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MegaMatcher 11.2, VeriFinger 11.

VeriLook 11.2, VeriEye 11.2 and
VeriSpeak 11.2 SDK
Developer's Guide

Copyright © 2005-2020 Neurotechnology. All rights reserved.


Release date: 2/12/2020.

Neurotechnology Biometric SDK

Table of Contents

1 Introduction 1
1.1 About This Guide 1

1.2 How The Guide Is Organized 1

2 What's new 2

3 About 8
3.1 Biometrics 8
3.1.1 Fingerprint Biometrics 8
3.1.2 Face Biometrics 9
3.1.3 Iris Biometrics 10
3.1.4 Voice Biometrics 11
3.1.5 Palmprint Biometrics 12
3.1.6 Large-scale Biometric Systems 12 Large-Scale Biometric Systems Requirements 13 MegaMatcher SDK 13 MegaMatcher ABIS 14 MegaMatcher Accelerator 15
3.1.7 Product Advisor 16

3.2 Licensing 16

3.3 System Requirements 16

3.3.1 System Requirements for client-side components 16
3.3.2 System requirements for client-side components for Android 18
3.3.3 System requirements for client-side components for iOS 19
3.3.4 System requirements for client-side components for ARM Linux 19
3.3.5 System requirements for server-side fast template extraction components 21
3.3.6 System requirements for Matching Server 21

4 Overview 23
4.1 Biometric Engine and Client 23
4.1.1 NBiometricEngine 23 Engine Properties 27 Data Files (Ndf) 32 Biographic and Custom Data Support 33
4.1.2 NBiometricClient 36 Supported Devices 37

Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Database 39

4.2 Matching 40
4.2.1 Matching of each modality 40
4.2.2 Matching Threshold and FAR/FRR 41

4.3 Template Formats 42

4.3.1 NERecord 43
4.3.2 NETemplate 43
4.3.3 NFRecord 43
4.3.4 NFTemplate 44
4.3.5 NLRecord 44
4.3.6 NLTemplate 44
4.3.7 NSRecord 44
4.3.8 NSTemplate 44
4.3.9 NTemplate 45

4.4 Biometric Standards Support 45

4.4.1 Supported Data Elements 45 FCRecord 45 FIRecord 47 FMRecord 48 FMCRecord 51 IIRecord 52 CbeffRecord 54 ANTemplate 58
4.4.2 Fingerprint BSS 63
4.4.3 Palm Print Client 64
4.4.4 Face BSS 65
4.4.5 Iris BSS 66

4.5 Required Libraries 66

4.6 Android 68
4.6.1 System Requirements 68
4.6.2 Required Libraries 69
4.6.3 Android Chipset Architecture (armeabi vs armeabi-v7a) 71
4.6.4 Activation for Android 72

4.7 iOS usage 74

4.8 VeriLook usage notes 75

4.8.1 Face Image Constraints 75
4.8.2 Face Liveness Detection 76
4.8.3 Face Feature Points 78

4.9 BioAPI Integration 79

Neurotechnology Biometric SDK

4.10 Error codes 80

4.11 ARM linux usage 80

5 Conventions 81
5.1 C Language 81
5.1.1 C Memory Management 81

6 Using 83
6.1 Using Devices 83
6.1.1 NdmMedia plugin 83 Configuring on Microsoft Windows 83 Configuring on Linux and Mac OS X 84
6.1.2 Using IP Cameras 85 Cisco Video Surveillance IP 4500 85 Mobotix DualNight M12 86 Prosilica GigE Vision 86
6.1.3 Proper Use of a Fingerprint Scanner 86
6.1.4 Using Bluetooth device 89
6.1.5 Fingerprint module custom properties 89

6.2 Matching Server (NServer) 90

6.2.1 Configuration file 91

6.3 ODBC configuration 92

6.3.1 Microsoft SQL Server 94
6.3.2 MySQL 99
6.3.3 Oracle 104
6.3.4 PostgreSQL 109
6.3.5 SQLite 116

6.4 ICAO 116

6.5 Advanced features 117

6.5.1 Plug-in Framework 117 Adding custom device to NDeviceManager 118

7 Tutorials 141

8 Samples 145
8.1 Biometrics 145
8.1.1 Faces 145 C++ (WX) 145

Neurotechnology Biometric SDK

8.1.2 Fingers 149 C++ (WX) 149
8.1.3 Irises 151 C++ (WX) 151
8.1.4 Multibiometric samples (ABIS) 154 .NET 155 C++ (WX) 165 Java 165 iOS 166
8.1.5 Tools 189 Latent Fingerprint Sample (C#) 189
8.1.6 Simple Samples 190 Faces Sample (C#) 191 Fingers Sample (C#) 195 Iris Sample (C#) 199 Voice Sample (C#) 203
8.1.7 Android samples 205 VeriLook 206 VeriFinger 207 VeriEye 207 VeriSpeak 207

8.2 Biometric Standards 207

8.2.1 ANTemplate Sample 207

8.3 Devices 209

8.3.1 DevicesSample - Using devices through NDeviceManager 210
8.3.2 NdmSample - Adding support of custom device to NDeviceManager 213

8.4 Java Samples Compilation 213

8.4.1 Gradle 213
8.4.2 Android Studio 216

8.5 wxWidgets Compilation 216

9 API Reference 218

9.1 .NET Reference 218
9.1.1 Neurotec Namespace 220 Classes 221 Structs, Records, Enums 413
9.1.2 Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace 418 Classes 420 Structs, Records, Enums 709
9.1.3 Neurotec.Biometrics.Client Namespace 731

Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Classes 732

9.1.4 Neurotec.Biometrics.Client.Interop Namespace 767 Classes 767
9.1.5 Neurotec.Biometrics.Ffv Namespace 769 Classes 769 Structs, Records, Enums 779
9.1.6 Neurotec.Biometrics.Gui Namespace 780 Classes 780 Structs, Records, Enums 786
9.1.7 Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards Namespace 786 Classes 793 Structs, Records, Enums 1570
9.1.8 Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop Namespace 1635 Classes 1635
9.1.9 Neurotec.Collections.ObjectModel Namespace 1678 Classes 1678 Structs, Records, Enums 1697
9.1.10 Neurotec.ComponentModel Namespace 1697 Classes 1698
9.1.11 Neurotec.Devices Namespace 1752 Classes 1753 Structs, Records, Enums 1810
9.1.12 Neurotec.Geometry Namespace 1812 Classes 1812
9.1.13 Neurotec.Images Namespace 1814 Classes 1815 Structs, Records, Enums 1936
9.1.14 Neurotec.Interop Namespace 1938 Classes 1938
9.1.15 Neurotec.IO Namespace 1943 Classes 1943 Structs, Records, Enums 1985
9.1.16 Neurotec.Licensing Namespace 1985 Classes 1986 Structs, Records, Enums 2029
9.1.17 Neurotec.Media Namespace 2032 Classes 2032 Interfaces 2081 Structs, Records, Enums 2084
9.1.18 Neurotec.Plugins Namespace 2087 Classes 2087 Structs, Records, Enums 2115

Neurotechnology Biometric SDK

9.1.19 Neurotec.Plugins.ComponentModel Namespace 2116 Classes 2116
9.1.20 Neurotec.Biometrics.Interop Namespace 2128 Structs, Records, Enums 2129
9.1.21 Neurotec.Reflection Namespace 2129 Classes 2129
9.1.22 Neurotec.SmartCards Namespace 2190 Classes 2191 Structs, Records, Enums 2342
9.1.23 Neurotec.Devices.ComponentModel Namespace 2348 Classes 2348
9.1.24 Neurotec.SmartCards.Biometry Namespace 2360 Classes 2361 Structs, Records, Enums 2376
9.1.25 Neurotec.Sound Namespace 2379 Classes 2380 Structs, Records, Enums 2415
9.1.26 Neurotec.Text Namespace 2416 Classes 2416 Structs, Records, Enums 2416
9.1.27 Neurotec.Video Namespace 2417 Classes 2417

9.2 Java Reference 2425

9.3 C++ Reference 2425

Index l

1.2 How The Guide Is Organized Neurotechnology Biometric SDK

1 Introduction 1

Neurotechnology Biometrics SDK is the bundle of SDKs which includes the following products:

• VeriFinger SDK providing fingerprint identification technology;

• VeriLook SDK providing facial identification technology;
• VeriEye SDK providing iris identification technology;
• VeriSpeak SDK providing voice verification technology;
• MegaMatcher SDK for development of large-scale AFIS and multi-biometric systems.
This bundle contains all the necessary libraries, documentation, activation components, samples and tutorials needed for
biometric product development.

It is possible to use features of multiple SDKs in a single application if needed.

See Also
Neurotechnology Biometrics SDK includes QuickStart.pdf (saved in \Documentation folder) which covers only basic
functionality and most common use scenarios. If you are new to Biometrics SDK or need a short guide, it is recommended to
start with this document.

1.1 About This Guide

This document is a developer's guide on writing biometrical applications using VeriFinger SDK, VeriLook SDK, VeriEye SDK,
VeriSpeak SDK or MegaMatcher SDK. If you are new to Neurotechnology products you can start with QuickStart.pdf for a
quick overview of the product.

1.2 How The Guide Is Organized

The guide is organized in the following order:

1. Chapter Introduction [ 1]. Describes this guide and it's structure.

2. Chapter What's new [ 2]. Lists all the changes through different versions of the SDKs. Also includes migration guides for
the newest version.
3. Chapter About [ 8]. Describes the products included in Neurotechnology Biometric SDK. It is a good starting point to get
familiar with the Neurotechnology SDKs.
4. Chapter Overview [ 23]. Contains SDK overview for the developer. Introduces general SDK principles, describes which
components are available and provides information about supported biometric devices and formats (images and templates).
5. Chapter Conventions [ 81]. Introduces main SDK usage conventions and describes common usage patterns from various
programming languages.
6. Chapter Using [ 83]. Explains more complex aspects of using SDK in more details. This chapter reviews server and cluster
configuration (including database support), template conversion
7. Chapter Tutorials [ 141]. Lists tutorials provided with the SDK.
8. Chapter Samples [ 145]. Explains sample applications provided with the SDK.
9. Chapter API Reference [ 218]. Provides API documentation for C, .NET and Java programming languages.

2 Neurotechnology Biometric SDK

2 What's new

What's new in 2020-02-10 update 2

• Fixed Volume License Manager (dongle) issues on Windows which could result in licenses "dissapearing" after some time
or incorrect behaviour during dongle update procedure.
• Simplified Android licensing and made more user-friendly.
• Fixed possible crash in Android during fingerprint extraction on devices with large number of CPU cores.
• Fixed possible crash in Android face extraction in case multiple faces are processed in parallel.
• Fixed NSubject create from memory failing to detect FCRecord format.
• Enhanced NSQLiteConnection to support synchronous mode for more reliability, but less performance. Set
sqliteConnection.setProperty("Synchronous", true); to enable this feature.
• Updated Futronic and Integrated Biometrics to latest version of vendor SDKs.
• Added Nitgen NScan support.
• Fixed ZKTeco SLK20R would instantly finish capture even if no finger is placed.
• Fixed NeuBio to correctly return serial number.

What's new in 2019-12-23 update

• Faster video frame conversion.
• Fix listing more than 3 dongles using licensing API.
• ANTemplate to support drawing of Type-8 vector signatures.
• Fix ridge count calculation in NFingerExaminer.
• Fix CrossMatch LScan issue.
• Better SmartCard backwards compatibility on Android.
• Other minor bug fixes.

What's new in 2019-11-06 update

• Android device list is now refreshed immediately on USB connect/disconnect (do not wait 10 seconds).
• Added Android camera capturing option for continous focus mode.
• Added Bitel finger scanner on Android.
• Update Android java dependencies to be compatible with Gradle [ 213] 5+ versions.
• Fixed Android DigitalPersona UareU crash when unplugged during capture or denied permissions.
• Fixed extremely large fingerprint image could cause template extraction to hang.
• Fixed FIRecord with vendor extended data memory access violations.
• Fixed segmentation fault when normalizing constant iris image.
• Fixed opening some TIFF files with broken resolution fields.
• Fixed not to show CrossMatch as a palm scanner if it does not support palm scanning.
• Other minor bug fixes.

2 Neurotechnology Biometric SDK

What's new in 2019-09-19 update

• Fixed Android 4.4 licensing on x86 platform.
• Fixed fingers singular point (core, delta, etc.) extraction producing incorrect results on some images.
• Fixed on a rare occasions Java multithreaded applications could deadlock on initialization.
• GreenBit device support improved: fixed automatic palmprint capturing and optimized preview speed to show smaller
• Added support for Suprema BioMini Slim 2 on Linux. 2
• Other minor bug fixes.

What's new in 11.2 version

• This update includes currently the most interoperable and accurate fingerprint template generator and matcher in the world
(submission Neurotechnology+010A in NIST MINEX III evaluation).
• Greatly improved accuracy of face recognition using medium template size: with almost 6 times smaller model size and 2
times faster extraction speed it reaches the same accuracy as large template.
• Added CropRect property to NEAttributes for returning cropping position when cropping standard iris images.
• Added support for IntegratedBiometrics Kojak 3.0.
• Added support for Suprema BioMini Slim 3.
• Added image preview on DigitalPersonaUareU in Windows for scanners which support it.
• Fixed Suprema RealScan-F to be listed as palmprint scanner.
• IntegratedBiometrics scans after the first scan start faster on Android.
• Removed support for IrisGuard iris scanner.
• Fixed bug when EnrollWithDuplicateCheck could sometimes not detect duplicates when multiple operations are started
concurrently on very slow hardware.
• Optimize reading and writing ANTemplate XML files.
• NFingerExaminer fixed not to fail on images which have small number of minutiae.
• More robust JPEG 2000 file handling.
• Other minor bug fixes.

What's new in 2019-07-07 update

• Added ethnicity classification (White, Black, Asian, Indian, Hispanic) from faces.
• Removed FacesDetectSegmentsEmotions and FacesDetectSegmentsAge data files (they are a part of
FacesDetectSegmentsAttributes data file now).
• Updated documentation on SDK license activation.
• Fixed lincesing issues on Android 9.
• MacOS framework and samples signatures.
• Added Futronic LFD mode on Windows and Linux.
• Added support for Morpho scanner on Android.
• Updated IriTechIriShield scanner SDK.
• Added missing ICAO [ 116] property confidence setters and getters in Java wrappers.
• Updated usb communication libraries used in dongle devices.
• Various ANTemplate fixes.

2 Neurotechnology Biometric SDK

What's new in 2019-05-20 update

• Improve singular point generation for fingerprints.
• Fix ANTemplate Type-8 record resolution handling.
• ANTemplate better invalid buffer handling and other fixes.
• Add support for Integrated Biometrics FIVE-0 scanner.
• Fix CrossMatch LScan crash when disconnecting and connecting a device back.
• Add Aratek Trustfinger device support module for Android.
• Fix GreenBit scanner not to stop functioning if disconnected during capturing.
• Add Suprema BioMini 2S support on Android.
• Fix Suprema issue under Android when aborting capturing.
• Add ZKTeco scanner on Windows.
• Improve DigitalPersona UareU support on Android.
• Other minor bug fixes.

What's new in 2019-03-25 update

• Improved palmprint identification speeds.
• Introduced new PalmImageProcessing license for fast palmprint template extraction on server side.
• Fixed finger and face identification speed in some cases slower than declared.
• Added PC license support for Orange Pi Zero.
• Fixed some ANTemplate Type-9 record creation from FMRecord issues.
• Fixed ANTemplate Type-17 record automatic image conversion.
• Updated Akiyama Akys scanner integration.
• Fixed Canon EDS unplugging issues.
• Updated IBScanUltimate SDK to fix Android crashes on Oreo or above.
• Added image preview on SupremaBioMini on Windows and fixed crash after unplugging.
• Allow to customize spoof detection levels on Lumidigm.
• Added Mantra MIS100V2 Iris scanner on Android.
• Fixed IriTech IriShield binoculars on Android.
• Updated Android Secugen SDK.
• Other minor bug fixes.

What's new in 2019-02-19 update

• Improved face detection algorithm to better deal with complex cases.
• Fixes and updates for CrossMatch L Scan, IMD, Futronic, GreenBit, Nitgen and DigitalPersona UareU scanner modules.
• Added support for Akiyama camera.
• ANTemplate XML validation is now separate from reading which allows to read files even if they contain some mistakes.
• Added missing ANTemplateType2Record tutorials.
• Improvements in documentation.
• Fixed issue of non returning quality metrics on ICAO [ 116] warnings.
• Fixed issues in iris segmentation.
• Various Android tutorial updates.

2 Neurotechnology Biometric SDK

• Other minor bug fixes.

The Neurotechnology Biometric SDK 11.0 line includes major improvements to fingerprint and face recognition algorithms.
Licensing usage has been simplified and made a lot easier to use. These and lots of other improvements and new features are
overviewed in this section.

Fingerprint recognition algorithms

Line 11.0 includes outstanding in terms of PIV interoperability NIST MINEX III compliant Neurotechnology+0206 INCIST 378
template generator. It leads to significantly improved cross-vendor two-way interoperability and native accuracy rates of both
Neurotechnology's MINEX III leaderboard standard template matchers:

• top ranked mobile or large-scale systems dedicated Neurotechnology+0108 template matcher;

• smart cards dedicated Neurotechnology+0206 template matcher.
Improved native recognition reliability evaluated within NIST PFTII as 4E Neurotechnology's fingerprint proprietary templates
generator and matcher pair submission.

Fingerprint classifier

New fingerprint classification algorithm is included which improves classification quality.

Fingerprint segmenter

New fingerprint 4-finger slap segmentation algorithm is able to handle more complex segmentation cases which results in more
successfully segmented slap images.

Fingerprint examination

Fingerprint examination scenario has been separated from template extractor. From 11.0 product line, fingerprint extraction
creates only template by default, extra features such as generating binarized images are disabled by default. For such
scenarios a new NFingerExaminer object is introduced which covers many use cases for fingerprint examining during
adjudication process: skeletonized image, singular points (core, delta, double core), calculate number of ridge crossings
between two points, find intersections points between specified line and fingerprint ridges.

• New face detection algorithm can detect many more faces in difficult conditions, up to full profile head rotation (requires fast
CPU, optionally a simpler detection algorithm can be selected on weaker machines).
• New face recognition algorithm. About [ 8] 5 times less recognition errors on low False Acceptance Rate.
• Improved facial feature points detection.
• New face image quality determination algorithm.
• New background uniformity check.
• New emotion classifier.
• New smaller face template.
• New face attributes/properties determination algorithm.

• Introduced iris detection confidence for determining if image actually contains iris.

2 Neurotechnology Biometric SDK

• Detection of contact lenses which can distort iris image.

New palmprint extraction algorithm.

New text-independent speaker recognition algorithm.

Accelerated fingerprint recognition

Accelerated fingerprint recognition, available in MegaMatcher Accelerator product, was improved and takes full advantage of
improved templates generated by 11.0 line template extractors.

Trial and non-trial distributions merged

Previously trial distribution was a separate distribution, which required extra effort to migrate to paid license version. Starting
from 11.0 line, there is a single distribution and trial/non-trial licensing switch can be made programmatically. NLicenseManager
contains TrialMode property (which is false by default), and Activation Server (pgd) supports Trial = 1 in pgd.conf configuration

Android per application sandbox licensing

Previously Android licenses were activated per device, which introduced lots of challenges during application deployment. From
11.0 line Android licenses are activated per application sandbox. This also enables to use license deactivation feature. Please
note, that during development application should be updated instead of deleting and installing again, otherwise license could be
lost. Also, other activation options such as using licenses from PC's dongle can be more convenient for development purposes.

Android, iOS, Embedded linux licenses merged into Mobile licenses

Instead of specifying concrete operating system, now all licenses designed for mobile device usage are named as Mobile.

Dongle licensing not supported in containers

If licenses contained in dongle should be used from Docker (or other) containers, it is needed to launch License Activation
Service (pgd) on host machine. For other licensing options License Activation service may be running on Docker. These
restrictions apply only to License Activation Service, not on other Neurotechnology libraries and services.

.NET Standard 1.1 libraries have been upgraded to .NET Standard 2.0. It is recommended to use the .NET Standard libraries
for modern .NET applications. For backwards compatibility, .NET framework 4.5 libraries are provided as well.

2 Neurotechnology Biometric SDK

Android samples/tutorials now use only Gradle [ 213] for project building, Maven is no longer supported. This allowed to
simplify project structure to make the projects not dependent on various "common" folders and made easier to use from
Android Studio.

• ANTemplate (ANSI/NIST ITL) was changed to tolerate lots of validation errors while reading standard templates from other
systems. Validation checks are still performed but instead of failing with exception, any errors or warnings are added to
ConformanceTestResult collection found on every type of ANRecord. To quickly find if record has any validation errors
ANTemplate.IsValidated property can be used. It is up to user to decide whether strict validation is required in particular
case. Also, it is possible to fix broken records by changing values of invalid fields to correct ones and calling
ANTemplate.CheckValidation() to perform the validation again.
• Simplify adding new records to ANSI/NIST ITL template by introducing AddRecordTypeXXX methods for every record type.
Most values are set to default and do not need to be specified manually. BDIF records (FMRecord, FIRecord, FCRecord,
IIRecord) also updated in analogy. I.e. deprecated view constructors (e.g., FmrFingerViewCreate) and introduced view
addition to owner record function (e.g., FMRecordAddFingerViewEx to FMRecord).
• ANTemplate auto-detects encoding of the read template (traditional or XML).
• WSQ reader to autocorrect broken NISTCOM blocks.
• Simplified any ANSI NIST ITL, BDIF standard record read by enabling ALLOW_OUT_OF_BOUNDS_FEATURES on read
by default (even with no flags). Does not apply to write.
• Support creating records in ANTemplate from existing image data without repacking. FromImageData methods should be
used in that case.
• Save ANTemplate or BDIF (FIRecord/FIRecord/FCRecord) image as data in samples.
• Added ANType2Record tutorial
• Updated Java sample to list missing ANTemplate respective attributes.
• Extend ANSI NIST ITL ANTemplate 13-15 records to allow lower resolution value than found in standard specification
using ANT_ALLOW_OUT_OF_BOUNDS_RESOLUTION flag. Applies by default with BDIF_NON_STRICT_READ while
reading any standard ANSI NIST ITL template.
• ANSI NIST ITL ANTemplate ANT_USE_NIST_MINUTIA_NEIGHBORS flag replaced with new
ANT_SKIP_NIST_MINUTIA_NEIGHBORS flag (in analogy with BDIF standard records)

• Setup.exe is no longer provided. The SDK is designed to be used when unzipped to a writeable folder, no additional
installer steps are necessary.
• NCluster low-level communication library is no longer provided. Please use NBiometricClient with RemoteConnection
functionality instead (refer to IdentifyOnServer tutorials for usage example).
• NdmVirtual previously deprecated API was removed, use ConnectTo functionality instead.

3.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Fingerprint Biometrics

3 About
This chapter covers this information:

• Biometrics [ 8] - describes each biometric modality.

• Licensing [ 16] - covers the basics of products licensing.
• System Requirements [ 16] - describes system requirements for using Neurotechnology products.
The SDK covers broad range of possible applications, hence various purchase options are available depending on customer's
needs. MegaMather, VeriFinger, VeriLook, VeriEye and VeriSpeak are available as either Standard or Extended versions.
Standard SDK versions are intended for PC-based biometric application development and the Extended SDKs allow faster
development of networked biometric systems, as they include ready-to-use matching server. The limit of database size can be
pushed even further by using MegaMatcher Accelerator Development Edition. 3

3.1 Biometrics
Biometrics is an automated technology used for people recognition using physiological identifiers. Biometrics covers a variety of
technologies in which unique identifiable attributes of people are used for identification and authentication. These include a
person’s fingerprint, face, iris, voice, palm prints, which can be used to validate the identity of individuals. Biometric data is
unique for each person so it can be used in almost any application that requires the accurate identification or verification of any

3.1.1 Fingerprint Biometrics

Human fingerprints are unique to each person and can be regarded as a sort of signature, certifying the person's identity.
Because no two fingerprints are exactly alike, the process of identifying a fingerprint involves comparing the ridges and
impressions on one fingerprint to those of another.

This first involves capturing the likeness of the fingerprint, either through use of a fingerprint scanner (which takes a digital
picture of a live fingerprint), scanning a pre-existing paper-based fingerprint image or by pulling what is known as a "latent
fingerprint" from a crime scene or other place of investigation, from which a digital image is created.

Once the fingerprint image is captured, the process of identification involves the use of complex algorithms (mathematical
equations) to compare the specific features of that fingerprint to the specific features of one or more fingerprint images that
have been previously stored in a database.

In 1998 Neurotechnology developed VeriFinger, a fingerprint identification technology designed for biometric system
integrators. Since that time, Neurotechnology has released more than 10 major and minor versions of the VeriFinger, providing
most powerful fingerprint recognition algorithms to date. Numerous awards in competitions and technology evaluations,
including FVC and FpVTE, have been received by VeriFinger.

Neurotechnology's fingerprint algorithm follows the commonly accepted fingerprint identification scheme, which uses a set of
specific fingerprint points (minutiae) along with a number of proprietary algorithmic solutions that enhance system performance
and reliability. Some are listed below:

• Rolled and flat fingerprints matching. The fingerprints algorithm matches flat-to-rolled, flat-to-flat or rolled-to-rolled
fingerprints with a high degree of reliability and accuracy, as it is tolerant to fingerprint deformations. Rolled fingerprints
have much bigger deformation due to the specific scanning technique (rolling from nail to nail) than those scanned using
the "flat" technique. Conventional "flat" fingerprint identification algorithms usually perform matching between flat and rolled
fingerprints less reliably due to the mentioned deformations of rolled fingerprints.

3.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Face Biometrics

• Tolerance to fingerprint translation, rotation and deformation. Neurotechnology's proprietary fingerprint template
matching algorithm is able to identify fingerprints even if they are rotated, translated, deformed and have only 5 - 7 similar
minutiae (usually fingerprints of the same finger have 20 - 40 similar minutiae).
• Identification capability. Fingerprints algorithm functions can be used in 1-to-1 matching (verification), as well as
1-to-many mode (identification).
• Image quality determination. Fingerprints algorithm is able to ensure that only the best quality fingerprint template will be
stored into database by using fingerprint image quality determination during enrollment.
• Adaptive image filtration. This algorithm eliminates noises, ridge ruptures and stuck ridges for reliable minutiae extraction
– even from poor quality fingerprints.
• Features generalization mode. This fingerprint enrollment mode generates the collection of generalized fingerprint
features from a set of fingerprints of the same finger. Each fingerprint image is processed and features are extracted. Then
the features collection set is analyzed and combined into a single generalized features collection, which is written to the
database. This way, the enrolled features are more reliable and the fingerprint recognition quality considerably increases.
• Compact fingerprint template. Fingerprints algorithm allows to configure the number and size of fingerprint features in a
fingerprint template. Combined with unlimited database size, this capability allows to optimize target system size and 3
Products with fingerprint biometrics: VeriFinger SDK, Free Fingerprint Verification SDK, MegaMatcher SDK, MegaMatcher
on Card SDK.

3.1.2 Face Biometrics

Face recognition can be an important alternative for selecting and developing an optimal biometric system. Its advantage is that
it does not require physical contact with an image capture device (camera). A face identification system does not require any
advanced hardware, as it can be used with existing image capture devices (webcams, security cameras etc.).

Like fingerprint biometrics, facial recognition technology is widely used in various systems, including physical access control
and computer user accounts security.

Usually these systems extract certain features from face images and then perform face matching using these features. A face
does not have as many uniquely measurable features as fingerprints and irises, so facial recognition reliability is slightly lower
than these other biometric recognition methods. However, it is still suitable for many applications, especially when taking into
account its convenience for user. Facial recognition can also be used together with fingerprint recognition or another biometric
method for developing more security-critical applications.

The multi-biometric approach is especially important for identification (1-to-many) systems. In general, identification systems
are very convenient to use because they do not require any additional security information (smart cards, passwords etc.).
However, using 1-to-many matching routines with only one biometric method, can result in a higher false acceptance
probability, which may become unacceptable for applications with large databases. Using face identification as an additional
biometric method can dramatically decrease this effect. This multi-biometric approach also helps in situations where a certain
biometric feature is not optimal for certain groups of users. For example, people who do heavy labor with their hands may have
rough fingerprints, which can increase the false rejection rate if fingerprint identification was used alone.

Neurotechnology’s face identification technology is intended for facial recognition system integrators. It offers fast, reliable
identification with live face detection, the ability of multiple face processing in a single frame and fast face matching in 1-to-1
and 1-to-many modes.

Neurotechnology's face algorithm implements advanced face localization, enrollment and matching using robust digital image
processing algorithms, which are based on deep neural networks:

• Simultaneous multiple face processing. Face algorithm performs fast and accurate detection of multiple faces in live
video streams and still images.
• Gender classification. Optionally, gender can be determined for each person on the image with predefined degree of
accuracy during the template extraction.
• Live face detection. A conventional face identification system can be tricked by placing a photo in front of the camera.
Face algorithm is able to prevent this kind of security breach by determining whether a face in a video stream is "live" or a

3.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Iris Biometrics

photograph. The liveness detection can be performed in passive mode, when the engine evaluates certain facial features,
and in active mode, when the engine evaluates user's response to perform actions like blinking or head movements.
• Emotions recognition. Face algorithm can be configured to recognize emotion type in a human face. Six basic emotions
are analyzed: anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness and surprise. A confidence value for each of the basic emotions is
returned for the face. Larger value for an emotion means that it seems to be more expressed in the face.
• Facial feature points. The points can be optionally extracted as a set of their coordinates during face template extraction.
Each of the 68 points has a fixed sequence number (i.e. number 31 always corresponds to nose tip).
• Facial attributes. Neurotechnology's face SDKs can be configured to detect certain attributes during the face extraction –
smile, open-mouth, closed-eyes, glasses, dark-glasses, beard and mustache.
• Age estimation. Face algorithm can optionally estimate person's age by analyzing the detected face in the image.
• Face image quality determination. A quality threshold can be used during face enrollment to ensure that only the
acceptable quality face template will be stored into database.
• Tolerance to face position for face detection. 360 degrees of head roll is allowed. Head pitch can be up to 30 degrees in
each direction from the frontal position. Head yaw can be up to 45 degrees in each direction from the frontal position.
• Multiple samples of the same face. Biometric template record can contain multiple face samples belonging to the same
person. These samples can be enrolled from different sources and at different times, thus allowing improvement in
matching quality. For example a person might be enrolled with and without beard or mustache, etc.
• Identification capability. Face algorithm functions can be used in 1-to-1 matching (verification), as well as 1-to-many
mode (identification).
• Features generalization mode. This mode generates the collection of the generalized face features from several images
of the same subject. Then, each face image is processed, features are extracted, and the collections of features are
analyzed and combined into a single generalized features collection, which is written to the database. This way, the
enrolled feature template is more reliable and the face recognition quality increases considerably.
Products with face biometrics: VeriLook SDK, SentiVeillance SDK, Face Verification SDK, MegaMatcher SDK, MegaMatcher
on Card SDK.

3.1.3 Iris Biometrics

The iris is a thin, circular structure in the eye, responsible for controlling the diameter and size of the pupil and thus the amount
of light reaching the retina. The iris forms very early as a unique pattern (different for each eye) and remains unchanged over
time because it is well protected from the outside environment. Successfully located iris - a complex structure made of freckles,

3.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Voice Biometrics

furrows, crypts, rings, ridges, corona, arching ligaments, and a zigzag collaret - is extremely suitable for biometric identification
because of its random variation among different eyes. Usually irises are captured at a distance in near infrared pectral region
where even seemingly dark and plain irises reveal rich texture. Complexity and richness of iris texture combined with the
randomness across population makes it possible to use iris recognition identification scenarios.

Neurotechnology began research and development in the field of eye iris biometrics in 1994 and has released VeriEye iris
recognition algorithm in 2008. The original proprietary algorithm solves the limitations and drawbacks of existing state-of-the-art
algorithms. VeriEye implements advanced iris segmentation, enrollment and matching using robust digital image processing

• Robust iris detection. Irises are detected even when there are obstructions to the image, visual noise and/or different
levels of illumination. Lighting reflections, eyelids and eyelashes obstructions are eliminated. Images with narrowed eyelids
or eyes that are gazing away are also accepted.
• Automatic interlacing detection and correction results in maximum quality of iris features templates from moving iris
• Gazing-away eyes are correctly detected on images, segmented and transformed as if it were looking directly into the 3
• Correct iris segmentation is obtained even under these conditions:
• Perfect circles fail. VeriEye uses active shape models that more precisely model the contours of the eye, as iris
boundaries are not modeled by perfect circles.
• The centers of the iris inner and outer boundaries are different. The iris inner boundary and its center are marked in
red, the iris outer boundary and its center are marked in green.
• Iris boundaries are definitely not circles and even not ellipses and especially in gazing-away iris images.
• Iris boundaries seem to be perfect circles. The recognition quality can still be improved if boundaries are found more
precisely. Note these slight imperfections when compared to perfect circular white contours.
• Iris is partially occluded by eyelids. The upper and lower lids are marked in red and green correspondingly.
• Reliability. VeriEye algorithm has shown excellent recognition accuracy during the NIST IREX evaluations, as well as
during testing on publicly available datasets.
Neurotechnology’s iris identification technology is designed for biometric systems developers and integrators. The technology
includes many proprietary solutions that enable robust iris enrollment under various conditions and fast iris matching in 1-to-1
and 1-to-many modes.

Products with iris biometrics: VeriEye SDK, MegaMatcher SDK.

3.1.4 Voice Biometrics

Speaker recognition is the identification of the person who is speaking by characteristics of their voices (voice biometrics).
Using speaker recognition software computers can be used to recognize humans by the sound of their voices. Speaker
recognition software extracts characteristics from user's voice that can be used to validate user's claimed identity. Speaker
recognition can be used for systems where users are identified by their voices and chosen phrases.

The VeriSpeak is software development tool which can be used to develop biometric systems which require speech
recognition. The VeriSpeak SDK speech recognition algorithm is text-dependent so user should say the same phrase during
text enrollment and verification.

The VeriSpeak algorithm implements voice enrollment and voiceprint matching using proprietary sound processing

• Text-dependent algorithm. The text-dependent speaker recognition is based on saying the same phrase for enrollment
and verification. The VeriSpeak algorithm determines if a voice sample matches the template that was extracted from a
specific phrase. During enrollment, one or more phrases are requested from the person being enrolled. Later that person
may be asked to pronounce a specific phrase for verification. This method assures protection against the use of a covertly
recorded random phrase from that person.
• Two-factor authentication with a passphrase. The VeriSpeak voiceprint-matching algorithm can be configured to work in

3.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Large-scale Biometric Systems

a scenario where each user records a unique phrase (such as passphrase or an answer to a "secret question" that is
known only by the person being enrolled). Later a person is recognized by his or her own specific phrase with a high
degree of accuracy. The overall system security increases as both voice authenticity and passphrase are checked.
• Text-independent algorithm. The phrase-independent speaker recognition uses different phrases for user enrollment and
recognition. This method is more convenient, as it does not require each user to remember the passphrase. It may be
combined with the text-dependent algorithm to perform faster text-independent search with further phrase verification using
the more reliable text-dependent algorithm.
• Automatic voice activity detection. VeriSpeak is able to detect when users start and finish speaking.
• Liveness detection. A system may request each user to enroll a set of unique phrases. Later the user will be requested to
say a specific phrase from the enrolled set. This way the system can ensure that a live person is being verified (as opposed
to an impostor who uses a voice recording).
• Identification capability. VeriSpeak functions can be used in 1-to-1 matching (verification) and 1-to-many (identification)
• Multiple samples of the same phrase. A template may store several voice records with the same phrase to improve
recognition reliability. Certain natural voice variations (i.e. hoarse voice) or environment changes (i.e. office and outdoors) 3
can be stored in the same template.
• Fused matching. A system may ask users to pronounce several specific phrases during speaker verification or
identification and match each audio sample against records in the database. The VeriSpeak algorithm can fuse the
matching results for each phrase together to improve matching reliability.
Products with voice biometrics: VeriSpeak SDK, MegaMatcher SDK.

3.1.5 Palmprint Biometrics

A palm print refers to an image acquired of the palm region of the hand. Palm print recognition has many of the same matching
characteristics as fingerprint recognition. Both fingerprint and palm print biometrics use friction ridge patterns to identify an
individual. Palm print recognition system is most promising to recognize an individual because palm print is rich in its features:
principal lines, wrinkles, ridges, singular points and minutiae points.

Products with palmprint biometrics: MegaMatcher SDK.

3.1.6 Large-scale Biometric Systems

Nowadays the need for automated biometrical identification systems is increasing in civil and forensic fields of applications. The
fast and accurate identification becomes particularly critical for large-scale applications, such as passport and visa
documentation, border crossings, election control systems, credit card transactions control and crime scene investigations.
Many countries, including the US, European countries and others incorporate biometrical data into passports, ID cards, visas
and other documents for using in large national scale automatic biometrical identification systems.

Automated fingerprint identification systems (AFIS) have been widely used in forensics for the past two decades, and recently
they became relevant for civil applications. Whereas large-scale biometrical applications require high identification speed and
reliability, multi-biometric systems that incorporate both face and fingerprint recognition offer a number of advantages for
improving identification quality and usability.

These Neurotechnology products are suitable for large-scale systems:

• MegaMatcher SDK [ 13] - large-scale AFIS and multi-biometric systems.

• MegaMatcher ABIS [ 14] - integrated multi-biometric solution for national-scale identification projects.
• MegaMatcher Accelerator [ 15] - hardware/software solution that provides high speed, high volume biometric identification
for national-scale projects.

3.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Large-scale Biometric Systems Large-Scale Biometric Systems Requirements

Large-scale automatic biometrical identification systems have a number of special requirements, which are different from those
for small or middle scale biometrical systems:

• The system must perform reliable identification with large databases, as biometrical identification systems tend to
accumulate False Acceptance Rate with database size increase and using single fingerprint or face image for identification
task becomes unreliable for large-scale application. Several biometrical samples should be used to increase identification
reliability, and multi-biometrical technologies (i.e. collecting fingerprint and face samples from the same person) are often
employed there for additional convenience.
• The system must show high productivity and efficiency, which correspond its scale
• System scalability is important, as the system might be extended in the future, so high productivity level should be kept
by adding new units to the existing system.
• Daily number of identification requests could be very high. 3
• Identification request should be processed in a very short time (ideally – in real time), thus high computational power is
• Support for large databases (tens or hundreds millions of records) is required.
• General system robustness. The system must be tolerant to hardware failures, as even temporary pauses in its work
may cause big problems taking into account the application size.
• The system must support major biometrical standards. This should allow using the system generated templates or
databases with the systems from other vendors and vice versa.
• The system must be able to match flat (plain) fingerprints with rolled fingerprints, as many institutions collect rolled
fingerprint databases.
• The system must be able to work in the network, as in most cases client workstations are remote from the server with the
central database.
• A forensic system must be able to edit latent fingerprint templates in order to submit latent fingerprints into AFIS for the
identification. MegaMatcher SDK

Despite all above mentioned requirements, the system price should be as low as possible. Many existing AFIS are specialized
for criminalistics or other particular applications and are quite expensive. Neurotechnology offers a technology for large-scale
AFIS and multi-biometric fingerprint-face-iris-voice-palmprint identification products, which meets all of the requirements
mentioned above, for a competitive price.

MegaMatcher is intended for development of large-scale AFIS or multi-biometric (fingerprint, face, iris, palmprint and voice)
identification products.

MegaMatcher product is based on the MegaMatcher scalable multi-biometrical technology that ensures high reliability and
speed of biometrical identification even when using large databases. High productivity and efficiency are supported by a fused
algorithm that contains fingerprint, face, iris, palmprint and voice recognition engines. Integrators can use the fused algorithm
for better identification results or any of these engines separately. The fault-tolerant scalable software allows to perform fast
parallel matching, processes high number of identification requests and handles databases with practically unlimited size.

MegaMatcher includes server software for local multi-biometrical systems or large-scale multibiometrical products development.
.NET and Java components for rapid development of client side software are also included with MegaMatcher. To ensure
system compatibility with other software, WSQ library is included, as well as modules for conversion between MegaMatcher
template and biometrical standards.

MegaMatcher is suitable not only for developing civil AFIS, but also for forensic AFIS applications, as it includes an API for
latent fingerprint template editing. Latent fingerprint template editing is necessary in order to submit a latent fingerprint (for
example, one taken from a crime scene) for the identification into AFIS. Also MegaMatcher is able to match rolled and flat
fingerprints between themselves.

3.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Large-scale Biometric Systems

All components of MegaMatcher could be used on Linux and Microsoft Windows operating systems.

The main features of MegaMatcher SDK are these:

• Proven in national-scale projects, including passport issuance and voter deduplication.

• NIST MINEX-compliant fingerprint engine, NIST IREX proven iris engine.
• High performance matching for national-scale systems with MegaMatcher Accelerator.
• Fingerprints, irises and faces can be matched on smart cards using MegaMatcher On Card.
• Includes fingerprint, face, iris, voice and palm print modalities.
• Rolled, flat and latent fingerprint matching.
• BioAPI [ 79] 2.0 and other ANSI and ISO biometric standards support.
• ICAO [ 116] requirements compliancy check for face images.
• Effective price/performance ratio, flexible licensing and free customer support.
The picture below shows a typical multi-biometrical identification system, developed with MegaMatcher: 3
See Also
More information and licensing options for MegaMatcher SDK is provided on Neurotechnology website.

If you need help when choosing products, see Product Advisor [ 16]. MegaMatcher ABIS

MegaMatcher Automated Biometric Identification System (MMABIS) is designed for large-scale biometric systems developers
and integrators. The modular and customizable solution provides services for high-performance multi-biometric systems with
multiple transactions.

MegaMatcher ABIS is designed as a complete system with all necessary components for deploying a large-scale biometric
system. MegaMatcher ABIS 11.2 includes ready-to-use services and applications for running on regular hardware.

MegaMatcher ABIS provides these capabilities for large-scale biometric identification systems:

• High performance. MegaMatcher Automated Biometric Identification System is designed for fast processing of multiple
biometric transactions with high accuracy and reliability. The Management Service distributes external requests between
the corresponding services. The Image Processing Service performs parallel biometric template extraction from multiple
images. The Matching Service can store biometric and demographic information for unlimited number of persons as well as
perform fast search in the whole database.
• Fingerprint, face and iris modalities support. The system can accept fingerprint, face and iris images for creating
biometric templates and searching against the database. Each template can contain multiple fingerprints, irises or faces.
Proprietary fused matching algorithm provides high matching accuracy.
• Biometric adjudication. MegaMatcher ABIS can determine questionable biometric matching results like suspicious
duplicate(s) or non-matching templates and forward them to human experts for manual adjudication. A specialized visual
tool is provided to human experts to facilitate decision making.
• Interoperability with other systems. Web-services are provided for communication with third party biometric systems to
ensure all aspects of required biometric services as biometric data storing, update, identification, verification and
submission of matching results.
• High availability and fault tolerance. MegaMatcher ABIS architecture allows to reach high system reliability and better
performance by running instances of some or all components in parallel. If an instance of a component becomes
unavailable, the other instances of the component can still accept incoming requests and perform corresponding
operations. All communications are designed as atomic transactions, thus in case of failure no information is lost or
• Customization for project needs. Most components of MegaMatcher ABIS can be customized for specific project needs
and restrictions. The customization may range from user interface translation into required language to modifying the
system architecture.
• Biometric standards support. MegaMatcher ABIS allows the use of ANSI/NIST-ITL-1, ISO/IEC 19794-2, ISO/IEC
19794-5 and ISO/IEC 19794-6 biometric template standards. Face images checking for compliancy with ICAO [ 116]

3.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Large-scale Biometric Systems

requirements is also available.

See Also
More information and licensing options for MegaMatcher ABIS is provided on Neurotechnology website.

If you need help when choosing products, see Product Advisor [ 16]. MegaMatcher Accelerator

MegaMatcher Accelerator is a hardware/software solution that provides high speed, high volume biometric identification for
national-scale projects.

The Extreme and Extended versions are designed to run on server hardware and perform fast biometric template matching on
the server-side of a large-scale AFIS or multi-modal system. The Standard version and Development Edition are intended to be
run on a common PC.
MegaMatcher Accelerator is available in these editions:

• MegaMatcher Accelerator Extreme is designed to run on server hardware with dual Xeon processors, GPU and 512 GB
of RAM. This version is shipped as an installation CD image that includes Linux OS and fast multi-biometric identification
software. Optionally, a ready-to-use solution with server hardware and pre-installed MegaMatcher Accelerator software can
be provided.
• MegaMatcher Accelerator Extended is designed to run on server hardware with dual Xeon processors and 128 GB of
RAM. This version is shipped as an installation CD image that includes Linux OS and fast multi-biometric identification
software. Optionally, a ready-to-use solution with server hardware and pre-installed MegaMatcher Accelerator software can
be provided.
• MegaMatcher Accelerator Standard is designed to run on a PC with Core i7 processor and 16 GB of RAM. This version
is shipped as an installation CD image that includes Linux OS and fast multi-biometric identification software.
• MegaMatcher Accelerator Development Edition software is designed to run on a PC with Core i7 processor and 16 GB
of RAM. This version does not include any hardware and is available with the MegaMatcher 11.2 Extended SDK.
MegaMatcher Accelerator software provides these capabilities for biometric identification:

• Fast matching. A single MegaMatcher Accelerator Extreme unit can match up to 1.2 billion fingerprints per second or up to
700 million irises per second or up to 1.2 billion faces per second in 1-to-many mode using the Neurotechnology proprietary
biometric template format. A single MegaMatcher Accelerator Extended unit can match up to 100 million fingerprints per
second or up to 200 million irises per second or up to 100 million faces per second in 1-to-many mode. A PC with
MegaMatcher Accelerator Standard software can match up to 35 million fingerprints per second or up to 70 million irises
per second or up to 35 million faces per second in 1-to-many mode.
• Multiple modalities support. MegaMatcher Accelerator can be used within a biometric system that contains templates
with any number of fingerprint, face, or iris records.
• Full database search. The biometric engines included in MegaMatcher Accelerator do not perform internal database
indexing or pre-classification (by fingerprint type, eye color etc) thus avoiding false rejections when incorrect classifiers
appear. This way the whole database is scanned comprehensively during every matching request and very low false
rejection ensured. On the other hand, integrators may use non-biometric classifiers like gender or a country's region to
optimize system size.
• Optimal system size. A system based on the MegaMatcher Accelerator solution can be configured to perform fast
candidate selection using irises and/or faces and/or several fingerprints, and then use other biometric modalities to validate
selection results. This approach allows the system to reach optimal matching speed and reliability while keeping the overall
system cost within the defined limits.
• ISO & ANSI standards support. MegaMatcher Accelerator allows the use of ANSI and ISO biometric standards for
fingerprint templates.
• Scalable architecture. Multiple MegaMatcher Accelerator units can be combined together in a cluster for higher matching
speed. For example, a cluster of 4 MegaMatcher Accelerator Extended units would enable matching at a rate of about 108
million templates per second (when a template contains 4 fingerprint records), a cluster of 10 units – about 270 million
templates per second, and so on. No additional cluster software is required, as MegaMatcher Accelerator includes all the
necessary software.
• Suitable for duplicates search. Searching for duplicates in a biometric template database is a task that requires many
computations, as each biometric template needs to be verified with every other template in the database. MegaMatcher

3.3 System Requirements Neurotechnology Biometric SDK System Requirements for client-side

Accelerator provides enough speed to complete duplicate searching in a reasonable time. Scalable architecture allows the
combination of several MegaMatcher Accelerator units for tasks involving larger databases.
See Also
More information and licensing options for MegaMatcher ABIS is provided on Neurotechnology website.

If you need help when choosing products, see Product Advisor [ 16].

3.1.7 Product Advisor

Neurotechnology website has the tool Product Advisor. The Product Advisor is designed to recommend Neurotechnology
biometric products for software developers and integrators. By answering questions you will get products recommendation for
your application and price estimation.

Also, you can contact Neurotechnology Customer's Department for products advise. 3

3.2 Licensing
Neurotechnology allows to use the SDK on a development device and use the SDK components for an end user applications or
large scale systems. Components and source code provided as samples and tutorials can be adapted by an integrator and
redistributed as an end-user application when licenses were activated. We ask you to activate your product to verify that your
installation is performed with a genuine Neurotechnology product. Also, product activation ensures that the product license has
not been used on more devices than are permitted by the license agreement.

SDK activation is required for trial version and all purchased licenses, standard or extended versions of SDK. When you
activate your SDK or license, no personal information is sent to Neurotechnology.

The SDK has the following licenses which should be activated:

• Trial. You can copy Neurotechnology SDK to use for 30 days free, no strings attached.
• Development. Products development using Neurotechnology technology requires a license for standard or extended
version of SDK. SDK license includes several licenses for each component.
• Deployment. When Neurotechnology components are used in end-user applications, component licenses for each
deployment device is required.
• VAR. This is the special licensing agreement between the Neurotechnology and the integrator, who wants to develop and
sell the Neurotechnology SDK based development tool.
• Enterprise license. Individual licensing agreement for an unlimited use of Neurotechnology components.
See Also
SDK's /Documentation folder includes Activation.pdf document explaining license types and activation options in detail.

3.3 System Requirements

3.3.1 System Requirements for client-side components

Requirements for client side components (PC and Mac):

3.3 System Requirements Neurotechnology Biometric SDK System Requirements for client-side

• PC or Mac with x86 (32-bit) or x86-64 (64-bit) compatible processors.

• 0.6 seconds are required to create a template with a single fingerprint, face, iris or voiceprint record using Intel Core
i7-4771 processor running at 3.5 GHz.
• 4 seconds are required to create a template from a full palm print image on Intel Core i7-4771 processor running at 3.5
• AVX2 support is highly recommended. Processors that do not support AVX2 will still run the Neurotechnology
algorithms, but in a mode, which will not provide the specified performance. Most modern processors support this
instruction set, but please check if a particular processor model supports it.
• The CPU plugin supports inference on Intel® Xeon® with Intel® AVX2 and AVX512, Intel® Core™ Processors with
Intel® AVX2, Intel Atom® Processors with Intel® SSE.
• x86 (32-bit) processors can still be used, but the algorithm will not provide the specified performance.
• 2 GB of free RAM is recommended for general usage scenarios. It is possible to reduce RAM usage for particular
• Optionally, depending on biometric modalities and requirements: 3
• A fingerprint scanner. Neurotechnology SDKs includes support modules for more than 150 models of fingerprint
scanners under Microsoft Windows, Linux and Mac OS X platforms.
• A webcam or IP camera or any other camera (recommended frame size: 640 x 480 pixels) for face images capturing.
Neurotechnology SDK includes support modules for a list of cameras. An IP camera should support RTSP and stream
video in H.264 or M-JPEG. Cameras, which can operate in near-infrared spectrum, can be also used for image capture.
Any other webcam or camera should provide DirectShow, Windows Media or Media Foundation interfaces for Windows
platform, GStreamer interface for Linux and Mac platforms.
• An iris camera (recommended image size: 640 x 480 pixels) for iris image capture. Neurotechnology SDKs includes
support modules for several iris cameras.
• A microphone. Any microphone that is supported by the operating system can be used.
• A palm print scanner.
• A flatbed scanner for fingerprint or palm print data capturing from paper can be used. 500 ppi or 1000 ppi FBI certified
scanners are recommended. Flatbed scanners are supported only under Microsoft Windows platform and should have
TWAIN drivers.
• Integrators can also write plug-ins to support their biometric capture devices using the plug-in framework provided with
the Device Manager from the Neurotechnology SDKs.
• Network/LAN connection (TCP/IP) for communication with Matching Server or MegaMatcher Accelerator unit(s).
Neurotechnology SDKs client-side components can be used without network if they are used only for data collection.
Communication is not encrypted therefore, if communication must be secured, we would recommend to use a dedicated
network (not accessible outside the system) or a secured network (such as VPN; VPN must be configured using operating
system or third party tools).
• Microsoft Windows specific requirements:
• Microsoft Windows 7 / 8 / 10, 32-bit or 64-bit. Note that some fingerprint scanners are supported only on 32-bit OS or
only from 32-bit applications.
• Microsoft .NET framework 4.5 or later (for .NET components usage)
• Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 or newer (for application development with C++ / C# / VB .NET)
• Sun Java 1.7 SDK or later (for application development with Java)
• Linux specific requirements:
• Linux 3.10 or newer kernel (32-bit or 64-bit) is required. If a fingerprint scanner is required, note that some scanners
have only 32-bit support modules and will work only from 32-bit applications.
• glibc 2.17 or newer
• GStreamer 1.10.x or newer with gst-plugin-base and gst-plugin-good is required for face capture using camera/webcam
or rtsp video. GStreamer 1.4.x or newer is recommended.
• libgudev-1.0 219 or newer (for camera and/or microphone usage)
• alsa-lib 1.1.6 or newer (for voice capture)
• gcc 4.8 or newer (for application development)

3.3 System Requirements Neurotechnology Biometric SDK System requirements for client-side

• GNU Make 3.81 or newer (for application development)

• Sun Java 1.8 SDK or newer (for application development with Java)
• Mac OS X specific requirements:
• Mac OS X (version 10.12.6 or newer)
• XCode 6.x or newer (for application development)
• GStreamer 1.10.x or newer with gst-plugin-base and gst-plugin-good is required for face capture using camera/webcam
or rtsp video.
• GNU Make 3.81 or newer (to build samples and tutorials development)
• Sun Java 1.8 SDK or later (for application development with Java)

3.3.2 System requirements for client-side components for
• A smartphone or tablet that is running Android 4.4 (API level 19) OS or newer.
• API level 22 is the recommended target for code compilation.
• If you have a custom Android-based device or development board, contact us to find out if it is supported.
• ARM-based 1.5 GHz processor recommended for processing a fingerprint, face, iris or voiceprint in the specified time.
Slower processors may be also used, but the processing of fingerprints, faces, irises and voiceprints will take longer time.
• At least 256 MB of free RAM should be available for the application. Additional RAM is required for applications that
perform 1-to-many identification, as all biometric templates need to be stored in RAM for matching.
• Optionally, depending on biometric modalities and requirements:
• A fingerprint reader. Neurotechnology SDKs is able to work with several supported fingerprint readers under Android
OS. Integrators may also use image files or receive image data from external devices like flatbed scanners or other
stand-alone cameras.
• A camera for face capture. Neurotechnology SDKs is able to work with all cameras that are supported by Android OS. At
least 0.3 MegaPixel (640 x 480 pixels) camera is required for the MegaMatcher biometric algorithm. Integrators may
also use image files or receive image data from external devices like flatbed scanners or stand-alone cameras.
• A microphone. MegaMatcher is able to work with all microphones that are supported by Android OS. Integrators may
also use audio files or receive audio data from external devices.
• An iris scanner. A project may require to capture iris images using some hand-held devices:
• Iritech IriShield single iris camera is supported by the MegaMatcher SDK under Android OS.
• Neurotechnology SDKs technology also accepts irises for further processing as BMP, JPG or PNG images, thus
almost any third-party iris capturing hardware can be used with the Neurotechnology's technology if it generates
image in the mentioned formats.
• Integrators may implement the iris scanner support by themselves or use the software provided by the scanners
manufacturers. The integrators should note, that regular cameras which are usually build-in into smartphones or
tablets are not suitable for iris capture, as it requires near-infrared illumination and an appropriate scanner.
• Network connection. Neurotechnology SDKs-based embedded or mobile application may require network connection for
activating the MegaMatcher component licenses. See the list of available activation options in the licensing model for more
information. Also, network connection may be required for client/server applications.
• PC-side development environment requirements:
• Java SE JDK 6 (or higher)
• Eclipse Indigo (3.7) IDE
• Android development environment (at least API level 19 required)
• Gradle [ 213] 4.6 or newer

3.3 System Requirements Neurotechnology Biometric SDK System requirements for client-side

• Internet connection for activating Neurotechnology SDKs component licenses

3.3.3 System requirements for client-side components for


• One of the following devices, running iOS 11.0 or newer:

• iPhone 5S or newer iPhone.
• iPad Air or newer iPad.
• At least 256 MB of free RAM should be available for the application. Additional RAM is required for applications that 3
perform 1-to-many identification, as all biometric templates need to be stored in RAM for matching.
• Optionally, depending on biometric modalities and requirements:
• A fingerprint reader. Check the list of supported fingerprint readers under iOS.
• A camera for face capture. Neurotechnology SDKs captures face images from the built-in cameras.
• A microphone. Any smartphone's or tablet's built-in or headset microphone which is supported by iOS. Integrators may
also use audio files or receive audio data from external devices.
• An iris scanner. At the moment iris scanner support on iOS platform should be implemented by integrators. The
integrators should note, that the most accurate iris recognition is achievable only when iris images are captured with
near-infrared cameras and appropriate illumination. However, it is still possible to recognize irises with reasonable
accuracy, when the irises are captured with cameras, which are built in smartphones or tablets, using proper illumination
and focus, and choosing proper environment.
• Neurotechnology SDKs technology also accepts fingerprint, face and iris images for further processing as BMP, JPG or
PNG files, thus almost any third-party biometric capturing hardware can be used with the Neurotechnology technology if
it generates images in the mentioned formats.
• Network connection.Neurotechnology SDKs-based embedded or mobile application may require network connection for
activating the Neurotechnology SDK component licenses. Also, network connection may be required for client/server
• Development environment requirements:
• a Mac running Mac OS X 10.12.6 or newer.
• Xcode 9.x or newer.

3.3.4 System requirements for client-side components for

ARM Linux
We recommend to contact us and report the specifications of a target device to find out if it will be suitable for running
MegaMatcher-based applications.

There is a list of common requirements for ARM Linux platform:

• A device with ARM-based processor, running Linux 3.2 kernel or newer.

• ARM-based 1.5 GHz processor recommended for fingerprint processing in the specified time.
• ARMHF architecture (EABI 32-bit hard-float ARMv7) is required.
• Lower clock-rate processors may be also used, but the fingerprint, face, iris or voiceprint processing will take longer time.

3.3 System Requirements Neurotechnology Biometric SDK System requirements for server-side fast

• At least 256 MB of free RAM should be available for the application. Additional RAM is required for applications that
perform 1-to-many identification, as all biometric templates need to be stored in RAM for matching.
• Optionally, depending on biometric modalities and requirements:
• A fingerprint scanner. The list of supported fingerprint scanners under ARM Linux.
• A camera for face capture. At least 0.3 MegaPixel (640 x 480 pixels) camera is required for the MegaMatcher biometric
algorithm. These cameras are supported by Neurotechnology SDK on ARM Linux platform:
• Any camera which is accessible using GStreamer interface.
• Any IP camera, that supports RTSP (Real Time Streaming Protocol):
• Only RTP over UDP is supported.
• H.264/MPEG-4 AVC or Motion JPEG should be used for encoding the video stream.
• An iris scanner. At the moment iris scanner support on ARM Linux platform should be implemented by integrators. The
integrators should note, that the most accurate iris recognition is achievable only when iris images are captured with
near-infrared cameras and appropriate illumination. However, it is still possible to recognize irises with reasonable
accuracy, when the irises are captured with regular cameras, using proper illumination and focus, and choosing proper 3
• A microphone. Any microphone that is supported by the operating system can be used.
• Fingerprint, face or iris images in BMP, JPG or PNG formats can be processed by the MegaMatcher technology.
• glibc 2.17 or newer.
• libstdc++-v3 4.7.2 or newer.
• GStreamer 1.10.x or newer with gst-plugin-base and gst-plugin-good is required for face capture using camera/webcam or
rtsp video.
• alsa-lib 1.1.6 or newer (for voice capture)
• libgudev-1.0 219 or newer (for camera and/or microphone usage)
• Network/LAN connection (TCP/IP) for client/server applications. Also, network connection is required for using Matching
server component (included in VeriFinger Extended SDK). Communication with Matching server is not encrypted therefore,
if communication must be secured, a dedicated network (not accessible outside the system) or a secured network (such as
VPN; VPN must be configured using operating system or third party tools) is recommended.
• Development environment specific requirements:
• gcc 4.8 or newer
• GNU Make 3.81 or newer
• Sun Java 1.8 SDK or newer
Raspberry Pi 3 requirements when capturing from a camera:

Run the following command:

Install Gstreamer:
apt-get install libgstreamer1.0-0 gstreamer1.0-plugins-base gstreamer1.0-plugins-good
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly gstreamer1.0-libav gstreamer1.0-doc
apt-get install libasound2-dev
apt-get install libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev
apt-get install pcscd libusb-dev libpcsclite1 libpcsclite-dev dh-autoreconf
*gudev 1.0:
apt-get install libgudev-1.0-dev

3.3 System Requirements Neurotechnology Biometric SDK System requirements for Matching Server

3.3.5 System requirements for server-side fast template

extraction components

• Server hardware with at least these processors:

• Dual Intel Xeon Gold 6126 (2.6 GHz) processors for extracting a template from a single fingerprint image in the specified
• Single Intel Xeon Gold 6126 (2.6 GHz) processor for extracting templates from single face or iris images, or voice
samples in the specified time.
The processors should support AVX2.
• at least 2 GB of free RAM should be available for the high-volume server application.
• Network/LAN connection (TCP/IP) for communication with client-side applications, Matching Server or MegaMatcher
Accelerator unit(s).
• Neurotechnology SDK does not provide any tools for encrypting the communication. If communication must be secured,
we recommend to use some strong enough encryption for sending the biometric images or voice samples over the
internet. Also, a dedicated network (not accessible outside the system) or a secured network (such as VPN; VPN must
be configured using operating system or third party tools) may be used.
• Linux specific requirements:
• Linux 3.10 or newer kernel is required.
• glibc 2.17 or newer
• GStreamer 1.10.x or newer with gst-plugin-base and gst-plugin-good (for face capture using rtsp video)
• Microsoft Windows specific requirements:
• Microsoft Windows Server 2008 / Server 2008 R2 / Server 2012, 64-bit.
• Microsoft .NET framework 4.5 or later (for .NET components usage)

3.3.6 System requirements for Matching Server


• PC, Mac or server with x86 (32-bit) or x86-64 (64-bit) compatible CPU.
• 64-bit platform must be used when large databases (more than 2.5 million fingerprints or more than 400,000 users with
2 fingerprints and 1 face enrolled) used and 3 GB RAM is not enough for templates storing in RAM.
• Intel Core i7-4771 (3.5 GHz) processor or better is recommended.
• AVX2 support is highly recommended. Processors that do not support AVX2 will still run the MegaMatcher algorithms,
but in a mode, which will not provide the specified performance. Most modern processors support this instruction set, but
please check if a particular processor model supports it.
• The CPU plugin supports inference on Intel® Xeon® with Intel® AVX2 and AVX512, Intel® Core™ Processors with
Intel® AVX2, Intel Atom® Processors with Intel® SSE.
• Enough free RAM for Matching Server code (about 5 MB), matching engines and templates. 1 million users templates
(each with 2 fingerprint records) require about 1.5-15 GB of RAM (depending on template size). At least 20% reserve is
recommended and some additional memory may be taken by an operating system.
• Database engine or connection with it. Usually a DB engine required for the Matching Server is running on the same
computer. MegaMatcher SDK contains support modules for:
• Microsoft SQL Server (only for Microsoft Windows platform);

3.3 System Requirements Neurotechnology Biometric SDK System requirements for Matching Server

• PostgreSQL [ 109] (Microsoft Windows and Linux);

• MySQL (Microsoft Windows and Linux);
• Oracle [ 104] (Microsoft Windows and Linux);
• SQLite [ 116] (all platforms);
• memory DB (all platforms).
The fastest option is memory DB but it does not support relational queries, therefore the recommended option is SQLite [ 116],
as it requires less resources than other options but provides enough functionality.

• Network/LAN connection (TCP/IP) for the communication with client-side applications. Communication is not encrypted
therefore if communication must be secured, we would recommend to use a dedicated network (not accessible outside the
system) or a secured network (such as VPN; VPN must be configured using operating system or third party tools).
• Linux specific requirements:
• Linux 3.10 or newer kernel is required.
• glibc 2.17 or newer 3
• Microsoft Windows specific requirements:
• Microsoft Windows 7 / 8 / 10 / Server 2008 / Server 2008 R2 / Server 2012.
• Mac OS X specific requirements:
• Mac OS X (version 10.12.6 or newer)

4.1 Biometric Engine and Client Neurotechnology Biometric SDK NBiometricEngine

4 Overview
This section gives an overview of MegaMatcher 11.2, VeriFinger 11.2, VeriLook 11.2, VeriEye 11.2 and VeriSpeak 11.2 SDK.

4.1 Biometric Engine and Client

Biometric Engine (NBiomentricEngine) and Biometric Client (NBiometricClient) are the part of Neurotechnology SDKs and
make it easy to perform the main biometric operations.

4.1.1 NBiometricEngine
NBiometricEngine provides high level biometric operations, such as template extractions, enrollment, identification, verification,
detection or segmentation for in-memory and built-in (SQLite [ 116]) databases. NBiometricEngine encapsulates low level 4
biometric design by handling complex user tasks in a relatively efficient way (e.g. saves user from dealing with complex
multithreaded operations manually).

The main biometric tasks in NBiometricEngine are performed with NSubject. NSubject object represents a person and contains
biometric information related to that person, including templates, biometric operation (matching) results and objects like
NFinger, NFace, NVoice or other.

Each different biometric modality (NFinger, NFace, NIris, NPalm, NVoice) contain biometric attributes (metadata which is not
saved in a template). For example face attributes (NLAttributes) contain face expression, eye color, feature points, hair color or
pitch, roll, yaw, sharpness values. NBiometricEngine operations on any of these modalities are unlocked by available licenses.

Reduced application complexity

NBiometricEngine takes care of many details such as automatically deriving the missing information. For example, in case of
four finger slap image, it can perform multiple steps of segmenting (separating individual fingerprints), perform template
extraction and quality check for each fingerprint, and then enroll the created template to a database with a single API call. Of
course, it is possible to perform each step manually if needed.

It also abstracts thread management. All operations on NBiometricEngine take advantage of all available CPU cores in the
system. Therefore there is no need for complex multithreaded programming from user side.

Template extraction
Biometric data such as fingerprint, face, iris, or palmprint images and voice audio files have to be converted to biometric
templates which are compact representations of biometric characteristics. NBiometricEngine extracts and creates templates
from biometric data contained in NSubject. Extracted template is retrieved as NTemplate object which can be saved, enrolled or
used in other operations (e.g. verification or identification).

NTemplate is the Neurotechnology’s proprietary biometrical container which saves subject’s biometric data. One template can
contain 1..N biometric modalities (fingerprints, face, irises, palmprints, or voice templates) of the same subject. A subject can be
identified/verified using all these modalities or selecting one of them.

Typically new templates are enrolled to database (gallery). NBiometricEngine includes the internal gallery management.
Neurotechnology SDKs user only provides biometric data (images or voice files) and calls simple functions for template
extraction and enrollment to a gallery. Complex tasks are performed inside the NBiometricEngine and the user is not taking
care of them. The NBiometricEngine manages memory by storing biometric templates in efficient form which allows low
memory usage and optimal performance.

4.1 Biometric Engine and Client Neurotechnology Biometric SDK NBiometricEngine

Also it is possible to enroll templates to an external database. In this case NBiometricClient should be used.

Biometric verification is the process when a subject can be uniquely identified by evaluating his biometric features and
comparing them with the specific template stored in a database in order to verify the individual is the person they claim to be.
Sometimes verification is called one-to-one matching because extracted template is matched with specified (by Id) template in
a database. Verification is a fast way to compare a subject with known Id or with several other subjects.

Verification of the NSubject is performed using the NBiometricEngine. User calls verification function and NBiometricEngine
returns matching result.

Also subjects’ verification can be performed offline. In this case templates are matched with each other and a connection to a
database is not performed. It can be useful for the fast verification of two or more templates or when there is no connection to a

Biometric identification is the process when a subject can be uniquely identified by evaluating his biometric features and
comparing them with all templates stored in a database in order to get person’s Id or other related information. Identification is
one-to-many matching. This means that an extracted template is unknown (e.g. subject Id is unknown) and the system should
compare it against all biometric database.

NBiometricEngine performs NSubject identification. User calls identification function for the specified subject.
Identification can be a very long process especially when large biometric database is used or many database entries with the
same subject exists. This process can be shortened by setting an appropriate threshold, using maximum results count
parameter or starting an identification with specific query.

The UML classes diagram below illustrates relationships between NBiometricEngine, NSubject, NBiometricTask and other
biometric modalities as NFace.

(The following diagram displays .NET class hierarchy, java hierarchy is identical. This high resolution diagram is not properly
displayed in Pdf document. Please see the full diagram in the Chm version of this documentation)

4.1 Biometric Engine and Client Neurotechnology Biometric SDK NBiometricEngine

The main biometric tasks in NBiometricEngine are performed with NSubject. NSubject object represents a person (or,
potentially, any living creature) and contains biometric information related to that person, including templates, biometric

4.1 Biometric Engine and Client Neurotechnology Biometric SDK NBiometricEngine

operation (matching) results and objects like NFinger, NFace, NVoice or other (see illustation above). These objects are saved
as NSubject attributes.

Each different biometric modality (NFace, NIris, NVoice, NFinger, NPalm, NFoot, NToe) contains biometric attributes (metadata
which is not saved in a template). For example face attributes (NLAttributes) save face expression, eye color, feature points,
hair color or pitch, roll, yaw, sharpness values. See diagram above for these attributes. Description is provided in API

(Following code examples are either in C or C#. Java classes use methods and classes with identical or very similar names -
see API Reference for more information.)

New subject is created using NSubjectCreate function or NSubject constructor:

var subject = new NSubject();
Also memory buffer can be associated with specified subject:
Workflow with Biometric engine is simple:
Create new NBiometricEngine -> [Optional] Set Engine properties -> [Optional] Initialize
Engine -> Perform task
Biometric engine is created using NBiometricEngineCreate function or NBiometricEngine constructor:
var engine = new NBiometricEngine(); 4
After biometric engine was created, properties can be set. Read Engine Properties [ 27] section for more information.

Also optional task is to initialize engine. If user do not call Initialize function or method, NBiometricEngine will be initialized
during the first called task. Engine is initialized using NBiometricEngineInitialize/NBiometricEngineInitializeAsync functions or
Initialize [ 442] method for .NET and initialize/InitializeAsync methods for Java.
Biometric engine can perform tasks synchronously or asynchronously. Asynchronous operations return immediately and task is
performed on worker threads without blocking the caller. Synchronous operations, on the other hand, block until the operation
is complete..

Asynchronous C functions and Java methods have *Async postfix. .NET portable methods have *Async postfix (e.g.

User can send tasks in two different ways:

1) By calling special function/method for required operation (E.g. NBiometricEngineVerify/Verify/verify for


2) By calling NBiometricEnginePerformTask/NBiometricEnginePerformTaskAsync functions, PerformTask [ 442] (or

BeginPerformTask/EndPerformTask) methods for .NET or performTask/performTaskAsync methods for Java.

(1) option is recommended to use because it is more user-friendly. For example, verification task can be performed using
NBiometricEngineVerify/Verify/verify. These methods/function return task status NBiometricStatus (not
NBiometricTask as for (2) option).

PerformTask (2) operation gives user more control of returned result (NBiometricTask is returned). But in this case new
task should be created manually using NBiometricEngineCreateTask function or CreateTask [ 439] (for .NET) and createTask
(for Java) methods. (2) option can be used to send batch subjects.

Examples how to perform different biometric tasks by calling special methods/functions (1):

Template extraction:
var subject = CreateSubject();
// an NTemplate can be retrieved from NSubject, which can be exported or used in other

4.1 Biometric Engine and Client Neurotechnology Biometric SDK NBiometricEngine

Subject enrollment:
// NOTE: for faces, only single face is automatically detected
Verification (with a template from database)
subject.Id = idToVerifyWith;
var matchingResult = subject.MatchingResults[0];
Verification (with multiple subjects)
subject.Id = null;
subject.QueryString = “ID IN (‘ID1’, ‘ID2’)”;
var matchingResultId1 = subject.MatchingResults[0];
var matchingResultId2 = subject.MatchingResults[1];
Identification with query
subject.QueryString = “gender = 1 AND region = ‘region1’”;
Remove subject
DeleteAsync(id); 4
// NSubject must only have ID set, all other fields are ignored.
Clear engine
Detect faces
Note: If (2) option is preferred, task should be created before calling NBiometricEnginePerformTask. For example for
Verification task, NBiometricEngineCreateTask function should be called with nboVerify value for
NBiometricOperations. Engine Properties

The biometric engine has a variety of properties, which can be customized by the user.

The following code example shows one of the ways how they can be changed:

(The following are merely guidelines for writing the code in whatever language you are using.)

Example 1.
const NChar * parameterDetectAllFeaturePoints = N_T("Faces.DetectAllFeaturePoints");
NBool detectAllFeatures = NTrue;
HNBiometricEngine hBiometricEngine = NULL;
result = NBiometricEngineCreate(&hBiometricEngine);
result = NObjectSetPropertyP(hBiometricEngine, parameterDetectAllFeaturePoints,
N_TYPE_OF(NBoolean), naNone, &detectAllFeatures, sizeof(detectAllFeatures), 1, NTrue);

Example 2.
const NChar * parameterTemplateSize = N_T("Faces.TemplateSize");
NTemplateSize templateSize = ntsLarge;
HNBiometricEngine hBiometricEngine = NULL;

4.1 Biometric Engine and Client Neurotechnology Biometric SDK NBiometricEngine

result = NBiometricEngineCreate(&hBiometricEngine);
result = NObjectSetPropertyP(hBiometricEngine, parameterDetectAllFeaturePoints,
N_TYPE_OF(NBoolean), naNone, &detectAllFeatures, sizeof(detectAllFeatures), 1, NTrue);
result = NObjectSetPropertyP(hBiometricEngine, parameterTemplateSize,
N_TYPE_OF(NTemplateSize), naNone, &templateSize, sizeof(templateSize), 1, NTrue);

The following tables lists all the properties of the biometric engine, divided by modalities.


Timeout NTimeSpan.
Represents time after which operation will be
MaximalThreadCount NInt.
Represents maximum number of threads used by
the engine.


Fingers.DeterminePatternClass NBoolean.
Defines whether pattern class should be 4
Fingers.CalculateNfiq NBoolean.
Defines whether NFiq quality value should be
Fingers.FastExtraction NBoolean.
Defines whether fast extraction has been enabled.
Fast extraction is quicker than regular, but creates
a lower-quality template, which can reduce
matching accuracy.
Fingers.TemplateSize NTemplateSize.
Defines the size of a biometric template.
Fingers.QualityThreshold NUInt8.
Defines fingerprint quality threshold. Fingerprints
with quality below this value will not be accepted.
Fingers.ReturnBinarizedImage NBoolean.
Defines whether a binarized image should be
BiometricTemplateFormat BiometricTemplateFormat.
Defines biometric template format value.
Fingers.MaximalRotation NSingle.
Defines the maximal rotation of the fingerprint.
Fingers.MatchingSpeed NMatchingSpeed.
Defines the matching speed.
See NMatchingSpeed.


4.1 Biometric Engine and Client Neurotechnology Biometric SDK NBiometricEngine

Faces.CreateThumbnailImage NBoolean.
Defines whether a thumbnail image should be
Faces.ThumbnailImageWidth NInt.
Defines the width of thumbnail image.
Faces.MinimalInterOcularDistance NInt32
Defines minimal interocular distance (i.e. the
distance between eyes).
Faces.ConfidenceThreshold NUInt8
Defines face confidence threshold. Faces with
confidence value below this value will be ignored.
Faces.MaximalRoll NSingle.
Defines the maximal roll angle of a face in image.
Faces.MaximalYaw NSingle.
Defines the maximal yaw angle of a face in image.
Faces.DetectAllFeaturePoints NBoolean.
Defines whether all feature points should be
The default value is false.
Faces.DetectBaseFeaturePoints NBoolean.
Defines whether base feature points should be
Currently, base facial feature points are: center of
right eye, center of left eye, nose tip and center of
mouth. The default value is false.
Faces.DetermineGender NBoolean.
Defines whether the gender of the face should be
Faces.DetectProperties NBoolean.
Defines whether facial properties should be
Faces.DetectExpression NBoolean.
Defines whether the expression of the face should
be detected.
Faces.RecognizeEmotion NBoolean.
Defines whether the emotion of the face should be
Faces.TemplateSize NTemplateSize.
Defines the size of a biometric template.
Faces.QualityThreshold NUInt8.
Defines face image quality threshold. Images with
quality below this value will not be accepted.
Faces.UseLivenessCheck NBoolean.
Defines whether a liveness check should be used.
Faces.LivenessThreshold NUInt8.
Defines the liveness threshold. Liveness check
results below this value will be ignored.
Faces.LivenessBlinkTimeout NInt.
Defines liveness blink check timeout value.

4.1 Biometric Engine and Client Neurotechnology Biometric SDK NBiometricEngine

Faces.LivenessMode NLivenessMode.
One of liveness check values.
Faces.MatchingSpeed NMatchingSpeed.
Defines the matching speed.
See NMatchingSpeed.
Faces.TokenImageWidth NUInt32.
Defines the width of the token image.
Faces.TokenQualityThreshold NUInt8.
Defines the quality threshold of the token image.
Images with quality value below this number will be
Faces.SharpnessThreshold NUInt8.
Defines the image sharpness threshold. Images
with sharpness value below this number will be
Faces.BackgroundUniformityThreshold NUInt8.
Defines the image background uniformity threshold.
Images with background uniformity value below this
number will be ignored.
Faces.GrayscaleDensityThreshold NUInt8. 4
Defines the image grayscale density threshold.
Images with grayscale density value below this
number will be ignored.


Irises.FastExtraction NBoolean.
Defines whether fast extraction has
been enabled.
Fast extraction is quicker than
regular, but creates a lower-quality
template, which can reduce
matching accuracy.
Irises.TemplateSize NTemplateSize.
Defines the size of a biometric
Irises.QualityThreshold NUInt8.
Defines iris image quality
threshold. Images with quality
below this value will not be
Irises.MatchingSpeed NMatchingSpeed.
Defines the matching speed.
See NMatchingSpeed.
Irises.MaximalRotation NSingle.
Defines the maximal rotation of the
iris image.


4.1 Biometric Engine and Client Neurotechnology Biometric SDK NBiometricEngine

Palms.TemplateSize NTemplateSize.
Defines the size of a biometric
Palms.DeterminePatternClass NBoolean.
Defines if palms pattern class
should be detected.
Palms.QualityThreshold NUInt8.
Defines plamprint quality threshold.
Palmprints with quality below this
value will not be accepted.
Palms.ReturnBinarizedImage NBoolean.
Defines whether a binarized image
should be returned.
Palms.MaximalRotation NSingle.
Defines the maximal rotation of the
Palms.MatchingSpeed NMatchingSpeed.
Defines the matching speed.
See NMatchingSpeed.

Voices.MaximalLoadedFileSize NInt64.
Defines the maximal size (in bytes)
of the loaded file.
Voices.UniquePhrasesOnly NBoolean.
Defines whether each user in the
system always uses only his own
phrases which are unique
throughout the whole database of
Voices.ExtractTextDependentFeatures NBoolean.
Defines whether text-dependent
features should be extracted.
Voices.ExtractTextIndependentFeatures NBoolean.
Defines whether text-independent
features should be extracted.
Voices.MaximalPhraseDurationRaw NInt64.
Defines the raw maximal duration
of the phrase.


Matching.WithDetails NBoolean.
Defines whether the matching
results include matching details.
Matching.MaximalResultCount NInt32.
Defines the maximal matching
results number.
Matching.FirstResultOnly NBoolean.
Defines whether matching lasts
only until the first positive result.

4.1 Biometric Engine and Client Neurotechnology Biometric SDK NBiometricEngine

Matching.Threshold NInt32.
Defines the matching threshold.
Matching scores below this value
will be ignored. Data Files (Ndf)

NBiometricEngines uses Neurotechnology data file dependencies (.*Ndf) which are required by algorithm. These files are
saved in Bin/Data folder of the SDK. Each data file or several of them are used by distinct algorithm modality. The table below
lists down all NDF files included into the SDK and when it should be used:

Data file (NDF) Description

FacesCreateTemplateLarge.ndf Required in order to create large face template
(FacesCreateTemplateSmall.ndf or FacesCreateTemplateSmallLite.ndf is
also required). The most accurate version evaluated at NIST FRVT
FacesCreateTemplateMedium.ndf Required in order to create medium face template
(FacesCreateTemplateSmall.ndf or FacesCreateTemplateSmallLite.ndf is
also required). Slightly less accurate than the large version, but
considerably faster. Template size will remain the same. Not
recommended unless extraction speed is essential for your project.
FacesCreateTemplateSmall.ndf Required in order to create small face template. This model is used only
for backwards (with version 9.0 and 10.0) compatibility, thus not
recommended to use as a standalone single face template.
FacesCreateTemplateSmallLite.ndf Required in order to create small face template. This model is used only
for backwards (with version 9.0 and 10.0) compatibility, thus not
recommended to use as a standalone single face template. This is the lite
version of dependency and can be used instead of the
FacesCreateTemplateSmall.ndf. Lite model version has slightly decreased
accuracy, but has smaller size on disk.
FacesCreateTemplateQuality.ndf Required to estimate face image quality. Always required for template
creation task.
FacesDetect180.ndf Required for old face detection to locate faces rotated in plane for more
than 90 degrees. (FacesDetect45.ndf is also required).
FacesDetect45.ndf Required for old face detection to locate faces rotated in plane for more
than 15 and up to 45 degrees.
FacesDetect90.ndf Required for new face detection. Detects all faces. A little bit slower than
old face detection but detects faces much better.
FacesDetectSegmentsAttributes.ndf Required for face attributes (is smiling, mouth open, eyes closed, glasses,
dark glasses, hat, beard, mustache, gender, age, emotions) detection task.
FacesDetectSegmentsFeaturePointsDetect.ndf Required for facial features points detection and tracking tasks.
FacesDetectSegmentsFeaturePointsTrack.ndf Required for facial features points detection and tracking tasks.
FacesDetectSegmentsLiveness.ndf Required for liveness detection task.
FacesDetectSegmentsOrientation.ndf Required for face pose estimation task.
FacesDetectSegmentsOrientation90.ndf Required for face detection and pose estimation tasks.
Fingers.ndf Required for fingers biometric data.
Irises.ndf Required for irises biometric data.
Voices.ndf Required for voices biometric data.

You should copy the required data files to your application package. If you want to decrease the size of your application, it is
recommend to copy only these data files which are required by biometric algorithm. For example, irises application requires

4.1 Biometric Engine and Client Neurotechnology Biometric SDK NBiometricEngine

only Irises.ndf file.

In your application's source code you should specify location of these files. NDataFileManagerAddFile function or
NDataFileManager.AddFile [ 2094] method for .NET are used to add a single file. If you want to specify path to a directory
where all NDF files are saved, you must use NDataFileManagerAddFromDirectory function or
NDataFileManager.AddFromDirectory [ 2094] method for .NET.

Also, the SDK includes Lite version of data files (*Lite.ndf). These have smaller file size and are suitable for using in mobile
devices. You should note, that when using lite version of data file, algorithm accuracy slightly decreases. If size is not a big
issue, we recommend to use non-lite data files.

See Also
Also, check API Reference for data files: NDataFile (C, .NET [ 2087]), NDataFileManager (C, .NET [ 2091]). Biographic and Custom Data Support

Biographic data is any non-biometric data associated with a subject, such as gender, region, etc. It can be used to filter
subjects by non-biometric criteria in identification query. For example, identify only subjects residing in a specific region.
Biographic data is integrated with database support in Neurotec [ 220] SDKs so it requires no additional effort to use except for
specifying biographic data schema.

Specifying biographic data schema 4

In order to enable biographic data support, it is needed to specify biographic data schema in NBiometricEngine or
NBiometricClient before calling any operation on them. The schema specifies all biographic data elements and their data types.

Biographic data schema is fixed for a lifetime of NBiometricEngine or NBiometricClient and cannot be changed once they are

The schema is specified in BiographicDataSchema property in NBiometricEngine (and inherited by NBiometricClient).

NBiographicDataSchema object is used to specify the schema. It is a collection of NBiographicDataElements. Each element
must have a name and data type specified. Name can be anything except for reserved words: Id, SubjectId, Template. If
database column name does not match the name of element in application, it can be specified in DbColumn (optional).
Currently supported data types include string and int (integer).

Specifying schema as string

Another way to specify biographic data schema is using a string somewhat similar to part of SQL CREATE TABLE statement. It
can be useful for storing it in configuration file, for example. Sample biographic schema specified as string:
(Gender int, Region string)
The schema starts with ‘(‘ and ends with ‘)’ symbols. The data elements are specified as comma separated name and type
pairs. Name can be anything except for reserved words: Id, SubjectId, Template. Data types can be ‘int’ or ‘string’ (‘varchar’ is
also supported as alias to string).

If column name in database is different from the name in application, it can be specified after a type, for example:
(Gender int GenderColumn)

Setting biographic data on NSubject

Biographic data is specified in NSubject’s Properties like this:
subject.Properties[“Region”] = “Region1”;
Subject properties may contain any number of properties, but only those specified in BiographicDataSchema are used.

Querying by biographic data

Queries can be specified for identification operation so that only subjects with matching biographic data would be used for
biometric identification.

4.1 Biometric Engine and Client Neurotechnology Biometric SDK NBiometricEngine

They are specified in syntax similar to SQL SELECT WHERE clause. An example to filter by specified region, the QueryString
has to be specified in NSubject like this:
subject.QueryString = "Region = 'SomeRegion1'";
All the biographic data elements specified in the biographic data schema can be used in the queries. In addition, an “Id”
property of NSubject is always available in queries, even when no elements are specified in biographic data schema.

Queries support common comparison operators: = (equals), > (greater than), < (less than), >= (greater than or equals), <= (less
than or equals), <> (not equal). In addition to this, IN operator is supported to check if attribute matches any of values specified:
ID IN ('0', '1', '2')
Query conditions can be combined using AND or OR operators:
ID <> '2' AND ID <> '3'
Parenthesis can be used to form complex expressions:
Country='Germany' AND (City='Berlin' OR City='München')
Also NOT operator can be used to inverse the result of condition:
Country='Germany' AND NOT (City='Berlin' OR City='München')
To minimize learning curve, the biographic queries are made very similar to SQL WHERE clause. However, please note that
BETWEEN operator is not supported.

4 Custom Data Support
Custom data is any other data associated with a subject which is similar to biographic data, but cannot be used in queries. It
may be useful for storing thumbnails, images, etc. Please note, however, that it is primarily intended for simple use cases.
Where complex data structure is required, it is recommended to use external database where data is associated via subject IDs.

Specifying custom data schema

In order to enable custom data support, it is needed to specify a CustomDataSchema property in NBiometricClient before
calling any operation on it. The schema specifies all custom data elements and their data types. Please see the Specifying
biographic data schema for details how this can be done. Custom data supports all data types as in biographic data schema,
and also allows to specify “blob” elements. Please note that element names must be unique not only within
CustomDataSchema, but also cannot match a name of any of BiographicDataSchema elements.

Setting custom data to subject

Custom data is specified in NSubject’s Properties like this:
subject.Properties[“Thumbnail”] = thumbnailBuffer; Support in SQLite Database

Biographic and custom data is supported in SQLite [ 116] database. SQLite [ 116] database integration is intended to be used
for relatively simple use-cases, where there is no need for custom database schema, custom queries, etc. It has an advantage
that it is very easy to use as database tables are created and updated automatically based on biographic & custom data

To use SQLite [ 116] database from NBiometricClient is as easy as:

If biographic or custom data schemas are specified, the required columns in database would be created automatically as
needed. Support in ODBC Database

ODBC integration allows to connect to any database supporting ODBC provider, including Oracle [ 104], MySql, SQL server,

4.1 Biometric Engine and Client Neurotechnology Biometric SDK NBiometricEngine

PostgreSQL [ 109], etc.

Creating or updating database schema

Database may have complex structure. Therefore they cannot be created or modified automatically. It is up to user to create or
update a database and any needed tables before connecting to the database.

Binding of database schema from database to NOdbcBiometricConnection relies on convention over configuration principle.
That is if database schema is created following certain conventions, there is no need to specify any configuration parameters.
However, there are configuration parameters available should the database not match the recommended schema.

Specifying column names

ODBC integration has default names for tables and columns. If database follows certain structure, there is no need for any
additional configuration. The default name for table is Subjects. It can be overridden using TableName property in
NOdbcBiometricConnection. The required columns are named SubjectId and Template. If names of one or more of the columns
do not match the default ones, they can be specified on SubjectIdColumn and TemplateColumn properties in
NOdbcBiometricConnection, respectively. Any biographic or custom data elements are named by their DbColumn, if specified,
or Name properties of NBiographicDataElement.

Specifying SQL queries

ODBC integration can generate all required SQL queries for simple tables. However, in case if stored procedures or complex
queries need to used, they can be specified to override the generated ones. The following table summarizes the related

Property Description
SelectAllQuery Should select all the subjects in the database, returning SubjectId, Template and any biographic
parameters. Note that custom attributes should not be returned.
EnrollQuery Should insert all the data associated with Subject to database: SubjectId, Template, biographic
attributes, custom attributes. Instead of data, placeholders with column names should be used:
DeleteQuery Should delete a subject with the specified id. A question mark ‘?’ should be used instead of actual id.
ClearQuery Should delete all the subjects from database.
SelectSubjectQuery Should select all the data associated with a single subject identified by id: Template, biographic
attributes, custom attributes. Receives a single parameter specifying a SubjectId (question mark ‘?’
should be used instead of actual id).

Connecting to database
To connect to database via ODBC it is needed to specify a connection string:
For more information please consult ODBC documentation. NServer Support

NServer [ 90] historically has some default values different from NBiometricClient.
Server.TableName = "usertbl"
Server.SqlUidColumnName = "dbid"
Server.SqlTemplateColumnName = "template"
Queries are backwards incompatible. Should be used only if needed (as described in
Server.SqlQueryPattern = NOdbcBiometricConnection.SelectAllQuery
Server.SqlInsertQueryPattern = NOdbcBiometricConnection.EnrollQuery
Server.SqlDeleteQueryPattern = NOdbcBiometricConnection.DeleteQuery

4.1 Biometric Engine and Client Neurotechnology Biometric SDK NBiometricClient

The following configuration parameters are obsolete and should not be used anymore:

4.1.2 NBiometricClient
NBiometricClient extends NBiometricsEngine and adds convenient device (fingerprint scanner, camera, etc.) integration,
making it easy to implement typical workflow, such as scanned fingerprint enrollment. It also support integration with
MegaMatcher Accelerator server (using NClusterBiometricConnection object), allowing to persistently store and identify
biometric templates on server side.

In NBiometricEngine and NBiometricClient a person can be associated with multiple biometric modalities, such as fingerprints,
faces, irises, voice, palms. In addition to this, non-biometric information, for example, gender or region, is sometimes required.
All of this data can be found in NSubject object. For convenience, biometric data can be provided in multiple ways: images,
biometric templates.

NBiometricClient provides everything that NBiometricEngine does and integrates devices and database support.

The UML classes diagram below illustrates relationship between NBiometricEngine and NBiometricClient: 4
(The following diagram displays .NET class hierarchy, java hierarchy is identical. This high resolution diagram is not properly
displayed in Pdf document. Please see the full diagram in the Chm version of this documentation)

4.1 Biometric Engine and Client Neurotechnology Biometric SDK NBiometricClient

The Neurotechnology SDKs provides convenient and unified way for device access. All the devices supported by the SDKs can
be discovered through NDeviceManager. Device support is implemented as plugins (dynamic libraries) and plugin management
mechanism can be used to control which devices will be enabled. Devices integration to NBiometricClient makes it easier to
use them.

See the list of Supported devices [ 37]. Supported Devices Fingerprint Scanners

Neurotechnology SDKs support more than 150 fingerprint scanners under Windows, Linux, Android, Mac OS X, iOS and ARM
Linux operating systems. These devices can be used together with Neurotechnology fingerprint components to scan subject's

4.1 Biometric Engine and Client Neurotechnology Biometric SDK NBiometricClient

The full list of supported fingerprint scanners is provided on Neurotechnology website. You can check which scanner is
supported under which operating system by clicking on scanner's name or filtering devices by operating system.

Before you start using a fingerprint scanning device with Neurotechnology components, check these:

• Fingerprint should be supported on the OS you use. Note, that some of devises are supported only in 32 bits or 64 bits
version of OS.
• Fingerprint drivers should be installed. Usually, device manufacturer provides drivers for a device. Also, Neurotechnology
provides a downloadable ZIP archive ( of fingerprint scanner
drivers. Some of these drivers can be outdated, so user is recommended to install the newest drivers obtained from device
Fingerprint scanners modules are implemented as plug-ins for Neurotechnology Device Manager (NDeviceManager).
Documentation for Device Manager is provided in API Reference [ 218] section.

Fingerprint scanners can be purchased from Biometric Supply, the subsidiary of Neurotechnology.

If you device is not supported by Neurotechnology SDK, it is possible to implement plug-ins for the Device Manager to support
your device using the provided plug-in framework. Click here [ 117] for more information about the plug-in framework. Also,
you can read more about how to use devices [ 83]. Iris Scanners

Using MegaMatcher SDK, VeriEye SDK or MegaMatcher On Card SDK it is possible to capture live iris images (often both
irises simultaneously) for further features extraction.

Integrators or scanner manufacturers can also write plug-ins for the Device Manager from the MegaMatcher SDK or VeriEye
SDK to support their iris cameras using the provided plug-in framework. Click here [ 117] for more information about the
plug-in framework. Also, you can read more about how to use devices [ 83].

Iris scanners support modules for Windows OS are saved in Bin\(platform)\IrisScanners folder of SDK (platform can
be Win32_x86, Win64_x64). Support modules for Linux OS are saved in Lib\(platform)\IrisScanners (platform can be
Linux_x86, Linux_x86_64).

Install drivers for iris scanners are provided as a separate archive which can be downloaded from here. Note: this package
does not include drivers for CrossMatch iris scanner (it should be installed using CrossMatch SDK or downloaded from
CrossMatch website).

The full list of supported iris scanners is provided on Neurotechnology website. Face Cameras

NDevices Library supports any cameras and network cameras [ 39] which support DirectShow, Windows Media or Media
Foundation interfaces for Microsoft Windows platform, GStreamer interface for Linux or Mac platform. Almost all web cameras
support these interfaces.

Any built-in smartphone or tablet camera that is supported by iOS or Android OS. The camera should have at least 0.3
MegaPixel (640 x 480 pixels) resolution.

These advanced cameras are supported:

• Akiyama Akys-10 Biometric Camera

• CMITech EMX-30 – face & iris camera (Microsoft Windows only)
• Iris ID iCAM TD100 – face & iris camera (Microsoft Windows only)
• VistaFA2 / VistaFA2E / VistaEY2 face & iris cameras (Microsoft Windows only)
These models of still cameras are supported:

• Canon EOS family still cameras (Microsoft Windows only). Canon module name is NdmCanonEds (files for this module are

4.1 Biometric Engine and Client Neurotechnology Biometric SDK NBiometricClient

saved in Bin\Win32_x86\Cameras\NdmCanonEds and Bin\Win64_x64\Cameras\NdmCanonEds folders). Only Canon EOS

DSLR's with video capturing are supported.
• Nikon DSLR still cameras (Microsoft Windows only; a specific camera model should support video capture and should be
listed there). Nikon module name is NdmNikonMaid (files for this module are saved in
Bin\Win32_x86\Cameras\NdmNikonMaid and Bin\Win64_x64\Cameras\NdmNikonMaid folders). Only Nikon cameras with
video capturing are supported.
• Fujifilm X-T2 still camera (Microsoft Windows only)
Cameras, which can operate in near-infrared spectrum, can be used for image capture. Neurotechnology algorithm is able to
match faces, captured in near-infrared spectrum, against faces, captured in visible light.

Integrators can also write plug-ins to support their cameras using the plug-in framework provided with the Device Manager from
the MegaMatcher SDK or VeriLook SDK. Click here [ 117] for more information about the plug-in framework. Also, you can
read more about how to use devices [ 83].

Simultaneous capture from multiple cameras is possible. IP Cameras
The list of supported IP cameras for different operating systems is provided in the following table:

Camera name Microsoft Linux

Axis M1114 * + + 4
Basler BIP2-1600-25c-DN IP ** + +
Mobotix [ 86] DualNight M12 IP + +
Mobotix [ 86] S14D
PiXORD N606 * + +
Sony SNC-CS50 * + +
Cisco [ 85] 4500 IP +
Prosilica [ 86] GigE Vision + +
Uniview IPC2322EBR-DPZ28 +

Other supported cameras:

• Any IP camera, that supports RTSP (Real Time Streaming Protocol):

• Only RTP over UDP is supported.
• VLC framework can be optionally used for reading video streams.
• H.264/MPEG-4 AVC or Motion JPEG should be used for encoding the video stream.
For more information on how to use IP cameras read Using IP Cameras [ 85] section.

* These cameras are configured using NdmMedia plugin [ 83].

** Requires Basler Pylon SDK

Only the cameras listed in the table were thoroughly tested and are guaranteed to work.

If you are going to use any other camera than listed in the table, you may want to contact the Neurotechnology Support to
make sure your camera works properly. Database
NBiometricEngine works with in-memory database. When it is required NBiometricClient allows to connect to SQLite [ 116]
(NSQLiteBiometricConnection object) or any ODBC (NOdbcBiometricConnection object) supporting database and all the

4.2 Matching Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Matching of each modality

biometric and biographic data is persisted to database automatically.

ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) is a standard interface for accessing database management systems.

Read more how to configure database for ODBC connection [ 92].

4.2 Matching
The templates can be compared with the aim to check if they belong to the same person. The result of such comparison is the
similarity score. The higher score suggests the higher probability that features collections are obtained from the same person.
Most of the time the confidence score itself is not needed, rather the simple answer (are the templates from the same person or
not). The score is mapped to yes/no answer with the matching threshold [ 41].

Templates [ 42] can be complex, having information of multiple modalities and multiple records for a modality
(fingerprint/face/iris/palmprint/voice). The matching is performed at the lowest level (on records) and resulting scores fused to
return single score (the intermediate scores can be obtained through NMatchingDetails):

• When query template (template to be verified/identified) contains multiple records of the same modality each record is
compared separately and result combined (fused) into single similarity score for the modality. Details for specific modality
can be found in Matching of each modality [ 40] section.
• When the compared template also contain different modalities the scores for each modality are fused again.

4.2.1 Matching of each modality

This section has notes on matching of the single biometric modality.

Each fingerprint from the query template is matched with the database template in the following way:

• If fingerprint position is unknown, it is matched with all fingerprint templates in database and matching result with maximal
score is returned.
• If fingerprint position is known, it is matched with all fingerprint templates in database. The matching result is one of these:
the template which has the same fingerprint position or the template which has unknown fingerprint position with maximal
matching score.
The scores for each query fingerprint are fused to one score.

In case when multiple faces are used, each multi-face template from the query is matched with all faces in database. The
scores of individual comparisons are fused to one face score (in other modalities, the best score is returned).

Each iris from the query template is matched with the database template in the following way:

• If iris position (from the query template) is unknown, it is matched with all iris templates in database and matching result
with maximal score is returned.
• If iris (from the query template) has fixed position, it is matched with all iris templates in database. The matching result is
one of these: the template which has the same iris position or the template which has unknown iris position with maximal
matching score.
Next, the scores for each query iris are fused, so that there is a single score for irises. When composite templates with other
modalities are used, irises can be used to perform selection before matching other modalities.

4.2 Matching Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Matching Threshold and FAR/FRR

Each phrase from the query template is matched with the database template in the following way:

• If phrase Id (from the query template) is unknown, it is matched with all phrase templates in database and matching result
with maximal score is returned.
• If phrase (from the query template) has fixed Id, it is matched with all phrase templates in database. The matching result is
one of these: the template which has the same phrase Id or the template which has unknown phrase Id with maximal
matching score.
Next, the scores for each query phrase are fused, so that there is a single score for voice.

4.2.2 Matching Threshold and FAR/FRR

Biometric features matching algorithm provides similarity score as a result. The higher is score, the higher is probability that
features collections are obtained from the same person.

The strictness of matching algorithm is controlled by NMP_MATCHING_THRESHOLD (NMatcher.MatchingThreshold)

parameter of NMatcher. The higher the threshold value, the more similar feature collections will have to be to yield positive
result during matching.

Matching threshold - the minimum score that verification and identification functions accept to assume that the compared
fingerprints, face, iris or voice belong to the same person.

Matching threshold is linked to false acceptance rate (FAR, different subjects erroneously accepted as of the same) of matching
algorithm. The higher is threshold, the lower is FAR and higher FRR (false rejection rate, same subjects erroneously accepted
as different) and vice a versa.

Matching threshold for NMatcher should be determined from this table:

FAR (false acceptance rate) Matching threshold (score)

100 % 0
10 % 12
1% 24
0.1 % 36
0.01 % 48
0.001 % 60
0.0001 % 72
0.00001 % 84
0.000001 % 96

or using this formula:

Threshold = -12 * log10(FAR); where FAR is NOT percentage value (e.g. 0.1% FAR is 0.001)
Matching threshold should be selected according to desired FAR (False Acceptance Rate). FAR is calculated for single match
(1:1) and during identification (1:N) false acceptance accumulates. Identification false acceptance probability can be calculated
using this formula:
(1-(1-FAR/100)^N)*100, where N - DB size
For example:

If FAR=0.001% then probability that false acceptance situation will occur during 1:N identification (where N=10 000) is

If FAR=0.0001% then probability that false acceptance situation will occur during 1:N identification (where N=10 000) is

4.3 Template Formats Neurotechnology Biometric SDK NERecord


Matching threshold/FAR should be selected according to the system's development requirements and taking into account
mentioned identification false acceptance accumulation.

4.3 Template Formats

Template (or biometric template) is a compact digital representation of biometric characteristics such as fingerprint, face, iris,
voice, etc. The SDK uses proprietary Neurotechnology template types, but number of standard formats [ 45] is also supported.
Proprietary types are listed in the table below:

Template Products
NTemplate (Neurotechnology Templates) MegaMatcher SDK, VeriFinger SDK, VeriLook SDK, VeriFinger SDK,
VeriEye SDK, MegaMatcher On Card SDK
NFTemplate (Fingers and Palms Templates) MegaMatcher SDK, VeriFinger SDK, MegaMatcher On Card SDK
NLTemplate (Faces Templates) MegaMatcher SDK, VeriLook SDK, MegaMatcher On Card SDK
NSTemplate (Sound Templates) MegaMatcher SDK, VeriSpeak SDK
NETemplate (Iris Templates) MegaMatcher SDK, VeriEye SDK, MegaMatcher On Card SDK 4
NFRecord (Finger and Palms Records) MegaMatcher SDK, VeriFinger SDK, MegaMatcher On Card SDK
NLRecord (Face Records) MegaMatcher SDK, VeriLook SDK, MegaMatcher On Card SDK
NSRecord (Sound Records) MegaMatcher SDK, VeriSpeak SDK
NERecord (Iris Records) MegaMatcher SDK, VeriEye SDK, MegaMatcher On Card SDK

The image below shows the structure of templates:

The NFRecord, NLRecord, NSRecord and NERecord are the smallest units of information what can be compared. The
NFTemplate, NLTemplate, NSTemplate and NETemplate hold all the information of specific kind. The main and most
universal type is NTemplate, it is the placeholder for all the information about a person.

4.3 Template Formats Neurotechnology Biometric SDK NFTemplate

4.3.1 NERecord
Iris templates are typically extracted from iris images is called Neurotechnology Iris Record (NERecord).
NERecord is persisted in memory block (byte array) which can be stored in database or file or sent to another computer via
network. This persisted state of NERecord is called packed NERecord and it is the piece of information which matchers of
Neurotechnology Biometrics Matchers should receive. Information from packed NERecord can be retrieved, edited and packed
NERecord can be created with the help of NERecord module (Neurotec.Biometrics.NERecord [ 493] class in .NET).

4.3.2 NETemplate
A collection of NERecords can be stored in Neurotechnology Iris Template (NETemplate) to consolidate information about all
person's irises. In the same way as NERecord, NETemplate is persisted in memory block (packed NETemplate).
NERecords can be retrieved from packed NETemplate and packed NETemplate can be created from NERecords with the
help of NETemplate module (Neurotec.Biometrics.NETemplate [ 504] class in .NET).

4.3.3 NFRecord
Fingerprint templates are typically extracted from fingerprint images is called Neurotechnology Fingerprint Record (NFRecord).
There are few versions of NFRecord, namely version 1.0, version 2.0 and 3.0.

• Version 1.0 NFRecord is used in VeriFinger 4.1/4.2 and FingerCell 1.1/1.2.

• Version 2.0 – in VeriFinger 5.0 and higher, FingerCell 2.0 and higher and MegaMatcher 1.0 and higher.
• Version 3.0 used in MegaMatcher 3.0 and higher for palmprints.
Both versions store fingerprint minutiae and since version 3.0 palmprint, and optionally singular points.

Each minutia is described by location (X and Y coordinates in 500 DPI units), angle (in PI/128 units) and type (line end, line
bifurcation or unknown). Also minutia can have additional (optional) information, namely quality (since version 2.0), curvature
(curvature level of ridges near minutia), G (average fingerprint ridge density) and ridge counts to neighboring minutiae (since
version 2.0).

Each singular point is described by location (X and Y coordinates in 500 DPI units) and type (core, delta or double core). Core
points can have angle and delta points can have 3 angles (since version 2.0). These angles are in pi/128 units and are -1 if

NFRecord 2.0 and higher stores also quality (fingerprint quality level) and information about finger (finger position, fingerprint
pattern class), fingerprint capture (impression type) and fingerprint image (size and resolution).

Differences between NFRecord versions are summarized in table “Information stored in different versions of NFRecord" and
their usage in table "Optional NFRecord information usage in Neurotechnology products".

NFRecord is persisted in memory block (byte array) which can be stored in database or file or sent to another computer via
network. This persisted state of NFRecord is called packed NFRecord and it is the piece of information which matchers of
Neurotechnology Biometrics Matchers and FingerCell should receive. Information from packed NFRecord can be retrieved,
edited and packed NFRecord can be created with the help of NFRecord module (Neurotec.Biometrics.NFRecord [ 537] class
in .NET).

4.3 Template Formats Neurotechnology Biometric SDK NTemplate

4.3.4 NFTemplate
A collection of NFRecords (since NFRecord version 2.0) can be stored in Neurotechnology Fingerprint Template (NFTemplate)
to consolidate information about all person's fingerprints. In the same way as NFRecord, NFTemplate is persisted in memory
block (packed NFTemplate). NFRecords can be retrieved from packed NFTemplate and packed NFTemplate can be created
from NFRecords with the help of NFTemplate module (Neurotec.Biometrics.NFTemplate [ 563] class in .NET).

4.3.5 NLRecord
Face templates are typically extracted from face images is called Neurotechnology Face Record (NLRecord).

NLRecord is persisted in memory block (byte array) which can be stored in database or file or sent to another computer via
network. This persisted state of NLRecord is called packed NLRecord and it is the piece of information which matchers of
Neurotechnology Biometrics Matchers and FaceCell should receive. Information from packed NLRecord can be retrieved and
packed NLRecord can be created with the help of NLRecord module (Neurotec.Biometrics.NLRecord [ 613] class in .NET).

4.3.6 NLTemplate
A collection of NLRecords can be stored in Neurotechnology Face Template (NLTemplate) to consolidate information about all
person's faces. In the same way as NLRecord, NLTemplate is persisted in memory block (packed NLTemplate). NLRecords
can be retrieved from packed NLTemplate and packed NLTemplate can be created from NLRecords with the help of
NLTemplate module (Neurotec.Biometrics.NLTemplate [ 620] class in .NET).

4.3.7 NSRecord
Voice templates are extracted from voice sources (microphones or audio tracks) is called Neurotechnology Voice Record

NSRecord is persisted in memory block (byte array) which can be stored in database or file or sent to another computer via
network. This persisted state of NSRecord is called packed NSRecord and it is the piece of information which matchers of
Neurotechnology Biometrics Matcher should receive. Information from packed NSRecord can be retrieved and packed
NSRecord can be created with the help of NSRecord module (Neurotec.Biometrics.NSRecord [ 657] class in .NET).

4.3.8 NSTemplate
A collection of NSRecords can be stored in Neurotechnology Voice Template (NSTemplate) to consolidate information about
all person's voices. In the same way as NSRecord, NSTemplate is persisted in memory block (packed NSTemplate).
NSRecords can be retrieved from packed NSTemplate and packed NSTemplate can be created from NSRecords with the help
of NSTemplate (Neurotec.Biometrics.NSTemplate [ 666] in .NET).

4.4 Biometric Standards Support Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Supported Data Elements

4.3.9 NTemplate
NFTemplate, NLTemplate, NETemplate (and other biometric templates in future versions) can be stored in Neurotechnology
Template (NTemplate) to consolidate information about all person's biometric characteristics. In the same way as
NFTemplate, NLTemplate, NETemplate, NTemplate is persisted in memory block (packed NTemplate) and it is a piece of
Neurotechnology Biometrics Matchers information should receive. NFTemplate, NLTemplate, NETemplate can be retrieved
from packed NTemplate and packed NTemplate can be created from NFTemplate or NLTemplate or NETemplate with the help
of NTemplate module (Neurotec.Biometrics.NTemplate [ 692] class in .NET).

4.4 Biometric Standards Support

Neurotechnology Biometric SDK supports number of biometric standards. Biometric Standards Support (further abbreviated as
BSS) is implemented in BSS components which provide template conversion and related functionality.

The list of supported standards can be seen in description of the components:

• Fingerprint BSS [ 63]

• Palm Print Client [ 64]
• Face BSS [ 65]
• Iris BSS [ 66]
• Cbeff

4.4.1 Supported Data Elements

Neurotechnology NBiometrics library supports different versions of biometric standards. This section provides information about
supported standard templates/records and their description.

For some standard not all data elements (fields, attributes, properties, etc.) are supported in these standards. Tables in section
provides information about in which standard version data element is supported. FCRecord
Supports Face Recognition Format for Data Interchange (ANSI/INCITS 385) and Biometric data interchange format - Part 5:
Face image data (ISO/IEC 19794-5). For ISO/IEC 19794-5:2011 standard only 2D face images are supported.



19794-5:2005 19794-5:2011 385-2004
Certification flag +
Face images + + +
Standard + + +
Temporal semantics +

4.4 Biometric Standards Support Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Supported Data Elements

Temporal semantics in milliseconds +

Version + + +



19794-5:2005 19794-5:2011 385-2004
Standard + + +
Version + + +
Capture date and time +
Capture device vendor Id +
Cross reference +
Device type +
Expression + +
Vendor expression + + +
Expression bit mask +
Eye color + + +
Face image type + + + 4
Feature points + + +
Gender + + +
Hair color + + +
Width + + +
Height + + +
Image color space + + +
Image data + + +
Image data type + + +
Pose angle pitch + + +
Pose angle pitch raw + + +
Pose angle roll + + +
Pose angle roll raw + + +
Pose angle uncertainty pitch + + +
Pose angle uncertainty pitch raw + + +
Pose angle uncertainty roll + + +
Pose angle uncertainty roll raw + + +
Pose angle uncertainty yaw + + +
Pose angle uncertainty yaw raw + + +
Pose angle yaw + + +
Pose angle yaw raw + + +
Post acquisition processing +
Properties + + +
Quality + +
Quality blocks +
Source type + + +

4.4 Biometric Standards Support Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Supported Data Elements

Spatial sampling rate level +

Vendor expression + + +
Vendor image color space + + +
Vendor source type + + + FIRecord
Supports Finger Image-Based Data Interchange Format (ANSI/INCITS 381) and Biometric data interchange formats - Part 4:
Finger image data (ISO/IEC 19794-4).



381-2004 19794-4:2005 381-2009 19794-4:2011
Format identifier + + + +
Version number + + + +
Record length + + + + 4
CBEFF Product Identifier + +
Capture device ID + + +
Certification flag +
Image acquisition level + + +
Number of fingers/palms + + + +
Scale units + +
Scan resolution (horiz) + +
Scan resolution (vert) + +
Image resolution (horiz) + +
Image resolution (vert) + +
Pixel depth + +
Image compression algorithm + + +
Reserved + + +



381-2004 19794-4:2005 381-2009 19794-4:2011
Length of finger data block (bytes) + + + +
Capture date and time +
Capture device technology +
Capture device vendor identifier +
Capture device type identifier +
Capture device ID +
Quality blocks +
Certification blocks (if certification flag is 1) +
Finger/palm position + + + +

4.4 Biometric Standards Support Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Supported Data Elements

Count of views + + +
View number + + + +
Finger/palm image quality + + +
Impression type + + + +
Horizontal line length + + + +
Vertical line length + + + +
Scale units + +
Scan resolution (horiz) + +
Scan resolution (vert) + +
Image resolution (horiz) + +
Image resolution (vert) + +
Pixel depth + +
Reserved + + +
Finger/palm image data + + + +
Extended data type + +
Extended data Length + +
Extended data Section + +
Segmentation Owner and Algorithm ID + +
Segmentation Quality Score + +
Finger Quality Algorithm and Owner ID + +
Number of segments + +
Finger Position + +
Finger Quality + +
Number of Coordinates Pairs + +
X coordinate + +
Y coordinate + +
Finger orientation +
Annotation field + +
Number of annotations + +
Finger position + +
Annotation Code + +
ASCII text + + FMRecord
FMRecord stores information about the fingerprints minutiae data and is used to support the following standards:

• ISO/IEC 19794-2:2005 (Fingerprint Minutiae Data);

• ISO/IEC 19794-2:2011 (Finger Minutiae Data)
• ANSI/INCITS 378-2004 (Finger Minutiae Format for Data Interchange);
• ANSI/INCITS 378-2009 (Finger Minutiae Format for Data Interchange).
Standard ISO/IEC 19794-2:2011 supports both binary and XML encodings. XML encoding is implemented according to
ISO/IEC 19794-2:2011 Amd 2:2015 standard. Specific encoding can be defined while (de)serializing FMRecord. Only by

4.4 Biometric Standards Support Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Supported Data Elements

standard defined XML namespaces and their prefixes are supported.

Due to different definitions of ridge count data in binary and XML encodings, differs the serialized value of neighbor minutia's
index (idx 2). For binary encoding valid computed neighboring minutia index is [0;254] as XML encoding's defined range is
[1;254]. This results in the neighbor minutia's index increase by 1 when serializing FMRecord. Operating with FMRecord object
the neighbor minutia's index starts from 0 and is independent of encoding. For XML encoding only UTF-8 symbols are

The following table shows supported FMRecord elements for specific standards and versions.



378-2004 19794-2:2005 378-2009 19794-2:2011
Format identifier + + + +
Version number + + + +
Record length + + + +
CBEFF Product Identifier + + +
Capture device complience + +
Capture device ID + + + 4
Image resolution (horiz) + +
Image resolution (vert) + +
Scan resolution (horiz) + +
Scan resolution (vert) + +
Number of fingers views + + + +
Reserved + + +
Device certification block flag +



378-2004 19794-2:2005, 378-2009, 19794-2:2011,
v2.0 v2.0 v3.5 v3.0
Standard Biometric Data:
- Representation length +
- Capture date and time +
- Capture device technology identifier +
- Capture device vendor identifier +
- Capture device type identifier +
Quality record:
- Number of quality blocks +
- Quality score + +
- Quality Algorithm Vendor Identifier + +
- Quality Algorithm Identifier + +
Certification record:
- Certification authority identifier +
- Certification scheme identifier +

4.4 Biometric Standards Support Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Supported Data Elements

- Finger position + + + +
- View number + + + +
- Impression type + + + +
- Finger quality + +
- Image resolution (horiz) + +
- Image resolution (vert) + +
- Scan resolution (horiz) +(only for
- Scan resolution (vert) +(only for
- Minutiae field length +
- Ridge ending type +
- Number of Minutiae + + + +
- Minutiae type + + + +
- Minutiae X location + + + +
- Reserved + + + + 4
- Minutia Y location + + + +
- Minutia Angle + + + +
- Minutiae Quality + + + +
Extended Data:
- Extended data block length + + + +
Standard Extended Data:
Ridge count data:
- Ridge count extraction method + + + +
- Minutia index #1 + + + +
- Minutia index #2 + + + +
- Ridge count + + + +
Core point data:
- Number of cores + + + +
- Core information type + + + +
- Core X location + + + +
- Core Y location + + + +
- Core angle (if core information type != 0) + + + +
Delta point data:
- Number of deltas + + + +
- Delta information type + + + +
- Delta X location + + + +
- Delta Y location + + + +
- Delta angles (if delta information type != 0) + + + +
Zonal quality data: *
- Zonal quality vendor ID*

4.4 Biometric Standards Support Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Supported Data Elements

- Zonal quality algorithm*

- Cell Width *
- Cell Height *
- Cell Information Bit Depth *
- Cell Quality Data *
Vendor-Specific Data:
Extended data block length + + + +
Extended data area type Code + + + +
Extended data area length + + + +
Extended data area + + + +

* NOTE: Zonal quality data is supported only in terms of appropriate extended data block detection when creating the
FMRecord from memory, however the structure and values are not validated internally and full extended zonal quality data
block is further ignored (skipped). FMCRecord
FMCRecord stores information about the fingerprints minutiae data in on-card comparison (a.k.a. match-on-card) dedicated
formats and is used to support the following standards:

• ISO/IEC 19794-2:2005 (Fingerprint Minutiae Data, compact or normal size finger minutiae card formats);
• ISO/IEC 19794-2:2011 (Finger Minutiae Data, on-card biometric comparison (compact size) finger minutiae format)
FMCRecord encapsulates single fingerprint view minutiae data (i.e. no same / different fingerprint multiple views supported in
contrary to ISO/IEC 19794-2 finger minutiae record standard format FMRecord [ 48] dedicated for off-card use with possibly
multiple FmrFingerViews encapsulated). For on-card comparison formats each cardholder’s same / different fingerprint private
minutiae data in card format should be encapsulated into separate FMCrecord (BDT BER-TLV DO) further paired with
appropriate TLV-encoded patron format public descriptive data (BIT BER-TLV DO) simple CbeffRecord [ 56].

NOTE: Only FMCRecord v3.0 (that is ISO/IEC 19794-2:2011) performs automatic non-unique minutiae check and / or removal
(under non-strict read from memory option). It is anyway strongly advised to perform, the minutiae uniqueness validation check
by calling FMCRecordValidateMinutiaeUniqueness function to fulfill terminal responsibility to create valid on-card comparison
dedicated reference or verification record with reasonable footprint.

Please, refer to the respective MatchOnSmartCard tutorials available within MegaMatcher on Card SDK and / or
BiometricStandards tutorials available within MegaMatcher, VeriFinger SDKs for details.

The following table shows supported FMCRecord elements for specific standards and versions. Please, also refer to
MegaMatcher on Card SDK internal Java Card side components Javadoc (available, e.g., Tables 1.1 – 1.2 for fingerprint
modality at
JavaCard\JCBioAPI11Samples\megaSamples-src\doc_jc221\org\javacardforum\javacard\biometry\package-summary.html) for
BDT (Biometric Data Template) BER-TLV DO tables description with listed below support elements corresponding BER-TLV
DOs tags description.

Data element ISO/IEC ISO/IEC

19794-2:2005, 19794-2:2011,
v2.0 v3.0
(compact / (on-card
normal card comparison
formats) (compact)
card format)
Standard Biometric Data: + +
- Minutia X location + +

4.4 Biometric Standards Support Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Supported Data Elements

- Minutia Y location + +
- Minutia type + +
- Minutiae Angle + +
Standard Extended Data:
Impression Type +
Ridge count data:
- Ridge count extraction method + +
- Minutia index #1 + +
- Minutia index #2 + +
- Ridge count + +
Core point data :
- Number of cores + +
- Core information type + +
- Core x location + +
- Core y location + +
- Core angle (if core information type != 0) + +
Delta point data:
- Number of deltas + +
- Delta information type + +
- Delta x location + +
- Delta y location + +
- Delta angles (if delta information type != 0) + +
Zonal quality data *
- Cell Width *
- Cell Height *
- Density (No of cells per decimeter)*
- Quality map width (no of cells in X dir.) *
- Quality map height (no of cells in Y dir.) *
- Cell Information Bit Depth *
- Cell Quality Data *
Vendor-Specific Data:
Vendor-specific biometric data object(s) + +

* NOTE: Zonal quality data (and therefore respective internal attributes) is supported only in terms of appropriate BER-TLV
DOs detection when creating the FMCRecord from memory, however values are not validated internally and full extended zonal
quality data block is further ignored (skipped). This is analogous behavior to current FMRecord (ISO/IEC 19794-2 PC record
minutiae format) FmFingerView implementation [ 48]. IIRecord
Supports Iris Image Interchange Format (ANSI/INCITS 379) and Biometric data interchange formats - Part 6: Iris image data
(ISO/IEC 19794-6).

4.4 Biometric Standards Support Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Supported Data Elements



379-2004 19794-6:2005 19794-6:2011
Format identifier + + +
Version number + + +
Record length + + +
CBEFF Product Identifier +
Capture device ID + +
Number of iris representations +
Certification flag +
No. of Iris Features + + +
Record header length + +
Iris image properties bitfield + +
Iris diameter + +
Image format + +
Raw image width + +
Raw image height + +
Intensity depth + +
Image transformation + +
Device unique identifier + +



379-2004 19794-6:2005 19794-6:2011
Feature + +
No. Images + +
Representation Length +
Capture date and time +
Capture device technology identifier +
Capture device vendor ID +
Capture device type ID +
Number of quality blocks +
Quality score +
Quality Algorithm Vendor Identifier +
Quality Algorithm Identifier +
Image number + + +
Feature +
Image type +
Image format +
Iris image properties bit field +
Image width +

4.4 Biometric Standards Support Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Supported Data Elements

Image height +
Bit depth +
Range +
Quality + +
Rotation angle of eye + + +
Rotation uncertainty + + +
Iris centre, smallest X +
Iris centre, largest X +
Iris centre, smallest Y +
Iris centre, largest Y +
Iris diameter, smallest +
Iris diameter, largest +
Image Length + + +
Image + + +

4 CbeffRecord
CBEFF (Common Biometric Exchange Formats Framework) provides the ability for different biometric devices and applications
to exchange biometric information between system components efficiently. In order to support biometric technologies in a
common way the CBEFF structure describes a set of necessary data elements.

The following CBEFF standards are supported:

Standard Version
ISO/IEC 19785-1:2006 with Amd. 1:2010
(ISO/IEC 19785-3:2007 with Amd. 1:2010) CBEFF V2.0
ISO/IEC 19785-3:2015* CBEFF V3.0

* Support of ISO/IEC 19785-3:2015 standard is covered by Neurotechnology supports concrete patron formats defined in this
standard. Since ISO/IEC 19785-3:2015 standard deprecated patron formats are further supported due to being valid for the
predecessor ISO/IEC 19785-3:2007 standard edition. Although the general CBEFF version of ISO/IEC 19785-3:2015 standard
is claimed as 3.0, defined concrete patron formats still utilize the CBEFF version 2.0 (since which those have been defined).
The version 2.0 is set for the latter patron formats CbeffRecords.

Neurotechnology SDK support both simple and complex (nested) CBEFF structures. Simple CBEFF structure contains one
biometric data block. Complex CBEFF structure consists of several biometric data blocks with the same or different biometric
data types (face, finger and others) combined by a common root header. The complex CBEFF structure can be defined as
n-level structure.

The particular possible CBEFF data depends on given CBEFF patron format, which defines CBEFF structure, domain of use
and attributes, describing biometric data.

