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Otra forma de estudiar el tema:

Universidad Católica de Honduras, Campus Santa Clara

English Level 3
Basic Rules for Gerunds and Infinitives
Gerunds and infinitives can replace a noun in a sentence.
Gerund = the present participle (-ing) form of the verb, e.g., singing, dancing,
running ( no olvidar las reglas específicas antes de agregar –ing al verbo ).
Infinitive = to + the base form of the verb, e.g., to sing, to dance, to run.

Gerunds can be used after certain verbs including enjoy, fancy, discuss,

dislike, finish, mind, suggest, recommend, keep, and avoid.
( Los verbos pueden ser cambiados a gerundio cuando antes se encuentren
esos verbos mencionados anteriormente )
1) After prepositions of place and time.
I made dinner before getting  home.
He looked unhappy after seeing  his work schedule.

Infinitives can be used after certain verbs including agree, ask, decide, help,
plan, hope, learn, want, would like, and promise.
( Los verbos de un ejercicio pueden ser cambiados a infinitivo cuando antes
se encuentren esos verbos mencionados )
1) After many adjectives:
It is hard to make dinner this late.
I find it difficult to describe my feelings about writing research essays.

2) To show purpose:
I left for Russia to study Russian.
I came to the office to solve the mystery of the missing keys.
Exercise: Write the correct form of the verb in parenthesis in Gerund or
infinitive form.
1) She avoided ________________ (tell) him about her plans.
2) I would like _________________ (come) to the party with you.
3) He enjoys ___________________ (have) a bath in the evening.
4) She kept __________________ (talk) during the film.
5) I am learning _________________ (speak) English.
6) Do you mind __________________ (give) me a hand?
7) She helped me __________________(carry) my suitcases.
8) I've finished ____________________ (cook) - come and eat!
9) He decided _____________________ (study) biology.
10) I dislike ______________________ (wait).
11) He asked _____________________ (come) with us.
12) I promise _____________________ (help) you tomorrow.
13) We discussed ______________ (go) to the cinema, but in the end we stayed
at home.
14) She agreed __________________ (bring) the pudding to the dinner.
15) I don't recommend __________________ (take) the bus - it takes forever!
16) We hope _____________________ (visit) Amsterdam next month.
17) She suggested ______________ (go) to the museum.
18) They plan __________________ (start) college in the autumn.
19) I don't want _____________________ (leave) yet.
20) I don't fancy ___________________ (go) out tonight.
( no me gustaría salir esta noche )

Your score: ___________


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