)
pink (botany - Dianthus sylvestris). See also the terms ginipì - n. m. (pr. \ jinip'i \ ) - See genepì.
"ginoflada, ginofrada" and the loc. "garofolin servaj ". ginistròla - n. f. (pr. \ jinistr'ol& \ ) - See ginestròla.
gimara - n. f. (pr. \ jim'&r& \) At plr. gimare. - long apron, Gino - n. m. (pr. \ j'inô \) Only sng. (noun of person). In case of
overall, smock. See also the term "faudalon". need, inv. at plr. - short (diminutive) for Louis. See also
gimbarda - n. f. (pr. \ jimb'&rd& \) At plr. gimbarde. - the term "Luis".
grooving-plane for carpenter.
ginofrada - n. f. (pr. \ jinufr'&d& \ ) - See gilofrada.
gimbé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ jimb'e \) - to bend, to curve. See
ginit - adj. (pr. \ jin'it \ ) - See genit.
also the term "gombé ". ginoj - n. m. (pr. \ jin'uy \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - knee (anatomy and
gimbésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ jimb'ese \) - to bend, to in general) - 2) - bend (mechanics). See also the term
become bent. See also the term "gombésse ". "gënoj ".
gimèro - n. m. (pr. \ jim'æru \) Inv. at plr. - short man. See also ginojà - n. f. (pr. \ jinuy'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - blow with the knee.
the terms "gnèro, picinèro", referred to children. See also the term "gënojà ".
gimnosperma - n. f. (pr. \ jimnusp'ærm& \) At plr.
ginojatòri - n. m. (pr. \ jinuy&t'ori \ ) Inv. at plr. - “prie-
gimnospèrme. - gymnosperm (botany).
gin - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ ji[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - gin. dieu“, kneeling-stool. See also the terms
Gin - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ ji[ng] \) Only sng. (noun of person). In case "gënociatòri, anginojador".
of need inv. at plr. - diminutive of Theresa. See also the ginojé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ jinuy'e \ ) - to hit a blow with the
terms "Gigin, Ginòta". knee (against st.). See also the term "gënojé ".
Gina - n. f. (pr. \ ji[ng]& \) Only sng. (noun of person). In case Ginojefa - n. f. (pr. \ jinuy'ef& \) Only sng. (noun of person). In
of need, at plr. Gine. - 1) - Louise. In this sense see also case of need at plr. Ginojefe - Genevieve.
the term "Luisin-a". - 2) - Theresa. - Also in the ginojera - n. f. (pr. \ jinuy'er& \ ) At plr. ginojere. - 1) - knee-
spelling "Gin-a". cap, knee-band, knee-pad. - 2) - knee-guyard (sport).
ginasi - n. m. (pr. \ jin'&zi \) - See ginàsio. See also the term "gënojera".
ginasial - adj. (pr. \ jin&zi'&l \) Ms. plr. ginasiaj - fm. sng. and ginojésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ jinuy'ese \ ) - to kneel, to
plr. ginasial, ginasiaj. - grammar-school (as an kneel down, to go on one's knees. See also the terms
attribute), gymnasial. "anginojésse, gënojésse".
ginàsio - n. m. (pr. \ jin'&ziô \) Inv. at plr. - grammar school, ginojet - n. m. (pr. \ jinuy'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - narcissus
gymnasium. (botany - Narcissus poeticus). See also the terms "narsis,
ginàsta - n. (pr. \ jin'&st& \) Ms. plr. ginasta - fm. sng. and plr. narcis, gentaldon, genojet". - 2) - small (or week) knee. -
ginasta, ginaste. - gymnast. 3) - giving in of the knee. In this meaning see also the
ginàstica - n. f. (pr. \ jin'&stic& \) At plr. ginàstiche. - term "ginojëtta".
gymnastics. ginojëtta - n. f. (pr. \ jinuy'&tt& \ ) - See ginojet 3rd meaning".
gincana - n. f. (pr. \ ji[ng]'&stic& \) At plr. gincane. - ginojon - adv. (pr. \ jinuy'u[ng] \ ) - on one's knees, kneeling.
gymkhana. See also the term "gënojon". Often this term is in the form
ginecéo - n. m. (pr. \ jine[ch]'eô \) Inv. at plr. - gynaeceum. "an ginojon", with the same meaning.
ginecologìa - n. f. (pr. \ jineculuj'i& \) At plr. ginecologìe. - ginojon (an ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ &[ng] jinuy'u[ng] \ ) - See
gynaecology. ginojon.
ginecològich - adj. (pr. \ jinecul'ojic \) Ms. plr. ginecològich - Ginòta - n. f. (pr. \ jin'ot& \) - See Gin 2).
fm. sng. and plr. ginecològica, ginecològiche. - ginuflession - n. f. (pr. \ jinuflesi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
gynaecological. genuflection, genuflexion. See also the terms
ginecòlogh - n. (pr. \ jinec'olug \) Ms. plr. ginecòlogh - fm. sng. "genuflession, gënuflession".
and plr. ginecòloga, ginecòloghe. - gynaecologist. See gió - (pr. \ ji'u \ ) Inv. at plr. - yoke. See also the terms "giov,
also the term "ginecòlogo". giovo"
ginecòlogo - n. (pr. \ jinec'olugô \) - See ginecòlogh. gioatà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ jiu&t'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
ginepì - n. m. (pr. \ jinep'i \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - wormwood variegated, streaked, flecked. - See also the term
(botany - Artemisia). - 2) - genepì liqueur. See also the "giovatà".
terms "genepì, ginipì ". gioaté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ jiu&t'e \ ) - to variegate, to
ginestra - n. f. (pr. \ jin'estr& \ ) At plr. ginestre. - broom streak, to fleck. See also the term "giovaté ".
(botany - Gemista Cytisus). - See also the terms gioàtich - n. m. (pr. \ jiu'&tic \ ) Inv. at plr. - price for
"genestra, gënestra". borrowing oxes. See also the term "giovàtich ".
ginestron - n. m. (pr. \ jinestr'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - furze, gorse gioch - n. m. (pr. \ ji'uc \ ) Inv. at plr. - poultry-pen, hen-pen,
(botany - Ulex europaeus). hen-house. The expression "andé a gioch " lit. "to go to
ginestròla - n. f. (pr. \ jinestr'ol& \ ) At plt. ginestròle. - dyer's hen-pen" is a familiar way of saying "to go to sleep".
broom, greenweed. See also the term "ginistròla". gioché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ jiuk'e \ ) - 1) - to close hens in
ginestré - n. m. (pr. \ jinestr'e \ ) - See ginestrera. the hen-pen. - 2) - to put children to bed (jocular
ginestrera - n. f. (pr. \ jinestr'e \ ) At plr. ginestrere. - familiar, for extension). In any case see also the
broom-land. See also the term "ginestré". expressions "buté a gioch, fé andé a gioch" lit. "to put to
hen-pen, to make go to hen-pen".
gineuria - n. f. (pr. \ jin'[oe]ri& \ ) - See gëneuria.
giochésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ jiuk'ese \ ) - to roost, to
gingin - m. n. (pr. \ jinj'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - dandy, perch.
gallant, "cicisbeo". See also the term giocond - adj. (pr. \ jiuc'und \ ) Ms. plr. giocond - fm. sng. and
"moscardin". plr. gioconda, gioconde. - cheerful, happy, joyous.
gingòt - n. m. (pr. \ ji[ng]g'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - hind leg, giocondità - n. f. (pr. \ jiucundit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - joyousness,
haunch (cooking). gaiety, cheerfulness.

gioé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ jiu'e \ ) - 1) - to yoke. - 2) - to gionté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ jiunt'e \ ) - 1) - to add. - 2) - to
subjugate (in a fig. sense).See also the term "giové" connect, to join, to link, to unite. In this sense see also the
gioèivol - adj. (pr. \ jiu'æivul \ ) - See giovévol. term "gionze". - 3) - to lose, to suffer loss. In this sense
gioglar - n. m. (pr. \ jiugl'&r \ ) Inv. at plr. - minstrel, balad- usually in the form "giontéje" (see the term).
singer, jester. See also the term "giuglar". giontéje - vrb 1st con. trs. + prn. (pr. \ jiunt'eye \ ) - to lose, to
giojal - adj. (pr. \ jiuy'&l \ ) Ms. plr. giojaj - fm. sng. and plr. suffer loss.
giojal, giojaj. - jovial, cordial, jolly. See also the term giontòira - n. f. (pr. \ jiunt'oir& \ ) At plr. giontòire. - peg,
"giovial". yoke peg. See also the term "giont 2nd meaning".
giojalità - n. f. (pr. \ jiuy&lit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - joviality, giontura - n. f. (pr. \ jiunt'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. gionture. - joint
jollity, good humor. See also the term "giovialità ". (general and anatomy), junction. See also the term
giojé - n. (pr. \ jiuy'e \ ) Ms. plr. giojé - fm. sng. and plr. "giunsion".
giojera, giojere. - jeweller. See also the terms "giojelé, gionze - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ jiu[ng]z'e \ ) - 1) - to connect, to
giojelié ". link, to join (together). In this sense see also the terms
giojél - n. m. (pr. \ jiuy'e \ ) At plr. giojéj. - jewel. See also the "taché, unì, gionté 2nd meaning ". - 2) - to add. In this
term "giòja 1st meaning". sense see also the term "gionté 1st meaning". - 3) - to
giojelarìa - n. f. (pr. \ jiuyel&r'i& \ ) At plr. giojelarìe. - 1) - reach, to overtake, to catch up. In this sense see also the
jewellew's craft. - 2) - jeweller's shop. - 3) - set of terms "ciapé, gabé". - 4) - to attain, to achieve, to gain. In
jewels. See also the term "giojelerìa". this sense see also the terms "rivé, oten-e". - 5) - to yoke.
giojelé - n. (pr. \ jiuyel'e \ ) - See giojelié. In this sense see also the terms "giové, gioé ".
giojelerìa - n. f. (pr. \ jiuyeler'i& \ ) - See giojelarìa. gior - 1) - prp. and adv. (pr. \ ji'ur \ ) - 1) - on, upon (prp.). - 2)
giojelié - n. (pr. \ jiuyeli'e \ ) Ms. plr. giojelié - fm. sng. and plr. - over (prp.). - 3) - above (prp.). - 4) - on, upon, about
giojeliera, giojeliere. - jeweller. See also the terms (prp.). - 5) - above (adv.). - 6) - ot top (adv.). - 6) -
"giojelé, giojé ". upstairs (adv.). - See also the terms "giora 1), dzor,
giojera - n. f. . (pr. \ jiuy'er& \ ) At plr. giojere. - 1) - shop- dzora".
window, show-window. - 2) - glass showcese, notice gior - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ ji'ur \ ) -Inv. at plr. - upper part.
board. giora - 1) - prp. and adv. (pr. \ ji'ur& \ ) - See gior 1).
giojeta - n. f. (pr. \ jiuy'et& \ ) At plr. giojete. - darling, sweet giora - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ ji'ur& \ ) -Inv. at plr. - upper part.
treasure. See also the term "giojin" giora - 3) - adj. fm. (pr. \ ji'ur& \ ) Only fm., at plr. giore. - old,
giojì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ jiuy'i \ ) - to rejoice, to delight. It done up (referred to cows, etc.).
uses the aux. "avèj ". See also the terms "argiojì, arfëstié, giornà - n. f. (pr. \ jiurn'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - day. In this sense
arlegrésse ". see also the term "dì ". - 2) - day's work. - 3) - day's wage.
giojin - n. m. (pr. \ jiuy'i[ng] \ ) - See giojeta. In this sense see also the term "giornal 3rd meaning". - 4) -
giojo - n. (pr. \ ji'uyu \ ) Ms. plr. giojo - fm. sng. and plr. gioja, piedm. measure unit for field areas (1 giornà 3810 m2).
gioje. - favourite, darling, pet. See also the terms "checo, This term is more referred to the interval from morning to
beniamin". evening (from wake up to sleep) as it can be seen in the
gioiro - n. (pr. \ ji'uiro \ ) Ms. plr. gioiro - fm. sng. and plr. following examples : - A) - "it l'has fàit gnente për tuta la
gioira, gioire. - untidy person, dirty person. giornà" "you didn't do anithing all the day long". - B) -
giojos - adj. (pr. \ jiuy'uz \ ) Ms. plr. gioios - fm. sng. and plr. "ancheuj a l'é na giornà 'd pieuva" " today is a rainy
gioiosa, gioiose. - joyous, joyful, glad, happy. day". - C) - "anchej i son nen rivà a guadagnéme la giornà
giojosità - n. f. (pr. \ jiuyuzit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - gladness, " "tody I couldn't work enough to justify my wage" or
happyness. "today I couldn't earn enough ".
giolà - n. f. (pr. \ jiul'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - blaze, flare. giornadin-a - n. f. (pr. \ jiurn&d'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. giornadin-e.
gioncà - n. f. (pr. \ jiu[ng]c'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - junket. - 2) - - irregular diminutive of "giornà" that has not to be
"ricotta". In this sense see also the terms "sairass, seirass, intended as short or little day, but in a fig. sense, that can
quajà ". be also ironical, like the ones of the following examples : -
gionch - n. m. (pr. \ ji'u[ng]c \ ) Inv. at plr. - rush (botany - A) - "a l'é vagnàsse soa bela giornadin-a" "he earned his
Juncus). quite good wage for the day". - B) - "n'àutra giornadin-a
gionchera - n. f. (pr. \ jiu[ng]k'er& \ ) Ar plr. gionchere. - bed com ancheuj e mi i son bele andàit" "another day like
of rushes. today and I will be practically worn out".
gionchij - n. m. (pr. \jiu[ng]k'iy\ ) Inv. at plr. - jonquil (botany giornal - n. m. (pr. \ jiurn'&l \ ) At plr. giornaj. - 1) -
- Narcissus jonquilla). See also the terms "gionchija, newspaper, paper. - 2) - journal, day-book. - 3) - day's
gionchìlia". wage. At plr. giornaj can mean "the press".
gionchija - n. f. (pr. \ jiu[ng]k'iy& \ ) - See giunchij. giornalé - n. (pr. \ jiurn&l'e \ ) Ms. plr. giornalé - fm. sng. and
gionchìlia - n. f. (pr. \ jiu[ng]k'ili& \ ) - See giunchij. plr. giornalera, giornalere. - news-vendor.
gionchin - n. m. (pr. \ jiu[ng]k'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - round rush giornalié - n. and adj. (pr. \ jiurn&li'e \ ) Ms. plr. giornalié -
(botany - Eleocharis palustris). See also the term fm. sng. and plr. giornaliera, giornaliere. - 1) - day-
"gionchin-a". labourer, journeyman, day man (sbst.). - 2) - daily,
gionchin-a - n. f. (pr. \ jiu[ng]k'i[ng]& \ ) - See gionchin. everyday (as an attribute) (adj.).
gionsion - n. f. (pr. \ jiu[ng]si'u[ng] \ ) - See giunsion. giornalin - n. m. (pr. \ jiurn&l'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - children's
giont - n. m. (pr. \ ji'unt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - joint, coupling paper.
(mechanics). - 2) - peg, bolt, pole-bolt. In this sense see giornalism - n. m. (pr. \ jiurn&l'izm\ ) Inv. at plr. - journalism.
also the term "giontòira", indicating the "yoke peg". giornalista - n. (pr. \ jiurn&l'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. giornalista - fm.
gionta - n. f. (pr. \ ji'unt& \ ) At plr. gionte. - 1) - addition, sng. and plr. giornalista, giornaliste. - journalist,
appendix. - 2) - surplus. - 3) - committee, council, board, publicist, reporter.
junta. - 4) - joint, junction. In this sense see also the term giornalìstich - adj. (pr. \ jiurn&l'istic \ ) Ms. plr. giornalistich
"giontura". - 5) - patch. In this sense see also the terms - fm. sng. and plr. giornalistica, giornalistiche. -
"pessa, piessa". journalistic, newspaper (as an attribute).
gionta (për ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ p&r ji'unt& \ ) - furthermore, giostrador - n. m. (pr. \ jiustr&d'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - jouster,
in addition. tilter.

giostré - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ jiustr'e \ ) - 1) - to manage, to giponet - n. m. (pr. \ jipun'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - small heavy
manoeuvre (in a fig. sense). - 2) - to joust, to tilt. jaclet, small leather jacket. See also the terms "gipon 2nd
giov - n. m. (pr. \ ji'uw \ ) Inv. at plr. - yoke. See also the terms meaning, giponin".
"gió, giovo 2) ". giponin - n. m. (pr. \ jipun'i[ng] \ ) - See giponet.
giovament - n. m. (pr. \ jiuw&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - benefit, gir - n. m. (pr. \ jir \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - turn, revolution. E. g.
advantage, improvment. "ant na minuta la roa a fà des gir " "in a minute the
giovatà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ jiuw&t'& \ ) - See gioatà. wheel makes ten turns". - 2) - circle, ring, circuit. E. g. "i
giovaté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ jiuw&t'e \ ) - See gioaté. l'oma fàit ël gir dël pais" "we did the circuit of the
giovàtich - n. m. (pr. \ jiuw'&tic \ ) - See gioàtich. village". - 3) - tour, lap (sport). E. g. "la gara a l'é su des
giové - vrb 1st con. int. and trs. . (pr. \ jiuw'e ; jiuv'e \ ) - 1) - to gir" "the race is over ten laps"- 4) - turn, stroll, walk. E.
be useful (int.). - 2) - to be good, to do good (int.). - 3) - to g. "i seurto a fé un gir" "I go out to take a sroll". In this
yoke (trs). In this sense see also the term "gioé ". sense see also the term "gira". - 5) - round. E. g. "fé 'l gir
giovent - adj. (pr. \ jiuw'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. giovent - fm. sng. and dël mond " "to do the tour around the world". - 6) -
plr. gioventa, giovente. - juvenile, youthful, young. circuit, gang, ring. E. g. "am pias nen ël gir ch'it
gioventù - n. f. (pr. \ jiuwænt'[ue] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - youth. - frequente" I don't like the gang you go about with".
2) - young people. See also the term "vir".
giovévol - adj. (pr. \ jiuw'æivul \ ) Ms. plr. giovèivoj - fm. sng. gira - n. f. (pr. \ j'ir& \ ) At plr. gire. - 1) - way backwards
and plr. giovèivol, giovèivoj. - beneficial, useful, and forwards, way to and fro. E. g. "i l'hai fàit tre gire
advantageous, good. See also the term "gioèivol ". për porté tuti ij tòch " = "I've made three times the way to
giovial - adj. (pr. \ jiuvi'&l \ ) Ms. plr. gioviaj - fm. sng. and and fro for carrying all the pieces". - 2) - turn, stroll,
plr. giovial, gioviaj. - jovial, cordial, jolly. See also the walk. In this sense see also the term "gir 4th meaning".
term "giojal". girà - n. f. (pr. \ jir'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - turn, turning. E. g.
giovialità - n. f. (pr. \ jiuvi&lit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - joviality, "dà na girà a la pasta" "give a turn to the pasta". In this
jollity, good humor. See also the term "giojalità ".
sense see also the term "toirà ". - 2) - endorsement. E. g.
giovinass - n. m. (pr. \ jiuwin'&s \ ) - See giovnass.
"girà ëd n'assegn" "endorsement of a cheque". See also
giovinëssa - n. f. (pr. \ jiuwin'&ss& \ ) At plr. giovinësse -
the term "girada 1st meaning".
girabarchin - n. m. (pr. \ jir&b&rk'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - brace,
giovna - n. f. (pr. \ ji'uwn& \ ) At plr. giovne. - young woman.
brace and bit (carpentry). See also the term "virabarchin".
giovnass - (pr. \ jiuwn'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - hooligan, hoodlum.
giràbil - adj. (pr. \ jir'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. giràbij - fm. sng. and plr.
See also the term "giovinass".
giràbil, giràbil. - endorsable (commercial, legal). See also
giovnastron - n. m. (pr. \ jiuwn&str'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - big
the term "trasferìbil ".
and strong young man. See also the terms "giovnon,
girada - n. f. (pr. \ jir'&d& \ ) - 1) - See girà. - 2) - scolding,
fiolastron". In spite of the form, the term is not disparaging.
giuvnëttà - n. f. (pr. \ ji'uwn'&tt& \ ) At plr. giovnëtte. - girl,
giradisch - n. m. (pr. \ jir&d'isc \ ) Inv. at plr. - record-player.
young girl.
girafa - n. f. (pr. \ jir'&f& \ ) At plr. girafe. - giraffe (zoology -
giovnon - n. m. (pr. \ jiuwn'u[ng] \ ) - See giovnastron.
Giraffa camelopardalis).
giovnòt - n. (pr. \ jiuwn'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. giovnòt - fm. sng. and
girafilera - n. m. (pr. \ jir&fil'er& \ ) Inv. at plr. - diestock
plr. giovnòta, giovnòte. - young man/woman, boy/girl.
For the fm. see also the term "giovnëtta".
giramas-cc - n. m. (pr. \ jir&m'&s[ch] \ ) Inv. at plr. - tap
giovo - n. and adj. (pr. \ ji'uwu \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. 1) - young
wrench (mechanics).
(adj.). - 2) - young person (sbst.).. At plr. also young
girament - n. m. (pr. \ jir&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - turning. The
people, youth.
expression "girament ëd testa" means "giddiness".
giò! - excl. (pr. \ ji'o \ ) - order to the horse (oxes) to turn
giramond - n. (pr. \ jir&m'und \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - tramp,
right. For turning left see the term "tah! ".
vagrant, globe-trotter.
giòbia - n. m. (pr. \ ji'obi& \ ) Inv. at plr. - Thursday. Note the
giràndola - n. f. (pr. \ jir'&ndul& \ ) At plr. giràndole. -
expressions "giòbia grass" "Thursday before Lent " ;
Catherine-wheel, windmill (toy).
"giòbia sant " "Maundy Thursday". See also the terms girandolé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ jir&ndul'e \ ) - to wander
"gieuve, gieuves". about, to sroll about. It uses the aux. "avèj". See also the
giòja - n. f. (pr. \ ji'oy& \ ) At plr. giòje. - 1) - jewel, gem, term "girondolé, girolé ".
precious stone. - 2) - joy, gladness, delight. In this sense girandolon - n. (pr. \ jir&ndul'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. girandolon -
the term is an italianism. See the best piedm. voices "gòj, fm. sng. and plr. girandolon-a, girandolon-e. - stroller,
argioissansa". staunterer, gad-about, vagrant, vagabond. See also the
giòla - n. f. (pr. \ ji'ol& \ ) At plr. giòle. - blaze, flare. term "girondolon".
giòncole - n. f. plr. (pr. \ ji'o[ng]cule \ ) Only plr. - set of girandòla - n. f. (pr. \ jir&nd'ol& \ ) At plr. girandòle. -
connections between yoke and animal. candelabrum having more than one arm, used in
Giòrs - n. m. (pr. \ ji'ors \) Only sng. (noun of person). In case processions. See also the terms "girìndola, girindòla".
of need inv. at plr. - George. giranio - n. m. (pr. \ jir'&niô \ ) - See geranio.
giòstra - n. f. (pr. \ ji'ostr& \ ) At plr. giòstre. - 1) - merry-go- girant - n. f. . (pr. \ jir'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - impeller
round, roundabout, carousel. - 2) - tournament, joust. (mechanics - pump), rotor (mechanics - turbine, motors). -
gip - n. g. (pr. \ jip \ ) Inv. at plr. - land rover, cross-country 2) - endorser (commercial).
military motor vehicle. Taken from the english "jeep" . girard - n. and adj. (pr. \ jir'&rd \ ) - See gilard.
gipa - n. f. (pr. \ j'ip& \ ) At plr. gipe. - 1) - coat, jacket. - 2) - girardin-a - n. f. (pr. \ jir&rd'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. girardin-e. -
cassock, cloak (military). spotted rail (zoology - Porzana porzana). See also the
gipon - n. m. (pr. \ jip'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - large land term "gilardin-a".
rover (augmentative of "gip"). - 2) - heavy jacket, leather giraròst - n. m. (pr. \ jir&r'ost \ ) Inv. at plr. - roasting-jack,
jacket (augmentative of "gipa"). The term, in this sense, spit.
has anyway two diminutives which are "giponet, giponin". girassol - n. m. (pr. \ jir&s'ul \ ) At plr. girassoj. - 1) -
sunflower (botany - Helianthus annuus) - 2) - taraxacum,

dandelion (botany - Taraxacum officinalis). See also the girondolada - n. f. (pr. \ jirundul'd&& \ ) - See girolada.
terms "virassol, mirassol ". girondolé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ jirundul'e \ ) - to stroll, to
giratari - n. (pr. \ jir&t'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. giratari - fm. sng. and wander about. It uses the aux. "avèj ". See also the terms
plr. giratària, giratàrie. - endorsee. "girandolé. girolé ".
giratond - n. m. (pr. \ jir&t'und \ ) - See girotond. girondolon - n. (pr. \ jirundul'u[ng] \ ) - See girandolon.
giravòlt - n. m. (pr. \ jir&v'olt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - curve, bend, girotond - n. m. (pr. \ jirut'und \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - round
turn. - 2) - winding line, tortuosity. See also the terms dance. - 2) - ring-a-ring-o'-roses. See also the term
"giravòlta, viravòlt". "giratond".
giravòlta - n. f. (pr. \ jir&v'olt& \ ) At plr. giravòlte. - 1) - full Goròni - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ jir'oni \ ) Only sng. (noun of person).
turn, twirl. - 2) - sudden change (in a fig. sense). - 3) - In case of need, inv. at plr. - 1) - Jerome, Hieronymus. -
curve, bend, turn. See also the term "giravòlt, viravòlta". 2) - piedm. carnival character .
giré - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ jir'e \ ) - 1) - to turn (trs.). goròni - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ jir'oni \ ) Inv. at plr. - buffoon, clown.
E. g. "giré le pàgine" "to turn the pages". - 2) - to go giss - n. m. (pr. \ jis \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - chalk. - 2) - plaster.
around (trs.). E. g. "ël tram a gira tuta la sità" "the tram (medicine, art, buildings). - 3) - gypsum (mineral). - 4) -
goes arond all the city". - 3) - to tour, to travel (trs.). E. g. calcium sulphate (chemistry).
"a l'ha girà tuta la Fransa" "he travelled all the France". git - n. m. (pr. \ jit \ ) Inv. at plr. - bud, sprout, shoot, offset.
- 4) - to endorse, to transfer (trs. - commerce, finance). E. See also the terms "but, gich 1st meaning". Note that the
g. "gira col assegn" "endorse that cheque". - 5) - to expression "git d'avije" means "swarm of bees".
shoot, to film (trs. - cinema). "giré na sena" "to shoot a gita - n. f. (pr. \ j'it& \ ) At plr. gite. - trip, excursion. See also
scene". - 6) - to turn, to spin, to revolve (int.). E. g. "the the term "spasgiada".
propeller spins at 3000 rpm" "l'élica a gira a 3000 gir a gità - n. f. (pr. \ jit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - range (ballistics).
la minuta". - 7) - to go around, to wind (int.). E. g. "la strà gital - n. m. (pr. \ jit'&l \ ) At plr. gitaj. - string, lace. See also
a gira antorna a la cà " = "the street goes arond the the terms "getal, giutal, gëttal, liassa ".
house". - 8) - to wander, to ramble, to stroll (int.). E. g. gitalin - n. m. (pr. \ jit&l'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - stiffened
terminal part of a string or lace. See also the term
"giré për la sità" "to ramble through the city". - 9) - to
"getalin, giutalin".
circulate (int.). E. g. "ij sòld a giro nen a basta" "money
gitant - n. (pr. \ jit'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. gitant - fm. sng. and plr.
is not circulating enough". It uses always the aux. "avèj".
gitanta, gitante. - tripper, excursionist.
Then there we report some particular expressions making
gité - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ jit'e \ ) - 1) - to bud, to sprout, to
use of this verb. - A) - "fé giré l'ànima (a quaidun)" lit. germinate (botany). - 2) - to swarm (bees). - 3) - to
"to make turn the soul (to sb.)" "to make (sb.) get angry". separate the wheat from chaff using the wind. It uses the
- B) - "Am gira la testa" lit. "I have the head turning" aux. "avèj ".
"I feel dizzy". - C) - "it fas vëdde da che part a gira" lit. giton - n. m. (pr. \ jit'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - token, counter.
"I make you see in what direction it turns" "I show you - 2) - counter, chip (gambling). See also the term "geton".
what is the true question, I show you what is the situation". giù - adv. (pr. \ ji'[ue] \ ) - 1) - down. - 2) - under, below. In
girèivol - adj. (pr. \ jir'æivul \ ) Ms. plr. girèivoj - fm. sng. and this case see also the term "sota". - 3) - downstairs. Some
plr. girèivol, girèivoj. - turning, revolving, rotating. See particular expressions and examples: - A) - "calé giù" "to
also the term "girévol ". descend, to go down, to get off, to dismount, to alight". - B)
girél - n. m. (pr. \ jir'el \ ) At plr. giréj. - 1) - go-cart, baby - "cala giù da lì " "go down from there (lit. meaning) ;
walker. In this sense see also the term "ghërmo 2nd don't give yourself airs (fig. meaning)". - C) - "esse giù "
meaning". - 2) - toupee, hairpiece. In this sense see also "to be down, to be downstairs (lit. meanings) ; "to be weak,
the term "pruchin". - 3) - circle, ring, disk, little disk. to be in low spirits, to feel blue (fig. meanings). - D) -
giret - n. m. (pr. \ jir'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - short walk, stroll, "campé giù " lit. "to throw down" "to demolish, to pull
saunter. - 2) - short travel. down, to cut down" but also "to exhaust, to discourage". -
girévol - adj. (pr. \ jir'evul \ ) - See girèivol.
E) - "mandé giù " lit. "to send down" "to swallow" but
girìndola - n. f. (pr. \ jir'indul& \ ) - See girandòla.
also "to endure, to tolerate, to swallow (in a fig. sense)". -
girindòla - n. f. (pr. \ jirind'ol& \ ) - See girandòla.
F) - "dé giù " lit. "to give down" "to decline, to fall off,
giroflada - n. f. (pr. \ jirufl'&d& \ ) - See garofolin.
girola (an ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ &[ng] jir'ul& \ ) - without a to decay". - G) - "giù 'd còrda" lit. "down of rope"
destination. Used in the sentence "andé an girola" with "low-spirited, depressed, discouraged ". - H) - "giù da lì"
the value of "to saunter, to stroll, to loaf ". "down from there (lit. meaning) ; approximately, roughly,
girolada - n. f. (pr. \ jirul'd&& \ ) At plr. girolade. - short in the environs". - I) - "sù për giù " lit."up for down"
walk without a destination, random walk. See also the "more or less".
term "girondolada". giùbil - n. m. (pr. \ ji'[ue]bil \ ) - Inv. at plr. - exultation.
girolé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ jirul'e \ ) - to stroll, to wander giubilà - adj. and n. (pr. \ ji[ue]bil'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
about. It uses the aux. "avèj ". pensioned off, retired (adj.). - pensioner (sbst.).
girolon - n. (pr. \ jirul'u[ng] \ ) - See girandolon. giubilant - adj. (pr. \ ji[ue]bil'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. giubilant - fm.
Girometa - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ jirum'et& \ ) - See Giromëtta 1). sng. and plr. giubilanta, giubilante. - jubilant, exultant.
girometa - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ jirum'et& \ ) - See giromëtta 2). giubilar - adj. (pr. \ ji[ue]bil'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
Giromëtta - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ jirum'&tt& \ ) Only sng. (noun of jubilean, jubilee (as an attribute) (religion).
person). In case of need at plr. Giromëtte - piedm. giubilassion - n. f. (pr. \ ji[ue]bil&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
carnival character, wife of the piedm. character "Giròni" pensioning off. - 2) - jubilance, jubilation.
(see the term). See also the term "Girometa 1)". giubilé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ ji[ue]bil'e \ ) - 1) - to
giromëtta - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ jirum'&tt& \ ) At plr. giromëtte - rejoice, to exult, to be jubilant (int.). - 2) - to pension off
cheerful young woman. See also the term "girometa 2)". (in a fig. sense) (trs.).
giron - n. m. (pr. \ jir'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - round, heat giubiléo - n. m. (pr. \ ji[ue]bil'eô \ ) Inv. at plr. - jubilee
(sport). - 2) - cirche, ring (Dantesque). (religion).
giróndola (an ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ &[ng] jir'undul& \ ) - See Giuda - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ ji'[ue]d& \ ) Only sng. (noun of person
girola (an ---). and collective noun) In case of need, inv. at plr. - Judas.

giuda - 2) - n. (pr. \ ji'[ue]d& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - liar, giuglar - n. m. (pr. \ ji[ue]gl'&r \ ) Inv. at plr. - minstrel,
deceitful person, Judas. balad-singer, jester. See also the term "gioglar, giugleur".
giudàich - adj. (pr. \ ji[ue]d'&ic \ ) Ms. plr. giudàich - fm. sng. giugleur - n. m. (pr. \ ji[ue]gl'[oe]r \ ) - See giuglar.
and plr. giudàica, giudàiche. - Judaical, Judaic. giugn - (pr. \ ji'[ue][gn] \ ) Inv. at plr. - June.
giudaism - n. m. (pr. \ ji[ue]d&'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - giugolar - adj. (pr. \ ji[ue]gul'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
Judaism. jugular (anatomy). See also the term "jugolar"
giudé - adj. and n. (pr. \ ji[ue]d'e \ ) Ms. plr. giudé - fm. sng. giugon - n. m. (pr. \ ji[ue]g'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - great play,
and plr. giudea, giudee. - 1) - Judaic, Jewish (adj.). - 2) - fine play, good play.
Judaean, Jew / Jewess (sbst.). See also the terms "judé, giumaj - adv. (pr. \ ji[ue]m'&y \ ) - 1) - by now, by this time,
judim, giudim". now, at this point, by that time, by then. - 2) - almost,
giùdess - n. m. (pr. \ ji'[ue]dæs \ ) Inv. at plr. - judge. For the nearly. E. g. "giumaj a l'é rivà a cà" "by this time he is
fm. see the term "giùdissa". - See also the term "giùdisse". arrived to home" ; "preparte, i soma giumaj rivà" "get
giudicà - n. m. (pr. \ ji[ue]dic'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - sentance, final ready, we are nearly arrived".
judgement, "res jiudicata". See also the term "giudicat". giun - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ ji'[ue][ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - fast
giudicat - n. m. (pr. \ ji[ue]dic'&t \ ) - See giudicà. (religion). - 2) - jejunum (anatomy). - 3) - privation (in a
giudicatòri - adj. (pr. \ ji[ue]dic&t'ori \ ) Ms. plr. giudicatòri - fig. sense).
fm. sng. and plr. giudicatòria, giudicatòrie. - judiciary, giun - 2) - adj. (pr. \ ji'[ue][ng] \ ) Ms. plr. giun - fm. sng. and
judicial. plr. giun-a, giun-e. - without having eaten, before eating.
giudicatura - n. f. (pr. \ ji[ue]dic&t'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. See also the term "digiun".
giudicature. - 1) - "pretura", local Magistrate's Court. giunador - n. (pr. \ ji[ue]n&d'ur \) - See giunator.
In this sense see also the term "pretura". - 2) - jurisdiction giunator - n. (pr. \ ji[ue]n&t'ur \) Ms. plr. giunator - fm. sng.
assigned to a judge. and plr. giunatriss, giunatriss. - faster. See also the term
giudiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ ji[ue]dik'e \ ) - 1) - to judge (in "digiunator".
general). - 2) - to judge, to pass judgement, to try (legal). giuné - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ ji[ue]n'e \ ) - 1) - to fast. - 2) - to
- 3) - to judge, to consider, to repute, to think. starve. - 3) - to be on a strict diet. See also the term
giudim - n. and adj. (pr. \ ji[ue]d'im \ ) - See giudé. "digiuné".
giùdissa - n. f. (pr. \ ji'[ue]dis& \ ) At plr. giùdisse. - female giungala (nos ---) - sbst. loc. f. (pr. \ nuz ji[ue][ng]g'&l& \ ) At
judge. plr. nos giungale. - very big nut.
giùdisse - n. m. (pr. \ ji'[ue]dise \ ) - See giùdess. giunsion - n. f. (pr. \ ji[ue][ng]si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
giudissi - n. m. (pr. \ ji[ue]d'isi \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - judgement, junction, connection. - 2) - joint (mechanics). See also the
judgment, wisdom, reason, sense, discretion. - 2) - trial, term "gionsion".
sentence, proceedings, judgement, judgment, verdict giurà - n. (pr. \ ji[ue]r'& \ ) Inv. in gnd and nr. - juryman,
(legal). - 3) - opinion. Some examples : - A) - "cand juror, jury (at plr.). See also the term "giurat ".
butras-to un pòch ëd giudissi ant lòn ch'it fas ? " "when giuraje - n. f. plr. (pr. \ ji[ue]r'&ye \ ) - wedding sweets
will you put a bit of sense in what you do ? ". - B) - (sugared almonds). See also the loc. "bombon da sposa".
"giudissi ëd prim gré " "judgment of first instance". - C) - giurat - n. (pr. \ ji[ue]r'&t \ ) - See giurà.
"a mè giusissi chièl a l'han nen capì 'l problema" "in my giuré - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ ji[ue]r'e \ ) - 1) - to swear.
opinion he didn't undersand the problem". - 2) - to assure. It uses always the aux. "avèj ".
giudissial - adj. (pr. \ ji[ue]disi'&l \ ) Ms. plr. giudissiaj - fm. giure - n. m. (pr. \ ji'[ue]re \ ) Inv. at plr. - jurisprudence. See
sng. and plr. giudissial, giudissiaj. - judicial. also the term "giurisprudensa".
giudissiari - adj. (pr. \ ji[ue]disi'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. giudissiari - giureconsult - n. (pr. \ ji[ue]recu[ng]s'[ue]lt \ ) Ms. plr.
fm. sng. and plr. giudissiària, giudissiàrie. - judicial, giureconsult - fm. sng. and plr. giureconsulta,
judiciary. giureconsulte. - jurisconsult, jurist.
giudissos - adj. (pr. \ ji[ue]disi'uz \ ) Ms. plr. giudissios - fm. giurìa - n. f. (pr. \ ji[ue]r'i& \ ) At plr. giurìe. - 1) - jury
sng. and plr. giudissiosa, giudissiose. - judicious, sensible. (legal). - 2) - judges (other cases).
giué - vrb 1st con. int. and trs. (pr. \ ji[ue]'e \ ) - 1) - to play. - giurìdich - adj. (pr. \ ji[ue]r'idic \ ) Ms. plr. giurìdich - fm.
2) - to gamble. - 3) - to bet, to stake. - 4) - to outwit, to sng. and plr. giurìdica, giurìdiche. - legal, juridical, law
take (sb.) in, to make a fool of. It uses always the aux. (as an attribute).
"avèj ". See also the terms "gieughe, giughé, giuvé". giurisdission - n. f. (pr. \ ji[ue]risdisi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
giugà - n. f. (pr. \ ji[ue]g'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - move (of a jurisdiction.
game). - 2) - stake (gamble). - 3) - game. See also the term giurisdissional - adj. (pr. \ ji[ue]risdisiun'&l \ ) Ms. plr.
"giugada". giurisdissionaj - fm. sng. and plr. giurisdissional,
giugada - n. f. (pr. \ ji[ue]g'&d& \ ) - See giugà. giurisdissionaj. - jurisdictional.
giugador - n. (pr. \ ji[ue]g&d'ur \ ) Ms. plr. giugador - fm. giurisperì - n. (pr. \ ji[ue]risper'i \ ) Ms. plr. giurisperì - fm.
sng. and plr. giugadora, giugadore. - 1) - player. - 2) - sng. and plr. giurisperìa, giurisperìe. - jurisconsult,
gambler. jurisprudent.
giugarin - adj. (pr. \ ji[ue]g&r'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. giugarin - giurisprudensa - n. f. (pr. \ ji[ue]rispr[ue]d'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr.
fm. sng. and plr. giugarin-a, giugarin-e. - playful, giusisprudense. - jurisprudence. See also the term
frolicsome, gamesome. "giure".
giugaté - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ ji[ue]g&t'e \ ) - to play, to giurisprudensial - adj. (pr. \ ji[ue]rispr[ue]d'æ[ng]si'&l \ ) Ms.
toy. See also the term "giughëtté ". It uses the aux. "avèj ". plr. giurisprudensiaj - fm. sng. and plr. giurisprudensial,
giughé - vrb 1st con. int. and trs. (pr. \ ji[ue]g'e \ ) - See giué. giurisprudensiaj. - jurisprudential.
giughésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ ji[ue]g'ese \ ) - 1) - to giurista - n. (pr. \ ji[ue]r'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. giurista - fm. sng. and
gamble away, to lose. - 2) - to bet. plr. giurista, giuriste. - jurist.
giughet - n. m. (pr. \ ji[ue]g'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - diversion. gius - n. m. (pr. \ ji'[ue]z \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - juice. - 2) - gist,
- 2) - joke. - 3) - trick. - 4) - child's play, easy work (in a pith, essence (in a fig. sense). - 3) - sap (botany). In this
fig. sense). See also the term "giughin". sense see also the term "sava". In general see also the term
giughëtté - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ ji[ue]g&tt'e \ ) - See giugaté. "giuss". The expression "pien ëd gius" means "juicy" or
giughin - n. m. (pr. \ ji[ue]g'i[ng] \ ) - See giughet. "judicious, sensible".

giuschiam - n. m. (pr. \ ji[ue]ski'&m \ ) Inv. at plr. - henbane giustissié - 2) - n. (pr. \ ji[ue]stisi'e \ ) Ms. plr. giustissié - fm.
(botany - Hyoscyamus niger). sng. and plr. giustissiera, giustissere. - executioner.
giusé - n. m. (pr. \ ji[ue]z'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - gizzard (birds). Giusù - n. m. (pr. \ ji[ue]z'[ue] \ ) - See Gesù.
Giusep - n. m. (pr. \ ji[ue]z'æp \ ) Only sng. (noun of person) In giutal - n. m. (pr. \ ji[ue]t'&l \ ) - See gital.
case of need inv. at plr. - Joseph. giutalin - n. m. (pr. \ ji[ue]t&l'i[ng] \ ) - See gitalin.
Giusepin-a - n. m. (pr. \ ji[ue]zep'i[ng]& \ ) Only sng. (noun of giuté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ ji[ue]t'e \ ) - to help, to assist, to
person) In case of need at plr. Giusepin-e. - Josephine. relieve, to aid.
giusmin - n. m. (pr. \ ji[ue]zm'i[ng] \ ) - See gelsomin. giutésse - vrb 1st con. refl. and recp. (pr. \ ji[ue]t'ese \ ) - 1) - to
giuss - n. m. (pr. \ ji'[ue]s \ ) - See gius. help oneself (refl.). - 2) - to help each other (refl.).
giust - 1) - adj. and n. (pr. \ ji'[ue]st \ ) Ms. plr. giust - fm. sng. Sometimes (in particular in the alpine area west of Turin)
and plr. giusta, giuste. - 1) - just, fair (adj.). - 2) - correct, this form means simply "to help".
exact (adj.). - 3) - well-deserved (adj.). - 4) - lawful, giuvé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ ji[ue]t'e \ ) - See giué.
legitimate (adj.). - 5) - just person (sbst.). givo - n. m. (pr. \ j'iwu ; j'iu\ ) Inv. at plr. - cockchafer, May-
giust - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ ji'[ue]st \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - the right. - bug (zoology - Melolontha melolontha). See also the
2) - one's due. terms "ghebra, caquara, quaquara". A way of saying :
giust! - 3) - excl. (pr. \ ji'[ue]st \ ) - just so!, right on!. "prediché ai givo" lit. "to preach to cockchafers" "to
giusta - adv. (pr. \ ji'[ue]st& \ ) - 1) - rightly. - 2) - fairly. - 3) talk to the wall , to speak to deaf ears".
- exactly, just. See also the term "giustament ". glacial - adj. (pr. \ gl&[ch]i'&l \ ) - glacial (geology). See also
giustadura - n. f. (pr. \ ji[ue]st&d'[ue]r&\ ) At plr. giustadure. the term "giassal, glassial ".
- 1) - mending, repairing, repair. - 2) - settlement. glaciassion - n. f. (pr. \ gl&[ch]i&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
giustagi - n. m. (pr. \ ji[ue]st'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - adjustment, glaciation.
fitting (mechanics). glaciologìa - n. f. (pr. \ gl&[ch]iuluj'i& \ ) At plr. glaciologìe. -
giustament - adv. (pr. \ ji[ue]st&m'ænt \ ) - 1) - rightly. - 2) - glaciology.
fairly. - 3) - exactly, just. Italianism quite used. See also glaciòlogh - n. (pr. \ gl&[ch]i'olug \ ) Ms. plr. glaciòlogh - fm.
the terms "giusta, giust" and the loc. "an manera giusta". sng. and plr. glaciòloga, glaciòloghe. - glaciologist.
giusté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ ji[ue]st'e \ ) - 1) - to mend, to gladiator - n. m. (pr. \ gl&di&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - gladiator.
repair, to trim. In this sense see also the term "rangé ". - gladieul - n. m. (pr. \ gl&di'[oe]l \ ) At plr. gladieuj. -
2) - to adjust, to fit (mechanics). - 3) - to settle, to right. gladiolus, sword-lily (botany - Gladiolus).
In this sense see also the term "rangé ". glan - n. m. (pr. \ gl&[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - small tassel.
giustésse - vrb 1st con. recp. (pr. \ ji[ue]st'ese \ ) - to reach an glassa - n. f. (pr. \ gl'&s& \ ) At plr. glasse. - icing (cooking -
agreement. See also the term "rangésse". covering with sugar).
giusteur - n. m. (pr. \ ji[ue]st'[oe]r \ ) Inv. at plr. - fitter. glassà - adj. (pr. \ gl&s'& \ ) - See glassé 1).
giustëssa - n. f. (pr. \ ji[ue]st'&ss& \ ) At plr. (when applicable) glassé - 1) - adj. (pr. \ gl&s'e \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - iced,
giustësse. - 1) - exactness, correctness, accuracy. - 2) - glazed. (cooking)
line-width (typography). glassé - 2) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ gl&s'e \ ) - to ice, to glaze
giustìfica - n. f. (pr. \ ji[ue]st'ific& \ ) At plr. giustìfiche. - (cooking).
justification, excuse. See also the terms "giustificativa, glassial - adj. (pr. \ gl&si'&l \ ) - See glacial.
giustificassion". glen - n. m. (pr. \ glæ[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - glene, glenoid cavity
giustificà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ ji[ue]stific'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and (anatomy).
nr. - justified. glicemìa - n. f. (pr. \ gli[ch]em'i& \ ) At plr. glicemìe. -
giustificàbil - adj. (pr. \ ji[ue]stific'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. glycaemia (medical). See also the term "glissemìa".
giustificàbij - fm. sng. and plr. giustificàbil, giustificàbij. glicémich - adj. (pr. \ gli[ch]'emic \ ) Ms. plr. glicémich - fm.
- justifiable. sng. and plr. glicémica, glicémiche. - glycaemic.(medical).
giustificant - adj. (pr. \ ji[ue]stific'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. giustificant See also the term "glissémich ".
- fm. sng. and plr. giustificanta, giustificante. - 1) - glicérich - adj. (pr. \ gli[ch]'eric \ ) Ms. plr. glicérich - fm. sng.
justifying. - 2) - redeeming (religion). and plr. glicérica, glicériche. - glyceric (chemistry). See
giustificassion - n. f. (pr. \ ji[ue]stific&si'u[ng] \ ) - See also the term "glissérich ".
giustìfica. glicérid - n. m. (pr. \ gli[ch]'erid \ ) Inv. at plr. - glyceride
giustificativ - 1) - adj. (pr. \ ji[ue]stific&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. (chemistry). See also the term "glissérid ".
giustificativ - fm. sng. and plr. giustificativa, glicerìn-a - n. f. (pr. \ gli[ch]er'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. glicerin-e. -
giustificative. - justificative. glycerine, glycerol. See also the term "glisserin-a".
giustificativ - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ ji[ue]stific&t'iu \ ) Inv. at plr. - glìcin - n. m. (pr. \ gl'i[ch]i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - wistaria,
voucher, receipt. wisteria (botany - Wistaria sinensis). See also the terms
giustificativa - n. f. (pr. \ ji[ue]stific&t'iv& \ ) - See giustìfica. "glìcine, glìssin, glìssine".
giustificatòri - adj. (pr. \ ji[ue]stific&t'ori \ ) Ms. plr. glìcine. - n. m. (pr. \ gl'i[ch]ine \ ) - See glicin.
giustificatòri - fm. sng. and plr. giustificatòria, glìcol - n. m. (pr. \ gl'icul \ ) At plr. glìcoj - glycol (chemistry).
giustificatorie. - justificatory, justificative, justifying. gliss - adj. (pr. \ gl'is \ ) Ms. plr. gliss - fm. sng. and plr. glissa,
giustifiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ ji[ue]stifik'e \ ) - 1) - to glisse. - slippery, slithery. See also the term "glissant".
justify. - 2) - to excuse. glissant - adj. (pr. \ glis'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. glissant - fm. sng. and
giustìssia - n. f. (pr. \ ji[ue]st'isi& \ ) At plr. giustìssie. - 1) - plr. glissanta, glissante. - slippery, slithery. See also the
justice, fairness, equity. - 2) - law, justice. term "gliss, sglissant". The expression "paròla glissanta"
giustissià - n. and adj. and p. p. (pr. \ ji[ue]stisi'& \ ) Inv. in means "proparoxytone" (grammar).
gnd. and nr. - 1) - executed (adj. and p. p. ). - 2) - executed glissé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ glis'e \ ) - 1) - to slip, to slide, to
person (sbst.). slither. - 2) - to pass over, to overlook. See also the term
giustissiàbil - adj. (pr. \ ji[ue]stisi'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. giustissiàbij "sglissé ". Usually it uses the aux. "esse" when the action is
- fm. sng. and plr. giustissiàbil, giustissiàbij. - executable. accidental, and the aux. "avèj " if the action is made on
giustissié - 1) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ ji[ue]stisi'e \ ) - to purpose. It can also have trs. meaning.
execute, to put to death. glissemìa - n. f. (pr. \ glisem'i& \ ) - See glicemìa.
glissémich - adj. (pr. \ glis'emic \ ) - See glicémich.

glissérich - adj. (pr. \ glis'eric \ ) - See glicérich. glutamà - n. m. (pr. \ gl[ue]t&'m& \ ) Inv. at plr. - glutamate
glissérid - n. m. (pr. \ glis'erid \ ) - See glicérid. (chemistry).
glisserin-a - n. f. (pr. \ gliser'i[ng]& \ ) - See glicerin-a. glutàmich - adj. (pr. \ gl[ue]t'&mic \ ) Ms. plr. glutàmich - fm.
glissésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ glis'ese \ ) - to get in, to slip sng. and plr. glutàmica, glutàmiche. - glutaminic,
in, to sneak. glutamic (chemistry).
glìssin - n. m. (pr. \ gl'isin \ ) - See glicin. glutamin-a - n. f. (pr. \gl[ue]t&m'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. glutamin-e.
glìssine - n. m. (pr. \ gl'isine \ ) - See glicin. - glutamine (chemistry).
global - adj. (pr. \ glub'&l \ ) Ms. plr. globaj - fm. sng. and plr. glùtin - n. m. (pr. \ gl'[ue]ti[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - gluten.
global, globaj. - global, comprehensive, all-inclusive, glutinà - adj. (pr. \ gl[ue]tin'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - gluten
total, over-all (as an attribute). (as an attribute).
globalism - n. m. (pr. \ glub&l'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - global gnach - adj. (pr. \ [gn]&c \ ) Ms. plr. gnach - fm. sng. and plr.
method. gnaca, gnache. - 1) - not well leavened, not well cooked
globalità - n. f. (pr. \ glub&lit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - globality. (bread, cakes, etc.). - 2) - stockt, squat, short and fat.
globet - n. m. (pr. \ glub'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - small globe, (persons and animals). See also the term "gnech ".
sphere. The term is a diminutive of the term "glòb". gnàchere - n. f. plr. (pr. \ [gn]'&kere \ ) Only plr. - castanets
globëttin - n. m. (pr. \ glub&tt'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - small globe, (music). See also the term "nàchere".
small sphere. (diminutive of the term "globet"). gnàcio - n. m. (pr. \ [gn]'&[ch]iu \ ) Inv. at plr. - chestnut cake
globular - adj. (pr. \ glub[ue]l'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - (cooking). See also the term "castagnacio".
globular, globe-shaped. gnàgnara - n. f. (pr. \ [gn]'&[gn]&r& \ ) At plr. gnàgnare. -
globulin-a - n. f. (pr. \ glub[ue]l'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. globulin-e. - boredom, tedium, bother. See also the terms "gnàgnera,
globulin, globuline. gnàgnora".
globulos - adj. (pr. \ glub[ue]l'uz \ ) Ms. plr. globulos - fm. sng. gnàgnera - n. f. (pr. \ [gn]'&[gn]er& \ ) - See gnàgnara.
and plr. globulosa, globulose. - globular. gnàgnora - n. f. (pr. \ [gn]'&[gn]ur& \ ) - See gnàgnara.
gloriapatri - n. m. (pr. \ gluri&p'&tri ; glori&p'&tri \ ) Inv. at gnanca - adv. and cng. . (pr. \ [gn]'&[ng]c& \ ) - 1) - not...
plr. The second pronunciation is the Latine one. - 1) - even (adv.). - 2) - without... even (adv.). - 3) - nor,
praise, laud (with a bit of ironical sense). - 2) - scolding, neither, not... either (cng.). E.g. - A) - "chèl a vnirà nen,
rebuke. gnanca s'it lo ciame" "he won't come, not even if you call
glorié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ gluri'e \ ) - to glorify, to exalt, to him". - B) - "l'has-to capìlo? - nò - mi gnanca" - "have you
extol. understood it ? - no - neither did I ".
gloriésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ gluri'ese \ ) - to be proud gnao - excl. and n. m. (pr. \ [gn]'&u \ ) - See gnàu.
(of), to pride oneself. to boast. gnapi - n. m. (pr. \ [gn]'&pi \ ) Inv. at plr. - backward person,
gloriëtta - n. f. (pr. \ gluri'&tt& \ ) At plr. gloriëtte. - 1) - small slow-witted person. Used only at ms.
glory, small honour. - 2) - vanity, conceit (in a fig. gnard - adj. (pr. \ [gn]&rd \ ) Ms. plr. gnard - fm. sng. and plr.
sense). gnarda, gnarde. - 1) - affected, mawkish, mincing. - 2) -
glorificassion - n. f. (pr. \ glurific&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - loving to be cuddled. In this sense see also the term
glorification. "puss".
glorifiché - vrb 1st con. trs. - (pr. \ glurifik'e \ ) - to glorify, to gnardon - n. (pr. \ [gn]&rd'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. gnardon - fm.
honour, to exalt. sng. and plr. gnardon-a, gnardon-e. - 1) - affected
glorios - adj. (pr. \ gluri'uz \ ) Ms. plr. glorios - fm. sng. and person, mawkish person. - 2) - cuddlesome.
plr. gloriosa, glorose. - 1) - glorious, illustrious. - 2) - gnàu - excl. and n. m. (pr. \ [gn]'&u \ ) Inv. at plr. (when
glorified (religion). applicable) - miaow, mew. See also the terms "gnao,
gloriussa - n. f. (pr. \ gluri'[ue]s& \ ) At plr. gloriusse. - small miàu".
glory, small honour. gnaugnada - n. f. (pr. \[gn]&u[gn]'&d&\ ) At plr. gnaugnade.
glossa - n. f. (pr. \ gl'us& \ ) At plr. glosse. - gloss, annotation, - 1) - mewing, mew, miaowing. - 2) - affectation,
marginal note. See also the term "glòssa". mawkishness (in a fig. sense). - 3) - complaint,
glossador - n. m. (pr. \ glus&d'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - lamentations, whining (in a fig. sense). - See also the
glossarist, annotator. - 2) - glossator (history). terms "gniaulada, miaulada".
glossari - n. m. (pr. \ glus'&ri \ ) Inv. at plr. - glossary. gnaugné - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ [gn]&u[gn]'e \ ) - 1) - to mew,
glossé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ glus'e \ ) - to annotate, to gloss. to miaow. - 2) - to mewl, to whine. For the meanings 1)
glotologìa - n. f. (pr. \ glutuluj'i& \ ) At plr. glotologìe. - and 2) see also the terms "gnaulé, miaulé". - 3) - to fondle,
glottology. to pet, to cuddle. For the meaning 3) see also the terms
glotològich - adj. (pr. \ glutul'ojic \ ) Ms. plr. glotològich - fm. "gnogné, pussié ". - 4) - to hedge, to hesitate.
sng. and plr. glotològica, glotològiche. - glottologic, gnaugnon - n. (pr. \ [gn]&u[gn]'u[ng] \ ) ) Ms. plr. gnaugnon -
glottological. fm. sng. and plr. gnaugnon-a, gnaugnon-e. - 1) - whiner,
glotòlogh - n. (pr. \ glut'olug \ ) Ms. plr. glotòlogh - fm. sng. whimperer. - 2) - affected, mawkish, mincing. In this
and plr. glotòloga, glotòloghe. - glottologist. sense see also the term "gnard, gnardon". - See also in
glòb - n. m. (pr. \ gl'ob \ ) Inv. at plr. - globe. See also the term general the term "gnaulon".
"glòbo". gnaulada - n. f. (pr. \[gn]&ul'&d&\ ) At plr. gnaulade. - 1) -
glòbo - n. m. (pr. \ gl'obô \ ) Inv. at plr. - globe. See also the mewing, mew, miaowing. - 2) - affectation, mawkishness
term "glòb". (in a fig. sense). - 3) - complaint, whining (in a fig. sense).
glòbol - n. m. (pr. \ gl'obul \ ) At plr. glòboj - 1) - globule. - 2) - See also the terms "gnaugnada, miaulada".
- blood cell, corpuscle (biology). gnaulé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ [gn]&ul'e \ ) - 1) - to mew, to
glòria - n. f. (pr. \ gl'ori& \ ) At plr. glòrie. - 1) - glory. - 2) - miaow. - 2) - to mewl, to whine. - See also the terms
fame, renown. - 3) - pride. - 4) - gloria (music, religion). "gnaugné, miaulé".
glòssa - n. f. (pr. \ gl'os& \ ) At plr. glòsse. - gloss, annotation, gnaulon - n. (pr. \ [gn]&ul'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. gnaulon - fm. sng.
marginal note. See also the term "glossa". and plr. gnaulon-a, gnaulon-e. - 1) - mewer. - 2) - mewler
glucòsi - n. m. (pr. \ gl[ue]c'ozi \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - glucose (in a fig. sense). See also the term "miaulon".
(chemistry). gnech - 1) - adj. (pr. \ [gn]æc \ ) Ms. plr. gnech - fm. sng. and
plr. gnëcca, gnëcche. - 1) - not well leavened, not well

cooked (bread, cakes, etc.). - 2) - stockt, squat, short and gnuch - n. and adj. (pr. \ [gn]'[ue]c \ ) Ms. plr. gnuch - fm. sng.
fat. (persons and animals).See also the term "gnach ". and plr. gnuca, gnuche. - 1) - stubborn. - 2) - stubborn
gnech - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ [gn]æc \ ) Inv. at plr. - heavy fall, person.
nasty tumble. See also the terms "patagnech, pëggio, gnun - 1) - prn. indf. and adj. indf. (pr. \ [gn]'[ue][ng] \ ) Ms.
robaton". plr. gnun - fm. sng. and plr. gnun-a, gnun-e. - 1) - no,
gnèiss - n. m. (pr. \ gn'æis \ ) Inv. at plr. - gneiss (geology). not... any (adj.). - 2) - any (adj.). E. g. "sòn a l'ha gnun
Note the different pronunciation of the group "gn". valor" = "this is of no value, this has not any value". Some
gnente - 1) - prn. indf. and adj. indf. (pr. \ [gn]'ænte \ ) Inv. in expressions : "an gnun-e manere" "in no wise, on no
gnd. and nr. - 1) - nothing, not... anything (prn.). E. g. accout, not at all ".- "pà gnun problema" "no problem at
"gnente 'd neuw për ancheuj" nothing new for today". - all ". - 3) - nobody, no one (prn.). - 4) - not... anybody,
"it sas gnente" "you do not know anything". - 2) - not... anyone (prn.). - 5) - none. E. g. "ancheuj i l'hai vist
anything (prn.). E. g. "it l'has gnente da déme? " "have gnun" "today I have seen nobody" - "gnun ëd lor a l'é
you anything to give me? ". Some expressions : A) - "për rivà an ponta" "none of them arrived on top". See also
gnente ! " "absolutely not, not at all " ; "për gnente as fà the term "nsun", and the loc. "gnanca un" having also the
gnente " "for nothing , nothing can be done" ; "vende për meaning "not even one".
gnente" "to sell at a very low price" ; "travajé për gnun - 2) - n. (pr. \ [gn]'[ue][ng] \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
gnente" "to work in a useless way" or "to work without person of no value, nobody.
an earning" ; - B) - "coma gnente" "in a very easy way" ; gobass - n. (pr. \ gub'&s \ ) Ms. plr. gobass - fm. sng. and plr.
"a-i fà pa gnente" "it doesen't matter". - 3) - no, not... gobassa, gobasse. - (bad) humpback, (big) humpback.
any (adj.). E. g. "i l'hai gnente salada" "I have no salad", The pejorative form has not a pejorative meaning but an
"I have not any salad ". - See also the terms "niente, nèn". affable one (this is quite common in Piedm.).
gnente - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ [gn]'ænte \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - nothing, gobassa - n. f. (pr. \ gub'&s& \ ) At plr. gobasse. - big hump.
nothingness. - 2) - slightest thing. - See also the term The pejorative form has not a pejorative meaning but an
"niente". affable one (this is quite common in Piedm.).
gnente - 3) - adv. (pr. \ [gn]'ænte \ ) - nothing, not...anyting - gobé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ gub'e \ ) - 1) - to work hard, to
See also the term "niente". drudge. - 2) - to try hard, to do one's best (in a fig.
gnentemeno - adv. (pr. \ [gn]æntem'enu \ ) - no less, nothing sense). - See also the terms "gubé, gumé, sgobé ".
less. gobet - n. (pr. \ gub'æt \ ) Ms. plr. gobet - fm. sng. and plr.
gnep - n. m. (pr. \ [gn]æp \ ) Inv. at plr. - snipe (zoology - gobëtta, gobëtte. - little humpback person. See also the
Capella gallinago). See also the terms "becassin, gnip". term "gobeto".
gnèro - n. (pr. \ [gn]'æru \ ) Ms. plr. gnèro - fm. sng. and plr. gobeta - n. f. (pr. \ gub'et& \ ) At plr. gobete. - small hump,
gnèra, gnère. - 1) - baby, child. - 2) - short person. small hunch.
gnifa - n. f. (pr. \ [gn]'if& \ ) At plr. gnife. - face of a child gobeto - n. (pr. \ gub'etu \ ) Ms. plr. gobeto - fm. sng. and plr.
coming before the crying. See also the term "bòba". gobeta, gobete. - little humpback person. See also the
gnip - n. m. (pr. \ [gn]ip \ ) - See gnep. term "gobet".
gnognada - n. f. (pr. \[gn]u[gn]'&d&\ ) At plr. gnugnade. - gobëlen - n. m. (pr. \ gub&l'æ[ng] \ ) - See goblen.
long series of blandishments or waverings. goblen - n. m. (pr. \ gubl'æ[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - tapestry.
gnogné - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ [gn]u[gn]'e \ ) - 1) - to fondle, to goblet - n. m. (pr. \ gubl'æt \ ) - See goblòt.
pet, to cuddle. - 4) - to hedge, to hesitate. See also the goblotass - n. m. (pr. \ gublut'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - large glass of
terms "gnaugné 3rd and 4th meaning, pussié". wine, large goblet of wine. See also the term "gobloton".
gnomet - n. m. (pr. \ [gn]um'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - gnome, goblin goblotin - n. m. (pr. \ gublut'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - small glass
gnosticism - n. m. (pr. \ [gn]usti[ch]'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - of wine, small goblet of wine.
gnosticism (phylosophy, religion). gobloton - n. m. (pr. \ gublut'u[ng] \ ) - See goblotass.
gnòca - n. f. (pr. \ [gn]'oc& \ ) At plr. gnòche. - swelling, gobloté - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ gublut'e \ ) - to drink, to toast a
bump, lump, protuberance. The expression "gavésse la drink. It uses the aux. "avèj ".
gnòca" means "to satisfy a whim" or "to get rid of a whim" goblòt - n. m. (pr. \ gubl'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - glass of wine,
or "to grow clever". goblet of wine. See also the term "goblet ".
gnòch - n. m. (pr. \ [gn]'oc \ ) Inv. ar plr. - 1) - clot, lump goblù - adj. (pr. \ gubl'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. goblù - fm. sng. and plr.
(quite big dimension). - 2) - "gnocchi" (cooking, at plr.) In goblùa, goblùe. - humpbacked, hunchbacked.
Piedm. these "gnòch" are made with potatoes and wheat. - godé - n. m. (pr. \ gud'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - flare (fashion).
3) - blockhead. godévol - adj. (pr. \ gud'evul \ ) - See godìbil.
gnòche - n. f. plr. (pr. \ [gn]'oke \ ) Only plr. - blows, beating. godìbil - adj. (pr. \ gud'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. godìbij - fm. sng. and
See also the terms "lëcche, bòte". plr. godìbil, godìbij. - enjoyable.
gnògna - n. f. (pr. \ [gn]'o[gn]& \ ) At plr. gnògne. - godiment - n. m. (pr. \ gudim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
tenderness, caress, blandishment. enjoyment, pleasure, delight. - 2) - possession, usufruct
gnòmich - adj. (pr. \ [gn]'omic \ ) Ms. plr. gnòmich - fm. sng. (legal). In this sense see also the term "gòdita".
and plr. gnòmica, gnòmiche. - gnomic. godron - n. m. (pr. \ gudr'u[ng] \ ) - 1) - tar. In this sense see
gnònio - n. m. (pr. \ [gn]'oniu \ ) Inv. at plr. - noniom also the term "catram". - 2) - knurl (mechanics).
(measurement tool). See the most common term "nònio". gordoné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ gudrun'e \ ) - 1) - to tar. In this
gnòsi - n. m. (pr. \ [gn]'oniu \ ) Inv. at plr. - Inv. at plr. - gnosis sense see also the terms "angodroné, ancatramé ". - 2) - to
(phylosophy). knurl (mechanics).
gnòstich - adj. and n. (pr. \ [gn]'ostic \ ) Inv. at plr. - gnostic. godùa - n. f. (pr. \ gud'[ue]& \ ) At plr. godùe. - enjoyment,
(phylosophy, religion). pleasure, fun.
gnuca - n. f. (pr. \ [gn]'[ue]c& \ ) At plr. gnuche. - nape (of the goèrn - n. m. (pr. \ gu'ærn \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - government,
neck), nucha (anatomy). See also the term "cupiss". rule. - 2) - administration. See also the term "govern,
gnucà - n. f. (pr. \ [gn][ue]c'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - bang with the guern".
head, bang with the nape. goerna - n. f. (pr. \ gu'ærn& \ ) At plr. goerne. - care, custody,
guardianship. See also the term "guerna".

goernàbil - adj. (pr. \ guærn'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. goernàbij - fm. gomià - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ gumi'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - push with the
sng. and plr. goernàbil, goernàbij. - 1) - that can be elbow. See also the terms "gomionà, ghëmmonà".
preserved. - 2) - that can be looked after. - 3) - that can gomié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ gumi'e \ ) - to elbow, to push
be held in custody. See also the term "governàbil ". with elbows. See also the terms "gomioné, ghëmmoné "
goerné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ guærn'e \ ) - 1) - to keep, to gomiésse - vrb 1st con. recp. (pr. \ gumi'ese \ ) - to elbow each
guard, to preserve. - 2) - to take care (of), to look after. - other, to push each other with elbows. See also the terms
3) - to hold in custody. See also the term "guerné". "gomionésse, ghëmmonésse ".
gofada - n. f. (pr. \ guf'&d& \ ) At plr. gofade. - 1) - gomin - n. m. (pr. \ gum'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - rubber top,
awkwardness, clumsiness. - 2) - blunder, awkward rubber cap.
action. See also the term "gofarìa". gomionà - n. f. (pr. \ gumiun'& \ ) - See gomià 2).
gofarìa - n. f. (pr. \ guf&r'i& \ ) - See gofada. gomionésse - vrb 1st con. recp. (pr. \ gumiun'ese \ ) - See
gofragi - n. m. (pr. \ gufr'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - embossing gomiésse.
(mechanics). See also the term "gofrura". gomitada - n. f. (pr. \ gumit'&d& \ ) At plr. gomitade. -
gofré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ gufr'e \ ) - to emboss (mechanics). vomition, vomiting. See also the term "gumitada,
gofrura - n. f. (pr. \ gufr'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. gofrure. - vomitada".
embossing (mechanics). See also the term "gofragi". gomité - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ gumit'e \ ) - to vomit, to
gogala - n. f. (pr. \ gug'&l& \ ) At plr. gogale. - 1) - bubble. - throw up. See also the term "gumité, vomité ", and the very
2) - blister, pustule (medical). See also the terms "gògola, commonly used vrbl. loc. "campé via" (lit. "to throw
gòla". away").
goghëtta - n. f. (pr. \ gug'&tt& \ ) At plr. goghëtte. - carousal, gomitiss - n. m. (pr. \ gumit'is \ ) Inv. at plr. - vomit, what is
debauch, orgy. See also the term "gòga-migòga" vomited. See also the terms "gomitum, gomitura,
goitro - n. m. (pr. \ g'uitru \ ) Inv. at plr. - goitre (ironical). See vomitura".
also the terms "gosé, gavass". gomitiv - 1) - adj. (pr. \ gumit'iu \ ) Ms. plr. gomitiv - fm. sng.
goj - n. m. (pr. \ guy \ ) Inv. at plr. - puddle, pool. See also the and plr. gomitiva, gomitive. - emetic. See also the terms
terms " gheu, gheuj, goja, gòja". "emétich, gumitiv, vomitiv".
goja - n. f. (pr. \ g'uy& \ ) - See goj. gomitiv - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ gumit'iu \ ) Inv. at plr. - emetic. See
gojim - n. (pr. \ guy'im \ ) Ms. plr. gojim - fm. sng. and plr. also the terms "emétich, gumitiv, vomitiv".
gojima, gojime. - Christian. Voice of the Jewish-Piedm. gomitum - n. m. (pr. \ gumit'[ue]m \ ) - See gomitiss.
slang. gomitura - n. f. (pr. \ gumit'[ue]r& \ ) - See gomitiss.
gola - n. f. (pr. \ g'ul& \ ) At plr. gole. - 1) - throat (anatomy). - gomo - n. m. (pr. \ g'umu \ ) Inv. at plr. - elbow. See also the
2) - gluttony (in a fig. sense). - 3) - gorge (geograpy). - 4) - term "ghëmmo".
groove, race (mechanics). gomon - n. m. (pr. \ gum'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - rubber dinghy.
golà - n. f. (pr. \ gul'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - sip, gulp, graught. - gomos - adj. - (pr. \ gum'uz \ ) Ms. plr. gomos - fm. sng. and
2) - blow with a whip. plr. gomosa, gomose. - gummy.
golëtta - n. f. (pr. \ gul'&tt& \ ) At plr. golëtte. - 1) - schooner gomosità - n. f. (pr. \ gumuzit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - gumminess.
(navy). - 2) - collar for priests. góndola - n. f. (pr. \ g'undul& \ ) At plr. góndole. - 1) -
goliard - adj. and. n. (pr. \ guli'&rd \ ) Ms. plr. goliard - fm. gondola (boat). - 2) - nacelle (plane motors).
sng. and plr. goliarda, goliarde. - 1) - greedy, gluttonous gondolié - n. m. (pr. \ gunduli'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - gondolier.
(adj.). In this sense see also the term "galup" - 2) - glutton gondolin - n. m. (pr. \ gunduli'[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - small
(sbst.). - 3) - university student (sbst.). gondola. See also the term "gondolin-a".
goliardìa - n. f. (pr. \ guli&rd'i& \ ) At plr. goliardìe. - gondolin-a - n. f. (pr. \ gunduli'[ng]& \ ) - See gondolin.
university spirit. gonél - n. m. (pr. \ gun'el \ ) At plr. gonéj. - apron, big apron
goliàrdich - adj. (pr. \ guli'&rdic \ ) Ms. plr. goliàrdich - fm. for some agricultural works.
sng. and plr. goliàrdica, goliàrdiche. - student, university Gonela (caval ëd ---) - sbst. loc. (pr. \ &l c&v&l &d gun'el& \ )
(as attributes). - This is a piedm. way of saying, indicating something (or
golos - adj. and n. (pr. \ gul'uz \ ) Ms. plr. golos - fm. sng. and someone) very defective, full of problems. The original
plr. golosa, golose. - 1) - greedy, gluttonous (adj.). - 2) - way of saying is "avej pì vissi dël caval ëd Gonela" lit.
glutton, gourmand (sbst.). - See also the term "goliard ". "to have more defects (bad habits) than the Gonela's
golosità - n. f. (pr. \ guluzit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - greediness. - horse" (which had, according to the saying, 366 defects).
2) - titbit. gonfalon - n. m. (pr. \ gu[ng]f&l'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
golù (pòis ---) - loc. sbst. (pr. \ p'oiz gul'[ue] \ ) Inv. at plr. - a banner. - 2) - gonfalon (history).
type of pea. gonfalonié - n. m. (pr. \ gu[ng]f&luni'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
goma - n. m. (pr. \ g'um& \ ) At plr. (when applicable) gome. - banner-bearer. - 2) - gonfalonier.
1) - rubber, India rubber. - 2) - eraser, rubber. - 3) - gonfi - adj. (pr. \ g'u[ng]fi \ ) Ms. plr. gonfi - fm. sng. and plr.
gum. - 4) - tyre. gonfia, gonfie. - 1) - swollen. - 2) - blown up, inflated. -
gomà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ gum'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - 3) - bombastic (style).- 4) - conceited, bumptious. In a
gummed. - 2) - rubberized (texile). - 3) - with tyre(s). In fig. sense).
the meanings 1) and 2) see also the term "angomà". gonfia - n. f. (pr. \ g'u[ng]fi& \ ) At plr. gonfie. - accumulation
gomapiuma - n. f. (pr. \ gum&pi'[ue]m& \ ) At plr. (if any) of clouds forecasting a storm.
gomepiuma. - foam-rubber. gonfià - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ gu[ng]fi'& \ ) - Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
gomba - n. f. (pr. \ g'umb& \ ) At plr. gombe. - 1) - curvature, 1) - blown up, inflated, pumped up. - 2) - puffed up,
bending. - 2) - camber (mechanics). conceited (in a fig. sense).
gombé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ gumb'e \ ) - to bend, to curve. gonfiada - n. f. (pr. \ gu[ng]fi'&d& \ ) At plr. gonfiade. - 1) -
gombù - adj. (pr. \ gumb'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. gombù - fm. sng. and blowing up, swelling. - 2) - puffing up, exaggeration,
plr. gombùa, gombùe. - curved, bent, convex. puff (in a fig. sense). See also the term "gonfiura".
gomé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ gum'e \ ) - 1) - to gum. - 2) - to gonfiament - n. m. (pr. \ gu[ng]fi&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
rubberize. - 3) - to tyre. blowing up. - 2) - puffing up (in a fig. sense).
gomià - 1) - adj. (pr. \ gumi'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - leant on
elbows. See also the term "angomià ".

gonfié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ gu[ng]fi'e \ ) - 1) - to blow up, to gormëtta - n. f. (pr. \ gurm'&tt& \ ) At plr. gormëtte. - 1) -
inflate, to pump. - 2) - to swell. - 3) - to fill (sails). - 4) - curb. - 2) - chin-strap See also the terms "grumëtta,
to make bulge. - 5) - to puff, to boost, to magnify. gromëtta".
gonfiésse - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ gu[ng]fi'ese \ ) - 1) - to swell gorna - n. f. (pr. \ g'urn& \ ) At plr. gorne. - eaves gutter in
out. - 2) - to rise (rivers). stone, fixed in walls.
gonfiëssa - n. f. (pr. \ gu[ng]fi'&ss& \ ) At plr. gonfiësse. - gorzet - n. m. (pr. \ gurz'æt \ ) - See gorgera.
swelling. See also the term "gonfior". gosaja - n. f. (pr. \ j&n'[oe]ri& \ ) At plr. (if any) gosaje. -
gonfion - n. (pr. \ gu[ng]fi'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. gonfion - fm. sng. brood, tribe, evil breed, rabble, despicable people. See
and plr. gonfion-a, gonfion-e. - bore, bother, tiresome also the terms "genìa, gineuria, gentaja, gusaja, canaja,
person. See also the term "sgonfion". Note that "gonfion" gëneuria".
and "sgonfion" have the same meaning, but lit. the first gosé - n. m. (pr. \ guz'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - goitre (medical). In
could indicate "who inflates", and the second could indicate this sense the term is quite ironical. - 2) - throat, gullet
the opposite concept. "who deflates". mainly referred to birds and hens. See also the terms
gonfior - n. m . (pr. \ gu[ng]fi'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - swelling. See "goitro, gavass, goso".
also the term "gonfiëssa". goso - n. m. (pr. \ g'uzu \ ) - See gavass.
gonfiura - n. f. (pr. \ gu[ng]fi'[ue]r& \ ) - See gonfiada. goss - n. m. (pr. \ gus \ ) Inv. at plr. - sip, small gulp, drop. See
gonfjin - n. m. (pr. \ gu[ng]fy'i'[ng] \ ) small pump for also the terms "stiss, got 2nd meaning".
inflating toy-balloon and similar. gossa - n. f. (pr. \ g'us& \ ) At plr. gosse. - drop, drip. See also
gora - n. f. (pr. \ g'ur& \ ) At plr. gore. - osier, wicker. See the term "stissa".
also the terms "gorin, goret, ives ". gossé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ gus'e \ ) - 1) - to drip, to
goragn - adj. (pr. \ gur'&[gn] \ ) Ms. plr. goragn - fm. sng. and drop. (trs). - 2) - to drip, to tickle, to run (nose). (int.). It
plr. goragna, goragne. - 1) - leathery, tough. - 2) - uses always the aux. "avèj ". See also the terms "goté,
resistant, strong, hard. In this sense the term is mainly stissé ".
used referred to a person capable of physical or moral gosson - n. m. (pr. \ gus'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - big drop, drop
endurance. See also the term "goregn". of sweat.
gorbà - n. f. (pr. \ gurb'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - the content of a got - n. m. (pr. \ gut \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - mug, tankard. - 2) -
wicker basket which is called "gòrba" (see the term). sip, drop. In this sense see also the term "goss". - 3) - the
gorbasson - n. m. (pr. \ gurb&s'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - content of a mug.
impertinent boy, impolite boy. See also the term "gorbon gota - n. f. (pr. \ g'ut& \ ) At plr. (if any) gote. - gout (medical).
2nd meaning". goté - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ gut'e \ ) - See gossé.
gorbej - n. f. (pr. \ gurb'æy \ ) Inv. at plr. - corbeille, basket of gotos - adj. and n. (pr. \ gut'uz \ ) Ms. plr. gotos - fm. sng. and
flowers. plr. gotosa, gotose. - 1) - gouty (adj.). - 2) - gouty person
gorbela - n. f. (pr. \ gurb'el& \ ) At plr. gorbele. - round (sbst.).
basket for fruits. gotre - n. m. (pr. \ g'utre \ ) Inv. at plr. - throat.
gorbëtta - n. f. (pr. \ gurb'&tt& \ ) At plr. gorbëtte. - child, govern - n. m. (pr. \ guw'ærn \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - government,
little boy / girls (familiar expression). In spite of the fm. rule. - 2) - administration. See also the terms "goèrn,
gnd., the term is more often used for boys. guern".
gorbon - n. m. (pr. \ gurb'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - big wicker governàbil - adj. (pr. \ guwærn'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. governàbij -
basket. - 2) - impertinent boy, impolite boy.n In this fm. sng. and plr. governàbil, governàbij. - 1) - that can
sense see also the term "gorbasson". be preserved. - 2) - that can be looked after. - 3) - that
goré - n. m. (pr. \ gur'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - bed of rushes, willow- can be held in custody. For these three meanings see also
grove. the term "governàbil ". - 4) - governable.
gorègn - adj. (pr. \ gur'æ[gn] \ ) Ms. plr. goregn - fm. sng. and governador - n. m. (pr. \ guwærn&d'ur \ ) - See governator.
plr. gorëgna, gorëgne. - 1) - leathery, tough. - 2) - governant - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ guwærn'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. - ruler,
resistant, strong, hard. In this sense the term is mainly governor.
used referred to a person capable of physical or moral governant - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ guwærn'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. - nurse,
endurance. Note that at the fm. the pronunciation of the governess, baby sitter. See also the terms "nurs, bàila".
group [gn] is a bit stressed (as if it were a double governativ - adj. (pr. \ guwærn&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. governativ -
consonant). See also the term "goragn". fm. sng. and plr. governativa, governative. - government
goret - n. m. (pr. \ gur'æt \ ) - See gora. (as an attribute).
gorga - n. f. . (pr. \ g'urg& \ ) At plr. gorghe. - throat, throttle, governator - n. m. (pr. \ guwærn&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. -
gullet, wind-pipe. See also the terms "gòrga, gòrgia". governor.
gorgera - n. f. (pr. \ gurj'er& \ ) At plr. gorgere. - 1) - collar. governatorà - n. m. (pr. \ guwærn&tur'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
ruff. - 2) - gorget. - See also the term "gorzet ". governorship.
gorgh - n. m. (pr. \ gurg \ ) Inv. at plr. - eddy, whirpool, governé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ guwærn'e \ ) - 1) - to govern, to
vortex, maelstrom. rule, to control. - 2) - to direct, to manage, to run. - 3) -
gorghegé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ gurgej'e \ ) - to warble, to to look after. In this sense see also the terms "goèrné,
trill. It uses the aux. "avèj ". guerné".
gorghegg - n. m. (pr. \ gurg'ej \ ) Inv. at plr. - warble, trill, gòde - vrb 2nd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ g'ode \ ) - 1) - to enjoy, to
trilling. be glad (int.). - 2) - to enjoy (int.). - 3) - to enjoy, to take
gorgoj - n. m. (pr. \ gurg'uy \ ) - See gargoj. delight in (trs.). - 4) - to enjoy, to have (trs.).
gorgojé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ gurguy'e \ ) - See gargojé. gòdse - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ g'odse \ ) - to enjoy (for
gorgojon - n. m. (pr. \ gurguy'u[ng] \ ) - Inv. at plr. - aphis, oneself).
green-fly. (zoology - Aphis). gòdësla - vrb 2nd con. refl. + prn. (pr. \ g'odse \ ) - to have a
gorgojoné - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ gurguyun'e \ ) - See gargojé. good time, to enjoy oneself. (lit. to enjoy st. for oneself).
gorgonzòla - n. f. (pr. \ gurgu[ng]z'ol& \ ) At plr. gorgonzòle. - gòdita - n. f. (pr. \ g'odit& \ ) At plr. gòdite. - enjoyment,
Gorgonzola cheese. See also the terms "borgonzòla, possession, usufruct. See also the term "godiment".
bërgonzòla" gòf - adj. (pr. \ gof \ ) Ms. plr. gòf - fm. sng. and plr. gòfa, gòfe.
gorin - n. m. (pr. \ gur'i[ng] \ ) - See gora. - awkward, clumsy, embarrassed, ungainly.

gògo - n. (pr. \ g'ogu \ ) Ms. plr. gògo - fm. sng. and plr. gòga, gradual - 1) - adj. (pr. \ gr&du'&l \ ) Ms. plr. graduaj - fm.
gòghe. - simpleton, gull, fool. sng. and plr. gradual, graduaj. - gradual.
gògola - n. f. (pr. \ g'ogul& \ ) At plr. gògole. - 1) - bubble. - 2) gradual - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ gr&du'&l \ ) At plr. graduaj -
- blister, pustule (medical). See also the terms "gogala, gradual (religion).
gòla". gradualism - n. m. (pr. \ gr&du&l'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. -
gòj - n. m. (pr. \ g'oy \ ) Inv. at plr. - joy, gladness, delight. gradualism.
See also the term "argioissansa". gradualìstich - adj. (pr. \ gr&du&l'istic \ ) Ms. plr.
gòja - (pr. \ g'oy& \ ) At plr. gòje. - puddle, pool. See also the gradualìstich - fm. sng. and plr. gradualìstica,
terms " gheu, gheuj, goja, goj". gradualìstiche. - gradualistic.
gòl - n. m. (pr. \ g'ol \ ) At plr. gòj. - goal. gradualità - n. f. (pr. \ gr&du&lit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
gòla - n. f. (pr. \ g'ol& \ ) At plr. gòle. - See gògola. graduality, gradualness.
gòlf - n. m. (pr. \ g'olf \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - jersey, pullover, graduassion - n. f. (pr. \ gr&du&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - scale,
jumper, cardigan, sweater. - 2) - golf (sport) - 3) - gulf graduation.
(geography). graduatòria - n. f. (pr. \ gr&du&t'ori& \ ) At plr. graduatòrie.
gòmit - n. m. (pr. \ g'omit \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - vomiting, - 1) - classification. - 2) - list.
emesis. - 2) - vomit. See also the terms "vòmit, gumit ". gradué - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ gr&du'e \ ) - 1) - to graduate, to
gòrba - n. f. (pr. \ g'orb& \ ) At plr. gòrbe. - 1) - big wicker grade. - 2) - to graduate, to index, to scale. - 3) - to
basket. - 2) - boy, young boy (in a fig., familiar sense). confer a degree or a rank.
gòrbina - n. f. (pr. \ g'orbin& \ ) At plr. gòrbine. - prison, jail. graf - n. m. (pr. \ gr&f \ ) Inv. at plr. - brace (graphic sign
gòrga - n. f. (pr. \ g'org& \ ) - See gorga. connecting more lines). See also the terms "agraf, ciav".
gòrgia - n. f. (pr. \ g'orji& \ ) - See gorga. grafa - n. f. (pr. \ gr'&f& \ ) At plr. grafe. - 1) - staple, clip. -
gòtich - adj. - Ms. plr. gòtich - fm. sng. and plr. gòtica, 2) - cramp (buildings).
gòtiche. - 1) - Gotich. - 2) - strange, odd, eccentric, grafadura - n. f. (pr. \ gr&f&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. grafadure. -
bizarre. stapling.
grà - n. f. (pr. \ gr'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - grill, grating, lattice. - grafatriss - n. f. (pr. \ gr&f&tr'is \ ) Inv. at plr. - stapler.
2) - hurdle, trellis. grafé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ gr&f'e \ ) - 1) - to staple, to clip. -
gràcil - adj. (pr. \ gr'&[ch]il \ ) Ms. plr. gràcij - fm. sng. and 2) - to cramp (buildings).
plr. gràcil, gràcij. - delicate, frail, weak. See also the grafëtta - n. f. (pr. \ gr&f'&tt& \ ) At plr. grafëtte. - 1) - nail
term "dlicà ". with little plate for fixing wires on the wall. - 2) - staple,
gradass - n. (pr. \ gr&d'&s \ ) - Ms. plr. gradass - fm. sng. and clip. - 3) - cramp-iron (buildings).
plr. gradassa, gradasse. - braggart, blusterer, boaster. grafi - n. m. (pr. \ gr'&fi \ ) Inv. at plr. - grappling-iron,
See also the term "bravass". grapple, grapnel.
gradassion - n. f. (pr. \ gr&d&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - grafì - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ gr&f'i \ ) Inv. at plr. - graffito.
gradation, scale. - 2) - (alcoholic) strength. - 3) - shade grafì - 2) - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ gr&f'i \ ) - to scratch a
(colors). graffito. It uses the aux. "avèj ".
gradèivol - adj. (pr. \ gr&d'æivul \ ) Ms. plr. gradèivoj - fm. grafìa - n. f. (pr. \ gr&f'i& \ ) At plr. grafìe. - 1) -
sng. and plr. gradèivol, gradèivoj. - It is not impossible to handwriting, writing. - 2) - spelling.
find the declension Ms. plr. gradèivoj - fm. sng. and plr. gràfica - n. f. (pr. \ gr'&fic& \ ) At plr. gràfiche. - graphics.
gradèivola, gradèivole. - pleasant, agreeable, pleasing. gràfich - 1) - adj. (pr. \ gr'&fic \ ) Ms. plr. gràfich - fm. sng.
See also the term "gradévol ". and plr. gràfica, gràfiche. - graphic.
gradeivolëssa - n. f. (pr. \ gr&dæivul'&ss& \ ) At plr. (if any) gràfich - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ gr'&fic \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - graph,
gradeivolësse. - pleasantness, agreeableness. See also diagram. - 2) - graphic designer, printer, engraver.
the term "gradevolëssa". grafion - n. m. (pr. \ gr&fi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - clingstone
gradévol - adj. (pr. \ gr&d'evul \ ) - See gradèivol. cherry, type of piedm. white cherry.
gradevolëssa - n. f. (pr. \gr&devul'&ss&\ ) - See gradeivolëssa. grafitassion - n. f. (pr. \ gr&fit&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
gradì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ gr&d'i \ ) - 1) - to appreciate, to graphitization.
enjoy. - 2) - to like, to want. - 3) - to accept. See also the grafite - n. f. (pr. \ gr&f'ite \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - graphite
term "agradì ". (mineralogy).
gradient - n. m. (pr. \ gr&di'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - gradient grafité - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ gr&fit'e \ ) - to graphitize.
(physics, mathematics). grafologìa - n. f. (pr. \ gr&fuluj'i& \ ) At plr. grafologìe. -
gradiment - n. m. (pr. \ gr&dim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - graphology.
gratification, pleasure, liking. - 2) - approval. grafomanìa - n. f. (pr. \ gr&fum&n'i& \ ) At plr. grafomanìe. -
gradin - n. m. (pr. \ gr&d'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - step. - 2) - 1) - craze for writing, insatiable urge to write. - 2) -
foothold (alpinism). Italianism. See the best piedm. term morbid desire to write (psychology).
"scalin". grafòlogh - n. (pr. \ gr&f'olug \ ) Ms. plr. grafòlogh - fm. sng.
grado - n. m. (pr. \ gr'&dô \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - degree (physics and plr. grafòloga, grafòloghe. - graphologist.
mathematics, , geometry, etc.). - 2) - grade. - 3) - ratio. - grafòmane - n. (pr. \ gr&f'om&ne \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
4) - rank. - See also the term "gré ". incurable scribber. It is possible to find, for fm. sng., the
gradon - n. m. (pr. \ gr&d'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - high or big term "grafòmana".
step. In this sense is quite an italianism. See the best gram - 1) - adj. and n. (pr. \ gr&m \ ) Ms. plr. gram - fm. sng.
piedm. term "scalinon". - 2) - balcony. - 3) - terrace, and plr. grama, grame. - 1) - bad, wicked, evil (adj.). E. g.
bench (geology). "na përson-a grama" "a bad person". - 2) - naughty, bad
graduà - 1) - adj. (pr. \ gr&du'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - (adj.). - 3) - bad, poor (adj.). E. g. " na brava përson-a na
graduated, graded. 'dcò un gram travajeur" "a good persaon but also a poor
graduà - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ gr&du'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - non- worker". In this sense it is more usual to use the term
commissioned officer (military). "cativ". - 4) - bad, nasty (adj.). E. g. "sta meisin-a a l'é
graduàbil - adj. (pr. \ gr&du'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. graduàbij - fm. grama com ël tòssi " "this nedicine is as nasty as
sng. and plr. graduàbil, graduàbij. - that may be poison".- 5) - unkind (adj.). - 6) - bitter, harsh (adj.). See
graduated. also the term "cativ". - 7) - bad person (sbst.).

gram - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ gr&m \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - (the) bad. - 2) gramolura - n. f. (pr. \ gr&mul'[ue]r& \ ) - See gramolin.
- (the) bad part. gramon - n. m. (pr. \ gr&m'u [ng] \ ) - See gramëgna.
grama - n. m. (pr. \ gr'&m& \ ) Inv. at plr. - gramme, gram gramonassa - n. f. (pr. \ gr&mun'&s& \ ) - See graminassa.
(unity of measure for masses in the system CGS). gramòfon - n. m. (pr. \ gr&m'ofun \ ) - See gramòfono.
grama-atom - n. m. (pr. \ gr&m&'&tum \ ) Inv. at plr. - gram gramòfono - n. m. (pr. \ gr&m'ofunô \ ) Inv. at plr. -
atom (physics). gramophone.
gramadura - n. f. (pr. \ gr&m&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. gramadire. - gran - n. m. (pr. \ gr&[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - wheat (botany -
weight in grams. Triticum vulgaris). For this meaning see also the term
gramamolécola - n. f. (pr. \ gr&m&mulìecul& \ ) At plr. "forment ". - 2) - corn (cereals in general).
gramamolécole. - gram molecule. (physics). gran - adj. (pr. \ gr&[ng] \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - great, grand.
gramaja - n. f. (pr. \ gr&m'&y& \ ) At plr. gramaje. - 1) - pall. See grand. This form is used when the adj. precedes the
- 2) - mourning. related sbst., and the sbst. itself starts with consonant,
gramàtica - n. f. (pr. \ gr&m'&tic& \ ) At plr. gramàtiche. - otherwise the term "grand" is usually required. E. g. "un
grammar. gran comandant or un comandant grand" = "a great
gramatical - adj. (pr. \ gr&m&tic'&l \ ) Ms. plr. gramaticaj - commander" ; " un grand'òm or n'òm grand " = "a great
fm. sng. and plr. gramatical, gramaticaj. - grammatical, man".
grammar (as an attribute). granà - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ gr&n'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - garnet (mineral).
gramaticalment - adv. (pr. \ gr&m&tic&lm'ænt \ ) - See also the term "granata 1)".
grammatically. Italianism. See the best piedm. adv. loc. granà - 2) - adj. (pr. \ gr&n'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) -
"da na mira gramatical ". granate as in the sbst. loc. "pom granà " "pomegranate".
gramàtich - n. (pr. \ gr&m'&tic \ ) Ms. plr. gramàtich - fm. - 2) - granular, granulous. In this sense see also the term
sng. and plr. gramàtica, gramàtiche. - grammarian. "granos".
gramet - adj. and n. (pr. \ gr&m'æt \ ) Ms. plr. gramet - fm. granadié - n. m. (pr. \ gr&n&di'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - grenadier
sng. and plr. gramëtta, gramëtte. - 1) - naughty (adj.). - (military). See also the term "granatié".
2) - little rascal (sbst.). Note the particular fm. granaja - n. f. (pr. \ gr&n'&y& \ ) At plr. granaje - corn,
gramëgna - (pr. \ gr&m'&[gn]& \ ) At plr. (if any) gramëgne. - grain, cereals.
1) - dog's-tooth. (botany - Cynodon dactylon). - 2) - granata - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ gr&n'&t& \ ) - See granà 1).
couch-grass (botany - Triticum repens). See also the term granata - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ gr&n'&t& \ ) At plr. granate. -
"gramon". grenade (military).
graminass - adj. (pr. \ gr&min'&s \ ) Ms. plr. graminass - fm. granata - 3) - n. m. (pr. \ gr&n'&t& \ ) Inv. at plr. - garnet red,
sng. and plr. graminassa, graminasse. - graminaceous. dark red (colour). See also the term "granaton".
graminassa - n. f. (pr. \ gr&min'&s& \ ) At plr. graminasse. - granata - 4) - adj. (pr. \ gr&n'&t& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
graminaceous plant. At plr. graminaceous plants, garnet red, dark red (colour). See also the term
gramineous plants (botany - Gramineae). See also the "granaton".
term "gramonassa". granaté - n. (pr. \ gr&n&t'e \ ) Ms. plr. granaté - fm. sng. and
gramislà - 1) - adj. (pr. \ gr&misl’& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - plr. granatera, granatere. - dealer in cereals.
coiled, rolled, rolled up, wound up into a ball. See also granatié - n. m. (pr. \ gr&n&ti'e \ ) - See granadié.
the term "grumislà 1)". granaton - n. m. and adj. (pr. \ gr&n&t'u[ng] \ ) - See granata
gramislà - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ gr&misl’& \ ) Inv. at plr. - the 3) and 4).
content of a ball (of thread / wool). See also the term grancassa - n. f. (pr. \ gr&nc'&s& \ ) At plr. grancasse. - bass-
"grumislà 2)". drum (music). See also the terms "tamborn, tambornon".
gramislé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ gr&misl’e \ ) - 1) - to wind granchi - (pr. \ gr'&[ng]ki \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - crab (zoology). -
into a ball, to ball. - 2) - to huddle (in a fig. sense). See 2) - mistake (in a fig. sense). In this sense see also the term
also the terms “grumislé, angramislé, angrumislé “. The "bàilo".
refl. form assumes the following meaning: grand - 1) - adj. (pr. \ gr&nd \ ) Ms. plr. grand - fm. sng. and
gramislésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr.\ gr&misl’ese \) - to curl plr. granda, grande. - 1) - great. E. g. "mè nòno a l'é stàit
oneself, to crouch, to cower, to squat. See also un grand'òm" "my grandfather was a great man" - 2) -
the voices “angramislésse, angrumislésse “, and big, large. E. g. "sta stansa a l'é granda a basta" "this
"grumislésse". roon is large enough ". - 3) - grand. E. g. "fé le còse an
gramislet - n. m. (pr. \ gr&misl’æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - small ball of grand ëstil " "to make things in grand style". - 4) -
wool/thread etc. Diminutive of "gramissél ". See also the broad, wide. E. g. "a la fin dla valada a-i é na granda
term "gramislin". pianura" "at the end of the valley there is a wide plane".
gramislin - n. m. (pr. \ gr&misl’i[ng] \ ) - See gramislet. - 5) - long. E. g. "i son fame na granda (gran) caminada"
gramissél - n. m. (pr. \ gr&mis'el \ ) At plr. gramisséj. - ball of "I had a long walk ".- 6) - tall, high. E. g. "it ses nen grand
wool/thread, clew of wool/thread etc. See also the term a basta për geughe a bala a sësta" "you aren't tall
"grumissél". enough for playing basket ". - 7) - grown up. E. g. "it ses
gramìssia - n. f. (pr. \ gr&m'isi& \ ) At plr. gramìssie. - 1) - nen grand a basta për andé là da sol" "you are not
wickedness, malice, spite. - 2) - naughtiness. - 3) - enough grown up for going there alone". For the 1st and 3rd
wicked action. - 4) - spiteful word. meanings see also the term "gran".
gràmola - n. f. (pr. \ gr'&mul& \ ) At plr. gràmole. - 1) - grand - 2) - n. (pr. \ gr&nd \ ) Ms. plr. grand - fm. sng. and
brake, ripple (texile). - 2) - kneading-machine (pasta). plr. granda, grande. - 1) - grandfather / grandmother.
gramolà - n. f. (pr. \ gr&mul'& \ ) - See granìa. For ms. see also the terms "cé, nòno" and the loc. "papà
gramoladura - n. f. (pr. \ gr&mul&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. grand, pare grand" and for fm. see also the term "nòna"
gramoladure. - 1) - braking, rippling (texile). - 2) - and the loc. "mare granda, maman granda". - 2) - very
kneading (pasta). important personage.
gramolé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ gr&mul'e \ ) - 1) - to brake, to grand - 3) - n. m. plr. (pr. \ gr&nd \ ) Only plr. - ancestors,
ripple (texile). - 2) - to knead (pasta). forefathers.
gramolin - n. m. (pr. \ gr&mul'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - remainder
of rippling (texile). See also the term "gramolura".

grandass - n. (pr. \ gr&nd'&s \ ) Ms. plr. grandass - fm. sng. granon - n. m. (pr. \ gr&n'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - maize, Indin
and plr. grandassa, grandasse. - haughty, arrogant, corn (botany - Zea mays). See also the term "melia".
boaster. granos - adj. (pr. \ gr&n'uz \ ) Ms. plr. granos - fm. sng. and
grandegé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ gr&ndej'e \ ) - 1) - to tower plr. granosa, granose. - 1) - granular, granulous. In this
above, to rise above, to loom up. - 2) - to show off, to sense see also the terms "granulos, granular".- 2) - rich
boast, to exaggerate. (slang term in a fig. sense).
grandet - n. (pr. \ gr&nd'æt \ ) Ms. plr. grandet - fm. sng. and granosità - n. f. (pr. \ gr&nuzit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
plr. grandëtta, grandëtte. - 1) - rather old, rather grown granularity. In this sense see also the terms "granularità,
up. - 2) - tallish. See also the term "grandinòt ". granulosità". - 2) - richness (slang term in a fig. sense).
grandeur - n. f. (pr. \ gr&nd'eur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - grandeur, granturism - n. m. (pr. \ gr&nt[ue]r'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - two-
grandness. - 2) - greatness. - 3) - lavishness. See also the seater sports car.
terms "grandëssa, grandiosità, grandor". granular - adj. (pr. \ gr&n[ue]l'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
grandëssa - n. f. (pr. \ gr&nd'&ss& \ ) At plr. grandësse. - 1) - granular, granulous. See also the term "granos 1st
quantity (physics, mathematics). - 2) - grandeusùr. - 3) - meaning".
greatness. - 4) - lavishness. - 5) - bigness, largeness. - 6) - granularità - n. f. (pr. \ gr&n[ue]l&rit'& \ ) - See granosità 1st
tallness, height. - 7) - size. See also the term "grandeur". meaning.
grandinòt - n. (pr. \ gr&nd'æt \ ) - See grandet. granulos - adj. (pr. \ gr&n[ue]l'uz \ ) - See granos 1st meaning.
grandios - adj. (pr. \ gr&ndi'uz \ ) Ms. plr. grandios - fm. sng. granulosità - n. f. (pr. \ gr&n[ue]luzit'& \ ) - See granosità 1st
and plr. grandiosa, grandiose. - 1) - grand, magnificent, meaning.
majestic, splendid. - 2) - grandiose. granulòma - n. m. (pr. \ gr&n[ue]l'om& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
grandiosità - n. f. (pr. \ gr&ndiuzit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - granulòoma (medical).
grandeur, grandness, magnificence. See also the term gran-a - n. f. (pr. \ gr'&[ng]& \ ) At plr. gran-e. - 1) - grain,
"grandeur". speck. - 2) - trouble, problem.
grandor - n. f. (pr. \ gr&nd'ur \ ) - See grandeur. grapa - n. f. (pr. \ gr'&p& \ ) At plr. grape. - 1) - "grappa". In
granduca - n. (pr. \ gr&nd'[ue]c& \ ) Ms. plr. granduca - fm. this sense the term is an italianism. See the most piedm.
sng. and plr. granduchëssa, granduchësse. - Gran Duke. term "branda", and the old term "brandevin". - 2) - cramp
granducà - n. m. (pr. \ gr&nd[ue]c'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - Grand (buildings).
Duchy. grapé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ gr&p'e \ ) - to grip with claws, to
gran duch - n. m. (pr. \ gr&n d'[ue]c \ ) Inv. at plr. 1) - tawny clutch. See also the terms "grifé, grinfé ".
owl (zoology - Strix aluco). - 2) - owl (zoology - Bubo). grapin - n. m. (pr. \ gr&p'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - tot of
See also the term "oloch ". "grappa". See also the loc, "cichet ëd branda".
grané - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ gr&n'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - barn, granary. grass - 1) - adj. (pr. \ gr&s \ ) Ms. plr. grass - fm. sng. and plr.
A way of saying "buté ant ël grané dël papa" lit. "to put grassa, grasse. - 1) - fat (in general). - 2) - greasy, oily. -
into the Pope's barn" "to forgive, to frrget ". 3) - prosperous, abundant. - 3) - fertile (referred to
grané - 2) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ gr&n'e \ ) - 1) - to granulate. ground, fields, etc.)
- 2) - to grain (metals). - 3) - to wrinkle. See also the term grass - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ gr&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - fat. - 2) -
"granì 1) " . grease. See also the term "grassa".
granet - n. m. (pr. \ gr&n'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - creeps (due to grassa - n. f. (pr. \ gr'&s& \ ) At plr. grasse. - 1) - fat. - 2) -
cold, scare, etc.). See also the loc. "pél d'òca". grease. See also the term "grass 2)".
granëtta - n. f. (pr. \ gr&n'&tt& \ ) At plr. granëtte. - 1) - grassador - n. m. (pr. \ gr&s&d'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - bandit,
grain, speck. - 2) - little trouble. robber.
granf - n. m. (pr. \ gr&[ng]f \ ) Inv. at plr. - cramp (medical). grassagi - n. m. (pr. \ gr&s'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - greasing.
See also the term "granfi ". grassassion - n. f. (pr. \ gr&s&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
granfi - n. m. (pr. \ gr'&[ng]fi \ ) - See granf. robbery.
grangheja - n. f. (pr. \ gr&[ng]g'ey& \ ) - See granghìa. grassél - n. m. (pr. \ gr&s'el \ ) At plr. grasséj. - lime putty
granghìa - n. f. (pr. \ gr&[ng]g'i& \ ) At plr. granghìe. - 1) - (buildings).
knot, tangle. - 2) - muddle, mess (in a fig. sense). - 3) - grassëssa - n. f. (pr. \ gr&s'&ss& \ ) At plr. grassësse - 1) -
tendril (botany). In this sense see also the terms fatness. - 2) - abundance. - 3) - fertility.
"grangheja, granghìja, gringheja". grassëtta - n. f. (pr. \ gr&s'&tt& \ ) At plr. grassëtte. - piece of
granghìja - n. f. (pr. \ gr&[ng]g'iy& \ ) - See granghìa. fat (inside the meat, sausages, etc.).
granghìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ gr&[ng]g'ise \ ) - 1) - to gràssia - n. f. (pr. \ gr'&si& \ ) At plr. gràssie. - 1) - grace,
twist, to get entangled. - 2) - to become complicated (in a gracefulness, charm, kindness. - 2) - Grace (of God),
fig. sense). - See also the term "angranghìsse". grace (religion). - 3) - favour, favours. - 4) - pardon,
grangia - n. f. (pr. \ gr'&nji& \ ) At plr. grange - grange, barn, mercy (legal). - 5) - thanks (plr.). Some uses : - A) - "bela
shed. Also the part of a mountain house used for keeping grassia" or "bon-a grassia" "kindness, polite manners,
the hay. good grace". - B) - "mala grassia" or "cativa grassia"
granì - 1) - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ gr&n'i \ ) - See grané. "bad manners, bad grace". - C) - "an grassia ëd..."
granì - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ gr&n'i \ ) Inv. at plr. - granite (mineral). "thanks to... , because of...". - D) - "ancor grassia che..."
See also the term "granit ". "luckily..." The expression is used when, inside an unlucky
granìa - n. f. (pr. \ gr&n'i& \ ) At plr. granìe. - "granita" situation st. good happens bettering things. E. g. "a l'é
(crushed-ice drink). See also the terms "gramolà, giassà ". butasse a pieuve e i son bagname tut. Ancor grassia che i
granidor - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ gr&nid'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - tool l'hai trovà n'arpar" "It started to rain and I got soaked.
for graining, chisel - 2) - worker graining, chaser. Luckily I found a shelter".
granidura - n. f. (pr. \ gr&nid'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. granidure. - Grassian - n. m. (pr. \ gr&si'&[ng] \ ) Only sng. (noun of
graining (metals). See also the term "graniura". person) In case of need inv. at plr. - Gratian.
granin - n. m. (pr. \ gr&n'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - (small) grain, grassianésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ gr&si&n'ese \ ) - 1) - to
speck. make oneself liked. - 2) - to embellish oneself. See also
granit - n. m. (pr. \ gr&n'it \ ) - See granì 2). the term "angrassianésse".
graniura - n. f. (pr. \ gr&ni'[ue]r& \ ) - See granidura.

grassie! - excl. (pr. \ gr'&sie \ ) - tkanks, thank you. See also gratifiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ gr&tifik'e \ ) - 1) - to give a
the term "mersì". bonus. - 2) - to be rewarding.
grassié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ gr&si'e \ ) - 1) - to pardon gratiné - vrb 1st con. trs. - (pr. \ gr&tin'e \ ) - to gratinate, to
(legal). - 2) - to grant. cook "au gratin".
grassios - adj. (pr. \ gr&si'uz \ ) Ms. plr. grassios - fm. sng. and gràtis - adv. (pr. \ gr'&tiz \ ) - free, gratis, for nothing.
plr. grassiosa, grassiose. - graceful, pleasing, charming, gratisela - n. f. (pr. \ gr&tiz'el& \ ) At plr. gratisele. -
delightful. In Piedm. comparisons with st. recalling the graticule, grid, network. See also the term "grela".
opposite concept are very common accompaining an adj. gratitùdin - n. f. (pr. \ gr&tit'[ue]di[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
An example with this word "grassios coma na ronza" lit. gratefulness, thankfulness.
"graceful like a bramble" "very bad mannered". gratusa - n. f. (pr. \ gr&t'[ue]z& \ ) At plr. gratuse. - grater.
grassiosità - n. f. (pr. \ gr&siuzit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - gratusé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ gr&t[ue]z'e \ ) - to grate.
gracefulness, graciousness. grave - adj. (pr. \ gr'&ve \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - grave,
grasson - adj. and n. (pr. \ gr&s'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. grasson - fm. serious, weighty, momentous. - 2) - grave (stress in
sng. and plr. grasson-a, grasson-e. - 1) - (very) fat (adj.). - phonology) - 3) - low, deep (voice).
2) - (very) fat person (sbst.). Augmsntative of "grass". gravé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ gr&v'e \ ) - to carve, to engrave.
grassonass - (pr. \ gr&sun'&s \ ) Ms. plr. grassonass - fm. sng. See also the term "incide".
and plr. grassonassa, grassonasse. - 1) - (very and badly) gravere - n. f. plr. . (pr. \ gr&v'ere \ ) Only plr. - torrent bed.
fat (adj.). - 2) - (very and badly) fat person (sbst.). graveur - n. (pr. \ gr&v'[oe]r \ ) Ms. plr. graveur - fm. sng.
Augmentative and pejorative of "grass". and plr. graveusa, graveuse. - engraver, sculptor.
grassòt - (pr. \ gr&s'ot \ ) Ms. plr. grassòt - fm. sng. and plr. gravëssa - n. f. (pr. \ gr&v'&ss& \ ) At plr. gravësse. -
grassòta, grassòte. - plump, chubby. heaviness. See also the term "pesantor".
grassum - n. m. (pr. \ gr&s'[ue]m \ ) Inv. at plr. - fat stuff, gravi - adj. (pr. \ gr'&vi \ ) Ms. plr. gravi - fm. sng. and plr.
grease. gravia, gravie. - 1) - pregnant, gravid. - 2) - pregnant,
grat - n. m. (pr. \ gr&t \ ) Inv. at plr. - dandruff, scurf. See full (of), teeming (with), laden (with) (in a fig. sense). See
also the terms "gret, forfa". also the term "grev".
gratà - n. f. (pr. \ gr&t'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - scratching, gravia - adj. fm. (pr. \ gr'&vi& \ ) Only fm. at plr. gravie. -
rubbing, rasping. - 2) - theft, stealing (in a fig. sense). pregnant (woman).
See also the term "gratada". gravidansa - n. f. (pr. \ gr&vid'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr. gravidanse.
gratabeusia - n. f. (pr. \gr&t&b'[oe]zi&\ ) At plr. gratabeusie. - pregnancy.
- claw of hen (slang term). gravìmeter - n. m. (pr. \ gr&v'imetær \ ) - See gravìmetro.
gratabrus-cia - n. f. (pr. \gr&t&br'[ue]s[ch]i&\ ) - See gravimetrìa - n. f. (pr. \ gr&vimetr'& \ ) At plr. gravimetrìe. -
gratabrustia. gravimetry.
gratabrustia - n. f. (pr. \gr&t&br'[ue]sti&\ ) At plr. gravimétrich - adj. (pr. \ gr&vim'etric \ ) Ms. plr.
gratabrustie. - small brush for cleaning clocks and other gravimétrich - fm. sng. and plr. gravimétrica,
mechanical devices. See also the term "gratabrus-cia". gravimétriche. - gravimetric, gravimetrical.
gratacàmole - n. m. (pr. \ gr&t&c'&mule \ ) Inv. at plr. - gravìmetro - n. m. (pr. \ gr&v'imetrô \ ) Inv. at plr. -
carpenter, furniture repairer. (jocular term, lit. " gravimeter.
woodworms scraper "). gravità - n. f. (pr. \ gr&vit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) gravity.
gratacan - n. m. (pr. \ gr&t&c'&[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - small saw (physics). - 2) - gravity, seriousness. - 3) - severity,
with a handle. sternness. - 4) - gravity, lowness (sound). See also the
gratacel - n. m. (pr. \ gr&t&[ch]'el \ ) At plr. gratacej. - term "grevità".
skyscraper. gravitassion - n. f. (pr. \ gr&vit&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
gratacul - n. m. (pr. \ gr&t&c'èue]l \) At plr. gratacuj. - berry gravitation.
of the wild rose. gravitassional - adj. (pr. \ gr&vit&siun'&l \ ) Ms. plr.
gratada - n. f. (pr. \ gr&t'&d& \ ) - See gratà. gravitassionaj - fm. sng. and plr. gravitassional,
gratadura - n. f. (pr. \ gr&t&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. gratadure. - gravitassionaj. - gravitational.
1) - scratching, scraping. - 2) - scratch, scrap. gravité - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ gr&vit'e \ ) - to gravitate. It
gratapapé - n. (pr. \ gr&t&p&p'e \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - uses the aux. "avèj ".
scribbler, hack-writer. (jocular term, lit. " paper graviton - n. m. (pr. \ gr&vit'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - graviton
scraper"). (physics).
graté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ gr&t'e \ ) - 1) - to scratch. - 2) - to gravos - adj. (pr. \ gr&v'uz \ ) Ms. plr. gravos - fm. sng. and
scrape. - 3) - to grate. - 2) - to steal (in a fig. sense). plr. gravosa, gravose. - burdensome, onerous, irksome,
gratela - n. m. (pr. \ gr&t'el& \ ) Inv. at plr. - niggard. heavy, exhausting. See also the term "grev".
graten - n. m. . (pr. \ gr&t'æ[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any) - gratin gravosità - n. f. (pr. \ gr&vuzit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - heaviness,
in the expression "al graten" "au gratin" (french burdensomeness, oppressiveness. See also the terms
expression - cooking). "pesantor, pèis".
gratésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ gr&t'ese \ ) - to scratch gravura - n. f. (pr. \ gr&v'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. gravure. -
oneself. The expression "gratésse ij ginoj" means "to be engraving.
idle, to laze" gré - n. m. (pr. \ gr'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - degree (mathematics,
gratëlla - n. f. (pr. \ gr&t'&ll& \ ) At plr. gratëlle. - fragment, grammar). - 2) - grade. In these two meanings see also the
splinter, potsherd. term "grado". 3) - ratio. - 4) - rank (social). - 5) - liking,
gratìcola - n. f. (pr. \ gr&t'icul& \ ) At plr. gratìcole. - pleasure. In this sense it is used in the expressions (among
gridiron, grill. See also the terms "grija, grela". others): "ëd bon gré " "with pleasure", and "ognidun a sò
gratìfica - n. f. (pr. \ gr&t'ific& \ ) At plr. gratìfiche. - bonus, gré " "everybody according his pleasure", and in the
allowance, gratuity. composite word "malgré " = "in spite of, although" (see
gratificant - adj. (pr. \ gr&tific'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. gratificant - also this term).
fm. sng. and plr. gratificanta, gratificante. - rewarding. greàbil - adj. (pr. \ gre'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. greàbij - fm. sng. and
gratificassion - n. f. (pr. \ gr&tific&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - plr. greàbil, greàbij. - pleasant agreeable. See also the
satisfaction, gratification. terms "piasos, agreàbil ".

greca - n. f. (pr. \ gr'ec& \ ) At plr. greche. - 1) - Greek fret. - grigné - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ gri[gn]'e \ ) - to laugh heartily.
2) - military rank (ironical). grignolin - n. m. (pr. \ gri[gn]ul'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
grecal - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ grec'&l \ ) At plr. grecaj. - north-east "Grignolino". Wonderful piedm. red wine.
wind. grignor - n. m. (pr. \ gri[gn]'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - affection,
grecal - 2) - adj. (pr. \ grec'&l \ ) Ms. plr. grecaj - fm. sng. and fondness, tenderness, love. See also the term "grinor".
plr. grecal, grecaj. - north-east (as an attribute). grignòla - n. f. (pr. \ gri[gn]'ol& \ ) At plr. grignòle. - grape-
gréch - 1) - adj. and n. (pr. \ gr'ec \ ) Ms. plr. gréch - fm. sng. seed. See also the terms "granin, smens, grumela".
and plr. greca, greche. - Greek, Grecian. grij - n. m. (pr. \ griy \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - cricket (zoology -
gréch - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ gr'ec \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any) - Greek Gryllus). - 2) - whim, fancy, caprice (in a fig. sense). See
(language). also the terms "gri, gril".
gregàri - n. (pr. \ greg'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. gregari - fm. sng. and grija - n. f. (pr. \ gr'iy& \ ) At plr. grije. - 1) - grill, grille,
plr. gregaria, gregarie. - gregarious. grate, grating. - 2) - grill, gridiron. - 3) - grid (radio).
gregarism - n. m. (pr. \ greg&r'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - grijé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ griy'e \ ) - to grill. See also the
gregariousness, herd instinct. term "grié ".
gril - n. m. (pr. \ gril \ ) At plr. grij. - 1) - cricket (zoology -
gregorian - 1) - adj. (pr. \ greguri'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. gregorian Gryllus). - 2) - whim, fancy, caprice (in a fig. sense). See
- fm. sng. and plr. gregorian-a, gregorian-e. - Gregorian. also the terms "gri, grij".
gregorian - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ greguri'&[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - grilet - n. m. (pr. \ gril'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - salad-bowl,
Gregorian chant. soup-tureen, tureen. In this sense see also the term
grela - n. f. . (pr. \ gr'el& \ ) At plr. grele. - 1) - gridiron, grill, "gàvia". - 2) - trigger (guns). In this meaning see also the
graticule. In this sense see also the terms "gratìcola, grija, term "gatijon".
gratiséla". - 2) - hailstone. In this sense see also the terms grimaldél - n. m. (pr. \ grim&ld'el \ ) At plr. grimaldéj. -
"ghërla, gërla". - 3) - white chestnut (dried without peel). picklock. See also the term "passapërtut ".
grelé - vrb 1st con. int. imp. (pr. \ grel'e \ ) - to hail. It uses the grimass - n. (pr. \ grim'&s \ ) Ms. plr. grimass - fm. sng. and
aux. "avèj ". plr. grimassa, grimasse. - 1) - whiner, whimperer,
grenon! - excl. (pr. \ gren'u[ng] \ ) - my goodness!, damn!. complainer, moaner. - 2) - grizzler, cry-baby. (children).
See also the term "sacrenon! ". See also the term "grimasson".
grep - n. m. (pr. \ græp \ ) Inv. at plr. - tool for carpenter (for grimassa - n. f. (pr. \ grim'&s& \ ) At plr. grimasse. - 1) -
fixing pieces). caress, blandishment, simper. - 2) - grimace.
grés - 1) - adj. (pr. \ grez \ ) Ms. plr. gres - fm. sng. and plr. grimassà - n. f. (pr. \ grim&s'& \ ) Inv at plr. - whining,
gresa, grese. - 1) - raw, crude, gross, coarse. - 2) - whimpering, puling. See also the term "grimassada".
unrefined. grimassada - n. f. (pr. \ grim&s'&d& \ ) - See grimassà.
grés - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ grez \ ) Inv. at plr. - crude oil, raw grimassé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ grim&s'e \ ) - to whine, to
petroleum. whimper to pule.
gress - n. m. (pr. \ græs \ ) Inv. at plr. - stoneware. grimasson - n. (pr. \ grim&s'u[ng] \ ) - See grimass.
gret - n. m. (pr. \ græt \ ) Inv. at plr. - dandruff, scurf. See also grimpant - adj. (pr. \ grimp'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. grimpant - fm.
the terms "grat, forfa". sng. and plr. grimpanta, grimpante. - rampant. The coat
grét - adj. (pr. \ gret \ ) Ms. plr. grét - fm. sng. and plr. grëtta, of arms of the city of Turin is "un tòr giàun grimpant an
grëtte. - 1) - mean, stingy, miserly. - 2) - narrow- camp bleu" = "a yellow bull rampant in blue field ".
minded. grimpé - vrb 1st con. int. and trs. (pr. \ grimp'e \ ) - 1) - to
greuja - n. f. (pr. \ gr'[oe]y& \ ) At plr. greuje. - shell, hull. clamber up, to climb, to scale. (int.). In this sense see also
grév - adj. (pr. \ gr'eu \ ) Ms. plr. grév - fm. sng. and plr. greva, the term "rampié ". - 2) - to seize, to grasp. (trs). In this
greve. - 1) - heavy, weighty (in general). - 2) - close, sense see also the term "grinfé ". It uses always the aux.
stuffy (air). - 3) - boring (in a fig. sense). In fig. sense see "avèj ".
also the term "gravi". grimpeur - n. (pr. \ grimp'[oe]r \ ) Ms. plr. grimpeur - fm. sng.
grevità - n. f. (pr. \ grevit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - gravity, and plr. grimpeusa, grimpeuse. - climber.
seriousness. - 2) - severity, sternness. - 3) - gravity, grinfa - n. f. (pr. \ gr'i[ng]f& \ ) At plr. grinfe. - 1) - claw,
lowness (sound). In these meanings see also the term talon. - 2) - clutch (in a fig. sense).
"gravità". - 4) - heaviness, weight. grinfà - n. f. (pr. \ gri[ng]f'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - scratch, claw-
grënna - n. f. (pr. \ gr'&nn& \ ) - See garënna. mark.
grëppia - n. f. (pr. \ gr'&ppi& \ ) At plr. grëppie. - manger, grinfé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ gri[ng]f'e \ ) - to snatch, to seize,
rack, crib. See also the term "grùpia". to grasp, to clutch. See also "angrinfé, grapé, grimpé 2nd
grëssa - n. f. (pr. \ gr'&ss& \ ) - See ghërsa. meaning".
grëssiòt - n. m. (pr. \ gr&ssi'ot \ ) - See ghërsiòt. gringheja - n. f. (pr. \ gri[ng]g'ey& \ ) At plr. gringheje. -
gri - n. m. (pr. \ gri \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - cricket (zoology - tendril (botany). See also the terms "grangheja, granghìa,
Gryllus). - 2) - whim, fancy, caprice (in a fig. sense). See granghìja".
also the terms "grij, gril". grinor - n. m. (pr. \ grin'ur \ ) - See grignor.
Griboja - n. m. (pr. \ grib'uy& \ ) - See Gariboja. grinsa - n. f. (pr. \ gr'i[ng]s& \ ) At plr. grinse. - 1) - crease. -
gridlin - n. m. (pr. \ gridl'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - gallant, young 2) - refuse of the winnowed wheat.
gallant, sweetheart.See also the term "galantin". grinta - n. f. (pr. \ gr'int& \ ) At plr. grinte. - 1) - grim
grié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ gri'e \ ) - See grijé. expression, surly expression. In this sense see also the
grif - n. m. (pr. \ gr'if \ ) Inv. at plr. - grappling-iron, grapple, terms "motria, ghigna".- 2) - pluck, grit.
grapnel. See also the terms "grafi, grifi ". grintos - adj. (pr. \ grint'uz \ ) Ms. plr. grintos - fm. sng. and
grifé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ grif'e \ ) - to seize, to snatch, to plr. grintosa, grintose. - plucky.
clutch. See aldso the terms "grapé, grinfé ". grioné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ griun'e \ ) - 1) - to pick. In this
grign - n. m. (pr. \ gri[gn] \ ) Inv. at plr. - laughter, laugh. sense see also the term "garié". - 2) - to clean up, to
grignà - n. f. (pr. \ gri[gn] \ ) See grignada. cleanse. In this sense see also the term "netié ".
grignada - n. f. (pr. \ gri[gn]'&d& \ ) At plr. grignade. - griotada - n. f. (pr. \ griut'&d& \ ) At plr. griotade. - 1) -
genuine burst of laughter. See also the term "grignada". preserved sour cherries. - 2) - sour-cherry juice.

griotera - n. f. (pr. \ griut'er& \ ) At plr. griotere. - sour grogno - n. m. (pr. \ gr'u[gn]u \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - knot, clot,
cherry tree. - See also the term "griòta 2nd meaning". lump, pimple, spot. - 2) - long face, pout. In this sense see
griòta - n. f. (pr. \ gri'ot& \ ) At plr. griòte. - 1) - sour cherry also the term "trogno". - 3) - spout. - See also the term
(botany). - 2) - sour cherry tree. In this sense see also the "grugno".
most correct "griotera". grognolù - adj. (pr. \ gru[gn]ul'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. grognolù - fm.
grip - n. m. (pr. \ grip \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - diphtheria sng. and plr. grognolùa, grognolùe. - pimply, spotty. See
(medical). - 2) - influenza infection. - 3) - white starched also the adj. loc. "pien ëd grògnole" (see the last term).
cap. - 4) - trap, deception. (in a fig. sense). - 4) - fear, grojon - n. m. (pr. \ gruy'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - weevil
dread (in a fig. sense). (zoology).
gripagi - n. m. (pr. \ grip'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - seizure, seizing grojonà - adj. (pr. \ gruyun'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - weevily,
(motors - mechanics). infesed with weevils.
gripé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ grip'e \ ) - 1) - to be scared. - 2) - grojonésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ gruyun'ese \ ) - to get
to seize, to bind (mechanics). In this sense see also the infested with weevils.
term "gripésse". grola - n. f. (pr. \ gr'ul& \ ) At plr. grole. - 1) - beaker, wooden
gripésse - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ grip'e \ ) - to seize, to bind goblet (characteristic of Aosta valley). - 2) - slipper with
(mechanics). wooden sole. The way of saying "aussé le gròle" means "to
gris - 1) - adj. (pr. \ griz \ ) Ms. plr. gris - fm. sng. and plr. go away".
grisa, grise. - grey, gray. grolo - n. m. (pr. \ gr'ulu \ ) Inv. at plr. - clog, sabot. See also
gris - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ griz \ ) Inv. at plr. - grey, gray (the the terms "sòco, sòch, ciòco, sabò ".
colour). gromëtta - n. f. (pr. \ grum'&tt& \ ) - See grumëtta.
grisastr - 1) - adj. (pr. \ griz'&str \ ) Ms. plr. grisastr - fm. sng. gromo - n. m. (pr. \ gr'umu \ ) Inv. at plr. - clot, lump. (this
and plr. grisastra, grisastre. - greyish, grayish. word is usually referred to salt or sugar). See also the most
grisastr - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ griz'&str \ ) Inv. at plr. - greyish, general term "grum".
grayish (the colour). grondan-a - n. f. (pr. \ grund'&[ng]& \ ) At plr. grondan-e. -
grisela - n. f. (pr. \ griz'el& \ ) At plr. grisele. - gooseberry eaves gutter, eaves. See also the terms "canal, canala,
(botany - Ribes grossularia). See also the term "grusela" pantalera".
and the loc. "uva marin-a". grop - n. m. (pr. \ grup \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - knot. - 2) - tangle. -
griseul - n. m. (pr. \ griz'[oe]l \ ) At plr. griseuj. - 1) - crucible, 3) - lump in the sentence "avèj un grop a la gola" "to
melting pot. - 2) - type of fishing-net. have a limp in one's throat. See also the term "neu". - 4) -
grisëtta - n. f. . (pr. \ griz'&tt& \ ) At plr. grisëtte. - grisaille group. In this sense see the most common term "grup".
(texile - type of fabric). gropa - n. f. (pr. \ gr'up& \ ) At plr. grope. - 1) - rump,
grison - 1) - adj. (pr. \ griz'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. grison - fm. sng. crupper, back (animals). - 2) - back (joucular - persons) -
and plr. grison-a, grison-e. - dark grey, dark gray, 3) - rounded top (mountains).
blackish. See also the term "neiròt ". gropassarìa - n. f. (pr. \ grup&s&r'i& \ ) At plr. gropassarìe. -
grison - n. m. (pr. \ griz'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - dark grey, dark knottiness, nodosity. See also the term "nodositàa".
gray (the colour). gropassù - adj. (pr. \ grup&s'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. gropassù. -
grissa - n. f. (pr. \ gr'is& \ ) At plr. grisse. - 1) - loaf of bread. fm. sng. and plr. gropassùa, gropassùe. - knotty,
In this meaning see also the terms "grìssia 2nd meaning, nodose, nodous, gnarly. See also the term "nodos".
ghërsa 2nd meaning. gropé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ grup'e \ ) - to knot, to tie, to lace.
grìssia - n. f. (pr. \ gr'isi& \ ) At plr. grìssie. - 1) - row, series, gropera - n. f. (pr. \ grup'er& \ ) At plr. gropere. - crupper-
sequence. In this sense see also the term " filagn ". - 2) - strap.
long loaf of bread. In this sense see also the terms "stiròt, gropésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ grup'ese \ ) - to tie oneself, to
stirà ". See also the terms "grëssa, grissa, ghërsa". bind oneself.
grissin - n. m. (pr. \ gris'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - bread-stick. See gropié - n. m. (pr. \ grupi'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - croupier. See also
also the term "ghërsin". the term "cropié ".
grissiòt - n. m. (pr. \ grisi'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - small loaf of gropign - n. m. (pr. \ grup'i[gn] \ ) Inv. at plr. - double knot,
bread. See also the terms "ghërsiòt, grissòt ". Gordian knot.
grissòt - n. m. (pr. \ gris'ot \ ) - See grissiòt. gropin-a - n. f. (pr. \ grup'i[gn]& \ ) At plr. gropin-e. - knot to
griva - n. f. (pr. \ gr'iv& \ ) At plr. grive. - thrush (zoology - fix the warp-yarn.
Turdus). At plr. thr term "grive" has also another meaning gropon - n. m. (pr. \ grup'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - back (ironic -
(see the term). familiar). In locutions like "avèj otant'ani an sël gropon"
grivass - n. m. (pr. \ griv'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - missel-thrush "to have eighty years on one's bak, to be eighty years old ",
(zoology - Turdus viscivorus). See also the term "grivon". or "pieghé 'l gfropon" "to put one's back into st.".
grive - n. f. plr. (pr. \ gr'ive \ ) Only plr. - 1) - plr of the word gropura - n. f. (pr. \ grup'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. gropure. - tying
griva (see the term). - 2) - very cold air, frost. (slang binding. See also the term "anliura".
term). "ancheuj a-i son le grive" lit. "today there are the groson - 1) - adj. (pr. \ gruz'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. groson - fm. sng.
"grive"" "today is very cold". and plr. groson-a, groson-e. - orange.
grivera - n. f. (pr. \ griv'er& \ ) At plr. grivére. - Gruyere groson - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ gruz'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - orange (the
cheese. See also the terms "gruvera, gruera". colour).
grivoé - n. m. (pr. \ grivu'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - free and easy grossarìa - n. f. (pr. \ grus&r'i& \ ) At plr. grossarìe. - 1) -
young man. The loc. "grivoé dla gansa" means "young joinery, carpentry, structural steel work. - 2) -
man withot complexes, little rascal". In this sense see also coarseness, roughness. In this sense see also the term
the term "farilél ". At fm. see the term "grivoèisa". "grosserìa".
grivoèisa - n. f. (pr. \ grivu'æiz& \ ) At plr. grivoèise. - free grossé - adj. and n. (pr. \ grus'e \ ) Ms. plr. grossé - fm. sng.
and easy young woman. See also the term "grivoé ". and plr. grossera, grossere. - 1) - coarse, rough, gross
grivon - n. m. (pr. \ griv'u[ng] \ ) - See grivass. (adj.). - 2) - rude, impolite (adj.). - 3) - cheapish (adj.). -
grogné - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ gru[gn]'e \ ) - 1) - to grunt. - 2) - coarse person, (sbst.). - 2) - rude person. (sbst.). See also
to growl and grumble (in a fig. sense). See also ther terms the term "grosser, grossolan".
"grugné, grugnì ". grossér - adj. and n. (pr. \ grus'er \ ) - See grossé.

grosserìa - n. f. (pr. \ gruser'i& \ ) At plr. grosserìe. - See grumele - n. f. plr. (pr. \ gr[ue]m'ele \ ) Only plr. - common
grossarìa 2nd meaning. sense, reason, brain. E. g. "fà giré le grumele! " = lit.
grosset - adj. (pr. \ grus'æt \ ) Ms. plr. grosset - fm. sng. and "make the pips turn (run) ! " = "use the brain ! ".
plr. grossëtta, grossëtte. - quite big, quite large. we note grumëtta - n. f. (pr. \ gr[ue]m'&tt& \ ) At plr. grumëtte. - 1) -
the particular feminine. Diminutive of the term "gròss" (see curb (horses). - 2) - chin-strap. See also the terms
the term). "gromëtta, gormëtta".
grossëssa - n. f. (pr. \ grus'&ss& \ ) At plr. grossësse. - 1) - grumié - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ gr[ue]mi'e \ ) - to root, to grub
bigness. - 2) - size, thickness, bulk, width. - 3) - (pigs). In this sense see also the terms "grufié 2nd meaning,
riughness, coarseness (in a fig. sense). rumé, ruslé". It uses always the aux. "avèj ".
grossista - n. (pr. \ grus'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. grossista - fm. sng. grumissél - n. m. (pr. \ gr[ue]mis'el \ ) At plr. grumisséj. - ball
and plr. grossista, grossiste. - wholesaler, wholesale- of wool/thread, clew of wool/thread etc. See also the term
dealer (commerce). "gramissél".
grossolan - (pr. \ grusul'&[ng] \ ) - See grossé. grumislà - 1) - adj. (pr. \ gr[ue]misl’& \ ) - See gramislà 1).
grossòt - adj. (pr. \ grus'ot \ ) - See grosset. grumislà - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ gr[ue]misl’& \ ) - See gramislà 2).
grotésch - adj. (pr. \ grut'esc \ ) Ms. plr. grotésch - fm. sng. grumislé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \gr[ue]misl’e\) - See gramislé.
and plr. grotésca, grotésche. - grotesque. See also the grumislésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ gr[ue]misl’ese \ ) - See
terms "dròlo, ridìcol ". gramislésse.
grotolù - adj. (pr. \ grutul'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. grotolù - fm. sng. grun-a - n. f. (pr. \ g&r'&nn& \ ) At plr. garënne. - rabbit-
and plr. grotolùa, grotolùe. - knotty, nodose, pimply, warren. See also the terms "grënna, garënna, cunijera".
scabrous, rough. grup - n. m. (pr. \ gr[ue]p \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - group (in
grovij - n. m. (pr. \ gruv'iy \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - knot, tangle. - general, mathematics, medical). - 2) - cluster. - 3) - unit,
2) - muddle, mess (in a fig. sense). See also the terms set (mechanics, physics). - 4) - party, section (people).
"grop, anvërtoj ". grùpia - n. f. (pr. \ gr'[ue]pi& \ ) At plr. grùpie. - manger,
grògnola - n. f. (pr. \ gr'o[gn]ul& \ ) At plr. grògnole. - small rack, crib. See also the term "ghërpia".
pimple, bump, lump. grupion - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ gr[ue]pi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
gròss - adj. (pr. \ gr'os \ ) Ms. plr. gròss - fm. sng. and plr. container in cattleshed collecting hay coming from hay-
gròssa, gròsse. - 1) - big, large, great. E. g. "un gròss afé" loft throgh the "butòira" (see the term).
"a big business". - 2) - thick. E. g. "un gròss baròt " "a grupion - 2) - n. (pr. \ gr[ue]pi'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. grupion - fm.
thick stick ". In this sense see also the term "spess". - 3) - sng. and plr. grupion-a, grupion-e. - 1) - great eater. - 2)
coarse (made up with big pieces). E. g. "sal gròssa" - sponger, scrounger.
"coarse salt ". Some ways of saying : - A) - "grand e grusela - n. f. (pr. \ gr[ue]z'el& \ ) - See grisela.
gross" lit. "tall and big" "strong, vigorous (of person)". gruss - n. m. (pr. \ gr[ue]s \ ) Inv. at plr. - bran of maize (the
- B) - "dil gròss" "big toe" and "thumb". - C) - "fià gròss" one of wheat is called "bran" or "bren" or "brenn". - See
lit. "big breath" "breathlessness". - D) - "vin gròss" the terms).
"wine of no value". - E) - "féla gròssa" = lit." to do it big" = gruvera - n. f. (pr. \ gr[ue]v'er& ; gr[ue]w'er& \ ) - See grivera.
"to make a big mistake". - F) - "dila gròssa" "to say it guadagn - n. m. (pr. \ gu&d'&[gn] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - gain (in
big" "to talk a nonsense". a fig. sense, amplifiers, etc.). - 2) - profits. - 3) - earnings.
gròssa - n. f. (pr. \ gr'os& \ ) At plr. gròsse. - twelve dozen, - 4) - winnings. In this sense see also the term "guadagnà".
gross (unit of measure). - 5) - reward.
gròta - n. f. (pr. \ gr'ot& \ ) At plr. gròte. - cave, den, cavern. guadagnà - n. f. (pr. \ gu&d&[gn]'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - win,
See also the terms "balma, cròta". winnings. See also the term "guadagn 4th meaning".
gròtola - n. f. (pr. \ gr'ot& \ ) At plr. gròtole. - clot, lump, guadagné - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ gu&d&[gn]'e \ ) - 1) -
pimple, bump, knot, nodule. to earn (trs.). E. g. "i guadagno giusta lòn ch'am serv" "I
gru - n. f. (pr. \ gr'[ue] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - crane (zoology - earn just what I need". - 2) - to gain (trs.). E. g.
Grus cinerea). - 2) - crane (mechanics). See also the term "st'amplificator a guadagna 25 db " "this amplifier gains
"grùa". 25 db". - 3) - to win (trs.). E. g. "a l'ha guadagnà mes
grùa - n. f. (pr. \ gr'[ue]& \ ) - See gru. milion al lòt" "he won half million at "lotto"". - 4) - to
gruera - n. f. (pr. \ gr[ue]'er& \ ) - See grivera. make (trs.) (usually money). - 5) - to catch (trs.) (in a fig.
grufié - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ gr[ue]fi'e \ ) - 1) - to eat sense). E. g. "i l'hai giusta guadagnà un pugn an fàcia"
noisily and greedily, to gorge (trs,). - 2) - to root, to grub "I've just caught a blow in my face". - 6) - to look better
(pigs).(int.). In this sense see also the terms "grumié, rumé, (int.). E. g. "con na bela curnis ël quàder a guadagna"
ruslé". It uses always the aux. "avèj ". "with a fine frame the picture looks better". It always uses
grufion - n. (pr. \ gr[ue]fi'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. grufion - fm. sng. the aux. "avèj ".
and plr. grufion-a, grufion-e. - greedy person, voracious guadagnésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ gu&d&[gn]'ese \ ) - 1) -
person. to earn by oneself, to gain by oneself. - 2) - to earn for
grugné - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ gr[ue][gn]'e \ ) - 1) - to grunt. - oneself, to gain for oneself.
2) - to growl and grumble (in a fig. sense). See also ther guadagnon - n. (pr. \ gu&d&[gn]'u[ng] \ ) - See guadagnor.
terms "grogné, grugnì ". guadagnor - n. (pr. \ gu&d&[gn]'ur \ ) Ms. plr. guadagnor -
grugnì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ gr[ue][gn]'i \ ) - See grugné. fm. sng. and plr. guadagnòira, guadagnòire. - who earns
grugno - n. m. . (pr. \ gr'[ue][gn]u \ ) - See grogno. very much, who often wins, lock person (in gambling).
grum - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ gr[ue]m \ ) Inv. at plr. - clot, lump. See See also the terms "guadagnon, vagneur".
also the term "gromo". guaité - vrb 1st con.trs. (pr. \ gu&it'e \ ) - to lie in ambush, to
grum - 2) - adj. (pr. \ gr[ue]m \ ) Ms. plr. grum - fm. sng. and observe hidden. See also the term "vaité".
plr. gruma, grume. - old, full of aches and pains. guaj - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ gu'&y \ ) Inv. at plr. - difficulty, trouble.
gruma - n. f. . (pr. \ gr'[ue]m& \ ) At plr. (if any) grume. - Italianism. See also the best piedm. terms "gran-a, pastiss,
distemper (dogs), glanders (horses). sagrin".
grumela - n. f. (pr. \ gr[ue]m'el& \ ) At plr. grumele. - pip, guaj! - 2) - excl. (pr. \ gu'&y \ ) - woe, woe betide.
seed (fruits). At plr. the word "gruméle" has also another guaja! - excl. (pr. \ gu'&y& \ ) - woe, woe betide. It is possible
meaning (see the term). to find expressions like "guaj a tì" or "guaja ti " both with

the meaning of "woe betide you", etc. See also the term guardaròba - n. f. (pr. \ gu&rd&r'ob& \ ) At plr. guardaròbe.
"guaj 2)". - wardrobe, cupboard. See also the term "vardaròba".
guaja mai! - excl. (pr. \ gu'&y& m&i \ ) - God forbid !. guardassala - n. (pr. \ gu&rd&s'&l& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
gualdrapa - n. f. (pr. \ gu&ldr'&p& \ ) At plr. gualdrape. - 1) - attendant in charge of waiting-rooms (railways).
saddle-cloth, caparison. See also the term "valdrapa". - 2) guardassigij - n. m. (pr. \ gu&rd&sij'iy \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
- cloth to protect furniture from dust. In this sense see Minister of Justice. - 2) - keeper of the seals (history).
also the terms "valdrapa, ossa". guardé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ gu&rd'e \ ) - 1) - look,
guandalin - n. m. (pr. \ gu&nd&l'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - wimple. look at (trs.). E, g. "guarda, che bél " "look, how fine" ;
See also the terms "guardalin, guandalin-a". "a guarda la lun-a" "he looks at the moon". - 2) - to have
guandalin-a - n. f. (pr. \ gu&nd&l'i[ng]& \ ) - See guandalin. a look (at) (trs.). E. g. "guarda l'aqua se a beuj" "have a
guano - n. m. (pr. \ gu'&nô \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - guano. look at the water is is boiling". - 3) - to stare at (trs.). In
guant - n. m. (pr. \ gu'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - glove. - 2) - this sense see also the vrbl. loc. "guadré fiss, guardé bin". -
gauntlet. 4) - to glance at (trs.). In this sense see also the vrbl. loc.
guanté - n. (pr. \ gu&nt'e \ ) Ms. plr. guanté - fm. sng. and plr. "dé n'uciada". - 5) - to watch, to eye. E. g. "guardé la
guantera, guantere. - glover, glover manufacturer, television" "to watch television". - 6) - to consider (trs.).
glover merchant. E. g. "a venta guardé la còsa da n'àutra mira" "it is
guantera - n. f. (pr. \ gu&nt'er& \ ) At plr. guantere. - box for necessary to consider the thing from another point of
gloves. view". - 7) - to look over, to look into (trs.). E. g. "l'has-to
guanterìa - n. f. (pr. \ gu&nter'i& \ ) At plr. guanterìe. - glove guardà la relassion? " "have you looked over the
factory. report?". - 8) - to look after (trs.). E. g. "guarda ij cit
guarda - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ gu'&rd& \ ) At plr. guarde. - vigilance, mentre i son fòra" "look after the children while I'm
watchfulness, surveillance, care, attention, watch. See
outside". - 9) - mind, try (imperative) (trs.). E. g. "guarda
also the most common term "varda".
'd fé 'mpressa" "try to be quick " ; " guarda 'd nen
guarda... - 2) - prefix. (pr. \ gu'&rd&... \ ) - ...guard... . Used,
when prefix, for defining a person in charge of watching at casché" "mind you don't fall ". 10) - to look on, to wait
st. or sb., associated to the sbst. indicating the object of the to see (trs.). - 11) - to look, to look out, to face (int.). E. g.
watching action. E. g. "guardabòsch" "forester" ; "la fnestra a guarda a nord " "the window faces north ". -
"guardacassa" = "gamekeeper". See also the prefix It uses always the aux. "avèj". - Then there are a number of
"varda...". Of course not always this starting is a prefix in locutions using this word : - A) - "guardé ambajà " "to
this sense. admire, to be amazed ". - B) - "guardé 'd garela, guardé 'd
guardà - n. f. (pr. \ gu&rd'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - look, glance. travers" "to look with hostility, to give a dirty look". - C)
guardabotega - n. m. (pr. \ gu&rd&but'eg& \ ) Inv. at plr. - - "guardé 'd ...." "to try and.... ; to be careful to..." E. g.
left-over stack, left-overs. See also the term "guarda 'd liberete" "try and free yourself" ; "guarda 'd
"vardabotega". nen romplo " "be careful not to break it ". - See also the
guardabòsch - n. (pr. \ gu&rd&b'osc \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - terms "vardé, beiché, buché ".
forester. See also the term "vardabòsch". guardésse - vrb 1st con. refl. and recp. (pr. \ gu&rd'e \ ) - 1) - to
guardacassa - n. (pr. \ gu&rd&c'&s& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - look at oneself (refl.). - 2) - to beware of , to mind not....
gamekeeper. See also the term "vardacassa". (refl.). - 3) - to look at each other (recp.).
guardacòste - n. m. (pr. \ gu&rd&c'oste \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - guàrdia - n. f. (pr. \ gu'&rdi& \ ) At plr. (when applicable)
coast guard. - 2) - coast-guard patrol-vessel. See also the guàrdie. - 1) - guard (in general, sport). - 2) - watch. - 3) -
term "vardacòste". duty. - 4) - policeman, town policeman. In this sense see
guardafij - n. m. (pr. \ gu&rd&f'iy \ ) Inv. at plr. - lineman. also the term "cìvich". - 5) - sentry, sentinel. - 6) - safety
See also the term "vardafij". highwater-mark (river).
guardalin - n. m. (pr. \ gu&rd&l'i[ng]y \ ) - See guandalin. guàrdia dla spà - sbst. loc. f. (pr. \ gu'&rdi& dl& sp'& \ ) At
guardalìnie - n. m. (pr. \ gu&rd&l'inie \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - plr. guardie dla spa. - hilt.
linesman (sport). - 2) - trackman (railway). See also the guardiamarin-a - n. m. (pr. \ gu&rdi&m&r'i[ng]& \ ) Inv. at
term "vardalìnie". plr. - midshipman.
guardaman - n. m. (pr. \ gu&rd&m'&[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr.- guardian - n. (pr. \ gu&rdi'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. guardian - fm.
sword-guard. See also the term "vardaman". sng. and plr. guardian-a, guardian-e. - 1) - keeper,
guardamòbij - n. m. (pr. \ gu&rd&m'obiy \ ) Inv. at. plr. - 1) - caretaker, guard, cusrodian, warden. - 2) - warder. In
storehouse for keeping furniture. - 2) - furniture this sense see also the term"secondin". - 3) - herdsman
exposition. See also the term "vardamòbij". (cattle). - 4) - guardian (religion).
guardanfan - n. m. (pr. \ gu&rd&[ng]f'&[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - guardin-a - n. f. (pr. \ gu&rd'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. guardin-e. -
crinoline, farthingale. lock-up.
guardapësca - n. (pr. \ gu&rd&p'&sc& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - guardingh - adj. (pr. \ gu&rd'i[ng]g \ ) Ms. plr. guardingh -
fishing warden. See also the term "vardapësca". fm. sng. and plr. guardinga, guardinghe. - watchful,
guardaporton - n. (pr. \ gu&rd&purt'u[ng] \ ) - door-keeper. careful, circumspect, cautious, wary, canny. See also the
See also the term "vardaporton". terms "prudent, antivist, circospét ".
guardapòrt - n. f. (pr. \ gu&rd&p'ort \ ) Inv. at plr. - guard guardiòla - n. f. (pr. \ gu&rdi'ol& \ ) At plr. guardiòle. -
ship. See also the term "vardapòrt". sentry-box, guard-house.
guardarobé - n. . (pr. \ gu&rd&rub'e \ ) Ms. plr. guardarobé - guardon - n. (pr. \ gu&rd'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. guardon - fm. sng.
fm. sng. and plr. guardarobera, guardarobere. - 1) - and plr. guardon-a, guardon-e. - "voyeur".
servant in charge of linen. - 2) - cloack-room attendant. guarì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ gu&r'i \ ) - 1) - to heal, to
See also the terms "guardarobera, vardarobé". be healed, to recover, to recover one's health, to get rid
guardarobera - n. f. (pr. \ gu&rd&rub'er&\ ) - See gardarobé. (of) (int.). - 2) - to cure, to heal, to remedy (trs.). When
guardarobin-a - n. f. (pr. \ gu&rd&rub'i[ng]&\ ) At plr. int. it uses the aux. "esse". When trs. it uses the aux. "avèj".
guardarobin-e. - small cupboard, small wardrobe. See See also the term "varì ".
also the term "vardarobin-a".

guarìbil - adj. (pr. \ gu&r'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. guarìbij - fm. sng. guèra - n. f. (pr. \ gu'ær& \ ) At plr. guère. - 1) - war. - 2) -
and plr. guarìbil, guarìbij. - 1) - curable, healable. - 2) - warfare.
recoverable. See also the term "varìbil ". guerafondeur - n. and adj. (pr. \ guær&fund'[oe]r \ ) Ms. plr.
guarigion - n. f. (pr. \ gu&riji'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - guerafondeur - fm. sng. and plr. guerafondeusa,
recovering, cure. - 2) - healing. See also the term guerafondeuse. - 1) - warmongering (adj.). - 2) -
"guarision". warmonger (sbst.).
guaritor - n. (pr. \ gu&rit'ur \ ) Ms. plr. guaritor - fm. sng. and gueregé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ guærej'e \ ) - to wage war, to
plr. guaritriss, guaritriss. - healer. Italianism. See the war, to fight.
most piedm. terms "meisinor, medicon, setmin". gueregiant - n. and adj. (pr. \ guæreji'&nt \ ) Ms. plr.
guarnì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ gu&rn'i \ ) - 1) - to trim. - 2) - to gueregiant - fm. sng. and plr. gueregianta, gueregiante. -
garnish (cooking). - 3) - to supply, to equip. - 4) - to 1) - warfaring, fighting (adj.). - 2) - belligerent, fighter.
fortify. - 5) - to pack (mechanics). See also the term guerié - n. and adj. (pr. \ guæri'e \ ) Ms. plr. guerié - fm. sng.
"guernì ". and plr. gueriera, gueriere. - 1) - warrior (sbst.). - 2) -
guarnidura - n. f. (pr. \ gu&rnid'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. guarnidure. warlike (adj.). See also the term "gueriér".
- 1) - trimming. - 2) - garnishing (cooking) - 3) - supply, gueriér - n. and adj. (pr. \ guæri'er \ ) - See guerié.
equipment .See also the term "guarnitura". guerëtta - n. f. (pr. \ guær'&tt& \ ) At plr. guerëtte. -
guarnigion - n. f. (pr. \ gu&rniji'u[ng] \ ) - See guarnison. skirmishing, small war. See also the term "batajòla".
guarniment - n. m. (pr. \ gu&rnim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - guerìlia - n. f. (pr. \ guær'ili& \ ) At plr. guerilie. - guerrilla.
trimming. - 2) - garnishing (cooking). See also the term guerilié - n. (pr. \ guærili'e \ ) Ms. plr. guerilié - fm. sng. and
"guarnission 1st and 2nd meaning". plr. gueriliera, gueriliere. - guerrillero, guerrilla.
guarnison - n. f. (pr. \ gu&rniz'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - garrison. guern - n. m. (pr. \ gu'ærn \ ) - See govern.
See also the term "guarnigion". guerna - n. f. (pr. \ gu'ærn& \ ) At plr. guerne. - care, custody,
guarnission - n. f. (pr. \ gu&rnisi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - guardianship. See also the term "goerna".
trimming. - 2) - garnishing (cooking). In these two guerné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ guærn'e \ ) - 1) - to keep, to
meanings see also the term "guarniment". - 3) - gasket, guard, to preserve. - 2) - to take care (of), to look after. -
packing (mechanics). 3) - to hold in custody. See also the term "goerné".
guarnitura - n. f. (pr. \ gu&rnit'[ue]r& \ ) - See guarnidura. guernì - 1) - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ guærn'i \ ) - See guarnì.
guarision - n. f. n. f. (pr. \ gu&rizi'u[ng] \ ) - See guarigion. guernì - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ guærn'i \ ) Inv. at plr. - food, victuals,
guass - n. m. (pr. \ gu'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - ford (rivers). In provisions.
this sense see also the terms "sguass, svass, napola". - 2) - guernìa - n. f. (pr. \ guærn'i& \ ) At plr. guernìe. - custody,
gouache, gouache painting. In this sense see also the care, guardianship.
terms "sguass, svass ". guernison - n. f. (pr. \ guærniz'u[ng] \ ) - See guarnison.
guast - 1) - adj. (pr. \ gu'&st \ ) Ms. plr. guast - fm. sng. and guida - n. f. (pr. \ gu'id& \ ) At plr. guide. - 1) - guide. - 2) -
plr. guasta, guaste. - 1) - spoiled, ruined, damaged. - 2) - guide-book. - 3) - guidance. - 4) - direction. - 5) - driving
tainted. - 3) - rotten, (gone) bad. - 4) - decayed. (vehicles). - 6) - stair-carpet, runner. - 7) - slide, runners
guast - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ gu'&st \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - breakdonw, (mechanics). - 8) - directory (telephone).
failure. - 2) - damage. - 3) - rot. guidàbil - adj. (pr. \ guid'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. guidàbij - fm. sng.
guastador - n. m. (pr. \ gu&st&d'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - sapper, and plr. guidàbil, guidàbij. - guidable.
pioneer (military). guidator - n. (pr. \ guid&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. guidator - fm. sng.
guastafeste - n. (pr. \ gu&st&f'este \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - and plr. guidatriss, guidatriss. - driver.
spoil-sport, killjoy, wet blanket. guidé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ guid'e \ ) - 1) - to guide. - 2) - to
guastamësté - n. (pr. \ gu&st&m&st'e \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - lead. - 3) - to drive. - 4) - to conduct.
bungler, botcher. guidon - n. m. (pr. \ g[ue]id'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - pennant,
guasté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ gu&st'e \ ) - 1) - to spoil, to guidon. See also the term "ghidon".
break, to ruin, to damage, to mar, to upset. - 2) - to gulia - n. f. (pr. \ g'[ue]li& \ ) At plr. gulie. - 1) - spire
taint, to infect. (archirecture). - 2) - steeple (bell tower). - 3) - needle
guastésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ gu&st'ese \ ) - 1) - to get (alpinism). See also the term "agulia".
spoilt, to be upset. - 2) - to break down, to go wrong. - 3) gumé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ g[ue]m'e \ ) - 1) - to work hard,
- to change for the worse (weather). - 4) - to rot, to go to drudge. - 2) - to try hard, to do one's best (in a fig.
bad. - 5) - to quarrel, to fall out sense). - See also the terms "gobé, gubé, sgobé ".
gubé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ g[ue]b'e \ ) - 1) - to work hard, to gùmit - n. m. (pr. \ g'[ue]mit \ ) - See gòmit.
drudge. - 2) - to try hard, to do one's best (in a fig. gumitada - n. g. (pr. \ g[ue]mit'&d& \ ) - See gomitada.
sense). - See also the terms "gobé, gumé, gussé, sgobé ". gumité - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ g[ue]mit'e \ ) - See
gucé - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ g[ue][ch]'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - needle case. gomité.
See also the term "pòrtaguce" guraorìe - n. m. (pr. \ g[ue]r&ur'ie \ ) - See guraorìje.
gucé - 2) - n. (pr. \ g[ue][ch]'e \ ) Ms. plr. gucé - fm. sng. and guraorìje - n. m. (pr. \ g[ue]r&ur'iye \ ) Inv. at plr. - stick for
plr. gucera, gucere. - needle-maker, needle-dealer. See cleaning ears, ear cleaner. See also the terms "gariaorije,
also the term "agucé ". curaorìje, guraorìe".
gucia - n. f. (pr. \ g'[ue][ch]i& \ ) At plr. guce. - 1) - needle (in guraposs - n. m. (pr. \ g[ue]r&p'us \ ) Inv. at plr. - who cleans
general). - 2) - tongue, needle (balance, mechanics). - 3) - wells, maintenance man of wells. See also the term
switch blade (railways). See also the terms "agucia, uja". "curaposs".
gucin - n. m. (pr. \ g[ue][ch]'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - pin. See also gurarian-e - n. m. (pr. \ g[ue]r&ri'&[ng]e \ ) Inv. at plr. -
the terms "agucin ". maintenance man of sewers, man in charge to empty or
gucion - n. m. (pr. \ g[ue][ch]i'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - big sinks. See also the terms "curatampe, curarian-e,
needle. - 2) - iron belt fastener for straw bales. See also guratampe".
the terms "agucion ". guratampe - n. m. (pr.\g[ue]r&t'&mpe\) - See gurarian-e.
guelf - n. and adj. (pr. \ gu'ælf \ ) Ms. plr. guelf - fm. sng. and guré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ g[ue]r'e \ ) - to clear, to clear out,
plr. guelfa, guelfe. - Guelph (history). to clean up, to empty out, to evacuate.

gurura - n. f. (pr. \ g[ue]r'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. gurure. - clean up. gust - n. m. (pr. \ g[ue]st \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - taste, flavour. - 2)
cleaning up. - gusto, relish, enjoyment. - 3) - fancy. - 4) - kind,
gusaja - n. f. (pr. \ g[ue]z'&y& \ ) At plr. gusaje. - brood, flavour.
tribe, evil breed, rabble, despicable people. See also the gustàbil - adj. (pr. \ g[ue]st'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. gustàbij - fm. sng.
terms "genìa, gineuria, gentaja, gëneuria, canaja". and plr. gustàbil, gustàbij. - tastable.
gusarìa - n. f. (pr. \ g[ue]z&r'i& \ ) At plr. gusarìe. - 1) - gustador - n. m. (pr. \ g[ue]st&d'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. -
stinginess, niggardliness, poverty, misery. - 2) - connoisseur, expert (who appreciates as an expert).
nonsense, trifle, rubbish. gustass - n. m. (pr. \ g[ue]st'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - bad taste.
gusass - n. (pr. \ g[ue]z'&s \ ) Ms. plr. gusass - fm. sng. and gustativ - adj. (pr. \ g[ue]st&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. gustativ - fm.
plr. gusassa, gusasse. - 1) - ragamuffin, ragged person. sng. and plr. gustativa, gustative. - gustative, gustatory,
See also the terms "strasson, striplon, pòver, gheu 1st taste (as an attribute).
meaning". gusté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ g[ue]st'e \ ) - 1) - to taste. - 2) - to
guss - adj. (pr. \ g[ue]s \ ) Ms. plr. guss - fm. sng. and plr. relish. - 3) - to appreciate, to enjoy (in a fig. sense).
gussa, gu sse. - 1) - sharp, pointed. - 2) - acute. See also gustos - adj. (pr. \ g[ue]st'uz \ ) Ms. plr. gustos - fm. sng. and
the terms "auss, avuss". plr. gustosa, gustose. - 1) - tasty. - 2) - pleasant, amusing
gussé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ g[ue]b'e \ ) - 1) - to work hard, to (in a fig. sense).
drudge. - 2) - to try hard, to do one's best (in a fig. gustosità - n. f. (pr. \ g[ue]stuzit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
sense). - See also the terms "gobé, gumé, gubé, sgobé ". tastiness. - 2) - pleasantness (in a fig. sense).
gutural - adj. (pr. \ g[ue]t[ue]r'&l \ ) Ms. plr. guturaj - fm.
sng. and plr. gutural, guturaj. - guttural.

Letter H
Only few words, in Piedm., start by " H ", and usually are taken from other languages. They have nearly always an alternative
spelling without the initial H and often there are other terms or loc. for defining the same entity. It is, of course, the starting
letter of many foreign names (places, persons) that in their language start by H and don't have a piedm. translation (we report
only few examples).

h - nineth letter of the alphabet and n. f. (pr. \ no sound for has (it l'---) - vrb "avèj ", affirmative present tense, 2nd prs.
this letter \) - h. eich. This letter modifies the sound of sng. (pr. \ & l '& \) - you have (see in the grammar: vrb
the letters "c" an "g" in the groups "che, chë, chi, ghe, "avèj").
ghë, ghi " (see inside the grammar: "Spelling and hassiss - n. m. (pr. \ '&sis \) Inv. at plr. (if any). - hashish,
Phonology"). Then is used as starting letter in some hasheesh. This spelling uses the piedm. pronunciation.
voices of thepresent tense of the vrb "avèj " (since they We remember that the sound "sh" as in the english
are only few voices, we report them). It is, of course, words "english, fish, etc." does not exist in Piedm. The
starting letter of many foreign names (places, persons) word "hashish" is anyway used and pronunced as in
that in their language start by H and don't have a piedm. English, as a foreign neologism.
translation (we report only few examples). has-to? (l'---) - vrb "avèj ", interrogative present tense, 2nd
ha (a l'---) - vrb "avèj ", affirmative present tense, 3rd prs. prs. sng. (pr. \ l'&stu \) - have you?, do you have? (see
sng. (pr. \ & l '& \) - he has (see in the grammar: vrb in the grammar: vrb "avèj").
"avèj"). Hauaj - n. f. plr. (pr. \ &u'&y \) Only plr. - Hawaii This
ha-lo...? (l'---) - vrb "avèj ", interrogative present tense, 3rd spelling uses the piedm. letters of the alphabet, and is
prs. sng. (pr. \ l '&lu \) - has he?, does he have? (see in the piedm. spelling of Hawaii. This latter is also
the grammar: vrb "avèj"). commonly used as a foreign word. Also the term
hàbitat - n. m. (pr. \ '&bit&t \) Inv. at plr. - habitat. See "Havaj" is usable (see below).
also the loc. "ambient ideal". hauajan - adj. (pr. \ &u&y'&[ng] \) Ms. plr. hauajan -
habitué - n. (pr. \ &bitu'e \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - habitué, fm. sng. and plr. hauajan-a, hauajan-e. -
regular. See also the term "abituà " and the loc. "ëd cà". Hawaiian.
hai (i l'---) - vrb "avèj ", affirmative present tense, 1st prs. Havaj - n. f. plr. (pr. \ &v'&y \) - See Hauaj.
sng. (pr. \ i l '&i \) - I have. (see in the grammar: vrb havajan - adj. (pr. \ &v&y'&[ng] \) - See hauajan.
"avèj"). See also the term "heu (i l'---)". Hèlsinchi - n. m. (pr. \ 'ælsinki \) Inv. at plr. (if required). -
Helsinky. This spelling uses the piedm. letters of the
hai-ne (l'---) - vrb "avèj ", interrogative present tense, 1st
alphabet, and is the piedm. spelling of Helsinky. This
prs. sng. (pr. \ l'&ine \) - have I?, do I have? (see in the
latter is also commonly used as a foreign word. Also the
grammar: vrb "avèj").
term "Èlsinchi" is usable.
hall - n. f. (pr. \ &ll \) Inv. at plr. - hall, foyer, lobby. See
Hertz - n. m. (pr. \ 'ærts \) Inv. at plr. - Hertz, measure unit
also the terms "hòl, andor" and the loc. "salon
for frequency.
han (a l'---) - vrb "avèj ", affirmative present tense, 3rd prs. hertzian - adj. (pr. \ ærtsi'&[ng] \) Ms. plr. hertzian - fm.
plr. (pr. \ & l '&[ng] \) - they have (see in the grammar: sng. and plr. hertzian-a, hertzian-e. - Hertzian.
vrb "avèj"). See also the term "ersian".
hàndicap - n. m. (pr. \ '&ndic&p \) Inv. at plr. - handicap. heu (i l'---) - vrb "avèj ", affirmative present tense, 1st prs.
See also the term "dëscàpit ". sng. (pr. \ i l '[oe] \) - I have. (see in the grammar: vrb
hàngar - n. m. (pr. \ '&[ng]g&r \) Inv. at plr. - hangar. See "avèj"). See also the term "hai (i l'---)".
also the term "àngar" and the loc. "garas dij velìvoj ". hidalgo - n. m. (pr. \ id'&lgô \) Inv. at plr. - hidalgo.
han-ne? (l'---) - vrb "avèj ", interrogative present tense, 3rd Usually in the spelling "idalgo".
prs. plr. (pr. \ l '&[ng]ne \) - have they?, do they have? hòbby - n. m. (pr. \ 'obbi \) Inv. ar plr. - hobby. See also the
(see in the grammar: vrb "avèj"). terms "passatemp, balin, passion".
harem - n. m. (pr. \ '&ræm \) Inv. at plr. - harem, seraglio. hòl - n. f. (pr. \ 'ol \) - See hall.
See also the term "àrem". hòstess - n. f. (pr. \ 'ostæs \) Inv. ar plr. - air-hostess,
harmònium - n. m. (pr. \ &rm'oniu \) Inv. at plr. - hostess, stewardess. See also the loc. "assistenta 'd
harmonium (music). See also the term "armònio". vòl".
humus - n. m. (pr. \ 'umus \) Inv. ar plr. (if any). - 1) -
humus. - 2) - fertile ground (in a fig. sense).