Simple CBEFF structure consists of the following structure (figure below):

4.4 Biometric Standards Support Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Supported Data Elements

SBH (Standard biometric header). Exact fields of SBH is defined by concrete CBEFF patron format.
• BDB (Biometric data block). For CbeffRecord as BDB blocks can be given either a Neuretechnology supported or vendor
specific biometric data.
• SB (Security block). The SB should be presented if the privacy and/or integrity mechanisms applied to the record require
information unique to the record for decoding or validating it.
Complex CBEFF structure consists of several biometric data blocks with the same or different biometric data types (face, finger
and others) combined by a common root header. The complex Cbeff structure can be defined as n-level. The below figure
shows example of complex CBEFF structure:

Neurotechnology SDK implements number of CBEFF patron formats described in above-mentioned standards. The supported
CBEFF patron formats are these:

CBEFF supported standards for biometric systems:

CbeffRecord implementation
SDK implements CBEFF by CbeffRecord. CbeffRecord's API allows to create, manipulate data and serialize record.

CbeffRecord can be created by 3 ways:

4.4 Biometric Standards Support Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Supported Data Elements

• Creating from Neurotechnology supported biometric data;

• Currently CbeffRecord can be created from FMRecord, IIRecord, FCRecord, FIRecord, FMCRecord, ANTemplate and
• Biometric data block's (BDB) format is automatically detected from given biometric data;
• Creating from vendor specific biometric data.
• Creating an empty• CbeffRecord and setting attributes, required by concrete patron format.

• Basic CbeffRecord from FMRecord:

FMRecord hRecord = new FMRecord(_isoNBuffer, BdifStandard.Iso);
CbeffRecord hCbeffRecord = new CbeffRecord(hRecord,
NBuffer buffer = hCbeffRecord.Save();
• Basic CbeffRecord from NFTemplate (or other vendor specific Biometric Data Block (BDB)):
uint bdbFormat =
CbeffRecord hCbeffRecord = new CbeffRecord(bdbFormat, _nBuffer,
NBuffer buffer = hCbeffRecord.Save(); 4
• Complex CbeffRecord:
CbeffRecord hRootCbeffRecord = new

FMRecord hRecord = new FMRecord(_isoFMNBuffer, BdifStandard.Iso);

CbeffRecord hChildCbeffRecord = new CbeffRecord(hRecord,

FIRecord hFIRecord = new FIRecord(_isoFINBuffer, BdifStandard.Iso);

hChildCbeffRecord = new CbeffRecord(hRecord,

NBuffer buffer = hRootCbeffRecord.Save();

• NSubject initialization from CbeffRecord:
NSubject hSubject = new NSubject();
hSubject.SetTemplate(hCbeffRecord); TLV-encoded patron format

CbeffRecord supports TLV-encoded patron format, for use with smart cards or other tokens, specified in ISO/IEC 19785-3:2007
standard (patron identifier 0x0101). This patron format provides Biometric Information Template (BIT) both for on-card and
off-card matching. BIT term is synonymous to CBEFF general Biometric Information Record (BIR), however the former is used
to express important relation to ISO/IEC 7816-11 standard that defines personal verification through biometric methods for
integrated circui cards (ICCs).

In both on-card and off-card matching cases, CbeffRecord is created with the same patron format. The distinction between
on-card and off-card matching is carried out by given serialization to / deserialization from memory flag.

• For on-card matching dedicated CbeffRecord serialization / deserialization, the

4.4 Biometric Standards Support Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Supported Data Elements

CbeffRecord.FlagTlvUseForOnCardMatching flag shall be used to assure, that card holder's private Biometric Data Block
(BDB, e.g. card holder's minutiae FMCRecord) shall not be included into the on-card reference public BIT. This is due to
the fact, that in case of on-card matching routines, the public BIT is retrieved by verification terminal to obtain information
on the format and type of verification BDB expected by the on-card matching engine. It is mandatory to assure, that actual
card holder reference data (BDB) is not exposed from on-card matching enabled smart card.
• For off-card matching dedicated CbeffRecord serialization / deserialization, the on-card matching dedicated flag above
shall not be used to assure the card holder private reference Biometric Data Block (BDB, e.g., card holder minutiae
FMCRecord) is included into the BIT. This is due to the fact, that in case of off-card matching routines, the BIT is retrieved
by off-card verification terminal to obtain actual card holder reference data (BDB), that is indispensable to perform
verification off-card.

Examples of CBEFF record BIT creation for on-card matching:

For on-card matching the CBEFF Biometric Information Record (BIR, which is BIT in case of TLV-encoded patron format) and
Biometric Data Block (BDB, which is BDT in case of TLV-encoded patron format) shall be managed separately, since the BDB
shall be absent in on-card matching BIT.

On-card matching BIT creation examples are shown below. See the off-card matching dedicated clause below for the examples
on how BDB (e.g., fingerprint minutia FMCRecord) may be created separately from BIT.

• CbeffRecord creation and setting properties:

CbeffRecord cbeffRecord = new
cbeffRecord.BiometricType = CbeffBiometricType.Finger; 4
cbeffRecord.BirCreationDate = new DateTime(2015, 8, 22, 14, 22, 26);
cbeffRecord.BdbFormat =

//sets reference data qualifier

PrimitiveBerTlv rdq = (PrimitiveBerTlv)

• CbeffRecord serialization:
var cbeffBuffer = cbeffRecord.Save(CbeffRecord.FlagTlvUseForOnCardMatching); //no BDB
(that is BDT BER-TLV present)
• CbeffRecord deserialization and getting reference data qualifier:
CbeffRecord cbeffRecord = new CbeffRecord(cbeffBuffer,
CbeffRecord.FlagTlvUseForOnCardMatching); //no BDB (that is BDT BER-TLV present)
//gets reference data qualifier
PrimitiveBerTlv rdq = (PrimitiveBerTlv)
byte rdqValue = rdq.GetValueAsByte();

Examples of CBEFF record (BIT) creation for off-card matching:

For off-card matching the Biometric Data Block (BDB), representing biometric reference data object, shall be given.
FMCRecord shall be used for fingerprint to create BDB. For other biometric types, biometric reference data object (primitive or
constructed) shall be created using ISO/IEC 7816-11/-6 compliant biometric BerTlv.

• CbeffRecord creation:

4.4 Biometric Standards Support Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Supported Data Elements

CbeffRecord cbeffRecord = new
cbeffRecord.BiometricType = CbeffBiometricType.Finger;
cbeffRecord.BirCreationDate = new DateTime(2015, 8, 22, 14, 22, 26);
cbeffRecord.BdbFormat =

• FMCRecord creation:
FMCRecord can be created in 3 ways:

• Creating “empty” FMCRecord and setting properties;

FMCRecord fmcRecord = new FMCRecord(BdifStandard.Iso, FMCRecord.VersionIso30,
fmcRecord.ImpressionType = BdifFPImpressionType.LiveScanRolled;
fmcRecord.Minutiae.Add(new FmrMinutia(10, 10, BdifFPMinutiaType.Bifurcation, 128));

• Creating from NFRecord;
FMCRecord fmcRecord = new FMCRecord(nfRecord, BdifStandard.Iso,
FMCRecord.VersionIso30, FmcrMinutiaFormat.CompactSize, FmcrMinutiaOrder.None); 4
• Creating from other FMCRecord:
FMCRecord fmcRecord = new FMCRecord(oldFmcRecord, BdifStandard.Iso,
FMCRecord.VersionIso30, FmcrMinutiaFormat.CompactSize);
• FMCRecord serialization:
var fmcBuffer = fmcRecord.Save(FMCRecord.FlagUseBiometricDataTemplate |
• FMCRecord’s buffer setting to CbeffRecord (as BDB):
cbeffRecord.BdbBuffer = fmcBuffer;
• CbeffRecord serialization:
var cbeffBuffer = cbeffRecord.Save();
} ANTemplate
ANTemplate interface hierarchical structure:

4.4 Biometric Standards Support Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Supported Data Elements

• Image colors meanings

ANTemplate is a container consisting of ANRecords. Type-1 record is transaction information record, while other records are
dedicated for specific biometric data.

ANTemplate and ANRecords have two states: validated or not validated. ANRecord must conform to specific ANSI/NIST-ITL 1
standard determined by version in order to be validated. Conformance to the standard include both morphological (Level 1) and
syntactical (Level 2) conformance. ANTemplate can be validated only if all ANRecords are validated and there are no
transaction level errors. Automatic conformance validation is executed while creating ANTemplate from file/memory
buffer/stream or saving ANTemplate. In other cases validation of ANTemplate/ANRecord must be executed manually.

4.4 Biometric Standards Support Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Supported Data Elements

ANRecord automatically becomes "unvalidated" if any standard data is changed.

To create ANTemplate from file - ANTemplateCreateFromFileEx2 (ANTemplate [ 997] in .NET). To create ANTemplate from
memory - ANTemplateCreateFromMemoryEx2N (ANTemplate [ 987] in .NET). ANTemplate also can be created from
NTemplate. To do so use function ANTemplateCreateFromNTemplateEx (ANTemplate [ 994] in .NET). Also ANTemplate can
be created from ANTemplate - ANTemplateCreateFromANTemplate (ANTemplate [ 986] in .NET ) function needs to be used.

Table 1: ANTemplate create functions.

ANTemplate create function

As mentioned above while creating ANTemplate from file/memory buffer/stream, the automatic conformance validation is
executed. User should check the current status of ANTemplate using the following function ANTemplateIsValidated
(ANTemplate.IsValidated [ 1022]. If ANTemplate is not validated, that means at least one of the records is not validated too.
To check ANRecord status use ANRecordIsValidated (ANRecord.IsValidated [ 952] in .NET). ANRecord contains
conformance test results (ANTemplate.ConformanceTestResults [ 945], which lists conformance errors. If ANRecord is valid or
not yet validated, ANRecordGetConformanceTestResultCount (ANTemplate.ConformanceTestResults.Count will return 0.

ANTemplate can be saved to file, memory buffer or stream. ANTemplate can be saved by specifying encoding
(traditional/binary or XML) or using default encoding (traditional). In order to save ANTemplate to file ANTemplateSaveToFileEx
(ANTemplate.Save [ 1020] in .NET) function needs to be used. To save to memory ANTemplateSaveToMemory
(ANTemplate.Save [ 1020] in .NET). To save to stream ANTemplateSaveToStream (ANTemplate.Save in .NET).

Records can be created and added to ANTemplate initializing specific type record (for example ANTemplateAddType10Record
(ANTemplate.Records.AddType10 in .NET) creates Type-10 record and adds to ANTemplate). To remove record from
ANTemplate the ANTemplateRemoveRecordAt (ANTemplate.Records.RemoveAt in .NET) function needs to be used. To
remove all records from ANTemplate ANTemplateClear (ANTemplate.Records.Clear in .NET) has to be used. In order to work
with single record in ANTemplate record handle needs to be retrieved. To retrieve record handle from ANTemplate use function
ANTemplateGetRecordEx (ANTemplate.Records in .NET).

Table below summarize record manipulation information.

Table 2: Record manipulation.

Record manipulation functions


4.4 Biometric Standards Support Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Supported Data Elements


Various products can use only part of functionality provided by ANTemplate. Table below provides information about
ANTemplate functionality's availability for different products. Table also shows which records will be validated using
anvlStandard validation level for different products. As it is seen if MegaMatcher 11.X would be used all ANTemplate records
would be validated using anvlStandard validation level.

Table 3: ANTemplate functionality availability for different products.

ANRecords MegaMatcher VeriFinger 10.0 VeriLook VeriEye

11.X 10.0 10.0
ANType1Record V V V V
ANType2Record V V V V
ANType3Record V V
ANType4Record V V
ANType5Record V V
ANType6Record V V
ANType7Record V V V V
ANType8Record V
ANType9Record V V (only
ANType10Record V V (only
ANType13Record V V (only
ANType14Record V V
ANType15Record V
ANType16Record V V V V
ANType17Record V V
ANType20Record V V V V
ANType21Record V V V V
ANType99Record V V V V

V - means that interface is available for product, and also if ANTemplate is created with validation level anvlStandart these
records need to be validated.

Records in ANTemplate consist of fields, subfields and items. Record validation describes manner in which record data is

If record is created with standard validation level user can use high level API functions to manipulate records fields values. User
can use low level API functions to read and edit user defined fields, but only can read standard fields using low level API
functions. For records with minimal validation level user can only use low level API function to manipulate record content.

ANTemplate library provides two approaches that can be used to manage information contained in records. First method uses
provided high level API functions that directly changes fields, subfields or items in record. First method is only available if record
is created with standard validation level. Second method uses low level API functions to query records internals. In following
lines both methods will be presented.

First method is to use specified high level record interface. For example if Type-14 record handle is retrieved, the
ANType14Record interface can be used to manage record. As it is seen from ANTemplate interface hierarchical structure

4.4 Biometric Standards Support Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Supported Data Elements

central branch ANType14Record inherits functionality from ANFPImageAsciiBinaryRecord, ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord,

ANAsciiBinaryRecord and ANRecord. In order retrieve ANType14Record information upper hierarchical interfaces can also be

For example to get AType14Record horizontal line length (HLL) field value following function needs to be used
ANImageAsciiBinaryRecordGetHorzLineLength (ANImageBinaryRecord.HorzLineLength [ 915] in .NET).

Second method uses ANRecord interface to manage records internals. ANRecord provides low level interface for record
content management. Records consist of fields. Fields consists of subfields and subfields consists of items. In order to get field
handle from record use function ANRecordGetFieldEx (ANRecord.Fields in .NET). In order to add new field to record following
function need to be used ANRecordAddFieldEx (ANRecord.Fields.Add in .NET). Using functions ANFieldAddItem
(ANField.Items.Add in .NET), ANFieldAddSubField (ANField.SubFields.Add in .NET) elements can be added to field.

If field has only one subfield its value can be retrieved using function ANFieldGetValue (ANField.Value in .NET). In order to
retrieve subfield handle from field ANFieldGetSubFieldEx (ANField.SubFields.Get in .NET) function need to be used.

Subfield can have one or more items. If single item is presented in subfield its value can be got using ANSubFieldGetValue
otherwise ANSubFieldGetItem need to be used. To set single item in subfield ANSubFieldSetValue function is used, if more
items is presented in subfield ANSubFieldSetItem is used. To add single item to subfield following function need to be used
ANSubFieldAddItem (ANSubField.Items.Add in .NET).

Table below summarize previous declared information about how record validation influence operations that can be performed
with record.

Table 4: Operations on record dependency from record validation level. 4

Validation level Minimal Standard
Low level read V V
Low level edit (Standard fields) V X
Low level edit (User defined fields) V V
Hight level read/edit X V

X - means that operation can not be executed. V - means that operation can be done.

ANTemplate supports set of flags to manipulate with records and their data. The full list of flags is given in API reference
(ANTemplate [ 980]). Flags are divided into 2 types: object' flags and (de)serialization flags. Object' flags are assigned to
object at the time of creation of object and shall be valid during all object life cycle. (De)serialization flags are only used while
(de)serializing object and are NOT assigned to object. The API documentation provides description which flags are supported
for concrete constructor/method.

According to ANSI/NIST-ITL for Type 13-15 records, the scanning and transmitted resolution can not be less than 500ppi. The
flag ANT_ALLOW_OUT_OF_BOUNDS_RESOLUTION allows to set lower than 500ppi resolution (but not less than 250ppi).
This flag can only be used at the moment of ANTemplate or Type 13-15 records creation.

Note 1. Historically ANTemplate has two validation levels: anvlMinimal and anvlStandard. Since MegaMatcher 11.0 version
only Standard validation level is supported. Minimal validation level is legacy value and ANTemplate functions, allowing to
create template with minimal validation level, are deprecated. Minimal validation level meaned that all records were not
validated and user could remove, add fields, or change fields values as wanted (regardles if field is standard or user-defined). Encoding
Neurotec [ 220] SDK supports both "traditional" binary and NIEM-conformant XML encodings. NIEM-conformant XML
encoding is supported since ANSI/NIST-ITL 1:2011 standard.

Specific encoding can be defined while (de)serializing ANTemplate. By default it is considered as "traditional" binary encoding.
Operating with ANTemplate object there is no differrence in encoding.

Only by ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 standard defined XML namespaces and their prefixes are supported. XML elements, with not

4.4 Biometric Standards Support Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Fingerprint BSS

supported XML namespace prefix or not standard element names, are treated as user-defined elements. Neurotec [ 220] SDK
checks the order of the element whether user-defined element can appear.

XML elements (standard or user-defined) are transformed to inner ANField structure thus ensuring compatability between
"traditional" binary and NIEM-conformant XML encodings. The standard fields are automatically mapped with relevant XML
elements defined by ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 standard. For user-defined XML elements in XML file, ANField number is
automatically generated in increasing order starting from first user-defined field's number for specific record. Creating new
ANTemplate or from binary file, the XML elements' name must be set for user-defined fields in order to serialize ANTemplate
with XML encoding.

Neurotec [ 220] SDK provides API to specify XML elements' names for user-defined fields, subfields and items. In order to add
new field with XML element name to record should be used ANRecordAddFieldEx (ANRecord.Fields.Add in .NET). Using
functions ANFieldAddItemEx (ANField.Items.Add in .NET), ANFieldAddSubFieldEx (ANField.SubFields.Add in .NET) elements
can be added to field.

„ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 standard defines abstract XML elements, which can be substituted by other elements defined by
implementers. Neurotec [ 220] SDK implements user-defined substitution elements for <itl:UserDefinedFields> (e.g.
Type14Record) and <itl:DomainDefinedDescriptiveDetail> (Type-2 Record, e.g. see Type2Record tutorial for XML creation).
For other abstract XMl elements, Neurotec [ 220] SDK supports only those elements which are defined in by ANSI/NIST-ITL
1-2011 standard, for example for abstract element <biom:TransactionCategory>, the substitution element
<TransactionCategoryCode> is supported.“

Note 1. For XML encoding only UTF-8 symbols are supported.

Note 2. Type-9 record has defined abstract element <biom:RecordMinutiae>. Only the following substitution elements are
supported - <itl:Minutiae>, <biom:INCITSMinutiae> and <biom:OtherMinutiae> (only those elements defined by standard).
Other abstract element's, <biom:RecordMinutiae> substitutions, are parsed and serialized as user-defined fields.

4.4.2 Fingerprint BSS

The Fingerprint BSS component allows to integrate support for fingerprint template and image format standards and additional
image formats with new or existing biometric systems based on VeriFinger SDK.

These biometric standards are supported:

• BioAPI [ 79] 2.0 (ISO/IEC 19784-1:2006) (Framework and Biometric Service Provider for fingerprint identification engine),
see: BioAPI [ 79] section.
• ISO/IEC 19794-2:2005 (Fingerprint Minutiae Data)
• ISO/IEC 19794-2:2011 (Finger Minutiae Data)
• ISO/IEC 19794-4:2005 (Finger Image Data)
• ISO/IEC 19794-4:2011 (Finger Image Data)
• ISO/IEC 29794-1:2016 (Biometric sample quality)
• ANSI/INCITS 378-2004 (Finger Minutiae Format for Data Interchange)
• ANSI/INCITS 378-2009 (Finger Minutiae Format for Data Interchange)
• ANSI/INCITS 381-2004 (Finger Image-Based Data Interchange Format)
• ANSI/INCITS 381-2009 (Finger Image-Based Data Interchange Format)
• ANSI/NIST-CSL 1-1993 (Data Format for the Interchange of Fingerprint, Facial, & SMT Information)
• ANSI/NIST-ITL 1a-1997 (Data Format for the Interchange of Fingerprint, Facial, & SMT Information)
• ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2000 (Data Format for the Interchange of Fingerprint, Facial, & SMT Information)
• ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2007 (Data Format for the Interchange of Fingerprint, Facial, & Other Biometric Information)

4.4 Biometric Standards Support Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Palm Print Client

• ANSI/NIST-ITL 1a-2009 (Data Format for the Interchange of Fingerprint, Facial, & Other Biometric Information)
• ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 (Data Format for the Interchange of Fingerprint, Facial & Other Biometric Information)
• ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 Update:2013 Edition 2 (Data Format for the Interchange of Fingerprint, Facial & Other Biometric
• ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 Update:2015 (Data Format for the Interchange of Fingerprint, Facial & Other Biometric Information)
The Fingerprint BSS component allows conversion between Neurotechnology proprietary fingerprint templates, ISO/IEC
19794-2:2005 (/2011), ANSI/INCITS 378-2004 and ANSI/NIST-ITL templates.

The Fingerprint BSS component also includes:

• Fingerprint pattern classification module

• Additional image formats and fingerprint image quality algorithm
• Latent Fingerprint Editor
Fingerprint pattern classification module allows to determine a fingerprint pattern class is included with Fingerprint BSS
module. The classification is usually used in forensics, but also it can be used to increase fingerprint matching speed. The
defined classes are:

• Left Slant Loop;

• Right Slant Loop;
• Tented Arch;
• Whorl;
• Scar;
• "Unknown" – for the nondetermined classes.
Image enhancements are:

• JPEG 2000 image format support module with 1000 dpi Fingerprint Profile;
• NIST IHead image format support module;
• module with NIST Fingerprint Image Quality (NFIQ) algorithm, a standard method to determine fingerprint image quality.
Latent Fingerprint Editor

In most cases automated image processing is unable to extract all minutiae or extracts a lot of false minutiae from latent
fingerprint image (for example, taken from the crime scene). Therefore, an expert should manually edit a fingerprint template in
order to submit it to an AFIS for the identification.

Sample latent fingerprint template editor (.NET) shows how to change minutia's coordinates, direction, type and other

4.4.3 Palm Print Client

The Palm Print Client component creates palm print templates from palm images. Also, it allows to integrate support for palm
print template and image format standards and additional image formats with new or existing biometric systems based on
MegaMatcher SDK.

These biometric standards are supported:

• ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2000 (Data Format for the Interchange of Fingerprint, Facial, & SMT Information)
• ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2007 (Data Format for the Interchange of Fingerprint, Facial, & Other Biometric Information)
• ANSI/NIST-ITL 1a-2009 (Data Format for the Interchange of Fingerprint, Facial, & Other Biometric Information)
The Palm Print Client component allows conversion between Neurotechnology proprietary palm print templates and
ANSI/NIST-ITL templates.

4.4 Biometric Standards Support Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Face BSS

The Palm Print Client component also includes:

• WSQ (Wavelet Scalar Quantization) image format support module. The WSQ format allows to compress a palm print
image up to 10-15 times. WSQ compression process is "lossy", meaning that the reconstructed image is not equal to the
original (some information is lost). However, the WSQ algorithm was specially designed to minimize the loss of palm print
or fingerprint information therefore the reconstructed image is as close as possible to the original.
• JPEG 2000 image format support module.
License availability: One license for the Palm Print Client component is included in MegaMatcher Standard SDK and
MegaMatcher Extended SDK. More licenses for this component can be purchased any time by MegaMatcher SDK customers

4.4.4 Face BSS

The Face BSS (Biometric Standards Support) component allows to integrate support for face image format standards and
additional image formats with new or existing biometric systems based on VeriLook SDK or MegaMatcher SDK.

These biometric standards are supported:

• BioAPI [ 79] 2.0 (ISO/IEC 19784-1:2006) (Framework and Biometric Service Provider for Face Identification Engine), see:
BioAPI [ 79] section.
• ISO/IEC 19794-5:2005 (Face Image Data)
• ISO/IEC 19794-5:2011 (Face Image Data. Only 2D face images are supported)
• ISO/IEC 29794-1:2016 (Biometric sample quality)
• ANSI/INCITS 385-2004 (Face Recognition Format for Data Interchange)
• ANSI/NIST-CSL 1-1993 (Data Format for the Interchange of Fingerprint, Facial, & SMT Information)
• ANSI/NIST-ITL 1a-1997 (Data Format for the Interchange of Fingerprint, Facial, & SMT Information)
• ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2000 (Data Format for the Interchange of Fingerprint, Facial, & SMT Information)
• ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2007 (Data Format for the Interchange of Fingerprint, Facial, & Other Biometric Information)
• ANSI/NIST-ITL 1a-2009 (Data Format for the Interchange of Fingerprint, Facial, & Other Biometric Information)
• ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 (Data Format for the Interchange of Fingerprint, Facial & Other Biometric Information)
• ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 Update:2013 Edition 2 (Data Format for the Interchange of Fingerprint, Facial & Other Biometric
• ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 Update:2015 (Data Format for the Interchange of Fingerprint, Facial & Other Biometric Information)
Face BSS component also allows to integrate JPEG 2000 with Lossy and Lossless Face Profiles support into applications
based on VeriLook SDK or MegaMatcher SDK.

Neurotechnology Token Face Image (NTFI) module

Neurotechnology Token Face Image (NTFI) module is included in the component.

The NTFI module is intended to provide token* face images compatible with the Face Image Format as in ISO/IEC 19794
standard. This face image format enables range of applications on variety of devices, including devices that have limited
resources required for data storage, and improves recognition accuracy by specifying data format, scene constraints (lighting,
pose), photographic properties (positioning, camera focus) and digital image attributes (image resolution, image size).

The NTFI module has the following features:

• Token face image creation from an image containing human face using eye coordinates which may be either hand marked
or detected automatically using Neurotechnology VeriLook face detection algorithm.
• Face is detected and eye coordinates are acquired using state-of-the-art Neurotechnology face detection and recognition
• Geometrical normalization of face image according to proportions and photographic properties in ISO/IEC 19794 standard.
• Intelligent image padding algorithm for cut of parts of token face image as in ISO/IEC 19794 standard.

4.5 Required Libraries Neurotechnology Biometric SDK

• Evaluation of the created token face image for the following quality criteria suggested in ISO/IEC 19794 standard:
• Background uniformity – the background in the token face image should be uniform, not cluttered.
• Sharpness – the token face image should not be blurred.
• Too light or too dark images – the token face image should not be too dark or too light.
• Exposure range of an image – the token face image should have a reasonable exposure range to represent as much
details of the subject in the image as possible.
• Evaluation of the token face image quality based on suggestions of ISO/IEC 19794 standard (using the quality criteria
Token in this context is used as "symbolic image, good enough image for machine recognition". Token Image as in
ISO/IEC19794-5: "A Face Image Type that specifies frontal images with a specific geometric size and eye positioning based on
the width and height of the image. This image type is suitable for minimizing the storage requirements for computer face
recognition tasks such as verification while still offering vendor independence and human verification (versus human
examination which requires more detail) capabilities."

License availability: Licenses for the Face BSS component can be purchased anytime by VeriLook Extended SDK and
MegaMatcher SDK customers.

4.4.5 Iris BSS 4

The Iris BSS (Biometric Standards Support) component allows to integrate support for iris image format standards and
additional image formats with new or existing biometric systems based on VeriEye SDK or MegaMatcher SDK.

These biometric standards are supported:

• BioAPI [ 79] 2.0 (ISO/IEC 19784-1:2006) (Framework and Biometric Service Provider for iris identification engine), see:
BioAPI [ 79] section.
• ISO/IEC 19794-6:2005 (Iris Image Data)
• ISO/IEC 19794-6:2011
• ISO/IEC 29794-1:2016 (Biometric sample quality)
• ANSI/INCITS 379-2004 (Iris Image Interchange Format)
• ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2007 (Data Format for the Interchange of Fingerprint, Facial, & Other Biometric Information)
• ANSI/NIST-ITL 1a-2009 (Data Format for the Interchange of Fingerprint, Facial, & Other Biometric Information)
• ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 (Data Format for the Interchange of Fingerprint, Facial & Other Biometric Information)
• ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 Update:2013 Edition 2 (Data Format for the Interchange of Fingerprint, Facial & Other Biometric
• ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 Update:2015 (Data Format for the Interchange of Fingerprint, Facial & Other Biometric Information)
Iris BSS component also allows to integrate JPEG 2000 image format support into applications based on VeriEye SDK or
MegaMatcher SDK.

License availability: Licenses for the Iris BSS component can be purchased anytime by VeriEye Extended SDK and
MegaMatcher SDK customers.

4.5 Required Libraries

Neurotechnology products (MegaMatcher SDK, VeriLook SDK, VeriEye SDK, VeriFinger SDK and VeriSpeak SDK) use the
following main libraries:

4.5 Required Libraries Neurotechnology Biometric SDK

Library .NET Namespace Java package DLL and Libs

NBiometrics Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418] com.neurotec.biometrics
(working with biometric Neurotec.Biometrics.Gui [ 780] com.neurotec.biometrics.standards • NBiometrics.dll
data, standards and Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786] com.neurotec.biometrics.gui
tools) •
Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop Neurotec.Biomet
[ 1635] rics.dll



NBiometricsClient Neurotec.Biometrics.Client [ 731] com.neurotec.biometrics.client •

(provides biometric Neurotec.Biometrics.Ffv [ 769] com.neurotec.biometrics.ffv NBiometricsClie
connection functions for nt.dll
the biometric engine)


libNBiometrics.s 4

NCore Neurotec [ 220] com.neurotec.beans • NCore.dll

(common infrastructure Neurotec.Gui com.neurotec.event
• Neurotec.dll
for all Neurotechnology Neurotec.Collections.Generic
components) •
Neurotec.Collections.ObjectModel com.neurotec.jna
[ 1678] com.neurotec.lang
Neurotec.ComponentModel [ 1697]
Neurotec.IO [ 1943] com.neurotec.plugins
Neurotec.Net.Sockets com.neurotec.plugins.beans
Neurotec.Interop [ 1938] com.neurotec.plugins.event
Neurotec.Plugins [ 2087] com.neurotec.plugins.impl
Neurotec.Plugins.ComponentModel com.neurotec.text
[ 2116]
Neurotec.Reflection [ 2129]
Neurotec.Text [ 2416]
NDevices Neurotec.Devices [ 1752] com.neurotec.devices.beans • NDevices.dll
manages devices Neurotec.Devices.ComponentModel com.neurotec.devices.beans.event

(fingerprint scanners, [ 2348] com.neurotec.devices.event Neurotec.Device
irises scanners or Neurotec.Devices.Virtual com.neurotec.devices.impl s.dll
com.neurotec.devices.impl.jna •

4.6 Android Neurotechnology Biometric SDK System Requirements

NMedia Neurotec.Drawing com.neurotec.awt • NMedia.dll

loads, saves or converts Neurotec.Geometry [ 1812] com.neurotec.geometry
• NSmartCards.dll
media data in various Neurotec.Images [ 1814] com.neurotec.geometry.jna
formats •
Neurotec.Media [ 2032]
Neurotec.SmartCards [ 2190] com.neurotec.images dll
Neurotec.SmartCards.Interop com.neurotec.images.jna

Neurotec.Sound [ 2379] Neurotec.Smart
com.neurotec.smartcards Cards.dll
com.neurotec.smartcards.biometry •
NLicensing Neurotec.Licensing [ 1985] com.neurotec.licensing • NLicensing.dll
manages licenses of


Libraries for Windows operating systems are saved in Bin\Win32_x86 and Bin\Win64_x64 directories.

Libraries for Linux are saved in Lib\Linux_x86 and Lib\Linux_x86_64 directories.

See Also
API Reference [ 218] - for more information on how to use these libraries

Samples [ 145] - sample programs developed using these libraries

Tutorials [ 141] - demonstrates how to use a functionality from a particular library

4.6 Android
MegaMatcher 11.2, VeriFinger 11.2, VeriLook 11.2, VeriEye 11.2 and VeriSpeak 11.2 SDK also includes files for Android
projects that enables developers to create biometric applications for the Android platform (Android powered mobile devices
such as smartphones and tablet computers). MegaMatcher 11.2, VeriFinger 11.2, VeriLook 11.2, VeriEye 11.2 and VeriSpeak
11.2 SDK provide required libraries to build Android based applications for live faces, fingerprints, irises and voice enrollment
and matching. Also sample applications [ 205] with source code are included to demonstrate how to use SDK.

4.6.1 System Requirements

Development environment requirements
• Java SE JDK 6 (or higher) (
• Eclipse IDE 3.7 (or higher) (Eclipse Indigo or later) (
• Android SDK v19 (or higher; Android OS 4.4 or higher) (
• Internet connection
Note: Read more how to configure Eclipse to use Android SDK and MegaMatcher 11.2, VeriFinger 11.2, VeriLook 11.2,
VeriEye 11.2 and VeriSpeak 11.2 SDK [ 213].

Hardware requirements (recommended)

• A smartphone or tablet with camera that is running Android 4.4 (API level 19) OS or newer. If you have a custom

4.6 Android Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Required Libraries

Android-based device or development board, contact us to find out if it is supported.

• 1 GHz Arm based (at least arm-v7 processor) or Intel based CPU
• 512 MB RAM

4.6.2 Required Libraries

MegaMatcher 11.2, VeriFinger 11.2, VeriLook 11.2, VeriEye 11.2 and VeriSpeak 11.2 SDK for Android use the following main

Component Android wrapper Native libraries Compo

JNA jna Mandat
NCore neurotec-core-android Mandat
NLicensing neurotec-licensing-android Mandat ory

NGui neurotec-gui-android Mandat

NMedia neurotec-media-android Optional
NMediaProc neurotec-media-processing-android Optional
NBiometrics neurotec-biometrics-android NBiome

4.6 Android Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Required Libraries

NBiometricsClient neurotec-biometrics-client-android Mandat

NBiometricsGui neurotec-biometrics-gui-android - Mandat
NDevices neurotec-devices-android Optional
NCluster neurotec-cluster-android Optional
SentiSight neurotec-sentisight-android Optional
NdmAratek neurotec-devices-fscanners-aratek-android For particula
device only 4
NdmBluefin neurotec-devices-fscanners-bluefin-android - For
NdmDigitalPersonaUareU neurotec-devices-fscanners-digitalpersona-uareu-android For particula
device only
NdmFutronic neurotec-devices-fscanners-futronic-android For
NdmFutronicBluetooth neurotec-devices-fscanners-futronic-bluetooth-android - For
NdmIntegratedBiometrics neurotec-devices-fscanners-integratedbiometrics-android For particula
NdmMiaxis neurotec-devices-fscanners-miaxis-android - For

4.6 Android Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Android Chipset Architecture (armeabi vs

NdmNextBiometrics neurotec-devices-fscanners-nextbiometrics-android - For

NdmNitgen neurotec-devices-fscanners-nitgen-android For particula
NdmSecuGen neurotec-devices-fscanners-secugen-android For particula
device only
NdmSmufsBio neurotec-devices-fscanners-smufsbio-android For 4
NdmStartek neurotec-devices-fscanners-startek-android For particula
NdmSupremaBioMini neurotec-devices-fscanners-suprema-biomini-android For

Note: Default jna.jar file should be replaced with the one saved in SDK (Bin\Android\jna.jar).

Java archives (JARs) are saved in Bin\Android folder. Read more about how to include JAR libraries [ 213] to your project.

4.6.3 Android Chipset Architecture (armeabi vs

General information

EABI = Embedded Application Binary Interface. It is such specifications to which an executable must conform in order to
execute in a specific execution environment. It also specifies various aspects of compilation and linkage required for
interoperation between toolchains used for the ARM Architecture. In this context when we speak about armeabi we speak
about ARM architecture and GNU/Linux OS. Android follows the little-endian ARM GNU/Linux ABI.

armeabi application will run on ARMv5 (e.g. ARM9) and ARMv6 (e.g. ARM11). You may use Floating Point hardware if you
build your application using proper GCC options like -mfpu=vfpv3 -mfloat-abi=softfp which tells compiler to generate floating

4.6 Android Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Activation for Android

point instructions for VFP hardware and enables the soft-float calling conventions. armeabi doesn't support hard-float calling
conventions (it means FP registers are not used to contain arguments for a function), but FP operations in HW are still

armeabi-v7a application will run on Cortex A# devices like Cortex A8, A9, and A15. It supports multi-core processors and it
supports -mfloat-abi=hard. So, if you build your application using -mfloat-abi=hard, many of your function calls will be faster.

What to choose?

armeabi will work fine on all devices, but will be a lot slower, and won't take advantage of newer devices' CPU capabilities. It is
highly recommended to use armeabi-v7a.

Is it safe to support only armeabi-v7a for Android 4 and above?

The original Android source for Android 4.0 doesn't support ARMv5/ARMv6 any longer, but there are custom builds of it that run
on ARMv6 - see
for details on this. I'm not sure if one can get an ARMv6 device certified compatible with such Android releases, or if it only is
applicable for unofficial firmwares.

So yes, maybe, in principle, you could drop armeabi if your app requires Android 4.0, but I'm not sure if there is any such official

Multiple APK Support

Multiple APK support is a feature on Google Play that allows you to publish different APKs for your application that are each
targeted to different device configurations. Each APK is a complete and independent version of your application, but they share 4
the same application listing on Google Play and must share the same package name and be signed with the same release key.
This feature is useful for cases in which your application cannot reach all desired devices with a single APK.

You should generally use multiple APKs to support different device configurations only when your APK is too large (greater
than 50MB) due to the alternative resources needed for different device configurations.

Currently, Google Play allows you to publish multiple APKs for the same application only when each APK provides different
filters based on the following configurations: API Level, Screen size, OpenGL texture compression formats and CPU
Architecture (ABI).

4.6.4 Activation for Android

Neurotechnology licenses for Android should be activated before using product. Activation methods varies depending on what
license you have.

This section demonstrates how to activate a license using Multimodal sample for Android

1. Copy multibiometric-sample-android.apk file to your Android device and and install it.

Note: installation can be run only when installation from Unknown sources is enabled. Go to your Android device settings and
enable Settings->Security->Unknown sources->OK->Trust.

Trial licenses activation

2. Launch an installed application. By default this application is configured to obtain a trial license. Internet connection is
required for trial licenses activation. If you do not have direct access to the internet, you can set-up trial product to work through
proxy server. Proxy server settings can be entered in Connection Settings window. Choose Settings->Activation in the right
corner. In this window you can configure licensing server - specify address and port.

Note: usage of the Trial SDK is limited up-to 30 days. Trial SDK requires constant internet connection. WiFi connection is

4.6 Android Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Activation for Android

required to activate trial licenses.

Purchased licenses activation

3. Disable trial mode (step 2 - uncheck "Use Trial Mode") and restart application.

4. When you want to activate purchased licenses, you should copy license files to this default directory: [Internal
storage]/Neurotechnology/Licenses. Serial numbers and internet licenses must be copied to this directory, otherwise
they will not be available. Activated licenses are moved from Licenses directory to application's sandbox.

Internet licenses do not require activation, only serial numbers should be activated.

Note: User can define other path to license file (source code changes are required). Also you should note that when using
Standard licenses temporary internet connection may be required.

5. Go to Settings->Activation. These options for licensing are available:

• Activate - activates selected serial number licenses. After a successful serial number activation, application functionality is
• Deactivate - deactivates selected licenses. You should note, that deactivated license can be used again for activation after
several hours. Licenses deactivation require internet connection.
• Import - imports selected internet licenses. Licenses (*.lic files) are imported from [Internal
storage]/Neurotechnology/Licenses directory. Imported licenses unlock application's functionality. E.g., if you
need to extract face template, you need to import Face Client and Face Extractor internet licenses.
• Export - exports selected internet licenses to [Internal storage]/Neurotechnology/Licenses. Exported licenses

4.7 iOS usage Neurotechnology Biometric SDK

are not available for application until they are imported again.

If you are using Trial version of SDK, sample application will try to activate licenses automatically. Usage of Trial SDK is limited
up-to 30 days. Trial SDK requires constant internet connection.

Android licenses are activated per application sandbox. This also enables to use license deactivation feature. Please note, that
during development application should be updated instead of deleting and installing again, otherwise license could be lost.
Also, other activation options such as using licenses from PC's dongle can be more convenient for development purposes.
Read more about dongle activation.

Each Android must contain specific license(s) activated depending on the functionality being used. If you get „Operation not
activated“ message, that means there is/are no required license(s) activated depending on the functionality you use.

4.7 iOS usage

SDK includes Multi-biometric sample for iOS which demonstrates Neurotechnology's biometric functionality for iOS. It is
recommended to start exploring iOS functionality by compiling and opening this sample application. Also, this application's code
can be easily adapted to your custom project. Read more on how to use Multi-biometric sample application [ 166].

4.8 VeriLook usage notes Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Face Image Constraints

Activation for iOS

All Neurotechnology products require a license to run. You will receive several iOS licenses when you purchase SDK (the
amount and type of licenses depends on which SDK was purchased). These licenses can be used for development purposes
or when deploying to several devices. Each new device requires a new license. You can use online tool calculate licenses price.

Trial products note: usage of trial products is limited to 30 days. The purpose of trial product is to explore SDK functionality,
not an end user deployment. Trial products do not require a license.

iOS applications should be compiled with a license file received from Neurotechnology. We call it the internet license because it
requires internet connection to check its uniqueness. Put this license (*.lic file) in the root folder of your application and compile
it using XCode.

Compiled application can be deployed to a device. A single license is paired to a particular device and can be used only on one
device at a time. When you need to use more devices, you should obtain more licenses or deactivate a license and after that
use it on a new device. Deactivation requires internet connection and can take up to 12 hours.

For the end user application (e.g. when you put it to Apple App Store) you should develop a custom solution for licenses
distribution among devices. In this case a special licensing server may be required. If you need help on this solution, consult
Neurotechnology Customers' Support.

Read more about activation: \Documentation folder of SDK include Activation.pdf, the guide for Neurotechnology products
activation. Read sections "Using internet licenses", "Licenses deactivation" and "Licenses obtain in your application" for more
detailed information. 4
Activation API: SDK includes Licensing library (\Frameworks\iOS\NLicensing.framework) which is used for licenses
management and activation in your application. Check API Reference->C Reference->NLicensing Library.

4.8 VeriLook usage notes

This section contains some information specific to developers using VeriLook technology.

4.8.1 Face Image Constraints

Face recognition accuracy heavily depends on the quality of a face image. Image quality during enrollment is important, as it
influences the quality of the face template.

General recommendations

• 32 pixels is the recommended minimal distance between eyes for a face on image or video stream to perform face
template extraction reliably. 64 pixels or more recommended for better face recognition results. Note that this distance
should be native, not achieved by resizing an image.
• Several images during enrollment are recommended for better facial template quality which results in improvement of
recognition quality and reliability.
• Additional enrollments may be needed when facial hair style changes, especially when beard or moustache is grown or
shaved off.
Face Posture

The face recognition engine has certain tolerance to face posture:

• head roll (tilt) – ±180 degrees (configurable);

• ±15 degrees default value is the fastest setting which is usually sufficient for most near-frontal face images.
• head pitch (nod) – ±15 degrees from frontal position.

4.8 VeriLook usage notes Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Face Liveness Detection

• The head pitch tolerance can be increased up to ±25 degrees if several views of the same face that covered different
pitch angles were used during enrollment.
• head yaw (bobble) – ±45 degrees from frontal position (configurable).
• ±15 degrees default value is the fastest setting which is usually sufficient for most near-frontal face images.
• 30 degrees difference between a face template in a database and a face image from camera is acceptable.
• Several views of the same face can be enrolled to the database to cover the whole ±45 degrees yaw range from frontal
Live Face Detection

A stream of consecutive images (usually a video stream from a camera) is required for face liveness check:

• When the liveness check is enabled, it is performed by the face engine before feature extraction. If the face in the stream
fails to qualify as "live", the features are not extracted.
• Only one face should be visible in these frames.
• Users can enable these liveness check modes:
• Active – the engine requests the user to perform certain actions like blinking or moving one's head.
• 5 frames per second or better frame rate required.
• This mode can work with both colored and grayscale images.
• This mode requires the user to perform all requested actions to pass the liveness check.
• Passive – the engine analyzes certain facial features while the user stays still in front of the camera for a short period of 4
• Colored images are required for this mode.
• 10 frames per second or better frame rate required.
• Better score is achieved when users do not move at all.
• Passive then active – the engine first tries the passive liveness check, and if it fails, tries the active check. This mode
requires colored images.
• Simple – the engine requires user to turn head from side to side while looking at camera.
• 5 frames per second or better frame rate recommended.
• This mode can work with both colored and grayscale images.

4.8.2 Face Liveness Detection

Neurotechnology faces recognition algorithm is capable to differentiate live faces from non live faces (e.g. photos).

Liveness modes
Faces recognition algorithm has 5 modes for liveness check:

• Passive. In this mode user should hold his head still for a few seconds. Face recognition algorithm calculates the score
and checks if the face is live.
• Active. In this mode user should follow the commands on the screen by moving his head or blinking eyes. Face recognition
algorithm checks if the face is live.
• Simple. In this mode user should follow commands on the screen and turn face from side to side. It is simplified version of
active liveness recognition.
• Custom. In this mode it is required to turn head to four directions (up, down, left, right) in a random order (follow-up points
are same as Active mode).
• None. In this mode face liveness check is not performed.
Passive and active modes can be combined for a better liveness check. The images below show how faces liveness check is
performed when passive and active modes are combined.

4.8 VeriLook usage notes Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Face Liveness Detection

1. Passive liveness check is performed and user is asked to keep still:

2. When passive liveness check was performed, active liveness check starts. User is asked to turn his face (head) on the
target. The arrow shows turn direction:

Active liveness check also has eyes blink step when user asks to blinks his eyes several times:

4.8 VeriLook usage notes Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Face Feature Points

3. Also, simple liveness check can be used. In this mode user should keep rotating yaw and follow on screen commands.

Combining both passive and active liveness check modes higher accuracy can be achieved. Please check Faces samples
[ 145] in the SDK for more information how to use liveness check.
4. When custom liveness mode is used, user is required to turn his head in 4 randomly selected directions (up, down, left and

5. When no liveness check is needed, select None liveness check mode.

4.8.3 Face Feature Points

Feature points
The image below shows the face bounding rectangle and detected 68 face features:

4.9 BioAPI Integration Neurotechnology Biometric SDK

This option can be enabled in faces sample applications by selecting Detect all feature points.

These API functions are for working with feature points:

• To retrieve feature points: NLAttributesGetFeaturePoints function for C; NLAttributes.FeaturePoints

property for .NET; getFeaturePoints method for Java. These return the collection of all feature points.
• NLFeaturePoint structure contains information about feature point - coordinates, code and confidence.
• NLAttributes class provides not only functionality for feature points, but also for face expressions, gender and liveness.
It is not recommended to use age attribute for live video streams.

4.9 BioAPI Integration

BioAPI (Biometric Application Programming Interface) is a part of International Standards for systems that perform biometric
enrollment and verification (or identification). It defines generic interfaces that enable software from multiple vendors to be
integrated together to provide a biometrics application within a system. BioAPI specification (technically interfaces in
Neurotechnology SDK) enables such systems to be produced by integration of modules from multiple independent vendors.

In order to use BioAPI functionality in MegaMatcher SDK (usage with VeriEye, VeriFinger or VeriLook is also possible with
appropriate BSS license), BioAPI framework should be installed. The following steps should be followed when installing a

1. Run mds_install.exe file from \bin\Win32_x86 directory. This executable installs CDSA (Common Data Security
Architecture) directory.
2. Run install_fwrk.exe file from \bin\Win32_x86 directory. This executable installs BioAPI20 framework.

4.11 ARM linux usage Neurotechnology Biometric SDK

3. Run bsp_install.exe from \bin\Win32_x86 directory. This file creates BSP (Biometric Service Providers) entry in
BioAPI framework registry and can be used with following Neurotechnology BSPs: NFIdentificationEngine.dll,

bsp_install.exe is intended for installation of Neurotechnology BSP modules into BioAPI20 framework, it cannot be used
with BSP modules of other providers.

MegaMatcher SDK BSP modules export BioSPIRI_BSPGetSchema function that populates BioAPI_BSP_SCHEMA structure
with valid data so that later data can be passed to BioAPI_Util_Install function for installation of corresponding BSP modules.

See Also
BioAPI sample program included in the SDK.

For more information about BioAPI framework, visit the official website of BioAPI Consortium.

4.10 Error codes

Almost all functions return NResult. To check whether functions is succeeded the macros NFailed and NSucceeded can be
used. 4
NError (Neurotec [ 220] for .Net) defines error codes used in Neurotechnology components.

4.11 ARM linux usage

Compiling tutorials * On most systems tutorials can be built by simply using make. However, on few systems (for example,
Raspbian) ARCH environment variable is set incorrectly and needs to be specified explicitly: make ARCH=armhf OR make
ARCH=arm64 (depending on platform).

5.1 C Language Neurotechnology Biometric SDK C Memory Management

5 Conventions

5.1 C Language

5.1.1 C Memory Management

Array of primitive types

Array of primitive types, such as NInt, should be freed using NFree() function. Important: for most non primitive types,

such as NObjects or NStrings, it is necessary to use special methods (see sections below).

NObject is reference counted. Every API call which returns NObject handle increases reference count.

Therefore it is always required to unreference NObject when it is no longer needed.

Unreference NObject

Safe unreference pattern: unreference an NObject handle and set it to NULL.

It is safe to call NObjectSet on NULL hObject which will not have any effect.
// hObject is a handle to some NObject.
NResult nr = NObjectSet(NULL, &hObject);
Unreference array of NObjects

Unreference all elements and free the arhObjects array:

// arhObjects is an array of HNObjects
// objectCount is number of elements in the arhObjects array
NResult nr = NObjectUnrefArray(arhObjects, objectCount);
Unreference only elements but not the arhObjects array:
NResult nr = NObjectUnrefElements(arhObjects, objectCount);
Explicit reference counting

In some cases it may be desirable to have references to the same NObject from multiple places. In that case reference count
may be increased or decreased explicitly.

Increase reference count explicitly:

NResult nr = NObjectRef(hObject);
Decrease reference count explicitly:
NResult nr = NObjectUnref(hObject);

5.1 C Language Neurotechnology Biometric SDK C Memory Management

NString usage is similar to NObject. It is also reference counted. Every API call which returns NString increases reference

Therefore it is always required to unreference the NString when it is no longer needed.

Free an NString

Free an NString handle and set it to NULL. It is safe to call NStringSet on NULL hString which will not have any effect.
// hString is a handle to some NString.
NResult nr = NStringSet(NULL, &hString);
Free all elements and free the arhStrings array:
// arhStrings is an array of HNString
// count is number of elements in the arhStrings array
NResult nr = NStringFreeArray(arhStrings, count);
Free only elements but not the arhStrings array:
NResult nr = NStringFreeElements(arhStrings, count);
Clone an NString

In order to get another the reference to the same NString, NStringClone needs to be used:
NResult nr = NStringClone(hString);

6.1 Using Devices Neurotechnology Biometric SDK NdmMedia plugin

6 Using
This chapter explains in detail some specific aspects of MegaMatcher 11.2, VeriFinger 11.2, VeriLook 11.2, VeriEye 11.2 and
VeriSpeak 11.2 SDK.

6.1 Using Devices

The Neurotechnology SDKs provides convenient and unified way for device access. All the devices supported by the SDKs can
be discovered through NDeviceManger Unit (NDeviceManager [ 1777] Class). Device support is implemented as plugins
(dynamic libraries) and plugin management mechanism can be used to control which devices will be enabled. Please see the
documentation of the NDevices library for more information.

For complete device usage examples, please see Devices sample application [ 209] in \Samples\Devices\ SDK directory and
tutorials in \Tutorials [ 141]\Devices\ directory.

6.1.1 NdmMedia plugin

NdmMedia library is plugin for NDeviceManger allowing to use Video and Audio devices. It provides audio/video input
supported by NMedia API, and allows supported device to be used as NMicrophone and NCamera objects.

It's configuration is platform dependant and is described in next subsections.

Note: If NDeviceManger interface is not needed , the NMedia API can be used directly (see NMediaReader and NMediaSource

When using NextBiometrics NdmMedia plugin (NdmNextBiometrics.dll) on Windows 7, you should disable Windows biometric 6
service. Configuring on Microsoft Windows

On Windows the plugin is saved as NdmMedia.dll file in Bin\Win32_x86\ or Bin\Win64_x64\ directories of SDK. The
plugin allows to use all Video/Audio devices available through DirectShow and Windows Media Foundation frameworks.
Additional virtual devices can be added. These virtual devices would use rtsp stream or local media file for their content.

The plugin is configured through NdmMedia.ini configuration file in the same directory. The file contains commented example
of the possible configuration, the format is described further. The ';' character can be used to comment out the line.

The file uses usual .ini format, where certain parameters are grouped into sections:

Section Description
[NAudioSource] Specifies parameters controlling usage of all the local audio devices.
[NVideoSource] Specifies parameters controlling usage of all the local video devices.
[Camera] Section defines additional video input device. This can be remote stream (for example from IP camera) or
"virtual" device which would provide video from media file.
[Microphone] Section defines additional audio input device. This can be remote stream or "virtual" device which would
provide audio from media file.

6.1 Using Devices Neurotechnology Biometric SDK NdmMedia plugin

The first two described sections ([NAudioSource] and [NVideoSource]) should appear in the configuration file only once, as
their settings control all the local devices. The each of the other sections ([Camera] and [Microphone]), define a new device
and can appear as many times as needed.

NdmMedia library can use devices through two frameworks: DirectShow or Windows Media Foundation. Following flags allow
to select which way is preferred and can appear in just described sections:

Flag Description
UseDirectShow Flag used to set whether to use DirectShow for video source.
UseDirectShow=False - disables DirectShow
UseDirectShow=True - enables DirectShow
UseWindowsMediaFoundation Flag used to set whether to use Windows Media Foundation for video source.
UseWindowsMediaFoundation=False - disables Windows Media Foundation
UseWindowsMediaFoundation=True - enables Windows Media Foundation
PreferDirectShow Flag used to prefer DirectShow versus Windows Media Foundation.
PreferDirectShow=False - prefers to use Windows Media Foundation
PreferDirectShow=True - prefers to use DirectShow vs. Windows Media Foundation
AllowDuplicateDevices This flag is used to allow enumerating duplicate devices. If this flag was set to true and the
same device is accessible through DirectShow and Windows Media Foundation (Windows
7) then this device will be enumerated twice.
Note: Valid only for [NAudioSource] and [NVideoSource]) sections

Following parameters define a device and can be used in [Camera] and [Microphone] sections:

Parameter Description
Url Rtsp address of media source (IP camera). For example:
Filename Media source file name. For example:
Note: Only Filename or Url address can be specified at a time, not both.
Id Camera Id (optional parameter). This Id overrides original camera Id. For example:
Id=My Camera
DisplayName Display name for camera (optional parameter). This parameter overrides default camera display name. For 6
DisplayName=My Camera Display name Configuring on Linux and Mac OS X

On Linux the plugin is saved as file in Lib/Linux_x86/ or Lib/Linux_x86_64/ directories of SDK.

On Mac OS the plugin is saved as NdmMedia.dylib file in Library/Frameworks/Neurotechnology/ sub directory (of
SDK installation target directory).

The plugin allows to use all Video/Audio devices available through gstreamer framework. Additional virtual devices can be
added. These virtual devices would use rtsp stream or local media file for their content.

Note: The current release doesn't support additional virtual devices on Mac OS X.

Plugin is configured through NdmMedia.conf configuration file in the directory of the library. The file contains commented
example of the possible configuration, the format is described further. The '#' character can be used to comment out the line.

The file uses .ini like format, where certain parameters are grouped into sections. Each sections defines a new device and
can appear as many times as needed:

6.1 Using Devices Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Using IP Cameras

Section Description
[Camera] Section defines additional video input device. This can be remote stream (for example from IP camera) or
"virtual" device which would provide video from media file.
[Microphone] Section defines additional audio input device. This can be remote stream or "virtual" device which would
provide audio from media file.

The device is described by following parameters in each section:

Parameter Description
Url Rtsp address of media source (IP camera). For example:
Filename Media source file name. For example:
Note: Only Filename or Url address can be specified at a time, not both.
Id Camera Id (optional parameter). This Id overrides original camera Id. For example:
Id=My Camera
DisplayName Display name for camera (optional parameter). This parameter overrides default camera display name. For
DisplayName=My Camera Display name

6.1.2 Using IP Cameras

Most of the supported IP cameras can be used from NDeviceManger through NdmMedia plugin [ 83]. Or used directly through
lower level NMedia API (NMediaReader and NMediaSource units). For example NMediaReaderCreateFromUrl function
(NMediaReader.NMediaReader [ 2050] constructor).

Some cameras need special NDeviceManger plugin and their use is described in separate subsections:

• Cisco Video Surveillance IP 4500 [ 85]

• Mobotix DualNight M12 [ 86]
• Prosilica GigE Vision [ 86]
Also these cameras were tested and approved to work with Neurotechnology products:

• Basler scA1000-30gm (works only on Windows OS; requires Basler Pylon SDK)
• Basler BIP2-1600-25c-DN (works on Windows and Linux using RTSP) Cisco Video Surveillance IP 4500

Cisco Video Surveillance IP 4500 camera is supported (on Windows and Linux) through NdmCisco plugin for NDeviceManger.
The camera should be configured by editing the NdmCisco.conf file in \Bin\Win32_x86\Cameras\NdmCisco\,
\Bin\Win64_x64\Cameras\NdmCisco\ and \Bin\Linux_x86\Cameras\NdmCisco\ directories of the SDK. Multiple
cameras can be specified, by using the following template (for each camera):
1. IP - defines IP address of camera channel

6.1 Using Devices Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Proper Use of a Fingerprint Scanner

2. Username - camera's username. To set camera's username use Cisco software.

3. Password - camera's user password.
4. ChannelId - Camera's channel ID.
5. ChannelName - Name of camera's channel.
6. Id - NDeviceManger ID for the camera.
7. DisplayName - NDeviceManger display name for the camera. Mobotix DualNight M12

Mobotix DualNight M12 IP camera is supported (on Windows and Linux OS) through NdmMobotix plugin for NDeviceManger.
The camera should be configured by editing the NdmMobotix.conf file in \Bin\Win32_x86\Cameras\NdmMobotix\,
\Bin\Win64_x64\Cameras\NdmMobotix\ and \Bin\Win64_x64\Linux_x86\NdmMobotix\ directories of the SDK.
Multiple cameras can be specified, by using the following template (for each camera):
1. IP - defines IP address of camera channel
2. Id - NDeviceManger ID for the camera.
3. DisplayName - NDeviceManger display name for the camera.
4. Channel - camera's channel.
5. FrameRate - camera frame rate. Default value is 20. Prosilica GigE Vision

Prosilica GigE Vision camera is supported (on Windows and Linux OS) through NdmProsilica plugin for NDeviceManger. The
plugin is saved as NdmProsilica.dll file in \Bin\Win32_x86\Cameras\NdmProsilica\,
\Bin\Win64_x64\Cameras\NdmProsilica\ or \Bin\Linux_x86\Cameras\NdmProsilica\ directories of the SDK. 6
This camera does not require any additional configuration.

6.1.3 Proper Use of a Fingerprint Scanner

General guidelines:

The finger should be put flat on the scanner, finger-pad down on the scanning surface.

Wait for the scanner to react to the finger and give it time to scan it. Do not remove the finger until the scanner gives a specific
signal - a beep, a LED flicker, etc.

Do not move your finger or palm while the scanning is in process.

Finger position:

Do not put the finger on the scanner finger-tip down, for then the surface of the finger will not be large enough for a proper
scanning to occur. For the same reason, do not put the finger on the scanner side-down. Make sure as much of the scanning
surface as possible is covered by your finger-pad.

Do not put the finger upside-down (or make sure that you are holding the scanner the right side down, for that matter). Note,

6.1 Using Devices Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Proper Use of a Fingerprint Scanner

that the algorithm allows options for upside-down fingerprint scanning, although they may affect the FAR (false acceptance
rate) or FRR (false rejection rate).

Press the finger down lightly and evenly throughout the capturing process. Use as much pressure needed to hold a piece of
paper between your fingers. Pressing too hard or too light may result in an overly dark or light image.

If you are scanning a palm or a number of finger, keep the fingers as close together as possible without them actually touching
each other (keep approx. 2-5 mm gaps between finger-pads).

General tips:

It is advisable to have the finger clean and neither wet nor too dry, as it all ruins scanning accuracy.

In case of an automatic fingerprint scanner please remember, that the sensor may not detect the finger when it is placed too
softly or too slowly on the scanner.

If the automatic scanner does not react to the finger (LED does not turn on, the scanner does not start blinking, no sound is
played, etc. - depending on the scanner model), remove the finger, wait five seconds and try again.

Make sure that the scanner itself is clean before scanning.

It is advisable to have a scan assistant, who would inform the users of how the scanner is properly used and ensure that they
follow these instructions and the scanning is successful.

The pictures below depict the correct way of using the fingerprint scanner and the most common mistakes.

The correct way of using the scanner.

The incorrect ways of using the scanner.

6.1 Using Devices Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Using Bluetooth device

6.1 Using Devices Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Fingerprint module custom properties

6.1.4 Using Bluetooth device

To pair device properly:

1. Keep Select.

2. BT Control->Clear Paired List.

3. Operation Mode->BT Master Mode.

4. Image Select->RAW Image. Optional

5. System Settings->Set BT PIN.

6. Security->Security Lock Off.

7. Pair devices (from android side)

During the pairing procedure it will show scanners MAC address (write it somewhere).

At the moment this scanner will not work with Biometrics sample application. Only with - device-sample.apk

In order to scan finger with this sample:

1. Start sample.

2. Hit menu -> connect.

3. Select FutronicBluetooth plugin.

4. In properties enter device MAC address and some id and display name (can be anything).

Device should scan after this procedure.

6.1.5 Fingerprint module custom properties

Module Property Type / Description 6

NdmAbilma Ip String (Readonly) IP address of the device.

Port int (Readonly) IP port of the device.
Password int (Readonly) Password of the device.
NdmCrossMatch UseAutoCapture bool Only shown only if the device supports
auto capture
NdmFutronic DiodeColorWhileCapturing "Off", Specify which color should be set on
"Red", device's LED while capturing is in
"Green" progress. Default: "Off".
NdmFutronicEthernetFam Ip String (Readonly) IP address of the device.
Port int (Readonly) IP port of the device.
NdmGreenBit ExtendedMode bool Use all area of the scanner even if you
scan only one finger.
ScanAreaWidth uint Crop the image to the specified width.
ScanAreaHeight uint Crop the image to the specified height.

6.2 Matching Server (NServer) Neurotechnology Biometric SDK

NdmIntegratedBiometricsIBScanUltimate EnableEncryption bool Enable or disable communication

NdmLumidigm SpoofLevel int Level of spoof detection ("Convenient",
"Secure" or "Highly Secure")
NdmMiaxis Ip String (Readonly) IP address of the device.
Port int (Readonly) IP port of the device.
NdmSupremaRealScan LfdLevel 0 to 6 Specify the device-specific Life
Fingerprint Detection (LFD) level.
ExtendedMode bool Use the extended scan area.

6.2 Matching Server (NServer)

The Matching Server (NServer) is ready-to-use software intended for building moderate size web-based and other
network-based systems like local Automated Fingerprint Identification Systems (AFIS) or multi-biometric identification system.
The Server software runs on a server PC and allows to perform the biometric template matching on server side. The Matching
server can be described as a server with single built-in matching node.

Multi-biometric matching can be enabled by running components for fingerprint, face, iris and voiceprint matching on the same

Client communication module that allows sending a task to the Matching Server, querying status of the task, getting the results
and removing the task from server, is included with MegaMatcher SDK, VeriFinger SDK, VeriLook SDK, VeriSpeak SDK and
VeriEye SDK. This module hides all low level communications and provides high-level API for the developer.

Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL [ 109], Oracle [ 104], MySQL and SQLite [ 116] database support modules are included
for Matching Server. Custom modules for working with other databases can also be developed by integrator and used with the
Matching Server software.

Running elements of matching server as daemon (processes running in the background and doing logging into files, which 6
usually are started automatically during machine boot) is easy on Unix systems. On Windows platforms it can be implemented
as a service.

SDK include services used to start and monitor NServer. If server is not running, these services are used to start them. These
files are used to start server process:
File location: Bin\Win32_x86\Server\NServer or Bin\Win64_x64\Server\NServer

Service starting example:

NServerService.exe - install
Uninstall service:
NServerService.exe - uninstall

To make it simple for first time users, the Matching Server can be used with ABIS sample [ 154] as the client.

On Windows Server Configurator can be used to modify the configuration files and to start the NServer. On other platform this
should to be done manually.

Once the matching server is ready, the ABIS sample [ 154] can be run to enroll the records into database and perform
identification on the server side.

6.2 Matching Server (NServer) Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Configuration file

The Matching Server component requires a special license that allows to run the Matching Server on all machines that run the
fingerprint, face, iris or palm print matching components obtained by an integrator.

When high volume identification with several nodes are required, another product from Neurotechnology - MegaMatcher
Accelerator - can be used. Also, it is recommended to use NBiometricClient [ 23] instead of NServer.
NServer is saved in the following directories of SDK:

• Bin\Win32_x86\Server\NServer\NServer.exe (for 32 bits Windows OS)

• Bin\Win64_x64\Server\NServer\NServer.exe (for 64 bits Windows OS)
• Bin\Linux_x86\NServer\NServer (for 32 bits Linux)
• Bin\Linux_x86_64\NServer\NServer (for 64 bits Linux)
• Bin\MacOSX_universal\NServer (for Mac OS X)

6.2.1 Configuration file

The Matching Server is configured using configuration files and command line arguments.

Configuration files

When the Server starts up, it searches for the file named NServer.conf in the current directory.

Default configuration options could be changed by writing a new or changing the existing configuration file. The syntax of
configuration file is:
<OptionName> = <NewValue> # Comment (any text after # is ignored)
# Comment (any text after # is ignored)
<OptionName> = <NewValue>
Everything following the hash symbol ('#') is ignored, and can be used for comments. Any text editor may be used for writing
the configuration file.

A new configuration file must be saved with the default configuration filename. Alternatively, custom filename can be used, but
then it must be specified with -c parameter of Command Line Interface. For example, to run NServer [ 90] with configuration 6
from NServer.conf file, following command should be executed in Windows cmd prompt:
NServer.exe -c NServer.conf
Command line arguments

Configuration values can also be specified in the command line. Command line values have higher priority, i.e. they can
override the values specified in configuration file. The syntax is "--<OptionName> <NewValue>", i.e. full option name with two
minus sings followed by space and the argument value. For example, to run NServer [ 90] with client port other then specified
in configuration file:
NServer.exe --Server.ClientListenPort 10000
Some options also have short command line version, for example "--Server.ClientListenPort" could be replaced by "-p".

Conventions [ 81] used when describing options

The subsections explain available options. Options are presented in the tables like this:

Conf. File Option Default Description

Name Value
[short cmdline alias]
Server.ClientListenPort 25452 TCP port number used by the Server to listen on for the Client connections.
[-p <port>]

6.3 ODBC configuration Neurotechnology Biometric SDK

First column shows the name of the option (Server.ClientListenPort in this example). This name can be used to set option value
in the configuration file or commandline. Some options also have short version for commandline usage, it is shown between []
brackets ("-p" and "--Server.ClientListenPort" are equivalent).

Second column shows the default value, which is used when option is not present in neither configuration file nor command line.

6.3 ODBC configuration

Server-side components can be used with number of database engines. ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) is a standard
interface for accessing database management systems. Currently matching server supports SqlLite database. Other databases
(MySql, PostgreSQL [ 109], Oracle [ 104]) can be accessed trough ODBC.

For Linux, unixODBC can be used. unixODBC downloads for Linux and instructions on installation could be found at unixODBC
web site ( Windows comes bundled with the standard OS installation and the configuration can be
accessed via the Control Panel in Administration Tools - Data Sources (ODBC).

Before using ODBC with a specific database, the database must be defined as a data source for ODBC. For this action, a
database management system specific ODBC driver is needed, which is commonly supplied by the database management
system developers. When adding a new data source, the name that is chosen to identify the data source must be used in
configuration file of server/node.

When the data source does not require authentication information (UID and PWD parameters in the ODBC connection string),
the parameters should be omitted.

Some databases does not support unsigned data types. ODBC currently has no means to automatically detect this. If such a
database is used via ODBC, the string DB_SIGNED_ONLY should be specified in the DBOption identifier.

List of supported databases as data source:

• Microsoft SQL Server [ 94] 6

• MySQL [ 99]
• Oracle [ 104]
• SQLite [ 116]
• PostgreSQL [ 109]
Note: When using Windows, the 32-bit version of the ODBC Administrator tool and the 64-bit version of the ODBC
Administrator tool display both the 32-bit user DSNs and the 64-bit user DSNs in a 64-bit version of the Windows operating
system. Although there is no solution to this problem, a workaround can be used. To work around this problem, use the
appropriate version of the ODBC Administrator tool. If you use an application as a 32-bit application on a 64-bit operating
system, you must create the ODBC data source by using the ODBC Administrator tool in
%windir%\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe. An error message is produced "[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] The specified
DSN contains an architecture mismatch between the Driver and Application" when you use an application as a 32-bit
application on a 64-bit operating system.

Note 2: All connection information for ODBC driver is passed using Server.SQLHost configuration option. Some ODBC drivers
ignore options set in ODBC configuration and require them to be passed together with DSN (in Server.SQLHost option).

Note 3: At the moment ODBC uses the following columns:

1) SubjectId (same column type as dbid)

2) Template

6.3 ODBC configuration Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Microsoft SQL Server

Each database management system have minor differences, here we provide a list of problem solutions we encountered.

Microsoft SQL

If Microsoft SQL Server ODBC Driver for Linux is used - then user id and password used to connect to database must be
passed via Server.SQLHost parameters in server configuration file unless ODBC connector documentation states other vise.
Server.SQLHost = DSN=<dsn>;UID=<user_id>;PWD=<password>

UseServerSidePrepare must be set to 1 other vise all queries that provide parameters will fail to execute. This can be done via
ODBC settings or passing directly via Server.SQLHost parameter:
Server.SQLHost = DSN=<dsn>;UseServerSidePrepare=1
SQLite [ 116]

Even though sqlite_drv is able to create database if it does not exist, ODBC driver does not offer such functionality.
Database must be created before attempt to connect to it.

Some ODBC connector versions are know to crash during execution, there fore odbc_drv prevents user from using such
versions. In case there is a need to ignore this behavior, user should add ODBC_FORCE_LOAD_SQLITE flag to
Server.SQLDBDriverAdditionalParameters in server configuration file:
Server.SQLDBDriverAdditionalParameters = ODBC_FORCE_LOAD_SQLITE

In the node configuration file, connection string (e.g. 'DSN=odbcsource;UID=user;PWD=pass;', where the odbcsource is the
name of data source to connect to) is specified as the host name parameter (DBHost) in the configuration file. Other
parameters (DBUser, DBPassword, DBDatabase) are not used.

When the data source does not require authentication information (UID and PWD parameters in the ODBC connection string),
the parameters should be omitted.

Some databases does not support unsigned data types. ODBC currently has no means to automatically detect this. If such a
database is used via ODBC, the string DB_SIGNED_ONLY should be specified in the DBOption identifier. Known databases
not supporting unsigned data types:

• MS Access 6
• SQL Server
• PostgreSQL [ 109]
• Oracle [ 104]
• DB2
The functionality of the ODBC node database driver depends on the specific type of the backend database used. The driver
has the means to automatically detect the backend database engine. In case this does not work, it is possible to specify the
backend type in the node configuration file by specifying one the of following identifiers in the DBOption value:


• ODBC_MSSQL for MS SQL Server
• ODBC_ORACLE for Oracle [ 104] DB
• ODBC_SQLITE for SQLite [ 116]

6.3 ODBC configuration Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Microsoft SQL Server

6.3.1 Microsoft SQL Server

(Microsoft SQL Server 2017 (Developer Edition with Basic installation type) and SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) 17.5
on Windows 10 were used during preparation of this documentation.)

Steps required for Microsoft SQL Server installation:

1. Download Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL) from Microsoft web site.

2. (Optional) Download SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) from Microsoft.

3. Run installation of Microsoft SQL Server. When installation has completed, select Install SSMS.

4. Install Microsoft SQL Management Studio.

Database configuration
1. Run SQL Server Management Studio and ensure that MSSQL 2017 was installed and started.

2. Create the main database that will store templates. Select File->New->Query with Current Connection and execute this
CREATE DATABASE <database_name>;
Example with the default configuration file:
3. Set up ODBC data sources for Windows. You should create a new data source for Miscrosoft SQL Server connection. Go to
Control panel -> Administrative tools -> ODBC data sources. You can add 32 bits or 64 bits data sources. It is recommended to
choose driver bits version the same as Neurotechnology binaries and database.

In User DSN tab press Add button. Create New Data Source window opens where you should select a driver for which you
want to set up a data source. For accessing data from your application in Microsoft SQL Server it is recommended to use SQL
Server Native Client which allows to use the new features of MSSQL. For earlier versions of SQL Server ODBC Driver 13 for
SQL Server can be used:

6.3 ODBC configuration Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Microsoft SQL Server

Press Finish button. New windows appear where you should specify these connection parameters (change server name to

• Name - data source name. Should be used the same as in NServer.ODBC_Sample.conf file.

6.3 ODBC configuration Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Microsoft SQL Server

• Server - address or name of MSSQL server.

• Authentication type - you can choose authentication to MSSQL server type: integrated Windows authentication or SQL
server authentication when login ID and password of SQL server are used.
Also these additional parameters can be changed (select previously created userdb database as the default):

When you select Finish, data source for ODBC connection settings are shown. You can check these settings by pressing Test
Data Source.

6.3 ODBC configuration Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Microsoft SQL Server

Database table for NBiometricClient

When you have configured database, you should create the table for storing biometric data. These table columns are for the
usage with NBiometricClient [ 36].

1. Create the main database table. Table columns depends on database schema used in your application. You can add or
remove some columns.
use userdb;
SubjectId varchar(16) NOT NULL,
Template varbinary(max) NOT NULL,
FirstName varchar(16) NULL,
LastName varchar(16) NULL,
GenderString varchar(16) NULL,
YearOfBirth varchar(16) NULL,
Country varchar(16) NULL,
City varchar(16) NULL,
Thumbnail varbinary(max) NULL
); 6
2. Create unique non-clusterd index for for SubjectId column.
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX Subjects_index ON Subjects (SubjectId);
3. Test ODBC settings. You can test your ODBC settings for MSSQL in ABIS sample [ 154]. Run this sample with Odbc
database connection option in "Connection settings" and try to enroll a template. After a successful enrollment, subject data
should be saved in Microsoft SQL Server (Subjects table).

Note: Check if database schema matches Subjects table columns. When you select Remote server scheme or Sample db
scheme, select Edit and check if all fields and their type match MSSQL database table columns. The main database Create
statement above is only for Sample db schema. If you do not need biographic data, select None. Otherwise, select Remote
server scheme or Sample db scheme.

6.3 ODBC configuration Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Microsoft SQL Server

Database table for NServer

(You should create this table when matching and enrollment is performed using NServer [ 90] instead of NBiometricClient)

1. Create the main database table. Table columns depends on database schema used in your application. You can add or
remove some columns.
use userdb;
CREATE TABLE usertbl (
template varbinary(max) NOT NULL,
dbid varchar(255) NOT NULL
2. Create index for dbid column.
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX dbid_index ON usertbl (dbid);
3. Configure NServer.ODBC_Sample.conf file. This file is saved in Bin\Win86_x32\Server\NServer [ 90] and
Bin\Win64_x64\Server\NServer [ 90] directories. Search for "MsSQL" in this file and un-comment (remove #) this line:
Server.SqlDataSourceName = DSN=mssql_dsn;UID=mssql_user;PWD=mssql_password; 6
For the setup in this documentation change to this:
Server.SqlDataSourceName = DSN=mssql_dsn;UID=[your database user name];PWD=[database
user password]
You can use only one ODBC connection. So add "#" sign to Server.SqlDataSourceName = DSN=sqlite_dsn; (SQLite
[ 116] configuration will not be used).

After that rename this file to NServer.conf or copy content to NServer.conf file.

Note: by default NServer.conf file saves configuration for SQLite [ 116] database. Save a copy of this file if you are willing to
use SQLite [ 116] database.

4. Run Matching Server. Check if you ODBC configuration for matching server is correct. Run Matching server (NServer.exe for
Windows or NServer [ 90] for Mac OS X and Linux). E.g.:
5. Test ODBC connection settings. You can test ODBC connection for NServer [ 90] by enrolling a template using ABIS
sample [ 154]. Run this sample with Remote matching server option in "Connection settings" and try to enroll a template. After
a successful enrollment, subject data should be saved in MSSQL database. Also, NServer [ 90] console should show a status
of successful operation.

6.3 ODBC configuration Neurotechnology Biometric SDK MySQL

NServer.exe console view after a successful server initialization and enrollment operation:

Check your MSSQL database. Enrolled template should be saved in usertbl table.

Congratulations, you have successfully set up a ODBC connection for MSSQL database for usage with Neurotechnology
Matching Server (NServer [ 90]).

6.3.2 MySQL
(MySQL Community Server 5.7 on Windows 10 were used during preparation of this documentation.)

1. Download MySQL Community Server installer from MySQL website.

2. Run MySQL Installer. Select Developer Default when you are installing MySQL for development purposes. When you deploy
your system, select Server only.

6.3 ODBC configuration Neurotechnology Biometric SDK MySQL

Database configuration
1. Open MySQL Workbench CE (part of MySQL installation package). On the main screen under MySQL Connections select a
connection and connect to MySQL server. On the left Navigator window select Server Status and check if MySQL server is

2. Create the main database that will store templates. Select File->New Query Tab and execute this query:
3. Grant privileges to database user (in this example we will grant all privileges):
4. Set up ODBC data sources for Windows. You should create a new data source MySQL connection. Go to Control panel ->
Administrative tools -> ODBC data sources. You can add 32 bits or 64 bits data sources. It is recommended to choose driver
bits version the same as Neurotechnology binaries and database.

In User DSN tab press Add button. Create New Data Source window opens where you should select a driver for which you
want to set up a data source (for some versions of MySQL ODBC connector may be required). Select Ansi or Unicode version
of them depending on your database configuration:

6.3 ODBC configuration Neurotechnology Biometric SDK MySQL

Press Finish button. A new window opens where you should specify these connection parameters:

• Data source name - by default mysql_dsn name is used. This name can be changed in NServer.ODBC_Sample.conf file.
• TCP/IP server - address of MySQL database.
• User & password - MySQL username and password.
• Database - database name. If database was created using code above, the name will be - userdb.
Press OK button. User data source will be created.

Database table for NBiometricClient

When you have configured database, you should create the table for storing biometric data. These table columns are for the
usage with NBiometricClient [ 36].

1. Create the main database table. Table columns depends on database schema used in your application. You can add or
remove some columns.

Note: by default, MySQL creates lowercase table names. You may need to change the content of my.ini (saved in hidden
directory C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7 ) file by adding this line and restarting MySQL:
USE userdb;

6.3 ODBC configuration Neurotechnology Biometric SDK MySQL

SubjectId varchar(16) UNIQUE NOT NULL,

Template longblob NOT NULL,
FirstName varchar(16) NULL,
LastName varchar(16) NULL,
GenderString varchar(16) NULL,
YearOfBirth varchar(16) NULL,
Country varchar(16) NULL,
City varchar(16) NULL,
Thumbnail varbinary(200) NULL
2. Create index for SubjectId column. The statement shown here creates an index using the first 10 characters of the dbid
CREATE INDEX index_subjectid ON Subjects (SubjectId(10));
3. Test ODBC settings. You can test your ODBC settings for MySQL in ABIS sample [ 154]. Run this sample with Odbc
database connection option in "Connection settings" and try to enroll a template. After a successful enrollment, subject data
should be saved in MySQL (Subjects table).

Note: Check if database schema matches Subjects table columns. When you select Remote server scheme or Sample db
scheme, select Edit (launch Schema Builder) and check if all fields and their type match MySQL database table columns. The
main database Create statement above is only for Sample db schema. If you do not need biographic data, select None.
Otherwise, select Remote server scheme or Sample db scheme.

Schema Builder fields for Subjects table columns:

6.3 ODBC configuration Neurotechnology Biometric SDK MySQL

Database table for NServer

(You should create this table when matching and enrollment is performed using NServer [ 90] instead of NBiometricClient)

1. Create the main database table. Table columns depends on database schema used in your application. You can add or
remove some columns.
use userdb;
CREATE TABLE usertbl (
Template longblob NOT NULL,
Dbid tinytext NOT NULL
2. Create index for Dbid column.
CREATE INDEX index_dbid ON usertbl (Dbid(10));
3. Configure NServer.ODBC_Sample.conf file. This file is saved in Bin\Win86_x32\Server\NServer [ 90] and
Bin\Win64_x64\Server\NServer [ 90] directories. Search for "MySQL" in this file and un-comment (remove #) this line:
Server.SqlDataSourceName = DSN=mysql_dsn;CharSet=utf8;BIG_PACKETS=8;
You can use only one ODBC connection. So add "#" sign to Server.SqlDataSourceName = DSN=sqlite_dsn; (SQLite
[ 116] configuration will not be used).

After that rename this file to NServer.conf or copy content to NServer.conf file.

Note: by default NServer.conf file saves configuration for SQLite [ 116] database. Save a copy of this file if you are willing to
use SQLite [ 116] database.

4. Run Matching Server. Check if you ODBC configuration for matching server is correct. Run Matching server (NServer.exe for
Windows or NServer [ 90] for Mac OS X and Linux). E.g.:
5. Test ODBC connection settings. You can test ODBC connection for NServer [ 90] by enrolling a template using ABIS
sample [ 154]. Run this sample with Remote matching server option in "Connection settings" and try to enroll a template. After
a successful enrollment, subject data should be saved in MSSQL database. Also, NServer [ 90] console should show a status
of successful operation.

NServer.exe console view after a successful server initialization and enrollment operation:

6.3 ODBC configuration Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Oracle

Check your MySQL database. Enrolled template should be saved in usertbl table.

Congratulations, you have successfully set up a ODBC connection for MySQL database for usage with Neurotechnology
Matching Server (NServer [ 90]).

Make sure that DBMS does not drop your insert queries because of maximum allowed packet size exceeded. Maximum packet
size can be altered in MySQL server configuration:
max_allowed_packet = 32M
Connector charset should be set to UTF8. The easiest way to do this is to add it to connection string in server configuration file:
Server.SQLHost = DSN=<dsn>;CharSet=utf8
Also, a connection string should use BIG_PACKETS=8 (note: this parameter should be used in all MySQL ODBC connect
strings) string:
Server.SqlDataSourceName = DSN=mysql_dsn;CharSet=utf8;BIG_PACKETS=8;

6.3.3 Oracle
(Oracle 12c Standard Edition 2 on Windows 10 were used during preparation of this documentation.)

Steps required for Oracle installation:

1. Download Oracle installation package. Oracle downloads for various operating systems (including Windows and Linux) and
instructions on installation could be found at Oracle website.

2. Unzip Oracle's installation package into a single directory. Run setup. During setup you can also create a new database. For
this documentation we have chosen "Single instance database installation".

6.3 ODBC configuration Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Oracle

3. Download and install Oracle SQL Developer. It is recommended to install Oracle SQL developer which is a free integrated
development environment that simplifies the development and management of Oracle Database.

4. Downloads Oracle's Instant Client. Oracle's Instant Client software enables development and production deployment of
Oracle Database applications.

5. Download ODBC software. For ODBC support, Oracle's Instant Client ODBC software is required (Instant Client Package -
ODBC, for Windows was used). It offers the full functionality of the Oracle
ODBC driver without needing a traditional ORACLE_HOME installation.

6. Unzip Oracle's Instant Client and ODBC into a single directory (e.g., C:\Oracle\instantclient_12_2).
7. Install the ODBC driver manager. Downloaded zip package contains installation instructions.

For Linux execute from the Instant Client directory: <ODBCDM_Home> [<Install_Location> <Driver_Name> <DSN> <ODBCINI>]
For Windows execute odbc_install.exe from the Instant Client directory. If Instant Client is 11g or lower, start the
command prompt with the Administrator privilege.

Database configuration
1. Set environment variables. Set your environment's library loading path (for example LD_LIBRARY_PATH on Linux, or PATH
on Windows) to the directory where Oracle's Instant Client zip files were extracted.

2. Execute Oracle SQL Developer and create new connection for database. Enter username and password of database, as
well as Oracle server address and port number. If Oracle Database Express edition is used, the default username is SYS or

3. Create the main database that will store templates:

4. Set up ODBC data sources for Windows.

You should create a new data source Oracle connection. Go to Control panel -> Administrative tools -> ODBC data sources.
You can add 32 bits or 64 bits data sources. It is recommended to choose driver bits version the same as Neurotechnology

6.3 ODBC configuration Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Oracle

binaries and Oracle database.

In User DSN tab press Add button. Create New Data Source window opens where you should select a driver for which you
want to set up a data source.

In this example we'll use Oracle default ODBC default data source for 64 bits system. Press Finish button. Oracle ODBC Driver
Configuration window opens. In this window you should specify data source name (should be used the same as in
NServer.ODBC_Sample.conf file.), TNS service name (address or name of Oracle server), user ID and password:

When you select OK, data source for ODBC connection settings are saved.Also, you can check this connection by pressing
Test Connection.

Database table for NBiometricClient

1. Create the main database table. Table columns depends on database schema used in your application. You can add or
remove some columns.
"SubjectId" VARCHAR(100),
"Template" BLOB,
"FirstName" VARCHAR(50) NULL,
"LastName" VARCHAR(50) NULL,

6.3 ODBC configuration Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Oracle

"GenderString" VARCHAR(50) NULL,

"YearOfBirth" VARCHAR(16) NULL,
"Country" VARCHAR(50) NULL,
"City" VARCHAR(50) NULL,
"Thumbnail" VARBINARY(200) NULL
2. Create index, sequence and trigger:
create index subjectid_idx on Subjects(SubjectId);
create sequence subjects_seq;

create trigger subjects_autonumber

before insert on Subjects
for each row
select subjects_seq.nextval into :new."Id" from dual;
3. Test ODBC settings. You can test your ODBC settings for Oracle in ABIS sample [ 154]. Run this sample with Odbc
database connection option in "Connection settings" and try to enroll a template. After a successful enrollment, subject data
should be saved in Oracle database (Subjects table).

Note: Check if database schema matches Subjects table columns. When you select Remote server scheme or Sample db
scheme, select Edit (launch Schema Builder) and check if all fields and their type match Oracle database table columns. The
main database Create statement above is only for Sample db schema. If you do not need biographic data, select None.
Otherwise, select Remote server scheme or Sample db scheme.

Schema Builder fields for Subjects table columns:

6.3 ODBC configuration Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Oracle

Database table for NServer

(You should create this table when matching and enrollment is performed using NServer [ 90] instead of NBiometricClient)

1. Create the main database table:

"template" BLOB NOT NULL,
"dbid" VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL,
2. Create index for dbid column.
create index usertbl_idx on usertbl(dbid);
create sequence usertbl_seq;

create trigger usertbl_autonumber

before insert on usertbl
for each row
select usertbl_seq.nextval into :new."id" from dual;
3. Configure NServer.ODBC_Sample.conf file. This file is saved in Bin\Win86_x32\Server\NServer [ 90] and
Bin\Win64_x64\Server\NServer [ 90] directories. Search for "Oracle" in this file and un-comment (remove #) this line:
Server.SqlDataSourceName = DSN=oracle_dsn;UID=oracle_user;PWD=oracle_password;
For the setup in this documentation change to this:
Server.SqlDataSourceName = DSN=oracle_dsn;UID=test;PWD=test;
You can use only one ODBC connection. So add "#" sign to Server.SqlDataSourceName = DSN=sqlite_dsn; (SQLite
[ 116] configuration will not be used).

After that rename this file to NServer.conf or copy content to NServer.conf file.

Note: by default NServer.conf file saves configuration for SQLite [ 116] database. Save a copy of this file if you are willing to
use SQLite [ 116] database.

4. Run Matching Server. Check if you ODBC configuration for matching server is correct. Run Matching server (NServer.exe for
Windows or NServer [ 90] for Mac OS X and Linux). E.g.:
5. Test ODBC connection settings. You can test ODBC connection for NServer [ 90] by enrolling a template using ABIS
sample [ 154]. Run this sample with Remote matching server option in "Connection settings" and try to enroll a template. After
a successful enrollment, subject data should be saved in Oracle database. Also, NServer [ 90] console should show a status
of successful operation.

6.3 ODBC configuration Neurotechnology Biometric SDK PostgreSQL

NServer.exe console view after a successful server initialization and enrollment operation:

Check your Oracle database. Enrolled template should be saved in usertbl table.

Congratulations, you have successfully set up a ODBC connection for Oracle database for usage with Neurotechnology
Matching Server (NServer [ 90]).

6.3.4 PostgreSQL
(PostgreSQL 10.3 database and pgAdmin 4 v2.1 (PostgreSQL manager, part of Postgre SQL installation package) on Windows
10 were used during preparation of this documentation.)

Steps required for PostgreSQL installation:

1. Download PostgreSQL installation package. PostgreSQL downloads for various operating systems can be found at
PostgreSQL website.

6.3 ODBC configuration Neurotechnology Biometric SDK PostgreSQL

2. (Optional) Downloads PostgreSQL manager (pgAdmin was used, which is a part of PostgreSQL 10.3).

3. Install PostgreSQL. When installation finishes, install ODBC drivers psqlODBC as well. Under "Database Drivers" select
psqlODBC and press "Next" buton:

When ODBC drivers was downloaded, install it.

Database configuration
1. Set system environment variables. Set your environment's library loading path (for example LD_LIBRARY_PATH on Linux,
or PATH on Windows) to the directory where PostgreSQL database was installed. E.g., append this string to existing Path
variable in Windows:
;C:\Program Files (x86)\PostgreSQL\10\bin

6.3 ODBC configuration Neurotechnology Biometric SDK PostgreSQL

2. Set up ODBC data sources for Windows.

You should create a new data source for PostgreSQL connection. Go to Control panel -> Administrative tools -> ODBC data
sources. You can add 32 bits or 64 bits data sources. It is recommended to choose driver bits version the same as
Neurotechnology binaries and PostgreSQL database.

In User DSN tab press Add button. Create New Data Source window opens where you should select a driver for which you
want to set up a data source.

In this example we'll use Unicode PostgreSQL ODBC 32 bits driver. Press Finish button. PostgreSQL ODBC Driver Setup
window opens. In this window you should specify data source name (should be used the same as in
Bin\Win32_x86\Server\NServer [ 90]\NServer.ODBC_Sample.conf file.), username, password and optionally database, server
and port:

6.3 ODBC configuration Neurotechnology Biometric SDK PostgreSQL

When you select Save, data source for ODBC connection settings are saved. Also, you can check this connection by pressing

4. Execute pgAdmin and add a connection to database server. Before you start using PostgreSQL database for storing
biometric templates, you need to create table and configure database. Select PostgreSQL server on the left, select Connect
and enter super user password:

5. Create the main database that will store biometric templates (from Tools->Query tool):
create database userdb;

6.3 ODBC configuration Neurotechnology Biometric SDK PostgreSQL

6. (Optional) Create a new server connection to use with userdb database. In the browser on the right click on Servers and
select Create->Server... Enter server name in General tab. Open Connection tab and enter host name (default - localhost),
port, specify maintenance database - userdb, enter password and select save password:

7. Grant privileges to the database server user.

grant select, update, insert, delete on table <tablename> to <username>;
Example with the default configuration file:
--For usage with NBiometricClient:
grant select, update, insert, delete on table "Subjects" to postgres;
--For usage with NServer:
grant select, update, insert, delete on table usertbl to postgres;

Database table for NBiometricClient

(These tables columns are for the usage with NBiometricClient [ 36])

6.3 ODBC configuration Neurotechnology Biometric SDK PostgreSQL

1. Create the main database table. Table columns depends on database schema used in your application. You can add or
remove some columns.
"Id" serial NOT NULL,
"SubjectId" text NOT NULL,
"Template" bytea NOT NULL,
"FirstName" text NULL,
"LastName" text NULL,
"GenderString" text NULL,
"YearOfBirth" text NULL,
"Country" text NULL,
"City" text NULL,
"Thumbnail" bytea NULL,
2. Create index for SubjectId field.
CREATE INDEX index_subjectid ON "Subjects" USING btree ("SubjectId");
3. Test ODBC settings. You can test your ODBC settings for PostgreSQL in ABIS sample [ 154]. Run this sample with Odbc
database connection option in "Connection settings" and try to enroll a template. After a successful enrollment, subject data
should be saved in PostgreSQL database.

Note: Check if database schema matches Subjects table columns. When you select Remote server scheme or Sample db
scheme, select Edit and check if all fields and their type match PostgreSQL database table columns. The main database
Create statement above is only for Sample db schema. If you do not need biographic data, select None. Otherwise, select
Remote server scheme or Sample db scheme.

Database table for NServer

(You should create this table when matching and enrollment is performed using NServer [ 90] instead of NBiometricClient)

1. Create the main database table. Table columns depends on database schema used in your application. You can add or
remove some columns.
CREATE TABLE "usertbl" (
"id" serial NOT NULL,
"template" bytea NOT NULL,
"dbid" text NOT NULL,
2. Create index for dbid column.
CREATE INDEX index_dbid on "usertbl" USING btree ("dbid");
3. Configure NServer.ODBC_Sample.conf file. This file is saved in Bin\Win86_x32\Server\NServer [ 90] and

6.3 ODBC configuration Neurotechnology Biometric SDK PostgreSQL

Bin\Win64_x64\Server\NServer [ 90] directories. Search for "SQL data source name" in this file and un-comment (remove #)
this line:
For the setup in this documentation change to this:
You can use only one ODBC connection. So add "#" sign to Server.SqlDataSourceName = DSN=sqlite_dsn; (SQLite
[ 116] configuration will not be used).

After that rename this file to NServer.conf or copy content to NServer.conf file.

Note: by default NServer.conf file saves configuration for SQLite [ 116] database. Save a copy of this file if you are willing to
use SQLite [ 116] database.

4. Run Matching Server. Check if you ODBC configuration for matching server is correct. Run Matching server (NServer.exe for
Windows or NServer [ 90] for Mac OS X and Linux). E.g.:
5. Test ODBC connection settings. You can test ODBC connection for NServer [ 90] by enrolling a template using ABIS
sample [ 154]. Run this sample with Remote matching server option in "Connection settings" and try to enroll a template. After
a successful enrollment, subject data should be saved in PostgreSQL database. Also, NServer [ 90] console should show a
status of successful operation.

NServer.exe console view after a successful server initialization and enrollment operation:

6.4 ICAO Neurotechnology Biometric SDK

Check your PostgreSQL database. Enrolled template should be saved in usertbl table.

Congratulations, you have successfully set up a ODBC connection for PostgreSQL database for usage with Neurotechnology
Matching Server (NServer [ 90]).

When this error is thrown "ODBC database error: SQL_ERROR (-1): HY000: 7: ERROR: syntax error at or near "EXECUTE" at
character 44;" Postgresql 9.5 server can be run with this command:

CREATE EXTENSION lo; -- for the database and change the datatype of column template to 'lo'

6.3.5 SQLite 6
SQLite is the default database. It is used when no other database was selected. SQLite database do not require any specific
configuration steps. Database is created automatically.

6.4 ICAO
ICAO check thresholds can be changed using SetProperty strings. E.g. for C#:
These ICAO threshold values can be changed (you should note that these properties should be set before initialization of
NBiometricClient or when the first task is executed by the NBiometricClient):

ICAO value Default values

Faces.CheckIcaoCompliance 0 (false, NFalse)
Faces.IcaoManualParams 0
Faces.IcaoWarningsFilter 0
Faces.IcaoMaximalRoll Default value: 10.0 | Min value: 0.0 | Max value: 180.0

6.5 Advanced features Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Plug-in Framework

Faces.IcaoMaximalYaw Default value: 10.0 | Min value: 0.0 | Max value: 180.0
Faces.IcaoMaximalPitch Default value: 10.0 | Min value: 0.0 | Max value: 180.0
Faces.IcaoSaturationThreshold Neutral value: 50 | Default value: 0 | Max value: 100
Faces.IcaoSharpnessThreshold Neutral value: 50 | Default value: 0 | Max value: 100
Faces.IcaoBackgroundUniformityThreshold Neutral value: 50 | Default value: 0 | Max value: 100
Faces.IcaoGrayscaleDensityThreshold Neutral value: 50 | Default value: 0 | Max value: 100
Faces.IcaoLookingAwayThreshold Neutral value: 50 | Default value: 0 | Max value: 100
Faces.IcaoRedEyeThreshold Neutral value: 50 | Default value: 0 | Max value: 100
Faces.IcaoFaceDarknessThreshold Neutral value: 50 | Default value: 0 | Max value: 100
Faces.IcaoUnnaturalSkinToneThreshold Neutral value: 30 | Default value: 0 | Max value: 100
Faces.IcaoWashedOutThreshold Neutral value: 50 | Default value: 0 | Max value: 100
Faces.IcaoPixelationThreshold Neutral value: 50 | Default value: 0 | Max value: 100
Faces.IcaoSkinReflectionThreshold Neutral value: 30 | Default value: 0 | Max value: 100
Faces.IcaoGlassesReflectionThreshold Neutral value: 50 | Default value: 0 | Max value: 100
Faces.IcaoRemoveRedEye 0
Faces.IcaoRemoveBackground 0

Usage of some of ICAO thresholds:

• Faces.CheckIcaoCompliance - checks whether ICAO compliance check is enabled. The default value is 0 (false). API
• C++: bool GetFacesCheckIcaoCompliance() const; void SetFacesCheckIcaoCompliance(bool value)
• .NET: public bool FacesCheckIcaoCompliance
• Java: public final boolean isFacesCheckIcaoCompliance(); public final void setFacesCheckIcaoCompliance(boolean
• Faces.IcaoRemoveRedEye - checks whether redeye removal during token image creation is enabled. API calls:
• C++: bool GetFacesIcaoRemoveRedEye() const; void SetFacesIcaoRemoveRedEye(bool value)
• .NET: public bool FacesIcaoRemoveRedEye 6
• Java: public final boolean isFacesIcaoRemoveRedEye(); public final void setFacesIcaoRemoveRedEye(boolean value)
• Faces.IcaoRemoveBackground - checks whether background removal during token image creation is enabled. When
enabled finds a face, cuts a face from a background and a background is filled with natural grey color. API calls:
• C++: bool GetFacesIcaoRemoveBackground() const; void SetFacesIcaoRemoveBackground(bool value)
• .NET: public bool FacesIcaoRemoveBackground
• Java: public final boolean isFacesIcaoRemoveBackground(); public final void setFacesIcaoRemoveBackground(boolean

6.5 Advanced features

6.5.1 Plug-in Framework

Plug-in framework for the device manager allows developers to create custom device modules for applications based on any of

6.5 Advanced features Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Plug-in Framework

the Neurotechnology SDKs. With this framework it is possible to create custom microphone (audio), video, fingerprint and iris
capturing modules. The plug-in is a dynamic library, which is loaded by the device manager and communicates with a particular
device. The application does not need to know the specifics of that particular device in order to use it. MegaMatcher SDK
contains the plug-in framework programming interface (API) description and samples. The module (plug-in) can be created with
any development tool that allows the creation of a dynamic library at a native level (this is usually C/C++). Modules can be
created for MS Windows, Linux or Mac OS X platforms. For module creation, it is required to have a particular device
description or programming interface (API), which is usually provided by the manufacturer of the device.

For more information about plug-in framework API read Adding custom device to NDeviceManager [ 118]. Adding custom device to NDeviceManager

The Plug-in framework for the device manager allows developers to create custom device modules for applications based on
any of the Neurotechnology SDKs. With this framework it is possible to create custom microphone (audio), video, fingerprint
and iris capturing modules. The plug-in is a dynamic library, which is loaded by the device manager and communicates with a
particular device. The application does not need to know the specifics of that particular device in order to use it, because all the
details are hidden behind the device independent interface.

This section describes interface of device manger plugin. The interface is best understood by example, so please use the
NdmSample [ 213] source code as addition to the information contained in following sections.

In most cases this should not be done. Naming requirements

The plugin's name must start with "Ndm" prefix (which stands for Neurotechnology device module). The remaining part of the
name is up to the author, but should be meaningful. If the plugin provides support for single device it is recommended to use it's

For plugin to be loaded by the framework, the plugin's dynamic library file should have the name of the plugin. The library
should also contain the function returning the handle to the plugin module. The function's name should be plugin name
followed by "ModuleOf". For example, the plugin named NdmSample should have NdmSampleModuleOf() function and be 6
saved as NdmSample.dll file ( under Linux). Device manager plugin lifecycle

It is useful for plugin writer to understand how plugins are used by the framework on API users activity. There are certain stages
of plugin life, defining it's state and available operations (please refer to NdmSample [ 213] for source example).

Plugin load
Plugin's library file is loaded automatically (from plugin directory) on first use of device manager or upon API users request
(NPluginManagerEnsurePluginSearchPerformed/NPluginManagerRefresh/NPluginManagerPlugAll or
NPluginManagerAddPluginFromFile functions).

Plugin library should have a module constructor, that is invoked automatically during library load (for example from DllMain() on
Windows). The constructor must create a NPluginModule and register it in the framework (by calling NModuleRegister
function). The module should support the device manager plugin interface [ 121] (and register it with
NPluginModuleSetInterfaceVersions function).

When the library is loaded (DllMain() finishes), the framework would try to get the handle to loaded plugin. The framework
expects to get the handle by calling "<PluginFileBaseName>ModuleOf" function (for example NdmSampleModuleOf for
NdmSample.dll). This function is mandatory, and it must match the name of the library file.

Next the interface type and version compatibility will be checked from obtained handle. The framework would also query the

6.5 Advanced features Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Plug-in Framework

type of devices provided by the plugin (GetSupportedDeviceTypes [ 123] interface function), and would check if all the
functions required for given device type are present in the interface.

If an error is encountered at any stage of loading process, the plugin's state will be set accordingly, and can be checked by API
user during troubleshooting. The framework would also detect and won't load duplicates (plugins with same name) and
incompatible plugins.

If a plugin is successfully loaded it would have npsDisabled, npsUnplugged or npsUnused state. Exact state depends on API
usage, see the documentation of each state for conditions of each case.

Note: There might be many plugins for different devices and some of them might not be used. Plugin writer should ensure that
loaded plugin consumes minimal resources if it is not actually used, i.e. before is plugged as described next.

Plugin Plug
Framework will try to plug the loaded plugin only if both following conditions are true:

• The plugin is not disabled and activated by an API user (NPluginPlug or NPluginManagerPlugAll/NPluginManagerRefresh
functions). The activated plugin will have npsUnused state.
• There is a device manager that enumerates the devices of the type provided by the plugin.
Once the both conditions are met the framework will call the plug function (registered by NPluginModuleSetPlug() from the
module constructor). The function should prepare the module for work. It should check the availability of physical devices and
register [ 120] them within the device manager. Please also note that not only freshly loaded plugins, but also previously
unplugged ones can be connected. The module should be designed for multiple plug/unplug cycles.

Plugin's state becomes npsPlugged if plug function completes successfully or npsPluggingError if the function fails with error.

Plugin Use
The devices registered in plug function will be presented to the API user in appropriate category, and the user can get the
device handle and perform operation supported by the device. Like getting various attributes of the device or performing
capturing. Appropriate interface [ 121] functions will be called during the use of the device.

The device manager will periodically ask the plugged plugin to update the list [ 123] of provided devices. The plugin should
check if registered physical devices are still available and if new devices have appeared. The plugin can also update the device
list at any time (for example if device's driver allows to get the availability change events).

Plugin Unplug
To save resources, the framework will unplug the plugin when it is no longer needed. This happens when the last device
manager enumerating the device is freed. This will also happen when the API user unplugs the plugin explicitly
(NPluginUnplug/NPluginManagerUnplugAll functions).

The unplug function (registered by NPluginModuleSetUnplug() from the module constructor) will be called. The function should
unregister devices that were provided to device manager and clean-up resources allocated in NdmSamplePlug() and further

Note: Users can unplug the plugin at any time (for example the device is still in use). Special care must be taked to implement
the proper synchronisation. Preventing race conditions

The functions of plugin interface [ 121] are called both by device manger and by device users. This can happen at different
times and from different threads. Special care should be taken in plugin code to maintain consistency of data structures through
use of critical sections, and to avoid deadlocks at the same time. There are two common issues to take into account:

• API users might have obsolete handles to devices (for example, device have already been removed or module
unpluged/repluged). Plugin functions performing device operation should check this and return proper error code. One
design pattern for achieving this is to maintain the internal list of present devices. See NdmSample [ 213].
• Plugin interface function can be called from the implementation of AddDevice [ 120] and RemoveDevice [ 121] functions,
so to avoid deadlock possibility, no lock should be held when registering/removing device with these two functions.

6.5 Advanced features Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Plug-in Framework Inteface reference

The interface is declared in NdmInterface.h file. The interface is bidirectional, i.e. the plugin provides certain functionality to
be used by device manager and vice versa. The functions for each usage direction are grouped into separate structure:

• NdmHostInterfaceV1 [ 120] – used by plugin to access device manger;

• NdmInterfaceV1 [ 121] – used by device manger to access plugin.

Name Description
NdmHostInterfaceV1 [ 120] ... more [ 120]
NdmInterfaceV1 [ 121] ... more [ 121] Accesing NDeviceManger

NDeviceManager manages the list of available devices, and provides them to the users. It is responsible of a device plugin, to
inform the NDeviceManger of provided device availability changes. Plugin can perform this by calling the NDeviceManger
functions available in NdmHostInterfaceV1 structure:

Function Description
IsDriverLoaded [ 120] [Optional] Allows to check if Windows OS driver required by plugin has been loaded.
AddDevice [ 120] Registers device in device managers.
LoseDevice [ 121] Asks device managers to mark device as unavailable.
RemoveDevice [ 121] Removes device from device managers.

Note that there might be multiple instances of NDeviceManger used by the API user. The
AddDevice/LoseDevice/RemoveDevice functions described in this table need to be called only once, and the framework will
update all the device manager instances. It will also ensure that this update will happen at safe time, as requested by the
device manager user. For example the device will not be removed from

typedef struct NdmHostInterfaceV1_ NdmHostInterfaceV1;
File 6
File: NdmInterface.h IsDriverLoaded
Special function used by some plugins on Windows OS. Allows to check if Windows OS driver required by plugin has been
NResult (N_CALLBACK IsDriverLoaded)(const NChar * szName, NBool * pValue);


szName [in] Name of the driver to check.

pValue [out] Pointer to variable that will be updated with the result.

Return value
Function returns N_OK on success or one of the error codes defined in NErrors.h. AddDevice
Registers device in device managers.
void (N_CALLBACK AddDevice)(NHandle hDevice, HNPlugin hPlugin, void * pParam);

6.5 Advanced features Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Plug-in Framework


hDevice [in] Handle to the device.

hPlugin [in] Handle to current plugin.
pParam [in] Pointer to optional argument (currently not used).

Device manager might call some functions provided [ 121] by plugin. To avoid deadlock, the plugin should not hold any locks
when calling AddDevice. LoseDevice
Asks device managers to mark device as unavailable.
void (N_CALLBACK LoseDevice)(NHandle hDevice, HNPlugin hPlugin, void * pParam);


hDevice [in] Handle to the device.

hPlugin [in] Handle to current plugin.
pParam [in] Pointer to optional argument (currently not used).

It is recommended to inform device managers about device unavailability as soon as this was discovered. The LoseDevice will
not call any plugin interface [ 121] functions, so it is save to call this function from any context. The RemoveDevice [ 121]
should also be called, but only after internal device structure is updated and locks released. RemoveDevice
Removes device from device managers.
void (N_CALLBACK RemoveDevice)(NHandle hDevice, HNPlugin hPlugin, void * pParam);

hDevice [in] Handle to the device.

hPlugin [in] Handle to current plugin.
pParam [in] Pointer to optional argument (currently not used).

Device manager might call some functions provided [ 121] by plugin. To avoid deadlock, the plugin should not hold any locks
when calling RemoveDevice. Instead the plugin should use LoseDevice [ 121] as soon as possible and call RemoveDevice
after internal device structure is updated and locks released. Functionality expected by NDeviceManger

NDeviceManager will need to query the plugin for types of supported devices to provide them to the users. The plugin also
must provide function for device operation and capability queries. The are also few utility functions what are used by device
manager. All those functions are grouped in plugin interface structure. Note that the interface is for all possible device types,
and not all of the functions have to be implemented in particular plugin (the unused function pointers should be initialized to
NULL). The complete list of functions is provided in the table below and described in separate subsections (for descriptions of
used notations see the notes below the table):

6.5 Advanced features Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Plug-in Framework

Function Description
GetSupportedDeviceTypes [ 123] Returns information about which device types are provided by the plugin.
The returned value determines which of the remaining functions will have to
be implemented.
UpdateDeviceList [ 123] Should recheck the availability of physical devices.
GetDeviceType [ 124] [Rcmd] Returns device type.
GetDeviceIdA [ 124] Returns specific device property.
GetDeviceIdW [ 125] Returns specific device property.
GetDeviceDisplayNameA [ 125] Returns specific device property.
GetDeviceDisplayNameW [ 126] Returns specific device property.
GetDeviceMakeA [ 126] [Opt] Returns specific device property.
GetDeviceMakeW [ 126] [Opt] Returns specific device property.
GetDeviceModelA [ 127] [Opt] Returns specific device property.
GetDeviceModelW [ 127] [Opt] Returns specific device property.
GetDeviceSerialNumberA [ 127] [Opt] Returns specific device property.
GetDeviceSerialNumberW [ 128] [Opt] Returns specific device property.
StartCaptureDeviceCapturing [ 128] [Cap] Prepare capture device for acquiring images/sound.

GetCameraFrame [ 131] [Cam] Get the most recent captured image.

StopCaptureDeviceCapturing [ 129] [Cap] Finish acquiring images/sound.

IsCaptureDeviceCapturing [ 129] [Cap] Check if capture device is active (ready to produce data).
GetCaptureDeviceMediaType [ 130] [Cap, Opt] Returns specific device property.

GetCaptureDeviceFormats [ 130] [Cap, Opt] Returns specific device property.

GetCaptureDeviceCurrentFormat [ 130] [Cap, Opt] Returns specific device property.

SetCaptureDeviceCurrentFormat [ 131] [Cap, Opt] Sets device property. 6

GetMicrophoneSoundSample [ 132] [Mic] Get recent sound sample.

GetBiometricDeviceBiometricType [ 132] [Bio, Rcmd] Returns specific device property.

GetBiometricDeviceVendorId [ 133] [Bio] Returns specific device property.

GetBiometricDeviceProductId [ 133] [Bio] Returns specific device property.

IsBiometricDeviceSpoofDetectionSupported [Bio,Opt] Returns specific device property.

[ 134]
GetBiometricDeviceSpoofDetection [ 134] [Bio, Opt] Returns specific device property.
SetBiometricDeviceSpoofDetection [ 134] [Bio, Opt] Sets device property.
StartBiometricDeviceSequence [ 135] [Bio, Opt] Prepare device for capturing of several biometric objects.
EndBiometricDeviceSequence [ 136] [Bio, Opt] Finish capturing sequence.
CancelBiometricDevice [ 135] [Bio] Stops capturing of biometric device.
GetFScannerSupportedImpressionTypes [FSc, Rcmd] Returns specific device property.
[ 136]

6.5 Advanced features Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Plug-in Framework

GetFScannerSupportedPositions [ 136] [FSc, Rcmd] Returns specific device property.

CaptureFScanner [ 137] [FSc] Start capturing of fingerprint/palm.
GetIrisScannerSupportedPositions [ 138] [ISc, Rcmd] Returns specific device property.
CaptureIrisScanner [ 139] [ISc] Start capturing of irises.
GetDeviceParent [ 124] [Opt] Reserved for more complex plugins.
CanUse [Opt] Reserved for more complex plugins.
DeviceAdded [Opt] Reserved for more complex plugins.
DeviceLost [Opt] Reserved for more complex plugins.
DeviceRemoved [Opt] Reserved for more complex plugins.

The annotations in the table above mark the type of device which require particular function (see NDevices library for device
type hierarchy diagram):

• [Opt] – function is optional (the pointer in the interface structure can be set to NULL if particular functionality is not be
• [Rcmd] – function is not mandatory, but is nevertheless recommended;
• [Cap] – function needed for capture devices only.
• [Cam] – function needed for NCamera only.
• [Mic] – function needed for NMicrophone only.
• [Bio] – function needed for biometric devices only: i.e finger, palm or iris scanners;
• [FSc] – function needed for NFScanner only: i.e. finger or palm scanners;
• [ISc] – function needed for iris scanners only.
Functions returning strings come in two variants, the one with the name ending with "W" use wide character unicode strings,
and the one with "A" ending use ASCII character codes.

typedef struct NdmInterfaceV1_ NdmInterfaceV1;
File: NdmInterface.h 6 GetSupportedDeviceTypes
Returns information about which device types are provided by the plugin.
NDeviceType (N_CALLBACK GetSupportedDeviceTypes)();

Return value
Function should return bit mask combination with all supported device types.

• The function is Mandatory.
• The returned value determines which parts of the interface [ 121] will have to be supported. UpdateDeviceList
Should recheck the availability of physical devices. The new devices should be register and the disconnected removed.
void (N_CALLBACK UpdateDeviceList)(void);

Return value
Function should return N_OK on success or one of the error codes defined in NErrors.h.

6.5 Advanced features Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Plug-in Framework

• The function is Optional. Can be omitted if plugin knows better when to trigger device update cycle.
• If available, the function will be called periodically by the framework. The plugin can also update the device list at any time
(for example if device's driver allows to get the availability change events). In such case (if plugin uses custom way of
making the list of available devices up to date) the function can be omitted. GetDeviceParent
Returns the parent device of a given device.
NResult (N_CALLBACK GetDeviceParent)(NHandle hDevice, HNPlugin * phParentPlugin, NHandle *


hDevice [in] Handle to the device.

phParentPlugin [out] Handle parent's plugin.
phParentHandle [out] Handle to the parent device.

Return value
Function should return N_OK on success or one of the error codes defined in NErrors.h.

• The function is Optional. Used for multi-biometric devices and in some complex plugins.
• The hDevice handle might be obsolete and should be checked for validity. General functions

General functions common to all device types (NDevice unit). GetDeviceType
Returns the type of a device.
NResult (N_CALLBACK GetDeviceType)(NHandle hDevice, NDeviceType * pValue); 6

hDevice [in] Handle to the device.

pValue [out] Address of the buffer where requested value should be saved.

Return value
Function should return N_OK on success or one of the error codes defined in NErrors.h.

• The function will be invoked when API function NDeviceGetDeviceType is called.
• The function is Recommended. If the function missing, the default value of ndtNone will be used, and only basic device
functionality will be usable.
• The hDevice handle might be obsolete and should be checked for validity. GetDeviceIdA
Returns the device ID visible to API user (NDeviceGetId function).
NResult (N_CALLBACK GetDeviceIdA)(NHandle hDevice, NAChar * szValue, NInt valueSize);

6.5 Advanced features Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Plug-in Framework


hDevice [in] Handle to the device.

szValue [out] Address of the buffer where requested value should be saved.
valueSize [in] The size of the given buffer.

Return value
Function should return N_OK on success or one of the error codes defined in NErrors.h.

• The function is Mandatory.
• The hDevice handle might be obsolete and should be checked for validity.
• The requested value should use the ASCII characters. GetDeviceIdW
Returns the device property visible to API user (NDeviceGetId function).
NResult (N_CALLBACK GetDeviceIdW)(NHandle hDevice, NWChar * szValue, NInt valueSize);


hDevice [in] Handle to the device.

szValue [out] Address of the buffer where requested value should be saved.
valueSize [in] The size of the given buffer.

Return value
Function should return N_OK on success or one of the error codes defined in NErrors.h.

• The function is Mandatory.
• The hDevice handle might be obsolete and should be checked for validity.
• The requested value should use the wide characters. GetDeviceDisplayNameA
Returns the device property visible to API user (NDeviceGetDisplayName function).
NResult (N_CALLBACK GetDeviceDisplayNameA)(NHandle hDevice, NAChar * szValue, NInt


hDevice [in] Handle to the device.

szValue [out] Address of the buffer where requested value should be saved.
valueSize [in] The size of the given buffer.

Return value
Function should return N_OK on success or one of the error codes defined in NErrors.h.

• The function is Mandatory.
• The hDevice handle might be obsolete and should be checked for validity.

6.5 Advanced features Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Plug-in Framework

• The requested value should use the ASCII characters. GetDeviceDisplayNameW
Returns the device property visible to API user (NDeviceGetDisplayName function).
NResult (N_CALLBACK GetDeviceDisplayNameW)(NHandle hDevice, NWChar * szValue, NInt


hDevice [in] Handle to the device.

szValue [out] Address of the buffer where requested value should be saved.
valueSize [in] The size of the given buffer.

Return value
Function should return N_OK on success or one of the error codes defined in NErrors.h.

• The function is Mandatory.
• The hDevice handle might be obsolete and should be checked for validity.
• The requested value should use the wide characters. GetDeviceMakeA
Returns the device property visible to API user (NDeviceGetMake function).
NResult (N_CALLBACK GetDeviceMakeA)(NHandle hDevice, NAChar * szValue, NInt valueSize);


hDevice [in] Handle to the device.

szValue [out] Address of the buffer where requested value should be saved.
valueSize [in] The size of the given buffer.

Return value 6
Function should return N_OK on success or one of the error codes defined in NErrors.h.

• The function is Optional.
• The hDevice handle might be obsolete and should be checked for validity.
• The requested value should use the ASCII characters. GetDeviceMakeW
Returns the device property visible to API user (NDeviceGetMake function).
NResult (N_CALLBACK GetDeviceMakeW)(NHandle hDevice, NWChar * szValue, NInt valueSize);


hDevice [in] Handle to the device.

szValue [out] Address of the buffer where requested value should be saved.
valueSize [in] The size of the given buffer.

6.5 Advanced features Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Plug-in Framework

Return value
Function should return N_OK on success or one of the error codes defined in NErrors.h.

• The function is Optional.
• The hDevice handle might be obsolete and should be checked for validity.
• The requested value should use the wide characters. GetDeviceModelA
Returns the device property visible to API user (NDeviceGetModel function).
NResult (N_CALLBACK GetDeviceModelA)(NHandle hDevice, NAChar * szValue, NInt valueSize);


hDevice [in] Handle to the device.

szValue [out] Address of the buffer where requested value should be saved.
valueSize [in] The size of the given buffer.

Return value
Function should return N_OK on success or one of the error codes defined in NErrors.h.

• The function is Optional.
• The hDevice handle might be obsolete and should be checked for validity.
• The requested value should use the ANCII characters. GetDeviceModelW
Returns the device property visible to API user (NDeviceGetModel function).
NResult (N_CALLBACK GetDeviceModelW)(NHandle hDevice, NWChar * szValue, NInt valueSize);

hDevice [in] Handle to the device.

szValue [out] Address of the buffer where requested value should be saved.
valueSize [in] The size of the given buffer.

Return value
Function should return N_OK on success or one of the error codes defined in NErrors.h.

• The function is Optional.
• The hDevice handle might be obsolete and should be checked for validity.
• The requested value should use the wide characters. GetDeviceSerialNumberA
Returns the device property visible to API user (NDeviceGetSerialNumber function).
NResult (N_CALLBACK GetDeviceSerialNumberA)(NHandle hDevice, NAChar * szValue, NInt

6.5 Advanced features Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Plug-in Framework


hDevice [in] Handle to the device.

szValue [out] Address of the buffer where requested value should be saved.
valueSize [in] The size of the given buffer.

Return value
Function should return N_OK on success or one of the error codes defined in NErrors.h.

• The function is Optional.
• The hDevice handle might be obsolete and should be checked for validity.
• The requested value should use the ASCII characters. GetDeviceSerialNumberW
Returns the device property visible to API user (NDeviceGetSerialNumber function).
NResult (N_CALLBACK GetDeviceSerialNumberW)(NHandle hDevice, NWChar * szValue, NInt


hDevice [in] Handle to the device.

szValue [out] Address of the buffer where requested value should be saved.
valueSize [in] The size of the given buffer.

Return value
Function should return N_OK on success or one of the error codes defined in NErrors.h.

• The function is Optional.
• The hDevice handle might be obsolete and should be checked for validity. 6
• The requested value should use the wide characters. Functions for capture devices

General functions used by capture devices (NCaptureDevice unit). StartCaptureDeviceCapturing
Prepare device for providing of the data.
NResult (N_CALLBACK StartCaptureDeviceCapturing)(NHandle hDevice,
NdmIsCaptureDeviceCapturingChangedProc pIsCapturingChanged, void * pParam);


hDevice [in] Handle to the device.

pIsCapturingChanged [in] Device manager callback. Must be invoked after capturing is started and stopped.
pParam [in] The capturing context. The value must also be passed to the callback.

Return value
Function should return N_OK on success or one of the error codes defined in NErrors.h.

6.5 Advanced features Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Plug-in Framework

• The function will be invoked when API function NCaptureDeviceStartCapturing is called.
• The function is Mandatory for ndtCaptureDevice.
• The hDevice handle might be obsolete and should be checked for validity.
• The pIsCaptureDeviceCapturingChanged callback must be performed not only if stop is requested by the API (call to
StopCaptureDeviceCapturing [ 129]) but also if capturing is stopped due to other reason (like error, stream termination,
device disconnection or plugin unplug).
• Different contexts (pParam values) correspond to devices accessed from different device managers. Consequently pParam
should be remembered and checked in other capturing function, otherwise the device usages through different device
managers will interfere.
• The plugin should take care that the internal buffers don't grow indefinitely. I.e. must drop the old data if the
GetCameraFrame [ 131] or GetMicrophoneSoundSample [ 132] are not called fast enough. StopCaptureDeviceCapturing
The device will not have to provide data in near future.
NResult (N_CALLBACK StopCaptureDeviceCapturing)(NHandle hDevice, void * pParam);


hDevice [in] Handle to the device.

pParam [in] Context argument (should be the same as given to StartCaptureDeviceCapturing).

Return value
Function should return N_OK on success or one of the error codes defined in NErrors.h.

• The function will be invoked when API function NCaptureDeviceStopCapturing is called.
• The function is Mandatory for ndtCaptureDevice.
• The hDevice handle might be obsolete and should be checked for validity.
• Different contexts (pParam values) correspond to devices accessed from different device managers. Consequently pParam
should be checked to be equal to pParam passed to StartCaptureDeviceCapturing [ 128], otherwise the device usages
through different device managers will interfere. IsCaptureDeviceCapturing
Check if the device is capturing.
NResult (N_CALLBACK IsCaptureDeviceCapturing)(NHandle hDevice, NBool * pValue, void *


hDevice [in] Handle to the device.

pValue [out] Pointer to the variable where requested value should be saved.
pParam [in] Context argument (should be the same as given to StartCaptureDeviceCapturing).

Return value
Function should return N_OK on success or one of the error codes defined in NErrors.h.

• The function will be invoked when API function NCaptureDeviceIsCapturing is called.
• The function is Mandatory for ndtCaptureDevice.

6.5 Advanced features Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Plug-in Framework

• The hDevice handle might be obsolete and should be checked for validity.
• Different contexts (pParam values) correspond to devices accessed from different device managers. Consequently pParam
should be checked to be equal to pParam passed to StartCaptureDeviceCapturing [ 128], otherwise the device usages
through different device managers will interfere. GetCaptureDeviceMediaType
Returns device media type.
NResult (N_CALLBACK GetCaptureDeviceMediaType)(NHandle hDevice, NMediaType * pValue);


hDevice [in] Handle to the device.

pValue [out] Pointer to the variable where requested value should be saved.

Return value
Function should return N_OK on success or one of the error codes defined in NErrors.h.

• The function will be invoked when API function NCaptureDeviceGetMediaType is called.
• The function is Optional for ndtCaptureDevice. The default value will be infered from GetDeviceType if the function is
• The hDevice handle might be obsolete and should be checked for validity. GetCaptureDeviceFormats
Returns the list of formats supported by the capture device.
NResult (N_CALLBACK GetCaptureDeviceFormats)(NHandle hDevice, HNMediaFormat * *
parhFormats, NInt * pFormatCount);


hDevice [in] Handle to the device.

parhFormats [out] Pointer which will be updated with the address of allocated array.
pFormatCount [out] The number of elements in returned array.

