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Jum’at, 19 Juli 2019

No Ket. Identitas Diagnosa PDX Terapi

1. RJ Mayor Agus Dermatitis Alergi Dexamethasone inj
BPJS 56 th Cetirizin 2x1
2. MRS Nn. Salamatul DHF IVFD RL 30 tpm
BPJS 22 th
3. MRS Sertu Marnoto OF H4, IGD :
BPJS 44th Susp. Malaria + IVFD 20 tpm
Low Intake Inj. Antrain 1 Amp
Inj. Ranitidin 1Amp
Konsul dr. Ade, Sp.PD
RL 500cc/1jam
NS 20 Tpm
Inj. Primperan 1Amp
Po. Paracetamol 3x1 (k/p)
Po. OMZ 2x1
4. RJ Ny. Aunila Chest Pain EKG Ranitidin 2x1
BPJS 48 th Unspecified Flucadex 3x1
5. RJ Serma Agus Combustio grade I Rawat Luka
BPJS 52 th regio ekstremitas Obat lanjut
superior sinistra +
Combustio gr IIA
6. RJ Ny. Mawar Dyspepsia Syndrome Ranitidin 2x1
BPJS 45 th Antasida 3x1
7. RJ Serda Rois ISPA + HT Ranitidin 2x1
BPJS 38 th Paracetamol 3x500mg
8. RJ Ny. Poniti ISPA + HT Captopril 25mg (SL)
BPJS 54 th

Total 8

Rawat Jalan 6
Rawat Inap 2
Rujuk -
Total 8
Sabtu, 20 Juli 2019
No Ket. Identitas Diagnosa PDX Terapi
1. RJ Ny. Sukinem Abdominal Pain Asam Mefenamat 3x500mg
BPJS 61 th Omeprazol 2x40mg
2. RJ Ny. Lidwina Corpus Alienum Spooling
BPJS 35 th
3. RJ An. M. Falah OF. H3 Proris supp
BPJS 8 bl Novatusin 3x1
Cefadroxil 2x1
4. RJ Sertu Dedi Vulnus Abration Rawat luka
5. RJ Ny. 39 Kista terinversi IGD :
BPJS thCilvia DD TOA Inj. Ketorolac 1 Amp
47 th Konsul dr. Arifian, Sp.OG
RL 20 tpm
Metronidazole 3x500mg
Ciprofloxacin 3x400mg
6. RJ An. I Dermatitis e/c Hidrokortison zalf ue
BPJS Senapatya Insect Bite Dexamethasone 3x1
16 th Cetirizin 2x1
7. RJ An. Hafsha Common Cold Novatusin 3 x ½ Cth
BPJS 4 th Etalysin 1x ½ Cth
8. RJ An. Rafli Common Cold Flucadex 3x1
BPJS 12 th Dexamethasone 3x1
9. RJ An. Marsyalia Asma Bronchiale Nebul Ventolin
BPJS 12 th Flucadex 3x ½
Salbutamol 3x ½
Metil prednisolon
10 RJ Tn. Siagus Vulnus app digiti II, Hecting
. BPJS 47 th III + Ruptur tendon Cefadroxil 2x1
digiti II sinistra Asam Mefenamat 3x500mg
11 Rujuk Tn. Cholid STEMI Inferior EKG IGD :
. RSI 81 th GDA, Aspilet 320mg
BPJS DL, CPG 75 mg
Ur/Cr ISDN 5mg
Konsul dr. Ade, Sp.PD
IVFD NS 20 tpm
Inj. Ranitidin 1 Amp
Rujuk RSI Aisyah
Pasang infus kiri
Atorvastatin 40mg
12 MRS An. Marsyalia Asma Bronchiale Nebul Combivent
. BPJS 12 th exaserbasi akut
Salbutamol 1,5 mg +
Bromhexin 4mg +
Methylprednisolon 1,5 mg
Pulv No.X 3x1
Dr. Mukhlis, Sp.A
13 RJ An. Ibra Asma Bronchiale Nebul Combivent
. BPJS 8 th 6 bl exaserbasi akut Bromhexin 3x ½ tab
Metyl prednisolon 3x ½ tab
Ambroxol 3x 1Cth
14 RJ Kapten Dispepsia Syndrome Inj. Ranitidin 1 Amp
. BPJS Sukariyonto Ranitidin 2x1
Antasida 3x1
15 RJ An. Auliya Observasi Vomiting + Domperidon Syr 3x 2Cth
. BPJS ISPA Demacoline 3x1
GG 3x1
Cefadroxil 3x2 Cth

