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PHYSICAL REVIEW A 89, 023612 (2014)

Polarons in a dipolar condensate

Ben Kain1,2 and Hong Y. Ling2,3
Department of Physics, College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, Massachusetts 01610, USA
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Rowan University, Glassboro, New Jersey 08028, USA
Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara, California 93106, USA
(Received 5 December 2013; published 13 February 2014)

We consider a polaronic model in which impurity fermions interact with background bosons in a dipolar
condensate. The polaron in this model emerges as an impurity dressed with a cloud of phonons of the dipolar
condensate, which, due to the competition between the attractive and repulsive parts of the dipole-dipole
interaction, obey an anisotropic dispersion spectrum. We study how this anisotropy affects the Čerenkov-like
emission of Bogoliubov phonon modes, which can be directly verified by experiments in which a dipolar
Bose-Einstein condensate moves against an obstacle. We also study the spectral function of impurity fermions,
which is directly accessible to the momentum-resolved rf spectroscopy in cold atoms.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.89.023612 PACS number(s): 67.85.Pq, 71.38.Fp

I. INTRODUCTION experiment demonstrated using Raman-Bragg spectroscopy

in a dipolar chromium BEC [24]. Thus, impurity fermions
A conduction electron in an ionic crystal or a polar
submerged in a dipolar condensate act as anisotropic polarons,
semiconductor displaces nearby ions, thereby polarizing the
interacting with surrounding phonons. While many studies
medium in the vicinity of the electron. An analogous picture
exist in the literature concerning the polaronic Bose-Fermi
emerges when an impurity atom is immersed in an ultracold
models, including those in Refs. [25–27] for large (continuous)
atomic quantum gas containing atoms distinct from but capable
polarons, those in Refs. [28,29] for small (Holstein) polarons,
of interacting with the impurity atom. The impurity finds itself
and some experimental developments [30–32], to the best
surrounded by and traveling with its local disturbance, a cloud
of our knowledge, none of them have seriously considered
of background atoms, forming a polaron. In recent years,
polaron systems with background atoms that are dipolar
much effort has been focused on systems where both impurity
bosons. The purpose of our work here is to extend studies from
and background atoms are fermions (see [1,2] for a review),
nondipolar to dipolar Bose-Fermi polaron models and develop
inspired by the remarkable agreement between theoretical
theoretical tools which allow us to gain, from investigations
predictions [3,4] and experimental findings obtained from
in the weak-coupling limit, quantitative understanding of the
setups where a single spin-↓ impurity is immersed in a
impurity polarons in the dipolar condensate.
sea of spin-↑ background atoms [5,6], a setting that has
In Sec. II, we present the Hamiltonian for the effective
a close resemblance to the Kondo problem in condensed-
polaronic model where density fluctuations of the dipolar
matter physics [7,8]. The present work, however, concerns
condensate are described by phonons, and we derive, in the
polaron models where the impurity atoms are fermions but the
same section, the impurity self-energy, taking into consid-
background atoms are bosons in a Bose-Einstein condensate
eration only single-phonon-impurity scattering processes. In
(BEC), in which density fluctuations of the BEC are described
Sec. III, we evaluate this self-energy on the mass shell and
by phonons. Recent years have also witnessed an increased
use it to gain some quantitative insight into the physics of the
interest in such systems due largely to their similarity to the
anisotropic polarons under consideration. A moving polaron
electron-phonon system where the polaron picture [9] is central
may emit phonons in much the same way that a moving charge
to the understanding of colossal magnetoresistance materials
emits electromagnetic radiation or Čerenkov radiation when
[10] and is believed to play a vital role in the physics of high-Tc
its velocity exceeds a certain threshold [33,34]. In addition
superconductivity in strongly correlated materials [11–13] and
to the effective mass, the self-energy will be used in Sec. III
in unconventional pairing mechanisms [14].
to analyze the decay rate of the polaron and to understand
In this paper, motivated by recent experimental advance-
Čerenkov-like phonon emissions from an impurity in a dipolar
ment in achieving dipolar quantum gases consisting of either
condensate [35]. In Sec. IV, we describe polarons using Fermi-
heteronuclear molecules with electric dipoles [15,16] or atoms
liquid theory, focusing, however, on spectral functions, which
with magnetic dipoles [17–20], we consider the aforemen-
can, in principle, be probed using the momentum-resolved rf
tioned Bose polaron models except that the background atoms
spectroscopy in cold atoms [36,37]. Finally, we conclude in
are now bosons in a dipolar condensate. In a dipolar quantum
Sec. V.
gas [21,22], the dipole-dipole interaction represents a control
knob inaccessible to nondipolar bosons. Thus, mixing dipolar
bosons with fermions opens up new possibilities. An important
consequence of the dipole-dipole interaction is that the phonon
spectrum of a dipolar condensate is no longer isotropic: one
can tune the dipolar interaction to lower the energy of a Let us now turn to the specific model of a cold-atom
phonon along some directions while simultaneously increasing mixture in which spin-polarized impurity fermions with mass
it along other directions [23], a phenomenon that a recent mF permeate in a dipolar condensate of bosons with mass