Return value
Function should return N_OK on success or one of the error codes defined in NErrors.h.

• The function will be invoked when API function NCaptureDeviceGetFormats is called.
• The function is Recommended for ndtCaptureDevice. If present, SetCaptureDeviceCurrentFormat is also required. Empty
array will be used if the function is missing.
• The hDevice handle might be obsolete and should be checked for validity.
• The function must allocate the array with NAlloc function and each element with
NAudioFormatCreate/NVideoFormatCreate (depending on device type). The caller will be responsible for freeing this
allocation. GetCaptureDeviceCurrentFormat
Returns the list of formats supported by the capture device.
NResult (N_CALLBACK GetCaptureDeviceCurrentFormat)(NHandle hDevice, HNMediaFormat *

6.5 Advanced features Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Plug-in Framework


hDevice [in] Handle to the device.

phFormat [out] Address which will receive the handle to structure describing current format.

Return value
Function should return N_OK on success or one of the error codes defined in NErrors.h.

• The function will be invoked when API function NCaptureDeviceGetCurrentFormat is called.
• The function is Recommended for ndtCaptureDevice. If present, SetCaptureDeviceCurrentFormat is also required. NULL
will be used if the function is missing.
• The hDevice handle might be obsolete and should be checked for validity.
• The function must allocate the phFormat with NAudioFormatCreate/NVideoFormatCreate (depending on device type). The
caller will be responsible for freeing this allocation. SetCaptureDeviceCurrentFormat
Select the format that will be used during capturing.
NResult (N_CALLBACK SetCaptureDeviceCurrentFormat)(NHandle hDevice, HNMediaFormat hFormat,
void * pParam);


hDevice [in] Handle to the device.

phFormat [in] Handle to the structure describing requested format.
pParam [in] Context argument (should be the same as given to StartCaptureDeviceCapturing).

Return value
Function should return N_OK on success or one of the error codes defined in NErrors.h.

• The function will be invoked when API function NCaptureDeviceSetCurrentFormat is called.
• The function is Recommended for ndtCaptureDevice.
• The hDevice handle might be obsolete and should be checked for validity.
• Different contexts (pParam values) correspond to devices accessed from different device managers. Consequently pParam
should be checked to be equal to pParam passed to StartCaptureDeviceCapturing [ 128], otherwise the device usages
through different device managers will interfere. Functions for cameras

Functions used by cameras (NCamera unit). GetCameraFrame
Get the next recent frame.
NResult (N_CALLBACK GetCameraFrame)(NHandle hDevice, HNImage * phImage, void * pParam);


hDevice [in] Handle to the device.

phImage [out] Pointer to variable which will receive the handle of the captured image.
pParam [in] Context argument (should be the same as given to StartCaptureDeviceCapturing).

6.5 Advanced features Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Plug-in Framework

Return value
Function should return N_OK on success or one of the error codes defined in NErrors.h.

• The function will be invoked when API function NCameraGetFrame is called.
• The function is Mandatory for ndtCamera.
• The hDevice handle might be obsolete and should be checked for validity.
• Different contexts (pParam values) correspond to devices accessed from different device managers. Consequently pParam
should be checked to be equal to pParam passed to StartCaptureDeviceCapturing [ 128], otherwise the device usages
through different device managers will interfere.
• Plugin writer should implement some sort of buffering to store 1 or 2 most recent frames. The buffer should be updated so
that most recent frames are available to the user (the new data received from the device replaces old one). This also
assures that buffers won't grow indefinitely if the user won't be able to call GetCamerFrame at high rate. Functions for microphones

Functions used by microphones (NMicrophone unit). GetMicrophoneSoundSample
Returns the recent sound sample.
NResult (N_CALLBACK GetMicrophoneSoundSample)(NHandle hDevice, HNSoundBuffer *
phSoundBuffer, void * pParam);


hDevice [in] Handle to the device.

phSoundBuffer [out] Address which will receive the handle to captured sound buffer.
pParam [in] Context argument (should be the same as given to StartCaptureDeviceCapturing).

Return value
Function should return N_OK on success or one of the error codes defined in NErrors.h.
• The function will be invoked when API function NMicrophoneGetSoundSample is called.
• The function is Mandatory for ndtMicrophone.
• The hDevice handle might be obsolete and should be checked for validity.
• Different contexts (pParam values) correspond to devices accessed from different device managers. Consequently pParam
should be checked to be equal to pParam passed to StartCaptureDeviceCapturing [ 128], otherwise the device usages
through different device managers will interfere.
• The resulting buffer should be allocated (with NAlloc) and filled by using functions from NSoundBuffer unit.
• Plugin writer should implement some sort of buffering to store recent sound input (1-2 seconds). The buffer should be
updated so that new data received from the device replaces obsolete one (so that buffers don't grow if user won't call
GetMicrophoneSoundSample function after starting the capturing). This is similar requirement for camera devices, though
cameras should only keep 1-2 recent frames (compared to 1-2 seconds of sound). Functions for biometric devices

General functions used by biometric devices (NBiometricDevice [ 1753] unit). GetBiometricDeviceBiometricType
Returns the biometric type of a device (NBiometricDeviceGetBiometricType function).

6.5 Advanced features Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Plug-in Framework

NResult (N_CALLBACK GetBiometricDeviceBiometricType)(NHandle hDevice, NBiometricType *



hDevice [in] Handle to the device.

pValue [out] Pointer to the variable where requested value should be saved.

Return value
Function should return N_OK on success or one of the error codes defined in NErrors.h.

• The function will be invoked when API function NBiometricDeviceGetBiometricType is called.
• The function is Recommended for ndtBiometricDevice. The default value will be infered from GetDeviceType if the function
is missing.
• The hDevice handle might be obsolete and should be checked for validity. GetBiometricDeviceVendorId
Returns the biometric device's vendor id (NBiometricDeviceGetVendorId function).
NResult (N_CALLBACK GetBiometricDeviceVendorId)(NHandle hDevice, NUShort * pValue);


hDevice [in] Handle to the device.

pValue [out] Pointer to the variable where requested value should be saved.

Return value
Function should return N_OK on success or one of the error codes defined in NErrors.h.

• The function will be invoked when API function NBiometricDeviceGetVendorId is called.
• The function is Optional for ndtBiometricDevice. If present, GetBiometricDeviceProductId is also required.
• The hDevice handle might be obsolete and should be checked for validity. GetBiometricDeviceProductId
Returns the biometric device's product id (NBiometricDeviceGetProductId function).
NResult (N_CALLBACK GetBiometricDeviceProductId)(NHandle hDevice, NUShort * pValue);


hDevice [in] Handle to the device.

pValue [out] Pointer to the variable where requested value should be saved.

Return value
Function should return N_OK on success or one of the error codes defined in NErrors.h.

• The function will be invoked when API function NBiometricDeviceGetProductId is called.
• The function is Optional for ndtBiometricDevice. If present, GetBiometricDeviceVendorId is also required.
• The hDevice handle might be obsolete and should be checked for validity.

6.5 Advanced features Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Plug-in Framework IsBiometricDeviceSpoofDetectionSupported
Used to check if device supports detection of spoof input (NBiometricDeviceIsSpoofDetectionSupported function).
NResult (N_CALLBACK IsBiometricDeviceSpoofDetectionSupported)(NHandle hDevice, NBool *


hDevice [in] Handle to the device.

pValue [out] Pointer to the variable where requested value should be saved.

Return value
Function should return N_OK on success or one of the error codes defined in NErrors.h.

• The function will be invoked when API function NBiometricDeviceIsSpoofDetectionSupported is called.
• The function is Optional for ndtBiometricDevice. If present, GetBiometricDeviceSpoofDetection and
SetBiometricDeviceSpoofDetection are also required.
• The hDevice handle might be obsolete and should be checked for validity. GetBiometricDeviceSpoofDetection
Used to check if device's spoof detection is turned on (NBiometricDeviceGetSpoofDetection function).
NResult (N_CALLBACK GetBiometricDeviceSpoofDetection)(NHandle hDevice, NBool * pValue);


hDevice [in] Handle to the device.

pValue [out] Pointer to the variable where requested value should be saved.

Return value
Function should return N_OK on success or one of the error codes defined in NErrors.h.

• The function will be invoked when API function NBiometricDeviceGetSpoofDetection is called.
• The function is Optional for ndtBiometricDevice. If present, IsBiometricDeviceSpoofDetectionSupported and
SetBiometricDeviceSpoofDetection are also required.
• The hDevice handle might be obsolete and should be checked for validity. SetBiometricDeviceSpoofDetection
Used to change device spoof detection (NBiometricDeviceSetSpoofDetection function).
NResult (N_CALLBACK SetBiometricDeviceSpoofDetection)(NHandle hDevice, NBool value);


hDevice [in] Handle to the device.

value [in] NTrue should enable spoof detection, NFalse should disable it.

Return value
Function should return N_OK on success or one of the error codes defined in NErrors.h.

6.5 Advanced features Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Plug-in Framework

• The function will be invoked when API function NBiometricDeviceSetSpoofDetection is called.
• The function is Optional for ndtBiometricDevice. If present, IsBiometricDeviceSpoofDetectionSupported and
GetBiometricDeviceSpoofDetection are also required.
• The hDevice handle might be obsolete and should be checked for validity. CancelBiometricDevice
Stop capturing of biometric device.
NResult (N_CALLBACK CancelBiometricDevice)(NHandle hDevice, void * pParam);


hDevice [in] Handle to the device.

pParam [in] Context argument (should be the same as given to CaptureIrisScanner/CaptureFScanner).

Return value
Function should return N_OK on success or one of the error codes defined in NErrors.h.

• The function will be invoked when API function NBiometricDeviceCancel is called. The function should interrupt the
capturing (and wait untill the capturing is actually stopped).
• The function is Mandatory for ndtBiometricDevice.
• The hDevice handle might be obsolete and should be checked for validity.
• Different contexts (pParam values) correspond to devices accessed from different device managers. Consequently pParam
should be checked to be equal to pParam passed to CaptureFScanner [ 137] or CaptureIrisScanner [ 139], otherwise the
device usages through different device managers will interfere. StartBiometricDeviceSequence
Prepare the device for multiple capture operations.
NResult (N_CALLBACK StartBiometricDeviceSequence)(NHandle hDevice, void * pParam); 6

hDevice [in] Handle to the device.

pParam [in] The capturing context.

Return value
Function should return N_OK on success or one of the error codes defined in NErrors.h.

• The function will be invoked when API function NBiometricDeviceStartSequence is called.
• The function is Optional for ndtBiometricDevice. If present, EndBiometricDeviceSequence is also required.
• The function should not start capturing, but just prepare the device for multiple capturing operations (wake it from sleep
state, turn on the backlight, etc.). The function should also mark the device as prepared for capturing, so that next call to
capturing function doesn't need to perform this preparations (can run faster).
• The hDevice handle might be obsolete and should be checked for validity.
• Different contexts (pParam values) correspond to devices accessed from different device managers. Consequently pParam
should be checked in all capturing functions. The equal value should also be passed to CaptureFScanner [ 137] or
CaptureIrisScanner [ 139], otherwise the device usages through different device managers will interfere.

6.5 Advanced features Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Plug-in Framework EndBiometricDeviceSequence
Ends multiple images capturing session.
NResult (N_CALLBACK EndBiometricDeviceSequence)(NHandle hDevice, void * pParam);


hDevice [in] Handle to the device.

pParam [in] Context argument (should be the same as given to StartBiometricDeviceSequence).

Return value
Function should return N_OK on success or one of the error codes defined in NErrors.h.

• The function will be invoked when API function NBiometricDeviceEndSequence is called.
• The function is Optional for ndtBiometricDevice. If present, StartBiometricDeviceSequence is also required.
• The function could put the device to idle state (power saving). The function should also mark the device as not prepared for
capturing, so that next call to capturing function would need to prepare the device, perform capturing and go back to power
saving state.
• The function should also cancel (finish) capturing if it haven't been completed yet.
• The hDevice handle might be obsolete and should be checked for validity.
• Different contexts (pParam values) correspond to devices accessed from different device managers. Consequently pParam
should be checked to be equal to pParam passed to StartBiometricDeviceSequence [ 135], otherwise the device usages
through different device managers will interfere. Functions for fingerprint/palm scanners

Functions used by fingerprint/palm scanners (NFScanner unit). GetFScannerSupportedImpressionTypes
Returns the list of supported impression types.
NResult (N_CALLBACK GetFScannerSupportedImpressionTypes)(NHandle hDevice, NFImpressionType 6
* arValue, NInt valueLength);


hDevice [in] Handle to the device.

arValue [out] Address of the caller allocated buffer where requested value should be saved.
valueLength [in] The size of the given buffer.

Return value
Function should return N_OK on success or one of the error codes defined in NErrors.h.

• The function will be invoked when API function NFScannerGetSupportedImpressionTypes is called.
• The function is Recommended for ndtFScanner. The default value of nfitLiveScanPlain or nfitLiveScanPalm (according to
NDeviceType) will be used if the function is missing.
• The hDevice handle might be obsolete and should be checked for validity. GetFScannerSupportedPositions
Returns the list of supported finger/palm positions.

6.5 Advanced features Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Plug-in Framework

NResult (N_CALLBACK GetFScannerSupportedPositions)(NHandle hDevice, NFPosition * arValue,

NInt valueLength);


hDevice [in] Handle to the device.

arValue [out] Address of the called allocated buffer where requested value should be saved.
valueLength [in] The size of the given buffer.

Return value
Function should return N_OK on success or one of the error codes defined in NErrors.h.

• The function will be invoked when API function NFScannerGetSupportedPositions is called.
• The function is Recommended for ndtFScanner. The default value of nfpUnknown or nfpUnknownPalm (according to
NDeviceType) will be used if the function is missing.
• The hDevice handle might be obsolete and should be checked for validity. CaptureFScanner
Returns the image containing requested biometric data.
NResult (N_CALLBACK CaptureFScanner)(NHandle hDevice, NFImpressionType impressionType,
NFPosition position, const NFPosition * arMissingPositions, NInt missingPositionCount,
NBool automatic, NInt timeoutMilliseconds, NBiometricStatus * pStatus, HNFAttributes * *
parhObjects, NInt * pObjectCount, HNImage * phImage, NdmPreviewFScannerProc pPreview, void
* pParam);


hDevice [in] Handle to the device.

impressionType [in] Requested impression type.
position [in] Requested position value.
arMissingPositions [in] Array of missing fingerprint positions (e.g. amputated). Parameter is used to mark missing
fingers which will not be present in requested multi-finger scan (e.g. position ==
nfpPlainRightFourFingers). 6
missingPositionCount [in] Count of missing positions in scanned image.
automatic [in] Value which allows the scanner to decide about the image quality. When NTrue is set scanning
device should checks image quality and decide when this image should be returned to the user.
When NFalse is set user will control image quality and capturing process himself. In this case user
will change the device status in pPreview callback function.
timeoutMilliseconds [in] Maximum time (milliseconds) for the operation to complete (-1 to have no limit).
pStatus [out] Status of the operation (after function returns).
parhObjects [out] Array which contains information about objects (fingerprints, palmprint parts) in scanned
image. The same objects should also be given to pPreview callback.
pObjectCount [out] Object count in parhObjects.
phImage [out] Captured image.
pPreview [in] The callback function which allows the user to see/check non-final capturing data (see notes
pParam [in] The capturing context. The value must also be passed to the callback.

Return value
Function should return N_OK on success or one of the error codes defined in NErrors.h.

6.5 Advanced features Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Plug-in Framework

• The function will be invoked when API functions NFScannerCapture or NFScannerCaptureEx are called.
• The function is Mandatory for ndtFScanner.
• The hDevice handle might be obsolete and should be checked for validity.
• The function should try to capture image of satisfying quality with requested features for up to timeoutMilliseconds
argument. However the operation should be stopped when user calls CancelBiometricDevice [ 135] function.
• The pStatus should show the status of the operation (was it successful/timeout/canceled).
• The parhObjects array should be allocated with NAlloc and filled by using functions from NFAttributes unit.
• Different contexts (pParam values) correspond to devices accessed from different device managers. Consequently pParam
should be remembered and checked in other capturing function, otherwise the device usages through different device
managers will interfere.

Preview callback
Preview callback allows the user to get the intermediate capturing data. This can be handy to give the user feedback. So the
user could improve the quality of the captured image or to just see the progress. Alternative usage of the preview function is
when user controls the quality of the captured data (automatic argument of CaptureFScanner function set to NFalse). Therefore
plugin writer should call the preview callback whenever the new scanned image or status from the device is received.
typedef void (N_CALLBACK NdmPreviewFScannerProc)(NHandle hDevice, HNImage hImage,
NBiometricStatus * pStatus, const HNFAttributes * arhObjects, NInt objectCount, void *


hDevice [in] Handle to the device.

hImage [in] Image captured so far.
pStatus [in/out] Current status of the operation. The value can be changed by the user, the plugin writer should
check the value after function returns. The capturing should be stopped if status is final
(NBiometricStatusIsFinal function).
parhObjects [in] Array which contains information about objects (fingerprints, palmprint parts) in scanned image.
pObjectCount [in] Object count in parhObjects. 6
pParam [in] The capturing context. The value given to CaptureFScanner must be passed to the callback. Functions for iris scanners

Functions used by iris scanners (NIrisScanner unit). GetIrisScannerSupportedPositions
Returns the list of supported iris positions.
NResult (N_CALLBACK GetIrisScannerSupportedPositions)(NHandle hDevice, NEPosition *
arValue, NInt valueLength);


hDevice [in] Handle to the device.

arValue [out] Address of the called allocated buffer where requested value should be saved.
valueLength [in] The size of the given buffer.

Return value
Function should return N_OK on success or one of the error codes defined in NErrors.h.

6.5 Advanced features Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Plug-in Framework

• The function will be invoked when API function NIrisScannerGetSupportedPositions is called.
• The function is Recommended for ndtIrisScanner. The default value of nepUnknown will be used if the function is missing.
• The hDevice handle might be obsolete and should be checked for validity. CaptureIrisScanner
Returns the image containing requested biometric data.
NResult (N_CALLBACK CaptureIrisScanner)(NHandle hDevice, NEPosition position, const
NEPosition * arMissingPositions, NInt missingPositionCount, NBool automatic, NInt
timeoutMilliseconds, NBiometricStatus * pStatus, HNEAttributes * * parhObjects, NInt *
pObjectCount, HNImage * phImage, NdmPreviewIrisScannerProc pPreview, void * pParam);


hDevice [in] Handle to the device.

impressionType [in] Requested impression type.
position [in] Requested position value.
arMissingPositions [in] Array of missing eye positions (e.g. half-blind people without one eye).
missingPositionCount [in] Count of missing positions in scanned image.
automatic [in] Value which allows the scanner to decide about the image quality. When NTrue is set scanning
device should checks image quality and decide when this image should be returned to the user.
When NFalse is set user will control image quality and capturing process himself. In this case user
will change the device status in pPreview callback function.
timeoutMilliseconds [in] Maximum time (milliseconds) for the operation to complete (-1 to have no limit).
pStatus [out] Status of the operation (after function returns).
parhObjects [out] Array which contains information about objects (irises present in scanned image). The same
objects should also be given to pPreview callback.
pObjectCount [out] Object count in parhObjects.
phImage [out] Captured image.
pPreview [in] The callback function which allows the user to see/check non-final capturing data (see notes 6
pParam [in] The capturing context. The value must also be passed to the callback.

Return value
Function should return N_OK on success or one of the error codes defined in NErrors.h.

• The function will be invoked when API functions NIrisScannerCapture or NIrisScannerCaptureEx are called.
• The function is Mandatory for ndtIrisScanner.
• The hDevice handle might be obsolete and should be checked for validity.
• The function should try to capture image of satisfying quality with requested features for up to timeoutMilliseconds
argument. However the operation should be stopped when user calls CancelBiometricDevice [ 135] function.
• The pStatus should show the status of the operation (was it successful/timeout/canceled).
• The parhObjects array should be allocated with NAlloc and filled by using functions from NEAttributes unit.
• Different contexts (pParam values) correspond to devices accessed from different device managers. Consequently pParam
should be remembered and checked in other capturing function, otherwise the device usages through different device
managers will interfere. If the capture sequence is used, the value should also be checked to match one given to
StartBiometricDeviceSequence [ 135].

6.5 Advanced features Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Plug-in Framework

Preview callback
Preview callback allows the user to get the intermediate capturing data. This can be handy to give the user feedback. So the
operator could improve the quality of the captured image or to just see the progress. Alternative usage of the preview function
is when user controls the quality of the captured data (automatic argument of CaptureIrisScanner function set to NFalse).

Therefore plugin writer should call the preview callback whenever the new scanned image or status from the device is received.
typedef void (N_CALLBACK NdmPreviewIrisScannerProc)(NHandle hDevice, HNImage hImage,
NBiometricStatus * pStatus, const HNEAttributes * arhObjects, NInt objectCount, void *


hDevice [in] Handle to the device.

hImage [in] Image captured so far.
pStatus [in/out] Current status of the operation. The value can be changed by the user, the plugin writer should
check the value after function returns. The capturing should be stopped if status is final
(NBiometricStatusIsFinal function).
parhObjects [in] Array which contains information about objects (irises present in scanned image).
pObjectCount [in] Object count in parhObjects.
pParam [in] The capturing context. The value given to CaptureIrisScanner must be passed to the callback.

7 Neurotechnology Biometric SDK

7 Tutorials
This section contains a list of tutorials included in the MegaMatcher 11.2, VeriFinger 11.2, VeriLook 11.2, VeriEye 11.2 and
VeriSpeak 11.2 SDK. Each tutorial is usually a small program which demonstrate specific functionality of Neurotechnology
libraries in isolation. Developer can also refer to Samples [ 145] chapter for more elaborate example applications.

Note: If you get "-200" or "Not Activated" error when using a tutorial, it means that you do not have a license for one of
Neurotechnology libraries.


Tutorial Description
BioAPICapture Demonstrates how to capture single BIR and save it to specified file.
BioAPIIdentifyMatch Demonstrates how to identify single BIR against a collection of saves BIRs using BioAPI [ 79]
BioAPIInfo Retrieves information about BioAPI [ 79] framework (version, path, vendor, etc.).
BioAPIVerifyMatch Demonstrates how to verify single BIR against reference BIR.
CreateBIRFromFCR Converts FCR serialized file to BioAPI [ 79] BIR serialized file
CreateBIRFromFIR Converts FIR serialized file to BioAPI [ 79] BIR serialized file.
CreateBIRFromIIR Demonstrates how to convert IIR serialized file to BioAPI [ 79] BIR serialized file.


Tutorial Description
biometrics-tutorials-android Demonstrates biometrics functionality for Android.
ClassifyFinger Demonstrates fingerprint classification.
CreateFaceTemplateOnServer Demonstrates how to create face template from image on server.
CreateFingerTemplateOnServer Demonstrates how to create finger template from image on server.
CreateIrisTemplateOnServer Demonstrates how to create iris template from image on server.
CreateMultiFaceTemplate Creates NTemplate that contains multiple faces templates (multiple NLRecord).
CreateMultiFingerTemplate Creates NTemplate that contains multiple fingerprint NFRecord templates.
CreatePalmTemplateOnServer Demonstrates how to create palm template from image on server.
CreateTokenFaceImage Demonstrates how to use Neurotechnology token face images library (see API
Reference for Ntfi module or class).
CreateTwoIrisTemplate Demonstrates how to make packed NTemplate from images.
CreateVoiceTemplateOnServer Demonstrates how to create voice template from voice record on server.
DetectFacialFeatures Demonstrates how to detect facial features from images.
DetectFacialFeaturesFromCamera Demonstrates face feature extraction from camera.
DetectFacialFeaturesFromImageStream Demonstrates face feature extraction from stream.
EnrollToServer Demonstrates template enrollment to server.
EnrollToSQLiteDatabase Demonstrates template enrollment to SQLite [ 116] database.
EnrollFaceFromCamera Demonstrates face feature extraction from camera.
EnrollFaceFromFile Demonstrates how to enroll to database a single face from either an image or a
video file.
EnrollFaceFromStream Demonstrates how to enroll to database face from stream (image sequence).

7 Neurotechnology Biometric SDK

EnrollFingerFromImage Demonstrates how to extract features from fingerprint image and enroll to
EnrollFingerFromScanner Demonstrates how to extract fingerprint features as NFRecord from scanner and
enroll to database.
EnrollIrisFromImage Demonstrates how to enroll to database a single iris image.
EnrollIrisFromScanner Demonstrates enrollment from iris scanner.
EnrollPalmFromImage Demonstrates palmprint feature extraction from image.
EnrollVoiceFromAudioFile Demonstrates voices feature extraction from audio file.
EnrollVoiceFromMicrophone Demonstrates voices feature extraction from microphone.
EvaluateFingerQuality Demonstrates fingerprint image quality evaluation.
IdentifyOnServer Demonstrates template identification on server.
IdentifyOnSQLiteDatabase Demonstrates template identification using SQLite [ 116] database.
GeneralizeFinger Generalizes count features collections to single features collection.
GeneralizeFace Demonstrates template creation and generalization of multiple faces.
GeneralizePalm Demonstrates palmprint generalization from templates or images.
Identify Demonstrates how to use 1:N matching.
IdentifyFace Demonstrates facial identification (matching of template extracted from image to
gallery of serialized templates).
IdentifyFinger Demonstrates how to use 1:N fingerprints matching.
IdentifyIris Demonstrates how identify subject's iris against all database.
IdentifyVoice Demonstrates voice identification.
IdentifyPalm Demonstrates palmprint identification.
MatchMultipleFaces Demonstrates how to convert face image to grayscale and match multiple face
SegmentFingers Demonstrates how to use fingerprint features segmentation.
SegmentIris Demonstrates how to use iris features segmenter.
ShowTemplateContent Demonstrates how to retrieve information about a template
Verify Demonstrates how to use 1:1 matching.
VerifyFace Demonstrates how to match (verify) two faces templates.
VerifyFinger Demonstrates how to use 1:1 fingerprints matching.
VerifyIris Demonstrates how to match (verify) two irises templates.
VerifyPalm Demonstrates palmprint verification.
VerifyVoice Demonstrates voice verification.

Biometric Standards
These tutorials are used to convert different biometric standards.

Tutorial Description
ANTemplateType10FromNImage Demonstrates creation of ANTemplate with type 10 record in it.
ANTemplateType13FromNImage Demonstrates creation of ANTemplate with type 13 record in it.
ANTemplateType14FromNImage Demonstrates creation of ANTemplate with type 14 record in it.
ANTemplateType15FromNImage Demonstrates creation of ANTemplate with type 15 record in it.
ANTemplateType16FromNImage Demonstrates creation of ANTemplate with type 16 record in it.
ANTemplateType17FromNImage Demonstrates creation of ANTemplate with type 17 record in it.

7 Neurotechnology Biometric SDK

ANTemplateType3FromNImage Demonstrates creation of ANTemplate with type 3 record in it.

ANTemplateType4FromNImage Demonstrates creation of ANTemplate with type 4 record in it.
ANTemplateType5FromNImage Demonstrates creation of ANTemplate with type 5 record in it.
ANTemplateType6FromNImage Demonstrates creation of ANTemplate with type 6 record in it.
ANTemplateType8FromNImage Demonstrates creation of ANTemplate with type 8 record in it.
ANTemplateType9FromNImage Demonstrates creation of ANTemplate with type 9 record in it.
ANTemplateToNImage Demonstrates how to convert ANTemplate to NImage.
ANTemplateToNTemplate Demonstrates how to convert ANTemplate to NTemplate.
CbeffRecordToNTemplate Converts CbeffRecord to NTemplate.
ComplexCbeffRecord Creates a complex CbeffRecord.
CreateMinexCompliantTemplate Creates Minex compliant template.
FCRecordFromNImage Demonstrates creation of FCRecord from image.
FCRecordToNTemplate Demonstrates how to convert face record FCRecord to NTemplate.
FIRecordFromNImage Demonstrates how to create FIRecord from fingerprint image.
FIRecordToNTemplate Creates FIRecord from NTemplate.
FMRecordToNTemplate Demonstrates how to convert FMRecord to NTemplate.
IIRecordFromNImage Demonstrates how to create IIRecord from iris image.
IIRecordToNTemplate Demonstrates how to convert iris record IIRecord to NTemplate.
MatchMinexCompliantTemplates Demonstrates how to match Minex compliant templates.
NTemplateToCbeffRecord Converts NTemplate to CbeffRecord.
NTemplateToANTemplate Demonstrates how to convert NTemplate to ANTemplate.
NTemplateToFMRecord Demonstrates how to convert NTemplate to FMRecord.
UnpackComplexCbeffRecord Unpacks complex CbeffRecord.

Devices tutorials demonstrate how to use and manage devices like cameras, fingerprint or iris cameras:

Tutorial Description
ImageCapture Demonstrates how to capture images from cameras.
FingerScan Demonstrates how to capture fingerprint image from a scanner.
IrisScan Demonstrates how to capture irises from iris scanner.
SoundCapture Demonstrates capturing sound from microphones. 7
Devices tutorials demonstrate how to use and manage devices like cameras, fingerprint or iris cameras:

Tutorial Description
DongleInfo Demonstrates how to retrieve dongle information.
DongleUpdate Demonstrates dongle online update using ticket.
IdGeneration Demonstrates how to generate an ID.
IdInfo Demonstrates how to retrieve ID information.
LicenseActivation Demonstrates how to activate a license.
LicenseActivationFromDongle Demonstrates how to activate a license from a dongle.
LicenseDeactivation Demonstrates how to deactivate a license.

7 Neurotechnology Biometric SDK

LicenseInfo Demonstrates how to get information about specified license/hardware id/serial

SerialNumberGenerationFromDongle Demonstrates how to generate a serial number from a dongle.

Demonstrates how to use audio and video data.

Tutorial Description
CreateWsq Demonstrates how to create WSQ images.
ReadAudio Demonstrates how to read audio from file or URL.
ReadAudioFromDevice Demonstrates how to capture audio from sound device (microphone).
ReadVideo Demonstrates how to read video from file or URL.
ReadVideoFromDevice Demonstrates capturing video frames from device (video camera).
ShowImageInfo Demonstrates how to show image info
WsqToNImage Demonstrates how to convert a WSQ image to NImage.

Media Processing
Demonstrates how to modify images.

Tutorial Description
AdjustGrayscaleImageCS Demonstrates how to adjust brightness and contrast of grayscale image.
AdjustRgbImageCS Demonstrates how to adjust brightness and contrast of rgb image.
AlphaBlendRgbImageCS Demonstrates rgb image alpha blending.
InvertGrayscaleImageCS Demonstrates grayscale image invertion.
InvertRgbImageCS Demonstrates rgb image invertion.
ScaleGrayscaleImageCS Demonstrates grayscale image scaling.

Demonstrates how to work with server and cluster server.

Tutorial Description
SendTask Demonstrates how to send a task to matching server and wait for result.
ServerAdmin Demonstrates how to administrate matching server.
ServerDatabase Demonstrates how to use Accelerator database.
ServerStatus Displays various information about a matching server and nodes. 7

Almost all tutorials are written in C#, VB.NET, Java, C programming languages.

Some C tutorials are intended for using on Linux OS too.

Source files are located within Tutorials\ folder.

8.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Faces

8 Samples
Samples are used to demonstrate how to use the main functionality of Neurotechnology libraries. Samples are written for C++,
C#, Java and VB.NET programming languages, as well as for Android and iOS platforms.

The main samples were compiled and saved to \Bin folder. Also source code of all sample applications is included into
\Samples folder. You are allowed to use, change or adapt this source code for your applications.

Local samples databases* are saved in these locations:

• Windows 7/8/10: C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Neurotechnology

• Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\USER\Local Settings\Application Data
* Some samples do not use local databases.

8.1 Biometrics

8.1.1 Faces C++ (WX)

MegaMatcher 11.2, VeriFinger 11.2, VeriLook 11.2, VeriEye 11.2 and VeriSpeak 11.2 SDK incorporates Neurotechnology face
recognition algorithm. Using this demo application face images can be enrolled from still images (from image files) or video
streams (from cameras) and matching task performed.

Application main window

Main application window has three-pane layout, where top pane is used for displaying image or video stream and two bottom
panes are used for messages logging. Menu commands and two toolbar buttons, used as shortcuts for most accessed
commands, control application.

Person can be enrolled using "Enroll" command. After enrolling a person's image from file the main window looks like this (also
yellow text below indicates passive liveness check):

8.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Faces

The main window panes are these:

1. Top face detection pane, used to display video or still images and result of face detection algorithm overlaid on image.
2. Left pane is application log, used for system information and application progress messages.
3. Right pane is matching results pane for listing id of the subject in the database, most similar to matched image. Subjects
are considered “similar” if their similarity value exceeds matching FAR (False acceptance rate) set via Options
(Options->Identification) dialog. Also in this pane matching score is displayed.

Application options dialog

Options dialog window can be accessed through menu command Tools->Options... Options dialog window is used to configure
faces detection, extraction, enrollment and identification parameters.


8.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Faces

• Template size (enroll from stream) - size of face image templates when enrolling from image. Can be used Large, Medium
or Small template. It is recommended to use large template size.
• Minimum IOD – minimum distance between eyes.
• Max Roll - this value is used to define the maximum value in degrees of tilted face image which can be enrolled or identified.
• Max Yaw - this value is used to define the maximum value in degrees of tilted face image which can be enrolled or
• Face confidence threshold – value which controls the requirements for face detection. The greater this value is the more
strict rules are applied when looking for faces in an image.
• Quality threshold – controls how strict rules are applied when determining the quality of a found face for extraction. If face
quality score does not outscore.
• Liveness Mode – can choose 3 liveness detection modes: passive, active or none (liveness detection is not used). For
more information see section Liveness Detection [ 76].
• Liveness threshold – value which controls the requirements for face liveness. The greater this value is the more strict rules
are applied when deciding if the face is live.
• Detect all features points - if checked, all face features (not only these necessary for extraction) are detected when
extracting from a file.
• Detect base feature points - if checked, eyes, nose tip and mouth will be detected.
• Detect gender – if checked, gender will be detected.
• Detect age - if checked, subject age is detected when extracting image. 8
• Detect properties – if checked, face properties will be detected.
• Recognize expression – if checked, facial expression will be detected.
• Recognize emotion – if checked, emotions will be detected.
• Create thumbnail image – if checked, a thumbnail image will be created during extraction.
• Width – width of the thumbnail image.

8.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Fingers

• Matching speed - selects Low, Medium or High matching speed. When the most accurate identification results are required
it is recommended to use Low speed. But in this case identification task is performed slower. If the maximum identification
speed is required it is recommended to use High identification speed. Note: Template size also affects identification speed.
The highest possible identification speed is achieved when Small template and High speed is used.
• Matching threshold – threshold that separates identical from different templates. Matching threshold is linked to false
acceptance rate (FAR, different templates erroneously accepted as of the same) of matching algorithm. The higher is
threshold, the lower is FAR and higher FRR (false rejection rate, same templates erroneously accepted as different) and
vice a versa. See: Matching Threshold and Score [ 41].
• Maximal results count – maximum number of matching results returned.
• First result only – if checked, only the first positive result will be returned during identification.

Application Menu commands

The following table explains menu commands of the Faces Algorithm Demo application.

Menu command Description

Jobs » Enroll Enrolls image to face database.
Jobs » Identify Search for matching image in face database.
Tools » Clear Log Clear application log windows.
Tools » Clear Database Clears faces database.
Tools » Options… Display options dialog.
Help » About [ 8] Display information about Faces algorithm demo application.

Remarks 8
This sample can be executed from Bin\Win32_x86 or Bin\Win64_x64 directories (FacesSampleWX.exe) for Windows and
from Bin\Linux_x86 or Bin\Linux_x86_64 (FacesSampleWX) for Linux and from Bin\MacOSX_universal
( for Mac OS.

Source code for this sample is saved in Samples\Biometrics\CPP\FacesSampleWX directory. See wxWidgets Compilation
instructions [ 216] for more information on how to compile source code.

8.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Fingers

8.1.2 Fingers C++ (WX)

The main fingers sample window contains a menu bar at the top, and four child windows. In the top left window, the original
fingerprint image is displayed, in the top right window, fingerprint features and their directions marked in red by circles and
lines. In the bottom-left window, enrollment and recognition information (enrolled/recognized file name, fingerprint processing
and matching times, number of samples matched, etc.) is displayed. In the bottom right window, individual matching scores
between different fingerprints (in identification mode) are displayed. The application window can be seen below:

(The upper left pane shows fingerprint image from database. The upper right pane shows extracted fingerprint features.)

Fingerprint enrollment 8
For the fingerprint enrollment demonstration, click "Enroll" button. Then, open file(s) or scan a fingerprint. To stop long
enrollment operation choose "File->Cancel".

Note: When working with big number of image files file list can be created for later use.

Fingerprint Verification
Click "Verify" button and open two files or scan two images.

8.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Fingers

Fingerprint Identification
For the fingerprint identification demonstration, click "Identify" button. Then open file(s) or scan an image to identify.

After the identification demo application will output the record names of the most similar fingerprint together with the similarity
criterion (to see all matching result deselect "Stop on first result") and various characteristics of the recognition process.

To stop lengthy enrollment or identification operations choose "File->Cancel".

Note: When working with big number of image files the file list can be created for later use.

Save Image

Allow to save the image from the left panel in the desired directory.

Fingerprints sample options

Fingers sample application allows to change various parameters of fingers recognition algorithm. Algorithm parameters can be
changed using Options window (Tools->Options...).

Enrollment options

• Minimum minutia count - minimum required minutia count for fingerprint to be enrolled to database.
• Quality threshold - controls how strict rules are applied when determining the quality of a fingerprint for extraction.
• Template size - size of fingerprint image templates. Can be used Large or Small template. It is recommended to use large
template size.
• Extracted ridge counts - specifies the extracted ridge counts (four or eight neighbors, with or without indexes).
• Return processed image - if checked, a processed fingerprint image will be returned.
• Fast Extraction - if checked, extraction will be performed faster, but with less accuracy.
Matching options

8.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Irises

• FAR - threshold that separates identical and different fingerprints. Matching threshold is linked to false acceptance rate
(FAR, different fingerprints erroneously accepted as of the same) of matching algorithm. The higher is threshold, the lower
is FAR and higher FRR (false rejection rate, same fingerprints erroneously accepted as different) and vice a versa.
• Maximal rotation - maximal fingerprint's rotation value.
• Matching speed - matching speed. Can be chosen Low, Medium or High speed. Default value is Low.
• Maximal result count - sets the maximal number of matching results.
• First result only - if checked, application stops matching when first result was found. Otherwise, all matching templates will
be found (search will be perform through all database).
Compiled sample application can be located under these folders: Bin\Win32_x86 or Bin\Win64_x64
(FingersSampleWX.exe); Bin\Linux_x86 or Bin\Linux_x86_64 (FingersSampleWX); Bin\MacOSX_universal
( Source code fot this sample is saved in Samples\Biometrics\CPP\FingersSampleWX

This sample application requires wxWidgets. Read more about how to compile wxWidgets [ 216].

8.1.3 Irises
8 C++ (WX)

C++ Irises sample demonstrates how to work with iris images retrieved from file or camera. Using this sample application iris
images can be enrolled to internal database and identification task performed.

8.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Irises

The picture below shows the main window when an iris image was enrolled (enrollment log is shown in the panel on the left)
and identification performed (identification result are shown on the right):

To enroll an image "Enroll" command is used.

Three enrollment options are available:

• From File - enrolls iris from specified image file.

• From Directory - enrolls all files from concrete folder with specified files filter.
Also using menu command "Tools->Options..." it is possible to change these sample application settings:

8.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Irises

Extractor settings:

• Deinterlace Iris Image. If this option is enabled iris images are deinterlaced.
• Inner boundary radius from (in pixels). Controls the minimum size of the inner iris boundary.
• Inner boundary radius to (in pixels). Controls the maximum size of the inner iris boundary.
• Outer boundary radius from (in pixels). Controls the minimum size of the outer iris boundary.
• Outer boundary radius to (in pixels). Controls the maximum size of the outer iris boundary.

8.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Multibiometric samples (ABIS)

Matcher settings:

• FAR (False acceptance rate). Defines False acceptance rate. For more information see Matching Threshold and FAR/FRR
[ 41] .
• Maximal Rotation. Defines the maximal rotation allowed between two matched irises.
• Matching Speed. Matching speed value.
• Maximal Result Count. Maximal matching result count.
• First Result Only. If checked, only the first positive matching result will be returned.

Compiling and running application

Source code for this sample application is located under \Samples\Biometrics\CPP\IrisesSampleWX. Also executable
of this sample application is included (\bin\Win32_x86\IrisesSampleWX.exe).

To build Irises sample IrisesSampleWX.sln file should be opened using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 or later. To compile
Irises sample wxWidgets (a cross-platform GUI and tools library) are required. It can be downloaded from Read more how to compile wxWidgets [ 216].

8.1.4 Multibiometric samples (ABIS)

Neurotechnology SDKs include multibiometric sample (ABIS) applications for C++/C#/VB.NET/Java programming languages 8
and Android/iOS platforms. ABIS sample application demonstrates how to use Neurotechnology Biometric SDK with large-scale
biometrical systems that requires fingerprints, palmprints, face, irises or voice recognition functionality.

Documentation for multibiometric sample under different platforms:

• .NET Multibiometric sample [ 155]

• C++ Multibiometric sample [ 165]
• Java Multibiometric sample [ 165]

8.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Multibiometric samples (ABIS)

• iOS Multibiometric sample [ 166] .NET
ABIS sample for .NET demonstrates multibiometric functionality of Neurotechnology SDK. It allows to enroll or match
fingerprints, palmprints, face, iris images or voice samples within chosen database.

Required files for this sample application:

• Source code location: ..\Samples\Biometrics\CS\AbisSampleCS | ..\Samples\Biometrics\VB\AbisSampleVB (Microsoft

Visual Studio project file)
• Starting sample (binaries): Bin\Win32_x86\AbisSampleCS.exe | Bin\Win64_x64\AbisSampleCS.exe
Note: all components of SDK should be activated before starting this sample application. Please refer to QuickStart.pdf or
Activation.pdf documents for the activation instructions.

Connection configuration
When the sample is started Connection Settings window will appear:

Three choices are available at this point:

• SQLite [ 116] database connection - uses SQLite [ 116] protocol connection to the database.
• Odbc database connection - uses ODBC connection to the database (see also:
• Connection string - ODBC connection string.
• Table name - ODBC table name.
• Remote matching server - uses a remote matching server
• Server address - remote server address.
• Client port - remote server port. 8
• Admin port - remote matching server admin port.
• Local operation - selects which operations will be performed locally and which should be executed on the NServer [ 90].
By default NServer [ 90] performs database operations (enroll, identify, remove, etc.). Other operations are performed
locally by NBiometricClient. For example, when you call enroll operation by default extraction is performed on a local
machine and template is sent to the server. If amount of local operations are reduced, extraction can be performed on the
NServer [ 90].
• Clear all data - if ticked, all ABIS Sample data will be cleared when creating a new connection.
• Database schema - can be selected sample database schema, remote server scheme or none of these.

8.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Multibiometric samples (ABIS)

Main window
After the connection is configured, the main application window will appear:

The windows presents the list of the tasks that can be performed:

• New Subject. Allows to capture biometric data from devices or files, as well as performing matching, verification and
identification using either local database or remote matching server.
• Open Subject. Allows to open existing Neurotechnology templates or other supported templates, as well as performing
matching, verification and identification using either local database or remote matching server.
• Delete subject. Deletes subject with specified Id from database.
• Settings. Change the parameters controlling feature extraction and matching.
• Change database. [Available only when used from the SDK.] Configures to use local database or remote matching server.
• About [ 8]. Shows component versions and allows to configure biometric image capture device plugins.

New subject enrollment

Multibiometric sample application allows to enroll multiple biometric data (fingerprints, palms, face, iris and voice templates)
associated with a subject. When New Subject button is pressed a new tab will appear:

8.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Multibiometric samples (ABIS)

In this window you can add biometric and biographical (right panel) information about the subject. Any combination of
fingerprint, face, iris, palms or voice can be used. The biometric data can be captured using scanners or loaded from files.
Alternatively, user can enter file containing previously extracted template (either Neurotechnology or other supported biometric
standards template format).

Fingerprints input:

From the Source group select a fingerprint scanner or file (image or ten-print card). When using a scanner, check if all drivers
have been installed and appropriate Neurotechnology plugin enabled (this can be checked by opening plugin manager in About
[ 8] window).

You can choose enrollment scenario and fingerprint impression. The Scenario drop down list controls the configuration of
fingerprints. This can be for example single unknown fingerprint, all fingerprints or the special images with multiple fingerprints
(segmentation) like 4-4-2 scenario. The configuration and the kind of the fingerprint currently expected is visualized on the small

8.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Multibiometric samples (ABIS)

drawing of two hands. The user can change the expected finger by clicking it with the mouse or by using "< Prev" and "Next >"

Face input:

Face images can be captured from selected camera, loaded from image or video (supports video formats depending on
installed codecs in the computer) file. When face image was captured, ICAO [ 116] statuses are detected and displayed in the
same window. If you don't need ICAO [ 116] statuses, uncheck "Check ICAO [ 116] compliance".

When face image is captured from camera or video file, passive or active liveness check is enabled by default (you can change
it the Settings window). In this case a subject must follow on-screen commands (e.g., keep face still, look at the right or left) to
pass liveness check and enroll face. Read more about Face Liveness Detection [ 76] and Face Image Constraints [ 75].

Irises input:

8.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Multibiometric samples (ABIS)

Iris images can be captured from a scanner or loaded from image file (selecting Open image option). Scanner drivers have to
be installed and appropriate Neurotechnology plugin enabled (this can be checked by opening plugin manager in About [ 8]

Palms input:

Palm images can be captured live from a scanner or loaded from image file. For the scanners to work appropriate drivers have
to be installed and appropriate Neurotechnology plugin enabled (this can be checked by opening plugin manager in About [ 8]

8.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Multibiometric samples (ABIS)

Images impression can be indicated from drop down list in the Options group. Use two drop down lists below palm drawings to
select the hand and part of the palm.

Voices input:

Voices can be recorded from microphone or loaded from a file. Person should say the same phrase for voice enrollment and
further verification or identification.

The list of already extracted biometric features is available on the left, below corresponding modality names.

When all biometric data of the subject is entered, you may click Finish button to see the subject summary:

8.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Multibiometric samples (ABIS)

Unique Subject id needs to be filled with name or number that will be used to identify this person in the database. Subject's
gender can also be specified. All the collected biometric data is presented in the list and can be previewed by clicking on it's
item. The collected template can be saved to the file for later use by Save Template. Press Enroll or Enroll with duplicate check
to save extracted biometric data as a template to database.

Also, you can print extracted biometric data as a criminal or an apllicant card.

Alternatively, this data can be loaded from an existing template. If you click Open Template in the main window, you will be
prompted to enter the name of the template file. Template format owner and template format type can be chosen from
dropdown menus.

Subjects identification and verification

If you need to identify or verify a subject, select New Subject from the main screen and follow the enrollment instructions
described above. You can add one or more biometric modality. When finished, select Identify or Verify button. Identification or
verification result with matching score will be displayed.

Multibiometric sample settings

Application parameters can be configured and changed by clicking the Settings button in the main window.

General settings

• Matching threshold – threshold that separates identical from different templates. Matching threshold is linked to false
acceptance rate (FAR, different templates erroneously accepted as of the same) of matching algorithm. The higher is
threshold, the lower is FAR and higher FRR (false rejection rate, same templates erroneously accepted as different) and
vice a versa. See: Matching Threshold and Score [ 41].
• Maximal results count – maximum number of matching results returned.
• Return matching details – if checked, additional details will be returned with matching result.
• First result only – if checked, only the first positive result will be returned during identification.
Fingers settings

8.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Multibiometric samples (ABIS)

• Finger scanner – select which fingerprint scanner to use. Also fingerprint scanner can be connected or disconnected using
appropriate buttons.
• Template size – size of fingerprint templates. Can be used Large, Medium or Small template. It is recommended to use
large template size for better accuracy.
• Matching speed – matching speed. Can be used Low, Medium or High speed. High speed requires Fast Fingerprint
Matcher license.
• Maximal rotation – maximal fingerprint rotation value.
• Quality threshold – sets a quality threshold. If fingerprint's quality threshold is less than specified value, fingerprint will be
• Generalization record count - fingerprint record count required to create generalized fingerprint template.
• Fast extraction – if checked, feature extraction will be performed faster, but with accuracy loss.
• Return binarized image – if checked, binarized fingerprint image will be returned after extraction.
• Determine pattern class - determines fingerprint pattern class.
• Calculate Nfiq - calculates the quality of a given fingerprint image.
• Check for duplicates when capturing - checks for fingerprint duplicates in database when capturing.
Face settings

8.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Multibiometric samples (ABIS)

• Camera – from the drop-down menu select which camera to use for face capture. Connect or disconnect selected camera
with appropriate buttons.
• Format – captured video format.
• Template size – size of face template. Can be used Large, Medium or Small template. It is recommended to use large
template size for better accuracy.
• Matching speed – can be chosen Low, Medium or High speed. High speed requires Fast Iris Matcher license.
• Minimal inter-ocular distance – minimum distance between eyes.
• Confidence threshold – value which controls the requirements for face detection. The greater this value is the more strict
rules are applied when looking for faces in an image.
• Maximal roll – this value is used to define the maximum value in degrees of tilted face image which can be enrolled or
• Maximal yaw - this value is used to define the maximum yaw value in degrees of face image which can be enrolled or
• Quality threshold – sets a quality threshold. If a face image's quality threshold is less than specified value, the face image
will be rejected.
• Generalization record count - count of face records required to create the generalized template.
• Liveness mode – can choose 6 liveness detection modes: passive, active, passive and active, simple, custom or none 8
(liveness detection is not used). For more information see section Liveness Detection [ 76].
• Liveness threshold – value which controls the requirements for face liveness. The greater this value is the more strict rules
are applied when deciding if the face is live.
• Detect all feature points – if checked, eyes, nose and lips will be detected. Otherwise, only eyes will be detected.
• Detect base feature points – if checked, eye centers and nose tip will be detected.
• Detect gender – if checked, gender will be detected.
• Detect age – if checked, face age will be evaluated.

8.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Multibiometric samples (ABIS)

• Detect properties - if checked, face properties will be detected.

• Recognize expression – if checked, facial expression will be detected.
• Recognize emotion – if checked, emotions will be detected.
• Create thumbnail image – if checked, a thumbnail image will be created during extraction.
• Width – width of the thumbnail image.
Irises settings

• Iris scanner – select which iris scanner to use.

• Template size – size of iris templates. Can be used Large, Medium or Small template. It is recommended to use large
template size for better accuracy.
• Matching speed – can be chosen Low, Medium or High speed. High speed requires Fast Iris Matcher license.
• Maximal rotation – defines the maximal rotation allowed between two matched irises.
• Quality threshold – sets a quality threshold. If an iris's quality threshold is less than specified value, the iris will be rejected.
• Fast extraction – if checked, feature extraction will be performed faster, but with accuracy loss.
Palms settings

• Palm scanner – select which palmprint scanner to use. Also, you can connect or disconnect selected scanner. 8
• Template size – size of palmprint templates. Can be used Large, Medium or Small template. It is recommended to use
large template size for better accuracy.
• Matching speed – can be chosen Low, Medium or High speed. High speed requires Fast Fingerprint Matcher license.
• Maximal rotation – maximal palmprint's rotation value.
• Quality threshold – sets a quality threshold. If palmprint's quality threshold is less than specified value, palmprint will be
• Generalization record count - count of palmprint records required to create the generalized template.

8.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Multibiometric samples (ABIS)

• Return binarized image – if checked, binarized palmprint image will be returned after extraction.
Voice settings

• Microphone – select which microphone to use.

• Format – sound format.
• Unique phrases only – specifies whether each user should say a unique phrase. Unchecking this option increases FFR
(false rejection rate).
• Extract text dependent features – extracts features that depend on the text pronounced.
• Extract text independent features – extracts features the do not depend on the text pronounced.
• Maximal loaded file size - maximum size of file to load. C++ (WX)

ABIS sample for C++ (using wxWidgets library) demonstrates multibiometric functionality of Neurotechnology SDK. It allows to
enroll or match fingerprints, palmprints, face, iris images or voice samples within chosen database.

Required files for this sample application:

• Source code location: ..\Samples\Biometrics\CPP\AbisSampleWX

• Starting sample (binaries): Bin\Win32_x86\AbisSampleWX.exe | Bin\Win64_x64\AbisSampleWX.exe |
Bin\Linux_x86\AbisSampleWX | Bin\Linux_x86_64\AbisSampleWX
Note: all components of SDK should be activated before starting this sample application. Please refer to QuickStart.pdf or
Activation.pdf documents for the activation instructions.

See Also
The interface of Multibiometric sample for C++ is very similar to Multibiometric sample for .NET. It is recommended to read
about .NET ABIS Sample [ 155] before starting application for C++.

Also, check wxWidgets Compilation [ 216] instructions if you need to compile this application.

8 Java
Multibiometric sample for Java has analogous functionality to .NET ABIS samples, so check documentation of .NET sample
[ 155].


This sample application can be started by using bat file from this directory:

• \Bin\Java\abis-sample.bat

8.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Multibiometric samples (ABIS)

Even though Java binaries are platform independent, it is important to use correct version. Dlls (dynamic link libraries) used by
Java application are not platform independent.

Source Files

Source files for this sample application are located under: \Samples\Biometrics\Java\abis-sample.

See Also
Java samples compilation [ 213] iOS
Multi-biometric sample application for iOS demonstrates how to use Neurotechnology Biometric SDK on Apple mobile devices.
This sample incorporates fingerprints, face, irises and voice recognition functionality.

Source code for this sample is saved in \Samples\Biometrics\iOS\Biometrics folder. This code should be compiled
and saved to iOS powered device. XCode IDE from Apple is required to to compile this application. Open project.pbxproj
from Biometrics.xcodeproj folder.

How to compile a sample using XCode IDE:

1. Obtain developer's certificate from Apple. This certificate is required for code signing, otherwise you will not be able to
launch an application on the iOS device. Path to this certificate should be specified in the XCode.
2. Neurotechnology products for iOS require internet license(s). This license should be added to the project's resources folder
before compilation. You can simply drag license file to the resources folder.
3. Compile and launch application for the particular iOS device. This is performed when you choose iOS device in the XCode
and provisioning profile for this device is created. Read more on Apple website how to launch your app.
4. Start application from your Apple device:

8.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Multibiometric samples (ABIS)

The main window is divided into 4 separate parts for fingerprint, face, iris and voice verification, identification and enrollment.
Choose biometric modality and open data image. Fingerprints can be enrolled from image saved in a device or scanned using
fingerprint scanner (Apple integrated scanning devices are not supported - the separate device for fingerprints scanning is
required). Face image can be retrieved from camera or opened from the device's gallery, while iris image can be opened only
from a gallery. Voice is recorded using device microphone.

The main window also has two additional buttons - Database and Info. When you choose Database, enrolled biometric data for
separate modalities is displayed. Info shows product information and version.

8.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Multibiometric samples (ABIS)

8.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Multibiometric samples (ABIS)

The screenshots below shows application windows when different biometric modalities are used.
Fingerprint image scanning, enrollment and verification:

8.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Multibiometric samples (ABIS)

8.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Multibiometric samples (ABIS)

8.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Multibiometric samples (ABIS)

Face enrollment from an image and camera:


8.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Multibiometric samples (ABIS)

8.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Multibiometric samples (ABIS)

8.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Multibiometric samples (ABIS)

Iris image enrollment from an image and verification:


8.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Multibiometric samples (ABIS)

8.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Multibiometric samples (ABIS)

8.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Multibiometric samples (ABIS)

Voice data recording using device microphone:


8.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Multibiometric samples (ABIS)

8.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Multibiometric samples (ABIS)

8.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Multibiometric samples (ABIS)

Settings are changed for each biometric modality pressing circle in the top right corner.

Fingerprint settings

8.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Multibiometric samples (ABIS)

• Fast extraction - if checked, feature extraction will be performed faster, but with accuracy loss.
• Template size - size of fingerprint templates. Can be used Compact, Small, Medium or Large template. It is recommended
to use large template size for better accuracy. But if you need higher speed, you can choose compact to medium template.
In this case accuracy is decreased.
• Quality threshold - sets a quality threshold. If fingerprint's quality threshold is less than specified value, fingerprint will be
• Return processed image - if checked, processed fingerprint image will be returned after extraction.
• Default DPI for images from gallery - images in the iOS gallery are saved without metadata (DPI data is stripped out). But

8.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Multibiometric samples (ABIS)

this DPI data is required for the application. So users should choose default DPI for images from gallery.
• Matching speed - can be chosen Low, Medium or High speed. Choose low speed when matching accuracy is the most
important. When high speed is chosen, matching accuracy will decrease. Also, you should note that high speed matching
requires Fast Matcher license.
• Maximal rotation - maximal fingerprint's rotation value.
• Matching threshold - sets the matching threshold. If fingerprint's quality threshold is less than specified value, fingerprint will
be rejected.
• Check for duplicates - checks for fingerprint duplicates in database when capturing.
Face settings

8.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Multibiometric samples (ABIS)

8.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Multibiometric samples (ABIS)

• Template size - size of face templates. Can be used Compact, Small, Medium or Large template. It is recommended to use
large template size for better accuracy. But if you need higher speed, you can choose compact to medium template. In this
case accuracy is decreased.
• Confidence threshold - value which controls the requirements for face detection. The greater this value is the more strict
rules are applied when looking for faces in an image.
• Minimal inter ocular distance - minimum distance between eyes.
• Maximal roll - this value is used to define the maximum value in degrees of tilted face image which can be enrolled or

8.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Multibiometric samples (ABIS)

• Maximal yaw - this value is used to define the maximum yaw value in degrees of face image which can be enrolled or
• Matching speed - can be chosen Low, Medium or High speed. Choose low speed when matching accuracy is the most
important. When high speed is chosen, matching accuracy will decrease. Also, you should note that high speed matching
requires Fast Matcher license.
• Matching threshold - sets matching threshold. If a face image's quality threshold is less than specified value, the face
image will be rejected.
• Detect all feature points - if checked, eyes, nose and lips will be detected. Otherwise, only eyes will be detected.
• Detect base feature points - if checked, eyes' centers and nose tip will be detected.
• Determine gender - if checked, gender will be detected.
• Detect properties - if checked, face properties will be detected.
• Recognize expression - if checked, facial expression will be detected.
• Recognize emotion - if checked, emotions will be detected.
• Create thumbnail image - if checked, a thumbnail image will be created during extraction.
• Token image width - width of the thumbnail image.
• Check for duplicates - checks for face duplicates in database when capturing.
Iris settings

8.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Multibiometric samples (ABIS)

• Template size - size of iris templates. Can be used Compact, Small, Medium or Large template. It is recommended to use
large template size for better accuracy. But if you need higher speed, you can choose compact to medium template. In this
case accuracy is decreased.
• Fast extraction - if checked, feature extraction will be performed faster, but with accuracy loss.
• Quality threshold - sets a quality threshold. If an iris's quality threshold is less than specified value, the iris will be rejected.
• Matching speed - can be chosen Low, Medium or High speed. Choose low speed when matching accuracy is the most
important. When high speed is chosen, matching accuracy will decrease. Also, you should note that high speed matching
requires Fast Matcher license.

8.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Multibiometric samples (ABIS)

• Maximal rotation - defines the maximal rotation allowed between two matched irises.
• Matching threshold - can be chosen Low, Medium or High speed. High speed requires Fast Iris Matcher license.
• Check for duplicates - checks for face duplicates in database when capturing.
Voice settings

• Unique phrases only - specifies whether each user should say a unique phrase. Unchecking this option increases FFR
(false rejection rate).
• Extract text dependant features - extracts only features that depend on the text pronounced.

8.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Tools

• Extract text independent features - extracts features that do not depend on the text pronounced.
• Check for duplicates - checks for face duplicates in database when capturing.
In order to use external devices on iOS you have to add protocols as explained here. Also each scanner has unique name that
has to be used in Info.plist file as it is done in our sample \Samples\Biometrics\iOS\Biometrics\Biometrics\Info.plist:

8.1.5 Tools Latent Fingerprint Sample (C#)

Latent Fingerprint Sample is used to paint matching tree, change dpi, brightness and contrast, enables to add and remove
minutia, core or other fingerprint component.

This sample requires Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0. It can be downloaded from:
Sample uses NMatcher for matching.

Main Window

8.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Simple Samples

The main window has all the tools for latent fingerprint edition.

When you open the new image with the sample, a resolution window pops up, which allows you to set the exact resolution and
scale of the image.


Extraction settings are available from the Settings menu.

Use Quality - if checked, the sample will use a quality threshold for extraction.

Threshold - sets the quality threshold.

Source files for Latent Fingerprint Sample are located under \Samples\Biometrics\CS\LatentFingerprintSampleCS.

8.1.6 Simple Samples

Simple samples demonstrate the basic functionality of the main Neurotechnology libraries. These applications are written for
VB.NET and C# programming languages. This documentation only describes how to use sample application for C#. The usage

8.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Simple Samples

of applications for other programming languages are identical. Faces Sample (C#)

C# Simple faces sample program is used to detect facial features, extract templates from image or camera, save image from
camera, identify face, verify face between images or templates and match multiple faces. The screenshot below shows the
main window of Simple Faces Sample application:

Detect faces

Using this tab (image is shown above), you can detect facial features either of group's or a single person's image. After opening
an image, it will automatically detect facial features depending on current 'Max roll and yaw angle deviations' settings. However,
after editing these settings, click 'Detect facial features' in order to apply changes.

• Max roll angle deviation – this value is used to define the maximum value in degrees of tilted face image which can be
enrolled or identified.
• Max yaw angle deviation – this value is used to define the maximum yaw value in degrees of face image which can be
enrolled or identified.
Enroll from image

8.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Simple Samples

Using this tab, you can extract template from image. After opening an image, it will automatically detect facial features and
extract template depending on current 'Max roll and yaw angle deviations' settings. However, after editing these settings, click
'Extract template' in order to apply changes.

Note: If image contains multiple faces, program will show only the best recognized face.

Enroll from camera

8.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Simple Samples

Using this tab, you can extract template or save image from camera. Select camera, press 'Start capturing' and then 'Start
extraction', program will start extraction depending on 'Max stream duration in frames' setting. After it finishes, extracted image
will be shown in this section and 'Save template', 'Save image' buttons will be available.

Identify face

Using this tab, you can find selected face ('Image for identification') in template(s). Score along with the file name where similar
face was found is written at the bottom.

Note: Subjects are considered “similar” if their similarity value exceeds 'Matching FAR' (False acceptance rate).

Verify face

8.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Simple Samples

Using this tab, you can verify whether given faces are similar/identical or not. Faces can be loaded either from a template or an
image. After verifying, score will be shown in the pop-up message box and below the 'Verify' button. 'Clear images' removes
both images.

Note: Subjects are considered “similar” if their similarity value exceeds 'Matching FAR' (False acceptance rate).

Match multiple faces

8.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Simple Samples

Using this tab, you can search for a match of one face in multiple face image. Score is written below the face. If it is a match,
'(match)' is written near the score. If single face image is changed, group image has to be reopened in order to rescan for a

Note: If reference image contains multiple faces, program will select only the best recognized face.

Create token face image

In this tab original face image is converted to token face image. At the bottom of the token face image quality, sharpness score,
background uniformity score and grayscale density score are provided.

For more information about face token image read Ntfi Unit section.

Source files for this sample application are located in the \Samples\Biometrics\CS\SimpleFacesSampleCS within SDK
distribution. This sample can be built using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 or later.

Face is not detected if space between eyes is less than 40 pixels. Fingers Sample (C#)

C# Simple fingers sample program is used to extract templates from image or scanner, identify finger and verify fingers
between two images or templates and segment fingerprints. The picture below shows the main window of Simple Fingers 8
Sample application:

8.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Simple Samples

Enroll From Image

Using this tab (image is shown above), you can save either template or generalized image from image.

• Threshold – fingerprint quality check is performed during enrollment. If fingerprint's quality threshold is less than specified
value, fingerprint will be rejected.
Note: After editing settings, click 'Extract Features' again in order to apply changes.

Enroll From Scanner

Using this tab, you can either extract template or save image from scanner. When scanning, live preview will be shown just
below the 'Scan', 'Cancel' and 'Refresh list' buttons until program detects a finger. After few moments image will stay still, 'Save
Image' and 'Save template' buttons will be available. This means that scanning is finished.

Identify Finger

8.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Simple Samples

Using this tab, you can find selected finger ('Image for identification') in template(s). Score along with the file name where
similar finger was found is written at the bottom.

Note: Subjects are considered “similar” if their similarity value exceeds 'Matching FAR' (False acceptance rate).

Verify Finger

8.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Simple Samples

Using this tab, you can verify whether given fingers are similar/identical or not. Fingers can be loaded either from a template or
an image. After verifying, score will be shown in the pop-up message box and below the 'Verify' button. 'Clear images' removes
both images.

Note: Subjects are considered “similar” if their similarity value exceeds 'Matching FAR' (False acceptance rate).

Segment Fingers

8.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Simple Samples

Using this tab you can segment the fingerprints loaded from images and save the segmented images into desired directory.

Generalize fingers

In this tab 3 to 10 fingerprint images can be loaded and their features generalized. Generalized fingerprint can be saved as a

Source files for this sample application are located in the \Samples\Biometrics\CS\SimpleFingersSampleCS within
SDK distribution. This sample can be built using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 or later. Iris Sample (C#)

C# Simple irises sample application is used to extract templates from image or scanner, verify and identify irises and segment
iris. The picture below shows the main window of Simple Irises Sample application:

8.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Simple Samples

Enroll From Image

Using this tab (image is shown above), you can save either template or converted to gray scale image from image.

Enroll From Scanner

Using this tab, you can either extract template or save image from scanner. When scanning, live preview will be shown just
below the 'Scan', 'Cancel' and 'Refresh list' buttons until program detects an iris. After few moments image will stay still, 'Save
Image' and 'Save template' buttons will be available. This means that scanning is finished.

Verify Irises

8.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Simple Samples

Using this tab, you can verify whether given irises are similar/identical or not. Irises can be loaded either from a template or an
image. After verifying, score will be shown in the pop-up message box and below the 'Verify' button. 'Clear images' removes
both images.

Note: Irises are considered “similar” if their similarity value exceeds 'Matching FAR' (False acceptance rate).

Identify Irises

8.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Simple Samples

Using this tab, you can find selected iris ('Image for identification') in template(s). Score along with the file name where similar
iris was found is written at the bottom.

Note: Irises are considered “similar” if their similarity value exceeds 'Matching FAR' (False acceptance rate).

Segment Iris

8.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Simple Samples

Using this tab, you can get various information about the iris. You can save the processed image, which is cropped and
converted to gray scale.

Source files for this sample application are located in the \Samples\Biometrics\CS\SimpleIrisesSampleCS within SDK
distribution. This sample can be built using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 or later. Voice Sample (C#)

C# Simple voices sample program is used to extract templates from file or microphone, verify voice between two files or
templates and identify voice. The picture below shows the main window of Simple Voices Sample application:

8.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Simple Samples

Enroll From File

Using this tab (image is shown above), you can extract template from file.

• Extract text dependent features - extracts features that depend on the text pronounced.
• Extract text independent features - extracts features the do not depend on the text pronounced.
• Phrase Id - Sound phrase Id which will be used for extracted features. Phrase Id should be specified by user and should be
Enroll From Microphone

Using this tab, you can extract template from microphone. Select microphone from the list, click 'Start' and either wait for
program to stop automatically or press 'Stop' and template will be created.
Options are identical to those from the Enroll From File tab.

Verify Voice

8.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Android samples

Using this tab, you can verify whether given files has similar/identical voices or not. Files can be loaded either from a template
or an image. After verifying, score will be shown in the pop-up message box.

Note: Voices are considered “similar” if their similarity value exceeds 'Matching FAR' (False acceptance rate).

Identify Voice

Using this tab, you can find selected voice ('Voice for identification') in template(s). Score along with the file name where similar
voice was found is written at the bottom.

Note: Voices are considered “similar” if their similarity value exceeds 'Matching FAR' (False acceptance rate).

Remarks 8
Source files for this sample application are located in the \Samples\Biometrics\CS\SimpleVoicesSampleCS within SDK
distribution. This sample can be built using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 or later.

8.1.7 Android samples

These sample applications are used to demonstrate the functionality of Neurotechnology libraries when used in Android

8.1 Biometrics Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Android samples

powered devices. Samples are developed using Java programming language. Source code of all sample applications is
included into \Samples folder. You are allowed to use, change or adapt this source code for your applications.

Also SDK contains .apk file which is a container for all Android samples. These samples from
multibiometric-sample.apk (which is saved in Bin\Android folder) are installed:

• VeriLook Sample [ 206] - demonstrates how to use Neurotechnology VeriLook faces recognition algorithm on mobile
devices running Android OS .
• VeriFinger Sample [ 207] - demonstrates how to use Neurotechnology VeriFinger fingers recognition algorithm on mobile
devices running Android OS. Note: Fingerprint scanner [ 37] may be required to run this sample.
• VeriSpeak Sample [ 207] - demonstrates how to use Neurotechnology VeriSpeak voices recognition algorithm on mobile
devices running Android OS.
• VeriEye Sample [ 207] - demonstrates how to use Neurotechnology VeriEye irises recognition algorithm on mobile devices
running Android OS.
Note: you should obtain license before using sample applications. Use licensing-manager.apk file from Bin\Android
folder in sample application on your device to activate. Licensing service configuration and license activation/deactivation is
integrated into multibiometric-sample as well (Preferences/Licensing).

All samples allows selecting input from images, NTemplates, Biometric standard templates.

Every application must have an AndroidManifest.xml file (with precisely that name) in its root directory. The manifest
presents essential information about the application to the Android system, information the system must have before it can run
any of the application's code. Among other things, the manifest file for application developed with Neurotechnology libraries
should include these permissions:

• <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA"/>
• <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
• <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
• <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_LOGS" />
• <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
• <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH" />
• <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN" />
• <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_OWNER_DATA" />
• <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_OWNER_DATA" />
• <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO"/>
• <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE"/>
• <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE"/>
• <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE"/>
• <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS"/>
• <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK"/>
Read more about AndroidManifest.xml and permissions:

See Also 8
Java Samples Compilation [ 213] for more information how to compile and run Java sample applications.
Activation.pdf contains section "Activation for Android" which explains how to activate licenses under Android. VeriLook
VeriLook sample application for Android incorporates Neurotechnology face recognition algorithm. Using this demo application

8.2 Biometric Standards Neurotechnology Biometric SDK ANTemplate Sample

face images can be enrolled from live images captured by a camera and matching task performed.

Note: before you start using VeriLook sample for Android (multibiometric-sample.apk) you need to activate it [ 72].

Starting and using application

When VeriLook sample application was started you should see live view from camera. VeriFinger
VeriFinger fingerprint sample for Android demonstrates how to use MegaMatcher 11.2, VeriFinger 11.2, VeriLook 11.2, VeriEye
11.2 and VeriSpeak 11.2 SDK for working with subject's fingerprint images retrieved from a file or a fingerprint scanner.

Note: before you start using VeriFinger sample for Android (multibiometric-sample.apk) you need to activate it [ 72].

Starting and using application

VeriFinger sample for Android is started from applications by selecting "VeriFinger". When application starts and license is
successfully obtained you will see this window: VeriEye
VeriEye sample application for Android demonstrates how MegaMatcher 11.2, VeriFinger 11.2, VeriLook 11.2, VeriEye 11.2
and VeriSpeak 11.2 SDK can be used to work with subject's iris scans retrieved from an image file or an iris scanner.

Note: before you start using VeriEye sample for Android (multibiometric-sample.apk) you need to activate it [ 72].

Starting and using the application

When VeriEye sample application starts you should see this window: VeriSpeak
VeriSpeak sample application for Android demonstrates how to use Neurotechnology's voice recognition technology on Android
powered device. Using this application user can enroll voice template and perform identification or verification tasks.

Note: before you start using VeriSpeak sample for Android (multibiometric-sample.apk) you need to activate it [ 72].

Starting and using application

When VeriSpeak (voices) sample application was started you should see such window:

8.2 Biometric Standards


8.2.1 ANTemplate Sample

ANTemplateSample is an ANSI/NIST file editor to work with ANTemplate files. ANTemplate consists of records. ANTemplate
has validation level which describes method of record creation and operations that user can perform with records. ANTemplate
has two validation levels: Minimal and Standard. If ANTemplate has validation level Minimal that means that all records in it

8.2 Biometric Standards Neurotechnology Biometric SDK ANTemplate Sample

would not be validated. If record is not validated user can remove, add fields, or change fields values as wanted. If ANTemplate
has validation level Standard that means that depending on product in use all available record for particular product must be

Application main window

Main application window has three-pane layout, where top left pane is used for displaying records, bottom left for displaying
and managing record properties, right for displaying images if available. To load an ANSI/NIST file in the menu select
File->Open. Once the file is selected, dialog box appears

with additional options:

• Validation level (Minimal - means that user can remove mandatory fields or add fields to records in ANTemplate as
wanted, Standard - means that library checks, that all mandatory fields in record is presented and user can only add user
defined fields.)
• Use NIST minutia neighbors - defines whether NIST minutia neighbors are to be used. 8
• Non-strict read - is used when greater error (deviation from standards) tolerance is required.
• Merge duplicate fields defines whether the duplicate fields should be merged.
• Leave invalid records unvalidated defines whether invalid records should be left unvalidated.
• Recover from binary data - defines whether to recover from binary data.
After selecting options, the selected file is loaded.

8.3 Devices Neurotechnology Biometric SDK DevicesSample - Using devices through

Application Menu commands

The following table explains menu commands of the ANTemplateSample application.

Menu command Description

File » New Created new template.
File » Open Opens the file
File » Close Closes the file
File » Save Saves the file
File » Save As Saves as an ANSI/NIST file
File » Save as NTemplate Saves template as NTemplate
File » Change version.. Changes the application version
File » Exit Exits the application
Edit » Add Adds type-n record
Edit » Remove record(s) Removes record(s) from template
Edit » Clear records Clears all records from template
Edit » Save record data Saves record data
Edit » Save image Saves image
Edit » Save as NFrecord Saves as NFrecord
Edit » Add field Adds field
Edit » Edit field Edits field
Edit » Remove field(s) Removes field(s)
Tools » versions Shows all versions
Tools » Record types Shows all record types
Tools » Charsets Shows all standard charsets
Tools » Validate... Validates filter in selected folder
Help » About [ 8] ANTemplateSample Shows modules

This sample can be executed from Bin\Win32_x86 (ANTemplateSampleCS.exe, ANTemplateSampleVB.exe) for

Source code for this sample is saved in Samples\BiometricStandarts\CS\ANTemplateSampleCS or

Samples\BiometricStandarts\CS\ANTemplateSampleVB directory.

8.3 Devices
Devices sample applications are used to demonstrate how to use NDevices library functionality. Source code (C# and VB.NET
programming languages) for Device samples is saved in Samples\Devices directory.

8.3 Devices Neurotechnology Biometric SDK DevicesSample - Using devices through

8.3.1 DevicesSample - Using devices through

DevicesSample is simple GUI application that allows to enumerate devices and perform capturing. The application also allows
to manage NDeviceManger plugins, to have control of which devices should be connected to the system and can be supported.
The sample is available in two versions of equal functionality (written in C# an VB.NET programming languages).

Main Window

The main window displays the information about devices connected to the samples and allow data capture from those devices.

To start a device manager go Device manager -> New. There you will be able to choose device types that the manager will
support. 8

8.3 Devices Neurotechnology Biometric SDK DevicesSample - Using devices through

After that, you can connect a device to the manager. To do so, go Device -> Connect. In the pop-up window you will be able to
choose the device to be added and enter relevant information.

Virtual Device Manager

In order to run a virtual device go Device Manager -> Virtual Device Manager...

In the virtual device manager you can add, remove, plug or unplug virtual devices to the device manager.

8.3 Devices Neurotechnology Biometric SDK NdmSample - Adding support of custom

Plugin Manager

To see and manage plugins connected to the device manager, go Device -> Show Plugin.

There you will be able to add, remove, plug or unplug plugins.

Compiled application can be run from Bin\Win64_x64\ or Bin\Win32_x86 directories (DevicesSampleCS.exe or


The source code is saved in Samples\Devices\CS\DevicesSampleCS and Samples\Devices\VB\DevicesSampleVB

directory and can be recompiled with Visual Studio project located in the same directory.

8.4 Java Samples Compilation Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Gradle

8.3.2 NdmSample - Adding support of custom device to

NdmSample is example of how to write NDeviceManger plugin. It demonstrates how to extend NDeviceManger with support of
custom devices, such that they can be used from Neurotechnology API the same way as any other supported device.

Trying it out
Source code for this sample is saved in Samples\Devices\C\NdmSample directory and can be compiled with Visual Studio
project located in the same directory. The compiled plugin library will be saved into NdmSample.dll in Bin\Win64_x64\ or
Bin\Win32_x86 directories (depending on selected build configuration).

NdmSample supports interfaces for microphone, video camera, fingerprint and iris scanners. Provided devices are virtual, they
are not tied to any specific hardware, instead when device is read (captured) the data from the sound, video or image file is
returned. To use sample plugin the following files should be present in the compiled plugin directory:

• NdmSampleMicrophone.wav – Sample microphone;

• NdmSampleCamera.avi – Sample camera;
• NdmSampleFingerScanner.png – Sample fingerprint scanner;
• NdmSampleIrisScannerLeft.png and NdmSampleIrisScannerRight.png – Sample iris scanner.
When mentioned files are created, the sample plugin can be used as device from any Neurotechnology application. For the test
it is recommended to use DevicesSampleCS.exe, as this is simple GUI application that allows to enumerate devices and
perform capturing.

The source code of the example can be used as reference for implementing support for custom device.

Please see the device manager interface documentation [ 118] and the comments in the source file (NdmSample.c). One can
also find the list of needed interface functions in Includes\NdmInterface.h.

8.4 Java Samples Compilation

MegaMatcher 11.2, VeriFinger 11.2, VeriLook 11.2, VeriEye 11.2 and VeriSpeak 11.2 SDK Java projects (sample programs)
are built and managed using Eclipse, Apache Maven or Gradle tools.

8.4.1 Gradle
Gradle is an open source build automation system that builds upon the concepts of Apache Ant and Apache Maven and
introduces a Groovy-based domain-specific language (DSL) instead of the XML form used by Apache Maven of declaring the
project configuration.

Building using command line tool

1. Download Gradle from and extract it in a desired location. Add path to Gradle/Bin
folder to the PATH environmental variable.

2. Make sure you have Android SDK.

8.4 Java Samples Compilation Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Gradle

3. Navigate to sample's folder, open command window and type gradle clean build to build the sample. Normally, sample
is built for 3 architectures by default: arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a and x86. To build for different architectures, add a -Parch
argument, e.g.:
gradle clean build -Parch=armeabi-v7a

Required jar and so libraries must be present in SDK/Bin/Android directory.

Building using Eclipse

1. Click File -> Import -> Gradle Project

2. Click Next. You may see a Gradle Welcome Page, if it is the first time you are using Gradle on Eclipse. Tick the option to not
show it again and click Next again.

3. Enter the path to the project root directory and click Next.

4. Select Local installation directory and enter your Gradle installation directory. Click Next again:

5. Now, the Eclipse will load the project. It may take some time. After it finishes loading, click Finish.

8.4 Java Samples Compilation Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Gradle

Building using NetBeans

1. Delete or rename pom.xml.

2. File -> Open Project -> select the project. You may need to restart NetBeans if you have tried to open the project with
pom.xml still present.

Building using Android Studio

1. Run Android Studio and select "Import project (Eclipse ADT, Gradle, etc.)”.

8.5 wxWidgets Compilation Neurotechnology Biometric SDK

2. Enter the path to the project root directory.

3. Android Studio may prompt you whether you want to use Gradle Wrapper or select an existing Gradle distribution. Click
Cancel to do the latter.

4. Enter your Gradle installation path and click OK.

5. It may take some time for the project to build.

8.4.2 Android Studio

Sample programs and source code to Android Studio is imported using Gradle [ 213] build files. Open Android Studio, press
File- > Open... and locate build.gradle file. This file is saved in the root folder of sample application.

For example, if you want to open Mulitbiometric Sample for Android, open

8.5 wxWidgets Compilation

wxWidgets are useful for creating cross-platform GUI applications. They are used for recent C++ samples and algorithm demos
in Neurotechnology products. wxWidgets library can be downloaded from Before using wxWidgets
you should compile it.

wxWidgets compilation using command line tools

wxWidgets libraries also can be compiled using command line tool. Run these commands to compile 32 and 64 bit libraries: 8
32 bit Debug:
32bit Release:
64bit Debug:

8.5 wxWidgets Compilation Neurotechnology Biometric SDK


64bit Release:
After these libraries were compiled Visual Studio include and library paths have to be setup. See information below.

wxWidgets compilation using Visual Studio

To compile wxWidgets as a static library do the following steps (Microsoft Visual Studio is required):

1. Open Visual Studio command prompt.

2. Select all projects and change C/C++/Code Generation/Runtime library to Multi Threaded DLL (/MD).
3. Go to C:\wxWidgets-3.0.2\build\msw (in case wxWidgets are located in C disk).
For 64 bits systems:

1. Open Visual Studio 64-bit command prompt.

2. Go to C:\wxWidgets-3.0.2\build\msw (in case wxWidgets are located in C disk).
(Compile wxWidgets and your applications using the same Visual Studio that was used for sample compilation (Visual Studio
2005 or later) otherwise it will lead to compilation errors)

Finally, Visual Studio include and library paths have to be setup. Go to Tools->Options->Projects and Solutions->VC++
Directories and include these directories and library file from these directories:

• C:\wxWidgets-3.0.2\include
• C:\wxWidgets-3.0.2\include\msvc
Lib (Win32):

• C:\wxWidgets-3.0.2\lib\vc_lib
Lib (x64):

• C:\wxWidgets-3.0.2\lib\vc_x64_lib\

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK

9 API Reference
MegaMatcher 11.2, VeriFinger 11.2, VeriLook 11.2, VeriEye 11.2 and VeriSpeak 11.2 SDK consists of these libraries:

• NBiometrics - provides functionality for working with biometric data and tools, and support of biometric standards.
• NCluster - provides functions for working with cluster server.
• NCore - provides infrastructure for all Neurotechnology components.
• NDevices - manages devices (fingerprint scanners, irises scanners or cameras).
• NLicensing - manages licenses of Neurotechnology products.
• NMedia -provides functionality for working with various type of media items, as well as ISO/IEC 7816-4:2005 compliant
SIMPLE-TLV and interindustry BER-TLV data objects.
Almost all functions return NResult. To check whether function succeeded, the macros NFailed and NSucceeded can be used.

NError class defines error codes used in Neurotechnology components (documentation for this class is provided in Chm
documentation). Check error codes in this list for more information.

Full C API reference is available within Chm documentation file.


Name Description
.NET Reference [ 218] In this section API Reference of the MegaMatcher 11.2, VeriFinger 11.2,
VeriLook 11.2, VeriEye 11.2 and VeriSpeak 11.2 SDK for the .NET
programming languages is provided.
Java Reference [ 2425] ... more [ 2425]

9.1 .NET Reference

In this section API Reference of the MegaMatcher 11.2, VeriFinger 11.2, VeriLook 11.2, VeriEye 11.2 and VeriSpeak 11.2 SDK
for the .NET programming languages is provided.

The required libraries for .NET are listed in the table below:

Namespace .NET library* C/C++ library

Neurotec [ 220] Neurotec.dll NCore.dll
Neurotec.Collections.ObjectModel [ 1678] NeurotecGui.dll
Neurotec.ComponentModel [ 1697]
Neurotec.IO [ 1943]
Neurotec.Interop [ 1938]
Neurotec.Plugins [ 2087]
Neurotec.Plugins.ComponentModel [ 2116]
Neurotec.Reflection [ 2129]
Neurotec.Text [ 2416]

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK

Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418] Neurotec.Biometrics.dll NBiometrics.dll

Neurotec.Biometrics.Gui [ 780] Neurotec.Biometrics.Gui.dll
Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]
Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop [ 1635]
Neurotec.Biometrics.Ffv [ 769]
Neurotec.Biometrics.Client [ 731] Neurotec.Biometrics.Client.dll NBiometricClient.dll
Neurotec.Devices [ 1752] Neurotec.Devices.dll NDevices.dll
Neurotec.Devices.ComponentModel [ 2348]
Neurotec.Drawing Neurotec.Media.dll NMedia.dll
Neurotec.Drawing.Drawing2D Neurotec.Media.Processing.dll NMediaProcessing.dll
Neurotec.Geometry [ 1812]
Neurotec.Images [ 1814]
Neurotec.Media [ 2032]
Neurotec.Sound [ 2379]
Neurotec.Video [ 2417]
Neurotec.SmartCards [ 2190]
Neurotec.SmartCards.Biometry [ 2360]
Neurotec.Licensing [ 1985] Neurotec.Licensing.dll NLicensing.dll

* You should note that all .NET libraries are wrappers of the C/C++ libraries and should be used together.


Name Description
Neurotec [ 220] Contains classes that provide infrastructure for Neurotechnology
Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418] ... more [ 418]
Neurotec.Biometrics.Client [ 731] ... more [ 731]
Neurotec.Biometrics.Client.Interop [ 767] Classes under this namespace provide methods for Neurotechnology
Biometric Client [ 731].
Neurotec.Biometrics.Ffv [ 769] Contains classes and methods that provide the Free Fingerprint
Verification SDK functionality.
Neurotec.Biometrics.Gui [ 780] Contains classes and methods that provide the Gui functionality for
Biometrics [ 418].
Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786] This namespace contains classes of supported biometric standards.
Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop [ 1635] Provides supporting types for interoperation between standards and base
Neurotec.Collections.ObjectModel [ 1678] Classes under this namespace provide methods and properties for
working with collections and dictionaries.
Neurotec.ComponentModel [ 1697] This namespace provides classes that are used to implement behavior of
various components (parameters, descriptors, members, types,
Neurotec.Devices [ 1752] Provides functionality for managing devices, like cameras, fingerprint or
irises scanners.
Neurotec.Geometry [ 1812] Provides definitions of geometrical structures types.
Neurotec.Images [ 1814] Classes under this namespace provide functionality that enable loading, 9
saving and converting images in various formats.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

Neurotec.Interop [ 1938]
Neurotec.IO [ 1943] Classes under this namespace provide infrastructure for
Neurotechnology components.
Neurotec.Licensing [ 1985] Provides functionality for getting, releasing licenses.
Neurotec.Media [ 2032] Provides functionality for working with various type of media items:
images, audio and video.
Neurotec.Plugins [ 2087] Classes under this namespace provide plugins management framework
for use in other Neurotechnology components.
Neurotec.Plugins.ComponentModel [ 2116] Classes under this namespace provide plugins component model.
Neurotec.Biometrics.Interop [ 2128] Classes under this namespace provides biometrics interoperability
Neurotec.Reflection [ 2129] Classes under this namespace retrieve information about various core
Neurotec.SmartCards [ 2190] Contains classes for working with smart cards.
Neurotec.Devices.ComponentModel [ 2348] Classes under this namespace provide devices component model.
Neurotec.SmartCards.Biometry [ 2360] Contains biometric-specific types for working with smart cards.
Neurotec.Sound [ 2379] Contains classes for working with sound data.
Neurotec.Text [ 2416] Classes under this namespace provides functionality for working with
Neurotec.Video [ 2417] Classes under this namespace provide functionality for working with
video data.

9.1.1 Neurotec Namespace

Contains classes that provide infrastructure for Neurotechnology components.


Name Description
ErrorSuppressedEventArgs [ 221] Class Description.
NArray [ 222] Provides functionality for working with arrays.
NComplex [ 271] Represents a complex number.
NCore [ 273] This class supports internal Neurotechnology libraries infrastructure and
should not be used directly in your code.
NDisposable [ 288] Provides a method to release allocated resources.
NError [ 289] Defines error codes used in Neurotechnology components.
NExpandableObject [ 292] Provides functionality for retrieving information about specified object.
NIndexPair [ 295] Represents pair of indexes.
NModule [ 297] Performs reflection on a module.
NObject [ 305] Provides functionality for retrieving information about specified object.
NProcessorInfo [ 325] Provides functionality for getting processor information.
NPropertyBag [ 329] Represents a property bag in which the object can persistently save its
NRange [ 339] Represents range.
NRational [ 341] Represents a signed rational number.
NType [ 343] Manages object types.
NTypes [ 362] Manages object types.
NURational [ 369] Represents an unsigned rational number.
NValue [ 371] Provides functionality for management and conversion of values of
different types. 9
NVersion [ 402] Manages version information.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

NVersionRange [ 407] Manages version ranges.

.NET Reference [ 218]

Structs, Records, Enums

Name Description
NAttributes [ 413] Enumerates value attributes.
NMemoryType [ 414] Enumerates memory type options.
NModuleOptions [ 414] Enumerates module options.
NOSFamily [ 415] Enumerates operating system families.
NProcessorVendor [ 416] Specifies the processor's vendor name.
NTypeCode [ 416] Enumerates type codes. Classes ErrorSuppressedEventArgs Class

Class Description.

public class ErrorSuppressedEventArgs : EventArgs;
File: NCore.cs

Namespace: Neurotec [ 220]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Name Description
ErrorSuppressedEventArgs [ 221] Initializes a new instance of ErrorSuppressedEventArgs class.

ErrorSuppressedEventArgs Properties

Name Description
Error [ 221] Gets the suppressed error. ErrorSuppressedEventArgs.ErrorSuppressedEventArgs Constructor

Initializes a new instance of ErrorSuppressedEventArgs class.

public ErrorSuppressedEventArgs(Exception error);

Parameters Description
Exception error The suppressed error. ErrorSuppressedEventArgs Properties ErrorSuppressedEventArgs.Error Property

Gets the suppressed error.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

public Exception Error;
Property value
The suppressed error. NArray Class

Provides functionality for working with arrays.

public sealed class NArray : NValue, IEnumerable;
File: NArray.cs

Namespace: Neurotec [ 220]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

NValue Class

Name Description
NValue [ 377] Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.
NValue [ 377] Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.
NValue [ 377] Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.
NValue [ 378] Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.
NValue [ 378] Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.
NValue [ 378] Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.
NValue [ 378] Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.
NValue [ 378] Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.
NValue [ 379] Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.
NValue [ 379] Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.
NValue [ 379] Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.
NValue [ 379] Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.
NValue [ 379] Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.
NValue [ 380] Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.
NValue [ 380] Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.
NValue [ 380] Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.
NValue [ 380] Initializes a new instance of the NValue class. 9
NValue [ 380] Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.
NValue [ 381] Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

NValue [ 381] Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.

NValue [ 381] Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.
NValue [ 381] Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.
NValue [ 381] Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.
NValue [ 382] Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.
NValue [ 382] Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.
NValue [ 382] Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.
NValue [ 382] Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.
NValue [ 382] Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

NValue Class

Name Description
ChangeType [ 383] Changes the type of the specified value to the new type.
ChangeType [ 383] Changes the type of the specified value to the new type.
ChangeType [ 383] Changes the type of the specified value to the new type.
FromObject [ 383] Creates a new value from the specified object.
FromObject [ 384] Creates a new value from the specified object.
FromObject [ 384] Creates a new value from the specified object.
FromObject [ 384] Creates a new value from the specified object.
FromPointer [ 385] Creates a new value from the specified pointer.
FromPointer [ 385] Creates a new value from the specified pointer.
FromResult [ 385] Creates a new value from the specified result.
FromResult [ 385] Creates a new value from the specified result.
FromString [ 386] Creates a new value from the specified string.
FromString [ 386] Creates a new value from the specified string.
FromType<T> [ 386] Creates a new value from the specified type.
FromType<T> [ 386] Creates a new value from the specified type.
ToBoolean [ 387] Converts the specified value into a Boolean value.
ToBoolean [ 387] Converts the specified value into a Boolean value.
ToBoolean [ 387] Converts the specified value into a Boolean value.
ToByte [ 387] Converts the specified value into a byte.
ToByte [ 387] Converts the specified value into a byte.
ToByte [ 388] Converts the specified value into a byte.
ToChar [ 388] Converts the specified value into a char.
ToChar [ 388] Converts the specified value into a char.
ToChar [ 388] Converts the specified value into a char.
ToDouble [ 389] Converts the specified value into a double number.
ToDouble [ 389] Converts the specified value into a double number.
ToDouble [ 389] Converts the specified value into a double number.
ToInt16 [ 389] Converts the specified value into a short integer.
ToInt16 [ 389] Converts the specified value into a short integer.
ToInt16 [ 390] Converts the specified value into a short integer.
ToInt32 [ 390] Converts the specified value into an integer.
ToInt32 [ 390] Converts the specified value into an integer.
ToInt32 [ 390] Converts the specified value into an integer.
ToInt64 [ 391] Converts the specified value into a long integer.
ToInt64 [ 391] Converts the specified value into a long integer.
ToInt64 [ 391] Converts the specified value into a long integer.
ToIntPtr [ 391] Converts the specified value into a pointer.
ToIntPtr [ 391] Converts the specified value into a pointer.
ToIntPtr [ 392] Converts the specified value into a pointer.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

ToObject [ 392] Converts the specified value into an object.

ToObject [ 392] Converts the specified value into an object.
ToObject [ 392] Converts the specified value into an object.
ToObject [ 393] Converts the specified value into an object.
ToObject [ 393] Converts the specified value into an object.
ToPointer [ 393] Converts the specified value into a pointer.
ToPointer [ 393] Converts the specified value into a pointer.
ToPointer [ 394] Converts the specified value into a pointer.
ToResult [ 394] Converts the specified value into a result.
ToResult [ 394] Converts the specified value into a result.
ToResult [ 394] Converts the specified value into a result.
ToSByte [ 394] Converts the specified value into a signed byte.
ToSByte [ 395] Converts the specified value into a signed byte.
ToSByte [ 395] Converts the specified value into a signed byte.
ToSingle [ 395] Converts the specified value into a floating point value.
ToSingle [ 395] Converts the specified value into a floating point value.
ToSingle [ 396] Converts the specified value into a floating point value.
ToString [ 396] Converts the specified value into a string.
ToString [ 396] Converts the specified value into a string.
ToType<T> [ 396] Converts the specified value into a value of specified type.
ToType<T> [ 397] Converts the specified value into a value of specified type.
ToType<T> [ 397] Converts the specified value into a value of specified type.
ToType [ 397] Converts the specified value into a value of specified type.
ToType [ 397] Converts the specified value into a value of specified type.
ToType [ 398] Converts the specified value into a value of specified type.
ToUInt16 [ 398] Converts the specified value into an unsigned short integer.
ToUInt16 [ 398] Converts the specified value into an unsigned short integer.
ToUInt16 [ 398] Converts the specified value into an unsigned short integer.
ToUInt32 [ 399] Converts the specified value into an unsigned integer.
ToUInt32 [ 399] Converts the specified value into an unsigned integer.
ToUInt32 [ 399] Converts the specified value into an unsigned integer.
ToUInt64 [ 399] Converts the specified value into an unsigned long integer.
ToUInt64 [ 399] Converts the specified value into an unsigned long integer.
ToUInt64 [ 400] Converts the specified value into an unsigned long integer.
ToUIntPtr [ 400] Converts the specified value into a pointer.
ToUIntPtr [ 400] Converts the specified value into a pointer.
ToUIntPtr [ 400] Converts the specified value into a pointer.

NArray Class

Name Description
FromArray [ 231] Creates a new array from the specified array.
FromArray [ 231] Creates a new array from the specified array with specified attributes.
FromArray [ 231] Creates a new array from the specified integer pointer value array.
FromArray [ 231] Creates a new array from the specified integer pointer value array.
FromArray [ 232] Creates a new array from the specified object array.
FromArray [ 232] Creates a new array from the specified object array.
FromArray<T> [ 232] Creates a new array from the specified array of the specified type.
FromArray<T> [ 233] Creates a new array from the specified array of the specified type. 9
FromArray [ 233] Creates a new array from the specified unsigned integer pointer array.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

FromArray [ 233] Creates a new array from the specified unsigned integer pointer array.
FromArray [ 233] Creates a new array from the specified Boolean value array.
FromArray [ 234] Creates a new array from the specified Boolean value array.
FromArray [ 234] Creates a new array from the specified byte array.
FromArray [ 234] Creates a new array from the specified byte array.
FromArray [ 234] Creates a new array from the specified char array.
FromArray [ 235] Creates a new array from the specified char array.
FromArray [ 235] Creates a new array from the specified double value array.
FromArray [ 235] Creates a new array from the specified double value array.
FromArray [ 235] Creates a new array from the specified floating point value array.
FromArray [ 236] Creates a new array from the specified floating point value array.
FromArray [ 236] Creates a new array from the specified integer array.
FromArray [ 236] Creates a new array from the specified integer array.
FromArray [ 236] Creates a new array from the specified long integer array.
FromArray [ 237] Creates a new array from the specified long integer array.
FromArray [ 237] Creates a new array from the specified signed byte array.
FromArray [ 237] Creates a new array from the specified signed byte array.
FromArray [ 237] Creates a new array from the specified short integer array.
FromArray [ 238] Creates a new array from the specified short integer array.
FromArray [ 238] Creates a new array from the specified string array.
FromArray [ 238] Creates a new array from the specified string array.
FromArray [ 238] Creates a new array from the specified unsigned integer array.
FromArray [ 239] Creates a new array from the specified unsigned integer array.
FromArray [ 239] Creates a new array from the specified unsigned long integer array.
FromArray [ 239] Creates a new array from the specified unsigned long integer array.
FromArray [ 239] Creates a new array from the specified unsigned short integer array.
FromArray [ 240] Creates a new array from the specified unsigned short integer array.
FromPointerArray [ 240] Creates a new array from the specified integer pointer value array.
FromPointerArray [ 240] Creates a new array from the specified integer pointer value array.
FromResultArray [ 240] Creates a new array from the specified result array.
FromResultArray [ 241] Creates a new array from the specified result array.
GetEnumerator [ 241] Retrieves an enumerator for the current array.
GetValueAs<T> [ 241] Retrieves the of the specified value of the specified type in the array.
GetValueAs<T> [ 241] Retrieves the of the specified value of the specified type in the array.
GetValueAs<T> [ 242] Retrieves the of the specified value of the specified type in the array.
GetValueAs [ 242]
GetValueAs [ 242] Retrieves the specified value in the array.
GetValueAs [ 242] Retrieves the specified value in the array.
GetValueAsBoolean [ 243] Retrieves the specified Boolean value in the array.
GetValueAsBoolean [ 243] Retrieves the specified Boolean value in the array.
GetValueAsBoolean [ 243] Retrieves the specified Boolean value in the array.
GetValueAsByte [ 243] Retrieves the specified byte value in the array.
GetValueAsByte [ 244] Retrieves the specified byte value in the array.
GetValueAsByte [ 244] Retrieves the specified byte value in the array.
GetValueAsChar [ 244] Retrieves the specified char value in the array.
GetValueAsChar [ 244] Retrieves the specified char value in the array.
GetValueAsChar [ 245] Retrieves the specified char value in the array.
GetValueAsDouble [ 245] Retrieves the specified double value in the array.
GetValueAsDouble [ 245] Retrieves the specified double value in the array.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

GetValueAsDouble [ 246] Retrieves the specified double value in the array.

GetValueAsInt16 [ 246] Retrieves the specified short integer value in the array.
GetValueAsInt16 [ 246] Retrieves the specified short integer value in the array.
GetValueAsInt16 [ 246] Retrieves the specified short integer value in the array.
GetValueAsInt32 [ 247] Retrieves the specified integer value in the array.
GetValueAsInt32 [ 247] Retrieves the specified integer value in the array.
GetValueAsInt32 [ 247] Retrieves the specified integer value in the array.
GetValueAsInt64 [ 247] Retrieves the specified long integer value in the array.
GetValueAsInt64 [ 248] Retrieves the specified long integer value in the array.
GetValueAsInt64 [ 248] Retrieves the specified long integer value in the array.
GetValueAsIntPtr [ 248] Retrieves the specified integer pointer value in the array.
GetValueAsIntPtr [ 248] Retrieves the specified integer pointer value in the array.
GetValueAsIntPtr [ 249] Retrieves the specified integer pointer value in the array.
GetValueAsObject [ 249] Retrieves the specified object in the array.
GetValueAsObject [ 249] Retrieves the specified object in the array.
GetValueAsObject [ 250] Retrieves the specified object in the array.
GetValueAsPointer [ 250] Retrieves the specified integer pointer value in the array.
GetValueAsPointer [ 250] Retrieves the specified integer pointer value in the array.
GetValueAsPointer [ 250] Retrieves the specified integer pointer value in the array.
GetValueAsResult [ 251] Retrieves the specified result value in the array.
GetValueAsResult [ 251] Retrieves the specified result value in the array.
GetValueAsResult [ 251] Retrieves the specified result value in the array.
GetValueAsSByte [ 251] Retrieves the specified signed byte value in the array.
GetValueAsSByte [ 252] Retrieves the specified signed byte value in the array.
GetValueAsSByte [ 252] Retrieves the specified signed byte value in the array.
GetValueAsSingle [ 252] Retrieves the specified floating point value in the array.
GetValueAsSingle [ 252] Retrieves the specified floating point value in the array.
GetValueAsSingle [ 253] Retrieves the specified floating point value in the array.
GetValueAsString [ 253] Retrieves the specified string value in the array.
GetValueAsString [ 253] Retrieves the specified string value in the array.
GetValueAsString [ 253] Retrieves the specified string value in the array.
GetValueAsUInt16 [ 254] Retrieves the specified unsigned short integer value in the array.
GetValueAsUInt16 [ 254] Retrieves the specified unsigned short integer value in the array.
GetValueAsUInt16 [ 254] Retrieves the specified unsigned short integer value in the array.
GetValueAsUInt32 [ 255] Retrieves the specified unsigned integer value in the array.
GetValueAsUInt32 [ 255] Retrieves the specified unsigned integer value in the array.
GetValueAsUInt32 [ 255] Retrieves the specified unsigned integer value in the array.
GetValueAsUInt64 [ 255] Retrieves the specified unsigned long integer value in the array.
GetValueAsUInt64 [ 256] Retrieves the specified unsigned long integer value in the array.
GetValueAsUInt64 [ 256] Retrieves the specified unsigned long integer value in the array.
GetValueAsUIntPtr [ 256] Retrieves the specified unsigned integer pointer value in the array.
GetValueAsUIntPtr [ 256] Retrieves the specified unsigned integer pointer value in the array.
GetValueAsUIntPtr [ 257] Retrieves the specified unsigned integer pointer value in the array.
ToArray<T> [ 257] Copies the current array into another array of the specified type.
ToArray [ 257] Creates a new array from the specified NArray.
ToArray<T> [ 257] Copies the current array into another array of the specified type.
ToArray<T> [ 258] Copies the current array into another array of the specified type.
ToArray [ 258] Copies the current array of the specified type into another array.
ToArray [ 258] Copies the current array of the specified type into another array.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

ToArray [ 258] Copies the current array of the specified type into another array.
ToBooleanArray [ 259] Copies the current array into a Boolean value array.
ToBooleanArray [ 259] Copies the current array into a Boolean value array.
ToBooleanArray [ 259] Copies the current array into a Boolean value array.
ToByteArray [ 259] Copies the current array into a byte array.
ToByteArray [ 260] Copies the current array into a byte array.
ToByteArray [ 260] Copies the current array into a byte array.
ToCharArray [ 260] Copies the current array into a char array.
ToCharArray [ 260] Copies the current array into a char array.
ToCharArray [ 260] Copies the current array into a char array.
ToDoubleArray [ 261] Copies the current array into a double value array.
ToDoubleArray [ 261] Copies the current array into a double value array.
ToDoubleArray [ 261] Copies the current array into a double value array.
ToInt16Array [ 261] Copies the current array into a short integer array.
ToInt16Array [ 262] Copies the current array into a short integer array.
ToInt16Array [ 262] Copies the current array into a short integer array.
ToInt32Array [ 262] Copies the current array into an integer array.
ToInt32Array [ 262] Copies the current array into an integer array.
ToInt32Array [ 262] Copies the current array into an integer array.
ToInt64Array [ 263] Copies the current array into a long integer array.
ToInt64Array [ 263] Copies the current array into a long integer array.
ToInt64Array [ 263] Copies the current array into a long integer array.
ToIntPtrArray [ 263] Copies the current array into an integer pointer array.
ToIntPtrArray [ 264] Copies the current array into an integer pointer array.
ToIntPtrArray [ 264] Copies the current array into an integer pointer array.
ToObjectArray [ 264] Copies the current array into an object array.
ToObjectArray [ 264] Copies the current array into an object array.
ToObjectArray [ 265] Copies the current array into an object array.
ToPointerArray [ 265] Copies the current array into a pointer array.
ToPointerArray [ 265] Copies the current array into a pointer array.
ToPointerArray [ 265] Copies the current array into a pointer array.
ToResultArray [ 265] Copies the current array into a result array.
ToResultArray [ 266] Copies the current array into a result array.
ToResultArray [ 266] Copies the current array into a result array.
ToSByteArray [ 266] Copies the current array into a signed byte array.
ToSByteArray [ 266] Copies the current array into a signed byte array.
ToSByteArray [ 267] Copies the current array into a signed byte array.
ToSingleArray [ 267] Copies the current array into a floating point value array.
ToSingleArray [ 267] Copies the current array into a floating point value array.
ToSingleArray [ 267] Copies the current array into a floating point value array.
ToStringArray [ 267] Copies the current array into a string array.
ToStringArray [ 268] Copies the current array into a string array.
ToStringArray [ 268] Copies the current array into a string array.
ToUInt16Array [ 268] Copies the current array into an unsigned short integer array.
ToUInt16Array [ 268] Copies the current array into an unsigned short integer array.
ToUInt16Array [ 269] Copies the current array into an unsigned short integer array.
ToUInt32Array [ 269] Copies the current array into an unsigned integer array.
ToUInt32Array [ 269] Copies the current array into an unsigned integer array.
ToUInt32Array [ 269] Copies the current array into an unsigned integer array.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

ToUInt64Array [ 269] Copies the current unsigned long integer array into another array.
ToUInt64Array [ 270] Copies the current array into an unsigned long integer array.
ToUInt64Array [ 270] Copies the current array into an unsigned long integer array.
ToUIntPtrArray [ 270] Copies the current array into an unsigned integer pointer array.
ToUIntPtrArray [ 270] Copies the current array into an unsigned integer pointer array.
ToUIntPtrArray [ 271] Copies the current array into an unsigned integer pointer array.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

NValue Class

Name Description
Attributes [ 401] Gets the value attributes.
IsWrapper [ 401] Checks whether the value is a wrapper.
KeyValuePairNativeType [ 401] Defines the native type of the key value pair structure.
LongSize [ 401] Gets the size of the value (64-bit).
NameValuePairNativeType [ 401] Defines the native type of the name value pair structure.
NativeSize [ 401] Gets the native size of the value.
NativeType [ 401] Defines the native type of the object.
Ptr [ 401] Gets a pointer to the value.
Size [ 401] Gets the size of the value.
TypeCode [ 402] Gets the type code of the value.
ValueType [ 402] Gets the type of the value.

NArray Class

Name Description
Length [ 271] Retrieves the length of the array.
NativeType [ 271] Defines the native type of the object.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string. 9
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. NArray Methods NArray.FromArray Method (Array)

Creates a new array from the specified array.

public static NArray FromArray(Array value);

Parameters Description
Array value The original array.

The new array. NArray.FromArray Method (Array, NAttributes)

Creates a new array from the specified array with specified attributes.

public static NArray FromArray(Array value, NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
Array value The original array.
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.

The new array. NArray.FromArray Method (IntPtr[])

Creates a new array from the specified integer pointer value array.

public static NArray FromArray(IntPtr[] value);

Parameters Description
IntPtr[] value The original integer pointer array.

The new array. NArray.FromArray Method (IntPtr[], NAttributes)

Creates a new array from the specified integer pointer value array.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

public static NArray FromArray(IntPtr[] value, NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
IntPtr[] value The original integer pointer array.
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.

The new array. NArray.FromArray Method (NType, NObject[])

Creates a new array from the specified object array.

public static NArray FromArray(NType type, NObject[] value);

Parameters Description
NType type Type of the objects the array.
NObject[] value The original object array.

The new array. NArray.FromArray Method (NType, NObject[], NAttributes)

Creates a new array from the specified object array.

public static NArray FromArray(NType type, NObject[] value, NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
NType type Type of the objects in the array.
NObject[] value The original object array.
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.

The new array. NArray.FromArray<T> Method (T[])

Creates a new array from the specified array of the specified type.

public static NArray FromArray<T>(T[] value);

Parameters Description
T[] value The original array.
T Array type.

The new array.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace NArray.FromArray<T> Method (T[], NAttributes)

Creates a new array from the specified array of the specified type.

public static NArray FromArray<T>(T[] value, NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
T[] value The original array.
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.
T Array type.

The new array. NArray.FromArray Method (UIntPtr[])

Creates a new array from the specified unsigned integer pointer array.

public static NArray FromArray(UIntPtr[] value);

Parameters Description
UIntPtr[] value The original unsigned integer pointer array.

The new array. NArray.FromArray Method (UIntPtr[], NAttributes)

Creates a new array from the specified unsigned integer pointer array.

public static NArray FromArray(UIntPtr[] value, NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
UIntPtr[] value The original unsigned integer pointer array.
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.

The new array. NArray.FromArray Method (bool[])

Creates a new array from the specified Boolean value array.

public static NArray FromArray(bool[] value);

Parameters Description
bool[] value The original Boolean value array.
The new array.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace NArray.FromArray Method (bool[], NAttributes)

Creates a new array from the specified Boolean value array.

public static NArray FromArray(bool[] value, NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
bool[] value The original Boolean value array.
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.

The new array. NArray.FromArray Method (byte[])

Creates a new array from the specified byte array.

public static NArray FromArray(byte[] value);

Parameters Description
byte[] value The original byte array.

The new array. NArray.FromArray Method (byte[], NAttributes)

Creates a new array from the specified byte array.

public static NArray FromArray(byte[] value, NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
byte[] value The original byte array.
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.

The new array. NArray.FromArray Method (char[])

Creates a new array from the specified char array.

public static NArray FromArray(char[] value);

Parameters Description
char[] value The original char array.

The new array.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace NArray.FromArray Method (char[], NAttributes)

Creates a new array from the specified char array.

public static NArray FromArray(char[] value, NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
char[] value The original char array.
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.

The new array. NArray.FromArray Method (double[])

Creates a new array from the specified double value array.

public static NArray FromArray(double[] value);

Parameters Description
double[] value The original double value array.

The new array. NArray.FromArray Method (double[], NAttributes)

Creates a new array from the specified double value array.

public static NArray FromArray(double[] value, NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
double[] value The original double value array.
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.

The new array. NArray.FromArray Method (float[])

Creates a new array from the specified floating point value array.

public static NArray FromArray(float[] value);

Parameters Description
float[] value The original floating point value array.

The new array.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace NArray.FromArray Method (float[], NAttributes)

Creates a new array from the specified floating point value array.

public static NArray FromArray(float[] value, NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
float[] value The original floating point value array.
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.

The new array. NArray.FromArray Method (int[])

Creates a new array from the specified integer array.

public static NArray FromArray(int[] value);

Parameters Description
int[] value The original integer array.

The new array. NArray.FromArray Method (int[], NAttributes)

Creates a new array from the specified integer array.

public static NArray FromArray(int[] value, NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
int[] value The original integer array.
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.

The new array. NArray.FromArray Method (long[])

Creates a new array from the specified long integer array.

public static NArray FromArray(long[] value);

Parameters Description
long[] value The original long integer array.

The new array.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace NArray.FromArray Method (long[], NAttributes)

Creates a new array from the specified long integer array.

public static NArray FromArray(long[] value, NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
long[] value The original long integer array.
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.

The new array. NArray.FromArray Method (sbyte[])

Creates a new array from the specified signed byte array.

public static NArray FromArray(sbyte[] value);

Parameters Description
sbyte[] value The original signed byte array.

The new array. NArray.FromArray Method (sbyte[], NAttributes)

Creates a new array from the specified signed byte array.

public static NArray FromArray(sbyte[] value, NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
sbyte[] value The original signed byte array.
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.

The new array. NArray.FromArray Method (short[])

Creates a new array from the specified short integer array.

public static NArray FromArray(short[] value);

Parameters Description
short[] value The original short integer array.

The new array.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace NArray.FromArray Method (short[], NAttributes)

Creates a new array from the specified short integer array.

public static NArray FromArray(short[] value, NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
short[] value The original short integer array.
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.

The new array. NArray.FromArray Method (string[])

Creates a new array from the specified string array.

public static NArray FromArray(string[] value);

Parameters Description
string[] value The original string array.

The new array. NArray.FromArray Method (string[], NAttributes)

Creates a new array from the specified string array.

public static NArray FromArray(string[] value, NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
string[] value The original string array.
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.

The new array. NArray.FromArray Method (uint[])

Creates a new array from the specified unsigned integer array.

public static NArray FromArray(uint[] value);

Parameters Description
uint[] value The original unsigned integer array.

The new array.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace NArray.FromArray Method (uint[], NAttributes)

Creates a new array from the specified unsigned integer array.

public static NArray FromArray(uint[] value, NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
uint[] value The original unsigned integer array.
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.

The new array. NArray.FromArray Method (ulong[])

Creates a new array from the specified unsigned long integer array.

public static NArray FromArray(ulong[] value);

Parameters Description
ulong[] value The original unsigned long integer array.

The new array. NArray.FromArray Method (ulong[], NAttributes)

Creates a new array from the specified unsigned long integer array.

public static NArray FromArray(ulong[] value, NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
ulong[] value The original unsigned long integer array.
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.

The new array. NArray.FromArray Method (ushort[])

Creates a new array from the specified unsigned short integer array.

public static NArray FromArray(ushort[] value);

Parameters Description
ushort[] value The original unsigned short integer array.

The new array.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace NArray.FromArray Method (ushort[], NAttributes)

Creates a new array from the specified unsigned short integer array.

public static NArray FromArray(ushort[] value, NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
ushort[] value The original unsigned short integer array.
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.

The new array. NArray.FromPointerArray Method (IntPtr[])

Creates a new array from the specified integer pointer value array.

public static NArray FromPointerArray(IntPtr[] value);

Parameters Description
IntPtr[] value The original integer pointer array.

The new pointer array. NArray.FromPointerArray Method (IntPtr[], NAttributes)

Creates a new array from the specified integer pointer value array.

public static NArray FromPointerArray(IntPtr[] value, NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
IntPtr[] value The original integer pointer array.
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.

The new pointer array. NArray.FromResultArray Method (int[])

Creates a new array from the specified result array.

public static NArray FromResultArray(int[] value);

Parameters Description
int[] value The original result array.

The new result array.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace NArray.FromResultArray Method (int[], NAttributes)

Creates a new array from the specified result array.

public static NArray FromResultArray(int[] value, NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
int[] value The original result array.
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.

The new result array. NArray.GetEnumerator Method

Retrieves an enumerator for the current array.

public IEnumerator GetEnumerator();
The enumerator. NArray.GetValueAs<T> Method (int)

Retrieves the of the specified value of the specified type in the array.

public T GetValueAs<T>(int index);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the value.
T Type of the value.

The value. NArray.GetValueAs<T> Method (int, NAttributes)

Retrieves the of the specified value of the specified type in the array.

public T GetValueAs<T>(int index, NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the value.
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.
T Type of the value.

The value.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace NArray.GetValueAs<T> Method (int, NAttributes, string)

Retrieves the of the specified value of the specified type in the array.

public T GetValueAs<T>(int index, NAttributes attributes, string format);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the value.
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.
string format Value format.
T Type of the value.

The value. NArray.GetValueAs Method (int, Type)

public object GetValueAs(int index, Type type);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the value.
Type type Type of the value.

The value. NArray.GetValueAs Method (int, Type, NAttributes)

Retrieves the specified value in the array.

public object GetValueAs(int index, Type type, NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the value.
Type type Type of the value.
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.

The value. NArray.GetValueAs Method (int, Type, NAttributes, string)

Retrieves the specified value in the array.

public object GetValueAs(int index, Type type, NAttributes attributes, string format);

Parameters Description 9
int index Index of the value.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

Type type Type of the value.

NAttributes attributes Array attributes.
string format Value format.

The value. NArray.GetValueAsBoolean Method (int)

Retrieves the specified Boolean value in the array.

public bool GetValueAsBoolean(int index);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the value.

The Boolean value. NArray.GetValueAsBoolean Method (int, NAttributes)

Retrieves the specified Boolean value in the array.

public bool GetValueAsBoolean(int index, NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the value.
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.

The Boolean value. NArray.GetValueAsBoolean Method (int, NAttributes, string)

Retrieves the specified Boolean value in the array.

public bool GetValueAsBoolean(int index, NAttributes attributes, string format);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the value.
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.
string format Value format.

The Boolean value. NArray.GetValueAsByte Method (int)

Retrieves the specified byte value in the array.
public byte GetValueAsByte(int index);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace


Parameters Description
int index Index of the value.

The byte value. NArray.GetValueAsByte Method (int, NAttributes)

Retrieves the specified byte value in the array.

public byte GetValueAsByte(int index, NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the value.
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.

The byte value. NArray.GetValueAsByte Method (int, NAttributes, string)

Retrieves the specified byte value in the array.

public byte GetValueAsByte(int index, NAttributes attributes, string format);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the value.
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.
string format Value format.

The byte value. NArray.GetValueAsChar Method (int)

Retrieves the specified char value in the array.

public char GetValueAsChar(int index);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the value.

The string value. NArray.GetValueAsChar Method (int, NAttributes)

Retrieves the specified char value in the array. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

public char GetValueAsChar(int index, NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the value.
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.

The char value. NArray.GetValueAsChar Method (int, NAttributes, string)

Retrieves the specified char value in the array.

public char GetValueAsChar(int index, NAttributes attributes, string format);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the value.
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.
string format Value format.

The char value. NArray.GetValueAsDouble Method (int)

Retrieves the specified double value in the array.

public double GetValueAsDouble(int index);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the value.

The double value. NArray.GetValueAsDouble Method (int, NAttributes)

Retrieves the specified double value in the array.

public double GetValueAsDouble(int index, NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the value.
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.

The double value. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace NArray.GetValueAsDouble Method (int, NAttributes, string)

Retrieves the specified double value in the array.

public double GetValueAsDouble(int index, NAttributes attributes, string format);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the value.
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.
string format Value format.

The double value. NArray.GetValueAsInt16 Method (int)

Retrieves the specified short integer value in the array.

public short GetValueAsInt16(int index);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the value.

The short integer value. NArray.GetValueAsInt16 Method (int, NAttributes)

Retrieves the specified short integer value in the array.

public short GetValueAsInt16(int index, NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the value.
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.

The short integer value. NArray.GetValueAsInt16 Method (int, NAttributes, string)

Retrieves the specified short integer value in the array.

public short GetValueAsInt16(int index, NAttributes attributes, string format);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the value.
NAttributes attributes Array attributes. 9
string format Value format.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

The short integer value. NArray.GetValueAsInt32 Method (int)

Retrieves the specified integer value in the array.

public int GetValueAsInt32(int index);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the value.

The integer value. NArray.GetValueAsInt32 Method (int, NAttributes)

Retrieves the specified integer value in the array.

public int GetValueAsInt32(int index, NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the value.
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.

The integer value. NArray.GetValueAsInt32 Method (int, NAttributes, string)

Retrieves the specified integer value in the array.

public int GetValueAsInt32(int index, NAttributes attributes, string format);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the value.
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.
string format Value format.

The integer value. NArray.GetValueAsInt64 Method (int)

Retrieves the specified long integer value in the array.

public long GetValueAsInt64(int index);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace


Parameters Description
int index Index of the value.

The long integer value. NArray.GetValueAsInt64 Method (int, NAttributes)

Retrieves the specified long integer value in the array.

public long GetValueAsInt64(int index, NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the value.
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.

The long integer value. NArray.GetValueAsInt64 Method (int, NAttributes, string)

Retrieves the specified long integer value in the array.

public long GetValueAsInt64(int index, NAttributes attributes, string format);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the value.
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.
string format Value format.

The long integer value. NArray.GetValueAsIntPtr Method (int)

Retrieves the specified integer pointer value in the array.

public IntPtr GetValueAsIntPtr(int index);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the value.

The integer pointer value. NArray.GetValueAsIntPtr Method (int, NAttributes)

Retrieves the specified integer pointer value in the array. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

public IntPtr GetValueAsIntPtr(int index, NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the value.
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.

The integer pointer value. NArray.GetValueAsIntPtr Method (int, NAttributes, string)

Retrieves the specified integer pointer value in the array.

public IntPtr GetValueAsIntPtr(int index, NAttributes attributes, string format);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the value.
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.
string format Value format.

The integer pointer value. NArray.GetValueAsObject Method (int, NType)

Retrieves the specified object in the array.

public NObject GetValueAsObject(int index, NType type);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the value.
NType type Type of the object.

The object. NArray.GetValueAsObject Method (int, NType, NAttributes)

Retrieves the specified object in the array.

public NObject GetValueAsObject(int index, NType type, NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the value.
NType type Type of the object.
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.
The object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace NArray.GetValueAsObject Method (int, NType, NAttributes, string)

Retrieves the specified object in the array.

public NObject GetValueAsObject(int index, NType type, NAttributes attributes, string

Parameters Description
int index Index of the value.
NType type Type of the object.
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.
string format Value format.

The object. NArray.GetValueAsPointer Method (int)

Retrieves the specified integer pointer value in the array.

public IntPtr GetValueAsPointer(int index);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the value.

The pointer value. NArray.GetValueAsPointer Method (int, NAttributes)

Retrieves the specified integer pointer value in the array.

public IntPtr GetValueAsPointer(int index, NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the value.
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.

The pointer value. NArray.GetValueAsPointer Method (int, NAttributes, string)

Retrieves the specified integer pointer value in the array.

public IntPtr GetValueAsPointer(int index, NAttributes attributes, string format);

Parameters Description 9
int index Index of the value.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

NAttributes attributes Array attributes.

string format Value format.

The pointer value. NArray.GetValueAsResult Method (int)

Retrieves the specified result value in the array.

public int GetValueAsResult(int index);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the value.

The result value. NArray.GetValueAsResult Method (int, NAttributes)

Retrieves the specified result value in the array.

public int GetValueAsResult(int index, NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the value.
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.

The result value. NArray.GetValueAsResult Method (int, NAttributes, string)

Retrieves the specified result value in the array.

public int GetValueAsResult(int index, NAttributes attributes, string format);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the value.
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.
string format Value format.

The result value. NArray.GetValueAsSByte Method (int)

Retrieves the specified signed byte value in the array.

C# 9
public sbyte GetValueAsSByte(int index);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace


Parameters Description
int index Index of the value.

The signed byte value. NArray.GetValueAsSByte Method (int, NAttributes)

Retrieves the specified signed byte value in the array.

public sbyte GetValueAsSByte(int index, NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the value.
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.

The signed byte value. NArray.GetValueAsSByte Method (int, NAttributes, string)

Retrieves the specified signed byte value in the array.

public sbyte GetValueAsSByte(int index, NAttributes attributes, string format);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the value.
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.
string format Value format.

The signed byte value. NArray.GetValueAsSingle Method (int)

Retrieves the specified floating point value in the array.

public float GetValueAsSingle(int index);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the value.