Letter I
About this letter we remember that there are words starting with the group "im... " and starting with the group "in..."
that can also be found (an often are easier to be found) starting with "am..." and respectively with "an...", or starting
with "ëm..." and respectively with "ën..." (these two latter are not very usual). For many of these word the most
common starting is "am...", or respectively, "an...". Then we also remember that many words starting by "im...", can
also start by "inm...". All these possibilities are correct Piedmontese (here we do not report all of them).

i - 1) - tenth letter of the alphabet and n. f. (pr. \ i \ ) Inv. at iconologista - n. (pr. \ icunuluj'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. iconologista -
possible plr. - i. fm. sng. and plr. iconologista, iconologiste. - iconologist.
i - 2) - vrbl. prs. prn. (pr. \ i \ ) - I, we, you (plr.). This vrbl. iconoscòpi - n. m. (pr. \ icunusc'opi \ ) Inv. at plr. - iconoscope
prn. always supports the 1st prs. both sng. and plr. and the (television).
2nd prs. plr. for all moods and tenses of all vrb. (but not the iconògrafo - n. (pr. \ icun'ogr&fô \ ) Ms. plr. iconògrafo - fm.
imperative mood) (see grammar for rules and exceptions) sng. and plr. iconògrafa, iconògrafe. - iconographer.
even if another (concordant) explicit subject is present icon-a - n. f. (pr. \ ic'u[ng]& \ ) At plr. icone. - icon. See also
(noun, pronoun or other). the term "ancon-a".
i - 3) - adv. (pr. \ i \ ) - here, there. Locative particle. For its icosaéder - (pr. \ icuz&'edær \ ) - See icosaédro.
use see grammar. Usually associated with the vrbl. prs. prn. icosaédrich - adj. (pr. \ icuz&'edric \ ) Ms. plr. icosaédrich -
Here some examples : - A) - "i-i andrai doman" "I will fm. sng. and plr. icosaédrica, icosaédriche. - icosahedral.
go there tomorrow". - B) - "it i-i vriras 'dcò ti" "you too icosaédro - n. m. (pr. \icuz&'edrô\ ) Inv. at plr. - icosahedron.
will come here". In this sentence one of the two "i " is an icònich - adj. (pr. \ ic'onic \ ) Ms. plr. icònich - fm. sng. and
euphonical one.- C) - "a-i và na vis" "here a screw is plr. icònica, icòniche. - iconic.
required ". idea - n. f. (pr. \ id'e& \ ) At plr. idée. - 1) - idea (in general). -
iarda - n. f. (pr. \ i'&rd& \ ) At plr. iarde. - yard. See also the 2) - whim, notion, plan, scheme. E. g. "che idea balorda!"
term "jarda". "what a stupid notion! ". - 3) - suggestion. E. g. "toa idea
iassa - n. f. (pr. \ i'&s& \ ) At plr. iasse. - magpie, pie a l'é vnùita a taj " "your suggestion was very useful ".- 4)
(zoology - Pica pica). See also the term "jassa". - glimmering, whiff, hint, suspicion. E. g. "giusta n'idea
iato - n. m. (pr. \ i'&tô \ ) Inv. at plr. - hiatus (grammar, an sël progét " "just a glimmering about the project ".- 5)
anatomy). See also the terms "jat, jato". - opinion, mind. E. g. "l'has-to torna cambià idea? "
ibernassion - n. f. (pr. \ ibærn&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - "have you againg changed your mind? ". - 6) - intention,
hibernation. - 2) - cryonics (medical). mind. E. g. "i l'hai nen l'idea d'andé " = "I have not the
iberné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ ibærn'e \ ) - to hibernate. intention of going". - 7) - ideal. E. g. "l'idea 'd nassion a l'é
ìbrid - adj. and n. (pr. \ 'ibrid \ ) Ms. plr. ìbrid - fm. sng. and nen vàire spantià" = "the ideal of nation is not very
plr. ìbrida, ìbride. - hybrid. See also the terms "mes-cc, spreaded ". In this sense see also the term "ideal 1)". - See
ancrosià ". also the term "idèja".
ibridassion - n. f. (pr. \ ibrid&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - ideal - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ ide'&l \ ) At plr. ideaj. - ideal.
hybridization, cross-breeding. See also the term ideal - 2) - adj. (pr. \ ide'&l \ ) Ms. plr. ideaj - fm. sng. and plr.
"ancros". ideal, ideaj. - 1) - ideal, perfect. - 2) - ideal, imaginary.
ibridator - n. m. (pr. \ ibrid&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - hybridizer. idealisassion - n. f. (pr. \ ide&liz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
ibridé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ ibrid'e \ ) - to hybridize. See also idealization.
the term "ancrosié ". idealisé - vrb 1st con. trs. - (pr. \ ide&liz'e \ ) - to idealize.
ibridism - n. m. (pr. \ ibrid'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - hybridism, idealism - n. m. (pr. \ ide&l'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - idealism.
hybridity. idealista - n. (pr. \ ide&l'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. idealista - fm. sng.
icàstica - n. f. (pr. \ ic'&stic& \ ) At plr. (if any) icàstiche. - and plr. idealista, idealiste. - idealist.
representative art. idealìstich - adj. (pr. \ ide&l'istic \ ) Ms. plr. idealìstich - fm.
icàstich - adj. (pr. \ ic'&stic \ ) Ms. plr. icàstich - fm. sng. and sng. and plr. idealìstica, idealìstiche. - idealistic.
plr. icàstica, icàstiche. - figurative, representational. idealità - n. f. (pr. \ ide&lit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - noble ideal,
iconoclasta - n. (pr. \ icunucl'&st& \ ) Ms. plr. iconoclasta - noble feelings.
fm. sng. and plr. iconoclasta, iconoclaste. - iconoclast. ideassion - n. f. (pr. \ ide&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - ideation,
iconoclastìa - n. f. (pr. \ icunucl&st'i& \ ) At plr. iconoclastìe. - invention. See also the term "invension".
iconoclasm. ideator - n. (pr. \ ide&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. ideator - fm. sng. and
iconoclàstich - adj. (pr. \ icunucl'&st& \ ) Ms. plr. plr. ideatriss, ideatriss. - author, inventor, conceiver.
iconoclastich - fm. sng. and plr. iconoclastica, (authoress, inventress).
iconoclastiche. - iconoclastic. ideé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ ide'e \ ) - 1) - to conceive, to
iconografìa - n. f. (pr. \ icunugr&f'i& \ ) At plr. iconografìe. - devise. - 2) - to invent. - 3) - to plan.
iconography. idèja - n. f. (pr. \ id'æy& \ ) - See idea.
iconogràfich - adj. (pr. \ icunugr'&fic \ ) Ms. plr. iconogràfich idèntich - adj. (pr. \ id'æntic \ ) Ms. plr. idèntich - fm. sng. and
- fm. sng. and plr. iconogràfica, iconogràfiche. - plr. idèntica, idèntiche. - identical.
iconographic, iconographical. identicità - n. f. (pr. \ idænti[ch]it'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - identity,
iconologìa - n. f. (pr. \ icunuluj'i& \ ) At plr. iconologìe - identicalness. See also the term "identità ".
iconology, interpretation of symbols in art. identificàbil - adj. (pr. \ idæntific'&bil\ ) Ms. plr. identificàbij,
-fm. sng. and plr. identificàbil, identificàbij.- identifiable.

identificassion - n. f. (pr. \ idæntific&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - idro... - prefix. (pr. \ idru... ; idr'o... \ ) - hydro... . This prefix
identification. refers to "water". Its use is similar in Piedm. as in English.
identifiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ idæntifik'e \ ) - to identify. We report some examples.
identità - n. f. (pr. \ idæntit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - identity. See also idrobiologìa - n. f. (pr. \ 'idrubiuluj'i& \ ) At plr. idrobiologìe.
the term "identicità ". - hydrobiology.
ideografìa - n. f. (pr. \ ideugr&f'i& \ ) At plr. ideografìe. - idrobiològich - adj. (pr. \ 'idrubiul'ojic \ ) Ms. plr.
ideography. idrobiològich, - fm. sng. and plr. idrobiològica,
ideogràfich - adj. (pr. \ ideugr'&fic \ ) Ms. plr. ideogràfich, - idrobiològiche. - hydrobiological.
fm. sng. and plr. ideogràfica, ideogràfiche. - ideographic, idrobiòlogh - n. (pr. \ 'idrubi'olug \ ) Ms. plr. idrobiòlogh, -
ideographical. fm. sng. and plr. idrobiòloga, idrobiòloghe. -
ideograma - n. m. (pr. \ ideugr'&m&\ ) Inv. at plr. - ideogram, hydrobiologist.
ideograph. idrocarbur - n. m. (pr. \ idruc&rb'[ue]r \ ) Inv. at plr. -
ideologìa - n. f. (pr. \ ideuluj'i& \ ) At plr. ideologìe. - hydrocarbon (chemistry).
ideology. idrocefalìa - n. f. (pr. \ idru[ch]ef&l'i& \ ) At plr. idrocefalìe -
ideologism - n. m. (pr. \ ideuluj'izs \ ) Inv. at plr. - ideology. hydrocephalus (medical).
See also the term "ideologìa". idrocefàlich - adj. (pr. \ idru[ch]ef'&lic \ ) Ms. plr.
ideològich - adj. (pr. \ ideuluj'ojic \ ) Ms. plr. ideològich, -fm. idrocefàlich, - fm. sng. and plr. idrocefàlica,
sng. and plr. ideològica, ideològiche. - ideologic, idrocefàliche. - hydrocephalic (medical).
ideological. idrocéfalo - adj. and n. (pr. \ idru[ch]'ef&lô \ ) - 1) -
ideòlogh - n. (pr. \ ide'olug \ ) Ms. plr. ideòlogh, -fm. sng. and hydrocephalous (sbst.) (medical). - 2) - hidrocephalic
plr. ideòloga, ideòloghe. - ideologist. See also the terms (adj.) (medical).
"ideòlogo, teòrich". idrochinon - n. m. (pr. \ idrukin'u[ng]\ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). -
ideòlogo - n. (pr. \ ide'olugô \ ) - See ideòlogh. hydroquinone, hydrochinon.
idili - n. m. (pr. \ id'ili \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - idyll. - 2) - romance. idrocoltura - n. f. (pr. \ idrucult'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. idrocolrure.
- 3) - idyllic life. - hydroponics.
idilich - adj. (pr. \ id'ilic \ ) Ms. plr. idìlich, - fm. sng. and plr. idrodinàmica - n. f. (pr. \ idrudin'&mic& \ ) At plr.
idìlica, idìliche. - idyllic. idrodinàmiche. - hydrodynamics.
Idio - n. m. (pr. \ id'iu \ ) Only sing. - God. See also the terms idrodinàmich - adj. (pr. \ idrudin'&mic \ ) Ms. plr.
"Dio, Dé, Nosgnor". idrodinàmich, - fm. sng. and plr. idrodinàmica,
idiomàtich - adj. (pr. \ idium'&tic \ ) Ms. plr. idiomàtich, - fm. idrodinàmiche. - hydrodynamic, hydrodynamical.
sng. and plr. idiomàtica, idiomàtiche. - idiomatic. idroelétrich - adj. (pr. \ idruel'etric \ ) Ms. plr. idroelétrich, -
idiosincrasìa - n. f. (pr. \ idiusi[ng]cr&z'i& \ ) At plr. fm. sng. and plr. idroelétrica, idroelétriche. - hydro-
idiosincrasìe. - idiosyncrasy. electric.
idiossìa - n. f. (pr. \ idius'i& \ ) At plr. idiossìe. - 1) - idiocy idrofobìa - n. f. (pr. \ idrufub'i& \ ) At plr. idrofobìe. -
(medical). - 2) - idiocy, stupidity. hydrophobia, rabies (medical).
idiotism - n. m. (pr. \ idiut'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - idiom idrogenassion - n. f. (pr. \ idrujen&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
(phylosophy). - 2) - idiocy (medical). hydrogenation.
idiòma - n. m. (pr. \ idi'om& \ ) Inv. at plr. - idiom, language, idrogené - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ idrujen'e \ ) - to hydrogenate,
tongue. to hydrogenize.
idiòta - adj. and n. (pr. \ idi'ot& \ ) Ms. plr. idiòta, - fm. sng. idrografìa - n. f. (pr. \ idrugr&f'i& \ ) At plr. idrografìe. -
and plr. idiòta, idiòte. - 1) - idiot (sbst.). - 2) - idiotic hydrography.
(adj.). idrogràfich - adj. (pr. \ idrugr'&fic \ ) Ms. plr. idrogràfich, -
ìdol - n. m. (pr. \ 'idul \ ) At plr. ìdoj. - idol. fm. sng. and plr. idrogràfica, idrogràfiche. -
idolàtra - n. and adj. (pr. \ idul'&tr& \ ) Ms. plr. idolatra, - fm. hydrographic, hydrographical.
sng. and plr. idolatra, idolatre. - 1) - idolatrous (adj.) - 2) idrolisassion - n. f. (pr. \ idruliz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
- idolater / idolatress. hydrolyzation.
idolatrìa - n. f. (pr. \ idul&tr'i& \ ) At plr. idolatrìe. - idolatry. idrolisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ idruliz'e \ ) - to hydrolyze, to
idolatré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ idul&tr'e \ ) - to idolize, to hydrolyse (chemistry).
worship. idrolisi - n. f. (pr. \ idrul'izi \ ) Inv. at plr. - hydrolysis.
idrà - 1) - adj. (pr. \ idr'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - hydrated. idrolit - n. m. (pr. \ idrul'it \ ) Inv. at plr. - hydrolyte.
idrà - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ idr'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - hydrate. idrolìtich - adj. (pr. \ idrul'itic \ ) Ms. plr. idrolìtich, - fm. sng.
idrant - n. m. (pr. \ idr'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. - hydrant. and plr. idrolìtica, idrolìtiche. - hydrolytic.
idratant - 1) - adj. (pr. \ idr&t'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. idratant, -fm. idrologìa - n. f. (pr. \ idruluj'i& \ ) At plr. (if any) idrologìe. -
sng. and plr. idratanta, idratante. - 1) - hydrating hydrology.
(chemistry). - 2) - humectant, moisturizing (cosmetics). idrològich - adj. (pr. \ idrul'ojic \ ) Ms. plr. idrològich, - fm.
idratant - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ idr&t'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. - sng. and plr. idrològica, idrològiche. - hydrologic,
humectant, moisturizer (cosmetics). hydrological.
idratassion - n. f. (pr.\idr&t&si'u[ng]\) Inv. at plr. - hydration. idrometrìa - n. f. (pr. \ idrumetr'i& \ ) At plr. idrometrìe. -
idraté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ idr&t'e \ ) - 1) - to hydrate hydrometry.
(chemistry). - 2) - to moisturize (cosmetics). idrométrich - adj. (pr. \ idrum'etric \ ) Ms. plr. idrométrich, -
idrasin-a - n. f. (pr. \idr&z'i[ng]&\) At plr. (if any) - idrasin-e. fm. sng. and plr. idrométrica, idrométriche. -
idràulica - n. f. (pr. \ idr'&ulic& \) At plr. idràuliche. - hydrometric, hydrometrical.
hydraulics. idropisìa - n. f. (pr. \ idrupiz'i& \ ) At plr. idropisìe. - dropsy
idràulich - 1) - adj. (pr. \ idr'&ulic \ ) Ms. plr. idràulich, -fm. (medical).
sng. and plr. idràulica, idràuliche. - hydraulic. idropitura - n. f. (pr. \ idrupit'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. idropiture. -
idràulich - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ idr'&ulic \ ) Inv. at plr. - plumber, water paint, water-base paint.
sanitary engineer. See also the terms "tolé, tubista". idroplan - n. m. (pr. \ idrupl'&[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - hydroplane.
ìdrich - adj. (pr. \ 'idric \ ) Ms. plr. ìdrich, -fm. sng. and plr. idropòrt - n. m. (pr. \ idrup'ort \ ) Inv. at plr. - seaplane base.
ìdrica, ìdriche. - water (as an attribure). See also the term "idroscal ".

idrorepelent - adj. (pr. \ idrurepel'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. ignavia - n. f. (pr. \ i[gn]'&vi& \ ) At plr. ignavie. - sloth,
idrorepelent, - fm. sng. and plr. idrorepelenta, sluggishness.
idrorepelente. - water-repellent. ignominia - n. f. (pr. \ i[gn]um'ini& \ ) At plr. ignominie. - 1) -
idroscàl - n. m. (pr. \ idrusc'&l \ ) - See idropòrt. ignominy, shame, disgrace. - 2) - disgraceful action. - 3)
idrostàtica - n. f. (pr. \ idrust'&tic& \ ) At plr. idrostàtiche. - - outrage, horror (jocular, in a fig. sense).
hydrostatics. ignoransa - n. f. (pr. \ i[gn]ur'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr. ignoranse. -
idrostàtich - adj. (pr. \ idrust'&tic \ ) Ms. plr. idrostàtich, - fm. 1) - ignorance. - 2) - rudeness.
sng. and plr. idrostàtica, idrostàtiche. - hydrostatic. ignorant - adj. and n. (pr. \ i[gn]ur'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. ignorant, -
idroterapìa - n. f. (pr. \ idruter&p'i& \ ) At plr. idroterapìe. - fm. sng. and plr. ignoranta, ignorante. - 1) - ignorant,
hydrotherapy, hydrotherapeutics (medical). unaware (adj.). - 2) - ignorant, unacquainted (adj.). - 3) -
idroteràpich - adj. (pr. \ idruter'&pic \ ) Ms. plr. idroteràpich, ignorant, uneducated, illiterate (adj.). - 4) - boorish,
- fm. sng. and plr. idroteràpica, idroteràpiche. - rude (adj.). - 5) - ignorant person (sbst.). - 6) - rude
hydrotherapeutic. person, boor (sbst.).
idrovìa - n. f. (pr. \ idruv'i& \ ) At plr. idrovìe. - waterway. ignoré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[gn]ur'e \ ) - 1) - not to know, to
See also the terms "canal, navili " and the loc. "strà d'eva, be unaware, to be ignorant. - 2) - to ignore.
strà d'aqua". ingnòbil - adj. (pr. \ i[gn]'obil \ ) Ms. plr. ignòbij, - fm. sng.
idrovolant - n. m. (pr. \ idruvul'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. - seaplane, and plr. ignòbil, ignòbij. - ignoble, base, despicable.
hydroplane. i-i - 1) - vrbl. prs. prn. 1st prs. sng. or 1st prs. plr. or 2nd prs. plr.
idròfil - adj. (pr. \ idr'ofil \ ) Ms. plr. idròfij, - fm. sng. and plr. + locative adv. (pr. \ ii \ ) - I...there (here), we...there
idròfila, idròfile. - hydrophyle. (here), you(plr.)...there (here). See grammar. Some
idròfob - adj. (pr. \ idr'ofub \ ) Ms. plr. idròfob, - fm. sng. and examples : - A) - "mi i-i vado" "I go there". - B) - "noi i-i
plr. idròfoba, idròfobe. - 1) - hydrophobic, rabid. - 2) - andoma" "we go there". - C) - "voiàutri i-i andeve"
furious (in a fig. sense). See also the term "idròfobo". "you (plr.) go there".
idròfobo - adj. (pr. \ idr'ofubô \ ) - See idròfob. i-i (it ---) - 2) - vrbl. prs. prn. 2nd prs. sng. + euphonic "i" +
idròfono - n. m. (pr. \ idr'ofunô \ ) Inv. at plr. - hydrophone. locative adv. (pr. \ ii \ ) - you (sng.)... there (here). In this
idrògen - n. m. (pr. \ idr'oje[ng] \ ) Only sng. (chemical case the vrbl. prs. prn. is "it" and the first "i" is euphonical.
element). In case of need inv. at plr. - hydrogen. See also E. g. "(ti) it i-i vas" "you (sng.) go there".
the term "idrògeno". ij - art. ms. plr. (pr. \ i \ ; \ iy \ ) - the. This definite article is
idrògeno - n. m. (pr. \ idr'ojenô \ ) - See idrògen. used at ms. plr. in front of plr. words starting by simple, not
idrògraf - n. (pr. \ idr'ogr&f \ ) Ms. plr. idrògraf, - fm. sng. strong, consonant (see grammar).
and plr. idrògrafa, idrògrafe. - hydrographer. See also i-j - 1) - vrbl. prs. prn. 1st prs. sng. or 1st prs. plr. or 2nd prs. plr.
the term "idrògrafo". + prs. prn. complement 3rd prs. sng. or plr. - (pr. \ iy \ ) -
idrògrafo - n. (pr. \ idr'ogr&fô \ ) - See idrògraf. I...(to) him, I...(to) them, we...(to) him, we...(to) them,
idròlogh - n. (pr. \ idr'olug \ ) Ms. plr. idròlogh, - fm. sng. and you (plr)...(to) him, you (plr)...(to) them. See grammar.
plr. idròloga, idròloghe. - hydrologist. See also the term Some examples : - A) - "i-j dago" "I give him / I give
"idròlogo". them". - B) - "i-j doma" "we give him / we give them". -
idròlogo - n. (pr. \ idr'olugô \ ) - See idròlogh. C) - "i-j deve" "you (plr.) give him, you (plr.) give them".
idròmeter - n. m. (pr. \ idr'ometær \ ) - See idròmetro. i-j (it ---) - 2) - vrbl. prs. prn. 2nd prs. sng. + euphonic "i" + prs.
idròmetro - n. m. (pr. \ idr'ometrô \ ) Inv. at plr. - water- prn. complement 3rd prs. sng. or plr. - (pr. \ iy \ ) - you
gauge, hydrometer. (sng.)... (to) him / (to them). In this case the vrbl. prs. prn.
idròpich - adj. and n. (pr. \ idr'opic \ ) Ms. plr. idròpic, - fm. is "it" and the first "i" is euphonical. E. g. "(ti) it i-j das"
sng. and plr. idròpica, idròpiche. - 1) - hydropical,
"you (sng.) give him /you give them ".
hydropic, dropsical (adj.) (medical) - 2) - sufferer from
ilassion - n. f. (pr. \ il&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - illation,
dropsy (sbst.).
inference. See also the term "dedussion".
idròssid - n. m. (pr. \ idr'osid \ ) Inv. at plr. - hydroxide. ilécit - 1) - adj. (pr. \ il'e[ch]it \ ) Ms. plr. ilécit, - fm. sng. and
(chemistry). plr. ilécita, ilécite. - illicit, illegitimate.
idròvor - adj. (pr. \ idr'ovur \ ) Ms. plr. idròvor, - fm. sng. and
ilécit - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ il'e[ch]it \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - tort (civil),
plr. idròvora, idròvore. - water-scooping (as an attribute).
2) - crime, offence (penal). - 3) - private wrong.
idròvora - n. f. (pr. \ idr'ovur& \ ) At plr. idròvore. - water-
ilegal - adj. (pr. \ ileg'&l \ ) Ms. plr. ilegaj, - fm. sng. and plr.
scooping machine.
ilegal, ilegaj. - illegal, unlawful. See also the loc. "nen
iér - 1) - adv. (pr. \ ier \ ) - yesterday. See also the term "jer".
legal" most used.
iér - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ ier \ ) Inv. at plr. - yesterday. See also the
ilegalità - n. f. (pr. \ ileg&lit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - illegality,
term "jer". unlawfulness. - 2) - illegal act.
if - n. m. (pr. \ if \ ) Inv. at plr. - yew (botay - Taxus baccata). ilegìbil - adj. (pr. \ ilej'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. ilegìbij, - fm. sng. and
See also the term "tass".
plr. ilegìbil, ilegìbij. - illegible, unreadable. Quite an
igene - n. m. (pr. \ ij'ene \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - hygiene,
italianism. See also the best piedm. loc. "nen lesìbil".
hygienics. See also the term in the spelling "igiene".
ilegìtim - (pr. \ ilej'itim \ ) Ms. plr. ilegìtim, - fm. sng. and plr.
igénich - adj. (pr. \ ij'enic \ ) Ms. plr. igénic, - fm. sng. and plr.
ilegìtima, ilegìtime. - illegitimate, unlawful. See also the
igénica, igéniche. - 1) - hygienic, hygienical, sanitary. -
best piedm. loc. "nen legìtim".
2) - healthy. - 3) - advisable (in a fig. sense). See also the
ilibà - adj. (pr. \ ilib'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - chaste,
term in the spelling "igiénich ". pure. - 2) - blameless, uncorrupted.
ighera - n. f. (pr. \ ig'er& \ ) At plr. ighere. - jug, pitcher. (for ilibatëssa - n. f. (pr. \ ilib&t'&ss& \ ) At plr. ilibatësse. - 1) -
pouring water). See also the term "ighiera, lighera".
chastity, purity. - 2) - blamelessness, irreproachability.
ighiera - n. f. (pr. \ ig'ier& \ ) - See ighera.
ilimità - adj. (pr. \ ilimit'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - boundless,
igiene - n. m. (pr. \ ij'iene \ ) - See igene.
unlimited. Quite an italianism. See also the best piedm.
igiénich - adj. (pr. \ ij'ienic \ ) - See igenich.
loc. "nen limità, sensa lìmit ".
ignavi - adj. and n. (pr. \ i[gn]'&vi \ ) Ms. plr. ignavi, - fm. sng.
ilimitatëssa - n. f. (pr. \ ilimit&t'&ss& \ ) At plr. ilimitatësse. -
and plr. ignavia, ignavie. - 1) - slothful, sluggish (adj.). -
bounlessness, inlimitedness. See also the loc. "nen
2) - sluggard, slothful person. limitassion".

ilogicità - n. f. (pr. \ iluji[ch]it'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - illogicality, Imacolà (l'---) - n. f. (pr. \ l im&cul'& \ ) Only sng. - the Holy
illogicalness, inconsequentiality, inconsistency. See also Virgin.
the loc. "mancansa 'd lògica". image - n. f. (pr. \ im'&je \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - image, picture. -
ilògich - adj. (pr. \ il'ojic \ ) Ms. plr. ilògich, - fm. sng. and plr. 2) - figure. See also the terms "imàgin, imàgine, inmàgin,
ilògica, ilògiche. - illogical, irrational, inconsistent, inmàgine".
inconsequential. See also the loc. "nen lògich, sensa imàgin - n. f. (pr. \ im'&ji[ng] \ ) - See image.
lògica ". imaginàbil - adj. (pr. \ im&jin'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. inmaginàbij, -
ilude - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ il'[ue]de \ ) - to delude, to take in, fm. sng. and plr. inmaginàbil, inmaginàbij. - imaginable.
to beguile, to deceive. See also the most commo term "inmaginàbil ".
iludse - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ il'[ue]dse \ ) - to delude oneself. imaginari - adj. (pr. \ im&jin'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. imaginari, - fm.
iluminassion - n. f. (pr. \ il[ue]min&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) sng. and plr. imaginària, imaginàrie. - imaginary. See
- lighting, illumination. - 2) - enlightenment (in a fig. also the term "inmaginari, anmaginari".
sense). See also the terms "anluminassion, luminassion". imaginassion - n. f. (pr. \ im&jin&siu[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
iluminé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ il[ue]min'e \ ) - 1) - to light up, imagination, fancy, fancifulness. - 2) - figment of the
to lighten, to illuminate, to shine upon. - 2) - to (sb's) imagination. See also the term "inmaginassion".
enlighten, to illuminate (in a fig. sense). imaginativ - adj. (pr. \ im&jin&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. imaginativ, -
iluminésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ il[ue]min'ese \ ) - to light fm. sng. and plr. imaginativa, imaginative. - imaginative.
up, to lighten, to brighten. See also the term "inmaginativ".
iluminism - n. m. (pr. \ il[ue]min'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - imaginativa - n. f. (pr. \ im&jin&t'iv& \ ) At plr. imaginative.
Enlightenment (phylosophy). - imaginativeness, imagination. See also the term
iluminista - n. and adj. (pr. \ il[ue]min'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. "inmaginativa".
iluminista, - fm. sng. and plr. iluminista, iluministe. - 1) - imàgine - n. f. (pr. \ im'&jine \ ) - See image.
Enlightenment (as an attribute) (adj.). - 2) - imaginé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ im&jin'e \ ) - 1) - to imagine,
Enlightenment thinker (sbst.). to picture, to fancy. - 2) - to invent, to think out. - 3) - to
iluminìstich - adj. (pr. \ il[ue]min'istic \ ) Ms. plr. iluministich, suppose, to presume. See also the terms "inmaginé,
- fm. sng. and plr. iluministica, iluministiche. - anmaginé ".
Enlightenment (as an attribute). imaginos - adj. (pr. \ im&jin'uz \ ) Ms. plr. imaginos, - fm.
ilus - adj. and n. (pr. \ il'[ue]z \ ) Ms. plr. ilus, - fm. sng. and sng. and plr. imaginosa, imaginose. - 1) - imaginative,
plr. ilusa, iluse. - 1) - deluded, deceived, hoodwinked picturesque, vivid. - 2) - fanciful, fantastic, imaginary.
(adj.). - 2) - dupe, dreamer (sbst.). See also the terms "inmaginos, fantasios".
ilusion - n. f. (pr. \ il[ue]zi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - delusion, imanensa - n. f. (pr. \ im&n'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. imanense. -
illusion. immanence, immanency (phylosophy). See also the term
ilusionism - n. m. (pr. \ il[ue]ziun'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - "inmanensa".
conjuring, illusionism. imanent - adj. (pr. \ im&n'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. imanent, - fm. sng.
ilusionista - n. (pr. \ il[ue]ziun'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. ilusionista, - and plr. imanenta, imanente. - immanent (phylosophy).
fm. sng. and plr. ilusionista, ilusioniste. - conjuror, See also the term "inmanent ".
illusionist. imanentism - n. m. (pr. \ im&nænt'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. -
ilusionìstich - adj. (pr. \ il[ue]ziun'istic \ ) Ms. plr. immanentism (phylosophy). See also the term
ilusionistich, - fm. sng. and plr. ilusionistica, "inmanentism ".
ilusionistiche. - conjuring, illusionistic. imanentista - n. (pr. \ im&nænt'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. imanentista, -
ilusòri - adj. (pr. \ il[ue]z'ori \ ) Ms. plr. ilusòri, - fm. sng. and fm. sng. and plr. imanentista, imanentiste. - immanentist
plr. ilusòria, ilusòrie. - illusory, deceptive, fallacious. (phylosophy). See also the term "inmanentista ".
ilustr - adj. (pr. \ il'[ue]str \ ) Usually referred to ms., but in imanentìstich - adj. (pr. \ im&nænt'istich \ ) Ms. plr.
case of need : Ms. plr. ilustr, - fm. sng. and plr. ilustra, imanentìstich, - fm. sng. and plr. imanentìstica,
ilustre. - distinguished, renowned, famous, illustrious. imanentìstiche. - immanentistic, immanentist.
ilustrà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ il[ue]str'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - (phylosophy). See also the term "inmanentìstic ".
illustrated. imatricolassion - n. f. (pr. \ im&triculasi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
ilustrador - n. (pr. \ il[ue]str&d'ur \ ) - See ilustrator. 1) - admission, matriculation. - 2) - registration. See also
ilustrassion - n. f. (pr. \ il[ue]str&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - the term "inmatricolassion".
illustration, picture. - 2) - illustration, explanation. See imatricolé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ im&tricul'e \ ) - to admit (to
also the term "inlustrassion". a university), to matriculate. - 2) - to register. See also
ilustrativ - adj. (pr. \ il[ue]str&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. ilustrativ, - fm. the term "inmatricolé ".
sng. and plr. ilustrativa, ilustrative. - illustrative, imatricolésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ im&tricul'ese \ ) - to
explanatory. See also the term "inlustrativ". matriculate (student). See also the term "inmatricolésse ".
ilustrator - n. (pr. \ il[ue]str&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. ilustrator, - fm. imbatìbil - adj. (pr. \ imb&t'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. imbatìbij, - fm.
sng. and plr. ilustratriss, ilustratriss. - illustrator. See sng. and plr. imbatìbil, imbatìbij. - 1) - unbeatable,
also the term "inlustrator". invincible. - 2) - unsurpassable. See also the term
ilustré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ il[ue]str'e \ ) - 1) - to illustrate. - "ambatìbil ".
2) - to explain. See also the term "inlustré". imbecil - adj. and n. (pr. \ imbe[ch]'il \ ) Ms. plr. imbecil, - fm.
ilustrìssim - adj. (pr. \ il[ue]str'isim \ ) - Ms. plr. ilustrìssim, - sng. and plr. imbecila, imbecile. - 1) - stupid, idiotich,
fm. sng. and plr. ilustrìssima, ilustrìssime. - most foolish, imbecile (adj.). - 2) - fool, idiot, imbecile (sbst.).
illustrious (usually in letters). This term is seldom used at fm., and is quite an italianism.
im... - prefix. (pr. \ im... \ ) - In many words (not in all, of See also the terms "folitro, tuso, beté, anorfantì, etc.".
course) this prefix corresponds to the english un... as an imbianchin - n. m. (pr. \ imbi&[ng]k'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
adversative prefix. Some examples in the following. See whitewasher, house-painter. See also the terms
also the prefix "in...". "ambianchin, ëmbianchin".
imacolà - adj. (pr. \ im&cul'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - spotless, imbocadura - n. f. (pr. \ imbuc&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
immaculate, pure. imbocadure. - 1) - mouth, opening. - 2) - entrance, way

in, mouth. - 3) - mouthpiece, embouchure. See also the imobilisassion - n. f. (pr. \ imubiliz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1)
term "ambocadura". - immobilization. - 2) - tying-up, lock-up (finance). See
imboch - n. m. (pr. \ imb'uc \ ) Inv. at plr. - entrance, way in, also the terms "imobilis, inmobilis".
mouth. See also the term "amboch ". imobilism - n. m. (pr. \ imubil'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - wait-and-
imboché - vrb. 1st con. trs. (pr. \ imbuk’e \ ) - 1) - to feed (by see policy. See also the most common term "inmobilism".
putting the food in the mouth e. g. of a little baby). - 2) - to imobilisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ imubiliz'e \ ) - 1) - to
prompt, to put words into sb’s mouth. - 3) - to enter, to immobilize. - 2) - to tie up, to lock up, to capitalize
come on, to run into. - See also the term "amboché ". The (finance). See also the most common term "inmobilisé".
refl. form takes the following meaning: imobilìstich - adj. (pr. \ imubil'istic \ ) Ms. plr. imobilìstich, -
imbochésse - vrb. 1st con. refl. (pr. \ imbuk’ese \ ) - to get fm. sng. and plr. imobilìstica, imobilìstiche. - wait-and-
obstructed, to clog. See also the term "ambochésse". see (as an n attribute). See also the most common term
imbonidor - n. (pr. \ imbunid'ur \ ) Ms. plr. imbonidor, - fm. "inmobilistich".
sng. and plr. imbonidòira, imbonidòire. - barker, imondìssia - n. f. (pr. \ imund'isi& \ ) At plr. imondissie. - 1) -
huckster, tout. See also the terms "ambonidor, bateur". filthiness, dirtiness. - 2) - garbage, rubbish, refuse. This
imbusté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ imb[ue]st'e \ ) - to put into term is quite an italianism. See also the terms "inmondissia,
envelopes. See also the term "ambusté ". mnis".
imedià - adj. (pr. \ imedi'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - imor - n. m. (pr. \ im'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - humour, humor,
immediate. - 2) - prompt (commercial). - 3) - instinctive, temper, mood, spirits. See also the term "umor".
unpremedited. See also the term "inmedià ". imoral - adj. (pr. \ imur'&l \ ) Ms. plr. imoraj, - fm. sng. and
imediatëssa - n. f. (pr. \ imedi&t'&ss& \ ) At plr. imediatësse. - plr. imoral, imoraj. - immoral. See also the term
immediacy, immediateness. "inmoral".
imemoràbil - adj. (pr. \ imemur'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. imemoràbij, - imoralità - n. f. (pr. \ imur&lit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - immorality.
fm. sng. and plr. imemoràbil, imemoràbij. - immemorial. See also the term "inmoralità ".
imens - adj. (pr. \ im'æ[ng]s \ ) Ms. plr. imens, - fm. sng. and imortal - adj. (pr. \ imurt'&l \ ) Ms. plr. imortaj, - fm. sng. and
plr. imensa, imense. - 1) - immense, unbounded, plr. imortal, imortaj. - immortal, eternal, everlasting.
boundless. - 2) - immense, vast, huge, enormous. See See also the term "inmortal ".
also the term "inmens". imortalé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ imurt&l'e \ ) - to immortalize.
imensità - n. f. (pr. \ imæ[ng]sit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - See also the term "inmortalé, anmortalé ".
immensity, vastness. - 2) - immense quantity. See also imortalità - n. f. (pr. \ imurt&lit'&\ ) Inv. at plr. - immortality.
the term "inmensità ". See also the term "inmortalità ".
imigrà - adj. and n. (pr. \ imigr'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - imòbil - 1) - adj. (pr. \ im'obil \ ) Ms. plr. imòbij, - fm. sng. and
immigrant (who has immigrated). plr. imòbil, imòbij. - 1) - immovable. - 2) - motionless,
imigrant - adj. and n. (pr. \ imigr'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. imigrant, - stationary, still.
fm. sng. and plr. imigranta, imigrante. - immigrant (who imòbil - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ im'obil \ ) At plr. imòbij. - immovable
is immigrating). property, building.
imigrassion - n. f. (pr. \ imigr&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - impagàbil - adj. (pr. \ imp&g'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. impagàbij, - fm.
immigration. sng. and plr. impagàbil, impagàbij. - priceless,
imigratòri - adj. (pr. \ imigr&t'ori \ ) Ms. plr. imigratòri, - fm. invaluable.
sng. and plr. imigratòria, imigratòrie. - immigratory. impaginassion - n. f. (pr. \ imp&jin&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
imigré - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ imigr'e \ ) - to immigrate. It pagination, make-up, paging (typography). See also the
uses the aux. "esse". term "ampaginassion".
imissari - n. m. (pr. \ imis'&ri \ ) Inv. at plr. - tributary impaginador - n. (pr. \ imp&jin&d'ur \ ) - See impaginator.
(geography). impaginadura - n. f. (pr. \ imp&jin&d'[ue]r& \ ) - See
imission - n. f. (pr. \ imisi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - immission. impaginassion.
- 2) - inlet, intake (technique). impaginator - n. (pr. \ imp&jin&d'ur \ ) Ms. plr. impaginator,
imitàbil - adj. . (pr. \ imit'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. imitàbij, - fm. sng. - fm. sng. and plr. impaginatriss, impaginatriss. - maker-
and plr. imitàbil, imitàbij. - imitable. up (typography). See also the term "ampaginator".
imitassion - n. f. (pr. \ imit&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - impaginé - vrb 1st con. trs. - (pr. \ imp&jin'e \ ) - to paginate,
imitation, copy. - 2) - fake. to make-up, to page (typography).See also the term
imitativ - adj. (pr. \ imit&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. imitativ, - fm. sng. "ampaginé".
and plr. imitativa, imitative. - imitative. impanà - n. f. (pr. \ imp&n'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - double glass
imitator - n. (pr. \ imit&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. imitator, - fm. sng. and window.
plr. imitattiss, imitatriss. - imitator, impressionist. impar - adj. (pr. \ imp'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - odd, uneven.
imité - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ imit'e \ ) - 1) - to imitate, to copy. See also the term "dëspari".
- 2) - to mimic, to ape. - 3) - to look like, to imitate. imparadisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ imp&r&diz'e \ ) - to put
imobiliar - adj. (pr. \ imubili'&r \ ) Inv. in grnd. and nr. - into heaven, to make (sb.) happy. See also the term
immovable. Note the common expressions : "proprietà "amparadisé ".
imobiliar" "real estate" ; "socetà imobiliar" "building imparadisésse - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ imp&r&diz’ese \ ) - to
society, firm of builders" ; "crédit imobiliar" "credit rejoice, to delight.
guaranteed bt mortgage". See also the most common term imparé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ imp&r'e \ ) - to learn. See also
"inmobiliar". the terms “amprende, amparé “.
imobilis - n. m. (pr. \ imubil'iz \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - imparentésse - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ imp&rænt'ese \ ) - to
immobilization. - 2) - tying-up, lock-up (finance). See become related (to). See also the term "amparentésse".
also the term "imobilisassion", and the most common terms imparissìlabo - adj. (pr. \ imp&ris'il&bô \ ) Ms. plr.
"inmobilisassion, inmobilis". imparissìlabo, - fm. sng. and plr. imparissìlaba,
imobilisà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ imubiliz'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and imparissìlabe. - imparisyllabic. See also the loc. "dëspari
nr. - 1) - paralized, immobilized, pinned down. - 2) - tied silabe".
up, frozen (finance). See also the most common term imparità - n. f. (pr. \ imp&rit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - disparity,
"inmobilisà ". inequality.

imparsial - adj. (pr. \ imp&rsi'&l \ ) Ms. plr. imparsiaj, - fm. impegnésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ impe[gn]'ese \ ) - 1) - to
sng. and plr. imparsial, imparsiaj. - impartial, fair, undertake, to engage, to coomit oneself. - 2) - to go bail,
unbiased. to stand surety. See also the term "ampegnésse".
imparsialità - n. f. (pr. \imp&rsi&lit'&\ ) Inv. at plr. - fairness, impegnos - adj. (pr. \ impe[gn]'uz \ ) Ms. plr. impegnos, fm.
impartiality. sng. and plr. impegnosa, impegnose. - punctilous,
impartì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ imp&rt'i \ ) - 1) - to impart, to diligent.
give. - 2) - to grant, to bestow. impenetràbil - adj. (pr.\impenetr'&bil\) Ms. plr. impenetràbij,
impassìbil - adj. (pr. \ imp&s'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. impassìbij, - fm. fm. sng. and plr. impenetràbil, impenetràbij. -
sng. and plr. impassìbil, impassìbij. - imperturbable, impenetrable.
impassive, phlegmatic. impenetrabilità - n. f. (pr. \ impenetr&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
impassibilità - n. f. (pr. \ imp&sibilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - impenetrability.
impassiveness, imperturbability, impassibility, phlegm. impenitent - adj. (pr. \ impenit'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. impenitent,
impassiensa - n. f. (pr. \imp&si'æ[ng]s&\) At plr. impassiense. fm. sng. and plr. impenitenta, impenitente. - 1) -
- impatience, eagerness. impenitent, unrepentant. - 2) - incorrigible (in a fig.
impassient - adj. (pr. \ imp&si'ænt \) Ms. plr. impassient, - sense).
fm. sng. and plr. impassienta, impassiente. - impatient, impensà - adj. (pr. \ impæ[ng]s'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) -
eager. unthought-of. - 2) - unexpected, unforeseen.
impassientésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ imp&siænt'ese \) - to impensà (a l'---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ & l impæ[ng]s'& \ ) -
lose one's patirnce, to become impatient. See also the suddenly, out of the blue.
term "impassientìsse". impensàbil - adj. (pr. \ impæ[ng]s'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. impensàbij,
impassientìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ imp&siænt'ise \) See fm. sng. and plr. impensàbil, impensàbij. - unthinkable,
impassientìsse. inconceivable.
impast - n. m. (pr. \ imp’&st \ ) Inv. at plr. - dough, mixture. impér - n. m. (pr. \ imp'er \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - empire. - 2) -
See also the term "ampast". rule, sway, control (in a fig. sense). See also the term
impastador - n. (pr. \ imp&st&d’ur \ ) Ms. plr. impastador, "ampér, amperi, imperi ".
fm. sng. and plr. impastadòira, impastadòire. - kneader. imperant - adj. (pr. \ imper'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. imperant, fm. sng.
See also the term "ampastador". and plr. imperanta, imperante. - 1) - reigning. - 2) -
impastadura - n. f. (pr. \ imp&st&d’[ue]r& \ ) At plr. ruling, prevailing.
impastadure. - kneading, mixing. See also the term imperator - n. (pr. \ imper&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. imperator, fm.
"ampastadura". sng. and plr. imperatriss, imperatriss. - emperor /
impastatriss . n. f. (pr. \ imp&st&tr’is \ ) Inv. at plr - 1) - empress.
kneading-machine, mixer (mechanics). - 2) - cement imperativ - 1) - adj. (pr. \ imper&t'iu\ ) Ms. plr. imperativ, fm.
mixer, mortar mixing-machine (building). See also the sng. and plr. imperativa, imperative. - commanding,
terms “ampastòira, bitumeus, ampastatriss “. imperative, mandatory.
impasté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ imp&st’e \ ) - to knead, to imperativ - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ imper&t'iu \ ) Inv. at plr. -
mix. See also the term "ampasté ". imperative (grammar, phylosophy).
impecàbil - adj. (pr. \ impec'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. impecàbij, fm. impercetìbil - adj. (pr. \ impær[ch]et'ibil \ ) Ms. plr.
sng. and plr. impecàbil, impecàbij. - faultless, impercetìbij, fm. sng. and plr. impercetìbil, impercetìbij.
impeccable. - imperceptible. Quite an italianism. See also the terms
impecabilità - n. f. (pr. \ impec&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - "ampërsepìbil, ampërsetìbil, impërcetìbil".
faultlessness, impeccability. impercetibilità - adj. (pr. \ impær[ch]etibilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
impedensa - n. f. (pr. \ imped'e[ng]s& \ ) At plr. impedense. - imperceptibility.
impedance (physics, electricity). imperdonàbil - adj. (pr. \ impærdun'&bil \ ) Ms. plr.
impedì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ imped'i \ ) - 1) - to prevent, to imperdonàbij, fm. sng. and plr. imperdonàbil,
keep, not to allow. - 2) - to obstruct, to bar, to stop. - 3) - imperdonàbij. - unforgivable, unpardonable. Quite an
to forbid. - 4) - to encumber, to hamper, to impede. italianism. See also the terms "ampërdonàbil.
impedìa - adj. fm. (pr. \ imped'i& \ ) Only fm., at plr. impedìe. impërdonàbil".
- pregnant (in a fig. sense). imperé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ imper'e \ ) - to reign, to rule.
impediment - n. m. (pr. \ impedim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - imperfession - n. f. (pr. \ impærfesi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
impediment, hindrance. imperfection, blemish, faul, flaw. See also the terms
impeduss - n. m. (pr. \ imped'[ue]s \ ) Inv. at plr. - small "impërfession, ampërfession".
pedestal, bracket. imperfét - 1) - adj. (pr. \ impærf'et \ ) Ms. plr. imperfét, fm.
impégn - n. m. (pr. \ imp'e[gn] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - sng. and plr. imperféta, imperféte. - 1) - imperfect. - 2) -
engagement, promise, pledge, undertaking, task. - 2) - defective, faulty. - 3) - unfinished. See also the terms
care, diligence. - 3) - obligation. - 4) - commitment. "ampërfét, impërfét ".
impegnà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ impe[gn]'&\ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. imperfét - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ impærf'et \ ) Inv. at plr. - imperfect
- 1) - engaged, busy. - 2) - reserved, booked. - 3) - (grammar). See also the terms "ampërfét, impërfét ".
committed. - 4) - pledged pawned. imperi - n. m. (pr. \ imp'eri \ ) - See impér.
impegnativ - adj. (pr. \ impe[gn]&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. impegnativ, imperial - adj. (pr. \ imperi'&l \ ) Ms. plr. imperiaj, fm. sng.
fm. sng. and plr. impegnativa, impegnative. - 1) - and plr. imperial, imperiaj. - imperial.
binding. - 2) - exacting, demanding. imperialism - n. m. (pr. \ imperi&l'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. -
impegnativa - n. f. (pr. \ impe[gn]&t'iv& \ ) At plr. imperialism.
impegnative. - contract, written commitment. imperialista - n. and adj. (pr. \ imperi&l'ist& \ ) Ms. plr.
impegné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ impe[gn]'e \ ) - 1) - to engage, imperialista, fm. sng. and plr. imperialista, imperialiste. -
to employ. - 2) - to pawn, to pledge. - 3) - to book, to 1) - imperialist (sbst.). - 2) - imperialistic (adj.). In this
reserve. - 4) - to bind, to tie. - 5) - to take up. - 6) - to sense see also "imperialìstich ".
begin, to start, to engage. - 7) - to engage (military). See imperialìstich - adj. (pr. \ imperi&l'istic \ ) Ms. plr.
also the term "ampegné ". imperialistich, fm. sng. and plr. imperialistica,
imperialistiche. - imperialistic.

imperios - adj. (pr. \ imperi'uz \ ) Ms. plr. imperios, fm. sng. defective, faulty. - 3) - unfinished. See also the terms
and plr. imperosa, imperiose. - 1) - imperious. - 2) - "ampërfét, imperfét ".
pressing, urgent, impelling. impërfét - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ imp&rf'et \ ) Inv. at plr. - imperfect
imperiosità - n. f. (pr. \ imperiuzit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - (grammar). See also the terms "ampërfét, imperfét ".
imperiousness. - 2) - urgency (in a fig. sense). impërmalì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ imp&rm&l'i \ ) - to annoy, to
impermeàbil - 1) - adj. (pr. \ impærme'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. put out. See also the term "ampërmalì"
impermeàbij, fm. sng. and plr. impermeàbil, impërmalìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ imp&rm&l'ise \ ) - to
impermeàbij. - 1) - impermeable, waterproof, take offence. See alsao the term "ampërmalìsse".
rainproof. - 2) - impervious (ground). impërsonal - adj. (pr. \ imp&rsun'&l \ ) Ms. plr. impërsonaj,
impermeàbil - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ impærme'&bil \ ) At plr. fm. sng. and plr. impërsonal, impërsonaj. - impersonal.
impermeàbij. - mackintosh, raincoat, waterproof, impiant - n. m. (pr. \ impi'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - plant,
trench-coat. system, installation. - 2) - installation, setting up,
impermeabilisant - 1) - adj. (pr. \ impærme&biliz'&nt \ ) - establishment.
Ms. plr. impermeàbilisant, fm. sng. and plr. impianté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ impi&nt'e \ ) - to install, to fit
impermeàbilisanta, impermeàbilisante. - waterproofing. up, to set up, to establish, to found. See also the term
impermeabilisant - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ impærme&biliz'&nt \ ) - "ampianté ".
Inv. at plr. - waterproofing agent. impiantìsta - n. m. (pr. \ impi&nt'ist&\ ) Inv. at plr. - installer.
impermeabilisassion - n. f. (pr. \ impærme&biliz&si'u[ng] \ ) impiantìstica - n. f. . (pr. \ impi&nt'istic&\ ) At plr.
Inv. at plr. - impermeabilization, waterproofing. impiantìstiche. - plant engineering.
impermeabilisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ impærme&biliz'e \ ) - impiastr - n. m. (pr. \ impi'&str \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - poultice,
to impermeabilize, to waterproof. cataplasm, plaster (medical). - 2) - bore, nuisance, sickly
impermeabilità - n. f. (pr. \ impærme&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - person (in a fig. sense). See also the terms "ampiastr,
impermeability. papin".
impertinensa - n. f. (pr. \ impertin’æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. impiastrada - n. f. (pr. \ impi&str'&d& \ ) At plr. impiastrade.
impertinense. - impertinence, impudence, cheek, - besmearing, daubing. See also the term "ampiastrada".
sauciness. See also the terms “ampërtinensa, impiastré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ impi&str'e \ ) - to smear, to
ampertinensa“. daub. See also the term "ampiastré ".
impertinent - adj. (pr. \ impertin'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. impertinent, impicà - adj. and n. and p. p. (pr. \ impic'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and
fm. sng. and plr. impertinenta, impertinente. - nr. - 1) - hanged (adj. and p. p.). - 2) - hanged person
impertinent, pert, saucy, cheeky. See also the terms (sbst.). - See also the best term "ampicà ".
“ampertinent, ampërtinent “. impicada - n. f. (pr. \ impic'&d& \ ) At plr. impicade. -
imperturbàbil - adj. (pr. \ impert[ue]rb'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. hanging. See also the best term "ampicada".
imperturbàbij, fm. sng. and plr. imperturbàbil, impicador - n. m. (pr. \ impic&d'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
imperturbàbij. - imperturbable. hangman. - 2) - usurer, money-grubber (in a fig. sense).
imperversé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ imperværs’e \ ) - to rage, to See also the best term "ampicador".
rail. It uses the aux. “avèj “.See also the term impiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ impik'e \ ) - 1) - to hang. - 2) -
"ampërversé". to act as an usurer (in a fig. sense). See also the best term
impetìgin - n. f. (pr. \ impet’iji[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - impetigo "ampiché ".
(medical). impichésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ impik'ese \ ) - 1) - to hang
impetiginos - adj. (pr. \ impetijin'uz \ ) Ms. plr. impetiginos, oneself. - 2) - to go into a big trouble (in a fig. sense). See
fm. sng. and plr. impetiginosa, impetiginose. - also the best term "ampichésse ".
impetiginous (medical). impicura - n. f. (pr. \ impic’[ue]r& \ ) At plr. impicure. -
impetos - adj. (pr. \ impet'uz \ ) Ms. plr. impetos, fm. sng. and hanging. See also the term "impicada".
plr. impetosa, impetose. - impetuous, vehement. See also impiegà - n. (pr. \ impieg’& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) -
the term "impetuos". employee. - 2) - clerk, white-collar worker. Note the loc.
impetosità - n. f. (pr. \ impetuzit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - "impiegà statal " "civil servant ".
impetuousness, impetuosity, vehemence. impiegàbil - adj. (pr. \ impieg’&bil \ ) Ms. plr. impiegàbij, fm.
impetrassion - n.. f. (pr. \ impetr&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - sng. and plr. impiegàbil, impiegàbij. - 1) - employable. -
impetration, supplication. See also the term "sùplica". 2) - usable. In this sense the use is quite an italianism. See
impetré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ impetr'e \ ) - 1) - to impetrate. - also the best piedm. term "dovràbil ". - 3) - that can be
2) - to implore, to beg. invested (money). - 4) - spendable (also in a fig. sense).
impetuos - adj. (pr. \ impet[ue]'uz \ ) - See impetos. impiegatìssi - adj. (pr. \ impieg&t'isi \ ) Ms. plr. impiegatìssi,
impetuosità - n. f. (pr. \ impet[ue]uzit'& \ ) - See impetosità. fm. sng. and plr. impiegatìssia, impiegatìssie. - clerical,
impërcetìbil - adj. (pr. \ imp&r[ch]et'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. white-collar (as an attribute).
impërcetìbij, fm. sng. and plr. impërcetìbil, impërcetìbij. impiegatuss - n. (pr. \ impieg&t'[ue]s \ ) Ms. plr. impiegatuss,
- imperceptible. See also the terms "ampërsepìbil, fm. sng. and plr. impiegatussa, impiegatusse. - employee
ampërsetìbil, impercetìbil". at a low level, assigned to less important jobs.
impërcetibilità - adj. (pr. \ imp&r[ch]etibilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - impiegh - n. m. (pr. \ impi'eg \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - regular job,
imperceptibility. position, situation. - 2) - employment. - 3) - use,
impërdonàbil - adj. (pr. \ imp&rdun'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. employment. - 4) - investment (finance).
impërdonàbij, fm. sng. and plr. impërdonàbil, impieghé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ impieg'e \ ) - 1) - to use, to
impërdonàbij. - unforgivable, unpardonable. Quite an employ, to make use of. In this sense the term is not very
italianism. See also the terms "ampërdonàbil. used. See also the best term "dovré ". - 2) - to take
imperdonàbil". (referred to time required) In this sense the term is not very
impërfession - n. f. (pr. \ imp&rfesi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - used. See also the best term "butéje ". - 3) - to employ, to
imperfection, blemish, faul, flaw. See also the terms engage. - 4) - to spend (referred to the use of time). - 5) -
"imperfession, ampërfession". to invest (money).
impërfét - 1) - adj. (pr. \ imp&rf'et \ ) Ms. plr. impërfét, fm. impieghésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ impieg'ese \ ) - to get an
sng. and plr. impërféta, impërféte. - 1) - imperfect. - 2) - employment, to get a job.

impigrì - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ impigr'i \ ) - 1) - to respected. - 4) - to be successful, to become popular. - 5)
make lazy (trs.). In this sense see also the term "ampigrì, - to become necessary.
angargì ". - 2) - to grow lazy (int.). In this sense see also impon-e - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ imp'u[ng]e \ ) - 1) - to impose.
the terms "impigrìsse, angargì, angargìsse". - 2) - to order, to command.
impigrìsse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ impigr'ise \ ) - to grow lazy impopolar - adj. . (pr. \ impupul'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
See also the terms "ampigrìsse, angargì, angarghìsse, unpopular.
impigrì 2nd meaning". impopolarità - n. f. (pr. \ impupul&rit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
ìmpit - n. m. (pr. \ 'impit \ ) Inv. at plr. - impetuosity. See also unpopularity.
the terms "furia, violensa, slans, scampa". importàbil - adj. (pr. \ impurt'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. importàbij, fm.
implacabil - adj. (pr. \ impl&c'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. implacàbij, fm. sng. and plr. importàbil, importàbij. - importable
sng. and plr. implacàbil, implacàbij. - implacable, (commerce).
relentless, unrelenting. See also the term "inesoràbil ". importansa - n. f. (pr. \ impurt'&[ng]s&\ ) At plr. importanse.
implacabilità - n. f. (pr. \ impl&c&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - - importance, consequence. Note that in Piedm. ,
implacability, relentlessness. according to the syntax, the plural is used easier than in
implementassion - n. f. (pr. \ implement&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at Italian or English. E. g. "na costion ëd gnun-e importanse"
plr. - implementation. Anglicism and italianism. See also "a question of no importance".
the terms "realisassion, fatura". important - 1) - adj. (pr. \ impurt'&nt\ ) Ms. plr. important,
implementé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ implement'e \ ) - to fm. sng. and plr. importanta, important. - important.
implement. Anglicism and italianism. See also the terms important - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ impurt'&nt\ ) Inv. at plr. - (the)
"fé, produve, costrùe, costruì ". important, (the) main point, (the) main thing.
impleta - n. f. (pr. \ impl'et& \ ) At plr. implete. - buying up, importassion - n. f. (pr. \ impurt&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
hoarding, cornrting. See also the best term "ampleta" importation, import.
impletor - n. (pr. \ implet’ur \ ) Ms. plr. impletor, fm. sng. and importator - n. and adj. (pr. \ impurt&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr.
plr. impletòira, impletòire. - cornerer, buyer up. See also importator, fm. sng. and plr. importatriss, importatriss. -
the terms “caparor, ampletor “. Note that in this case, in 1) - importer (sbst.). - 2) - importing (adj.).
spite of the ms. ending in “...tor “, the fm, ending is not in importé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ impurt'e \ ) - 1) - to
“...triss “ (reserved to more noble activities) but it is in matter, to be of importance (imp. - int.). - 2) - to import
“...òira “, “...òire “, more “general purpose “. (trs.).
implicassion - n. f. (pr. \ implic&si’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - imposission - n. f. (pr. \ impuzisi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
implication. imposition. - 2) - order, command. - 3) - tax, duty,
impliché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ implik'e \ ) - 1) - to involve, to taxation.
implicate. - 2) - to imply, to mean, to entail. impossìbil - 1) - adj. (pr. \ impus'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. impossìbij,
implìcit. - adj. (pr. \ impl'i[ch]it \ ) Ms. plr. implìcit, fm. sng. fm. sng. and plr. impossìbil, impossìbij. - 1) - impossible.
and plr. implìcita, implìcite. - 1) - implicit. - 2) - implied - 2) - impossible, unbearable.
(mathematics). impossìbil - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ impus'ibil \ ) At plr. impossìbij. -
implorant - adj. (pr. \ implur'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. implorant, fm. (the) impossible.
sng. and plr. imploranta, implorante. - imploring, impossibilità - n. f. (pr. \ impusibilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
beseeching. impossibility. - 2) - inability.
implorassion - n. f. (pr. \ implur&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - impostàbil - adj. (pr. \ impust'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. impostàbij, fm.
entreaty, supplication. sng. and plr. impostàbil, impostàbij. - 1) - that can be
imploré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ implur'e \ ) - to implore, to mailed. - 2) - that can be founded, that can be based.
beg, to beseech, to entreat. impostassion - n. f. (pr. \ impust&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
implosion - n. f. (pr. \ impluzi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - implosion setting out, planning out. - 2) - statement, definition,
(language, physics). formulation. - 3) - setting up. - 4) - posting, mailing (not
implosiv - adj. (pr. \ impluz'iu \ ) Ms. plr. implosiv, fm. sng. very used in this sense).
and plr. implosiva, implosive. - implosive (language, imposté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ impust'e \ ) - 1) - to set out, to
physics). draw, to plan out. - 2) - to state, to define. - 3) - to set
implòde - vrb 2nd con. int. (pr. \ impl'ode \ ) - to implode. up. - 4) - to post, to mail (not very used in this sense).
imponderàbil - adj. (pr. \ impunder'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. impostor - n. (pr. \ impust'ur \ ) Ms. plr. impostor, fm. sng.
imponderàbij, fm. sng. and plr. imponderàbil, and plr. impostora, impostore. - impostor, fraud,
imponderàbij. - imponderable. swindler. Hardly used at fm.
imponderabilità - n. f. (pr. \ impunder&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - impostura - n. f. (pr. \ impust'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. imposture. -
1) - imponderability. - 2) - weightlessness. imposture, fraud, swindle.
imponensa - n. f. (pr. \ impun'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. imponense. - impotéga - n. f. (pr. \ imput'eg& \ ) At plr impoteghe. -
grandeur, impressiveness. mortgage. See also the terms "ampotega, ipoteca".
imponent - adj. (pr. \ impun'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. imponent, fm. impotegàbil - adj. (pr. \ imputeg'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. impotegàbij,
sng. and plr. imponenta, imponente. - imposing, grand, fm. sng. and plr. impotegàbil, impotegàbij. -
impressive. motrgageable. See also the terms "ampotegàbil,
imponìbil - 1) - adj. (pr. \ impun'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. imponìbij, fm. ipotecàbil".
sng. and plr. imponìbil, imponìbij. - taxable, rateable, impoteghé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ imputeg'e \ ) - to mortgage.
assessable. See also the terms "ampoteghé, ipoteché".
imponibil - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ impun'ibil \ ) At plr. imponìbij. - impotensa - n. f. (pr. \ imput'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. impotense. -
taxable income, assassment. impotence, impotency, powerlessness, inability.
imponibilità - n. f. (pr. \ impunibilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - impotent - adj. (pr. \ imput'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. impotent, fm. sng.
taxability. and plr. impotenta, impotente. - impotent, powerless,
imponse - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ imp'u[ng]se \ ) - 1) - to unable.
impose oneself, to dominate, to domineer. - 2) - to set impoverì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \impuver'i ; impuwer'i\)
oneself a task. - 3) - to assert oneself, to make oneself - 1) - to impoverish (trs.). See also the terms "ampoverì,

ampovrì ". - 2) - to grow poor. See also the term impression - n. f. (pr. \ impresi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
"impoverìsse". impression, feeling. - 2) - feeling, sensation. - 3) -
impoverìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \impuver'i ; impuwer'i\) - to impression, impress, imprint, mark. - 4) - impression,
grow poor. See also the terms "ampoverìsse, ampovrìsse ". printing (typography).
impòrt - n. m. (pr. \ imp'ort \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - amount. - 2) - impression (fé ---) - vrbl. loc. 1st con. int. (pr. \ f'e
sum of money. impresi'u[ng] \ ) - to make (an) impression, to strike (for
impòst - adj. (pr. \ imp'ost \ ) Ms. plr. impòst, fm. sng. and plr. a trs. meaning see the term "impressioné".
impòsta, impòste. - fixed, forced, imposed, enforced. impressionàbil - adj. (pr. \ impresiun'&bil \ ) Ms. plr.
impòsta - n. f. (pr. \ imp'ost& \ ) At plr. impòste. - 1) - tax, impressionàbij, fm. sng. and plr. impressionàbil,
duty. - 2) - shutter. - 3) - impost, springer. impressionàbij. - 1) - impressionable, sensitive, easily
impraticàbil - adj. (pr. \ impr&tic'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. moved. - 2) - easily frightened. - 3) - sensitive
impraticàbij, fm. sng. and plr. impraticàbil, (photography).
impraticàbij. - impracticable, not feasible, impassable. impressionabilità - (pr. \ impresiun&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1)
impraticabilità - n. f. (pr. \ impr&tic&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - - impressionability, sensitivity, sensitiveness. - 2) -
impracticability, intractability, intractableness. sensitivity (photography).
impratichì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ impr&tik'i \ ) - to train, to impressionant - adj. (pr. \ impresiun'&nt \ ) Ms. plr.
exercise. See also the term "ampratichì ". impressionant, fm. sng. and plr. impressionanta,
impratichìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ impr&tik'ise \ ) - to impressionante. - 1) - impressive, striking. - 2) -
practise, to get practice, to exercise oneself. See also the frightening, shaking, shocking.
term "ampratichìsse ". impressioné - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ impresiun'e \ ) - 1)
imprecassion - n. f. (pr. \ imprec&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - - to impress, to affect, to strike. - 2) - to frighten, to
imprecation, curse. scare. - 3) - to expose (photography). In int. sense see also
impreché - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ imprek'e \ ) - to curse, to the vrbl. loc. "fé impression".
imprecate. It uses the aux. "avèj ". impressionésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ impresiun'ese \ ) - 1) -
imprecis - adj. (pr. \ impre[ch.]'iz \ ) Ms. plr. imprecis, fm. to be struch, to be upset. - 2) - to be scared. - 3) - to be
sng. and plr. imprecisa, imprecise. - inaccurate, inexact, exposed (photography).
vague. impressionism - n. m. (pr. \ impresiun'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. -
imprecisà - adj. (pr. \ impre[ch.]iz'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - impressionism (art).
indeterminate, indefinite, unsettled, undefined. impressionista - n. and adj. (pr. \ impresiun'ist& \ ) Ms. plr.
imprecisàbil - adj. (pr. \ impre[ch.]iz'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. impressionista, fm. sng. and plr. impressionista,
imprecisàbij, fm. sng. and plr. imprecisàbil, impressioniste. - 1) - impressionist (sbst.). - 2) -
imprecisàbij. - indeterminable. impressionistic (adj.). In this sense see also the term
imprecision - n. f. (pr. \ impre[ch.]izi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - "impressionìstich ".
inaccuracy, inexactness, lack of precision. impressionistich - n. (pr. \ impresiun'istic \ ) Ms. plr.
imprèisa - n. f. (pr. \ impr'æiz& \ ) At plr. imprèise. - 1) - impressionistich, fm. sng. and plr. impressionistica,
enterprise, undertaking. - 2) - exploit, feat, deed. - 3) - impressionistiche. - impressionistic.
firm, concern, undertaking. - 4) - contract. impressiosì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ impresiuz'i \ ) - to make
imprendiss - n. (pr. \ imprænd'is \ ) Ms. plr. imprendiss, fm. precious, to embellish. See also the most common term
sng. and plr. imprendissa, imprendisse. - apprentice. See "ampressiosì ".
also the most common term "amprendiss". impréstit - n. m. (pr. \ impr'estit \ ) Inv. at plr. - loan. See also
imprenditor - n. (pr. \ imprændit'ur \ ) Ms. plr. imprenditor, the terms "préstit, ampréstit ".
fm. sng. and plr. imprenditriss, imprenditriss. - 1) - impreterìbil - adj. (pr. \ impreter'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. impreterìbij,
entrepreneur, undertaker. - 2) - contractor. fm. sng. and plr. impreterìbil, impreterìbij. - that can be
imprenditorial - adj. (pr. \ imprændituri'&l \ ) Ms. plr. neither omitted nor disdrgarded.
imprenditoriaj, fm. sng. and plr. imprenditorial, imprevedìbil - adj. (pr. \ impreved'ibil \ ) Ms. plr.
imprenditoriaj. - entrapreneurial. imprevedìbij, fm. sng. and plr. imprevedìbil,
impreparà - adj. (pr. \ imprep&r'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - imprevedìbij. - that cannot be foreseen, unpreventable,
unprepared. unforeseeable. See also the terms "amprevedìbil,
impreparassion - n. f. (pr. \ imprep&r&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - imprevëddìbil, inopinàbil ".
unpreparedness. imprevëddìbil - adj. (pr. \imprev&dd'ibil \) - See imprevedìbil.
impresari - n. (pr. \ imprez'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. impresari, fm. sng. imprevidensa - n. f. (pr. \ imprevid'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr.
and plr. impresària, impresàrie. - 1) - entrepreneur, imprevidense. - improvidence.
undertaker. - 2) - contractor. - 3) - impresario, imprevident - adj. (pr. \ imprevid'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. imprevident,
manager, producer (theatre). fm. sng. and plr. imprevidenta, imprevidente. -
imprescrivìbil - adj. (pr. \ imprescriv'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. improvident.
imprescrivìbij, fm. sng. and plr. imprescrivìbil, imprevist - 1) - adj. (pr. \ imprev'ist \ ) Ms. plr. imprevist, fm.
imprescrivìbij. - indefeasible, imprescriptible. sng. and plr. imprevista, impreviste. - unforeseen,
imprescrivibilità - n. f. (pr. \ imprescrivibilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - unexpected.
indefeasibility, inprescriptibility. imprevist - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ imprev'ist \ ) Inv. at plr. -
impresentàbil - adj. (pr. \ imprezent'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. contingency, unforeseen event.
impresentàbij, fm. sng. and plr. impresentàbil, imprësté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ impr&st'e \ ) - to lend, to loan.
impresentàbij. - impresentable. See also the more common term "amprësté ".
impréss - adj. (pr. \ impr'es \ ) Ms. plr. impress, fm. sng. and imprime - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ impr'ime \ ) - 1) - to impress,
plr. impressa, impresse. - 1) - impressed, imprinted. - 2) to engrave, to print, to imprint. - 2) - to stamp, to mark,
- engraved. - 3) - stamped. See also the terms "imprimù, to engrave, to imprint. See also the terms "marché,
scurpì ". Note, in particular, that the p. p. of the vrb stampé ".
"imprime" is "imprimù ". This term is an adj., even if imprimidura - n. f. (pr. \ imprimid'[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
imprimidure. - priming (painting).
sometime it can be used as a p. p.

imprimse - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ impr'imse \ ) - to be improvist - adj. (pr. \ impruv'ist \ ) Ms. plr. improvist, fm. sng.
impressed. and plr. improvista, improviste. - unprovided,
improbabil - adj. (pr. \ imprub'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. improbàbij, unprepared. See also the terms "sprovist, dësprovist ".
fm. sng. and plr. improbàbil, improbàbij. - improbable, improvista (a l'---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ & l impruv'ist& \ ) -
unlikely. unexpectedly, by surprise.
improbabilità - n. f. (pr. \ imprub&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - impròpi - adj. (pr. \ impr'opi \ ) Ms. plr. impròpi, fm. sng. and
improbability, unlikelihood. plr. impròpia, impròpie. - 1) - improper, incorrect,
improdutiv - adj. (pr. \ imprud[ue]t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. improdutiv, inappropriate. - 2) - improper, unseemly. - For these
fm. sng. and plr. improdutiva, improdutive. - two meanings see also the terms "dësdà, dësconvenient,
unproductive, unfruitful. sgognant, indecent ". - 3) - improper (mathematics).
improdutività - n. f. (pr. \ imprud[ue]tivit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - imprudensa - n. f. ( pr. \ impr[ue]d'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr.
unproductiveness. imprudense. - 1) - imprudence, incautiousness,
impront - n. m. (pr. \ impr'unt \ ) Inv. at plr. - impression, unwariness, rashness. - 2) - imprudent act.
print, mark. See also the term "marca, impronta 2nd imprudent - adj. and n. ( pr. \ impr[ue]d'ænt \ ) Ms. plr.
meaning". imprudent, fm. sng. and plr. imprudenta, imprudente. -
impronta - n. f. (pr. \ impr'unt& \ ) At plr. impronte. - 1) - 1) - imprudent, incautious, unwary, rash (adj.). - 2) -
print (foot), sign, trace, impression. In this sense see also imprudent person (sbst.).
the terms "pianà, orma". - 2) - impression, print, mark. In impublicàbil - adj. ( pr. \ imp[ue]blic'&bil \ ) Ms. plr.
this sense see also the terms "marca, impront ". impublicàbij, fm. sng. and plr. impublicàbil,
impronté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ imprunt'e \ ) - 1) - to impress, impublicàbij. - unpublishable.
to imprint. - 2) - to leave one's mark, to stamp, to mark. impudensa - n. f. ( pr. \ imp[ue]d'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr.
impronunsiàbil - adj. (pr. \ imprun[ue][ng]si'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. impudense. - effrontery, impudence, cheek.
impronunsiàbij, fm. sng. and plr. impronunsiàbil, impudent - adj. ( pr. \ imp[ue]d'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. impudent, fm.
impronunsiàbij. - unpronounceable. sng. and plr. impudenta, impudente. - shameless,
improperé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ impruper'e \ ) - to insolent, impudent.
abuse, to heap abuse, to insult, to revile. It uses always impùdich - adj. ( pr. \ imp'[ue]dic \ ) Ms. plr. impùdich, fm.
the aux. "avèj ". sng. and plr. impùdica, impùdiche. - immodest,
improperi - n. m. (pr. \ imprup'eri \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - insult, improper, indecent. Italianism not very used. See the loc.
rude remark. - 2) - abuse. "sensa pudor" and the terms "sconvenient (referred to
improponìbil - adj. (pr. \ imprupun'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. things), salòp, maunet, lussurios, etc. (referred to persons".
improponìbij, fm. sng. and plr. improponìbil, impudicìssia - n. f. ( pr. \ imp[ue]di[ch]'isi& \ ) At plr.
improponìbij. - not to be proposed. impudicìssie. - immodesty, impropriety, indecency.
improponibilità - n. f. (pr. \ imprupunibilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - impugnàbil - adj. ( pr. \ imp[ue][gn]'&bil \ ) Ms. plr.
impossibility of proposing, inopportunity of proposing. impugnàbij, fm. sng. and plr. impugnàbil, impugnàbij. -
improrogàbil - adj. (pr. \ imprurug'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. impugnable (legal).
improrogàbij, fm. sng. and plr. improrogàbil, impugnabilità - n. f. ( pr. \ imp[ue][gn]&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
improrogàbij. - that cannot be postponed, that cannot impugnability, contestability.
be delayed, that cannot be extended (in time). impugnassion - n. f. ( pr. \ imp[ue][gn]&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr.
improrogabilità - n. f. (pr. \ imprurug&bilit'& \ ) Inv at plr. - - impugnment, contest.
impossibility of postponing, impossibility of extending. impugné - vrb 1st con. trs. ( pr. \ imp[ue][gn]'e \ ) - 1) - to
improvidensa - n. f. (pr. \ impruvid'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. contest, to dispute. - 2) - to impugn, to contest (legal).
improvidense. - improvidence. impuls - n. m. ( pr. \ imp'[ue]ls \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - impulse,
improvident - adj. (pr. \ impruvid'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. pulse (physics). - 2) - thrust, drive (mechanics). - 3) -
improvident, fm. sng. and plr. improvidenta, impulse, impetus. - 4) - boost, drive (in a fig. sense). See
improvidente. - improvident, inattentive, negligent. also the term "impulsion".
improvis - 1) - adj. (pr. \ impruv'iz \ ) Ms. plr. improvis, fm. impulsion - n. f. ( pr. \ imp[ue]lsi'u[ng] \ ) - See impuls.
sng. and plr. improvisa, improvise. - 1) - unexpected. - 2) impulsiv - adj. ( pr. \ imp[ue]ls'iu \ ) Ms. plr. impulsiv, fm.
- sudden. - 3) - unforeseen. sng. and plr. impulsiva, impulsive. - 1) - impulsive,
improvis - 2) - n. m. (pr. \impruv'iz\ ) Inv. at plr. - impromptu impetuous. - 2) - impulsive (physics). - 3) - impelling,
(music). propulsive.
improvis (a l'---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ & l impruv'iz \ ) - suddenly, impulsività - n. f. ( pr. \ imp[ue]lsivit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
unexpectedly, out of the blue. impulsiveness, impulsivity.
improvisà - n. f. (pr. \ impruviz'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - surprise, impunì - adj. ( pr. \ imp[ue]n'i \ ) Ms. plr. impunì, fm. sng. and
unexpected thing. See also “amprovisà, amprovisada, plr. impunìa, impunìe. - unpunished.
improvisada “. impunìbil - adj. ( pr. \ imp[ue]n'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. impunìbij, fm.
improvisada - n. f. (pr. \ impruviz'&d& \ ) - See improvisà. sng. and plr. impunìbil, impunìbij. - unpunishable.
improvisador - n. (pr. \ impruviz&d'ur \ ) Ms. plr. impunibilità - ( pr. \ imp[ue]nibilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
improvisador, fm. sng. and plr. improvisadòira, unpunishability.
improvisadòire. - improviser, improvisator. See also the impunità - n. f. ( pr. \ imp[ue]nit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - impunity.
term "improvisator". impur - adj. ( pr. \ imp'[ue]r \ ) Ms. plr. impur, fm. sng. and
improvisassion - n. f. (pr. \ impruviz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - plr. impura, impure. - impure.
improvisation, extemporization. impurëssa - n. f. ( pr. \ imp[ue]r'&ss& \ ) At plr. impurësse. -
improvisator - n. (pr. \ impruviz&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. imputiry. See also the term "impurità".
improvisator, fm. sng. and plr. improvisatriss, impurità - n. f. ( pr. \ imp[ue]rit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - imputiry.
improvisatriss. - improviser, improvisator. See also the See also the term "impurëss&".
term "improvisador". imputà - n. ( pr. \ imp[ue]t'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - accused
improvisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ impruviz'e \ ) - to improvise, person, defendant (legal).
to extemporize.

imputàbil - adj. ( pr. \ imp[ue]t'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. imputàbij, fm. inacetabilità - n. f. (pr. \ in&[ch]et&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
sng. and plr. imputàbil, imputàbij. - 1) - imputable, unacceptableness.
attributable. - 2) - chargeable (legal). inacidì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ in&[ch]id'i \ ) - to make
imputabilità - n. f. ( pr. \ imp[ue]t&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - acid (trs.). - 2) - to embitter, to sour (trs.). - 3) - to
imputability. become acid, to turn sour, to be embittered (int.). (in a
imputassion - n. f. ( pr. \ imp[ue]t&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - fig. sense). See also the terms "ambruschì, inacidìsse " and
imputation, charging. the very common loc. "vnì brusch ". When trs. it uses the
imputé - vrb 1st con. trs. ( pr. \ imp[ue]t'e \ ) vrb 1st con. trs. - aux. "avèj ". When int. it uses the aux. "esse".
1) - to impute, to attribute, to ascribe. - 2) - to charge, to inacidìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ in&[ch]id'ise \ ) - to become
accuse (legal). acid, to turn sour, to be embittered. See also the int.
imputridì - vrb 3rd con. int. ( pr. \ imp[ue]trid'i \ ) - to rot, to meaning of the term "inacidì ".
decay, to putrefy, to go bad. It uses the aux. "esse". inadat - adj. (pr. \ in&d'&t \ ) Ms. plr. inadat, fm. sng. and plr.
imuni - adj. ( pr. \ im'[ue]ni \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - inadata, inadate. - 1) - unsuitable, unfit. - 2) - unable,
exempt, free. - 2) - immune (from) (medical). See also the incapable.
term "inmuni". inadatàbil - adj. (pr. \ in&d&t'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. inadatàbij, fm.
imunisant - adj. ( pr. \ im[ue]niz'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. imunisant, sng. and plr. inadatàbil, inadatàbij. - unadaptable,
fm. sng. and plr. imunisanta, imunisante. - immunizing. inadaptable.
See also the term "inmunisant". inadatabilità - n. f. (pr. \ in&d&t&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
imunisassion - n. f. ( pr. \ im[ue]niz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - unadaptability.
immunization. See also the term "inmunisassion". inadempìbil - adj. (pr. \ in&dæmp'ibil\ ) Ms. plr. inadempìbij,
imunisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ im[ue]niz'e \ ) - to immunize fm. sng. and plr. inadempìbil, inadempìbij. -
(medical). See also the term "inmunisé". unadaptable, inadaptable.
imunità - n. f. (pr. \ im[ue]nit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - immunity inadempiensa - n. f. (pr. \ in&dæmpi'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr.
- 2) - exempion. See also the term "inmunità". inadempiense. - non-fulfilment, defaut.
imunitari - adj. (pr. \ im[ue]nit'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. imunitari, fm. inadempient - adj. and n. (pr. \ in&dæmpi'ænt \ ) Ms. plr.
sng. and plr. imunitaria, imunitarie. - of immunity. inadempient, fm. sng. and plr. inadempienta,
imunologìa - n. f. (pr. \ im[ue]nuluj'i& \ ) At plr. imunologìe - inademppient. - 1) - defaulting (adj.). - 2) - defaulter,
immunology. See also the term "inmunologìa". defaulting party (sbst.).
imunològich - adj. (pr. \ im[ue]nul'ojic \ ) Ms. plr. inafidàbil - adj. (pr. \ in&fid'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. inafidàbij, fm.
imunològich, fm. sng. and plr. imunològica, sng. and plr. inafidàbil, inadfidàbij. - unreliable. See the
imunològiche. - immunilogic, immunological.See also most common loc. "nen afidàbil, da nen fidésse".
the term "inmunologich". inalassion - n. f. (pr. \ in&l&si'u[ng]\ ) Inv. at plr. - inhalation.
imunòlogh - n. (pr. \ im[ue]n'olug \ ) Ms. plr. imunòlogh, fm. inalator - n. m. (pr. \ in&l&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - inhaler.
sng. and plr. imunòloga, imunòloghe. - immunologist. inalbré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ in&lbr'e \ ) - 1) - to hoist, to
See also the term "inmunòlogh". raise. - 2) - to plant with trees. See also the terms
in... - prefix. (pr. \ in... ; i[ng]... \ ) - In many words (not in all, "anarboré, issé, alvé ".
of course) this prefix corresponds to the english un... as an inalbrésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ in&lbr'ese \ ) - to rear up
adversative prefix. Some examples in the following. See (horses), to get angry, to fly off the handle.
also the prefix "im...". inalé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ in&l'e \ ) - to inhale.
inàbil - adj. (pr. \ in'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. inàbij, fm. sng. and plr. inalienàbil - adj. (pr. \ in&lien'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. inalienàbij, fm.
inàbil, inàbij. - 1) - unable, incapable. - 2) - non- sng. and plr. inalienàbil, inalienàbij. - inalienable.
effective, unfit (military). - 3) - disabled (legal). inalienabilità - n. f. (pr. \ in&lien&bilit'& \ ) inv. at plr. -
inabilità - n. f. (pr. \ in&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - incapacity, inalienability.
inability. - 2) - unfitness (military). - 3) - disablement inalteràbil - adj. (pr. \ in&lter'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. inalteràbij, fm.
(legal). sng. and plr. inalteràbil, inalteràbij. - 1) - unalterable,
inabilitant - adj. (pr. \ in&bilit'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. inabilitant, fm. unchangeable. - 2) - even-tempered. See also the term
sng. and plr. inabilitanta, inabilitante. - disqualifying, "inauteràbil ".
incapacitating. inalterabilità - n. f. (pr. \ in&lter&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
inabilité - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ in&bilit'e \ ) - 1) - to disable, unalterability, fastness (colours). See also the term
to render (sb.) unfit. - 2) - to disqualify, to incapacitate. "inauterabilità ".
inabissé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ in&bis'e \ ) - to sink, to engulf. inamidadura - n. f. (pr. \ in&mid&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
inabissésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ in&bis'ese \ ) - to sink, to inamidadure. - starching.
be engulfed, to be swallowed up. inamidé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ in&mid'e \ ) - to starch. See
inabità - adj. (pr. \ in&bit'&\ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - unhabited. also the term "anlamidé ".
inabitàbil - adj. (pr. \ in&bit'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. inabitàbij, fm. inamissìbil - adj. (pr. \ in&mis'ìbil \ ) Ms. plr. inamissìbij, fm.
sng. and plr. inabitàbil, inabitàbij. - unhabitable. sng. and plr. inamissìbil, inamissìbij. - inadmissible.
inabitabilità - n. f. (pr. \ in&bit&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - inamorà - adj. (pr. \ in&mur'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) -
unhabitableness. loving, in love. - 2) - fond., crazy. See also the most
inabolìbil - adj. (pr. \ in&bul'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. inabolìbij, fm. common terms "an-namorà , in-namorà ".
sng. and plr. inabolìbil, inabolìbij. - unrepealable, that inamorament - n. m. (pr. \ in&mur&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
cannot be abolished. falling in love. See also the most common terms "an-
inacessìbil - adj. (pr. \ in&[ch]es'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. inacessìbij, namorament, in-namorament ".
fm. sng. and plr. inacessìbil, inacessìbij. - 1) - inamoré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ in&mur'e \ ) - to make fall in
inaccessible. - 2) - unapproachable. love. See also the most common terms "an-namoré, in-
inacessibilità - n. f. (pr. \ in&[ch]esibilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - namoré "
inaccessibility, unapproachableness. inamorésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ in&mur'ese \ ) - to fall in
inacetàbil - adj. (pr. \ in&[ch]et'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. inacetàbij, love. See also the terms "an-namorésse, in-namorésse".
fm. sng. and plr. inacetàbil, inacetàbij. - unacceptable. inamovìbil - adj. (pr. \ in&muv'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. inamovìbij, fm.
sng. and plr. inamovìbil, inamovìbij. - irremovavle.

inamovibilità - n. f. (pr. \ in&muvibilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - stagnant. - 3) - standing (mechanics). - 4) - unemployed
irremovability, irremovableness. (capital - finance).
inanelé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ in&nel'e \ ) - 1) - to curl. - 2) - inatività - n. f. (pr. \ in&tivit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - inactivity,
to ring. inaction, stagnation.
inanimà - adj. (pr. \ in&nim'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - inatuàbil - adj. (pr. \ in&t[ue]'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. inatuàbij, fm.
inanimate. - 2) - dead, lifeless. sng. and plr. inatuàbil, inatuàbij. - impracricable,
inapagàbil - adj. (pr. \ in&p&g'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. inapagàbij, unfeasible. See also the term "irealisàbil ".
fm. sng. and plr. inapagàbil, inapagàbij. - unsatisfiable, inatuabilità - n. f. (pr. \ in&t[ue]&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
insatiable. impracticability, unfeasibility.
inapelàbil - adj. (pr. \ in&pel'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. inapelàbij, fm. inatual - adj. (pr. \ in&tu'&l \ ) Ms. plr. inatuàj, fm. sng. and
sng. and plr. inapelàbil, inapelàbij. - 1) - unappealable, plr. inatuàl, inatuàj. - outdated, behind the times, old-
not open to appeal. - 2) - final, ultimate. fashioned.
inapetensa - n. f. (pr. \ in&pet'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. inapetense. - inatualità - (pr. \ in&tu&lit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - outdateness.
inappetence, lack of appetite. See also the term "inaptit". inaudì - adj. (pr. \ in&ud'i \ ) Ms. plr. inaudì, fm. sng. and plr.
inapetent - adj. (pr. \ in&pet'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. inapetent, fm. inaudìa, inaudìe. - unheard-of, unprededented.
sng. and plr. inapetenta, inapetente. - without appetite. inaugural - adj. (pr. \ in&ug[ue]r'&l \ ) Ms. plr. inauguraj, fm.
inaplicàbil - adj. (pr. \ in&plic'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. inaplicàbij, fm. sng. and plr. inaugural, inauguraj. - inaugural.
sng. and plr. inaplicàbil, inaplicàbij. - inapplicable. inaugurassion - n. f. (pr. \ in&ug[ue]r&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
inaplicabilità - n. f. (pr. \ in&plic&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - inauguration, opening.
inapplicability. inaugurator - n. (pr. \ in&ug[ue]r&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr.
inapontàbil - adj. (pr. \ in&punt'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. inapontàbij, inaugurator, fm. sng. and plr. inauguratriss,
fm. sng. and plr. inapontàbil, inapontàbij. - faultless, inauguratriss. - inaugurator.
impeccable, irreproachable. inauguré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ in&ug[ue]r'e \ ) - to
inapressiàbil - adj. (pr. \ in&presi'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. inaugurate, to open, to unveil.
inapressiàbij, fm. sng. and plr. inapressiàbil, inauteràbil - adj. (pr. \ in&uter'&bil \ ) - See inalteràbil.
inapressiàbij. - 1) - inestimable, invaluable. - 2) - inauterabilità - n. m. (pr. \ in&uter&bilit'& \ ) - See
negligible. inalterabilità.
inaptit - n. m. (pr. \ in&pt'it \ ) - See inapetensa. inavertensa - n. f. (pr. \ in&vært'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr.
inargenté - vrn 1st con. trs. (pr. \ in&rjent'e \ ) - to silver-plate, inavertense. - inadvertence.
to silver. inavertì - adj. (pr. \ in&vært'i \ ) Ms. plr. inavertì, fm. sng. and
inaridì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ in&rid'i \ ) - 1) - to dry plr. inavertìa, inavertìe. - unnoticed, overlooked.
up, to parch, to make arid (trs.). - 2) - to dry up, to inavzinàbil - adj. (pr. \ in&uzin'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. inavzinàbij,
become arid (int.). In this sense see also the term fm. sng. and plr. inavzinàbil, inavzinàbij. -
"inaridìsse". When trs. it uses the aux. "avej ". When int. it unapproachable.
uses the aux. "esse". incagnìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ inc&[gn]'ise \ ) - - 1) - to
inaridìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ in&rid'ise \ ) - to dry up, to rage, to attack furiously. - 2) - to persist obstinately.
become arid (int.). See also the term "inaridì 2nd See also the term "ancagnìsse".
meaning". incalcolàbil - adj. (pr. \ inc&lcul'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. incalcolàbij,
inarmònich - adj. (pr. \ in&rm'onic \ ) Ms. plr. inarmònich, fm. sng. and plr. incalcolàbil, incalcolàbij. - incalculable.
fm. sng. and plr. inarmònica, inarmònichej. - incameràbil - adj. (pr. \ inc&mer'&bil\ ) Ms. plr. incameràbij,
inharmonious. fm. sng. and plr. incameràbil, incameràbij. - that can be
inarestàbil - adj. (pr. \ in&rest'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. inarestàbij, appropriated. See also the term "ancameràbil ".
fm. sng. and plr. inarestàbil, inarestàbij. - that cannot be incamerament - n. m. (pr. \ inc&mer&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
stopped, relentless, inexorable. appropriation, confiscation. See also the most used term
inarivàbil - adj. (pr. \ in&riv'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. inarivàbij, fm. "ancamerament ".
sng. and plr. inarivàbil, inarivàbij. - 1) - unreachable, incameré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ inc&mer'e \ ) - to
unattainable. - 2) - incomparable, unequalled (in a fig. appropriate, to confiscate.See also the most used term
sense). "ancameré ".
inasprì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ in&spr'i \ ) - 1) - to embitter, to incancelàbil - adj. (pr. \ inc&n[ch]el'&bil \ ) Ms. plr.
exacerbate. - 2) - to sharpen, to aggravate. - 3) - to make incancelàbij, fm. sng. and plr. incancelàbil, incancelàbij.
harsher. - indelible.
inasprìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ in&spr'ise \ ) - 1) - to turn incancrenì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ inc&ncren'i \ ) - 1) - to
sour. - 2) - to be embittered. gangerene. - 2) - to become inveterate. See also the terms
inaspriment - n. m. (pr. \ in&sprim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - "incancrenìsse, ancancrenì ".
embitterement. - 2) - worsening, sharpening, tightening incancrenìsse - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ inc&ncren'ise \ ) - See
up, increase in tension. incancrenì.
inasté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ in&st'e \ ) - 1) - to hoist. - 2) - to incant - n. m. (pr. \ inc'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - spell,
fix (bajonet). incantation, enchantment, facination, charm. In this
inasuré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ in&s[ue]r'e \ ) - to dye blue. See sense see also the term "anciarm, incantament ". - 2) -
also the term "asuré ". auction. In this sense see also the terms "ancant, asta".
inatacàbil - adj. (pr. \ in&t&c'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. inatacàbij, fm. incantà - adj. (pr. \ inc&nt'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
sng. and plr. inatacàbil, inatacàbij. - 1) - unassailable, enchantewd, bewitched, spellbound.
impregnable. - 2) - beyond all criticism, irreprehensible. incantament - n. m. (pr. \ inc&nt&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
- 3) - ...proof (as a suffix). enchantment, charm, spell.
inatacabilità - n. f. (pr. \ in&t&c&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - incantador - n. and adj. (pr. \ inc&nt&d'ur \ ) - See incantator.
unassailableness, impregnapility. - 2) - irreprehen- incantator - n. and adj. (pr. \ inc&nt&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr.
sibility (in a fig. sense). incantator, fm. sng. and plr. incantatriss, incantatriss. -
inativ - adj. (pr. \ in&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. inativ, fm. sng. and plr. 1) - enchanter / enchantress, magician, wizard / witch,
inativa, inative. - 1) - inactive. - 2) - inactive, idle,

sorcerer / sorceress (sbst.). - 2) - enchanting, bewitching incav - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]c’&u \ ) Inv. at plr. - hollow, groove.
(adj.). See also the terms “ancav, angav “.
incanté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ inc&nt'e \ ) - to enchant, to incavalé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]c&v&l’e \ ) - to pass over,
charm, to bewitch, to hold spellbound. to cross. - See also the terms “ancavalché, travarché,
incantésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ inc&nt'ese \ ) - 1) - to be incavalé“.
enchanted, etc. (see "incanté "). - 2) - to stick, to get incavé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]c&v’e \ ) - to hollow out, to
stuck, to jam, to break down. scoop out, to groove. See also the terms “cavé, angavé,
incantésim - n. m. (pr. \ inc&nt'ezim \ ) Inv. at plr. - spell, gavé, creusé, ancavé “.
charm, enchantment. incendi - n. m. (pr. \ in[ch]’ændi \ ) Inv. at plr. - fire. See also
incantèivol - adj. (pr. \ inc&nt'æivol \ ) Ms. plr. incantèivoj, the term "feu".
fm. sng. and plr. incantèivol, incantèivoj. - enchanting, incendiari - n. and adj. (pr. \ in[ch]ændi'&ri \ ) Ms. plr.
delightful, charming. See also the terms "anciarmant, incendiari, fm. sng. and plr. incendiaria, incendiarie.
incantévol ". - 1) - incendiary, inflammatory (adj.). - 2) -
incantévol - adj. (pr. \ inc&nt'evol \ ) - See incantèivol. incendiary, arsonist.
incaponìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ inc&pun'ise \ ) - to be incens - n. m. (pr. \ in[ch]’æ[ng]s \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - 1) -
obstinate, to dig in one's heels. Quite an italianism. See incense. - 2) - adulation, flattery (in a fig. sense). See also
also the terms “antëstésse, antëstardìsse, pignatrësse, the most common term “ancens “ and the term "insesns".
ostinésse, ancaponìsse". incensà - n. f. (pr. \ in[ch]æ[ng]s'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
incaricà - n. and adj. (pr. \ inc&ric'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - incensation, swing of censer. - 2) - flattery, adulation
1) - appointee, delegate, person in charge (sbst.). - 2) - (in a fig. sense). See also the term "incensada".
entrusted, charged, responsible, appointed (adj.). incensada - n. f. (pr. \ in[ch]æ[ng]s'&d& \ ) - See incensà.
incàrich - n. m. (pr. \ inc'&ric \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - charge, incensador - n. (pr. \ in[ch]æ[ng]s&d’ur \ ) Ms. plr.
commission, assignment, task, appointment. - 2) - incensador, fm. sng. and plr. incensadòira, incensadòire.
nomination (politics). - 3) - temporary appointment - flatterer (in a fig. sense). See also the most piedm. term
(school). “flateur “, and the term “ancensador“.
incariché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ inc&rik'e \ ) - to charge, to incensament - n. m. (pr. \ in[ch]æ[ng]s&m’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
entrust, to commit. Note the different syntax "i lo incàrico 1) - censing incensing, incensation. - 2) - flattering,
dla scritura dël discors" "I entrust the writing of the adulation (in a fig. sense). - See also the term
speech to him". In Piedm. the direct object is "lo chiel “ancensament“.
him", when in English the direct object is "the writing...". incensassion - n. f. n. m. (pr. \ in[ch]æ[ng]s&si’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at
incarnà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ inc&rn'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - plr. - censing, incensing.
1) - incarnate. - 2) - grown into the flesh, ingrowing. In incensé - 1) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ in[ch]æ[ng]s’e \ ) - 1) - to
this sense see also the term "incarnì". cense, to incense. - 2) - to adulate, to flatter (in a fig.
incarnassion - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]c&rn&si’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. (if sense). - See also the term “ancensé “.
any). - incarnation, embodiment. See also the term incensé - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ in[ch]æ[ng]s’e \ ) Inv. at plr. - censer,
"ancarnassion". thurible. See also the term "incensié, turìbol ".
incarné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]c&rn’e \ ) - 1) - to incensié - n. m. (pr. \ in[ch]æ[ng]si’e \ ) - See incensé 2).
incarnate, to embody. - 2) - to impersonate. In this incensurà - adj.and n. (pr. \ in[ch]æ[ng]s[ue]r’& \ ) Inv. in gnd.
meaning see also the terms “ampërsoné, incarné “. and nr. - 1) - uncensured, blameless (adj.). - 2) -
incarnésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ i[ng]c&rn’ese \ ) - to uncensured person.
become incarnate. See also the term "ancarnésse". incensuràbil - adj. (pr. \ in[ch]æ[ng]s[ue]r’&bil \ ) Ms. plr.
incarnì - 1) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ inc&rn'i \ ) Ms. plr. incarnì, incensuràbij, fm. sng. and plr. incensuràbil,
fm. sng. and plr. incarnìa, incarnìe. - grown into the incensuràbij. - uncensurable, irreproachable, above
flesh, ingrowing. In this sense see also the term criticism.
"incarnà 2nd meaning". incensurabilità - n. f. (pr. \ in[ch]æ[ng]s[ue]r&bilit'& \ ) Inv.
incarnì - vrb 3rd con. int. - (pr. \ inc&rn'i \ ) - to grow into the at plr. - irreproachability.
flesh. See also the term "ancarnì, ancarnìsse, incarnìsse ". incentiv - n. m. (pr. \ in[ch]ænt'iu \ ) Inv. at plr. - incentive,
incarnìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. - (pr. \ inc&rn'ìse \) - See incarnì. stimulant, stimulus.
incartament - n. m. (pr. \ inc&rt&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - incentivassion - n. f. (pr. \ in[ch]æntiv&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
papers, documents. See also the term "ancartament ". 1) - stimulation. - 2) - incentive.
incass - n. m. (pr. \ inc'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - collection, receipt, incentivé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ in[ch]æntiv'e \ ) - to
cash on hand. See also the terms "intrada 2nd meaning, stimulate, to enliven.
intròit". incentré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ in[ch]æntr'e \ ) - to place in the
incassé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ inc&s'e \ ) - to cash, to collect. centre, to centralize. See also the terms "ancentré,
See also the term "ancassé ". ansentré ".
incassié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ inc&si'e \ ) - 1) - to pack into a incentrésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ in[ch]æntr'ese \ ) - to
case, to box, to crate. - 2) - to embed, to build centre.
(mechanics, buildings). - 3) - to set (jewels). See also the incentro - n. m. (pr. \ in[ch]'æntrô \ ) Inv. at plr. - incentre
term "ancassié ". (geometry). See also the term "insènter ".
incastoné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ inc&stun'e \ ) - to set (jewels). incert - 1) - adj. (pr. \ in[ch]'ært \ ) Ms. plr. incert, fm. sng. and
See also the term "ancastoné ". plr. incerta, incerte. - 1) - uncertain, doubtful, dubious. -
incastr- n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]c’&str \ ) Inv. at plr. – joint, fixed 2) - undecided, hesitating. - 3) - hesitant, faltrging,
joint, mortise joint (carpentry). See also the terms unsteady.
"anchërna, ancastr". incert - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ in[ch]'ært \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - (the)
incastré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]c&str’e \ ) - 1) - to insert, uncertain. - 2) - perquisites (earnings). - 3) -
to fix, to mortise, to set. See also the terms “ancastré, uncertainities.
anchërné, mortasé “. - 2) - to put (sb.) in a spot. (in a fig. incertëssa - n. f. (pr. \ in[ch]ært'&ss& \ ) At plr. incertësse. - 1)
sense). See also the term “ancastré “. - 3) - to involve (in a - uncertainity, doubt. - 2) - indecision, hesitation.
fig. sense). See also the term “ancastré “.

incést - n. m. (pr. \ in[ch]'est \ ) Inv. at plr. - incest. See also the incitament - n. m. (pr. \ in[ch]it&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
term "ancést ". incitement, incentive, spur, stimulus. - 2) - instigation
incesta - n. f. (pr. \ in[ch]'est& \ ) At plr. inceste. - 1) - (usually in a negative sense).
investigation, inquiry. - 2) - survey, coverage. - 3) - poll. incité - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ in[ch]it'e \ ) - to incite, to spur
See also the term "inchiesta". on, to stimulate, to instigate.
incestos - adj. (pr. \ in[ch]est'uz \ ) ) Ms. plr. incestos, fm. sng. incivil - adj. (pr. \ in[ch]iv'il \ ) Ms. plr. incivij, fm. sng. and
and plr. incestosa, incestose. - incestuous. See also the plr. incivil, incivij. - 1) - uncivilized. - 2) - uncivil,
term "ancestos". impolite. See also the term "insivil "
inchiesta - n. f. (pr. \ inki'est& \ ) At plr. inchieste. - 1) - incivilì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ in[ch]ivil'i \ ) - 1) - to
investigation, inquiry. - 2) - survey, coverage. - 3) - poll. civilize (trs.). - 2) - to become civilized (int.). In this sense
See also the terms "indagassion, indàgin, investigassion. see also the refl. form "incivilìsse". When trs. it uses the
arserca". aux. "avèj ". When int. it uses the aux. "esse".See also the
inchiét - adj. (pr. \ inki'et \ ) Ms. plr. inchiét, fm. sng. and plr. terms "insivilì, ansivilì ".
inchieta, inchiete. - 1) - restless, agitated. - 2) - uneasy, incivilisse - vrb 3rd con. refl.. (pr. \ in[ch]ivil'ise \ ) - See
anxious, worried. - 3) - vexed, cross. See also the term incivilì 2nd meaning.
"inquét ". inciviliment - n. m. (pr. \ in[ch]ivilim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
inchieté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ inkiet'e \ ) - to make uneasy, to civilizing, civilization. See also the term "ansiviliment ".
worry, to alarm. See also the term "inqueté ". inciviltà - n. f. (pr. \ in[ch]ivilt'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
inchietésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ inkiet'ese \ ) - to get barbarism. - 2) - incivility, impoliteness. See also the
worried, to get angry. See also the term "inquetésse ". term "insiviltà".
inchietëssa - n. f. (pr. \ inkiet'&ss& \ ) At plr. inchietësse. - 1) - inclassificàbil - adj. (pr. \ incl&sibic'&bil \ ) Ms. plr.
restlessness, unrest. - 2) - anxiety, worry. See also the inclassificabij, fm. sng. and plr. inclassificàbil,
term "inchietùdin, inquetëssa". inclassificàbij. - 1) - unclassifiable. - 2) - dreadful.
inchietùdin - n. f. (pr. \ inkiet'[ue]di[ng] \ ) - See inchietëssa. inclement - adj. (pr. \ inclem'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. inclement, fm.
inchin - n. m. (pr. \ ink'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - bow, curtsey, sng. and plr. inclementa, inclemente. - 1) - harsh stern,
reverence. See also the terms "anchin, riverensa". inclement. - 2) - cruel, merciless, pitiless.
inchiné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]kin’e \ ) - to bow, to lower, inclemensa - n. f. (pr. \ inclem'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. inclemense.
to bend. See also the voices “anchiné, chiné “. - 1) - harshness, sternness, inclemency. - 2) - cruelty,
inchinésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ i[ng]kin’ese \) - 1) - to bow, mercilessness, pitilessness.
to curtesy. - 2) - to give in, to yeld, to bow. See also the inclinà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ inclin'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1)
term "anchinésse ". - sloping, slanting, inclined. - 2) - disposed, inclined.
incide - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ in[ch]'ide \ ) - 1) - to incise, to inclinàbil - adj. (pr. \ inclin'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. inclinàbij, fm.
cut into, to engrave. In this sense see also the term sng. and plr. inclinàbil, inclinàbij. - inclinable.
"gravé". - 2) - to impress (also in a fig. sense). - 3) - to tap inclinassion - n. f. (pr. \ inclin&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
(trees). - 4) - to record (disks, etc.). inclination, slope, slant, tilt. - 2) - inclination, tendency,
incidensa - n. f. (pr. \ in[ch]id'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. incidense. - propensity, bent.
1) - incidence, impact. - 2) - clearance (mechanics). - 3) - incliné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ inclin'e \ ) - 1) - to incline, to
influence, effect. tilt, to bend, to bow. - 2) - to dispose, to incline, to bend,
incident - 1) - adj. (pr. \ in[ch]id'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. incident, fm. to induce. - 3) - to rake (mechanics).
sng. and plr. incidenta, incidente. - incident. inclinésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ inclin'ese \ ) - to incline, to
incident - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ in[ch]id'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - slope, to slant, to lean, to bend.
incident, event, occurrence. - 2) - accident. inclinòmeter - n. m. (pr. \ inclin'ometær \ ) - See inclinòmetro.
incidental - adj. (pr. \ in[ch]idænt'&l \ ) Ms. plr. incidentaj, inclinòmetro - n. m. (pr. \ inclin'ometrô \ ) Inv. at plr. -
fm. sng. and plr. incidental, incidentaj. - incidental, inclinometer (planes).
casual, occasional. include - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ incl'[ue]de \ ) - 1) - to include,
inciostré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ in[ch]iustr'e \ ) - to ink. to comprise. - 2) - to imply. - 3) - to enclose, to attach.
inciòstr - n. m. (pr. \ in[ch]i'ostr \ ) Inv. at plr. - ink. inclus - adj. (pr. \ incl'[ue]z \ ) Ms. plr. inclus, fm. sng. and
inciprié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ in[ch]ipri'e \ ) - to powder plr. inclusa, incluse. - 1) - inclusive, included. - 2) -
(someone else). attached, enclosed. Note that the p. p. of the vrb "include"
incipriésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ in[ch]ipri'ese \ ) - to is "includù ", and then the term "inclus" is mainly used as
powder (neself). an adj.
incis - 1) - adj. (pr. \ in[ch]'iz \ ) Ms. plr. incis, fm. sng. and plr. inclusion - n. f. (pr. \ incl[ue]zi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - inclusion.
incisa, incise. - engraved, incised. Note that the p. p. of inclusiv - adj. (pr. \ incl[ue]z'iu \ ) Ms. plr. inclusiv, fm. sng.
the vrb "incide" is "incidù", and "incis" is used only as an and plr. inclusiva, inclusive. - inclusive.
adj. Also "incidù " can act as an adj. incoerensa - n. f. (pr. \ incuer'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. incoerense. -
incis - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ in[ch]'iz \ ) Inv. at plr. - parenthesis, 1) - incoherence. - 2) - inconsistency. In this meaning see
interpolated clause (grammar). also the term "inconsistensa".
incision - n. f. (pr. \ in[ch]izi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - cut, incoerent - adj. . (pr. \ incuer'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. incoerent, fm.
incision. - 2) - engraving. - 3) - tapping (trees). - 4) - sng. and plr. incoerenta, incoerente. - 1) - incoherent. - 2)
recording (disks, etc.). - inconsistent. In this sense see also the term
incisiv - 1) - adj. (pr. \ in[ch]iz'iu \ ) - Ms. plr. incisiv, fm. sng. "inconsistent".
and plr. incisiva, incisive. - incisive, sharp (also in a fig. incoladura - n. f. (pr. \ incul&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. incoladure. -
sense). 1) - shape of the join between neck an shoulders. - 2) -
incisiv - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ in[ch]iz'iu \ ) Inv. at plr. - incisor sticking, gluing (wood), pasting (paper), splicing (films),
(anatomy). sizing (texile). In this sense see also the most common term
incisor - n. m. (pr. \ in[ch]iz'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - engraver, "ancoladura".
etcher. incolé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ incul'e \ ) - to stick, to glue
(wood), to paste (paper), to splice (films), to size (texile).
See also the most common term "ancolé".

incolpé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ inculp'e \ ) - to blame, to incomunicàbil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]cum[ue]nic'&bil \ ) Ms. plr.
accuse. See also the most common term "ancolpé ". incomunicàbij, fm. sng. and plr. incomunicàbil,
incombe - vrb 2nd con. int. (pr. \ inc'umbe \ ) - 1) - to impend. incomunicàbij. - incommunicable, inexpressible.
In this sense see also the term "dzorsté " and it uses the incomunicabilità - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]cum[ue]nic&bilit'& \ ) Inv.
aux. "avèj ". - 2) - to be incumbent, to be up to..... In this at plr. - incommunicability.
sense see also the term "spedé, toché " used inloc. "speté inconcepìbil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]cun[ch]ep'ibil \ ) Ms. plr.
për dover, toché a ...". and it uses also the aux. "esse". inconcepìbij, fm. sng. and plr. inconcepìbil, inconcepìbij.
incombensa - n. f. (pr. \ incumb'æ[ng]sa& \ ) At plr. - 1) - inconceivable, unthinkable. - 2) - incredible. In this
incombense. - duty, charge, task, office. sense see also the term "incredìbil ".
incombent - adj. (pr. \ incumb'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. incombent, fm. inconciliàbil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]cun[ch]ili'&bil \ ) Ms. plr.
sng. and plr. incombenta, incombente. - impending, inconciliàbij, fm. sng. and plr. inconciliàbil, inconciliàbij.
overhanghing, imminent. - irreconcilable, incompatible.
incomensé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]cumæ[ng]s’e \ ) - to inconciliabilità - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]cun[ch]ili&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at
begin, to start, to commence. See also the terms plr. - irreconciliability, incompatibility.
"ancomensé, comensé ". inconcludensa - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]cu[ng]cl[ue]d'æ[ng]s& \ ) At
incomodé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]cumud’e \ ) - to plr. inconcludense. - 1) - inconclusiveness. - 2) -
inconvenience, to trouble, to bother, to disturb. ineffectiveness.
incomodésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ i[ng]cumud’ese \ ) - to inconcludent - adj. and n. (pr. \ i[ng]cu[ng]cl[ue]d'ænt \ ) Ms.
disturb oneself, to trouble. plr. inconcludent, fm. sng. and plr. inconcludenta,
incomparàbil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]cump&r’&bil \ ) Ms. plr. inconcludente. - 1) - inconclusive, unsuccessful (adj.). -
incomparàbij, fm. sng. and plr. incomparàbil, 2) - desultory, incoherent, disconnected (speech) (adj.). -
incomparàbij. - incomparable, peerless, matchless. 3) - feckless, ineffectual, inefficient (adj.). - 4) -
incomparabilità - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]cump&r&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at ineffectual person, drifter (sbst.).
plr. - incomparableness, peerlessness, matchlessness. incondissionà - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]cundisiun'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and
incompatìbil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]cump&t’ibil \ ) Ms. plr. nr. - inconditional, unconditioned.
incompatìbij, fm. sng. and plr. incompatìbil, inconfessà - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]cu[ng]fes'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
incompatìbij. - 1) - incompatible. - 2) - unadmissible. unconfessed, unavowed, secret.
incompatibilità - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]cump&tibilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. inconfessàbil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]cu[ng]fes'&bil \ ) Ms. plr.
- 1) - incompatibility. - 2) - unacceptableness. inconfessàbij, fm. sng. and plr. inconfessàbil,
incompetensa - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]cumpet'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. inconfessàbij. - unavowable, unmentionable.
incompetense. - incompetence. inconfondìbil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]cu[ng]fund'ibil \ ) Ms. plr.
incompetent - adj. and n. (pr. \ i[ng]cumpet'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. inconfondìbij, fm. sng. and plr. inconfondìbil,
incompetent, fm. sng. and plr. incompetenta, inconfondìbij. - unmistakable, unique.
incompetente. - incompetent. inconfortàbil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]cu[ng]furt'&bil \ ) Ms. plr.
incompì - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]cump'i \ ) Ms. plr. incompì, fm. sng. inconfortàbij, fm. sng. and plr. inconfortàbil,
and plr. incompìa, incompìe. - unfinished, incomplete. inconfortàbij. - inconsolable. See also the term
See also the term "incomplét " and the loc. "nen compì, nen "inconsolàbil ".
finì ". inconfutà - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]cu[ng]f[ue]t'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and
incompìa - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]cump'i& \ ) At plr. incompìe. - nr. - unrefuted.
incompleteness, unfinished state. inconfutàbil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]cu[ng]f[ue]t'&bil \ ) Ms. plr.
incomplét - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]cumpl'et \ ) Ms. plr. incomplét, fm. inconfutàbij, fm. sng. and plr. inconfutàbil, inconfutàbij.
sng. and plr. incompleta, incomplete. - unfinished, - irrefutable, incontestable, incontrovertible.
incomplete, imperfect. See also the term "incompì ". incongruent - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]cu[ng]gr[ue]'ænt \ ) Ms. plr.
incompletëssa - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]cumplet'&ss& \ ) At plr. incongruent, fm. sng. and plr. incongruenta,
incompletësse. - incompleteness. incongruente. - inconsistent, incongruous, incoherent,
incomprensìbil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]cumpræ[ng]s'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. inconsequent.
incomprensìbij, fm. sng. and plr. incomprensìbil, incongruensa - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]cu[ng]gr[ue]'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr.
incomprensìbij. - incomprehensible. incongruense. - inconsistency, incongruity, incoherence,
inconprensibilità - n. f. (pr. \i[ng]cumpræ[ng]sibilit'&\ ) Inv. inconsequence.
at plr. - inconprehensibility. inconsiderà - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]cu[ng]sider'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and
incomprèis - adj. (pr.\i[ng]cumpr'æiz\) Ms. plr. incomprèis, nr. - inconsiderate, thoughtless, rash. See also the term
fm. sng. and plr. incomprèisa, incomprèise. - 1) - "svantà ".
misunderstood, not understood. - 2) - unappreciated. inconsideratëssa - n. f. (pr.\i[ng]cu[ng]sider&t'&ss&\) At plr.
incomprension - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]cumpræ[ng]si'u[ng]\ ) Inv. at inconsideratësse. - inconsiderateness, thoughtlessness,
plr. - incomprehension, misunderstanding. rashness. See also the term "svantatëssa ".
incompressìbil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]cumpres'ibil \ ) - See inconsistensa - n. f. (pr.\i[ng]cu[ng]sist'æ[ng]s&\) At plr.
incomprimibil. inconsistense. - insubstantiality, groundlessness,
incomprimìbil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]cumprim'ibil \ ) - Ms. plr. inconsistency, incoherence. See also the term
incomprimìbij, fm. sng. and plr. incomprimìbil, "incoerensa"
incomprimìbij. - incompressible. See also the term inconsistent - adj. (pr.\i[ng]cu[ng]sist'ænt\) Ms. plr.
"incompressìbil ". inconsistent, fm. sng. and plr. inconsistenta,
incomprimibilità - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]cumprimibilit'& \ ) Inv. at inconsistente. - inconsistent, insubstantial, groundless.
plr. - incompressibility. inconsolàbil - adj. (pr.\i[ng]cu[ng]sul'&bil\) Ms. plr.
incomputàbil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]cump[ue]t'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. inconsolàbij, fm. sng. and plr. inconsolàbil, inconsolàbij.
incomputàbij, fm. sng. and plr. incomputàbil, - inconsolable. See also the term "inconsolàbil ".
incomputàbij. - incomputable, incalculable. See also the incontenìbil - adj. (pr.\ i[ng]cunten'ibil \) Ms. plr.
term "incalcolàbil ". incontenìbij, fm. sng. and plr. incontenìbil, incontenìbij. -

incontentàbil - adj. (pr.\ i[ng]cuntænt'&bil \) Ms. plr. incoragiant - adj. (pr.\ i[ng]cur&ji'&nt \) Ms. plr. incoragiant,
incontentàbij, fm. sng. and plr. incontentàbil, fm. sng. and plr. incoragianta, incoragiante. -
incontentàbij. - 1) - insatiable. - 2) - hard to please, encouraging. See also the term "ancoragiant ".
exacting. incordé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ i[ng]curd'e \) - to string (music).
incontentabilità - n. f. (pr.\ i[ng]cuntænt&bilit'& \) Inv. at plr. incore - vrb 2nd con. int. (pr.\ i[ng]c'ure \) - to run into, to
- 1) - insatiability. - 2) - exactingness. incur. It uses the aux. "esse".
incontestà - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]cuntest'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - incoregìbil - adj. (pr.\ i[ng]curej'ibil \) - adj. Ms. plr.
undisputed. incoregibij, fm. sng. and plr. incoregibil, inconregìbij. -
incontestàbil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]cuntest'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. 1) - incorrigible. - 2) - inveterate., hardened.
incontestàbij, fm. sng. and plr. incontestàbil, incoronament - n. m. (pr.\ i[ng]curun&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. -
incontestàbij. - incontestable, incontrovertible, crowning.
indisputable. incoronassion - n. f. (pr.\ i[ng]curun&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
incontestabilità - n. f. (pr.\ i[ng]cuntest&bilit'& \) Inv. at plr. - coronation. See also the terms "ancoronassion,
incontestablility, incontrovertibility, indisputability. coronassion".
incontinensa - n. f. (pr.\ i[ng]cuntin'æ[ng]s& \) At plr. incoroné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ i[ng]curun'e \) - 1) - to crown. -
incontinense. - incontinence (all meanings). 2) - to encircle. See also the terms "ancoroné, coroné ".
incontinent - adj. (pr.\ i[ng]cuntin'ænt \) Ms. plr. incontinent, incorporassion - n. f. (pr.\ i[ng]curpur&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
fm. sng. and plr. incontinenta, incontinente. - 1) - incorporation. - 2) - annexation. - 3) -
incontinent, unrestrained. amalgamation, merger, combination.
incontr - n. m. (pr.\ i[ng]c'untr \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - meeting, incorporé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ i[ng]curpur'e \) - 1) - to
encounter. - 2) - match (sport). - 3) - junction (roads). - 4) incorporate, to include. - 2) - to blend. - 3) - to annex. -
- point of intersection (mathematics). See also the term 4) - to amalgamate, to combine, to merge.
"ancontr". incossiensa - n. f. (pr.\ i[ng]cusi'æ[ng]s& \) At plr. incossiense.
incontra - adv. (pr.\ i[ng]c'untr& \) - 1) - towards. In this - 1) - unconsciousness. - 2) - irresponsibility,
sense see also the loc "a l'incontra" - 2) - against. In this foolhardiness.
sense see also the term "contra". incossient - adj. and n. (pr.\ i[ng]cusi'ænt \) Ms. plr. incossient,
incontra (a l'---) - adv. loc. (pr.\ & l i[ng]c'untr& \) - towards fm. sng. and plr. incossienta, incossiente. - 1) -
incontrari (a l'---) - adv. loc. (pr.\ & l i[ng]cuntr'&ri \) - on the unconscious (adj.). - 2) - irresponsible (adj.). - 3) -
contrary. irresponsible person (sbst.).
incontrastà - adj. (pr.\ i[ng]cuntr&st'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - incostansa - n. f. (pr.\ i[ng]cust'&[ng]s& \) At plr. incostanse.
uncontested, unopposed, undisputed. - inconstancy, changeableness, fickleness, variableness.
incontrastàbil - adj. (pr.\ i[ng]cuntr&st'&bil \) Ms. plr. incostant - adj. and n. (pr.\ i[ng]cust'&nt \) Ms. plr. incostant,
incontrastàbij, fm. sng. and plr. incontrastàbil, fm. sng. and plr. incostanta, incostante. - inconstant,
incontrastàbij. - unquestionable, indisputable, fickle, changeable, variable.
incontestable. incostitussional - adj. (pr.\ i[ng]custit[ue]sion'&l \) Ms. plr.
incontré - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr.\ i[ng]cuntr'e \) - 1) - to incostitussionàj, fm. sng. and plr. incostitussional,
meet (trs.). - 2) - to run into. (trs.). - 3) - to come across incostitussionaj. - uncostitutional.
(trs.). - 4) - to agree, to coincide, to match (trs.). - 5) - to incostitussionalità - n. f. (pr.\ i[ng]custit[ue]sion&lit'& \) Inv.
play (trs.) (sport). In all there meanings see also the terms at plr. - uncostitutionality.
"ancontré, rëscontré ". - 6) - to come up against, to hit, to incògnit - adj. and n. (pr.\ i[ng]c'o[gn]it \) Ms. plr. incògnit,
bump into (trs.). In this sense see also the terms "antruché, fm. sng. and plr. incògnita, incògnite. - 1) - unknown
scontré ". - 7) - to be successful, to be a success (int.) It (adj.). - 2) - incognito, incog (sbst.).
uses the aux. "avèj ". incògnità - n. f. (pr.\ i[ng]c'o[gn]it& \) At plr. incògnite. - 1) -
incontrésse - vrb 1st con. recp. (pr.\ i[ng]cuntr'ese \) - 1) - to unknown quantity, unknown, unknown term
meet each other. - 2) - to agree, to coincide, to match. - (mathematics). - 2) - uncertainty, unknown factor.
3) - to bump into (each other). incòlt - adj. (pr.\ i[ng]c'olt \) Ms. plr. incòlt, fm. sng. and plr.
incontrolà - adj. (pr.\ i[ng]cuntrul'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) incòlta, incòlte. - 1) - uncultivated, untilled. In this sense
- uncontrolled. - 2) - unconfirmed. see also the term "angerbì". - 2) - uneducated, untity (in a
incontrolàbil - adj. (pr.\ i[ng]cuntrul'&bil \) Ms. plr. fig. sense).
incontrolàbij, fm. sng. and plr. incontrolàbil, incòmod - 1) - adj. (pr.\ i[ng]c'omud \) Ms. plr. incòmod, fm.
incontrolàbij. - uncontrollable, incontrollable. sng. and plr. incòmoda, incòmode. - uncomfortable.
inconvenient - 1) - n. m. (pr.\ i[ng]cu[ng]veni'ænt \) Inv. at plr. incòmod - 2) - n. m. (pr.\ i[ng]c'omud \) Inv. at plr. - slight
- drawback, disadvantage. inconvenience, bother.
inconvenient - 2) - adj. (pr.\ i[ng]cu[ng]veni'ænt \) Ms. plr. incredìbil - 1) - adj. (pr.\ i[ng]cred'ibil \) Ms. plr. incredìbij,
inconvenient, fm. sng. and plr. inconvenienta, fm. sng. and plr. incredìbil, incredìbij. - incredible,
inconveniente. - unsuitable. unbelievable. See also the term "inconcepìbil " and the loc.
inconvertìbil - adj. (pr.\ i[ng]cu[ng]vært'ibil \) Ms. plr. "da nen chërde".
inconvertìbij, fm. sng. and plr. inconvertìbil, incredìbil - 2) - n. m. (pr.\ i[ng]cred'ibil \) At plr. incredìbij -
inconvertìbij. - inconvertible. unbelievable thing. See also the term "inconcepìbil " and
inconvertibilità - n. f. (pr.\ i[ng]cu[ng]værtibilit'& \) Inv. at the loc. "ròba da nen chërde".
plr. - inconvertibility. incrédul - adj. and n. (pr.\ i[ng]cr'ed[ue]l \) Ms. plr. incréduj,
incoragé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ i[ng]cur&j'e \) - 1) - to fm. sng. and plr. incrédula, incrédule. - 1) - incredulous
encourage. - 2) - to promote, to foster (in a fig. sense). (adj.). - 2) - unbelieving (adj.). - 3) - unbeliever (sbst.).
See also the term "ancoragé ". incredulità - n. f. (pr.\ i[ng]cred[ue]lit'& \) Inv. at plr. -
incoragiament - n. m. (pr.\ i[ng]cur&ji&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - incredulity.
1) - encouragement. - 2) - promotion (in a fig. sense). See increment - n. m. (pr.\ i[ng]crem'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - increase,
also the term "ancoragiament". growth, increment.

incremental - adj. (pr.\ i[ng]cremænt'&l \) Ms. plr. incurvé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]c[ue]rv'e \ ) - to bend, to
incrementaj, fm. sng. and plr. incremental, incrementaj. incurvate, to stoop. See also the terms "ancurvé,
- incremental (mathematics). angombé".
incrementé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ i[ng]cremænt'e \) - to incuso - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]c'[ue]zu \ ) Inv. at plr. - anvil. See also
increase, to promote, to increment (mathematics). the term "ancuso".
incretinì - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr.\ i[ng]cretin'i \) - 1) - to incustodì - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]c[ue]stud'i \ ) Ms. plr. incustodì, fm.
make (sb.) quite stupid (trs.). It uses the aux. "avèj ". - 2) - sng. and plr. incustodìa, incustodìe. - unguarded,
to become stupid (int.). In this sense see also the term unattended.
"incretinìsse", and it uses the aux. "esse". - See, in general, incutì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]c[ue]t'i \ ) - to tangle, to
also the term "ancretinì ". entangle (referred to hair, wires, etc.). See also the terms
incretinìsse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr.\ i[ng]cretin'ise \) - to “angavigné, ancutì “.
become stupid. See also the term "ancretinìsse". indafarà - adj. (pr. \ ind&f&r'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - busy.
incriminà - adj. and p. p. (pr.\ i[ng]crimin'& \) Inv. in gnd. and See also the term "andafarà ".
nr. - incriminated, impeached, indicted. indagàbil - adj (pr. \ ind&g'&bil \ ) ) Ms. plr. indagàbij, fm.
incriminàbil - adj. (pr.\ i[ng]crimin'&bil \) Ms. plr. sng. and plr. indagàbil, indagàbij. - investigable.
incriminàbij, fm. sng. and plr. incriminàbil, indagassion - n. f. (pr. \ ind&g&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
incriminàbij. - accusable, chargeable, inpeachable, investigation, inquiry. - 2) - survey, coverage. - 3) - poll.
indictable. See also the terms "inchiesta, indàgin, investigassion“.
incriminassion - n. f. (pr.\ i[ng]crimin&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - indagator - n. and adj. (pr. \ ind&g&t'ur \ ) - 1) - investigator,
incrimination, accusation, charge, impeachment, inquirer (sbst.). - 2) - inquiring, searching (adj.).
indictment. indaghé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ ind&g'e \ ) - to
incriminé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ i[ng]crimin'e \) - to investigate, to inquire, to look into. It uses always the
incriminate, to accuse, to charge, to impeach, to indict. aux. "avèj ".
incrociator - n. m. (pr.\ i[ng]cru[ch]i&t'ur \) Inv. at plr. - indàgin - n. f. (pr. \ ind'&ji[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
cruiser (navy). Quite an italianism. See also the best term investigation, inquiry. - 2) - research, search.
"incrosiador". indébit - adj. (pr. \ ind'ebit \ ) Ms. plr. indébit, fm. sng. and
incrolàbil - adj. (pr.\ i[ng]crul'&bil \) Ms. plr. incrolàbij, fm. plr. indébita, indébite. - 1) - undue. - 2) - unjust.
sng. and plr. incrolàbil, incrolàbij. - indestructible, indebità - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ indebit'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
unshakable, firm (also in a fig. sense). in debt.
incrosiador - n. m. (pr.\ i[ng]cruzi&d'ur \) Inv. at plr. - cruiser indebitament - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ indebit&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
(navy). See also the term "incrociator". indebtedness.
incrostassion - n. f. (pr.\ i[ng]crust&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - indebitament - 2) - adv. (pr. \ indebit&m'ænt \ ) - wrongfully,
encrustment, incrustation. See also the terms "crosta, unduly. Italianism. See also the best loc. "an manera
ancrostassion ". indébita, an manera sbalià ".
incrosté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ i[ng]crust'e \) - to crust over, to indebité - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ indebit'e \ ) - to get (sb.) into
encrust. debt.
incrostésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr.\ i[ng]crust'ese \) - to indebitésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ indebit'ese \ ) - to run into
encrust, to become encrusted, to scale (boiler). debt, to get into debt.
incubassion - n. f. (pr.\ i[ng]c[ue]b&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - debolëssa - n. f. (pr. \ indebul'&ss& \ ) At plr. debolësse. -
incubation. Note that the Engl. expression "artificial weakness, feebleness. See also the term "indeboliment 2nd
incubarion" is translated into "cov artifissial". meaning".
incubatriss - n. f. (pr.\ i[ng]c[ue]b&tr'is \) Inv. at plr. - indebolì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ indebul'i \ ) - to weaken, to
incubator. enfeeble. See also the term "andebolì".
incubé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ i[ng]c[ue]b'e \) - to incubate. indeboliment - n. m. (pr. \ indebulim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
inculché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ i[ng]c[ue]lk'e \) - to inculcate. weakening, enfeeblement. - 2) - weakness, feebleness. -
See also the term "anculché ". See also the term "andeboliment ".
incunàbol - n. m. (pr.\ i[ng]c[ue]n'&bul \) At plr. incunàboj. - indebolìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ indebul'ise \ ) - 1) - to
incunabulum. grow weak, to weaken. - 2) - to fade. See also the term
incunié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]c[ue]ni’e \ ) - to wedge, to "andebolìsse".
insert, to fit in. See also the terms "ancugné, cunié". and indecensa - n. f. (pr. \ inde[ch]'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. indecense. -
the most common term "ancunié ". 1) - indecency. - 2) - disgrace, shame.
incuràbil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]c[ue]r&’bil \ ) Ms. plr. incuràbij, indecent - adj. (pr. \ inde[ch]'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. indecent, fm. sng.
fm. sng. and plr. incuràbil, incuràbij. - incurable. See and plr. indecenta, indecente. - 1) - indecent, improper. -
also the term "insanàbil ". 2) - disgraceful.
incuria - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]c'[ue]ri& \ ) At plr. incurie. - 1) - indecifrà - adj. (pr. \ inde[ch]ifr'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
carelessness, negligence. - 2) - indifference. Quite an indeciphered.
italianism, see also the term "malacura". indecifràbil - adj. (pr. \ inde[ch]ifr'&bil \ ) Ms. plr.
incuriosì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]c[ue]riuz'i \ ) - to make indecifràbij, fm. sng. and plr. indecifràbil, indecifràbij. -
(sb.) curious, to excite curiosity. 1) - indecipherable, illegible. - 2) - unintelligible.
incuriosìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ i[ng]c[ue]riuz'ise \ ) - to indecis - adj. (pr. \ inde[ch]'iz \ ) Ms. plr. indecis, fm. sng. and
become curious. plr. indecisa, indecise. - 1) - undecided, uncertain. - 2) -
incursion - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]c[ue]rsi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - raid, irresolute.
incursion. indecision - n. f. (pr. \ inde[ch]izi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
incursor - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]c[ue]rs'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - raider. indecision, indecisiveness. - 2) - irresolution.
incurvadura - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]c[ue]rv&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. indeclinàbil - adj. (pr. \ indeclin'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. indeclinàbij,
incurvadure. - 1) - bend, curve, curvature. - 2) - bending, fm. sng. and plr. indeclinàbil, indeclinàbij. - indeclinable.
curving. See also the more common term "ancurvadura". indeclinabilità - n. f. (pr. \ indeclin&bilit'& \ ) - Inv. at plr. -

indecoros - adj. (pr. \ indecur'uz \ ) Ms. plr. indecoros, fm. ìndess - n. m. (pr. \ 'indæs \ ) - See ìndes 3rd meaning.
sng. and plr. indecorosa, indecorose. - indecorous, indeterminà - adj. (pr. \ indetærmin'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
unseemly, undignified. indeterminate, indefinite.
indefinì - adj. (pr. \ indefin'i \ ) Ms. plr. indefinì, fm. sng. and indeterminàbil - adj. (pr. \ indetærmin'&bil \ ) Ms. plr.
plr. indefinìa, indefinìe. - 1) - indefinite, indeterminate, indeterminàbij, fm. sng. and plr. indeterminàbil,
vague. - 2) - undefined. indeterminàbij. - indeterminable.
indefinìbil - adj. (pr. \ indefin'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. indefinìbij, fm. indeterminabilità - n. f. (pr. \ indetærmin&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at
sng. and plr. indefinìbil, indefinìbij. - indefinable, plr. - indeterminableness.
indescribable. indeterminassion - n. f. (pr. \ indetærmin&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at
indefinibilità - n. f. (pr. \ indefinibilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - plr. - indetermination.
indefinability, indefinableness. indeterminatëssa - n. f. (pr. \ indetærmin&t'&ss& \ ) At plr.
indefinitëssa - n. f. (pr. \indefinit'&ss&\ ) At plr. indefinitësse. indeterminatësse. - indeterminateness.
- indefiniteness, indefinitude. indeterminativ - adj. (pr. \ indetærmin&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr.
indeformàbil - adj. (pr. \ indeform'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. indeterminativ, fm. sng. and plr. indeterminativa,
indeformàbij, fm. sng. and plr. indeformàbil, indeterminative. - indefinite (grammar).
indeformàbij. - undeformable, non-deformable. indësmentiàbil - adj. (pr. \ ind&smænti'&bil \ ) Ms. plr.
indégn - adj. (pr. \ ind'e[gn] \ ) Ms. plr. indégn, fm. sng. and indësmentiàbij, fm. sng. and plr. indësmentiàbil,
plr. indégna, indégne. - 1) - worthless, disgraceful, indësmentiàbij. - unforgettable.
abominable, disgusting. - 2) - unworthy, undeserving. indì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ ind'i \ ) - to announce, to
indegnità - n. f. (pr. \ inde[gn]it'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - proclaim, to summon, to call. See also the term "bandì ".
unworthiness. - 2) - indignity. India - n. f. (pr. \ 'indi& \ ) At plr. (if any) Indie. - India.
indelébil - adj. (pr. \ indel'ebil \ ) Ms. plr. indelébij, fm. sng. indian - n. and adj. (pr. \ indi'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. indian, fm.
and plr. indelébil, indelébij. - 1) - indelible. - 2) - sng. and plr. indian-a, indian-e. - 1) - Indian, Hindu,
ineffaceable, enduring. Hindoo. - 2) - Red Indian.
indelicà - adj. (pr. \ indelic'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - indian-a - n. f. (pr. \ indi'&[ng]& \ ) At plr. indian-e. - printed
indelicate, indiscreet, coarse, tactless. calico (texile)..
indelicatëssa - n. f. (pr. \ indelic&t'&ss& \ ) At plr. indiavolà - adj. (pr. \ indi&ul'& \ ; \ indi&wul'& \ ) Inv. in gnd.
indelicatësse. - 1) - indelicacy, tactlessness. - 2) - tactless and nr. - 1) - possessed, demoniac. - 2) - devilish, furious,
action. stormy. - 3) - restless. - See also the term "andiavlà ".
indemonià - n. and adj. (pr. \ indemuni'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and indiavolésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ indi&ul'ese \ ) - to be
nr. - 1) - possessed, demoniac (adj.). - 2) - frenzied, furious, to become furious, to play the very devil, to be
furious (in a fig. sense) (adj.). - 3) - demoniac (sbst.). - 4) raving mad. See also the term "andiavlésse".
- maniac, one possessed (in a fig. sense). (sbst.). indicà - adj. (pr. \ indic'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - suitable,
indenis - n. m. (pr. \ inden'iz \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - apt. - 2) - advisable.
indemnification, compensation. - 2) - indemnity, indicassion - n. f. (pr. \ indic&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
allowance. See also the term "indenisassion". indication, sign. - 2) - direction - 3) - information.
indenisàbil - adj. (pr. \ inden'iz&bil \ ) Ms. plr. indenisàbij, indicativ - 1) - adj. (pr. \ indic&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. indicativ, fm.
fm. sng. and plr. indenisàbil, indenisàbij. - indemnifiable. sng. and plr. indicativa, indicative. - 1) - indicative. - 2) -
indenisassion - n. f. (pr. \ indeniz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - approximate.
indemnification, compensation. - 2) - indemnity, indicativ - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ indic&t'iu \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
allowance. See also the term "indenis". indicative (grammar). - 2) - routing code, code number.
indenisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ indeniz'e \ ) - to indemnify, to indicator - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ indic&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
compensate. indicator. - 2) - guide, directory. - 3) - gauge.
indenità - n. f. (pr. \ indenit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - indemnity, indicator - 2) - adj. (pr. \ indic&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. indicator, fm.
compensation. - 2) - allowance, benefit, bonus. sng. and plr. indicatriss, indicatriss. - indicative,
indentadura - n. f. (pr. \ indent&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. indicating.
indentadure. - indentation, toothing (mechanics). See ìndice - n. m. (pr. \ 'indi[ch]e \ ) Inv. at plr. - index, table of
also the term "dentadura". contents. Italianism. See the best piedm. term "tàula".
indenté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ indent'e \ ) - 1) - to indent, to ìndich - n. m. (pr. \ 'indic \ ) Inv. at plr. - indigo (colour).
tooth (mechanics). - 2) - to engage, to mesh (mechanics). indiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ indik'e \ ) - 1) - to point to, to
inderogàbil - adj. (pr. \ inderug'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. inderogàbij, point at, to point out. E, g. "indiché 'l pont an sël torent"
fm. sng. and plr. inderogàbil, inderogàbij. - unbreakable, "to point to the bridge on the torrent". - 2) - to show. E.
intrasgressible. g. "sto strument a ìndica la velocità " = "this instrument
inderogabilità - n. f. (pr. \ inderug&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - shows the speed ". In this case see also the term "mostré ". -
unbreakability. 3) - to indicate, to state. E. g. "a venta indiché toa sernìa"
indes - n. m. (pr. \ 'indæz \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - index (in general) "you must indicate your choice". - 4) - to mark. E. g.
E. g. "ìndes ëd rifrassion " "index of refraction" ; "indes "ìndica 'l pont an sla càrta con na flécia" "mark the point
dij pressi " "index of prices", etc. - 2) - rate. E. g. "ìndes on the map with an arrow". - 5) - to denote, to be
ëd natalità " "rate of natality, birth-rate". - 3) - indicative. E. g. "sòn a ìndica la strà da fé " "this
forefinger. In this sense see also the term "indess". - 4) - indicates the way to run". In this sense the use of the vrb
indicator, pointer.- 5) - indication, sign. "mostré" or the vrbl. loc. "fé vëdde" is more common. - 6) -
indescrivìbil - adj. (pr. \ indescriv'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. to mean. E. g. "sòn a ìndica che a stà për pieuve" "this
indescrivìbij, fm. sng. and plr. indescrivìbil, means that it is going to rain". In this case the vrbl. loc.
indescrivìbij. - indescribable, beyond description. "vorèj dì" is more common. - 7) - to outline, to suggest. E.
indesiderà - adj. (pr. \ indezider'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - g. "i 't ìndico la costion da studié " "I outline you the
undesired, unwelcome. subject to be studied". - 8) - to sign-post. E. g. "i l'oma
indesideràbil - adj. (pr. \ indezider'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. indicà bin la strà " = "we sing-posted well the street". In
indesideràbij, fm. sng. and plr. indesideràbil, this sense see also the term "segné ". - 9) - to advise, to
indesideràbij. - undesirable. need. In this sense, usually the piedm. syntax supposes the

vrb "indiché " in a passive form, while the english vrb is indirét - adj. (pr. \ indir'et \ ) Ms. plr. indirét, fm. sng. and plr.
more usually active. E. g. "ste pìlole a son indicà për tò indiréta, indiréte. - indirect.
maltesta" "your headache needs these pills". indiriss - n. m. (pr. \ indir'is \ ) Inv, at plr. - 1) - address. In
indicìbil - adj. (pr. \ indi[ch]'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. indicìbij, fm. sng. this sense see also the terms "adressa, adrëssa". - 2) -
and plr. indicìbil, indicìbij. - inexpressible, unutterable, course, line, trend, approach, direction. In this sense see
indescribable. also thew terms "dreta, drita".
indicisà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ indi[ch]iz'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and indirissament - n. m. (pr. \ indiris&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
nr. - indexed. addressing.
indicisassion - n. f. . (pr. \ indi[ch]iz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - indirissari - n. m. (pr. \ indiris'&ri \ ) Inv. at plr. - mailing list,
indexation. address book.
indicisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ indi[ch]iz'e \ ) - to index. indirissé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ indiris'e \ ) - 1) - to address. E.
indifendìbil - adj. (pr. \ indifænd'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. indifendìbij, g. "indirissé na litra" "to address a letter". - 2) - to turn.
fm. sng. and plr. indifendìbil, indifendìbij. - indefensible. E. g. "indirissé 'l pensé a..." "to turn the thought to...". -
indiferensa - n. f. (pr. \ indifer'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. indiferense. 3) - to send. E. g. "i l'hai indirissalo a tò ufissi" "I sent
- indifference, apathy, lack of concern. him to your office". - 4) - to train. E. g. "i l'hai indirissalo
indiferensià - adj. (pr. \ indiferæ[ng]si'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. a studié 'l Latin" "I've trained it to study Latin". - See
- undifferentiated. also the term "indrissé ".
indiferent - adj. (pr. \ indifer'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. indiferent, fm. indirissésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ indiris'ese \ ) - 1) - to
sng. and plr. indiferenta, indiferente. - 1) - indifferent. - direct one's steps. - 2) - to address, to ask, to write. - 3) -
2) - regardless. - 3) - unimportant. to apply (to), to turn (to).
indiferìbil - adj. (pr. \ indifer'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. indiferìbij, fm. indiscression - n. f. (pr. \ indiscresi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
sng. and plr. indiferìbil, indiferìbij. - undelayable, that indiscretion, intrusiveness. - 2) - indiscretion, gossip. -
cannot be deferred. 3) - leak.
indìgeno - n. and adj. (pr. \ ind'igenô \ ) Ms. plr. indìgeno, fm. indiscrét - adj. (pr. \ indiscr'et \ ) Ms. plr. indiscrét, fm. sng.
sng. and plr. indìgena, indìgene. - 1) - native, indigenous and plr. indiscréta, indiscréte. - 1) - indiscreet, pushing. -
(adj.). - 2) - native (sbst.). 2) - intrusive, inquisitive.
indigensa - n. f. (pr. \ indij'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. indigense. - indiscutìbil - adj. (pr. \ indisc[ue]t'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. indiscutìbij,
indigence, poverty, penury, destitution. fm. sng. and plr. indiscutìbil, indiscutìbij. - indisputable,
indigent - adj. (pr. \ indij'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. indigent, fm. sng. and unquestionable.
plr. indigenta, indigente. - very poor, needy, indigent. indispensàbil - adj. (pr. \ indispæ[ng]s'&bil \ ) Ms. plr.
indigerìbil - adj. (pr. \ indijer'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. indigerìbij, fm. indispensàbij, fm. sng. and plr. indispensàbil,
sng. and plr. indigerìbil, indigerìbij. - indigestible. indispensàbij. - indispensable, necessary, prerequisite.
indigést - adj. (pr. \ indij'est \ ) Ms. plr. indigést, fm. sng. and indisponent - adj. (pr. \ indispun'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. indisponent,
plr. indigésta, indigéste. - 1) - indigestible, heavy (food). fm. sng. and plr. indisponenta, indisponente. - irritating,
- 2) - unbearable, intollerable (persons, in a fig. sense). - annoying.
3) - boring, tiresome (things, in a fig. sense). indisponìbil - adj. (pr. \ indispun'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. indisponìbij,
indigestion - n. f. (pr. \ indijesti'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - fm. sng. and plr. indisponìbil, indisponìbij. - 1) -
indigestion. unavailable. - 2) - indisposed, unwilling.
indignà - adj. (pr. \ indi[gn]'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - indispon-e - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ indisp'u[ng]e \ ) - to put off,
indignant. to irritate, to antagonize.
indignassion - n. f. (pr. \ indi[gn]&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - indisposission - n. f. (pr. \ indispuzisi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
indignation. indisposition, slight ailment.
indigné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ indi[gn]'e \ ) - to make indispòst - adj. (pr. \ indisp'ost \ ) Ms. plr. indispòst, fm. sng.
indignant, to arouse the indignation (of). and plr. indispòsta, indispòste. - 1) - unwell, indisposed. -
indignésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ indi[gn]'ese \ ) - to be 2) - hostile, adverse, unfriendly.
indignant, to get angry. indissi - n. m. (pr. \ ind'isi \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - sign, indication.
indilatàbil - adj. (pr. \ indil&t'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. indilatàbij, fm. - 2) - clue, clew. - 3) - circumstantial evidence (legal).
sng. and plr. indilatàbil, indilatàbij. - non-dilatable, indissià - adj. and n. (pr. \ indisi'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) -
inexpansible. suspected (adj.). - 2) - suspect (sbst.).
indimostràbil - adj. (pr. \ indimustr'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. indissiari - adj. (pr. \ indisi'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. indissiari, fm. sng.
indimostràbij, fm. sng. and plr. indimostràbil, and plr. indissiària, indissiàrie. - circumstantial,
indimostràbij. - indemonstrable. presumptive.
ìndio - n. m. (pr. \ 'indiô \ ) Only sng. (chemical element). In indissé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ indisi'e \ ) - to throw suspicion
case of need inv. at plr. - indium. on. (sb.).
indipendensa - n. f. (pr. \ indipænd'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. indission - n. f. (pr. \ indisi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
indipendense. - independence. announcement, proclamation. - 2) - indiction (history).
indipendent - adj. (pr. \ indipænd'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. indipendent, indissiplinà - adj. (pr. \ indisiplin'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1)
fm. sng. and plr. indipendenta, indipendente. - - undisciplined, unruly, insubordinate. - 2) - disorderly.
independent. indissiplin-a - n. f. (pr. \indisipl'i[ng]&\ ) At plr. indissiplin-e.
indipendentism - n. m. (pr. \ indipændænt'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - - indiscipline, lack of discipline.
advocacy of the cause of independence. indissolùbil - adj. (pr. \ indisul'[ue]bil \ ) Ms. plr. indissolùbij,
indipendentista - n. (pr. \ indipændænt'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. fm. sng. and plr. indissolùbil, indissolùbij. - indissoluble.
indipendentista, fm. sng. and plr. indipendentista, indissolubilità - n. f. (pr. \ indisul[ue]bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
indipendentiste. - supporter of the cuse of indissolubility.
independence. indistint - adj. (pr. \ indist'int \ ) Ms. plr. indistint, fm. sng.
indipendentìstich - adj. (pr. \ indipændænt'istic \ ) Ms. plr. and plr. indistinta, indistinte. - indistinct, vague, faint.
indipendentistich, fm. sng. and plr. indipendentistica, See also the term "confus".
indipendentistiche. - for independence. indìvia - n. f. (pr. \ ind'ivia \ ) At ple. indìvie. - endive (botany
- Cichorium endivia). See also the term "andìvia".

individo - n. m. (pr. \ indiv'idu \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - individual. indossatriss - n. m. (pr. \ indus&tr'is \ ) male model, male
- 2) - person, fellow, chap. See also the term "indivìduo" mannequin. See also the term "andossatris". For the ms.
individual - adj. (pr. \ individu'&l \ ) Ms. plr. individuaj, fm. see the term "indossator".
sng. and plr. individual, individuaj. - 1) - individual, indossé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ indus’e \ ) - to wear, to have
personal. - 2) - single. on. See also the terms “andossé, veste, vestì “, and the
individualisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ individu&liz'e \ ) - to vrbl. loc. “buté adòss, avèj adoss “. This term is not so
individualize. much used, and it is quite an italianism. Not to be confused
individualisassion - n. f. (pr. \ individu&liz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at with the vrb "andossì " (3rd con.), meaning "to sweeten".
plr. - individualization. indot - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ ind'ut \ ) Inv. at plr. - armature (electric
individualism - n. m. (pr. \ individu&l'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - machines).
individualism. indot - 2) - adj. (pr. \ ind'ut \ ) Ms. plr. indot, fm. sng. and plr.
individualìstich - adj. (pr. \ individu&l'istic \ ) Ms. plr. indota, indote. - induced.
individualìstich, fm. sng. and plr. individualìstica, indrissé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ indris'e \ ) - See indirissé.
individualìstiche. - individualistic. indrit - n. m. (pr. \ indr'it \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - the main face of
individualità - n. f. (pr. \ individu&lit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - a fabric, the external part of a suit, the main face of a
individuality. coin, etc. - 2) - the side facing southward, the sunny
individuassion - n. f. (pr. \ individu&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) side. (usually referred to a valley, a hose, etc.). See also the
- individualization. - 2) - location, determination. - 3) - term "andrit". For the second meaning see also the terms
individuation. "solì, sorì ".
individué - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ individu'e \ ) - 1) - to indubi - adj. (pr. \ ind'[ue]bi \ ) Ms. plr. indubi, fm. sng. and
individualize, to characterize. - 2) - to locate, to spot, to plr. indùbia, indùbie. - undoubted, sure, certain. See
determine. - 3) - to single out, to identify. also the term "indùbit ".
indivìduo - n. m. (pr. \ indiv'id[ue]ô \ ) - See individo. indùbit - adj. (pr. \ ind'[ue]bit \ ) See indubi.
indivisìbil - adj. (pr. \ indiviz'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. indivisìbij, fm. indubitàbil - (pr. \ ind[ue]bit'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. indubitàbij, fm.
sng. and plr. indivisìbil, indivisìbil. - indivisible. sng. and plr. indubitàbil, indubitàbij. - indubitable,
indivisibilità - n. f. (pr. \ indivizibilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - unquestionable.
indivisibility. indùe - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ ind'[ue]e \ ) - 1) - to induce.
indobi - n. m. (pr. \ ind'ubi \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - twice amount, (mainly used referring to the electrical induction, and in
double quantity. - 2) - double, twice. phylosophy). - 2) - to induce, to persuade, to lead. In this
indobié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ indubi'e \ ) - 1) - to double, to sense the term is quite an italianism. See also the best terms
duplicate. - 2) - to fatten, to make fat . "cissé, convince, angagé, tiré ".
indobiésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ indubi'ese \ ) - to fatten, to indulgensa - n. f. (pr. \ ind[ue]lj'æ[ng]s&\ ) At plr. indulgense.
grow fat. - indulgence, leniency, forbearance.
indo-europengh - adj. (pr. \ indueurup'æ[ng]g \ ) Ms. plr. indulgent - adj. (pr. \ ind[ue]lj'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. indulgent, fm.
indo-europengh, fm. sng. and plr. indo-europènga, indo- sng. and plr. indulgenta, indulgente. - indulgent, lenient.
europenghe. - Indo-European. This is an example where indult - n. m. (pr. \ ind'[ue]lt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - pardon
the group " eu " is not pronunced " \ [oe] \ ", but " \ eu \ ". (legal). - 2) - indult (religion).
See also the term "indo-europeo". indument - n. m. (pr. \ ind[ue]m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - garment,
indo-europeo - adj. (pr.\indueurup'eô\) - See indo-europengh. clothes.
ìndol - n. f. (pr.\ 'indui \) At plr. ìndoj. - nature, disposition, indurì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ ind[ue]r'i \ ) - to harden, to bake
character. See also the terms "natura, temperament ". hard.
indolensa - n. f. (pr. \ indul'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. indolense. - induriment - n. m. (pr. \ ind[ue]rim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
indolence, slothfulness, lazyness, slackness. hardening.
indolensì - 1) - adj. (pr. \ indulæ[ng]s'i \ ) Ms. plr. indolensì, indurìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ ind[ue]r'ise \ ) - 1) - to grow
fm. sng. and plr. indolensìa, indolensìe. - aching, sore, hard, to harden. - 2) - to set (cement, etc.).
stiff, numb. Italianism. - See also the best term "doleuri". indussion - n. f. (pr. \ ind[ue]si'u[ng]\ ) Inv. at plr. - induction.
indolensì - 2) - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ indulæ[ng]s'i \ ) - to make indùstria - n. f. (pr. \ ind'[ue]stri& \ ) At plr. indùstrie. -
sore, to stiffen, to benumb. Italianism. - See also the best indusrty, manufacture, trade.
term "andolorì ". industrial - n. and adj. (pr. \ ind[ue]stri'&l \ ) Ms. plr.
indolent - adj. (pr. \ indul'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. indolent, fm. sng. industriaj, fm. sng. and plr. industrial, industriaj. - 1) -
and plr. indolenta, indolente. - indolent, slothful, lazy, industrialist (sbst.). - 2) - industrial (adj.).
slack, sluggish. industrialisassion - n. f. (pr. \ ind[ue]stri&liz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv.
indolor - adj. (pr. \ indul'ur \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - painless. at plr. - industrialization.
indomàbil - adj. (pr. \ indum'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. indomàbij, fm. industrialisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ ind[ue]stri&liz'e \ ) - to
sng. and plr. indomàbil, indomàbij. - 1) - untamable. - 2) industrialize.
- indomitable (in a fig. sense). industriésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ ind[ue]stri'ese \ ) - to try
indoman - n. m. (pr. \ indum'&[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - the to do one's best.
following day, the next day. industrios - adj. (pr. \ ind[ue]stri'uz \ ) Ms. plr. industrios, fm.
indorador - n. m. (pr. \ indur&d'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - gilder. See sng. and plr. industriosa, industriose. - industrious,
also the term "andorator". hard-working.
indoradura - n. f. (pr. \ indur&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. indoradure. indutansa - n. f. (pr. \ ind[ue]t'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr. indutanse. -
- gilding. See also the term "andorura". inductance.
indoré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ indur'e \ ) - to gild. See also the indutiv - adj. (pr. \ ind[ue]t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. indutiv, fm. sng. and
term "andoré ". plr. indutiva, indutive. - inductive (electriciy and
indossator - n. m. (pr. \ indus&t'ur \ ) male model, male phylosophy).
mannequin. See also the term "andossador". For the fm. indutor - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ ind[ue]t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - inductor
see the term "indossatriss". (electricity).
indutor - 2) - adj. (pr. \ ind[ue]t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. indutor, fm.
sng. and plr. indutriss, indutriss. - inductive.

inebetì - 1) - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ inebet'i \ ) - 1) - to inesat - adj. (pr.\ inez'&t \) Ms. plr. inesat, fm. sng. and plr.
make stupid, to stupefy, to stun. to hebetate (trs.). In this inesata, inesate. - inexact, inaccurate, incorrect.
sense see also the vrbl. loc. "fe vnì beté ". - 2) - to become inesatëssa - n. f. (pr.\ inez&t'&ss& \) At plr. inesatësse. -
stupid, to be stupefied (int.). In this sense see also the tem inexactitude, inexactness, inaccuracy, slip.
"inebetìsse". inesaudì - adj. (pr. \ inez&ud'i \) Ms. plr. inesaudì, fm. sng.
inebetì - 2) - adj. and p. p. and n. (pr. \ inebet'i \ ) Ms. plr. and plr. inesaudìa, inesaudìe. - ungranted, unsatisfied.
inebetì, fm. sng. and plr. inebetìa, inebetìe. - stupefied, inesaudìbil - adj. (pr. \ inez&ud'ibil \) Ms. plr. inesaudìbij, fm.
stunned. See also the terms "beté, abeté ". sng. and plr. inesaudìbil, inesaudìbij. - ungrantable,
inebetìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ inebet'ise \ ) - to become unallowable, that cannot be granted.
stupid, to be stupefied. See also the term "inebetì 2nd inesaurìbil - adj. (pr. \ inez&ur'ibil \) Ms. plr. inesaurìbij, fm.
meaning". sng. and plr. inesaurìbil, inesaurìbij. - inexhaustible.
inebriament - n. m. (pr. \ inebri&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - inesauribilità - n. f. (pr. \ inez&uribilit'& \) Inv. at plr. -
inebriety, inebriation, intoxication. inexhaustibility.
inebriant - adj. (pr. \ inebri'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. inebriant, fm. sng. ineseguibil - adj. (pr. \ inezegu'ibil \) Ms. plr. ineseguìbij, fm.
and plr. inebrianta, inebriante. - 1) - inebriating, sng. and plr. ineseguìbil, ineseguìbij. - impracticable,
intoxicating. - 2) - stirring (in a fig. sense). that cannot be carried out, that cannot be performed.
inebrié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ inebri'e \ ) - to intoxicate, to inesigìbil - adj. (pr.\inezij'ibil\) Ms. plr. inesigìbij, fm. sng. and
inebriate. - 2) - to ravish. plr. inesigìbil, inesigìbij. - irrecoverable, uncollectible.
inebriésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ inebri'ese \ ) - 1) - to drink inesigibilità - n. f. (pr. \ inezijibilit'& \) Inv. at plr. (if any) -
oneself drunk. - 2) - to go into raptures (in a fig. sense). irrecoverableness.
inédia - n. f. (pr. \ in'edi& \ ) At plr. (if any) inédie. - inesistensa - n. f. (pr. \ inezist'æ[ng]s& \) At plr. inesistense. -
starvation, inanition. inexistence, non-existence
inedificàbil - adj. (pr. \ inedific'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. inedificàbij, inesistènt - adj. (pr. \ inezist'ænt \) Ms. plr. inesistent, fm. sng.
fm. sng. and plr. inedificàbil, inedificàbij. - (land) on and plr. inesistenta, inesistente. - inexistent, non-existent.
which building is forbidden. See also the most common inesoràbil - adj. (pr.\ inezur'&bil\) Ms. plr. inesoràbij, fm.
loc. "nen costruìbil ". sng. and plr. inesoràbil, inesoràbij. - 1) - inexorable,
inédit - 1) - adj. (pr. \in'edit\ ) Ms. plr. inédit, fm. sng. and plr. relentless, unrelenting. - 2) - implacable. See also the
inédita, inédite. - 1) - unpublished. - 2) - new (in a fig. term "implacabil ".
sense). inesperiensa - n. f. (pr. \ inesperi'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr.
inédit - 2) - n. m. (pr.\in'edit\) Inv. at plr. - unpublished work. inesperiense. - inexperience, lack of experience.
ineducà - adj. (pr. \ ined[ue]c'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - rude, inespert - adj. (pr. \ inesp'ært \ ) Ms. plr. inespert, fm. sng. and
impolite, ill-mannered. See also the term "maleducà". plr. inesperta, inesperte. - unexpert, unpractised,
ineducàbil - adj. (pr. \ ined[ue]c'&bil \) Ms. plr. ineducàbij, unskilled.
fm. sng. and plr. ineducàbil, ineducàbij. - ineducable, inesplicàbil - adj. (pr. \ inesplic'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. inesplicàbij,
difficult to educate. fm. sng. and plr. inesplicàbil, inesplicàbij. - inexplicable,
ineducassion - n. f. (pr. \ ined[ue]c&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - unaccountable.
impoliteness, bad manners, rudeness. inesplorà - adj. (pr. \ inesplur'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
ineficensa - n. f. (pr. \ inefi[ch]'æ[ng]s& \) At plr. ineficense. - unexplored.
inefficiency, ineffectiveness. inesploràbil - adj. (pr. \ inesplur'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. inesploràbij,
ineficent - adj. (pr. \ inefi[ch]'ænt \) Ms. plr. ineficent, fm. sng. fm. sng. and plr. inesploràbil, inesploràbij. - 1) - that
and plr. ineficenta, ineficente. - inefficient, ineffective. cannot be explored. - 2) - unfathomable, impenetrable
inegàbil - adj. (pr. \ ineg'&bil \) Ms. plr. inegàbij, fm. sng. and (in a fig. sense).
plr. inegàbil, inegàbij. - undeniable, unanswerable. inesprimìbil - adj. (pr. \ inesprim'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. inesprimìbij,
inelegìbil - adj. (pr. \ inelej'ibil \) Ms. plr. inelegìbij, fm. sng. fm. sng. and plr. inesprimìbil, inesprimìbij. -
and plr. inelegìbil, inelegìbij. - ineligible. See also the inexpressible.
term "ineligìbil" and the most common loc. "nen elegìbil ". inéssia - n. f. (pr. \ in'esi& \ ) At plr. inéssie. - trifle, mere
inelegibilità - n. f. (pr.\inelejibilit'&\) Inv. at plr. - ineligibility. nothing, bauble.
ineligìbil - adj. (pr. \ inelij'ibil \) - See inelegìbil. inestimàbil - adj. (pr. \ inestim'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. inestimàbij,
inelutàbil - adj. (pr.\ inel[ue]t'&bil \) - ineluctable. The term is fm. sng. and plr. inestimàbil, inestimàbij. - inestimable,
hardly used in Piedm. See also the terms "inevitàbil, invaluable, priceless.
incontrastàbil" and similar loc. inevitàbil - adj. (pr. \ inevit'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. inevitàbij, fm.
inelutabilità - n. f. (pr.\ inel[ue]t&bilit'& \) - ineluctability. sng. and plr. inevitàbil, inevitàbij. - inevitable,
The term is hardly used in Piedm. See also loc. like unavoidable.
"impossibilità 'd fene a meno, etc." infagoté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]f&gut’e \ ) - 1) - to wrap
inequivocàbil - adj. (pr.\ ine[qu]ivuc'&bil \) Ms. plr. up, to bundle up. - 2) - to dress (sb.) badly, to dress (sb.)
inequivocàbij, fm. sng. and plr. inequivocàbil, abundantly. See also the term "anfagoté ". The refl. form is
inequivocàbij. - unequivocal, unambiguous. relate only to the second meaning as follows:
inerensa - n. f. (pr.\ iner'æ[ng]s& \) At plr. inerense. - infagotésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ i[ng]f&gut’ese \) - to dress
inherence, inherency. oneself badly, to dress oneself abundantly. See also the
inerent - adj. (pr.\ iner'ænt \) Ms. plr. inerent, fm. sng. and plr. term "anfagotésse".
inerenta, inerente. - inherent, concerning. infalìbil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]f&l’ibil \) Ms. plr. infalìbij, fm. sng.
inersia - n. f. (pr.\ in'ærsi& \) At plr. inersie. - 1) - inactivity, and plr. infalìbil, infalìbij. - infallible. See also the term
sluggishness, inertness. - 2) - inertia (physics). "anfalant ".
inersial - adj. (pr.\ inærsi'&l \) Ms. plr. inersiaj, fm. sng. and infalibilità - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]f&libilit'& \) Inv. at plr. -
plr. inersial, inersiaj. - inertial (physics). infallibility.
inert - adj. (pr.\ in'ært \) Ms. plr. inert, fm. sng. and plr. inerta, infam - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]f'&m \) - Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) -
inerte. - 1) - inactive, sluggish, inert. - 2) - inert infamous, disgraceful, of ill-fame. - 2) - awful, rotten,
(chemistry). horrible, abominable, vile.

infamant - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]f&m'&nt \) Ms. plr. infamant, fm. infatuassion - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]f&tu&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
sng. and plr. infamanta, infamante. - defamatory, infatuation.
disgraceful. See also the terms "infamatòri, difamatòri ". infatué - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]f&tu'e \) - to infatuate. See
infamassion - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]f&m&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - also the terms "anfatué, anciarmé ".
defamation. slander. infatuésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ i[ng]f&tu'ese \) - to become
infamatòri - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]f&m&t'ori \) Ms. plr. infamatòri, infatuate. See also the term "anfatuésse".
fm. sng. and plr. infamatòria, infamatòrie. - defamatory, infedél - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]fed'el \) Ms. plr. infedéj, fm. sng. and
slanderous. plr. infedél, infedéj. - 1) - unfaithful, faithless. - 2) -
infamé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]f&m'e \) - to defame, to inaccurate, inexact (in a fig. sense).
disgrace, to slander. infedeltà - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]fedelt'& \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
infàmia - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]f'&mi& \) At plr. infàmie. - 1) - unfaithfulness, faithlessness. - 2) - inaccuracy (in a fig.
infamy, disgrace, shame. - 2) - infamous action. In this sense).
sense see also the term "infamità ". infelìce - adj. and n. (pr. \ i[ng]fel'i[ch]e \) Inv. in gnd. and nr.
infamità - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]f&mit'& \) Inv. at plr. - infamous - 1) - unhappy, wretched, sad (adj.). - 2) - bad, poor
acrion, disgraceful action, iniquity, atrocity. See also the (adj.). - 3) - ill-timed (adj.). - 4) - uncomfortable,
term "infàmia 2nd meaning". inconvenient (adj.). - 5) - unhappy person (sbst.). - 6) -
infanghé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]f&[ng]g'e \) - Italianism. wretch, poor devil (sbst.). Italianism. See the best terms
See ampauté. "dëscontent, maleuros, disgrassià, scas, etc.", and loc. like
infanghésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ i[ng]f&[ng]g'ese \) - "pòvr diav, etc."
Italianism. See ampautésse. infelicità - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]feli[ch]it'& \) Inv. at plr. -
infansia - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]f'&[ng]si& \) At plr. infansie. - unhappyness, wretchedness. Italianism. See terms like
infant - n. and adj. (pr. \ i[ng]f'&nt \) Ms. plr. infant, fm. sng. "tristëssa, magon, etc.".
and plr. infanta, infante. - infant. As a sbst. see also the inferensa - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]fer'æ[ng]s& \) At plr. inferense -
terms "infantolin, infantolòt, fantolin, fanciotin, fanciòt ". inference (phylosophy, science).
infantil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]f&nt'il \) Ms. plr. infantij, fm. sng. inferì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]fer'i \) - to infer, to deduce.
and plr. infantil, infantij. - But also, according to grammar inferior - 1) - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]færi'ur \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) -
rules (stress on the last vowel), Ms. plr. infantij, fm. sng. inferior (usually disparaging). - 2) - lower. - 3) - less,
and plr. infantila, infantile. - infantile, childish, puerile, lesser. - 4) - shorter. - 5) - low-ranking. - 6) - below.
infant (as an attribute). inferior - 2) - n. (pr. \ i[ng]færi'ur \) Ms. plr. inferior, fm. sng.
infantilism - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]f&ntil'izm \) Inv. at plr. - and plr. inferiora, inferiore. - inferior, subordinate.
infantilism. inferior - 3) - adv. (pr. \ i[ng]færi'ur \) - below, lower down.
infantissida - n. (pr. \ i[ng]f&ntis'id& \) Ms. plr. infantissida, See also the term "sota" and the loc. "da sota".
fm. sng. and plr. infantissida, infantisside. - infanticide. inferiorità - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]færiurit'& \) Inv. at plr. -
infantissidi - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]f&ntis'idi \) Inv. at plr. - inferiority.
infanticide. inferm - adj. and n. (pr. \ i[ng]f'ærm \) Ms. plr. inferm, fm.
infantolin - n. (pr. \ i[ng]f&ntul'i[ng] \) Ms. plr. infantolin, fm. sng. and plr. inferma, inferme. - 1) - invalid, infirm, ill
sng. and plr. infantolin-a, infantolin-e. - infant, baby. See (adj.). - 2) - invalid, (the) sick. (sbst.).
also the terms "infant, infantolòt". infermé - n. (pr. \ i[ng]færm'e \) Ms. plr. infermé, fm. sng. and
infantolòt - n. (pr. \ i[ng]f&ntul'ot \) Ms. plr. infantolòt, fm. plr. infermera, infermere. - (hospital) male nurse / nurse.
sng. and plr. infantolòta, infantolòte. - infant, baby. See infermerìa - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]færmer'i& \) At plr. infermerìe. -
also the terms "infant, infantolin". infirmary, sick room.
infarinà - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]f&rin'& \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - infermità - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]færmit'& \) Inv. at plr. - infirmity,
sprimkling of flour. - 2) - smattering (in a fig. sense). - 2) illness, sickness, disease. See also the terms "maladìa,
- the name of a typical bread loaf. See also the best term malatìa".
"anfarinà , anfarinadura, anfarinura ". infern - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]f'ærn \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - hell. - 2)
infarinà - 2) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ i[ng]f&rin'& \) Inv. in gnd. "inferno" (refered to the "Divina Commedia" of Dante
and nr. - floured, covered with flour. See also the best Alighieri.
term "anfarinà ". infernal - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]færn'&l \) Ms. plr. infernaj, fm. sng.
infarinadura - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]f&rin&d'[ue]r& \) At plr. and plr. infernal, infernaj. - infernal, hellish.
infarinadure. - 1) - sprimkling of flour. - 2) - smattering infernòt - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]færn'ot \) Inv. at plr. - room under
(in a fig. sense). See also the best terms "anfarinadura, the cellar for keeping the best wine.
anfarinura" and the term "infarinura". inferossì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ &[ng]ferus’i \ ) - 1) -
infariné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]f&rin’e \ ) - to flour, to to make fierce (ferocious) (trs.). It uses the aux. “avèj “. -
cover with flour. See also the best term "anfariné ". 2) - to become fierce (ferocious) (int.). It uses the aux.
infarinura - n. f. (pr. \i[ng]f&rin'[ue]r&\) - See infarinadura. “esse “, and it has the same meaning of the following refl.
infarsì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]f&rs'i \ ) - Italianism. See form:
farsì. inferossìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]ferus’ise \ ) - to
infart - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]f'&rt \) Inv. at plr. - infarct, infarction grow fierce (ferocious), to become fierce (ferocious). See
(medical). also the term "anferossìsse, anferocìsse".
infastidì - vrb3rd con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]f&stid'i \) - to annoy, to infession - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]fesi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - infection.
vex, to irritate. See also the term "anfastidì ". See also the terms “anfetassion, anfession “.
infastidìsse - vrb3rd con. refl. (pr. \ i[ng]f&stid'ise \) - to get infestà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ i[ng]fest'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
annoyed, to get bored. See also the term "anfastidìsse ". 1) - infested (p. p. and adj.). - 2) - harmful (adj.).
infaticabil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]f&tic'&bil \) Ms. plr. infaticàbij, infestant - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]fest'&nt \) Ms. plr. infestant, fm.
fm. sng. and plr. infaticàbil, infaticàbij. - tireless, sng. and plr. infestanta, infestante. - infesting.
indefatigable. See also the terms "infatigàbi, instancàbil ". infestassion - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]fest&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
infatigàbil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]f&tig'&bil \) - See infaticàbil. infestation.
infatuà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ i[ng]f&tu'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. infestatotr - n. (pr. \ i[ng]fest&t'ur \) Ms. plr. infestator, fm.
- 1) - infatued. - 2) - keen on, enthusiastic. sng. and plr. infestatriss, infestatriss. - infester, ravager.

infesté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]fest'e \) - to infest, to infierì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ i[ng]fier'i \) - 1) - to rage, to be
pollute, to contaminate. rampant. - 2) - to act cruelly, to be pitiless. It uses the
infét - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]f'et \) Ms. plr. infét, fm. sng. and plr. aux. "avèj ".
inféta, inféte. - 1) - infected. - 2) - contaminated, tainted. infilà - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]fil'& \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - string, suite,
In these two meanings see also the term "infetà ". - 3) - row. - 2) - enfilade (military). See also the term "anfilà ".
corrupt (in a fig. sense). infilé - vrb 1st con. trs. . (pr. \ i[ng]fil'e \) - 1) - to thread, to
infetà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ i[ng]fet'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) string (E. g. “infilé na gucia” “to thread a needle”). - 2) -
- infected. - 2) - contaminated, tainted. to slip, to insert, to put (E. g. “infilé ‘n feuj an sacòcia”
infetant - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]fet'&nt \) Ms. plr. infetant, fm. sng. “to insert a sheet in the pocket”). - 3) - to slip on, to put on
and plr. infetanta, infetante. - infecting. (E. g. “infilé la giaca” “to slip on the jacket”). - 4) - to
infetator - n. n. (pr. \ i[ng]fet&t'ur \) Ms. plr. infetator, fm. take, to slip through, to turn into (referred to a road, etc.)
sng. and plr. infetatriss, infetatriss. - 1) - infector. - 2) - (E. g. “infilé la strà ‘d cà” “to take the way to home”). - 5)
corrupter (in a fig. sense). - to strike, to hit, to enter upon (E. g. “infilé la manera
infeté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]fet'e \) - 1) - to infect. - 2) - sbalià” “ to strike the wrong way”). - 6) - to run through,
to pollute, to contaminate. - 3) - to infect, to corrupt (in to pierce, to spit, to skewer. - 7) - to enfilade (military). -
a fig. sense). See also the term "anfilé ". The refl. form has the following
infetésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ i[ng]fet'ese \) - 1) - to become meanings :
infected. - 2) - to become corrupt (in a fig. sense). infilésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ i[ng]fil’ese \ ) - 1) - to thread
infetiv - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]fet'iu \) Ms. plr. infetiv, fm. sng. and one’s way, - 2) - to slip into.See also the term "anfilésse "
plr. infetiva, infetive. - infectious, catching. infilsà - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]fils’& \ ) - See infilsada.
infeudassion - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]fæud&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - infilsada - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]fils’&d& \ ) At plr. anfilsade. -
infeudation, enfeoffment (history). Note that in this case series, string, sequence, chain, succession. See also the
the group " eu " is pronunced " \ æu \ " and not " \ [oe] \ ". terms "infilsà, anfilsà, anfilsada".
infeudé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]fæud'e \) - to enfeoff infilsé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]fils’e \ ) - 1) - to pierce, to
(history). run through, to spike, to spit. - 2) - to stick. - 3) - to
infërvorament - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]f&rvur&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - string together. In this sense also "infilé". In general see
excitement, zeal, enthusiasm, fervour. also the term "anfilsé ".
infërvoré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]f&rvur'e \) - to arouse infiltrà - adj. and p. p. and n. (pr. \ i[ng]filtr’& \ ) Inv. in gnd.
enthusiasm. and nr. - infiltered, infiltrated.
infërvorésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ i[ng]f&rvur'ese \) - to get infiltrassion - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]filtr&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
excited, to be filled with enthusiasm. infiltration, percolation.
infiachì - 1) - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ i[ng]fi&k'i \) - 1) - infiltré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]filtr'e \ ) - to infilter, to
to weaken, to enfeeble (trs.). It uses the aux. “avèj “. - 2) - infiltrate.
to grow weak (int.). It uses the aux. “esse “, and it has the infiltrésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ i[ng]filtr'ese \ ) - to infilter,
same meaning of the refl. form below. - See also the terms to infiltrate, to percolate, to creep into, to creep out.
“anfiachì, andebolì, anfiapì “. ìnfim - adj. (pr. \ 'i[ng]fim \ ) Ms. plr. ìnfim, fm. sng. and plr.
infiachì - 2) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ i[ng]fi&k'i \) Ms. plr. ìnfima, ìnfime. - lowest (often with a disparaging
infiachì, fm. sng. and plr. infiachìa, infiachìe. - weak, meaning).
feeble, enfeebled. infingard - adj. and n. (pr. \ i[ng]fi[ng]g'&rd \ ) Ms. plr.
infiachiment - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]fi&kim'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - infingard - fm. sng. and plr. infingarda, infingarde. - 1) -
enfeeblement. See also the term "anfiachiment ". slothful, lazy, sluggish (adj.). - 2) - sluggard, slacker,
infiachìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ i[ng]fi&k'ise \) - to grow lazy-bones (sbst.). See also the term "fingard ".
weak. See also the term "anfiachìsse". infingardàgin - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]fi[ng]g&rd'&ji[ng] \ ) Inv. at
infiamà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ i[ng]fi&m'& \) Inv. in gnd. and plr. - sloth, laziness, sluggishness. See also the term
nr. - inflamed (also medical). See also the terms "anfiamà, "fingardàgin".
afarà, infiarì, anfiarì ". infinì - 1) - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]fin'i \ ) Ms. plr. infinì - fm. sng. and
infiamàbil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]fi&m'&bil \) Ms. plr. infiamàbij, plr. infinìa, infinìe. - 1) - infinite, endless. - 2) - countless.
fm. sng. and plr. infiamàbil, infiamàbij. - 1) - - 3) - boundless. - 4) - immensurable. - 5) - bottomless
inflammable, flammable. - 2) - quick-tempered, (disparaging). See also the term "anfinì ", and the loc.
irascible (in a fig. sense). "sensa fin".
infiamabilità - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]fi&m&bilit'& \) Inv. at plr. - infinì - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]fin'i \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - infinity
inflammability. (also mathematics). - 2) - endlessness. - 3) - infinitive
infiamassion - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]fi&m&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - (grammar).
inflammation (medical). infinità - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]finit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - infinity,
infiamatòri - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]fi&m&t'ori \) Ms. plr. infinitude. - 2) - tremendous number, infinity.
infiamatòri, fm. sng. and plr. infiamatòria, infiamatòrie. infinitésim - 1) - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]finit'ezim \ ) Ms. plr.
- inflammatory. infinitésim - fm. sng. and plr. infinitésima, infinitésime. -
infiamé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]fi&m'e \) - 1) - to set on infinitésimal.
fire, to set ablaze. - 2) - to inflame, to excite (in a fig. infinitésim - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]finit'ezim \ ) Inv. at plr. -
sense). - 3) - to inflame (medical). - See also the terms infinitésimal.
“anfiamé, afaré, brusé “. infinitesimal - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]finitezim'&l \ ) Ms. plr.
infiamésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ i[ng]fi&m'ese \) - 1) - to infinitesimaj - fm. sng. and plr. infinitesimal,
burst into flames, to blaze up, to flare up. - 2) - to get infinitesimaj. - infinitésimal.
excited. - 3) - to become inflammed (medical). See also infinitiv - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]finit'iu \ ) Ms. plr. infinitiv - fm. sng.
the term "anfiamésse". and plr. infinitiva, infinitive. - infinitive (grammar).
infiarì - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]fi&r'i \) - See infiamà. infioré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]fiur'e \ ) - 1) - to deck with
infiasché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]fi&sk'e \) - to put into flowers. - 2) - to strew with flowers. - 3) - to adorn (in a
flasks. See also the term "anfiasché ". fig. sense). See also the term "anfioré ".

infioressensa - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]fiures'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. informativa - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]furm&t'iv& \ ) At plr.
infioressense. - inflorescence. See also the term informative. - informative communication, informative
"anfioressensa". letter.
infiorëtté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]fiur&tt'e \ ) - 1) - to informator - adj. and n. (pr. \ i[ng]furm&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr.
intersperse with flowery expressions. - 2) - to adorn informator - fm. sng. and plr. informatriss, informatriss.
with little flowers. See also the term "anfiorëtté ". - 1) - informing (adj.). - 2) - informer (sbst.).
infiss - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]f'is \ ) Inv. at plr. - fixture, frame, informé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]furm'e \ ) - to inform, to
casing. See also the terms "tlé, giassil ". acquaint.
inflassion - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]fl&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - inflation informésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ i[ng]furm'ese \ ) - to
(economy). inform oneself, to get information, to inquire.
inflassioné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]fl&siun'e \ ) - to inflate infortun - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]furt'[ue][ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
(economy). accident. See also the terms "infortùni, incident 2)".
inflassionism - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]fl&siun'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - infortunà - n. and adj. (pr. \ i[ng]furt[ue]n'& \ ) Inv. in gnd.
inflationism (economy). and nr. - 1) - injured person, accident victim (sbst.). - 2) -
inflassionista - n. (pr. \ i[ng]fl&siun'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. injured in an accident (adj.).
inflassionìsta - fm. sng. and plr. inflassionìsta, infortùni - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]furt'[ue]ni \ ) - See infortun.
inflassionìste. - inflationist (economy). infortunésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ i[ng]furt[ue]n'ese \ ) - to
inflassionìstich - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]fl&siun'istic \ ) Ms. plr. get injured, to have an accident.
inflassionìstich - fm. sng. and plr. inflassionìstica, infortunìstica - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]furt[ue]n'istic& \ ) At plr. (if
inflassionìstiche. - inflationary (economy). any) infortunìstiche. - study of industrial accident (and
inflessìbil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]fles'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. inflessìbij - fm. in general of accidents related to work).
sng. and plr. inflessìbil, inflessìbij. - inflexible. infortunìstich - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]furt[ue]n'istic \ ) Ms. plr.
inflessibilità - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]flesibilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - infortunìstich - fm. sng. and plr. infortunìstica,
inflexibility. infortunìstiche. - 1) - concerning industrial accidents. -
inflession - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]flesi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - inflection. 2) - accident, injury (as attributes).+
infléte - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]fl'ete \ ) - to inflect. infrangìbil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]fr&[ng]j'ibil \ ) Ms. plr.
influensa - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]fl[ue]'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. influense. - infrangìbij - fm. sng. and plr. infrangìbil, infrangìbij. - 1)
1) - influence, clout. - 2) - influenza, flu (medical). - unbreakable. - 2) - infrangible. - shatter-proof.
influensà - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]fl[ue]æ[ng]s'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and infraross - 1) - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]fr&r'us \ ) Ms. plr. infraross -
nr. - 1) - influenced, affected, swayed. - 2) - sick with fm. sng. and plr. infrarossa, infrrosse. - infrared.
influenza (medical). infraross - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]fr&r'us\ ) Inv. at plr. - infrared.
influensàbil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]fl[ue]æ[ng]s'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. infrasché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]fr&sk'e \ ) - to prop up
influensàbij - fm. sng. and plr. influensàbil, influensàbij. with a branch. See also the terms "anfrasché, anramé".
- influenceable. infrasson - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]fr&su'[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
influensal - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]fl[ue]æ[ng]s'&l \ ) Ms. plr. infrasonic wave. See also the term "antëson".
influensaj - fm. sng. and plr. influensal, influensaj. - infrassion - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]fr&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
influenza (as an attribute - medical). infringement, infraction, violation, breach.
influensé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]fl[ue]æ[ng]s'e \ ) - to infrastrutura - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]fr&str[ue]t'[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
influence, to affect, to sway. infrastruture. - infrastructure.
influensésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ i[ng]fl[ue]æ[ng]s'ese \ ) - infreidà - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]fræid'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - with
to catch a flu. a cold (illness - medical). See also the most common term
influent - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]fl[ue]'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. influent - fm. "anfreidà ". For other meanings see the term "sfreidà ".
sng. and plr. influenta, influente. - influential, influent. infreidésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ i[ng]fræid’ese \ ) - to catch
influì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ i[ng]fl[ue]'i \ ) - to influence, to a cold. See also the most common term "anfreidésse".
exert an influence, to affect. It uses the aux. "avèj ". infreidor - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]fræid’ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - cold, chill.
influss - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]fl'[ue]s \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - influx. - 2) Not easy to find. See also the most common term
- influence. - 3) - epidemic. - 4) - (bad) practice. "anfreidor".
infonde - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]f'unde \ ) - to infuse, to infrequensa - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]fre[qu]'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr.
inspire, to imbue. infrequense. - infrequency, rarity.
informà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ i[ng]furm'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and infrequent - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]fre[qu]'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. infrequent -
nr. - informed acquainted. fm. sng. and plr. infrequenta, infrequente. - infrequent,
informal - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]furm'&l \ ) Ms. plr. informaj - fm. rare. See also the term "ràir".
sng. and plr. informal, informaj. - 1) - informal, infrequentàbil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]fre[qu]ænt'&bil \ ) - Ms. plr.
unofficial. - 2) - non-representational, non-objective. infrequentàbij - fm. sng. and plr. infrequentàbil,
informassion - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]furm&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - infrequentàbij. - not frequentable.
information. infrutessensa - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]fr[ue]tes'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr.
informàtica - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]furm'&tic& \ ) At plr. (if any) infrutessense. - infructescence.
informàtiche. - computer science, information science. infrutìfer - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]fr[ue]t'ifær \ ) Ms. plr. infrutìfer -
informàtich - adj. and n. (pr. \ i[ng]furm'&tic \ ) Ms. plr. fm. sng. and plr. infrutìfera, infrutìfere. - unfruitful, idle
informàtich - fm. sng. and plr. informàtica, (referred to a capital).
informàtiche. - computer (as an attribute). infrutos - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]fr[ue]t'uz \ ) Ms. plr. infrutos - fm.
informatisassion - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]furm&tiz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at sng. and plr. infrutosa, infrutose. - unfruitful, fruitless,
plr. - computerization. vain, unsuccessful.
informatisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]furm&tiz'e \ ) - to infurié - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ i[ng]f[ue]ri'e \ ) - to rage. It uses
computerize. the aux. "avèj ".
informativ - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]furm&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. informativ - infuriésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ i[ng]f[ue]ri'ese \ ) - to get
fm. sng. and plr. informativa, informative. - informative. out of temper, to fly into a rage.
infus - 1) - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]f'[ue]z \ ) Ms. plr. infus - fm. sng.
and plr. infusa, infuse. - infused.

infus - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]f'[ue]z \ ) Inv. at plr. - infusion. See inginojatòri - n. m. (pr. \ injinuy&t’ori \ ) Inv. at plr. - “prie-
also the term "infusion". dieu”, kneeling-stool. See also the terms “angenojatòri,
infusion - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]f[ue]zi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - infusion. anginojatòri, pregadiù “ and the loc. “scagn dël bin “ lit.
See also the term "infus". “stool of prayers “.
ingagé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]g&j'e \ ) - 1) - to engage. - inginojé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ injinuy'e \ ) - to make (sb.)
2) - to recruit (military). See also the term "angagé ". kneel. More used the vrbl. loc. "buté an genoj " "to put
ingagg - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]g'&j \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - engagement, (sb.) on his knees". See also the term "anginojé ".
commitment. - 2) - recruitment. See also the terms inginojésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ injinuy’ese \ ) - to kneel, to
"ingagi, angagg, angagi ". go on one’s knees. See also the term “anginojésse “.
ingagi - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]g'&ji \ ) - See ingagg. ingiojé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ injiuy’e \ ) - to adorn with
ingambarésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ i[ng]g&mb&r'ese \ ) - to jewels, to bejewel. See also the term "angiojé ".
stumble (over), to trip (over). Also in a fig. sense. See also ingiojésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ injiuy’ese \ ) - to adorn
the term "angambarésse". oneself with jewels. See also the term "angiojésse".
inganarissi - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]g&n&r'isi \ ) Inv. at plr. - ingionsion - n. f. (pr. \ injiu[ng]si’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
deception, fraud. injunction. See also the most common term "ingiunsion".
inganator - n. and adj. (pr. \ i[ng]g&n&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. ingiontiv - adj. (pr. \ injiunt'iu \ ) Ms. plr. ingiontiv - fm. sng.
inganator - fm. sng. and plr. inganatriss, inganatriss. - 1) and plr. ingiontiva, ingiontive. - injunctive. See also the
- deceiver (sbst.). - 2) - deceiving (adj.). most common term "ingiuntiv".
ingané - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]g&n'e \ ) - 1) - to swindle, ingionze - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ inji'u[ng]ze \ ) - to enjoin, to
to cheat, to deceive. - 2) - to evade, to elude. - 3) - to order, to command. Italianism. See the terms "intimé,
disappoint. See also the term "angané ". comandé, ordiné, oblighé, antimé ". and also "ingiunze".
ingann - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]g'&n \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - deception, ingiù (a l'---) - adv. (pr. \ & l inji'[ue] \ ) - down, downward.
deceit. - 2) - self-deception. - 3) - fraud, swindle. ingiunsion - n. f. (pr. \ inji[ue][ng]si’u[ng] \ ) - See ingionsion.
ingégn - n. m. (pr. \ inj'e[gn] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - brains, ingiuntiv - adj. (pr. \ inji[ue]nt'iu \ ) - See ingiontiv.
brillance, mind, intelligence, intellect. - 2) - wits. - 3) - ingiunze - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ inji'[ue][ng]ze \ ) - Italianism -
ability, talent, gift. See ingionze.
ingegné - n. m. (pr. \ inje[gn]'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - engineer. ingiùria - n. f. (pr. \ inji'[ue]ri& \ ) At plr. ingiùrie. - 1) -
ingegnerìa - n. f. (pr. \ inje[gn]er'i& \ ) At plr. ingegnerìe. - insult, affront. - 2) - offence (legal).
engineering. ingiuriada - n. f. (pr. \ inji[ue]ri'&d& \ ) At plr. ingiuriade. -
ingegnésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ inje[gn]'ese \ ) - to strive, to series of insults.
do one's best. ingiurié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ inji[ue]ri'e \ ) - to insult, to
ingegnos - adj. (pr. \ inje[gn]'uz \ ) Ms. plr. ingegnos - fm. sng. abuse, to wrong.
and plr. ingegnosa, ingegnose. - clever, ingenious. ingiurios - adj. (pr. \ inji[ue]ri'uz \ ) Ms. plr. ingiurios - fm.
ingegnosità - n. f. (pr. \ inje[gn]uzit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - sng. and plr. ingiuriosa, ingiuriose. - insulting, offensive,
cleverness, ingenuity. injurious.
ingelosì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ injeluz'i \ ) - to make (sb.) ingiust - 1) - adj. and n. (pr. \ inji'[ue]st \ ) Ms. plr. ingiust -
jealous, to arouse jealousy. fm. sng. and plr. ingiusta, ingiuste. - 1) - unjust. unfair.
ingelosìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ injeluz'ise \ ) - to become inequitable (adj.). - 2) - undeserved, unjust (adj.). - 3) -
jealous. wrongful, wrong (adj.) (legal). - 4) - unjust person
ingeneros - adj. (pr. \ injener'uz \ ) Ms. plr. ingeneros - fm. (sbst.).
sng. and plr. ingenerosa, ingenerose. - ungenerous, ingiust - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ inji'[ue]st \ ) Inv. at plr. - wrong,
illiberal. injustice.
ingenerosità - n. f. (pr. \ injeneruzit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - lack of ingiustificà - adj. (pr. \ inji[ue]stific'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
generosity. unjustified.
ingentilì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ injentil'i \ ) - 1) - to ingiustificàbil - adj. (pr. \ inji[ue]stific'&bil \ ) Ms. plr.
refine, to polish (trs). - 2) - to become refined (int.). In ingiustificàbij - fm. sng. and plr. ingiustificàbil,
this sense see also the term "ingentilìsse". ingiustificàbij. - injustifiable.
ingentilìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ injentil'ise \ ) - to become ingiustìssia - n. f. (pr. \ inji[ue]st'isi& \ ) At plr. ingiustìssie. -
refined. See also the term "ingentilì 2nd meaning". 1) - injustice, unfairness, inequity. - 2) - injustice,
ingenuità - n. f. (pr. \ injenuit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - wrong.
ingenuousness, naïvety. ingiutìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ inji[ue]t'ise \ ) - 1) - to
ingénuo - adj. and n. (pr. \ inj'enuô \ ) Ms. plr. ingenuo - fm. hiccup, to hiccough. - 2) - to sob.
sng. and plr. ingenua, ingenue. - 1) - ingenuous, naïve, inglat - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]gl'&t \ ) Inv. at plr. - notch on the
simple-minded (adj.). - 2) - ingenuous person (sbst.). See blade of a clasp-knife, for opening with the fingernail. See
also the terms "brav, candi, sempi ", and the loc. like also the terms "inglet, anglet, ongia, onget ".
"sensa malìssia". inglèis - 1) - n. and adj. (pr. \ i[ng]gl'æiz \ ) Ms. plr. inglèis -
ingerensa - n. f. (pr. \ injer'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. ingerense. - fm. sng. and plr. inglèisa, inglèise. - 1) - English (adj.). -
interference, meddling. 2) - English person (sbst.).
ingerì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ injer'i \ ) - 1) - to ingest, inglèis - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]gl'æiz \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any) -
to swallow (trs.). - 2) - to interfere, to meddle (int.). In English (the language).
this sense see also the refl. form "ingerìsse". ingleisism - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]glæiz'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. -
ingerìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ injer'ise \ ) - to interfere, to anglicism.
meddle. inglet - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]gl'æt \ ) - See inglat.
ingestion - n. f. (pr. \ injesti'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - ingestion. inglet (a ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ & i[ng]gl'æt \ ) - aslant,
Inghiltèra - n. f. (pr. \ ingilt'ær& \ ) Noun of country usually obliquely.
only sng. At plr. (in case of need) Inghiltère. - England. inglorios - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]gluri'uz \ ) Ms. plr. inglorios - fm.
ingigantì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ injig&nt'i \ ) - to magnify, to sng. and plr. ingloriosa, ingloriose. - 1) - inglorious,
exaggerate. See also the term "angigantì ". obscure. - 2) - inglorious, dishonourable.

ingnochìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ i[ng][gn]uki'se \ ) - 1) - to to grease, to lubricate, to oil (trs.). It uses the aux. “avèj “.
clot. - 2) - to become stunned, to be dazen (in a fig. - 4) - to manure, to fertilize (trs.). It uses the aux. “avèj“.
sense). See also the term "angnochìsse". See also the term "angrassé ".
ingolfé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]gulf’e \ ) - 1) - to choke. - ingrassiésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ i[ng]gr&si’ese \ ) - to
2) - to plunge (into) (in a fig. sense). See also the terms ingratiate oneself (with sb.). See also the term
"angolfé, angorfié ".Also the following refl. form has the "angrassiésse".
same meaning: ingrat - adj. and n. (pr. \ i[ng]gr'&t \ ) Ms. plr. ingrat - fm. sng.
ingolfésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ i[ng]gulf’ese \ ) - to plunge and plr. ingrata, ingrate. - 1) - ungrateful, tankless (adj.).
(into). See also the term "angolfésse ". - 2) - unpleasant, uncongenial, difficult (adj.). - 3) -
ingombr - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]g'umbr \ ) Inv. at plr. - ungrateful person (sbst.). See also the terms
encumbrance, obstruction, impediment. See also the "dësconossent, disconossent".
term "ambarass". ingratitùdin - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]gr&tit'[ue]di[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
ingombrant - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]gumbr'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. ungratefulness, thanklessness, ingratitude. See also the
ingombrant - fm. sng. and plr. ingombranta, term "dësconossensa".
ingombrante. - cumbersome, bulky. ingravià - adj. fm. (pr. \ i[ng]gr&vi’& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
ingombré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]gumbr’e \ ) - to pregnant (referred only to women). See also the terms
embarrass, to encumber, to burden with... . See also the “ampedìa, ansenta, angravià “ For a possible fig. sense see
voice “ambarassé “. also the terms “pien, carià, bondos “.
ingord - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]g’urd \ ) - Ms. plr. ingord, fm. sng. and ingraviada - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]gr&vi’&d& \ ) At plr. angraviade.
plr. ingorda, ingorde. - greedy, voracious. See also the - 1) - pregnancy. - 2) - the action of making pregnant.
terms "angord, goliard ". See also the terms “gravidansa, gestassion, angraviura,
ingordisa - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]gurd’iz& \ ) At plr. ingordise. - angraviada “.
greed, voracity. See also the term "angordisa". ingravié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]gr&vi’e \ ) - to make
ingorgh - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]g’urg \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - block, pregnant. See also the term “ampërgné, angravié “.
blockage. - 2) - jam (referred to traffic). - See also the ingraviésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ i[ng]gr&vi’ese \ ) - to
terms “amboch, antasament, angorgh “. become pregnant. See also the term “ampërgnésse,
ingorghé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]gurg’e \ ) - to choke up, to angraviésse “.
clog, to block up. See also the term “amboché, angorghé “. ingraviura - n. f. (pr. \i[ng]gr&vi’[ue]r&\ ) - See angraviada.
ingorghésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ i[ng]gurg’ese \ ) - to be ingredient - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]gredi’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
choked, to be blocked up. See also the term “ambochésse, ingredient.
angorghésse “. The form is refl. but the meaning is int. ingréss - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]gr'es \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - entrance. -
ingorgioné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]gurjiun’e \ ) - to cram, 2) - entry, entrance, ingress. - 3) - admission. - 4) - hall.
to stuff. See also the term “angosoné, angosé, angorgioné“. In this sense see aso the term "andor". - 5) - input. - See
ingorgionésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ i[ng]gurjiun’ese \ ) - to also the most common term "intrada ".
cram oneself, to stuff oneself. See also the term ingrossament - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]grus&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
“angosonésse, angosésse, angorgionésse “. thickening, swelling, increase. See also the term
ingranagi - (pr. \ i[ng]gr&n’&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - gear. - 2) - "angrossament ".
mechanism (in a fig. sense). - See also the term ingrossé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]grus’e \ ) - to increase, to
“angranagi “. broaden, to widen, to enlarge. See also the terms
ingranament - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]gr&n&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - “angrossì, angrossé “.
gearing (mechanics). See also the term "angranament ". ingròss (a l'---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ & l i[ng]gr'os \ ) - 1) -
ingrandì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]gr&nd’i \ ) - 1) - to wholesale. - 2) - approximately, roughly.
enlarge. - 2) - to magnify. - 3) - to exaggerate, to inguarìbil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]gu&r’ibil \ ) Ms. plr. inguarìbij -
overstate. In this meaning see also “esagerè “. - 4) - to fm. sng. and plr. inguarìbil, inguarìbij. - incurable.
aggrandize. - See also the term “angrandì “. ìnguin - n. m. (pr. \ 'i[ng]gui[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - groin
ingrandiment - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]gr&ndim’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - (anatomy). Quite an italianism. See also the best piedm.
1) - enlargement, extension. - 2) - growth. - 3) - term "angonaja".
aggrandizement. - See also the term “angrandiment “. inguinal - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]guin'&l \ ) Ms. plr. inguinaj - fm.
ingranditor - n. m - (pr. \ &[ng]gr&ndit’ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - sng. and plr. inguinal, inguinaj. - inguinal (anatomy). See
enlarger (photo). See also the term “angranditor “. also the usual loc. "dl'angonaja".
ingrané - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ i[ng]gr&n’e \ ) - 1) - to inibì - 1) - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ inib'i \ ) - 1) - to forbid, to
put into gear, to gear, to interlock, to engage (trs.) - 2) - prohibit. - 2) - to inhibit.
to get along well (int.) (in a fig. sense). - See also the term inibì - 2) - adj. and p. p. and n. (pr. \ inib'i \ ) Ms. plr. inibì -
“angrané “. fm. sng. and plr. inibìa, ininibìe. - 1) - inhibited (adj. and
ingrass - n.m. (pr. \ i[ng]gr’&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - fattening. - p. p.). - 2) - inhibited person (sbst.).
2) - manuring, manure. See also the terms “aliam, inibission - n. f. (pr. \ inibisi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
drugia“. - For both meanings see also the term “angrass “. inhibition. - 2) - prohibition.
ingrassador - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]gr&s&d’ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - inibitor - 1) - adj. (pr. \ inibit'ur \ ) Ms. plr. inibitor - fm. sng.
lubricator. See also the term "angrassador". and plr. inibitriss, inibitriss. - inhibiting, inhibitive.
ingrassadura - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]gr&s&d’[ue]r& \ ) At plr. inibitor - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ inibit'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - inibiter
ingrassadure. - 1) - fattening. - 2) - greasing. - See also (chemistry).
the term “angrassagi, ingrassagi, angrassadura, inibitòri - adj. (pr. \ inibit'ori \ ) Ms. plr. inibitòri - fm. sng.
ingrassament. “. and plr. inibitòria, inibitòrie. - inhibitory.
ingrassagi - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]gr&s'&ji \ ) - See ingrassadura. iniession - n. f. (pr. \ iniesi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - injection.
ingrassament - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]gr&s&m'ænt \ ) - See - 2) - shot in the arm (in a fig. sense).
ingrassadura. inietàbil - adj. (pr. \ iniet'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. inietàbij - fm. sng.
ingrassé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ i[ng]gr&s’e \ ) - 1) - to and plr. inietàbil, inietàbij. - injectable.
fatten, to make (sb.) fat (trs.). It uses the aux. “avèj “. - 2) inieté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ iniet'e \ ) - to inject.
- to fatten, to grow fat (int.). It uses the aux. “esse “. - 3) -

inietor - n. m. (pr. \ iniet'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - injector inmaginativa - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]m&jin&t'iv& \ ) At plr.
(mechanics). inmaginative. - imaginativeness, imagination. See also
inimaginàbil - adj. (pr. \ inim&jin'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. the term "imaginativa".
inimaginàbij - fm. sng. and plr. inimaginàbil, inmàgine - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]m'&jine \ ) - See image.
inimaginàbij. - unimaginable. inmaginé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]m&jin'e \ ) - 1) - to
inimiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ inimik'e \ ) - to alienate, to imagine, to picture, to fancy. - 2) - to invent, to think
estrange. See also the vrbl. loc. "fé inimis, fé nemis". out. - 3) - to suppose, to presume. See also the terms
inimichésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ inimik'ese \ ) - to make an "imaginé, anmaginé ".
enemy of... , to fall out with... . inmaginos - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]m&jin'uz \ ) Ms. plr. inmaginos, -
inimicìssia - n. f. (pr. \ inimi[ch]'isi& \ ) At plr. inimicissie. - fm. sng. and plr. inmaginosa, inmaginose. - 1) -
enemity, hostility. See also the term "nimicìssia". imaginative, picturesque, vivid. - 2) - fanciful, fantastic,
inimis - adj. and n. (pr. \ inim'iz \ ) Ms. plr. inimis - fm. sng. imaginary. See also the terms "imaginos, fantasios".
and plr. inimisa, inimise. - 1) - hostile, adverse (adj.). - 2) inmancàbil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]m&[ng]c'&bil \ ) Ms. plr.
- harmful (adj.). - 3) - enemy (adj. - as an attribute). - 4) - inmancàbij, - fm. sng. and plr. inmancàbil, inmancàbij. -
enemy, adversary (sbst.). inevitable, unfailing. See also the term "anmancàbil".
inimitàbil - adj. (pr. \ inimit'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. inimitàbij - fm. inmanensa - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]m&n'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr.
sng. and plr. inimitàbil, inimitàbij. - inimitable, peerless, inmanense. - immanence, immanency (phylosophy). See
matchless. also the term "imanensa".
iniquità - n. f. (pr. \ ini[qu]it'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - iniquity. - inmanent - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]m&n'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. inmanent, -
2) - unjustice. See also the term "cativéria". fm. sng. and plr. inmanenta, inmanente. - immanent
inissi - n. m. (pr. \ in'isi \ ) Inv. at plr. - beginning, start. See (phylosophy). See also the term "imanent ".
also the term "prinsipi". inmanentism - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]m&nænt'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. -
inissià - n. and adj. (pr. \ inisi'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - immanentism (phylosophy). See also the term
initiate (sbst.). - 2) - initiated (adj.). "imanentism ".
inissial - 1) - adj. (pr. \ inisi'&l \ ) Ms. plr. inissiaj - fm. sng. inmanentista - n. (pr. \ i[ng]m&nænt'ist& \ ) Ms. plr.
and plr. inissial, inissiaj. - initial, beginning, starting. inmanentista, - fm. sng. and plr. inmanentista,
inissial - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ inisi'&l \ ) At plr. inissiaj. - initial inmanentiste. - immanentist (phylosophy). See also the
letter. - 2) - initials (plr.). term "imanentista ".
inissiassion - n. f. (pr. \ inisi&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - inmanentìstich - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]m&nænt'istich \ ) Ms. plr.
initiation. inmanentìstich, - fm. sng. and plr. inmanentìstica,
inissiativa - n. f. (pr. \ inisi&t'iv& \ ) At plr. inissiative. - inmanentìstiche. - immanentistic, immanentist.
initiative, enterprise. (phylosophy). See also the term "imanentìstic ".
inissiator - n. (pr. \ inisi&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. inissiator - fm. sng. inmatricolassion - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]m&triculasi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at
and plr. inissiatriss, inissiatriss. - initiator. plr. - 1) - admission, matriculation. - 2) - registration.
inissié - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ inisi'e \ ) - 1) - to begin, See also the term "imatricolassion".
to start (trs.). - 2) - to open, to start (trs.). - 3) - to initiate inmatricolé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]m&tricul'e \ ) - to
(trs.). - 4) - to begin, to start (int.). This vrb is quite an admit (to a university), to matriculate. - 2) - to register.
italianism. See also the best piedm. terms "ancaminé, See also the term "imatricolé ".
comensé, prinsipié ". inmatricolésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ i[ng]m&tricul'ese \ ) -
inluminé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]l[ue]min’e \ ) - to to matriculate (student). See also the term "imatricolésse".
illuminate. See also the term "anluminé ". inmedià - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]medi'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) -
inlup - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]l’[ue]p \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - wrapper, immediate. - 2) - prompt. - 3) - unpremeditated,
cover. - 2) - bundle, parcel. See also the voice “pachet “. - istinctive (in a fig. sense).
For both the meanings see also the terms “anvlup, anlup“. inmens - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]m'æ[ng]s \ ) Ms. plr. inmens, - fm.
inlupé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]l[ue]p’e \ ) - to envelop, to sng. and plr. inmensa, inmense. - 1) - immense,
wrap up. See also the terms “anvlupé, anlupaté, anlupé“. unbounded, boundless. - 2) - immense, vast, huge,
ilnustrador - n. (pr. \ i[ng]l[ue]str&d'ur \ ) - See ilustrator. enormous.
ilnustrassion - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]l[ue]str&si'u[ng] \ ) See inmensità - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]mæ[ng]sit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
ilustrassion. immensity, vasteness. - 2) - immense quantity, awful lot.
inlustrativ - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]l[ue]str&t'iu \ ) - See ilustrativ. inmobiliar - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]mubili'&r \ ) Inv. in grnd. and nr. -
inlustrator - n. (pr. \ i[ng]l[ue]str&t'ur \ ) - See inlustrator. immovable. Note the common expressions : "proprietà
inlustré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]l[ue]str'e \ ) -See inlustré. imobiliar" "real estate" ; "socetà imobiliar" "building
inmage - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]m'&je \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - image, society, firm of builders" ; "crédit imobiliar" "credit
picture. - 2) - figure. See also the terms "imàgin, imàgine, guaranteed bt mortgage". See also the term "imobiliar".
imàge, inmàgine". inmobilis - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]mubil'iz \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
inmàgin - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]m'&ji[ng] \ ) - See inmage. immobilization. - 2) - tying-up, lock-up (finance). See
inmaginàbil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]m&jin'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. also the terms "imobilisassion, imobilis".
inmaginàbij, - fm. sng. and plr. inmaginàbil, inmobilisà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ i[ng]mubiliz'& \ ) Inv. in gnd.
inmaginàbij. - imaginable. and nr. - 1) - paralized, immobilized, pinned down. - 2) -
inmaginari - adj (pr. \ i[ng]m&jin'&ri \ ) ) Ms. plr. tied up, frozen (finance). See also the term "imobilisà ".
inmaginari, - fm. sng. and plr. inmaginària, inmaginàrie. inmobilisassion - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]mubiliz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at
- imaginary. See also the term "imaginari, anmaginari". plr. - 1) - immobilization. - 2) - tying-up, lock-up
inmaginassion - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]m&jin&siu[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - (finance). See also the terms "imobilis, imobilisassion".
1) - imagination, fancy, fancifulness. - 2) - figment of the inmobilism - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]mubil'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - wait-
(sb's) imagination. See also the term "imaginassion". and-see policy. See also the term "imobilism".
inmaginativ - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]m&jin&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. inmobilisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]mubiliz'e \ ) - 1) - to
inmaginativ, - fm. sng. and plr. inmaginativa, immobilize. - 2) - to tie up, to lock up, to capitalize
inmaginative. - imaginative. See also the term (finance). See also the term "imobilisé".

