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All You Need To Know About the 5 Feng Shui Elements ........................................................................................................ 3
The 5 feng shui elements: what they are and how to use them ........................................................................................ 3
Part 1: What Are the 5 Feng Shui Elements? ...................................................................................................................... 3
The Cycles of the 5 Feng Shui Elements.............................................................................................................................. 4
The social life of the 5 feng shui elements: who likes whom? ........................................................................................... 4
Easy Feng Shui Decorating with the Five Elements ............................................................................................................ 5
How to use the five feng shui elements theory in your home decorating ......................................................................... 5
Here’s how to decorate with the five elements in order to create good feng shui ........................................................... 5
House #1. Let’s use the 5 feng shui elements theory to create good feng shui in the South area of a home (Fame &
Reputation bagua area). ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
House #2 has a beautiful all-white dining room in the East (Health & Family bagua area). Is this good feng shui? ......... 7
Decorate with the Wood Feng Shui Element.......................................................................................................................... 9
Easy feng shui decorating with the Wood element to bring healthy, vibrant energy into your home .............................. 9
Fire Feng Shui Decor: Success and Passion ........................................................................................................................... 11
Easy feng shui decorating with the Fire element: bring passion, success, and romance into your life ........................... 11
Earth Feng Shui Element Decorating Tips ............................................................................................................................. 13
Easy feng shui decorating with the Earth element: bring nourishment, stability, and protection into your life ............. 13
The Joy of Metal Feng Shui Element ..................................................................................................................................... 15
Easy feng shui decorating with the Metal element: bring clarity, freshness, and ease into your space ......................... 15
The Power of Water Feng Shui Element ............................................................................................................................... 17
Easy feng shui decorating with the Water element: bring flow, freshness, and freedom into your home ..................... 17
Get to Know the Feng Shui Map of Your Home .................................................................................................................... 19
Feng Shui Tips for the Health and Family Bagua Area ...................................................................................................... 20
Feng Shui Tips for the Money Bagua Area ........................................................................................................................ 21
Feng Shui Tips for the Fame Bagua Area .......................................................................................................................... 22
Home Feng Shui Tips for Love and Marriage .................................................................................................................... 23
How to Feng Shui Your 'Children and Creativity' Area...................................................................................................... 24
Feng Shui Bagua Tips for the Helpful People and Blessings Area ..................................................................................... 25
Feng Shui Home Bagua Tips for North/Career Area ......................................................................................................... 25
Feng Shui Bagua Tips for Spirituality Area ........................................................................................................................ 26
Which Feng Shui Bagua Should You Use in Your Home? ...................................................................................................... 28
Is one feng shui bagua better than the other? ................................................................................................................. 28
Why are there two baguas in feng shui? .......................................................................................................................... 28
Which bagua should you use in your home? .................................................................................................................... 29
Get To Know the Feng Shui Color Wheel .............................................................................................................................. 32
What is the connection between feng shui and color? .................................................................................................... 32
Your Best Personal Feng Shui Colors .................................................................................................................................... 33
All You Need To Know About the 5 Feng Shui Elements

The 5 feng shui elements: what they are and how to use them
If you’ve been experimenting with creating good feng shui in your home (or
office or garden), you must have definitely heard many times about the five
feng shui elements. What are the five feng shui elements and why should
you bother? Well, the 5 feng shui elements are hugely important because
honestly, there cannot possibly be good feng shui in any space — be it your
bedroom or your office — if these elements are not represented. And,
represented in just the right amount.

I know this might sound complicated and difficult to understand, but I am

here to not only help you easily grasp this complex subject, but to go even
further and help you have fun and enjoy playing with it! Why am I speaking
of enjoyment when there is so much superstition and even fear surrounding feng shui? Because I know for sure that
creating good feng shui in your home should come out of joy, not fearful obligation. This is how you will keep applying it,
and this is how your home will be saturated with good feng shui and sharing it freely with you.

So, let’s start. With a basic theoretical foundation first. We need at least a little a bit of theory in order to understand
why the feng shui elements are such a big deal in feng shui, don’t you think? In fact, not only the elements are
important; the 5 feng shui elements theory is one of the cornerstone theories of this ancient body of knowledge.

Part 1: What Are the 5 Feng Shui Elements?

Going back many thousands of years (some say 3,000 years, some go as far as 5,000 years or more); the wise and
beautiful feng shui masters of ancient times were exploring the unseen, mystical dimensions of the Universal energy
called Chi. Their goal was to map the influence of this energy on humans’ well-being. Delving into the very depths of
cosmic knowledge, these ancient feng shui masters were studying the intricately connected patterns between the
Universal and the personal expressions of energy.

No stone was left unturned by these brave warriors of Spirit — they studied with absolute dedication the expressions of
this Universal energy in various land formations, in the flow of water, the geometry of man-made structures and so
much more. What they came to clearly understand (and define as a foundation for good feng shui) is that in order for an
indoor environment to replicate the potency of Chi, or Universal energy and promote the health and vitality of people,
several specific elements must be present.

These vital elements were defined as Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water. Each one of these elements has a unique
quality of energy that is expressed in specific colors, sounds, body organs, compass directions, planets, flavors, etc. This
feng shui information can get really complex and even confusing. Lucky for us, though, we do not need to go that deep
in order to understand how to use the 5 elements to create good feng shui.

Let’s just trust the ancient ones because I know for a fact this theory is so incredibly powerful. I have been consulting for
over 18 years and I can assure you that the 5 feng shui elements theory, when applied correctly, can bring enormous
improvement to any space. So, we can sum up the very complex theory of 5 feng shui elements by stating that there are
5 universal forces, or archetypal nature energies, that are expressed as 5 feng shui elements.

They can be viewed as building blocks, or feng shui tools that help one create potent, vibrant and alive energy in any
space. An auspicious quality of energy full of vital force to sustain the health, wealth and happiness of people living in
that space. Ok, we almost completed the theoretical part! Now let’s just quickly look at the social life of our 5 feng shui
elements (this is very important), and then we’ll play, I promise.
The Cycles of the 5 Feng Shui Elements
The social life of the 5 feng shui elements: who likes whom?
Now that you understand the origin and the meaning of the five feng
shui elements theory (have you read part 1?), there is just one more
step and a very important one to assimilate before we go playing and
enjoying the feng shui elements in action. Our five feng shui elements
friends have a complex way of interacting with each other, and
understanding the dynamic of their social life gives us an all-powerful key
to bring good feng shui into any space, be it home, office or garden.

Even though there are quite a few variations in the interaction of 5 feng
shui elements, they can be all summed up in two basic and fundamental ways of relating that is happening between
the five feng shui elements. These ways of relating are called “cycles” in feng shui, and we do have to know them.

The first cycle of elements is called the Productive Cycle, or the cycle of Creation. This is a way of communicating where
each element is supporting the other, being in turn supported by another element, too. Below is a graphic that
illustrates this blissful interaction.

It helps to think of elements in very practical terms such as their expression in nature or even in various household
items. For example, if you want to make fire (Fire element), you need wood (Wood element). If you want your plants
(Wood element) to be lush and healthy, you give them water (Water element); to cut something, you use a knife (Metal
element), etc.

