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Exist outside of space and time.

Power to exist outside of space and time. Sub-power of Omnilock, combination of

Spatiolock and Temporal Lock.


Also Called

Space-Time Lock/Seal


User exists outside of time and space and as such are immune to just about anything that
would affect or harm them: if time should stop then the user would not be affected. If reality
would change, the user would remember both the previous and have knowledge of differences
from the old to the new. If the area around the user explodes or the planet which they are on
vanish or does not exist any more the user is not affected since they do not exist inside space.


Knowledge of the effects of Reality Warping happening around them and may be
immune to the effects of the said power.
Invulnerability from those attached to history.
Nigh Omniscience, assuming they have seen it before, or know where to get the
Spatial Mimicry existing on a different plane of space.
o Intangibility
Temporal Cognition
Temporal Lock
Time Travel



Reality Warping
Space-Time Manipulation
Spatial Force-Field Generation
Spatial Mimicry
Time Manipulation
Time Travel


If the time change happens to change the event in which the user was granted the
ability to exist outside time and space, then the user may not be immune to the time
changes in question.
Some users still feel temporal changes, even if they are unaffected by them. Such as
feeling subjective centuries pass while time is being accelerated but not aging.
User can still be affected by Probability Manipulation as probability is not part of
space and time.
User might be a prisoner inside the time lock and will be unable to get out.
In limited situations, though they may be immune to changes in time/time stream, they
may not be fully aware of the change/changes that have accord, this is sometimes due
to their level of control or knowledge of their power or in what series/movie etc the
power is being used in.
Becoming immortal via Chronolock does not negate pain.

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