inmobilìstich - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]mubil'istic \ ) Ms. plr. inopinàbil - adj. (pr. \ inupin'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. inopinàbij, - fm.
inmobilìstich, - fm. sng. and plr. inmobilìstica, sng. and plr. inopinàbil, inopinàbij. - 1) - unforeseeable. -
inmobilìstiche. - wait-and-see (as an n attribute). See also 2) - unimaginable. See also the term "imprevedìbil ".
the term "imobilistich". inorfantì - adj. (pr. \ inurf&nt’i \ ) Ms. plr. inorfantì, fm. sng.
inmodést - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]mud'est \ ) Ms. plr. inmodést, - fm. and plr. inorfantìa, inorfantìe. - stunned, heedless,
sng. and plr. inmodesta, inmodeste. - immodest, dreamy. See also the term "anorfantì ".
improper. inorgànich - adj. (pr. \ inurg'&nic \ ) Ms. plr. inorgànich, -
inmodéstia - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]mud'esti& \ ) At plr. - inmodéstie. fm. sng. and plr. inorgànica, inorgàniche. - inorganic.
- immodesty, impropriety. inoridì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ inurid'i \ ) - to be horrified, to
inmondìssia - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]mund'isi& \ ) At plr. be shocked. It uses the aux. "esse".
inmondissie. - 1) - filthiness, dirtiness. - 2) - garbage, inospital - adj. (pr. \ inuspit'&l \ ) Ms. plr. inospitaj, - fm. sng.
rubbish, refuse. This term is quite an italianism. See also and plr. inospital, inospitaj. - inhospitable.
the terms "imondissia, mnis". inossensa - n. f. (pr. \ inus'æ[ng]s& \ ) - See inocensa.
inmoral - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]mur'&l \ ) Ms. plr. inmoraj, - fm. sng. inossent - adj. and n. (pr. \ inus'ænt \ ) - See inocent.
and plr. inmoral, inmoraj. - immoral. See also the term inossentism - n. m. (pr. \ inusænt'izm \ ) - See inocentism.
"imoral". inossentista - n. (pr. \ inusænt'ist& \ ) - See inocentista.
inmoralità - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]mur&lit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - inosservà - adj. (pr. \ inusærv'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) -
immorality. See also the term "imoralità ". unobserved, unnoticed. - 2) - not observed, not
inmortal - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]murt'&l \ ) Ms. plr. inmortaj, - fm. respected, unfulfilled.
sng. and plr. inmortal, inmortaj. - immortal, eternal, inosservàbil - adj. (pr. \ inusærv'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. inoservàbij, -
everlasting. See also the term "imortal ". fm. sng. and plr. inoservàbil, inoservàbij. - 1) - that
inmortalé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]murt&l'e \ ) - to cannot be complied with. - 2) - unobservable.
immortalize. See also the term "inmortalé, anmortalé ". inosservansa - n. f. (pr. \ inusærv'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr.
inmortalità - n. f. (pr. \ imurt&lit'&\ ) Inv. at plr. - inoservanse. - 1) - non-compliance. - 2) - inobservance,
immortality. See also the term "imortalità ". non-observance.
inmòbil - 1) - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]m'obil \ ) Ms. plr. inmòbij, - fm. inosservant - adj. (pr. \ inusærv'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. inoservant, -
sng. and plr. inmòbil, inmòbij. - 1) - immovable. - 2) - fm. sng. and plr. inoservanta, inoservante. - inobservant,
motionless, stationary, still. See also the term "imòbil 1)". unobservant.
inmòbil - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]m'obil \ ) At plr. inmòbij. inossidàbil - adj. (pr. \ inusid'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. inossidàbij, -
- immovable property, building. See also the term fm. sng. and plr. inossidàbil, inossidàbij. - 1) - stainless. -
"imòbil 2)". 2) - inoxidizable (chemistry).
inn - n. m. (pr. \ in \ ) Inv. at plr. - hymn, anthem. See also the inovassion - n. f. (pr. \ inuv&si'u[ng] ; inuw&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at
term "làuda". plr. - innovation, change. See also the most common term
inocensa - n. f. (pr. \ inu[ch]'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. inocense. - "in-novassion".
innocence. See also the term "inossensa". inovator - adj. and n. (pr. \ inuv&t'ur ; inuw&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr.
inocent - adj. and n. (pr. \ inu[ch]'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. inocent, - inovator, - fm. sng. and plr. inovatriss, inovatriss. -
fm. sng. and plr. inocenta, inocente. - 1) - innocent, innovating, innovative, innovatory. See also the most
guiltless (adj.). - 2) - innocent, harmless (adj.). - 3) - common term "in-novator".
innocent (sbst.). See also the term "inossent". inové - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ inuv'e ; inuw'e \ ) - to innovate, to
inocentism - n. m. (pr. \ inu[ch]ænt'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - change, to reform, to introduce innovations. See also the
upholding of an accused person's innocence. See also the term "in-nové".
term "inossentism". inquadradura - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng][qu]&dr&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plt.
inocentista - n. (pr. \ inu[ch]ænt'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. inocentista, - inquadradure - 1) - framing. - 2) - shot (photography).
fm. sng. and plr. inocentista, inocentiste. - upholder of See also the term "anquadradura".
an accused person's innocence. See also the term inquadrament - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng][qu]&dr&m’ænt \ ) Inv. at plr.
"inossentista". - 1) - framing. - 2) - arrangement. - 3) - organization. -
inofensiv - adj. (pr. \ inufæ[ng]s'iu \ ) Ms. plr. inofensiv, - fm. See also “anquadradura, anquadrament “.
sng. and plr. inofensiva, inofensive. - inoffensive, inquadré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng][qu]&dr’e \ ) - 1) - to
harmless. frame. - 2) - to arrange. - 3) - to organize. See also the
inoltrà - adj. (pr. \ inutr'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - term "anquadré ".
advanced, well on. - 2) - late (time). E. g. "neuit inoltrà " inqualificàbil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng][qu]&lific’&bil \ ) Ms. plr.
"late night, late in the night ". inqualificàbij, - fm. sng. and plr. inqualificàbil,
inoltré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ inultr'e \ ) - to send on, to inqualificàbij. - 1) - disgraceful, contemptible. - 2) -
forward. unqualifiable.
inoltrésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ inultr'ese \ ) - 1) - to inquét - adj. (pr. \ i[ng][qu]’et \ ) - See inchiét.
advance, to penetrate. - 2) - to go ahead, to bury oneself. inquetant - adj. (pr. \ i[ng][qu]et'&nt \ ) - See inchietant.
inondassion - n. f. (pr. \ inund&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - inqueté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng][qu]et'e \) - inchieté
flooding. - 2) - flood. inquetëssa - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng][qu]et'&ss& \) - See inchietëssa.
inondé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ inund'e \ ) - 1) - to flood, to inquetùdin - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng][qu]et'[ue]di[ng] \ ) - See
inundate. - 2) - to pour down. - 3) - to fill (in a fig. sense). inchietëssa.
inoperàbil - adj. (pr. \ inuper'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. inoperàbij, - fm. inquilin - n. (pr.\i[ng][qu]il'i[ng]\ ) Ms. plr. inquilin, - fm. sng.
sng. and plr. inoperàbil, inoperàbij. - inoperable. and plr. inquilin-a, inquilin-e. - tenant, renter, lodger.
inoperant - adj. (pr. \ inuper'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. inoperant, - fm. inquinà - adj. (pr. \ i[ng][qu]in'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - foul,
sng. and plr. inoperanta, inoperante. - inoperative. polluted.
inoperos - adj. (pr. \ inuper'uz \ ) Ms. plr. inoperos, - fm. sng. inquinament - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng][qu]in&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
and plr. inoperosa, inoperose. - 1) - inactive, idle. - 2) - pollution.
idle, slack, lazy. inquinant - adj. (pr. \ i[ng][qu]in'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. inquinant, -
inoperosità - n. f. (pr. \ inuperuzit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - fm. sng. and plr. inquinanta, inquinante. - polluting.
inactivity, idleness. - 2) - outage.

inquiné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng][qu]in'e \ ) - to pollute, to inscrission - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]scrisi’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
foul, to defile. inscription (geometry). - 2) - entry, record, registration,
inquirent - adj. and n. (pr. \ i[ng][qu]ir'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. matriculation. In this sense a better term is "iscrission".
inquirent, - fm. sng. and plr. inquirenta, inquirente. - 1) - See also the terms "anscrission, iscrission ".
examining, investigating (adj.). - 2) - enquirer. inscrit - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]scr’it \ ) Ms. plr. inscrit, fm. sng. and
inquisì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ i[ng][qu]iz'i \ ) - to plr. inscrita, inscrite. - 1) - inscribed (geometry). - 2) -
investigate, to inquire. recorded, matriculated, booked. In this sense a better
inquisission - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng][qu]izisi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - term is "iscrit". This term is not also the p. p. of the verb
inquisition. “inscrive “, which is instead “inscrivù “. See also the term
inquisitiv - adj. (pr. \ i[ng][qu]izit'iu \ ) Ms. plr. inquisitiv, - “anscrit “.
fm. sng. and plr. inquisitiva, inquisitive. - inquisitorial, inscrive - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]scr’ive \ ) - 1) - to
probing. inscribe (geometry). - 2) - to record, to matriculate, to
inquisitor - adj. and n. (pr. \ i[ng][qu]izit'ur \ ) Ms. plr. book. In this sense a better term is "iscrive". See also the
inquisitor, - fm. sng. and plr. inquisitriss, inquisitriss. - 1) term “anscrive “.
- inquiring, searching (adj.). - 2) - inquisitor (sbst.). inscrivìbil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]scriv'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. inscrivìbij, -
inquisitòri - adj. (pr. \ i[ng][qu]izit'ori \ ) Ms. plr. inquisitòri, - fm. sng. and plr. inscrivìbil, inscrivìbij. - 1) - inscribable,
fm. sng. and plr. inquisitòria, inquisitòrie. - inquisitional, that can be inscribed (geometry). - 2) - that can be
inquisitorial. recorded, that can be matriculated, etc. In this sense a
inriconossìbil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]ricunus'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. better term is "iscrivìbil". See also the term “anscrivìbil “.
inriconossìbij - fm. sng. and plr. inriconossìbil, insediament - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]sedi&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
inriconossìbij. - unrecognizable. See also the term installation, taking over. - 2) - settlement.
"iriconossìbil ". insedié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]sedi'e \ ) - to install, to
inriflessiv - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]rifles'iu \ ) - See iriflessiv. institute.
insabiament - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]s&bi&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
insediésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ i[ng]sedi'ese \ ) - to take
sanding up, silting up. - 2) - shelving, pigeon-holing (in a
office, to take over.
fig. sense). See also the term "ansabiament ".
insabié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]s&bi’e \ ) - 1) - to sand, to insegnament - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]se[gn]&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
cover with sand, to slit up (in a lit. sense). - 2) - to shelve 1) - teaching. E. g. "l'insegnament a l'é un travaj difìcil"
(in a fig. sense). See also the term "ansabié ". "teaching is a difficult job ". Note that in this sense the loc.
insabiésse - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]s&bi’ese \ ) - 1) - to be "ël mostré " is very used. - 2) - education. E. g.
sanded up, to sand oneself (in a lit. sense). - 2) - to be "l'insegnament secondari a l'é la base për l'Università "
shelved (in a fig. sense). - 3) - to bury oneself (in a fig. "the secondary education is the basis for University". Note
sense). See also the term "ansabiésse". that in this sense the word "scòla " is very used. - 3) -
insacà - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]s&c’& \ ) Inv. at plr. - sausages. tuition which translates "insegnament privà ". - 4) -
See also the term "ansacà 1)". precept, lesson, warning, teaching. E. g. "j'insegnament
insacà - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]s&c’& \ ) Inv. at plr. - jolt, impact, ëd l'esperiensa" "the lessons of the experience". - 5) -
blow. See also the term "ansacà 2)". course of studies on a subject (at the University).
insacadura - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]s&c&d’[ue]r& \ ) At plr. insegnant - adj. and n. (pr. \ i[ng]se[gn]'&nt \ ) Ms. plr.
insacadure. - 1) - packaging into sacks. - 2) - sausage- insegnant, - fm. sng. and plr. insegnanta, insegnante. - 1)
making. See also the term "ansacadura". - teaching (adj.). In this sense see also the common loc.
insaché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]s&k’e \ ) - 1) - to put into "ch'a mostra". - 2) - teacher, school-master / school-
a sack, to sack. - 2) - to make into sausages. - 3) - to mistress. In this sense see also the terms "magìster,
pocket (in a fig. sense). See also the term "ansaché ". magistra, professor, professorëssa".
insachésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ i[ng]s&k’ese \ ) - 1) - to insegné - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ i[ng]se[gn]'e \ ) - 1) - to
pack, to squeeze (referred to oneself). - 2) - to compress teach (trs.). - 2) - to train (trs.). In this sense see also the
one’s joint and back, to have a jolt (usually after a jump best terms "mostré ". - 3) - to teach, to be a teacher (int.).
or a fall). See also the term "ansachésse ". In this sense see also the very used loc. "fé scòla".
insanàbil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]s&n’&bil \ ) Ms. plr. insanàbij, - inségue - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]s'egue \ ) - See inseguì.
fm. sng. and plr. insanàbil, insanàbij. - incurable (also in inseguì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]segu'i \ ) - to pursue, to
a fig. sense). See also the terms "incuràbil, ansanàbil". chase, to run after. See also the terms "anseguì, inségue"
insassiàbil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]s&si’&bil \ ) Ms. plr. insassiàbij, - and the loc. "core dapréss".
fm. sng. and plr. insassiàbil, insassiàbij. - insatiable, inseguiment - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]seguim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
unappeasable, unquenchable. pursuit, chase.
insassiabilità - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]s&si&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - inseguitor - adj. and n. (pr. \ i[ng]seguit'ur \ ) Ms. plr.
insatiability. inseguitor, - fm. sng. and plr. inseguitriss, inseguitriss. -
insàtur - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]s'&t[ue]r \ ) Ms. plr. insàtur, - fm. sng. 1) - pursuing, following (adj.). - 2) - pursuer, chaser
and plr. insàtura, insàture. - unsaturated (chemistry, (sbst.).
physics). For usual meaning see the loc. "nen satì ". insemìstica - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]sem'istic& \ ) At plr. (if any) -
insaturàbil - (pr. \ i[ng]s&si’&bil \ ) Ms. plr. insaturàbij, - insemìstiche. - theory of sets. See also the term
fm. sng. and plr. insaturàbil, insaturàbij. - unsaturable "ansemìstica".
(chemistry). insemìstich - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]sem'istic \ ) Ms. plr. insemìstich, -
insavorì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ i[ng]s&vur’i : fm. sng. and plr. insemìstica, insemìstiche. - set (as an
ins&wur'i \ ) - 1) - to flavour, to make tasty, to season attribute). See also the term "ansemìstich".
(trs.). - 2) - to become tasty (int.). In this sense see also the
insens - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]s'æ[ng]s \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
term "insavorìsse".
wormwood (botany - Artemisia absinthium). - 2) - absinth
insavorìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ i[ng]s&vur’ise :
(liqueur). 3) - incense. In this sense see also the term
ins&wur'ise \ ) - to become tasty. See also the term
"insavorì 2nd meaning".

insensà - adj. and n. (pr. \ i[ng]sæ[ng]s'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and car! " "that is what, my dear!". - 5) - so, such. E. g. "am
nr. - 1) - senseless, crazy, insensate, foolish (adj.). - 2) - pias nen insì curt" "I don't like it so short ". - 6) - as ...
insensate person, fool (sbst.). as, so ... as. E. g. "a l'é nen insì fòl com a smìa" "he is not
insensatëssa - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]sæ[ng]s&t'&ss& \ ) At plr. so stupid as he seems". - 7) - so ... that, so ... as. E. g. "a l'é
insensatësse. - 1) - senselessness, foolishness. - 2) - insì strèir ch'it passe nen" "it is so narrow that you can't
nonsense. pass". - 8) - both ... and. E. g. "a l'é bela insì la cà che soa
insensìbil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]sæ[ng]s'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. insensìbij, - posission" "it is fine both the house and its position". - 9)
fm. sng. and plr. insensìbil, insensìbij. - 1) - insensible, - so. E. g. "e insì ch'a sia! " = "and so be it! ". - See also the
insensitive. - 2) - imperceptible. - 3) - callous, unfeeling. terms "ansì, così, parèj ".
insensibilità - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]sæ[ng]sibilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) insì - 2) - cng. (pr. \ i[ng]s'i \ ) - 1) - so, then. E. g. "e insì vas-
- insensitiveness, insensibility, indifference. - 2) - to via 'dcò ti? " "and then are you going away as well? ".
imperceptibility. - 2) - so, therefore. E. g. "a l'era rot e insì i l'hai nen pijàlo"
insènter - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]s'æntær \ ) Inv. at plr. - incentre "it was broken and therefore I didn't take it ". See also
(geometry). See also the terms "incentro, insentr". the terms "ansì, così, parèj ".
insentr - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]s'æntr \ ) - See incentro. insì - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]s'i \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - such. "fà nen na
inseparàbil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]sep&r'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. còsa insì " "don't do such a thing". See also the terms
inseparàbij, - fm. sng. and plr. inseparàbil, inseparàbij. - "ansì, così, parèj ".
inseparable. insicur - adj. and n. (pr. \ i[ng]sic'[ue]r \ ) Ms. plr. insicur, -
inseparabilità - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]sep&r&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - fm. sng. and plr. insicura, insicure. - 1) - insecure (adj.). -
inseparability, inseparableness. 2) - insecure person (sbst.).
insequestràbil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]se[qu]estr'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. insicurëssa - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]sic[ue]r'&ss& \ ) At plr.
insequestràbij, - fm. sng. and plr. insequestràbil, insicurësse. - insecurity.
insequestràbij. - not liable to sequestration. insidia - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]s'idi& \ ) At plr. insidie. - 1) - trap,
insequestrabilità - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]se[qu]estr&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at snare, trick. - 2) - peril, danger. - 3) - allurement.
plr. - immunity from confiscation. insidiator - n. (pr. \ i[ng]sidi&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. insidiator, - fm.
inserì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]ser'i \ ) - 1) - to insert, to fit sng. and plr. insidiatriss, insidiatriss. - tempter.
in, to get in. - 2) - to enclose. - 3) - to include, to put in. - insidié - vrb 1st con. trs. - (pr. \ i[ng]sidi'e \ ) - 1) - to lay a
4) - to connect, to plug in. trap, to lay a snare. - 2) - to try to seduce.
inserìbil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]ser'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. inserìbij, - fm. insidios - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]sidi'uz \ ) Ms. plr. insidios, - fm. sng.
sng. and plr. inserìbil, inserìbij. - insertable, which can and plr. insidiosa, insidiose. - insidious, treacherous,
be inserted. deceitful.
inseriment - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]serim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - insiemìstica - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]siem'istic& \ ) - See insemìstica.
insertion, fitting up. - 2) - inclusion. - 3) - connection, insiemìstich - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]siem'istic \ ) See insemìstich.
plugging in (electricity). - 4) - shunting (electricity, in insignì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]si[gn]'i \ ) - 1) - to
parallel). decorate. - 2) - to bestow, to confer.
inseritor - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]serit'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - connector, insignificant - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]si[gn]ific'&nt \ ) Ms. plr.
switch. insignificant, - fm. sng. and plr. insignificanta,
insersion - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]særsi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - insignificante. - 1) - meaningless. - 2) - insignificant,
insertion. - 2) - advertisement. - 3) - connection, negligible, trifling.
plugging in (electricity). - 4) - shunting (electricity, in insincér - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]sin[ch]'er \ ) Ms. plr. insincér, - fm.
parallel). sng. and plr. insincera, insincere. - insincere,
insersionista - n. (pr. \ i[ng]særsiun'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. disingenuous.
insersionìsta, - fm. sng. and plr. insersionista, insincerità - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]sin[ch]erit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
insersioniste. - advertiser. insincerity, disingenuousness.
insersionìstich - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]særsiun'istic \ ) Ms. plr. insindacàbil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]sind&c'&bil \ ) Ms. plr.
insersionìstich, - fm. sng. and plr. insersionistica, insindacàbij, - fm. sng. and plr. insindacàbil,
insersionistiche. - advertising. insindacàbij. - unobjectionable, unquestionable.
insert - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]s'ært \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - file, dossier. - insindacabilità - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]sind&c&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
2) - insert, inset. unobjectionableness, unquestionableness.
inservìbil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]særv'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. inservìbij, - fm. insinuant - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]sinu'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. insinuant, - fm.
sng. and plr. inservìbil, inservìbij. - unserviceable, sng. and plr. insinuanta, insinuante. - 1) - insinuating. -
useless. 2) - ingratiating. - 3) - wheedling.
insét - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]s'et \ ) Inv. at plr. - insect, bug insinuassion - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]sinu&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
(zoology). See also the term "bòja". insinuation. - 2) - hint.
inseticida - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]seti[ch]'id& \ ) Inv. at plr. - insinuator - n. (pr. \ i[ng]sidi&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. insinuator, - fm.
insecticide. sng. and plr. insinuatriss, insinuatriss. - insinuator.
inseticida - 2) - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]seti[ch]'id& \ ) Ms. plr. insinué - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]sinu'e \ ) - 1) - to
inseticida, - fm. sng. and plr. inseticida, inseticide. - penetrate, to introduce, to insinuate. - 2) - insinuate, to
insecticide. imply, to hint.
insetìvor - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]set'ivur \ ) Inv. at plr. - insinuésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ i[ng]sinu'ese \ ) - 1) - to
insectivore. insinuate oneself, to worm one's way. - 2) - to creep
insetìvor - 2) - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]set'ivur \ ) Ms. plr. insetìvor, - (into), to squeeze oneself (into).
fm. sng. and plr. insetivora, insetìvore. - insectivorous. insìpid - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]s'ipid \ ) Ms. plr. insìpid, - fm. sng. and
insì - 1) - adv. (pr. \ i[ng]s'i \ ) - 1) - so, thus. E. g. "na përson- plr. insìpida, insìpide. - tasteless, insipid. See also the
a insì gentila" "a person so kind ". - 2) - like this, in this term "fat ".
way, in that way. E. g. "preuva a félo insì " "try to do it insipidëssa - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]sipid'&ss& \ ) At plr. insipidësse -
in this way". - 3) - so. "i l'hai capìlo mi, e insì it lo capiras tastelessness, insipidity. See also the term "fatità ".
'dcò ti" "I've understod it, an so you will understand it as insipiènt - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]sipi'ænt \ ) foolish, unwise, insipient.
well".- 4) - that is what, that is how. E. g. "a l'é insì, mè

insipiènsa - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]sipi'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. insipiense. - insolvibilità - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]sulvibilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
ignorance, foolishness, insipience. insolvency.
insiste - vrb 2nd con. int. (pr. \ i[ng]s'iste \ ) - to perserve, to insoma - 1) - adv. (pr. \ i[ng]s'um& ) - in conclusion, in short,
persist, to isist, to go on. It uses the aux. "avèj ". as a matter of fact. See also the term "ansoma".
insistensa - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]sist'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. - insistense. insoma! - 2) - excl. (pr. \ i[ng]s'um& \ ) - well !, for heaven's
- persistence, insistence. shake !.
insistent - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]sist'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. insistent, - fm. insomnia - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]s'umni& \ ) At plr. (if any)
sng. and plr. insistenta, insistente. - insistent, persisting, insomnie. - insomnia, sleeplessness. See also the terms
nagging, incessant, unceasing. "insognìa, ansognìa, malaseugn".
ìnsit - adj. (pr. \ 'i[ng]sit \ ) Ms. plr. ìnsit, - fm. sng. and plr. insonorisà - adj and p. p. (pr. \ i[ng]sunuriz'& \ ) Inv. in gnd.
ìnsita, ìnsite. - inherent, congenial, inborn. and nr. - sound-proof.
insivil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]siv'il \ ) Ms. plr. insivij, - fm. sng. and insonorisassion - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]sunuriz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at
plr. insivìl, insivìj. - 1) - uncivilized. - 2) - uncivil, plr. - sound-proofing.
impolite. insonorisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]sunuriz'e \ ) - to sound-
insivilì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ i[ng]sivil’i \ ) - 1) - to proof.
civilize (trs.) - See also the term “sivilisé “. - 2) - to insoportàbil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]supurt'&bil \ ) Ms. plr.
become civilized (int.), with the same meaning of the refl. insoportàbij, - fm. sng. and plr. insoportàbil,
form "insivilìsse". When trs. it uses the aux. "avèj ". When insoportàbij. - unbearable, unendurable, intolerable.
int. it uses the aux. "esse". insorghé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]surg'e \ ) - 1) - to plough,
insivilìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ i[ng]sivil’ise \ ) - to become to cut drills, to furrow. - 2) - to sow in drills, to water
civilized. See also the term “insivilì 2nd meaning “. drills.
insocévol - adj. (pr. \i[ng]su[ch]'evul ; \ i[ng]s itu[ch]'ewul \ ) insospetà - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]suspet'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) -
Ms. plr. insocévoj, - fm. sng. and plr. insocévol, insocévoj. unsuspected. - 2) - unexpected.
- unsociable. insospetàbil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]suspet'&bil \ ) Ms. plr.
insocial - adj. (pr. \i[ng]su[ch]i'&l \ ) Ms. plr. insociaj, - fm. insospetàbij, - fm. sng. and plr. insospetàbil, insospetàbij.
sng. and plr. insocial, insociaj. - unsocial. - above suspicion.
insodisfàit - adi. (pr. \ i[ng]sudisf'&it ) Ms. plr. insodisfàit, - insospetì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]suspet'i \ ) - to make
fm. sng. and plr. insodisfàita, insodisfàite. - unsatisfied, suspicious, to arouse suspicions.
dissatisfied, discontente. See also the terma "malconent, insospetìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ i[ng]suspet'ise \ ) - to
dëscontent ". become suspicious.
insodisfassion - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]sudisf&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - insostenìbil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]susten'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. insostenìbij,
dissatisfaction, discontent. - fm. sng. and plr. insostenìbil, insostenìbij. - 1) -
insoferensa - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]sufer'æ[ng]s& \) At plr. untenable. - 2) - unendurable, unbearable, intolerable.
insoferense. - impatience, intolerance, restlessness, insostenibilità - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]sustenibilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1)
restiveness. - untenability. - 2) - intolerability.
insoferent - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]sufer'ænt \) Ms. plr. insoferent, - insostituìbil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]sustit[ue]'ibil \) Ms. plr.
fm. sng. and plr. insoferenta, insoferente. - impatient, insostituìbij, - fm. sng. and plr. insostituìbil, insostituìbij.
intolerant. - irreplaceable.
insofrìbil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]sufr'ibil \) Ms. plr. insofrìbij, - fm. insostituibilità - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]sustit[ue]ibilit'& \) Inv. at plr. -
sng. and plr. insofrìbil, insofrìbij. - unbearable, irreplaceability, indispensability.
intolerable, insufferable. insòlit - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]s'olit \ ) Ms. plr. insòlit, - fm. sng. and
insognìa - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]su[gn]'i& \) - See insomnia. plr. insòlita, insòlite. - unusual, uncommon, strange.
insolassion - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]sul&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - insperà - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]sper'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) -
insolation. - 2) - sunstroke. unhoped-for. - 2) - unexpected.
insolensa - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]sul'æ[ng]s& ) At plr. insolense. - 1) insperàbil - adj. (pr.\i[ng]sper'&bil\ ) Ms. plr. insperàbij, - fm.
- insolence, impudence, pertness. - 2) - insolent remark, sng. and plr. insperàbil, insperàbij. - not to be hoped for.
insolent behaviour. inspiegà - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]spieg'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
insolent - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]sul'ænt ) Ms. plr. insolent, - fm. sng. unexplained.
and plr. insolenta, insolente. - insolent, rude, impudent, inspiegàbil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]spieg'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. inspiegàbij,
pert. - fm. sng. and plr. inspiegàbil, inspiegàbij. - inexplicable,
insolentì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ i[ng]sulænt'i \ ) - to be unaccountable.
insolent, to be rude. It uses always the aux. "avèj ". inspirassion - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]spir&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
insolù - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]sul'[ue] \) Ms. plr. insolù, - fm. sng. and inhalation, inspiration.
plr. insolùa, insolùe. - 1) - unsolved. - 2) - unpaid, inspiratòri - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]spir&t'ori \ ) Ms. plr. inspiratòri, -
outstanding, unsettled, undischarged. - 3) - undissolved fm. sng. and plr. inspiratòria, inspiratòrie. - inspiratory.
(chemistry). See also the term "insolut". inspiré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]spir'e \ ) - to inhale, to
insolùbil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]sul'[ue]bil ) Ms. plr. insolùbij, - fm. breathe in.
sng. and plr. insolùbil, insolùbij. - 1) - insoluble. - 2) - instàbil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]st'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. instàbij, - fm. sng.
undissolvable (chemistry). and plr. instàbil, instàbij. - 1) - unstable, unsteady. - 2) -
insolubilità - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]sul[ue]bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - insecure, unreliable.
insolubility. - 2) - undissolvability (chemistry). instabilità - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]st&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
insolut - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]sul'[ue]t \) - See insolù. instability, unstableness, insecurity.
insolvensa - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]sulv'æ[ng]s& \) At plr. insolvense. instalàbil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]st&l'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. instalàbij, -
- insolvency. fm. sng. and plr. instalàbil, instalàbij. - that can be
insolvent - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]sulv'ænt ) Ms. plr. insolvent, - fm. installed.
sng. and plr. insolventa, insolvente. - insolvent. instalassion - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]st&l&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
insolvìbil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]sulv'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. insolvìbij, - fm. installation. - 2) - plant. See also the term "istalassion".
sng. and plr. insolvìbil, insolvìbij. - 1) - unpayable. - 2) -
insolvent, wildcat (as an attribute).

instalator - n. (pr. \ i[ng]st&l&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. instalator, - fm. insuficensa - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]s[ue]fi[ch]'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr.
sng. and plr. instalatriss, instalatriss. - installer, fitter, insuficense. - 1) - insufficiency. - 2) - shortage,
contractor. See also the term "istalator". deficiency. - 3) - low mark, failure (school).
instalé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]st&l'e \ ) - 1) - to install, to insuficent - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]s[ue]fi[ch]'ænt \ ) Ms. plr.
seat, to set up. - 2) - to install, to institute. - 3) - to put insuficent, - fm. sng. and plr. insuficenta, insuficente. - 1)
animals into the stall. See also the terms "istalé, anstalé ". - insufficient, scanty. - 2) - inadequate, unfit. - 3) -
instalésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ i[ng]st&l'ese \ ) - to install unsatisfactory, below standard (school).
oneself, to settle in. insular - adj. and n. (pr. \ i[ng]s[ue]l'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr.
instancàbil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]st&[ng]c'&bil \ ) - See infaticàbil. - 1) - insular, island (as an attribute) (adj). - 2) - islander
instansa - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]st'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr. instanse. - 1) - (sbst.).
persistence, insistence. - 2) - request, application. - 3) - insulin-a - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]s[ue]l'i[ng]& \ ) Usually only sng. In
requirement, expectation, need. - 4) - instance, perition case of need plr. insulin-e. - insulin (chemistry).
(legal). For meanings 2) to 4) see also the term "istansa". insult - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]s'[ue]lt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - insult,
instaurassion - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]st&ur&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - affront, abuse.
foundation, establishment. See also the term insulté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]s[ue]lt'e \ ) - to insult, to
"istaurassion". affront, to abuse.
instaurator - n. (pr. \ i[ng]st&ur&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. instaurator, insuperà - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]s[ue]per'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
- fm. sng. and plr. instauratriss, instauratriss. - founder, unsurpassed. See also the term "ansuperà ".
establisher. See also the term "istaurator". insuperàbil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]s[ue]per'&bil \ ) Ms. plr.
instauré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]st&ur'e \ ) - to found, to insuperàbij, - fm. sng. and plr. insuperàbil, insuperàbij. -
establish, to set up. See also the term "istauré". insuperable, unbeatable. See also the term "ansuperàbil ".
instaurésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ i[ng]st&ur'ese \ ) - to be insuperabilità - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]s[ue]per&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
established, to begin, to start. See also the term insuperability, insuperableness. See also the term
"istaurésse". "insuperabilità ".
insté - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ i[ng]st'e \ ) - See isté. insuperbì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ i[ng]s[ue]pærb'i \ ) -
instilassion - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]stil&su'[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - to make haughty (trs.). - 2) - to pride oneself, to
instilment, instillation. become proud (int.). In this sense see also the refl. form
instilé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]stil'e \ ) - to instil (also in a "insuperbìsse".
fig. sense). insuperbìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ i[ng]s[ue]pærb'ise \ ) - to
institussion - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]stit[ue]si'u[ng]\ ) - See istitussion. pride oneself, to become proud.
instrùe - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]str'[ue]e \ ) - to prepare (a insupésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ i[ng]s[ue]p'ese \ ) - to trip
case for trial - legal). See also he terms "instruì, istruì " up, to stumble, to bump into, to run across. See also the
(legal). terms "angambesse, angambarésse, antopésse, insupésse,
instrussion - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]str'[ue]e \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - ansupésse, antrapésse".
instruction - 2) - preliminary investigation. In this sense insuression - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]s[ue]resi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
see also the terms "instrutòria". insurrection, revolt. See also the term "arvira".
instrutor - 1) - n. (pr. \ i[ng]str[ue]t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. instrutor, - insuressional - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]s[ue]resiun'&l \ ) Ms. plr.
fm. sng. and plr. instrutriss, instrutriss. - 1) - instructor, insuressionaj, - fm. sng. and plr. insuressional,
teacher. - 2) - trainer, coach. See also the most common insuressionaj. - insurrectional, insurrectionary.
term "istrutor 1) ". insussistensa - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]s[ue]sist'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr.
instrutor - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]str[ue]t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. instrutor, - fm. insussistense - inexistence, groundlessness, baselessness.
sng. and plr. instrutriss, instrutriss. - 1) - instructing. In insussistent - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]s[ue]sist'ænt \ ) Ms. plr.
this sense see also the most common term "istrutor 2)" - 2) insussistent, - fm. sng. and plr. insussistenta,
- investigating (legal). insussistente. - inexistent, groundless, baseless.
instupidì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ i[ng]st [ue]pid'i \ ) - intabacà - adj. (pr. \ int&b&c'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) -
1) - to make stupid, to besot (trs.). - 2) - to become dirty of tobacco (lit.) - 2) - angry (in a fig. sense,
stupid (int.). In this sense see also the refl. form which is the most used). In this sense see also the terms
"instupidìsse". See also the spelling "istupidì". "anrabià, antabacà".
instupidìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ i[ng]st[ue]pid'ise \ ) - to intabaché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ int&b&k'e \ ) - 1) - to stain
become stupid. In this sense see also the int. form of the with tobacco. Hardly used in this lit. sense. Used in the
term "instupidì". See also the term "istupidìsse". trs. vrbl. loc. "fé intabaché " with the meaning of - 2) -
insù - adv. (pr. \ i[ng]s'[ue] \ ) - 1) - up, upwards. - 2) - and to make (sb.) become angry. See also the term
over, (from there) on. Also in the adv. loc. form “an sù “ "intabaché ".
lit. “in up “. A piedm. way of saying is “da na paròla ansù intabachésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ int&b&k'ese \ ) - 1) - to
...”, which lit. means “from a word on ... “. The value is stain oneself with tobacco. Lit. meaning not much used. -
“the pretext is always ready ...” or “you cannot say 2) - to become angry. See also the term "antabachésse ".
anything without giving pretext “, and the following intaché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ int&k'e \ ) - 1) - to make a
example can help in understanding the meaning: “da na notch, to notch, to dent. - 2) - to blunt. - 3) - to corrode.
paròla ansù at fan noté che lor a l’han ij sòld “ = “as soon - 4) - to break into, to draw on. - 5) - to impair, to
as they can, they remark you that they have the money “. damage. - 6) - to affect (medical). See also the terms
See also the term "ansù ". "antaché, taché ".
insubordinà - adj. and n. (pr. \ i[ng]s[ue]burdin'& \ ) Inv. in intaj - n. m. (pr. \ int'&y \ ) - Inv. at plr. - 1) - carving,
gnd. and nr. - insubordinate. engraving, incision, intaglio. - 2) - notch, hack, cut. See
insubordinassion - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]s[ue]burdin&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. also the term "antaj ".
at plr. - insubordination. intajador - n. (pr. \ int&y&d'ur \ ) Ms. plr. intajador, fm. sng.
insucéss - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]s[ue][ch]'es \ ) Inv. at plr. - failure, and plr. intajadòira, intajadòire. - carver, engraver,
flop, unsuccessful attempt. See also the term "faliment ". inciser. See also the term "antajador ".
intajé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ &nt&y'e \ ) to carve, to engrave,
to incise. See also the term "antajé ". The refl. form

assumes a completely different, meaning, as in the integrament - n. m. (pr. \ integr&m'ænt \ ) - See integrassion.
following two terms: integrant - adj. - (pr. \ integr'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. integrant, fm.
intajésne - vrb 1st con. refl. prn. prt. (pr. \ int&y'esne \ ) - to sng. and plr. integranta, integrante. - integrating,
notice (this/that/him, etc.), to become aware (of integrant.
this/that/him, etc.). Quite a slang term, see also the terms integrassion - n. f. (pr. \ integr&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
"ancòrzsne, antajésne ". integration (also mathematics).
intajésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ int&y'ese \ ) - to notice, to integrassionism - n. m. (pr. \ integr&siun'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. -
become aware. Quite a slang term, see also the term integrationism.
"ancòrzse, antajésse". integrassionista - n. and adj. (pr. \ integr&siun'ist& \ ) Ms. plr.
intant - adv. (pr. \ int'&nt \ ) - 1) - in the meanwhile, integrassionista, fm. sng. and plr. integrassionista,
meanwhile, at the same time. See also the term integrassioniste. - 1) - integrationist (sbst.). - 2) -
"antratant, antramentre, mentre, antant ". - 2) - anyhow. integration (adj. as an attribute).
intars - n. m. (pr. \ int'&rs \ ) Inv. at plr. - inlaid work, inlay, integrativ - adj. (pr. \ integr&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. integrativ, fm.
marquetry. See also the terms "placagi, placadura , sng. and plr. integrativa, integrative. - integrative.
antarsi". integrità - n. f. (pr. \ integrit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - integrity,
intarsi - n. m. (pr. \ int'&rsi \ ) - See intars. wholeness, entirety. - 2) - uprightness, integrity.
intarsiador - n. m. (pr. \ int&rsi&d'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - inlayer. ìntegro - adj. (pr. \ integrô \ ) See ìnteger.
See also the term "placheur, antarsiador ". intèis - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ int'æiz \ ) Ms. plr. ìntèis, fm. sng.
intarsiadura - n. f. (pr. \ int&rsi&d'[ue]r& \ ) - At plr. and plr. ìntèisa, ìntèise. - 1) - meant (to). - 2) -
intarsiadure. - inlaying. See also the terms "placagi, understood, agreed (upon). - See also the voices "antèis,
placadura, antarsiadura ". ëntèis ". This term usually is not used as the p, p, of
intarsié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ int&rsi'e \ ) - to inlay. See also "intende ", which is instead "intendù ". The piedm.
the terms "plaché, marchëtté, antarsié ". expression "esse intèis" means "to agree, to have reached
intasament - n. m. (pr. \ int&z&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - an agreement ".
stoppage, clogging, obstruction. See also the term intèisa - n. f. (pr. \ int'æiz& \ ) At plr. intèise. - 1) - agreement,
"antasament ". understanding. - 2) - "entente" (politics).
intasché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ int&sk'e \ ) - to pocket, to put intelét - n. m. (pr. \ intel'et \ ) Inv. at plr. - brain, intellect.
into one's pocket. Italianism, see also the best term inteletiv - adj. (pr. \ intelet'iu \ ) Ms. plr. ìnteletiv, fm. sng. and
"ansacocé " and the term "antasché ". plr. ìnteletiva, ìnteletive. - intellective, intellectual.
intasé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ int&z'e \ ) - to stop up, to clog, to inteletual - adj and n. (pr. \ inteletu'&l \ ) Ms. plr. ìnteletuaj,
obstruct, to choke up. See also the term "antasé ". fm. sng. and plr. ìnteletual, ìnteletuaj. - 1) - intellectual
intasladura - n. f. (pr. \ int&sl&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. (adj.). - 2) - intellectual, highbrow (sbst.).
intasladure. - dowelling. See also the term inteletualism - n. m. (pr. \ inteletu&l'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. -
"antasseladura, intasseladura". intellectualism.
intaslé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ int&sl'e \ ) - to dowel, to inteletualìstich - adj. (pr. \ inteletu&l'istic \ ) Ms. plr.
reinforce. See also the term "antasselé,intasselé, anraslé ". ìnteletualìstich, fm. sng. and plr. ìnteletualìstica,
intassé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ int&s'e \ ) - to stow, to pile. See ìnteletualìstiche. - intellectualistic.
also the terms "antëssé, antassè ". inteletualòide - n. and adj. (pr. \ inteletu&l'oide \ ) Inv. in gnd.
intasseladura - n. f. (pr. \ int&sel&d'[ue]r& \ ) - See and nr. - 1) - would-be-intellectual (sbst.). - 2) - pseudo-
intasladura. intellectual (adj.).
intasselé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ int&sel'e \ ) - See intaslé. inteligensa - n. f. (pr. \ intelij'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. inteligense. -
intat - adj. - (pr. \ int'&t \ ) Ms. plr. intat, fm. sng. and plr. intelligence, brain. See also the term "anteligensa".
intata, intate. - 1) - intact, untouched, unbroken. - 2) - inteligent - adj. (pr. \ intelij'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. inteligent, fm. sng.
uninjured. - 3) - unblemished. See also the terms "pur, and plr. inteligenta, inteligente. - intelligent, clever,
antrégh ". bright, sensible. See also the term "anteligent ".
intaulé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ int&ul'e \ ) - 1) - to put on the inteligìbil - adj. (pr. \ intelij'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. inteligìbij, fm. sng.
table, to put on the board. - 2) - to begin, to start (a and plr. inteligìbil, inteligìbij. - 1) - intelligible. - 2) -
discussion, a talk). See also the term "antaulé ". audible.
ìnteger - adj. (pr. \ 'intejer \ ) Ms. plr. ìnteger, fm. sng. and plr. inteligibilità - n. f. (pr. \ intelijibilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
ìntegra, ìntegre. - 1) - integral, entire, whole. 2) - full, intelligibility. - 2) - audibility.
unabridged. - 2) - upright, honest. See also the terms intemerada - n. f. (pr. \ intemer'&d& \ ) At plr. intemerade. -
"integral 1) , integro". 1) - rebuke. - 2) - long lecture.
integràbil - adj. (pr. \ integr'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. ìntegràbij, fm. intemerata - n. f. - (pr. \ intemer'&t& \ ) - See intemerada.
sng. and plr. ìntegràbil, ìntegràbij. - integrable (also intemperansa - n. f. (pr. \ intæmper'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr.
mathematics). intemperanse. - intemperance, excess. See also the term
integrabilità - (pr. \integr&bilit'&\ ) Inv. at plr. - integrability. "dësregolatëssa".
integral - 1) - adj. (pr. \ integr'&l \ ) Ms. plr. ìntegraj, fm. sng. intemperant - adj. (pr. \ intæmper'&nt \ ) Ms. plr.
and plr. ìntegral, ìntegraj. - 1) - integral, entire, whole. intemperant, fm. sng. and plr. intemperanta,
2) - full, unabridged. - See also the term "ìnteger". intemperante. - intemperate, immoderate. See also the
integral - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ integr'&l \ ) At plr. integraj. - terms "dësregolà, sregolà".
integral (mathematics). intende - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \int'ænde\ ) - 1) - to understand,
integralism - n. m. (pr. \ integr&l'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - to grasp. E. g. "serca d'intende lòn ch'a diso" "try to
"intégrism" (politics). understand what they are saying". - 2) - to hear. E. g. "i
integralista - n. and adj. (pr. \ integr&l'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. l'hai intendù dì che a vnirà nen" "I have heard it said
ìntegralista, fm. sng. and plr. ìntegralista, ìntegraliste. - that he will not came". - 3) - to mean, to intend. E. g. "a
"integriste". intend fé na cà ambelessì" "he means to build a house
integralìstich - adj. (pr. \ integr&l'istic \ ) Ms. plr. here"- 4) - to listen, to heed. Not very used in this sense.
ìntegralistich, fm. sng. and plr. ìntegralistica, intendse - vrb 2nd con. recp. (pr. \ int'ændse \ ) - to understand
ìntegralistiche. - related to "integrism". each other.

intendensa - n. f. (pr. \ intænd'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. intendense. interagent - adj. (pr. \ intær&j'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. interagent, fm.
- superintendency, intendancy. sng. and plr. interagenta, interagente. - interactive. See
intendent - n. m. (pr. \ intænd'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - also the term "interativ".
superintendent, intendant. The expression "intendent ëd interagì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ intær&j'i \ ) - to interact.
finansa" is translated into "Chief Financial Officer (in a interativ - adj. (pr. \ intær&j'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. interativ, fm. sng.
province)". and plr. interativa, interative. - interactive. See also the
intendiment - n. m. (pr. \ intændindim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - term "interagent".
understanding, knowledge. - 2) - intention. See also the interatòmich - adj. (pr. \ intær&t'omic \ ) Ms. plr.
term "intent 2)". interatòmich, fm. sng. and plr. interatòmica,
intenditor - n. (pr. \ intændit'ur \ ) Ms. plr. intenditor, fm. sng. interatòmiche. - interatomic.
and plr. intenditriss, intenditriss. - connoisseur, expert. interassion - interaction.
intenerì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ intener'i \ ) - 1) - to soften. - 2) interbancari - adj. (pr. \ intærb&[ng]c'&ri \ ) Ms. plr.
- to move, to touch, to arouse a feeling of tenderness. - interbancari, fm. sng. and plr. interbancària,
3) - to tenderize. See also the terms "antënnerì, antenerì interbancàrie. - interbank (as an attribute).
comeuve, ampietosì". intercal - n. m. (pr. \ intærc'&l \ ) At plr. intercaj. - 1) - stock
intenerìsse - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ intener'ise \ ) - to be moved, phrase. - 2) - refrain. See also the term "antërcal".
to be touched. See also the term "antënnerìsse". intercalar - adj. (pr. \ intærc&l'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
intens - adj. (pr. \ int'æ[ng]s \ ) Ms. plr. intens, fm. sng. and intercalary. See also the term "antërcalar".
plr. intensa, intense. - intense, strong, deep. intercalassion - n. f. (pr. \ intærc&l&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
intensificassion - n. f. (pr. \ intæ[ng]sific&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at interpolation, intercalation. See also the term
plr. - intensification. "antërcalassion".
intensifiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ intæ[ng]sifik'e \ ) - 1) - to intercalé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ intærc&l'e \ ) - to intercalate,
intensify. - 2) - to make more frequent. to insert, to interpolate. See also the term "antërcalé ".
intensifichésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \intæ[ng]sifik'ese\ ) - 1) - intercambiàbil - adj. (pr. \ intærc&mbi'&bil \ ) Ms. plr.
to become more intense. - 2) - to become more frequent. intercambiàbij, fm. sng. and plr. intercambiàbil,
intension - n. f. (pr. \ intæ[ng]si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - intercambiàbij. - interchangeable.
intention, intent, purpose, mind, whish. See also the term intercambiabilità - n. f. (pr. \ intærc&mbi&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at
"antension, intent 2)". plr. - interchangeability.
intensionà - adj. (pr. \ intæ[ng]siun'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - intercapédin - n. f. (pr. \ intærc&p'edi[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - air
inclined, determined, intending. space, hollow space (buildings).
intensional - adj. (pr. \ intæ[ng]siun'&l \ ) Ms. plr. intensionaj, intercede - vrb 2nd con. int. (pr. \ intær[ch]'ede \ ) - to
fm. sng. and plr. intensional, intensionaj. - 1) - intercede. It uses the aux. "avèj ".
intentional, deliberate. - 2) - wilful (legal). interceditor - n. (pr. \ intær[ch]edit'ur \ ) Ms. plr. interceditor,
intensionalità - n. f. (pr. \ intæ[ng]siun&lit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) fm. sng. and plr. interceditriss, interceditriss. -
- intentionality. - 2) - wilfulness (legal). intercessor, interceder. See also the term "intercessor".
intensionalment - adv. (pr. \ intæ[ng]siun&lm'ænt \ ) - 1) - intercession - n. f. (pr. \ intær[ch]esi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
intentionally, on purpose. - 2) - wilfully, scienter (legal). intercession.
Italianism. See also the most correct term "apòsta", or the intercessor - n. (pr. \ intær[ch]es'ur \ ) - See interceditor.
avd. loc. "ëd propòsit". intercetament - n. m. (pr. \ intær[ch]et&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
intensità - n. f. (pr. \ intæ[ng]sit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - intensity. interception. - See also the term "intercetassion".
intensiv - adj. (pr. \ intæ[ng]s'iu \ ) Ms. plr. intensiv, fm. sng. intercetassion - n. f. (pr. \ intær[ch]et&si'u[ng] \ ) - See
and plr. intensiva, intensive. - intensive. intercetament.
intent - 1) - adj. (pr. \ int'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. intent, fm. sng. and intercetator - n. and adj. (pr. \ intær[ch]et&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr.
plr. intenta, intente. - intent, concentrating (upon st.), intercetator, fm. sng. and plr. intercetatriss,
busy. See also the terms "atent, pijà ". intercetatriss. - 1) - intercepter, interceptor (sbst.). In
intent - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ int'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - purpose, this sense see also the term "intercetor" - 2) - interceptive
aim, goal, object. - 2) - intention. In this sense see also the (adj.).
term "intension". interceté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ intær[ch]et'e \ ) - 1) - to
intentà - 1) - adj. (pr. \ intænt'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - intercept. - 2) - to tap (telephonic conversations).
unattempted. intercetor - n. m. (pr. \ intær[ch]et'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. -
intentà - 2) - p. p. (pr. \ intænt'& \ ) - See intenté. interceptor (fighter plane).
intenté - vrb 1st con. trs. - (pr. \ intænt’e \ ) - to do, to bring. interclassism - n. m. (pr. \ intærcl&s'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. -
In English there is not an unique direct corresponding interclass collaboration.
word. Usually the term is used in legal field, as in the case interclassista - n. and adj. (pr. \ intærcl&s'ist& \ ) Ms. plr.
of the sentence : “intenté n’assion legal contra quaidun“ interclassista, fm. sng. and plr. interclassista,
“to bring a legal action against sb.“. See also the term interclassiste. - 1) - supporter of interclass collaboration
"antenté ". (sbst.). - 2) - interclass (as an attribute) (adj.).
intér - 1) - adj. (pr. \ int'er \ ) Ms. plr. intér, fm. sng. and plr. interclassìstich - adj. (pr. \ intærcl&s'istic \ ) Ms. plr.
intéra, intére. - 1) - whole, entire. - 2) - intact, complete, interclassistich, fm. sng. and plr. interclassistica,
full. - See also the terms “antrégh, ëntér, antér “. interclassistiche. - interclass (as an attribute).
intér - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ int'er \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - whole. - 2) - intercomunal - adj. (pr. \ intærcum[ue]n'&l \ ) Ms. plr.
integer (mathematics). See also the term "antér ". intercomunaj, fm. sng. and plr. intercomunal,
inter... - 3) - prefix (pr. \ intær... \ ) - inter... . The meaning is intercomunaj. - between communes. The loc. "telefonà
the same both in Piedm. and in English, indicating an entity intercomunal " means "long-distance call ".
in between of the things indicated by the main word, intercomunicant - adj. (pr. \ intærcum[ue]nic'&nt \ ) Ms. plr.
actually or in a fig. sense, directly or indirectly. Often the intercomunicant, fm. sng. and plr. intercomunicanta,
prefix "intër..." is used (see the term), and sometimes also intercomunicante. - communicating.
the prefix "antra..." or "intra...". In the following some intercomunicassion - n. f. (pr. \ intærcum[ue]nic&si'u[ng] \ )
examples. Inv. at plr. - intercommunication.

interconfessional - adj. (pr. \ intærcu[ng]fesiun'&l \ ) Ms. plr. interferòmeter - n. m. (pr. \ intærfer'ometær \ ) Inv. at. plr. -
interconfessionaj, fm. sng. and plr. interconfessional, See interferòmetro.
interconfessionaj. - interconfessional. interferòmetro - n. m. (pr. \ intærfer'ometrô \ ) Inv. at. plr. -
intercontinental - adj. (pr. \ intærcuntinen'&l \ ) Ms. plr. interferometer.
intercontinentaj, fm. sng. and plr. intercontinental, interiession - n. f. (pr. \ intæriesi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at. plr. -
intercontinentaj. - intercontinental. interjection. See also the term "esclamassion".
intercostal - adj. (pr. \ intærcust'&l \ ) Ms. plr. intercostaj, interietiv - adj. (pr. \ intæriet'iu \ ) Ms. plr. interietiv, fm. sng.
fm. sng. and plr. intercostal, intercostaj. - intercostal and plr. interietiva, interietive. - interjective.
(anatomy). ìnterim - n. m. (pr. \ 'interim \ ) Inv. at plr (if any). - interim.
interdét - 1) - adj. (pr. \ intærd'et \ ) Ms. plr. interdét, fm. sng. interinà - n. m. (pr. \ interin'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - interim,
and plr. interdeta, interdete. - 1) - interdicted, temporary office, "pro tempore".
prohibited, forbidden, disabled. In this sense see also the interinal - adj. (pr. \ interin'&l \ ) - temporary, "pro
terms "proibì, antërdì, disabilità ". - 2) - dumbfounded, tempore".
abashed. In this sense see also the terms "antërdoà, interior - 1) - n. m. - (pr. \ intæri'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - interior,
antërdet" - 3) - deprived of civil rights (legal). inside, mind, conscience.
interdét - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ intærd'et \ ) Inv. at plr. - interdict. interior - 2) - adj. (pr. \ intæri'ur \ ) Ms. plr. interior, fm. sng.
See also the terms "anërdet, antërdission, interdission". and plr. interiora, interiore. - 1) - internal, interior (as an
interdì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ intærd'i \ ) - 1) - to interdict, to attribute). - 2) - inner, interior (as an attribute).
forbid. - 2) - to deprive (sb.) of civil rights (legal). See interiorità - n. f. (pr. \ intæriurit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - heart,
also the term "antërdì". conscience, mind.
interdipendensa - n. f. (pr. \ intærdipænd'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. interiorisassion - n. f. (pr. \ intæriuriz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
interdipendense. - interdipendence. interiorization.
interdipendent - adj. (pr. \ intærdipænd'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. interiorisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ intæriuriz'e\ ) - to
interdipendent, fm. sng. and plr. interdipendenta, interiorize.
interdipendente. - interdependent. interjònich - adj. (pr. \ intæry'onic \ ) Ms. plr. interjònich, fm.
interdission - n. f. (pr. \ intærdisi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - sng. and plr. interjònica, interjòniche. - interionic
interdiction, prohibition. - 2) - deprivation of civil rights (physics, chemistry).
(legal). interlìnea - n. f. (pr. \ intærl'ine& \ ) - See interlìnia.
interdissiplinar - adj. (pr. \ intærdisiplin'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and interlinear - adj. (pr. \ intærline'&r \ ) - See interliniar.
nr. - interdisciplinary, cross-disciplinary. interlineassion - n. f. (pr. \ intærline&si'u[ng] \ ) - See
interé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ intær'e \ ) - 1) - to cover with interliniatura.
earth. - 2) - to bury. - 3) - to lay underground. See also interlineatura - n. f. (pr. \ intærline&t'[ue]r& \ ) - See
the term "anteré ". interliniatura.
interessà - n. and adj. (pr. \ interes'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) interlineé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ intærline'e \ ) - See interlinié.
- interested, concerned (adj.). - 2) - interested, selfish interlìnia - n. f. (pr. \ interl'ini& \ ) At plr. interlìnie. - 1) - line
(adj.). - 3) - interested party, person concerned (sbst.). space, space between the lines. - 2) - lead (typography).
interessament - n. m. (pr. \ interes&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - interliniar - adj. (pr. \ intærlini'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
interest, concern. - 2) - good offices. interlinear.
interessant - adj. (pr. \ interes'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. interessant, fm. interliniatura - n. f. (pr. \ intærlini&t'[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
sng. and plr. interessanta, interessante. - interesting. interliniature. - 1) - interlineation. - 2) - leading
interesse - n. m. (pr. \ inter'ese \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - interest. - 2) (typography).
- affairs, business. - 3) - money-making, love of gain. interlinié - vrb 1st con. trs. - (pr. \ interlini'e \ ) - 1) - to
interessé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ interes'e \ ) - 1) - to interline. - 2) - to lead (typography).
interest, to be interesting, to arouse interest (trs.). - 2) - interlocussion - n. f. (pr. \ intærluc[ue]si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
to concern, to involve (trs.). - 3) - to be in the interest interlocution.
(of) (trs.). - 4) - to give a financial interest (in) (trs.). - 5) - interlocutor - n. (pr. \ intærluc[ue]t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. interlocutor,
to draw attention, to get (sb.) to take an interest (in). fm. sng. and plr. interlocutriss, interlocutriss. -
(trs.). - 6) - to be in the interest, to matter, to be interlocutor / interlocutress.
important (int.). When trs. it uses the aux. "avèj ". When interlocutòri - adj. (pr. \ intærluc[ue]t'ori \ ) Ms. plr.
int. it uses the aux. "esse ". interlocutòri, fm. sng. and plr. interlocutòria,
interessensa - n. f. (pr. \ interes'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. interlocutòtie. - interlocutory.
interessense. - profit-sharing. interlocutòria - n. f. (pr. \ intærluc[ue]t'ori& \ ) At plr. -
interfàcia - n. f. (pr. \ intærf'&[ch]i& \ ) At plr. interface. - interlocutòrie. - interlocutory judgment.
interface. interludi - n. m. (pr. \ intærl'[ue]di \ ) Inv. at plr. - interlude
interfaciament - n. m. (pr. \ intærf&[ch]i&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. (music). See also the term "antërludi".
- interfacing. intermedi - adj. (pr. \ intærm'edi \ ) Ms. plr. intermedi, fm.
interfacé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ intærf&[ch]'e \ ) - to interface. sng. and plr. intermedia, intermedie. - intermediate,
interferensa - n. f. (pr. \ intærfer'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. intermediary, mean, middle.
interferense. - interference (phyisics, electricity). intermediari - n. and adj. (pr. \ intærmedi'&ri \ ) Ms. plr.
interferensial - adj. (pr. \ intærferæ[ng]si'&l \ ) Ms. plr. intermediari, fm. sng. and plr. intermediària,
interferensiaj, fm. sng. and plr. interferensial, intermediàrie. - 1) - intermediary, intermediate (adj.). -
interferensiaj. - interferential, interference (as an 2) - intermediary, go-between (sbst.). - 3) - middleman,
attribute). broker (sbst.).
interferì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ intærfer'i \ ) - 1) - to interfere intermediassion - n. f. (pr. \ intærmedi&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr.
(physics). - 2) - to meddle in, to interfere (in a fig. sense). - 1) - mediation. - 2) - brokerage. See also the term
It uses the aux. "avèj ". See also the term "antërferì ". "intermediassion".
interferometrìa - n. f. (pr. \ intærferumetr'i& \ ) At plr. intermedié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ intærmedi'e \ ) - to act as
interferometrìe - interferometry (physics). middleman. See also the term "antërmedié ".

intermes - n. m. (pr. \ intærm'ez \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - interoceànich - adj. (pr. \ intæru[ch]e'&nic \ ) Ms. plr.
intermezzo, interval. - 2) - food served between two interoceànich, fm. sng. and plr. interoceànica,
dishes. - See also the terms "antramés, antërmes". - 2) - interoceàniche. - interoceanic.
middle. - 3) - interlude. In this sense see also the term interocular - adj. (pr. \ intæruc[ue]l'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
"interludi ". interocular.
intermesié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ intærmezi'e \ ) - 1) - to interogant - n. (pr. \ intærug'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. interogant, fm.
divide, to partition. See also the term "tramesié". - 2) - to sng. and plr. interoganta, interogante. - interrogator,
intercalate, to insert, to interpolate. See also the terms questioner.
"antërpon-e, antërmëtte, antërmesié. intërmesié ", and the interogassion - n. f. (pr. \ intærug&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
vrbl. loc. "buté an més " "to put in the middle, to put in question (in general sense). - 2) - oral test (school,
between ". students). - 3) - interrogation, questioning, cross-
intermesiura - n. f. (pr. \ intærmezi'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. examination, examination (legal). In this sense see also
intermesiure. - partition, partition wall. See also the the term "interogatòri 1)".
terms "tramés, tramesia, antërmesiura". interogativ - 1) - adj. (pr. \ intærug&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr.
interminàbil - adj. (pr. \ intærmin'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. interogativ, fm. sng. and plr. interogativa, interogative. -
interminàbij, fm. sng. and plr. interminàbil, interrogative, inquiring.
interminàbij. - interminable, endless, never-ending. interogativ - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ intærug&t'iu \ ) Inv. at plr. -
interministerial - adj. - (pr. \ intærministæri'&l \ ) Ms. plr. interrogative, question.
interministeriàj, fm. sng. and plr. interministeriàl, interogatòri - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ intærug&t'ori \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
interministeriàj.- interdepartmental, intragovernmental interrogation. - 2) - interrogation, questioning,
(politics). examination, cross-examination (legal).
intermission - n. f. (pr. \ intærmisi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - pause, interogatòri - 2) - adj. (pr. \ intærug&t'ori \ ) Ms. plr.
intermission. interogatòri, fm. sng. and plr. interogatòria,
intermitensa - n. f. (pr. \ intærmit'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. interogatòrie. - interrogatory.
intermitense. - intermittence. See also the term interoghé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ intærug'e \ ) - 1) - to ask
"antërmitensa ". (about st. or sb.). - 2) - to interrogater, to question, to
intermitent - adj. (pr. \ intærmit'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. intermitent, examine.
fm. sng. and plr. intermitenta, intermitente. - interompe - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ intær'umpe \ ) - 1) - to
intermittent, periodic, periodical. See also the term interrupt. - 2) - to break off, to break, to make a break,
"antërmitent ". to stop. - 2) - to disconnect, to discontinue (electricity).
intermolecolar - adj. (pr. \ intærmulecul'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and interot - adj. (pr. \ intær'ut \ ) Ms. plr. interot, fm. sng. and plr.
nr. - intermolecular. See also the term "antramolecolar". interota, interote. - interrupted, broken, discontinued.
intermuscolar - adj. (pr. \ intærm[ue]scul'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. This term is used as an adj. and is not p. p. of "interompe"
and nr. - intramuscular. See also the term "antramuscolar, (see the voice), which is instead "interompù ".
intramuscolar". interparlamentar - adj. (pr. \ intærp&rl&mænt'&r \ ) Inv. in
intern - 1) - adj. and n. (pr. \ int'ærn \ ) Ms. plr. intern, fm. gnd. and nr. - interparliamentary.
sng. and plr. interna, interne. - 1) - inside, interior, interpartìtich - adj. (pr. \ intærp&rt'itic \ ) Ms. plr.
internal, inner (adj.). - 2) - home, inland (as attributes) interpartìtich, fm. sng. and plr. interpartìtica,
(adj.). - 3) - indoor (adj.). In this sense the expression interpartìtiche. - interparty.
"teléfono intern" is translated into "intercom". - 4) - interpelansa - n. f. (pr. \ intærpel'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr.
boarder (student), intern (doctor) (sbst.). interpelanse. - interpellation, question (politics). See also
intern - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ int'ærn \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - inside, the term "antërpelansa".
interior. - 2) - hinterland. - 3) - lining (coats, etc.). - 4) - interpelant - n. (pr. \ intærpel'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. interpelant, fm.
extension (telephone), flat (buildings), inside forward sng. and plr. interpelanta, interpelante. - interpellant,
(soccer). - 5) - interior (cinema, television). - 6) - Interior interpellator. See also the term "antërpelant ".
(Ministry). interpelé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ intærpel'e \ ) - 1) - to consult,
internà - 1) - n. and adj. (pr. \ intærn'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - to contact, to ask. - 2) - to inerpellate (politics). See also
1) - interned (adj.). - 2) - internee (sbst.). the term "antërpelé ".
internà - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ intærn'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - internship. interpërsonal - adj. (pr. \ intærp&rsun'&l \ ) Ms. plr.
internament - 1) - adv. (pr. \ intærn&m'ænt \ ) - internally. - interpërsonaj, fm. sng. and plr. interpërsonal,
Italianism. See the best piedm. term "drinta" an the loc. "a interpërsonaj. - interpersonal.
l'intern, da 'ndrinta". interplanetari - adj. (pr. \ intærpl&net'&ri \ ) Ms. plr.
internament - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ intærn&m'ænt \ ) - internment. interplanetari, fm. sng. and plr. interplanetària,
internassional - adj. (pr. \ intærn&siun'&l \ ) Ms. plr. interplanetàrie. - interplanetary.
internassionaj, fm. sng. and plr. internassional, interpolàbil - adj. (pr. \ intærpul'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. interpolàbij,
internassionaj. - international. fm. sng. and plr. interpolàbil, interpolàbij. - capable of
internassionalisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ intærn&siun&liz'e \ ) - interpolation. See also the term "antërpolàbil ".
to internationalize. interpolament - n. m. (pr. \ intærpul&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
internassionalism - n. m. (pr. \ intærn&siun&l'izm \ ) Inv. at interpolating, interpolation. See also the term
plr. - internationalism. "interpolassion".
interné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ intærn'e \ ) - 1) - to intern. - 2) - interpolassion - n. f. (pr. \ intærpul&si'u[ng] \ ) -
to place under restraint. interpolation. See also the terms "antërpolassion,
internésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ intærn'ese \ ) - to penetrate, interpolament ".
to bury oneself, to go in (deeper), to go inland. interpolator - n. (pr. \ intærpul&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. interpolator,
internonsi - n. m. (pr. \ intærn'u[ng]si \ ) - See internunsi. fm. sng. and plr. interpolatriss, interpolatriss. -
internunsi - n. m. (pr. \ intærn'[ue][ng]si \ ) Inv. at plr. - interpolator. See also the term "antërpolator".
internuncio (religion). interpolé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ intærpul'e \ ) - to interpolate.
See also the term "antërpolé ".

interponse - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ intærp'u[ng]se \ ) - to interurban-a - n. f. (pr. \ intær[ue]rb'&[ng]& \ ) At plr.
intervene, to interpose, to mediate. See also the term intrurban-e. - trunk-call, long-distance call.
"antërponse", and the loc. "butésse an més". interussion - n. f. (pr. \ intær[ue]si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
interpon-e - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ intærp'u[ng]e \ ) - to interruption. - 2) - break, pause. - 3) - breakdown. - See
interpose, to put in between. See also the terms also the term "interussion".
"antërmëtte, antërpon-e". interutor - n. m. (pr. \ intær[ue]t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. -
interposission - n. f. (pr. \ intærpuzisi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - interrupter, switch. See also the term "interutor".
interposition. - 2) - intervention. See also the term interval - n. m. (pr. \ intærv'&l \ ) At plr. intervaj. - 1) -
"antërposission". interval. - 2) - break. - 3) - space.
interpretàbil - adj. (pr. \ intærpret'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. intervalé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ intærv&l'e \ ) - to space (out),
interpretàbij, fm. sng. and plr. interpretàbil, to alternate.
interpretàbij. - interpretable. intervent - n. m. (pr. \ intærv'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
interpretarià - n. m. (pr. \ intærpret&ri'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - intervention, interference. - 2) - presence, attendance. -
interpreting. 3) - operation (medical). - See also the term in the spelling
interpretassion - n. f. (pr. \ intærpret&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - "intërvent".
1) - interpretation. - 2) - construction. - 3) - interventism - n. m. (pr. \ intærvænt'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. -
performance (theatre, etc.). interventionism (politics). See also the term in the spelling
interpretativ - adj. (pr. \ intærpret&ti'u \ ) Ms. plr. "intërventism".
interpretativ, fm. sng. and plr. interpretativa, interventista - n. (pr. \ intærvænt'ist& \ ) Ms. plr.
interpretative. - interpretative, explanatory. interventista, fm. sng. and plr. interventista,
interpretator - n. (pr. \ intærpret&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. interventiste. - interventionist (when adj. as an attribute).
interpretator, fm. sng. and plr. interpretatriss, See also the term in the spelling "intërventista".
interpretatriss. - intrerpreter. See also the term interventìstich - adj. (pr. \ intærvænt'istic \ ) Ms. plr.
"antërpretator". interventistich, fm. sng. and plr. interventistica,
intèrprete - n. (pr. \ int'ærprete \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. 1) - interventistiche. - interventionist (as an attribute),
interpreter. - 2) - interpreter, actor / actress. - 3) - interventional. See also the term in the spelling
expounder. See also the term "antërpret ". "intërventistich".
interpreté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ intærpret'e \ ) - 1) - to interven-e - vrb 2nd con. int. (pr. \ intærv'æ[ng]e \ ) - 1) - to
interpret, to explain. - 2) - to interpret, to perform, to intervene, to interfere. - 2) - to be present, to attend. - 3)
play. See also the term "antërpreté ". - to happen, to occur. - 4) - to operate (medical). It uses
interprovincial - adj. (pr. \ intærpruvin[ch]i'&l \ ) Ms. plr. the aux. "esse". See also the terms "intërven-e, antërven-e,
interprovinciaj, fm. sng. and plr. interprovincial, antërvnì ".
interprovinciaj. - interprovincial. intervertebral - adj. (pr. \ intærværtebr'&l \ ) Ms. plr.
interpunsion - n. f. (pr. \ intærp[ue][ng]si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - intervertebraj, fm. sng. and plr. intervertebral,
punctuation. intervertebraj. - intervertebral. See also the term
inter-regional - adj. (pr. \ intær-rejiun'&l \ ) Ms. plr. inter- "antravertebral".
regionaj, fm. sng. and plr. inter-regional, inter-regionaj. intervista - n. f. (pr. \ intærv'ist& \ ) At plr. interviste. -
- interregional. - See also the spelling "intër-regional ". interview. See also the term "anëtrvista".
inter-regn. - n. m. (pr. \ intær-r'æ[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - intervistà - n. (pr. \ intærvist'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
interregnum. interviewee. See also the term "anëtrvistà".
intersach - n. m. (pr. \ intærs'&c \ ) Inv. at plr. - rough hemp, intervistador - (pr. \ intærvist&d'ur \ ) - See intervistator.
coarse hempen material. See also the term "antërsach ". intervistant - n. (pr. \ intærvist'&nt \ ) - See intervistator.
interscambi - n. m. (pr. \ intærsc'&mbi \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - intervistator - n. (pr. \ intærvist&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. intervistator,
import-export movements (commerce). - 2) - cloverleaf fm. sng. and plr. intervistatriss, intervistatriss. -
(roads). - 3) - reciprocal excange. interviewer. See also the term "anëtrvistator".
intersecassion - n. f. (pr. \ intærsec&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - intervisté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ intærvist'e \ ) - to interview.
intersection. See also the terms "antërsecassion, intervocàlich - adj. (pr. \ intærvuc'&lic \ ) Ms. plr.
intersession". intervocàlich, fm. sng. and plr. intervocàlica,
interseché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ intærsek'e \ ) - to intersect. intervocàliche. - intervocalic.
See also the term "antërseché ". intestardisse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ intest&rd’ise \ ) - to be
intersession - (pr. \ intærsesi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - obstinate. Quite an italianism. See also the terms
intersection. - 2) - interchnge, junction (roads). “antëstésse, antëstardìsse, pignatrësse, ostinésse,
intersideral - adj. (pr. \ intærsider'&l \ ) Ms. plr. intersideraj, ancaponìsse, antestardìsse “.
fm. sng. and plr. intersideral, intersideraj. - interstellar, intestassion - n. f. (pr. \ intest&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
intersidereal. See also the term "antrassideral ". heading, title. See also the term "antestassion".
interspinal - adj. (pr. \ intærspin'&l \ ) Ms. plr. interspinaj, intestatari - n. (pr. \ intest&t'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. intestatari, fm.
fm. sng. and plr. interspinal, interspinaj. - interspinal. sng. and plr. intestataria, intestatarie. - registered
See also the term "antraspinal ". holder, holder. See also the term "antestatari ".
intersteilar - adj. (pr. \ intærstæil'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - intesté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ intest'e \ ) - to head, to register.
interstellar. See also the term "antrasteilar". See also the term "antesté ". The refl. form assumes the
interstissi - n. m. (pr. \ intærst'isi \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - interstice. following different meanings:
In this sense see also the terms "filura, arfial". - 2) - time intestésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ intest'ese \ ) - 1) - to get it
interval (not very common in this sense). into one's head. - 2) - to persist. - 3) - to be determined. -
interstissial - adj. (pr. \ intærstisi'&l \ ) Ms. plr. interstissiaj, 4) - to register in favour of oneself. See also the terms
fm. sng. and plr. interstissial, interstissiaj. - interstitial. "pignatrésse, ostinésse, antestésse".
interurban - adj. (pr. \ intær[ue]rb'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. intestin - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ intest'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - intestine,
interurban, fm. sng. and plr. interurban-a, interurban-e. bowel, gut (anatomy).
- interurban. intestin - 2) - adj. (pr. \ intest'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. intestin, fm.
sng. and plr. intestin-a, intestin-e. - intestine, internal,

civil. This term, in this meaning, is not very used. See the intimoriment - n. m. (pr. \ intimurim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
most common term "intern". intimidation, threat.
intestinal - adj. (pr. \ intestin'&l \ ) Ms. plr. intestinaj, fm. sng. intisichì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ intizik'i \ ) - 1) - to go into
and plr. intestinal, intestinaj. - intestinal (anatomy). consumption, to become consumptive. - 2) - to languish,
intër... - prefix. (pr. \ int&r... \ ) - inter... . The meaning is the to grow weak (in a fig. sense).
same both in Piedm. and in English, indicating an entity in intitolassion - n. f. (pr. \ intitul&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
between of the things indicated by the main word, actually entitling. - 2) - title. - 3) - dedeication.
or in a fig. sense, directly or indirectly. Often the prefix intitolé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ intitul'e \ ) - 1) - to entitle, to
"inter..." is used (see the term). The prefix "inter..." is used give a title. - 2) - to dedicate. - 3) - to call. See also the
often when it is followed by a simple consonant, while term "antitolé ".
"intër..." is more used when it is followed by two intocàbil - adj. and n. (pr. \ intuc'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. intocàbij,
consonants. fm. sng. and plr. intocàbil, intocàbij. - untouchable.
intërmesié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ int&rmezi'e \ ) - 1) - to intoleràbil - adj. (pr. \ intuler'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. intoleràbij, fm.
divide, to partition. See also the term "tramesié". - 2) - to sng. and plr. intoleràbil, intoleràbij. - intolerable,
intercalate, to insert, to interpolate. See also the terms unendurable, unbearable.
"antërpon-e, antërmëtte, antërmesié ", and the vrbl. loc. intolerabilità - n. f. (pr. \ intuler&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
"buté an més " "to put in the middle, to put in between ". intolerability, intolerableness.
intërmesiura - n. f. (pr. \ int&rmezi'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. intoleransa - n. f. (pr. \ intuler'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr. intoleranse.
intërmesiure. - partition, partition wall. See also the - 1) - intolerance. - 2) - allergy.
terms "tramés, tramesia". intolerant - adj. (pr. \ intuler'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. intolerant, fm.
intër-regional - adj. (pr. \ int&r-rejiun'&l \ ) Ms. plr. intër- sng. and plr. intoleranta, intolerante. - 1) - intolerant. -
regionaj, fm. sng. and plr. intër-regional, intër-regionaj. 2) - impatient. - 2) - allergic.
- interregional. intonà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ intun'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) -
intërval - n. m. (pr. \ int&rv'&l \ ) - See interval. able to sing in tune, in tune, tuneful. - 2) - matching,
intërvalé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ int&rv&l'e \ ) - See intervalé. well-matched. - 3) - suitable (for), harmonizing (with). -
intërvent - n. m. (pr. \ int&rv'ænt \ ) - See intervent. See also the term "antonà ".
intërventism - n. m. (pr. \ int&rvænt'izm \ ) - See interventism. intonassion - n. f. (pr. \ intun&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
intërventista - n. (pr. \ int&rvænt'ist& \ ) - See interventista. intonation. - 2) - harmony, matching. - See also the term
intërventìstich - adj. (pr. \ int&rvænt'istic \ ) - See "antonassion".
interventìstich. intoné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ intun'e \ ) - 1) - to tune up, to
intërven-e - vrb 2nd con. int. (pr. \ int&rv'æ[ng]e \ ) - See intone, to start to sing, to tune, to srtike up. - 2) - to
interven-e. harmonize, to match. - See also the term "antoné ".
ìntim - 1) - adj. (pr. \ 'intim \ ) Ms. plr. ìntim, fm. sng. and plr. intonésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ intun'ese \ ) - 1) - to be in
ìntima, ìntime. - 1) - intimate, close. - 2) - deep-set, tune, to become in tune. - 2) - to harmonize, to match.
deep-seated. - 3) - innermost, inmost. - 4) - private, tete- (referred to oneself, or with int. meaning). See also the
a-tete, informal. term "antonésse ".
intim - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ 'intim \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - close friend, intontì - 1) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ intunt'i \ ) - to stun, to daze.
close relative. - 2) - heart. See also the term "antontì 1)".
intimassion - n. f. (pr. \ intim&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - intontì - 2) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ intunt'i \ ) Ms. plr. intontì, fm.
injunction, order, command. - 2) - intimation, formal sng. and plr. intontìa, intontìe. - stunned. See also the
notice (legal). term "antontì 2)".
intimé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ intim'e \ ) - to enjoin, to intontiment - n. m. (pr. \ intuntm'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - stun,
command, to summon, to order. daze, dazeness. See also the term "antontiment ".
intimidassion - n. f. (pr. \ intimid&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - intontìsse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ intunt'ise \ ) - to become
threat, intimidation. stunned. See also the term "antontìsse".
intimidatòri - adj. (pr. \ intimid&t'ori \ ) Ms. plr. intimidatòri, intop - n. m. (pr. \ in'tup \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - obstacle. - 2) -
fm. sng. and plr. intimidatòria, intimidatòrie. - hindrance, impediment. - See also the terms "antop,
intimidatory, threatening. antruch ".
intimidì - 1) - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ intimid'i \ ) - 1) - to make intopé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ intup'e \ ) - 1) - to run into, to
shy. - 2) - to intimidate, to cow. bump into. - 2) - to come up (against). - 3) - to stumble. It
intimidì - 2) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ intimid'i \ ) Ms. plr. intimidì, uses the aux. "esse ", but also sometimes the aux. "avèj".
fm. sng. and plr. intimidìa, intimidìe. - intimidated, See also the term "antopé ".
cowed. intopésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ intup'ese \ ) - See intopé.
intimidiment - n. m. (pr.\intimidim'ænt\) - See intimidassion. intorbolì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ int&rbul'i \ ) - 1) - to make
intimidìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ intimid'ise\) - to grow shy. turbid, to cloud. - 2) - to confuse, to trouble. The refl.
intimism - n. m. (pr. \ intim'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - intimism. form that follows assumes an int. meaning. See also the
intimista - n. and adj. (pr. \ intim'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. intimista, terms "antërbolì antërbolé, antorbolé".
fm. sng. and plr. intimista, intimiste. - intimist. intorbolésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ inturbul'ese \ ) - 1) - to
intimìstich - adj. (pr. \ intim'istic \ ) Ms. plr. intimìstich, fm. become turbid. - 2) - to become confused.
sng. and plr. intimìstica, intimìstiche. - intimist (as an intossicassion - n. f. (pr. \ intusicasi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
attribute). poisoning, intoxication. Italianism quite used. See also the
intimità - n. f. (pr. \ intimit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - intimacy, terms "antossiament, antossiura".
privacy, close connection. - 2) - familiarity. intossiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ intusik'e \ ) - 1) - to poison. -
intimorì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ intimur'i \ ) - to frighten, to 2) - to mar, to embitter (in a fig. sense). Italianism quite
intimidate, to cow. Usually the terms "sbarué, sbaruvé " used. See also the term "anvelené, antossié, antossiché "..
are more used, but a better vrbl. loc. having this meaning is intossichésse - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ intusik'ese \ ) - to be
"buté tëmma". poisoned. Italianism quite used. See also the term
intimorìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ intimur'ise \ ) - to get "antossiésse".
frightened, to be cowed.

intra - n. f. (pr. \ 'intr& \ ) At plr. intre. - 1) - point, score intratàbil - adj. (pr. \ intr&t'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. intratàbij, fm.
(play, sport). - 2) - collection, receipt, cash on hand. In sng. and plr. intratàbil, intratàbij. - intractable,
this sense see also the terms "incass, intrada 2nd meaning, unmanageable.
intròit ". intratnì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ intr&tn'i \ ) - 1) - to entertain,
intrada - n. f. (pr. \ intr'&d& \ ) At plr. intrade. - 1) - to amuse. - 2) - to engage (sb.) in conversation. - See also
entrance, hall, entry. - 2) - income, collection, receipt, the terms "antraten-e, antërten-e, antërtnì, antratnì ". The
cash on hand. In this sense see also the terms "incass, refl. form assumes the following meanings:
intròit, intra 2nd meaning ". intratnìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ intr&tn'ise \ ) - 1) - to stop,
intradura - n. f. (pr. \ intr'&d& \ ) At plr. intradure. - to linger. - 2) - to dwell (upon st.). - See also the terms
entrance, access. "antratense, antërtense, antërtnìsse, antratnìsse ".
intramentre - cng. (pr. \ intr&m'æntre \ ) - while, in the intravëdde - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ intr&v'&dde \ ) - to see
meanwhile. See also the terms "antratant, antramentre, indistincly, to glimpse, to catch a glimpse (of). See also
intramentré ". the terms "antërvëdde, antravëdde ".
intramentré - cng. (pr. \ intr&mæntr'e \ ) -See intramentre. intré - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ intr'e \ ) - 1) - to enter, to go in.
intraducìbil - adj. (pr. \ intr&d[ue][ch]'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. (note that in Piedm. "intré " is int.). E. g. "i intro ant
intraducìbij, fm. sng. and plr. intraducìbil, intraducìbij. - l'autostrà a Susa" "I enter the motorway at Susa". - 2) -
untransatable. See also the spellings "intraduìbil, to get into. E. g. "i son intrà an sël treno" "I went into
intraduvìbil" - the train". - 3) - to fit. E. g. "ël perno a intra jiust ant ël
intraduìbil - adj. (pr. \ intr&d[ue]'ibil \ ) - See intraducìbil. beucc" "the rod fits exactly in the hole". - 4) - to have to
intraduvìbil - adj. (pr. \ intr&d[ue]w'ibil \ ) - See intraducìbil. do. "i-i intro gnente con sò problema" "I have nothing to
intramesia - n. f. (pr. \ intr&m'ezi& \ ) At plr. antramésie. - do with his problem". It uses the aux. "esse".
partition, division. See also the terms "tramésia, intrégh - 1) - adj. (pr. \ intr'eg \ ) Ms. plr. intrégh, fm. sng. and
antramesia". plr. intrega, intreghe. - 1) - whole, entire. - 2) -
intramesiadura - n. f. (pr. \ intr&m'ezi&d[ue]d& \ ) At plr. intact, complete, full. - See also the terms "antér,
antramesiadure. - partitioning, division. See also the ëntér, antrégh ".
term "antramesiadura". intrégh - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ intr'eg \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - whole. - 2)
intramesié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ intr&mezi'e \ ) - 1) - to - integer (mathematics). - See also the terms "antér, ëntér,
divide, to partition. See also the terms "antërmesié, antrégh ".
tramesié, antramesié ". - 2) - to intercalate, to insert, to intrépid - adj. (pr. \ intr'epid \ ) Ms. plr. intrépid, fm. sng. and
interpolate. See also the terms "antërpon-e, antërmëtte, plr. intrépida, intrépide. - intrepid, fearless.
intramesié". intrepidëssa - n. f. (pr. \ intrepid'&ss& \ ) At plr. intrepidësse.
intramontàbil - adj. (pr. \ intr&munt'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. - intrepidity, undauntedness.
intramontàbij, fm. sng. and plr. intrmontàbil, intrigant - n. and adj. (pr. \ intrig'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. intrigant,
intramontàbij. - 1) - undying, ever-lasting, eternal. - 2) - fm. sng. and plr. intriganta, intrigante. - 1) - intriguing,
ever-popular (in a fig. sense). meddling, scheming (adj.) - 2) - intriguer, meddler,
intramuscolar - adj. (pr. \ intr&m[ue]scul'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. schemer. (sbst.). See also the term "antrigant".
and nr. - intramuscular. See also the term "intermuscolar, intrigh - n. m. (pr. \ intr'ig \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - mess, nasty
antramuscolar". situation. - 2) - intrigue, manoeuvre, plot. See also the
intransitiv - adj. (pr. \ intr&[ng]sit'iu \ ) Ms. plr. intransitiv, term "antrigh ".
fm. sng. and plr. intransitiva, intransitive. intransitive intrighé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ intrig'e \ ) - 1) - to
(grammar). Also in the spelling "intranzitiv" (see the entangle (trs.) - 2) - to intrigue, to plot, to lobby (int.). -
voice). 3) - to make curious, to excite curiosity (trs.). It uses
intranzigensa - n. f. (pr. \ intr&[ng]zij'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. always the aux. "avèj", also when trs. See also the term
antransigense. - intransigence, intolerance. See also the "antrighé ".
term "antransigensa". intrighésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ intrig'ese \ ) - 1) - to
intranzigent - adj. and n. (pr. \ intr&[ng]zij'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. interfere (in), to meddle, to stick one's nose (into). - 2) -
intranzigent, fm. sng. and plr. intranzigenta, to become curious. - See also the terms "ampacésse,
intranzigente. - 1) - uncompromising, intransigent, antrighésse".
intolerant (adj.). - 2) - intransigent person, hard-liner, intristì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ intrist'i \ ) - 1) - to make
uncompromising person (sbst.). See also the term (sb.) sad, to make (sb.). unhappy (trs.). - 2) - to pine
"antransigent". away, to languish (int.). See also the term "antristì ".
intranzitiv - adj. (pr. \ intr&[ng]zt'iu \ ) - See intransitiv. intristìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ intrist'ise \ ) - to become
intrap - n. m. (pr. \ intr'&p \ ) Inv. at plr. - obstacle, sad, to become unhappy. See also the term "antristìsse ".
hindrance, impediment. See also the terms "antrav, introdòt - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ intrud'ot \ ) Ms. plr. introdòt, fm.
antop, antrap". sng. and plr. introdòta, introdòte. - 1) - well-known, well-
intrapijé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ intr&piy'e \ ) - to undertake, wstablished. (adj.) - 2) - introduced, inserted. (p. p.). -
to embark on, to enter on, to take up. - See also the term See also the term "antrodòt ". The p. p. of the vrb
"intraprende". "antroduve" or "antrodùe" is "antrodovù", but also
intraprèisa - n. f. (pr. \ intr&pr'æiz& \ ) At plr. intraprèise. - "antrodòt" is often used as a p. p.
1) - enterprise, undertaking. - 2) - job, project. - 3) - introdùe - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ intrud'[ue]e \ ) - 1) - to
exploit. introduce. - 2) - to insert. - 3) - to lead in, to bring in. -
intraprende - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ intr&pr'ænde \ ) - See See also "introduve". which is another possible spelling for
intrapijé. this word, where the letter "v" is mute (or nearly mute) (see
intraprendensa - n. f. (pr. \ intr&prænd'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. (if "graphical symbols and phonology"), and then see also the
any) intraprendense. - enterprise, initiative. term "antrodùe".
intraprendent - adj. (pr. \ intr&prænd'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. introdùve - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \intrud'[ue]e\ , \intrud'[ue]we \)
intraprendent, fm. sng. and plr. intraprendenta, - See introdùe.
intraprendente. - enterprising, resourceful. introdùvse - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ intrud'[ue]use \ ) - to get
in. See also the term "introdùvse".

introdussion - n. f. (pr. \ intrud'[ue]usi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) inumassion - n. f. (pr. \ in[ue]m&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
- introduction. - 2) - preliminary. See also the term burial, interment.
"antrodussion". inumé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ in[ue]m'e \) - to bury, to inter.
introdutiv - adj. (pr. \ intrud[ue]ti'u \ ) Ms. plr. introdutiv, fm. inumidì - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ in[ue]mid'i \) - to dampen, to
sng. and plr. introdutiva, introdutive. - introductory, moisten. See also the term "umidì ".
introductive, preliminary. See also the term "antrodutiv". inumidiment - n. m. (pr. \ in[ue]midim'ænt \) Inv. at plr. -
introdutor - n. m. (pr. \ intrud[ue]t'ru \ ) Inv. at plr. - dampening, moistening.
introducer. See also the term "antrodutor". inumidìsse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ in[ue]mid'ise \) - to become
introdutòri - adj. (pr. \ intrud[ue]t'ori \ ) Ms. plr. introdutòri, damp, to grow moist. The meaning is int. See also the
fm. sng. and plr. introdutòria, introdutòrie. - term "umidìsse".
introductory. See also the term "antrodutòri". inurbament - n. m. (pr. \ in[ue]rb&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. -
intromëtse - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ intrum'&tse \ ) - to urbanization.
intervene, to interfere, to intrude. See also the term inurban - adj. (pr. \ in[ue]rb'&[ng] \) Ms. plr. inurban - fm.
"antromëtse". sng. and plr. inurban-a, inurban-e. - inurbane, uncivil,
intromëtte - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ intrum'&tte \ ) - to insert, to impolite.
interpose. See also the term "antromëtte". inurbanità - n. f. (pr. \ in[ue]rb&nit'& \) Inv. at plr. -
intromission - n. f. (pr. \ intrumisi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - inurbanity, incivility.
intervention, interference, intrusion. See also the term inurbésse - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ in[ue]rb'ese \) - 1) - to
"antromission". become citified, to move to the town. - 2) - to become
introspession - n. f. (pr. \ intruspesi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - refined, to acquire polish. In this sense see also the term
introspection. "urbanisésse".
introspetiv - adj. (pr. \ intruspet'iu \ ) Ms. plr. introspetiv, fm. inùtil - adj. (pr. \ in'[ue]til \) Ms. plr. inùtij, fm. sng. and plr.
sng. and plr. introspetiva, introspetive. - introspective. inùtil, inùtij. - 1) - useless. - 2) - unnecessary.
introvàbil - adj. (pr. \ intru'&bil : intruw'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. inutilisà - adj. (pr. \ in[ue]tiliz'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) -
introvàbij, fm. sng. and plr. introvàbil, introvàbij. - that unused. - 2) - unemployed.
cannot be found, unobtainable, unfindable, inutilizàbil - adj. (pr. \ in[ue]tiliz'&bil \) Ms. plr. inutilisàbij,
undiscoverable. fm. sng. and plr. inutilisàbil, inutilisàbij. - unusable.
introvers - adj. and n. (pr. \ intruv'ærs ; intruw'ærs \ ) Ms. plr. inutilità - n. f. (pr. \ in[ue]tilit'& \) Inv. at plr. - uselessness.
introvers, fm. sng. and plr. introversa, introverse. - invade - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]v'&de \) - 1) - to invade, to
introvert. See also the term "introvertì ". overrun. - 2) - to flood (water). - 3) - to spread all over. -
introversion - n. f. (pr. \ intruv'ærsi'u[ng] ; intruwærsi'u[ng] \ ) 4) - to overcome, to take possession (of). - 5) - to
Inv. at plr. - introversion. encroach upon.
introvertì - adj. (pr. \intruvært'i ; intruwært'i \) - See introvers. invadent - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]v&d'ænt \) Ms. plr. invadent, fm.
intròit - n. m. (pr. \ intr'oit \ ) Inv. at plr. - income, collection, sng. and plr. invadenta, invadente. - 1) - intrusive,
receipt, cash on hand. In this sense see also the terms pushing, interfering (adj.). - 2) - intruder (sbst.).
"incass, intrada 2nd meaning, ìntra 2nd meaning ". invadensa - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]v&d'æ[ng]s&\) At plr. invadense. -
intrucà - n. f. (pr. \ intr[ue]c'& \) - See intruch. intrusiveness.
intrucada - n. f. (pr. \ intr[ue]c'&d& \) - See intruch. invàlid - adj. and n. (pr. \ i[ng]v'&lid \) Ms. plr. invàlid, fm.
intruch - n. m. (pr. \ intr'[ue]c \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - crash, sng. and plr. invàlida, invàlide. - 1) - invalid (adj.). - 2) -
collision, bump, knock. - 2) - hindrance, obstacle. - 3) - invalid, disabled person (sbst.).
contretemps, setback. See also the term "antruch ". invalidàbil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]v&lid'&bil \) Ms. plr. invalidàbij,
intruché - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ intr[ue]k'e \) - 1) - to fm. sng. and plr. invalidàbil, invalidàbij. - voidable.
bump, to knock, to collide. - 2) - to run into, to come invalidant - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]v&lid'&nt \) Ms. plr. invalidant,
across. It uses always the aux. "avèj ". See also the term fm. sng. and plr. invalidanta, invalidante. - that produces
"antruché ". invalidity.
intruchésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ intr[ue]k'ese \) - to trip, to invalidassion - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]v&lid&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
stumble, to bump into (referred to oneself). See also the invalidation.
term "antruchésse ". invalidé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]v&lid'e \) - to invalidate,
intrus - n. (pr. \ intr'[ue]z \) Ms. plr. intrus - fm. sng. and plr. to nullify, to null, to void.
rspy. intrusa, intruse. - intruder, outsider. See also the invalidità - n. f. . (pr. \ i[ng]v&lidit'& \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
term "antrus". invalidism, chronic infirmity (medical). - 2) - disability,
intrusion - n. f. (pr. \ intr[ue]zi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - intrusion, inability (work). - 3) - invalidity (legal).
interference. See also the term "antrusion". invarià - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]v&ri'& \)Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
intrusiv - adj. (pr. \ intr[ue]z'iu \) Ms. plr. intrusiv - fm. sng. unchanged, stationary.
and plr. intrusiva, intrusive. - intrusive. See also the term invariàbil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]v&ri'&bil \) Ms. plr. invariàbij, fm.
"antrusiv". sng. and plr. invariàbil, invariàbij. - 1) - invariable,
intuì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ int[ue]'i \) - to perceive, to know steady, constant. - 2) - indeclinable, uninflected,
by intuition, to guess, to realize, to understand invariable (grammar).
immediately. See also the term "antivëdde 2nd meaning". invariansa - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]v&ri'&[ng]s& \) At plr. invarianse.
intuission - n. f. (pr. \ int[ue]isi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - intuition, - invariance.
perception. See also the term "antivision". invariant - 1) - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]v&ri'&nt \) Ms. plr. invariant,
intuitiv - adj. (pr. \ int[ue]it'iu \) Ms. plr. intuitiv - fm. sng. fm. sng. and plr. invarianta, invariante. - invariant
and plr. intuitiva, intuitive. - 2) - intuitive, intuitional. invariant - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]v&ri'&nt \) Inv. at plr. -
See also the term "antivist 2nd meaning". invariant. (mathematics).
inuman - adj. (pr. \ in[ue]m'&[ng] \) Ms. plr. inuman - fm. invas - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]v'&z \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - potting. - 2) -
sng. and plr. inuman-a, inuman-e. - inhuman, cruel, storage.
unfeeling. invasà - n. (pr. \ i[ng]v&z'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - possessed
inumanità - n. f. (pr. \ in[ue]m&nit'& \) Inv. at plr. - cruelty, person.

invasament - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]v&z&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - inverdiment - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]værdim'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
obsession. the action of becoming green. - 2) - renewal,
invasé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]v&z'e \) - 1) - to put into rejuvenation (in a fig. sense). See also the term
vases, to pot. In this sense see also the term "anvasé ". - 2) "anvërdiment ".
- to possess, to beset. inverdìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ i[ng]værd'ise \) - to become
invasion - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]v&zi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - invasion, green. See also the term " anvërdìsse".
overrunning. inverecond - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]verec'und \) Ms. plr. inverecond -
invasor - n. and adj. (pr. \ i[ng]v&z'ur \) Ms. plr. invasor, fm. fm. sng. and plr. invereconda, invereconde. - immodest,
sng. and plr. invasora, invasore. - 1) - invading (adj.). - 2) indecent.
- invader (sbst.). inverecóndia - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]verec'undi& \) At plr. -
invece - adv. (pr. \ i[ng]v'e[ch]e \) - instead, on the contrary, inverecóndie. - immodesty, shamelessness, impudence.
whereas, but. Italianism, see the best words : "nopà, invern - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]v'ærn \) Inv. at plr. - winter.
nompà " and the adv. loc. "al contrari". See also the term invernà - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]værn'& \) Inv. at plr. - winter, the
"anvece". period of a winter.
invece 'd - prp. (pr. \ i[ng]v'e[ch]e d \) - instead of. See also invernal - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]værn'&l \) Ms. plr. invernaj - fm.
the prp. loc. "al pòst, an leu, anvece 'd ". sng. and plr. invernal, invernaj. - 1) - winter (as an
invece ëd - cng. (pr. \ i[ng]v'e[ch]e &d \) - rather than . See attribute), wintry. - 2) - overwinter.
also "pitòst che, anvece ëd ". inverné - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ i[ng]værn'e \) - to winter. It
inveì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ i[ng]ve'i \) - to inveigh, to rail. uses the aux. "avèj ".
See also the term "anvetivé ". invernengh - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]værn'æ[ng]g \) Ms. plr.
invejé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ i[ng]vey'e \) - 1) - to age, invernengh - fm. sng. and plr. invernenga, invernenghe. -
to make (st.) old (trs.). E.g. "to make the wine old " = ripening in winter. See also the terms "invernal,
"invejé 'l vin ". - 2) - to age, to grow old (int.) - See also anvërnengh ".
the terms "anvejé, anvëccì, anvecé ", and the common loc. inverossìmil - adj. (pr. \i[ng]verus'imil\) Ms. plr. inverossimij
"vnì véj ". When trs. it uses the aux. "avèj " and when int. it - fm. sng. and plr. inverossimil, inverossimij. -
uses the aux. "esse". improbable, unlikely, that doesn't seem true.
invelenà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ i[ng]velen'& \) Inv. in gnd and invers - 1) - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]v'ærs \) Ms. plr. invers - fm. sng.
nr. - 1) - poisoned - 2) - embittered. - 3) - angry, and plr. inversa, inverse. - inverse, inverted. See also the
enraged, furious. See the best term "anvelenà ". term "anvers 2)".
invelenament - n. m. (pr. \ &[ng]velen&m'ænt \) Inv. at plr. - invers - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]v'ærs \) Inv. at plr. - (the)
poisoning. See also the terms "antossiura, anvelenament ". contrary, (the) opposite, the side facing nothward, the
invelenator - n. (pr. \ i&[ng]velen&t'ur \) Ms. plr. invelenator reverse (side). See also the term "anvers 3)".
- fm. sng. and plr. invelenatriss, invelenatriss. - poisoner. invers (a l'---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ & l i[ng]v'ærs \) - 1) -
See also the best term "anvelenator". contrarily, the other way round, on the contrary. - 2) -
invelené - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]velen'e \) - 1) - to poison. facing northward. - See also the adv. loc. "a l'anvers ".
- 2) - to mar, to embitter (in a fig. sense). - See also the inversament - adv. (pr. \ i[ng]værs&m'ænt \) - inversely.
terms "antossié , anvelenì, anvelené, anvelenì ". Italianism. See the term "invers" used as an adv., and loc.
invelenésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ i[ng]velen'ese \) - 1) - to like "al contrari ".
poison oneself. - 2) - to get angry, to worry (in a fig. inversion - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]værsi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
sense). See the best term "anvelenésse ". inversion, reversal.
invelenì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]velen'i \) - 1) - to poison. - inversiv - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]værs'iu \) Ms. plr. inversiv - fm. sng.
2) - to mar, to embitter (in a fig. sense). - See also the and plr. inversiva, inversive. - related to inversion, that
term "antossié , anvelenì ". This term is more used in the produces inversion.
fig. sense (2nd meaning), while the lit. sense prefers inversor - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]værs'ur \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - inverter,
"anvelené ". reverser. - 2) - reversing gear (mechanics). See also the
invendìbil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]vænd'ibil \) Ms. plr. invendìbij - term "invertitor".
fm. sng. and plr. invendìbil, invendìbij. - unsalable, invertebrà - n. and adj. (pr. \ i[ng]værtebr'& \) - invertebrate
unsaleable. (zoology).
invension - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]væ[ng]si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - invertì - 1) - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]vært'i \) - 1) - to
invention. See also the term "anvension ". reverse, to invert. - 2) - to turn upside down. - 3) - to
inventari - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]vænt'&ri \) Inv. at plr. - inventory. turn about (ships)
See also "anventari ". invertì - 2) - adj. and n. (pr. \ i[ng]vært'i \) Ms. plr. invertì -
inventarié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]vænt&ri'e \) - to fm. sng. and plr. invertìa, invertìe. - 1) - reverse, inverted
inventory, to make an inventory (of). See also the term (adj.). - 2) - invert (chemistry) (adj.). - 3) - homosexual,
"anventarié ". invert.
inventé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]vænt'e \) - to invent. See invertìbil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]vært'ibil \) Ms. plr. invertìbij - fm.
also the terms "anventé, scheuvre ". sng. and plr. invertìbil, invertìbij. - reversible, invertible.
inventiv - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]vænt'iu \) Ms. plr. inventiv - fm. sng. invertibilità - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]værtibilit'& \) Inv. at plr. -
and plr. inventiva, inventive. - inventive, creative. reversibility.
inventiva - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]vænt'iv& \) At plr. inventive. - invertitor - (pr. \ i[ng]værtit'ur \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - inverter,
inventiveness, creativity. reverser. - 2) - reversing gear (mechanics). See also the
inventor - n. (pr. \ i[ng]vænt'ur \) Ms. plr. inventor - fm. sng. term "inversor". The term "invertitor" is more used for
and plr. inventriss, inventriss. - inventor. See also the electricity, electronics and physics in general, while the
term "anventor ". term "inversor" is more used for mechanics.
inverdì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ i[ng]værd'i \) - 1) - to investì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]vest'i \) - 1) - to invest
make green (trs.). - 2) - to become green (int.). In this (finance, history, etc.). - 2) - to attack, to assault. - 3) - to
meaning see also the refl. form "inverdìsse". When trs it run down, to run over, to collide, to run into. - 4) - to
uses the aux. "avèj ". When int. it uses the aux. "esse". See force-fit, to dovetail wooden pieces.
also the term "anvërdì ".

investìbil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]vest'ibil \) Ms. plr. investìbij - fm. inviolabilità - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]viul&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
sng. and plr. investìbil, investìbij. - that can be invested, inviolability.
investable. inviperì - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]viper'i \ ) Ms. plr. inviperì - fm. sng.
investidor - n. (pr. \ i[ng]vestid'ur \) - See investitor. and plr. inviperìa, inviperìe. - furious. See also the term
investidura - n. f. (pr. \i[ng]vestid'[ue]r&\) At plr. investidure. "anviprì 1)".
- investiture (also history). See also the terms "investiura, inviperìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ i[ng]viper'ise \ ) - to
investission". become furious, to flare up, to fly into a temper. See
investigàbil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]vestig'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. also the terms "anviprì 2), anviprìsse".
investigàbij - fm. sng. and plr. investigàbil, investigàbij. - invisìbil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]viz'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. invisìbij - fm. sng.
investigable. and plr. invisìbil, invisìbij. - invisible.
investigador - n. and adj. (pr. \ i[ng]vestig&d'ur \ ) - See invisibilità - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]vizibilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
investigator. invisibility.
investigament - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]vestig&m'ænt \ ) - See invit - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]v'it \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - invitation. - 2) -
investigassion. call, invitation, inducement, charm. - 3) - summon,
investigassion - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]vestig&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - request to call in. See also the terms "anvit, invitassion".
investigation, inquiry, research. See also the term invità - n. (pr. \ i[ng]vit'& \) Inv. in gnd and nr. - guest. See
"investigament". also the term "anvità ".
investigativ - adj. (pr. \i[ng]vestig&t'iu\) Ms. plr. investigativ invitàbil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]vit'&bil \) Ms. plr. invitàbij - fm.
- fm. sng. and plr. investigativa, investigative. - sng. and plr. invitàbil, invitàbij. - that can be invited. See
investigating, investigative, detective (as an attribute). also the term "anvitàbil ".
investigator - n. and adj. (pr. \ i[ng]vestig&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. invitant - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]vit'&bil \) Ms. plr. invitant - fm. sng.
investigator - fm. sng. and plr. investigatriss, and plr. invitanta, invitante. - inviting, tempting,
investigatriss. - 1) - investigator, detective (sbst.). - 2) - attractive. See also the term "anvitant ".
investigating (adj.). invitassion - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]vit&si'u[ng] \) - See invit.
investighé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ i[ng]vestig'e \ ) - to invité - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]vit'e \) - 1) - to invite, to ask.
investigate, to inquire into, to research (trs.) - 2) - to - 2) - to request. - 3) - to summon, to call. - See also the
make inquiries (int.). term "anvité ".
investiment - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]vestim'ænt \ ) Inv at plr. - 1) - invivìbil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]viv'ibil \) Ms. plr. invivìbij - fm. sng.
investment. - 2) - collision, crash. and plr. invivìbil, invivìbij. - unlivable.
investior - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]vesti'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - double iron invocassion - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]vuc&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
plane (for grooves). invocation, call for help.
investission - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]vestisi'u[ng] \ ) - See investidura. invocativ - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]vuc&t'iu \) Ms. plr. invocativ - fm.
investitor - n. and adj. (pr. \ i[ng]vestit'ur \ ) Ms. plr. sng. and plr. invocativa, invocative. - invocative,
investitor - fm. sng. and plr. investitriss, investitriss. - 1) - invocatory.
person who runs down. (sbst). - 2) - investor (sbst.). - 3) - invocatòri - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]vuc&t'ori \) Ms. plr. invocatiòri -
running down (adj.). - 4) - investing (adj.). fm. sng. and plr. invocatòria, invocatòrie. - invocatory.
investiura - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]vesti'[ue]r& \ ) - See investidura. invoché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]vuk'e \) - 1) - to invoke, to
invetiva - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]vet'iv& \ ) At plr. invetive. - call for, to cry out for. - 2) - to call upon, to appeal to.
invective, diatribe. involontari - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]vulunt'&ri \) Ms. plr. involontari
inveuja - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]v'[oe]y& \ ) At plr. inveuje. - cover, - fm. sng. and plr. involontària, involontàrie. -
covering, wrapping, wrapper, packing paper. See also unintentional. involuntary, accidental.
the terms "anveuja, anvlòpa". involontariament - adv. (pr. \ i[ng]vulunt&ri&m'ænt \) -
invià - n. (pr. \ i[ng]vi'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - envoy. - unintentionally, involuntarily. Italianism. See also the
2) - correspondent. loc. "sensa félo apòsta, sensa intension".
invìdia - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]v'idi& \ ) At plr. invìdie. - envy. involù - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]vul'[ue] \) Ms. plr. involù - fm. sng.
invidiàbil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]vidi'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. invidiàbij - and plr. involùa, involùe. - 1) - involved, intricate,
fm. sng. and plr. invidiàbil, invidiàbij. - enviable. complex. - 2) - involute (botany, zoology). See also the
invidié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]vidi'e \ ) - to envy. term "anvolù ".
invidios - adj. and n. (pr. \ i[ng]vidi'uz \ ) Ms. plr. invidios - involussion - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]vul[ue]si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
fm. sng. and plr. invidiosa, invidiose. - envious. involution. - 2) - regression.
invigilé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ i[ng]vijil'e \ ) - 1) - to involutiv - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]vul[ue]t'iu \) Ms. plr. involutiv - fm.
control, to to guard, to watch (trs). - 2) - to see, to attend sng. and plr. involutiva, involutive. - involutional.
to (int.). invòlve - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]v'olve \) - to involve.
invigorì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ i[ng]vigur'i \ ) - to invulneràbil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]v[ue]lner'&bil \) Ms. plr.
invigorate, to brace. invulneràbij - fm. sng. and plr. invulneràbil,
invigoriment - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]vigurim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - invulneràbij. - invulnerable.
invigoration. bracing. in-namorà - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]n&mur'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
invigorìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ i[ng]vigur'ise \ ) - to gain 1) - loving, in love. - 2) - fond, crazy. See also the terms
strength. "an-namorà , inamorà, annamorà".
invincìbil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]vin[ch]'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. invincìbij - in-namorament - n. m. (pr. \ i[ng]n&mur&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr.
fm. sng. and plr. invincìbil, invincìbij. - invincible, - falling in love. See also the terms "inamorament, an-
unconquerable. namorament".
invincibilità - n. f. (pr. \ i[ng]vin[ch]ibilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - in-namoré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]n&mur'e \ ) - to make
invincibility, unconquerableness. fall in love. See also the most common terms "an-namoré,
inviolà - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]viul'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - inamoré "
inviolate, unprofaned. in-namorésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ i[ng]n&mur'ese \ ) - to
inviolàbil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]viul'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. inviolàbij - fall in love. See also the terms "an-namorésse,
fm. sng. and plr. inviolàbil, inviolàbij. - inviolable. inamorésse".

in-natural - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]n&t[ue]r'&l \ ) Ms. plr. in-naturàj iper... - prefix. (pr. \ ipær... \ ) - hyper... . The action on the
- fm. sng. and plr. in-natural, in-naturaj. - unnatural. main word is the same as it is in English (meaning "higher,
in-negàbil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]neg'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. in-negàbij - larger, plus, etc.". Sometime also the prefix "super..." is
fm. sng. and plr. in-negàbil, in-negàbij. - undeniable, used with the same meaning. In the following some
unanswerable. examples are reported (as usual).
in-nervosì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ i[ng]nærvuz'i \ ) - 1) iperacidità - n. f. (pr. \ ipær&[ch]idit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
- to get on (sb.'s) nerves (trs.). - 2) - to become nervous. hyperacidity, hyperchlorhydria (medical).
In this sense see also the refl. form "in-nervosìsse". Then iperalimentassion - n. f. (pr. \ ipær&limænt&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at
see also the term "an-nervosì ". plr. - hyperalimentation, hypernutrition, supernutrition.
in-nervosìsse. - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ i[ng]nærvuz'ise \ ) - to See also the terms "superalimentassion, ipernutrission".
become nervous. ipèrbol - n. f. (pr. \ ip'ærbul \ ) At plr. ipèrboj. - 1) -
in-nominàbil - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]numin'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. in- hyperbola (mathematics). - 2) - hyperbole (rhetoric). - 3) -
nominàbij - fm. sng. and plr. in-nominàbil, in-nominàbij. exaggeration (in a fig. sense). See also the term
- unnameable, unmentionable. "ipèrbola".
in-novassion - n. f. (pr.\i[ng]nuv&si'u[ng]; i[ng]nuw&si'u[ng]\) ipèrbola - n. f. (pr. \ ip'ærbul& \ ) - See ipèrbol.
Inv. at plr. - innovation, change. See also the term iperbòlich - adj. (pr. \ ipærb'olic \ ) Ms. plr. iperbòlich - fm.
"inovassion". sng. and plr. iperbòlica, iperbòliche. - 1) - hyperbolic,
in-novator - adj. and n. (pr. \ i[ng]nuv&t'ur ; i[ng]nuw&t'ur \ ) hyperbolical (mathematics, rethoric). - 2) - exaggerated
Ms. plr. in-novator, - fm. sng. and plr. in-novatriss, in- (in a fig. sense).
novatriss. - innovating, innovative, innovatory. See also ipercalòrich - adj. (pr. \ ipærc&l'oric \ ) Ms. plr. ipercalòrich
the term "inovator". - fm. sng. and plr. ipercalòrica, ipercalòriche. -
in-nové - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ i[ng]nuv'e ; i[ng]nuw'e \ ) - to hypercaloric, high-calory (as an attribute).
innovate, to change, to reform, to introduce ipercritich - adj. and n. (pr. \ ipærcr'itic \ ) Ms. plr. ipercrìtich
innovations. See also the term "inové". - fm. sng. and plr. ipercrìtica, ipercrìtiche. - 1) -
in-numerèivol - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]numer'æivul \ ) - See in- hypercritical (adj.). - 2) - hypercritic (sbst.).
numerévol. iperglicemìa - n. f. (pr. \ ipærgli[ch]em'i& \ ) At plr.
in-numerévol - adj. (pr. \ i[ng]numer'evul \ ) Ms. plr. in- iperglicemìe. - hyperglycaemia, hyperglycemia.
nunerévoj - fm. sng. and plr. in-numerévola, in- iperglicémich - adj. and n. (pr. \ ipærgli[ch]'emic \ ) Ms. plr.
nnumerévole. - innumerable, countless. iperglicèmich - fm. sng. and plr. iperglicèmica,
iodà - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ iud'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - iodate iperglicèmiche. - 1) - hyperglycaemic (adj.). - 2) - person
(chemistry). See also the term in the spelling "jodà ". affected by hyperglycaemia.
iodà - 2) - adj. (pr. \ iud'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - iodized ipérich - n. m. (pr. \ ip'eric \ ) Inv. at plr. - St John's Wort
(chemistry). See also the term in the spelling "jodà ". (botany - Hypericum perforatum).
iodé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ iud'e \ ) - to iodize, to iodate ipernutrission - n. f. (pr. \ ipærn[ue]trisi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
(chemistry). See also the term in the spelling "jodé ". hypernutrition, supernutrition. See also the term
iodur - n. m. (pr. \ iud'[ue]r \ ) Inv. at plr. - iodide (chemistry).
ipersensìbil - adj. (pr. \ ipærsæ[ng]s'ibil \ ) Ms. plr.
See also the term in the spelling "jodur". ipersensìbij - fm. sng. and plr. ipersensìbil, ipersensìbij. -
ioduré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ iud[ue]r'e \ ) - to iodinate hypersensitive.
(chemistry). See also the term in the spelling "joduré ". ipersensibilità - n. f. (pr. \ ipærsæ[ng]sibilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
ion - n. m. (pr. \ iu[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - ion (physics). See also hypersensitivity, hypersensitiveness.
the term in the spelling "jon". ipertèis - adj. and n. (pr. \ ipært'æiz \ ) Ms. plr. ipertèis - fm.
ionisant - adj. (pr. \ iuniz'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. ionisant - fm. sng. sng. and plr. ipertèisa, ipertèise. - hypertensive.
and plr. ionisanta, ionisante. - ionizing (physics). See ipertension - n. f. (pr. \ ipært'æ[ng]si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
also the term in the spelling "jonisant". hypertension, high blood pressure.
ionisassion - n. f. (pr. \ iuniz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - ipertensiv - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ ipært'æ[ng]s'iu \ ) Inv. at plr.
ionization (physics). See also the term in the spelling hypertensive drug (pharmacy).
"jonisassion". ipertensiv - 2) - adj. (pr. \ipært'æ[ng]s'iu\ ) Ms. plr. ipertensiv
ionisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ iuniz'e \ ) - to ionize (physics). - fm. sng. and plr. ipertensiva, ipertensive. -
See also the term in the spelling "jonisé". hypertensive.
ionosfera - n. f. (pr. \ iunusf'er& \ ) At plr. (if any) ionosfere. - ipertrofìa - n. f. (pr. \ ipærtruf'i& \ ) At plr. ipertrofìe. -
ionosphere (geography). See also the term in the spelling hypertrophy (medical, biologic).
"jonosfera". ipertròfich - adj. (pr. \ ipærtr'ofic \ ) Ms. plr. ipertròfich - fm.
iòdich - adj. (pr. \ i'odic \ ) Ms. plr. iòdich - fm. sng. and plr. sng. and plr. ipertròfica, ipertròfiche. - hypertrophic
iòdica, iòdiche. - iodic (chemistry). See also the term in (medical, biologic).
the spelling "jòdich ". ìpica - n. f. (pr. \ 'ipic& \ ) At plr. (if any). ìpiche. - horse-
iòdio - n. m. (pr. \ i'odiô \ ) Only sng. (chemical element). In racing. See also the term "equitassion", and the loc. "corsa
case of need inv. at plr. - iodine. See also the term "òdio" dij cavaj".
and the spelling "jòdio". ìpich - adj. (pr. \ 'ipic \ ) Ms. plr. ìpich - fm. sng. and plr.
iògort - n. m. (pr. \ i'ogurt \ ) Inv. at plr. - yogurt. See also the ìpica, ìpiche. - horse (as an attribute).
term in the spelling "jògort". ipnologìa - n. f. (pr. \ ipnuluj'i& \ ) At plr. ipnologìe. -
iònich - adj. (pr. \ i'onic \ ) Ms. plr. iònich - fm. sng. and plr. hypnology.
iònica, iòniche. - 1) - Ionic (architecture). - 2) - ionich ipnoterapìa - n. f. (pr. \ ipnuter&p'i& \ ) At plr. ipnoterapìe. -
(chemistry, physics). - 3) - Ionian (geography). See also the hypnotherapy.
term in the spelling "jònich". ipnotisator - n. (pr. \ ipnutiz&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. ipnotisator - fm.
Iònio - n. m. (pr. \ i'onô \ ) Name of a sea only sng. In case of sng. and plr. ipnotisatriss, ipnotisatriss. - hypnotist.
need inv. at plr. - Ionian Sea. See also the term in the ipnotisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ ipnutiz'e \ ) - to hypnotize.
spelling "Jònio". ipnotism - n. m. (pr. \ ipnut'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - hypnotism.
ipnòsi - n. f. (pr. \ ipn'ozi \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - hypnosis.

ipnòtich - 1) - adj. (pr. \ ipn'otic \ ) Ms. plr. ipnòtich - fm. sng. ipotròfich - adj. (pr. \ iputr'ofic \ ) Ms. plr. ipotròfich - fm.
and plr. ipnòtica, ipnòtiche. - hypnotic. sng. and plr. ipotròfica, ipotròfiche. - hypotrophic.
ipnòtich - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ ipn'otic \ ) Inv. at plr. - hypnotic (biological, medical).
(pharmacy). ipotisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ iputiz'e \ ) - to hypothesize, to
ipo... - prefix (pr. \ ipu... \ ) - hypo... . The action on the main suppose, to assume.
word is the same as it is in English (meaning "lower, Ipòlit - n. m. (pr. \ ip'olit \ ) Only sng. (noun of person). In case
shorter,minus,under, etc.". In the following some of need, inv. at plr. - Hyppolitus.
examples are reported (as usual). ipòcrita - n. and adj. (pr. \ ip'ocrit& \ ) Ms. plr. ipòcrita - fm.
ipoalimentassion - n. f. (pr. \ ipu&limænt&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at sng. and plr. ipòcrita, ipòcrite. - 1) - hypocritical (adj.). -
plr. - hypoalimentation. 2) - hypocrite (sbst.). See also the term "cafard".
ipocalòrich - adj. (pr. \ ipuc&l'oric \ ) Ms. plr. ipocalòrich - ipòstasi - n. f. (pr. \ ip'ost&zi \ ) Inv. at plr. - hypostasis.
fm. sng. and plr. ipocalòrica, ipocalòriche. - hypocaloric, ipòtesi - n. f. (pr. \ ip'otezi \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - hypothesis
low-calory (as an attribute). (phylosophy, mathematics). - 2) - surmise, conjecture,
ipociclòid - n. f. (pr. \ ipu[ch]icl'oid \ ) Inv. at plr. - supposition, assumption. - 3) - possibility.
hypocycloid (geometry). ipsilon - n. f. (pr. \ 'ipsilô[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - the letter y. -
ipoclorit - n. m. (pr. \ ipuclur'it \ ) Inv. at plr. - hypochlorite 2) - upsilon (greek alphabet). - See also the term "ùpsilon",
(chemistry). and the loc. "i greca".
ipocloros - adj. (pr. \ ipuclur'uz \ ) Ms. plr. ipocloros - fm. ipsometrìa - n. f. (pr. \ ipsumetr'i& \ ) At plr. ipsometrìe. -
sng. and plr. ipoclorosa, ipoclorose. - hypochlorous. hypsometry.
ipocondrìa - n. f. (pr. \ ipucundr'i& \ ) At plr. ipocondrìe. - ipsométrich - adj. (pr. \ ipsum'etric \ ) Ms. plr. ipsométrich -
hypochondria, hypochondriasis (psychology). See also fm. sng. and plr. ipsométrica, ipsométriche. -
the term "picóndria". hypsometric, hypsometrical.
ipocondrìach - adj. and n. (pr. \ ipucundr'i&c \ ) Ms. plr. ipsòmeter - n. m. (pr. \ ips'ometær \ ) - See ipsòmetro.
ipocondrìach - fm. sng. and plr. ipocondrìaca, ipsòmetro - n. m. (pr. \ ips'ometrô \ ) Inv. at plr. - hypsometer
ipocondrìache. - hypochondriac. (physics).
ipocrisìa - n. f. (pr. \ ipucriz'i& \ ) At plr. ipocrisìe. - ira - n. f. (pr. \ 'ir& \ ) At plr. ire. - anger wrath, rage, fury.
hypocrisy, cant. See also the terms "ràbia, fùria, zara".
ipoderma - n. m. (pr. \ ipud'ærm& \ ) Inv. at plr. - hypoderma Irac - n. m. (pr. \ ir'&c \ ) Only sng. (noun of nation). In case of
(anatomy). See alsao the term "sotpel ". need, inv. at plr. - Iraq.
ipodermich - adj. (pr. \ ipud'ærmic \ ) Ms. plr. ipodermich - irachen - adj. and n. (pr. \ ir&k'æ[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. irachen - fm.
fm. sng. and plr. ipodermica, ipodermiche. - hypodermic sng. and plr. irachen-a, irachen-e. - Iraqi, Iraki.
(medical). iracond - adj. (pr. \ ir&c'und \ ) Ms. plr. iracond - fm. sng.
ipodermoclìsi - n. f. (pr. \ ipudærmucl'izi \ ) Inv. at plr. - and plr. iraconda, iraconde. - wrathful, coleric, quick-
hypodermoclysis (medical). tempered. See also the terms "cagnin, rabios, zaros".
ipoglicemìa - n. f. (pr. \ ipugli[ch]em'i& \ ) At plr. ipoglicemìe. iracóndia - n. f. (pr. \ ir&c'undi& \ ) At plr. iracóndie. -
- hypoglycaemia, hypoglycemia. wrath, ire.
ipopòtam - n. m. (pr. \ ipup'ot&m \ ) Inv. at plr. - iradiassion - n. f. (pr. \ ir&di&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
hippopotamus (zoology - Hippopotamus anphibius), irradiation, radiation. See also the terms "anradiassion,
ipossolfit - n. m. (pr. \ ipusulf'it \ ) Inv. at plr. - hyposulphite anragiassion, anrajament ".
(chemistry). iradié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ ir&di'e \ ) - to irradiate, to
ipossolforos - adj. (pr. \ ipusulfur'uz \ ) Ms. plr. ipossolforos - radiate. See alsao the terms "anrajé, angagé, spantié ".
fm. sng. and plr. ipossolforosa, ipossolforose. - Iran - n. m. (pr. \ ir'&c \ ) Only sng. (noun of nation). In case
hyposulphurous. of need, inv. at plr. - Iran, Persia.
ipostàtich - adj. (pr. \ ipust'&tic \ ) Ms. plr. ipostàtich - fm. iranian - n. and adj. - Ms. plr. iranian - fm. sng. and plr.
sng. and plr. ipostàtica, ipostàtiche. - hypostatich. iranian-a, iranian-e. - Iranian.
ipoteca - n. f. (pr. \ iput'ec& \ ) At plr. ipoteche. - mortgage. irassìbil - adj. (pr. \ ir&s'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. irassìbij - fm. sng.
See also the term "ampotega". and plr. irassìbil, irassìbij. - irascible, irritable, quick-
ipotecàbil - adj. (pr. \ iputec'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. ipotecàbij - fm. tempered, cantankerous.
sng. and plr. ipotecàbil, ipotecàbij. - mortgageable. See irassibilità - n. f. (pr. \ ir&sibilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - irascibility,
also the term "ampotegàbil ". irritability, cantankerousness.
ipotecari - adj. (pr. \ iputec'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. ipotecari - fm. sng. irassional - adj. (pr. \ ir&siun'&l \ ) Ms. plr. irassionaj - fm.
and plr. ipotecària, ipotecàrie. - mortgage (as an sng. and plr. irassional, irassionaj. - irrational. See also
attribute). See also the term "ampotegari ". the term "dësrassional, dësrasonévol".
ipoteché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ iputek'e \ ) - to mortgage. See irassionalism - n. m. (pr. \ ir&siun&l'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. -
also the term "ampoteghé ". irrationalism (phylosophy).
ipotèis - adj. and n. (pr. \ iput'æiz \ ) Ms. plr. ipotèis - fm. sng. irassionalista - n. (pr. \ ir&siun&l'ist& \ ) Ms. plr.
and plr. ipotèisa, ipotèise. - hypotensive. irassionalista - fm. sng. and plr. irassionalista,
ipotension - n. f. (pr. \ iput'æ[ng]si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - irassionaliste. - irrationalist (phylosophy).
hypotension, low blood pressure. irassionalìstich - adj. (pr. \ ir&siun&l'istic \ ) Ms. plr.
ipotensiv - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ iput'æ[ng]s'iu \ ) Inv. at plr. irassionalistich - fm. sng. and plr. irassionalistica,
hypotensive drug (pharmacy). irassionalistiche. - irrationalistic, irrationalist (as an
ipotensiv - 2) - adj. (pr. \ iput'æ[ng]s'iu \ ) Ms. plr. ipertensiv - attribute) (phylosophy).
fm. sng. and plr. ipertensiva, ipertensive. - hypotensive. irassionalità - n. f. (pr. \ ir&siun&lit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
ipoteticament - adv. (pr. \ iputetic&m'ænt \ ) - hypothetically. irrationality. See also the terms "dësrassionalità,
Italianism. See the adv. loc. "për ipòtesi, com ipòtesi, etc.". dësrasonevolëssa".
ipotétich - adj. (pr. \ iput'etic \ ) Ms. plr. ipotétich - fm. sng. ireal - adj. (pr. \ ire'&l \ ) Ms. plr. ireaj - fm. sng. and plr.
and plr. ipotética, ipotétiche. - hypothetical. ireal, ireaj. - unreal, dream-like.
ipotrofìa - n. f. (pr. \ iputruf'i& \ ) At plr. ipotrofìe. - irealisàbil - adj. (pr. \ ire&liz'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. irealisàbij - fm.
hypotrophy (biological, medical). sng. and plr. irealisàbil, irealisàbij. - unattainable,

impraticable, unrealizable. Often the loc. "nen realisàbil" also the terms "seivé, bagné, eivé " and the vrbl. loc. "dé
is preferred. l'eva".
irealisabilità - n. f. (pr. \ ire&liz&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - irigidì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ irijid’i \ ) - to make rigid, to
impracticability, impracticableness. make stiff, to stiffen. See also the terms "anrigidì,
irealtà - n. f. (pr. \ ire&lt'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - unreality. anreidì", the latter being the most correct in Piedm.
irefragà - adj. (pr. \ irefr&g'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - irigidiment - anrigidiment anreidiment-
unrefuted. irigidìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ irijid’ise \ ) - 1) - to become
irefragàbil - adj. (pr. \ ire&fr&g'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. irefragàbij - stiff. - 2) - to grow numb. - 3) - to turn colder (weather) -
fm. sng. and plr. irefragàbil, irefragàbij. - irrefutable, 4) - to stick obstinately (to). See also the terms
incontestable. "anrigidìsse, anreidìsse".
irefragabilità - adj. (pr. \ ire&fr&g&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - iriguardos - adj. (pr. \ irigu&rd’uz \ ) Ms. plr. iriguardos -
irrefutability, incontestability. fm. sng. and plr. iriguardosa, iriguardose. - disrespectful,
iregolar - adj. (pr. \ iregul'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. ad nr. - 1) - irreverent. See also the term "malgrassios".
irregular. - 2) - uneven. - 3) - irregular, incorrect, irimediàbil - adj. (pr. \ irimedi'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. irimediàbij -
against the rules. - 4) - jerky (also in a fig. sense). - 5) - fm. sng. and plr. irimediàbil, irimediàbij. - irremediable,
illegal. - 6) - foul (sport). irreparable, irretrievable.
ireligion - n. f. (pr. \ ireliji'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - irreligion. irimediabilità - n. f. (pr. \ irimedi&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
ireligios - adj. (pr. \ ireliji'uz \ ) Ms. plr. ireligios - fm. sng. irrimediableness, irreparability, irreparableness.
and plr. ireligiosa, ireligiose. - irreligious. irinunsiàbil - adj. (pr. \ irin[ue][ng]si'&bil \ ) Ms. plr.
ireligiosità - n. f. (pr. \ irelijiuzit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - irinunsiàbij - fm. sng. and plr. irinunsàbil, irinunsàbij. -
irreligiosity, irreligiousness. that cannot be given up. See also the loc. "ch'a peul nen
ireos - n. m. (pr. \ ire'uz \ ) Inv. at plr. - iris (botany - Iris). See fes-ne a meno"
also the loc. "liri violet". iriparàbil - adj. (pr. \ irip&r'&bil \ ) - See ireparàbil.
ireparàbil - adj. (pr. \ irep&r'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. ireparàbij - fm. iripetìbil - adj. (pr. \ iripet'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. iripetìbij - fm. sng.
sng. and plr. ireparàbil, ireparàbij. - irreparable, and plr. iripetìbil, iripetìbij. - unrepeatable.
irretrievable. See also the term "iriparàbil ". irisolvìbil - (pr. \ irizulv'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. irisolvìbij - fm. sng.
ireparabilità - n. f. (pr. \ irep&r&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - and plr. irisolvìbil, irisolvìbij. - irresoluble, irresolvable.
irreparabilty, irretrievability. See also the most used loc. "nen arzolvìbil ".
iresistìbil - adj. (pr. \ irezist'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. iresistìbij - fm. irisòri - adj. (pr. \ iriz'ori \ ) Ms. plr. irisòri - fm. sng. and plr.
sng. and plr. iresistìbil, iresistìbij. - irresistible. irisòria, irisòrie. - ridiculous, trifling, trivial. See also the
iresistibilità - n. f. (pr. \ irezistibilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - most common loc. "da rije, ch'a fà rije. da gnente".
irresistibility, irresistibleness. irispetos - adj. (pr. \ irispet'uz \ ) Ms. plr. irispetos - fm. sng.
irespiràbil - adj. (pr. \ irespir'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. irespiràbij - fm. and plr. irispetosa, irispetos. - desrespectful.
sng. and plr. irespiràbil, irespiràbij. - 1) - unbreathable, iritàbil - adj. (pr. \ irit'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. iritàbuj - fm. sng. and
irrespirable. - 2) - stuffy, sultry. - 3) - oppressive, plr. iritàbil, iritàbij. - 1) - irritable (in general, medical). -
stifling (in a fig. sense). 2) - peevish.
iresponsàbil - adj. (pr. \ irespuns'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. iresponsàbij iritabilità - n. f. (pr. \ irit&bili't'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
- fm. sng. and plr. iresponsàbil, iresponsàbij. - irritability. - 2) - peevishness.
irresponsible. iritassion - n. f. (pr. \ irit&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
iresponsabilità - n. f. (pr. \ irespuns&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - irritation. - 2) - vexation, annoyance.
irresponsibility. iritant - adj. (pr. \ irit'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. iritant - fm. sng. and plr.
ireversìbil - adj. (pr. \ ireværs'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. ireversìbij - fm. iritanta, iritante. - 1) - irritating. - 2) - annoying,
sng. and plr. ireversìbil, ireversìbij. - irreversible. vexatious, provoking. In this sense see also the term
ireversibilità - n. f. (pr. \ ireversibilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - "ghignonant".
irreversibility. iritativ - adj. (pr. \ irit&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. iritativ - fm. sng. and
irevocàbil - adj. (pr. \ irevuc'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. irevocàbij - fm. plr. iritativa, iritative. - irritative (medical).
sng. and plr. irevocàbil, irevocàbij. - irrevocable. irité - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ irit'e \ ) - 1) - to irritate. - 2) - to
irevocabilità - n. f. (pr. \ irevuc&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - vex, to provoke.
irrevocability. iritésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ irit'ese \ ) - 1) - to become
iriconossìbil - adj. (pr. \ iricunus'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. iriconossìbij irritated. - 2) - to get annoyed.
- fm. sng. and plr. iriconossìbil, iriconossìbij. - iriverensa - n. f. (pr. \ iriver'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. iriverense. -
unrecognizable. See also the term "inriconossìbil ". irreverence, disrespect.
iridà - adj. (pr. \ irid'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - iridescent, iriverent - adj. (pr. \ iriver'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. iriverent - fm. sng.
rainbow-coloured. and plr. iriverenta, iriverente. - irreverent, disrespectful.
ìride - n. m. (pr. \ 'iride \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - iris (botany - Iris). - Irlanda - n. f. (pr. \ irl'&nd& \ ) Only sng. (noun of nation) in
2) - iris (anatomy) - 3) - rainbow. case of need at plr. Irlande. - Ireland, Eire.
irìdio - n. m. (pr. \ ir'idiô \ ) Only sng. (chemical element). In irlandèis - 1) - n. and adj. (pr. \ irl&nd'æiz \ ) Ms. plr.
case of need inv. at plr. - iridium. irlandèis - fm. sng. and plr. irlandèisa, irlandèise. - 1) -
iriflession - n. f. (pr. \ iriflesi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - Irish (adj.). - 2) - Irishman / Irishwoman (sbst.).
thoughtlessness. See also the term "svantarìa". irlandèis - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ irl&nd'æiz \ ) Inv. at plr. - Irish (the
iriflessiv - adj. (pr. \ irifles'iu \ ) Ms. plr. iriflessiv - fm. sng. language).
and plr. iriflessiva, iriflessive. - thoughtless, irreflecting. irobustì - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ irub[ue]st'i \ ) - to strengthen.
See also the terms "inriflessiv, svantà ". See the most common term "anrobustì ".
irigassion - n. f. (pr. \ irig&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - irobustìsse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ irub[ue]st'ise \ ) - to grow
irrigation. - 2) - drainin, watering. See also the terms stronger.
"seivada, bagnura, eivura". irompe - vrb 2nd con. int. (pr. \ ir'umpe \ ) - 1) - to storm, to
irighé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ irig'e \ ) - 1) - to irrigate, to burst, to break into. - 2) - to pour, to flood. See also the
water. - 2) - to water, to drain, to flow through. - See term "anrompe". It uses the aux. "esse".

irondinària - n. f. (pr. \ irundin'&ri& \ ) At plr. irondinarie. - prefix "isò...", having the same meaning (the difference is
chelidonia (botany - Chelidonium majus). the position of the tonic stress). Some examples are
ironìa - n. f. (pr. \ irun'i& \ ) At plr. ironìe. - irony. reported. Of course these start not always acts as a prefix.
irònich - adj. (pr. \ ir'onic \ ) Ms. plr. irònich - fm. sng. and isoclinal - adj. (pr. \ izuclin'&l \ ) Ms. plr. isoclinaj - fm. sng.
plr. irònica, iròniche. - ironic, ironical. and plr. isoclinal, isoclinaj. - isoclinal (geography).
irt - 1) - adj. (pr. \ irt \ ) Ms. plr. irt - fm. sng. and plr. irta, isocromàtich - adj. (pr. \izucrum'&tic\ ) Ms. plr. isocromàtich
irte. - drunk, drunken. - fm. sng. and plr. isocromàtica, isocromàtiche. -
irt - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ irt \ ) Inv. at plr. - dismissal, removal, isochromatic (physics).
separation. E. g. A) - "fé irt" "to break off a friendship isocronism - n. m. (pr. \ izucrun'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. -
(with sb.)". - B) - "pijé l'irt" "to go away". - C) - "dé l'irt" isochronism (physics).
to throw out". isoelétrich - adj. (pr. \ izuel'etric \ ) Ms. plr. isoelétrich - fm.
iruensa - n. f. (pr. \ ir[ue]'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. iruense. - sng. and plr. isoelétrica, isoelétriche. - isolelectric
vehemence, impetuousness. (physics).
iruent - adj. (pr. \ ir[ue]'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. iruent - fm. sng. and ìsola - n. f. (pr. \ 'izul& \ ) At plr. ìsole. - 1) - island, isle
plr. iruenta, iruente. - vehement, impetuous. (geography). - 2) - block, island. In this sense see also the
irussion - n. f. (pr. \ ir[ue]si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - irruption, term "isolà ". - 3) - island, islet (medical).
raid, bust. isolà - n. m. (pr. \ izul'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - block, island (houses).
Isabela - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ iz&b'el& \ ) Only sng. (noun of See also the term "ìsola 2nd meaning".
person). In case of need, at plr. Isabele. - Isabel, Isabella. isolàbil - adj. (pr. \ izul'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. isolàbij - fm. sng. and
The piedm. diminutive is "Zablin". plr. isolàbil, isolàbij. - isolable.
isabela - 2) - adj. (pr. \ iz&b'el& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - isolament - n. m. (pr. \ izul&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
Isabella, Isabel, light buff (colour). isolation. - 2) - loneliness, segregation, confinement - 3) -
ischemìa - n. f. (pr. \ iskem'i& \ ) At plr. ischemìe. - ischaemia insulation. (mechanics, electricity).
(medical). isolan - adj. and n. (pr. \ izul'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. isolan - fm.
ischémich - adj. (pr. \ isk'emic \ ) Ms. plr. ischémich - fm. sng. and plr. isolan-a, isolan-e. - 1) - island (as an
sng. and plr. ischémica, ischémiche. - ischaemic attribute), insular (adj.). - 2) - islander (sbst.).
(medical). isolant - 1) - adj. (pr. \ izul'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. isolant - fm. sng.
iscrission - n. f. (pr. \ iscrisi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - and plr. isolanta, isolante. - insulating, insulation (as an
inscription. - 2) - registration, matriculation, entry, attribute).
record. See also the terms "anscrission, iscrission ". isolant - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ izul'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. - insulator.
iscrit - adj. and n. (pr. \ iscr'it \ ) Ms. plr. iscrit - fm. sng. and isolassionism - n. m. (pr. \ izul&siun'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. -
plr. iscrita, iscrite. - 1) - inscribed (geometry) (adj.). - 2) - isolassionista - n. and adj. (pr. \ izul&siun'ist& \ ) Ms. plr.
enrolled, registered (adj.). - 3) - subscriber (sbst.). - 4) - isolassionista - fm. sng. and plr. isolassionista,
competitor (sbst.). (race). - 5) - member (party). - 6) - isolassioniste. - isolationist (politics).
card member (sbst.). - As an adj. this term is not used as isolassionìstich - adj. (pr. \ izul&siun'istic \ ) Ms. plr.
p. p. of the verb "iscrive", which is instead "iscrivù ". isolassionistich - fm. sng. and plr. isolassionistica,
inscrit (për ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ p&r iscr'it \ ) - in writing, in isolassionistiche. - isolationist (as an attribute).
black and white. isolator - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ izul&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - insulator
iscrive - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ iscr'ive \ ) - 1) - to enroll, to (electricity, etc.).
enter. - 2) - to enter, to register, to record. - 3) - to isolator - 2) - adj. (pr. \ izul&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. isolator - fm. sng.
inscribe, to engrave. - 4) - to inscribe (geometry). and plr. isolatriss, isolatriss. - insulating, insulation (as
iscrivse - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ iscr'iuse \ ) - to enroll oneself, an attribute).
to enter one's name, to join, to put oneself down. isolé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ izul'e \ ) -
Iseubi - n. m. (pr. \ iz'[oe]bi \ ) Only sng. (noun of person). In isolésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ izul'ese \ ) -
case of need, inv. at plr. - Eusebius. The fm. version is isolëtta - n. f. (pr. \ izul'&tt& \ ) At plr. isolëtte - islet. - See
"Iseubia" "Eusebia". also the term "isolòt, meisin".
isiboé - n. m. plr. (pr. \ izibu'e \ ) Only plr. - "ruin, very end" isolòt - n. m. (pr. \ izul'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - islet. - See also the
in the expression "esse a j'isiboé" "to be in ruin, to have term "isolëtta, meisin".
reached the end of one's resources, to be at the end of one's isomerìa - n. f. (pr. \ izumer'i& \ ) At plr. isomerìe. -
strength, to be at the very end". isomerism (chemistry).
Isidòr - n. m. (pr. \ izid'or \ ) Only sng. (noun of person). In isomérich - adj. (pr. \ izum'eric \ ) Ms. plr. isomérich - fm.
case of need, inv. at plr. - Isidore, Isidorus. sng. and plr. isomérica, isomériche. - isomeric
islàmich - adj. and n. (pr. \ izl'&mic \ ) Ms. plr. islàmich - fm. (chemistry).
sng. and plr. islàmica, islàmiche. - 1) - Islamic (adj.). - 2) isométrica - n. f. (pr. \ izum'etric& \ ) At plr. isométriche. -
- Muslim (sbst.). isometric line.
islamism - n. m. (pr. \ izl&m'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - isométrich - adj. (pr. \ izum'etric \ ) Ms. plr. isométrich - fm.
Islamism. sng. and plr. isométrica, isométriche. - isometric.
Islanda - n. f. (pr. \ izl'&nd& \ ) Only sng. (noun of nation) in isomorfism - n. m. (pr. \ izumurf'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. -
case of need at plr. Islande. - Iceland. isomorphism (chemistry).
islandèis - adj. and n. (pr. \ izl&nd'æiz \ ) Ms. plr. islandèis - isomòrf - adj. (pr. \ izum'orf \ ) Ms. plr. isomòrf - fm. sng. and
fm. sng. and plr. islandèisa, islandèise. - 1) - Icelandic plr. isomòrfa, isomòrfe. - isomorphous, isomorphic
(adj.). - 2) - Icelander (sbst.). (chemistry).
Ismael - n. m. (pr. \ izm&'el \ ) Only sng. (noun of person). In isostàtich - adj. (pr. \ izust'&tic \ ) Ms. plr. isostàtich - fm. sng.
case of need, inv. at plr. - Ishmael (bible). and plr. isostàtica, isostàtiche. - isostatic.
ismaelita - n. and adj. (pr. \ izm&el'it& \ ) Ms. plr. ismaelita - isoterm - adj. (pr. \ izut'ærm \ ) Ms. plr. isoterm - fm. sng. and
fm. sng. and plr. ismaelita, ismaelite. - Ismaelite. plr. isoterma, isoterme. - isothermal (geography).
iso... - prefix (pr. \ izu... \ ) - iso... . The meaning (effect on the isoterma - n. f. (pr. \ izut'ærm& \ ) At plr. isoterme. -
main word) is the same both in Piedm. and in English isotherm, isothermal line. (geography).
(meaning "the same, at the same level, etc."). See also the

isotèrmich - adj. (pr. \ izut'ærmic \ ) Ms. plr. isotermich - fm. istalator - n. (pr. \ ist&l&si'u[ng] \ ) - See instalator.
sng. and plr. isotermica, isotermiche. - isothermal istalé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ ist&l'e \ ) - 1) - to install, to seat,
(geography, physics). to set up. - 2) - to install, to institute. See also the terms
isotropìa - n. f. (pr. \ izutrup'i& \ ) At plr. isotropìe. - isotropy. "instalé, piassé ".
isò... - prefix (pr. \ iz'o... \ ) - See iso... . istansa - n. f. (pr. \ ist'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr. istanse. - 1) -
isòbar - adj. (pr. \ iz'ob&r \ ) Ms. plr. isòbar - fm. sng. and plr. request, application. - 2) - requirement, expectation,
isòbara, isòbare. - isobaric (geography, physics). aspiration. - 3) - instance, petition, motion (legal).
isòbara - n. f. (pr. \ iz'ob&r& \ ) At plr. isòbare. - isobar istant - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ ist'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. - instant,
(geography, physics). moment. See also the terms "àtim, moment".
isòclina - n. f. (pr. \ iz'oclin& \ ) At plr. isòcline. - isoclinal istant - 2) - n. (pr. \ ist'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. istant - fm. sng. and plr.
line (geography). istanta, istante. - peritioner.
isòcron - adj. (pr. \ iz'ocru[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. isòcron - fm. sng. istantànea - n. f. (pr. \ ist&nt'&ne& \ ) - See istantània.
and plr. isòcrona, isòcrone. - isochronous, isochronal istantani - adj. (pr. \ ist&nt'&ni \ ) Ms. plr. istantani - fm. sng.
(physics). and plr. istantania, istantanie. - instantaneous, instant.
isòmer - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ iz'omær \ ) Inv. at plr. - isomer istantània - n. f. (pr. \ ist&nt'&ni& \ ) At plr. istantànie. -
(chemistry). snapshot.
isòmer - 2) - adj. (pr. \ iz'omær \ ) Ms. plr. isòmer - fm. sng. istaurassion - n. f. (pr. \ist&ur&si'u[ng]\ ) - See instaurassion.
and plr. isòmera, isòmere. - isomeric. istaurator - n. (pr. \ ist&ur&t'ur \ ) - See instaurator.
isòp - n. m. (pr. \ iz'op \ ) - See issòp. istauré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ ist&ur'e \ ) - See instauré.
isòssel - adj. (pr. \ iz'osæl \ ) Ms. plr. isòssej - fm. sng. and plr. istaurésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ ist&ur'ese \ ) - See
isòssel, isòssej. - isosceles. instaurésse.
isòtop - 1) - adj. (pr. \ iz'otup \ ) Ms. plr. isòtop - fm. sng. and iste - dem. adj. and prn. (fm. plr.) (pr. \ 'iste \ ) Ms. sng. and plr.
plr. isòtopa, isòtope. - isotopic (physics). - See also the ist, isti - fm. sng. ista. (see the related voices.) - these,
term "isòtopo 1)". these ones. See also the term "ëste ".
isòtop - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ iz'otup \ ) Inv. at plr. - isotope isté - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ ist'e \ ) - 1) - to stay, not to move. -
(physics). See also the term "isòtopo 2)". 2) - to surrender. - 3) - to give up (in a fig. sense). See
isòtopo - 1) - adj. (pr. \ iz'otupô \ ) - See isòtop 1). also the term "insté ". It uses the aux. "esse".
isòtopo - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ iz'otupô \ ) - See isòtop 2). istéresi - n. f. (pr. \ ist'eresi \ ) Inv. at plr. - hysteresis
isòtrop - adj. (pr. \ iz'otrup \ ) Ms. plr. isòtrop - fm. sng. and (physics).
plr. isòtropa, isòtrope. - isotropic, isotropous (physics). istérich - adj. and n. (pr. \ ist'eric \ ) Ms. plr. istérich - fm. sng.
isòtropo - adj. (pr. \ iz'otrupô \ ) - See isòtrop. and plr. istérica, istériche. - 1) - hysteric, hysterical
ispession - n. f. (pr. \ ispesi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - inspection, (adj.). - 2) - hysteric (sbst.). (psychology).
check, overhaul. isterism - n. m. (pr. \ ister'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - hysteria,
ispessioné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ ispesiun'e \ ) - to inspect, to hysterics (psychology).
check, to overhaul. istéss - dem. adj. and prn. (pr. \ ist'es \ ) Ms. plr. istéss - fm.
ispetor - n. (pr. \ ispet'ur \ ) Ms. plr. ispetor - fm. sng. and plr. sng. and plr. istessa, istesse. - 1) - same, the same (adj.). -
ispetriss, ispetriss. - inspector / inspectress, surveyor, 2) - (the) same (person), (the) same (thing) (prn.) - See
overseer. also the forms "l'istéss".
ispetorà - n. m. (pr. \ ispetur'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - istéss (l'---) - dem. adj. and prn. (pr. \ l ist'es \ ) Ms. plr. j' istéss
inspectorate. - 2) - inspectorship. - 3) - inspector's office. - fm. sng. and plr. l'istessa, j'istesse. - 1) - same, the same
ispirassion - n. f. (pr. \ ispir&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - (adj.). - 2) - (the) same (person), (the) same (thing) (prn.)
inspiration. - 2) - good idea. See also the forms "istéss".
ispirator - n. and adj. (pr. \ ispir&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. ispirator - isti - dem. adj. and prn. (ms. plr.) (pr. \ 'isti \ ) Ms. sng. ist - fm.
fm. sng. and plr. ispiratriss, ispiratriss. - 1) - inspirer sng. and plr. ista, iste. (see the related voices.) - these,
(sbst.). - 2) - inspirating (adj.). these ones. See also the term "ësti ".
ispiré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ ispir'e \ ) - to inspire. istigassion - n. f. (pr. \ istig&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
ispirésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ ispir'ese \ ) - to draw instigation, incitement. See also the term "ansigh ".
inspiration. istigator - n. (pr. \ istig&t’ur \ ) Ms. plr. istigator, fm. sng. and
Israel - n. m. (pr. \ izr&'el \ ) Only sng. (noun of nation) in case plr. istigatriss, istigatriss. - instigator. See also the terms
of need at plr. Israej. - Israel. "ansigador, anstigator". Note that sometimes the fm. sng.
israelian - n. and adj. (pr. \ izr&eli'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. israelian and plr. is "istigatris, istigatris", with different
- fm. sng. and plr. israelian-a, israelian-e. - Israeli. pronunciation of the last "s".
israetìta - n. (pr. \ izr&el'it& \ ) Ms. plr. israelita - fm. sng. istighé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ istig’e \ ) - to instigate, to incite,
and plr. israelita, israelite. - Israelite, Jew / Jewess. to stir up. See also the terms "gassé, cissé, issé,
israelìtich - adj. (pr. \ izr&el'itic \ ) Ms. plr. israelìtich - fm. ansighé".
sng. and plr. israelìtica, israelìtiche. - Israelite, Jewish. istint - n. m. (pr. \ ist'int \ ) Inv. at plr. - instinct.
issé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ is'e \ ) - 1) - to hoist. - 2) - to incite. istintiv - adj. (pr. \ istint'iu \ ) Ms. plr. istintiv - fm. sng. and
In this sense see also the term "cissé, ansighé ". plr. istintiva, istintive. - instinctive.
issòp - n. m. (pr. \ is'op \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - hyssop (botany - istintivament - adv. (pr. \ istintiv&m'ænt \ ) - instinctively, by
Hyssopus officinalis). - 2) - lavender (botany - Lavandula instinct. Italianism quite used. See also the loc. "për istint,
officinalis). - See also the term "isòp". a intint, etc."
ist - dem. adj. and prn. (ms. sng.) (pr. \ ist \ ) Ms. plr. isti - fm. istintività - n. f. (pr. \ istintivit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - instinctivity.
sng. and plr. ista, iste. (see the related voices.) - this, this istituì - vrb 3rd con. trs. - (pr. \ istit[ue]'i \ ) - 1) - to found, to
one. See also the term "ëst ". establish, to institute, to set up. - 2) - to appoint, to
ista - dem. adj. and prn. (fm. sng.) (pr. \ 'ist& \ ) Ms. sng. and nominate (legal).
plr. ist, isti - fm. iste. (see the related voices.) - this, this istitussion - n. f. (pr. \ istit[ue]si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
one. See also the term "ësta ". institution. - 2) - institutes, elements. See also the term
istà - n. m. (pr. \ ist'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - summer. "institussion".
istalassion - n. f. (pr. \ ist&l&si'u[ng] \ ) - See instalassion.

istitussional - adj. (pr. \ istit[ue]siun'&l \ ) Ms. plr. istrutòria - n. f. (pr. \ istr[ue]t'ori& \ ) At plr. istrutòrie. -
istitussionaj - fm. sng. and plr. istitussional, istitussionaj. judicial inquity, preliminary investigation (legal).
- 1) - institutional. - 2) - elementary, basic. istruve - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ istr'[ue]e ; istr'[ue]we \ ) - See
istitussionalisassion - (pr. \ istit[ue]siun&liz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. istrùe.
at plr. - institutionalization. istupidì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ ist[ue]pid'i \ ) - See
istitussionalisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ istit[ue]siun&liz'e \ ) - to instupidì.
institutionalize. istupidìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ ist[ue]pid'ise \ ) - See
istitut - n. m. (pr. \ istit'[ue]t \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - institute. - 2) - instupidìsse.
institution. See also the term "istituto". it - vrbl. prs. prn. (pr. \ it \ ) 2nd sng. prs. - you (sng.). It is
istitutiv - adj. (pr. \ istit[ue]t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. istitutiv - fm. sng. noted that this prn. is always required even if the prs. prm.
and plr. istitutiva, istitutive. - institutive. is specified. E. g "you go ti it vades it vades" (see
istituto - n. m. (pr. \ istit'[ue]tu \ ) - See istitut. grammar).
istitutor - n. (pr. \ istit[ue]t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. istitutor - fm. sng. Italia - n. f. (pr. \ it'&li& \ ) Only sng. (noun of nation) in case
and plr. istitutriss, istitutriss. - 1) - founder. - 2) - tutor / of need at plr. Italie. - Italy.
governess. italian - n. and adj. (pr. \ it&li'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. italian - fm.
istograma - n. m. (pr. \ istugr'&m& \ ) Inv. at plr. - histogram. sng. and plr. italiana, italiane. - Italian.
istologìa - n. f. (pr. \ istuluj'i& \ ) At plr. istologìe. - hystology. italianisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ it&li&niz'e \ ) - to Italianize.
istològich - adj. (pr. \ istul'ojic \ ) Ms. plr. istològich - fm. sng. italianism - n. m. (pr. \ it&li&n'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - Italianism.
and plr. istològica, istològiche. - histological. italianista - n. (pr. \ it&li&n'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. italianista - fm.
istòlogh - n. (pr. \ ist'olug \ ) - See istòlogo. sng. and plr. italianista, italianiste. - Italianist.
istòlogo - n. (pr. \ ist'olugô \ ) Ms. plr. istòlogo - fm. sng. and itàlich - 1) - adj. (pr. \ it'&lic \ ) Ms. plr. italich - fm. sng. and
plr. istòloga, istòloghe. - histologist. plr. italica, italiche. - Italic, Italian.
istor - n. m. (pr. \ ist'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - tenant, renter, itàlich - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ it'&lic \ ) Inv. at plr. - italic, italics.
leaseholder (related to agriculture). - 2) - framer on his (typography).
farm. See also the terms "stor, fitor, fitàvol, afitor". iter - n. m. (pr. \ 'itær \ ) Inv. at plr. - procedure, routine.
istorié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ isturi'e \ ) - to decorate (lit. with iterassion - n. f. (pr. \ iter&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - iteration,
historical or legendary scenes). See also the terms "sislé, repetition.
soagné, orné ". iterativ - adj. (pr. \ iter&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. iterativ - fm. sng. and
istrion - n. (pr. \ istri'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. istrion - fm. sng. and plr. iterativa, iterative. - iterative, repetitive.
plr. istrion-a, istrion-e. - 1) - histrion, ham actor. - 2) - iterbio - n. m. (pr. \ it'ærbiô \ ) Only sng. (chemical element).
mountebank. See also the terms "strion, comediant, In case of need inv. at plr. - ytterbium.
bufon". iteré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ iter'e \ ) - to iterate, to repeat.
istrionesch - adj. (pr. \ istriun'æsc \ ) - Ms. plr. istrionesch - itérich - n. and adj. (pr. \ it'eric \ ) Ms. plr. itérich - fm. sng.
fm. sng. and plr. istrionësca, istrionësche. - histrionic, and plr. itérica, itériche. - icteric (medical).
stagy. iterissia - n. f. (pr. \ iter'isi& \ ) At plr. iterìssie. - jaundice.
istriònich - adj. (pr. \ istri'onic \ ) - Ms. plr. istriònich - fm. See also the term "giaunìssa".
sng. and plr. istriònica, istriòniche. - histrionic, ìtich - adj. (pr. \ 'itic \ ) Ms. plr.ìtich - fm. sng. and plr. ìtica,
theatrical. ìtiche. - ichthyic, ichthyo, fish (as an attribute), fishing (as
istrùe - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ istr'[ue]e \ ) - 1) - to educate, to an attribute).
instruct, to teach, to train. - 2) - to direct, to give itinerant - adj. (pr. \ itiner'&nt \ ) Ms. plr.itinerant - fm. sng.
directions. - 3) - to inform. - 4) - to prepare a case (for and plr. itineranta, itinerante. - itinerant, wandering.
trial) (legal). See also the terms "instrùe, istruve, istruì, itinerari - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ itiner'&ri \ ) Inv. at plr. - itinerary,
instruì ". route.
istruì - 1) - vrb. 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ istr[ue]'i \ ) - See istrùe. itinerari - 2) - adj. (pr. \ itiner'&ri \ ) Ms. plr.itinerari - fm.
istruì - 2) - adj. (pr. \ istr[ue]'i \ ) Ms. plr. istruì - fm. sng. and sng. and plr. itinerària, itineràrie. - itinerary (as an
plr. istruìa, istruìe. - educated, learned. attribute).
istruìsse - vrb. 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ istr[ue]'ise \ ) - 1) - to learn, itiologìa -n. f. (pr. \ itiuluj'i& \ ) At plr. itiologìe. -
to improve one's education. - 2) - to inquire, to ask for ichthyology.
information. itiòlo - n. m. (pr. \ iti'olô \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - ichthyol
istrument - n. m. (pr. \ istr[ue]m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - (pharmacy).
instrument, tool, implement (in general). - 2) - itiòlogh - n. (pr. \ iti'olug \ ) - See itiòlogo.
instrument (music).- 3) - instrument, deed (legal). See itiòlogo - n. (pr. \ iti'olugô \ ) Ms. plr.itiòlogo - fm. sng. and
also the term "strument". plr. itiòloga, itiòloghe. - ichthyologist.
istrussion - n. f. (pr. \ istr[ue]si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - ìtrio - n. m. n (pr. \ 'itriô \ ) Only sng. (chemical element). In
education, training, teaching, learning. - 2) - case of need inv. at plr. - yttrium.
instruction, direction. - 3) - judicial inquity, preliminary iv - vrbl. prs. prn. 1st prs sng. and plr. + prs. prn. compl. 2nd prs.
investigation (legal). In this sense see also the term plr. (pr. \ iv ; iu \ ) - I ... you (plr.), I ... to you (plr.). E. g.
"istrutòria". "I give you (plr.) iv dago". (See grammar).
istrutiv - adj. (pr. \ istr[ue]t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. istrutiv - fm. sng. ives - n. m. (pr. \ 'ivæz \ ) Inv, at plr. - osier, wicker (botany -
and plr. istrutiva, istrutive. - instructive. Salix helix). See also the terms "gora, gorin, goret ".
istrutor - n. and adj. (pr. \ istr[ue]t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. istrutor - fm. ìvola - n. f. (pr. \ 'ivul& \ ) At plr. ivole. - 1) - uvula (anatomy).
sng. and plr. istrutriss, istrutriss. - 1) - instructor, - 2) - throat. A way of saying : "bagnesse l'ìvola lit. to
teacher, trainer (sbst.). - 2) - instructing, investigating, wet one's uvula to drink a bit of wine".
examining (adj.).

