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- So here's some simple instructions on how to handle change in your life.

On your message machine, on

your cellphone, you can put, "I'm not available right now, but thank you "for caring enough to call. "I am
making some changes in my life. "Please leave a message after the beep. "If I don't return your call, "you
are one of the changes." So, knowledge is the precursor to experience. The more knowledge you have,
the more prepared you are for an experience. All of the information that we talked about is a language
to help you understand exactly the process of transformation and the process of creation. And I have a
few more concepts to develop before we get into the practicum, okay? We all have had experiences in
our life that have branded us emotionally. And when we're children, we have events that occur, we can't
quite figure out why they occur, and with children, most of our attention when we're children, is in our
inner world, on how we feel. And so when we have events that take place in our life, they alter us
emotionally. And we begin to pay attention to what caused it outside of us. And if we have caregivers
and people that take care of us who are acting in conflicting ways, it changes us biologically. And because
we don't really have any analytical facilities to process what happens, it just kind of encodes into our
subconscious system. You with me? So now we have these events that occur in our life, and we have
these feelings. And what we do is, we spend a lot of our life putting all of our attention on our outer
world. We start to develop relationships with friends, we move to different places, we go to college, we
go to highschool, we buy things, we get married, we get divorced, we get married again. You buy more
things, you buy... All of that stuff happens, and what occurs is that we spend a lot of our time creating an
identity by identifying with things in our external world. You get the idea? And the external world is
made up of people you know and things that you own, and places that you've lived, and places that
you're going to go, and experiences that you've had. And so when you meet someone for the first time,
you shake their hand and you say, what's your name?

- [Kay] Kay. Kay, I'm Joe, hey. Where are you from?

- [Kay] Austin. Austin, you were born and raised in Austin?

- [Kay] No, I was born in Los Alamos. Los Alamos, I have friends in Los Alamos. So people. And were you
at that wedding in Los Alamos two years ago? Say yes.

- [Kay] Yes. Oh, you were at the wedding? I was at that wedding too. And you own those things?

- [Kay] I do. I own those things too.

