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MATH 2023 • Spring 2015-16 • Multivariable Calculus

Problem Set #1 • Lines, Planes and Curves

1. (F) Consider the two straight-lines:
L1 : r1 (t) = h1, 2, 3i + t h1, −1, −1i
L2 : r2 (t) = h2 + t, 3 − 3t, −2 + 3ti
(a) Show that L1 and L2 intersect each other. Find the coordinates of the intersection

Solution: Note that r1 (t) represents the position of the “particle” travelling along
L1 at time t. Similarly for r2 (t). Therefore, even if the lines L1 and L2 intersect,
the two “particles” may not reach the the intersection point at the same time t.
To find the intersection point, we need to find s and t such that:

r1 ( t ) = r2 ( s )
h1 + t, 2 − t, 3 − ti = h2 + s, 3 − 3s, −2 + 3si

which is equivalent to the system:

1+t = 2+s
2 − t = 3 − 3s
3 − t = −2 + 3s

Solving the system, we get t = 2 and s = 1.

r1 (t = 2) = h3, 0, 1i
r2 (s = 1) = h3, 0, 1i

Therefore, the intersection point is (3, 0, 1) .

(b) Find an equation of the plane containing both L1 and L2 .

Solution: L1 is parallel to the vector h1, −1, −1i. For L2 , the parametrization can
be rewritten as:
r2 (t) = h2, 3, −2i + th1, −3, 3i
Therefore, L2 is parallel to the vector h1, −3, 3i.
The required plane contains both L1 and L2 , hence is parallel to both h1, −1, −1i
and h1, −3, 3i. The normal vector of the plane is, therefore, can be taken to be the
cross-product of these two vectors:

h1, −1, −1i × h1, −3, 3i = h−6, −4, −2i = −2h3, 2, 1i

For simplicity, we take n = h3, 2, 1i which is also a normal vector to the plane.
From (a), the plane contains the point (3, 0, 1). By substituting h A, B, C i = h3, 2, 1i
and ( x0 , y0 , z0 ) = (3, 0, 1), we find the equation of the plane is given by:

3x + 2y + z = 3(3) + 2(0) + 1(1)

After simplification, we get 3x + 2y + z = 10 .

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MATH 2023 Lines, Planes and Curves Problem Set #1

2. (F) Consider the following four points in three-dimensional space:

A(0, 2, −1), B(4, 0, −1), C (7, −3, 0) and D ( 31 , 16 , 91 )
Determine whether or not these four points are coplanar (i.e. contained in a single plane).

Solution: First we find an equation of the plane containing A, B and C. Then, we will
substitute the coordinates of D into the equation to see whether D lies on that plane.
The two “ingredients” of finding the equation of a plane are (i) a given point on the
plane; and (ii) a normal vector to the plane. In order to find the normal vector the
−→ −→
plane through A, B and C, we take the cross product of AB and AC.

AB = h4, 0, −1i − h0, 2, −1i = h4, −2, 0i
AC = h7, −3, 0i − h0, 2, −1i = h7, −5, 1i
−→ −→
Taking the cross product: AB × AC = h−2, −4, −6i. Any non-zero vector parallel to
this cross product is a normal vector to the plane. For simplicity, we can take:

n = h1, 2, 3i .

Take A(0, 2, −1) to be the given point P0 , then the equation of the plane through A, B
and C is given by:
1x + 2y + 3z = 1(0) + 2(2) + 3(−1)
| {z }
( x0 ,y0 ,z0 )=(0,2,−1) and n=h1,2,3i

After simplification: x + 2y + 3z = 1.
Substitute D ( 31 , 16 , 91 ) into the equation x + 2y + 3z = 1, we see:
1 1 1
LHS = + 2 +3 = 1 = RHS.
3 6 11 Practice
Chapter 9 Exercises 645

anes 3x + 6z = 1 and 2x + 2y - Therefore Da line.

z = 3 intersect in lies on this
a. plane + 3kd #so
s2i - 3j and ssx the
+ 2di four 1dj + zkdA,
+ s y -points = 0B, C and D are coplanar.
w that the planes are orthogonal. b. x = 3 - t, y = -11t, z = 2 - 3t
d equations for the line of intersection. c. sx + 2d + 11s y - 1d = 3z
n equation for the plane3. that(F ) Athrough
passes parallelogram
the point in R 3 - 3jvertices:
d. s2ihas + 3kd * ssx + 2di + s y - 1dj + zkd = 0
) parallel to u = 2i + 3j + k and v = i - j + 2k. e. s2i - j + 3kd * s -3i + kd # ssx + 2di + s y - 1dj + zkd
2i - 4j + k related in any special way to the plane A (2, −1,=40), B(1, 0, −1), C (1, 2, 3), D ( x0 , y0 , z0 )
= 5 ? Give reasons for your answer. 62. The parallelogram shown here has vertices at As2, -1, 4d,
uation n # P0 P = 0 represents the
1 asplane
P0the figure below.
normal Answer
Bs1, 0, -1d, Cs1, 2, 3dthe following
, and D. Find questions:
What set does the inequality n # P0 P 7 0 represent?