The floating point value. NArray.GetValueAsSingle Method (int, NAttributes)

Retrieves the specified floating point value in the array. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

public float GetValueAsSingle(int index, NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the value.
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.

The floating point value. NArray.GetValueAsSingle Method (int, NAttributes, string)

Retrieves the specified floating point value in the array.

public float GetValueAsSingle(int index, NAttributes attributes, string format);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the value.
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.
string format Value format.

The floating point value. NArray.GetValueAsString Method (int)

Retrieves the specified string value in the array.

public string GetValueAsString(int index);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the value.

The string value. NArray.GetValueAsString Method (int, NAttributes)

Retrieves the specified string value in the array.

public string GetValueAsString(int index, NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the value.
NAttributes attributes Array attributes. NArray.GetValueAsString Method (int, NAttributes, string)

Retrieves the specified string value in the array.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

public string GetValueAsString(int index, NAttributes attributes, string format);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the value.
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.
string format Value format.

The string value. NArray.GetValueAsUInt16 Method (int)

Retrieves the specified unsigned short integer value in the array.

public ushort GetValueAsUInt16(int index);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the value.

The unsigned short integer value. NArray.GetValueAsUInt16 Method (int, NAttributes)

Retrieves the specified unsigned short integer value in the array.

public ushort GetValueAsUInt16(int index, NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the value.
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.

The unsigned short integer value. NArray.GetValueAsUInt16 Method (int, NAttributes, string)

Retrieves the specified unsigned short integer value in the array.

public ushort GetValueAsUInt16(int index, NAttributes attributes, string format);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the value.
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.
string format Value format.

The unsigned short integer value.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace NArray.GetValueAsUInt32 Method (int)

Retrieves the specified unsigned integer value in the array.

public uint GetValueAsUInt32(int index);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the value.

The unsigned integer value. NArray.GetValueAsUInt32 Method (int, NAttributes)

Retrieves the specified unsigned integer value in the array.

public uint GetValueAsUInt32(int index, NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the value.
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.

The unsigned integer value. NArray.GetValueAsUInt32 Method (int, NAttributes, string)

Retrieves the specified unsigned integer value in the array.

public uint GetValueAsUInt32(int index, NAttributes attributes, string format);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the value.
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.
string format Value format.

The unsigned integer value. NArray.GetValueAsUInt64 Method (int)

Retrieves the specified unsigned long integer value in the array.

public ulong GetValueAsUInt64(int index);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the value.
The unsigned long integer value.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace NArray.GetValueAsUInt64 Method (int, NAttributes)

Retrieves the specified unsigned long integer value in the array.

public ulong GetValueAsUInt64(int index, NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the value.
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.

The unsigned long integer value. NArray.GetValueAsUInt64 Method (int, NAttributes, string)

Retrieves the specified unsigned long integer value in the array.

public ulong GetValueAsUInt64(int index, NAttributes attributes, string format);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the value.
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.
string format Value format.

The unsigned long integer value. NArray.GetValueAsUIntPtr Method (int)

Retrieves the specified unsigned integer pointer value in the array.

public UIntPtr GetValueAsUIntPtr(int index);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the value.

The unsigned integer pointer value. NArray.GetValueAsUIntPtr Method (int, NAttributes)

Retrieves the specified unsigned integer pointer value in the array.

public UIntPtr GetValueAsUIntPtr(int index, NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the value.
NAttributes attributes Array attributes. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

The unsigned integer pointer value. NArray.GetValueAsUIntPtr Method (int, NAttributes, string)

Retrieves the specified unsigned integer pointer value in the array.

public UIntPtr GetValueAsUIntPtr(int index, NAttributes attributes, string format);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the value.
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.
string format Value format.

The unsigned integer pointer value. NArray.ToArray<T> Method ()

Copies the current array into another array of the specified type.

public T[] ToArray<T>();

Parameters Description
T Type of the array.

Destination array. NArray.ToArray Method (NArray)

Creates a new array from the specified NArray [ 222].

public static Array ToArray(NArray value);

Parameters Description
NArray value The original NArray [ 222]

The new array. NArray.ToArray<T> Method (NAttributes)

Copies the current array into another array of the specified type.

public T[] ToArray<T>(NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description 9
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

T Type of the array.

Destination array. NArray.ToArray<T> Method (NAttributes, string)

Copies the current array into another array of the specified type.

public T[] ToArray<T>(NAttributes attributes, string format);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.
string format Value format.
T Type of the array.

Destination array. NArray.ToArray Method (Type)

Copies the current array of the specified type into another array.

public Array ToArray(Type type);

Parameters Description
Type type Type of the array.

Destination array. NArray.ToArray Method (Type, NAttributes)

Copies the current array of the specified type into another array.

public Array ToArray(Type type, NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
Type type Type of the array.
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.

Destination array. NArray.ToArray Method (Type, NAttributes, string)

Copies the current array of the specified type into another array.

public Array ToArray(Type type, NAttributes attributes, string format); 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace


Parameters Description
Type type Type of the array.
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.
string format Value format.

Destination array. NArray.ToBooleanArray Method ()

Copies the current array into a Boolean value array.

public bool[] ToBooleanArray();
Destination Boolean value array. NArray.ToBooleanArray Method (NAttributes)

Copies the current array into a Boolean value array.

public bool[] ToBooleanArray(NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.

Destination Boolean value array. NArray.ToBooleanArray Method (NAttributes, string)

Copies the current array into a Boolean value array.

public bool[] ToBooleanArray(NAttributes attributes, string format);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.
string format Value format.

Destination Boolean value array. NArray.ToByteArray Method ()

Copies the current array into a byte array.

public byte[] ToByteArray();
Returns 9
Destination byte array.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace NArray.ToByteArray Method (NAttributes)

Copies the current array into a byte array.

public byte[] ToByteArray(NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.

Destination byte array. NArray.ToByteArray Method (NAttributes, string)

Copies the current array into a byte array.

public byte[] ToByteArray(NAttributes attributes, string format);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.
string format Value format.

Destination byte array. NArray.ToCharArray Method ()

Copies the current array into a char array.

public char[] ToCharArray();
Destination char array. NArray.ToCharArray Method (NAttributes)

Copies the current array into a char array.

public char[] ToCharArray(NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.

Destination char array. NArray.ToCharArray Method (NAttributes, string)

Copies the current array into a char array.
public char[] ToCharArray(NAttributes attributes, string format);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace


Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.
string format Value format.

Destination char array. NArray.ToDoubleArray Method ()

Copies the current array into a double value array.

public double[] ToDoubleArray();
Destination double value array. NArray.ToDoubleArray Method (NAttributes)

Copies the current array into a double value array.

public double[] ToDoubleArray(NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.

Destination double value array. NArray.ToDoubleArray Method (NAttributes, string)

Copies the current array into a double value array.

public double[] ToDoubleArray(NAttributes attributes, string format);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.
string format Value format.

Destination double value array. NArray.ToInt16Array Method ()

Copies the current array into a short integer array.

public short[] ToInt16Array();
Destination short integer array. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace NArray.ToInt16Array Method (NAttributes)

Copies the current array into a short integer array.

public short[] ToInt16Array(NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.

Destination short integer array. NArray.ToInt16Array Method (NAttributes, string)

Copies the current array into a short integer array.

public short[] ToInt16Array(NAttributes attributes, string format);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.
string format Value format.

Destination short integer array. NArray.ToInt32Array Method ()

Copies the current array into an integer array.

public int[] ToInt32Array();
Destination integer array. NArray.ToInt32Array Method (NAttributes)

Copies the current array into an integer array.

public int[] ToInt32Array(NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.

Destination integer array. NArray.ToInt32Array Method (NAttributes, string)

Copies the current array into an integer array.
public int[] ToInt32Array(NAttributes attributes, string format);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace


Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.
string format Value format.

Destination unsigned integer array. NArray.ToInt64Array Method ()

Copies the current array into a long integer array.

public long[] ToInt64Array();
Destination long integer array. NArray.ToInt64Array Method (NAttributes)

Copies the current array into a long integer array.

public long[] ToInt64Array(NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.

Destination long integer array. NArray.ToInt64Array Method (NAttributes, string)

Copies the current array into a long integer array.

public long[] ToInt64Array(NAttributes attributes, string format);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.
string format Value format.

Destination long integer array. NArray.ToIntPtrArray Method ()

Copies the current array into an integer pointer array.

public IntPtr[] ToIntPtrArray();
Destination integer pointer array. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace NArray.ToIntPtrArray Method (NAttributes)

Copies the current array into an integer pointer array.

public IntPtr[] ToIntPtrArray(NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.

Destination integer pointer array. NArray.ToIntPtrArray Method (NAttributes, string)

Copies the current array into an integer pointer array.

public IntPtr[] ToIntPtrArray(NAttributes attributes, string format);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.
string format Value format.

Destination integer pointer array. NArray.ToObjectArray Method (NType)

Copies the current array into an object array.

public NObject[] ToObjectArray(NType type);

Parameters Description
NType type Object type.

Destination object array. NArray.ToObjectArray Method (NType, NAttributes)

Copies the current array into an object array.

public NObject[] ToObjectArray(NType type, NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
NType type Object type.
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.

Destination object array.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace NArray.ToObjectArray Method (NType, NAttributes, string)

Copies the current array into an object array.

public NObject[] ToObjectArray(NType type, NAttributes attributes, string format);

Parameters Description
NType type Object type.
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.
string format Value format.

Destination object array. NArray.ToPointerArray Method ()

Copies the current array into a pointer array.

public IntPtr[] ToPointerArray();
Destination pointer array. NArray.ToPointerArray Method (NAttributes)

Copies the current array into a pointer array.

public IntPtr[] ToPointerArray(NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.

Destination pointer array. NArray.ToPointerArray Method (NAttributes, string)

Copies the current array into a pointer array.

public IntPtr[] ToPointerArray(NAttributes attributes, string format);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.
string format Value format.

Destination pointer array. NArray.ToResultArray Method () 9

Copies the current array into a result array.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

public int[] ToResultArray();
Destination result array. NArray.ToResultArray Method (NAttributes)

Copies the current array into a result array.

public int[] ToResultArray(NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.

Destination result array. NArray.ToResultArray Method (NAttributes, string)

Copies the current array into a result array.

public int[] ToResultArray(NAttributes attributes, string format);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.
string format Value format.

Destination result array. NArray.ToSByteArray Method ()

Copies the current array into a signed byte array.

public sbyte[] ToSByteArray();
Destination signed byte array. NArray.ToSByteArray Method (NAttributes)

Copies the current array into a signed byte array.

public sbyte[] ToSByteArray(NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.

Returns 9
Destination signed byte array.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace NArray.ToSByteArray Method (NAttributes, string)

Copies the current array into a signed byte array.

public sbyte[] ToSByteArray(NAttributes attributes, string format);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.
string format Value format.

Destination signed byte array. NArray.ToSingleArray Method ()

Copies the current array into a floating point value array.

public float[] ToSingleArray();
Destination floating point value array. NArray.ToSingleArray Method (NAttributes)

Copies the current array into a floating point value array.

public float[] ToSingleArray(NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.

Destination floating point value array. NArray.ToSingleArray Method (NAttributes, string)

Copies the current array into a floating point value array.

public float[] ToSingleArray(NAttributes attributes, string format);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.
string format Value format.

Destination floating point value array. NArray.ToStringArray Method ()

Copies the current array into a string array.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

public string[] ToStringArray();
Destination string array. NArray.ToStringArray Method (NAttributes)

Copies the current array into a string array.

public string[] ToStringArray(NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.

Destination string array. NArray.ToStringArray Method (NAttributes, string)

Copies the current array into a string array.

public string[] ToStringArray(NAttributes attributes, string format);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.
string format Value format.

Destination string array. NArray.ToUInt16Array Method ()

Copies the current array into an unsigned short integer array.

public ushort[] ToUInt16Array();
Destination unsigned short integer array. NArray.ToUInt16Array Method (NAttributes)

Copies the current array into an unsigned short integer array.

public ushort[] ToUInt16Array(NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.

Returns 9
Destination unsigned short integer array.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace NArray.ToUInt16Array Method (NAttributes, string)

Copies the current array into an unsigned short integer array.

public ushort[] ToUInt16Array(NAttributes attributes, string format);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.
string format Value format.

Destination unsigned short integer array. NArray.ToUInt32Array Method ()

Copies the current array into an unsigned integer array.

public uint[] ToUInt32Array();
Destination unsigned integer array. NArray.ToUInt32Array Method (NAttributes)

Copies the current array into an unsigned integer array.

public uint[] ToUInt32Array(NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.

Destination unsigned integer array. NArray.ToUInt32Array Method (NAttributes, string)

Copies the current array into an unsigned integer array.

public uint[] ToUInt32Array(NAttributes attributes, string format);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.
string format Value format.

Destination unsigned integer array. NArray.ToUInt64Array Method ()

Copies the current unsigned long integer array into another array.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

public ulong[] ToUInt64Array();
Destination unsigned long integer array. NArray.ToUInt64Array Method (NAttributes)

Copies the current array into an unsigned long integer array.

public ulong[] ToUInt64Array(NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.

Destination unsigned long integer array. NArray.ToUInt64Array Method (NAttributes, string)

Copies the current array into an unsigned long integer array.

public ulong[] ToUInt64Array(NAttributes attributes, string format);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.
string format Value format.

Destination unsigned long integer array. NArray.ToUIntPtrArray Method ()

Copies the current array into an unsigned integer pointer array.

public UIntPtr[] ToUIntPtrArray();
Destination unsigned integer pointer array. NArray.ToUIntPtrArray Method (NAttributes)

Copies the current array into an unsigned integer pointer array.

public UIntPtr[] ToUIntPtrArray(NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.

Returns 9
Destination unsigned integer pointer array.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace NArray.ToUIntPtrArray Method (NAttributes, string)

Copies the current array into an unsigned integer pointer array.

public UIntPtr[] ToUIntPtrArray(NAttributes attributes, string format);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Array attributes.
string format Value format.

Destination unsigned integer pointer array. NArray Properties NArray.Length Property

Retrieves the length of the array.

public int Length; NArray.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; NComplex Structure

Represents a complex number.

public struct NComplex : IFormattable {
public static readonly NComplex Zero = new NComplex(0, 0);
public static readonly NComplex One = new NComplex(1, 0);
public static readonly NComplex ImaginaryOne = new NComplex(0, 1);
File: NTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec [ 220]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

NComplex Fields

Name Description
ImaginaryOne [ 272] Represents a NComplex with real part equal to zero and imaginary part
equal to one.
One [ 272] Represents NComplex with real part equal to one and imaginary part
equal to zero.
Zero [ 272] Represents a NComplex with real part equal to zero and imaginary part 9
equal to zero.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace


Name Description
NComplex [ 272] Initializes a new instance of the NComplex structure.

NComplex Methods

Name Description
ToString [ 272] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
ToString [ 273] Retrieves a string representation of the object.

NComplex Properties

Name Description
Imaginary [ 273] Sets or retrieves the imaginary part of NComplex value.
NativeType [ 273] Defines the native type of the type.
Real [ 273] Sets or retrieves the real part of NComplex value. NComplex.NComplex Constructor

Initializes a new instance of the NComplex structure.

public NComplex(double real, double imaginary);

Parameters Description
double real Real [ 273] part of this NComplex.
double imaginary Imaginary [ 273] part of this NComplex. NComplex Fields NComplex.ImaginaryOne Field

Represents a NComplex [ 271] with real part equal to zero and imaginary part equal to one.

public static readonly NComplex ImaginaryOne = new NComplex(0, 1); NComplex.One Field

Represents NComplex [ 271] with real part equal to one and imaginary part equal to zero.

public static readonly NComplex One = new NComplex(1, 0); NComplex.Zero Field

Represents a NComplex [ 271] with real part equal to zero and imaginary part equal to zero.

public static readonly NComplex Zero = new NComplex(0, 0); NComplex Methods NComplex.ToString Method ()

Retrieves a string representation of the object.
public override string ToString();

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

A string representation of an object. NComplex.ToString Method (string)

Retrieves a string representation of the object.

public string ToString(string format);

Parameters Description
string format Format string.

A string representation of an object. NComplex Properties NComplex.Imaginary Property

Sets or retrieves the imaginary part of NComplex [ 271] value.

public double Imaginary; NComplex.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the type.

public static NType NativeType; NComplex.Real Property

Sets or retrieves the real part of NComplex [ 271] value.

public double Real; NCore Class

This class supports internal Neurotechnology libraries infrastructure and should not be used directly in your code.

public static class NCore;
File: NCore.cs

Namespace: Neurotec [ 220]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

NCore Events

Name Description
ErrorSuppressed [ 288] Occurs when an error is suppressed.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

NCore Fields

Name Description
DllName [ 275] NCore library name.

NCore Methods

Name Description
AlignedAlloc [ 275] Allocates a block of memory and makes sure that the returned pointer
can be divided evenly by alignment.
AlignedAlloc [ 276] Allocates a block of memory and makes sure that the sum of returned
pointer and the offset can be divided evenly by alignment.
AlignedAlloc [ 276] Allocates a block of memory and makes sure that the returned pointer
can be divided evenly by alignment.
AlignedAlloc [ 276] Allocates a block of memory and makes sure that the sum of returned
pointer and the offset can be divided evenly by alignment.
AlignedAlloc [ 276] Allocates a block of memory and makes sure that the returned pointer
can be divided evenly by alignment.
AlignedAlloc [ 277] Allocates a block of memory and makes sure that the sum of returned
pointer and the offset can be divided evenly by alignment.
AlignedCAlloc [ 277] Allocates an array in memory with elements initialized to 0 and makes
sure that the returned pointer can be divided evenly by alignment.
AlignedCAlloc [ 277] Allocates an array in memory with elements initialized to 0 and makes
sure that the sum of returned pointer and the offset can be divided evenly
by alignment.
AlignedCAlloc [ 278] Allocates an array in memory with elements initialized to 0 and makes
sure that the returned pointer can be divided evenly by alignment.
AlignedCAlloc [ 278] Allocates an array in memory with elements initialized to 0 and makes
sure that the sum of returned pointer and the offset can be divided evenly
by alignment.
AlignedCAlloc [ 278] Allocates an array in memory with elements initialized to 0 and makes
sure that the returned pointer can be divided evenly by alignment.
AlignedCAlloc [ 278] Allocates an array in memory with elements initialized to 0 and makes
sure that the sum of returned pointer and the offset can be divided evenly
by alignment.
AlignedFree [ 279] Frees a specified aligned memory block.
AlignedReAlloc [ 279] Reallocate memory blocks, represented by a pointer that can be divided
evenly by the alignment.
AlignedReAlloc [ 279] Reallocate memory blocks, represented by a pointer. A sum of the
pointer and an offset can be divided evenly by the alignment.
AlignedReAlloc [ 280] Reallocate memory blocks, represented by a pointer that can be divided
evenly by the alignment.
AlignedReAlloc [ 280] Reallocate memory blocks, represented by a pointer. A sum of the
pointer and an offset can be divided evenly by the alignment.
AlignedReAlloc [ 280] Reallocate memory blocks, represented by a pointer that can be divided
evenly by the alignment.
AlignedReAlloc [ 280] Reallocate memory blocks, represented by a pointer. A sum of the
pointer and an offset can be divided evenly by the alignment.
Alloc [ 281] Allocates a block of memory.
Alloc [ 281] Allocates a block of memory.
Alloc [ 281] Allocates a block of memory.
CAlloc [ 281] Allocates an array in memory with elements initialized to 0.
CAlloc [ 282] Allocates an array in memory with elements initialized to 0.
CAlloc [ 282] Allocates an array in memory with elements initialized to 0.
Clear [ 282] Clears all elements in the specified array.
Clear [ 282] Clears all elements in the specified array.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

Clear [ 283] Clears all elements in the specified array.

Compare [ 283] Compares two memory blocks.
Compare [ 283] Compares two memory blocks.
Compare [ 283] Compares two memory blocks.
Copy [ 284] Copies data from one memory block to other.
Copy [ 284] Copies data from one memory block to other.
Copy [ 284] Copies data from one memory block to other.
Fill [ 285] Sets memory block to a specified value.
Fill [ 285] Sets memory block to a specified value.
Fill [ 285] Sets memory block to a specified value.
Free [ 285] Frees a specified memory block.
Free [ 286] Frees a specified memory block.
Move [ 286] Moves one memory block to another.
Move [ 286] Moves one memory block to another.
Move [ 286] Moves one memory block to another.
ReAlloc [ 287] Reallocate memory blocks.
ReAlloc [ 287] Reallocate memory blocks.
ReAlloc [ 287] Reallocate memory blocks.
Shutdown [ 287] Disables sends and receives on a socket.
ShutdownThread [ 288] Disables sends and receives on a thread.

NCore Properties

Name Description
NativeModule [ 288] Defines the native module of the object.
NativeType [ 288] Defines the native type of the object. NCore Fields NCore.DllName Field

NCore [ 273] library name.

public const string DllName = NVersionInfo.CoreDllName; NCore Methods NCore.AlignedAlloc Method (UIntPtr, UIntPtr)

Allocates a block of memory and makes sure that the returned pointer can be divided evenly by alignment.

public static IntPtr AlignedAlloc(UIntPtr size, UIntPtr alignment);

Parameters Description
UIntPtr size Size in bytes of memory to be allocated.
UIntPtr alignment The alignment.

A representation of a pointer (IntPtr type) to the allocated memory block. Can be divided evenly by the alignment.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace NCore.AlignedAlloc Method (UIntPtr, UIntPtr, UIntPtr)

Allocates a block of memory and makes sure that the sum of returned pointer and the offset can be divided evenly by

public static IntPtr AlignedAlloc(UIntPtr size, UIntPtr alignment, UIntPtr offset);

Parameters Description
UIntPtr size Size in bytes of memory to be allocated.
UIntPtr alignment The alignment.
UIntPtr offset The offset.

A representation of a pointer (IntPtr type) to the allocated memory block. Its sum with offset can be divided evenly by the
alignment. NCore.AlignedAlloc Method (int, int)

Allocates a block of memory and makes sure that the returned pointer can be divided evenly by alignment.

public static IntPtr AlignedAlloc(int size, int alignment);

Parameters Description
int size Size in bytes of memory to be allocated.
int alignment The alignment.

A representation of a pointer (IntPtr type) to the allocated memory block. Can be divided evenly by the alignment. NCore.AlignedAlloc Method (int, int, int)

Allocates a block of memory and makes sure that the sum of returned pointer and the offset can be divided evenly by

public static IntPtr AlignedAlloc(int size, int alignment, int offset);

Parameters Description
int size Size in bytes of memory to be allocated.
int alignment The alignment.
int offset The offset.

A representation of a pointer (IntPtr type) to the allocated memory block. Its sum with offset can be divided evenly by the
alignment. NCore.AlignedAlloc Method (long, long)

Allocates a block of memory and makes sure that the returned pointer can be divided evenly by alignment.

C# 9
public static IntPtr AlignedAlloc(long size, long alignment);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace


Parameters Description
long size Size in bytes of memory to be allocated.
long alignment The alignment.

A representation of a pointer (IntPtr type) to the allocated memory block. Can be divided evenly by the alignment. NCore.AlignedAlloc Method (long, long, long)

Allocates a block of memory and makes sure that the sum of returned pointer and the offset can be divided evenly by

public static IntPtr AlignedAlloc(long size, long alignment, long offset);

Parameters Description
long size Size in bytes of memory to be allocated.
long alignment The alignment.
long offset The offset.

A representation of a pointer (IntPtr type) to the allocated memory block. Its sum with offset can be divided evenly by the
alignment. NCore.AlignedCAlloc Method (UIntPtr, UIntPtr)

Allocates an array in memory with elements initialized to 0 and makes sure that the returned pointer can be divided evenly by

public static IntPtr AlignedCAlloc(UIntPtr size, UIntPtr alignment);

Parameters Description
UIntPtr size Size in bytes of memory to be allocated.
UIntPtr alignment The alignment.

A representation of a pointer (IntPtr type) to the allocated memory block. Can be divided evenly by the alignment. NCore.AlignedCAlloc Method (UIntPtr, UIntPtr, UIntPtr)

Allocates an array in memory with elements initialized to 0 and makes sure that the sum of returned pointer and the offset can
be divided evenly by alignment.

public static IntPtr AlignedCAlloc(UIntPtr size, UIntPtr alignment, UIntPtr offset);

Parameters Description
UIntPtr size Size in bytes of memory to be allocated.
UIntPtr alignment The alignment.
UIntPtr offset The offset.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

A representation of a pointer (IntPtr type) to the allocated memory block. Its sum with offset can be divided evenly by the
alignment. NCore.AlignedCAlloc Method (int, int)

Allocates an array in memory with elements initialized to 0 and makes sure that the returned pointer can be divided evenly by

public static IntPtr AlignedCAlloc(int size, int alignment);

Parameters Description
int size Size in bytes of memory to be allocated.
int alignment The alignment.

A representation of a pointer (IntPtr type) to the allocated memory block. Can be divided evenly by the alignment. NCore.AlignedCAlloc Method (int, int, int)

Allocates an array in memory with elements initialized to 0 and makes sure that the sum of returned pointer and the offset can
be divided evenly by alignment.

public static IntPtr AlignedCAlloc(int size, int alignment, int offset);

Parameters Description
int size Size in bytes of memory to be allocated.
int alignment The alignment.
int offset The offset.

A representation of a pointer (IntPtr type) to the allocated memory block. Its sum with offset can be divided evenly by the
alignment. NCore.AlignedCAlloc Method (long, long)

Allocates an array in memory with elements initialized to 0 and makes sure that the returned pointer can be divided evenly by

public static IntPtr AlignedCAlloc(long size, long alignment);

Parameters Description
long size Size in bytes of memory to be allocated.
long alignment The alignment.

A representation of a pointer (IntPtr type) to the allocated memory block. Can be divided evenly by the alignment.

9 NCore.AlignedCAlloc Method (long, long, long)
Allocates an array in memory with elements initialized to 0 and makes sure that the sum of returned pointer and the offset can

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

be divided evenly by alignment.

public static IntPtr AlignedCAlloc(long size, long alignment, long offset);

Parameters Description
long size Size in bytes of memory to be allocated.
long alignment The alignment.
long offset The offset.

A representation of a pointer (IntPtr type) to the allocated memory block. Its sum with offset can be divided evenly by the
alignment. NCore.AlignedFree Method

Frees a specified aligned memory block.

public static void AlignedFree(IntPtr pBlock);

Parameters Description
IntPtr pBlock A representation of a pointer (IntPtr type) to the memory
block. Its sum with the offset an be divided evenly by the
memory block's alignment. NCore.AlignedReAlloc Method (IntPtr, UIntPtr, UIntPtr)

Reallocate memory blocks, represented by a pointer that can be divided evenly by the alignment.

public static void AlignedReAlloc(ref IntPtr pBlock, UIntPtr size, UIntPtr alignment);

Parameters Description
ref IntPtr pBlock A representation of a pointer (IntPtr type) to the allocated
memory block. Can be divided evenly by the alignment.
UIntPtr size Size in bytes of memory to be allocated.
UIntPtr alignment The alignment. NCore.AlignedReAlloc Method (IntPtr, UIntPtr, UIntPtr, UIntPtr)

Reallocate memory blocks, represented by a pointer. A sum of the pointer and an offset can be divided evenly by the

public static void AlignedReAlloc(ref IntPtr pBlock, UIntPtr size, UIntPtr alignment,
UIntPtr offset);

Parameters Description
ref IntPtr pBlock A representation of a pointer (IntPtr type) to the allocated
memory block. Its sum with the offset an be divided evenly
by the alignment.
UIntPtr size Size in bytes of memory to be allocated. 9
UIntPtr alignment The alignment.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

UIntPtr offset The offset. NCore.AlignedReAlloc Method (IntPtr, int, int)

Reallocate memory blocks, represented by a pointer that can be divided evenly by the alignment.

public static void AlignedReAlloc(ref IntPtr pBlock, int size, int alignment);

Parameters Description
ref IntPtr pBlock A representation of a pointer (IntPtr type) to the allocated
memory block. Can be divided evenly by the alignment.
int size Size in bytes of memory to be allocated.
int alignment The alignment. NCore.AlignedReAlloc Method (IntPtr, int, int, int)

Reallocate memory blocks, represented by a pointer. A sum of the pointer and an offset can be divided evenly by the

public static void AlignedReAlloc(ref IntPtr pBlock, int size, int alignment, int offset);

Parameters Description
ref IntPtr pBlock A representation of a pointer (IntPtr type) to the allocated
memory block. Its sum with the offset an be divided evenly
by the alignment.
int size Size in bytes of memory to be allocated.
int alignment The alignment.
int offset The offset. NCore.AlignedReAlloc Method (IntPtr, long, long)

Reallocate memory blocks, represented by a pointer that can be divided evenly by the alignment.

public static void AlignedReAlloc(ref IntPtr pBlock, long size, long alignment);

Parameters Description
ref IntPtr pBlock A representation of a pointer (IntPtr type) to the allocated
memory block. Can be divided evenly by the alignment.
long size Size in bytes of memory to be allocated.
long alignment The alignment. NCore.AlignedReAlloc Method (IntPtr, long, long, long)

Reallocate memory blocks, represented by a pointer. A sum of the pointer and an offset can be divided evenly by the

public static void AlignedReAlloc(ref IntPtr pBlock, long size, long alignment, long

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace


Parameters Description
ref IntPtr pBlock A representation of a pointer (IntPtr type) to the allocated
memory block. Its sum with the offset an be divided evenly
by the alignment.
long size Size in bytes of memory to be allocated.
long alignment The alignment.
long offset The offset. NCore.Alloc Method (UIntPtr)

Allocates a block of memory.

public static IntPtr Alloc(UIntPtr size);

Parameters Description
UIntPtr size Size in bytes of memory to be allocated.

A representation of a pointer (IntPtr type) to the allocated memory block. NCore.Alloc Method (int)

Allocates a block of memory.

public static IntPtr Alloc(int size);

Parameters Description
int size Size in bytes of memory to be allocated.

A representation of a pointer (IntPtr type) to the allocated memory block. NCore.Alloc Method (long)

Allocates a block of memory.

public static IntPtr Alloc(long size);

Parameters Description
long size Size in bytes of memory to be allocated.

A representation of a pointer (IntPtr type) to the allocated memory block. NCore.CAlloc Method (UIntPtr)

Allocates an array in memory with elements initialized to 0.

C# 9
public static IntPtr CAlloc(UIntPtr size);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace


Parameters Description
UIntPtr size Size in bytes of memory to be allocated.

Pointer to allocated memory block. NCore.CAlloc Method (int)

Allocates an array in memory with elements initialized to 0.

public static IntPtr CAlloc(int size);

Parameters Description
int size Size in bytes of memory to be allocated.

Pointer to allocated memory block. NCore.CAlloc Method (long)

Allocates an array in memory with elements initialized to 0.

public static IntPtr CAlloc(long size);

Parameters Description
long size Size in bytes of memory to be allocated.

Pointer to allocated memory block. NCore.Clear Method (IntPtr, UIntPtr)

Clears all elements in the specified array.

public static void Clear(IntPtr pBlock, UIntPtr size);

Parameters Description
IntPtr pBlock A pointer to memory block that contains an array.
UIntPtr size The size in bytes of an array. NCore.Clear Method (IntPtr, int)

Clears all elements in the specified array.

public static void Clear(IntPtr pBlock, int size);

Parameters Description 9
IntPtr pBlock A pointer to memory block that contains an array.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

int size The size in bytes of an array. NCore.Clear Method (IntPtr, long)

Clears all elements in the specified array.

public static void Clear(IntPtr pBlock, long size);

Parameters Description
IntPtr pBlock A pointer to memory block that contains an array.
long size The size in bytes of an array. NCore.Compare Method (IntPtr, IntPtr, UIntPtr)

Compares two memory blocks.

public static int Compare(IntPtr pBlock1, IntPtr pBlock2, UIntPtr size);

Parameters Description
IntPtr pBlock1 A pointer to the first memory block.
IntPtr pBlock2 A pointer to the second memory block.
UIntPtr size Number of characters to be compared.

The value indicating the relationship between the memory blocks.

If return value is less than zero a block specified by pBlock1 is less than a block specified by pBlock2.

if return value is zero a block specified by pBlock1 is identical to a block specified by pBlock2.

If return value is greater than zero a block specified by pBlock1 is greater than a block specified by pBlock2. NCore.Compare Method (IntPtr, IntPtr, int)

Compares two memory blocks.

public static int Compare(IntPtr pBlock1, IntPtr pBlock2, int size);

Parameters Description
IntPtr pBlock1 A pointer to the first memory block.
IntPtr pBlock2 A pointer to the second memory block.
int size Number of characters to be compared.

The value indicating the relationship between the memory blocks.

If return value is less than zero a block specified by pBlock1 is less than a block specified by pBlock2.

if return value is zero a block specified by pBlock1 is identical to a block specified by pBlock2.

If return value is greater than zero a block specified by pBlock1 is greater than a block specified by pBlock2.

9 NCore.Compare Method (IntPtr, IntPtr, long)
Compares two memory blocks.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

public static int Compare(IntPtr pBlock1, IntPtr pBlock2, long size);

Parameters Description
IntPtr pBlock1 A pointer to the first memory block.
IntPtr pBlock2 A pointer to the second memory block.
long size Number of characters to be compared.

The value indicating the relationship between the memory blocks.

If return value is less than zero a block specified by pBlock1 is less than a block specified by pBlock2.

if return value is zero a block specified by pBlock1 is identical to a block specified by pBlock2.

If return value is greater than zero a block specified by pBlock1 is greater than a block specified by pBlock2. NCore.Copy Method (IntPtr, IntPtr, UIntPtr)

Copies data from one memory block to other.

public static void Copy(IntPtr pDstBlock, IntPtr pSrcBlock, UIntPtr size);

Parameters Description
IntPtr pDstBlock A pointer to destination memory block (a memory block
where the data from source memory block will be copied).
IntPtr pSrcBlock A pointer to memory block to be copied to another memory
UIntPtr size The size of memory block to be copied (the size is in bytes). NCore.Copy Method (IntPtr, IntPtr, int)

Copies data from one memory block to other.

public static void Copy(IntPtr pDstBlock, IntPtr pSrcBlock, int size);

Parameters Description
IntPtr pDstBlock A pointer to destination memory block (a memory block
where the data from source memory block will be copied).
IntPtr pSrcBlock A pointer to memory block to be copied to another memory
int size The size of memory block to be copied (the size is in bytes). NCore.Copy Method (IntPtr, IntPtr, long)

Copies data from one memory block to other.

public static void Copy(IntPtr pDstBlock, IntPtr pSrcBlock, long size);

Parameters Description 9
IntPtr pDstBlock A pointer to destination memory block (a memory block
where the data from source memory block will be copied).

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

IntPtr pSrcBlock A pointer to memory block to be copied to another memory

long size The size of memory block to be copied (the size is in bytes). NCore.Fill Method (IntPtr, byte, UIntPtr)

Sets memory block to a specified value.

public static void Fill(IntPtr pBlock, byte value, UIntPtr size);

Parameters Description
IntPtr pBlock A pointer to a destination memory block that contains data.
byte value A value to set.
UIntPtr size The size in bytes of memory block to be set. NCore.Fill Method (IntPtr, byte, int)

Sets memory block to a specified value.

public static void Fill(IntPtr pBlock, byte value, int size);

Parameters Description
IntPtr pBlock A pointer to a destination memory block that contains data.
byte value A value to set.
int size The size in bytes of memory block to be set. NCore.Fill Method (IntPtr, byte, long)

Sets memory block to a specified value.

public static void Fill(IntPtr pBlock, byte value, long size);

Parameters Description
IntPtr pBlock A pointer to a destination memory block that contains data.
byte value A value to set.
long size The size in bytes of memory block to be set. NCore.Free Method (IntPtr)

Frees a specified memory block.

public static void Free(IntPtr pBlock);

Parameters Description
IntPtr pBlock A pointer to previously allocated memory block to be freed.

The Free method frees a memory block that was previously allocated by a call to Alloc [ 281], CAlloc [ 281] or ReAlloc [ 287] 9
methods. The number of freed bytes is equivalent to the number of bytes requested when the block was allocated (or
reallocated, in the case of ReAlloc [ 287]).

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace NCore.Free Method (IntPtr, NMemoryType)

Frees a specified memory block.

public static void Free(IntPtr pBlock, NMemoryType memoryType);

Parameters Description
IntPtr pBlock A pointer to previously allocated memory block to be freed.
NMemoryType memoryType Type of the memory block to be freed.

The Free method frees a memory block that was previously allocated by a call to Alloc [ 281], CAlloc [ 281] or ReAlloc [ 287]
methods. The number of freed bytes is equivalent to the number of bytes requested when the block was allocated (or
reallocated, in the case of ReAlloc [ 287]). NCore.Move Method (IntPtr, IntPtr, UIntPtr)

Moves one memory block to another.

public static void Move(IntPtr pDstBlock, IntPtr pSrcBlock, UIntPtr size);

Parameters Description
IntPtr pDstBlock A pointer to destination memory block.
IntPtr pSrcBlock A pointer to source memory block.
UIntPtr size Size in bytes to be copied.

Copies size bytes from pDstBlock to pSrcBlock.

Make sure that the destination buffer is the same size or larger than the source buffer. NCore.Move Method (IntPtr, IntPtr, int)

Moves one memory block to another.

public static void Move(IntPtr pDstBlock, IntPtr pSrcBlock, int size);

Parameters Description
IntPtr pDstBlock A pointer to destination memory block.
IntPtr pSrcBlock A pointer to source memory block.
int size Size in bytes to be copied.

Copies size bytes from pDstBlock to pSrcBlock.

Make sure that the destination buffer is the same size or larger than the source buffer. NCore.Move Method (IntPtr, IntPtr, long)

Moves one memory block to another. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

public static void Move(IntPtr pDstBlock, IntPtr pSrcBlock, long size);

Parameters Description
IntPtr pDstBlock A pointer to destination memory block.
IntPtr pSrcBlock A pointer to source memory block.
long size Size in bytes to be copied.

Copies size bytes from pDstBlock to pSrcBlock.

Make sure that the destination buffer is the same size or larger than the source buffer. NCore.ReAlloc Method (IntPtr, UIntPtr)

Reallocate memory blocks.

public static void ReAlloc(ref IntPtr pBlock, UIntPtr size);

Parameters Description
ref IntPtr pBlock Pointer to memory block to be allocated.
UIntPtr size Size in bytes of new memory block. NCore.ReAlloc Method (IntPtr, int)

Reallocate memory blocks.

public static void ReAlloc(ref IntPtr pBlock, int size);

Parameters Description
ref IntPtr pBlock Pointer to memory block to be allocated.
int size Size in bytes of new memory block. NCore.ReAlloc Method (IntPtr, long)

Reallocate memory blocks.

public static void ReAlloc(ref IntPtr pBlock, long size);

Parameters Description
ref IntPtr pBlock Pointer to memory block to be allocated.
long size Size in bytes of new memory block. NCore.Shutdown Method

Disables sends and receives on a socket.

public static void Shutdown(); 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace NCore.ShutdownThread Method

Disables sends and receives on a thread.

public static void ShutdownThread(); NCore Properties NCore.NativeModule Property

Defines the native module of the object.

public static NModule NativeModule; NCore.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; NCore Events NCore.ErrorSuppressed Event

Occurs when an error is suppressed.

public static event EventHandler<ErrorSuppressedEventArgs> ErrorSuppressed; NDisposable Class

Provides a method to release allocated resources.

public abstract class NDisposable : MarshalByRefObject, IDisposable;
File: NDisposable.cs

Namespace: Neurotec [ 220]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously. NDisposable Methods NDisposable.Dispose Method 9

Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

public virtual void Dispose();
This method is used to close or release unmanaged resources. By convention, this method is used for all tasks associated with
freeing resources held by an object. NDisposable Properties NDisposable.IsDisposed Property

Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

public virtual bool IsDisposed; NError Class

Defines error codes used in Neurotechnology components.

public static class NError;
File: NError.cs

Namespace: Neurotec [ 220]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

NError Methods

Name Description
Get [ 289] Gets the specified exception.
Get [ 290] Gets the specified exception.
GetDefaultMessage [ 290] Gets the default error message.
GetLast [ 290] Gets the last exception.
GetMacErrorMessage [ 290] Gets Mac OS X error message.
GetMessage [ 291] Retrieves an exception message.
GetSysErrorMessage [ 291] Gets system error message.
SetLast [ 291] Sets the last exception.
Suppress [ 291] Suppressed the specified exception.
ToString [ 292] Retrieves a string representation of the specified exception. NError Methods NError.Get Method (HNObject)

Gets the specified exception.

public static Exception Get(HNObject hError);

Parameters Description
HNObject hError Handle to the error object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

The exception. NError.Get Method (int, HNObject)

Gets the specified exception.

public static Exception Get(int code, HNObject hError);

Parameters Description
int code Exception code.
HNObject hError Handle to the error object.

The exception. NError.GetDefaultMessage Method

Gets the default error message.

public static string GetDefaultMessage(int code);

Parameters Description
int code Exception code.

The error message. NError.GetLast Method

Gets the last exception.

public static Exception GetLast(int code);

Parameters Description
int code Exception code.

The exception. NError.GetMacErrorMessage Method

Gets Mac OS X error message.

public static string GetMacErrorMessage(int err);

Parameters Description
int err Exception number. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

The error message. NError.GetMessage Method

Retrieves an exception message.

public static string GetMessage(string message, string paramName, string param);

Parameters Description
string message Base message.
string paramName Parameter name.
string param Parameter value.

Exception message. NError.GetSysErrorMessage Method

Gets system error message.

public static string GetSysErrorMessage(int errno);

Parameters Description
int errno Exception number.

The error message. NError.SetLast Method

Sets the last exception.

public static int SetLast(Exception error);

Parameters Description
Exception error The last exception.

Exception code. NError.Suppress Method

Suppressed the specified exception.

public static void Suppress(Exception error);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace


Parameters Description
Exception error The exception to be suppressed. NError.ToString Method

Retrieves a string representation of the specified exception.

public static string ToString(Exception e, string additionalCode);

Parameters Description
Exception e The exception.
string additionalCode Additional exception code.

String representation of the exception. NExpandableObject Class

Provides functionality for retrieving information about specified object.

public class NExpandableObject : NObject, ICloneable;
File: NExpandableObject.cs

Namespace: Neurotec [ 220]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an 9
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

NExpandableObject Class

Name Description
NativeType [ 295] Defines the native type of the object.
Properties [ 295] Gets the property bag of the expandable object.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. NExpandableObject Properties NExpandableObject.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; NExpandableObject.Properties Property

Gets the property bag of the expandable object.

public NPropertyBag Properties; NIndexPair Structure

Represents pair of indexes.

public struct NIndexPair : IFormattable {
File 9
File: NTypes.cs

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

Namespace: Neurotec [ 220]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Name Description
NIndexPair [ 296] Initializes a new instance of the NIndexPair structure.

NIndexPair Methods

Name Description
ToString [ 296] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
ToString [ 296] Retrieves a string representation of the object.

NIndexPair Properties

Name Description
Index1 [ 297] Gets or sets first index of this NIndexPair.
Index2 [ 297] Gets or sets second index of this NIndexPair.
NativeType [ 297] Defines the native type of the type. NIndexPair.NIndexPair Constructor

Initializes a new instance of the NIndexPair structure.

public NIndexPair(int index1, int index2);

Parameters Description
int index1 First index of this NIndexPair.
int index2 Second index of this NIndexPair. NIndexPair Methods NIndexPair.ToString Method ()

Retrieves a string representation of the object.

public override string ToString();
A string representation of an object. NIndexPair.ToString Method (string)

Retrieves a string representation of the object.

public string ToString(string format);

Parameters Description
string format Reserved.

A string representation of an object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace NIndexPair Properties NIndexPair.Index1 Property

Gets or sets first index of this NIndexPair [ 295].

public int Index1; NIndexPair.Index2 Property

Gets or sets second index of this NIndexPair [ 295].

public int Index2; NIndexPair.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the type.

public static NType NativeType; NModule Class

Performs reflection on a module.

public class NModule : NObject;
File: NModule.cs

Namespace: Neurotec [ 220]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

NModule Class

Name Description
NModule [ 301] Initializes a new instance of NModule class.

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting 9
unmanaged resources.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object. 9
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.

GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

NModule Class

Name Description
CheckInit [ 301] Checks whether the current module is initialized and throws and
exception if it is not.
CreateInstance [ 301] Creates a new instance of the specified module.
CreateInstance [ 301] Creates a new instance of the specified module.
GetDependences [ 302] Retrieves dependencies of the module.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

GetLoadedModules [ 302] Gets all the loaded modules that are part of this assembly.
GetType [ 302] Retrieves the NType [ 343] object from module specified by name.
LoadFromFile [ 302] Loads module from the specified file.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

NModule Class

Name Description
Activated [ 303] Checks if the module is registered.
Company [ 303] Retrieves company name.
Copyright [ 303] Retrieves copyright notice of this module.
DefinedTypes [ 303] Retrieves all defined types from the specified module.
FileName [ 303] Retrieves the name of the file the specified module was created from.
Id [ 303] Gets or sets the ID of the module.
NModuleOptionsNativeType [ 303] Defines the native type of the module options.
Name [ 303] Retrieves module name.
NativeId [ 304] Gets or sets the native ID of the specified module.
NativeType [ 304] Defines the native type of the object.
Options [ 304] Retrieves module options.
Product [ 304] Retrieves product name.
Title [ 304] Retrieves module's title.
Version [ 304] Retrieves module version number.
VersionBuild [ 304] Retrieves the build of the current version.
VersionMajor [ 304] Retrieves the major version value.
VersionMinor [ 304] Retrieves the minor version value.
VersionRevision [ 305] Retrieves revision of the current version.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle. 9
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. NModule.NModule Constructor

Initializes a new instance of NModule class.

public NModule(); NModule Methods NModule.CheckInit Method

Checks whether the current module is initialized and throws and exception if it is not.

public void CheckInit(bool lazy);

Parameters Description
bool lazy true if the initialization is lazy; else false. NModule.CreateInstance Method (string)

Creates a new instance of the specified module.

public object CreateInstance(string name);

Parameters Description
string name The name of the new module instance.

Created module object. NModule.CreateInstance Method (string, NAttributes)

Creates a new instance of the specified module.

public object CreateInstance(string name, NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
string name The name of the new module instance.
NAttributes attributes Module attributes.

Created module object. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace NModule.GetDependences Method

Retrieves dependencies of the module.

public NModule[] GetDependences();
A pointer to an array of dependencies.

NObjectUnref shall be called on returned objects when they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks. NModule.GetLoadedModules Method

Gets all the loaded modules that are part of this assembly.

public static NModule[] GetLoadedModules();
An array of modules.

NObjectUnref shall be called on returned objects when they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks. NModule.GetType Method

Retrieves the NType [ 343] object from module specified by name.

public NType GetType(string name);

Parameters Description
string name Type name.

NType [ 343] object. NModule.LoadFromFile Method

Loads module from the specified file.

public static NModule LoadFromFile(string fileName);

Parameters Description
string fileName Name [ 303] of a file or full path to file.

NModule [ 297] object. NModule Properties


9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace NModule.Activated Property

Checks if the module is registered.

public string Activated; NModule.Company Property

Retrieves company name.

public string Company; NModule.Copyright Property

Retrieves copyright notice of this module.

public string Copyright; NModule.DefinedTypes Property

Retrieves all defined types from the specified module.

public DefinedTypeCollection DefinedTypes;
Property value
Collection of all defined types. NModule.FileName Property

Retrieves the name of the file the specified module was created from.

public string FileName;
Property value
String of a file name. NModule.Id Property

Gets or sets the ID of the module.

public string Id;
Property value
String containing module Id. NModule.NModuleOptionsNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the module options.

public static NType NModuleOptionsNativeType; NModule.Name Property

Retrieves module name. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

public string Name; NModule.NativeId Property

Gets or sets the native ID of the specified module.

public string NativeId;
Property value
String containing native Id [ 303]. NModule.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; NModule.Options Property

Retrieves module options.

public NModuleOptions Options; NModule.Product Property

Retrieves product name.

public string Product; NModule.Title Property

Retrieves module's title.

public string Title; NModule.Version Property

Retrieves module version number.

public Version Version; NModule.VersionBuild Property

Retrieves the build of the current version.

public int VersionBuild; NModule.VersionMajor Property

Retrieves the major version value.

public int VersionMajor;
9 NModule.VersionMinor Property
Retrieves the minor version value.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

public int VersionMinor; NModule.VersionRevision Property

Retrieves revision of the current version.

public int VersionRevision; NObject Class

Provides functionality for retrieving information about specified object.

public class NObject : NDisposable, IFormattable, INotifyPropertyChanged;
File: NObject.cs

Namespace: Neurotec [ 220]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not 9
intended to be used directly from your code.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.

This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream. 9
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.

SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject.
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle. 9
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. NObject Fields NObject.FlagRefRet Field

This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref count.

public const uint FlagRefRet = 0x00000010; NObject Methods NObject.CaptureProperties Method

Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.

public void CaptureProperties(NPropertyBag properties);

Parameters Description
NPropertyBag properties Property bag to add. NObject.Clone Method

Creates a copy of specified object.

public object Clone();
Reference to cloned object. NObject.CompareTo Method

Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an integer that indicates their relative position in the sort

public int CompareTo(object obj);

Parameters Description
object obj The other object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

Integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order. NObject.CopyProperties Method

Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.

public static void CopyProperties(NObject srcObj, NObject dstObj);

Parameters Description
NObject srcObj Source NObject [ 305] object which should be copied.
NObject dstObj Destination NObject [ 305] object where source object will
be copied. NObject.DisposeArray<T> Method

Frees an array of objects.

public static void DisposeArray<T>(T[] objects) where T : NObject;

Parameters Description
T[] objects The array to be freed. NObject.Equals Method

Compares the objects.

public override bool Equals(object obj);

Parameters Description
object obj Other object to be compared with.

true if objects are equal. NObject.FromHandle<T> Method (HNObject)

Create C# object from native API objects handle.

This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

public static T FromHandle<T>(HNObject handle) where T : NObject;

Parameters Description
HNObject handle Handle of the object in native API.

C# object associated with native API object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace NObject.FromHandle<T> Method (HNObject, bool)

Create C# object from native API objects handle.

This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

public static T FromHandle<T>(HNObject handle, bool cache) where T : NObject;

Parameters Description
HNObject handle Handle of the object in native API.
bool cache Will the created C# object use cache.

C# object associated with native API object. NObject.FromHandle<T> Method (IntPtr)

Create C# object from native API objects handle.

This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

public static T FromHandle<T>(IntPtr hObject) where T : NObject;

Parameters Description
IntPtr hObject Handle of the object in native API.

C# object associated with native API object. NObject.FromHandle<T> Method (IntPtr, bool, bool)

Create C# object from native API objects handle.

This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

public static T FromHandle<T>(IntPtr hObject, bool ownsHandle, bool cache) where T :

Parameters Description
IntPtr hObject Handle of the object in native API.
bool ownsHandle Will the created C# object become the owner of the handle.
bool cache Whether the object is created from a cache.

C# object associated with native API object. NObject.FromObject Method

Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.

public static NObject FromObject(object obj);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace


Parameters Description
object obj The original object.

The new NObject [ 305]. NObject.GetArray<T> Method (GetArrayPlain)

Helper function for getting data from the native object.

This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

public static T[] GetArray<T>(GetArrayPlain getArray) where T : struct;

Parameters Description
GetArrayPlain getArray The getter function of the native object.
T Type of the array's element.

The array of elements returned by delegate specified in getArray argument. NObject.GetArray<T> Method (GetOutArrayPlain)

Helper function for getting data from the native object.

This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

public static T[] GetArray<T>(GetOutArrayPlain getArray) where T : struct;

Parameters Description
GetOutArrayPlain getArray The getter function of the native object.

The array of elements returned by delegate specified in getArray argument. NObject.GetHashCode Method

Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is
suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.

public override int GetHashCode();
Hash code for the object. NObject.GetNativeType Method

Retrieves native type of object.

public NType GetNativeType(); 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

NativeType [ 321] value. NObject.GetObject<T> Method (GetObjectPlain)

Helper function for getting data from the native object.

This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

public static T GetObject<T>(GetObjectPlain getObject) where T : NObject;

Parameters Description
GetObjectPlain getObject The getter function of the native object.

The object returned by delegate specified in getObject argument. NObject.GetObject<T> Method (GetObjectPlain, bool)

Helper function for getting data from the native object.

This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

public static T GetObject<T>(GetObjectPlain getObject, bool cache) where T : NObject;

Parameters Description
GetObjectPlain getObject The getter function of the native object.
bool cache Whether a cache is used. NObject.GetObjects<T> Method (GetArrayPlain)

Helper function for getting data from the native object.

This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

public static T[] GetObjects<T>(GetArrayPlain getArray) where T : NObject;

Parameters Description
GetArrayPlain getArray The getter function of the native object.

The array of elements returned by delegate specified in getArray argument. NObject.GetObjects<T> Method (GetArrayPlain, bool, bool)

Helper function for getting data from the native object.

This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly.

public static T[] GetObjects<T>(GetArrayPlain getArray, bool ownsHandles, bool cache) where
T : NObject; 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace


Parameters Description
GetArrayPlain getArray The getter function of the native object.
bool ownsHandles Whether the objects own handles.
bool cache Whether a cache is used.

The array of objects returned by delegate specified in getObjects argument. NObject.GetObjects<T> Method (GetOutArrayPlain)

Helper function for getting data from the native object.

This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

public static T[] GetObjects<T>(GetOutArrayPlain getArray) where T : NObject;

Parameters Description
GetOutArrayPlain getArray The getter function of the native object.

The array of objects returned by delegate specified in getObjects argument. NObject.GetObjects<T> Method (GetOutArrayPlain, bool, bool)

Helper function for getting data from the native object.

This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly.

public static T[] GetObjects<T>(GetOutArrayPlain getArray, bool ownsHandles, bool cache)
where T : NObject;

Parameters Description
GetOutArrayPlain getArray The getter function of the native object.
bool ownsHandles Whether the objects own handles.
bool cache Whether a cache is used.

The array of objects returned by delegate specified in getObjects argument. NObject.GetProperty<T> Method

Retrieves the specified property of the current object.

public T GetProperty<T>(string name);

Parameters Description
string name Name of the property.

Returns 9
The specified property.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace NObject.GetSize Method ()

Returns the size of the current object.

public int GetSize();
The object's size. NObject.GetSize Method (uint)

Returns the size of the current object.

public int GetSize(uint flags);

Parameters Description
uint flags Object's flags.

The object's size. NObject.GetSizeMany<T> Method (T[])

Returns the size of objects in the array.

public static int GetSizeMany<T>(T[] objects) where T : NObject;

Parameters Description
T[] objects An array of objects.

Objects' size. NObject.GetSizeMany<T> Method (T[], uint)

Returns the size of objects in the array.

public static int GetSizeMany<T>(T[] objects, uint flags) where T: NObject;

Parameters Description
T[] objects An array of objects.
uint flags Objects' flags.

Objects' size. NObject.GetString Method

Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

public static string GetString(GetStringPlainN getString);

Parameters Description
GetStringPlainN getString The getter function of the native object.

The text returned by delegate specified in getString argument. NObject.Ref Method

Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object. This function should be called for every new copy of a
pointer to an interface of HNObject.

public static void Ref(IntPtr hObject);

Parameters Description
IntPtr hObject Handle to an object to increment its reference count. NObject.Reset Method

Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.

public void Reset(); NObject.ResetProperty Method

Resets the value of the specified property.

public void ResetProperty(string name);

Parameters Description
string name Name of the property to be reset. NObject.Save Method ()

Saves the current object into a buffer.

public NBuffer Save();
The destination NBuffer [ 1943]. NObject.Save Method (NBuffer)

Saves the current object into a buffer.

public int Save(NBuffer buffer);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace


Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer The destination buffer.

The buffer size. NObject.Save Method (NBuffer, uint)

Saves the current object into a buffer.

public int Save(NBuffer buffer, uint flags);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer The destination buffer.
uint flags Must be zero.

The buffer size. NObject.Save Method (NStream)

Saves the current object into a stream.

public void Save(NStream stream);

Parameters Description
NStream stream The destination stream. NObject.Save Method (NStream, uint)

Saves the current object into a stream.

public void Save(NStream stream, uint flags);

Parameters Description
NStream stream The destination stream.
uint flags Must be zero. NObject.Save Method (uint)

Saves the current object into a buffer.

public NBuffer Save(uint flags);

Parameters Description
uint flags Must be zero.
The destination NBuffer [ 1943].

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace NObject.SaveMany<T> Method (T[])

Saves an array of objects into a buffer.

public static NBuffer SaveMany<T>(T[] objects) where T : NObject;

Parameters Description
T[] objects An object array.

The destination buffer. NObject.SaveMany<T> Method (T[], NBuffer)

Saves an array of objects into a buffer.

public static int SaveMany<T>(T[] objects, NBuffer buffer) where T : NObject;

Parameters Description
T[] objects An object array.
NBuffer buffer Destination buffer.

Buffer size. NObject.SaveMany<T> Method (T[], NBuffer, uint)

Saves an array of objects into a buffer.

public static int SaveMany<T>(T[] objects, NBuffer buffer, uint flags) where T : NObject;

Parameters Description
T[] objects An object array.
NBuffer buffer Destination buffer.
uint flags Must be zero.

Buffer size. NObject.SaveMany<T> Method (T[], uint)

Saves an array of objects into a buffer.

public static NBuffer SaveMany<T>(T[] objects, uint flags) where T : NObject;

Parameters Description
T[] objects An object array.
uint flags Must be zero. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

The destination buffer. NObject.SetArray<T> Method

Helper function for setting data of the native object.

This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

public static void SetArray<T>(SetArrayPlain setArray, T[] value) where T : struct;

Parameters Description
SetArrayPlain setArray The setter function of the native object.
T[] value The new value to set.
T Type of the array's element. NObject.SetObject<T> Method

Helper function for setting data of the native object.

This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

public static void SetObject<T>(SetObjectPlain setObject, T value) where T : NObject;

Parameters Description
SetObjectPlain setObject The setter function of the native object.
T value The new value to set. NObject.SetProperty<T> Method (string, T)

Sets the value of the specified property.

public void SetProperty<T>(string name, T value);

Parameters Description
string name Name of the property to be set.
T value The new value of the property.
T Type of the property. NObject.SetProperty Method (string, object)

Sets the value of the specified property.

public void SetProperty(string name, object value);

Parameters Description
string name Name of the property to be set.
object value The new value of the property. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace NObject.SetString Method

Helper function for setting data of the native object.

This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

public static void SetString(SetStringPlainN setString, string value);

Parameters Description
SetStringPlainN setString The setter function of the native object.
string value The new value to set. NObject.ToHandle Method

Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C# object.

public static HNObject ToHandle(NObject obj);

Parameters Description
NObject obj C# level object.

C# wrapper of native API handle. NObject.ToObject Method

Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].

public static object ToObject(NObject obj);

Parameters Description
NObject obj The original NObject [ 305].

The new object. NObject.ToString Method ()

Returns string representation of the object.

public sealed override string ToString();
String representation of the object. NObject.ToString Method (string)

Retrieves a string representation of the object.

public string ToString(string format);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace


Parameters Description
string format Reserved.

A string representation of the object. NObject.Unref Method

Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object. This function should be called on returned objects when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

public static void Unref(IntPtr hObject);

Parameters Description
IntPtr hObject Handle to an object to decrement its reference count. NObject.UnrefArray Method

Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of objects. This function should be called on returned
objects array when they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

public static void UnrefArray(IntPtr arhValues, int count);

Parameters Description
IntPtr arhValues Handle to array of objects which reference count should be
int count Objects in arhObjects count. NObject.UnrefElements Method

Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of objects. This function should be called on returned
objects array when they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

public static void UnrefElements(IntPtr arhValues, int count);

Parameters Description
IntPtr arhValues Handle to array of objects which reference count should be
int count Objects in arhObjects count. NObject Properties NObject.Flags Property

Gets flags from object.

public uint Flags;
Property value
Object flags.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace NObject.IsDisposed Property

Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

public sealed override bool IsDisposed; NObject.NativeType Property

Neurotechnology framework type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; NObject.Owner Property

Gets owner of the object.

public NObject Owner;
Property value
Object (owner) of NObject [ 305] type. NObject Delegates NObject.EventInvoker Delegate

Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.

public delegate void EventInvoker<T>(T ea) where T : EventArgs;

Parameters Description
ea The event to be invoked. NObject.FromHandlePlain Delegate

Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.

public delegate NObject FromHandlePlain(HNObject handle);

Parameters Description
handle Object handle.

NObject [ 305] value. NObject.GetArrayPlain Delegate

Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.

public delegate int GetArrayPlain(IntPtr arValues, int valuesLength); 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace


Parameters Description
arValues Pointer to an array of values.
valuesLength Length of values.

NResult. NObject.GetArrayWithHandle Delegate

Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.

public delegate int GetArrayWithHandle(HNObject handle, IntPtr arValues, int valuesLength);

Parameters Description
handle Array handle.
arValues Pointer to an array of values.
valuesLength Length of values.

NResult. NObject.GetObjectPlain Delegate

Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.

public delegate int GetObjectPlain(out HNObject hValue);

Parameters Description
hValue [out] Object value.

NResult. NObject.GetObjectWithHandle Delegate

Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.

public delegate int GetObjectWithHandle(HNObject handle, out HNObject hValue);

Parameters Description
handle Object handle.
hValue [out] Object value.

NResult. NObject.GetOutArrayPlain Delegate

Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

public delegate int GetOutArrayPlain(out IntPtr arValues, out int count);

Parameters Description
arValues [out] Pointer to an array of values.
count [out] Number of elements in the array.

NResult. NObject.GetOutArrayWithHandle Delegate

Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.

public delegate int GetOutArrayWithHandle(HNObject handle, out IntPtr arValues, out int

Parameters Description
handle Array handle.
arValues Pointer to an array of values.
count [out] Number of elements in the array.

NResult. NObject.GetStringPlainN Delegate

Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.

public delegate int GetStringPlainN(out HNString hValue);

Parameters Description
hValue [out] String value.

NResult. NObject.GetStringWithHandleN Delegate

Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.

public delegate int GetStringWithHandleN(HNObject handle, out HNString hValue);

Parameters Description
handle String handle.
hValue [out] String value.


9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace NObject.SetArrayPlain Delegate

Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.

public delegate int SetArrayPlain(IntPtr arValues, int valueCount);

Parameters Description
arValues Pointer to an array of values.
valueCount Number of values.

NResult. NObject.SetArrayWithHandle Delegate

Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with handle.

public delegate int SetArrayWithHandle(HNObject handle, IntPtr arValues, int valueCount);

Parameters Description
handle Array handle.
arValues Pointer to an array of values.
valueCount Number of values.

NResult. NObject.SetObjectPlain Delegate

Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.

public delegate int SetObjectPlain(HNObject hValue);

Parameters Description
hValue Object value.

NResult. NObject.SetObjectWithHandle Delegate

Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with handle.

public delegate int SetObjectWithHandle(HNObject handle, HNObject hValue);

Parameters Description
handle Object handle.
hValue Object value. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

NResult. NObject.SetStringPlainN Delegate

Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.

public delegate int SetStringPlainN(HNString value);

Parameters Description
value String value.

NResult. NObject.SetStringWithHandleN Delegate

Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle.

public delegate int SetStringWithHandleN(HNObject handle, HNString value);

Parameters Description
handle String handle.
value String value.

NResult. NObject Events NObject.PropertyChanged Event

Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged; NProcessorInfo Class

Provides functionality for getting processor information.

public static class NProcessorInfo;
File: NProcessorInfo.cs

Namespace: Neurotec [ 220]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

NProcessorInfo Methods
Name Description
GetModelInfo [ 326] Retrieves processor model information.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

NProcessorInfo Properties

Name Description
Count [ 326] Retrieves the number of logical processors in the current group.
Is3DNowSupported [ 327] Gets a boolean representing if processor supports 3DNow instructions
IsLZCntSupported [ 327] Gets a boolean representing if processor supports LZCnt instruction.
IsMmxSupported [ 327] Gets a boolean representing if processor supports MMX instructions set.
IsNeonSupported [ 327] Gets a boolean representing if processor supports NEON instructions
IsPopCntSupported [ 327] Gets a boolean representing if processor supports PopCnt instruction.
IsSse2Supported [ 327] Gets a boolean representing if processor supports SSE2 instructions set.
IsSse3Supported [ 327] Gets a boolean representing if processor supports SSE3 instructions set.
IsSse41Supported [ 327] Gets a boolean representing if processor supports SSE 4.1 instructions
IsSse42Supported [ 327] Gets a boolean representing if processor supports SSE 4.2 instructions
IsSse4aSupported [ 328] Gets a boolean representing if processor supports SSE 4a instructions
IsSse5Supported [ 328] Gets a boolean representing if processor supports SSE5 instructions set.
IsSseSupported [ 328] Gets a boolean representing if processor supports SSE instructions.
IsSsse3Supported [ 328] Gets a boolean representing if processor supports SSSE3 instructions
ModelName [ 328] Gets a string representing processor model's name.
NProcessorVendorNativeType Defines the native type of the processor vendor.
[ 328]
NativeType [ 328] Defines the native type of the object.
Vendor [ 328] Gets current processor's vendor value in vendor's enumeration.
VendorName [ 328] Gets a string representing processor vendor's name. NProcessorInfo Methods NProcessorInfo.GetModelInfo Method

Retrieves processor model information.

public static void GetModelInfo(out int family, out int model, out int stepping);

Parameters Description
out int family Integer representing processor's family.
out int model Integer representing processor's model name.
out int stepping Integer representing processor's stepping. NProcessorInfo Properties NProcessorInfo.Count Property

Retrieves the number of logical processors in the current group.

public static int Count; 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

Property value
The number of logical processors in the current group. NProcessorInfo.Is3DNowSupported Property

Gets a boolean representing if processor supports 3DNow instructions set.

public static bool Is3DNowSupported; NProcessorInfo.IsLZCntSupported Property

Gets a boolean representing if processor supports LZCnt instruction.

public static bool IsLZCntSupported; NProcessorInfo.IsMmxSupported Property

Gets a boolean representing if processor supports MMX instructions set.

public static bool IsMmxSupported; NProcessorInfo.IsNeonSupported Property

Gets a boolean representing if processor supports NEON instructions set.

public static bool IsNeonSupported; NProcessorInfo.IsPopCntSupported Property

Gets a boolean representing if processor supports PopCnt instruction.

public static bool IsPopCntSupported; NProcessorInfo.IsSse2Supported Property

Gets a boolean representing if processor supports SSE2 instructions set.

public static bool IsSse2Supported; NProcessorInfo.IsSse3Supported Property

Gets a boolean representing if processor supports SSE3 instructions set.

public static bool IsSse3Supported; NProcessorInfo.IsSse41Supported Property

Gets a boolean representing if processor supports SSE 4.1 instructions set.

public static bool IsSse41Supported; NProcessorInfo.IsSse42Supported Property

Gets a boolean representing if processor supports SSE 4.2 instructions set.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

public static bool IsSse42Supported; NProcessorInfo.IsSse4aSupported Property

Gets a boolean representing if processor supports SSE 4a instructions set.

public static bool IsSse4aSupported; NProcessorInfo.IsSse5Supported Property

Gets a boolean representing if processor supports SSE5 instructions set.

public static bool IsSse5Supported; NProcessorInfo.IsSseSupported Property

Gets a boolean representing if processor supports SSE instructions.

public static bool IsSseSupported; NProcessorInfo.IsSsse3Supported Property

Gets a boolean representing if processor supports SSSE3 instructions set.

public static bool IsSsse3Supported; NProcessorInfo.ModelName Property

Gets a string representing processor model's name.

public static string ModelName; NProcessorInfo.NProcessorVendorNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the processor vendor.

public static NType NProcessorVendorNativeType; NProcessorInfo.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; NProcessorInfo.Vendor Property

Gets current processor's vendor value in vendor's enumeration.

public static NProcessorVendor Vendor; NProcessorInfo.VendorName Property

Gets a string representing processor vendor's name.

C# 9
public static string VendorName;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace NPropertyBag Class

Represents a property bag in which the object can persistently save its properties.

public sealed class NPropertyBag : NObject, IDictionary, IList, ICollection, IEnumerable,
INotifyCollectionChanged, ICloneable;
File: NPropertyBag.cs

Namespace: Neurotec [ 220]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

NPropertyBag Classes
NPropertyBag Class

Name Description
KeyCollection [ 333] Represents the collection of key parts of the key value pair.
ValueCollection [ 334] Represents the collection of value parts of the key value pair.

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NPropertyBag Class

Name Description
CollectionChanged [ 339] Adds or removes a handler for an event which occurs when collection is

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

NPropertyBag Class

Name Description
NPropertyBag [ 333] Creates a new instance of NPropertyBag class.
NPropertyBag [ 333] Creates a new instance of NPropertyBag class.

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

NPropertyBag Class

Name Description
Add [ 334] Adds a key value pair to the current property bag.
Add [ 334] Adds a new key value pair.
AddRange [ 334] Adds a range of key value pair values to the current property bag.
ApplyTo [ 334] Applies the current property bag to the specified object.
Clear [ 335] Clears the current property bag.
Contains [ 335] Checks whether the current property bag contains the specified key value
ContainsKey [ 335] Checks whether the property bag contains a property specified by key.
CopyTo [ 335] Copies the current property bag into a key value pair array.
CopyTo [ 335] Copies the current property bag into a key value pair array.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

CopyTo [ 336] Copies the current property bag into the specified property bag.
GetEnumerator [ 336] Gets the enumerator for the current key value pair.
Parse [ 336] Converts the specified string to a property bag.
Parse [ 336] Converts the specified string to a property bag.
Remove [ 336] Removes the specified key value pair from the current property bag.
Remove [ 337] Removes the property specified by key.
RemoveAt [ 337] Removes the property specified by index.
TryGetValue [ 337] Retrieves the value of a property specified by the key. Returns a Boolean
value indicating whether the operation succeeded.
TryParse [ 337] Converts the specified string to a property bag. Returns a Boolean value
indicating whether the conversion succeeded.
TryParse [ 338] Converts the specified string to a property bag. Returns a Boolean value
indicating whether the conversion succeeded.
this [ 338] Gets the specified key vale pair.
this [ 338] Gets or sets the value specified by key.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

NPropertyBag Class

Name Description
Count [ 339] Retrieves the number of properties in the property bag.
IsReadOnly [ 339] Checks whether the property bag is read-only.
Keys [ 339] Gets the collection of key values.
NativeType [ 339] Defines the native type of the object.
Values [ 339] Gets the collection of values.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. NPropertyBag.NPropertyBag Constructor ()

Creates a new instance of NPropertyBag class.

public NPropertyBag(); NPropertyBag.NPropertyBag Constructor

(IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>>)
Creates a new instance of NPropertyBag class.

public NPropertyBag(IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>> values);

Parameters Description
IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>> values Property values. NPropertyBag Classes NPropertyBag.KeyCollection Class

Represents the collection of key parts of the key value pair.

public sealed class KeyCollection : StringReadOnlyCollection;
File: NPropertyBag.cs

Namespace: Neurotec [ 220]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

KeyCollection Methods

Name Description
Contains [ 333] Checks whether the key collection contains the specified key. KeyCollection Methods NPropertyBag.KeyCollection.Contains Method

Checks whether the key collection contains the specified key.

public override bool Contains(string value);

Parameters Description
string value Key string. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

true if the collection contains the key; else false. NPropertyBag.ValueCollection Class

Represents the collection of value parts of the key value pair.

public sealed class ValueCollection : ObjectReadOnlyCollection;
File: NPropertyBag.cs

Namespace: Neurotec [ 220]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] NPropertyBag Methods NPropertyBag.Add Method (KeyValuePair<string, object>)

Adds a key value pair to the current property bag.

public void Add(KeyValuePair<string, object> item);

Parameters Description
KeyValuePair<string, object> item The key value pair to add. NPropertyBag.Add Method (string, object)

Adds a new key value pair.

public void Add(string key, object value);

Parameters Description
string key Key part of the pair.
object value Value part of the pair. NPropertyBag.AddRange Method

Adds a range of key value pair values to the current property bag.

public void AddRange(IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>> values);

Parameters Description
IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>> values Key value pair values to be added. NPropertyBag.ApplyTo Method

Applies the current property bag to the specified object.

public void ApplyTo(NObject @object);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace


Parameters Description
object The object to apply the property bag to. NPropertyBag.Clear Method

Clears the current property bag.

public void Clear(); NPropertyBag.Contains Method

Checks whether the current property bag contains the specified key value pair.

public bool Contains(KeyValuePair<string, object> item);

Parameters Description
KeyValuePair<string, object> item The key value pair.

true if the property bag contains the key value pair; else false. NPropertyBag.ContainsKey Method

Checks whether the property bag contains a property specified by key.

public bool ContainsKey(string key);

Parameters Description
string key Key of the property.

true if the property bag contains the property, else false. NPropertyBag.CopyTo Method (Array, int)

Copies the current property bag into a key value pair array.

public void CopyTo(Array array, int index);

Parameters Description
Array array The key value pair array.
int index Index in the array, at which the copying starts. NPropertyBag.CopyTo Method (KeyValuePair<string, object>[], int)

Copies the current property bag into a key value pair array.

public void CopyTo(KeyValuePair<string, object>[] array, int arrayIndex); 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace


Parameters Description
KeyValuePair<string, object>[] array The key value pair array.
int arrayIndex Index in the array, at which the copying starts. NPropertyBag.CopyTo Method (NObject)

Copies the current property bag into the specified property bag.

public void CopyTo(NObject otherPropertyBag);

Parameters Description
NObject otherPropertyBag Property bag to copy to. NPropertyBag.GetEnumerator Method

Gets the enumerator for the current key value pair.

public IEnumerator<KeyValuePair<string, object>> GetEnumerator();
The new enumerator. NPropertyBag.Parse Method (string)

Converts the specified string to a property bag.

public static NPropertyBag Parse(string value);

Parameters Description
string value The string to parse.

The parsed property bag. NPropertyBag.Parse Method (string, string)

Converts the specified string to a property bag.

public static NPropertyBag Parse(string value, string format);

Parameters Description
string value The string to parse.
string format The format string.

The parsed property bag. NPropertyBag.Remove Method (KeyValuePair<string, object>) 9

Removes the specified key value pair from the current property bag.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

public bool Remove(KeyValuePair<string, object> item);

Parameters Description
KeyValuePair<string, object> item The key value pair to be removed.

true if the operation was successful, else false. NPropertyBag.Remove Method (string)

Removes the property specified by key.

public bool Remove(string key);

Parameters Description
string key Key of the property.

true if the operation was successful, else false. NPropertyBag.RemoveAt Method

Removes the property specified by index.

public void RemoveAt(int index);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the property to be removed. NPropertyBag.TryGetValue Method

Retrieves the value of a property specified by the key. Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded.

public bool TryGetValue(string key, out object value);

Parameters Description
string key Key to the property to be retrieved.
out object value [out] The property.

true if the operation was successful, else false. NPropertyBag.TryParse Method (string, out NPropertyBag)

Converts the specified string to a property bag. Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the conversion succeeded.

public static bool TryParse(string value, out NPropertyBag result); 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace


Parameters Description
string value The string to parse.
out NPropertyBag result [out] The parsed property bag.

true if the operation was successful, else false. NPropertyBag.TryParse Method (string, string, out NPropertyBag)

Converts the specified string to a property bag. Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the conversion succeeded.

public static bool TryParse(string value, string format, out NPropertyBag result);

Parameters Description
string value The string to parse.
string format The format string.
out NPropertyBag result [out] The parsed property bag.

true if the operation was successful, else false. NPropertyBag.this Indexer (int)

Gets the specified key vale pair.

public KeyValuePair<string, object> this[int index];

Parameters Description
int index Index of the key value pair.

The key value pair. NPropertyBag.this Indexer (string)

Gets or sets the value specified by key.

public object this[string key];

Parameters Description
string key Key of the property.

The value. NPropertyBag Properties


9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace NPropertyBag.Count Property

Retrieves the number of properties in the property bag.

public int Count; NPropertyBag.IsReadOnly Property

Checks whether the property bag is read-only.

public bool IsReadOnly; NPropertyBag.Keys Property

Gets the collection of key values.

public KeyCollection Keys; NPropertyBag.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; NPropertyBag.Values Property

Gets the collection of values.

public ValueCollection Values; NPropertyBag Events NPropertyBag.CollectionChanged Event

Adds or removes a handler for an event which occurs when collection is changed.

public event NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler CollectionChanged; NRange Structure

Represents range.

public struct NRange : IFormattable {
File: NTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec [ 220]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace


Name Description
NRange [ 340] Initializes a new instance of the NRange structure.

NRange Methods

Name Description
ToString [ 340] Retrieves a string representation of the range object.
ToString [ 340] Retrieves a string representation of the range object.

NRange Properties

Name Description
From [ 341] Gets or sets lower bound of a range.
NativeType [ 341] Defines the native type of the type.
To [ 341] Gets or sets upper bound of a range. NRange.NRange Constructor

Initializes a new instance of the NRange structure.

public NRange(int from, int to);

Parameters Description
int from lower bound of a range to be created.
int to upper bound of a range to be created. NRange Methods NRange.ToString Method ()

Retrieves a string representation of the range object.

public override string ToString();
String representation of the range. NRange.ToString Method (string)

Retrieves a string representation of the range object.

public string ToString(string format);

Parameters Description
string format Reserved.

A string representation of the range. NRange Properties 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace NRange.From Property

Gets or sets lower bound of a range.

public int From; NRange.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the type.

public static NType NativeType; NRange.To Property

Gets or sets upper bound of a range.

public int To; NRational Structure

Represents a signed rational number.

public struct NRational : IFormattable {
public static readonly NRational Empty = new NRational(0, 0);
File: NTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec [ 220]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

NRational Fields

Name Description
Empty [ 342] Represents that NRational is a null reference.


Name Description
NRational [ 342] Initializes a new instance of the NRational structure.

NRational Methods

Name Description
ToString [ 342] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
ToString [ 342] Retrieves a string representation of the object.

NRational Operators

Name Description
double [ 342] Converts NRational value to double value.

NRational Properties

Name Description 9
Denominator [ 343] Sets or retrieves the NRational value Denominator.
NativeType [ 343] Defines the native type of the type.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

Numerator [ 343] Sets or retrieves the NRational value Numerator. NRational.NRational Constructor

Initializes a new instance of the NRational structure.

public NRational(int numerator, int denominator);

Parameters Description
int numerator Numerator [ 343] of this NRational.
int denominator Denominator [ 343] of this NRational. NRational Fields NRational.Empty Field

Represents that NRational [ 341] is a null reference.

public static readonly NRational Empty = new NRational(0, 0); NRational Methods NRational.ToString Method ()

Retrieves a string representation of the object.

public override string ToString();
A string representation of an object. NRational.ToString Method (string)

Retrieves a string representation of the object.

public string ToString(string format);

Parameters Description
string format Format string.

A string representation of an object. NRational Operators NRational.double Operator

Converts NRational [ 341] value to double value.

public static explicit operator double(NRational value);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace


Parameters Description
NRational value Rational value.

Double value. NRational Properties NRational.Denominator Property

Sets or retrieves the NRational [ 341] value Denominator.

public int Denominator; NRational.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the type.

public static NType NativeType; NRational.Numerator Property

Sets or retrieves the NRational [ 341] value Numerator.

public int Numerator; NType Class

Manages object types.

public sealed class NType : NObject;
File: NType.cs

Namespace: Neurotec [ 220]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

NType Class

Name Description
AddEventHandler [ 348] Adds a handler for the specified event to the specified object.
CapturePropertyValues [ 348] Captures property values of the specified object.
CopyPropertyValues [ 348] Copies properties from one object to another object.
CreateInstance [ 349] Creates an instance of the specified type.
CreateInstance [ 349] Creates an instance of the specified type.
CreateInstance [ 349] Creates an instance of the specified type.
CreateInstance [ 349] Creates an instance of the specified type.
GetDeclaredConstant [ 350] Retrieves the declared constant specified by name.
GetDeclaredEnumConstant [ 350] Retrieves the declared enumeration constant specified by name.
GetDeclaredEvent [ 350] Retrieves the declared event specified by name.
GetDeclaredField [ 350] Retrieves the declared field specified by name.
GetDeclaredMethod [ 351] Retrieves the declared method specified by index.
GetDeclaredMethods [ 351] Retrieves all declared methods of the specified type.
GetDeclaredPart [ 351] Retrieves the declared part specified by name.
GetDeclaredProperty [ 351] Retrieves the declared property specified by name.
GetPropertyValue<T> [ 352] Retrieves the specified property of the specified object.
GetType [ 352] Retrieves the type specified by name.
GetType [ 352] Retrieves the type specified by name.
IdentifierToString [ 352] Converts the specified identifier into a string.
IdentifierToString [ 353] Converts the specified identifier into a string.
InvokeMethod [ 353] Invokes the specified method on the specified object.
InvokeMethod [ 353] Invokes the specified method on the specified object.
InvokeMethod [ 353] Invokes the specified method on the specified object.
IsAssignableFrom [ 354] Checks whether the current type is assignable from the specified type.
IsInstanceOfType [ 354] Checks whether the current type is an instance of the specified object.
IsSubclassOf [ 354] Checks whether the current type is a subclass of the specified type.
RemoveEventHandler [ 354] Removes a handler for the specified event to the specified object.
Reset [ 355] Resets the specified object.
ResetPropertyValue [ 355] Resets the specified property.
SetPropertyValue<T> [ 355] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetPropertyValue [ 355] Sets the value of the specified property.
ToNativeType [ 355] Converts the specified type to a native type.
ToType [ 356] Converts the current value into a type.
ToType [ 356] Converts the current value into a type.
ToType [ 356] Converts the native type to a regular type.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

NType Class

Name Description
Attributes [ 357] Gets attributes of the specified type.
BaseType [ 357] Gets the base type of the current type.
DeclaredConstants [ 357] Gets all declared constants of the specified type.
DeclaredConstructors [ 357] Gets all declared constructors of the specified type.
DeclaredEnumConstants [ 357] Retrieves all declared enumeration constants of the specified type.
DeclaredEvents [ 357] Retrieves all declared events of the specified type.
DeclaredFields [ 357] Retrieves all declared fields of the specified type.
DeclaredMethods [ 358] Retrieves all declared methods of the specified type.
DeclaredParts [ 358] Retrieves all declared parts of the specified type.
DeclaredProperties [ 358] Retrieves all declared properties of the specified type.
EnumAlternative [ 358] Retrieves alternative enumeration for the specified type.
HasOwnerType [ 358] Checks whether the current type has an owner type.
IsAbstract [ 358] Checks whether the current type is abstract.
IsBasic [ 359] Checks whether the current type is a basic type.
IsCallback [ 359] Checks whether the current type is a callback type.
IsCloneable [ 359] Checks whether the current type is cloneable.
IsComparable [ 359] Checks whether the current type is comparable.
IsDeprecated [ 359] Checks whether the current type is deprecated.
IsDisposable [ 359] Checks whether the current type is disposable.
IsEnum [ 359] Checks whether the current type is an enum type.
IsEquatable [ 359] Checks whether the current type is equatable.
IsFlagsEnum [ 359] Checks whether the current type is a flags enum.
IsHandle [ 359] Checks whether the current type is a handle type.
IsMemorySerializable [ 360] Checks whether the current type is memory serializable.
IsObject [ 360] Checks whether the current type is an object type.
IsParsable [ 360] Checks whether the current type is parsable.
IsPrimitive [ 360] Checks whether the current type is a primitive type.
IsPublic [ 360] Checks whether the current type is public.
IsSealed [ 360] Checks whether the current type is sealed.
IsSerializable [ 360] Checks whether the current type is serializable.
IsSignNeutral [ 360] Checks whether the current type is sign-neutral.
IsStatic [ 360] Checks whether the current type is static.
IsStruct [ 361] Checks whether the current type is a struct type.
Module [ 361] Gets the module of the current type.
NTypeCodeNativeType [ 361] Defines the native type of the type code.
Name [ 361] Gets the name of the current type.
NativeType [ 361] Defines the native type of the object.
OwnerType [ 361] Gets the owner type of the current type.
RootType [ 361] Gets the root type of the current type.
RootTypeCode [ 361] Returns NTypeCode for the root type of the current type.
TypeCode [ 361] Returns NTypeCode for the current type.
UseInsteadType [ 361] Gets the type to be used instead of current type.
ValueSize [ 362] Gets the size of the current value.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. NType Methods NType.AddEventHandler Method

Adds a handler for the specified event to the specified object.

public void AddEventHandler(NObject @object, string name, Delegate value);

Parameters Description
string name Event name.
Delegate value Delegate value.
object Object to add a handler. NType.CapturePropertyValues Method

Captures property values of the specified object.

public void CapturePropertyValues(NObject @object, NPropertyBag properties);

Parameters Description
NPropertyBag properties Property bag that receives the properties from the object.
object Object to capture its property values. NType.CopyPropertyValues Method

Copies properties from one object to another object. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

public void CopyPropertyValues(NObject dstObject, NObject srcObject);

Parameters Description
NObject dstObject The destination object.
NObject srcObject The source object. NType.CreateInstance Method ()

Creates an instance of the specified type.

public object CreateInstance();
Created object. NType.CreateInstance Method (NAttributes)

Creates an instance of the specified type.

public object CreateInstance(NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Type attributes.

Created object. NType.CreateInstance Method (string)

Creates an instance of the specified type.

public static object CreateInstance(string name);

Parameters Description
string name Type name.

Created object. NType.CreateInstance Method (string, NAttributes)

Creates an instance of the specified type.

public static object CreateInstance(string name, NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
string name Type name. 9
NAttributes attributes Type attributes.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

Created object. NType.GetDeclaredConstant Method

Retrieves the declared constant specified by name.

public NConstantInfo GetDeclaredConstant(string name);

Parameters Description
string name Constant name.

NConstantInfo [ 2144] object. NType.GetDeclaredEnumConstant Method

Retrieves the declared enumeration constant specified by name.

public NEnumConstantInfo GetDeclaredEnumConstant(string name);

Parameters Description
string name Enumeration constant name.

NEnumConstantInfo [ 2157] object. NType.GetDeclaredEvent Method

Retrieves the declared event specified by name.

public NEventInfo GetDeclaredEvent(string name);

Parameters Description
string name Declared event name.

NEventInfo [ 2161] object. NType.GetDeclaredField Method

Retrieves the declared field specified by name.

public NPropertyInfo GetDeclaredField(string name);

Parameters Description
string name Declared field name.
NPropertyInfo [ 2184] object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace NType.GetDeclaredMethod Method

Retrieves the declared method specified by index.

public NMethodInfo GetDeclaredMethod(string name);

Parameters Description
string name Declared method name.

NMethodInfo [ 2169] object. NType.GetDeclaredMethods Method

Retrieves all declared methods of the specified type.

public NMethodInfo[] GetDeclaredMethods(string name);

Parameters Description
string name Declared methods name.

Array of declared methods objects. NType.GetDeclaredPart Method

Retrieves the declared part specified by name.

public NObjectPartInfo GetDeclaredPart(string name);

Parameters Description
string name Declared part name.

NObjectPartInfo [ 2173] object. NType.GetDeclaredProperty Method

Retrieves the declared property specified by name.

public NPropertyInfo GetDeclaredProperty(string name);

Parameters Description
string name Declared property name.

NPropertyInfo [ 2184] object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace NType.GetPropertyValue<T> Method

Retrieves the specified property of the specified object.

public T GetPropertyValue<T>(NObject obj, string name);

Parameters Description
NObject obj The object to retrieve a property of.
string name Name [ 361] of the property.
T Type of the property.

The property value. NType.GetType Method (string)

Retrieves the type specified by name.

public static NType GetType(string name);

Parameters Description
string name Type name.

NType [ 343] object. NType.GetType Method (string, bool)

Retrieves the type specified by name.

public static NType GetType(string name, bool mustExist);

Parameters Description
string name Type name.
bool mustExist Variable defining if type must exist.

NType [ 343] object. NType.IdentifierToString Method (string)

Converts the specified identifier into a string.

public static string IdentifierToString(string value);

Parameters Description
string value The identifier.
String, representing the identifier.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace NType.IdentifierToString Method (string, string)

Converts the specified identifier into a string.

public static string IdentifierToString(string value, string format);

Parameters Description
string value The identifier.
string format Format string.

String, representing the identifier. NType.InvokeMethod Method (NObject, string, NPropertyBag)

Invokes the specified method on the specified object.

public object InvokeMethod(NObject @object, string name, NPropertyBag parameters);

Parameters Description
string name Method name to invoke.
NPropertyBag parameters Method parameters
object Object to invoke method from.

Result returned by the invoked method. NType.InvokeMethod Method (NObject, string, object[])

Invokes the specified method on the specified object.

public object InvokeMethod(NObject @object, string name, object[] parameters);

Parameters Description
string name Method name to invoke.
object[] parameters Array of method parameters
object Object to invoke method from.

Result returned by the invoked method. NType.InvokeMethod Method (NObject, string, string)

Invokes the specified method on the specified object.

public object InvokeMethod(NObject @object, string name, string parameters);

Parameters Description 9
string name Method name to invoke.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

string parameters Method parameters.

object Object to invoke method from.

Result returned by the invoked method. NType.IsAssignableFrom Method

Checks whether the current type is assignable from the specified type.

public bool IsAssignableFrom(NType type);

Parameters Description
NType type The specified type.

NTrue if the current type is assignable from another type; else false. NType.IsInstanceOfType Method

Checks whether the current type is an instance of the specified object.

public bool IsInstanceOfType(NObject obj);

Parameters Description
NObject obj The specified object.

true if the current type is an instance of the object; else false NType.IsSubclassOf Method

Checks whether the current type is a subclass of the specified type.

public bool IsSubclassOf(NType type);

Parameters Description
NType type The specified type.

NTrue if the current type is a subclass of another type; else NFalse. NType.RemoveEventHandler Method

Removes a handler for the specified event to the specified object.

public void RemoveEventHandler(NObject @object, string name, Delegate value);

Parameters Description
string name Event name.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

Delegate value Delegate value.

object Object to from which to remove a handler. NType.Reset Method

Resets the specified object.

public void Reset(NObject obj);

Parameters Description
NObject obj The specified object. NType.ResetPropertyValue Method

Resets the specified property.

public void ResetPropertyValue(NObject obj, string name);

Parameters Description
NObject obj The object to reset the property of.
string name Name [ 361] of the property. NType.SetPropertyValue<T> Method (NObject, string, T)

Sets the value of the specified property.

public void SetPropertyValue<T>(NObject obj, string name, T value);

Parameters Description
NObject obj The object to set the property of.
string name Name [ 361] of the property.
T value New value of the property.
T Type of the property. NType.SetPropertyValue Method (NObject, string, object)

Sets the value of the specified property.

public void SetPropertyValue(NObject obj, string name, object value);

Parameters Description
NObject obj The object to set the property of.
string name Name [ 361] of the property.
object value New value of the property. NType.ToNativeType Method

Converts the specified type to a native type.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

public static NType ToNativeType(Type value, NAttributes attributes, bool deepMap);

Parameters Description
Type value The type to be converted.
NAttributes attributes Type attributes.
bool deepMap true if deep map is to be used; else false

The native type. NType.ToType Method ()

Converts the current value into a type.

public Type ToType();
The type value. NType.ToType Method (NAttributes, bool)

Converts the current value into a type.

public Type ToType(NAttributes attributes, bool deepMap);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Type attributes.
bool deepMap true if deep map is to be used; else false

The type value. NType.ToType Method (NType, NAttributes, bool)

Converts the native type to a regular type.

public static Type ToType(NType value, NAttributes attributes, bool deepMap);

Parameters Description
NType value The native type to be converted.
NAttributes attributes Type attributes.
bool deepMap true if deep map is to be used; else false

Type value. NType Properties


9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace NType.Attributes Property

Gets attributes of the specified type.

public NAttributes Attributes;
Property value
NAttributes [ 413] object. NType.BaseType Property

Gets the base type of the current type.

public NType BaseType; NType.DeclaredConstants Property

Gets all declared constants of the specified type.

public DeclaredConstantCollection DeclaredConstants;
Property value
DeclaredConstantCollection object. NType.DeclaredConstructors Property

Gets all declared constructors of the specified type.

public DeclaredConstructorCollection DeclaredConstructors;
Property value
DeclaredConstructorCollection object. NType.DeclaredEnumConstants Property

Retrieves all declared enumeration constants of the specified type.

public DeclaredEnumConstantCollection DeclaredEnumConstants;
Property value
DeclaredEnumConstantCollection object. NType.DeclaredEvents Property

Retrieves all declared events of the specified type.

public DeclaredEventCollection DeclaredEvents;
Property value
DeclaredEventCollection object. NType.DeclaredFields Property

Retrieves all declared fields of the specified type.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

public DeclaredFieldCollection DeclaredFields;
Property value
DeclaredFieldCollection object. NType.DeclaredMethods Property

Retrieves all declared methods of the specified type.

public DeclaredMethodCollection DeclaredMethods;
Property value
DeclaredMethodCollection object. NType.DeclaredParts Property

Retrieves all declared parts of the specified type.

public DeclaredPartCollection DeclaredParts;
Property value
DeclaredPartCollection object. NType.DeclaredProperties Property

Retrieves all declared properties of the specified type.

public DeclaredPropertyCollection DeclaredProperties;
Property value
DeclaredPropertyCollection object. NType.EnumAlternative Property

Retrieves alternative enumeration for the specified type.

public NType EnumAlternative;
Property value
NType [ 343] object. NType.HasOwnerType Property

Checks whether the current type has an owner type.

public bool HasOwnerType; NType.IsAbstract Property

Checks whether the current type is abstract.

public bool IsAbstract;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace NType.IsBasic Property

Checks whether the current type is a basic type.

public bool IsBasic; NType.IsCallback Property

Checks whether the current type is a callback type.

public bool IsCallback; NType.IsCloneable Property

Checks whether the current type is cloneable.

public bool IsCloneable; NType.IsComparable Property

Checks whether the current type is comparable.

public bool IsComparable; NType.IsDeprecated Property

Checks whether the current type is deprecated.

public bool IsDeprecated; NType.IsDisposable Property

Checks whether the current type is disposable.

public bool IsDisposable; NType.IsEnum Property

Checks whether the current type is an enum type.

public bool IsEnum; NType.IsEquatable Property

Checks whether the current type is equatable.

public bool IsEquatable; NType.IsFlagsEnum Property

Checks whether the current type is a flags enum.

public bool IsFlagsEnum;
9 NType.IsHandle Property
Checks whether the current type is a handle type.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

public bool IsHandle; NType.IsMemorySerializable Property

Checks whether the current type is memory serializable.

public bool IsMemorySerializable; NType.IsObject Property

Checks whether the current type is an object type.

public bool IsObject; NType.IsParsable Property

Checks whether the current type is parsable.

public bool IsParsable; NType.IsPrimitive Property

Checks whether the current type is a primitive type.

public bool IsPrimitive; NType.IsPublic Property

Checks whether the current type is public.

public bool IsPublic; NType.IsSealed Property

Checks whether the current type is sealed.

public bool IsSealed; NType.IsSerializable Property

Checks whether the current type is serializable.

public bool IsSerializable; NType.IsSignNeutral Property

Checks whether the current type is sign-neutral.

public bool IsSignNeutral; NType.IsStatic Property

Checks whether the current type is static.

C# 9
public bool IsStatic;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace NType.IsStruct Property

Checks whether the current type is a struct type.

public bool IsStruct; NType.Module Property

Gets the module of the current type.

public NModule Module; NType.NTypeCodeNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the type code.

public static NType NTypeCodeNativeType; NType.Name Property

Gets the name of the current type.

public string Name; NType.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; NType.OwnerType Property

Gets the owner type of the current type.

public NType OwnerType; NType.RootType Property

Gets the root type of the current type.

public NType RootType; NType.RootTypeCode Property

Returns NTypeCode for the root type of the current type.

public NTypeCode RootTypeCode; NType.TypeCode Property

Returns NTypeCode for the current type.

public NTypeCode TypeCode;
9 NType.UseInsteadType Property
Gets the type to be used instead of current type.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

public NType UseInsteadType; NType.ValueSize Property

Gets the size of the current value.

public int ValueSize; NTypes Class

Manages object types.

public static class NTypes;
File: NTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec [ 220]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

NTypes Fields

Name Description
StringEncoding [ 363] The string encoding.
WCharApi [ 363] Whether the Unicode char API is supported.

NTypes Methods

Name Description
CreateCallback [ 363] Creates a new callback.
CreateCallback [ 364] Creates a new callback.
CreateCallback [ 364] Creates a new callback.
CreateCallback [ 364] Creates a new callback.
FreeObjectPointer [ 364] Decrements the reference count for a specified pointer.
FreeStringArray [ 365] Frees specified strings.
FreeStringElements [ 365] Frees specified string elements.
GetObjectFromPointer [ 365] Retrieves an object from a pointer.
GetPointerForObject [ 365] Increments the reference count for a pointer to a specified object.
IsMemoryTypeValid [ 366] Checks whether the memory type is valid.
IsMemoryTypeValidForFree [ 366] Checks whether the memory type is valid for freeing.

NTypes Properties

Name Description
NACharNativeType [ 366] Gets the native type of the ASCII char.
NAttributesNativeType [ 366] Gets the native type of the NAttributes [ 413] value.
NBooleanNativeType [ 366] Gets the native type of the Boolean value.
NCallbackNativeType [ 366] Gets the native type of the callback.
NCharNativeType [ 366] Gets the native type of the char.
NDateTimeNativeType [ 367] Gets the native type of the NDateTime object.
NDoubleNativeType [ 367] Gets the native type of the double number.
NGuidNativeType [ 367] Gets the native type of the global unique identifier.
NInt16NativeType [ 367] Gets the native type of the 16-bit integer.
NInt32NativeType [ 367] Gets the native type of the 32-bit integer.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

NInt64NativeType [ 367] Gets the native type of the 64-bit integer.

NInt8NativeType [ 367] Gets the native type of the 8-bit integer.
NMemoryTypeNativeType [ 367] Gets the native type of the memory type.
NOSFamilyNativeType [ 367] Gets the native type of the OS family.
NPointerNativeType [ 368] Gets the native type of the pointer.
NResultNativeType [ 368] Gets the native type of the NResult value.
NSSizeTypeNativeType [ 368] Gets the native type of the integer pointer.
NSingleNativeType [ 368] Gets the native type of the floating point value.
NSizeTypeNativeType [ 368] Gets the native type of the unsigned integer pointer.
NStringNativeType [ 368] Gets the native type of the string.
NTimeSpanNativeType [ 368] Gets the native type of the NTimeSpan value.
NUInt16NativeType [ 368] Gets the native type of the unsigned 16-bit integer.
NUInt32NativeType [ 368] Gets the native type of the unsigned 32-bit integer.
NUInt64NativeType [ 368] Gets the native type of the unsigned 64-bit integer.
NUInt8NativeType [ 369] Gets the native type of the unsigned 8-bit integer.
NWCharNativeType [ 369] Gets the native type of the Unicode char.
NameStringPairNativeType [ 369] Gets the native type of the name string pair.
NativeType [ 369] Gets the native type of the object.
OSFamilyCurrent [ 369] Gets the current OS family. NTypes Fields NTypes.StringEncoding Field

The string encoding.

public static readonly NEncoding StringEncoding; NTypes.WCharApi Field

Whether the Unicode char API is supported.

public static readonly bool WCharApi; NTypes Methods NTypes.CreateCallback Method (Delegate, Delegate)

Creates a new callback.

public static HNCallback CreateCallback(Delegate callback, Delegate del);

Parameters Description
Delegate callback Native callback delegate.
Delegate del Managed delegate.

The new callback.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace NTypes.CreateCallback Method (Delegate, NObject, Delegate)

Creates a new callback.

public static HNCallback CreateCallback(Delegate callback, NObject target, Delegate del);

Parameters Description
Delegate callback Native callback delegate.
NObject target Target object.
Delegate del Managed delegate.

The new callback. NTypes.CreateCallback Method (Delegate, NObject, Func<NObject, object>, object, Delegate)

Creates a new callback.

public static HNCallback CreateCallback(Delegate callback, NObject target, Func<NObject,
object> targetTransform, object param, Delegate del);

Parameters Description
Delegate callback Native callback delegate.
NObject target Target object.
Func<NObject, object> targetTransform Target transformation function.
object param Parameter for target transformation function.
Delegate del Managed delegate.

The new callback. NTypes.CreateCallback Method (Delegate, object)

Creates a new callback.

public static HNCallback CreateCallback(Delegate callback, object param);

Parameters Description
Delegate callback Native callback delegate.
object param Callback parameters.

The new callback. NTypes.FreeObjectPointer Method

Decrements the reference count for a specified pointer.

public static void FreeObjectPointer(IntPtr ptr);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace


Parameters Description
IntPtr ptr The pointer. NTypes.FreeStringArray Method

Frees specified strings.

public static void FreeStringArray(IntPtr arhStrings, int count);

Parameters Description
IntPtr arhStrings Pointer to an array of strings.
int count Number of strings in the array. NTypes.FreeStringElements Method

Frees specified string elements.

public static void FreeStringElements(IntPtr arhStrings, int count);

Parameters Description
IntPtr arhStrings Pointer to an array of string elements.
int count Number of string elements in the array. NTypes.GetObjectFromPointer Method

Retrieves an object from a pointer.

public static object GetObjectFromPointer(IntPtr ptr);

Parameters Description
IntPtr ptr A pointer indicating the object.

A pointer to the object. NTypes.GetPointerForObject Method

Increments the reference count for a pointer to a specified object.

public static IntPtr GetPointerForObject(object obj);

Parameters Description
object obj The object.

The pointer to the object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace NTypes.IsMemoryTypeValid Method

Checks whether the memory type is valid.

public static bool IsMemoryTypeValid(NMemoryType value);

Parameters Description
NMemoryType value The memory type.

NTrue if the memory type is valid; else NFalse. NTypes.IsMemoryTypeValidForFree Method

Checks whether the memory type is valid for freeing.

public static bool IsMemoryTypeValidForFree(NMemoryType value);

Parameters Description
NMemoryType value The memory type.

NTrue if the memory type is valid; else NFalse. NTypes Properties NTypes.NACharNativeType Property

Gets the native type of the ASCII char.

public static NType NACharNativeType; NTypes.NAttributesNativeType Property

Gets the native type of the NAttributes [ 413] value.

public static NType NAttributesNativeType; NTypes.NBooleanNativeType Property

Gets the native type of the Boolean value.

public static NType NBooleanNativeType; NTypes.NCallbackNativeType Property

Gets the native type of the callback.

public static NType NCallbackNativeType; NTypes.NCharNativeType Property 9

Gets the native type of the char.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

public static NType NCharNativeType; NTypes.NDateTimeNativeType Property

Gets the native type of the NDateTime object.

public static NType NDateTimeNativeType; NTypes.NDoubleNativeType Property

Gets the native type of the double number.

public static NType NDoubleNativeType; NTypes.NGuidNativeType Property

Gets the native type of the global unique identifier.

public static NType NGuidNativeType; NTypes.NInt16NativeType Property

Gets the native type of the 16-bit integer.

public static NType NInt16NativeType; NTypes.NInt32NativeType Property

Gets the native type of the 32-bit integer.

public static NType NInt32NativeType; NTypes.NInt64NativeType Property

Gets the native type of the 64-bit integer.

public static NType NInt64NativeType; NTypes.NInt8NativeType Property

Gets the native type of the 8-bit integer.

public static NType NInt8NativeType; NTypes.NMemoryTypeNativeType Property

Gets the native type of the memory type.

public static NType NMemoryTypeNativeType; NTypes.NOSFamilyNativeType Property

Gets the native type of the OS family.

C# 9
public static NType NOSFamilyNativeType;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace NTypes.NPointerNativeType Property

Gets the native type of the pointer.

public static NType NPointerNativeType; NTypes.NResultNativeType Property

Gets the native type of the NResult value.

public static NType NResultNativeType; NTypes.NSSizeTypeNativeType Property

Gets the native type of the integer pointer.

public static NType NSSizeTypeNativeType; NTypes.NSingleNativeType Property

Gets the native type of the floating point value.

public static NType NSingleNativeType; NTypes.NSizeTypeNativeType Property

Gets the native type of the unsigned integer pointer.

public static NType NSizeTypeNativeType; NTypes.NStringNativeType Property

Gets the native type of the string.

public static NType NStringNativeType; NTypes.NTimeSpanNativeType Property

Gets the native type of the NTimeSpan value.

public static NType NTimeSpanNativeType; NTypes.NUInt16NativeType Property

Gets the native type of the unsigned 16-bit integer.

public static NType NUInt16NativeType; NTypes.NUInt32NativeType Property

Gets the native type of the unsigned 32-bit integer.

public static NType NUInt32NativeType;
9 NTypes.NUInt64NativeType Property
Gets the native type of the unsigned 64-bit integer.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

public static NType NUInt64NativeType; NTypes.NUInt8NativeType Property

Gets the native type of the unsigned 8-bit integer.

public static NType NUInt8NativeType; NTypes.NWCharNativeType Property

Gets the native type of the Unicode char.

public static NType NWCharNativeType; NTypes.NameStringPairNativeType Property

Gets the native type of the name string pair.

public static NType NameStringPairNativeType; NTypes.NativeType Property

Gets the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; NTypes.OSFamilyCurrent Property

Gets the current OS family.

public static NOSFamily OSFamilyCurrent; NURational Structure

Represents an unsigned rational number.

public struct NURational : IFormattable {
public static readonly NURational Empty = new NURational(0, 0);
File: NTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec [ 220]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

NURational Fields

Name Description
Empty [ 370] Represents a NURational that is a null reference.

Name Description
NURational [ 370] Initializes a new instance of the NURational structure.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

NURational Methods

Name Description
ToString [ 370] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
ToString [ 370] Retrieves a string representation of the object.

NURational Operators

Name Description
double [ 371] Converts NURational value to double value.

NURational Properties

Name Description
Denominator [ 371] Sets or retrieves the NRational [ 341] value Denominator.
NativeType [ 371] Defines the native type of the type.
Numerator [ 371] Sets or retrieves the NRational [ 341] value Numerator. NURational.NURational Constructor

Initializes a new instance of the NURational structure.

public NURational(uint numerator, uint denominator);

Parameters Description
uint numerator Numerator [ 371] of this NURational.
uint denominator Denominator [ 371] of this NURational. NURational Fields NURational.Empty Field

Represents a NURational [ 369] that is a null reference.

public static readonly NURational Empty = new NURational(0, 0); NURational Methods NURational.ToString Method ()

Retrieves a string representation of the object.

public override string ToString();
A string representation of an object. NURational.ToString Method (string)

Retrieves a string representation of the object.

public string ToString(string format);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace


Parameters Description
string format Format string.

A string representation of an object. NURational Operators NURational.double Operator

Converts NURational [ 369] value to double value.

public static explicit operator double(NURational value);

Parameters Description
NURational value Unsigned rational value.

Double value. NURational Properties NURational.Denominator Property

Sets or retrieves the NRational [ 341] value Denominator.

public uint Denominator; NURational.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the type.

public static NType NativeType; NURational.Numerator Property

Sets or retrieves the NRational [ 341] value Numerator.

public uint Numerator; NValue Class

Provides functionality for management and conversion of values of different types.

public class NValue : NObject, IConvertible;
File: NValue.cs

Namespace: Neurotec [ 220] 9

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

NValue Class

Name Description
NValue [ 377] Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.
NValue [ 377] Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.
NValue [ 377] Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.
NValue [ 378] Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.
NValue [ 378] Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.
NValue [ 378] Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.
NValue [ 378] Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.
NValue [ 378] Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.
NValue [ 379] Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.
NValue [ 379] Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.
NValue [ 379] Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.
NValue [ 379] Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.
NValue [ 379] Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.
NValue [ 380] Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.
NValue [ 380] Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.
NValue [ 380] Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.
NValue [ 380] Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.
NValue [ 380] Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.
NValue [ 381] Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.
NValue [ 381] Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.
NValue [ 381] Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.
NValue [ 381] Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.
NValue [ 381] Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.
NValue [ 382] Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.
NValue [ 382] Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.
NValue [ 382] Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.
NValue [ 382] Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.
NValue [ 382] Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object. 9
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.

GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

NValue Class

Name Description
ChangeType [ 383] Changes the type of the specified value to the new type.
ChangeType [ 383] Changes the type of the specified value to the new type.
ChangeType [ 383] Changes the type of the specified value to the new type.
FromObject [ 383] Creates a new value from the specified object.
FromObject [ 384] Creates a new value from the specified object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

FromObject [ 384] Creates a new value from the specified object.

FromObject [ 384] Creates a new value from the specified object.
FromPointer [ 385] Creates a new value from the specified pointer.
FromPointer [ 385] Creates a new value from the specified pointer.
FromResult [ 385] Creates a new value from the specified result.
FromResult [ 385] Creates a new value from the specified result.
FromString [ 386] Creates a new value from the specified string.
FromString [ 386] Creates a new value from the specified string.
FromType<T> [ 386] Creates a new value from the specified type.
FromType<T> [ 386] Creates a new value from the specified type.
ToBoolean [ 387] Converts the specified value into a Boolean value.
ToBoolean [ 387] Converts the specified value into a Boolean value.
ToBoolean [ 387] Converts the specified value into a Boolean value.
ToByte [ 387] Converts the specified value into a byte.
ToByte [ 387] Converts the specified value into a byte.
ToByte [ 388] Converts the specified value into a byte.
ToChar [ 388] Converts the specified value into a char.
ToChar [ 388] Converts the specified value into a char.
ToChar [ 388] Converts the specified value into a char.
ToDouble [ 389] Converts the specified value into a double number.
ToDouble [ 389] Converts the specified value into a double number.
ToDouble [ 389] Converts the specified value into a double number.
ToInt16 [ 389] Converts the specified value into a short integer.
ToInt16 [ 389] Converts the specified value into a short integer.
ToInt16 [ 390] Converts the specified value into a short integer.
ToInt32 [ 390] Converts the specified value into an integer.
ToInt32 [ 390] Converts the specified value into an integer.
ToInt32 [ 390] Converts the specified value into an integer.
ToInt64 [ 391] Converts the specified value into a long integer.
ToInt64 [ 391] Converts the specified value into a long integer.
ToInt64 [ 391] Converts the specified value into a long integer.
ToIntPtr [ 391] Converts the specified value into a pointer.
ToIntPtr [ 391] Converts the specified value into a pointer.
ToIntPtr [ 392] Converts the specified value into a pointer.
ToObject [ 392] Converts the specified value into an object.
ToObject [ 392] Converts the specified value into an object.
ToObject [ 392] Converts the specified value into an object.
ToObject [ 393] Converts the specified value into an object.
ToObject [ 393] Converts the specified value into an object.
ToPointer [ 393] Converts the specified value into a pointer.
ToPointer [ 393] Converts the specified value into a pointer.
ToPointer [ 394] Converts the specified value into a pointer.
ToResult [ 394] Converts the specified value into a result.
ToResult [ 394] Converts the specified value into a result.
ToResult [ 394] Converts the specified value into a result.
ToSByte [ 394] Converts the specified value into a signed byte.
ToSByte [ 395] Converts the specified value into a signed byte.
ToSByte [ 395] Converts the specified value into a signed byte.
ToSingle [ 395] Converts the specified value into a floating point value.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

ToSingle [ 395] Converts the specified value into a floating point value.
ToSingle [ 396] Converts the specified value into a floating point value.
ToString [ 396] Converts the specified value into a string.
ToString [ 396] Converts the specified value into a string.
ToType<T> [ 396] Converts the specified value into a value of specified type.
ToType<T> [ 397] Converts the specified value into a value of specified type.
ToType<T> [ 397] Converts the specified value into a value of specified type.
ToType [ 397] Converts the specified value into a value of specified type.
ToType [ 397] Converts the specified value into a value of specified type.
ToType [ 398] Converts the specified value into a value of specified type.
ToUInt16 [ 398] Converts the specified value into an unsigned short integer.
ToUInt16 [ 398] Converts the specified value into an unsigned short integer.
ToUInt16 [ 398] Converts the specified value into an unsigned short integer.
ToUInt32 [ 399] Converts the specified value into an unsigned integer.
ToUInt32 [ 399] Converts the specified value into an unsigned integer.
ToUInt32 [ 399] Converts the specified value into an unsigned integer.
ToUInt64 [ 399] Converts the specified value into an unsigned long integer.
ToUInt64 [ 399] Converts the specified value into an unsigned long integer.
ToUInt64 [ 400] Converts the specified value into an unsigned long integer.
ToUIntPtr [ 400] Converts the specified value into a pointer.
ToUIntPtr [ 400] Converts the specified value into a pointer.
ToUIntPtr [ 400] Converts the specified value into a pointer.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

NValue Class

Name Description
Attributes [ 401] Gets the value attributes.
IsWrapper [ 401] Checks whether the value is a wrapper.
KeyValuePairNativeType [ 401] Defines the native type of the key value pair structure.
LongSize [ 401] Gets the size of the value (64-bit).
NameValuePairNativeType [ 401] Defines the native type of the name value pair structure.
NativeSize [ 401] Gets the native size of the value.
NativeType [ 401] Defines the native type of the object.
Ptr [ 401] Gets a pointer to the value.
Size [ 401] Gets the size of the value.
TypeCode [ 402] Gets the type code of the value.
ValueType [ 402] Gets the type of the value.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. NValue.NValue Constructor (IntPtr)

Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.

public NValue(IntPtr value);

Parameters Description
IntPtr value The original pointer. NValue.NValue Constructor (IntPtr, NAttributes)

Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.

public NValue(IntPtr value, NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
IntPtr value The original pointer.
NAttributes attributes Value attributes. NValue.NValue Constructor (UIntPtr)

Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.

public NValue(UIntPtr value);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace


Parameters Description
UIntPtr value The original pointer. NValue.NValue Constructor (UIntPtr, NAttributes)

Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.

public NValue(UIntPtr value, NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
UIntPtr value The original pointer.
NAttributes attributes Value attributes. NValue.NValue Constructor (bool)

Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.

public NValue(bool value);

Parameters Description
bool value The original Boolean value. NValue.NValue Constructor (bool, NAttributes)

Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.

public NValue(bool value, NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
bool value The original Boolean value.
NAttributes attributes Value attributes. NValue.NValue Constructor (byte)

Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.

public NValue(byte value);

Parameters Description
byte value The original byte. NValue.NValue Constructor (byte, NAttributes)

Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.

public NValue(byte value, NAttributes attributes); 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace


Parameters Description
byte value The original byte.
NAttributes attributes Value attributes. NValue.NValue Constructor (char)

Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.

public NValue(char value);

Parameters Description
char value The original char. NValue.NValue Constructor (char, NAttributes)

Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.

public NValue(char value, NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
char value The original char.
NAttributes attributes Value attributes. NValue.NValue Constructor (double)

Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.

public NValue(double value);

Parameters Description
double value The original double value. NValue.NValue Constructor (double, NAttributes)

Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.

public NValue(double value, NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
double value The original double value.
NAttributes attributes Value attributes. NValue.NValue Constructor (float)

Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.

C# 9
public NValue(float value);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace


Parameters Description
float value The original floating point value. NValue.NValue Constructor (float, NAttributes)

Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.

public NValue(float value, NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
float value The original floating point value.
NAttributes attributes Value attributes. NValue.NValue Constructor (int)

Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.

public NValue(int value);

Parameters Description
int value The original integer. NValue.NValue Constructor (int, NAttributes)

Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.

public NValue(int value, NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
int value The original integer.
NAttributes attributes Value attributes. NValue.NValue Constructor (long)

Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.

public NValue(long value);

Parameters Description
long value The original long integer. NValue.NValue Constructor (long, NAttributes)

Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.

public NValue(long value, NAttributes attributes); 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace


Parameters Description
long value The original long integer.
NAttributes attributes Value attributes. NValue.NValue Constructor (sbyte)

Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.

public NValue(sbyte value);

Parameters Description
sbyte value The original signed byte. NValue.NValue Constructor (sbyte, NAttributes)

Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.

public NValue(sbyte value, NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
sbyte value The original signed byte.
NAttributes attributes Value attributes. NValue.NValue Constructor (short)

Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.

public NValue(short value);

Parameters Description
short value The original short integer. NValue.NValue Constructor (short, NAttributes)

Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.

public NValue(short value, NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
short value The original short integer.
NAttributes attributes Value attributes. NValue.NValue Constructor (uint)

Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.

C# 9
public NValue(uint value);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace


Parameters Description
uint value The original unsigned integer. NValue.NValue Constructor (uint, NAttributes)

Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.

public NValue(uint value, NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
uint value The original integer.
NAttributes attributes Value attributes. NValue.NValue Constructor (ulong)

Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.

public NValue(ulong value);

Parameters Description
ulong value The original unsigned long integer. NValue.NValue Constructor (ulong, NAttributes)

Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.

public NValue(ulong value, NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
ulong value The original unsigned long integer.
NAttributes attributes Value attributes. NValue.NValue Constructor (ushort)

Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.

public NValue(ushort value);

Parameters Description
ushort value The original unsigned short integer. NValue.NValue Constructor (ushort, NAttributes)

Initializes a new instance of the NValue class.

public NValue(ushort value, NAttributes attributes); 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace


Parameters Description
ushort value The original unsigned short integer.
NAttributes attributes Value attributes. NValue Methods NValue.ChangeType Method (NValue, NType)

Changes the type of the specified value to the new type.

public static NValue ChangeType(NValue srcValue, NType type);

Parameters Description
NValue srcValue The original value.
NType type The new type of the value.

The new value. NValue.ChangeType Method (NValue, NType, NAttributes)

Changes the type of the specified value to the new type.

public static NValue ChangeType(NValue srcValue, NType type, NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
NValue srcValue The original value.
NType type The new type of the value.
NAttributes attributes Value attributes.

The new value. NValue.ChangeType Method (NValue, NType, NAttributes, string)

Changes the type of the specified value to the new type.

public static NValue ChangeType(NValue srcValue, NType type, NAttributes attributes, string

Parameters Description
NValue srcValue The original value.
NType type The new type of the value.
NAttributes attributes Value attributes.
string format Format string. NValue.FromObject Method (NType, NObject) 9

Creates a new value from the specified object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

public static NValue FromObject(NType type, NObject value);

Parameters Description
NType type Type of the object.
NObject value The original object.

The new value. NValue.FromObject Method (NType, NObject, NAttributes)

Creates a new value from the specified object.

public static NValue FromObject(NType type, NObject value, NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
NType type Type of the object.
NObject value The original object.
NAttributes attributes Value attributes.

The new value. NValue.FromObject Method (object)

Creates a new value from the specified object.

public static new NValue FromObject(object value);

Parameters Description
object value The original object.

The new value. NValue.FromObject Method (object, NAttributes)

Creates a new value from the specified object.

public static NValue FromObject(object value, NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
object value The original object.
NAttributes attributes Value attributes.

The new value. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace NValue.FromPointer Method (IntPtr)

Creates a new value from the specified pointer.

public static NValue FromPointer(IntPtr value);

Parameters Description
IntPtr value The original pointer.

The new value. NValue.FromPointer Method (IntPtr, NAttributes)

Creates a new value from the specified pointer.

public static NValue FromPointer(IntPtr value, NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
IntPtr value The original pointer.
NAttributes attributes Value attributes.

The new value. NValue.FromResult Method (int)

Creates a new value from the specified result.

public static NValue FromResult(int value);

Parameters Description
int value The original result.

The new value. NValue.FromResult Method (int, NAttributes)

Creates a new value from the specified result.

public static NValue FromResult(int value, NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
int value The original result.
NAttributes attributes Value attributes.

The new value.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace NValue.FromString Method (string)

Creates a new value from the specified string.

public static NValue FromString(string value);

Parameters Description
string value The original string.

The new value. NValue.FromString Method (string, NAttributes)

Creates a new value from the specified string.

public static NValue FromString(string value, NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
string value The original string.
NAttributes attributes Value attributes.

The new value. NValue.FromType<T> Method (T)

Creates a new value from the specified type.

public static NValue FromType<T>(T value);

Parameters Description
T value The original type.
T Type of the value.

The new value. NValue.FromType<T> Method (T, NAttributes)

Creates a new value from the specified type.

public static NValue FromType<T>(T value, NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
T value The original type.
NAttributes attributes Value attributes.
T Type of the value. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

The new value. NValue.ToBoolean Method ()

Converts the specified value into a Boolean value.

public bool ToBoolean();
New Boolean value. NValue.ToBoolean Method (NAttributes)

Converts the specified value into a Boolean value.

public bool ToBoolean(NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Value attributes.

New Boolean value. NValue.ToBoolean Method (NAttributes, string)

Converts the specified value into a Boolean value.

public bool ToBoolean(NAttributes attributes, string format);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Value attributes.
string format Format string.

New Boolean value. NValue.ToByte Method ()

Converts the specified value into a byte.

public byte ToByte();
New byte. NValue.ToByte Method (NAttributes)

Converts the specified value into a byte.

C# 9
public byte ToByte(NAttributes attributes);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace


Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Value attributes.

New byte. NValue.ToByte Method (NAttributes, string)

Converts the specified value into a byte.

public byte ToByte(NAttributes attributes, string format);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Value attributes.
string format Format string.

New byte. NValue.ToChar Method ()

Converts the specified value into a char.

public char ToChar();
New char. NValue.ToChar Method (NAttributes)

Converts the specified value into a char.

public char ToChar(NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Value attributes.

New char. NValue.ToChar Method (NAttributes, string)

Converts the specified value into a char.

public char ToChar(NAttributes attributes, string format);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Value attributes. 9
string format Format string.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

New char. NValue.ToDouble Method ()

Converts the specified value into a double number.

public double ToDouble();
New double number. NValue.ToDouble Method (NAttributes)

Converts the specified value into a double number.

public double ToDouble(NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Value attributes.

New double number. NValue.ToDouble Method (NAttributes, string)

Converts the specified value into a double number.

public double ToDouble(NAttributes attributes, string format);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Value attributes.
string format Format string.

New double number. NValue.ToInt16 Method ()

Converts the specified value into a short integer.

public short ToInt16();
New short integer. NValue.ToInt16 Method (NAttributes)

Converts the specified value into a short integer.

C# 9
public short ToInt16(NAttributes attributes);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace


Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Value attributes.

New short integer. NValue.ToInt16 Method (NAttributes, string)

Converts the specified value into a short integer.

public short ToInt16(NAttributes attributes, string format);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Value attributes.
string format Format string.

New short integer. NValue.ToInt32 Method ()

Converts the specified value into an integer.

public int ToInt32();
New integer. NValue.ToInt32 Method (NAttributes)

Converts the specified value into an integer.

public int ToInt32(NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Value attributes.

New integer. NValue.ToInt32 Method (NAttributes, string)

Converts the specified value into an integer.

public int ToInt32(NAttributes attributes, string format);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Value attributes. 9
string format Format string.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

New integer. NValue.ToInt64 Method ()

Converts the specified value into a long integer.

public long ToInt64();
New long integer. NValue.ToInt64 Method (NAttributes)

Converts the specified value into a long integer.

public long ToInt64(NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Value attributes.

New long integer. NValue.ToInt64 Method (NAttributes, string)

Converts the specified value into a long integer.

public long ToInt64(NAttributes attributes, string format);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Value attributes.
string format Format string.

New long integer. NValue.ToIntPtr Method ()

Converts the specified value into a pointer.

public IntPtr ToIntPtr();
New integer pointer. NValue.ToIntPtr Method (NAttributes)

Converts the specified value into a pointer.

C# 9
public IntPtr ToIntPtr(NAttributes attributes);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace


Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Value attributes.