- [Kay] Really? Yeah. And you've had those experiences? I've had those experiences also. So if we share
the same experiences, we share the same emotions and feelings. And if we share the same emotions and
feelings, we share the same energy. Because emotions are energy in motion. So we begin to bond by a
field of information beyond space and time. And so now we are connected because we can relate with
each other. And as long as you don't change, everything's going to be great. Right? So then, we have this
gap that begins to form. This is who we really are inside. This is how we really feel. And this is the
identity that we identify with the world. We create this persona, this image, this facade, based on all the
things that we've experienced on our external reality. So after 12 or 14 years old, we start developing
our individuality and we identify with all the things and people in our external environment to distract
us, from what? This feeling. So you don't have to pay attention to the feeling because you could put all of
your attention on your external world, and you can learn things, and you can go to college and develop a
career, and get married and have kids, and all of that stuff works really good for a period of time. Then
all of sudden, somewhere in your life in your late 30s and 40s, all of a sudden you can predict the feeling
of every experience you're going to have in your life. You know how it's going to feel. When you get to
this point where all of the sudden you can predict the feeling of everything that's going to happen in
your life, you've stopped learning and you start feeling. And feelings become the barometer for you to
evaluate your future. And if familiar feelings are a record of the past, then for the most part, your past is
your future. How many people are with me? So this is called the mid-life crisis, right? And this is the
moment the soul is trying to wake you up, and it's saying to you, pay attention to this feeling. Come on,
look at this feeling. And so all of the sudden now, people start looking at this feeling and all of the people
and things and places and all of that stuff, spinning plates that keep all of this going, keep all of this
identity going, they start breaking their emotional agreements with everyone and everything. We're
bonded, we're in emotional agreement. You suffer, you talk about your problems. I suffer and talk about
my problems. Hey, we can relate. And so all of the sudden now, you start breaking those contracts with
everyone in your life. You start saying, you know what? I don't love you. You know why? Because I don't
even know what love is. And those people that we hang out with, I'm done. They're a bunch of fakes. I
don't want to fake it any longer. You start saying, I don't want to go there, I don't want to do that, what's
the meaning of life? Why am I doing all this? Why am I keeping all of this going? Because when it's all
over, this feeling won't go away. Because you've experienced everything that life has to offer. You've had
relationships, you've had betrayal, you've had successes, you've had failures, you've felt guilty, you've
felt like a failure, you've felt like a success. You've had all those dynamics, and at the end there's nothing
left to experience. And of the sudden now, this feeling won't go away. And this is the moment you start
looking at this feeling and you start telling the truth about who you are. And all of these friends that you
have all of these emotional bonds with, their feelings get hurt. I liked you better the other way. You hurt
my feelings. So then what happens, very naturally, is that they all huddle together and they say, let's
bring her to the doctor. And so they bring you to the doctor and the doctor gives you some chemicals,
and what happens? You return right back to the same identity. You with me? Now other people, they're
going to reinvent themselves. And so, you know what they're going to do, right? They're gonna create
more possessions to reinvent themselves. They're gonna buy the sports car, the boat. They're going to go
on vacation to a new place. They're going to join a social club and meet new people that are important.
And then they find out that those people, when they get to know them, have more problems than they
do. But when the novelty of the new thing, the car, the boat, wears off, or you return back from your
vacation and the experience is over, or you've met those people and you realize they're no different
from you, all of the sudden this feeling comes back. How many people are with me? And so we begin to
become possessed by our possessions. And we look for something outside of us to try to make this
feeling go away inside of us. Now, there's nothing wrong with that because that is an innate desire to
want to change, to evolve. We've just been conditioned into believing that we change by doing
something outside of us.
- So then, when the soul is asking you to pay attention to this feeling and you're not looking at it, the only
thing you have left to do is try to create new experiences by buying new things or consuming new things
so that you could create a new identity but when the novelty wears off this feeling comes back. Don't
you know advertising companies know this? And they say to you wear your hair this way, drink this beer,
drive this car, take this drug, and you'll look like this person and you'll begin to identify with all of those
things to try to make this feeling go away. You still with me? And so what most people do is they wait for
crisis or trauma or loss or disease. When they're finally no longer trying to keep this all going they take
their attention off that reality and it begins to crumble. And everybody thinks they're losing their mind.
And they are. And so, when we begin to look at these emotions, layer by layer, the bigger the gap, the
bigger the emotional addiction. People have these layers of emotions that keep them connected to the
past and as long as they're keeping their attention on their external reality they no longer have to pay
attention to how they feel inside of them. This is what they're hiding. They don't want anybody to know
this. There's emptiness or there's sadness, or there's pain in there. They want to create the persona that
everything's okay and everybody's doing the same thing. You with me? And so when you begin to look at
those emotions and you begin to unmemorize those emotions and you begin to liberate energy, because
every time you unmemorize an emotion you are closing the gap between how you appear to the world
and how you are inside of you, every time you unmemorize an emotion you liberate energy. And that is a
valuable energy for you to create a new destiny with. Now you with me? [Murmur Agreement] But a lot
of people know when they get past the sports car and they get past the new wardrobe and they get past
the affairs and all of that stuff and that feeling isn't going away, there's a whole other level. And that's
called addictions. So now a person starts to take drugs, or they start to gamble, or they start to shop too
much, or they overeat, or they under-eat, or what else do they do? Video game, pornography, drink, all
of that stuff. And it is because they are innately trying to make this feeling go away as quickly as possible.
The moment they take the drug, the moment they drink, the moment they shop too much or whatever,
all of a sudden the feeling goes away. And they begin to correlate that change in their feeling with that
thing. They begin to attach to that thing outside of them and now they become dependent on it. In a
matter of seconds the moment they feel differently inside of them they'll pay attention to what caused
it. But if they're shopping a lot or they're gambling a lot, or they're video gaming a lot, there's a huge
release in the pleasure centers of the brain, of dopamine and norepinefrine. And that release of those
pleasure chemicals begins to desensitize the receptor sights in the brain. So the next time they shop, if
they spend $5,000, now they have to spend $7,000 to make the feeling go away because the receptor
sights keep recalibrating to a higher and higher level. And beginning to broaden the gap more and more.
So it always takes a little more the net time. Sounds like an addiction to me, doesn't it? So then if you're
gambling and you're spending $10,000 and you don't get the rush, you've got to spend $15,000 because
that's what it takes to stimulate those pleasure centers and the pleasure centers begin to become
hijacked to a higher and higher level so you keep gotting to use more to make the feeling go away. How
many people are with me? And so then in the absence of that stimulation we can't find pleasure from
anything. Because now the body is reprogrammed to search for something outside of it to make it feel
better. Now that is an innate desire to want to change but we've just been conditioned into believing
that it has to happen outside of us. How many people are with me? Now think about this. All the things
you own and all the people know and all the places you live and all the experiences you had is defining
this identity right here and this is how you really feel inside of you. At the end of your life when all of this
goes away, what are you left with? This feeling right here. And you could be the smartest person, the
most successful person, the most beautiful person, the most wealthy person, the most popular person,
but if you haven't looked at this emotion, you haven't evolved in one lifetime.