Letter J
A number of the words starting with this letter can also be found starting by " i " and often this is produced by italianisms that are
anyway quite used. Some other words starting by " j " can also start by " g ".

j - 1) - eleventh letter of the alphabet and n. f. (pr. \ y \ ) Inv. at jetadura - n. f. (pr. \ yet&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. jetadure. - 1) -
possible plr. - j. evil eye. - 2) - bad luck.
j - 2) - prs. prn. 3rd prs. sng. and plr. (pr. \ y \ ) - him, her, jetator - n. (pr. \ yet&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. jetator - fm. sng. and plr.
them, to him, to her, to them. (see grammar). Used in jetatriss, jetatriss. - hoodoo, Jonah, jinx. See also the
simple tenses, connected with a dash to the vrbl. prs. prn., term "jetador".
or in association with other prn. prt. E. g. " he tells to her jetatura - n. f. (pr. \ yet&t'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. jetature. - 1) - evil
a-j dis ; I tell to him i-j diso ; to bring it to them eye. - 2) - bad luck.
portéjlo". jeuh! - excl. (pr. \ y[oe] \ ) - command for stopping horses,
j' - 3) - art. ms. and fm. plr. (pr. \ y \ ) - the. Used in front of oxes, etc.
words starting by vowel. In the other casas see the terms jë - art. ms. plr. (pr. \ y& \ ) - the. Used in front of ms. plr.
"ij, le" (for plr.). words statring with "impure s", some consonantic
jacea - n. f. (pr. \ y&[ch]'e& \ ) At plr. jacee. - black groups and "strong s". E. g. "jë strass, jë mnis, jë siass
knapweed (botany - Centaurea nigra) the togs, the sweepings, the sieves".
jansé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ y&[ng]s'e \ ) - to handle, to jobe - Lat. word from "jube", voice of the vrb "jubere to
manage, to organize, to administer. See also the order, to command ". (pr. \ y'ube \ ) used in the idiomatic
term "giansé ". sentences "esse al jobe domini to be at the very end" -
jap - n. m. (pr. \ y&p \ ) Inv. at plr. - bark, howl. See also the "fé sté al jobe" to bring back (sb.) to reason, to contain,
terms "giap, gep, baulà ". to repress". See also the term "jube".
japé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ y&p'e \ ) - to bark, to howl. It jodà - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ yud'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - iodate
uses the aux. "avèj ". See also the terms "giapé, giapì, (chemistry). See also the term in the spelling "iodà".
baulé ". jodà - 2) - adj. (pr. \ yud'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - iodized
jassa - n. f. (pr. \ y'&s& \ ) At plr. jasse. - magpie, pie (chemistry). See also the term in the spelling "iodà".
(zoology - Pica pica). jodé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ yud'e \ ) - to iodize, to iodate
jassil - n. m. (pr. \ y&s'il \ ) At plr. jassij. - window frame. (chemistry). See also the term in the spelling "iodé ".
See also the term "giassil ". jodur - n. m. (pr. \ yud'[ue]r \ ) Inv. at plr. - iodide (chemistry).
jassilarìa - n. f. (pr. \ y&sil&r'i& \ ) At plr. jassilarìe. - See also the term in the spelling "iodur".
set of pieces for a window frame. See also the term joduré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ yud[ue]r'e \ ) - to iodinate
"giassilerìa, giassilarìa". (chemistry). See also the term in the spelling "ioduré".
jat - n. m. (pr. \ y&t \ ) Inv. at plr. - hiatus (grammar). jon - n. m. (pr. \ yu[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - ion (physics). See also
jato - n. m. (pr. \ y&tô \ ) - See jat. the term in the spelling "ion", and the term "jòne".
javela - n. f. (pr. \ y&v'el& \ ) At plr. javele. - handful of jonisant - adj. (pr. \ yuniz'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. jonisant - fm. sng.
wheat ears. See also the term "giavela". and plr. jonisanta, jonisante. - ionizing (physics). See
je - prs. prn. compl. 3rd prs. (pr. \ ye \ ) - to him, to her, to also the term in the spelling "ionisant".
them, them (see grammar). Usually after the vrb and jonisassion - n. f. (pr. \ yuniz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
connected to it. E. g. "mandéje to send to him, to send to ionization (physics). See also the term in the spelling
her, to send to them" ; "speaking to them parlandje" ; "I "ionisassion".
wrote to her i l'hai scrivùje". Used in indefinite moods jonisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ yuniz'e \ ) - to ionize (physics).
and in composite tenses. in the other cases see the term " j". See also the term in the spelling "ionisé".
jonosfera - n. f. (pr. \ yunusf'er& \ ) At plr. (if any) jonosfere.
jela - n. f. (pr. \ y'el& \ ) At plr. jele. - bad luck, hoodoo,
- ionosphere (geography). See also the term in the spelling
misfortune. See also the terms "scarògna, maleur". "ionosfera".
jena - n. f. (pr. \ y'en& \ ) At plr. jene. - 1) - hyaena jòh! - excl. (pr. \ yo \ ) - command for inciting horses.
(zoology - Hyaena). - 2) - hunger (in a fig. sense). See also jòdich - adj. (pr. \ y'odic \ ) Ms. plr. jòdich - fm. sng. and plr.
the term "jen-a". jòdica, jòdiche. - iodic (chemistry). See also the term in
jen-a - n. f. (pr. \ y'e[ng]& \ ) - See jena. the spelling "iòdich ".
jér - 1) - adv. (pr. \ yer \ ) - yesterday. See also the term "ier". jòdio - n. m. (pr. \ y'odiô \ ) Only sng. (chemical element). In
jér - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ yer \ ) Inv. at plr. - yesterday. See also the case of need inv. at plr. - iodine. See also the term "òdio"
term "ier". and the spelling "iòdio".
Jeta - n. f. (pr. \ y'et& \ ) Only sng. (noun of person) In case of jògort - n. m. (pr. \ y'ogurt \ ) Inv. at plr. - yogurt. See also the
need, at plr. Jete. - diminutive of Mary, this word is a term in the spelling "iògort".
short for "Marieta Little Mary". See also the term jòna - n. f. (pr. \ y'on& \ ) At plr. jòne. - 1) - error, mistake. -
"Jucia". 2) - tiredness. - 3) - laziness, slackness. - 4) - weakness.
jetador - n. (pr. \ yet&d'ur \ ) Ms. plr. jetador - fm. sng. and jòne - n. m. (pr. \ y'one \ ) Inv. at plr. - ion. (physics,
plr. jetadora (jetadòira), jetadore (jetadòire) (bith forms chemistry). See also the terms "ion, jon".
for fm. can be found). - hoodoo, Jonah, jinx. See also the jònich - adj. (pr. \ y'onic \ ) Ms. plr. jònich - fm. sng. and plr.
term "jetator". jònica, jòniche. - 1) - Ionic (architecture). - 2) - ionich

(chemistry, physics). - 3) - Ionian (geography). See also Judaean, Jew / Jewess (sbst.). See also the terms "giudé,
the term in the spelling "iònich". judim, giudim".
Jònio - n. m. (pr. \ y'onô \ ) Name of a sea only sng. In case of judim - adj. and n. (pr. \ y[ue]d'im \ ) - See judé.
need inv. at plr. - Ionian Sea. See also the term in the jugoslav - n. and adj. (pr. \ y[ue]guzl'&u \ ) Ms. plr. jugoslav -
spelling "Iònio". fm. sng. and plr. jugoslava, jugoslave. - Jugoslav,
jòsa (a ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ & y'oz& \ ) - in abundance, at a Yugoslav.
discount. Jugoslàvia - n. f. (pr. \ y[ue]guzl'&vi& \ ) Only sng. (noun of
jossiam - n. m. (pr. \ jusi'&m \ ) Inv. at plr. - henbane nation) in case of need at plr. Jugoslavie. - Jugoslavia,
(botany - Hyoscyamus niger). See also the terms Yugoslavia.
"juschiam, giuschiam". juh! - excl. (pr. \ y[ue] \ ) - command for making go horses,
jube - Lat. word voice of the vrb "jubere to order, to oxes, etc.
command ". (pr. \ y'[ue]be \ ) - See jobe. juschiam - n. m. (pr. \ j[ue]ski'&m \ ) - See jossiam.
Jucia - n. f. (pr. \ y'[ue][ch]& ; y'u[ch]i& \ ) Only sng. (noun of jusò - n. m. (pr. \ j[ue]z'o \ ) Inv. at plr. - needle for saddlers.
person) In case of need, at plr. Juce. - diminutive of Mary, jussarma - n. f. (pr. \ j[ue]s'&rm& \ ) At plr. jussarme. -
this word is a short for "Marucia = Little Mary". See also double-edged weapon.
the term "Jeta". juté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ j[ue]s'&rm& \ ) - to help, to assist,
to aid, to relieve. See also the terms "agiuté, giuté ".
judé - adj. and n. (pr. \ y[ue]d'e \ ) Ms. plr. judé - fm. sng. and
jutésse - vrb 1st con. refl. and recp. (pr. \ yi[ue]t'ese \ ) - 1)
plr. judea, judee. - 1) - Judaic, Jewish (adj.). - 2) -
- to help oneself (refl.). - 2) - to help each other


Letter L
labial - 1) - adj. (pr. \ l&bi'&l \) Ms. plr. labiaj - fm. sng. and
l - 1) - twelfth letter of the alphabet and n. f. (pr. \ l& \ ) Inv. at plr. labial, labiaj. - labial (phonology).
possible plr. - l. labial - 2) - (pr. \ l&bi'&l \) At. plr. labiaj - labial consonant.
l' - 2) - euphonic letter (pr. \ l \ ) - Used with some voices of labialisassion - n. f. (pr. \ l&bi&liz&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. -
aux. vrb. (See grammar). E, g, "i l'hai = I have". labialization (phonology).
l' - 3) - determ. art. ms. and fm. sng. (pr. \ l \ ) At plr. j' (see the labialisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ l&bi&liz'e \) - to labialize
term). - the. Used in front of sng. words starting by vowel. (phonology)
E. g. "l'aso (ms.) the donkey" ; "l'ània (fm.) the duck". làbil - adj (pr. \ l'&bil \) Ms. plr. làbij - fm. sng. and plr. làbil,
la - 1) - determ. art. fm. sng. (pr. \ l& \ ) At plr. le (see the làbij. - 1) - fleeting, transitory, ephemeral. - 2) - weak.
term). - 1) - the. Used in front of fm. words starting by labilità - n. f. (pr. \ l&bilit'& \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - transience,
consonant. E. g. "la cà the house", at plr. "le cà the transiency. - 2) - weakness. - 3) - lability (chemical).
houses". Then in Engl. the Piedm. art. can be translated in labiodental - 1) - adj. (pr. \ l&biudænt'&l \) Ms. plr.
other ways: - 2) - some, any. E. g. "va a caté la fruta go labiodentaj - fm. sng. and plr. labiodental, labiodentaj. -
and buy some fruit ". - 3) - In other cases the piedm. art. is labiodental (pfonology).
not translate in Engl. E. g. "la poer a ìrita j'euj powder labiodental - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ l&biudænt'&l \) At. plr.
irritates eyes". - 4) - pos. adj. E. g. "dame la piuma give labiodentaj - labiodental consonant (phonology).
me your pen". - 5) - a, an. The Engl. translation can make labionasal - 1) - adj. (pr. \ l&biun&z'&l \) Ms. plr. labionasaj
use of the indf. art. E. g. "ël luv a l'ha la boca larga the - fm. sng. and plr. labionasal, labionasaj. - labionasal.
wolf has a large mouth". labionasal - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ l&biun&z'&l \) At. plr. labionasaj -
la - 2) - prs. prn. comp. fm. sng. (pr. \ l& \ ) - her, it. (the fm. is labionasal consonant.
referred to the piedm. word - of course - and to direct labiopalatal - 1) - adj. (pr. \ l&biup&l&t'&l \) Ms. plr.
object.). It can be after the vrb and connected to it, or labiopalataj - fm. sng. and plr. labiopalatal, labiopalataj.
combined with other prt. (See grammar). E. g. - A) - "a - labiopalatal.
venta déla we need to give it ". - B) - "scotla listen to labiopalatal - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ l&biup&l&t'&l \) Ms. plr.
labiopalataj - labiopalatal consonant.
her". - C) - "i la vëddo tuti ij dì I see her all the days". -
labiovelar - 1) - adj. (pr. \ l&biuvel'&re \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
D) - "i la mando da ti I send her to you". - E) - "a venta labiovelar.
mandétla It is necessary to send her to you". A particular labiovelar - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ l&biuvel'&re \) Inv. at plr. -
piedm. use of this adv. is in association with prs. prn. of 3rd labiovelar.
prs sng. and plr. (either subject or complement) with a labirint - n. m. (pr. \ l&bir'int \) Inv. at plr. - labytinth. See
value of emphasis : also the term "laberint".
la - 3) - n. m. (pr. \ l& \ ) Inv. at plr. - A, lah, la (music). labirìntich - adj. (pr. \ l&bir'intic \) Ms. plr. labirìntich - fm.
là - 1) - adv. (pr. \ l& \ ) - there. (The term is usually used for sng. and plr. labirìntica, labirìntiche. - labyrinthine.
indicating st. far to the speaker and far to the listener).See labirintite - n. f. (pr. \ l&birint'ite \) Inv. at plr. - labyrinthitis.
also the terms "ambelelà, ansilà, belelà " and the adv. loc. laboratorista - n. m. (pr. \ l&bur&tur'ist& \) Ms. plr.
"an belelà". A particular piedm. use of this adj. is in laboratorista - fm. sng. and plr. laboratorista,
connection with prs. prn. of 3rd prs. sng. and plr. (either laboratoriste. - laboratory technician.
subject or complement). The adv. is put after the prn. and laboratòri - n. m. (pr. \ l&bur&t'ori \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
connected to it with a dash, with a value of emphasis, laboratory, lab. - 2) - workshop, workroom.
similar to the expression "that fellow, etc." : E. g. "chièl-là laboré - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ l&bur'e \) - to work, to
a l'ha nen dimlo he (that person) didnt say me that". ; till. Usually the term is used in agricultural context. See
"chila-là a l'é sempe an ritard she (that woman) is also the term "lauré ". It uses always the aux. "avèj ".
always late" ; "lor-là a capisso gnente they (those laborios - adj. (pr. \ l&buri'uz \) Ms. plr. laborios - fm. sng.
fellows) do not undersand anything". ; "dijlo mach nen a and plr. laboriosa, laboriose. - 1) - laborious, toilsome,
chièl-là just don't tell it to him (to that fellow)". Then arduous. - 2) - hard-working, laborious, industrious. In
there are a number of loc. making use of this term " - A) - this sense see also the term "travajeur". - 3) - busy.
"an là " the meaning depends on the context E. g. "fésse an laboriosità - n. f. (pr. \ l&buriuzit'& \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
là to make way" ; "andé tròp an là to go too far" ; "esse laboriousness, arduousness. - 2) - wearisomeness. - 3) -
an là con j'ani to be a good age" etc. - B) - "pì 'n là " industriousness.
"further on". - C) - "da là" "in there, over there, on the labré - adj. and n. (pr. \ l&br'e \ ) Ms. plr. labré - fm. sng.
other room, etc." or also "from that point".- D) - "d'ëd là" and plr. labrera, labrere. - 1) - greedy, gluttonous
= "beyond ". - E) - "për da là" = "through that point" or (adj.). - 4) - glutton (sbst.). See also the terms "goliard,
also "in that direction". - F) - "là drinta, là fòra in there, galup".
out there". laburism - n. m. (pr. \ l&b[ue]r'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. -
là! - 2) - excl. (pr. \ l'& \ ) - come on!, right on!. labourism.
labarda - n. f. (pr. \ l&b'&rd& \) At plr. labarde. - halberd. laburìsta - n. and adj. (pr. \ l&b[ue]r'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. laburista
See also the term "alabarda ". - fm. sng. and plr. laburista, laburiste. - 1) - Labour (as
laberint - n. m. (pr. \ l&ber'int \) - See labirint. an attribute) (adj.). - 2) - Labourite, member of the
labià - adj. (pr. \ l&bi'& \) Inv. in gnr. and nr. - 1) - labiated, Labour Party (sbst.).
labiate (botany). - 2) - labialized, rounded (phonology).

laburìstich - adj. (pr. \ l&b[ue]r'istic \ ) Ms. plr. laburistich - lacrimos - adj. (pr. \ l&crim'uz \ ) Ms. plr. lacrimos - fm. sng.
fm. sng. and plr. laburistica, laburistiche. - Labour (as an and plr. lacrimosa, lacrimose. - 1) - tearful. - 2) - tearful,
attribute). pitiful, pathetic.
laca - n. f. (pr. \ l'&c& \ ) At plr. lache. - 1) - lacquer. - 2) - lacrimògeno - 1) - adj. (pr. \ l&crim'ojenô \ ) Ms. plr.
hair spray. - 3) - poke, poke berry, phytolacca berry lacrimògeno - fm. sng. and plr. lacrimògena,
(botany - Phytolacca decandra) lacrimògene. - 1) - lachrymatory, tear- (as an attribute). -
lacador - n. (pr. \ l&c&d'ur \ ) Ms. plr. lacador - fm. sng. and 2) - tear-jerking (ironical).
plr. lacadòira, lacadòire. - lacquerer. lacrimògeno - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ l&crim'ojenô \ ) Inv. at plr. -
lacadura - n. f. (pr. \ l&c&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. lacadure. - 1) - tear-gas, lachrymator.
enamelling. - 2) - lacquering, japanning. - 3) - spraying ladin - adj. and n. (pr. \ l&d'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. ladin - fm. sng.
(hair). and plr. ladin-a, ladin-e. - Ladin.
lacamofa - n. f. (pr. \ l&c&m'uf& \ ) At plr. (if any) lacamofe. làder - n. and adj. (pr. \ l'&dær \ ) Ms. plr. làder - fm. sng. and
- litmus, lacmus. (chemistry). See also the term "tornasol". plr. làdra, làdre. - 1) - thief, robber, buglar (sbst.). - 2) -
lacc - n. m. (pr. \ l&[ch] \ ) Inv. at plr. - milk. See also the most thieving, dishonest (adj.).
common term "làit ". ladraja - n. f. (pr. \ l&dr'&y& \ ) At plr. ladraje. - band of
lacé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ l&[ch]'e \ ) - 1) - to prepare the thieves. See also the term "ladronaja".
dug of cows for milking. - 2) - to milk. ladresch - adj. (pr. \ l&dr'æsc \ ) Ms. plr. ladresch - fm. sng.
lacerà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ l&[ch]er'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - and plr. ladrësca, ladrësche. - thievish, thieving.
lacerated, torn. ladron - n. (pr. \ l&dr'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. ladron - fm. sng. and
laceràbil - adj. (pr. \ l&[ch]er'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. laceràbij - fm. plr. ladron-a, ladron-e. - robber, highwayman.
sng. and plr. laceràbil, laceràbij. - lacerable. (augmentative of the word "làder" - see the term-).
lacerant - adj. (pr. \ l&[ch]er'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. lacerant - fm. ladronaja - (pr. \ l&drun'&y& \ ) - See ladraja.
sng. and plr. laceranta, lacerante. - 1) - lacerating, ladronarìa - n. f. (pr. \ l&drun&r'i& \ ) At plr. ladronarìe. -
tearing. - 2) - lacerating, piercing, shrill (in a fig. sense). robbery, thievery.
lacerassion - n. f. (pr. \ l&[ch]er&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - ladròt - n. (pr. \ l&dr'ot \ ) Ms. plr. ladròt - fm. sng. and plr.
laceration, tearing. - 2) - laceration, rent, tear. - 3) - ladròta, ladròte. - young thief, petty thief. See also the
lacerated wound, laceration (medical). See also the terms terms "ladrucc, ladruss".
"s-cianch, s-ciancon". ladrucc - n. (pr. \ l&dr'[ue][ch] \ ) - See ladròt.
laceré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ l&[ch]er'e \ ) - to lacerate, to ladruss - n. (pr. \ l&dr'[ue]s \ ) - See ladròt.
tear, to rend. lafa - n. f. (pr. \ l'&f& \ ) At plr. lafe. - slap, smack, cuff (not
lacero-contus - adj. (pr. \ l&[ch]erucunt'[ue]z \ ) Ms. plr. violent). See also the term "sgiaf, scopass".
lacero-contus - fm. sng. and plr. lacero-contusa, lacero- lafon - n. f. (pr. \ l'&f'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - slap, smack, cuff
contuse. - lacerated-contused (medical). (violent). See also the term "sgiaflon, lordon".
lacet - n. m. (pr. \ l&[ch]'æt \ ) - See laitin. lagh - n. m. (pr. \ l&g \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - lake, lock, lough. -
laché - 1) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ l&k'e \ ) - 1) - to enamel. - 2) 2) - pond, pool. - 3) - lake, huge puddle, pool (in a fig.
- to lacquer, to japan. - 3) - to spray (hair). sense).
laché - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ l&k'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - lackey, lacquey, làgher - n. m. (pr. \ l'&gær \ ) Inv. at plr. - concentration
runnung dog, footman. camp. (from German).
laciacan - n. m. (pr. \ l&[ch]i&c'&[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - prickly lagiù - adv. (pr. \ l&ji'[ue] \ ) - 1) - down there. - 2) - over
lettuce (botany - Lactuca serriola). there. See also the adv. loc. "giù là ".
laciarin - n. m. (pr. \ l&[ch]i&r'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - field sow- lagna - n. f. (pr. \ l'&[gn]& \ ) At plr. lagne. - 1) - whining,
thistle (botany - Sonchus arvensis). See also the term whimpering. - 2) - bore. - 3) - complaint. See also the
"laitassin". terms "lagnansa, lamenta, landa, plenta".
laconism - n. m. (pr. \ l&cun'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - laconism. lagnansa - n. f. (pr. \ l&[gn]'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr. lagnanse. -
laconissità - n. f. (pr. \ l&cunisit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - laconicism, complaint.
laconism, brevity, pithiness. lagné - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ l&[gn]'e \ ) - See lagnésse.
lacònich - adj. (pr. \ l&c'onic \ ) Ms. plr. lacònich - fm. sng. lagnésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ l&[gn]'ese \ ) - 1) - to moan,
and plr. lacònica, lacòniche. - laconic, concise, pithy. to groan, to whimper. - 2) - to grumble, to complain. - 3)
lacràcio - n. and adj. (pr. \ l&cr'&[ch]iu \ ) Ms. plr. lacracio - - to complain, to lodge a complaint.
fm. sng. and plr. lacracia, lacràce. - 1) - stupid, idiotich, lagnos - adj. (pr. \ l&[gn]'uz \ ) Ms. plr. lagnos - fm. sng. and
imbecile (adj.). - 2) - fool, idiot, imbecile (sbst.). plr. lagnosa, lagnose. - 1) - complaining, grumbling. - 2)
làcrima - n. f. (pr. \ l'&crim& \ ) At plr. làcrime - 1) - tear, - boring.
tear-drop. - 2) - drop, drip. See also the terms "larma, lagosin - n. (pr. \ l&guz'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. lagosin - fm. sng. and
lerma". plr. lagosin-a, lagosin-e. - 1) - convict-keeper, gaoler,
lacrimàbil - adj. (pr. \ l&crim'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. lacrimàbij - fm. jailer. - 2) - tyrant.
sng. and plr. lacrimàbil, lacrimàbij. - pitiful, pathetic. lagunar - adj. (pr. \ l&g[ue]n'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
lacrimal - adj. (pr. \ l&crim'&l \ ) Ms. plr. lacrimaj - fm. sng. lagoon (as an attribute).
and plr. lacrimal, lacrimaj. - lachrymal (anatomy). lagun-a - n. f. (pr. \ l&g'[ue][ng]& \ ) At plr. lagun-e. -
lacrimé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ l&crim'e \ ) - 1) - to shed tears, lagoon.
to weep, to cry. - 2) - to water. - 3) - to ooze, to drip. It làich - adj. and n. (pr. \ l'&ic \ ) Ms. plr. làich - fm. sng. and
uses the aux. "avèj ". plr. làica, làiche. - 1) - lay, secular (adj.). - 2) - layman /
lacrimèivol - adj. (pr. \ l&crim'æivul ; l&crim'æiwul \ ) Ms. plr. laywoman (sbst.).
lacrimèivoj - fm. sng. and plr. lacrimèivol, lacrimèivoj. laicà - n. m. (pr. \ l&ic'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - lay status.
but also rspy. lacrimèivola, lacrimèivole.- tearful, pitiful, laical - adj. (pr. \ l&ic'&l \ ) Ms. plr. laicaj - fm. sng. and plr.
pathetic. See also the term "lacrimévol ". laical, laicaj. - laic, laical, secular, lay (as an attribute).
lacrimévol - adj. (pr. \ l&crim'evul ; l&crim'ewul \ ) See laicisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ l&i[ch]iz'e \ ) - to laicize, to
lacrimèivol. secularize.
laicìsm - n. m. (pr. \ l&i[ch]'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - laicism,

laicista - adj. and n. (pr. \ l&i[ch]'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. laicista - fm. lam - adj. (pr. \ l&m \ ) Ms. plr. lam - fm. sng. and plr. lama,
sng. and plr. laicista, laiciste. - 1) - laical, secular (adj.). - lame. - slackened, released, loose, loosened, unlaced,
2) - supporter of laicism (sbst.). untied. See also the terms "alam, arlam".
laicìstich - adj. (pr. \ l&i[ch]'istic \ ) Ms. plr. laicistich - fm. lama - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ l'&m& \ ) At plr. lame. - blade.
sng. and plr. laicistica, laicistiche. - secularist, lama - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ l'&m& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - llama
secularistic. (zoology - Auchenia lama). - 2) - Lama (Buddhism).
laicità - n. f. (pr. \ l&i[ch]it'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - laicality. lamban - n. (pr. \ l&mb'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. lamban - fm. sng.
làid - adj. (pr. \ l'&id \ ) Ms. plr. làid - fm. sng. and plr. làida, and plr. lamban-a, lamban-e. - 1) - slow person. - 2) -
làide. - 1) - foul, dirty, filthy, loathsome. - 2) - obscene. lazy person. - 3) - slow-witted person. See also the terms
The term is not very used, see also the most common terms "lampan, luban".
"spòrch, schifos, salòp, crin, etc." lambél - n. m. (pr. \ l&mb'el \ ) At plr. lambéj. - 1) - label, file
laidor - n. m. (pr. \ l&id'ur \ ) - 1) - foulness, filth. - 2) - (heraldry). - 2) - rag, shred, tatter, frayed piece of cloth.
obscenity. The term is not very used, see also the most lambich - n. m. (pr. \ l&mb'ich \ ) Inv. at plr. - alembic, still.
common terms "sporcìssia, saloparìa, etc." See also the term "alambich".
làit - n. m. (pr. \ l'&it \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - milk. The expression lambicà - adj. (pr. \ l&mbic'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) -
"làit e mel " means "whipped cream". - 2) - Sometime also distilled (lit. meaning). - 2) - far-fetched, stilted (in a fig.
latex. sense).
laità - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ l&it'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - whey. (Residual lambicadura - n. f. (pr. \ l&mbic&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
afer having made cheese. The tesidual after having made lambicadure. - 1) - distilling. - 2) - racking of one's
butter is called "burà" - See the term-) brains.
laità - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ l&it'&\ ) Inv. at plr. - lactate (chemistry). lambiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ l&mbik'e \ ) - 1) - to distil. -
laitam - n. m. (pr. \ l&it'&m \ ) Inv. at plr. - See laitum. 2) - to think over carefully.
laitarél - n. m. (pr. \ l&it&r'el \ ) At plr. laitaréj. - diary lambichésse. - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ l&mbik'ese \ ) - to rack
product, milk product (usually at plr.). See also the term one's brains, to puzzle.
"laitissin". lambris - n. m. (pr. \ l&mbr'iz \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - frieze,
laitarìa - (pr. \ l&it&r'i& \ ) At plr. laitarìe. - 1) - dairy-farm, decoration (architecture). - 2) - cover of a wall in (in
dairy. - 2) - daity, milk-shop. marble, wood or stucco)
laitarin - n. and adj. (pr. \ l&it&r'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. laitarin - lambrusca - n. f. (pr. \ l&mbr'[ue]sc& \ ) At plr. (if any) -
fm. sng. and plr. laitarin-a, laitarin-e. - 1) - breast-fed, lambrusche. - wild grapevine. (botany - Vitis silvestris).
sucking (adj.). - 2) - sucking, baby. lambrusch - n. m. (pr. \ l&mbr'[ue]sc \ ) Inv. at plr. -
laitasi - n. f. (pr. \ l&it'&zi \ ) Inv. at plr. - lactase (biology). "Lambrusco" a type of italian red wine.
laitassé - n. (pr. \ l&it&s'e \ ) Ms. plr. laitassé - fm. sng. and lamé - n. m. (pr. \ l&m'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - lamé (type of fabric -
plr. laitassera, laitassere. - milkman / milkwoman. See french word).
also the terms "laité, marghé ". lamela - n. f. (pr. \ l&m'el& \ ) Ar plr. lamele. - 1) - thin plate,
laitassin - n. m. (pr. \ l&it&s'i[ng] \ ) - See laciarin. thin layer. - 2) - lamella (biology).
laitassion - n. f. (pr. \ l&it&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - lactation. lamelà - adj. (pr. \ l&mel'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
laité - n. and adj. (pr. \ l&it'e \ ) Ms. plr. laité - fm. sng. and lamellated, lamellate.
plr. laitera, laitere. - 1) - milkman / milkwoman (sbst.). lamelar - adj. (pr. \ l&mel'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1)
In this sense see also the term "laitassé ". - 2) - that drinks lamellar, laminate. - 2) - foliated.
much milk, greedy of milk. - 3) - dairy, milk (as an lament - n. m. (pr. \ l&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - moan,
attribute) (adj.). groan, cry. - 2) - complaint. In this sense see also the
laitera - n. f. (pr. \ l&it'er& \ ) At plr. laitere. - bottle or pot terms "lamenta , lamentansa". - 3) - lament (music).
for milk. Very used the expressions "bota dël làit, lamenta - n. f. (pr. \ l&m'ænt& \ ) At plr. lamente. -
barachin dël làit ". complaint. See also the terms "lament 2nd meaning,
làitich - adj (pr. \ l'&itic \ ) Ms. plr. làitich - fm. sng. and plr. lamentansa".
làitica, làitiche. - lactic (chemistry). lamentansa - n. f. (pr. \ l&mænt'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr.
laitin - n. m. (pr. \ l&it'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - common sow- lamentanse. - See lamenta.
thistle (botany - Sonchus oleraceus). See also the term lamentassion - n. f. (pr. \ l&mænt&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
"lacet". lamentation, lamentations, wailings. See also the term
laitissin - n. m. (pr. \ l&itis'i[ng] \ ) - See laitarél. "complenta".
laitos - n. m. (pr. \ l&it'uz \ ) Inv. at plr. - lactose, milk-sugar. lamenté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ l&mænt'e \ ) - to lament, to
See also the loc. "sùcher dël làit". mourn.
laitù - adj. (pr. \ l&it'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. laitù - fm. sng. and plr. lamentésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ l&mænt'ese \ ) - 1) - to
laitùa, laitùe. - milky, milk (as an attribute). groan, to moan. - 2) - to complain, to grouse, to
laitùa - n. f. (pr. \ l&it'[ue]& \ ) At plr. laitùe. - lettuce grumble.
(botany - Lactuca sativa). lamentèivol - adj. (pr. \ l&mænt'æivul \ ) - See lamentévol.
laitum - n. m. (pr. \ l&it'[ue]m \ ) Inv. at plr. - latex (botany). lamentévol - adj. (pr. \ l&mænt'ewul \ ) Ms. plr. lamentévoj -
See also the terms "laitam, làit". fm. sng. and plr. lamentévola, lamentévole, but sometime
laj - n. m. (pr. \ l&y \ ) Inv. at plr. - whimper,wail, vagitus also rspy. - lamentévol, lamentévoj. - 1) - lamentable,
(medical). pitiful. - 2) - complaining, plaintive, mornful. In this
laja - n. f. (pr. \ l'&y& \ ) - See lama - 1). sense see also the term "lamentos".
lajan - n. and adj. (pr. \ l&y'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. lajan - fm. sng. lamentos - adj. (pr. \ l&mænt'uz \ ) Ms. plr. lamentos - fm.
and plr. lajan-a, lajan-e. - 1) - idle, lazy, indolent (adj.). - sng. and plr. lamentosa, lamentose. - complaining,
2) - idler, sluggard, swindler (sbst.). plaintive, mornful. See also the term "lamentévol 2nd
lajeul - n. m. (pr. \ l&y'[œ]l \ ) At plr. lajeuj. - green lizard meaning".
(zoology - Lacerta viridis). See also the term "ajeul, lamëtta - n. f. (pr. \ l&m'&tt& \ ) At plr. lamëtte. - razor-
lavieu". blade, small blade.
lamiera - n. f. (pr. \ l&mi'er& \ ) At plr. lamiere. - plate, sheet
(metallurgy). Some types : "lamiera zincà galvanized

sheet-iron" ; "lamiera d'assél sheet-steel" ; "lamiera lampià - n. f. (pr. \ l&mpi'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - glassful, the
ondulà corrugated sheet-iron". content of a goblet (of wine).
lamierin - n. m. (pr. \ l&mier'i[ng] \ ) - 1) - sheet metal lampìsta - n. m. (pr. \ l&mp'ist& \ ) Inv. at plr. - lampman
(metallurgy) (usually thin or small). - 2) - transformer (mine, railway).
core plate (electricity). lampisterìa - n. f. (pr. \ l&mpister'i& \ ) At plr. lampisterìe. -
lamierista - n. m. (pr. \ l&mier'ist& \ ) Inv. at plr. - sheet- lamp room (mine, railway).
metal worker. See also the term "batilastra". lampion - n. m. (pr. \ l&mpi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - street-
làmina - n. f. (pr. \ l'&min& \ ) At plr. làmine. - thin plate, lamp, lamp-post. - 2) - carriage-lamp.
thin layer, thin sheet. See also the term "lamin-a". lampionista - n. (pr. \ l&mpiun'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. lampionista -
laminà - 1) - adj. (pr. \l&min'&\ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - rolled. fm. sng. and plr. lampionista, lampioniste. - lamp-lighter.
laminà - 2) - n. m. (pr. \l&min'&\) Inv. at plr. - rolled section. lampo - n. m. (pr. \ l'&mpu \ ) Inv. at plr. - train. Ironical
laminador - n. f. (pr. \ l&min&d'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - roller, slang. See also the term "furios". The term lit. is an
rolling-mill. See also the term "laminator". italianism for "lightning" (born in the period when the
laminadura - n. f. (pr. \ l&min&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. trains reached about 30 - 40 km per hour).
laminadure. - lamination, rolling (metallurgy). See also lampon - n. m. (pr. \ l&mp'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
the terms "laminassion, laminatura". raspberry (botany - Rubus idaeus). In this sense see also
laminagi - n. m. (pr. \ l&min'&ji \ ) - See laminadura. the most common term "àmpola". - 2) - big pen-nib.
laminar - adj. pr. \ l&min'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - laminar, lampòiro - adj. and n. (pr. \ l&mp'oiru \ ) Ms. plr. lampòiro -
laminal, laminary. (mechanics, physics, geology). fm. sng. and plr. lamòira, lampòire. - 1) - rough, rude,
laminassion - n. f. (pr. \ l&min&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - boorish (adj.). - 2) - boor, lout. See also the term
lamination (geology). - 2) - lamination, rolling "lapassuch ".
(metallurgy). In this sense see also the term "laminadura". lampré - n. m. (pr. \ l&mpr'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - lamprey (zoology
laminatura - n. f. (pr. \ l&min&t'[ue]r& \ ) - See laminadura. - Petromyzon).
laminé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ l&min'e \ ) - 1) - to roll. - 2) - to lancëtta - n. f. (pr. \ l&n[ch]'&tt& \ ) At plr. lancëtte. - 1) -
laminate. lancet (medical). - 2) - hand (clock). - 3) - needle
laminuar - n. m. (pr. \ l&minu'&r \ ) - See laminador. (compass). - 4) - pointer (instruments). See also the most
lamin-a - n. f. (pr. \ l&m'i[ng]& \ ) - See làmina. correct term "lansëtta, landin-a".
lamon - n. m. (pr. \ l&m'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - plate, sheet lancé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ l&n[ch]'e \ ) - 1) - to throw, to
In this sense see also the term "lamiera". - 2) - big blade. - hurl, to fling, to pitch. - 2) - to drop (from planes). - 3) -
3) - fish-hook. In this sense see also the term "amon". to discharge, to launch. - 4) - to cast. - 5) - to launch, to
lampa - n. f. (pr. \ l'&mp& \ ) - See làmpada. boost. - See also the most correct terms "lansé, slansé ".
lampà - n. f. (pr. \ l&mp'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - goblet, glass. In lancia - n. f. (pr. \ l'&n[ch]i& \ ) At plr. lance. - 1) - lance,
this sense ee also the terms "copa, bicér". - 2) - drink of a spear. - 2) - nozzle (fire extinguisher). 3) - ship's boat,
goblet at a draught. launch. See also the most correct term "lansa".
làmpada - n. f. (pr. \ l'&mp&d& \ ) At plr. làmpade. - lamp, lancian - n. and adj. (pr. \ l&n[ch]i'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. lancian -
light. See also the terms "lampa, lampia, lum". fm. sng. and plr. lancian-a, lancian-e. - 1) - foolish,
lampadari - n. m. (pr. \ l&mp&d'&ri \ ) Inv. at plr. - doltish (adj.). - 2) - soft (adj.) (in a fig. sense). - 2) -
chandelier. dullard, dolt (sbst.). - 3) - softling (sbst.). See slso the
lampadin-a - n. f. (pr. \ l&mp&d'i[ng]&\ ) At plr. lampadin-e. term "molancian".
- bulb, electrich-light bulb. lancié - n. m. (pr. \ l&n[ch]'ie \ ) Inv. ar plr. - lancer (military).
lampan - n. (pr. \ l&mp'&[ng] \ ) - See lamban. See also the most correct terms "lansié ".
lampant - adj. (pr. \ l&mp'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. lampant - fm. sng. landa - n. f. (pr. \ l'&nd& \ ) At plr. lande. - 1) - grimace,
and plr. lampanta, lampante. - 1) - brilliant. - 2) - unseemly gesture. - 2) - slowness, useless action.
evident, obvious (in a fig. sense). Sometime also in the meaning: 3) - whining, whimpering.
lampar - n. m. (pr. \ l&mp'&r \ ) Inv. at plr. - "lampara" - 4) - bore. In these meaning see also the term "lagna". - 5)
(fishing light). See also the term "lampara". - quarrel, wrangle. Note the expressions "fe 'd lande" that
lampara - n. f. (pr. \ l&mp'&r& \ ) At plr. lampare. - means "to shuffle, to beat about the bush".
"lampara" (fishing light). See also the term "lampar". landin - n. m. (pr. \ l&nd'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - trivet for
lampé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ l&mp'e \ ) - 1) - to throw, to holding pots on fire.
hurl, to fling. - 2) - to launch. In these sense see also the landinà - n. f. (pr. \ l&ndin'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - rigmarole,
terms "campé, tapé, tampé, lansé". - 3) - to tipple, to long-winded yarn. - 2) - slowness. See also the term
bouse. In this sense see also the terms "lapé, cimpé ". "landnà ".
lampésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ l&mp'ese \ ) - to throw landiné - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ l&ndin'e \ ) - to make long
oneself, to fling oneself. useless speech, to wander, to digress. See also the term
lampegé - vrb 1st con. int. and int. imp. (pr. \ l&mpej'e \ ) - 1) - "landné - 1)". It uses the aux. "avèj ".
to flash (int.). - 2) - to blink (int.). - 3) - to lighten (int. landinàire - n. (pr. \ l&ndin'&ire \ ) Ms. plr. landinàire - fm.
imp.). In this sense see also the terms "losné, sluse, sludié". sng. and plr. landinàira, landinàire. - 1) - great talker. -
It uses the aux. "avèj ". 2) - slowcoach. See also the term "landné - 2)".
lampegiament - n. m. (pr. \ l&mpeji&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - landinon - n. m. (pr. \ l&ndin'u[ng] \ ) - See lendnon.
flashing, blinking, winking, lightening. landinos - adj. (pr. \ l&ndin'uz \ ) - See lendné.
lampegiant - 1) - adj. (pr. \ l&mpeji'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. landin-a - n. f. (pr. \ l&nd'i[ng]& \ ) - See lancëtta.
lampegiant - fm. sng. and plr. lampegianta, lampegiante. landò - n. m. (pr. \ l&nd'o \ ) Inv. at plr. - landau.
- lightening, flashing, glaring. landna - n. f. (pr. \ l'&ndn& \ ) - See lendna.
lampegiant - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ l&mpeji'&nt \ ) - See landnà - n. f. (pr. \ l&ndn'& \ ) - See landinà.
lampegiator. landné - 1) - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ l&ndn'e \ ) - See landiné.
lampegiator - n. m. (pr. \ l&mpeji&t'ur \ ) - 1) - flashing landné - 2) - n. (pr. \ l&ndn'e \ ) - See landinàire.
indicator, winking light. - 2) - flashing amber light landra - n. f. (pr. \ l'&ndr& \ ) At plr. landre. - woman of
(street). - 3) - flash gun (photography). loose morals, tart. See also the terms "slandra, gindra".
lampia - n. f. (pr. \ l&mp'i& \ ) - See làmpada.

lané - n. (pr. \ l&n'e \ ) Ms. plr. lané - fm. sng. and plr. lanera, lanosa - n. f. (pr. \ l&n'uz& \ ) At plr. lanose. - edelweiss
lanere. - 1) - wool merchant, dealer in wool. - 2) - (botany - Leontopodium alpinum) - See also the term
worker in wool. See also the term "majé ". "alvàjes", and the common loc. "stèila alpin-a".
lanerìa - n. f. (pr. \ l&ner'i& \ ) At plr. lanerìe. - wollen goods. lansa - n. f. (pr. \ l'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr. lanse. - 1) - lance,
lanëtta - n. f. (pr. \ l&n'&tt& \ ) At plr. lanëtte. - 1) - light spear. - 2) - nozzle (fire extinguisher). - 3) - ship's boat,
wool. - 2) - mixed wool. launch. See also the most correct term "lansa".
Langa - n. f. (pr. \ l'&[ng]g& \ ) At plr. Langhe. - Langa (rich lansà - n. f. (pr. \ l&[ng]s'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - blow with a lance.
region of southern Piedmont) often named at plr. lansàbil - adj. (pr. \ l&[ng]s'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. lansàbij - fm. sng.
langagi - n. m. (pr. \ l&[ng]g'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - language, and plr. lansàbil, lansàbij. - that can be thrown.
tongue. See also the terms "lengagi, linguagi ". lansabombe - n. m. (pr. \ l&[ng]s&b'umbe \ ) Inv. at plr. -
langareul - n. and adj. (pr. \ l&[ng]g&r'œl \ ) Ms. plr. bomb-thrower, depth-charge thrower.
langareuj - fm. sng. and plr. langareula, langareule. - 1) - lansador - n. m. (pr. \ l&[ng]s&dìur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
inhabitant of Langa, who is born in Langa (sbst.). - 2) - launcher. - 2) - thrower , pitcher , bowler (sports). See
produced in Langa, related to Langa, of Langa (adj.). also the term "lansator".
langassa - n. f. (pr. \ l&[ng]g'&s& \ ) At plr. langasse. - noose, lansafiame - n. m. (pr. \ l&[ng]s&fi'&me \ ) Inv. at plr. -
slip-knot, snare, loop. See also the terms "angassa, liassa, flame-thrower.
gassa". lansafosëtte - n. m. (pr. \ l&[ng]s&fuz'&tte \ ) Inv. at plr. -
langhërdan - n. and adj. (pr. \ l&[ng]g&rd'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. rocket launcer.
langhërdan - fm. sng. and plr. langhërdan-a, lansamìssij - n. m. (pr. \ l&[ng]s&m'siy \ ) Inv. at plr. - rocket
langhërdan-e. - 1) - foolish, stupid (adj.). - 2) - fool, launcer.
blockhead (sbst.). See also the term "lelo". lansassilur - n. m. (pr. \ l&[ng]s&sil'[ue]r \ ) Inv. at plr. -
langhi - adj. (pr. \ l'&[ng]gi\ ) Ms. plr. langhi - fm. sng. and torpedo-tube.
plr. lànghia, lànghie. - 1) - languid, listless, weak, faint. - lansé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ l&[ng]s'e \ ) - 1) - to throw, to
2) - languishing, simpering. See also the term "lànguid". hurl, to fling. -2) - to launch. See also the term "lancé ".
langhì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ l&[ng]g'i \ ) - 1) - to languish, lansésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ l&[ng]s'ese \ ) - 1) - to throw
to pine. - 2) - to faint. - 3) - to waste away, to pine away oneself, to fling oneself. - 2) - to jump (from a plane). See
(in a fig. sense). It uses the aux. "avèj ". also the terms "slansésse, campésse".
langhìcio - n. m. (pr. \ l&[ng]g’i[ch]iu \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any) - lansëtta - n. f. (pr. \ l&[ng]s'&tt& \ ) - See lancëtta.
1) - envy. See also the terms “inghicio, anghicio “. lansì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ l&[ng]s'i \ ) - to piss, to pee.
Sometimes also : 2) - delusion, illusion. Vulgat slang term. See also the terms "pissé, uriné ".
langhidëssa - n. f. (pr. \ l&[ng]gid'&ss& \ ) At plr. langhidësse. lansié - n. m. (pr. \ l&[ng]si'e \ ) - See lancié.
- 1) - languor, weakness, faintness. - 2) - simpering, lansin - n. m. (pr. \ l&[ng]s'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - hook. - 2)
languishing look. - pretext, excuse (in a fig. sense). See also the terms
langna - n. f. (pr. \ l'&[ng][gn]& \ ) - See lanì. "ansin, onsin".
langor - n. m. (pr. \ l&[ng]g'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - languor, lantànio - n. m. (pr. \ l&nt'&niô \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any -
listlessness, weakness. - 2) - simpering looks. See also the chemical element) - lanthanium.
terms "vanità, veuid". The expression "langor dë stòmi, lanterna - n. f. (pr. \ l&nt'ærn& \ ) At plr. lanterne. - 1) -
vanità dë stòmi" means "pangs of hunger". lantern. - 2) - light
langrigna - n. f. (pr. \ l&[ng]gr'i[gn]& \ ) At plr. (if any) - lantërnin - n. m. (pr. \ l&nt'&rni[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - small
langrigne. - rachitis, rickets. lantern. A way of saying "sërché quaicòs con ël lanternin"
langrignù - adj. (pr. \ l&[ng]gri[gn]'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. langrignù "to serch high and low for st. ".
- fm. sng. and plr. langrignùa, langrignùe. - rachitic, lantërnon - n. m. (pr. \ l&nt'&rnu[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - big
rickety, meagre, emaciated. lantern, street-lamp.
languent - adj. (pr. \ l&[ng]gu'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. languent - fm. lanù - adj. (pr. \ l&n'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. lanù - fm. sng. and plr.
sng. and plr. languenta, languente. - languishing. lanùa, lanùe. - wool-covered (lit. meaning), hairy,
lànguid - adj. (pr. \ l'&[ng]guid \ ) - See langhi. hirsute, shaggy. See also the term "lanos".
lanì - n. m. (pr. \ l&n'i \ ) Inv. at plr. (usually al plr.) - baby's lan-a - n. f. (pr. \ l'&[ng]& \ ) At plr. lan-e. - wool.
napkin. See also the terms "langna, lan-ia". lan-ia - n. f. (pr. \ l'&[ng]i& \ ) - See lanì.
lanié - n. (pr. \ l&ni'e \ ) Ms. plr. lanié - fm. sng. and plr. lapa - n. f. (pr. \ l'&p& \ ) At plr. lape. - 1) - gluttony, dainty
laniéra, laniere. - 1) - woollen manufacturer (sbst.). - 2) - morsel. - 2) - merrymaking. - 3) - pleasure. - 4) -
woollen, wool (as an attribute) (adj.). enjoyment.
lanifissi - n. m. (pr. \ l&nif'isi \ ) Inv. at plr. - woollen mill, lapabreu - n. (pr. \ l&p&br'[oe] \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
woollen factory. incapable person, sponger, good-for-nothing fellow.
lanlàcio - adj. and n. (pr. \ l&[ng]l'&[ch]iu \ ) Ms. plr. lanlacio lapada - n. f. (pr. \ l&p'&d& \ ) At plr. lapade. - 1) - hearty
- fm. sng. and plr. lanlacia, lanlace. - 1) - unsuited, unfit meal, square meal. - 2) - bellyful. See also the term
(adj.). - 2) - inept, incapable (adj.). - 3) - bungler, "lapagi".
botcher, incompetent person (sbst.). See also the term lapadura - n. f. (pr. \ l&p&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. lapadure. -
"lanlass, gamacio". lapping (metallurgy).
lanlass - adj. and n. (pr. \ l&[ng]l'&s \ ) Ms. plr. lanlass - fm. lapagi - n. m. (pr. \ l&p'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - hearty meal,
sng. and plr. lanlassa, lanlasse. - 1) - unsuited, unfit square meal. - 2) - bellyful. - 3) - noisy eating. See also
(adj.). - 2) - inept, incapable (adj.). - 3) - bungler, the term "lapada".
botcher, incompetent person (sbst.). See also the term lapalissian - adj. (pr. \ l&p&lisi'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. lapalissian -
"lanlàcio". fm. sng. and plr. lapalissian-a, lapalissian-e. - obvious,
lanolin-a - n. f. (pr. \ l&nul'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. (if any) lanolin-e. self-evident.
- lanolin, lanoline, wool-fat (chemistry). laparoscopìa - n. f. (pr.\l&p&ruscup'i&\) At plr. laparoscopìe.
lanos - adj. (pr. \ l&n'uz \ ) Ms. plr. lanos - fm. sng. and plr. - laparoscopy.
lanosa, lanose. - 1) - wolly, wollen, wool (as an attribute). laparotomìa - n. f. (pr. \l&p&rutum'i&\ ) At plr. laparotomìe.
- 2) - wool-like. - laparotomy.

lapassa - n. f. (pr. \ l&p'&s& \ ) At plr. lapasse - coltsfoot largh - 1) - adj. (pr. \ l&rg \ ) Ms. plr. largh - fm. sng. and plr.
(botany - Tussilago farfara). larga, larghe. - 1) - broad, wide. - 2) - large, ample,
lapassuch - n. and adj. (pr. \ l&p&s'[ue]c \ ) Inv. in gnd. and wide. - 3) - loose (suit, clothes). - 4) - generous, liberal (in
nr. - 1) - rough, rude, boorish (adj.). - 2) - boor, lout. See a fig. sense).
also the term "lampòiro". largh - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ l&rg \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - breadth,
lapatriss - n. f. (pr. \ l&p&tr'is \ ) Inv. at plr. - lapping width. - 2) - open sea. - 3) - largo (music). - 4) - square
machine (metallurgy). (streets). See also the terms "largor, larghëssa, largo".
lapé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ l&p'e \ ) - 1) - to eat (abundantly). - larghé - vrb 1st con. trs. sometime int. (pr. \ l&rg'e \ ) - 1) - to
2) - to eat noisily. - 3) - to eat using tongue like cats and widen, to enlarge. In this sense see the most common term
dogs. - 4) - to lap (metallurgy). "slarghé ". - 2) - to pasture, to bring animals to pasture. -
làpida - n. f. (pr. \ l'&pid& \ ) At plr. làpide. - 1) - tombstone, 3) - Sometime also: to be generour, to be profuse. In this
gravestone. In this sense see also the term "piràmida". - 2) case it is int. but anyway it uses the aux, "avèj ". In this
- memorial tablet. sense see also the term "larghegé ".
lapidàire - n. (pr. \ l&pid'&ire \ ) Ms. plr. lapidàire - fm. sng. larghegé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ l&rgej'e \ ) - to be generour,
and plr. lapidàira, lapidàire. - bore, tiresome person, to be profuse, to be lavish. See also the term "larghé 3rd
nuisance. meaning".
lapidari - 1) - adj. (pr. \ l&pid'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. lapidari - fm. larghëssa - n. f. (pr. \ l&rg'&ss& \ ) At plr. larghësse. - 1) -
sng. and plr. lapidaria, lapidarie. - 1) - lapidary (lit. broadness, width. - 2) - breadth. - 3) - largeness,
sense). - 2) - lapidary, sententious, aphoristic, concise. abundance (in a fig. sense). - 4) - generosity, liberality.
lapidari - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ l&pid'&ri \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - stone- largì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ l&rj'i \ ) - to bestow, to grant, to
cutter. - 2) - epigraphic museum. - 3) - epigraphy. give liberally. See also the term "elargì ".
lapidària - n. f. (pr. \ l&pid'&ri& \ ) At plr. (if any). lapidarie. largission - n. f. (pr. \ l&rjisi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - donation.
- 1) - art of inscriptions. - 2) - epigraphy. See also the terms "elargission, donativ".
lapidassion - n. f. (pr. \ l&pid&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - stoning, largitor - n. (pr. \ l&rjit'ur \) Ms. plr. largitor - fm. sng. and
lapidation. plr. largitriss, largitriss. - bestower. See also the term
lapidator - n. m. (pr. \ l&pid&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - stoner. "elargitor".
lapidatriss - n. f. (pr. \ l&pid&tr'is \ ) Inv. at plr. - honing largo - n. m. (pr. \ l'&rgô \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - largo (music). - 2)
machine (technique). - square (streets). - 3) - used in the expression "fé largo
lapidatura - n. f. (pr. \ l&pid&t'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. lapidature. - to make way ".
honing (technique). largor - n. m. (pr. \ l&rg'ur \) Inv. at plr. - See larghëssa.
lapidé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ l&pid'e \ ) - to stone, to lapidate. laringal - adj. (pr. \ l&ri[ng]g'&l \) Ms. plr. laringaj - fm. sng.
lapieu - n. m. (pr. \ l&pi'[eu] \ ) Inv. at plr. - ground elder, and plr. laringal, laringaj. - laryngeal (phonology).
herb gerard, bishop's weed (botany - Aegopodium laringe - n. f. (pr. \ l&r'inje \) Inv. at plr. - larynx (anatomy).
podagraria). See also the terms "laringia, gariòt ".
lapin - n. m. (pr. \ l&pi'[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - rabbit. In this laringia - n. f. (pr. \ l&r'inji& \) - See laringe.
sense see also the term "cunij ". - 2) - spitle, spit. Vulgar laringìte - n. f. (pr. \ l&rinj'ite \) Inv. at plr. - laryngitis.
slang term. See also the term "spuv". laringoiàtra - n. (pr. \l&ri[ng]gui'&tr&\) Ms. plr. laringoiàtra
làpis - n. m. (pr. \ l'&pis \ ) Inv. at plr. - pencil. See also the - fm. sng. and plr. laringoiàtra, laringoiàtre. -
terms "crajon, matita". laryngologist, throat-specialist.
lapislàssoj - n. m. plr. (pr. \ l&pisl'&suy \ ) Only plr. - lapis- laringoiatrìa - n. f. (pr. \ l&ri[ng]gui&tr'i& \ ) At plr.
lazuli (mineral). laringoiatrìe. - laryngology.
làpola - n. f. (pr. \ l'&pul& \ ) At plr. làpole. - ford. See also laringologìa - n. f. (pr. \ l&ri[ng]guluj'i& \ ) At plr.
the term "nàpola". laringologìe. - laryngology.
lapon - 1) - n. and adj. (pr. \ l&p'u[ng] \ ) - Ms. plr. lapon - fm. laringoscopìa - n. f. (pr. \ l&ri[ng]guscup'i& \ ) At plr.
sng. and plr. lanpon-a, lapon-e. - 1) - Lappish, Lapp laringoscopìe. - laryngoscopy.
(adj.). - 2) - Laplander, Lapp (sbst.). laringoscòpi - n. m. (pr. \ l&ri[ng]gusc'opi \ ) Inv. at plr. -
lapon - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ l&p'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any) - laryngoscope.
Lappish (the language). laringotomìa - n. f. (pr. \ l&ri[ng]gutum'i& \ ) At plr.
Lapònia - n. f. (pr. \ l&p'oni& \ ) Noun of a land, only sng. In laringotomìe. - laryngotomy.
case of need at plr. Lapònie. - Lapland. laringotracheite - n. f. (pr. \ l&ri[ng]gutr&ke'ite \ ) Inv. at plr.
lapura - n. f. (pr. \ l&p'ur& \ ) At plr. lapure. - 1) - noisy - laryngotracheitis.
eating. - 2) - eating of dogs and cats. - 3) - licking. larma - n. f. (pr. \ l'&rm& \ ) - See lerma.
lard - n. m. (pr. \ l'&rd \ ) Inv. at plr. - lard, bacon fat. larva - n. f. (pr. \ l'&rv& \ ) At plr. larve. - 1) - larva, grub
lardé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ l&rd'e \ ) - 1) - to lard (cooking). - (zoology). - 2) - shadow, gost, mere semblance (in a fig.
2) - to intrelard, to cram, to fill. (cooking). - 3) - to sense).
thrash, to cudgel (in a fig. sense). See also the term larvà - adj. (pr. \ l&rv'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - masked,
"anlardé". hidden, concealed. See also the term "mascrà ".
lardon - n. m. (pr. \ l&rd'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - salted lard. larval - adj. (pr. \ l&rv'&l \ ) Ms. plr. larvaj - fm. sng. and plr.
lardos - adj. (pr. \ l&rd'uz \ ) Ms. plr. lardos - fm. sng. and plr. larval, larvaj. - larval (zoology).
lardosa, lardose. - fat, fatty. lasagna - n. f. (pr. \ l&z'&[gn]& \) At plr. lasagne. - "lasagne"
lardum - n. m. (pr. \ l&rd'[ue]m \ ) Inv. at plr. - grease, fat, (cooking).
grease of lard. lasagnor - n. m. (pr. \ l&z&[gn]'ur \) Inv. at plr. - rolling-pin,
laré - vrn 1st con. int. (pr. \ l&r'e \ ) - to talk, to chat. It uses roller (cooking).
the aux. "avèj ". lasaret - n. m. (pr. \ l&z&r'æt \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - quarantine
làres - n. m. plr. (pr. \ l'&ræz \ ) Only plr. - lares, household station, isolation hospital. - 2) - lazaret, lazzaretto
gods. See also the terms "vej, grand" (at plr.). (history).
larga (a la ---). - adv. loc. (pr. \ & l& l'&rg&\ ) - at a distance, lasaroléra - n. f. (pr. \ l&z&rul'er& \) - See lasaròla.

lasaron - n. (pr. \ l&z&r'u[ng] \) Ms. plr. lasaron - fm. sng. làssita - n. f. (pr. \ l'&sit& \ ) At plr. làssite. - legacy, bequest.
and plr. lasaron-a, lasaron-e. - 1) - rascal, ruffian. - 2) - See also the term "làssit".
sluggard. lassiv - adj. (pr. \ l&s'iu \ ) Ms. plr. lassiv - fm. sng. and plr.
lasaronà - n. f. (pr. \ l&z&run'& \) Inv. at plr. - rascally trick. lassiva, lassive. - lascivious, lewd, wanton.
lasaròla - n. f. (pr. \ l&z&r'ol& \) At plr. lasaròle. - azarole lassìvia - n. f. - lasciviousness, lewdness, wantonness.
(the fruit). The tree is called "pianta 'd lasaròle" (botany - lassù - adv. (pr. \ l&s'[ue] \ ) - 1) - up there. - 2) - up above. -
Crataegus azarolus), and usually not "lasaroléra" as it 3) - up North.
should be according to the piedm. "rule". See also the term lastra - n. f. (pr. \ l'&str& \ ) At plr. lastre. - 1) - slab (stone,
"rasaròla". etc.). - 2) - plate (metal). - 3) - sheet (glass, ice). - 4) - X-
làser - n. m. (pr. \ l'&zær \) Inv. at plr. - laser. ray photograph.
laserda - n. f. (pr. \ l&z'ærd& \) At plr. laserde. - lizard lastricà - adj. and n. (pr. \ l&stric'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1)
(zoology - Lacerta). See also the most common term - paved, flagged (adj.). - 2) - stone paviment, paving.
"laserta". Quite an italianism. See also the best piedm. terms "sternìa,
laserdon - n. m. (pr. \ l&zærd'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - green stërnìa".
lizard (zoology - Lacerta viridis). See also the terms lastricador - n. m. (pr. \ l&stric&d'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - paver.
"ajeul, lajeul", and the loc. "laserda vërda". Quite an italianism. See also the best piedm. terms
laserta - n. f. (pr. \ l&z'ært& \) At plr. laserte. - lizard "sternior, stërnior".
(zoology - Lacerta). See also the term "laserda". lastricadura - n. f. (pr. \ l&stric&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
lasertin - n. m. (pr. \ l&zært'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - small lizard. lastricadure. - paving, flagging. Quite an italianism. See
Used in the idiomatic sentence "core com un lasertin lit. also the best piedm. terms "sterniura, stërniura".
to run as a small lizard" with a value of "to work very hard làstrich - n. m. (pr. \ l'&stric \ ) Inv. at plr. - stone paving.
without a rest, to be very busy and in a hurry" or also Quite an italianism. See also the best term "sternìa,
simply "to run very quickly". stërnìa".
lass - n. m. (pr. \ l&s \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - noose, slip-knot. - 2) - lastriché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ l&strik'e \ ) - to pave, to flag.
shoe-lace, shoe-string. - 3) - loop (medical). - 4) - snare, Quite an italianism. See also the best piedm. terms "sternì,
trap (also in a fig. sense). stërnì ".
lassapassé - n. m. (pr. \ l&s&p&s'e \) Inv. at plr. - permit, latànsio - n. m. (pr. \ l&t'&[ng]siô \ ) - Only sng. (chemical
pass. See also the term "passapòrt ", and the loc. "përmess element). In case of need inv. at plr. - Lactantius.
ëd passagi ". laté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ l&t'e \ ) - to nurse, to suckle. See
lassativ - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ l&s&t'iu \) Inv. at plr. - laxative. See also the most common loc. "dé 'l làit ".
also the terms "purga, purgativ, purgant". lateral - adj. - (pr. \ l&ter'&l \ ) Ms. plr. lateraj - fm. sng. and
lassativ - 2) - adj. (pr. \ l&s&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. lassativ - fm. sng. plr. lateral, lateraj. - lateral, side (as an attribute).
and plr. lassativa, lassative. - laxative. See also the terms lateralment - adv. (pr. \ l&ter&lm'ænt \ ) - laterally, sideways.
"purgativ, purgant". Italianism (quite used). See the most correct pied. loc. "da
lassé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ l&s'e \ ) - 1) - to leave (in general). fianch, da banda".
- 2) - to leave behind. In this sense see also the term laterissi - n. m. (pr. \ l&ter'isi \ ) Inv. at plr. - brick, bricks.
"dësmentié ". E. g. "i l'hai lassà le ciav a cà I left the keys latifond - n. m. (pr. \ l&tif'und \ ) Inv. at plr. - large landed
behind at home". - 3) - to let. In this sense see also the term estate, latifondum.
"përmëtte ". E. g. "lassa ch' a preuva let him try ". - 3) - latifondìsta - n. (pr. \l&tifund'ist&\ ) Ms. plr. latifondista - fm.
to abandon, to give up, to desert. In this sense see also sng. and plr. latifondista, latifondiste. - big landowner.
the terms "abandoné, bandoné, chité ". E. g. "vaire përson- latin - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ l&t'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - Latin
e a l'ha lassà la campagna many people abandoned the (the language).
country". - 4) - to break off, to leave off, to stop. In this latin - 2) - n. and adj. (pr. \ l&t'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. latin - fm. sng.
sense see also the term "chité" and the loc. "lassé sté". E. g. and plr. latin-a, latin-e. - 1) - Latin (sbst. and adj.). - 2) -
"lassa 'd fé romor stop making noise". - 5) - to keep - E. lateen (adj.). - 3) - quick (hardly used in this sense).
g. "lassa na fëtta 'd torta për toa sorela keep a slice of latin - 3) - adv. (pr. \ l&t'i[ng] \ ) - quickly. This term is hardly
cake for your sister". - 6) - to give, to let have. - E. g. "it lo used.
lasso për doi euro I let you have it for two euro". Note latinisassion - n. f. (pr. \ l&tiniz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
that the loc. "lassé andé, lasse boje, lassé core" mean "not
latinisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ l&tiniz'e \ ) - to Latinize.
to bother, to let things go their own way, to forget, to let
latinism - n. m. (pr. \ l&tin'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - Latinism.
drop it". The expression "lassé andé" means "to let go (st.)"
latinista - n. (pr. \ l&tin'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. latinista - fm. sng. and
or also "to hit out (a blow)". In both these cases see also the
term "molé". plr. latinista, latiniste. - Latinist.
lasséie - vrb 1st con. trs. + adv. (pr. \ l&s'eie \ ) - to lose, to cost latinità - n. f. (pr. \ l&tinit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - Latinity.
latitansa - n. f. (pr. \ l&tit'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr. latitanse. - 1) -
(imp). E. g. "ël soldà a l'ha lassaie la ghirba = it cost the
absence to avoid arrest. - 2) - absence to avoid the duty
soldier his life".
(in a fig. sense).
lasséje - vrb 1st con. trs. + adv. (pr. \ l&s'eye \ ) - See lasseie.
latitant - n. and adj. (pr. \ l&tit'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. latitant - fm.
lassésse - vrb 1st con. refl. and recp. (pr. \ l&s'ese \ ) - 1) - to let
sng. and plr. latitanta, latitante. - 1) - absconding, at
oneself. (refl.). The expression "lassésse andé", often in a
large (adj.). - 2) - absconder, fugitive fron justice (sbst.).
fig. sense, is transated into "to let oneself go". - 2) - to
leave each other (recp.). - 3) - fugitive from one's duty (in a fig. sense) (sbst.).
lassism - n. m. (pr. \ l&s'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - laxity, latité - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ l&tit'e \ ) - to abscond (also in a
fig. meaning). It uses the aux. "avèj". See also the term
"stërmésse, scondse".
lassist - n. and adj. (pr. \ l&s'ist \ ) Ms. plr. lassist - fm. sng.
latitudinal - adj. (pr. \ l&tit[ue]din'&l \ ) Ms. plr. latitudinaj -
and plr. lassista, lassiste. - 1) - laxist, permissivist,
fm. sng. and plr. latitudinal, latitudinaj. - latitudinal.
permissionist. - 2) - permissive (adj.).
latitùdin - n. f. (pr. \ l&tit'[ue]di[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - latitude.
làssit - n. m. (pr. \ l'&sit \ ) Inv. at plr. - legacy, bequest. See
lato - n. m. (pr. \ l'&tô \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - side. - 2) - point of
also the term "làssita".
view, standpoit. - 3) - end (in some cases).

lator - n. (pr. \ l&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. lator - fm. sng. and plr. "lavagi a sech" is translated into "dry-cleaning", and the
latriss, latriss. - bearer, conveyer, conveyor. See also the loc. "lavagi dël servél " is translated into "brainwashing".
terms "porteur, portador". See also the terms "lavatura, lavanda 2nd and 3rd
latrin-a - n. f. (pr. \ l&tr'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. latrin-e. - latrine, meanings".
lavatory, water-closet. lavagna - n. f. (pr. \ l&v'&[gn]& \ ) At plr. lavagne. - 1) - slate
làuda - n. f. (pr. \ l'&ud& \ ) At plr. làude. - laud, praise. See (mineral). In this sense see also the term "ardésia". - 2) -
also the term "lòde". blackboard.
laudan - n. m. (pr. \ l&ud'&[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - lavaman - n. m. (pr. \ l&v&m'&[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - wash-
laudanum (pharmacy). stand. See also the term "lavàbos, lavabo, porta-bassin".
laudari - n. m. (pr. \ l&ud'&ri \ ) Inv. at plr. - laud-book. lavament - n. m. (pr. \ l&v&m'ænt \ ) - See lavanda 2nd and 3rd
laudativ - adj. - (pr. \ l&ud&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. laudativ - fm. sng. meanings".
and plr. laudativa, laudative. - laudative, laudatory, of lavanda - n. f. (pr. \ l&v'&nd& \ ) At plr. lavande. - 1) -
praise. lavender (botany - Lavandula officinalis). - 2) - washing,
laudé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ l&ud'e \ ) - to praise, to laud. wash. - 3) - lavage (medical). In the meanings 2) and 3)
See also the term "lodé ". see also the terms "lavagi, lavament, lavatura".
laudésse - vrb 1st cion. refl. (pr. \ l&ud'ese \ ) - to praise lavandé - n. (pr. \ l&v&nd'e \ ) Ms. plr. lavandé - fm. sng. and
oneself, to boast, to brag. A piedm. way of saying: "j'aso plr. lavandera, lavandere. - 1) - laudrerer (owner of a
'd Cavour: a-i é gnun che a-j lauda, as laudo da lor" = "the laundry). - 2) - washerman / washerwoman.
donkeys of Cavour: nobody praise them, they praise lavandera - n. f. (pr. \ l&v&nd'er& \ ) At plr. lavandere. -
themselves". Referred to boasters. washerwoman, laundress. - 2) - fishwife (in a fig. sense).
làur - n. m. (pr. \ l'&ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - laurel, bay-tree (botany lavanderìa - n. f. (pr. \ l&v&nder'i& \ ) At plr. lavanderìe. -
- Laurus nobilis). laundry, launderette.
laurant - n. (pr. \ l&ur'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. laurant - fm. sng. and lavandin - n. m. (pr. \ l&v&nd'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - wash-
plr. lauranta, laurante. - worker, workman / basin, sink.
workwoman. often referred to agricultural works or lavapiat - n. (pr. \ l&v&pi'&t \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - dish-
specific jobs. See also the terms "lavorant, lavorié, washer / scullery-maid. - 2) - dish-washing machine.
travajeur " lavassa - n. f. (pr. \ l&v'&s& \ ) At plr. lavasse. - great
lauré - 1) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ l&ur'e \ ) - to plough, to till burdock (botany - Arctium lappa).
the soil. See also the term "lavoré ". lavativ - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ l&v&t'iu \ ) Inv. at plr. - enema. See
lauré - 2) - n. (pr. \ l&ur'e \ ) Ms. plr. lauré - fm. sng. and plr. also the term "servissial".
laurera, laurere. - ploughman / ploughwoman. See also lavativ - 2) - n. and adj. (pr. \ l&v&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. lavativ - fm.
the terms "lauror, lavoror". sng. and plr. lavativa, lavative. - slacker, malingerer.
làurea - n. f. (pr. \ l'&ure& \ ) At plr. làuree. - university lavatòri - n. m. (pr. \ l&v&t'ori \ ) Inv. at plr. - wash-house,
degree, doctorate. washing place. See also the term "lavàu ".
laureà - adj. and n. (pr. \ l&ure'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - lavatriss - n. f. (pr. \ l&v&tr'is \ ) Inv. at plr. - washing-
graduate, graduated. machine. Sometime also in the spelling "lavatris".
laureand. - n. (pr. \ l&ure'&nd \ ) Ms. plr. laureand - fm. sng. lavatura - n. f. (pr. \ l&v&t'[ue]r& \ ) - See lavagi, lavanda 2nd
and plr. laureanda, laureande. - graduand, final-year and 3rd meanings.
student. lavàu - n. m. (pr. \ l&v'&u \ ) Inv. at plr. - - wash-house,
laureé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ l&ure'e \ ) - to confer the washing place. See also the term "lavatòri ".
degree, to graduate. lavé - vrb 1st con. trs. - (pr. \ l&v'e \ ) - 1) - to wash (in
laureésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ l&ure'ese \ ) - to take the general). - 2) - to wash up (dishes). - 3) - to clean (glasses,
degree, to be graduated. etc.)- 4) - to scrub (floor). - 5) - to cleanse (in a fig. sense).
laurel - n. m. (pr. \ l&ur'el \ ) At plr. laurej. - southernwood lavél - n. m. (pr. \ l&v'el \ ) At plr. lavéj. - sink.
(botany - Artemisia abrotanum). làver - n. m. (pr. \ l'&vær \ ) Inv. at plr. - lip, labium
laurera - n. f. (pr. \ l&ur'er& \ ) At plr. laurere. - (anatomy).
workwoman - See also the term "lavoréra" and the fm. of lavieu - (pr. \ l&vi'œ \ ) - See lajeul.
the terms "laurant, lauré 2)". lavor - n. m. (pr. \ l&w'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - work. Note that this
lauror - n. (pr. \ l&ur'ur \ ) Ms. plr. lauror - fm. sng. and plr. word is not used for "work" in general, but only in the
lauròira, lauròire. - ploughman / ploughwoman. See expression "dì 'd lavor" = "working day, week-day". And in
also the terms "lavoror, lauré 2)". the composite and derived words "caplavor, lavorant, etc.".
laurura - n. f. (pr. \ l&ur'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. laurure. - The word "work" is in general translated into "travaj ".
ploughing. See also the term "lavorura". lavorant - n. (pr. \ l&wur'&nt \ ) - See laurant.
lausenga - n. f. (pr. \ l&uz'æ[ng]g& \ ) - See lusinga. lavorassion - n. f. (pr. \ l&wur&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
làut - adj. (pr. \ l'&ut \ ) Ms. plr. làut - fm. sng. and plr. làuta, working, work, manufacture. - 2) - processing,
làute. - lavish, sumptuous. workmanship. - 2) - tilling (agriculture).
lava - n. f. (pr. \ l'&v& \ ) At plr. lave. - lava. lavorativ - adj. (pr. \ l&wur&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. lavorativ - fm.
lavà - 1) - adj. (pr. \ l&v'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - washed, sng. and plr. lavorativa, lavorative. - 1) - working. - 2) -
cleaned. tillable, arable (agriculture).
lavà - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ l&v'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - wash. - 2) - lavorator - n. (pr. \ l&wur&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. lavorator - fm. sng.
dressing down (in a fig. sense). and plr. lavoratriss, lavoratriss. - worker, labourer. The
lavada - n. f. (pr. \ l&v'&d& \ ) - See lavà - 2). term is referred to the social class of the workers.
lavàbil - adj. (pr. \ l&v'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. lavàbij - fm. sng. and Otherwise see the term "travajeur".
plr. lavàbil, lavàbij. - wahsble. lavoré - 1) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ l&wur'e \ ) - See lauré - 1).
lavabo - n. m. (pr. \ l&v'&bô \ ) - See lavàbos. lavoré - 2) - n. (pr. \ l&wur'e \ ) - See lauré - 2).
lavàbos - n. m. (pr. \ l&v'&buz \ ) Inv. at plr. - wash-basin, lavorera - n. f. (pr. \ l&wur'er& \ ) - See laurera.
wash-stand. See also the term "lavaman, lavabo". lavoreri - n. m. (pr. \ l&wur'eri \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - constant
lavagi - n. m. (pr. \ l&v'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - washing (in work, continual working. - 2) - intrigue (in a fig. sense).
general). - 2) - cleaning. - 3) - scavenging (gas). The loc. lavoror - n. (pr. \ l&wur'ur \ ) - See laurur.

lavorura - n. f. (pr. \ l&wur'[ue]r& \ ) - See laurura. - lawful, legitimate (adj.). - 3) - juridical (adj.). The
lavrass - n. m. (pr. \ l&vr'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - big lip. See also expression "nùmer legal " is translated into "quorum". and
the term "lavron". the expression "ora legal" is translated into "summer-time,
lavron - n. m. (pr. \ l&vr'u[ng] \ ) - See "lavrass". daylight saving time". 4) - lawyer, legal adviser, attorney
lavura - 1) - dish-water, dish-wash, - 2) - washing-water. - (sbst.).
3) - slops (in a fig, sense) "lavatura 'd piat". legalisassion - n. f. (pr. \ leg&liz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
le - determ. art. fm. plr. (pr. \ le \ ) At sng. la (see the term). - 1) legalization, authentication, certification.
- the. Used in front of fm. words starting by consonant. E. legalisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ leg&liz'e \ ) - 1) - to legalize, to
g. "le cà the houses", at sng. "la cà the house". Then in authenticate, to certify. - 2) - to notarize.
Engl. the Piedm. art. can be translated in other ways: - 2) - legalism - n. m. (pr. \ leg&l'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - legalism.
some, any. E. g. "va a caté le cerese go and buy some legalista - n. (pr. \ leg&l'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. legalista - fm. sng.
cherries ". - 3) - In other cases the piedm. art. is not and plr. legalista, legaliste. - legalist.
translate in Engl. E. g. "le poer a ìrito j'euj powders legalìstich - adj. (pr. \ leg&l'istic \ ) Ms. plr. legalistich - fm.
irritates eyes". - 4) - pos. adj. E. g. "dame le matite give sng. and plr. legalistica, legalistiche. - legalistic.
me your pencils". legalità - n. f. (pr. \ leg&lit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - lawfulness,
lea - n. f. (pr. \ l'e& \ ) At plr. lee. - avenue, "boulevard", legality. See also the term "legitimità ".
wooded street, row of trees. (Usually a double row of legalitari - adj. (pr. \ leg&lit'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. legalitari - fm.
trees on both sides of a foot-path. See also the term "lèja". sng. and plr. legalitaria, legalitarie. - respectful of
leal - adj. (pr. \ le'&l \ ) Ms. plr. leaj - fm. sng. and plr. leal, legality, legalistic.
leaj. - 1) - faithful, loyal. - 2) -fair, honest, upright. legament - n. m. (pr. \ leg&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - ligament
lealtà - n. f. (pr. \ le&lt'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - faithfulness, (anatomy).
loyalty. - 2) - fairness, honesty, uptightness. legant - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ leg'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. - binder
leànder - n. m. (pr. \ le'&ndær \ ) Inv. at plr. - oleander, rose- (chemistry, buildings).
bay (botany - Nerium oleander). legant - 2) - adj. (pr. \ leg'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. legant - fm. sng. and
leard - adj. (pr. \ le'&rd \ ) Ms. plr. leard - fm. sng. and plr. plr. leganta, legante. - binding (chemistry, buildings).
learda, learde. - 1) - grey. - 2) - dapple-grey. legant - 3) - n. (pr. \ leg'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. legant - fm. sng. and
leàtica - n. f. (pr. \ le'&tic&\ ) At plr. leàtiche. - type of italian plr. leganta, legante. - legator, devisor (legal).
grapes. legassion - n. f. (pr. \ leg&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - legation.
leàtich - n. f. (pr. \ le'&tic \ ) Inv. at plr. - type of italian wine, legat - n. m. (pr. \ leg'&t \ ) - See legà - 1).
"Aleatico". See also the term "aleàtich". legatari - n. (pr. \ leg&t'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. legatari - fm. sng. and
lebra - n. f. (pr. \ l'ebr& \ ) At plr. (if any). lebre. - leprosy. plr. legatària, legatàrie. - legatee, devisee (legal).
lebros - adj. and n. (pr. \ lebr'uz \ ) Ms. plr. lebros - fm. sng. legatissi - adj. (pr. \ leg&t'isi \ ) Ms. plr. legatissi - fm. sng. and
and plr. lebrosa, lebrose. - 1) - leprous (adj.). - 2) - leper plr. legatìssia, legatìssie. - legatine (church).
(sbst.). lege - n. f. (pr. \ l'eje \ ) Inv. at plr. 1) - law. - 2) - rule,
lebrosari - n. m. (pr. \lebruz'&ri\ ) Inv. at plr. - leper hospital. principle. - 3) - act (of Parliament). - 4) - bill. See also the
lech - 1) - adj. (pr. \ læc \ ) Ms. plr. lech - fm. sng. and plr. term "lèj ". As an italianism, it happens sometine to find
lëcca, lëcche. - greedy, gluttonous. also the plr. "legi ".
lech - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ læc \ ) Inv. at plr. - target, butt, mark, legenda - n. f. (pr. \ lej'ænd& \ ) At plr. legende. - 1) - legend. -
jack (bows). 2) - tale. - 3) - inscription, legend. - 4) - caption.
lechet - n. m. (pr. \ lek'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - dainty, delicacy, legendari - 1) - adj. (pr. \ lejænd'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. legendari -
titbit. - 2) - tempting thing, inviting thing (in a fig. fm. sng. and plr. legendaria, legendarie. - 1) - legendary,
sense). See also the terms "lëcchet, lëcchëzzo". legendry. - 2) - wonderful, extraordinary (in a gif.
lécit - 1) - adj. (pr. \ l'e[ch]it \ ) Ms. plr. lécit - fm. sng. and plr. sense).
lécita, lécite. - 1) - right, permitted, permissible, legendari - 2) - n. m. (pr. \lejænd'&ri\ ) Inv. at plr. - legendary
allowable. - 2) - licit, lawful, legitimate (legal). (religion).
lécit - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ l'e[ch]it \ ) Inv. at plr. - right. See also legér - adj. (pr. \ lej'er \ ) Ms. plr. legér - fm. sng. and plr.
the term "lecità". legera, legere. - 1) - light. - 2) - light-weight. - 3) -
lecità - n. f. (pr. \ le[ch]it'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - right. See also the nimble, light-footed. - 4) - slight. - 5) - thoughtless,
term "lécit - 2)". irresponsible. - 6) - soft. See also the term "lingér".
lecitin-a - n. f. (pr. \ le[ch]it'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. (in case of need) legera - n. f. (pr. \ lej'er& \ ) At plr. legere. - 1) - vagrant,
lecitin-e. - lecithin (chemistry - biology). vagabond. - 2) - idler, loafer. - 3) - who lives by one's
lega - n. f. (pr. \ l'eg& \ ) At plr. leghe. - 1) - league, alliance wits. See also the terms "ligera, lingera". Note that the fm.
(politics, history) - 2) - combination, combine, union term does not refer to females only, but includes the two
(association). See also the term "liga". - 3) - alloy genders.
(metallurgy). The expression "ëd bassa lega" means "of legerëssa - n. f. (pr. \ lejer'&ss& \ ) At plr. legerësse. - 1) -
inferior quality". lightness. - 2) - nimbleness, agility. - 3) - thoughtless
legà - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ leg'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - ambassador. - action. - 4) - thoughtlessness.
2) - Legate (church). See also the term "legat". legerì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ lejer'i \ ) - 1) - to lighten, to
legà - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ leg'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - legacy, bequest. relieve. - 2) - to lessen, to ease. - 3) - to reduce, to ease. -
legador - n. (pr. \ leg&d'ur \ ) Ms. plr. legador - fm. sng. and See also the terms "lingerì, slingerì ".
plr. legadòira, legadòire. - bookbinder. legerìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ lejer'ise \ ) - 1) - to put on
lagadorìa - n. f. (pr. \ leg&dur'i& \ ) At plr. legadorìe. - lighter clothes. - 2) - to relieve oneself (from a wight). See
bookbinging establishment, bookbindery. also the terms "lingerìsse, slingerìsse, alegerìsse ".
legadura - n. f. (pr. \ leg&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. legadure - 1) - leghé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ leg'e \ ) - 1) - to tie, to
tying, binding. - 2) - bookbinding. - 3) - ligature (music, fasten (trs.). - 2) - to bind (trs.). - 3) - to connect (trs.). In
typography). - 4) - setting, mounting (jewelry). See also these senses the term is quite an italianism. See also the
the terms "ligadura, liura, lijura, anliura". best terms "lié, anlié, gropé ". - 4) - to alloy (metallurgy)
legal - adj. and n. (pr. \ leg'&l \ ) Ms. plr. legaj - fm. sng. and (trs. and int.). - 5) - to bequeath, to will, to devise (legal)
plr. legal, legaj. - 1) - legal, law (as an attribute) (adj.). - 2) (trs.). - 6) - to join up, to get in (int.). - 7) - to connect, to

be connected (int.). - 8) - to thicken (int.) (cooking, etc.). lendna - n. f. (pr. \ l'ændn& \ ) At plr. lendne. - nit. See also
In this sense see also the term "lighé ". In any case it uses the terms "landna, landinon, lendnon - 1)".
the aux. "avèj ". lendné - adj. (pr. \ lændn'e \ ) Ms. plr. lendné - fm. sng. and
legìbil - adj. (pr. \ lej'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. legìbij - fm. sng. and plr. plr. lendnera, lendnere. - nitty. See also the terms
legìbil, legìbij. - 1) - legible. - 2) - readable, worth "lendnos, landinos, lendnon - 2)".
reading. See also the best term "lesìbil". lendnon - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ lændn'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - nit. See
legibilità - n. f. (pr. \ lejibilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - legibility. - also the terms "lendna, landna, landinon".
2) - readability. - See also the best term "lesibilità ". lendnon - 2) - adj. (pr. \ lændn'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. lendnon - fm.
legiferé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ lejifer'e \ ) - to legislate. It uses sng. and plr. lendnon-a, lendnon-e. - nitty. See also the
the aux. "avèj ". terms "lendnos, landinos, lendné".
legion - n. f. (pr. \ leji'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - legion. lendnos - adj. (pr. \ lændn'uz \ ) - See lendné.
legionari - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ lejiun'&ri \ ) Inv. at plr. - legionary. lenga - n. f. (pr. \ læ[ng]g& \ ) At plr. lenghe. - 1) - tongue
legionari - 2) - adj. (pr. \ lejiun'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. legiunari - fm. (anatomy, cooking, adn in a fig. sense). - 2) - language,
sng. and plr. legiunària, legiunàrie. - legionary. tongue. In this sense see also the term "lengagi". - 3) -
legislassion - n. f. (pr. \ lejisl&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - tongue, strip.
legislation. lengagi - n. m. (pr. \ læ[ng]g'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - language,
legislativ - adj. (pr. \ lejisl&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. legislativ - fm. sng. tongue. See also the term "langagi, linguagi ".
and plr. legislativa, legislative. - legislative. lengal - adj. (pr. \ læ[ng]g'&l \ ) Ms. plr. lengaj - fm. sng. and
legislator - n. m. (pr. \ lejisl&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - legislator, plr. lengal, lengaj. - lingual. (anatomy, phonology).
lawmaker, lawgiver. lengassù - adj. and n. (pr. \ læ[ng]g&s'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. lengassù
legislatura - n. f. (pr. \ lejisl&t'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. legislature. - - fm. sng. and plr. lengassua, lengassùe. - 1) - gossipy,
legislature. slanderous (adj.). - 2) - slanderer, backbiter (sbst.) In this
legìtim - adj. (pr. \ lej'itim \ ) Ms. plr. legìtim - fm. sng. and meaning see also the loc. "mala lenga".
plr. legìtima, legìtime. - 1) - legitimate, lawful. - 2) - lenghëtta - n. f. (pr. \ læ[ng]g&tt& \ ) At plr. lenghëtte. - 1) -
right, proper, lawful. tongue (shoes). - 2) - reed (music). - 3) - tang, spline,
legìtima - n. f. (pr. \ lej'itim& \ ) At plr. legìtime. - legitime tongue (mechanics).
(legal). Portion of estate of wich a testator cannot dispose lenghista - n. (pr. \ læ[ng]g'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. lenghista - fm.
freely. sng. and plr. lenghista, lenghiste. - linguist.
legitimassion - n. f. (pr. \ lejitim&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - lenghìstica - n. f. (pr. \ læ[ng]g'istic& \ ) At plr. lenghìstiche. -
legitimation. linguistics.
legitimé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ lejitim'e \ ) - 1) - to legitimate, lenghìstich - adj. (pr. \ læ[ng]g'istic \ ) Ms. plr. lenghìstich -
to legitimatize, to legitimize. - 2) - to justify. fm. sng. and plr. lenghìstica, lenghìstiche. - linguistic,
legitimism - n. m. (pr. \ lejitim'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - legitimism. linguistical.
legitimista - n. (pr. \ lejitim'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. legìtimista - fm. lenì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ len'i \ ) - to soften, to mitigate, to
sng. and plr. legìtimista, legìtimiste. - legitimist. allay, to assuage, to soothe.
legitimìstich - adj. (pr. \ lejitim'istic \ ) Ms. plr. legìtimìstich - leniment - n. m. (pr. \ lenim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - lenience,
fm. sng. and plr. legìtimìstica, legìtimìstiche. - legitimist. leniency.
legitimità - n. f. (pr. \ lejitimit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - legitimacy. leninism - n. m. (pr. \ lenin'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - Leninism.
See also the term "legalità ". leninista - adj and n. (pr. \ lenin'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. leninista - fm.
legn - n. m. (pr. \ l'æ[gn] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - carriage. - 2) - sng. and plr. leninista, leniniste. - Leninist, Leninite.
wind instruments that can be made of wood (flutes). lenitiv - 1) - adj. (pr. \ lenit'iu \ ) Ms. plr. lenitiv - fm. sng. and
legulé - n. m. (pr. \ leg[ue]l'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - pettifogger. plr. lenitiva, lenitive. - lenitive, pain-kolling, sedative,
legum - n. m. (pr. \ leg'[ue]m \ ) Inv. at plr. - every kind of dry soothing (pharmacy).
edible legumes. See also the terms "fërsaja, fërzaja , lëm, lenitiv - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ lenit'iu \ ) Inv. at plr. - lenitive,
algum". sedative, pain-killer (pharmacy).
lèisna - n. f. (pr. \ l'æizn& \ ) At plr. lèisne. - awl. See also the lent - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ lænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - lens (physics). - 2)
term "lesna". - glasses. - 3) - bob (pendulum). - See also the term
lèj - n. f. (pr. \ l'æy \ ) - See lege. "lente".
lèja - n. f. (pr. \ l'æy& \ ) At plr. lee. - avenue, "boulevard", lent - 2) - adj. (pr. \ lænt \ ) Ms. plr. lent - fm. sng. and plr.
wooded street, row of trees. (Usually a double row of lenta, lente. - 1) - slow. - 2) - sluggish, lazy. In these two
trees on both sides of a foot-path. See also the term "lea". senses see also the best terms "meusi, pasi, longh ". - 3) -
lelo - n. and adj. (pr. \ l'elu \ ) Ms. plr. lelo - fm. sng. and plr. loose, slack. 4) - "lento" (music).
lela, lele. - 1) - foolish, stupid (adj.). - 2) - fool, blockhead lentament - adv. (pr. \ lænt&m'ænt \ ) - 1) - slowly. - 2) -
(sbst.). See also the term "langhërdan". lazily. - 3) - "lentamente" (music). See the most correct
lema - n. m. (pr. \ l'em& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - lemma terms "pian, adasi".
(mathematics, phylosophy). - 2) - headword, entry lente - n. f. (pr. \ l'ænte \ ) - See lent - 1).
(dictionaty). - 3) - grub, worm, caterpillar. In this sense lentëssa - n. f. (pr. \ lænt'&ss& \ ) At plr. lentësse. - slowness.
see also the terms "bòja, babòja, bagat, etc." See also the term "flema".
lemari - n. m. (pr. \ lem'&ri \ ) Inv. at plr. - word-list. lentìa - n. f. (pr. \ lænt'i& \ ) At plr. lentìe. - 1) - lentil (botany
lematisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ lem&tiz'e \ ) - to list as a - Lens esculenta). - 2) - freckle. - 3) - lens. - 4) - bob
headword, to insert in a dictionary. (pendulum). See also the term "lentija".
lembo - n. m. (pr. \ l'æmbu \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - headlong fall, lenticolar - adj. (pr. \ læntcul'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
tumble, bump with the behind. Slang term. See also the lenticular, lentiform.
term "culatà ". lentija - n. f. (pr. \ lænt'iy& \ ) - See lentìa.
lemo - n. m. . (pr. \ l'emu \ ) Inv. at plr. - pea (botany - Pisum lentijos - adj. (pr. \ læntiy'uz \ ) Ms. plr. lentijos - fm. sng. and
sativum). See also the most used terms "pòis, arbèj, plr. lentijosa, lentijose. - freckled. See also the term
arbion". "lentios".
len - adj. (pr. \ l'æ[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. len - fm. sng. and plr. len-a, lentios - adj. (pr. \ lænti'uz \ ) - See lentijos.
len-e. - 1) - light, gentle. - 2) - slight, faint.

len-a - n. f. (pr. \ l'æ[ng]& \ ) At plr. (if any). - len-e. - 1) - lesna - n. f. (pr. \ l'ezn& \ ) - See lèisna
vigour, energy, enthusiasm, stamina. - 2) - mood, good lesné - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ lezn'e \ ) - See lesiné.
mood, spirit. leson - n. m. (pr. \ lez'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - snow-plough sled.
leocemìa - n. f. (pr. \ læu[ch]em'i& \ ) At plr. leucemìe. - lessical - adj. (pr. \ lesic'&l \ ) Ms. plr. lessicaj - fm. sng. and
leukaemia (medical). plr. lessical, lessicaj. - lexical.
leocémich - adj. (pr. \ læu[ch]'emic \ ) Ms. plr. leocémich - fm. léssich - n. m. (pr. \ l'esic \ ) Inv. at plr. - lexicon.
sng. and plr. leocémica, leocémiche. - 1) - leukaemic lessicografìa - n. f. (pr. \ lesicugr&f'i& \ ) At plr. lessicografìe.
(adj.). - 2) - person suffering from leukaemia (sbst.). - lexicography.
leococit - n. m. (pr. \ læucu[ch]'it \ ) Inv. at plr. - leukocyte, lessicografich - adj. (pr. \ lesicugr'&fic \ ) Ms. plr.
leucocyte (biology). lessicogràfich - fm. sng. and plr. lessicogràfica,
leococitari - adj. (pr. \ læucu[ch]it'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. leococitari - lessicogràfiche. - lexicographic, lexicographical.
fm. sng. and plr. leococitària, leococitàrie. - leucocytic, lessicologìa - n. f. (pr. \ lesiculuj'i& \ ) At plr. lessicologìe. -
leukocytic, leucocytal (medical). lexicology.
leococitòsi - n. f. (pr. \ læucu[ch]it'ozi \ ) Inv. at plr. - lessicològich - adj. (pr. \ lesicul'ojic \ ) Ms. plr. lessicològich -
leucocytosis, leukocytosis (medical). fm. sng. and plr. lessicològica, lessicològiche. -
leocoplast - n. m. (pr. \ læucupl'&st \ ) Inv. at plr. - leucoplast lexicologic, lexicological.
(biology). lessicògrafo - n. (pr. \ lesic'ografô \ ) Ms. plr. lessicògrafo -
leocòma - n. m. (pr. \ læuc'om& \ ) Inv. at plr. - leucoma fm. sng. and plr. lessicògrafa, lessicògrafe. -
(medical). lexicographer.
leon - 1) - n. (pr. \ le'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. leon - fm. sng. and plr. lessicòlogh - n. (pr. \ lesic'olug \ ) - See lexicòlogo.
leonëssa, leonësse. - lion / lioness (zoology - Panthera lessicòlogo - n. (pr. \ lesic'olugô \ ) Ms. plr. lessicòlogo - fm.
leo). See also the term "lion". sng. and plr. lessicòloga, lessicòloghe. - lexicologist.
Leon - 2) - n. m. . (pr. \ le'u[ng] \ ) Noun of person only sng. In lession - n. f. (pr. \ lesi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - lesson. - 2) -
case of need inv. at plr. - Leo. class. - 3) - lecture. - 4) - homework. - 5) - reading. - 6) -
Leon - 3) - n. m. . (pr. \ le'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. (when rebuke, reprimand. - 7) - warning.
applicable). - 1) - Leo, the Lion (constellation). - 2) - Leo, lést - 1) - adj. (pr. \ lest \ ) Ms. plr. lést - fm. sng. and plr. lésta,
Leonian (born under the Leo constellation). léste. - 1) - quick, swift. - 2) - nimble, agile. - 3) - hasty,
leopard - n. m. (pr. \ leup'&rd \ ) Inv. at plr. - leopard hurried.
(zoology - Panthera pardus). See also the term "liopard ". lest - 2) - adv. (pr. \ lest \ ) - quickly, swifty.
lépid - adj. (pr. \ l'epid \ ) Ms. plr. lépid - fm. sng. and plr. lestëssa - n. f. (pr. \ lest'&ss& \ ) At plr. lestësse. - quickness,
lépida, lépide. - facetious, witty. See also the terms nimbleness.
"spiritos, facessios". lestofant - n. (pr. \ lestuf'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. lestofant - fm. sng.
lepidëssa - n. f. (pr. \ lepid'&ss& \ ) At plr. lepidësse. - 1) - wit, and plr. lestofanta, lestofante. - swindler, cheat.
facetiousness. - 2) - witticism. See also the term lét - n. m. (pr. \ l'et \ ) Inv. at plr. - bed. Note some expressions:
"facéssia". "vagon-lét sleeping-car" ; "stansia da lét bedroom" ;
lerda - n. f. (pr. \ l'ærd& \ ) At plr. lerde - great titmouse "lét a na piassa single bed" ; "lét a na piassa e mesa
(zoology - Parus major). See also the term "prussa". three-quarter bed" ; "lét a doe piasse double bed".
lerma - n. f. (pr. \ l'ærm& \ ) At plr. lerme - 1) - tear, tear- leta - n. f. (pr. \ l'et& \ ) At plr. lete. - right to vote, right to
drop. - 2) - drop, drip. See also the terms "larma, choose. See also the term "eleta".
làcrima". letal - adj. (pr. \ let'&l \ ) Ms. plr. letaj - fm. sng. and plr. letal,
lesa - n. f. (pr. \ l'ez& \ ) At plr. lese. - sledge, sleigh, sled. letaj. - lethal, mortal, deadly. See also the term
lésbica - n. f. (pr. \ l'ezbic& \ ) At plr. lésbiche. - lesbian. "mortìfer".
lésbich - adj. (pr. \ l'ezbic \ ) Ms. plr. lésbich - fm. sng. and plr. letargh - n. m. (pr. \ let'&rg \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - lethargy
lésbica, lésbiche. - lesbian. (medical). - 2) - hibernation (animals).
lesbism - n. m. (pr. \ lezb'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - lesbianism. letargìa - n. f. (pr. \ let&rj'i& \ ) At plr. letargìe. - lethargy
leschëtta - n. f. (pr. \ lesc'&tt& \ ) At plr. "leschëtte". - rush (medical).
(botany - Juncus). letàrgich - adj. (pr. \ let'&rjic \ ) Ms. plr. letàrgich - fm. sng.
lese - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ l'eze \ ) - to read. and plr. letàrgica, letàrgiche. - 1) - lethargic (medical). -
lesen-a - n. f. (pr. \lez'æ[ng]&\ ) At plr. lesen-e. - pilaster strip 2) - hibernating (animals).
(architecture). letéra - n. f. (pr. \ let'er& \ ) At plr. letére. - 1) - bedstread.
leset - n. m. (pr. \ lez'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - small sledge, sled. See See also the term "lëttera". If foldable see "plian". - 2) -
also the term "lesëtta". litter (animals. In this sense see also the term "giass".
lesëtta - n. f. (pr. \ lez'&tt& \ ) - See leset. létera - n. f. (pr. \ l'eter& \ ) At plr. létere. - 1) - letter. - 2) -
lesìbil - adj. (pr. \ lez'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. lesìbij - fm. sng. and plr. epistle (Bible). - See also the terms "lìtera, litra ".
lesìbil, lesìbij. - 1) - legible. - 2) - readable, worth leteral - adj. (pr. \ leter'&l \ ) Ms. plr. leteraj - fm. sng. and plr.
reading. See also the best term "legìbil". leteral, leteraj. - literal. See also the term "literal ".
lesibilità - n. f. (pr. \ lezibilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - legibility. - leteralment - adv. (pr. \ leter&lm'ænt \ ) - literally. Italianism.
2) - readability. - See also the best term "legibilità ". See the best piedm. expression "a la litra, etc.".
lesiné - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ lezin'e \ ) - 1) - to skimp, leterari - adj (pr. \ leter'&ri \ ) - Ms. plr. leterari - fm. sng. and
to grudge. (trs). - 2) - to skimp to be stingy (int.). See also plr. leteràtia, leteràrie. - litereary, bookish. See also the
the terms "lesné, misurésse" and the vrbl. loc. "tiré ant...". term "literari ".
It uses anyway the aux. "avèj ". leterariament - adv. (pr. \ leter&ri&m'ænt \ ) - from a literal
lesion - n. f. (pr. \ lezi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - damage. - 2) - point of view. Italianism. See also the best piedm.
lesion (medical). - 3) - injury (legal). - 4) - crack (related expression "da na mira leterària".
to things). - See also the term "lusion". leteratura - n. f. (pr. \ leter&t'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. leterature. -
lesioné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ leziun'e \ ) - 1) - to damage. - 2) literature. - See also th e terms "literatura, litratura".
- to lesion (medical). létere - n. f. pl. (pr. \ l'etere \ ) Only plr. - literature, letters,
lesiv - adj. (pr. \ lez'iu \ ) Ms. plr. lesiv - fm. sng. and plr. Arts.
lesiva, lesive. - injurious, prejudicial.

letìga - n. f. (pr. \ let'ig& \ ) - 1) - sedan-chair. In this sense see spelling is "lëvé " (see the term), and see also the terms
also the terma "portantin-a, bùssola". - 2) - stretcher, "alvé, lvé ".
litter. - In this sense see also the term "barela". - 3) - leveràgi - n. m. (pr. \ lever'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - compound
barrow, handbarrow. In this sense see also the term lever. (mechanics).
"sivera". levésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ lev'ese \ ) to get up, to rise. See
letìssia - n. f. (pr. \ let'isi& \ ) At plr. letìssie. - joy, happiness. also the terms "alvésse, ausésse".
See also the terms "gòj, argiojissansa, alegrëssa, etc.". levr - n. f. (pr. \ l'eur \ ) Inv. at plr. - hare (zoology - Lepus).
letor - n. (pr. \ let'ur \ ) Ms. plr. letor - fm. sng. and plr. letriss, levrëtta - n. f. (pr. \ leur'&tt& ; levr'&tt& \ ) At plr. levrëtte. -
letriss. - 1) - reader. - 2) - lecturer, assistant (University). leveret. See also the term (more common) "lëvròt ".
- 3) - lector (religion). lëcca - n. f. (pr. \ l'&cc& \ ) At plr. lëcche. - 1) - dripping-pan.
letura - n. f. (pr. \ let'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. leture. - 1) - reading. - - 2) - blow, stroke, knock.
2) - text, reading-text. - 3) - lecture. lëccabalustre - n. (pr. \ l&cc&b&l'[ue]stre \ ) Inv. in gnd. and
leturil - n. m. (pr. \ let[ue]r'il \ ) At plr. leturij. - 1) - book-rest, nr. - bigot, zealot. See also the terms "bërlicabalustre,
reading-desk. - 2) - music-stand (music). - 3) - lectern lëccabardele".
(religion). See also the term " leturin". lëccabardele - n. (pr. \ l&cc&b&rdele \ ) - See lëccabalustre.
leturin - n. m. (pr. \ let[ue]r'i[ng] \ ) - See leturil. lëccàire - n. (pr. \ l&cc'&ire \ ) Ms. plr. lëccàire - fm. sng. and
leturista - n. (pr. \ let[ue]r'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. leturista - fm. sng. plr. lëccàira, lëccàire. - guzzler, greedy-guts. See also the
and plr. leturista, leturiste. - meter-reader, meter terms "lëccapiat, bërlicafojòt goliard ".
inspector. lëccapiat - n. (pr. \ l&cc&pi'&t \ ) - See lëccàire.
leu - n. m. (pr. \ lœ \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - place, locality, scene. lëcché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ l&kk'e \ ) - 1) - to lick. - 2) - to
In this sense see also the term "pòst". - 2) - spot. See also flatter (in a fig. sense). - 3) - to overpolish (in a fig.
the terms "pòst, pont". - 3) - passage (in a fig. sense, sense). See also the term "bërliché ".
usually in literature). - 4) - locus (geometry). E. g. "na lëcchésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ b&rlik'ese \ ) - 1) - to lick
sféra a l'é 'l leu dij pont ant lë spassi che a l'han na oneself. - 2) - to titivate oneself. We note the three
distansa da un dàit pont C, minor ò ugual al valor R a idiomatic expressions "lëcchésse ij barbis " ; " lëcchésse ij
sphere is the locus of points in the space having a distance dij " and " lëcchésse quat dij e un pòles", with a lit.
from a point C less or equal to the value R". - 5) - room. In meaning rspy. of "to lick one's moustaches ", "to lick one's
this sense see also the term "spassi". See also the term fingers " , " to lick ons'e four fingers and a thumb", all
"leugh ". having the meaning of "to smack one's lips ", "to be very
leu (an ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ &[ng] lœ \ ) - instead. satisfied". See also the term "bërlichésse".
leubi - adj. . (pr. \ l'œbi \ ) Ms. plr. leubi - fm. sng. and plr. lëcchet - n. m. (pr. \ l&kk'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - dainty,
leubia, leubie. - tired, weary, exhausted. delicacy, titbit. - 2) - tempting thing, inviting thing (in a
leugh - n. m. (pr. \ lœg \ ) - See leu. fig. sense). See also the terms "lechet, lëcchëzzo".
leugn - 1) - adj. (pr. \ lœ[gn] \ ) Ms. plr. leugn - fm. sng. and lëcchëzzo - n. m. (pr. \ l&kk'&zzu \ ) - See lëcchet.
plr. leugna, leugne. - 1) - distant, remote, far-off, far, lëccia - n. f. (pr. \ l&[ch][ch]i& \ ) At plr. lëcce. - 1) - card of a
far-away. - 2) - remote, faint, foggy. - 3) - absent. See little value (card games). - 2) - incapable person (for
also the term "lògn - 1)". extension).
leugn - 2) - adv. (pr. \ lœ[gn] \ ) - far away, far, far from lëccura - n. f. (pr. \ l&cc'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. lëccure. - 1) -
here. See also the term "lògn -2)". licking. - 2) - flattering (in a fig. sense). - 3) -
leuj - n. m. (pr. \ lœy \ ) Inv. at plr. - darnel (botany - Lolium overelaboration (in a fig. sense). - See also the term
temulentum). Note that the spike-shaped inflorescence is "bërlicura".
called "pero". lëgna - n. f. (pr. \ l'&[gn]& \ ) At plr. lëgne. - round wooden
leuja - n. f. (pr. \ l'œy& \ ) At plr. leuje. - stretch of water stick, wood cut into round pieces.
(river, lake). lëgnà - n. f. (pr. \ l&[gn]'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - blow with a
leva - n. f. (pr. \ l'ev& \ ) At plr. (when applicable) leve. - 1) - stick. - 2) - severe blow. - 3) - beating.
lever (mechanics). - 2) - conscription, call-up (military) - lëgné - 1) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ l&[gn]'e \ ) - to beat, to
3) - conscripts (military). thrash, to cudgel.
levà - n. f. (pr. \ lev'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - rise, rising, getting up, lëgné - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ l&[gn]'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - stack of wooden
sprouting. See also the terms "levada, alvà, alvada". sticks. pile of round wooden pieces.
levada - n. f. (pr. \ lev'&d& \ ) - See levà. lëgnera - n. f. (pr. \ l&[gn]'er& \ ) At plr. lëgnere. - wood-shed.
levador - adj. (pr. \ lev&d'ur \ ) Used at ms. (inv. at plr.) for See also the best piedm. term "boschera".
"drawbridge = pont levador". See also the term "levator". lëgnite - n. f. (pr. \ l&[gn]'ite \ ) - See lignite.
levadura - n. f. (pr. \ lev&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. levadure. - lëgnòla - n. f. (pr. \ l&[gn]'ol& \ ) At plr. lëgnòle. - 1) - little
standing, calibre, talent. See also the term "levatura". rope or wire used for measuring. - 2) - wire used for
levant - n. m. (pr. \ lev'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - East, orient - 2) fishing. In this sense see also the term "ligneul ". In general
- Levant Near East. see also the term "lignòla".
levant - adj. (pr. \ lev'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. levant - fm. sng. and plr. lëgnos - adj. (pr. \ l&[gn]'uz \ ) Ms. plr. lëgnos - fm. sng. and
levanta, levante. - rising. plr. lëgnosa, lëgnose. - 1) - woody, wooden. - 2) - tough
levantin - adj. and n. (pr. \ lev&nt'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. levantin - (meat, etc.). - 3) - stiff (in a fig. sense).
fm. sng. and plr. levantin-a, levantin-e. - Levantine. lëgnosità - n. f. (pr. \ l&[gn]uzit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
levator - adj. (pr. \ lev&t'ur \ ) - See levador. woodiness. - 2) - toughness. - 3) - stiffness (in a fig.
levatriss - n. f. (pr. \ lev&tr'is \ ) Inv. at plr. - midwife. sense).
levatura - n. f. (pr. \ lev&t'[ue]r& \ ) - See levadura. lëgnòt - n. m. (pr. \ l&[gn]'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - stick, cudgel. See
levé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ lev'e \ ) - 1) - to take away, to also the term "lignòt ".
remove, to take, from, to take off . In this sense the term lëm - n. m. (pr. \ l&[gn]'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. and usually plr. - 1) -
is quite an italianism. See also the best piedm. term "gavé". every kind of dry edible legumes. In this sense see also
- 2) - to rouse, to flush, to drive out of a den. - 3) - to the terms "fërsaja, fërzaja , legum". - 2) - common vetch.
enlist (soldiers). - 4) - to raise. In this sense a better In this sense see the most common term "vëssa".

lësca - n. f. (pr. \ l'&sc& \ ) At plr. lësche. - 1) - marsh-herb un pòch tròp lìber your speech is a bit too much
for chairs, rush (botany - Juncus). In this sense see also unhinibited ". - 6) - available.
the term "leschëtta". - 2) - fish-bone. In this sense see also liberal - n. and adj. (pr. \ liber'&l \ ) Ms. plr. liberaj - fm. sng.
the term "rësca". - 3) - chaff (agriculture). - 4) - wood and plr. liberal, liberaj. - 1) - liberal (sbst.). - 2) - Liberal
splinter. - 5) - small slice of something eatable. (sbst.). (politics). - 3) - liberal, generous (adj.). - 4) -
lëssìa - n. m. (pr. \ l&s'i& \ ) At plr. lëssìe. - wash, washing, Liberal (adj.). (politics).
laundry. See also the term "lëssìja". liberalegiant - adj. (pr. \ liber&leji'&nt \ ) Ms. plr.
lëssiass - n. m. (pr. \ l&si'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - lye. liberalegiant - fm. sng. and plr. liberalegianta,
lëssija - n. m. (pr. \ l&s'iy& \ ) - See lëssìa. liberalegiante. - liberalistic.
lëssiva - n. f. (pr. \ l&s'iv& \ ) At plr. lëssive. - 1) - leach. - 2) - liberalisassion - n. f. (pr. \ liber&liz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1)
lye. See also the terms "lissiva ". - liberalization. - 2) - deregulation.
lëssivieusa - n. f. (pr. \ l&sivi'[œ]z& \ ) At plr. lëssivieuse. - tub liberalisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ liber&liz'e \ ) - 1) - to
for washing. liberalize, to free. - 2) - to deregulate.
lëvé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ l&v'e \ ) - to lift, to raise. See also liberalism - n. m. (pr. \ liber&l'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - liberalism
the terms "lvé, alvé, aussé". (politics), free trade (economy).
lëvion - n. m. (pr. \ l&vi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - mullein (botany - liberalìstich - adj. (pr. \ liber&l'istic \ ) Ms. plr. liberalìstich -
Verbascum thapsus). See also the terms "luvion, pasquëtta fm. sng. and plr. liberalìstica, liberalìstiche. - liberalistic.
2nd meaning". liberalità - n. f. . (pr. \ liber&lit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - liberality,
levitassion - n. f. (pr. \ l&vit&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - generosity.
levitation. - 2) - leavening, rise. - 3) - rise, increase liberassion - n. f. (pr. \ liber&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
(prices). liberation, freeing, release. - 2) - redemption (legal). - 3)
lëvré - n. m. (pr. \ l&vr'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - harrier, greyhound - riddance. - 4) - rescue. - 5) - clearing.
(dog). See also the term "lëvrié ". liberator - n. and adj. (pr. \ liber&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. liberator -
lëvret - n. m. (pr. \ l&vr'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - tool for making fm. sng. and plr. liberatriss, liberatriss. - 1) - liberator
wooden barrels. (sbst.). - 2) - liberating (adj.).
lëvrié - n. m. (pr. \ l&vri'e \ ) - See levré. liberatòri - adj. (pr. \ liber&t'ori \ ) Ms. plr. liberatòri - fm.
lëvrin - adj. (pr. \ l&vr'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. lëvrin - fm. sng. and sng. and plr. liberatòria, liberatòrie. - reediming (legal,
plr. lëvrin-a, lëvrin-e. - leporine, hare (as an attribute). economy).
lëvròt - n. m. (pr. \ l&vr'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - leveret. See also the liberé - vrb 1st con. trs. - (pr. \ liber'e \ ) - 1) - to free, to set
term "levrëtta". free. - 2) - to deliver, to rid. - 3) - to save, to rescue. - 4) -
lì - adv. (pr. \ l'i \ ) - there (The term is usually used for to clear. - 5) - to redeem (economy, legal). - 6) - to
indicating st. far to the speaker and near to the listener). release, to trip (mechanics). - 7) - to liberate (chemistry).
See also the terms "belelì, ambelelì". A particular piedm. liberésse - vrb 1st con. refl. - (pr. \ liber'ese \ ) - 1) - to free
use of this adj. is in connection with prs. prn. of 3rd prs. oneself. - 2) - to get rid.
sng. and plr. (either subject or complement). The adv. is liberism - n. m. (pr. \ liber'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - free trade
put after the prn. and connected to it with a dash, with a (economy).
value of emphasis, similar to the expression "that fellow, libert - n. (pr. \ lib'ært \ ) Ms. plr. libert - fm. sng. and plr.
etc." : E. g. "chièl-lì a l'ha nen dimlo he (that person) liberta, liberte. - freedman (history).
didnt say me that". ; "chila-lì a l'é sempe an ritard she libertà - n. f. (pr. \ libært'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - freedom,
(that woman) is always late" ; "lor-lì a capisso gnente liberty, release. - 2) - broadness, looseness.
they (those fellows) do not undersand anything". ; "dijlo libertari - adj. and n. (pr. \ libært'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. libertari - fm.
mach nen a chièl-lì just don't tell it to him (to that sng. and plr. libertària, libertàrie. - 1) - anarchical,
fellow)". Then there are commonly used ways of saying anarchic (adj.). - 2) - anarchist (sbst.).
containing this adv. : A) - "për lì about, more or less, libertin - adj. and n. (pr. \ libært'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. libertin - fm.
round there". - B) - "lì drinta, lì fòra in there, out there". sng. and plr. libertin-a, libertin-e. - libertine.
- C) - "esse lì lì për... to be on the point of...". libertinagi - n. m. (pr. \ libærtin'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. -
liagamba - n. f. (pr. \ li&g'&mb& \ ) Inv. at plr. - lace for libertinism, libertinage, licentiousness.
fixing puttees (old military uniform). Lìbia - n. f. (pr. \ l'ibi& \ ) Only sng. (noun of nation) in case of
liam - n. m. (pr. \ li'&m \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - manure, dung. - 2) need at plr. Lìbie. - Libya.
- dirt (in a fig. sense). See also the terms "aliam, drùgia". lìbich - n. and adj. (pr. \ l'ibic \ ) Ms. plr. lìbich - fm. sng. and
liamé - n. m. (pr. \ li&m'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - dunghill, plr. lìbica, lìbiche. - Libyan.
manure-heap. - 2) - pigsty hovel (in a fig. sense). See also libìdin - n. f. (pr. \ lib'idi[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - lust, lechery. See
the term "aliamé ". also the term "lussùria".
liass - n. m. (pr. \ li'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - string, lace. - 2) - libidinos - adj. (pr. \ libidin'uz \ ) Ms. plr. libidinos - fm. sng.
handful of straw used for binding sheaves. and plr. libidinosa, libidinose. - lustful, lewd, lecherous,
liassa - n. f. (pr. \ li'&s& \ ) At plr. liasse. - 1) - string, lace. - libidinous. See also the term "lussurios".
2) - strip or rope used to tie. See also the terms "lijassa, libra - n. f. (pr. \ l'ibr& \ ) At plr. libre. - pound. See also the
lingassa". term "lira".
libél - n. m. (pr. \ lib'el \ ) At plr. libéj. - libel. librà - n. f. (pr. \ libr'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - blow with a book.
librari - adj. (pr. \ libr'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. librari - fm. sng. and plr.
lìber - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ l'ibær \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - book. - 2) -
librària, libràrie. - book (as an attribute).
register. - 3) - liber (botany).
libré - n. (pr. \ libr'e \ ) Ms. plr. libré - fm. sng. and plr.
lìber - 2) - adj. (pr. \ l'ibær \ ) Ms. plr. lìber - fm. sng. and plr.
librera, librere. - bookseller.
lìbera, lìbere. - 1) - free. E.g. "i son lìber ëd fé lòn ch'i
librerìa - n. f. (pr. \librer'i&\ ) At plr. librerìe. - 1) - bookshop.
veuj I am free of doing what I want" ; "roa lìbera free
- 2) - bookcase. - 3) - library (collection of books).
wheel (bike)". - 2) - disengaged. - 3) - vacant. E. g. "a-i é
libresch - adj. (pr. \ libr'æsc \ ) Ms. plr. libresch - fm. sng. and
un pòst lìber ant la squadra there is a vacant position in plr. librësca, librësche. - bookish.
the team".- 4) - clear. E. g. "la strà a l'é lìbera the street libret - n. m. (pr. \ libr'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - small book,
is clean". - 5) - loose, unhinibited. E. g. "tò dëscors a l'é booklet. - 2) - "libretto" (music). Then the term is used to

indicate particular things like : A) - "libret universitari lighésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ lig'ese \ ) - to bind oneself, to
booklet on which the marks are registered of the exams engage oneself.
given at University". - B) - "libret ëd banca bank-book ". lighera - n. f. (pr. \ lig'er& \ ) At plr. lighere. - jug, pitcher.
- C) - "libret dj'assegn cheque-book " - D) - "libret ëd (for pouring water). See also the term "ighiera, ighera".
travaj employment-card ". ligna - n. f. (pr. \ l'i[gn]& \ ) - See lìnea.
libretista - n. (pr. \ libret'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. libretista - fm. sng. lignenga - n. f. (pr. \ li[gn]'æ[ng]g& \ ) At plr. lignenghe. -
and plr. libretista, libretiste. - librettist, writer of grapes that grow ripe in July. See also the terms
librettos. "lugnenga, lujenga".
liceal - n. and adj. (pr. \ li[ch]e'&l \ ) Ms. plr. liceaj - fm. sng. ligneul - n. m. (pr. \ li[gn]'œl \ ) At plr. ligneuj. - wire used for
and plr. liceal, liceaj. - 1) - high-school student (sbst.). - fishing. See also the term "lëgnòla 2nd meaning".
2) - "liceo", high-school (as attributes) (adj.). lignite - n. f. (pr. \ li[gn]'ite \ ) Inv. at plr. - lignite, brown coal.
licensa - n. f. (pr. \ li[ch]'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. license. - 1) - See also the term "lëgnite", and the loc. "carbon ëd bòsch".
licence, license. - 2) - permit. - 3) - leave. - 4) - school- lignòla - n. f. (pr. \ li[gn]'ol& \ ) - See lëgnòla.
leaving certificate, diploma. - 5) - licentiousness, licence. lignòt - n. m. (pr. \ li[gn]'ot \ ) - See lëgnòt.
licensià - adj. and p. p. and n. (pr. \ li[ch]æ[ng]si'& \ ) Inv. in lijadura - n. f. (pr. \ liy&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. lijadure. - 1) -
gnd. and nr. - 1) - dismissed, turned out. - 2) - student tying, binding. - 2) - link, linking, connection. See also
who has taken a diploma. the terms "lijura, liura, anlijura, anliura".
licensiament - n. m. (pr. \ li[ch]æ[ng]si&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - lijassa - n. f. (pr. \ liy'&s& \ ) At plr. lijasse. - 1) - string,
dismissal, discharge, sack, turnout. lace. - 2) - strip or rope used to tie. See also the terms
licensié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ li[ch]æ[ng]si'e \ ) - 1) - to "liassa, lingassa".
dismiss, to discharge, to sack, to turn out. - 2) - to grant lijé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ leg'e \ ) - 1) - to tie, to fasten. - 2) -
a diploma. to bind. - 3) - to connect. - 4) - to set on edge (mouth).
licensiésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ li[ch]æ[ng]si'ese \ ) - 1) - to See also the best terms "lié, anlié, gropé ".
take one's leave. - 2) - to give notice, to resign. - 3) - to lijura - n. f. (pr. \ liy'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. legadure - 1) - tying,
take a diploma. binding. - 2) - bookbinding. - 3) - ligature (music,
licensios - adj. (pr. \ li[ch]æ[ng]si'uz \ ) Ms. plr. licensios - fm. typography). - 4) - setting, mounting (jewelry). See also
sng. and plr. licensiosa, licensiose. - licentious, dissolute. the terms "ligadura, liura, legadura, anliura".
lìchen - n. m. (pr. \ l'ikæ[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - lichen (botany). lila - adj. (pr. \ l'il& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - lilac (colour).
See also the term"lìcher". lilà - n. m. (pr. \ lil'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - lilac (botany - Syringa
lìcher - n. m. (pr. \ l'ikær \ ) - See lìchen. vulgaris).
licitassion - n. f. (pr. \ li[ch]it&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - bid. lima - n. f. (pr. \ l'im& \ ) At plr. lime. - 1) - file (mechanics). -
- 2) - tender. - 3) - auction. 2) - tie (slang, ironical term, coming from the shape).
licité - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ li[ch]it'e \ ) - to bid (at an auction). limà - n. f. (pr. \ lim'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - filing, a short filing.
licor - n. m. (pr. \ lic'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - liqueur, liquor, spirits. - 2) - finish, polish (in a fig. sense). See also the term
See also the term "liquor". "limada".
licorarìa - n. f. (pr. \ licur&r'i& \ ) At plr. licorarìe. - 1) - limada - n. f. (pr. \ lim'&d& \ ) - See limà.
liquorshop. - 2) - liquor-distillery. See also the term limador - n. m. (pr. \ lim&d'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - filer. This term
"liquorerìa". is not very used (quite an italianism). See also the more
licoros - adj. (pr. \ licur'uz \ ) Ms. plr. licoros - fm. sng. and plr. common terms "limeur, giusteur"
licorosa, licorose. - liqueur-like. See also the term limadura - n. f. (pr. \ lim&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. limadure. - 1) -
"liquoros". filing. - 2) - filings, file-dust. In this sense see also the
licorista - n. (pr. \ licur'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. licorista - fm. sng. and term "limura".
plr. licorista, licoriste. - 1) - dealer in spirits. - 2) - limatriss - n. f. (pr. \ lim&tr'is \ ) Inv. at plr. - shaper,
liquor-distiller. See also the term "liquorista". shaping-machine. See also the most piedm. terms "limeus,
lié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ li'e \ ) - See lijé. limeusa".
lieson - n. f. (pr. \ liezu[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - bond, liaison. - limassa - n. f. (pr. \ lim'&s& \ ) At plr. limasse. - 1) - snail
2) - link, connection. See also the terms "liura, lijura, (zoology - Helix pomatias). - 2) - slow-coach (in a fig.
anliura". sense). See also the term "lumassa".
liévit - n. m. (pr. \ li'evit \ ) Inv. at plr. - yeast, leaven (the term limasson - n. m. (pr. \ lim&s'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - slug
is referred to artificial yeast. For the natural one see also (zoology). - 2) - slow-coach (in a fig. sense). See also the
the term "alvà ". term "lumasson" and the loc. "limassa rablòira".
lifroch - n. (pr. \ lifr'uc \ ) Ms. plr. lifroch - fm. sng. and plr. limassòla - n. f. (pr. \ lim&s'ol& \ ) At plr. limassòle - small
lifroca, lifroche. - idler, loafer. This term is mainly used snail. See also the terms "lumassòla, limassòta".
at ms. See also the term "lifrocon". limassòta - n. f. (pr. \ lim&s'ot& \ ) - See limassòla.
lifrocon - n. (pr. \ lifruc'u[ng] \ ) - See lifroch. limb - n. m. (pr. \ limb \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - limbo. See also
liga - n. f. (pr. \ l'ig& \ ) At plr. lighe. - 1) - league, alliance the term "limbo".
(politics, history) - 2) - combination, combine, union lìmbes - n. m. (pr. \ l'imbæz \ ) Inv. at plr. - hollow flat block,
(association). See also the term "lega". hollow flat tile (buildings). See also the terms "tivol,
ligadura - n. f. (pr. \ lig&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. ligadure. - 1) - tavlon, tavelon".
tying, binding. - 2) - bookbinding. - 3) - ligature (music, limbo - n. m. (pr. \ l'imbu ; l'imbô \ ) - See limb.
typography). - 4) - setting, mounting (jewelry). limé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ lim'e \ ) - 1) - to file. - 2) - to rasp.
ligera - n. f. (pr. \ lij'er& \ ) At plr. ligere. - 1) - vagrant, - 3) - to polish (in a fig. sense).
vagabond. - 2) - idler, loafer. - 3) - who lives by one's limeur - n. m. (pr. \ lim'œr \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - filer. In this
wits. See also the terms "legera, lingera". Note that the sense see also the term "giusteur, limador". - 2) - worker
fm. term does not refer to females only, but includes the assigned to a shaping-machine. In this sense see also the
two genders. term "limador".
lighé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ lig'e \ ) - 1) - to thicken (int.) limeus - n. f. (pr. \ lim'œz \ ) - See limeusa.
(cooking, etc.). In this sense see also the term "leghé 8th limeusa - n. f. (pr. \ lim'œz& \ ) At plr. limeuse. - shaper,
meaning". - 2) - to go well (with). - 3) - to fraternize. shaping-machine. See also the terms "limatriss, limeus".

lìmit - n. m. (pr. \ l'imit \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - limit. - 2) - lind - adj. (pr. \ lind \ ) Ms. plr. lind - fm. sng. and plr. linda,
boundary, border. - 3) - limitation. linde. - ingenuous, naïve, simple-minded, sincere. - (in a
limità - adj and p. p. (pr. \ limit'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - fig. sense). See also the term "lindo".
limited, restricted, narrow. lindo - adj. (pr. \ l'indu \ ) - See lind.
limitàbil - adj. (pr. \ limit'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. limitàbij - fm. sng. lindor - n. m. (pr. \ lind'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - sincerity, frankness.
and plr. limitàbil, limitàbij. - limitable. See also the term "lindura".
limitabilità - n. f. (pr. \ limit&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - lindura - n. f. (pr. \ lind'[ue]r& \ ) - See lindor.
limitableness. lìnea - n. f. (pr. \ l'ine& \ ) At plr. lìnee. - 1) - line (geometry,
limitassion - n. f. (pr. \ limit&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - military and in general). - 2) - dash. In this sense see also
limitation, restriction, limit. the term "liniëtta". - 3) - line, route (communications). - 4)
limitatëssa - n. f. (pr. \ limit&t'&ss& \ ) At plr. limitatësse - - figure (physical aspect). See also the terms "lìnia, lìgna".
narrowness, exiguousness. lineament - n. m. plr. (pr. \ line&m'ænt \ ) Only plr. - 1) -
limitativ - adj. (pr. \ limit&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. limitativ - fm. sng. features, lineaments. In this sense see also the term
and plr. limitativa, limitative. - restrictive, limitative, "fatësse". - 2) - outlines, main features. E. g. "lineament
limiting. ëd literatura piemontèisa outlines of piedmontese
limitator - n. m. (pr. \ limit&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - limiting literature".
device, limiter. linear - adj. (pr. \ line'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - linear. -
limité - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ limit&t'e \ ) - 1) - to limit, to set a 2) - coherent, steadfast (in a fig. sense).
limit. - 2) - to restrict. - 3) - to moderate. - 4) - to bound, linearità - n. f. (pr. \ line&rit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - linearity. -
to surround. 2) - coherence, steadfastness.
limitésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ limit&t'ese \ ) - 1) - to confine linfa - n. f. (pr. \ l'i[ng]f& \ ) At plr. linfe. - 1) - sap (botany). -
oneself. - 2) - to stint oneself. - 3) - to be restricted to... . 2) - lymph (biology). - 3) - sap, nourishment, food (in a
limocé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ limu[ch]'e \ ) - to hesitate, to fig. sense). See also the terms "sava, sàiva".
waver, to wobble. It uses the aux. "avèj ". linfàtich - adj. (pr. \ li[ng]f'&tic \ ) Ms. plr. linfàtich - fm. sng.
limon - n. m. (pr. \ lim'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - lemon, lemon- and plr. linfàtica, linfàtiche. - lymphatic (anatomy,
tree. medical).
limonà - n. mf. (pr. \ limun'& \ ) - See limonada. linfatism - n. m. (pr. \ li[ng]f&t'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. -
limonada - n. f. (pr. \ limun'&d& \ ) At plr. limonade. - lymphatism.
lemonade, lemon juice. See also the terms "limonà, lingassa - n. f. (pr. \ li[ng]g'&s& \ ) - See liassa.
sitronà, sitronada". lingér - adj. (pr. \ li[ng]j'er \ ) - See legér.
limonària - n. f. (pr. \ limun'&ri& \ ) At plr. limonarie. - lingera - n. f. (pr. \ linj'er& \ ) At plr. lingere. - 1) - vagrant,
lemon-balm (botany - Melissa officinalis). See also the vagabond. - 2) - idler, loafer. - 3) - who lives by one's
terms "mlìssa, melissa". wits. See also the terms "legera, ligera". Note that the fm.
limoné - 1) - n. (pr. \ limun'e \ ) Ms. plr. limoné - fm. sng. and term does not refer to females only, but includes the two
plr. limonera, limonere. - lemon-seller. genders.
limoné - 2) - vrb 1st con. trs. . (pr. \ limun'e \ ) - to pet. (slang, lingerì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ linjer'i \ ) - 1) - to lighten, to
rude term). relieve. - 2) - to lessen, to ease. - 3) - to reduce, to ease. -
limonin-a - n. f. (pr. \ limun'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. limonin-e. - See also the terms "lingerì, slingerì, alegerì ".
wild thyme (botany - Thymus serpyllum). See also the term lingerìa - n. f. (pr. \ linjer'i& \ ) Usually sng. as a collective
"sërpo". noun. In case of need, at plr. lingerìe. - clothing, clothes,
limosinant - n. and adj. (pr. \ limuzin'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. linen. See also the term "lingiarìa".
limosinant - fm. sng. and plr. limosinanta, limosinante. - lingerìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ linjer'ise \ ) - 1) - to put on
1) - beggar (sbst.). - 2) - mendicant, begging (adj.). See lighter clothes. - 2) - to relieve oneself (from a wight). See
also the term "almosinant" also the terms "lingerìsse, slingerìsse, alegerìsse ".
limosiné - 1) - n. and adj. - 1) - almoner (sbst.) (history, lìngher - n. m. (pr. \ l'ingær \ ) Inv. at plr. - dagger, long
religion). - 2) - that gives much to charity, charitable, bladed knife, stiletto.
benevolent. See also the term almosiné 1). linghera - n. f. (pr. \ ling'er& \ ) At plr. linghere. - railings,
limosiné - 2) - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ limuzin'e \ ) - See banisters. See also the most common term "ringhera".
limosné. lingiarìa - n. f. (pr. \ linji&r'i& \ ) - See lingerìa.
limosnant - n. and adj. (pr. \ limuzn'&nt \ ) - See limosinant. lingotera - n. f. (pr. \ li[ng]gut'er& \ ) At plr. lingotere. - ingot-
limosné - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ limuzn'e \ ) - to beg. It mould (metallurgy).
used always the aux. "avèj ". See also the terms "almosiné, lingòt - n. m. (pr. \ li[ng]g'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - ingot, bar
limosiné, almosné". (metallurgy). - 2) - reglet (typography). The expressions
limòsina - n. f. (pr. \ lim'ozin& \ ) At plr. limòisne. - alms, "lingòt d'òr" or "panet d'or" mean "bullion".
charity. See also the terms "almòsina, almòsna, limòsna". linguagi - n. m. (pr. \ li[ng]gu'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - language,
limòsna - n. f. (pr. \ lim'ozn& \ ) - See limòsina. tongue. See also the term "langagi, lengagi ".
lìmpid - adj. (pr. \ l'impid \ ) Ms. plr. lìmpid - fm. sng. and plr. lìnia - n. f. (pr. \ l'ini& \ ) At plr. lìnie. - 1) - line (geometry,
lìmpida, lìmpide. - clear, transparent, limpid. military and in general). - 2) - dash. In this sense see also
limpidor - n. m. (pr. \ limpid'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - transparency, the term "liniëtta". - 3) - line, route (communications). - 4)
limpidity, limpidnass, clearness. See also the term - figure (physical aspect). See also the terms "lìnea, lìgna".
"limpidëssa". liniëtta - n. f. (pr. \ lini'&tt& \ ) At plr. liniëtte. - short line,
limpidëssa - n. f. (pr. \ limpid'&ss& \ ) - See limpidor. dash. Diminutive of the term "lìnia".
limura - n. f. (pr. \ lim'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. limure. - filings, file- liniment - n. m. (pr. \ linim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - liniment,
dust. See also the term "limadura 2nd meaning". embrocation (pharmacy).
lin - n. m. (pr. \ li[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - flax (botany - Linum linon - n. m. (pr. \ lin'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - lawn (texile).
usitatissimum). - 2) - linen. linosa - n. f. (pr. \ lin'uz& \ ) At plr. linose. - linseed.
linareul - n. (pr. \ lin&r'[oe]l \ ) Ms. plr. linareuj - fm. sng. and linotip - n. f. (pr. \ linut'ip \ ) Inv. at plr. - linotype
plr. linareula, linareule. - 1) - flax-dresser. - 2) - linen- (typography).

linotipista - n. (pr. \ linutip'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. linotipista - fm. liquorista - n. (pr. \ li[qu]ur'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. liquorista - fm.
sng. and plr. linotipista, linotipiste. - linotypist, linotyper. sng. and plr. liquorista, liquoriste. - 1) - dealer in spirits.
linseul - n. m. (pr. \ li[ng]s'[oe]l \ ) At plr. linseuj. - 1) - sheet - 2) - liquor-distiller. See also the term "licorista".
(for bed, and also - in strong fabric - for collecting hay and lira - n. f. (pr. \ l'ir&\ ) At plr. lire. - 1) - lira, pound (currency)
other agricultural products). - 2) - blanket, layer (in a fig. - 2) - lyre (music) - 3) - Lyra (astronomy) - 4) - pound
sense). See also the term "ninseul ". (measure of weight) In this sense see also the term "libra".
linsolà - n. f. (pr. \ li[ng]sul'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - the content of a liri - n. m. (pr. \ l'iri \ ) Inv. at plr. - lily (botany - Lilium).
sheet (usually hay, straw, dry leaves, etc.) See also the lìrica - n. f. (pr. \ l'iric& \ ) At plr. lìriche. - 1) - lyric poetry,
term "ninsolà ". lyric, lyrical poem. - 2) - opera.
linsolé - (pr. \ li[ng]sul'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - hazel grove lìrich - adj. (pr. \ l'iric& \ ) Ms. plr. lìrich - fm. sng. and plr.
(agriculture). See the most used term "ninsolé ". lìrica, lìriche. - 1) - lyric. - 2) - opera (as an attribute).
linsolera - (pr. \ li[ng]sul'er& \ ) At plr. linsolere. - hazel, lirism - n. m. (pr. \ lir'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - lyricism.
filbert (the tree) (botany - Corylus avellana). See also the lis - n. m. (pr. \ liz \ ) Inv. at plr. - heddle, heald (texile).
most used term "ninsolera". liseus - n. f. (pr. \ liz'œz \ ) Inv. at plr. - bed-jacket. See also
linsòla - n. f. (pr. \ li[ng]s'ol& \ ) At plr. linsòle. - hazel-nut, the term "liseusa".
filbert. See also the most used term "ninsòla". liseusa - n. f. (pr. \ liz'œz& \ ) At plr. liseuse. - bed-jacket. See
lion - 1) - n. (pr. \ li'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. lion - fm. sng. and plr. also the term "liseus".
lionëssa, lionësse. - lion / lioness (zoology - Panthera leo). liss - adj. (pr. \ lis \ ) Ms. plr. liss - fm. sng. and plr. lissa, lisse.
See also the term "leon 1)". - 1) - smooth, sleek, polished. - 2) - straight (hair). - 3) -
lionsa - n. f. (pr. \ li'u[ng]s& \ ) At plr. lionse. - bentgrass neat (drink). - 4) - simple, clear, plain (in a fig. sense).
(botany - Agrostis). See also the term "seuli ".
liopard - n. m. (pr. \ liup'&rd \ ) Inv. at plr. - leopard (zoology lissadura - n. m. (pr. \ lis&r'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. lissadure. - 1) -
- Panthera pardus). See also the term "leopard ". smoothing, sleeking, burnishing. - 2) - flattery (in a fig.
liòstra - n. f. (pr. \ li'ostr& \ ) At plr. liòstre. - grasshopper sense). See also the term "seuliadura".
(the type living on mountains). See also the term "aliòstra". lissareul - n. m. (pr. \ lis&r'[oe]l \ ) At plr. lissareuj. - each
lipa - n. f. (pr. \ l'ip& \ ) At plr. (if any) lipe. - tip-cat (play for slat holding the heddle (texile). See also the term
children). See also the term "cirimela". A way of saying "lisseul".
"na còsa dla lipa st. of no value". lissé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ lis'e \ ) - See lissié.
liquam - n. m. (pr. \ li[qu]'&m \ ) Inv. at plr. - liquid sewage. lisset - n. m. (pr. \ lis'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - tool used by
liquefàit - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ li[qu]ef'&it \ ) Ms. plr. liquefàit - shoemaker and shoe repairer for polishing soles. See also
fm. sng. and plr. liquefàita, liquefàite. - liquefied, melted. the term "lissòt ".
liquefassion - n. f. (pr. \ li[qu]ef&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - lisseul - n. m. (pr. \ lis'[oe]l \ ) - See lissareul.
liquation. See also the terms "fusion, slinguament, lissié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ lisi'e \ ) - 1) - to smooth, to sleek,
fóndita". to burnish. - 2) - to stroke, to pat. - 3) - to polish. - 4) - to
liquefatìbil - adj. (pr. \ li[qu]ef&t'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. liquefatìbij - glaze (paper). - 5) - to finish (a wall). - 6) - to flatter (in a
fm. sng. and plr. liquefatìbil, liquefatìbij. - liquefiable. fig. sense). - See also the term "sulié ".
See also the terms "slinguàbil, fondìbil ". lissiva - n. f. (pr. \ lis'iv& \ ) At plr. lissive. - 1) - leach. - 2) -
liquefé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ li[qu]ef'e \ ) - to liquefy, to melt. lye. See also the term "lëssiva".
liquefésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ li[qu]ef'ese \ ) - to liquefy, to lissòt - n. m. (pr. \ lis'ot \ ) - See lisset.
melt. (with an int. value). lissura - each forward and reverse motion of the heddle
lìquid - 1) - adj. (pr. \ l'i[qu]id \ ) Ms. plr. lìquid - fm. sng. and (texile).
plr. lìquida, lìquide. - 1) - liquid, fluid. - 2) - ready, lista - n. f. (pr. \ l'ist& \ ) At plr. liste. - 1) - strip, band, stripe.
available (money). - 2) - list. - 3) - register, roll.
lìquid - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ l'i[qu]id \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - liquid. - 2) listé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ list'e \ ) - 1) - to border, to edge. -
- cash, ready money. 2) - to put strips. - 3) - to list.
liquidassion - n. f. (pr. \ li[qu]id&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - listél - n. m. (pr. \ list'el \ ) At plr. listéj. - 1) - fillet, listel. - 2) -
liquidation, winding-up, settling (economy, finance). - 2) cincture (column). - 3) - list.
- sale (goods). - 3) - severance pay, gratuity. - 4) - listin - n. m. (pr. \ list'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - list, price-list.
retirement bonus. listlet - n. m. (pr. \ listl'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - flat band, narrow
liquidator - n. (pr. \ li[qu]id&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. lìquidator - fm. listel.
sng. and plr. lìquidatriss, lìquidatriss. - 1) - liquidator litania - n. f. (pr. \ lit&n'i& \ ) At plr. litanie. - 1) - litany. - 2) -
(legal). - 2) - official receiver, loss adjuster. string (in a fig. sense).
liquidé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ li[qu]id'e \ ) - 1) - to liquidate, litantrass - n. m. (pr. \ lit&ntr'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - low-grade
to wind up, to pay off, to settle. - 2) - to sell off, to clear anthracite.
off, to remainder. - 3) - to kill, to eliminate, to liquidate lite - n. f. (pr. \ l'ite \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - quarrel, wrangle,
(in a fig. sense). - 4) - to get rid, to dispose of, to dismiss, squabble. - 2) - lawsuit (legal). See also the terms "rusa,
to sack. ciacòt, debat".
liquidità - n. f. (pr. \ li[qu]idit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - liter - n. m. (pr. \ l'iter \ ) Inv. at plr. - litre, liter (measure
liquidness, liquidity. - 2) - liquidity, liquid assets unit).
(economy). lìtera - n. f. (pr. \ l'iter& \ ) At plr. lìtere. - 1) - letter. - 2) -
liquor - n. m. (pr. \ li[qu]'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - liqueur, liquor, epistle (Bible). - See also the terms "letera, litra ".
spirits. See also the term "licor". literal - adj. (pr. \ liter'&l \ ) Ms. plr. literaj - fm. sng. and plr.
liquorarìa - n. f. (pr. \ li[qu]ur&r'i& \ ) At plr. liquorarìe. - 1) literal, literaj. - literal. See also the term "leteral ".
- liquorshop. - 2) - liquor-distillery. See also the term literari - adj (pr. \ liter'&ri \ ) - Ms. plr. literari - fm. sng. and
"licorarìa". plr. literàtia, literàrie. - litereary, bookish. See also the
liquoros - adj. (pr. \ li[qu]ur'uz \ ) Ms. plr. liquoros - fm. sng. term "leterari ".
and plr. liquorosa, liquorose. - liqueur-like. See also the literatura - n. f. (pr. \ liter&t'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. literature. -
term "licoros". literature. - See also th e terms "leteratura, litratura".

lìtich - adj. (pr. \ l'itic \ ) Ms. plr. lìtich - fm. sng. and plr. livela - n. f. (pr. \ liv'el& \ ) At plr. livele. - level (instrument
lìtica, lìtiche. - 1) - lithic (of stone). - 2) - lithic, lithium and part of a railway connecting two parts at different
(as an attribute) (chemistry). levels. In this sense see also the term "livelëtta"), levelling
litigàire - n. and adj. (pr. \ litig'&ire \ ) Ms. plr. litigàire. - fm. plank.
sng. and plr. litigàira, litigàire. - quarrelsome, livelament - n. m. (pr. \ livel&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - levelling,
contentious. See also the term "litigos" setting on a level, equalizing, equalization.
litigant - n. (pr. \ litig'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. litigant. - fm. sng. and livelassion - n. f. (pr. \ livel&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - levelling.
plr. litiganta, litigante. - 1) - quarreller, brawler. - 2) - livelator - n. and adj. (pr. \ livel&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. livelator. -
litigant (legal). fm. sng. and plr. livelatriss, livelatriss. - 1) - leveller
litighé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \litig'e\ ) - to quarrel, to wrangle, (sbst.). - 2) - levelling (adj.).
to squabble. The term is not very used. See also the terms livelatriss - n. f. (pr. \ livel&tr'is \ ) Inv. at plr. - bulldozer,
"questioné, custioné, rusé, cioché ". grader.
litigos - n. and adj. (pr. \ litig'uz \ ) - See litigàire. livelé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ livel'e \ ) - to level, to level up, to
litin-a - n. f. (pr. \ lit'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. litin-e. - lithia level down, to level out, to even up. See also the term
(chemistry). "livlé".
lìtio - n. m. (pr. \ l'itiô \ ) Only sng. (chemical element). In case livelésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ livel'ese \ ) - to find a
of need inv. at plr. - lithium. common level, to level out.
litios - adj. (pr. \ liti'uz \ ) Ms. plr. litios. - fm. sng. and plr. livelëtta - n. f. (pr. \ livel'&tt& \ ) At plr. livelëtte. - part of a
litiosa, litiose. - lithic, lithium (as an attribute). railway connecting two parts at different levels.
litografé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ litugr&f'e \ ) - to lithorgaph. lìvid - 1) - adj. (pr. \ l'ivid \ ) Ms. plr. lìvid. - fm. sng. and plr.
litografìa - n. f. (pr. \ litugr&f'i& \ ) At plr. litografìe. - 1) - lìvida, lìvide. - livid, leaden, bruised, black-and-blue. -
lithography. - 2) - lithograph. - 3) - lithographic lìvid - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ l'ivid \ ) Inv. at plr. - bruise. See also the
printing works. terms "niss, nisson".
litogràfich - adj. ( pr. \ litugr'&fic \ ) Ms. plr. litogràfich. - fm. lividor - n. m. (pr. \ livid'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - lividity.
sng. and plr. litogràfica, litogràfiche. - lithographic, livlé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ livl'e \ ) - See livelé.
lithographical. livransa - n. f. (pr. \ livr'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr. livranse. -
litologìa - n. f. (pr. \ lituluj'i& \ ) At plr. litologìe. - lithology. quittance, receipt, receipt in full.
litològich - adj. (pr. \ litul'ojic \ ) Ms. plr. litològich. - fm. sng. livré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ livr'e \ ) - to complete, to
and plr. litològica, litològiche. - lithologic, lithological. conclude, to define.
litoral - 1) - adj. (pr. \ litur'&l \ ) Ms. plr. litoraj. - fm. sng. and livréa - n. f. (pr. \ livr'e& \ ) At plr. livree. - 1) - livery. - 2) -
plr. litoral, litoraj. - costal, littoral, coast (as an attribute). plumage (zoology).
litoral - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ litur'&l \ ) Inv. at plr. - shore, coast, lo - prt. prn. and prs. vrbl. interr. prn. (pr. \ lu \ ) - 1) - him, it.
littoral. See also the term "rivera". (prt. prm. comp.). - 2) - he, it (interr.) - See grammar.
litoràni - adj. (pr. \ litur'&ni \ ) Ms. plr. litorani. - fm. sng. and Often the particle is after the vrb and connected to it,
plr. litorània, litorànie. - shore, coast (as attributes), sometimes joined with other prn. prt. Some examples: - A)
littoral. - "i lo scrivo I write it ". - B) - "i l'hai ditlo I told it to
litorània - n. f. (pr. \ litur'&ni& \ ) At plr. litorànie. - coast you". - C) - "com valo? lit how does it go? how are
road. you". Sometime this particle assumes the value of an engl.
litosféra - n. f. (pr. \ litusf'er& \ ) - At plr. (if required) "that" as in the case: - D) - "ch'am lo disa pà! don't tell
litosfere. - lithosphere. me that!".
litògraf - n. (pr. \ lit'ogr&f \ ) - See litògrafo. lobiòt - n. m. (pr. \ lubi'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - small wooden
litògrafo - n. (pr. \ lit'ogr&fô \ ) Ms. plr. litògrafo. - fm. sng. balcony. Diminutive of "lòbia" (see the term). A way of
and plr. litògrafa, litògrafe. - lithographer. saying: "ciapé quaidun an sël lobiòt to catch sb. red-
litòlogh - n. (pr. \ lit'olug \ ) - See litòlogo. handed".
litòlogo - n. (pr. \ lit'olugô \ ) Ms. plr. litòlogo. - fm. sng. and lobion - n. m. (pr. \ lubi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - upper gallery
plr. litòloga, litòloghe. - lithologist. (theatre). Augmentative of "lòbia" (see the term). See also
litra - n. f. (pr. \ l'itr& \ ) - See létera. the term "logion".
litratura - n. f. (pr. \ litr&t'[ue]r& \ ) - See leteratura. local - 1) - adj. (pr. \ luc'&l \ ) Ms. plr. locaj. - fm. sng. and plr.
liturgìa - n. f. (pr. \ lit[ue]rj'i& \ ) At plr. liturgìe. - liturgy local, locaj. - local.
(religion). local - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ luc'&l \ ) At plr. locaj. - 1) - room. - 2) -
litùrgich - adj. (pr. \ lit'[ue]rjic \ ) Ms. plr. litùrgich. - fm. sng. premises (plr.).
and plr. litùrgica, litùrgiche. - liturgical (religion). localisàbil - adj. (pr. \ luc&liz'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. localisàbij. -
liturgista - n. (pr. \ lit[ue]rj'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. liturgista. - fm. fm. sng. and plr. localisàbil, localisàbij. - 1) - locatable. -
sng. and plr. liturgista, liturgiste. - liturgist (religion). 2) - localizable.
liura - n. f. (pr. \ li’[ue]r& \ ) At plr. liure. - 1) - tying, localisassion - n. f. (pr. \ luc&liz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
binding. - 2) - link, linking, connection. See also the term location. - 3) - localization.
"anlijura, anliura". localisator - n. f. (pr. \ luc&liz&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - localizer.
liut - n. m. (pr. \ li’[ue]t \ ) Inv. at plr. - lute. localisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ luc&liz'e \ ) - 1) - to locate. - 2)
liutarìa - n. f. (pr. \ li[ue]t&r'i& \ ) At plr. liutarìe. - 1) - art of - to localize.
making stringed instruments. - 2) - lutist's workshop. località - n. f. (pr. \ luc&lit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - place,
liuté - n. (pr. \ li[ue]t'e \ ) Ms. plr. liuté. - fm. sng. and plr. locality. - 2) - resort.
liutera, liutere. - 1) - lutist, lute-maker. - 2) - maker of locanda - n.f. (pr. \ luc'&nd& \ ) At plr. locande. - inn. See
stringed instruments. also the terms "oberge, obergì, pension".
liutista - n. (pr. \ li[ue]t'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. liutista. - fm. sng. and locandé - n. (pr. \ luc&nd'e \ ) Ms. plr. locandé. - fm. sng. and
plr. liutista, liutiste. - lute-player, lutanist, lutist. plr. locandera, locandere. - landlord (of an inn),
livel - n. m. (pr. \ liv'el \ ) At plr. livéj. - 1) - level. - 2) - level, innkeeper. See also the term "locandié ".
standard (in a fig. sense). - 3) - level (instrument). In this locandié - n. (pr. \ luc&ndi'e \ ) - See locandé.
sense see also the term "livela" and the loc. "bola d'ària". - locandin-a - n. f. (pr. \ luc&nd'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. locandin-e. -
4) - shell (physics - energy level of electrons in an atom). play-bill. See also the term "tilet ".

locassion - n. f. (pr. \ luc&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - location. lóira - n. f. (pr. \ l'uir& \ ) At plr. lóire. - laziness, indolence.
lease, leasing. loirassù - n. and adj. (pr. \ luir&s'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. loirassù. -
locatarì - n. (pr. \ luc&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. locatari. - fm. sng. and fm. sng. and plr. loirassùa, loirassùe. - 1) - lazy person,
plr. locataria, locatarie. - tenant, lessee, renter. sluggard (sbst.). - 2) - lazy, sluggish, indolent, slothful
locativ - 1) - adj. (pr. \ luc&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. locativ. - fm. sng. (asdj.). See also the term "loiron".
and plr. locativa, locative. - 1) - rental (legal). - 2) - loiron - n. and adj. (pr. \ luir'u[ng] \ ) - See loirassù.
locative (grammar). lola - n. f. (pr. \ l'ul& \ ) At plr. lole. - husk, chaff.
locativ - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ luc&t'iu \ ) Inv. at plr. - locative lolà - dem. prn. sng. (pr. \ lul'& \ ) - that, that one, that thing.
(grammar). Term only referred to things an used (usually) for
locator - n. (pr. \ luc&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. locator. - fm. sng. and indicating a thing or an entity supposed far from both
plr. locatriss, locatriss. - landlord, lessor. speaker and listener. See also the terms "lòn, lòn-là".
locé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ lu[ch]'e \ ) - to swing, to dangle, to lolì - dem. prn. sng. (pr. \ lul'i \ ) - that, that one, that thing.
wag, to waver, to totter, to stagger. See also the term Term only referred to things an used (usually) for
"talocé ". indicating a thing or an entity supposed far from speaker
loch - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ luc \ ) Inv. at plr. - tawny owl (zoology - and near to listener. See also the term "lòn, lòn-lì".
Srtix aluco). See also the term "oloch". Sometimes also the terms "solì, sòn-lì" are used (see the
loch - 2) - adj. and n. (pr. \ luc \ ) Ms. plr. loch. - fm. sng. and terms).
plr. loca, loche. - 1) - fool, dolt.(sbst.). - 2) - foolish (adj.). lomb - n. m. (pr. \ lumb \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - loin (anatomy). - 2)
- 3) - stunned (adj.). See also the terms "oloch, luch". - loin, sirloin.
loché - (pr. \ luk'e \ ) - to let, to rent. This term is not very lombàgin - n. f. (pr. \ lumb'&ji[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - lumbago
used. See also the preferred terms "fité, afité ". (medical). See also the term "dërnera".
locomotiva - n. f. (pr. \ lucumut'iv& \ ) At plr. locomotive. - lombar - adj. (pr. \ lumb'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - lumbar
locomotive. (anatomy).
locomossion - n. f. (pr. \ lucumusi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - lombard - adj. and n. (pr. \ lumb'&rd \ ) Ms. plr. lombard. -
locomotion. fm. sng. and plr. lombarda, lombarde. - Lombard.
locomotor - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ lucumut'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - electric Lombardìa - n. f. (pr. \ lumb&rd'i& \ ) Only sng. (noun of
or diesel locomotive. region). In case of need at plr. Lombardìe. - Lombardy.
locomotor - 2) - adj. (pr. \ lucumut'ur \ ) - See locomotòri. londinèis - adj and n. (pr. \ lundin'æiz \ ) Ms. plr. londinèis. -
locomotòri - adj. (pr. \ lucumut'ori \ ) Ms. plr. locomotòri. - fm. sng. and plr. londinèisa, londinèise. - 1) - London (as
fm. sng. and plr. locomotòria, locomotòrie. - locomotor. an attribute) (adj.). - 2) - Londoner (sbst.).
lodé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ lud'e \ ) - to praise, to laud. See Londra - n. f. (pr. \ l'undr& \ ) Only sng. (noun of city). In case
also the term "laudé ". of need at plr. Londre. - London.
lodnin - n. m. (pr. \ ludn'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - crested lark longàgin - n. f. (pr. \ lu[ng]g'&ji[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - slowness,
(zoology - Galerida cristata). See also the terms "ludvich , long-drawn-out affair.
subiaròla". longagnà - n. f. (pr. \ lu[ng]g&[gn]'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - long-
loé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ lu'e \ ) - See lové. winded speech, rigmarole. - 2) - long-drawn-out affair.
lofé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ luf'e \ ) - to break wind, to fart. - See also the term "longagnada".
See also the terms "lofié, lufé". It uses the aux. "avèj ". longagnada - n. f. (pr. \ lu[ng]g&[gn]'&d& \ ) - See longagnà.
lofié - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ lufi'e \ ) - See lofé. longàire - adj. (pr. \ lu[ng]g'&ire \ ) Ms. plr. longàire. - fm.
logaritm - n. m. (pr. \ lug&r'itm \ ) Inv. at plr. - logarithm sng. and plr. longhàira, longhàire. - slow, sluggish. See
(mathematics). also the terms "longheuri, meusi".
logarìtmich - adj. (pr. \ lug&r'itmic \ ) Ms. plr. logaritmich. - longh - 1) - adj. (pr. \ lu[ng]g \ ) Ms. plr. longh. - fm. sng. and
fm. sng. and plr. logaritmica, logaritmiche. - logarithmic, plr. longa, longhe. - 1) - longh. E. g. "na strà longa a
logarithmical (mathematics). longh street ". - 2) - diluted, weak. E. g. "un cafè longh a
logé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ luj'e \ ) - See lové. weak coffee". - 3) - tall. E. g. "col fieul a l'é fasse longh
logëtta - n. f. - (pr. \ luj'&tt& \ ) At plr. logëtte. - small loggia. that boy has grown tall ". - 4) - lengthy. E. g. "na longa
logià - n. m. (pr. \ luj'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - portico, gallery. dëscussion e gnun-e conclusion a lengthy discussion and
logicament - adv. (pr. \ lujc&m'ænt \ ) - 1) - logically. - 2) - no conclusions". - 5) - slow, tedious, long-drawn-out. E.
naturally, obviously. Italianism. See also the best term g. "com it ses longh, dëstortojte! you are so slow, hurry
"lògich - 2)". up! ". An expression : "andé longh e tirà to go stretched
logicism - n. m. (pr. \ luji[ch]'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - logicism out, to go flat on one's back".
(phylosophy). longh - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ lu[ng]g \ ) Inv. at plr. - length. E. g.
logicista - n. (pr. \ luji[ch]'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. logicìsta. - fm. sng. "butlo për longh put in in direction of length".
and plr. logìstica, logìstiche. - logicist (phylosophy). lungh - 3) - adv. (pr. \ lu[ng]g \ ) - for a long time, at great
logicità - n. f. (pr. \ luji[ch]it'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - logicality.
logion - n. m. (pr. \ luj'u[ng] \ ) - See lobion.
longh - 4) - prp. (pr. \ lu[ng]g \ ) - 1) - alongh. - 2) - during.
logìstica - n. f. (pr. \ luj'istic& \ ) At plr. logìstiche. - logistics.
See also the term "arlongh".
logìstich - adj. (pr. \ luj'istic \ ) Ms. plr. logìstich. - fm. sng.
longh (ëd ---) - 5) - adv. loc. (pr. \ &d lu[ng]g \ ) - at once,
and plr. logicìsta, logicìste. - logistic, logistical.
immediately, directly.
logopedìa - n. f. (pr. \ luguped'i& \ ) At plr. - logopedìe. -
longherin - n. m. (pr. \ lu[ng]ger'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - iron
logopaedics, logopedics, speech therapy. girder, longitudinal girder.
logopedìsta - n. (pr. \ luguped'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. logopedìsta. - longheron - n. m. (pr. \ lu[ng]ger'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
fm. sng. and plr. logopedìsta, logopedìste. - logopaedist.
side-member (cars). - 2) - longeron, spar (planes).
logorea - n. f. (pr. \ lugur'e& \ ) At plr. logoree. - logorrhea.
longheur - n. f. (pr. \ lu[ng]g'[oe]r \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - length. -
Not very used term. See also the most common terms
2) - extent. See also the term "longhëssa".
"ciancia, parlantin-a, bërtavela".
longheuri - adj. (pr. \ lu[ng]g'[oe]ri \ ) - See longàire.
logoròich - adj. (pr. \ lugur'oic \ ) Ms. plr. logoròich. - fm. sng.
longhëssa - n. f. (pr. \ lu[ng]g'&ss& \ ) At plr. longhësse. - 1) -
and plr. logoròica, logoròiche. - logorrheic. See also the
length. - 2) - extent. See also the term "longheur".
most common term "ciaciaron".

longitùdin - n. f. (pr. \ lu[ng]jit'[ue]di[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - lorgné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ lur[gn]'e \ ) - 1) - to look at (sb.
longitude (geography). st.) with a lorgnette. - 2) - to peer at, to look at (st.)
longitudinal - adj. (pr. \ lu[ng]jit[ue]din'&l \ ) Ms. plr. sidelong. - 3) - to look hastily at.
longitudinaj. - fm. sng. and plr. longitudinal, lorgnëtta - n. f. (pr. \ lur[gn]'&tt& \ ) Inv. at plr. - lorgnette.
longitudinaj. - longitudinal (geography). losanga - n. f. (pr. \ luz'&[ng]g& \ ) At plr. losanghe. -
longobard - adj. and n. (pr. \ lu[ng]gub'&rd \ ) Ms. plr. lozenge.
longobard. - fm. sng. and plr. longobarda, longobarde. - losnà - n. f. (pr. \ luzn'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - flashing, lightning.
Longobard. See also the term "losnada, sludià".
longobàrdich - adj. (pr. \ lu[ng]gub'&rdic \ ) Ms. plr. losnada - n. f. (pr. \ luzn'&d& \ ) - See losnà.
longobàrdich. - fm. sng. and plr. longobàrdica, losné - vrb 1st con. int. imp. (pr. \ luzn'e \ ) - 1) - to lighten
longobardiche. - Longobardic, Longobard (as an (imp.). - 2) - to flash. It uses the aux. "avèj ". See also the
attribute). term "lampegé, sludié ".
lonsa - n. f. (pr. \ l'u[ng]z& \ ) At plr. lonse. - 1) - loin of pork. lossion - n. f. (pr. \ lusi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - lotion.
- 2) - pork sausage made with loin. lotador - n. (pr. \ lut&d'ur \ ) Ms. plr. lotador. - fm. sng. and
lontan - 1) - adj. (pr. \ lunt'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. lontan. - fm. sng. plr. lotadora, lotadore. Also, sometimes, fm. sng. and plr.
and plr. lontan-a, lontan-e. - 1) - far. - 2) - distant, lotadòira, lotadòire. - 1) - wrestler (sport). - 2) - fighter,
remote. - 3) - far away, away. - 4) - remote. - 5) - absent. struggler.
lontan - 2) - adv. (pr. \ lunt'&[ng] \ ) - far away, far off, a lotarìa - n. f. (pr. \ lut&r'i& \ ) - See loterìa.
long way off. loté - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ lut'e \ ) - 1) - to wrestle, to
lontanament - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ lunt&n&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - grapple. - 2) - to struggle, to fight.
1) - removal. - 2) - dismissal. - 3) - departure. - 4) - loterìa - n. f. (pr. \ luter'i& \ ) At plr. loterìe. - 1) - lottery. - 2)
estrangement. - sweepstake.
lontanament - 2) - adv. (pr. \ lunt&n&m'ænt \ ) - 1) - lotisassion - n. f. (pr. \ lutiz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
distantly, remotely. - 2) - vaguely, slightly. Italianism. lotting, parcellation apportionment. - 2) - bestowal of
See also the adv. loc. "da lontan". spoils (in a fig. sense - politics).
lontanansa - n. f. (pr. \ lunt&n'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr. lontananse. lotisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ lutiz'e \ ) - 1) - to lot, to parcel, to
- 1) - distance, remoteness. - 2) - being far away. apportion. - 2) - to bestow as spoils (in a fig. sense -
lontané - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ lunt&n'e \ ) - 1) - to remove, to politics).
take away. - 2) - to send away. - 3) - to remove, to avert. loton - n. m. (pr. \ lut'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - brass (metal).
- 4) - to distance. See also the term "slontané ". 2) - brass (plr. in piedm. - musical instruments).See also
lontanésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ lunt&n'ese \ ) - 1) - to go the term "oton".
away, to go off. - 2) - to distance oneself, to stop seeing. lotonarìa - n. f. (pr. \ lutun&r'i& \ ) Inv. at plr. - braziery,
See also the term "slontanésse". brass-ware.
lopa - n. f. (pr. \ l'up& \ ) At plr. lope. - 1) - chaff. In this sense lotoné - 1) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ lutun'e\ ) - to brass, to coat
see also the terms "lola, vòrva". - 2) - slag, dross with brass. See also the term "otoné - 1)".
(metallurgy). lotoné - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ lutun'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - worker in
lor - prs. prn 3rd plr. prs. ms. and fm. (pr. \ lur \ ) Only plr. brass, brazier. See also the term "otoné - 2)".
subject and compl. - they, them. Sometimes (italianism) lotra - adv. (pr. \ l'utr& \ ) - further beyond the sight.
also to them. When subject it is always associate to the lova - n. f. (pr. \ l'uw& ; l'uv& \ ) At plr. love. - cob, corn-cob.
wrbl. prn. "a" (see grammar, also for exceptions). See also See also the term "pana".
the term "loràutri " with the same meaning. Often this lovacion - n. m. (pr. \ luw&[ch]i'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - inner
term, a a subject, con be unexpressed (but not the vrbl. part of a corn. See also the term "panòt, lovaton".
prn.). E. g. "they go lor a van ; a van" ; " tell it to them lovaton - n. m. (pr. \ luw&t'u[ng] \ ) - See lovacion.
dilo a lor". lové - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ luw'e \ ) - to put in place, to place,
loràutri - prs. prn 3rd plr. prs. ms. and fm. (pr. \ lur'&utri \ ) - to arrange, to allocate. See also the terms "loé, logé ".
See lor. lò - dem. prn. (pr. \ l'o \ ) Only sng. - that thing, what. See
lord - adj. (pr. \ lurd \ ) Ms. plr. lord. - fm. sng. and plr. lorda, also the terms "lòn, lolì, lolà". E. g. "lò ch'it dise a l'é giust
lorde. - giddy, stunned. " "what you say is correct ".
lorda - n. f. (pr. \ l'urd& \ ) At plr. lorde. - strangeness, lòbia - n. f. (pr. \ l'obia \ ) At plr. lòbie. - 1) - wooden balcony.
oddity. The expression "bate la lorda" means " to idle - 2) - loggia. - 3) - gallery. - 4) - hat with large brim (in a
about ; to make things with indolence ; or also to make fig. sense).
oddities". lòca - n. f. (pr. \ l'oca \ ) At plr. lòche. - blow, stroke, knock.
lordarìa - n. f. (pr. \ lurd&r'i& \ ) At plr. lordarìe. - odd lòde - n. f. (pr. \ l'ode \ ) Inv. at plr. - laud, praise, encomium.
action, strange action, stupid action. See also the term See also the term "làuda".
"balordarìa". lòden - n. m. (pr. \ l'ode[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - loden cloth. -
lordion - n. m. (pr. \ lurdi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - slap, 2) - loden coat.
smack, cuff. In this sense see also the term "lordon". - 2) - lòdna - n. f. (pr. \ l'odn& \ ) At plr. lòdne. - lark, skylark
giddiness, dizziness. In this sense see also the term (zoology - Alauda arvensis). See also the term "lòdola".
"lordision". - 3) - vertigo (medical). lòdola - n. f. (pr. \ l'odul& \ ) - See lòdna.
lordision - n. m. (pr. \ lurdizi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - lòfa - n. f. (pr. \ l'of& \ ) At plr. lòfe. - breaking wind, fart.
giddiness, dizziness. In this sense see also the term See also the terms "lòfia, lufa".
"lordison, lordion, balordion.". - 2) - vertigo (medical). lòfi - adj. (pr. \ l'ofi \ ) Ms. plr. lòfi. - fm. sng. and plr. lòfia,
lordison - n. m. (pr. \ lurdiz'u[ng] \ ) - See lordision. lòfie. - 1) - ugly (referred to person). - 2) - of low-class, of
lordon - n. m. (pr. \ lurd'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - slap, smack, scanty value, ect.
cuff. See also the term "lordon 1st meaning". lòfia - n. f. (pr. \ l'ofi& \ ) - See lòfa.
lorgnà - n. f. (pr. \ lur[gn]'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - glance, glimpse, lògia - n. f. (pr. \ l'oji& \ ) At plr. lòge. - 1) - loggia, portico,
bad glance. See also the term "lorgnada". arcade, verandah. - 2) - lodge (Masonic).
lorgnada - n. f. (pr. \ lur[gn]'&d& \ ) - See lorgnà. lògica - n. f. (pr. \ l'ojic& \ ) At plr. lògiche. - logic.

lògich - 1) - adj. and n. (pr. \ l'ojic& \ ) Ms. plr. lògich. - fm. lucidator - n. (pr. \ l[ue][ch]id&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. lucidator. -
sng. and plr. lògica, lògiche. - 1) - logical, consistent fm. sng. and plr. lucidatriss, lucidatriss. - 1) - floor-
(adj.). - 2) - natural, obvious (adj.). - 3) - logician (sbst.). polisher. - 2) - furniture-polisher. - 3) - drawing tracer.
lògich - 2) - adv. (pr. \ l'ojic& \ ) - 1) - logically. - 2) - lucidatriss - n. f. (pr. \ l[ue][ch]id&tr'is \ ) Inv. at plr. - floor-
naturally, obviously. Often in the loc. "lògich che...". See polisher (machine).
also the loc. "da na mira lògica". lucidatura - n. f. (pr.\l[ue][ch]id&t'[ue]r&\) At plr. lucidature.
lògn - 1) - adj. (pr. \ l'o[gn] \ ) Ms. plr. lògn - fm. sng. and plr. - 1) - polishing, wax finishing. - 2) - buffing, burnishing
lògna, lògne. - 1) - distant, remote, far-off, far, far- (mechanics). - 3) - tracing.
away. - 2) - remote, faint, foggy. - 3) - absent. See also lucidé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ l[ue][ch]id'e \ ) - 1) - to polish, to
the term "leugn - 1)". wax. - 2) - to buff, to burnish (mechanics). - 3) - to trace
lògn - 2) - adv. (pr. \ l'o[gn] \ ) - far away, far, far from here. (drawings). See also the term "lustré".
See also the term "leugn -2)". lucidità - n. f. (pr. \ l[ue][ch]idit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - lucidity,
lòn - dem. prn. (pr. \ l'o[ng] \ ) Only sng. - that thing, that, clearness. - 2) - clear-headedness, clear-sightedness.
what. See also the terms "lò, lolì, lolà". E. g. "lòn ch'it dise lucràbil - adj. (pr. \ l[ue]cr'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. lucràbij. - fm. sng.
a l'é giust " "what you say is correct ". and also "i pijo and plr. lucràbil, lucràbij. - to be gained.
lòn" "I take that". lucrativ - adj. (pr. \ l[ue]cr&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. lucrativ. - fm. sng.
lòsa - n. f. (pr. \ l'oz& \ ) At plr. lòse. - slab of stone used for and plr. lucrativa, lucrative. - lucrative, gainful,
paving, covering roofs, etc. remunerative.
lòsna - n. f. (pr. \ l'ozn& \ ) At plr. lòsne. - 1) - lightning, flash lucré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ l[ue]cr'e \ ) - to earn, to gain, to
of lightning. - 2) - flash, flashing. - 3) - ugly woman (in make money.
an ironical sense). lucro - n. m. (pr. \ l'[ue]cru \ ) Inv. at plr. - lucre, profit, gain.
lòt - n. m. (pr. \ l'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. (when applicable) - 1) - State lucros - adj. (pr. \ l[ue]cr'uz \ ) Ms. plr. lucros. - fm. sng. and
lottery, lotto. - 2) - lot. - 3) - batch, parcel. plr. lucrosa, lucrose. - lucrative, profitable.
lòta - n. f. (pr. \ l'ot& \ ) At plr. lòte. - 1) - wrestling (sport). - ludibri - n. m. (pr. \ l[ue]d'ibri \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - mockery. -
2) - fight, struggle. - 3) - conflict. 2) - butt, laughing-stock. See also the term "dëspresi".
lua - n. f. (pr. \ l'[ue]& \ ) At plr. lue. - she-wolf. See also the ludria - n. f. (pr. \ l[ue]dr'i& \ ) At plr. ludrie. - otter (zoology
term "luva" fm. of the term "luv". - Lutra lutra).
luban - n. (pr. \ l[ue]b'&[ng] \ ) - See lamban. ludvich - n. m. (pr. \ l[ue]dv'ic \ ) - See lodnin.
lubrificant - 1) - adj. (pr. \ l[ue]brific'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. lùe - n. f. (pr. \ l'[ue]e \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - lues, syphilis.
lubrificant. - fm. sng. and plr. lubrificanta, lubrificante. - luétich - adj. and n. (pr. \ l[ue]'etic \ ) Ms. plr. luétich. - fm.
lubricating, lubricant. sng. and plr. luética, luétiche. - luetic, syphilitic (adj.). -
lubrificant - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ l[ue]brific'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 2) - syphilitic (sbst.).
lubricant. lufa - n. f. (pr. \ l'[ue]f& \ ) - See lòfa.
lubrificassion - n. f. (pr. \ l[ue]brific&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - lufé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ l[ue]f'e \ ) - See lofé.
lubrication, greasing, oiling. luganeghin - n. m. (pr. \ l[ue]g&nrg'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
lubrificator - 1) - adj. (pr. \ l[ue]brific&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. "cotechino" boiled pork sausage. See also the terms
lubrificator. - fm. sng. and plr. lubrificatriss, "codeghin, doganeghin".
lubrifictriss. - lubricatory. lugn - n. m. (pr. \ l[ue][gn] \ ) Inv. at plr. - July. See also the
lubrificator - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ l[ue]brific&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - most common term "luj " (month of the year).
lubricator. lugnenga - n. f. (pr. \ l[ue][gn]'æ[ng]g& \ ) At plr. lugnenghe.
lubrifiché - vrb 1st con. trs. - (pr. \ l[ue]brifik'e \ ) - to - grapes that grow ripe in July. See also the terms
lubricate, to grease, to oil. "lignenga, lujenga".
luce - n. f. (pr. \ l'[ue][ch]e \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - light. - 2) - lugnengh - adj. (pr. \ l[ue][gn]'æ[ng]g \ ) Ms. plr. lugnengh. -
lighting. - 3) - opening, aperture. - 4) - archway, span fm. sng. and plr. lugnenga, lugnenghe. - ripening in July.
(bridges). - 5) - window. - See also the term "lus". Then See also the term "lujengh ".
note "luce dla lun-a moonlight" ; "luce dël sol luì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ l[ue]'i \ ) - to sprout (the fruit from
sunlight". the withered flower). See also the term "luvì ". It uses the
lucerna - n. f. (pr. \ l'[ue][ch]'ærn& \ ) At plr. lucerne. - oil- aux. "avèj ".
lamp. - Quite an italianism. See also the term "luserna". luin - n. m. (pr. \ l[ue]'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - lupine (botany -
lucernari - n. m. (pr. \ l'[ue][ch]ærn'&ri \ ) Inv. at plr. - Lupinus). See also the term "luvin".
skylight. Luis - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ l[ue]'iz \) Only sng. (noun of person). In
luch - n. and adj. (pr. \ l[ue]c \ ) Ms. plr. luch. - fm. sng. and case of need, inv. at plr. - Louis. See also the term
plr. luca, luche. - 1) - fool, dolt.(sbst.). - 2) - foolish (adj.). "Gino" (diminutive). For fm. see the terms "Luisa,
- 3) - stunned (adj.). See also the terms "oloch, luch, Luisin-a".
tabarluch". luis - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ l[ue]'iz \) Inv. at plr. - louis (french coin -
luchet - n. m. (pr. \ l[ue]k'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - padlock. history).
lùcid - 1) - adj. (pr. \ l[ue][ch]'id \ ) Ms. plr. lùcid. - fm. sng. Luisa - n. m. (pr. \ l[ue]'iz& \) Only sng. (noun of person). In
and plr. lùcida, lùcide. - 1) - polished, bright, shining., case of need, inv. at plr. - Louise. See also the term
shiny, satiny, glossy. - 2) - lucid, clear. (in a fig. and "Luisa" For ms. see the term "Luis".
medical sense). See also the term "lustr - 1)". luisan - adj. (pr. \ l[ue]iz'&[ng] \) Ms. plr. luisan. - fm. sng.
lùcid - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ l[ue][ch]'id \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - polish, and plr. luisan-a, luisan-e. - shining, bright, glossy. See
polishing-cream. In this senses see also the term "lustr - also the most common term "lusent ".
2)". - 2) - gloss, brightness, shininess. - In this sense see Luisin-a - n. m. (pr. \ l[ue]iz'i[ng]& \) Only sng. (noun of
also the terms "lustr - 2), lusor, brilantor". - 3) - tracing person). In case of need, inv. at plr. - Louise. See also the
(of a drawing). term "Luisa" For ms. see the term "Luis".
lucidascarpe - n. (pr. \ l[ue][ch]id&sc'&rpe \ ) Inv. in gnd. luj - n. m. (pr. \ l[ue]y \ ) Inv. at plr. - July. See also the term
and nr. - shoeblack, shoe-shine. See also the term "lugn " (month of the year).
"lustrascarpe". lujenga - n. f. (pr. \ l[ue]y'æ[ng]g& \ ) - See lugnenga.
lujengh - adj. (pr. \ l[ue]y'æ[ng]g \ ) - See lugnengh.

lum - n. m. (pr. \ l[ue]m \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - lamp, light, oil- lunàtich - adj. and n. (pr. \ l[ue]n'&tic \ ) Ms. plr. lunàtich. -
lamp, gas-light. - 2) - light. (also in a fig. sense). - 3) - fm. sng. and plr. lunàtica, lunàtiche. - 1) - moody.
enlightenment. - 4) - candle. - 5) - lumen (biology). whimsical, changeable (adj.). - 2) - moody person,
lumaireul - n. m. (pr. \ l[ue]m&ir'[ue]l \ ) At plr. lumaireuj. - changeable person (sbst.).
small torch. (made with dry branches). lunèiri - n. m. (pr. \ l[ue]n'æiri \ ) Inv. at plr. - will-o'-the-
lumassa - n. f. (pr. \ l[ue]m'&s& \ ) At plr. lumasse. - 1) - snail wisp, jack-o'-lantern. See also the terms "luneri, culèiss".
(zoology - Helix pomatias). - 2) - slow-coach (in a fig. luneri - n. m. (pr. \ l[ue]n'eri \ ) - See lunèiri.
sense). See also the term "limassa". lunet - n. m. (pr. \ l[ue]n'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - small stave (of a
lumasson - n. m. (pr. \ l[ue]m&s'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - slug wine butt). See also the term "lunòt 2nd meaning".
(zoology). - 2) - slow-coach (in a fig. sense). See also the lunëtta - n. f. (pr. \ l[ue]n'&tt& \ ) At plr. - lunëtte. - 1) -
term "limasson" and the loc. "lumassa rablòira". lunette (architecture - religion). - 2) - lorgnette. In this
lumassòla - n. f. (pr. \ l[ue]m&s'ol& \ ) At plr. lumassòle - sense see also the term "lorgnëtta".
small snail. See also the terms "limassòla, lumassòta". lunòt - n. m. (pr. \ l[ue]n'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - rear window
lumassòta - n. f. (pr. \ l[ue]m&s'ot& \ ) - See lumassòla. (cars). - 2) - small stave (of a wine butt). In this sense see
lumé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ l[ue]m'e \ ) - 1) - to eye. - 2) - to also the term "lunet ".
catch sight of. - 3) - to cast an eye on. See also the term lun-a - n. f. (pr. \ l'[ue][ng]& \ ) At plr. (when required) lun-e. -
"lorgné ". 1) - moon. - 2) - lunar month, lunation.
lumegé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ l[ue]mej'e \ ) - 1) - to heighten lun-es - n. m. (pr. \ l'[ue][ng]æz \ ) Inv. at plr. - monday.
(painting). - 2) - to throw light upon. - 3) - to illuminate. lurdison - n. f. (pr. \ l[ue]rdis'u[ng] \ ) - See lordision.
lùmen - n. m. (pr. \ l'[ue]mæ[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - lumen lùrid - adj. (pr. \ l'[ue]rid \ ) Ms. plr. lùrid. - fm. sng. and plr.
(measurement unit). lùrida, lùride. - filthy, grimy.
lumera - n. f. (pr. \ l[ue]m'er& \ ) At plr. lumere. - chandelier. luridum - n. m. (pr. \ l[ue]rid'[ue]m \ ) Inv. at plr. - filthy
See also the terms "lumiera, chinché". mess, filth, filthiness.
lumet - n. m. (pr. \ l[ue]m'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - fire-fly, glow- luron - n. (pr. \ l[ue]r'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. luron. - fm. sng. and
worm (zoology - Luciola lampyris). See also the terms plr. luron-a, luron-e. - sly fellow, person of no scruples,
"lumin, luminet, lumëtta, lusentela, lusairòla, messonera" mischievous person.
and the loc. "bòja messonera". lus - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ l[ue]z \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - light. - 2) -
lumëtta - n. f. (pr. \ l[ue]m'&tt& \ ) At plr. lumëtte. - 1) - small lighting. See also the term "luce". Some expressions : -
oil-lamp. - 2) - night-light. - 3) - fire-fly, glow-worm. In "lus dël sol sunlight" ; "lus d'arbat reflected light" ;
this sense see also the term "lumet ". - 4) - lie, untruth (in "anvisché la lus to switch on the light " ; "dëstissé la lus
a fig. sense : in Piedm. the term "busìa" means "lie" or to switch off the light ".
"candlestick". This meaning of "lumëtta" is for extension). lus - 2) - adj. (pr. \ l[ue]z \ ) Ms. plr. lus. - fm. sng. and plr.
lumiera - n. f. (pr. \ l[ue]mi'er& \ ) - See lumera. lusa, luse. - worn, worn down. See also the term "lusi ".
lumignon - n. m. (pr. \ l[ue]mi[gn]'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - wick. lusà - n. f. (pr. \ l[ue]z'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - heavy fall, nasty
See also the terms "bambas, stopin". tumble. - 2) - sign left by the fall.
lumin - n. m. (pr. \ l[ue]m'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - small oil- lusairòla - n. f. (pr. \ l[ue]z&ir'ol& \ ) At plr. lusairòle. - fire-
lamp, night-lamp, small candle. - 2) - pupil (anatomy). - fly, glow-worm (zoology - Luciola lampyris). See also the
3) - fire-fly, glow worm. In this sense see also the term terms "lumin, luminet, lumëtta, lusentela, lumet,
"lumëtta". messonera" and the loc. "bòja messonera".
luminansa - n. f. (pr. \ l[ue]min'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr. luminanse. lusché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ l[ue]sk'e \ ) - 1) - to snatch, - 2) -
- luminance (physics). to grasp, to seize (violently). - 3) - to pinch.
luminari - n. m. (pr. \ l[ue]min'&ri \ ) Inv. at plr. - luminary luse - vrb 2nd con. int. (pr. \ l'[ue]ze \ ) - to shine, to glitter, to
(also in a fig. sense). glare, to sparkle. It uses the aux. "avèj ". See also the term
luminària - n. f. (pr. \ l[ue]min'&ri& \ ) At plr. luminàrie. - "bërluse".
illuminations. lusél - n. m. (pr. \ l [ue]z'el \ ) At plr. luséj. - 1) - dormer
luminassion - n. f. (pr. \ il[ue]min&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - window. - 2) - attic, garret. See also the terms "sofiëtta,
lighting, illumination. - 2) - enlightenment (in a fig. mansarda, nìvola".
sense). See also the terms "anluminassion, iluminassion". lusent - adj. (pr. \ l[ue]z'ænt \) Ms. plr. lusent. - fm. sng. and
luminessensa - n. f. (pr. \ l[ue]mines'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. plr. lusenta, lusente. - shining, bright, glossy. See also
luminessense. - luminescence. the most common term "luisan".
luminessent - adj. (pr. \ l[ue]mines'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. luserna - n. f. (pr. \ l'[ue]z'ærn& \ ) At plr. luserne. - oil-lamp.
luminessent. - fm. sng. and plr. luminessenta, - See also the term "lucerna".
luminessente. - luminescent. lusi - adj. (pr. \ l'[ue]zi \ ) - See lus - 2).
luminet - n. m. (pr. \ l[ue]min'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - pupil lusinga - n. f. (pr. \ l [ue]z'i[ng]g& \ ) At plr. lusinghe. - 1) -
(anatomy). - 2) - fire-fly, glow-worm. In this sense see flattey, allurement. In this sense see also the term
also the terms "lumet, lumëtta ". "faussarìa" and the loc. "fàussa lenga". - 2) - fallacious
luminos - adj. (pr. \ l[ue]min'uz \ ) Ms. plr. luminos. - fm. sng. hope, illusion. See also the term "lausenga".
and plr. luminosa, luminose. - 1) - bright, luminous, lusinghé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ l [ue]zi[ng]g'e \ ) - 1) - to
shining. - 2) - pellucid, obsious, clear. flatter, to allure. - 2) - to deceive, to delude.
luminosità - n. f. (pr. \ l[ue]minuzit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - lusinghésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ l [ue]zi[ng]g'ese \ ) - 1) -
brightness, luminosity, luminousness. - 2) - f-number to flatter oneself. - 2) - to entertain illusions.
(photography). lusion - n. f. (pr. \ l[ue]zi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - damage. -
lunà - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ l[ue]n'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - lunation 2) - lesion (medical). - 3) - injury (legal). - 4) - crack
(astronomy). (related to things). - See also the term "lesion".
lunà - 2) - adj. (pr. \ l[ue]n'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - half- lusor - n. m. (pr. \ l[ue]s'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - brillance,
moon shaped. brightness, lustre. See also the term "lustr - 2)".
lunar - adj. (pr. \ l[ue]n'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - lunar. luss - n. m. (pr. \ l[ue]s \ ) Inv. at plr. - luce, pike (zoology -
lunari - n. m. (pr. \ l[ue]n'&ri \ ) Inv. at plr. - almanac. Esox lucios)
lussa - n. f. (pr. \ l'[ue]s& \ ) At plr. lusse. - rain (slang term).

lussassion - n. f. (pr. \ l[ue]s&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - lustrascarpe - n. (pr. \ l[ue]str&sc'&rpe \ ) Inv. in gnd. and
dislocation, luxation (medical). See also the term nr. - shoeblack, shoe-shine. See also the term
"dëslogatura, slogadura". "lucidascarpe".
Lussìa - n. f. (pr. \ l[ue]s'i& \) Only sng. (noun of person). In lustré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ l[ue]str'e \ ) - 1) - to polish, to
case of need, at plr. Lussìe. - Lucy. burnish. - 2) - to flatter (in a fig. sense).
lusso - n. m. (pr. \ l'[ue]su \) Inv. at plr. - luxury, lustrin - n. m. (pr. \ l[ue]str'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - sequin,
sumptuousness, extravagance. spangle.
lussos - adj. (pr. \ l[ue]s'uz \) Ms. plr. lussos. - fm. sng. and plr. lustrin-a - n. f. (pr. \ l[ue]str'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. lustrin-e. - silk
lussosa, lussose. - luxurious, grand. fabric.
lussùria - n. f. (pr. \ l[ue]s'[ue]ri& \) At plr. lussùrie. - lust, lut - n. m. (pr. \ l[ue]t \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - mourning. In this
lechery, lasciviousness. sense see also the term "deul". - 2) - loss, bevearement. -
lussurios - adj. (pr. \ l[ue]s[ue]ri'uz \) Ms. plr. lussurios. - fm. 3) - death.
sng. and plr. lussuriosa, lussuriose. - lustfil, lecherous, luteran - n. and adj. (pr. \ l[ue]ter'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. luteran. -
lascivious. fm. sng. and plr. luteran-a, luteran-e. - Lutheran.
lustr - 1) - adj. (pr. \ l'[ue]str \) Ms. plr. lustr. - fm. sng. and lutéssio - n. m. (pr. \ l[ue]t'esiô \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any -
plr. lustra, lustre. - shiny, lustrous, glossy, polished. See chemical element) - lutetium.
alkso the term "lucid - 1)". luv - n. (pr. \ l'[ue]u \ ) Ms. plr. luv. - fm. sng. and plr. luva,
lustr - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ l'[ue]str \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - polish, luve. - wolf. For fm. see also the terms "lùa, luva".
polishing-cream. In this senses see also the term "lucid - luva - n. (pr. \ l'[ue]u& ; l'[ue]uw& \ ) - See lùa.
2)". - 2) - gloss, brightness, shininess. - In this sense see luvërtin - n. m. (pr. \ l[ue]wært'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - hop
also the terms "lucid - 2), lusor, brilantor". (botany - Humulus lupulus).
lustrà - 1) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ l[ue]str'& \) - polished. luvì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ l[ue]'i ; l[ue]w'i \ ) - See luì.
lustrà - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ l[ue]str'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - luvin - n. m. (pr. \ l[ue]'i[ng] ; l[ue] w 'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
polish, shine. See also the term "lustrada". lupine (botany - Lupinus). See also the term "luin".
lustrada - n. f. (pr. \ l[ue]str'&d& \) At plr. lustrade. - polish, luvion - n. m. (pr. \ l[ue]vi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - mullein
shine. See also the term "lustrà". (botany - Verbascum thapsus). See also the terms "lëvion,
lustradura - n. f. (pr. \ l[ue]str'&d'[ue]r& \) At plr. lustradure. pasquëtta 2nd meaning".
- 1) - polishing. - 2) - burnishing (metals). - 2) - lustring luvòt - 1) - n. (pr. \ l[ue]v'ot \ ) Ms. plr. luvòt. - fm. sng. and
(fabric). plr. luvòta, luvòte. - wolf-cub.
lustral - adj. (pr. \ l[ue]str'&l \) Ms. plr. lustraj. - fm. sng. and luvòt - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ l[ue]v'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - cub (scouts).
plr. lustral, lustraj. - quinquennial. The expression "eva lvé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ lv'e \ ) - See lëvé.
lustral " means "holy water".

