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Associate Curator, Department of Ornithology
The American Museum of Natural History

Volume 127, article 3, pages 103-144, figures 1, 2, plate 1, tables 1, 2

Issued July 16, 1964

Price: $1.50 a copy

THE PRESENT CONTRIBUTION is a survey of Kozlova also gave me some very rare publica-
the birds of Mongolia' and a report on those tions on the birds of Mongolia that were not
that were collected in that country by the available to me in America, and she and Pro-
Central Asiatic Expeditions of the American fessor Dementiev received me in Leningrad
Museum of Natural History in 1919, 1922, and Moscow with the greatest cordiality. I
1923, and 1925. thank them for their help and hospitality. I
The survey lists all the birds that are also wish to express my appreciation to Mime.
known to me from Mongolia and allocates T. Gidaspova for helping me with the Russian
them to the various zones in which they texts that form such a large and important
breed; it also discusses the affinities of the part of the bibliography.
Mongolian avifauna. The list is, therefore, an
inventory, or check list, though not a formal PREVIOUS INVESTIGATIONS
one, as trinomials are not used and no biblio- The most important reports on the birds of
graphical information is given. It was impos- Mongolia have been published by Kozlova
sible for me to allocate consistently the birds (1930, 1932, and 1933). In the first of these
to subspecies, if any, because much of the list papers, which is the most exhaustive and runs
is a compilation and I would have had to rely to 396 pages, she reported on the observations
on varying taxonomic opinions with which I made and on the birds collected in southwest-
do not necessarily agree. Furthermore, a ern Kentei, Tola River Valley, southeastern
rather large proportion of the records in the Khangai, and in the region of the Orok Nor,2
Mongolian literature make no mention of that is, in exactly the same regions where the
subspecies, as they represent birds that were Central Asiatic Expeditions collected nearly
observed but not collected. Bibliographical all their specimens. Other members of her
information, such as the name of the author, expedition crossed the Gobian Altai on their
the date when the bird was described, publi- way to the Sogo Nor and lower Edzin Gol
cation, and the type locality of all the birds which, however, are in Inner Mongolia. A
that occur in Mongolia can be found in my total number of 1700 specimens, representing
two volumes on the birds of the Palearctic 306 species and subspecies, were collected by
Region (1959, 1964). Kozlova and her co-workers, and this collec-
My desire to supply such a list was tion remains by far the largest that has ever
prompted by the fact that no inventory of the been made in Mongolia. In 1932, she reported
birds of Mongolia as a whole had hitherto on her trip through Central Khangai from the
been published, although important reports foothills of Otkhon Tengri north through the
on the birds of certain of its regions exist. Tarbagatai to Lake Sangin Dalay and the
With the renewed interest in Mongolia, it southern shore of the Koso Gol; 520 speci-
seems to me that this list will be a useful tool, mens were collected. In 1933, she gave an
but, as much ornithological exploration re- account of her expedition in the valley of the
remains to be done in that country, it is cer- upper Kerulen River in eastern Kentei during
tain that the list is incomplete and will be which she collected 200 specimens.
modified extensively as the distribution be- These papers are in Russian and difficult to
comes better known. obtain; they are lacking, for example, in such
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS a highly important and representative nat-
ural history library as that of the American
I have been helped by Mme. E. V. Koz- Museum of Natural History, but in 1932-
lova of the Leningrad Museum and by Prof. 1933 she published in the "Ibis" an excellent
G. P. Dementiev of Moscow who read and and lengthy resum6 of her 1930 paper in
commented on the first draft of the list. Mme.
' The Mongol term "Nor," sometimes transliterated
I The term "Mongolia" as used in this paper refers as "Nur," signifies lake, but some lakes are referred to
only to the country known as Outer Mongolia or, as Gol (i.e., Koso Gol), although the term "Gol" usually
officially, as the Mongolian People's Republic. signifies river.
which she added new information. This re- made in 1908 in southern Transbaicalia and
sume necessarily omitted much of the valu- in northern Mongolia, chiefly along the route
able data given in the Russian original (nota- from Kyakhta to Ulan Bator. But some of the
bly the list of specimens) but is nevertheless species were misidentified by L6nnberg, as
the most instructive paper in English on the Kozlova mentioned, and the itinerary that he
birds of Mongolia. gave is virtually useless. I cannot find many
The avifauna of the regions mentioned of his localities; they may be either in Trans-
above is the best known, thanks chiefly to baicalia or in Mongolia.'
Kozlova, but Tugarinov (1932) has also pub- My list is based on the papers that are
lished a useful report on the birds of north- mentioned above and on specimens that I
eastern Mongolia, and he (in 1916) and Sush- examined in various museums, but I know of
kin (1925, 1938) have reported on those of the the existence of several other papers in the
borders of northwestern Mongolia in papers Russian literature which I was not able to
that deal primarily with the Russian districts procure. Some were called to my attention by
on the frontiers of this region, namely, the Dementiev in the course of correspondence,
Tannu Ola and the Russian Altai. and others were mentioned by Kozlova in the
The regions that remain the least known introduction to her English resume. In that
are northern Khangai, the Mongolian Altai, account she also mentioned some older expe-
Gobian Altai, Transaltai Gobi, and most of ditions, dating back to those of Przhevalsky,
western and eastern Mongolia with the excep- which made the first contributions to our
tion of narrow belts along the Russian and knowledge of the birds of Mongolia.
Manchurian frontiers. In recent years, a short 1 LUnnberg's report apparently does not add any
paper mentioning 59 species, observed chiefly species to the list of the birds of Mongolia, with the
in the region of Ulan Bator, was published by possible exception of Alauda gulgula. One specimen of
Grummt (1960). A list of 87 species from the this species, which is in the Stockholm Museum and the
identity of which I have verified, was taken on May 25,
Transaltai Gobi that were observed by De- 1908, at "Kiran," which may be situated near Kyakhta,
mentiev was published by him in 1962. Transbaicalia, or between that locality and Yoro,
Tarasov (1962) also reported on 129 species Mongolia, which is about 65 kilometers due south of
that he saw in the southeastern Mongolian Kyakhta. This record, which I have discussed before
Altai and its foothills. (1951, p. 524), undoubtedly represents a stray but is
nevertheless extraordinary, as the nearest locality where
Mention must be made also of a paper by A. gulgula is known to breed is some 1500 kilometers to
L6nnberg (1909) that reported on a collection the west in the region of Zalsan Nor.
THE BRIEF ACCOUNT of the physiography and and 400 mm. or more in the north, being only
phytogeography of Mongolia that follows is 200 mm. to 220 mm. for the country as a
based chiefly on the German translation of whole. Snowfall is usually scanty, the humid-
the good general text of Murzaev (1954). ity is very low in the more open regions, the
Much information concerning certain regions skies are very clear as a rule, and the winds
was supplied also by the basic reports of are very strong, especially in the south.
Kozlova, enumerated above, and in the nar- Murzaev (1954) divided Mongolia into five
rative of the explorations of the Central Asi- main regions (the present paper, fig. 1): the
atic Expeditions by Andrews (1932). The Altai, the basin of the Great Lakes, Khangai
geology of Mongolia was very ably discussed and Kentei, the eastern plateau, and the
by Berkey and Morris (1927). Gobi. In order to study the avifauna, it seems
Mongolia is a large, isolated, and land- preferable to me to adopt a different division.
locked country in central and eastern Asia, This division, which is also in five regions or
bounded on the north by the Soviet Union zones, corresponds in the main to the vegeta-
and on the south by China. It lies, in round tion cover; it is shown as figure 2, which was
numbers, between longitudes 880 and 1200 E. based chiefly on the vegetation map as well
and latitudes 410 30' and 520 N., the nearest as other data published by Murzaev in 1954.
seacoast being about 730 kilometers distant The vegetation map of Murzaev, which was
in the Gulf of Chihli near Tientsin. The land compiled by Junatov, is, however, far more
area is about 1,530,610 square kilometers and complex than my semidiagrammatic map.
the greatest distances from west to east and Stands of larches, poplars, or other trees are
north to south are, respectively, about 2420 found in otherwise treeless regions, alkali
and 1280 kilometers.1 flats are widely dispersed in the grassy and
The country is decidedly mountainous, arid steppes, and, on the latter, there are
with the exceptions of the relatively flat more or less extensive patches of true desert.
and uniform eastern plateau and some low- Moreover, the five zones blend more or less
lands in the center, the average height being gradually into one another in most regions.
1580 meters (5183 feet), the land tilting down
from west to east and north to south. In the ZONE A, THE FORESTED ZONE
west, the Mongolian Altai reaches an eleva- This zone, which covers perhaps 15 per
tion of 4653 meters (15,262 feet). cent of the area of Mongolia, consists of the
The climate is extremely continental, the northern and higher parts of Kentei and of a
annual amplitude in the temperature being large part of Khangai. Its forests are the
about 900 C. The temperature may drop as southern extension of the Siberian taiga and,
low as -52° C. during January, the coldest according to Kozlova, are very dense in the
month, and rise to 40.50 C. in the shade dur- north and composed chiefly of pine-cedar
ing July, the warmest month (or from -61.5° (Pinus sibirica), but become more open far-
F. to 1040 F.). The precipitation is low, and ther south or at lower elevations and are
most of it comes as rain which falls almost made up of fir (A bies), pine (Pinus sylvestris),
entirely (80% to 90% of the annual total) and larch (Larix dahurica), with tracts of
during the months from May to September, birch (Betula verrucosa). The more open for-
the wettest months being July and August. ests have a rich undergrowth of bushes such
The annual average varies from only 60 mm. as rhododendrons, but this undergrowth is
in the south to about 300 mm. in the east lacking in the dense and dark forests of the
north where the ground is covered with a car-
1 These figures correspond to an area of about 591,000 pet of moss and bilberry.
square miles and about 1471 miles in length by 782 miles Khangai is a vast plateau with a complex
in width or approximately, in Europe, the distances orography which reaches an altitude of 4031
from Paris to Moscow and Hamburg to Rome and, in
North America, from New York to Denver and Min- meters at the peak of Otkhon Tengri near
neapolis to Dallas. Uliassutai, and is connected on the north to
the Eastern Sayan on the Russian border by Murzaev, the grassy steppes occupying 26.1
a series of ranges interspersed with valleys. A per cent and the arid steppes 27.1 per cent of
large part of the basin of the Selenga River, the country. Various grasses dominate in
the western and the southern parts of Khan- Zone C but are replaced chiefly by sagebrush
gai, and southern Kentei belong in Zone B. In (Artemisia) and halophytic plants in Zone D.
southeastern Khangai the transition to the A tongue of the grassy steppes follows north-
arid steppes (Zone D) is rather abrupt. ward the course of the Tola River. Narrow
and small gallery forests, or stands of trees,
ZONE B, THE MOUNTAIN STEPPES and meadows are found also along some
These steppes occupy the region men- rivers, such as the Khalka and lower Kerulen
tioned above, a part of the valley of the Tola in the east, and the Tesin River which drains
River, and most of the Mongolian Altai ex- into Ubsu Nor in the northwest.

FIG. 1. The five physico-geographic divisions of Mongolia according

to Murzaev (1954). A. The Altai. B. The basin of the Great Lakes. C.
Khangai and Kentei. D. The eastern plateau. E. The Gobi.

cept at its highest elevations where the steppe ZONE D, THE ARID STEPPES
is replaced by alpine meadows. The region of In this zone, the region that lies south of
the Ureg Nor is best included in this zone, Khangai and north of the Altai is a large de-
but, according to Sushkin (1925), the region pression occupied by many scattered and
of the Achitu Nor and the basin of the Kobdo more or less permanent brackish or saline
River are much more arid, and, I believe, are lakes and swamps. Many species of water and
best included in Zone D. The forest is virtu- shore birds breed in this region as do also a
ally absent in Zone B, but groves of larches, few land birds in the reeds or tamarisks that
aspens, poplars, and hawthorns, and dense fringe the lakes and swamps. The avifauna of
thickets of willows grow in favored localities. the Great Lakes (one of the five major di-
There are also some small gallery forests that visions of Murzaev) is scarcely known, but
are important to the avifauna, such as exist this region is predominantly arid and, with
along the Kharya River which drains into the the Achitu Nor mentioned above, is best in-
Ureg Nor. cluded in Zone D. The Gobian Altai is also
ZONE C, THE GRAssY STEPPES included in Zone D. This last range is high,
varying from an elevation of about 4000
These steppes, and the arid steppes farther meters in the west to one of about 2200 in the
south, form the dominant and typical "Land- east, but it is very arid, although some small
schaft" of Mongolia, occupying a little more groves of willows and poplars grow in its
than half of the area of Mongolia according to more sheltered gullies and valleys, as do low
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bushes and creeping junipers at higher eleva- the composition of the avifauna, as was em-
tions. phasized by Dementiev (1962). The soil map
of Murzaev (1954) shows only a few and
ZONE E, THE DESERT relatively small tracts of sand, the sandy
tracts being, in fact, more extensive in the
This region lies south of the Altai and in region of the Great Lakes in Zone D. The
the extreme southeast and occupies about vegetation of the desert is very scanty and, in
14.5 per cent of Mongolia, but, as stated some districts, is lacking altogether. It con-
above, some patches of true desert are found sists normally of isolated clumps of woody
also in Zone D. This desert is characterized plants or of herbs, although there are also
by being stony or covered with gravels and good groves of saxaul trees (Haloxylon ammo-
pebbles, and it has relatively little sand. dendri) in some localities and, in the few small
These factors have an important bearing on oases, reeds and poplars.
IN THE FOLLOWING LIST, migrants, winter Mongolian Altai; D, Orok Nor; reported
visitors, or vagrants are designated by an also from Buir Nor.
asterisk. The capital letters, A-E, refer to the 13. Anser fabalis (Bean Goose). B, western
various zones that are described in the fore- Mongolian Altai; D, lake region of the
going section. Orok Nor; reported as a migrant from
GAVIIDAE Khangai, Kentei, and the valleys of the
Khara and Tola rivers, and northeast-
1. Gavia arctica (Black-throated Diver). B, re- ern Mongolia.
gion of Otkhon Tengri, Khangai; D, 14. Anser indicus (Bar-headed Goose). A, Khan-
Achitu Nor. gai and Kentei; B and C, valleys of the
PODICIPEDIDAE Tola River and upper Kerulen, southern
2. Podiceps nigricollis (Black-necked Grebe). B, Khangai, western Mongolian Altai, and
southeastern Khangai; and reported from Ureg Nor; D, Achitu Nor; a migrant at
the Orok Nor and in southeastern Mon-
the Tola River Valley. golian Altai.
3. Podiceps auritus (Horned Grebe). B, Ureg 15. Anser cygnoides (Swan Goose). A, Kentei and
Nor; and migrant in Khangai and Orok Koso Gol in Khangai; B and C, valleys of
Nor. the Kerulen, Tola, and lower Selenga
4. Podiceps cristatus (Great Crested Grebe). D, rivers, Buir Nor, southern Khangai,
Orok Nor, Achitu Nor. western Mongolian Altai, and Ureg Nor;
PELECANIDAE D, Achitu Nor; reported also as a migrant
5. Pelecanus crispus (Dalmatian Pelican). D, from Khangai.
Orok Nor. 16. Cygnus cygnus (Whooper Swan). B and C,
Buir Nor, valley of the Tola River, and
PHALACROCORACIDAE western Mongolian Altai; D, Achitu Nor
6. Phalacrocorax carbo (Cormorant). B and C, and Orok Nor.
valleys of the Khara and Tola rivers, Ureg 17. *Cygnus bewickii (Bewick's Swan). Tola
Nor, and probably Buir Nor where it is Valley and Orok Nor.
reported in August; D, lake region of the 18. Tadorna ferruginea (Ruddy Shelduck). A,
Orok Nor, and Achitu Nor. Kentei; B, Selenga River, southern Khan-
gai, western Mongolian Altai, and Ureg
ARDEIDAE Nor; C, Tuerin and eastern Mongolia; D,
7. Botaurus stellaris (Bittern). D, lake region of Achitu Nor, Orok Nor, lake region, and
the Orok Nor, and Achitu Nor. Gobian Altai; reported also as a migrant
8. Egretta alba (Great Egret). D, Lake Khara from Khangai, Tola Valley, Orok Nor,
Usu. and southeastern Mongolian Altai.
9. Ardea cinerea (Grey Heron). D, Achitu Nor 19. Tadorna tadorna (Common Shelduck). B,
and lake region; perhaps also southern southern Khangai and Ureg Nor; C, val-
Khangai; and reported from the Kerulen ley of the Tola River; D, Orok Nor and
River in early August. other lakes in the region.
20. Anas platyrhynchos (Mallard). B, region of
THRESKIORNITHIDAE Ulan Bator, southern Khangai, western
10. Platalea leucorodia (Spoonbill). D, Orok Nor Mongolian Altai, and Ureg Nor; D, Orok
and other lakes in this region; and migrant Nor.
in Khangai; reported also from Buir Nor. 21. Anas poecilorhyncha (Spotbill Duck). C, nests
on the Kerulen River, but rare; reported
CICONIIDAE also from Khangai, Khalka River, and
11. Ciconia nigra (Black Stork). A, Kentei; B, Transaltai Gobi.
Ureg Nor; C, valleys of the Tola, Kerulen, 22. Anas crecca (Green-winged Teal). A, Ken-
and Khalka rivers; D, Achitu Nor and tei; B and C, Tola River Valley and
Gobian Altai. western Mongolian Altai; D, lake region
ANATIDAE of the Orok Nor, and Achitu Nor; re-
12. Anser anser (Greylag Goose). B, southern
ported as a migrant from the Kerulen
Valley, and Buir Nor.