New integer pointer. NValue.ToIntPtr Method (NAttributes, string)

Converts the specified value into a pointer.

public IntPtr ToIntPtr(NAttributes attributes, string format);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Value attributes.
string format Format string.

New integer pointer. NValue.ToObject Method ()

Converts the specified value into an object.

public object ToObject();
New object. NValue.ToObject Method (NType)

Converts the specified value into an object.

public NObject ToObject(NType type);

Parameters Description
NType type Type of the object.

New object. NValue.ToObject Method (NType, NAttributes)

Converts the specified value into an object.

public NObject ToObject(NType type, NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
NType type Type of the object. 9
NAttributes attributes Value attributes.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

New object. NValue.ToObject Method (NType, NAttributes, string)

Converts the specified value into an object.

public NObject ToObject(NType type, NAttributes attributes, string format);

Parameters Description
NType type Type of the object.
NAttributes attributes Value attributes.
string format Format string.

New object. NValue.ToObject Method (NValue)

Converts the specified value into an object.

public static object ToObject(NValue value);

Parameters Description
NValue value The original value.

The new value. NValue.ToPointer Method ()

Converts the specified value into a pointer.

public IntPtr ToPointer();
New pointer. NValue.ToPointer Method (NAttributes)

Converts the specified value into a pointer.

public IntPtr ToPointer(NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Value attributes.

New pointer. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace NValue.ToPointer Method (NAttributes, string)

Converts the specified value into a pointer.

public IntPtr ToPointer(NAttributes attributes, string format);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Value attributes.
string format Format string.

New pointer. NValue.ToResult Method ()

Converts the specified value into a result.

public int ToResult();
New result. NValue.ToResult Method (NAttributes)

Converts the specified value into a result.

public int ToResult(NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Value attributes.

New result. NValue.ToResult Method (NAttributes, string)

Converts the specified value into a result.

public int ToResult(NAttributes attributes, string format);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Value attributes.
string format Format string.

New result. NValue.ToSByte Method ()

Converts the specified value into a signed byte.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

public sbyte ToSByte();
New signed byte. NValue.ToSByte Method (NAttributes)

Converts the specified value into a signed byte.

public sbyte ToSByte(NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Value attributes.

New signed byte. NValue.ToSByte Method (NAttributes, string)

Converts the specified value into a signed byte.

public sbyte ToSByte(NAttributes attributes, string format);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Value attributes.
string format Format string.

New signed byte. NValue.ToSingle Method ()

Converts the specified value into a floating point value.

public float ToSingle();
New floating point value. NValue.ToSingle Method (NAttributes)

Converts the specified value into a floating point value.

public float ToSingle(NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Value attributes.

Returns 9
New floating point value.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace NValue.ToSingle Method (NAttributes, string)

Converts the specified value into a floating point value.

public float ToSingle(NAttributes attributes, string format);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Value attributes.
string format Format string.

New floating point value. NValue.ToString Method (NAttributes)

Converts the specified value into a string.

public string ToString(NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Value attributes.

New string. NValue.ToString Method (NAttributes, string)

Converts the specified value into a string.

public string ToString(NAttributes attributes, string format);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Value attributes.
string format Format string.

New string. NValue.ToType<T> Method ()

Converts the specified value into a value of specified type.

public T ToType<T>();

Parameters Description
T Type of the value.

New value.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace NValue.ToType<T> Method (NAttributes)

Converts the specified value into a value of specified type.

public T ToType<T>(NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Value attributes.
T Type of the value.

New value. NValue.ToType<T> Method (NAttributes, string)

Converts the specified value into a value of specified type.

public T ToType<T>(NAttributes attributes, string format);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Value attributes.
string format Format string.
T Type of the value.

New value. NValue.ToType Method (Type)

Converts the specified value into a value of specified type.

public object ToType(Type type);

Parameters Description
Type type Type of the value.

New value. NValue.ToType Method (Type, NAttributes)

Converts the specified value into a value of specified type.

public object ToType(Type type, NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
Type type Type of the value.
NAttributes attributes Value attributes. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

New value. NValue.ToType Method (Type, NAttributes, string)

Converts the specified value into a value of specified type.

public object ToType(Type type, NAttributes attributes, string format);

Parameters Description
Type type Type of the value.
NAttributes attributes Value attributes.
string format Format string.

New value. NValue.ToUInt16 Method ()

Converts the specified value into an unsigned short integer.

public ushort ToUInt16();
New unsigned short integer. NValue.ToUInt16 Method (NAttributes)

Converts the specified value into an unsigned short integer.

public ushort ToUInt16(NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Value attributes.

New unsigned short integer. NValue.ToUInt16 Method (NAttributes, string)

Converts the specified value into an unsigned short integer.

public ushort ToUInt16(NAttributes attributes, string format);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Value attributes.
string format Format string.

Returns 9
New unsigned short integer.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace NValue.ToUInt32 Method ()

Converts the specified value into an unsigned integer.

public uint ToUInt32();
New unsigned integer. NValue.ToUInt32 Method (NAttributes)

Converts the specified value into an unsigned integer.

public uint ToUInt32(NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Value attributes.

New unsigned integer. NValue.ToUInt32 Method (NAttributes, string)

Converts the specified value into an unsigned integer.

public uint ToUInt32(NAttributes attributes, string format);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Value attributes.
string format Format string.

New unsigned integer. NValue.ToUInt64 Method ()

Converts the specified value into an unsigned long integer.

public ulong ToUInt64();
New unsigned long integer. NValue.ToUInt64 Method (NAttributes)

Converts the specified value into an unsigned long integer.

public ulong ToUInt64(NAttributes attributes);
Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Value attributes.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

New unsigned long integer. NValue.ToUInt64 Method (NAttributes, string)

Converts the specified value into an unsigned long integer.

public ulong ToUInt64(NAttributes attributes, string format);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Value attributes.
string format Format string.

New unsigned long integer. NValue.ToUIntPtr Method ()

Converts the specified value into a pointer.

public UIntPtr ToUIntPtr();
New unsigned integer pointer. NValue.ToUIntPtr Method (NAttributes)

Converts the specified value into a pointer.

public UIntPtr ToUIntPtr(NAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Value attributes.

New unsigned integer pointer. NValue.ToUIntPtr Method (NAttributes, string)

Converts the specified value into a pointer.

public UIntPtr ToUIntPtr(NAttributes attributes, string format);

Parameters Description
NAttributes attributes Value attributes.
string format Format string.

New unsigned integer pointer. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace NValue Properties NValue.Attributes Property

Gets the value attributes.

public NAttributes Attributes; NValue.IsWrapper Property

Checks whether the value is a wrapper.

public bool IsWrapper; NValue.KeyValuePairNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the key value pair structure.

public static NType KeyValuePairNativeType; NValue.LongSize Property

Gets the size of the value (64-bit).

public long LongSize; NValue.NameValuePairNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the name value pair structure.

public static NType NameValuePairNativeType; NValue.NativeSize Property

Gets the native size of the value.

public UIntPtr NativeSize; NValue.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; NValue.Ptr Property

Gets a pointer to the value.

public IntPtr Ptr; NValue.Size Property

Gets the size of the value.

C# 9
public int Size;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace NValue.TypeCode Property

Gets the type code of the value.

public NTypeCode TypeCode; NValue.ValueType Property

Gets the type of the value.

public NType ValueType; NVersion Structure

Manages version information.

public struct NVersion : IFormattable, IEquatable<NVersion>, IComparable {
public static readonly NVersion Empty = new NVersion(0);
File: NTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec [ 220]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

NVersion Fields

Name Description
Empty [ 403] New NVersion object.


Name Description
NVersion [ 403] Initializes a new instance of NVersion structure.
NVersion [ 403] Initializes a new instance of NVersion structure.

NVersion Methods

Name Description
CompareTo [ 403] Compares the current version with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
Equals [ 404] Checks whether the current version equals the specified version.
Equals [ 404] Checks whether the current version equals the specified version object.
GetHashCode [ 404] Gets the hash code.
ToString [ 404] Gets the string representation of the current version.
ToString [ 404] Retrieves a string representation of the current version.

NVersion Operators

Name Description
!= [ 405] Checks whether the two NVersion values are not equal.
< [ 405] Checks whether the first NVersion value is smaller than the second
NVersion value.
<= [ 405] Checks whether the first NVersion value is smaller than or equal to the 9
second NVersion value.
== [ 406] Checks whether the two NVersion values are equal.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

> [ 406] Checks whether the first NVersion value is larger than the second
NVersion value.
>= [ 406] Checks whether the first NVersion value is larger than or equal to the
second NVersion value.
NVersion [ 406] Converts an unsigned short value to NVersion value.
ushort [ 407] Converts NVersion value to an unsigned short value.

NVersion Properties

Name Description
Major [ 407] Gets the major version value.
Minor [ 407] Gets the minor version value.
NativeType [ 407] Defines the native type of the type. NVersion.NVersion Constructor (int, int)

Initializes a new instance of NVersion structure.

public NVersion(int major, int minor);

Parameters Description
int major Major [ 407] version number.
int minor Minor [ 407] version number. NVersion.NVersion Constructor (ushort)

Initializes a new instance of NVersion structure.

public NVersion(ushort value);

Parameters Description
ushort value Version value. NVersion Fields NVersion.Empty Field

New NVersion [ 402] object.

public static readonly NVersion Empty = new NVersion(0); NVersion Methods NVersion.CompareTo Method

Compares the current version with the specified version and returns an integer that indicates their relative position in the sort

public int CompareTo(NVersion other);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace


Parameters Description
NVersion other The other version.

Integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order. NVersion.Equals Method (NVersion)

Checks whether the current version equals the specified version.

public bool Equals(NVersion other);

Parameters Description
NVersion other The other version.

true if the versions are equal; else false. NVersion.Equals Method (object)

Checks whether the current version equals the specified version object.

public override bool Equals(object obj);

Parameters Description
object obj Version object.

NTrue if the versions are equal; else NFalse. NVersion.GetHashCode Method

Gets the hash code.

public override int GetHashCode();
The hash code. NVersion.ToString Method ()

Gets the string representation of the current version.

public override string ToString();
A string representing the current version. NVersion.ToString Method (string) 9

Retrieves a string representation of the current version.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

public string ToString(string format);

Parameters Description
string format Reserved.

A string representation of the current version. NVersion Operators NVersion.!= Operator

Checks whether the two NVersion [ 402] values are not equal.

public static bool operator !=(NVersion v1, NVersion v2);

Parameters Description
NVersion v1 First NVersion [ 402] value.
NVersion v2 Second NVersion [ 402] value.

NTrue if the values are not equal; else NFalse. NVersion.< Operator

Checks whether the first NVersion [ 402] value is smaller than the second NVersion [ 402] value.

public static bool operator <(NVersion v1, NVersion v2);

Parameters Description
NVersion v1 First NVersion [ 402] value.
NVersion v2 Second NVersion [ 402] value.

>NTrue if the first NVersion [ 402] is smaller; else NFalse. NVersion.<= Operator

Checks whether the first NVersion [ 402] value is smaller than or equal to the second NVersion [ 402] value.

public static bool operator <=(NVersion v1, NVersion v2);

Parameters Description
NVersion v1 First NVersion [ 402] value.
NVersion v2 Second NVersion [ 402] value.

Returns 9
>NTrue if the first NVersion [ 402] is smaller or the values are equal; else NFalse.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace NVersion.== Operator

Checks whether the two NVersion [ 402] values are equal.

public static bool operator ==(NVersion v1, NVersion v2);

Parameters Description
NVersion v1 First NVersion [ 402] value.
NVersion v2 Second NVersion [ 402] value.

NTrue if the values are equal; else NFalse. NVersion.> Operator

Checks whether the first NVersion [ 402] value is larger than the second NVersion [ 402] value.

public static bool operator >(NVersion v1, NVersion v2);

Parameters Description
NVersion v1 First NVersion [ 402] value.
NVersion v2 Second NVersion [ 402] value.

>NTrue if the first NVersion [ 402] is larger; else NFalse. NVersion.>= Operator

Checks whether the first NVersion [ 402] value is larger than or equal to the second NVersion [ 402] value.

public static bool operator >=(NVersion v1, NVersion v2);

Parameters Description
NVersion v1 First NVersion [ 402] value.
NVersion v2 Second NVersion [ 402] value.

>NTrue if the first NVersion [ 402] is larger or the values are equal; else NFalse. NVersion.NVersion Operator (ushort)

Converts an unsigned short value to NVersion value.

public static explicit operator NVersion(ushort value);

Parameters Description
ushort value An unsigned short value.
NVersion value.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace NVersion.ushort Operator

Converts NVersion [ 402] value to an unsigned short value.

public static explicit operator ushort(NVersion value);

Parameters Description
NVersion value NVersion [ 402] value.

Unsigned short value. NVersion Properties NVersion.Major Property

Gets the major version value.

public int Major; NVersion.Minor Property

Gets the minor version value.

public int Minor; NVersion.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the type.

public static NType NativeType; NVersionRange Structure

Manages version ranges.

public struct NVersionRange : IFormattable, IEquatable<NVersionRange> {
public static readonly NVersionRange Empty = new NVersionRange(0);
File: NTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec [ 220]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

NVersionRange Fields

Name Description
Empty [ 409] New version range object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace


Name Description
NVersionRange [ 408] Initializes a new instance of NVersionRange structure.
NVersionRange [ 408] Initializes a new instance of NVersionRange structure.

NVersionRange Methods

Name Description
Contains [ 409] Checks whether the current version range contain the specified version.
Contains [ 409] Checks whether the current version range contain the specified version
Equals [ 409] Checks whether the current version range equals the specified version
Equals [ 410] Checks whether the current version range equals the specified version
range object.
GetHashCode [ 410] Gets the hash code.
Intersect [ 410] Gets the intersection of the current version range and specified version
Intersect [ 410] Gets the intersection of the two specified version ranges.
IntersectsWith [ 410] Checks whether the current version range intersects with the specified
version range.
ToString [ 411] Gets a string representation of the version range.
ToString [ 411] Retrieves a string representation of the version range.

NVersionRange Operators

Name Description
!= [ 411] Checks whether the two NVersionRange values are not equal.
== [ 411] Checks whether the two NVersionRange values are equal.
NVersionRange [ 412] Converts an unsigned short value to NVersionRange value.
uint [ 412] Converts NVersionRange value to an unsigned short value.

NVersionRange Properties

Name Description
From [ 412] Lower NVersion [ 402] value.
NativeType [ 412] Defines the native type of the type.
To [ 412] Upper NVersion [ 402] value. NVersionRange.NVersionRange Constructor (NVersion, NVersion)

Initializes a new instance of NVersionRange structure.

public NVersionRange(NVersion from, NVersion to);

Parameters Description
NVersion from Lower version value.
NVersion to Upper version value. NVersionRange.NVersionRange Constructor (uint)

Initializes a new instance of NVersionRange structure.

C# 9
public NVersionRange(uint value);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace


Parameters Description
uint value Version range. NVersionRange Fields NVersionRange.Empty Field

New version range object.

public static readonly NVersionRange Empty = new NVersionRange(0); NVersionRange Methods NVersionRange.Contains Method (NVersion)

Checks whether the current version range contain the specified version.

public bool Contains(NVersion value);

Parameters Description
NVersion value Version value.

NTrue if the version range contain the version value; else NFalse. NVersionRange.Contains Method (NVersionRange)

Checks whether the current version range contain the specified version range.

public bool Contains(NVersionRange value);

Parameters Description
NVersionRange value Version range value.

NTrue if the current version range contain the specified version rang; else NFalse. NVersionRange.Equals Method (NVersionRange)

Checks whether the current version range equals the specified version range.

public bool Equals(NVersionRange other);

Parameters Description
NVersionRange other The other version range.

true if the version ranges are equal; else false.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace NVersionRange.Equals Method (object)

Checks whether the current version range equals the specified version range object.

public override bool Equals(object obj);

Parameters Description
object obj Version range object.

NTrue if version ranges are equal; else NFalse. NVersionRange.GetHashCode Method

Gets the hash code.

public override int GetHashCode();
The hash code. NVersionRange.Intersect Method (NVersionRange)

Gets the intersection of the current version range and specified version range.

public NVersionRange Intersect(NVersionRange value);

Parameters Description
NVersionRange value Version range object.

Intersection of the version ranges. NVersionRange.Intersect Method (NVersionRange, NVersionRange)

Gets the intersection of the two specified version ranges.

public static NVersionRange Intersect(NVersionRange value1, NVersionRange value2);

Parameters Description
NVersionRange value1 First NVersionRange [ 407].
NVersionRange value2 Second NVersionRange [ 407].

The resulting NVersionRange [ 407]. NVersionRange.IntersectsWith Method

Checks whether the current version range intersects with the specified version range.
public bool IntersectsWith(NVersionRange value);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace


Parameters Description
NVersionRange value Version range value.

NTrue if the version ranges intersect; else NFalse. NVersionRange.ToString Method ()

Gets a string representation of the version range.

public override string ToString();
A string representing the version range. NVersionRange.ToString Method (string)

Retrieves a string representation of the version range.

public string ToString(string format);

Parameters Description
string format Reserved.

A string representation of version range. NVersionRange Operators NVersionRange.!= Operator

Checks whether the two NVersionRange [ 407] values are not equal.

public static bool operator !=(NVersionRange v1, NVersionRange v2);

Parameters Description
NVersionRange v1 First NVersionRange [ 407] value.
NVersionRange v2 Second NVersionRange [ 407] value.

NTrue if the values are not equal; else NFalse. NVersionRange.== Operator

Checks whether the two NVersionRange [ 407] values are equal.

public static bool operator ==(NVersionRange v1, NVersionRange v2);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace


Parameters Description
NVersionRange v1 First NVersionRange [ 407] value.
NVersionRange v2 Second NVersionRange [ 407] value.

NTrue if the values are equal; else NFalse. NVersionRange.NVersionRange Operator (uint)

Converts an unsigned short value to NVersionRange value.

public static explicit operator NVersionRange(uint value);

Parameters Description
uint value Unsigned short value.

NVersionRange value NVersionRange.uint Operator

Converts NVersionRange [ 407] value to an unsigned short value.

public static explicit operator uint(NVersionRange value);

Parameters Description
NVersionRange value NVersionRange [ 407] value.

Unsigned short value. NVersionRange Properties NVersionRange.From Property

Lower NVersion [ 402] value.

public NVersion From; NVersionRange.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the type.

public static NType NativeType; NVersionRange.To Property

Upper NVersion [ 402] value.

C# 9
public NVersion To;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace Structs, Records, Enums Neurotec.NAttributes Enumeration

Enumerates value attributes.

public enum NAttributes {
None = 0,
SignNeutral = 0x00000001,
SingleValue = 0x00000002,
Array = 0x00000004,
Nullable = 0x00000008,
Local = 0x00000010,
Global = 0x00000020,
Set = 0x00000040,
Cache = 0x00000080,
Deprecated = 0x00000100,
Abstract = 0x00001000,
Static = 0x00002000,
Public = 0x00004000,
Sealed = 0x00008000,
MinValue = 0x00100000,
MaxValue = 0x00200000,
StdValues = 0x00400000,
StdValuesExclusive = 0x00800000,
NoRead = 0x01000000,
NoWrite = 0x02000000,
ByRef = 0x04000000,
RetValue = 0x08000000,
DefaultValue = 0x10000000,
Optional = 0x20000000,
PromoteValue = unchecked((int)0x80000000)
File: NTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec [ 220]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
None = 0 Indicates no attributes.
SignNeutral = 0x00000001 Indicates that unsigned integer value can be interpreted as
signed and vice versa
SingleValue = 0x00000002 Indicates that the value is a single value.
Array = 0x00000004 Indicates that the value is an array.
Nullable = 0x00000008 Indicates that the value is nullable.
Local = 0x00000010 Indicates that the value is local.
Global = 0x00000020 Indicates that the value is global.
Set = 0x00000040 Indicates that several values (from standard ones) can be
Cache = 0x00000080 Indicates that the object wrapper has to be cached.
Deprecated = 0x00000100 Indicates that the value is deprecated.
Abstract = 0x00001000 Indicates that the value is abstract. 9
Static = 0x00002000 Indicates that the value is static.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

Public = 0x00004000 Indicates that the value is public.

Sealed = 0x00008000 Indicates that the value is sealed.
MinValue = 0x00100000 Indicates that the value is the minimum value.
MaxValue = 0x00200000 Indicates that the value is the maximum value.
StdValues = 0x00400000 Indicates that standard values are used.
StdValuesExclusive = 0x00800000 Indicates that standard values are exclusive.
NoRead = 0x01000000 Indicates that the value can't be read.
NoWrite = 0x02000000 Indicates that the value can't be written.
ByRef = 0x04000000 Indicates that parameters are passed by reference.
RetValue = 0x08000000 Indicates a return value.
DefaultValue = 0x10000000 Indicates that the value is the default value.
Optional = 0x20000000 Indicates that the value is optional.
PromoteValue = unchecked((int)0x80000000) For NValueCreate/NArrayCreate specifies that the created
object takes ownership of the provided pointer. Neurotec.NMemoryType Enumeration

Enumerates memory type options.

public enum NMemoryType {
None = 0,
Default = 1,
Aligned = 2,
Standard = 3,
Win32Local = 4,
Win32Global = 5,
Custom = 15
File: NTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec [ 220]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
None = 0 No memory type.
Default = 1 Default memory type.
Aligned = 2 Aligned memory type.
Standard = 3 Standard memory type.
Win32Local = 4 Win32Local memory type.
Win32Global = 5 Win32Global memory type.
Custom = 15 Custom memory type. Neurotec.NModuleOptions Enumeration

Enumerates module options.

public enum NModuleOptions {
None = 0, 9
Debug = 0x01,
Protected = 0x02,

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

Unicode = 0x04,
NoAnsiFunc = 0x08,
NoUnicode = 0x10,
Lib = 0x20,
Exe = 0x40
File: NModule.cs

Namespace: Neurotec [ 220]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
None = 0 No option for the module.
Debug = 0x01 The module is a debug version.
Protected = 0x02 The module is copy-protected.
Unicode = 0x04 The module in compiled with Unicode in it.
NoAnsiFunc = 0x08 The module has no ANSI versions for function.
NoUnicode = 0x10 The module has no Unicode versions for functions.
Lib = 0x20 The module is in a static library.
Exe = 0x40 The module is in an executable file. Neurotec.NOSFamily Enumeration

Enumerates operating system families.

public enum NOSFamily {
None = 0,
Windows = 1,
WindowsCE = 2,
WindowsPhone = 4,
MacOSX = 8,
IOS = 16,
Linux = 32,
EmbeddedLinux = 64,
Android = 128,
Unix = 256,
Mobile = 512
File: NTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec [ 220]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
None = 0 Indicates no OS.
Windows = 1 Indicates Windows OS.
WindowsCE = 2 Indicates Windows CE OS.
WindowsPhone = 4 Indicates Windows Phone OS.
MacOSX = 8 Indicates MacOS X. 9
IOS = 16 Indicates iOS.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

Linux = 32 Indicates Linux OS.

EmbeddedLinux = 64 Indicates embedded Linux OS.
Android = 128 Indicates Android OS.
Unix = 256 Indicates Unix OS.
Mobile = 512 Indicates any Mobile OS. Neurotec.NProcessorVendor Enumeration

Specifies the processor's vendor name.

public enum NProcessorVendor {
Unknown = 0,
Amd = 1,
Centaur = 2,
Cyrix = 3,
Intel = 4,
NationalSemiconductor = 5,
NexGen = 6,
RiseTechnology = 7,
SiS = 8,
Transmeta = 9,
Umc = 10,
Via = 11
File: NProcessorInfo.cs

Namespace: Neurotec [ 220]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
Unknown = 0 The processor's vendor is unknown.
Amd = 1 Advanced Micro Devices [ 1752], Inc. (AMD).
Centaur = 2 Centaur Technology.
Cyrix = 3 Cyrix.
Intel = 4 Intel Corporation.
NationalSemiconductor = 5 National Semiconductor.
NexGen = 6 NexGen.
RiseTechnology = 7 Rise Technology.
SiS = 8 Silicon Integrated Systems (SIS) Corp.
Transmeta = 9 Transmeta Corporation.
Umc = 10 UMC.
Via = 11 VIA. Neurotec.NTypeCode Enumeration

Enumerates type codes.

public enum NTypeCode {
None = 0, 9
Other = 1,
Byte = 2,
SByte = 3,

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec Namespace

UInt16 = 4,
Int16 = 5,
UInt32 = 6,
Int32 = 7,
UInt64 = 8,
Int64 = 9,
Single = 10,
Double = 11,
Boolean = 12,
SizeType = 13,
SSizeType = 14,
Pointer = 15,
Result = 16,
AChar = 17,
WChar = 18,
String = 19,
Object = 20,
Value = 21,
Array = 22,
TimeSpan = 23,
DateTime = 24,
URational = 25,
Rational = 26,
Complex = 27,
Guid = 28,
Buffer = 29,
Callback = 30,
AsyncOperation = 31,
ObjectPart = 32,
Collection = 33,
Dictionary = 34,
ArrayCollection = 35
File: NType.cs

Namespace: Neurotec [ 220]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
None = 0 Empty value.
Other = 1 Other value type.
Byte = 2 A byte.
SByte = 3 Signed byte.
UInt16 = 4 Unsigned 16-bit integer.
Int16 = 5 16-bit integer.
UInt32 = 6 Unsigned 32-bit integer.
Int32 = 7 32-bit integer.
UInt64 = 8 Unsigned 64-bit integer.
Int64 = 9 64-bit integer.
Single = 10 Single value.
Double = 11 Double number.
Boolean = 12 Boolean value.
SizeType = 13 NSizeType value.
SSizeType = 14 Signed NSizeType value.
Pointer = 15 Pointer.
Result = 16 NResult value. 9
AChar = 17 ASCII character.
WChar = 18 Unicode character.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

String = 19 String.
Object = 20 An object.
Value = 21 Custom type value.
Array = 22 Array.
TimeSpan = 23 NTimeSpan value.
DateTime = 24 NDateTime value.
URational = 25 Unsigned rational number.
Rational = 26 Rational number.
Complex = 27 Complex number.
Guid = 28 Global unique identifier.
Buffer = 29 Buffer.
Callback = 30 A callback.
AsyncOperation = 31 Asynchronous operation.
ObjectPart = 32 A part of an object.
Collection = 33 A collection.
Dictionary = 34 A dictionary.
ArrayCollection = 35 Collection of arrays.

9.1.2 Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

Classes under this namespace provide methods for working with biometric data.


Name Description
NBiometric [ 420] Provides general biometric methods.
NBiometricAttributes [ 425] Represents the biometric attributes.
NBiometricConnection [ 429] Provides the common biometric connection methods to get or sets the
name of the connection.
NBiometricEngine [ 433] Provides main biometric engine functionality.
NBiometricQualityBlock [ 453] Provides properties for getting and setting a biometric quality block.
NBiometricTask [ 455] Contains methods to create and modify of biometric engine tasks.
NBiometricTypes [ 460] Defines biometric types used by Neurotechnology components.
NBiometrics [ 481] Provides methods for retrieving NBiometrics Library information.
NEAttributes [ 482] Provides methods to retrieve iris attributes (metadata .which is not saved
in iris template).
NEMatchingDetails [ 490] Represents iris templates matching details.
NERecord [ 493] Provides functionality for packing, unpacking and editing
Neurotechnology iris Records (NERecords).
NETemplate [ 504] Provides functionality for packing, unpacking and editing
Neurotechnology iris templates (NETemplates).
NFAttributes [ 511] Provides methods to retrieve fingerprint attributes (metadata .which is not
saved in fingerprint template).
NFCore [ 518] The structure contains information of core.
NFDelta [ 521] The structure contains information of delta.
NFDoubleCore [ 524] The structure contains information of double core.
NFMatchingDetails [ 526] Represents Neurotechnology Fingerprint or Palmprint Records
(NFRecords) matching details.
NFMinutia [ 531] The structure contains information of minutia. 9
NFMinutiaNeighbor [ 535] The structure contains information of minutia neighbor.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

NFRecord [ 537] Provides functionality for packing, unpacking and editing

Neurotechnology Finger Records (NFRecords).
NFTemplate [ 563] Provides functionality for packing, unpacking and editing
Neurotechnology Fingers Templates (NFTemplates).
NFace [ 573] Provides methods for biometric engine to deal with face templates.
NFinger [ 578] Provides methods for biometric engine to deal with finger templates.
NFrictionRidge [ 582] Provides methods for biometric engine to deal with fingerprint and similar
NIris [ 589] Provides methods for biometric engine to deal with iris templates.
NLAttributes [ 595] Provides methods to retrieve face template attributes.
NLFeaturePoint [ 607] Structure defining facial feature point.
NLMatchingDetails [ 609] Provides functionality to retrieve face templates matching details.
NLRecord [ 613] Provides functionality for packing, unpacking and editing
Neurotechnology Face Records (NLRecords).
NLTemplate [ 620] Provides functionality for packing, unpacking and editing
Neurotechnology Faces Templates (NLTemplates).
NMatchingDetails [ 627] Provides functionality for retrieving Neurotechnology templates matching
NMatchingDetailsBase [ 636] Base class for NMatchingDetails [ 627].
NMatchingResult [ 639] Provides methods to retrieve information about matching results.
NPalm [ 644] Provides methods for biometric engine to deal with palm templates.
NSAttributes [ 648] Provides methods to retrieve sound template attributes.
NSMatchingDetails [ 653] Provides functionality to retrieve speaker matching details.
NSRecord [ 657] Provides functionality for packing, unpacking and editing
Neurotechnology Speaker Records (NSRecords).
NSTemplate [ 666] Provides functionality for packing, unpacking and editing
Neurotechnology Speaker Templates (NSTemplates).
NSubject [ 674] Represents a person (or, potentially, any living creature) and contains
biometric information related that person, including templates, biometric
operation (matching) results and objects like NFace [ 573], which
contain biometric data of specific kinds.
NTemplate [ 692] Provides functionality for packing, unpacking and editing
Neurotechnology Templates (NTemplates).
NVoice [ 700] Provides methods for biometric engine to deal with voice templates.
NXMatchingDetails [ 705] Base class for NEMatchingDetails [ 490], NFMatchingDetails [ 526],
NLMatchingDetails [ 609] and NSMatchingDetails [ 653].

.NET Reference [ 218]

Structs, Records, Enums

Name Description
BiometricTemplateFormat [ 709] Specifies biometric template format.
NBiometricCaptureOptions [ 709] Enumerates biometric capture options.
NBiometricOperations [ 710] Enumerates biometric operations.
NBiometricStatus [ 711] Enumerates biometric status values. These values are returned by
NBiometricSubtype [ 714] Specifies the subtype of biometric data.
NBiometricType [ 715] Specifies the type of biometric data.
NEImageType [ 716] Enumerates iris image types.
NEPosition [ 717] Holds information on iris image position.
NFImpressionType [ 717] Specifies the impression types. 9
NFMinutiaFormat [ 719] Specifies minutia format.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

NFMinutiaOrder [ 719] Specifies minutia order.

NFMinutiaTruncationAlgorithm Specifies minutiae truncation algorithm.
[ 720]
NFMinutiaType [ 720] Specifies types of minutia.
NFPatternClass [ 721] Specifies pattern class of the fingerprint.
NFPosition [ 722] Specifies finger position.
NFRidgeCountsType [ 725] Specifies type of ridge counts contained in NFRecord [ 537].
NGender [ 725] Enumerates gender constants.
NIcaoWarnings [ 726] Enumerates face Icao check warnings constants.
NLExpression [ 726] Enumerates facial expression constants.
NLProperties [ 727] Enumerates basic face properties constants
NLivenessAction [ 728] Enumerates face liveness challenge action constants.
NLivenessMode [ 729] Enumerates face liveness mode constants.
NMFusionType [ 729] Specifies the fingerprints, palmprints, faces and irises matching fusion.
NMatchingSpeed [ 730] Specifies biometric templates matching speed.
NTemplateSize [ 730] Specifies template sizes.
NfiqQuality [ 731] Specifies the quality of a fingerprint image. Classes NBiometric Class

Provides general biometric methods.

public class NBiometric : NObject;
File: NBiometric.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object. 9
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.

GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

NBiometric Class

Name Description
IsBiometricCaptureOptionsValid Checks whether the specified biometric capture options are valid.
[ 424]

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

NBiometric Class

Name Description
BiometricType [ 424] Gets the biometric type.
CaptureOptions [ 424] Gets or sets the biometric capture options.
Error [ 424] Gets the last exception.
FileName [ 424] Gets or sets the file name.
HasMoreSamples [ 424] Gets or sets whether the NBioemtric object has more samples.
NBiometricCaptureOptionsNativeType Defines the native type of the capture options.
[ 425]
NativeType [ 425] Defines the native type of the object.
Owner [ 425] Gets owner of the object.
ParentObject [ 425] Gets the parent object.
SampleBuffer [ 425] Gets or sets sample buffer. Use similar to FileName [ 424] property,
but this is more efficient if file contents are already loaded to memory.
SessionId [ 425] Gets or sets the session ID.
Status [ 425] Gets or sets the biometric status.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace NBiometric Methods NBiometric.IsBiometricCaptureOptionsValid Method

Checks whether the specified biometric capture options are valid.

public static bool IsBiometricCaptureOptionsValid(NBiometricCaptureOptions value);

Parameters Description
NBiometricCaptureOptions value The biometric capture options object.

true if the options are valid; else false. NBiometric Properties NBiometric.BiometricType Property

Gets the biometric type.

public NBiometricType BiometricType; NBiometric.CaptureOptions Property

Gets or sets the biometric capture options.

public NBiometricCaptureOptions CaptureOptions;
Manual capture: does face detection from stream until NBiometricClient.Force/ForceStart is called, then does extraction or
other required operations. Used only when performing capture operation (from camera or video file).

Stream capture: creates face template from multiple images. Used with capture operation or extraction from video file. NBiometric.Error Property

Gets the last exception.

public Exception Error; NBiometric.FileName Property

Gets or sets the file name.

public string FileName; NBiometric.HasMoreSamples Property

Gets or sets whether the NBioemtric object has more samples.

public bool HasMoreSamples;
Property is used for operations (stream extraction / detection) requiring multiple samples (images) to complete. When set to

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

true engine starts/continues stream extraction for each time task is performed. Changing Image does not clear NLAttributes
[ 595] when property is set to true. Set to false when operation completed (face status != none), or when end of
stream/images. NBiometric.NBiometricCaptureOptionsNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the capture options.

public static NType NBiometricCaptureOptionsNativeType; NBiometric.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; NBiometric.Owner Property

Gets owner of the object.

public new NSubject Owner;
Property value
Object (owner) of NObject type. NBiometric.ParentObject Property

Gets the parent object.

public NBiometricAttributes ParentObject; NBiometric.SampleBuffer Property

Gets or sets sample buffer. Use similar to FileName [ 424] property, but this is more efficient if file contents are already loaded
to memory.

public NBuffer SampleBuffer; NBiometric.SessionId Property

Gets or sets the session ID.

public int SessionId; NBiometric.Status Property

Gets or sets the biometric status.

public NBiometricStatus Status; NBiometricAttributes Class

Represents the biometric attributes.

public class NBiometricAttributes : NObject;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

File: NBiometricAttributes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.

GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object. 9
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

NBiometricAttributes Class

Name Description
BiometricType [ 429] Gets the biometric type.
Child [ 429] Gets child NBiometric [ 420] object of the current NBiometricAttributes.
ChildSubject [ 429] Gets child NSubject [ 674] of the current NBiometricAttributes.
DetectionConfidence [ 429] Gets or sets the detection confidence.
NativeType [ 429] Defines the native type of the object.
Quality [ 429] Gets or sets the quality.
Status [ 429] Gets or sets the biometric status.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. NBiometricAttributes Properties NBiometricAttributes.BiometricType Property

Gets the biometric type.

public NBiometricType BiometricType; NBiometricAttributes.Child Property

Gets child NBiometric [ 420] object of the current NBiometricAttributes [ 425].

public NBiometric Child; NBiometricAttributes.ChildSubject Property

Gets child NSubject [ 674] of the current NBiometricAttributes [ 425].

public NSubject ChildSubject; NBiometricAttributes.DetectionConfidence Property

Gets or sets the detection confidence.

public byte DetectionConfidence; NBiometricAttributes.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; NBiometricAttributes.Quality Property

Gets or sets the quality.

public byte Quality; NBiometricAttributes.Status Property

Gets or sets the biometric status.

public NBiometricStatus Status; NBiometricConnection Class

Provides the common biometric connection methods to get or sets the name of the connection.
public class NBiometricConnection : NExpandableObject;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

File: NBiometricConnection.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.

GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object. 9
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

NExpandableObject Class

Name Description
NativeType [ 295] Defines the native type of the object.
Properties [ 295] Gets the property bag of the expandable object.

NBiometricConnection Class

Name Description
Name [ 433] Gets or sets the name of the biometric connection.
NativeType [ 433] Defines the native type of the object.
Owner [ 433] Retrieves the owner object of the biometric connection.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array. 9
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. NBiometricConnection Properties NBiometricConnection.Name Property

Gets or sets the name of the biometric connection.

public string Name; NBiometricConnection.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; NBiometricConnection.Owner Property

Retrieves the owner object of the biometric connection.

public new NBiometricEngine Owner;
Property value
NBiometricEngine [ 433] object. NBiometricEngine Class

Provides main biometric engine functionality.

public class NBiometricEngine : NObject;
File: NBiometricEngine.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

Most biometric methods in the engine return NBiometricStatus [ 711], which contains the information about the operation
status. Actual result of the method is stored within NMatchingResult [ 639] within the provided NSubject [ 674] object.
Asynchronous methods (i.e. with Async postfix) return instantly and return an object (IAsyncResult) which allows to wait until
the completion of the operation. The returned IAsyncResult object may also contain the biometric status, like a
non-asynchronous function; the biometric status in asynchronous methods is returned when the method is completed (i.e. in
methods with End postfix).

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description 9
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

NBiometricEngine Class

Name Description
NBiometricEngine [ 439] Creates a new biometric engine.

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
object. 9
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.

ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

NBiometricEngine Class

Name Description
Clear [ 439] Clears all data from the biometric engine and returns its biometric status.
CreateTask [ 439] Creates a new biometric task for the biometric engine. This method is
used for tasks involving just one subject (e.g. enrollement).
CreateTask [ 439] Creates a new biometric task for the biometric engine. This method is
used for tasks involving two subjects (e.g. matching one subject against
CreateTemplate [ 440] The biometric engine creates a biometric template for the specified
Delete [ 440] Deletes the subject specified by ID from the biometric engine.
DetectFaces [ 440] The biometric engine detects faces in the specified image.
Enroll [ 440] The biometric engine performs enrollment of the specified subject.
Enroll [ 441] The biometric engine performs enrollment of the specified subject.
Get [ 441] Gets biometric subject data from a database through a SQL connection.
GetCount [ 441] Returns a count of subjects in the biometric engine.
Identify [ 441] The biometric engine performs the identification of the specified subject.
Initialize [ 442] Initializes the specified biometric engine.
List [ 442] Returns a list of all subjects in the biometric engine.
ListIds [ 442] Returns a ids of subjects in the biometric engine.
PerformTask [ 442] The biometric engine performs the specified biometric task.
Update [ 442] Updates biometric subject data.
Verify [ 442] The biometric engine performs the verification of the specified subject
against a database.
Verify [ 443] The biometric engine performs the verification of the specified subject
against another subject.
WaitForAllTasks [ 443] Wait for all currently started tasks to complete.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

NBiometricEngine Class

Name Description
BiographicDataSchema [ 443] Gets or sets biographic data schema (non-biometric data associated
with a subject). For more information how to set Biographic data
scheme read "Biographic and custom data support" section.
BiometricTemplateFormat [ 443] Gets or sets biometric template format.
FacesCheckIcaoCompliance [ 443] Gets or sets whether image is checked for ICAO [ 116] compliance.
FacesConfidenceThreshold [ 444] Gets or sets face detection confidence threshold.
FacesCreateThumbnailImage [ 444] Checks or sets whether a thumbnail face image should be created.

FacesDetectAllFeaturePoints [ 444] Gets or sets whether all face feature points should be detected.
FacesDetectBaseFeaturePoints [ 444] Gets or sets whether face base feature points should be detected.

FacesDetectProperties [ 444] Gets or sets whether face properties (glasses, dark glasses, closed
eyes, open mouth, beard, mustache, hat) should be detected.
FacesDetermineAge [ 444] Gets or sets whether age should be determined.
FacesDetermineEthnicity [ 445] Gets or sets whether ethnicity should be determined.
FacesDetermineGender [ 445] Gets or sets whether gender should be determined.
FacesIcaoRemoveBackground [ 445] Gets or sets whether background is removed during creation of token
FacesIcaoRemoveRedEye [ 445] Gets or sets whether redeye is removed during creation of token
FacesLivenessBlinkTimeout [ 445] Gets or sets face liveness blink timeout.
FacesLivenessMode [ 445] Checks or sets liveness mode which should be used.
FacesLivenessThreshold [ 445] Gets or sets face liveness threshold.
FacesMatchingSpeed [ 446] Gets or sets faces matching speed.
FacesMaximalRoll [ 446] Gets or sets the maximum face roll angle deviation.
FacesMaximalYaw [ 446] Gets or sets the maximum face yaw angle deviation.
FacesMinimalInterOcularDistance Gets or sets the minimum distance between eyes in face.
[ 446]
FacesQualityThreshold [ 446] Gets or sets faces quality threshold.
FacesRecognizeEmotion [ 446] Checks or sets whether face emotions should be recognized.
FacesRecognizeExpression [ 447] Gets or sets whether expression should be detected.
FacesTemplateSize [ 447] Gets or sets faces template size.
FacesThumbnailImageWidth [ 447] Gets or sets thumbnail face image width.
FacesTokenImageWidth [ 447] Gets or sets token face image width.
FacesTokenQualityThreshold [ 447] Gets or sets token face image quality threshold.

FingersCalculateNfiq [ 447] Checks or sets whether fingerprint image quality should be

FingersDeterminePatternClass [ 447] Checks or sets whether fingerprint pattern class should be
FingersFastExtraction [ 448] Checks or sets whether fast fingerprint extraction is enabled.
FingersMatchingSpeed [ 448] Gets or sets fingers matching speed.
FingersMaximalRotation [ 448] Gets or sets maximal rotation.
FingersMinimalMinutiaCount [ 448] Minimal minutia count may be decreased if there is no possibility to
rescan the fingerprint and lower quality may be better than no
extraction at all.
FingersQualityThreshold [ 448] Gets or sets image quality threshold.
FingersReturnBinarizedImage [ 448] Gets or sets whether a binarized image should be returned. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

FingersReturnRidgeSkeletonImage Gets or sets whether the ridge skeleton image should be returned.
[ 449]
FingersTemplateSize [ 449] Gets or sets template size.
IrisesConfidenceThreshold [ 449] Gets or sets irises detection confidence threshold.
IrisesDetectCosmeticLenses [ 449] Checks or sets whether detection of cosmetic lenses is enabled.
IrisesFastExtraction [ 449] Checks or sets whether fast iris extraction is enabled.
IrisesMatchingSpeed [ 449] Gets or sets irises matching speed.
IrisesMaximalRotation [ 450] Gets or sets the maximal rotation allowed between two matched
irises. It is specified in degrees.
IrisesQualityThreshold [ 450] Gets or sets the quality threshold of the iris image.
IrisesTemplateSize [ 450] Gets or sets iris template size.
MatchingFirstResultOnly [ 450] Checks or sets whether matchign lasts only until the first positive
MatchingMaximalResultCount [ 450] Gets or sets the maximum number of returned matching results.

MatchingThreshold [ 450] Gets or sets the matching threshold.

MatchingWithDetails [ 450] Checks or sets whether the matching results include matching details.
MaximalThreadCount [ 450] Gets or sets the maximum number of threads in the engine.
NativeType [ 451] Defines the native type of the object.
PalmsMatchingSpeed [ 451] Gets or sets palms matching speed.
PalmsMaximalRotation [ 451] Gets or sets maximal rotation.
PalmsQualityThreshold [ 451] Gets or sets image quality threshold.
PalmsReturnBinarizedImage [ 451] Gets or sets whether the binarized palmprint image should be
PalmsReturnRidgeSkeletonImage Gets or sets whether theridge skeleton palmprint image should be
[ 451] returned.
PalmsTemplateSize [ 451] Gets or sets template size.
SelectedGalleryId [ 452] Select a gallery to use for the following biometric operations. Set to
null to use the default gallery.
Timeout [ 452] Gets or sets biometric engine timeout period.
VoicesExtractTextDependentFeatures Shows whether text-dependent features are extracted.
[ 452]
VoicesExtractTextIndependentFeatures Shows whether text-independent features are extracted.
[ 452]
VoicesMaximalLoadedFileSize [ 452] Gets or sets maximal loaded voice file size.
VoicesUniquePhrasesOnly [ 452] Gets or sets identifier specifying whether each user in the system
always uses only his own phrases which are unique throughout the
whole database of users.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. NBiometricEngine.NBiometricEngine Constructor

Creates a new biometric engine.

public NBiometricEngine(); NBiometricEngine Methods NBiometricEngine.Clear Method

Clears all data from the biometric engine and returns its biometric status.

public NBiometricStatus Clear();
The biometric status. NBiometricEngine.CreateTask Method (NBiometricOperations, NSubject)

Creates a new biometric task for the biometric engine. This method is used for tasks involving just one subject (e.g.

public NBiometricTask CreateTask(NBiometricOperations operation, NSubject subject);

Parameters Description
NBiometricOperations operation The biometric operations to be performed in the task.
NSubject subject [in/out] Subject for the task.

The new biometric task. NBiometricEngine.CreateTask Method (NBiometricOperations, NSubject, NSubject)

Creates a new biometric task for the biometric engine. This method is used for tasks involving two subjects (e.g. matching one
subject against another).

public NBiometricTask CreateTask(NBiometricOperations operation, NSubject subject, NSubject

Parameters Description
NBiometricOperations operation The biometric operations to be performed in the task. 9
NSubject subject [in/out] First subject for the task.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

NSubject otherSubject [in/out] The other subject for the task.

The new biometric task. NBiometricEngine.CreateTemplate Method

The biometric engine creates a biometric template for the specified subject.

public NBiometricStatus CreateTemplate(NSubject subject);

Parameters Description
NSubject subject [in/out] The subject.

The biometric status. NBiometricEngine.Delete Method

Deletes the subject specified by ID from the biometric engine.

public NBiometricStatus Delete(string subjectId);

Parameters Description
string subjectId ID of the subject.

The biometric status. NBiometricEngine.DetectFaces Method

The biometric engine detects faces in the specified image.

public NFace DetectFaces(NImage image);

Parameters Description
NImage image The image to detect faces in.

The NFace [ 573] object containing the information about the detected faces. NBiometricEngine.Enroll Method (NSubject)

The biometric engine performs enrollment of the specified subject.

public NBiometricStatus Enroll(NSubject subject);

Parameters Description
NSubject subject [in/out] The subject to be enrolled.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

The biometric status. NBiometricEngine.Enroll Method (NSubject, bool)

The biometric engine performs enrollment of the specified subject.

public NBiometricStatus Enroll(NSubject subject, bool checkForDuplicates);

Parameters Description
NSubject subject [in/out] The subject to be enrolled.
bool checkForDuplicates true if check for duplicates should be performed; else false.

The biometric status. NBiometricEngine.Get Method

Gets biometric subject data from a database through a SQL connection.

public NBiometricStatus Get(NSubject subject);

Parameters Description
NSubject subject The biometric subject.

The biometric status. NBiometricEngine.GetCount Method

Returns a count of subjects in the biometric engine.

public int GetCount();
The number of subjects. NBiometricEngine.Identify Method

The biometric engine performs the identification of the specified subject.

public NBiometricStatus Identify(NSubject subject);

Parameters Description
NSubject subject [in/out] The subject to identify.

The biometric status.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace NBiometricEngine.Initialize Method

Initializes the specified biometric engine.

public void Initialize();
Initialize task is optional. This method is implicitly called with the first engine's task. NBiometricEngine.List Method

Returns a list of all subjects in the biometric engine.

public NSubject[] List();
An array of biometric subjects. NBiometricEngine.ListIds Method

Returns a ids of subjects in the biometric engine.

public string[] ListIds();
Ids of subjects. NBiometricEngine.PerformTask Method

The biometric engine performs the specified biometric task.

public void PerformTask(NBiometricTask biometricTask);

Parameters Description
NBiometricTask biometricTask The biometric task to be performed. NBiometricEngine.Update Method

Updates biometric subject data.

public NBiometricStatus Update(NSubject subject);

Parameters Description
NSubject subject The biometric subject.

The biometric status. NBiometricEngine.Verify Method (NSubject)

The biometric engine performs the verification of the specified subject against a database. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

public NBiometricStatus Verify(NSubject subject);

Parameters Description
NSubject subject [in/out] The subject to verify.

The biometric status. NBiometricEngine.Verify Method (NSubject, NSubject)

The biometric engine performs the verification of the specified subject against another subject.

public NBiometricStatus Verify(NSubject subject, NSubject otherSubject);

Parameters Description
NSubject subject [in/out] The subject to verify.
NSubject otherSubject [in/out] The subject to verify against.

The biometric status. NBiometricEngine.WaitForAllTasks Method

Wait for all currently started tasks to complete.

public void WaitForAllTasks(); NBiometricEngine Properties NBiometricEngine.BiographicDataSchema Property

Gets or sets biographic data schema (non-biometric data associated with a subject). For more information how to set
Biographic data scheme read "Biographic and custom data support" section.

public NBiographicDataSchema BiographicDataSchema;
Property value
Biographic data scheme value. NBiometricEngine.BiometricTemplateFormat Property

Gets or sets biometric template format.

public BiometricTemplateFormat BiometricTemplateFormat;
Property value
One of the BiometricTemplateFormat value. NBiometricEngine.FacesCheckIcaoCompliance Property 9

Gets or sets whether image is checked for ICAO [ 116] compliance.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

public bool FacesCheckIcaoCompliance; NBiometricEngine.FacesConfidenceThreshold Property

Gets or sets face detection confidence threshold.

public byte FacesConfidenceThreshold;
Property value
Specifies the threshold which is considered when looking for faces in an image. For each face candidate confidence parameter
is calculated. With higher threshold value faces are selected more strictly by the face detection routines. Must be in range
[0..100]. NBiometricEngine.FacesCreateThumbnailImage Property

Checks or sets whether a thumbnail face image should be created.

public bool FacesCreateThumbnailImage;
Property value
true if a thumbnail face image should be created; else false. NBiometricEngine.FacesDetectAllFeaturePoints Property

Gets or sets whether all face feature points should be detected.

public bool FacesDetectAllFeaturePoints;
Property value
Identifier specifying whether all facial feature points should be detected. If the value is NFalse, only centers of eyes or base
facial features are detected, otherwise all supported facial feature points are detected. The default value is false. NBiometricEngine.FacesDetectBaseFeaturePoints Property

Gets or sets whether face base feature points should be detected.

public bool FacesDetectBaseFeaturePoints;
Property value
Identifier specifying whether base facial feature points should be detected during facial feature detection. Currently, base facial
feature points are: center of right eye, center of left eye, nose tip and center of mouth. The default value is false. NBiometricEngine.FacesDetectProperties Property

Gets or sets whether face properties (glasses, dark glasses, closed eyes, open mouth, beard, mustache, hat) should be

public bool FacesDetectProperties; NBiometricEngine.FacesDetermineAge Property

Gets or sets whether age should be determined.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

public bool FacesDetermineAge; NBiometricEngine.FacesDetermineEthnicity Property

Gets or sets whether ethnicity should be determined.

public bool FacesDetermineEthnicity; NBiometricEngine.FacesDetermineGender Property

Gets or sets whether gender should be determined.

public bool FacesDetermineGender; NBiometricEngine.FacesIcaoRemoveBackground Property

Gets or sets whether background is removed during creation of token image.

public bool FacesIcaoRemoveBackground; NBiometricEngine.FacesIcaoRemoveRedEye Property

Gets or sets whether redeye is removed during creation of token image.

public bool FacesIcaoRemoveRedEye; NBiometricEngine.FacesLivenessBlinkTimeout Property

Gets or sets face liveness blink timeout.

public int FacesLivenessBlinkTimeout;
Property value
Face liveness blink timeout in milliseconds. NBiometricEngine.FacesLivenessMode Property

Checks or sets liveness mode which should be used.

public NLivenessMode FacesLivenessMode;
Property value
One of the NLivenessMode [ 729] values. NBiometricEngine.FacesLivenessThreshold Property

Gets or sets face liveness threshold.

public byte FacesLivenessThreshold;
Property value
Face liveness threshold in bytes.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace NBiometricEngine.FacesMatchingSpeed Property

Gets or sets faces matching speed.

public NMatchingSpeed FacesMatchingSpeed;
Property value
One of the NMatchingSpeed [ 730] values. NBiometricEngine.FacesMaximalRoll Property

Gets or sets the maximum face roll angle deviation.

public float FacesMaximalRoll;
Property value
Defines maximum roll angle deviation from frontal face in degrees which is considered when looking for faces in an image.
Must be in range [0..180]. Parameter type - float. NBiometricEngine.FacesMaximalYaw Property

Gets or sets the maximum face yaw angle deviation.

public float FacesMaximalYaw;
Property value
Identifier specifying the maximum yaw angle deviation from frontal face in degrees. The value of this parameter can be in range
[0..90]. The default value is 15. Currently supports deviations up to 45 degrees. NBiometricEngine.FacesMinimalInterOcularDistance Property

Gets or sets the minimum distance between eyes in face.

public int FacesMinimalInterOcularDistance;
If MinIOD and/or MaxIOD will be set very similar to the real distance between the eyes, it could cause to not so accurate results
(of face detection). When the face is set MinIOD and MaxIOD the face could be found up to ~1.5 times bigger/smaller value it is

Property value
The identifier of type N_TYPE_INT specifying minimum distance between eyes in face. Faces which have smaller distance
between eyes than this parameter, won't be returned by the face detection routines. Must be in range [10..10000]. NBiometricEngine.FacesQualityThreshold Property

Gets or sets faces quality threshold.

public byte FacesQualityThreshold; NBiometricEngine.FacesRecognizeEmotion Property

Checks or sets whether face emotions should be recognized. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

public bool FacesRecognizeEmotion;
Property value
true if face emotions should be recognized; else false. NBiometricEngine.FacesRecognizeExpression Property

Gets or sets whether expression should be detected.

public bool FacesRecognizeExpression; NBiometricEngine.FacesTemplateSize Property

Gets or sets faces template size.

public NTemplateSize FacesTemplateSize; NBiometricEngine.FacesThumbnailImageWidth Property

Gets or sets thumbnail face image width.

public int FacesThumbnailImageWidth; NBiometricEngine.FacesTokenImageWidth Property

Gets or sets token face image width.

public int FacesTokenImageWidth;
Property value
Width of the token face image. NBiometricEngine.FacesTokenQualityThreshold Property

Gets or sets token face image quality threshold.

public byte FacesTokenQualityThreshold;
Property value
Token face image quality threshold in bytes. NBiometricEngine.FingersCalculateNfiq Property

Checks or sets whether fingerprint image quality should be caluclated.

public bool FingersCalculateNfiq;
Property value
true if fingerprint image quality should be caluclated; else false. NBiometricEngine.FingersDeterminePatternClass Property

Checks or sets whether fingerprint pattern class should be determined. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

public bool FingersDeterminePatternClass;
Property value
true if fingerprint pattern class should be determined; else false. NBiometricEngine.FingersFastExtraction Property

Checks or sets whether fast fingerprint extraction is enabled.

public bool FingersFastExtraction;
Property value
true if fast fingerprint extraction is enabled; else false. NBiometricEngine.FingersMatchingSpeed Property

Gets or sets fingers matching speed.

public NMatchingSpeed FingersMatchingSpeed;
Property value
One of the NMatchingSpeed [ 730] value. NBiometricEngine.FingersMaximalRotation Property

Gets or sets maximal rotation.

public float FingersMaximalRotation;
Property value
The finger maximal rotation. NBiometricEngine.FingersMinimalMinutiaCount Property

Minimal minutia count may be decreased if there is no possibility to rescan the fingerprint and lower quality may be better than
no extraction at all.

public int FingersMinimalMinutiaCount; NBiometricEngine.FingersQualityThreshold Property

Gets or sets image quality threshold.

public byte FingersQualityThreshold;
The image quality threshold can be set also through SetParameter method.

Property value
The image quality threshold. The value should be in range [0, 100]. NBiometricEngine.FingersReturnBinarizedImage Property 9

Gets or sets whether a binarized image should be returned.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

public bool FingersReturnBinarizedImage;
Property value
true if binarized image should be returned. NBiometricEngine.FingersReturnRidgeSkeletonImage Property

Gets or sets whether the ridge skeleton image should be returned.

public bool FingersReturnRidgeSkeletonImage; NBiometricEngine.FingersTemplateSize Property

Gets or sets template size.

public NTemplateSize FingersTemplateSize;
Property value
One of the NTemplateSize [ 730] value. NBiometricEngine.IrisesConfidenceThreshold Property

Gets or sets irises detection confidence threshold.

public byte IrisesConfidenceThreshold;
Property value
Specifies the threshold which is considered when looking for iris in an image. Must be in range [0..100]. NBiometricEngine.IrisesDetectCosmeticLenses Property

Checks or sets whether detection of cosmetic lenses is enabled.

public bool IrisesDetectCosmeticLenses;
Property value
true if detection of cosmetic lenses is enabled; else false. NBiometricEngine.IrisesFastExtraction Property

Checks or sets whether fast iris extraction is enabled.

public bool IrisesFastExtraction;
Property value
true if fast iris extraction is enabled; else false. NBiometricEngine.IrisesMatchingSpeed Property

Gets or sets irises matching speed.

public NMatchingSpeed IrisesMatchingSpeed;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

Property value
One of the NMatchingSpeed [ 730] values. NBiometricEngine.IrisesMaximalRotation Property

Gets or sets the maximal rotation allowed between two matched irises. It is specified in degrees.

public float IrisesMaximalRotation;
Property value
The maximal rotation allowed between two matched irises. NBiometricEngine.IrisesQualityThreshold Property

Gets or sets the quality threshold of the iris image.

public byte IrisesQualityThreshold; NBiometricEngine.IrisesTemplateSize Property

Gets or sets iris template size.

public NTemplateSize IrisesTemplateSize; NBiometricEngine.MatchingFirstResultOnly Property

Checks or sets whether matchign lasts only until the first positive result.

public bool MatchingFirstResultOnly; NBiometricEngine.MatchingMaximalResultCount Property

Gets or sets the maximum number of returned matching results.

public int MatchingMaximalResultCount; NBiometricEngine.MatchingThreshold Property

Gets or sets the matching threshold.

public int MatchingThreshold;
Property value
The matching speed. NBiometricEngine.MatchingWithDetails Property

Checks or sets whether the matching results include matching details.

public bool MatchingWithDetails; NBiometricEngine.MaximalThreadCount Property

Gets or sets the maximum number of threads in the engine. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

public int MaximalThreadCount; NBiometricEngine.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; NBiometricEngine.PalmsMatchingSpeed Property

Gets or sets palms matching speed.

public NMatchingSpeed PalmsMatchingSpeed;
Property value
One of the NMatchingSpeed [ 730] value. NBiometricEngine.PalmsMaximalRotation Property

Gets or sets maximal rotation.

public float PalmsMaximalRotation;
Property value
The palm maximal rotation. NBiometricEngine.PalmsQualityThreshold Property

Gets or sets image quality threshold.

public byte PalmsQualityThreshold;
The image quality threshold can be set also through SetParameter method.

Property value
The image quality threshold. The value should be in range [0, 100]. NBiometricEngine.PalmsReturnBinarizedImage Property

Gets or sets whether the binarized palmprint image should be returned.

public bool PalmsReturnBinarizedImage; NBiometricEngine.PalmsReturnRidgeSkeletonImage Property

Gets or sets whether theridge skeleton palmprint image should be returned.

public bool PalmsReturnRidgeSkeletonImage; NBiometricEngine.PalmsTemplateSize Property

Gets or sets template size. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

public NTemplateSize PalmsTemplateSize;
Property value
One of the NTemplateSize [ 730] value. NBiometricEngine.SelectedGalleryId Property

Select a gallery to use for the following biometric operations. Set to null to use the default gallery.

public string SelectedGalleryId; NBiometricEngine.Timeout Property

Gets or sets biometric engine timeout period.

public TimeSpan Timeout;
Property value
TimeSpan value representing timeout period. NBiometricEngine.VoicesExtractTextDependentFeatures Property

Shows whether text-dependent features are extracted.

public bool VoicesExtractTextDependentFeatures;
Property value
Controls text-dependent features extraction. NBiometricEngine.VoicesExtractTextIndependentFeatures Property

Shows whether text-independent features are extracted.

public bool VoicesExtractTextIndependentFeatures;
Property value
Controls text-independent features extraction. NBiometricEngine.VoicesMaximalLoadedFileSize Property

Gets or sets maximal loaded voice file size.

public long VoicesMaximalLoadedFileSize;
Property value
Maximal loaded voice file size in bytes. NBiometricEngine.VoicesUniquePhrasesOnly Property

Gets or sets identifier specifying whether each user in the system always uses only his own phrases which are unique
throughout the whole database of users.

C# 9
public bool VoicesUniquePhrasesOnly;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

Property value
true, if unique phrases are used; false, otherwise. NBiometricQualityBlock Structure

Provides properties for getting and setting a biometric quality block.

public struct NBiometricQualityBlock : IFormattable {
File: NBiometricTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Name Description
NBiometricQualityBlock [ 453] Initializes a new instance of the NBiometricQualityBlock class.

NBiometricQualityBlock Methods

Name Description
ToString [ 453] Returns a string that represents the current structure.
ToString [ 454] Returns a string that represents the current structure.

NBiometricQualityBlock Properties

Name Description
NativeType [ 454] Defines the native type of the object.
QualityAlgorithmId [ 454] Gets or sets the CBEFF Quality Algorithm Identifier.
QualityAlgorithmVendorId [ 454] Gets or sets the CBEFF Biometric Quality Algorithm Vendor Identifier
(CBEFF Biometric Organization Identifier).
QualityScore [ 454] Gets or sets the quality score. NBiometricQualityBlock.NBiometricQualityBlock Constructor

Initializes a new instance of the NBiometricQualityBlock class.

public NBiometricQualityBlock(byte qualityScore, ushort qualityAlgorithmVendorId, ushort

Parameters Description
byte qualityScore Quality score.
ushort qualityAlgorithmVendorId Quality algorithm vendor id.
ushort qualityAlgorithmId Quality algorithm id. NBiometricQualityBlock Methods NBiometricQualityBlock.ToString Method () 9

Returns a string that represents the current structure.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

public override string ToString();
String representation of the NBiometricQualityBlock [ 453] object. NBiometricQualityBlock.ToString Method (string)

Returns a string that represents the current structure.

public string ToString(string format);

Parameters Description
string format String format.

String representation of the NBiometricQualityBlock [ 453] object. NBiometricQualityBlock Properties NBiometricQualityBlock.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; NBiometricQualityBlock.QualityAlgorithmId Property

Gets or sets the CBEFF Quality Algorithm Identifier.

public ushort QualityAlgorithmId;
Property value
Quality algorithm identifier. NBiometricQualityBlock.QualityAlgorithmVendorId Property

Gets or sets the CBEFF Biometric Quality Algorithm Vendor Identifier (CBEFF Biometric Organization Identifier).

public ushort QualityAlgorithmVendorId;
Property value
Quality algorithm vendor identifier. NBiometricQualityBlock.QualityScore Property

Gets or sets the quality score.

public byte QualityScore;
Property value
Quality score.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace NBiometricTask Class

Contains methods to create and modify of biometric engine tasks.

public sealed class NBiometricTask : NExpandableObject;
File: NBiometricTask.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

NBiometricTask Classes
NBiometricTask Class

Name Description
SubjectCollection [ 458] Collection of biometric subjects.

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

NBiometricTask Class

Name Description
NBiometricTask [ 458] Creates a new biometric task with specified biometric operations.

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.

This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.

Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

NExpandableObject Class

Name Description
NativeType [ 295] Defines the native type of the object.
Properties [ 295] Gets the property bag of the expandable object.

NBiometricTask Class

Name Description
Biometric [ 459] Gets or the sets the NBiometric [ 420] object associated with the 9
biometric task.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

Connection [ 459] Gets or sets the biometric connection of the biometric task.
Error [ 459] Retrieves the exception thrown by the biometric task.
GalleryId [ 459] Select a gallery to use for the following biometric operations. Set to null to
use the default gallery.
NBiometricOperationsNativeType Defines the native type of the biometric operation.
[ 459]
NativeType [ 459] Defines the native type of the object.
Operations [ 459] Gets or sets biometric operations for the biometric task.
Statistics [ 459] Retrieves the property bag containing the biometric task statistics.
Status [ 460] Retrieves the biometric status of the biometric task.
Subjects [ 460] Retrieves the biometric subjects from the biometric task.
Timeout [ 460] Gets or sets the timeout value of the biometric task.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. NBiometricTask.NBiometricTask Constructor

Creates a new biometric task with specified biometric operations.

public NBiometricTask(NBiometricOperations operations);

Parameters Description
NBiometricOperations operations Biometric [ 459] operations. NBiometricTask Classes NBiometricTask.SubjectCollection Class

Collection of biometric subjects. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

public sealed class SubjectCollection : NObjectCollection<NSubject>;
File: NBiometricTask.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] NBiometricTask Properties NBiometricTask.Biometric Property

Gets or the sets the NBiometric [ 420] object associated with the biometric task.

public NBiometric Biometric; NBiometricTask.Connection Property

Gets or sets the biometric connection of the biometric task.

public NBiometricConnection Connection; NBiometricTask.Error Property

Retrieves the exception thrown by the biometric task.

public Exception Error; NBiometricTask.GalleryId Property

Select a gallery to use for the following biometric operations. Set to null to use the default gallery.

public string GalleryId; NBiometricTask.NBiometricOperationsNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the biometric operation.

public static NType NBiometricOperationsNativeType; NBiometricTask.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; NBiometricTask.Operations Property

Gets or sets biometric operations for the biometric task.

public NBiometricOperations Operations; NBiometricTask.Statistics Property 9

Retrieves the property bag containing the biometric task statistics.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

public NPropertyBag Statistics; NBiometricTask.Status Property

Retrieves the biometric status of the biometric task.

public NBiometricStatus Status; NBiometricTask.Subjects Property

Retrieves the biometric subjects from the biometric task.

public SubjectCollection Subjects; NBiometricTask.Timeout Property

Gets or sets the timeout value of the biometric task.

public TimeSpan Timeout; NBiometricTypes Class

Defines biometric types used by Neurotechnology components.

public static class NBiometricTypes;
File: NBiometricTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

NBiometricTypes Fields

Name Description
PhraseIdUnknown [ 462] Unknown phrase ID.
QualityFailed [ 463] Failed or unspecified quality.
QualityMax [ 463] Maximal quality.
QualityMin [ 463] Minimal quality.
QualityUnknown [ 463] Unknown quality.

NBiometricTypes Methods

Name Description
AngleFromDegrees [ 463] Converts the specified degrees top angle.
AngleFromRadians [ 463] Converts the specified angle from radians to degrees.
AngleToDegrees [ 464] Converts the specified angle from degrees.
AngleToRadians [ 464] Converts the specified angle from degrees to radians.
AngleToString [ 464] Gets a string representation of the specified angle.
AngleToString [ 464] Gets a string representation of the specified angle.
GetPositionAvailableParts [ 465] Determines available iris positions based on specified missing iris
positions and base position.
GetPositionAvailableParts [ 465] Determines available finger positions based on specified missing finger 9
positions and base position.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

IsBiometricStatusFinal [ 465] Checks whether the biometric status is final.

IsBiometricStatusValid [ 465] Checks whether the value passed as a parameter is defined in
NBiometricStatus [ 711].
IsBiometricSubtypeValid [ 466] Checks whether the value passed as a parameter is defined in
NBiometricSubtype [ 714].
IsBiometricTypeValid [ 466] Checks whether the value passed as a parameter is defined in
NBiometricType [ 715].
IsImpressionTypeCompatibleWith Gets the Bool value that specify whether two values are compatible.
[ 466]
IsImpressionTypeContact [ 466] ... more [ 466]
IsImpressionTypeContactless Checks if the specified NFImpressionType [ 717] value is one of the
[ 467] following: nfitLiveScanContactless, nfitLiveScanOpticalContactlessPlain,
IsImpressionTypeFinger [ 467] Checks whether the specified value is fingerprint.
IsImpressionTypeGeneric [ 467] Checks whether the impression type is generic.
IsImpressionTypeLatent [ 467] Checks whether the specified value is a latent scan.
IsImpressionTypeLiveScan [ 468] Checks whether the specified value is a live scan.
IsImpressionTypeNonOptical [ 468] ... more [ 468]
IsImpressionTypeNonliveScan Checks whether the specified value is a non-live scan.
[ 468]
IsImpressionTypeOneOf [ 468] Checks whether specified NFImpressionType [ 717] value matches one
in an array.
IsImpressionTypeOptical [ 469] ... more [ 469]
IsImpressionTypePalm [ 469] Checks whether the specified value is a palmprint.
IsImpressionTypePlain [ 469] Checks whether the specified value is a plain scan or optical
IsImpressionTypeRolled [ 469] Checks whether the specified value is one of rolled biometric types.
IsImpressionTypeSwipe [ 470] ... more [ 470]
IsImpressionTypeValid [ 470] Checks whether the value passed as a parameter is a valid
NFImpressionType [ 717] value.
IsImpressionTypeValidFinger [ 470] Checks whether the specified value is a valid fingerprint.
IsImpressionTypeValidPalm [ 470] Checks whether the specified value is a valid palmprint.
IsPositionCompatibleWith [ 471] Gets the Bool value that specify whether two values are compatible.
IsPositionCompatibleWith [ 471] Checks whether two position value are compatible.
IsPositionFinger [ 471] Checks whether the specified value is fingerprint.
IsPositionFourFingers [ 471] Checks if the specified value is a type of 4 fingerprints data.
IsPositionKnown [ 472] Checks whether the specified position is known.
IsPositionKnown [ 472] ... more [ 472]
IsPositionLeft [ 472] Checks whether the specified position is left.
IsPositionLeft [ 472] Checks whether the specified position is left fingerprint.
IsPositionLeftAndRight [ 473] Checks whether the specified position is left and right fingerprint.
IsPositionOneOf [ 473] Checks whether specified NEPosition [ 717] value matches one in an
IsPositionOneOf [ 473] Checks whether specified NFPosition [ 722] value matches one in an
IsPositionPalm [ 473] Checks whether the specified value is a palmprint.
IsPositionRight [ 474] Checks whether the specified position is right.
IsPositionRight [ 474] Checks whether the specified position is right fingerprint.
IsPositionRightAndLeft [ 474] Checks whether the specified position is both right and left. 9
IsPositionSingleEye [ 474] Checks whether the specified position represents a single eye.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

IsPositionSingleFinger [ 475] Checks whether the specified value is a single fingerprint.

IsPositionTheEye [ 475] Checks whether the specified position represents an eye.
IsPositionTheFinger [ 475] Checks whether the specified value is the fingerprint.
IsPositionThePalm [ 475] Checks whether the specified value is a palmprint.
IsPositionThreeFingers [ 476] Checks whether the specified value is a type of 3 fingerprints data.
IsPositionTwoEyes [ 476] Checks whether the specified position represents two eyes.
IsPositionTwoFingers [ 476] Checks whether the specified value is a type of 2 fingerprints data.
IsPositionValid [ 476] Checks whether the value passed as a parameter is a valid NEPosition
[ 717] value.
IsPositionValid [ 477] Checks whether the value passed as a parameter is a valid NFPosition
[ 722] value.
IsPositionValidFinger [ 477] Checks whether the specified value is a valid fingerprint.
IsPositionValidPalm [ 477] Checks whether the specified value is a valid palmprint.
IsPositionValidTheEye [ 477] Checks whether the specified value is a valid NEPosition [ 717] value.
IsPositionValidTheFinger [ 478] Checks whether the specified value is a valid fingerprint.
IsQualityValid [ 478] Checks whether the quality value is valid.
QualityToString [ 478] Gets a string representation of the specified quality value.
QualityToString [ 478] Gets a string representation of the specified quality value.
ToImpressionTypeFinger [ 479] Converts an impression type to finger impression type.

NBiometricTypes Properties

Name Description
NBiometricStatusNativeType [ 479] Defines the native type of the biometric status.
NBiometricSubtypeNativeType Defines the native type of the biometric subtype.
[ 479]
NBiometricTypeNativeType [ 479] Defines the native type of the biometric type.
NEImageTypeNativeType [ 479] Defines the native type of the iris image type.
NEPositionNativeType [ 479] Defines the native type of the iris position.
NFImpressionTypeNativeType Defines the native type of the finger impression type.
[ 479]
NFMinutiaFormatNativeType [ 479] Defines the native type of the fingerprint minutia format.
NFMinutiaTypeNativeType [ 480] Defines the native type of the fingerprint minutia type.
NFPatternClassNativeType [ 480] Defines the native type of the pattern class.
NFPositionNativeType [ 480] Defines the native type of the finger position.
NFRidgeCountsTypeNativeType Defines the native type of the fingerprint ridge count.
[ 480]
NGenderNativeType [ 480] Defines the native type of the gender.
NIcaoWarningsNativeType [ 480] Defines the native type of the icao warnings.
NLExpressionNativeType [ 480] Defines the native type of the face expression.
NLPropertiesNativeType [ 480] Defines the native type of the face properties.
NLivenessActionNativeType [ 480] Defines the native type of the liveness action.
NLivenessModeNativeType [ 481] Defines the native type of the liveness mode.
NTemplateSizeNativeType [ 481] Defines the native type of the template size.
NativeType [ 481] Defines the native type of the object.
NfiqQualityNativeType [ 481] Defines the native type of the fingerprint image quality. NBiometricTypes Fields NBiometricTypes.PhraseIdUnknown Field 9

Unknown phrase ID.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

public const int PhraseIdUnknown = 0; NBiometricTypes.QualityFailed Field

Failed or unspecified quality.

public const byte QualityFailed = 255; NBiometricTypes.QualityMax Field

Maximal quality.

public const byte QualityMax = 100; NBiometricTypes.QualityMin Field

Minimal quality.

public const byte QualityMin = 0; NBiometricTypes.QualityUnknown Field

Unknown quality.

public const byte QualityUnknown = 254; NBiometricTypes Methods NBiometricTypes.AngleFromDegrees Method

Converts the specified degrees top angle.

public static int AngleFromDegrees(float value);

Parameters Description
float value Degrees value of the angle.

Degree value of the angle. NBiometricTypes.AngleFromRadians Method

Converts the specified angle from radians to degrees.

public static int AngleFromRadians(double value);

Parameters Description
double value Radian value of the angle.

Degree value of the angle.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace NBiometricTypes.AngleToDegrees Method

Converts the specified angle from degrees.

public static float AngleToDegrees(int value);

Parameters Description
int value Degree value of the angle.

Angle value. NBiometricTypes.AngleToRadians Method

Converts the specified angle from degrees to radians.

public static double AngleToRadians(int value);

Parameters Description
int value Degree value of the angle.

Radian value of the angle. NBiometricTypes.AngleToString Method (int)

Gets a string representation of the specified angle.

public static string AngleToString(int value);

Parameters Description
int value Degree value of the angle.

A string representing the angle. NBiometricTypes.AngleToString Method (int, string)

Gets a string representation of the specified angle.

public static string AngleToString(int value, string format);

Parameters Description
int value Degree value of the angle.
string format Conversion format.

A string representing the angle. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace NBiometricTypes.GetPositionAvailableParts Method (NEPosition, NEPosition[])

Determines available iris positions based on specified missing iris positions and base position.

public static NEPosition[] GetPositionAvailableParts(NEPosition value, NEPosition[]

Parameters Description
NEPosition value NEPosition [ 717] object, representing the general position.
NEPosition[] missingPositions An array of NEPosition [ 717] objects, representing missing
position parts.

An array of NEPosition [ 717] objects, representing available position parts. NBiometricTypes.GetPositionAvailableParts Method (NFPosition, NFPosition[])

Determines available finger positions based on specified missing finger positions and base position.

public static NFPosition[] GetPositionAvailableParts(NFPosition value, NFPosition[]

Parameters Description
NFPosition value NFPosition [ 722] object, representing the general position.
NFPosition[] missingPositions An array of NFPosition [ 722] objects, representing missing
position parts.

An array of NFPosition [ 722] objects, representing available position parts. NBiometricTypes.IsBiometricStatusFinal Method

Checks whether the biometric status is final.

public static bool IsBiometricStatusFinal(NBiometricStatus value);

Parameters Description
NBiometricStatus value One of NBiometricStatus [ 711] values to check.

NTrue if the value is final; else NFalse. NBiometricTypes.IsBiometricStatusValid Method

Checks whether the value passed as a parameter is defined in NBiometricStatus [ 711].

public static bool IsBiometricStatusValid(NBiometricStatus value);

Parameters Description 9
NBiometricStatus value One of NBiometricStatus [ 711] values to check.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

Bool type value. NBiometricTypes.IsBiometricSubtypeValid Method

Checks whether the value passed as a parameter is defined in NBiometricSubtype [ 714].

public static bool IsBiometricSubtypeValid(NBiometricSubtype value);

Parameters Description
NBiometricSubtype value One of NBiometricSubtype [ 714] values to check.

Bool type value. NBiometricTypes.IsBiometricTypeValid Method

Checks whether the value passed as a parameter is defined in NBiometricType [ 715].

public static bool IsBiometricTypeValid(NBiometricType value);

Parameters Description
NBiometricType value One of NBiometricType [ 715] values to check.

Bool type value. NBiometricTypes.IsImpressionTypeCompatibleWith Method

Gets the Bool value that specify whether two values are compatible.

public static bool IsImpressionTypeCompatibleWith(NFImpressionType value, NFImpressionType

Parameters Description
NFImpressionType value Value to check if it is compatible with other value.
NFImpressionType otherValue Value which is used to check compatibility with value.

A Bool value that specifies whether two values are compatible. NBiometricTypes.IsImpressionTypeContact Method

Checks whether the specified NFImpressionType [ 717] value is one of the following: nfitLiveScanOpticalContactPlain,
nfitLiveScanOpticalContactRolled, nfitLiveScanNonOpticalContactPlain, nfitLiveScanNonOpticalContactRolled

public static bool IsImpressionTypeContact(NFImpressionType value);
Parameters Description
NFImpressionType value NFImpressionType [ 717] value to check.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

A Bool value that specifies whether the specified value is a contact type. NBiometricTypes.IsImpressionTypeContactless Method

Checks if the specified NFImpressionType [ 717] value is one of the following: nfitLiveScanContactless,
nfitLiveScanOpticalContactlessPlain, nfitLiveScanOpticalContactlessRolled, nfitLiveScanNonOpticalContactlessPlain,

public static bool IsImpressionTypeContactless(NFImpressionType value);

Parameters Description
NFImpressionType value NFImpressionType [ 717] value to check.

A Bool value that specifies whether the specified value is a contactless type. NBiometricTypes.IsImpressionTypeFinger Method

Checks whether the specified value is fingerprint.

public static bool IsImpressionTypeFinger(NFImpressionType value);

Parameters Description
NFImpressionType value NFImpressionType [ 717] value to check its type.

A Bool value that specifies whether the value is a fingerprint. NBiometricTypes.IsImpressionTypeGeneric Method

Checks whether the impression type is generic.

public static bool IsImpressionTypeGeneric(NFImpressionType value);

Parameters Description
NFImpressionType value Impression type value.

NTrue if the value is generic; else NFalse. NBiometricTypes.IsImpressionTypeLatent Method

Checks whether the specified value is a latent scan.

public static bool IsImpressionTypeLatent(NFImpressionType value);

Parameters Description 9
NFImpressionType value NFImpressionType [ 717] value to check its type.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

Bool type value. NBiometricTypes.IsImpressionTypeLiveScan Method

Checks whether the specified value is a live scan.

public static bool IsImpressionTypeLiveScan(NFImpressionType value);

Parameters Description
NFImpressionType value NFImpressionType [ 717] value to check its type.

Bool type value. NBiometricTypes.IsImpressionTypeNonOptical Method

Checks whether the specified NFImpressionType [ 717] value is one of the following: nfitLiveScanNonOpticalContactPlain,
nfitLiveScanNonOpticalContactRolled, nfitLiveScanNonOpticalContactlessPlain, nfitLiveScanNonOpticalContactlessRolled.

public static bool IsImpressionTypeNonOptical(NFImpressionType value);

Parameters Description
NFImpressionType value NFImpressionType [ 717] value to check.

Bool type value. NBiometricTypes.IsImpressionTypeNonliveScan Method

Checks whether the specified value is a non-live scan.

public static bool IsImpressionTypeNonliveScan(NFImpressionType value);

Parameters Description
NFImpressionType value NFImpressionType [ 717] value to check its type.

Bool type value specifying whether the value is a non-live scan. NBiometricTypes.IsImpressionTypeOneOf Method

Checks whether specified NFImpressionType [ 717] value matches one in an array.

public static bool IsImpressionTypeOneOf(NFImpressionType value, NFImpressionType[]

Parameters Description 9
NFImpressionType value One of the NFImpressionType [ 717] values to check.
NFImpressionType[] supportedImpressionTypes NFImpressionType [ 717] values array.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

Bool type value specifying whether value is on of the values in an array. NBiometricTypes.IsImpressionTypeOptical Method

Checks if the specified NFImpressionType [ 717] value is one of the following: nfitLiveScanOpticalContactPlain,
nfitLiveScanOpticalContactRolled, nfitLiveScanOpticalContactlessPlain, nfitLiveScanOpticalContactlessRolled.

public static bool IsImpressionTypeOptical(NFImpressionType value);

Parameters Description
NFImpressionType value NFImpressionType [ 717] value to check.

Bool type value. NBiometricTypes.IsImpressionTypePalm Method

Checks whether the specified value is a palmprint.

public static bool IsImpressionTypePalm(NFImpressionType value);

Parameters Description
NFImpressionType value NFImpressionType [ 717] value to check its type.

Bool type value. NBiometricTypes.IsImpressionTypePlain Method

Checks whether the specified value is a plain scan or optical contact/contactless.

public static bool IsImpressionTypePlain(NFImpressionType value);

Parameters Description
NFImpressionType value NFImpressionType [ 717] value to check its type.

Bool type value. NBiometricTypes.IsImpressionTypeRolled Method

Checks whether the specified value is one of rolled biometric types.

public static bool IsImpressionTypeRolled(NFImpressionType value);

Parameters Description
NFImpressionType value NFImpressionType [ 717] value to check its type. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

Bool type value. NBiometricTypes.IsImpressionTypeSwipe Method

Checks whether the specified NFImpressionType [ 717] value is one of the following: nfitLiveScanVerticalSwipe.

public static bool IsImpressionTypeSwipe(NFImpressionType value);

Parameters Description
NFImpressionType value NFImpressionType [ 717] value to check.

Bool type value. NBiometricTypes.IsImpressionTypeValid Method

Checks whether the value passed as a parameter is a valid NFImpressionType [ 717] value.

public static bool IsImpressionTypeValid(NFImpressionType value);

Parameters Description
NFImpressionType value One of NFImpressionType [ 717] values to check.

Bool type value. NBiometricTypes.IsImpressionTypeValidFinger Method

Checks whether the specified value is a valid fingerprint.

public static bool IsImpressionTypeValidFinger(NFImpressionType value);

Parameters Description
NFImpressionType value One of NFImpressionType [ 717] values to check.

Bool type value. NBiometricTypes.IsImpressionTypeValidPalm Method

Checks whether the specified value is a valid palmprint.

public static bool IsImpressionTypeValidPalm(NFImpressionType value);

Parameters Description
NFImpressionType value One of NFImpressionType [ 717] values to check.
Bool type value.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace NBiometricTypes.IsPositionCompatibleWith Method (NFPosition, NFImpressionType)

Gets the Bool value that specify whether two values are compatible.

public static bool IsPositionCompatibleWith(NFPosition value, NFImpressionType imp);

Parameters Description
NFPosition value Value to check if it is compatible with other value.
NFImpressionType imp Value which is used to check compatibility with value.

A Bool value that specifies whether two values are compatible. NBiometricTypes.IsPositionCompatibleWith Method (NFPosition, NFPosition)

Checks whether two position value are compatible.

public static bool IsPositionCompatibleWith(NFPosition value, NFPosition otherValue);

Parameters Description
NFPosition value First position value.
NFPosition otherValue Second position value.

NTrue if the values are compatible; else NFalse. NBiometricTypes.IsPositionFinger Method

Checks whether the specified value is fingerprint.

public static bool IsPositionFinger(NFPosition value);

Parameters Description
NFPosition value NFPosition [ 722] value to check its type.

A Bool value that specifies whether the value is a fingerprint. NBiometricTypes.IsPositionFourFingers Method

Checks if the specified value is a type of 4 fingerprints data.

public static bool IsPositionFourFingers(NFPosition value);

Parameters Description
NFPosition value Value to check its type.

A bool type value.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace NBiometricTypes.IsPositionKnown Method (NEPosition)

Checks whether the specified position is known.

public static bool IsPositionKnown(NEPosition value);

Parameters Description
NEPosition value The position to check.

NTrue if the position is known; else NFalse. NBiometricTypes.IsPositionKnown Method (NFPosition)

Checks whether the record contains biometric data that type is one of the known fingerprint types (thumb, palmprint, etc.).

public static bool IsPositionKnown(NFPosition value);

Parameters Description
NFPosition value Value to check its type.

Bool value - check result. NBiometricTypes.IsPositionLeft Method (NEPosition)

Checks whether the specified position is left.

public static bool IsPositionLeft(NEPosition value);

Parameters Description
NEPosition value The position to check.

NTrue if the position is left; else NFalse. NBiometricTypes.IsPositionLeft Method (NFPosition)

Checks whether the specified position is left fingerprint.

public static bool IsPositionLeft(NFPosition value);

Parameters Description
NFPosition value NFImpressionType [ 717] value to check its type.

Bool type value.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace NBiometricTypes.IsPositionLeftAndRight Method

Checks whether the specified position is left and right fingerprint.

public static bool IsPositionLeftAndRight(NFPosition value);

Parameters Description
NFPosition value Fingerprint position to check its type.

Bool type value. NBiometricTypes.IsPositionOneOf Method (NEPosition, NEPosition[])

Checks whether specified NEPosition [ 717] value matches one in an array.

public static bool IsPositionOneOf(NEPosition value, NEPosition[] supportedPositions);

Parameters Description
NEPosition value One of the NEPosition [ 717] values to check.
NEPosition[] supportedPositions NEPosition [ 717] values array.

Bool type value specifying whether NEPosition [ 717] value is on of the values in an array. NBiometricTypes.IsPositionOneOf Method (NFPosition, NFPosition[])

Checks whether specified NFPosition [ 722] value matches one in an array.

public static bool IsPositionOneOf(NFPosition value, NFPosition[] supportedPositions);

Parameters Description
NFPosition value One of the NFPosition [ 722] values to check.
NFPosition[] supportedPositions NFPosition [ 722] values array.

Bool type value specifying whether NFPosition [ 722] value is on of the values in an array. NBiometricTypes.IsPositionPalm Method

Checks whether the specified value is a palmprint.

public static bool IsPositionPalm(NFPosition value);

Parameters Description
NFPosition value NFPosition [ 722] value to check its type.

Bool type value.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace NBiometricTypes.IsPositionRight Method (NEPosition)

Checks whether the specified position is right.

public static bool IsPositionRight(NEPosition value);

Parameters Description
NEPosition value

NTrue if the position is right; else NFalse. NBiometricTypes.IsPositionRight Method (NFPosition)

Checks whether the specified position is right fingerprint.

public static bool IsPositionRight(NFPosition value);

Parameters Description
NFPosition value Value to check its type.

Bool type value. NBiometricTypes.IsPositionRightAndLeft Method

Checks whether the specified position is both right and left.

public static bool IsPositionRightAndLeft(NEPosition value);

Parameters Description
NEPosition value The position to check.

NTrue if the position is both right and left.; else NFalse. NBiometricTypes.IsPositionSingleEye Method

Checks whether the specified position represents a single eye.

public static bool IsPositionSingleEye(NEPosition value);

Parameters Description
NEPosition value The position to check.

NTrue if the position represents a single eye; else NFalse.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace NBiometricTypes.IsPositionSingleFinger Method

Checks whether the specified value is a single fingerprint.

public static bool IsPositionSingleFinger(NFPosition value);

Parameters Description
NFPosition value NFPosition [ 722] value to check its type.

Bool type value. NBiometricTypes.IsPositionTheEye Method

Checks whether the specified position represents an eye.

public static bool IsPositionTheEye(NEPosition value);

Parameters Description
NEPosition value The position to check.

NTrue if the position represents an eye; else NFalse. NBiometricTypes.IsPositionTheFinger Method

Checks whether the specified value is the fingerprint.

public static bool IsPositionTheFinger(NFPosition value);

Parameters Description
NFPosition value NFPosition [ 722] value to check its type.

Bool type value. NBiometricTypes.IsPositionThePalm Method

Checks whether the specified value is a palmprint.

public static bool IsPositionThePalm(NFPosition value);

Parameters Description
NFPosition value NFPosition [ 722] value to check its type.

Bool type value.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace NBiometricTypes.IsPositionThreeFingers Method

Checks whether the specified value is a type of 3 fingerprints data.

public static bool IsPositionThreeFingers(NFPosition value);

Parameters Description
NFPosition value Value to check its type.

Bool type value. NBiometricTypes.IsPositionTwoEyes Method

Checks whether the specified position represents two eyes.

public static bool IsPositionTwoEyes(NEPosition value);

Parameters Description
NEPosition value The position to check.

NTrue if the position represents two eyes; else NFalse. NBiometricTypes.IsPositionTwoFingers Method

Checks whether the specified value is a type of 2 fingerprints data.

public static bool IsPositionTwoFingers(NFPosition value);

Parameters Description
NFPosition value Value to check its type.

Bool type value. NBiometricTypes.IsPositionValid Method (NEPosition)

Checks whether the value passed as a parameter is a valid NEPosition [ 717] value.

public static bool IsPositionValid(NEPosition value);

Parameters Description
NEPosition value One of NEPosition [ 717] values to check.

Bool type value.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace NBiometricTypes.IsPositionValid Method (NFPosition)

Checks whether the value passed as a parameter is a valid NFPosition [ 722] value.

public static bool IsPositionValid(NFPosition value);

Parameters Description
NFPosition value One of NFPosition [ 722] values to check.

Bool type value. NBiometricTypes.IsPositionValidFinger Method

Checks whether the specified value is a valid fingerprint.

public static bool IsPositionValidFinger(NFPosition value);

Parameters Description
NFPosition value One of NFPosition [ 722] values to check.

Bool type value. NBiometricTypes.IsPositionValidPalm Method

Checks whether the specified value is a valid palmprint.

public static bool IsPositionValidPalm(NFPosition value);

Parameters Description
NFPosition value One of NFPosition [ 722] values to check.

Bool type value. NBiometricTypes.IsPositionValidTheEye Method

Checks whether the specified value is a valid NEPosition [ 717] value.

public static bool IsPositionValidTheEye(NEPosition value);

Parameters Description
NEPosition value NEPosition [ 717] value to check.

Bool type value.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace NBiometricTypes.IsPositionValidTheFinger Method

Checks whether the specified value is a valid fingerprint.

public static bool IsPositionValidTheFinger(NFPosition value);

Parameters Description
NFPosition value One of NFPosition [ 722] values to check.

Bool type value. NBiometricTypes.IsQualityValid Method

Checks whether the quality value is valid.

public static bool IsQualityValid(byte value);

Parameters Description
byte value The quality value to checks.

NTrue if the quality value is valid; else NFalse. NBiometricTypes.QualityToString Method (byte)

Gets a string representation of the specified quality value.

public static string QualityToString(byte value);

Parameters Description
byte value Quality value.

A string representation of the quality. NBiometricTypes.QualityToString Method (byte, string)

Gets a string representation of the specified quality value.

public static string QualityToString(byte value, string format);

Parameters Description
byte value Quality value.
string format Conversion format.

A string representation of the quality. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace NBiometricTypes.ToImpressionTypeFinger Method

Converts an impression type to finger impression type.

public static NFImpressionType ToImpressionTypeFinger(NFImpressionType value);

Parameters Description
NFImpressionType value Impression type to convert.

Finger impression type. NBiometricTypes Properties NBiometricTypes.NBiometricStatusNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the biometric status.

public static NType NBiometricStatusNativeType; NBiometricTypes.NBiometricSubtypeNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the biometric subtype.

public static NType NBiometricSubtypeNativeType; NBiometricTypes.NBiometricTypeNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the biometric type.

public static NType NBiometricTypeNativeType; NBiometricTypes.NEImageTypeNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the iris image type.

public static NType NEImageTypeNativeType; NBiometricTypes.NEPositionNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the iris position.

public static NType NEPositionNativeType; NBiometricTypes.NFImpressionTypeNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the finger impression type.

public static NType NFImpressionTypeNativeType; NBiometricTypes.NFMinutiaFormatNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the fingerprint minutia format. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

public static NType NFMinutiaFormatNativeType; NBiometricTypes.NFMinutiaTypeNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the fingerprint minutia type.

public static NType NFMinutiaTypeNativeType; NBiometricTypes.NFPatternClassNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the pattern class.

public static NType NFPatternClassNativeType; NBiometricTypes.NFPositionNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the finger position.

public static NType NFPositionNativeType; NBiometricTypes.NFRidgeCountsTypeNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the fingerprint ridge count.

public static NType NFRidgeCountsTypeNativeType; NBiometricTypes.NGenderNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the gender.

public static NType NGenderNativeType; NBiometricTypes.NIcaoWarningsNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the icao warnings.

public static NType NIcaoWarningsNativeType; NBiometricTypes.NLExpressionNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the face expression.

public static NType NLExpressionNativeType; NBiometricTypes.NLPropertiesNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the face properties.

public static NType NLPropertiesNativeType; NBiometricTypes.NLivenessActionNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the liveness action.

C# 9
public static NType NLivenessActionNativeType;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace NBiometricTypes.NLivenessModeNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the liveness mode.

public static NType NLivenessModeNativeType; NBiometricTypes.NTemplateSizeNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the template size.

public static NType NTemplateSizeNativeType; NBiometricTypes.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; NBiometricTypes.NfiqQualityNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the fingerprint image quality.

public static NType NfiqQualityNativeType; NBiometrics Class

Provides methods for retrieving NBiometrics Library information.

public static class NBiometrics;
File: NBiometrics.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

NBiometrics Fields

Name Description
DllName [ 481] Name of DLL containing unmanaged part of this class.

NBiometrics Properties

Name Description
NativeModule [ 482] Gets or sets a pointer to the function that retrieves NModule [ 297]
object for the specified module name. NBiometrics Fields NBiometrics.DllName Field

Name of DLL containing unmanaged part of this class.

public const string DllName = NVersionInfo.BiometricsDllName; 9 NBiometrics Properties

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace NBiometrics.NativeModule Property

Gets or sets a pointer to the function that retrieves NModule [ 297] object for the specified module name.

public static NModule NativeModule;
Property value
A pointer to the function that retrieves NModule [ 297] object for the specified module name. NEAttributes Class

Provides methods to retrieve iris attributes (metadata .which is not saved in iris template).

public sealed class NEAttributes : NBiometricAttributes;
File: NEAttributes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

NEAttributes Classes
NEAttributes Class

Name Description
InnerBoundaryPointCollection Represents a collection of iris-pupil (inner) boundary points.
[ 486]
OuterBoundaryPointCollection Represents a collection of iris-sclera (outer) boundary points.
[ 486]

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

NEAttributes Class

Name Description
NEAttributes [ 486] Initializes a new instance of NEAttributes class.
NEAttributes [ 486] Initializes a new instance of NEAttributes class.

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object. 9
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.

GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description 9
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

NBiometricAttributes Class

Name Description
BiometricType [ 429] Gets the biometric type.
Child [ 429] Gets child NBiometric [ 420] object of the current NBiometricAttributes
[ 425].
ChildSubject [ 429] Gets child NSubject [ 674] of the current NBiometricAttributes [ 425].
DetectionConfidence [ 429] Gets or sets the detection confidence.
NativeType [ 429] Defines the native type of the object.
Quality [ 429] Gets or sets the quality.
Status [ 429] Gets or sets the biometric status.

NEAttributes Class

Name Description
BoundingRect [ 487] Gets or sets the bounding rectangle that completely encloses scanned
CropRect [ 487] Gets or sets the crop rectangle which is used in segmenter to crop out
standard iris image.
GrayScaleUtilisation [ 487] Gets or sets grayscale utilisation value.
ImageIndex [ 487] Gets or sets iris image index.
InnerBoundaryPoints [ 487] Retrieves the collection of inner (iris-pupil) boundary points.
Interlace [ 488] Gets or sets image interlace value.
IrisPupilConcentricity [ 488] Gets or sets iris-pupil border concentricity value.
IrisPupilContrast [ 488] Gets or sets iris/pupil contrast.
IrisRadius [ 488] Gets or sets iris radius.
IrisScleraContrast [ 488] Gets or sets iris/sclera contrast.
IsInnerBoundaryAvailable [ 488] Checks whether the inner (iris-pupil) boundary is available.
IsOuterBoundaryAvailable [ 488] Checks whether the outer (iris-sclera) boundary is available.
MarginAdequacy [ 488] Gets or sets margin adequacy (the adequacy of the distance between
iris-sclera border and the closest image border) value.
NativeType [ 489] Defines the native type of the object.
NoCosmeticLensesConfidence Gets or sets cosmetic lenses confidence value. Higher values stand for
[ 489] lower probability that cosmetic lenses were detected.
OuterBoundaryPoints [ 489] Retrieves the collection of outer (iris-sclera) boundary points.
Owner [ 489] Gets the owner object.
Position [ 489] Gets or sets iris position.
PupilBoundaryCircularity [ 489] Gets or sets pupil boundary circularity.
PupilToIrisRatio [ 489] Gets or sets pupil-to-iris ratio.
Sharpness [ 489] Gets or sets image sharpness vlaue.
Template [ 490] Gets an iris template contained in a NERecord [ 493] object.
UsableIrisArea [ 490] Gets or sets usable iris area.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function. 9
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. NEAttributes.NEAttributes Constructor ()

Initializes a new instance of NEAttributes class.

public NEAttributes(); NEAttributes.NEAttributes Constructor (NEPosition)

Initializes a new instance of NEAttributes class.

public NEAttributes(NEPosition position);

Parameters Description
NEPosition position Eye position. NEAttributes Classes NEAttributes.InnerBoundaryPointCollection Class

Represents a collection of iris-pupil (inner) boundary points.

public sealed class InnerBoundaryPointCollection : StructCollection<Point>;
File: NEAttributes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] NEAttributes.OuterBoundaryPointCollection Class

Represents a collection of iris-sclera (outer) boundary points.

public sealed class OuterBoundaryPointCollection : StructCollection<Point>; 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

File: NEAttributes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] NEAttributes Properties NEAttributes.BoundingRect Property

Gets or sets the bounding rectangle that completely encloses scanned iris.

public Rectangle BoundingRect;
Property value
Rectangle type value containing coordinates, width and height. NEAttributes.CropRect Property

Gets or sets the crop rectangle which is used in segmenter to crop out standard iris image.

public Rectangle CropRect;
Property value
Rectangle type value containing coordinates, width and height. NEAttributes.GrayScaleUtilisation Property

Gets or sets grayscale utilisation value.

public byte GrayScaleUtilisation;
Property value
Grayscale utilisation examines pixel values of an iris image for evidence of a spread of intensity values in iris portion of the
image. A useful iris image should have a dynamic range of 256 grey levels, allocating at least 8 bits with a minimum of 6 bits of
useful information. An “underexposed” image would have too few high intensity pixels, and conversely for “overexposed”. An
image with a high score indicates a properly exposed image, with a wide, well distributed spread of intensity values. NEAttributes.ImageIndex Property

Gets or sets iris image index.

public int ImageIndex;
Property value
Iris image index. NEAttributes.InnerBoundaryPoints Property

Retrieves the collection of inner (iris-pupil) boundary points.

public InnerBoundaryPointCollection InnerBoundaryPoints;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace NEAttributes.Interlace Property

Gets or sets image interlace value.

public byte Interlace; NEAttributes.IrisPupilConcentricity Property

Gets or sets iris-pupil border concentricity value.

public byte IrisPupilConcentricity; NEAttributes.IrisPupilContrast Property

Gets or sets iris/pupil contrast.

public byte IrisPupilContrast; NEAttributes.IrisRadius Property

Gets or sets iris radius.

public byte IrisRadius; NEAttributes.IrisScleraContrast Property

Gets or sets iris/sclera contrast.

public byte IrisScleraContrast; NEAttributes.IsInnerBoundaryAvailable Property

Checks whether the inner (iris-pupil) boundary is available.

public bool IsInnerBoundaryAvailable;
Property value
true if the boundary is available; else false. NEAttributes.IsOuterBoundaryAvailable Property

Checks whether the outer (iris-sclera) boundary is available.

public bool IsOuterBoundaryAvailable;
Property value
true if the boundary is available; else false. NEAttributes.MarginAdequacy Property

Gets or sets margin adequacy (the adequacy of the distance between iris-sclera border and the closest image border) value.

public byte MarginAdequacy; 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace NEAttributes.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; NEAttributes.NoCosmeticLensesConfidence Property

Gets or sets cosmetic lenses confidence value. Higher values stand for lower probability that cosmetic lenses were detected.

public byte NoCosmeticLensesConfidence; NEAttributes.OuterBoundaryPoints Property

Retrieves the collection of outer (iris-sclera) boundary points.

public OuterBoundaryPointCollection OuterBoundaryPoints; NEAttributes.Owner Property

Gets the owner object.

public new NIris Owner;
Property value
NIris [ 589] object. NEAttributes.Position Property

Gets or sets iris position.

public NEPosition Position;
Property value
Iris position value. NEAttributes.PupilBoundaryCircularity Property

Gets or sets pupil boundary circularity.

public byte PupilBoundaryCircularity; NEAttributes.PupilToIrisRatio Property

Gets or sets pupil-to-iris ratio.

public byte PupilToIrisRatio; NEAttributes.Sharpness Property

Gets or sets image sharpness vlaue.

public byte Sharpness; 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace NEAttributes.Template Property

Gets an iris template contained in a NERecord [ 493] object.

public NERecord Template; NEAttributes.UsableIrisArea Property

Gets or sets usable iris area.

public byte UsableIrisArea; NEMatchingDetails Class

Represents iris templates matching details.

public sealed class NEMatchingDetails : NXMatchingDetails;
File: NEMatchingDetails.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not 9
intended to be used directly from your code.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.

This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.

Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

NMatchingDetailsBase Class

Name Description
BiometricType [ 639] Gets type of biometric modality saved in specified matching details.
NativeType [ 639] Defines the native type of the object.
Score [ 639] Gets similarity score of two matched templates.

NXMatchingDetails Class

Name Description 9
MatchedIndex [ 709] Gets index of matched template in the second matched template.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

NativeType [ 709] Defines the native type of the object.

NEMatchingDetails Class

Name Description
NativeType [ 493] Defines the native type of the object.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. NEMatchingDetails Properties NEMatchingDetails.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; NERecord Class

Provides functionality for packing, unpacking and editing Neurotechnology iris Records (NERecords).

public sealed class NERecord : NObject, ICloneable;
File: NERecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

NERecord Class

Name Description
NERecord [ 497] Initializes a new instance of the NERecord class.
NERecord [ 497] Initializes a new instance of the NERecord class.
NERecord [ 498] Initializes a new instance of the NERecord class.
NERecord [ 498] Initializes a new instance of the NERecord class from existing NERecord
with specified size.
NERecord [ 498] Initializes a new instance of the NERecord class from existing NERecord
with specified size.
NERecord [ 498] Initializes a new instance of the NERecord class.
NERecord [ 499] Initializes a new instance of the NERecord class.
NERecord [ 499] Initializes a new instance of the NERecord class.

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

NERecord Class

Name Description
Check [ 499] Checks if NBuffer [ 1943] contains a valid NERecord object.
Check [ 499] Checks if byte array contains a valid NERecord object.
GetCbeffProductType [ 500] Retrieves the Cbeff product type of the NERecord.
GetCbeffProductType [ 500] Retrieves the Cbeff product type of the NERecord.
GetHeight [ 500] Retrieves height of iris image.
GetHeight [ 500] Retrieves height of iris image.
GetPosition [ 501] Get iris position in NERecord object.
GetPosition [ 501] Get iris position in NERecord object.
GetQuality [ 501] Get quality of iris image in NERecord object.
GetQuality [ 501] Get quality of iris image in NERecord object.
GetSize [ 502] Retrieves the size of a specified memory buffer.
GetSize [ 502] Gets the size of packed NERecord.
GetWidth [ 502] Get width of iris image in NERecord object.
GetWidth [ 502] Get width of iris image in NERecord object.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

NERecord Class

Name Description
CbeffProductType [ 503] Gets or sets the Cbeff product type of the NERecord.
Height [ 503] Height of iris image in NERecrod object.
NativeType [ 503] Defines the native type of the object.
Position [ 503] Position of iris (left or right eye) in NERecord.
Quality [ 503] Quality of iris image in NERecord object.
Width [ 503] Width of iris image in NERecrod object.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. NERecord.NERecord Constructor (NBuffer)

Initializes a new instance of the NERecord class.

public NERecord(NBuffer buffer);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer The packed NERecord object. NERecord.NERecord Constructor (NBuffer, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the NERecord class.

public NERecord(NBuffer buffer, uint flags);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer The packed NERecord object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls

behavior of the constructor. NERecord.NERecord Constructor (NBuffer, uint, out int)

Initializes a new instance of the NERecord class.

public NERecord(NBuffer buffer, uint flags, out int size);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer The packed NERecord object.
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the constructor.
out int size [out] Size of NERecord. NERecord.NERecord Constructor (NERecord, NTemplateSize)

Initializes a new instance of the NERecord class from existing NERecord with specified size.

public NERecord(NERecord record, NTemplateSize templateSize);

Parameters Description
NERecord record Source NERecord.
NTemplateSize templateSize Template size of NERecord to be created.

Can be used to decrease the size of NERecord. NERecord.NERecord Constructor (NERecord, NTemplateSize, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the NERecord class from existing NERecord with specified size.

public NERecord(NERecord record, NTemplateSize templateSize, uint flags);

Parameters Description
NERecord record Source NERecord.
NTemplateSize templateSize Template size of NERecord to be created.
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the constructor.

Can be used to decrease the size of NERecord. NERecord.NERecord Constructor (byte[])

Initializes a new instance of the NERecord class.

public NERecord(byte[] buffer);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace


Parameters Description
byte[] buffer The packed NERecord object. NERecord.NERecord Constructor (ushort, ushort)

Initializes a new instance of the NERecord class.

public NERecord(ushort width, ushort height);

Parameters Description
ushort width Width [ 503] of original image which contains irises features.
ushort height Height [ 503] of original image which contains irises
features. NERecord.NERecord Constructor (ushort, ushort, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the NERecord class.

public NERecord(ushort width, ushort height, uint flags);

Parameters Description
ushort width Width [ 503] of original image which contains irises features.
ushort height Height [ 503] of original image which contains irises
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the constructor. Should be zero. NERecord Methods NERecord.Check Method (NBuffer)

Checks if NBuffer [ 1943] contains a valid NERecord [ 493] object.

public static void Check(NBuffer buffer);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer NBuffer [ 1943] containing NERecord [ 493] object. NERecord.Check Method (byte[])

Checks if byte array contains a valid NERecord [ 493] object.

public static void Check(byte[] buffer);

Parameters Description
byte[] buffer Array of bytes memory buffer containing NERecord [ 493] 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace NERecord.GetCbeffProductType Method (NBuffer)

Retrieves the Cbeff product type of the NERecord [ 493].

public static ushort GetCbeffProductType(NBuffer buffer);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer The packed NERecord [ 493] object.

The Cbeff product type. NERecord.GetCbeffProductType Method (byte[])

Retrieves the Cbeff product type of the NERecord [ 493].

public static ushort GetCbeffProductType(byte[] buffer);

Parameters Description
byte[] buffer The packed NERecord [ 493] object.

The Cbeff product type. NERecord.GetHeight Method (NBuffer)

Retrieves height of iris image.

public static ushort GetHeight(NBuffer buffer);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer NBuffer [ 1943] containing NERecord [ 493].

Iris image height in pixels. NERecord.GetHeight Method (byte[])

Retrieves height of iris image.

public static ushort GetHeight(byte[] buffer);

Parameters Description
byte[] buffer Byte array which contains iris image data.

Iris image height in pixels.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace


Exceptions Description
ArgumentNullException Buffer is null. NERecord.GetPosition Method (NBuffer)

Get iris position in NERecord [ 493] object.

public static NEPosition GetPosition(NBuffer buffer);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer NBuffer [ 1943] containing NERecord [ 493].

One of the NEPosition [ 717] values. NERecord.GetPosition Method (byte[])

Get iris position in NERecord [ 493] object.

public static NEPosition GetPosition(byte[] buffer);

Parameters Description
byte[] buffer Byte array containing NERecord [ 493].

One of the NEPosition [ 717] values. NERecord.GetQuality Method (NBuffer)

Get quality of iris image in NERecord [ 493] object.

public static byte GetQuality(NBuffer buffer);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer NBuffer [ 1943] containing NERecord [ 493].

Iris image quality value. NERecord.GetQuality Method (byte[])

Get quality of iris image in NERecord [ 493] object.

public static byte GetQuality(byte[] buffer);

Parameters Description
byte[] buffer Byte array containing NERecord [ 493]. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

Iris image quality value. NERecord.GetSize Method (NBuffer)

Retrieves the size of a specified memory buffer.

public static int GetSize(NBuffer buffer);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer The memory buffer.

The size of a specified memory buffer. NERecord.GetSize Method (byte[])

Gets the size of packed NERecord [ 493].

public static int GetSize(byte[] buffer);

Parameters Description
byte[] buffer The packed NERecord [ 493].

NERecord [ 493] size. NERecord.GetWidth Method (NBuffer)

Get width of iris image in NERecord [ 493] object.

public static ushort GetWidth(NBuffer buffer);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer NBuffer [ 1943] containing NERecord [ 493].

Iris image width. NERecord.GetWidth Method (byte[])

Get width of iris image in NERecord [ 493] object.

public static ushort GetWidth(byte[] buffer);

Parameters Description
byte[] buffer Byte array containing NERecord [ 493].
Iris image width.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace NERecord Properties NERecord.CbeffProductType Property

Gets or sets the Cbeff product type of the NERecord [ 493].

public ushort CbeffProductType;
Property value
The Cbeff product type. NERecord.Height Property

Height of iris image in NERecrod object.

public ushort Height;
Property value
Height of the iris image. NERecord.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; NERecord.Position Property

Position of iris (left or right eye) in NERecord [ 493].

public NEPosition Position;
Property value
Position value of the iris (left or right iris). NERecord.Quality Property

Quality of iris image in NERecord [ 493] object.

public byte Quality;
Property value
Quality value of the iris image. NERecord.Width Property

Width of iris image in NERecrod object.

public ushort Width;
Property value
Width of the iris image. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace NETemplate Class

Provides functionality for packing, unpacking and editing Neurotechnology iris templates (NETemplates).

public sealed class NETemplate : NObject, ICloneable;
File: NETemplate.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

NETemplate Classes
NETemplate Class

Name Description
RecordCollection [ 509] Collection of NERecords.

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

NETemplate Class

Name Description
FlagProcessFirstRecordOnly [ 509] The flag indicating whether only the first iris record should be unpacked
or packed while unpacking or packing NETemplate.
MaxRecordCount [ 509] The maximum number of iris records NETemplate can contain.

NETemplate Class

Name Description
NETemplate [ 507] Initializes a new instance of the NETemplate class.
NETemplate [ 507] Initializes a new instance of the NETemplate class.
NETemplate [ 508] Initializes a new instance of the NETemplate class.
NETemplate [ 508] Initializes a new instance of the NETemplate class.
NETemplate [ 508] Initializes a new instance of the NETemplate class.
NETemplate [ 508] Initializes a new instance of the NETemplate class.

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class
Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.

CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

NETemplate Class

Name Description
CalculateSize [ 509] Calculates size of NETemplate object containing particular NERecords.
Check [ 509] Checks if byte array contains a valid NETemplate object.
Check [ 510] Checks if byte array contains a valid NETemplate object.
GetRecordCount [ 510] Gets record count in NETemplate.
GetRecordCount [ 510] Gets record count in NETemplate.
GetSize [ 510] Gets the size of packed NETemplate.
GetSize [ 510] Gets the size of packed NETemplate.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

NETemplate Class

Name Description
NativeType [ 511] Defines the native type of the object.
Records [ 511] Gets collection of records in the NETemplate.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. NETemplate.NETemplate Constructor ()

Initializes a new instance of the NETemplate class.

public NETemplate(); NETemplate.NETemplate Constructor (NBuffer)

Initializes a new instance of the NETemplate class.

public NETemplate(NBuffer buffer);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace


Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer NBuffer [ 1943] with packed NETemplate objects. NETemplate.NETemplate Constructor (NBuffer, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the NETemplate class.

public NETemplate(NBuffer buffer, uint flags);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer NBuffer [ 1943] with packed NETemplate objects.
uint flags Reserved for future use. Must be zero. NETemplate.NETemplate Constructor (NBuffer, uint, out int)

Initializes a new instance of the NETemplate class.

public NETemplate(NBuffer buffer, uint flags, out int size);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer NBuffer [ 1943] with packed NETemplate objects.
uint flags Reserved for future use. Must be zero.
out int size [out] NETemplate size. NETemplate.NETemplate Constructor (byte[])

Initializes a new instance of the NETemplate class.

public NETemplate(byte[] buffer);

Parameters Description
byte[] buffer A byte array with packed NETemplate objects. NETemplate.NETemplate Constructor (uint)

Initializes a new instance of the NETemplate class.

public NETemplate(uint flags);

Parameters Description
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the constructor.

The following flags are supported:

? FlagProcessFirstRecordOnly [ 509] 9
? Flags [ 320] are applied to each iris record contained in the NETemplate.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace NETemplate Classes NETemplate.RecordCollection Class

Collection of NERecords.

public sealed class RecordCollection : NObjectCollection<NERecord>;
File: NETemplate.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] NETemplate Fields NETemplate.FlagProcessFirstRecordOnly Field

The flag indicating whether only the first iris record should be unpacked or packed while unpacking or packing NETemplate
[ 504].

public const uint FlagProcessFirstRecordOnly = 0x00000100; NETemplate.MaxRecordCount Field

The maximum number of iris records NETemplate [ 504] can contain.

public const int MaxRecordCount = 255; NETemplate Methods NETemplate.CalculateSize Method

Calculates size of NETemplate [ 504] object containing particular NERecords.

public static int CalculateSize(int[] recordSizes);

Parameters Description
int[] recordSizes Array of separate NERecord [ 493] sizes.

Calculated size in bytes. NETemplate.Check Method (NBuffer)

Checks if byte array contains a valid NETemplate [ 504] object.

public static void Check(NBuffer buffer);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer NBuffer [ 1943] containing a NETemplate [ 504].

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace NETemplate.Check Method (byte[])

Checks if byte array contains a valid NETemplate [ 504] object.

public static void Check(byte[] buffer);

Parameters Description
byte[] buffer Byte array containing a NETemplate [ 504]. NETemplate.GetRecordCount Method (NBuffer)

Gets record count in NETemplate [ 504].

public static int GetRecordCount(NBuffer buffer);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer NBuffer [ 1943] containing a NETemplate [ 504].

Number of records in the NETemplate [ 504]. NETemplate.GetRecordCount Method (byte[])

Gets record count in NETemplate [ 504].

public static int GetRecordCount(byte[] buffer);

Parameters Description
byte[] buffer Memory buffer containing a NETemplate [ 504].

Number of records in the NETemplate [ 504]. NETemplate.GetSize Method (NBuffer)

Gets the size of packed NETemplate [ 504].

public static int GetSize(NBuffer buffer);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer Packed NETemplate [ 504].

NETemplate [ 504] size. NETemplate.GetSize Method (byte[])

Gets the size of packed NETemplate [ 504].
public static int GetSize(byte[] buffer);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace


Parameters Description
byte[] buffer Packed NETemplate [ 504].

NETemplate [ 504] size. NETemplate Properties NETemplate.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; NETemplate.Records Property

Gets collection of records in the NETemplate [ 504].

public RecordCollection Records;
Property value
A RecordCollection [ 509] collection. NFAttributes Class

Provides methods to retrieve fingerprint attributes (metadata .which is not saved in fingerprint template).

public sealed class NFAttributes : NBiometricAttributes;
File: NFAttributes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

NFAttributes Classes
NFAttributes Class

Name Description
PossiblePossitionCollection [ 515] Possible fingerprint positions collection.

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

NFAttributes Class

Name Description
NFAttributes [ 515] Initializes a new instance of NFAttributes class.
NFAttributes [ 515] Initializes a new instance of NFAttributes class.

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

NFAttributes Class

Name Description
GetTemplate [ 516] Retrieves the fingerprint template of the NFAttributes.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

NBiometricAttributes Class

Name Description
BiometricType [ 429] Gets the biometric type.
Child [ 429] Gets child NBiometric [ 420] object of the current NBiometricAttributes
[ 425].
ChildSubject [ 429] Gets child NSubject [ 674] of the current NBiometricAttributes [ 425].
DetectionConfidence [ 429] Gets or sets the detection confidence.
NativeType [ 429] Defines the native type of the object.
Quality [ 429] Gets or sets the quality.
Status [ 429] Gets or sets the biometric status.

NFAttributes Class

Name Description
BoundingRect [ 516] Gets or sets the bounding rectangle that completely encloses scanned
ImageIndex [ 516] Gets or sets fingerprint image index.
ImpressionType [ 516] Gets or sets fingerprint impression type.
NativeType [ 516] Defines the native type of the object.
NfiqQuality [ 516] Gets or sets image quality value.
Owner [ 517] Gets the owner object.
PatternClass [ 517] Gets of sets pattern class value.
PatternClassConfidence [ 517] Gets or sets pattern class confidence value.
Position [ 517] Gets or sets fingerprint position value.
PossiblePositions [ 517] Gets collection of possible fingerprints positions.
Rotation [ 517] Gets of sets image rotation value, represented by a floating point
Template [ 517] Gets a fingerprint template contained in a NFRecord [ 537] object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. NFAttributes.NFAttributes Constructor ()

Initializes a new instance of NFAttributes class.

public NFAttributes(); NFAttributes.NFAttributes Constructor (NFImpressionType, NFPosition)

Initializes a new instance of NFAttributes class.

public NFAttributes(NFImpressionType impressionType, NFPosition position);

Parameters Description
NFImpressionType impressionType Impression type.
NFPosition position Finger position. NFAttributes Classes NFAttributes.PossiblePossitionCollection Class

Possible fingerprint positions collection.

public sealed class PossiblePossitionCollection : ValueTypeCollection<NFPosition>;
File: NFAttributes.cs
Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace NFAttributes Methods NFAttributes.GetTemplate Method

Retrieves the fingerprint template of the NFAttributes [ 511].

public NFRecord GetTemplate(bool cache);
NFRecord [ 537] object. NFAttributes Properties NFAttributes.BoundingRect Property

Gets or sets the bounding rectangle that completely encloses scanned fingerprint.

public Rectangle BoundingRect;
Property value
Rectangle type value containing coordinates, width and height. NFAttributes.ImageIndex Property

Gets or sets fingerprint image index.

public int ImageIndex;
Property value
Fingerprint image index. NFAttributes.ImpressionType Property

Gets or sets fingerprint impression type.

public NFImpressionType ImpressionType;
Property value
Fingerprint impression type. NFAttributes.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; NFAttributes.NfiqQuality Property

Gets or sets image quality value.

public NfiqQuality NfiqQuality;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace NFAttributes.Owner Property

Gets the owner object.

public new NFrictionRidge Owner;
Property value
NFrictionRidge [ 582] object. NFAttributes.PatternClass Property

Gets of sets pattern class value.

public NFPatternClass PatternClass; NFAttributes.PatternClassConfidence Property

Gets or sets pattern class confidence value.

public byte PatternClassConfidence;
Property value
Pattern class confidence value. NFAttributes.Position Property

Gets or sets fingerprint position value.

public NFPosition Position;
Property value
Fingerprint position value. NFAttributes.PossiblePositions Property

Gets collection of possible fingerprints positions.

public PossiblePossitionCollection PossiblePositions;
Property value
Collection of possible fingerprints positions. NFAttributes.Rotation Property

Gets of sets image rotation value, represented by a floating point number.

public float Rotation; NFAttributes.Template Property

Gets a fingerprint template contained in a NFRecord [ 537] object.

public NFRecord Template; 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace NFCore Structure

The structure contains information of core.

public struct NFCore : IFormattable {
File: NBiometricTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Name Description
NFCore [ 518] Initializes a new instance of the NFCore structure.
NFCore [ 518] Initializes a new instance of the NFCore class.
NFCore [ 519] Initializes a new instance of the NFCore class.

NFCore Methods

Name Description
ToString [ 519] Retrieves string representation of the specified object.
ToString [ 519] Retrieves string representation of the specified object.

NFCore Properties

Name Description
Angle [ 519] Gets or sets Angle of core.
AngleDeg [ 520] Gets or sets angle in degrees.
NativeType [ 520] Defines the native type of the object.
RawAngle [ 520] Gets or sets raw angle of core
X [ 520] Gets or sets x coordinate of core.
Y [ 520] Gets or sets y coordinate of core. NFCore.NFCore Constructor (ushort, ushort)

Initializes a new instance of the NFCore structure.

public NFCore(ushort x, ushort y);

Parameters Description
ushort x The x - coordinate of the core.
ushort y The y - coordinate of the core. NFCore.NFCore Constructor (ushort, ushort, double)

Initializes a new instance of the NFCore class.

public NFCore(ushort x, ushort y, double angle); 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace


Parameters Description
ushort x The x - coordinate of the core.
ushort y The y - coordinate of the core.
double angle The angle of the core. NFCore.NFCore Constructor (ushort, ushort, int)

Initializes a new instance of the NFCore class.

public NFCore(ushort x, ushort y, int angle);

Parameters Description
ushort x The x - coordinate of the core.
ushort y The y - coordinate of the core.
int angle The angle of the core. NFCore Methods NFCore.ToString Method ()

Retrieves string representation of the specified object.

public override string ToString();
String representation of an object. NFCore.ToString Method (string)

Retrieves string representation of the specified object.

public string ToString(string format);

Parameters Description
string format Reserved for future use.

No tables or formatting elements here!!! NFCore Properties NFCore.Angle Property

Gets or sets Angle of core.

public double Angle;
Property value 9
The angle of the core.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace NFCore.AngleDeg Property

Gets or sets angle in degrees.

public float AngleDeg;
Property value
Float value of angles degrees. NFCore.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; NFCore.RawAngle Property

Gets or sets raw angle of core

public int RawAngle;
The angle of the core is specified in 180/128 degrees units in counterclockwise order and cannot be less than zero or greater
than 256 minus one. The value of -1 can be specified if the angle of the core is unknown.

Property value
The raw angle of the core. NFCore.X Property

Gets or sets x coordinate of core.

public ushort X;
The x coordinate of the core is specified in pixels at resolution and "X * [NFRecord [ 537] horizontal resolution] / Resolution"
cannot be greater than MaxDimension or NFRecord [ 537] width minus one.