Letter M

m - thirteenth letter of the alphabet and n. f. (pr. \ m& \ ) Inv. at macaronarìa - n. f. (pr. \ m&c&run&r'i& \ ) At plr.
possible plr. - m. macaronarìe. - simplicity, ingenuousness, simple-
...m... - prs. prn. comp. (pr. \ m \ ) - me, to me, myself. mindedness (family term).
Connected to verb or other prn. prt. and mainly with prs, macaronass - n. m. (pr. \ m&c&run'&s \ ) - See macaron 2nd
vrbl. prn. (see grammar). This is a particularity of meaning.
Piedmontese to be studied in grammar. Here we report macarònich - adj. (pr. \ m&c&r'onic \ ) Ms. plr. macarònich. -
some examples : - A) - "damlo give it to me, give me fm. sng. and plr. macarònica, macaròniche. - macaronic.
that". - B) - "im faso la barba I shave myself ". - C) - "a macassìa - adv. (pr. \ m&c&s'i& \ ) - 1) - however that may
mlo dis he says it to me". - See also the terms "ëm, me, be, anyhow, in any case. - 2) - at random, in a slapdash
më, 'm, m' ". manner. See also the term "mecassìa".
'm - prs. prn. comp. (pr. \ m \ ) - me, to me, myself. Not easy macé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&[ch]'e \ ) - 1) - to stain, to
to find in this form, but possible. Usually connected with spot, to blot, to spatter, to smear, to dirty, to soil. - 2) -
prs, vrbl. prn. (see grammar). See also the term "...m...". to stain, to soil, to blemish, to foul, to sully (in a fig.
m' - prs. prn. comp. (pr. \ m \ ) - me, to me, myself. Not easy sense). - 3) - to sketch (painting).
to find in this form, but possible. Usually connected with macedònia - n. f. (pr. \ m&[ch]ed'oni& \ ) At plr. macedònie. -
prs, vrbl. prn. (see grammar). "i m'ancamin-o = I start fruit-salad, macedoine.
(myself)", but usually "im ancamin-o". See also the term maceiron - n. m. (pr. \ m&[ch]æir'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
"...m...". haycock, haystack. See also ther terms "maciaron,
ma - 1) - cng. (pr. \ m& \ ) - 1) - but. E. g. "bél ma car fine maciairon".
but expensive". - 2) - yet, still. E. g. "dròlo, ma vér macerassion - n. f. (pr. \ m&[ch]er&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1)
strange, yet true". 3) - however, nevertheless. E. g. "a - maceration, steeping. - In this sense see also the terms
l'era tardi, ma i l'hai falo it was late, however I made it". "smasinura, mach ". - 2) - retting (texile). - 3) - bating
- 4) - on the contrary. E. g. " a smija fòl, ma a l'é bin furb (hides). - 4) - mortification (in a fig. sense).
maceré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&[ch]er'e \ ) - 1) - to
he seems stupid, on the contrari he is very shrewd ". - 5)
macerate, to steep. In this sense see also the term "smasì ".
- why. (emphasis). E. g. "ma sicura! why, of course! ".
- 2) - to ret (texile). - 3) - to bate (hides). - 4) - to
See also the term "però". Then some particular sentences
macerate, to mortify.(in a fig. sense).
using this term : - A) - "ma va là! go along with you!, get macerésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ m&[ch]er'ese \ ) - 1) - to
away! ". - B) - "ma brav tì you clever one! ". - C) - "bin macerate. - 2) - to waste away. - 3) - to pine away. - 4) -
fàit, ma pròpi bin well done, very well indeed". to be consumed.
ma! - 2) - excl. (pr. \ m& \ ) - who knows!, goodness knows!. macésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ m&[ch]'ese \ ) - 1) - to stain
ma - 3) - n. m. (pr. \ m& \ ) Inv at plr. - but, buts. E. g. "con oneself, to soil oneself. - 2) - to disgrace oneself, to sully
tuti tò ma it fase gnente with all your buts you don't do (one's ... ). (in a fig. sense).
anything ". macëtta - n. f. (pr. \ m&[ch]'&tt& \ ) At plr. machëtte. - 1) -
ma' - 4) - n. f. (pr. \ m& \ ) Inv at plr. (usually only sng.). - little spot, speckle. - 3) - sketch, caricatue (theatre). - 3) -
mummy, mum, ma, mama, mother. - See also the terms character, queer card, odd fish.
"mama, mare". macëttà - adj. (pr. \ m&[ch]&tt'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
macà - adj. (pr. \ m&c'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - contused, spotted, speckled, dappled, mottled. See also the term
bruised. See also the term "toch ". "maciorlà ".
macaco - n. m. (pr. \ m&c'&cu \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - macaco, macëttadura - n. f. (pr. \ m&[ch]&tt&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
macaque (zoology - Macacus). - 2) - simpleton, fool (in a macëttadure. - dapple speckledness, mottlement.
fig. sense). macëtté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&[ch]&tt'e \ ) - to spot, to
macadam - n. m. (pr. \ m&c&d'&m \ ) Inv. at plr. - macadam speckle, to dapple. See also the term "maciorlé ".
(streets). macëttista - n. (pr. \ m&[ch]&tt'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. macëttista. -
macadura - n. f. (pr. \ m&c&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. macadure. - fm. sng. and plr. macëttista, macëttiste. - 1) -
bruise, contusion. caricaturist. - 2) - character actor.
macanich - n. m. (pr. \ m&c&n'ic \ ) Inv. at plr. - handle for mach - 1) - adv. (pr. \ m&c \ ) - only, merely, but, just. An
operating the rear winch of a cart. See also the term idiomatic sentence thet can seem a bit odd : "pà mach che
"manavela". për..." lit. "not only that for..." "at least for...". Then
macaron - n. m. (pr. \ m&c&r'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - another expression "mach adéss", having the idiomatic
"macaroni". - 2) - blockhead, dolt (in a fig. sense). In this value of "just now, a moment ago", and the lit. value of
sense see also the term "macaronass". - 3) - mistake, "only now".
error. - 4) - scrawl, scribble. In this sense see also the mach - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ m&c \ ) Inv. at plr. - retting-pit,
term "scarabòcc". rettery. See also the loc. "tampa dël mach ".
macaronà - n. f. (pr. \ m&c&run'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - dish of Mach - 3) - n. m. (pr. \ m&c \ ) Inv. at plr. - Mach number
macaroni, soup of macaroni. See also the term (physics).
"macaronada 1st meaning". maché! - 1) - excl. (pr. \ m&k'e \ ) - of course not!, certainly
macaronada - n. f. (pr. \ m&c&run'&d& \ ) At plr. not!.
macaronade. - 1) - dish of macaroni, soup of macaroni. maché - 2) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&k'e \ ) - 1) - to bruise. -
In this sense see also the term "macaronà". - 2) - blunder, 2) - to dent.
gross mistake (due to superficiality or ingenuity). machésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ m&k'ese \ ) - 1) - to get
bruised. - 2) - to get dented.

machignon - n. m. (pr. \ m&k'i[gn]'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - macinadura - n. f. (pr. \ m&[ch]in&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
middleman dealing in horses. See also the terms macinadure. - grinding, milling. See also the term
"marossé - 1), marosseur". "macinassion, mulin-adura".
machignoné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&k'i[gn]un'e \ ) - to act macinassion - n. f. (pr. \ m&[ch]in&si'u[ng] \ ) - See
as a middleman dealing in horses. See also the term macinadura.
"marossé -2)". maciné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&[ch]in'e \ ) - 1) - to grind, to
màchina - n. f. (pr. \ m'&kin& \ ) At plr. màchine. - 1) - mill, to grist. - 2) - to powder, to pulverize. - 3) - to
machine. - 2) - engine. - 3) - machinery (for plr. - See muller (colours). - 4) - to pound, to smash. - 5) - to press
also, in this sense, the term "machinari "). - 4) - car. In this (olives). See also the term "muliné 1)".
sense see also the terms "automòbil, vitura". macinél - n. m. (pr. \ m&[ch]in'el \ ) At plr. macinej. - muller
machinari - n. m. (pr. \ m&kin'&ri \ ) Inv. at plr. - machinery. (painting).
machinassion - n. f. (pr. \ m&kin&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - macinin - n. m. (pr. \ m&[ch]in'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - mill,
machination, plot, intrigue. ghrinder, coffe-mill, pepper-mill, etc. See also the terms
machinator - n. (pr. \ m&kin&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. machinator. - "mulin-acafé, mulin-apèiver, etc.".
fm. sng. and plr. machinatriss, machinatriss. - plotter, macioflù - adj. (pr. \ m&[ch]iufl'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. macioflù. -
contriver. fm. sng. and plr. macioflùa, macioflùe. - plump, chubby.
machiné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&kin'e \ ) - to plot, to See also the terms "pacioflù, pacioflon".
contrive, to scheme. maciorlà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ m&[ch]iurl'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and
machinëtta - n. f. (pr. \ m&kin'&tt& \ ) At plr. machinëtte. - 1) nr. - spotted, dappled, speckled.
- small machine, small engine. - 2) - lighter. maciorlé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&[ch]iurl'e \ ) - See macëtté.
machinism - n. m. (pr. \ m&kin'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - maciòcia - n. f. (pr. \ m&[ch]i'oc& \ ) At plr. maciòche. -
mechanism (phylosophy). crooked shuffling of the cards. - See also the terms
machinista - n. (pr. \ m&kin'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. machinista. - fm. "macòla, mës-cëtta".
sng. and plr. machinista, machiniste. - 1) - engine-driver macis - n. m. (pr. \ m&[ch]'iz \ ) Inv. at plr. - mace (botany).
(railways). - 2) - machine-driver, engineer, machinist. maciura - n. f. (pr. \ m&[ch]i'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. maciure. - the
machinos - adj. . (pr. \ m&kin'uz \ ) Ms. plr. machinos. - fm. action of staining, mottlement.
sng. and plr. machinosa, machinose. - complicated, macobar - n. m. (pr. \ m&cub'&r \ ) Inv. at plr. - musk beetle
complex, intricate, involved. (zoology - Aromia moschata). See also the term
machinosità - n. f. (pr. \ m&kinùuzit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - "moscardin-a".
complexity, involution. màcola - n. f. (pr. \ m'&cul& \ ) - See màcula.
màcia - n. f. (pr. \ m'&[ch]i& \ ) At plr. mace. - 1) - stain, macòla - n. f. (pr. \ m&c'ol& \ ) - See maciòca.
spot, blur, smear. - 2) - stain, defect, blemish, flaw (in a macramé - n. m. (pr. \ m&cr&m'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - macramé,
fig. sense). - 3) - spot (astronomy). - 4) - macula, spot knotted-work.
(medical). - 5) - sketch (painting). macro... - prefix. (pr. \ m&crô ; m&cru \ ) - macro..., binging
maciacula - n. f. (pr. \ m&[ch]i&c'[ue]l& \ ) At plr. maciacule. the idea of "lage, big". The use is very similar to the
- bump with the behind. (in Piedm. the term is not english one. In the following some examples.
particularly vulgar). See also the terms "culatà, macrobiòtica - n. f. (pr. \ m&crubi'otic& \ ) At plr. (if any)
matarassà". macrobiòtiche. - macrobiotics.
maciafer - n. m. (pr. \ m&[ch]i&f'ær \ ) Inv. at plr. - dross, macrobiòtich - adj. (pr. \ m&crubi'otic \ ) Ms. plr.
slag (metallurgy). macrobiòtich. - fm. sng. and plr. macrobiòtica,
maciairon - n. m. (pr. \ m&[ch]i&ir'u[ng] \ ) - See maceiron. macrobiòtiche. - macrobiotic.
maciareul - n. (pr. \ m&[ch]i&r'[oe]l \ ) Ms. plr. maciareuj. - macrocòsm - n. m. (pr. \ m&crubi'otic \ ) Inv. at a possible plr.
fm. sng. and plr. maciareula, maciareule. - one of the - macrocosm.
Macchiaioli, Florentine impressionist painter. macrocristalin - adj. (pr. \ m&crucrist&l'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr.
maciaron - n. m. (pr. \ m&[ch]i&r'u[ng] \ ) - See maceiron. macrocristalin. - fm. sng. and plr. macrocristalin-a,
maciavélica - n. f. (pr. \ m&[ch]i&v'elic& \ ) At plr. macrocristalin-e. - macro-crystalline.
maciavéliche. - astuteness, craftiness, Machiavellism. macroeconomìa - n. f. (pr. \ m&cruecunum'i& \ ) At plr.
maciavélich - adj. (pr. \ m&[ch]i&v'elic \ ) Ms. plr. macroeconomìe - macroeconomics.
maciavélich. - fm. sng. and plr. maciavélica, macroeconòmich - adj. (pr. \ m&cruecun'omic \ ) Ms. plr.
maciavéliche. - Machiavellian, cunning, crafty. macroeconòmich. - fm. sng. and plr. macroeconòmica,
maciavelism - n. m. (pr. \ m&[ch]i&vel'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - macroeconòmiche. - macroeconomic.
Machiavellianism, Machiavellism. macrofotografìa - n. f. (pr. \ m&crôfutugr&f'i& \ ) At plr.
maciavelista - n. (pr. \ m&[ch]i&vel'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. macrofotografìe. - macrophotography.
maciavelìsta. - fm. sng. and plr. maciavelìsta, macrografìa - n. f. (pr. \m&crôgr&f'i&\ ) At plr. macrografìe.
maciavelìste. - Machiavellian, Machiavellist. - macrography.
macign - n. m. (pr. \ m&[ch]'i[gn] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - macromolécola - n. f. (pr. \ m&crumul'ecul& \ ) At plr.
gritstone. - 2) - boulder, rock. macromolécole. - macromolecule.
macilensa - n. f. (pr. \ m&[ch]il'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. macilense. macromolecolar - adj. (pr. \ m&crumulecul'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd.
- leanness, meagreness, emaciation. and nr. - macromolecular.
macilent - adj. lean, meagre, emaciated. macroscòpich - adj. (pr. \ m&crusc'opic \ ) Ms. plr.
màcina - n. f. (pr. \ m'&[ch]in& \ ) At plr. màcine. - 1) - macroscòpich. - fm. sng. and plr. macroscòpica,
millstone. - 2) - burden, heavy load (in a fig. sense). See macroscòpiche. - 1) - macroscopic. - 2) - gross, glaring
also the term "màsna" and the loc. "pera da mulin". (in a fig. sense).
macinà - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ m&[ch]in'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - flour, macrostrutura - n. f. (pr. \ m&crustr[ue]t'[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
meal, grist. See also the term "mulinà 1)". macrostruture. - macrostructure.
macinà - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ m&[ch]in'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - grinding. màcula - n. f. (pr. \ m'&c[ue]l& \ ) At plr. màcule. - macula
quick grinding. See also the term "mulinà 2)". (anatomy). See also the term "màcola".

maculà - adj. (pr. \ m&c[ue]l'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - student who has obtained his secondary-school leaving
spotted, dappled. - See also the terms "marëzzà, certificate (sbst.). In general see also the term "matur".
marmorisà ". madurand - n. (pr. \ m&d[ue]r'&nd \ ) Ms. plr. madurand. -
maculadura - n. f. (pr. \ m&c[ue]l&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. fm. sng. and plr. maduranda, madurande. - candidate
maculadure. - maculation. for secondary-school leaving certificate. - See also the
madama - n. f. (pr. \ m&d'&m& \ ) At plr. madame. - term "maturand".
madam, mistress, landlady. See in the grammar (nouns) maduransa - n. f. (pr. \ m&d[ue]r'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr.
the part related to "madama, madamin, tòta". When it was maduranse. - 1) - maturation, maturing, ripening. - 2) -
usual, for a newly married woman, to go living in the house maturity. See also the terms "madurament, madurassion,
of the husband's family and to assume the same surname maturassion".
(let's suppose "Pautass", the husband's mother became madurament - n. m. (pr. \ m&d[ue]r&m'ænt \ ) - See
"madama Pautass", while the newly arrived became maduransa.
"madamin Pautass". madurassion - n. f. (pr. \ m&d[ue]r&si'u[ng] \ ) - See
madamin - n. f. (pr. \ m&d&m'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - maduransa.
madam, young madam in sub-order to a "Madama" (see maduré - vrb. 1st. con. int. and trs. (pr. \ m&d[ue]r'e \ ) - 1) - to
the note to the term "madama"). - 2) - dragon-fly mature (in general) (int.). - 2) - to ripen, to grow ripe
(zoology). In this sense see also the terms "balansëtta, (fruits, etc.) (int.). - 3) - to come to maturity (in a fig.
monigheta 2nd meaning". sense) (int.). - 4) - to come to a head (medical) (int.). - 5) -
madamisela - n. f. (pr. \ m&d&mis'el& \ ) At plr. madamisele. to fall due, to be due, to accrue (finance) (int.). - 6) - to
- young lady, noble girl, miss. See also the terms "tòta, mature, to bring to maturity (trs.). As int. it uses the aux.
totin-a". "esse". When trs. it uses the aux. "avèj ".
madamislon - n. m. (pr. \ m&d&misl'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - old madurità - n. f. (pr. \ m&d[ue]rit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
unmarried noble woman (often ironical). The name is ms. maturity. - 2) - ripeness. - 3) - secondary-school leaving
even if it is referred to a woman. See also the term "toton" certificate.See also the term "maturità ".
Madlen-a - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ m&dl'æ[ng]& \ ) Only sng. (noun of maestà - n. f. (pr. \ m&est'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - majesty,
person). In case of need, at plr. Madlen-e. - Magdalene. dignity, loftiness. - 2) - Majesty (title). See also the term
madlen-a - 2) - excl. (pr. \ m&dl'æ[ng]& \ ) - good heavens!. "majestà ".
Madlinin - n. f. (pr. \ m&dlin'i[ng] \ ) Only sng. (noun of maestàtich - adj. (pr. \ m&est'&tic \ ) Ms. plr. maestàtich. -
person). In case of need, inv. at plr. - little Magdalene, fm. sng. and plr. maestàtica, maestàtiche. - related to
Maud. majesty, majestic. See also the term "maestos".
madoné - n. (pr. \ m&dun'e \ ) Ms. plr. madoné. - fm. sng. and maestos - adj. (pr. \ m&est'uz \ ) Ms. plr. maestos. - fm. sng.
plr. madonera, madonere. - 1) - who carries the statue in and plr. maestosa, maestose. - 1) - majestic, grand, lofty,
religious processions. - 2) - seller of holy pictures and stately, solemn. - 2) - maestoso (music). See also the term
statuettes. - 3) - devotee of the Virgin Mary (with a bit of "dasiant".
ironical sense). maestosità - n. f. (pr. \ m&estuzit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - majesty,
madonin-a - n. f. (pr. \ m&dun'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. madonin-e. - dignity, grandeur, loftiness.
1) - statuette of the Holy Virgin. - 2) - demure young maestr - adj. (pr. \ m&'estr \ ) Ms. plr. maestr. - fm. sng. and
lady. plr. maestra, maestre. - 1) - main, chief (as an attribute).
madornal - adj. (pr. \ m&durn'&l \ ) Ms. plr. madornaj. - fm. E. g. "mur maestr main wall ". - 2) - master (as an
sng. and plr. madornal, madornaj. - enormous, huge, attribute), skilful.
gross. See also the term "marchian". maestra - n. f. (pr. \ m&'estr& \ ) At plr. maestre. - teacher,
madornalità - n. f. (pr. \ m&durn&lit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - school-teacher, school-mistress. See also the terms
enormousness, hugeness, grossness. "magistra, mèistra".
Madòna - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ m&d'on& \ ) Usually only sng. In maestral - n. m. (pr. \ m&estr'&l \ ) At plr. (when applicable)
case of need at plr. Madòne. - Our Lady, the Virging maestraj. - north-west wind. See also the term "mistral,
Mary, the Madonna. méstr ".
madòna - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ m&d'on& \ ) At plr. madòne. - 1) - maestransa - n. f. (pr. \m&estr'&[ng]s&\ ) At plr. maestranse.
mother-in-law. In this sense see also the loc. "mare - hands, workers, employees (usually at plr.). See also the
madòna". - 2) - red weed, corn poppy (botany - Papaver term "meistransa, mistransa, amaestransa".
rhoeas). In this sense see also the term "dòna". maestrìa - n. f. . (pr. \ m&estr'i& \ ) At plr. maestrìe. - 1) -
madòsca - excl. (pr. \ m&d'osc& \ ) - heavens!, my goodness!. mastery, skill, dexterity. - 2) - cunning, shrewdness. See
madre - n. f. (pr. \ m'&dre \ ) Inv. at plr. - Mother Superior also the term "magistrìa".
(nuns - religion). This word is used only in this sense. See maestro - n. m. (pr. \ m&'estru \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - master,
also the terms "badëssa, abadëssa". school-master, teacher, instructor. - 2) - Maestro
madreperla - n. f. (pr. \ m&drep'ærl& \ ) Inv. at plr. - mother- (music). See also the term "magister".
of pearl, nacre. mafi - adj. (pr. \ m'&fi \ ) Ms. plr. mafi. - fm. sng. and plr.
madrevis - n. f. (pr. \ m&drev'iz \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - nut screw, mafia, mafie. - rough, coarse, rude. See also the term
female thread, lead screw (mechanics). - 2) - die "màfio" -
(mechanics). mafia - n. f. (pr. \ m'&fi& \ ) At plr. mafie. - 1) - (in Italy)
madrigal - n. m. (pr. \ m&drig'&l \ ) At plr. madrigaj. - Mafia, criminal organization. - 2) - (in Piedmont)
madrigal (poetry, music). haughtinass, arrogance, conceit.
madron - n. m. (pr. \ m&dr'u[ng] \ ) Inf. at plr. - large wooden màfio - adj. (pr. \ m'&fiu \ ) - See mafi.
board for building. mafios - adj. and n. (pr. \ m&fi'uz \ ) - Ms. plr. mafios. - fm.
madur - adj. and n. (pr. \ m&d'[ue]r \ ) Ms. plr. madur. - fm. sng. and plr. mafiosa, mafiose. - 1) - (in Italy) affiliated to
sng. and plr. madura, madure. - 1) - mature (adj. - in the Mafia.(adj.)., member of the Mafia (sbst.). - 2) - (in
general). - 2) - mellow, ripe (adj. - fruits, etc.). - 3) - Piedmont) haughty, arrogant, vain, conceited (adj.).,
mature (adj. - medical). - 4) - mature, due, accrued (adj. haughty person (sbst.).
- finance). As an adj. see also the terms "mur, mèor". - 5) -

maga - n. f. (pr. \ m'&g& \ ) At plr. maghe. - sorceress, magioritari - adj. (pr. \ m&jiurit'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. magioritari. -
enchanteress, magician, witch. Quite an italianism. See fm. sng. and plr. magioritaria, magioritarie. - majority
also the terms "strìa, masca". For ms. see the term "mago". (as an attribute).
magagna - n. f. (pr. \ m&g'&[gn]& \ ) At plr. magagne. - 1) - magiòstra - n. f. (pr. \ m&ji'ostr& \ ) At plr. magiòstre. - big
defect, vice, imperfection, flaw. - 2) - infirmity, ailment. strawberry (botany - Fragaria). See also the term
See also the term "mangagna". "frolon".
magagné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&g&[gn]'e \ ) - to spoil, to magìster - n. m. (pr. \ m&j'istær \ ) Inv. at plr. - master,
mar, to damage. See also the term "mangagné ". school-master, teacher, instructor.See also the term
magagnésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ m&g&[gn]'ese \ ) - 1) - to "maestro". For fm. see the terms "magistra, maestra".
get spoilt, to break down. - 2) - to rot. See also the term magisteri - n. m. (pr. \ m&jist'eri \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - mastery,
"mangagnésse ". command, skill. - 2) - mastership, teaching. - 3) -
magara! - 1) - excl. (pr. \ m&g'&r& \ ) - 1) - and how!. - 2) - magistery. - 4) - arts faculty (University).
if only!, would to Heaven!. magistra - n. f. (pr. \ m&j'istr& \ ) At plr. magistre. - teacher,
magara - 2) - cng. and adv. (pr. \ m&g'&r& \ ) - 1) - even if school-teacher, school-mistress. For ms. see the term
(cng.). - 2) - even, perhaps, maybe (adv.). "magìster". See also the term "maestra".
magasin - n. m. (pr. \ m&g&z'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - magistrà - n. m. (pr. \ m&jistr'& \ ) Inv. al plr. - 1) -
storehouse, store, warehaose. - 2) - shop, store. - 3) - magistrate, judge. - 2) - magistrate, officer, official.
magazine (photography, typography). - 4) - memory magistradura - n. f. (pr. \ m&jistr&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
(electronics). magistradure. - magistrature, magistracy. See also the
magasinagi - n. m. (pr. \ m&g&zin'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - storage, term "magistratura".
warehousing. magistral - adj. (pr. \ m&jistr'&l \ ) Ms. plr. magistraj. - fm.
magasiné - 1) - vrb. 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&g&zin'e \ ) - to store, sng. and plr. magistral, magistraj. - 1) - magistral. - 2) -
to store up, to warehouse. See also the term magisterial, masterly, skilful. See also the term
"anmagasiné". "magistrévol ".
magasiné - 2) - n. (pr. \ m&g&zin'e \ ) Ms. plr. magasiné. - magistratura - n. f. (pr. \ m&jistr&t'[ue]r& \ ) - See
fm. sng. and plr. magasinera, magasinere. - storekeeper, magistradura.
storeman, warehouseman. magistrévol - adj. (pr. \ m&jistr'evul \ ) - See magistral.
magengh - n. m. (pr. \ m&j'æ[ng]g \ ) Inv. at plr. - May hay. magistrìa - n. f. (pr. \ m&jistr'i& \ ) - See maestrìa.
See also the terms "majengh, miengh ". magma - n. m. (pr. \ m'&gm& \ ) Inv. at plr. - magma.
magenta - adj. and n. (pr. \ m&j'ænt&\ ) Inv. in any case. - magmàtich - adj. (pr. \ m&gm'&tic \ ) Ms. plr. magmàtich. -
magenta. fm. sng. and plr. magmàtica, magmàtiche. - magmatic.
magg - n. m. (pr. \ m&j \ ) Inv. at plr. - May. See also the term magna - n. f. (pr. \ m'&[gn]& \ ) At plr. magne. - aunt. The
"maj 2nd meaning". loc. "magna bela" means "great-aunt ". For a diminutive
màgher - 1) - adj. (pr. \ m'&ger \ ) Ms. plr. màgher. - fm. sng. see the term "magnòta".
and plr. magra, magre. - 1) - thin, meagre, slender, lean, magnànim - adj. (pr. \ m&[gn]'&nim \ ) Ms. plr. magnànim. -
slim. - 2) - meagre, insufficient, poor, scarce, scanty. - 3) fm. sng. and plr. magnànima, magnàmime. -
- poor, barren. The term is not very used, and usually only magnanimous, generous. See also the term "generos".
at ms. See also the terms "màire, màir 1)". magnanimità - n. f. (pr. \ m&[gn]&nimit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
màgher - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ m'&ger \ ) Inv. at plr. lean meat. See magnanimity, generosity, loftiness of spirit. See also the
also the term "màir". loc. "grandor d'ànim", and the term "generosità".
magìa - n. f. (pr. \ m&j'i& \ ) At plr. magìe. - 1) - magic, magnat - n. m. (pr. \ m&[gn]'&t \ ) Inv. at plr. - magnate,
witchcraft, spell. - 2) - magich, charm, enchantment (in grandee, tycoon, baron. Sere also the terms "magnati,
a fig. sense). Quite an italianism. See also the term magnato"
"mascarìa". magnati - n. m. (pr. \ m&[gn]'&ti \ ) - See magnat.
màgich - adj. (pr. \ m'&jic \ ) Ms. plr. màgich. - fm. sng. and magnato - n. m. (pr. \ m&[gn]'&tu \ ) - See magnat.
plr. màgica, màgiche. - 1) - magic, magical. - 2) - magnésia - n. f. (pr. \ m&[gn]'esi& \ ) At plr. magnésie. -
charming, enchanting, fascinating (in a fig. sense). In magnesia, magnesium oxide.
this meaning see also the term "anciarmant". magnesìach - adj. (pr. \ m&[gn]es'i&c \ ) Ms. plr. magnesìach.
magio - n. m. (pr. \ m'&jiu \ ) At plr. magi. - Magus. "Ij tre re - fm. sng. and plr. magnesìaca, magnesìache. -
Magi the three Magi, the three wise men ". magnesian. magnesic (chemistry).
magior - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ m&ji'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - major magnésio - n. m. (pr. \ m&[gn]'esiô \ ) Only sng. (chemical
(military). - 2) - superior. element). In case of need inv. at plr. - magnesium.
magior - 2) - adj. (pr. \ m&ji'ur \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - magnesite - n. f. (pr. \ m&[gn]es'ite \ ) Inv. at plr. - magnesite
greater, greatest, major. - 2) - larger, largest, bigger, (mineral).
biggest. - 3) - higher, highest, taller, tallest. - 4) - older, magnete - n. m. (pr. \ m&[gn]'ete \ ) Inv. at plr. - magnet
oldest, elder, eldest. - 5) - senior, major. (physics).
magioran-a - n. f. (pr. \ m&jiur'&[ng]& \ ) At plr. (if any) magnétich - adj. (pr. \ m&[gn]'etic \ ) Ms. plr. magnétch. - fm.
magioran-e. - sweet marjoram (botany - Origanum sng. and plr. magnética, magnétiche. - magnetic.
majorana). magnetical.
magioransa - n. f. (pr. \m&jiur'&[ng]s&\ ) At plr. magioranse. magnetisàbil - adj. (pr. \ m&[gn]etiz'&bil \ ) Ms. plr.
- majority (in general), the greatest number. magnetisàbij. - fm. sng. and plr. magnetisàbil,
magiordòm - n. m. (pr. \ m&jiurd'om \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - magnetisàbij. - magnetizable (physics).
bulter, house-steward. In this sense see also the loc. magnetisant - adj. (pr. \ m&[gn]etiz'&nt \ ) Ms. plr.
"magister ëd cà ". - 2) - majordomo. In this sense see also magnetisant. - fm. sng. and plr. magnetisanta,
the term "seniscalch" and the loc. "ufissial ëd palass". magnetisante. - magnetizing (physics).
magioré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&jiur'e \ ) - to increase, to magnetisassion - n. f. (pr. \ m&[gn]etiz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at
raise. plr. - magnetization (physics).
magiorità - n. f. (pr. \ m&jiurit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - staff office magnetisator - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ m&[gn]etiz&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. -
(military). magnetizer (physics).

magnetisator - 2) - adj. (pr. \ m&[gn]etiz&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. magon - n. m. (pr. \ m&g'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - anguish,
magnetisator. - fm. sng. and plr. magnetisatriss, sorrow, grief, heartache.
magnetisatriss. - magnetizing (physics). magoné - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ m&gun'e \ ) - to grieve, to
magnetisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&[gn]etiz'e \ ) - 1) - to distress deeply oneself. It uses the aux. "avèj ".
magnetize (physics). - 2) - to magnetize, to fascinate (in a magra - m. f. (pr. \ m'&gr& \ ) At plr. magre. - 1) - low water.
fig. sense). - 2) - shortage. Italianism. See also the most common
magnetism - n. m. (pr. \ m&[gn]et'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - words "màira, sùita".
magnetism (physics). - 2) - magnetism, attractive power, magrëssa - n. f. (pr. \ m&gr'&ss& \ ) At plr. magrësse. - 1) -
personal charm (in a fig sense). thinness, meagreness, slimness. - 2) - scarcity,
magnetite - n. f. (pr. \ m&[gn]et'ite \ ) Inv. at plr. - magnetite, scantiness. - 3) - poorness, barrenness (ground). See also
loadstone, magnetic iron (mineral). the terms "mairëssa, magrìssia".
magnetomotor - adj. (pr. \ m&[gn]etumut'ur \ ) Ms. plr. magrìssia - n.f. (pr. \ m&gr'issi& \ ) - See mairëssa.
magnetomotor. - fm. sng. and plr. magnetomotriss, mah! - excl. (pr. \ m& \ ) - 1) - who knows!, heaven knows!
magnetomotriss. - magnetomotive (physics). (doubt). - 2) - well! (resignation).
magneton - n. m. (pr. \ m&[gn]et'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - mai - adv. (pr. \ m&i \ ) - 1) - never. E. g. "a riva mai an orari
magneton (physics). he never arrives on time". - 2) - ever. E. g. "Ses-to mai
magnetosfera - n. f. (pr. \ m&[gn]etusf'er& \ ) At plr. (if any) stàit a Susa? have you ever been in Susa? ". - 3) - with a
magnetosfere. - magnetosphere. pleonastic value, not used in English E. g. "s'it ses mai fòl!
magnetostàtica - n. f. (pr. \ m&[gn]etust'&tic& \ ) At plr. (if how stupid of you! ". Then some idiomatich use: - A) -
any). magnetostàtiche. - magnetostatics. "mai pì! " "not at all! ". - B) - "se mai , ëd vòlte mai ,
magnetostàtich - adj. (pr. \ m&[gn]etust'&tic& \ ) Ms. plr. caso mai, se 'd vòlte mai possibly".
magnetostàtich. - fm. sng. and plr. magnetostàtica, maiatass (avèj ---) - vrbl. loc. (pr. \ &v'æy m&i&t'&s \ ) - See
magnetostàtiche. - magnetostatic. maitass (avèj ---).
magnetostrission - n. f. (pr. \ m&[gn]etustrisi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at maièutica - n. f. (pr. \ m&i'æutic& \ ) At plr maièutiche. -
plr. - magnetostriction. maieutics (phylosophy).
magnetoterapìa - n. f. (pr. \ m&[gn]etuter&p'i& \ ) At plr. maièutich - adj. (pr. \ m&i'æutic \ ) Ms. plr. maièutich. - fm.
magnetoterapìe. - magnetotherapy. sng. and plr. maièutica, maièutiche. - maieutic,
megnetoteràpich - adj. (pr. \ m&[gn]etuter'&pic \ ) Ms. plr. maieutical.
magnetoteràpich. - fm. sng. and plr. magnetoteràpica, maimon - n. m. (pr. \ m&imìu[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
magnetoteràpiche. - magnetotherapeutic. marmoset, wild cat. - 2) - monkey. - 3) - money as an
magnetron - n. m. (pr. \ m&[gn]etr'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - idol. In this sense see also the terms "mamona, mamòna".
magnetron (radio). mainagé - 1) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&in&j'e \ ) - to
magnificasson - n. f. (pr. \ m&[gn]ific&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - administer, to manage, to run. See also the term
extolment, magnification. "meinagé 1)".
magnìficat - n. m. (pr. \ m&[gn]'ific&t \ ) Inv. at plr. - mainagé - 2) - n. (pr. \ m&in&j'e \ ) - See meinagé 2).
Magnificat (religion). The way of saying "canté 'l mainagera - n. f. (pr. \ m&in&j'er& \ ) - See meinagera.
magnifict" means "toexult, to rejoice". mainagi - n. m. (pr. \ m&in'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - home
magnificator - n. m. - (pr. \ m&[gn]ific&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) economy, running of a house, family business. See also
- magnifier (in general). - 2) - extoller, praiser. the term "meinagi".
magnificensa - n. f. (pr. \ m&[gn]ifi[ch]'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. mainé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&in'e \ ) - 1) - to furl (sails). -
magnificense. - 1) - grandiosity, grandeur, greatness, 2) - to lower, to haul down (flags). Note thet the pr. of the
magnificence, splendour. - 2) - liberality, munificence. - letter "i " is long, since in this word "a " and "i " belong to
3) - marvel, splendid thing. a two different syllabs. See also the term"amainé ". Note
magnìfich - adj. (pr. \ m&[gn]'ific \ ) Ms. plr. magnìfich. - fm. that the sentence "mainé la lingerìa" means "to collect
sng. and plr. magnìfica, magnìfiche. - 1) - magnificent, laundry previously put to dry".
grand, majestic, sumptuous. - 2) - liberal. - 3) - màir - 1) - adj. (pr. \ m'&ir \ ) - See màire.
marvellous, wonderful. màir - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ m'&ir \ ) Inv. at plr. lean meat. See also
magnifiché - vrb 1st con. trs. - (pr. \ m&[gn]ifik'e \ ) - 1) - to the term "màgher 2)".
magnify. - 2) - to glorify, to exalt, to extol. màire - adj. (pr. \ m'&ire \ ) Ms. plr. màire. - fm. sng. and plr.
magniloquensa - n. f. (pr. \ m&[gn]ilu[qu]'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. - màira, màire. - 1) - thin, meagre, slender, lean, slim. - 2)
magniloquense. - magniloquence, bombast. - meagre, insufficient, poor, scarce, scanty. - 3) - poor,
magniloquent - adj. (pr. \ m&[gn]ilu[qu]'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. barren. See also the terms "màgher 1), mèire, màir".
magniloquent. - fm. sng. and plr. magniloquenta, mairet - adj. (pr. \ m&ir'æt \ ) Ms. plr. mairet. - fm. sng. and
magniloquente. - magniloquent, grandiloquent, plr. mairëtta, mairëtte. - leanish, thinnish.
bombastic. mairëssa - n. f. (pr. \ m&ir'&ss& \ ) At plr. mairësse. - 1) -
magnin - n. m. (pr. \ m&[gn]'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - tinker, thinness, meagreness, slimness. - 2) - scarcity,
coppersmith. scantiness. - 3) - poorness, barrenness (ground). See also
magninà - n. f. (pr. \ m&[gn]in'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - song or the terms "magrëssa, magrìssia".
shout of the tinker. mairì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ m&ir'i \ ) - to become thin, to
magniné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&[gn]in'e \ ) - to dirty with slim, to lose weight. See also the term "anmairì". It uses
soot or coal. See also the term "anmagniné ". the aux. "esse".
magnòlia - n. f. (pr. \ m&[gn]'oli& \ ) At plr. magnòlie. - mairolin - adj. (pr. \ m&irul'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. mairolin. - fm.
magnolia (botany - Magnolia). sng. and plr. mairolin-a, mairolin-e. - leanish,
magnòta - n. f. (pr. \ m&[gn]'ot& \ ) At plr. magnòte. - thinnish.See also the terms "mairet, mairoschin, mairòt".
auntie, aunty. Diminutive of the term "magna" (see the mairon - adj. (pr. \ m&ir'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. mairon. - fm. sng.
voice). and plr. mairon-a, mairon-e. - very thin, very slim, very
mago - n. m. (pr. \ m'&gu \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - magician, meagre.
wizard, sorcerer. - 2) - person very skilled in some job. mairòt - adj. (pr. \ m&ir'ot \ ) - See mairolin.
For the fm. see the term "maga".

maisin - n. m. (pr. \ m&iz'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - islet (mainly in mal - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ m&l \ ) At plr. - maj. - 1) - evil, ill,
rivers or lakes). See also the term "meisin". wrong. - 2) - harm. - 3) - disease, illness, sickness,
maisiné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&izin'e \ ) - to medicate, to infirmity. - 4) - trouble, pain, ache (in this sense see also
doctor, to treat, to dress (a wound). See also the term the term "mal fm."). - 5) - misfortune, calamity, adversity
"meisiné ". woe, trouble. - 6) - bad. In the sense as in the expression
maisinor - n. (pr. \ m&izin'ur \ ) Ms. plr. maisinor. - fm. sng. "to go bad" (related to food, etc.). In this case the
and plr. maisinòira, maisinòire. - healer. See also the translation is "andé a mal ". Then some particular
term "meisinor". expressions are here reported, using this term: - A) - "fésse
maisin-a - n. f. (pr. \ m&iz'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. meisin-e. - mal to hurt oneself ". - B) - "avèj mal a ... to have a
medicine, remedy, drug. See also the term "meisin-a". sore ...". - C) - "vnì mal to swoon". - D) - "mandé a mal
maitass (avèj ---) - vrbl. loc. (pr. \ &v'æy m&it'&s \ ) - to look to spoil ".
forward to doing st., to wait with eagerness. See also the mal - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ m&l \ ) At plr. - maj. - pain, ache (only in
terms "maitess, majatass,maiatass, martass, martess". this sense the term is used as fm., when not associated to
maitess (avèj ---) - vrbl. loc. (pr. \ &v'æy m&it'æs \ ) - See another sbst. E. g. "un maltésta (ms.) = an headache" or
maitass (avèj ---). "na mal a la testa (fm.) = an headache, a pain at the
maj - n. m. (pr. \ m&y \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - maul, mall, head"). Note that this term, at plr. is usually ms.
hammer (the machine for forging). - 2) - May (month of mal - 3) - adv. (pr. \ m&l \ ) - badly, not well, wrong,
the year - In this sense see also the term "magg"). - 3) - wrongly, incorrectly, etc. See also the term "malament ".
tree of May. The loc. "pianté 'l maj" means "to plant the mal... , mala... - prefix. (pr. \ m&l... ; m&l&... \ ) - bad. This
tree of May in the night of May 1st.". Then the exprtession prefix gives the idea of "bad", or the idea of something
"pianté 'l maj a tuti j'uss" means "to become enthusiastic which is the negation of the meaning of the main word. As
over all ". usual not always this beginning is a prefix. In the following
maja - n. f. (pr. \ m'&y& \ ) At plr. maje. - 1) - stitch. - 2) - some examples.
knitting, knitted work. - 3) - jersey, tricot. - 4) - mesh (in mal fé - adj. loc. (pr. \ m&l f'e \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
a net). - 5) - link (in a chain or track) - 6) - coat of mail, difficult, hard. See also the term "malfé 2)".
mail (armours) mala - n. f. (pr. \ m'&l& \ ) At plr. male. - 1) - suit-case, case,
majatass (avèj ---) - vrbl. loc. (pr. \ &v'æy m&y&t'&s \ ) - See bag. In this sense see also the term "valis". - 2) -
maitass (avèj ---). underworld, gangsters (slang term).
majengh - n. m. (pr. \ m&y'æ[ng]g \ ) Inv. at plr. - May hay. malàbil - adj. (pr. \ m&l'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. malàbij. - fm. sng.
See also the terms "magengh, miengh ". and plr. malàbil, malàbij. - 1) - inexperienced, inexpert. -
majera - n. f. (pr. \ m&y'er& \ ) At plr. majere. - knitter. 2) - awkward, clumsy. See also the term "dësadrëssà ".
majerìa - n. f. (pr. \ m&yer'i& \ ) At plr. majerìe. - hosiery, malabituà - adj. (pr. \ m&l&bitu'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - ill-
knitwear. bred, ill-mannered, unmannerly. See also the term
majestà - n. f. (pr. \ m&yest'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - majesty, "malcostumà ".
dignity, loftiness. - 2) - Majesty (title). See also the term malacòpia - n. f. (pr. \ m&l&c'opi& \ ) At plr. malacòpie, or
"maestà ". also malecòpie. - draft, rough copy. See also the loc.
majestos - adj. (pr. \ m&yest'uz \ ) Ms. plr. majestos. - fm. "bruta còpia".
sng. and plr. majestosa, majestose. - 1) - majestic, grand, malacostuma - n. f. (pr. \ m&l&cust'[ue]m& \ ) At plr.
lofty, stately, solemn. - 2) - maestoso (music). See also malacostume, or also malecostume. - 1) - immoral
the terms "maestos, dasiant". behaviour, immorality. - 2) - bad habit. In this last
majet - n. m. (pr. \ m&y'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - small maul, meaning see also the loc. "mal us".
small mall, small hammer (the machine for forging). malacreansa - n. f. (pr. \ m&l&cre'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr.
majeul - n. m. (pr. \ m&y'[oe]l \ ) At plr. majeuj. - vine-shoot, malacreanse, or also malecreanse. - impoliteness,
vine-branch. incivility, unkindness, rudeness. See also the term
majëtta - n. f. (pr. \ m&y'&tt& \ ) At plr. majëtte. - vest, light "malagràssia".
jersey. maladeuit - n. m. (pr. \ m&l&d'œit \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
majolà - n. f. (pr. \ m&yul'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - May song. roughness, coarseness, rudeness. - 2) - lack of politeness.
majolicà - 1) - adj. (pr. \ m&yulic'&\ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - See also the term "maldeuit ".
tiled with majolica. maladì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ m&l&d'i \ ) - to curse, to
majolicà - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ m&yulic'&\ ) Inv. at plr. - wall tiled execrate, to swear. See also the terms "maledì, bëstëmmié,
with majolica. dëspresié, meprisé ".
majoliché - n. (pr. \ m&yulik'e \ ) Ms. plr. majoliché. - fm. maladìa - n. f. . (pr. \ m&l&d'i& \ ) At plr. maladìe. - 1) -
sng. and plr. majolichera, majolichere. - worker or illness, sickness, disease. - 2) - malady (often in a fig,
dealer in majòlica. sense - E. g. "le maladìe dla socetà" "social maladies".) -
majon - n. m. (pr. \m&y'u[ng]\ ) Inv. at plr. - sweater, jumper. See also the term "malatìa". The expression "féne na
majonèisa - n. f. (pr. \ m&yun'æiz& \ ) At plr. majonèise. - maladìa" or "féssne na maladìa" can be translated into "to
mayonnaise (cooking). See also the term "majones". make oneself ill over st. ".
majones - n. f. (pr. \ m&yun'æz \ ) - See majonèisa. maladiss - adj. (pr. \ m&l&d'is \ ) Ms. plr. maladiss. - fm. sng.
majòlica - n. f. (pr. \ m&y'olic& \ ) At plr. majòliche. - and plr. maladissa, maladisse. - sickly, weak, feeble,
majolica. frail. See also the terms "malaviuss, malatiss".
majòt - n. m. (pr. \ m&y'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - savings. Slang term maladressa - n. f. (pr. \ m&l&dr'es& \ ) At plr. maladresse. -
for defining the poor savings that could be hold into a sock. embarrassment, clumsiness, ineptiness, inability. See
majùscol - adj. (pr. \ m&y'[ue]scul \ ) Ms. plr. majuscoj. - fm. also the term "maladrëssa".
sng. and plr. majùscola, majùscole. - 1) - capital maladrét - adj. (pr. \ m&l&dr'et \ ) Ms. plr. maladrét. - fm.
(writing). - 2) - big, huge, enormous (in a fig. sense). sng. and plr. maladreta, maladrete. - 1) - inept, unable. -
majùscola - n. f. (pr. \ m&y'[ue]scul& \ ) At plr. majùscole. - 2) - clumsy, awkward. See also the terms "dësadrëssà,
capital letter, upper-case letter. malàbil".
majuscolet - n. m. (pr. \ m&y[ue]scul'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - small maladrëssa - n. f. (pr. \m&l&dr'&ss&\) - See maladressa.
capitals. malafaj - n. f. (pr. \ m&l&f'&y \ ) - See malafé.

malafé - n. f. (pr. \ m&l&f'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - bad faith. malapes (a ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ & m&l&p'ez \) - superficially,
malafin - n. f. (pr. \ m&l&f'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - bad approximately. In the expression: "fé (le còse) a malapés"
outcome, unsuccess, bad end. "to do (st.) superficially".
malafiusa - n. f. (pr. \ m&l&fi'[ue]z& \ ) At plr. malafiuse. - malapés (a la ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ & l& m&l&p'ez \) - at the
bad reliance, trust badly put. worst, if the worst comes to the worst.
malagràssia - n. f. (pr. \ m&l&gr'&si& \ ) At plr. malagrassie, malardì - adj. (pr. \ m&l&rd'i \) Ms. plr. malardì. - fm. sng.
or also malegràssie. - impoliteness, incivility, and plr. malardìa, malardìe. - rash, foolhardy,
unkindness, rudeness. See also the term "malacreansa". temerarious, reckless.
malalenga - n. f. (pr. \ m&l&l'æ[ng]g& \ ) At plr. malalenghe, malardriss - n. m. (pr. \ m&l&rdr'is \) Inv. at plr. - disorder,
or also (more common) malelenghe. - backbiter, mess, muddle.
slanderer. See also the terms "maldicent, maldisent ". malària - n. f. (pr. \ m&l'&ri& \) At plr. malàrie. - malaria
malament - adv. (pr. \ m&l&m'ænt \ ) - 1) - badly. - 2) - with (medical).
difficulty. Italianism. See also the term "mal 3)", and the malàrich - adj. and n. (pr. \ m&l'&ric \) Ms. plr. malàrich. -
adv. loc. "a malmeud ". fm. sng. and plr. malàrica, malàriche. - 1) - malarial,
malanconìa - n. f. (pr. \ m&l&[ng]cun'i& \ ) At plr. malarious (adj.). - 2) - malarial patient (sbst.).
malanconìe. - melancholy, gloom, sadness. See also the malasar - n. m. (pr. \ m&l&z'&r \) Inv. at plr. - bad luck,
term "malinconìa". misfortune, mishap. See also the terms "malassòrt,
malancònich - adj. (pr. \ m&l&[ng]c'onic \ ) Ms. plr. sfortun-a, maleur".
malancònich. - fm. sng. and plr. malancònica, malasi - n. m. (pr. \ m&l'&zi \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - uneasiness,
malancòniche. - melancholic, gloomy, sad. See also the discomfort. - 2) - trouble. - 3) - hardship, poverty. - 4) -
term "malincònich ". indisposition, illness. - 5) - faint.For the two last meanings
malandàit - adj. (pr. \ m&l&nd'&it \ ) Ms. plr. malandàit. - see also the term "malor".
fm. sng. and plr. malandàita, malandàite. - in bad malasià - adj. (pr. \ m&l&zi'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) -
condition, in poor health, badly off. See also the term comfortless, uncomfortable. - 2) - poor, needy.
"malciadlà, sbotiflà ". mala-sòrt - n. f. (pr. \ m&l&s'ort \) - See malassòrt.
malandé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ m&l&nd'e \ ) - to reduce malassòrt - n. f. (pr. \ m&l&s'ort \) Inv. at plr. - bad luck,
oneself in a bad condition. It uses the aux. "esse". misfortune, mishap. Also in the spelling "mala-sòrt" and
malànder - n. (pr. \ m&l'&ndær \ ) Ms. plr. malànder. - fm. with the same pronunciation. Then see also the terms
sng. and plr. malàndra, malàndre. - 1) - highway robber, "malasar, maleur".
brigand. - 2) - scoundrel, rogue (also jocular). See also malatiss - adj. (pr. \ m&l&d'is \ ) Ms. plr. malatiss. - fm. sng.
the term "malandrin 1st and 2nd meanings". and plr. malatissa, malatisse. - sickly, weak, feeble, frail.
malandra - n. f. (pr. \ m&l'&ndr& \ ) At plr. malandre. - 1) - See also the terms "malaviuss, maladiss, arach, aracuss,
illness, ailment, infirmity. In this sense see also the terms paticc".
"malann, malasi, malor". - 2) - rhagades (medical). malaugurà - adj. (pr. \ m&l&ug[ue]r'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
malandrin - n. and adj. (pr. \ m&l&ndr'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. 1) - inauspicious, ill-omened. - 2) - unfortunate,
malandrin. - fm. sng. and plr. malandrin-a, malandrin-e. unlucky.
- 1) - highway robber, brigand (sbst.). - 2) - scoundrel, malauguri - n. m. (pr. \ m&l&ug'[ue]ri \ ) Inv. at plr. - bad
rogue (also jocular). (sbst.). See also the term "malànder omen, evil omen, ill omen.
1st and 2nd meanings". - 3) - roguish, knavish, malauguros - adj. (pr. \ m&l&ug[ue]r'uz \ ) Ms. plr.
mischievous, nasty (adj.). malauguros. - fm. sng. and plr. malaugurosa,
malandrinàgi - n. m. (pr. \ m&l&ndrin'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - malaugurose. - inauspicious, ill-omened, ominous.
highway robbery, brigandism. malaveuja - n. f. (pr. \ m&l&v'[oe]y& \ ) At plr. malaveuje or
malandriné - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ m&l&ndrin'e \ ) - to act as also maleveuje. - unwillingness, reluctance. See also the
a brigand. It uses the aux. "avèj ". term "stracheur".
malanlevà - adj. (pr. \ m&l&[ng]lev'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - malaveuja (ëd ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ &d m&l&v'[oe]y& \ )
ill-bred, dissolute, ill-mannered, rude. See also the loc. unwillingly, against one's will. See also the adv. loc. " dë
"mal anlevà ". stracheur", and the terms "malvolonté. malanvì ".
malaneuit - n. f. (pr. \ m&l&n'[oe]it \ ) At plr. maleneuit or malavi - adj. and n. (pr. \ m&l'&vi \ ) Ms. plr. malavi. - fm.
also inv. - bad night, sleepless nignt. sng. and plr. malàvia, malàvie. - 1) - sick, ill (adj.). - 2) -
malànim - n. m. (pr. \ m&l'&nim \ ) Inv. at plr. - ill-will, unhealthy, unsound (adj.) (usually in a fig. sense). - 3) -
malevolence. See also the terms "malvorèj, ameror, sore. - 4) - weak, languishing (trees) (adj.). - 5) - patient,
animosità, malevolensa ". sick person (sbst.).
malann - (pr. \ m&l'&n \ ) At plr. malandre. - 1) - illness, malavita - n. f. (pr. \ m&l&v'it& \ ) At plr. (if any) malavite. -
ailment, infirmity. In this sense see also the term 1) the underworld, gangsters. In this sense see also the
"malandra 1st meaning".- 2) - mishap, misfortune. term "mala" which is a short for the term in a slang
malansan-a - n. f. (pr. \m&l&ns'&[ng]&\) At plr. malansan-e. language. - 2) - evil life, low life.
- aubergine (the fruit). For the the tree: egg-plant (botany malaviucc - n. (pr. \ m&l&vi'[ue][ch] \ ) Ms. plr. malaviucc. -
- Solanum esculentum). See also the term (more commonly fm. sng. and plr. malàviucia, malàviuce. - little patient.
used) "marzan-a", and the term "maransan-a". malaviuss - adj. (pr. \ m&l&vi'[ue]s \ ) - See malatiss.
malanvì - adv. (pr. \ m&l&[ng]v'i \) - unwillingly, against malbrà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ m&lbr'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
one's will. See also the adv. loc. "ëd malaveuja, dë striped, streaked, marbles, veined. See also the term
stracheur", and the term "malvolonté ". "marbrà ".
malaparà - n. f. (pr. \ m&l&par'& \) At plr. maleparà, or inv. malbré - vrb 1st con trs. (pr. \ m&lbr'e \ ) - to marble, to vein.
- danger, ill plight. The expression "a la mala parà " See also the term "marbré ".
means "in the worst case, if things will go badly". Also in malbroch - n. m. (pr. \ m&lbr'uc \ ) Inv. at plr. - big cart with
the spelling "mala parà". wide wheels. See also the terms "marbroch, tamagnon".
malapen-a (a ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ & m&l&p'æ[ng]& \) - malbutà - adj. (pr. \ m&lbut'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - untity,
hardly, scarcely. See also the word "marlipen-a". badly dressed, in bad conditions, bedraggled.
Sometimes the loc. becomes simply "malapen-a".

malcapità - adj. and n. (pr. \ m&c&pitt'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and malefissié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&lefisi'e \) - to hit with
nr. - 1) - unlucky, unfortunate (adj.). - 2) - victim (sbst.). witchcraft, to execrate, to swear.
malciadlà - adj. (pr. \ m&l[ch]i&dl'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - malegn - adj. (pr. \ m&l'æ[gn] \) Ms. plr. malegn. - fm. sng.
in bad condition, in poor health, badly off. See also the and plr. malegna, malegne. - 1) - malevolent, malicious,
term "malandàit, sbotiflà ". spiteful. - 2) - malignant, malign, evil. See also the term
malcontent - 1) - adj. (pr. \ m&lcunt'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. "malign".
malcontent. - fm. sng. and plr. malcontenta, malcontente. malèivol - adj. (pr. \ m&l'æivul \) - See malévol.
- displeased, dissatisfied, discontent, malcontent. See malerba - n. f. (pr. \ m&l'ærb& \) At plr. malerbe. - weed.
also the term "meconant ". males - adj. (pr. \ m&l'æz \) Ms. plr. males. - fm. sng. and plr.
malcontent - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ m&lcunt'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - malesa, malese. - sickly, weak, feeble, frail. See also the
malcontent, dissatisfaction. terms "malesi, maleus".
malcontenté - vrb 1st trs. (pr. \ m&lcuntænt'e \ ) - to displease, malesi - adj. (pr. \ m&l'ezi \) - See males.
to dissatisfy. maless - n. m. (pr. \ m&l'æs \) - See malésse.
malcostum - n. m. (pr. \ m&lcust'[ue]m \ ) Inv. at plr. - malésse - n. m. (pr. \ m&l'ese \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - malaise. - 2) -
immoral behaviour, immorality. discomfort.
malcostumà - adj. (pr. \ m&lcust[ue]m'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and malet - n. m. (pr. \ m&l'æt \) Inv. at plr. - small pain, small
nr. - ill-bred, impolite. ache. See also the terms "malucc, maluss".
malcreà - adj. (pr. \ m&lcre'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - ill- maleuj - n. m. (pr. \ m&l'[oe]y \) Inv. at plr. - evil eye.
mannered, unmannerly, rude. - 2) - dissolute, licentious. maleur - n. m. (pr. \ m&l'[oe]r \) Inv. at plr. - misfortune, bad
malcurà - adj. (pr. \ m&lc[ue]r'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - luck, trouble. See also the terms " malasar, malassòrt ".
careless, negligent. - 2) - neglected. maleur (për ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ p&r m&l'[oe]r \) - unluckily.
malcurant - adj. (pr. \ m&lc[ue]r'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. malcurant. - See also the term "malorosament ".
fm. sng. and plr. malcuranta, malcurante. - nonchalant, maleureus - adj. (pr. \ m&l[oe]r'[oe]z \) Ms. plr. maleureus. -
careless. indifferent. fm. sng. and plr. maleureusa, maleureuse. - unlucky,
maldeuit - n. m. (pr. \ m&ld'œit \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - roughness, wretched. See also the term "maleuros".
coarseness, rudeness. - 2) - lack of politeness. See also maleureusament - adv. (pr. \ m&l[oe]r[oe]z&m'ænt \) -
the term "maladeuit ". unluckily. The term is quite an italianism with a frenchish
maldì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ m&ld'i \ ) - 1) - to say form. See the best adv. loc "për maleur".
badly (trs.). - 2) - to speak ill, to backbite (int.) It uses maleuros - adj. (pr. \ m&l[oe]r'uz \) - See maleureus.
always the aux. "avèj ". maleus - adj. (pr. \ m&l'[oe]z \) - See males.
maldicensa - n. f. (pr. \ m&ldi[ch]'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. malevador - n. (pr. \ m&lev&d'ur \) Ms. plr. malevador. - fm.
maldicense. - slander, backbiting. sng. and plr. malevadòira, malevadòire. - surety,
maldicent - n. and adj. (pr. \ m&ldi[ch]'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. sponsor, guarantor.
maldicent. - fm. sng. and plr. maldicenta, maldicente. - 1) malevarìa - n. f. (pr. \ m&lev&r'i& \) At plr. malevarìe. -
- backbiter, slanderer. (sbst.). - 2) - slanderous (adj.). See security, surety, guarantee.
also the terms "maldisent, malalenga". malévol - adj. (pr. \ m&l'evul ; m&l'ewul \) Ms. plr. malévoj. -
maldisent - n. and adj. (pr. \ m&ldiz'ænt \ ) - See maldicent. fm. sng. and plr. malévola, malévole. - 1) - malevolent,
maldispon-e - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \m&ldisp'u[ng]e \) - to vex, malicious, spiteful. - 2) - hostile. See also the term
to annoy, to make (sb.) cross, to irritate, to antagonize. "malèivol ".
maldispòst - adj. (pr. \m&ldisp'ost \) Ms. plr. maldispòst. - malevolensa - n. f. (pr. \ m&levul'æ[ng]s& \) At plr.
fm. sng. and plr. maldispòsta, maldispòste. - 1) - ill- malevolense. - ill-will, malevolence. See also the terms
disposed. - 2) - indisposed, unwell. "malvorèj, ameror, animosità, malànim ".
maldovrà - adj. (pr. \m&lduvr'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - badly malëzzo - n. m. (pr. \ m&l'&zzu \) Inv. at plr. - larch (botany -
used, not correctly used. See also the term "malimpiegà ". Larix europaea). See also the term "mlëzzo".
maledét - adj. (pr. \ m&led'et \) Ms. plr. maledét. - fm. sng. malfàit - adj. (pr. \m&f'&it \) Ms. plr. malfàit. - fm. sng. and
and plr. maledéta, maledéte. - 1) - cursed, damned. - 2) - plr. malfàita, malfàite. - 1) - ill-done, ill-made. - 2) -
ill-omened, unpropitious. - 3) - deadly. misshapen, ill-proportioned. - 3) - ungainly
maledeta (na ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ n& m&led'et& \) - not at all. malfàita - n. f. (pr. \m&f'&it& \) At plr. malfàite. - 1) -
Idiomatic expression. misdeed. - 2) - wrong-doing.
maledì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ m&led'i \) - to curse, to malfamà - adj. (pr. \m&f&m'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - of a
execrate, to swear. bad repute, of a ill repute.
maledission - n. f. (pr. \ m&ledisi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - malfasent - adj. (pr. \m&f&z'ænt \) Ms. plr. malfasent. - fm.
curse, imprecation, malediction. - 2) - disaster, ruin, sng. and plr. malfasenta, malfasente. - with a bad
calamity, curse. behaviour, that does wrong.
maleducà - adj. and n. (pr. \ m&led[ue]c'& \) Inv. in gnd. and malfator - n. (pr. \m&f&t'ur \) Ms. plr. malfator. - fm. sng.
nr. - 1) - rude, impolite, ill-mannered (adj.). - 2) - ill- and plr. malfatriss, malfatriss. - malefactor, evil-doer,
mannered person (sbst.). wrong-doer.
maleducassion - n. f. (pr. \ m&led[ue]c&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. malfé - 1) - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \m&f'e \) - to do evil, to do
(if any) - rudeness, ill-breeding. wrong. It uses the aux. "avèj ".
maleficensa - n. f. (pr. \ m&lefi[ch]'æ[ng]s& \) At plr. malfé - 2) - adj. (pr. \ m&lf'e \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - difficult,
maleficense. - wirchcraft, damage,injury. hard. See also the loc. "mal fé".
maléfich - adj. (pr. \ m&l'efic \) Ms. plr. maléfich. - fm. sng. malferm - adj. (pr. \ m&lf'ærm \ ) Ms. plr. malferm. - fm. sng.
and plr. maléfica, maléfiche. - 1) - malefic, baleful. - 2) - and plr. malfërma, malfërme. - Note the particular fm.
harmful, bad. Note the expression (often gentle), referred See also terms like "trabalant ", and also loc. like "ch'a
to boys "gagno maléfich " = "little rascal" corresponding to talòcia".
the french "enfant terrible". malfidà - n. and adj. (pr. \ m&lfid'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1)
malefissi - n. m. (pr. \ m&lef'isi \) Inv. at plr. - witchcraft. See - distrustful (adj.). - 2) - unreliable (adj.). - 3) -
also the term "mascarìa". distrustful person (sbst.). For ms. see also the term

malfidat - n. m. and adj. m. (pr. \ m&lfid'&t \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) meaning, malinconì 2nd meaning, anmalinconìsse,
- distrustful, mistrustful (adj.). - 2) - unreliable (adj.). - malinconìsse, anmalinconisésse, malinconisésse".
3) - distrustful person (sbst.). Used only at ms. See also malincònich - adj. (pr. \ m&linc'onic \ ) - See malinconios.
the term "malfidà ". malinformà - adj. (pr. \ m&li[ng]c'onic \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr.
malfident - n. and adj. (pr. \ m&lfid'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. malfident. - badly-informed.
- fm. sng. and plr. malfidenta, malfidente. - suspicious, malìngher - adj. (pr. \ m&l'i[ng]ger \ ) Ms. plr. malingher. -
mistrustful. See also the term "mefiant ". fm. sng. and plr. malingra, malingre. - sickly, feeble,
malfidésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ m&lfid'ese \ ) - to mistrust, weak, frail.
to be suspicious. See also the term "malfiésse". malintèis - 1) - adj. (pr. \ m&lint'æiz \ ) Ms. plr. malintèis. -
malfiésse - See malfidésse. fm. sng. and plr. malintèisa, malintèise. - misunderstood,
malfinì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ m&lfin'i \ ) - to end up badly. misinterpreted, mistaken.
It uses the aux. "esse". malintèis - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ m&lint'æiz \ ) Inv. at plr. -
malfiorì - adj. (pr. \ m&lfiur'i \ ) Ms. plr. malfiorì. - fm. sng. misunderstanding. See also the term "malintèisa".
and plr. malfiorìa, malfiorìe. - badly flowered, with few malintèisa - n. f. (pr. \ m&lint'æiz \ ) At plr. malintèise. - 1) -
flowers. misunderstanding. - 2) - error due to misunderstanding.
malfondà - adj. (pr. \ m&lfund'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - See also the term "malintèis".
ill-founded. - 2) - unsteady, faltering. - 3) - uncertain. malinteligensa - n. f. (pr. \ m&lintelij'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr.
malforgé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&lfurj'e \ ) - to make badly, malinteligense. - 1) - dissent, disagreement. - 2) -
to work badly. dissention, discord.
malforgià - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ m&lfurji'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and malintensionà - adj. (pr. \ m&lintæ[ng]siun'& \ ) Inv. in gnd.
nr. - 1) - ill-made, ill-done. - 2) - misshapen, deformed. and nr. - 1) - ill-intentioned. - 2) - hostile.
malformà - adj. (pr. \ m&lfurm'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - ill- malìssia - n. f. (pr. \ m&l'isi& \ ) At plr. malìssie. - 1) -
formed, misshapen. malice, mischievousness. - 2) - cunning, artfulness. - 3) -
malformassion - n. f. (pr. \ m&lfurm&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - trick, cunning device.
malformation, deformity. malissià - adj. (pr. \ m&lisi'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
malfortunà - adj. (pr. \ m&lfurt[ue]n'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - knowing, cunning, crafty. See also the term "smalissià ".
unlucky. malissios - adj. (pr. \ m&lisi'uz \ ) Ms. plr. malissios. - fm.
malgovern - n. m. (pr. \ m&lguw'ærn \ ) Inv. at plr. - sng. and plr. malissiosa, malissiose. - 1) - malicious,
misgovernment, maladministration, mismanagement, mischievous. - 2) - artful, cunning, sly.
misconduct. malissioset - adj. (pr. \ m&lisiuz'æt \ ) Ms. plr. malissioset. -
malgrassios - adj. (pr. \ m&lgr&si'uz \ ) Ms. plr. malgrassios. fm. sng. and plr. malissiosëtta, malissiosëtte. - malicious
- fm. sng. and plr. malgrassiosa, malgrassiose. - rude, (referred to a child, or to a shifty person).
impolite, unkind. malissiosità - n. f. (pr. \ m&lisiuzit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
malgré - prp. and cnj. . (pr. \ m&lgr'e \ ) - 1) - in spite of, maliciousness.
notwithstanding (prp.). See also the loc. "a dispét ". - 2) - malmarià - adj. (pr. \ m&lm&ri'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
although (cnj.). See also the loc. "contut che". unhappily married man / woman.
malign - adj. (pr. \ m&l'i[gn] \) Ms. plr. malign. - fm. sng. and malmastià - n. m. (pr. \ m&lm&sti'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
plr. maligna, maligne. - 1) - malevolent, malicious, dissent, discord. - 2) - something not legally correct.
spiteful. - 2) - malignant, malign, evil. See also the term malmerité - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ m&lmerit'e \ ) - to deserve
"malegn". blame, to deserve bad things.
maligné - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ m&li[gn]'e \) - to malign, to malmeud (a ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ m&lm'[oe]d \ ) - badly, in a
slander, to speak ill (of sb. or st.). It uses the aux. "avèj". bad way, with rude manners. See also the term
malignet - n. and adj. (pr. \ m&li[gn]'æt \) Ms. plr. malignet. - "malament".
fm. sng. and plr. malignëtta, malignëtte. - 1) - naughty malmné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&lmn'e \ ) - 1) - to ill-treat,
(adj.). - 2) - little rascal (sbst.). to ill-use, to knock about. - 2) - to offend (in a fig. sense).
malignità - n. f. (pr. \ m&li[gn]it'& \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - malnà - adj. (pr. \ m&ln'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - ill-
malignity, ill-will. - 2) - malicious action. - 3) - born. - 2) - ill-bred. - 3) - ill-begotten.
malignancy. malocà - n. f. (pr. \ m&luc'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - hit with a snow-
malignos - adj. (pr. \ m&li[gn]'uz \) Ms. plr. malignos. - fm. ball, snow-ball's throw.
sng. and plr. malignosa, malignose. - malignant, malonest - adj. (pr. \ m&lun'est \ ) Ms. plr. malonest. - fm.
malicious, malevolent. sng. and plr. malonesta, maloneste. - dishonest, not very
malimpiegà - adj. (pr. \m&limpieg'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - honest, not proper.
badly used, not correctly used. See also the term malor - n. m. (pr. \ m&l'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - indisposition,
"maldovrà ". illness. - 2) - faint. See also the terms "malasi, malandra,
malinconì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ m&lincun'i \ ) - 1) svaniment, sveniment ".
- to make (sb.) melancholy (trs.). - 2) - to grow malora - n. f. (pr. \ m&l'ur& \ ) At plr. (if applicable) malore.
melancholy (int.). In this sense see also the terms - ruin.
"anmalinconì 2nd meaning, anmalinconìsse, malinconìsse, maloreus - adj. (pr. \ m&lur'[oe]z \ ) Ms. plr. maloreus. - fm.
anmalinconisésse, malinconisésse". sng. and plr. maloreusa, maloreuse. - unlucky,
malinconìa - n. f. (pr. \ m&lincun'i& \ ) At plr. malinconìe. - weretched. See also the term "maloros".
melancholy, gloom. maloros - adj. (pr. \ m&lur'uz \ ) - See maloreus.
malinconios - adj. (pr. \ m&lincuniuz \ ) Ms. plr. malorosament - adv. (pr. \ & m&luruz&m'ænt \ ) - unluckily.
malinconios. - fm. sng. and plr. malinconiosa, Italianism in spite of the "french style". See also the best
malinconiose. - melancholic, gloomy. See also the term piedm. adv. loc. "për maleur".
"malincònich ". malòca - n. f. (pr. \ m&l'oc& \ ) At plr. malòche. - snow-ball.
malinconisésse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr.\&[ng]m&lincuniz'ese\) - See also the common loc. "balòta 'd fiòca".
See malinconìsse. malòch - n. m. (pr. \ m&l'oc \ ) Inv. at plr. - heap, mass, stack.
malinconìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ &[ng]m&lincun'ise \ ) - malparlant - adj. and n. (pr. \ m&lp&rl'&nt \ ) Ms. plr.
to grow melancholy. See also the terms "anmalinconì 2nd malparlant. - fm. sng. and plr. malparlanta, malparlante.

- 1) - foul-tongued, coarse (adj.). - 2) - foul-tongued malvagità - n. f. (pr. \ m&lv&jit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - wickedness,
person, coarse person (sbst.). iniquity, evilness. See also the terms "perversità, përfìdia".
malpensà - adj. (pr. \ m&lpæ[ng]s'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - malvasìa - n. f. (pr. \ m&lv&z'i& \ ) At plr. malvasìe. - 1) -
ill-conceived, badly thought out. "malvasìa" grapes. - 2) - malmsey. (sweet piedm. wine).
malpensant - adj. (pr.\m&lpæ[ng]s'&nt\) Ms. plr. malpensant. malvavisch - n. f. (pr. \ m&lv&v'isc \ ) Inv. at plr. -
- fm. sng. and plr. malpensanta, malpensante. - wgong- marshmallow (botany - Althaea officinalis). See also the
minded, wrong-thinking. term " bismalva".
malpentnà - adj. (pr. \ m&lpæntn'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. malvèje - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ m&lv'æye \ ) - See malvëdde.
badly combed., dishevelled. malversassion - n. f. (pr. \ m&lværs&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
mal për (mì) che... - adv. loc. (pr. \ m&l p&r mi ke... \ ) - And embezzlement, malversation.
also "mal për tì che... , mal për chièl che... , etc.". - bad malversator - n. (pr. \ m&lværs&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. malversator.
for me (for you, for him, etc.). - fm. sng. and plr. malversatriss, malversatriss. -
malpràtich - adj. (pr. \ m&lpr'&tic \ ) Ms. plr. malpràtich. - embezzler.
fm. sng. and plr. malpràtica, malpràtiche. - inexpert, malversé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&lværs'e \ ) - See malvërsé.
unpractised, unskilled. malvestì - adj. (pr. \ m&lvest'i \ ) Ms. plr. malvestì. - fm. sng.
mal pro - n. m. (pr. \ m&l pru \ ) Inv. at plr. - disadvantage, and plr. malvestìa, malvestìe. - poorly-dressed, shabby.
detriment, damage. malvëdde - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ m&lv'&dde \ ) - to see (sb.)
malpròpi - adj. (pr. \ m&lpr'opi \ ) Ms. plr. malpròpi. - fm. unwillingly. See also the term "malvèje"
sng. and plr. malpròpia, malpròpie. - 1) - improper, malvërsé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&lv&rs'e \ ) - to embezzle.
inappropriate. - 2) - unseemly. See also the term "malversé".
malprudent - adj. (pr. \ m&lpr[ue]d'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. malvist - adj. (pr. \ m&lv'ist \ ) Ms. plr. malvist. - fm. sng. and
malprudent. - fm. sng. and plr. malprudenta, plr. malvista, malviste. - disliked, unpopular.
malprudente. - imprudent, rash, incautious. malvivent - n. and adj. (pr. \ m&lviv'ænt \ ) Ms. plr.
malprudensa - n. f. (pr. \ m&lpr[ue]d'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. malvivent. - fm. sng. and plr. malviventa, malvivente. - 1)
malprudense. - imprudence, rashness, incautiousness. - criminal, delinquent (sbst.). - 2) - dishonest (adj.).
malriguardos - adj. (pr. \ m&lrigu&rd'uz \ ) Ms. plr. malvolèj - 1) - vrb 2nd con. int. (pr. \ m&lvol'æy \ ) - to dislike.
malriguardos. - fm. sng. and plr. malriguardosa, It uses the aux. "avèj ". See also the term "malvolèje,
malriguardose. - insolent, rude, impudent, pert. malvorèj 1)", and the common vrbl. loc. "avèj an ghignon".
malrispetos - adj. (pr. \ m&lrispet'uz \ ) Ms. plr. malrispetos. - malvolèj - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ m&lvol'æy \ ) Inv. at plr. - ill-will,
fm. sng. and plr. malrispetosa, malrispetose. - malvolence. In this sense see also the term "ghignon", - 2)
disrespectful. - unwillingness. For both meanings see also the terms
malsan - adj. (pr. \ m&ls'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. malsan. - fm. sng. "malànim, malvorèj 2)".
and plr. malsan-a, malsan-e. - 1) - unhealthy. - 2) - malvolèje - 1) - vrb 2nd con. int. (pr. \ m&lvol'æye \ ) - See
unsound, sick (in a fig. sense). malvolèj 1).
malservì - adj. (pr. \ m&lsærv'i \ ) Ms. plr. malservì. - fm. sng. malvolèje - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ m&lvol'æye \ ) - See malvolèj 2).
and plr. malservìa, malservìe. - ill-served, badly run. malvolenté - adv. (pr. \ m&lvulent'e \ ) - unwillingly. See also
malsicur - adj. (pr. \ m&lsic'[ue]r \ ) Ms. plr. malsicur. - fm. the term "malvolonté ".
sng. and plr. malsicura, malsicure. - 1) - unsteady, malvolonté - adv. (pr. \ m&lvulunt'e \ ) - See malvolenté.
faltering, uncertain. - 2) - dangerous, unsafe, risky. - 3) - malvon - n. m. (pr. \ m&lv'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - hollyhock
uncertain, dubious. (botany - Althaea rosea).
malsincér - adj. (pr. \ m&lsin[ch]'er \ ) Ms. plr. malsincér. - malvorèj - 1) - vrb 2nd con. int. (pr. \ m&lvor'æy \ ) - See
fm. sng. and plr. malsincera, malsincere. - insincere, malvolèj 1).
disingeuous. malvorej - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ m&lvor'æy \ ) - See malvolèj 2).
malsoà - adj. (pr. \ m&lsu'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - malvorèje - 1) - vrb 2nd con. int. (pr. \ m&lvor'æye \ ) See
restless, agitated. - 2) - anxious, uneasy, worried. - 3) - malvolèje 1).
vexed, cross. malvorèje - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ m&lvor'æye \ ) - See malvolèje 2).
malt - n. m. (pr. \ m&lt \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - malt. mama - n. f. (pr. \ m'&m& \ ) At plr. mame. - mummy, mum,
maltemp - n. m. (pr. \ m&lt'æmp \ ) Inv. at plr. - bad weather. mother, mama, ma. See also the terms "maman, mima".
maltnù - adj. (pr. \ m&ltn'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. maltnù. - fm. sng. mamaluch - n. . (pr.\m&m&l'[ue]c\) Ms. plr. mamaluch. - fm.
and plr. maltnùa, maltnùe. - badly kept, untidy. sng. and plr. mamaluca, mamaluche. - 1) - Mameluke
maltòsi - n. m. (pr. \ m&lt'osi \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - maltose (history). - 2) - fool, ninny, simpleton, dolt.
(chemistry). maman - n. f. (pr. \ m&m'&[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - mummy,
maltratament - n. m. (pr. \ m&ltr&t&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - mum, mother, mama, ma. See also the term "mama".
maltreatment, ill-treatment, misusage, abuse. maman granda - n. f. (pr. \ m&m'&[ng] gr'&nd& \ ) At plr.
maltraté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&ltr&t'e \ ) - 1) - to maman grande. - grandmother, granny, grandma.
maltreat, to ill-treat, to ill-use, to abuse. - 2) - to mamàri - adj. (pr. \ m&m'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. mamari. - fm. sng.
misrepresent. - 3) - to misuse. and plr. mamaria, mamarie. - mammary.
malucc - n. m. (pr. \ m&l'[ue][ch] \ ) - See malet. mamé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ m&m'e \ ) - 1) - to suck
malumor - n. m. (pr. \ m&l[ue]m'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - ill- milk from the breast (int.). - 2) - to suck up, to lap
humour, bad temper, bad mood. up (trs.). It uses always the aux. "avèj ". See also the
mal us - sbst. loc. m. (pr. \ m&l [ue]z \ ) Inv. at plr. - bad term "pupé ".
habit. See also the term "malacostuma". mamela - n. f. (pr. \ m&m'el& \ ) At plr. mamele. - 2) - breast.
maluss - n. m. (pr. \ m&l'[ue]s \ ) - See malet. - 2) - udder. See also the term "pupa".
malva - n. f. (pr. \ m'&lv& \ ) At plr. (if any) malve - mallow mameta - n. f. (pr. \ m&m'et& \ ) At plr. mamete. - mummy.
(botany - Malva sylvestris). See also the terms "ariondela, See also the term "mamin-a". Term of endearment of
riondela". "mama".
malvagi - adj. and n. (pr. \ m&lv'&ji \ ) Ms. plr. malvagi. - fm. mamìa - n. f. (pr. \ m&m'i& \ ) At plr. mamìe. - nursemaid,
sng. and plr. malvàgia, malvàgie. - 1) - wicked, bad, evil, nanny.
iniquitous (adj.). - 2) - wicked person (sbst.).

mamìfer - 1) - adj. (pr. \ m&m'ifær \ ) Ms. plr. mamìfer. - fm. manarin - n. m. (pr. \ m&n&r'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr.- butcher's
sng. and plr. mamìfera, mamifere. - mammalian. cleaver, chopper. See also the term "manarif ".
mamìfer - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ m&m'ifær \ ) Inv. at plr. - mammal. manassa - n. f. (pr. \ m&n'&s& \ ) Atr plr. manasse. - big
mamin-a - n. f. (pr. \ m&m'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. mamin-e. - hand. The form is a pejorative of the term "man" but the
mummy. See also the term "mameta". Term of endearment meaning in an augmentative.
of "mama". Manasse - n. m. (pr. \ m&n'&se \ ) Only sng. - Manasseh
mamism - n. m. (pr. \ m&m'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - (Bible) - One of the twelve tribes of Israel. In piedm. there
momism. is a way of saying using the fact that "Manasse" is also the
mamlin - n. m. (pr. \ m&ml'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - little finger. plural of "manassa", with the meaning of "big hands".
See also the term "dilin, marmlin" and the loc. "dil cit ". "Esse dla tribù 'd Manasse", which lit. means "to belong to
mamo - n. m. (pr. \ m'&mu \ ) Inv. at plr. - fool, thickhead the Manasseh's tribe" means "easily to come to blows".
(only used at ms.) manavél - n. m. (pr. \ m&n&v'el \ ) At plr. manavéj. - 1) -
mamografìa - n. f. (pr. \ m&mugr&f'i& \ ) At plr. faggot, bundle. - 2) - handful.
mamografìe. - 1) - mammogram. - 2) - mammography. manavéla - n. f. (pr. \ m&n&v'el& \ ) At plr. manavele. - 1) -
mamogràfich - adj. (pr. \ m&mugr'&fic \ ) Ms. plr. crank, winch. In this senses see also the term " sirignòla".
mamogràfich. - fm. sng. and plr. mamogràfica, - 2) - driving handle. - 3) - lever. In this sense see also the
mamogràfiche. - mammographic. term "palanchin". - 4) - handle, - 5) - handhold. - 6) -
mamojà - n. f. (pr. \ m&muy'& \ ) - See mamojada. handle for operating the rear winch of a cart.In this
mamojada - n. f. (pr. \ m&muy'&d& \ ) At plr. mamojade. - sense see also the term "macanich ". In general, for all the
childish thing, childish action. meanings, see also the terms "manivéla, manoja,
mamon - n. (pr. \ m&m'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. mamon. - fm. sng. manovela".
and plr. mamon-a, mamon-e. - child depending too manavelism - n. m. (pr. \ m&n&vel'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - crank
much from his mother. gear, crank mechanism. See also the terms "manivelism,
mamona - n. f. (pr. \ m&m'un& \ ) At plr. (if applicable) manovelism".
mamone. - Mammon (bible), riches. Usually at sng. See mancà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ m&[ng]c'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
also the term "mamòna". unsuccessful, would-be. Sometimes the term has the
mamot - n. m. (pr. \ m&m'ut \ ) Inv. at plr. - mammoth meaning of a negation, as in the expression: "mancà
(zoology - Elephas primigenius). See also the term acetassion" = "non-acceptance".
"mamut". manca (da ---) - sbst. loc. (pr. \ d& m&[ng]c& \ ) Inv. at plr.
mamòna - n. f. (pr. \ m&m'on& \ ) - See mamona. (if any). - need, necessity (mainly used as vrbl. loc. with
mamut - n. m. (pr. \ m&m'[ue]t \ ) - See mamot. the vrb "esse" (to be) or "avèj " (to have)) : A) - "avèj da
man - n. f. (pr. \ m&[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - hand (all manca " = "to need". - B) - "essie da manca " = "to be
meanings). - 2) - coat, layer (painting) We report a series necessary ". See also the vrbl. loc. "a venta".
of examples and ways of saying using this term. - A) - mancament - n. m. (pr. \ m&[ng]c&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
"man drita" = "right hand" ; "man snistra" or "man failing, deficency. - 2) - faint, swoon.
mancin-a" = "left hand". - B) - "man gionte" or "man mancansa - n. f. (pr. \ m&[ng]c'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr. mancanse.
crosie" or "man ancrosià" = "clasped hands" ; "man faità " - 1) - want, lack, shortage. - 2) - absence. - 3) - fault, slip,
= "calloused hands" or "inured hands" ; "man ampsìe" = mistake.
benumbed hands". - C) - "bon-a man" = "tip, gratuity" or mancant - adj. (pr. \ m&[ng]c'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. mancant. - fm.
"reward" ; "an bon-e man" = "into good hands". - D) - sng. and plr. mancanta, mancante. - 1) lacking (in ),
"man man (che)" = "as, while" or "little by little, wanting (in), in need (of), short (of). - 2) - missing.
gradually". ; "da longa man" = "for a long time" or "for manch - 1) - adj. (pr. \ m&[ng]c \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) -
some time"- E) - "dé na man" = "to help, to lend a hand" or less, fewer, not so much, not so many (comparative) - 2) -
"to give a coat (of paint) ". ; "dé la man" = "to shake the least, the fewest (relative superlative). In this sense in
hands (with sb.)" ; "dé man (a)" = "to start, to begin (st.)" ; the form "ël manch, la manch, ij manch , le manch." See
"dé an man" = "to give in hands, to deliver personally, to also the term "meno 1)" and the loc. "ël meno".
deliver directly to the addressee". - F) - "man d'euvra" = manch - 2) - adv. (pr. \ m&[ng]c \ ) - 1) - less, not so much
"manpower" or "work-people". - G) - "bate le man" = "to (comparative). - 2) - least (relative superlative) See also
clap hands". ; "ten-e man" = "to cooperate" ; "buté a man" the term "meno 2)".
= "to put in an easy position, to put in a way available for manch - 3) - n. m. (pr. \ m&[ng]c \ ) Inv. at plr. (if applicable).
immediate use" ; "pijé man" = "to gain expertise" ; "perde 1) - the less, smaller part, smallest part. - 2) - the
la man" = "to lose expertise, to lose practice" ; "ven-e a minority . - 3) - minus (mathematics). See also the term
man" = "to turn useful". - H) - "a man basà" = "very easily, "meno 3)".
without any trouble". manché - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. . (pr. \ m&[ng]k'e \ ) - 1) - to
mana - n. f. (pr. \ m'&n& \ ) At plr. (if applicable) mane. - 1) - miss (trs.). As trs. it uses the aux. "avéj". - 2) - to want, to
manna (Bible). - 2) - nectar, dainty dish (in a fig. sense). lack, to be lacking, to be in want, to be in need (int.). - 3)
- 3) - godsend, blessing (in a fig. sense). - to be absent, to be away (int). - 4) - not to be any. (int.).
manà - n. f. (pr. \ m&n'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - handful. - 2) - - 5) - to be needed (int), to take (imp.). - 6) - to omit, to
slap. See also the term "mnà". fail (int.). 7) - to pass away (int.). - 8) - to be nearly, to be
manaman - 1) - adv. (pr. \ m&n&m'&[ng] \ ) - 1) - by chance, near (to). - 9) - to do wrong (int.). As int. it uses the aux.
accidentally. - 2) - perhaps, maybe. See also the term "esse". Some examples: - A) - "manché da cà" = "to be
"maraman 1)". away from home". - B) - "a manca la firma" = "there is no
manaman - 2) - cng. (pr. \ m&n&m'&[ng] \ ) - while, in the signatrure". - C) - " at manca tant a finì?" = "will it take
meanwhile. See also the term "maraman 2)". you long to finish? ". - D) - "manca nen dë spedìlo !" =
manan - n. m. (pr. \ m&n'&[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. only used at ms. "don't fail to mail it !".
- rude person, boor, lout. manchèn - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ m&[ng]k'æ[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
manarif - n. m. (pr. \ m&n&r'if \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - cleaver. taylor's dummy. - 2) - life-size dummy. - See also the
See also the term "manarin". - 2) - pruning hook. term "manighin 1st and 2nd meanings".

manchèn - 2) - n. (pr. \ m&[ng]k'æ[ng] \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - mandola - n. f. (pr. \ m&nd'ul& \ ) At plr. mandole. -
1) - male model, male mannequin. - 2) - model, mandola, mandora (music). See also the term "mandòla".
mannequin. - 3) - manikin. màndola - n. f. (pr. \ m'&ndul& \ ) At plr. màndole. - 1) -
mància - n. f. (pr. \ m'&n[ch]i& \ ) At plr. mance. - 1) - tip, almond. See also the term "amàndola" - 2) - almond tree
gratuity. - 2) - reward. (Botant - Amygdalus communis) "amàndola" In this sense
mancin - adj. and n. (pr. \ m&n[ch]'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. mancin. - see also the terms " amàndola, mandoléra".
fm. sng. and plr. mancin-a, mancin-e. - 1) - left, left- mandolà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ m&ndul’& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and
hand, left-handed (adj.). - 2) - underhand, treacherous, nr. - with almonds, with almonds inserted, almond
dirty (adj.) (in a fig. sense). - 3) - left-handed person, left- (attr.).
hander. mandolé - 1) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&ndul’& \ ) - to put or
mancion - n. m. plr. (pr. \ m&n[ch]i'u[ng] \ ) Only plr. - insert almonds.
hanging ornaments of a dress. See also the term mandolé - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ m&ndul’e \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
"angagiante". almond grove. In this sense see also the term
mancipà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ m&n[ch]ip'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and “amandolé “. - 2) - mandola player. - 3) - lounger,
nr. - 1) - emancipated. - 2) - open-minded, unprejudiced. loafer (in a fig. sense).
mancipassion - n. f. (pr. \ m&n[ch]ip&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - mandolera - n. f. (pr. \ &m&ndul’er& \ ) At plr. amandolere.
emancipation. - 1) - almond tree. In this sense see aso the term
mancipator - n. (pr. \ m&n[ch]ip&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. mancipator. “amandolera “. - 2) - knot (of people), small group.
- fm. sng. and plr. mancipatriss, mancipatriss. - mandolin - n. m. (pr. \ &m&ndul’i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
emancipator. mandolin, mandoline. - 2) - wooden sabot (ironical).
mancipé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&n[ch]ip'e \ ) - to mandolinista - n. (pr. \ &m&ndulin'ist& \ ) Ms. plr.
emancipate. See also the terms "mansipé, emansipé, mandolinista. - fm. sng. and plr. mandolinista,
emancipé ". mandoliniste. - mandolinist, mandolin-player.
mancipésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ m&n[ch]ip'ese \ ) - to mandolinìstica - n. f. (pr. \ &m&ndulin'istic& \ ) At plr.
become emancipated, to free oneself. See also the term mandolinìstiche. - ensemble of plectrum instruments.
"mansipésse". mandòla - n. f. (pr. \ m&nd'ol& \ ) At plr. mandole. -
mancomal - adv. (pr. \ m&[ng]cum'&l \ ) - 1) - luckily. - 2) - mandola, mandora (music). See also the term "mandola".
thank goodness. - 3) - without any doubt, of course. mandòpera - n. f. (pr. \ m&nd'oper& \ ) - See mandeuvra.
mancorent - n. m. (pr. \ m&[ng]cur'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - mandra - n. f. (pr. \ m'&ndr& \ ) At plr. mandre. - pen or
handrail, banister. See also the terms "guardaman, shelter for cattle or sheeps, "malga" hut.
vardaman, manten-a". mandradura - n. m. (pr. \ m&ndr&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
mandà - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ m&nd'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - mandradure, - leading of herd in the pen (mandra).
commission. - 2) - order. - 3) - mandate. màndria - n. f. (pr. \ m'&ndri& \ ) At plr. màndrie. - herd,
mandà - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ m&nd'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - sending. - drove.
2) - turn (of the key). mandrian - n. (pr. \ m&ndri'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. mandrian. - fm.
mandafòra - n. m. (pr. \ m&nd&f'or& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - call- sng. and plr. mandrian-a, mandrian-e. - herdsman
boy. - 2) - chucker-out. - 3) - bumpkin (navy). (herdswoman).
mandament - n. m. (pr. \ m&nd&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - mandril - n. m. (pr. \ m&ndr'il \ ) At plr. mandrij. - 1) -
district. mandrill (Zoology - Mandrillus sphinx). - 2) - lecher,
mandamental - adj. (pr. \ m&nd&mænt'&l \ ) Ms. plr. debauchee (in a fig. sense).
mandamentaj. - fm. sng. and plr. mandamental, mandrin - n. m. (pr. \ m&ndr'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
mandamentaj. - of the district, district (as an attribute). mandrel, mandril. - 2) - spindle. - 3) - chunck.
mandant - n. (pr. \ m&nd'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. mandant. - fm. sng. mandrinadura - n. f. (pr. \ m&ndri[ng]&d'[ue]r& \ ) or also -
and plr. mandanta, mandante. - mandant, mandator, (pr. \ m&ndrin&d'[ue]r& \ ) - See mandrinagi.
principal. mandrinagi - n. m. (pr. \ m&ndrin'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. -
mandarin - n. m. (pr. \ m&nd&r'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - expanding (mechanics). See also the (less used) term
mandarin (history). - 2) - tangerine (orange), "mandrin-adura".
mandarine, satsuma (Botany - Citrus nobilis). mandriné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&ndrin'&ji \ ) - to expand.
mandarinà - n. m. (pr. \ m&nd&ri'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - mandrin-adura - n. f. (pr. \ m&ndri[ng]&d'[ue]r& \ ) - See
mandarinate (history). mandrinagi.
mandatari - n. (pr. \ m&nd&t'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. mandatari. - fm. mandrit - n. m. (pr. \ m&ndr'it \ ) Inv. at plr. - slap (given with
sng. and plr. mandatària, mandatàrie. - 1) - mandatary, open right hand).
mandatory, mandatee. - 2) - agent. - 3) - assignee, mandrita - n. f. (pr. \ m&ndr'it& \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - right
attorney. hand, right side.
mandeuvra - n. f. (pr. \ m&nd'[oe]vr& \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). manegé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&nej'e \ ) - 1) - to handle, to
- labour, manpower, work-people. - 2) - cost of labour. work, to treat, to use, to manage, to wield. - 2) - to
See also the terms "mandòpra, mandòpera". mould. See also the term "manëzzé ".
mandìa - n. f. (pr. \ m&nd'i& \ ) At plr. mandìe. - spinster. manegèivol - adj. (pr. \ m&nej'æivul \ ) - See manegévol.
See also the terms "mandija, mendìa". manegévol - adj. (pr. \ m&nej'evul \ ) Ms. plr. manegévoj. -
mandiant - n. (pr. \ m&ndi'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. mandiant. - fm. fm. sng. and plr. manegévola, manegévole. - 1) -
sng. and plr. mandianta, mandiante. - beggar. See also manageable, esay-handled, handy. - 2) - tractable
the terms "mendiant, almosnant, almosinant, pòver". (usually in a fig. sense). See also the terms "binagévol,
mandìbola - n. f. (pr. \ m&nd'ibul& \ ) At plr. mandìbole. - manegèivol, manegiàbil, maniàbil ".
mandible, jaw. See also the term "mangiòira". manégg - n. m. (pr. \ m&n'ej \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - handling,
mandibolar - adj. (pr. \ m&ndibul'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - managing, management, mastery. - 2) - underhand
mandibular, mandibulary. plotting, intrigue (in a fig. sense). - 3) - manège,
mandija - n. f. (pr. \ m&nd'iy& \ ) - See mandìa. horsemanship, riding-ground, riding-school (horses).
mandìlia - n. f. (pr. \ m&nd'ili& \ ) At plr. mandìlie. - manegiàbil - adj. (pr. \ m&nej'i&bil \ ) Ms. plr. manegiàbij. -
mantilla, black cape of silk. fm. sng. and plr. manegiàbil, manegiàbij. -1) -

manageable, esay-handled, handy. - 2) - tractable manganin-a - n. f. (pr. \ m&[ng]g&n'i[ng]& \ ) At plr.
(usually in a fig. sense). See also the terms "binagévol, manganin-e. - manganin (metallurgy).
manegèivol, manegévol, maniàbil ". manganìte - n. f. (pr. \ m&[ng]g&n'ite \ ) Inv. at plr. -
manegiabilità - n. f. (pr. \ m&neji&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - manganite (miningh).
manageability, handiness. - 2) - tractability (in a fig. manganos - adj. (pr. \ m&[ng]g&n'uz \ ) Ms. plr. manganos. -
sense). fm. sng. and plr. manganosa, manganose. - manganous
manela - n. f. (pr. \ m&n'el& \ ) At plr. manele. - bug parasite (chemistry).
of vines. mangé - 1) - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ m&nj'e \ ) - 1) - to
manésch - adj. (pr. \ m&n'esc \ ) Ms. plr. manésch. - fm. sng. eat (trs. and int.) in general. - 2) - to eat up (int.). - 3) - to
and plr. manësca, manësche. - quick-handed, quick with devour. (trs.) - 4) - to consume, to corrode (trs.). - 5) - to
one's hands. squander (trs.) (in a fig. sense). - 6) - to take, to capture
maneuvra - n. f. (pr. \ m&n'[oe]vr& \ ) At plr. maneuvre. - 1) (in games like chess or draught). It uses always the aux.
- manoeuvre, maneuver (military). - 2) - shunting, "avèj ". There are some ways of saying not corresponding
marshalling (railway). - 3) - rigging, ropes, cordage directly to English. Here some examples. - A) - "dé da
(navy). - 4) - mnoeuvre, scheme, trick (in a fig. sense). mangé" = "to feed". - B) - "mangé màgher" = "to eat no
maneuvré - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ m&n[oe]vr'e \ ) - 1) - meat". - C) - "mangé a ofa" = "to sponge a meal to sb.". -
to manoeuvre, to maneuver (military), to steer, to handle D) - "mangé la feuija" = "to smell a rat". - E) - "mangé a
(trs.). - 2) - to shunt (railway) (trs.). - 3) - to operate (trs). chërpa pansa" = "to overeat, to eat oneself sick". - F) - "fé
- 4) - to manoeuvre, to maneuver, to scheme, to plot da mangé " = "to prepare st. to eat".
(int.) (in a fig. sense). It uses always the aux. "avèj ". See mangé - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ m&nj'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - eating. - 2)
also the term "manovré ". - food, victuals. - 3) - cooking.
manëzzé vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&n&zz'e \ ) - See manegé. mangèire - n. (pr. \ m&nj'æire \ ) Ms. plr. mangèire. - fm. sng.
manëscard - n. m. (pr. \ m&n&sc'&rd \ ) Inv. at plr. - farrier, and plr. mangèira, mangèire. - 1) - great eater, sponger.
shoeing-smith. See also the term "feracaval ". - 2) - eater. See also the terms "mangiàire, mangion,
manëtta - n. f. (pr. \ m&n'&tt& \ ) At plr. manëtte. - handle, mangiador".
hand lever. mangerìa - n. f. (pr. \ m&njer'i& \ ) At plr. mangerìe. - graft.
manëtte - n. f. plr. (pr. \ m&n'&tte \ ) Only plr. - handcuff. mangésse - vrb 1st con. refl and recp. (pr. \ m&nj'ese \ ) - 1) - to
manfrinada - n. f. (pr. \ m&nfrin'&d& \ ) At plr. manfrinade. eat each other (recp.). - 2) - to eat (st. of) oneself. (refl).
- 1) - long and boring story. - 2) - rebuke. See also the These terms are usually in a fig. idiomatic sense. Here
term "manfrin-a 1st and 2nd meaning".- some examples. - A) - "mangésse 'l fìdich (da la ràbia)" =
manfrin-a - n. f. (pr. \ m&nfr'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. manfrin-e. - 1) "to be seething with anger". - B) - "mangésse le paròle" =
- long and boring story. - 2) - rebuke. In these two senses "to clip one's word" or "to mumble one's words ". - C) -
see also the term "manfrinada".- 3) - traditional folk "mangésse la paròla " = "to break one's word ". - D) -
dance of Monferrato (Monfrà). In this sense see also the "mangésse tut" = "to spend one's last penny".
term "monfrin-a". mangià - n. f. (pr. \ m&nji'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - hearty meal,
manfrodit - n. m. (pr. \ m&nfru'it \ ) Inv. at plr. square meal. See also the term "mangiada".
hermaphrodite. - See also the term "manfroit ". mangiababi - n. m. (pr. \ m&nji&b'&bi \ ) Inv. at plr. -
manfroditism - n. m. (pr. \ m&nfruit'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. (if nonpoisonous snake.
any). hermaphroditism - See also the term "manfroitism ". mangiàbil - adj. (pr. \ m&nji'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. mangiàbij. - fm.
manfroit - n. m. (pr. \ m&nfrud'it \ ) - See manfrodit. sng. and plr. mangiàbil, mangiàbij. - eatable.
manfroitism - n. m. (pr.\m&nfrudit'izm\) - See manfroditism. mangiabindéj - n. m. (pr. \ m&nji&bind'ey \ ) Inv. at plr. -
mangagna - n. f. (pr. \ m&[ng]g'&[gn]& \ ) At plr. magnagne. tape-player, tape-deck, cassette player. See also the
- 1) - defect, vice, imperfection, flaw. - 2) - infirmity, terms "mangiacassiëtte, mangianastr".
ailment. See also the term "magagna". mangiacassiëtte - n. m. (pr. \ m&nji&c&si'&tte \ ) - See
mangagné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&[ng]g&[gn]'e \ ) - to mangianastr.
spoil, to mar, to damage. See also the term "magagné ". mangiacristian - n. (pr. \ m&nji&cristi'&[ng] \ ) Inv. in gnd.
mangagnésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ m&[ng]g&[gn]'ese \ ) - and nr. - bully. (popular, in a fig. sense).
1) - to get spoilt, to break down. - 2) - to rot. See also the mangiàda - n. f. (pr. \ m&nji'&d& \ ) - See mangià.
term "magagnésse ". mangiadisch - n. m. . (pr. \ m&nji&d'isc \ ) Inv. at plr. -
màngan - n. m. (pr. \ m'&[ng]g&[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - mangle automatic record-player.
(texile). See also the term "mango 1st meaning". mangiador - n. (pr. \ m&nji&d'ur \ ) Ms. plr. mangiador. - fm.
manganà - n. m. (pr. \ m&[ng]g&n'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - sng. and plr. mangiadòira, mangiadòire. - eater. - See
manganate (chemistry). also the term "mangiator".
manganadura - n. f. (pr. \ m&[ng]g&n&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. mangiadora - n. f. (pr. \ m&nji&d'ur& \ ) At plr. mangiadore.
manganadure. - mangling (texile). - 1) - manger, fodder-trough. - 2) - gold-mine (ironic, in
mangané - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&[ng]g&n'e \ ) - to mangle a fig. sense) See also the most used term "grupia".
(texile). mangiafurmìje - n. m. (pr. \ m&nji&f[ue]rm'ie \ ) Inv. at plr. -
manganèis - n. m. (pr. \ m&[ng]g&n'æiz \ ) Only sng. ant-eater (Zoology - Myrmecophaga tridactyla).
manganese (chemical element). mangiàire - n. (pr. \ m&nji'&ire \ ) - See mangèire.
manganél - n. m. (pr. \ m&[ng]g&n'el \ ) At plr. manganéj. - mangiament - n. m. (pr. \ m&nji&m'ænt \ ) - See mangerìa.
club, cudgel. mangiamosche - n. m. (pr. \ m&nji&m'uske \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1)
manganelà - n. f. (pr. \ m&[ng]g&nel'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - blow - fly-catcher, fly-trap. - 2) - fly-swatter. - See also the
with a club. term "ciapamosche 1st and 2nd meanings".
manganelé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&[ng]g&nel'e \ ) - to beat mangianastr - n. m. (pr.\m&nji&n'&str\) - See mangiabindéj.
with a club. mangiapan - n. (pr. \ m&nji&p'&[ng] \ ) Inv. in ngd. and nr. -
mangànich - adj. (pr. \ m&[ng]g'&nic \ ) Ms. plr. mangànich. good-for-nothing, drone, loafer.
- fm. sng. and plr. mangànica, mangàniche. - manganic mangiaprèive - n. (pr. \ m&nji&pr'æive \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr.
(chemistry). - rabid anticlerical.

mangiaret - n. m. (pr. \ m&nji&r'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - dainty, maniciard - n. m. (pr. \ m&ni[ch]i'&rd \ ) - See manicard.
delicacy, delicious dish. See also the term "galoparìa, manicla - n. f. (pr. \ m&n'icl& \ ) At plr. manicle. - 1) -
galuperìa, galuprìa, mangiarin". protective half glove used by shoemaker. - 2) - sword-
mangiarìa -n. f. (pr. \ m&nji&r'i& \ ) - See mangerìa. guard. See also the term "maniòla".
mangiarin - n. m. (pr. \ m&nji&r'i[ng] \ ) - See mangiaret. manicòmi - n. m. (pr. \ m&nic'omi \ ) Inv. at plr. - mental
mangiassé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&nji&s'e \ ) - to eat hospital, lunatic asylum, madhouse. See also the term
abundantly and wrongly, to overeat. See also the term "manicòmio".
"smangiassé ". manicòmio - n. m. (pr. \ m&nic'omiu \ ) - See manicòmi.
mangiastopa - n. (pr. \ m&nji&st'up& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - manicòt - n. m. (pr. \ m&nic'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - muff. In
1) - acrobat, tumbler. - 2) - charlatan, mountebank. this sense see also the term "maniòt ". - 2) - sleeve,
mangiativ - adj. (pr. \ m&nji&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. mangiativ. - fm. coupling (mechanics).
sng. and plr. mangiativa, mangiative. - edible, eatable. manicur - n. f. (pr. \ m&nic'[ue]r \ ) Inv. at plr. - manicure
mangiativa - n. f. (pr. \ m&nji&t'iv& \ ) At plr. (if any) (the treatment) - See also the term "manicura".
mangiative. - provisions, foodstuffs. manicura - n. f. (pr. \ m&nic'[ue]r& \ ) - See manicur.
mangiator - n. (pr. \ m&nji&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. mangiator. - fm. manicurìsta - n. (pr. \ m&nic[ue]r'ist& \ ) Ms. plr.
sng. and plr. mangiatriss, mangiatriss. - eater. - See also manicurista. - fm. sng. and plr. manicurista, manicuriste.
the term "mangiador". - manicure, manicurist (the person).
mangiatòria - n. f. (pr. \ m&nji&t'ori& \ ) At plr. mangiatòrie. manié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&ni'e \ ) - 1) - to put the
- food (jocular). handle. (at a tool), to put the sleeves (at a suit). In this
mangim - n. m. (pr. \ m&nj'im \ ) Inv. at plr. - fodder, food for sense see also the term "anmanié ". - 2) - to handle, to
animals. work, to treat. - 3) - to run, to manage.
mangioirëtta - n. f. (pr. \ m&njiuir'&tt& \ ) At plr. manierà - adj. (pr. \ m&nier'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) -
mangioirëtte. - pretty cheek. See also the term affected, ceremonious. - 2) - well-mannered. - See also
"mangioirin-a". the term "manieros".
mangioirìn-a - n. f. (pr. \ m&njiuir'i[ng]& \ ) - See manierism - n. m. (pr. \ m&nier'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. -
mangioirëtta. mannerism.
mangion - n. (pr. \ m&nji'u[ng] \) Ms. plr. mangion. - fm. sng. manierista - adj. and n. (pr. \ m&nier'ist& \ ) Ms. plr.
and plr. mangion-a, mangion-e. - great eater, glutton, manierista. - fm. sng. and plr. manierista, manieriste. -
gormandizer. mannerist.
mangioté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&njiut'e \) - to nibble, to manierìstich - adj. (pr. \ m&nier'istic \ ) Ms. plr. manieristich.
pick (at). - fm. sng. and plr. manieristica, manieristiche. -
mangiòira - n. m. (pr. \ m&nji'oir& \ ) At plr. mangiòire. - manneristic, manneristical.
mandible, jaw. See also the term "mandìbola". manieros - adj. (pr. \ m&nier'uz \ ) Ms. plr. manieros. - fm.
mangium - n. m. (pr. \ m&nji'[ue]m \ ) - See mangiura. sng. and plr. manierosa, manierose. - 1) - affected,
mangiura - n. f. (pr. \ m&nji'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. mangiure. - ceremonious. - 2) - well-mannered. - See also the term
foodstuff. "manierà".
mango - n. m. (pr. \ m'&[ng]gu \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - mangle maniëtta - n. f. (pr. \ m&ni'&tt& \ ) At plr. maniëtte. - 1) -
(texile). In this sense see also the term "màngan 1st sleevelet, oversleeve. - 2) - hose.
meaning". - 2) - mango (Botany - Mangifera indica). manifatura - n. f. (pr. \m&nif&t'[ue]r&\ ) At plr. manifature.
mangojé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ m&[ng]guy'e \ ) - 1) - - 1) - manufacture. - 2) - manufactory.
to crease, to crush, to crumple. (trs.). - 2) - to grumble manifést - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ m&nif'est \ ) Inv. at plr. - manifesto,
(int.). It uses always the aux. "avèj ". manifest.
mani - n. m. (pr. \ m'&ni \ ) - See man-i. manifést - 2) - adj. (pr. \ m&nif'est \ ) Ms. plr. manifést. - fm.
mània - n. f. (pr. \ m'&ni& \ ) At plr. mànie. - 1) - sleeve. - 2) - sng. and plr. manifesta, manifeste. - manifest, apparent,
downtake (metallurgy, ovens), suction hose (pumps), etc. obvious.
(In general referred to flexible pipes). manifestant - n. (pr. \ m&nifest'&nt \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. but
manìa - n. f. (pr. \ m&ni'& \ ) At plr. manìe. - 1) - mania, sometimes also with the forms: Ms. plr. manifestant. - fm.
madness. - 2) - mania, craze, rage (in a fig. sense). See sng. and plr. manifestanta, manifestante. - demonstrator,
also the term "fissa". manifestant.
maniàbil - adj. (pr. \ m&nej'evul \ ) Ms. plr. maniàbij. - fm. manifestassion - n. f. (pr. \ m&nifest&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
sng. and plr. maniàbil, maniàbij. - 1) - manageable, 1) - manifestation, display. - 2) - deminstration,
esay-handled, handy. - 2) - tractable (usually in a fig. manifestation. - 3) - show, display.
sense). See also the terms "binagévol, manegèivol, manifesté - vrb. 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ m&nifest'e \ ) - 1) -
manegiàbil, manegévol ". to manifest, to show, to display, to reveal, to express
manìach - adj. and n. - (pr. \ m&n'i&c \ ) Ms. plr. manìach. - (trs.). - 2) - to demonstrate, to take part in a
fm. sng. and plr. manìaca, manìache. - 1) - maniac, demonstration. (int). Even when int. it uses the aux.
maniacal, mad, insane (adj.). - 2) - mad, crazy (adj.) (in a "avèj".
fig. sense). - 3) - maniac (sbst.). manifestésse - vrb. 1st con. refl. (pr. \ m&nifest'ese \ ) - to
maniàssa - n. f. (pr. \ m&ni'&s& \ ) At plr. maniasse. - large manifest oneself, to show oneself, to reveal oneself.
sleeve, big sleeve. manifestin - n. m. (pr. \ m&nifest'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - leaflet,
manicadura - n. f. (pr. \ m&nic&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. handbill.
manicadure. - setting of the hands to play the piano (or màniga - n. f. (pr. \ m'&nig& \ ) At plr. manighe. - gang,
similar) or in general for an artistic job made by hands. clique, cabal, set.
See also the term "manicatura". manigada - n. f. (pr. \ m&nig'&d& \ ) At plr. manigade. -
manicard - n. m. (pr. \ m&nic'&rd \ ) Inv. at plr. - plot, scheme, conspiracy, deception, trick. See also the
quartermaster for quarters (lodging). See also the term term "manigansa".
"maniciard" and the loc. "maressial ëd losì, cartiermetre 'd manigansa - n. f. (pr. \ m&nig'&[ng]s& \ ) - See manigada.
losì " manighin - n. m. (pr. \ m&nig'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
manicatura - n. f. (pr. \ m&nic&t'[ue]r&\) - See manicadura. taylor's dummy. - 2) - life-size dummy. In these sense see

also the term "manchen". - 3) - cuff, wirst-band. - 4) - manoscrit - 2) - adj. (pr. \ m&nuscr'it \ ) Ms. plr. manoscrit. -
hancuff (in ironic sense). fm. sng. and plr. manoscrita, manoscrite. - handwritten.
manigòld - n. (pr. \ m&nig'old \ ) Ms. plr. manigòld. - fm. sng. See also the term "manuscrit 2)".
and plr. manigòlda, manigòlde. (but usually used only at manotension - n. f. (pr. \ m&nutæ[ng]si'u[ng] \ ) - See
ms.) - rascal, rogue, scoundrel. manutension.
manigòt - n. m. (pr. \ m&nig'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - cabbage manoval - n. m. (pr. \ m&nuw'&l \ ) At plr. manovaj. -
lettuce (botany - Lactuca sativa capitata). hodman, unskilled worker, labourer. See also the terms
manija - n. f. (pr. \ m&n'iy& \ ) At plr. manije. - the play of "manoal, manòcia 2)".
shadows. manovalansa - n. f. ( pr. \ m&nuw&l'&[ng]s& ;
maniluvi - n. m. (pr. \ m&nil'[ue]vi \ ) Inv. at plr. - hand- m&nu&l'&[ng]s&\ ) - At plr. manovalanse. - 1) -
washing. hodmen, labourers, unskilled workers. - 2) - unskilled
manin-a - n. f. (pr. \ m&n'i [ng]& \ ) At plr. manin-e. - 1) - labour.
little hand. - 2) - club fungus, fairy club (botany - manovela - n. f. (pr. \ m&nuw'el& \ ) - See. manavela.
Clavaria). manovelism - n. m. (pr. \ m&nuwel'izm \ ) - See manavelism.
maniòla - n. f. (pr. \ m&ni'ol& \ ) - See manicla. manovràbil - adj. (pr. \ m&nuvr'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. manovràbij.
maniòt - n. m. (pr. \ m&ni'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - muff. See also - fm. sng. and plr. manovràbil, manovràbij. -
the terms "manicòt 1st meaning, manissa". manoeuvrable.
manìpol - n. m. (pr. \ m&n'ipul \ ) At plr. manìpoj. - 1) - manovrabilità - n. f. (pr. \ m&nuvr&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
bundle, sheaf. - 2) - strick. - 3) - handful. manoeuvrability, controllability.
manìpola - n, f. (pr. \ m&n'ipul& \ ) At plr. manìpole. - manovrator - n. m. (pr. \ m&nuvr&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
sword-guard. See also the terms "manicla, maniòla". manoeuvrer. - 2) - driver. - 3) - operator. - 4) -
manipolàire - n. and adj. (pr. \ m&nipul'&ire \ ) Ms. plr. signalman, pointsman (railways).
manipolàire. - fm. sng. and plr. manipolàira, manovré - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ m&nuvr'e \ ) - 1) - to
manipolàire. - 1) - manipulator (sbst.). - 2) - adulterator manoeuvre, to steer, to handle, to operate (trs.). - 2) - to
(sbst.). - 3) - plotter, schemer (sbst.). - 4) - Morse-key shunt (trs.) (railways). - 3) - to conduct, to manage, to
(sbst.). - 5) - manipulating (adj.). See also the terms control (trs.). - 4) - to manoeuvre (int.). - 2) - to
"manipolator, manipolèire". manoeuvre, to scheme, to plot (int).
manipolassion - n. f. (pr. \ m&nipul&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - manovrié - n. and adj. (pr. \ m&nuvri'e \ ) - Ms. plr. manovrié.
1) - manipulation, manipulating, handling. - 2) - - fm. sng. and plr. manovriera, manovriere. - 1) -
adulteration. - 3) - plotting, scheming. manoeuvrer, schemer (sbst.). - 2) - manoeuvring (adj.).
manipolator - n. and adj. (pr. \ m&nipul&t'ur \ ) - See manòcia - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ m&n'o[ch]i& \ ) At plr. manòce -
manipolàire. stump, mamied person.
manipolé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&nipul'e \ ) - 1) - to manòcia - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ m&n'o[ch]i& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
manipulate, to handle. - 2) - to adulterate. - 3) - to hodman, unskilled worker. In a disparaging sense). See
contrive, to deviseto hatch. also the term "manoval".
manipolèire - n. and adj. (pr. \ m&nipul'æire \ ) - See manòmeter - n. m. (pr. \ m&n'ometær \ ) - See manòmetro.
manipolàire. manòmetro - n. m. (pr. \ m&n'ometrô \ ) Inv. at plr. -
manissa - n. f. (pr. \ m&n'is& \ ) At plr. manisse. - muff of fur manometer, pressure gauge.
to warm hands. See also the term "maniòt". manòt - n. m. plr. (pr. \ m&n'ot \ ) Only plr. - money.
manite - n. f. (pr. \ m&n'ite \ ) Inv. at plr. - mannitol, mannite, mansalva (a ---) - sdv. loc. (pr. \ & m&[ng]s'&lv& \ ) -
manna sugar (chemistry). without any risk, freely.
manivéla - n. f. (pr. \ m&niv'el& \ ) - See manavela. mansarda - n. f. (pr. \ m&[ng]s'&rd& \ ) At plr. mansarde -
manivelism - n. m. (pr. \ m&nivel'izm \ ) - See manavelism. mansard.
manoal - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ m&nu'&l \ ) At plr. manoaj - mansé - 1) - n. (pr. \ m&[ng]s'e \ ) Ms. plr. mansé. - fm. sng.
hodman, unskilled worker, labourer. See also the term and plr. mansera, mansere. - treasurer, administrator of
"manoval". a brotherhood. See also the terms "mansionari 2nd
manoal - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ m&nu'&l \ ) At plr. manoaj. - meaning, massé 2) 2nd meaning, abà ".
manual, handbook. See also the term "manual 1)". mansé - 3) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&[ng]s'e \ ) - to
manoal - 3) - adj. (pr. \ m&nu'&l \ ) Ms. plr. manoaj. - fm. administer, to conduct, to manage. See also the terms
sng. and plr. manoal, manoaj. - manual, hands-on. See "massé 1) 2nd meaning), meinagé".
also the term "manual 2)". mansion - n. f. (pr. \ m&[ng]si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - office,
manobrio - n. m. (pr. \ m&n'ubriu \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - handle, duty, task. - 2) - address written on a mailed letter. - 3) -
handle-bar. - 2) - bar-bell (gymn). See also the term mention. In this sense see also the term "mension".
"manubrio". mansionari - n. m. (pr. \ m&[ng]siun'&ri \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
manofàit - n. m. (pr. \ m&nuf'&it \ ) Inv. at plr. - subdivision of functions. - 2) - treasurer, administrator
manufactures article, manufacture, handwork. See also of a brotherhood. In this sense see also the term "mansé".
the term "manufàit ". mansioné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&[ng]siun'e \ ) - to
manofla - n. f. (pr. \m&n'ufl& \ ) At plr. manofle. - protective mention. See also the term "mensioné ".
half glove. See also the terms "manicla, maniòla". mansipà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ m&[ng]sip'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and
manoja - n. f. (pr. \ m&n'uy& \ ) At plr. manoje. - 1) - handle, nr. - 1) - emancipated. - 2) - open-minded, unprejudiced.
pull. - 2) - crank, winch. See also the terms "manovela, See also the term "mancipé ".
manivéla". mansipassion - n. f. (pr. \ m&[ng]sip&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
manomëtte - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ m&num'&tte \ ) - 1) - to emancipation. See also the term "mancipassion ".
tamper, to rummage, to violate, to infringe. - 2) - to mansipator - n. (pr. \ m&nsip&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. mansipator. -
alter, to falsify. fm. sng. and plr. mansipatriss, mansipatriss. -
manomission - n. f. (pr. \ m&numisi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - emancipator. See also the term "mancipator ".
tampering, violation, infringement. mansipé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&[ng]sip'e \ ) - to
manoscrit - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ m&nuscr'it \ ) Inv. at plr. - emancipate. Sere also the terms "mancipé, emansipé,
manuscript, copy. See also the term "manuscrit 1)". emancipé ".

mansipésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ m&[ng]sip'ese \ ) - to mantlésse - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&ntl'ese \ ) - 1) - to wrap
become emancipated, to free oneself. See also the term oneself in a cloak. - 2) - to be clothed (in or with). - 3) - to
"mancipésse". affect, to parade (in a fig. sense).
mansuefé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&[ng]s[ue]ef'e \ ) - 1) - to mantlet - n. m. (pr. \ m&ntl'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - small
tame. - 2) - to subdue, to appease. mantle. - 2) - mantilla for woman.
mansuefésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ m&[ng]s[ue]ef'ese \ ) - to mantlin-a - n. f. (pr. \ m&ntl'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. mantlin-e. -
become tame, to grow submissive. cape, small mantle.
mansuét - adj. (pr. \ m&[ng]s[ue]'et \ ) Ms. plr. mansuét. - mantlòta - n. f. (pr. \ m&ntl'ot& \ ) At plr. mantlòte. - each of
fm. sng. and plr. mansuéta, mansuéte. - 1) - tame. - 2) - the two front part of a jacket or a dress. See also the
mild, meek, gentle, docile. term "matlòta".
mansuetùdin - n. f. (pr. \ m&[ng]s[ue]et'[ue]di[ng] \ ) Inv. at mantnì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ m&ntn'i \ ) - 1) - to maintain,
plr. - 1) - tameness. - 2) - mildness, meekness, gentleness, to keep. - 2) - to support, to maintain. - 3) - to keep, to
docility. carry out, to fulfil. See also the term "manten-e ".
mant - n. m. (pr. \ m&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - long mantle. - mantnìsse - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ m&ntn'ise \ ) - 1) - to
2) - mantle, cloak (in a fig. sense). maintain oneself, to keep oneself. - 2) - to earn one's
mantadura - n. f. (pr. \m&nt&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. mantadure. living. - 3) - to keep up. See also the term "mantnen-se"
- mantle, covering with mantle, dress, suit, cover. and also the main vrbs "manten-e, mantnì ".
manteca - n. f. (pr. \m&nt'ec& \ ) At plr. manteche. - pomade, mantnù - n. m and adj. ms (pr. \ m&ntn'[ue] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
thick mixture, paste. See also the term "pomada". gigolo, who lives at expense of a woman.
mantél - n. m. (pr. \m&nt'el \ ) At plr. mantéj. - 1) - mantle. - mantnùa - n. f. and adj. fm. (pr. \ m&ntn'[ue]& \ ) At plr.
2) - coat, hair, fur (animal). - 3) - shell (mechanics). mantnùa. - kept woman, mistress.
mantela - n. f. (pr. \m&nt'el& \ ) At plr. mantéle. - 1) - manton - n. m. . (pr. \ m&nt'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - chin
mantle for women. - 2) - military mantle. See also the (anatomy). See also the term "menton".
term "mantlin-a". mantonet - n. m. . (pr. \ m&ntun'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - part of a
mantenensa - n. f. (pr. \m&nten'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. lock receiving the latch.
mantenense. - 1) - maintenance, upkeep. - 2) - defense. - Mantova - n. f. (pr. \ m'&ntuw& \ ) Only sng. (noun of city) -
3) - support. Mantua.
mantenidor - n. (pr. \m&ntenid'ur \ ) - See mantenitor. mantovan - adj. (pr. \ m&ntuw'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. mantovan. -
manteniment - n. m. (pr. \m&ntenim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - fm. sng. and plr. mantovan-a, mantovan-e. - Mantuan.
maintenance, keeping. - 2) - support. - 3) - fulfilment. - mantovan-a - n. f. (pr.\m&ntuw'&[ng]&\) At plr. mantovan-e.
4) - preservation. - 5) - alimony (legal). - 1) - gableboard (architecture). - 2) - pelmet.
mantenitor - n. (pr. \m&ntenit'ur \ ) Ms. plr. mantenitor. - fm. manual - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ m&n[ue]'&l \ ) At plr. manuaj. -
sng. and plr. mantenitriss, mantenitriss. - 1) - manual, handbook. See also the term "manoal 1)".
maintainer, keeper. - 2) - preserver. - 3) - supporter. manual - 3) - adj. (pr. \ m&n[ue]'&l \ ) Ms. plr. manuaj. - fm.
mantense - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ m&nt'æ[ng]se \ ) - 1) - to sng. and plr. manual, manuaj. - manual, hands-on. See
maintain oneself, to keep oneself. - 2) - to earn one's also the term "manoal 2)".
living. - 3) - to keep up. See also the term "mantnìsse" and manualisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&n[ue]&liz'e \ ) - 1) - to
also the main vrbs "manten-e, mantnì ". render manual. - 2) - to put into manual form.
manten-a - n. f. (pr. \ m&nt'æ[ng]& \ ) At plr. manten-e . - manualista - n. (pr. \ m&n[ue]&l'ist&\ ) Ms. plr. manualista. -
handrail, banister. See also the terms "guardaman, fm. sng. and plr. manualista, manuaiste. - manualist.
vardaman, mancorent". manualìstich - adj. (pr. \ m&n[ue]&l'istic \ ) Ms. plr.
manten-e - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ m&nt'æ[ng]e \ ) - 1) - to manualìstich. - fm. sng. and plr. manualìstica,
maintain, to keep. - 2) - to support, to maintain. - 3) - to manualìstiche. - of a handbook, , manual-like.
keep, to carry out, to fulfil. See also the term "mantnì ". manualità - n. f. (pr. \ m&n[ue]&lit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - manual
màntes - n. m. (pr. \ m'&ntæz \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - bellows. - 2) dexterity.
- hood. - 4) - diaphragm (railway). manubrio - n. m. (pr. \ m&n'[ue]briu \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
mantija - n. f. (pr. \ m&nt'iy& \ ) At plr. mantije. - mantilla. handle, handle-bar. - 2) - bar-bell (gymn). See also the
Aee also the term "mantilia". term "manobrio".
mantil - n. m. (pr. \ m&nt'il \ ) At plr. mantij. - table-cloth. manufàit - n. m. (pr. \ m&n[ue]f'&it \ ) Inv. at plr. -
mantila - n. f. (pr. \ m&nt'il& \ ) At plr. mantile. - white cloth manufactures article, manufacture, handwork. See also
hanged on sides of the butcher's door. the term "manofàit ".
mantilarìa - n. f. (pr. \ m&ntil&r'i& \ ) At plr. mantilarìe. - 1) manuscrit - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ m&n[ue]scr'it \ ) Inv. at plr. -
- table linen, napery. - 2) - material for table linen. manuscript, copy. See also the term "manoscrit 1)".
mantilass - n. m. (pr. \ m&ntil'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - large table- manuscrit - 2) - adj. (pr. \ m&n[ue]scr'it \ ) Ms. plr.
cloth. manuscrit. - fm. sng. and plr. manuscrita, manuscrite. -
mantilassa - n. f. (pr. \ m&ntil'&s& \ ) At plr. mantilasse. - handwritten. See also the term "manoscrit 2)".
table-cloth od rough fabric. manutension - n. f. (pr. \ m&n[ue]tæ[ng]si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr.
mantilé - n. (pr. \ m&ntil'e \ ) Ms. plr. mantilé. - fm. sng. and - 1) - maintenance, upkeep. - 2) - maintenance,
plr. mantilera, mantilere. - table-cloth weaver. servicing. See also the term "manotension".
mantilia - n. f. (pr. \ m&nt'ili& \ ) - See mantija. manz - n. m. (pr. \ m&[ng]z \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - steer
mantilòt - n. m. (pr. \ m&ntil'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - table napkin, (zoology). - 2) - beef.
serviette. See also the terms "salviëtta, mapa 3rd manza - n. f. (pr. \ m'&[ng]z& \ ) At plr. manze. - heifer.
meaning". mapa - n. f. (pr. \ m'&p& \ ) At plr. mape. - 1) - panicle
mantinent - adv. (pr. \ m&ntin'ænt \ ) - immediately, at once. (botany). - 2) - map, plan. - 3) - table napkin. In this
mantissa - n. f. (pr. \ m&nt'is& \ ) At plr. mantisse. - sense see also the term "mantilòt ".
mantissa. mapamond - n. m. (pr. \ m&p&m'und \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - map
mantlé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&ntl'e \ ) - 1) - to mantle, to of the world. - 2) - globe. - 3) - large buttocks (jocular).
cloak - 2) - to wrap - See also the term "anmantlé ". mapon - n. m. (pr. \ m&p'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - core of a cob
without grains. See also the term "panòt".

mar - n. m. (pr. \ m&r \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - sea. - 2) - seaside. - maravijos - adj. (pr. \ m&r&viy'uz \ ) Ms. plr. maravijos. -
3) - sea, flood, multitude (in a fig. sense). fm. sng. and plr. maravijosa, maravijose. - wonderful,
maragna - n. f. (pr. \ m&r'&[gn]& \ ) At plr. (when applicable) marvellous, amazing, astonishing. See also the terms
maragne. - 1) - brushwood. - 2) - marsh-herbs, fen- "meravijos, miràbil".
grass. See also the term "marogna" and the loc. "erba 'd marbleu! - excl. (pr. \ m&rbl'[oe] \ ) - gosh!, golly!, crikey!.
maré ". See also the terms "parbleu, marblù".
maraja - n. f. (pr. \ m&r'&y& \ ) At plr. maraje. - 1) - child, marblù! - excl. (pr. \ m&rbl'[ue] \ ) - See marbleu!.
little boy, little girl. - 2) - set of children, crowd of marbrà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ m&rbr'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
children. This sbst, includes the two genders. See also the striped, streaked, marbles, veined. See also the term
term "masnà ". "malbrà ".
marajin - n. (pr. \ m&r&y'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. marajin. - fm. sng. marbré - vrb 1st con trs. (pr. \ m&rbr'e \ ) - to marble, to vein.
and plr. marajin-a, marajin-e. - little child, baby. See also the term "malbré ".
Diminutive of "maraja". Note that the fm. and ms. forms marbroch - n. m. (pr. \ m&rbr'oc \ ) - See malbroch.
are both used in the same way for ms. and fm. babies. Both marca - n. f. (pr. \ m'&rc& \ ) At plr. marche. - 1) - mark,
include the two genders. See also the terms "marajòt, sign. - 2) - brand name, mark, make. - 3) - check, token.
masnajin, masnajòt". - 4) - stamp, revenue stamp. - 5) - March, Marchland
marajon - n. (pr. \ m&r&yi'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. marajon. - fm. (history).
sng. and plr. marajon-a, marajon-e. - 1) - big child. - 2) - marcà - 1) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ m&rc'&\ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
boy or girl not completely clever. - Augmentative and 1) - marked (adj. and p. p.). - 2) - sharp, prominent (adj.).
sometimes pejorative od the term "maraja". marcà - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ m&rc'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - market. See
marajòt - n. (pr. \ m&r&y'ot \ ) Ms. plr. marajòt. - fm. sng. also the terms "mercà mërcà ".
and plr. marajòta, marajòte. - little child, baby. marcacasse - n. m. (pr. \ m&rc&c'&se \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
Diminutive of "maraja". Note that the fm. and ms. forms scorekeeper, marker. - 2) - score-board. - 3) - curious
are both used in the same way for ms. and fm. babies. Both person, nosy parker (in a fig. sense).
include the two genders. See also the terms "marajin, marcador - n. m. (pr. \ m&rc&d'ur \ ) - See marcator.
masnajin, masnajòt". marcadura - n. f. (pr. \& m&rc&d'[ue]r&\ ) - See marcatura.
maraman - 1) - adv. (pr. \ m&r&m'&[ng] \ ) - 1) - by chance, marcand - n. (pr. \ m&rc'&nd \ ) Ms. plr. marcand. - fm. sng.
accidentally. - 2) - perhaps, maybe. See also the term and plr. marcanda, marcande. - 1) - merchant, trader,
"manaman 1)". dealer. - 2) - tradesman, shopkeeper. See also the terms
maraman - 2) - cng. (pr. \ m&r&m'&[ng] \ ) - while, in the "marcant, mercant, mërcant ".
meanwhile. See also the term "manaman 2)". marcandabeu - n. m. (pr. \ m&rc&nd&b'[oe] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
maramao - ecxl. (pr. \ m&r&m'&u \ ) - fiddlededee! , snooks! See also the term " mërcandabeu". rude person, tactless
See also the terms "maramàu, maraméo" person. Lit. the meaning is "dealer in oxes".
maramàu - ecxl. (pr. \ m&r&m'&u \ ) - See maramao. marcandé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&rc&nd'e \ ) - to bargain,
marameo - ecxl. (pr. \ m&r&m'eu \ ) - See maramao. to negotiate (for reducing price). See also the term
maranzan-a - n. f. (pr.\m&r&ns'&[ng]&\) At plr. maransan-e. "mercandé, mërcandé ".
- aubergine (the fruit). For the the tree: egg-plant (botany marcandin - n. (pr. \ m&rc&nd'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. marcandin. -
- Solanum esculentum). See also the term (more commonly fm. sng. and plr. marcandin-a, marcandin-e. -
used) "marzan-a", and the term "malansan-a". haberdasher. See also the terms "mercandin, mërcandin".
marasca - n. f. (pr. \ m&r'&sc& \ ) At plr. marasche. - marcansìa - n. f. (pr. \ m&rc&[ng]s'i& \ ) At plr. marcansìe. -
morello, marasca cherry. merchandise, goods. See also the term "mërcansìa".
marasch - n. m. (pr. \ m&r'&sc \ ) Inv. at plr. - morello tree, marcant - n. (pr. \ m&rc'&nt \ ) - See marcand.
marasca.tree. (botany - Prunus cerasus). marcantil - 1) - adj. (pr. \ m&rc&nt'il \ ) Ms. plr. marcantij. -
maraschin - n. m. (pr. \ m&r&sk'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - fm. sng. and plr. marcantila, marcantile. - merchant (as
maraschino (liqueur). See also the term "marëschin". an attribute), mercantile, commercial. See also the term
marasm - n. m. (pr. \ m&r'&zm \ ) - See marasma. "mërtcantil ".
marasma - n. m. (pr. \ m&r'&zm& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - marcantil - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ m&rc&nt'il \ ) At plr. marcantij. -
marasmus (medical). - 2) - intellectual decay, decline (in merchant ship.
a fig. sense). - 3) - chaos (in a fig. sense). marcapont - n. m. (pr. \ m&rc&p'unt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
marass - n. m. (pr. \ m&r'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - a type of big scorekeeper, marker. - 2) - score-board.
knife. - 2) - a type of viper. marcataja (a ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ m&rc&t'&y& \ ) - close-
marastra - n. f. (pr. \ m&r'&str& \ ) At plr. marastre. - 1) - fitting, in a tight-fitting way.
stepmother. - 2) - bad mother (in a fig. sense). marcatemp - n. m. (pr. \ m&rc&t'æmp \ ) Inv. at plr. -
maraton-a - n. f. (pr. \ m&r&t'u[ng]& \ ) At plr. maraton-e. - timekeeper.
Marathon race (sport). marcator - n. m. (pr. \ m&rc&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - marker,
maratoné - n. (pr. \ m&r&tun'e \ ) Ms. plr. maratoné. - fm. brander. - 2) - marker. - 3) - scorer.
sng. and plr. maratonera, maratonere. - Marathon marcatòch - n. (pr. \ & m&rc&t'ur \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
runner, long-distance runner (sport). marker, worker assigned to marking.
maravija - n. f. (pr. \ m&r&v'iy& \ ) At plr. maravije. - 1) - marcartiss - n. f. (pr. \ m&rc&tr'is \ ) Inv. at plr. - marking
wonder, astonishment, amazement, surprise, awe. - 2) - machine (technique).
wonder, marvel. See also the term "meravija". marcatura - n. f. (pr. \ m&rc&t'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. marcature. -
maravijé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ m&r&viy'e \ ) - 1) - to 1) - marking, branding. - 2) - scoring, marking (sport).
astonish, to surprise, to amaze (trs.). - 2) - to cause See also the term "marcadura".
surprise (int.). It uses always the aux. "avèj ". See also the marcé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ m&r[ch]'e \ ) - 1) - to march. In
term "meravijé". this sense see also the term "caminé". - 2) - to go, to run,
maravijésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ m&r&viy'ese \ ) - to to work (in a fig. sense). In this sense see also the term
wonder, to marvel, to be surprised, to be astonished. "fonsioné". - 3) - to walk (sport). It uses the aux. "avèj".
See also the term "meravijésse".

march - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ m&rc \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - brand, - uterus, womb. In this sense (not so much used) see also
mark, stamp. - 2) - brand name, mark, make. - 3) - the term "ùter".
stencil. See also the term "marca". maréa - n. f. (pr. \ m&r'e& \ ) At plr. marée. - 1) - tide. E. g.
March - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ m&rc \ ) Only sng. (noun of person). "àuta maréa" = "high tide". - 2) - sea. E. g. "na maréa 'd
Mark. paciòch " = "a sea of mud ". - 3) - stream. E. g. "na maréa
marché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&rk'e \ ) - 1) - to mark, to 'd gent " = "a stream of people" (in a fig. sense).
check. - 2) - to brand. - 3) - to mark, to emphasize, to maregé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ m&rej'e \ ) - 1) - to surge, to
underline. - 4) - to mark, to score. swell. - 2) - to fluctuate. It uses the aux. "avèj ".
marchèis - 1) - n. (pr. \ m&rk'æiz \ ) Ms. plr. marchèis. - fm. marégg - n. m. (pr. \ m&r'ej \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - 1) -
sng. and plr. marchèisa, marchèise. - 1) - marquis, agitation of sea waves. - 2) - agitation, unrest (in a fig.
marquess, (marquise, marchioness). - See also the term sense). See also the term "maregiament ".
"marchés 1)". maregià - n. f. (pr. \ m&reji'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - sea-storm.
marchèis - 2) - (pr. \ m&rk'æiz \ ) Inv. at plr. - menses (slang maregiament - n. m. (pr. \ m&reji&m'ænt \ ) - See maregg.
term). See also the term "marchés 2)". mare granda - n. f. (pr. \ m'&re gr'&nd& \ ) At plr. mare
marcheisà - n. m. (pr. \ m&rkæiz'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - grande. - grandmother, granny. See also the term
marquisate. See also the term "marchesà ". "granda".
marcheisin - n. (pr. \ m&rkæiz'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. marcheisin. - marela - n. f. (pr. \ m&r'el& \ ) At plr. marele. - skein, small
fm. sng. and plr. marcheisin-a, marcheisin-e. - son of a skein. See also the term "ciapon".
matquis / daughter of a marquis. See also the term mare lenga - n. f. (pr. \ m'&re l'æ[ng]g& \ ) At plr. mare
"marchesin". lenghe. - mother tongue.
marchés - n. (pr. \ m&rk'ez \ ) Ms. plr. marchés. - fm. sng. and marelëtta - n. f. (pr. \ m&rel'&tt& \ ) At plr. marelëtte. - small
plr. marchésa, marchése. - 1) - marquis, marquess, skein. See also the term "marlëtta".
(marquise, marchioness). - See also the less common marema - n. f. (pr. \ m&r'em& \ ) Usually only sng (name of
term "marchés 1)". place). In case of need At plr. mareme. - maremma.
marchés - 2) - (pr. \ & m&rk'ez \ ) Inv. at plr. - menses (slang mareman - adj. and n. (pr. \ m&rem'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr.
term). See also the term "marchés 2)". mareman. - fm. sng. and plr. mareman-a, mareman-e. -
marchesà - n. m. (pr. \ m&rkez'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - marquisate. 1) - maremma (as an attribute), of the Maremma (adj.). -
See also the term "marcheisà ". 2) - inhabitant of the Maremma (sbst.).
marchesin - n. (pr. \ m&rkez'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. marchesin. - fm. maremòt - n. m. (pr. \ m&rem'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - sea-quake,
sng. and plr. marchesin-a, marchesin-e. - son of a submarine earthquake.
matquis / daughter of a marquis. See also the term marenda - n. f. (pr. \ m&r'ænd& \ ) At plr. marende. -
"marcheisin". afternoon tea, snack, picnic (in the afternoon). In general
marchëtta - n. f. (pr. \ m&rk'&tt& \ ) At plr. marchëtte. - 1) - the "marenda" is a snack for children in the afternoon. See
insurance stamp. - 2) - prostitute's token (slang term). also the term "merenda". Note that many years ago (and
marchëttarìa - n. f. (pr. \ m&rk&tt&r'i& \ ) At plr. sometime still nowadays) it was an habit of Turin in
marchëttarìe. - inlaying. habitants to go, in the afternoon of the Monday after
marchian - adj. (pr. \ m&rki'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. marchian. - fm. Easter, in the country surrounding the city for a picnic in
sng. and plr. manchian-a, marchian-e. - enormous, huge, open air. That day was called "ël dì dla merenda" = "the
gross. See also the term "madornal ". day of the picnic".
marchional - adj. (pr. \ m&rkiun'&l \ ) Ms. plr. marchionaj. - marenda sinòira - n. f. (pr. \ m&r'ænd& sin'oir& \ ) At plr.
fm. sng. and plr. manchional, marchionaj. - of the marende sinòire. - an abundant afternoon snack,
marquis, of the marquisate. covering also the dinner.
marchisëtta - n. f. (pr. \ m&rkiz'&tt& \ ) Only sng. (noun of a marendé - 1) - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ m&rænd'e \ ) - to have an
mineral). In case of need plr. marchisëtte. - marcasite afternon tea, to have a snack. Always referred to
(mineral). afternoon. It uses the aux. "avèj ".
màrcia - n. f. (pr. \ m'&r[ch]i& \ ) At plr. marce. - 1) - march marendé - 2) - n. (pr. \ m&rænd'e \ ) Ms. plr. marendé. - fm.
(in general, military, etc.), walk. - 2) - gear, speed (cars). - sng. and plr. marendera, marendere. - 1) - who have a
3) - march (music). snack in a holyday afternoon (often outside). - 2) -
marciada - n. f. (pr. \ m&r[ch]i'&d& \ ) At plr. marciade. - shirker, skulker, lazy-bones, reveller. In this sense see
long walk, long march. also the term "marendon".
marciador - n. (pr. \ m&r[ch]i&d'ur \ ) Ms. plr. marciador. - marendin-a - n. f. (pr. \ m&rænd'i[ng]&\ ) At plr. marendin-e.
fm. sng. and plr. marciadora / marciadòira, marciadore / - snack. See also the term "marendòla".
marciadòire. - 1) - marcher. - 2) - road walker (sport). marendon - n. (pr. \ m&rænd'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. marendon. -
See also the term "marciator". fm. sng. and plr. marendon-a, marendon-e. - shirker,
marciapé - n. m. (pr. \ & m&r[ch]i&p'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - skulker, lazy-bones, reveller. See also the term "marendé
pavement, foot-path, side-walk. Note that "marciapé dël 2) - 2nd meaning".
magister" "plarform of the deck". "dòna da marciapé " marendòla - n. f. (pr. \ m&rænd'ol&\ ) - See marendin-a.
prostitute, street-walker". marengh - n. m. (pr. \ m&r'æ[ng]g \ ) Inv. at plr. - marengo.
marciator - n. (pr. \ m&r[ch]i&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. marciator. - See also the term "marenghin".
fm. sng. and plr. marciatriss, marciatriss. - 1) - marcher. marenghin - n. m. (pr. \ m&ræ[ng]g'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
- 2) - road walker (sport). See also the term "marciador". (small) marengo. In a jocular style. See also the term
marcorela - n. f. (pr. \ m&rcur'el& \ ) At plr. marcorele. - "marengh".
annual mercury, euphoribiaceae (botany - Mercurialis marèn-a - n. f. (pr. \ m&r'æ[ng]& \ ) At plr. maren-e. - 1) -
annua). sour cherry (botany). - 2) - sour cherry tree. In this
mare - n. f. (pr. \ m'&re \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - mother, mum, sense see also the most correct "griotera". See also the
mummy. See also the terms "maman, mama". - 2) - term "griòta".
(coffee) grounds, dregs, lees. - 3) - counterfoil, stump, marésch - n. m. . (pr. \ m&r'esc \ ) Inv. at plr. - straw, mote, a
stub. In this sense see also the terms "matris, matriss". - 4) small particle (in general).

maressal - n. m. (pr. \ m&res'&l \ ) At plr. maressaj. - - 1) - margoté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&rgut'e \ ) - to layer
warrant officer. - 2) - marshal. See also the term (agriculture)
"maressial ". margotéra - n. f. (pr. \ m&rgut'er& \ ) At plr. margotere. -
maressial - n. m. (pr. \ m&resi'&l \ ) - See maressal. marcot vase (agriculture).
marëschin - n. m. (pr. \ m&r&sk'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - margòta - n. f. (pr. \ m&rg'ot& \ ) At plr. margòte. - 1) - layer
maraschino (liqueur). See also the term "maraschin". (agriculture). - 2) - layering (agriculture).
marëtta - n. f. (pr. \ m&r'&tt& \ ) At plr. marëtte. - 1) - margrita - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ m&rgr'it& \ ) - See margarìta.
choppy sea. - 2) - troubled waters (in a fig. sense). Margrita - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ m&rgr'it& \ ) Only sng. (noun of
marëzzà - adj. (pr.\m&c[ue]l'&\) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - person). - Margaret. See also the term "Margarita 2)".
spotted, dappled. - 2) - marbled. - See also the terms margritin - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ m&rgrit'i[ng]\ ) - See margaritin.
"maculà, marmorisà". Margritin - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ m&rgrit'i[ng] \ ) Only sng. (noun of
marëzzé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr.\ m&r&zz'e \) - 1) - to person). - Maggie. See also the term "Margaritin 2)".
become bitter (int.). - 2) - to embitter, to make bitter marì - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ m&r'i \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - husband. - 2)
(trs) . In these two mwanings see also the term "merëzzé" - - brazier (in a fig. sense). In this sense see also the term
3) - to marble, to marbleize (trs.). In this sense see also "scaudor".
the term "marmorisé". marì - 2) - adj. (pr. \ m&r'i \ ) Ms. plr. marì. - fm. sng. and plr.
marfisa (tòta, etc. ----) - sbst. loc. (pr. \ .... m&rfiiz& \ ) - marìa, marìe. - 1) - bad, defective. - 2) - frail, weak,
affected woman, simpering woman. . Associated to the lean. - 3) - wicked.
various appellative for women : "tòta marfisa" = "affected Marìa - n. f. (pr. \ m&r'i& \ ) Only sng. (noun of person).
girl" ; "madamin marfisa" = "affected (married) woman", Mary.
etc. (See grammar and syntax for feminine appellatives). marià - 1) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ m&ri'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr.
margaj - n. m. (pr. \ m&rg'&y \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - gewgaws, married, wedded. See also the terms "maridà, sposà".
gimcracks, rag, tatter. - 2) - little one, kid (in jocular marià - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ m&ri'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - wedding,
sense). nuptials. This term is a bit jocular. See also the term
margarìa - n. f. (pr. \ m&rg&r'i& \ ) At plr. margarìe. - large "mariolà, mariagi, mariura".
cattleshed. mariagi - n. m. (pr. \ m&ri'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - wedding,
margarin-a - n. f. (pr. \ m&rg&r'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. margarìn-e. nuptials, nuptial ceremony. See also the term "mariolà,
- margarine (cooking). marià, mariura".
margarita - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ m&rg&r'it& \ ) At plr. margarite. - marian - adj. (pr. \ m&ri'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. marian. - fm. sng.
daisy, marguerite, moonflower (botany - Chrysanthemum and plr. marian-a, marian-e. - of Mary, Marian (related
leucanthemum) - See also the term "margrita 1)". to Holy Virgin).
Margarita - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ m&rg&r'it& \ ) Only sng. (noun of maridà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ m&rid'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr.
person). - Margaret. See also the term "Margrita 2)". married, wedded. See also the terms "marià 1), sposà".
margaritin - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ m&rg&rit'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - maridé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&rid'e \ ) - to marry. See also
daisy, gowan (botany - Bellis perennis). See also the term the term "marié ".
"margritin 1)". maridésse - vrb 1st con. refl. and recp. (pr. \ m&rid'ese \ ) - to
Margaritin - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ m&rg&rit'i[ng] \ ) Only sng. (noun get married. See also the term "mariésse".
of person). - Maggie. See also the term "Margritin 2)". marié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&ri'e \ ) - to marry. See also
marghé - n. (pr. \ m&rg'e \ ) Ms. plr. marghé. - fm. sng. and the term "maridé ".
plr. marghera, marghere. - 1) - milkman (milkwoman). - mariésse - vrb 1st con. refl. and recp. (pr. \ m&ri'ese \ ) - to get
2) - cattleman. married. See also the term "maridésse".
màrgin - n. m. (pr. \ m'&rji[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - margin, marin - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ m&r'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. (when
edge. - 2) - margin (commercial). applicable). - 1) - warm sea wind. See also the terms
marginà - adj. (pr. \ m&rjin'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - edged, "àustr, siròch ". - 2) - damage produced by sudden frost
with margins. to agriculture. - 3) - sailor. - 4) - diseases of trees and
marginador - n. m. (pr. \ m&rjin&d'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - silk worms.
marginal stop. See also the term "marginator". marin - 2) - adj. (pr. \ m&r'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. marin. - fm. sng.
marginadura - n. f. ( pr.\ m&rjin&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. and plr. marin-a, marin-e. - marine.
marginadure. - 1) - margining, edging. - 2) - marinà - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ m&rin'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - sauce for
margination, border, edge. pickling, marinade sauce. - 2) - marinade. - (cooking).
marginal - adj. ( pr.\ m&rjin'&l \ ) Ms. plr. marginaj. - fm. See also the term "marinada".
sng. and plr. marginal, marginaj. - 1) - marginal, fringe. marinà - 2) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ m&rin'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and
- 2) - secondary. nr. - marinated, pickled (cooking).
marginalment - adv. ( pr.\ m&rjin&lm'ænt \ ) - marginally, marinada - n. f. (pr. \ m&rin'&d& \ ) - See marinà 1).
incidentally. Italianism. See the best adv. loc. "an manera marinar - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ m&rin'&r \ ) Inv. at plr. - sailor,
marginal". seaman.
marginator - n. m. (pr. \ m&rjin&t'ur \ ) - See marginador. marinar - adj. (pr. \ m&rin'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
marginé - vrb 1st con. trs. - 1) - to edge, to border. - 2) - to seafaring, sea (as an attribute).
margin (typography). marinara - n. f. (pr. \ m&rin'&r& \ ) At plr. marinare. - sailor
margiolin-a - n. f. (pr. \ m&rjiul'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. margiolin-e. suit.
- chickweed (botany - Stellaria media). See also the marinaresch - adj. (pr. \ m&rin&r'æsc \ ) Ms. plr.
term"margolin-a". marinarèsch. - fm. sng. and plr. marinarësca,
margolf - n. m. (pr. \ m&rg'ulf \ ) Inv. at plr. - mean man, marinarësche. - sailorly, sailor-like.
despicable man (for his malice). See also the term mariné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&rin'e \ ) - to marinate, to
"margolfo". marinade, to pickle (cooking).
margulfo - n. m. (pr. \ m&rg'ulfu \ ) - See margolf. marin-a - 1) - n. f. (pr. \m&r'i[ng]&\ ) At plr. (if any) marin-e.
margolin-a - n. f. (pr. \ m&rgul'i[ng]& \ ) - See margiolin-a. - 1) - marine, navy. - 2) - marina, sea-coast. - 3) - sea,
margon - n. m. (pr. \ m&rg'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - drain ocean. - 4) - sea-scape (painting).
carrying away the water from a mill.

marin-a - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ m&r'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. marin-e. marmorisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&rmuriz'e \ ) - to marble,
godmother, sponsor. to marbleize. See also the terms "marmoré, marmoregé ".
mariolà - n. f. (pr. \ m&riul'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - wedding, marmorìsta - n. m. (pr. \ m&rmur'ist& \ ) Inv. at plr. - marble-
nuptials. This term is a bit jocular. See also the term cutter, worker in marble. See also the terms "marmista,
"marià 2), mariagi, mariura". marmorin".
marionëtta - n. f. (pr. \ m&riun'&tt& \ ) At plr. marionëtte. - marmòta - n. f. (pr. \ m&rm'ot& \ ) At plr. marmòte. - 1) -
1) - marionette, puppet. - 2) - puppet, tool (in a fig. marmot (zoology - Marmota). - 2) - lazy-bones (in a fig.
sense). - See also the terms "buratin, buracio, burabacio". sense).
marionëttà - n. f. (pr. \ m&riun&tt'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - foolish marmoton - n. (pr. \ m&rmot'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. marmoton. -
action, buffoonery. See also the terms "marionëttada, fm. sng. and plr. marmoton-a, marmoton-e. - simpleton.
buratinà". marna - n. f. (pr. \ m'&rn& \ ) At plr. marne. - marl, loam
marionëttada - n. f. (pr. \ m&riun&tt'&d&\ ) - See marionëttà. rock (geology).
marior - n. m. (pr. \ m&ri'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - unmarried man, Marna - n. f. (pr. \ m'&rn& \ ) Only sng. (noun od a river). In
man in the right age for marriage. case of need, at plr. Marne. - Marne (geography).
mariòira - n. f. (pr. \ m&ri'oir& \ ) At plr. mariòire. - marné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&rn'e \ ) - to spread marl or
unmarried woman, girl in the right age for marriage. sand (over a frozen road).
mariura - n. f. (pr. \ m&ri'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. mariure. - marnera - n. f. (pr. \ m&rn'er& \ ) At plr. marnere. - marl-pit
wedding, nuptials, nuptial ceremony. See also the term (geology).
"mariolà, marià, mariagi". marnos - adj. (pr. \ m&rn'uz \ ) Ms. plr. marnos. - fm. sng.
marlàit - adv. (pr. \m&rl'&it\ ) - not very, not much, a bit, a and plr. marnosa, marnose. - marly.
little. marobi - n. m. (pr. \ m&r'ubi \ ) Inv. at plr. - horehound
marlepen-a - adv. (pr. \ m&rlep'æ[ng]& \ ) - See marlipen-a. (botany - Marrubium vulgare).
marlëstin - adv. (pr. \ m&rl'&sti[ng] \ ) - a little bit, a very marochin - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ m&ruk'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
little. morocco leather.
marlëtta - n. f. (pr. \ m&rl'&tt& \ ) - See marelëtta. marochin - 2) - adj. and n. (pr. \ m&ruk'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr.
marlipen-a - adv. (pr. \ m&rlip'æ[ng]& \ ) - hardly, scarcely. marochin. - fm. sng. and plr. marochin-a, marochin-e. -
See also the term "marlepen-a". 1) - Moroccan, of Morocco (adj.). - 2) - Moroccan (sbst.).
marlipò - n. m. (pr. \ m&rlip'o \ ) Inv. at plr. - sage (botany - marodé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&rud'e \ ) - 1) - to pilfer. - 2)
Salvia officinalis). See also the terms "mërlipò, sàlvia, - to steal, to fraud. In this sense see also the most common
sàrvia". terms "cacé, robé ".
marmaja - n. f. (pr. \ m&rm'&y& \ ) At plr. (if any) marmaje. marodeur - n. (pr. \ m&rud'[oe]r \ ) Ms. plr. marodeur. - fm.
- rabble, riff-faff, mob. sng. and plr. marodeusa, marodeuse. - 1) - pilferer. - 2) -
marmera - n. f. (pr. \ m&rm'er& \ ) At plr. marmere. - thief. In this sense see the most common term "làder".
marble-quarry. marogna - n. f. (pr. \ m&r'u[gn]& \ ) At plr. (when applicable)
marmëlada - n. f. (pr. \ m&rm&l'&d& \ ) At plr. marmëlade. - marogne. - 1) - brushwood. - 2) - marsh-herbs, fen-
jam, marmalade. See also the most common terms grass. See also the term "maragna" and the loc. "erba 'd
"marmlada, confitura". maré ".
marmìfer - adj. (pr. \ m&rm'ifær \ ) Ms. plr. marmìfer. - fm. maron - n. m. (pr. \ m&r'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - curl. - 2) -
sng. and plr. marmìfera, marmìferee. - marble (as an chestnut, marron . See also the terms "castagna, maron-
attribute). a". Note that "maron glassé" = "marrons glacés".
marmin - n. m. (pr. \ m&rm'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - marble tile, maron-a - n. f. (pr. \ m&r'u[ng]& \ ) At plr. maron-e. - high
piece of marble. quality chestnut. See also the term "maron".
marminela - n. f. (pr. \ m&rmin'el& \ ) At plr. marminele. - maroné - n. (pr. \ m&run'e \ ) Ms. plr. maroné. - fm. sng. and
piece of mischief, little expedient. plr. maronera, maronere. - roast chestnut seller.
marmista - n. m. (pr. \ m&rm'ist& \ ) Inv. at plr. - marble- Maronìta - n. and adj. (pr. \ m&run'it& \ ) Ms. plr. maronita. -
cutter, worker in marble. See also the terms "marmorista, fm. sng. and plr. maronita, maronite. - Maronite
marmorin". (religion).
marmita - n. f. (pr. \ m&rm'it& \ ) At plr. marmite. - 1) - pot, maross - n. m. (pr. \ m&r'us \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - barter. - 2) -
big pot. - In this sense see also the terms "ramin-a, intrigue, plot. - 3) - ambiguous contract, illegal contract.
raminon". - 2) - silencer, muffler (cars). See also the term "maròss".
marmiton - n. m. (pr. \ m&rmit'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - big marossarìa - n. f. (pr. \ m&rus&r'i& \ ) At plr. marossarìe. -
pot. - 2) - scullery-boy (in a fig. sense). - 3) - soldier, 1) - remuneration for the service of a middleman,
recruit (in a fig. sense). - 4) - simpleton (in a fig. sense). money given in order to bribe a middleman. - 2) -
marmlada - n. f. (pr. \ m&rml'&d& \ ) At plr. marmlade. - activity of a middleman. See also the term "marosserìa".
jam, marmalade. See also the terms "marmëlada, marossé - 1) - n. (pr. \ m&rus'e \ ) Ms. plr. marossé. - fm. sng.
confitura". and plr. marossera, marossere. - 1) - broker, middleman
marmlin - n. m. (pr. \ m&rml'i[ng] \ ) See mamlin. (mainy for horses). In these senses see also the terms
marmo - n. m. (pr. \ m'&rmu \ ) Inv. at plr. (when applicable). "sensal, machignon, mediator". - 2) - middleman for
- marble. See also the term "marmol ". marriages, match-maker. In this sense see also the term
marmol - n. m. (pr. \ m'&rmul \ ) - See marmo. "bacialé ".
marmoré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&rmur'e \ ) - to marble, to marossé - 2) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&rus'e \ ) - 1) - to act as
marbleize. See also the terms "marmorisé, marmoregé ". a middlemen in selling horses. - 2) - to touch up, to
marmoregé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&rmurej'e \ ) - to marble, patch up, to botch.
to marbleize. See also the terms "marmorisé, marmoré ". marosserìa - n. f. (pr. \ m&ruser'i& \ ) - See marossarìa.
marmorin - n. m. (pr. \ m&rmur'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - worker marosseur - n. (pr. \ m&rus'[oe]r \ ) Ms. plr. marosseur. - fm.
in marble. See also the terms "marmorista, marmista".. sng. and plr. marosseusa, marosseuse. - unskilled
marmorisà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ m&rmuriz'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. broker, not reliable middleman.
and nr. - marbled, marbleized. maròca - n. f. (pr. \ m&r'oc& \ ) At plr. maròche. - discard,
waste, refuse.

maròch - n. m. (pr. \ m&r'oc \ ) Inv. at plr. - big loaf of bread martagon - n. m. (pr. \ m&rt&g'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
(slang term). martagon lily (botany - Lilium martagon). See also the
Maròch - (pr. \ m&r'oc \ ) Noun of country. In case of need loc. "liri servaj, liri ross".
inv. at plr. - Morocco. martass (avèj ---) - vrbl. loc. (pr. \ &v'æy m&rt'&s \ ) - See
maròda - n. f. (pr. \ m&r'od& \ ) At plr. maròde. - 1) - little maitass (avèj ---).
larceny, pilferage. - 2) - theft. martél - n. m. (pr. \ m&rt'el \ ) At plr. martéj. - 1) - hammer. -
maròn - adj. and n. m. (pr. \ m&r'o[ng] \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - Note that "testa ò euj dël martéj" = "pane or face of the
brown (colour). hammer". - 2) - knocker. (Usually in the loc. "martél dla
maròss - n. m. (pr. \ m&r'os \ ) - See maross. pòrta" = "hammer of the door"). - 3) - myrtle (botany -
marpion - n. (pr. \ m&rpi'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. marpion. - fm. sng. Myrtus communis). See also the loc. "buss da cioenda" and
and plr. marpion-a, marpion-e. - crafry person, sly the terms " mirt, mortéla". - 4) - butcher's broom (botany
fellow. - Ruscus aculeatus). In this sense see also the term
marpugnan - n. m. (pr. \ m&rp[ue][gn]'&[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - "marpugnan ".
butcher's broom (botany - Ruscus aculeatus). martelament - n. m. (pr. \ m&rtel&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
mars - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ m&rs \ ) Inv. at plr. (when applicable). - hammering, beating, pounding, thumping. - 2) -
1) - March (the month). - 2) - rottenness, badness. - 3) - throbbing. - 3) - hammering-in. - 4) - knocking. See also
pus, matter. In this sense see also the most used term the term "martlament ".
"marsa" 1st meaning. - 4) - corruption, depravity (in a fig. martelant - adj. (pr. \ m&rtel'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. martelant. - fm.
sense). sng. and plr. martelanta, martelante. - 1) - hammering,
mars - 2) - adj. (pr. \ m&rs \ ) Ms. plr. mars. - fm. sng. and plr. beating, pounding, thumping. - 2) - continuous,
marsa, marse. - 1) - rotten, putrid, spoiled, decayed, reiterant (in a fig. sense).
bad. - 2) - wet, wet through, very wet. - 3) - corrupt, martelian - n. m. (pr. \ m&rteli'&[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - line of
depraved (in a fig. sense). fourteen syllables (poetry).
marsa - n. f. (pr. \ m'&rs& \ ) At plr. marse. - 1) - pus, matter, martelista - n. m. (pr. \ m&rtel'ist& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
rot. In this sense see also the terms "marsògna, marsarìa, hammer thrower (sport). - 2) - rock drill operator
marsum". - 2) - break in a game. (mining).
marsach - adj. (pr. \ m&rs'&c \ ) Ms. plr. marsach. - fm. sng. màrtes - n. m. (pr. \ m'&rtæz \ ) Inv. at plr. - Tuesday. - Note
and plr. marsaca, marsache. - of March, March (as an that "martes grass" = "Shrove Tuesday".
attribute). See also the terms "marsolin, marzolin". martess (avèj ---) - vrbl. loc. (pr. \ &v'æy m&rt'æs \ ) - See
marsapan - n. m. (pr. \ m&rs&p'&[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any) - maitass (avèj ---).
marzipan, marchpane. See also the term "marzapan". Martin - n. m. (pr. \ m&rt'i[ng] \ ) Only sng. (noun of person).
marsarìa - n. f. (pr. \ m&rs&r'i& \ ) At plr. marsarìe. - 1 ) - In case of need inv. at plr. - Martin. A fm. version is
haberdashery. In this sense see also the term "marserìa". - "Martin-a".
2) - rot, rottenness. - 3) - pus, corrupt matter. - 4) - Martin (San ---) - n. m. .(pr. \ s&[ng] m&rt'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr
depravity, corruption (in a fig. sense). In these senses see (if any). - removal, move. Idiomatic term indicating the
also the terms "marsa 1st meaning, marseugn, marsum". day when, traditionally, lease contracts expired. The day of
marsé - 1) - n. (pr. \ m&rs'e \ ) Ms. plr. marsé. - fm. sng. and moving house, or shop.
plr. marsera, marsere. - haberdasher. martina (canté ---) - vrbl. loc. (pr. \ c&nt'e m&rt'in& \ ) - See
marsé - 2) - vrb 1st con. int. and trs. (pr. \ m&rs'e \ ) - 1) - to martin-a (canté ---).
rot, to putrefy, to decay (int.). - 2) - to supporate, to martiné - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ m&rtin'e \ ) - 1) - to
fester (int.). - 3) - to macerate (int.). When int. it uses the rack one's brains, to puzzle (int.). In this sense see also
aux. "esse". - 4) - to wet, to soak (trs.). When trs. it uses the terms "sinquanté, gabolé ".- 2) - to conjecture (int.). -
the aux. "avèj". 3) - to conjecture, to suppose, to presume (trs.). - 4) - to
marserìa - n. f. (pr. \m&rser'i&\ ) - See marsarìa 1st meaning. mark (the cards) (trs.). It uses always the aux, "avèj".
marseugn - n. m. (pr. \ m&rs'[oe][gn] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - rot, martinet - n. m. (pr. \ m&rtin'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - maul,
rottenness. - 2) - pus, corrupt matter. - 3) - corruption, mall. - 2) - hammer, power-hammer. - 3) - jack,
depravity (in a fig. sense). See also the term "marsum". hydraulic jack, screw-jack (mechanics). - 4) - bunch of
marseuri - adj. (pr. \ m&rs'[oe]ri \ ) Ms. plr. marseuri. - fm. grapes left on the vine and collected later. During the
sng. and plr. marseuria, marseurie. - very wet, soak. vintage, the bunches of grapes not completely ripe are left
See also the term "marson". on the vine and collected in the period of Saint Martin
marsial - adj. (pr. \ m&rsi'&l \ ) Ms. plr. marsiaj. - fm. sng. (november 11th).
and plr. marsial, marsiaj. - martial, military, warlike. martingala - n. f. (pr. \ m&rti[ng]g'&l& \ ) At plr. martingale.
marsialità - n. f. (pr. \ m&rsi&lit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - - 1) - half-belt. - 2) - martingale.
martialism, bellicosity. martinica - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ m&rtin'ic& \ ) At plr. martiniche. -
marsian - adj. and n. (pr. \ m&rsi'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. marsian. - wooden bar for braking a cart.
fm. sng. and plr. marsian-a, marsian-e. - Martian. Martinica - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ m&rtin'ic& \ ) Noun of country
marsolin - adj. (pr. \ m&rsul'i[ng] \ ) - See marsach. (only sng.) In case of need, at a possible plr. Martiniche. -
marson - adj. (pr. \ m&rs'u[ng] \ ) - See marseuri. Martinique.
marsògna - n. f. (pr. \ m&rs'o[gn]& \ ) At plr. marsògne. - martinsech - n. m. (pr. \ m&rtins'æc \ ) Inv. at plr. - a
putridity, putrescence, rottenness, pus. See also the piedmontese type of autumn pear (botany). Also in the
terms "marsa, marsarìa, marseugn, marsum". spelling "martin sech ".
marsum - n. m. (pr. \ m&rs'[ue]m \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - rot, Martin-a - n. f. (pr. \ m&rt'i[ng]& \ ) Noun of person only sng.
rottenness. - 2) - pus, corrupt matter. - 3) - corruption, In case of need at plr. Martin-e. - Martine.
depravity (in a fig. sense). See also the term "marseugn". martin-a (canté ---) - idiomatic vrbl. loc. (pr. \ c&nt'e
marsupi - n. m. (pr. \ m&rs'[ue]pi \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - m&rt'i[ng]& \ ) - 1) - to sing in alternate choruses. In the
marsupium, pouch (zoology). - 2) - hoard, savings, past, in winter evenings inhabitants of a village had the
purse full of money (in a fig. sense) habit of meeting in the evening-night in a cattleshed (in
turn), a part inside and another outside alternating the
strophe of a song. The meeting had the goals of passing

time, planinng works of common interest, while doing little marussé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&r[ue]s'e \ ) - to ruin the
works, and tranfer experiences and the traditions to new edge, to make lose the edge (of a blade), to make no
generations. - 2) - to wait in vain outside in the cold (in a more sharp (a blade).
fig. sense). The expression "fé canté martin-a" means "to marussésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ m&r[ue]s'ese \ ) - to lose
make (sb.) wait outside the door". See also the loc. in the the edge, to become no more sharp (blade).
spelling "martina (canté ---). marzan-a - n. f. (pr. \ m&rz'&[ng]& \ ) At plr, marzan-e. - 1)
màrtir - n. (pr. \ m'&rtir \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - martyr. - - aubergine. - 2) - egg-plant (botany - Solanum
2) - martyr, victim (in a fig. sense). esculentum). In this sense see also the loc. "piantin ëd
martìri - n. m. (pr. \ m&rt'iri \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - martyrdom. - marzan-e".
2) - torture, torment (in a fig. sense). marzapan - n. m. (pr. \ m&rz&p'&[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
martirisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&rtiriz'e \ ) - 1) - to marzipan, marchpane.
martyrize, to martyr. - 2) - to rack, to torture, to marzolin - adj. (pr. \ m&rzul'i[ng] \ ) - See marsach.
torment (in a fig. sense). See also the term "martorié ". masarà - adj. (pr. \ m&z&r'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) -
martirisésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ m&rtiriz'ese \ ) - to worm-eaten, maggoty. - 2) - corrupt (in a fig. sense).
worry, to torment oneself. See also the term masca - n. f. (pr. \ m'&sc& \ ) At plr. masche. - 1) - witch,
"martoriésse". hag. -2) - sorceress. In this sense see also the term
martirològi - n. m. (pr. \ m&rtirul'oji \ ) Inv. at plr. - "mascherpa 2nd meaning". The expression "masca brava"
martirology. Note that "Martirològi roman" = "Roman means "fairy" (term also translated into "faja"). Not that
calendar". not always the term is referred to women.
martlà - 1) - n. f. (pr. \m&rtl'&\ ) Inv. at plr. - hammer blow. mascalson - n. (pr. \ m&sc&ls'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. mascalson. -
martlà - 2) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ m&rtl'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. fm. sng. and plr. mascalson-a, mascalson-e. - rascal,
- hammered. rogue, scoundrel. See also the term "mascarson".
martladura - n. f. (pr. \m&rtl&d'[ue]r&\ ) At plr. martladure. mascalsonà - n. f. (pr. \ m&sc&lsun'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - rascally
trick, dirty trick. See also the terms "mascarsonà,
- hammering.
mascalsonada, mascarsonada".
martlament - n. m. (pr. \ m&rtl&m'ænt \ ) - See martelament.
mascalsonada - n. f. (pr. \ m&sc&lsun'&d& \ ) - At plr.
martlé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ m&rtl'e \ ) - 1) - to mascalsonade. - - rascally trick, dirty trick. See also the
hammer (trs.). - 2) - to beat, to strike (trs.). - 3) - to shape terms "mascarsonà, mascalsonà, mascarsonada".
by hammering (trs.). - 4) - to throb (int.). - 5) - to insist màscara - n. f. (pr. \ m'&sc&r& \ ) At plr. màscare. - 1) -
(int). It uses always the aux. "avèj ". mask. - 2) - mask-character. - 3) - theatre usher, theatre
martlera - n. f. (pr. \ m&rtl'er&\ ) At plr. martlere. - eurasian usherette. - 4) - grille, louver (cars). See also the term
crag martin (zoology - Hirundo rupestris). See also the "mascra".
terms "cubianch, martlet, martlòt, martlin". mascarada - n. f. (pr. \ m&sc&r'&d& \ ) At plr. mascarade. -
martlet - n. m. . (pr. \ m&rtl'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - hammer masquerade. See also the term "mascrada".
(piano). - 2) - gavel. - 3) - type-bar. - 4) - percussion mascaradura - n. f. (pr. \ m&sc&r&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
hammer (medical). - 5) - pick, mason's hammer. In this mascaradure. - masking. See also the term "mascradura"
sense see also the term "martlin 2nd meaning".- 6) - mascarament - n. m. (pr. \ m&sc&r&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1)
eurasian crag martin (zoology - Hirundo rupestris).In - masking. - 2) - disguise (in a fig. sense). - 3) -
this sense see also the term "martlera". - 7) - myrtle camouflage (military). - 4) - blanking (television, etc,). -
(botany - Myrtus communis). In this sense see also the loc. See also the term "mascrament ".
"buss da cioenda" and the terms " mirt, martlet ". mascaré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&sc&r'e \ ) - 1) - to mask. -
martlin - n. m. (pr. \ m&rtl'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - small 2) - to camouflage (military). See also the terms "mascré,
hammer. - 2) - pick, mason's hammer. - 3) - eurasian anmascré ".
crag martin (zoology - Hirundo rupestris).In this sense mascarésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ m&sc&r'ese \ ) - 1) - to
see also the term "martlera". masquerade. - 2) - to disguise oneself. - 3) - to conceal
martliné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&rtlin'e \ ) - to stab oneself, to hide oneself. See also the terms "mascrésse,
(buildings). anmascrésse".
martlòt - n. m. (pr. \ m&rtl'ot \ ) - See martlera. mascarëtta - n. f. (pr. \ m&sc&r'&tt& \ ) At plr. mascarëtte. -
màrtora - n. f. (pr. \ m'&rtur& \ ) At plr. màrtore. - marten 1) - half mask. - 2) - girl or child in fancy dress. - 3) -
(zoology - Martes). See also the term "martra". template. - 4) - grille (cars). See also the terms "mascrëtta,
martorié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&rturi'e \ ) - 1) - to rack, to mascarin-a, mascrin-a".
torture, to torment. In this sense see also the term mascarìa - n. f. (pr. \ m&sc&r'i& \ ) At plr. mascarìe. - magic,
"tormenté". - 2) - to martyrize. In this sense see also the witchcraft, spell.
term "martitisé ". mascarin-a - n. f. (pr. \ m&sc&r'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. mascarìe. -
martoriésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ m&rturi'ese \ ) - to worry, 1) - half mask. - 2) - girl or child in fancy dress. - 3) -
to torment oneself. See also the term "martirisésse". template. - 4) - grille (cars). See also the terms
martra - n. f. (pr. \ m'&rtr& \ ) At plr. màrtre. - marten "mascarëtta, mascrëtta, mascrin-a".
(zoology - Martes). See also the term "martora". Note that mascaron - n. m. (pr. \ m&sc&r'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
"martra giblin-a" = "sable" (zoology - Martes zibellina). mask (architecture). - 2) - disfigured face. See also the
martuf - adj. and n. (pr. \ m&rt'[ue]f \ ) Ms. plr. martuf. - fm. term "mascron".
sng. and plr. martufa, martufe. - 1) - crabbed, cross- mascaroné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&sc&run'e \ ) - to
tempered, peevish (adj.). - 2) - surly, gruff, crusty (adj.). disfigure, to deface, to deform. See also the term
- 3) - peevixh person (sbst.). See also the term "morgant". "anmascaroné ".
maruss - adj. (pr. \ m&r'[ue]s \ ) Ms. plr. maruss. - fm. sng. mascarpin - n. m. (pr. \ m&sc&rp'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
and plr. marussa, marusse. - not sharp, not cutting (of a "mascarpone". Type of italian cheese. - 2) - type of
blade). "ricotta" (cottage cheese made of skim milk - italian
cheese) See also the terms "mascarpon, mascherpa 1st

mascarpon - n. m. (pr. \ m&sc&rp'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - (military). - 4) - blanking (television, etc,). - See also the
"mascarpone". Type of italian cheese. See also the term term "mascarament ".
"mascarpin 1st meaning". mascré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&scr'e \ ) - 1) - to mask. - 2) -
mascarson - n. (pr. \ m&sc&rs'u[ng] \ ) - See mascalson. to camouflage (military). See also the terms "mascaré,
mascarsonà - n. f. (pr. \ m&sc&rsun'& \ ) - See mascalsonà. anmascré ".
mascarsonada - n. f. (pr. \ m&sc&rsun'&d& \ ) - See mascrésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ m&scr'ese \ ) - 1) - to
mascalsonàda. masquerade. - 2) - to disguise oneself. - 3) - to conceal
mascàssa - n. f. (pr. \ m&sc'&s& \ ) At plr. mascasse. - bad oneself, to hide oneself. See also the terms "mascarésse,
witch, dirty witch (pejorative of the term "masca" ). anmascrésse".
mas-cc - n. m. (pr. \ m&s[ch] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - boy, man, mascrëtta - n. f. (pr. \ m&sc&r'&tt& \ ) At plr. mascrëtte. - 1) -
male. - 2) - male (mechanics). - 3) dungeon, donjon, half mask. - 2) - girl or child in fancy dress. - 3) -
donjonkeep (castle and fortess). template. - 4) - grille (cars). See also the terms
mas-cc - adj. (pr. \ m&s[ch] \ ) Ms. plr. mas-cc. - fm. sng. and "mascarëtta, mascarin-a, mascrin-a".
plr. mas-cia, mas-ce. - male, masculine mascron - n. m. (pr. \ m&scr'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - mask
mas-cé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&s[ch]'e \ ) - 1) - to tap (architecture). - 2) - disfigured face. See also the term
(mechanics). - 2) - to masticate, to chew. In this sense see "mascaron".
also the term "mastié ". masel - n. m. (pr. \ m&z'el \ ) At plr. maséj. - 1) - slaughter-
mascherpa - n. f. (pr. \ m&sk'ærp& \ ) At plr. mascherpe. - 1) house. - 2) - slaughtering. - 3) - slaughter, massacre (in a
- type of "ricotta" (cottage cheese made of skim milk - fig. sense). - 4) - butcher's shop.
italian cheese) See also the terms "mascarpin 2nd masengh - 1) - adj. (pr. \ m&z'æ[ng]gl \ ) Ms. plr. masengh. -
meaning". - 2) - witch, sorceress. In this sense see also the fm. sng. and plr. masenga, masenghe. - of May.
term "masca". masengh - 2) . n. m. . (pr. \ m&z'æ[ng]gl \ ) - See majengh.
mascherpin - n. m. (pr. \ m&skærp'i[ng] \ ) - See mascarpin. masent - n. m. (pr. \ m&z'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - handling,
mascherpon - n. m. (pr. \ m&skærp'u[ng] \ ) - See mascarpon. managing, management. - 2) - underhand plotting. - 3) -
mascheugn - 1) - adj. (pr. \ m&sk'[oe][gn] \ ) Ms. plr. horsemanship. - 4) - riding-ground.
mascheugn. - fm. sng. and plr. mascheugna, mascheugne. masenté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&zænt'e \ ) - to handle, to
- 1) - magic, magical. - 2) - bewitched. - 3) - charming work, to treat, to manipulate.
(in a fig. sense). masera - n. f. (pr. \ m&z'er& \ ) At plr. masere. - dry-stone
mascheugn - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ m&sk'[oe][gn] \ ) Inv. at plr. - wall, breast wall (in dry stones for ground).
magic, witchcraft, mystery. See also the term "mascògn". masëtta - n. f. (pr. \ m&z'&tt& \ ) At plr. masëtte. - 1) -
maschil - 1) - adj. (pr. \ m&sk'il \ ) Ms. plr. maschij. - fm. sng. inexpert person, clumsy person. - 2) - duffer, bungler.
and plr. maschil, maschij. - masculine. This term is an masì - vrb 3rd con. trs. . (pr. \ m&z'i \ ) - to roast on coals.
italianism Also its declension is italian-like (according to masin - n. m. (pr. \ m&z'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - muller
the piedmontese reles it should be "maschij, maschila, (painting). See also the terms "masinin, masinador 1st
maschile"). See also the best piedm. term "mascolin". meaning".
maschil - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ m&sk'il \ ) At. plr. maschij. - masinador - n. m. (pr. \ m&zin&d'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
masculine. This term is an italianism See also the best muller (painting). - 2) - who mullers colours. See also the
piedm. term "mascolin". terms "masinor, smasinor".
mas-cé - vrb. 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&s[ch]'e \ ) - to tap masiné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&zin'e \ ) - to muller or mix
(mechanics). colours (paintings).
mas-ciadura - n. f. (pr. \ m&s[ch]i&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. mas- masinor - n. m. (pr. \ m&zin'ur \ ) - See masinador.
ciadure. - tapping (mechanics). masinura - n. f. (pr. \ m&zin'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. masinadure. -
mas-ciatriss - n. f. (pr. \ m&s[ch]i&tr'is \ ) Inv. at plr. - grinding or mixing of colours (painting). See also the
tapping-machine (mechanics). term "smasinura".
mas-cion - n. m. (pr. \ m&s[ch]i'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - strong maslar - adj. and n. (pr. \ m&zl'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
boy, strong man. molar, molar tooth.
mas-ciòt - n. m. (pr. \ m&s[ch]i'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - baby- maslé - n. (pr. \ m&zl'e \ ) Ms. plr. maslé. - fm. sng. and plr.
boy. - 2) - hinge (mechanics). maslera, maslere. - butcher.
mascolin - adj. (pr. \ m&scul'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. mascolin. - fm. maslura - n. f. (pr. \ m&zl'[ue]r& \ ) Ms. plr. maslure. -
sng. and plr. masccolin-a, mascolin-e. - masculine. See butchery, slaughter.
also the term (italianism) "maschil ". màsna - n. f. (pr. \ m'&zn& \ ) At plr. màsne - millstone. See
mascon - n. (pr. \ m&sc'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. mascon. - fm. sng. also the term "mòla 3rd meaning"
and plr. mascon-a, mascon-e. - 1) - wizard, sorcerer. At masnà - n. f. (pr. \ m&zn'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - child, baby, little
fm. the meaning is witch, bad witch. - 2) - sly fellow (in a boy, little girl. This term is referred to both male and
fig. sense, and usually only ms.). female.
mascògn - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ m&sc'o[gn] \ ) Inv. at plr. - magic, masnajada - n. f. (pr. \ m&zn&y'&d& \ ) At plr. masnajade. -
witchcraft, mystery. See also the term "mascheugn". childish thing, childish action, boyish prank. See also the
mascòt - n. f. (pr. \ m&sc'ot \ ) - See mascòta. terms "masnojada, masnojarìa".
mascòta - n. f. (pr. \ m&sc'ot& \ ) At plr. mascòte. - mascot. masnajé - n. (pr. \ m&zn&y'e \ ) Ms. plr. masnajé. - fm. sng.
màscra - n. f. (pr. \ m'&scr& \ ) At plr. màscre. - 1) - mask. - and plr. masnajera, masnajere. - big baby (only in a fig.
2) - mask-character. - 3) - theatre usher, theatre sense). See also the terms "masnajon, masnoj ".
usherette. - 4) - grille, louver (cars). See also the term masnajëtta - n. f. (pr. \ m&zn&y'&tt& \ ) At plr. masnajëtte. -
"mascara". little child, little baby. Diminutive of the term "masnà ".
mascrada - n. f. (pr. \ m&scr'&d& \ ) At plr. mascrade. - This term is referred to both male and female. See also the
masquerade. See also the term "mascarada". terms "masnajin, masnajòt".
mascradura - n. f. (pr. \ m&scr&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. masnajin - n. (pr. \ m&zn&y'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. masnajin. - fm.
mascradure. - masking. See also the term "mascaradura" sng. and plr. masnajin-a, masnajin-e. - little child, little
mascrament - n. m. (pr. \ m&scr&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - baby. Diminutive of the term "masnà ". This term is
masking. - 2) - disguise (in a fig. sense). - 3) - camouflage referred to both male and female and it can be used in any

case in the male or female form. See also the term massacré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\m&s&cr'e\ ) - 1) - to massacre,
"masnajëtta, masnajòt". to slaughter, to butcher. - 2) - to ruin, to spoil. - 3) - to
masnajon - n. (pr. \ m&zn&y'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. masnajon. - maltreat, to abuse. - 4) - to exhaust.
fm. sng. and plr. masnajon-a, masnajon-e. - big baby massacri - n. m. (pr. \ m&s'&cri \ ) - See massacr.
(both in lit. and in a fig. senses). See also the terms massacrura - n. f. (pr. \ m&s&cr'[ue]r&\ ) At plr. massacrure.
"masnajé, masnoj ". Often the term is used at ms. also - carnage, massacre, butchery, havoc.
when referred to girls. massagaret - n. m. (pr. \ m&s&g&r'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - soup of
masnajòt - n. (pr. \ m&zn&y'ot \ ) Ms. plr. masnajòt. - fm. chitterlings.
sng. and plr. masnajòta, masnajòte. - little child, little massagé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&s&j'e \ ) - to massage.
baby. Diminutive of the term "masnà ". This term is massagi - n. m. (pr. \ m&s'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - massage.
referred to both male and female and it can be used in any massagiator - n. (pr. \ m&s&ji&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. massagiator. -
case in the male or female form. See also the term fm. sng. and plr. massagiatriss, massagiatriss. - masseur /
"masnajëtta, masnajin". masseuse, massager. See also the terms "masseur,
masnajù - adj. (pr. \ m&zn&y'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. masnojù. - fm. masseusa".
sng. and plr. masnojùa, masnojùe. - childish, boyish. See massarìa - n. f. (pr. \ m&s&r'i& \ ) At plr. massarìe. - farm.
also the term "masnojù ". See also the terms "masserìa, casal, cassin-a".
masnoj - n. (pr. \ m&zn'uy \ ) - See masnajon. massé - 1) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&s'e \ ) - 1) - to murder, to
masnojada n. f. (pr. \ m&znuy'&d& \ ) - See masnajada. kill. Note that "massé 'l temp " = "to kill time". - 2) - to
masnojarìa - n. f. (pr. \ m&znuy&r'i& \ ) - See masnajada. administer, to conduct, to manage. In thios sense see also
masnojé - n. (pr. \ m&znuy'e \ ) - See masnajé. the terms "meinagé, mansé".
masnojon - n. (pr. \ m&znuy'u[ng] \ ) - See masnajon. massé - 2) - n. (pr. \ m&s'e \ ) Ms. plr. massé. - fm. sng. and
masnojù - adj. (pr. \ m&znuy'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. masnojù. - fm. plr. massera, massere. - 1) - farm manager. - 2) -
sng. and plr. masnojùa, masnojùe. - childish, boyish. See treasurer, administrator of a brotherhood.
also the term "masnajù ". massera - n. f. (pr. \ m&s'er& \ ) At plr. massere. - 1) -
masoarìa - n. f. (pr. \ m&zu&r'i& \ ) At plr. masoarìe. - housekeeper. - 2) - treasurer, administrator of a
métayage, métayer system, sharecropping. See also the brotherhood. In this sense see also the terms "mansé /
terms "masoerìa, metarìa, mitarìa". mansera, massé ".
masochism - n. m. (pr. \ m&zuk'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - masserìa - n. f. (pr. \ m&ser'i& \ ) - See massarìa.
masochism. massésse - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&s'ese \ ) - to kill oneself.
masochista - n. (pr. \ m&zuk'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. masochista. - Note that "massésse 'd travaj" = "to work oneself to death "
fm. sng. and plr. masochista, masochiste. - masochist. masset - n. m. (pr. \ m&s'æt \ ) Invc. at plr. - little bunch,
masochìstich - adj. (pr. \ m&zuk'istic\ ) Ms. plr. masochistich. small bundle. If referred to flowers see also the term
- fm. sng. and plr. masochistica, masochistiche. - "bochet ".
masochistic, masochist (as an attribute). masseur - n. (pr. \ m&s'[oe]r \ ) Ms. plr. masseur. - fm. sng.
masoé - 1) - n. (pr. \ m&zu'e \ ) Ms. plr. masoé. - fm. sng. and and plr. masseusa, masseuse. - masseur / masseuse,
plr. masoera, masoere. - métayer, sharecropper. massager. See also the terms "massagiator".
masoé - 2) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&zu'e \ ) - - to truf, to masseusa - n. f. (pr. \ m&s'[oe]z& \ ) - See masseur.
grass. See also the terms "antëppé, antëppì ". massëlla - n. f. (pr. \ m&s'&ll& \ ) At plr. massëlle. - 1) - jaw
masoerìa - n. f. (pr. \ m&zuer'i& \ ) - See masoarìa. (anatomy). - 2) - cheek (anatomy).
mass - n. m. (pr. \ m&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - bunch, bundle. - 2) massëllar - adj. (pr. \ m&s&ll'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) -
- pack (cards). - 3) - mass of stone, block, rock, stone. maxillary, jaw (as an attribute). 2) - molar, molar tooth.
massa - n. f. (pr. \ m'&s& \ ) At plr. masse. - 1) - mass, bulk, See also the term in the spelling "mass-lar". And the terms
large number, heap. - 2) - mass (physics). - 3) - earth, "massëllé, molar ".
ground (electricity). massëllé - adj. (pr. \ m&s&ll'e \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) -
massabèch - n. m. (pr. \ m&s&b'æc \ ) Inv. at plr. - furze, maxillary, jaw (as an attribute). 2) - molar, molar tooth.
gorse (botany - Ulex europaeus). See also the term in the spelling "mass-lé". And the term
massacan - n. f. (pr. \ m&s&c'&[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - yellow "massëllar".
wagtail (zoology - Motacilla flava). See also the term massëtta - n. f. (pr. \ m&s'&tt& \ ) At plr. massëtte. - 1) - little
"balarin-a". stick (architecture) - 2) - mallet, beetle. - 3) - piton
massacaval - n. m. (pr. \ m&s&c&v'&l \ ) Inv. at plr. - pole to hammer. - 4) - wad, bundle (notes). - 5) - bunch of
draw water from a well. See also the term "bricòla". samples.
massacr - n. m. (pr. \ m&s'&cr \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - massacre, massicòt - n. m. (pr. \ m&sic'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any) -
slaughter, carnage. - 2) - havoc, disgrace (in a fig. sense). massicot, yellow lead oxide (chemistry).
See also the term "massacri ". massificassion - n. f. (pr. \ m&sific&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
massacra - n. (pr. \ m&s'&cr& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - stansardization.
bungler, botcher, muddler, good-for-nothing. massifiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \m&sifik'e\ ) - to standardize.


massonarìa - n. f. (pr. \ m&sun&r'i& \ ) At plr. massonarìe. -

màssim - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ m'&sim \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - Masonry, Freemasonry. See also the terms "massonerìa,
maximum (in general and mathematics). - 2) - the utmost. fragmassonarìa, framassonarìa".
màssim - 2) - adj. (pr. \ m'&sim \ ) Ms. plr. màssim - fm. sng. massonerìa - n. f. (pr. \ m&suner'i& \ ) - See massonarìa.
and plr. màssima, màssime. - maximum, greatest, massoré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\m&sur'e\) - to collect in a heap,
largest, most, utmost, highest, longest, etc. to collect in a bunch. See also the terms "anmassoré,
Màssim - 3) - n. m. (pr. \ m'&sim \ ) Only sng. (noun of anmassolé ".
person) In case of need inv. at plr. - Maximus. massoret - n. m. (pr. \ m&sur'æt\ ) - See massochet.
màssim (al ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ &l m'&sim \ ) - at the most. massoterapia - n. f. (pr. \ m&suter&p'i& \ ) At plr.
màssima - n. f. (pr. \ m'&sim& \ ) At plr. màssime. - 1) - massoterapie. - massotherapy.
maxim, principle, rule, norm. - 2) - maxim, precept. - 3) massoterapista - n. and adj. (pr. \ m&suter&p'ist& \ ) Ms. plr.
- saying, motto, aphorism. massoterapista - fm. sng. and plr. massoterapista,
massimal - 1) - adj. (pr. \ m&sim'&l \ ) - Ms. plr. massimaj - massoterapiste. - 1) - massotherapist (sbst.). - 2) -
fm. sng. and plr. massimal, massimaj. - maximal, massotherapistic (adj.).
maximum highest. massòca - n. f. (pr. \ m&s'oc& \ ) - See massoca.
massimal - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ m&sim'&l \ ) At plr. massimaj. - 1) massòch - n. m. (pr. \ m&s'oc \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - base of a
- limit, ceiling. - 2) - maximum rate, line (assurances). tree. - 2) - blockhead (in a fig. sense). See also the term
massimalism - n. m. (pr. \ m&sim&l'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - "massuch".
maximalism. massònich - adj. . (pr. \ m&s'onic \ ) Ms. plr. massònich - fm.
massimalista - n. (pr. \ m&sim&l'ist&\ ) Ms. plr. massimalìsta sng. and plr. massònica, massòniche. - Masonic,
- fm. sng. and plr. massimalìsta, massimalìste. - Freemason (as an attribute).
maximalist. massuca - n. f. (pr. \ m&s'[ue]c& \ ) - See massoca.
massimalìstich - adj. (pr. \ m&sim&l'istic \ ) Ms. plr. massucà - n. f. (pr. \ m&s[ue]c'& \ ) - See massocà.
massimalìstich - fm. sng. and plr. massimalìstica, massuch - n. m. (pr. \ m&s'[ue]c \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - base of a
massimalìstiche. - maximalist (as an attribute). tree. - 2) - blockhead (in a fig. sense). See also the term
massimari - n. m. (pr. \ m&sim'&ri \ ) Inv. at plr. - collection "massòch".
of maxims. massuché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&s[ue]k'e \ ) - See
massimé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&sim'e \ ) - to make massoché.
maximum, to look for the maximum, to maximize (also massuchet - n. m. (pr. \ m&s[ue]k'æt \ ) - See massochet.
mathematics). mastià - 1) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ m&sti'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr.
massiss - 1) - adj. (pr. \ m&s'is \ ) Ms. plr. massiss - fm. sng. - 1) - chewed. - 2) - mumbled (in a fig. sense).
and plr. massissa, massisse. - 1) - massive, solid, mastià - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ m&sti'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - quick
compact. - 2) - stocky, squat. - 3) - gross, enormous. chewing, mastication. See also the term "mastiada".
massiss - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ m&s'is \ ) Inv. at plr. - massif mastiàbil - adj. (pr. \ m&sti'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. mastiàbij - fm.
(geography). sng. and plr. mastiàbil, mastiàbij. - masticable.
mass-lar - adj. (pr. \ m&sl'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - mastiada - n. f. (pr. \ m&sti'&d& \ ) At plr. mastiade. - quick
maxillary, jaw (as an attribute). See also the term in the chewing, mastication. See also the term "mastià ".
spelling "massëllar". And the term "massëllé ". mastiador - n. (pr. \ m&sti&d'ur \ ) Ms. plr. mastiador - fm.
mass-lé - adj. (pr. \ m&sl'e \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - maxillary, sng. and plr. mastidora, mastidore. (also mastiadòira,
jaw (as an attribute). See also the term in the spelling mastiadòire) - chewer.
"massëllé". And the term "massëllar". Note that "dent mastiapater - n. (pr. \ m&sti&p'&tær \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
mass-lé " = "molar tooth". bigot, pious humbug.
mass-media - n. m. plr. (pr. \ m&s m'edi& \ ) Only plr. - mass masticadura - n. f. (pr. \ m&stic&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
media. masticadure. - sealing with putty.
massoca - n. f. (pr. \ m&s'uc& \ ) At plr. massoche. - head of màstich - n. m. (pr. \ m'&stic \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - mastic. - 2) -
a stick, pommel of a stick. See also the terms "massòca, putty.
massuca". mastiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&stik'e \ ) - to seal with
massocà - n. f. (pr. \ m&suc'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - blow, blow putty, to put mastic, to connect with adhesive.See also
with a stick, blow with a mallet. See also the term the term "anmastiché ".
"massucà ". mastié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&sti'e \ ) - 1) - to masticate, to
massoché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&suk'e \ ) - to blow with a chew. - 2) - to mutter (in a fig. sense). - 3) - to brood
mallet, to blow with a stick. See also the term over, to chew over (in a fig. sense). See also the term
"massuché". "mas-cé 2nd meaning".
massochet - n. m. (pr. \ m&suk'æt\ ) Inv. at plr. - small mallet, mastigador - n. m. (pr. \ m&stig&d'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - bit,
wooden hammer. See also the terms "massolet, massoret, snaffle (horses).
massuchet" mastin - n. m. (pr. \ m&st'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - mastiff (dog).
massolet - n. m. (pr. \ m&sul'æt\ ) - See massochet. mastinass - n. (pr. \ m&stin'&s \ ) Ms. plr. mastinass - fm.
massolëtta - n. f. (pr. \ m&sul'&tt& \ ) At plr. masolëtte - sng. and plr. mastinassa, mastinasse. - boor, lout. Hardly
molecule, particle. used at fm.
masson - n. m. (pr. \ m&s'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - Mason mastiné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&stin'e \ ) - to maltreat, to
Freemason. See also the term "framasson". - 2) - mason, use rude manners.
bricklayer. In this sense see also the term "murador". mastinòt - adj. and n. (pr. \ m&stin'ot \ ) Ms. plr. mastinòt -
fm. sng. and plr. mastinòta, mastinòte. - 1) - rough,

coarse, awkward (adj.). - 2) - rough person, awkward person, big and stupid person. See also the term
person (sbst.). "matigonfi ".
mastìte - n. f. (pr. \ m&st'ite \ ) Inv. at plr. - mastitis (medical). matarél - n. (pr. \m&t&r'el \) Ms. plr. mataréj - fm. sng. and
mastium - n. m. (pr. \ m&sti'[ue]m \ ) Inv. at plr. - what has plr. matarela, matarele. - wag, jolly fellow, habitual
been chewed. See also the term "mastiura 2nd meaning". joker. See also the term "maturlo".
mastiura - n. f. (pr. \ m&sti'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. mastiure. - 1) - matarìa - n. f. (pr. \m&t&r'i& \) At plr. matarìe. - 1) -
mastication, chewing. - 2) - what has been chewed. In caprice, freak, whim - 2) - foolish act. See also the terms
this sense see also the term "mastium". "matada, matrìa, matrià, materìa".
mastodònte - n. m. (pr. \ m&stud'onte \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - mataròssa - n. f. (pr. \m&t&r'os& \) At plr. mataròsse. - feed
mastodon (zoology - Mastodon). - 2) - colossus, giant. head, dead head (metallurgy). See also the term
mastodòntich - adj. (pr. \ m&stud'ontic \ ) Ms. plr. "materòssa".
mastodòntich - fm. sng. and plr. mastodòntica, matass - n. (pr. \ m&t'&s \ ) Ms. plr. matass - fm. sng. and plr.
mastodòntiche. - mastodontic, enormous, colossal. matassa, matasse. - good-natured fellow, affable person.
mastr - n. m. (pr. \ m&str \ ) Inv. at plr. - master, skilled matassa - n. f. (pr. \ m&t'&s& \ ) At plr. matasse. - skein,
worker. See also the terms "mestr, mèistr". small skein. Italianism sometime used, see also the best
mastra - n. f. (pr. \ m'&str& \ ) At plr. mastre. - kneading- terms "marela, ciapon".
trough. The large one of bakers. See also the loc. "erca matassin - n. m. (pr. \ m&t&s'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - buffoon,
pastòira". clown.
mastrognada - n. f. (pr. \ m&stru[gn]'&d&& \ ) At plr. matassinada - n. f. (pr. \ m&t&sin'&d& \ ) At plr.
mastrognade. - 1) - difficult chewing. - 2) - crumple, matassinade. - 1) - performance of clowns. - 2) - piece of
crease. - See also the terms "mastrognura, mastrojura". buffoonery.
mastrogné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&stru[gn]'e \ ) - 1) - to matemàtica - n. f. (pr. \m&tem'&tic&\ ) At plr. matemàtiche,
chew with difficulty (e.g. for lack of teeth). - 2) - to - mathematics.
crumple, to crease. See also the term "mastrojé ". matemàtich - n. and adj. (pr. \ m&tem'&tic \ ) Ms. plr.
mastrognùra - n. f. (pr. \ m&stru[gn]'[ue]r& \ ) - See matemàtich - fm. sng. and plr. matemàtica,
mastrognada. matemàtiche. - 1) - mathematician (sbst.). - 2) -
mastrojé - vrb 1st con. trs. vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&stru[gn]'e \) mathematical (adj.).
- 1) - to chew with difficulty (e.g. for lack of teeth). - 2) - matéria - n. f. (pr. \ m&t'eri& \ ) At plr. matérie. - 1) - matter.
to crumple, to crease. In this sense see also the terms - 2) - material. - 3) - substance. - 4) - matter, subject,
"mangojé, storcioné " topic. - 5) - pus, matter.
mastrojura - n. f. (pr. \m&struy'[ue]r&\) - See mastrognada. materìa - n. f. (pr. \ m&ter'i& \ ) At plr. materìe. - 1) -
masura - n. f. (pr. \m&z'[ue]r&\) At plr. masure. - 1) - ruins, caprice, freak, whim - 2) - foolish act. See also the terms
remains. - 2) - grungy wall, grungy house. - 3) - poor "matada, matrìa, matarìa".
house. material - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ m&teri'&l \ ) At plr. materiaj. -
mat - 1) - adj. and n. (pr. \ m&t \) Ms. plr. mat - fm. sng. and material, stuff.
plr. mata, mate. - 1) - mad, insane, crazy (adj.). - 2) - material - 2) - adj. (pr. \ m&teri'&l \ ) Ms. plr. materiaj - fm.
mat, dull (adj. - colours). - 3) - mad person (sbst.). - 2) - sng. and plr. material, materiaj. - 1) - material,
fool (sbst.). corporeal, physical, bodily. - 2) - gross, clumsy.
mat - 2) - n. (pr. \m&t \) Ms. plr. mat - fm. sng. and plr. mata, materialisassion - n. f. (pr. \ m&teri&liz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at
mate. - boy / girl. See also the terms "matet, matòt ". plr. - materialization.
mata - n. f. (pr. \m'&t& \) At plr. mate. - girl. Fm. of mat 2nd materialisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&teri&liz'e \ ) - to
meaning. See also the term "matòta ". materialize.
matada - n. f. (pr. \m&t'&d& \) At plr. matade. - 1) - materialisésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ m&teri&liz'ese \ ) - to
craziness. - 2) - crazy act. - See also the terms "matarìa, materialize.
matrìa". materialism - n. m. (pr. \ m&teri&l'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. -
matador - n. m. (pr. \m&t&d'ur \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - materialism.
slaughterer, butcher. - 2) - spotlight-chaser (theatre). materialìsta - n. and adj. (pr. \ m&teri&l'ist& \ ) Ms. plr.
matafam - n. m. (pr. \m&t&f'&m \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - puppet, materialista - fm. sng. and plr. materialista, materialiste.
scarecrow. In this sense see also the term "buatass". - 2) - - 1) - materialist (sbat.). - 2) - materialistich (adj.). In this
big and silly man, good-for-nothing. In this sense see also sense see also the term "materialìstich ".
the term "matafio" materialìstich - adj. (pr. \ m&teri&l'istic \ ) Ms. plr.
matafio - n. m. (pr. \m&t'&fiu \) Inv. at plr. - big and silly materialistich - fm. sng. and plr. materialistica,
man, good-for-nothing. See also the term "matafam 2nd materialistiche. - materialistich. See also the term
meaning". "materialista 3nd meaning".
matalòt - n. m. (pr. \m&t&l'ot \) Inv. at plr. - seaman, sailor, materialità - n. f. (pr. \ m&teri&lit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
mariner. See also the term "matlòt ". materiality. - 2) - clumsiness. - 3) - wordliness. See also
matan-a - n. f. (pr. \m&t'&[ng]& \) At plr. matan-e - 1) - bad- the term "mondanità ".
temper, doldrums. - 2) - caprice, freak. materialment - adv. (pr. \ m&teri&lm'ænt \ ) - 1) - materially.
matarass - n. m. (pr. \m&t&r'&s \) Inv. at plr. - mattress. - 2) - clumsily, coarsely. - 3) - really, simply, quite.
matarassà - n. f. (pr. \m&t&r&s'& \) Inv. at plr. - tumble, Italianism often used. See also various loc. according to the
bump with the behind. See also the terms "culatà, meaning of the sentence.
maciacula ". materialon - n. (pr. \ m&teri&l'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. materialon -
matarassé - n. (pr. \m&t&r&s'e\) Ms. plr. matarassé - fm. sng. fm. sng. and plr. materialon-a, materialon-e. - coarse
and plr. matarassera, matarassere. - mattress-maker. person, clumsy fellow, bear. See also the term "materialù
matarassin - n. m. (pr. \m&t&r&s'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 2nd meaning".
mattress (small or thin), inflable mattress. materialù - adj. and n. (pr. \ m&teri&l'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr.
mategonfi - n. (pr. \ m&teg'u[ng]fi \ ) - Ms. plr. mategonfi - materialù - fm. sng. and plr. materialùa, materialùe. - 1)
fm. sng. and plr. mategonfia, mategonfie. - slow-witted - coarse, clumsy (adj.). - 2) - coarse person, clumsy
fellow, bear. See also the term "materialon".

matern - adj. (pr. \ m&t'ærn \ ) Ms. plr. matern - fm. sng. and matricolé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&tricul'e \) - 1) - to admit,
plr. materna, materne. - maternal, motherly, mother (as to matriculate. - 2) - to register. See also the term
an attribute). See also the term "maternal ". "anmatricolé ".
maternal - adj. (pr. \ m&tærn'&l \ ) Ms. plr. maternaj - fm. matricon - n. m. (pr. \ m&tric'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - hysteria,
sng. and plr. maternal, maternaj. - maternal, motherly, hysterics. See also the term "matrigon".
mother (as an attribute). See also the term "matern ". matrigon - n. m. (pr. \ m&trig'u[ng] \) - See matricun.
maternità - n. f. (pr. \ m&tærnit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - matrimonial - adj. (pr. \ m&trimuni'&l \) Ms. plr.
maternity, motherhood. - 2) - maternity hospital. matrimoniaj - fm. sng. and plr. matrimonial,
materòssa - n. f. (pr. \m&ter'os& \) At plr. materòsse. - feed matrimoniaj. - matrimonial, conjugal, nuptial,
head, dead head (metallurgy). See also the term marriage (as an attribute).
"mataròssa". matrimonialista - n. (pr. \ m&trimuni&l'ist& \) Ms. plr.
matet - n. m. (pr. \m&t'æt \) Inv. at plr. - boy, child. See also matrimonialista - fm. sng. and plr. matrimonialista,
the term "matòt ". matrimonialiste. - lawyer specialized in marriage law.
matëzzada - n. f. (pr. \m&t&zz'&d& \) At plr. matëzzade. - 1) matrimòni - n. m. (pr. \ m&trim'oni \) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
- fit of bad-temper, doldrums. - 2) - madness, lunacy. - matrimony, marriage. - 2) - wedding. See also the term
3) - foolish action. "mariàgi ".
matëzzé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \m&t&zz'e \) - to behave matris - n. f. . (pr. \m&tr'iz \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - matrix (in
crazily, to do foolish actions. It uses the aux. "avèj ". general, mathematics). - 2) - counterfoil, stump, stub. In
matigonfi - n. (pr. \ m&tig'u[ng]fi \ ) - See mategonfi. this sense see also the term "mare 3rd meaning". - 3) -
Matilde - n. f. (pr. \ m&t'ilde \ ) Only sng. (noun of person) in stencil. Also in the spelling "matriss".
case of need inv. at plr. - Mathilda, Matilda. The common matrisé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \m&triz'e \) - to take after one's
short name is Tilde. mother. It uses the aux. "avèj ".
matin - n. f. (pr. \ m&t'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - morning. Note the matriss - n. f. (pr. \m&tr'is \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - matrix (in
the term is fm. The word "stamatin" means "this morning", general, mathematics). - 2) - counterfoil, stump, stub. In
and the expression "da matin a sèira" lit. "fom morning to this sense see also the term "mare 3rd meaning". - 3) -
evening", means "all the day long". stencil. Also in the spelling "matris".
matinà - n. f. (pr. \ m&tin'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - forenoon, matrissial - adj. (pr. \m&trisi'&l \) Ms. plr. matrissiaj - fm.
morning. - 2) - dawn serenade, "aubade". In this sense sng. and plr. matrissial, matrissiaj. - matrix (as an
see also the term "obada". attribute). See also the term "matricial".
matiné - adj. (pr. \ m&tin'e \ ) Ms. plr. matiné - fm. sng. and matrissida - n. and adj. (pr. \m&tris'id& \) Ms. plr. matrissida
plr. matinera, matinere. - 1) - early-rising. - 2) - early - fm. sng. and plr. matrissida, matrisside. - 1) -
(referred to fruits, etc.) matricide (sbst.). - 2) - matricidal (adj.).
matita - n. f. (pr. \ m&t'it& \ ) At plr. matite. - pencil. Quite an matrissidi - n. m. (pr. \m&tris'idi \) Inv. at plr. - matricide.
italianism. See the best terms "làpis, crajon". matronal - adj. (pr. \ m&trun'&l \) Ms. plr. matronaj - fm.
matlòt - n. m. (pr. \ m&tl'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - seaman, sailor, sng. and plr. matronal, matronaj. - matronal, matronly.
mariner. See also the term "matalòt ". matron-a - n. f. (pr. \ m&tr'u[ng]& \) At plr. matron-e. - 1) -
matlòta - n. f. (pr. \ m&tl'ot \ ) At plr. matlòte. - each of the matron. - 2) - matronly woman.
two front part of a jacket or a dress. Usually used at plr. matur - adj. and n. (pr. \ m&t'[ue]r \ ) Ms. plr. matur. - fm.
See also the term "mantlòta". sng. and plr. matura, mature. - 1) - mature (adj. - in
maton - n. (pr. \ m&t'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. maton - fm. sng. and general). - 2) - mellow, ripe (adj. - fruits, etc.). - 3) -
plr. maton-a, maton-e. - young man, grown up boy, girl. mature (adj. - medical). - 4) - mature, due, accrued (adj.
matòt - n. m. (pr. \ m&t'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - young man (not - finance). As an adj. see also the terms "mur, mèor". - 5) -
married). See also the term "giovinòt". For the fm. see the student who has obtained his secondary-school leaving
term "matòta". certificate (sbst.). This term is quite an italianism. In
matòta - n. f. (pr. \ m&t'ot& \ ) At plr. matòte. - girl, young general see also the best term "madur".
woman (not married). See also the term "giovinòta". For
the ms. see the term "matòt". maturand - n. (pr. \ m&t[ue]r'&nd \ ) Ms. plr. maturand. -
matrass - n. m. (pr. \ m&tr'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - flask, matrass fm. sng. and plr. maturanda, maturande. - candidate for
(chemistry). secondary-school leaving certificate. - This term is quite
matrìa - n. f. (pr. \ m&tr'i& \) - See matarìa. an italianism. See also the best term "madurand".
matrià - n. f. (pr. \ m&tri'& \) - See matarìa. maturansa - n. f. (pr. \ m&t[ue]r'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr.
matriarcà - n. m. (pr. \ m&tri&rc'& \) Inv. at plr. - maturanse. - 1) - maturation, maturing, ripening. - 2) -
matriarchate, matriarchy. maturity. This term is quite an italianism. See also the
matriarcal - adj. - (pr. \ m&tri&rc'&l \) Ms. plr. matriarcaj - terms "madurament, madurassion, maturassion".
fm. sng. and plr. matriarcal, matriarcaj. - matriarchal. maturament - n. m. (pr. \ m&t[ue]r&m'ænt \ ) - See
matricial - adj. - (pr. \ m&tri[ch]i'&l \) Ms. plr. matriciaj - fm. maturansa.
sng. and plr. matricial, matriciaj. - matrix (as an maturassion - n. f. (pr. \ m&t[ue]r&si'u[ng] \ ) - See
attribute). See also the term "matrissial ". maturansa.
matrìcola - n. f. (pr. \ m&tr'icul& \) At plr. matrìcole. - 1) - maturé - vrb. 1st. con. int. and trs. (pr. \ m&t[ue]r'e \ ) - 1) - to
roll, list, register, matricula. - 2) - number. - 3) - mature (in general) (int.). - 2) - to ripen, to grow ripe
freshman, fresher. (fruits, etc.) (int.). - 3) - to come to maturity (in a fig.
matricolà - adj. (pr. \ m&tricul'& \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - sense) (int.). - 4) - to come to a head (medical) (int.). - 5) -
arrant, downright, thorough, perfect, out-and-out. to fall due, to be due, to accrue (finance) (int.). - 6) - to
matricolar - adj. (pr. \ m&tricul'&r \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - mature, to bring to maturity (trs.). As int. it uses the aux.
matriculation, registration (as attributes). "esse". When trs. it uses the aux. "avèj ". This term is quite
matricolassion - n. f. (pr. \ m&tricul&si'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - an italianism. See also the best piedm. term "maduré ".
1) - admission, matriculation. - 2) - registration. See also maturità - n. f. (pr. \ m&t[ue]rit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
the term "anmatricolassion". maturity. - 2) - ripeness. - 3) - secondary-school leaving
certificate. See also the term "madurità ".