Khangai, Ureg Nor, and probably western 23. Anas falcata (Falcated Teal). Breeds prob-
ably in northeastern Mongolia, and re- Khalka River where the observer believes
ported as a migrant from the Okor Nor and it probably breeds; and perhaps the
the region of Ulan Bator. Gobian Altai where it has been collected
24. Anas strepera (Gadwall). A, Khangai; B and on May 30 at Ikhe Bogdo.
C, Tola River Valley; D, Achitu Nor and 39. Accipiter nisus (Sparrow Hawk). A, Kentei
perhaps Orok Nor. and Khangai; perhaps also at the Achitu
25. Anas penelope (Eurasian Widgeon). D, lake Nor; reported as a migrant in the Trans-
region of the Orok Nor, and Achitu Nor; altai Gobi.
and reported on migration from Khangai, 40. *Buteo lagopus (Rough-legged Buzzard).
the Tola River Valley, and northeastern Khangai on the Selenga River.
Mongolia. 41. Buteo hemilasius (Upland Buzzard). A,
26. *Anas acuta (Pintail). Northeastern Mon- Khangai; B, southern Khangai, western
golia and Orok Nor. and southeastern Mongolian Altai and
27. Anas querquedula (Garganey). A, Kentei; B Ureg Nor; C, northeastern Mongolia; D,
and C, Tola River Valley; D, Achitu Nor Achitu Nor and probably at Ikhe Bogdo in
and Orok Nor. the Gobian Altai; and possibly in E in the
28. Anas clypeata (Shoveler). D, Achitu Nor and Transaltai Gobi; occurs on migration in
Orok Nor; and reported as a migrant from Kentei and southeast of Ulan Bator;
northeastern Mongolia. widely distributed in Mongolia except in
29. Netta rufina (Red-crested Pochard). D, the desert.
Orok Nor and other lakes in the region. 42. Buteo rufinus (Long-legged Buzzard). D,
30. Aythya ferina (Common Pochard). D, Orok sporadically in the region of Kobdo; a
Nor. migrant in Khangai.
31. Aythya fuligula (Tufted Duck). D, lake re- 43. Buteo buteo (Buzzard). A, Khangai and
gion of the Orok Nor, and Achitu Nor; Kentei.
possibly also in the Tola River Valley; re- 44. Hieraaetus pennatus (Booted Eagle). A,
ported as a migrant from northeastern Khangai.
Mongolia. 45. Aquila rapax (Tawny and Steppe Eagle). In
32. *Bucephala clangula (Common Goldeneye). all steppes, semi-deserts, and river valleys,
Khangai, Tola River Valley, north of Ulan also in western and southeastern Mon-
Bator, northeastern Mongolia, and Orok golian Altai, and perhaps in the Trans-
Nor. altai Gobi.
33. *Mergus albellus (Smew). "Northern Mon- 46. Aquila clanga (Spotted Eagle). Breeds prob-
golia." ably in Kentei.
34. Mergus merganser (Goosander). A, Kentei 47. Aquila chrysaotos (Golden Eagle). A, Kentei;
and Khangai; B, western Mongolian Altai B and C, Tola River Valley and western
and Ureg Nor; D, Achitu Nor; reported Mongolian Altai, and probably south-
also during the summer from the Kerulen eastern Khangai; E, Transaltai Gobi.
River and as a migrant in northeastern 48. Haliaeetus leucoryphus (Pallas' Fishing-
Mongolia. eagle). A, Khangai at the Koso Gol; B
and C, southern Khangai, Tola River
PANDIONIDAE Valley, southeastern and probably west-
35. Pandion haliaetus (Osprey). A, Kentei; B ern Mongolian Altai, valleys of the
and C, Tola River Valley. Kerulen and Khalka rivers and Ureg Nor;
D, lake region and probably at the Achitu
36. Milvus migrans (Black Kite). A, Kentei and 49. Haliaeetus albicilla (White-tailed Eagle). D,
Khangai; B, southern Khangai, Ureg Nor, Achitu Nor; and occurs as a migrant in the
and southeastern Mongolian Altai; D Tola River Valley.
(Achitu Nor and Gobian Altai; E, Trans- 50. Circaetus gallicus (Short-toed Eagle). A,
altai Gobi. possibly in Kentei where it has been col-
37. Accipiter gentilis (Goshawk). A, Kentei; B, lected on June 1.
western Mongolian Altai; and perhaps in 51. Circus cyaneus (Hen Harrier). A, Kentei and
the Tola River Valley; seen also on the perhaps Khangai; B and C, northeastern
Khalka River. Mongolia on the Kerulen and Khalka
38. Accipiter gularis (Japanese Sparrow Hawk). rivers, Tola River Valley, and western
A, Kentei; C, region south of the Tola Kentei; D, lake region of the Orok Nor.
River Valley and reported from the 52. Circus macrourus (Pallid Harrier). D, prob-
ably at the Achitu Nor; reported as a 64. Falco columbarius (Merlin). A, Khangai; B,
migrant in Khangai and the Tola River western and eastern Mongolian Altai; D,
Valley. Gobian Altai; reported as a migrant in
53. Circus melanoleucos (Pied Harrier). C, north- northeastern Mongolia.
eastern Mongolia on the lower Kerulen, 65. Falco (vespertinus) amurensis (Red-footed
Buir Nor, and Khalka River; reported as Falcon). Probably breeds in the basin of
a migrant from the Transaltai Gobi. the Onon River in northeastern Mongolia,
54. Circus aeruginosus (Marsh Hawk). C, north- and reported during the breeding season
eastern Mongolia on the Khalka River; D, from the region of Sain Shanda in south-
Achitu Nor and lake region of the Orok eastern Mongolia; reported also as a
Nor; also "breeds in northern Mongolia" migrant from Khangai and Kentei.
but no data. 66. Falco naumanni (Lesser Kestrel). B and C,
55. Gypaetus barbatus (Bearded Vulture). A, Tola River Valley, Ureg Nor, and perhaps
Khangai; B, western and southeastern southern Khangai; D, Loh, Artsa Bogdo,
Mongolian Altai and Ureg Nor; E, Trans- and in the southeast in the region of Ude;
altai Gobi; perhaps in D, Gobian Altai. breeding perhaps also in E in the Trans-
56. Aegypius monachus (Black Vulture). B, altai Gobi.
southern Khangai, western and south- 67. Falco tinnunculus (Kestrel). A, Khangai and
eastern Mongolian Altai, and Ureg Nor; Kentei; B, southern Khangai, western
D, Achitu Nor and Gobian Altai. and southeastern Mongolian Altai, and
57. Gypsfulvus (Griffon Vulture). Occurs during Ureg Nor; C, Kerulen Valley; D, Achitu
the summer and possibly breeds in the Nor, lake region, Shabarakh Usu, Gobian
western Mongolian Altai. Altai, and region of Ude in the southeast;
58. Gyps himalayensis (Himalayan Griffon). and E, Transaltai Gobi.
Probably occurs in southern Mongolia but
status uncertain. PHASIANIDAE
FALCONIDA}: 68. Lagopus lagopus (Willow Ptarmigan). A,
Khangai and Kentei; B, in the same re-
59. Falco altaicus (Altai Falcon). B, western gions, also in the western Mongolian
Mongolian Altai and region of Otkhon Altai.
Tengri in Khangai. 69. Lagopus mutus (Rock Ptarmigan). B, Khan-
60. Falco cherrug (Saker Falcon). A, Kentei and gai, Kentei, and western Mongolian
probably Khangai; B, southeastern Mon- Altai.
golian Altai; D, region of Kobdo; E, 70. Tetrastes bonasia (Hazel Grouse). A, Khan-
Transaltai Gobi; occurs also and perhaps gai and Kentei.
breeds in northeastern Mongolia; re- 71. Lyrurus tetrix (Black Grouse). A, Khangai
ported as a migrant from southeastern and Kentei; B, Tannu Ola Range and
Mongolia, region west of Ulan Bator, and western Mongolian Altai.
from the Gobian Altai. 72. Tetrao parvirostris (Black-billed Capercail-
61. Falco peregrinus (Peregrine Falcon). Prob- lie). A, Khangai and Kentei.
ably breeds in northwestern Mongolia, as 73. Tetraogallus altaicus (Altai Snowcock). A,
it breeds on its borders in the Tannu Ola Khangai; B, western and southeastern
Range, and in the Mongolian Altai, as it Mongolian Altai; D, Gobian Altai; E,
breeds south of it in the valley of the Kara mountains in the Transaltai Gobi.
Irtysh; reported as a migrant from 74. Alectoris chukar (Chukar Partridge). A,
Khangai and region west of Ulan Bator. Khangai; B, southern Khangai and pos-
62. Falco pelegrinoides (Shaheen Falcon). Prob- sibly Ureg Nor; D, Gobian Altai, Delger
ably breeds in the Mongolian Altai, Khangai, and sporadically at Achitu
where it has been collected southeast of Nor; E, Transaltai Gobi.
Kobdo; reported as a migrant in the 75. Perdix dauuricae (Daurian Partridge). A,
Gobian Altai, and also (but the birds Kentei; B, southern Khangai, south-
seen may have been peregrinus) in the eastern Mongolian Altai, and Ureg Nor;
Kobdo Basin. D, Achitu Nor, lake region, and Gobian
63. Falco subbuteo (Hobby). A, Kentei; B and Altai.
C, Tola River Valley and Ureg Nor; D, 76. Coturnix coturnix (Common Quail). B,
Achitu Nor; also in Zone E; a migrant in Khara River in western Kentei and Achitu
northeastern Mongolia and at the Orok Nor.
Nor. 77. Coturnix japonicus (Japanese Quail). A, B,
and C, breeds from the Khalka River and CHARADRIIDAE
Buir Nor in the east, west to Kentei and 90. *Charadrius hiaticula (Ringed Plover). Buir
the Tola River Valley; the records from Nor.
northwestern Mongolia (Tesin Gol and 91. Charadrius dubius (Little Ringed Plover).
the basin of the Ubsu Nor) are doubtful. B, southern Khangai and Ureg Nor;
78. Phasianus colchicus (Common Pheasant). "northern Mongolia"; C, Kerulen Valley
D, basin of the Kobdo River from Achitu and Ongyin Gol; D, Orok Nor and other
Nor to Lake Khara Usu.1 lakes in the region.
GRUIDAE 92. Charadrius alexandrinus (Kentish Plover).
B and C, Buir Nor, Kerulen Valley, Tola
79. Grus grus (Crane). B, western Mongolian River Valley, southern Khangai, and
Altai and Ureg Nor; D, Achitu Nor; oc- southeastern Mongolian Altai; D, lake
curring as a migrant in Khangai, the Tola region.
Valley, and Orok Nor. 93. Charadrius leschenaultii (Geoffrey's Plover).
80. Grusjaponensis (Japanese Crane). Breeds on B and C, southeastern Khangai and
the Khalka River on the frontier of north- Ongyin Gol, southeastern Mongolian Al-
eastern Mongolia. tai, region southwest of Ulan Bator, and
81. Grus vipio (White-naped Crane). A, Kentei Ureg Nor; D, Achitu Nor, region of
on the upper Kerulen River. Kobdo, Orok Nor, and region of Ude in
82. Grus leucogeranus (Siberian White Crane). southeastern Mongolia.
Said to breed formerly in "northern 94. Charadrius veredus (Oriental Plover). B,
Mongolia." alpine Khangai and southern Khangai; C,
83. Anthropoides virgo (Demoiselle Crane). B northeastern Mongolia; D region of Kobdo
and C, steppes of northeastern Mongolia, and southeastern Mongolia.
southern Kentei, Tola River Valley, 95. Eudromias morinellus (Dotterel). A, Khan-
southern Khangai, and Ureg Nor; D, gai; B, western Mongolian Altai.
Achitu Nor and lake region. 96. *Pluvialis dominica (Asiatic Golden Plover).
OTIDIDAE Buir Nor, Khangai, and Tola Valley.
97. *Pluvialis squatarola (Grey Plover). Buir
84. Otis tarda (Great Bustard). All steppes and Nor, Khangai, and Orok Nor.
semi-deserts. 98. Vanellus vanellus (Lapwing). A, Kentei; B,
85. Chiamydotis undulata (Houbara). D, foot- southern Khangai and Ureg Nor; C,
hills of the eastern Mongolian Altai, region Kerulen Valley; D, Achitu Nor and lake
of Sair Usu in the east, and also north- region; reported also from southeastern
western Mongolia; E, Transaltai Gobi. Mongolia.
RALLIDAE 99. *Arenaria interpres (Turnstone). Buir Nor
and Kerulen Valley, Khangai, and "north-
86. Porzana pusilla (Spotted Crake). B and C, ern Gobi."
Tola River Valley; D, Achitu Nor and 100. *Calidris minuta (Little Stint). Buir Nor and
Orok Nor and other lakes in this region. Kerulen Valley, Khangai, Lake Tukham,
87. Gallinula chloropus (Moorhen). Possibly in Tatsayn Gol.
A (one specimen was collected on "June 101. *Calidris ruficollis (Red-necked Stint).
6" on the Egin River in northern Khan- Transaltai Gobi.
gai). 102. *Calidris subminuta (Long-toed Stint). Buir
88. Fulica atra (Coot). B and C, Tola River Nor and Kerulen Valley, southeastern
Valley; D, Achitu Nor, Orok Nor, and Khangai, lake region, and southeastern
other lakes in the region. Mongolia.
ROSTRATULIDAE 103. Calidris temminckii (Temminck's Stint). B,
breeds in the eastern Mongolian Altai;
89. *Rostratula benghalensis (Painted Snipe). A reported from Buir Nor and Kerulen Val-
migrant or vagrant obtained at the Tsagan ley, Khangai, and Orok Nor.
Nor in the lake region on August 13, 1922. 104. *Calidris acuminata (Sharp-tailed Sand-
See Field Notes, below, for this record. piper). Khangai.
1 The race involved is hagenbecki. The race edzinensis 105. *Calidris alpina (Dunlin). Buir Nor.
which was reported by Grummt (1961) is restricted to 106. Calidris ferruginea (Curlew Sandpiper). B,
the basin of the lower Etsin Gol in Inner Mongolia and breeds in the eastern Mongolian Altai;
therefore should not occur normally within the limits of reported from Khangai, Kerulen Valley,
the Mongolian People's Republic. lake region, Achitu Nor.
107. *Philomachus pugnax (Ruff). Khangai, Tola Nor, Khalka and Kerulen rivers, and
Valley. Khangai, but possibly breeds in the
108. *Limicola falcinellus (Broad-billed Sand- northwest near the Tannu Ola.
piper). Tola Valley, Ureg Nor, Orok Nor, 124. Scolopax rusticola (Eurasian Woodcock). A,
and "northern Gobi." probably in the forests of Kentei; also in
109. Limnodromus semipalmatus (Asiatic Dow- Tola Valley; a migrant on the Khalka
itcher). C and D, probably in the Tola River Valley.
Valley and Orok Nor. 125. GaUlinago gallinago (Common Snipe). B,
110. *Tringa erythropus (Spotted Redshank). Ba- southern Khangai; C, Kerulen Valley,
sin of the Onon River in northeastern D, lake region and Achitu Nor; and re-
Mongolia. corded as a migrant in Khangai, Tola
111. Tringa totanus (Redshank). A, Khangai; B, Valley, and Orok Nor.
southern Khangai, Otkhon Tengri, Ureg 126. *Gallinago stenura (Pintail Snipe). Khangai
Nor, and perhaps western Mongolian where it has been met "during the breed-
Altai; C, Ongyin Gol, Kerulen River, ing season," and "northern Gobi."
and southeastern Mongolia. 127. Gallinago megala (Swinhoe's Snipe). A,
112. *Tringa stagnatilis (Marsh Sandpiper). Keru- northern Kentei.
len and Tola valleys. 128. Gallinago solitaria (Solitary Snipe). A,
113. *Tringa nebularia (Greenshank). North- Khangai, Kentei; B, western Mongolian
eastern Mongolia, Tola Valley, south- Altai.
western Kentei, Ureg Nor. 129. *Lymnocryptes minimus (Jack Snipe). Re-
114. Tringa ochropus (Green Sandpiper). A, corded as a migrant from the Khalka
Khangai and Kentei; B, southern Khan- River, and also (see Field Notes below)
gai, western and eastern Mongolian from Tsagan Nor on August 13.
Altai, and Ureg Nor; C, Kerulen Valley; 130. Recurvirostra avosetta (Avocet). All zones
D, Achitu Nor and lake region. south of the Tola Valley wherever there
115. Tringa glareola (Wood Sandpiper). A, Khan- are small lakes.
gai; B and C, southern Khangai, Tola 131. *Phalaropus lobatus (Red-necked Phalarope).
