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Izliječenje sive mrene ili katarakta

Tradicionalna metoda za liječenje katarakte uključuje korištenje kokosove vode (iz mladog kokosa).
Nekoliko kapi kokosove vode iz se stavljaju u oči, vruće vlažno ručnik se stavlja preko očiju, pacijent
zatim leži s ručnikom na mjestu 10 minuta.

Coconut water also improves the eyesight. Eye problems are lost. The sight is fine. Our body requires
enough fiber. But drinking coconut water daily is a fiber to the body. Coping with coconut water daily
cannot be too early to age shading. Age on age is seen as youthful.

A Traditional method for treating cataract involves the use of coconut water. Several drops of
coconut water are put into the eyes, a hot damp washcloth is placed over the eyes, the patient then
lies down with the washcloth in place for 10 minutes.

“What is it in coconut water that may have an effect on cataracts

Coconut water contains antioxidants as well as magnesium, potassium and other minerals and
enzymes which may undenature or relax the lens proteins, allowing them to realign and become
transparent again. I suspect that for this procedure to work as well as reported, fresh coconut water
is needed.

When you do some research into this a growing number or eye practitioners and professions and
that means that a diet very rich in antioxidants is one of the main factors for reversing cataracts so.
This is why coconut water in your eyes is very well known for helping reverse cataracts and also what
we're doing easy an abundance of antioxidant rich foods such as fruits and vegetables any one is
food in their natural whole form unprocessed but any garbage Alex of what.

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