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Nama : Anak Agung Gede Ngurah Eka Pratama

Nim : 17D10060

Kelas : D4 Kep. Anestesiologi TK III B

MK : AENA (Mrs. Novi)

Procedure Text

Caesarean section also known as C-section or caesarean delivery is the use of surgery
to deliver babies. A caesarean section is often necessary when a vaginal delivery would put
the baby or mother at risk.

Cesarean Section Step by Step Procedure

1. A Cesarean Section :
a. Make a plan or scheduled to do cesarean.
b. Consulting to an obstetrician.
c. Pick date to do cesarean section.
d. Make sure about administration in the hospital or clinic.
2. Cesarean Section Surgery Begins :
a. Choose anesthesia technique.
b. Draped patient by sterile drapes.
c. Preparing the room and instrument and prepare the warmer tube for the baby.
d. Keep the patient quite during the surgery.
3. Multiple Layers of Incisions :
a. Start surgery.
b. Take a scalpel.
c. Make an incisions on patient (under the stomach).
d. Use sharp and blunt instruments through each layer.
e. Use a machine to burn small blood vessels to pevent bleeding.
4. Suctioning Amniotic Fluids :
a. Let the doctor reaches the uterus.
b. Suction the amniotic fluid to make a bit room in uterus.
5. Baby’s Head is Born :
a. Doctor suction the baby.
b. Suction baby’s nose and mouth from fluids.
c. Give the baby extra rid from fluids.
d. If meconium is present there is may be extra suctioning required.
6. Dislodging the Baby’s Head and Shoulder :
a. Maneuver the baby back and forth to help them be born.
b. Once the baby has been well suctioned the doctor will start to help the rest of
the body be born.
c. Check for umbilical cord entanglement or other complications as the body is
d. Press the upper part of patient’s abdomen of fundus to assist in the birth.
7. Baby’s Body Born :
a. Open drape and show the baby to his/her mother. (if can, let mother and the
baby skin-to-skin while finish the surgery).
b. Take away the baby to warmer.
c. Repair uterus and the layers that were cut during the surgery.
d. Remove the placenta.
8. Wound Care After a Cesarean :
a. Suture (sew) or staple patient incision.
b. Cover with a bandage.
c. Move patient to Post-Op room.
d. Check patient vital signs (blood pressure, pulse rate, respiratory rate, and the
e. Check patient bleeding from vagina is there or not.
f. Move patient to Post-Partum room.

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