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धर्मअर्म = Meaning of Dharm

resources, habitations, soil, water, air and ether (echo-
system) clean and in a balanced state; exploitation of
natural resources be only for legitimate use with long
term perspective of Srishti Sidhant that is guaranteed
1. धतृ ि Dhruti = Perseverance restoration to the original (pre-use) state over time; and
2. क्षर्ा Kshama = Forgiveness Inner purity means maintaining mental balance through
abandonment of wanton cruelty, hate, deceit, envy and
3. दर् Dam = Patience & Self control greed; further personal gains to be sub-serving to
4. अस्िेयर् Asteyam = Not to take possessions of societal norms and needs.
others without permission 6. All five gyan-indriyas and five karma-indriyas to be
5. शौच Shauch = Purify what is inside and what is well within control of bhudhi so as to perform all
outside. functions as per dharma and shunning path of adharma;
Inner cleanliness will be realized only this way.
6. इंद्रियां तिग्रह Indriya nigraha = No intentional
desire to please senses 7. To shun intoxicants and intoxication of all kinds,
7. धी Dhi = Progressive intellect
keeping company of wise and noble; and Yogabhyas for
strengthening pran (to ensure adequate supply of
8. विद्या Vidya = Acquisition of accurate oxygen and useful life support material from
knowledge atmosphere & nutrition to body (including brain)
through blood and regulating endocrine system of body
9. सत्र् Satma = Truth to keep it in shape and well-functioning), and apan
10. अक्रोध Akrodh = Abstaining from anger (cleansing and disposal mechanism) to ensure physical
fitness and flexibility.

8. Full and accurate understanding of: Braham

1. To be patient; never to lose control over one’s (Parmatma), Prakarti and Jeevatma (with their holding
emotions, thoughts and deeds for trivial reasons. forms-the bodies of living beings on surface, water and
air, etc) and earth and its matters including minerals,
2. To be tolerant in the wake of provocations and not be agni, vidyut, vayu & jal and vegetation and other
overawed by respectful and disrespectful behavior, gain support systems); Therefore for earthlings , the
or loss. Exemplary reward and /or punishment to reform knowledge of earth (its structure, energies and
and promote desirable conduct as per laid down laws in resources) and solar system(and ultimately brahmand)
conformity with individual and social well being is and their functioning together with the structure and
kshama; and immediate and exemplary punishment and functioning of living beings is to be gained collectively
banishment to the rogue or dusht, durachari and and shared and utilized for individual and societal well-
deshdrohi is Dharma;but revengeful or dogmatic being and not otherwise; individual etc.
punishment and/or camouflaged reward is not kshama
and therefore Adharma. 9. To say or recognize something “as it is” in existence
or perceived so; To comprehend and describe so
3. To control and restrain the overpowering emotions, requires knowledge and wisdom to penetrate and see
tendencies and desires that drive to the path of through as also right aptitude and rigorous training
Adharma; these include illegitimate claims or control through guided upbringing; Unpleasant truth spoken to
over resources and authority. tease, defame, belittle, infuriate or torment others or
derive pecuniary benefit, or do harm or mislead is a
4. To abjure stealing that is not taking anything without clothed truth and as bad as untruth leading to the path
the permission of the rightful owner; non-performance of Adharma. Therefore only such truth is Dharmathat is
of one’s assigned and accepted duties as also ignoring absolute, eternal and that serves to regulate flow of
commitments or performance of these in a non- correct information and transactions through fair
productive and /or non-conforming way is also stealing; interaction among the individuals, groups and
profiteering beyond the prescribed norms or running institutions and thus facilitates the orderly functioning
loss making enterprise to disturb fair trade is also of Society at large.
stealing. In modern day nomenclature these constitute
corrupt practices. 10. To remain calm, undisturbed and compassionate;
Grave provocations to be underplayed or suppressed for
5. Purify what is inside and what is outside. External exploration and /or appropriate action; And principle of
purity means keeping one self, his/her body (every non-violence to be adopted in order to control anger is
smallest part), clothes/apparels, his/her surroundings, treading the path of Dharm.
place of stay or camping, environment –land & its

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