- Every single thing in your external environment, every person you know, every thing that you own,
every place that you sleep, or you work, or you eat, everything in your external environment you have an
energetic connection to. Why? Because every person, thing, place in your external environment, you
keep recreating the same experience, which means it produces the same emotion, and emotion is
energy. So you begin to bond to everyone and every thing in your life. How many people understand? So
then if you're living by the same emotion every single day, your energy is the same every single day,
would you agree? And as long as your energy is the same every single day, you're bound to your present-
past reality in a field of information beyond space and time. So here's an oxygen atom. I'll do it better.
Here's an oxygen atom, and here's a field of energy around it. Here's another oxygen atom, here's a field
of energy around it. They're sharing information, they're bound in the quantum field beyond space and
time. How many people understand that? So people say they're sharing electrons, but what they're
really sharing is information and energy, that's what forms a molecule, you got it? So then, let's just take
that out and just do this. Or better yet, let's do this. So then, if you're a victim, and this person is a victim,
then you're sharing information because you're sharing energy. So then here you are in your life now,
here's the gap between how you appear to the world, how you really feel inside. The ideal for the world,
the ideal for the self. What you're projecting in the outer world, and how you really feel inside, what
you're hiding. And so you don't want anybody to know that you feel this way, but everybody's doing the
same thing. So you know, you talk about things you own, and the place you live, and your problems, and
all that stuff because you don't want anybody to know about this. And everybody's doing the same thing,
and so as long as you're living by these emotions layer by layer, the bigger the gap, the bigger the
addiction. You understand? And when you begin to look at these emotions, and you begin to un-
memorize them, and you begin to look at how you think when you feel that way, how you act and what
choices you make driven by that emotion. Now you're beginning to un-memorize those emotions. And as
you begin to un-memorize those emotions layer by layer, you close the gap between how you appear to
the world and how you really feel inside. And ultimately, every time you un-memorize an emotion, you
liberate energy. And now you go from particle to wave, and you have available energy to design a new
destiny. You go from matter to energy, how many people understand? And when how you appear is who
you are, it takes no energy to be you. How many people are with me also? And as you begin to un-
memorize those emotions, you're moving, removing the veils and the masks that block the flow of the
divine in you. And it can begin to leak out, and sneak out, and move through you, move in you, and move
all around you. And its nature becomes your nature, its mind becomes your mind, its will becomes your
will. Now remember this? So every person, every thing, every place, everything in your external
environment you are bound to in a field beyond space and time. So as long as you're living by the same
emotion every day, you're living by the same energy, your past-present reality is staying the same
because you're bound to every thing in your life because you keep re-experiencing it to produce the
same emotion. And the same emotion then keeps you connected to every person, every thing in your
life. As you begin to un-memorize those emotions, and you're sitting in your meditation, and your body is
raging on you, and it's impatient, and it's frustrated, and it's guilty, and it's judging you, and you're
waiting for it to finish, to run through all of those programs, and you're waiting, and you're observing it,
and you're saying, "That's your best? "Come on, let's keep going, let's cross the river. "And when you're
done, I'm gonna recondition you "to a new mind." And you're observing your thoughts, and you're
noticing your propensities and behaviors, and you're looking at those emotions, but you are not
investing your energy in it, you're observing it. And as you begin to overcome yourself and liberate
yourself energetically from that emotion, don't you know that you are breaking the bonds to everyone
and every thing in your known life? Think about it, as you overcome the emotion, you snap the energy to
the people and conditions in your life that keep it the same. And now you're calling energy back to you
and you now have more available energy. And you as the quantum observer are no longer attached to
your past-present reality because you are no longer emotionally bound to it in a field of energy beyond
space and time.

- If you are interacting with the same people in the same way and you are both relating because you're
both victims in suffering then you share the same emotions, you share the same energy. Would you

- [Audience] Yes. And just like two atoms that are bound together in a field beyond space and time, you
are bound energetically to every person, everything. Your computer, your bed, your car. Every place
where you work, where you sleep. All of that stuff, things you own, you have an energetic signature
connecting you to it because you keep experiencing everything in your reality. And the end product of
the experience is an emotion. You with me?

- [Audience] Yes. So you smear your energy all over your present reality, yes?

- [Audience] Yes. And you are bound to everything because you're interacting with it for the emotional
experience. Yes? So everything in your known reality you are bound to in a field of information beyond
space and time just like two atoms sharing information. So then, when you sit down and you do your
meditation and you are overcoming your emotional body, your emotional self. And you are freeing your
body from the chains of the past. And the body is surrendering into the present moment, it's acquiescing
to a new mind. As you do that, and you overcome that emotional self, you are breaking the bonds to all
the people and places and conditions in your life that keep reaffirming the same reality. And you are
calling energy back to you and that's a vallibel energy for you to design a new destiny with. How many
people understand that now? So then let's talk about the anthesis of that. Let's say you don't overcome
your emotional self. Okay, and you have an addiction to an emotion and you're using all the people in
your life to reaffirm your emotional addiction so that you can feel something, that rush of energy. What's
your definition of an addiction? Isn't it something you can't stop? So if you were angry or sad or
frustrated and I said, I know you're really angry but listen, what I really want you do to is just stop right
now. Just stop. What would you say to me?

- [Woman] I don't know how. You'd say, I can tell you all the reasons why I am this way. Yes? So whether
it's valid, justified or not, if you can't stop it, it means you're addicted to it. Would you agree? Come on,
give me a nod.
- [Audience] Yes. So then, if you're addicted to chocolate, let's use this as an example, I'm making this up.
Come on, you guys. People are sweating over there. If you're addicted to chocolate, right and I slid a
chocolate cake in front of you, would you agree that the moment you saw the chocolate cake by
association you would hear a little voice in your head saying what?

