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9th October 2019

Topic: “Progress for every Child in the Sustainable Development Goals Era”


Sponsors: China, Republic of India, Japan, Islamic Republic of Iran, Kuwait, Netherlands.
Signatories: Micronesia, Sierra Leone, Laos, Nauru, Myanmar, Jordan, Madagascar, Morocco, Marshall
Islands, Lesotho, Luxemburg.

Adopted by the United Nations Children’s Fund at its 3rd meeting, on 9th October 2019
The United Nations Children’s Fund,

Abiding by the declarations of the Charter of the United Nations,

Recalling our obligations under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child of 20 th
November, 1989 to act in the interest of every child,

Affirming our commitments to the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit in September 2015,
to leave no one behind in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.

Emphasizing Article 19 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child which advocates that all possible
and appropriate measures be taken to protect the child form all violence, abuse, neglect, exploitation and
all other forms of maltreatment,

Establishing the importance of the right of the child to education in achieving the Sustainable
Development Goals and Article 28 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child,


Bearing in mind the UNICEF’s report in 2018 which shows that up to 52 countries are off track of data
collection and 64 countries lack sufficient and reliable data on at least 2/3 rd of the child Sustainable
Development Goals indicators,

Expressing concern that there are still occurrence of violence and other harmful practices against children
that are not reported,

Clearly noting that to children; especially girls, cannot reach their full potential without Goal 5 of the
Sustainable Development Goals,

Affirming that we should take actions on climate change in line with Goal 13 of the 2030 Agenda and
having the consciousness that children suffer most in such situations,

Averring Article 38 of the Convention of the Rights of the Child which advocates for governments to do
everything possible to protect and care for children in war zones,

Expressing concern at the reports of sexual abuse and violence against children across the world,
especially girls,

Acting on the 2019 Food and Agriculture Organization report showing that there is high prevalence of
food insecurity and malnutrition affecting children across the world,

The following has been proposed:

1. Mandates states to strive towards effective research and data collection. And that the quality,
coverage and coordination of data systems be improved. Efforts should be directed towards
accurate researches and constructive data collection to strengthen delivery systems and strategies.
2. Emphasizes that funds should be adequately provided to support nations in undertaking standard
and accurate data collection on child SDG indicators.
3. Decides to obliged member states to protect children in war zones and provide humanitarian
support, and work assiduously to ensure sustainable peace and cohesion in each state.


4. Affirms that we should take actions on climate change in line with Goal 13 of the 2030 Agenda.
There should be effective coordination with governments of nations to take actions on making the
environment safe for the children.
5. Urges all states, particularly super world power nations to continue in their relentless support to
ensure that every child is given equal right to access good quality education across the globe;
most especially in developing states that are challenged in achieving and sustaining such right.
6. Tasking governments to work best to implement the international standards set by various treaties
on child protection issues, and to advocate for the prevalence of such standards over harmful
child norms and traditional practices.
7. Emphasizes that all states work towards providing proper health services in order to give a chance
to every child to live and thrive towards maximizing full potential. Not forgetting the importance
to enhance sustainable health care for pregnant women and mothers in the best interest of the
8. Urges that states, especially developing states, introduce possible strategies to enhance the 2 nd
Goal of the 2030 Agenda for all children:
a) Improve effectiveness of school feeding programs
b) Create equal opportunities to access social amenities
c) Work towards enhancing sustainable and affordable economy in states
d) Protects and promotes the rights of children with disabilities

We request the General Assembly to accept this entire resolution fitting to their standards.

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