River Valley, and perhaps western Mon- Khangai, Achitu Nor, and Orok Nor.
golian Altai; said to breed also in south-
eastern Mongolia and occurs as a mi- GLAREOLIDAE
grant at Orok Nor. 132. Glareola maldivarum (Eastern Collared
116. Tringa brevipes (Grey-rumped Sandpiper). Pratincole). Status uncertain but seen at
A, northern Khangai in the region of the Buir Nor during the second half of Au-
Koso Gol. gust where the observer believes it breeds,
117. Tringa hypoleucos (Common Sandpiper). A, and observed also in the Kerulen Valley.
Khangai and Kentei; B and C, Khalka
River, southern Khangai, western and LARIDAE
eastern Mongolian Altai and Ureg Nor, 133. Larus ichthyaetus (Great Black-headed Gull).
and probably the Tola Valley; D, lake B, Ureg Nor; D, Kobdo; migrant at Orok
region. Nor; an isolated colony is said to breed
118. *Xenus cinereus (Terek Sandpiper). "North- also at the Koso Gol in northern Khangai.
ern Mongolia and Gobi," probably also 134. Larus minutus (Little Gull). C, Buir Nor.
northwestern Mongolia. 135. Larus ridibundus (Black-headed Gull). B
119. Limosa limosa (Black-tailed Godwit). A, and C, Buir Nor and Kerulen River,
Khangai; D, Achitu Nor and Orok Nor. Tola River Valley, southeastern Khangai,
120. *Limosa lapponica (Bar-tailed Godwit). and Ureg Nor; D, lake region and Achitu
"Northern Mongolia." Nor; migrant in Khangai and at the Orok
121. Numenius arquatus (Common Curlew). A, Nor.
Kentei; B and C, southern Khangai; D, 136. Larus argentatus (Herring Gull). A, Khangai
lake region; reported also from the at the Koso Gol; B, Otkhon Tengri in
Kerulen River, and as a migrant at Buir Khangai, western Mongolian Altai, and
Nor and on the Khalka River. Ureg Nor; C, Buir Nor, and perhaps lower
122. Numenius madagascariensis (Far Eastern Kerulen River where it has been observed.
Curlew). Status uncertain but recorded 137. *Larus canus (Common Gull). Khangai,
from the Buir Nor on August 26 and prob- Kentei, Tola and Kerulen valleys, and
ably only a migrant. Buir Nor.
123. *Numenius minutus (Little Whimbrel). Buir 138. Chlidonias niger (Black Tern). D, lake region
of the Orok Nor; and reported from the STRIGIDAE
Selenga River on June 10 where it may 150. Bubo bubo (Eagle Owl). A, Khangai and
breed. Kentei; B and C, valleys of the Khalka
139. Chlidonias leucopterus (White-winged Black and Kerulen rivers, of the Ongyin Gol,
Tern). C, Buir Nor; D, Achitu Nor; southern Khangai, and eastern and west-
probably also in the Tola River Valley. ern Mongolian Altai), D, southeastern
140. *Gelochelidon nilotica (Gull-billed Tern). Mongolia near Ude and lake region; E,
Orok Nor. Transaltai Gobi.
141. Hydroprogne tschegrava (Caspian Tern). B, 151. Asio otus (Long-eared Owl). A, Khangai and
probably at Ureg Nor; a migrant at Kentei; B, eastern Mongolian Altai; D,
Khangai and Orok Nor. Achitu Nor.
142. Sterna hirundo (Common Tern). A, Khangai; 152. Asioflammeus (Short-eared Owl). A, Kentei;
B and C, southern Khangai, Buir Nor, D, lake region of the Orok Nor.
and valleys of the Kerulen and Tola 153. Otus scops (Scops Owl). A, probably breeds
rivers, Ongyin Gol, western Mongolian in northwestern Kentei, as it has been
Altai, and Ureg Nor; D, Achitu Nor, Orok collected from the Chikoy River east of
Nor, and other lakes in the region; seen Kyakhta.
also on the Khalka River. 154. Aegolius funereus (Tengmalm's Owl). A,
143. Sterna albifrons (Little Tern). D, region of Khangai and Kentei.
Kobdo; seen at the Buir Nor and a 155. Athene noctua (Little Owl). A, Khangai and
migrant at Orok Nor. Kentei; B and C, Kerulen Valley, southern
Khangai, "northern Gobi," western and
PTEROCLIDAE southeastern Mongolian Altai, and Ureg
144. Syrrhaptes paradoxus (Pallas' Sandgrouse). Nor; D, Achitu Nor, region of Kobdo, of
B and C, Buir Nor, Kerulen Valley, region the Orok Nor, and Gobian Altai; E, south-
of Ulan Bator, southeastern Khangai, re- eastern Mongolia, and Transaltai Gobi.
gion of Uskuk and "northern Gobi," 156. Glaucidium passerinum (Pygmy Owl). A,
western Mongolian Altai, and Ureg Nor; Kentei.
D, Achitu Nor, foothills of the southeast- 157. Surnia ulula (Hawk Owl). A, Khangai and
ern Mongolian Altai, and lake region; E, Kentei; B, southern Khangai.
region of Ude in the southeast, and breeds 158. Strix uralensis (Ural Owl). A, Khangai and
perhaps also in the Transaltai Gobi. Kentei.
159. Strix nebulosa (Great Grey Owl). Breeds
perhaps in Kentei, but only one record
COLUMBIDAE during the winter.
145. Columba rupestris (Blue Hill Pigeon). A,
Khangai and Kentei; B and C, southern CAPRIMULGIDAE
Khangai, region of Ulan Bator, "northern 160. Caprimulgus europaeus (Nightjar). A, Ken-
Gobi," western and southeastern Mongo- tei; B and C, northeastern Mongolia in
lian Altai, and Ureg Nor; D, Achitu Nor the Choirin Mountains, Tola River Valley,
and Gobian Altai; E, Transaltai Gobi. and southern Khangai; D, Achitu Nor and
146. Streptopelia turtur (Turtle Dove). E, Trans- lake region.
altai Gobi, according to Dementiev (1962). 161. Caprimulgus indicus (Jungle Nightjar). C,
147. Streptopelia orientalis (Rufous Turtle Dove). Khalka River in northeastern Mongolia.
A, forests of Khangai and Kentei; re-
ported as a migrant from northeastern APODIDAE
162. Hirund-apus caudacutus (White-throated
Needle-tailed Swift). Said to breed in
CUCULIDAE "northern Mongolia," but no data.
148. Cuculus canorus (Cuckoo). A, Khangai and 163. Apus apus (Swift). Kentei; B, southeastern
Kentei; B, southern Khangai and eastern Mongolian Altai and Ureg Nor; D, Achitu
Mongolian Altai; D, Achitu Nor and Nor, Tsagan Nor, Shabarakh Usu, and
Gobian Altai; reported as a migrant from Gobian Altai; E, southeastern Mongolia.
the Khalka River. 164. Apus pacificus (White-rumped Swift). A,
149. Cuculus saturatus (Oriental Cuckoo). A, Khangai and Kentei; B, southern Khangai
Khangai, Kentei; B and C, Tola River and southeastern Mongolian Altai; D,
Valley. Achitu Nor, Tsagan Nor, and Gobian
Altai; reported also from the Kerulen Lark). B and C, Tola River Valley, Ureg
Valley and southeastern Mongolia. Nor, and "northern Gobi"; D, Achitu Nor
and lake region; E, southeastern Mongolia
ALCEDINIDAE and Transaltai Gobi.
165. Alcedo atthis (Kingfisher). C, Khalka River 181. Melanocorypha mongolica (Mongolian Lark).
and perhaps Buir Nor in northeastern B and C, valleys of the Khalka, Kerulen,
Mongolia. and Tola rivers, region of Ulan Bator,
southern Khangai, and "northern Gobi."
UPUPIDAE 182. Melanocorypha leucoptera (White-winged
166. Upupa epops (Hoopoe). A, Khangai; B, Lark). D, foothills of the southeastern
southern Khangai, western and south- Mongolian Altai.
eastern Mongolian Altai and Ureg Nor, 183. Eremophila alpestris (Horned Lark). Breeds
C, northeastern Mongolia; D, Achitu Nor, in all zones.
Gobian Altai, and lake region; and perhaps 184. Galerida cristata (Crested Lark). D, near
breeds in E, Transaltai Gobi. Ude in the southeast; E, Transaltai Gobi,
and near Ude in the southeast.
PICIDAE 185. Alauda arvensis (Skylark). All the steppes of
the north and also western and eastern
167. Jynx torquila (Wryneck). A, Khangai and Mongolian Altai and Ureg Nor; D, Orok
Kentei. Nor and lake region.
168. Picus canus (Grey-headed Woodpecker). A,
Khangai and Kentei. MOTACILLIDAE
169. Dryocopus martius (Black Woodpecker). A,
Khangai and Kentei. 186. Anthus novaeseelandiae (Richard's Pipit).
170. Dendrocopos major (Great Spotted Wood- "Damp meadows of the north," valley
pecker). A, Khangai and Kentei. of the Khalka River, and Ureg Nor; D,
171. Dendrocopos leucotos (White-backed Wood- Achitu Nor and lake region.
pecker). A, Khangai and Kentei. 187. Anthus godlewskii (Godlewski's Pipit). B,
172. Dendrocopos minor (Lesser Spotted Wood- southern Khangai and southeastern Mon-
pecker). A, Khangai and Kentei. golian Altai; C, Buir Nor, Kerulen Val-
173. Picoides tridactylus (Three-toed Wood- ley, and mountains of Choirin; D, Gobian
pecker). A, Khangai and Kentei. Altai.
188. Anthus campestris (Tawny Pipit). B, western
HIRUNDINIDAE Mongolian Altai and Ureg Nor; D,
174. Riparia riparia (Sand Martin). A, Kentei; Achitu Nor; E, Transaltai Gobi.
B and C, valleys of the Kerulen and Tola 189. Anthus trivialis (Tree Pipit). A, Tarbagatai
rivers; reported on migration on the Mountains in Khangai; B, southeastern
Khalka River. Khangai at Sain Noin Khan, region of
175. Hirundo rupestris (Crag Martin). D, Achitu Uliassutai, and at the Ureg Nor; observed
Nor and Gobian Altai. in D in July in the Gobian Altai but prob-
176. Hirundo rustica (Swallow). A, Khangai and ably a vagrant.
Kentei; B, regions of Ulan Bator and 190. Anthus hodgsoni (Indian Tree Pipit). A,
Uliassutai; C, valley of the Khalka River Khangai and Kentei; perhaps breeding
and probably of the Kerulen; D, Achitu also in the northeast on the Khalka River.
Nor; E, Transaltai Gobi. 191. *Anthus gustavi (Pechora Pipit). C.
177. Hirundo daurica (Red-rumped Swallow). A, 192. Anthus cervinus (Red-throated Pipit). West-
Khangai and Kentei; B, southern Khan- ern Kentei on Khara River, and also
gai. Khalka River.
178. Delichon urbica (House Martin). A, Khangai 193. Anthus spinoletta (Water and Rock Pipit).
and Kentei; B, southeastern Mongolian A, Khangai and Kentei; B, western and
Altai; D, Achitu Nor; reported on migra- southeastern Mongolian Altai; D, Gobian
tion at the Khalka River. Altai; perhaps in E, Transaltai Gobi.
194. Motacilla flava (Yellow Wagtail). B and C,
ALAUDIDAE northeastern Mongolia and Tola River
Valley, southern Khangai; D, Achitu Nor.
179. Calandrella cinerea (Short-toed Lark). B 195. Motacilla citreola (Yellow-headed Wagtail).
and C, southern Khangai, Lake Tukhum, B and C, northeastern Mongolia and
Tola River Valley, and Ureg Nor. Kerulen Valley, Tola River Valley, south-
180. Calandrella rufescens (Lesser Short-toed ern Khangai, western and eastern Mongo-
lian Altai, and Ureg Nor; D, Achitu Nor 209. Pica pica (Magpie). All zones south to the
and lake region. Gobian Altai, not in E.
196. Motacilla cinerea (Grey Wagtail). A, Khangai 210. Podoces hendersoni (Henderson's Ground
and Kentei; D, foothills of the eastern Jay). D, Achitu Nor, Orok Nor, lake re-
Mongolian Altai; reported as a migrant in gion, foothills of the southeastern Mongo-
northeastern Mongolia. lian Altai, and lower Ongyin Gol; E,
197. Motacilla alba (White Wagtail). A, Khangai Transaltai Gobi.
and Kentei; B and C, valleys of the 211. Nucifraga caryocatactes (Nutcracker). A,
Kerulen and Tola rivers, southern Khan- Khangai and Kentei.
gai, western and southeastern Mongolian 212. Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax (Chough). B and C,
Altai, and Ureg Nor; D, Achitu Nor and northeastern Mongolia, open valleys of
lake region; E, Transaltai Gobi. Khangai and Kentei, region of Ulan Bator,
southern Khangai and Tola Valley, west-
LANIIDAE ern and southeastern Mongolian Altai,
198. Lanius collurio (Red-backed Shrike). B and and Ureg Nor; D, Achitu Nor, Gobian
C, forested steppes of Kentei and eastern Altai, and lake region; E, Transaltai Gobi.
Khangai and valleys of the Kerulen and 213. Corvus monedula (Jackdaw). B, southeastern
Tola rivers; D, Achitu Nor, Gobian Altai, Mongolian Altai; probably breeds also in
and lake region; E, Transaltai Gobi. northwestern Mongolia near the Tannu
199. Lanius cristatus (Brown Shrike). B, forested Ola; and reported from the Transaltai
steppes of Kentei and Khangai; C, Khalka Gobi.
River; D, foothills of the eastern Mongo- 214. Corvus dauuricus (Daurian Jackdaw). A,
lian Altai, Gobian Altai, and lake region. Khangai and Kentei; B and C, Tola
200. Lanius excubitor (Great Grey Shrike). A, River Valley, region of Ulan Bator,
Khangai and probably Kentei; B, south- southern Khangai, and Ureg Nor; D,
ern Khangai and western Mongolian Achitu Nor, and lake region.
Altai; D, lake region; E, southeastern 215. Corvus frugilegus (Rook). B and C, Tola
Mongolia near Ude and Transaltai Gobi. River Valley, valley of the Kerulen River
201. Lanius sphenocercus (Chinese Great Grey in Kentei, southern Khangai, southeastern
Shrike). Eastern Mongolia near the Man- Mongolian Altai, and Ureg Nor; D,
churian border. Achitu Nor; E, Transaltai Gobi, according
to Dementiev.
STURNIDAE 216. Corvus corone (Carrion Crow). A, Khangai
202. *Sturnus sturninus (Daurian Starling). Tola and Kentei but avoids the more densely
River Valley, but may breed in the north. forested regions; B and C, Khalka River,
203. Sturnus roseus (Rose-colored Starling). E, Tola River Valley, southern Khangai,
Transaltai Gobi. southeastern Mongolian Altai, and spo-
204. Sturnus vulgaris (Starling). B, sporadically radically at the Ureg Nor; D, Achitu
at the Ureg Nor; D, sporadically at the Nor, and perhaps in the lake region.
Achitu Nor; E, Transaltai Gobi; reported 217. Corvus corax (Raven). Common in all zones.
on migration in eastern Khangai and at BOMBYCILLIDAE
the Orok Nor.
205. Sturnus cineraceus (Grey Starling). Re- 218. *Bombycilla garrulus (Waxwing). Khangai
ported from northeastern Mongolia in the and Kentei, where it is a winter visitor.
basins of the Buir Nor and Khalka River CINCLIDAE
by Tugarinov at the beginning of Septem-
ber, and where Tugarinov believes it 219. Cinclus cinclus (Dipper). B, breeds in south.
breeds. eastern Mongolian Altai; probably in
Khangai and Kentei.
206. Perisoreus infaustus (Siberian Jay). A, PRUNELLIDAE
Khangai and Kentei. 220. Prunella collaris (Alpine Accentor). A,
207. Garrulus glandarius (Jay). A, Khangai and Khangai and Kentei; D, Gobian Altai.
Kentei. 221. Prunella himalayana (Himalayan Accentor).
208. *Cyanopica cyanus (Azure-winged Magpie). B, Khangai in the region of Otkhon Ten-
Reported from Khangai and Tola Valley gri, and western Mongolian Altai.
near Ulan Bator, but may breed in these 222. Prunella fulvescens (Brown Accentor). A,
regions and also in the northeast. Khangai and Kentei; B, eastern Khangai
and western and southeastern Mongolian Altai, and probably Gobian Altai; E,
Altai; D, Achitu Nor and Gobian Altai; Transaltai Gobi.
E, Transaltai Gobi. 240. Sylvia minula (Desert Lesser Whitethroat).
223. *Prunella montanella (Siberian Accentor). E, probably near the border of Inner
Tola Valley and Ongyin Gol. Mongolia.
224. Prunella koslowi (Kozlov's Accentor). B, 241. Sylvia althaea (Hume's Lesser Whitethroat).
southeastern Khangai; D, Gobian Altai. E, possibly breeding in Transaltai Gobi.
242. Sylvia nana (Desert Warbler). D, Orok Nor
MUSCICAPIDAE (SYLVIINAE) and lake region, and foothills of the eastern
225. Bradypterus tacsanowskius (Chinese Bush Mongolian Altai; E, Transaltai Gobi.
Warbler). A, southwestern Khangai and 243. Phylloscopus collybita (Chiffchaff). A, prob-
probably Kentei where it has been col ably in northern Khangai where it has
lected on June 18, 1924; B and C, Tola been collected on the Muren River and
River Valley. region of Koso Gol.