- [Audience] Eat it. Oh, come on, just take one bite. Everybody else is eating it. Why don't you start
tomorrow. Tomorrow's a better day. You know all of that, you know, this doesn't feel good. And that's
the body as the mind trying to unseat you because an addiction is when the body is the mind. So then if
you broke your addiction to chocolate or sugar or whatever, I'm using this as an example, and I slid the
cake in front of you, would you agree that you could eat it or not eat it?

- [Audience] Yes. You'd have no tug, right? But when you are addicted to it, the moment you see it by
association, your body physiologically, chemically, subconsciously, autonomically, automatically returns
to the old state. You listening? So Pavlov takes a volunteer dog and straps him to a table, right? And then
he feeds him a delicious meal and rings him a bell. Rings a bell, right? And if he keeps doing that enough
times he could ring the bell and the dog will what?

- [Audience] Salivate. Autonomically, automatically, subconsciously the moment it hears the bell, uses
it's senses, the body physiologically returns into a state of being. So then if you're addicted to an
emotion and you haven't overcome your emotional self, don't you know that the moment you return
back into your life and you see the person that you use to reaffirm your addiction. The moment you see
them or hear them your body is gonna autonomically, automatically, physiologically, chemically return
back to the old self, without the conscious mind being involved. And that's why it's so hard to change.
How many people understand?

