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Test Paper

Date 13.05.2020 Name Teaca Maria / Gr.12 ȘC

Ecology issues
Read the text attentively

Where most people occupy themselves with their own society, I prefer to watch the earth we live on. Over
the last few years, I have noticed something I do not like at all.
Every day thousands acres of rainforest are cut down. Nobody can tell us what will happen when there will
be shortage of oxygen because of lack of forests. The concentration of oxygen in city air is several times
lower than the norm.
The carbon dioxide is produced non-stop and contributes to global warming which is the headache off all
ecologists. Numerous water supplies are also polluted by dangerous substances from factories and plants.
The main problem is that not only the nature suffers from human activity, but also people themselves. Every
next generation is weaker and sicker but the life becomes more difficult and severe despite the deceiving
comfort. There are more than 700 000 species of wild plants and animals in the world. Some of them are
under danger.
Numerous organizations are established to protect the environment. Various campaigns are held by famous
people each year to attract public attention to how to keep our planet healthy.
The question is still open.

Item 1. Choose the right answer to the following questions: (5 points)

1) I prefer to watch
b) the earth;
2) there will be shortage of
b) food;
3) to global warming is contributing the production of
a) carbon dioxide;
4) the life becomes more difficult and the generation is
c)weaker and sicker
5) some of wild plants and animals in the world are
b) under danger;

Item 2. In the text, find synonyms for the words given below: (5 points)
a) contaminated by (adj.) – polluted
b) to captivate (v.) - to attract
c) strict (adj.) - several
d) community (n) – global
e) observe (v.) – notice

Item 3. Make up sentences with 3 words written above (3 points)

1) Most of the waters in the Republic of Moldova are contaminated.
2) We were all captivated by the most pleasant moment.
3) Our community is well developed.

Item 4. Give another title to the text. (2 points)

Ecology today
Item 5. Grammar (15 points)
Plants are a lot 1) smarter (smarter/ the smartest) than we thought. 2) A(the/ an/ a/ -) manager of our
company has fast food every day. John said to me that mathematics 3) Is (are/ is/ has) interesting. My
brother 4) Has lived (lives/ had lived/ has lived) in the United States for 4 years. Pupils 5) Already -
(yesterday/ already/ usually) go to school by bus. A king 6)like (will like/ liked/ like) to write 7)
stories(storys/ stories/ storives), which he thought were very good. The scientists 8)studied (are studying/
study/ studied) the design characteristics of various creatures at the moment. We ate cherries from the tree
that my grandfather 9) are planting ( will plant/ had planted/ are planting ) many years before. The farm
next door grows lots of 10)potatoes (potato/ potatoes/ potatos). It was the best thing I 11) had (had ever
done/ has ever done/ have ever done). I closed the door before I 12) Leaved (leaved/ left/ leaften/) the
house. We went to Bob's birthday party 13)Yesterday (tomorrow/ every day/ yesterday). Brian 14) (knew/
knows known/ knows) many people at the club because he 15) Had been(was/ is/ had been) there many

Item 6 Write some sentences expressing your attitude to the given topic.” The importance of money in
modern society” (10 points)
Money plays an important role in modern society, because if you don't have money today you don't consider
yourself human. Most people today believe that "Money makes you a man" but it's the other way around. "Man
makes money."Because of this many people are discriminated against because they live simply.But everyone
chooses how they want to live, so I do not deny that money is not important, but it is very important in my view.
Nowadays you can not do anything without money, if you do not have money you are not considered human.
Money today is and tomorrow is not, but life must be lived as it is.

Assessment scale:
Points 40-39 38-34 33-29 28-25 24-21 20-14 13-10 9-5 4-2
Mark 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2

Total points …………………… Mark ……………………….

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