226. *Locustella fasciolata (Gray's Grasshopper 244. Phylloscopus griseolus (Olivaceous Willow
Warbler). A migrant in northeastern Warbler). B, Khangai in the region south
Mongolia on the Khalka River. of Uliassutai; D, perhaps in the Gobian
227. Locustella certhiola (Pallas' Grasshopper Altai.
Warbler). A, northern Khangai near Lake 245. Phylloscopus fuscatus (Dusky Warbler). A,
Koso Gol; B or C, Tola River Valley; D, Khangai and Kentei; B, southern Khangai
Tsagan Nor and other lakes in the region; and western Mongolian Altai; D, Gobian
reported as a migrant from northeastern Altai; reported as a migrant in north-
Mongolia and at the Orok Nor. eastern Mongolia.
228. Locustella naevia (Grasshopper Warbler). D, 246. Phylloscopus schwarzi (Radde's Willow War-
Achitu Nor; reported as a migrant from bler). Status uncertain but collected by
the Transaltai Gobi. Tugarinov in the Batu Khan Mountains
229. *Locustella lanceolata (Lanceolated Warbler). (about latitude 470 N. and longitude 1150
A migrant in northeastern Mongolia on E.) of northeastern Mongolia and reported
the Khalka River. also from Buir Nor.
230. Acrocephalus bistrigiceps (Black-browed Reed 247. Phylloscopus inornatus (Yellow-browed War-
Warbler). Tugarinov believes it breeds in bler). A, Khangai and Kentei; B and C,
the reed beds of the Khalka River, where Khalka River and southern Khangai.
he collected a bird in juvenal plumage on 248. Phylloscopus proregulus (Pallas' Warbler).
September 1. A, Khangai and Kentei; collected on May
231. Acrocephalus agricola (Paddy-field Warbler). 31 at Shabarakh Usu in D; reported as a
D, Achitu Nor and possibly Orok Nor. migrant in northeastern Mongolia.
232. Acrocephalus dumetorum (Blyth's Reed War- 249. Phylloscopus borealis (Arctic Warbler). A,
bler). B and C, Ubsu Nor. Khangai and Kentei; collected in D at
233. Acrocephalus stentoreus (Southern Great Shabarakh Usu on June 1 and 5; reported
Reed Warbler). E, Transaltai Gobi. as a migrant in northeastern Mongolia.
234. Acrocephalus arundinaceus (Great Reed 250. Phylloscopus trochiloides (Greenish Warbler).
Warbler). B and C, Kerulen and Tola A, Khangai and Kentei; B or C, Tola
river valleys; D, lake region of the Orok River Valley and region of Uliassutai in
Nor. Khangai, southeastern Mongolian Altai,
235. Acrocephalus aedon (Thick-billed Reed and Ureg Nor; D, Achitu Nor, Shabarakh
Warbler). A, Kentei; B and C, south- Usu, and Gobian Altai.
eastern Khangai and Tola River Valley. 251. *Regulus regulus (Goldcrest). Khangai and
236. Hippolais caligata (Booted Warbler). D, may breed in the extreme north.
Achitu Nor; perhaps Ureg Nor.
237. Sylvia nisoria (Barred Warbler). D, Achitu MUSCICAPIDAE (MUSCICAPINAE)
Nor, Orok Nor, and Gobian Altai; perhaps 252. *Ficedula mugimaki (Mugimaki Flycatcher).
Ureg Nor. Reported as a migrant on September 2 on
238. Sylvia communis (Whitethroat). A, Kentei; the Khalka River, northeastern Mongolia.
possibly eastern Gobian Altai. 253. Ficedula parva (Red-breasted Flycatcher).
239. Sylvia curruca (Lesser Whitethroat). A, Ken- A, Khangai and Kentei; B and C, Tola
tei; B, Khangai in the region of Uliassutai; River Valley; reported also from the
C, Kerulen Valley; D, Achitu Nor, lake Kerulen and Khalka rivers.
region, foothills of the eastern Mongolian 254. Ficedula zanthopygia (Korean Flycatcher).
Status uncertain but collected on Sep- start). A, Khangai; widely distributed
tempber 7 on the Khalka River by Tuga- elsewhere as a migrant.
rinov who believes it may breed. 267. Phoenicurus ochruros (Black Redstart). A,
255. Muscicapa striata (Spotted Flycatcher). B, + western Khangai in the basin of the Muren
Khangai in the valleys of the Tchire and River; B, Khangai in the region of Ulias-
Ider rivers, and possibly in the valley of sutai, southeastern Mongolian Altai, and
the Kerulen River in eastern Kentei; also sporadically at Achitu Nor.
in D along the foothills of the Mongolian 268. Phoenicurus phoenicurus (Redstart). A,
Altai. Khangai and Kentei; B, southeastern
256. Muscicapa sibirica (Sooty Flycatcher). A, Mongolian Altai.
Khangai and Kentei; C, valleys of the 269. Phoenicurus auroreus (Daurian Redstart). A,
Khalka and Kerulen rivers; perhaps D Kentei; B or C, Tola River Valley; per-
where it was collected on June 5 at Sha- haps D, where it was collected on June 3
barakh Usu. at Shabarakh Usu.
257. Muscicapa latirostris (Brown Flycatcher). A, 270. Phoenicurus erythrogaster (Guldenstidt's
Kentei; reported also from the Kerulen Redstart). A, Khangai; B, southeastern
River on August 15, and as a migrant from Mongolian Altai.
the Gobian Altai. 271. Luscinia calliope (Siberian Rubythroat). A,
Khangai and Kentei; collected on May
25 in D at Shabarakh Usu, and reported
MUSCICAPIDAE (TURDINAE) as a migrant in northeastern Mongolia.
258. Saxicola torquata (Stonechat). A, Khangai 272. Luscinia svecica (Bluethroat). A, Khangai;
and Kentei; B, sporadically at Ureg Nor; B, sporadically in western Mongolian
C, northeastern Mongolia on the Khalka Altai; D, Achitu Nor; reported as a
River; D, sporadically at Achitu Nor. migrant on the Khalka River in north-
259. Saxicola insignis (Hodgson's Stonechat). B, eastern Mongolia.
Khangai in the region of Otkhon Tengri, 273. *Luscinia cyane (Siberian Blue Robin). Re-
and western Mongolian Altai. ported as a migrant in northeastern Mon-
260. Oenanthe oenanthe (Wheatear). All zones, golia on the Kerulen River and at Buir
including perhaps E in the Transaltai Nor.
Gobi. 274. *Pseudaedon sibilans (Swinhoe's Pseudo-
261. Oenanthe pleschanka (Pied Wheatear). A, robin). A migrant on the Khalka River,
Khangai and Kentei; B, southern Khan- northeastern Mongolia.
gai, western Mongolian Altai, and Ureg 275. Tarsiger cyanurus (Red-flanked Bluetail). A,
Nor; C, Choirin Mountains in northeast- Kentei and possibly Khangai; a migrant in
ern Mongolia; D, Achitu Nor, Gobian eastern Mongolia.
Altai, and lake region. 276. Turdus obscurus (Eye-browed Thrush). A,
262. Oenanthe deserti (Desert Wheatear). B, breeds probably in Kentei; a migrant in
southern Khangai, western Mongolian northeastern Mongolia.
Altai, and Ureg Nor; C, "northern Gobi"; 277. Turdus ruficollis (Black-throated and Red-
D, southeastern Mongolia in the region of throated Thrush). A, Khangai and Ken-
Ude, Achitu Nor, Gobian Altai, foothills tei; B and C, Tola River Valley, southern
of the eastern Mongolian Altai, and lake Khangai, western Mongolian Altai, and
region; E, Transaltai Gobi. Ureg Nor.
263. Oenanthe isabellina (Isabelline Wheatear). 278. Turdus naumanni (Dusky and Naumann's
Common in all steppes, semi-deserts, and Thrush). Breeds in "northern Mongolia"
deserts. and reported from southern Khangai and
264. Monticola saxatilis (Rock Thrush). A, Khan- Kentei.
gai and Kentei; B, Tola River Valley, 279. *Turdus sibiricus (Siberian Thrush). North-
southern Khangai, western and southeast- eastern Mongolia, southern Khangai, and
ern Mongolian Altai, and Ureg Nor; C, Orok Nor.
northeastern Mongolia in the Choirin 280. *Zoothera dauma (White's Thrush). North-
Mountains; D, Achitu Nor and Gobian eastern Khangai.
265. *Monticola gularis (White-throated Rock- MUSCICAPIDAE (TIMALIINAE)
thrush). Collected on September 7, on 281. Panurus biarmicus (Bearded Reedling). B
the Khalka River. and C, probably in the Tola River Valley;
266. Phoenicurus erythronotus (Eversmann's Red- D, in the lake region.
AEGITHALIDAE Ureg Nor; D, region of Ude in south-
282. Aegithalos caudatus (Long-tailed Tit). A, eastern Mongolia, Achitu Nor, Gobian
Khangai and Kentei; B or C, Tola River Altai, lake region; E, Transaltai Gobi;
Valley. frequents barren hils.
297. Montifringilla nivalis (Snow Finch). B,
PARIDAE (PARINAE) western and southern Khangai, and west-
Parus palustris (Marsh Tit). A, Khangai and ern and southeastern Mongolian Altai; D,
283. Gobian Altai.
Kentei. 298. Montifringilla davidiana (Pere David's Snow
284. Parus montanus (Willow Tit). A, Khangai Finch). B, barren ridges of southeastern
and Kentei; B and C, Tola River Valley; Khangai, southeastern Mongolian Altai,
D, Achitu Nor. and hilly steppes of the "northern Gobi";
285. Parus cinctus (Siberian Tit). A, Khangai. D, Gobian Altai.
286. Parus ater (Coal Tit). A, Kentei and per-
haps Khangai; reported also from the Tola
287. Parus cyanus (Azure Tit). A, Khangai; B,
Ureg Nor; D, Achitu Nor. 299. *Fringilla montifringilla (Brambling). Ken-
288. Parus major (Great Tit). A, Khangai and tei, and the valleys of the Khalka and
Kentei; B and C, Tola River Valley. Kerulen rivers.
300. *Carduelis spinus (Siskin). South of Ulan
289. Sitta europaea (Nuthatch). A, Khangai and 301. Acanthis flavirostris (Twite). B, Tola River
Kentei; B, in Khangai, and in the Tola Valley in the mountains, southeastern
River Valley. Khangai, western and southeastern Mon-
golian Altai, and Ureg Nor; C, Kerulen
PARIDAE (TICHODROMADINAE) Valley in the foothills of Kentei, and
290. Tichodroma muraria (Wall Creeper). B, mountains of Choirin; D, Gobian Altai
southeastern Mongolian Altai; D, Gobian lake region; E, Transaltai Gobi.
Altai. 302. *Acanthis flammea (Redpoll). Kentei, Khan-
gai, and Gobian Altai.
CERTHIIDAE 303. *Acanthis hornemanni (Arctic Redpoll). Ken-
tei and Khangai.
291. Certhia familaris (Tree Creeper). A, 304. Leucosticte brandti (Brandt's Rosy Finch).
Khangai and Kentei. B, western and southeastern Mongolian
305. Leucosticte arctoa (Rosy Finch). B, alpine
292. Remiz pendulinus (Penduline Tit). A, Khan- tundra of Khangai and probably of Kentei.
gai and Kentei; D, Shabarakh Usu; per- 306. Rhodopechys mongolica (Mongolian Trum-
haps E in the Transaltai Gobi, according peter Finch). B and C, Kerulen River in
to Dementiev. southeastern Kentei, Choirin Mountains,
"northern Gobi," southeastern Khangai,
PLOCEIDAE western Mongolian Altai, and Ureg Nor;
293. Passer domesticus (House Sparrow). B and D, Achitu Nor, region of Ude in south-
C, Ulan Bator and villages in the Tola eastern Mongolia, Orok Nor, and Gobian
River Valley; also E, in the Transaltai Altai; E, Transaltai Gobi.
Gobi at the Zezeg Nor. 307. Carpodacus erythrinus (Common Rose
294. Passer ammodendri (Saxaul Sparrow). D, Finch). A, Khangai and Kentei; B and C,
Shabarakh Usu and Gobian Altai; E, Tola River Valley; a young was taken
Transaltai Gobi. also at the Buir Nor on August 27; re-
295. Passer montanus (Tree Sparrow). A, Khan- ported migrating through the Khalka Val-
gai and Kentei; B and C, Khalka River ley.
Valley, region of Ulan Bator, and southern 308. Carpodacus pulcherrimus (Beautiful Rose
Khangai; D, lake region and near Ude; E, Finch). B, southwestern Khangai in the
Transaltai Gobi. valley of the Shire River; D, Gobian
296. Petronia petronia (Rock Sparrow). B and C, Altai.
valleys of the Kerulen and Tola rivers, 309. Carpodacus roseus (Pallas' Rose Finch). A,
southern Khangai, "northern Gobi," west- probably in eastern Kentei.
ern and southeastern Mongolian Altai, and 310. Carpodacus rhodochlamys (Red-mantled Rose
Finch). A, western Khangai and western Khangai; D, sporadically at Achitu Nor.
Kentei. 324. Emberiza fucata (Grey-hooded Bunting). B,
311. Carpodacus rubicilla (Great Rose Finch). B, southwestern Kentei.
western and southeastern Mongolian Al- 325. *Emberiza pusilla (Little Bunting). Basin of
tai; also one record on July 19 from the the Kerulen and Buir Nor, Kentei, Tola
alpine zone of Khangai near Otkhon Tengri. River Valley, southeastern Khangai, and
312. Pinicola enucleator (Pine Grosbeak). A, collected also on June 2 at Shabarakh Usu.
northern forests of Khangai and Kentei. 326. *Emberiza chrysophrys (Yellow-browed Bunt-
313. Loxia curvirostra (Crossbill). A, Khangai and ing). Northeastern Mongolia in the basin
Kentei; occurs also as a vagrant in the of the Buir Nor and valley of the Khalka
Gobian Altai during the summer. River.
314. Loxia leucoptera (White-winged Crossbill). B, 327. *Emberiza rustica (Rustic Bunting). North-
eastern Mongolian Altai. eastern Mongolia and Transaltai Gobi.
315. Uragus sibiricus (Long-tailed Rose Finch). 328. Emberiza aureola (Yellow-breasted Bunting).
A, Khangai and Kentei; D, Achitu Nor. A, Khangai and Kentei; B and C, valleys
316. Pyrrhula pyrrhula (Bullfinch). A, probably of the Kerulen and Tola rivers, southern
in northern Khangai and Kentei. Khangai, and sporadically at Ureg Nor;
317. Coccothraustes coccothraustes (Hawfinch). A, D, foothills of the Mongolian Altai, and
Kentei and perhaps Khangai. sporadically at Achitu Nor and Orok Nor.
329. Emberiza rutila (Chestnut Bunting). A,
EMBERIZIDAE probably in Kentei.
330. *Emberiza spodocephala (Black-faced Bunt-
318. *Emberiza citrinella (Yellowhammer). Ken- ing). Northeastern Mongolia and Kentei.
tei. 331. Emberiza pallasii (Pallas' Reed Bunting). A,
319. Emberiza leucocephala (Pine Bunting). A, Khangai in the Tarbagatai; C, south-
Khangai and Kentei; B, valley of the eastern Khangai near Kholt; and lydiae,l
Tola River and near Ulan Bator. D, Orok Nor and lake region.
320. Emberiza cia (Rock Bunting). B, southern 332. Emberiza schoeniclus (Reed Bunting). E,
Khangai; D, Gobian Altai. Transaltai Gobi; reported as a migrant in
321. Emberiza cioides (Long-tailed Bunting). A, northeastern Mongolia, Tola River Val-
Khangai and Kentei; D, Gobian Altai. ley, and from Khangai.
322. Emberiza buchanani (Grey-necked Bunting). 333. *Calcarius lapponicus (Lapland Bunting).
B, southeastern Mongolian Altai; C, Winter visitor to northeastern Mongolia,
"northern Gobi"; D, Gobian Altai; E, Khangai, Kentei, and "northern Gobi."
Transaltai Gobi.