- [Audience] Yes. Break your addiction to that emotion and unmemorize it and you are no longer bound
to your same present reality. When you break those bonds to everyone and everything in your life, you
are opening up those particles to move back into waves of possibility and your life will begin to seem
disorderly. Because now it's time to command matter and observe a new future and cause 'em to
collapse into new patterns of information. How many people understand that? So then, you break your
addiction to that emotion and you walk back into your life and you could face your greatest enemy. Your
biggest adversary and you will not return back to the old self 'cause you overcame your self at the
beginning of your day. And now you no longer knee-jerk in the same way because that emotion no
longer is keeping you physiologically, unconsciously returning back to the same self. And I can tell you
from observing this over and over again and the students in our advancing group, they love their
enemies now. Why? 'Cause they see themselves in them. Who they used to be. And they totally
understand them but they're on into a future. They don't even take it personally any longer because they
broke the energetic bond. And that's called freedom.
Because you are connected to everyone and everything in a field of information beyond space and time,
energetically because you share the same emotions. Or, you've interacted with your present past reality,
every single day in the same way, to produce the same emotion, to produce the same energy. Then,
you're energy is keeping you bound to your present reality and nothing's changing because your energy's
the same as the day before and you're bound to everyone and everything, and every experience in your
past present reality because you are energetically bound to it. If you break free from that emotion, what
does it take for two atoms that are bound together to form a molecule to separate? What does it take? It
takes energy. Energy has to break the bonds. As you begin to break the bond by changing your energy,
you are breaking your bonds to every thing, every person in your present reality and you're causing your
reality that's frozen into the same patterns of information called particles, to turn back into possibility.
How many people understand that? Now, your life moves into a state of disorderliness, which is normal
and now it's the time to start creating because now, if you use that energy and you direct it, now you can
use it with a clear intention as the handmaiden to begin to observe a new future. People are doing this
around the world and they're understanding then, that moment the emotion no longer lives in them,
they're no longer bound to their present reality, they're in the future. They can walk back into their life
and they are not seduced emotionally by the problems and conditions in their life because they
overcame themselves to no longer be bound by it. They don't physiologically, autonomically,
automatically, subconsciously like Pavlov's dog by association return back to the old state of being,
because that emotion no longer exists in them because they're no longer addicted to it. People then all
of a sudden, are free to create a new future. Why? Because they've overcome the emotion and they're
no longer bound to the past, and the soul wakes up and it begins to give them ideas and insights about
possibilities that they would have never considered before because they can't consider it, because
they're connected to their past present life. If you can understand that when you unmemorize emotions
that you are freeing your body from the chains of the past and you are breaking your emotional bonds to
your past present reality and liberating energy. You are creating enough energy to design a new future,
then you should be creating a new future every time you're unmemorizing the past. Wouldn't you agree?
The process of change then, requires unlearning and relearning. You gotta break the habit of the old self
but you better reinvent a new self. You better prune synaptic connections and sprout new ones. You
better unmemorize emotions it stored in the body and then recondition the body to a new mind or to a
new emotion. You better stop signaling the same genes in the same way, and re-signal new genes in new
ways. Would you agree? Deprogram and reprogram. Most people, when they're in the process of
change, they stop being their old selves or they're trying to create a new self, but they're not going
through the complete model. Then, if you're going to make changes in your life and you've all done this.
Have you ever noticed when you decided to make a change, you didn't wanna see anybody? You didn't
wanna go anywhere and do anything? You wanted to kind of sit down and start thinking about what you
no longer were going to do. You begin to see yourself no longer making those same choices. What
thoughts you're not gonna let slip by your awareness, that's saying, "Go ahead, you can start tomorrow."
Or, "This is a good reason to be this way." And, you start selecting those particular thoughts, behaviors,
choices, and experiences that lead to the same emotions and you say, "I'm gonna keep my energy up
"the entire day today, "and I'm not gonna go unconscious. "I'm gonna make a decision and my body's
gonna begin "to respond to a new mind." But then after you do that, you start thinking about how you're
gonna be in your day. What choices you are gonna make. What things you are gonna do. How it's going
to feel. You begin to hold on to that vision, and you begin to inspire your body and give it a sampling of
the future. That's the meditation that we do. It's that simple.
- So let's talk about brain waves. You know you have different brain waves that take place in your brain.
And when you are listening to me right now, your brain is in what's called, beta brain wave patterns. You
listening? And your function of your brain is to create meaning between your outer world and your inner
world. That's one of the main functions, to create coherence between what's going on out there and
what's going on in here. And when you are paying attention to your outer world, when you are aware of
your body, and when you are living in linear time, your thinking neocortex has to integrate all of this
information that the senses are picking up. You with me? So it's feeling your butt on the chair, it's feeling
your bladder's a little bit full, you're feeling a little pain in your back, you know you're a little hungry,
whatever is going on with you. Your brain is trying to create meaning between all of this sensory
information. And because there's a lot of information coming in, your brain waves tend to be a little bit
fast. And because they're fast, you experience a level of awareness, and you believe that the outer world
is more real than the inner world. And that's what beta is. You with me? So you have three levels of beta.
You have low level beta. Most of you are listening to me right now in low level beta. You're relaxed and
you're paying attention. But if I said to you, oh, I forgot to tell you guys we're having a 175 question test
at six o'clock tonight. And you can't eat dinner, you can't leave unless you pass the test. Your brain would
perk up a little bit, and you'd start paying attention a little bit more. And you would move into what's
called, mid-range beta. You got it? It's like taking a light bulb and making it a little bit brighter, a little
more energy to your brain, and you pay more attention to your outer world. Yes? Now when you are
freaked out and emotional and angry and hostile and frustrated and fearful, you go into a very high level
of beta. And that high beta is when the brain gets very disorganized because you're living in emergency
mode all the time. And it's like driving your sports car in first gear on the freeway. You get the idea?
Now, when you close your eyes and you eliminate the external environment, and you're no longer
picking up data from your outer world. And you're no longer hearing sounds, and you're no longer
moving your body and feeling things through experience, there's less stimulation to your brain. So your
brain waves naturally do what? Slow down. And when they slow down, your brain starts to go into
what's called, alpha. You get the idea? Come on. So in alpha, the inner world starts getting more real
than the outer world. It's the imaginary world. Now you naturally go between beta and alpha all day
long. So I'm watching all of you, and this is how I know whether you're paying attention and you're
getting this information. I develop a concept or an idea, and you're all listening in beta, and then you go
like this. Well what are you doing? You're making the inner picture more real than the outer world, and I
disappear for a second. And the moment you attend to that thought, your brain is consolidating that
information neurologically. You got it? So then in alpha then you have to pause for a moment for the
brain to begin to consolidate information, and that's how you learn. So then you would agree that if
you're living in high beta all the time, no new information can come into your nervous system because
it's not a time to learn. It's a time for emergency. It's time to react. It's not time to trust and grow. It's a
time to react and deal with the body. So in high beta then, the senses become heightened, and you're
very concerned with the outer world. Now if you close your eyes and you go into alpha, and you begin to
allow your body to fall asleep a little bit, but you keep your mind awake. That's called theta. So theta is
when your body is asleep and your mind is awake. So think about this. If you've conditioned your body to
be the mind, and now your body's asleep, you would have to agree it's no longer the mind. Right? It's out
of the way, and that's when instantaneous things happen. And then the last level is called delta. And
that's deep sleep. That's called restorative sleep. So now, when you wake up in the morning the
receptors in the back of your eye are picking up light. And as the receptors in the back of your eye are
picking up light, the light that's being transmitted through the optic nerve to the back of the brain causes
the pineal gland to make a neurochemical called serotonin. It's a neurotransmitter. And serotonin is
what wakes the brain up and gets you going and begins to produce beta brain wave patterns. You got it?
Now when it starts to get dark and there's less light that's being picked up by your optic nerve because
there's less light coming in, all of a sudden the pineal gland gets the signal and takes serotonin and turns
it into melatonin. So Sara gets you up in the morning, and Mel puts you to bed at night. You got it? So
when you wake up in the morning, your brain naturally goes from beta to theta to alpha to beta. And
when you go to bed at night, you naturally go from beta to alpha to theta to delta. So we could say, then,
there are two times in your day that the door to the subconscious mind opens up. When you wake up in
the morning and when you go to bed at night.