1050-2947/2014/89(2)/023612(7) 023612-1 ©2014 American Physical Society


mB . The condensate is confined in a sufficiently large trap

so that it is practically homogeneous. In addition, all dipoles
are assumed to point in the same direction as an external
(either electric or magnetic) field, which we take to be the
z direction. The interactions in this model are divided into a
short-range part and a long-range part. The former is described FIG. 1. Feynman diagrams for the self-energy of an impurity
by UBF = 4π 2 aBF /mBF [mBF = 2mB mF /(mB + mF )] and (fermion) interacting with background bosons.
UBB = 4π 2 aBB /mB , where aBF and aBB are, respectively,
impurity-boson and boson-boson s-wave scattering lengths. about the properties of an impurity can be learned from its
The latter is described by UDD (q) = 8π d 2 P2 (zq ), which is the self-energy. At zero temperature, this self-energy can be con-
dipole-dipole interaction between two bosons in momentum veniently obtained from the nonzero-temperature Matsubara
space, with d being the induced dipole moment and P2 (zq ) ≡ results by setting T = 0. In the weak-coupling regime, the
(3zq2 − 1)/2 being the second-order Legendre polynomial, Matsubara self-energy for impurity fermions, up to second
where zq = cos θq and θq is the angle between momentum order in the Bose-Fermi interaction UBF , reads
q and the dipole direction (along the z axis). To proceed, 1  2
we limit our study to near-zero temperature (T ≈ 0) where
(p,iωn ) = UBF nB − g
one can approximate, within the Bogoliubov approximation, βV q,iq q