323. Emberiza hortulana (Ortolan Bunting). A, 1 The form lydiae may represent a distinct species.
AFTER HAVING WRITTEN the final draft of the seems not to have set foot on Mongolian
list of the birds of Mongolia, I discovered a territory, but we must consider that any bird
paper by Tugarinov (1916) on the birds of the that occurs at low elevations on the southern
Tannu Ola Range which has an important slopes of the Tannu Ola, the foothills, in the
bearing on the avifauna of northwestern Mon- valley of the Tesin, and at Ubsu Nor, very
golia. probably occurs also in neighboring Mon-
The Tannu Ola, which rises to an altitude golia. Nevertheless, it seemed best to me to
of nearly 3000 meters, extends eastward from list them separately below.
the Altai for a distance of about 570 kilo- A short description of the Tannu Ola, the
meters, and the Mongolian frontier runs valley of the lower Tesin, and the north
along its southern foothills, the north shore of shores of Ubsu Nor is in order, as the condi-
the Ubsu Nor, and, for some distance, the tions that prevail in these regions have not
lower course of the Tesin River which drains been described in the ornithological literature
into Ubsu Nor. The region bounded by the other than by Tugarinov whose report is ob-
Tannu Ola in the south and the Sayan Moun- scure and not readily available. According to
tains in the north was formerly a part of Tugarinov, the northern foothills of the
Mongolia and called Uriankhailand. It passed Tannu Ola are rather arid steppes, crossed by
under Russian influence in 1911, and in the narrow gallery forests that consist chiefly of
1920's became known as the Republic of willows and birches and also of larches which
Tannu Tuva until 1945 when it was incor- become more abundant with rise in altitude.
porated in the Soviet Union to form the Tuva The taigal begins at about 1500 meters, and
Autonomous Oblast. Its avifauna is very little from about 1800 to 2200 meters consists al-
known but appears to be transitional between most entirely of cedars. Higher, it gives way
that of the mountains of southern Siberia and to dwarfed trees with much underbrush, and
that of more arid northwestern Mongolia. eventually to alpine meadows. The southern
Tugarinov crossed the western part of this slopes of the Tannu Ola are much more arid
region from north to south in the summer of and are virtually bare of trees, except in the
1915, starting from Krasnoyarsk. He seems upper reaches of the cafnons. The plain below
to have arrived in the northern foothills of is a stony or pebbly desert, or semi-desert,
the Tannu Ola about June 20 and, after crossed by the green ribbon of the Tesin
spending about 10 days or more on the River with its borders of good stands of
northern slopes of this range and around the larches, birches, poplars, and especially wil-
Dzhegattai Kul, ascended the valley of the lows, with many flooded meadows that have
Shurmak River, reaching Samagaltay about a very rich vegetation. The coast of the Ubsu
July 6. From Samagaltay, which is situated Nor is fringed with reeds where it is low,
in the southern foothills of the Tannu Ola at especially in the east, but with stands of
longitude 950 01' E., latitude 500 39' N., he birch, poplar, and larch where it is more ele-
followed the valley of the Tesin River and vated.
the southern foothills and slopes of the The list below comprises 98 species, and
Tannu Ola westward to the north shore of the one of these (Carduelis carduelis) is a new rec-
Ubsu Nor, leaving this region by the first ord, raising the total of the birds reported so
week of August to recross the Tannu Ola far from Mongolia to 334. Tugarinov did not
above Khandagayty. always indicate whether the birds were breed-
He collected or observed 136 species of ing or not, but, with the exception of Xenus
birds during this trip, but, as some of these
were found only on the northern slopes of the 1 The word "taiga," which is so widely used to denote
Tannu Ola or at high altitudes on this range, the boreal coniferous forest, apparently originated in
this region, according to Mirov (1951), as it is the name
they cannot be included in a list of the birds of by which the Turkic natives call the wooded mountain
northwestern Mongolia. In fact, Tugarinov ridges, or primeval forest.
cinereus and perhaps two or three others, Cuculus canorus
probably they do. If so, the status of three Bubo bubo
species on the main list must be changed Caprimulgus europaeus
from migrant or winter visitor to breeder. Upupa epops
These are Bucephala clangula and Larus Riparia riparia
Hirundo rustica
canus, both of which Tugarinov reported Delichon urbica
with young from the Ubsu Nor, and Luscinia Calandrella cinerea
cyane. Eremophila alpestris
Alauda arvensis
Phalacrocorax carbo Anthus novaeseelandiae
Ardea cinerea Anthus campestris
Platalea leucorodia Anthus trivialis
Ciconia nigra Motacilla cinerea
Anser anser Motacilla alba
Anser cygnoides Lanius collurio
Cygnus cygnus Pica pica
Tadorna ferruginea Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax
Anas platyrhynchos Corvus monedula
Anas crecca Corvus dauuricus
Anas penelope Corvus frugilegus
Bucephala clangula Corvus corone
Milvus migrans Locustella naevia
Accipiter nisus Acrocephalus agricola
Hieraaetus pennatus Hippolais caligata
Haliaeetus leucoryphus Sylvia communis
Haliaeetus albicilla Sylvia curruca
Circus aeruginosus Phylloscopus collybita
Falco subbuteo Phylloscopus inornatus
Falco vespertinus Phylloscopus trochiloides
Falco naumanni Muscicapa striata
Falco tinnunculus Muscicapa sibirica
Lyrurus tetrix Saxicola torquata
Alectoris chukar Oenanthe oenanthe
Perdix dauuricae Oenanthe pleschanka
Coturnix coturnix Oenanthe isabellina
Grus grus Phoenicurus ochruros
Anthropoides virgo Phoenicurus phoenicurus
Otis tarda Luscinia svecica
Fulica atra Luscinia cyane
Charadrius alexandrinus Turdus ruficollis
Tringa totanus Aegithalos caudatus
Tringa ochropus Parus montanus
Tringa hypoleucos Parus cyanus
Xenus cinereus Sitta europaea
Limosa limosa Passer montanus
Gallinago gallinago Carduelis carduelis
Larus ridibundus A canthis flavirostris
Larus argentatus Carpodacus erythrinus
Larus canus Uragus sibiricus
Sterna hirundo Emberiza cioides
Sterna albifrons Emberiza hortulana
Syrrhaptes paradoxus Emberiza aureola
Streptopelia orientalis Emberiza pallasii
THE NUMBER OF SPECIES reported from is best visualized by a tabular list. I have
Mongolia in this survey is 334. Of these, omitted from this list the Palearctic groups
about 50 appear to be migrants, winter that are not found in Mongolia. The first
visitors, or vagrants, but the correct status of number indicates the total of the species that
some species is still unknown. Some birds breed in the Palearctic Region; the second
that appear to be migrants only may actually (in parentheses), the number in Mongolia.
breed in Mongolia, the nests of some that are Gaviidae, 5 (1)
believed to breed remain to be discovered, Podicipedidae, 5 (3)
and the distribution of the breeding birds Pelecanidae, 2 (1)
outlined in this survey is certain to be Phalacrocoracidae, 9 (1)
modified. Ardeidae, 22 (3)
These 334 species represent only about 29 Threskiornithidae, 7 (1)
per cent of those that breed in the Palearctic Ciconiidae, 3 (1)
Region, a number that seems low for a Anatidae, 54 (23)
country so relatively large as Mongolia. But Pandionidae, 1 (1)
a mere numerical comparison is misleading, Accipitridae, 45 (23)
Falconidae, 15 (9)
as the country is not favorably situated or Tetraoninae, 9 (5)
varied enough to support a rich avifauna. It Phasianinae, 41 (6)
is too isolated by deserts and mountains to Gruidae, 8 (5)
receive many of the species of Oriental origin Otitidae, 4 (2)
which form such a large and important ele- Rallidae, 15 (3)
ment of the avifauna in the eastern part of the Rostratulidae, 1 (1)
Palearctic Region. Another faunal subdi- Charadriinae, 20 (10)
vision of this region (the European) is too Scolopacinae, 48 (30)
remote to have contributed many species, Recurvirostrinae, 3 (1)
although another subdivision that is equally Phalaropodinae, 2 (1)
Glareolidae, 6 (1)
remote (the Mediterranean) has contributed Larinae, 25 (5)
an important element of the Mongolian Sterninae, 19 (6)
avifauna, but in a modified form (see below). Pteroclidae, 8 (1)
Mongolia is also well landlocked, a fact Columbidae, 22 (3)
that excludes the true sea birds, and it lacks Cuculidae, 9 (2)
also other habitats that are important to Strigiformes, 26 (10)
birds, as it has no true deciduous forest and is Caprimulgiformes, 10 (2)
not extensively cultivated. (Cultivation on Apodiformes, 8 (3)
any appreciable scale started only in the late Alcedinidae, 7 (1)
1950's.) Its climate is extremely continental, Upupidae, 1 (1)
Piciformes, 25 (7)
always severe, and more than one-half of Hirundinidae, 10 (5)
its area is inhospitable to many birds, as it Alaudidae, 24 (7)
consists of largely barren mountains, arid Motacillidae, 20 (12)
steppes, and deserts. Even the more favored Laniidae, 13 (4)
regions from the point of view of the vegeta- Sturnidae, 9 (4)
tion cover, such as the northern forests and Corvidae, 27 (12)
the grassy steppes, are too homogeneous to Bombycillidae, 3 (1)
support a varied bird life. Cinclidae, 2 (1)
Some orders and families are lacking from Prunellidae, 12 (5)
the Mongolian avifauna, and others are very Sylviinae, 97 (27)
Muscicapinae, 18 (6)
poorly represented. On the other hand, some Turdinae, 93 (23)
groups are surprisingly abundant in species, Timaliinae, 54 (1)
such as the waders and diurnal birds of prey. Aegithalidae, 5 (1)
The representation of each group in Mongolia Parinae, 19 (6)
Sittinae, 9 (1) sand partridges (Ammoperdix) in Mongolia.
Tichodromadinae, 1 (1) The forests of the north and some moun-
Certhiidae, 5 (1) tainous regions account for a good representa-
Remizidae, 3 (1) tion among the Tetraoninae, Strigiformes,
Ploceidae, 21 (6) Parinae, and Carduelinae, but the groups
Fringillinae, 3 (1) that are best represented in Mongolia, such as
Carduelinae, 65 (18)
Emberizidae, 33 (16) the Anatidae, Accipitridae, Falconidae,
Gruidae, Otitidae, Charadriinae, Scolopac-
Gulls, terns, and waders breed in Mon- inae, Sterninae, Motacillidae, Corvidae,
golia, but there are no marine species, and no Prunellidae, and Emberizidae, generally tend
Palearctic representatives of other groups to frequent open regions. In these groups, the
that are of tropical or semitropical origin, Mongolian representatives number from one-
such as the Phoenicopteridae, Anhingidae, third to one-half or more of the total species
Numidinae, Turnicidae, Jacanidae, Hae- in the Palearctic Region. The number of
matopodidae, Dromadidae, Burhinidae, Ryn- Falconiformes in Mongolia (33) is outstand-
chopinae, and Psittaciformes. ing when we consider that it almost equals
Among the Passeriformes, the following the number that breed in the Nearctic
families or subfamilies, which are also of Region.
tropical or semitropical origin, are lacking:
Pittidae, Oriolidae, Dicruridae, Campe- DISTRIBUTION IN MONGOLIA
phagidae, Pycnonotidae, Rhipidurinae, Mo- The distribution of the birds that breed, or
narchinae, Dicaeidae, Nectariniidae, and Zos- appear to breed, in Mongolia is correlated, of
teropidae. It is difficult, however, to explain course, with their ecological requirements.
the absence of the Wren (Troglodytes trog- Species with strict requirements, such as the
lodytes) which breeds in Transbaicalia on the woodpeckers, can breed only in the zone that
frontier of Kentei and also in neighboring supplies the necessary habitat, but the
Manchuria, other than by surmising that this majority are less rigidly adapted and breed in
very small and furtive species may have more than one zone. The following discussion
been overlooked. is based on the preceding lists, but our
The Palearctic Timaliinae are represented knowledge is still very incomplete, as I wish
in Mongolia only by the very widely ranging to emphasize.
Panurus biarmicus. About 25 species of this The species that appear to breed in only
subfamily are endemic in the Palearctic one zone number 110. This number drops
Region, but, generally speaking, this sub- sharply to 56 for two zones, 51 for three, 50
family, which is of Oriental or Ethiopian for four, and only 12 in the case of all five
origin, has not penetrated deeply into the zones. The species that breed in all the zones
Palearctic Region. are in every case birds that are noted for their
The Alaudidae seem to be unusually re- wide distribution and their ability to nest
duced in species, but the representatives of successfully in almost any type of country,
this family, which seems Eremean (including including human settlements or their vicinity
species that are more widely distributed in the when not molested. They are: Falco subbuteo,
boreal zone such as A lauda arvensis), dwindle F. tinnunculus, Columba rupestris (the Cen-
as this region extends eastward, Mongolia tral Asiatic counterpart of C. livia), Bubo
and neighboring northwestern Manchuria bubo, Athene noctua, Upupa epops, Hirundo
constituting its extreme outposts. We find rustica, Eremophila alpestris, Motacilla alba,
17 species in Palearctic Africa, 11 in Kazakh- Corvus corax, Sylvia curruca, and Passer
stan and Turkestan, but only seven in Mon- montanus.
golia. Probably the ground is not sandy The number of each species breeding in
enough in Mongolia, as the country lacks each zone, and of those restricted to the zone,
such "sand-loving" genera as Eremalauda, is given in table 1.
Eremopterix, Ammomanes, and Alaemon. This Zone A contains the greatest proportion of
interpretation may also explain the lack species that are restricted to a single zone,
of the typical sandgrouse (Pterocles) and and, as we might expect, nearly all are birds
TABLE 1 schwarzi, and Ficedula zanthopygia. Nine or
DISTRIBUTION OF THE AVIFAUNA OF MONGOLIA 10 other species which seem to be also of
(BREEDING BIRDS ONLY) Oriental origin (such as Phasianus colchicus,
Cuculus saturatus, and Apus pacificus) breed
Number of Restricted to also in Mongolia, about half of them in
Species the Zone Zone C.
The concentration of these Oriental species
A (forest) 142 47 in Zone C, especially at its eastern extremity
B (mountain steppes) 163 17 from whence nearly all were reported by
C (grassy steppes) 119 14 Tugarinov (1932), led him to propose the
D (arid steppes) 158 25
E (desert) 48 7 recognition of a separate faunistic region
which he would call "Regio aemodo-serica."
I believe, however, that the splitting of the
that are typical of wooded regions, chiefly Palearctic Region into various faunistic
coniferous forest. They represent the south- subregions has been much overdone, and I
ernmost extension of the Siberian taiga, and see no necessity for recognizing such a region.
among them we may list such typical species Zone D is rich in species. This seems to be a
as Tetrastes bonasia, Tetrao parvirostris; some paradox because much of this zone is a sub-
owls, such as Aegolius funereus, Glaucidium desert, but it has innumerable lakes, swamps,
passerinum, and Strix uralensis; all the wood- and reed beds which provide the necessary
peckers; Perisoreus infaustus and Nucifraga habitat for many species of water birds or
caryocatactes in the Corvidae; Phylloscopus birds of the reeds which appear to breed
collybita and P. borealis in the leaf warblers; nowhere else in Mongolia. Twenty-two of the
Tarsiger cyanurus, Turdus obscurus, and T. 25 species that are restricted to this zone
naumanni in the thrushes; Parus ater and P. belong to these two groups. Among them we
cinctus in the tits; Certhia familiaris; and may list: Podiceps cristatus, Pelecanus crispus,
some finches, such as Carpodacus roseus, Botaurus stellaris, Egretta alba, Ardea cinerea,
Pinicola enucleator, and Loxia curvirostra; and Platalea leucorodia; several ducks, such
and also Emberiza rutila which inhabits the as Anas Penelope, A. clypeata, Netta rufina,
undergrowth of mixed larch and birch forest. Aythya ferina, and A. fuligula; and, of the
Zone B is much less homogeneous than smaller birds of the reeds, Locustella naevia,
Zone A, a fact that is reflected in the greater Acrocephalus agricola, and Hippolais caligata.
number of species and much smaller propor- The Common Pheasant (Phasianus colchicus),
tion of birds restricted to this zone. Typical which in many parts of Asia breeds only in
of the alpine zone and high plateaus are reed beds, has been reported to breed only in
Falco altaicus, Lagopus mutus, Prunella this region in Mongolia.
himalayana, Leucosticte brandti, and L. arctoa. The list of birds that have been reported
The small ponds on the alpine tundra contrib- only from Zone E is very short, but some of
ute also the sandpipers Calidris temminckii them require comments. These seven birds
and C. ferruginea. The Altai Snowcock are Gyps himalayensis, Streptopelia turtur,
(Tetraogallus altaicus) is one of the striking Sturnus roseus, Acrocephalus stentoreus, Syl-
birds of Zone B, but it is not restricted to it, via minula, S. althaea, and Emberiza schoeni-
as it breeds also in the mountains of Khangai clus.
and the Gobi. The record of Gyps himalayensis was men-
Zone C is very homogeneous and has an tioned to me by Dementiev, but I am not
impoverished fauna, but 10 of the 14 species sure that this bird breeds in southern Mon-
that have been reported only from this zone golia, although quite possibly it does, because
are worthy of note, because they are, or seem it breeds in neighboring Inner Mongolia. The
to be, of Oriental origin. They are Anas record of Sturnus roseus is unusual; it was
poecilorhyncha, Circus melanoleucos, Grus published by Tarasov (1962), but he does not
japonensis, Glareola maldivarum, Caprimulgus state whether he found the birds breeding or
indicus, Lanius sphenocercus, Sturnus cinera- merely saw them. This species is likely to
ceus, Acrocephalus bistrigiceps, Phylloscopus turn up almost anywhere, as it is a notorious
wanderer, with very erratic breeding habits. With these reservations in mind, a large
Dementiev (1962) stated that Streptopelia proportion of the birds that breed in the
turtur breeds in the Transaltai Gobi, but Palearctic Region can, nevertheless, be allo-
Kozlova questioned this in the comments cated to several faunistic "types" that seem
she made to me. I believe, however, that characteristic of "subregions." But this sub-
Dementiev was probably correct, because division, if it is to be meaningful, must be
L6nnberg (1931, p. 14) reported a specimen held to a minimum. I cannot, for instance,
that was collected nearby on June 22, 1929, share the opinion of a well-known European
in Inner Mongolia. The northern part of author who has classified the birds of Europe
Inner Mongolia and Zone E are similar; the alone into 25 "faunal types" in a widely pub-
frontier that separates them is purely polit- licized book recently published. Europe is
ical. Sylvia minula and S. althaea breed in but a relatively small peninsula of Eurasia,
the desert or very barren regions, but, a and such extreme "splitting" serves only to
priori, there is no reason why Acrocephalus confuse the basic divisions of its avifauna.
stentoreus and Emberiza schoeniclus, which Most of these zoogeographic dissections of
breed in reed beds, should be restricted to the Palearctic avifauna have been done by
Zone E. Russian authors and have been criticized by
The most interesting record from this zone another Russian, namely, Stegmann, who, in
is perhaps that of Passer domesticus, con- a very valuable analysis (1938), recognized
tributed by Tarasov (1962) who said that it only six "faunal types," excluding quite
breeds at the Zezeg Nor. This represents a correctly the species of arctic Eurasia which
great extension of range. If the Zezeg Nor of form an indivisible whole with those of
Tarasov is the lake of the same name in the arctic America.