- So, you know there was research done in the 1960s by a Princeton researcher. And he was very
interested to see if people could change their brain wave patterns. And so he hooked himself up to these
sophisticated machines, biofeedback machines, and he had a screen there, a television screen, and he
spent 12 days in a row trying to change his brainwaves from beta to alpha. And so he chanted, he did
alternate nostril breathing, he did Jacobsen progressive relaxation techniques, did all of these different
things to change his brainwaves and guess what happened? Nothing. On the 13th day, his brain was still
hooked up to the machine, and finally he said, forget it. You can't change your brainwaves. And the
moment he surrendered, guess what happened? He went right into alpha. And all of the sudden, that
began the research. Now, when you're living by the hormones of stress, the chemicals of stress do
something very unusual to the brain. When you sustain a high level of emergency for an extended period
of time, the chemicals cause the brain to begin to compartmentalize. In other words, when you're under
stress, you become selfish, it's all about the self. Your brain all of the sudden gets very selfish. Different
communities of neurons are no longer communicating with other communities. Neighborhoods are no
longer joining and sharing information; the brain becomes very divided, it becomes compartmentalized.
And in high beta then, for an extended period of time, if you were to look at the brainwave patterns, the
brainwave patterns on an electroencephalogram create very incoherent messages. Now incoherence is
like a group of drummers with no rhythm, all playing at the same time. That's disorder, you understand
that, yes? And that disintegrated message, because the brain is now firing asynchronously, sends a very
disintegrated signal down the central nervous system, which sends a very disintegrated signal to your
immune system, to your cardiovascular system, to your digestive system. And all of the sudden, your
nervous system begins to cause other systems to move out of balance because your central nervous
system controls and coordinates all other systems. How many people are with me? So the immune
system says, well I don't know how to make white blood cells, because I can't get the signal. It's static,
it's like a radio dial that's got static on it. Your digestive system can't get the timing down between the
acids in the stomach and the acids in the small intestine, and all of the sudden it moves out of balance.
And the cardiovascular system is thinking that there's a predator around the corner all the time so it's
always in that emergency state, and it starts moving out of balance. How many people are with me? So
living in high emergency for an extended period of time causes a very, very incoherent message in the
brain. And incoherence looks like this. See, everything's out of order. Now, that incoherent signal, you
can actually see on a functional brain scan, on an electroencephalograph. And people, of course, that are
living in an incoherent state, begin to become incoherent. When your brain functions incoherently, you
function incoherently. When your brain functions out of balance, you function out of balance. And
because the hormones of stress cause us to become very narrow focused, very object focused, we're
focusing on the particle instead of the wave, and we're defining our realities by our senses. Then for the
most part then, the more that you begin to focus on your problems, the more you drive your brain
further into that high beta state, the more incoherent. You with me? And then if you start analyzing your
problems within the survival emotions, you drive your brain further where? Into beta. And more away
from the operating system where true change takes place. So when they started doing the research,
what they found is that when you begin to open your focus, and you begin to become aware of the
space around you in space, and you can sense the space that your body is, in space, and you begin to
sense that space and you open your focus, guess what happens? All of the sudden, you very naturally
move into alpha because you're not thinking or analyzing, you're sensing. And brain waves begin to slow
down. But not only do they slow down, but they slow down and get highly synchronized. They get very
orderly. They begin to all of the sudden, different compartments of the brain start to communicate with
each other. And all of the sudden, as they start to communicate with each other, what syncs together,
links together. And all of the sudden, you start feeling more like yourself than you had in a long time
because you're no longer functioning as a person with a multiple personality disorder all at once. The
brain gets highly organized, and that organized signal, that coherent signal, sends a very organized
message to your immune system, to your cardiovascular system and to your digestive system. And all of
the sudden, the body comes back online. So it would be like all of a sudden, a group of drummers
showed up and started hitting a beat. And while everybody was bouncing all over the place drumming,
that beat would get louder and all of the sudden everyone would start beating with the drummers, and
the brain gets very organized in the same exact way. Most of the time, people who live in a state of
coherence and their brain is in a state of balance, for the most part they can begin to function in their
world very effectively. When the brain becomes very incoherent, then all of the sudden you're obsessing
and neurotic and emotional about things in your life, because your brain is out of balance. You with me?
Now, this is how you and I have been taught to focus, to pay attention. Watch the car! Pay attention to
your shoes on time! Watch the stairs! That was an emergency focus, and we tend to focus on, like a
convergent focus on one object, on one thing, an emergency. But that's only one kind of focus. As you
begin to open your focus, and you begin to come away of the space around you in space, and the space
that your body occupies in space, the brain naturally recalibrates, begins to get very orderly. And I can
tell you from experience, I have left my body many, many times. And every time I leave my body, my
body, I'm looking at it on the bed. It's laughing and it's saying, thank God he's out of the way. And I'm
watching it laugh, because it's free from me, it's joyful. Like, oh my God. That level of coherence, then, is
being created when you get beyond yourself. How many people understand? Now, I studied the brains
of people in our workshops over and over again, and I now know that when you open your focus, and
you become pure consciousness, that's when the brain gets highly organized. If you are analyzing your
life within the emotion that's coursing through your circulatory system, you're only driving the brain
further into imbalance.