the dipolar Bose gas as a uniform dipolar condensate of × D0 (q,iqm )G0 (p − q,iωn − iqm ), (3)
number density nB plus a collection of phonons (due to density
fluctuations) that obey the dispersion spectrum [38,39] where the first term is due to the interaction of the impurity
 fermions with the condensed bosons (Fig. 1, left) and the
ωq = vB q 1 + (ξB q)2 + 2εdd P2 (zq ), (1) second term accounts for all single-phonon-impurity scattering
√ processes and can thus be read off directly from the Feynman
where vB = nB UBB /mB is the phonon speed in the absence diagram involving one phonon (Fig. 1, right). In Eq. (3),
√ G0 (p,iωn ) = (iωn − ξp )−1 and D0 (q,iqm ) = 2ωq [(iqm )2 −
of the dipolar interaction, ξB = / 4mB nB UBB is the healing
length, and εdd = 4π d 2 /(3UBB ) measures the dipolar interac- ωq ]−1 are the Matsubara Green’s functions for noninteracting
tion relative to the contact interaction UBB . As such, we are fermions and phonons, respectively, with ωn and qm being
led to an effective Hamiltonian fermion and boson Matsubara frequencies, which are odd
 and even multiples of π/β = π kB T , respectively. Analytic
Ĥ = (ξp + nB UBF )âp† âp continuation of
(p,iωn ) leads to the retarded self-energy
R (p,ω) =
(p,ipn → ω + i0+ ), which, at zero temperature
 1  †
and in the single (attractive) impurity limit, is given by
+ ωq β̂q† β̂q + √ gq ρ̂q (β̂q + β̂−q ), (2)
V 1 
q=0 q=0
R (p,ω) = UBF nB +
V q
which describes impurity fermions (of field operator âp and  
density operator ρ̂q = k âq+k âk ) interacting with phonons gq2 mFB UFB2
× + −1 . (4)
(of field operator β̂q ) in a volume V . In Eq. (2), ξp = p − μ is ω − ξp−q − ωq + i0+ 2nB mF q
the kinetic energy of a fermion, p = 2 p2 /2m √ F , relative to the In leading to Eq. (4), we have omitted an important step which
Fermi chemical potential μ, and gq = UBF nB q 2 /(2mB ωq ) we now explain. It goes back to Eqs. (2) and (3), where UBF
is a momentum-dependent coefficient measuring the impurity- should really be written as UBF
, a parameter introduced to
phonon coupling strength. In solid-state systems, phonon model the Bose-Fermi interaction; our use of UBF instead of
dispersion due to lattice vibration can be divided into an
UBF is to simplify notation. UBF
is connected to UBF , up to
optical branch whose frequency remains almost independent the second order in UBF , through [26]
of the wave number and an acoustic branch whose frequency is
linearly proportional to the wave number [40]. Equation (2) is UBF mBF
UBF = UBF + , (5)
the cold-atom analog of the Fröhlich Hamiltonian for electron- V q=0 q 2
acoustic-phonon systems since the Bogoliubov dispersion in
Eq. (1) asymptotes to that of an acoustic phonon [41] in the according to the Lippmann-Schwinger equation for the two-
limit of long wavelength. In the absence of the dipole-dipole body vacuum T matrix [46] that describes the scattering
interaction, Eq. (2) has been employed, within the context between a boson and a fermion. Upon its substitution in Eq. (3),
of cold atomic physics, to study polarons in the weak- the linear term in Eq. (5) becomes the first term in Eq. (4), while
coupling limit [27,42], under self-localization [25,43,44], and the second-order term in Eq. (5) is the origin of the last term
in the strong-coupling limit (using the Feynman path integral) in Eq. (4), which serves as a renormalization factor regulating
[26,45]. Having described our model in some detail, we now the ultraviolet divergence known to exist in the integration for
adopt a unit convention in which  = 1 is implied (unless the self-energy in Eq. (3).
keeping  helps to elucidate the physics). This self-energy [Eq. (4)], which, strictly speaking, is
The polaron effect arises from the impurity-polaron in- valid only in the weak-coupling regime, allows us to explore
teraction which modifies the self-energy and hence the bare the subject in a conceptually intuitive and mathematically
propagator of the impurity. Thus, much of the information simplified manner. The ensuing results are expected to capture


all qualitative features about the anisotropic polarons, provided 0.6 0.6
that the impurity-phonon coupling is still much lower than the 0.5 a 0.5 b
critical value for self-localization [25,43,44,47,48].
0.4 0.4
In what follows, we will use Eq. (4) or, equivalently,


 0.3 0.3
d 3q
R (p,ω) = UBF nB + 0.2 0.2
(2π )3 0.1 0.1
gq2 2
mFB UFB 0.0
0 2 4 6 8 10
0 2 4 6 8 10
× P + −1 (6)
ω − ξp−q − ωq 2nB mF q mB mF mB mF
0.025 0.025
 0.020 c 0.020 d
d 3q 2

Α mF ΞB2
Α mF ΞB2
R (p,ω) = −π g δ(ω − ξp−q − ωq ) (7) 0.015 0.015
(2π )3 q
0.010 0.010
to study polarons in the dipolar condensate where P stands for


the principal value. 0.005 0.005

0.000 0.000
III. POLARON DESCRIPTION ON THE MASS SHELL AND 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4

In order to build some analytical insight, we first estimate FIG. 2. (Color online) (a) α|| and (b) α⊥ as a function of mB /mF
the self-energy using the polaron energy ω on the mass shell, for different εdd = 0 (black), 0.3 [blue (dark gray)], and 0.8 [red (light
ω = ξp , and use this self-energy to characterize the polarons gray)]. (c) γp
and (d) γp ⊥ as a function of p for different εdd when
of interest. In this limit, we find that at small momenta where mB /mF is fixed to 21. Note that because of the rich existence of
R (p,ξp ) = 0, the impurity energy atomic elements and their isotopes in nature, for practical purposes
one can regard the mass ratio as a tunable parameter. The special case
Ep = p + Re
R (p,ξp ) (8) of mB /mF = 21 in (c) and (d) corresponds to the mass ratio in the
is approximated as Li and 40 K86 Rb mixture.