Transaltai Gobi, which is situated at about Stegmann's six "faunal types" are:
longitude 960 E., latitude 450 N., the range of
Passer domesticus is extended into Central 1. Siberian (or taiga)
Asia by about 750 kilometers. The nearest 2. European (deciduous forest)
colonies of this bird known to me are in the 3. Mediterranean (maquis, steppes, and desert)
4. Mongolian (xerophilic)
villages on the Tola River in the region of 5. Tibetan (alpine)
Ulan Bator. 6. Chinese (mixed and deciduous forests of
The avifauna of the Palearctic Region is It is not my purpose here to discuss Steg-
relatively impoverished when compared to mann's paper in detail, but I prefer to refer to
that of the Ethiopian, Oriental, and espe- his "Chinese" type as "Oriental," a term that
cially Neotropical regions, and is character- has wider currency and is more correct. I
ized also by a low degree of endemism. Not a believe also that his "Mongolian" type repre-
single family is endemic, not even the Prunel- sents only a somewhat modified and impover-
lidae which zoogeographers usually mention ished extension of his "Mediterranean" type
as its only endemic family. This statement and that the two should be combined in one,
is true also at the generic level, when we for which the term "Eremean" exists. The
consider that the 1142 species of birds that Tibetan Plateau has some distinct genera
breed in the Palearctic Region have evolved and species, but the significance of this "sub-
into only 42 endemic genera. Moreover, this region" has not been properly evaluated to
region shares a large proportion of its species date.
with the Nearctic Region, about 23 per cent Any analysis into "faunal" types or "sub-
in the case of the non-passerine birds. I be- regions" is bound to be subjective, but I
lieve also that most of its birds were derived believe that the 334 species reported from
from the tropical regions of the Old World, Mongolia can be allocated as follows:
although some groups, such as the Phasi- Widely distributed (not diagnostic), 165
anidae, Corvidae, and Emberizidae, under- Siberian, 59
went considerable subsequent radiation in its Oriental, 27
favorable temperate and boreal climates. European, 16
Eremean, 49 not all "Siberian." Among the truly Siberian
Tibetan, 18 birds of Mongolia, we can add the following:
About half of the species cannot be allo- Prunella montanella; Bradypterus tacsanow-
cated satisfactorily to any faunal type, as skius; Locustellk lanceolata; several leaf
their breeding ranges are much too extensive, warblers, such as Phylloscopus inornatus, P.
or, in the case of three or four, such as Circus proregulus, and P. borealis; the flycatchers
melanoleucos and Motacilla citreola, their Ficedula mugimaki and Muscicapa sibirica;
faunal affinities are not clear to me. The more thrushes, such as Luscinia calliope, L.
widely distributed species consist of a Trans- cyane, Pseudaedon sibilans, Turdus ruficollis,
palearctic group of 61, and one of 100 com- T. sibiricus, and Zoothera dauma; and, among
posed of birds that breed in two or more of a group of buntings, Emberiza leucocephala,
the major zoogeographic divisions of the E. pusilla, E. chrysophrys, E. rustica, E.
world; among these 100 species, 47 are aureloa, and E. pallasii.
Holarctic only. The Oriental element is represented in
The Holarctic group includes many well- Mongolia by 27 species. A list of 13 of these is
known species, such as Anas platyrhynchos, given in the discussion of Zone C. It seems
Mergus merganser, Aquila chrysaetos, Falco sufficient to add half a dozen more: Lanius
columbarius, Lagopus lagopus, Larus argenta- cristatus, Sturnus sturninus, Acrocephalus
tus, Sterna hirundo, Asio otus, Hirundo rustica, aedon, Uragus sibiricus, and the two buntings
Corvus corax, and Loxia curvirostra. Among Emberizafucata and E. spodocephala.
the other 53 species, some are cosmopolitan The European element is weakly repre-
or virtually so, such as Phalacrocorax carbo, sented in Mongolia by only 16 species, the
Egretta alba, Pandion haliaetus, Falco pere- most characteristic of which seem to me to
grinus, Charadrius alexandrinus, and Sterna be: Streptopelia turtur, Capimulgus europaeus,
albifrons. Sturnus vulgaris, Corvus monedula, Locustella
The Transpalearctic group also includes naevia, Sylvia nisoria, S. communis, S. cur-
many well-known species, such as Anser ruca, Muscicapa striata, Phoenicurus phoeni-
anser, Cygnus cygnus, Buteo buteo, Tetrastes curus, Carduelis carduelis, Emberiza citrinella,
bonasia, Vanellus vanellus, Scolopax rusticola, and E. hortulana.
Larus ridibundus, Apus apus, Dendrocopos The Eremean species, which number 49,
minor, Delichon urbica, A lauda arvensis, are the most interesting from the point of
Corvus frugilegus, Regulus regulus, and Parus view of this study, because they include all
montanus. The range of some of these is con- those that are most characteristic of Mon-
tinuous across the Palearctic Region, or more golia. The latter seem to me to number only
or less interrupted, and a number of them, 13, but Stegmann adds nine others. His list
such as Cygnus cygnus, Anas penelope, Aquila and mine are given below. It seemed unde-
clanga, Tetrastes bonasia, Tringa nebularia, sirable to change Stegmann's sequence, but
T. ochropus, and T. glareola, are restricted to I did change three generic names and added
the boreal zone and chiefly to the taiga. the name of the species to which I believe
According to Stegmann's concept, they three of the birds in his list belong; these
should perhaps be called "Siberian," but the changes and additions are enclosed in
taiga extends to Sweden in Europe and the brackets.
present distribution may be recent. It seems It is strange to find Podoces biddulphi on
to me also that we are on safer ground when Stegmann's list, because this species is known
we consider as truly Siberian only the species only from western Chinese Turkestan and
that seem to have originated east of the not from Mongolia. Stegmann gave no reason
Yenisei, because the affinities of the birds of for including this species, although he did
western Siberia are chiefly with Europe. comment on some of the other birds. Pos-
The Siberian element is naturally quite im- sibly its inclusion is an error.
portant in the composition of the avifauna of I cannot grant that the other eight species
Mongolia. Some of its species are listed above that are not on my list are "Mongolian," as
in the discussion of Zone A, but, although all they are much too widely distributed. Eremo-
these birds were typical of the taiga, they are phila alpestris breeds virtually throughout
A nser cygnoides [Anser] cygnoides
Falco altaicus Haliaeetus leucoryphus
Grus vipio Aquila [rapax] nipalensis
Charadrius leschenaultii Buteo rufinus
Charadrius veredus [Grus] vipio
Syrrhaptes paradoxus Charadrius leschenaultii
Melanocorypha mongolica Charadrius veredus
Podoces hendersoni Columba rupestris
Prunella fulvescens Syrrhaptes paradoxus
Prunella koslowi Podoces hendersoni
Saxicola insignis Podoces biddulphi
Phoenicurus erythronotus [Rhodopechys] mongolica
Rhodopechys mongolica Eremophila alpestris brandti
Melanocorypha mongolica
Anthus [novaeseelandiae] richardi
Emberiza [cia] godlewskii
Oenanthe isabellina
Saxicola insignis
Phoenicurus erythronotus
Prunella fulvescens
Prunella koslowi
northern Eurasia, including some islands in Armenia and Transcaucasia (Charadrius
the Arctic Ocean, such as Franz Josef Land, leschenaultii and Rhodopechys mongolica), the
and it breeds also in North America and Kirghiz Steppes (Syrrhaptes paradoxus), and
northern South America. Anthus novaesee- western Afghanistan (Prunella fulvescens), or
landiae breeds virtually throughout the south to Kansu (Melanocorypha mongolica
Ethiopian Region and from Indo-Malaya and Phoenicurus erythronotus).
east to Australia and New Zealand. Opinions In other words, the avifauna of Mongolia is
may differ as to the limits of this species, but, so poorly characterized that it seems impos-
even if we exclude the populations that breed sible to grant the existence of a "Mongolian
from Malaya to New Zealand, the richardi faunal type" consisting of only three or four
group of its subspecies breeds also in the species, or to recognize Mongolia as a major
Ethiopian Region and semitropical China. "subregion" of the Palearctic Region. The
Haliaeetus leucoryphus and Oenanthe isabel- weakness of this concept is more or less
lina range west to the lower Volga, and the acknowledged by Stegmann. He is aware that
former ranges south to India. Aquila rapax the affinities of his "Mongolian faunal type"
breeds south to the southern tip of Africa; are with the "Mediterranean," but he adds
Buteo rufinus, west to southeastern Europe [my translation], "Although this fauna has so
and North Africa; Columba rupestris, south to few species, it is impossible for it to have
Shantung and west to Afghanistan; and sprung from the Mediterranean fauna (as the
Emberiza cia, all the way from the Pacific to latter certainly did not spring from the
southern Europe and south to northwestern Mongolian)." This difficulty is overcome,
Africa and Yunnan. however, if we combine the so-called "Mon-
It would take too much space to outline the golian" and "Mediterranean" types into a
ranges of the 12 species that are common to single Eremean "type."
my list and Stegmann's, but not a single one Among the many species that seem to have
is endemic to Mongolia. The three that come originated in the western part of the Eremean
nearest to doing so are Charadrius veredus, region and that have penetrated to Mongolia
Prunella koslowi, and Saxicola insignis. But are the following: Pelecanus crispus, Tadorna
they breed also in Inner Mongolia, veredus ferruginea, T. tadorna, Netta rufina, Falco
breeding also in eastern Transbaicalia and naumanni, Alectoris chukar, Anthropoides
insignis in northeastern Kazakhstan. Some virgo, Chlamydotis undulata, Athene noctua,
of the other 12 species breed as far west as Calandrelkl rufescens, Galerida cristata, Stur-
nus roseus, Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax, Sylvia specialized alpine forms, and their number
nana, Oenanthe deserti, Monticola saxatilis, may well warrant the recognition of a major
Phoenicurus ochruros, and Petronia petronia. Palearctic subregion, a question that must be
The avifauna of Tibet is far better char- deferred for further study.
acterized than that of Mongolia by a number None of the species mentioned extend
of distinctive genera and species. Among the their range to Mongolia, but among the 18
genera are Lerwa, Pseudopodoces, Grandala, species breeding in Mongolia which are or
Kozlowia, Urocynchramus, and Propyrrhula, seem to be predominantly Tibetan the fol-
and, among the species, a few, such as Cros- lowing can be listed: Anser indicus, Gyps
soptilon crossoptilon, Perdix hodgsoniae, Mela- himalayensis, Falco cherrug, Gallinago soli-
nocorypha maxima, Phoenicurus frontalis, taria, Prunella himalayana, Phoenicurus ery-
Babax waddelli, B. koslowi, and Montifringilla throgaster, Montifringilla davidiana, Leuco-
adamsi, M. taczanowskii, M. ruficollis, and M. sticte brandti, and Carpodacus pulcherrimus,
blanfordi. These do not exhaust the list of C. rhodochlamys, and C. rubicilla.
Tibetan genera and species which are all
THE CENTRAL ASIATIC EXPEDITIONS of the that the birds were catalogued do not in every
American Museum of Natural History col- case coincide exactly with the locality that is
lected a total of 211 specimens of 79 species shown on maps that were subsequently
in Mongolia. No ornithologist was attached published.
to the expeditions, and the birds were col- 1. Ulan Bator, longitude 1060 52' E., latitude
lected by Roy Chapman Andrews, the organ- 470 54' N.
izer and leader of the expeditions, or by 15 miles north of Ulan Bator
Walter Granger, the chief paleontologist and 45 miles northeast of Ulan Bator
second in command. Andrews collected dur- 2. Bolkuk Gol [camp at], longitude 1060 40' E.,
ing the period from May 23 to August 1, latitude 470 40' N.
1919, in the region of Ulan Bator, whereas the Tola River Valley near Ulan Bator
rest of the collection, secured in 1922, 1923, Tola River Valley, 60 miles "northwest" [sic]
and 1925, seems to have been made only by of Ulan Bator
Granger. All the skins were meticulously Tola River Valley, 50 kilometers southwest
prepared. of Ulan Bator
This collection is not large but is quite an 3. Tuerin, longitude 1080 20' E., latitude 460
30' N.
achievement when we consider that it was 4. Tse Tzen Wang [now apparently called
made by the two men who shared the burden Doltse Gegen], longitude 1040 15' E., lati-
of directing the expeditions. At times the tude 470 15' N.
technical staff alone numbered as many as 60 30 miles southwest of Tse Tzen Wang
men in the field, and the moments that could 40 miles southwest of Tse Tzen Wang
be spared for birds were few. Andrews tried to 5. Hurum Tu, longitude 1020 30' E., latitude
enlist an ornithologist when organizing the 460 15' N.
expeditions, but unfortunately no one was 6. Sain Noin Khan, longitude 1010 50' E., lati-
free to go, and he was also unable to secure tude 460 10' N.
the services of a bird collector. Ongyin Gol
7. Gun Burte, longitude 1020 20' E., latitude
A few additional specimens were taken 460 N.
also at Ehrlien and Ula Usa, but they are not 8. Uskuk, longitude 1010 49' E., latitude 450 29'
included in my list, as these localities are in N.
Inner Mongolia. Seventeen of the 211 speci- 9. Loh, longitude 1010 45' E., latitude 450 16' N.
mens are not available for comparison, be- 10. Tsagan Nor, longitude 1010 20' E., latitude
cause they were included in a habitat group 450 05' N.
of the birds of Mongolia in the American 11. Orok Nor, longitude 1000 45' E., latitude 450
Museum of Natural History. These and the 00' N.
few from Inner Mongolia, do not, however, 12. Kholobolchi Nor, longitude 1000 45' E., lati-
represent additional species. tude 450 10' N.
13. Artsa Bogdo [10 miles north of it], longitude
The habitat group (pl. 1) is a representa- 1020 30' E., latitude 440 30' N.
tion of the shores of Tsagan Nor, with the 14. Shabarakh Usu, longitude 1030 30' E., lati-
northern foothills and slopes of the Gobian tude 440 15' N.
Altai in the background. 15. Sair Usu, longitude 1060 50' E., latitude 440
45' N.
Most of the localities at which birds were Species that are marked with an asterisk
collected are shown in figure 1, where they are discussed below in either the Field Notes
are numbered from 1 to 15. The true position or the Taxonomic Notes.
of some of these localities may vary slightly
from the position that is indicated in figure 1, Podiceps nigricollis nigricollis
because the coordinates compiled at the time One female, Gun Burte, June 19, 1922.
VOL. 12 7 PLATE 1

C) C




Anser indicus *Tetrao parvirostris
Two males, one female, Tola River Valley near Two females, one immature male, 45 miles
Ulan Bator, June 12, 1919; one male, Tola River northeast of Ulan Bator, July 20, 1919.
Valley, 50 kilometers southwest of Ulan Bator,
May 21, 1922; four downy young, not sexed, small Grus grus lilfordi
lake 50 kilometers southwest of Tse Tzen Wang, One male, Sain Noin Khan, June 5, 1922.
June 2, 1922; one male, three downy young, not
sexed, Gun Burte, June 19, 1922. *Anthropoides virgo
Three males, one female, two adults, not sexed,
Anser cygnoides one downy young, not sexed, Ulan Bator, May 23,
One male, Tola River Valley near Ulan Bator, 1919; two females, Tola River Valley, May 19,
June 12, 1919; two downy young, not sexed, Ulan 1922.
Bator, June 15, 1919; one female, Tola River Otis tarda dybowskii
Valley, 50 kilometers southwest of Ulan Bator,
May 21, 1922. One male, Ulan Bator, May 29, 1919.
*Tadoma ferruginea Chlamydotis undulata macqueenii
One downy young, not sexed, Ulan Bator, One female, Sair Usu, July 3, 1923.
June 15, 1919; one male, Tuerin, May 15, 1922; Fulica atra atra
two downy young, not sexed, Hurum Tu, June 15,
1922. Three downy young (two males, one female),
Tadorna tadorna Orok Nor, July 2, 1925.
Two males, two females, Tse Tzen Wang, May Charadrius dubius curonicus
26, 27, 1922. One male, Ongyin Gol, June 1, 1922.
*Milvus migrans lineatus Charadrius alexandrinus alexandrinus
One male, Ulan Bator, May 28, 1919; one male, One adult, not sexed, Tsagan Nor, August 11,
Bolkuk Gol, May 15, 1922. 1922.
Accipiter guaris Vanellus vanellus
One male, 40 miles southwest of Tse Tzen One female, Gun Burte, June 19, 1922.
Wang, May 31, 1922.
Buteo hemilasius Calidris subminuta
Three half-grown young, not sexed, Sain Noin One adult, not sexed, Tse Tzen Wang, May 27,
Khan, June 8, 1922. 1922.
Calidris temmincki
Aquila rapax nipalensis
One adult, not sexed, Uskuk, June 21, 1922. Two females, Tse Tzen Wang, May 27, 1922.