- [Dr. Joe Dispenza] So take a look at this chart here. For the first two years of life a baby's brain is
functioning in Delta which is about .5 to 4 cycles per second. Between the ages of two and six the brain
wave patterns pick up into Theta between 4 and 8 cycles per second. Now we could say then if Beta is
your conscious awareness in your external world, then for the first 6 years of a baby's life, they are
completely in their subconscious mind. And all of the information that's coming in is coming in un-
encoded because they have no analytical facilities to be able to process it so whatever the child hears or
experiences takes as reality. Big boys don't cry. Little girls should be seen and not heard. You're not very
good at math. You get hit and then you're told that you're loved. You just need to be raised an Italian to
understand that one. So the first 6 years of your life, all of the attention is on the inner world because
that's where the child's brain wave patterns are. You understand? Now, between the ages of 6 and 12, a
child's brainwave patterns begin to pick up. And the child now is beginning to develop some analytical
facilities because it's beginning to learn the laws of the land. And so, as the child begins to put it's finger,
or her finger, in the light socket and she begins to experience pain, all of a sudden she notices a change
in her internal chemistry and she opens her eyes to her senses and she looks to see what it is. And as she
continues to put her attention on her outer environment, her brain waves begin to change. So then, as
the child's brain waves begin to change and it moves into the Alpha, they begin to develop their
analytical facilities and the child in Alpha is in the imaginary world. And that's why you can tell a child of
7 or 9 years old to act like a rabbit and then it's 4:00 in the afternoon and you're stepping over her
because she's still a rabbit. You tell an adult to act like a rabbit and they're like, "Hehheh okay what do
we do now?" 'Cause they're in Beta. So, somewhere between the ages of 6 and twelve that analytical
mind begins to form and this is where children begin to figure it out. They start to realize their parents
aren't as cool as they think they are. You know, and this is where they begin to figure out that there may
not be a Santa Claus. You know, I mean my oldest son is 25 years old. He's got a Master's in Engineering,
he's very mathematical. From the time he was little he was always calculating stuff. I was sitting on the
porch swing by the garden and he came out and he said, "Can I talk to you?" He was like 9 years old. I'm
like, "Yeah, what's up?" He's like, "I've been thinking a lot about Santa Claus. "And I know there's 6.2
billion people on the planet. "And I know that everybody's not into Santa. "Well, let's just say "a third of
those people are Christians, "so that's 2 billion people, and when I do the math "there's no way that
Santa can get to every single house "in that amount of time". And I'm sitting there thinking and I go, "Oh,
well Jace, "you forgot that many families have multiple siblings." He said, "What do you mean?" And I
said, "Well there's more than one kid in a family." He said, "Well how many children on the average "are
in one family?" I said, "2.2." He said, "Gimme a minute." He went inside and he came back out and he
said, "Hey it's still not gonna work." "There's just no way that Santa could actually cover "all these homes
given the amount of places he has to go. "Five minutes per home." I knew I wasn't gonna pull the magic
card on him because he was figuring this out. So I said, "Jace, oh my God, you forgot "one of the most
important things." He's like, "What's that?" I said, "Well the earth rotates." He said, "Well what does that
mean?" I said, "Well get a flashlight and get a baseball." So we got a baseball and a flashlight and I said,
"Look." And I shine the flashlight on the baseball and I said, "You see night is just shade, "that's all it is is
just big shade." And I said, "And the Earth is rotating "and if Santa's going in the direction of the rotation,
"he's got more time." And he looked at me for about a minute without saying anything and then he said,
"How fast does the Earth rotate?" And I said, "26,000 miles an hour." He said, "There's no Santa Claus." I
said, "Don't you tell your brother and sister." So, children begin to figure it out because they begin to
develop their analytical facilities. You understand what an analytical facility is? You have to learn the
laws of the land and you have to analyze to determine your past against your future. You got it? And
that's how you learn. Now, above the ages of 12, most people spend the majority of their time in low-
level Beta. If you're sitting around and reading a book you're in low-level Beta. If you gotta get tested on
that book you're gonna move into mid-range Beta. Now check this out. Look what happens when you're
in high-range Beta. It is twice as high as mid-range Beta. Now the brain is in the high-arousal state. It's in
hyper-activity. It is imbalanced, it's incoherent, and no information can come into the nervous system
that isn't equal to that emotion. In other words, it's not a time to pause and consolidate information. It's
time to run. You get the idea? So then, people who live in this High Beta state they take drugs and they
drink alcohol, to do what? To sedate their body to bring themselves down into a lower level of Beta. So
the whole purpose then is to go into these lower levels in Alpha and Theta. That's when you enter into
the operating system of the subconscious. That's when you begin to reprogram. So then if you're
emotional, and I saw this our research, and you are frustrated and impatient, what level of brain wave
patterns are you in? High Beta. And if you're sitting there frustrated and emotional, and you're analyzing
your life and trying to figure out the reason why you're frustrated and impatient, you're driving your
brain further into High Beta. And you will not listen or believe in anything that isn't equal to that
emotion. In other words, you'll auto-suggest to yourself thoughts equal to that emotion. Which means
you won't be open to thoughts that aren't equal to that emotion.