maturlo - n. (pr. \m&t'[ue]rlu \) - See matarél. mea culpa - loc. sbst. (pr. \ m'e& c'ulp& \ ) Only sng. - my
matusa - adj. and n. (pr. \m&t'[ue]z& \) Inv, in gnd and nr. - fault, admission of having made a mistake. This is a
old fogey (jocular). Latin locution commonly used.
Matusalem - n. m. (pr. \m&t'[ue]z&læm \) Only sng. (noun of meànder - n. m. (pr. \ me'&ndær \ ) Inv. at plr. - meander,
person). In case of need inv. at plr. - Methuselah (Bible). winding.
The saying "vej coma Matusalem" con be translated into mecànica - n. f. (pr. \ mec'&nic& \ ) At plr. mecàniche. -
"as old as the hills". mechanics.
matutin - n. m. (pr. \ m&t[ue]t'i[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - matins mecànich - adj. and n. (pr. \ mec'&nic \ ) Ms. plr. mecànich -
(religion). - 2) - morning bell. fm. sng. and plr. mecànica, mecàniche. - 1) - mechanical
matutin - adj. (pr. \m&t[ue]t'i[ng]\) - Italianism. - See matiné. (adj.). - 2) - automatic (adj.). - 3) - mechanician,
maunat - n. m. (pr. \ m&un'&t \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - monatto mechanic (sbst.).
(history). - 2) - gravedigger (for ext.). See also the terms mecanisassion - n. f. (pr. \ mec&niz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
"maunet, monat ". mechanization.
maunet - 1) - adj. (pr. \ m&un'æt \) Ms. plr. maunet - fm. sng. mecanisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ mec&niz'e \ ) - mechanize.
and plr. maunëtta, maunëtte. - dirty, soiled. Note the mecanisésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ mec&niz'ese \ ) - to be
particular fm. mechanized.
maunet - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ m&un'æt \) - See maunat. macanism - n. m. (pr. \ mec&n'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. -
mausoléo - n. m. (pr. \ m&uzul'eô \) Inv. at plr. - mausuleum. mechanism, machinery, gear, works.
See also the term "mausuléo". mecanissism - n. m. (pr. \ mec&nis'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. -
mausser - adj. (pr. \ m&us'ær\) Ms. plr. mausser - fm. sng. and mechanism (phylosophy).
plr. maussera, maussere. - ill-mannered, rude, coarse. mecanissìsta - n. (pr. \mec&nis'ist&\ ) Ms. plr. mecanissìsta -
mausuléo - n. m. (pr. \ m&uz[ue]l'eu \) - See mausoléo. fm. sng. and plr. mecanissìsta, mecanissìste. - mechanist.
màuta - n. f. (pr. \ m'&ut& \ ) - 1) - mortar (building). - 2) - mecanissìstich - adj. (pr. \ mec&nis'istic \ ) Ms. plr.
mud. In this sense see also the terms "pàuta, paciòch, nita, mecanissìstich - fm. sng. and plr. mecanissìstica,
bura". mecanissìstiche. - mechanistich.
ma va! - excl. (pr. \ m& v& \ ) - of course not!, certainly not!, mecan - n. m. (pr. \ mec'&[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - Meccano. See
not at all! . also the term "mecano"
mè - 1) - pos. adj and prn. (pr. \ m'æ \ ) Ms. plr. mè - fm. sng. mecano - n. m. (pr. \ mec'&nô \ ) - See mecan.
and plr. mia, mie. - 1) - my (adj.). - 2) - mine (prn.). See mecanografìa - n. f. (pr. \ mec&nugr&f'i& \ ) At plr.
grammar for details. We remember that in Piedm. the pos. mecanografìe. - machine accounting.
prn. or adj. is in accordance with the possessed thing and mecanogràfich - adj. (pr. \ mec&nugr&f'ic \ ) Ms. plr.
not with the owner. "my shoes" "mie scarpe" ; "my hat" mecanogràfich - fm. sng. and plr. mecanogràfica,
"mè capél " ; " my jacket " = mia giaca ". Usually the pos. mecanogràfiche. - data processing (as an attribute).
adj. does not have the article. See also the term "mèi 1)". mecassìa - adv. (pr. \ mec&s'i& \ ) - 1) - however that may
mè - 2) - n. m. plr. (pr. \ mæ \ ) Only plr. - my parents. See be, anyhow, in any case. - 2) - at random, in a slapdash
also the term "méi 2)". Always with art.: "ij mé ". manner. See also the term "macassìa". - prs. prn. comp. (pr. \ me \ ) 1st prs. sng. - 1) - me, mecenat - n. m. (pr. \ me[ch]en'&t \ ) Inv. at plr. - Maecenas,
myself - 2) - to me. Connected at the end of the verb. See patron.
grammar for details. E. g. "pòrtme quaicòs da bèive mecenatism - n. m. (pr. \ me[ch]en&t'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. -
bring me something to drink ". See also the terms "...m..., Maecenatism, patronage.
'm, m', ëm, më ". mecia - n. f. (pr. \ hm'e[ch]i& \ ) At plr. mece. - half. Minly
'me - adv. and cng. (pr. \ me \ ) - Short form of the words used in the expression "fé mecia" lit. "to do half " that
"com, coma, come".- 1) - as, like. E. g. "parla 'me it means "to divide fifty-fifrty betwen two persons", and in
manges" lit. "speak as you eat " "speak in a simple similar expressions. See also the terms "més, metà ".
way". - "mangé com un crin" = "to eat like a pig". - 2) - meconant - adj. (pr. \ mecun'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. meconant. - fm.
as... as (in comparisons). E. g. "a l'é bòrgno 'me un pom" sng. and plr. meconanta, meconante. - displeased,
lit. "he is as blind as an apple" idiom for "he does not see dissatisfied, discontent, malcontent. See also the term
anything (also in a fig. sense)". - 3) - like, such as. "malcontent ".
(illustrative). E. g. "un pòst tranquil 'me sto sì " = "a place medem - adj. and prn. (pr. \ med'æm \ ) Ms. plr. medem. - fm.
quiet like this one" - "bes-ce ferose , 'me leon e luv" sng. and plr. medema, medeme. - 1) - same. identical
"wild beasts, such as lions and wolves". - 4) - both... and, (adj.). E. g. "a l'é sempe la medema stòria = it is always the
as well... as. (correlative). E. g. "le cerese, 'me le fròle a same story". - 2) - myself,. yoursrlf, itself, etc. E.g. "a
son rosse" = "both cherries and strawberries are red ". - 5) l'ha falo chièl medem = he himself did it". - 3) - the same
- how (interrogative). E. g. "'me podom-ne fé? " "how (prn.). E. g. "i veulo nen ël medem = I don't want the
can we do? ". - 6) - how (exclamative). E. g. "'me 't sés same". See also the most used terms "midem, medésim".
fòl!" "how stupid you are! " Note that the same sentence méder - n. m. (pr. \ m'edær \ ) Inv. at plr. - model, mould,
can be better expressed with "ch'it sés fòl" or "s'it sés fòl". - matrix.
7) - how, how well, how much, what... like medésim - adj. and prn. (pr. \ med'ezim \ ) Ms. plr. medésim. -
(interrogative). E. g. "'me it parle Piemontèis? " = "how fm. sng. and plr. medésima, medésime. - 1) - same.
well do you speak Piedmontese? ". - 8) - as soon as. E. g. identical (adj.). E. g. "a l'é sempe la medésima stòria = it is
"'me i rivo i-j teléfono" "as soon as I arrive I call him". always the same story". - 2) - myself,. yoursrlf, itself, etc.
The same sentence can be "pen-a i rivo i-j teléfono". - 9) - E.g. "a l'ha falo chièl medésim = he himself did it". - 3) -
that (not very used in Piedm- in this sense, quite an the same (prn.). E. g. "i veulo nen ël medésim = I don't
italianism). E. g. "i sai bin 'me a sio sempe ocupà " "I want the same". See also the terms "midem, medem".
medi - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ m'edi \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - middle finger.
know well that they are always busy" "I know well they
In this sense see the best loc. "dil d'an més". - 2) - mean
are always busy". - See also the terms "com, coma, come".
term (mathematics).
medi - 2) - adj. (pr. \ m'edi \ ) Ms. plr. medi. - fm. sng. and plr.
média, médie. - middle, medium, middling.

media - n. f. (pr. \ m'edi& \ ) At plr. médie. - 1) - average, medichëssa - n. f. (pr. \ medik'&ss& \ ) - See médica 2nd
mean. - 2) - secondary school. meaning.
medià - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ medi'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - medichin - n. (pr. \ medik'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. medichin. - fm.
mediate, indirect (adj.). - 2) - mediated, averaged. (p. p.). sng. and plr. medichin-a, medichin-e. - 1) - young and
mediament - adv. (pr. \ medi&m'ænt \ ) - on an average. unskilled doctor. - 2) - medicaster, quack. See also the
Italianism. See the best piedm. loc. "an média". term "medicuss".
median - 1) - adj. (pr. \ medi'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. median. - fm. medicinal - 1) - adj. (pr. \ medi[ch]in'&l \ ) Ms. plr.
sng. and plr. median-a, median-e. - median, medial, medicinaj. - fm. sng. and plr. medicinal, medicinaj. -
medium, mean, middle. medicinal, healing, curative.
median - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ medi'&[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - half back medicinal - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ medi[ch]in'&l \ ) At plr.
(sport, soccer). medicinaj. - medicine, drug, remedy. See also the term
medianich - adj. (pr. \ medi'&nic \ ) Ms. plr. mediànich. - fm. "meisin-a".
sng. and plr. mediànica, mediàniche. - mediumistic. medicin-a - n. f. (pr. \ medi[ch]'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. (if any)
medianism - n. m. (pr. \ medi&n'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - medicin-e. - Medicine.
mediumism. medicon - n. (pr. \ medic'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. medicon. - fm. sng.
medianissità - (pr. \ medi&nisit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - mediumistic and plr. medicon-a, medicon-e. - healer. See also the term
nature. "meisinor".
mediant - prp. (pr. \ medi'&nt \ ) - by, by means of, through, medicura - n. f. (pr. \ medic'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. medicure. -
per, via. Italianism, See also the terms "travers, con", and medication, dressing. See also the terms "medicadura,
loc. like " con l'agiut ëd, con ël mojen ëd" etc. medicassion".
median-a - n. f. (pr. \ medi'&[ng]& \ ) At plr. median-e. - 1) - medicuss - n. (pr. \ medic'[ue]s \ ) - See medichin.
median. (geometry and in general). - 2) - half back line medieval - adj. (pr. \ mediev'&l \ ) - See medioeval.
(sport). medievalism - n. m. (pr.\mediev&l'izm\) - See medioevalism.
mediassion - n. f. (pr. \ medi&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - medievalista - n. (pr. \ mediev&l'ist&\ ) - See medioevalista.
mediation, mediatorship. - 2) - brokerage (commerce). mediocrità - n. f. (pr. \ mediucrit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
mediator - n. and adj. (pr. \ medi&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. mediator. - mediocrity, mean.
fm. sng. and plr. mediartiss, mediatriss. - 1) - mediator, medioeval - adj. (pr. \ mediuev'&l \ ) Ms. plr. medioevaj. -
intermediary, middleman (sbst.). - 2) - broker (sbst.). - fm. sng. and plr. medioeval, medioevaj. - medieval, of the
3) - intermediary (adj.). Middle Ages.
médica - n. f. (pr. \ m'edic& \ ) At plr. médiche. - 1) - lucerne, medioevalism - n. m. (pr.\mediuev&l'izm\) Inv. at plr. -
purple medic (botany - Medicago sativa). More often the medievalism.
loc. "erba médica" is used. - 2) - lady doctor. See the most medioevalista - n. (pr. \ mediuev&l'ist&\ ) - Ms. plr.
common (and more generical) term "dotorëssa", and the medioevalista. - fm. sng. and plr. medioevalista,
term "medichëssa" (not very used). medioevaliste. - medievalist.
medicà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ medic'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - medioevo - n. m. (pr. \ mediu'evô \ ) Usually sng. inv. in any
medicated, treated, dressed (wound). case. - Middle Ages. See also the loc. "età 'd més".
medicàbil - adj. (pr. \ medic'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. medicàbij. - fm. mediorient - n. m. (pr. \ mediuri'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). -
sng. and plr. medicàbil, medicàbij. - medicable, curable, Middle East.
treatable. medioriental - adj and n. (pr. \ mediuriænt'&l \ ) Ms. plr.
medicadura - n. f. (pr. \ medic&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. mediorientaj. - fm. sng. and plr. medioriental,
medicadure. - medication, dressing. See also the terms mediorientaj. - Middle Eastern.
"medicura, medicassion". mediòcr - adj. and n. (pr. \ medi'ocr \ ) Often inv. in gnd. and
medicament - n. m. (pr. \ medic&m'ænt\ ) Inv. at plr. - nr. but also ms. plr. mediòcr. - fm. sng. and plr. mediòcra,
medicament, medicine. See also the term "meisin-a". mediòcre. - 1) - mediocre, middling, second.rate (adj.). -
medicamentos - adj. (pr. \ medic&mænt'uz \ ) Ms. plr. 2) - mediocrity (sbst.).
medicamentos. - fm. sng. and plr. medicamentosa, meditabond - adj. (pr. \ medit&b'und \ ) Ms. plr. meditabond.
medicamentose. - medicinal, medicative. - fm. sng. and plr. meditabonda, meditabonde. -
medicant - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ medic'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. - meditative, cogitative, thoughtful, pensive
disinfectant. See also the terms "dzinfetant, disinfetant ". meditassion - n. f. (pr. \ medit&ssi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
medicant - 2) - adj. (pr. \ medic'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. medicant. - meditation, cogitation, reflection.
fm. sng. and plr. medicanta, medicante. - disinfectant. meditativ - adj. (pr. \ medit&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. meditativ. - fm.
See also the terms "dzinfetant, disinfetant ". sng. and plr. meditativa, meditative. - meditative,
medicassion - n. f. (pr. \ medic&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - cogitative, reflective.
medication, dressing. See also the terms "medicadura, medité - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ medit'e \ ) - 1) - to
medicura". meditate, to ponder, to plan (trs.). - 2) - to meditate (on),
médich - adj. and n. (pr. \ m'edic \ ) Ms. plr. medich. - fm. to ponder (on), to brood , to muse (on) (int.). It uses
sng. and plr. medica, mediche. - 1) - doctor, physician, anyway the aux. "avèj".
medical doctor (sbst.). - 2) - medical (adj.). mediterani - adj. - (pr. \ mediter'&ni \ ) Ms. plr. mediterani. -
medich-chirùrgich - adj. . (pr. \ m'edickir'[ue]rjic \ ) Ms. plr. fm. sng. and plr. mediterània, mediterànie. - 1) -
medich-chirùrgich. - fm. sng. and plr. medich- mediterranean, land-locked. - 2) - Mediterranean.
chirùrgica, medich-chirùrgiche. - medico-surgical, Mediterani - n. m. (pr. \ mediter'&ni \ ) Only sng. in case of
medico-chirurgical. need inv. at plr. - Mediterranean See.
mediché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ medik'e \ ) - to medicate, to medium - n. (pr. \ m'edium \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - medium.
doctor, to treat, to dress (wound). medusa - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ med'[ue]z& \ ) At plr. meduse. -
medicherìa - n. f. (pr. \ mediker'i& \ ) At plr. medicherìe. - medusa, jelly-fish.
dressing station, first-aid post. Medusa - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ med'[ue]z& \ ) Only sng. In case of
medichésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ medik'ese \ ) - to medicate need the plr. is Meduse. - Medusa. (mythology).
oneself, to doctor oneself.

mefiant - n. and adj. (pr. \ mefi'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. mefiant. - fm. meisà - n. f. (pr. \ mæiz'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - monthly allowance,
sng. and plr. mefianta, mefiante. - suspicious, monthly wages. See also the terms "mèis 2nd meaning,
mistrustful. See also the term "malfident ". meisada, mesà, mesada, mzada".
mefistofélich - adj. (pr. \ mefistuf'elic \ ) Ms. plr. meisada - n. f. (pr. \ mæiz'&d& \ ) - See meisà.
mefistofélich. - fm. sng. and plr. mefistofélica, meisdabòsch - n. m. (pr. \ mæizd&b'osc \ ) Inv. at plr. -
mefistoféliche. - 1) - Mephistophelean, Mephistophelian. carpenter. See also the terms "minusié, mesdabòsch,
- 2) - sardonic. mèistr" and the loc., "mèistr da bòsch ".
Mefistòfele - n. m. (pr. \ mefist'ofele \ ) Only sng. (noun of meisin - n. m. (pr. \ mæiz'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - islet (in
person) In case of need inv. at plr. - Mephistopheles. particular of rivers).
mefìtich - adj. (pr. \ mef'itic \ ) Ms. plr. mefìtich. - fm. sng. meisiné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ mæizin'e \ ) - to disinfect, to
and plr. mefìtica, mefìtiche. - 1) - mephitic, mephitical. - medicate, to treat, to dress.
2) - corrupt (in a fig. sense) meisinésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ mæizin'ese \ ) - to medicate
mega... - prefix. (pr. \ m'eg&... \ ) - mega... . This prefix has oneself, to doctor oneself.
the same meaning as in English. In fig. sense means also meisinor - 1) - n. (pr. \ mæizin'ur \ ) Ms. plr. meisinor. - fm.
"very large", "very big", etc. Otherwise it means "a millon sng. and plr. meisinòira, meisinòire. - healer. See also the
times". Some examples in the following. term "medicon".
megàfon - n. m. (pr. \meg'&fu[ng]\ ) Inv. at plr. - megaphone. meisinor - 2) - adj. (pr. \ mæizin'ur \ ) Ms. plr. meisinor. - fm.
megaherts - n. m. (pr. \meg&'ærts \ ) Inv. at plr. - megahertz. sng. and plr. meisinòira, meisinòire. - medicinal, healing,
megalit - n. m. (pr. \ meg&l'it \ ) Inv. at plr. - megalith. curative.
megalìtich - adj. (pr. \ meg&l'itic \ ) Ms. plr. megalìtich. - fm. meisinòira - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ mæizin'oir& \ ) - See meisinor 1).
sng. and plr. megalìtica, megalìtiche. - megalithic. meisinòira - 2) - adj. fm. (pr.\mæizin'oir&\) - See meisinor 2).
megalocardìa - n. f. (pr. \ meg&luc&rd'i& \ ) At plr. meisin-a - n. f. (pr.\mæiz'i[ng]& \) At plr. meisin-e. -
megalocardìe. - megalocardia. medicine, remedy, drug. Not referred to the medical
megalocefalìa - n. f. (pr. \ meg&lu[ch]ef&l'i& \ ) At plr. science, which is "medicin-a".
megalocefalìe. - megacephaly, megalocephalìa. meison - n. f. (pr.\mæiz'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. - home, house,
megalocéfal - adj. (pr. \ meg&lu[ch]'ef&l \ ) Ms. plr. dwelling.
megalocéfaj. - fm. sng. and plr. megalocéfala, meist - n. m. (pr.\m'æist \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - master. - 2) -
megalocéfale. - megacephalic, megacephalous. school-master. In this sense see also the terms "magister,
megalomanìa - n. f. (pr. \ meg&lum&n'i& \ ) At plr. maestro". - In general see also the term "meistr"
megalomanìe. - megalomania. meistr - n. m. (pr. \ m'æist& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - master. - 2) -
megalòmane - adj. (pr. \ meg&l'om&ne \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. teacher, school-teacher, school-master. See also the
- megalomanic. terms "magister, maestro, mèist". For fm. see the term
megaòhm - n. m. (pr. \ meg&'om \ ) Inv. at plr. - megahom. "mèistra".
megaòhmeter - n. m. (pr. \ meg&'ometær \ ) Inv. at plr. - mèistra - n. f. (pr. \ m'æist& \ ) At plr. mèistre. - teacher,
megaòhmmeter. See also the term "megaòhmetro". school-teacher, school-mistress. See also the terms
megaòhmetro - n. m. (pr. \ meg&'ometrô \ ) - See "magistra, maestra".
megaòhmeter. meistransa - n. f. (pr. \mæist'&[ng]s&\ ) At plr. meistranse. -
megatòn - n. m. (pr. \ meg&t'o[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - megaton. hands, workers, employees (usually at plr.). See also the
megavat - n. m. (pr. \ meg&v'&t \ ) Inv. at plr. - megawatt. term "maestransa, mistransa, amaestransa".
megavòlt - n. m. (pr. \ meg&v'olt \ ) Inv. at plr. - megavolt. méj - 1) - adj. (pr. \ mey \ ) Inv. in gnd. and. nr. - 1) - better
méi - 1) - adv. (pr. \ mei \ ) - See méj 1). (comparative) - 2) - best (relative suprtlative).
méi - 2) - adj. (pr. \ mei \ ) - See méj 2). méj - 2) - adv. (pr. \ mey \ ) - 1) - better. - 2) - best.
méi - 3) - n. m. (pr. \ mei \ ) - See méj 3). méj - 3) - n. m. (pr. \ mey \ ) Inv. at plr. - (the) best (thing,
mèi - 1) - prn. pos. ms. plr. (pr. \ mæi \ ) The fm. is mie. - part, etc.).
mine. Sometimes the plr. of "mè" (as a prn.) is "mèi".See mèj - n. m. (pr. \ mæy \ ) Inv. at plr. - millet (botany - Panicum
also the term "mè1)". miliaceum).
mèi - 2) - n. m. plr. (pr. \ mæi \ ) Only plr. - my parents. See mèje - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ m'æye \ ) - to reap, to mow, to
also the term "mé 2)". Always with art.: "ij méi ". harvest. See also the terms "mëssoné, amsoné ".
mèil - n. m. (pr. \ m'æil \ ) At plr. mèij. - vine-shoot, vine- mejor - n. (pr. \ mæy'ur \ ) Ms. plr. mejor. - fm. sng. and plr.
branch. See also the term "majeul, mèir ". mejòira, mejòire. - reaper, harvester, mower,
mei-mèj - n. m. (pr. \ mæim'æy \ ) Inv. at plr. - fright, fear. schytheman (schythewoman). See also the terms "mior,
See the most common terms "sbaruv, spavent". seitor".
meinagé - 1) - vrb. 1st con. trs. (pr. \ mæin&j'e \ ) - 1) - to mel - n. m. (pr. \ m’el \ ) Inv. at plr. (when applicable). -
direct, to manage, to run. - 2) - to strive, to take trouble. honey. See also the term "amél ".
- 3) - to run the house. - 4) - to handle. See also the terms melà - adj. (pr. \ mel'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - honeyed. -
"mansé, massé 1) 2nd meaning ". 2) - flattering (in a fig. sense). See also the term "amlà".
meinagé - 2) - n. (pr. \ mæin&j'e \ ) Ms. plr. meinagé. - fm. melangià - adj. (pr. \ mel&[ng]ji'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) -
sng. and plr. meinagera, meinagere. - 1) - administrator, spotted, dappled. - 2) - variegated. - 3) - freckled.
governor, manager. - 2) - housekeeper (usually fm.). See also the term "gajolà, giajolà, melanzi".
meinagera - n. f. (pr. \ mæin&j'er& \ ) - See meinagé 1). melangiura - n. f. (pr. \ mel&nji'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. melangiure.
meinagésse - vrb. 1st con. refl. (pr. \ mæin&j'ese \ ) - to - variegation, speckling. See also the term "giajolura".
manage oneself, to deal wisely (with st.) melanza - n. f. (pr. \ mel'&[ng]z& \ ) At plr. melanze. - 1) -
meinagi - n. m. (pr. \ mæin'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - miscellany. - 2) - medley, mixture. - 3) - speckling.
management, administration. - 2) - menage, domestic melanzi - adj. (pr. \ mel'&[ng]zi \ ) - See melangià.
management, housekeeping. See also the term "menagi". melari - n. m. (pr. \ mel'&ri \ ) Inv. at plr. - honeycomb. See
mèir - n. m. (pr. \ m'æir \ ) - See mèil. also the term "mlari ".
mèis - n. m. (pr. \ m'æiz \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - month. - 2) - melia - n. f. (pr. \ m'eli& \ ) At plr. melie. maize, Indian corn
allowance, monthly wages. In this sense see also the term ( botany Zea mays). Note the expression "com ij beu a le
"meisà ". mélie" = lit. "as the oxes in the maize" = "wothout the due

attention, in a rough way", and the expression "và a spané keepsake. - 3) - note, memo. - 4) - memorial, record. - 5)
'd melia !" = lit. "go to husk the maize!" = "go to the devil !, - memoirs. - 6) - memory, store, storage.
don't bother me !". men - 1) - adv. (pr. \ mæ[ng] \ ) - less, minus, not... so (much),
meliass - n. m. (pr. \ meli'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - millet-stalk, the least. See also the term "meno 1)"
sorghum-stalk, maixe-stalk. men - 2) - adj. (pr. \ mæ[ng] \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - less,
meliassù - adj. (pr. \ meli&s'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. meliassù. - fm. not so much, not so many, fewer. - 2) - (the) least, (the)
sng. and plr. meliassùa, meliassùe. - sown with maize. fewest. See also the term "meno 2)"
meliëtta - n. f. (pr. \ meli'&tt& \ ) At plr. meliëtte. - sorghum, men - 3) - n. m. (pr. \ mæ[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - less, fewer,
Indian millet (botany - Sorghum vulgare). smaller part. - 2) - minus (mathematics). Seldom used as
melilòt - n. m. (pr. \ melil'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - yellow melilot sbst.. See also the term "meno 3)".
(Melilotus officinalis) men - 4) - prp. (pr. \ mæ[ng] \ ) - except, but. See also the term
melissa - n. f. (pr. \ mel'is& \ ) At plr. melisse. - lemon balm, "meno 4)".
balm-mint (botany - Melissa officinalis). See also the term men - 5) - cng. (pr. \ mæ[ng] \ ) - unless (often in the form "a
"mlissa". men che" not so used or "a meno che" ). See also the term
melodìa - n. f. (pr. \ melud'i& \ ) At plr. meloldìe. - 1) - "meno 5)".
melody. - 2) - musicality. menà - n. f. (pr. \ men'& \ ) - See menada.
melodios - adj. (pr. \ meludi'uz \ ) Ms. plr. melodios. - fm. sng. menabò - n. m. (pr. \ men&b'ò \ ) Inv. at plr. - dummy
and plr. melodiosa, melodiose. - melodious, musical, (typography).
tuneful. menada - n. f. (pr. \ men'&d& \ ) At plr. menade. - rigmarole,
melodìsta - n. (pr. \ melud'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. melodista. - fm. long-winded yarn. See also the term "menà, mnada, mnà".
sng. and plr. melodista, melodiste. - melodist, composer menàgi - n. m. (pr. \ men'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - course, state.
of melodies. - 2) - management, administration. - 3) - menage,
melodrama - n. m. (pr. \ meludr'&m& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - domestic management, housekeeping. In the meanings 2)
serious opera (music). - 2) - melodrama (in a fig. sense). and 3) see also the term "meinagi".
melodramàtich - adj. (pr. \ meludr&m'&tic \ ) Ms. plr. menda - n. f. (pr. \ m'ænd& \ ) At plr. mende. - 1) - amends,
melodramàtich. - fm. sng. and plr. melodramàtica, refund, compensation. - 2) - fine.
melodramàtiche. - 1) - operatic (music). - 2) - mendé - vrb 1st con. trs. . (pr. \ mænd'e \ ) - 1) - to mend, to
melodramatic, melodramatical (in a fig. sense). amend, to emend, to correct. - 2) - to recoup, to refund.
melopéa - n. f. (pr. \ melup'e& \ ) At plr. melopee. - mendelévio - n. m. (pr. \ mændel'eviô \ ) Inv. at plr (if any -
melopoeia (music). chemical element). - menrelevium (chemistry - element).
melòdich - adj. (pr. \ mel'odic \ ) Ms. plr. melòdich. - fm. sng. mendelian - adj. (pr. \ mændeli'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. mendelian. -
and plr. melòdica, melòdiche. - melodic, melodious. fm. sng. and plr. mendelian-a, mendelian-e. - Mendelian.
mèmber - n. m. (pr. \ m'æmbær \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - member. - mendelism - n. m. (pr. \ mændel'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. -
2) - limb (anatomy). Mendelism, Mendelianism.
membranos - adj. (pr. \ mæmbr&n'uz \ ) Ms. plr. membranos. mendìa - n. f. (pr. \ mænd'i& \ ) At plr. mendìe. - spinster.
- fm. sng. and plr. membranosa, membranose. - See also the terms "mandija, mandìa".
membranous. mendiant - n. (pr. \ mændi'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. mendiant. - fm.
membransa - n. f. (pr. \ mæmbr'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr. sng. and plr. mendianta, mendiante. - beggar. See also
membranse. - remembrance, memory, recollection. the terms "mandiant, almosnant, pòver, mendicant".
membran-a - n. f. (pr. \ mæmbr'&[ng]& \ ) At plr. membran-e. mendicant - n. (pr. \ mændic'&nt \ ) - See mendiant.
- 1) - membrane (biology). - 2) - diaphragm, membrane, mèndich - n. and adj. (pr. \ m'ændic \ ) Ms. plr. mèndich. -
film (in general). fm. sng. and plr. mèndica, mèndiche. - 1) - beggar (sbst.).
membrassù - adj. (pr. \ mæmbr&s'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. membrssù. - 2) - mendicant (sbst. and adj.).
- fm. sng. and plr. membrassùa, membrassùe. - strong- mendiché - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ mændik'e \ ) - to beg.
limbed, sturdy-limbed, robust. See also the terms It uses always the aux. "avèj ".
"membrù, membros". menefreghism - n. m. (pr. \ menefreg'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. -
membros - adj. (pr. \ mæmbr'uz \ ) - See membrassù. indifference, couldn't-care-less attitude.
membrù - adj. (pr. \ mæmbr'[ue] \ ) - See membrassù. memefreghista - n. and adj. (pr. \ menefreg'ist& \ ) Ms. plr.
mement - n. m. (pr. \ mem'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - memory, menefreghista. - fm. sng. and plr. menefreghista,
memento. - 2) - souvenir. See also the term "memento". menefreghiste. - indifferent, couldn't-care-less.
memento - n. m. (pr. \ mem'æntu \ ) - See mement. meneghin - n. and adj. (pr. \ meneg'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr.
meneghin. - fm. sng. and plr. meneghin-a, meneghin-e. -
memorial - n. m. (pr. \ memuri'&l \ ) At plr. memoriaj. - 1) - Milanese.
memorial. - 2) - memorial, petition. menengia - n. f. (pr. \ men'ængi& \ ) At plr. menenge. - 1) -
memorié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ memuri'e \ ) - 1) - to meninx (anatomy). - 2) - brain (in a fig. sense). See also
remember, to recollect, to recall. - 2) - to remind. - 3) - the term "mnengia".
to mention, to record. menengism - n. m. (pr.\menæng'izm\) Inv. at plr. - meningism.
memoriésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ memuri'ese \ ) - to See also the term "mnengism".
remember, to recall (referred to oneself). menengite - n. f. (pr. \ menæng'ite \ ) Inv. at plr. - meningitis.
memorios - adj. (pr. \ memuri'uz \ ) Ms. plr. memorios. - fm. See also the term "mnengite".
sng. and plr. memoriosa, memoriose. - that has a menestrel - n. m. (pr. \ menestr'el \ ) Inv. at plr. - minstrel,
retentive memory. balad-singer, jester. See also the term "gioglar, giuglar".
memorisassion - n. f. (pr. \ memuriz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - menisch - n. m. (pr. \ men'isc \ ) Inv. at plr. - meniscus
memorization, storage. (anatomy, physics)
memorisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ memuriz'e \ ) - to memorize, meno - 1) - adv. (pr. \ m'enu \ ) - less, minus, not... so (much),
to store. the least. See also the term "men 1)"
memòria - n. f. (pr. \ mem'ori& \ ) At plr. memòrie. - 1) - meno - 2) - adj. (pr. \ m'enu \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - less,
memory, remembrance, reminiscence. - 2) - souvenir, not so much, not so many, fewer. - 2) - (the) least, (the)
fewest. See also the term "men 2)"

meno - 3) - n. m. (pr. \ m'enu \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - less, fewer, mentalment - adv. (pr. \ mænt&lm'ænt \ ) - mentally.
smaller part. - 2) - minus (mathematics). See also the Italianism. See also the best loc. "a ment ".
term "men 3)". mentass - n. m. (pr. \ mænt'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - water mint
meno - 4) - prp. (pr. \ m'enu \) - except, but. See also the term (botany - Mentha aquatica). See also the loc. "menta
"men 4)". servaja".
meno - 5) - cng. (pr. \ m'enu \ ) - unless. See also the term mentì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ mænt'i \ ) - to lie, to tell a lie. It
"men 5)". uses the aux. "avèj ".
ménom - 1) - adj. (pr. \ m'enum \ ) Ms. plr. ménom. - fm. sng. mentìa - n. f. (pr. \ mænt'i& \ ) At plr. mentìe. - denial,
and plr. ménoma, ménome. - 1) - the least, smallest, disavowal, recantation. See also the terms "smentìa,
slghtest, lowest, minimum (superlative). - 2) - lower, dësmentìa, dementìa".
shorter, slower, younger, etc. (comparative). See also the mentidor - n. (pr. \ mæntid'ur \ ) Ms. plr. mentidor. - fm.
term "mìnim 1)". sng. and plr. mentidòira, mentidòire. - But also Ms. plr.
ménom - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ m'enum \ ) Inv. at plr. - minimum mentidor. - fm. sng. and plr. mentidora, mentidore. -
(mathematics, and general). See also the term "mìnim 2)". liar, fibber. See also the terms "busios, busiard".
menomà - adj. and p. p. and n. (pr. \ menum'& \) Inv. in gnd. menton - n. m. . (pr. \ mænt'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - chin
and nr. - 1) - diminished, lessened (adj. and p. p.). - 2) - (anatomy). See also the term "manton".
disparaged, impaired (adj. and p. p.). - 3) - disabled, mentové - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ me[ng]siun'e \ ) - to mention.
maimed (adj. and p. p.). - 4) - disabled person (sbst.). See also the term "mansioné, mensioné ".
menomassion - n. f. (pr. \ menum&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) mentre - cng. (pr. \ m'æntre \ ) - 1) - while, as, when. - 2) -
- diminution, lessening. - 2) - disparagement, while, whilst, whereas.
impairment. - 3) - disability, disablement, deficiency. mentre - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ m'æntre \ ) Inv. at plr. - meanwhile.
menomé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ menum'e \ ) - 1) - to menù - n. m. (pr. \ men'[ue] \ ) Inv. at plr. - menu. See also the
diminish, to lessen. - 2) - to disparage, to impair. - 3) - to terms "mnù 1) 1st meaning, mnùa, càrta".
disable, to maim. mèor - adj. (pr. \ m'æur \ ) Ms. plr. mèor. - fm. sng. and plr.
menomésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ menum'ese \ ) - to be mèora, mèore. - 1) - mature (in general). - 2) - mellow,
impaired. ripe (fruits, etc.). - 3) - mature (medical). See also the
mensa - n. f. (pr. \ m'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. mense. - 1) - table, terms "mur, madur".
board. (usually in a fig. sense). - 2) - refectory, canteen, meprisant - adj. (pr. \ mepriz'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. meprisant. - fm.
cafeteria. Note that "Mensa Sacra" = "Holy Communion". sng. and plr. meprisanta, meprisante. - disdaintful,
mensil - 1) - adj. (pr. \ mæ[ng]s'il \ ) Usually ms. plr. mensij. scornful, contmptuous.
- fm. sng. and plr. mensil, mensij. - But according to the meprisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ mepriz'e \ ) - to despise, to
grammar rules ms. plr. mensij. - fm. sng. and plr. mensila, conemn, to mock, to scoff. See also the terms "maledì,
mensile.(stress on the last vowel). - monthly. dëspresié ".
mensil - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ mæ[ng]s'il \ ) At plr. mensij. - 1) - mèr - adj. - (pr. \ m'ær \ ) Ms. plr. mèr. - fm. sng. and plr.
monthly magazine. - 2) - monthly pay, monthly wages, mèra, mère. - bitter. See also the term "amèr".
monthly salary. See also the terms "mensilità, mér - adj (pr. \ m'ær \ ) Ms. plr. mér. - fm. sng. and plr. méra,
mensualità". mére. - mere, pure, sheer.
mensilità - n. f. (pr. \ mæ[ng]silit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - meraco - 2) - adv. (pr. \ mer'&cu \ ) - perhaps, maybe. See
monthly character. - 2) - monthly pay, monthly wages, also the most used term "miraco".
monthly salary. In this sense see also the term "mensil 2) meravija - n. f. (pr. \ mer&v'iy& \ ) At plr. meravije. - 1) -
2nd meaning". - 3) - monthly instalment. See also the term wonder, astonishment, amazement, surprise, awe. - 2) -
"mensualità ". wonder, marvel. See also the term "meravija".
mension - n. f. (pr. \ mæ[ng]si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - mention. meravijé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ mer&viy'e \ ) - 1) - to
See also the term "mansion 3rd meaning". astonish, to surprise, to amaze (trs.). - 2) - to cause
mensioné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ me[ng]siun'e \ ) - to mention. surprise (int.). It uses always the aux. "avèj ". See also the
See also the term "mansioné, mentové ". term "meravijé".
menstrual - adj. (pr. \ mæ[ng]str[ue]'&l \ ) Ms. plr. menstruaj. meravijésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ mer&viy'ese \ ) - to
- fm. sng. and plr. menstrual, menstruaj. - menstrual. wonder, to marvel, to be surprised, to be astonished.
See also the term "mëstrual ". See also the term "meravijésse".
menstruassion - n. f. plr. (pr. \ mæ[ng]str[ue]&si'u[ng] \ ) Only meravijos - adj. (pr. \ mer&viy'uz \ ) Ms. plr. meravijos. - fm.
plr. - menstruation, menses. See also the term sng. and plr. meravijosa, meravijose. - wonderful,
"mëstruassion, mëstruj". marvellous, amazing, astonishing. See also the term
mensualità - n. f. (pr. \ mæ[ng]su&lit'& \ ) - See mensilità. "maravijos, miràbil ".
ment - n. f. (pr. \ m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - mind, intellect, mercà - n. m. (pr. \ mærc'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - market. See also
intelligence, head. E. g. "avèj an ment ëd fé..." = "to have the terms "marcà 2), mërcà ".
a mind to do..." ; "na ment ëstrèita" = "a narrow mind". - mercand - n. (pr. \ mærc'&nd \ ) Ms. plr. mercand. - fm. sng.
2) - mind, intellect, brain. E. g. "Chièl-lì a l'é na ment dle and plr. mercanda, mercande. - 1) - merchant, trader,
pì fin-e ch'i conòssa" = "He is one of the sharpest minds I dealer. - 2) - tradesman, shopkeeper. See also the terms
know". - 3) - mind, intention (not very used in this sense). "marcant, marcant, mërcant ".
- 4) - mind, attention (not very used in this sense). Note mercandabeu - n. m. (pr. \ mærc&nd&b'[oe] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
the idiomatic sentence "dé da ment " = lit. "give by mind" = See also the terms " mërcandabeu, marcandabeu". rude
"to pay attention, to listen". person, tactless person. Lit. the meaning is "dealer in
menta - n. f. (pr. \ m'ænt& \ ) At plr. mente. - mint (botany - oxes".
Mentha). Note that "menta piperìta" = "peppermint " mercandé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ mærc&nd'e \ ) - to bargain,
(botany - Mentha piperita). to negotiate (for reducing price). See also the term
mental - adj. (pr. \ mænt'&l \ ) Ms. plr. mentaj. - fm. sng. and "marcandé, mërcandé ".
plr. mental, mentaj. - 1) - mental, of the mind. - 2) - mercandin - n. (pr. \ mærc&nd'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. mercandin. -
mental, of the chin. fm. sng. and plr. mercandin-a, mercandin-e. -
haberdasher. See also the terms "marcandin, mërcandin".

mercansìa - n. f. (pr. \ mærc&[ng]s'i& \ ) At plr. mercansìe. - merdosarìa - n. f. (pr. \ mærduz&r'i& \ ) At plr. merdosarìe. -
merchandise, goods. See also the terms "mërcansìa, 1) - lot of dirty things. - 2) - rabble, mob.
marcansìa, merce". merenda - n. f. (pr. \ mær'ænd& \ ) At plr. merende. -
mercant - n. (pr. \ mærc'&nt \ ) - See mercand. afternoon tea, snack, picnic. (in the afternoon). In general
mercantil - 1) - adj. (pr. \ mærc&nt'il \ ) Ms. plr. mercantij. - the "merenda" is a snack for children in the afternoon. See
fm. sng. and plr. mercantila, mercantile. - merchant (as also the term "marenda". Note that the pronunciation of the
an attribute), mercantile, commercial. See also the terms first "e " does not follow the rule. Note that many years ago
"marcantil, mërtcantil ". (and sometime still nowadays) it was an habit of Turin in
mercantil - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ mærc&nt'il \ ) At plr. mercantij. - habitants to go, in the afternoon of the Monday after
merchant ship. See also the terms "marcantil, mërtcantil". Easter, in the country surrounding the city for a picnic in
merce - n. f. (pr. \ m'ær[ch]e \ ) - See mercansìa. open air. That day was called "ël dì dla merenda" = "the
merceologìa - n. f. (pr. \ mær[ch]euluj'i& \ ) At plr. (if any) day of the picnic".
merceologìe. - technology of commerce. merendé - 1) - n. (pr. \ mærænd'e \ ) Ms. plr. merendé. - fm.
merceològich - adj. (pr. \ mær[ch]eul'ojic \ ) Ms. plr. sng. and plr. merendera, merendere. - who loves picnics,
merceològich. - fm. sng. and plr. merceològica, who have a picnic. (usually in the afternoon).
merceològiche. - related to the technology of commerce. merendé - 2) - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ mærænd'e \ ) - to have a
merceòlogh - n. (pr. \ mær[ch]e'olug \ ) Ms. plr. merceòlogh. - pocnic, to have a snack (in the afternoon).
fm. sng. and plr. merceòloga, merceòloghe. - expert in meretris - n. f. (pr. \ meretr'iz \ ) Inv. at plr. - meretrix,
technology of commerce. See also the term "merceòlogo". prostitute, whore.
merceòlogo - n. (pr. \ mær[ch]e'olugô \ ) - See merceòlogh. meretrissi - n. m. (pr. \ meretr'isi \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). -
mercenari - n. and adj. (pr. \ mær[ch]en'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. prostitution, whoredom.
mercenari. - fm. sng. and plr. mercenaria, mercenarie. - merëzzé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr.\ mær&zz'e \) - 1) - to
1) - mercenary, hireling, paid, hired (adj.). - 2) - become bitter (int.). - 2) - to embitter, to make bitter
mercenary, hireling (sbst.). See also the term "mersenari". (trs) . See also the term "marëzzé, 1st and 2nd meanings".
merco - n. m. (pr. \ m'ærcu \ ) Inv. at plr. - Wednesday. See mericant - adj. (pr. \ meric’&nt \ ) Ms. plr. mericant, fm. sng.
also the term "mèrcol ". and plr. mericanta, mericante. - bitterish. See also the
mèrcol - n. m. (pr. \ m'ærcul \ ) - See merco. terms “amaricant, americant “.
mercuri - n. m. (pr. \ mærc'[ue]ri \ ) Inv. at plr (if any - meridian - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ meridi’&[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
chemical element). - mercury, quicksilver. (chemistry - meridian (geography).
element). meridian - 2) - adj. (pr. \ meridi’&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. meridian,
Mercuri - n. m. (pr. \ mærc'[ue]ri \ ) Usually sng. in case of fm. sng. and plr. meridian-a, meridian-e. - 1) - meridian,
need inv. at plr. - Mercury (mythology, astronomy) noonday (as an attribute.). - 2) - mean, middle.
mercurial - 1) - adj. (pr. \ mærc[ue]ri'&l \ ) Ms. plr. meridian-a - n. f. (pr. \ meridi’&[ng]& \ ) At plr. meridian-e. -
mercuriaj. - fm. sng. and plr. mercurial, mercuriaj. - sun-dial. See also the term "solària".
mercurial. (pharmacy) meridion - n. m. (pr. \ meridi’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). -
mercurial - 2) - n. m. (pr. \mærc[ue]ri'&l\ ) At plr. mercuriaj. south, southern Italy.
- market-report, market-list. meridional - adj. and n. (pr. \ meridiun'&l \ ) Ms. plr.
mercùrich - adj. (pr. \ mærc'[ue]ric \ ) Ms. plr. mercùrich. - meridionaj, fm. sng. and plr. meridional, meridionaj. - 1)
fm. sng. and plr. mercùrica, mercùriche. - mercuric. - southern, meridional (adj.). - 2) - southerner (sbst.).
(chemistry). meridionalisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ meridiun&liz'e \ ) - to
merda - n. f. (pr. \ m'ærd& \ ) At plr. merde. - 1) - shit. - 2) - southernize.
dung, excrement. meridionalisésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ meridiun&liz'ese \ ) -
merdacaj - n. (pr. \ mærd&c'&y \ ) Usually ms., inv. at plr. (in to be southernized.
case of need at fm. sng. and plr. merdacaja, merdacaje). - meridionalism - n. m. (pr. \ meridiun&l'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. -
arrogant person, bad boy. See also the terms "mërdon, South-Italian idiom.
mërdacaj". meridionalista - n. (pr. \ meridiun&l'ist& \ ) Ms. plr.
merdaré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ mærd&r'e \ ) - to dirty with meridionalista, fm. sng. and plr. meridionalista,
shit, to soil, to dirty (in general). See also the term meridionaliste. - expert on problems of Southern Italy.
"anmerdaré, mërdosé ". meridionalìstica - n. f. (pr. \ meridiun&l'istic& \ ) At plr. (if
merdareul - n. m. (pr. \ mærd&r'[oe]l \ ) At plr. merdareuj. - any) meridionalìstiche. - study of culture and problems
worker assigned to cleaning of sewers (or lavatories). See of Southern Italy.
also the term "merdé ". meridionalistich - adj. (pr. \ meridiun&l'istic \ ) Ms. plr.
merdarìa - n. f. (pr. \ mærd&r'i& \ ) At plr. merdarìe. - 1) - meridionalistich, fm. sng. and plr. meridionalistica,
filth, dirt. - 2) - indecency. - 3) - rubbish. - 4) - rabble, meridionalistiche. - southern, meridional.
mob. (in a fig. snse). See also the term "merderìa". meringa - n. f. (pr. \ mer'i[ng]g& \ ) At plr. meringhe. -
merdé - n. m. (pr. \ mærd'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - worker meringue (cooking).
assigned to cleaning of sewers. In this sense see also the mérit - n. m. (pr. \ m'erit \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - merit, desert. - 2)
term "merdareul ". - 2) - little prig, arrogant person. In - merits. Some way of saying : - A) - "andé ant ël mérit
this sense see also the terms "mërdon, merdacaj". (for fm. dël problema" = "to enter upon a problem". - B) - "an
see the terms "merdera, mërdon-a"). mérit a lòn i sai nen còs dite" = "about that I don't know
merdera - n. f. (pr. \ mærd'er& \ ) At plr. merdere. - little what I can tell you".
prig, arrogant person, bad girl. "mërdon-a, merdacaj". merità - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ merit'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
merderìa - n. f. (pr. \ mærder'i& \ ) - See merdarìa. deserved, merited.
merdonaja - n. f. (pr. \ mærdun'&y& \ ) At plr. merdonaje. - meritament - adv. (pr. \ merit&m'ænt \ ) - according to one's
rabble, mob. deserts, rightly, justly. Italianism. See also the best loc.
merdos - adj. - (pr. \ mærd'uz \ ) Ms. plr. merdos. - fm. sng. "con mérit ".
and plr. merdosa, merdose. - 1) - shitty, dungy. - 2) - merité - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ merit'e \ ) - 1) - to deserve, to
base, mean, vile (in a fig. sense). merit. - 2) - to be worth (while). - 3) - to procure (often
to oneself). In this sense the meaning is a bit fig. and

sometimes ironical. - See also the term "meritésse", in a mesaneuit - n. f. (pr. \ mez&n'[oe]it \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - 1)
quite equivalent refl. form. - midnight. - 2) - north.
meritèivol - adj. (pr. \ merit'æivul \ ) Ms. plr. meritèivoj. - fm. mesanin - n. m. (pr. \ mez&n'i[ng] \ ) - See mesanel.
sng. and plr. meritèivola, meritèivole. - At fm. sng. and mesan-a - n. f. (pr. \ mez'&[ng]& \ ) At plr. mesan-e. -
plr. also meritèivol, meritèivoj. - deserving, worthy. See mizzen-sail (marine).
also the terms "meritévol, meritos". mesarìa - n. f. (pr. \ mez&r'i& \ ) At plr. mesarìe. - center
meritésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ merit'ese \ ) - See merité. line. See also the term "meserìa".
meritévol - adj. (pr. \ merit'evul \ ) - See meritèivol. mes'ària (a ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ & mez'&ri& \ ) - at middle
meritocrassìa - n. f. (pr. \ meritucr&s'i& \ ) At plr. height, half-way up.
meritocrassìe. - meritocracy. mesassòla - n. f. (pr. \ & mez&s'ol& \ ) At plr. mesessòle. -
meritocràtich - adj. (pr. \ meritucr'&tic \ ) Ms. plr. half sole (spare part - shoes).
meritocràtich. - fm. sng. and plr. meritocràtica, mes'asta (a ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ & mez'&st& \ ) - at half-mast.
meritocràtiche. - meritocratic. mesatinta - n. f. (pr. \ mez&t'int& \ ) At plr. mesetinte. - 1) -
meritos - adj. (pr. \ merit'uz \ ) - See meritèivol. middle tint, half-tone. - 2) - undertone (in a fig. sense).
meritòri - adj. (pr. \ merit'ori \ ) Ms. plr. meritòri. - fm. sng. mesavocal - n. f. (pr. \ mez&vuc'&l \ ) At plr. mesevocaj. -
and plr. meritòria, meritòrie. - meritorious, well- semivowel (phonetics). See also the term "semivocal ".
deserved, praiseworthy. mesavos - n. f. (pr. \ mez&v'uz \ ) At plr. mesevos. - soft voice,
merl - n. m. (pr. \ mærl \ ) Inv. at plr. (in spite of the ending in low voice.
" l " ). - merlon (architecture). See also the term "merlo mesavos (a ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ & mez&v'uz \ ) - in a low
2nd meaning". voice.
merla - n. f. (pr. \ m'ærl& \ ) At plr. merle. - hen balckbird. mesbòt - n. m. (pr. \ mezb'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. (if applicable) - half
(zoology - Turdus merula). Fm of the word "merlo", one of an hour past midday or past midnight.
the few birds having both ms. and fm. forms in Piedm.. The mes-cc - adj. (pr. \ mæs[ch] \ ) Ms. plr. mes-cc. - fm. sng. and
expression "ij dì dla merla" = lit. " the days of the hen plr. mës-cia, mës-ce. - mixed, blended, mingled.
blackbird" indicates the last three days of January that meschin - adj. and n. (pr. \ mesk'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. meschin. -
should be the coldest in the year in Piedmont. fm. sng. and plr. meschin-a, meschin-e. - 1) - mean,
merlà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ mærl'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. paltry, scanty, wrewtched (adj.). - 2) - stingy, niggard
embattled, battlemented, crenellated (architecture). (adj.). - 3) - wretch (sbst.).
merladura - n. f. (pr. \ mærl&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. merladure. - meschinìa - n. f. (pr. \ meskin'i& \ ) At plr. meschinìe. -
battlement, crenellation (architecture). meanness, paltriness, scantiness, shabbiness. See also
merlan - n. m. (pr. \ mærl'&[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - hake (zoology the term "meschinità ".
- Merluccius merluccius). meschinità - n. f. (pr. \ meskinit'& \ ) - See meschinìa.
merlo - n. (pr. \ m'ærlu \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - ousel, ouzel, mesdabòsch - n. m. (pr. \ mezd&b'osc \ ) Inv. at plr. -
blackbird (zoology - Turdus merula). For fm. see the term carpenter. See also the terms "minusié, meisdabòsch,
"merla". - 2) - merlon (architecture). In this sense see also mèistr" and the loc., "mèistr da bòsch ".
the term "merl". 3) - fool, simpleton (in a fig. sense). mesdì - n. m. (pr. \ mezd'i \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - midday, noon. -
mersa - n. f. (pr. \ m'ærs& \ ) At plr. merse. - suit (cards 2) - south.
playing). mesen-a - n. f. (pr. \ mez'æ[ng]& \ ) At plr. mesen-e. - side
mersenari - n. and adj. (pr. \ mærsen'&ri \ ) - See mercenari. (butchery - each one of the two parts of a butchered
més - 1) - adj. (pr. \ mez \ ) Ms. plr. més / mesi. - fm. sng. and animal). See also the term "mzen-a".
plr. mesa, mese. - 1) - half, semi... - 2) - middle, mean. meso - n. m. (pr. \ m'ezu \ ) At plr. meso / mesi. - means, way.
The plr. ms. can have the two forms. This is one of the few Not very used. See also the term "mojen". Sometimes the
adj. that have the plr. ms. ending in " i ". plr. of this word is in italian style, changing "o" into "i".
més - 2) - adv. (pr. \ mez \ ) - half, semi... . méss - n. m. (pr. \ m'es \ ) Inv. at plr. - messenger, envoy,
mes - 3) - n. m. (pr. \ mez \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - half. - 2) - half- legate, usher
hour. Used with the term "bòt " : "mes-bòt" = "twelve and messa - n. f. (pr. \ m'es& \ ) At plr. messe. - 1) - bet, stake. - 2)
half ". - share of an association. - 3) - style of wearing ("messa
mesa - n. f. (pr. \ m'ez& \ ) Only sng. - half, half-hour. Not 'd vestì ").
used for the first half an hour (twelwe and half) since the messagerìa - n. f. (pr. \ mes&jer'i& \ ) At plr. messagerìe. -
loc. mes-bòt is used in this case . haulage contractors, trucking company.
mesà - n. f. (pr. \ mez'& \ ) - See meisà. Messìa - n. m. (pr. \ mes'i& \ ) Inv. at plr. (only in a fig. sense).
mesada - n. f. (pr. \ mez'&d& \ ) Inv. at plr. - monthly - Messiah.
allowance, monthly wages. See also the terms "mèis 2nd mèstr - n. m. (pr. \ mæstr \ ) Inv. at plr. - master, skilled
meaning, meisada, mesà, mesada, meisà, mzada". worker. See also the terms "mastr, mèistr".
mesalan-a - n. f. (pr. \ mez&l'&[ng]& \ ) At plr. meselan-e. - méstr - n. m. (pr. \ m'estr \ ) Inv at plr. - north-west wind. See
linsey-woolsey. also the term "maestral, mistral".
mesalun-a - n. f. (pr. \ mez&l'[ue][ng]& \ ) At plr. meselun-e. metà - n. f. (pr. \ met'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - half. - 2) - middle.
- 1) - half-moon. - 2) - chopping-knife. - 3) - demilune meta... - prefix. (pr. \ m'et&... \ ) - meta... . The meaning of
(military). this prefix (after..., beyond...) is the same as it is in English.
mesan - adj. and n. (pr. \ mez'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. mesan. - fm. In the following just some examples. Of course not always
sng. and plr. mesan-a, mesan-e. - 1) - medium, mean, this beginning is a prefix.
middle, middling, average (adj.). - 2) - intermediatory, metabolism - n. m. (pr. \ met&bul'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. -
mediator (sbst.). - 3) - procurer, pimp (sbst.). See also the metabolism.
term "mzan". metabolisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ met&buliz'e \ ) - to
mesanél - n. m. (pr. \ mez&n'el \ ) At plr. mesanéj. - metabolize.
mezzanine floor, entresol (architecture). See also the term metabòlich - adj. (pr. \ met&b'olic \ ) Ms. plr. metabòlich. -
"mesanin". fm. sng. and plr. metabòlica, metabòliche. - metabolic.
mesanela - n. f. (pr. \ mez&n'el& \ ) At plr. mesanele. - half metacarp - n. m. (pr. \ met&c'&rp \ ) Inv. at plr. - metacarpus
tile, tile, floor-tile (referred to small or medium tiles). (anatomy).

matacarpal - adj. Ms. plr. metacarpaj. - fm. sng. and plr. metamòrfich - adj. (pr.\ met&m'orfic \ ) Ms. plr.
metacarpal, metacarpaj. - metacarpal. metamorfich. - fm. sng. and plr. metamorfica,
metacentro - n. m. (pr. \ met&[ch]'æntrô \ ) Inv. at plr. - metamorfiche. - metamorphic.
metacentre (physics, ships). See also the term metamòrfosi - n. f. (pr.\ met&m'orfusi \ ) Inv. at plr.
"metassènter". metamorphosis.
metacrilà - n. m. (pr. \ met&cril'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - metan - n. m. (pr.\ met'&[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any) - methane
methacrylate (chemistry). (chemistry), marsh gas.
metadon - n. m. (pr. \ met&d'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - metànich - adj. (pr.\ met'&nic \ ) Ms. plr. metànich. - fm. sng.
methadon (chemistry, pharmacy). and plr. metànica, metàniche. - related to methane.
metafìsica - n. f. (pr. \ met&f'izic& \ ) At plr. metafìsiche. - metaniera - n. f. (pr.\ met&ni'er& \ ) At plr. metaniere. -
metaphysics. methane transport ship.
metafìsich - adj. and n. (pr. \ met&f'izic \ ) Ms. plr. metafìsich. metanìfer - adj. (pr.\ met&n'ifær \) Ms. plr. metanìfer. - fm.
- fm. sng. and plr. metafìsica, metafisliche. - 1) - sng. and plr. metanìfera, metanìfere. - methane-
metaphysical (adj.). - 2) - metaphysician (sbst.). producing.
metàfora - n. f. (pr. \ met'&fur& \ ) At plr. metàfore. - metanisassion - n. f. (pr.\ met&nz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
metaphor. methanization.
metaforegé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ met&furej'e \ ) - to use metanisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ met&nz'e \ ) - to methanize.
metaphors, to speak metaforically. metanodòt - n. m. (pr.\ met&nud'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - methane
metaforism - n. m. (pr. \ met&fur'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - use of pipe-line.
metaphors. metanòl - n. m. (pr.\ met&n'ol \ ) Usually sng., in case of need
metafòrich - adj. (pr. \ met&f'oric \ ) Ms. plr. metafòrich. - at plr. metanòj. - methanol, methyl alcohol (chemistry).
fm. sng. and plr. metafòrica, metafòriche. - metaphoric, The term is not very used. The loc. "àlcol metìlich " is
metaphorical. preferred.
metal - n. m. (pr. \ met'&l \ ) At plr. metaj. - metal. metaplasìa - n. f. (pr.\ met&pl&z'i& \ ) At plr. metaplasìe. -
metalengagi - n. m. (pr. \ met&leng'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - metaplasia (medical).
metalanguage. metaplasm - n. m. (pr.\ met&pl'&zm \ ) Inv. at plr. -
metalenghìstica - n. f. (pr. \ met&leng'istic& \ ) At plr. metaplasm (grammar).
metalenghìstiche. - metalinguistic. metaplasma - n. m. (pr.\ met&pl'&zm& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
metàlich - adj. (pr. \ met'&lic \ ) Ms. plr. metàlich. - fm. sng. metaplasm (biology).
and plr. metàlica, metàliche. - metallic, metal (as an metaplàstich - adj. (pr.\met&pl'&stic\) Ms. plr. metaplàstich.
attribute). - fm. sng. and plr. metaplàstica, metaplàstiche. -
metalìfer - adj. (pr. \ met&l'ifær \ ) Ms. plr. metalìfer. - fm. metaplastic.
sng. and plr. metalìfera, metalìfere. - metalliferous, metapsìchica - n. f. (pr. \ met&ps'ikic& \ ) - At plr.
metal-bearing. metapsìchiche. - metapsychics.
metalisà - adj. and p. p. (pr.\ met&liz'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. metapsìchich - adj. (pr. \ met&ps'ikic \ ) Ms. plr.
- 1) - metallized (adj. and p. p.) (metallurgy). - 2) - metapsichich. - fm. sng. and plr. metapsichica,
metallic, metalline (adj.). metapsichiche. - metapsychic, metapsychical.
metalisassion - n. f. (pr.\ met&liz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - metarìa - n. f. (pr. \ met&r'i& \ ) At plr. metarìe. - métayage,
metallization. métayer system, sharecropping. See also the terms
metalisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ met&liz'e \ ) - to metallize "masoarìa, masoerìa, mitarìa".
(metallurgy). metassènter - n. m. (pr. \ met&s'æntær \ ) Inv. at plr. -
metalista - n. m. (pr.\ met&l'ist& \ ) Inv. at plr. - metallist metacentre (physics, ships). See also the term
(finance). "metacentro".
metalmecànich - adj. and n. (pr.\ met&lmec'&nic \ ) Ms. plr. metastàbil - adj. (pr. \ met&st'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. metastàbij. -
metalmecànich. - fm. sng. and plr. metalmecànica, fm. sng. and plr. metastàbil, metastàbij. - metastable.
metalmecàniche. - 1) - metal and mechanical (adj. as an metàstasi - n. f. (pr. \ met'&st&zi \ ) Inv. at plr. - metastasis
attribute). - 2) - metal and mechanical worker (sbst.). (medical).
metalocromìa - n. f. (pr.\ met&lucrum'i& \ ) At plr. metastàtich - adj. (pr. \ met&st'&tic \ ) Ms. plr. metastàtich. -
metalocromìe. - metallochromy. fm. sng. and plr. metastàtica, metastàtiche. - metastatic.
metalografìa - n. f. (pr.\ met&lugr&f'i& \ ) At plr. metastòria - n. f. (pr. \ met&st'ori&\ ) At plr. metastòrie. -
metalografìe. - metallography. metahistory.
metalogràfich - adj. (pr.\ met&lugr'&fic \ ) Ms. plr. metastòrich - adj. (pr. \ met&st'oric \ ) Ms. plr. metastòrich. -
metalogràfich. - fm. sng. and plr. metalogràfica, fm. sng. and plr. metastòrica, metastòriche. -
metalogràfiche. - metallographic. metahistorical.
metalògraf - n. m. (pr.\ met&l'ogr&f \ ) Inv. at plr. - metatars - n. m. (pr. \ met&t'&rs \ ) Inv. at plr. - metatarsus
metallographer. (anatomy).
metalògrafo - n. m. (pr.\ met&l'ogr&fô \ ) - See metalògraf. metatarsich - adj. (pr. \ met&t'&rsic \ ) Ms. plr. metatàrsich. -
metalòid - n. m. (pr.\ met&l'oid \ ) Inv. at plr. - metalloid fm. sng. and plr. metatàrsica, metatàrsiche. - metatarsal
(chemistry). (anatomy).
metalurgìa - n. f. (pr.\ met&l[ue]rj'i& \ ) At plr. metalurgìe. - metazòo - n. m. pl. (pr. \ met&z'ou \ ) Only plr. (inv. in case of
metallurgy, metalworking. need). Metazoa (zoology - Metazoa).
metalùrgich - adj. and n. (pr.\ met&l'[ue]rjic \ ) Ms. plr. metempìrich - adj. (pr. \ metemp'iric \ ) Ms. plr. metempìrich.
metalurgich. - fm. sng. and plr. metalurgica, - fm. sng. and plr. metempìrica, metempìriche. -
metalurgiche. - 1) - metallurgic, metallurgical (adj.). - 2) metempirical.
- metal-worker. metempsicòsi - n. f. (pr. \ metempsic'ozi \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any)
metamorfism - n. m. (pr.\ met&murf'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - - metempsychosis.
metamorphism. metencéfal - n. m. (pr. \ meten[ch]'ef&l \ ) At plr. metencéfaj.
metamorfosé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ met&murfuz'e \ ) - to - metencephalon.
transform. See also the term "trasformé ".

metéora - n. f. (pr. \ met'eur& \ ) Ar plr. metéore. - 1) - métrica - n. f. (pr. \ m'etric& \ ) At plr. métriche. - metrics,
meteor. - 2) - shooting star, meteor (in a fig. sense). prosody (poetry).
meteorism - n. m. (pr. \ meteur'zm \ ) Inv. at plr. - meteorism métrich - adj. - (pr. \ m'etric \ ) Ms. plr. metrich. - fm. sng. and
(medical). plr. metrica, metriche. - metric, metrical.
meteorìtich - adj. (pr. \ meteur'itic \ ) Ms. plr. meteorìtich. - metrò - n. m. (pr. \ metr'o \ ) Inv. at plr. - underground
fm. sng. and plr. meteorìtica, meteorìtiche. - meteoritic, railway, subway. See also the term "metropolitan-a".
meteorital. metrologìa - n. f. (pr. \ metruluj'i& \ ) At plr. metrologìe. -
meteòrich - adj. (pr. \ mete'oric \ ) Ms. plr. meteòrich. - fm. metrology.
sng. and plr. meteòrica, meteòriche. - meteoric. metrològich - adj. (pr. \ metrul'ojic \ ) Ms. plr. metrològich. -
meteorologìa - n. f. (pr. \ meteuruluj'i& \ ) At plr. (if fm. sng. and plr. metrològica, metrològiche. -
applicable) meteorologìe. - meteorology. metrological.
meteorològich - adj. (pr. \ meteurul'ojic \ ) Ms. plr. metropolìta - n. m. (pr. \ metrupul'it& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
meteorològich. - fm. sng. and plr. meteorològica, metropolitan (religion).
meteorològiche. - meteorological, weather (as an metropolitan - adj. (pr. \ metrupulit'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr.
attribute). metropolitan. - fm. sng. and plr. metropolitan-a,
méter - n. m. (pr. \ m'etær \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - metre, meter. - metropolitan-e. - metropolitan.
2) - rule, ruler. - 3) - standard. - 4) - meter, metrical metropolitan-a - n. f. (pr. \ metrupulit'&[ng]& \ ) - See metrò.
structure, measure. metroragìa - n. f. (pr. \ metrur&j'i& \ ) At plr. metroragìe. -
meticolos - adj. (pr. \ meticul'uz \ ) Ms. plr. meticolos. - fm. metrorrhagia.
sng. and plr. meticolosa, meticolose. - meticulous, metroscopìa - n. f. (pr. \ metruscup'i&\ ) At plr. metroscopìe. -
overscrupulous, fastidious, over-particular, fussy. See
metrotomìa - n. f. (pr. \ metrutum'i& \ ) At plr. metrotomìe. -
also the term "mëticolos, miticolos".
meticolosità - n. f. (pr. \ meticuluzit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
metròlogh - n. (pr. \ metr'olug \ ) Ms. plr. metròlogh. - fm.
meticulousness, meticulosity., fastidiousness, fussiness.
sng. and plr. metròloga, metròloghe. - metrologist. See
See also the term "mëticolosità, miticolosità ".
also the term "metròlogo".
metil - n. m. (pr. \ met'il \ ) At plr. metij. - methyl (chemistry).
metròlogo - n. (pr. \ metr'olugô \ ) - See metròlogh.
metilcelulòsa - n. f. (pr. \ metil[ch]el[ue]l'oz& \ ) At plr. (if
metrònom - n. m. (pr. \ metr'onum \ ) Inv. at plr. - metronome
any) metilcelulòse. - methyl cellulose.
metilé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ metil'e \ ) - to methylate
metròpoli - n. f. (pr. \ metr'opuli \ ) Inv. at plr. - metropolis.
meu - n. m. (pr. \ m[oe] \ ) See meud.
metilen - n. m. (pr. \ metil'æ[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - methylene.
meud - n. m. (pr. \ m[oe]d \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - way, manner. -
metìlich - adj. (pr. \ met'ilic \ ) Ms. plr. metìlich. - fm. sng. and
E. g. "col a l'é tò meud ëd vëdde" = "that is your way of
plr. metìlica, metìliche. - methylic.
thinking" ; "adverb ëd manera" = "adverb of manner". - 2)
metiss - n. (pr. \ met'is \ ) Ms. plr. metiss. - fm. sng. and plr. - method, system. E. g. "cost a l'é nen ël meud giust " =
metissa, metisse. - 1) - mestizo, half-aste, half-breed. 2) - "this is not the correct method". - 3) - mood (grammar). -
hybrid, cross, mongrel (biology).
4) - mode (music, physics). E. g. "meud ëd vibrassion" =
métod - n. m. (pr. \ m'etud \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - method. - 2) - "modes of vibration". See also the term "manera".
way. See also the terms "método, manera, metòdica". meuire - vrb 2nd con. int. (pr. \ m[oe]ire \ ) - 1) - to die, to pass
metodism - n. m. (pr. \ metud'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - Methodism away, to pass over. - 2) - to die away. - 3) - to fade. - 4) -
(religion). to end, to terminate. It uses the aux. "esse". See also the
metodìsta - adj. and n. (pr. \ metud'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. metodista. form "murì ".
- fm. sng. and plr. metodista, metodiste. - Methodist meuj (a ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ & m[oe]y \ ) - in the water, in the
(religion). wet. (also in a fig. sense).
metodissità - n. f. meuja - n. f. (pr. \ m'[oe]y& \ ) At plr. meuje. - marshy place,
metodìstich - adj. (pr. \metud'istic\) Ms. plr. metodìstich. - fm. marshy land.
sng. and plr. metodìstica, metodìstiche. - Methodistic, meujo - n. m. (pr. \ m'[oe]yu \ ) Inv. at plr. - feedbox of a mill.
Methodistical (religion). See also the term "antërmeuj".
método - n. m. (pr. \ m'etud \ ) - See métod. meule - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ m'[oe]le \ ) - to mill.
metodologìa - n. f. (pr. \ metuduluj'i& \ ) At plr. metodologìe. meusi - adj. (pr. \ m'[oe]zi \ ) Ms. plr. meusi. - fm. sng. and plr.
- 1) - methodology. - 2) - method. meusia, meusie. - 1) - slow, sluggish, indolent. - 2) -
metodològich - adj. (pr. \ metudul'ojic \ ) Ms. plr. calm, quiet (even too much). - 3) - slow-witted (in a fig.
metodològich. - fm. sng. and plr. metodològica, sense). See also the term "mineuj ".
metodològiche. - methodological. meuve - vrb 2nd con. trs. . (pr. \ m'[oe]ve \ ) - to move. The
metòdica - n. f. (pr. \ met'odic& \ ) At plr. metòdiche. - term is not very used. See the terms "bogé, dësbogé".
methodology. See also the terms "métod, metodologìa". meuvse - vrb 2nd con. refl. . (pr. \ m'[oe]vse \ ) - to move
metòdich - adj. (pr. \ met'odich \ ) Ms. plr. metòdich. - fm. oneself. The term is not very used. See the terms "bogésse,
sng. and plr. metòdica, metòdiche. - methodic, dësbogésse".
methodical, systematic. më - prs. prn. comp. (pr. \ m& \ ) 1st prs. sng. - me, to me. See
metradura - n. f. (pr. \ metr&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. metradure. - also the terms " 'm, m',, ëm " and see grammar. E. g.
length (in metres), measurement (in metres). "a më smìja" = "it seems to me". Often this prn. in included
metragi - n. m. (pr. \ metr'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - length (in in the vrbl. prs. prn. (See am, im, etc.) or in other prn.
metres). - 2) - footage, film-length (cinema). particles ( See ...mla, ...mlo).
metre - n. m. (pr. \ m'etre \ ) Ms. plr. metre. - fm. sng. and plr. mëccia - n. f. (pr. \ m&[ch][ch]i& \ ) At plr. mëcce. - 1) - fuse,
metrëssa, metrësse. - 1) - master. - 2) - teacher, slow / quick match. - 2) - bit (of a drill - mechanics).
instructor. See also the terms "magister, mèist, metrëssar". mëlass - n. m. (pr. \ m&l'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - molasses, treacle.
metrëssa - n. f. (pr. \ metr'&ss& \ ) At plr. metrësse. - teacher, See also the term "mlass".
school-mistress, educationalist. mëlon - n. m. (pr. \ m&l'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - melon, musk
melon (botany - Cucumis melo). See also the term "mlon".

mënnassa - n. f. ( \ m&nn'&s& \ ) At plr. mënnasse. - menace, see also the term "bërboté ". 3) - to murmur, to whisper
threat. See also the terms "minacia, minassa, mnassa" (trs.). It uses anyway the aux. "avèj ".
mënnassant - adj. (pr. \ m&nn&s'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. mënnassant. mës-cé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&s[ch]'e \ ) - 1) - to mix, to
- fm. sng. and plr. mënnassanta, mënnassante. - mingle, to blend. - 2) - to muddle, to confuse (in a fig.
threatening, menacing. See also the terms "mënnassios, sensa).
minacios, minassos, mnassos". mës-césse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ m&s[ch]'ese \ ) - 1) - to mix
mënnassé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&nn&s'e \ ) - 1) - to (oneself). - 2) - to meddle, to interfere.
threaten, to menace. - 2) - to intimidate. See also the mës-cëtta - n. f. (pr. \ m&s[ch]'&tt& \ ) At plr. mës-cëtte. -
terms "minacé, minassé, mnassé ". swindle in a card game.
mënnassios - adj. (pr. \ m&nn&si'uz \ ) Ms. plr. mënnassios. - mës-cia - n. f. (pr. \ m'&s[ch]i& \ ) At plr. mës-ce. - mixture,
fm. sng. and plr. mënnassiosa, mënnassiose. - blend, medley.
threatening, menacing. See also the terms "mënnassant, mës-cià - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ m&s[ch]i'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr.
minacios, minassos, mnassos". - mixed, blended, shuffled.
mënno - n. m. (pr. \ m'&nnu \ ) Ms. plr. mënno. - fm. sng. and mës-ciàbil - adj. (pr. \ m&s[ch]i'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. mës-ciàbij. -
plr. mënna, mënne. - kitten, pussy-cat. See also the term fm. sng. and plr. mës-ciàbil, mës-ciàbij. - mixable,
"migno". miscible, blendable.
mërcà - n. m. (pr. \ m&rc'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - market. See also mës-ciada - n. f. (pr. \ m&s[ch]i'&d& \ ) At plr. mës-ciade. -
the terms "mercà marcà ". mixing, blending, mingling. See also the terms "mës-cia,
mërcandabeu - n. m. (pr. \ m&rc&nd&b'[oe] \ ) Inv. at plr. - lit. mës-ciura".
the meaning is "dealer of oxes". The meaning is: person mës-ciura - n. f. (pr. \ m&s[ch]i'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. mës-ciure. -
absolutely lacking in tact, rude person. mixing, blending, minglement. See also the term
mërcandé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&rc&nd'e \ ) - to bargain, "mëstura".
to negotiate (for reducing price). See also the term mëssa - n. f. (pr. \ m&ss& \ ) At plr. mësse. - Mass. Some ways
"marcandé, mercandé, mërcantegé ". of saying: - A) - "Mëssa granda" = "High Mass". - B) -
mërcandin - n. (pr. \ m&rc&nd'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. mërcandin. - "Mëssa bassa" = "Low Mass". - C) - "pijé Mëssa" = "to
fm. sng. and plr. mërcandin-a, mërcandin-e. - attemd Mass". - D) - "Mëssa dla ramuliva" = "Palm
haberdasher. See also the terms "marcandin, mercandin". Sunday Mass".
mërcansìa - n. f. (pr. \ m&rc&[ng]s'i& \ ) At plr. mërcansìe. - mëssagé - n. m. (pr. \ m&ss&j'e\ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - messenger,
merchandise, goods. See also the terms "mercansìa, harginger. - 2) - carrier. - 3) - ambassador.
marcansìa, merce". mëssàgi - n. m. (pr. \ m&ss'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - message,
mërcant - n. (pr. \ m&rc'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. mërcant. - fm. sng. announcement, notice.
and plr. mërcanta, mërcante. - 1) - merchant, trader, mëssal - n. m. (pr. \ m&ss'&l \ ) At plr. mëssaj. - missal, Mass-
dealer. - 2) - tradesman, shopkeeper. See also the terms book. See also the loc. "lìber da Mëssa", and the term
"marcand, marcant, mercant ". "missal ".
mërcantegé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&rc&ntej'e \ ) - See mëssalin - n. m. (pr. \ m&ss&lìi[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - small
mërcandé. mass-book, pocket missal. See also the term "missalin".
mërcé - n. f. (pr. \ m&r[ch]'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - mercy. - 2) - mëssé - n. m. (pr. \ m&ss'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - father-in-law. See
pay, wages, salary. In this sense see also the term also the loc. "pare mëssé, bel pare", and the terms "msé,
"mërcede". amsé ". The fm. is "madòna" (see the term).
mërcede - n. f. (pr. \ m&r[ch]'ede \ ) - See mërcé 2nd meaning. mëssiànich - adj. (pr. \ m&ssi'&nic \ ) Ms. plr. mëssiànich. -
mërdacaj - - n. (pr. \ m&rd&c'&y \ ) Usually ms., inv. at plr. fm. sng. and plr. mëssiànica, mëssiàniche. - Messianic.
(in case of need at fm. sng. and plr. mërdacaja, mëssianism - n. m. (pr. \ m&ssi&n'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. -
mërdacaje). - arrogant person, bad boy. See also the Messianism.
terms "mërdon, merdacaj". mëssianissità - n. f. (pr. \ m&ssi&nisit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
mërdoch - n. m. (pr. \ m&rd'oc \ ) Inv. at plr. - depilarory Messianic character.
ointment. mëssoirà - n. f. (pr. \ m&ssuir'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - stroke of
mërdon - n. m. (pr. \ m&rd'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - little prig, the scythe. - 2) - swath. - 3) - a go with the scythe. See
arrogant person. In this sense see also the terms "merdon, also the term "amsoirà ".
merdacaj, mërdaca, merdé 2nd meaning". (for fm. see the mëssoiret - n. m. (pr. \ m&ssuir'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - scikle,
terms "merdera, mërdon-a"). reaping-hook. See also the term "amsoiret".
mërdon-a - n. f. (pr. \ m&rd'u[ng]& \ ) At plr. mërdun-e. - mëssolin-a - n. f. (pr. \ m&ssul'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. mëssolin-e. -
little prig, arrogant person, bad girl. "merdera, muslin (texile). See also the terms "mussolin-a, mossolin-
merdacaj". a, mùssola".
mërdosé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&rduz'e \ ) - to dirty with mësson - n. m. (pr. \ m&ss’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - harvest,
shit, to soil, to dirty (in general). See also the term reaping. - 2) - gleaning (sometimes the voice is used
"anmerdaré, merdaré ". also in this meaning). See also the term "amson".
mërlet - n. m. (pr. \ m&rl'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - lace, (pillow lace, mëssoné. - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&ssun'e \ ) - 1) - to glean. -
Venetian lace, etc.). See also the term "pisset ". 2) - to reap, to harvest, to mow. In this sense see also the
mërlipò - n. m. (pr. \ m&rlip'o \ ) Inv. at plr. - sage (botany - terms "mèje, amsoné".
Salvia officinalis). See also the terms "marlipò, sàrvia, mëssonera - n. f. (pr. \ m&ssun'er& \ ) At plr. mëssonere. -
salvia". gleaner, a woman gleaning. Note that "bòja mëssonera" =
mërluss - n. m. (pr. \ m&rl'[ue]s \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - cod lit."gleaning bug" = "fire-fliy, glow worm" (zoology -
(zoology - Gadus morrhua). - 2) - dried salted cod. In this Luciola). See also the term "mëssonòira".
sense see alsao the term "bacalà ". - 3) - stock-fish, dried mëssonor - n. (pr. \ m&ssun'ur \ ) Ms. plr. mëssonor. - fm. sng.
cod. In this sense see alsao the terms "stocafiss, stocfiss". and plr. mëssonòira, mëssonòire. - gleaner.
mërmoré - vrb 1st con. int. and trs. (pr. \ m&rmur'e \ ) - 1) - to mëssonòira - n. f. (pr. \ m&ssun'oir& \ ) - See mëssonéra.
murmur, to mutter (int.). In this sense see also the terms mëssonura - n. f. (pr. \ m&ssun'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. mëssonure. -
"ciosioné, mormoré ". - 2) - to grumble (int.). In this sense 1) - gleaning. In this sense see also the term "mësson". - 2)
- harvest. In this sense see also the term "amson". .

mëssòira - n. f. (pr. \ m&ss’oir& \ ) At plr. mëssòire. - mi - 1) - prs. prn. (pr. \ mi \ ) 1st prs. sng. - 1) - I. (subject) - 2) -
reaping-hook, scithe, scikle. See also the terms me (comp.). Both subject and direct or indirect comp., ms.
"amsòira, msòira". and fm.. See Grammar and Syntax for the use. Note that
mësté - n. m. (pr. \ m&st’e \ ) Inv. at plr. - trade, handicraft, often this prn. is merged in more complex prn. prt. The
profession, job, work, occupation. need remains of the use of vrbl. prs, prn. E. g. - A) - "I
mëstermin - n. m. (pr. \ m&stærm’i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - went " = "mi i son andàit ", it is possible also to write "i
contrivance, expedient, makeshift, resource. device. - 2) son andait " but it is NOT correct to write "mi son andàit".
- subterfuge, trick (for extension). - B) - "he gave it to me" = "chièl a l'ha dàlo a mi" , it is
mëstrual - adj. (pr. \ m&str[ue]’&l \ ) Ms. plr. mëstruaj. - fm. possible to write "chièl a l'ha dàmlo", and sometimes it is
sng. and plr. mëstrual, mëstruaj. - menstrual. See also possible to find the pleonastic form "chièl a l'ha damlo a
the term "menstrual ". mi ", not exactly correct but used for strenghten the
mëstruassion - n. f. plr. (pr. \ m&str[ue]&si'u[ng] \ ) Only plr. - expression (it is better to avoid it).
menstruation, menses. See also the term "menstruassion, mi - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ mi \ ) Inv. at plr. - E, mi (music).
mëstruj". mia - 1) - pos. adj. and prn. fm. (pr. \ m'i& \ ) At plr. mie - 1) -
mëstruj - n. m. pl. (pr. \ m&str'[ue]y \ ) Only plr. - my (adj.). - 2) - mine (prn.). For the ms. form see the term
menstruation, menses.See also the terms "mëstruassion, "mè". We remember that in Piedm. pos. adj. and prn. fm.
menstruassion". are referred to the owned thing and not to the owner.
mëstura - n. f. (pr. \ m&st'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. mësture. - mixing, Besides the adj. does not accept the article, which instead is
blending, minglement. See also the term "mës.ciura". used with prn.
mësturé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&st[ue]r'e\ ) - to mix mia - 2) - adv. (pr. \ m'i& \ ) - not, not ... at all. See also the
different things. term "pa".
mësura - n. f. (pr. \ m&z'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. mësure. - 1) - miacia - n. f. (pr. \ mi'&[ch]i& \ ) At plr. miace. - 1) - black
measure, measurement. E. g. "la misura dla corent pudding. - 2) - millet cake. See also the term "miassa".
elétrica" = "the measure of the electric current". - 2) - mianda - n. f. (pr. \ mi'&nd& \ ) At plr. miande. - summer
size. E. g. "a son dl'istéssa misura" = "they are of the same alpine pasture, hut for summer alpine pasture. See also
size". - 3) - measure, metre (poetry). - 4) - measure, beat the term "muanda".
(music). - 5) - limit, bound. E. g. "it ses pròpi sensa mian-a - n. f. (pr. \ mi'&[ng]& \ ) At plr. mian-e. - scare
misura!" = "really you don't have a limit!" - 6) - producing heart palpitations, scare producing intestinal
precaution. E. g. "pija le misure necessàrie" = "take the troubles.
necessary precautions". See also the terms "amzura, miardisa - n. f. (pr. \ mi&rd'iz& \ ) At plr. miardise. - pink,
mzura, misura". dianthus (botany - Dianthus muschatus). See also the
mësurà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ m&z[ue]r'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. terms "miardisia, mignardisa".
- 1) - measured (adj. and p. p.). - 2) - moderate (adj.). - 3) miardisia - n. f. (pr. \ mi&rd'izi& \ ) - See miardisa.
- cautious. - 4) - sparing, scanty (usually in an ironical miassa - (pr. \ mi'&s& \ ) - See miacia.
sense). - See also the terms "misurà, mzurà, amzurà ". miaulada - n. f. (pr. \ mi&ul'&d& \ ) At plr. miaulade. - 1) -
mësuràbil - adj. (pr. \ m&z[ue]r'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. mësuràbij. - mewing, mew, miaowing. - 2) - affectation, mawkishness
fm. sng. and plr. mësuràbil, mësuràbij. - measurable, (in a fig. sense). - 3) - complaint, whining (in a fig. sense).
mensurable. See also the terms "misuràbil, mzuràbil, - See also the terms "gnaugnada, gnaulada".
amzuràbil ". miaulé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ mi&ul'e \ ) - 1) - to mew, to
mësurabilità - n. f. (pr. \ m&z[ue]r&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - miaow. - 2) - to mewl, to whine. - See also the terms
measurability, measurableness, mensurability, "gnaugné, gnaulé".
mensurableness. See also the terms "misurabilità, miaulon - n. (pr. \ mi&ul'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. miaulon - fm. sng.
mzurabilità, amzurabilità ". and plr. miaulon-a, miaulon-e. - 1) - mewer. - 2) -
mësurador - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ m&z[ue]r&d'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - mewler (in a fig. sense). See also the term "gnaulon".
meter, gauge. See also the terms "amzurador, misurador, mica - n. f. (pr. \ m'ic& \ ) At plr. miche. - 1) - loaf (of bread).
mzurador". In this sense a way of saying is "fòl coma na mica" = lit.
mësurador - 2) - n. (pr. \ m&z[ue]r&d'ur \ ) - Ms. plr. "as stupid as a loaf" = "stupid person, simpleton". - 2) -
mësurador. - fm. sng. and plr. mësuradòira, mica (mineralogy).
mësuradòire. - measurer, gauger, surveyor. See also the miceto - n. (pr. \mi[ch]'etu\) Ms. plr. miceto - fm. sng. and plr.
term "amzurador, misurador, mzurador". miceta, micete. - kitten, little tom-cat, little pussy-cat.
mësurassion - n. f. (pr. \ m&z[ue]r&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - Michél - n. m. (pr. \ mik'el \ ) Only sng. (noun of person) . In
measurement, measuring, gauging, gaging. See also the case of need, at plr. Michéj. - Michael, Mike. With this
term "amzurassion, misurassion, mzurassion". noun a way of saying is "fé San Michel" = lit. "to do (to
mësuré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m&z[ue]r'e \ ) - 1) - to measure, celebrate) St. Michael" = "to move house". Once, on
to gauge. E. g. "to measure the lenght of the table" = September 29th , Saint Michael's day, the leases for houses
"misuré la longhëssa dla tàuta". - 2) - to value, to and shops started and ended.
estimate. E. g. "to estimate the risks" = "misuré ij rìsigh". - michëlass - n. m. (pr. \ mik&l'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - loafer,
3) - to limit, to ration. E. g. "you must limit your expenses" lounger. Coming from he rhyme: "La vita ëd Michëlass /
= "a venta ch'it misure le spèise". - 4) - to try on. E. g. "try mangé, bèive e 'ndé a spass " = "The living of Michëlass
it on before buying it" = "misurlo prima 'd catélo". - See (the loafer) / to eat, to drink and wamder about".
also the terms "amzuré, misuré, mzuré ". michëtta - n. f. (pr. \ mik'&tt& \ ) At plr. michëtte. - small loaf
mëticolos - adj. (pr. \ m&ticul'uz \ ) Ms. plr. mëticolos. - fm. (of bread).
sng. and plr. mëticolosa, mëticolose. - meticulous, mìcia - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ m'i[ch]i& \ ) At plr. mice. - 1) - fuse,
overscrupulous, fastidious, over-particular, fussy. See slow / quick match. See also the term "mëccia 1st
also the term "miticolos, meticolos". meaning".
mëticolosità - n. f. (pr. \ m&ticuluzit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - mìcia - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ m'i[ch]i& \ ) - See micio.
meticulousness, meticulosity., fastidiousness, fussiness. micidial - adj. (pr. \ mi[ch]idi'&l \ ) Ms. plr. micidiaj. - fm.
See also the term "miticolosità, meticolosità ". sng. and plr. micidial, micidiaj. - deadly, mortal, fatal.

mìcio - n. (pr. \ m'i[ch]iu \ ) Ms. plr. micio. - fm. sng. and plr. microfotografìa - n. m. (pr. \ micrufutugr&f'i& \ ) Ar plr.
micia, mice. - tom-cat, pussy-cat. microfotografìe. - 1) - microphotography. - 2) -
miclass - n. m. (pr. \ micl'&s \ ) - See michëlass. microphotograph.
micologìa - n. f. (pr. \ miculuj'i& \ ) At plr. (if any) micologìe. microfònich - adj. (pr. \ micruf'onic \ ) Ms. plr. microfònich. -
- mycology. fm. sng. and plr. microfònica, microfòniche. -
micològich - adj. (pr. \ micul'ojic \ ) Ms. plr. micològich. - fm. microphonic.
sng. and plr. micològica, micològiche. - mycological, microgram - n. m. (pr. \ micrugr'&m \ ) - See micrograma.
mycologic. micrograma - n. m. (pr. \ micrugr'&m& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
micon - n. m. (pr. \ mic'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - big round loaf microgram.
(of bread). micromecànica - n. f. (pr. \ micrumec'&nic& \ ) At plr.
micòlogh - n. (pr. \ mic'olug \ ) Ms. plr. micòlogh. - fm. sng. micromecàniche. - micromechanics.
and plr. micòloga, micòloghe. - mycologist. See also the micrometrìa - n. f. (pr. \micrumetr'i&\ ) At plr. micrometrìe. -
term "micòlogo". micrometry.
micòlogo - n. (pr. \ mic'olugô \ ) - See micòlogh. micrométrich - adj. (pr. \ micrum'etric \ ) Ms. plr.
micòsi - n. f. (pr. \ mic'ozi \ ) Inv. at plr. - mycosis. micrométrich. - fm. sng. and plr. micrométrica,
micòtich - adj. (pr. \ mic'otic \ ) Ms. plr. micòtich. - fm. sng. micrométriche. - micrometric, micrometrical.
and plr. micòtica, micòtiche. - mycotic. micromotor - n. m. (pr. \ micrumut'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
micro... - prefix. (pr. \ m'icru.... \ ) - micro... . Prefix indicating small motor. In this sense see also the term "motorin". - 2)
"very small" as it is in English. In front of words indicating - moped, motor-scooter. In this sense see also the terms
a measurement unit, it assumes the meaning of one "motoscùter, motorëtta, motorin".
millionth (10 6). In the following some examples. mìcron - n. m. (pr. \ m'icru[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - micron.
microampèr - n. m. (pr. \ micru&mp'ær \ ) Inv. at plr. - microprocessor - n. m. (pr. \ micrupru[ch]es'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. -
microampere. microprocessor.
microamperòmeter - n. m. (pr. \ micru&mpær'ometær \ ) Inv. microrganism - n. m. (pr. \ micrurg&n'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. -
at plr. - microammeter. See also the term micro-organism.
"microamperòmetro". microscopìa - n. f. (pr. \ micruscup'i&\ ) At plr. microscopìe. -
microamperòmetro - n. m. (pr. \ micru&mpær'ometrô \ ) - microscopy.
See microamperòmeter. microscopìsta - n. (pr. \ micruscup'ist& \ ) Ms. plr.
mìcrobi - n. m. (pr. \ m'icrubi \ ) Inv. at plr. - microbe, micro- microscopista. - fm. sng. and plr. microscopista,
organism. See also the term "mìcrobo". microscopiste. - microscopist.
microbiologìa - n. f. (pr. \ micrubiuluj'i& \ ) At plr. microscòpi - n. m. (pr. \ micrusc'opi \ ) Inv. at plr. -
microbiologìe. - microbiology. microscope.
microbiològich - adj. (pr. \ micrubiul'ojic \ ) Ms. plr. microscòpich - adj. (pr. \ micrusc'opic \ ) Ms. plr.
microbiològich. - fm. sng. and plr. microbiològica, microscòpich. - fm. sng. and plr. microscòpica,
microbiològiche. - microbiological, microbiologic. microscòpiche. - microscopic, microscopical.
microbiòlogh - n. (pr. \ micrubi'olug \ ) Ms. plr. microbiòlogh. microsecond - n. m. (pr. \ micrusec'und \ ) Inv. at plr. -
- fm. sng. and plr. microbiòloga, microbiòloghe. - microsecond.
microbiologist. See also the term "microbiòlogo". microsircuit - n. m. (pr. \ micrusircu'it \ ) Inv. at plr. -
microbiòlogo - n. (pr. \ micrubi'olugô \ ) - See microbiòlogh. microcircuit.
mìcrobo - n. m. (pr. \ m'icrubô\ ) Inv. at plr. - microbe, micro- microsorch - n, m. (pr. \ micrus'urc \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
organism. See also the term "mìcrobi". microgroove. - 2) - long-playing record.
microcàpsula - n. f. (pr. \ micruc'&ps[ue]l& \ ) At plr. microspìa - n. f. (pr. \ micrusp'i&\ ) At plr. microspìe. -
microcàpsule. - microcapsule (pharmacy). (electronic) bug.
microchirurgìa - n. f. (pr. \ micrukir[ue]rj'i& \ ) At plr. microvòlt - n. m. (pr. \ micruv'olt \ ) Inv. at plr. - microvolt.
microchirurgìe. - microsurgery. micròbich - adj. (pr. \ micr'obic \ ) Ms. plr. micròbich. - fm.
microchirurgich - (pr. \ micrukir'[ue]rjic \ ) Ms. plr. sng. and plr. micròbica, micròbiche. - microbial,
microchirurgich. - fm. sng. and plr. microchirurgica, microbian, microbic.
microchirurgiche. - microsurgical. micròfon - n. m. (pr. \ micr'ofun \ ) Inv. at plr. - microphone.
microcitemìa - n. f. (pr. \ micru[ch]item'i& \ ) At plr. micròfono - n. m. (pr. \ micr'ofunô \ ) - See micròfon.
microcitemìe. - microcythemia. micròmeter - n. m. (pr. \ micr'ometær \ ) Inv- at plr. -
microclima - n. m. (pr. \ micrucl'im& \ ) Inv. at plr. - micrometer, micrometer gauge.
microclimate. micròmetro - n. m. (pr. \ micr'ometrô \ ) - See micròmeter.
microcristal - n. m. (pr. \ micrucrist'&l \ ) At plr. microcristaj. micsagi - n. m. (pr. \ mics'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - mixing, mixage.
- microcrystal. See also the terms "missagi, mës-cia".
microcristalin - adj. (pr. \ micrucrist&l'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. midaja - n. f. (pr. \ mid'&y& \ ) At plr. midaje. - medal. See
microcristalin. - fm. sng. and plr. microcristalin-a, also the term "mudaja".
microcristalin-e. - microcrystalline. midajé - n. m. (pr. \ mid&y'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - collection of
microeletrònica - n. f. (pr. \ micruelert'onic& \ ) At plr.(if medals. - 2) - medal show-case. - See also the term
any). microeletròniche. - microelectronics. "mudajé ".
microeletrònich - adj. (pr. \ micruelert'onic \ ) Ms. plr. midajëtta - n. f. (pr. \ mid&y'&tt& \ ) At plr. midajëtte. - 1) -
microeletrònich. - fm. sng. and plr. microeletrònica, small medal, medallet. - 2) - dog-tag. - See also the terms
microeletròniche. - microelectronic. "mudajëtta, midajin-a, mudajin-a".
microfilm - n. m. (pr. \ micruf'ilm \ ) Inv. at plr. - microfilm. midajin-a - n. f. (pr. \ mid&y'i[ng]& \ ) - See midajëtta.
microfilmé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\micrufilm'e\) - to microfilm. midajon - (pr. \ mid&y'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - locket. - 2) -
microfonista - n. (pr. \ micrufun'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. microfonista. medallion. - 3) - literary-biographical essay. - 4) -
- fm. sng. and plr. microfonista, microfoniste. - "medaillon" (cooking)See also the term "mudajon".
microphone technician. midem - adj. and prn. (pr. \ mid'æm \ ) Ms. plr. midem. - fm.
microfotografé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ micrufutugr&f'e \ ) - to sng. and plr. midema, mideme. - 1) - same. identical
microphotograph. (adj.). E. g. "a l'é sempe la midema stòria = it is always the

same story". - 2) - myself, yourself, itself, etc. E.g. "a l'ha milanté - vrb 1st con. trs. - to boast (of), to brag (about), to
falo chièl midem = he himself did it". - 3) - the same (prn.). overpraise.
E. g. "i veulo nen ël midem = I don't want the same". See milapé - n. m. (pr. \ mil&p'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - millipede,
also the most used terms "medem, medésim". galleyworm (zoology).
miengh - 1) - adj. (pr. \ mi'æ[ng]g \ ) Ms. plr. miengh. - fm. milenari - 1) - adj. (pr. \ milen'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. milenari. - fm.
sng. and plr. mienga, mienghe. - of May, related to the sng. and plr. milenària, milenàrie. - millenary, millenian,
month of May. - See also the terms" magengh, majengh". millenarian.
miengh - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ mi'æ[ng]g \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - hay cut milenari - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ milen'&ri \ ) Inv. at plr. - millenary.
in May. - 2) - fallow (agriculture). See also the terms" milenarism - n. m. (pr. \ milen&r'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. -
magengh, majengh". millenarianism.
mignardisa - n. f. (pr. \ mi[gn]&rd'izi& \ ) - See miardisa. milenarista - n. (pr. \ milen&r'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. milenarista. -
mignin - n. m. (pr. \ mi[gn]'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - kitten, fm. sng. and plr. milenarista, milenariste. - millenarist,
little cat. In this sense see also the terms "migno, mënno". - millenarian.
2) - gemma, hairy bug. (zoology). In this sense see also milenarìstich - adj. (pr. \ milen&r'istic \ ) Ms. plr.
the term "gata". - 2) - fur collar, fur trimmings. milenaristich. - fm. sng. and plr. milenaristica,
migno - n. m. (pr. \ m'i[gn]u \ ) Inv. at plr. - kitten, little cat. milenaristiche. - millenarian.
See also the terms "mignin, mënno". mileni - n. m. (pr. \ mil'eni \ ) Inv. at plr. - millennium. See
mìgnol - n. m. (pr. \ m'i[gn]ul \ ) At plr. mìgnoj. - little finger, also the terms "milenn, milann".
little toe. Quite an italianism, See also the term "mamlin" milenn - n. m. (pr. \ mil'en \ ) - See mileni.
and the loc. "dil mamlin". mileur - n. m. . (pr. \ mil'[oe]r \ ) Inv. at plr., only referred to
mignon - adj. (pr. \ mi[gn]'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. mignon. - fm. sng. men - person of refined elegance. See also the terms
and plr. mignon-a, mignon-e. - pretty, graceful, fine, "milòr 2nd meaning, milòrd 2nd meaning".
kind. mili... - prefix. (pr. \ mili... \ ) - milli... . Prefix sililar to the
mignonëtta - n. f. (pr. \ mi[gn]un'&tt& \ ) At plr. mignonëtte. - corresponding in English. The meaning is "one
small lace for rims. thousandth" or 10 . In the following some examples (we
mignòn - adj. (pr. \ mi[gn] 'o[ng] \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - little, note that this beginning not always is a prefix).
small. miliamper - n. m. (pr. \ mili&mp'ær \ ) Inv. at plr. -
mij - n. m. (pr. \ miy \ ) Inv. at plr. - mile. See also the term milliampere.
"mija". miliamperòmeter - n. m. (pr. \ mili&mpær'ometær \ ) Inv. at
mija - n. m. (pr. \ m'iy& \ ) Inv. at plr. - mile. See also the term plr. - milliammeter. See also the term "miliamperòmetro".
"mij". miliamperòmetro - n. m. (pr. \ mili&mpær'ometrô \ ) - See
mijara - n. f. (pr. \ miy'&r& \ ) At plr. mijare. - thousand, miliamperòmeter.
thoudands. See also the tems "mila 1), milanta". miliar - adj. (pr. \ mili'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - referred to
mijoràbij - adj. (pr. \ miyur'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. mijoràbij. - fm. mile. In the loc. "pera miliar " = "milestone".
sng. and plr. mijoràbil, mijoràbij. - improvable. See also miliard - n. m. (pr. \ mili'&rd \ ) Inv. at plr. - milliard, billion.
the term "milioràbil ". miliardari - n. and adj. (pr. \ mili&rd'&ri \ ) Ms. plr.
mijorament - n. m. (pr. \ miyur&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - miliardari. - fm. sng. and plr. miliardaria, miliardarie. -
improvement, betterment, amelioration. See also the multi-millionaire, billionaire.
term "miliorament". miliardésim - nmr. ord. adj. (pr. \ mili&rd'ezim \ ) Ms. plr.
mijorativ - adj. (pr. \ miyur&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. mijorativ. - fm. miliardésim. - fm. sng. and plr. miliardésima,
sng. and plr. mijorativa, mijorative. - ameliorative. See miliardésime. - thousand millionth, billionth.
also the term "miliorativ". milibar - n. m. (pr. \ milib'&r \ ) Inv. at plr. - millibar
mijoré - vrb 1st con trs. and int. (pr. \ miyur'e \ ) - 1) - to (pressure measure).
improve, to better (trs). - 2) - to mend (trs.). - 3) - to miligrama - n. m. (pr. \ miligr'&m& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
improve, to make improvements, to become better (int.). milligramme, milligram.
When trs. it uses the aux. "avèj ". When int. it uses the aux. mililìter - n. m. (pr. \ milil'itær \ ) Inv. at plr. - millilitre,
"esse". See also the terms "milioré, mioré ". milliliter.
mijorìa - n. f. (pr. \ miyur'i& \ ) At plr. mijorìe - 1) milim - n. m. (pr. \ mil'im \ ) Inv. at plr. - millimetre,
improvement, betterment. - 2) - reclamation. See also millimeter.
the term "miliorìa". milimetrà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ milimetr'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and
mila - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ m'il& \ ) Inv. at plr. - thousand, nr. - millimetre (as an attribute).
thousands. See also the termd "milanta, mijara". milimetré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ milimetr'e \ ) - to divide into
mila - 2) - nmr. crd. adj. (pr. \ m'il& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. millimetres.
thousand. milimétrich - adj. (pr. \ milim'etric \ ) Ms. plr. milimétrich. -
milann - n. m. (pr. \ mil'&n \ ) Inv. at plr. - millennium. See fm. sng. and plr. milimértica, milimétriche. - millimetric.
also the terms "milenn, mileni". milimìcron - n. m. (pr. \ milim'icru[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
milanta - n. f. (pr. \ mil'&nt& \ ) Inv. at plr. (basically only millimicron, a thousandth of micron.
plr.) - thousands. milion - n. m. (pr. \ mili'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - million. - 2) -
milantà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ mil&nt'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - lots, umpteen (in a fig. sense).
bragged, pretended, overpraised. The expression milionari - n. and adj. (pr. \ miliun'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. milionari. -
"milantà crédit" means "false pretences" (legal). fm. sng. and plr. milionària, milionàrie. - millionnaire /
milantador - n. (pr. \ mil&nt&d'ur \ ) Ms. plr. milantador. - millionnairess.
fm. sng. and plr. milantadora, milantadore, or milioràbij - adj. (pr. \ miliur'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. milioràbij. - fm.
milantadòira, milantadòire - boaster, braggart, sng. and plr. milioràbil, milioràbij. - improvable. See
swaggerer. also the term "mijoràbil ".
milantadura - n. f. (pr. \ mil&nt&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. miliorament - n. m. (pr. \ miliur&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
milantadure. - boasting, bragging, swaggering. See also improvement, betterment, amelioration. See also the
the term "milanterìa". term "mijorament".
milantarìa - n. f. (pr. \ mil&nter'i& \ ) - See milantadura.

miliorativ - adj. (pr. \ miliur&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. miliorativ. - fm. mimé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ mim'e \ ) - to mime. It
sng. and plr. miliorativa, miliorative. - ameliorative. See uses always the aux. "avèj ".
also the term "mijorativ". mimétich - adj. (pr. \ mim'etic \ ) - Ms. plr. mimétich. - fm.
milioré - vrb 1st con trs. and int. (pr. \ miliur'e \ ) - 1) - to sng. and plr. mimética, mimétiche. - mimetich.
improve, to better (trs). - 2) - to mend (trs.). - 3) - to mimetisassion - n. f. (pr. \ mimetiz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
improve, to make improvements, to become better (int.). camouflage.
When trs. it uses the aux. "avèj ". When int. it uses the aux. mimetisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ mimetiz'e \ ) - to camouflage.
"esse". See also the terms "mijoré, mioré ". mimetisésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ mimetiz'ese \ ) - to
miliorìa - n. f. (pr. \ miliur'i& \ ) At plr. miliorìe - 1) camouflage (oneself).
improvement, betterment. - 2) - reclamation. See also mimetism - n. m. (pr. \ mimet'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
the term "mijorìa". mimicry, mimesis (zoology). - 2) - camouflage.
miliorism - n. m. (pr. \ miliur'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - meliorism mìmica - n. f. (pr. \ m'imic& \ ) At plr. mìmiche. - 1) - mime,
(phylosophy). art of mime, pantomime. - 2) - mimicry, gesticulation,
miliorìsta - n. (pr. \miliur'ist&\ ) Ms. plr. miliorista. - fm. sng. gestures.
and plr. miliorista, milioriste. - meliorist (phylosophy). mìmich - adj. (pr. \ m'imic \ ) Ms. plr. mìmich. - fm. sng. and
milìssia - n. f. (pr. \mil'isi&\ ) At plr. milìssie. - militia, plr. mìmica, mìmiche. - mimic.
army, troop, force. mimin - n. m. (pr. \ mim'[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - nipple, teat. -
milissian - n. (pr. \ milisi'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. milissian. - fm. 2) - dug. See also the term "mumin".
sng. and plr. milissian-a, milissian-e. - militiaman / mimosa - n. f. (pr. \ mim'uz& \ ) At plr. mimose. - mimosa
militiawoman. (botany - Mimosa).
mìlit - n. m. (pr. \ m'ilit \ ) Inv. at plr. - militiama, soldier, minà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ min'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
warrior. mined, undermined.
militansa - n. f. (pr. \ milit'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr. militanse - minacé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ min&[ch]'e \ ) - 1) - to threaten,
militancy. to menace. - 2) - to intimidate. See also the terms
militant - n. and adj. (pr. \ milit'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. militant. - fm. "mënnassé, minassé, mnassé ".
sng. and plr. militanta, militante. - 1) - militant (adj.). - 2) minacia - n. f. ( \ min'&[ch]i& \ ) At plr. minace. - menace,
- militant, acrivist (sbst.). threat. See also the terms "mënnassa, minassa, mnassa"
militar - n. and adj. (pr. \ milit'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - minaciant - adj. (pr. \ min&[ch]i'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. minaciant. -
military (adj.) - 2) - military man / woman, soldier fm. sng. and plr. minacianta, minaciante. - threatening,
(sbst.). menacing. See also the terms "mënnassios, mënnassant,
militarésch - adj. (pr. \ milit&r'esc \ ) Ms. plr. militarésch. - minassos, mnassos".
fm. sng. and plr. militarësca, militarësche. - soldierly, minacé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ min&[ch]'e \ ) - 1) - to threaten,
soldier-like. The term is not very used. Often the term to menace. - 2) - to intimidate. See also the terms
"militar" is used, or loc. like "da militar, da soldà" or, "mënnassé, minassé, mnassé ".
simpy the term "militar". minacios - adj. (pr. \ min&[ch]i'uz \ ) Ms. plr. minacios. - fm.
militarment - adv. (pr. \ milit&rm'ænt \ ) - militarily, in a sng. and plr. minaciosa, minaciose. - threatening,
military way. Italianism, see also the best loc. "a la menacing. See also the terms "mënnassant, mënnassios,
militar". minassos, mnassos".
militarisassion - n. f. (pr. \ milit&riz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - minador - n. m. (pr. \ min&d'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - miner,
militarization. pitman, collier. - 2) - sapper (military). See also the term
militarisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ milit&riz'e \ ) - to militarize. "mineur".
militarism - n. m. (pr. \ milit&r'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - militarism. minaret - n. m. (pr. \ min&r'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - minaret.
militarista - n. and adj. (pr. \ milit&r'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. minassa - n. f. ( \ min'&s& \ ) At plr. minace. - menace,
militarìsta. - fm. sng. and plr. militarìsta, militarìste. - 1) threat. See also the terms "mënnassa, minàcia, mnassa"
- militarist (sbst.). - 2) - militaristic, militarist (as an minassant - adj. (pr. \ min&s'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. minassant. - fm.
attribute). In this sense see also the term "militarìstich". sng. and plr. minssanta, minassante. - threatening,
militarìstich - adj. (pr. \ milit&r'istic \ ) Ms. plr. militarìstich. menacing. See also the terms "mënnassios, mënnassant,
- fm. sng. and plr. militarìstica, militarìstiche. - minassos, mnassos".
militaristic, militarist (as an attribute). See also the term minassé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ min&s'e \ ) - 1) - to threaten,
"militarista 2nd meaning". to menace. - 2) - to intimidate. See also the terms
milité - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ milit'e \ ) - 1) - to militate, to "mënnassé, minacé, mnassé ".
serve in the army. - 2) - to militate, to support (in a fig. minassos - adj. (pr. \ min&s'uz \ ) Ms. plr. minassos. - fm. sng.
sense). and plr. minassosa, minassose. - threatening, menacing.
militesent - adj. and n. (pr. \ militez'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. (only See also the terms "mënnassant, mënnassios, minacios,
ms.) - exempt from the military service. mnassos".
milivòlt - n. m. (pr. \ militv'olt \ ) Inv. at plr. - millivolt. minatòri - adj. (pr. \ min&t'ori \ ) Ms. plr. minatòri. - fm. sng.
milivòltmeter - n. m. (pr. \ militv'oltmetær \ ) Inv. at plr. - and plr. minatòria, minatòrie. - minatory, menacing,
millivolrmeter. See also the term "milivòltmetro". threatening.
milivòltmetro - (pr. \ militv'oltmetrô \ ) - See milivòltmeter. minca - indf. adj. (pr. \ m'i[ng]c& \ ) Inv. in gnd. only sng. - 1)
milòr - n. m. . (pr. \ mil'or \ ) Inv. at plr., only referred to men - - every, each, everybody. E. g. "minca tant" = "every now
1) - lord. In this sense see also the term "lòrd ". - 2) - and then" ; "minca òm a l'ha dirit a soa dignità" = "each
person of refined elegance. - 3) - dandy (ironical).See man has the right at his own dignity" or "everybody has the
also the terms "mileur, milòr, milòrd 2nd meaning". right at his own dignity" ; "minca doi dì" = "every second
milòrd - n. m. (pr. \ mil'ord \ ) - See milòr 1st meaning. day". - 2) - any, all. - 2) - "an minca manera" = "at any
milsa - n. f. (pr. \ m'ils& \ ) At plr. milse. - spleen, milt rate".
(anatomy). mincent - adj. (pr. \ min[ch]'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. mincent. - fm. sng.
mim - n. m. (pr. \ mim \ ) Inv. at plr. - mime (theatre). and plr. mincenta, mincente. - 1) - feeble, slender,
mima - n. f. (pr. \ m'&m& \ ) At plr. mime. - mummy, mum, tenuous. - 2) - of a little value, of a little importance.
mother, mama, ma. See also the terms "maman, mama". See also the term "minciant".

minciant - adj. - See mincent. example, and the underline that not always this beginning
mincion - adj. and n. (pr. \ min[ch]i'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. mincion. is such a type of prefix.
- fm. sng. and plr. mincion-a, mincion-e. - ingenuous, miniador - n. (pr. \ miniad'ur \ ) Ms. plr. miniador. - fm. sng.
simple, foolish. and plr. miniadòira, miniadòire. - miniaturist.
muncionada - n. f. (pr. \ min[ch]iun'&d& \ ) At plr. miniadura - n. f. (pr. \ miniad'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. miniadure. -
mincionade. - 1) - teasing, joking. - 2) - joke, tick. See 1) - miniature. - 2) - illumination (codex, manuscripts).
also the terms "nincionadura, mincionura". See also the term "miniatura".
mincionadura - n. f. (pr. \ min[ch]iun&d'[ue]r& \ ) - See miniatura - n. f. (pr. \ miniat'[ue]r& \ ) - See miniadura.
mincionada. miniaturisassion - n. f. (pr. \ miniat[ue]riz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at
mincionàire - n. (pr. \ min[ch]iun'&ire \ ) Ms. plr. plr. - miniaturization.
mincionàire. - fm. sng. and plr. mincionàira, miniaturisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ mini&t[ue]riz'e \ ) - to
mincionàire. - 1) - joker, jester. - 2) - mocker, scoffer. miniaturize.
mincionarìa - n. f. (pr. \ min[ch]iun&r'i& \ ) At plr. minié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ mini'e \ ) - 1) - to miniature, to
mincionarìe. - piece of stupidity, gullibility, foolishness. miniate, to illuminate. - 2) - to chisel. In this sense see
mincioné - vrn 1st con. trs. (pr. \ min[ch]iun'e \ ) - to mock, to also the term "sislé ". Used also in fig. sense).
make fun (of), to tease. minigòna - n. f. (pr. \ minig'on& \ ) At plr. minigòne. -
mincionùra - n. f. (pr. \ min[ch]iun'[ue]r& \ ) - See miniskirt. Italianism. See also the loc. "cotin curt".
mincionada. mìnim - 1) - adj. (pr. \ m'inim \ ) Ms. plr. ménom. - fm. sng.
miné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ min'e \ ) - 1) - to mine, to and plr. ménoma, ménome. - 1) - the least, smallest,
undermine. - 2) - to undemine, to injure, to ruin (in a slghtest, lowest, minimum (superlative). - 2) - lower,
fig. sense). shorter, slower, younger, etc. (comparative). See also the
minera - n. f. (pr. \ min'er& \ ) Atr plr. minere. - mine. - See term "ménom 1)".
also the terms "min-a, gava". mìnim - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ m'inim \ ) Inv. at plr. - minimum
mineral - 1) - adj. (pr. \ miner'&l \ ) Ms. plr. mìneraj. - fm. (mathematics, and general). See also the term "ménom 2)".
sng. and plr. mìnersl, mìneraj. - mineral. mìnima - n. f. (pr. \ m'inim& \ ) At plr. mìnime. - the lowest
mineral - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ miner'&l \ ) At plr. mìneraj. - level (usually referred to pensions).
mineral, ore. minimal - adj. (pr. \ minim'&l \ ) Ms. plr. minimaj. - fm. sng.
mineralisassion - n. f. (pr. \ miner&liz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - and plr. minimal, minimaj. - minimal.
mineralization. minimalista - n. (pr. \ minim&l'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. minimalista.
mneralisé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ miner&liz'e \ ) - to - fm. sng. and plr. minimalista, minimaliste. - minimalist.
mineralize. It use the aux. "esse". Same meaning of minimament - adv. (pr. \ minim&m'ænt \ ) - 1) - just a little
"mineralisésse". bit. E. g. "a l'é mach bogiasse minimament " = "it moved
mineralisésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ miner&liz'ese \ ) - See just a little bit". Italianism. In this case the better loc.
mneralisé. applies "an manera mìnima". - 2) - at all. at the least . For
mineralista - n. (pr. \ miner&l'ist& \ ) Me. plr. mineralista. - intensifying negations. E. g. "Am pias nen, minimament" =
fm. sng. and plr. mineralista, mineraliste. - mineralogist. "I don't like it, not in the least". In this case the better loc.
See also the term "mineralogìsta". applies "gnanca na frisa".
mineralogìa - n. f. (pr. \ miner&luj'i& \ ) At plr. (when minimisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ minimiz'e \ ) - to minimize.
applicable) mineralogìa - mineralogy. (also mathematics).
mineralogìsta - n. (pr. \ miner&luj'ist& \ ) - See mineralista. mìnio - n. m. (pr. \ m'inu \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - minium, red
mineralògich - adj. (pr. \ miner&l'oj'ic \ ) Ms. plr. lead (chemistry).
mineralògich. - fm. sng. and plr. mineralògica, minìster - n. m. (pr. \ min'istær \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - minister,
mineralògiche. - mineralogical. secretary (of state). - 2) - administrator. E. g. "minister
minerari - adj. (pr. \ miner'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. mineràri. - fm. sng. dël Sacrament dël Batésim" = "administrator of the
and plr. minerària, mineràrie. - 1) - mining. - 2) - Sacrament og Baptism" . - 3) - minister, priest, vicar, etc.
mineral, ore (as attibutes). (religion). See also the term "ministr".
Minerva - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ min'ærv& \ ) Inv. at plr (noun) - ministeri - n. m. (pr. \ minist'eri \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - ministry,
Minerva (mythology). office, function. E. g. "ministeri sacerdotal" = "priesthood,
minerva - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ min'ærv& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - a type function of a priest ". - 2) - Goverment, ministry, cabinet
of matches. - 2) - a type of licorice lozenge. (the set of ministers). - 3) - ministry, board, office,
mineuj - adj. (pr. \ min'[oe]y \ ) Ms. plr. mineuj. - fm. sng. and department. E. g."Ministeri dla Giustìssia " = "Ministry of
plr. mineuja, mineuje. - 1) - slow, sluggish, indolent. - 2) Justice, Lord Chancellor's Department, Drpartment of
- calm, quiet (even too much). - 3) - slow-witted (in a fig. Justice". Please note that the loc. "Pùblich Ministeri" is
sense). See also the term "meusi ". equivalent at "Public Prosecutor, Prosecuting Attorney"
mineuja - n. f. (pr. \min'[oe]y&\ ) At plr. mineuje. - slowness. (legal).
mineur - n. m. (pr. \ min'[oe]r \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - miner, ministerial - adj. (pr. \ ministeri'&l \ ) Ms. plr. ministeriaj. -
pitman, collier. - 2) - sapper (military). See also the term fm. sng. and plr. ministerial, ministeriaj. - ministerial.
"minador ". ministr - n. m. (pr. \ min'istr \ ) - See minìster.
mingherlin - adj. (pr. \ mi[ng]gerl'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. ministrassion - n. f. (pr. \ ministr&si’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
mingherlin. - fm. sng. and plr. mingherlin-a, mingherlin- administration, management. See also the terms
e. - 1) - slim, slender, skinny. - 2) - delicate, gracile. “govern, aministrassion “.
mingon - n. m. (pr. \ mi[ng]g'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - children's ministrator - n. (pr. \ ministr&t’ur \ ) Ms. plr. ministrator,
play consisting in guessing the content of a closed hand. fm. sng. and plr. ministratriss, ministratriss. -
mingran-a - n. f. . (pr. \ mi[ng]gr'&[ng]&\ ) At plr. mingran-e. administrator, governor, manager. See also the voice
- hemicrania, megrim, migranie. “meistr “ used only at ms., and the term "aministrator".
mini... - prefix. (pr. \ mini... \ ) - mini... . The meaniong is the ministré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ ministr’e \ ) - to administre,
same in English. The idea is of something os someome to manage. See also the terms “meinagé, aministré “.
small, little, with respect the standard. As usual some

minojada - n. f. (pr. \ minuy'&d& \ ) At plr. minojade. - minut - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ min'[ue]t \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - small
slowness, hesitation, wavering. See also the term quantity, the partìcular. - 2) - retail (commerce). See
"minujada". also the term "mnù 1) 2nd meaning)".
minojé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ minuy'e \ ) - to waver, to minuta - n. f. (pr. \ min'[ue]t& \ ) At plr. minute. - 1) -
wobble, to hesitate, to slow. It uses the aux. "esse". See minute (time), E. g. "speta na minuta" = "wait for a
also the term "minujé". minute". Note that the word is fm. - 2) - menu, bill of fare.
minor - adj. and n. (pr. \ min'ur \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - In this sense see also the terms "mnùa, mnù 1) 3rd
smaller, less, lesser (adj. comparative). - 2) - the smaller, meaning". - 3) - draft, rough copy. In this sense see also
smallest, least (adj. superlative). - 3) - minor, inferior, the loc. "bruta còpia, prima còpia".
lower, shorter, slower, younger (adj. comparative). - 4) - minutàire - n. (pr. \ min[ue]t'&ire \ ) Ms. plr. minutàire. - fm.
lowest, shortest, slowest, youngest (adj. superlative). - 5) - sng. and plr. minutàira, minutàire. - retailer, retail
junior, minor, under age (sbst.). trader, retail merchant.
minorà - adj. and n. (pr. \ minur'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - minutaja - n. f. (pr. \ min[ue]t'&y& \ ) At plr. minutaje. - 1) -
disabled (adj.). - 2) - disabled person, handicapped bits and pieces. - 2) - odds and ends. - 3) - trash. - See
person (sbst.). also the term "minutam".
minoransa - n. f. (pr. \ minur'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr. minoranse. - minutam - n. f. (pr. \ min[ue]t'&m \ ) - See minutaja.
minority. minutàri - n. m. (pr. \ min[ue]t'&ri \ ) Inv. at plr. - letter book,
minorassion - n. f. (pr. \ minur&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - register of documents.
dinimution, depreciation, curtailment. - 2) - disability, minutària - n. f. (pr. \ min[ue]t'&ri& \ ) At plr. minutàrie. -
disablement, defectiveness, deficency. minute hand (clock).
minorìl - adj. - (pr. \ minur'il \ ) Ms. plr. minurij. - fm. sng. minutarìa - n. f. (pr. \ min[ue]t&r'i& \ ) At plr. minutarìe. - 1)
and plr. minuril, minurij. - juvenile. - trinkets, gewgaws, trinketry. - 2) - small parts
minorità - n. f. (pr. \ minurit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - minority, (mechanics). See also the term "minuterìa".
nonage. minuté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ min[ue]t'e \ ) - to draft.
minoritari - adj. (pr. \ minurit'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. minuritari. - fm. minuterìa - n. f. (pr. \ min[ue]ter'i& \ ) - See minutarìa.
sng. and plr. minuritària, minuritàrie. - of the minority, minutëssa - n. f. (pr. \ min[ue]t'&ss& \ ) At plr. minutësse. - 1)
minority (as an attribute). - smallness, littleness. - 2) - little, thing, trifle, pettiness.
minué - n. m. (pr. \ min[ue]'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - minuet, ancient See also the term "mnutëssa".
dance. See also the term "minuet ". minutin-a - n. f. (pr. \ min[ue]t'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. minutin-e. -
minuend - n. m. (pr. \ min[ue]'ænd \ ) Inv. at plr. - minuend moment, instant, few seconds, very short time. (lit. "a
(mathematics). small minute").
minuet - n. m. (pr. \ min[ue]'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - minuet, min-a - n. f. (pr. \ m'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. min-e. - 1) - mine
time in the middle of a symphony (music). See also the (explosive) - 2) - mine, colliery (minimg). In this sense see
term "minué". also the term "minera". - 3) - unit of measurement for
minuì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ min[ue]'i \) - to diminish, to capacity (nearly 23 litres - dry materia like cereals). - 4) -
decrease, to lessen, to lower, to reduce, to cut down. See appearance, look.
also the terms "diminuì, calé, arduve, sbassé, tajé, etc." miola - n. f. (pr. \ mi'ul& \ ) At plr. miole. - 1) - medulla,
minujada - n. f. (pr. \ minuy'&d& \ ) - See minojada.. marrow (anatomy). - 2) - pith (botany).- 3) - backbone,
minujé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ min[ue]y'e \ ) - See minojé. core, pith, pith and marrow (in a fig. sense).
minùscol - adj. (pr. \ min'[ue]scul \ ) Ms. plr. minùscol. - fm. miolé - adj. (pr. \ miul'e \ ) Ms. plr. miolé. - fm. sng. and plr.
sng. and plr. minùscola, minùscole. - small, very small, miolera, miolere. - 1) - crumby. - 2) - marrowy, pithy.
tiny. The loc. "léttera minuscola" means "lower-case mìope - adj. and n. (pr. \ m'iupe \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) -
letter". (See "minùscola"). myopic, short-sighted (adj.). - 2) - myope, short-sighted
minùscola - n. m. (pr. \ min'[ue]scul& \ ) At plr. minùscole. - person (sbst.).
lower-case letter. miopìa - n. f. (pr. \ miup'i& \ ) At plr. miopìe. - myopia,
minusié - n. m. (pr. \ min[ue]zi'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - carpenter. myopy, short-sightedness. See also the term "miopism".
See also the loc. "mèistr da bòsch ". Note that a possible miopism - n. m. (pr. \ miup'izm \ ) - See miopìa.
fm. has to be "minusiera, minusiere" rspy. for sng. and plr. mior - n. (pr. \ mi'ur \ ) Ms. plr. mior. - fm. sng. and plr.
minùssia - n. f. (pr. \ min'[ue]si'& \ ) At plr. minùssie. - trivial miòira, miòire. - reaper, harvester, mower, schytheman
detail, trifle, bagatelle. (schythewoman). See also the terms "mejor, seitor".
minussios - adj. (pr. \ min'[ue]si'uz \ ) Ms. plr. minussios. - mioràbij - adj. (pr. \ miur'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. mioràbij. - fm. sng.
fm. sng. and plr. minussiosa, minussiose. - minute, and plr. mioràbil, mioràbij. - improvable. See also the
meticulous, over-careful. term "milioràbil, mijoràbil ".
minussiosament - adv. (pr. \ min'[ue]siuz&m'ænt \ ) - miorament - n. m. (pr. \ miur&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
minutely, meticulously, over-carefully, fastidiously. improvement, betterment, amelioration. See also the
Italianism (quite used). See also the loc. "an manera term "miliorament, mijorament".
minussiosa". miorativ - adj. (pr. \ miur&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. miorativ. - fm. sng.
minussiosarìa. - n. f. (pr. \ min'[ue]siuz&r'i& \ ) At plr. and plr. miorativa, miorative. - ameliorative. See also the
minussiosarìe. - 1) - quibble, cavil. - 2) - minuteness. term "miliorativ, mijorativ".
meticulousness. See also the term "minussiosità ". mioré - vrb 1st con trs. and int. (pr. \ miur'e \ ) - 1) - to
minussiosità - (pr. \ min'[ue]siuzit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - improve, to better (trs). - 2) - to mend (trs.). - 3) - to
minuteness. meticulousness. See also the term improve, to make improvements, to become better (int.).
"minussiosarìa ". When trs. it uses the aux. "avèj ". When int. it uses the aux.
minut - 1) - adj. (pr. \ min'[ue]t \ ) Ms. plr. minut. - fm. sng. "esse". See also the terms "milioré, mijoré ".
and plr. minuta, minute. - 1) - minute, very small, little, miorìa - n. f. (pr. \ miur'i& \ ) At plr. miorìe - 1)
slender, delicate.- 2) - detailed, precise. - See also the improvement, betterment. - 2) - reclamation. See also
term "mnù 2)". the term "miliorìa, mijorìa".
mira - n. f. (pr. \ m'ir& \ ) At plr. mire. - 1) - aim, sight. E. g.
"pijé la mira" = "to take aim". - 2) - target. - 3) - aim, end,

goal, purpose. E. g. "che mira l'hasto?" = "what is your mirìfich - adj. (pr. \ mir'ific \ ) Ms. plr. mirìfich. - fm. sng. and
purpose?" - 4) - place, point, precise point, point of view. plr. mirìfica, mirìfiche. - marvellous, mirific. Old term.
E. g. "a sta mira... " = "at this point....". Note the mirin - n. m. (pr. \ mir'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - sight (veapons,
expressions "sensa mira" = "at random" ; "da mira" = instruments). - 2) - view-finder (photography).
"face to face, opposite". - 5) - myrrh. mirt - n. m. (pr. \ mirt \ ) Inv. at plr. - myrtle (botany - Myrtus
miràbil - adj. (pr. \ mir'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. miràbij. - fm. sng. and communis). See also the loc. "buss da cioenda" and the
plr. miràbil, miràbij. - 1) - admirable. - 2) - wonderful, terms " mortela, martlet".
marvellous. See also the terms "maravijos, meravijos". misàntro - n. m. (pr. \ miz'&ntru \ ) Inv. at plr. - misanthrope.
mirabìlia - n. f. plr. (pr. \ mir&b'ili& \ ) Only plr. - mirabilia, See also the terms "misàntrop, misàntropo, servaj ".
wonders (jocular). misàntrop - n. m. (pr. \ miz'&ntrup \ ) - See misàntro.
mirabochin - n. m. (pr. \ mir&buk'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - type of misantropìa - n. f. (pr. \ miz&ntrup'i& \ ) At plr. misantropìe.
game, consisting in throwing a little ball in a narrow - misanthropy.
targhet; ball and target are connected by a srting, See also misàntropo - n. m. (pr. \ miz'&ntrupô \ ) - See misàntro.
the term "bilbochet ". misantròpich - adj. (pr. \ miz&ntr'opic \ ) - Ms. plr.
miraco - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ mir'&cu \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - miracle. - misantròpich. - fm. sng. and plr. misantròpica,
2) - miracle, wonders (in a fig. sense). See also the term misantròpiche. - misanthròpic, misanthròpical.
"miràcol ". misconossiment - n. m. (pr. \ miscunusim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
miraco - 2) - adv. (pr. \ mir'&cu \ ) - perhaps, maybe. See also misunderstanding, denial.
the term "meraco". misconòsse - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ miscun'ose \ ) - 1) - not to
miràcol - n. m. (pr. \ mir'&cul \ ) - See miraco 1). acknowledge, to deny. - 2) - to underestimate, to
miracolà - adj. and p. p. and n. (pr. \ mir&cul'& \ ) Inv. in disregard.
gnd. and nr. - 1) - miraculously healed (adj. and p. p.). - 2) miscredensa - n. f. (pr. \ miscred'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr.
- miraculously healed person (sbst.). miscredense. - misbelief, unbelief.
miracolé - 1) - vrb. 1st con. trs. (pr. \ mir&cul'e \ ) - to make a miscredent - adj. and n. (pr. \ miscred'ænt \ ) Ms. plr.
miracle (in favour of). miscredent. - fm. sng. and plr. miscredenta, miscredente.
miracolé - 2) - n. (pr. \ mir&cul'e \ ) Ms. plr. miracolé. - fm. - 1) - misbelieving, unbelieving (adj.). - 2) - misbeliever,
sng. and plr. miracolera, miracolere. - person who sees unbeliever, atheist (sbst.).
miracles everywhere. miscuj - n. m. (pr. \ misc'[ue]y \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - mixture. -
miracolism - n. m. (pr. \ mir&cul'izm \ ) Inv. at olr. - blind 2) - farrago, huddle, medlej (in a fig. sense). See also the
trust in easy solution of difficult problems. term "mës-cia".
miracolista - n. (pr. \ mir&cul'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. miracolista. - mìser - adj. (pr. \ m'izær \ ) Ms. plr. mìser. - fm. sng. and plr.
fm. sng. and plr. miracolista, miracoliste. - person who mìsera, mìsere. - 1) - miserable, wretched, poor. - 2) -
trusts in easy solution of difficult problems. unhappy, unfortunate. - 3) - mean, petty, paltry. - 4) -
miracolìstich - adj. (pr. \ mir&cul'istic \ ) Ms. plr. scanty, lame.
miracolistich. - fm. sng. and plr. miracolistica, miseràbil - adj. and n. (pr. \ mizer'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. mìseràbij. -
miracolistiche. - related to miracles. fm. sng. and plr. mìseràbil, mìseràbij. - 1) - miserable,
miracolos - adj. (pr. \ mir&cul'uz \ ) Ms. plr. miracolos. - fm. wretched, unhappy (adj.). - 2) - poor, needy, indigent
sng. and plr. miracolosa, miracolose. - 1) - miraculous, (adj.). - 3) - mean, paltry, despicable, abject (adj.). - 4) -
prodigious. - 2) - wonderful, marvellous, portentous (in miserable person, wretch (sbst.). - 2) - indigent person
a fig. sense). - 3) - astonishing, surprising (in a fig. (sbst.). - 3) - scoundrel (sbst.). See also the terms
sense). "misrtèivol, miserévol ".
miragi - n. m. (pr. \ mir'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - mirage. miserassion - n. f. (pr. \ mizer&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - mercy,
miraj - n. m. (pr. \ mir'&y \ ) Inv. at plr. - mirror, looking- pity, compassion. See also the term "misericòrdia".
glass. See also the term "spécc". miserere - n. m. (pr. \ mizer'ere \ ) Inv. at plr. - miserere (latin
mirament - n. m. (pr. \ mir&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - the - religion).
action of taking aim. - 2) - the action of observing miserèivol - adj. (pr. \ mizer'æivul \ ) Ms. plr. mìserèivoj. - fm.
carefully. sng. and plr. mìserèivola, mìserèivole. - 1) - miserable,
mirassol - n. m. (pr. \ mir&s'ul \ ) At plr. mirassoj. - . - 1) - wretched, unhappy (adj.). - 2) - poor, needy, indigent
sunflower (botany - Helianthus annuus) - 2) - taraxacum, (adj.). - 3) - mean, paltry, despicable, abject (adj.). See
dandelion (botany - Taraxacum officinalis). - See also the also the terms "miserévol, miseràbil ".
terms "girassol, virassol ". miserevol - adj. (pr. \ mizer'evul \ ) - See miserèivol.
miré - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ mir'e \ ) - 1) - to take aim, miséria - n. f. (pr. \ mizer'eri& \ ) At plr. misérie. - 1) -
to sight, to aim (at) (trs.). Note that this vrb is trs. in a poverty, penury, indigence., want, scantiness, famine. -
different way in English and Piedm.. E. g. "a mira la levr 2) - misery, distress, unhappyness. - 3) - trifle, nonsense,
con ël fusil" = "he aims his gun at the hare", in Piedm the rubbish (in a fig. sense). - 4) - spidewort (botany -
direct obj. is the hare, in Engl. is the gun. - 2) - to observe Tradescantia).
carefully, to admire (trs.). - 3) - to aspire, to aim at (in a misericordiansa - n. f. (pr. \ mizericurdi'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr.
fig. sense) (int.). misericordianse. - act of compassion, help given for
mìria... - 1) - prefix - (pr. \ miri& \ ) - myria... With the pity.
meaning of ten thousand... or, a lot... . The meaning is misericordié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ mizericurdi'e \ ) - to have
similar to the one in English. Not very used. pity, to give help, to do an act of compassion.
mìria - n. m. (pr. \ m'iri& \ ) Inv. at plr. - myriagram, misericordièivol - adj. (pr. \ mizericurdi'æivol \ ) - See
myriagramme. See also the term "miriagrama". misericordios.
miriagrama - n. m. (pr. \ miri&gr'&m& \ ) - See mìria. misericordios - adj. (pr. \ mizericurdi'uz \ ) Ms. plr.
mirialìter - n. m. (pr. \ miri&l'itær \ ) Inv. at plr. - ten misericordios. - fm. sng. and plr. misericordiosa,
thousand litres. misericordiose. - merciful, pitiful. See also the terms
miriameter - n. m. (pr. \ miri'&metær \ ) Inv. at plr. - "misericòrdi, misericordièivol ".
myriametre, myriameter. misericòrdi - adj. (pr. \ mizeric'ordi \ ) - See misericordios.

misericòrdia - n. f. (pr. \ mizeric'ordi& \ ) At plr. mìstica - n. f. (pr. \ m'istic& \ ) At plr. mìstiche. - 1) - mystical
misericòrdie. - mercy, pity, compassion. See also the theology. - 2) - misticism. In this sense see also the terms
term "miserassion". "misticism, mistissism".
misoginìa - n. f. (pr. \ mizujin'i& \ ) At plr. misoginìe. - mìstich - adj. (pr. \ m'istic \ ) Ms. plr. mìstich. - fm. sng. and
misogyny, misogynism. plr. mìstica, mìstiche. - 1) - mystic, mystical (adj.). - 2) -
misògin - adj. and n. (pr. \ miz'oji[ng] \ ) Only ms.Inv. at plr. - mystic (sbst.).
1) - misogynic, misogynous (adj.). - 2) - misogynist. misticism - n. m. (pr. \misti[ch]'izm\ ) Inv. at plr. - mysticism.
miss - n. f. (pr. \ mis \ ) Inv. at plr. - girl winner of a beauty See also the term "mistissism".
contest. mistificador - n. (pr. \ mistific&d'ur \ ) Ms. plr. mìstificador. -
missagi - n. m. (pr. \ mis'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - mixing, mixage. fm. sng. and plr. mìstificadòira, mìstificadòire. -
See also the terms "micsagi, mës-cia". mystifier. See also the terms "mistificator, sfaussator".
missal - n. m. (pr. \ mis'&l \ ) At plr. mëssaj. - missal, Mass- mistificassion - n. f. (pr. \ mistific&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
book. See also the loc. "lìber da Mëssa", and the term mystification, hoaxing.
"mëssal ". mistificator - n. (pr. \ mistific&t'ur \ ) - See mistificador.
missalin - n. m. (pr. \ mis&lìi[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - small mass- mistifiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ mistifik'e \ ) - to mystify, to
book, pocket missal. See also the term "mëssalin". hoax.
missé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ miss'e \ ) - to mix (cinema, mistissism - n. m. (pr. \ mistis'izm\ ) - See misticism.
television). mistolfa - n. f. (pr. \ mist'ulf& \ ) At plr.(if any) mistolfe. - 1) -
missela - n. f. (pr. \ mis'el& \ ) At plr. missele. - 1) - mixture, excerments of poultry. - 2) - dung, excrements (for
blend. - 2) - mixture, "pertoil " (for motors). extension).
misseladura - n. f. (pr. \ misel&d'[ue]r& \ ) - See misselassion. mistrà - n. f. (pr. \ mistr'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - anisette. See also
misselànea - n. f. (pr. \ misel'&ne& \ ) At plr. misselànee. - 1) the term "anisëtta".
- miscellany. - 2) - medley, mixture. mistral - n. m. (pr. \ mistr'&l \ ) At plr. (when applicable)
misselassion - n. f. (pr. \ misel&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - mistraj. - north-west wind. See also the term "maestral,
mixing, blending. See also the terms "mës-cia, méstr".
misseladura, misselatura". mistransa - n. f. (pr. \ mistr'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr. mistranse. -
misselator - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ misel&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - mixer, hands, workers, employees. See also the term "
blender. meistransa, maestransa, amaestransa ".
misselator - 2) - adj. (pr. \ misel&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. misselator. - mistura - n. f. (pr. \ mist'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. misture. - mixture.
fm. sng. and plr. misselatriss, misselatriss. - mixing, misturé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ mist [ue]r'e \ ) - to mix.
blending. misura - n. f. (pr. \ miz'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. misure. - 1) -
misselatura - n. f. (pr. \ misel&t'[ue]r& \ ) - See misselassion. measure, measurement. E. g. "la misura dla corent
misselé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ misel'e \ ) - to mix, to blend. elétrica" = "the measure of the electric current". - 2) -
See also the term "mës-cé ". size. E. g. "a son dl'istéssa misura" = "they are of the same
mìssil - n. m. (pr. \ m'isil \ ) At plr. mìssij. - missile. size". - 3) - measure, metre (poetry). - 4) - measure, beat
missilìstica - n. f. (pr. \ misil'istic& \ ) At plr. missilìstiche. - (music). - 5) - limit, bound. E. g. "it ses pròpi sensa
rocketry, missilry, missilery. misura!" = "really you don't have a limit!" - 6) -
missilìstich - adj. (pr. \ misil'istic \ ) Ms. plr. missilìstich. - fm. precaution. E. g. "pija le misure necessàrie" = "take the
sng. and plr. missilìstica, missilìstiche. - missile (as an necessary precautions". See also the terms "amzura,
attribute). mzura, mësura".
mission - n. f. (pr. \ misi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - mission. misurà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ miz[ue]r'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
missionari - n. and adj. (pr. \ misiun'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. 1) - measured (adj. and p. p.). - 2) - moderate (adj.). - 3) -
missionari. - fm. sng. and plr. missionària, missionàrie. - cautious. - 4) - sparing, scanty (usually in an ironical
missionary. sense). - See also the terms "mësurà, mzurà, amzurà ".
missiva - n. f. (pr. \ mis'iv& \ ) At plr. missive. - letter, misuràbil - adj. (pr. \ miz[ue]r'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. misuràbij. -
missive, message. fm. sng. and plr. misuràbil, misuràbij. - measurable,
mist - 1) - adj. (pr. \ mist \ ) Ms. plr. mist. - fm. sng. and plr. mensurable. See also the terms "mësuràbil, mzuràbil,
mista, miste. - mixed, mingled. See also the terms "mes- amzuràbil ".
cc, mës-cià ". misurabilità - n. f. (pr. \ miz[ue]r&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
mist - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ mist \ ) Inv. at plr. - mixture. measurability, measurableness, mensurability,
mistà - n. f. (pr. \ mist'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - small holy picture. mensurableness. See also the terms "mësurabilità,
See also the terms "bigeuja, santin, image, imaginëtta". mzurabilità, amzurabilità ".
mistanfluta (a la ---) - adv.loc.(pr.\& l& mist&[ng]fl'[ue]t&\) misurador - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ miz[ue]r&d'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. -
- carelessly, roughly, approximately, in a slapdash meter, gauge. See also the terms "amzurador, mësurador".
manner. See also the loc. "a la misterlanda". misurador - 2) - n. (pr. \ miz[ue]r&d'ur \ ) - Ms. plr.
mìster - n. m. (pr. \ m'istær \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - male winner of misurador. - fm. sng. and plr. misuradòira, misuradòire.
a beauty contest. - 2) - trainer, sports director (sport). - measurer, gauger, surveyor. See also the term
mistéri - n. m. (pr. \ mist'eri \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - mystery. - 2) - "amzurador, mësurador, mzurador".
secret (for extension). In this sense usually the term misurassion - n. f. (pr. \ miz[ue]r&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
"segrét" is used. measurement, measuring, gauging, gaging. See also the
misterios - adj. and n. (pr. \ misteri'uz \ ) Ms. plr. misterios. - term "amzurassion, mësurassion, mzurassion".
fm. sng. and plr. misteriosa, misteriose. - 1) - mysterious misuré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ miz[ue]r'e \ ) - 1) - to measure,
(adj.). - 2) - mysterious person (sbst.). to gauge. E. g. "to measure the lenght of the table" =
misteriosità - n. f. (pr. \ misteriuzit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - "misuré la longhëssa dla tàuta". - 2) - to value, to
mysteriousness. estimate. E. g. "to estimate the risks" = "misuré ij rìsigh". -
misterlanda (a la ---) - adv.loc.(pr.\& l& mistærl'&nd& \) - 3) - to limit, to ration. E. g. "you must limit your expenses"
See mistanfluta (a la ---). = "a venta ch'it misure le spèise". - 4) - to try on. E. g. "try
it on before buying it" = "misurlo prima 'd catélo". - See
also the terms "amzuré, mësuré, mzuré ".

mit - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ mit \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - myth. - 2) - utopìa mitrajament - n. m. (pr. \ mitr&y&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
(for extension) machine-gun fire. See also the term "mitraliament".
mit - 2) - adj. (pr. \ mit \ ) Ms. plr. mìt. - fm. sng. and plr. mìta, mitrajator - n. m. (pr. \ mitr&y&t'ur \ ) - See mitrajador.
mìte. - 1) - mild, meek, gentle, merciful, clement. - 2) - mitrajatriss - (pr. \ mitr&y&tr'is \ ) Inv. at plr. - machine-gun,
moderate. belt fed machine-gun. See also the term "mitraliatriss".
mitarìa - n. f. (pr. \ mit&r'i& \ ) At plr. mitarìe. - métayage, mitrajé - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ mitr&y'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - machine-
métayer system, sharecropping. See also the terms gunner. See also the term "mitralié ".
"masoarìa, masoerìa, metarìa". mitrajé - 2) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ mitr&y'e \ ) - to machine-
mitent - n. and adj. (pr. \ mit'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. mitent. - fm. sng. gun. See also the term "mitralié ".
and plr. mitenta, mitente. - 1) - sender, consigner (sbst.). mitral - adj. (pr. \ mitr'&l \ ) Ms. plr. mitraj. - fm. sng. and plr.
- 2) - sending, consigning (adj.). mitral, mitraj. - mitral (also anatomy).
miten-a - n. f. (pr. \ mit'æ[ng]& \ ) At plr. miten-e. - mittens, mitràlia - n. f. (pr. \ mitr'&li& \ ) At plr. mitralie. - 1) - grape-
woman's half gloves. shot. - 2) - machine-gun. See also the term "mitraja".
mitëssa - n. f. (pr. \ mit'&ss& \ ) At plr. mitësse. - mildness, mitraliador - n. m. (pr. \ mitr&li&d'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
gentleness, docility, tameness. machine-gunner. - 2) - tommy-gun. See also the term
mìtich - adj. (pr. \ m'itic \ ) Ms. plr. mìtich. - fm. sng. and plr. "mitrajador, mitraliator".
mìticaa, mìtiche. - mythical. mitraliament - n. m. (pr. \ mitr&li&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
miticisassion - n. f. (pr. \ miti[ch]iz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - machine-gun fire. See also the term "mitrajament".
mythicization. mitraliator - n. m. (pr. \ mitr&y&t'ur \ ) - See mitraliador.
miticisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ miti[ch]iz'e \ ) - to mythicize. mitraliatriss - (pr. \ mitr&li&tr'is \ ) Inv. at plr. - machine-
miticolos - adj. (pr. \ miticul'uz \ ) Ms. plr. miticolos. - fm. sng. gun, belt fed machine-gun. See also the term
and plr. miticolosa, miticolose. - meticulous, "mitrajatriss".
overscrupulous, fastidious, over-particular, fussy. See mitràlich - adj. (pr. \ mitr'&lic \ ) Ms. plr. mitràlich. - fm. sng.
also the term "mëticolos, meticolos". and plr. mitràlica, mitràliche. - mitral (anatomy).
miticolosità - n. f. (pr. \ miticuluzit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - mitralié - 1) - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ mitr&li'e \ ) Inv. at plr. -
meticulousness, meticulosity., fastidiousness, fussiness. machine-gunner. See also the term "mitrajé ".
See also the term "mëticolosità, meticolosità ". mitralié - 2) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ mitr&li'e \ ) - to machine-
mitigament - n. m. (pr. \ mitig&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - gun. See also the term "mitrajé ".
mitigation, alleviation. mitré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ mitr'e \ ) - to mitre (religion).
mitighé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ mitig'e \ ) - to mitigate, to mìtria - n. f. (pr. \ m'itri& \ ) At plr. mìtrie. - mitre, miter.
alleviate, to allay, to appease, to soothe, to moderate. (religion). See also the term "mitra 1)".
mitighésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ mitig'ese \ ) - 1) - to calm mitridat - n. m. (pr. \ mitrid'&t \ ) Inv. at plr. - mithridatic
down, to relax, to subside. - 2) - to become milder antidote (medical).
(weather). mitridatisassion - n. f. (pr. \ mitrid&tiz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr.
mitisassion - n. f. (pr. \ mitiz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - - mithridatization (medical).
mythicizing. mitridatisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ mitrid&tiz'e \ ) - to
mitisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ mitiz'e \ ) - to mythicize. mithridatize (medical).
mitologìa - n. f. (pr. \ mituluj'i& \ ) At plr. mitologìe. - mitridatism - n. m. (pr. \ mitrid&t'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. -
mythology. mithridatism.
mitològich - adj. (pr. \ mitul'ojic \ ) Ms. plr. mitològich. - fm. mlà - adj. (pr. \ ml'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - with honey.
sng. and plr. mitològica, mitològiche. - mythologic, mlari - n. m. (pr. \ ml'&ri \ ) Inv. at plr. - honeycomb. See also
mythological. the term "melari ".
mitomanìa - n. f. (pr. \ mituman'i& \ ) At plr. mitomanìe. - mlass - n. m. (pr. \ ml'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - molasses, treacle. See
mythomania. also the term "mëlass".
miton mitena - adv. loc. (pr. \ mitu[ng] mit'en& \ ) - with mlé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ ml’e \ ) - 1) - to smear with honey
mediocrity, moderately, slowly, little by little , not (in the lit. sense). - 2) - to flatter, to butter up (in a fig.
perfectly. sense), and also in a meaning similar to “to gild the pill“. -
mitonà - adj. (pr. \ mitun'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - cooked See also the terms "anmlé, amlé".
very slowly (on a little fire for a long time) mlëzzo - n. m. (pr. \ m&l'&zzu \) Inv. at plr. - larch (botany -
mitoné - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ mitun'e \ ) - 1) - to cook very Larix europaea). See also the term "malëzzo".
slowly. - 2) - to lie lazily, to idle about (in a fig. sense). It mlissa - n. f. (pr. \ ml'is& \ ) At plr. mlisse. - lemon balm,
uses the aux. "avèj". balm-mint (botany - Melissa officinalis). See also the term
mitòcia - n. f. (pr. \ mit'o[ch]i& \ ) At plr. mitòce. - squeamish "melissa".
woman. mlon - n. m. (pr. \ ml'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - melon, musk
mitòlogh - n. (pr. \ mit'olug \ ) Ms. plr. mitòlogh. - fm. sng. melon (botany - Cucumis melo). See also the term "melon".
and plr. mitòloga, mitòloghe. - mythologer, mythologist. mloné - n. (pr. \ mlun'e \ ) Ms. plr. mloné. - fm. sng. and plr.
mitòlogo - n. (pr. \ mit'olugô \ ) - See mitòlogh. mlonera, mlonere. - melon seller.
mitòmane - n. and adj. (pr. \ mit'om&ne \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. mlonera - n. f. (pr. \ mlun'er& \ ) At plr. mlonere. - land
- mythomaniac. cultivated with melons, melon bed.
mitra - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ m'itr& \ ) At plr. mitre. - mitre, miter. mlon-a - n. f. (pr. \ ml'u[ng]& \ ) At plr. mlon-e. - 1) -
(religion). See also the term "mìtria". pumpkin. - 2) - big head, blockhead (in a fig. sense). See
mitra - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ m'itr& \ ) Inv. at plr. - sub-machine also the term "cossa".
gun. tommy-gun. mnà - n. f. (pr. \ mn'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - tool for mixing
mitraja - n. f. (pr. \ mitr'&y& \ ) At plr. mitraje. - 1) - grape- cooking food. In this sense see also the term "toirol ". - 2) -
shot. - 2) - machine-gun. See also the term "mitràlia". handful. - 3) - slap, thrashing. In these sense see also the
mitrajador - n. m. (pr. \ mitr&y&d'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - term "manà". - 3) - rigmarole, long-winded yarn. See also
machine-gunner. - 2) - tommy-gun. See also the terms the term "menà, menada, mnada". - 4) - watery soup,
"mitraliador, mitrajator". dishwater.

nmada - n. f. (pr. \ mn'&d& \ ) - 1) - rigmarole, long-winded mnùa - n. f. (pr. \ mn'[ue]& \ ) At plr. mnùe - menu. See also
yarn. See also the term "menà, menada, mnà 3rd meaning". the terms "menù, mnù 1) 1st meaning, carta ".
- 2) - machination, plot, intrigue, deceit. mnussaja - n. f. (pr. \ mn[ue]s'&y& \ ) At plr. (if applicable)
mnaidé - vrb 1st con. int. . (pr. \ mn&id'e \ ) - to be slow, to mnussaje. - bits and pieces, odds and ends. See also the
stay too long, to delay. terms "mnutaja, mnussam".
mnassa - n. f. ( \ mn'&s& \ ) At plr. mnace. - menace, threat. mnussam - n. m. (pr. \ mn[ue]s'&m \ ) - See mnussaja.
See also the terms "mënnassa, minàcia, minassa" mnussé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ zmn[ue]s'e \ ) - to break into
mnassant - adj. (pr. \ mn&s'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. mnassant. - fm. small pieces. See also the term "smnussé"
sng. and plr. mnssanta, mnassante. - threatening, mnutaja - n. f. (pr. \ mn[ue]t'&y& \ ) - See mnussaja.
menacing. See also the terms "mënnassios, mënnassant, mnutëssa - n. f. (pr. \ mn[ue]t'&ss& \ ) - See minutëssa.
minassos, mnassos". moar - n. m. (pr. \ mu'&r \ ) Inv. at plr. - marbling. See also
mnassé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ mn&s'e \ ) - 1) - to threaten, to the terms "moaré 2), ven-a".
menace. - 2) - to intimidate. See also the terms moarà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ mu&r'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
"mënnassé, minacé, minassé ". marbled. See also the terms "moaré 2), marëzzà".
mnassos - adj. (pr. \ mn&s'uz \ ) Ms. plr. mnassos. - fm. sng. moaré - 1) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ mu&r'e \ ) - to marble. See
and plr. mnassosa, mnassose. - threatening, menacing. also the term "marëzzé ", and the vrbl. loc. "dé 'l moar, dé
See also the terms "mënnassant, mënnassios, minacios, la ven-a".
minassos". moaré - 2) - n. m. . (pr. \ mu&r'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - marbling. See
mné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ mn'e \ ) - 1) - to lead, to take, to also the terms "moar, ven-a".
bring. - 2) - to shake, to wave. Some uses: - A) - "mné a moaré - adj. (pr. \ mu&r'e \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - marbled.
la longa" = "to stay too long". - B) - "mné a la fin" = "to See also the terms "moarà, marëzzà".
end, to conclude". - C) - "mné 'l daré " = "to wiggle one's moasì - adj. (pr. \ mu&z'i \ ) Ms. plr. moasì. - fm. sng. and plr.
hips". - D) - "mné la bërtavela" = "to chatter too much". - moasìa, moasìe. - stale, mouldy, musty.
E) - "mné la barca" = "to manage, to administer". - F) - mobìlia - n. f. (pr. \ mub'ili& \ ) Inv. at plr. - furniture. See
"nmé le gambe" = "to walk quickly". - G) - "mné 'l also the term "mobìlio".
petandon" = "to idle about". - H) - "dé 'l can a mné" = "to mobilià - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ mubili'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
leave (sb.) in the lurch". furnished.
mnemònich - adj. (pr. \ mnem'onic \ ) Ms. plr. mnemònich. - mobiliadura - n. f. (pr. \ mubili&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
fm. sng. and plr. mnemònica, mnemòniche. - mnemonic, mobiliadure. - 1) - furnishing. - 2) - furniture.
mnemonical. mobiliar - adj. (pr. \ mubili'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
mnengia - n. f. (pr. \ mn'ængi& \ ) At plr. mnenge. - 1) - movable, personal (economy, finance).
meninx (anatomy). - 2) - brain (in a fig. sense). See also mobilié - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ mubili'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - furniture-
the term "menengia". maker, furniture-seller.
mnengism - n. m. (pr.\mnæng'izm\) Inv. at plr. - meningism. mobilié - 2) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ mubili'e \ ) - to furnish. See
See also the term "menengism". also the term "amobilié ".
mnengite - n. f. (pr. \ mnæng'ite \ ) Inv. at plr. - meningitis. mobilifìssi - n. m. (pr. \ mubilif'isi \ ) Inv. at plr. - furniture
See also the term "menengite". factory.
mnestra - n. f. (pr. \ mn'estr& \ ) At plr. mnestre. - soup, mobìlio - n. m. (pr. \ mub'iliu \ ) - See mobìlia.
pottage. Note that the expression "perde la mnestra" = lit. mobilità - n. f. (pr. \ mubilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - mobility,
"to lose the soup", means "to lose one's work", considering movability, movableness. - 2) - mutability, instability,
that once the soup was the main dish (and often the only) inconstancy, changeableness.
of workers. mobilitassion - n. f. (pr. \ mubilit&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
mnestré - 1) - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ mnestr'e \ ) - to ladle out mobilization.
the soup. See also the term "anmnestré". mobilité - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ mubilit'e \ ) - to mobilize.
mnestré - 2) - n. (pr. \ mnestr'e \ ) - Ms. plr. mnestré. - fm. mobilitésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ mubilit'ese \ ) - 1) - to
sng. and plr. mnestréra, mnestrére. - great eater of soup. mobilize. - 2) - to rally round (in a fig. sense).
mnestëtta - n. f. (pr. \ mnestr'&tt& \ ) At plr. mnestrëtte - thin mobliepà - n. m. (pr. \ mubliep'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - myosotis,
soup. See also the term "mnestrin-a". myosote, forget-me-not (botany - Myosotis palustris). See
mnestrin-a - n. f. (pr. \ mnestr'i[ng]& \ ) - See mnestrëtta. also the loc. "euj dla Madona".
mnestron - n. m. (pr. \ mnestr'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - mocador - n. m. (pr. \ muc&d'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - snuffer,
vegetable soup (with pasta or rice), "minestrone". - 2) - snuffers. - 2) - swearer (in a fig. sense). - 3) - pruner
hptchpotch, jumble (in a fig. sense). (agriculture). - 4) - pessimist (in a fig. sense).
mnis - n. m. (pr. \ mniz \ ) Inv. at plr. - garbage, rabbish, mocadura - n. f. (pr. \ muc&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. mocadure. - 1)
refuse, trash, litter. - snuffing. - 2) - pruning (agriculture). - 3) - trimming
mnisaje - n. f. plr. (pr. \ mniz'&ye \ ) Only plr. - remainders of off, rounding off. See also the term "mocura".
food. See also the terms "vansrum, vansroj ". mocajà - n. m. (pr. \ muc&y'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - fabric of goat's
mnisé - n. m. (pr. \ mniz'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - dustman, refuse- hair. See also the terms "mocajard, moncajà ".
collector, street-sweeper. See also the term "neturbin". mocajard - n. m. (pr. \ muc&y'&rd \ ) - See mocajà.
mnisera - n. f. (pr. \ mniz'er& \ ) At plr. mnisere. - dustbin, mocass - n. m. (pr. \ muc'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - candle-end,
garbage-can. See also the term "portamnis". taper. - 2) - snuff.
mnor - n. m. (pr. \ mnur \ ) Inv. at plr. - stick for mixing (also mocassin - n. m. (pr. \ muc&s'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - moccasin.
cooking). See also the terms "rojào, toirol ". mocc - adj. and n. (pr. \ mu[ch] \ ) Ms. plr. mocc. - fm. sng.
mnù - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ mn[ue] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - menu. In this and plr. mocia, moce. - 1) - maimed (adj.). - 2) - cut off,
sense see also the terms "menù, mnùa, carta ". - 2) - retail. bevelled, rounded off (adj.). - 3) - maimed person (sbst.).
In this sense see also the term "minut 2)". See also the term "moch 1) 2nd meaning".
mnù - 2) - adj. (pr. \ mn[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. mnù. - fm. sng. and mocé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ mu[ch]'e \ ) - to trim off, to roud
plr. mnùa, mnùe. - 1) - minute, very small, little, slender, off, to bevel, to cut off. See also the term "moché 2nd
delicate. - 2) - detailed, precise. - See also the term meaning".
"minut 1)".

mocela - n. f. (pr. \ mu[ch]'el& \ ) At plr. mocele. - nasal moderàbil - adj. (pr. \ muder'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. moderàbij. - fm.
mucus, snot. See also the terms "mocia, mona, morfél". sng. and plr. moderàbil, moderàbij. - that can be
mocëtta - n. f. (pr. \ mu[ch]'&tt& \ ) At plr. mocëtte. - plane moderated.
with a concave plane-iron. moderassion - n. f. (pr. \ muder&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
moch - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ muc \ ) Inv. at plr. - wick, taper, moderation, moderateness, temperance.
candle-end. See also the term "mochet ". moderatëssa - n. f. (pr. \muder&t'&ss&\ ) - See moderassion.
moch - 2) - adj (pr. \ muc \ ) Ms. plr. moch. - fm. sng. and plr. moderator - n. and adj. - (pr. \ muder&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr.
moca, moche. - 1) - humiliated, mortified, disappointed, moderator. - fm. sng. and plr. moderatriss, moderatriss.
upset. - 2) - maimed. See also the terms "mocc 1st - 1) - moderator (sbst.). - 2) - moderating (adj.).
meaning, monch". moderé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ muder'e \ ) - 1) - to moderate. -
moché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ muk'e \ ) - 1) - to snuff. - 2) - to 2) - to reduce.
trim off, to roud off, to bevel, to cut off. In this sense see moderésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ muder'ese \ ) - to moderate
also the term "mocé". oneself, to control oneself.
mochet - (pr. \ muc'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - taper, candle-end. See modern - n. and adj. (pr. \ mud'ærn \ ) Ms. plr. modern. - fm.
also the term "moch ". sng. and plr. moderna, moderne. - modern.
mochëtta - n. f. (pr. \ muk'&tt& \ ) At plr. mochëtte. - modernament - adv. (pr. \ mudærn&m'ænt \ ) - modernly, in
moquette, wall-to-wall carpet. a modern manner, in modern times. Italianism, in
mochëtté - n. m. (pr. \ muk&tt'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - snuffer, Piedm. often the adj "modern" is used or adv. loc. like "da
snuffers. modern, an manera moderna, al dì d'ancheuj, etc."
mocia - n. f. (pr. \ m'u[ch]i& \ ) - See mocela. modernisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ mudærniz'e \ ) - to
mocura - n. f. (pr. \ muc'[ue]r& \ ) - See mocadura. modernize, to make modern.
modal - adj. (pr. \ mud'&l \ ) Ms. plr. modaj. - fm. sng. and modernisésse - vrb 1st con. tefl. (pr. \ mudærniz'ese \ ) - to
plr. modal, modaj. - modal (grammar). bring oneself up-to-date.
modalità - n. f. (pr. \ mud&lit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - formality, modernism - n. m. (pr. \ mudærn'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. -
modality. - 2) - way, manner. modernism.
modanadura - n. f. (pr. \ mud&n&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. modernista - n. (pr. \ mudærn'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. modernista. -
modanadure. - moulding (architecture) fm. sng. and plr. modernista, moderniste. - modernist.
modané - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ mud&n'e \ ) - to mould modernìstich - adj. (pr. \ mudærn'istic \ ) Ms. plr.
(building). modernistich. - fm. sng. and plr. modernistica,
modben - adv. (pr. \ mudb'æ[ng] \ ) - very, in a large modernistiche. - modernistic, modernist (as an attribute).
quantity, very much, greatly, a lot, long (referred to modernità - n. f. (pr. \ mudærnit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - modernity.
time). See also the terms "modbin, motoben, motobin". modest - adj. (pr. \ mud'est \ ) Ms. plr. modest. - fm. sng. and
modbin - adv. (pr. \ mudb'i[ng] \ ) - See modben. plr. modesta, modeste. - 1) - modest, bashful, reserved,
modél - n. m. (pr. \ mud'el \ ) At plr. modéj. - 1) - model, demure, unpretentious, humble. - 2) - moderate,
pattern. - 2) - mould, mold. - 3) - model. style, fashion, modest.
shape. - 4) - pattern (tayloring). - 5) - manikin, male modestament - adv. (pr. \ mudest&m'ænt \ ) - modestly.
model. In this sense see also the term "manchèn". - 6) - Italianism quite used. See also the loc. "da modest, an
form. In this sense see also the terms "mòdol, mòdul" manera modesta".
modela - n. m. (pr. \ mud'el& \ ) At plr. modele. - model modéstia - n. f. (pr. \ mud'esti& \ ) At plr. (when applicable)
(female model). modéstie. - modesty, bashfulness, demureness, humility.
modelament - n. m. (pr. \ mudel&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - modestin - n. m. (pr. \ mudest'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - trimming
modelling, moulding. See also the terms "modeladua, for low-necked dress.
modlura, modelassion". modìfica - n. f. (pr. \ mud'ific& \ ) At plr. modìfiche. -
modeladura - n. f. (pr. \ mudel&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. modification, alteration.
modeladure. - modelling, moulding. See also the term modificàbil - adj. (pr. \ mudific'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. modificàbij. -
"modlura, modelament, modelassion". fm. sng. and plr. modificàbil, modificàbij. - 1) -
modelassion - n. f. (pr. \ mudel&si'u[ng] \ ) - See modeladura. modifiable, alterable. - 2) - amendable.
modelator - n. (pr. \ mudel&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. modelator. - fm. modificabilità - n. f. (pr. \ mudific&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
sng. and plr. modelatriss, modelatriss. - modeller. See modifiability, modifiableness, alterableness.
also the terms "modleur, modelista". modificassion - n. f. (pr. \ mudific&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
modelé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ mudel'e \ ) - to model, to modification, change, alteration. - 2) - correction,
mould, to fashion, to shape. See also the term "modlé". amendment.
modelésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ mudel'ese \ ) - to model modificator - n. and adj. (pr. \ mudific&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr.
oneself (on). See also the term "modlésse". modificator. - fm. sng. and plr. modificatriss,
modelin - n. m. (pr. \ mudel'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - miniature. modificatriss. - 1) - modifier (sbst.). - 2) - modifying,
See also the term "modlin". modificatory (adj.).
modelism -n. m. (pr. \ mudel'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - modelling. modifiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ mudifik'e \ ) - 1) - to modify,
modelista - n. (pr. \ mudel'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. modelista. - fm. to change. - 2) - to correct, to amend.
sng. and plr. modelista, modeliste. - 1) - model-maker, modifichésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ mudifik'ese \ ) - to
pattern-maker. - 2) - modeller. In this sense see also the change, to alter, to modify. Often with int. meaning.
term "modelator". modion - n. m. (pr. \ mudi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - bracket,
modelìstica - n. f. (pr. \ mudel'istic& \ ) At plr. modelìstiche. - console, corbel, capital, modillin, truss (architecture).
construction of models. modista - n. f. (pr. \ mud'ist& \ ) At plr. modìste. - milliner.
modelìstich - adj. (pr. \ mudel'istic \ ) Ms. plr. modelìstich. - modisterìa - n. f. (pr. \ mudister'i& \ ) At plr. modisterìe. -
fm. sng. and plr. modelìstica, modelistiche. - model. milliner's shop.
miniature (as attributes). modlé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ mudl'e \ ) - to model, to mould,
moderà - adj. and (pr. \ muder'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - to fashion, to shape. See also the term "modelé".
moderate, temperate, frugal. modlésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ mudl'ese \ ) - to model
oneself (on). See also the term "modelésse".

modleur - n. (pr. \ mudel&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. modleur. - fm. sng. molanciada - n. f. (pr. \ mul&n[ch]i'&d& \ ) At plr.
and plr. modleusa, modleuse. - modeller. See also the molanciade. - wettish ground, flaccid material, watery
terms " modelator, modelista". mud. See also the terms "pautrigna, paciàuta".
modlin - n. m. (pr. \ mudl'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - miniature. See molancian - adj. (pr. \ mul&n[ch]i'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr.
also the term "modelin". molacian. - fm. sng. and plr. molacian-a, molacian-e. - 1)
modlura - n. f. (pr. \ mudl'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. modlure. - - wettish, moist, dampish. - 2) - rather flabby, limp,
modelling, moulding. See also the term "modeladura, flaccid. - 3) - good-for-nothing. See also the terms
modelament, modelassion". "molaciù, molanciù, molancionù, molassù ".
modular - adj. (pr. \ mud[ue]l'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - molancionù - adj. (pr. \ mul&[ch]iun'[ue] \ ) - See molanciù.
modular. molar - 1) - adj. and n. ms. (pr. \ mul'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr.
modulari - n. m. (pr. \ mud[ue]l'&ri \ ) Inv. at plr. - set of (only ms.). - molar, molar tooth (anatomy). See also the
forms. terms "maslar, massëllar".
modularità - n. f. (pr. \ mud[ue]l&rit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - molar - 2) - adj. (pr. \ mul'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - molar
modularity. (chemistry)
modulassion - n. f. (pr. \ mud[ue]l&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - molass - n. m. plr. (pr. \ mul'&s \ ) Only plr. - mills, group of
modulation. mills (along a river).
modulator - n. m. (pr. \ mud[ue]l&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - molassù - adj. (pr. \ mul&s[ue] \ ) - See molaciù.
modulator. molé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ mul'e \ ) - 1) - to grind, to whet. -
modulé - vrb 1st con. trs. - (pr. \ mud[ue]l'e \ ) - to modulate. 2) - to slachen, to release. Note that the expression "molé
moela - n. f. (pr. \ mu'el& \ ) At plr. moele. - mohair (texile). në sgiaf (a quaidun)" means " to slap sb. , to give sb. a
moelon - n. m. (pr. \ muel'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - not refined slap".
mohair (texile). moléa - n. f. (pr. \ mul'e& \ ) At plr. molée. - crumb, soft part
mofa - n. f. (pr. \ m'uf& \ ) At plr. mofe. - 1) - mould, mold. of bread. See also the term "molèja".
See also the term "mufa". Sometimes also - 2) - moss. In molèja - n. f. . (pr. \ mul'æy& \ ) - See moléa.
this sense (not very used) see also the terms "mus-cc, moléla - vrb 1st con. trs. + prm. prt. (pr. \ mul'el& \ ) - to give
musch". up (st.) (lit. to give it up).
mofign - adj. (pr. \ muf'i[gn] \ ) Ms. plr. mofign. - fm. sng. and molest - adj. (pr. \ mul'est \ ) Ms. plr. molest. - fm. sng. and
plr. mofigna, mofigne. - mouldy, tasting mouldy. See plr. molesta, moleste. - troublesome, vexatious,
also the term "mufign". annoying, bothering, unpleasant, nasty, harassing. See
mofla - n. f. (pr. \ m'ufl& \ ) At plr. mofle. - 1) - mitten. - 2) - also the terms "molestos, fastidios".
muffle (furnace). molestador - n. (pr. \ mulest&d'ur \ ) - See molestator.
moflon - n. m. (pr. \ mufl'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - slap, smack, molestator - n. (pr. \ mulest&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. molestator. - fm.
cuff. See also the term "smorflon". sng. and plr. molestatriss, molestatriss. - molester,
mogia - n. f. (pr. \ m'uji& \ ) At plr. moge. - heifer. See also annoyer, vexer, disturber.
the term "vèila". molesté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ mulest'e \ ) - to molest, to
mojà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ muy'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - annoy, to vex, to disurb, to trouble., to pester, to bother.
soaked, drenched, wet through. moléstia - n. f. (pr. \ mul'esti& \ ) At plr. moléstie. -
mojé - 1) - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ muy'e \ ) - 1) - to annoyance, trouble, worry, bother.
soak, to drench (trs.). - 2) - to dip, to soak (trs.). - 3) - to molestos - adj. (pr. \ mulest'uz \ ) - See molest.
get soaked (int.). molet - n. m. (pr. \ mul'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - soft bread.
mojé - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ muy'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - wife. This term is moleta - n. m. (pr. \ mul'et& \ ) Inv. at plr. - kife-sharpener,
not very used, a preferred term is "fomna", meaning simply knife-grinder. See also the terms "amolàire, molàire,
"woman". molita".
mojen - n. m. (pr. \ muy'æ[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - means, way. molësin - adj. (pr. \ mul&z'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. molëzin. - fm. sng.
In this sense see also the term "meso". - 2) - manner, way, and plr. molëzin-a, molëzin-e. - 1) - soft, tender, gentle. -
contrivance, expedient. In this sense see also the term 2) - mellow, smooth. See also the terms "molsin, còti,
"manera". molzin ".
mojëtta - n. f. (pr. \ muy'&tt& \ ) At plr. mojëtte. - 1) - sheet- molëssa - n. f. (pr. \ mul'&ss& \ ) At plr. molësse. - 1) -
iron (thin). - 2) - money (in a fig. sense). softness, tenderness, suppleness. - 2) - weakness,
mojiss - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ muy'is \ ) Inv. at plr. - quagmire, feebleness (in a fig. sense). - 3) - luxury (used at plr.
marsh, bog. molësse, in a fig. sense). See also the most used term
mojiss - 2) - adj. (pr. \ muy'is \ ) Ms. plr. mojiss. - fm. sng. and "molìssia".
plr. mojissa, mojisse. - marshy, boggy, nuddy. molëtta - n. f. (pr. \ mul'&tt& \ ) At plr. molëtte. - 1) - small
molà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ mul'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - spring (mechanics). - 2) - small tongs, hair-grip,
ground, sharpened, sharp, whetted. - 2) - slackened, tweezers. In this sense see also the term "pinsëtta". - 3) -
released. clothes-pin. In this sense see also the best term "pëssia".
molaciù - adj. (pr. \ mul&[ch]i'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. molaciù. - fm. molëtté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ mul&tt'e \ ) - to take away
sng. and plr. molaciùa, molaciùe. - 1) - wettish, moist, flocks from a fabric with tweezers.
dampish. - 2) - rather flabby, limp, flaccid. - 3) - without molëtton - n. m. (pr. \ mul&tt'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - thick
energy (in a fig. sense). See also the terms "molassù, flannel, swan's down. See also the term "molton".
molanciù, molancian, molancionù ". molifiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ mulifik'e \ ) - to soften.
moladura - n. f. (pr. \ mul&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. moladure. - 1) molìssia - n. f. (pr. \ mul'issi& \ ) At plr. molìssie. - 1) -
- sharpening, whetting, grinding. - 2) - powder coming softness, tenderness, suppleness. - 2) - weakness,
from grinding. See also the term "molura". feebleness (in a fig. sense). - 3) - luxury (used at plr.
molàire - n. m. (pr. \ mul'&ire \ ) Inv. at plr. - kife-sharpener, molìssie, in a fig. sense). See also the term "molëssa".
knife-grinder. See also the terms "amolàire, moleta, molita - - n. m. (pr. \ mul'it& \ ) Inv. at plr. - kife-sharpener,
molita". knife-grinder. See also the terms "amolàire, molàire,

molòss - n. m. (pr. \ mul'os \ ) Inv. at plr. - Molossian hound monacal - adj. (pr. \ mun&c'&l \ ) Ms. plr. monacaj. - fm. sng.
(zoology). and plr. monacal, monacaj. - monachal, monastic. See
molsin - adj. (pr. \ muls'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. molsin. - fm. sng. and also the term "monial ".
plr. molsin-a, molsin-e. - 1) - soft, tender, gentle. - 2) - monacassion - n. f. (pr. \ mun&c&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
mellow, smooth. See also the terms "molësin, còti, taking of monastic vows, profession. See also the term
molzin". "anmoniassion".
moltìplica - n. f. (pr. \ mult'iplic& \ ) At plr. moltìpliche. - 1) - monachésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ mun&k'ese \ ) - to become
gear ratio, gears of a bike. - 2) - multiplication a monk, to become a nun. See also the term "anmoniésse"
(mathematical operation). In this sense see also the term and the loc. "fésse frà, fésse monia".
"moltiplicassion". monachésim - n. m. (pr. \ mun&k'ezim \ ) Inv. at plr. -
moltiplicador - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ multiplic&d'ur \ ) - See monachism, monasticism. See also the term
moltiplicator 1). "monianésim".
moltiplicador - 2) - adj.. (pr. \ multiplic&d'ur \ ) - See monada - n. f. (pr. \ mun'&d& \ ) At plr. monade. - 1) - blow
moltiplicator 2). with a brick. In this sense see also the term "monà 2nd
moltiplicand - n. m. (pr. \ multiplic'&nd \ ) Inv. at plr. - meaning". - 2) - foolish thing.
multiplicand. monarca - n. m. (pr. \ mun'&rc& \ ) Inv. at plr. - monarch.
moltiplicassion - n. f. (pr. \ multiplic&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - monarchèsch - adj. (pr. \ mun&rk'æsc \ ) Ms. plr.
1) - multiplication (in general and mathematics). - 2) - monarchèsch. - fm. sng. and plr. monarchësca,
gearing-up (mechanics, referred to rpm). monarchësche. - related to a monarch, monarch-like.
moltiplicativ - adj. (pr. \ multiplic&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. monarchìa - n. f. (pr. \ mun&rk'i& \ ) At plr. monarchìe. -
moltiplicativ. - fm. sng. and plr. moltiplicativa, monarchy.
moltiplicative. - multiplicative. monarchich - adj. and n. (pr. \ mun'&rkic \ ) Ms. plr.
moltiplicator - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ multiplic&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - monàrchich. - fm. sng. and plr. monàrchica,
multiplier. See also the term "moltiplicador 1)". monàrchiche. - 1) - monarchic, monarchical (adj.). - 2) -
moltiplicator - 2) - adj. (pr. \ multiplic&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. monarchist, royalist (sbst.).
moltiplicator. - fm. sng. and plr. moltiplicatriss, monasté - n. m. (pr. \ mun&st'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - monastery,
moltiplicatriss. - multiplying. See also the term convent, nunnery. See also the terms "monasteri,
"moltiplicador 2)". monësté".
moltipliché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ multiplik'e \ ) - 1) - to monastéri - n. m. (pr. \ mun&st'eri \ ) - See monasté.
multiply (general and mathematics) - 2) - to increase, to monasterial - adj. (pr. \mun&steri'&l \ ) Ms. plr. monasteriaj.
augment (in a fig. sense). - fm. sng. and plr. monasterial, monasteriaj. - related to
moltiplichésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ multiplik'ese \ ) - to the monastery, of the convent.
increase, to multiply, to be reproduced. monàsti - adj. (pr. \mun'&sti \ ) - See monàstich.
moltitudin - n. f. (pr. \ multit'[ue]di[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - monàstich - adj. (pr. \mun'&stic \ ) Ms. plr. monàstich. - fm.
multitude, crowd, great number, lot. sng. and plr. monàstica, monàstiche. - monastic.
molura - n. f. (pr. \ mul&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. moladure. - 1) - monat - n. m. (pr. \ mun'&t \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - monatto
sharpening, whetting, grinding. - 2) - powder coming (history). - 2) - gravedigger (for ext.). See also the terms
from grinding. In these meanings see also the term "maunet, maunat ".
"moladura". - 3) - milling, grinding. - 4) -charge for monaté - n. (pr. \ mun&t'e \) Ms. plr. monaté. - fm. sng. and
milling. In this sense see also the terms "motura, mota". plr. monatera, monatere. - brick-maker. See also the
molzin - adj. (pr. \ mulz'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. molzin. - fm. sng. and term "fornasé ".
plr. molzin-a, molzin-e. - 1) - soft, tender, gentle. - 2) - moncajà - n. m. (pr. \ mu[ng]c&y'& \) - See mocajà.
mellow, smooth. See also the terms "molësin, còti, monch - adj. (pr. \ mu[ng]c \) Ms. plr. monch. - fm. sng. and
molsin". plr. monca, monche. - maimed. See also the terms "mocc,
moment - n. m. (pr. \ mum'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - moment, moch".
instant, time. - 2) - moment, momentum (physics).- 3) - mond - n. m. (pr. \ mund \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - world. - 2) -
opportunity, right time. Some idiomatic ways of saying: - universe, earth, everybody. (according to the context).
A) - "a moment" = "very soon, in a moment". - B) - "dal Some examples: - A) - "sto mond" = lit. "this world" = "the
moment che..." = "since...", or "as soon as...". - C) - " (an) earth". - B) - "buté al mond" = lit. "to put to the world" =
sël moment " = "immediately". - D) - "ant un moment" = "to give birth". - C) - "a l'onor dël mond" = lit. "at the
"in a moment". - E) - "për ël moment" = "so far, at the honour of the world" = "in a dignified manner". - D) - "nen
moment" avèj ëd mond" = lit. "not to have world" = "to be a
momentaneament - adv. (pr. \ mumænt&ne&m'ænt \ ) - at the simpleton". - E) - "a lo sà tut ël mond" = "everybody knows
moment, at present, momentarily, temporarily, right that".
now. Italianism. See thew adv. loc. "al moment, për ël monda - n. f. (pr. \ m'und& \) At plr. monde. - weeding.
moment, an aspetand, an atandan". mondaj - n. m. plr. (pr.\mund'&y\) Only plr. - roast chestnuts.
momentani - adj. (pr. \ mumænt'&ni \ ) Ms. plr. momentani. - See also the loc. "castagne brusatà".
fm. sng. and plr. momentània, momentànie. - mondan - adj. (pr. \ mund'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. mondan. - fm.
momentary, temporary, transitory, short-lived. sng. and plr. mondan-a, mondan-e. - wordly, earthly,
momparelie - n. f. plr. (pr. \ mump&r'elie \ ) Only plr. - mundane.
narrow "lasagne" (pasta). mondan-a - n. f. (pr. \ mund'&[ng]& \ ) At plr. mondan-e. -
mon - n. m. (pr. \ mu[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - brick (building). prostitute, street-walker.
- 2) - bore, nuisance, weight (in a fig. sense). mondanità - n. f. (pr. \ mund&nit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
mon (a ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ & mu[ng] \ ) - See mont (a ---). wordliness. - 2) - wordly pleasure. In these senses see
mona - n. f. (pr. \ mun& \ ) - See mocela. also the term "materialità ". - 3) - high society.
monà - n. m. (pr. \ mun'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - powder of mondaris - n. (pr. \ mund&r'iz \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - rice-
bricks. - 2) - blow with a brick. In this sense see also the weeder. Since the rice-weeders in Piedm. were (wnd still
term "monada 1st meaning". are) always women, the term is often considered as fm.

mondass - n. m. (pr. \ mund'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - large crowd, mongolfiera - n. f. (pr. \ mu[ng]gulfier& \) At plr.
multitude (of people). mongolfiere. - montgolfier, hot-air ballon.
mondé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ mund'e \ ) - 1) - to weed mongolism - n. m. (pr. \ mu[ng]gul'izm \) Inv. at plr. -
(agriculture). - 2) - to clean. - 3) - to peel (fruits, etc.), to mongolism.
husk, to strip, to shell (beans, etc.), etc. Mongòlia - n. f. (pr. \ mu[ng]g'oli& \) Only sng. (noun of
mondésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ mund'ese \ ) - to purify region). In case of need, at plr. Mongòlie. - Mongolia.
oneself. mongòlich - adj. (pr. \ mu[ng]g'olic \) Ms. plr. mongòlich. -
mondëssa - n. f. (pr. \ mund'&ss& \ ) At plr. mondësse. - 1) - fm. sng. and plr. mongòlica, mongòliche. - Mongolian,
cleanliness, cleanness, hygiene. - 2) - purity (in a fig. Mongolic.
sense). mongolòid - adj. and n. (pr. \ mu[ng]gul'oid \) Ms. plr.
mondìa - n. f. (pr. \ mund'i& \ ) At plr. mondije. - refuse, mongolòid. - fm. sng. and plr. mongolòida, mongolòide. -
dross, tailings. See also the terms "mondija, mondissia". mongoloid (also medical).
mondìja - n. f. (pr. \ mund'iy& \ ) - See mondìa. mongòmeri - n. m. (pr. \ mu[ng]g'omeri \) Inv. at plr. - duffel
mondìssia - n. f. (pr. \ mund'isi& \ ) - See mondìa. coat.
mondissum - n. m. (pr. \ mundis'[ue]m \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any - monia - n. f. (pr. \ m'uni& \) At plr. monie. - 1) - nun
collective name) - dirty refuses, dross, rubbish. (religion). - 2) - dead silkworms (used at plr. "monie "). -
mondvision - n. f. (pr. \ mundvizi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - world 3) - warming pan. In this sense see also the terms "monio,
vision, world T.V. prèive, frà, scaudor".
monea - n. f. (pr. \ mun'e& \ ) At plr. monée. - 1) - coin. - 2) - monial - adj. (pr. \ muni&'l \) - See monacal.
money. See also the terms "moneda, monèja". monianésim - n. m. (pr. \ muni&n'ezim \) - See monachésim.
moneda - n. f. (pr. \ mun'ed& \ ) - See monea. monicipio - n. m. (pr. \ muni[ch]'ipiu \) - See munissipi.
monedàbil - adj. (pr. \ muned'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. monedàbij. - monidor - n. (pr. \ munid'ur \) - See monitor.
fm. sng. and plr. monedàbil, monedàbij. - coinable monié - n. m. (pr. \ muni'e \) Inv. at plr. - army chaplain.
(finance).. See also the term "monetàbil". moniëtta - n. f. (pr. \ muni'&tt& \) At plr. moniëtte. - 1) - little
monedari - 1) - adj. and n. (pr. \ muned'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. noun, young nun. In this sense see also the term
monedari. - fm. sng. and plr. monedària, monedàrie. - 1) "monigheta 1st meaning". - 2) - tern, sea-swallow (zoology
- monetary. (adj.) (finance). - 2) - minter (sbst.). - 3) - - Sterna hirundo).
counterfeiter (sbst.). In this case usually the expression is monigheta - n. f. (pr. \ munig'et& \) Ar plr. monighete. - 1) -
"monedari fauss". See also the term "monetari". little noun, young nun. - 2) - dragon-fly (zoology). In this
monedari - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ muned'&ri \ ) Inv. at plr. - coin sense see also the terms "balansëtta, madamin".
cabinet. monio - n. m. (pr. \ m'uniu \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - monk. - 2) -
monedassion - n. f. (pr. \ muned&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - king-post (architecture). - 3) - bed-warmer. - See also the
minting, coining, mintage, coinage. - 2) - monetization. - most common term "frà ".
(finance). See also the terms "monetassion, monedisassion, monission - n. f. (pr. \ munisi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
monetisassion". admonishment, admonition, warning. In this sense see
monedé - vrb 1st con. trs. - (pr. \ muned'e \ ) - to coin, to mint. also the term "amonission". - 2) - munitions, ammunition.
monedisassion - n. f. (pr. \ munediz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - In this sense see the term "munission".
monetization (finance).. See also the terms monissipal - adj. (pr. \ munisip'&l \ ) - See municipal.
"monetisassion, monedassion 2nd meaning". monitor - n. (pr. \ mun'itur \ ) Ms. plr. monitor. - fm. sng. and
monedisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ munediz'e \ ) - to monetize. plr. monitriss, monitriss. - adviser, counsellor. See also
(finance). See also the term "monetisé ". the terms "monidor, consijé ".
monèja - n. f. (pr. \ mun'æy& \ ) At plr. monèje. - 1) - coin. - monitoragi - n. m. (pr. \ munitur'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. -
2) - money. See also the terms "moneda, monea". monitoring. Engl. neologism, see the term "contòl".
monetàbil - adj. (pr. \ munet'&bil \ ) - See monedàbil. monitoré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ munitur'ei \ ) - to monitor.
monetari - adj. and n. (pr. \ munet'&ri \ ) - See monedari 1). Engl. neologism, see the term "contolé".
monetassion - n. f. (pr. \ munet&si'u[ng] \ ) - See monitòri - adj. - (pr. \ munit'ori \ ) Ms. plr. monitòri. - fm. sng.
monedassion. and plr. monitòria, monitròrie. - monitory, warning.
monetisassion - n. f. (pr. \ munetiz&si'u[ng] \ ) - See mono... - prefix. (pr. \ munu... \ ) - mono... single. The
monedisassion. meaning is the same in Piedm. and Engl. As usual in the
monetisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ munetiz'e \ ) - See monedisé. following there are some examples. See also the prefix
monësté - n. m. (pr. \ mun&st'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - monastery, "monò...".
convent, nunnery. See also the terms "monasteri, monoàcid - adj. (pr. \ munu'&[ch]id \ ) Ms. plr. monoàcid. -
monasté". fm. sng. and plr. monoàcida, monoàcide. - monoacid.
Monfrà - n. m. (pr. \ mu[ng]fr'& \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any - noun of monoatòmich - adj. (pr. \ munu&t'omic \ ) Ms. plr.
region) - "Monferrato" region in the south-east of Piedm., monoatòmich. - fm. sng. and plr. monoatòmica,
producing wonderful wines. monoatòmiche. - monoatomic.
monfrin - adj. and n (pr. \ mu[ng]fr'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. monfrin. - monoblòch - n. m. (pr. \ munubl'oc \ ) Inv. at plr. - monobloc.
fm. sng. and plr. monfrin-a, monfrin-e. - 1) - of Monfrà, monocadensa - adj. (pr. \ munuc&d'æ[ng]s& \ ) Inv. in gnd.
related to Monfrà (adj.). - 2) - inhabitant of the Monfrà and nr. - monorythmic, monorythmical. See also the term
(sbst.). "monoritm".
monfrin-a - n. f. (pr. \ mu[ng]fr'i[ng]& \) At plr. monfrin-e. - monocameral - adj. (pr. \ munuc&mer'&l \ ) Ms. plr.
traditional folk dance of Monferrato (Monfrà). In this monocameraj. - fm. sng. and plr. monocameral,
sense see also the terms "manfrin-a 3rd meaning, corenta". monocameraj. - unicameral.
mongan - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ mu[ng]g'& [ng] \) Inv. at plr. - young monocelular - adj. (pr. \ munu[ch]el[ue]l'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd.
calf , sucking-calf. Also "vitel mongan, vèil mongan". In and nr. - unicellular.
this case the term "mongan" becomes an adj., as it follows: monocilìndrich - adj. (pr. \ munu[ch]il'indric \ ) Ms. plr.
mongan - 2) - (pr. \ mu[ng]g'& [ng] \) Ms. plr. mongan. - fm. monocilìndrich. - fm. sng. and plr. monocilìndrica,
sng. and plr. mongan-a, mongan-e. - very young, monocilìndriche. - single-cylinder (as an attribute).
sucking. Only referred to cattle.