e distance from the point P(1, 4, 0) to the plane through

0), Bs2, 0, -1d, and Cs2, -1, 0d .
he distance from the point (2, 2, 3) to the plane
y + 5z = 0 .
vector parallel to the plane 2x - y - z = 4 and orthogo-
+ j + k.
unit vector orthogonal to A in the plane of B and C if A(2, –1, 4)
i - j + k, B = i + 2j + k, and C = i + j - 2k.
C(1, 2, 3)
vector of magnitude 2 parallel to the line of intersection of
nes x + 2y + z - 1 = 0 and x - y + 2z + 7 = 0 .
e point in which the line through the origin perpendicular
plane 2x - y - z = 4 meets the plane 3x - 5y + 2z = 6 .
e point in which the line through P(3, 2, 1) normal to the B(1, 0, –1)
x - y + 2z = -2 meets the plane.
angle does the line of intersection of the planes a. the coordinates of D,
- z = 0 and x + y + 2z = 0 make with the positive b. the cosine of the interior angle at B,
1 1
c. the vector projectionPage 2 BC ,
of BA onto
e d. the area of the parallelogram,
e. an equation for the plane of the parallelogram,
L: x = 3 + 2t, y = 2t, z = t
f. the areas of the orthogonal projections of the parallelogram
cts the plane x + 3y - z = - 4 in a point P. Find the co- on the three coordinate planes.
MATH 2023 Lines, Planes and Curves Problem Set #1

(a) Find the coordinates of D.

Solution: Since ABCD is a parallelogram, we must have:

−→ −→

h−1, 1, −5i = h1 − x0 , 2 − y0 , 3 − z0 i
Solving the equation, we get: ( x0 , y0 , z0 ) = (2, 1, 8) .

(b) Find the area of the parallelogram ABCD.

Solution: −→ −→
Area of ABCD = AB × AD

−→ −→
AB × AD = h−1, 1, −5i × h0, 2, 4i
= h14, 4, −2i
−→ −→ √
AB × AD = 216.

(c) Find an equation of the plane containing the parallelogram ABCD.

Solution: Similar to previous “Equation of planes” problems. Take n = AB ×
AD. Answer: 7x + 2y − z = 8

(d) Project the parallelogram ABCD orthogonally onto the plane z = −1. Find the
coordinates the projection of each vertices, then find the area of the projected parallel-

Solution: Such a projection will preserve the x- and y-coordinates, so the projec-
tion of each vertices are:

A0 (2, −1, −1), B0 (1, 0, −1), C 0 (1, 2, −1) and D 0 (2, 1, −1).

−−→ −−→
Area of A0 B0 C 0 D 0 = A0 B0 × A0 D 0

= |h−1, 1, 0i × h0, 2, 0i|

= |h0, 0, −2i| = 2.

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MATH 2023 Lines, Planes and Curves Problem Set #1

4. (F) Consider a particle whose path is represented by:

r(t) = ln(t2 + 1) i + tan−1 t j + t2 + 1k

Find the velocity, speed and acceleration of the particle at t = 0.

Solution: By straight-forward computations (omitted), we can get:

2t 1 t
r0 (t) = 2
i+ 2
j+ √ k
1+t 1+t 2
t +1
r (t) = 4t2 1 t2
+ +
(1 + t2 )2 (1 + t2 )2 t2 + 1

t4 + 5t2 + 1
1 + t2
d 0
r00 (t) = r (t)
2(1 − t2 ) 2t 1
= 2 2
i− 2 2
j+ k
(1 + t ) (1 + t ) (1 + t2 )3/2

At t = 0, we have:

r 0 (0) = j
r (0) = 1
r00 (0) = 2i + k

5. (FF) Consider a plane through the point P0 ( x0 , y0 , z0 ) with normal vector n = h A, B, C i.