WOOD creates FIRE

FIRE supports EARTH
EARTH supports METAL
METAL supports WATER
WATER supports WOOD

So the productive cycle of the five feng shui elements resembles quite a harmonious, happy community! Everybody
finds a way to love and support everybody else, everything is peaceful and life-sustaining. Understanding this cycle
will help you strengthen the elements you might need in your space in a subtle, but very powerful way. I will give
you several examples on how to use these cycles in part 3, for now, let’s get really good at understanding the
dynamic of these two cycles.
What is the second cycle following the Creative cycle? Well, of course, it’s the Destructive one! The Destructive
Cycle is the way of relating between the feng shui elements where each element is destroying the other (or making
it really, really weak). No more peace, real destruction happening here! Jokes aside, this is an equally important
cycle to understand when you deal with a space that has a stubborn presence of a feng shui element that is
detrimental to someone’s well-being (examples in part 3). There can be no creation without destruction, so here is
how the intelligent rage of the Destructive Cycle of the feng shui elements expresses itself:
WOOD weakens EARTH
WATER puts down FIRE

Now, if you want to go a bit deeper, I will tell you that there are variations to each cycle, too. For example, in the
Productive Cycle of elements, Wood can be supported by both Water and Earth; while in the Destructive
cycle Water not only puts down Fire but also weakens Earth and Metal. However, I do not want to overwhelm you, so
will just leave this door open for you to come back and explore the depths of each cycle. Last thing before the well-
deserved playtime — it is helpful to get to know the unique energy qualities of each feng shui element.

Here’s enough info to get you strong on your feet, read the tips below to understand how each element is expressed in
specific home decor items, colors, etc. OK, ready? Let’s go play with the 5 elements feng shui decorating.

Easy Feng Shui Decorating with the Five Elements

How to use the five feng shui elements theory in your home
All right, here comes the promised five feng shui elements playtime! Now
you know the history of the five feng shui element theory (part 1), as well
as the various ways the elements interact in their spare time (the war and
peace dynamic in part 2). You also know the unique energy characteristic
of each element, or archetypal nature force — the Wood, the Fire,
the Earth, the Metal and the Water element. So I think we are ready to

Here’s how to decorate with the five elements in order to

create good feng shui
The right way to use the five feng shui elements is defined by the bagua (bagua being the feng shui energy map of any
space, be it home, office or garden). In other words, bagua is the boss. It tells you who is needed and where. With the
classical feng shui bagua it is easy — here is the bagua graphic that shows you the location of each element in its grid.
FIRE – South
EARTH – Southwest and Northeast
METAL – Northwest and West
WATER – North
WOOD – East and Southeast

With the BTB bagua it tends to be more confusing, but the

shortcut is to go by the names of the bagua areas and see what is
required in each area. I will do the job for you here:

Fire – Fame & Reputation

Earth – Love & Marriage and Spiritual Growth & Self-
Metal – Helpful People & Blessings and Children & Creativity
Water – Career & Path in Life
Wood – Health & Family and Money & Abundance

If you are confused (or not familiar) with the two feng shui bagua styles — Classical and Western/BTB — this
short video will help you. Or, you can read about their differences.

Here comes the promised playtime. We have two houses to work with and decorate for good feng shui energy.

House #1. Let’s use the 5 feng shui elements theory to create
good feng shui in the South area of a home (Fame &
Reputation bagua area).
In this (imaginary) home the South area has a big mirror and a beautiful
water feature just outside in the garden (same area); the owners want
to keep them both. Now, what element does the South area need in
order to have good feng shui energy? Let’s look at the bagua
illustration above; it tells us that the South feng shui area is governed
by the Fire element.

We have a big mirror ( Water element decor), so this creates a feng

shui problem.

(If you do not know why this is a problem, please go back to part 2 and
see what the elements do when they get bored with being nice to each other). So, with the internal feng shui alarm
going on — and rightfully so! — what can you do to re-balance the energy and assure good feng shui?

You need to bring a feng shui element that will strengthen the needed Fire
and weaken the Water element.

If you’ve been good and read the first two parts of this article, you will know exactly what to do – look for
the destructive cycle to the rescue!

Let’s see which element weakens the Water element and ideally strengthens the Fire, too.
Any guesses? Well, it’s the Wood element, of course!

This element is the perfect helper here as it does double duty (which is not always possible when you are
working to rebalance the elements).

So, we start playing with the various expressions of the Wood feng shui element in modern decor and
bring lots of it (as much as this specific home can take, visually and energetically) in the South bagua area.

This info will help: How To Express the Wood Element with Modern Decor

Of course, you will also bring more of the Fire element decor, but not without first bringing in the
intermediary, the Wood element.

Otherwise, you risk creating a strong clashing energy, as Fire and Water together can create a lot of
unnecessary drama.

Here’s Fire element decorating info: How To Decorate with Fire Feng Shui Element

There are so many ways to express each element, you can get lost for days and days in the excitement and
the power of good feng shui decorating!

Let’s look at one more example, a bit more complex one.

House #2 has a beautiful all-white dining room in

the East (Health & Family bagua area). Is this good
feng shui?
In addition to the all white color scheme in most details
(wall color, furniture, flooring, window treatment, etc),
some of the chairs in the dining have metal detailing.

The two white light pendants are also metal. The space
looks very beautiful and well designed; a pleasure to look

Do we have a problem?

We sure do! No matter how good this dining room looks

visually, it has weak feng shui that can negatively
influence the health and well-being of people living in the

Now, this does not mean people will get sick and die (sorry, just had to make this silly remark! :) It just means that the
house is restricted in its ability to support the family’s health.

It happens gradually, and it all depends on the personal energy of people living in the house, of course. Still, its negative
effects are obvious to those who can read/feel the energy.

Let’s look at feng shui steps to restore harmony in this area.

What is our feng shui bagua saying? (Part 2 has all the info which of course you remember by heart now, right?) The
East/Health area of your house needs a vibrant Wood element, and the space we are looking at is pure, strong Metal.
Metal destroys/cuts the Wood.

So, we need to bring a feng shui element, or several of them, that support the Wood and destroy/weaken the Metal

Which elements support the Wood element?

Water is the major one, then Earth, then Wood itself.
Which elements destroy the Metal?
Fire is the major one, then Water is weakening it over time.

Well, can we just bring a lot of Fire element decorating and be done with it? I mean, it will sure destroy/weaken the
Metal right away.

No, we cannot.


Because Fire will also burn the Wood, and we need strong Wood.

Can we bring more Earth? It will support the Wood for sure, but no – it brings even more support to the Metal (look up
the productive cycle of the 5 elements).

Here’s the quick answer – we need to bring a lot of Water feng shui element to weaken the Metal and support the

We also need to bring a lot of Wood element decorating.

This will help: Feng Shui Decorating with Water | Wood Feng Shui Decorating Tips

OK, this is about it for now. Do not get overwhelmed :)

We have covered quite a massive amount of important information in these 3 parts – from the meaning of the feng shui
elements theory to how each element is expressed in modern decor, how they interact, and how you can use this
theory to create good feng shui in any given space.

Now that you have this powerful knowledge, what will you do with it?

I highly encourage you to start playing without the fear of making mistakes.

Start small with little or no commitment; the more you play the more your confidence (and enjoyment!) will grow.

Good feng shui decorating is a subtle art that takes a lot of play to make it perfect!

I also encourage you to re-read these 3 parts (plus the 5 articles on each element) because, being the strange creatures
that we are, we tend to assimilate info in stages.

You might have missed important layers of info while reading it for the first time.
Decorate with the Wood Feng Shui Element

Easy feng shui decorating with the Wood element to bring healthy, vibrant energy into your home
Feng shui decorating is a powerful (and fun!) way to bring really good and vibrant energy into any space. As with any
new tool, it may take you some time to learn the basics of good feng shui decorating, but I promise you this is time well
spent. Successful feng shui decorating is based on a skillful use of the theory of 5 feng shui elements. I will share with
you the basic details on each element and how to use it when you are decorating your home or office for better energy.

