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FREEDOM - is the intrinsic and essential property of the person

PHYSICAL FREEDOM – refers to the absence of any physical restraint
PSYCHOLOGICAL FREEDOM - free to perform actions that he or she considers right and
wise, doing whatever you want to do without interference from others convey and
decide your own sake without thinking of thers.
MORAL FREEDOM – to uphold human dignity and goodness
Kinds of Freedom
RESPONSIBILITY - refers to the person being accountable for his or her action

VOLUNTARINESS – the ability of a person to act out of his or her own free will and self-
SELF-AWARENESS - the capacity of a person to choose and act for one-self
PRUDENCE - the ability to govern and discipline oneself by the use of reason
TERMINUS – full stop and end of line
TELOS - man’s goal, purpose and fulfillment
TRANSCENDENCE - call in extending or lying beyond the limits of all possible experience and
knowledge, being exceeding usual limits and every actions and decisions have always
ALIENATION - experienced an adopting negative point of view of others
EMPATHY - the ability of a person to share an emotion
DIALOGUE - deeper and more substantial interactions and relationship with other
AVAILABILITY - the willingness of a person to be present for another in a specific
situation. Example, I am going to listen for his confession until he needs me.
SEEMING - the capacity of a person to present himself or herself in a certain way when
dealing with others
ETHICS OF CARE - has dignity, which is the recognition that each person has a worth and
FAMILY – smallest unit of society
INTERSUBJECTIVITY - the genuine and harmonious relationship characterized by
agreement, mutual understanding, empathy, interaction between self and other self,
recognizing the self in the other and unique relationship between distinct subjects.
SOCIETY - an organized group of people whose members interact frequently and have a
common territory and culture, a product of deliberate actions by individuals who come
together in pursuit of common goal
SOCIAL CONTRACT – an agreement where individual sacrifice an amount of their
freedom and submit to higher authority.
NATURAL STATE - social contract, general will and consent of the governed

SOCIETY – an organized group of people whose members interact frequently and have a
common territory and culture.
1. HUNTING AND GATHERING SOCIETY - society who decided to go with another
place for them to survive; they have to look for a place that may give their basic
2. PASTORAL - characterized by the domestication of animals for food for more
stable and predictable food supply
VIRTUAL - wherein the people have organized themselves through communication
technology and the internet and it belongs to our generation.
EXISTENTIALISM- The human condition or the relation of the individual to the world.
The significance of choice and decision. The human response to that condition.

RAPPORT – genuine and harmonious relationship characterized by agreement, mutual

understanding and empathy.

HAPPINESS- requires that we go through the effort to achieve it.

NOBLE GOOD - kind of good that is pursued for its own sake
USEFUL GOOD – considered good so long as it serves as a means to an end
DEATH - term used to describe the separation of the soul and the body, our body, being
material is bound by laws of time and space is subject to growth, death and decay.
SUFFERING - when people patiently endure unpleasantness, discomfort and pain
PHYSICAL SUFFERING – discomfort, hunger and stress
MENTAL SUFFERING - depression, anxiety and loneliness

JOHN LOCKE – consent of the governed

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