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Social Assignment

4 ways to conserve resources:

 Start a compost pile: Composting helps to give back

nutrients and increase the fertility of the soil. The fertile
soil can then be used to grow good quality and quantity of
plant harvest.
 Open your windows instead of running the A/C: This
helps save electricity which is important for many other
reasons. This also helps protect the Earth as the emission
of CFC's is reduced. CFC's damage the ozone layer but with
this step, we can reduce such harmful effects.
 Plant and maintain trees, and harvest their fruit:
This is a very useful step as it saves money. When we plant
trees we are giving to our surroundings a great benefit.
Trees give food, act as a home, release oxygen into the
air(thus cleaning it), and prevent soil erosion. They last for
a long time and give a big supply of fresh food.
 Close shades during sunny hours: Doing this saves
electricity which can be useful for more important deeds.
It also helps in prevent frequent power cuts.

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