Let’s start with the Wood feng shui element with its energy of growth, expansion, vitality and unlimited vision. There are
so many ways to describe the energy of each element, and in the infographic below you will find the main qualities
associated with the Wood feng shui element. However, one of the easiest way to become really successful in your feng
shui decorating is to try to connect to this energy yourself, as experiential knowledge in feng shui is crucial. Theory can
be helpful, of course, but it can also somehow stifle your intuitive knowing; this is especially true in case of such an
ancient and complex knowledge as feng shui.

So, before I give you basic tips on how and when to use the Wood feng shui element in your decorating, take a moment
to connect and see how the energy of this element feels to you. Imagine your favorite plant, or a beautiful tree, and
describe it in a few words. How does its energy feel, how does it look, how would you replicate it in your home or
office? To me, the energy of the Wood element is the energy of expansion, unlimited growth, abundance, vision,
steadiness, and survival, too. It is the green colour, of course, as well as brown, it is upward growth, it is joyful, happy
and grounded at the same time.

A healthy plant or tree is most happy when it has deep roots, so it can stand tall and reach high to the sun
and sky. It is this balance of grounding and at the same time, uplifting energy that good Wood feng shui
element decorating will bring into your home. Feng shui-wise, here are the basics of bringing the Wood
element for successful decorating.
I will structure the info in 3 clear and easy sections: “When”,
“Where” and “How”; and then the infographic below should
help assimilate and apply the info.

To Decorate with the Wood Feng Shui Element

Bring the energy of the Wood feng shui element when you need a
breakthrough, when your life vision seems unclear, your energy is low
and confused or when you want to strengthen your health, as well as
encourage the energy of abundance.

To Focus on the Wood Element Decor

The Wood feng shui element should be nourished and strengthened

in the East, Southeast and South areas of the bagua of your home or
office (if you are working with the classical feng shui bagua). If you are
working with the Western, or BTB bagua, then welcome the Wood
element in your Health and Family, Money and Abundance and Fame
and Reputation bagua areas.

To Decorate with the Wood Feng Shui Element

There are numerous ways to express each feng shui element, as you
will discover in our exploration of 5 elements in feng shui decorating.
The 3 basic ways are: color, shape and specific decor items. The Wood
element is best expressed in colors green and brown, rectangular
shapes and beautiful healthy plants, of course.

This infographic should be an easy reference for using the

Wood feng shui element in your home or office decorating.
Now let’s explore good decorating with the Fire feng shui
element. Mindfully, of course.
Fire Feng Shui Decor: Success and Passion

Easy feng shui decorating with

the Fire element: bring
passion, success, and romance
into your life
The energy of the Fire feng shui
element is the energy of the bright
sun, happy celebrations, and
glorious, joyful achievements. Fire
element also brings the energy of
strong sexual desire,
passion, and romance. It warms
your heart, nourishes and sustains
you. There can be no life on this
planet without the life-giving energy
of the sun, and there can be no good
feng shui energy in any space
without the bright, bold and happy
energy of the Fire feng shui
element. So, how do you decorate
with this powerful feng shui element?

The secret of successful Fire element feng shui decorating is in knowing when and where to make it strong, when to
tone it down and when to avoid it completely. This is true of any feng shui element, of course, but especially so of the
Fire element as it can literally burn your energy (when it is too strong compared to other feng shui elements). Let’s look
at the dos and don’ts of the Fire feng shui element use in good decorating of a happy home or a successful office.

As personal understanding and experience are the unspoken (and glorious!) rule of the successful feng shui decorating,
I always encourage my readers to start with a personal connection with the feng shui element they need to bring into
their home. Search for a personal memory, impression or a good idea that speaks to you of fiery energy.

How do you feel the fire energy? How would you express it? Fire feng shui element is in the warming glow of the candle,
the sensual warmth and light of the bedroom fireplace, and the mystery of breathtaking sunsets. Fire feng shui element
is also in the “Danger” and “Stop” signs, in the ravaging forest fires and destructive human emotions such as rage and
violence. As always with good feng shui, it is all about finding the right balance; too little fire and the house has no
happy energy, too much fire and you can literally watch tempers rise and conflicts abound.

Personally, for me fire is warmth, relaxation, and sensuality, it is a heart opening and joy-giving element. Fire is also
creativity, passion, and fun. I have a lot of fire in my own personal energy, and I love its creative, bright and happy
presence in my office area. In our living space, though, it works best to tone it down a bit. I find it more restful this way
and it certainly also works best for my family. It is a fine balancing act of strengthening the Fire element in areas where it
needs to be strong without overwhelming me or my family members.

Find your own, unique and comfortable expression of this powerful element, see what works for you and your home by
consulting the basic feng shui guidelines below. I am structuring the Fire feng shui element decorating basics in 3 clear
and easy sections: “When”, “Where” and “How”; and then the infographic below should help assimilate and apply the
feng shui info.
To Decorate with the Fire Feng Shui Element

Bring the energy of the Fire feng shui element when you lack creative
expression, you feel cold and lonely, your energy feels weak or when
you need strong energy to bring to life creative projects, be they
personal or business projects. You can also bring a stronger Fire
element into your space when you need more recognition for your

To Focus on Fire Element Decor

The Fire feng shui element should be nourished and strengthened in

the South, Southwest, Northeast and Center areas of the bagua of
your home or office (if you are working with the classical feng shui
bagua). If you are working with the Western, or BTB bagua, then
welcome the Fire element in your Fame and Reputation, Love and
Marriage, Personal Growth and Cultivation and the Heart/Center
bagua areas.

To Decorate with the Fire Feng Shui Element

There are numerous ways to express each feng shui element, as you
will discover in our exploration of 5 elements in feng shui decorating.
The 3 basic ways are: color, shape and specific decor items. Fire
element is best expressed in colors red, purple, orange, strong yellow,
magenta and pink; triangular and star shapes and actual fire decor
items, of course.

This infographic should be an easy reference for using the

passionate Fire feng shui element in your home or office
decorating. Now let’s explore the Earth feng shui element.
Earth Feng Shui Element Decorating Tips

Easy feng shui decorating with the Earth

element: bring nourishment, stability,
and protection into your life
Earth feng shui element is definitely the
element that each home or office should have.
Of course, we need all 5 feng shui elements for
our well being — in different proportions for
different spaces and different people — but the
Earth element is the one to strengthen in your
home no matter what your personal birth
element is.

As you can guess from the name, the Earth feng

shui element brings the energy of nourishment,
stability, support and caring patience. With the very disconnected, hectic, as well as vastly artificial way of modern life, a
strong Earth element in your space will bring you back to your own center, calm and reassure you, as well as provide
stable support for all of your endeavors.

Earth feng shui element is especially welcomed in the bedroom, its warm, nourishing, earthy and welcoming feel brings
the best energies for the bedroom, especially when combined with a bit of Fire feng shui element. As with all feng shui
elements that we are exploring in good feng shui decorating of a home or office, start by asking yourself how does the
energy of earth feel to you and how can you best express it in your space.

We say Mother Earth in almost any known language and culture, so the energy of the Earth element is first and
foremost a very nurturing, strong and protective feminine energy. It gives and sustains life, it protects, it cherishes and it

In feng shui, the Earth element is created by or produced (in the cycle of 5 feng shui elements) by the element of Fire, so
there is a strong and powerful connection between these two. It is always best to have at least some of the Fire
element when you focus on decorating with the Earth element.

My own personal birth element is Earth and this explains the abundance of calming earthy colours in my home, as well
as my sometimes over the board love for crystals and stones. I also have a lot of Fire element in my energy make up (we
have all 5 elements, just in different proportions), so an earthy decor helps absorb some of the excess fire that can get
triggered in me when I get too busy working on various creative projects. My Earth element decor brings me back to
balance and calms and strengthens me in a very wholesome way. I feel very nourished and supported by its energy.

