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The news blares in the distance of every single family dinner I have had for the past month.

News of death and sickness and disease, pre cautioning us to stay indoors. COVID has played
a big part in everyone's life and for each person the situation is unique. But for me, the most
drastic changes have been in my education and learning virtually. I have always been curious
as to how education is translated when a student can work from home and now our school,
along with thousands around the country can experience this first hand. Not only does it force
accountability and time management, it has also helped psychologically too. I have now been
able to receive healthy amounts of sleep as I was averaging about 3-4 hours per night before
Corona. This takes a huge toll on the body combined with the stress of junior year. It has
allowed me to focus on my mental health as a huge part of my depression was coming from
school. I would wake up at 2 AM and work until I had to leave for school most days. My days
became a cycle of work and stress for my grades, trying to always be perfect. I am now able to
plan out my days and do the work when I feel most motivated and driven, while also being able
to exercise and eat healthy and practice self care. Although this pandemic has been disastrous
and saddening for the whole world, I am grateful for the opportunity to take care of myself as I
was basically being pushed to the edge from school. Virtual learning has allowed for the much
needed refocusing that normally slips off toward the third quarter as senioritis kicks in. The work
we are being given takes much less time than our hour and thirty minutes we normally get for
each class, so the lessons are more compact but also to the point. There is no arguing with the
teacher and distraction while others talk to stray away and waste time. We no longer have
students falling asleep in the back or skipping classes. My perception of school has definitely
changed during this time. Not only do I realize how ineffective our learning is in school, it has
also opened my eyes to the benefits of online learning and the ability to direct my own learning.

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