Ep ≈ E0 + p
2 /2m F || + p⊥
/2m F ⊥ , (9)
where p
and p⊥ are, respectively, the momentum component scattering lengths via Feshbach resonance [49–51] has been
along the dipole direction (axial momentum) and that normal to the main motivation behind the recent upsurge of activity in
the dipole direction (radial momentum) and m F || and m F ⊥ are, exploring polaronic physics in Bose-Fermi mixtures of cold
respectively, the axial and radial effective polaron mass, the atoms.
only two surviving elements in the mass tensor. Let q̄ = qξB , Figures 2(a) and 2(b) illustrate how α⊥ and α|| change
p̄ = pξB , m̄B = mB /mF , and ω̄q = ωq /(/mF ξB2 ) or with the mass ratio mB /mF for different values of the dipolar
 interaction εdd . As a function of mB /mF (for fixed εdd ),
ω̄q = q̄ 1 + q̄ 2 + 2εdd P2 (zq )/(2m̄B ) (10) α|| behaves similarly to α⊥ : both increase appreciably with
mB /mF . As a function of εdd (for fixed mB /mF ), α|| behaves
be the scaled quantities corresponding to q, p, mB , and ωq in oppositely to α⊥ : as εdd increases (but staying less than 1,
the so-called polaron unit system. Taylor expanding Eq. (6) up beyond which the dipolar condensate is unstable), α|| decreases
to the second order in the momenta, we find that while α⊥ increases. To account for this anisotropy, we first note
m F || = mF /(1 − α|| ), m F ⊥ = mF /(1 − α⊥

), (11) from Eq. (12) that contributions to α|| and α⊥ stem primarily
from axial phonons (with zq being close to 1) and radial
where phonons (with zq being close to 0), respectively. In a dipolar
  +1 condensate in which the attractive (head-to-tail) interaction
q̄ 6 zq2
= 2α
d q̄ dzq , (12a) competes with the repulsive (side-to-side) interaction, tuning
ω̄q (ω̄q + q̄ 2 /2)3
 the dipolar interaction εdd (towards 1) serves to reduce
q̄ 6 1 − zq2 the energy cost of the radial phonons while simultaneously
α⊥ = α
d q̄

dzq . (12b) increasing the energy cost of the axial phonons. As a result,
−1 ω̄q (ω̄q + q̄ 2 /2)3
at a very low impurity energy, such a tuning amounts to
In Eqs. (12), resonantly enhancing the interaction between the impurity and

the radial phonon, on one hand, and off-resonantly suppressing
α 1 1 2
= 1+ (13) the interaction between the impurity and the axial phonon, on
32π m̄B m̄B the other hand. In turn, this results in α|| and α⊥ changing in
is the coefficient expressed in terms of opposite directions in response to the change in the dipolar
interaction, leading to the mass anisotropy in the polarons.
α = aBF
/ (aBB ξB ) , (14)
Let us now turn our attention to the imaginary part of the
which is a (dimensionless) polaronic coupling constant self-energy Im
R (p,ξp ) on the mass shell and use it to obtain
[26,42]. The ability to enhance α in Eq. (14) by tuning s-wave the spontaneous decay rate of an impurity polaron (in the sense


of Fermi’s golden rule), γp = −Im

R (p,ξp ). Physically, points to the y direction along which the radial impurity is
when the imaginary part of the self-energy is nonvanishing, assumed to move [Fig. 3(b)]. In such a coordinate system,
the energy of the impurity dissipates by spontaneous emission yq = cos ϑq and zq = sin ϑq cos ϕq , where (ϑq ,ϕq ) are the
of phonons in the same sense of Čerenkov radiation [33,34], polar and azimuthal angle of this new coordinate system. A
where a charged particle emits electromagnetic radiation, similar analysis of Im
R (p,ξp ) then finds the radial decay rate
when moving at a velocity higher than the phase velocity is given by
of light in a dispersive background medium. The speed of
√  2π
the phonon thus created depends on zq , the cosine of the  1 − εdd dϕq
γp⊥ = 2
π α
 p̄ −
angle between phonon momentum q and the dipole direction, mF ξB 2m̄B 0 2π
according to  1 5
q̄ dyq
ωq × , (18)
cos ϑm (q̄ − p̄yq )q̄ ω̄q + ω̄2 +
q̄ 4
vB (zq ) = lim = vB 1 + 2εdd P2 (zq ). (15) q
|q|→0 |q| (2m̄B )2