If your personal feng shui birth element is Earth, Metal or Wood, you can bring an abundance of the Earth element
energy into your home, as it will definitely balance and strengthen your energy. However, if your personal birth element
is either Fire or Water, then you might want to experiment and see when and where to bring the Earth element, and
when to avoid it. Generally, it is considered that a predominantly Earth element decor can weaken the energy of Fire
and Water feng shui birth element people. Experiment and see if this is right for you, as we are all unique and have
different factors to look at when creating a good feng shui home or office.

As with the other elements info, I am structuring the earth feng shui element decorating basics in 3 clear and easy
sections: “When”, “Where” and “How”; and then the infographic below should help assimilate and apply the feng shui
To Decorate with the Earth Feng Shui Element

Strengthen the earth element in your home or office decor when you
need to reach a place of centred calm and peace, as well as create a
strong, supportive foundation to keep your creative fire burning
steadily instead of in quick exhausting bursts. Look for earth feng shui
element to bring stability to any area of your life — be it love and
romance or health and family.

This is also the element to look for when your energy is scattered and
you lack a sense of groundedness or inner power. Stability,
nourishment and a strong foundation are the 3 main keywords for this
caring, strong and motherly element.

To Focus on Earth Element Decor

As with any feng shui element, the Earth element is always best in
bagua areas that are either defined by it or nurtured by its energy.
Bagua areas that have Earth as their defining element are Southwest,
Northeast and Center. Bagua areas that are strengthened by the
powerful energy of this element are Northwest, West, East and

To Decorate with the Earth Feng Shui Element

As always with genuinely good feng shui, choose decor expressions

that come out of your creativity and love of beauty rather than from a
textbook on feng shui. Understand the classical feng shui guidelines,
then apply them in your own creative and personal way.

Some of the best examples of bringing the energy of the Earth

element are the use of color, crystals and stones, pottery, as well as
images of earthy landscapes (without too much greenery or water). A
perfect example of the Earth feng shui element art is the stunning
photography of the Antelope Canyon in the USA.

This infographic should be an easy reference for using the

nurturing Earth feng shui element in your home or office
decorating. Now lets explore the Metal feng shui element.
The Joy of Metal Feng Shui Element

Easy feng shui decorating with the Metal element: bring clarity, freshness, and ease into your space
I adore the presence of color white in my home decor, in flowers, art, clothing, etc. I love all colors (the brighter, the
better!), but there is sure something about the purity and freshness of white that touches my heart in a way no
other color can. It brings calm and fresh peace to my space, and I love its energy for it! In the language of 5 feng shui
elements, white color brings the presence of the Metal element. This is the energy of purity, preciseness, freshness,
discipline, and clarity.

Out of the 5 feng shui elements, I find the Metal element the one that is most misused, meaning either overused (which
often creates a space that is cold and unwelcoming, even though it may look very chic) or underused (often the case
with spaces that have tons of warmth and creativity but no structure or freshness). So, how do you bring the Metal
element in just the right amount? Let’s explore the magic of Metal feng shui element with the same structure as we did
the other feng shui elements (Fire, Earth, Wood, and Water).

As with the other articles on feng shui elements decorating, I am dividing the Metal element decorating basics in 3 clear
and easy sections: “When”, “Where” and “How” to use it, and then the infographic below should help you assimilate
and apply the feng shui info.

To Decorate with the Metal Feng Shui Element

Work with the Metal feng shui element when you need crisp, clear, fresh and dynamic quality of energy in your home or
office. You might need a stronger presence of the Metal feng shui element energy if you feel frustrated, overwhelmed,
when you lack clarity with your direction in life or just experience low, lazy energy.
It is also good to bring the presence of Metal feng shui element when
you start new business projects or want to move on to a whole new
level with your life experiences.

To Focus on the Metal Element Decor

The Metal feng shui element is needed in the West, Northwest and
North bagua areas of your home or office (if you are working with the
Classical feng shui bagua). If you are working with the Western/BTB
bagua, then bring a strong Metal feng shui element decor in your
Children and Creativity, Helpful People and Blessings and Career and
Path in Life bagua areas.

To Decorate with the Metal Feng Shui Element

The freshness, clarity and strong cooling energy of the Metal element
can be expressed in colors white and gray, a variety of metallic
finishes, in round shapes, as well as numerous decor items made from
metal, of course.

Now let’s explore the Water feng shui element decor, as this
is the element that is most nourished by Metal. (Have you
noticed that we are following the feng shui productive
cycle to explore all 5 elements?)
The Power of Water Feng Shui Element

Easy feng shui

decorating with the
Water element:
bring flow,
freshness, and
freedom into your
The Water feng shui
element, in all its
gentleness and grace, is
a very powerful
element; in fact, water
is one of the most
powerful forces of
nature. It is a different
kind of power, the one
that often takes you by
surprise and
encompasses all
extremes — it can be a
very powerful healer, as
well as the ultimate
destroyer. Water is the
only element out of
the 5 feng shui
elements that can exist in several different states — from liquid (water) to gaseous (vapours) to solid (ice). This
metamorphosis emphasizes the potent and often untapped mystery of the water element energy.

The water feng shui element is also about the only element that is very free in its presence and expression — it can fall
from the skies (rain), it can joyfully run, rest or play on the surface of the earth (rivers, lakes, oceans) as well as
penetrate the deepest chambers of the inner earth (underground water). No wonder “feng shui” means “wind and
water”! The wind is the expression of air (which we obviously cannot live without) and water is the ultimate queen of all
elements — from plants to animals to humans. Let’s see why you need the presence of this powerful element in your
home, where you need it and how to do your best in expressing the Water element in your space, be it home or office.

To Decorate with the Water Feng Shui Element

Just as water is essential for life on earth, so is this element essential in your home or office decorating. The first way the
Water element expresses itself is in flowing, meandering pathways — which are modelled after water flow and are
always good feng shui.
Color-wise, you might want to bring more of the Water element with
its endless variety of blues to calm, cool and refresh your space, as
well as promote a deeper sense of connection to life mysteries.

Water is also an ancient symbol of abundance, so be sure you are

skillful at expressing the Water feng shui element in your home or
office to attract the energy of abundance.

To Focus on the Water Element Decor

The Water feng shui element is needed in the North, East and
Southeast bagua areas of your space (if you are working with
the Classical feng shui bagua). If you are working with the
Western/BTB bagua, then bring a strong Water feng shui element
decor in your Career and Path in Life, Health and Family and Money
and Abundance bagua areas.

To Decorate with the Water Feng Shui Element

The healing, life giving and mysterious energy of the Water element
can be expressed in colors blue and black, in a variety of water
features, in flowing shapes, images of water, mirrors, as well as
numerous decor items in blue and black colors.
Get to Know the Feng Shui Map of Your Home
Most things have an exploration map, be it a country or a park.
Your home has its own energy map, too. On a basic level, the
feng shui map of your home functions just like any other map —
it shows where you are at the present moment and how to get
to where you want to be. The brilliance of feng shui — when
applied in a healthy and intelligent way — is that it clearly shows
you the interconnectedness of all forms of energy around you.

When you start applying feng shui, you can actually see and
understand how a cluttered closet promotes a chaotic behavior,
or how a direct door alignment leaves the house with little
energy to nourish you. Even though feng shui is so very, very
complex (what else can you expect from a 5,000+ years body of
knowledge?), the basic feng shui steps can always be explained
and applied in a simple, clear and logical way.

To start seeing lasting results when working with feng shui, it is always recommended to define the feng shui map
of your home. You certainly do not have to do that right away, as there are many great feng shui tips that can be applied
with good results without knowing the feng shui map of your home. You can work with basic feng shui tips for your
bedroom or the feng shui bathroom tips and see a considerable improvement in the energy of your home. However, just
as a map clearly helps with any journey, so does the feng shui map of your home can help you achieve your goals
quicker and with less effort.