Total 14

Rawat Jalan 12
Rawat Inap 1
Rujuk 1
Total 14
Minggu, 21 Juli 2019
No Ket. Identitas Diagnosa PDX Terapi
1. MRS Sdr. Imam Abd. Pain Foto BNO IGD
Umum 15 th Suspek Peritonitis DL Inj. Ranitidin ½ Amp
DD Ileus Paralitik BT, CT Pasang NGT
GD Konsul dr. Hanafi, Sp.B
Inj. Cefoperazone 2x1 gr
Inj. Metoclopramide 3x1Amp
Inj. Ranitidim 2x1 Amp
Inj. Metronidazole 1 Amp
Po. Metronidazole 3x500mg
Lapor kondisi/4 jam
2. RJ Serda Rois Vertigo Inj. Antrain 1Amp
BPJS 38 th Omeprazole 2x1
Betahistin 3x1
3. RJ An. Algis GEA Zinc Lanjut
BPJS 19 bl Domperidon 3 x ½ Cth
4. MRS Ny. Rina HT Emergency + GDA Captopril 12,5 mg (SL)
BPJS 31 th Dyspepsia Syndrome + IVFD NS
General weakness + Inj. Ranitidin
Low Intake
5. RJ An. M. Alif Urtikaria Cetirizine 2x ½ tab
BPJS 8t Dexamethasone 3x ½ tab
6. RJ An. Ali Mukti Tonsilofaringitis Amoxicillin 3x 2 Cth
BPJS 6 th Paracetamol 5 tab
Dexamethasone 4 tab
CTM 4 tab
Pulv No.X 3x1
7. RJ Lettu Herpes Simplek Acyclovir zalf
BPJS Suwilogiri Ibuproffen 3x1
45 th
8. RJ An. Firliana Obs. Vomiting e/c Antasida 3x ½ Cth
BPJS 10 bl gastritis Domperidone 3x 2 Cth
9. RJ An. Maulana OF H1 + Vomiting Pct Syr 3 x ¾ Cth
BPJS 11 bl Domperidone 3x 1 Cth
10 MRS An. Algis GEA dengan dehidrasi IVFD KAEN 3B 30 tpm mikro
. BPJS 14 bl sedang Paracetamol 3x1
Zink 1x ½ tab
11 RJ Ny. Suprapti Common Cold Flucadex 3x1
. BPJS 39 th Neurodex 1x1
Ranitidin 2x1
12 RJ Tn. Joni Observasi Vomiting e/c Omeprazole 2x1
. BPJS 33 th Dyspepsia Syndrome Ranitidin 2x1
Menolak MRS
Inj. Metoclopramide
Inj. Ranitidin
13 RJ Ny. Elok Dyspepsia Syndrome Inj. Ondancetron
. BPJS 37 th Paracetamol 3x1 (k/p)
OMZ x1
Antasida Syr 3x 1 Ct
14 RJ Danlanud ISPA Cefadroxil 3x500mg
. BPJS Ambroxol 3x1
Dexamethasone 3x1
OBH syr 3x2 Ct