monocolor - adj. (pr. \ munucul'ur \ ) Inv in gnd. and nr. - 1) - monoreator - 2) - adj. (pr. \ munure&t'ur \ ) Inv. in gnd. and
monochrome. - 2) - one-party (as an attribute -related to nr. - single-jet (as an attribute).
government). monorim - adj. (pr. \ munur'im \ ) Ms. plr. monorim. - fm.
monocromàtich - adj. (pr. \ munucrum'&tic \ ) Ms. plr. sng. and plr. monorima, monorime. - monorhymed
monocromàtich. - fm. sng. and plr. monocromàtica, (poetry).
monocromatiche. - monochromatic. monoritm - adj. (pr. \ munur'itm \ ) Ms. plr. monoritm. - fm.
monocromatism - n. m. (pr. \ munucrum&t'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. sng. and plr. monoritma, monoritme. - monorhythmic,
- monochromatism. monorythmical.
monocromator - n. m. (pr. \ munucrum&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - monorotàja - n. f. (pr. \ munurut'&y& \ ) At plr. monorotaje. -
monochromator. monorail (railways).
monocular - adj. (pr. \ munuc[ue]l'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - monorotor - adj. (pr. \ munurut'ur \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
monocular. single-rotor (as an attribute).
monodìa - n. f. (pr. \munud'i&\ ) At plr. monodìe. - monody. monoscòpi - n. m. (pr. \ munusc'opi \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
monodisch - adj. (pr. \ munud'isc \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - monoscope. - 2) - test pattern, - (television).
single-plate (as an attribute) (cars). monossìlab - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ munus'il&b \ ) Inv. at plr. -
monoélica - adj. (pr. \ munu'elic& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - monosyllable.
single-screw (ships - as an attribute) - 2) - single-propellor monossìlab - 2) - adj. (pr. \munus'il&b\) - See monossilàbich.
(planes - as an attribute). monossilàbich - adj. (pr. \ munusil'&bic \) - Ms. plr.
monofase - adj. (pr. \ munuf'&se \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - monossilàbich. - fm. sng. and plr. monossilàbica,
single-phase, one-phase (as attributes). monossilàbiche. - monosyllabic.
monogamìa - n. f. (pr. \ munug&m'i& \ ) At plr. monogamìe. - monostàbil - 1) - adj. (pr. \ munust'&bil \) - Ms. plr.
monogamy. monostàbij. - fm. sng. and plr. monostàbil, monostàbij. -
monogàmich - adj. (pr. \ munug'&mic \ ) Ms. plr. monostable.
monogàmich. - fm. sng. and plr. monogàmica, monostàbil - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ munust'&bil \) - At. plr.
monogàmiche. - monogamic. monostàbij. - one-shot multivibrator (electronics).
monografìa - n. f. (pr. \ munugr&f'i& \ ) At plr. monografìe. - monostàdi - adj. (pr. \ munust'&di \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
monograph. single-stage (as an attribute).
monogràfich - adj. (pr. \ munugr'&fic \ ) Ms. plr. monostròfich - adj. (pr. \ munustr'ofic \) - Ms. plr.
monogràfich. - fm. sng. and plr. monogràfica, monostròfich. - fm. sng. and plr. monostròfica,
monogràfiche. - monographic, monographical. monostròfiche. - single-strophe (as an attribute).
monografista - n. (pr. \ munugr&f'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. monoteism - n. m. (pr. \ munute'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. -
monografìsta. - fm. sng. and plr. monografìsta, monotheism.
monografìste. - monographer, monographist. monoteista - n. and adj. (pr. \ munute'ist& \ ) Ms. plr.
monograma - n. m. (pr. \ munugr'&m& \ ) Inv. at plr. - monoteista. - fm. sng. and plr. monoteista, monoteiste. -
monogram. 1) - monotheist (sbst.). - 2) - monotheistic,
monolit - n. m. (pr. \ munul'it \ ) Inv. at plr. - monolith. monotheistical. In this sense see also the term
monolìtich - adj. (pr. \ munul'itic \ ) Ms. plr. monolitich. - fm. "monoteìstich".
sng. and plr. monolitica, monolitiche. - monolithic. monoteìstich - adj. (pr. \ munute'istic \ ) Ms. plr. monoteistich.
monologhé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ munulug'e \ ) - to - fm. sng. and plr. monoteistica, monoteistiche. -
monologize. It uses the aux. "avèj ". monotheistic, monotheistical.
monomial - adj. (pr. \ munumi'&l \ ) Ms. plr. monomiaj. - fm. monotonìa - n. f. (pr. \ munutun'i& \ ) At plr. monotonìe. - 1) -
sng. and plr. monomiala, monomiaj. - monomial monotony, humdrum, dullness, tediousness. - 2) -
(mathematics). monotony (mathematics).
monomotor - 1) - adj. (pr. \ munumut'ur \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. monotònich - adj. (pr. \ munut'onic \ ) Ms. plr. monotònich. -
- single-engine (as an attribute). fm. sng. and plr. monotònica, monotòniche. - monotonic
monomotor - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ munumut'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - (mathematics).
single-engine plane . monovalent - adj. (pr. \ munuv&l'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. monovalent.
mononuclear - adj. (pr. \ munun[ue]cle'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and - fm. sng. and plr. monovalenta, monovalente. -
nr. - mononuclear. univalent, monovalent (chemistry).
monopàtin - n. m. (pr. \ munup'&ti[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - child's monò... - prefix. (pr. \ mun'o... \ ) - See mono... .
scooter. monòcol - n. m. (pr. \ mun'ocul \ ) At plr. monòcoj. - 1) - one-
monoplan - n. m. (pr. \ munupl'& [ng] \ ) - monoplane. eyed person. - 2) - monocle.
monopolisassion - n. f. (pr. \ munupuliz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. monòdich - adj. (pr. \ mun'odic \ ) Ms. plr. monòdich. - fm.
- monopolization. sng. and plr. monòdica, monòdiche. - monodic (music).
monopolisator - n. (pr. \ munupuliz&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. monòfora - n. f. (pr. \ mun'ofur& \ ) At plr. monòfore. -
monopolisator. - fm. sng. and plr. monopolisatriss, window with one light (architecture).
monopolisatriss. - monopolizer. monògam - n. and adj. (pr. \ mun'og&m \ ) Ms. plr. monògam.
monopolisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ munupuliz'e \ ) - to - fm. sng. and plr. monògama, monògame. - 1) -
monopolize. monogamous (adj.). - 2) - monogamist (sbst.).
monopolìsta - n. (pr. \ munupul'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. monopolista. monòlogh - n. m. (pr. \ mun'olug \ ) Inv. at plr. - monologue,
- fm. sng. and plr. monopolista, monopoliste. - soliloquy.
monopolist. monòmer - n. m. (pr. \ mun'omær \ ) Inv. at plr. - monomer
monopolìstich - (pr. \ munupul'istic \ ) Ms. plr. monopolistich. (chemistry).
- fm. sng. and plr. monopolistica, monopolistiche. - monòmi - n. m. (pr. \ mun'omi \ ) Inv. at plr. - monomial.
monopolistic. monòpoli - n. m. (pr. \ mun'opuli \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). -
monopòli - n. m. (pr. \ munup'oli \ ) Inv. at plr. - monopoly. Monopoly (game).
monoreator - 1) - n. m . (pr. \ munure&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - monòssid - n. m. (pr. \ mun'osid \ ) Inv. at plr. - monoxide
single-jet (planes). (chemistry).

monòstich - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ mun'ostic \ ) Inv. at plr. - montagna - n. f. (pr. \ munt'&[gn]& \ ) At plr. montagne. - 1)
monostich (poetry). - mountain. - 2) - mountain, heap, pile (in a fig. sense).
monòstich - 2) - adj. (pr. \ mun'ostic \ ) Ms. plr. monòstich. - montagnar - n. (pr. \ munt&[gn]'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. but
fm. sng. and plr. monòstica, monòstice. - monostich usually ms. - mountaineer, highlander. See also the term
(poetry). "montagnin 2nd meaning".
monòton - adj. (pr. \ mun'otu[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. monòton. - fm. montagnard - adj. (pr. \ munt&[gn]'&rd \ ) Ms. plr.
sng. and plr. monòton-a, monòtun-e. - monotonous, montagnard. - fm. sng. and plr. montagnarda,
humdrum, dull, tedious. montagnarde. - of the mountains, mountain (as an
monsgnor - n. m. (pr. \mu[ng]s[gn]'ur\ ) Inv. at plr. - attribute). See also the term "montagnin 1st meaning".
monsignor. See also the term "monsignor". montagnëtta - n. f. (pr. \ munt&[gn]'&tt& \ ) At plr.
monsgnorà - n. m. (pr. \mu[ng]s[gn]'ur\ ) Inv. at plr. - montagnëtte. - hillock. See also the terms "brich, bricòla".
prelatical title of monsignor. montagnin - n. and adj. (pr. \ munt&[gn]'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr.
monsignor - n. m. (pr. \mu[ng]is[gn]'ur\ ) - See monsgnor. montagnin. - fm. sng. and plr. montagnin-a, montagnin-
monson - n. m. (pr. \ mu[ng]su[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - monsoon. e. - 1) - of the mountains, mountain (as an attribute). See
monsònich - adj. (pr. \ mu[ng]s'onic \ ) Ms. plr. monsònich. - also the term "montagnard". - 2) - mountaineer,
fm. sng. and plr. monsònica, monsòniche. - monsoon (as highlander. See also the term "montagnar".
an attribute), monsoonal. montagnos - adj. (pr. \ munt&[gn]'uz \ ) Ms. plr. montagnos. -
monstro - n. m. (pr. \ m'u[ng]stru \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - monster. fm. sng. and plr. montagnosa, montagnose. - hilly,
- 2) - phenomenon, prodigy (in a fig. sense) - See also the mountainous.
terms "mostr, mostro". montambanch - n. m. (pr. \ munt&mb'&[ng]c \ ) Inv. at plr. -
monsù - n. m. (pr. \ mu[ng]s'[ue] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - mountebank, charlatan.
gentleman, mister, sir. See also the use of the term montant - n. m. . (pr. \ munt'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - strut
"sgnor" and the term "Signor" in the piedm. syntax. - 2) - (planes) - 2) - standard, upright, stanchion, (mechanics) .
master. - In the following some examples: - A) - The term - 3) - post, stud (buildings). - 4) - jamb (doors) - 5) -
"Signor" is reserved to God and it corresponds to the Engl. window-post. - 6) - total amont (economy). - 7) -
"Lord". - B) - The term "sgnor" is also an adj. and is used uppercut (boxing).
with two meanings. The first, as a sbst., is used in direct monte - vrb 2nd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ m'unte \ ) - See monté.
speech (vocative without the name) and corresponds to the monté - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ munt'e \ ) - 1) - to
term "sir" in Engl. E, g. "ch'a dia, lë sgnor! " = "excuse me, mount, to ascend. to climb, to go up. (int.) - 2) - to
sir! ". The second is associated to the idea of "refined, mount, to rise (in a fig. sense - int.). - 3) - to go on duty.
distinguished " or "rich ", both as an adj. and a sbst. E. g. When int. it uses the aux. "esse". - 4) - to mount, to climb,
"tò pare a l'é pròpi në sgnor" = "your father is really a to ride (trs.). - 5) - to cover (trs.) (animals). - 6) - to
distinguished person". - C) - Speaking about a person, with assemble (trs.) (mechanics). - 7) - to mount, to set (trs.)
or without his name, the term "monsù " is used both in the (jewels). - 8) - to mount, to install (trs.). - 9) - to mount
sense of "gentleman" or in the sense of "mister". E. g. "He (the guard - military) (trs.). - 10) - to exaggerate (trs.).
is a gentleman very kind" = "chèl a l'é un monsù bin When trs. it uses the aux. "avèj".
gentil". Or also "Mister Pinkus is not at home" = "monsù monteur - n. m. (pr. \ munt'[oe]r \ ) Inv. at plr. - fitter,
Pinkus a l'é nen antëcà ". assembler (mechanics). See also the term "montador 2nd
mont - n. m. (pr. \ munt \ ) Inv. at plr. - mount, mountain. meaning".
Usually associated to the name of the mountain, otherwise monteusa - n. f. (pr. \ munt'[oe]z& \ ) At plr. monteuse. -
the most common term to see is "montagna".Note that we milliner. See also the term "faseusa".
have "Mont Bianch" = "Mont Blanc", "Mont Vis" but also montoar - n. m. (pr. \ muntu'&r \ ) Inv. at plr. - footboard.
"Monvis", etc. and then there id the "mont ëd pietà" which See also the term "montador 1st meaning".
is the "pawnshop". montos - adj. (pr. \ munt'uz \ ) Ms. plr. monos. - fm. sng. and
mont (a ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ & munt \ ) - upstream, upriver, plr. montosa, montose. - mountain (as an attribute), of the
up" See also the loc. "a mon" and the terms "amon, mountain, on the mountain.
amont". montruch - n. m. (pr. \ muntr'[ue]c \ ) Inv. at plr. - small
monta - n. f. (pr. \ m'unt& \ ) At plr. monte. - 1) - covering, mountain. See also the term "brich".
mounting (animals). - 2) - stud. - 3) - amount, bill, value. montura - n. f. (pr. \ munt'[ue]t& \ ) At plr. monture. - 1) -
In this sense the expression "ëd pòca monta" means "of a mount. - 2) - military equipment. - 3) - frame. See also
little value". - 4) - climb, upward slope, rise. In this sense the term "montadura" .
see also the term "montà 1). monument - n. m. (pr. \ mun[ue]m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
montà - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ munt'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - climb, upward monument.
slope, steep slope. monumental - adj. (pr. \ mun[ue]mænt&l \ ) Ms. plr.
montà - 2) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ munt'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - monumentaj. - fm. sng. and plr. monumental,
1) - mounted, climbed. - 2) - whipped (cooking). - 3) - monumentaj. - monumental.
self-important (in a fig. sense). monze - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ m'u[ng]ze \ ) - to milk. (also in a
montacàrich - n. m. (pr. \ munt&c'&ric \ ) Inv. at plr. - goods- fig. sense). - See also the term "mose, mote, lacé".
lift, hoist. monzù - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ mu[ng]z'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. monzù. -
montador - n. m. (pr. \ munt&d'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - fm. sng. and plr. monzùa, monzùe. - milked. - See also the
footboard. In this sense see also the term "montoar". - 2) - terms "mot, mosù".
fitter, assembler (mechanics) - In this sense see also the moquette - n. f. (pr. \ muk'æt \ ) (French) - See mochëtta.
term "monteur". - 3) - editor (cinema, etc.). mor - n. m. (pr. \ mur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - mulberry-tree
montadura - n. f. (pr. \ munt&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. montadure. (botany - Mours). In this sense see also the terms "moré,
- 1) - frame. - 2) - fitting, assembling. In this sense see the moron ". - 2) - face. In this sense see also the terms "muso,
most common term "montagi ". - 3) - mount. - 4) - puff, moro, facia, bifa".
puffery (in a fig. sense). see also the term "montura". mora - n. f. (pr. \ m'ur& \ ) At plr. more. - 1) - blackberry,
montagi - n. m. (pr. \ munt'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - fitting, bramble. - 2) - mulberry. - 3) - morra (game). A way of
assembling, assembly. saying: "esse lontan coma gené da le more" = lit. "to be far

away as January from blackberries" = "to be completely adj. see also the term "moret 3rd meaning". - 2) - dark
out of the point". horse (sbst.).
mordacia - n. f. (pr. \ murd'&[ch]i& \ ) At plr. mordace. - morénich - adj. (pr. \ mur'enic \ ) Ms. plr. morénich. - fm. sng.
nosering, sort of muzzle. See also the term "moraja". and plr. morénica, moréniche. - morainal, morainic
moraja - n. f. (pr. \ mur'&y& \ ) At plr. moraje. - nosering, moren-a - n. f. (pr. \mur'æ[ng]&\ ) At plr. moren-e. - moraine
sort of muzzle. Usually it is find at plr. (geology).
moral -1) - n. f. (pr. \ mur'&l \ ) At plr. moraj. - 1) - morals, morera - n. f. (pr. \ mur'er&\ ) At plr. morere. - mulberry
morality. - 2) - moral. grove. See also the term "moronera".
moral - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ mur'&l \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - morale. moret - n. and adj. (pr. \ mur'æt \ ) Ms. plr. moret. - fm. sng.
Note that the sentence "esse giù 'd moral" is translated into and plr. moreta, morete. - 1) - negro boy/girl. - 2) -
"to be in a low spirit ". brunette, dark-complexioned boy. In this sense see also
moral - 3) - adj. (pr. \ mur'&l \ ) Ms. plr. moraj. - fm. sng. and the term "moreto" - 3) - blackish (adj.).In this sense see
plr. moral, moraj. - moral. also the term "morél 1st meaning".
moralegé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ mur&lej'e \ ) - to moralize. It moreto - n. and adj. (pr. \ mur'etu \ ) Ms. plr. moreto. - fm.
uses the aux. "avèj ". sng. and plr. moreta, morete. - 1) - negro boy/girl. - 2) -
moralisassion - n. f. (pr. \ mur&liz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - brunette, dark-complexioned boy. See also the term
moralization. "moreto 1st meaning".
moralisator - n. and adj. (pr. \ mur&liz&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. morësca - n. f. (pr. \ mur'&sc& \ ) At plr. morësche. - refuse of
moralisator. - fm. sng. and plr. moralisatriss, the silk-worm, discaded silk.
moralisatriss. - 1) - moralizer (sbst.). - 2) - moralizing morfél - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ murf'el \ ) Inv. at plr. - nasal mucus,
(adj.). snot. See also the terms "mocela, mocia, mona, morfél".
moralisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ mur&liz'e \ ) - to moralize. morfél - 2) - n. (pr. \ murf'el \ ) Ms. plr. morféj. - fm. sng. and
moralism - n. m. (pr. \ mur&l'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - moralism. plr. morfela, morfele. - pretentious boy / girl (in a fig.
moralìstich - adj. (pr. \ mur&l'istic \ ) Ms. plr. moralìstich. - sense). The fig. idea is of a boy/girl not even able to clean
fm. sng. and plr. moralìstica, moralìstiche. - moralistic, his/her nose, but pretending to be grown up. See also the
moralistical. terms "morflos, morflé, morflass ".
moralità - n. f. (pr. \ mur&lit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - morality, morfema - n. m. (pr. \ murf'em& \ ) Inv, at plr. - morpheme
morals. (language).
moralment - adv. (pr. \ mur&lm'ænt \ ) - morally. Italianism, morfinism - n. m. (pr. \ murfin'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. -
see the best loc. "da na mira moral ". morphinism.
moratòri - adj. (pr. \ mur&t'ori \ ) Ms. plr. moratòri. - fm. sng. morfinomanìa - n. f. (pr. \ murfinum&n'i& \ ) At plr.
and plr. moratòria, moratòrie. - moratory. morfinomanìe. - morphiomania, morphinomania.
moratòria - n. f. (pr. \ mur&t'ori& \ ) At plr. moratòrie. - morfinòmane - n. (pr. \ murfin'om&ne \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
moratorium. morphine addict.
morban-a (gata ---) - loc. sbst. f. (pr. \ g'&t& murb'&[ng]& \ ) morfin-a - n. f. (pr. \ murf'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. morfin-e. -
At plr. gate morban-e. - hypocrite, pretender. morphine, morphia.
morbé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ murb'e \ ) - 1) - to infect morflass - (pr. \ murfl'&s \ ) - See morfél 2).
(trs.). - 2) - to stink, to smell bad (int.). It uses always the morflé - n. (pr. \ murfl'e \ ) - See morfél 2).
aux. "avèj ". morflon - n. m. (pr. \ murfl'u[ng] \ ) - slap, smack. See also the
morberi - adj. (pr. \ murb'eri \ ) Ms. plr. morberi. - fm. sng. term "lordon, smorflon, sgiaflon".
and plr. morberia, morberie. - stinking, strong smelling. morflos - n. and adj. (pr. \ murfl'uz \ ) (used also as an adj.). -
morbi - adj. (pr. \ m'urbi \ ) Ms. plr. morbi. - fm. sng. and plr. See morfél 2)
morbia, morbie. - affected, mincing, simpering. See also morfogénesi - n. f. (pr. \ murfuj'enezi \ ) Inv. at plr. -
the terms "smorbi, smorfios". morphogenesis (biology).
morbidëssa - n. f. (pr. \ murbid'&ss& \ ) At plr. morbidësse. - morfogenétich - adj. (pr. \ murfujen'etic \ ) Ms. plr.
1) - softness, tenderness, mellowness. - 2) - delicacy. - 3) morfogenétich. - fm. sng. and plr. morfogenética,
- docility. morfogenétiche. - morphogenetic (biology).
morbin - n. m. (pr. \ murb'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - excessive morfologìa - n. f. (pr. \ murfujluj'i& \ ) At plr. morfologìe. -
vivacity. See also the term "giget ". morphology.
mordacia - n. f. (pr. \ murd'&[ch]i& \ ) At plr. mordace. - morfològich - adj. (pr. \ murfujl'ojic \ ) Ms. plr. morfològich. -
bite. See also the term "mòrs". fm. sng. and plr. morfològica, morfològiche. -
mordent - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ murd'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - push, morphologic, morphological.
drive. (in a fig. sense). - 2) - mordant (chemistry). - 3) - morganàtich - adj. (pr. \ murg&n'&tic \ ) Ms. plr.
mordente (music), morganàtich. - fm. sng. and plr. morganàtica,
mordent - 2) - adj.. (pr. \ murd'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. mordent. - fm. morganàtiche. - morganatic.
sng. and plr. mordenta, mordente. - biting, mordant, morgant - adj. and n. (pr. \ murg'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. morgant. -
pungent. fm. sng. and plr. morganta, morgante. - 1) - crabbed,
mordià - n. f. (pr. \ murdi'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - bite. See also cross-tempered, peevish (adj.). - 2) - surly, gruff, crusty
the term "mordion". - 2) - bite, morsel, mouthful. (adj.). - 3) - peevixh person (sbst.). See also the term
mordion - n. m. (pr. \ murdi'u[ng] \ ) ) Inv. at plr. - bite. - See "martuf".
also the terms "mordià, mordiura". morìa - n. f. (pr. \ mur'i& \ ) At plr. morìe. - morrain.
mordiura - n. f. (pr. \ murdi'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. mordiure. - 1) - moribond - adj. and n. (pr. \ murib'und \ ) Ms. plr. moribond.
bite. - 2) - insect-bite. See also the terms "mordià, - fm. sng. and plr. moribonda, moribonde. - 1) -
mordion". moribound, dying (adj.). - 2) - dying person (sbst.).
moré - n. m. (pr. \ mur'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - mulberry-tree (botany morigerà - adj. (pr. \ murijer'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) -
- Mours). See also the terms "moron, mor 1st meaning". moderate, sober.minded. - 2) - of good morals. See also
morél - 1) - adj. and n. (pr. \ mur'el \ ) Ms. plr. morél. - fm. the terms "moderà, misurà, mzurà".
sng. and plr. morela, morele. - 1) - blackish (adj.). As an

morigerassion - n. f. (pr. \ murijer&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - mortaj - n. m. (pr. \ murt'&y \ ) Inv. at plr. - mortar (cooking,
moderation, temperance, sobriety. - 2) - good morals. and military). See also the term "morté ".
morigeré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ murijer'e \ ) - to moderate, to mortal - adj. and n. (pr. \ murt'&l \ ) Ms. plr. mortaj. - fm. sng.
teach good morals. and plr. mortal, mortaj. - 1) - mortal, transient (adj.). - 2)
morin - n. m. (pr. \ mur'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - calandra lark (of - mortal, deadly (adj.). - 3) - death-like (adj.).). - 4) -
wheat) (zoology - Melanocorypha calandra). mortal (sbst.).
moriné - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ murin'e \ ) - to be infested by mortalità - n. f. (pr. \murt&lit'&\ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - mortality.
calandra lark, to be devoured (by st.) (for extension).It - 2) - death-rate.
uses the aux. "esse". mortaret - n. m. (pr. \ murt&r'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - fire-cracker.
morion - n. m. (pr. \ muri'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - morion See also the term "mortret ".
(history). mortarin - n. m. (pr. \ murt&r'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - small
morlach - n. (pr. \ murl'&c \ ) Ms. plr. morlach. - fm. sng. and mortar (kitchen tool) See also the term "morté".
plr. morlaca, morlache. - rough person, simpleton. mortasa - n. f. (pr. \ murt'&z& \ ) At plr. mortase. - 1) -
Hardly used at fm. mortise, motrice. - 2) - mortising machine, mortiser.
mormon - n. (pr. \ murm'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. mormon. - fm. sng. (carpentry).
and plr. mormon-a, mormon-e. - Mormon (religion). mortasadura - n. f. (pr. \ murt&z&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
mormonism - n. m. (pr. \ murmun'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - mortasadure. - slotting (carpentry).
Mormonism (religion). mortasé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ murt&z'e \ ) - to mortise, to
mormorador - n. (pr. \murmur&d'ur\ ) Ms. plr. mormorador. mortice. (carpentry).
- fm. sng. and plr. mormoradòira, mormoradòire. - 1) - mortaseur - n. m. (pr. \ murt&z'èoe]r \ ) Inv. at plr. - worker
murmurer, grumbler. - 2) - backbiter. assigned to a mortising machine, specialist in mortises.
mormorament - n. m. (pr. \ murmur&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - (carpentry).
murmur, murmuring, babbling, whispering, grumbling. morté - n. m. (pr. \ murt'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - mortar (cooking,
mormorassion - n. f. (pr. \ murmur&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) and military). See also the term "mortaj ".
murmuring. - 2) - rumour, gossip. mortela - n. f. (pr. \ murt'el& \ ) At plr. mortéle. - myrtle
mormoré - vrb 1st con. int. and trs. (pr. \ murmur'e \ ) - 1) - to (botany - Myrtus communis). See also the loc. "buss da
murmur, to mutter (int.). In this sense see also the terms cioenda" and the terms " mirt, martlet ".
"ciosioné, mërmoré ". - 2) - to grumble (int.). In this sense mortìfer - adj. (pr. \ murt'ifær \ ) Ms. plr. mortìfer. - fm. sng.
see also the term "bërboté ". 3) - to murmur, to whisper and plr. mortìfera, mortìfere. - deadly, lethal.
(trs.). It uses anyway the aux. "avèj ". mortificà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ murtific'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and
mormònich - adj. (pr. \ murm'onic \ ) Ms. plr. mormònich. - nr. - 1) - mortified. - 2) - very sorry. - 3) - repressed.
fm. sng. and plr. mormònica, mormòniche. - Mormon, mortificant - adj. (pr. \ murtific'&nt \ ) - Ms. plr. mortìficant.
Mormonite (religion). - fm. sng. and plr. mortìficanta, mortìficante. -
moro - n. m. (pr. \ m'uru \ ) Inv. at plr. - face. See also the motifying, humiliating.
terms "fàcia, muso, bifa". mortificassion - n. f. (pr. \ murtific&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
moroidal - adj. (pr. \ muruid'&l \ ) - Ms. plr. moroidaj. - fm. mortification, humiliation.
sng. and plr. moroidal, moroidaj. - hemorrhoidal. See also mortificator - n. and adj. (pr. \ murtific&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr.
the term "emoroidal ". mortìficator. - fm. sng. and plr. mortìficatriss,
moroidari - adj. (pr. \ muruid'&ri \ ) - See moroidal. mortìficatriss. - 1) - mortifier (sbst.). - 2) - mortifying
moron - n. m. (pr. \ mur'u[ng] \ ) - See moré. (adj.).
moronera - n. f. (pr. \ murun'er& \ ) - See morera. mortifiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ murtifk'e \ ) - to mortify, to
moros - 1) - n. and adj. (pr. \ mur'uz \ ) Ms. plr. moros. - fm. humble, to humiliate.
sng. and plr. morosa, morose. - 1) - in arrears, tardy mortifichésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ murtifk'ese \ ) - to
(adj.). - 2) - defaulter, in arrears person, overdue debtor mortify oneself, to be mortified.
(sbst.).. mortiss - n. m. (pr. \ murt'is \ ) Inv. at plr. - stagnation (of
moros - 2) - n. (pr. \ mur'uz \ ) Ms. plr. moros. - fm. sng. and water) - (Usually in the loc. "mortiss d'eva") - See also the
plr. morosa, morose. - sweetheart, true-love. term "mojiss".
morosità - n. f. (pr. \ muruzit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - arrearage. mortòri - n. m. (pr. \ murt'ori \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - obsequies,
moròide - n. f. (pr. \ mur'oide \ ) Usually only plr. - funeral. - 2) - sepulchre, grave. - 3) - obituary notice. -
hemorrhoids (medical). Sometimes the italianism 4) - ceremony or event without gaiety (in a fig. sense).
"moròidi" is used. See also the term "emoròide". mortret - n. m. (pr. \ murtr'æt \ ) - See mortaret.
morsé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ murs'e \ ) - to grip in the vice. mortuari - adj. (pr. \ murt[ue]'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. mortuari. - fm.
morsél - n. m. (pr. \ murs'el \ ) At plr. morséj. - 1) - morsel. - sng. and plr. mortuària, mortuàrie. - mortuary.
2) - small bite. morucio - n. m. (pr. \ mur'[ue][ch]iu \ ) Inv. at plr. - negro boy,
morset - n. m. (pr. \ murs'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - clamp, dark-complexioned boy. This voice is a term of
holdfast (mechanics). - 2) - terminal (electricity). - 3) - endearment.
nose-peg (sub. sport). mosàich - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ muz'&ic \ ) Inv. at plr. - mosaic.
morsëtta - n. f. (pr. \ murs'&tt& \ ) At plr. morsëtte. - small When a mosaic is made with wood the loc. is "mosaich an
vice, hand vice. In the last meaning see also the loc. bòsch " or "placagi, antars" = "inlay, marquetery".
"dëstréit a man" . mosàich - adj. (pr. \ muz'&ic \ ) Ms. plr. mosàich. - fm. sng.
morsëttiera - n. f. (pr. \ murs&tti'er& \ ) At plr. morsëttiere. - and plr. mosàica, mosàiche. - Mosaic (religion).
terminal board (electricity). mosaicista - n. (pr. \ muz&i[ch]'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. mosaicista. -
morsura - n. f. (pr. \ murs'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. morsure. - etching fm. sng. and plr. mosaicista, mosaiciste. - mosaicist.
(typography). mosaism - n. m. (pr. \ muz&'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - Mosaism
mortadela - n. f. (pr. \ murt&d'el& \ ) At plr. mortadele. - (religion).
mortadella, Bologna sausage (cooking). mosca - n. f. (pr. \ m'usc& \ ) At plr. mosche. - 1) - fly
mortaista - n. m. (pr. \ murt&'ist& \ ) Inv. at plr. - soldier (zoology). - 2) - imperial, goatee (short and small beard). -
operating a mortar (military). 3) - fly, buzz (fishing). - 4) - pest, troublesome person (in
a fig. sense). When I was a child, and my mother was

cooking "polenta", she called "mosche cain-e" the hot mossé - vrb 1st con int. (pr. \ mus'e \ ) - 1) - to fizz, to
spurts of "polenta" coming from the pot while mixing up. effervesce, to sparkle. - 2) - to tingle, to smart (in a fig.
(a good "polenta" has to be mixed during the whole sense).
cooking). "moshe cain-e" can be translated into "Cain mossëtta - n. f. (pr. \ mus'&tt& \ ) At plr. mossëtte. - mozzetta.
(bible) flies". (religion). See also the term "almusia".
moscà - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ musc'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - Muscat mossié - n. m. (pr. \ musi'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - starter (sport).
wine. - 2) - muscat grapes. mossion - n. f. (pr. \ musi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - motion
moscà - 2) - adj. (pr. \ musc'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - (politics, meetings, conferences, etc.).
muscat (as an attribute), musk. Note that the "nos moscà" mossolin-a - n. f. (pr. \ musul'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. mossolin-e. -
is the "nutmeg". - 2) - dappled (horses). muslin (texile). See also the terms "mussolin-a, mëssolin-a,
moscadura - n. f. (pr. \ musc&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. moscadure. mùssola".
- dapple, dappling. mossolman - n. and adj. (pr. \ musulm'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr.
moscaj - n. m. (pr. \ musc'&y \ ) Inv. at plr. - end of the warp mossolman. - fm. sng. and plr. mossolman-a, mossolman-
not woven and lefr as an ornamental frill. See also the e. - Mussulman, Moslem, Muslim. See also the term
term "dësmoscaj ". "mussulman".
moscardin - n. m. (pr. \ musc&rdìi[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - mosson - n. m. (pr. \ mus'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - untidy
dormouse (zoology - Muscardinus avellanarius). - 2) - skein. - 2) - tangle.
dandy, fop. See also the term "nuscardin". most - n. m. (pr. \ must \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - must. - 2) - juice
moscardin-a - n. f. (pr. \ musc&rdìi[ng]& \ ) At plr. (for extension).
moscardin-e. - musk beetle (zoology - Aromia moschata). mostàcia - n. f. (pr. \ must'&[ch]i& \ ) At plr. mostace - 1) -
See also the term "macobar". mask. - 2) - nasty face, mug, ugly mug. In this sense see
moscarìa - n. f. (pr. \ musc&r'i& \ ) At plr. moscarìe. - place also the term "mostass 2)".
full of flies. See also the term "moscatarìa". mostacion - n. m. (pr. \ must&[ch]i'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - big
moscaròla - n. f. (pr. \ musc&r'ol& \ ) At plr. moscaròle. - 1) - face, big mug. See also the term "mostasson".
fly-net. - 2) - fly-trap. mostarda - n. f. (pr. \ must'&rd& \ ) At plr. mostarde. -
moscatarìa - n. f. (pr. \ musc&t&r'i& \ ) - See moscarìa. mustard.
moscatél - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ musc&t'el \ ) At plr. moscatej. - mostardiera - n. f. (pr. \ must&rdi'er& \ ) At plr. mostardiere.
muscatel (grapes and wine). - mustard-pot.
moscatél - 2) - adj. (pr. \ musc&t'el \ ) Ms. plr. moscatéj. - fm. mostareul - adj. (pr. \ must&r'[oe]l \ ) Ms. plr. mostareuj. -
sng. and plr. moscatela, moscatele. - muscatel. fm. sng. and plr. mostareula, mostareule. - abounding in
moschéa - n. f. (pr. \ musk'e& \ ) At plr. moschée - mosque, must, must-like. See also the term "mostos".
mosk. mostass - 1) - n. m. plr. (pr. \ must'&s \ ) Only plr. -
moschera - n. f. (pr. \ musk'er& \ ) At plr. moschere - meat- moustache, mustache.
safe, voile for protecting food from flies. See also the mostass - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ must'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - nasty face,
term "paramosche". mug, ugly mug. See also the term "mostacia 2nd meaning".
moschet - n. m. (pr. \ musk'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - musket. mostassà - n. f. (pr. \ must&s'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - hit with
moschetà - adj. (pr. \ musket'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - the face. - 2) - slap on face.
speckled, spotted, dotted. mostassin - n. m. (pr. \ must&s'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - pretty
moschëttà - n. f. (pr. \ musk&tt'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - musket-shot. little face.
moschëtterìa - n. f. (pr. \ musk&tter'i& \ ) At plr. mostasson - n. m. (pr. \ must&s'u[ng] \ ) See mostacion.
moschëtterìe. - musketry. mosté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ must'e \ ) - See mostré.
moschëttié - n. m. (pr. \ musk&tti'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - musketeer. mostèila - n. f. (pr. \ must'æil& \ ) At plr. mostèile. - weasel
moschëtton - n. m. (pr. \ musk&tt'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - (zoology - Mustela nivalis). See also the term "mustèila".
musketoon (military). - 2) - spring-catch. - 3) - sanap- mostos - (pr. \ must'uz \ ) Ms. plr. mostos. - fm. sng. and plr.
link (alpinism). mostosa, mostose. - abounding in must, must-like. See
moschicida - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ muski[ch]'id& \ ) Inv. at plr. - also the term "mostareul".
fly-killer. See also the term "moschissida". mostr - n. m. (pr. \ m'ustr \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - monster. - 2) -
moschicida - adj. (pr. \ muski[ch]'id& \ ) Ms. plr. moschicida. phenomenon, prodigy (in a fig. sense) - See also the terms
- fm. sng. and plr. moschicida, moschicide. - fly-killing. "monstro, mostro".
See also the term "moschissida". mostra - n. f. (pr. \ m'ustr& \ ) At plr. mostre. - 1) - show,
moschin - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ musk'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - small fly. exhibition, display. - 2) - pretence, feint, sham. In this
moschin - 2) - adj. and n. (pr. \ musk'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. sense see also the term "visa". - 3) - sign, sign-board. In
moschin. - fm. sng. and plr. moschin-a, moschin-e. - 1) - this sense see also the term "ansëgna". - 4) - clock.
touchy, peevish, over-nice, fastidious (adj.) - 2) - touchy mostràbil - adj. (pr.\mustr'&bil\) Ms. plr. mostràbij. - fm. sng.
person, ..etc.. (sbst.). and plr. mostràbil, mostràbij. - exhibitable, showable,
moschissida - 1) - n. m. (pr.\muskis'id&\) - See moschicida 1). displayable.
moschissida - 2) - adj. (pr.\muskis'id&\) - See moschicida 2). mostrament - n. m. (pr. \ mustr&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
moscola - n. f. (pr.\ musc'ul& \ ) Ar plr. moscole. - a part of indication. - 2) - teaching. - 3) - precept. - 4) - education.
a spindle (old family texile). See also the term "muscola". mostransa - n. f. (pr. \ mustr'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr. (if any)
moscon - n. m. (pr. \ musc'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - blue mostranse. - aspect, appearance.
bottle, blow fly (zoology). - 2) - "moscone" (nautical) - 3) mostravent - n. m. (pr. \ mustr&v'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - vane
- suitor (in a fig. sense). (navy, aviation).
mose - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ m'uze \ ) - to milk. (also in a fig. mostré - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ mustr'e \ ) - 1) - to show,
sense). - See also the term "monze, mote, lacé". to exibit, to display (trs.). - 2) - to indicate (trs.). - 3) - to
mossant - 1) - adj. (pr. \ mus'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. mossant. - fm. show off (trs.). - 4) - to teach (trs.). - 5) - to train (trs.). -
sng. and plr. mossanta, mossante. - effervescent, fizzy, 6) - to teach, to be a teacher (int.). - 7) - to make show, to
sparkling. pretend (int.)
mossant - 2) - n- m. (pr. \ mus'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. - sparkle. mostrésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ mustr'ese \ ) - 1) - to show
oneself, to prove oneself. - 2) - to appear.

mostrin - n. m. (pr. \ mustr'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - badge on the motoaratriss - n. f. (pr. \ mutu&r&tr'is \ ) Inv. at plr. - motor-
collar (military). See also the term "mostrin-a". plough.
mostrin-a - n. f. (pr. \ mustr'i[ng]& \ ) - See mostrin. motoaratura - n. f. (pr.\mutu&rat'[ue]r&\)- See motoaradura.
mostro - n. m. (pr. \ m'ustru \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - monster. - 2) - motoben - adv. (pr. \ mutub'æ[ng] \ ) - very, in a large
phenomenon, prodigy (in a fig. sense) - See also the terms quantity, very much, greatly, a lot, long (referred to
"monstro, mostr". time).See also the terms "modben, motben, motobin".
mostros - adj. (pr. \ mustr'uz \ ) Ms. plr. mostros. - fm. sng. motobin - adv. (pr. \ mutub'i[ng] \ ) - See motoben.
and plr. mostrosa, mostrose. - 1) - monstrous, horrible, motocampéstr - n. m. (pr. \ mutucr'os \ ) Inv. at plr. - moto-
hideous. - 2) - prodigious, colossal, gigantic. cross, cross-country. See also the term "motocròss"
mostrosità - n. f. (pr. \mustruzit'&\ ) Inv. at plr. - monstrosity.
mosù - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ muz'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. mosù. - fm. motocar - n. m. (pr. \ mutuc'&r \ ) Inv. at plr. - three-wheeler,
sng. and plr. mosùa, mosùe. - milked. - See also the terms tricar. See also the term "motocher".
"mot, monzù". motocarossëtta - n. f. (pr. \ mutuc&rus'&tt& \ ) At plr.
mot - 1) - adj. (pr. \ mut \ ) Ms. plr. mot. - fm. sng. and plr. motocarossëtte. - motor-cycle with side-car.
mota, mote. - maimed, trunkated. See also the terms motocher - n. m. (pr. \ mutuc'ær \ ) - See motocar.
"mocc, moch ". motociclism - n. m. (pr. \ mutu[ch]icl'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any)
mot - 2) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ mut \ ) Ms. plr. mot. - fm. sng. - motor-cycling.
and plr. mota, mote. - milked. - See also the terms "mosù, motociclista - n. and adj. (pr. \ mutu[ch]icl'ist& \ ) Ms. plr.
monzù". motociclista. - fm. sng. and plr. motociclista, motocicliste.
mot - 3) - n. m. (pr. \ mut \ ) Inv. at plr. - witticism, motto, - 1) - motor-cyclist (sbst.). - 2) - motor-cycling, motor-
saying. See also the term "mòt ". cycle (as an attribute).
mota - n. f. (pr. \ m'ut& \ ) At plr. mote. - 1) - sod, turf, block. motociclìstich - adj. (pr. \ mutu[ch]icl'istic \ ) Ms. plr.
In this sense see also the terms "motass, vataron". - 2) - motociclistich. - fm. sng. and plr. motociclistica,
antique piedm. coin. - 3) - milling, quntity of wheat motociclistiche. - motor-cycling, motor-cycle (as an
required for loading the mill (contained in the mouth of attribute).
the mill). In this sense see also the term "motura".- 4) - motocisterna - n. f. (pr. \ mutu[ch]ist'ærn& \ ) At plr.
landslip, landslide. In this sense see also the terms "fran-a, motocisterne. - motor-tank, tanker. See also the term
smota". "motossisterna".
motà - n. f. (pr. \ mut'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - hit into a turf, blow motocoltivator - n. m. (pr. \ mutucultiv&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. -
with a turf, a turf of earth trown. See also the term low-powered farm machine (agriculture). See also the
"motassà ". term "tratriss".
motass - n. m. (pr. \ mut'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - sod, turf, block. motocompressor - n. m. (pr. \ mutucumpres'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. -
See also the terms "mota, vataron". engine-compressor.
motassà - n. f. (pr. \ mut&s'& \ ) - See motà. motocròss - n. m. (pr. \ mutucr'os \ ) - See motocampéstr.
motben - adv. (pr. \ mutb'æ[ng] \ ) - very, in a large quantity, motocrossìsta - n. (pr. \ mutucrus'ist& \ ) Ms. plr.
very much, greatly, a lot, long (referred to time). See also motocrossista. - fm. sng. and plr. motocrosssta,
the terms "modben, motoben, motobin". motocrossiste. - cross-country motor-cycle racer.
mote - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ m'ute \ ) - to milk. See also the motofaussiatriss - n. f. (pr. \ mutuf&ussi&tr'is \ ) Inv. at plr. -
terms "monze, mose". power-mower. The most used loc. is "faussìa a motor".
motegé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ mutej'e \ ) - 1) - to make motoforgon - n. m. (pr. \ mutufurg'u[ng]\ ) Inv. at plr. - motor-
quips, to joke, to jest (int.). - 2) - to rally, to tease, to van, van. See also the terms "forgon, furgon, motofurgon".
make fun (of) (trs.). - 3) - to mock (trs.). It uses anyway motofurgon - n. m. (pr.\mutuf[ue]rg'u[ng]\ )- See motoforgon.
the aux. "avèj ". motolesa - n. f. (pr. \ mutul'ez& \ ) At plr. motolese. - motor-
motegg - n. m. (pr. \ mut'ej \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - rallery, banter. sled.
- 2) - witticism, joke. - 3) - scoff. moton - n. m. (pr. \ mut'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - tup, ram
motera - n. f. (pr. \ mut'er& \ ) At plr. motere. - 1) - heap of (zoology). - 2) - mutton (the meat).
burned mowing (agriculture). - 2) - traget, butt, mark. motonàuta - n. m. (pr. \ mutun'&ut& \ ) Inv. at plr. - motor-
motet - n. m. (pr. \ mut'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - "mottetto", motet boatman.
(music, poetry). motonàutica - n. f. (pr.\mutun'&utic&\) At plr. motonàutiche.
motiv - n. m. (pr. \ mut'iu \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - motive, reason, - motor-boating.
ground, cause. - 2) - motif, motive (music). - 3) - motif, motonàutich - adj. (pr. \ mutun'&utic \) Ms. plr. motonàutich.
pattern. - fm. sng. and plr. motonàutica, motonàutiche. - motor-
motivassion - n. f. (pr. \ mutiv&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - boat (as an attribute).
motive, reason, statement of motives. - 2) - motivation. motonav - n. f. (pr. \ mutun'&u \) Inv. at plr. - motor-ship.
motivé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ mutiv'e \ ) - 1) - to state reasons, motoné - n. (pr. \ mutun'e \ ) Ms. plr. motoné. - fm. sng. and
to justify, to ground. - 2) - to motivate, to cause. plr. motonera, motonere. - lamb-breeder, lamb-dealer,
moto... - prefix. (pr. \ mutu... \ ) - motor-... , moto... . The lamb-seller, lamb-butcher, mutton-seller. See also the
prefix (when such) indicates usually that the object is terms "bërré, bré".
equipped with a motor. (The use in Piedm. is the same as in motopompa - n. f. (pr. \ mutup'ump& \ ) At plr. motopompe. -
English). Note that often in Piedm. the prefix is not used, motor pump.
but the loc. "a motor" is added to the main term. E. g. the motopropulsor - n. m. (pr. \ mutuprup[ue]ls'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. -
term "chain saw" is not translated into "motoréssia" but motor propulsor.
into "réssia a motor". In the following some examples. motor - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ mut'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - engine,
motoarador - n. m. (pr. \ mutu&rad'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - motor- motor. (mechanics). - 2) - mover (phylosophy).
plough driver (agriculture). motor - 2) - adj. (pr. \ mut'ur \ ) Ms. plr. motor. - fm. sng. and
motoaradura - n. f. (pr. \ mutu&rad'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. plr. motriss, motriss. - motor, motory, motive, driving,
motoaradure. - motor-ploughing (agriculture). See also moving, ptopellent, propelling.
the term "motoarature". motoradun - n. m. (pr. \ mutur&d'[ue][ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
motor-cycle rally.

motoreator - n. m. (pr. \ muture&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - motor-jet movìbil - adj. (pr. \ muv'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. movìbij. - fm. sng. and
(a jet in which the compression is made by means of a plr. movìbil, movìbij. - movable.
motor-compressor, then the burner produces the high moviment - n. m. (pr. \ muvim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
temperature of the air before the expansion.- Tested in the movement, motion (physics, and in general). - 2) - move,
years of the WWII on the italian plane "Caproni-Campini" gesture, flow. - 3) - traffic, activity, animation. - 4) -
with small results). movement, evolution, manoeuvre (military).
motorëtta - n. f. (pr. \ mutur'&tt& \ ) At plr. motorëtte. - movimentà - adj. and p. p. (pr.\muvimænt'&\) Inv. in gnd. and
motor-scooter. nr. - 1) - animated, lively. - 2) - eventful, agitated, busy.
motorin - n. m. (pr. \ mutur'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - small movimenté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ muvimænt'e \ ) - 1) - to
motor. - 2) - moped, motor-scooter. In this sense see also enliven, to animate. - 2) - to move (e.g. goods, persons).
the terms "ciclomotor, motorëtta". moviòla - n. f. (pr. \ muvi'ol& \ ) At plr. moviòle. - moviola,
motorisà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ muturiz'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. film-editing machine.
- motorized. mòbil - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ m'obil \ ) At plr. mòbij. - piece of
motorisassion - n. f. (pr. \ muturiz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - furniture.
motorization. - 2) - traffic control authority. mòbil - 2) - adj. (pr. \ m'obil \ ) Ms. plr. mòbij. - fm. sng. and
motorisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ muturiz'e \ ) - to motorize. plr. mòbil, mòbij. - 1) - movable, mobile, moving. - 2) -
motorisésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ muturiz'ese \ ) - to get mutable, changeable, inconstant, fickle. Some ways of
oneself a car (or a motor.cycle). saying: - A) - "bin mòbij" = "personal properties
motorìsta - n. m. (pr. \ mutur'ista \ ) Inv. at plr. - engineer, (excluding buildings and ground) (legal). - B) - "squadra
expert of motors. mòbil " = " flying squad" (police). - C) - "sabie mòbij" =
motorìstica - n. f. (pr. \ mutur'istica \ ) At plr. motorìstiche. - "quicksands
mechanical engineering (about motors). mòca - n. f. (pr. \ m'oc& \ ) At plr. mòche. - nasty face, mug.
motorìstich - adj. (pr. \ mutur'istic \ ) Ms. plr. motorìstich. - mòda - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ m'od& \ ) At plr. mòde. - 1) - fashion,
fm. sng. and plr. motorìstica, motorìstiche. - motor (as style. - 2) - fashions. - 3) - fashion, manner, custom ,
an attribute). way. - 4) - mode (statistics).
motoscaf - n. m. (pr. \ mutusc'&f \ ) Inv. at plr. - motor-boat. mòdich - adj. (pr. \ m'odic \ ) Ms. plr. mòdich. - fm. sng. and
motoscùter - n. m. (pr. \ mutusc'[ue]tær \ ) Inv. at plr. - motor- plr. mòdica, mòdiche. - moderate, reasonable.
scooter. mòdol - n. m. (pr. \ m'odul \ ) At plr. mòdoj. - 1) - form. In
motoscuterism - n. m. (pr. \ mutusc[ue]tær'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - this sense see also the term "modél 6th meaning". - 2) -
scooterism. module (part of a complex). - 3) - modulus (mathematics).
motoscuterìsta - n. (pr. \ mutusc[ue]tær'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. - 4) - diameter (coins). See also the term "mòdul".
motoscuterìsta. - fm. sng. and plr. motoscuterìsta, mòdul - n. m. (pr. \ m'od[ue]l \ ) - See mòdol.
motoscuterìste. - motor-scooter rider, scooterist. mòdula - n. f. (pr. \ m'od[ue]l& \ ) At plr. mòdule. - scheme,
motossëmna - n. f. (pr. \ mutus'&mn& \ ) Inv. at plr. - seeding- rule, norm, precept, canon. See also the terms "nòrma,
machine. See also the term "motossëmnatriss" and the loc. régola".
"sëmnatriss a motor". mòl - adj. (pr. \ m'ol \ ) Ms. plr. mòl. - fm. sng. and plr. mòla,
motossëmnatriss - n. f. (pr. \ mutus&mn&tr'is \ ) - See mòle. - 1) - soft, tender, yielding. - 2) - fexible, supple. -
motossëmna. 3) - lax, loose.
motossilurant - n. f. (pr. \ mutusilur'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. - motor mòla - n. f. (pr. \ m'ol& \ ) At plr. mòle. - 1) - spring
torpedo-boat. (mechanics, and in a fig. sense). See also the term "arsòrt".
motossisterna - n. f. (pr.\mutusist'ærn&\) - See motocisterna. - 2) - tongs (at plr. "mòle" - tool). - 3) - grindstone,
mototrassion - n. f. (pr. \ mututr&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - grinding wheel. - 4) - millstone. In this sense see also the
motor traction. term "màsna".
motoveìcol - n. m. (pr. \ mutuve'icul \ ) At plr. motoveìcoj. - mòle - n. f. (pr. \ m'ole \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - mole (chemistry). -
motor-vehicle. See also the loc. "veìcol a motor". 2) - mass, bulk. volume. - 3) - size, dimension. - 4) -
motovelodròm - n. m. (pr. \ mutuveludr'om \ ) Inv. at plr. - massive structure. The Mòle Antonelian-a is the symbol
motordrome. See also the term "motovelodròmo"- of Turin.
motovelodròmo - n. m. (pr. \ mutuveludr'omô \ ) - See mòlo - n. m. (pr. \ m'olu \ ) Inv. at plr. - mole, jetty, pier,
motovelodròm. quay.
motòri - adj. (pr. \ mut'ori \ ) Ms. plr. motòri. - fm. sng. and mònit - n. m. (pr. \ m'onit \ ) Inv. at plr. - admonition,
plr. motòria, motòrie. - motory, motor (as an attribute). warning.
motria - n. f. (pr. \ m'utri& \ ) At plr. motrie. - 1) - impudent mònitor - n. m. (pr. \m'onitur\ ) Inv. at plr. - monitor, monitor
face, frowning face. - 2) - impudence, pertness. See also screen.
the term "mutria". mòra - n. f. (pr. \ m'or& \ ) At plr. mòre. - mora, delay,
motrion - n. (pr. \ mutri'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. motrion. - fm. sng. default, respite.
and plr. motrion-a, motrion-e. - impudent person, mòrb - n. m. (pr. \ m'orb \ ) Inv. at plr. - disease, epidemic.
frowning person. See also the term "mutrion". mòrbid - adj. (pr. \ m'orbid \ ) Ms. plr. mòrbid. - fm. sng. and
motriss - n. f. (pr. \ mutri'is \ ) Inv. at plr. - engine, tractor. plr. mòrbida, mòrbide. - 1) - soft, tender. - 2) - delicate,
See also the term "tratriss". fine. - See also the terms "molzin, còti".
motura - n. f. (pr. \ mut'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. moture. - 1) - mòrde - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ m'orde \ ) - 1) - to bite. - 2) - to
milling. - 2) - price of milling. - 3) - quantity of wheat bite into, to eat into, to corrode, to attack. - 3) - to grip.
required for loading the mill . See also the term "mota 3rd (mechanics).
meaning". mòro - adj. and n. (pr. \ m'oru \ ) Ms. plr. mòro. - fm. sng. and
moturé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ mut[ue]r'e \ ) - to take a part of plr. mòra, mòre. - 1) - black, dark-haired, dark-
grist as remuneration for milling. complexioned. (adj.). - 2) - negro, black person, dark-
movensa - n. f. (pr. \ muv'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. movense. - haired person, dark-complexioned person.
movement, motion, carriage, gesture. mòrs - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ m'ors \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - bit, snaffle
movent - n. m. (pr. \ muv'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - motive, reason, (horse).
cause. mòrs - 2) - adj. (pr. \ m'ors \ ) - See mòrse.

mòrsa - n. f. (pr. \ m'ors& \ ) At plr. mòrse. - 1) - vice, vise mufì - 1) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ m[ue]f'i \ ) Ms. plr. mufì. - fm.
(mechanics). - 2) - tothing (buildings - used at plr. sng. and plr. mufìa, mufìe. - 1) - grown mouldy (p. p.) - 2)
"mòrse".). - mouldy (adj.). - 3) - stale, rancid (adj.).
mòrse - adj. (pr. \ m'orse \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - related to mufì - 2) - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ m[ue]f'i \ ) - to grow mouldy.
Morse or Morse code (telegraphy). See also the term mufign - adj. (pr. \ m[ue]f'i[gn] \ ) Ms. plr. mufign. - fm. sng.
"mòrs". and plr. mufigna, mufigne. - mouldy, tasting mouldy.
mòrt - 1) - n. and adj. (pr. \ m'ort \ ) Ms. plr. mòrt. - fm. sng. See also the term "mofign". It uses the aux. "esse".
and plr. mòrta, mòrte. - 1) - dead, deceased, departed mugé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m[ue]j’e \ ) - to pile, to heap. See
(adj.). - 2) - dead, dull (adj.). - 3) - dead, off, slack (adj.). - the terms “anmugé, amugé, ambaroné “.
4) - dead person (sbst.). - 5) - dummy (cards). - 6) - hoard mugg - n. m. (pr. \ m[ue]j \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - heap, mass,
(money). stack. - 2) - lot, large quantity (in a fig. sense). See also
mòrt - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ m'ort \ ) Inv. at plr. - death, decease, the terms "mucc, baron".
departure, end. mughet - n. m. (pr. \ m[ue]g'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - lily of the
mòrta - n. f. (pr. \ m'ort& \ ) At plr. mòrte. - standstill. valley (botany - Cavallaria majalis) - See also the term
mòrva - n. f. (pr. \ m'orv& \ ) At plr. (if any). mòrve. - "nughet".
glanders (illness of horses). mugì - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ m[ue]j'i \ ) - 1) - to low, to moo. -
mòss - n. m. (pr. \ m'os \ ) Inv. at plr. - ship-boy, cabin-boy, 2) - to roar. - 3) - to blech. - It uses the aux. "avèj". See
stable-boy, groom. also the terms "breuge, brogé, brugé, breugé, musì ". Also
mòssa - n. f. (pr. \ m'os& \ ) At plr. mòsse. - 1) - moviment. - referred to the noise of the strong wind, the thunder and the
2) - move. - 3) - manoeuvre. stormy sea.
mòt - n. m. (pr. \ m'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - witticism, motto, saying. mul - n. (pr. \ m[ue]l \ ) Ms. plr. mul. - fm. sng. and plr. mula,
See also the term "mòt 3) ". mule. - 1) - mule (zoology). - 2) - obstinate person (in a
mòto - n. m. (pr. \ m'otô \ ) Inv. at plr. - motor-bike. fig. sense). - 3) - strong worker (in a fig. sense).
msé - n. m. (pr. \ ms'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - father-in-law. See also mulat - n. and adj. (pr. \ m[ue]l'&t \ ) Ms. plr. mulat. - fm. sng.
the loc. "pare mëssé, bel pare", and the terms "mëssé, and plr. mulata, mulate. - mulatto. See also the term
amsé". The fm. is "madòna" (see the term). "mulatr".
msòira - n. f. (pr. \ ms’oir& \ ) At plr. msòire. - reaping-hook, mulaté - n. (pr. \ m[ue]l&t'e \ ) Ms. plr. mulaté. - fm. sng. and
scithe, scikle. See also the terms "amsòira, mëssòira". plr. mulatera, mulatere. - muleteer, mule-driver.
muanda - n. f. (pr. \ m[ue]'&nd& \ ) At plr. muande. - mulatera - n. f. (pr. \ m[ue]l&t'er& \ ) At plr. mulatere. -
summer alpine pasture, hut for summer alpine pasture. mule-track.
See also the term "mianda". mulatr - n. and adj. (pr. \ m[ue]l'&tr \ ) - See mulat.
muande - n. f. plr. (pr. \ m[ue]'&nde \ ) Only plr. - 1) - pants, mule - n. f. plr. (pr. \m'[ue]le\ ) Only plr. - chilblain (medical).
underpants. - 2) - knickers, panties, pantees. See also the mulet - 1) - n. (pr. \ m[ue]l'æt \ ) Ms. plr. mulet. - fm. sng. and
term "mudande". plr. mulëtta, mulëtte. - small mule (zoology).
mucc - n. m. (pr. \ m[ue][ch] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - heap, mass, mulet - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ m[ue]l'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - elevator
stack. - 2) - lot, large quantity (in a fig. sense). See also trolley.
the terms "mugg, baron". mulin - n. m. (pr. \ m[ue]l'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - mill.
mucron - n. m. (pr. \ m[ue]cr'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - mucro muliné - 1) - n. (pr. \ m[ue]lin'e \ ) Ms. plr. muliné. - fm. sng.
(biology). - 2) - point, peak, summit, top. See also the and plr. mulinera, mulinere. - miller.
term "gucion". muliné - 2) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m[ue]lin'e \ ) - to grind, to
muda - n. f. (pr. \ m'[ue]d& \ ) At plr. mude. - 1) - suit. - 2) - mill, to grist.
change, relief. - 3) - moulting, casting-off (zoology). mulinél - n. m. (pr. \ m[ue]lin'el \ ) At plr. mulinéj. - 1) - eddy,
mudaja - n. f. (pr. \ m[ue]d'&y& \ ) At plr. mudaje. - medal. whirl. In this sense see also the term "mulinet 2nd
See also the term "midaja". meaning". - 2) - fishing reel.
mudajé - n. m. (pr. \ m[ue]d&y'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - collection mulinet - n. m. (pr. \ m[ue]lin'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - small
of medals. - 2) - medal show-case. - See also the term mill, small grinder. - 2) - eddy, whirl. In this sense see
"midajé ". also the term "mulinél 1st meaning".
mudajëtta - n. f. (pr. \ m[ue]d&y'&tt& \ ) At plr. mudajëtte. - mulin-acafè - n. m. (pr. \ m[ue]li[ng]c&f'æ \ ) Inv. at plr. -
1) - small medal, medallet. - 2) - dog-tag. - See also the coffee-grinder.
terms "midajëtta, midajin-a, mudajin-a". multa - n. f. (pr. \ m'[ue]lt& \ ) At plr. multe. - fine, mulct,
mudajin-a - n. f. (pr. \ m[ue]d&y'i[ng]& \ ) - See mudajëtta. penalty.
mudajon - (pr. \ mvd&y'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - locket. - 2) - multé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m[ue]t'e \ ) - to fine, to mulct, to
medallion. - 3) - literary-biographical essay. - 4) - ticket, to tag.
"medaillon" (cooking)See also the term "midajon". multi... - prefix (pr. \ m[ue]lti... \ ) - multi... . The meaning is
mudande - n. f. plr. (pr. \ m[ue]d'&nde \ ) Only plr. - 1) - "more than one" as it is in English. In the following some
pants, underpants. - 2) - knickers, panties, pantees. See example.
also the term "muande". multilateral - adj. (pr. \ m[ue]ltil&ter'&l \ ) Ms. plr.
mudé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m[ue]d'e \ ) - to moult, to shed multilaterj. - fm. sng. and plr. multilateral, multilateraj.
(zoology). See also the terms "mué, armudé, armué". - multilateral, many-sided.
mudésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ m[ue]d'ese \ ) - to renew multinassional - 1) - adj. (pr. \ m[ue]ltin&ssiun'&l \ ) Ms. plr.
oneself (from a moral poit of view). See also the term multinassionaj. - fm. sng. and plr. multinassional,
"muésse". multinassionaj. - multinational.
mué - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m[ue]'e \ ) - See mudé. multinassional - 2) - n.f. (pr. \ m[ue]ltin&ssiun'&l \ ) At plr.
muésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ m[ue]'ese \ ) - See mudésse. multinassionaj. - multinational.
mufa - n. f. (pr. \ m'[ue]f& \ ) At plr. mufe. - 1) - mould, mùltip - 1) - adj. (pr. \ m'[ue]ltip \ ) Ms. plr. multip. - fm. sng.
mold. See also the term "mofa". Sometimes also - 2) - and plr. multipa, multipe. - multiple. See also the terms
moss. In this sense see also the term "musch". "mùltipl 1), mùltiplo 1)".
mùltip - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ m'[ue]ltip \ ) Inv. at plr. - multiple.
See also the terms "mùltipl 2), mùltiplo 2)".

mùltipl - 1) - adj. (pr. \ m'[ue]ltipl \ ) Ms. plr. multipl. - fm. also the terms "monicipio, municipio, comun-a" and the
sng. and plr. multipla, multiple. - multiple. See also the loc. "cà dla comun-a".
terms "mùltip 1), mùltiplo 1)". mur - 1) - adj. (pr. \ m[ue]r \ ) Ms. plr. mur. - fm. sng. and plr.
mùltipl - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ m'[ue]ltipl \ ) Inv. at plr. - multiple. mura, mure. - 1) - mature (in general). - 2) - mellow, ripe
See also the terms "mùltip 2), mùltiplo 2)". (fruits, etc.). - 3) - mature (medical). - 4) - mature, due,
multiplassion - n. f. (pr. \ m[ue]ltipl&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - accrued (finance). See also the terms "madur, mèor".
multipling. mur - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ m[ue]r \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - wall. - 2) -
multiplé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m[ue]ltipl'e \ ) - to multiplate. walls. - 3) - barrier in the aeronautical expression "mur dël
multiplicassion - n. f. (pr. \ m[ue]ltiplic&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. son" = "sound barrier", etc.. See also the term "muraja".
multiplication. - See also the term "moltiplicassion". mura - n. f. (pr. \ m'[ue]r& \ ) - See muràja.
multipliché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m[ue]ltiplik'e \ ) - to murà - 1) - adj. (pr. \ m[ue]r'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - walled.
multiply. See also the term "moltipliché ". walled up, walled in, embedded in a wall. See also the
mùltiplo - 1) - adj. (pr. \ m'[ue]ltiplu \ ) Ms. plr. multiplo. - terms "anmurà anmurajà ".
fm. sng. and plr. multipla, multiple. - multiple. See also murà - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ m[ue]r'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - alpine shelter
the terms "mùltip 1), mùltipl 1)". made with stones.
mùltiplo - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ m'[ue]ltiplu \ ) Inv. at plr. - multiple. murador - n. m. (pr. \ m[ue]r&d'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - mason,
See also the terms "mùltip 2), mùltipl 2)". bricklayer. See also the trm "masson".
multitùdin - n. f. (pr. \ m[ue]tit'[ue]di[ng] \ ) - See moltitùdin. muradura - n. f. (pr. \ m[ue]r&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. (if any)
mùmia - n. f. (pr. \ m'[ue]mi& \ ) At plr. mùmie. - mummy. muradure. - 1) - walling. - 2) - masonry, brickwork,
mumificassion - n. f. (pr. \ m[ue]mific&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - stonework. See also the term "muratura".
mummification. muraja - n. f. (pr. \ m[ue]r'&y& \ ) At plr. muraje. - wall. See
mumifiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m[ue]mifik'e \ ) - to also the term "mur 2)".
mummify. to embalm. murajé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m[ue]r&y’e \ ) - to wall up, to
mumin - n. m. (pr. \ m[ue]m'i[ng] \ ) - See mimin. brick up, to wall in, to embed in a wall. See also the
munì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ m[ue]n'i \ ) - 1) - to provide, to terms “anmuré, anmurajé, muré“.
furnish, to supply. - 2) - to fortify. murajet - n. m. (pr. \ m[ue]r&y’æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - small wall,
municipal - adj. (pr. \ m[ue]ni[ch]ip'&l \ ) Ms. plr. municipaj. low wall (it is possible to sit on it). See also the terms
- fm. sng. and plr. municipal, municipaj. - municipal, "murajëtta, muret ".
town (as an attribute). See also the term "monissipal ". murajëtta - n. f. (pr. \ m[ue]r&y’&tt& \ ) - See murajet.
municipalisassion - n. f. (pr. \ m[ue]ni[ch]ip&liz&si'u[ng] \ ) murajon - n.m. (pr. \ m[ue]r&y’u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - big wall,
Inv. at plr. - municipalization. See also the term high wall (like the walls of a castle).
"munissipalisassion". mural - adj. (pr. \ m[ue]r'&l \ ) Ms. plr. muraj. - fm. sng. and
municipalisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m[ue]ni[ch]ip&liz'e \ ) - to plr. mural, muraj. - mural, wall (as an attribure).
municipalize. See also the term "munissipalisé". muratura - n. f. (pr. \ m[ue]r&t'[ue]r& \ ) - See muradura.
municipalism - n. m. (pr. \ m[ue]ni[ch]ip&l'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - muré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m[ue]r’e \) - See murajé.
municipalism. See also the term "munissipalism". muret - n. m. (pr. \ m[ue]r’æt \) - See murajet.
municipalità - n. f. (pr. \ m[ue]ni[ch]ip&lit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - murì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ m[ue]r’i \) - 1) - to die, to pass
municipality. away, to pass over. - 2) - to die away. - 3) - to fade. - 4) -
municìpio - n. m. (pr. \ m[ue]ni[ch]'ipiu \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - to end, to terminate. It uses the aux. "esse". See also the
municipality. - 2) - town council. - 3) - town hall. See form "meuire ".
also the terms "monicipio, munissipi, comun-a" and the loc. muriàtich - adj. (pr \ m[ue]ri’&tic \ ) Ms. plr. muriàtich. - fm.
"cà dla comun-a". sng. and plr. muriàtica, muriàtiche. - muriatic
munificament - adv. (pr. \m[ue]nific&m'ænt\) - munificently. (chemistry).
Italianism- See the best loc. "da sgnor". murmuris - n. m. (pr \ m[ue]rm[ue]r'iz\ ) Inv. at plr. -
munificensa - n. f. (pr. \ m[ue]nifi[ch]'æ[ng]s&\) At plr. murmur, murmuring, babbling.
munificense. - munificence, liberality, generosity. musa - n. f. (pr \ m'[ue]z& \ ) At plr. muse. - 1) - Muse
munìfich - adj. (pr. \ m[ue]n'ific \) Ms. plr. munìfich. - fm. (mythology). - 2) - mese, inspiration (in a fig. sense).
sng. and plr. munìfica, munìfiche. - munificent. musaròla - n. f. (pr \ m[ue]z&r'òl&\ ) At plr. musaròle. -
munission - n. f. (pr. \ m[ue]nisi'u[ng] \) Inv. at plr. ( used muzzle. See aldo the term "musel".
usually at plr.). - 1) - munition, munitions, ammunition. - muscaden - (pr \ m[ue]c&d'æ[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - dandy, fop.
2) - provisioning. See also the term "moscardin 2nd meaning".
munissionament - n. m. (pr. \ m[ue]nisiun&m'ænt \) Inv. at mus-cc - n. m. (pr \ m[ue]s[ch] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - moss. See
plr. - munitioning. also the terms "musch, nus-cc ". - 2) - mould, mold. In this
munissioné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \m[ue]nisiun'e\) - 1) - to sense (not very used) see also the terms "mofa, mufa".
provide ammunition. - 2) - to provide, to furnish (for musch - n. m. (pr \ m[ue]sc \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - moss. See also
extension). the terms "mus-cc, nus-cc, nusch ". - 2) - mould, mold. In
munissionié - n. m. (pr. \m[ue]nisiuni'e\) Inv. at plr. - this sense (not very used) see also the terms "mofa, mufa".
ammunition provider, man assigned to munitioning. mus-ciss - adj. (pr \ m[ue]s[ch]is \ ) Ms. plr. mus-ciss. - fm.
munissipalisassion - n. f. (pr. \ m[ue]nisip&liz&si'u[ng] \ ) - sng. and plr. mus-cissa, mus-cisse. - 1) - mean, paltry,
See municipalisassion. scanty, stingy, miserly. - 2) - of no value (for extension).
munissipalisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m[ue]nisip&liz'e \ ) - See muscol - n. m. (pr \ m[ue]scul \ ) At plr. mùscoj. - 1) - muscle
municipalisé. (anatomy) - 2) - shin (of beef). - 3) - mussel (zoology -
munissipalism - n. m. (pr. \ m[ue]nisip&l'izm \ ) See Mytilus edulis).
municipalism. muscola - n. f. (pr \ m[ue]sc'ul& \ ) - See moscola.
munissipalità - n. f. (pr. \ m[ue]nisip&lit'& \ ) See muscoladura - n. f. (pr \ m[ue]scul&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
municipalità. muscoladure. - 1) - musculature, muscular system. - 2) -
munissìpi - n. m. (pr. \ m[ue]nis'ipi \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - muscles.
municipality. - 2) - town council. - 3) - town hall. See muscolar - adj. (pr \ m[ue]scul'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
muscular, muscle (as an attribute).

muscolos - adj. (pr \ m[ue]scul'uz \ ) Ms. plr. muscolos. - fm. muso - n. m. (pr \ m'[ue]zu \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - muzzle, snout
sng. and plr. muscolosa, muscolose. - muscular, sinewy, (animals) - 2) - face (jocular), mug. - 3) - nose (planes,
brawny, stalwart. See also the terms "muscolù, musclé". etc.), front part (cars),
muscolosità - n. f. (pr \ m[ue]sculuzit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - muson - n. m. (pr \ m[ue]z'u[ng] \ ) - See musèire.
muscularity, brawniness. musonarìa - n. f. (pr \ m[ue]zun&r'i& \ ) At plr. musonarìe. -
muscolù - adj. (pr \ m[ue]scul'[ue] \ ) - See muscolos. sulkiness, surliness, sulks.
musclé - adj. (pr \ m[ue]scl'e \ ) - See muscolos. mùssola - n. f. (pr. \ m'[ue]sul& \ ) At plr. mùssole. - muslin
muscos - adj. (pr \ m[ue]sc'uz \ ) Ms. plr. muscos. - fm. sng. (texile). See also the terms "mussolin-a, mossolin-a,
and plr. muscosa, muscose. - mossy, moss-grown. See mëssolin-a".
also the term "nuscos". mussolin-a - n. f. (pr. \ m[ue]sul'i[ng]& \ ) - See mùssola.
muscovite - n. f. (pr \ m[ue]scuv'ite \ ) Inv. at plr. - muscovite, mussulman - n. and adj. (pr. \ m[ue]s[ue]lm'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr.
common mica. (mineralogy) mussulman. - fm. sng. and plr. mussulman-a,
musé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr \ m[ue]z'e \ ) - 1) - to mussulman-e. - Mussulman, Moslem, Muslim. See also
amuse, to entretain (trs.). In this sense see also the voices the term "mossolman".
“amusé, divertì, dësmoré “, - 2) - to wear a long face (int.). mustèila - n. f. (pr. \ m[ue]st'æil& \ ) At plr. mustèile. -
musèire - n. (pr \ m[ue]z'æire \ ) Ms. plr. musèire. - fm. sng. weasel (zoology - Mustela nivalis). See also the term
and plr. musèira, musèire. - sulker, surly person. See "mostèila".
also the term "muson". mut - adj. and n. (pr. \ m[ue]t \ ) Ms. plr. mut. - fm. sng. and
musél - n. m. (pr \ m[ue]z'el \ ) - See musaròla. plr. muta, mute. - 1) - dumb, mute (adj.). - 2) - silent,
muséo - n. m. (pr \ m[ue]z'eô \ ) Inv. at plr. - museum. taciturn, speechless, tongueless (adj.). - 3) - dumb
muset - 1) - n. f. (pr \ m[ue]z'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - musette person, mute (sbst.).
(music, dance). mutèivol - adj. (pr \ m[ue]t'æivul \ ) Ms. plr. mutèivoj. - fm.
muset - 2) - n. m. (pr \ m[ue]z'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - lovely little sng. and plr. mutèivola, mutèivole. - 1) - mutable,
face. See also the terms "museto, musin". changeable, variable. - 2) - inconstant, unsettled.
museto - n. m. (pr \ m[ue]z'etu \ ) - See muset 2). mutëssa - n. f. (pr \ m[ue]t'&ss& \ ) At plr. mutësse. - the
musì - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ m[ue]z'i \ ) - 1) - to low, to moo. - condition of being dumb, muteness. See also the term
2) - to roar. - 3) - to blech. - It uses the aux. "avèj". See "mutism".
also the terms "breuge, brogé, brugé, breugé, mugì ". Also mutilà - adj. and n. (pr \ m[ue]til'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) -
referred to the noise of the strong wind, the thunder and the mutilated, maimed, crippled (adj.). - 2) - cripple,
stormy sea. disabled person (sbst.).
mùsica - n. f. (pr. \m'[ue]zic&\ ) At plr. mùsiche. - 1) - music. mutilassion - n. f. (pr \ m[ue]til&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
- 2) - tune. - 3) - armony, melody. Way of saying: "sempe mutilation.
la sòlita mùsica! " = "it's always the same tune! ". mutilé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr \ m[ue]til'e \ ) - to mutilate, to
musicàbil - adj. (pr. \ m[ue]zic'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. musicàbij. - maim, to cripple.
fm. sng. and plr. musicàbil, musicàbij. - tunable, apt to mutin - adj. (pr \ m[ue]t'i[ng] \ ) - 1) - taciturn, surly. - 2) -
be set to music. obstinate, stubborn, spiteful (in a fig. sense).
musicàl - adj. (pr. \ m[ue]zic'&l \ ) Ms. plr. musicaj. - fm. sng. mutinament - n. m. (pr \ m[ue]tin&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
and plr. musical, musicaj. - musical. mutiny, rebellion. See also the term "mutinassion".
mùsical - n. m. (pr. \ m'[ue]zic&l \ ) At plr. mùsicaj. - musical mutinarìa - n. f. (pr \ m[ue]tin&r'i& \ ) At plr. mutinarìe. -
comedy. The use is more correct of the loc. "comédia mutism, obstinacy, stubbornness.
musicàl ". mutinassion - n. f. (pr\m[ue]tin&si'u[ng]\) - See mutinament.
musicalità - n. f. (pr. \ m[ue]zic&lit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - mutinésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr \ m[ue]tin'ese \ ) - to mutiny.
musicality, musicalness. mutism - n. m. (pr \ m[ue]t'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - mutism,
musicant - n. (pr. \ m[ue]zic'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. musicant. - fm. muteness. - 2) - obstinate silence. See also the term
sng. and plr. musicanta, musicante. - musician (usually "mutëssa".
playing in a band). mùtria - n. f. (pr. \ m'[ue]tri& \ ) At plr. mùtrie. - 1) -
musiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m[ue]zik'e \ ) - to set to music. impudent face, frowning face. - 2) - impudence,
musicista - n. (pr. \ m[ue]zi[ch]'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. musicista. - pertness. See also the term "motria".
fm. sng. and plr. musicista, musiciste. - musician (usually mutrion - n. (pr. \ m[ue]tri'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. mutrion. - fm.
playing in a orchestra). sng. and plr. mutrion-a, mutrion-e. - impudent person,
musicologìa - n. f. (pr.\m[ue]ziculuj'i&\) At plr. musicologìe. - frowning person. See also the term "motrion".
musicology. mùtua - n. f. (pr. \ m'[ue]tu& ; m'[ue]t[ue]& \ ) At plr. mùtue.
musicològich - adj. (pr. \m[ue]zicul'ojic\ ) Ms. plr. - mutual aid association, health insurance association.
musicològich. - fm. sng. and plr. musicològica, mutuà - n. (pr. \ m[ue]tu'& ; m[ue]t[ue]'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and
musicològiche. - musicological. nr. - person assiste by health insutance association.
musicomanìa - n. f. (pr. \ m[ue]zicum&n'i& \ ) At plr. mutualism - (pr. \ m[ue]t[ue]&l'izm \ ) - Inv. at plr. - 1) -
musicomanìe. - musicomania. mutuality, mutual aid. In this sense see also the term
musicoterapìa - n. f. (pr. \ m[ue]zicuter&p'i& \ ) At plr. "mutualità ".- 2) - mutualism (biology)..
musicoterapìe. - musicotherapy. mutuant - adj. and n. (pr. \ m[ue]t[ue]'&nt \ ) Ms. plr.
musicoterapìsta - n. (pr. \m[ue]zic'olug \ ) Ms. plr. mutuant. - fm. sng. and plr. mutuanta, mutuante. - 1) -
musicoterapìsta. - fm. sng. and plr. musicoterapista, lending (adj.). - 2) - lender (sbst.). - (legal terms).
musicoterapiste. - musicotherapist. mutualità - n. f. (pr. \ m[ue]t[ue]&lit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
musicòlogh - n. (pr. \m[ue]zic'olug \ ) Ms. plr. musicòlogh. - mutuality, mutual aid. See also the term "mutualism 1st
fm. sng. and plr. musicòloga, musicòloghe. - meaning".
musicologist. mutualìstich - adj. (pr. \ m[ue]t[ue]&l'istic \ ) Ms. plr.
musicòmane - (pr. \m[ue]zic'om&ne \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - mutualìstich. - fm. sng. and plr. mutualìstica,
musicomaniac. mutualìstiche. - 1) - mutualist, mutualistich. - 2) - health
musin - n. m. (pr \ m[ue]z'i[ng] \ ) - See muset 2). insurance (as an attribute).

mutué - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ m[ue]t[ue]'e \ ) - 1) - to borrow. mzuràbil - adj. (pr. \ mz[ue]r'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. mzuràbij. - fm.
- 2) - to lend, to loan. sng. and plr. mzuràbil, mzuràbij. - measurable,
mùtuo - 1) - adj. (pr. \ m[ue]t[ue]'u \ ) Ms. plr. mùtuo. - fm. mensurable. See also the terms "mësuràbil, misuràbil,
sng. and plr. mùtua, mùtue. - mutual, reciprocal. amzuràbil ".
mùtuo - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ m[ue]t[ue]'u \ ) Inv. at plr. - loan. mzurabilità - n. f. (pr. \ mz[ue]r&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
mzada - n. f. (pr. \ mz'&d& \ ) At plr mzade. - monthly measurability, measurableness, mensurability,
allowance, monthly wages. See also the terms "mèis 2nd mensurableness. See also the terms "mësurabilità,
meaning, meisada, mesà, mesada, meisà". misurabilità, amzurabilità ".
mzan - adj. and n. (pr. \ mz'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. mzan. - fm. sng. mzurador - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ mz[ue]r&d'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. -
and plr. mzan-a, mzan-e. - 1) - medium, mean, middle, meter, gauge. See also the terms "amzurador, mësurador,
middling, average (adj.). - 2) - intermediatory, mediator misurador".
(sbst.). - 3) - procurer, pimp (sbst.). See also the term mzurador - 2) - n. (pr. \ mz[ue]r&d'ur \ ) - Ms. plr. mzurador.
"mesan". - fm. sng. and plr. mzuradòira, mzuradòire. - measurer,
mzen-a - n. f. (pr. \ mz'æ[ng]& \ ) At plr. mzen-e. - side gauger, surveyor. See also the term "amzurador,
(butchery - each one of the two parts of a butchered mësurador, misurador".
animal). See also the term "mesen-a". mzurassion - n. f. (pr. \ mz[ue]r&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
mzura - n. f. (pr. \ mz'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. mzure. - 1) - measurement, measuring, gauging, gaging. See also the
measure, measurement. E. g. "la misura dla corent term "amzurassion, mësurassion, misurassion".
elétrica" = "the measure of the electric current". - 2) - mzuré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ mz[ue]r'e \ ) - 1) - to measure, to
size. E. g. "a son dl'istéssa misura" = "they are of the same gauge. E. g. "to measure the lenght of the table" = "misuré
size". - 3) - measure, metre (poetry). - 4) - measure, beat la longhëssa dla tàuta". - 2) - to value, to estimate. E. g.
(music). - 5) - limit, bound. E. g. "it ses pròpi sensa "to estimate the risks" = "misuré ij rìsigh". - 3) - to limit,
misura!" = "really you don't have a limit!" - 6) - to ration. E. g. "you must limit your expenses" = "a venta
precaution. E. g. "pija le misure necessàrie" = "take the ch'it misure le spèise". - 4) - to try on. E. g. "try it on
necessary precautions". See also the terms "amzura, before buying it" = "misurlo prima 'd catélo". - See also the
misura, mësura". terms "amzuré, mësuré, misuré ".
mzurà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ mz[ue]r'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
1) - measured (adj. and p. p.). - 2) - moderate (adj.). - 3) -
cautious. - 4) - sparing, scanty (usually in an ironical
sense). - See also the terms "mësurà, misurà, amzurà ".


Letter N
n - fourteenth letter of the alphabet and n. f. (pr. \ n& \ ) - n. naja - n. f. (pr. \ n'&y& \ ) At plr. (when applicable) naje. - 1) -
The sound of this letter changes, according to the following national service, call-up, military life (slang term). - 2) -
letter, and it can be palatal or faucal. The double n has buttock (anatomy). In this sense see also the term "ciapa".
particularities in pronunciation. (See in the grammar: nàilon - n. m. (pr. \ n'&ilôn \ ) Inv. at plr. - nylon.
"Spelling and Phonology"). naivé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ n&iv'e \ ) - 1) - to macerate, to
n' - art. indeterminative (pr. \ n \ ) ms. and fm., only sng. - a, steep, to ret. - 2) - to put to soak. See also the term
an. In front of words starting by vowel . See also the terms "neivé".
"un, në, na, un-a". E. g. "a donkey " = "n'aso (ns.)" : " a naivor - n. m. (pr. \ n&iv'ur\ ) Inv. at plr. - retting-pit, rettery.
duck" = "n'ània (fm.)". ; "an expression" = "n'espression". See also the terms "neivor, nasor".
'n - cng. (pr. \ n \ ) - 1) - in, into, inside. - 2) - to. - After words naivura - n. f. (pr. \ n&iv'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. naivure. -
ending by vowel. See also the terms "an, ën". See syntax maceration, steeping, retting. See also the term
for a correct use. Here some examples: "i deurmo 'n "neivura".
giardin" = "I sleep in (the) garden". ; "i vado 'n giardin" = nan - adj. and n. (pr. \ n'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. nan - fm. sng. and
"I go into (the) garden". ; "i vado 'n Fransa" = I go to plr. nana, nane. - 1) - dwarfish, dwarf (as an attributr)
France". (adj.). - 2) - dwarf (sbst.). - 3) - dwarf, shortie (sbst.). -
...n... - prn. prt. (pr. \ ...n... \ ) 1st plr. prs. comp. - us, to us. See also the term "nano".
Inside the word, in a complex prn. prt. connected at the end nana - n. f. (pr. \ n'&n&\ ) At plr. nane. - bye-bye, beddy-bies
of the vrbl. voice. E. g. "a l'ha danlo" = "he gave it to us". (childish) Note that "fé nana" = "to sleep".
See grammar. nanì - n. m. (pr. \ n&n'i \ ) Inv. at plr. - long-tailed bushtit
na - 1) - art. indeterminative fm. (pr. \ n& \ ) fm. sng. a, an. In (zoology - Aegithalos caudatus)
front of words starting by consonant. E. g. "na scàtola" = nanié - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ n&ni'e \ ) - to wiggle one's hips.
"a box". It uses the aux. "avèj ". See also the term "naniné ".
na - 2) - prn. prt. partitive (pr. \ n& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - of naniné - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ n&nin'e \ ) - See nanié.
it, of this, of them, of these, of those. See also the term nanism - n. m. (pr. \ n&ni'zm \ ) Inv. at plr. - dwarfism
"në, ". E. g. "it na dago" = I give you (part) of (medical), nanism.
this/that". nano - adj. and n. (pr. \ n'&nu \ ) Ms. plr. nano - fm. sng. and
nà - adj. and n. (pr. \ n'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - born plr. nana, nane. - 1) - dwarfish, dwarf (as an attributr)
(adj.). - 2) - child (just born) (sbst.). (adj.). - 2) - dwarf (sbst.). - 3) - dwarf, shortie (sbst.). -
nabab - n. m. (pr. \ n&b'&b \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - nabob. - 2) - See also the term "nan".
very rich person (in a fig. sense). nansa - n. f. (pr. \ n'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr. nanse. - 1) - wicker-
nacc - adj. (pr. \ n&[ch] \ ) Ms. plr. nacc - fm. sng. and plr. work fish trap. In this sense see alsao the term "nassa". -
nacia, nace. - flat-nosed, snub-nosed. 2) - trap for sparrows. In this sense see also the term
nacé - vrb 1st con. int. and trs. (pr. \ n&[ch]'e \ ) - 1) - to knock "passarera".
the nose (int.). - 2) - to mortify, to humble. (trs.). napa - n. f. (pr. \ n'&p& \ ) At plr. nape. - tassel. See also the
nacia - n. f. (pr. \ n'&[ch]i& \ ) At plr. nace. - 1) - bang with term "napin-a".
the nose. - 2) - disappointment, humiliating defeat, napel - n. m. (pr. \ n&p'el \ ) Inv. at plr. - monk's-hood,
failure (in a fig. sense). See also the term "nacià ". aconite (botany - Aconitum napellus). See also the term
nacià - n. f. (pr. \ n&[ch]i'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - bang with the "acòni ".
nose. - 2) - disappointment, humiliating defeat, failure, nàpia - n. f. (pr. \ n'&pi& \ ) At plr. nàpie. - big nose. See also
flop (in a fig. sense). See also the terms "nacia , naciada, the terms "canàpia, nason, nasass".
nasà 1st and 2nd meaning, nasada 1st and 2nd meaning ". napin-a - n. f. (pr. \ n&p'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. napin-e. - tassel,
naciada - n. f. (pr. \ n&[ch]i'&d& \ ) - See nacià. small tassel. See also the term "napa".
Nàdia - n. f. (pr. \ n'&di& \ ) Only sng. (noun of person) In nàpola - n. f. (pr. \ n'&pul& \ ) At plr. nàpole. - 1) - ford,
case of need, at plr. Nàdie. - Nadine. passage for wading a stream. - 2) - passage over a ditch
nadir - n. m. (pr. \ n&d'ir \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - nadir (often containing a pipe) - 3) - particular combination of
(astronomy). cards (in soma card games).
nadiral - adj. (pr. \ n&dir'&l \ ) Ms. plr. nadiraj - fm. sng. and napoleon - n. m. (pr. \ n&pule'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
plr. nadiral, nadiraj. - nadiral. (astronomy). napoleon (coins). - 2 ) - brandy glass.
nafta - n. f. (pr. \ n'&ft& \ ) At plr. nafte. - 1) - naphtha Napoleon - n. m. (pr. \ n&pule'u[ng] \ ) Only sng. In case of
(chemistry). - 2) - Diesel oil (motors). - 3) - oil (heating, need inv. at plr. - Napoleon (history).
combustible). napoleònich - adj. (pr. \ n&pule'onic \ ) Ms. plr. napoleònich
maftalin-a - n. f. (pr. \ n&ft&l'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. (if any) - fm. sng. and plr. napoleònica, napoleòniche. -
naftalin-e. - naphthalene (chemistry). Napoleonic.
naften - n. m. (pr. \ n&ft'æ[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - naphthene napoletan - n. and adj. (pr. \ n&pulet'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr.
(chemistry). napoletan - fm. sng. and plr. napoletan-a, napoletan-e. -
naftil - n. m. (pr. \n&ft'il\ ) Inv. at plr. - naphthyl (chemistry). Neapolitan. See also the term "napolitan".
naftòl - n. m. (pr. \n&ft'ol\ ) Inv. at plr. - naphthol (chemistry). napoletan-a - n. f. (pr. \ n&pulet'&[ng]& \ ) At plr.
nah! - excl. (pr. \ n& \ ) - pshaw!. Expression of astonishment, napoletan-e. - reversible coffee-pot with filter.
wonder, but also of exhortation. Napoli - n. f. (pr. \ n'&puli \ ) Only sng. In case of need inv. at
naìf - adj. . (pr. \ n&'if \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - naive. plr. - Naples.

napolìa - n. m. (pr. \ n&pul'i& \ ) At plr. napolìe. - burdock nasaren - adj. and n. (pr. \ n&z&r'æ[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. nasaren -
(botany - Arctium lappa). fm. sng. and plr. nassaren-a, nasaren-e. - Nazarene.
napolitan - n. and adj. (pr. \ n&pulit'&[ng] \ ) - See napoletan. (Inhabitant of Nazareth and related to Nazareth
naràbil - adj. (pr. \ n&r'bil \ ) Ms. plr. naràbij - fm. sng. and nasass - n. m. (pr. \ n&z'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - big nose. See also
plr. naràbil, naràbij. - tellable. This term is not very used. the terms "nason, nàpia, canàpia".
See also the term "contàbil 3rd meaning ". nasconde - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ n&sc'unde \ ) - to hide, to
narassion - n. f. (pr. \ n&r&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - conceal. See also the terms "scacé, sconde, stërmé" (the
narration, telling. - 2) - tale, story. most used term is "stërmé ").
narativ - adj. (pr. \ n&r&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. narativ - fm. sng. and nascondili - n. m. (pr. \ n&scund'ili \ ) Inv. at plr. - hiding-
plr. narativa, narativ. - narrative. place, hide-out, hidey-hole. See also the terms "strem,
narativa - n. f. (pr. \ n&r&t'iv& \ ) At plr. narative. - 1) - stërm, scondion".
fiction. - 2) - narrative (legal). nascondion (ëd ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \&d n&scundi'u[ng] \ ) -
narator - n. (pr. \ n&r&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. narator - fm. sng. and secretly, behind sb.'s back. See also the adv. loc. "dë
plr. naratriss, naratriss. - narrator, story-teller. scondion, da stërmà ".
narcis - n. m. (pr. \ n&r[ch]'iz \ ) Inv. at plr. - narcissus nascondse - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ n&sc'undse \ ) - to hide
(botany - Narcissus poeticus). See also the term "narsis". oneself. Note that "geughe a nascondse" means "to play
narcisism - n. m. (pr. \ n&r[ch]iz'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - hide-adn-seek ".
narcissism. See also the term "narsisism". nasé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ n&z'e \ ) - 1) - to smell, to sniff. -
narcisista - n. (pr. \ n&r[ch]iz'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. nacisista - fm. 2) - to twig, to catch on (in a fig. sense). See also the term
sng. and plr. narcisista, narcisiste. - narcissist. See also "nufié".
the term "narsisista". nasel - n. m. (pr. \ n&z'e \ ) At plr. naséj. - hake (zoology -
narcisìstich - adj. (pr. \ n&r[ch]iz'istic \ ) Ms. plr. nacisistich - Merluccius merluccius). See also the term "merlan".
fm. sng. and plr. narcisistica, narcisistiche. - narcissistic. naset - n. m. (pr. \ n&z'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - pretty little nose
See also the term "narsisistich ". (children). See also the terms "naseto, nasin".
narcoterapìa - n. f. (pr. \ n&rcuter&p'i& \ ) At plr. naseto - n. m. (pr. \ n&z'etu \ ) - See naset.
narcoterapìe. - narcotherapy. nasin - n. m. (pr. \ n&z'i[ng] \ ) - See naset.
narcotisassion - n. f. (pr. \ n&rcutiz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - nasism - n. m. (pr. \ n&z'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - Nazism. See also
narcotization (medical). the term "nassional-socialism".
narcotisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ n&rcutiz'e \ ) - to narcotize nasista - n. and adj. (pr. \ n&z'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. nasista - fm.
(medical). sng. and plr. nasista, nasiste. - Nazi. See also the term
narcotism - n. m. (pr. \ n&rcut'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). "nassional-socialista".
narcotism (medical) nason - n. m. (pr. \ n&z'u[ng] \ ) - big nose. See also the terms
narcòsi - n. f. (pr. \ n&rc'ozi \ ) Inv. at plr. - narcosis, general "nasass, nàpia, canàpia".
anaesthesia. See also the term "andurmìa" . nasor - n. m. (pr. \ n&z'ur \ ) - See naivor.
narcòtich - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ n&rc'otic \ ) Inv. at plr. - narcotic nassa - n. f. (pr. \ n'&s& \ ) At plr. nasse. - 1) - wicker-work
(pharmacy). fish trap. Sense see alsao the term "nansa 1st meaning".
narcòtich - 2) - adj. (pr. \ n&rc'otic \ ) Ms. plr. narcòtich - fm. nasse - 1) - vrb 2nd con. int. (pr. \ n'&se \ ) - 1) - to be born, to
sng. and plr. narcòtica, narcòtiche. - narcotic (pharmacy). come into the world, to see the light. E. g. "i son nassù a
nariss - n. f. (pr. \ n&r'is \ ) Inv. at plr. - nostril. Susa" = "I was born in Susa". - 2) - to come of, to come
narsis - n. m. (pr. \ n&rs'iz \ ) - See narcis. out of. E. g. "tut a nass da cola grama idea" = "all comes
narsisism - n. m. (pr. \ n&rsiz'izm \ ) - See narcisism. of that bad idea". - 3) - to arise, to originate, to come
narsisista - n. (pr. \ n&rsiz'ist& \ ) See narcisista. into being. - 4) - to come up, to grow, to sprout. In this
narsisìstich - adj. (pr. \ n&rsiz'istic \ ) - See narcisistich. sense see also the term "buté". - 5) - to rise, to well up. - 6)
nas - n. m. (pr. \ n&z \ ) Inv. at plr. - nose. About nose: "big - to hatch. Note that the p. p. of this vrb can be "nassù ",
nose" = "nason, canàpia (see the terms)" ; "snub nose" = according to the rule, or "nà ". Some idiomatic ways of
"nas ësgnacà, nas nacià " ; "aquiline nose" = "nas aquilin, using this verb: - A) - "fe nasse un batibeuj" = "to stir up
nas a bèch" : "to poke and pry, to snoop" = "fiché 'l nas" ; trouble". - B) - "fé nasse 'd sospét" = "to arouse suspicion".
"to exceed (sb.)" = "bagné 'l nas (a quaidun)". ; "to act in nasse - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ n'&se \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - rise, start,
spite of (sb.)" = "fela an sël nas (a quaidun)" ; "to lead outset. - 2) - sprouting.
(sb.) by the nose" = "mné për ël nas (quaidun)". ; "to turn nassion - n. f. . (pr. \ n&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - nation, state.
up one's nose (at st.)" = "rissé 'l nas (për quaicòs)". ; "by nassional - adj. (pr. \ n&siun'&l \ ) Ms. plr. nassionaj - fm.
rule of thumb" = "a la mira dël nas". sng. and plr. nassional, nassionaj. - 1) - national. - 2) -
nasà - n. f. (pr. \ n&z'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - bang with the domestic (politics).
nose. - 2) - disappointment, humiliating defeat, failure, nassionalisassion - n. f. (pr. \ n&siun&liz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at
flop (in a fig. sense). In these meanings see also the terms plr. - nationalization.
"nacià, nasada ". - 3) - sniff. In this sense see also the nassionalisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ n&siun&liz'e \ ) - to
terms "nufià, nufiada, nasada 3rd meaning." nationalize.
nasada - n. f. (pr. \ n&z'&d& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - bang with nassionalism - n. m. (pr. \ n&siun&l'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. -
the nose. - 2) - disappointment, humiliating defeat, nationalism.
failure, flop (in a fig. sense). In these meanings see also nassionalìstich - adj. (pr. \ n&siun&l'istic \ ) Ms. plr.
the terms "nacià, nasà 1st and 2nd meanings ". - 3) - sniff. nassionalìstich - fm. sng. and plr. nassionalìstica,
In this sense see also the terms "nufià, nufiada, nasà 3rd nassionalìstiche. - nationalist, nationalistic.
meaning". nassionalità - n. f. (pr. \ n&siun&lit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
nasal - adj. (pr. \ n&z'&l \ ) Ms. plr. nasaj - fm. sng. and plr. nationality.
nasal, nasaj. - nasal (anatomy - phonetics). nassional-socialism - n. m. (pr. \ n&siun&lsu[ch]i&l'izm \ ) -
Nasaren - n. m. sng. (pr. \ n&z&r'æ[ng] \ ) - the Nazarene, See nasism.
Jesus of Nazareth. nassional-socialìsta - adj. (pr. \ n&siun&lsu[ch]i&l'ist& \ ) -
See nasista.

nàssita - n. f. (pr. \ n'&sit& \ ) At plr. nàssite. - 1) - birth. - 2) naturista - n. (pr. \ n&t[ue]r'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. naturista - fm.
- origin, descent, extraction. - 3) - rising, rise. sng. and plr. naturista, naturiste. - naturist.
nassòrt - n. m. (pr. \ n&s'ort \ ) Inv. at plr. - watercress naturìstich - adj. (pr. \ n&t[ue]r'istic \ ) Ms. plr. naturistich -
(botany - Nasturium officinale). See also the term "nastor". fm. sng. and plr. naturistica, naturistiche. - naturistic.
nast - n. m. (pr. \ n&s't \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - smelling, sniffing. - naufragà - n. and adj. and p. p. (pr. \ n&ufr&g'& \ ) Inv. in
2) - sense of smell, olfaction. - 3) - scent, nose. - 4) - flair, gnd and nr. - 1) - shipwrecked person (sbst.). - 2) -
nose (in a fig. sense). See also the term "anast". shipwrecked (adj. and p. p.). See also the term
nastor - n. m. (pr. \ n&st'ur \ ) - See nassòrt. "naufragant".
nasturs - n. m. (pr. \ n&st'[ue]rs \ ) Inv. at plr. - nasturtium, naufragant - n. and adj. and p. p. (pr. \ n&ufr&g'&nt \ ) Ms.
watercress (botany - Nasturtium officinale). See also the plr. naufragant - fm. sng. and plr. naufraganta,
term "nastursi ". naufragante. - 1) - shipwrecked person (sbst.). - 2) -
nastursi - n. m. (pr. \ n&st'[ue]rsi \ ) - See nasturs. shipwrecked (adj. and p. p.). See also the term
nastr - n. m. (pr. \ n&str \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - ribbon. - 2) - "naufragà".
tape, band, strap. Note the loc. "nastr isolant" = naufraghé - vrb. 1st con. int. (pr. \ n&ufr&g'e \ ) - 1) - to be
"insulating tape" ; "nastr adesiv" = "adhesive tape" ; "nastr shipwrecked, to founder. - 2) - to be wrecked, to fail, to
d'assel " = "steel strip". See also the term "bindel ". fall through (in a fig. sense). See also the loc. "andé a
nastrin - n. m. (pr. \ n'&stri[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - ribbon fond". It uses the aux. "esse".
(military) naufràgi - n. m. (pr. \ n&ufr'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
nata - n. f. (pr. \ n'&t& \ ) At plr. nate. - 1) - cork-oak, cork- shipwreck, wreck.. - 2) - wreck, failure (in a fig. sense).
tree (botany - Quercus suber). Note the loc. "bòsch ëd nàusea - n. f. (pr. \ n'&uze& \ ) At plr. nàusee. - 1) - nausea
nata" = "cork-plantation, cork-forest". - 2) - stopper, cork. (medical). - 2) - nausea, disgust, loathing (in a fig. sense).
In this sense see also the term "stopon (ëd nata)". See also the term "nausia".
Natal - n. m. (pr. \ n&t'&l \ ) At plr. Nataj. - Christmas. nàusia - n. f. (pr. \ n'&uzi& \ ) - See nàusea.
natal - 1) - adj. (pr. \ n&t'&l \ ) Ms. plr. nataj - fm. sng. and nausiabond - adj. (pr. \ n&uzi&b'und \ ) - See nausiant.
plr. natal, nataj. - native, natal, of one's birth, birth (as nausiant - adj. (pr. \ n&uzi'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. nausiant - fm. sng.
an attribute.). and plr. nausianta, nausiante. - 1) - nauseating,
natal - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ n&t'&l \ ) At plr. nataj. - 1) - birthday. nauseous, sickening, queasy. - 2) - nauseating, revolting,
- 2) - birth (usually at plr. "nataj", not very used). disgusting (in a fig. sense). See also the terms
natalissi - adj. (pr. \ n&t&l'isi \ ) Ms. plr. natalissi - fm. sng. "nausiabond, nausios".
and plr. natalìssia, natalìssie. - 1) - Christmas (as an nausié - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ n&uzi'e \ ) - to nauseate,
atrtribute). - 2) - natal, birth (as an attribute). to sicken. It uses always the aux. "avèj ". See also the vrbl.
natalità - n. f. (pr. \ n&t&lit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - natality, birth- loc. "fé nàusia".
rate. nausios - adj. (pr. \ n&uzi'uz \ ) - See nausiant.
natant - 1) - adj. (pr. \ n&t'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. natant - fm. sng.
and plr. natanta, natante. - floating. nàutica - n. f. (pr. \ n'&utic& \ ) At plr. nàutiche. - navigation,
natant - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ n&t'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. - craft, boat. mautical science.
natin - n. m. (pr. \ n&t'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - little ring holding nàutich - adj (pr. \ n'&utic \ ) Ms. plr. nàutich - fm. sng. and
the wick in the oil-lamp. plr. nàutica, nàutiche. - nautical, naval, marine.
nativ - adj. and n. (pr. \ n&t'iu\ ) Ms. plr. nativ - fm. sng. and nav - n. f. (pr. \ n'&u \ ) Inv. at plr. - ship, craft, vessel, boat.
plr. nativa, native. - 1) - native, home (as an attribute) See also the term "bastiment".
(adj.). - 2) - native (sbst.). navà - n. f. (pr. \ n&v'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - nave, aisle
natività - n. f. (pr. \ n&tivit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - nativity (usually (architecture). In Piedm. the Engl. "nave" is the central one
art, religion). and "aisle" is the lateral one.
natura - n. f. (pr. \ n&t'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. nature. - 1) - nature. naval - adj. (pr. \ n&v'&l \ ) Ms. plr. navaj - fm. sng. and plr.
- 2) - natural instinct. - 3) - nature, sort, type, kind. - 4) - naval, navaj. - naval, nautical. Note that the "cantié
character, disposition, temper. naval" is the "shipyard".
natural - 1) - adj. (pr. \ n&t[ue]r'&l \ ) Ms. plr. naturaj - fm. navalmecànica - n. f. (pr. \ n&v&lmec'&nic& \ ) At plr.
sng. and plr. natural, naturaj. - 1) - natural. - 2) - real. navalmecàniche. - shipbuilding. The expression
(in opposition to "artificial". "mecànica naval" is preferred.
natural - 2) - adv. (pr. \ n&t[ue]r'&l \ ) - of course, naturally, navansé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ n&v&[ng]s'e \ ) - to save, to
sure. See also the term "naturalment ". save up, to put away. See also the terms "risparmié,
naturalëssa - n. f. (pr. \ n&t[ue]r&l'&ss& \ ) At plr. (when guerné" and the loc. "buté da part".
applicable) naturalësse. - naturalness, natural way. navareul - n. (pr. \ n&v&r'[oe]l \ ) Ms. plr. navareuj - fm. sng.
naturalisassion - n. f. (pr. \ n&t[ue]r&liz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at and plr. navareul, navareuj. - boatman, waterman See
plr. - naturalization. also the term "barcareul ".
naturalisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ n&t[ue]r&liz'e \ ) - to navé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ n&v'e \ ) - See navighé.
naturalize. navëtta - n. f. (pr. \ n&v'&tt& \ ) At plr. navette. - 1) - part of
naturalisésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ n&t[ue]r&liz'ese \ ) - to a sewing machine or loom containing the shuttle. -2) -
become naturalized. loaf shaped as a shuttle. - 3) - shuttle, train carrying
naturalism - n. m. (pr. \ n&t[ue]r&l'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - cars through tunnels.
naturalism (literature, phylosophy, art). navìa - n. f. (pr. \ n&v'i& \ ) At plr. navìe. - latch of doors and
naturalista - n. (pr. \ n&t[ue]r&l'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. naturalista - windows, door-latch, pallet.
fm. sng. and plr. naturalista, naturaliste. - naturalist. naviant - n. and adj. (pr. \ n&vi'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. naviant - fm.
naturalìstich - adj. (pr. \ n&t[ue]r&l'istic \ ) Ms. plr. sng. and plr. navianta, naviante. - 1) - sailor, seaman,
naturalistich - fm. sng. and plr. naturalistica, seafarer (sbst.). - 2) - matitine, sailing, navigating (adj.).
naturalistiche. - naturalistic. See also the term "navigant".
naturalment - adv. (pr. \ n&t[ue]r&lm'ænt \ ) - 1) - naturally. navicela - n. f. (pr. \ n&vi[ch]'el& \ ) At plr. navicele. - 1) -
- 2) - of course. Italianism. See also the term "natural 2)". shuttle (mechanics). - 2) - small ship. - 3) - incense-boat.
naturism - n. m. (pr. \ n&t[ue]r'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - naturism. - 4) - gondola, car, nacelle, basket (airship, aerostat).

navigà - adj. (pr. \ n&vig'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - wise, nebulisassion - n. f. (pr. \ neb[ue]liz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
expert, experienced (in a fig. sense). nebulization, aerosol, vaporization.
navigàbil - adj. (pr. \ n&vig'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. navigàbij - fm. nebulisator - n. m. (pr. \ neb[ue]liz&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. -
sng. and plr. navigàbil, navigàbij. - navigable. nebulizer, vaporizer, aerosol apparatus.
navigabilità - n. f. (pr. \ n&vig&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - nebulisé - vrb 1st con. trs. - (pr. \ neb[ue]liz'e \ ) - to nebulize,
navigability. - 2) - seaworhiness (airworthiness). to vaporize, to atomize.
navigador - n. and adj. (pr. \ n&vig&d'ur \ ) - See navigator. nebulos - adj. (pr. \ neb[ue]l'uz \ ) Ms. plr. nebulos - fm. sng.
navigant - n. and adj. (pr. \ n&vig'&nt \ ) - See naviant. and plr. nebulosa, nebulose. - 1) - nebulous. - 2) -
navigassion - n. f. (pr. \ n&vig&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - obscure, hazy, vague (in a fig. sense).
navigation. - 2) - vojage, crossing. nebulosa - n. f. (pr. \ neb[ue]l'uz& \ ) At plr. nebulose. -
navigator - 1) - n. and adj. (pr. \ n&vig&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. nebula (astronomy).
navigator - fm. sng. and plr. navigatriss, navigatriss. - 1) nebulosità - n. f. (pr. \ neb[ue]luzit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
navigator (sbst.). - 2) - seaman, seafarer (sbst.). - 3) - nebulosity. - 2) - vagueness, haziness, obscurity (in a fig.
seafaring (adj.). - See also the term "navigador". sense).
navigator - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ n&vig&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - device necessari - 1) - adj. (pr. \ ne[ch]es'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. necessari -
for helping in navigation. fm. sng. and plr. necessaria, necessarie. - 1) - necessary. -
navighé - vrb 1st con. int. and trs. (pr. \ n&vig&'e \ ) - to 2) - indispensable. - 3) - inevitable. - 4) - required.
navigate, to sail. It uses always the aux. "esse". necessari - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ ne[ch]es'&ri \ ) Inv. at plr. -
navili - n. m. (pr. \ n&v'ili \ ) Inv. at plr. - ship-canal. necessary, what is needed (for a given purpose). See also
navon - n. m. (pr. \ n&v'u[ng] ; \ n&w'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - the term "nessesser"
rape, cole, kale, kail. (botay - Brassica napus oleifera). necessità - n. f. (pr. \ ne[ch]esit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
né - cng. (pr. \ n'e \ ) - not, not...(and) not, neither...nor necessity. - 2) - need. - 3) - straitened circumstances.
(corresponding to the Piedm. né ... né). Some examples : necessité - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ ne[ch]esit'e \ ) - to be
"i-j telefono nen, né i-j ëscrivo" = "I dont call it, and i do necessary, to need. See also the term "bzogné ", the loc.
not write to him". ; "a l'é né carn né pess" = "it is not meat "avèj da manca, essie da manca, esse necessari" and the
and not fish, it tis neither meat nor fish". See also the term Piedm. Syntax, since these are expressions with a particular
"nì , nì ... nì ". See grammar. use. When personal the term uses the aux. "avèj ", when - 1) - prn. prt. partitive (pr. \ \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - impersonal it uses the aux. "esse".
of it, of this, of them, of these, of those. See also the term necessitos - adj. (pr. \ ne[ch]esit'uz \ ) Ms. plr. necessitos - fm.
"në, na ". E. g. "it l'hai datne" = I havegiven you (part) of sng. and plr. necessitosa, necessitose. - needy, poor. See
this/that"". See grammar. also the terms "bzognos, pòver". - prs. prn. 2nd plr. prs. (pr. \ ne \ ) - us, to us. See also the nech - adj. - (pr. \ næ \ ) Ms. plr. nech - fm. sng. and plr.
term "no". E. g. " a l'han ciamane" = "they called us"". See nëcca, nëcche. - sad, melancholy, gloomy, depressed,
grammar. offended.
ne - prs. interr. prn 2nd plr. prs. (pr. \ ne \ ) - we. - E. g. "còs necrologìa - n. f. (pr. \ necruluj'i& \ ) At plr. necrologìe. - 1) -
fom-ne?" = "what to we do?". See grammar. obituary. - 2) - funeral oration.
në - 2) - prn. prt. partitive (pr. \ n& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - of necrològi - n. m. (pr. \ necrul'oji \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - obituary. -
it, of this, of them, of these, of those. See also the term 2) - necrology.
"na, ". E. g. "it në dago" = I give you (part) of necroscopìa - n. f. . (pr. \ necruscup'i& \ ) At plr. necroscopìe.
this/that". - necropsy, necroscopy (medical).
nè ! - excl. (pr. \ næ \ ) - really, I insist, etc. E g. "ma doman it necroscòpich - adj. (pr. \ necrusc'opic \ ) Ms. plr.
ëvniras, nè! " = "but tomorrow you will come, I insist...". necroscòpich - fm. sng. and plr. necroscòpica,
See also the terms "neh! , neh?". necroscòpiche. - pertaining to necropsy.
nebia - n. f. (pr. \ n'ebi& \ ) At plr. nebie. - 1) - mist. - 2) - fog. necrotisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ necrutiz'e \ ) - to necrotize
In this sense see also the terms "nebiass, nebion". Note that (medical).
on mountains (Susa valley), the terms "nebia, nebie" is necròfo - n. m. (pr. \ necr'ofurô \ ) Inv. at plr. - grave-digger.
also used for indicating "cloud, clouds" See also the terms "sotror, becamòrt, bechin".
nebiass - n. m. (pr. \ nebi'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - fog, dense fog. necròpoli - n. m. (pr. \ necr'opuli \ ) Inv. at plr. - necropolis.
See also the term "nebion". necròsi - n. f. (pr. \ necr'ozi \ ) Inv. at plr. - necrosis (medical).
nebieul - n. m. (pr. \ nebi'[oe]l \ ) At plr. nebieuj. - "nebbiolo" necròtich - adj. (pr. \ necr'otic \ ) Ms. plr. necròtich - fm. sng.
wonderful Piedm. red wine, and related grapes.. and plr. necròtica, necròtiche. - necrotic.
nebiëtta - n. f. . (pr. \ nebi'&tt& \ ) At plr. nebiëtte. - haze, nefand - adj. (pr. \ nef'&nd \ ) Ms. plr. nefand - fm. sng. and
light mist. plr. nedanda, nefande. - iniquitous, infamous, foul.
nebion - n. m. (pr. \ nebi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - fog, dense fog. nefandëssa - n. f. (pr. \ nef&nd'&ss& \ ) At plr. nefandësse. -
See also the term "nebiass". 1) - iniquity, turpitude, infamy. - 2) - foul deed, iniquity.
nebios - adj. - (pr. \ nebi'uz \ ) Ms. plr. nebios - fm. sng. and See also the term "nefandità ".
plr. nebiosa, nebiose. - 1) - misty, foggy. - 2) - hazy, nefandità - n. f. (pr. \ nef&ndit'& \ ) - See nefandëssa.
cloudy (in a fig. sense). nefast - adj. (pr. \ nef&'&st \ ) Ms. plr. nefast - fm. sng. and
nebiosità - n. f. (pr. \ nebiuzit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - mistiness, plr. nefasta, nefaste. - inauspicious, unpropitious, ill-
fogginess. omened.
nebiògen - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ nebi'oje[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - smoke- nefrectomìa - n. f. (pr. \ nefrectum'i& \ ) At plr. nefrectomìe. -
discharger, smoke-making apparatus. Often called nephrectomy (medical).
"fumògen". nefrìte - n. f. . (pr. \ nefr'ite \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - nephritis
nebiògen - 2) - adj. . (pr. \ nebi'oje[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. nebiògen - (medical). - 2) - nephrite (mineral).
fm. sng. and plr. nebiògena, nebiògene. - smoke-making. nefrìtich - adj. and n. (pr. \ nefr'itic \ ) Ms. plr. nefrìtich - fm.
Often called "fumògen". sng. and plr. nefritica, nefrìtiche. - nephritic (medical).
nebular - adj. - (pr. \ neb[ue]l'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - nefropatìa - n. f. (pr. \ nefrup&t'i& \ ) At plr. nefropatìe. -
nebular (astronomy). nephropathy (medical).

nefrotomìa - n. f. (pr. \ nefrutum'i& \ ) At plr. nefrotomìe. - negromant - n. (pr. \ negrum'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. negromant - fm.
nephrotomy (medical). sng. and plr. negromanta, negromante. - necromancer.
nefròsi - n. f. (pr. \ nefr'ozi \ ) Inv. at plr. - nephrosis. negròid - adj. and n. (pr. \ negrum'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. negròid -
negà - adj. (pr. \ neg'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - no good, bad, fm. sng. and plr. negròida, negròide. - Negroid.
hopeless (at st.), unfit (for st.) nèh? - excl. (pr. \ næ \ ) - isn't that so?, isn't it?, aren't you?
negàbil - adj. (pr. \ neg'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. negàbij - fm. sng. and etc. E. g. "tì 'ncheuj it veule ciapéje , neh? " = "you today
plr. negàbil, negàbij. - deniable, refusable. want to be beaten, isn't that so?".
negador - n. (pr. \ neg&d'ur \ ) - See negator. nèir - 1) - adj. and n. (pr. \ n'æir \ ) Ms. plr. nèir - fm. sng. and
negassion - n. f. (pr. \ neg&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - plr. nèira, nèire. - 1) - black .(adj.). - 2) - dark, dirty
negation, denial. - 2) - negative (grammar). (adj.). - 3) - Negro (adj.). In this sense see also the terms
negativ - 1) - adj. (pr. \ neg&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. negativ - fm. sng. "négher1st meaning, mòro". - 4) - Negro, black man (sbst.)
and plr. negativa, negative. - negative. In this sense see also the terms "négher1st meaning, mòro".
negativ - n. m. (pr. \ neg&t'iu \ ) Inv. at plr. - negative nèir - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ n'æir \ ) Inv. at plr. - black, the colour
terminal, negative pole (electricity). black.
negativa - n. f. (pr. \ neg&t'iv& \ ) At plr. negative. - negative neirastr - adj. (pr. \ næir'&str \ ) Ms. plr. neirastr - fm. sng.
film, negative plate (photography). and plr. neirastra, neirastre. - blackish.
negativism - n. m. (pr. \neg&tiv'izm\ ) Inv. at plr. - negativism neiret - n. m. (pr. \ næir'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - boldface, bold
(phylosophy, psychology). (typography). See also the term "grasset ".
negativista - n. (pr. \ neg&tiv'ist \ ) Ms. plr. negativista - fm. neirëssa - n. f. (pr. \ næir'&ss& \ ) At plr. neirësse. - blackness.
sng. and plr. negativista, negativiste. - negativist. neiron - 1) - adj. (pr. \ næir'u[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. neiron - fm. sng.
negatività - n. f. (pr. \ neg&tivit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - negativity, and plr. neiron-a, neiron-e. - dark black.
negativeness. neiron - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ næir'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - dark
negator - n. and adj. (pr. \ neg&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. negator - fm. black, the colour dark black. - 2) - heron (zoology -
sng. and plr. negatriss, negatriss. - 1) - denier (sbst.). - 2) Ardea). In this sense see also the terms "airon, neron" and
- denying, negatory (adj.). the loc. "giaco tënner".
neghé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ neg'e \ ) - 1) - to deny. - 2) - to neiròt - adj. (pr. \ næir'ot \ ) Ms. plr. neiròt - fm. sng. and plr.
deny, to refuse. neiròta, neiròte. - blackish, dark grey. See also the term
négher - adj. and n. (pr. \ n'egær \ ) Ms. plr. négher - fm. sng. "grison".
and plr. negra, negre. - 1) - Negro, black, coloured (adj.). neivé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ næiv'e \ ) - 1) - to macerate, to
- 2) - Negro, black man (sbst.). See also the terms "nèir, steep, to ret. - 2) - to put to soak. See also the term
mòro". "naivé".
negligensa - n. f. (pr. \ neglij'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. negligense. - neivor - n. m. (pr. \ næiv'ur\ ) Inv. at plr. - retting-pit, rettery.
1) - negligence, carelessness. - 2) - piece of negligence. See also the terms "naivor, nasor".
negligent - adj. and n. (pr. \ neglij'ænt \ ) - 1) - negligent, neivura - n. f. (pr. \ næiv'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. neivure. -
neglectful, careless (adj.). - 2) - careless person (sbst.). maceration, steeping, retting. See also the term
negligenté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ neglijænt'e \ ) - to neglect, to "naivura".
disregard. See also the term "dëspresié ". nemis - n. and adj. (pr. \ nem'iz \ ) Ms. plr. nemis - fm. sng.
neglisé - n. m. (pr. \ negliz'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - dressing-gown, and plr. nemisa, nemise. - 1) - enemy, adversary (sbst.). -
house-coat. 2) - hostile, adverse, opposed (adj.). - 3) - harmful,
negossià - n. m. (pr. \ negusi'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - negotiation. noxious (adj.) - 4) - enemy (as an attribute).
negossiàbil - adj. (pr. \ negusi'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. negossiàbij - nen - adv. (pr. \ næ[ng] \ ) - 1) - not. When used in vrbl.
fm. sng. and plr. negossiàbil, negossiàbij. - negotiable, negative forms it follows the vrb or the aux. - E. g. "mi i
marketable, dealable. vado nen" = "I do not (don't) go" : "mi i son nen andàit " =
negossiabilità - n. f. (pr. \ negusi&bilit'& \ ) - negotiability, "I did not (didn't) go". ; "i veulo tì, nen chièl " = "I want
marketability. you, not him". See also the term "pà ". - 2) - non. E. g. "nen
negossiador - n. (pr. \ negusi&d'ur \ ) - See negossiator. conformista" = "non-conformist ". - 3) - no. E. g. "i l'han
negossial - adj. (pr. \ negusi'&l \ ) Ms. plr. negossiaj - fm. sng. nen sòld dapréss" = "I have no money with me".
and plr. negossial, negossiaj. - of a legal transaction. nén - indf. prn. and n. and adj. and adv. (pr. \ næ[ng] \ ) Inv. in
negossiant - n. (pr.\negusi'&nt\ ) Ms. plr. negossiant - fm. sng. gnd. and nr. - 1) - nothing, not ... anything (prn.). E. g.
and plr. negossianta, negossiante. - 1) - dealer, trader. - "nothing important" = "nèn d'amportant". 2) - nothing,
2) - shop-keeper. nothingness (phylosophy) (sbst.). E. g. "a l'ha fàit un bel
negossiassion - n. f. (pr. \ negusi&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - nèn" = "he did absolutely nothing" - 3) - no, not ... any
negotiation, transaction, deal. (adj.) E. g. "nèn pan e nen aqua" = "not any bread and no
negossiator - n. (pr. \ negusi&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. negossiator - fm. water". - 4) - nothing (adv.). E. g. "at n'ampòrta nèn" =
sng. and plr. negossiatriss, negossiatriss. - negotiator / "you care nothing for it". Note that this sentence can be
negotiatress. written using nen without the stress. In this case it becomes
negossié - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ negusi'e \ ) - 1) - to the simple negation " you don't care for it " = "at
buy and sell, to transact (trs.). - 2) - to negotiate (trs.). - n'ampòrta nen". - For all the meanings see also the term
3) - to deal (in) (int.). "gnente".
negossiet - n. m. (pr. \ negusi'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - small shop. nénia - n. f. (pr. \ n'eni& \ ) At plr. nénie. - 1) - dirge. - 2) -
negòssi - n. m. (pr. \ neg'osi \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - shop, store. - sing-song. - 3) - tedious speech, rigmarole. In this s also
2) - bargain, business, deal. the term "longhen-a".
negra - adj. and n. (pr. \ n'egr& \ ) - See negher. néo - 1) - prefix. (pr. \ n'eu \ ) - neo... , new ... . Meaning and
negré - n. m. (pr. \ negr'e \ ) - See negrié 1). usage are similar in Piedm. and English. In the following
negrié - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ negri'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - slave- some examples.
trader. - 2) - slave-driver (in a fig. sense). néo - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ n'eu \ ) Inv. at plr. (when applicable) - 1) -
negrié - 2) - adj. (pr. \ negri'e \ ) Ms. plr. negrié - fm. sng. and mole, beauty-spot. See also the term "poret". - 2) - neon
plr. negriera, negriere. - slave (as an attribute). (chemical element). In this sense see also the term "néon".

neocapitalism - n. m. (pr. \ neuc&pit&l'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - neosòich - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ neuz'oic \ ) Inv. at plr - Neozoic,
neo-capitalism. Neozoic period.
neocapitalista - adj. and n. (pr. \ neuc&pit&l'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. neotral - adj. (pr. \ næutr'&l \ ) - See neutral.
neocapitalista - fm. sng. and plr. neocapitalista, neotralisassion - n. f. (pr. \ næutr&liz&si'u[ng] \ ) - See
neocapitaliste. - neo-capitalist. neutralisassion.
neocapitalìstich - adj. (pr. \ neuc&pit&l'istic \ ) Ms. plr. neotralisator - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ næutr&liz&t'ur \ ) - See
neocapitalistich - fm. sng. and plr. neocapitalistica, neutralisator 1).
neocapitalistiche. - neo-capitalistic. neotralizator - 2) - adj. (pr. \ næutr&liz&t'ur \ ) See
neoclàssich - 1) - adj. and n. (pr. \ neucl'&sic \ ) Ms. plr. neutralisator 2).
neoclassich - fm. sng. and plr. neoclassica, neoclassiche. - neotralisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\næutr&liz'e\) - See neutralisé.
1) - neo-classic, neo-classical (adj.) - 2) - neo-classicist. In neotralism - n. m. (pr. \ næutr&l'izm \ ) - See neutralism.
this sense see also the term "neoclassicista". neotralista - n. and adj. (pr. \ næutr&l'ist& \ ) - See
neoclàssich - 2) - n. m. (pr. \neucl'&sic\ ) - See neoclassicism. neutralista.
neoclassicism - n. m. (pr. \ neucl&si[ch]'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - neotralìstich - adij. (pr. \ næutr&l'istic \ ) - See neutralistich.
neo-classicism. neotralità - n. f. (pr. \ næutr&lit'& \ ) - See neutralità.
neoclassicista - n. (pr. \ neucl&si[ch]'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. neotrin - n. m. (pr. \ næutr'i[ng] \ ) - See neutrin.
neoclassicista - fm. sng. and plr. neoclassicista, neotron - n. m. (pr. \ næutr'u[ng] \ ) - See neutron.
neoclassiciste. - neo-classicist. neòfit - n. (pr. \ ne'ofit \ ) Ms. plr. neòfit - fm. sng. and plr.
neocolonialism - n. m. (pr. \ neuculuni&l'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - neòfita, neòfite. - 1) - neophyte. - 2) - beginner, novice
neocolonialism. (in a fig. sense). See also the term "neòfita".
neocolonialìsta - n. and adj. (pr. \ neuculuni&l'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. neòfita - n. (pr. \ ne'ofit& \ ) - See neòfit.
neocolonialista - fm. sng. and plr. neocolonialista, nequissia - n. f. (pr. \ ne[qu]'isi& \ ) At plr. nequissie. -
neocolonialiste. - neocolonialist. iniquity, wickedness. See also the term "cativeria".
neodìmi - n. m. (pr. \ neud'imi \ ) Only sng. (in case of need neron - n. m. (pr. \ ner'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - heron (zoology -
inv. at plr.) - neodymium (chemical element). See also the Ardea). In this sense see also the terms "airon, neiron 2)
term "neodìmio" 2nd meaning " and the loc. "giaco tënner".
neodìmio - n. m. (pr. \ neud'imiô \ ) - See neodimi. Neron - n. m. (pr. \ ner'u[ng] \ ) Only sng. (noun of person) in
neofassism - n. m. (pr.\neuf&s'izm\) Inv. at plr. - neo-Fascism. case of need inv. at plr. - Nero (history).
neofassìsta - n. and adj. (pr. \ neuf&s'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. neronian - adj. (pr. \ neruni'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. neronian - fm.
neofassista - fm. sng. and plr. neofassista, neofassiste. - sng. and plr. neronian-a, neronian-e. - Neronian,
neo-Fascist. Neronic.
neolatin - adj. (pr. \ neul&t'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. neolatin - fm. sng. nerv - n. m. (pr. \ n'ærv \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - nerve (anatomy). -
and plr. neolatin-a, neolatin-e. - neo-Larine, Romance. 2) - vein, nerve (botany). - 3) - bow-string. Note that the
neolaureà - n. (pr. \ neul&ure'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - loc. "avèj ij nerv " can also nean "to be in a bad temper".
new university graduate. - 2) - neolaureate. nervadura - n. f. (pr. \ nærv&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. nervadure. -
neolìtich - 1) - adj. (pr. \ neul'itic \ ) Ms. plr. neolìtich - fm. 1) - nervous system, nerves (anatomy). - 2) - ribbing, ribs
sng. and plr. neolìtica, neolìtiche. - Neolithic. (architecture, mechanics). - 3) - nervation (botany). - 4) -
neolìtich - 2) - n. m. (pr. \neul'itic\) Inv. at plr. - Neolithic age. nervure, venation (zoology, botany).
neologism - n. m. (pr. \neuluj'izm\) Inv. at plr. - neologism. nervet - n. m. (pr. \ nærv'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - small nerve.
neològich - adj. (pr. \ neul'ojic \ ) Ms. plr. neològich - fm. sng. nervin - adj. (pr. \ nærv'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. nervin - fm. sng. and
and plr. neològica, neològiche. - neologic, neological. plr. nervin-a, nervin-e. - nervine, nerve (as an attribute).
néon - n. m. (pr. \ n'eu[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - neon (chemical nervos - 1) - adj. (pr. \ nærv'uz \ ) Ms. plr. nervos - fm. sng.
element). See also the term "néo 2) 2nd meaning". and plr. nervosa, nervose. - 1) - nervous, nerve (as an
neonà - adj. and n. (pr. \ neun'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - attribute) (anatomy, medical). - 2) - excitable, irritable,
new-born (adj.). (as an attribute). - 2) - new-born child, nervous, nervy. - 3) - incisive, vigorous, nervous.
baby (sbst.). nervos - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ nærv'uz \ ) Inv. at plr. - irritability,
neonasism - n. m. (pr. \ neun&z'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - neo- irritation, excitability, excitation. See also the term
Nazism. "nervosism".
neonasista - n. and adj. (pr. \ neun&z'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. nervosism - n. m. (pr. \ nærvuz'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. -
neonasista - fm. sng. and plr. neonasista, neonasiste. - nervousness, irritability. See also the term "nervos 2)".
neo-Nazi. nervosità - n. f. (pr. \ nærvuzit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - edginess,
neoplasìa - n. f. (pr. \ neupl&z'i& \ ) At plr. neoplasìe. - irritability, restlessness. - 2) - incisiveness, nervousness,
neoplasma, neoplasm (medical). See also the term vigour.
"tumor". nespo - n. m. (pr. \ n'espu \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - medlar-tree
neoplàstich - adj. (pr. \ neupl'&stic \ ) Ms. plr. neoplàstich - (botany - Mespilus germanica). - 2) - medlar (the fruit).
fm. sng. and plr. neoplàstica, neoplàstiche. - neoplastic The loc. "nespo servaj" (also called "pocio") indicates the
(medical). "mountain ash " (botany - Sorbus aucuparia).
neopren - n. m. (pr. \ neupr'æ[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - neoprene néss - n. m. (pr. \ n'es \ ) Inv. at plr. - connection, link, nexus,
(chemistry). bond. See also the term "conession".
neorealism - n. m. (pr. \ neure&l'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - nessesser - n. m. (pr. \ neses'ær \ ) Inv. at plr. - what is needed
neorealism. (for a given purpose). See also the term "necessari 2)".
neorealista - n. and adj. (pr. \ neure&l'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. nèt - 1) - adj. (pr. \ næt \ ) Ms. plr. nèt - fm. sng. and plr. neta,
neorealista - fm. sng. and plr. neorealista, neorealsiste. - nete. - 1) - clean. - 2) - clean, clear, sharp, clear-cut,
1) - neorealist (sbst.). - 2) - norealistic (adj.). clean-cut, precise. - 3) - flat, downright. - 4) - net. We
neorealìstich - adj. (pr. \ neure&l'istic \ ) - See neorealista 2nd note some expressions: - A) - "ciàir e net" = "explicitly"
meaning. (referred to st. told). - B) - "fé prà net" = lit. "to make the
neosòich - 1) - adj. (pr. \ neuz'oic \ ) Ms. plr. neosòich - fm. meadow clean" = "to make a clean sweep (of st. or sb.) , to
sng. and plr. neosòica, neozòiche. - Neozoic. clear away, to sweep up everything, etc." - C) - "ëd net" =
"decidedly". Then we have "net weight" = "pèis net" but

also "pèis polid". ; "net price" = "pressi net" but also chirurghe. - neurosurgeon. See also the term "neuro-
"pressi polid", etc. (polid = clean). chirurgo".
nèt - 2) - adv. (pr. \ næt \ ) - clearly, precisely, plainly, neuro-chirurgo - n. (pr. \ næurukir'[ue]rgô \ ) - See neuro-
openly. chirurgh.
netëssa - n. f. (pr. \ net'&ss& \ ) At plr. netësse. - 1) - neurologìa - n. f. (pr. \ næuruluj'i& \ ) At plr. neurologìe. -
cleanliness, cleanness. In this sense see also the term neurology. See also the term "nevrologìa".
"netiura". - 2) - neatness, tidiness, precision. The neurològich - adj. (pr. \ næurul'ojic \ ) Ms. plr. neurològich -
expression: "netëssa urban-a" means "street cleaning fm. sng. and plr. neurològica, neurològiche. -
service". neurologic, neurological.
netiada - n. f. (pr. \ næti'&d& \ ) At plr. netiade. - cleaning, neuron - n. m. (pr. \ næur'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - neuron,
wiping. See also the terms "netiament, neitura". neurone (anatomy).
netiament - n. m. (pr. \ næti&m'ænt \ ) - See netiada. neuropatìa - n. f. (pr. \ næurup&t'i& \ ) At plr. neuropatìe. -
netié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ næti'e \ ) - to clean, to wash, to neuropathy. See also the term "nevropatìa".
dust, to wipe, to cleanse. neuropàtich - adj. and n. (pr. \ næurup'&tic \ ) Ms. plr.
netiura - n. f. (pr. \ næti'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. netiure. - 1) - neuropàtich - fm. sng. and plr. neuropàtica,
cleanliness, cleanness. In this sense see also the term neuropàtiche. - 1) - neuropathic (adj.). - 2) - neuropath
"netëssa 1st meaning". - 2) - cleaning, wiping In this sense (sbst.).
see also the terms "netiada, netiament.". neuropatologìa - n. f. (pr. \ næurup&tuluj'i& \ ) At plr.
neturbin - n. m. (pr. \ næt[ue]rb'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - dustman. neuropatologìe. - neuropathology.
street-sweeper, refuse-collector. See also the term
neuropatològich - adj. (pr. \ næurup&tul'ojic \ ) Ms. plr.
neuropatològich - fm. sng. and plr. neuropatològica,
neu - n. m. (pr. \ n[oe] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - knot. Note that "neu
scorsor" means "noose". - 2) - knot, junction, branching neuropatològiche. - neuropathological.
point. E. g. "un neu feroviari" = "a railway junction". - 3) - neuropatòlogh - n. (pr. \ næurup&t'olug \ ) - Ms. plr.
tie, bond. E. g. "neu coniugal" = "marriage tie".- 4) - node neuropatòlogh - fm. sng. and plr. neuropatòloga,
(physics, geometry, astronomy). - 5) - heart, core, point. neuropatòloghe. - neuropathologist, neuropathist. See
E. g. "ël neu dla costion" = " the heart of the question". also the term "neuropatòlogo".
Then we note the expressions "avèj un neu a la gola" = "to neuropatòlogo - n. (pr. \ næurup&t'olugô \ ) - See
have a lump in one's throat" ; "neu ai cavèj " = " bun, hair neuropatòlogh.
done up in a knot ". In general see also the terms "grop, neuroplégich - adj. (pr. \næurupl'eji \ ) Ms. plr. neuroplégich -
nòd, nò 2) " fm. sng. and plr. neuroplégica, neuroplégiche. - nerve-
neuja - n. f. (pr. \ n'[oe]y& \ ) At plr. neuje. - 1) - boredom, inhibiting (pharmacy).
tediousness, tedium. - 2) - bore, bother, annoyance. The neuropsichiatra - n. (pr. \næurupsiki'&tr& \ ) Ms. plr.
expression "dé neuja" means "to molest, to annoy". See neuropsichiatra - fm. sng. and plr. neuropsichiatra,
also the term "nojosa". neuropsichiatre. - neuropsychiatrist.
neuit - n. f. (pr. \ n'[oe]it \ ) Inv. at plr. - night. Some uses of neuropsichiatrìa - n. f. (pr. \næurupsiki&tr'i& \ ) At plr. -
this word: "bon-a neuit " = "good night " ; "sta neuit " = neuropsichiatrìe. - neuropsychiatry.
"tonight " ; "la neuit passà " = "last night " ; "l'àutra neuit neuropsìchich - adj. (pr. \ næurups'ikic \ ) Ms. plr.
" = "yesterday night " : "pés che 'ndé 'd neuit " = lit. "worse neuropsìchich - fm. sng. and plr. neuropsìchica,
than to go by night" = "worse than ever!" ; "brut coma la neuropsìchiche. - neuropsychic, neuropsychical.
neuit " = lit. "as ugly as the night" = "very ugly". neuropsicologìa - n. f. (pr. \ næurupsiculuj'i& \ ) At plr. (if
neuità - n.. f. (pr. \ n[oe]it'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - night, all the any) - neuropsicologìe. - neuropsychology.
night long. See also the terms "nuità, noità, nuitada, neuropsicòlogh - n. (pr. \ næurupsic'olug \ ) Ms. plr.
neuitada". neuropsìcòlogh - fm. sng. and plr. neuropsìcòloga,
neuitada - n.. f. (pr. \ n[oe]it'&d& \ ) - See neuità. neuropsìcòloghe. - neuropsychologist. See also the term
neuitambol - n. (pr. \ n[oe]it'&mbul \ ) - See neuitareul. "neuropsicòlogo".
neuitambolism - n. m. (pr. \ n[oe]it&mbul'izm \ ) Inv. at plr - neuropsicòlogo - n. (pr. \ næurupsic'olugô \ ) - See
night-wandering. See also the terms "nuitambolism". neuropsicòlogh.
neuitareul - n. (pr. \ n[oe]it&r'[oe]l \ ) Ms. plr. neuitateuj - neurosedativ - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ næurused&t'iu \ ) Inv. at plr. -
fm. sng. and plr. neuitareula, neuitareule. - night- nerve depressant (pharmacy).
wanderer, night-bird. See also the term "neuitàmbol, neurosedativ - 2) - adj. (pr. \ næurused&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr.
nuitàmbol, noitambol ". neurosedativ - fm. sng. and plr. neurosedativa,
neuité - adj. (pr. \ n[oe]it'e \ ) Ms. plr. neuité - fm. sng. and plr. neurosedative. - neurodepressive (pharmacy).
neuitera, neuitere. - nocturnal, night (as an attribute). neurotònich - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ næurut'onic \ ) Inv. at plr. -
See also the term "noturn". neurotonic (pharmacy).
neuro... - prefix (pr. \ næuru... \ ) - neuro... Related to the neurotònich - 2) - adj. (pr. \næurut'onic\) Ms. plr. neurotònich
nervous system (medical, anatomy, pharmacy). Completely - fm. sng. and plr. neurotònica, neurotòniche. -
similar the usage in Pied. and English. In the following neurotonic (pharmacy).
some examples. We note that in all the terms using this neurotòssich - adj. (pr. \næurut'osic\) Ms. plr. neurotòssich -
prefix the group "eu" is not the diphthong pronounced fm. sng. and plr. neurotòssica, neurotòssiche. -
\[ue]\, but the pronunciation is \ æu \.. neurotoxic (pharmacy).
neuro-chirurgìa - n. f. (pr. \ næurukir[ue]rj'i& \ ) At plr. neurovegetativ - adj. (pr. \ næuruvejet&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr.
neuro-chirurgìe. - neurosurgery. neurovegetativ - fm. sng. and plr. neurovegetativa,
neuro-chirurgich - adj. (pr. \ næurukir'[ue]rjic \ ) Ms. plr. neurovegetative. - neurovegetative (anatomy). See also
neuro-chirurgich - fm. sng. and plr. neuro-chirurgica, the term "nevrovegetativ".
neuròlogh - n. (pr. \ næur'olug \ ) Ms. plr. neuròlogh - fm.
neuro-chirurgiche. - neurosurgical.
sng. and plr. neuròloga, neuròloghe. - neurologist. See
neuro-chirurgh - n. (pr. \ næurukir'[ue]rg \ ) Ms. plr. neuro- also the term "neuròlogo".
chirurgh - fm. sng. and plr. neuro-chirurga, neuro- neuròlogo - n. (pr. \ næur'olugô \ ) - See neuròlogh.

neuròma - n. m. (pr. \ næur'om& \ ) Inv. at plr. - neuroma. neuviss - adj. (pr. \ n[oe]v'is \ ) Ms. plr. neuviss. - fm. sng. and
(medical). plr. neuvissa, neuvisse. - 1) - very new. - 2) - newly-...,
neusa - n. f. (pr. \ n'[oe]z& \ ) At plr. neuse. - hole, small new. - 3) - second. See also the term "novel, noviss,
hole, a play of children with balls and holes. See also nuviss".
the term "teucc". nevralgìa - n. f. (pr. \ nevr&lj'i& \ ) At plr. nevralgìe. -
neuse - vrb 2nd con. int. (pr. \ n'[oe]ze \ ) - to be bad (for), to neuralgia (medical).
do harm (to), to harm, to cause damage. It uses the aux. nevràlgich - adj. (pr. \ nevr'&ljic \ ) Ms. plr. nevràlgich. - fm.
"avèj ". sng. and plr. nevràlgica, nevràlgiche. - neuralgic
nèutr - 1) - adj. (pr. \ n'æutr \ ) Ms. plr. nèutr - fm. sng. and (medical). Note that the loc. "pont-nevràlgich" means
plr. nèutra, nèutre. - 1) - neutral. - 2) - neuter. "nerve-centre" in a fig. sense.
(grammar). See also the term "neutral". Note the pr. of the nevrastenìa - n. f. (pr. \ nevr&sten'i& \ ) At plr. nevrastenìe. -
group "eu". neurasthenia (medical).
nèutr - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ n'æutr \ ) Inv. at plr. - neuter nevrastenich - adj. and n. (pr. \ nevr&st'enic \ ) Ms. plr.
(grammar), neutal wire (electricity). Note the pr. of the nevrasténich. - fm. sng. and plr. nevrasténica,
group "eu". nevrasténiche. - 1) - neurasthenic (medical) (adj. and
neutral - adj. (pr. \ n'æutr'&l \ ) Ms. plr. neutraj. - fm. sng. and sbst.). - 2) - irritable (adj.) (in a fig. sense). - 3) - irritable
plr. neutral, neutraj. - neutral. See also the terms person (sbst.) (in a fig. sense).
"neotral, nèutr". Note the pr. of the group "eu". nevrite - n. f. (pr. \ nevr'ite \ ) Inv. at plr. - neuritis (medical).
neutralisassion - n. f. (pr. \ n'æutr&liz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - nevrologìa - n. f. (pr. \ nevruluj'i& \ ) - See neurologìa.
neutralization. See also the term "neotralisassion". Note nevropatìa - n. f. (pr. \ nevrup&t'i& \ ) - See neuropatìa.
the pr. of the group "eu". nevropàtich - adj. and n. (pr.\nevrup'&tic\) - See neuropàtich.
neutralisator - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ n'æutr&liz&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - nevropatologìa - n. f. (pr. \ nevrup&tuluj'i& \ ) - See
neutralizer. See also the term "neotralisator 1)". Note the neuropatologìa.
pr. of the group "eu". nevrovegetativ - adj. (pr. \ nevruvejet&t'iu \ ) - See
neutralisator - 2) - adj. (pr. \ n'æutr&liz&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. neurovegetativ.
neutralisator. - fm. sng. and plr. neutralisatriss, nevròsi - n. f. (pr. \ nevr'ozi \ ) Inv. at plr. - neurosis (medical).
neutralisatriss. - neutralizing. See also the term nevròtich - adj. and n. (pr. \ nevr'otic \ ) - Ms. plr. nevròtich. -
"neotralisator 2)". Note the pr. of the group "eu". fm. sng. and plr. nevròtica, nevròtiche. - neurotic
neutralisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ n'æutr&liz'e \ ) - 1) - to (medical).
neutralize. - 2) - to counterbalance. See also the term nëssun - 1) - indf. adj. and prn. (pr. \ n&ss'[ue][ng] \ ) Ms. plr.
"neotralisé ". Note the pr. of the group "eu". nëssun. - fm. sng. and plr. nëssun-a, n ëssun-e. - 1) - no,
neutralism - n. m. (pr. \ n'æutr&l'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - not...any (adj.) E. g. "lolì a l'ha nëssun valor" = "that one
neutralism. See also the term "neotralism ". Note the pr. of has no value" ; "it l'has nëssun-a possibilità" = "you have
the group "eu". not any possibility". - 2) - nobody, no one (prn.) E. g.
neutralista - n. and adj. (pr. \ n'æutr&l'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. "nëssun at giutrà" = "nobody will help you". - 3) - none,
neutralista. - fm. sng. and plr. neutralista, neutraliste. - not...any (prn). See also the terms "nissun, nsun, gnun ".
1) - neutraist (sbst.). - 2) - neutralistic (adj.). In this sense nëssun - 2) - n. (pr. \ n&ss'[ue][ng] \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
see also the term "neutralìstich". See also the term nobody. See also the terms "nissun, nsun, gnun ".
"neotralistich ". Note the pr. of the group "eu". nëvod - n. (pr. \ n&v'ud \ ; \ n&w'ud \ ) - 1) - nephew / niece. -
neutralistich - adj. (pr. \n'æutr&l'ist&\) Ms. plr. neutralistich. 2) - grandchild, grandson, grand-daughter. See also the
- fm. sng. and plr. neutralistica, neutralistiche. - terms "nvod, novod, anvod ".
neutralistich. See also the term "neutralista 2nd meaning, nì - 1) - neg. cng. (pr. \ n'i \ ) - not, not...(and) not,
neotralistich". Note the pr. of the group "eu". neither...nor (corresponding to the Piedm. nì ... nì ). Some
neutralità - n. f. - (pr. \ n'æutr&lit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - examples : "i-j telefono nen, nì i-j ëscrivo" = "I dont call it,
neutrality. See also the term "neotralità ". Note the pr. of and i do not write to him". ; "a l'é nì carn nì pess" = "it is
the group "eu". not meat and not fish, it tis neither meat nor fish". See also
neutrin - n. m. (pr. \ n'æutr'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - neutrin the term "né , né... né ". See grammar.
(physics). See also the term "neotrin ". Note the pr. of the nì - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ n'i \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - nest, aerie, aery,
group "eu". eyry. - 2) - home, nest (in a fig. sense). - 3) - lair, den (in
neutron - n. m. (pr. \ n'æutr'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - neutron a fig.sense) - 4) - crèche, nursery.
(physics). See also the term "neotron ". Note the pr. of the ni - 3) - n. f. (pr. \ n'i \ ) Inv. at plr. - nu. Thirteen letter of the
group "eu". greek alphabet.
neuv - 1) - adj. (pr. \ n'[oe]u \ ) Ms. plr. neuv. - fm. sng. and nià - n. f. (pr. \ ni'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - brood, litter. - 2) -
plr. neuva, neuve. - 1) - new. - 2) - other, different, new. E. progeny, children (in a fig. sense). - 3) - hesitation,
g. "a-ié sempe na neuva gran-a" = "there is always a wavering. - 4) - pretext, pretence. In the meanings 3) and
further trouble". - 3) - fresh. E. g. "va a na pàgina neuva" = 4) see also the terms "nonada, nòna, pretest ".
"to to a fresh page". - 4) - second. E. g. "as chërd d'esse un niaj - n. m. (pr. \ ni'&y \ ) Inv. at plr. - artificial nest, bowl in
neuv rè " = he think to be a second king". wich birds can do their nest, (prepared for that purpose).
neuv - 2) - crd. nmr. adj. (pr. \ n'[oe]u \ ) Inv. in gnd. nial - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ ni'&y \ ) At plr. niaj. - nest-egg, false egg
(obviously plr.) - nine. as an appeal for hens.
neuv - 3) - n. m. (pr. \ n'[oe]u \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - new, novelty. nial - 2) - adj. (pr. \ ni'&y \ ) Ms. plr. niaj. - fm. sng. and plr.
- 2) - nine, the number nine. nial, niaj. - related to the nest.
neuva - n. m. (pr. \ n'[oe]v& \ ) At plr. neuve. - 1) - piece of nibi - n. m. (pr. \ n'ibi \ ) Inv. at plr. - kite, red kite (zoology -
news. piece of information. - 2) - news (at plr. "neuve"). Milvus milvus).
See also the term "notìssia". nicé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ ni[ch]'e \ ) - 1) - to put in a
neuvent - adj. (pr. \ n [oe]v'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. neuvent. - fm. sng. niche, to put inside (trs.). In this sense see also the terms
and plr. neuventa, neuvente. - absolutely new, very new, "an-nicé, ancantoné ". - 2) - to hedge, to hesitate. (int.). It
brand new. See also the term "nuvent" uses anyway the aux. "avèj ".

nicésse - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ ni[ch]'ese \ ) - to curl niente - 3) - indf. adj. (pr. \ ni'ænte \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - no,
oneself up, to seclude oneself. See also the term "an- not...any. E. g. "i l'oma niente vin" = we have no wine, we
nicésse, ancantonésse". haven't any wine". Quite an italianism. See also the best
niché - vrb 1st con. trs. - (pr. \ nik'e \ ) - to cut the tail of an term "gnente".
animal. See also the term "moché". niente - 4) - adv. (pr. \ ni'ænte \) - nothing, not ... anything ,
nìchel - n. m. (pr. \ n'ikæl \ ) Inv. at plr. (chemical element) - at all (with another negation). E. g. "a l'é niente vèra" = "it
nickel. isn't true at all ". Quite an italianism. See also the best term
nichelcròm - n. m. (pr. \ nikælcr'om \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - "gnente".
nickel-chromium (alloy). niésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ ni'ese \ ) - to drown oneself.
nichëlador - n. m. (pr. \ nik&l&d'ur \ ) Inv. at plr . - nickel- nijé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ niy'e \ ) - See nié.
plater. See also the term "niclador". nijésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ niy'ese \ ) - See niésse.
nichëladura - n. f. (pr. \nik&l&d'[ue]r&\ ) At plr. nichëladure. nimicissia - n. f. (pr. \ nimi[ch]'isi& \ ) At plr. nimicìssie -
- nickel-plating, nickelling. See also the term "nicladura". enemity, hostility. See also the term "nimicìssia".See also
nichëlé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ nik&l'e \ ) - to nickel, to nickel- the term "inimicissia".
plate. See also the term "niclé ". nina - n. f. (pr. \ n'in& \ ) At plr. nine. - 1) - little girl. Note
nichélio - n. m. (pr. \ nik'eliô \ ) - See nichel. that in this case the last "n" is not faucal (and is not written
nichilism - n. m. (pr. \ nikil'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - nihilism such). - 2) - hesitation, wavering, pretence, slowness. In
(politics, phylosophy). this sense see also the term "ninada".
nichilista - n. and adj. (pr. \ nikil'ist& \ ) - Ms. plr. nichilista. - ninada - n. f. (pr. \ nin'&d& \ ) At plr. ninade. - hesitation,
fm. sng. and plr. nichilista, nichiliste. - 1) - nihilist (sbst.). wavering, pretence, slowness. See also the term "nina 2nd
- 2) - nihilist, nihilistic (adj.). meaning".
nichilìstich - adj. (pr. \ nikil'istic \ ) - Ms. plr. nichilistich. - nina-nana - n. f. (pr. \ nin&n'&n& \ ) At plr. nine-nane or
fm. sng. and plr. nichilistica, nichilistiche. - nihilistic. nina-nane. - lullaby, sing-song.
nicia - n. f. (pr. \ n'i[ch]i& \ ) At plr. nice. - niche niné - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ nin'e \ ) - 1) - to rock, to
(architecture). cradle, to lull (trs.). In this sense see also the term "cuné ".
niclador - n. m. (pr. \ nicl&d'ur \ ) Inv. at plr . - nickel-plater. - 2) - to prevaricate, to shuffle. (int).
See also the term "nichëlador". ninféa - n. f. (pr. \ ni[ng]f'e& \ ) At plr. ninfée. - water-lily
nicladura - n. f. (pr. \ nicl&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. nicladure - (botany - Nymphaea alba).
nickel-plating, nickelling. See also the term ninfomanìa - n. f. (pr. \ ni[ng]fum&n'i& \ ) At plr. ninfomanìe.
"nichëladura". - nymphomania.
niclé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ nicl'e \ ) - to nickel, to nickel- ninfòmane - n. f. (pr. \ ni[ng]f'om&ne \ ) Inv. at plr. -
plate. See also the term "nichëlé ". nymphomaniac.
niclin - n. m. (pr. \ nicl'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - small coin, small ninin - n. m. (pr. \ nin'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - little child, baby.
nickel coin. ninseul - n. m. (pr. \ ni[ng]s'[oe]l \ ) At plr. ninseuj. - 1) -
nicotin-a - n. f. (pr. \ nicut'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. nicotin-e. - sheet (for bed, and also - in strong fabric - for collecting
nicotine (chemistry). hay and other agricultural products). - 2) - blanket, layer
nicròcia - n. f. (pr. \ nicr'o[ch]i& \ ) At plr. nicròce. - (in a fig. sense). See also the term "linseul ".
contrivance, expedient, trick., subterfuge. ninsolà - n. f. (pr. \ ni[ng]sul'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - the content of a
nié - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ ni'e \ ) - 1) - to drown (trs.). sheet (usually hay, straw, dry leaves, etc.). See also the
- 2) - to drown, to be drowned, to get drowned (inr). See term "linsolà ".
also the term "nijé". ninsolé - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ ni[ng]sul'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - hazel grove
niél - n. m. (pr. \ ni'el \ ) At plr. niéj. - niello (jewelry work). (agriculture). See also the term "linsolé ".
niela - n. f. (pr. \ ni'el& \ ) At plr. niéle. - corn-cockle (botany - ninsolé - 2) - n. (pr. \ ni[ng]sul'e \ ) Ms. plr. ninsolé. - fm. sng.
Agrostemma githago) . and plr. ninsoléra, ninsolere. - hazel seller.
nielador - n. (pr. \ niel&d'ur \ ) Ms. plr. nelador. - fm. sng. and ninsolera - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ ni[ng]sul'er& \ ) At plr. ninsolere. -
plr. nieladòira, nieladòie. - niellist. hazel, filbert (the tree) (botany - Corylus avellana).
nieladura - n. f. (pr. \ niel&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. nieladure. - ninsolera - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ ni[ng]sul'er& \ ) At plr. ninsolere. -
niello-work. nut-cracker (zoology - Nucifraga caryocatactes).
nielé - vrn 1st con. trs. (pr. \ niel'e \ ) - to niello, to decorate ninsolin - n. m. (pr. \ ni[ng]sul'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - hazel
with niello. liqueur (typical of Langa). See also the term "nissolin".
niente - 1) - indf. prn. (pr. \ ni'ænte \) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - ninsòla - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ ni[ng]s'ol& \ ) At plr. ninsòle. - hazel,
nothing, not...anything. E. g. "i sai niente 'd lòn" = "I hazel-nut, filbert (botany). See also the term "nissòla 1)".
know nothing of that". - 2) - anything. (interrogative ninsòla - 2) - adj. (pr. \ ni[ng]s'ol& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
sentences) E. g. "l'has-to niente da fé?" = "have you hazel. light brown (colour). See also the term "nissòla 2)".
anything to do?". - 3) - not ... at all. In this case is usually ninsòla - 3) - n. m (pr. \ ni[ng]s'ol& \ ) Inv. plr. - the colour
stregthened, e. g. "niente d'autut " = not at all". Some hazel, light brown. See also the term "nissòla 3)".
particular uses : - A) - "a l'ha damlo për niente" = "he gave niòbio - n. m. (pr. \ ni'obiô \ ) Inv. at plr. (chemical element) -
me it gratis". - B) - "a-i na fà niente" = "it doesen't matter". niobium, columbium.
- C) - "niente d'àutr" = "nothing else". - D) - "it lo fase nise - adj. (pr. \ n'ize \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - sickly, feeble,
coma niente" = "you do it as easy as anything". Quite an weak, frail. See also the terms "malìngher, niser, nisi".
italianism. See also the best term "gnente". nìser - adj. (pr. \ n'izer \ ) Ms. plr. nìser. - fm. sng. and plr.
niente - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ ni'ænte \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - nothing. nisra, nisre. - sickly, feeble, weak, frail. See also the
E. g. "it deuve nen mach fé un bel niente tut ël dì" = "you terms "malìngher, nise, nisi".
don't have to do just a nothing all the day long". - 2) - nisi - adj. (pr. \ n'izi \ ) - See nìser.
nothingness (phylosophy). - 3) - slightest thing, tiny niss - 1) - adj. (pr. \ n'is \ ) Ms. plr. nìss. - fm. sng. and plr.
difference, etc. E. g. "a basta un niente a fé casché tut" = nissa, nisse. - livid, black-and-blue, bruised.
"the slightest thing is enough to make all fall". Quite an niss - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ n'is \ ) Inv. at plr. - bruise. See also the
italianism. See also the best term "gnente". terms "nisson, nissura".

nissarda - n. f. (pr. \ nis'&rd& \ ) At plr. nissarde. - a type of nivolésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ niwul'ese ; nivol'ese \) - to
folk dance. become cloudy. See also the term " an-nivolésse,
nissolin - n. m. (pr. \ nisul'i[ng] \ ) - See ninsolin. nuvolésse".
nisson - n. m. (pr. \ nis'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - bruise, large nivolëtta - n. f. (pr. \niwul'&tt& ; nivol'&tt&\) At plr. nivolëtte.
bruise. See also the terms "niss 2), nissura". - small cloud . See also the terms "nivolin-a, nuvolin-a".
nissòla - n. f. (pr. \ nis'ol& \ ) - See ninsòla. nivolin-a - n. f. (pr. \niwul'i[ng]& ; nivol'i[ng]&\) - See
nissun - 1) - indf. adj. and prn. (pr. \ nis'[ue][ng] \ ) - See nivolëtta.
nëssun 1). nivolon - n. m. (pr. \ niwul'u[ng] ; nivul'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
nissun - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ nis'[ue][ng] \ ) - See nëssun 2). big cloud, black cloud. See also the term "nuvolon".
nissura - n. f. (pr. \ nis'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. nissure. - bruise, nivolos - adj. (pr. \ niwul'uz ; nivul'uz \ ) Ms. plr. nivolos. - fm.
large bruise. See also the terms "niss 2), nisson". sng. and plr. nivolosa, nivolose. - cloudy, overcast. See
nita - n. f. (pr. \ n'it& \ ) At plr. (if any) nite. - mud, mire, also the terms "nivlos, nìvol, nivo, nuvolos".
sludge, ooze, slime. The expression "fonghé ant la nita" nivolosità - n. f. (pr. \ nivuluzit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - cloudiness.
mens lit. "to sink in the mud" and in a fig. sense "to get See also the term "nuvolosità ".
involved in troubles". nivoren-a - n. f. (pr. \ nivul'æ[ng]& ; niwur'æ[ng]& \ ) At plr.
nìtid - 1) - adj. (pr. \ n'itid \ ) Ms. plr. nìtid. - fm. sng. and plr. nivoren-e - mass of clouds. See also the term "nivolen-a,
nìtida, nìtide. - 1) - neat, bright, clean. - 2) - clear, nuvoren-a".
sharp, distinct (photography). See also the terms "net, no - prn. prt. (pr. \ nu \ ) 1st plr. prs. comp. - us, to us. Often
lìmpid". reduced to a "n" connected with the vrbl. prs. prn. (see
nìtid - 2) - adv. (pr. \ n'itid \ ) - clearly, distinctly. See also the grammar). E. g. " he tells us" = "a no dis ; an dis".
term "ciàir" and the loc. "an manera lìmpida". noà - n. f. (pr. \ nu'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - swim. See also the terms
nitidëssa - n. f. (pr. \ nitid'&ss& \ ) Atr plr. nitidësse. - 1) - "novà, novada, noada ".
neatness, brightness. - 2) - clearness, sharpness, noada - n. f. (pr. \ nu'&d& \ ) Inv. at plr. - swim. See also the
distinctness (image). terms "novà, novada, noà ".
nitos - adj. (pr. \ nit'uz \ ) Ms. plr. nìtos. - fm. sng. and plr. noador - n. (pr. \ nu&d'ur \ ) Ms. plr. noador. - fm. sng. and
nitosa, nitose. - 1) - muddy, miry, oozy, sludgy, slimy, plr. noadòira, noadòire. - swimmer. See also the terms
slushy. - 2) - that smells of mud. "novador, noveur".
nitr - n. m. (pr. \ nitr \ ) Inv. at plr. - nitre, potassium nitrate, noansa - n. f. (pr. \ nu'&[ng]s&\ ) At plr. noanse. - gradation,
salpetre. (chemistry). See also the term "salnitr". shade (colors). See also the term "nuansa".
nitrà - n. m. (pr. \ nitr'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - nitrate. (chemistry). noaté - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ nu&t'e \ ) - to swim a bit, to
nitrassion - n. f. (pr. \ nitr&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - nitration bathe. See also the term "noatésse".
(chemistry). noatésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ nu&t'ese \ ) - See noaté.
nitrich - adj. (pr. \ n'itric \ ) Ms. plr. nìtrich. - fm. sng. and plr. nobéli - n. m. (pr. \ nub'eli \ ) Inv. at plr. (if applicable). -
nìtrica, nìtriche. - nitric (chemistry). nobelium (chemical element) - See also the term
nitrificassion - n. f. (pr. \ nitrific&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - "nobélio".
nitrification (biology, chemistry). nobélio - n. m. (pr. \ nub'eliô \ ) - See nobéli.
nitril - n. m. (pr. \ nitr'il \ ) At plr. nitrij. - nitrile. nobilaja - n. f. (pr. \ nubil'&y& \ ) At plr. nobilaje. - noble but
nitrit - n. m. (pr. \ nitr'it \ ) Inv. at plr. - nitrite (chemistry). undeserving people, nobles (in a disparaging sense). See
nitrobacteri - n. m. (pr. \ nitrub&ct'eri \ ) Usually plr. - also the term "nobilum".
nitrobacteria. (biology). nobildòna - n. f. (pr. \ nubild'on& \ ) At plr. nobildòne. -
nitrobenzòl - n. m. (pr. \nitrubæ[ng]zìol\ ) At plr. nitrobenzòj. noblewoman. See also the term "nòbila".
- nitrobenzene. (chemistry). nobilesch - adj. (pr. \ nubil'æsc \ ) Ms. plr. nobilesch. - fm.
nitrocelulòsa - n. f. (pr. \ nitru[ch]el[ue]l'oz& \ ) At plr. (if sng. and plr. nobilësca, nobilësche. - noble, aristocratich.
any) nitrocelulòse - nitrocellulose. nobilésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ nubil'ese \ ) - to ennoble
nitroglicerin-a - n. f. (pr. \ nitrugli[ch]er'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. (if oneself. See also the term "nobilitésse".
any) - nitroglicerìn-e - nitroglycerin. nobilëssa - n. f. (pr. \ nubil'&ss& \ ) At plr. nobilësse. - 1) -
nitros - adj. (pr. \ nitr'uz \ ) Ms. plr. nìtros. - fm. sng. and plr. nobility. - 2) - noble mindedness. See also the terms
nìtrosa, nìtrose. - nitrous. (chemistry) "noblëssa, nobiltà".
nitrur - n. m. (pr. \nitr'[ue]r\ ) Inv. at plr. - nitride (chemistry). nobiliar - adj. (pr. \nubili'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - nobiliary,
nitrurassion - n. f. (pr. \ nitr[ue]r&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - of the nobility.
nitriding (metallurgy). nobilisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ nubiliz'e \ ) - 1) - to raise to the
nivlos - adj. (pr. \ nivl'uz \ ) Ms. plr. nìvlos. - fm. sng. and plr. nobility. - 2) - to ennoble, to dignify (in a fig. sense). See
nìvlosa, nìvlose. - cloudy, overcast. See also the terms also the term "nobilité ".
"nivolos, nìvol, nivo, nuvolos". nobilitassion - n. f. (pr. \ nubilit&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
nivlosità - n. f. (pr. \ nivluzit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - cloudiness.See ennoblement, elevation to peerage.
also the term "nuvlosità". nobilité - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ nubilit'e \ ) - See nobilisé.
nivo - adj. (pr. \ nivl'uz \ ) Used only at ms., inv. at plr. . - nobilitésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ nubilit'ese \ ) - to ennoble
cloudy, overcast. See also the terms "nivolos, nìvol, nivo, oneself. See also the term "nobilésse".
nuvolos". nobiltà - n. f. (pr. \ nubilt'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - nobility. - 2) -
nìvol - adj. (pr. \ n'ivul ; n'iwul \ ) - See nivolos. noble mindedness. See also the terms "noblëssa,
nìvola - n. f. (pr. \ n'ivul& ; n'iwul& \ ) At plr. nìvole. - 1) - nobilëssa".
cloud. - 2) - large quantity, lot (in a fig. sense). See also nobilucc - n. (pr. \ nubil'[ue][ch] \ ) - See nobiluss.
the term "nùvola". nobilum - n. m. (pr. \ nubil'[ue]m \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - nobles
nivolada - n. f. (pr. \ nivul'&d& ; niwul'&d&\ ) At plr. (in a disparaging sense). - 2) - lordlings.
nivolade. - clouding. See also the terms "an-nivolament, nobiluss - n. (pr. \ nubil'[ue]s \ ) Ms. plr. nobiluss. - fm. sng.
nuvolada ". and plr. nobilussa, nobilusse. - 1) - ruined noble. - 2) -
nivolaja - (pr. \ nivul'&y& ; niwul'&y& \ ) - See nivolen-a. just appointed noble. - 3) - lordling. See also the term
nivolen-a - n. f. (pr. \ nivul'æ[ng]& ; niwul'æ[ng]& \ ) At plr. "nobilucc".
nivolen-e - mass of clouds. See also the term "nivoren-a".

noblëssa - n. f. (pr. \ nubl'&ss& \ ) At plr. noblësse. - 1) - nojosada - n. f. (pr. \ nuyuz'&d& \ ) At plr. nojosade. -
nobility. - 2) - noble mindedness. See also the term boringness, tedium, long and boring speech, etc. See
"nobilëssa". also the term "piatolada".
nociv - adj. (pr. \ nu[ch]'iu \ ) Ms. plr. nociv. - fm. sng. and plr. nojosé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ nuyuz'e \ ) - 1) - to bore. - 2) - to
nociva, nocive. - harmful, injurious, noxious. See also annoy. See also the term "nojé ".
the term "danos". nojosésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ nuyuz'ese \ ) - 1) - to be
nocività - n. f. (pr. \ nu[ch] ivit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - harmfulness, bored. - 2) - to be annoyed. See also the term "nojésse".
noxiousness. nolegé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ nulej'e \ ) - to hire, to charter.
nodal - adj. (pr. \ nud'&l \ ) Ms. plr. nodaj. - fm. sng. and plr. nolégg - n. m. (pr. \ nul'ej \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - hire, chartering.
nodal, nodaj. - 1) - nodal. - 2) - nodical (astronomy). - 2) - hire, chartering (price). See also the terms "nolegi,
nodar - n. m. (pr. \ nud'&r \ ) Inv. at plr. - notary. nolegiament ".
nodaresch - adj. (pr. \ nud&r'æsc \ ) Ms. plr. nodaresch. - fm. nolégi - n. m. (pr. \ nul'eji \ ) - See nolégg.
sng. and plr. nodarësca, nodarësche. - notarial. See also nolegiador - n. (pr. \ nuleji&d'ur \ ) See nolegiator.
the term "nodaril ". nolegiament - n. m. (pr. \ nuleji&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - hire,
nodarià - n. m. (pr. \ nud&ri'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - office of a chartering. See also the term "nolegi ".
notary. See also the term "nodarìa". nolegiant - n. and adj. (pr. \ nuleji'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. nolegiant -
nodarìa - n. F. (pr. \ nud&r'i& \ ) - See nodarià. fm. sng. and plr. nolegianta, nolegiante. - 1) - hirer,
nodaril - adj. (pr. \ nud&r'il \ ) Ms. plr. nodarij. - fm. sng. and charterer. (sbst.). - 2) - hiring, chartering (adj.).
plr. nodaril, nodarij. - notaria, notary's. See also the nolegiator - n. and adj. (pr. \ nuleji&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. nolegiator
term "nodaresch ". - fm. sng. and plr. nolegiatriss, nolegiatriss. - 1) - hirer,
nodarucc- n. m. (pr. \ nud&r'[ue][ch] \ ) Inv. at plr. - young hire contractor, charterer. - 2) - hiring, chartering
notary, nt very skilled notary. See also the term (adj.).
"nodaruss". nomà - 1) - adj. (pr. \ num'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - named,
nodaruss - n. m. (pr. \ nud&r'[ue]s \ ) - See nodarucc. denominated, called, said. Note that "nicknamed" is
nodél - n. m. (pr. \ nud'el \ ) At plr. nodéj. - 1) - fetlock transated into "stranomà ".
(zoology). - 2) - joint, node (botany). - 3) - articulation nomà - 2) - adv. (pr. \ num'& \ ) - only, merely, but, just. See
(anatomy). also the terms nomach, mach".
nodos - adj. (pr. \ nud'uz \ ) Ms. plr. nodos. - fm. sng. and plr. nomach - adv. (pr. \ num'&c \ ) - See nomà 2).
nodosa, nodode. - knotty, nodose, nodous, gnarly. See nomadism - n. m. (pr. \num&d'izm\) Inv. at plr. - nomadism.
also the term "gropassù ". See also the term "vagabondagi ".
nodosità - n. f. (pr. \ nuduzit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - knottiness, nomass - n. m. (pr. \ num'&s \) Inv. at plr. - bad name, insult,
nodosity. See also the term "gropassarìa". injurious epithet.
noé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ nu'e \ ) - 1) - to swim. - 2) - to float noméa - n. f. (pr. \ num'e& \) At plr. nomée. - notoriety,
(for extension). It uses the aux. "avèj ". See also the term reputation. Note that in Piedm. mainly this term is used in
"nové ". the negative meaning of "bad reputation". See also the
noi - prs. prn. (pr. \ n'ui \ ) 1st plr. prs. ms. and fm. subj. and term "nòmina 2nd meaning.".
comp. - we, us. - See also the term "noiàutri, nojàutri ". nomenclador - n. m. (pr. \ numæ[ng]cl&d'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. -
noiàutri - prs. prn. ms. (pr. \ nui'&utri \ ) 1st plr. prs. subj. and nomenclator. See also the term "nomenclator".
comp. At fm. noiàutre. - we, us. - See also the term "noi, nomencladura - n. f. (pr. \ numæ[ng]cl&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr.
nojàutri ". nomencladure. - nomenclature.
noità - n. f. (pr. \ nuit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - night, all the night nomenclator - n. m. (pr. \ numæ[ng]cl&t'ur \ ) - See
long. See also the terms "nuità, neuità, noitada, nuitada, nomenclador.
neuitada". nominàbil - adj. (pr. \ numin'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. nominàbij - fm.
noitada - n. f. (pr. \ nuit'&d& \ ) - See noità. sng. and plr. nominàbil, nominàbij. - 1) - mentionable. -
noitàmbol - n. (pr. \ nuit'&mbul \ ) Ms. plr. noitàmboj - fm. 2) - that can be appointed.
sng. and plr. noitàmbola, noitàmbole. - night-wanderer, nominal - adj. (pr. \ numin'&l \ ) Ms. plr. nominaj - fm. sng.
night-bird. See also the term "neuitàmbol, nuitàmbol, and plr. nominal, nominaj. - nominal.
neuitareul ". nominalism - n. m. (pr. \ numin&l'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. -
noitolà - n. f. (pr. \ nuitul'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - wandering about nominalism. (phylosophy).
in the night. See also the terms "nuitolà, noitolada". nominalista - n. (pr. \ numin&l'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. nominalista -
noitolada - n. f. (pr. \ nuitul'&d& \ ) - See noitolà. fm. sng. and plr. nominalista, nominaliste. - nominalist
nojà - 1) - adj. (pr. \ nuy'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - bored. (phylosophy).
- 2) - annoyed. nominalìstich - adj. (pr. \ numin&l'istic \ ) Ms. plr.
nojà - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ nuy'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - bore, boringness, nominalistich - fm. sng. and plr. nominalistica,
tedium. See also the terms "nojada, nojament". nominalistiche. - nominalistic (phylosophy).
nojada - n. f. (pr. \ nuy'&d& \ ) - See nojà. nominalment - adv. (pr. \ numin&lm'ænt \ ) - nominally.
nojament - n. m. (pr. \ nuy&m'ænt \ ) - See nojà. Italianism. See also the best adv. loc "për nòm, coma nòm,
nojàutri - prs. prn. ms. (pr. \ nuy'&utri \ ) 1st plr. prs. subj. and an teorìa, etc.".
comp. At fm. nojàutre. - we, us. - See also the term "noi, nominativ - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ numin&t'iu \ ) Inv. at plr. -
noiàutri ". nominative, name.
nojé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ nuy'e \ ) - 1) - to bore. - 2) - to nominativ - 2) - adj. (pr. \ numin&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. nominativ -
annoy. See also the term "nojosé ". fm. sng. and plr. nominativa, nominative. - nominative,
nojésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ nuy'ese \ ) - 1) - to be bored. - registered by name.
2) - to be annoyed. See also the term "nojosésse". nominator - n. (pr. \ numin&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. nominator - fm.
nojos - adj. (pr. \ nuy'uz \ ) Ms. plr. nojos - fm. sng. and plr. sng. and plr. nominatriss, nominatriss. - nominator,
nojosa, nojose. - 1) - boring, tiresome. - 2) - appointer. (ecclesiastic)
troublesome, bothersome. nominé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ numin'e \ ) - 1) - to name, to
nojosa - n. f. (pr. \ nuy'uz& \ ) At plr. nojose. - annoyance, call. - 2) - to mention. - 3) - to designate, to nominate, to
trouble, bother, bore. elect, to appoint.

nomograma - n. m. (pr. \ numugr'&m& \ ) Inv. at plr. - to nourish, to harbour, to bear, to foster (in a fig. sense).
nomogram, nomograph. See also the terms "nurì, nutrì".
nompà - adv. (pr. \ nump'& \ ) - instead, on the contrary, but, noridura - n. f. (pr. \ nurid'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. noridure. - 1) -
whereas, on the other hand. See also the terms "anvece, nourishment, nutriment, food. - 2) - nutrition,
nopà". nourishing, feeding. See alsao the terms "nuridura,
nonada - n. f. (pr. \ nun'&d& \ ) At plr. nonade. - 1) - nuritura".
hesitation, wavering, slowness. - 4) - pretext, pretence. noritura - n. f. (pr. \ nurit'[ue]r& \ ) - See nuritura.
See also the terms "pretest, nià 3rd and 4th meanings, nòna normal - 1) - adj. (pr. \ nurm'&l \ ) Ms. plr. normaj, fm. sng.
2nd meaning". and plr. normal, normaj. - 1) - normal, usual, regular. -
nonon - n. f. (pr. \ nun'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - great- 2) - standard (as an attribute).
grandmother. See also the loc. "granda bela". normal - 2) - n. m.. (pr. \ nurm'&l \ ) At plr. normaj. - 1) -
nonsent - adj.and n. (pr. \ nu[ng]s'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. nonsent - perpendicular, normal (geometry). - 2) - regular route
fm. sng. and plr. nonsenta, nonsente. - 1) - innocent, (aplinism).
artless (adj.) - 2) - innocent, child (sbst.). See also the normalisassion - n. f. (pr. \ nurm&liz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
term "nossent". 1) - normalization. - 2) - standardization.
nonsi - n.. m. (pr. \ n'u[ng]si \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - normalisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ nurm&liz'e \ ) - 1) - to
announcement, notice. - 2) - advertisement. In these normalize, to bring back to normal. - 2) - to stansardize.
sense see also the terms "nunsi, anonsi, anunsi". - 2) - normalisésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ nurm&liz'ese \ ) - to be
nuncio (religion), messenger. The expression "nonsi brought back to normal, to be normalized. Also "to
apostòlich" is translated into "Apostolic Delegate". normalize" in an int. sense.
Nonsià - n. f. (pr. \ nu[ng]si’& \ ) Inv. in case of a fig. plr. - normalità - n. f. (pr. \ nurm&lit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - normality.
Our Lady of Annunciation. See also the names “Anunsià. normalment - adv. (pr. \ nurm&lm'ænt \ ) - usually, as a rule.
Anonsià, Nunsià “. Italianism. See the best adv. loc. "ëd sòlit, coma nòrma, ëd
nonsiator - n. (pr. \ nu[ng]si&t’ur \ ) Ms. plr. nonsiator, fm. régola, etc.".
sng. and plr. nonsiatriss, nonsiatriss. - announcer, news normativ - adj. (pr. \ nurm&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. normatriv, fm.
reader, speaker. See also the terms “anonsiator, sng. and plr. normatriva, normatrive. - normative,
nunsiator, anunsiator “. prescribing rules, establishing a norm..
nonsiadura - n. f. (pr. \ nu[ng]si&t’[ue]r& \ ) At plr. normativa - n. f. . (pr. \ nurm&t'iv& \ ) At plr. normative. -
nonsiadure. - nunciature. See also the term "nunsiadura". set of rules, normative law, standard.
nonsié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ nu[ng]si’e \ ) - to announce, to normatività - n. f. (pr. \ nurm&tivit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
give out, to report. See also the terms “anunsié, anonsié, normativeness.
nunsié “. normògrafo - n. m. (pr. \ nurm'ogr&fô \ ) Inv. at plr. - stencil.
nonze - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ n'u[ng]ze \ ) - to bewitch, to do norvegèis - adj. (pr. \ nurvej'æiz \ ) - Ms. plr. norvegèis, fm.
harm with sorcery. See also the terms "anmasché, sng. and plr. norvegèisa, norvegèise. - Norwegian.
malifissié ". Norvégia - n. f. (pr. \ nurv'eji& \ ) Only sng. (noun od country)
nonzù - adj. an dp. p. . (pr. \ nu[ng]z'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. nonzù - In case of need at plr. "Norvege". - Norway.
fm. sng. and plr. nonzùa, nonzùe. - struck by nos - n. f. (pr. \ nuz \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - walnut, nut (the fruit).
witchcraft. See also the terms "anmascà, malifissià ". - 2) - walnut-tree (botany - Juglans regia). In this sense
non-a (ora ---) - sbst. loc. f. (pr. \ ur& nu[ng]& \ ) At plr. (if see the most common term "nosera". - 3) - walnut (the
any) ore non-e. - none (religion) fourth canonical hour. wood). In this sense see the most common term "nosera". -
nopà - adv. (pr. \ nup'& \ ) - instead, on the contrary, but, 4) - nucleous, central part (in a fig. sense).
whereas, on the other hand. See also the terms "anvece, nosé - n. m. (pr. \ nuz'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - walnut grove.
nompà". nosera - n. f. . (pr. \ nuz'er& \ ) At plr. nosere. - 1) - walnut-
noranta - 1) - nmr. crd. adj. (pr. \ nur'&nt& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and tree (botany - Juglans regia). In this sense see the term
nr. - ninety. See also the term "novanta 1)". "nos 2nd meaning". - 3) - walnut (the wood). In this sense
noranta - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ nur'&nt& \ ) Inv. at plr. - ninety, the see the term "nos 3rd meaning".
number ninety. See also the term "novanta 2)". nosëtta - n. f. (pr. \ nuz'&tt& \ ) At plr. nosëtte. - 1) - small nut.
noranten-a - n. f. (pr. \ nur&nt'æ[ng]& \ ) At plr. noranten-e. - - 2) - wirst-bone (anatomy). Note that "nosëtta dël pé " =
about ninety, a set of ninety (generical entities). "malleolus" ; "nosëtta dël ginoj" = "rotula, knee-cap".
norantésim - nmr. ord. adj. (pr. \ nur&nt'esim \) - Ms. plr. Nosgnor - n. m. sng. (pr. \ nus[gn]'ur \ ) Only sng. - Our Lord,
norantésim. - fm. sng. and plr. norantésima, God.
norantésime. - ninetieth. See also the term "novantésim", nosin - n. m. (pr. \ nus'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - "nocino" (walnut-
and the loc. "ch'a fà novanta". (See grammar about the use flavoured liqueur).
of ord. adj.). nos-mat - n. m. (pr. \ nuzm'&t \ ) Inv. at plr. - ash, ash-tree.
nordafrican - n. and adj. (pr. \ nurd&fric'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. (botany - Fraxinus excelsior). See also the terms "frass,
nordafrican, fm. sng. and plr. nordafrican-a, frasso ".
nordafrican-e. - North African. nossent - adj.and n. (pr. \ nus'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. nossent - fm.
nordamerican - n. and adj. (pr. \ nurd&fric'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. sng. and plr. nossenta, nossente. - 1) - innocent, artless
nordamerican, fm. sng. and plr. nordamerican-a, (adj.) - 2) - innocent, child (sbst.). See also the term
nordamerican-e. - North American. "nonsent".
nordeuropengh - n. and adj. (pr. \ nurdeurup'æ[ng]g \ ) Ms. nossion - n. f. (pr. \ nusi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - knowledge,
plr. nordeuropengh, fm. sng. and plr. nordeuropenga, information. - 2) - idea, notion (phylosophy). - 3) -
nordeuropenghe. - North European. rudiment.
norfantì - adj. (pr. \ nurf&nt’i \ ) Ms. plr. norfantì, fm. sng. nossional - (pr. \ nusiun'&l \ ) Ms. plr. nossionaj - fm. sng. and
and plr. norfantìa, norfantìe. - stunned, heedless, plr. nossional, nossionaj. - notional.
dreamy. See also the terms "anorfantì, norfantì ". nossionism - n. m. (pr. \ nusiun'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. -
norì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ nur’i \ ) - 1) - to feed, to nourish. - notionalism, superficial factual knowledge.
2) - to be nourishing. - 3) - to nurse, to breast-feed. - 4) -

nossionìstich - adj. (pr. \ nusiun'istic \ ) Ms. plr. nossionìstich - notomista - n. (pr. \ nutum'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. notomista - fm.
fm. sng. and plr. nossionìstica, nossioìstiche. - based on sng. and plr. notomista, notomiste. - anatomist. See also
factual knowledge. the term "anatomista".
nostalgìa - n. f. . (pr. \ nust&lj'i& \ ) At plr. nostalgìe. - notomìstich -adj. (pr. \nutum'istic\ ) Ms. plr. notomistich - fm.
nostalgìa, homesickness. Note that "avèj nostalgia 'd sng. and plr. notomistica, notomistiche. - anatomistic.
quaicòs / quaidun" = "to long for (st. / sb.)". notorietà - n. f. (pr. \ nuturiet'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - notoriety,
nostàlgich - adj. - (pr. \ nust'&ljic \ ) Ms. plr. nostalgich - fm. renown.
sng. and plr. nostalgica, nostalgiche. - nostalgic, notòmich - adj. and n. (pr. \ nut'omic \ ) Ms. plr. notòmich -
homesick. fm. sng. and plr. notòmica, notòmiche. - 1) - anatomic,
nostral - adj. (pr. \ nustr'&l \ ) - Ms. plr. nostraj - fm. sng. and anatomical (adj.). - 2) - anatomist (sbst.). See also the
plr. nostral, nostraj. - home-grown, home-made, term "anatòmich".
national, regional, of the city, of the village, etc., notòri - adj. (pr. \ nut'ori \ ) Ms. plr. notòri - fm. sng. and plr.
according to the context. See also the term "nostran". notòria, notòrie. - well-known, notorious.
nostran - adj. (pr. \ nustr'&[ng] \ ) - Ms. plr. nostran - fm. sng. noturn - 1) - adj. (pr. \ nut'[ue]rn \ ) Ms. plr. noturn - fm. sng.
and plr. nostraln-a, nostran-e. - home-grown, home- and plr. noturna, noturne. - nocturnal, night (as an
made, national, regional, of the city, of the village, etc., attribute).
according to the context. See also the term "nostral". noturn - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ nut'[ue]rn \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
nostròm - n. m. . (pr. \ nustr'om \ ) Inv. at plr. - coxswain, nocturne (music). - 2) - early morning service, nocturn
boatswain (navy). (religion).
notàbil - adj. and n. (pr. \ nut'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. notabij - fm. noturna - n. f. (pr. \ nut'[ue]rn& \ ) At plr. noturne. - match
sng. and plr. notabil, notabij. - 1) - notable, remarkable played at night.
(adj.). In this sense see also the term "notévol". - 2) - nov - n. m. (pr. \ n'uw \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any) - swimming.
notable (sbst.). novà - n. f. (pr. \ nuw'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - swim. See also the
notabilità - n. f. (pr. \ nut&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - notability. terms "noà, noada, novada".
notàmbol - n. (pr. \ nut'&mbul \ ) Ms. plr. notàmboj - fm. sng. novada - n. f. (pr. \ nuw'&d& \ ) - See noà.
and plr. notàmbola, notàmbole. - 1) - night-wanderer. In novador - n. (pr. \ nuw&d'ur \ ) ) Ms. plr. novador. - fm. sng.
this sense see also the term "neuitareul". - 2) - and plr. novadòira, novadòire. - swimmer. See also the
somnambulist, sleep-walker. In this sense see the most terms "noador, noveur".
correct term "sonàmbol ". novanta - 1) - nmr. crd. adj. (pr. \ nu'&nt& ; nuw'&nt& \) Inv.
notarela - n. f. (pr. \ nut&r'el& \ ) At plr. notarele - small in gnd. and nr. - ninety. See also the term "noranta 1)".
note. See also the term "noterela". novanta - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ nu'&nt& ; nuw'&nt& \) Inv. at plr. -
notarià - n. m. . (pr. \ nut&ri'& \ ) - See nodarià. ninety, the number ninety. See also the term "noranta 2)".
notaril - adj. (pr. \ nut&r'il \ ) See nodaril. novanten-a - n. f. (pr. \ nu&nt'æ[ng]& ; nuw&nt'æ[ng]& \) At
notassion - n. f. (pr. \nut&si'u[ng]\ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - notation. plr. novanten-e. - about ninety, a set of ninety (generical
- 2) - numbering. entities).
noté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ nut'e \ ) - 1) - to note, to make note novantésim - nmr. ord. adj. (pr. \ nu&nt'esim ; nuw&nt'esim \)
of, to write down, to record, to mark. In this sense see - Ms. plr. novantésim. - fm. sng. and plr. novantésima,
also the term "marché". - 2) - to notice, to observe, to novantésime. - ninetieth. See also the term "norantésim",
note. The loc. "fésse noté " is translated into "to distinguish and the loc. "ch'a fà novanta". (See grammar about the use
oneself ". of ord. adj.).
notèivol - adj. (pr. \ nut'æivul \ ) - See notévol. novassion - n. f. (pr. \ nu&si'u[ng] ; nuw&si'u[ng] \) - Inv. at
noterela - n. f. (pr. \ nuter'el& \ ) - See notarela. plr. - innovation, change. See also the terms "arneuva,
notévol - adj. (pr. \ nutevul \ ) Ms. plr. notévoj - fm. sng. and inovassion".
plr. notéivola / notévol, notèivole / notèivoj. - 1) - novativ - adj. (pr. \ nu&t'iu ; nuw&t'iu \) - Ms. plr. novativ. -
notable, remarkable. - 2) - considerable. fm. sng. and plr. novativa, novative. - innovative,
notìfica - n. f. (pr. \ nut'ific& \ ) At plr. notìfiche. - 1) - innovatory, innovating. See also the terms "arneuvativ,
notification. - 2) - service, summons (legal). See also the inovativ".
terms "notificansa, notificassion". novator - n. (pr. \ nu&t'ur ; nuw&t'ur \) Ms. plr. novator. - fm.
notificador - n. (pr. \ nutific&d'ur \ ) Ms. plr. notificador - fm. sng. and plr. novatriss, novatriss. - innovator. See also
sng. and plr. notificadòira, notificadòire. - 1) - notifier. - the terms "arneuvador, inovator".
2) - server (legal). See also the term "notificator". nové - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ nu'e ; nuw'e \ ) - 1) - to swim. - 2) -
notificansa - n. f. (pr. \ nutific'&[ng]s& \ ) - See notìfica. to float (for extension). It uses the aux. "avèj ". See also
notificassion - n. f. (pr. \ nutific&si'u[ng] \ ) - See notìfica. the term "noé ".
notificator - n. (pr. \ nutific&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. notificator - fm. novel - adj. (pr. \ nu'el ; nuw'el \ ) Ms. plr. novél. - fm. sng. and
sng. and plr. notificatriss, notificatriss. - 1) - notifier. - 2) plr. novela, novele. - 1) - very new. - 2) - newly-..., new. -
- server (legal). See also the term "notificador". 3) - second. See also the term "neuviss, noviss, nuviss".
notifiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ nutifik'e \ ) - 1) - to notify, to novela - n. f. (pr. \ nu'el& ; nuw'el& \ ) At plr. novele. - 1) -
give notice (of). - 2) - to inform. - 3) - to advise. tale, story, short story. - 2) - news, tidings. Note that "la
notìssia - n. f. (pr. \nut'isi& \ ) At plr. notìssie. - piece of news, Bon-a Novela " is translated into "the Gospel".
news-item. - 2) - news, tidings (at plr. "notissie"). novelant - n. (pr. \ nuel'&nt ; nuwel'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. novelant. -
notissiari - n. m. (pr. \ nutisi'&ri \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - news-reel, fm. sng. and plr. novelanta, novelante. - story-teller,
news bulletin, the news. - 2) - news-letter, report spinner of tales.
(referred to its periodicity e. g. "daily report"). novelé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ nuel'e ; nuwel'e \ ) - to tell tales,
notomìa - n. f. (pr. \ nutum'i& \ ) At plr. notomìe. - anatomy. to tell stories. See also the term "conté".
See also the term "anatomìa". novelin - adj. and n. (pr. \ nuel'i[ng] ; nuwel'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr.
notomisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ nutumiz'e \ ) - to anatomize. novelin. - fm. sng. and plr. novelin-a, novelin-e. - 1) -
See also the term "anatomisé". new, early (adj.) - 2) - raw, inexperienced (adj.). - 3) -
raw pweson, greenhorn (sbst.).

