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Quick Fix 149 upper-intermediate


Language Function: ex pressin g quanti ti es

Grammar Issue: L ITT LE / F EW / A L ITT L E / A FE W

rule 1

LITTLE / FEW have negative meanings. They A LITTLE / A FEW have positive meanings. They
mean ‘not much / not many / almost none mean ‘some / a small quantity’.

• Unfortunately, we have little money at the moment so we canʼt lend you any. • Fortunately, we have little money at the moment so I we can lend you some.
• I have few friends so I often feel lonely. • I have a few friends so I never feel lonely.

rule 2

FEW / A FEW are used with plural countable nouns LITTLE / A LITTLE are used with uncountable nouns.

Activity. Complete the sentences with FEW / A FEW / LITTLE / A LITTLE.

1. Helen finds it difficult to learn Japanese, but she has made ............................... progress recently.

2. If you are hungry, there is still ............................... soup in the fridge.

3. I am going to invite ................................. people from my school, so it’s going to be a big party.

4. ................................ people are as good as Michael, so it will be extremely difficult to find another person for his position.

5. ................................ years ago, I wanted to work as an au pair, but my parents didn’t like the idea.

6. I can’t design a website on my own. I need ................................ help.

7. I’ve been working really hard recently, so I’m having ................................ days off next week.

8. When she came off her diet, Simona put on ................................ pounds.

9. My son likes playing baseball, but unfortunately he has ................................ ability.

10. The economists say there is very ................................ hope the crisis will be over soon

11. Her last record was a complete failure. She sold only ................................ CDs.

12. I don’t think he is a good candidate; he’s got ................................ experience as a project manager. - photocopiable

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