Total 14

Rawat Jalan 12
Rawat Inap 2
Rujuk -
Total 14
Senin, 22 Juli 2019
No Ket. Identitas Diagnosa PDX Terapi
1. MRS Ny. Elok Observasi DL IVFD RL 20 Tpm → D5%
BPJS 37 th Vomiting + Widal Inj. Ranitidin 50mg
Low Intake GDA Inj. Metoclopramide 10 mg
dengan OT PT
hipoglikemi Kosul dr. Ade, Sp.PD
IVFD RL:D5=2:1 20 tpm
Inj. Metoclopramide 3x10 mg
Inj. Ranitidine 2x50mg
Po. Antasida
2. RJ Ny. Nina Asma Bronchiale Nebul Combivent
BPJS 34 th Salbutamol 31
Flucadex 3x1
OBH syr 3x1
3. RJ Nn. Rosi Post Syncope+ O2 2 lpm
Umum 15 th Cephalgia Domperidon 3x1
Ibuprofen 3x1 (k/P)
Fornero 11
4. MRS Tn. Sugiman OF H2 + DF + IGD
BPJS 80 th Low Inake
5. RJ Sdr. Galih App. Akut Susp. Asam Mefenamat 3x500mg
BPJS 27 th urolitiasis Cefadroxil 2x500mg
Besok kontrol ke poli – USG
6. RJ Tn. Imam Vertigo
BPJS 29 th
7. RJ Tn. Dolvi Abcess
BPJS 43 th
8. MRS Prada Erwan General IGD :
BPJS 24 th weakness + RL 20 tpm
Observasi Inj. Ondancetron
Vomiting + Inj. Ketorolac
GEA+ Konsul dr. Ade, Sp.PD
Low Intake
9. MRS Ny. Ade G2 P0000 Ab1 Observasi kemajuan persalinan
BPJS 29 th uk 37-38 mgg
observasi Inpartu
10. MRS Ny. Indriasan G1 P0000 Ab000 CTG Observasi kemajuan persalinan
BPJS 19 th 37-38 mgg +
Inpartu kala 1
Fase Laten +
11. RJ Ny. Amelia G2 P1001 Ab000 Konsul r. Arifian, Sp.OG
BPJS 28 th uk 5 mgg + GEA Inj. Ranitidin
Attapulgite 2tab/diare
Paracetamol 3x500mg
Ranitidin 2x1
Total 11

Rawat Jalan 6
Rawat Inap 5
Rujuk -
Total 11
Selasa, 23 Juli 2019
No Ket. Identitas Diagnosa PDX Terapi
1. RJ Tn. Riyanto GEA Obat lanjut
BPJS 55 Th Zink 1x1
Vit B-Complex 1x1
2. MRS Ny. Amelia G2 P1001 Ab000 DL IVFD RL 20 tpm
Konsul dr. Ariifian, Sp.OG
Metronidazole 3x500mg
Attapulgite 2tab/diare
3. RJ Tn. Djamin Common Cold
BPJS 71 th
4. RJ Tn. Nuryanto Common Cold Flucadex 3x1
BPJS 48 th Loratadin 1x1
Fonero 1x1
5. RJ Tn. Ridwan Contusio soft Ro. Nadic 2x1
BPJS 32 th tissue regio Antebrachii Trombophop gel
antebrachii AP-Lateral
dextra susp.
6. RJ An. Ardan ISPA Cetirizin syr 3x ½ Ct
BPJS 4 th Salbutamol 3x ½ (k/p)
7. DOA M. Karmawan DOA

Total 7

Rawat Jalan 5
Rawat Inap 1
Total 7
Rabu, 24 Juli 2019

No Ket. Identitas Diagnosa PDX Terapi

1. RJ Tn. Abdul Vulnus Apertum Wound Toielet
Umum 56 th Hecting 14
2. RJ Tn. Suharno Urtikaria Inj. Dexamethasone
BPJS 35 th Dexamethasone 3x1
Cetirizin 2x1
3. RJ Ny. Sudiryani Urtikaria Inj. Dexamethasone
BPJS 43 th Dexamethasone 3x1
Cetirizin 2x1
4. RJ An. M. Bihan GEA Oralit sach/ diare
BPJS 3th Zink 1x1
Absorben (Prn) 2-4x1tab
5. MRS Ny. Maulidina OF h3 dengan DL IGD:
BPJS 23 th typhoid fever+ Widal IVFD RL 20tpm
Low Intake GDA Inj. Metoclopramide
Inj. Antrain