So, what is this mystical, powerful and intriguing feng shui energy map? The energy map of your home is called the
bagua. You can define the feng shui bagua of any given space, be it an office, a garden, and even a car, but let’s focus on
your home for now. Bagua (sometimes spelled as pakua), translated from Chinese means eight areas. The ancient feng
shui masters not only defined the eight major life areas that are important for your happiness and well-being; they also
mapped the connection between these life areas and the energy of your home or office.

According to this ancient and powerful body of knowledge, your house has a specific area that is connected to your love
life, for example, and another one connected to your health, and yet another area connected to your career success,
and so on. Below is the list of these eight major life areas defined by ancient feng shui masters; each one of these life
areas is connected to a specific area of your house.

Health & Family

Money & Abundance
Fame & Reputation
Love & Marriage
Children & Creativity
Helpful People & Blessings
Career & Path in Life
Spiritual Cultivation & Personal Growth
Each of these eight areas needs specific care and attention in your home, meaning it needs best feng shui decor as
defined by specific colors, shapes, images, etc. When a feng shui bagua area of your home is treated right, the area of
your life that corresponds to this specific bagua area gets an energetic boost and is often considerably improved.

I know this might sound a bit strange, but I have been a feng shui consultant for over 18 years, I know for sure that this
works. It does not matter if you live in a small studio or in a big mansion. When applied correctly, this feng shui energy
map can accurately show the way to improve your life by working with the energy of your home. This does not mean
that you have to have strange looking objects in your home. In fact, it is best to not go for any traditional feng shui cures
like the money frog, the dragon turtle, the Fu dogs and others unless you really, really like them.

For each of the classical feng shui cures, there is at least one modern feng shui cure that can work very well in your
home, you just have to know how to apply it. Excellent feng shui can be achieved with a beautiful and modern decor,
there is no need to use items you do not like or understand the meaning of, as is the case with many traditional feng
shui cures. Understand what makes good feng shui decorating and start applying it in your home.

So, there you have it, the basic info on what a feng shui energy map is — similar to a map of your life as expressed in the
language of your present home. Now, how do you actually define the energy map of your home? First, you have to
decide on which bagua style to choose, as there are two different baguas used in feng shui.

Feng Shui Tips for the Health and Family Bagua Area
According to feng shui principles, designated areas of your home or office have a connection to certain aspects of
your life. This is referred to as the bagua, or feng shui energy map of your space. And one of those bagua areas is
linked to your health and family. When you bring good feng shui energy to your health and family area, it can
improve your health on a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level, as well as promote peace and harmony in
your family.
Finding Your Health and Family Area
The bagua is split into eight areas: career and life path, spirituality and personal growth, health and family, wealth and
abundance, fame and reputation, love and marriage, creativity and children, and helpful people and blessings. Each
bagua area is linked to a feng shui element that helps to strengthen its energy.
The location of your health and family bagua area can vary, depending on whether you practice classical or BTB
(Western) feng shui. In classical feng shui, the health and family area is defined as the eastern part of your space.
In BTB feng shui, compass direction doesn’t matter. Instead, create a grid of nine squares (or rectangles) that fits over
your home’s floor plan, starting with just the main floor, and align the bottom row with your front door. The space that
falls in the middle left square of the grid is your health and family area.

Feng Shui Remedies for the Health and Family Area

Many of the feng shui cures, or remedies, that are best suited for the health and family bagua area revolve around the
area's element: wood. It is also appropriate to use cures that strengthen the water element because water nourishes
wood, according to the feng shui productive cycle.
The colors associated with the wood element are brown and green, while the colors connected to the water element
are blue and black. Using any of these colors for wall paint or decor (with priority given to the wood colors) in the health
and family area can help to bring good, nourishing energy to the space.

Moreover, rectangular shapes are associated with wood (and wavy shapes are linked to water), according to feng shui
principles. So using these shapes in your decor is an option in addition to color to strengthen the area’s energy.

Artwork is a simple way to bring good feng shui energy into a space. Art that evokes healthy living and family harmony is
great for this bagua area, though it ideally should display colors of the wood (or water) element. Plus, wood element art,
such as an image of a forest, can help to strengthen the area's energy. You'll even get an added boost if you put any
artwork in a wooden frame.

Lush plants also can strengthen the energy of the wood element, as long as you keep them healthy. In addition, wooden
furniture, wall paneling, statues, and other decor items all can improve the energy of the space. Likewise, objects that
are linked to the water element, such as fountains, can contribute good energy.

Furthermore, quality lighting is considered a good feng shui remedy to uplift the energy in any bagua area. You can go
for any size and design of light fixture, as long as it works harmoniously with your surroundings. For the health and
family area in particular, consider a fixture with a wood element.

Mirrors are excellent in the east bagua area, as they reflect light and open up the space. They also help to strengthen
the energy of the water element. In this bagua area, opt for a square or rectangular mirror with a wooden frame.

Finally, avoid the presence of metal in the health and family bagua area, as the metal element weakens the wood
element. Metal colors are gray and white, and it is associated with round shapes.

Feng Shui Tips for the Money Bagua Area

According to the ancient practice of feng shui, certain areas of your home have a connection to different aspects of
your life—one of which is the money area. This area is the energetic center for wealth and abundance, making it the
ideal spot for conducting financial tasks. And by applying the proper feng shui tips for the area, you might be able to
enhance that flow of abundance.

Finding Your Money Area

The feng shui bagua is the energy map of any given space that's divided into eight areas: health and family, wealth and
abundance, fame and reputation, relationships, creativity and children, helpful people and blessings, career, and self-
cultivation. Each bagua area is connected to a feng shui element, direction, and color.

The location of your money area might vary, depending on whether you practice classical or BTB (Western) feng
shui. In classical feng shui, the money area is considered to be the southeast corner of your home or office. In BTB feng
shui, the money area is in the upper lefthand corner of your floor plan, regardless of its compass direction.

Objects for the Money Area

The element of the money bagua area is wood, and its colors are green and brown. So the feng shui cures you bring
should either be of the wood element or an element that nourishes it, such as water.

These are some objects to place in your money area to help keep the wealth flowing in your life:

Wood element decor: Incorporate artwork of lush forests and other natural landscapes, which have an abundant
energy of growth. Live plants are excellent feng shui cures for wealth, too. Or simply choose decor pieces with the
wood element colors: green and brown.

Water element decor: A water-focused design feature, such as a fountain, is an excellent feng shui cure for
wealth, as are decor items with water or water element colors (blue and black). The water in any artwork should be
clear and moving. For example, an image of a waterfall is a better feng shui cure for wealth than an image of a still lake.

Images of wealth and financial success: Find art that really speaks to your heart and expresses
what wealth means to you. But be mindful of the colors. The best choices are green, brown, blue, black, and light
Good lighting: Light is always considered a good feng shui cure. Just be sure the overall design of any light fixture
fits harmoniously with the rest of your decor.

Painted walls: Paint the walls in your wealth bagua area in any of the nourishing feng shui element colors,
especially green and brown. Red or purple colors are sometimes brought to the money area to activate it, but only a
very small amount is needed.

Mirrors: Mirrors are excellent for the money area, as they reflect light, expand the space, and bring the presence of
the water element. For the southeast bagua area, it is best to choose a mirror in a square or rectangular shape.

As with any feng shui cure, remember that nothing is a guarantee of wealth and abundance. So outfit your money area
with objects you enjoy, and hopefully, any energy of growth will be reflected in your financial situation.