novelista - n. (pr. \ nuel'ist& ; nuwel'ist& \ ) - Ms. plr. nòbila - n. f. (pr. \ n'obil& \) At plr. nòbile. - noblewoman.
novelista. - fm. sng. and plr. novelista, noveliste. - short- See also the term "nobildòna".
story writer. nòd - n. m. (pr. \ n'od \ ) - See neu.
november - n. m. (pr. \ nu'æmbær ; nuw'æmbær \ ) - Inv. at plr. nòdol - n. m. (pr. \ n'odul \) At plr. nòdoj. - nodule (anatomy).
(if any) - November. See also the term "gròtola".
novembrin - adj. (pr. \ nuæmbr'i[ng] ; nuwæmbr'i[ng] \ ) Ms. nòl - n. m. (pr. \ n'ol \) At plr. nòj. - hire, charter, charterage.
plr. novembrin. - fm. sng. and plr. novembrin-a, nòm - n. m. (pr. \ n'om \) Inv. at plr. - 1) - name (in general). -
novembrin-e. - of November, November (as attribute). 2) - noun (grammar).
novenari - n. m. (pr. \ nuen'&ri ; nuwen'&ri \ ) Inv. at plr. - nòmina - n. f. (pr. \ n'omin& \ ) At plr. nòmine. - 1) -
nine-syllable line. nomination, appointment. - 2) - notoriety, reputation. In
novendial - adj. (pr. \ nuendi'&l ; nuwendi'&l \ ) Ms. plr. this sense see also the term "nomèa".
novendiaj. - fm. sng. and plr. novendial, novendiaj. - nòna - n. f. (pr. \ n'on& \ ) At plr. nòne. - 1) - grandmother ,
lasting nine days. granny, gramdma. For ms. see "nòno". In this sense see
novendiaj - n. m. plr. (pr. \ nuendi'&y ; nuwendi'&y \ ) Only also the term "granda" and the loc. "mare granda". - 2) -
plr. - the nine days in honour of a dead Pope (history). hesitation, wavering, slowness, pretext, pretence. In this
noveni - n. m. . (pr. \ nu'eni ; nuw'eni \ ) Inv. at plr. - nine-year sense see also the terms "pretest, nià 3rd and 4th meanings,
period. See also the term "novenio". nonàda ".
novenio - n. m. . (pr. \ nu'eniô ; nuw'eniô \ ) - See noveni. nònio - n. (pr. \ n'oniu\ ) Inv. at plr. - nonius.
noven-a - n. f. (pr. \nu'æ[ng]& ; nuw'æ[ng]&\) At plr. noven-e. nòno - n. m. (pr. \ n'onu\ ) Inv. at plr. - grandfather, grandpa,
- novena (religion). grand-dad. For ms. see "nòno". See also the terrms
novésim - nmr. ord. adj. (pr. \ nu'esim ; nuw'esim \) - Ms. plr. "grand, cé " and the loc. "pare grand. ".
novésim. - fm. sng. and plr. novésima, novésime. - nineth. nòno - nmr. ord. adj. (pr. \ n'onu \) - Ms. plr. nòno. - fm. sng.
See also the term "nòno", and the loc. "ch'a fà neuv". (See and plr. nòna, nòne. - nineth. See also the term "nonésim",
grammar about the use of ord. adj.). and the loc. "ch'a fà neuv". (See grammar about the use of
noveur - n. (pr. \ nuw&d'ur \ ) ) Ms. plr. noveur. - fm. sng. and ord. adj.).
plr. noveusa, noveuse. - swimmer. See also the terms nòra - n. f. (pr. \ n'or& \) At plr. nòre. - daughter-in-law.
"noador, novador". nòrd - n. m. (pr. \ n'ord \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - nòrth. See also
noviss - adj. (pr. \ nuw'is ; nu'is ; nuv'is \ ) Ms. plr. noviss. - fm. the terms "setentrion, mesaneuit".
sng. and plr. novissa, novisse. - 1) - very new. - 2) - nòrma - n. f. (pr. \ n'orm& \) At plr. nòrme. - 1) - rule,
newly-..., new. - 3) - second. See also the term "novel, precept, norm, standard. - 2) - instruction, direction. -
neuviss, nuviss". 3) - rule, custom.
novissi - n. (pr. \ nuw'isi ; nuv'isi \ ) Ms. plr. novissi. - fm. sng. nò-sgnor - adv. (pr. \ n'os[gn]'ur \ ) - no Madam.
and plr. novissia, novissie. - novice (religion). nò-sgnora - adv. (pr. \ n'os[gn]'ur& \ ) - no Sir.
novissià - n. m. (pr. \ nuwisi'& ; nuvisi'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - nòsse - n. f. plr. (pr. \ n'ose \ ) Only plr. - wedding, marriage,
novitiate (religion). nuptials.
novìssim - adj. (pr. \ nuw'isim ; nuv'isim \ ) Ms. plr. novìssim. - nòstr - 1) - pos. adj. and prn. (pr. \ n'ostr \ ) Ms. plr. nòstr. -
fm. sng. and plr. novìssima, novìssime. - 1) - brand-new. fm. sng. and plr. nòstra, nòstre. - 1) - our. (adj.). - 2) -
- 2) - last (from the Latin meaning of "novissimus-a-um"). ours (prn.). We remember that, while translating into
Novìssim - n. m. plr. (pr. \ nuw'isim ; nuv'isim \ ) Only plr. - the Piedm., the pos. adj. and prn, are in agreement with the
very last things : "Death, Judgment, Hell, Heaven". owned entity and not with the owner. This is important due
novità - n. f. (pr. \ nuwit'& ; nuit'& ; nuvit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - to the declention of the term in Piedm. E. g. " nòstr tòch =
newness, novelty. - 2) - innovation. - 3) - new thing. - 4) - our piece" ; " nòstri tòch = our pieces" ; " nòstra cà = our
news. house" ; " nòstre cà = our houses" ; "cole cà a son nen
novlin - n. m. (pr. \ nuwl'i[ng] ; nuit'& ; nuvl'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. nòstre = those houses are not ours", etc.The pos. adj. does
- metal ring used for strenghten the bottom of a pail. not require the art, but the ms. plr. can support it, since
novod - n. (pr. \ nuw'ud ; nuv'ud : nu'ud \ ) Ms. plr. novod. - often it is necessary for defining the plr. itself. In this case
fm. sng. and plr. novoda, novode. - 1) - nephew / nice. - 2) the ms. plr. is different from the ms. sng. and this is an
- grandchild, grandson, grand-daughter. See also the exception.
terms "nvod, anvod". nòstr - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ n'ostr \ ) At plr. (when applicable)
nò - 1) - adv. (pr. \ n'o \ ) - 1) - no. E. g. "Do you want a sweet? nòstri. - 1) - our own, what is ours. - 2) - our relatives,
- no thanks" = "it veule na caramela? - nò mersì ". - 2) - our family.
not. E. g. "are you living again? - "I'm not, luckily" = "It nòta - n. f. (pr. \ n'ot& \ ) At plr. nòte. - 1) - note (general. and
parte torna? - nò, për boneur". ; "certainly not " = "sicura also music). - 2) - mark. E. g. "nòte caraterìstiche" =
che 'd nò ". We want to underline the loc. "...che 'd nò", "distinguishing marks". - 3) - bill. E. g. "but-lo ant la nòta
which lit. corresponds to " ...that of no" or " ...that of not ". " = "put it on the bill " - 4) - list. E. g. "la nòta dla spèisa"
and which is quite used, as in the expression "dì che 'd nò", = " the shopping list ".
whose meaning is simply "to say no" , while lit. would be nòta-ben - n. m. (pr. \ n'ot&b'æ[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - nota-bene.
"to say that of not" (see piedm. Syntax). Another point to nòta-bin - n. m. (pr. \ n'ot&b'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - nota bene.
underline is the loc. "se nò ", that can be translated into "if nòtes - n. m. (pr. \ n'otæs \ ) Inv. at plr. - note-book.
not, otherwise, or else" and it corresponds also to the term nòtula - n. f. (pr. \ n'ot[ue]l& \ ) At plr. nòtule. - fee,
"dësnò". honorarium.
nò - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ n'o \ ) - See neu. nu - adj. (pr. \ n'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. nu. - fm. sng. and plr. nùa,
nòbil - 1) - adj. (pr. \ n'obil \) Ms. plr. nòbij. - fm. sng. and plr. nùe. - 1) - bare. - 2) - naked. - 3) - plain, simple, bare (in
nòbil, nòbij. - 1) - noble (in general sense).. - 2) - high- a fig. sense). See also the terms "patan, patanù, patao,
born, titled, noble. patachin, biot".
nòbil - 2) - n. (pr. \ n'obil \) Ms. plr. nòbij. - fm. sng. and plr. nu - n. m. (pr. \ n'[ue] \ ) Inv. at plr. - nude (arts).
nòbil / nòbila, nòbij / nòbile. - nobleman / noblewoman, nuansa - n. f. (pr. \ n[ue]'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr. nuanse. -
noble. gradation, shade (colors). See also the term "noansa".

nuansé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ n[ue]&[ng]s'e \ ) - to shade-off, (st.). - 2) - meddler (in a fig. sense). - 3) - person using
to gradate, to tone down (colours). fnuff. See also the term " nufièire".
nùbil - adj. fm. and n. f. (pr. \ n'[ue]bil \ ) Only fm. At plr. nufié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ n[ue]fi'e \ ) - 1) - to smell, to sniff.
nùbij. - 1) - unmarried, marriageable, single (woman) - 2) - to twig, to catch on (in a fig. sense). See also the
(adj.). More often the loc. "da marié " is used. - 2) - term "nasé".
unmarried woman. (sbst.). As for the adj. more often the nufièire - n. (pr. \ n[ue]fi'æire \ ) - See nufiàire.
loc. "da marié" is used. nughet - n. m. (pr. \ n[ue]g'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - lily of the valley
nucleà - adj. (pr. \ n[ue]cle'&\ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - nucleated (botany - Cavallaria majalis) - See also the term "mughet".
(biology). nuità - n.. f. (pr. \ n[ue]it'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - night, all the night
nuclear - 1) - adj. (pr. \ n[ue]cle'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - long. See also the terms "neuità, noità, nuitada, neuitada".
nuclear. nuitada - n.. f. (pr. \ n[ue]it'&d& \ ) - See nuità.
nuclear - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ n[ue]cle'&r\ ) Inv. at plr. - all what is nuitambol - n. (pr. \ n[ue]it'&mbul \ ) - See neuitareul.
related to nuclear studies techique and applications.. nuitambolism - n. m. (pr. \ n[ue]it&mbul'izm \ ) Inv. at plr -
nuclèich - adj. (pr. \ n[ue]cl'æic \ ) Ms. plr. nuclèich. - fm. sng. night-wandering. See also the terms "nuitambolism".
and plr. nuclèica, nuclèiche. - nucleic (biology, nuité - adj. (pr. \ n[ue]it'e \ ) Ms. plr. nuité - fm. sng. and plr.
chemistry). nuitera, nuitere. - nocturnal, night (as an attribute). See
nuclein-a - (pr. \ n[ue]cle'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. (if any) nuclein-e. - also the term "noturn, neuité".
nuclein (chemistry, biology). nuiteja - adj. fm. (pr. \ n[ue]it'ey& \ ) At plr. nuiteje - 1) -
nùcleo - n. m. (pr. \ n'[ue]cleô \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - nucleous, nocturnal, night (as an attribute). - 2) - deep, dark
core. (physics). E. g, "atomic nucleous = nùcleo atòmich, (referred to the night). It can be considered as another fm.
but also nos atòmica, nos l'àtom". - 2) - group, squad. E. of the term "nuité ", and the second meaning can be
g. "police squad = nùcleo 'd polissìa". - 3) - unit. E. g. referred to the expression "neuit nuiteja" = "far into a dark
"familiar unit = nùcleo famijar". night".
nucléol - n. m. (pr. \ n[ue]cl'eul \ ) At plr. nucléoj. - 1) - nuitolà - n. f. (pr. \ n[ue]itul'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - wandering
nucleolus (biology). - 2) - groupuscule (politics - in a fig. about in the night. See also the terms "noitolà, noitolada,
sense). nuitolada".
nucleon - n. m. (pr. \ n[ue]cleu[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - nucleon nuitolada - n. f. (pr. \ n[ue]itul'&d& \ ) - See nuitolà.
(physics). Elementar partìcle contained in an atomic nuitolé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ n[ue]itul'e \ ) - to wander about
nucleous. in the night. It uses the aux. "avèj ".
nucleònica - n. f. (pr. \ n[ue]cle'onic& \ ) At plr. nucleòniche. nul - adj. (pr. \ n[ue]l \ ) Ms. plr. nul. - fm. sng. and plr. nula,
- nucleonics. nule. - null, void, null and void.
nuclid - n. m. (pr. \ n[ue]cl'id \ ) Inv. at plr. - nuclide (physics). nulaòsta - n. m. (pr. \ n[ue]l&'ost& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
nudepé - n. m. (pr. \ n[ue]dep'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - bow of ribbon authorization, permit, permission.
hanging from the sword. nulatenent - adj. and n. (pr. \ n[ue]l&ten'ænt \ ) Usually inv. in
nudism - n. m. (pr. \ n[ue]d'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - nudism. gnd. and nr., but also Ms. plr. nulatenent. - fm. sng. and
nudista - n. (pr. \ n[ue]d'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. nudista. - fm. sng. plr. nulatenenta, nulatenente. - 1) - propertyless, with no
and plr. nudista, nudiste. - nudist. property. (adj.). - 2) - person with no property (sbst.).
nudità - n. f. (pr. \ n[ue]dit'& \ ) Inv. at plr.- 1) - nakedness, nulé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ n[ue]l'e \ ) - 1) - to annul, to avoid
nudity. - 2) - naked parts, nakedness. (legal). - 2) - to cancel. - 3) - to undo. - 4) - to revoke. See
nudrì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ n[ue]dr'i \ ) - 1) - to feed, to also the term "anulé ".
nourish. - 2) - to be nourishing. - 3) - to nurse, to breast- nulëssa - n. f. (pr. \ n[ue]l'&ss& \ ) At plr. nulësse - 1) -
feed. - 4) - to nourish, to harbour, to bear, to foster (in a nonentity, insignificance, nothingness. - 2) - nullity
fig. sense). See also the terms "norì, nurì, nutrì". (legal). See also the term "nulità ".
nodridura - n. f. (pr. \ n[ue]drid'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. nodridure. - nulità - n. f. (pr. \ n[ue]lit'& \ ) - See nulëssa.
1) - nourishment, nutriment, food. - 2) - nutrition, num - n. m. (pr. \ n[ue]m \ ) Inv. at plr. - god, divinity, deity.
nourishing, feeding. See alsa the terms " nuritura, nùmer - n. m. (pr. \ n'[ue]mær \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - number,
nudriment, nutriment". figure, digit (mathematics). - 2) - number (in general). - 3)
nudrient - adj. (pr. \ n[ue]dri'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. nudrient. - fm. - size (referred to shoes, etc.). - 4) - numeral. Some
sng. and plr. nudrienta, nudriente. - nourishing. See also particular uses: - A) - "a l'ha nen ij numer" = "he is not
the terms "nutrient, nudritiv, nutritiv, nurissant". skilled enough". - B) - "chièl lì a dà ij nùmer" = "that
nudriment - n. m. (pr. \ n[ue]drim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - fellow is behaving in foolish way". - C) - "fé nùmer" = "to
nourishment, nutriment, food. See alsa the terms swell the crowd".
"nuridura, nuritura, nutrimnt". numeràbil - adj. (pr. \ n[ue]mer'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. numeràbij. -
nudrìsse - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ n[ue]dr'ise \ ) - to feed (refl. fm. sng. and plr. numeràbil, numeràbij. - numerable
and int. meaning). (mathematics) , countable.
nudrission - n. f. (pr. \ n[ue]drisi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - numerabilità - n. f. (pr. \ n[ue]mer&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
nutrition, nourishing, feeding. - 2) - nutrition, countability.
nourishment, nutriment, food. See also the terms numeral - adj. and n. (pr. \ n[ue]mer'&l \ ) Ms. plr. numeràj. -
"nutrission, nutriment". fm. sng. and plr. numeràl, numeràj. - numeral.
nudritiv - adj. (pr. \ n[ue]drit'iu \ ) Ms. plr. nudritiv. - fm. sng. numerari - n. m. (pr. \ n[ue]mer'&ri \ ) Inv. at plr. - specie,
and plr. nudritiva, nudritive. - nourishing, nutritional, ready cash (finance).
nutritious. See also the terms "nutritiv, nutrient". numerassion - n. f. (pr. \ n[ue]mer&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1)
nufià - n. f. (pr. \ n[ue]fi'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - sniff. - 2) - - numbering, numbers. - 2) - numeration, notation.
intuition, perception (in a fig. sense). See also the terms numerator - n. m. (pr. \ n[ue]mer&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1)
"nufiada, nasà 3rd meaning, nasada". numerator (mathematics). - 2) - numbering, numbering-
nufiada - n. f. (pr. \ n[ue]fi'&d& \ ) - See nufià. machine.
nufiàire - n. (pr. \ n[ue]fi'&ire \ ) - Ms. plr. nufiàire. - fm. sng. numeré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ n[ue]mer'e \ ) - 1) - to number.
and plr. nufiàira, nufiàire. - 1) - person having nose for - 2) - to count.

numérich - adj. (pr. \ n[ue]m'eric \ ) Ms. plr. numérich. - fm. nutrì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ n[ue]tr’i \ ) - 1) - to feed, to
sng. and plr. numérica, numériche. - numerical, digital. nourish. - 2) - to be nourishing. - 3) - to nurse, to breast-
numeros - adj. (pr.\n[ue]mer'uz\ ) Ms. plr. numeros. - fm. sng. feed. - 4) - to nourish, to harbour, to bear, to foster (in a
and plr. numerosa, numerose. - numerous, large, big. fig. sense). See also the terms " nurì, norì".
numerosità - n. f. (pr. \ n[ue]meruzit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - nutrìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ n[ue]r’ise \ ) - to feed (with
numerosity, numerousness. refl. and int. meaning).
numeroté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ n[ue]merut'e \ ) - to give a nutrient - adj. (pr. \ n[ue]tri'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. nutrient. - fm. sng.
serial number, to number pages. and plr. nutrienta, nutriente. - nourishing. See also the
numismàtica - n. f. (pr. \ n[ue]mizm'&tic& \ ) At plr. terms "nudritiv, nutritiv, nurissant".
numismàtiche. - numismatics. nutriment - n. m. (pr. \ n[ue]trim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
numismàtich - adj. and n. (pr. \ n[ue]mizm'&tic \ ) Ms. plr. nourishment, nutriment, food. See alsa the terms
numismàtich. - fm. sng. and plr. numismàtica, "nuridura, nuritura, nudriment".nudriment.
numismàtiche. - 1) - numismatic, numismatical (adj.) - nutrìsse - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ n[ue]tr'ise \ ) - to feed (refl. and
2) - numismatist (sbst.). int. meaning).
nunsi - n.. m. (pr. \ n'[ue][ng]si \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - nutrission - n. f. (pr. \ n[ue]trisi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
announcement, notice. - 2) - advertisement. In these nutrition, nourishing, feeding. - 2) - nutrition,
sense see also the terms "nonsi, anonsi, anunsi". - 2) - nourishment, nutriment, food. See also the terms
nuncio (religion), messenger. The expression "nunsi "nudrission, nutriment".
apostòlich" is translated into "Apostolic Delegate". nutritiv - adj. (pr. \ n[ue]trit'iu \ ) Ms. plr. nutritiv. - fm. sng.
Nunsià - n. f. (pr. \ n[ue][ng]si’& \ ) Inv. in case of a fig. plr. - and plr. nutritiva, nutritive. - nourishing, nutritional,
Our Lady of Annunciation. See also the names nutritious. See also the terms "nudritiv, nutrient".
“Anunsià. Anonsià, Nonsià “. nuvìss - adj. (pr. \ n[ue]w'is ; n[ue]'is ; n[ue]v'is \ ) Ms. plr.
nunsiator - n. (pr. \ nu[ng]si&t’ur \ ) Ms. plr. nunsiator, fm. nuviss. - fm. sng. and plr. nuvissa, nuvisse. - 1) - very
sng. and plr. nunsiatriss, nunsiatriss. - announcer, news new. - 2) - newly-..., new. - 3) - second. See also the terms
reader, speaker. See also the terms “anonsiator, "novel, noviss, neuviss".
nonsiator, anunsiator “. nuvlos - adj. (pr. \ n[ue]vl'uz \ ) Ms. plr. nìvlos. - fm. sng. and
nunsiadura - n. f. (pr. \ n[ue][ng]si&t’[ue]r& \ ) At plr. plr. nuvlosa, nuvlose. - cloudy, overcast. See also the
nunsiadure. - nunciature. See also the term "nonsiadura". terms "nuvolos, nùvol, nùvo, nivlos".
nunsié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ n[ue][ [ng]si’e \ ) - to announce, nuvlosità - n. f. (pr. \ n[ue]vluzit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - cloudiness.
to give out, to report. See also the terms “anunsié, nuvu - adj. (pr. \ n'[ue]vu \ ) - See nuvolos.
anonsié, nonsié “. nùvol - adj. (pr. \ n'[ue]vul ; n'[ue]wul \ ) - See nuvolos.
nurì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ n[ue]r’i \ ) - 1) - to feed, to nùvola - n. f. (pr. \ n'[ue]vul& ; n'[ue]wul& \ ) At plr. nùvole. -
nourish. - 2) - to be nourishing. - 3) - to nurse, to breast- 1) - cloud. - 2) - large quantity, lot (in a fig. sense). See
feed. - 4) - to nourish, to harbour, to bear, to foster (in a also the term "nìvola".
fig. sense). See also the terms "norì, nutrì". nuvolada - n. f. (pr. \ n[ue]vul'&d& ; n[ue]wul'&d&\ ) At plr.
nuridura - n. f. (pr. \ n[ue]rid'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. nuridure. - 1) nùvolade. - clouding. See also the term "an-nivolament,
- nourishment, nutriment, food. - 2) - nutrition, nivolada ".
nourishing, feeding. See also the terms "nuridura, nuvolaja - (pr. \ n[ue]vul'&y& ; n[ue]wul'&y& \ ) - See
nuritura". nùvolen-a.
nurissant - adj. (pr. \ n[ue]ris'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. nurissant. - fm. nuvolen-a - n. f. (pr. \ n[ue]vul'æ[ng]& ; n[ue]wul'æ[ng]& \ )
sng. and plr. nurissanta, nurissante. - nourishing. See At plr. nùvolen-e - mass of clouds. See also the terms
also the terms "nutrient, nudritiv, nutritiv ". "nuvoren-a, nivoren-a".
nurìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ n[ue]r’ise \ ) - to feed (with nuvolésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ n[ue]wul'ese ; n[ue]vol'ese \)
refl. and int. meaning). - to become cloudy. See also the term " an-nivolésse".
nuritura - n. f. (pr. \ n[ue]rit'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. nuriture. - 1) - nuvolëtta - n. f. (pr. \n[ue]wul'&tt& ; n[ue]vol'&tt&\) At plr.
nourishment, nutriment, food. - 2) - nutrition, nuvolëtte. - small cloud . See also the terms "nuvolin-a.
nourishing, feeding. See alsao the terms "nuridura, nivolin-a".
noritura, noridura". nuvolin-a - n. f. (pr. \n[ue]wul'i[ng]& ; n[ue]vol'i[ng]&\) - See
nuscardin - n. m. (pr. \ n[ue]sc&rdìi[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - nuvolëtta.
dormouse (zoology - Muscardinus avellanarius). - 2) - nuvolon - n. m. (pr. \ n[ue]wul'u[ng] ; n[ue]vul'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at
dandy, fop. See also the term "moscardin". plr. - big cloud, black cloud. See also the term "nivolon".
nusch - n. m. (pr \ n[ue]sc \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - moss. See also nuvolos - adj. (pr. \ n[ue]wul'uz ; n[ue]vul'uz \ ) Ms. plr.
the terms "mus-cc, nus-cc, musch ". - 2) - mould, mold. In nuvolos. - fm. sng. and plr. nuvolosa, nuvolose. - cloudy,
this sense (not very used) see also the terms "mofa, mufa". overcast. See also the terms "nuvlos, nuvol, nuvo, nivolos".
nuscos - adj. (pr \ n[ue]sc'uz \ ) Ms. plr. nuscos. - fm. sng. and nuvolosità - n. f. (pr. \ n[ue]vuluzit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
plr. nuscosa, nuscose. - mossy, moss-grown. See also the cloudiness. See also the term "nivolosità ".
term "muscos". nuvoren-a - n. f. (pr. \ n[ue]vul'æ[ng]& ; n[ue]wur'æ[ng]& \ )
nusij - n. m. (pr \ n[ue]z'iy \ ) Inv. at plr. - At plr. nuvoren-e - mass of clouds. See also the terms
nussial - adj. (pr \ n[ue]si'&l \ ) Ms. plr. nussiaj. - fm. sng. and "nuvolen-a, nivolen-a".
plr. nussial, nussiaj. - nvod - n. (pr. \ nw'ud \ ; \ nu'ud \ ) - 1) - nephew / niece. - 2) -
nussialità - n. m. (pr \ n[ue]si&lit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - grandchild, grandson, grand-daughter. See also the
terms "nëvod, novod, anvod ".

Letter N-
In Piedm. there aren't words starting with this letter, which is the fifteenth of the Piedm. alphabet Indeed the letter is used only
inside the word. At the end of a word the simple N has a faucal sound, which is not tepresented with this letter. Fot its use see
the part of Spelling and Phonology of the Piedm. Grammar.

Letter O
We remember that in this vocabulary the letter O comes before the letter Ò, while in other vocabularies the order is the opposite.
Still we remember that the letter " o " is , as a rule, pronunced "\ u \"

o - sixteenth letter of the Piedm. alphabet and n. f. (pr. \ u \ ) - obietiv - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ ubiet'iu\ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - objective
o, u. (see inside the grammar: "Spelling and Phonology"). (photography, physics). - 2) - abjective, objective point
It is necessary to pay attention at the pronunciation of this (military) - 3) - objective, aim, purpose, goal (in a fig.
vowel sense).
o - cng. (pr. \ u \ ) but usually (pr. \ o \ ) - or. See also the obietiv - 2) - adj. (pr. \ ubiet'iu\ ) Ms. plr. obietiv - fm. sng. and
spelling " ò " always pronunced " \ o \ ". plr. obietiva, obietive. - objective, impartial, unbiased,
o ... o - cng. (pr. \ u ... u \ ) but usually (pr. \ o ... o \ ) - either ... unprejudiced.
or. See also the spelling " ò ... ò " which is always obietivé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ ubietiv'e \ ) - to objectify, to
pronunced " \ o ... o\ ". objectivate.
oata - n. f. . (pr. \ u'&t& \ ) At plr. oate. - quilted jerkin. See obietivésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ ubietiv'ese \ ) - to regard
also the term "ovata 2nd meaning." thingh from an objective standpoint.
obada - n. f. (pr. \ ub'&d& \ ) At plr. obade. - 1) - dawning. - obietivism - n. m. (pr. \ ubietiv'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. -
2) - dawn serenade. objectivism.
obadé - n. m. (pr. \ ub&d'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - minstrel obietività - n. f. (pr. \ ubietivit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
playing at dawn. - 3) - dawn serenade singer. objectivity, objectiveness. - 2) - impartiality.
obèis - adj. and n. (pr. \ ub'æiz \ ) Ms. plr. obèis - fm. sng. and obietor - n. (pr. \ ubiet'ur \ ) Ms. plr. obietor - fm. sng. and
plr. obèisa, obèise. - 1) - obese, very fat (adj.). - 2) - obese plr. obietriss, obietriss. - objector.
person (sbst.). This term is not very commonly used. See obitòri - n. m. (pr. \ ubit'ori \ ) Inv. at plr. - mortuary,
the most common terms "grass, borenfi, bëddrassù". morgue.
obelisch - n. m. (pr. \ ubel'isc \ ) Inv. at plr. - obelisk oblà - n. (pr. \ ubl'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - Oblate / Oblate
(architecture). sister (religion).
oberé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ uber'e \ ) - to overburden, to oblassion - n. f. (pr. \ ubl&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
overload. See also the term "grevé ". donation, offering. - 2) - oblation, offertory (religion). -
oberge - n. m. (pr. \ ub'ærje \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - hotel. - 2) - 3) - cash settlement (of a fine, etc.).
restaurant (in some cases) In this case see also the terms oblator - n. (pr. \ ubl&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. oblator - fm. sng. and
"ristorant, tratorìa, piòla". - 3) - shelter. See also the term plr. oblatriss, oblatriss. - 1) - donor. - 2) - bidder.
"obergi" oblatòri - adj. (pr. \ ubl&t'ori \ ) Ms. plr. oblatòri - fm. sng.
obergi - n. m. (pr. \ ub'ærji \ ) - See oberge. and plr. oblatòria, oblatòrie. - oblatory, oblational
obergiòt - n. m. (pr. \ ubærji'ot \ ) - small hotel. (religion).
obergista - n. (pr. \ ubærj'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. obergista - fm. sng. oblìa - n. f. (pr. \ ubl'i& \ ) At plr. oblìe. - wafer, "cialdone"
and plr. obergista, obergiste. - 1) - hotel-keeper. - 2) - (cooking). See also the term "obià 2nd meaning. oblìo".
hotel-owner. obliàbil - adj. (pr. \ ubli'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. obliàbij - fm. sng. and
obesità - n. f. (pr. \ ubezit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - obesity, plr. obliàbil, obliàbij. - forgettable. See also the term
corpulence. See also the term "grassëssa". "dësmentiàbil".
obià - n. f. (pr. \ ubi'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - donation, offering. - obliansa - n. f. (pr. \ ubli'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr. oblianse. - 1) -
2) - wafer, "cialdone" (cooking). - 3) - large Host oblivion, forgetfulness. - 2) - omission. See also the term
(religion). "dësmèntia".
obidì - vrb 3rd con. int. (pr. \ ubid'i \ ) - to obej (also trs. in oblich - adj. (pr. \ ubl'ic \ ) Ms. plr. oblich - fm. sng. and plr.
Engl.). It uses the aux. "avèj ". See also the most common oblica, obliche. - 1) - oblique, bent, slanting. - 2) -
terms "ubidì, scoté ". circuitous, roundabout, underhand (in a fig. sense). See
obidiensa - n. f. (pr. \ ubidi'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. obidiense. - 1) - also the terms "travers, pendent. sbiéss, oblìquo".
obedience. - 2) - submissivity, docility (for extension). obliché - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ ublik'e \ ) - to oblique, to
See also the term "ubidiensa". advance obliquely. It uses the aux. "avèj ". See also the
obidient - adj. (pr. \ ubidi'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. obidient - fm. sng. term "obliqué ".
and plr. obidienta, obidiente. - 1) - obedient. - 2) - docile, oblichità - n. f. (pr. \ ublikit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - obliquity,
submissive. obliqueness. See also the term "obliquità ".
obié - n. (pr. \ ubi'e \ ) Ms. plr. obié - fm. sng. and plr. obiera, oblié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ ubli'e \ ) - to forget. See also thew
obiere. - pastry-cook making wafers. term "dësmentié ".
obiession - n. f. (pr. \ ubiesi'u[ng]\ ) Inv. at plr. - objection. obligà - 1) - adj. (pr. \ ublig'& \ ) Inv in gnd. and nr. - 1) -
obieté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ ubiet'e\ ) - to object, to rise obliged, compelled, constrained. - 2) - confined (in the
objection. Often and easily the vrbl. loc. is instead used expression "obligà a sté" and similar). - 3) - obliged (in the
"avèj da dì ". sense of "grateful"). - 4) - obbligato (music).

obligà - 2) - n. (pr. \ ublig'& \ ) Inv in gnd. and nr. - obligor, ocasion - n. f. (pr. \ uc&zi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
obligator (legal). opportunity, chance, occasion. - 2) - circumstance,
òbligà! (bin ---) - excl. loc. (pr. \ bi[ng] ublig'& \ ) - thank occasion. - 3) - bargain. - 4) - occasion, cause.
you!, I'm tankful!" ocasional - adj. (pr. \ uc&ziun'&l \ ) Ms. plr. ocasionaj - fm.
obligansa - n. f. (pr. \ ublig'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr. obliganse. -1) - sng. and plr. ocasional, ocasionaj. - occasional, casual,
obligation. - 2) - duty. - 3) - gratefulness. incidental, fortuitus.
obligant - adj. and n. (pr. \ ublig'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. obligant - fm. ocasionalism - n. m. (pr. \ uc&ziun&l'izm \ ) Inv. at plr.
sng. and plr. obliganta, obligante. - 1) - binding (adj.). - occasionalism (phylosophy).
2) - obliging, polite (adj.). - 3) - obliger, obligator (legal) ocasioné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ uc&ziun'e \ ) - to occasion, to
(sbst.). cause, to bring about.
obligassion - n. f. (pr. \ ublig&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - ocass - n. m. (pr. \ uc'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - big goose, bad
obligation (in general). - 2) - bond, debenture (finance). goose. - 2) - big simpleton (in a fig. sense).
obligassionari - adj. (pr. \ ublig&siun'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. ocassa - n. f. (pr. \ uc'&s \ ) At plr. ocasse. - 1) - big goose,
obligassionari - fm. sng. and plr. obligassionària, bad goose. - 2) - big simpleton (in a fig. sense). The fm.
obligassionàrie. - debenture, bond (as attributes). term can be referred also to male persons.
obligassionista - n. (pr. \ ublig&siun'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. océ - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ u[ch]'e \ ) - 1) - to eye, to
obligassionista - fm. sng. and plr. obligassionista, catch sight (of) (trs.). - 2) - to cast an eye (on) (trs.). - 3) -
obligassioniste. - bondholder, debenture-holder. to ogle, to eye (trs). - 4) - to peep, to peer (int.).
obligatari - n. (pr. \ ublig&t'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. obligatari - fm. ocean - n. m. (pr.\ u[ch]e'&[ng] \ ) - See the spelling océan.
sng. and plr. obligatària, obligatàrie. - obligee (legal). océan - n. m. (pr. \ u[ch]'e&[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - ocean.
obligatorietà - n. f. (pr. \ ublig&turiet'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - Oceània - n. f. (pr. \ u[ch]e'&ni& \ ) Only sng. (name of
compulsoriness, obligatoriness. - 2) - compulsion, continent) in case of need at plr. Oceànie. - Oceania
obligation. (geography).
obligatòri - adj. (pr. \ ublig&t'ori \ ) Ms. plr. obligatòri - fm. oceanian - n. and adj. Ms. plr. oceanian - fm. sng. and plr.
sng. and plr. obligatòria, obligatòrie. - 1) - compulsory, oceanian-a, oceanian-e. - Oceanian.
obligatory. - 2) - binding, mandatory (legal). oceànich - adj. (pr. \ u[ch]e'&nic \ ) Ms. plr. oceànich - fm.
oblighé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ ublig'e \ ) - 1) - to oblige, to sng. and plr. oceànica, oceàniche. - 1) - oceanic. - 2) -
compel, to force. - 2) - to bind. - 3) - to oblige (in a moral ocean-going (ship). - 3) - ocean-like, immense (in a fig.
sense). sense).
oblighésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ ublig'ese \ ) - 1) - to bind oceanografìa - n. f. (pr. \ u[ch]e&nugr&f'i& \ ) At plr.
oneself, to undertake, to engage oneself. - 2) - to stand oceanografìe. - oceanography.
surety. oceanogràfich - adj. (pr. \ u[ch]e&nugr'&fic \ ) Ms. plr.
oblìo - n. m. (pr. \ ubl'iu \ ) - See oblìa. oceanogràfich - fm. sng. and plr. oceanogràfica,
oblios - adj. (pr. \ ubli'uz \ ) Ms. plr. oblios - fm. sng. and plr. oceanogràfiche. - oceanographic, oceanographical.
obliosa, obliose. - oblivious, forgetful. oceanògrafo - n. m. (pr. \ u[ch]e&n'ogr&fô \ ) Ms. plr.
obliqué - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ ubli[qu]'e \ ) - to oblique, to oceanògrafo - fm. sng. and plr. oceanògrafa,
advance obliquely. It uses the aux. "avèj ". See also the oceanògrafe. - oceanographer.
term "obliché ". ochet - n. m. (pr. \ uk'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - male young goose,
obliquità - n. f. (pr. \ ubli[qu]it'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - obliquity, gosling.
obliqueness. See also the term "oblichità ". ochëtta - n. f. (pr. \ uk'&tt& \ ) At plr. ochëtte. - 1) - female
oblìquo - adj. (pr. \ ubl'i[qu]u \ ) Ms. plr. obliquo - fm. sng. young goose, gosling. - 2) - goose, simpleton (in a fig.
and plr. obliqua, oblique. - 1) - oblique, bent, slanting. - sense) (lit. the meaning id "little goose").
2) - circuitous, roundabout, underhand (in a fig. sense). ociada - n. f. (pr. \ u[ch]i'&d& \ ) At plr. ociade. - look,
See also the terms "travers, pendent. sbiéss, oblìch". glance, glimpse. See also the most common term "uciada".
obliterassion - n. f. (pr. \ ubliter&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - ociaj - n. m. plr. (pr. \ u[ch]i'&y \ ) Only plr. - spectacles, eye-
obliteration, effacement. glasses, glasses. See also the most common term "uciaj ".
obliterator - adj. and n. (pr. \ ubliter&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. ocialé - n. (pr. \ u[ch]i&l'e \ ) Ms. plr. ocialé - fm. sng. and plr.
obliterator - fm. sng. and plr. obliteratriss, obliterartiss. - ocialera, ocialere. - optician. See also the most common
1) - obliterating (adj.). - 2) - obliterator (sbst.). term "ucialé.".
obliteratriss - n. f. (pr. \ ubliter&tr'is \ ) Inv. at plr. - ocialet - n. m. (pr. \ u[ch]i&l'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - lorgnette. See
obliterator, obliterating machine. also the terms "ocialin, ucialet, ucialin".
obliteré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ ubliter'e \ ) - 1) - to obliterate, ocialin - n. m. (pr. \ u[ch]i&l'i[ng] \ ) - See ocialet.
to efface. - 2) - to occlude (medical). ociass - n. m. (pr. \ u[ch]i'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. (usually at plr.) -
oboé - n. m. (pr. \ ubu'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - oboe, hautboy (music). frown, ugly look. See also the most common term "ujass".
See also the most common term "òboe". ocident - n. m. (pr. \ u[ch]id'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - west,
oboista - n. (pr. \ ubu'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. oboista - fm. sng. and occident. See also the terms "ossident, ponent, tramont,
plr. oboista, obloiste. - oboist, hautboyist (music). òvest, oèst ".
obrobrios - adj. (pr. \ ubrubri'uz \ ) Ms. plr. obrobrios - fm. ocidental - adj. (pr. \ u[ch]idænt'&l \ ) Ms. plr. ocidentaj - fm.
sng. and plr. obrobrios, obrobriose. - opprobrious, sng. and plr. ocidental, ocidentaj. - west (as an attribute),
infamous, disgraceful. western, westerly, occidental. See also the term
obronera - n. f. (pr. \ ubrun'er& \ ) At plr. obronere. - part of "ossidental ".
the lock. See also the term "ombronera". ocidentalisassion - n. f. (pr. \ u[ch]idænt&liz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv.
obròbri - n. m. (pr. \ ubr'obri \ ) Inv. at plr. - opprobrium, at plr. - westernization, occidentalization. - See also the
infamy, disgrace, ignomy. term "ossidentalisassion".
ocàgin - n. f. (pr. \ uc'&ji[ng] \ ) Inv at. plr. - stupidity, ocidentalisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ u[ch]idænt&liz'e \ ) - to
foolishness, silliness. See also the term "ocarìa". westernize, to occidentalize.
ocarìa - n. f. (pr. \ uc&r'i& \ ) - See ocàgin. ocidentalisésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr.\u[ch]idænt&liz'ese\) - to
ocarin-a - n. f. (pr. \ uc&r'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. ocarin-e. - westernize, to become occidentalized.
ocarina (music

ocidentalism - n. m. (pr. \ u[ch]idænt&l'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - ocultament - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ uc[ue]lt&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
Occidentalism. hiding, concealment.
ocidentalista - n. (pr. \ u[ch]idænt&l'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. ocultament - 2) - adv. (pr. \ uc[ue]lt&m'ænt \ ) - secretly.
ocidentalista - fm. sng. and plr. ocidentalista, Italianism. See also the best loc. "da stërmà ".
ocidentaliste. - Occidentalist. ocultassion - n. f. (pr. \ uc[ue]lt&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
ocin - n. m. (pr. \ u[ch]'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - little eye. - 2) - occultation (astronomy).
the action of winking, according to the expression "fé ocultator - n. (pr. \ uc[ue]lt&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. ocultator - fm.
l'ocin (a quaidun) = to wink (at sb.)". See also the terms sng. and plr. ocultatriss, ocultatriss. - hider, concealer.
"ojin, ujin". oculté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ uc[ue]lt'e \ ) - 1) - to occult. - 2) -
ocion - n. m. (pr. \ u[ch]i'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - big eye, large to hide, to conceal.
eye. See also the terms "ujon". ocultésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ uc[ue]lt'ese \ ) - to conceal
ocitan - 1) - adj. and n. (pr. \ u[ch]it'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. ocitan - oneself, to hide.
fm. sng. and plr. ocitan-a, ocitan-e. - Languedocian, ocultism - n. m. (pr. \ uc[ue]lt'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - occultism.
Provençal. See also the term "ossitan, ocitànich". ocultista - n. (pr. \ uc[ue]lt'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. ocultìsta - fm. sng.
ocitan - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ u[ch]it'&[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - and plr. ocultìsta, ocultìste. - occultist.
Languedòch (the langue of the region d'òc). ocultìstich - adj. (pr. \ uc[ue]lt'istic \ ) Ms. plr. ocultìstich - fm.
ocitànich - adj. (pr. \ u[ch]it'&nic \ ) Ms. plr. ocitànich - fm. sng. and plr. ocultìstica, ocultìstiche. - occultist, occult
sng. and plr. ocitànica, ocitàniche. - Languedocian, (as an attribute).
Provençal. See also the term "ossitan, ocitànich, ocupà - adj. and p. p. and n. (pr. \ uc[ue]p'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and
ossitànich". nr. - 1) - occupied (adj. and p. p.), busy (adj). - 2) -
oclude - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ ucl'[ue]de \ ) - to occlude, to engaged (adj. and p. p.), taken (adj.). - 3) - person with a
stop up. See also the term "stopé ". work, employed, worker (sbst.).
oclus - adj. (pr. \ ucl'[ue]z \ ) Ms. plr. oclus - fm. sng. and plr. ocupàbil - adj. (pr. \ uc[ue]p'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. ocupàbij - fm.
oclusa, ocluse. - occluded. This term is not the p. p. of the sng. and plr. ocupàbil, ocupàbij. - occupiable.
verb "oclude", which is instead "ocludù". ocupagé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ uc[ue]p&j'e \ ) - 1) - to equip,
oclusion - n. f. (pr. \ ucl[ue]zi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - occlusion. to fit out. - 2) - to man, to fit out. See also the term
oclusiv - adj. (pr. \ ucl[ue]z'iu \ ) Ms. plr. oclusiv - fm. sng. and "echipagé, equipagé ".
plr. oclusiva, oclusive. - occlusive. ocupagi - n. m. (pr. \ uc[ue]p'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - crew. - 2)
oclusiva - n. f. (pr. \ ucl[ue]z'iv& \ ) At plr. oclusive. - - equipage. See also the term "equipagi, echipagi ".
occlusive (consonant - phonetics). ocupament - (pr. \ uc[ue]p&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - n. m.
ocore - vrb 2nd con. int. (pr. \ uc'ure \ ) - to occur, to happen. occupation, employment. See also the term "ocupassion".
Note that this verb has not the italian meaning of "it is ocupant - adj. and n. (pr. \ uc[ue]p'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. ocupant -
necessary". (for this meaning see instead "venté, essie da fm. sng. and plr. ocupanta, ocupante. - 1) - occupying
manca, bzogné"). (adj.). - 2) - occupant, occupier (sbst.).
ocorensa - n. f. (pr. \ ucur'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. ocorense. - ocupassion - (pr. \ uc[ue]p&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
eventuality, circumstance, event. occupation. - 2) - occupation, employment, job. - 3) -
ocorent - 1) - adj. (pr. \ ucur'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. ocorent - fm. sng. occupancy (legal). See also the term "ocupament ".
and plr. ocorenta, ocorente. - necessary, required. ocupassional - adj. (pr. \ oc[ue]p&siun'&l \ ) - Ms. plr.
ocorent - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ ucur'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - what is ocupassionaj - fm. sng. and plr. ocupassional,
required, what is necessary. ocupassionaj. - occupational.
oculà - adj. (pr. \ uc[ue]l'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - shrewd, ocupé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ uc[ue]p'e \ ) - 1) - to occupy, to
sharp-witted, cautious, wary. hold, to fill, to take up. E. g. "ocupé un pòst = to occupy a
ocular - 1) - adj. (pr. \ uc[ue]l'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - seat". - 2) - to spend. E. g. "i leso, giusta për ocupé 'l temp
ocular, ophtalmic, eye (as an attribute). lìber = I read just in order to spend my free time"- 3) - to
ocular - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ uc[ue]l'&r \ ) Inv. at plr. - eye-piece, employ. E. g. "le fàbriche a ocupavo mila përson-e = the
ocular (photograpy, optical instruments). factories emplyed a thousand people". - 4) - to find (sb.) a
oculari - n. (pr. \ uc[ue]l'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. oculari - fm. sng. and job. E. g. "i l'hai ocupalo at giornal = I found him a job at
plr. ocularia, ocularie. - artisan making eyes for dolls the newspaper". - 5) - to keep busy. E. g. "ocup-me 'n pòst
ans statues. = keep a seat busy for me".
oculatament - adv. (pr. \ uc[ue]l&t&m'ænt \ ) - shrewdly, ocupésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ uc[ue]p'ese \ ) - 1) - to
cautiously. Italianism. See also the best loc. "an manera occupy oneself, to busy oneself, to be interested in, to
oculà, con oculatëssa". attend to. E.g. "is ocupoma 'd problema sociaj = we
oculatëssa - n. f. (pr. \ uc[ue]l&t'&ss& \ ) At plr. oculatësse. - occupy ourselves with social problems". - 2) - to take care
shrewdness, caution, wariness. of, to mind. to see. "podries-to ocupéte dël giardin? =
oculista - n. (pr. \ uc[ue]l'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. oculista - fm. sng. could you take care of the garden? ". - 3) - to interfere, to
and plr. oculista, oculiste. - oculist, eye specialist, meddle. E. g. "is ocupoma nen dij sò afé = we don't
ophtamologist. interfere with his busuness". - 4) - to devote oneself. E. g.
oculìstica - n. f. (pr. \ uc[ue]l'istic& \ ) At plr. oculìstiche. - "as òcupa mach pì 'd pituré = he only devores himself to
oculistics. painting". - 5) - to find a job. E. g. "a l'é ocupasse ant la
oculìstich - adj. (pr. \ uc[ue]l'istic \ ) Ms. plr. oculistich - fm. fàbrica 'd sò barba = he dound a job in his uncle's factory".
sng. and plr. oculistica, oculistiche. - oculistic, odiàbil - adj. (pr. \ udi'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. odiàbij - fm. sng. and
ophtalmologic, ophtalmological. plr. odiàbil, odiàbij. - hateful, detestable, hideous,
ocult - 1) - adj. (pr. \ uc'[ue]lt \ ) Ms. plr. ocult - fm. sng. and loathsome. See also the terms "odios, odièivol, odievol".
plr. oculta, oculte. - hidden, concealed, secret, occult. odié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ udi'e \ ) - 1) - to hate. - 2) - to
ocult - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ uc'[ue]lt \ ) Inv. at plr. - what is occult, detest, to hate, to loathe.
what is hidden. odièivol - adj. (pr. \ udi'æivul \ ) Ms. plr. odièivoj - fm. sng.
ocultàbil - adj. (pr. \ uc[ue]lt'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. ocultàbij - fm. and plr. odièivola, odièivole. - hateful, detestable,
sng. and plr. ocultàbil, ocultàbij. - concealable, that can be hideous, loathsome. See also the terms "odios, odiàbil,
hidden. odievol".

odiévol - adj. (pr. \ udi'evul \ ) - See odièivol. odorass - n. m. (pr. \ udur'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - bad smell,
odiern - adj. (pr. \ udi'ærn \ ) Ms. plr. odiern - fm. sng. and plr. stench.
odierna, odierne. - 1) - of today, of the present time. - 2) odorativ - adj. - (pr. \ udur&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. odorativ - fm. sng.
- present. - 3) - modern. See also the loc. "d'ancheuj, dij and plr. odorativa, odorative. - olfactory.
nòstri dì ". odoré - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ udur'e \ ) - 1) - to smell.
odios - adj. (pr. \ udi'uz \ ) Ms. plr. odios - fm. sng. and plr. (trs.). (also in a fig. sense). In this sense see also the term
odiosa, odiose. - hateful, detestable, hideous, loathsome. "nufié ". - 2) - to scent, to perfume. (trs.). In this sense see
See also the terms "odiéivol, odiàbil, odievol". also the term "ampërfumé, përfumé, profumé". - 3) - to
odiosàgin - n. f. (pr. \ udiuz'&ji[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - smell (int.), to produce smell, etc. In this sense see also
hatefulness, odiousness, hideousness, loathsomeness. - 2) the vrbl. loc. "savèj odor". When trs. it uses the aux. "avèj".
- hateful action. When int. it uses the aux. "esse".
odiosità - n. f. (pr. \udiuzit'&\ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - hatred, hate. - odorifer - adj. (pr. \ udur'ifær \ ) Ms. plr. odorìfer - fm. sng.
2) - loathing, detestation. - 3) - hatefulness, odiousness, and plr. odorìfera, odorìfere. - odoriferous, odorous,
hideousness, loathsomeness. - 4) - hateful action. sweet-smelling.
odisséa - n. f. (pr. \ udis'e& \ ) At plr. odissée. - odissey, odorìfich - adj. (pr. \ udur'ific \ ) - See odoros.
misadventure, mishap. (in a fig. sense). odorin - n. m. (pr. \ udur'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - good smell.
Odisséa - n. f. (pr. \ udis'e& \ ) At plr. (in case of need) - odorisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ uduriz'e \ ) - to odorize.
Odissée. - Odyssey (Homer's ---). odoros - adj. (pr. \ udur'uz \ ) Ms. plr. odoros - fm. sng. and
odontalgìa - n. f. (pr. \ udunt&lj'i& \ ) At plr. odontalgìe - plr. odorosa, odorose. - sweet-smelling, sweet-sented,
odontalgia, toothache. (medical). fragrant, odorous, perfumed. See also the term
odontàlgich - 1) - adj. (pr. \ udunt'&ljic \ ) Ms. plr. "odorìfich".
odontàlgich - fm. sng. and plr. odontàlgica, odontàlgiche. odògrafo - n. m. (pr. \ ud'ogr&fô \ ) Inv. at plr. - hodograph
- odontalgic. (pharmacy). (physics).
odontàlgich - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ udunt'&ljic \ ) Inv. at plr. - oèst - n. m. (pr. \ u'æst \ ) Inv at plr. (if any). - west. See also
odontalgic. (pharmacy). the terms "òvest, ocident".
odontogénesi - n. f. (pr. \ uduntuj'enesi \ ) Inv. at plr. - ofa (a ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ & u'f& \ ) - without paying. The
odontogenesis. (anatomy). expression "mangé a ufa" is translated into "to scrounge a
odontojatra - n. (pr. \ uduntuy'&tr& \ ) Ms. plr. odontojàtra - meal ".
fm. sng. and plr. odontojàtra, odontojàtre. - dental ofèis - adj. (pr. \ uf'æiz \ ) Ms. plr. ofèis - fm. sng. and plr.
surgeon, dentist, odontologist. (medical). ofèisa, ofèise. - 1) - offended, annoyed. - 2) - damaged,
odontojatrìa - n. f. (pr. \ uduntuy&tr'i& \ ) At plr. injured.
odontojatrìe. - odontology, dentistry. (medical). ofèisa - n. f. (pr. \ uf'æiz& \ ) At plr. ofèise. - 1) - offence,
odontojàtrich - adj. (pr. \ uduntuy'&tric \ ) Ms. plr. offense. - 2) - damage, harm. - 3) - affront, insult,
odontojàtrich - fm. sng. and plr. odontojàtrica, outrage. - 4) - attack, offense (military) In this sense see
odontojàtriche. - dental. (medical). also the term "ofensiva". See also the term "ofèisansa".
odontologìa - n. f. (pr. \ uduntuluj'i& \ ) At plr. odontologìe. - ofeisansa - n. f. (pr. \ ufæiz'&[ng]s& \ ) - See ofèisa.
odontology, dentistry. (medical). ofela - n. f. (pr. \ uf'el& \ ) At plr. ofele. - flaky pastry, fancy
odontològich - adj. (pr. \ uduntul'ojic \ ) Ms. plr. odontològich cake, tea-cake, pastry.
- fm. sng. and plr. odontològica, odontològiche. - ofelé - n. (pr. \ ufel'e \ ) Ms. plr. oflé - fm. sng. and plr. ofelera,
odontologic, odontological. (medical). ofelere. - 1) - pastry-cook. - 2) - confectioner. See also
odontotécnica - n. f. (pr. \ uduntut'ecnic& \ ) At plr. the term "oflé ".
odontotécniche. - dental mechanics, dental technology. ofende - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ uf'ænde \ ) - 1) - to offend. - 2) -
odontotécnich - adj. and n. (pr. \ uduntut'ecnic \ ) Ms. plr. to damage, to harm. - 3) - to insult, to outrage, to
odontotecnich - fm. sng. and plr. odontotecnica, slander. - 4) - to break, to infringe. - 5) - to attack
odontotecniche. - 1) - of dental mechanics. - 2) - dental (military).
mecanic, dental technician. ofendse - vrb 2nd con. refl. and recp. (pr. \ uf'ændse \ ) - 1) - to
odontòmeter - n. m. (pr.\udunt'ometær\) - See odontòmetro. take offence, to feel hurt (refl.) - 2) - to insult each other
odontòmetro - n. m. (pr. \ udunt'ometrô \ ) Inv. at plr. - (recp.).
perforation gauge (philately). See also the term ofenditor - n. (pr. \ ufændit'ur \ ) Ms. plr. ofenditor - fm. sng.
"odontòmeter". and plr. ofenditriss, ofenditriss. - 1) - offender. - 2) -
odor - n. m. (pr. \ ud'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - smell, odour. - 2) - aggressor (military). See also the term "ofensor", which is
scent, perfume (usually expressed with "bon odor", and mainly used at ms..
"eva d'odor" or "aqua d'odor" means "scented water, ofensiv - adj. (pr. \ufæ[ng]s'iu\ ) Ms. plr. ofensiv - fm. sng. and
perfume -in bottle-") In this sense see also the term plr. ofensiva, ofensive. - offensive, insulting, injurious.
"përfum". - 3) - bad smell, stench (usually expressed with ofensiva - n. f. (pr. \ ufæ[ng]s'iv& \ ) At plr. ofensive. - 1) -
"cativ odor). In this sense see also the terms "malodor, offensive (military). - 2) - drive, campaign (fo extension).
fiàita, spussa". - 4) - herbs (at plr. - cooking) (usually ofensor - n. (pr. \ ufæ[ng]s'ur \ ) - Ms. plr. ofensor - fm. sng.
expressed with "èrbe d' odor). - 5) - olfaction, sense of and plr. ofensòira, ofensòire. - 1) - offender. - 2) -
smell. (in this sense see sldo the term "odorà ". aggressor (military). See also the term "ofenditor" which
odorà - n. m. (pr. \ udur'& \ ) Inv. at plr. (when applicable) - 1) is mainly used at fm.
- olfaction, sense of smell, nose. In this sense see also the ofert - adj. (pr. \ uf'ært \ ) Ms. plr. ofert - fm. sng. and plr.
term "odor 5th meaning". - 2) - flair, nose (in a fig. sense). oferta, oferte. - 1) - offered. - 2) - bidden. - 3) - tendered.
In this sense see also the term "anast". See also the terms "ofrì, ufrì " which can be adj. but also p.
odoransa - n. f. (pr. \ udur'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr. odoranse. - p. (besides, of course, vrb.).
feeling of odour (good or bad). oferta - n. f. (pr. \ uf'ært& \ ) At plr. oferte. - offer, proffer,
odorant - n. m. (pr. \ udur'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - odorant, tender, bid.
smelling agent. (gas warning). - 2) - perfume, scent. See ofertòri - n. m. (pr. \ ufært'ori \ ) Inv. at plr. - offertory
also the term "odorificant ". (religion).

oficiant - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ ufi[ch]i'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. - officiant, oftalmòlogh - n. (pr. \ uft&lm'olog \ ) Ms. plr. oftàlmòlogh -
celebrant. See also the terms "ofissiant, ufissiant ". fm. sng. and plr. oftàlmòloga, oftàlmòloghe. -
oficiant - 2) - adj. (pr. \ ufi[ch]i'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. oficiant - fm. ophthalmologist. (medical).
sng. and plr. oficianta, oficiante. - officiating. oftalmòlogo - n. (pr. \ uft&lm'ologô \ ) - See oftalmòlogh.
oficinal - adj. (pr. \ ufi[ch]in'&l \ ) Ms. plr. oficinaj - fm. sng. oftalmòmeter - n. m. (pr. \ uft&lm'ometær \ ) Inv. at plr. -
and plr. oficinal, oficinaj. - officinal, medicinal. Usually ophthalmometer. (medical tool).
referred to herbs. oftalmometrìa - n. f. (pr. \ uft&lmometr'i& \ ) At plr.
oficinëtta - n. f. (pr. \ ufi[ch]in'&tt& \ ) At plr. oficinëtte. - oftalmometrìe. - ophthalmometry. (medical).
small shop, small workshop, small smithery. See also the oftalmòmetro - See oftalmòmeter.
term "bòita". ofuscament - n. m. (pr. \ uf[ue]sc&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
oficin-a - n. f. (pr. \ ufi[ch]'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. oficin-e. - 1) - darkening, obscuring (also in a fig. sense). See also the
shop, workshop. - 2) - smithery, forge. In this sense see term "an-nebiament, anebiament, apanament, panament ".
also the term "fusin-a". ofusché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ uf[ue]sk'e \ ) - to darken, to
oficios - adj. (pr. \ ufi[ch]i'uz \ ) Ms. plr. oficios - fm. sng. and obscure.
plr. oficiosa, oficiose. - 1) - courteous, kind, obliging. - 2) ofuschésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ uf[ue]sk'ese \ ) - to become
- unofficial. See also the terms "uficios, ufissios, ofissios". foggy, to become dark. See also the terms "foschésse,
oficiosità - n. f. (pr. \ ufi[ch]iuzit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - anfoschìsse".
courtesy, kindness. - 2) - unofficial caracter. See also the ogét - n. m. (pr. \ uj'et \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - object, thing,
terms "uficiosità, ufissiosità, ofissiosità". article. E. g. "j'ogét an vèndita = the objects for sale". - 2)
ofissial - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ ufisi'&l \ ) At plr. ofissiaj. - officer - subject, matter, theme. E. g. "l'ogét dla discussion = the
(military). See also the most common term "ufissial 1) ". subject of the discussion". - 3) - subject, object. E. g.
ofissial - 2) - adj. (pr. \ ufisi'&l \ ) Ms. plr. ofissiaj - fm. sng. "l'ogét ëd sò anterésse a l'é nen la magna ma ij sò sòld =
and plr. ofissial, ofissiaj. - 1) - official. - 2) - formal. See the subject for his interest is not the aunt but her money"-
also the most common term "ufissial 2) ". 4) - object, aim, purpose. E. g. " i l'hai nen capì col ch'a
ofissiant - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ ufisi'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. - officiant, l'é l'ogét dlë studi = I haven't understood what is the aim of
celebrant. See also the terms "oficiant, ufissiant ". the study".- 5) - reference (bureaucracy, at the beginning
ofissiant - 2) - adj. (pr. \ ufisi'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. ofissiant - fm. of a letter) E. g. "Ogét : Vòstra arcésta dë spiegassion =
sng. and plr. ofissianta, ofissiante. - officiating.. Re(ference) : Your request of clarifications". - 6) - object
ofissié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ ufisi'e \ ) - to officiate. See also (grammar).
the term "ufissié ". ogetiv - adj. (pr. \ ujet'iu \ ) Ms. plr. ogetiv - fm. sng. and plr.
ofissios - adj. (pr. \ ufisi'uz \ ) Ms. plr. ofissios - fm. sng. and ogetiva, ogetive. - 1) - objective (in general and grammar)
plr. ofissiosa, ofissiose. - 1) - courteous, kind, obliging. - - 2) - impartial.
2) - unofficial. See also the terms "uficios, ufissios, ogetivassion - n. f. . (pr. \ ujetiv&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
oficios". objectification, objectivation.
ofissiosità - n. f. (pr. \ ufisiuzit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - courtesy, ogetivé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ ujetiv'e \ ) - to objectify, to
kindness. - 2) - unofficial caracter. See also the terms objectivate.
"uficiosità, ufissiosità, oficiosità ". ogetivésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ ujetiv'ese \ ) - to take a
oflé - n. (pr. \ ufl'e \ ) - See ofelé. concrete form.
ofrì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ ufr'i \ ) - 1) - to offer, to tender. - ogetivism - n. m. (pr. \ ujetiv'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - objectivism
2) - to offer, to dedicate. - 3) - to bid. - 4) - to present, to (phylosophy).
afford, to offer. - 5) - to expose. - 6) - to invite. See also ogetivista - n. (pr. \ ujetiv'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. ogetivista - fm. sng.
the terms "ufrì, eufre". and plr. ogetivista, ogetiviste. - objectivist (phylosophy).
ofrìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ ufr'ise \ ) - 1) - to offer oneself, ogetivistich - adj. (pr. \ ujetiv'istic \ ) Ms. plr. ogetivistich - fm.
to volunteer. - 2) - to arise, to offer. - 3) - to come sng. and plr. ogetivistica, ogetivistiche. - objectivistic
forward. See also the term "ufrìsse". (phylosophy).
oftalmìa - n. f. (pr. \ uft&lm'i& \ ) At plr. oftalmìe. - ogetività - n. f. (pr. \ ujetivit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - objectivity,
ophthalmia, ophthalmitis. (medical). - See also the tyerm objectiveness.
"oftalmite". ogidì - adv. (pr. \ ujid'i \ ) - nowadays. Italianism. In Piedm.
oftàlmich - adj. (pr. \ uft'&lmic \ ) Ms. plr. oftàlmich - fm. the loc. "al dì d'ancheuj" is used.
sng. and plr. oftàlmica, oftàlmiche. - ophthalmic. ogimaj - adv. (pr. \ ujim'&y \ ) - 1) - by now, by this time,
(medical). now, at this point, by that time, at that point. - 2) -
oftalmite - n. f. (pr. \ uft&lm'ite \ ) - See oftalmìa. almost, nearly. See also the terms "giumaj, ormai ".
oftalmologìa - n. f. (pr. \ uft&lmuluj'i& \ ) at plr. oftalmologìe. ogiva - n. f. (pr. \ uj'iv& \ ) At plr. ogive. - 1) - ogive, pointed
- ophthalmology (medical). arc, lancet window (architecture). - 2) - ogive, nose
oftalmològich - adj. (pr. \ uft&lmul'ojic \ ) Ms. plr. (military, planes, etc.)
oftàlmològich - fm. sng. and plr. oftàlmològica, ogival - adj. (pr. \ ujiv'&l \ ) Ms. plr. ogivaj - fm. sng. and plr.
oftàlmològiche. - ophthalmologic, ophthalmological. ogival, ogivaj. - ogival.
(medical). ognidun - indf. prn. (pr. \ u[gn]id'[ue][ng] \ ) Only sng. at fm.
oftalmometrìa - n. f. (pr. \ uft&lmumetr'i& \ ) At plr. ognidun-a - 1) - everybody, everyone, each one, all. E. g.
oftalmometrìe. - ophthalmometry (medical). "ognidun a venta ch'a fasa soa strà = everybody has to
oftalmoscopìa - n. f. (pr. \ uft&lmuscup'i& \ ) At plr. follow his own way". - 2) - each one, everyone, every
oftalmoscopìe. - ophthalmoscopy (medical). single. (followed by partitive). E. g. "ognidun ëd lor a
oftalmoscòpi - n. m. (pr. \ uft&lmusc'opi \ ) Inv. at plr. - podrìa fé 'l travaj da sol = each one of them could do the
ophthalmoscope (medical). job alone". See also the term "ognun" and the loc. "minca
oftalmoscòpich - adj. (pr. \ uft&lmusc'opic \ ) Ms. plr. un, minca un-a".
oftàlmoscòpich - fm. sng. and plr. oftàlmoscòpica, ognitant - adv. (pr. \ u[gn]it'&nt \ ) - every now and then. See
oftàlmoscòpiche. - ophthalmoscopic, ophthalmoscopical also the loc. "minca tant".
(medical tool). ognun - indf. prn. (pr. \ u[gn]'[ue][ng] \ ) - See ognidun.
ohibò! - excl. (pr. \ uib'o \ ) - pwhaw!, now then!

ohilà! - excl. (pr. \ uil'& \ ) - hello! oliadura - n. f. (pr. \ uli&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. oliadure. - oiling.
ohimì! - excl. (pr. \ uim'i \ ) - alas!, o dear. See also the term See also the terms "olià, ulià ".
"ohimimì". olian - adj. (pr. \ uli'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. olian - fm. sng. and plr.
ohimimì! - excl. (pr. \ uimim'i \ ) - See ohimì!. olian-a, olian-e. - worn, shabby (suits, fabric). See also
oiro - n. m. (pr. \ uir'u \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - leather bottle, the term "ulian".
leather bag, goat-skin bottle. - 2) - bagpipe, bagpipes. oliané - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ uli&n'e \ ) - 1) - to soften (fabric).
óit - 1) - adj. (pr. \ 'uit \ ) Ms. plr. óit - fm. sng. and plr. óita, - 2) - to wear out (suits).
óite. - 1) - greasy, oily. - 2) - dirty (for extension). - 3) - olié - 1) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ uli'e \ ) - 1) - to oil, to lubricate
anointed (religion). - 4) - sick and tired (in a fig, sense). (mechanics). - 2) - to back-wash, to oil (texile). - 3) - to
See also the term "voit ". dress with oil (cooking). See also the term "ulié 1)".
óit - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ 'uit \ ) Inv. at plr. - grease, fat. olié - 2) - n. (pr. \ uli'e \ ) Ms. plr. olié - fm. sng. and plr. oliera,
oliere. - oil-producer, oil-seller. See also the term
oitum - n. m. (pr. \ uit'[ue]m \ ) Inv. at plr. - grease, dirty "ulié.2)".
grease. oliera - n. f. (pr. \ uli'er& \ ) At plr. oliere. - cruet-stand, oil-
ojà - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ uy'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - eye socket. - 2) - cruet. See also the term "uliera".
shadow under the eye, ring under the eye, bruise oligarchìa - n. f. (pr. \ ulig&rk'i& \ ) At plr. oligarchìe. -
around the eye. See also the terms "ojera, ujera". oligarchy.
ojà - 2) - adj. (pr. \ uy'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - sickly, feeble, oligàrchich - adj. (pr. \ ulig'&rkic \ ) Ms. plr. oligàrchich -
weak, delicate. fm. sng. and plr. oligàrchica, oligàrchiche. - oligarchic.
ojass - n. m. (pr. \ uy'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. (and usually plr.) - oligofrenìa - n. f. (pr. \ uligufren'i& \ ) At plr. oligofrenìe. -
frown, ugly look. oligophrenia, mental deficency.
ojé - 1) - adj. (pr. \ uy'e \ ) Ms. plr. ojé - fm. sng. and plr. ojera, oligofrénich - n. (pr. \ uligufr'enic \ ) Ms. plr. oligofrénich -
ojere. - related to the eye. fm. sng. and plr. oligofrénica, oligofréniche. -
ojé - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ uy'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - canine tooh (so called oligophrenic.
since the toothache coming from this tooh easily arrives to oligomineral - adj. (pr. \ uliguminer'&l \ ) Ms. plr.
the eye. oligomineraj - fm. sng. and plr. oligomineral,
ojé - 3) - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ uy'e \ ) - to fill up to the top (a oligomineraj. - low in mineral content.
botte or a barrel). Olìmpia - n. f. (pr. \ ul'impi& \ ) Only sng. (noun of city) in
ojera - n. f. (pr. \ uy'er& \ ) - See ojà 1). case of need at plr. Olìmpie. - Olympia.
ojet - n. m. (pr. \ uy'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - buttonhole. - 2) - olimpìade - n. f. (pr. \ ulimp'i&de \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
eyelet (mechanics). - 3) - half-title (typography). See also Olympiad (history). - 2) - Olympic games, Olympics.
the term "ujet ". olìmpich - adj. (pr. \ ul'impic \ ) Ms. plr. olìmpich - fm. sng.
ojin - n. m. (pr. \ uy'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - little eye. See also the and plr. olìmpica, olìmpiche. - Olympic, Olympian.
terms "ujin, eujin". olimpiònich - adj. and n. (pr. \ ul'impic \ ) Ms. plr.
ojon - n. m. (pr. \ uy'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - large eye, well open olìmpiònich - fm. sng. and plr. olìmpiònica,
eye. Often referred to children to underline their curious an olìmpiòniche. - 1) - Olympic (adj.). - 2) - Olympic
faithful look. See also the terms "ujon, eujon". champion (sbst.).
ola - n. f. (pr. \ 'ul& \ ) At plr. ole - 1) - olla, vase, pot, olimpo - n. m. (pr. \ ul'impô\ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - Olympus.
amphora. - 2) - terracotta pot. See also the term "tupin". oliv - n. m. (pr. \ ul'iu \ ) Inv. at plr. - olive-tree (botany - Olea
olà - n. f. (pr. \ ul'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - pot, potful. See also the europaea). See also the term "uliv".
term "olada". oliva - n. f. (pr. \ ul'iv& \ ) At plr. olive. - olive. See also the
olada - n. f. (pr. \ ul'&d& \ ) - See olà. term "uliva".
Olanda - n. f. . (pr. \ ul'&nd& \ ) Usually sng. in case of need olival - adj. (pr. \ uliv'&l \ ) Ms. plr. olìvaj - fm. sng. and plr.
at plr. Olande. - Holland. olìval, olìvaj. - olive-shaped.
olanda - n. f. . (pr. \ ul'&nd& \ ) Usually sng. in case of need at olivastr - 1) - adj. (pr. \ uliv'&str \ ) Ms. plr. olivastr - fm. sng.
plr. olande. - Holland cloth, holland. and plr. olivastra, olivastre. - olivaceous, olice-coloured,
olanda (d' ---) - adj. loc. (pr. \ d ul'&nd& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and olive-green.
nr. - tipsy, drunk. olivastr - n. m. (pr. \ uliv'&str \ ) Inv. at plr. - oleaster, wild-
olandèis - 1) - adj. and n. - (pr. \ ul&nd'æiz \ ) Ms. plr. olive (botany - Olea europaea oleaster).
olandèis - fm. sng. and plr. olandèisa, olandèise. - 1) - olivé - n. m. (pr. \ uliv'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - olive-grove. See also
Dutch, Holland (as an attribute). (adj.). - 2) - Dutchman, the term "ulivé ".
Dutch woman olm - n. m. (pr. \ ulm \ ) Inv. at plr. - elm (botany - Ulmus
olandèis - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ ul&nd'æiz \ ) Only sng. - Dutch (the campestris). See also the term "orm".
language). olmet - n. m. (pr. \ ulm'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - burnet saxifrage
olé - n. (pr. \ ul'e \ ) Ms. plr. olé - fm. sng. and plr. olera, olere. (botany - Pimpinella saxifraga). See also the term "ormet".
- pot-maker, potter. See also the term "tupiné ". olocàust - n. m. (pr. \ uluc'&ust \ ) Inv. at plr. - holocaust,
oleifissi - n. m. (pr. \ uleif'isi \ ) Inv. at plr. - oil-mill. See also sacrifice.
the loc. "fàbrica dl'euli". oloch - n. m. (pr. \ ul'uc \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - tawny owl
oleos - adj. (pr. \ ule'uz \ ) Ms. plr. oleos - fm. sng. and plr. (zoology - Strix aluco). - 2) - fool, dolt (in a fig. sense).
oleosa, oleose. - 1) - oily, oiled, oleaginous. - 2) - oloché - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ uluk'e \ ) - to wander about, to
oleiferous. - 3) - oily, oil-like. loaf, to waste time. It uses the aux. "avèj ".
olëtta - n. f. (pr. \ ul'&tt& \ ) At plr. olëtte. - small pot. olografìa - n. f. (pr. \ ulugr&f'i& \ ) At plr. olografìe. -
olià - 1) - adj. (pr. \ uli'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - oiled, holography (photography).
dressed with oil. - 2) - oiled, greasy, lubricated. See also olograma - n. m. (pr. \ ulugr'&m& \ ) Inv. at plr. - hologram
the term "ulià ". (photography).
olià - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ uli'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - oiling. See also the ològrafo - adj. (pr. \ ul'ogr&fô \ ) Ms. plr. ològrafo - fm. sng.
terms "oliadura, ulià ". and plr. ològrafa, ològrafe. - holograph, holographic,
oliador - n. m. (pr. \ uli&d'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - oiler. - 2) - holographical (legal).
oil-feeder, lubricator.

oltra - 1) - adv. and prp. (pr. \ 'ultr& \ ) - 1) - farther, further, omass - n. m. (pr. \ um'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - big strong man.
far (adv.- space). - 2) - longer, more (adv. - time). - 3) - - 2) - big ugly man. See also the terms "omnass,
over, above (adv. - age). - 4) - beyond, over (prp. - space). omnasson".
- 5) - more than, over, above (prp.). - 6) - beyond, after ombra - n. f. (pr. \ 'umbr& \ ) At plr. umbre. - 1) - shade,
(prp. - time).- 7) - besides (prp.) - 8) - except, beyond shadow. - 2) - shade, ghost (in a fig. sense) - 3) - shade,
(prp.). shadow, trace, touch. - 4) - shading, shade.
oltra... - 2) - prefix. (pr. \ ultr&... \ ) - ultra... with the meaning ombrà - adj. (pr. \ umbr'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - shady,
of "beyond". Similar use also in English. In the following shadowy, shaded.
some examples. As usual not always this beginning is this ombré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ umbr'e \ ) - to shade, to shadow,
prefix. to throw shade. See also the term "ombregé ".
oltragé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ ultr&j'e \ ) - to outrage, yo ombregé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ umbrej'e \ ) - 1) - to shade, to
injure, to offend, to insult, to abuse. shadow, to throw shade. - 2) - to shade, to hatch. See
oltragg - n. m. (pr. \ ultr'&j \ ) Inv. at plr. - outrage, injury, also the term "ombré ".
offence, insult, abuse. See also the term "oltragi ". ombrégg - n. m. (pr. \ umbr'ej \ ) Inv. at plr - shading,
oltragi - n. m. (pr. \ ultr'&ji \ ) - See oltragg. hatching. See also the terms "ombregi. ombregiadura ".
oltragiàbil - adj. (pr. \ ultr&ji'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. oltragiàbij - fm. ombregi - n. m. (pr. \ umbr'eji \ ) - See ombrégg.
sng. and plr. oltragiàbil, oltragiàbij. - liable to outrage, ombregiadura - n. f. (pr. \ umbreji&d'[ue]r& \ ) - See
injurable, offendable. ombrégg.
oltragiator - n. (pr. \ ultr&ji&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. oltragiator - fm. ombrela - n. f. (pr. \ umbr'el& \ ) At plr. ombrele. - 1) -
sng. and plr. oltragiatriss, oltragiatriss. - outrager, parasol, sunshade. - 2) - umbrella. In this sense is used as
injurer, offender, insulter. referred to trees, etc., and usually not for the ubrella for the
oltragios - adj. (pr. \ ultr&ji'uz \ ) Ms. plr. oltragios - fm. sng. rain, which is intead called "paraqua" or "parapieuva" (see
and plr. oltragiosa, oltragiose. - outrageous, outraging, the terms).
injurious, offensive. ombrelìfera - n. f. (pr. \ umbrel'ifer& \ ) At plr. ombrelìfere. -
oltralp - adv. (pr. \ ultr'&lp \ ) - beyond the Alps. umbellifers (botany - Umbelliferae) (usually plr.).
oltramar - adv. (pr. \ultr&m'&r \) - beyond the sea, overseas. ombrelin - n. m. (pr. \ umbrel'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - (small)
oltramarin - adj. (pr. \ ultr&m&r'i[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. oltramarin parasol, sunshade.
- fm. sng. and plr. oltramarin-a, oltramarin-e. - from ombrelon - n. m. (pr. \ umbrel'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - beach-
beyond the sea, ultramarine, oversea. umbrella.
oltramondan - adj. (pr. \ ultr&mund'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. ombrésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ umbr'ese \ ) - 1) - to shade
oltramondan - fm. sng. and plr. oltramondan-a, (oneself). - 2) - to get skittish (horses). - 3) - to take
oltramondan-e. - of the othe world, ultramundane. offence.
oltramont - adv. (pr. \ ultr&m'unt \ ) - beyond the mountains. ombret - n. m. (pr. \ umbr'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - eyeshadow.
oltramontan - adj. (pr. \ ultr&munt'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. ombrìa - n. f. (pr. \ umbr'i& \ ) At plr. ombrìe. - shadowy
oltramontan - fm. sng. and plr. oltramontan-a, place, shade.
oltramontan-e. - ultramontane, beyond the mountains. ombrios - adj. (pr. \ umbri'uz \ ) Ms. plr. ombrios - fm. sng.
oltranatural - 1) - adj. (pr. \ ultr&n&t[ue]r'&l \ ) Ms. plr. and plr. ombriosa, ombriose. - suspicious, that easily
oltranaturaj - fm. sng. and plr. oltranatural, feels offended (in a fig. sense). See also the term "ombros
oltranaturaj. - supernatural, heavenly. 2nd meaning".
oltranatural - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ ultr&n&t[ue]r'&l \ ) At plr. ombris - n. m. (pr. \ umbri'z \ ) Inv. at plr. - shady place, place
oltranaturaj - supernatural. facing northward.
oltransa (a ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ & ultr'&[ng]s& \ ) - "à ombronera - n. f. (pr. \ umbrun'er& \ ) - See obronera.
outrance", to the utmost, to the bitter end. Note that ombros - adj. (pr. \ umbru'z \ ) Ms. plr. ombros - fm. sng. and
"siòpero a oltransa" means "extended strike". plr. ombrosa, ombrose. - 1) - shady, shadowy. - 2) -
oltransism - n. m. (pr. \ ultr&[ng]s'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - suspicious, that easily feels offended (in a fig. sense). In
extremism (politics). this sense see also the term "ombrios".
oltransista - n. (pr. \ ultr&[ng]s'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. oltransista - ombrosità - n. f. (pr. \ umbruzit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
fm. sng. and plr. oltransista, oltransiste. - front-liner, shadiness, shadowiness. - 2) - skittishness (horse). - 3) -
extremist. touchiness.
oltransìsitch - adj. (pr. \ ultr&[ng]s'istic \ ) Ms. plr. omelet - n. f. (pr. \ umel'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - omelet, omelette
oltransistich - fm. sng. and plr. oltransistica, (cooking).
oltransistiche. - extremistic, extremist. omelìa - n. f. (pr. \ umel'i& \ ) At plr. omelìe. - homily,
oltrapassé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ ultr&p&s'e \ ) - 1) - to go sermon. See also the terms "omilìa, sermon, prédica".
beyond, to surpass, to overstep, to exceed, to cross. - 2) omeliari - n. m. (pr. \ umeli'&ri \ ) Inv. at plr. - homiliary,
- to pass, to overtake. See also the terms "oltrepassé, book of homilies.
superé ". Note that "superé 'l confin" means "to trespass omelista - n. (pr. \ umel'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. omelista - fm. sng.
the border". and plr. omelista, omeliste. - homilist, preacher. See also
oltratomba - n. m. (pr. \ ultr&tìumb& \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - the term "predicator".
the hereafter, the life to come. omeopatìa - n. f. (pr. \ umeup&t'i& \ ) At plr. omeopatìe. -
oltrapì - 1) - adv. (pr. \ ultr&p'i \ ) - besides, moreover. homeopathy.
oltrapì - 2 - n. m. . (pr. \ ultr&p'i \ ) Inv. at plr. - overplus, omeopàtich - adj. (pr. \ umeup'&tic \ ) Ms. plr. omeopàtich -
surplus, extra. The loc. "an oltrapì" means "in addition". fm. sng. and plr. omeopàtica, omeopàtiche. -
oltrepassé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr.\ultrep&s'e\) - See oltrapassé. homeopathic.
omagi - n. m. (pr. \ um'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - homage. - 2) - omeòpata - n. (pr. \ ume'op&t& \ ) Ms. plr. omeòpata - fm.
gift, present. - 3) - free sample, giveaway, premium. - 4) sng. and plr. omeòpata, omeòpate. - homeopathist.
- compliments, respects (usually at plr.). The loc. "an omeral - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ umer'&l \ ) At plr. omeràj. - humeral
omagi" has the meaning of the adj "complimentary". veil (religion).
omeral - 2) - (pr. \ umer'&l \ ) Ms. plr. omeraj - fm. sng. and
plr. omeral, omeraj. - humeral (anatomy).

omet - n. m. (pr. \ um'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - little man (also omnucc - n. m. (pr. \ umn'[ue][ch] \ ) Inv. at plr. - shrimp,
referred in a jocular way to children). - 2) - skittle. - 3) - insignificant little man. (in a disparaging sense). See also
clothes-hanger. - 4) - king-post (architecture). - 5) - little the terms "omnucio, omnuss".
skittle of billiard. In this sense see also the term "omnin". omnucio - n. m. (pr. \ umn'[ue][ch]u \ ) - See omnucc.
omérich - adj. (pr. \ um'eric \ ) Ms. plr. omérich - fm. sng. and omnuss - n. m. (pr. \ umn'[ue]s \ ) - See omnucc.
plr. omérica, omériche. - Homeric. omogeneisà - 1) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ umujeneiz'& \ ) Inv. in
omerìsta - n. (pr. \ umer'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. omerista - fm. sng. gnd. and nr. - homogeneized.
and plr. omerista, omeriste. - Homerist. omogeneisà - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ umujeneiz'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
Omero - n. m. (pr. \ um'erô \ ) Only sng. (noun of prs.) in case homogeneized food.
of need, inv. at plr. - Homer. omogeneisassion - n. f. (pr. \umujeneiz&si'u[ng]\) Inv. at plr. -
omertà - n. f. (pr. \ umært'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - conspiracy of homogeneization.
silence. omogeneisator - n. m. (pr. \ umujeneiz&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. -
omëtte - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ um'&tte \ ) - to omit, to leave homogeneizer.
out, not to insert. omogeneisé - vrb 1st con trs. (pr. \ umujeneiz'e \ ) - to
omëttìbil - adj. (pr. \ um&tt'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. omëttibij - fm. sng. homogeneize.
and plr. omëttìbil, omëttibij. - omissible, that can be omogeneità - n. f. (pr. \ umujeneit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
omitted. homogeneity, homogeneousness.
omicida - n. and adj. (pr. \ umi[ch]'id& \ ) Ms. plr. omicida - omogéni - adj. (pr. \ umuj'eni \ ) Ms. plr. omogéni - fm. sng.
fm. sng. and plr. omicida, omicide. - 1) - homicide, and plr. omogénia, omogénie. - homogeneous.
murderer. (sbst). - 2) - homicide, homicidal, murderous. omografìa - n. f. (pr. \ umugr&f'i& \ ) At plr. omografìe. -
(adj.). See also the terms "omissida, amassida". homography (language, geometry).
omicidi - n. m. (pr. \ umi[ch]'idi \ ) Inv. at plr. - homicide, omologà - adj. (pr. \ umulug'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - type-
murder. See also the terms "omissidi, amassidi". tested.
omileta - n. (pr. \ umil'et& \ ) Ms. plr. omileta - fm. sng. and omologassion - n. f. (pr. \ umulug&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
plr. omileta, omilete. - homilist. homologation, confirmation, approval. - 2) -
omilética - n. f. (pr. \ umil'etic& \ ) At plr. omilétiche. - ratification, validation.
homiletics. omologhé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ umulug'e \ ) - 1) - to
omilétich - adj. (pr. \ umil'etic \ ) Ms. plr. omilétich - fm. sng. homologate, to approve. - 2) - to ratify, to validate.
and plr. omilética, omilétiche. - homiletic, homiletical, omonié - n. m. (pr. \ umuni'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - army chaplain.
sermon-like. See also the term "monié ", and the loc. "caplan militar".
omilìa - n. f. (pr. \ umil'i& \ ) - See omelìa. omonimìa - n. f. (pr. \ umunim'i& \ ) At plr. omonimìe. -
omiliàri - n. f. (pr. \ umili'&ri \ ) - See omeliari. homonymy.
omissida - n. and adj. (pr. \ umis'id& \ ) Ms. plr. omissida - omògrafo - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ um'ogr&fô \ ) Inv. at plr. -
fm. sng. and plr. omissida, omisside. - 1) - homicide, homograph. (language).
murderer. (sbst). - 2) - homicide, homicidal, murderous. omògrafo - 2) - adj. (pr. \ um'ogr&fô \ ) Ms. plr. omògrafo -
(adj.). See also the terms "omicida, amassida". fm. sng. and plr. omògrafa, omògrafe. - homographic
omissidi - n. m. (pr. \ umis'idi \ ) Inv. at plr. - homicide, (language).
murder. See also the terms "omicidi, amassidi". omònim - adj. and n. (pr. \ um'onim \ ) Ms. plr. omònim - fm.
omission - n. f. (pr. \ umis'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - omission. - sng. and plr. omònima, omònime. - 1) - homonymous
2) - failure, default, neglect. (adj.). - 2) - homonym (sbst.). - 3) - namesake (sbst.).
omnass - n. m. (pr. \ umn'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - big strong oncògen - adj. (pr. \ u[ng]c'oje[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. oncògen - fm.
man. - 2) - big ugly man. See also the terms "omass, sng. and plr. oncògena, oncògene. - oncogenic,
omnasson". oncogenous.
omnasson - n. m. (pr. \ umn&s'u[ng] \ ) - See omnass. oncogénesi - n. f. (pr. \ u[ng]cuj'enezi \ ) Inv. at plr. -
omnet - n. m. (pr. \ umn'æt \ ) - See omet oncogenesis.
omnin - n. m. (pr. \ umn'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - little skittle of oncologìa - n. f. (pr. \ u[ng]culuji& \ ) At plr. oncologìe. -
billiard. See also the term "omet ". oncology.
omnipotensa - n. f. (pr. \ umniput'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. oncològich - adj. (pr. \ u[ng]cul'ojic \ ) Ms. plr. oncològich -
omnipotense. - omnipotence, almightiness. See also the fm. sng. and plr. oncològica, oncològiche. - oncologicl,
term "onipotensa". oncologic.
omnipotent - adj. (pr. \ umniput'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. omnipotent - oncoterapìa - n. f. (pr.\u[ng]cuter&p'i&\ ) At plr. oncoterapìe.
fm. sng. and plr. omnipotenta, omnipotente. - - oncotherapy.
omnipotent, almighty, all-powerful. See also the terms oncòlogh - n. (pr. \ u[ng]c'olug \ ) Ms. plr. oncòlogh - fm. sng.
"onipotent, tut-potent ". and plr. oncòloga, oncòloghe. - oncologist.
omnipresensa - n. f. (pr. \ umniprez'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. oncòlogo - n. (pr. \ u[ng]c'olugô \ ) - See oncòlogh.
omnipresense. - omnipresence, ubiquity. See also the onda - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ 'und& \ ) At plr. onde. - wave (in general,
term "onipresensa". physics, and also in a fig. sense). Some examples and
omnipresent - adj. (pr. \ umniprez'ænt\ ) Ms. plr. omnipresent idioms : - A) - "longhëssa d'onda = wave-lenght ". - B) -
- fm. sng. and plr. omnipresenta, omnipresente. - "an sl'onda dl'entusiasm = on the wave of enthusiasm". - C)
omnipresent, ubiquitous. See also the term "onipresent ". - "onda sonòra = sound-wave". - D) - "andé a onde = to
omnissiensa - (pr. \ umnisi'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. omnissiense. - wave, to waver".
omniscience, omnisciency. See also the term "onissiensa". onda - 2) - adv. (pr. \ 'und& \ ) - from where, where ... from?,
omnissient - adj. (pr. \ umnisi'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. omnissient - fm. whence. See also the terms "onde, dont, donda", and the
sng. and plr. omnissienta, omnissiente. - omniscient, all- loc. "da dova, da'ndova".
knowing. See also the terms "onissient, tut-savent". ondà - n. f. (pr. \ und'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - wave. E. g. "ondà
omnìvor - adj. (pr. \ umn'ivur \ ) Ms. plr. omnìvor - fm. sng. 'd càud = heat-wave". - 2) - billow, breaker.
and plr. omnìvora, omnìvore. - omnivorous. ondàmeter - n. m. (pr. \ und'&metær \ ) Inv. at plt. -
omnon - n. m. (pr. \ umn&s'u[ng] \ ) - Inv. at plr. - big strong wavemeter (physics). See also the term "ondànetro"-
man. See also the term "omnass 1st meaning". ondàmetro - n. m. (pr. \ und'&metrô \ ) - See ondàmeter.

onde - adv. (pr. \ 'unde \ ) - See onda 2). ongiassa - n. f. (pr. \ unji'& \ ) At plr. ongiàsse. - 1) - bad nail,
ondé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ und'e \ ) - to marble, to vein. dirty nail, long nail. - 2) - big claw, big talon.
ondécim - nmr. ord. adj. (pr. \ und'e[ch]im \) - Ms. plr. ongin - n. m. (pr. \ unj'i[ng] \ ) - See ongëtta.
ondécim. - fm. sng. and plr. ondécima, ondécime. - ongion - n. m. (pr. \ unji'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - lage talon, big
eleventh. See also the term "ondicésim", and the loc. "ch'a claw, long nail.
fà ondes". (See grammar about the use of ord. adj.). ongionà - adj. and n. (pr. \ unjiun'& \ ) Inv. in gnd and nr. -
ondegé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ undej'e \ ) - ungulate (zoology).
ondegiament - n. m. (pr. \ undeji&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - ongiòt - n. m. (pr. \ unji'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - small claw, claw of
ondegiant - adj. (pr. \ undeji'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. ondegiant. - fm. a cat, etc.
sng. and plr. ondegianta, ondegiante. - 1) - rocking, onguent - n. m. (pr. \ ungu'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - unguent,
rolling. - 2) - flickerinf, blowing. - 3) - wavering ointment. See also the terms "unguent, liniment ".
hesitating. onipotensa - n. f. (pr. \ uniput'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr.
ondes - 1) - crd. nmr. adj. (pr. \ 'undæz \ ) Inv. in gnd. omnipotense. - omnipotence, almightiness. See also the
(obviously plr.) - nine. term "omnipotensa".
ondes - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ 'undæz \ ) Inv. at plr. - eleven, the onipotent - adj. (pr. \ uniput'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. onipotent - fm.
number eleven. sng. and plr. onipotenta, onipotente. - omnipotent,
ondicésim - nmr. ord. adj. (pr. \ undi[ch]'ezim \ ) - See almighty, all-powerful. See also the terms "omnipotent,
undécim. tut-potent ".
ondolà - adj. (pr. \ undul'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - wavy. onipresensa - n. f. (pr. \ uniprez'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr.
undulated, undulatory. - 2) - corrugated (nechanics). onipresense. - omnipresence, ubiquity. See also the term
ondolant - adj. (pr. \ undul'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. ondolant. - fm. sng. "omnipresensa".
and plr. ondolanta, ondolante. - undulant. onipresent - adj. (pr. \ uniprez'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. onipresent - fm.
ondolassion - n. f. (pr. \ undul&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) sng. and plr. onipresenta, onipresente. - omnipresent,
undulation, wave-like motion. - 2) - ripple (physics). - 3) ubiquitous. See also the term "omnipresent".
- undulation, waving. - 4) - wave (hair). onìrich - adj. (pr. \ un'iric \ ) Ms. plr. onìrich - fm. sng. and plr.
ondolator - n. m. (pr. \ undul&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - onìrica, onìriche. - oneiric (scientific).
corrugator. - 2) - inverter (electricity). onirism - n. m. (pr. \ unir'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - oneirism
ondolatòri - adj. (pr. \ undul&t'ori \ ) Ms. plr. ondolatòri. - fm. (scientific).
sng. and plr. ondolatòria, ondolatòrie. - undulatory, onissiensa - (pr. \ unisi'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. onissiense. -
wave-like. omniscience, omnisciency. See also the term
ondolé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ undul'e \ ) - 1) - to undulate, to "omnissiensa".
wave, to ripple. - 2) - to wave (trs.). It uses always the onissient - adj. (pr. \ unisi'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. onissient - fm. sng.
aux. "avèj ". and plr. onissienta, onissiente. - omniscient, all-knowing.
ondos - adj. (pr. \ und'uz \ ) Ms. plr. ondos. - fm. sng. and plr. See also the terms "omnissient, tut-savent".
ondosa, ondose. - 1) - wavy, billowy. - 2) - wave (as an onomàstica - n. f. (pr. \ unum'&stic& \ ) At plr. onomàstiche. -
attribute). - 3) - undulating, wavy. onomastics, onomatology.
ondosità - (pr. \ unduzit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - waviness, onomàstich - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ unum'&stic \ ) Inv. at plr. -
undulation. name-day, saint's day.
oneros - adj. (pr. \ uner'uz \ ) Ms. plr. oneros. - fm. sng. and onomàstich - 2) - adj. (pr. \unum'&stic\ ) Ms. plr. onomàstich
plr. onerosa, onerose. - onerous, burdensome, heavy, - fm. sng. and plr. onomàstica, onomàstiche. - onomastic.
hard. onomatopèich - adj. (pr. \ unum&tup'æic \ ) Ms. plr.
onest - 1) - adj. (pr. \ un'est \ ) Ms. plr. onést. - fm. sng. and onomtopèich - fm. sng. and plr. onomàtopèica,
plr. onesta, oneste. - 1) - honest, honourable, upright. - onomtopèiche. - onomatopoeical, onomatopoetic,
2) - honest chaste, virtuous, modest. - 3) - decent. onomatopoeic. (language)
onest - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ un'est \ ) Inv. at plr., but usually only onomatopèja - n. f. (pr. \ unum&tup'æy& \ ) At plr.
sng. - what is honest. onomatopèje. - onomatopoeia, onomatopoësis.
onestà - n. f. (pr. \ unest'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - honesty, (language).
probity, integrity. - 2) - chastity, virtue, modesty. - 3) - onor - n. m. (pr. \ un'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - honour, honor (in
decency, decorum, propriety. general). - 2) - honour, glory, credit, distinction. - 3) -
onestament - adv. (pr. \ unest&m'ænt \ ) - honestly, uprightly. honour, omage, ceremony. - 4) - honour, chastity. - 5) -
Italianism which is quite used, but often its meaning is office, dignity. - 6) - honours (medals, etc., and in bridge
"truly". card game - usually at plr.).
ongëtta - n. f. (pr. \ unj'&tt& \ ) At plr. ongëtte. - little nail, onorà - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ unur'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) -
little claw. honoured. honored (adj. and p. p.). - 2) - honest.
ongherèis - n. and adj. (pr. \ unger'æiz \ ) Ms. plr. ongherèis - onoràbil - adj. (pr. \ unur'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. onoràbij - fm. sng.
fm. sng. and plr. ongherèisa, ongherèise. - Hungarian. and plr. onoràbil, onoràbij. - honourable, honorable.
See also the terms "ùngher, ungherèis". onorabilità - n. f. (pr. \ unur&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
Ongherìa - n. f. (pr. \ unger'i& \ ) Only sng. (namenof honourableness, honorableness.
country). In case of need al plr. Ongarìe. - Hungary - See onoransa - n. f. (pr. \ unur'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr. onoranse. -
also the term "Ungherìa". honour, honor (usually at plr.). E. g. "last honours =
ongia - n. f. (pr. \ 'unji& \ ) At plr. onge. - 1) - nail (anatomy). onoranse 'd mòrt".
- 2) - claw, talon. - 3) - hoof. onorari - 1) - adj. (pr. \ unur'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. onorari - fm. sng.
ongià - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ unji'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - sctatch, claw- and plr. onorària, onoràrie. - 1) - honorary. - 2) - titular,
mark. - 2) - hoof-blow. - 3) - nick. honorary.
ongià - 2) - adj. (pr. \ unji'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - clawed. onorari - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ unur'&ri \ ) Inv. at plr. - fee,
ongiadura - n. f. (pr. \ unji&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. ongiadure. - 1) honorarium.
- nail-grip, finger-flap. - 2) - bevel, chamfer onoré - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ unur'e \ ) - 1) - to honour, to
(architecture). 3) - nail-scrath. - 4) - protecting book flap. honor, to hold in honour. - 2) - to honour, to do honour,
to confer honour. - 3) - to honour, to meet, to fulfil. In

this sense see also the loc. "fé onor a...". E. g. "onoré sò operàbil - adj. (pr. \ uper'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. operàbij - fm. sng.
dover = fé onor a sò dover = to fulfil one's obligations". and plr. operàbil, operàbij. - 1) - operable (medical). - 2)
onorèivol - adj. (pr. \ unur'æivul \ ) Ms. plr. onorèivoj - fm. - workable.
sng. and plr. onorèivola, onorèivole. but sometimes the operabilità - n. f. (pr. \ uper&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
fm. is the same as the ms. - honourable, honorable. See operability (medical). - 2) - workability.
also the term "onorévol 1st meaning". operaìsm - n. m. (pr. \ uper&'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - labourism,
onorésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ unur'ese \ ) - to feel laborism.
honoured, to be proud. operaìstich - adj. (pr. \ uper&'istic \ ) Ms. plr. operaìstich -
onorévol - adj. and n. (pr. \ unur'evul \ ) Ms. plr. onorévoj - fm. sng. and plr. operaìstica, operaìstiche. - labouristic,
fm. sng. and plr. onorévola, onorévole. but sometimes the laboristic.
fm. is the same as the ms. - 1) - honourable, honorable. In operaj - n. and adj. (pr. \ uper'&y \ ) Ms. plr. operaj - fm. sng.
this sense see also the term "onorèivol". - 2) - Member of and plr. operaja, operaje. - 1) - worker, labourer,
Parliament. laborer, workman / workwoman. (sbst.). - 2) - operator,
onorevolëssa - n. f. (pr. \ unurev'&ss& \ ) At plr. onorevolësse. operative (assigned to a machine-tool) (sbst.) - 3) -
- honourableness, honorableness. working (adj.). See also the terms "ovrié, operari ".
onorevolment - adv. (pr. \ unurevulm'ænt \ ) - honourably, operand - n. m. (pr. \ uper'&nd \ ) Inv. at plr. - operand
with honour. Italianism quite used. See the best loc. "con (generic and mathematics).
onor". operant - adj. (pr. \ uper'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. operant - fm. sng. and
onorificensa - n. f. (pr. \ unurifi[ch]'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. plr. operanta, operante. - 1) - operating, working,
onorificense. - sign of honour, dignity. acting. - 2) - effectual, efficacious. - 3) - operative (legal).
onorìfich - adj. (pr. \ unur'ific \ ) Ms. plr. onorìfich - fm. sng. operari - n. and adj. (pr. \ uper'&ri \ ) - See operaj.
and plr. onorìfica, onorìfiche. - honorific, of honour, operassion - n. f. (pr. \ uper&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
honorary. operation (general). - 2) - transaction (finance).
onsa - n. f. (pr. \ 'u[ng]s& \ ) At plr. onse. - 1) - ounce. - 2) - operassional - adj. (pr. \uper&siun'&l \) Ms. plr. operassionaj
uncia (history, Romans). - 3) - ounce, scrap bit (in a fig. - fm. sng. and plr. operassional, operassionaj. -
sense). operational (mathematics, electronics).
onsion - n. f. (pr. \ u[ng]si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - greasing. - operativ - adj. (pr. \ uper&t'iu \) Ms. plr. operativ - fm. sng.
2) - unction (religion and in a fig. sense) - 3) - inunction and plr. operativa, operative. - operative, operating.
(medical). The loc. "Extreme Unction" is translated into operatività - n. f. (pr. \ uper&tivit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
"estrema onsion" but also with the loc. "euli sant ". See operativeness.
also the terms "unsion, ontura". operator - 1) - n. and adj. (pr. \ uper&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. operator
onta - n. f. (pr. \ 'unt& \ ) At plr. onte. - shame, dishonour, - fm. sng. and plr. operatriss, operatriss. - 1) - operator,
dishonor, disgrace, infamy. worker, agent (sbst.). - 2) - operator, operating surgeon
onta (a ---) - adv. loc. (pr. \ & 'unt& \ ) - in spite (of). (sbst.). - 3) - cameraman (cinema, television) (sbst.). - 4) -
ontologìa - n. f. (pr. \ untuluj'i& \ ) At plr. ontologìe. - transactor (economy) (sbst.). - 5) - operating, operative,
ontology (phylosophy). working (adj.).
ontologism - n. m. (pr. \ untuluj'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - operator - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ uper&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - operator
ontologism (phylosophy). (mathematics).
ontologista - n. (pr. \ untuluj'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. ontologista - fm. operatòri - adj. (pr. \ uper&t'ori \ ) Ms. plr. operatòri - fm.
sng. and plr. ontologista, ontologiste. - ontologist sng. and plr. operatòria, operatòrie. - operating.
(phylosophy). operé - vrb 1st con. int. and trs. (pr. \ uper'e \ ) - 1) - to operate,
ontològich - adj. (pr. \ untul'ojic \ ) Ms. plr. ontològich - fm. to work, to act, to take effect. (int.) - 2) - to operate, to
sng. and plr. ontològica, ontològiche. - ontological, operate on, to do. It uses always the aux. "avèj ". See also
ontologic (phylosophy). the term "opré ".
ontos - adj. (pr. \ unt'uz \ ) Ms. plr. ontos - fm. sng. and plr. operëtta - n. f. (pr. \ uper'&tt& \ ) At plr. operëtte. -
ontosa, ontose. - 1) - disgraceful, dishonourable, "operetta", light opera (theatre, music).
shameful. - 2) - offensive, insulting injurious. operëttistich - adj. (pr. \ uper&tt'istic \ ) Ms. plr. operëttìstich -
ontura - n. f. (pr. \ unt'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. onture. - 1) - fm. sng. and plr. operëttìstica, operëttìstiche. - 1) -
greasing. - 2) - inunction (medical). See also the terms "operetta" (as an attribute). - 2) - fairy-tale (as an
"onsion, onzùa, onzura". attribute), fatuous.
onze - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ 'u[ng]ze \ ) - 1) - to grease, to oil, operista - n. (pr. \ uper'istic \ ) Ms. plr. operista - fm. sng. and
to lubricate. - 2) - to make greasy. - 3) - to anoit plr. operista, operiste. - composer of operas.
(religion). - 4) - to beat (in a fig. sense). - 5) - to flatter (in operìstich - adj. (pr. \ uper'istic \ ) Ms. plr. operìstich - fm.
a fig. sense). The expression "onze le roe" means "to sng. and plr. operìstica, operìstiche. - opera (as an
flatter, to try to corrupt ". attribute)
onzùa - n. f. (pr. \ u[ng]z'[ue]& \ ) At plr. onzùe. - 1) - operos - adj. (pr. \ uper'uz \ ) Ms. plr. operos - fm. sng. and plr.
greasing, oiling. - 2) - beating thrashing (in a fig. sense) operosa, operose. - laborious, industrious, hard-
See also the terms "ontura, onzura". working, active.
onzura - n. f. (pr. \ u[ng]z'[ue]r& \ ) - See onzùa. operosità - n. f. (pr. \ uperuzit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - laboriousness,
opa - n. f. (pr. \ 'up& \ ) At plr. ope. - tassel, bow, knot. industriousness, industry, activity.
opach - adj. (pr. \ up'&c \ ) Ms. plr. opach - fm. sng. and plr. opià - 1) - adj. (pr. \ upi'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - opiate.
opaca, opache. - 1) - opaque. - 2) - dull, muffled, veiled. (pharmacy).
- 3) - dull, mat, lustreless. See also the terms "fosch, opià - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ upi'&\) Inv. at plr. - opiate. (pharmacy).
panà". opié - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ upi'e \ ) - to opiate (pharmacy).
opada - n. f. (pr. \ up'&d& \ ) At plr. opade. - crested lark opifissi - n. m. (pr. \ upif'isi \ ) Inv. at plr. - workshop, works,
(zoology - Galerida cristata). - See also the loc. "lòdna fsctory, plant. See also the terms "fàbrica, stabiliment ".
caplùa, lòdola caplùa". opinàbil - adj. . (pr. \ upin'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. opinàbij - fm. sng.
op-art - n. f. (pr. \ up'&rt \ ) Inv. at plr. - op-art (painting). and plr. opinàbil, opinàbij. - opinable, disputable.

opinament - n. m. (pr. \ upin&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - way of oppressing. - 2) - overwhelming, tiresome, burdensome,
thinking, opinion. See also the term "opinion". overburdening. - 3) - depressing.
opiné - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ upin'e \ ) - to opine, to opsion - n. f. (pr. \ upsi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - option,
deem, to think. It uses always the aux. "avèj ". choice. - 2) - option (finance).
opinion - n. f. (pr. \ upini'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - opinion, mind, opsional - adj. (pr. \ upsiun'&l \ ) Ms. plr. opsionaj - fm. sng.
notion, view. and plr. opsional, opaionaj. - optional.
opiomanìa - n. f. (pr. \ upium&n'i& \ ) At plr. opiomanìe. - optativ - adj. (pr. \ upt&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. optativ - fm. sng. and
opiomania, opium habit. plr. optativa, optative. - optative (grammar).
opiòmane - n. and adj. (pr. \ upi'om&ne \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. opté - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ upt'e \ ) - to opt (for), to decide
- 1) - opium addict (sbst.) - 2) - opium addicted (adj.). (for). It uses the aux. "avèj ".
oponent - adj. and n. (pr. \ upun'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. oponent - fm. optograma - n. m. (pr. \ uptugr'&m&\ ) Inv. at plr. - optogram
sng. and plr. oponenta, oponente. - 1) - opponent, (medical).
opposing (adj.). - 2) - opponent, opposer, adversary optometrìa - n. f. (pr. \ uptumetr'i& \ ) At plr. optometrìe. -
(sbst.). optometry (medical).
oponìbil - adj. (pr. \ upun'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. oponìbij - fm. sng. optometrìsta - n. (pr. \ uptumetr'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. optometrista
and plr. oponìbil, oponìbij. - opposable. - fm. sng. and plr. optometrista, optometriste. -
opon-e - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ up'u[ng]e \ ) - 1) - to oppose. - optometrist (medical).
2) - to object. optòmeter - n. m. (pr. \ upt'ometær \ ) Inv. at plr. - optometer
opon-se - vrb 2nd con. refl. (pr. \ up'u[ng]se \ ) - 1) - to oppose, (medical).See also the term "optòmetro".
to be opposed, to set oneself against. - 2) - to object. E. g. optòmetro - n. m. (pr. \ upt'ometrô \ ) - See optòmeter.
"quaidun as opon? = does anybody object?". opulensa - n. f. (pr. \ up[ue]l'æ[ng]s& \ ) At plr. opulense. - 1)
oportun - adj. (pr. \ upurt'[ue][ng] \ ) Ms. plr. oportun - fm. - opulence, wealth. - 2) - buxomness (referred to the
sng. and plr. oportun-a, oportun-e. - opportune, timely, physical aspect of a woman). See also the term
suitable, appropriate. "bondansa".
oportunism - n. m. (pr. \ upurt[ue]n'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - opulent - adj. (pr. \ up[ue]l'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. opulent - fm. sng.
opportunism, time-serving. and plr. opulenta, opulente. - opulent, rich, wealthy.
oportunìsta - n. (pr. \ upurt[ue]n'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. oportunista - Note that the expression "na fomna opulenta" usually
fm. sng. and plr. oportunista, oportuniste. - opportunist, means "a buxom woman".
time-server. opur - cng. (pr. \ up'[ue]r \ ) - or, otherwise, or else. See also
oportunìstich - adj. (pr. \ upurt[ue]n'istic \ ) Ms. plr. the term "opura, opurament 1)".
oportunistich - fm. sng. and plr. oportunistica, opura - cng. (pr. \ up'[ue]r& \ ) - See opur.
oportunistiche. - opportunistic, opportunist (as an opurament - 1) - cng. (pr. \ up[ue]r&m'ænt \ ) - or, otherwise,
attribute). or else. See also the term "opura, opur".
oportunità - n. f. (pr. \ upurt[ue]nit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - opurament - 2) - adv. (pr. \ up[ue]r&m'ænt \ ) - at least.
opportunity, occasion. - 2) - opportuneness, timeliness, Although the form seems an italianism, there is not, in
expediency. Italian, a corresponding form.
oposission - n. f. (pr. \ upuzisi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - opùscol - n. m. (pr. \ up'[ue]scol \ ) At plr. opùscoj. - 1) -
opposition, resistence. - 2) - contradiction. - 3) - pamphlet, brochure. - 2) - booklet. See also the term
objection. - 4) - Opposition (politics). - 5) - opposition "scartari ".
(physics) E. g. "doe onde sfasà 'd n'àngol a son an or - adv. (pr. \ ur \ ) - 1) - now, at present. - 2) - just. In this
oposission ëd fase = two waves out of phase of an angle sense see also the term "piror". - 3) - in a moment. In this
are in opposition". sense see also the term "adéss". Referred respectively to
opositor - n. (pr. \ upuzit'ur \ ) Ms. plr. opositor - fm. sng. and what is happenig, has just happened, it will happen in a
plr. opositriss, opositriss. - opposer, opponent. moment. See also the terms "ora 1), ore, ori, àura, àuror,
opòst - 1) - adj. (pr. \ up'ost \ ) Ms. plr. opòst - fm. sng. and plr. adéss".
opòsta, opòste. - opposite, opposed. Note that the term is ora - 1) - adv. (pr. \ 'ur& \ ) - See or.
not used as p. p., which is instead "oponù ". ora - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ 'ur& \ ) At plr. ore. - 1) - hour. E. g. "a-i
opòst - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ up'ost \ ) Inv. at plr. - opposite, andran tre ore = it will take three hours". - 2) - time. E. g.
contrary, reverse. "ora local = local time". Then we note the following ways
opré - vrb 1st con. int. and trs. (pr. \ upr'e \ ) - See operé. of saying : "fora ora = out of (the opening) time". ; "ore 'd
opréss - 1) - n. and adj. (pr. \ upr'es \ ) Ms. plr. opréss - fm. travaj = working time". ; "ore 'd ponta = rush hours". We
sng. and plr. opréssa, oprésse. - 1) - oppressed (adj.). - 2) also note (see syntax) that the time of the day is given in
- weighted down, overwhelmed, overcome, overpowered the following way: the hours 1, 2, and sometimes also 3 are
(adj.). - 3) - victim of oppression. called "bòt " and then "it is one o'clock = a l'é un bòt " ; "it
opréss - 2) - n. m. plr. (pr. \upr'es\ ) Only plr. - the oppressed is two o'clock = a l'é doi bòt" ; "it is three o'clock = a l'é tre
(collective noun). bòt or a l'é tre ore" ; "it is four o'clock = a l'é quatr ore".
opression - n. f. (pr. \ upresi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - For more details see the Syntax.
oppression. - 2) - oppression, depression. orà - n. f. (pr. \ ur'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - gilthead (zoology - Sparus
opressiv - adj. (pr. \ upres'iu \ ) Ms. plr. opressiv - fm. sng. and auratus).
plr. opressiva, opressive. - oppressive. oràcol - n. m. (pr. \ ur'&cul \ ) At plr. oràcoj. - oracle.
opressor - n. (pr. \ upres'ur \ ) Ms. plr. opressor - fm. sng. and oracolé - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ ur&cul'e \ ) - to talk like an
plr. opressòira, opressòire. - oppressor, tyrant. This term oracle (ironical). It uses the aux. "avèj ".
is hardly found at fm. oracolìstich - adj. (pr. \ ur&cul'istic \ ) Ms. plr. oracolìstich -
oprime - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ upr'ime \ ) - 1) - to oppress, to fm. sng. and plr. oracolìstica, oracolìstiche. - oracular.
tyrannize over. - 2) - to overwhelm, to overburden. - 3) - oragan - n. m. (pr. \ ur&g'&[ng]\ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - hurricane.
to depress, to oppress. See also the term "crasé ". - 2) - storm. See also the terms "uragan, orìssi ".
opriment - adj. (pr. \ uprim'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. opriment - fm. sng. oral - 1) - adj. (pr. \ ur'&l \ ) Ms. plr. oraj - fm. sng. and plr.
and plr. oprimenta, oprimente. - 1) - oppressive, oral, oraj. - 1) - oral, verbal. - 2) - oral (anatomy)
oral - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ ur'&l \ ) At plr. oraj. - oral examination.

oramai - adv. (pr. \ ur&m'&i \ ) - by now, ny this time, at this ordegn - n. m. (pr. \ urd'æ[gn] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - contrivance,
point, by then, by that time. See also the terms "ormai, device, gadget. - 2) - implement, tool. See also the terms
giumai". "ordign, angign".
orangiada - n. f. (pr. \ ur&nji'&d& \ ) - At plr. orangiade. - ordeuvr - n. m. (pr. \ urd'[oe]vr \ ) Inv. at plr. - hors d'oeuvre,
orangeade. See also the term "portugalada" and the loc. appetizer. See also the term "ordeuvre, antipast".
"giuss ëd portugal ". ordeuvre - n. m. (pr. \ urd'[oe]vre \ ) - See ordeuvr.
orari - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ ur'&ri \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - time-table, ordì - 1) - vrb. 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ urd'i \ ) - 1) - to warp (texile).
schedule. - 2) - time. - 2) - to plot, to pan, to contrive, to intrigue, to conspire
orari - 2) - adj. (pr. \ ur'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. orari - fm. sng. and plr. (in a fig. sense). - 3) - to weave, to frame, to work out, to
oraria, orarie. - 1) - hourly, per hour. - 2) - time (as an sketch out.
attribute). ordì - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ urd'i \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - warp, web
orassion - n. f. (pr. \ ur&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - prayer. - (texile). - 2) - web, tissue, machination (in a fig. sense).
2) - oration, speech. See also the term "urdì ".
orator - n. (pr. \ ur&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. orator - fm. sng. and plr. ordign - n. m. (pr. \ urd'i[gn] \ ) - See ordign
oratriss, oratriss. - orator, speaker. ordiment - n. m. (pr. \ urdim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - warping.
oratorial - adj. (pr. \ ur&turi'&l \ ) Ms. plr. oraroriaj - fm. - 2) - weaving, contrivance (in a fig. sense). See alsao the
sng. and plr. orarorial, oraroriaj. - oratorio (as na terms "orditura, ordiura".
attribute) (music). órdin - n. m. (pr. \ 'urdi[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - order,
oratorian - 1) - adj. (pr. \ ur&turi'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. orarorian arrangement, series, sequence. E. g. "órdin alfabétich =
- fm. sng. and plr. orarorian-a, orarorian-e. - 1) - alphabetical order" ; "buté an órdin = to put in order". - 2)
Oratorian (religion). - 2) - related to an oratory. - order, orderliness. E. g. "la polissìa a l'é rivà a ten-e
oratorian - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ ur&turi'&[ng] \ ) Inv, at plr. - l'órdin = the police managed to keep order". - 3) - order,
Oratorian (religion). command. E. g. "un batajon a l'é a j' órdin d'un tenent
oratòri - 1) - adj. (pr. \ ur&t'ori \ ) - oratorical. colonél = a battailon is under orders of a lieutenant
oratòri - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ ur&t'ori \ ). - 1) - Oratory (religion). - colonel ". - 4) - injunction, rule, decree, writ (legal). E. g.
2) - oratory (place of prayer). - 3) - oratorio (music). " órdin ëd sequestr = writ of attachment " - 5) - order
oratòria - n. f. (pr. \ ur&t'ori& \ ). At plr. oratòrie. - oratory, (commercial). E. g. " n' órdin ëd sinquanta lìter ëd vin = an
the art of an orator. oeder of fifty liters of wine". - 6) - order, association,
oratura - n. f. (pr. \ ur&t'[ue]r& \ ). At plr. orature. - gilding. society. E. g. "n' órdin religios = a religious order". - 7) -
See also the term "andoradura". order, class category. E. g. "n'obergi 'd prim órdin = a
orbacieul - n. m. (pr. \ urb&[ch]i'[oe]l \ ) At plr. orbacieuj. - first class hotel ". - 8) - kind, nature. E. g. "cost a l'é
slow-worm, blindworm (zoology - Anguis fragilis). See n'àutr órdin ëd problema = this is another kind of
also the term "laserda-bissa". problems". - 9) - orders (at plr) (religion). E. g. "avèj
orbicolà - adj. (pr. \ urb&cul'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - j'órdin sacr = to be in holy orders". - 10) - order (biology,
orbiculated, orbiculate. (biology). architecture). E, g. "j'órdin architetònich = the
orbicolar - adj. (pr. \ urb&cul'&r \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - architectural orders".
orbicular (anatomy). ordinà - 1) - n. f. (pr. \ urdin'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - putting in
orbità - n. f. (pr. \ urb&it'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - blindness (usually order. - 2) - ordinate (mathematics). - 3) - frame
referred to one eye). (mechanics, planes, ships).
orbital - 1) - adj. (pr. \ urb&it'&l \ ) Ms. plr. orbitaj - fm. sng. ordinà - 2) - adj. (pr. \ urdin'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) -
and plr. orbital, orbitaj. - orbital, related to orbit. tidy, neat, orderly. - 2) - orderly, regular, methodical. -
orbital - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ urb&it'&l \ ) At. plr. orbitaj. - orbital 3) - ordained (priest). - 4) - ordered (goods).
(atomic physics). ordinàbil - adj. (pr. \ urdin'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. ordinàbij - fm.
orbité - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ urb&it'e \ ) - 1) to orbit sng. and plr. ordinàbil, ordinàbij. - orderable, that may
(astronomy, astronautics). - 2) - to be into the sphere of be ordered, that can be put in order.
influence (in a fig. sense). It uses the aux. "avèj ". ordinal - 1) - adj. (pr. \ urdin'&l \ ) Ms. plr. ordinaj - fm. sng.
orchesta - n. f. (pr. \ urk'est& \ ) - See orchestra. and plr. ordinal, ordinaj. - ordinal. (grammar,
orchestra - n. f. (pr. \ urk'estr& \ ) At plr. orchestre. - mathematics)
orchestra, band (music). ordinal - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ urdin'&l \ ) At plr. ordinaj - 1) -
orchestral - adj. and n. (pr. \ urkestr'&l \ ) Ms. plr. orchestraj - ordinal, ordinal number. - 2) - ordinal, service-book
fm. sng. and plr. orchestral, orchestraj. - 1) - orchestral, (religion).
orchestra (as an attribute) (adj.) (music). - 2) - player (in ordinament - n. m. (pr. \ urdin&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
an orchestra), musician (sbst.). (music). order, arrangement, organization. - 2) - regulations, rules,
orchestrassion - n. f. (pr. \ urkestr&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - system.
orchestration. - 2) - scoring (in a fig. sense). (music). ordinand - n. m. (pr. \ urdin'&nd \ ) Inv. at plr. - ordinand
orchestré - vrb. 1st con. trs. (pr. \ urkestr'e \ ) - 1) - to (religion).
orchestrate. - 2) - to score (in a fig. sense). (music). ordinansa - n. f. (pr. \ urdin'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr. ordinanse. - 1)
orchestrin-a - n. f. (pr. \ urkestr'i[ng]& \ ) At plr. orchestrin-e. - ordinance, order, injunction, warranr, writ, law, rule.
- light orchestra. - 2) - order, batman (military).
orchëssa - n. f. (pr. \ urk'&ss& \ ) At plr. orchësse. - ogress. ordinant - n. m. (pr. \ urdin'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. - ordinant,
See also the terms "òrch, òrca". ordainer (religion).
orchidea - n. f. (pr. \ urkid'e& \ ) At plr. orchidée. - orchis, ordinari - 1) - adj. (pr. \ urdin'&ri \ ) - 1) - ordinary, usual,
orchid (botany). customary, habitual, common, regular. - 2) - average. -
orchite - n. f. (pr. \ urk'ite \ ) Inv. at plr. - orchitis (medical). 3) - common, plain, coarde, vulgar, of poor quality (in a
orcin - n. m. (pr. \ ur[ch]'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - ear-ring, ear- disparaging sense). Note that "ordinaria aministrassion"
drop. means "ordinary busness, the usual things".
orda - n. f. (pr. \ 'urd& \ ) At plr. orde. - horde. See also the ordinari - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ urdin'&ri \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - (the)
terms "banda, marmaja", and the loc. "burià 'd gentaja". ordinary, the usual thing. - 2) - regular teacher (school,
university). - 3) - ordinaty (religion).

ordinassion - n. f. (pr. \ urdin&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - orgànich - 1) - adj. (pr. \ urg'&nic \ ) Ms. plr. orgànich - fm.
order (commerce). - 2) - prescription (medical). - 3) - sng. and plr. orgànica, orgàniche. - 1) - organic. - 2) -
ordination (religion). organic, organized, systematic (in a fig. sense).
ordinativ - 1) - adj. (pr. \ urdin&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. ordinativ - fm. orgànich - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ urg'&nic \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - roll. -
sng. and plr. ordinativa, ordinative. - regulative, 2) - personnel, staff.
regulating, governing. organigrama - n. m. (pr. \ urg&nigr'&m& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
ordinativ - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ urdin&t'iu \ ) Inv. at plr. - order organization chart.
(commercial). organin - n. m. (pr. \ urg&n'i[ng] \ ) - See organet.
ordinator - 1) - n. and adj. (pr. \ urdin&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. organisassion - n. f. (pr. \ urg&niz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
ordinator - fm. sng. and plr. ordinatriss, ordinatriss. - 1) organization.
- regulative, ordering (adj.). - 2) - ordered, regulator, organisativ - adj. (pr. \ urg&niz&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. organisativ -
organizer (sbst.). fm. sng. and plr. organisativa, organisative. - organizing,
ordinator - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ urdin&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - organizational.
computer. organisator - n. and adj. (pr. \ urg&niz&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr.
ordinatòri - adj. (pr. \ urdin&t'ori \ ) Ms. plr. ordinatòri - fm. organisator - fm. sng. and plr. organisatriss,
sng. and plr. ordinatòria, ordinatòrie. - regulative, fixed organisatriss. - 1) - organizer, promoter, arranger
by order (legal). (sbst.). - 2) - organizing (adj.).
ordiné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ urdin'e \ ) - 1) - to put in order, to organisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ urg&niz'e \ ) - to organize, to
arrange, to marshal. - 2) - to order, to command. - 3) - to set up, to arrange.
order, to commission. - 4) - to order, to prescribe. - 5) - to organisésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ urg&niz'ese \ ) - to get
ordain, to confer orders (religion). - 6) - to sort (computer). organized.
ordinésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ urdin'ese \ ) - to arrange organìsm - n. m. (pr. \ urg&n'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
oneself, to get ready, to draw up. organism. - 2) - body, organization, organism.
ordior - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ urdi'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - warping- organista - n. (pr. \ urg&n'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. organista - fm. sng.
machine. See also "orditor 1)". and plr. organista, organiste. - organist. (music).
ordior - 2) - n. (pr. \ urdi'ur \ ) Ms. plr. ordior - fm. sng. and organistich - adj. (pr. \ urg&n'istic \ ) Ms. plr. organistich -
plr. ordiòira, ordiòire. - warper. fm. sng. and plr. organistica, organistiche. - organ (as an
orditor - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ urdit'ur \ ) - See ordior 1). attribute). (music).
orditor - 2) - n. (pr. \ urdit'ur \ ) - See ordior 2). organolétich - adj. (pr. \ urg&nul'etic \ ) Ms. plr. organolétich
orditura - n. f. (pr. \ urdit'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. orditure. - 1) - - fm. sng. and plr. organolética, organolétiche. -
warping, warp (texile). - 2) - plot, intrigue (in a fig. organoleptic.
sense). - 3) - frame (architecture). organologìa - n. f. (pr. \ urg&nuluj'i& \ ) At plr. organologìe. -
ordiura - n. f. (pr. \ urdi'[ue]r& \ ) - See orditura. organology, science of organs.
ore - adv. (pr. \ 'ure \ ) - See or. organològich - adj. . (pr. \ urg&nul'ojic \ ) Ms. plr.
oréfice - n. (pr. \ ur'efi[ch]e \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - organològich - fm. sng. and plr. organològica,
goldsmith. - 2) - jeweller. See also the term "oréfiss". organològiche. - organological, organologic.
oreficerìa - n. f. (pr. \ urefi[ch]er'i& \ ) At plr. oreficerìe. - 1) - organsa - n. f. (pr. \ urg'&[ng]z& \ ) At plr. organse. -
goldsmithery. - 2) - jeweller's shop. - 3) - jewellery. See organdie (texile).
also the term "oréfisserìa". organsin - n. m. (pr. \ urg&[ng]z'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
oréfiss - n. (pr. \ ur'efis \ ) - See oréfice. organzine (texile).
orefisserìa - n. f. (pr. \ urefiser'i& \ ) - See oreficerìa. orgasm - n. m. (pr. \ urg'&zm \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - orgasm
orend - adj. (pr. \ ur'ænd \ ) Ms. plr. orend - fm. sng. and plr. (physiology). - 2) - anxiety, excitement, flutter (in a fig.
orenda, orende. - horrible, horrid, horrific, hideous, sense).
dreadful. See also the terms "orìbil, fros, spaventos". orgheuj - n. m. (pr. \ urg'[oe]y \ ) Inv. at plr. - pride. See also
orëtta - n. f. (pr. \ ur'&tt& \ ) At plr. orëtte. - nearly one hour the terms "fierëssa, baldansa".
(at plr. nearly N hour), about an hour. orgiàstich - adj. (pr. \ urji'&stic \ ) Ms. plr. orgiàstich - fm.
orfanél - n. (pr. \ urf&n'el \ ) Ms. plr. orfanéj - fm. sng. and sng. and plr. orgiàstica, orgiàstiche. - orgiastic.
plr. orfanela, orfanele. - little orphan. See also the terms orgojansa - n. f. (pr. \ urguy'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr. orgojanse. - 1)
"orfanin, òrfan, venturin". - pride. - 2) - haughtiness, conceit, arrogance.
orfanëssa - n. f. (pr. \ urf&n'&ss& \ ) At plr. orfanësse. - the orgojé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ urguy'e \ ) - 1) - to make
condition of being orphan. proud (trs.) - 2) - to become proud, to pride oneself
orfanin - n. (pr. \ urf&n'i[ng] \ ) - See orfanél. (int.). In this sense see also the term "orgojésse". - See also
orfanotròfi - n. m. (pr. \ urf&nutr'ofi \ ) Inv. at plr. - the term "orgojì ".
orphanage, orphan-asylum. orgojésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ urguy'ese \ ) - to become
orfantì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ urf&nt'i \ ) - to stun, to daze, to proud, to pride oneself. See also the term "orgojé 2nd
make stupid. meaning".
orfantìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ urf&nt'ise \ ) - to be orgojì - vrb 3rd con. trs. and int. (pr. \ urguy'i \ ) - See orgojé.
stunned, to become stupid. orgojìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. (pr. \ urguy'ise \ ) - See orgojésse.
organar - n. m. (pr. \ urg&n'&r \ ) Inv. at plr. - organ-maker, orgojos - adj. (pr. \ urguy'uz \ ) Ms. plr. orgojos - fm. sng. and
organ-repairer. plr. orgojosa, orgojose. - 1) - proud. - 2) - haughty.
orgàndis - n. m. (pr. \ urg'&ndiz \ ) Inv. at plr. - organdie ori - adv. (pr. \ 'uri \ ) - See or.
(fabric - texile). orìa - n. f. (pr. \ ur'i& \ ) At plr. orìe. - 1) - ear. - 2) - hearing.
organet - n. m. (pr. \ urg&n'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - barrel- See also the most used spelling "orìja", also for the
organ, hurdy-gurdy. - 2) - mouth-organ (in this sense see idiomatic use.
also the term "armònica". - 3) - accordion, concertina (in oriassa - n. f. (pr. \ uri'&s& \ ) At plr. oriasse. - big ear, dirty
this sense see also the terms "fisa, fisarmònica". See also ear. Pejorative of the term "orìa". See also the most used
the term "organin". spelling "orìjassa".

oriassù - adj. (pr. \ uri&s'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. oriassù - fm. sng. and originari - adj. (pr. \ urijin'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. originari - fm. sng.
plr. oriassùa, oriassùe. - with big or long ears, big-eared, and plr. originària, originàrie. - 1) - aboriginal, native. -
long-eared. 2) - original, former, primitive, authentic. - 3) - original,
orìbil - adj. (pr. \ ur'ænd \ ) Ms. plr. orend - fm. sng. and plr. primary, first.
orenda, orende. - horrible, horrid, horrific, hideous, originalment - adv. (pr. \ urijin&lm'ænt \ ) - originally, at
dreadful. See also the terms "orend, fros, spaventos". first. Italianism See also the term "prima" and the adv. loc.
oridëssa - n. f. (pr. \ urid'&ss& \ ) At plr. oridësse. - 1) - "an orìgin, an prinsìpi ".
horror, dread, terror. - 2) - ugliness, unsightliness. See originé - vrb 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ urijin'e \ ) - 1) - to
also the term "oror". originate, to give origin, to bring about, to cause (trs.). -
orié - n. m. (pr. \ uri'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - pillow, cushion. See also 2) - to originate, to arise from (int.). In this sense see also
the terms "orijé, cussin ", and the loc. "cussin orié ". the term "originésse". As trs. it uses the aux. "avèj ". As
orient - n. m. (pr. \ uri'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - east, int. it uses the aux. "esse".
orient. originésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ urijin'ese \ ) - to originate,
orientàbil - adj. (pr. \ uriænt'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. orientàbij - fm. to arise from See also the term "originé 2nd meaning".
sng. and plr. orientàbil, orientàbij. - rotary, revolving, orija - n. f. (pr. \ ur'iy& \ ) At plr. orije. - - 1) - ear. - 2) -
swinging (mechanics). hearing. See also the spelling "orìa".Some idiomatic uses:
oriental - adj. and n. (pr. \ uriænt'&l \ ) Ms. plr. orientaj - fm. - A) - "duverté j'orìje = to listen carefully". - B) - "dur
sng. and plr. oriental, orientaj. - 1) - oriental, eastern, d'orìja = hard of hearing". - C) - "avej j'orìje longhe = to
east (as an attribute) (adj.). - 2) - Oriental, Eastern (sbst.). be an ass". - D) - "soné a orìja = to play by ear". In Piedm
orientalisassion - n. f. (pr. \ uriænt&liz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. are called "orìje" also the folded corners of a page in
- orientalization, the act of making eastern, the action of books, that in Engl. are callec "dog-ears". Then the right
giving an oriental style. mould board of a plough is called "orìja dla slòira" (the
orientalisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ uriænt&liz'e \ ) - to make left one is called "orisél ").
become eastern, to give an oriental style. orijàbil - adj. (pr. \ uriy'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. orijàbij - fm. sng. and
orientalism - n. m. (pr. \ uriænt&l'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - plr. orijàbil, orijàbij. - catchy, easily-remembered.
orientalism. orijant - adj. and n. (pr. \ uriy'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. orijant - fm. sng.
orientalìsta - n. (pr. \ uriænt&l'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. orientalista - and plr. orijanta, orijante. - 1) - able to play by ear, able
fm. sng. and plr. orientalista, orientaliste. - orientalist. to sing by ear (adj.). - 2) - amateurish, superficial (adj.)
orientalìstica - n. f. (pr. \ uriænt&l'istic& \ ) At plr. (in a fig. sense). - 3) - payer by ear, singer by ear. (sbst.).
orientalìstiche. - oriental studies. - 4) - amateur, dabbler (sbst.). (in a fig. sense).
orientalìstich - adj. (pr.\uriænt&l'istic\) Ms. plr. orientalistich orijassa - n. f. (pr. \ uriy'&s& \ ) At plr. orijasse. - big ear,
- fm. sng. and plr. orientalistica, orientalistiche. - related dirty ear. Pejorative of the term "orìja". See also the
to oriental studies. spelling "oriassa".
orientament - n. m. (pr. \ uriænt&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - orijé - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ uriy'e \ ) Inv. at plr. - pillow, cushion.
orientation. - 2) - guidance. - 3) - trend. See also the terms "orié, cussin ", and the loc. "cussin
orientassion - n. f. (pr. \ uriænt&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - orijé".
orientation. orijé - 2) - vrb. 1st con. trs. and int. (pr. \ uriy'e \ ) - to stand
orientativ - adj. (pr. \ uriænt&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. orientativ - fm. listening, to eavesdrop.
sng. and plr. orientativa, orienttive. - indicative, guiding. orijëtta - n. f. (pr. \ uriy'&tt& \ ) At plr. orijëtte. - 1) - little
orienté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ uriænt'e \ ) - 1) - to orient, to ear. In this sense see also the term "orijin-a". - 2) -
orientate. - 2) - to direct, to orient, to steer. - 3) - to trim "orecchiette" a type of pasta (at plr.). - 3) - auricle
(nautical). (anatomy)
orientésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ uriænt'ese \ ) - 1) - to orijin-a - n. f. (pr. \ uriy'i[ng]& \ ) - See orijëtta 1st meaning.
orientate oneself. - 2) - to find one's way. - 3) - to take orijon - n. m. (pr. \ uriy'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - big ear. - 2) -
bearings. - 4) - to see what one is about. mumps, parotitis (at plr.). (medical). - 3) - trunnion
orieul - n. m. (pr. \ uri'[oe]l \ ) At plr. orieuj. - golden oriole (military). See also the spelling "orion".
(zoology - Oriolus oriolus). orion - n. m. (pr. \ uri'u[ng] \ ) - See orijon.
orifissi - n. m. (pr. \ urif'isi \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - orifice, oriond - adj. and n. (pr. \ uri'und \ ) Ms. plr. oriond - fm. sng.
opening. - 3) - mouth. - 3) - spiracle (zoology). See also and plr. orionda, orionde. - 1) - native (of). - 2) - foreing-
the terms "duvertura, filura, beucc". born player (sport). See also the term "oriund".
orìgan - n. m. (pr. \ ur'ig&[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - wild marjoram. orisél - n. m. (pr. \ uriz'el \ ) Inv. at plr. - left mould-board
(botany - Origanum vulgare). See also the term "rigan". (plough). (The right one is called "orìja dla slòira").
orìgin - n. f. (pr. \ ur'iji[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - origin, orisont - n. m. (pr. \ uriz'unt \ ) Inv. at plr. - horizon.
beginning, starting-point. - 2) - origin, birth, extraction, orisontal - 1) - adj (pr. \ urizunt'&l \ ) Ms. plr. orisontaj - fm.
stock. - 3) - origin, provenance. sng. and plr. orisontal, orisontaj. - horizontal.
original - 1) - adj. and n. (pr. \ urijin'&l \ ) Ms. plr. originaj - orisontal - 2) - n. f. (pr. \ urizunt'&l \ ) At plr. orisontaj -
fm. sng. and plr. original, originaj. - 1) - original (of the horizontal line, horizontal position.
origin) (adj.).. - 2) - original (first copy, of the author) orisontalità - n. f. (pr. \ urizunt&lit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
(adj.). - 3) - original, new, novel, first-hand. (adj.). - 4) - horizontal position.
eccentric, odd, not usual .(adj.). - 5) - odd person, orisontalment - adj. (pr. \ urizunt&l'ænt \ ) - horizontally, in
character, original, crank (sbst.). an horizontal position. Italianism. See the best Piedm. loc.
original - 2) - n. m. (pr. \ urijin'&l \ ) At plr. originaj. - the "an orisontal ".
original. E. g. "At servo j'originaj, përchè le còpie a basto orisonté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ urizunt'e \ ) - to orient.
nen" = "you need the originals, since the copies are not orisontésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ urizunt'ese \ ) - to orientate
sufficient". oneself, to take one's bearings, to find one's way.
originalità - n. f. (pr. \ urijin&lit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - oriss - n. m. . (pr. \ ur'is \ ) Inv. at plr. - storm, tempest, strong
originality. - 2) - originality, eccentricity, oddity. - 3) - wind. See also the term "orissi".
eccentricities, oddities. orissi - n. m. . (pr. \ ur'isi \ ) - See oriss.
oriund - adj. and n. (pr. \ uri'[ue]nd \ ) - See oriond.

orlador - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ url&d'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - hemmer orné - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ urn'e \ ) - to adorn, to embellish,
(part of the sewing machine). to decorate, to deck.
orlador - 2) - n. (pr. \ url&d'ur \ ) Ms. plr. orlador - fm. sng. ornésse - 1st con. refl. (pr. \ urn'ese \ ) - to adorn oneself.
and plr. orladòira, orladòire. - hemmer (the worker) or or - adv. (pr. \ ur ur \ ) - just, in a moment. E. g. "a l'é rivà
orladura - n. f. (pr. \ url&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. orladure. - 1) - or or = he is just arrived" ; "a deuv rivé or or = he will
hemming, bordering, edging. - 2) - hem, border, edge. In arrive in a moment".
this sense see also the most common term "orlo". - See also oror - n. m. (pr. \ ur'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - horror, dread,
the term "orlura". terror. - 2) - ugliness, unsightliness. - 3) - repulsion. See
orlatriss - n. f. (pr. \ url&tr'is \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - hemming- also the term "oridëssa".
machine. - 2) - sometime a hemmer woman (instead of ororos - adj. (pr. \ urur'uz \ ) Ms. plr. ororos - fm. sng. and plr.
"orladòira"). ororosa, ororose. - that make feel horror, horrible.
orlé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \url'e\ ) - to hem, to border, to edge. orpél - n. m. (pr. \ urp'el \ ) At plr. orpéj. - 1) - pinchbeck,
orlo - n. m. . (pr. \ 'urlu \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - border, edge, tombac. In this sense see also the very used loc. "òr doblé,
margin, verge, brink. - 2) - hem, border. òr fàuss". - 2) - tinsel (in a fig. sense). - 3) - showy
orlogé - n. (pr. \ urluj'e \ ) Ms. plr. orlogé - fm. sng. and plr. decorations (at plr.).
orlogera, orlogere. - 1) - watchmaker, clockmaker. - 2) orpelé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ urpel'e \ ) - 1) - to cover with
- watch-seller, clock-seller. See also the term "arlogé ". pinchbeck. - 2) - to tinsel. - 3) - to swindle.
orlogerìa - n. f. (pr. \ urlujer'i& \ ) At plr. orlogerìe. - 1) - orpelésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ urpel'ese \ ) - to disguise
watchmaking, clockmaking. - 2) - watchmaking's shop. oneself.
- 3) - watchwork. See also the term "arlogerìa". orpiment - n. m. (pr. \ urpim'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - orpiment
orlògi - n. m. (pr. \ url'oji \ ) Inv. at plr. - watch, clock. See (mineral).
also the terms "arlògi, mostra". ors - n. m. (pr. \ urs \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - bear. We distinguish
orlura - n. f. (pr. \ url'[ue]r& \ ) - See orladura. ors brun = brown bear (zoology - Ursus arctos) : ors gris
orm - n. m. (pr. \ urm \ ) Inv. at plr. - elm (botany - Ulmus = grizzly bear (zoology - Ursus horribilis) ; ors bianch ò
campestris). See also the term "olm". ors polar = sea bear (zoology - Thalarctos maritimus). The
orma - n. f. (pr. \ 'urm& \ ) At plr. orme. - track, trace, mark, fm. "orsa" is reserved to constellations (see the term), since
footprint, footstep. Quite an italianism. See also the most for the animal the name is "ors fuméla". - 2) - surly and
Piedm. terms "pianà, ampronta ". not friendly person. (in a fig. sense). Then we notice :
ormai - adv. (pr. \ urm'&i \ ) - by now, ny this time, at this "balé coma n'ors = to dance like an elephant" ; "ciapé l'ors
point, by then, by that time. See also the terms "oramai, = lit. to catch the bear = to get drunk ".
giumai". orsa - n. f. (pr. \ 'urs& \ ) At plr. orse - Ursa (astronomy). orsa
ormégg - n. m. (pr. \ urm'ej \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - mooring, magior = Ursa Major, Great Bear - orsa minor = Ursa
moorage. - 2) - moorings (plr.). See also the term Minor, Lesser Bear.
"ormegi". orset - n. m. (pr. \ urs'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - teddy-bear. - 2) -
ormégi - n. m. (pr. \ urm'eji \ ) - See ormégg. bear cub. See also the term "orsòt ".
ormegé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ urmej'e \ ) - to moor, to berth. orsolin-a - adj. fm. and n. f. (pr. \ ursul'i[ng]& \ ) Atr plr.
ormesin - n. m. (pr. \ urmez'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - light silk orsolin-e. - Ursiline (order of nuns).
fabric. See also the term "ormisin". orsòt - n. m. (pr. \ urs'ot \ ) - See orset.
ormet - n. m. (pr. \ urm'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - burnet saxifrage ortal - n. m. (pr. \ urt'&l \ ) At plr. ortaj. - kitchen-garden
(botany - Pimpinella saxifraga). See also the term "olmet". with also flowers, garden for flowers and vegetables.
ormisin - n. m. (pr. \ urmiz'i[ng] \ ) - See ormesin. See also the term "òrt ".
ormon - n. m. (pr. \ urm'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - hormone. ortagi - n. m. (pr. \ urt'&ji \ ) - See ortaja.
ormonal - adj. hormonal, hormonic, hormone (as an ortaja - n. f. (pr. \ urt'&y& \ ) At plr. ortaje. - 1) - vegetable,
attribute). See also the term "ormònich ". vegetables, greens. - 2) - kitchen-garden.
ormònich - adj. (pr. \ urm'onic \ ) - See ormonal. ortensia - n. f. (pr. \ urt'æ[ng]si& \ ) At plr. ortensie. -
ornà - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ urn'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - ornamental hydrangea (botany - Hidrangea hortensia).
design. - 2) - ornamentation, decoration. ortet - n. m. (pr. \ urt'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - small kitchen-garden.
ornà - 2) - adj. and p. p. (pr. \ urn'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) See also the term "ortisél ".
- adorned, embellished, decorated, endowed. - 2) - ortié - n. (pr. \ urti'e \ ) Ms. plr. ortié - fm. sng. and plr.
ornate, flowery, florid (style). ortiera, ortiere. - 1) - market-gardener. - 2) -
ornador - n. (pr. \ urn&d'ur \ ) Ms. plr. ornador - fm. sng. and greengrocer. See also the terms "ortolan, ortoland ".
plr. ornadòira, ornadòire. - ornamenter, adorner, ortìja - n. f. (pr. \ urt'iy& \ ) At plr. ortìje. - nettle, stinging
decorator. nettle. See also the most common term "urtìja".
ornadura - n. f. (pr. \ urn&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. ornadure. - 1) - ortisél - n. m. (pr. \ urtiz'el \ ) - See ortet.
ornamentation. - 2) - ornaments, decorations. ortiv - adj. (pr. \ urt'iu \ ) Ms. plr. ortiv - fm. sng. and plr.
ornament - n. m. (pr. \ urn&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr.- 1) - ortiva, ortive. - vegetable, garden (as attributes).
ornamentation, adornment. - 2) - ornament, decoration. orto... - prefix. (pr. \ urtu... \ ) - ortho... With the meaning of
ornamental - adj. (pr. \ urn&mænt'&l \ ) Ms. plr. ornamentaj right, correct. The use is similar in Piedm. and in English.
- fm. sng. and plr. ornamental, ornamentaj. - Some exampes in the following.
ornamental, decorative. See also the term "ornativ". ortocentro - n. m. (pr. \ urtu[ch]'æntrô \ ) Inv. at plr. -
ornamentassion - n. f. (pr. \ urn&mænt&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. orthocentre. See also the term "ortossènter". (geometry).
- ornamentation. ortodonsìa - n. f. (pr. \ urtudu[ng]s'i& \ ) At plr. ortodonsìe. -
ornatëssa - n. f. (pr. \ urn&t'&ss& \ ) At plr. ornatësse. - orthodontics.
ornateness, elegance. ortodossìa - n. f. (pr. \ urtudus'i& \ ) At plr. ortodossìe. -
ornativ - adj. (pr. \ urn&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. ornativ - fm. sng. and orthodoxy (religion, and also in a fig. sense).
plr. ornativa, ornative. - ornamental, decorative. See ortodòntich - adj. (pr. \ urtud'ontic \ ) Ms. plr. ortodòntich -
also the term "ornamental". fm. sng. and plr. ortodòntica, ortodòntiche. -
ornatura - n. f. (pr. \ urn&t'[ue]r& \ ) - See ornadura. orthodontic.

ortodòss - adj. and n. (pr. \ urtud'os \ ) Ms. plr. ortodòss - fm. oscurantìsta - n. (pr. \ usc[ue]r&nt'istic \ ) Ms. plr.
sng. and plr. ortodòssa, ortodòsse. - orthodox. oscurantìsta - fm. sng. and plr. oscurantìsta,
ortofrenìa - n. f. (pr. \urtufren'i&\ ) At plr. (if any) ortofrenìe. oscurantìste. - obscurantist.
- orthopsychiatry (medical). oscurantìstich - adj. (pr. \ usc[ue]r&nt'istic \ ) Ms. plr.
ortofrénich - adj. (pr. \urtufren'ic\ ) Ms. plr. ortofrénich - fm. oscurantìstich - fm. sng. and plr. oscurantìstica,
sng. and plr. ortofrénica, ortofréniche. - oscurantìstiche. - obscurantist, obscurantistic.
orthopsychiatrical, ortopsychiatric. oscurassion - n. f. (pr. \ usc[ue]r&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
ortofrutìcol - adj. (pr. \ urtufr[ue]t'icul \ ) Ms. plr. ortofrutìcoj obscuration (astronomy). See also the terms "scuriment,
- fm. sng. and plr. ortofrutìcola, ortofrutìcole. - fruit and oscurament".
vegetable (as an attribute). oscurator - n. m. (pr. \ usc[ue]r&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) -
ortofruticoltor - n. (pr. \ urtufr[ue]ticult'ur \ ) Ms. plr. dimmer. - 2) - deadlight. See also the term "scuritor".
ortofruticoltor - fm. sng. and plr. ortofruticoltriss, oscuré - vrb 1st con. trs. pr. \ usc[ue]r'e \ ) - to obscure, to
ortofruticoltriss. - market-gardener. darken, to dim. See also the terms "scurì, oscurì"
ortofruticoltura - n. f. (pr. \ urtufr[ue]ticult'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. oscurésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ usc[ue]r'ese \ ) - to grow
ortofruticolture. - market-gardening. dark, to darken. See also the terms "oscurìsse, scurìsse",
ortogonal - adj. (pr. \ urtugun'&l \ ) Ms. plr. ortogonaj - fm. and the loc. "fésse scur, vnì scur".
sng. and plr. ortogonal, ortogonaj. - orthogonal oscurì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ usc[ue]r'i \ ) - See oscuré.
(geometry). oscurìsse - vrb 3rd con. refl. ( pr. \ usc[ue]r'ise \ ) - See
ortogonalità - n. f. (pr. \ urtugun&lit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - oscurésse.
orthogonality (geometry). oscurità - n. f. ( pr. \ usc[ue]rit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - darkness,
ortogonalment - adv. (pr. \ urtugun&lm'ænt \ ) - orthogonally. obscurity. See also the terms "scur 2), scurità".
Italianism. See the best Piedm. loc. "an manera ortogonal", osél - n. m. ( pr. \ uz'el \ ) At plr. oséj. - bird, fowl. - Some loc.:
and the adj. "ortogonal " used as an adv. "osel ëd rapin-a = raptor". ; "vive com j'oséj = lit. to live as
ortografìa - n. f. (pr. \ urtugr&f'i& \ ) At plr. ortografìe. - birds = to live hand-to-mouth". ; "coma n'osél an sla rama"
orthography, correct spelling. = lit "as a bird on the branch" = "free and independent".
ortogràfich - adj. (pr. \ urtugr'&fic \ ) Ms. plr. ortogràfich - See also the term "ausél".
fm. sng. and plr. ortogtàfica, ortogràfiche. - of spelling, oselin - n. m. ( pr. \ uzel'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - little bird,
orthogràphic, orthographical. birdie. - 2) - fledgeling. In this sense see also the term
ortolan - n. (pr. \ urtul'&[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. ortolan - fm. sng. and "sforniòt ". - See also the terms "oslin, oslòt, oslet, auslin,
plr. ortolan-a, ortolan-e. - 1) - market-gardener. - 2) - auslòt, auslet ".
greengrocer. See also the terms "ortié, ortoland ". oslam - n. m. ( pr. \ uzl'&m \ ) Usually only sng., anyway inv.
ortoland - n. (pr. \ urtul'&nd \ ) - See ortolan. at plr. - total of birds caught. See also the terms "oslarìa,
ortopedìa - n. f. (pr. \ urtuped'i& \ ) At plr. ortopedìe. - volatìa".
orthopedy, orthopedics. oslanda - n. f. ( pr. \ uzl'&nd& \ ) At plr. oslande. - fowling-
ortopédich - adj. and n. (pr. \ urtup'edic \ ) Ms. plr. ortopédich ground.
- fm. sng. and plr. ortopédica, ortopédiche. - 1) - oslarìa - n. f. ( pr. \ uzl&r'i& \ ) - See oslam.
orthopedic, orthopedical (adj.). - 2) - orthopedist (sbst.). oslass - n. m. ( pr. \ uzl'&s \ ) Inv. at plr. - large ugly bird,
ortossènter - n. m. (pr. \ urtus'æntær \ ) - See ortocentro. bird of prey. See also the terms "oslon, auslon, auslass".
Orvieto - n. m. (pr. \ urvi'etô \ ) Inv. at plr. - "Orvieto" white oslé - 1) - n. ( pr. \ uzl'e \ ) Ms. plr. oslé - fm. sng. and plr.
wine produced in the center of Italy. oslera, oslere. - bird-catcher, fowler.
orzà - n. f. (pr. \ urz'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - barley-water. - 2) - oslé - 2) - vrb 1st con. int. ( pr. \ uzl'e \ ) - to fowl. It uses the
orgeat. aux. "avèj ".
orzà - n. m. and adj. ms. (pr. \ urz'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - with oslera - n. f. ( pr. \ uzl'er& \ ) At plr. oslére. - aviary.
barley (adj.) (referred to bread). - 2) - bread made with oslet - n. m. ( pr. \ uzl'æt \ ) - See oselin.
barley (sbst.). oslin - n. m. ( pr. \ uzl'i[ng] \ ) - See oselin.
orzeul - n. m. (pr. \ urz'[oe]l \ ) At plr. orzeuj. - sty, stye oslon - n. m. ( pr. \ uzl'u[ng] \ ) - large bird, big bird. See also
(medical). See also the term "vërzeul ". the terms "auslon auslass, oslass".
osana - excl. and n. m. (pr. \ uz'&n& \ ) Inv. in any case. - oslòt - n. m. ( pr. \ uzl'ot \ ) - See oselin.
hosanna. osmòsi - n. f. ( pr. \ uzm'ozi \ ) Inv. at plr. - osmosis, osmose
osané - vrb 1st con. int. (pr. \ uz&n'e \ ) - 1) - to sing hosanna. (physics).
- 2) - to acclaim, to applaud (in a fig, sense). It uses osmòtich - adj. ( pr. \ uzm'otic \ ) Ms. plr. osmòtich - fm. sng.
always the aux. "avèj ". and plr. osmòtica, osmòtiche. - osmotic (physics).
osar - n. m. (pr. \ uz'&r \ ) Inv. at plr. - hussar. See also the oson - n. m. (pr. \ uz'u[ng] \ ) Only sng. (chemical element) In
terms "ussar, ùssar". case of need inv. at plr. - ozone (chemistry).
osé - adj. (pr. \ uz'e \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - shameless, osonisassion - n. f. (pr. \ uzuniz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
audacious. ozonization.
oscur - 1) - adj. (pr. \ usc'[ue]r \ ) Ms. plr. oscur - fm. sng. osonisator - n. m. (pr. \ uzuniz&t'ur \ ) Inv. at plr. - ozonizer.
and plr. oscura, oscure. - 1) - dark, gloomy. - 2) - osonisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ uzuniz'e \ ) - to ozonize.
obscure, dark, mysterious, unknown. - 3) - sad, dark, ospidal - n. m. ( pr. \ uspid'&l \ ) At plr. ospidaj. - hospital.
gloomy. - 4) - humble, lowly. - 5) - dark, sombre ospidalé - adj. ( pr. \ uspid&l'e \ ) Ms. plr. ospidalé - fm. sng.
(colour). See also the term "scur". and plr. ospidalera, ospidalere. - of a hospital, hospital
oscur - 2) - n. m. (pr. \usc'[ue]r\ ) Inv. at plr. - dark, darkness. (as an attribute).
See also the term "scur", which is the most used as a sbst.. ospidalié - n. ( pr. \ uspid&li'e \ ) Ms. plr. ospidalié - fm. sng.
oscurament - n. m. (pr. \ usc[ue]r&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - and plr. ospidaliera, ospidaliere. - hospital worker.
obscuration, obscuring, darkening. - 2) - black-out, ospidalisassion - n. f. ( pr. \ uspid&liz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
dim-out (military). See also the terms "scuriment, hospitalization, admission to hospital.
oscurassion". ospidalisé - vrb 1st con. trs. ( pr. \ uspid&liz'e \ ) - to
oscurantism - n. m. (pr. \ usc[ue]r&nt'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - hospitalize, to admit to hospital.

ospidalòt - n. m. ( pr. \ uspid&l'ot \ ) Inv. at plr. - small ossessionà - adj. ( pr. \ usesiun'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
hospital. Note that "ospidalòt da camp = field hospital " obsessed, haunted, hung-up.
(military, emergency). ossessionant - adj. ( pr. \ usesiun'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. ossessionant
ospissi - n. m. ( pr. \ usp'isi \ ) Inv. at plr. - hospice, charitable - fm. sng. and plr. ossessionanta, ossessionante. -
institution, hose of refuge. obsessive, obsessing, haunting. See also the term
ospità - n. and adj. ( pr. \ uspit'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - guest. "ossessiv".
See also the terms "forosté, forësté, òspit, logià ". ossessioné - vrb 1st con. trs. ( pr. \ usesiun'e \ ) - to obsess, to
ospital - adj. ( pr. \ uspit'&l \ ) Ms. plr. ospitaj - fm. sng. and haunt, to harass, to torment, to worry.
plr. ospital, ospitaj. - hospitable. ossessiv - adj. ( pr. \ usesiun'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. ossessiv - fm. sng.
ospitalità - n. f. ( pr. \ uspit&lit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - hospitality. and plr. ossessiva, ossessive. - obsessive, obsessing,
ospitant - n. and adj.( pr. \ uspit'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. ospitant - fm. obsessional. See also the term "ossessionant".
sng. and plr. ospitanta, ospitante. - host. ossessività - n. f. ( pr. \ usesivit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - obsessiveness
ossa - n. f. ( pr. \ 'us& \ ) At plr. osse. - seat-cover, saddle- (psychology).
cover, chair-cover, etc. osset - n. m. ( pr. \ us'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - ossicle (anatomy).
ossadura - n. f. ( pr. \ us&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. ossadure. - 1) - - 2) - little bone.
skeleton, bony framework, bones, frame. - 2) - ossìa - cng. ( pr. \ us'i& \ ) - 1) - or. - 2) - that is. id est (i. e.). -
framework, structure, carcass (architecture). - 3) - 3) - namely. See also the term "valadì" and the loc. "coma
outlines, framework, structure (in a fig. sense). dì, visa dì, vis-a-dì ".
ossalà - n. m. ( pr. \ us&l'&\ ) Inv. at plr. - oxalate (chemistry). ossiacetilénich - adj. ( pr. \ usi&[ch]etil'enic \ ) Ms. plr.
ossàlich - adj. ( pr. \ us'&lic\ ) Ms. plr. ossàlich - fm. sng. and ossiacetilénich - fm. sng. and plr. ossiacetilénica,
plr. ossàlica, ossàliche. - oxalic (chemistry). ossiacetiléniche. - oxy-acetylene (chemistry).
ossam - n. m. ( pr. \ us'&m \ ) Inv. at plr. - heap of bones. See ossiàcid - n. m. ( pr. \ usi'&[ch]id \ ) Inv. at plr. - oxyacid
also the term "ossamenta". (chemistry).
ossamenta - n. f. ( pr. \ us&m'ænt& \ ) - See ossam. ossiam - n. m. ( pr. \ usi'&m \ ) Inv. at plr. - henbane (botany -
ossari - n. m. ( pr. \ us'&ri \ ) Inv. at plr. - charnel house, Hyoscyamus niger). See also the term "giuschiam".
ossuary. ossidà - adj. ( pr. \ usid'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) - oxidized
ossechié - vrb 1st con. trs. ( pr. \ useki'e \ ) - to pay one's (chemistry). - 2) - rusty (iron). In this meaning see also the
respects to, to do homage to. See also the term "ossequié". term "rusnent ".
ossechient - adj. ( pr. \ useki'ænt \ ) Ms. plr. ossechient - fm. ossidàbil - adj. ( pr. \ usid'&bil \ ) Ms. plr. ossidàbij - fm. sng.
sng. and plr. ossechienta, ossechiente. - respectful, and plr. ossidàbil, ossidàbij. - oxidizable, oxidable
deferential, submissive. See also the term "ossequient ". (chemistry).
ossechios - adj. ( pr. \ useki'uz \ ) Ms. plr. ossechios - fm. sng. ossidabilità - n. f. ( pr. \ usid&bilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. -
and plr. ossechiosa, ossechiose. - 1) - respectful, oxidizability, oxidability (chemistry).
deferential. - 2) - obsequious. See also the term ossidant - 1) - adj. ( pr. \ usid'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. ossidant - fm.
"ossequios". sng. and plr. ossidanta, ossidante. - oxiding, oxidative
ossechiosità - n. f. ( pr. \ usekiuzit'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) (chemistry).
- deference, respectfulness. - 2) - obsequiousness. See ossidant - 2) - n. m. ( pr. \ usid'&nt \ ) Inv. at plr. - oxidizer,
also the term "ossequiosità". oxidator (chemistry).
ossenità - n. f. ( pr. \ usenit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - obsceneness, ossidasi - n. f. ( pr. \ usid'&zi \ ) Inv. at plr. - oxidase (biology).
obscenity. - 2) - obscenity, indecence. See also the terms ossidassion - n. f. ( pr. \ usid&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
"indecensa, scarosità, saloparìa ". oxidization, oxidation (chemistry).
ossequent - adj. ( pr. \ use[qu]'ænt \ ) - See ossechient. ossidé - vrb 1st con. trs. ( pr. \ usid'e \ ) - to oxidize (chemistry).
ossequié - vrb 1st con. trs. ( pr. \ use[qu]i'e \ ) - See ossechié. ossidésse - vrb 1st con. refl. ( pr. \ usid'ese \ ) - to oxidize, to
ossequient - adj. ( pr. \ use[qu]i'ænt \ ) - See ossechient. become oxidized (chemistry).
ossequios - adj. ( pr. \ use[qu]i'uz \ ) - See ossechios. ossident - n. m. (pr. \ usid'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - west,
osservansa - n. f. ( pr. \ userv'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr. osservanse. - occident. See also the terms "ocident, ponent, tramont,
1) - observance, compliance. - 2) - regards, respects. òvest, oèst "..
osservant - adj. and n. ( pr. \ userv'&nt \ ) Ms. plr. osservant - ossidental - adj. (pr. \ usidænt'&l \ ) - See ocidental.
fm. sng. and plr. osservanta, osservante. - 1) - observing, ossidentalisassion - n. f. (pr. \ usidænt&liz&si'u[ng] \ ) - See
observant. (adj.). - 2) - regular church-goer, Observants, ocidentalisassion.
Observantines (sbst.). ossidentalisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ usidænt&liz'e \ ) - See
osservassion - n. f. ( pr. \ userv&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - ocidentalisé.
observation. - 2) - note, remark. ossidentalisésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr.\usidænt&liz'ese\) - See
osservator - n. ( pr. \ userv&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. osservator - fm. ocidentalisésse.
sng. and plr. osservatriss, osservatriss. - 1) - observer. - ossidentalism - n. m. (pr. \usidænt&l'izm\) - See ocidentalism.
2) - watcher (politics). - 3) - observer, spotter (military). ossidentalista - n. (pr. \ usidænt&l'ist& \ ) - See ocidentalista
osservatòri - n. m. ( pr. \ userv&t'ori \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - ossidrich - adj. (pr. \ usi'dric \ ) Ms. plr. ossìdrich - fm. sng.
observatory (astronomy, etc.) - 2) - observation post, and plr. ossìdrica, ossìdriche. - oxyhydrogen (chemistry).
look-out (military). ossidril - n. m. (pr. \ usidr'il \ ) At plr. ossidrij - hydroxyl
osservé - vrb. 1st con. trs. ( pr. \ userv'e \ ) - 1) - to observe, to (chemistry).
watch, to examine. - 2) - to observe, to remark, to point ossidrìlich - adj. (pr. \ usidr'ilic \ ) Ms. plr. ossidrìlich - fm.
out, to notice, to note. - 3) - to observe, to keep, to sng. and plr. ossidrìlica, ossidrìliche. - hydroxylic
comply with, to respect. (chemistry).
osséss - adj. and n. ( pr. \ us'es \ ) Ms. plr. ossess - fm. sng. and ossidridussion - n. f. (pr. \ usidrid[ue]si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
plr. ossessa, ossesse. - 1) - possessed (adj.). - 2) - obsessed oxidation-reduction, redox. (chemistry).
person (sbst.). - 2) - madman / madwoman (sbst.). ossìfer - adj. (pr. \ us'ifær \ ) Ms. plr. ossìfer - fm. sng. and plr.
ossession - n. f. ( pr. \ usesi'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - obsession ossìfera, ossìfere. - ossiferous (geology).
(psychology). ossificassion - n. f. (pr. \ usific&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -

ossifiché - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ usifik'e \ ) - to ossify. See also ostension - n. f. (pr. \ustæ[ng]si'u[ng]\ ) Inv. at plr. - ostension.
the term "ossifichésse" which, in spite of the refl. form, has ostensiv - adj. (pr. \ ustæ[ng]s'iu] \ ) Ms. plr. ostensiv - fm.
the same meaning. sng. and plr. ostensiva, ostensive. - demonstrative,
ossifichésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \usifik'ese\ ) - See ossifiché. ostensive.
ossìgen - n. m. (pr. \ us'ijæ[ng] \ ) - See ossìgeno. ostensòri - n. m. (pr. \ ustæ[ng]s'ori \ ) Inv. at plr. - ostensory,
ossigenà - adj. (pr. \ usijen'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. 1) - ostensorium (religion).
oxigenated. oxigenized. - 2) - peroxided, bleached. ostentà - adj. (pr. \ ustænt'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. -
ossigenadura - n. f. (pr. \ usijen&d'[ue]r& \ ) At plr. ostentatious, pretentious, boasted.
ossigenadure. - peroxiding, bleaching (hair). ostentador - n. (pr. \ ustænt&d'ur \ ) - See ostentator.
ossigenassion - n. f. (pr. \ usijen&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - ostentament - n. m. (pr. \ ustænt&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. -
oxygenation. ostentation, showing off. See also the term "ostentassion".
ossigenator - n. m. (pr. \usijen&t'ur \) Inv. at plr. - oxygenator. ostentassion - n. f. . (pr. \ ustænt&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
ossigené - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \usijen'e \) - 1) - to oxygenate. - ostentation, showing off, parade, show. See also the term
2) - to peroxide, to bleach. - 3) - to reinvigorate, to "ostentament".
revive (in a fig. sense). ostentator - n. (pr. \ ustænt&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. ostentator - fm.
ossìgeno - n. m. (pr. \us'ijenô \) Only sng. (chemical element). sng. and plr. ostentartiss, ostentatriss. - boaster, show-
In case of need inv. at plr. - oxygen. Sometimes also off, braggart.
"ossìgen" (see the term). ostenté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ ustænt'e \ ) - to parade, to make
ossiur - n. m. (pr. \ usi'[ue]r \ ) Inv. at plr. - pin-worm a parade (of), to display ostentatiously, to show-off.
(zoology - Oxyuris vermicularis). ostentos - adj. (pr. \ustænt'uz\ ) Ms. plr. ostentos - fm. sng. and
ossiurìasi - n. f. (pr. \ usi[ue]r'i&si \ ) Inv. at plr. - oxyuriasis plr. ostentosa, ostentose. - vain, conceited, showing-off.
(medical). osteologìa - n. f. (pr. \ usteuluj'i& \ ) At plr. osteologìe. -
ossios - adj. (pr. \ usi'uz \ ) Ms. plr. ossios - fm. sng. and plr. osteology (science).
ossiosa, ossiose. - 1) - idle, indolent, slothful. - 2) - idle, osteològich - adj. (pr. \ usteul'ojic \ ) Ms. plr. osteològich - fm.
vain, useless, futile. sng. and plr. osteològica, osteològiche. - osteological
ossiosàgin - (pr. \ usiuz'&ji[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - idleness, (science).
slothfulness, indolence. osteoporòsi - n. f. (pr. \ usteupur'ozi \ ) Inv. at plr. -
ossiosità - n. f. (pr. \ usiuzit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - idleness. - 2) osteoporosis (medical).
- futility. osteòlogh - n. (pr. \ uste'olug \ ) Ms. plr. osteòlogh - fm. sng.
ossos - adj. (pr. \ us'uz \ ) - See ossù. and plr. osteòloga, osteòloghe. - osteologist (medical). See
ossù - adj. (pr. \ us'[ue] \ ) Ms. plr. ossù - fm. sng. and plr. also the term osteòlogo.
ossù, ossùe. - bony, big-boned. See also the term "ossos". osteòlogo - n. (pr. \ uste'olugô \ ) - See osteòlogh.
ost - n. m. (pr. \ ust \ ) Inv. at plr. - August (month). See also osterìa - n. f. (pr. \ uster'i& \ ) - See ostarìa.
the terms "òst, agost ". ostétrica - n. f. (pr. \ ust'etric& \ ) At plr. ostétriche. -
ostàcol - n. m. (pr. \ ust'&cul \ ) At plr. ostàcoj. - 1) - obstacle, obstetrician, midwife. See also the term "levatriss".
hurdle (athletics) - 2) - barrier (riding). - 3) - obstacle, ostétrich - n. and adj. Ms. plr. ostétrich - fm. sng. and plr.
hindrance, handicap, obstruction, impediment. In this ostétrica, ostétriche. - 1) - obstetrician (sbst.). - 2) -
sense see also the term "antrap". obstetrical, obstetric (adj.).
ostacolé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ ust&cul'e \ ) - to hinder, to ostetrìcia - n. f. (pr. \ ustetr'i[ch]i& \ ) At plr. ostertìce. -
handicap, to hamper, to obstruct. obstetrics, mildwifery. See also the term "ostetrìssia".
ostacolìsta - n. (pr. \ ust&cul'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. ostacolista - fm. ostetrìssia - n. f. (pr. \ ustetr'isi& \ ) - See ostetrìcia.
sng. and plr. ostacolista, ostacoliste. - 1) - hurdler ostëssa - n. f. (pr. \ ust'&ss& \ ) At plr. ostësse. - hostess,
(athletics). - 2) - jumper (riding). landlady, innkeeper, innkeeper's wife. See also the terms
ostagi - n. m. (pr. \ ust'&ji \ ) Inv. at plr. - hostage. "òsto, òsta".
ostansa - n. f. (pr. \ ust'&[ng]s& \ ) At plr. ostanse. - 1) - ostiari - n. m. (pr. \ usti'&ri \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - porter, door-
impediment, hindrance, obstruction. - 2) - impediment, keeper. - 2) - ostiary (the person - religion).
bar (legal). See also the term "antrap". ostiarià - n. m. (pr. \ usti&ri'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - ostiary (the
ostarìa - n. f. (pr. \ ust&r'i& \ ) At plr. ostarìe. - inn, tavern, order - religion).
bublic house (pub). See also the term "osterìa". ostil - adj. (pr. \ ust'il \ ) Ms. plr. ostij - fm. sng. and plr. ostila,
ostarié - n. (pr. \ ust&ri'e \ ) Ms. plr. ostarié - fm. sng. and plr. ostile. - hostile, unfriendly, contrary, adverse.
ostariera, ostariere. - 1) - host, innkeeper, publican, ostilità - n. f. (pr. \ ustilit'& \ ) Inv. at plr. - hostility.
landlord. - 2) - regular customer of inns. ostinà - adj. and n. (pr. \ ustin'& \ ) Inv. in gnd. and nr. - 1) -
ostativ - adj. . (pr. \ ust&t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. ostativ - fm. sng. and obstinate, stubborn (adj.). - 2) - obstinate person (sbst.).
plr. ostativa, ostative. - impedimental. ostinassion - n. f. (pr. \ ustin&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
osté - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ ust'e \ ) - to hinder, to hamper, to obstinacy, stubbornness. See also the term "ostinatëssa".
impede, to be opposed. ostinatëssa - n. f. (pr. \ ustin&t'&ss& \ ) - See ostinassion.
ostegé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ ustej'e \ ) - to oppose, to be ostinésse - vrb 1st con. refl. (pr. \ ustin'ese \ ) - to be obstinate,
hostile, to be against, to be opposed. to persist, to persevere, to insist. See also the term
ostegiament - n. m. (pr. \ usteji&m'ænt \ ) Inv. at plr. - "antestésse".
hostility, opposition, aversion. ostracism - n. m. (pr. \ ustr&[ch]'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. -
ostegiator - n. (pr. \ usteji&t'ur \ ) Ms. plr. ostegiator - fm. ostracism.
sng. and plr. ostegiatriss, ostegiatriss. - opposer, ostrogòt - n. and adj. (pr. \ ustrug'ot \ ) Ms. plr. ostrogòt - fm.
opponent, adversary. sng. and plr. ostrogòta, ostrogòte. - 1) - Ostrogoth (sbst.)
ostél - n. m. (pr. \ ust'el \ ) At plr. ostéj. - 1) - youth hostel. - 2) (history). - 2) - barbarian (sbst.) (in a fig. sense) . - 3) -
- hostel, abode, dwelling (in a fig. and lit. sense). Ostrogothic, Ostrogothian (adj.). - 4) incomprehensible
ostengh - adj. (pr. \ ust'æ[ng]g \ ) Ms. plr. ostengh - fm. sng. (adj.). (in a fig. sense). As an adj. see also the term
and plr. ostenga, ostenghe. - of August (month). "ostrogòtich ".
ostensìbil - adj. (pr. \ ustæ[ng]s'ibil \ ) Ms. plr. ostensìbij - fm. ostrogòtich - adj. (pr. \ ustrug'otic \ ) Ms. plr. ostrogòtich - fm.
sng. and plr. ostensìbil, ostensìbij. - that may be shown. sng. and plr. ostrogòtica, ostrogòtoche. - 1) - Ostrogothic,

Ostrogothian (adj.). - 2) incomprehensible (adj.). (in a oten-e - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ ut'æ[ng]e \ ) - 1) - to obtain, to
fig. sense). See also the term "ostrogòt 3rd and 4th get, to achieve, to attain, to gain, to reach. - 2) - to
meanings". realize, to earn. See also the term "otnì ".
ostrùe - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ ustr'[ue]e \ ) - to obstruct, to otet - n. m. (pr. \ ut'æt \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - octet (chemistry,
block, to jam, to interrupt, to clog. See also the terms computer science). - 2) - octet, octette (music).
"ostruve. ostruì ". oteugn - n. m. (pr. \ ut'[oe][gn] \ ) Inv. at plr. - autumn, fall.
ostruì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ ustr[ue]'i \ ) - See ostrùe. See also the terms "otogn, otonn, autun".
ostrussion - n. f. (pr. \ ustr[ue]si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - otimal - adj. (pr. \ utim'&l \ ) Ms. plr. otimaj - fm. sng. and plr.
obstruction, blocking up , jamming, occlusion, closing, otimal, otimaj. - optimal, optimum (as an attribute).
clogging. otimalisassion - n. f. (pr. \ utim&liz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
ostrussionism - n. m. (pr. \ ustr[ue]siun'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - optimalization (economy).
obstructionism, filibustering. otimalisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ utim&liz'e \ ) - to optimalize,
ostrussionista - n. (pr. \ ustr[ue]siun'ist& \ ) Ms. plr. to optimize (economy).
ostrussionista - fm. sng. and plr. ostrussionista, otimisassion - n. f. (pr. \ utimiz&si'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. -
ostrussioniste. - obstructionist, filibuster. optimization.
ostrussionìstich - adj. (pr. \ ustr[ue]siun'istic \ ) Ms. plr. otimisé - vrb 1st con. trs. (pr. \ utimiz'e \ ) - to optimize.
ostrussionistich - fm. sng. and plr. ostrussionistica, otimism - n. m. (pr. \ utim'izm \ ) Inv. at plr. - optimism.
ostrussionistiche. - obstructionistic. otimìsta - n. (pr. \ utim'ist& \ ) . (pr. \ utim'ist& \ ) Ms. plr.
ostrutiv - adj. (pr. \ ustr[ue]t'iu \ ) Ms. plr. ostrutiv - fm. sng. otimista - fm. sng. and plr. otimista, otimiste. - optimist.
and plr. ostrutiva, ostrutive. - obstructive, obstructing. otimìstich - adj. (pr. \ utim'ist& \ ) . (pr. \ utim'istic \ ) Ms. plr.
ostruve - vrb 2nd con. trs. (pr. \ ustr'[ue]we \ ) - See ostrùe. otimistich - fm. sng. and plr. otimistica, otimistiche. -
otaédrich - adj. (pr. \ ut&'edric \ ) Ms. plr. otaédrich - fm. optimistich, optimistical.
sng. and plr. otaédrica, otaédriche. - octahedral. otin - n. m. (pr. \ ut'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - vineyard. See also the
otaédro - n. m. (pr. \ ut&'edrô \ ) Inv. at plr. - octahedron. terms "autin, vigna".
(geometry). otiss - n. m. (pr. \ ut'i[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - tool, utensil,
otàgon - n. m. (pr. \ ut'&gu[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - octagon implement. See also the most common term "utiss".
(geometry). See also the term "eutagon". otìte - n. f. (pr. \ ut'ite \ ) Inv. at plr. - otitis (medical).
otagonal - adj. (pr. \ ut&gun'&l \ ) Ms. plr. otagonaj - fm. sng. otnì - vrb 3rd con. trs. (pr. \ utn'i \ ) - See oten-e.
and plr. otagonal, otagonaj. - octagonal (geometry). See otober - n. m. (pr. \ ut'ubær \ ) Inv. at plr. - October (month).
also the term "eutagonal ". otobrin - adj. (pr. \ ut'ubri[ng] \ ) Ms. plr. otobrin - fm. sng.
otalgìa - n. f. (pr. \ ut&lj'i& \ ) At plr. otalgìe. - otalgy, ear- and plr. otobrin-a, otobrin-e. - of October, October (as
ache (medical). an attribute).
otàlgich - adj. (pr. \ ut'&ljic \ ) Ms. plr. otàlgich - fm. sng. and otogn - n. m. (pr. \ ut'u[gn] \ ) Inv. at plr. - autumn, fall. See
plr. otàlgica, otàlgiche. - otalgic (medical). also the terms "oteugn, otonn, autun".
otan - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ ut'&[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. (if any). - octane otognal - adj. (pr. \ utu[gn]'&l \ ) - See otonal.
(chemistry). otogneul - adj. (pr. \ utu[gn]'[oe]l \ ) - See otonal.
otan - 2) - adv. . (pr. \ ut'&[ng] \ ) - 1) - as mich, as much as. - otojatra - n. (pr. \ utuy'&tr& \ ) Ms. plr. otojatra - fm. sng.
2) - in the same way. and plr. otojatra, otojatre. - otologist, ear-specialist.
otanta - crd. nmr. adj. (pr. \ ut'&nt& \ ) Inv. in gnd. (obviously otojatrìa - n. f. (pr. \ utuy&tr'i& \ ) At plr. otojatrìe. - otology.
plr.) - eighty. otoman-a - n. f. (pr. \ utum'&[ng]& \ ) At plr. otoman-e. -
otanta - n. m. (pr. \ ut'&nt& \ ) Inv. at plr. - eighty, the otoman, sofa, settee. See also the term "turca".
number eighty. oton - n. m. (pr. \ ut'u[ng] \ ) Inv. at plr. - 1) - brass (metal) In
otanten-a - n. f. (pr. \ ut&nt'æ[ng]& \ ) At plr. otanten-e. - 1) - this meaning see also the term "loton". - 2) - brass (in
group of eighty. - 2) - some eighty, about eighty. Piedm. at plr. - music, instruments made of brass).
otantésim - nmr. ord. adj. (pr. \ ut&nt'ezim \ ) Ms. plr. otonal - adj. (pr. \ utun'&l \ ) Ms. plr. otonaj - fm. sng. and plr.
otantésim - fm. sng. and plr. otantésima, otantésime. - otonal, otonaj. - autumnal. See also the term "autunal,
eightieth. See also the loc. "ch'fà otanta". See grammar for otognal, otogneul ".
use of ordinals in Piedm. otonam - n. m. (pr. \ utun'&m \ ) Inv. at plr. - braziery, brass-
otarda - n. f. (pr. \ ut'&rd& \ ) At plr. otarde. - great bustard ware.
(zoology - Otis tarda) . Also called "pito servaj ". otonari - 1) - n. m. (pr. \ utun'&ri \ ) Inv. at plr. - octosyllabic
otària - n. f. (pr. \ ut'&ri& \ ) At plr. otàrie. - sea-lion, otary line (poetry).
(zoology - Otaria). otonari - 2) - adj. (pr. \ utun'&ri \ ) Ms. plr. otonari - fm. sng.
otav - nmr. ord. adj. (pr. \ ut'&u \ ) Ms. plr. otav - fm. sng. and and plr. otonària, otonàrie. - octosyllabic (poetry).
plr. otva, otave. - eighth. See also the loc. "ch'fà eut". See otoné - 1) - n. (pr. \ utun'e \ ) Ms. plr. otoné - fm. sng. and plr.
grammar for use of ordinals in Piedm. otonera, otonere. - brazier. See also the term "lotoné ".
otava - n. f. (pr. \ ut'&v& \ ) At plr. otave. - 1) - octave, otoné - 2) - vrb 1st con. trs. - to coat with brass, to brass. See
octaves (religion). - 2) - octave, ottava rima (poetry). - 3) also the term "lotoné ".
- octave, ottava (music). otonn - n. m. (pr. \ ut'un \ ) - See oteugn.
otavari - n. m. (pr. \ ut&v'&ri \ ) Inv. at plr. - octave, octaves otorinolaringojàtra - n. (pr. \ uturinularinguy'&tr& \ ) Ms. plr.

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