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Reviewer - Philosophy

This is the ability to make choices and perform actions, and is intrinsic and essential property of the
human person. – Freedom
There are three kinds of freedom. Physical freedom refers to the absence of physical restraint. A person
has the freedom of mobility to go where he or she wants to go. Psychological freedom is the freedom of
choice. A person is free to act or not to act. Moral freedom refers to the responsible use of freedom which
upholds human dignity and goodness. A person must use his or her freedom to grow.
It refers to the separation of the soul and the body – Death
This takes place when we patiently endure unpleasantness, discomfort, and pain. – Suffering
His main concern is the problem of social and political order: how human beings can live together in
peace and avoid the danger and fear of civil conflict. He poses stark alternatives: we should give our
obedience to an unaccountable sovereign (a person or group empowered to decide every social and
political issue). thomas hobbes
Jean-Jacques Rousseau is famous for reconceiving the social contract as a compact between the
individual and a collective “general will” aimed at the common good and reflected in the laws of an ideal
state and for maintaining that existing society rests on a false social contract that perpetuates inequality.
John Locke's philosophy inspired and reflected Enlightenment values in its recognition of the rights and
equality of individuals, its criticism of arbitrary authority (e.g., the divine right of kings), its advocacy of
religious toleration, and its general empirical and scientific temperament.
Responsibility–refers to the person being accountable for his or her actions and their consequences. This
means that in everything that we do, there are consequences.
Alienation is the state or experience of being isolated from a group or an activity to which one should
belong or in which one should be involved.
Availability The willingness of a person to be present and be at the disposal of another.
An ethical theory that emphasizes the moral dimension of relationships and interactions - Ethics of care
It is the ability to share emotions, it enables us to experience another person’s emotions such as happiness,
anger, and sadness. Empathy
The deeper and more genuine interaction and this is made possible when the self realizes that the other is
a genuine and unique individual. - Dialogue
In philosophy, psychology, sociology, and anthropology, intersubjectivity is the relation or intersection
between people's cognitive perspectives.
impaired Filipino to graduatesumma cum laude from Ateneo De Manila.
Nicholas James Vujicic is an Australian-American Christian evangelist and motivational speaker of
Serbian descent.
Helen Adams Keller (1880–1968) | National Portrait Gallery
Most famous for her personal triumph over the limitations of both blindness and deafness, Helen Keller
was one of the twentieth century's leading advocates for individuals with disabilities.
Hunter-gatherer culture is a type of subsistence lifestyle that relies on hunting and fishing animals and
foraging for wild vegetation and other nutrients like honey, for food.
industrial society is a society driven by the use of technology and machinery to enable mass production,
supporting a large population with a high capacity for division of labour.
Feudalism was a set of legal and military customs in medieval Europe that flourished between the 9th and
15th centuries. It can be broadly defined as a system for structuring society around relationships derived
from the holding of land, known as a fiefdom or fief, in exchange for service or labour.
An agrarian society, or agricultural society, is any community whose economy is based on producing and
maintaining crops and farmland. Another way to define an agrarian society is by seeing how much of a
nation's total production is in agriculture.
horticultural societies rely on simple tools to produce food. Thus, one characteristic is that they use simple
tools and not machinery or even animals like oxen. The second characteristic of horticultural societies is
that their farms are not permanent; they often use shifting cultivation.
A pastoral society is a nomadic group of people who travel with a herd of domesticated animals, which
they rely on for food. The word 'pastoral' comes from the Latin root word pastor, which means 'shepherd. '
Someone living in a pastoral society is called a pastoralist.
The folkways definition in sociology is a social norm that is developed by social conventions or traditions
and without the sanctions possessed by other morally significant social norms. Folkway examples: When
to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Writing thank you cards for gifts.
It is an organized group of people whose members interact frequently and have a common territory and
culture. – Society
you only live once
abbreviation for "you only live once": used, especially on social media, to mean that you should do things
that are enjoyable or exciting, even if they are silly or slightly dangerous: Finished the whole carton of ice
cream. YOLO
The term end can be understood in two ways, one is terminus which means the full stop or end of the line.
– Goal
A pleasurable good is intrin- sically good in the sense it naturally complements our various activities. It is
our composite nature which gives rise to con- trariety of pleasure and pain in the sense order and which
demands a curative role at times for pleasure.
moral, ethical, virtuous, righteous, noble mean conforming to a standard of what is right and good. moral
implies conformity to established sanctioned codes or accepted notions of right and wrong. the basic
moral values of a community. – noble good

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