Let's say that the circle represents your mind, and when you're born, your totally subconscious mind,
and you learn by these positive and negative identifications and associations that give rise to habits and
behaviors. Now a good example of a positive identification is when you're hungry as a child, and you cry
out, and you get fed. You with me? You learn to associate crying out with being fed, so every time you're
hungry, you cry out and you get fed. A good example of a negative association is you put your finger on a
hot stove, and you learn to associate the pain that you're experiencing, your inner environment, with
that white thing in the corner, and you learn to stay away from it. So these positive and negative
identifications give rise to what we call habits and behaviors. You with me? And because the first six
years of life, the brain is in theta and delta, for the most part we're born in our subconscious mind. Now,
somewhere between the ages of six and nine, we begin to develop the analytical mind. Now, the
analytical mind completely fuses off at around 9-years-old or 10-years-old and it creates a filter between
the conscious and the subconscious mind. Now your conscious mind is 5% of your total mind, and it's
made of up things like logic and reasoning, which gives rise to your creative abilities, your will, your faith,
but your subconscious mind is made up of all these positive and negative identifications; It's 95% of who
you are, we've been saying that all along. It gives rise to these habits and behaviors. You with me? Now
the analytical mind is always working. Most people are always evaluating good from bad, right from
wrong, positive and negative, past from future, male from female, and it is an extension of the ego. You
with me? Come on; you with me? So then, your ego, then, when it's in check, does something very
important and very valuable. It takes care of the body. So, if you're hiking along a cliff, and it's a
thousand foot drop, your ego will say, "Step back away from the cliff." If you're at a bonfire and there's
sparks coming off the fire and the wind is blowing a certain direction, your ego will naturally move you
out of the way. It takes care of the body. You got it? If you're walking down the street and the cars are
coming towards you, and it's wet and slippery, you'll cross the street. That's your ego telling you to take
care of your body. So when your ego is in check, what it does very well is it protects the body for the
greater good. But when it's driven by the hormones of stress, all of a sudden the ego gets way out of
balance and all of a sudden the hormones begin to endorse the ego and it becomes overly analytical.
And when it gets overly analytical, that's when it goes into high beta. How many people understand?
And now we're analyzing our life, and the more we analyze our life, the more we move the brain out of
balance, and more away from the operating system. So what's the whole purpose of meditation? The
whole purpose of meditation is to get beyond the analytical mind and begin to change these negative
programs into more positive ones. So then as you begin to move beyond your analytical mind, if you're
analyzing, pretty much in your meditation, you're doing what you're normally doing with your eyes open,
only you're doing them with your eyes closed. You understand? And if you're frustrated and impatient,
and it's driving you into that state, more than likely, you're in high beta, and you haven't entered into the
operating system where alpha, and theta, and true change takes place. You with me? So then we move
from beta to what? And alpha to... and from theta to... And so we could say then that beta and alpha
represent the conscious mind, and alpha, theta and delta, represent the subconscious mind.
- Would you agree that if you are staying in emergency mode and your brain is in a state of incoherence,
the more you analyze your life, the more you're creating incoherent patterns. I saw this when I watched
people try to change in our workshops. And when they opened their focus and they got beyond their
body, they got beyond their face, their hairstyle, their wardrobe, their gender, when they got beyond the
things they owned in their life, their profession. When they got beyond the color of their skin, when they
got beyond the place they live, and got beyond the place they were sitting, and got beyond time, is the
moment they became pure consciousness, and the brain all of a sudden got very organized. It got very
coherent, and all of a sudden, I started to see this. And different compartments of the brain started to
talk to each other, they started to unify, they started to work together and the person started to feel
more whole. So then, if you're functioning in a high level of beta, then, don't you agree then you're
believing the outer world is more real than the inner world? And if those hormones are addictive, do you
think you're gonna wanna close your eyes? You think it's a time to close your eyes and create? Your
body's believing there's a predator around the corner! And people won't wanna close their eyes and go
within because they're believing that out there is more real because the emotions are driving that. How
many people understand? And this is why it's so difficult for people to believe in the inner world.
Because if you watch the news, and you watch the competitive sports, and you watch all of that stuff,
soap operas, or whatever people do. All of that is to convince you that that is all real. And if you're living
in fear, you don't wanna close your eyes and go within, because you would be empowered then,
wouldn't you? And you would be creating then, wouldn't you? So then if you're living in high beta then,
it's an emergency place, and most people will not wanna change their brainwave patterns because they
believe the intelligence of the body is believing that it's not a time to trust. It's not a time to go within,
it's not a time to create. If you close your eyes, something could happen to you, because in antiquity, you
wanted to be aware of your environment. How many people understand? So then, in the process of
meditation, then, when your body has been conditioned emotionally and you have problems in your
environment, that is the time to go within. How many people understand that? That is the time to step
into the river and when everything is going on in your life as you temper those emotions and you
connect to the divine and you have an internal experience that is more real than the external experience,
guess what's gonna happen. It's gonna turn into a mood! It's gonna turn into a temperament, it's
ultimately going to be part of a new personality.

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