Prove that the perpendicular distance d from a given point Q( x1 , y1 , z1 ) to the plane is
given by: −−→
P0 Q · n

Ax1 + By1 + Cz1 − D
d= = √
|n| A2 + B2 + C 2
where D = Ax0 + By0 + Cz0 .

Solution: Suppose R is the projection of the point Q onto the given plane, then we

have d = QR , which is what we need to find. Consider the triangle P0 QR and let θ
be the angle ∠ P0 QR, then we have:
−→ −−→
d = QR = QP0 cos θ.

Since θ is also the angle between P0 Q and n, we can deduce:
−−→ −−→ 1 −−→ 1
d = QP0 cos θ = QP0 |n| cos θ · = QP0 · n ·

| {z } | n | |n|
dot product

as desired. The second equality follows from plugging in n = h A, B, C i, P0 ( x0 , y0 , z0 )

and Q( x1 , y1 , z1 ).

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MATH 2023 Lines, Planes and Curves Problem Set #1

6. (F) Suppose r(t) represents the path of a particle traveling on a sphere centered at the
origin. Show that the position vector r(t) and the velocity r0 (t) are orthogonal to each
other at any time.

Solution: Since r(t) travels on a sphere centered at the origin, we have |r(t)| = C for
some constant C. Since dtd |r(t)| is difficult to compute, we take the square on both

|r(t)|2 = C2
r(t) · r(t) = C2
d d
(r(t) · r(t)) = C2 = 0
dt dt
r0 (t) · r(t) + r(t) · r0 (t) = 0 (product rule)
2r(t) · r (t) = 0
r(t) · r0 (t) = 0.

Therefore, r(t) and r0 (t) are orthogonal at any time t.

7. (FF) Suppose that the path of a particle at time t is given by r(t) and the force exerted
on the particle at time t is F(t). By Newton’s Second Law, F(t) and r(t) are related by:

F(t) = mr00 (t),

where m is the mass of the particle. The angular momentum L(t) about the origin of the
particle at time t is defined to be:

L(t) := r(t) × mr0 (t)

(a) Show that

L ( t ) = r ( t ) × F ( t ).

Solution: Use the product rule:

d d
r(t) × mr0 (t)

dt dt
= r0 (t) × mr0 (t) +r(t) × mr00 (t)
| {z }
r0 k mr0

= 0 + r(t) × F(t) (Newton’s Second Law)

= r(t) × F(t)

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MATH 2023 Lines, Planes and Curves Problem Set #1

(b) When L(t) is a constant vector, we say that the angular momentum is conserved.
According to the result in (a), under what condition on r(t) and F(t) will the angular
momentum be conserved? Also, give one example in physics that this condition is

Solution: In order for L(t) to be conserved, we need dL dt = 0. According to (a), it

happens when r(t) × F(t) = 0, or equivalently, r(t) is parallel to F(t) at any t.
There are many situations in physics that F is parallel to r. For instance, the
gravitational force exerted by the Sun on the Earth is a clear example: Pick the
origin to be the center of the Sun, the gravitational force field due to the Sun is
radially symmetric, in a sense that the gravity F due to the Sun on the Earth is
always in the opposition direction of the position vector r. Precisely, physicists
assert that the gravitational force satisfies the inverse-square law:

GMm r
| r |2 | r |
where G is a constant, M is the mass of the Sun and m is the mass of the Earth.
In this case, r × F = 0 and so L is conserved. (Further remark: from class, we
proved that if L is conserved, then r(t) travels on a single plane – that explains
why the Earth rotates around the Sun on a fixed plane.)

8. (FF) Consider two point particles with masses m1 and m2 , and their trajectories are r1 (t)
and r2 (t) respectively. Denote F(t) to be the force exerted on the m1 -particle by the m2 -
particle at time t. By Newton’s Third Law, the force exerted on the m2 -particle by the
m1 -particle at time t (i.e. the reverse force) is given by −F(t). Assume there are no other
forces exerted on any of these particles.
(a) Consider the following vector:

m1 r1 ( t ) + m2 r2 ( t )
C(t) := .
m1 + m2
In physics, this vector is pointing at the center of mass of the two particles. Show
that C00 (t) = 0 for any t using Newton’s Second and Third Laws.

Solution: By Newtow’s Laws, we have F(t) = m1 r100 (t) and −F(t) = m2 r200 (t).
Using these, we get:

m1 r10 (t) + m2 r20 (t)

C0 (t) =
m1 + m2
m r 00 ( t ) + m r00 ( t )
1 1 2 2
C00 (t) =
m1 + m2
F(t) + (−F(t))
= = 0.
m1 + m2

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MATH 2023 Lines, Planes and Curves Problem Set #1

(b) Hence, show that there exist two constant vectors r0 and v such that

m1 r1 ( t ) + m2 r2 ( t )
= r0 + tv.
m1 + m2
[Question: What is the physical significance of this result?]