Property value
The x coordinate of the core. NFCore.Y Property

Gets or sets y coordinate of core.

public ushort Y;
The y coordinate of the core is specified in pixels at resolution and "Y * [NFRecord [ 537] vertical resolution] / Resolution"
cannot be greater than MaxDimension or NFRecord [ 537] width minus one.

Property value
The y coordinate of the core.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace NFDelta Structure

The structure contains information of delta.

public struct NFDelta : IFormattable {
File: NBiometricTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Name Description
NFDelta [ 521] Initializes a new instance of the NFDelta structure.
NFDelta [ 521] Initializes a new instance of the NFDelta structure.
NFDelta [ 522] Initializes a new instance of the NFDelta structure.

NFDelta Methods

Name Description
ToString [ 522] Returns a string that represents the current NFDelta object.
ToString [ 522] Returns a string that represents the current NFDelta object.

NFDelta Properties

Name Description
Angle1 [ 523] Gets or sets the first angle of delta.
Angle2 [ 523] Gets or sets the second angle of delta.
Angle3 [ 523] Gets or sets the third angle of delta.
NativeType [ 523] Defines the native type of the object.
RawAngle1 [ 523] Gets or sets the first row angle of the delta.
RawAngle2 [ 524] Gets or sets the second row angle of the delta.
RawAngle3 [ 524] Gets or sets the third row angle of the delta.
X [ 524] Gets or sets x coordinate of delta.
Y [ 524] Gets or sets y coordinate of delta. NFDelta.NFDelta Constructor (ushort, ushort)

Initializes a new instance of the NFDelta structure.

public NFDelta(ushort x, ushort y);

Parameters Description
ushort x The x - coordinate of the delta.
ushort y The y - coordinate of the delta. NFDelta.NFDelta Constructor (ushort, ushort, double, double, double)

Initializes a new instance of the NFDelta structure.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

public NFDelta(ushort x, ushort y, double angle1, double angle2, double angle3);

Parameters Description
ushort x The x - coordinate of the delta.
ushort y The y - coordinate of the delta.
double angle1 The first angle of the delta.
double angle2 The second angle of the delta.
double angle3 The third angle of the delta. NFDelta.NFDelta Constructor (ushort, ushort, int, int, int)

Initializes a new instance of the NFDelta structure.

public NFDelta(ushort x, ushort y, int angle1, int angle2, int angle3);

Parameters Description
ushort x The x - coordinate of the delta.
ushort y The y - coordinate of the delta.
int angle1 The first angle of the delta.
int angle2 The second angle of the delta.
int angle3 The third angle of the delta. NFDelta Methods NFDelta.ToString Method ()

Returns a string that represents the current NFDelta [ 521] object.

public override string ToString();
String that represents NFDelta [ 521] object. NFDelta.ToString Method (string)

Returns a string that represents the current NFDelta [ 521] object.

public string ToString(string format);

Parameters Description
string format Reserved for future use..

String that represents NFDelta [ 521] object. NFDelta Properties


9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace NFDelta.Angle1 Property

Gets or sets the first angle of delta.

public double Angle1;
The angle of the delta is specified in 180/128 degrees units in counterclockwise order and cannot be less than zero or greater
than 256 minus one. The value of -1 can be specified if the first angle of the delta is unknown.

Property value
The first angle of the delta. NFDelta.Angle2 Property

Gets or sets the second angle of delta.

public double Angle2;
The angle of the delta is specified in 180/128 degrees units in counterclockwise order and cannot be less than zero or greater
than 256 minus one. The value of -1 can be specified if the first angle of the delta is unknown.

Property value
The second angle of the delta. NFDelta.Angle3 Property

Gets or sets the third angle of delta.

public double Angle3;
The angle of the delta is specified in 180/128 degrees units in counterclockwise order and cannot be less than zero or greater
than 256 minus one. The value of -1 can be specified if the first angle of the delta is unknown.

Property value
The third angle of the delta. NFDelta.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; NFDelta.RawAngle1 Property

Gets or sets the first row angle of the delta.

public int RawAngle1;
Property value
The first raw angle of the delta.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace NFDelta.RawAngle2 Property

Gets or sets the second row angle of the delta.

public int RawAngle2;
Property value
The second raw angle of the delta. NFDelta.RawAngle3 Property

Gets or sets the third row angle of the delta.

public int RawAngle3;
Property value
The third raw angle fog the delta. NFDelta.X Property

Gets or sets x coordinate of delta.

public ushort X;
The x coordinate of the delta is specified in pixels at resolution and "X * [NFRecord [ 537] horizontal resolution] / Resolution"
cannot be greater than MaxDimension or NFRecord [ 537] width minus one.

Property value
The x coordinate of the delta. NFDelta.Y Property

Gets or sets y coordinate of delta.

public ushort Y;
The y coordinate of the delta is specified in pixels at resolution and "Y * [NFRecord [ 537] vertical resolution] / Resolution"
cannot be greater than MaxDimension or NFRecord [ 537] width minus one.

Property value
The x coordinate of the delta. NFDoubleCore Structure

The structure contains information of double core.

public struct NFDoubleCore : IFormattable {
File: NBiometricTypes.cs

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Name Description
NFDoubleCore [ 525] Initializes a new instance of the NFDoubleCore class.

NFDoubleCore Methods

Name Description
ToString [ 525] Returns a string that represents the current NFDoubleCore object.
ToString [ 525] Returns a string that represents the current NFDoubleCore object.

NFDoubleCore Properties

Name Description
NativeType [ 526] Defines the native type of the object.
X [ 526] Gets or sets x coordinate of the double core.
Y [ 526] Gets or sets y coordinate of the double core. NFDoubleCore.NFDoubleCore Constructor

Initializes a new instance of the NFDoubleCore class.

public NFDoubleCore(ushort x, ushort y);

Parameters Description
ushort x The x coordinate of the double core.
ushort y The y coordinate of the double core. NFDoubleCore Methods NFDoubleCore.ToString Method ()

Returns a string that represents the current NFDoubleCore [ 524] object.

public override string ToString();
String that represents NFDoubleCore [ 524] object. NFDoubleCore.ToString Method (string)

Returns a string that represents the current NFDoubleCore [ 524] object.

public string ToString(string format);

Parameters Description
string format Reserved for future use.

String that represents NFDoubleCore [ 524] object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace NFDoubleCore Properties NFDoubleCore.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; NFDoubleCore.X Property

Gets or sets x coordinate of the double core.

public ushort X;
Property value
The X coordinate of the double core. NFDoubleCore.Y Property

Gets or sets y coordinate of the double core.

public ushort Y;
Property value
The Y coordinate of the double core. NFMatchingDetails Class

Represents Neurotechnology Fingerprint or Palmprint Records (NFRecords) matching details.

public sealed class NFMatchingDetails : NXMatchingDetails;
File: NFMatchingDetails.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

NDisposable Methods

Name Description 9
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object. 9
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.

GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

NFMatchingDetails Class

Name Description
GetMatedMinutiae [ 530] Gets an array of NIndexPair [ 295] containing pairs of indexes of mated
minutiae in first and second matched NFRecords.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

NMatchingDetailsBase Class

Name Description
BiometricType [ 639] Gets type of biometric modality saved in specified matching details.
NativeType [ 639] Defines the native type of the object.
Score [ 639] Gets similarity score of two matched templates.

NXMatchingDetails Class

Name Description
MatchedIndex [ 709] Gets index of matched template in the second matched template.
NativeType [ 709] Defines the native type of the object.

NFMatchingDetails Class

Name Description
CenterX [ 530] Gets X coordinate center of mass of the second NfmVerify matched
CenterY [ 530] Gets Y coordinate center of mass of the second NfmVerify matched
NativeType [ 530] Defines the native type of the object.
Rotation [ 530] Gets rotation of second matched NFRecord [ 537] against the first one.
TranslationX [ 531] Gets horizontal translation of second matched NFRecord [ 537] against
the first one.
TranslationY [ 531] Gets vertical translation of second matched NFRecord [ 537] against the
first one.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. NFMatchingDetails Methods NFMatchingDetails.GetMatedMinutiae Method

Gets an array of NIndexPair [ 295] containing pairs of indexes of mated minutiae in first and second matched NFRecords.

public NIndexPair[] GetMatedMinutiae();
Array of NIndexPair [ 295] containing pairs of indexes of mated minutiae NFMatchingDetails Properties NFMatchingDetails.CenterX Property

Gets X coordinate center of mass of the second NfmVerify matched template.

public int CenterX;
Property value
X coordinate center of mass of matched template. NFMatchingDetails.CenterY Property

Gets Y coordinate center of mass of the second NfmVerify matched template.

public int CenterY;
Property value
Y coordinate of second matched template. NFMatchingDetails.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; NFMatchingDetails.Rotation Property

Gets rotation of second matched NFRecord [ 537] against the first one.

public byte Rotation;
Property value
Rotation of second matched NFRecord [ 537]

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace NFMatchingDetails.TranslationX Property

Gets horizontal translation of second matched NFRecord [ 537] against the first one.

public int TranslationX;
Property value
Horizontal translation of second matched NFRecord [ 537] NFMatchingDetails.TranslationY Property

Gets vertical translation of second matched NFRecord [ 537] against the first one.

public int TranslationY;
Property value
Vertical translation of second matched NFRecord [ 537] NFMinutia Structure

The structure contains information of minutia.

public struct NFMinutia : IFormattable {
File: NBiometricTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Name Description
NFMinutia [ 532] Initializes a new instance of the NFMinutia class.
NFMinutia [ 532] Initializes a new instance of the NFMinutia class.
NFMinutia [ 532] Initializes a new instance of the NFMinutia class.
NFMinutia [ 532] Initializes a new instance of the NFMinutia class.

NFMinutia Methods

Name Description
ToString [ 533] Returns a string that represents the current NFMinutia object.
ToString [ 533] Returns a string that represents the current NFMinutia object.

NFMinutia Properties

Name Description
Angle [ 533] Gets or sets the angle of the minutia.
Curvature [ 534] Gets or sets the ridge curvature near minutia.
G [ 534] Gets or sets the G (ridge density) near minutia.
NativeType [ 534] Defines the native type of the object.
Quality [ 534] Gets or sets quality of the minutia.
RawAngle [ 534] Gets or sets the raw angle of the minutia.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

Type [ 534] Gets or sets the type of the minutia.

X [ 535] Gets or sets x coordinate of the minutia.
Y [ 535] Gets or sets y coordinate of the minutia. NFMinutia.NFMinutia Constructor (ushort, ushort, NFMinutiaType, byte)

Initializes a new instance of the NFMinutia class.

public NFMinutia(ushort x, ushort y, NFMinutiaType type, byte angle);

Parameters Description
ushort x The x coordinate of the minutia.
ushort y The y coordinate of the minutia.
NFMinutiaType type One of the NFMinutiaType [ 720] values.
byte angle The angle of the minutia. NFMinutia.NFMinutia Constructor (ushort, ushort, NFMinutiaType, byte, byte,

byte, byte)
Initializes a new instance of the NFMinutia class.

public NFMinutia(ushort x, ushort y, NFMinutiaType type, byte angle, byte quality, byte
curvature, byte g);

Parameters Description
ushort x The x - coordinate of the minutia.
ushort y The y - coordinate of the minutia.
NFMinutiaType type One of the NFMinutiaType [ 720] values.
byte angle The angle of the minutia.
byte quality The quality of the minutia.
byte curvature The ridge curvature near minutia.
byte g The G [ 534] (ridge density) near minutia. NFMinutia.NFMinutia Constructor (ushort, ushort, NFMinutiaType, double)

Initializes a new instance of the NFMinutia class.

public NFMinutia(ushort x, ushort y, NFMinutiaType type, double angle);

Parameters Description
ushort x The x - coordinate of the minutia.
ushort y The y - coordinate of the minutia.
NFMinutiaType type One of the NFMinutiaType [ 720] values.
double angle The angle of the minutia. NFMinutia.NFMinutia Constructor (ushort, ushort, NFMinutiaType, double,

byte, byte, byte) 9
Initializes a new instance of the NFMinutia class.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

public NFMinutia(ushort x, ushort y, NFMinutiaType type, double angle, byte quality, byte
curvature, byte g);

Parameters Description
ushort x The x - coordinate of the minutia.
ushort y The y - coordinate of the minutia.
NFMinutiaType type One of the NFMinutiaType [ 720] values.
double angle The angle of the minutia.
byte quality The quality of the minutia.
byte curvature The ridge curvature near minutia.
byte g The G [ 534] (ridge density) near minutia. NFMinutia Methods NFMinutia.ToString Method ()

Returns a string that represents the current NFMinutia [ 531] object.

public override string ToString();
String representation of NFMinutia [ 531] object. NFMinutia.ToString Method (string)

Returns a string that represents the current NFMinutia [ 531] object.

public string ToString(string format);

Parameters Description
string format String format.

String representation of NFMinutia [ 531] object. NFMinutia Properties NFMinutia.Angle Property

Gets or sets the angle of the minutia.

public double Angle;
The angle of the minutia is specified in 180/128 degrees units in counterclockwise order and cannot be greater than 256 minus

Property value
The angle of the minutia. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace NFMinutia.Curvature Property

Gets or sets the ridge curvature near minutia.

public byte Curvature;
If curvature of the minutia is unknown it must be set to 255.

Property value
The ridge curvature near minutia. NFMinutia.G Property

Gets or sets the G (ridge density) near minutia.

public byte G;
If G of the minutia is unknown it must be set to 255.

Property value
The G (ridge density) near minutia. NFMinutia.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; NFMinutia.Quality Property

Gets or sets quality of the minutia.

public byte Quality;
The quality of the minutia must be in the range [0, 100].The higher it is, the better the quality of the minutia is. If quality of the
minutia is unknown it must be set to zero.

Property value
The quality of the minutia. NFMinutia.RawAngle Property

Gets or sets the raw angle of the minutia.

public byte RawAngle;
Property value
The raw angle of the minutia. NFMinutia.Type Property 9

Gets or sets the type of the minutia.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

public NFMinutiaType Type;
Property value
One of the NFMinutiaType [ 720] values. NFMinutia.X Property

Gets or sets x coordinate of the minutia.

public ushort X;
The x coordinate of the minutia is specified in pixels at resolution and "X * [NFRecord [ 537] horizontal resolution] / Resolution"
cannot be greater than MaxDimension or NFRecord [ 537] width minus one.

Property value
The X coordinate of the minutia. NFMinutia.Y Property

Gets or sets y coordinate of the minutia.

public ushort Y;
The y coordinate of the minutia is specified in pixels at resolution and "Y * [NFRecord [ 537] vertical resolution] / Resolution"
cannot be greater than MaxDimension or NFRecord [ 537] width minus one.

Property value
The Y coordinate of the minutia. NFMinutiaNeighbor Structure

The structure contains information of minutia neighbor.

public struct NFMinutiaNeighbor : IFormattable {
public static readonly NFMinutiaNeighbor Empty = new NFMinutiaNeighbor(-1, 255);
File: NBiometricTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

NFMinutiaNeighbor Fields

Name Description
Empty [ 536] Represents a NFMinutiaNeighbor that is a null reference.

Name Description
NFMinutiaNeighbor [ 536] Initializes a new instance of the NFMinutiaNeighbor class.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

NFMinutiaNeighbor Methods

Name Description
ToString [ 536] Returns a string that represents the current NFMinutiaNeighbor object.
ToString [ 536] Returns a string that represents the current NFMinutiaNeighbor object.

NFMinutiaNeighbor Properties

Name Description
Index [ 537] Gets or sets the index of minutia neighbor.
NativeType [ 537] Defines the native type of the object.
RidgeCount [ 537] Gets or sets the ridge count between the minutia and minutia neighbor. NFMinutiaNeighbor.NFMinutiaNeighbor Constructor

Initializes a new instance of the NFMinutiaNeighbor class.

public NFMinutiaNeighbor(int index, byte ridgeCount);

Parameters Description
int index The index of neighbor.
byte ridgeCount The ridge count of neighbor. NFMinutiaNeighbor Fields NFMinutiaNeighbor.Empty Field

Represents a NFMinutiaNeighbor [ 535] that is a null reference.

public static readonly NFMinutiaNeighbor Empty = new NFMinutiaNeighbor(-1, 255); NFMinutiaNeighbor Methods NFMinutiaNeighbor.ToString Method ()

Returns a string that represents the current NFMinutiaNeighbor [ 535] object.

public override string ToString();
String representation of NFMinutiaNeighbor [ 535] object. NFMinutiaNeighbor.ToString Method (string)

Returns a string that represents the current NFMinutiaNeighbor [ 535] object.

public string ToString(string format);

Parameters Description
string format String format.
String representation of NFMinutiaNeighbor [ 535] object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace NFMinutiaNeighbor Properties NFMinutiaNeighbor.Index Property

Gets or sets the index of minutia neighbor.

public int Index;
Property value
The index of minutia neighbor. NFMinutiaNeighbor.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; NFMinutiaNeighbor.RidgeCount Property

Gets or sets the ridge count between the minutia and minutia neighbor.

public byte RidgeCount;
Property value
The ridge count between the minutia and minutia neighbor. NFRecord Class

Provides functionality for packing, unpacking and editing Neurotechnology Finger Records (NFRecords).

public sealed class NFRecord : NObject, ICloneable;
File: NFRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

NFRecord Classes
NFRecord Class

Name Description
CoreCollection [ 546] Represents the collection of NFCore [ 518].
DeltaCollection [ 546] Represents the collection of NFDelta [ 521].
DoubleCoreCollection [ 546] Represents the collection of NFDoubleCore [ 524].
MinutiaCollection [ 546] Represents the collection of NFMinutia [ 531].
MinutiaNeighborsCollection [ 547] Represents the collection of NFMinutiaNeighbor [ 535].
PossiblePositionCollection [ 547] Represents the collection of possible NFPosition [ 722].
QualityBlockCollection [ 547] Represents the collection of NBiometricQualityBlock [ 453].

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

NFRecord Class

Name Description
FlagAllowOutOfBoundsFeatures The flag indicating whether NFRecord shall allow features outside image
[ 547] dimensions.
FlagSaveBlockedOrients [ 548] The flag indicating whether blocked orientations should be packed in
FlagSaveV1 [ 548] The flag indicating whether NFRecord should be saved using version 1
FlagSaveV2 [ 548] The flag indicating whether NFRecord should be saved using version 2
FlagSaveV3 [ 548] The flag indicating whether NFRecord should be saved using version 3
FlagSkipBlockedOrients [ 548] The flag indicating whether blocked orientations should be skipped while
unpacking NFRecord.
FlagSkipCurvatures [ 548] The flag indicating whether minutiae curvatures should be skipped while
unpacking or packing NFRecord.
FlagSkipGs [ 548] The flag indicating whether G [ 561] field should be skipped while
unpacking or packing NFRecord.
FlagSkipQualities [ 548] The flag indicating whether minutiae qualities should be skipped while
unpacking or packing NFRecord.
FlagSkipRidgeCounts [ 548] The flag indicating whether ridge counts should be skipped while
unpacking or packing NFRecord.
FlagSkipSingularPoints [ 548] The flag indicating whether singular points (cores, deltas and double
cores) should be skipped while unpacking or packing NFRecord.
MaxFingerCoreCount [ 549] The maximum number of cores a NFRecord can contain.
MaxFingerDeltaCount [ 549] The maximum number of deltas a NFRecord can contain.
MaxFingerDimension [ 549] The maximum number of finger dimension.
MaxFingerDoubleCoreCount [ 549] The maximum number of double cores a NFRecord can contain.
MaxFingerMinutiaCount [ 549] The maximum number of finger minutiae a NFRecord can contain.
MaxPalmCoreCount [ 549] The maximum number of cores in a palmprint a NFRecord can contain.
MaxPalmDeltaCount [ 549] The maximum number of deltas in a palmprint a NFRecord can contain.
MaxPalmDimension [ 549] The maximum number of a palmprint dimension.
MaxPalmDoubleCoreCount [ 549] The maximum number of double cores in a palmprint a NFRecord can
MaxPalmMinutiaCount [ 550] The maximum number of minutiae in a palmprint a NFRecord can
MaxPossiblePositionCount [ 550] The maximum number of possible positions a NFRecord can contain.
Resolution [ 550] The resolution of minutiae, cores, deltas and double cores coordinates in
a NFRecord.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

NFRecord Class

Name Description
NFRecord [ 543] Initializes a new instance of the NFRecord class.
NFRecord [ 543] Initializes a new instance of the NFRecord class.
NFRecord [ 543] Initializes a new instance of the NFRecord class.
NFRecord [ 544] Initializes a new instance of the NFRecord class from existing NFRecord
with specified size.
NFRecord [ 544] Initializes a new instance of the NFRecord class from existing NFRecord
with specified size.
NFRecord [ 544] Initializes a new instance of the NFRecord class.
NFRecord [ 545] Initializes a new instance of the NFRecord class.
NFRecord [ 545] Initializes a new instance of the NFRecord class.
NFRecord [ 545] Initializes a new instance of the NFRecord class.
NFRecord [ 545] Initializes a new instance of the NFRecord class.

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in 9
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.

GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object. 9
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

NFRecord Class

Name Description
Check [ 550] Checks if format of packed NFRecord is correct.
Check [ 550] Checks if format of packed NFRecord is correct.
GetCbeffProductType [ 550] Retrieves the Cbeff product type of the NFRecord.
GetCbeffProductType [ 551] Retrieves the Cbeff product type of the NFRecord.
GetG [ 551] Retrieves G [ 561] from packed NFRecord.
GetG [ 551] Retrieves G [ 561] from packed NFRecord.
GetHeight [ 551] Retrieves height of fingerprint image from packed NFRecord.
GetHeight [ 552] Retrieves height of fingerprint image from packed NFRecord.
GetHorzResolution [ 552] Retrieves horizontal resolution in pixels per inch of fingerprint image from
packed NFRecord.
GetHorzResolution [ 552] Retrieves horizontal resolution in pixels per inch of fingerprint image from
packed NFRecord.
GetImpressionType [ 552] Retrieves impression type from packed NFRecord.
GetImpressionType [ 553] Retrieves impression type from packed NFRecord.
GetMaxSize [ 553] Calculates the maximal NFRecord size.
GetMaxSize [ 553] Calculates the maximal NFRecord size.
GetMaxSizeV1 [ 554] Calculates the maximal version 1.0 NFRecord size.
GetMaxSizeV1 [ 554] Calculates the maximal version 1.0 NFRecord size.
GetPatternClass [ 554] Retrieves fingerprint pattern class from packed NFRecord.
GetPatternClass [ 555] Retrieves fingerprint pattern class from packed NFRecord.
GetPosition [ 555] Retrieves finger position from packed NFRecord.
GetPosition [ 555] Retrieves finger position from packed NFRecord.
GetQuality [ 556] Retrieves fingerprint quality from packed NFRecord.
GetQuality [ 556] Retrieves fingerprint quality from packed NFRecord.
GetSize [ 556] Gets the size of packed NFRecord.
GetSize [ 556] Gets the size of packed NFRecord.
GetSizeV1 [ 557] Calculates version 1.0 packed size of NFRecord.
GetSizeV1 [ 557] Calculates version 1.0 packed size of NFRecord. Behavior is controlled
through flags.
GetVertResolution [ 557] Retrieves vertical resolution of fingerprint image from packed NFRecord.
GetVertResolution [ 557] Retrieves vertical resolution of fingerprint image from packed NFRecord.
GetWidth [ 557] Retrieves width of fingerprint image from packed NFRecord.
GetWidth [ 558] Retrieves width of fingerprint image from packed NFRecord.
SaveV1 [ 558] Packs NFRecord to byte array in version 1.0 format.
SaveV1 [ 558] Packs NFRecord to memory buffer in version 1.0 format.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

SaveV1 [ 558] Packs NFRecord to memory buffer in version 1.0 format.

SaveV1 [ 559] Packs NFRecord to memory buffer in version 1.0 format.
SortMinutiae [ 559] Sorts minutiae in NFRecord by the specified order.
TruncateMinutiae [ 559] Truncates minutiae in NFRecord
TruncateMinutiae [ 559] Truncates minutiae in NFRecord by peeling off the minutiae convex hull
while minutia count is greater than the specified maximal count.
TruncateMinutiaeByQuality [ 560] Truncates minutiae in NFRecord by removing minutiae which
NFMinutia.Quality [ 562] field value is less than the specified threshold
while minutia count is greater than the specified maximal count.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

NFRecord Class

Name Description
CbeffProductType [ 560] Gets or sets the Cbeff product type of the NFRecord.
Cores [ 560] Gets cores collection.
Deltas [ 560] Gets deltas collection.
DoubleCores [ 560] Gets double cores collection.
G [ 561] Gets or sets additional fingerprint coefficient.
Height [ 561] Gets the height of fingerprint image.
HorzResolution [ 561] Gets horizontal resolution of fingerprint image.
ImpressionType [ 561] Gets or sets the impression type of the NFRecord.
MinutiaFormat [ 561] Gets or sets minutia format minutia format from NFRecord.
Minutiae [ 561] Gets minutiae collection.
MinutiaeNeighbors [ 562] Gets minutia neighbors format from NFRecord.
NativeType [ 562] Defines the native type of the object.
PatternClass [ 562] Gets or sets pattern class.
Position [ 562] Gets or sets finger position.
PossiblePositions [ 562] Gets possible position collection.
Quality [ 562] Gets or sets fingerprint quality.
QualityBlocks [ 563] Gets the collection of biometric quality blocks.
RidgeCountsType [ 563] Gets or sets ridge counts type.
VertResolution [ 563] Gets vertical resolution of fingerprint image.
Width [ 563] Gets width of fingerprint image.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.

GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. NFRecord.NFRecord Constructor (NBuffer)

Initializes a new instance of the NFRecord class.

public NFRecord(NBuffer buffer);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer The packed NFRecord object. NFRecord.NFRecord Constructor (NBuffer, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the NFRecord class.

public NFRecord(NBuffer buffer, uint flags);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer The packed NFRecord object.
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the constructor.

The following flags are supported: FlagSkipBlockedOrients [ 548], FlagSkipCurvatures [ 548], FlagSkipGs [ 548],
FlagSkipQualities [ 548], FlagSkipRidgeCounts [ 548], FlagSkipSingularPoints [ 548]. NFRecord.NFRecord Constructor (NBuffer, uint, out int)

Initializes a new instance of the NFRecord class.

public NFRecord(NBuffer buffer, uint flags, out int size);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer The packed NFRecord object.
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls 9
behavior of the constructor.
out int size NFRecord size.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

The following flags are supported: FlagSkipBlockedOrients [ 548], FlagSkipCurvatures [ 548], FlagSkipGs [ 548],
FlagSkipQualities [ 548], FlagSkipRidgeCounts [ 548], FlagSkipSingularPoints [ 548]. NFRecord.NFRecord Constructor (NFRecord, NTemplateSize)

Initializes a new instance of the NFRecord class from existing NFRecord with specified size.

public NFRecord(NFRecord record, NTemplateSize templateSize);

Parameters Description
NFRecord record Source NFRecord.
NTemplateSize templateSize Template size of NFRecord to be created.

Can be used to decrease the size of NFRecord. NFRecord.NFRecord Constructor (NFRecord, NTemplateSize, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the NFRecord class from existing NFRecord with specified size.

public NFRecord(NFRecord record, NTemplateSize templateSize, uint flags);

Parameters Description
NFRecord record Source NFRecord.
NTemplateSize templateSize Template size of NFRecord to be created.
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the constructor.

Can be used to decrease the size of NFRecord. NFRecord.NFRecord Constructor (bool, ushort, ushort, ushort, ushort)

Initializes a new instance of the NFRecord class.

public NFRecord(bool isPalm, ushort width, ushort height, ushort horzResolution, ushort

Parameters Description
bool isPalm Indicates that NFRecord was created for palmprints.
ushort width Specifies width of fingerprint or palmprint image.
ushort height Specifies height of fingerprint or palmprint image.
ushort horzResolution Specifies horizontal resolution in pixels per inch of fingerprint
or palmprint image.
ushort vertResolution Specifies vertical resolution in pixels per inch of fingerprint or
palmprint image.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace NFRecord.NFRecord Constructor (bool, ushort, ushort, ushort, ushort, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the NFRecord class.

public NFRecord(bool isPalm, ushort width, ushort height, ushort horzResolution, ushort
vertResolution, uint flags);

Parameters Description
bool isPalm Indicates if the NFRecord is for palmprints.
ushort width Specifies width of fingerprint or palmprint image.
ushort height Specifies height of fingerprint or palmprint image.
ushort horzResolution Specifies horizontal resolution in pixels per inch of fingerprint
or palmprint image.
ushort vertResolution Specifies vertical resolution in pixels per inch of fingerprint or
palmprint image.
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the constructor.

The following flags are supported: FlagSkipBlockedOrients [ 548], FlagSkipCurvatures [ 548], FlagSkipGs [ 548],
FlagSkipQualities [ 548], FlagSkipRidgeCounts [ 548], FlagSkipSingularPoints [ 548]. NFRecord.NFRecord Constructor (byte[])

Initializes a new instance of the NFRecord class.

public NFRecord(byte[] buffer);

Parameters Description
byte[] buffer The packed NFRecord object. NFRecord.NFRecord Constructor (ushort, ushort, ushort, ushort)

Initializes a new instance of the NFRecord class.

public NFRecord(ushort width, ushort height, ushort horzResolution, ushort vertResolution);

Parameters Description
ushort width The fingerprint image width.
ushort height The fingerprint image height.
ushort horzResolution Horizontal resolution in pixels per inch of fingerprint image.
ushort vertResolution Vertical resolution in pixels per inch of fingerprint image. NFRecord.NFRecord Constructor (ushort, ushort, ushort, ushort, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the NFRecord class.

public NFRecord(ushort width, ushort height, ushort horzResolution, ushort vertResolution, 9
uint flags);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace


Parameters Description
ushort width The fingerprint image width.
ushort height The fingerprint image height.
ushort horzResolution Horizontal resolution in pixels per inch of fingerprint image.
ushort vertResolution Vertical resolution in pixels per inch of fingerprint image.
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the constructor.

The following flags are supported: FlagSkipBlockedOrients [ 548], FlagSkipCurvatures [ 548], FlagSkipGs [ 548],
FlagSkipQualities [ 548], FlagSkipRidgeCounts [ 548], FlagSkipSingularPoints [ 548]. NFRecord Classes NFRecord.CoreCollection Class

Represents the collection of NFCore [ 518].

public sealed class CoreCollection : StructCollection<NFCore>;
File: NFRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] NFRecord.DeltaCollection Class

Represents the collection of NFDelta [ 521].

public sealed class DeltaCollection : StructCollection<NFDelta>;
File: NFRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] NFRecord.DoubleCoreCollection Class

Represents the collection of NFDoubleCore [ 524].

public sealed class DoubleCoreCollection : StructCollection<NFDoubleCore>;
File: NFRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

9 NFRecord.MinutiaCollection Class
Represents the collection of NFMinutia [ 531].

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

public sealed class MinutiaCollection : StructCollection<NFMinutia>;
File: NFRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] NFRecord.MinutiaNeighborsCollection Class

Represents the collection of NFMinutiaNeighbor [ 535].

public sealed class MinutiaNeighborsCollection : StructArrayCollection<NFMinutiaNeighbor,
File: NFRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] NFRecord.PossiblePositionCollection Class

Represents the collection of possible NFPosition [ 722].

public sealed class PossiblePositionCollection : ValueTypeCollection<NFPosition>;
File: NFRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] NFRecord.QualityBlockCollection Class

Represents the collection of NBiometricQualityBlock [ 453].

public sealed class QualityBlockCollection : StructCollection<NBiometricQualityBlock>;
File: NFRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] NFRecord Fields NFRecord.FlagAllowOutOfBoundsFeatures Field

The flag indicating whether NFRecord [ 537] shall allow features outside image dimensions.

public const uint FlagAllowOutOfBoundsFeatures = 0x00080000;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace NFRecord.FlagSaveBlockedOrients Field

The flag indicating whether blocked orientations should be packed in NFRecord [ 537].

public const uint FlagSaveBlockedOrients = 0x00040000; NFRecord.FlagSaveV1 Field

The flag indicating whether NFRecord [ 537] should be saved using version 1 algorithm.

public const uint FlagSaveV1 = 0x10000000; NFRecord.FlagSaveV2 Field

The flag indicating whether NFRecord [ 537] should be saved using version 2 algorithm.

public const uint FlagSaveV2 = 0x20000000; NFRecord.FlagSaveV3 Field

The flag indicating whether NFRecord [ 537] should be saved using version 3 algorithm.

public const uint FlagSaveV3 = 0x30000000; NFRecord.FlagSkipBlockedOrients Field

The flag indicating whether blocked orientations should be skipped while unpacking NFRecord [ 537].

public const uint FlagSkipBlockedOrients = 0x00040000; NFRecord.FlagSkipCurvatures Field

The flag indicating whether minutiae curvatures should be skipped while unpacking or packing NFRecord [ 537].

public const uint FlagSkipCurvatures = 0x00200000; NFRecord.FlagSkipGs Field

The flag indicating whether G [ 561] field should be skipped while unpacking or packing NFRecord [ 537].

public const uint FlagSkipGs = 0x00400000; NFRecord.FlagSkipQualities Field

The flag indicating whether minutiae qualities should be skipped while unpacking or packing NFRecord [ 537].

public const uint FlagSkipQualities = 0x00100000; NFRecord.FlagSkipRidgeCounts Field

The flag indicating whether ridge counts should be skipped while unpacking or packing NFRecord [ 537].

public const uint FlagSkipRidgeCounts = 0x00010000;
9 NFRecord.FlagSkipSingularPoints Field
The flag indicating whether singular points (cores, deltas and double cores) should be skipped while unpacking or packing

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

NFRecord [ 537].

public const uint FlagSkipSingularPoints = 0x00020000; NFRecord.MaxFingerCoreCount Field

The maximum number of cores a NFRecord [ 537] can contain.

public const int MaxFingerCoreCount = 15; NFRecord.MaxFingerDeltaCount Field

The maximum number of deltas a NFRecord [ 537] can contain.

public const int MaxFingerDeltaCount = 15; NFRecord.MaxFingerDimension Field

The maximum number of finger dimension.

public const ushort MaxFingerDimension = 2047; NFRecord.MaxFingerDoubleCoreCount Field

The maximum number of double cores a NFRecord [ 537] can contain.

public const int MaxFingerDoubleCoreCount = 15; NFRecord.MaxFingerMinutiaCount Field

The maximum number of finger minutiae a NFRecord [ 537] can contain.

public const int MaxFingerMinutiaCount = 255; NFRecord.MaxPalmCoreCount Field

The maximum number of cores in a palmprint a NFRecord [ 537] can contain.

public const int MaxPalmCoreCount = 255; NFRecord.MaxPalmDeltaCount Field

The maximum number of deltas in a palmprint a NFRecord [ 537] can contain.

public const int MaxPalmDeltaCount = 255; NFRecord.MaxPalmDimension Field

The maximum number of a palmprint dimension.

public const ushort MaxPalmDimension = 16383; NFRecord.MaxPalmDoubleCoreCount Field

The maximum number of double cores in a palmprint a NFRecord [ 537] can contain. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

public const int MaxPalmDoubleCoreCount = 255; NFRecord.MaxPalmMinutiaCount Field

The maximum number of minutiae in a palmprint a NFRecord [ 537] can contain.

public const int MaxPalmMinutiaCount = 65535; NFRecord.MaxPossiblePositionCount Field

The maximum number of possible positions a NFRecord [ 537] can contain.

public const int MaxPossiblePositionCount = 255; NFRecord.Resolution Field

The resolution of minutiae, cores, deltas and double cores coordinates in a NFRecord [ 537].

public const ushort Resolution = 500; NFRecord Methods NFRecord.Check Method (NBuffer)

Checks if format of packed NFRecord [ 537] is correct.

public static void Check(NBuffer buffer);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer The packed NFRecord [ 537] object. NFRecord.Check Method (byte[])

Checks if format of packed NFRecord [ 537] is correct.

public static void Check(byte[] buffer);

Parameters Description
byte[] buffer The packed NFRecord [ 537] object. NFRecord.GetCbeffProductType Method (NBuffer)

Retrieves the Cbeff product type of the NFRecord [ 537].

public static ushort GetCbeffProductType(NBuffer buffer);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer The packed NFRecord [ 537] object.

The Cbeff product type.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace NFRecord.GetCbeffProductType Method (byte[])

Retrieves the Cbeff product type of the NFRecord [ 537].

public static ushort GetCbeffProductType(byte[] buffer);

Parameters Description
byte[] buffer The packed NFRecord [ 537] object.

The Cbeff product type. NFRecord.GetG Method (NBuffer)

Retrieves G [ 561] from packed NFRecord [ 537].

public static byte GetG(NBuffer buffer);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer The packed NFRecord [ 537] object.

The G [ 561] from packed NFRecord [ 537]. G [ 561] - average fingerprint ridge density. It can have values from 0 to 255, so
it occupies one byte. NFRecord.GetG Method (byte[])

Retrieves G [ 561] from packed NFRecord [ 537].

public static byte GetG(byte[] buffer);

Parameters Description
byte[] buffer The packed NFRecord [ 537] object.

The G [ 561] from packed NFRecord [ 537]. G [ 561] - average fingerprint ridge density. It can have values from 0 to 255, so
it occupies one byte. NFRecord.GetHeight Method (NBuffer)

Retrieves height of fingerprint image from packed NFRecord [ 537].

public static ushort GetHeight(NBuffer buffer);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer The packed NFRecord [ 537] object.

The height of fingerprint image.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace NFRecord.GetHeight Method (byte[])

Retrieves height of fingerprint image from packed NFRecord [ 537].

public static ushort GetHeight(byte[] buffer);

Parameters Description
byte[] buffer The packed NFRecord [ 537] object.

The height of fingerprint image. NFRecord.GetHorzResolution Method (NBuffer)

Retrieves horizontal resolution in pixels per inch of fingerprint image from packed NFRecord [ 537].

public static ushort GetHorzResolution(NBuffer buffer);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer NBuffer [ 1943] of packed NFRecord [ 537].

The horizontal resolution in pixels per inch of fingerprint image. NFRecord.GetHorzResolution Method (byte[])

Retrieves horizontal resolution in pixels per inch of fingerprint image from packed NFRecord [ 537].

public static ushort GetHorzResolution(byte[] buffer);

Parameters Description
byte[] buffer The byte array of packed NFRecord [ 537].

The horizontal resolution in pixels per inch of fingerprint image. NFRecord.GetImpressionType Method (NBuffer)

Retrieves impression type from packed NFRecord [ 537].

public static NFImpressionType GetImpressionType(NBuffer buffer);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer NBuffer [ 1943] of packed NFRecord [ 537].

A NFImpressionType [ 717] enumeration member specifying impression type of fingerprint.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace NFRecord.GetImpressionType Method (byte[])

Retrieves impression type from packed NFRecord [ 537].

public static NFImpressionType GetImpressionType(byte[] buffer);

Parameters Description
byte[] buffer The byte array of packed NFRecord [ 537].

A NFImpressionType [ 717] enumeration member specifying impression type of fingerprint. NFRecord.GetMaxSize Method (NFMinutiaFormat, int, NFRidgeCountsType, int, int, int)

Calculates the maximal NFRecord [ 537] size.

public static int GetMaxSize(NFMinutiaFormat minutiaFormat, int minutiaCount,
NFRidgeCountsType ridgeCountsType, int coreCount, int deltaCount, int doubleCoreCount);

Parameters Description
NFMinutiaFormat minutiaFormat One of the NFMinutiaFormat [ 719] values.
int minutiaCount The minutiae count.
NFRidgeCountsType ridgeCountsType One of the NFRidgeCountsType [ 725] values.
int coreCount The cores count.
int deltaCount The deltas count.
int doubleCoreCount The double cores count.

The maximal NFRecord [ 537] size. The size depends on method parameters. NFRecord.GetMaxSize Method (int, bool, NFMinutiaFormat, int, NFRidgeCountsType, int,

int, int, int, int)
Calculates the maximal NFRecord [ 537] size.

public static int GetMaxSize(int version, bool isPalm, NFMinutiaFormat minutiaFormat, int
minutiaCount, NFRidgeCountsType ridgeCountsType, int coreCount, int deltaCount, int
doubleCoreCount, int boWidth, int boHeight);

Parameters Description
int version Specifies algorithm version used by this function. Can have
these values: 0, 1, 2, 3. The default value is 0 (in this case
third version of algorithm will be used).
bool isPalm Boolean value indicating the type of the NFRecord [ 537]. If
set to true, NFRecord [ 537] contains palmprint record.
NFMinutiaFormat minutiaFormat One of the NFMinutiaFormat [ 719] values.
int minutiaCount The minutiae count
NFRidgeCountsType ridgeCountsType One of the NFRidgeCountsType [ 725] values.
int coreCount The cores count. 9
int deltaCount The deltas count.
int doubleCoreCount The double cores count.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

int boWidth The width of blocked orientations.

int boHeight The height of blocked orientations.

The maximal NFRecord [ 537] size. The size depends on method parameters. NFRecord.GetMaxSizeV1 Method (NFMinutiaFormat, int, int, int, int)

Calculates the maximal version 1.0 NFRecord [ 537] size.

public static int GetMaxSizeV1(NFMinutiaFormat minutiaFormat, int minutiaCount, int
coreCount, int deltaCount, int doubleCoreCount);

Parameters Description
NFMinutiaFormat minutiaFormat One of the NFMinutiaFormat [ 719] values.
int minutiaCount The minutiae count.
int coreCount The cores count.
int deltaCount The deltas count.
int doubleCoreCount The double cores count.

The maximal version 1.0 NFRecord [ 537] size. The size depends on method parameters. NFRecord.GetMaxSizeV1 Method (NFMinutiaFormat, int, int, int, int, int, int)
Calculates the maximal version 1.0 NFRecord [ 537] size.

public static int GetMaxSizeV1(NFMinutiaFormat minutiaFormat, int minutiaCount, int
coreCount, int deltaCount, int doubleCoreCount, int boWidth, int boHeight);

Parameters Description
NFMinutiaFormat minutiaFormat One of the NFMinutiaFormat [ 719] values.
int minutiaCount The minutiae count.
int coreCount The cores count.
int deltaCount The deltas count.
int doubleCoreCount The double cores count.
int boWidth For compatibility with VeriFinger.
int boHeight For compatibility with VeriFinger.

The maximal version 1.0 NFRecord [ 537] size. The size depends on method parameters. NFRecord.GetPatternClass Method (NBuffer)

Retrieves fingerprint pattern class from packed NFRecord [ 537].

public static NFPatternClass GetPatternClass(NBuffer buffer);

Parameters Description 9
NBuffer buffer NBuffer [ 1943] of packed NFRecord [ 537].

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

One of the NFPatternClass [ 721] values.

1. This function supports both NFRecord [ 537] version 1.0 and 2.0 formats. Always returns NFPatternClass.Unknown for
version 1.0 format.

2. This method returns NFPatternClass [ 721] if NFPatternClass [ 721] was set using PatternClass [ 562].

3. Classify can be used for classification. NFRecord.GetPatternClass Method (byte[])

Retrieves fingerprint pattern class from packed NFRecord [ 537].

public static NFPatternClass GetPatternClass(byte[] buffer);

Parameters Description
byte[] buffer The byte array of packed NFRecord [ 537].

One of the NFPatternClass [ 721] values.

1. This function supports both NFRecord [ 537] version 1.0 and 2.0 formats. Always returns NFPatternClass.Unknown for
version 1.0 format.

2. This method returns NFPatternClass [ 721] if NFPatternClass [ 721] was set using PatternClass [ 562].

3. Classify can be used for classification. NFRecord.GetPosition Method (NBuffer)

Retrieves finger position from packed NFRecord [ 537].

public static NFPosition GetPosition(NBuffer buffer);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer NBuffer [ 1943] of packed NFRecord [ 537].

One of the NFPosition [ 722] values. NFRecord.GetPosition Method (byte[])

Retrieves finger position from packed NFRecord [ 537].

public static NFPosition GetPosition(byte[] buffer);

Parameters Description
byte[] buffer The byte array of packed NFRecord [ 537].

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

One of the NFPosition [ 722] values. NFRecord.GetQuality Method (NBuffer)

Retrieves fingerprint quality from packed NFRecord [ 537].

public static byte GetQuality(NBuffer buffer);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer NBuffer [ 1943] of packed NFRecord [ 537].

The value of fingerprint quality. NFRecord.GetQuality Method (byte[])

Retrieves fingerprint quality from packed NFRecord [ 537].

public static byte GetQuality(byte[] buffer);

Parameters Description
byte[] buffer The byte array of packed NFRecord [ 537].

The value of fingerprint quality. NFRecord.GetSize Method (NBuffer)

Gets the size of packed NFRecord [ 537].

public static int GetSize(NBuffer buffer);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer The packed NFRecord [ 537] object.

Size of NFRecord [ 537] object. NFRecord.GetSize Method (byte[])

Gets the size of packed NFRecord [ 537].

public static int GetSize(byte[] buffer);

Parameters Description
byte[] buffer The packed NFRecord [ 537] object.
Size of NFRecord [ 537] object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace NFRecord.GetSizeV1 Method ()

Calculates version 1.0 packed size of NFRecord [ 537].

public int GetSizeV1();
The packed size of NFRecord [ 537]. NFRecord.GetSizeV1 Method (uint)

Calculates version 1.0 packed size of NFRecord [ 537]. Behavior is controlled through flags.

public int GetSizeV1(uint flags);

Parameters Description
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the method.

The packed size of NFRecord [ 537].

For the list of flags that are supported seeSaveV1 function. NFRecord.GetVertResolution Method (NBuffer)

Retrieves vertical resolution of fingerprint image from packed NFRecord [ 537].

public static ushort GetVertResolution(NBuffer buffer);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer NBuffer [ 1943] of packed NFRecord [ 537].

The vertical resolution in pixels per inch of fingerprint image. NFRecord.GetVertResolution Method (byte[])

Retrieves vertical resolution of fingerprint image from packed NFRecord [ 537].

public static ushort GetVertResolution(byte[] buffer);

Parameters Description
byte[] buffer The byte array of packed NFRecord [ 537].

The vertical resolution in pixels per inch of fingerprint image. NFRecord.GetWidth Method (NBuffer)

Retrieves width of fingerprint image from packed NFRecord [ 537].

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

public static ushort GetWidth(NBuffer buffer);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer NBuffer [ 1943] of packed NFRecord [ 537].

The width of fingerprint image. NFRecord.GetWidth Method (byte[])

Retrieves width of fingerprint image from packed NFRecord [ 537].

public static ushort GetWidth(byte[] buffer);

Parameters Description
byte[] buffer The byte array of packed NFRecord [ 537].

The width of fingerprint image. NFRecord.SaveV1 Method ()

Packs NFRecord [ 537] to byte array in version 1.0 format.

public NBuffer SaveV1();
The byte array of packed NFRecord [ 537]. NFRecord.SaveV1 Method (NBuffer)

Packs NFRecord [ 537] to memory buffer in version 1.0 format.

public int SaveV1(NBuffer buffer);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer NBuffer [ 1943] to save NFRecord [ 537] to.

The size of the buffer. NFRecord.SaveV1 Method (NBuffer, uint)

Packs NFRecord [ 537] to memory buffer in version 1.0 format.

public int SaveV1(NBuffer buffer, uint flags);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer NBuffer [ 1943] to save NFRecord [ 537] to.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

uint flags Associated flags.

The size of the buffer. NFRecord.SaveV1 Method (uint)

Packs NFRecord [ 537] to memory buffer in version 1.0 format.

public NBuffer SaveV1(uint flags);

Parameters Description
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the method.

The byte array of packed NFRecord [ 537].

Note that blocked orientations are not packed by default. The following flags are supported: FlagSaveBlockedOrients [ 548],
FlagSkipCurvatures [ 548], FlagSkipGs [ 548], FlagSkipSingularPoints [ 548]. NFRecord.SortMinutiae Method

Sorts minutiae in NFRecord [ 537] by the specified order.

public void SortMinutiae(NFMinutiaOrder order);

Parameters Description
NFMinutiaOrder order NFMinutiaOrder [ 719] value. NFRecord.TruncateMinutiae Method (NFMinutiaTruncationAlgorithm, int)

Truncates minutiae in NFRecord [ 537]

public void TruncateMinutiae(NFMinutiaTruncationAlgorithm minutiaeTruncation, int maxCount);

Parameters Description
NFMinutiaTruncationAlgorithm minutiaeTruncation Specifies the truncation algorithm.
int maxCount Maximal minutiae count to be present in the NFRecord
[ 537] after truncation. NFRecord.TruncateMinutiae Method (int)

Truncates minutiae in NFRecord [ 537] by peeling off the minutiae convex hull while minutia count is greater than the specified
maximal count.

public void TruncateMinutiae(int maxCount);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace


Parameters Description
int maxCount Maximal minutia count to be present in the NFRecord [ 537]
after truncation. NFRecord.TruncateMinutiaeByQuality Method

Truncates minutiae in NFRecord [ 537] by removing minutiae which NFMinutia.Quality [ 562] field value is less than the
specified threshold while minutia count is greater than the specified maximal count.

public void TruncateMinutiaeByQuality(byte threshold, int maxCount);

Parameters Description
byte threshold Specifies minimal NFMinutia.Quality [ 562] field value of
minutiae not to be removed.
int maxCount Maximal minutia count to be present in the NFRecord [ 537]
after truncation. NFRecord Properties NFRecord.CbeffProductType Property

Gets or sets the Cbeff product type of the NFRecord [ 537].

public ushort CbeffProductType;
Property value
The Cbeff product type. NFRecord.Cores Property

Gets cores collection.

public CoreCollection Cores;
A CoreCollection [ 546] that contains cores. NFRecord.Deltas Property

Gets deltas collection.

public DeltaCollection Deltas;
A DeltaCollection [ 546] that contains deltas. NFRecord.DoubleCores Property

Gets double cores collection.

C# 9
public DoubleCoreCollection DoubleCores;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

A DoubleCoreCollection [ 546] that contains double cores. NFRecord.G Property

Gets or sets additional fingerprint coefficient.

public byte G;
G - average fingerprint ridge density. It can have values from 0 to 255, so it occupies one byte.

Property value
Fingerprint coefficient. NFRecord.Height Property

Gets the height of fingerprint image.

public ushort Height;
Property value
Height of fingerprint image. NFRecord.HorzResolution Property

Gets horizontal resolution of fingerprint image.

public ushort HorzResolution;
Property value
Horizontal resolution in pixels per inch of fingerprint image. NFRecord.ImpressionType Property

Gets or sets the impression type of the NFRecord [ 537].

public NFImpressionType ImpressionType;
Property value
One of the NFImpressionType [ 717] values. The default is Neurotec.Biometrics.NFImpressionType.LiveScanPlain. NFRecord.MinutiaFormat Property

Gets or sets minutia format minutia format from NFRecord [ 537].

public NFMinutiaFormat MinutiaFormat;
Property value
One of the NFMinutiaFormat [ 719] values. The default is Neurotec.Biometrics.NFMinutiaFormat.HasCurvature. NFRecord.Minutiae Property 9

Gets minutiae collection.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

public MinutiaCollection Minutiae;
A MinutiaCollection [ 546] that contains minutiae. NFRecord.MinutiaeNeighbors Property

Gets minutia neighbors format from NFRecord [ 537].

public MinutiaNeighborsCollection MinutiaeNeighbors;
Property value
A MinutiaNeighborsCollection [ 547] collection. NFRecord.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; NFRecord.PatternClass Property

Gets or sets pattern class.

public NFPatternClass PatternClass;
This property gets NFPatternClass [ 721] if NFPatternClass [ 721] was set before getting.

Property value
One of the NFPatternClass [ 721] values. By default is Neurotec.Biometrics.NFPatternClass.Unknown. NFRecord.Position Property

Gets or sets finger position.

public NFPosition Position;
Property value
One of the NFPosition [ 722] values. By default is Neurotec.Biometrics.NFPosition.Unknown. NFRecord.PossiblePositions Property

Gets possible position collection.

public PossiblePositionCollection PossiblePositions;
A PossiblePositionCollection [ 547] that contains possible positions. NFRecord.Quality Property

Gets or sets fingerprint quality.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

public byte Quality;
Property value
Fingerprint quality. Quality value can be from interval [0; 100], 254 (quality was not calculated) and 255 (failed to calculate
quality value). NFRecord.QualityBlocks Property

Gets the collection of biometric quality blocks.

public QualityBlockCollection QualityBlocks;
The collection of biometric quality blocks. NFRecord.RidgeCountsType Property

Gets or sets ridge counts type.

public NFRidgeCountsType RidgeCountsType;
Property value
One of the NFRidgeCountsType [ 725] values. NFRecord.VertResolution Property

Gets vertical resolution of fingerprint image.

public ushort VertResolution;
Property value
Vertical resolution in pixels per inch of fingerprint image. NFRecord.Width Property

Gets width of fingerprint image.

public ushort Width;
Property value
Width of fingerprint image. NFTemplate Class

Provides functionality for packing, unpacking and editing Neurotechnology Fingers Templates (NFTemplates).

public sealed class NFTemplate : NObject, ICloneable;
File: NFTemplate.cs
Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

NFTemplate Classes
NFTemplate Class

Name Description
RecordCollection [ 569] Collection of NFRecords.

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

NFTemplate Class

Name Description
FlagProcessFirstRecordOnly [ 569] The flag indicating whether only the first finger record should be
unpacked or packed while unpacking or packing NFTemplate.
MaxRecordCount [ 570] The maximum number of finger records NFTemplate can contain.

NFTemplate Class

Name Description
NFTemplate [ 567] Initializes a new instance of the NFTemplate class.
NFTemplate [ 567] Initializes a new instance of the NFTemplate class.
NFTemplate [ 567] Initializes a new instance of the NFTemplate class.
NFTemplate [ 568] Initializes a new instance of the NFTemplate class.
NFTemplate [ 568] Initializes a new instance of the NFTemplate class.
NFTemplate [ 568] Initializes a new instance of the NFTemplate class.
NFTemplate [ 568] Initializes a new instance of the NFTemplate class.
NFTemplate [ 569] Initializes a new instance of the NFTemplate class.

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not 9
intended to be used directly from your code.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.

This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.

Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

NFTemplate Class

Name Description
CalculateSize [ 570] Calculates NFTemplate size.
CalculateSize [ 570] Calculates NFTemplate size.
Check [ 570] Checks if format of packed NFTemplate format is correct.
Check [ 570] Checks if format of packed NFTemplate format is correct.
GetRecordCount [ 571] Retrieves records count.
GetRecordCount [ 571] Retrieves records count.
GetSize [ 571] Gets packed NFTemplate size.
GetSize [ 571] Gets packed NFTemplate size.
IsPalmTemplate [ 572] Checks if the NFTemplate contains packed palm records.
IsPalmTemplate [ 572] Checks if the NFTemplate contains packed palm records.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class
Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

NFTemplate Class

Name Description
IsPalm [ 572] Checks if the NFTemplate contains palm records.
NativeType [ 572] Defines the native type of the object.
Records [ 572] Gets Records collection.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. NFTemplate.NFTemplate Constructor ()

Initializes a new instance of the NFTemplate class.

public NFTemplate(); NFTemplate.NFTemplate Constructor (NBuffer)

Initializes a new instance of the NFTemplate class.

public NFTemplate(NBuffer buffer);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer NBuffer [ 1943] with packed NFTemplate objects. NFTemplate.NFTemplate Constructor (NBuffer, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the NFTemplate class. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

public NFTemplate(NBuffer buffer, uint flags);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer NBuffer [ 1943] with packed NFTemplate objects.
uint flags Must be zero. NFTemplate.NFTemplate Constructor (NBuffer, uint, out int)

Initializes a new instance of the NFTemplate class.

public NFTemplate(NBuffer buffer, uint flags, out int size);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer NBuffer [ 1943] with packed NFTemplate objects.
uint flags Must be zero.
out int size [out] NFTemplate size. NFTemplate.NFTemplate Constructor (bool)

Initializes a new instance of the NFTemplate class.

public NFTemplate(bool isPalm);

Parameters Description
bool isPalm Boolean value indicating the type of NFTemplate. If set to
true, NFTemplate contains palmprint record. If set to false,
NFTemplate contains fingerprint record. NFTemplate.NFTemplate Constructor (bool, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the NFTemplate class.

public NFTemplate(bool isPalm, uint flags);

Parameters Description
bool isPalm Boolean value indicating the type of NFTemplate. If set to
true, NFTemplate contains palmprint record. If set to false,
NFTemplate contains fingerprint record.
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the constructor. This parameter is reserved, must
be zero. NFTemplate.NFTemplate Constructor (byte[])

Initializes a new instance of the NFTemplate class.

public NFTemplate(byte[] buffer); 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace


Parameters Description
byte[] buffer A byte array with packed NFTemplate objects. NFTemplate.NFTemplate Constructor (uint)

Initializes a new instance of the NFTemplate class.

public NFTemplate(uint flags);

Parameters Description
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the constructor.

The following flags are supported:

• FlagProcessFirstRecordOnly [ 569]
• FlagSkipBlockedOrients
• FlagSkipCurvatures
• FlagSkipGs
• FlagSkipQualities
• FlagSkipRidgeCounts
• FlagSkipSingularPoints
are applied to each finger record contained in the NFTemplate. NFTemplate Classes NFTemplate.RecordCollection Class

Collection of NFRecords.

public sealed class RecordCollection : NObjectCollection<NFRecord>;
File: NFTemplate.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] NFTemplate Fields NFTemplate.FlagProcessFirstRecordOnly Field

The flag indicating whether only the first finger record should be unpacked or packed while unpacking or packing NFTemplate
[ 563].

public const uint FlagProcessFirstRecordOnly = 0x00000100;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace NFTemplate.MaxRecordCount Field

The maximum number of finger records NFTemplate [ 563] can contain.

public const int MaxRecordCount = 255; NFTemplate Methods NFTemplate.CalculateSize Method (bool, int[])

Calculates NFTemplate [ 563] size.

public static int CalculateSize(bool isPalm, int[] recordSizes);

Parameters Description
bool isPalm Indicates if the record contains palms.
int[] recordSizes An array that contains NFRecords sizes.

The value of NFTemplate [ 563] size. NFTemplate.CalculateSize Method (int[])

Calculates NFTemplate [ 563] size.

public static int CalculateSize(int[] recordSizes);

Parameters Description
int[] recordSizes An array that contains NFRecords sizes.

A size of records. NFTemplate.Check Method (NBuffer)

Checks if format of packed NFTemplate [ 563] format is correct.

public static void Check(NBuffer buffer);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer NBuffer [ 1943] with packed NFTemplate [ 563].

true if NFTemplate [ 563] format is correct, false otherwise. NFTemplate.Check Method (byte[])

Checks if format of packed NFTemplate [ 563] format is correct.

C# 9
public static void Check(byte[] buffer);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace


Parameters Description
byte[] buffer A byte array with packed NFTemplate [ 563].

true if NFTemplate [ 563] format is correct, false otherwise. NFTemplate.GetRecordCount Method (NBuffer)

Retrieves records count.

public static int GetRecordCount(NBuffer buffer);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer NBuffer [ 1943] with NFTemplate [ 563].

Records [ 572] count. NFTemplate.GetRecordCount Method (byte[])

Retrieves records count.

public static int GetRecordCount(byte[] buffer);

Parameters Description
byte[] buffer A byte array with NFTemplate [ 563].

Records [ 572] count. NFTemplate.GetSize Method (NBuffer)

Gets packed NFTemplate [ 563] size.

public static int GetSize(NBuffer buffer);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer Packed NFTemplate [ 563].

NFTemplate [ 563] size. NFTemplate.GetSize Method (byte[])

Gets packed NFTemplate [ 563] size.

public static int GetSize(byte[] buffer);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace


Parameters Description
byte[] buffer Packed NFTemplate [ 563].

NFTemplate [ 563] size. NFTemplate.IsPalmTemplate Method (NBuffer)

Checks if the NFTemplate [ 563] contains packed palm records.

public static bool IsPalmTemplate(NBuffer buffer);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer NBuffer [ 1943] that contains packed NFTemplate [ 563].

true if the NFTemplate [ 563] contains palm records; otherwise, false. NFTemplate.IsPalmTemplate Method (byte[])

Checks if the NFTemplate [ 563] contains packed palm records.

public static bool IsPalmTemplate(byte[] buffer);

Parameters Description
byte[] buffer Byte array that contains packed NFTemplate [ 563].

true if the NFTemplate [ 563] contains palm records; otherwise, false. NFTemplate Properties NFTemplate.IsPalm Property

Checks if the NFTemplate [ 563] contains palm records.

public bool IsPalm;
Property value
true if NFTemplate [ 563] contains palm records; otherwise, false. NFTemplate.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; NFTemplate.Records Property

Gets Records collection.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

public RecordCollection Records;
Property value
A RecordCollection [ 569] collection. NFace Class

Provides methods for biometric engine to deal with face templates.

public sealed class NFace : NBiometric;
File: NFace.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

NFace Classes
NFace Class

Name Description
ObjectCollection [ 577] Collection of NLAttributes [ 595] objects.

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

NFace Class

Name Description
NFace [ 577] Creates a new NFace object.

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another. 9
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.

FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject. 9
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.

Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

NBiometric Class

Name Description
IsBiometricCaptureOptionsValid Checks whether the specified biometric capture options are valid.
[ 424]

NFace Class

Name Description
FromImageAndAttributes [ 577] Creates NFace object from specified face image and attributes.
GetImage [ 577] Retrieves the face image of the specified NFace object.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

NBiometric Class

Name Description
BiometricType [ 424] Gets the biometric type.
CaptureOptions [ 424] Gets or sets the biometric capture options.
Error [ 424] Gets the last exception.
FileName [ 424] Gets or sets the file name.
HasMoreSamples [ 424] Gets or sets whether the NBioemtric object has more samples.
NBiometricCaptureOptionsNativeType Defines the native type of the capture options.
[ 425]
NativeType [ 425] Defines the native type of the object.
Owner [ 425] Gets owner of the object.
ParentObject [ 425] Gets the parent object.
SampleBuffer [ 425] Gets or sets sample buffer. Use similar to FileName [ 424] property,
but this is more efficient if file contents are already loaded to memory.
SessionId [ 425] Gets or sets the session ID.
Status [ 425] Gets or sets the biometric status.

NFace Class

Name Description
Image [ 577] Gets or sets the face image of the NFace object.
NativeType [ 578] Defines the native type of the object.
Objects [ 578] Retrieves the collection of NLAttributes [ 595] of the NFace object.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
handle. 9
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. NFace.NFace Constructor

Creates a new NFace object.

public NFace(); NFace Classes NFace.ObjectCollection Class

Collection of NLAttributes [ 595] objects.

public sealed class ObjectCollection : NObjectReadOnlyCollection<NLAttributes>;
File: NFace.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] NFace Methods NFace.FromImageAndAttributes Method

Creates NFace [ 573] object from specified face image and attributes.

public static NFace FromImageAndAttributes(NImage image, NLAttributes attributes);

Parameters Description
NImage image Face image.
NLAttributes attributes Face attributes.

NFace [ 573] object. NFace.GetImage Method

Retrieves the face image of the specified NFace [ 573] object.

public NImage GetImage(bool cache);
Face image. NFace Properties NFace.Image Property

Gets or sets the face image of the NFace [ 573] object. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

public NImage Image; NFace.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; NFace.Objects Property

Retrieves the collection of NLAttributes [ 595] of the NFace [ 573] object.

public ObjectCollection Objects; NFinger Class

Provides methods for biometric engine to deal with finger templates.

public sealed class NFinger : NFrictionRidge;
File: NFinger.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

NFrictionRidge Classes
NFrictionRidge Class

Name Description
ObjectCollection [ 587] Collection of NFAttributes [ 511] objects containing fingerprint data.
PossiblePositionsCollection [ 587] Collection of NFPosition [ 722] objects containing possible fingerprint

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

NFinger Class

Name Description
NFinger [ 582] Creates a new NFinger object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

NBiometric Class

Name Description
IsBiometricCaptureOptionsValid Checks whether the specified biometric capture options are valid.
[ 424]

NFrictionRidge Class

Name Description
FromImageAndTemplate [ 587] Creates a new NFrictionRidge [ 582] object from the specified image
and template
FromPosition [ 587] Creates a new NFrictionRidge [ 582] object from the specified finger
position object.
GetBinarizedImage [ 588] Gets binarized image.
GetImage [ 588] Gets image
GetRidgeSkeletonImage [ 588] Gets ridge skeleton image.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

NBiometric Class

Name Description
BiometricType [ 424] Gets the biometric type.
CaptureOptions [ 424] Gets or sets the biometric capture options.
Error [ 424] Gets the last exception.
FileName [ 424] Gets or sets the file name.
HasMoreSamples [ 424] Gets or sets whether the NBioemtric object has more samples.
NBiometricCaptureOptionsNativeType Defines the native type of the capture options.
[ 425]
NativeType [ 425] Defines the native type of the object.
Owner [ 425] Gets owner of the object.
ParentObject [ 425] Gets the parent object.
SampleBuffer [ 425] Gets or sets sample buffer. Use similar to FileName [ 424] property,
but this is more efficient if file contents are already loaded to memory.
SessionId [ 425] Gets or sets the session ID.
Status [ 425] Gets or sets the biometric status.

NFrictionRidge Class

Name Description
BinarizedImage [ 588] Gets or sets binarized iamge
Image [ 588] Gets or sets the fingerprint image.
ImpressionType [ 589] Gets or sets the impression type of the NFrictionRidge [ 582].
NativeType [ 589] Defines the native type of the object.
Objects [ 589] Retrieves the collection of NFAttributes [ 511] objects. 9
Position [ 589] Gets or sets the fingerprint position of the NFrictionRidge [ 582].
PossiblePositions [ 589] Gets possible positions collection.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

RidgeSkeletonImage [ 589] Gets or sets ridge skeleton image.

NFinger Class

Name Description
NativeType [ 582] Defines the native type of the object.
WrongHandWarning [ 582] Value indicating if wrong hand (left instead of right or vice versa) is

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. NFinger.NFinger Constructor

Creates a new NFinger object.

public NFinger(); NFinger Properties NFinger.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; NFinger.WrongHandWarning Property

Value indicating if wrong hand (left instead of right or vice versa) is suspected.

public bool WrongHandWarning; NFrictionRidge Class 9

Provides methods for biometric engine to deal with fingerprint and similar templates.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

public class NFrictionRidge : NBiometric;
File: NFrictionRidge.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

NFrictionRidge Classes
NFrictionRidge Class

Name Description
ObjectCollection [ 587] Collection of NFAttributes [ 511] objects containing fingerprint data.
PossiblePositionsCollection [ 587] Collection of NFPosition [ 722] objects containing possible fingerprint

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

NBiometric Class

Name Description
IsBiometricCaptureOptionsValid Checks whether the specified biometric capture options are valid.
[ 424]

NFrictionRidge Class

Name Description
FromImageAndTemplate [ 587] Creates a new NFrictionRidge object from the specified image and
FromPosition [ 587] Creates a new NFrictionRidge object from the specified finger position
GetBinarizedImage [ 588] Gets binarized image.
GetImage [ 588] Gets image
GetRidgeSkeletonImage [ 588] Gets ridge skeleton image.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

NBiometric Class

Name Description
BiometricType [ 424] Gets the biometric type.
CaptureOptions [ 424] Gets or sets the biometric capture options.
Error [ 424] Gets the last exception.
FileName [ 424] Gets or sets the file name.
HasMoreSamples [ 424] Gets or sets whether the NBioemtric object has more samples.
NBiometricCaptureOptionsNativeType Defines the native type of the capture options.
[ 425]
NativeType [ 425] Defines the native type of the object.
Owner [ 425] Gets owner of the object.
ParentObject [ 425] Gets the parent object.
SampleBuffer [ 425] Gets or sets sample buffer. Use similar to FileName [ 424] property,
but this is more efficient if file contents are already loaded to memory.
SessionId [ 425] Gets or sets the session ID.
Status [ 425] Gets or sets the biometric status.

NFrictionRidge Class

Name Description
BinarizedImage [ 588] Gets or sets binarized iamge
Image [ 588] Gets or sets the fingerprint image.
ImpressionType [ 589] Gets or sets the impression type of the NFrictionRidge.
NativeType [ 589] Defines the native type of the object.
Objects [ 589] Retrieves the collection of NFAttributes [ 511] objects.
Position [ 589] Gets or sets the fingerprint position of the NFrictionRidge.
PossiblePositions [ 589] Gets possible positions collection.
RidgeSkeletonImage [ 589] Gets or sets ridge skeleton image.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace NFrictionRidge Classes NFrictionRidge.ObjectCollection Class

Collection of NFAttributes [ 511] objects containing fingerprint data.

public sealed class ObjectCollection : NObjectReadOnlyCollection<NFAttributes>;
File: NFrictionRidge.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] NFrictionRidge.PossiblePositionsCollection Class

Collection of NFPosition [ 722] objects containing possible fingerprint positions.

public sealed class PossiblePositionsCollection : ValueTypeCollection<NFPosition>;
File: NFrictionRidge.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] NFrictionRidge Methods NFrictionRidge.FromImageAndTemplate Method

Creates a new NFrictionRidge [ 582] object from the specified image and template

public static NFrictionRidge FromImageAndTemplate(NImage image, NFRecord template);

Parameters Description
NImage image NImage [ 1831] object.
NFRecord template NFRecord [ 537] object

The new NFrictionRidge [ 582] object. NFrictionRidge.FromPosition Method

Creates a new NFrictionRidge [ 582] object from the specified finger position object.

public static NFrictionRidge FromPosition(NFPosition position);

Parameters Description
NFPosition position NFPosition [ 722] object. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

The new NFrictionRidge [ 582] object. NFrictionRidge.GetBinarizedImage Method

Gets binarized image.

public NImage GetBinarizedImage(bool cache);
NImage [ 1831] object containing binarized image. NFrictionRidge.GetImage Method

Gets image

public NImage GetImage(bool cache);

Parameters Description
bool cache Whether a cache is used.

NImage [ 1831] object. NFrictionRidge.GetRidgeSkeletonImage Method

Gets ridge skeleton image.

[Obsolete("function is deprecated, will no longer be available")]
public NImage GetRidgeSkeletonImage(bool cache);

Parameters Description
bool cache Whether a cache is used.

NImage [ 1831] object containing skeleton image. NFrictionRidge Properties NFrictionRidge.BinarizedImage Property

Gets or sets binarized iamge

public NImage BinarizedImage;
Property value
NImage [ 1831] object containing binarized image. NFrictionRidge.Image Property

Gets or sets the fingerprint image.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

public NImage Image; NFrictionRidge.ImpressionType Property

Gets or sets the impression type of the NFrictionRidge [ 582].

public NFImpressionType ImpressionType; NFrictionRidge.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; NFrictionRidge.Objects Property

Retrieves the collection of NFAttributes [ 511] objects.

public ObjectCollection Objects; NFrictionRidge.Position Property

Gets or sets the fingerprint position of the NFrictionRidge [ 582].

public NFPosition Position; NFrictionRidge.PossiblePositions Property

Gets possible positions collection.

public PossiblePositionsCollection PossiblePositions;
Property value
PossiblePositionsCollection [ 587] object. NFrictionRidge.RidgeSkeletonImage Property

Gets or sets ridge skeleton image.

[Obsolete("Use NFingerExaminer.SkeletonImage instead.")]
public NImage RidgeSkeletonImage;
Property value
NImage [ 1831] object containing ridge skeleton. NIris Class

Provides methods for biometric engine to deal with iris templates.

public sealed class NIris : NBiometric;
File: NIris.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

NIris Classes
NIris Class

Name Description
ObjectCollection [ 593] Collection of NEAttributes [ 482] objects.

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

NIris Class

Name Description
NIris [ 593] Creates a new NIris object.

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

NBiometric Class

Name Description
IsBiometricCaptureOptionsValid Checks whether the specified biometric capture options are valid.
[ 424]

NIris Class

Name Description
FromImageAndTemplate [ 594] Creates a new NIris object from the specified image and template
GetImage [ 594] Gets iris image.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

NBiometric Class

Name Description
BiometricType [ 424] Gets the biometric type.
CaptureOptions [ 424] Gets or sets the biometric capture options.
Error [ 424] Gets the last exception.
FileName [ 424] Gets or sets the file name.
HasMoreSamples [ 424] Gets or sets whether the NBioemtric object has more samples.
NBiometricCaptureOptionsNativeType Defines the native type of the capture options. 9
[ 425]
NativeType [ 425] Defines the native type of the object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

Owner [ 425] Gets owner of the object.

ParentObject [ 425] Gets the parent object.
SampleBuffer [ 425] Gets or sets sample buffer. Use similar to FileName [ 424] property,
but this is more efficient if file contents are already loaded to memory.
SessionId [ 425] Gets or sets the session ID.
Status [ 425] Gets or sets the biometric status.

NIris Class

Name Description
Image [ 594] Gets or sets the iris image of NIris object.
ImageType [ 594] Gets or sets the iris image type of NIris object.
NativeType [ 594] Defines the native type of the object.
Objects [ 595] Retrieves the collection of NEAttributes [ 482] of the NIris object.
Position [ 595] Gets or sets eye position of the NIris object.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. NIris.NIris Constructor

Creates a new NIris object.

public NIris(); NIris Classes NIris.ObjectCollection Class

Collection of NEAttributes [ 482] objects.

public sealed class ObjectCollection : NObjectReadOnlyCollection<NEAttributes>; 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

File: NIris.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] NIris Methods NIris.FromImageAndTemplate Method

Creates a new NIris [ 589] object from the specified image and template

public static NIris FromImageAndTemplate(NImage image, NERecord template);

Parameters Description
NImage image NImage [ 1831] object.
NERecord template NERecord [ 493] object

The new NIris [ 589] object. NIris.GetImage Method

Gets iris image.

public NImage GetImage(bool cache);

Parameters Description
bool cache Whether a cache is used.

NImage [ 1831] object containing iris. NIris Properties NIris.Image Property

Gets or sets the iris image of NIris [ 589] object.

public NImage Image; NIris.ImageType Property

Gets or sets the iris image type of NIris [ 589] object.

public NEImageType ImageType; NIris.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

public static new NType NativeType; NIris.Objects Property

Retrieves the collection of NEAttributes [ 482] of the NIris [ 589] object.

public ObjectCollection Objects; NIris.Position Property

Gets or sets eye position of the NIris [ 589] object.

public NEPosition Position; NLAttributes Class

Provides methods to retrieve face template attributes.

public sealed class NLAttributes : NBiometricAttributes;
File: NLAttributes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

NLAttributes Classes
NLAttributes Class

Name Description
FeaturePointCollection [ 600] Collection of feature points.

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

NLAttributes Class

Name Description
NLAttributes [ 600] Initializes a new instance of NLAttributes class.

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object. 9
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.

GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description 9
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

NBiometricAttributes Class

Name Description
BiometricType [ 429] Gets the biometric type.
Child [ 429] Gets child NBiometric [ 420] object of the current NBiometricAttributes
[ 425].
ChildSubject [ 429] Gets child NSubject [ 674] of the current NBiometricAttributes [ 425].
DetectionConfidence [ 429] Gets or sets the detection confidence.
NativeType [ 429] Defines the native type of the object.
Quality [ 429] Gets or sets the quality.
Status [ 429] Gets or sets the biometric status.

NLAttributes Class

Name Description
Age [ 600] Gets or sets age value.
BackgroundUniformity [ 600] Gets or sets the image background uniformity value.
BaseFrameIndex [ 600] Gets or sets base frame index value.
BeardConfidence [ 600] Gets or sets the beard confidence value.
BlinkConfidence [ 600] Gets or sets the blink confidence value.
BoundingRect [ 601] Gets or sets the bounding rectangle that completely encloses face.
Contrast [ 601] Gets or sets the contrast value.
DarkGlassesConfidence [ 601] Gets or sets the dark glasses confidence value.
EmotionAngerConfidence [ 601] Gets or sets anger confidence value.
EmotionContemptConfidence Gets or sets anger confidence value.
[ 601]
EmotionDisgustConfidence [ 601] Gets or sets disgust confidence value.
EmotionFearConfidence [ 601] Gets or sets fear confidence value.
EmotionHappinessConfidence Gets or sets happiness confidence value.
[ 601]
EmotionNeutralConfidence [ 601] Gets or sets the neutral emotion confidence value.
EmotionSadnessConfidence [ 602] Gets or sets sadness confidence value.
EmotionSurpriseConfidence [ 602] Gets or sets surprise confidence value.
EthnicityAsianConfidence [ 602] Gets or sets ethnicity Asian confidence value.
EthnicityBlackConfidence [ 602] Gets or sets ethnicity Black confidence value.
EthnicityHispanicConfidence [ 602] Gets or sets ethnicity Hispanic confidence value.
EthnicityIndianConfidence [ 602] Gets or sets ethnicity Indian confidence value.
EthnicityWhiteConfidence [ 602] Gets or sets ethnicity White confidence value.
Expression [ 602] Gets or sets the expression value.
ExpressionConfidence [ 602] Gets or sets the expression confidence value.
FaceDarknessConfidence [ 603] Gets the face darkness confidence value.
FeaturePoints [ 603] Retrieves the feature point collection.
Gender [ 603] Gets or set the gender value.
GenderConfidence [ 603] Gets or sets the gender confidence value.
GlassesConfidence [ 603] Gets or sets the glasses confidence value.
GlassesReflectionConfidence Gets the glasses reflection confidence value.
[ 603] 9
GrayscaleDensity [ 603] Gets or sets the image grayscale density value.
HatConfidence [ 603] Gets or sets the hat confidence value.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

IcaoWarnings [ 603] Gets or sets one of NIcaoWarnings [ 726] values.

LeftEyeCenter [ 604] Gets or sets the center of the left eye.
LivenessAction [ 604] Gets or sets face liveness action value.
LivenessScore [ 604] Gets or sets face liveness score value.
LivenessTargetPitch [ 604] Gets liveness detection pitch angle.
LivenessTargetYaw [ 604] Gets or sets liveness detection yaw rotation angle.
LookingAwayConfidence [ 604] Gets the eye look confidence value.
MouthCenter [ 604] Gets or sets the center of the mouth.
MouthOpenConfidence [ 605] Gets or sets the mouth open confidence value.
MustacheConfidence [ 605] Gets or sets the mustache confidence value.
NativeType [ 605] Defines the native type of the object.
Noise [ 605] Gets or sets the noise value.
NoseTip [ 605] Gets or sets the tip of the nose.
Owner [ 605] Gets the owner object.
Pitch [ 605] Gets or sets the image pitch value in degrees. The calculation of this
value is not implemented.
PixelationConfidence [ 605] Gets the pixelation confidence value.
Properties [ 605] Gets or sets NLAttributes properties.
RedEyeConfidence [ 606] Gets the red eye confidence value.
RightEyeCenter [ 606] Gets or sets the center of the right eye.
Roll [ 606] Gets or sets the image roll value in degrees. Positive angles represent
faces tilted toward their left shoulder (a clockwise rotation around the
Saturation [ 606] Gets or sets the saturation value.
Sharpness [ 606] Gets or sets the image sharpness value.
SkinReflectionConfidence [ 606] Gets the skin reflection confidence value.
Template [ 606] Gets a face template contained in a NLTemplate [ 620] object.
Thumbnail [ 606] Gets or sets the thumbnail image.
TokenImageRect [ 606] Gets or sets face token image rectangle.
UnnaturalSkinToneConfidence Gets the skin tone confidence value.
[ 607]
WashedOutConfidence [ 607] Gets the washed out confidence value.
Yaw [ 607] Gets or sets the image yaw value in degrees. Positive angles represent
faces looking to their right (a clockwise rotation around the y-axis).

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array. 9
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. NLAttributes.NLAttributes Constructor

Initializes a new instance of NLAttributes class.

public NLAttributes(); NLAttributes Classes NLAttributes.FeaturePointCollection Class

Collection of feature points.

public sealed class FeaturePointCollection : StructCollection<NLFeaturePoint>;
File: NLAttributes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] NLAttributes Properties NLAttributes.Age Property

Gets or sets age value.

public byte Age; NLAttributes.BackgroundUniformity Property

Gets or sets the image background uniformity value.

public byte BackgroundUniformity; NLAttributes.BaseFrameIndex Property

Gets or sets base frame index value.

public int BaseFrameIndex; NLAttributes.BeardConfidence Property

Gets or sets the beard confidence value.

public byte BeardConfidence; NLAttributes.BlinkConfidence Property 9

Gets or sets the blink confidence value.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

public byte BlinkConfidence; NLAttributes.BoundingRect Property

Gets or sets the bounding rectangle that completely encloses face.

public Rectangle BoundingRect;
Property value
Rectangle type value containing coordinates, width and height. NLAttributes.Contrast Property

Gets or sets the contrast value.

public byte Contrast; NLAttributes.DarkGlassesConfidence Property

Gets or sets the dark glasses confidence value.

public byte DarkGlassesConfidence; NLAttributes.EmotionAngerConfidence Property

Gets or sets anger confidence value.

public byte EmotionAngerConfidence; NLAttributes.EmotionContemptConfidence Property

Gets or sets anger confidence value.

public byte EmotionContemptConfidence; NLAttributes.EmotionDisgustConfidence Property

Gets or sets disgust confidence value.

public byte EmotionDisgustConfidence; NLAttributes.EmotionFearConfidence Property

Gets or sets fear confidence value.

public byte EmotionFearConfidence; NLAttributes.EmotionHappinessConfidence Property

Gets or sets happiness confidence value.

public byte EmotionHappinessConfidence;
9 NLAttributes.EmotionNeutralConfidence Property
Gets or sets the neutral emotion confidence value.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

public byte EmotionNeutralConfidence; NLAttributes.EmotionSadnessConfidence Property

Gets or sets sadness confidence value.

public byte EmotionSadnessConfidence; NLAttributes.EmotionSurpriseConfidence Property

Gets or sets surprise confidence value.

public byte EmotionSurpriseConfidence; NLAttributes.EthnicityAsianConfidence Property

Gets or sets ethnicity Asian confidence value.

public byte EthnicityAsianConfidence; NLAttributes.EthnicityBlackConfidence Property

Gets or sets ethnicity Black confidence value.

public byte EthnicityBlackConfidence; NLAttributes.EthnicityHispanicConfidence Property

Gets or sets ethnicity Hispanic confidence value.

public byte EthnicityHispanicConfidence; NLAttributes.EthnicityIndianConfidence Property

Gets or sets ethnicity Indian confidence value.

public byte EthnicityIndianConfidence; NLAttributes.EthnicityWhiteConfidence Property

Gets or sets ethnicity White confidence value.

public byte EthnicityWhiteConfidence; NLAttributes.Expression Property

Gets or sets the expression value.

public NLExpression Expression; NLAttributes.ExpressionConfidence Property

Gets or sets the expression confidence value.

C# 9
public byte ExpressionConfidence;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace NLAttributes.FaceDarknessConfidence Property

Gets the face darkness confidence value.

public byte FaceDarknessConfidence; NLAttributes.FeaturePoints Property

Retrieves the feature point collection.

public FeaturePointCollection FeaturePoints; NLAttributes.Gender Property

Gets or set the gender value.

public NGender Gender; NLAttributes.GenderConfidence Property

Gets or sets the gender confidence value.

public byte GenderConfidence; NLAttributes.GlassesConfidence Property

Gets or sets the glasses confidence value.

public byte GlassesConfidence; NLAttributes.GlassesReflectionConfidence Property

Gets the glasses reflection confidence value.

public byte GlassesReflectionConfidence; NLAttributes.GrayscaleDensity Property

Gets or sets the image grayscale density value.

public byte GrayscaleDensity; NLAttributes.HatConfidence Property

Gets or sets the hat confidence value.

public byte HatConfidence; NLAttributes.IcaoWarnings Property

Gets or sets one of NIcaoWarnings [ 726] values.

public NIcaoWarnings IcaoWarnings;
Property value 9
NIcaoWarnings [ 726] value.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace NLAttributes.LeftEyeCenter Property

Gets or sets the center of the left eye.

public NLFeaturePoint LeftEyeCenter; NLAttributes.LivenessAction Property

Gets or sets face liveness action value.

public NLivenessAction LivenessAction;
Property value
One of NLivenessAction [ 728] values. NLAttributes.LivenessScore Property

Gets or sets face liveness score value.

public byte LivenessScore;
Property value
Liveness score value. NLAttributes.LivenessTargetPitch Property

Gets liveness detection pitch angle.

public float LivenessTargetPitch;
Property value
Liveness detection pitch angle. NLAttributes.LivenessTargetYaw Property

Gets or sets liveness detection yaw rotation angle.

public float LivenessTargetYaw;
Property value
Liveness detection yaw rotation angle. NLAttributes.LookingAwayConfidence Property

Gets the eye look confidence value.

public byte LookingAwayConfidence; NLAttributes.MouthCenter Property

Gets or sets the center of the mouth.

public NLFeaturePoint MouthCenter; 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace NLAttributes.MouthOpenConfidence Property

Gets or sets the mouth open confidence value.

public byte MouthOpenConfidence; NLAttributes.MustacheConfidence Property

Gets or sets the mustache confidence value.

public byte MustacheConfidence; NLAttributes.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; NLAttributes.Noise Property

Gets or sets the noise value.

public byte Noise; NLAttributes.NoseTip Property

Gets or sets the tip of the nose.

public NLFeaturePoint NoseTip; NLAttributes.Owner Property

Gets the owner object.

public new NFace Owner;
Property value
NFace [ 573] object. NLAttributes.Pitch Property

Gets or sets the image pitch value in degrees. The calculation of this value is not implemented.

public float Pitch; NLAttributes.PixelationConfidence Property

Gets the pixelation confidence value.

public byte PixelationConfidence; NLAttributes.Properties Property

Gets or sets NLAttributes [ 595] properties.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

public NLProperties Properties; NLAttributes.RedEyeConfidence Property

Gets the red eye confidence value.

public byte RedEyeConfidence; NLAttributes.RightEyeCenter Property

Gets or sets the center of the right eye.

public NLFeaturePoint RightEyeCenter; NLAttributes.Roll Property

Gets or sets the image roll value in degrees. Positive angles represent faces tilted toward their left shoulder (a clockwise
rotation around the z-axis).

public float Roll; NLAttributes.Saturation Property

Gets or sets the saturation value.

public byte Saturation; NLAttributes.Sharpness Property

Gets or sets the image sharpness value.

public byte Sharpness; NLAttributes.SkinReflectionConfidence Property

Gets the skin reflection confidence value.

public byte SkinReflectionConfidence; NLAttributes.Template Property

Gets a face template contained in a NLTemplate [ 620] object.

public NLTemplate Template; NLAttributes.Thumbnail Property

Gets or sets the thumbnail image.

public NImage Thumbnail; NLAttributes.TokenImageRect Property

Gets or sets face token image rectangle. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

public Rectangle TokenImageRect;
Property value
Rectangle object defining rectangle. NLAttributes.UnnaturalSkinToneConfidence Property

Gets the skin tone confidence value.

public byte UnnaturalSkinToneConfidence; NLAttributes.WashedOutConfidence Property

Gets the washed out confidence value.

public byte WashedOutConfidence; NLAttributes.Yaw Property

Gets or sets the image yaw value in degrees. Positive angles represent faces looking to their right (a clockwise rotation around
the y-axis).

public float Yaw; NLFeaturePoint Structure

Structure defining facial feature point.

public struct NLFeaturePoint : IFormattable {
File: NBiometricTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Name Description
NLFeaturePoint [ 608] Initializes a new instance of NLFeaturePoint structure.
NLFeaturePoint [ 608] Initializes a new instance of NLFeaturePoint structure.

NLFeaturePoint Methods

Name Description
ToString [ 608] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
ToString [ 608] Retrieves a string representation of the object.

NLFeaturePoint Properties

Name Description
Code [ 609] Gets or sets the feature code. 9
Confidence [ 609] Gets or sets the feature confidence.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

NativeType [ 609] Defines the native type of the object.

X [ 609] Gets or sets the X-coordinate of the feature point.
Y [ 609] Gets or sets the Y-coordinate of the feature point. NLFeaturePoint.NLFeaturePoint Constructor (ushort, ushort, ushort)

Initializes a new instance of NLFeaturePoint structure.

public NLFeaturePoint(ushort code, ushort x, ushort y);

Parameters Description
ushort code Feature code.
ushort x X [ 609]-coordinate of the the feature point.
ushort y Y [ 609]-coordinate of the the feature point. NLFeaturePoint.NLFeaturePoint Constructor (ushort, ushort, ushort, byte)

Initializes a new instance of NLFeaturePoint structure.

public NLFeaturePoint(ushort code, ushort x, ushort y, byte confidence);

Parameters Description
ushort code Feature code.
ushort x X [ 609]-coordinate of the the feature point.
ushort y Y [ 609]-coordinate of the the feature point.
byte confidence Feature confidence. NLFeaturePoint Methods NLFeaturePoint.ToString Method ()

Retrieves a string representation of the object.

public override string ToString();
A string representation of an object. NLFeaturePoint.ToString Method (string)

Retrieves a string representation of the object.

public string ToString(string format);

Parameters Description
string format String format

A string representation of an object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace NLFeaturePoint Properties NLFeaturePoint.Code Property

Gets or sets the feature code.

public ushort Code; NLFeaturePoint.Confidence Property

Gets or sets the feature confidence.

public byte Confidence; NLFeaturePoint.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; NLFeaturePoint.X Property

Gets or sets the X-coordinate of the feature point.

public ushort X; NLFeaturePoint.Y Property

Gets or sets the Y-coordinate of the feature point.

public ushort Y; NLMatchingDetails Class

Provides functionality to retrieve face templates matching details.

public sealed class NLMatchingDetails : NXMatchingDetails;
File: NLMatchingDetails.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description 9
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

NMatchingDetailsBase Class

Name Description
BiometricType [ 639] Gets type of biometric modality saved in specified matching details.
NativeType [ 639] Defines the native type of the object.
Score [ 639] Gets similarity score of two matched templates.

NXMatchingDetails Class

Name Description
MatchedIndex [ 709] Gets index of matched template in the second matched template.
NativeType [ 709] Defines the native type of the object.

NLMatchingDetails Class

Name Description
NativeType [ 613] Defines the native type of the object.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. NLMatchingDetails Properties 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace NLMatchingDetails.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; NLRecord Class

Provides functionality for packing, unpacking and editing Neurotechnology Face Records (NLRecords).

public sealed class NLRecord : NObject, ICloneable;
File: NLRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

NLRecord Class

Name Description
NLRecord [ 616] Initializes a new instance of the NLRecord class.
NLRecord [ 616] Initializes a new instance of the NLRecord class.
NLRecord [ 617] Initializes a new instance of the NLRecord class.
NLRecord [ 617] Initializes a new instance of the NLRecord class.
NLRecord [ 617] Initializes a new instance of the NLRecord class from existing NLRecord
with specified size.
NLRecord [ 617] Initializes a new instance of the NLRecord class from existing NLRecord
with specified size.
NLRecord [ 618] Initializes a new instance of the NLRecord class.
NLRecord [ 618] Initializes a new instance of the NLRecord class.

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag. 9
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object. 9
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

NLRecord Class

Name Description
Check [ 618] Checks if format of packed NLRecord is correct.
Checks if format of packed NLRecord is correct.
Check [ 618] Checks if format of packed NLRecord is correct.
Checks if format of packed NLRecord is correct.
GetQuality [ 619] Retrieves face quality from packed NLRecord.
GetQuality [ 619] Retrieves face quality from packed NLRecord.
GetSize [ 619] Gets the size of packed NLRecord.
GetSize [ 619] Gets the size of packed NLRecord.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

NLRecord Class

Name Description
CbeffProductType [ 620] Gets or sets the Cbeff product type of the NLRecord.
NativeType [ 620] Defines the native type of the object.
Quality [ 620] Gets or sets face quality.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. NLRecord.NLRecord Constructor ()

Initializes a new instance of the NLRecord class.

public NLRecord(); NLRecord.NLRecord Constructor (NBuffer)

Initializes a new instance of the NLRecord class.

public NLRecord(NBuffer buffer);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace


Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer The packed NLRecord object. NLRecord.NLRecord Constructor (NBuffer, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the NLRecord class.

public NLRecord(NBuffer buffer, uint flags);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer The packed NLRecord object.
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the constructor. NLRecord.NLRecord Constructor (NBuffer, uint, out int)

Initializes a new instance of the NLRecord class.

public NLRecord(NBuffer buffer, uint flags, out int size);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer The packed NLRecord object.
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the constructor.
out int size [out] NLRecord size. NLRecord.NLRecord Constructor (NLRecord, NTemplateSize)

Initializes a new instance of the NLRecord class from existing NLRecord with specified size.

public NLRecord(NLRecord record, NTemplateSize templateSize);

Parameters Description
NLRecord record Source NLRecord.
NTemplateSize templateSize Template size of NLRecord to be created.

Can be used to decrease the size of NLRecord. NLRecord.NLRecord Constructor (NLRecord, NTemplateSize, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the NLRecord class from existing NLRecord with specified size.

public NLRecord(NLRecord record, NTemplateSize templateSize, uint flags);

Parameters Description 9
NLRecord record Source NLRecord.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

NTemplateSize templateSize Template size of NLRecord to be created.

uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the constructor.

Can be used to decrease the size of NLRecord. NLRecord.NLRecord Constructor (byte[])

Initializes a new instance of the NLRecord class.

public NLRecord(byte[] buffer);

Parameters Description
byte[] buffer The packed NLRecord object. NLRecord.NLRecord Constructor (uint)

Initializes a new instance of the NLRecord class.

public NLRecord(uint flags);

Parameters Description
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the constructor. Exclusive-OR is performed when
few flags needed.

The following flags are supported:

• FlagSkipBlockedOrients
• FlagSkipGs
• FlagSkipQualities NLRecord Methods NLRecord.Check Method (NBuffer)

Checks if format of packed NLRecord [ 613] is correct.

Checks if format of packed NLRecord [ 613] is correct.

public static void Check(NBuffer buffer);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer The packed NLRecord [ 613] object. NLRecord.Check Method (byte[])

Checks if format of packed NLRecord [ 613] is correct.
Checks if format of packed NLRecord [ 613] is correct.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

public static void Check(byte[] buffer);

Parameters Description
byte[] buffer The packed NLRecord [ 613] object. NLRecord.GetQuality Method (NBuffer)

Retrieves face quality from packed NLRecord [ 613].

public static byte GetQuality(NBuffer buffer);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer NBuffer [ 1943] of packed NLRecord [ 613].

The value of face quality. NLRecord.GetQuality Method (byte[])

Retrieves face quality from packed NLRecord [ 613].

public static byte GetQuality(byte[] buffer);

Parameters Description
byte[] buffer The byte array of packed NLRecord [ 613].

The value of face quality. NLRecord.GetSize Method (NBuffer)

Gets the size of packed NLRecord [ 613].

public static int GetSize(NBuffer buffer);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer The packed NLRecord [ 613].

Size of NLRecord [ 613]. NLRecord.GetSize Method (byte[])

Gets the size of packed NLRecord [ 613].

public static int GetSize(byte[] buffer);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace


Parameters Description
byte[] buffer The packed NLRecord [ 613].

Size of NLRecord [ 613]. NLRecord Properties NLRecord.CbeffProductType Property

Gets or sets the Cbeff product type of the NLRecord [ 613].

public ushort CbeffProductType;
Property value
The Cbeff product type. NLRecord.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; NLRecord.Quality Property

Gets or sets face quality.

public byte Quality;
Property value
Face quality. Quality value can be interval [0; 100], 254 (quality was not calculated) and 255 (failed to calculate quality value). NLTemplate Class

Provides functionality for packing, unpacking and editing Neurotechnology Faces Templates (NLTemplates).

public sealed class NLTemplate : NObject, ICloneable;
File: NLTemplate.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

NLTemplate Classes
NLTemplate Class

Name Description
RecordCollection [ 625] Collection of NLRecords.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

NLTemplate Class

Name Description
FlagProcessFirstRecordOnly [ 625] The flag indicating whether only the first face record should be unpacked
or packed while unpacking or packing NLTemplate.
MaxRecordCount [ 625] The maximum number of face records NLTemplate can contain.

NLTemplate Class

Name Description
NLTemplate [ 624] Initializes a new instance of the NLTemplate class.
NLTemplate [ 624] Initializes a new instance of the NLTemplate class.
NLTemplate [ 624] Initializes a new instance of the NLTemplate class.
NLTemplate [ 624] Initializes a new instance of the NLTemplate class.
NLTemplate [ 625] Initializes a new instance of the NLTemplate class.

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

NLTemplate Class

Name Description
CalculateSize [ 625] Calculates NLTemplate size.
Check [ 626] Checks if format of packed NLTemplate format is correct.
Check [ 626] Checks if format of packed NLTemplate format is correct.
GetRecordCount [ 626] Retrieves records count.
GetRecordCount [ 626] Retrieves records count.
GetSize [ 627] Gets the size of packed NLTemplate.
GetSize [ 627] Gets the size of packed NLTemplate.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

NLTemplate Class

Name Description
NativeType [ 627] Defines the native type of the object.
Records [ 627] Gets Records collection.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. NLTemplate.NLTemplate Constructor ()

Initializes a new instance of the NLTemplate class.

public NLTemplate(); NLTemplate.NLTemplate Constructor (NBuffer)

Initializes a new instance of the NLTemplate class.

public NLTemplate(NBuffer buffer);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer NBuffer [ 1943] with packed NLTemplate objects. NLTemplate.NLTemplate Constructor (NBuffer, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the NLTemplate class.

public NLTemplate(NBuffer buffer, uint flags);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer NBuffer [ 1943] with packed NLTemplate objects.
uint flags Reserved for future use. Must be zero. NLTemplate.NLTemplate Constructor (NBuffer, uint, out int) 9

Initializes a new instance of the NLTemplate class.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

public NLTemplate(NBuffer buffer, uint flags, out int size);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer NBuffer [ 1943] with packed NLTemplate objects.
uint flags Reserved for future use. Must be zero.
out int size [out] NLTemplate size. NLTemplate.NLTemplate Constructor (byte[])

Initializes a new instance of the NLTemplate class.

public NLTemplate(byte[] buffer);

Parameters Description
byte[] buffer A byte array with packed NLTemplate objects. NLTemplate Classes NLTemplate.RecordCollection Class

Collection of NLRecords.

public sealed class RecordCollection : NObjectCollection<NLRecord>;
File: NLTemplate.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] NLTemplate Fields NLTemplate.FlagProcessFirstRecordOnly Field

The flag indicating whether only the first face record should be unpacked or packed while unpacking or packing NLTemplate
[ 620].

public const uint FlagProcessFirstRecordOnly = 0x00000100; NLTemplate.MaxRecordCount Field

The maximum number of face records NLTemplate [ 620] can contain.

public const int MaxRecordCount = 255; NLTemplate Methods NLTemplate.CalculateSize Method 9

Calculates NLTemplate [ 620] size.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

public static int CalculateSize(int[] recordSizes);

Parameters Description
int[] recordSizes An array that contains NLRecords sizes.

A size of records. NLTemplate.Check Method (NBuffer)

Checks if format of packed NLTemplate [ 620] format is correct.

public static void Check(NBuffer buffer);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer NBuffer [ 1943] with packed NLTemplate [ 620]. NLTemplate.Check Method (byte[])

Checks if format of packed NLTemplate [ 620] format is correct.

public static void Check(byte[] buffer);

Parameters Description
byte[] buffer A byte array with packed NLTemplate [ 620].

true if NLTemplate [ 620] format is correct, false otherwise. NLTemplate.GetRecordCount Method (NBuffer)

Retrieves records count.

public static int GetRecordCount(NBuffer buffer);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer NBuffer [ 1943] with NLTemplate [ 620].

Records [ 627] count. NLTemplate.GetRecordCount Method (byte[])

Retrieves records count.

public static int GetRecordCount(byte[] buffer);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace


Parameters Description
byte[] buffer A byte array with NLTemplate [ 620].

Records [ 627] count. NLTemplate.GetSize Method (NBuffer)

Gets the size of packed NLTemplate [ 620].

public static int GetSize(NBuffer buffer);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer The packed NLTemplate [ 620].

NLTemplate [ 620] size. NLTemplate.GetSize Method (byte[])

Gets the size of packed NLTemplate [ 620].

public static int GetSize(byte[] buffer);

Parameters Description
byte[] buffer The packed NLTemplate [ 620].

NLTemplate [ 620] size. NLTemplate Properties NLTemplate.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; NLTemplate.Records Property

Gets Records collection.

public RecordCollection Records;
Property value
A RecordCollection [ 625] collection. NMatchingDetails Class 9

Provides functionality for retrieving Neurotechnology templates matching details.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

public sealed class NMatchingDetails : NMatchingDetailsBase;
File: NMatchingDetails.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

NMatchingDetails Classes
NMatchingDetails Class

Name Description
FaceCollection [ 633] Face templates matching details collection.
FingerCollection [ 633] Finger templates matching details collection.
IrisCollection [ 633] Iris templates matching details collection.
PalmCollection [ 633] Palm templates matching details collection.
VoiceCollection [ 634] Voice templates matching details collection.

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

NMatchingDetails Class

Name Description
NMatchingDetails [ 631] Creates new instance of NMatchingDetails class.
NMatchingDetails [ 632] Creates new instance of NMatchingDetails class.
NMatchingDetails [ 632] Creates new instance of NMatchingDetails class.
NMatchingDetails [ 632] Creates new instance of NMatchingDetails class.
NMatchingDetails [ 632] Creates new instance of NMatchingDetails class.
NMatchingDetails [ 632] Creates new instance of NMatchingDetails class.

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.

FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject. 9
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.

Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

NMatchingDetailsBase Class

Name Description
BiometricType [ 639] Gets type of biometric modality saved in specified matching details.
NativeType [ 639] Defines the native type of the object.
Score [ 639] Gets similarity score of two matched templates.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

NMatchingDetails Class

Name Description
Faces [ 634] Gets collection of faces matching details.
FacesMatchedIndex [ 634] Gets index of matched face in the second matched NLTemplate [ 620]
(or NTemplate [ 692])).
FacesScore [ 634] Gets similarity score of two matched face templates (NLTemplate
[ 620]).
Fingers [ 634] Gets collection of fingers matching details.
FingersScore [ 634] Gets similarity score of two matched finger templates (NFTemplate
[ 563]).
Irises [ 635] Gets collection of irises matching details.
IrisesScore [ 635] Gets similarity score of two matched iris templates (NETemplate [ 504]).
NativeType [ 635] Defines the native type of the object.
Palms [ 635] Gets collection of palms matching details.
PalmsScore [ 635] Gets similarity score of two matched palm templates (NFTemplate
[ 563]).
Voices [ 635] Gets collection of voices matching details.
VoicesScore [ 636] Gets similarity score of two matched voice templates (NSTemplate
[ 666]).

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. NMatchingDetails.NMatchingDetails Constructor (NBuffer)

Creates new instance of NMatchingDetails class.

public NMatchingDetails(NBuffer buffer);

Parameters Description 9
NBuffer buffer Memory buffer which contains templates matching details.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace NMatchingDetails.NMatchingDetails Constructor (NBuffer, uint)

Creates new instance of NMatchingDetails class.

public NMatchingDetails(NBuffer buffer, uint flags);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer Memory buffer which contains templates matching details.
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the constructor. Should be zero. NMatchingDetails.NMatchingDetails Constructor (NBuffer, uint, out int)

Creates new instance of NMatchingDetails class.

public NMatchingDetails(NBuffer buffer, uint flags, out int size);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer Memory buffer which contains templates matching details.
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the constructor. Should be zero.
out int size Size of actually read buffer (in bytes). NMatchingDetails.NMatchingDetails Constructor (NStream)

Creates new instance of NMatchingDetails class.

public NMatchingDetails(NStream stream);

Parameters Description
NStream stream Stream containing matching details. NMatchingDetails.NMatchingDetails Constructor (NStream, uint)

Creates new instance of NMatchingDetails class.

public NMatchingDetails(NStream stream, uint flags);

Parameters Description
NStream stream Stream containing matching details.
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the constructor. Should be zero. NMatchingDetails.NMatchingDetails Constructor (byte[])

Creates new instance of NMatchingDetails class.

public NMatchingDetails(byte[] buffer);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace


Parameters Description
byte[] buffer Byte buffer which contains templates matching details. NMatchingDetails Classes NMatchingDetails.FaceCollection Class

Face templates matching details collection.

public sealed class FaceCollection : NObjectReadOnlyCollection<NLMatchingDetails>;
File: NMatchingDetails.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] NMatchingDetails.FingerCollection Class

Finger templates matching details collection.

public sealed class FingerCollection : NObjectReadOnlyCollection<NFMatchingDetails>;
File: NMatchingDetails.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] NMatchingDetails.IrisCollection Class

Iris templates matching details collection.

public sealed class IrisCollection : NObjectReadOnlyCollection<NEMatchingDetails>;
File: NMatchingDetails.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] NMatchingDetails.PalmCollection Class

Palm templates matching details collection.

public sealed class PalmCollection : NObjectReadOnlyCollection<NFMatchingDetails>;
File: NMatchingDetails.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418] 9

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace NMatchingDetails.VoiceCollection Class

Voice templates matching details collection.

public sealed class VoiceCollection : NObjectReadOnlyCollection<NSMatchingDetails>;
File: NMatchingDetails.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] NMatchingDetails Properties NMatchingDetails.Faces Property

Gets collection of faces matching details.

public FaceCollection Faces;
Property value
Faces matching details collection (FaceCollection [ 633]). NMatchingDetails.FacesMatchedIndex Property

Gets index of matched face in the second matched NLTemplate [ 620] (or NTemplate [ 692])).

public int FacesMatchedIndex;
Property value
Index of matched face in the second template. NMatchingDetails.FacesScore Property

Gets similarity score of two matched face templates (NLTemplate [ 620]).

public int FacesScore;
Property value
Similarity (matching) score. NMatchingDetails.Fingers Property

Gets collection of fingers matching details.

public FingerCollection Fingers;
Property value
Fingers matching details collection (FingerCollection [ 633]). NMatchingDetails.FingersScore Property

Gets similarity score of two matched finger templates (NFTemplate [ 563]).

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

public int FingersScore;
Property value
Similarity (matching) score. of two fingerprint templates. NMatchingDetails.Irises Property

Gets collection of irises matching details.

public IrisCollection Irises;
Property value
Irises matching details collection (IrisCollection [ 633]). NMatchingDetails.IrisesScore Property

Gets similarity score of two matched iris templates (NETemplate [ 504]).

public int IrisesScore;
Property value
Similarity (matching) score. of two iris templates. NMatchingDetails.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; NMatchingDetails.Palms Property

Gets collection of palms matching details.

public PalmCollection Palms;
Property value
Palmprints matching details collection (PalmCollection [ 633]). NMatchingDetails.PalmsScore Property

Gets similarity score of two matched palm templates (NFTemplate [ 563]).

public int PalmsScore;
Property value
Similarity (matching) score. of two palm templates. NMatchingDetails.Voices Property

Gets collection of voices matching details.

public VoiceCollection Voices;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

Property value
Voices matching details collection (VoiceCollection [ 634]). NMatchingDetails.VoicesScore Property

Gets similarity score of two matched voice templates (NSTemplate [ 666]).

public int VoicesScore;
Property value
Similarity (matching) score. of two voice templates. NMatchingDetailsBase Class

Base class for NMatchingDetails [ 627].

public class NMatchingDetailsBase : NObject;
File: NMatchingDetailsBase.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.

This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.

Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

NMatchingDetailsBase Class

Name Description
BiometricType [ 639] Gets type of biometric modality saved in specified matching details.
NativeType [ 639] Defines the native type of the object.
Score [ 639] Gets similarity score of two matched templates.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. NMatchingDetailsBase Properties NMatchingDetailsBase.BiometricType Property

Gets type of biometric modality saved in specified matching details.

public NBiometricType BiometricType;
Property value
NBiometricType [ 715] object containing information about template biometric type. NMatchingDetailsBase.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; NMatchingDetailsBase.Score Property

Gets similarity score of two matched templates.

public int Score;
Property value
Similarity score of two matched templates. NMatchingResult Class

Provides methods to retrieve information about matching results.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

public sealed class NMatchingResult : NObject;
File: NMatchingResult.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not 9
intended to be used directly from your code.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

NMatchingResult Class

Name Description
Connection [ 643] Retrieves the biometric connection of the matching result.
Id [ 643] Retrieves the ID of the matching result.
MatchingDetails [ 643] Retrieves the matching details of the matching result.
MatchingDetailsBuffer [ 643] Retrieves the matching details buffer of the matching result.
NativeType [ 643] Defines the native type of the object.
Owner [ 643] Retrieves the owner object of the matching result.
Score [ 643] Retrieves the matching score of the matching result.
Subject [ 644] Retrieves the subject of the matching result.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle. 9
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. NMatchingResult Properties NMatchingResult.Connection Property

Retrieves the biometric connection of the matching result.

public NBiometricConnection Connection; NMatchingResult.Id Property

Retrieves the ID of the matching result.

public string Id; NMatchingResult.MatchingDetails Property

Retrieves the matching details of the matching result.

public NMatchingDetails MatchingDetails; NMatchingResult.MatchingDetailsBuffer Property

Retrieves the matching details buffer of the matching result.

public NBuffer MatchingDetailsBuffer; NMatchingResult.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; NMatchingResult.Owner Property

Retrieves the owner object of the matching result.

public new NSubject Owner; NMatchingResult.Score Property

Retrieves the matching score of the matching result.

public int Score; 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace NMatchingResult.Subject Property

Retrieves the subject of the matching result.

public NSubject Subject; NPalm Class

Provides methods for biometric engine to deal with palm templates.

public sealed class NPalm : NFrictionRidge;
File: NPalm.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

NFrictionRidge Classes
NFrictionRidge Class

Name Description
ObjectCollection [ 587] Collection of NFAttributes [ 511] objects containing fingerprint data.
PossiblePositionsCollection [ 587] Collection of NFPosition [ 722] objects containing possible fingerprint

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

NPalm Class

Name Description
NPalm [ 648] Creates a new NPalm object.

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an 9
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

NBiometric Class

Name Description
IsBiometricCaptureOptionsValid Checks whether the specified biometric capture options are valid.
[ 424]

NFrictionRidge Class

Name Description
FromImageAndTemplate [ 587] Creates a new NFrictionRidge [ 582] object from the specified image
and template
FromPosition [ 587] Creates a new NFrictionRidge [ 582] object from the specified finger
position object. 9
GetBinarizedImage [ 588] Gets binarized image.
GetImage [ 588] Gets image

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

GetRidgeSkeletonImage [ 588] Gets ridge skeleton image.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

NBiometric Class

Name Description
BiometricType [ 424] Gets the biometric type.
CaptureOptions [ 424] Gets or sets the biometric capture options.
Error [ 424] Gets the last exception.
FileName [ 424] Gets or sets the file name.
HasMoreSamples [ 424] Gets or sets whether the NBioemtric object has more samples.
NBiometricCaptureOptionsNativeType Defines the native type of the capture options.
[ 425]
NativeType [ 425] Defines the native type of the object.
Owner [ 425] Gets owner of the object.
ParentObject [ 425] Gets the parent object.
SampleBuffer [ 425] Gets or sets sample buffer. Use similar to FileName [ 424] property,
but this is more efficient if file contents are already loaded to memory.
SessionId [ 425] Gets or sets the session ID.
Status [ 425] Gets or sets the biometric status.

NFrictionRidge Class

Name Description
BinarizedImage [ 588] Gets or sets binarized iamge
Image [ 588] Gets or sets the fingerprint image.
ImpressionType [ 589] Gets or sets the impression type of the NFrictionRidge [ 582].
NativeType [ 589] Defines the native type of the object.
Objects [ 589] Retrieves the collection of NFAttributes [ 511] objects.
Position [ 589] Gets or sets the fingerprint position of the NFrictionRidge [ 582].
PossiblePositions [ 589] Gets possible positions collection.
RidgeSkeletonImage [ 589] Gets or sets ridge skeleton image.

NPalm Class

Name Description
NativeType [ 648] Defines the native type of the object.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function. 9
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. NPalm.NPalm Constructor

Creates a new NPalm object.

public NPalm(); NPalm Properties NPalm.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; NSAttributes Class

Provides methods to retrieve sound template attributes.

public sealed class NSAttributes : NBiometricAttributes;
File: NSAttributes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

NSAttributes Class

Name Description
NSAttributes [ 652] Initializes a new instance of NSAttributes class.

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

NSAttributes Class

Name Description
GetTemplate [ 652] Gets sound record (NSRecord [ 657]).

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

NBiometricAttributes Class

Name Description
BiometricType [ 429] Gets the biometric type.
Child [ 429] Gets child NBiometric [ 420] object of the current NBiometricAttributes
[ 425].
ChildSubject [ 429] Gets child NSubject [ 674] of the current NBiometricAttributes [ 425].
DetectionConfidence [ 429] Gets or sets the detection confidence.
NativeType [ 429] Defines the native type of the object.
Quality [ 429] Gets or sets the quality.
Status [ 429] Gets or sets the biometric status.

NSAttributes Class

Name Description
IsVoiceDetected [ 652] Checks whether the voice is detected.
NativeType [ 652] Defines the native type of the object.
Owner [ 653] Gets the owner object.
PhraseId [ 653] Gets or sets sound phrase Id.
SoundLevel [ 653] Gets or sets the sound level of the NSAttributes.
Template [ 653] Gets a voice template contained in a NSRecord [ 657] object.
VoiceDuration [ 653] Gets or sets the duration of the voice.
VoiceStart [ 653] Gets or sets the moment at which the voice starts.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle. 9
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. NSAttributes.NSAttributes Constructor

Initializes a new instance of NSAttributes class.

public NSAttributes(int phraseId);

Parameters Description
int phraseId Phrase ID. NSAttributes Methods NSAttributes.GetTemplate Method

Gets sound record (NSRecord [ 657]).

public NSRecord GetTemplate(bool cache);

Parameters Description
bool cache Whether the object is created from a cache.

NSRecord [ 657] object. NSAttributes Properties NSAttributes.IsVoiceDetected Property

Checks whether the voice is detected.

public bool IsVoiceDetected;
Property value
true if the voice is detected; else false. NSAttributes.NativeType Property 9

Defines the native type of the object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

public static new NType NativeType; NSAttributes.Owner Property

Gets the owner object.

public new NVoice Owner;
Property value
NVoice [ 700] object. NSAttributes.PhraseId Property

Gets or sets sound phrase Id.

public int PhraseId;
Property value
Sound [ 2379] phrase Id. NSAttributes.SoundLevel Property

Gets or sets the sound level of the NSAttributes [ 648].

public double SoundLevel; NSAttributes.Template Property

Gets a voice template contained in a NSRecord [ 657] object.

public NSRecord Template; NSAttributes.VoiceDuration Property

Gets or sets the duration of the voice.

public TimeSpan VoiceDuration; NSAttributes.VoiceStart Property

Gets or sets the moment at which the voice starts.

public TimeSpan VoiceStart; NSMatchingDetails Class

Provides functionality to retrieve speaker matching details.

public sealed class NSMatchingDetails : NXMatchingDetails;
File: NSMatchingDetails.cs 9
Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not 9
intended to be used directly from your code.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
object. 9
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.

ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

NMatchingDetailsBase Class

Name Description
BiometricType [ 639] Gets type of biometric modality saved in specified matching details.
NativeType [ 639] Defines the native type of the object.
Score [ 639] Gets similarity score of two matched templates.

NXMatchingDetails Class

Name Description
MatchedIndex [ 709] Gets index of matched template in the second matched template.
NativeType [ 709] Defines the native type of the object.

NSMatchingDetails Class

Name Description
NativeType [ 657] Defines the native type of the object.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle. 9
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. NSMatchingDetails Properties NSMatchingDetails.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; NSRecord Class

Provides functionality for packing, unpacking and editing Neurotechnology Speaker Records (NSRecords).

public sealed class NSRecord : NObject, ICloneable;
File: NSRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

NSRecord Class

Name Description
NSRecord [ 661] Initializes a new instance of the NSRecord class.
NSRecord [ 661] Initializes a new instance of the NSRecord class.
NSRecord [ 661] Initializes a new instance of the NSRecord class.
NSRecord [ 661] Initializes a new instance of the NSRecord class.
NSRecord [ 661] Initializes a new instance of the NSRecord class.
NSRecord [ 662] Initializes a new instance of the NSRecord class.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

NSRecord Class

Name Description
Check [ 662] Checks if format of packed NSRecord is correct.
Check [ 662] Checks if format of packed NSRecord is correct.
GetCbeffProductType [ 662] Retrieves the Cbeff product type of the NSRecord.
GetCbeffProductType [ 663] Retrieves the Cbeff product type of the NSRecord.
GetPhraseId [ 663] Gets phrase Id saved in NSRecord.
GetPhraseId [ 663] Gets phrase Id saved in NSRecord.
GetQuality [ 663] Gets quality saved in NSRecord.
GetQuality [ 664] Gets quality saved in NSRecord.
GetSize [ 664] Gets the size of packed NSRecord.
GetSize [ 664] Gets the size of packed NSRecord.
GetSnr [ 664] Gets signal-to-noise ratio saved in NSRecord.
GetSnr [ 665] Gets signal-to-noise ratio saved in NSRecord.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

NSRecord Class

Name Description
CbeffProductType [ 665] Gets or sets the Cbeff product type of the NSRecord.
HasTextDependentFeatures [ 665] Gets or sets the presence of text-dependent features in the NSRecord.
HasTextIndependentFeatures Gets or sets the presence of text-independent features in the NSRecord.
[ 665]
NativeType [ 665] Defines the native type of the object.
PhraseId [ 666] Gets or sets phrase id.
Quality [ 666] Gets or sets quality.
Snr [ 666] Gets or sets signal-to-noise ratio.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string. 9
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. NSRecord.NSRecord Constructor ()

Initializes a new instance of the NSRecord class.

public NSRecord(); NSRecord.NSRecord Constructor (NBuffer)

Initializes a new instance of the NSRecord class.

public NSRecord(NBuffer buffer);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer The packed NSRecord object. NSRecord.NSRecord Constructor (NBuffer, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the NSRecord class.

public NSRecord(NBuffer buffer, uint flags);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer The packed NSRecord object.
uint flags Flags [ 320] controlling object creation. . Reserved for future
use and must be 0. NSRecord.NSRecord Constructor (NBuffer, uint, out int)

Initializes a new instance of the NSRecord class.

public NSRecord(NBuffer buffer, uint flags, out int size);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer The packed NSRecord object.
uint flags Flags [ 320] controlling object creation. . Reserved for future
use and must be 0.
out int size NSRecord.NSRecord Constructor (byte[])

Initializes a new instance of the NSRecord class.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

public NSRecord(byte[] buffer);

Parameters Description
byte[] buffer The packed NSRecord object. NSRecord.NSRecord Constructor (uint)

Initializes a new instance of the NSRecord class.

public NSRecord(uint flags);

Parameters Description
uint flags Flags [ 320] controlling object creation. Reserved for future
use and must be 0. NSRecord Methods NSRecord.Check Method (NBuffer)

Checks if format of packed NSRecord [ 657] is correct.

public static void Check(NBuffer buffer);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer The packed NSRecord [ 657] object. NSRecord.Check Method (byte[])

Checks if format of packed NSRecord [ 657] is correct.

public static void Check(byte[] buffer);

Parameters Description
byte[] buffer The packed NSRecord [ 657] object. NSRecord.GetCbeffProductType Method (NBuffer)

Retrieves the Cbeff product type of the NSRecord [ 657].

public static ushort GetCbeffProductType(NBuffer buffer);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer The packed NSRecord [ 657] object.

Cbeff product type value. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace NSRecord.GetCbeffProductType Method (byte[])

Retrieves the Cbeff product type of the NSRecord [ 657].

public static int GetCbeffProductType(byte[] buffer);

Parameters Description
byte[] buffer The packed NSRecord [ 657] object.

Cbeff product type value. NSRecord.GetPhraseId Method (NBuffer)

Gets phrase Id saved in NSRecord [ 657].

public static int GetPhraseId(NBuffer buffer);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer The packed NSRecord [ 657] object.

Phrase Id. NSRecord.GetPhraseId Method (byte[])

Gets phrase Id saved in NSRecord [ 657].

public static int GetPhraseId(byte[] buffer);

Parameters Description
byte[] buffer The packed NSRecord [ 657] object.

Phrase Id. NSRecord.GetQuality Method (NBuffer)

Gets quality saved in NSRecord [ 657].

public static byte GetQuality(NBuffer buffer);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer The packed NSRecord [ 657] object.

Quality [ 666].

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace NSRecord.GetQuality Method (byte[])

Gets quality saved in NSRecord [ 657].

public static byte GetQuality(byte[] buffer);

Parameters Description
byte[] buffer The packed NSRecord [ 657] object.

Quality [ 666]. NSRecord.GetSize Method (NBuffer)

Gets the size of packed NSRecord [ 657].

public static int GetSize(NBuffer buffer);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer The packed NSRecord [ 657] object.

The size of NSRecord [ 657]. NSRecord.GetSize Method (byte[])

Gets the size of packed NSRecord [ 657].

public static int GetSize(byte[] buffer);

Parameters Description
byte[] buffer The packed NSRecord [ 657] object.

The size of NSRecord [ 657]. NSRecord.GetSnr Method (NBuffer)

Gets signal-to-noise ratio saved in NSRecord [ 657].

public static byte GetSnr(NBuffer buffer);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer The packed NSRecord [ 657] object.

Signal-to-noise ratio.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace NSRecord.GetSnr Method (byte[])

Gets signal-to-noise ratio saved in NSRecord [ 657].

public static byte GetSnr(byte[] buffer);

Parameters Description
byte[] buffer The packed NSRecord [ 657] object.

Signal-to-noise ratio. NSRecord Properties NSRecord.CbeffProductType Property

Gets or sets the Cbeff product type of the NSRecord [ 657].

public ushort CbeffProductType;
Property value
The Cbeff product type. NSRecord.HasTextDependentFeatures Property

Gets or sets the presence of text-dependent features in the NSRecord [ 657].

public bool HasTextDependentFeatures;
Value can not be changed to true.

Property value
Presence of text-dependent features. NSRecord.HasTextIndependentFeatures Property

Gets or sets the presence of text-independent features in the NSRecord [ 657].

public bool HasTextIndependentFeatures;
Value can not be changed to true.

Property value
Presence of text-independent features. NSRecord.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace NSRecord.PhraseId Property

Gets or sets phrase id.

public int PhraseId;
Property value
Phrase id. NSRecord.Quality Property

Gets or sets quality.

public byte Quality;
Property value
Quality. NSRecord.Snr Property

Gets or sets signal-to-noise ratio.

public byte Snr;
Property value
Signal-to-noise ratio. NSTemplate Class

Provides functionality for packing, unpacking and editing Neurotechnology Speaker Templates (NSTemplates).

public sealed class NSTemplate : NObject, ICloneable;
File: NSTemplate.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

NSTemplate Classes
NSTemplate Class

Name Description
RecordCollection [ 671] Collection of NSRecords.

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

NSTemplate Class

Name Description
FlagProcessFirstRecordOnly [ 671] The flag indicating whether only the first record should be unpacked or
packed while unpacking or packing NSTemplate.
MaxRecordCount [ 671] The maximum number of records NSTemplate can contain.

NSTemplate Class

Name Description
NSTemplate [ 670] Initializes a new instance of the NSTemplate class.
NSTemplate [ 670] Initializes a new instance of the NSTemplate class.
NSTemplate [ 670] Initializes a new instance of the NSTemplate class.
NSTemplate [ 670] Initializes a new instance of the NSTemplate class.
NSTemplate [ 671] Initializes a new instance of the NSTemplate class.
NSTemplate [ 671] Initializes a new instance of the NSTemplate class.