Feng Shui Tips for the Fame Bagua Area

In feng shui, certain areas of your home or office have a connection to specific aspects of your life. This is referred to as
the bagua, or feng shui energy map of your space. One of those bagua areas is linked to your fame and reputation.
According to feng shui principles, when you bring good energy to your fame and reputation area, it can improve
how others perceive you.

Finding Your Fame and Reputation Area

The bagua is divided into eight areas: career and life path, spirituality and personal growth, health and family, wealth
and abundance, fame and reputation, love and marriage, creativity and children, and helpful people and blessings. Each
bagua area is connected to a feng shui element.
The location of your fame and reputation bagua area can vary, depending on whether you practice classical or BTB
(Western) feng shui. In classical feng shui, the fame area is considered to be the southern part of your space. In
BTB feng shui, it’s the top center part of your floor plan, regardless of its compass reading.

Feng Shui Remedies for the Fame Area

A more exact translation from Chinese of the fame and reputation area would be "the light within." Thus, it's
recommended to employ feng shui cures, or remedies, that express the essence of your inner light. In other words,
what do you want to be known for? What special qualities do you bring to this world? Aim to display items that you feel
address those questions.

There are certain feng shui guidelines regarding the best items to place in this area. The element of the fame area
is fire, so the items should either be associated with the fire element or the element that nourishes it (wood).

The colors associated with the fire element are red, yellow, orange, purple, and pink. And the colors associated with
wood are green and brown. Use decor or wall paint in any of those colors—preferably the fire colors—to strengthen the
fire element of the fame area.

In addition, triangular shapes and stars are associated with the fire element, so work those shapes into your decor if
possible. Rectangles are associated with the wood element, so they’re an option, too.

Candles, fireplaces, and quality lighting also are excellent ways to strengthen the fire element of your fame area. A tall
lamp in particular is considered ideal for this purpose, though make sure its size and design fit harmoniously with the
rest of your space. Moreover, a wood-burning fireplace can amplify the energy both of fire and wood.

Artwork also can play a major role in expressing the energy of specific feng shui elements. One option for the fame area
is to choose abstract art pieces that are predominantly composed of fire (or wood) colors. You also can display imagery
of fiery or woodsy scenes. Furthermore, because the space should largely focus on your inner light, find art that really
speaks to your heart.

Avoid a strong presence of the water feng shui element in the fame and reputation bagua area. According to feng
shui principles, the water element weakens the fire element, so its presence can create bad feng shui energy in
the fame area. Water colors to avoid are blue and black, and the element is associated with wavy shapes.

Home Feng Shui Tips for Love and Marriage

Love, relationships, and marriage is the life area connected to the southwest Bagua area of your home. It is
recommended to always express, at least in some of your southwest feng shui cures, the energy desired in your
ideal love relationship. If you are looking for love or you want to replenish the energy that nourishes your present love
relationship or marriage, the feng shui in this area should reflect this. The feng shui element of the southwest Bagua
area is earth, so the cures you will bring into this area should be either of the earth element or of fire, the element that
nourishes the earth.

Activating the Southwest Corner

Activating the southwest corner strengthens the role of the woman—or the yin or feminine energy of the home—
provide a balance that can promote harmony in marriage and love relationships.

Take a look at some suggested cures for the southwest Bagua area to create harmonious, balanced energy.

One easy way to activate the southwest corner of your home is to add some meaningful artwork that reflects the earth,
love or scenes with pairs featuring items or animals in twos (representing you and your partner), or fiery colors like deep
red, purple, and orange.

Art with a strong earth element energy: The earth element is the main element of the southwest feng shui
area. It brings stability, grounding, nourishment, and protection. A nature scene with two ducks (yin and yang) is a
popular love area home cure.

Art expressing the energy of love: Focus on finding art that speaks about true and nourishing love. Be
mindful of the colors in the art, and avoid dominant colors suggesting water, metal, or wood (the other feng shui
elements). Also avoid large mirrors, which suggest water.

Fire element art: Decorate with art, textiles, or even an accent wall featuring fire element colors: red, orange, pink,
yellow, or purple. This can be as simple as adding a few throw pillows in fire colors or fitting the light fixtures with red
lampshades. Furniture in red or other fire colors also perks up a southwest corner.

Much like fire illuminates, lighting also represents fire. It is considered a good feng shui cure to activate the fire element
and expand the energy. Any size of light can be suitable, but make sure that the size, look, and overall design of
any light fixtures work well with the design of your room and it fits harmoniously with the surroundings.

Whether the bedroom is in the southwest corner or not, also be sure to create balance on both sides of the bed. For
example, do not place a very tall or large fixture on one side of the bed and then only have a mismatched fixture, small
item, or nothing on the other side.

Decorate in Pairs
To ignite your love area, you might want to decorate with fire or earth element items in pairs of two. These may be tall
candles, decor items in fire colors, or figures with square shapes, which is considered the shape of the earth element. Be
sure to avoid metal, water, and wood in your southwest area feng shui cures.
Wall Color

Paint the walls of a missing southwest area in any of the earth or fire colors, such as earth tones or fire tones like
red, purple, yellow, coral, or orange. However, be mindful to also create an opening, or some perspective, in the wall
of the missing or incomplete Bagua area. Often this is best done with art containing images of depth or visual pathways.

How to Feng Shui Your 'Children and Creativity' Area

In feng shui, each area of your space is connected to a specific part of your life. This energetic relationship is revealed
by the bagua, or feng shui energy map.

The bagua area most associated with the energy of creativity and children's well-being is the western part of your space
(or the mid-right if you are using a BTB bagua map). So at least some of your feng shui remedies for this area
should reflect energy that supports creative endeavors and any children.

The Element of the West Bagua Area

In addition to its direction, each bagua area is connected to a specific element: metal, water, wood, fire, or earth. And
each element has a corresponding color and shape, making it easy to bring its energy into a room's design.

The feng shui element of the children and creativity bagua area is metal. Its colors are white and gray, and it's
expressed in round shapes. So the feng shui remedies you bring to the area must either be of the metal element or
of earth, the element that nourishes it. The presence of metal is supposed to bring precision and efficiency and allow a
person to live in lightness and clarity. To complement this, earth brings stability, nourishes relationships, and maintains

Decor Tips for the West Bagua Area

Here are some suggestions to attract the best quality energy to the children and creativity bagua area.

Choose artwork with strong energy of the metal element: This can be artwork that depicts metal
features, such as gates or railings. Or it can use the colors white and gray, as well as round shapes.

Showcase images that express the energy of creativity: Find images that represent to you the free
flow of creative energy. But be mindful about the colors in your chosen artwork, as you should avoid strong fire and
water element colors (red, orange, yellow, pink, purple, blue, and black) in the west bagua area.

Display photos of your children or their art: Choose photos of your kids that evoke joyful moments full of
wonder and creative expression. You also can display your children's artwork, though it ideally shouldn't use too many
fire and water element colors.

Gravitate toward earthy art: Because the earth element nourishes metal, you can choose to decorate with
images of landscapes, mountains, sandy beaches, and other natural environments. Creative images of soil are also a
good expression of the earth element.

Pick decor pieces with metal or earth elements: A pewter vase, a wrought iron clock, a silver picture
frame, and metallic textiles all can bring the presence of the metal element. Earth can be represented with clay
figurines, earthenware bowls and vases, rocks, and crystals. Plus, items with a circular shape (for metal) or square shape
(for earth) can express the energy of the elements.