Haliaeetus leucoryphus Tringa totanus eurhinus
One adult, not sexed, Uskuk, June 21, 1922. One female, Tse Tzen Wang, May 24, 1922;
two males, Ongyin Gol, June 1, 1922.
*Aegypius monachus Tringa glareola
One male, Hurum Tu, June 16, 1922.
One female, Tse Tzen Wang, May 24, 1922.
*Falco columbarius lymani Recurvirostra avosetta
One male, Sain Noin Khan, June 9, 1922.
One female, Tsagan Nor, June 15, 1922.
Falco naumanni
One male, Loh, June 30, 1922; one female, Phalaropus lobatus
Artsa Bogdo, August 19, 1922. One male, Gun Burte, June 19, 1922.
Falco tinnunculus tinnunculus *Sterna hirundo innussensis
One male, Shabarakh Usu, May 25, 1925. Two females, Ulan Bator, May 29, 1919; one
*Lagopus mutus nadezdae female, two adults, not sexed, Bolkuk Gol, May
15, 1922; one male, two females, Tola River Val-
Two males, one female, one immature male, 45 ley, 60 miles northwest of Ulan Bator, May 21,
miles northeast of Ulan Bator, August 1, 1919. 1922.
Syrrhaptes paradoxus Motacilla flava macronyx
One female, Uskuk, June 21, 1922; two females, One male, Uskuk, June 24, 1922.
Tsagan Nor, August 9, 1922; one male, 10 miles
north of Artsa Bogdo, August 30, 1922; one male, Motacilla citreola citreola
one female, Tsagan Nor, June 22, 1925. One male, one female, one adult, not sexed, 40
miles southwest of Tse Tzen Wang, May 31,
Columba rupestris rupestris June 1, 1922; one female, Orok Nor, June 30,
One female, Shabarakh Usu, May 31, 1925. 1925.
Streptopelia orientalis orientalis Motacilla alba baicalensis
One male, Sain Noin Khan, June 4, 1922. One male, one female, Sain Noin Khan, June 3,
Cuculus canorus canorus
Lanius collurio speculigerus
One male, Tse Tzen Wang, May 27, 1922;
three males, two females, Sain Noin Khan, June One male, one female, Shabarakh Usu, May 25,
9-12, 1922. 1925; three males, Shabarakh Usu, June 6, 1925.
*Bubo bubo yenisseensis Lanius cristatus cristatus
One male, 30 miles southwest of Tse Tzen One male, Sain Noin Khan, June 3, 1922.
Wang, May 22, 1922; one female, one downy
young, female, 40 miles southwest of Tse Tzen Lanius excubitor sibiricus
Wang, May 30, 1922. One male, Shabarakh Usu, June 5, 1925.
*Bubo bubo tarimensis Pica pica leucoptera
One immature male, one immature female, One female, Sain Noin Khan, June 13, 1922.
Kholobolchi Nor, June 30, 1925.
Athene noctua plumipes Podoces hendersoni
One male, Tse Tzen Wang, May 24, 1922; one One adult, not sexed, Loh, June 30, 1922.
female, one adult, not sexed, Kholobolchi Nor, Nucifraga caryocatactes macrorhynchos
July 7, 1925.
One male, one female, 15 miles north of Ulan
Apus apus pekinensis Bator, end of May or June 1, 1919.
One female, Shabarakh Usu, June 3, 1925; one *Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax brachypus
male, Tsagan Nor, June 11, 1925.
Two males, three females, Ulan Bator, May 30,
Apus pacificus pacificus 31, 1919; one male, Tse Tzen Wang, May 24,
One male, Shabarakh Usu, June 3, 1925. 1922.
Calandrella rufescens seebohmi *Corvus dauuricus
One male, Tsagan Nor, June 23, 1925. One male, one female, one immature female,
two adults, not sexed, Ulan Bator, May 29 to
*Melanocorypha mongolica June 1, 1919; four males, one female, Sain Noin
One male, Tse Tzen Wang, May 27, 1922. Khan, June 8-11, 1922; one female, Tsagan Nor,
June 12, 1925.
Eremophila alpestris brandti Corvus corone orientalis
One female, Ongyin Gol, June 1, 1922. One male, Ulan Bator, May 29, 1919; one male,
Anthus novaeseelandiae dauricus one female, Sain Noin Khan, June 8, 1922.
One female, 40 miles southwest of Tse Tzen Corvus corax kamtschaticus
Wang, June 1, 1922; one female, Sain Noin Khan,
June 3, 1922. One female, Ulan Bator, June 1, 1919.
Anthus trivialis trivialis Locustella certhiola centralasiae
One male, Sain Noin Khan, June 11, 1922. Two females, Tsagan Nor, June 15, 1925.
Anthus hodgsoni yunnanensis Sylvia nana nana
One male, Shabarakh Usu, June 3, 1925. Two males, Orok Nor, July 3, 4, 1925.
Phylloscopus fuscatus fuscatus Rhodopechys mongolica
Two males, one adult, not sexed, Shabarakh One male, Orok Nor, July 3, 1925.
Usu, May 25, 31, 1925; one female, Sain Noin
Khan, June 8, 1922. Emberiza pusilla
Phylloscopus inornatus humei One female, Shabarakh Usu, June 2, 1925.
One male, one female, Sain Noin Khan, June 9, Emberiza aureola aureola
10, 1922. One male, one female, 40 miles southwest of
Phylloscopus proregulus proregulus Tse Tzen Wang, May 31, 1922.
One male, Shabarakh Usu, May 31, 1925. *Emberiza pallasi lydiae
Phylloscopus borealis transbaicalicus One male, one female, Orok Nor, July 1, 2,
Two males, Shabarakh Usu, June 1, 5, 1925.
Phylloscopus trochiloides plumbeitarsus Andrews published a few observations on
One male, Shabarakh Usu, June 1, 1925. birds in the narrative of the explorations
Muscicapa sibirica sibirica (1932), but, with two exceptions, no actual
notes were made on the specimens that were
One male, Shabarakh Usu, June 5, 1925. collected. These observations are interspersed
Oenanthe deserti atrogularis irregularly in the narrative. Some of these
Two males, two females, Shabarakh Usu, May are quoted here, because questions that have
25, June 2, 1925. been asked me show that they have been
overlooked in this very bulky publication,
Oenanthe isabellina which is devoted chiefly to paleontological
One male, Tuerin, April 29, 1922; one male, one exploration.
female, Tse Tzen Wang, May 23, 24, 1922; one
female, Sain Noin Khan, June 4, 1922; one male, Tadorna ferruginea
Hurum Tu, June 16, 1922. Andrews mentioned the Ruddy Shelduck
Monticola saxatilis very briefly on several occasions, but at
Tuerin he had the opportunity to observe its
One male, 40 miles southwest of Tse Tzen behavior at the end of April. He commented
Wang, May 31, 1922; two males, one female, Sain as follows: "Of all the birds at Tuerin, the one
Noin Khan, June 4, 6, 1922. which surprised and interested us most by its
Phoenicurus auroreus auroreus unusual habits was the ruddy sheldrake.
One male, Shabarakh Usu, June 3, 1925. There is no water, except wells, within many
miles of Tuerin, and yet about twenty shel-
Luscinia calliope drakes had taken up their residence among
Three males, one female, Shabarakh Usu, May the granite rocks. All day long we could hear
25, June 1, 1925. their mournful notes as they circled about
camp and contested for a favorite roosting
Turdus ruficollis ruficollis place on one of the highest peaks. Often we
Two males, Sain Noin Khan, June 8, 1922. would see one silhouetted against the sky on
the very summit of a ragged pinnacle looking
Remiz pendulinus stoliczkae more like an eagle than a water-bird. We
One male, one female, Shabarakh Usu, May 31, found them throughout the desert. There, I
June 3, 1925. suppose, they feed as do cranes upon grass-
*Passer ammodendri stoliczkae hoppers and other insects, but I am sorry to
Four males, Shabarakh Usu, May 25 to June 2, say that I surprised one pulling lustily at the
1925. decaying flesh of a defunct camel. Although
we did not actually find their eggs, I am cer-
Petronia petronia brevirostris tain that they were nesting among the rocks
Two males, one female, Sain Noin Khan, June at Tuerin, for the twenty or more birds were
4, 5, 1922. obviously in pairs. Later, in every marsh of
the western Gobi we would see them glowing as a chicken." He wrote: "From the very
like molten gold among the green grass and first we fed this bird upon fresh meat and it
reeds. The sheldrakes seemed to have little absolutely refused to eat carrion of any sort.
fear of the great golden eagles Aquila chry- If meat had the slightest decayed odor it
saetos daphanea which soared about the would have nothing to do with it. Viscera
Tuerin peaks" (Andrews, 1932, p. 49). seemed particularly distasteful to the vulture
Milvus migrans lineatus
and only once or twice did we persuade it to
eat a piece of antelope liver, when there was
This species is ". . . the most abundant [of no other meat and the bird had had no food
the raptorial birds of which] Mongolia has a for thirty-six hours.
great number.... At Tuerin there were "The bird cared for itself in the most as-
literally hundreds of kites nesting among the tonishing manner. If we were camped near a
rocks.... The kites were a never-ending lake, it would wade into the water for a bath
source of amusement to us at camp. Thirty or two or three times a day and then drowse in
forty of them were usually sitting on the the sun with wings half spread while drying
ground or flying about the tents. As soon as its feathers. It was always allowed the free-
one would pick up something and attempt to dom of the camp and never attempted to get
fly away, the others would attack it like a away. In fact, it got distinctly lonely if most
pack of wolves. One day when there were a of the men were gone and always preferred to
great number about we threw out a dozen be near someone. Its favorite sleeping-place
bits of meat. The kites sat in a row a few was in the rear of my tent; my police dog also
yards away for more than an hour. Each time liked to sleep there and the contests for
one made an attempt to get a bit of food the supremacy were most amusing. The dog was
others flew at it. As a result none of them got usually worsted in these encounters, for he
any of the meat, although they all wanted it" evidently considered it beneath his dignity
(Andrews, 1932, pp. 49, 50, 119). to fight with a bird.
Aquila chrysaetos "If we were camped near a spot where there
were cliffs, the vulture would spend hours
The expedition did not collect any speci- sitting on a projecting pinnacle gazing over
mens of this eagle but it was observed often. the country below. If there were no cliffs, the
Andrews stated: "At Loh I observed an in- bird seldom left camp. I was much surprised
teresting habit of the golden eagle. We were at the amount of water which it consumed.
driving across a perfectly flat plain with two Drinking by itself from a pail was too slow a
cars. I saw a full-grown golden eagle crouch- process. It much preferred to open its great
ing behind a small bush with its head beak, throw its head back and have someone
stretched out. After we passed, it half rose to pour water down its throat. It had consider-
its feet, and then it saw the second car. It able intelligence. One day I was sitting in my
sank back again and remained motionless tent writing. A gasoline tin of drinking water
until the motor had passed, when it flew was near the door. The vulture came up to the
away. We observed this same trick by other tin and rapped upon it with its beak, sig-
individuals at two other times during the nificantly. I paid no attention and after three
summer" (Andrews, 1932, pp. 118-119). or four raps the bird entered the tent, jerked
Aegypius monachus my coat and returned to the tin. Of course I
gave it water. I could hardly credit the per-
This bird was very common. "At every formance but there was no mistake; the vul-
poisoned carcass we got several of the great ture knew there was water in the tin and that
black vultures. This huge bird is one of the it could not be had without human assistance.
most characteristic and interesting sights of As a matter of fact, it had been given water
the Gobi. One had a wingspread of nine feet very often from the tin, which was usually
six inches" (Andrews, 1932, p. 117). kept at the tent door. During the long trip
Then Andrews related the interesting be- from China to New York, the bird became
havior of a bird that had been captured when very much attached to me and would recog-
it was young and reared, becoming "as tame nize me instantly even when there were other
men about. It was extraordinarily curious and geese and we saw an opportunity to re-
and when the men were packing fossils it lieve the monotony of our antelope-meat diet.
insisted upon examining every box" (An- In an hour we got twelve graylag geese, eight
drews, 1932, p. 118). This bird was captured mallard ducks, one whooper swan, three
in 1925 and died in the New York Zoological jack-snipe, and two beautiful painted snipe,
Park in April, 1944. Rostratula benghalensis benghalensis" (An-
Tetrao parvirostris drews, 1932, p. 146). The swan was not
wounded seriously and was released after it
Andrews noted that one of the females was was photographed, because Andrews con-
shot ". . . in heavy spruce forest on top of the sidered it too tough to eat, but unfortunately
mountains and had about six young with he kept no evidence of the Painted Snipes, as
her." The immature male was shot from "the he was not aware that this record was unique.
same covey .., of 6 or 7 young .., in a Apparently they ended in the pot with the
marshy moss covered flat, interspersed with other birds.
alder and willow scrub" (Andrews, MS). This species breeds from northeastern
Anthropoides virgo China (including, very probably, southern
"These cranes breed in northern and cen- Manchuria) and central Japan south to
tral Mongolia and they are so unafraid that a India and the Greater Sundas, and also in
man can almost touch them, but when in Africa from the delta of the Nile south to
flocks they are not easily approached.... Cape Province and Madagascar. Its northern
Hundreds . . . were performing their mating populations in Asia are migratory, but their
antics on the plain [of Tuerin at the end of migration is virtually unknown. The two
April] ... the male strutting about the ap- birds that were shot near Tsagan Nor were
parently indifferent female, leaping into the migrants or, more probably, vagrants, as the
air and doing a veritable dance with wings Tsagan Nor is very far from eastern China.
half spread. These birds lay their eggs in late Bubo bubo
May or early June but make no nest" (An- The female that was collected with one of
drews, 1932, pp. 28, 49). its downy young had a nest in a niche in a
Otis tarda rocky precipice ". . . four feet high, two feet
Andrews mentioned that this bird ".... had wide and two feet deep. It was unlined but
but recently arrived . . ." at the end of April contained many feathers of birds, small bones
on the plains of Tuerin where ". . . it breeds and pellets. The pellets were cylindrical and
in great numbers . . . [it] appears to prefer the four inches long by two inches thick. In them
grassy plains rather than the more arid I identified a great number of A llactaga bones,
regions, but we found it pretty generally dis- a few Ochotona and Mus and a musteline of
tributed all over Mongolia" (Andrews, 1932, some sort" (Andrews, 1932, p. 68). This fe-
pp. 37, 49). male had three young, but one had disap-
peared and the other was carried away by a
Rostratula benghalensis large hawk, within "the hour which had
This record of the Painted Snipe is the most elapsed" since the nest was discovered and
remarkable that was made by Andrews, al- the female shot. Andrews added: "While we
though in a highly unorthodox manner. It is were at the nest, and for a long time after-
the only record for Mongolia and, though not ward, the male owl soared like an aeroplane
substantiated by a specimen, is undoubtedly above the rocks" (Andrews, loc. cit.).
valid, because the species is too distinctive to
be misidentified and the report is made by a Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax
very experienced man who had collected many The Chough is abundant in Mongolia and
birds in eastern Asia. Andrews stated that the expedition had two of them as pets.
he and his companions left the camp at Andrews wrote that they were "as tame as
Tsagan Nor on August 13, 1922, to halt 20 chickens and flying all about the tents. They
miles away "near two small ponds bordered were intensely curious. I have a photograph
by marshland. They were alive with ducks of one sitting on Granger's head while in-
vestigating his ear; a few moments later it very widely distributed nelsoni Stejneger of
even put its bill into the bowl of the pipe he northwestern America and Siberia by being
was smoking" (Andrews, 1932, p. 75). One very distinctly darker, browner, and more
of them subsequently broke faith with heavily patterned. One of the adult males
Granger by swallowing one of his precious retains a single conspicuous white feather
fossil bones when his back was turned. among its dark brown upper wing coverts.
Kozlova (1933, p. 64) stated: "Out of the Sterna hirundo minussensis Sushkin
breeding season they feed all day long in
parties in the streets of Ulan Bator. They This race has occasioned considerable con-
place their nests on the attics and under the fusion, as it is intermediate to a varying de-
roofs of wooden houses, and associate with gree between nominate hirundo Linnaeus of
Sparrows and Doves." North America and Europe, longipennis
Nordmann of northern and eastern Siberia,
Melanocorypha mongolica and tibetana Saunders of high central Asia.
