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Hi My name is Riska Br Pandia, Here I submit my answer to the assessment test given to

me via email on May 14, 2020. please be taken into consideration to join your company.

Study Case
1. Building Maintenance

Today, you come a little late to the office. Usually you’re present at 09.00 WIB but today, you
tap in on
09.20 WIB and see the following problems :

 Leaked roof due to rain on 5 spots, toilets, pantry, server room, meeting room, and prayer
 Dirty dishes and food leftovers stuck on the kitchen sink.
 Office is out of water supplies.
 Snack and drinks are not ready yet in the pantry
 Power outage

Please make a schedule on getting these things done within a day, from 09.20 WIB to 18.00
WIB, what would you do to solve the issues, and how to prevent it from happening in the
The Answer is :
 First at all Managing Power Outages and roof repair instructions above the server
Instructed the Maintenance Building team to turn on the generator so the operation could run
and then instructed that there was damage to the leaky roof at several points that would start
from the server room and then proceed to the meeting room, prayer room, toilet, pantry.
1. Usually, there will be a notification from PLN if there will be a power failure so the
preparation can be done the day before the power goes out
2. Repairing leaking roofs is done over time, related to the process requires a long time
 Then contact water supplier
Contact the water supplier and make a schedule for the supplier to avoid empty stock in the
office, delivery can be done 2 times a week according to the agreement if there is an event must
be coordinated to bring more stock than usual.
 Next Managing Dirty dishes and dirty areas, and preparing food and drinks
Looking for a cleaner team to be given a briefing for a moment, for cleanliness must be done in
the afternoon before going home office hours (including cleaning dirty dishes and food sticking
everywhere) because if left alone invites rats and the work environment becomes
uncomfortable, and helps prepare food and drinks
 After that monitoring Repair of leaking roofs
Monitor the situation of the server room, then proceed to the meeting room until lunchtime
 After finishing lunchtime,
Continuing the monitoring of repairs in the meeting room, when finished to the prayer room
the time interval is used as effectively as possible so as not to interfere with prayer, then
continued in the Pantry and finally in the toilet, Periodic checks are needed by filling out the
form that has been prepared so that it is not just words but there is real evidence.
 The finally, Check briefing results to cleaner to all sides of the company
2. Employee Retention
There are about 270 employees who currently work in Xtremax, and we are taking
care of them seriously. As a general affair please come up with ideas on the
following things
 Semesterly retention activity
 Quarterly retention activity
 Monthly retention activity

The Answer is:

Semesterly retention Quarterly retention Monthly retention

activity activity activity
Organizing Staff Day Make quarterly awards for 1. Arrange coaching and
events such as recreational the best employees , in the counseling to employees
events, dinner & dancing, form of gifts or money, so 2. Celebrating employees'
employee transfers, that employees are birthdays in the same
company clinics, holiday motivated to improve, send month is one of the
tickets, procurement of employees to training, and indirect rewards for
canteens in the company, if they can maintain good employees to feel cared for
mini markets / cooperative performance within 3
companies so that years who are entitled to
employees can easily find receive job promotion
personal needs during training
working hours.
Test ’3kl"R?M11

You just need to be you.

Explore many creative ideas in your
own way.
Ta ke a comfort seat a nd enjoy the test '

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