Strategically use paint: Paint the walls of the west bagua area in a metal color (white or gray) or earth color (light
yellow, beige, or sandy brown). Fortunately, these are all neutral tones that should go with many design styles. In
addition, try to work these colors into other surfaces, such as area rugs, curtains, and wall tapestries.
Feng Shui Bagua Tips for the Helpful People and Blessings Area
The feng shui element of the northwest helpful people bagua area is metal, so the cures you will bring have to be either
of the metal element or the earth feng shui element that nourishes it.
Northwest Bagua Area
The bagua is the feng shui energy map of your home. Once you have defined your bagua, you know which areas of your
home need more attention in order to improve specific areas of your life.

The life area connected to the northwest bagua area of your home (or the lower right if you are using the BTB bagua) is
called helpful people and blessings. It is recommended that you always reflect the energy to help attract beneficial
people in your life, at least in some of your northwest feng shui cures

It is equally important to express your gratitude for all the helpful and beneficial energy in your life, and this feng shui
bagua area is the ideal bagua area to express your gratitude.

Decorating Tips
Here is what creates good feng shui in the helpful people bagua area of your home or office:

Art with strong metal element energy. Metal sculptures or wall art can be placed in the northwest area. Or,
choose metal frames for artwork.

Art expressing the energy of gratitude. Focus on finding images that genuinely express your gratitude for all
the blessings in your life. Be mindful about the colors in your chosen art as a feng shui cure and avoid strong fire or
water feng shui element colors in the northwest bagua area of your home.

Earth element art. Clay figurines, crystals, terracotta candle holders, earthenware vessels, and artwork and photos
depicting landscapes are examples of good feng shui earth element art.

Travel images or photos of your benefactors. The helpful people and blessings feng shui bagua area also
supports the energy of travel, so if you want to travel more, be sure to express this energy here. You can do that with
travel photos, maps, etc. Photos of people who have helped you grow in life are also good to display in the northwest
bagua area.

Tall lights are considered a good feng shui cure for any bagua area. You can go for any size in your lighting fixtures
when using them as a feng shui cure. However, be sure that the size, look and overall design of your light fixture work
well with the design of your room and fits harmoniously with your surroundings.

Metal or earth element items such as tall sculptures, decor items in metal feng shui element colors (white, gray)
and shapes (round or square). Be mindful about using the shape of the metal or earth feng shui elements to further
strengthen this bagua area. Avoid fire and water feng shui element shapes (triangles, stars, curves, waves) in
decorating this area as water weakens both metal and earth while fire destroys metal.

Paint the walls of your helpful people bagua area in any of the metal or earth feng shui element colors. Earth colors
include light yellow, beige, and sand. Metal colors include gray and white.

Feng Shui Home Bagua Tips for North/Career Area

The feng shui element of the North/Career bagua area is Water, so the cures you will bring have to be either of
the water element or the feng shui element that nourishes it. (The metal element nourishes the water one.)

The life area connected to the North bagua area of your home is your career/path in life, so it is recommended to always
reflect, at least in some of your North feng shui cures, the energy desired in your career.

Here is what creates good feng shui in the Career bagua area of your home:
A big mirror. The mirror should be ideally round or oval in a metal frame.

Images in black and white. These should be of people you admire in your professional field or in the field you would like
to explore as a future career. Be sure the art/photos are positioned beautifully with a lot of breathing room and are not
too small; you want them to have a strong presence.

An actual water feature. Be mindful of proportions and choose a fountain that has a prominent presence in your
North/Career bagua area. Water fountains can bring wealth and prosperity.

Lights. These are good feng shui for any bagua area. You can go for any size in your lighting fixtures when using them as
a feng shui cure. However, be sure that the size, look and overall design of your light fixture will work well with the
design of your room and will fit harmoniously with your surroundings.

Art with water feng shui element colors and shapes. A big wall mural depicting water or deep blue colors of the sky is an
excellent choice.

Paint the walls. Select any blue color tones or even have one feature wall in elegant black color, if appropriate.

Do you need feng shui tips for the other bagua areas of your home? You can considerably improve the energy of your
home by applying even the most basic tips for either the Classical or the Western bagua.

Feng Shui Bagua Tips for Spirituality Area

In feng shui terms, the energy of spirituality/spiritual growth and self-cultivation is connected to the Northeast area
of your Bagua (or the lower-left area if you are using the BTB Bagua). You can easily define the Bagua of your
home or office by using our guidelines and tips.

Read: All About Your Feng Shui Bagua

To create good feng shui in your spirituality area, do your best to express, at least in some of your feng shui
cures for this area, the energy you desire in your personal growth, as well as your reverence for the presence of Spirit
in your life.

The feng shui element of this Bagua area is the Earth element.

What does this mean and how can this info help you create good feng shui in your home?

To create good feng shui energy in any space, one has to skillfully use the feng shui elements, and the
requirements are different for each Bagua area. One also has to skillfully express the specific quality of energy that a
Bagua area represents.

Bagua Areas

In the case of the Northeast Bagua area (or the lower-left area if you are using the BTB Bagua), two elements bring
energetic harmony and strength; these elements are Earth and Fire.

The Earth element is needed because this is the native element of the Northeast Bagua area, and the Fire element is the
one that supports it according to the productive cycle of the five feng shui elements.
This means that the feng shui cures you bring to this area have to express one (or both) of these feng shui elements.
There are many ways to express these elements with both modern home decor items, as well as Classical feng shui

Good Feng Shui Tips

Here is what creates good feng shui in the Spirituality Bagua area of your home:
1. Art with a strong Earth element energy. You can use images of various landscapes, as well as mountains,
which are considered excellent feng shui for this Bagua area.

2. Art connected to your spiritual quest. Focus on finding art that speaks to your deep inner core. We have a
feng shui Buddha store, see if some of the images appeal to you. Most of them are in the Earth or Fire feng
shui element colors. Be mindful of the colors of your chosen art as a feng shui cure and avoid strong Water or Metal
element colors in this area.

3. Fire element art. There are many ways to express the fire element in art, such as with red flowers, fiery sunsets,
and images of actual fire.

4. Tall lights are considered a good feng shui cure for any Bagua area. You can go for any size in your lighting fixtures
when using them as feng shui cures. Make sure that the size, the look and the overall design of your light fixture fit
harmoniously in your surroundings.

Read: How To Use Light Energy for Good Feng Shui

5. Fire element items such as tall candles, decor items in Fire element colors (red, orange, purple) and
shapes all bring the needed fiery energy. You can also use the shape of the Earth element (square) to further strengthen
the area; avoid Metal and Water element shapes in your feng shui cures here.

6. You can also paint the walls of your Spirituality Bagua area in any of the Earth or Fire feng
shui element colors.

Read: Understand the Feng Shui Use of Color

Need feng shui tips for other Bagua areas of your home? Explore our feng shui guide below with easy tips for all Bagua
areas of your home.
Which Feng Shui Bagua Should You Use in Your Home?
Is one feng shui bagua better than the other?
Feng shui can be very confusing, I know. I have been consulting and writing
for so many years, I know how confusing feng shui can get, especially for
beginners. Working with numerous clients helping them feng shui their
homes, answering hundreds of feng shui emails, as well as moderating a
feng shui forum for several years made it all so clear – there is a need for
clarity and simplicity in approaching this complex ancient art.

Blaming it as superstition does not work, relying on it as religion does not

work, only a clear, practical and logical understanding (and application) of
feng shui can work. One of the first points of confusion in applying feng
shui is the question of bagua, or the feng shui energy map. Bagua is the
main tool that one would use in mapping their home to find out specific
feng shui areas, or energetic spots that reveal how your environment is
connected to various areas of your life.

Basically, when you have defined the bagua of your home (or office), you
know the location of your Love area, Career area, etc. I am sure you have
heard many, many times about specific areas of one’s life being connected to specific areas of one’s home. Bagua is the
tool that allows you to see this connection, as well as apply specific feng shui tips to balance and strengthen the areas
that need help. Sounds complicated, I know. We will take it step by step, and you will get more clarity and reassurance
as we go along. Let’s start with a basic question
that I know many feng shui enthusiasts are asking
– why are there two baguas?