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

NSTemplate Class

Name Description
CalculateSize [ 672] Calculates NSTemplate size.
Check [ 672] Checks if format of packed NSTemplate format is correct.
Check [ 672] Checks if format of packed NSTemplate format is correct.
GetRecordCount [ 672] Retrieves records count.
GetRecordCount [ 673] Retrieves records count.
GetSize [ 673] Gets the size of packed NSTemplate.
GetSize [ 673] Gets the size of packed NSTemplate.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

NSTemplate Class

Name Description
NativeType [ 673] Defines the native type of the object.
Records [ 673] Gets Records collection.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.

GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. NSTemplate.NSTemplate Constructor ()

Initializes a new instance of the NSTemplate class.

public NSTemplate(); NSTemplate.NSTemplate Constructor (NBuffer)

Initializes a new instance of the NSTemplate class.

public NSTemplate(NBuffer buffer);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer The packed NSTemplate object. NSTemplate.NSTemplate Constructor (NBuffer, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the NSTemplate class.

public NSTemplate(NBuffer buffer, uint flags);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer The packed NSTemplate object.
uint flags Flags [ 320] controlling object creation. Reserved for future
use and must be 0. NSTemplate.NSTemplate Constructor (NBuffer, uint, out int)

Initializes a new instance of the NSTemplate class.

public NSTemplate(NBuffer buffer, uint flags, out int size); 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace


Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer The packed NSTemplate object.
uint flags Flags [ 320] controlling object creation. Reserved for future
use and must be 0.
out int size [out] NSTemplate size. NSTemplate.NSTemplate Constructor (byte[])

Initializes a new instance of the NSTemplate class.

public NSTemplate(byte[] buffer);

Parameters Description
byte[] buffer A byte array with packed NSTemplate objects. NSTemplate.NSTemplate Constructor (uint)

Initializes a new instance of the NSTemplate class.

public NSTemplate(uint flags);

Parameters Description
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the constructor. NSTemplate Classes NSTemplate.RecordCollection Class

Collection of NSRecords.

public sealed class RecordCollection : NObjectCollection<NSRecord>;
File: NSTemplate.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] NSTemplate Fields NSTemplate.FlagProcessFirstRecordOnly Field

The flag indicating whether only the first record should be unpacked or packed while unpacking or packing NSTemplate [ 666].

public const uint FlagProcessFirstRecordOnly = 0x00000100; NSTemplate.MaxRecordCount Field 9

The maximum number of records NSTemplate [ 666] can contain.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

public const int MaxRecordCount = 255; NSTemplate Methods NSTemplate.CalculateSize Method

Calculates NSTemplate [ 666] size.

public static int CalculateSize(int[] recordSizes);

Parameters Description
int[] recordSizes An array that contains NSRecords sizes.

A size of records. NSTemplate.Check Method (NBuffer)

Checks if format of packed NSTemplate [ 666] format is correct.

public static void Check(NBuffer buffer);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer NBuffer [ 1943] with packed NSTemplate [ 666].

true if NSTemplate [ 666] format is correct, false otherwise. NSTemplate.Check Method (byte[])

Checks if format of packed NSTemplate [ 666] format is correct.

public static void Check(byte[] buffer);

Parameters Description
byte[] buffer A byte array with packed NSTemplate [ 666].

true if NSTemplate [ 666] format is correct, false otherwise. NSTemplate.GetRecordCount Method (NBuffer)

Retrieves records count.

public static int GetRecordCount(NBuffer buffer);

Parameters Description 9
NBuffer buffer NBuffer [ 1943] with NSTemplate [ 666].

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

Records [ 673] count. NSTemplate.GetRecordCount Method (byte[])

Retrieves records count.

public static int GetRecordCount(byte[] buffer);

Parameters Description
byte[] buffer A byte array with NSTemplate [ 666].

Records [ 673] count. NSTemplate.GetSize Method (NBuffer)

Gets the size of packed NSTemplate [ 666].

public static int GetSize(NBuffer buffer);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer Packed NSTemplate [ 666].

NSTemplate [ 666] size. NSTemplate.GetSize Method (byte[])

Gets the size of packed NSTemplate [ 666].

public static int GetSize(byte[] buffer);

Parameters Description
byte[] buffer Packed NSTemplate [ 666].

NSTemplate [ 666] size. NSTemplate Properties NSTemplate.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; NSTemplate.Records Property

Gets Records collection.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

public RecordCollection Records;
Property value
A RecordCollection [ 671] collection. NSubject Class

Represents a person (or, potentially, any living creature) and contains biometric information related that person, including
templates, biometric operation (matching) results and objects like NFace [ 573], which contain biometric data of specific kinds.

public sealed class NSubject : NExpandableObject;
File: NSubject.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

NSubject Classes
NSubject Class

Name Description
FaceCollection [ 679] Collection of NFace [ 573] objects containing face image data.
FingerCollection [ 679] Collection of NFinger [ 578] objects containing fingerprint data.
IrisCollection [ 679] Collection of NIris [ 589] objects containing iris image data.
MatchingResultCollection [ 680] Collection of NMatchingResult [ 639] objects containing the results of
matching operations involving the subject.
MissingEyeCollection [ 680] Collection of NEPosition [ 717] objects containing data about missing
eye positions.
MissingFingerCollection [ 680] Collection of NFPosition [ 722] objects containing data about missing
finger positions.
PalmCollection [ 680] Collection of NPalm [ 644] objects containing palmprint data.
RelatedSubjectCollection [ 680] Collection of NSubject objects representing related subjects.
VoiceCollection [ 681] Collection of NVoice [ 700] objects containing voice sample data.

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

NSubject Class

Name Description
NSubject [ 679] Creates a new NSubject object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

NSubject Class

Name Description
Clear [ 681] Clears the NSubject of all data.
FromFile [ 681] Creates a new NSubject object from the specified file.
FromFile [ 681] Creates a new NSubject object from the specified file.
FromFile [ 682] Creates a new NSubject object from the specified file with specified
FromFile [ 682] Creates a new NSubject object from the specified file with specified
FromMemory [ 682] Creates a new NSubject object from the specified buffer.
FromMemory [ 682] Creates a new NSubject object from the specified buffer.
FromMemory [ 683] Creates a new NSubject object from the specified buffer.
FromMemory [ 683] Creates a new NSubject object from the specified buffer with specified
FromMemory [ 683] Creates a new NSubject object from the specified buffer with specified
FromMemory [ 684] Creates a new NSubject object from the specified buffer with specified
FromMemory [ 684] Creates a new NSubject object from the specified buffer.
FromMemory [ 684] Creates a new NSubject object from the specified buffer with specified
FromStream [ 685] Creates a new NSubject object from the specified memory stream.
FromStream [ 685] Creates a new NSubject object from the specified memory stream.
FromStream [ 685] Creates a new NSubject object from the specified memory stream with
specified format.
FromStream [ 685] Creates a new NSubject object from the specified memory stream with
specified format.
GetTemplate [ 686] Gets the template used by the NSubject.
GetTemplateBuffer [ 686] Gets the buffer which contains templates for the NSubject.
GetTemplateBuffer [ 686] Gets the buffer which contains templates for the NSubject.
SetTemplate [ 686] Sets ANTemplate [ 980] to be used by the NSubject.
SetTemplate [ 686] Sets CbeffRecord [ 1402] to be used by the NSubject.
SetTemplate [ 687] Sets FCRecord [ 1425] to be used by the NSubject.
SetTemplate [ 687] Sets FIRecord [ 1437] to be used by the NSubject.
SetTemplate [ 687] Sets FMCRecord [ 1451] to be used by the NSubject.
SetTemplate [ 687] Sets FMRecord [ 1467] to be used by the NSubject.
SetTemplate [ 687] Sets IIRecord [ 1545] to be used by the NSubject.
SetTemplate [ 688] Sets the template to be used by the NSubject.
SetTemplateBuffer [ 688] Sets the buffer to contain templates for the NSubject.
SetTemplateBuffer [ 688] Sets the buffer to contain templates for the NSubject.
ToANTemplate [ 688] Converts NSubject to ANTemplate [ 980].
ToFCRecord [ 688] Converts NSubject to FCRecord [ 1425].
ToFIRecord [ 689] Converts NSubject to FIRecord [ 1437].
ToFMCRecord [ 689] Converts NSubject to FMCRecord [ 1451].
ToFMRecord [ 689] Converts NSubject to FMRecord [ 1467].
ToFMRecord [ 690] Converts NSubject to FMRecord [ 1467].
ToIIRecord [ 690] Converts NSubject to IIRecord [ 1545].

NDisposable Properties
Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

NExpandableObject Class

Name Description
NativeType [ 295] Defines the native type of the object.
Properties [ 295] Gets the property bag of the expandable object.

NSubject Class

Name Description
Error [ 690] Gets the exception thrown by the subject.
Faces [ 690] Retrieves the collection of NFace [ 573] objects.
Fingers [ 690] Retrieves the collection of NFinger [ 578] objects.
Gender [ 690] Gets or sets the gender value of the subject.
Id [ 691] Gets or sets the ID of the subject.
Irises [ 691] Retrieves the collection of NIris [ 589] objects.
IsMultipleSubjects [ 691] Gets or sets whether the subject consists of multiple NSubjects.
MatchingResults [ 691] Retrieves the collection of subject's matching results.
MissingEyes [ 691] Retrieves the collection of NEPosition [ 717] objects representing
missing eye positions.
MissingFingers [ 691] Retrieves the collection of NFPosition [ 722] objects representing
missing finger positions.
NativeType [ 691] Defines the native type of the object.
Palms [ 691] Retrieves the collection of NPalm [ 644] objects.
QueryString [ 692] Gets or sets the query string for the subject.
RelatedSubjects [ 692] Retrieves the collection of related NSubject objects.
Statistics [ 692] Gets the property bag containing the subject's statistics (diagnostic
Status [ 692] Gets or sets the biometric status of the subject.
Voices [ 692] Retrieves the collection of NVoice [ 700] objects.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. NSubject.NSubject Constructor

Creates a new NSubject object.

public NSubject(); NSubject Classes NSubject.FaceCollection Class

Collection of NFace [ 573] objects containing face image data.

public sealed class FaceCollection : NObjectCollection<NFace>;
File: NSubject.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] NSubject.FingerCollection Class

Collection of NFinger [ 578] objects containing fingerprint data.

public sealed class FingerCollection : NObjectCollection<NFinger>;
File: NSubject.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] NSubject.IrisCollection Class

Collection of NIris [ 589] objects containing iris image data.

public sealed class IrisCollection : NObjectCollection<NIris>;
File: NSubject.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace NSubject.MatchingResultCollection Class

Collection of NMatchingResult [ 639] objects containing the results of matching operations involving the subject.

public sealed class MatchingResultCollection : NObjectReadOnlyCollection<NMatchingResult>;
File: NSubject.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] NSubject.MissingEyeCollection Class

Collection of NEPosition [ 717] objects containing data about missing eye positions.

public sealed class MissingEyeCollection : ValueTypeCollection<NEPosition>;
File: NSubject.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] NSubject.MissingFingerCollection Class

Collection of NFPosition [ 722] objects containing data about missing finger positions.

public sealed class MissingFingerCollection : ValueTypeCollection<NFPosition>;
File: NSubject.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] NSubject.PalmCollection Class

Collection of NPalm [ 644] objects containing palmprint data.

public sealed class PalmCollection : NObjectCollection<NPalm>;
File: NSubject.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] NSubject.RelatedSubjectCollection Class

Collection of NSubject [ 674] objects representing related subjects.

C# 9
public sealed class RelatedSubjectCollection : NObjectCollection<NSubject>;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

File: NSubject.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

Multiple subjects are involved when, for example, a single image contains several faces. After segmentation, related subjects
are generated from it. Currently this feature is provided only for image, in future in will involve voice files. NSubject.VoiceCollection Class

Collection of NVoice [ 700] objects containing voice sample data.

public sealed class VoiceCollection : NObjectCollection<NVoice>;
File: NSubject.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] NSubject Methods NSubject.Clear Method

Clears the NSubject [ 674] of all data.

public void Clear(); NSubject.FromFile Method (string)

Creates a new NSubject [ 674] object from the specified file.

public static NSubject FromFile(string fileName);

Parameters Description
string fileName The name of the file.

The new NSubject [ 674]. NSubject.FromFile Method (string, uint)

Creates a new NSubject [ 674] object from the specified file.

public static NSubject FromFile(string fileName, uint flags);

Parameters Description
string fileName The name of the file. 9
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the function.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

The new NSubject [ 674]. NSubject.FromFile Method (string, ushort, ushort)

Creates a new NSubject [ 674] object from the specified file with specified format.

public static NSubject FromFile(string fileName, ushort formatOwner, ushort formatType);

Parameters Description
string fileName The name of the file.
ushort formatOwner Owner [ 321] of the file format.
ushort formatType File format type.

The new NSubject [ 674]. NSubject.FromFile Method (string, ushort, ushort, uint)

Creates a new NSubject [ 674] object from the specified file with specified format.

public static NSubject FromFile(string fileName, ushort formatOwner, ushort formatType,
uint flags);

Parameters Description
string fileName The name of the file.
ushort formatOwner Owner [ 321] of the file format.
ushort formatType File format type.
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the function.

The new NSubject [ 674]. NSubject.FromMemory Method (NBuffer)

Creates a new NSubject [ 674] object from the specified buffer.

public static NSubject FromMemory(NBuffer buffer);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer The buffer.

The new NSubject [ 674]. NSubject.FromMemory Method (NBuffer, uint)

Creates a new NSubject [ 674] object from the specified buffer.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

public static NSubject FromMemory(NBuffer buffer, uint flags);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer The buffer.
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the function.

The new NSubject [ 674]. NSubject.FromMemory Method (NBuffer, uint, out int)

Creates a new NSubject [ 674] object from the specified buffer.

public static NSubject FromMemory(NBuffer buffer, uint flags, out int size);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer The buffer.
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the function.
out int size The size of the new NSubject [ 674].

The new NSubject [ 674]. NSubject.FromMemory Method (NBuffer, ushort, ushort)

Creates a new NSubject [ 674] object from the specified buffer with specified format.

public static NSubject FromMemory(NBuffer buffer, ushort formatOwner, ushort formatType);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer The buffer.
ushort formatOwner Owner [ 321] of the buffer format.
ushort formatType Buffer format type.

The new NSubject [ 674]. NSubject.FromMemory Method (NBuffer, ushort, ushort, uint)

Creates a new NSubject [ 674] object from the specified buffer with specified format.

public static NSubject FromMemory(NBuffer buffer, ushort formatOwner, ushort formatType,
uint flags);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer The buffer.
ushort formatOwner Owner [ 321] of the buffer format.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

ushort formatType Buffer format type.

uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the function.

The new NSubject [ 674]. NSubject.FromMemory Method (NBuffer, ushort, ushort, uint, out int)

Creates a new NSubject [ 674] object from the specified buffer with specified format.

public static NSubject FromMemory(NBuffer buffer, ushort formatOwner, ushort formatType,
uint flags, out int size);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer The buffer.
ushort formatOwner Owner [ 321] of the buffer format.
ushort formatType Buffer format type.
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the function.
out int size The size of the new NSubject [ 674].

The new NSubject [ 674]. NSubject.FromMemory Method (byte[])

Creates a new NSubject [ 674] object from the specified buffer.

public static NSubject FromMemory(byte[] buffer);

Parameters Description
byte[] buffer The buffer.

The new NSubject [ 674]. NSubject.FromMemory Method (byte[], ushort, ushort)

Creates a new NSubject [ 674] object from the specified buffer with specified format.

public static NSubject FromMemory(byte[] buffer, ushort formatOwner, ushort formatType);

Parameters Description
byte[] buffer The buffer.
ushort formatOwner Owner [ 321] of the buffer format.
ushort formatType Buffer format type.

The new NSubject [ 674]. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace NSubject.FromStream Method (NStream)

Creates a new NSubject [ 674] object from the specified memory stream.

public static NSubject FromStream(NStream stream);

Parameters Description
NStream stream The memory stream.

The new NSubject [ 674]. NSubject.FromStream Method (NStream, uint)

Creates a new NSubject [ 674] object from the specified memory stream.

public static NSubject FromStream(NStream stream, uint flags);

Parameters Description
NStream stream The memory stream.
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the function.

The new NSubject [ 674]. NSubject.FromStream Method (NStream, ushort, ushort)

Creates a new NSubject [ 674] object from the specified memory stream with specified format.

public static NSubject FromStream(NStream stream, ushort formatOwner, ushort formatType);

Parameters Description
NStream stream The memory stream.
ushort formatOwner Owner [ 321] of the stream format.
ushort formatType Stream format type.

The new NSubject [ 674]. NSubject.FromStream Method (NStream, ushort, ushort, uint)

Creates a new NSubject [ 674] object from the specified memory stream with specified format.

public static NSubject FromStream(NStream stream, ushort formatOwner, ushort formatType,
uint flags);

Parameters Description
NStream stream The memory stream.
ushort formatOwner Owner [ 321] of the stream format.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

ushort formatType Stream format type.

uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the function.

The new NSubject [ 674]. NSubject.GetTemplate Method

Gets the template used by the NSubject [ 674].

public NTemplate GetTemplate();
The template. NSubject.GetTemplateBuffer Method ()

Gets the buffer which contains templates for the NSubject [ 674].

public NBuffer GetTemplateBuffer();
NBuffer [ 1943] with the templates. NSubject.GetTemplateBuffer Method (ushort, ushort, NVersion)

Gets the buffer which contains templates for the NSubject [ 674].

public NBuffer GetTemplateBuffer(ushort formatOwner, ushort formatType, NVersion version);

Parameters Description
ushort formatOwner Format owner of biometric data block.
ushort formatType Format type of biometric data block.
NVersion version Standard version used for biometric data block.

NBuffer [ 1943] with the templates. NSubject.SetTemplate Method (ANTemplate)

Sets ANTemplate [ 980] to be used by the NSubject [ 674].

public void SetTemplate(ANTemplate value);

Parameters Description
ANTemplate value Template to set. NSubject.SetTemplate Method (CbeffRecord)

Sets CbeffRecord [ 1402] to be used by the NSubject [ 674]. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

public void SetTemplate(CbeffRecord value);

Parameters Description
CbeffRecord value Record to set. NSubject.SetTemplate Method (FCRecord)

Sets FCRecord [ 1425] to be used by the NSubject [ 674].

public void SetTemplate(FCRecord value);

Parameters Description
FCRecord value Record to set. NSubject.SetTemplate Method (FIRecord)

Sets FIRecord [ 1437] to be used by the NSubject [ 674].

public void SetTemplate(FIRecord value);

Parameters Description
FIRecord value Record to set. NSubject.SetTemplate Method (FMCRecord)

Sets FMCRecord [ 1451] to be used by the NSubject [ 674].

public void SetTemplate(FMCRecord value);

Parameters Description
FMCRecord value Record to set. NSubject.SetTemplate Method (FMRecord)

Sets FMRecord [ 1467] to be used by the NSubject [ 674].

public void SetTemplate(FMRecord value);

Parameters Description
FMRecord value Record to set. NSubject.SetTemplate Method (IIRecord)

Sets IIRecord [ 1545] to be used by the NSubject [ 674].

public void SetTemplate(IIRecord value); 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace


Parameters Description
IIRecord value Record to set. NSubject.SetTemplate Method (NTemplate)

Sets the template to be used by the NSubject [ 674].

public void SetTemplate(NTemplate value);

Parameters Description
NTemplate value The template. NSubject.SetTemplateBuffer Method (NBuffer)

Sets the buffer to contain templates for the NSubject [ 674].

public void SetTemplateBuffer(NBuffer value);

Parameters Description
NBuffer value NBuffer [ 1943] with the templates. NSubject.SetTemplateBuffer Method (NBuffer, ushort, ushort)

Sets the buffer to contain templates for the NSubject [ 674].

public void SetTemplateBuffer(NBuffer value, ushort formatOwner, ushort formatType);

Parameters Description
NBuffer value NBuffer [ 1943] with the templates.
ushort formatOwner Owner [ 321] of the buffer format.
ushort formatType Buffer format type. NSubject.ToANTemplate Method

Converts NSubject [ 674] to ANTemplate [ 980].

public ANTemplate ToANTemplate(NVersion version, string tot, string dai, string ori, string

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANTemplate [ 980].
string tot String which contains transaction type identifier.
string dai String which contains destination agency identifier.
string ori String which contains originating agency identifier.
string tcn String which contains transaction control identifier. NSubject.ToFCRecord Method

Converts NSubject [ 674] to FCRecord [ 1425].

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

public FCRecord ToFCRecord(BdifStandard standard, NVersion version);

Parameters Description
BdifStandard standard Specifies the standard of the FCRecord [ 1425].
NVersion version Specifies the version of the FCRecord [ 1425].

FCRecord [ 1425] object. NSubject.ToFIRecord Method

Converts NSubject [ 674] to FIRecord [ 1437].

public FIRecord ToFIRecord(BdifStandard standard, NVersion version);

Parameters Description
BdifStandard standard Specifies the standard of the FIRecord [ 1437].
NVersion version Specifies the version of the FIRecord [ 1437].

FIRecord [ 1437] object. NSubject.ToFMCRecord Method

Converts NSubject [ 674] to FMCRecord [ 1451].

public FMCRecord ToFMCRecord(BdifStandard standard, NVersion version, FmcrMinutiaFormat

Parameters Description
BdifStandard standard Specifies the standard of the FMCRecord [ 1451].
NVersion version Specifies the version of the FMCRecord [ 1451].
FmcrMinutiaFormat minutiaFormat The minutia format.

FIRecord [ 1437] object. NSubject.ToFMRecord Method (BdifStandard, NVersion)

Converts NSubject [ 674] to FMRecord [ 1467].

public FMRecord ToFMRecord(BdifStandard standard, NVersion version);

Parameters Description
BdifStandard standard Specifies the standard of the FMRecord [ 1467].
NVersion version Specifies the version of the FMRecord [ 1467].

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace NSubject.ToFMRecord Method (BdifStandard, NVersion, uint)

Converts NSubject [ 674] to FMRecord [ 1467].

public FMRecord ToFMRecord(BdifStandard standard, NVersion version, uint flags);

Parameters Description
BdifStandard standard Specifies the standard of the FMRecord [ 1467].
NVersion version Specifies the version of the FMRecord [ 1467].
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the constructor.

The following flags are supported: FlagDoNotCheckCbeffProductId, FlagAllowOutOfBoundsFeatures. NSubject.ToIIRecord Method

Converts NSubject [ 674] to IIRecord [ 1545].

public IIRecord ToIIRecord(BdifStandard standard, NVersion version);

Parameters Description
BdifStandard standard Specifies one of BdifStandard [ 1626] values.
NVersion version Specifies the version of the IIRecord [ 1545].

IIRecord [ 1545] object. NSubject Properties NSubject.Error Property

Gets the exception thrown by the subject.

public Exception Error; NSubject.Faces Property

Retrieves the collection of NFace [ 573] objects.

public FaceCollection Faces; NSubject.Fingers Property

Retrieves the collection of NFinger [ 578] objects.

public FingerCollection Fingers; NSubject.Gender Property

Gets or sets the gender value of the subject. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

public NGender Gender; NSubject.Id Property

Gets or sets the ID of the subject.

public string Id; NSubject.Irises Property

Retrieves the collection of NIris [ 589] objects.

public IrisCollection Irises; NSubject.IsMultipleSubjects Property

Gets or sets whether the subject consists of multiple NSubjects.

public bool IsMultipleSubjects;
Multiple subjects are involved when, for example, a single image contains several faces. After segmentation, related subjects
are generated from it. Currently this feature is provided only for image, in future in will involve voice files. NSubject.MatchingResults Property

Retrieves the collection of subject's matching results.

public MatchingResultCollection MatchingResults; NSubject.MissingEyes Property

Retrieves the collection of NEPosition [ 717] objects representing missing eye positions.

public MissingEyeCollection MissingEyes; NSubject.MissingFingers Property

Retrieves the collection of NFPosition [ 722] objects representing missing finger positions.

public MissingFingerCollection MissingFingers; NSubject.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; NSubject.Palms Property

Retrieves the collection of NPalm [ 644] objects.

public PalmCollection Palms; 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace NSubject.QueryString Property

Gets or sets the query string for the subject.

public string QueryString;
Property value
Query string is a string which can be invoked to retrieve a corresponding NSubject [ 674]. NSubject.RelatedSubjects Property

Retrieves the collection of related NSubject [ 674] objects.

public RelatedSubjectCollection RelatedSubjects; NSubject.Statistics Property

Gets the property bag containing the subject's statistics (diagnostic information).

public NPropertyBag Statistics; NSubject.Status Property

Gets or sets the biometric status of the subject.

public NBiometricStatus Status; NSubject.Voices Property

Retrieves the collection of NVoice [ 700] objects.

public VoiceCollection Voices; NTemplate Class

Provides functionality for packing, unpacking and editing Neurotechnology Templates (NTemplates).

public sealed class NTemplate : NObject, ICloneable;
File: NTemplate.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

NTemplate Class

Name Description
NTemplate [ 696] Initializes a new instance of the NTemplate class.
NTemplate [ 696] Initializes a new instance of the NTemplate class from byte array.
NTemplate [ 696] Initializes a new instance of the NTemplate class from byte array.
NTemplate [ 696] Initializes a new instance of the NTemplate class from byte array.
NTemplate [ 697] Initializes a new instance of the NTemplate class from byte array.
NTemplate [ 697] Initializes a new instance of the NTemplate class.

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in 9
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.

GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object. 9
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

NTemplate Class

Name Description
CalculateSize [ 697] Calculates the size of a packed NTemplate containing fingers, faces.
irises and palms templates of the specified size.
Check [ 697] Checks if format of packed NTemplate format is correct.
Check [ 698] Checks if format of packed NTemplate format is correct.
Clear [ 698] Removes all NFRecord [ 537] objects.
GetSize [ 698] Gets the size of packed NTemplate.
GetSize [ 698] Gets the size of packed NTemplate.
Merge [ 698] Merges several NXTemplates from buffer array.
Merge [ 699] Merges several NXTemplates from buffer array.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

NTemplate Class

Name Description
Faces [ 699] Gets NLTemplate [ 620] object.
Fingers [ 699] Gets NFTemplate [ 563] object.
Irises [ 699] Gets NETemplate [ 504] object.
NativeType [ 700] Defines the native type of the object.
Palms [ 700] Gets NFTemplate [ 563] object.
Voices [ 700] Gets NSTemplate [ 666] object.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function. 9
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. NTemplate.NTemplate Constructor ()

Initializes a new instance of the NTemplate class.

public NTemplate(); NTemplate.NTemplate Constructor (NBuffer)

Initializes a new instance of the NTemplate class from byte array.

public NTemplate(NBuffer buffer);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer NBuffer [ 1943] that contains packed NTemplate. NTemplate.NTemplate Constructor (NBuffer, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the NTemplate class from byte array.

public NTemplate(NBuffer buffer, uint flags);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer NBuffer [ 1943] that contains packed NTemplate.
uint flags Reserved for future use. Must be zero. NTemplate.NTemplate Constructor (NBuffer, uint, out int)

Initializes a new instance of the NTemplate class from byte array.

public NTemplate(NBuffer buffer, uint flags, out int size);

Parameters Description 9
NBuffer buffer NBuffer [ 1943] that contains packed NTemplate.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

uint flags Reserved for future use. Must be zero.

out int size [out] NTemplate size. NTemplate.NTemplate Constructor (byte[])

Initializes a new instance of the NTemplate class from byte array.

public NTemplate(byte[] buffer);

Parameters Description
byte[] buffer Byte array that contains packed NTemplate. NTemplate.NTemplate Constructor (uint)

Initializes a new instance of the NTemplate class.

public NTemplate(uint flags);

Parameters Description
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the constructor. This parameter is reserved, must
be zero. NTemplate Methods NTemplate.CalculateSize Method

Calculates the size of a packed NTemplate [ 692] containing fingers, faces. irises and palms templates of the specified size.

public static int CalculateSize(int fingersTemplateSize, int facesTemplateSize, int
irisesTemplateSize, int palmsTemplateSize, int voicesTemplateSize);

Parameters Description
int fingersTemplateSize Size of packed NFTemplate [ 563].
int facesTemplateSize Size of packed NLTemplate [ 620].
int irisesTemplateSize Size of packed NETemplate [ 504].
int palmsTemplateSize Size of packed NFTemplate [ 563].
int voicesTemplateSize Size of packed NSTemplate [ 666].

The value of NTemplate [ 692] size. NTemplate.Check Method (NBuffer)

Checks if format of packed NTemplate [ 692] format is correct.

public static void Check(NBuffer buffer);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace


Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer NBuffer [ 1943] that contains packed NTemplate [ 692]. NTemplate.Check Method (byte[])

Checks if format of packed NTemplate [ 692] format is correct.

public static void Check(byte[] buffer);

Parameters Description
byte[] buffer Memory buffer that contains packed NTemplate [ 692].

True if NTemplate [ 692] format is correct; false otherwise. NTemplate.Clear Method

Removes all NFRecord [ 537] objects.

public void Clear(); NTemplate.GetSize Method (NBuffer)

Gets the size of packed NTemplate [ 692].

public static int GetSize(NBuffer buffer);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer Packed NTemplate [ 692].

Size of NTemplate [ 692]. NTemplate.GetSize Method (byte[])

Gets the size of packed NTemplate [ 692].

public static int GetSize(byte[] buffer);

Parameters Description
byte[] buffer Packed NTemplate [ 692].

Size of NTemplate [ 692]. NTemplate.Merge Method (NBuffer[])

Merges several NXTemplates from buffer array.
public static NTemplate Merge(NBuffer[] buffers);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace


Parameters Description
NBuffer[] buffers Array of buffers.

NTemplate [ 692] of merged NXTemplates. NTemplate.Merge Method (NBuffer[], uint)

Merges several NXTemplates from buffer array.

public static NTemplate Merge(NBuffer[] buffers, uint flags);

Parameters Description
NBuffer[] buffers Array of buffers.
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the constructor. This parameter is reserved, must
be zero.

NTemplate [ 692] of merged NXTemplates. NTemplate Properties NTemplate.Faces Property

Gets NLTemplate [ 620] object.

public NLTemplate Faces;
Property value
A NLTemplate [ 620] object. NTemplate.Fingers Property

Gets NFTemplate [ 563] object.

public NFTemplate Fingers;
Property value
A NFTemplate [ 563] object. NTemplate.Irises Property

Gets NETemplate [ 504] object.

public NETemplate Irises;
Property value
A NETemplate [ 504] object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace NTemplate.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; NTemplate.Palms Property

Gets NFTemplate [ 563] object.

public NFTemplate Palms;
Property value
A NFTemplate [ 563] object. NTemplate.Voices Property

Gets NSTemplate [ 666] object.

public NSTemplate Voices;
Property value
A NSTemplate [ 666] object. NVoice Class

Provides methods for biometric engine to deal with voice templates.

public sealed class NVoice : NBiometric;
File: NVoice.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

NVoice Classes
NVoice Class

Name Description
ObjectCollection [ 704] Collection of NSAttributes [ 648] objects.

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref
count. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

NVoice Class

Name Description
NVoice [ 704] Creates a new NVoice object.

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

NBiometric Class

Name Description
IsBiometricCaptureOptionsValid Checks whether the specified biometric capture options are valid.
[ 424]

NVoice Class

Name Description
FromSoundBufferAndTemplate Creates a new NVoice object from the specified sound buffer and
[ 704] template
GetSoundBuffer [ 705] Retrieves the sound buffer of the specified NVoice object.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

NBiometric Class

Name Description
BiometricType [ 424] Gets the biometric type.
CaptureOptions [ 424] Gets or sets the biometric capture options.
Error [ 424] Gets the last exception.
FileName [ 424] Gets or sets the file name.
HasMoreSamples [ 424] Gets or sets whether the NBioemtric object has more samples.
NBiometricCaptureOptionsNativeType Defines the native type of the capture options.
[ 425]
NativeType [ 425] Defines the native type of the object.
Owner [ 425] Gets owner of the object.
ParentObject [ 425] Gets the parent object.
SampleBuffer [ 425] Gets or sets sample buffer. Use similar to FileName [ 424] property,
but this is more efficient if file contents are already loaded to memory.
SessionId [ 425] Gets or sets the session ID.
Status [ 425] Gets or sets the biometric status.

NVoice Class

Name Description
NativeType [ 705] Defines the native type of the object.
Objects [ 705] Retrieves the collection of NSAttributes [ 648] of the NVoice object.
PhraseId [ 705] Gets or sets the phrase ID for the NVoice object.
SoundBuffer [ 705] Gets or sets the sound buffer for the NVoice object. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. NVoice.NVoice Constructor

Creates a new NVoice object.

public NVoice(); NVoice Classes NVoice.ObjectCollection Class

Collection of NSAttributes [ 648] objects.

public sealed class ObjectCollection : NObjectReadOnlyCollection<NSAttributes>;
File: NVoice.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] NVoice Methods NVoice.FromSoundBufferAndTemplate Method

Creates a new NVoice [ 700] object from the specified sound buffer and template

public static NVoice FromSoundBufferAndTemplate(NSoundBuffer soundBuffer, NSRecord
template); 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace


Parameters Description
NSoundBuffer soundBuffer NSoundBuffer [ 2380] object.
NSRecord template NERecord [ 493] object

The new NVoice [ 700] object. NVoice.GetSoundBuffer Method

Retrieves the sound buffer of the specified NVoice [ 700] object.

public NSoundBuffer GetSoundBuffer(bool cache);

Parameters Description
bool cache Whether the object is created from a cache.

NSoundBuffer [ 2380] object. NVoice Properties NVoice.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; NVoice.Objects Property

Retrieves the collection of NSAttributes [ 648] of the NVoice [ 700] object.

public ObjectCollection Objects; NVoice.PhraseId Property

Gets or sets the phrase ID for the NVoice [ 700] object.

public int PhraseId; NVoice.SoundBuffer Property

Gets or sets the sound buffer for the NVoice [ 700] object.

public NSoundBuffer SoundBuffer; NXMatchingDetails Class

Base class for NEMatchingDetails [ 490], NFMatchingDetails [ 526], NLMatchingDetails [ 609] and NSMatchingDetails
[ 653].

C# 9
public class NXMatchingDetails : NMatchingDetailsBase;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

File: NXMatchingDetails.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.

GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object. 9
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

NMatchingDetailsBase Class

Name Description
BiometricType [ 639] Gets type of biometric modality saved in specified matching details.
NativeType [ 639] Defines the native type of the object.
Score [ 639] Gets similarity score of two matched templates.

NXMatchingDetails Class

Name Description
MatchedIndex [ 709] Gets index of matched template in the second matched template.
NativeType [ 709] Defines the native type of the object.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array. 9
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. NXMatchingDetails Properties NXMatchingDetails.MatchedIndex Property

Gets index of matched template in the second matched template.

public int MatchedIndex;
Property value
Index of matched template. NXMatchingDetails.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; Structs, Records, Enums Neurotec.Biometrics.BiometricTemplateFormat Enumeration

Specifies biometric template format.

public enum BiometricTemplateFormat {
Proprietary = 0,
MocCompact = 1,
MocNormal = 2
File: NBiometricEngineTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
Proprietary = 0 Indicates a proprietary template format.
MocCompact = 1 Indicates a compact card template format.
MocNormal = 2 Indicates a normal card template format. Neurotec.Biometrics.NBiometricCaptureOptions Enumeration

Enumerates biometric capture options. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

public enum NBiometricCaptureOptions {
None = 0,
Manual = 1,
Stream = 2
File: NBiometric.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
None = 0 Indicates that capture option is not specified.
Manual = 1 Indicates manual capture.
Stream = 2 Indicates stream capture. Neurotec.Biometrics.NBiometricOperations Enumeration

Enumerates biometric operations.

public enum NBiometricOperations {
None = 0,
Capture = 1,
Detect = 2,
DetectSegments = 4,
Segment = 8,
AssessQuality = 16,
CreateTemplate = 32,
Enroll = 64,
EnrollWithDuplicateCheck = 128,
Update = 256,
VerifyOffline = 512,
Verify = 1024,
Identify = 2048,
Get = 4096,
Delete = 8192,
List = 16384,
Clear = 32768,
GetCount = 65536,
ListIds = 131072,
ListGalleries = 262144,
CheckForUpdate = 524288,
All = -1
File: NBiometricTask.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
None = 0 Indicates no operation. 9
Capture = 1 Indicates capture operation.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

Detect = 2 Indicates detection operation.

DetectSegments = 4 Indicates segment detection operation.
Segment = 8 Indicates segmentation operation.
AssessQuality = 16 Indicates quality assessment operation.
CreateTemplate = 32 Indicates template creation operation.
Enroll = 64 Indicates enrollment operation.
EnrollWithDuplicateCheck = 128 Indicates enrollment with duplicate checks operation.
Update = 256 Indicates updating operation.
VerifyOffline = 512 Indicates offline verification operation.
Verify = 1024 Indicates verification operation.
Identify = 2048 Indicates identification operation.
Get = 4096 Indicates retrieval operation.
Delete = 8192 Indicates deletion operation.
List = 16384 Indicates listing operation.
Clear = 32768 Indicates clearing operation.
GetCount = 65536 Indicates get count operation.
ListIds = 131072 Indicates list ids operation.
ListGalleries = 262144 Operation to list all galleries.
CheckForUpdate = 524288 Operation to check for update of given id in database.
All = -1 Indicates all operations. Neurotec.Biometrics.NBiometricStatus Enumeration

Enumerates biometric status values. These values are returned by NBiometricDevice.

public enum NBiometricStatus {
None = 0,
Ok = 1,
Canceled = 2,
Timeout = 3,
SourceMissing = 9,
CleaningNeeded = 10,
ObjectsNotRemoved = 20,
ObjectMissing = 21,
ObjectNotFound = 22,
TooFewObjects = 23,
TooManyObjects = 24,
BadObjectSequence = 25,
SpoofDetected = 30,
BadObject = 40,
BadDynamicRange = 41,
BadExposure = 42,
BadSharpness = 43,
TooNoisy = 44,
BadContrast = 45,
BadLighting = 46,
Occlusion = 47,
BadPose = 48,
TooFewFeatures = 49,
TooSoft = 51,
TooHard = 52,
BadPosition = 60,
TooNorth = 61,
TooEast = 62,
TooSouth = 63,
TooWest = 64, 9
TooClose = 65,
TooFar = 66,

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

BadSpeed = 70,
TooSlow = 71,
TooFast = 72,
BadSize = 80,
TooShort = 81,
TooLong = 82,
TooNarrow = 83,
TooWide = 84,
TooSkewed = 91,
WrongDirection = 92,
WrongHand = 93,
TooFewSamples = 100,
IncompatibleSamples = 101,
SourceNotFound = 501,
IncompatibleSource = 502,
IdNotFound = 601,
DuplicateId = 602,
MatchNotFound = 610,
DuplicateFound = 611,
Conflict = 612,
InvalidOperations = 900,
InvalidId = 901,
InvalidQuery = 902,
InvalidPropertyValue = 903,
InvalidFieldValue = 904,
InvalidSampleResolution = 905,
OperationNotSupported = 990,
OperationNotActivated = 991,
SourceError = 996,
CaptureError = 997,
CommunicationError = 998,
InternalError = 999
File: NBiometricTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
None = 0
Ok = 1 Indicates succeeded operation.
Canceled = 2 Indicates canceled operation.
Timeout = 3 Indicates that operation timed-out.
SourceMissing = 9 Indicates that NFace [ 573] or NFinger [ 578] was not set
with the image or capture device was not set for capture
CleaningNeeded = 10 Indicates that biometric device should be cleaned.
ObjectsNotRemoved = 20 Indicates that object(s) was not removed after/before
NBiometricDevice finished/started capturing process, usually
it is returned when finger is placed on fingerprint scanner
sensor before capturing operation is started.
ObjectMissing = 21 Indicates that object was marked as missing e.g. when you
capture 4 fingerprints and you set one of them as missing
(that NFinger [ 578] will have this status), then scanner will
expect only 3 fingers.
ObjectNotFound = 22 Indicates that object(s) (e.g. face or iris) was not found –
object(s) is found if it passes Confidence Threshold value.
TooFewObjects = 23
TooManyObjects = 24 Indicates that too many objects were provided for
NBiometricDevice to perform operation.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

BadObjectSequence = 25 Indicates sequence of bad object(s).

SpoofDetected = 30 Indicates that spoof object was detected.
BadObject = 40 Indicates bad object (quality of detected object is lower than
Quality Threshold).
BadDynamicRange = 41 Indicates that dynamic range of image is bad.
BadExposure = 42 Indicates bad exposure (e.g. too low light).
BadSharpness = 43 Indicates that image is too sharpen or too blurred.
TooNoisy = 44 Indicates that image is too noisy.
BadContrast = 45 Indicates bad contrast.
BadLighting = 46 Indicates bad lighting or lighting artifacts.
Occlusion = 47 Indicates that part of the face is not visible(e.g. forehead
covered by a hat or long hair).
BadPose = 48 Indicates bad pose(e.g. large deviation from frontal face
TooFewFeatures = 49 Indicates that there are too few features to be extracted (e.g.
fingerprint has less minutiaes than minimum number or voice
recording is too short).
TooSoft = 51 Indicates that fingerprint was placed too soft on a device.
TooHard = 52 Indicates that fingerprint was placed too hard on a device.
BadPosition = 60 Indicates bad fingerprint position.
TooNorth = 61 Indicated that object was too north from device.
TooEast = 62 Indicated that object was too east from device.
TooSouth = 63 Indicated that object was too south from device.
TooWest = 64 Indicated that object was too west from device.
TooClose = 65 Indicated that object was too close to device.
TooFar = 66 Indicated that object was too far from device.
BadSpeed = 70
TooSlow = 71
TooFast = 72
BadSize = 80 Indicates object's bad size.
TooShort = 81 Indicates that object is too short for NBiometricDevice to
perform operation.
TooLong = 82 Indicates that object is too long for NBiometricDevice to
perform operation.
TooNarrow = 83 Indicates that object is too narrow for NBiometricDevice to
perform operation.
TooWide = 84 Indicates that object is too wide for NBiometricDevice to
perform operation.
TooSkewed = 91 Indicates that object is too skewed.
WrongDirection = 92 Indicates that object was moving to wrong direction.
WrongHand = 93 Indicates that the wrong hand was used.
TooFewSamples = 100 Indicates that some samples are mutually incompatible.
IncompatibleSamples = 101 Indicates that samples are incompatible i.e. images used for
generalization are not of the same size.
SourceNotFound = 501 Indicates that source was not found i.e. image path set to
NFace [ 573], NFinger [ 578], etc. does not exist.
IncompatibleSource = 502 Indicates that file set as an image to NFace [ 573], NFinger
[ 578], etc. object is not an image or is of the format which is
not supported.
IdNotFound = 601 NSubject [ 674] with specified Id value was not found.
DuplicateId = 602 The Id specified in NSubject [ 674] already exists in the 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

MatchNotFound = 610 Match was not found.

DuplicateFound = 611 Indicates that duplicate was found.
Conflict = 612 Indicates conflict.
InvalidOperations = 900 Indicates that operation is not possible for the object.
InvalidId = 901 Indicates invalid Id value i.e. signs “?”, “!” are not allowed in
InvalidQuery = 902 Query specified in the NSubject [ 674] cannot be executed.
InvalidPropertyValue = 903 Indicates invalid property value.
InvalidFieldValue = 904 Indicates invalid field value.
InvalidSampleResolution = 905 Indicates that image resolution is not set or is set with value
lower than 250.
OperationNotSupported = 990 Indicates that operation cannot be use with that object.
OperationNotActivated = 991 Indicates that functionality is not enabled, as required
licenses were not obtained.
SourceError = 996 Indicates that error happened during video file or stream
CaptureError = 997 Indicates capture error.
CommunicationError = 998 Indicates communication error.
InternalError = 999 Indicates internal error. Neurotec.Biometrics.NBiometricSubtype Enumeration

Specifies the subtype of biometric data.

public enum NBiometricSubtype {
None = 0x000000,
Left = 0x000001,
Right = 0x000002,
LeftThumb = 0x000004,
LeftPointerFinger = 0x000008,
LeftMiddleFinger = 0x000010,
LeftRingFinger = 0x000020,
LeftLittleFinger = 0x000040,
RightThumb = 0x000080,
RightPointerFinger = 0x000100,
RightMiddleFinger = 0x000200,
RightRingFinger = 0x000400,
RightLittleFinger = 0x000800,
LeftPalm = 0x001000,
LeftBackOfHand = 0x002000,
LeftWrist = 0x004000,
RightPalm = 0x008000,
RightBackOfHand = 0x010000,
RightWrist = 0x020000
File: NBiometricTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
None = 0x000000 Undefined.
Left = 0x000001 Left.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

Right = 0x000002 Right.

LeftThumb = 0x000004 Left thumb.
LeftPointerFinger = 0x000008 Left pointer finger.
LeftMiddleFinger = 0x000010 Left pointer finger.
LeftRingFinger = 0x000020 Left ring finger.
LeftLittleFinger = 0x000040 Left little finger.
RightThumb = 0x000080 Right thumb.
RightPointerFinger = 0x000100 Right pointer finger.
RightMiddleFinger = 0x000200 Right middle finger.
RightRingFinger = 0x000400 Right ring finger.
RightLittleFinger = 0x000800 Right little finger.
LeftPalm = 0x001000 Left palm.
LeftBackOfHand = 0x002000 Left back of hand.
LeftWrist = 0x004000 Left wrist.
RightPalm = 0x008000 Right palm.
RightBackOfHand = 0x010000 Right back of hand.
RightWrist = 0x020000 Right wrist. Neurotec.Biometrics.NBiometricType Enumeration

Specifies the type of biometric data.

public enum NBiometricType {
None = 0x000000,
MultipleBiometrics = 0x000001,
Face = 0x000002,
FacialFeatures = Face,
Voice = 0x000004,
Finger = 0x000008,
Fingerprint = Finger,
Iris = 0x000010,
Retina = 0x000020,
HandGeometry = 0x000040,
SignatureOrSign = 0x000080,
SignatureDynamics = SignatureOrSign,
Keystroke = 0x000100,
KeystrokeDynamics = Keystroke,
LipMovement = 0x000200,
ThermalFace = 0x000400,
ThermalHand = 0x000800,
ThermalFaceImage = ThermalFace,
ThermalHandImage = ThermalHand,
Gait = 0x001000,
Scent = 0x002000,
BodyOdor = Scent,
Dna = 0x004000,
Ear = 0x008000,
EarShape = Ear,
FingerGeometry = 0x010000,
Palm = 0x020000,
PalmPrint = Palm,
Vein = 0x040000,
VeinPattern = Vein,
Foot = 0x080000,
FootPrint = Foot,
PalmGeometry = 0x100000, 9
All = 0x1FFFFF

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

File: NBiometricTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
None = 0x000000 Undefined.
MultipleBiometrics = 0x000001 Multiple biometrics.
Face = 0x000002 Face matching.
FacialFeatures = Face Facial features (same as face).
Voice = 0x000004 Voice matching.
Finger = 0x000008 Finger matching.
Fingerprint = Finger Fingerprint matching (same as finger).
Iris = 0x000010 Iris matching.
Retina = 0x000020 Retina matching.
HandGeometry = 0x000040 Hand geometry.
SignatureOrSign = 0x000080 Signature or sign.
SignatureDynamics = SignatureOrSign Signature dynamics (same as signature or sign).
Keystroke = 0x000100 Keystroke matching.
KeystrokeDynamics = Keystroke Keystroke dynamics (same as keystroke).
LipMovement = 0x000200 Lip movement.
ThermalFace = 0x000400 Thermal face matching.
ThermalHand = 0x000800 Thermal hand matching.
ThermalFaceImage = ThermalFace Thermal face image (same as thermal face).
ThermalHandImage = ThermalHand Thermal hand image (same as thermal hand).
Gait = 0x001000 Gait matching.
Scent = 0x002000 Scent matching.
BodyOdor = Scent Body odor (same as scent).
Dna = 0x004000 DNA matching.
Ear = 0x008000 Ear matching.
EarShape = Ear Ear shape (same as ear).
FingerGeometry = 0x010000 Finger geometry.
Palm = 0x020000 Palm matching.
PalmPrint = Palm Palm print (same as palm).
Vein = 0x040000 Vein matching.
VeinPattern = Vein Vein pattern (same as vein).
Foot = 0x080000 Foot matching.
FootPrint = Foot Foot print (same as foot).
PalmGeometry = 0x100000 Palm geometry.
All = 0x1FFFFF All biometric types. Neurotec.Biometrics.NEImageType Enumeration

Enumerates iris image types.

[Serializable] 9
public enum NEImageType {
Uncropped = 1,

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

Vga = 2,
Cropped = 3,
CroppedAndMasked = 7
File: NBiometricTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
Uncropped = 1 Indicates an uncropped image.
Vga = 2 Indicates a VGA image.
Cropped = 3 Indicates a cropped image.
CroppedAndMasked = 7 Indicates a cropped and masked image. Neurotec.Biometrics.NEPosition Enumeration

Holds information on iris image position.

public enum NEPosition {
Unknown = 0,
Right = 1,
Left = 2,
Both = 3
File: NBiometricTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
Unknown = 0 Unknown iris position.
Right = 1 Right eye.
Left = 2 Left eye.
Both = 3 Both eyes.

When both eyes are returned (Both), it can be cropped using NImage.Crop method. Rectangle coordinates can be retrieved
using NEAttributes.BoundingRect property. Neurotec.Biometrics.NFImpressionType Enumeration

Specifies the impression types.

public enum NFImpressionType {
LiveScanPlain = 0, 9
LiveScanRolled = 1,
NonliveScanPlain = 2,

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

NonliveScanRolled = 3,
LatentImpression = 4,
LatentTracing = 5,
LatentPhoto = 6,
LatentLift = 7,
LiveScanVerticalSwipe = 8,
Swipe = LiveScanVerticalSwipe,
LiveScanContactless = 9,
LiveScanPalm = 10,
NonliveScanPalm = 11,
LatentPalmImpression = 12,
LatentPalmTracing = 13,
LatentPalmPhoto = 14,
LatentPalmLift = 15,
LiveScanOpticalContactPlain = 20,
LiveScanOpticalContactRolled = 21,
LiveScanNonOpticalContactPlain = 22,
LiveScanNonOpticalContactRolled = 23,
LiveScanOpticalContactlessPlain = 24,
LiveScanOpticalContactlessRolled = 25,
LiveScanNonOpticalContactlessPlain = 26,
LiveScanNonOpticalContactlessRolled = 27,
Other = 28,
Unknown = 29
File: NBiometricTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
LiveScanPlain = 0 Live-scanned plain fingerprint.
LiveScanRolled = 1 Live-scanned rolled fingerprint.
NonliveScanPlain = 2 Nonlive-scanned (from paper) plain fingerprint.
NonliveScanRolled = 3 Nonlive-scanned (from paper) rolled fingerprint.
LatentImpression = 4 Latent impression fingerprint.
LatentTracing = 5 Latent tracing fingerprint.
LatentPhoto = 6 Latent photo fingerprint.
LatentLift = 7 Latent lift fingerprint.
LiveScanVerticalSwipe = 8 Live-scanned fingerprint by sliding the finger across a
"swipe" sensor.
Swipe = LiveScanVerticalSwipe Live-scanned fingerprint by sliding the finger across a
"swipe" sensor.
LiveScanContactless = 9 Live-scanned fingerprint using contactless device.
LiveScanPalm = 10 Live scanned palm.
NonliveScanPalm = 11 Non-live scanned palm.
LatentPalmImpression = 12 Latent palm impression.
LatentPalmTracing = 13 Latent palm tracing.
LatentPalmPhoto = 14 Latent palm photo.
LatentPalmLift = 15 Latent palm lift.
LiveScanOpticalContactPlain = 20 Live plain optical scan with contact.
LiveScanOpticalContactRolled = 21 Live rolled optical scan with contact.
LiveScanNonOpticalContactPlain = 22 Live plain non-optical scan with contact.
LiveScanNonOpticalContactRolled = 23 Live rolled non-optical scan with contact. 9
LiveScanOpticalContactlessPlain = 24 Live plain optical contactless scan.
LiveScanOpticalContactlessRolled = 25 Live rolled optical contactless scan.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

LiveScanNonOpticalContactlessPlain = 26 Live plain non-optical contactless scan.

LiveScanNonOpticalContactlessRolled = 27 Live rolled non-optical contactless scan.
Other = 28 Other impression types.
Unknown = 29 Unknown impression type. Neurotec.Biometrics.NFMinutiaFormat Enumeration

Specifies minutia format.

public enum NFMinutiaFormat {
None = 0,
HasQuality = 1,
HasCurvature = 2,
HasG = 4
File: NBiometricTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
None = 0 None of other values.
HasQuality = 1 Indicates that Neurotec.Biometrics.NFMinutia.Quality [ 534]
field contains meaningful value and is preserved during
unpacking/packing of NFRecord [ 537].
HasCurvature = 2 Indicates that Neurotec.Biometrics.NFMinutia.Curvature
[ 534] field contains meaningful value and is preserved
during unpacking/packing of NFRecord [ 537].
HasG = 4 Indicates that Neurotec.Biometrics.NFMinutia.G [ 534] field
contains meaningful value and is preserved during
unpacking/packing of NFRecord [ 537]. Neurotec.Biometrics.NFMinutiaOrder Enumeration

Specifies minutia order.

public enum NFMinutiaOrder {
None = 0,
Ascending = 0x01,
Descending = 0x02,
CartesianXY = 0x04,
CartesianYX = 0x08,
Angle = 0x0C,
Polar = 0x10,
Quality = 0x01000000,
Matching = unchecked((int)0x80000000)
File: NFRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
None = 0 Specifies that minutiae are not sorted.
Ascending = 0x01 Specifies that minutiae are sorted ascending by the specified
Descending = 0x02 Specifies that minutiae are sorted descending by the
specified order.
CartesianXY = 0x04 Specifies that minutiae are sorted by X field. If X field of two
minutiae are equal Y field is compared.
CartesianYX = 0x08 Specifies that minutiae are sorted by Y field. If Y field of two
minutiae are equal X field is compared.
Angle = 0x0C Specifies that minutiae are sorted by Angle field.
Polar = 0x10 Specifies that minutiae are sorted by distance from minutiae
center of mass. If distance of two minutiae are equal Angle
field is compared.
Quality = 0x01000000 Specifies that minutiae are sorted by quality.
Matching = unchecked((int)0x80000000) Specifies that minutiae are sorted by matching. Neurotec.Biometrics.NFMinutiaTruncationAlgorithm Enumeration

Specifies minutiae truncation algorithm.

public enum NFMinutiaTruncationAlgorithm {
ConvexHull = 0,
CenterOfMass = 1,
QualityAndCenterOfMass = 2
File: NFRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
ConvexHull = 0 Specifies the minutiae truncation algorithm by peeling off
minutiae from the convex hull as defined in Iso 19794-2:2005
CenterOfMass = 1 Specifies the minutiae truncation algorithm by minutia
Euclidean distance to center of mass as defined in Iso
19794-2:2011 standard.
QualityAndCenterOfMass = 2 Specifies the minutiae truncation algorithm by minutia quality
and Euclidean distance to center of mass as defined in Iso
19794-2:2011 standard. Neurotec.Biometrics.NFMinutiaType Enumeration

Specifies types of minutia.

C# 9
public enum NFMinutiaType {

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

Unknown = 0,
End = 1,
Bifurcation = 2,
Other = 3
File: NBiometricTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
Unknown = 0 The type of the minutia is unknown.
End = 1 The minutia that is an end of a ridge.
Bifurcation = 2 The minutia that is a bifurcation of a ridge.
Other = 3 Other. Neurotec.Biometrics.NFPatternClass Enumeration

Specifies pattern class of the fingerprint.

public enum NFPatternClass {
Unknown = 0,
PlainArch = 1,
TentedArch = 2,
RadialLoop = 3,
UlnarLoop = 4,
PlainWhorl = 5,
CentralPocketLoop = 6,
DoubleLoop = 7,
AccidentalWhorl = 8,
Whorl = 9,
RightSlantLoop = 10,
LeftSlantLoop = 11,
Scar = 12,
Amputation = 15
File: NBiometricTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
Unknown = 0 Unknown pattern class.
PlainArch = 1 Plain arch pattern class.
TentedArch = 2 Tented arch pattern class.
RadialLoop = 3 Radial loop pattern class.
UlnarLoop = 4 Ulnar loop pattern class.
PlainWhorl = 5 Plain whorl pattern class.
CentralPocketLoop = 6 Central pocket loop pattern class.
DoubleLoop = 7 Double loop pattern class.
AccidentalWhorl = 8 Accidental whorl pattern class.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

Whorl = 9 Whorl pattern class.

RightSlantLoop = 10 Right slant loop pattern class.
LeftSlantLoop = 11 Left slant loop pattern class.
Scar = 12 Scar. Pattern class is not available.
Amputation = 15 Amputation. Pattern class is not available.

This enumeration is implemented according to ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2000 standard. Neurotec.Biometrics.NFPosition Enumeration

Specifies finger position.

public enum NFPosition {
Unknown = 0,
RightThumb = 1,
RightIndexFinger = 2,
RightIndex = RightIndexFinger,
RightMiddleFinger = 3,
RightMiddle = RightMiddleFinger,
RightRingFinger = 4,
RightRing = RightRingFinger,
RightLittleFinger = 5,
RightLittle = RightLittleFinger,
LeftThumb = 6,
LeftIndexFinger = 7,
LeftIndex = LeftIndexFinger,
LeftMiddleFinger = 8,
LeftMiddle = LeftMiddleFinger,
LeftRingFinger = 9,
LeftRing = LeftRingFinger,
LeftLittleFinger = 10,
LeftLittle = LeftLittleFinger,
PlainRightThumb = 11,
PlainLeftThumb = 12,
PlainRightFourFingers = 13,
PlainLeftFourFingers = 14,
PlainThumbs = 15,
UnknownPalm = 20,
RightFullPalm = 21,
RightWritersPalm = 22,
LeftFullPalm = 23,
LeftWritersPalm = 24,
RightLowerPalm = 25,
RightUpperPalm = 26,
LeftLowerPalm = 27,
LeftUpperPalm = 28,
RightOther = 29,
LeftOther = 30,
RightInterdigital = 31,
RightThenar = 32,
RightHypothenar = 33,
LeftInterdigital = 34,
LeftThenar = 35,
LeftHypothenar = 36,
RightIndexMiddleFingers = 40,
RightMiddleRingFingers = 41,
RightRingLittleFingers = 42,
LeftIndexMiddleFingers = 43,
LeftMiddleRingFingers = 44,
LeftRingLittleFingers = 45,
RightIndexLeftIndexFingers = 46, 9
RightIndexMiddleRingFingers = 47,
RightMiddleRingLittleFingers = 48,

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

LeftIndexMiddleRingFingers = 49,
LeftMiddleRingLittleFingers = 50,
UnknownTwoFingers = -2,
UnknownThreeFingers = -3,
UnknownFourFingers = -4
File: NBiometricTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
Unknown = 0 Unknown finger.
RightThumb = 1 Thumb of the right hand.
RightIndexFinger = 2 Index finger of the right hand.
RightIndex = RightIndexFinger Index finger of the right hand.
RightMiddleFinger = 3 Middle finger of the right hand.
RightMiddle = RightMiddleFinger Middle finger of the right hand.
RightRingFinger = 4 Ring finger of the right hand.
RightRing = RightRingFinger Ring finger of the right hand.
RightLittleFinger = 5 Little finger of the right hand.
RightLittle = RightLittleFinger LIttle finger of the right hand.
LeftThumb = 6 Thumb of the left hand.
LeftIndexFinger = 7 Index finger of the left hand.
LeftIndex = LeftIndexFinger Index finger of the left hand.
LeftMiddleFinger = 8 Middle finger of the left hand.
LeftMiddle = LeftMiddleFinger Middle finger of the left hand.
LeftRingFinger = 9 Ring finger of the left hand.
LeftRing = LeftRingFinger Ring finger of the left hand.
LeftLittleFinger = 10 Little finger of the left hand.
LeftLittle = LeftLittleFinger Little finger of the left hand.
PlainRightThumb = 11 Specifies plain right thumb.
PlainLeftThumb = 12 Specifies left plain thumb.
PlainRightFourFingers = 13 Specifies plain right four fingers.
PlainLeftFourFingers = 14 Specifies left four fingers.
PlainThumbs = 15 Specifies plain thumbs.
UnknownPalm = 20 Unknown palm.
RightFullPalm = 21 Specifies full left palm.
RightWritersPalm = 22 Specifies right writers palm.
LeftFullPalm = 23 Specifies full left palm.
LeftWritersPalm = 24 Specifies left writers palm.
RightLowerPalm = 25 Specifies right lower palm.
RightUpperPalm = 26 Specifies right upper palm.
LeftLowerPalm = 27 Specifies left lower palm.
LeftUpperPalm = 28 Specifies left upper palm.
RightOther = 29 Some other right palm.
LeftOther = 30 Some other left hand palm.
RightInterdigital = 31 Specifies right interdigital. 9
RightThenar = 32 Specifies right thenar.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

RightHypothenar = 33 Specifies right hypothenar.

LeftInterdigital = 34 Specifies left interdigital.
LeftThenar = 35 Specifies left thenar.
LeftHypothenar = 36 Specifies left hypothenar.
RightIndexMiddleFingers = 40 Specifies right index and middle fingers.
RightMiddleRingFingers = 41 Specifies right middle and ring fingers.
RightRingLittleFingers = 42 Specifies right ring and little fingers.
LeftIndexMiddleFingers = 43 Specifies left index and middle fingers.
LeftMiddleRingFingers = 44 Specifies left middle and ring fingers.
LeftRingLittleFingers = 45 Specifies left ring and little fingers.
RightIndexLeftIndexFingers = 46 Specifies right and left index fingers.
RightIndexMiddleRingFingers = 47 Specifies right index, middle and ring fingers.
RightMiddleRingLittleFingers = 48 Specifies right middle, ring and little fingers.
LeftIndexMiddleRingFingers = 49 Specifies left index, middle and ring fingers.
LeftMiddleRingLittleFingers = 50 Specifies left middle, ring and little fingers.
UnknownTwoFingers = -2 Specifies two unknown fingers.
UnknownThreeFingers = -3 Specifies three unknown fingers.
UnknownFourFingers = -4 Specifies four unknown fingers.

Fingerprint positions:
NFSegmenter positions (fingerprint positions + these above):
Palmprint positions:

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

LeftHypothenar Neurotec.Biometrics.NFRidgeCountsType Enumeration

Specifies type of ridge counts contained in NFRecord [ 537].

public enum NFRidgeCountsType {
None = 0,
FourNeighbors = 1,
EightNeighbors = 2,
FourNeighborsWithIndexes = 5,
EightNeighborsWithIndexes = 6,
Unspecified = 128+4
File: NBiometricTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
None = 0 The NFRecord [ 537] does not contain ridge counts.
FourNeighbors = 1 The NFRecord [ 537] contains ridge counts to closest
minutia in each of the four sectors of each minutia. First
sector starts at minutia angle.
EightNeighbors = 2 The NFRecord [ 537] contains ridge counts to closest
minutia in each of the eight sectors of each minutia. First
sector starts at minutia angle.
FourNeighborsWithIndexes = 5 The NFRecord [ 537] contains ridge counts to four
neighbors of each minutia.
EightNeighborsWithIndexes = 6 The NFRecord [ 537] contains ridge counts to eight
neighbors of each minutia.
Unspecified = 128+4 For internal use.

Extracted template with EightNeighborsWithIndexes parameter is bigger than the template extracted with EightNeighbors
parameter. Templates extracted with EightNeighborsWithIndexes parameter is faster than the templates extracted with
EightNeighbors parameter. Extracted template with FourNeighborsWithIndexes parameter is bigger than the template extracted
with FourNeighbors parameter. Templates extracted with FourNeighborsWithIndexes parameter is faster than the templates
extracted with FourNeighbors parameter. Neurotec.Biometrics.NGender Enumeration

Enumerates gender constants.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

public enum NGender {
Unspecified = 0,
Male = 1,
Female = 2,
Unknown = 255
File: NBiometricTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
Unspecified = 0 Unspecified gender.
Male = 1 Male.
Female = 2 Female.
Unknown = 255 Unknown.

See NGender in Reference (C/C++) chapter. Neurotec.Biometrics.NIcaoWarnings Enumeration

Enumerates face Icao check warnings constants.

public enum NIcaoWarnings {
File: NBiometricTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] Neurotec.Biometrics.NLExpression Enumeration

Enumerates facial expression constants.

public enum NLExpression {
Unspecified = 0,
Neutral = 1,
Smile = 2,
SmileOpenedJaw = 3,
RaisedBrows = 4,
EyesAway = 5,
Squinting = 6,
Frowning = 7,
Unknown = 0xFFFF 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

File: NBiometricTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
Unspecified = 0 Unspecified expression.
Neutral = 1 Neutral.
Smile = 2 Smiling.
SmileOpenedJaw = 3 Smiling with jaw open.
RaisedBrows = 4 Eyebrows raised.
EyesAway = 5 Eyes looking away.
Squinting = 6 Squinting.
Frowning = 7 Frowning.
Unknown = 0xFFFF Unknown expression.

See NLExpression in Reference (C/C++) chapter. Neurotec.Biometrics.NLProperties Enumeration

Enumerates basic face properties constants

public enum NLProperties {
NotSpecified = 0,
Specified = 0x000001,
Glasses = 0x000002,
Mustache = 0x000004,
Beard = 0x000008,
TeethVisible = 0x000010,
Blink = 0x000020,
MouthOpen = 0x000040,
LeftEyePatch = 0x000080,
RightEyePatch = 0x000100,
BothEyePatch = 0x000200,
DarkGlasses = 0x000400,
DistortingCondition = 0x000800,
Hat = 0x01000000,
Scarf = 0x02000000,
NoEar = 0x04000000
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Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
NotSpecified = 0 Face properties not specified. 9
Specified = 0x000001 Face properties specified. *
Glasses = 0x000002 Wearing glasses.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

Mustache = 0x000004 Mustache. *

Beard = 0x000008 Beard. *
TeethVisible = 0x000010 Teeth are visible. *
Blink = 0x000020 Eye blink.
MouthOpen = 0x000040 Mouth is open.
LeftEyePatch = 0x000080 Patch on left eye. *
RightEyePatch = 0x000100 Patch on right eye. *
BothEyePatch = 0x000200 Patch on both eyes. *
DarkGlasses = 0x000400 Wearing dark glasses.
DistortingCondition = 0x000800 Distorting conditions. *
Hat = 0x01000000 Wearing a hat. *
Scarf = 0x02000000 Wearing a scarf. *
NoEar = 0x04000000 One ear missing. *

See NLProperties in Reference (C/C++) chapter.

Face properties marked with * are not implemented yet. These properties are intended for future use. Neurotec.Biometrics.NLivenessAction Enumeration

Enumerates face liveness challenge action constants.

public enum NLivenessAction {
None = 0,
KeepStill = 0x000001,
Blink = 0x000002,
RotateYaw = 0x000004,
KeepRotatingYaw = 0x000008,
TurnToCenter = 0x000010,
TurnLeft = 0x000020,
TurnRight = 0x000040,
TurnUp = 0x000080,
TurnDown = 0x000100
File: NBiometricTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
None = 0 No actions is required from the user.
KeepStill = 0x000001 The user should keep as still as possible.
Blink = 0x000002 The user should blink at least once.
RotateYaw = 0x000004 The user should rotate his face according to instructions.
KeepRotatingYaw = 0x000008 The user should keep turning face from side to side.
TurnToCenter = 0x000010 The user should center out his face.
TurnLeft = 0x000020 The user should turn his face left.
TurnRight = 0x000040 The user should turn his face right.
TurnUp = 0x000080 The user should turn his face up.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace

TurnDown = 0x000100 The user should turn his face down.

See NLivenessAction in Reference (C/C++) chapter. Neurotec.Biometrics.NLivenessMode Enumeration

Enumerates face liveness mode constants.

public enum NLivenessMode {
None = 0,
Passive = 1,
Active = 2,
PassiveAndActive = 3,
Simple = 4,
Custom = 5
File: NBiometricTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
None = 0 No liveness check is performed.
Passive = 1 User should passively stand still in front of the camera. It
takes several seconds to measure the liveness signal.
Active = 2 User should perform several actions to prove his liveness.
PassiveAndActive = 3 A sequence of passive and active liveness detection modes.
Active mode is used only if passive mode fails.
Simple = 4 User should turn his head left and right to prove his liveness.
Custom = 5 Customizable liveness action sequence. By default requires
user to turn head according to instructions.

See NLivenessMode in Reference (C/C++) chapter. Neurotec.Biometrics.NMFusionType Enumeration

Specifies the fingerprints, palmprints, faces and irises matching fusion.

public enum NMFusionType {
FuseAlways = 0,
SelectByFaceThenFuse = 1,
SelectByIrisThenFuse = 2
File: NBiometricEngineTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418] 9

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics Namespace


Members Description
FuseAlways = 0 Always matches fingerprints, palmprints, faces and irises.
The results of are fused.
SelectByFaceThenFuse = 1 Matches faces. If the result is greater than
ParameterFacesMatchingThresholdNew, then matches
fingerprints, palms and irises also and fuses results;
otherwise, score is zero.
SelectByIrisThenFuse = 2 Matches irises. If the result is greater than
ParameterIrisesMatchingThreshold, then matches
fingerprints, palms and faces also and fuses results;
otherwise, score is zero. Neurotec.Biometrics.NMatchingSpeed Enumeration

Specifies biometric templates matching speed.

public enum NMatchingSpeed {
Low = 0,
Medium = 128,
High = 256
File: NBiometricEngineTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
Low = 0 Low matching speed (slower but more accurate).
Medium = 128 Medium matching speed.
High = 256 High matching speed (faster but less accurate).

Slow matcher has low speed and medium speed matching options. Fast matcher has low, medium and high speed options. Neurotec.Biometrics.NTemplateSize Enumeration

Specifies template sizes.

public enum NTemplateSize {
Compact = 0,
Small = 64,
Medium = 128,
Large = 256
File: NBiometricEngineTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418] 9

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Client Namespace


Members Description
Compact = 0 Indicates a compact template.
Small = 64 Indicates a small template.
Medium = 128 Indicates a medium template.
Large = 256 Indicates a large template. Neurotec.Biometrics.NfiqQuality Enumeration

Specifies the quality of a fingerprint image.

public enum NfiqQuality {
Poor = 5,
Fair = 4,
Good = 3,
VeryGood = 2,
Excellent = 1,
Unknown = 0
File: NBiometricTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics [ 418]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
Poor = 5 Poor fingerprint image quality.
Fair = 4 Fair fingerprint image quality.
Good = 3 Good fingerprint image quality.
VeryGood = 2 Very good fingerprint image quality.
Excellent = 1 Excellent fingerprint image quality.
Unknown = 0 Unknown fingerprint image quality.

9.1.3 Neurotec.Biometrics.Client Namespace

Classes under this namespace provide methods for Neurotechnology Biometric Client.


Name Description
NBiometricClient [ 732] Represents a biometric client, which provides methods for biometric data
capture and its transfer through various connections.
NClusterAddress [ 743] Provides methods to create and change the address of the cluster server.
NClusterBiometricConnection Provides methods to manage a biometric to a cluster server.
[ 745]
NDatabaseBiometricConnection Base class for connections which contain a database.
[ 750]
NOdbcBiometricConnection [ 753] Contains methods for creation Odbc biometric connections. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Client Namespace

NRemoteBiometricConnection Base class for remote connections capable of performing biometric

[ 759] operations. Contains properties limiting what connection may or may not
be performed through the connection.
NSQLiteBiometricConnection Contains methods for creation SQLite [ 116] biometric connections.
[ 763]

.NET Reference [ 218] Classes NBiometricClient Class

Represents a biometric client, which provides methods for biometric data capture and its transfer through various connections.

public sealed class NBiometricClient : NBiometricEngine;
File: NBiometricClient.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Client [ 731]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

NBiometricClient Classes
NBiometricClient Class

Name Description
RemoteConnectionCollection [ 739] Collection of remote biometric connections of the client.

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NBiometricClient Class

Name Description
CurrentBiometricCompleted [ 743] An event which is called when all operations with the current NBiometric
[ 420] are completed.
CurrentSubjectCompleted [ 743] An event which is called when all operations with the current NSubject
[ 674] are completed.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

NBiometricClient Class

Name Description
DllName [ 739] Name of DLL containing unmanaged part of this class.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Client Namespace

NBiometricEngine Class

Name Description
NBiometricEngine [ 439] Creates a new biometric engine.

NBiometricClient Class

Name Description
NBiometricClient [ 738] Creates a new biometric client.

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Client Namespace

GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Client Namespace

Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

NBiometricEngine Class

Name Description
Clear [ 439] Clears all data from the biometric engine and returns its biometric status.
CreateTask [ 439] Creates a new biometric task for the biometric engine. This method is
used for tasks involving just one subject (e.g. enrollement).
CreateTask [ 439] Creates a new biometric task for the biometric engine. This method is
used for tasks involving two subjects (e.g. matching one subject against
CreateTemplate [ 440] The biometric engine creates a biometric template for the specified
Delete [ 440] Deletes the subject specified by ID from the biometric engine.
DetectFaces [ 440] The biometric engine detects faces in the specified image.
Enroll [ 440] The biometric engine performs enrollment of the specified subject.
Enroll [ 441] The biometric engine performs enrollment of the specified subject.
Get [ 441] Gets biometric subject data from a database through a SQL connection.
GetCount [ 441] Returns a count of subjects in the biometric engine.
Identify [ 441] The biometric engine performs the identification of the specified subject.
Initialize [ 442] Initializes the specified biometric engine.
List [ 442] Returns a list of all subjects in the biometric engine.
ListIds [ 442] Returns a ids of subjects in the biometric engine.
PerformTask [ 442] The biometric engine performs the specified biometric task.
Update [ 442] Updates biometric subject data.
Verify [ 442] The biometric engine performs the verification of the specified subject
against a database.
Verify [ 443] The biometric engine performs the verification of the specified subject
against another subject.
WaitForAllTasks [ 443] Wait for all currently started tasks to complete.

NBiometricClient Class

Name Description
Cancel [ 739] The biometric client cancels the currently active capture.
Capture [ 740] The biometric client captures data from the specified NBiometric [ 420]
Capture [ 740] The biometric client captures data from the specified subject.
Force [ 740] Forces the biometric client to complete the manual capture process.
ForceStart [ 740] Forces the biometric client to start the manual capture process.
Repeat [ 740] The biometric client repeats the last capture.
SetDatabaseConnectionToOdbc Replaces the specified client's database connection with ODBC
[ 740] connection.
SetDatabaseConnectionToSQLite Replaces the specified client's database connection with SQLite [ 116]
[ 741] connection.
Skip [ 741] The biometric client skips the next NBiometric [ 420] during capture. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Client Namespace

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

NBiometricEngine Class

Name Description
BiographicDataSchema [ 443] Gets or sets biographic data schema (non-biometric data associated
with a subject). For more information how to set Biographic data
scheme read "Biographic and custom data support" section.
BiometricTemplateFormat [ 443] Gets or sets biometric template format.
FacesCheckIcaoCompliance [ 443] Gets or sets whether image is checked for ICAO [ 116] compliance.
FacesConfidenceThreshold [ 444] Gets or sets face detection confidence threshold.
FacesCreateThumbnailImage [ 444] Checks or sets whether a thumbnail face image should be created.

FacesDetectAllFeaturePoints [ 444] Gets or sets whether all face feature points should be detected.
FacesDetectBaseFeaturePoints [ 444] Gets or sets whether face base feature points should be detected.

FacesDetectProperties [ 444] Gets or sets whether face properties (glasses, dark glasses, closed
eyes, open mouth, beard, mustache, hat) should be detected.
FacesDetermineAge [ 444] Gets or sets whether age should be determined.
FacesDetermineEthnicity [ 445] Gets or sets whether ethnicity should be determined.
FacesDetermineGender [ 445] Gets or sets whether gender should be determined.
FacesIcaoRemoveBackground [ 445] Gets or sets whether background is removed during creation of token
FacesIcaoRemoveRedEye [ 445] Gets or sets whether redeye is removed during creation of token
FacesLivenessBlinkTimeout [ 445] Gets or sets face liveness blink timeout.
FacesLivenessMode [ 445] Checks or sets liveness mode which should be used.
FacesLivenessThreshold [ 445] Gets or sets face liveness threshold.
FacesMatchingSpeed [ 446] Gets or sets faces matching speed.
FacesMaximalRoll [ 446] Gets or sets the maximum face roll angle deviation.
FacesMaximalYaw [ 446] Gets or sets the maximum face yaw angle deviation.
FacesMinimalInterOcularDistance Gets or sets the minimum distance between eyes in face.
[ 446]
FacesQualityThreshold [ 446] Gets or sets faces quality threshold.
FacesRecognizeEmotion [ 446] Checks or sets whether face emotions should be recognized.
FacesRecognizeExpression [ 447] Gets or sets whether expression should be detected.
FacesTemplateSize [ 447] Gets or sets faces template size.
FacesThumbnailImageWidth [ 447] Gets or sets thumbnail face image width.
FacesTokenImageWidth [ 447] Gets or sets token face image width.
FacesTokenQualityThreshold [ 447] Gets or sets token face image quality threshold.

FingersCalculateNfiq [ 447] Checks or sets whether fingerprint image quality should be 9


9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Client Namespace

FingersDeterminePatternClass [ 447] Checks or sets whether fingerprint pattern class should be

FingersFastExtraction [ 448] Checks or sets whether fast fingerprint extraction is enabled.
FingersMatchingSpeed [ 448] Gets or sets fingers matching speed.
FingersMaximalRotation [ 448] Gets or sets maximal rotation.
FingersMinimalMinutiaCount [ 448] Minimal minutia count may be decreased if there is no possibility to
rescan the fingerprint and lower quality may be better than no
extraction at all.
FingersQualityThreshold [ 448] Gets or sets image quality threshold.
FingersReturnBinarizedImage [ 448] Gets or sets whether a binarized image should be returned.

FingersReturnRidgeSkeletonImage Gets or sets whether the ridge skeleton image should be returned.
[ 449]
FingersTemplateSize [ 449] Gets or sets template size.
IrisesConfidenceThreshold [ 449] Gets or sets irises detection confidence threshold.
IrisesDetectCosmeticLenses [ 449] Checks or sets whether detection of cosmetic lenses is enabled.
IrisesFastExtraction [ 449] Checks or sets whether fast iris extraction is enabled.
IrisesMatchingSpeed [ 449] Gets or sets irises matching speed.
IrisesMaximalRotation [ 450] Gets or sets the maximal rotation allowed between two matched
irises. It is specified in degrees.
IrisesQualityThreshold [ 450] Gets or sets the quality threshold of the iris image.
IrisesTemplateSize [ 450] Gets or sets iris template size.
MatchingFirstResultOnly [ 450] Checks or sets whether matchign lasts only until the first positive
MatchingMaximalResultCount [ 450] Gets or sets the maximum number of returned matching results.

MatchingThreshold [ 450] Gets or sets the matching threshold.

MatchingWithDetails [ 450] Checks or sets whether the matching results include matching details.
MaximalThreadCount [ 450] Gets or sets the maximum number of threads in the engine.
NativeType [ 451] Defines the native type of the object.
PalmsMatchingSpeed [ 451] Gets or sets palms matching speed.
PalmsMaximalRotation [ 451] Gets or sets maximal rotation.
PalmsQualityThreshold [ 451] Gets or sets image quality threshold.
PalmsReturnBinarizedImage [ 451] Gets or sets whether the binarized palmprint image should be
PalmsReturnRidgeSkeletonImage Gets or sets whether theridge skeleton palmprint image should be
[ 451] returned.
PalmsTemplateSize [ 451] Gets or sets template size.
SelectedGalleryId [ 452] Select a gallery to use for the following biometric operations. Set to
null to use the default gallery.
Timeout [ 452] Gets or sets biometric engine timeout period.
VoicesExtractTextDependentFeatures Shows whether text-dependent features are extracted.
[ 452]
VoicesExtractTextIndependentFeatures Shows whether text-independent features are extracted.
[ 452]
VoicesMaximalLoadedFileSize [ 452] Gets or sets maximal loaded voice file size.
VoicesUniquePhrasesOnly [ 452] Gets or sets identifier specifying whether each user in the system
always uses only his own phrases which are unique throughout the
whole database of users.

NBiometricClient Class

Name Description
BiometricTypes [ 741] Gets or sets the biometric types of the client.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Client Namespace

CurrentBiometric [ 741] Gets or sets the NBiometric [ 420] object currently used by the
CurrentBiometricCompletedTimeout [ 741] Gets or sets the timeout period of the CurrentBiometricCompleted
[ 743] event.
CurrentSubject [ 741] Gets the subject the client currently works with.
CustomDataSchema [ 741] Gets or sets custom data scheme of/for specified subject. For
more information read "Custom Data Support" section.
DatabaseConnection [ 742] Gets or sets the database connection of the client.
DeviceManager [ 742] Gets or sets the device manager used by the client.
FaceCaptureDevice [ 742] Gets or sets the face capture device (camera) used by the client.
FingerScanner [ 742] Gets or sets the fingerprint scanner used by the client.
FingersCheckForDuplicatesWhenCapturing Gets or sets fingerprints check for duplicates when capturing
[ 742] value.
IrisScanner [ 742] Gets or sets the iris scanner used by the client.
LocalOperations [ 742] Gets or sets the operations performed locally (i.e. without using
the connection) by the client.
NativeModule [ 742] Gets a pointer to the function that retrieves NModule [ 297]
object for the specified module name.
NativeType [ 743] Defines the native type of the object.
PalmScanner [ 743] Gets or sets the palmprint scanner used by the client.
RemoteConnections [ 743] Retrieves the remote connections of the client.
UseDeviceManager [ 743] Gets or sets whether a device manager is to be used.
VoiceCaptureDevice [ 743] Gets or sets the voice capture device used by the client.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. NBiometricClient.NBiometricClient Constructor

Creates a new biometric client.

C# 9
public NBiometricClient();

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Client Namespace NBiometricClient Classes NBiometricClient.RemoteConnectionCollection Class

Collection of remote biometric connections of the client.

public sealed class RemoteConnectionCollection :
File: NBiometricClient.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Client [ 731]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

RemoteConnectionCollection Methods

Name Description
AddToCluster [ 739] Adds the remote connection to a cluster server. RemoteConnectionCollection Methods NBiometricClient.RemoteConnectionCollection.AddToCluster Method

Adds the remote connection to a cluster server.

public NClusterBiometricConnection AddToCluster(string host, int port, int adminPort);

Parameters Description
string host Host name.
int port Cluster port number.
int adminPort Admin port number.

The new cluster biometric connection. NBiometricClient Fields NBiometricClient.DllName Field

Name of DLL containing unmanaged part of this class.

public const string DllName = NVersionInfo.BiometricsClientDllName; NBiometricClient Methods NBiometricClient.Cancel Method

The biometric client cancels the currently active capture.

public void Cancel(); 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Client Namespace NBiometricClient.Capture Method (NBiometric)

The biometric client captures data from the specified NBiometric [ 420] object.

public NBiometricStatus Capture(NBiometric biometric);

Parameters Description
NBiometric biometric The NBiometric [ 420] object.

The biometric status. NBiometricClient.Capture Method (NSubject)

The biometric client captures data from the specified subject.

public NBiometricStatus Capture(NSubject subject);

Parameters Description
NSubject subject The subject.

The biometric status. NBiometricClient.Force Method

Forces the biometric client to complete the manual capture process.

public void Force(); NBiometricClient.ForceStart Method

Forces the biometric client to start the manual capture process.

public void ForceStart(); NBiometricClient.Repeat Method

The biometric client repeats the last capture.

public void Repeat(); NBiometricClient.SetDatabaseConnectionToOdbc Method

Replaces the specified client's database connection with ODBC connection.

public NOdbcBiometricConnection SetDatabaseConnectionToOdbc(string connectionString, string

Parameters Description 9
string connectionString The ODBC connection string.
string tableName The table in database to use.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Client Namespace

The new ODBC connection. NBiometricClient.SetDatabaseConnectionToSQLite Method

Replaces the specified client's database connection with SQLite [ 116] connection.

public NSQLiteBiometricConnection SetDatabaseConnectionToSQLite(string fileName);

Parameters Description
string fileName The SQLite [ 116] connection file name.

The new SQLite [ 116] connection. NBiometricClient.Skip Method

The biometric client skips the next NBiometric [ 420] during capture.

public void Skip(); NBiometricClient Properties NBiometricClient.BiometricTypes Property

Gets or sets the biometric types of the client.

public NBiometricType BiometricTypes; NBiometricClient.CurrentBiometric Property

Gets or sets the NBiometric [ 420] object currently used by the client.

public NBiometric CurrentBiometric; NBiometricClient.CurrentBiometricCompletedTimeout Property

Gets or sets the timeout period of the CurrentBiometricCompleted [ 743] event.

public int CurrentBiometricCompletedTimeout; NBiometricClient.CurrentSubject Property

Gets the subject the client currently works with.

public NSubject CurrentSubject; NBiometricClient.CustomDataSchema Property

Gets or sets custom data scheme of/for specified subject. For more information read "Custom Data Support" section.

public NBiographicDataSchema CustomDataSchema; 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Client Namespace

Property value
Custom data scheme value. NBiometricClient.DatabaseConnection Property

Gets or sets the database connection of the client.

public NDatabaseBiometricConnection DatabaseConnection; NBiometricClient.DeviceManager Property

Gets or sets the device manager used by the client.

public NDeviceManager DeviceManager; NBiometricClient.FaceCaptureDevice Property

Gets or sets the face capture device (camera) used by the client.

public NCamera FaceCaptureDevice; NBiometricClient.FingerScanner Property

Gets or sets the fingerprint scanner used by the client.

public NFScanner FingerScanner; NBiometricClient.FingersCheckForDuplicatesWhenCapturing Property

Gets or sets fingerprints check for duplicates when capturing value.

public bool FingersCheckForDuplicatesWhenCapturing;
Property value
True, when new captured fingerprint is matched with other subject fingerprints. If matched fingerprints were found,
NBiometricStatus.DuplicateFound is set. False, when new captured fingerprint is not matched with other subject fingerprints NBiometricClient.IrisScanner Property

Gets or sets the iris scanner used by the client.

public NIrisScanner IrisScanner; NBiometricClient.LocalOperations Property

Gets or sets the operations performed locally (i.e. without using the connection) by the client.

public NBiometricOperations LocalOperations; NBiometricClient.NativeModule Property

Gets a pointer to the function that retrieves NModule [ 297] object for the specified module name.

public static NModule NativeModule;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Client Namespace

Property value
A pointer to the function that retrieves NModule [ 297] object for the specified module name. NBiometricClient.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; NBiometricClient.PalmScanner Property

Gets or sets the palmprint scanner used by the client.

public NFScanner PalmScanner; NBiometricClient.RemoteConnections Property

Retrieves the remote connections of the client.

public RemoteConnectionCollection RemoteConnections; NBiometricClient.UseDeviceManager Property

Gets or sets whether a device manager is to be used.

public bool UseDeviceManager; NBiometricClient.VoiceCaptureDevice Property

Gets or sets the voice capture device used by the client.

public NMicrophone VoiceCaptureDevice; NBiometricClient Events NBiometricClient.CurrentBiometricCompleted Event

An event which is called when all operations with the current NBiometric [ 420] are completed.

public event EventHandler<EventArgs> CurrentBiometricCompleted; NBiometricClient.CurrentSubjectCompleted Event

An event which is called when all operations with the current NSubject [ 674] are completed.

public event EventHandler<EventArgs> CurrentSubjectCompleted; NClusterAddress Structure

Provides methods to create and change the address of the cluster server.

public struct NClusterAddress { 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Client Namespace

File: NClusterBiometricConnection.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Client [ 731]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Name Description
NClusterAddress [ 744] Creates a new cluster address.

NClusterAddress Properties

Name Description
AdminPort [ 744] Gets or sets the admin port number.
Host [ 744] Gets or sets the host name.
NativeType [ 744] Defines the native type of the object.
Port [ 744] Gets or sets the connection port number. NClusterAddress.NClusterAddress Constructor

Creates a new cluster address.

public NClusterAddress(string host, int port, int adminPort);

Parameters Description
string host Host [ 744] name.
int port Connection port number.
int adminPort Admin port number. NClusterAddress Properties NClusterAddress.AdminPort Property

Gets or sets the admin port number.

public int AdminPort; NClusterAddress.Host Property

Gets or sets the host name.

public string Host; NClusterAddress.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; NClusterAddress.Port Property

Gets or sets the connection port number. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Client Namespace

public int Port; NClusterBiometricConnection Class

Provides methods to manage a biometric to a cluster server.

public sealed class NClusterBiometricConnection : NRemoteBiometricConnection;
File: NClusterBiometricConnection.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Client [ 731]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

NClusterBiometricConnection Classes
NClusterBiometricConnection Class

Name Description
AddressCollection [ 749] Collection of cluster address structures.

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

NClusterBiometricConnection Class

Name Description
NClusterBiometricConnection Creates a new cluster biometric connection.
[ 748]
NClusterBiometricConnection Creates a new cluster biometric connection with specified address.
[ 749]
NClusterBiometricConnection Creates a new cluster biometric connection with specified host.
[ 749]

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an 9
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Client Namespace

DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.

Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object. 9
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Client Namespace

Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.

ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

NExpandableObject Class

Name Description
NativeType [ 295] Defines the native type of the object.
Properties [ 295] Gets the property bag of the expandable object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Client Namespace

NBiometricConnection Class

Name Description
Name [ 433] Gets or sets the name of the biometric connection.
NativeType [ 433] Defines the native type of the object.
Owner [ 433] Retrieves the owner object of the biometric connection.

NRemoteBiometricConnection Class

Name Description
NativeType [ 763] Defines the native type of the object.
Operations [ 763] Gets or sets which biometric operations can be performed through the
remote connection.

NClusterBiometricConnection Class

Name Description
Addresses [ 749] Retrieves the collection of cluster addresses.
AdminPort [ 749] Gets or sets the admin port number.
Host [ 750] Gets or sets the host name.
NativeType [ 750] Defines the native type of the object.
Port [ 750] Gets or sets the connection port number.
RetryCount [ 750] Gets or sets the number of retries.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. NClusterBiometricConnection.NClusterBiometricConnection Constructor ()

Creates a new cluster biometric connection.

public NClusterBiometricConnection();

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Client Namespace NClusterBiometricConnection.NClusterBiometricConnection Constructor

Creates a new cluster biometric connection with specified address.

public NClusterBiometricConnection(NClusterAddress address);

Parameters Description
NClusterAddress address The cluster address. NClusterBiometricConnection.NClusterBiometricConnection Constructor

(string, int, int)
Creates a new cluster biometric connection with specified host.

public NClusterBiometricConnection(string host, int port, int adminPort);

Parameters Description
string host The host name.
int port Connection port number.
int adminPort Admin port number. NClusterBiometricConnection Classes NClusterBiometricConnection.AddressCollection Class

Collection of cluster address structures.

public sealed class AddressCollection : DisposableStructCollection<NClusterAddress,
File: NClusterBiometricConnection.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Client [ 731]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] NClusterBiometricConnection Properties NClusterBiometricConnection.Addresses Property

Retrieves the collection of cluster addresses.

public AddressCollection Addresses; NClusterBiometricConnection.AdminPort Property

Gets or sets the admin port number.

C# 9
public int AdminPort;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Client Namespace NClusterBiometricConnection.Host Property

Gets or sets the host name.

public string Host; NClusterBiometricConnection.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; NClusterBiometricConnection.Port Property

Gets or sets the connection port number.

public int Port; NClusterBiometricConnection.RetryCount Property

Gets or sets the number of retries.

public int RetryCount; NDatabaseBiometricConnection Class

Base class for connections which contain a database.

public class NDatabaseBiometricConnection : NBiometricConnection;
File: NDatabaseBiometricConnection.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Client [ 731]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Client Namespace

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object. 9
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Client Namespace

GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.

GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description 9
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Client Namespace

IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

NExpandableObject Class

Name Description
NativeType [ 295] Defines the native type of the object.
Properties [ 295] Gets the property bag of the expandable object.

NBiometricConnection Class

Name Description
Name [ 433] Gets or sets the name of the biometric connection.
NativeType [ 433] Defines the native type of the object.
Owner [ 433] Retrieves the owner object of the biometric connection.

NDatabaseBiometricConnection Class

Name Description
NativeType [ 753] Defines the native type of the object.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. NDatabaseBiometricConnection Properties NDatabaseBiometricConnection.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; NOdbcBiometricConnection Class 9

Contains methods for creation Odbc biometric connections.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Client Namespace

public sealed class NOdbcBiometricConnection : NDatabaseBiometricConnection;
File: NOdbcBiometricConnection.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Client [ 731]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

NOdbcBiometricConnection Class

Name Description
NOdbcBiometricConnection [ 757] Creates a new NOdbc biometric connection.

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Client Namespace

GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Client Namespace

SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

NExpandableObject Class

Name Description
NativeType [ 295] Defines the native type of the object.
Properties [ 295] Gets the property bag of the expandable object.

NBiometricConnection Class

Name Description
Name [ 433] Gets or sets the name of the biometric connection.
NativeType [ 433] Defines the native type of the object.
Owner [ 433] Retrieves the owner object of the biometric connection.

NDatabaseBiometricConnection Class

Name Description
NativeType [ 753] Defines the native type of the object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Client Namespace

NOdbcBiometricConnection Class

Name Description
ClearQuery [ 758] Gets or sets Odbc query for database clear (deleting all the subjects from
ConnectionString [ 758] Gets or sets the connection string of the ODBC.
DeleteQuery [ 758] Gets or sets Odbc query for database delete (deleting a subject with the
specified id. A question mark ‘?’ should be used instead of actual id).
EnrollQuery [ 758] Gets or sets Odbc query for database enroll (inserting all the data
associated with Subject to database: SubjectId, Template, biographic
attributes, custom attributes).
NativeType [ 758] Defines the native type of the object.
SelectAllQuery [ 758] Gets or sets Odbc query for select all (selecting all the subjects in the
database, returning SubjectId, Template and any biographic
SelectSubjectQuery [ 758] Gets or sets Odbc select subject query (selects all the data associated
with a single subject identified by id: Template, biographic attributes,
custom attributes).
SubjectIdColumn [ 759] Gets or sets subject Id column.
TableName [ 759] Gets or sets the database table to use.
TemplateColumn [ 759] Gets or sets template column.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. NOdbcBiometricConnection.NOdbcBiometricConnection Constructor

Creates a new NOdbc biometric connection.

public NOdbcBiometricConnection(); NOdbcBiometricConnection Properties


9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Client Namespace NOdbcBiometricConnection.ClearQuery Property

Gets or sets Odbc query for database clear (deleting all the subjects from database).

public string ClearQuery;
Property value
Database clear query value. NOdbcBiometricConnection.ConnectionString Property

Gets or sets the connection string of the ODBC.

public string ConnectionString; NOdbcBiometricConnection.DeleteQuery Property

Gets or sets Odbc query for database delete (deleting a subject with the specified id. A question mark ‘?’ should be used
instead of actual id).

public string DeleteQuery;
Property value
Database delete query value. NOdbcBiometricConnection.EnrollQuery Property

Gets or sets Odbc query for database enroll (inserting all the data associated with Subject to database: SubjectId, Template,
biographic attributes, custom attributes).

public string EnrollQuery;
Property value
Database enroll query value. NOdbcBiometricConnection.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; NOdbcBiometricConnection.SelectAllQuery Property

Gets or sets Odbc query for select all (selecting all the subjects in the database, returning SubjectId, Template and any
biographic parameters.).

public string SelectAllQuery;
Property value
Select all query value. NOdbcBiometricConnection.SelectSubjectQuery Property

Gets or sets Odbc select subject query (selects all the data associated with a single subject identified by id: Template,
biographic attributes, custom attributes).

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Client Namespace

public string SelectSubjectQuery;
Property value
Select subject query value. NOdbcBiometricConnection.SubjectIdColumn Property

Gets or sets subject Id column.

public string SubjectIdColumn;
Property value
Subject Id column value. NOdbcBiometricConnection.TableName Property

Gets or sets the database table to use.

public string TableName; NOdbcBiometricConnection.TemplateColumn Property

Gets or sets template column.

public string TemplateColumn;
Property value
Template column value. NRemoteBiometricConnection Class

Base class for remote connections capable of performing biometric operations. Contains properties limiting what connection
may or may not be performed through the connection.

public class NRemoteBiometricConnection : NBiometricConnection;
File: NRemoteBiometricConnection.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Client [ 731]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Client Namespace

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Client Namespace

GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Client Namespace

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

NExpandableObject Class

Name Description
NativeType [ 295] Defines the native type of the object.
Properties [ 295] Gets the property bag of the expandable object.

NBiometricConnection Class

Name Description
Name [ 433] Gets or sets the name of the biometric connection.
NativeType [ 433] Defines the native type of the object.
Owner [ 433] Retrieves the owner object of the biometric connection.

NRemoteBiometricConnection Class

Name Description
NativeType [ 763] Defines the native type of the object.
Operations [ 763] Gets or sets which biometric operations can be performed through the
remote connection.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle.
9 NRemoteBiometricConnection Properties

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Client Namespace NRemoteBiometricConnection.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; NRemoteBiometricConnection.Operations Property

Gets or sets which biometric operations can be performed through the remote connection.

public NBiometricOperations Operations; NSQLiteBiometricConnection Class

Contains methods for creation SQLite [ 116] biometric connections.

public sealed class NSQLiteBiometricConnection : NDatabaseBiometricConnection;
File: NSQLiteBiometricConnection.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Client [ 731]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

NSQLiteBiometricConnection Class

Name Description
NSQLiteBiometricConnection Creates a new NSQLite biometric connection.
[ 766]
NSQLiteBiometricConnection Creates a new NSQLite biometric connection with the specified file name.
[ 766]

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Client Namespace

CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object. 9
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Client Namespace

Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Client Namespace

NExpandableObject Class

Name Description
NativeType [ 295] Defines the native type of the object.
Properties [ 295] Gets the property bag of the expandable object.

NBiometricConnection Class

Name Description
Name [ 433] Gets or sets the name of the biometric connection.
NativeType [ 433] Defines the native type of the object.
Owner [ 433] Retrieves the owner object of the biometric connection.

NDatabaseBiometricConnection Class

Name Description
NativeType [ 753] Defines the native type of the object.

NSQLiteBiometricConnection Class

Name Description
FileName [ 767] Gets or sets the connection file name of the SQLite [ 116].
NativeType [ 767] Defines the native type of the object.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. NSQLiteBiometricConnection.NSQLiteBiometricConnection Constructor ()

Creates a new NSQLite biometric connection.

public NSQLiteBiometricConnection(); NSQLiteBiometricConnection.NSQLiteBiometricConnection Constructor

(string) 9
Creates a new NSQLite biometric connection with the specified file name.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Client.Interop

public NSQLiteBiometricConnection(string fileName);

Parameters Description
string fileName The file name string. NSQLiteBiometricConnection Properties NSQLiteBiometricConnection.FileName Property

Gets or sets the connection file name of the SQLite [ 116].

public string FileName; NSQLiteBiometricConnection.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType;

9.1.4 Neurotec.Biometrics.Client.Interop Namespace

Classes under this namespace provide methods for Neurotechnology Biometric Client [ 731].


Name Description
NClusterAddress_ [ 767] Represents cluster address.

.NET Reference [ 218] Classes NClusterAddress_ Structure

Represents cluster address.

public struct NClusterAddress_ {
public IntPtr hHost;
public int port;
public int adminPort;
File: NClusterBiometricConnection.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Client.Interop [ 767]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Client.Interop

NClusterAddress_ Fields

Name Description
adminPort [ 768] The admin port [ 768] number.
hHost [ 768] Pointer to the host name.
port [ 768] The connection port number.

NClusterAddress_ Methods

Name Description
Create [ 768] Creates ANCharset_ object for NClusterAddress [ 743] structure.
Dispose [ 768] Frees the NClusterAddress_ object.
ToStruct [ 769] Converts the object to structure. NClusterAddress_ Fields NClusterAddress_.adminPort Field

The admin port [ 768] number.

public int adminPort; NClusterAddress_.hHost Field

Pointer to the host name.

public IntPtr hHost; NClusterAddress_.port Field

The connection port number.

public int port; NClusterAddress_ Methods NClusterAddress_.Create Method

Creates ANCharset_ object for NClusterAddress [ 743] structure.

public static void Create(NClusterAddress value, out NClusterAddress_ v);

Parameters Description
NClusterAddress value NClusterAddress [ 743] structure.
out NClusterAddress_ v NClusterAddress_ [ 767] object NClusterAddress_.Dispose Method

Frees the NClusterAddress_ [ 767] object.

public static void Dispose(ref NClusterAddress_ value);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Ffv Namespace


Parameters Description
ref NClusterAddress_ value NClusterAddress_ [ 767] object NClusterAddress_.ToStruct Method

Converts the object to structure.

public static NClusterAddress ToStruct(ref NClusterAddress_ value);

Parameters Description
ref NClusterAddress_ value The NClusterAddress_ [ 767] object.

NClusterAddress [ 743] structure.

9.1.5 Neurotec.Biometrics.Ffv Namespace

Contains classes and methods that provide the Free Fingerprint Verification SDK functionality.


Name Description
Nffv [ 769] The main class of the Free Fingerprint Verification SDK. Provides
methods and properties for working with user collection and enrolling or
verifying user fingerprints.
NffvUser [ 775] Provides methods and properties for working with users.

.NET Reference [ 218]

Structs, Records, Enums

Name Description
NffvStatus [ 780] Enumerates enrollment or verification status values. Classes Nffv Class

The main class of the Free Fingerprint Verification SDK. Provides methods and properties for working with user collection and
enrolling or verifying user fingerprints.

public class Nffv : NDisposable;
File: Nffv.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Ffv [ 769]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Ffv Namespace

Nffv Classes
Nffv Class

Name Description
UserCollection [ 771] Represents a collection of NffvUsers objects that represent the user
fingerprints enrolled to a database.

Nffv Fields
Nffv Class

Name Description
MaxUserCount [ 773] The maximum number of users that can be enrolled to a database.

Nffv Class

Name Description
Nffv [ 770] Initializes a new instance of the Nffv class. During the initialization a new
database is created or used previously created.

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

Nffv Class

Name Description
Cancel [ 773] Cancels a fingerprint enrollment or verification operation.
Enroll [ 773] Gets a fingerprint from a scanner and saves it to a database.
GetUserById [ 774] Returns a user details by the Id from the UserCollection [ 771].
Verify [ 774] Compares a captured fingerprint with the one that was enrolled to a
database before in order to determine whether two match.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

Nffv Class

Name Description
MatchingThreshold [ 775] Gets or sets the minimum similarity value that verification method uses to
determine whether the fingerprint matches.
NativeType [ 775] Defines the native type of the object.
NffvStatusNativeType [ 775] Defines the native type of the FFV status.
QualityThreshold [ 775] Gets or sets image quality threshold.
Users [ 775] Gets or sets the users of the application. Nffv.Nffv Constructor

Initializes a new instance of the Nffv class. During the initialization a new database is created or used previously created.

public Nffv(string dbName);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Ffv Namespace


Parameters Description
string dbName A name of database. This database will be used to save user
fingerprints. The database will be saved to a working folder
as a file.

This C# example code demonstrates how to create a new instance of the Nffv class.
string dbName = "FingerprintsDatabase.dat";

Neurotec.Biometrics.Nffv engine = null;

//Creates a new instance of the Nffv class

engine = new Neurotec.Biometrics.Nffv(dbName);
The same example code for VB.NET:
Dim dbName As String = "FingerprintsDatabase.dat"

Dim engine As Global.Neurotec.Biometrics.Nffv = Nothing

engine = New Global.Neurotec.Biometrics.Nffv(dbName) Nffv Classes Nffv.UserCollection Class

Represents a collection of NffvUsers objects that represent the user fingerprints enrolled to a database.

public sealed class UserCollection : NObjectCollection<NffvUser>;
File: Nffv.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Ffv [ 769]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

This class is a sealed class, so it has a limited extensibility (other classes cannot inherit from it).

UserCollection Methods

Name Description
Contains [ 771] Returns a Boolean value indicating whether a UserCollection object
contains an element with a specified key.
GetById [ 772] Returns user details by the Id from a database.
IndexOf [ 772] Returns an index of the UserCollection item specified by Id. UserCollection Methods Nffv.UserCollection.Contains Method

Returns a Boolean value indicating whether a UserCollection [ 771] object contains an element with a specified key.

public bool Contains(int id);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Ffv Namespace


Parameters Description
int id An integer value that specifies the Id for which to search the
element of the collection.

A Boolean value indicating whether the UserCollection [ 771] contains an elements with the specified Id.

If the return value is True, the collection contains an element with an Id specified. Otherwise, the return value is False.

This C# example demonstrates how to use this method:
int id = 3;

if UserCollection.Contains(id)
MsgBox("The desired user is in collection");
MsgBox("The desired user was not find in a collection");
The VB.NET code this method:
Dim id As Integer = 3

If UserCollection.Contains(id) Then
MsgBox("The desired user is in the collection.")
MsgBox("The desired user was not find in the collection.")
End If Nffv.UserCollection.GetById Method

Returns user details by the Id from a database.

public NffvUser GetById(int id);

Parameters Description
int id User's identification number in a database. This Id is always

Information about a user who was enrolled to a database. Nffv.UserCollection.IndexOf Method

Returns an index of the UserCollection [ 771] item specified by Id.

public int IndexOf(int id);

Parameters Description
int id The Id of a user to search in a collection.

A collection index of a user specified by Id. Nffv Fields 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Ffv Namespace Nffv.MaxUserCount Field

The maximum number of users that can be enrolled to a database.

public const int MaxUserCount = int.MaxValue; Nffv Methods Nffv.Cancel Method

Cancels a fingerprint enrollment or verification operation.

public void Cancel();
This method is useful when the fingerprint enrollment or verification operation take too long. In this case a message box can be
shown for a user to cancel this operation.

This C# code demonstrates how to cancel enrollment or verification operation:
Nffv engine;

The same code using VB.NET notation:
Private engine As Nffv

engine.Cancel() Nffv.Enroll Method

Gets a fingerprint from a scanner and saves it to a database.

public NffvUser Enroll(int timeout, out NffvStatus status);

Parameters Description
int timeout Specifies the time in milliseconds after which the fingerprint
scanner stops scanning fingerprint. This usually happens
when a finger is removed from a scanner for longer than
timeout milliseconds.
out NffvStatus status Enrollment status value indicated by one of the value
enumerated in NffvStatus [ 780].

A reference to NffvUser [ 775] object which provides methods for managing enrolled users.

If there were problem enrolling a fingerprint, the method returns a zero pointer.

This C# example demonstrates the usage of the Enroll method:
//Field that holds a reference to Nffv object
Nffv engine;

//Internal class that saves the result of fingerprint enrollment

internal class EnrollmentResult 9
public NffvStatus engineStatus;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Ffv Namespace

public NffvUser engineUser;


//Method used for a fingerprint enrollment

public void doEnroll(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs args)
EnrollmentResult enrollmentResults = new EnrollmentResult();
enrollmentResults.engineUser = engine.Enroll(20000, out enrollmentResults.engineStatus);
args.Result = enrollmentResults;
} Nffv.GetUserById Method

Returns a user details by the Id from the UserCollection [ 771].

public NffvUser GetUserById(int id);

Parameters Description
int id User's identification number in a collection.

A reference to the NffvUser [ 775] object that contains an information about a user indicated by Id. Nffv.Verify Method

Compares a captured fingerprint with the one that was enrolled to a database before in order to determine whether two match.

public int Verify(NffvUser user, int timeout, out NffvStatus status);

Parameters Description
NffvUser user A reference to a database record that should be matched
with the scanned fingerprint.
int timeout Specifies the time in milliseconds after which the fingerprint
scanner stops scanning fingerprint. This usually happens
when a finger is removed from a scanner for longer than
timeout milliseconds.
out NffvStatus status The verification status value indicated by one of the value
enumerated in NffvStatus [ 780].

This function returns a matching score.

This C# sample code demonstrates how to verify two fingerprints.
Nffv engine;

//An internal class that saves the verification result

internal class VerificationResult
public NffvStatus engineStatus;
public int score;

public void doVerify(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs args)

VerificationResult verificationResult = new VerificationResult();
verificationResult.score = engine.Verify((NffvUser)args.Argument, 20000, out 9
args.Result = verificationResult;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Ffv Namespace

Note that it isn't a complete code that can be used in your application.

For a complete code see the C# Sample application. Nffv Properties Nffv.MatchingThreshold Property

Gets or sets the minimum similarity value that verification method uses to determine whether the fingerprint matches.

public int MatchingThreshold;
Property value
The minimum similarity value that verification function accept for the same finger fingerprints. The default value is 0.01 %. Nffv.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; Nffv.NffvStatusNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the FFV status.

public static NType NffvStatusNativeType; Nffv.QualityThreshold Property

Gets or sets image quality threshold.

public byte QualityThreshold;
Property value
The fingerprint quality threshold. The value should be in range [0, 255]. The default value is 100. Nffv.Users Property

Gets or sets the users of the application.

public UserCollection Users; NffvUser Class

Provides methods and properties for working with users.

public sealed class NffvUser : NObject;
File: NffvUser.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Ffv [ 769]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Ffv Namespace

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Ffv Namespace

GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
object. 9
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Ffv Namespace

ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.

ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

NffvUser Class

Name Description
GetImage [ 779] Gets a user's fingerprint image which was enrolled to a database.
GetOriginalImage [ 779] Gets original user's fingerprint image which was enrolled to a database.
GetRecord [ 779] Gets record of user fingerprint enrolled to database.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

NffvUser Class

Name Description
Id [ 779] Gets user Id.
NativeType [ 779] Defines the native type of the object.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object. 9
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Ffv Namespace

SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.

SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. NffvUser Methods NffvUser.GetImage Method

Gets a user's fingerprint image which was enrolled to a database.

public NImage GetImage();
NImage [ 1831] containing user fingerprint. NffvUser.GetOriginalImage Method

Gets original user's fingerprint image which was enrolled to a database.

public NImage GetOriginalImage();
NImage [ 1831] containing user fingerprint. NffvUser.GetRecord Method

Gets record of user fingerprint enrolled to database.

public NFRecord GetRecord();
User fingerprint record (NFRecord [ 537]). NffvUser Properties NffvUser.Id Property

Gets user Id.

public int Id;
Property value
User Id. NffvUser.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; Structs, Records, Enums


9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Gui Namespace Neurotec.Biometrics.Ffv.NffvStatus Enumeration

Enumerates enrollment or verification status values.

public enum NffvStatus {
None = 0,
TemplateCreated = 1,
NoScanner = 2,
ScannerTimeout = 3,
UserCanceled = 4,
QualityCheckFailed = 100
File: Nffv.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Ffv [ 769]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
None = 0 Indicates that no status is defined.
TemplateCreated = 1 Indicates that the fingerprint template was created.
NoScanner = 2 Indicates that there is no fingerprint scanner connected.
ScannerTimeout = 3 Indicates that the fingerprint scanner has reached the
UserCanceled = 4 Indicates that a user has canceled a fingerprint scanning.
QualityCheckFailed = 100 Indicates that the Free Fingerprint Verification SDK had
failed to check the quality of a fingerprint.

9.1.6 Neurotec.Biometrics.Gui Namespace

Contains classes and methods that provide the Gui functionality for Biometrics [ 418].


Name Description
NFingerView [ 780] Provides functionality for managing fingerprint scans and templates.

.NET Reference [ 218]

Structs, Records, Enums

Name Description
QualityVisualStyle [ 786] Provides option enumeration for the shown NfiqQuality [ 731]. Classes NFingerView Class 9

Provides functionality for managing fingerprint scans and templates.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Gui Namespace

public class NFingerView : NFingerViewBase;
File: NFingerView.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Gui [ 780]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

NFingerView Classes

Name Description
PointerTool [ 782] Provides tools for pointer management.
SegmentManipulationTool [ 782] Provides tools for segment manipulation

NFingerView Events

Name Description
HoveredDoubleCoreIndexChanged Handler for event which occurs when index of the hovered double core
[ 785] has been changed.
ResultImageColorChanged [ 785] Handler for event which occurs when result image color has been
SelectedDoubleCoreIndexChanged Handler for event which occurs when index of the selected double core
[ 786] has been changed.

NFingerView Methods

Name Description
GetDoubleCoreAtScreenPoint [ 783] Gets the double core index at the specified point.

OnHoveredDoubleCoreIndexChanged Occurs when index of the hovered double core has been changed.
[ 783]
OnResultImageColorChanged [ 783] Occurs when result image color has been changed.
OnSelectedDoubleCoreIndexChanged Occurs when index of the selected double core has been changed.
[ 783]

NFingerView Properties

Name Description
BoundingRectColor [ 783] Gets or sets the finger bounding rectangle color
Finger [ 784] Gets or sets the displayed finger.
QualityVisualStyle [ 784] Gets or sets how NfiqQuality [ 731] is shown
ResultImageColor [ 784] Gets or sets the result image color.
SelectedCoreIndex [ 784] Gets or sets the index of the selected core.
SelectedDeltaIndex [ 784] Gets or sets the index of the selected delta.
SelectedDoubleCoreIndex [ 785] Gets or sets the index of the selected double core.
SelectedMinutiaIndex [ 785] Gets or sets the index of the selected minutia.
ShowPatternClassConfidence Gets or sets whether to show pattern class confidence
[ 785]
ShowWrongHandWarning [ 785] Gets or sets whether to show warning about finger from possibly wrong
ShownImage [ 785] Gets or sets the shown image property. NFingerView Classes NFingerView.PointerTool Class 9

Provides tools for pointer management.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Gui Namespace

public new class PointerTool : NFingerViewBase.PointerTool;
File: NFingerView.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Gui [ 780]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

PointerTool Methods

Name Description
OnMouseDown [ 782] Occurs when the mouse button is pressed down.
OnMouseMove [ 782] Occurs when the mouse cursor has been moved. PointerTool Methods NFingerView.PointerTool.OnMouseDown Method

Occurs when the mouse button is pressed down.

public override bool OnMouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e);

Parameters Description
object sender
MouseEventArgs e An object that contains no event data.

NTrue, if the mouse button is down; else NFalse. NFingerView.PointerTool.OnMouseMove Method

Occurs when the mouse cursor has been moved.

public override void OnMouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e);

Parameters Description
object sender
MouseEventArgs e An object that contains no event data. NFingerView.SegmentManipulationTool Class

Provides tools for segment manipulation

public class SegmentManipulationTool : NFingerViewBase.Tool;
File: NFingerView.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Gui [ 780]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] 9 NFingerView Methods

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Gui Namespace NFingerView.GetDoubleCoreAtScreenPoint Method

Gets the double core index at the specified point.

public int GetDoubleCoreAtScreenPoint(int x, int y);

Parameters Description
int x X-coordinate of the point.
int y Y-coordinate of the point.

Index of the double core. NFingerView.OnHoveredDoubleCoreIndexChanged Method

Occurs when index of the hovered double core has been changed.

public void OnHoveredDoubleCoreIndexChanged(EventArgs e);

Parameters Description
EventArgs e An object that contains no event data. NFingerView.OnResultImageColorChanged Method

Occurs when result image color has been changed.

public virtual void OnResultImageColorChanged(EventArgs e);

Parameters Description
EventArgs e An object that contains no event data. NFingerView.OnSelectedDoubleCoreIndexChanged Method

Occurs when index of the selected double core has been changed.

public virtual void OnSelectedDoubleCoreIndexChanged(EventArgs e);

Parameters Description
EventArgs e An object that contains no event data. NFingerView Properties NFingerView.BoundingRectColor Property

Gets or sets the finger bounding rectangle color

public Color BoundingRectColor; 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Gui Namespace

Property value
Color of result image. NFingerView.Finger Property

Gets or sets the displayed finger.

[Category("Behavior"), DefaultValue((string)null)]
public new NFrictionRidge Finger;
Property value
The displayed finger. NFingerView.QualityVisualStyle Property

Gets or sets how NfiqQuality [ 731] is shown

[Category("Appearance"), DefaultValue(QualityVisualStyle.Stars)]
public QualityVisualStyle QualityVisualStyle; NFingerView.ResultImageColor Property

Gets or sets the result image color.

public Color ResultImageColor;
Property value
Color of result image. NFingerView.SelectedCoreIndex Property

Gets or sets the index of the selected core.

[Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
public override int SelectedCoreIndex;
Property value
The index of the selected core. NFingerView.SelectedDeltaIndex Property

Gets or sets the index of the selected delta.

[Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
public override int SelectedDeltaIndex;
Property value
The index of the selected delta. NFingerView.SelectedDoubleCoreIndex Property

Gets or sets the index of the selected double core.

[Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Gui Namespace

public int SelectedDoubleCoreIndex; NFingerView.SelectedMinutiaIndex Property

Gets or sets the index of the selected minutia.

[Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
public override int SelectedMinutiaIndex;
Property value
The index of the selected minutia. NFingerView.ShowPatternClassConfidence Property

Gets or sets whether to show pattern class confidence

[Category("Appearance"), DefaultValue(false)]
public bool ShowPatternClassConfidence; NFingerView.ShowWrongHandWarning Property

Gets or sets whether to show warning about finger from possibly wrong hand

[Category("Appearance"), DefaultValue(true)]
public bool ShowWrongHandWarning; NFingerView.ShownImage Property

Gets or sets the shown image property.

[Category("Appearance"), DefaultValue(ShownImage.Original)]
public override ShownImage ShownImage;
Property value
The shown image property. NFingerView Events NFingerView.HoveredDoubleCoreIndexChanged Event

Handler for event which occurs when index of the hovered double core has been changed.

public event EventHandler HoveredDoubleCoreIndexChanged; NFingerView.ResultImageColorChanged Event

Handler for event which occurs when result image color has been changed.

public event EventHandler ResultImageColorChanged; NFingerView.SelectedDoubleCoreIndexChanged Event

Handler for event which occurs when index of the selected double core has been changed.

public event EventHandler SelectedDoubleCoreIndexChanged; 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards Structs, Records, Enums Neurotec.Biometrics.Gui.QualityVisualStyle Enumeration

Provides option enumeration for the shown NfiqQuality [ 731].

public enum QualityVisualStyle {
None = 0,
Text = 1,
Stars = 2
File: NFingerView.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Gui [ 780]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
None = 0 Quality is not shown
Text = 1 Quality is represented by text
Stars = 2 Quality is represented by stars

9.1.7 Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards Namespace

This namespace contains classes of supported biometric standards.


Name Description
ANAcquisitionSource [ 793] This structure defines acquisition source.
ANAgencyNames [ 795] Represents agency names.
ANAnnotation [ 796] Defines annotaton information.
ANApplicationProfile [ 797] Represents application profile specification.
ANAsciiBinaryRecord [ 799] Contains functionality for work with ASCII-binary ANSI/NIST file records.
ANAsciiRecord [ 820] Provides basic functionality for ANType1Record [ 1174],
ANType2Record [ 1234] and ANType9Record [ 1308] logical records.
ANBinaryRecord [ 825] Provides basic functionality for ANImageBinaryRecord [ 916] and
ANType8Record [ 1283] logical records
ANCharset [ 830] Represents characters sets.
ANCheiloscopicData [ 831] Describes suspected patterned injury.
ANDentalVisualData [ 835] Describes suspected patterned injury.
ANDistortion [ 836] Describes image distortion.
ANDomain [ 837] Represents domain.
ANFAlternateSegment [ 838] Defines alternate approach to describing the locations for each of the
image segments of the individual fingers.
ANFAmputation [ 839] Defines amputated or injured finger/hand.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ANFCore [ 841] Core position (CRP) value. Contains the X [ 841] and Y [ 842]
coordinate position of the core of a fingerprint. The X [ 841] and Y
[ 842] values shall be coded as a single 8-digit integer number
comprised of the 4-digit X [ 841]-coordinate concatenated with the
4-digit Y [ 842]-coordinate using a format of XXXXYYYY.
ANFDelta [ 842] Delta(s) position (DLT) value. Contain the X [ 843] and Y [ 843]
positional coordinates of each delta that is present on the fingerprint. The
X [ 843] and Y [ 843] values shall be recorded in the same manner as
was done for the core position coordinates.
ANFImageBinaryRecord [ 843] Provides basic functionality for ANType3Record [ 1241],
ANType4Record [ 1249], ANType5Record [ 1260] and ANType6Record
[ 1268] logical records.
ANFPImageAsciiBinaryRecord Provides basic functionality for ANType13Record [ 1072],
[ 850] ANFPImageAsciiBinaryRecord and ANType15Record [ 1113] logical
ANFPMinutia [ 866] Represents fingerprint minutia values.
ANFPQualityMetric [ 870] Describes NIST Fingerprint Image Quality (NFIQ) scores.
ANFPatternClass [ 872] Defines fingerprint pattern classification.
ANFPositionDescriptor [ 873] Describes search position descriptors.
ANFPrintPosition [ 874] Describes print position coordinates.
ANFSegment [ 877] Defines image segments containing individual fingers.
ANFaceImageBoundingBox [ 879] Describes a face image bounding box coordinates in full image.
ANField [ 880] Provides functionality for managing fields.
ANFileFormat [ 889] This structure defines file format.
ANGeographicLocation [ 890] This structure defines geographic sample acquisition location to specify
location where biometric sample was collected.
ANHairColor [ 894] Describes a general hair color and baldness information.
ANImage [ 895] Provides basic functionality for ANImageBinaryRecord [ 916] and
ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord [ 896] logical records.
ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord [ 896] Provides basic functionality for ANType10Record [ 1025],
ANType16Record [ 1130], ANType17Record [ 1146] and
ANFPImageAsciiBinaryRecord [ 850] logical records.
ANImageBinaryRecord [ 916] Provides basic functionality for ANFImageBinaryRecord [ 843] and
ANType8Record [ 1283] logical records
ANImageSourceType [ 924] Type of the image source.
ANIrisImageProperties [ 925] Defines iris image image properties. Properties consists of horizontal
orientation, vertical orientation and scan type.
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927] Provides functionality for managing make, model and serial number
values of the device.
ANMedicalDevice [ 928] This structure definesmedical device structure.
ANNistQualityMetric [ 930] Represents NIST Fingerprint Image Quality (NFIQ) scores.
ANOcclusion [ 931] Occlusion.
ANOfrs [ 932] Originating fingerprint reading system.
ANPatternedInjury [ 933] Describes suspected patterned injury.
ANPenVector [ 935] Specifies a list of vectors describing the pen position and pen pressure of
line segments within the signature.
ANPoseAngles [ 936] Image pose angles.
ANQualityMetric [ 938] This structure defines quality score metric.
ANRecord [ 939] Provides functionality for working with logical records of the ANTemplate
[ 980].
ANRecordType [ 953] Provides functionality for retrieving types and values from logical records.
ANResolutionMethod [ 963] Describes resolution method.
ANRuler [ 965] Ruler or scale.
ANSegment [ 967] This structure defines image segments for Type-20 and Type-21 records.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ANSmt [ 968] Describes a general location of the captured scar, mark, tattoo, or other
characteristic (including piercings) in the image.
ANSourceContextRepresentation This structure defines source represantation/associated context, defining
[ 970] sample records links to source represantation record Type-20 or
associated context record Type-21.
ANSpectrum [ 971] Defines specified spectrum with set lower and upper spectrum bounds.
This property is uset when acquisition spectrum is set as 'Defined'.
ANSubField [ 973] Provides functionality for managing subfields.
ANSubjectCondition [ 979] This structure defines subject's condition structure.
ANTemplate [ 980] Provides functionality for working with
Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.ANRecord [ 939] and
Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.ANTemplate as it is described in
ANSI/NIST-ITL standards.
ANTimeIndex [ 1023] This structure defines time index containing the start and end times of
segments within a video or audio file for Type-20 and Type-21 records.
ANType10Record [ 1025] Provides functions for working with Type-10 Facial & SMT image record.
Type-10 tagged-field image records are used to exchange facial and
image data from scars, marks, and tattoos (SMT) together with textual
information pertinent to the digitized image. The source of the image data
is the image captured from scanning a photograph, a live image captured
with a digital camera, or a digitized "freeze-frame" from a video camera.
ANType13Record [ 1072] Provides functions for working with Variable-resolution latent image
ANType14Record [ 1090] Provides functions for working with Variable-resolution fingerprint image
ANType15Record [ 1113] Provides functionality for working with variable-resolution palmprint image
ANType16Record [ 1130] Provides functionality for User-defined variable-resolution testing image
ANType17Record [ 1146] Provides functionality for managing iris image record.
ANType1Record [ 1174] ... more [ 1174]
ANType20Record [ 1195] Provides functionality for working with source representation record.
Type-20 records are used to contain images/video file or other signal
from which other Record Types are derived. One Type-20 record may be
used to derive one or more representations in other biometric records.
One of the Type-20 record examples may be group photo from which
subject's face is segment and image is stored in Type-10 record.
ANType21Record [ 1218] Provides functionality for working with associated context record.
Type-21 is meant to use for contextual information. This record do NOT
contain information, used to derive biometric information contained in
other records. One of the Type-21 record examples may be the image
where latent fingerprints were captured.
ANType2Record [ 1234] Contain user-defined textual fields providing identification and descriptive
information associated with the subject of the transaction. Data [ 951]
contained in this record conforms in format and content to the
specifications of the domain name as listed in Domain Name field found
in the Type-1 record..
ANType3Record [ 1241] Provides functions and fields for managing low-resolution grayscale
fingerprint image. Note. This record is deprecated since version 5.0
(ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011).
ANType4Record [ 1249] Provides functions and methods for managing High-resolution grayscale
fingerprint images.
ANType5Record [ 1260] Provides functions and methods for managing Low-resolution binary
fingerprint images. Note. This record is deprecated since V5.0 version
(ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011).
ANType6Record [ 1268] Provides functions and methods for managing High-resolution binary 9
fingerprint image. Note. This record is deprecated since version 5.0
(ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011).

