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 José Fernando Linares Ramirez

 Juan David Peña Villarreal
1. How old is your customer
 My customer have 23 years old

2. What is your customer martial status?

 My customer marital status is single

3. What is your customer´s monthly income?

 my customer's monthly income is 900.000

4. Where does your customer buy your producto?

 My customer buy my product in the mall

5. What is your customers gender?

 My customers gender it varies

6. ¿Does your customer have children?

 Yes, my customer have children

7. What is your customer´s education level?

 The education level of my clients is high

8. Where does your customer get information?

 customer information is obtained when you provide personal data

9. Why does your customer buy your product?

 My customer buy my product for good references and also for being of good

Date of the Saturday, march 28th 2020 

City of the complaint: Ibagué Tolima 
Personal Information
Name: Daniel Felipe Etayo Quira
Telephone number:  3128190122
Address:  3m S.A
E-mail Address:
Write your complaint

Good morning, my name is Daniel Felipe Etayo Quira, it turns out that I acquired some
masks with a filter through their reference online store FFP2 3m, when the product
arrived at my residence I did not notice that they were in poor condition, my company is
dedicated When making wooden furniture, when I delivered the masks to my
employees we realized that the masks were not performing their function because they
were damaged, I acquired 40 masks, 15 of which were in poor condition.

For this reason, I ask that these masks be replaced by ones that are in good condition
or that I be reimbursed for the masks that arrived in poor condition.

Thank you.

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