Solution: Using (a), we get C00 (t) = 0. Since C00 (t) = d 0

dt C ( t ), we can deduce:

C 0 ( t ) = c1

for some constant vector c1 . By integration, we get:

C(t) = c1 dt = c1 · t + c2

where c2 is any constant vector. The required result follows from relabelling the
constant vectors c1 and c2 by v and r0 respectively.
Since the parametric equation of the form r0 + tv represents a straight-line, this
results assert that the center of masses is travelling along a straight path with
constant velocity.

9. (F) For each of the following curves, first reparametrize it by arc-length and then compute
its curvature function κ (s):

(a) r1 (t) = ( R cos ωt) i + ( R sin ωt) j, 0≤t≤ ω .

Solution: Note that we say 0 ≤ t ≤ 2πω . It implicitly infers that ω > 0. However,
R can be negative! Yet we can ignore the case R = 0 (since it would give a “point”
rather than a curve).
First compute:

r10 (t) = (− Rω sin ωt) i + ( Rω cos ωt) j

0 q
r (t) = R2 ω 2 (sin2 ωt + cos2 ωt) = | R| ω
ˆ t ˆ t
s= r (τ ) dτ =
1 | R| ω dτ = | R| ωt
0 0
| R| ω

An arc-length parametrization for r1 is given by:

s s
r1 (s) = R cos ω · i + R sin ω · j
| R| ω | R| ω
s s
= R cos i + R sin j
| R| | R|

When t = 0, s = | R| ωt = 0. When t = 2πω , s = | R| ω ·

ω = 2π | R|. Therefore, the
range for the parameter s is 0 ≤ s ≤ 2π | R|.

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MATH 2023 Lines, Planes and Curves Problem Set #1

To compute its curvature, we differentiate r1 (s) twice with respect to s:

0 R s R s
r1 ( s ) = − sin i+ cos j
| R| | R| | R| | R|
! !
00 R s R s
r1 (s) = − 2 cos i + − 2 sin j
| R| | R| | R| | R|

00 R 1
κ 1 ( s ) = r1 ( s ) = − 2 = .

| R| | R|

(b) r2 (t) = h1, 2, 3i + (ln t) h1, 0, −1i, 0<t<∞

Solution: Straight-forward computations show: |r20 (t)| = t2 .
ˆ t ˆ t√
r2 (τ ) dτ = 2
However, the integral dτ does not converge. Instead, we
0 0 τ
set: ˆ t ˆ t√
0 2 √
s= r2 (τ ) dτ = dτ = 2 ln t.
1 1 τ

Solving for t in terms of s, we get: ln t = √s . Therefore, the arc-length parametriza-

tion of r2 is given by:
r2 (s) = h1, 2, 3i + (ln t) h1, 0, −1i = h1, 2, 3i + √ h1, 0, −1i.

From s = 2 ln t, the range for s is given by −∞ < s < ∞.
It is clear that r200 (s) = 0, we have κ2 (s) = |r200 (s)| = 0.

(c) r3 (t) = (cos3 t) i + (sin3 t) j, 0≤t≤ π


Solution: Straight-forward computations give:

r30 (t) = (−3 cos2 t sin t) i + (3 sin2 t cos t) j

0 p
r3 (t) = 9 cos4 t sin2 t + 9 sin4 t cos2 t
= 3 cos2 t sin2 t(cos2 t + sin2 t)
= 3 cos2 t sin2 t = 3 cos t sin t
ˆ t ˆ t
s= r (τ ) dτ = 3 cos τ sin τ dτ
0 0
ˆ τ =t τ =t
3 sin2 τ

= 3 sin τ d(sin τ ) = = sin2 t
τ =0 2 τ =0 2
Solving for t, we get t = sin−1 2s 3 , hence an arc-length parametrization of r3 is:

r !3 r !3
2s 2s 3
r3 ( s ) = cos sin−1 i+ sin sin−1 j, 0≤s≤ .
3 3 2

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MATH 2023 Lines, Planes and Curves Problem Set #1

Although the above express gives an arc-length parametrization of the curve, it

is very tedious to√differentiate, let alone finding its curvature. Using the fact that
cos(sin−1 ( x )) = 1 − x2 and sin(sin−1 ( x )) = x, we can simplify r3 (s) as:
v 3
u r !2 r !3
u 2s 2s
r3 ( s ) =  1 −  i+ j
t 
3 3
 3/2  3/2
2s 2s
= 1− i+ j
3 3

which is much easier to work with. By straight-forward differentiations, we get:

2s 1/2
r30 (s) = − 1− i+ j
3 3
2s −1/2
r300 (s) = 1− i + (6s)−1/2 j
3 3
κ3 (s) = r30 (s) = p

2s(3 − 2s)

Give an example of a path whose arc-length parametrization cannot be explicitly found

even with computer softwares.

