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What Is Muscular Dystrophy?

Do you know the literal meaning of dystrophy, it’s malnutrition. Strange , is not it?

Our whole focus is on latest and greatest discoveries and nobody thinks that md can also be
corrected to a large extent by providing large doses of nutrients as malnutrition means lack
of nutrition.

According to medical doctors it is a genetic degenerative muscle disease. What does that
mean ? That means there is some problem in our certain genes causing muscles to

Whether we say md or degenerative muscular dystrophy. One and the same thing.

It is a genetic muscle disease. Being genetic doesn't mean that we can't do anything about
it. It simply means that somehow genes are badly affected and we have to correct it.

How does that problem come is a matter of debate but obviously there are some possible
reasons which I have discussed on other pages. Here, I am putting it in the simplest way to
make it understandable.

Doctors say it incurable but by adopting natural methods, you can enjoy a great life.

Don’t know about genes. Don’t worry you will know about them here.

There are so many types of md. These types are on the basis of symptoms they show and
some other factors. But one thing is common in all of them that muscle is suffered in all of

What I believe and its not only me but thousands of studies all around the world prove that
we can change the way genes express themselves. And that’s what I am going to discuss
with you on this site along with the advances which medical science is making for us.

Whether you are diagnosed with any type of muscle disease-md, muscular atrophy,
myopathy or any type of md….basic rules are same.

Friends , we need to do everything necessary to put our body in a healing mode.

Instead of focusing too much on what it is,we should concentrate more on bringing back our
body into balance and harmony so that it can heal itself. I am saying so out of my own
experience. From Dystrophy To Home

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