The momentum of the emitted phonon, dictated by energy where ϑm will be defined in Eq. (20). Again, q̄ in both Eqs. (17)
conservation as represented by the Dirac δ function in Eq. (7), and (18) is defined in Eq. (16) and has the physical meaning of
has magnitude being the magnitude of the momentum of an emitted phonon.
Figures 2(c) and 2(d) plot γp
and γp ⊥ as functions of p. The
2p̄yq physical meanings of the other terms are explained as follows.
q̄ =
1 − m̄−2
B The Heaviside step function (x) implements the Landau
  criterion for superfluidity, where the elementary excitations are
(2p̄yq )2 + 1 − m̄−2
B [1 + 2εdd P2 (zq )] the anisotropic phonons of a dipolar condensate. Thus, for an
−  , (16) impurity traveling along the axial direction, dissipation takes
m̄B 1 − m̄−2
place only when its velocity √ v exceeds the sound velocity
which is a function of not only zq but also yq , the cosine of the at zq = 1 or vB (1) √ = v B 1 + 2εdd [Eq. (15)], a condition
angle between phonon momentum q and impurity momentum equivalent to p̄ > 1 + 2εdd /2m̄B in the polaron unit system.
p. A similar analysis shows that for an impurity traveling along
The anisotropy in the emitted phonons leads to the the radial direction
√ where zq = 0, dissipation takes place only
anisotropy in the decay rates. For an axial polaron, we use when p̄ > 1 − εdd /2m̄B .
the usual spherical coordinate system in which the zenith The angles θm [in Eq. (19)] and ϑm [in Eq. (20)] have
points to the z direction along which the axial impurity the physical meaning that the phonon modes emitted by the
moves [Fig. 3(a)]. In this coordinate system, since both the supersonic impurity along the axial (z) direction are within the
momentum and dipoles are oriented along the z direction, cone of the polar angle (relative to the z axis),
zq = yq = cos θq , where (θq ,φq ) are the usual polar and 
azimuthal angles. An analysis of Im
R (p,ξp ) then finds the 1 − εdd
axial decay rate is given by θm = cos−1 , (19)
(2p̄m̄B )2 − 3εdd

 1 + 2εdd
= π α
 p̄ − and those emitted by the supersonic impurity along the radial
mF ξB2 2m̄B direction are within the cone of the polar angle (relative to the
 1 5 y axis),
q̄ dzq
× , (17) 
cos θm (q̄ − p̄yq )q̄ωq + ω2 +
q̄ 4
q 2
(2m̄B ) −1 1 − εdd + 3εdd sin2 ϕq
ϑm = cos . (20)
where θm will be defined in Eq. (19). For a radial polaron, we (2p̄m̄B )2 + 3εdd sin2 ϕq
adopt a different spherical coordinate system where the zenith
As one may verify, the sine of the angle π/2 − θm
(π/2 − ϑm ) equals the ratio of the speed of sound to that
of an axial (radial) polaron. Thus, by definition, π/2 − θm
(π/2 − ϑm ) is the Mach angle, or, equivalently, cos θm (cos ϑm )
is the inverse of the Mach number [52], which is a figure of
merit well known in the study of shock waves, examples of
which include sonic booms generated by supersonic flights
[52], bow and stern waves created by high-speed boats [53],
Čerenkov radiation [33,34] emitted by charged particles, and,
more recently, Bogoliubov phonons emitted by atoms in
superfluids [54–59]. In contrast to the axial impurity which
preserves the cylindrical symmetry so that the cone of the
FIG. 3. (Color online) (a) The spherical coordinate system in polar angle θm [Eq. (19)] is independent of the azimuthal
which the zenith points to the z axis and (b) the spherical coordinate angle, the radial impurity breaks the cylindrical symmetry so
system in which the zenith points to the y axis. (a) and (b) are used that the cone of the polar angle ϑm [Eq. (20)] is now a function
to study phonon emissions by an impurity with momentum (thick red of azimuthal angle ϕq , which can only occur in systems
arrow) along the axial and radial directions, respectively. with anisotropy.


The invariance under Galilean transformations implies that 40

one can test this anisotropy by letting a dipolar condensate 30 b
move against a stationary impurity (for example, in the form 20

A p,
of a localized optical potential of a far-detuned laser beam 10
[60,61]). The emitted phonons are expected to form, behind 0
the impurity, a conical wave front of fixed aperture π/2 − θm 0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5
Ω mF ΞB2
when moving along the axial direction and one of varying
aperture π/2 − ϑm [in the fashion of Eq. (20)] when moving
30 c
along the radial direction [35].