Solution: While the arc-length (and its arc-length parametrization) of most curves
appeared in textbook problems can be found explicitly, it is not the case in general. If
one randomly writes down a curve r(t), there is more than 90% chance that you can’t
find the explicit expression of its arc-length, let alone its arc-length parametrization.
It is because |r0 (τ )| involves a square-root, and the integral of a square-root is very
difficult to compute even with computer softwares. One “notorious” example is the
ellipse: rp(t) = ( a cos t) i + (b sin t) j, 0 ≤ t ≤ 2π, where a 6= b, for which we have
|r (t)| = a2 sin2 t + b2 cos2 t. However, it is impossible to find an explicit expression
for: ˆ tp
s= a2 sin2 τ + b2 cos2 τ dτ.
Even if one can express it as a infinite series in t, the next step: solving t in terms of s
is impossible to carry out.

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MATH 2023 Lines, Planes and Curves Problem Set #1

10. (FF) Suppose √

1 2 2 2 3
r(t) = t i + t 2 j + tk
2 3
represents the path of a race-car climbing up a hill from (0, 0, 0) at t = 0. A truck, on the
other hand, drives slowly in unit speed from (0, 0, 0) at time t = 0 along the same path
and direction as the race-car. Find a parametrization which represents the path of the

Solution: The path of the truck is exactly the arc-length parametrization of r(t) such
that s = 0 when t = 0. It has been done in class. See the worksheet for Lecture #02.

11. (FFF) We define the curvature of a path by κ (s) = |r00 (s)| where r(s) is the arc-length
parametrization of the path. However, the arc-length parametrization r(s) is often difficult
to find explicitly. The purpose of this exercise is to derive an equivalent formula for the
curvature which does not require finding an arc-length parametrization.
Given a path r(t), we let r(s) be its arc-length parametrization so that s and t are related
ˆ t
s= r (τ ) dτ.
(a) Show, using the chain rule, that:

r0 (t) = r0 (s)
d2 s

00 00 ds
r (t) = r (s) + r0 (s)
dt dt2

Solution: By the chain rule, we have:

dr dr ds ds
= = r0 (s) (1)
dt ds dt dt
d2 r
d dr d 0 ds
= = r (s) from (1)
dt2 dt dt dt dt
dr (s) ds 2
d s
= + r0 (s) 2 (2)
dt dt dt
By the chain rule again, we get:

dr0 (s) dr0 (s) ds ds

= = r00 (s)
dt ds dt dt
Substitute this back to (2) , we obtain:
d2 r d2 s

= r00 (s) + r0 (s) (3)
dt2 dt dt2

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MATH 2023 Lines, Planes and Curves Problem Set #1

(b) Show that:

0 00 ds
r (t) × r (t) = r0 (s) × r00 (s)

Solution: Taking the cross product of (1) and (3) yields:

3 3
dr d2 r d2 s ds 0
ds 0 00 ds
× 2 = r (s) × r (s) + 2 r (s) × r0 (s) = r0 (s) × r00 (s).
dt dt dt dt
| dt {z } dt

(c) Using (a) and (b), show that the curvature, which is defined as κ (s) := |r00 (s)|, can be
expressed in terms of t as:
|r0 (t) × r00 (t)|
κ (t) =
|r0 (t)|3
Although it looks more complicated, this formula does not require the procedure of
finding arc-length parametrization.

Solution: As r(s) travels a constant speed, in class we showed r0 (s) and r00 (s) are
two orthogonal vectors. Therefore we have

r (s) × r00 (s) = r0 (s) r00 (s) sin π = κ (s).

| {z } | {z } 2
1 κ (s)

Taking the magnitude on both sides of the result obtained (b), we get:
dr d2 r

= κ ds .

dt dt2 dt

Therefore, we get:
|r0 (t) × r00 (t)|
κ= 3 .

The proof can be easily completed by the definition of s(t) and the Fundamental
Theorem of Calculus:
ˆ t
s= r (τ ) dτ
= r0 (t)


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