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wwwww My views on coronavirus

As every new year,people expect it to be more

successful and better than the last,but this year
everything has turned upside down.There were huge
fires in Australia at the beginning of the
year,floods,earthquakes,and one thing that seemed
harmless.It was a virus as scientist called it COVID-19 or
coronavirus.It first spread throught China on Wuhan,and
later appeared in Italy.At first I thought it wasn’t that
dangerous,but later people began to become infected
masivly and died in huge numbers.After about a
week,the virus appeared on the Balkan .Curfew has been
introduced in Serbia,schools are closed,there were not
citizens on the streets.I was a little scared,not because of
me but because of my family and other peoples around
me.Life has completely changed.It was like in science
fiction movies.In our village,however,the situation was a
little more relaxed than in the cities.It was a whole new
experience for me,at first glance the virus seemed
incurable to me,because there were too many infected
people in the world.But I was wrong,the situation started
to improve,curfew is over,life returns to normal.I noticed
that since people couldn’t drive cars,they didn’t throw so
much garbage,they didn’t pollute the air,nature some
how blossom.
I would conclude from this situation that people with
strong will and discipline could do much more than we
have done so far.

Antanaskovic Lazar 3/2

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