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Class Hr and Day:

Questions/Key terms/Concepts Notes/Details/Sketches/Images

Control of house and senate -may be punished for disorderly behavior
-expelled by 2/3 vote

-Minor offenses punished by censure-a vote fof formal disapproval

-Speaker of the house is most powerful member in the house of representative

-senate majority leader is the most impt. Person in the senate (not constitution
created office)

Law making -rules committee

-no filibuster

-quorum-1/2 house present 218 representatives

Official leader of the senate -Vice president

Filibuster -in senate only- (delay vote)

cloture -Normally 60 votes to invoke cloture

-nuclear rules where only 51 voters need to kill a filibuster for feral judges and
supreme court justice confirmations

-chief justice of the supr. Court is the judge in the senate during impeach trial.

Summary: There are rules and regulations to the individual holding office or power.

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