A p,
0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5
Ω mF ΞB2
We propose to probe the polarons in BECs using the same 40
rf spectroscopy that was successfully applied to explore the 30 d
BEC-BCS crossover [62] in resonant Fermi gases [63] and 20

A p,
fermionic polaron physics in highly imbalanced Fermi gases 10
[5,37]. In rf spectroscopy, an rf field of amplitude L and 0
0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5
frequency ωL is applied to promote impurities to the excited Ω mF ΞB2
(final) hyperfine state |e that lies above the impurity state |g
by an energy ωeg , a process described by the Hamiltonian FIG. 4. (Color online) (a) Contour plot of the spectral function
 (log[A(p,ω − μ)]) of axial polarons in the (p,ω) space. The free
Ĥrf = d 3 r[e−iωL t ψ̂e† (r)ψ̂g (r) + H.c.], (21) Fermi dispersion relation is plotted as a thin white line. The plots on
2 the right show how the spectral function changes with ω for polarons
with axial momentum of 0.5 (b), 1 (c), and 1.5 (d). The parameters
where ψ̂g,e (r) are the relevant annihilation operators. The rf
used are εdd = 0.95, mF = 6u, mB = 10mF , aBB = 200a0 , aBF =
signal, which is the rate at which the population in the final −500a0 , and nB = 1020 m−3 , where u is the atomic mass and a0 is the
state changes, is given by Bohr radius. Note that in this work, we are interested in the physics of

mobile impurities. Thus, α is chosen to be below the critical value for
L 2
I = −2 Im χ (μ − μe − ωL ), (22) self-localization. In the considered example, α = 0.48. In producing
2 these diagrams, a small but finite number is used to approximate 0+ .

within linear response theory (in which Ĥrf is treated as

a small perturbation), where μe is the chemical potential Figure 4(a) showcases a typical contour plot of A(p,ω − μ)
of the final state and Im χ (ω) is the Fourier transform for an axial impurity. The key features of this diagram can be
of the retarded time-ordered correlation function, −i(t − captured in terms of the Fermi-liquid parameters. The peak
† †
t ) [ψ̂e (r,t)ψg (r,t),ψ̂g (r ,t )ψe (r ,t )] , averaged over both r position Ep is the root to the equation

and r [64,65]. In the case where the final-state interaction is
Ep − μ = ξp + Re
R (p,Ep − μ), (25)
negligible, one can express, within the Matsubara  (imaginary-
time) formalism, the rf signal as I (ω) ∝ d 3 p I0 (p,ω) in terms involving the real part of the self-energy. In the region close
of the momentum-resolved current, to p = 0, the peak position is approximated as a quadratic

function of momenta, Ep ≈ E0 + p
2 /2m∗F || + p⊥ 2
/2m∗F ⊥ . The
L 2 curvature close to p = 0 is inversely proportional to the effec-
I0 (p,ω) = A(p,ξp − ω)f (ξp − ω), (23)
2 tive mass, m∗F ||,⊥ = mF Z0−1 [1 + ∂ p
,⊥ Re
R (p,ω)]−1 , where
Z0 = [1 − ∂ω Re
R (p,ω)]−1 is the quasiparticle residue,
where ω = ωL − ωeg is the rf detuning, f (x) = (eβx + 1)−1 is
,⊥ = p
/2mF is the kinetic energy, and every term in
the Fermi distribution function which becomes a step function ∗
mF ||,⊥ is evaluated at p = ω = 0.
(−x) in the limit of zero temperature, and A(p,ω) is the spec-
+∞ The ω intercept of the peak line in Fig. 4(a) with the vertical
tral function satisfying the sum rule −∞ dω A(p,ω)/2π =
axis determines the ground-state polaron energy E0 . In the
1. The momentum-resolved rf spectroscopy [36,37] is the
single-polaron limit, E0 = μ, where the chemical potential μ
cold-atom analog of the angle-resolved photoemission spec-
is determined self-consistently from μ = Re
(0,0) [67] or
troscopy in solid-state physics [66]. It measures I0 (p,ω) and  
thus allows the spectral function, A(p,ω) = −2 Im G(p,ω + 
d 3q gq2 mFB UFB2
i0+ ), to be accessed experimentally, where G(p,iωn ) is the μ = UBF nB + + −1 .
(2π )3 μ − q − ωq 2nB mF q
Matsubara Green’s function determined by Dyson’s equation
G−1 (p,iωn ) = G−10 (p,iωn ) −
(p,iωn ). In terms of the re- (26)
tarded self-energy, the spectral function A(p,ω) takes the form
It has been well established that highly imbalanced Fermi
systems support not only attractive [3–6] but also repulsive
−2 Im
R (p,ω) [68–72] polarons. Likewise, repulsive polarons are also ex-
A(p,ω) = . (24)
[ω − ξp − Re
R (p,ω)]2 + Im
R (p,ω)2 pected to exist in our system when UBF is tuned on the