Why are there two baguas in feng shui?

The reason there are two different baguas, or
feng shui energy maps, is because there are two
main groups of feng shui schools. The first group
of schools that is under the umbrella of Classical,
or traditional feng shui schools, has developed
the Classical bagua you can see below. This is the
bagua that defines the areas of your home based
on compass directions and the first step is the
compass reading of your front door.

The second group of schools was initiated by

bringing a specific feng shui school into the
Western world in the mid-80s. This school is
called the BTB feng shui school and was brought
into the US by Master Lin Yun. Created much
later in time (as compared to the Classical one),
the BTB bagua is easier to apply as it is always
based on the location of the front door and does
not take into consideration the compass directions. However, the origins of the bagua map used in the BTB school are
ancient, too, and based on the so-called Later Heaven Bagua.

To use the BTB bagua in your home or office, you align the bottom part of the bagua with the wall of the front door, so
your front door is always in one of the three lower rows of the bagua. Also called the Western bagua, the BTB bagua has
given birth to a variety of modern feng shui schools that often use the words Intuitive in their name. Here is the basic
BTB bagua.

Now that you know about the two feng shui

baguas, the next logical question is:

Which bagua should you use in your

This is a question that basically means “Which
bagua is better/more powerful and/or more
accurate?” Even though a complex question, it
has an easy answer: “Choose the bagua that
speaks to you the most, the one you want to
work with.” One bagua is not better than the
other, I know powerful feng shui work can be
done with either one.

The most important thing to know is that you

should choose one bagua style, and base all
your feng shui work on it. Trying to apply both
baguas in your feng shui work can bring a lot of
confusion to your space (and to your personal
energy). And here is an interesting thing that I
would like to share with you. Once you have
worked with one bagua style for at least a few
years and have based all your feng shui work on
it, you can reach a place where you will just
know, energetically speaking, how to invite, or apply the wisdom of another bagua in your work.

This is a level that is definitely not for beginners, nor is this a level that is necessary to strive towards. More often than
not, it happens by itself once you are comfortable and confident in working with the energy of your home. Here is an
example to make it easier to understand when you reach the level of confidence in adding the wisdom of another bagua
in your feng shui work.

Let’s consider the location of a facing wall, the one you most prominently see when you enter your home, your office or
any specific room. Feng shui-wise, the wall that you first see – unless it is a blocking wall that is too close to the door – is
a very powerful wall. This is what smart businesses use to display their name, achievements, powerful ads, etc. In a good
feng shui home, this is the wall that needs to carry powerful energy in order to ground and strengthen the incoming

Now, let’s say that you use the Classical bagua and this specific wall is in the North bagua area. You know that this area
loves the Water and Metal feng shui elements, so you decorate accordingly. After you applied proper feng shui to all
bagua areas of your home, you will inevitably feel the need to strengthen in a specific way each facing/focal wall of any
room, as well as your main entry.

And guess what – this is what the BTB bagua has always emphasized: the facing wall of any space, be it the whole home
or any room, needs the energy of Inspiration, Fire, and Illumination (we are referring to the “Light Within”, or the so-
called Fame bagua area). It is the wall that energetically has to “feed” both your energy, as well as the incoming Chi,
with a specific quality of feng shui energy. So, in our example of a North bagua area wall, sooner or later you will feel the
need to bring a very inspiring energy with a fiery feel to it, and you will sense how this changes the vibe of the whole
This might sound too complicated for now, I know. I can already hear questions about how to combine all this with
the annual feng shui updates, which are already confusing for many. And my answer is, as always, to go slow and at
your own pace.

You are establishing a deep relationship with your home, and not a quick obligation. Just like with an intimate
relationship, if you rush into it, the energy might backfire creating unnecessary negativity and confusion. Going slow and
steady allows you to listen to your home, to understand its rhythms, and to ask for its cooperation with this work. After
all, when we are working with the bagua, we are dealing with an ancient, complex and quite a mystical tool. As with any
mystery, you can’t rush it, you can only go slowly, step by step, with proper respect, reflection, and consistent practice.
Get To Know the Feng Shui Color Wheel
What is the connection between feng shui and
Is there really a color wheel in feng shui? Yes, for sure! The
feng shui color wheel might look very different from the
usual color wheel, but it is nevertheless powerfully used and
almost religiously applied in feng shui. First, let’s start with
a basic definition of color as the visual perception of light
waves. So, we see red and blue and green,
but all there actually is, is just light.

Being different expressions of light, each color also carries a

specific quality of energy defined in feng shui as the energy
of one of the 5 elements. Colour is also the easiest way to
quickly create a very different quality of feng shui energy in
any space. We all know that a fresh coat of paint can make
the room feel happier, brighter and just so much more
enjoyable to be in. While choosing color is certainly a
personal choice based on your likes and dislikes, home decor style, etc; I highly encourage you to look into best color
choices based on the feng shui energy of your home.

What is the right choice of color? And what is the feng shui color wheel? Actually, both questions are related and lead to
the same answer – the mystical feng shui bagua, or feng shui energy map, that you most probably have heard about.
Bagua is a feng shui energy map that divides any space into 8 areas. Each one of these 8 bagua areas has a specific feng
shui element that needs to be
nourished there for good feng shui.
Now, there are 5 feng shui elements,
as you probably know, and there are
quite a few colors that express each
element. The feng shui color wheel is
based on this dance, or web and flow
of the five feng shui elements that
are easily expressed in colors, as well
as shapes.

Here is how the feng shui color wheel

looks like (our visual interpretation).
This should make the job of feng
shui-ing your home much easier!

This feng shui color wheel will easily

help you determine which feng shui
element a specific colour belongs to.
To achieve best results with your
feng shui use of color, be sure to
understand the basics of the feng
shui energy map of your home.
Once you know the bagua of your
home (or office) and have your feng shui color wheel, the rest of feng shui work is a breeze. Well, almost. The more you
play with various colors for good feng shui in your home, the better you will get at it. Be guided by your common sense
first and by the feng shui color wheel second, and you will start seeing good results in no time.

Your Best Personal Feng Shui Colors

Are you wearing the best colors for your energy?

According to the ancient art and science of feng shui, you have
colors that support you, as well as colors that drain your
energy. This applies to both the colors you are wearing as
clothing and accessories, as well as the colors of your home
This personal feng shui color selection is based on the theory
of five feng shui elements; it assigns each one of us a specific
feng shui element. Because these elements are expressed
as colors, you have colors that are good for you, meaning they
support and nourish you; and you also have colors that tend to
weaken your energy.
There are 5 elements in feng shui — Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal
and Water — and your energy is described by one of these
elements. This feng shui element, also called your personal birth element, is determined by your year of birth. As
Chinese New Year starts on a different day each year, check to be sure you know your correct year of birth for feng
shui purposes.
Once you know your personal feng shui birth element, scroll down and find the colors that are best for you, as well
as the colors to avoid. Note that if a color is in the “Colors To Avoid” column, this does not mean you have to avoid
it completely, just do not wear it too often. If a color is not listed in either one of the columns below, this means this
color is neutral to your energy. If you love the color yellow, know that feng shui-wise, this color can express two
different elements, depending on its saturation.
A strong saturated yellow color is a Fire element color (and is good for Fire and Earth element people); and a light,
butter yellow color expresses the Earth element (and is good for Earth and Metal people). Orange color has the
same dynamic, it can be a fiery color, and it can also be an earthy color; use your own judgment to define the fiery
intensity of a yellow or orange color. Enjoy applying the info from this feng shui colors chart and fill your world
with color!




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