Konsul dr. Ade, Sp.PD

6. RJ An. Syakila Common Cold Paracetamol Syr 3x 1 Ct
BPJS 15 th
7. Umum Ny. Lingga Abdominal pain Asam Mefenamat 3x500mg
BPJS 20 th e/c ISK
8. RJ Serda Bayu Vulnus Wound Toilet
BPJS 37 th Laceratum Hecting 3
Cefadroxyl 2x500mg
Asam Mefenamat 3x500mg
9. RJ An. M. Shifer Combustio Kompres NS
BPJS 7 th derajat 1 4.5% Silver sulfadiazine
10 RJ Ny. Yenni Vertigo + Histigo 3x1 (k/p)
. BPJS 41 th Common Cold Demacoline 3x1
11 RJ Ny. Rengga ISPA Demacoline 3x1
. BPJS 23 th OBH Syr 3x 2Ct
12 RJ Nn. Faradila Dermatitis Atopi Betamethasone zalf
. BPJS 16 th
13 RJ An. Nadiya GEA Oralit sach/ diare
. BPJS 4 th Zink 1x1
Absorben (Prn) 2-4x1tab
14 RJ Ibu Danlanud GEA Attapulgite 2tab/diare
. BPJS Sri Antasida Doen 3x1ct
14 RJ Sertu Bastian Asam mefenamat 3x500mg
. BPJS 28 th Ranitidin 2x1
15 RJ An. Cheveryl Dexamethasone 3x ½
. BPJS 10 th Flucadx 3x ½
16 RJ Sdr. Kuncoro Omeprzol 2x1
. BPJS 23 th Flucadex 3x
Domperidon 3x1

Total 16

Rawat Jalan 15
Rawat Inap 1
Total 16
Kamis, 25 Juli 2019
No Ket. Identitas Diagnosa PDX Terapi
1. MRS Tn. M. Sukron Chest pasin DD EKG Inj. Ranitidin
Umum 31 th gastritis Inj. Antrain

Konsul dr.Ade, Sp.PD

Inj. Omz 40 mg
2. RJ An. M. Axelle OF H1 Konsul dr. Muchlis, Sp.A
BPJS 5 th Cefixime Syr 2x1 Cth
Domperidon Syr 2x1Cth
3. RJ Sdr. Khanza Limfadenopati Amoxicillin 3x500mg
BPJS 14 th Asam Mefenamat 3x500mg
4. RJ An. Zalika Dermatitis Gentamicin zalf
BPJS 6 th
5. MRS Sertu Agus OF H5 Susp. IVFD RL 30 tpm
BPJS 43 th Malaria + Inj. Novaldo 3x1gr (k/p)
Low Intake+ Inj. Metoclopramide 3x10mg
General (k/p)
weakness Po. Paracetamol 3x500mg
P. Omeprazole 2x20mg
Po. DHP 1x4 tab (3 hari)
Po. Primaquin 1x15mg (15hr)
6. MRS Sdr. Bintang OF H5+ IVFD Loading RL 500cc → 20
BPJS 17 th Dengue Fever+ tpm
General Inj. Antrain 3x1gr
weakness Inj Omz 1x40mg
Po. Paracetamo 3x500mg
7. RJ Ny. Silvia Dispepsia Ibuprofen 3x1
BPJS 29 th syndrome Ranitidin 2x1
8. MRS Ny. Rina GEA+ IVFD Loading RL
BPJS 30 th Observasi 500cc/30menit → Cek TTV
vomiting+ clear
General 500cc/1jam →30 tpm
weakess+ Inj. Cefotaxim 3x1 gr dlm 100
Low Intake cc NS
Inj. Metoclopramide 3x10mg
Inj. Ranitidin 2x50 mg
Po. Loperamide 3x1/diare

9. RJ Tn. Saiful Vulus Morsum Wound Toilet
BPJS 56 th Hecting 3
Asam mefenamat 3x500mg
Cefadroxil 2x5oomg
10. RJ Prada Yanhika Angkat Jahitan Bioplasenta
BPJS 21 th Post vulnus
11. RJ An. Hasby Common Cold Paracetamol 3x1ct
BPJS 7 th

Total 11

Rawat Jalan 7
Rawat Inap 4
Rujuk -
Total 11
Jum’at 8 0
Sabtu 14 0
Minggu 13 1
Senin 10 1
Selasa 7 0
Rabu 14 2
Kamis 10 1
Total 76 5 77


Jum’at 6 2
Sabtu 12 1 1
Minggu 12 2
Senin 6 5
Selasa 5 1 1
Rabu 15 1
Kamis 7 4
Total 53 16 1 1 71

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