Andrews wrote (1932, p. 49) that at the During the breeding season, the bill of nomi-
end of April at Tuerin, this lark "filled the air nate hirundo and tibetana is red, tipped with
with song . . . [it] is a favorite cage bird of black, whereas it is wholly black in virtually
the Chinese, in fact, thousands of nestlings are all individuals of longipennis; the legs and
caught yearly to be sold in the markets of feet are red in the first two, but vary from
north China. Not only does it have a charm- dark brown to black in longipennis. Tibetana
ing song, but it is a mimic of no mean ability. differs from nominate hirundo by being
Several larks that I had at Peking could im- darker above and distinctly larger, although
itate the mewing of a cat so perfectly that I it has a shorter bill.
was often deceived, and my police dog, Wolf, The geographical variation is clinal
was kept in a state of constant excitement." throughout Eurasia, and as a result some
TAXONOMIC NOTES individuals of minussensis (of which I have
seen a large series in addition to those col-
Falco columbarius lymani Bangs lected) are very difficult to distinguish from
This well-differentiated race inhabits the the other three races. In typical minussensis,
mountains of central Asia and is very rare in however, the bill is always much more exten-
collections. It is pale and resembles the sively invaded with black than is that of
population of eastern Siberia (insignis Clark) nominate hirundo or tibetana, but is not
in coloration, but has a considerably longer wholly black as is that of longipennis; its
wing than insignis or any other race. The legs and feet are brownish rather than red or
wing of the bird that was collected was worn black; its wing length is intermediate between
and measures 232 mm., and that of four other that of nominate hirundo and that of longi-
males that I have been fortunate to see was pennis; and its bill is relatively short, as is
226-242, the wing length of these five birds that of the latter.
averaging 231. In 10 males of insignis it The variations in size, as shown by the
measures 199-206 (203.2), and in 10 of lengths of the wing and bill of males, are best
pallidus Sushkin, 206-214 (209.5); pallidus is visualized in tabular form:
the largest race after lymani and inhabits the Nominate hirundo from eastern North America,
steppes of western Siberia and of Kazakhstan. 20 males, 255-278 (265), 42-49 (45)
Lagopus mutus nadezdae Serebrovsky Nominate hirundo from western Europe, 20 males,
260-285 (269.5), 43-49 (45.3)
This race is not well represented in the Minussensis from Mongolia, 10 males, 265-287
museums of western Europe and America. (276), 40-48 (43)
The only specimens that are known to me, Longipennis from southeastern Siberia, 10 males,
other than those in Russia, are the specimens 273-284 (279.5), 40-48 (43.5)
reported, plus two others in the British Mu- Tibetana from Tibet, 18 males, 263-285 (276.7),
seum. Nadezdae inhabits the mountains of 40-45 (42.1)
northern Mongolia and of southern Siberia In short, minussensis is not very well dif-
(the Sayans and Altai) and differs from the ferentiated, but it seems convenient to have a
name for this very widely distributed inter- abdomen) vary individually from dark slaty
mediate form. Its breeding range extends gray, or smoky gray, to blackish. This dark
from about the basin of the upper and middle form was believed to be a distinct species
Ob east to about the basin of the Chona until 1910 or thereabouts, although Hartert
River, or about longitude 1110 30' E. (a dis- (1903-1922, p. 19) had already questioned
tance of some 2000 kilometers), and south to this belief. In 1912, Sushkin expressed the
southeastern Russian Altai, Mongolia, Trans- opinion that neglectus was the young of
baicalia, and northwestern Manchuria. dauuricus, but Hartert (1903-1922, p. 2025)
commented that Sushkin was certainly incor-
Bubo bubo rect, because the birds breed in the neglectus
In earlier papers (1960, 1963) I discussed plumage and apparently always retain it.
the birds taken near Tse Tzen Wang and at Kozlova (1933, p. 62) remarked also that the
the Kholobolchi Nor. The former are best two forms are found in "family parties...
referred to yenisseensis Buturlin, 1911, and [I] saw the parents feed the grey [dauuricus]
the latter to tarimensis Buturlin, 1928, and the dark [neglectus] young as well. Thus I
tarimensis differing from yenisseensis by being am quite sure the different colouring of these
much yellower and less heavily marked and birds is due to individual variation only, and
streaked. I have not been able to compare the Coloeus neglectus must be considered no more
two birds from the Kholobolchi Nor directly than a phase of C. dauricus [sic]."
to tarimensis, however, as the only specimens "Neglectus" is found throughout the range
of the latter are six, which are in Russia. of dauuricus, which is not migratory and
The specimens of tarimensis, the two from probably represents a color phase or a mere
Kholobolchi Nor, and the two reported by melanistic variant, but its frequency has
Kozlova (1930, p. 158) from the Ongyin Gol, never been investigated, nor have the pair
seem to be similar, to the best of my recollec- formation and mutual behavior of the two
tion, but the four from Mongolia require fur- forms, although such a study would be very
ther study. They may represent a distinct interesting.
and unnamed race. It seems best, however, to Among the 11 specimens collected by the
refer them to tarimensis until more material is Central Asiatic Expeditions, three from Ulan
collected. The type locality of tarimensis is Bator, including one that is unquestionably
Lop Nor in Sinkiang, a locality some 1200 adult, two from Sain Noin Khan, and the
kilometers distant from the Kholobolchi Nor specimen from Tsagan Nor are in the "neglec-
and Ongyin Gol but situated in a region which tus" plumage. In other parts of the range of
is arid and does not seem to be essentially the species whence the American Museum of
different from the region of the two other Natural History has series, the frequency of
localities in Mongolia. dark and white birds is as follows:
Bubo bubo is one of the most geographically Northeastern Korea, 2 dauuricus, 4 "neglectus"
variable of all Palearctic birds. In my first Southern Shensi (Tsinling Range), 23 dauuricus,
study of this species (1960), based on about 9 "neglectus"
220 specimens, I recognized 16 subspecies, Southern Yunnan, 3 dauuricus, 6 "neglectus"
but, after examining about another 300 birds
in 1961, I revised the first study drastically, Passer ammodendri
which led to the recognition of four more sub- The specimens collected by the Central
species in my second review (1963). Only six Asiatic Expeditions were discussed by me in a
other species, out of a total of 1142 that breed paper published in 1956; in that paper I called
in the Palearctic Region, have as many sub- them timidus Sharpe, 1888. I now consider
species, or more. that that form is not sufficiently well differ-
entiated from stoliczkae Hume, 1874, to be
Corvus dauuricus recognized. The type locality of the latter is
This species exhibits a well-known and Kashgar; that of timidus is the Gobi.
common variant (neglectus Schlegel) in which In the 1956 paper, and in my survey of the
the white areas of the plumage of dauuricus Palearctic fauna (1959), I divided this species
(nape, sides of the neck, breast, flanks, and into four subspecies: stoliczkae and timidus,
ranging from Sinkiang to Mongolia; nomi- Timidus of Sharpe represents the populations
nate ammodendri Gould, 1872; and korejewi of Outer and Inner Mongolia which differ
Zarudny and Hirms, 1902, ranging from from those of Kashgaria (typical stoliczkae)
Transcaspia to Russian Turkestan. The type by averaging a little paler. The birds of
locality of nominate ammodendri is Dzhulek, Mongolia show also a tendency to have a
above Kzyl Orda, on the Syr Darya, and that thicker and larger bill, although this is
of korejewi is eastern Transcaspia; these two scarcely shown by actual measurements. In
forms differ from stoliczkae and timidus by nigricans, the darkest and most heavily
being "cool" sandy-gray above, as against spotted birds are those of the Ili Valley. A
"warm" sandy-buff, verging on cinnamon. small series from the Manas River in Dzun-
A new revision of the species by Stepanyan garia, and a few individuals from the Issyk
(1961), which was based on entirely different Kull and Ferghana which are similar to those
material from mine, has prompted me to re- of Dzungaria, are less heavily spotted with
vise the species again. I now agree completely black than the birds of the Ili, but are cer-
with Stepanyan who recognized only three tainly more similar to nigricans than they are
subspecies. He synonymized timidus with to nominate ammodendri.
stoliczkae, korejewi with nominate ammoden- The geographical variation is not well
dri, and his third subspecies is a new one, shown by females. Females of nominate
based on birds from the Ili River, which he ammodendri, "korejewi," and nigricans ap-
named nigricans. pear not to differ in coloration, nor do those
Stepanyan showed his material to me when of stoliczkae and "timidus." Those of the first
I was in Moscow and I also saw the large group differ, of course, from those of the
series in Leningrad. I am also grateful to him second by being grayish rather than "cin-
for lending me one of the two specimens which namon." Females of nigricans do, however,
he had chosen as cotypes of nigricans, so that average slightly larger than the females of
I could compare it to the type of nominate nominate ammodendri, their wing length
ammodendri which is in the collection of the measuring 76.5-81 (78.3) in five, as against
British Museum in London. 73.5-78 (75.8) in five of nominate ammoden-
The males of nigricans differ from male dri.
nominate ammodendri by being spotted with I am also indebted to Dr. Stepanyan for
black on the rump and upper tail coverts sending me a long list of individual measure-
(whereas these parts are not spotted in nomi- ments, which unfortunately were not taken in
nate ammodendri), and by averaging slightly the same manner that I take mine and there-
blacker on the mantle and somewhat larger fore are not given here.
(table 2). I mentioned the differences in the
color of the rump and tail coverts (the most Emberiza pallasi lydiae Portenko
important character) in my former papers, The two specimens collected by the Cen-
but, misled by insufficient material from the tral Asiatic Expeditions were taken at the
lower Syr Darya, I erroneously combined type locality of lydiae. This form, which was
this population with that of the Ili River, named by Portenko (1929), resembles nom-
which resulted in a confusion in names. In inate pallasi Cabanis but is paler above, and,
other words, korejewi (sensu Vaurie, 1956, in males in worn plumage, the upper wing
1959) is equal to nominate ammodendri coverts and the streaks on the back differ
Gould, and nominate ammodendri (sensu from those of nominate pallasi by being
Vaurie, 1956, 1959) is equal to nigricans brownish rather than black with paler buffy
Stepanyan. edges.
The three subspecies that are now recog- The two forms are certainly similar, and
nized are not uniform, however, but the dif- the differences mentioned, which are rela-
ferences are too slight to warrant subdi- tively slight, would appear to be of no more
vision. Korejewi of Zarudny and Harms repre- than subspecific importance, but the two
sents the palest and most grayish birds which birds are said to have different ecological
inhabit the deserts of Transcaspia rather than preferences and to differ conspicuously in
the valley of the middle and lower Syr. their song. Kozlova (1933, p. 77), who col-
Form and Region N Wing Tail Bill"
Nominate ammodendri
Syr Darya 6b 77-82 (79.8) 60-62.5 (61.6) 13.5-15 (14.2)
Southern Transcaspia 11 76-79 (77.8) 58-63 (60.8) 13.5-15 (14.5)
Ili River Valley 70 82-85 (83.4) 60-68 (63.2) 14-15 (14.5)
Dzungariad 5 81.5-83 (82.5) 62-71 (65.4) 14-15(14.6)
Issyk Kul 2 81, 82 60, 62.5 14.5, 15
Ferghana 1 79 60 14.5
Kashgaria 13 77-82 (79.3) 56-66(59.7) 13-15 (14)
Mongolia 14 77-83 (79.2) 57-66 (61.8) 13.5-15.5 (14.5)
* Measured from the skull.
b Type of ammodendri, 80, 61, 15.
¢ Cotype of nigricans, 84, 61.5, 14.5.
d Collected on the Manas River.

lected the material on which lydiae was montana Sushkin, but Cynchramus pallasii
based, stated that the "voice [of lydiae] [sic] montana Sushkin, 1925, type locality,
sounds something like a low whisper-'tsissi- Chulyshman Plateau, southeastern Russian
tsissi-tsissi'-and differs conspicuously from Altai, is not valid in my opinion (and of other
the voices of other birds of the same species." authors also), and is a synonym of nominate
The significance of this difference is not pallasi Cabanis, 1851, type locality, western
clear. It may represent only an instance of Transbaicalia near the Selenga River. At any
geographical variation or signify that the rate, this name cannot be used in the genus
two birds are not conspecific. A field com- Emberiza, as it is preoccupied by Emberiza
parison of the Mongolian population of montana Gmelin, 1788, a synonym of Plectro-
nominate pallasi to lydiae should be under- phenax nivalis Linnaeus, 1758. The preoc-
taken to decide this question. cupation came to the attention of Grote
Kozlova (loc. cit.) and Portenko (loc. cit.) (1931) who renamed it Emberiza pallasi
call the Mongolian population by the name suschkiniana.
1932. The new conquest of central Asia, a (See entry in Russian, below.)
narrative of the explorations of the STEPANYAN, L. S.
Central Asiatic Expeditions in Mongolia (See entry in Russian, below.)
and China, 1921-1930. Natural History SUSHKIN, P. P.
of Central Asia, vol. 1. New York, the (See entry in Russian, below.)
American Museum of Natural History. TARASOV, M. P.
[MS.] [Unpublished field notes.] New York, the 1962. Zur Kenntnis der Vogelwelt der sud-
American Museum of Natural History. westlichen Mongolei. Der Falke, vol. 9,
BERKEY, C. P., AND F. K. MORRIS pp. 259-262.
1927. Geology of Mongolia. Natural History TUGARINOV, A. I.
of Central Asia, vol. 2. New York, the (See entries in Russian, below.)
American Museum of Natural History. VAURIE, C.
DEMENTIEV, G. P. 1951. A study of Asiatic larks. Bull. Amer.
(See entry in Russian, below.) Mus. Nat. Hist., vol. 97, pp. 431-526.
GROTE, H. 1956. Systematic notes on Palearctic birds.
1931. Emberiza pallasi suschkiniana nom. nov. No. 24. Ploceidae: The genera Passer,
Ornith. Monatsber., vol. 39, p. 150. Petronia, and Montifringilla. Amer.
GRUMMT, W. Mus. Novitates, no. 1814, pp. 1-27.
1961. Ornithologische Beobachtungen in der 1959. The birds of the Palearctic fauna, Pas-
Mongolei. Beitr. zur Vogelk., vol. 7, seriformes. London, H. F. and G.
pp. 349-360. Witherby.
HARTERT, E. 1960. Systematic notes on Palearctic birds.
1903-1922. Die Vogel der paliiarktischen No. 41. Strigidae: The genus Bubo.
Fauna. Berlin, Friedlander und Sohn. Amer. Mus. Novitates, no. 2000, pp.
KOZLOVA, E. V. 1-31.
(See entries in Russian, below.) 1963. Systematic notes on Palearctic birds.
1932-1933. The birds of south-west Trans- No. 52. Supplementary notes on Bubo
baikalia, northern Mongolia, and cen- bubo. Ibid., no. 2132, pp. 1-10.
tral Gobi. Ibis, 1932, pp. 316-348, 1964. The birds of the Palearctic fauna, non-
405-438, 576-596; 1933, pp. 59-87, Passeriformes. London, H. F. and G.
301-332. (Although this paper is a pur- Witherby.
ported r6sum6 of that published in 1930
in Russian with the same title, the au- ,ReMeHTLeB, r. II.
1962. OPHmToreorpa4DxHecKnfk oqepK MOHrO-
thor has supplied new information and JIbCICOO HyCTLHH ro6H. OpHHTwIorHq,
made some changes in nomenclature.) BDII. 4, CTP. 376-382.
LOTNNBERG, E. RosnoBa, E. B.
1909. Notes on birds collected by Mr. Otto 1930. IITHIM 1oro-8anagHoro 3a6akKaznw CeBe-
Bamberg in southern Transbaicalia and MaT. ICOM. HecCIeg. MoHroUmCx. H Ty-
northern Mongolia. Arkiv for Zool., vol. BHHCiK. Hap. Pecu. H BypRT-MoHrojiTE.
5, no. 9, pp. 1-42. ACCP, BDm. 12.
1931. A contribution to the bird fauna of 1932. HITHJAI BDLoCoropHoro XaHran. TPYA.
MOHroJimcx. KOM., BIIn. 3.
southern Gobi. Ibid., vol. 23A, no. 12, 1933. IITHIAM H 11POM1CJIOBe MJIeKOfHHTa&IOxie
pp. 1-18. BoCTOqHoro ICeHTeJI. Tpyg. MoHrojrncx.
MIRov, N. T. ROM., BLII. 10.
1951. Geography of Russia. New York, John IIopTeHEO, JI. A.
Wiley and Sons. fmeeBok (Emberiza schoenicla) H HO.JIJpHOfl
MURZAEV, E. M. (E. pallasi). Exeerog. 3oon. Mys. Aiag.
1954. Die Mongolische Volksrepublik. Gotha, Hayx CCCP, TOM 29, CTP. 37-81, Ta6JI.
Geographisch-Kartographische Anstalt. CTeIaHHIH, JI. C.
(A German translation of the work pub- 1961. reorpa4HqecKaq H3MeH'IXBOCTL caxcayJib-
lished in 1951 under the title Mon- HOrO BO pO6Ib (Passer ammodendri Gould)
gol'skaya Narodnaya Respublika.) C6op. Tpy,. 3OOii. My8. MocK. roCYA.
YHHB., TOM 8, CTP. 217-222.
(See entry in Russian, below.) 1925. CIIHCOIC H pacnpegezIeHHe IIT1xg Pycororo
AJITaH H6JmaaftmHx qacTek ceBepo- osepo Ycya-HOp). OpHHT. BeCTHHIC, CTp.
8anagHOH MOHro.IHH. JIeHHHrpaA [pub- 77-90, 140-154.
lished by the author]. 1932. IITHAfIR BOCTO'IHOA MOHroZoH] NO Ha6mO-
1938. IITHIM CoBeTCcoro AITaqH npHinemamiix ;CeHHJM a8CCIae;naHH 1928 r. Tpyg. MOHro-
tiacTef CeBeposanagHoRMOHroJnH.MocRBa- JIBICK. RoM., BlIl. 1.
JIeMaHrpag, ARagz. Hayic CCCP. ETermaH, B. I.

1938. OCHOBb OPH1aToreorpa zieecRoro xgenieHi

TyrapHHoB, A. 5I. IIaJIeapRTHRH. 4ayHa CCCP, nTHI4LI, TOM
1916. MaTepHamI ;AT opHHToDayHL ceBepo- 1, BUiI. 2, SooJI. IHcT. AKag. HayR, HOB.
8anagIHok MoHroJIHH (xpe6eT TaHHy-OuIa, cep., No. 19.

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