repulsive side of the Feshbach resonance, but the repulsive V. CONCLUSION

polarons are highly unstable [73]. In this work, consistent
In conclusion, we have considered a polaronic model in
with the assumption that led to the self-energy in Eq. (4), we
which impurity fermions interact, via the short-range s-wave
limit our investigation to systems with attractive Bose-Fermi
scattering potential, with background bosons in a dipolar
interaction (UBF < 0) where polarons are always attractive.
condensate where bosons interact via both short- and long-
The ω intercept in Fig. 4(a) indicates a polaron energy
range interactions. We have described such a model with a
(or rather a binding energy) of E0 = −0.276 (2 /mF ξB2 ),
Fröhlich type of Hamiltonian where the role of phonons is
which is in agreement with the one determined from
played by density fluctuations of dipolar bosons. The polaron
Eq. (26).
in this model emerges as an impurity dressed with a cloud of
The existence of a negative polaron energy creates, for
phonons which, due to the competition between the attractive
small momenta, a gap between the polaron peak dispersion
and repulsive part of the dipole-dipole interaction, obey an
curve and the impurity-phonon scattering continuum [light
anisotropic dispersion spectrum. Taking into consideration
blue (light gray) region], a region defined to be above
only the single-phonon-impurity scattering processes, we
ωc (p) = min ( p−q + ωq ), where q covers all the possible
have constructed a self-energy capable of capturing the main
phonon momenta. For an impurity with a momentum below
polaronic features of our model operating in the weak-coupling
a certain threshold pc [≈0.88 in Fig. 4(a)], the impurity-
regime. We have described the polaron using the self-energy
phonon interaction is coherent, and the spectral function
on the on-mass-shell, discussing, in particular, how anisotropy
describing the peak is then a δ-like function as in the case
affects the Čerenkov radiation of Bogoliubov phonon modes,
of free fermions. For an impurity with a momentum above
which can be directly verified by experiments in which a dipo-
pc the polaron peak line enters the continuum where the
lar BEC moves against an obstacle. We have also described
phonon states become energetically available for impurity
the polaron in the spirit of Fermi-liquid theory, focusing on the
scattering (and at very large momenta, as expected, the
spectral function for the impurity fermions, which is directly
polaron peak line asymptotes to the free-impurity dispersion).
accessible to the momentum-resolved rf spectroscopy in cold
The impurity scattering involving the phonon emissions then
atoms. Finally, we stress that while this work concentrates on
causes the peak line to be broadened, as illustrated in
the three-dimensional dipolar Bose-Fermi mixture, it can be
Figs. 4(b)–4(d).
generalized to its two-dimensional analog where the polaron
It is well known that the gap shown in Fig. 4(a) can
physics may be greatly enriched by the existence of a “roton”
cause the calculation using Fermi-liquid theory (equivalent
minimum structure in the phonon spectrum of the dipolar BEC
to the Tamm-Dancoff approximation) to be quite different
from the calculation using the on-mass-shell approximation
Note added. Recently, we were informed of Ref. [78]
(also known as the Rayleigh-Schrödinger approximation)
by its authors, who use a variational approach to calculate
[74]. In the present problem, this same gap has an added
the spectral properties and rf spectroscopy of polarons in a
consequence of diminishing the role that anisotropy plays
nondipolar BEC.
in Fermi-liquid theory. In a future study, we plan to tailor
Feynman’s path-integral formalism [75] to explore the polaron
physics in our model; as a superior all-coupling approximation, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
Feynman’s method would not only extend the current study H.Y.L. is supported in part by the US Army Research Office
to the strong-coupling regime but would also help arbitrate under Grant No. W911NF-10-1-0096 and in part by the US
between the two approaches just mentioned. National Science Foundation under Grant No. PHY11-25915.

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