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Federal Republic of Germany

Combatting Violence Against Children: Sexual Abuse

and Exploitation Case
Mouva Putri Ramadhita

Every child shall grow up free from neglect and violence

(Germany Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizen, Women and Youth, 2020)
Young generations are one of the stakeholders which are valuable in developing and sustaining
all forms of policies and actions in enhancing and intensifying the implementation of 2030
sustainable development goals. In addition, this generation is expected to be able to reach,
contribute and support in global peace and security. This disclosure is derived by the huge
number of children population worldwide. UNICEF has reported that there are 2.2 billion of
children spread all around the globe and those numbers are expected to increase in the fullness
of time. Eventually, in 2030 the youth population under 15 years old will rise to 1.9 billion.
However, deplorably, reflected from WHO data, around 1 billion children, around 2-17 years,
has experienced form of harassment. As a result, those victims suffered from psychological
and physical issues and they are also more likely to have trust issues in future intimate
relationships. Deplorably, this issue can also lead to the victim's disability and death.
In 2012, the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development successfully established
the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which were constructed in order to provide certain
universal goals to oversee and manage urgent environmental, political and economic global
challenges. In the 16.2 target, SDGs has been aiming its goal to end children abuse,
exploitation, trafficking and all forms of violence against and torture. In order to meet the
target, UN Secretary-General on Violence against Children, in SDGs 16.2 addresser report,
urges all member states and non-member states to construct inclusive and comprehensive
policies that will be able to prevent and respond to all form of child abuse, including sexual
abuse and exploitation. As a result of the report, 160 countries have established comprehensive
child abuse and violence policies as well as banning all form of violence against children,
including children sexual abuse and exploitation.
Germany by their constitution has shown and proven their effort in concerning and solving the
child violence, including child sexual abuse and child exploitation. The Germany has
established the German Federal Child Protection Act. By this act, Germany provides
comprehensive provisions and regulations, regarding the child violation as well as provides
child and youth statistic by collecting child endangerment cases, such as child sexual abuse and
exploitation. Moreover, Germany has created the Federal Foundation for Early Childhood
Intervention in 2018, which part of German Federal Child Protection Act, that discusses
objective provisions in order to protect children from any form of violence, including sexual
abuse and exploitation. Other action has proven by the Federal Government of Germany by
their Early Prevention and Intervention for Parents and Children and Social Early Warning
Systems. This program aims child violation prevention, which scopes accesses in law
justification, healthcare, child and youth welfare services and funding.
Deeply concerned by the huge number of child sexual abuse, Germany proposes Child
Welfare Act, which focusing on Supportive Actions, Collaborative Action and Funding.
Details as below:
1. Constructs supportive action to eliminate children sexual abuse
Deeply concerned by the huge number of children sexual abuse, Germany calls all
member states to provide children safety and protection supportive actions, details as
a. Requests all nations to develop and construct specific, inclusive and comprehensive
policies and framework which discussing about sexual child abuse. The policies
and framework are expected to be as comprehensive and inclusive as it could be in
order to tackle child sexual abuse;
b. Further requests all nations to respond children sexual abuse. This action is
deliberate by the effect of sexual abuse to children physical, phycological and social
issues. All nations should create decent responses which expected to produce
certain comprehensive action and implementation of the 16.2 SDGs target;
c. Encourages all nations to ratify The Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1990.
Measured by the comprehensive and exclusive scopes of The Convention on the
Rights of the Child, this action is urgently expected to be able to enhance nations’
concerns of sexual child abuse, which is expected to gain intensions in order to
create comprehensive and reachable action responding to the issue;
d. Further recommends all nations to provide proper health treatment and law
justification for victims. This action is expected to provide far-reaching recovery
services and post-services for all victims.

2. Intensifies collaborative action with organizations, private sectors and UN Bodies

Deliberate by the influential of collaborative actions with several stakeholders,
Germany calls all nations to construct collaborative actions to address the children
sexual abuse, details as below:
a. Intensifies the governments alliance with Non-Governmental Organizations and
private sectors. This action is expected to be able to address the children sexual
abuse by providing medias and platforms, such as but not limited to healthcare and
law justification;
b. Establishes collaborative actions with other UN bodies, such as but not limited to
SOCHUM, UNHRC, WHO and UNESCO. This collaborative action is expected
to be able to guarantee the children safety and protection.

3. Establishes Child Sexual Abuse Fund

This fund is expected to be able to provide financial and strategic supports in order to
eliminate all form child abuse, including children sexual abuse. Moreover, in order to
create a successful financial support for children safety and protection, this fund should
also be able to manage the loopholes and provide the necessity for the children.
Collaboration with Non-Governmental Organization and United Nation Bodies to require
the funding in the first phase is being prioritized. Hence, no children are going to
experience any form of abuse and violence.
“BMFSFJ - Children and Youth.” (March 7,
“Data Warehouse - UNICEF DATA.”
(March 2, 2022).
Galm, Beate, and Regine Derr. “Combating Child Abuse and Neglect Child Protection in
Germany National Report.”
Goal 16 | Department of Economic and Social Affairs. (n.d.). Retrieved January 28, 2022, from
Report Examines Progress Towards SDG Target 16.2 on Violence against Children | News |
SDG Knowledge Hub | IISD. (n.d.). Retrieved January 28, 2022, from

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