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My Teaching Philosophy

The school has always been the most important means of transferring the wealth of tradition from
one generation to the next. This applies today in an even higher degree than in former times, for through
modern development of the economic life, the family as bearer of tradition and education has been
weakened. The continuance and health of human society is therefore in a still higher degree dependent
on the school than before. Sometimes one sees in the school simply the instrument for transferring a
certain maximum quantity of knowledge to the growing generation. But that is not right. Knowledge is
dead; the school however, serves the living. It should develop in the young individuals those qualities
and capabilities which are of value for the welfare of the common goods. The aim of education must be
the training of independently acting and thinking individuals, who, however, see in the service of the
community their highest life problem.

I particularly agree with Einstein, that education and teaching students philosophy from a young
age has two central functions relating to the individual and their society which are to educate the
individual as a free individual – To understand and use critical thinking skills for determining the Truth
for themselves and to educate the individual as a part of Society – Virtually all our knowledge, our
clothes, our food is produced by others in our society, thus we owe Society and have a responsibility to
contribute back to Society that everyone must give as well as take.

I mold students into person a person with character and competence that is worthy of emulation . I
would like to see my students become a passionate humane learner. One who both values
knowledge,skills , and relationship with others. I always use compassionate discipline for them to
become a useful citizen of the country and the world.I will serve as their role model who will “walk the
talk” to inspire them to be the best version of themselves. I will serve them with the best of my ability
and skills.At the end, I will expect my salary from them - their success.

My students know me as a compassionate disciplinarian. Learning comes through discipline. At the

beginning of the school year, we come up with the class norms and standards to be followed for the
entire school year. I have a high regards to my students with regards to proper behavior during class. I
love to see them treating others just as how they wanted to be treated as well. Respect,Tolerance, and
LOVE should be present in the class at all times.
I will say goodbye to classroom and hello to “class-home”.My classhome will have a homey
environment. If there is a consistent misbehavior problem, I will initially ask the student to talk to me
AFTER CLASS. We will discuss the student’s performance in class, both the good and not-so-good. I
will allow the students to explain his/her side before I make judgment.After hearing his/her side, I will
ask him/her what does he/she does wrong. I believe that students should first realize his/her
shortcomings before you give him/her your point of view.If the student is unable to identify his/her
mistake, I will give him/her and class norms and standards and asked him/her again what he did
wrong.Utmost patience is needed in dealing with teenagers.If they commit the same mistakes, there is
already a need to involve the parent/guardian of the involved students. Third offense is already bounded
by consequences according to our norms and standards which will be strictly implemented after
explaining to student his/her consequences and why it was given.I believe in second chances but doing
it thrice is already subject for disciplinary measurements. Students should learn the consequences of
their action for them to become a responsible and useful citizen of the country.

The desire for the approval of one's fellow-man certainly is one of the most important binding
powers of society. In this complex of feelings, constructive and destructive forces lie closely together.
Desire for approval and recognition is a healthy motive; but the desire to be acknowledged as better,
stronger, or more intelligent than a fellow being or scholar easily leads to an excessively egoistic
psychological adjustment, which may become injurious for the individual and for the community.
Therefore the school and the teacher must guard against employing the easy method of creating
individual ambition, in order to induce the learners to diligent work. (Einstein). Hence it is important to
teach learners not to compete each other but to co-relate . I made sure that my CLASSHOME
environment is safe from physical,psychological and emotional harm.My classhome will be suitable for
active and meaningful learning.My classhome will be free fro bias and bullying.My classhome is filled
with love,respect,and tolerance.

Prepared by:
MAED-English 2

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