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ANType7Record [ 1277] Provides functionality for managing User-defined image record.

ANType8Record [ 1283] Provides functions for working with signature image record.
ANType99Record [ 1295] Provides functionality for working with CBEFF biometric data record.
ANType9Record [ 1308] Provides functions for working with Minutiae [ 1335] data record.
ANUlwAnnotation [ 1338] Defines universal latent workstation annotation information.
BdifCaptureDateTime [ 1339] Provides properties for getting and setting capture date and time.
BdifCertificationBlock [ 1342] Provides properties for getting and setting certification block.
BdifConformanceTest [ 1344] This structure defines conformance test.
BdifFPAnnotation [ 1346] Provides properties for getting and setting fingerprint annotation.
BdifFPExtendedData [ 1348] Provides properties for getting and setting fingerprint extended data.
BdifFPMinutiaNeighbor [ 1349] Provides properties for getting and setting fingerprint minutia neighbor.
BdifFaceFeaturePoint [ 1351] Provides properties for getting and setting face feature point.
BdifQualityBlock [ 1354] Provides properties for getting and setting quality block.
BdifTypes [ 1356] Contains types and enumerations for biometric data interchange.
CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers [ 1365] Specifies CBEFF Biometric Data Block (BDB) Format identifiers
registered with International Biometric Industry Association (IBIA).
CbeffBiometricOrganizations Specifies CBEFF biometric organizations identifiers registered with
[ 1384] International Biometric Industry Association (IBIA).
CbeffPatronFormatIdentifiers Specifies CBEFF Patron Format identifiers registered with International
[ 1399] Biometric Industry Association (IBIA).
CbeffRecord [ 1402] Contains functionality for managing CBEFF records by ANSI INCITS
398-2008, ISO/IEC 19785 1:2006 with Amd. 1:2010, ISO/IEC
19785-3:2007 with Amd. 1:2010 and ISO/IEC 19785-3:2015 standards.
CbeffSBFormatIdentifiers [ 1424] Specifies CBEFF Security Block (SB) Format identifiers registered with
International Biometric Industry Association (IBIA).
FCRecord [ 1425] Contains functionality for managing face records by ANSI INCITS
385-2004, ISO/IEC 19794-5:2005 and ISO/IEC 19794-5:2011 standards.
For ISO/IEC 19794-5:2011 standard only 2D face images are supported.
FIRecord [ 1437] Provides functionality for managing FIRecord objects.
FMCRecord [ 1451] Provides functionality for loading, editing, saving and converting ISO/IEC
19794-2:2005 and ISO/IEC 19794-2:2011 card format standard
templates (FMCRecords) to and/or from Neurotechnology Finger
Records (NFRecords).
FMRecord [ 1467] Provides functionality for loading, editing, saving and converting ANSI
INCITS 378-2004, ISO/IEC 19794-2:2005 and ISO/IEC 19794-2:2011
record format standard templates (FMRecords) to and/or from
Neurotechnology Fingers Templates (NFTemplates) and
Neurotechnology Templates (NTemplates).
FcrFaceImage [ 1482] Face image by ANSI INCITS 385-2004, ISO/IEC 19794-5:2005
FirFingerView [ 1498] Class for working with the FirFingerView objects.
FirFingerViewSegment [ 1512] Class for working with the finger segment objects for FirFingerView
[ 1498] object.
FmcrBdtTags [ 1516] Provides constants for ISO/IEC 7816-11:2004 Biometric data template.
FmrCore [ 1518] Core structure of ANSI/INCIST 378 2004 standard template.
FmrDelta [ 1521] Delta structure of ANSI/INCIST 378 2004 standard template.
FmrFingerView [ 1527] Provides functionality for editing and converting ANSI INCITS 378-2004
and ISO/ IEC 19794-2:2005 record format standard templates finger
views (FmrFingerViews) to Neurotechnology Finger Records
FmrMinutia [ 1540] Minutiae structure of ANSI/INCIST 378 2004 standard template.
IIRecord [ 1545] Contains functions for managing iris records.
IirIrisImage [ 1559] Provides methods and properties for managing iris images.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

.NET Reference [ 218]

Structs, Records, Enums

Name Description
ANAcquisitionSourceType [ 1570] Enumerates acquisition source types.
ANBinaryImageCompressionAlgorithm Describes binary image compression algorithms.
[ 1572]
ANBiometricType [ 1572] Defines the type of biometric technology.
ANBoundaryCode [ 1573] This enumeration defines type of boundary defining a region in image.
ANCheiloscopicCharacterizationCode Enumerates cheiloscopic characterization codes.
[ 1574]
ANColor [ 1575] Enumerates color code values used in the ANTemplate [ 980].
ANCountryCodeSet [ 1575] Enumerates country sets.
ANDamagedEye [ 1576] Defines missing or damaged eyes.
ANDentalImageCode [ 1576] Enumerates dental image view codes.
ANDeviceMonitoringMode [ 1579] This enumeration contain information describing the level of human
monitoring for the image capture device. Table "Device monitoring
modes" describes each enumeration value.
ANDistortionCode [ 1579] Enumerates distortion codes.
ANDistortionMeasurementCode Enumerates distortion measurement codes.
[ 1580]
ANDistortionSeverityCode [ 1580] Enumerates distortion severity codes.
ANEncodingType [ 1581] Defines the encoding format used for ANTemplate [ 980].
ANFAmputationType [ 1581] Defines injured finger status: amputated or bandaged.
ANFMajorCase [ 1581] Describes the portion of the EJI or tip image in the database to search.
ANFPMinutiaeMethod [ 1582] Represents the method by which the minutiae data was read,
encoded, and recorded.
The following codes has been used:
0 - if coding method was not specified;
1- if the data was automatically read, encoded, and recorded without
any possibility of human
2 - if human editing was possible but unneeded;
3 - if the data was automatically read but manually edited before
encoding and recording;
4 - if the data was manually read.
ANFRCaptureTechnology [ 1583] Describes friction ridge capture technology.
ANFacePosition [ 1585] Enumerates face bounding box head position codes.
ANFeatureContourCode [ 1585] Enumerates feature points that shall be be contained in Type-10
record's 2D facial feature points field, referenced by field number
ANGeographicCoordinateSystem Enumerates geographic coordinate systems.
[ 1586]
ANImageColorSpace [ 1587] Describes color space of the image.
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm Describes image compression algorithms.
[ 1588]
ANImageType [ 1588] Enumerates code values which indicate type of image in the Type-10
Facial & SMT image record.
ANIrisAcquisitionLightingSpectrum Defines the lighting spectrum used in capturing the iris image.
[ 1590]
ANLPContactLine [ 1590] Enumerates lip contact line descriptors of the two lips. 9
ANLPMedium [ 1591] Enumerates lip print medium codes.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ANLPSurface [ 1591] Enumerates lip print surface codes.

ANLightingArtifact [ 1592] Enumerates lighting artifacts in the image.
ANLipPathology [ 1592] Enumerates lip pathologies and peculiarities.
ANMeasurementUnits [ 1593] This enumeration defines units of measurement.
ANOcclusionOpacity [ 1594] This enumeration defines occlusion opacity.
ANOcclusionType [ 1594] This enumeration defines type of occlusion.
ANRecordDataType [ 1595] Defines the type of record contained in ANTemplate [ 980]. Record
types can be one of the following: Binary, AsciiBinary, and Ascii.
ANResolutionDetermination [ 1595] Enumerates code values which indicate type of image in the Type-10
Facial & SMT image record.
ANSignatureRepresentationType Represents Signature representation type (SRT).
[ 1596]
ANSignatureType [ 1596] Represents signature type values.
ANSmtSource [ 1597] Enumerates SMT descriptor code values.
ANSrnCardinality [ 1597] Enumerates srn cardinality.
ANSubjectBodyClassCode [ 1598] Enumerates subject body class codes.
ANSubjectBodyStatusCode [ 1598] Enumerates subject body status codes.
ANSubjectPose [ 1599] Enumerates subject pose code values.
ANSubjectStatusCode [ 1599] Enumerates subject status codes.
ANTattooClass [ 1600] Enumerates tattoo class code values.
ANTattooSubclass [ 1600] Enumerates tattoo subclasses code values.
ANTieredMarkupCollection [ 1603] Enumerates feature points that shall be be contained in Type-10
record's 2D facial feature points field, referenced by field number
ANValidationLevel [ 1604] Defines validation level of ANTemplate [ 980]/ANRecord [ 939]
according to ANTemplate [ 980] standard versions.
BdifCertificationSchemeId [ 1605] Identifiers for certification schemes.
BdifConformanceTestLevel [ 1605] Enumeratesconformance test levels.
BdifConformanceTestResult [ 1606] Enumerates conformance test' results.
BdifEncodingType [ 1606] Defines the encoding format.
BdifEyeColor [ 1606] Enumerates eye color constants.
BdifEyePosition [ 1607] Enumerates eye position constants.
BdifFPAnnotationCode [ 1608] Enumerates fingerprint annotations code constants.
BdifFPCaptureDeviceTechnology Enumerates fingerprint capture device technology.
[ 1608]
BdifFPExtendedDataTypeId [ 1609] Enumerates fingerprint extended data types.
BdifFPImpressionType [ 1610] Enumerates fingerprint impression type constants.
BdifFPMinutiaRidgeEndingType Enumerates minutiae ridge ending type constants.
[ 1611]
BdifFPMinutiaType [ 1612] Enumerates fingerprint minutia type constants.
BdifFPPosition [ 1612] Enumerates fingerprint position constants.
BdifFPSegmentationStatus [ 1615] Enumerates fingerprint segmentation status constants.
BdifFPatternClass [ 1616] Enumerates fingerprint pattern class constants.
BdifFaceExpression [ 1617] Enumerates facial feature constants.
BdifFaceExpressionBitMask [ 1617] Enumerates facial feature bit mask.
BdifFaceFeaturePointType [ 1618] Enumerates face feature point type constants.
BdifFacePostAcquisitionProcessing Enumerates face post-acquisition processing.
[ 1619]
BdifFaceProperties [ 1620] Enumerates basic face properties constants
BdifFaceSpatialSamplingRateLevel Enumerates face spacial sampling rate levels. 9
[ 1621]

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

BdifFaceTemporalSemantics [ 1621] Enumerates face spacial temporal semantics.

BdifGender [ 1622] Enumerates gender constants.
BdifHairColor [ 1622] Enumerates hair color constants.
BdifImageSourceType [ 1623] Enumerates image source type constants
BdifIrisImageFormat [ 1624] Enumerates Bdif iris image format.
BdifIrisOrientation [ 1625] Enumerates Bdif Iris orientation values.
BdifIrisScanType [ 1625] Enumerates Bdif scan type values.
BdifScaleUnits [ 1626] Enumerates scale unit constants.
BdifStandard [ 1626] Enumerates standard constants.
FcrFaceImageType [ 1627] Enumerates face image type constants.
FcrImageColorSpace [ 1627] Enumerates image color space constants.
FcrImageDataType [ 1628] Enumerates image data type constants.
FirImageCompressionAlgorithm Enumerates image compression algorithm constants.
[ 1628]
FmcrFeatureHandling [ 1629] Specifies additional fingerprint features that are supported by the card.
FmcrMinutiaFormat [ 1629] Enumerates minutiae encoding format values.
FmcrMinutiaOrder [ 1630] Specifies minutia ordering required by the card.
FmrCaptureEquipmentCompliance Enumerates capture equipment compliance values.
[ 1630]
IirCaptureDeviceTechnology [ 1631] Enumerates iris image capture device technology.
IirImageFormat [ 1631] Enumerates iris image format option values.
IirImageKind [ 1632] Enumerates iris image kind.
IirImageTransformation [ 1632] Enumerates iris image transformation option values.
IirIrisBoundary [ 1633] Enumerates iris boundary option values.
IirIrisOcclusionFilling [ 1633] Enumerates iris occlusion filling option values.
IirIrisOcclusions [ 1634] Enumerates iris occlusion option values.
IirPreviousCompression [ 1634] Enumerates iris image previous compression. Classes ANAcquisitionSource Structure

This structure defines acquisition source.

public struct ANAcquisitionSource {
File: ANType20Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Name Description
ANAcquisitionSource [ 794] Initializes new instance of ANAcquisitionSource structure.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ANAcquisitionSource Properties

Name Description
AcquisitionSourceType [ 794] Gets or sets acquisition source type.
AnalogToDigital [ 794] Gets or sets the analog to digital conversion. It is mandatory if the
acquisition source is analog, and the data is stored in digital format.
NativeType [ 794] Defines the native type of the object.
RadioTransmissionFormat [ 794] Gets or sets radio transmission format description. It is mandatory if
acquisition source type is "RadioTransmissionShortWave" or
SpecialCharacteristics [ 795] Gets or sets acquisition special characteristics. ANAcquisitionSource.ANAcquisitionSource Constructor

Initializes new instance of ANAcquisitionSource structure.

public ANAcquisitionSource(ANAcquisitionSourceType acquisitionSourceType, string
analogToDigital, string radioTransmissionFormat, string specialCharacteristics);

Parameters Description
ANAcquisitionSourceType acquisitionSourceType Acquisition source type as enum value.
string analogToDigital Analog to digital conversion, required when acquisition
source type is analog, and the data is stored in digital format.
string radioTransmissionFormat Radio transmission format description, required when
acquisition source type is "RadioTransmissionShortWave" or
string specialCharacteristics Acquisition special characteristics for description of any
specific conditions not mentioned in the table. ANAcquisitionSource Properties ANAcquisitionSource.AcquisitionSourceType Property

Gets or sets acquisition source type.

public ANAcquisitionSourceType AcquisitionSourceType;
Property value
Acquisition source type. ANAcquisitionSource.AnalogToDigital Property

Gets or sets the analog to digital conversion. It is mandatory if the acquisition source is analog, and the data is stored in digital

public string AnalogToDigital;
Property value
Analog to digital conversion,dewscribing quipment used to transform the source. ANAcquisitionSource.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public static NType NativeType; ANAcquisitionSource.RadioTransmissionFormat Property

Gets or sets radio transmission format description. It is mandatory if acquisition source type is "RadioTransmissionShortWave"
or "RadioTransmissionAmateurRadio".

public string RadioTransmissionFormat;
Property value
Radio transmission format description as string value. ANAcquisitionSource.SpecialCharacteristics Property

Gets or sets acquisition special characteristics.

public string SpecialCharacteristics;
Property value
Acquisition special characteristics for description of any specific conditions not mentioned in the table. ANAgencyNames Structure

Represents agency names.

public struct ANAgencyNames {
File: ANType1Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Name Description
ANAgencyNames [ 795] Initializes new instance of ANAgencyNames structure.

ANAgencyNames Properties

Name Description
DestinationAgency [ 795] Gets or sets destination agency name.
NativeType [ 796] Defines the native type of the object.
OriginatingAgency [ 796] Gets or sets originating agency name. ANAgencyNames.ANAgencyNames Constructor

Initializes new instance of ANAgencyNames structure.

public ANAgencyNames(string destinationAgency, string originatingAgency);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards


Parameters Description
string destinationAgency destination agency name.
string originatingAgency originating agency name. ANAgencyNames Properties ANAgencyNames.DestinationAgency Property

Gets or sets destination agency name.

public string DestinationAgency;
Property value
String containing destination agency name. ANAgencyNames.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; ANAgencyNames.OriginatingAgency Property

Gets or sets originating agency name.

public string OriginatingAgency;
Property value
String containing originating agency name. ANAnnotation Structure

Defines annotaton information.

public struct ANAnnotation {
File: ANRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Name Description
ANAnnotation [ 796] Initializes a new instance of ANAnnotation structure.

ANAnnotation Properties

Name Description
AlgorithmOwner [ 797] Gets or sets the algorithm owner of the system. 9
Gmt [ 797] Gets or sets the UTC time when the proccesing occured.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

NativeType [ 797] Defines the native type of the object.

ProcessDescription [ 797] Gets or sets the process description of the system.
ProcessingAlgorithmName [ 797] Gets or sets the processing algorithm name of the system. ANAnnotation.ANAnnotation Constructor

Initializes a new instance of ANAnnotation structure.

public ANAnnotation(DateTime gmt, string processingAlgorithmName, string algorithmOwner,
string processDescription);

Parameters Description
DateTime gmt UTC time when the proccesing occured.
string processingAlgorithmName Processing algorithm name of the system.
string algorithmOwner Algorithm owner of the system.
string processDescription Process description of the system. ANAnnotation Properties ANAnnotation.AlgorithmOwner Property

Gets or sets the algorithm owner of the system.

public string AlgorithmOwner; ANAnnotation.Gmt Property

Gets or sets the UTC time when the proccesing occured.

public DateTime Gmt; ANAnnotation.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; ANAnnotation.ProcessDescription Property

Gets or sets the process description of the system.

public string ProcessDescription; ANAnnotation.ProcessingAlgorithmName Property

Gets or sets the processing algorithm name of the system.

public string ProcessingAlgorithmName; ANApplicationProfile Structure

Represents application profile specification. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public struct ANApplicationProfile {
File: ANType1Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Name Description
ANApplicationProfile [ 798] Initializes new instance of ANApplicationProfile structure.

ANApplicationProfile Properties

Name Description
NativeType [ 798] Defines the native type of the object.
Organization [ 798] Gets or sets application profile organization.
ProfileName [ 798] Gets or sets application profile name.
Version [ 798] Gets or sets application profile version number. ANApplicationProfile.ANApplicationProfile Constructor

Initializes new instance of ANApplicationProfile structure.

public ANApplicationProfile(string organization, string profileName, string version);

Parameters Description
string organization application profile organization.
string profileName application profile name.
string version application profile version number. ANApplicationProfile Properties ANApplicationProfile.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; ANApplicationProfile.Organization Property

Gets or sets application profile organization.

public string Organization;
Property value
String containing application profile organization. ANApplicationProfile.ProfileName Property 9

Gets or sets application profile name.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public string ProfileName;
Property value
String containing application profile name. ANApplicationProfile.Version Property

Gets or sets application profile version number.

public string Version;
Property value
String containing application profile version number. ANAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Contains functionality for work with ASCII-binary ANSI/NIST file records.

public class ANAsciiBinaryRecord : ANRecord;
File: ANAsciiBinaryRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

ANRecord Classes
ANRecord Class

Name Description
ConformanceTestResultCollection Represent collection of conformance test results in ANRecord [ 939].
[ 945]
FieldCollection [ 945] Represent collection of fields in record.

ANAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
AnnotationCollection [ 807] Represent collection of annotations.
AssociatedContextCollection [ 808] Represent collection of associated contexts.
SourceRepresentationCollection Represent collection of associated contexts.
[ 808]

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref
count. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ANRecord Class

Name Description
FieldData [ 949] Defines Image data (DATA) contained in logical record.
FieldIdc [ 949] This field is identifies the user-defined text information
contained in the record. The IDC (image designation
character) contained in field shall be the IDC of the
Type-2 logical record as found in the file content (CNT)
field of the Type-1 record.
FieldLen [ 949] Describes total count of the number of bytes in logical
FlagMergeDuplicateFields [ 949] Defines whether the duplicate fields should be merged.
FlagRecoverFromBinaryData [ 949]
MaxAnnotationProcessDescriptionLengthV50 [ 949] Defines minimum length of process description for
ANAnnotation [ 796] for version 5.0.
MaxAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmNameLengthV50 Defines maximum length of processing algorithm name
[ 949] for ANAnnotation [ 796] for version 5.0.
MaxAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwnerLength Defines maximum length of processing algorithm owner
[ 949] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
MaxFieldNumber [ 949] Defines maximal number of fields in logical record.
MaxIdc [ 950] Defines maximum value that image designation
character (IDC) can obtain.
MaxIdcV5 [ 950] Defines maximum value that image designation
character (IDC) can obtain for version 5.0 and above.
MaxMakeLength [ 950] Defines maximum make length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MaxModelLength [ 950] Defines maximum model length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MaxSerialNumberLength [ 950] Defines maximum serial number length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MinAnnotationProcessDescriptionLength [ 950] Defines minimum length of process description for
ANAnnotation [ 796].
MinAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmNameLength Defines minimum length of processing algorithm name
[ 950] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
MinAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwnerLength Defines minimum length of processing algorithm owner
[ 950] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
UnknownAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwner Defines unknown processing algorithm owner for
[ 950] ANAnnotation [ 796].

ANAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
FieldAnn [ 809] Defines ANN field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the annotations, presenting operations
performed on the original source.
FieldAsc [ 809] Defines ASC field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the associated context to one or more
Record(s) Type-21.
FieldCon [ 809] Defines CON field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the capture organization name.
FieldDat [ 809] Defines DAT field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the date that the transaction was
FieldDui [ 809] Defines DUI field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the device or source of the data.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

FieldEfr [ 809] Defines EFR field number. Field referenced by this

number contains the external file reference if the data is
not contained in Field 999.
FieldGeo [ 809] Defines GEO field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the geographic sample acquisition
location where sample was acquired (not where it is
FieldHas [ 809] Defines HAS field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the hash value of the data in Field 999.
FieldMms [ 809] Defines MMS field number. Field referenced by this
number contains make, model and serial number for the
image capture device.
FieldSan [ 810] Defines SAN field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the source agency name of the agency
referenced in Field 4.
FieldSor [ 810] Defines SOR field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the source representation to a
representation(s) in Record(s) Type-20.
FieldSrc [ 810] Defines SRC field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the administration or organization that
originally captured the latent image contained in the
record. Normally, the Originating Agency Identifier, ORI,
of the agency that captured the image.
FieldSub [ 810] Defines SUB field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the image subject condition.
FieldUdfFrom [ 810] Specifies starting number from which user defined field
FieldUdfTo [ 810] Defines end number of user defined field starts.
FieldUdfToV5 [ 810] Defines end number of user defined field starts for
version 5.0 and above.
GeoDefaultCoordinateSystem [ 810] Defines default geographic coordinate system value for
geodetic datum code of field referenced by FieldGeo
[ 809] field number.
MaxCaptureOrganizationNameLength [ 811] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldCon [ 809] field number.
MaxDecodingInstructionsLength [ 811] Defines maximal decoding instructions value length of
field referenced by FieldSft or FieldAft fields number.
MaxExternalFileReferenceLength [ 811] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldEfr [ 809] field number.
MaxFileTypeLength [ 811] Defines maximal file type value length of field referenced
by FieldSft or FieldAft fields number.
MaxGeoAlternativeCoordSystemIdLength [ 811] Defines maximal alternative geographic coordinate
system identifier value of field referenced by FieldGeo
[ 809] field number.
MaxGeoAlternativeCoordSystemValueLength Defines maximal alternative geographic coordinate
[ 811] system value value of field referenced by FieldGeo
[ 809] field number.
MaxGeoElevation [ 811] Defines maximal elevation value of field referenced by
FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoElevationLength [ 811] Defines maximal elevation value length of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoLatitudeDegree [ 811] Defines maximal latitude degree value of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoLatitudeDegreeLength [ 812] Defines maximal latitude degree value length of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoLongitudeDegree [ 812] Defines maximal longitude degree value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

MaxGeoLongitudeDegreeLength [ 812] Defines maximal longitude degree value length of field

referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoMinute [ 812] Defines maximal latitude/longitude minute value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoMinuteLength [ 812] Defines maximal latitude/longitude minute value length of
field referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoReferenceTextLength [ 812] Defines maximal geographic reference text value length
of field referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoSecond [ 812] Defines maximal latitude/longitude second value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoSecondLength [ 812] Defines maximal latitude/longitude second value length of
field referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoUtmEasting [ 812] Defines maximal UtmEasting value of field referenced by
FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoUtmNorthing [ 812] Defines maximal UtmNorthing value of field referenced by
FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoUtmZoneLength [ 813] Defines maximal UtmZone value length of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeodeticDatumCodeLength [ 813] Defines maximal elevation value length of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxHashLength [ 813] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldHas [ 809] field number.
MaxImageCaptureDateRangeLength [ 813] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldIcdr field number.
MaxQualityMetricScore [ 813] Defines maximal quality score value for record data.
MaxSourceAgencyLength [ 813] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldSrc [ 810] field number.
MaxSourceAgencyLengthV4 [ 813] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldSrc [ 810] field number for version 4.0 and above.
MaxSourceAgencyNameLength [ 813] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldSan [ 810] field number.
MaxSourceContextRepresentationNumber [ 813] Defines maximal number value of field referenced by
FieldSan [ 810] or FieldSor [ 810] field numbers.
MaxSourceContextRepresentationSegmentPosition Defines maximal segment position value of field
[ 814] referenced by FieldAsc [ 809] or FieldSor [ 810] field
MaxTimeIndexCount [ 814] Defines maximal time index count of field referenced by
FieldTix field number.
MaxTimeIndexHour [ 814] Defines maximal time index hour value of field referenced
by FieldTix field number.
MaxTimeIndexLength [ 814] Defines maximal time index value length of field
referenced by FieldTix field number.
MaxTimeIndexMillisecond [ 814] Defines maximal time index millisecond value of field
referenced by FieldTix field number.
MaxTimeIndexMinute [ 814] Defines maximal time index minute value of field
referenced by FieldTix field number.
MaxTimeIndexSecond [ 814] Defines maximal time index second value of field
referenced by FieldTix field number.
MinCaptureOrganizationNameLength [ 814] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldCon [ 809] field number.
MinExternalFileReferenceLength [ 814] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldEfr [ 809] field number.
MinFileTypeLength [ 814] Defines minimal file type value length of field referenced
by FieldSft or FieldAft fields number. 9
MinGeoElevation [ 815] Defines minimal elevation value of field referenced by
FieldGeo [ 809] field number.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

MinGeoLatitudeDegree [ 815] Defines minimal latitude degree value of field referenced

by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeoLongitudeDegree [ 815] Defines minimal longitude degree value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeoMinute [ 815] Defines minimal latitude/longitude minute value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeoSecond [ 815] Defines minimal latitude/longitude second value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeoUtmZoneLength [ 815] Defines minimal UtmZone value length of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeodeticDatumCodeLength [ 815] Defines maximal elevation value length of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinImageCaptureDateRangeLength [ 815] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldIcdr field number.
MinImageCaptureDateRangeLength51 [ 815] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldIcdr field number for version 5.1.
MinSourceAgencyLength [ 816] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldSrc [ 810] field number.
MinSourceAgencyLengthV5 [ 816] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldSrc [ 810] field number for version 5.0 and above.
MinSourceAgencyNameLength [ 816] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldSan [ 810] field number.
MinSourceContextRepresentationNumber [ 816] Defines minimal number value of field referenced by
FieldAsc [ 809] or FieldSor [ 810] field numbers.
MinSourceContextRepresentationSegmentPosition Defines minimal segment position value of field
[ 816] referenced by FieldAsc [ 809] or FieldSor [ 810] field
MinTimeIndexCount [ 816] Defines minimal time index count of field referenced by
FieldTix field number.
QualityMetricScoreFailed [ 816] Defines code when quality assessment algorithm failed to
asses record data quality.
QualityMetricScoreNotAvailable [ 816] Defines code when quality score has not been calculated
or provided for data contained in record object.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
ANRecord [ 944] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class with current version and
unset IDC value.
ANRecord [ 944] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class.
ANRecord [ 945] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class.
ANRecord [ 945] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class with current version and
unset IDC value.

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
BeginUpdate [ 951] Begins ANRecord [ 939] update.
CheckValidity [ 951] Checks ANRecord [ 939] compliance with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1 standard
specified by version.
EndUpdate [ 951] Ends ANRecord [ 939] update.
Validate [ 951] Validates ANRecord [ 939]. ANRecord [ 939] can be validated only if
the ANValidationLevel [ 1604] is Standard.

ANAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description 9
SetMakeModelSerialNumber [ 816] Sets make, model and serial number for the iris capture device.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
ConformanceTestResults [ 951] Gets particular conformance test results from the ANRecord [ 939].
Data [ 951] Gets or sets the the record data.
Fields [ 952] Gets particular fields from the ANRecord [ 939].
Idc [ 952] Gets or sets idc of record.
IsValidated [ 952] Checks if ANRecord [ 939] is compliant with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1
standard specified by version.
Length [ 952] Gets record size.
NativeType [ 952] Defines the native type of the object.
Owner [ 952] Gets ANTemplate [ 980] object.
RecordType [ 953] Gets record type.
ValidationLevel [ 953] Gets validation level of ANRecord [ 939].
Version [ 953] Gets record version.

ANAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
ANGeographicCoordinateSystemNativeType The native type of the geographic coordinate system.
[ 817]
ANSubjectBodyClassCodeNativeType The native type of the subject body class code.
[ 817]
ANSubjectBodyStatusCodeNativeType The native type of the subject body status code.
[ 817]
ANSubjectStatusCodeNativeType [ 817] The native type of the subject status code.
Annotations [ 817] Gets particular annotations from the ANAsciiBinaryRecord.
AssociatedContexts [ 817] Gets particular associated contexts from the
CaptureOrganizationName [ 817] Gets or sets capture organization name.
DataHash [ 818] Gets or sets the hash value of data.
Date [ 818] Gets or sets field referenced by FieldDat [ 809] field number.
DeviceUniqueIdentifier [ 818] Gets or sets device unique identifier.
ExternalFileReference [ 818] Gets or sets external file reference.
GeographicLocation [ 818] Gets or sets the ANGeographicLocation [ 890] structure.
Make [ 818] Gets make of image capture device
MakeModelSerialNumber [ 819] Gets or sets the MakeModelSerialNumber structure.
Model [ 819] Gets model of image capture device.
NativeType [ 819] Defines native type of the object.
SerialNumber [ 819] Gets serial number of image capture device.
SourceAgency [ 819] Gets or sets source agency identification.
SourceAgencyName [ 819] Gets or sets source agency name.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

SourceRepresenations [ 819] Gets particular associated contexts from the

SubjectCondition [ 820] Gets or sets subject condition.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. ANAsciiBinaryRecord Classes ANAsciiBinaryRecord.AnnotationCollection Class

Represent collection of annotations.

public sealed class AnnotationCollection : DisposableStructCollection<ANAnnotation,
File: ANAsciiBinaryRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

AnnotationCollection Methods

Name Description
Add [ 807] Adds annotation to AnnotationCollection with provided parameters.
Insert [ 808] Inserts annotation to AnnotationCollection at specified index with
provided parameters. AnnotationCollection Methods ANAsciiBinaryRecord.AnnotationCollection.Add Method

Adds annotation to AnnotationCollection [ 807] with provided parameters.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public int Add(DateTime gmt, string processingAlgorithmName, string algorithmOwner, string

Parameters Description
DateTime gmt UTC time when the proccesing occursed.
string processingAlgorithmName Processing algorithm name of the system.
string algorithmOwner Algorithm owner of the system.
string processDescription Process description of the system.

Number of annotation in AnnotationCollection [ 807]. ANAsciiBinaryRecord.AnnotationCollection.Insert Method

Inserts annotation to AnnotationCollection [ 807] at specified index with provided parameters.

public void Insert(int index, DateTime gmt, string processingAlgorithmName, string
algorithmOwner, string processDescription);

Parameters Description
int index Position to insert to.
DateTime gmt UTC time when the proccesing occursed.
string processingAlgorithmName Processing algorithm name of the system.
string algorithmOwner Algorithm owner of the system.
string processDescription Process description of the system. ANAsciiBinaryRecord.AssociatedContextCollection Class

Represent collection of associated contexts.

public sealed class AssociatedContextCollection :
File: ANAsciiBinaryRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] ANAsciiBinaryRecord.SourceRepresentationCollection Class

Represent collection of associated contexts.

public sealed class SourceRepresentationCollection :
File: ANAsciiBinaryRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786] 9

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANAsciiBinaryRecord Fields ANAsciiBinaryRecord.FieldAnn Field

Defines ANN field number. Field referenced by this number contains the annotations, presenting operations performed on the
original source.

public const int FieldAnn = 902; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.FieldAsc Field

Defines ASC field number. Field referenced by this number contains the associated context to one or more Record(s) Type-21.

public const int FieldAsc = 995; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.FieldCon Field

Defines CON field number. Field referenced by this number contains the capture organization name.

public const int FieldCon = 47; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.FieldDat Field

Defines DAT field number. Field referenced by this number contains the date that the transaction was initiated.

public const int FieldDat = 5; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.FieldDui Field

Defines DUI field number. Field referenced by this number contains the device or source of the data.

public const int FieldDui = 903; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.FieldEfr Field

Defines EFR field number. Field referenced by this number contains the external file reference if the data is not contained in
Field 999.

public const int FieldEfr = 994; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.FieldGeo Field

Defines GEO field number. Field referenced by this number contains the geographic sample acquisition location where sample
was acquired (not where it is stored).

public const int FieldGeo = 998; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.FieldHas Field

Defines HAS field number. Field referenced by this number contains the hash value of the data in Field 999.

public const int FieldHas = 996; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.FieldMms Field 9

Defines MMS field number. Field referenced by this number contains make, model and serial number for the image capture

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards


public const int FieldMms = 904; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.FieldSan Field

Defines SAN field number. Field referenced by this number contains the source agency name of the agency referenced in Field

public const int FieldSan = 993; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.FieldSor Field

Defines SOR field number. Field referenced by this number contains the source representation to a representation(s) in
Record(s) Type-20.

public const int FieldSor = 997; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.FieldSrc Field

Defines SRC field number. Field referenced by this number contains the administration or organization that originally captured
the latent image contained in the record. Normally, the Originating Agency Identifier, ORI, of the agency that captured the

public const int FieldSrc = 4; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.FieldSub Field

Defines SUB field number. Field referenced by this number contains the image subject condition.

public const int FieldSub = 46; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.FieldUdfFrom Field

Specifies starting number from which user defined field starts.

public const int FieldUdfFrom = 200; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.FieldUdfTo Field

Defines end number of user defined field starts.

public const int FieldUdfTo = 998; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.FieldUdfToV5 Field

Defines end number of user defined field starts for version 5.0 and above.

public const int FieldUdfToV5 = 900; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.GeoDefaultCoordinateSystem Field

Defines default geographic coordinate system value for geodetic datum code of field referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field
public const ANGeographicCoordinateSystem GeoDefaultCoordinateSystem =

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ANGeographicCoordinateSystem.Wgs84; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.MaxCaptureOrganizationNameLength Field

Defines maximal value length of field referenced by FieldCon [ 809] field number.

public const int MaxCaptureOrganizationNameLength = 1000; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.MaxDecodingInstructionsLength Field

Defines maximal decoding instructions value length of field referenced by FieldSft or FieldAft fields number.

public const ushort MaxDecodingInstructionsLength = 1000; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.MaxExternalFileReferenceLength Field

Defines maximal value length of field referenced by FieldEfr [ 809] field number.

public const ushort MaxExternalFileReferenceLength = 200; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.MaxFileTypeLength Field

Defines maximal file type value length of field referenced by FieldSft or FieldAft fields number.

public const ushort MaxFileTypeLength = 6; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.MaxGeoAlternativeCoordSystemIdLength Field

Defines maximal alternative geographic coordinate system identifier value of field referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.

public const ushort MaxGeoAlternativeCoordSystemIdLength = 10; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.MaxGeoAlternativeCoordSystemValueLength Field

Defines maximal alternative geographic coordinate system value value of field referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.

public const ushort MaxGeoAlternativeCoordSystemValueLength = 126; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.MaxGeoElevation Field

Defines maximal elevation value of field referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.

public const int MaxGeoElevation = 8848; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.MaxGeoElevationLength Field

Defines maximal elevation value length of field referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.

public const byte MaxGeoElevationLength = 8; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.MaxGeoLatitudeDegree Field

Defines maximal latitude degree value of field referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.

public const int MaxGeoLatitudeDegree = 90; 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANAsciiBinaryRecord.MaxGeoLatitudeDegreeLength Field

Defines maximal latitude degree value length of field referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.

public const byte MaxGeoLatitudeDegreeLength = 9; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.MaxGeoLongitudeDegree Field

Defines maximal longitude degree value of field referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.

public const int MaxGeoLongitudeDegree = 180; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.MaxGeoLongitudeDegreeLength Field

Defines maximal longitude degree value length of field referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.

public const byte MaxGeoLongitudeDegreeLength = 10; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.MaxGeoMinute Field

Defines maximal latitude/longitude minute value of field referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.

public const int MaxGeoMinute = 59; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.MaxGeoMinuteLength Field

Defines maximal latitude/longitude minute value length of field referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.

public const byte MaxGeoMinuteLength = 8; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.MaxGeoReferenceTextLength Field

Defines maximal geographic reference text value length of field referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.

public const ushort MaxGeoReferenceTextLength = 150; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.MaxGeoSecond Field

Defines maximal latitude/longitude second value of field referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.

public const int MaxGeoSecond = 59; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.MaxGeoSecondLength Field

Defines maximal latitude/longitude second value length of field referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.

public const byte MaxGeoSecondLength = 8; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.MaxGeoUtmEasting Field

Defines maximal UtmEasting value of field referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.

public const int MaxGeoUtmEasting = 999999;
9 ANAsciiBinaryRecord.MaxGeoUtmNorthing Field
Defines maximal UtmNorthing value of field referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public const int MaxGeoUtmNorthing = 99999999; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.MaxGeoUtmZoneLength Field

Defines maximal UtmZone value length of field referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.

public const byte MaxGeoUtmZoneLength = 3; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.MaxGeodeticDatumCodeLength Field

Defines maximal elevation value length of field referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.

public const byte MaxGeodeticDatumCodeLength = 6; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.MaxHashLength Field

Defines maximal value length of field referenced by FieldHas [ 809] field number.

public const int MaxHashLength = 64; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.MaxImageCaptureDateRangeLength Field

Defines maximal value length of field referenced by FieldIcdr field number.

public const byte MaxImageCaptureDateRangeLength = 9; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.MaxQualityMetricScore Field

Defines maximal quality score value for record data.

public const byte MaxQualityMetricScore = 100; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.MaxSourceAgencyLength Field

Defines maximal value length of field referenced by FieldSrc [ 810] field number.

public const int MaxSourceAgencyLength = 20; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.MaxSourceAgencyLengthV4 Field

Defines maximal value length of field referenced by FieldSrc [ 810] field number for version 4.0 and above.

public const int MaxSourceAgencyLengthV4 = 35; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.MaxSourceAgencyNameLength Field

Defines maximal value length of field referenced by FieldSan [ 810] field number.

public const int MaxSourceAgencyNameLength = 125; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.MaxSourceContextRepresentationNumber Field

Defines maximal number value of field referenced by FieldSan [ 810] or FieldSor [ 810] field numbers.

C# 9
public const int MaxSourceContextRepresentationNumber = 255;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANAsciiBinaryRecord.MaxSourceContextRepresentationSegmentPosition Field

Defines maximal segment position value of field referenced by FieldAsc [ 809] or FieldSor [ 810] field numbers.

public const int MaxSourceContextRepresentationSegmentPosition = 99; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.MaxTimeIndexCount Field

Defines maximal time index count of field referenced by FieldTix field number.

public const byte MaxTimeIndexCount = 99; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.MaxTimeIndexHour Field

Defines maximal time index hour value of field referenced by FieldTix field number.

public const byte MaxTimeIndexHour = 99; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.MaxTimeIndexLength Field

Defines maximal time index value length of field referenced by FieldTix field number.

public const ushort MaxTimeIndexLength = 12; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.MaxTimeIndexMillisecond Field

Defines maximal time index millisecond value of field referenced by FieldTix field number.

public const ushort MaxTimeIndexMillisecond = 999; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.MaxTimeIndexMinute Field

Defines maximal time index minute value of field referenced by FieldTix field number.

public const byte MaxTimeIndexMinute = 59; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.MaxTimeIndexSecond Field

Defines maximal time index second value of field referenced by FieldTix field number.

public const byte MaxTimeIndexSecond = 59; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.MinCaptureOrganizationNameLength Field

Defines minimal value length of field referenced by FieldCon [ 809] field number.

public const int MinCaptureOrganizationNameLength = 1; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.MinExternalFileReferenceLength Field

Defines minimal value length of field referenced by FieldEfr [ 809] field number.

public const ushort MinExternalFileReferenceLength = 1;
9 ANAsciiBinaryRecord.MinFileTypeLength Field
Defines minimal file type value length of field referenced by FieldSft or FieldAft fields number.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public const ushort MinFileTypeLength = 3; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.MinGeoElevation Field

Defines minimal elevation value of field referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.

public const int MinGeoElevation = -422; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.MinGeoLatitudeDegree Field

Defines minimal latitude degree value of field referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.

public const int MinGeoLatitudeDegree = -90; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.MinGeoLongitudeDegree Field

Defines minimal longitude degree value of field referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.

public const int MinGeoLongitudeDegree = -180; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.MinGeoMinute Field

Defines minimal latitude/longitude minute value of field referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.

public const int MinGeoMinute = 0; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.MinGeoSecond Field

Defines minimal latitude/longitude second value of field referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.

public const int MinGeoSecond = 0; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.MinGeoUtmZoneLength Field

Defines minimal UtmZone value length of field referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.

public const byte MinGeoUtmZoneLength = 2; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.MinGeodeticDatumCodeLength Field

Defines maximal elevation value length of field referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.

public const byte MinGeodeticDatumCodeLength = 3; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.MinImageCaptureDateRangeLength Field

Defines minimal value length of field referenced by FieldIcdr field number.

public const byte MinImageCaptureDateRangeLength = 3; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.MinImageCaptureDateRangeLength51 Field

Defines minimal value length of field referenced by FieldIcdr field number for version 5.1.

C# 9
public const byte MinImageCaptureDateRangeLength51 = 2;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANAsciiBinaryRecord.MinSourceAgencyLength Field

Defines minimal value length of field referenced by FieldSrc [ 810] field number.

public const int MinSourceAgencyLength = 9; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.MinSourceAgencyLengthV5 Field

Defines minimal value length of field referenced by FieldSrc [ 810] field number for version 5.0 and above.

public const int MinSourceAgencyLengthV5 = 1; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.MinSourceAgencyNameLength Field

Defines minimal value length of field referenced by FieldSan [ 810] field number.

public const int MinSourceAgencyNameLength = 1; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.MinSourceContextRepresentationNumber Field

Defines minimal number value of field referenced by FieldAsc [ 809] or FieldSor [ 810] field numbers.

public const int MinSourceContextRepresentationNumber = 1; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.MinSourceContextRepresentationSegmentPosition Field

Defines minimal segment position value of field referenced by FieldAsc [ 809] or FieldSor [ 810] field numbers.

public const int MinSourceContextRepresentationSegmentPosition = 1; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.MinTimeIndexCount Field

Defines minimal time index count of field referenced by FieldTix field number.

public const byte MinTimeIndexCount = 1; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.QualityMetricScoreFailed Field

Defines code when quality assessment algorithm failed to asses record data quality.

public const byte QualityMetricScoreFailed = 255; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.QualityMetricScoreNotAvailable Field

Defines code when quality score has not been calculated or provided for data contained in record object.

public const byte QualityMetricScoreNotAvailable = 254; ANAsciiBinaryRecord Methods ANAsciiBinaryRecord.SetMakeModelSerialNumber Method

Sets make, model and serial number for the iris capture device.

C# 9
public void SetMakeModelSerialNumber(string make, string model, string serialNumber);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards


Parameters Description
string make String containing make of the image capture device.
string model String containing model of the image capture device.
string serialNumber String containing serial number of image capture device. ANAsciiBinaryRecord Properties ANAsciiBinaryRecord.ANGeographicCoordinateSystemNativeType Property

The native type of the geographic coordinate system.

public static NType ANGeographicCoordinateSystemNativeType; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.ANSubjectBodyClassCodeNativeType Property

The native type of the subject body class code.

public static NType ANSubjectBodyClassCodeNativeType; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.ANSubjectBodyStatusCodeNativeType Property

The native type of the subject body status code.

public static NType ANSubjectBodyStatusCodeNativeType; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.ANSubjectStatusCodeNativeType Property

The native type of the subject status code.

public static NType ANSubjectStatusCodeNativeType; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.Annotations Property

Gets particular annotations from the ANAsciiBinaryRecord [ 799].

public AnnotationCollection Annotations;
Property value
A AnnotationCollection [ 807] representing annotations from ANAsciiBinaryRecord [ 799]. ANAsciiBinaryRecord.AssociatedContexts Property

Gets particular associated contexts from the ANAsciiBinaryRecord [ 799].

public AssociatedContextCollection AssociatedContexts;
Property value
A AssociatedContextCollection [ 808] representing associated contexts from ANAsciiBinaryRecord [ 799]. ANAsciiBinaryRecord.CaptureOrganizationName Property

Gets or sets capture organization name. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public string CaptureOrganizationName;
Property value
String containing capture organization name. ANAsciiBinaryRecord.DataHash Property

Gets or sets the hash value of data.

public string DataHash; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.Date Property

Gets or sets field referenced by FieldDat [ 809] field number.

public DateTime? Date;
Property value
DateTime object that contains transaction initiation date. ANAsciiBinaryRecord.DeviceUniqueIdentifier Property

Gets or sets device unique identifier.

public string DeviceUniqueIdentifier;
Property value
String containing unique device identifier information. ANAsciiBinaryRecord.ExternalFileReference Property

Gets or sets external file reference.

public string ExternalFileReference;
Property value
String containing external file reference string. ANAsciiBinaryRecord.GeographicLocation Property

Gets or sets the ANGeographicLocation [ 890] structure.

public ANGeographicLocation? GeographicLocation; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.Make Property

Gets make of image capture device

public string Make;
Property value
String containing make of image capture device.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANAsciiBinaryRecord.MakeModelSerialNumber Property

Gets or sets the MakeModelSerialNumber structure.

public ANMakeModelSerialNumber? MakeModelSerialNumber; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.Model Property

Gets model of image capture device.

public string Model;
Property value
String containing image capture device. ANAsciiBinaryRecord.NativeType Property

Defines native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; ANAsciiBinaryRecord.SerialNumber Property

Gets serial number of image capture device.

public string SerialNumber;
Property value
String containing serial number of image capture device. ANAsciiBinaryRecord.SourceAgency Property

Gets or sets source agency identification.

public string SourceAgency;
Property value
String containing source agency identification string. ANAsciiBinaryRecord.SourceAgencyName Property

Gets or sets source agency name.

public string SourceAgencyName;
Property value
String containing source agency name information. ANAsciiBinaryRecord.SourceRepresenations Property

Gets particular associated contexts from the ANAsciiBinaryRecord [ 799].

C# 9
public SourceRepresentationCollection SourceRepresenations;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Property value
A SourceRepresentationCollection [ 808] representing source representations from ANAsciiBinaryRecord [ 799]. ANAsciiBinaryRecord.SubjectCondition Property

Gets or sets subject condition.

public ANSubjectCondition? SubjectCondition;
Property value
ANSubjectCondition [ 979] object representing subject condition. ANAsciiRecord Class

Provides basic functionality for ANType1Record [ 1174], ANType2Record [ 1234] and ANType9Record [ 1308] logical

public class ANAsciiRecord : ANRecord;
File: ANAsciiRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

ANRecord Classes
ANRecord Class

Name Description
ConformanceTestResultCollection Represent collection of conformance test results in ANRecord [ 939].
[ 945]
FieldCollection [ 945] Represent collection of fields in record.

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

ANRecord Class

Name Description
FieldData [ 949] Defines Image data (DATA) contained in logical record.
FieldIdc [ 949] This field is identifies the user-defined text information
contained in the record. The IDC (image designation
character) contained in field shall be the IDC of the
Type-2 logical record as found in the file content (CNT) 9
field of the Type-1 record.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

FieldLen [ 949] Describes total count of the number of bytes in logical

FlagMergeDuplicateFields [ 949] Defines whether the duplicate fields should be merged.
FlagRecoverFromBinaryData [ 949]
MaxAnnotationProcessDescriptionLengthV50 [ 949] Defines minimum length of process description for
ANAnnotation [ 796] for version 5.0.
MaxAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmNameLengthV50 Defines maximum length of processing algorithm name
[ 949] for ANAnnotation [ 796] for version 5.0.
MaxAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwnerLength Defines maximum length of processing algorithm owner
[ 949] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
MaxFieldNumber [ 949] Defines maximal number of fields in logical record.
MaxIdc [ 950] Defines maximum value that image designation
character (IDC) can obtain.
MaxIdcV5 [ 950] Defines maximum value that image designation
character (IDC) can obtain for version 5.0 and above.
MaxMakeLength [ 950] Defines maximum make length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MaxModelLength [ 950] Defines maximum model length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MaxSerialNumberLength [ 950] Defines maximum serial number length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MinAnnotationProcessDescriptionLength [ 950] Defines minimum length of process description for
ANAnnotation [ 796].
MinAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmNameLength Defines minimum length of processing algorithm name
[ 950] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
MinAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwnerLength Defines minimum length of processing algorithm owner
[ 950] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
UnknownAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwner Defines unknown processing algorithm owner for
[ 950] ANAnnotation [ 796].

ANAsciiRecord Class

Name Description
MaxFieldNumber [ 825] Defines maximum quantity of fields in record of Type-1, Type-2 and

ANRecord Class

Name Description
ANRecord [ 944] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class with current version and
unset IDC value.
ANRecord [ 944] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class.
ANRecord [ 945] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class.
ANRecord [ 945] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class with current version and
unset IDC value.

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag. 9
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object. 9
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
BeginUpdate [ 951] Begins ANRecord [ 939] update.
CheckValidity [ 951] Checks ANRecord [ 939] compliance with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1 standard
specified by version.
EndUpdate [ 951] Ends ANRecord [ 939] update.
Validate [ 951] Validates ANRecord [ 939]. ANRecord [ 939] can be validated only if
the ANValidationLevel [ 1604] is Standard.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description 9
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
ConformanceTestResults [ 951] Gets particular conformance test results from the ANRecord [ 939].
Data [ 951] Gets or sets the the record data.
Fields [ 952] Gets particular fields from the ANRecord [ 939].
Idc [ 952] Gets or sets idc of record.
IsValidated [ 952] Checks if ANRecord [ 939] is compliant with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1
standard specified by version.
Length [ 952] Gets record size.
NativeType [ 952] Defines the native type of the object.
Owner [ 952] Gets ANTemplate [ 980] object.
RecordType [ 953] Gets record type.
ValidationLevel [ 953] Gets validation level of ANRecord [ 939].
Version [ 953] Gets record version.

ANAsciiRecord Class

Name Description
NativeType [ 825] Defines the native type of the object.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. ANAsciiRecord Fields 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANAsciiRecord.MaxFieldNumber Field

Defines maximum quantity of fields in record of Type-1, Type-2 and Type-9

public new const int MaxFieldNumber = 999999999; ANAsciiRecord Properties ANAsciiRecord.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; ANBinaryRecord Class

Provides basic functionality for ANImageBinaryRecord [ 916] and ANType8Record [ 1283] logical records

public class ANBinaryRecord : ANRecord;
File: ANBinaryRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

ANRecord Classes
ANRecord Class

Name Description
ConformanceTestResultCollection Represent collection of conformance test results in ANRecord [ 939].
[ 945]
FieldCollection [ 945] Represent collection of fields in record.

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

ANRecord Class

Name Description
FieldData [ 949] Defines Image data (DATA) contained in logical record.
FieldIdc [ 949] This field is identifies the user-defined text information
contained in the record. The IDC (image designation
character) contained in field shall be the IDC of the
Type-2 logical record as found in the file content (CNT)
field of the Type-1 record.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

FieldLen [ 949] Describes total count of the number of bytes in logical

FlagMergeDuplicateFields [ 949] Defines whether the duplicate fields should be merged.
FlagRecoverFromBinaryData [ 949]
MaxAnnotationProcessDescriptionLengthV50 [ 949] Defines minimum length of process description for
ANAnnotation [ 796] for version 5.0.
MaxAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmNameLengthV50 Defines maximum length of processing algorithm name
[ 949] for ANAnnotation [ 796] for version 5.0.
MaxAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwnerLength Defines maximum length of processing algorithm owner
[ 949] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
MaxFieldNumber [ 949] Defines maximal number of fields in logical record.
MaxIdc [ 950] Defines maximum value that image designation
character (IDC) can obtain.
MaxIdcV5 [ 950] Defines maximum value that image designation
character (IDC) can obtain for version 5.0 and above.
MaxMakeLength [ 950] Defines maximum make length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MaxModelLength [ 950] Defines maximum model length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MaxSerialNumberLength [ 950] Defines maximum serial number length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MinAnnotationProcessDescriptionLength [ 950] Defines minimum length of process description for
ANAnnotation [ 796].
MinAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmNameLength Defines minimum length of processing algorithm name
[ 950] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
MinAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwnerLength Defines minimum length of processing algorithm owner
[ 950] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
UnknownAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwner Defines unknown processing algorithm owner for
[ 950] ANAnnotation [ 796].

ANRecord Class

Name Description
ANRecord [ 944] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class with current version and
unset IDC value.
ANRecord [ 944] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class.
ANRecord [ 945] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class.
ANRecord [ 945] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class with current version and
unset IDC value.

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.

This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values. 9
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.

Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
BeginUpdate [ 951] Begins ANRecord [ 939] update.
CheckValidity [ 951] Checks ANRecord [ 939] compliance with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1 standard
specified by version.
EndUpdate [ 951] Ends ANRecord [ 939] update.
Validate [ 951] Validates ANRecord [ 939]. ANRecord [ 939] can be validated only if
the ANValidationLevel [ 1604] is Standard.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object. 9
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.

Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
ConformanceTestResults [ 951] Gets particular conformance test results from the ANRecord [ 939].
Data [ 951] Gets or sets the the record data.
Fields [ 952] Gets particular fields from the ANRecord [ 939].
Idc [ 952] Gets or sets idc of record.
IsValidated [ 952] Checks if ANRecord [ 939] is compliant with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1
standard specified by version.
Length [ 952] Gets record size.
NativeType [ 952] Defines the native type of the object.
Owner [ 952] Gets ANTemplate [ 980] object.
RecordType [ 953] Gets record type.
ValidationLevel [ 953] Gets validation level of ANRecord [ 939].
Version [ 953] Gets record version.

ANBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
NativeType [ 830] Defines the native type of the object.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. ANBinaryRecord Properties ANBinaryRecord.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANCharset Structure

Represents characters sets.

public struct ANCharset {
File: ANType1Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Name Description
ANCharset [ 830] Initializes new instance of ANCharset structure.

ANCharset Properties

Name Description
Index [ 830] Gets or sets character set index.
Name [ 831] Gets or sets character set name.
NativeType [ 831] Defines the native type of the object.
Version [ 831] Gets or sets character set version. ANCharset.ANCharset Constructor

Initializes new instance of ANCharset structure.

public ANCharset(int index, string name, string version);

Parameters Description
int index Character set index.
string name Character set name.
string version Character set version. ANCharset Properties ANCharset.Index Property

Gets or sets character set index.

public int Index;
Property value
Number containing character set index. ANCharset.Name Property

Gets or sets character set name.
public string Name;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Property value
String containing character set name. ANCharset.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; ANCharset.Version Property

Gets or sets character set version.

public string Version;
Property value
String containing character set version. ANCheiloscopicData Structure

Describes suspected patterned injury.

public struct ANCheiloscopicData {
File: ANType10Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Name Description
ANCheiloscopicData [ 832] Initializes a new instance of ANCheiloscopicData structure.

ANCheiloscopicData Properties

Name Description
FacialHairDescription [ 833] String containing facial hair descriptive text.
LipPathologies [ 833] Gets or sets lip pathologies and peculiarities.
LipPathologiesDescription [ 833] String containing lip print pathologies descriptive text.
LipPositionDescription [ 833] String containing lip position and tension descriptive text.
LowerLpCharacterization [ 833] Gets or sets lower lip print characterization list.
LpAdditionalDescription [ 833] String containing lip print additional descriptive text.
LpCharacterizationDescription String containing additional descriptive text.
[ 833]
LpComparisonDescription [ 833] String containing lip print comparison descriptive text.
LpContactLine [ 834] Gets or sets lip contact line descriptor.
LpHeight [ 834] Gets or sets lip print height.
LpMedium [ 834] Gets or sets lip print medium code.
LpMediumDescription [ 834] String containing lip print medium descriptive text. 9
LpSurface [ 834] Gets or sets lip print surface.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

LpSurfaceDescription [ 834] String containing lip print surface descriptive text.

LpWidth [ 834] Gets or sets lip print width.
NativeType [ 834] Defines the native type of the object.
PhiltrumHeight [ 834] Gets or sets philtrum height.
PhiltrumWidth [ 835] Gets or sets philtrum width.
UpperLpCharacterization [ 835] Gets or sets upper lip print characterization list. ANCheiloscopicData.ANCheiloscopicData Constructor

Initializes a new instance of ANCheiloscopicData structure.

public ANCheiloscopicData(int lpWidth, int lpHeight, int philtrumWidth, int philtrumHeight,
ANCheiloscopicCharacterizationCode upperLpCharacterization,
ANCheiloscopicCharacterizationCode lowerLpCharacterization, ANLPContactLine lpContactLine,
string lpCharacterizationDescription, ANLipPathology lipPathologies, string
lipPathologiesDescription, ANLPSurface lpSurface, string lpSurfaceDescription, ANLPMedium
lpMedium, string lpMediumDescription, string facialHairDescription, string
lipPositionDescription, string lpAdditionalDescription, string lpComparisonDescription);

Parameters Description
int lpWidth Lip print width.
int lpHeight Lip print height.
int philtrumWidth Philtrum width.
int philtrumHeight Philtrum height.
ANCheiloscopicCharacterizationCode Upper lip print characterization list.
ANCheiloscopicCharacterizationCode Lower lip print characterization list.
ANLPContactLine lpContactLine Lip contact line descriptor.
string lpCharacterizationDescription String containing reference code.
ANLipPathology lipPathologies Lip pathologies and peculiarities value.
string lipPathologiesDescription String containing lip print pathologies descriptive text.
ANLPSurface lpSurface Lip print surface value.
string lpSurfaceDescription String containing lip print surface descriptive text.
ANLPMedium lpMedium Lip print medium code.
string lpMediumDescription String containing lip print medium descriptive text.
string facialHairDescription String containing facial hair descriptive text.
string lipPositionDescription String containing lip position and tension descriptive text.
string lpAdditionalDescription String containing lip print additional descriptive text.
string lpComparisonDescription String containing lip print comparison descriptive text. ANCheiloscopicData Properties ANCheiloscopicData.FacialHairDescription Property

String containing facial hair descriptive text.

public string FacialHairDescription; ANCheiloscopicData.LipPathologies Property

Gets or sets lip pathologies and peculiarities.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public ANLipPathology LipPathologies; ANCheiloscopicData.LipPathologiesDescription Property

String containing lip print pathologies descriptive text.

public string LipPathologiesDescription; ANCheiloscopicData.LipPositionDescription Property

String containing lip position and tension descriptive text.

public string LipPositionDescription; ANCheiloscopicData.LowerLpCharacterization Property

Gets or sets lower lip print characterization list.

public ANCheiloscopicCharacterizationCode LowerLpCharacterization; ANCheiloscopicData.LpAdditionalDescription Property

String containing lip print additional descriptive text.

public string LpAdditionalDescription; ANCheiloscopicData.LpCharacterizationDescription Property

String containing additional descriptive text.

public string LpCharacterizationDescription; ANCheiloscopicData.LpComparisonDescription Property

String containing lip print comparison descriptive text.

public string LpComparisonDescription; ANCheiloscopicData.LpContactLine Property

Gets or sets lip contact line descriptor.

public ANLPContactLine LpContactLine; ANCheiloscopicData.LpHeight Property

Gets or sets lip print height.

public int LpHeight; ANCheiloscopicData.LpMedium Property

Gets or sets lip print medium code.

C# 9
public ANLPMedium LpMedium;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANCheiloscopicData.LpMediumDescription Property

String containing lip print medium descriptive text.

public string LpMediumDescription; ANCheiloscopicData.LpSurface Property

Gets or sets lip print surface.

public ANLPSurface LpSurface; ANCheiloscopicData.LpSurfaceDescription Property

String containing lip print surface descriptive text.

public string LpSurfaceDescription; ANCheiloscopicData.LpWidth Property

Gets or sets lip print width.

public int LpWidth; ANCheiloscopicData.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; ANCheiloscopicData.PhiltrumHeight Property

Gets or sets philtrum height.

public int PhiltrumHeight; ANCheiloscopicData.PhiltrumWidth Property

Gets or sets philtrum width.

public int PhiltrumWidth; ANCheiloscopicData.UpperLpCharacterization Property

Gets or sets upper lip print characterization list.

public ANCheiloscopicCharacterizationCode UpperLpCharacterization; ANDentalVisualData Structure

Describes suspected patterned injury.

[Serializable] 9
public struct ANDentalVisualData {

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

File: ANType10Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Name Description
ANDentalVisualData [ 835] Initializes a new instance of ANDentalVisualData structure.

ANDentalVisualData Properties

Name Description
AdditionalDescription [ 836] String containing visual image additional descriptive text.
ComparisonDescription [ 836] String containing visual image comparison descriptive text.
ImageViewCode [ 836] Gets or sets visual image view code.
NativeType [ 836] Defines the native type of the object. ANDentalVisualData.ANDentalVisualData Constructor

Initializes a new instance of ANDentalVisualData structure.

public ANDentalVisualData(ANDentalImageCode imageViewCode, string additionalDescription,
string comparisonDescription);

Parameters Description
ANDentalImageCode imageViewCode Visual image view code.
string additionalDescription String containing visual image additional descriptive text.
string comparisonDescription String containing visual image comparison descriptive text. ANDentalVisualData Properties ANDentalVisualData.AdditionalDescription Property

String containing visual image additional descriptive text.

public string AdditionalDescription; ANDentalVisualData.ComparisonDescription Property

String containing visual image comparison descriptive text.

public string ComparisonDescription; ANDentalVisualData.ImageViewCode Property

Gets or sets visual image view code.

public ANDentalImageCode ImageViewCode; ANDentalVisualData.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public static NType NativeType; ANDistortion Structure

Describes image distortion.

public struct ANDistortion {
File: ANType10Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Name Description
ANDistortion [ 836] Initializes a new instance of ANDistortion structure.

ANDistortion Properties

Name Description
Code [ 837] Gets or sets distortion code.
MeasurementCode [ 837] Gets or sets distortion measurement code.
NativeType [ 837] Defines the native type of the object.
SeverityCode [ 837] Gets or sets distortion severity code. ANDistortion.ANDistortion Constructor

Initializes a new instance of ANDistortion structure.

public ANDistortion(ANDistortionCode code, ANDistortionMeasurementCode measurementCode,
ANDistortionSeverityCode severityCode);

Parameters Description
ANDistortionCode code Distortion code value.
ANDistortionMeasurementCode measurementCode Distortion measurement code value.
ANDistortionSeverityCode severityCode Head postion code value. ANDistortion Properties ANDistortion.Code Property

Gets or sets distortion code.

public ANDistortionCode Code; ANDistortion.MeasurementCode Property

Gets or sets distortion measurement code.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public ANDistortionMeasurementCode MeasurementCode; ANDistortion.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; ANDistortion.SeverityCode Property

Gets or sets distortion severity code.

public ANDistortionSeverityCode SeverityCode; ANDomain Structure

Represents domain.

public struct ANDomain {
File: ANType1Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Name Description
ANDomain [ 838] Initializes new instance of ANDomain structure.

ANDomain Properties

Name Description
Name [ 838] Gets or sets ANDomain name.
NativeType [ 838] Defines the native type of the object.
Version [ 838] Gets or sets ANDomain version. ANDomain.ANDomain Constructor

Initializes new instance of ANDomain structure.

public ANDomain(string name, string version);

Parameters Description
string name Domain name.
string version Domain version. ANDomain Properties


9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANDomain.Name Property

Gets or sets ANDomain [ 837] name.

public string Name;
Property value
String containing ANDomain [ 837] name. ANDomain.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; ANDomain.Version Property

Gets or sets ANDomain [ 837] version.

public string Version;
Property value
String containing ANDomain [ 837] version. ANFAlternateSegment Structure

Defines alternate approach to describing the locations for each of the image segments of the individual fingers.

public struct ANFAlternateSegment {
File: ANType14Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Name Description
ANFAlternateSegment [ 839] Initializes new instance of ANFAlternateSegment structure.

ANFAlternateSegment Properties

Name Description
NativeType [ 839] Defines the native type of the object.
Position [ 839] Gets or sets fingerprint position code. ANFAlternateSegment.ANFAlternateSegment Constructor

Initializes new instance of ANFAlternateSegment structure.

public ANFAlternateSegment(BdifFPPosition position);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards


Parameters Description
BdifFPPosition position One of BdifFPPosition [ 1612] values representing
fingerprint position code. ANFAlternateSegment Properties ANFAlternateSegment.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; ANFAlternateSegment.Position Property

Gets or sets fingerprint position code.

public BdifFPPosition Position;
Property value
BdifFPPosition [ 1612] object representing fingerprint position. ANFAmputation Structure

Defines amputated or injured finger/hand.

public struct ANFAmputation {
File: ANFPImageAsciiBinaryRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

Structure contains two information items. The first item is the finger/palm number. The second item is the amputated or
bandaged code (AMPCD). Allowable indicators for the AMPCD are listed bellow:

• Amputation - XX
• Unable to print (e.g., bandaged) - UP.
• Scar (e.g., bandaged) - SR.

Name Description
ANFAmputation [ 840] Initializes new instance of ANFAmputation structure.

ANFAmputation Properties

Name Description
NativeType [ 840] Defines the native type of the object.
Position [ 840] Gets or sets friction ridge position code.
Type [ 840] Gets or sets friction ridge injury type.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANFAmputation.ANFAmputation Constructor

Initializes new instance of ANFAmputation structure.

public ANFAmputation(BdifFPPosition position, ANFAmputationType type);

Parameters Description
BdifFPPosition position One of BdifFPPosition [ 1612] values defining friction ridge
ANFAmputationType type One of ANFAmputationType [ 1581] values defining injury
type. ANFAmputation Properties ANFAmputation.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; ANFAmputation.Position Property

Gets or sets friction ridge position code.

public BdifFPPosition Position;
Property value
BdifFPPosition [ 1612] object representing friction ridge position code. ANFAmputation.Type Property

Gets or sets friction ridge injury type.

public ANFAmputationType Type;
Property value
ANFAmputationType [ 1581] object representing injury type. ANFCore Structure

Core position (CRP) value. Contains the X [ 841] and Y [ 842] coordinate position of the core of a fingerprint. The X [ 841]
and Y [ 842] values shall be coded as a single 8-digit integer number comprised of the 4-digit X [ 841]-coordinate
concatenated with the 4-digit Y [ 842]-coordinate using a format of XXXXYYYY.

public struct ANFCore {
File: ANType9Record.cs 9
Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Name Description
ANFCore [ 841] Initializes new instance of ANFCore structure.

ANFCore Properties

Name Description
NativeType [ 841] Defines the native type of the object.
X [ 841] Gets or sets x position of the core.
Y [ 842] Gets or sets y position of the core. ANFCore.ANFCore Constructor

Initializes new instance of ANFCore structure.

public ANFCore(ushort x, ushort y);

Parameters Description
ushort x x coordinate of the core.
ushort y y coordinate of the core. ANFCore Properties ANFCore.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; ANFCore.X Property

Gets or sets x position of the core.

public ushort X;
Property value
Number representing x position of the core. ANFCore.Y Property

Gets or sets y position of the core.

public ushort Y;
Property value
Number representing y position of the core. ANFDelta Structure

Delta(s) position (DLT) value. Contain the X [ 843] and Y [ 843] positional coordinates of each delta that is present on the 9
fingerprint. The X [ 843] and Y [ 843] values shall be recorded in the same manner as was done for the core position

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public struct ANFDelta {
File: ANType9Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Name Description
ANFDelta [ 842] Initializes new instance of ANFDelta structure.

ANFDelta Properties

Name Description
NativeType [ 843] Defines the native type of the object.
X [ 843] Gets or sets y position of the delta.
Y [ 843] Gets or sets y position of the delta. ANFDelta.ANFDelta Constructor

Initializes new instance of ANFDelta structure.

public ANFDelta(ushort x, ushort y);

Parameters Description
ushort x x coordinate of the delta.
ushort y y coordinate of the delta. ANFDelta Properties ANFDelta.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; ANFDelta.X Property

Gets or sets y position of the delta.

public ushort X;
Property value
Number representing y position of the delta. ANFDelta.Y Property

Gets or sets y position of the delta. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public ushort Y;
Property value
Number representing y position of the delta. ANFImageBinaryRecord Class

Provides basic functionality for ANType3Record [ 1241], ANType4Record [ 1249], ANType5Record [ 1260] and
ANType6Record [ 1268] logical records.

public class ANFImageBinaryRecord : ANImageBinaryRecord;
File: ANFImageBinaryRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

ANRecord Classes
ANRecord Class

Name Description
ConformanceTestResultCollection Represent collection of conformance test results in ANRecord [ 939].
[ 945]
FieldCollection [ 945] Represent collection of fields in record.

ANFImageBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
PositionCollection [ 849] Represent collection of fingerprint positions.

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

ANRecord Class

Name Description
FieldData [ 949] Defines Image data (DATA) contained in logical record.
FieldIdc [ 949] This field is identifies the user-defined text information
contained in the record. The IDC (image designation
character) contained in field shall be the IDC of the
Type-2 logical record as found in the file content (CNT)
field of the Type-1 record.
FieldLen [ 949] Describes total count of the number of bytes in logical
FlagMergeDuplicateFields [ 949] Defines whether the duplicate fields should be merged.
FlagRecoverFromBinaryData [ 949]

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

MaxAnnotationProcessDescriptionLengthV50 [ 949] Defines minimum length of process description for

ANAnnotation [ 796] for version 5.0.
MaxAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmNameLengthV50 Defines maximum length of processing algorithm name
[ 949] for ANAnnotation [ 796] for version 5.0.
MaxAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwnerLength Defines maximum length of processing algorithm owner
[ 949] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
MaxFieldNumber [ 949] Defines maximal number of fields in logical record.
MaxIdc [ 950] Defines maximum value that image designation
character (IDC) can obtain.
MaxIdcV5 [ 950] Defines maximum value that image designation
character (IDC) can obtain for version 5.0 and above.
MaxMakeLength [ 950] Defines maximum make length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MaxModelLength [ 950] Defines maximum model length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MaxSerialNumberLength [ 950] Defines maximum serial number length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MinAnnotationProcessDescriptionLength [ 950] Defines minimum length of process description for
ANAnnotation [ 796].
MinAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmNameLength Defines minimum length of processing algorithm name
[ 950] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
MinAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwnerLength Defines minimum length of processing algorithm owner
[ 950] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
UnknownAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwner Defines unknown processing algorithm owner for
[ 950] ANAnnotation [ 796].

ANImageBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
FieldHll [ 922] Defines HLL field number. Field referenced by this number contain the
number of pixels contained on a single horizontal line of the transmitted
image (horizontal line length - HLL).
FieldIsr [ 922] Defines ISE field number. Field referenced by this number contains flag
of image scanning resolution.
FieldVll [ 922] Defines VLL field number. Field referenced by this number contains
vertical line length (VLL), the number of horizontal lines contained in the
transmitted image.
MaxLineLengthV5 [ 922] Defines maximal line length value in pixels for HLL and VLL for version
5.x of the standard.
MinLineLengthV5 [ 922] Defines minimal line length value in pixels for HLL and VLL for version
5.x of the standard.

ANFImageBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
FieldCA [ 849] Defines CA field number. Field referenced by this number specify the
type of compression algorithm used(if any).
FieldFgp [ 849] Defines FGP field number. Field represented by this number contains
possible finger positions.
FieldImp [ 849] Defined IMP field number. Field referenced by this number describes the
manner by which the fingerprint image information has been obtained.
MaxPositionCount [ 849] Defines maximum count of positions in fingerprint record.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ANRecord Class

Name Description
ANRecord [ 944] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class with current version and
unset IDC value.
ANRecord [ 944] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class.
ANRecord [ 945] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class.
ANRecord [ 945] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class with current version and
unset IDC value.

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
BeginUpdate [ 951] Begins ANRecord [ 939] update.
CheckValidity [ 951] Checks ANRecord [ 939] compliance with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1 standard
specified by version.
EndUpdate [ 951] Ends ANRecord [ 939] update.
Validate [ 951] Validates ANRecord [ 939]. ANRecord [ 939] can be validated only if
the ANValidationLevel [ 1604] is Standard.

ANImageBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
SetImage [ 922] Sets an image for the ANImageBinaryRecord [ 916].
SetImage [ 923] Sets an image for the ANImageBinaryRecord [ 916].
ToNImage [ 923] Converts image contained in logical record to NImage [ 1831] format.
ToNImage [ 923] Converts image contained in logical record to NImage [ 1831] format.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
ConformanceTestResults [ 951] Gets particular conformance test results from the ANRecord [ 939].
Data [ 951] Gets or sets the the record data.
Fields [ 952] Gets particular fields from the ANRecord [ 939].
Idc [ 952] Gets or sets idc of record.
IsValidated [ 952] Checks if ANRecord [ 939] is compliant with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1
standard specified by version.
Length [ 952] Gets record size.
NativeType [ 952] Defines the native type of the object.
Owner [ 952] Gets ANTemplate [ 980] object.
RecordType [ 953] Gets record type.
ValidationLevel [ 953] Gets validation level of ANRecord [ 939].
Version [ 953] Gets record version.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ANBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
NativeType [ 830] Defines the native type of the object.

ANImageBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
HorzLineLength [ 923] Gets or sets horizontal line length value.
ImageResolution [ 923] Gets image resolution value.
ImageScanResolution [ 924] Gets flag which defines what type of image scan resolution was used.
ImageScanResolutionValue [ 924] Gets value of image scanning resolution.
NativeType [ 924] Defines the native type of the object.
VertLineLength [ 924] Gets or sets vertical line length of image.

ANFImageBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
ImpressionType [ 849] Gets or sets fingerprint impression type.
NativeType [ 850] Defines the native type of the object.
Positions [ 850] Gets fingerprint positions contained in record.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. ANFImageBinaryRecord Classes ANFImageBinaryRecord.PositionCollection Class

Represent collection of fingerprint positions.

public sealed class PositionCollection : ValueTypeCollection<BdifFPPosition>;
File 9
File: ANFImageBinaryRecord.cs

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] ANFImageBinaryRecord Fields ANFImageBinaryRecord.FieldCA Field

Defines CA field number. Field referenced by this number specify the type of compression algorithm used(if any).

public const int FieldCA = 8; ANFImageBinaryRecord.FieldFgp Field

Defines FGP field number. Field represented by this number contains possible finger positions.

public const int FieldFgp = 4; ANFImageBinaryRecord.FieldImp Field

Defined IMP field number. Field referenced by this number describes the manner by which the fingerprint image information
has been obtained.

public const int FieldImp = 3; ANFImageBinaryRecord.MaxPositionCount Field

Defines maximum count of positions in fingerprint record.

public const int MaxPositionCount = 6; ANFImageBinaryRecord Properties ANFImageBinaryRecord.ImpressionType Property

Gets or sets fingerprint impression type.

public BdifFPImpressionType ImpressionType;
Property value
Return one of BdifFPImpressionType [ 1610] values. ANFImageBinaryRecord.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; ANFImageBinaryRecord.Positions Property

Gets fingerprint positions contained in record.

public PositionCollection Positions;
Property value
PositionCollection [ 849] representing fingerprint positions.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANFPImageAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Provides basic functionality for ANType13Record [ 1072], ANFPImageAsciiBinaryRecord and ANType15Record [ 1113]
logical records.

public class ANFPImageAsciiBinaryRecord : ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord;
File: ANFPImageAsciiBinaryRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

ANRecord Classes
ANRecord Class

Name Description
ConformanceTestResultCollection Represent collection of conformance test results in ANRecord [ 939].
[ 945]
FieldCollection [ 945] Represent collection of fields in record.

ANAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
AnnotationCollection [ 807] Represent collection of annotations.
AssociatedContextCollection [ 808] Represent collection of associated contexts.
SourceRepresentationCollection Represent collection of associated contexts.
[ 808]

ANFPImageAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
AmputationCollection [ 862] Represent collection of amputations.
PositionCollection [ 862] Represent collection of fingerprint positions.
PrintPositionCollection [ 862] Represent collection of print positions.
QualityMetricCollection [ 862] Represent collection of fingerprint quality metrics.
SegmentCollection [ 863] Represent collection of segments.

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

ANRecord Class

Name Description
FieldData [ 949] Defines Image data (DATA) contained in logical record.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

FieldIdc [ 949] This field is identifies the user-defined text information

contained in the record. The IDC (image designation
character) contained in field shall be the IDC of the
Type-2 logical record as found in the file content (CNT)
field of the Type-1 record.
FieldLen [ 949] Describes total count of the number of bytes in logical
FlagMergeDuplicateFields [ 949] Defines whether the duplicate fields should be merged.
FlagRecoverFromBinaryData [ 949]
MaxAnnotationProcessDescriptionLengthV50 [ 949] Defines minimum length of process description for
ANAnnotation [ 796] for version 5.0.
MaxAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmNameLengthV50 Defines maximum length of processing algorithm name
[ 949] for ANAnnotation [ 796] for version 5.0.
MaxAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwnerLength Defines maximum length of processing algorithm owner
[ 949] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
MaxFieldNumber [ 949] Defines maximal number of fields in logical record.
MaxIdc [ 950] Defines maximum value that image designation
character (IDC) can obtain.
MaxIdcV5 [ 950] Defines maximum value that image designation
character (IDC) can obtain for version 5.0 and above.
MaxMakeLength [ 950] Defines maximum make length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MaxModelLength [ 950] Defines maximum model length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MaxSerialNumberLength [ 950] Defines maximum serial number length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MinAnnotationProcessDescriptionLength [ 950] Defines minimum length of process description for
ANAnnotation [ 796].
MinAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmNameLength Defines minimum length of processing algorithm name
[ 950] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
MinAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwnerLength Defines minimum length of processing algorithm owner
[ 950] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
UnknownAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwner Defines unknown processing algorithm owner for
[ 950] ANAnnotation [ 796].

ANAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
FieldAnn [ 809] Defines ANN field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the annotations, presenting operations
performed on the original source.
FieldAsc [ 809] Defines ASC field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the associated context to one or more
Record(s) Type-21.
FieldCon [ 809] Defines CON field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the capture organization name.
FieldDat [ 809] Defines DAT field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the date that the transaction was
FieldDui [ 809] Defines DUI field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the device or source of the data.
FieldEfr [ 809] Defines EFR field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the external file reference if the data is
not contained in Field 999.
FieldGeo [ 809] Defines GEO field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the geographic sample acquisition 9
location where sample was acquired (not where it is

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

FieldHas [ 809] Defines HAS field number. Field referenced by this

number contains the hash value of the data in Field 999.
FieldMms [ 809] Defines MMS field number. Field referenced by this
number contains make, model and serial number for the
image capture device.
FieldSan [ 810] Defines SAN field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the source agency name of the agency
referenced in Field 4.
FieldSor [ 810] Defines SOR field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the source representation to a
representation(s) in Record(s) Type-20.
FieldSrc [ 810] Defines SRC field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the administration or organization that
originally captured the latent image contained in the
record. Normally, the Originating Agency Identifier, ORI,
of the agency that captured the image.
FieldSub [ 810] Defines SUB field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the image subject condition.
FieldUdfFrom [ 810] Specifies starting number from which user defined field
FieldUdfTo [ 810] Defines end number of user defined field starts.
FieldUdfToV5 [ 810] Defines end number of user defined field starts for
version 5.0 and above.
GeoDefaultCoordinateSystem [ 810] Defines default geographic coordinate system value for
geodetic datum code of field referenced by FieldGeo
[ 809] field number.
MaxCaptureOrganizationNameLength [ 811] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldCon [ 809] field number.
MaxDecodingInstructionsLength [ 811] Defines maximal decoding instructions value length of
field referenced by FieldSft or FieldAft fields number.
MaxExternalFileReferenceLength [ 811] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldEfr [ 809] field number.
MaxFileTypeLength [ 811] Defines maximal file type value length of field referenced
by FieldSft or FieldAft fields number.
MaxGeoAlternativeCoordSystemIdLength [ 811] Defines maximal alternative geographic coordinate
system identifier value of field referenced by FieldGeo
[ 809] field number.
MaxGeoAlternativeCoordSystemValueLength Defines maximal alternative geographic coordinate
[ 811] system value value of field referenced by FieldGeo
[ 809] field number.
MaxGeoElevation [ 811] Defines maximal elevation value of field referenced by
FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoElevationLength [ 811] Defines maximal elevation value length of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoLatitudeDegree [ 811] Defines maximal latitude degree value of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoLatitudeDegreeLength [ 812] Defines maximal latitude degree value length of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoLongitudeDegree [ 812] Defines maximal longitude degree value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoLongitudeDegreeLength [ 812] Defines maximal longitude degree value length of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoMinute [ 812] Defines maximal latitude/longitude minute value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoMinuteLength [ 812] Defines maximal latitude/longitude minute value length of 9
field referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

MaxGeoReferenceTextLength [ 812] Defines maximal geographic reference text value length

of field referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoSecond [ 812] Defines maximal latitude/longitude second value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoSecondLength [ 812] Defines maximal latitude/longitude second value length of
field referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoUtmEasting [ 812] Defines maximal UtmEasting value of field referenced by
FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoUtmNorthing [ 812] Defines maximal UtmNorthing value of field referenced by
FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoUtmZoneLength [ 813] Defines maximal UtmZone value length of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeodeticDatumCodeLength [ 813] Defines maximal elevation value length of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxHashLength [ 813] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldHas [ 809] field number.
MaxImageCaptureDateRangeLength [ 813] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldIcdr field number.
MaxQualityMetricScore [ 813] Defines maximal quality score value for record data.
MaxSourceAgencyLength [ 813] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldSrc [ 810] field number.
MaxSourceAgencyLengthV4 [ 813] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldSrc [ 810] field number for version 4.0 and above.
MaxSourceAgencyNameLength [ 813] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldSan [ 810] field number.
MaxSourceContextRepresentationNumber [ 813] Defines maximal number value of field referenced by
FieldSan [ 810] or FieldSor [ 810] field numbers.
MaxSourceContextRepresentationSegmentPosition Defines maximal segment position value of field
[ 814] referenced by FieldAsc [ 809] or FieldSor [ 810] field
MaxTimeIndexCount [ 814] Defines maximal time index count of field referenced by
FieldTix field number.
MaxTimeIndexHour [ 814] Defines maximal time index hour value of field referenced
by FieldTix field number.
MaxTimeIndexLength [ 814] Defines maximal time index value length of field
referenced by FieldTix field number.
MaxTimeIndexMillisecond [ 814] Defines maximal time index millisecond value of field
referenced by FieldTix field number.
MaxTimeIndexMinute [ 814] Defines maximal time index minute value of field
referenced by FieldTix field number.
MaxTimeIndexSecond [ 814] Defines maximal time index second value of field
referenced by FieldTix field number.
MinCaptureOrganizationNameLength [ 814] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldCon [ 809] field number.
MinExternalFileReferenceLength [ 814] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldEfr [ 809] field number.
MinFileTypeLength [ 814] Defines minimal file type value length of field referenced
by FieldSft or FieldAft fields number.
MinGeoElevation [ 815] Defines minimal elevation value of field referenced by
FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeoLatitudeDegree [ 815] Defines minimal latitude degree value of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeoLongitudeDegree [ 815] Defines minimal longitude degree value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number. 9
MinGeoMinute [ 815] Defines minimal latitude/longitude minute value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

MinGeoSecond [ 815] Defines minimal latitude/longitude second value of field

referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeoUtmZoneLength [ 815] Defines minimal UtmZone value length of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeodeticDatumCodeLength [ 815] Defines maximal elevation value length of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinImageCaptureDateRangeLength [ 815] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldIcdr field number.
MinImageCaptureDateRangeLength51 [ 815] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldIcdr field number for version 5.1.
MinSourceAgencyLength [ 816] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldSrc [ 810] field number.
MinSourceAgencyLengthV5 [ 816] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldSrc [ 810] field number for version 5.0 and above.
MinSourceAgencyNameLength [ 816] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldSan [ 810] field number.
MinSourceContextRepresentationNumber [ 816] Defines minimal number value of field referenced by
FieldAsc [ 809] or FieldSor [ 810] field numbers.
MinSourceContextRepresentationSegmentPosition Defines minimal segment position value of field
[ 816] referenced by FieldAsc [ 809] or FieldSor [ 810] field
MinTimeIndexCount [ 816] Defines minimal time index count of field referenced by
FieldTix field number.
QualityMetricScoreFailed [ 816] Defines code when quality assessment algorithm failed to
asses record data quality.
QualityMetricScoreNotAvailable [ 816] Defines code when quality score has not been calculated
or provided for data contained in record object.

ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
FieldBpx [ 907] ... more [ 907]
FieldCga [ 907] Defines CGA field number. Field referenced by this number
specifies compression algorithm (CGA), the algorithm used to
compress the transmitted grayscale images.
FieldCom [ 907] Defines COM field number. Field referenced by this number
contains comments or other ASCII text information with the
image data
FieldCsp [ 907] Defines CSP field number. Field referenced by this number
contains color space used to exchange the image data.
FieldDmm [ 908] Defines DMM field number. Field referenced by this number
contains device monitoring mode (DMM) value which provides
information describing the level of human monitoring for the
image capture device.
FieldHll [ 908] Defines HLL field number. Field referenced by this number
contain the number of pixels contained on a single horizontal
line of the transmitted image (horizontal line length - HLL).
FieldHps [ 908] Defines HPS field number. Field referenced by this number
contains horizontal pixel scale (HPS), the integer pixel density
used in the horizontal direction of the transmitted image.
FieldIqm [ 908] Defines IQM field number. Field referenced by this number
contains a quality score data for the image stored in record
FieldShps [ 908] Defines SHPS field number. Field referenced by this number
contains scanned horizontal pixel scale (SHPS) - the horizontal
pixel density used for the scanning of the original impression.
FieldSlc [ 908] ... more [ 908] 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

FieldSvps [ 908] Defines SVPS field number. Field referenced by this number
contains scanned vertical pixel scale (SVPS), the vertical pixel
density used for the scanning of the original impression.
FieldVll [ 908] Defines VLL field number. Field referenced by this number
contains contains vertical line length (VLL), the number of
horizontal lines contained in the transmitted image.
FieldVps [ 909] Defines VPS field number. Field referenced by this number
contains vertical pixel scale (VPS), the integer pixel density
used in the vertical direction of the transmitted image.
MaxCommentLength [ 909] Defines maximal length of textual information associated with
image contained in record
MaxCommentLengthV5 [ 909] Defines maximal length of textual information associated with
image contained in record for version 5.0 and above.
MaxLineLength [ 909] Defines the maximum value that field referenced by FieldHLL
and FieldVLL can have.
MaxLineLengthV5 [ 909] Defines the maximum value that field referenced by FieldHLL
and FieldVLL can have for version 5.0 and above.
MaxPixelScale [ 909] Defines maximal pixel scale value.
MaxPixelScaleV5 [ 909] Defines maximal pixel scale value for version 5.0 and above.
MaxRulerFpFormNumberLength [ 909] Defines maximal length of ANRuler [ 965]'s parameter
standard fingerprint form number.
MaxRulerMakeLength [ 909] Defines maximal length of ANRuler [ 965]'s parameter make.
MaxRulerModelLength [ 910] Defines maximal length of ANRuler [ 965]'s parameter model.
MaxVendorCompressionAlgorithmLength Defines maximal length of vendor compression algorithm
[ 910] description.
MaxVendorCompressionAlgorithmLengthV5 Defines maximal length of vendor compression algorithm
[ 910] description for version 5.0 and above.
MaxVendorCompressionAlgorithmLengthV52 Defines maximal length of vendor compression algorithm
[ 910] description for version 5.2 and above.
MaxVertexCount [ 910] Defines maximum number of boundary vertices.
MinCircleVertexCount [ 910] Defines minimal number of circle vertices.
MinEllipseVertexCount [ 910] Defines minimal number of ellipse vertices.
MinLatentPixelScalePpcm [ 910] Defines minimal pixel scale value per centimeter for latent
images for prior ANSI-NIST standard versions implemented in
ANTemplate [ 980].
MinLatentPixelScalePpi [ 910] Defines minimal pixel scale value per inch for latent images for
prior ANSI-NIST standard versions implemented in ANTemplate
[ 980].
MinLatentPixelScaleV4Ppcm [ 911] Defines minimal pixel scale value per centimeter for latent
images in current ANSI-NIST standard version implemented in
ANTemplate [ 980].
MinLatentPixelScaleV4Ppi [ 911] Defines minimal pixel scale value per inch for latent images in
current ANSI-NIST standard version implemented in
ANTemplate [ 980].
MinLatentScanPixelScalePpcm [ 911] Defines minimal scanned pixel scale value per centimeter for
latent images for prior ANSI-NIST standard versions
implemented in ANTemplate [ 980].
MinLatentScanPixelScalePpi [ 911] Defines minimal scanned pixel scale value per inch for latent
images for prior ANSI-NIST standard versions implemented in
ANTemplate [ 980].
MinLatentScanPixelScaleV4Ppcm [ 911] Defines minimal scanned pixel scale value per centimeter for
latent images in current ANSI-NIST standard version
implemented in ANTemplate [ 980].
MinLatentScanPixelScaleV4Ppi [ 911] Defines minimal scanned pixel scale value per inch for latent
images in current ANSI-NIST standard version implemented in
ANTemplate [ 980].

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

MinLineLengthV5 [ 911] Defines the minimum value that field referenced by FieldHLL
and FieldVLL can have for version 5.0 and above.
MinPixelScalePpcm [ 911] Defines minimal pixel scale value per centimeter.
MinPixelScalePpi [ 912] Defines minimal pixel scale value per inch.
MinPixelScaleV5 [ 912] Defines minimal pixel scale value for version 5.0 and above.
MinPolygonVertexCount [ 912] Defines minimal number of pollygon vertices.
MinScanPixelScalePpcm [ 912] Defines minimal scanned pixel scale value per centimeter.
MinScanPixelScalePpi [ 912] Defines minimal scanned pixel scale value per inch.
MinVendorCompressionAlgorithmLength Defines minimal length of vendor compression algorithm
[ 912] description.

ANFPImageAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
FieldAmp [ 863] Defines AMP field number. Field referenced by this number specifies if
one or more fingers or hand are amputated or bandaged (AMP).
FieldFct [ 863] Defined FCT field number. Field referenced by this number contains
friction ridge capture technology.
FieldFgp [ 863] Defines FGP field number. Field referenced by this number contains one
or more possible finger or palm positions that may match the latent image.
FieldImp [ 863] Defines IMP field number. Field referenced by this number indicates the
manner by which the latent image information was obtained.
FieldPD [ 863] Defines PD field number. Field referenced by this number is used to
narrow the search of the latent image in this record against a database.
FieldPpc [ 863] Defined PPC field number. Field referenced by this number contains
offsets to the locations for the bounding box of the EJI, each of the full
finger views, or segments within the EJI.
FieldSeg [ 864] Defines SEG field number. Field referenced by this number specifies
alternate approach to describing the locations for each of the image
segments of the individual fingers within a flat image.
MaxPositionCount [ 864] Defines maximum number of finger or palm position (FGP) in one record.
MaxPrintPositionCount [ 864] Defines maximum number of Print Position Coordinates (PPC).

ANRecord Class

Name Description
ANRecord [ 944] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class with current version and
unset IDC value.
ANRecord [ 944] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class.
ANRecord [ 945] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class.
ANRecord [ 945] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class with current version and
unset IDC value.

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an 9
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.

Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object. 9
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.

ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
BeginUpdate [ 951] Begins ANRecord [ 939] update.
CheckValidity [ 951] Checks ANRecord [ 939] compliance with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1 standard
specified by version.
EndUpdate [ 951] Ends ANRecord [ 939] update.
Validate [ 951] Validates ANRecord [ 939]. ANRecord [ 939] can be validated only if
the ANValidationLevel [ 1604] is Standard.

ANAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
SetMakeModelSerialNumber [ 816] Sets make, model and serial number for the iris capture device.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
SetCompressionAlgorithm [ 912] Sets compression algorithm used to compress image data.
SetImage [ 913] Sets image contained in logical record to NImage [ 1831] format.
SetImage [ 913] Sets image contained in logical record to NImage [ 1831] format.
ToNImage [ 913] Converts image contained in logical record to NImage [ 1831] format.
ToNImage [ 913] Converts image contained in logical record to NImage [ 1831] format.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
ConformanceTestResults [ 951] Gets particular conformance test results from the ANRecord [ 939].
Data [ 951] Gets or sets the the record data.
Fields [ 952] Gets particular fields from the ANRecord [ 939].
Idc [ 952] Gets or sets idc of record.
IsValidated [ 952] Checks if ANRecord [ 939] is compliant with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1
standard specified by version.
Length [ 952] Gets record size.
NativeType [ 952] Defines the native type of the object.
Owner [ 952] Gets ANTemplate [ 980] object.
RecordType [ 953] Gets record type.
ValidationLevel [ 953] Gets validation level of ANRecord [ 939].
Version [ 953] Gets record version.

ANAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
ANGeographicCoordinateSystemNativeType The native type of the geographic coordinate system.
[ 817]
ANSubjectBodyClassCodeNativeType The native type of the subject body class code.
[ 817]
ANSubjectBodyStatusCodeNativeType The native type of the subject body status code.
[ 817]
ANSubjectStatusCodeNativeType [ 817] The native type of the subject status code.
Annotations [ 817] Gets particular annotations from the ANAsciiBinaryRecord
[ 799].
AssociatedContexts [ 817] Gets particular associated contexts from the
ANAsciiBinaryRecord [ 799].
CaptureOrganizationName [ 817] Gets or sets capture organization name.
DataHash [ 818] Gets or sets the hash value of data.
Date [ 818] Gets or sets field referenced by FieldDat [ 809] field number. 9
DeviceUniqueIdentifier [ 818] Gets or sets device unique identifier.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ExternalFileReference [ 818] Gets or sets external file reference.

GeographicLocation [ 818] Gets or sets the ANGeographicLocation [ 890] structure.
Make [ 818] Gets make of image capture device
MakeModelSerialNumber [ 819] Gets or sets the MakeModelSerialNumber structure.
Model [ 819] Gets model of image capture device.
NativeType [ 819] Defines native type of the object.
SerialNumber [ 819] Gets serial number of image capture device.
SourceAgency [ 819] Gets or sets source agency identification.
SourceAgencyName [ 819] Gets or sets source agency name.
SourceRepresenations [ 819] Gets particular associated contexts from the
ANAsciiBinaryRecord [ 799].
SubjectCondition [ 820] Gets or sets subject condition.

ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
ANBoundaryCodeNativeType [ 914] Defines the native type of the boundary code.

ANDeviceMonitoringModeNativeType Defines the native type of the device monitoring mode.

[ 914]
ANMeasurementUnitsNativeType Defines the native type of the measurement units.
[ 914]
ANOcclusionOpacityNativeType Defines the native type of the occlusion opacity.
[ 914]
ANOcclusionTypeNativeType [ 914] Defines the native type of the occlusion type.
BitsPerPixel [ 914] Gets or sets number of bits used to represent a pixel (BPP).
ColorSpace [ 914] Gets or sets color space used to exchange the image data
Comment [ 914] Gets or sets textual information associated with image located in
ANRecord [ 939] object.
CompressionAlgorithm [ 915] Gets compression algorithm used to compress image data.
DeviceMonitoringMode [ 915] Gets or sets device monitoring mode (DMM) value which provides
information describing the level of human monitoring for the image
capture device.
HorzLineLength [ 915] Gets or sets horizontal line length value.
HorzPixelScale [ 915] Gets or sets horizontal pixel scale of image.
NativeType [ 915] Defines the native type of the object.
ScaleUnits [ 915] Gets or sets scale units value.
ScanHorzPixelScale [ 916] Gets or sets scanned horizontal pixel scale (SHPS) - the horizontal
pixel density used for the scanning of the original impression
ScanVertPixelScale [ 916] Gets or sets scanned vertical pixel scale (SVPS) - the vertical pixel
density used for the scanning of the original impression.
VendorCompressionAlgorithm [ 916] Gets description of vendor compression algorithm, that has been used
to compress the transmitted images.
VertLineLength [ 916] Gets or sets vertical line length of image.
VertPixelScale [ 916] Gets or sets vertical pixel scale of image.

ANFPImageAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
ANFAmputationTypeNativeType The native type of the friction ridge amputation type.
[ 864]
ANFMajorCaseNativeType [ 864] Defines the native type of ANF major case.
ANFRCaptureTechnologyNativeType The native type of the capture technology. 9
[ 864]
Amputations [ 864] Gets particular amputation contained in record.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

CaptureTechnology [ 864] Gets or sets friction ridge capture technology.

ImpressionType [ 865] Gets or sets fingerprint impression type.
NativeType [ 865] Defines the native type of the object.
Positions [ 865] Gets fingerprint positions contained in record.
PrintPositions [ 865] Gets fingerprint print positions contained in record.
QualityMetrics [ 865] Gets fingerprint quality metrics contained in record.
Segments [ 865] Gets particular friction ridge segment contained in record.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. ANFPImageAsciiBinaryRecord Classes ANFPImageAsciiBinaryRecord.AmputationCollection Class

Represent collection of amputations.

public sealed class AmputationCollection : StructCollection<ANFAmputation>;
File: ANFPImageAsciiBinaryRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] ANFPImageAsciiBinaryRecord.PositionCollection Class

Represent collection of fingerprint positions.

public sealed class PositionCollection : ValueTypeCollection<BdifFPPosition>;
File: ANFPImageAsciiBinaryRecord.cs

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] ANFPImageAsciiBinaryRecord.PrintPositionCollection Class

Represent collection of print positions.

public sealed class PrintPositionCollection : StructCollection<ANFPrintPosition>;
File: ANFPImageAsciiBinaryRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] ANFPImageAsciiBinaryRecord.QualityMetricCollection Class

Represent collection of fingerprint quality metrics.

public sealed class QualityMetricCollection : StructCollection<ANFPQualityMetric>;
File: ANFPImageAsciiBinaryRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] ANFPImageAsciiBinaryRecord.SegmentCollection Class

Represent collection of segments.

public sealed class SegmentCollection : StructCollection<ANFSegment>;
File: ANFPImageAsciiBinaryRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] ANFPImageAsciiBinaryRecord Fields ANFPImageAsciiBinaryRecord.FieldAmp Field

Defines AMP field number. Field referenced by this number specifies if one or more fingers or hand are amputated or bandaged

public const int FieldAmp = 18; ANFPImageAsciiBinaryRecord.FieldFct Field

Defined FCT field number. Field referenced by this number contains friction ridge capture technology.

C# 9
public const int FieldFct = 901;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANFPImageAsciiBinaryRecord.FieldFgp Field

Defines FGP field number. Field referenced by this number contains one or more possible finger or palm positions that may
match the latent image.

public const int FieldFgp = 13; ANFPImageAsciiBinaryRecord.FieldImp Field

Defines IMP field number. Field referenced by this number indicates the manner by which the latent image information was

public const int FieldImp = 3; ANFPImageAsciiBinaryRecord.FieldPD Field

Defines PD field number. Field referenced by this number is used to narrow the search of the latent image in this record against
a database.

public const int FieldPD = 14; ANFPImageAsciiBinaryRecord.FieldPpc Field

Defined PPC field number. Field referenced by this number contains offsets to the locations for the bounding box of the EJI,
each of the full finger views, or segments within the EJI.

public const int FieldPpc = 15; ANFPImageAsciiBinaryRecord.FieldSeg Field

Defines SEG field number. Field referenced by this number specifies alternate approach to describing the locations for each of
the image segments of the individual fingers within a flat image.

public const int FieldSeg = 21; ANFPImageAsciiBinaryRecord.MaxPositionCount Field

Defines maximum number of finger or palm position (FGP) in one record.

public const int MaxPositionCount = 6; ANFPImageAsciiBinaryRecord.MaxPrintPositionCount Field

Defines maximum number of Print Position Coordinates (PPC).

public const int MaxPrintPositionCount = 12; ANFPImageAsciiBinaryRecord Properties ANFPImageAsciiBinaryRecord.ANFAmputationTypeNativeType Property

The native type of the friction ridge amputation type.

public static NType ANFAmputationTypeNativeType;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANFPImageAsciiBinaryRecord.ANFMajorCaseNativeType Property

Defines the native type of ANF major case.

public static NType ANFMajorCaseNativeType; ANFPImageAsciiBinaryRecord.ANFRCaptureTechnologyNativeType Property

The native type of the capture technology.

public static NType ANFRCaptureTechnologyNativeType; ANFPImageAsciiBinaryRecord.Amputations Property

Gets particular amputation contained in record.

public AmputationCollection Amputations;
Property value
A AmputationCollection [ 862] representing amputations. ANFPImageAsciiBinaryRecord.CaptureTechnology Property

Gets or sets friction ridge capture technology.

public ANFRCaptureTechnology CaptureTechnology;
Property value
Return one of ANFRCaptureTechnology [ 1583] values. ANFPImageAsciiBinaryRecord.ImpressionType Property

Gets or sets fingerprint impression type.

public BdifFPImpressionType ImpressionType;
Property value
Return one of BdifFPImpressionType [ 1610] values. ANFPImageAsciiBinaryRecord.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; ANFPImageAsciiBinaryRecord.Positions Property

Gets fingerprint positions contained in record.

public PositionCollection Positions;
Property value
PositionCollection [ 862] representing fingerprint positions. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANFPImageAsciiBinaryRecord.PrintPositions Property

Gets fingerprint print positions contained in record.

public PrintPositionCollection PrintPositions;
Property value
PrintPositionCollection [ 862] representing fingerprint print positions. ANFPImageAsciiBinaryRecord.QualityMetrics Property

Gets fingerprint quality metrics contained in record.

public QualityMetricCollection QualityMetrics;
Property value
QualityMetricCollection [ 862] representing fingerprint quality metrics. ANFPImageAsciiBinaryRecord.Segments Property

Gets particular friction ridge segment contained in record.

public SegmentCollection Segments;
Property value
A SegmentCollection [ 863] representing friction ridge segments. ANFPMinutia Structure

Represents fingerprint minutia values.

public struct ANFPMinutia {
File: ANType9Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Name Description
ANFPMinutia [ 866] Initializes new instance of ANFPMinutia structure.
ANFPMinutia [ 867] Initializes new instance of ANFPMinutia structure.
ANFPMinutia [ 867] Initializes new instance of ANFPMinutia structure.
ANFPMinutia [ 867] Initializes new instance of ANFPMinutia structure.
ANFPMinutia [ 868] Initializes new instance of ANFPMinutia structure.
ANFPMinutia [ 868] Initializes new instance of ANFPMinutia structure.
ANFPMinutia [ 868] Initializes new instance of ANFPMinutia structure.
ANFPMinutia [ 869] Initializes new instance of ANFPMinutia structure. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ANFPMinutia Properties

Name Description
NativeType [ 869] Defines the native type of the object.
Quality [ 869] Gets or sets confidence in minutia quality.
RawTheta [ 869] Gets or sets angle between the horizontal axis of the coordinate system
and the direction that a ridge ending points.
Theta [ 870] Gets or sets angle between the horizontal axis of the coordinate system
and the direction that a ridge ending points.
Type [ 870] Gets or sets type of the minutiae.
X [ 870] Gets or sets x position of the minutiae.
Y [ 870] Gets or sets y position of the minutiae. ANFPMinutia.ANFPMinutia Constructor (uint, uint, double)

Initializes new instance of ANFPMinutia structure.

public ANFPMinutia(uint x, uint y, double theta);

Parameters Description
uint x x coordinate of the minutiae.
uint y y coordinate of the minutiae.
double theta Angle between the horizontal axis of the coordinate system
and the direction that a ridge ending points. Angle is in
radians. ANFPMinutia.ANFPMinutia Constructor (uint, uint, double,

Initializes new instance of ANFPMinutia structure.

public ANFPMinutia(uint x, uint y, double theta, BdifFPMinutiaType type);

Parameters Description
uint x x coordinate of the minutiae.
uint y y coordinate of the minutiae.
double theta Angle between the horizontal axis of the coordinate system
and the direction that a ridge ending points. Angle is in
BdifFPMinutiaType type One of BdifFPMinutiaType [ 1612] values. ANFPMinutia.ANFPMinutia Constructor (uint, uint, double, byte)

Initializes new instance of ANFPMinutia structure.

public ANFPMinutia(uint x, uint y, double theta, byte quality);

Parameters Description
uint x x coordinate of the minutiae. 9
uint y y coordinate of the minutiae.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

double theta Angle between the horizontal axis of the coordinate system
and the direction that a ridge ending points. Angle is in
byte quality Minutiae quality measure value. Values shall range from "0"
to "63". The value "0" shall indicate a manually encoded
minutia. The value "1" shall indicate that no method of
indicating a confidence level is available. Values between "2"
and "63" shall indicate decreasing levels of confidence, with
"2" meaning the greatest confidence. ANFPMinutia.ANFPMinutia Constructor (uint, uint, double, byte,

Initializes new instance of ANFPMinutia structure.

public ANFPMinutia(uint x, uint y, double theta, byte quality, BdifFPMinutiaType type);

Parameters Description
uint x x coordinate of the minutiae.
uint y y coordinate of the minutiae.
double theta Angle between the horizontal axis of the coordinate system
and the direction that a ridge ending points. Angle is in
byte quality Minutiae quality measure value. Values shall range from "0"
to "63". The value "0" shall indicate a manually encoded
minutia. The value "1" shall indicate that no method of
indicating a confidence level is available. Values between "2"
and "63" shall indicate decreasing levels of confidence, with
"2" meaning the greatest confidence.
BdifFPMinutiaType type One of BdifFPMinutiaType [ 1612] values. ANFPMinutia.ANFPMinutia Constructor (uint, uint, ushort)

Initializes new instance of ANFPMinutia structure.

public ANFPMinutia(uint x, uint y, ushort theta);

Parameters Description
uint x x coordinate of the minutiae.
uint y y coordinate of the minutiae.
ushort theta Angle between the horizontal axis of the coordinate system
and the direction that a ridge ending points. Angle is in
degrees. ANFPMinutia.ANFPMinutia Constructor (uint, uint, ushort,

Initializes new instance of ANFPMinutia structure.

public ANFPMinutia(uint x, uint y, ushort theta, BdifFPMinutiaType type);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards


Parameters Description
uint x x coordinate of the minutiae.
uint y y coordinate of the minutiae.
ushort theta Angle between the horizontal axis of the coordinate system
and the direction that a ridge ending points. Angle is in
BdifFPMinutiaType type One of BdifFPMinutiaType [ 1612] values. ANFPMinutia.ANFPMinutia Constructor (uint, uint, ushort, byte)

Initializes new instance of ANFPMinutia structure.

public ANFPMinutia(uint x, uint y, ushort theta, byte quality);

Parameters Description
uint x x coordinate of the minutiae.
uint y y coordinate of the minutiae.
ushort theta Angle between the horizontal axis of the coordinate system
and the direction that a ridge ending points. Angle is in
byte quality Minutiae quality measure value. Values shall range from "0"
to "63". The value "0" shall indicate a manually encoded
minutia. The value "1" shall indicate that no method of
indicating a confidence level is available. Values between "2"
and "63" shall indicate decreasing levels of confidence, with
"2" meaning the greatest confidence. ANFPMinutia.ANFPMinutia Constructor (uint, uint, ushort, byte,

Initializes new instance of ANFPMinutia structure.

public ANFPMinutia(uint x, uint y, ushort theta, byte quality, BdifFPMinutiaType type);

Parameters Description
uint x x coordinate of the minutiae.
uint y y coordinate of the minutiae.
ushort theta Angle between the horizontal axis of the coordinate system
and the direction that a ridge ending points. Angle is in
byte quality Minutiae quality measure value. Values shall range from "0"
to "63". The value "0" shall indicate a manually encoded
minutia. The value "1" shall indicate that no method of
indicating a confidence level is available. Values between "2"
and "63" shall indicate decreasing levels of confidence, with
"2" meaning the greatest confidence.
BdifFPMinutiaType type One of BdifFPMinutiaType [ 1612] values. ANFPMinutia Properties


9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANFPMinutia.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; ANFPMinutia.Quality Property

Gets or sets confidence in minutia quality.

public byte Quality;
Property value
Number representing confidence in minutiae quality. ANFPMinutia.RawTheta Property

Gets or sets angle between the horizontal axis of the coordinate system and the direction that a ridge ending points.

public ushort RawTheta;
Property value
Number representing angle in degrees. ANFPMinutia.Theta Property

Gets or sets angle between the horizontal axis of the coordinate system and the direction that a ridge ending points.

public double Theta;
Property value
Number representing angle in radians. ANFPMinutia.Type Property

Gets or sets type of the minutiae.

public BdifFPMinutiaType Type;
Property value
BdifFPMinutiaType [ 1612] object representing minutiae type. ANFPMinutia.X Property

Gets or sets x position of the minutiae.

public uint X;
Property value
Number representing x position of the minutiae. ANFPMinutia.Y Property

Gets or sets y position of the minutiae.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public uint Y;
Property value
Number representing y position of the minutiae. ANFPQualityMetric Structure

Describes NIST Fingerprint Image Quality (NFIQ) scores.

public struct ANFPQualityMetric {
File: ANFPImageAsciiBinaryRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

Position [ 872] field represents fingerprint/palmprint position. Score [ 872] field represent quality assessment which has been
calculated using scoring algorithm. AlgorithmVendorId [ 871] field represents ID of the vendor of the quality algorithm used to
calculate the quality score. AlgorithmProductId [ 871] field represents numeric product code assigned by the vendor

of the quality algorithm.


Name Description
ANFPQualityMetric [ 871] Initializes new instance of ANFPQualityMetric structure.

ANFPQualityMetric Properties

Name Description
AlgorithmProductId [ 871] Gets or sets numeric product code assigned by the vendor of the quality
AlgorithmVendorId [ 871] Gets or sets ID of the vendor of the quality algorithm used to calculate
the quality score.
NativeType [ 872] Defines the native type of the object.
Position [ 872] Gets or sets fingerprint/palmprint position value.
Score [ 872] Gets or sets fingerprint/palmprint quality score. ANFPQualityMetric.ANFPQualityMetric Constructor

Initializes new instance of ANFPQualityMetric structure.

public ANFPQualityMetric(BdifFPPosition position, byte score, ushort algorithmVendorId,
ushort algorithmProductId);

Parameters Description
BdifFPPosition position Fingerprint/palmprint position value.
byte score Quality assessment which has been calculated using scoring 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ushort algorithmVendorId ID of the vendor of the quality algorithm used to calculate the
quality score.
ushort algorithmProductId Numeric product code assigned by the vendor of the quality
algorithm. ANFPQualityMetric Properties ANFPQualityMetric.AlgorithmProductId Property

Gets or sets numeric product code assigned by the vendor of the quality algorithm.

public ushort AlgorithmProductId;
Property value
Number containing numeric product code. ANFPQualityMetric.AlgorithmVendorId Property

Gets or sets ID of the vendor of the quality algorithm used to calculate the quality score.

public ushort AlgorithmVendorId;
Property value
Number containing vendor ID. ANFPQualityMetric.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; ANFPQualityMetric.Position Property

Gets or sets fingerprint/palmprint position value.

public BdifFPPosition Position;
Property value
BdifFPPosition [ 1612] object representing fingerprint/palmprint position value. ANFPQualityMetric.Score Property

Gets or sets fingerprint/palmprint quality score.

public byte Score;
Property value
Number representing fingerprint/palmprint quality score. ANFPatternClass Structure

Defines fingerprint pattern classification.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public struct ANFPatternClass {

File: ANType9Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Name Description
ANFPatternClass [ 872] Initializes new instance of ANFPatternClass structure.

ANFPatternClass Properties

Name Description
NativeType [ 873] Defines the native type of the object.
Value [ 873] Gets standard pattern class value.
VendorValue [ 873] Gets vendor pattern class value. ANFPatternClass.ANFPatternClass Constructor

Initializes new instance of ANFPatternClass structure.

public ANFPatternClass(BdifFPatternClass value, string vendorValue);

Parameters Description
BdifFPatternClass value One of BdifFPatternClass [ 1616] values representing
standard pattern classes.
string vendorValue String containing vendor pattern class description. ANFPatternClass Properties ANFPatternClass.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; ANFPatternClass.Value Property

Gets standard pattern class value.

public BdifFPatternClass Value;
Property value
BdifFPatternClass [ 1616] object representing standard pattern class. ANFPatternClass.VendorValue Property

Gets vendor pattern class value.

public string VendorValue; 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Property value
String containing vendor pattern class description. ANFPositionDescriptor Structure

Describes search position descriptors.

public struct ANFPositionDescriptor {
File: ANFPImageAsciiBinaryRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Name Description
ANFPositionDescriptor [ 874] Initializes new instance of ANFPositionDescriptor structure.

ANFPositionDescriptor Properties

Name Description
NativeType [ 874] Defines the native type of the object.
Portion [ 874] Gets or sets portion of the EJI or tip image in the database to search.
Position [ 874] Gets or sets fingerprint position code. ANFPositionDescriptor.ANFPositionDescriptor Constructor

Initializes new instance of ANFPositionDescriptor structure.

public ANFPositionDescriptor(BdifFPPosition position, ANFMajorCase portion);

Parameters Description
BdifFPPosition position Decimal finger position code.
ANFMajorCase portion The portion of the EJI or tip image in the database to search. ANFPositionDescriptor Properties ANFPositionDescriptor.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; ANFPositionDescriptor.Portion Property

Gets or sets portion of the EJI or tip image in the database to search.

public ANFMajorCase Portion;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Property value
ANFMajorCase [ 1581] object representing the portion of the image. ANFPositionDescriptor.Position Property

Gets or sets fingerprint position code.

public BdifFPPosition Position;
Property value
ANFMajorCase [ 1581] object representing fingerprint position code. ANFPrintPosition Structure

Describes print position coordinates.

public struct ANFPrintPosition {
File: ANFPImageAsciiBinaryRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

Structure consist of six (6) mandatory information items to describe the type or portion of the latent image contained in this
record and its location within an entire joint image.

The first information item is the number of the full finger view with values of "FV1" through "FV4". Values of ?FV1? to ?FV4?
specify the bounding coordinates for each full finger view.

The second information item is used to identify the location of a segment within a full finger view. It contain the not applicable
code ?NA? if the image portion refers to a full finger view or to the entire joint image locations. It contains ?PRX?, ?DST?,
?MED? for a proximal, distal, or medial


The next four information items are the horizontal and vertical offsets relative to the

origin positioned in the upper left corner of the image. The horizontal offsets (X) are the pixel

counts to the right, and the vertical offsets (Y) are the pixel counts down. The location of the

image portion is defined by the sequence of X coordinates (LEFT, RIGHT) and the Y coordinates (TOP, BOTTOM), of its
bounding box. For the case of a fingertip, the first information item shall be ?TIP?, and the second information item shall be

The next four information items are the horizontal and vertical offsets as defined above.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards


Name Description
ANFPrintPosition [ 875] Initializes new instance of ANFPrintPosition structure.

ANFPrintPosition Properties

Name Description
Bottom [ 876] Gets or sets bottom Y coordinate of bounding box.
FingerView [ 876] Gets or sets number of the full finger view.
Left [ 876] Gets or sets left X coordinate of bounding box.
NativeType [ 876] Defines the native type of the object.
Right [ 876] Gets or sets right X coordinate of bounding box.
Segment [ 877] Gets or sets the location of a segment within a full finger view.
Top [ 877] Gets or sets top Y coordinate of bounding box. ANFPrintPosition.ANFPrintPosition Constructor

Initializes new instance of ANFPrintPosition structure.

public ANFPrintPosition(ANFMajorCase fingerView, ANFMajorCase segment, int left, int right,
int top, int bottom);

Parameters Description
ANFMajorCase fingerView One of ANFMajorCase [ 1581] values.
ANFMajorCase segment One of ANFMajorCase [ 1581] values.
int left Left [ 876] X coordinate of bounding box.
int right Right [ 876] X coordinate of bounding box.
int top Top [ 877] Y coordinate of bounding box.
int bottom Bottom [ 876] Y coordinate of bounding box. ANFPrintPosition Properties ANFPrintPosition.Bottom Property

Gets or sets bottom Y coordinate of bounding box.

public int Bottom;
Property value
Number representing bottom Y coordinate of bounding box. ANFPrintPosition.FingerView Property

Gets or sets number of the full finger view.

public ANFMajorCase FingerView;
Property value
ANFMajorCase [ 1581] object representing number of the full finger view.

9 ANFPrintPosition.Left Property
Gets or sets left X coordinate of bounding box.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public int Left;
Property value
Number representing left X coordinate of bounding box. ANFPrintPosition.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; ANFPrintPosition.Right Property

Gets or sets right X coordinate of bounding box.

public int Right;
Property value
Number representing right X coordinate of bounding box. ANFPrintPosition.Segment Property

Gets or sets the location of a segment within a full finger view.

public ANFMajorCase Segment;
Property value
ANFMajorCase [ 1581] object representing segment with full fingers view. ANFPrintPosition.Top Property

Gets or sets top Y coordinate of bounding box.

public int Top;
Property value
Number representing top Y coordinate of bounding box. ANFSegment Structure

Defines image segments containing individual fingers.

public struct ANFSegment {
File: ANFPImageAsciiBinaryRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

This structure contains offsets to the locations of image segments containing the individual fingers within the flat images of the
four simultaneous fingers from each hand or the two simultaneous thumbs. The offsets are relative to the origin positioned in
the upper left corner of the image. The horizontal offsets (X) are the pixel counts to the right, and the vertical offsets (Y) are the
pixel counts down. A finger segment is defined by the finger number, which is between one and ten , the X coordinates (LEFT,
RIGHT) and the Y coordinates (TOP, BOTTOM), of its bounding box.


Name Description
ANFSegment [ 878] Initializes new instance of ANFSegment structure.

ANFSegment Properties

Name Description
Bottom [ 878] Gets or sets bottom Y coordinate of bounding box.
Left [ 878] Gets or sets left X coordinate of bounding box.
NativeType [ 878] Defines the native type of the object.
Position [ 878] Gets or sets friction ridge position code.
Right [ 878] Gets or sets right X coordinate of bounding box.
Top [ 879] Gets or sets top Y coordinate of bounding box. ANFSegment.ANFSegment Constructor

Initializes new instance of ANFSegment structure.

public ANFSegment(BdifFPPosition position, int left, int right, int top, int bottom);

Parameters Description
BdifFPPosition position One of BdifFPPosition [ 1612] values representing friction
ridge position code.
int left left X coordinate of bounding box.
int right right X coordinate of bounding box.
int top top Y coordinate of bounding box.
int bottom bottom Y coordinate of bounding box. ANFSegment Properties ANFSegment.Bottom Property

Gets or sets bottom Y coordinate of bounding box.

public int Bottom;
Property value
Number containing bottom Y coordinate of bounding box. ANFSegment.Left Property

Gets or sets left X coordinate of bounding box.

public int Left;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Property value
Number containing left X coordinate of bounding box. ANFSegment.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; ANFSegment.Position Property

Gets or sets friction ridge position code.

public BdifFPPosition Position;
Property value
BdifFPPosition [ 1612] object representing friction ridge position code. ANFSegment.Right Property

Gets or sets right X coordinate of bounding box.

public int Right;
Property value
Number containing right X coordinate of bounding box. ANFSegment.Top Property

Gets or sets top Y coordinate of bounding box.

public int Top;
Property value
Number containing top Y coordinate of bounding box. ANFaceImageBoundingBox Structure

Describes a face image bounding box coordinates in full image.

public struct ANFaceImageBoundingBox {
File: ANType10Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Name Description 9
ANFaceImageBoundingBox [ 879] Initializes a new instance of ANFaceImageBoundingBox structure.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ANFaceImageBoundingBox Properties

Name Description
BottomVertOffset [ 880] Gets or sets bottom vertical offset of the bounding box relative to the
origin positioned in the upper left corner of the image.
FacePosition [ 880] Gets or sets head postion code.
LeftHorzOffset [ 880] Gets or sets left horizontal offset of the bounding box relative to the origin
positioned in the upper left corner of the image.
NativeType [ 880] Defines the native type of the object.
RightHorzOffset [ 880] Gets or sets right horizontal offset of the bounding box relative to the
origin positioned in the upper left corner of the image.
TopVertOffset [ 880] Gets or sets top vertical offset of the bounding box relative to the origin
positioned in the upper left corner of the image. ANFaceImageBoundingBox.ANFaceImageBoundingBox Constructor

Initializes a new instance of ANFaceImageBoundingBox structure.

public ANFaceImageBoundingBox(uint leftHorzOffset, uint rightHorzOffset, uint
topVertOffset, uint bottomVertOffset, ANFacePosition facePosition);

Parameters Description
uint leftHorzOffset Left horizontal offset of the bounding box relative to the
origin positioned in the upper left corner of the image.
uint rightHorzOffset Right horizontal offset of the bounding box relative to the
origin positioned in the upper left corner of the image.
uint topVertOffset Top vertical offset of the bounding box relative to the origin
positioned in the upper left corner of the image.
uint bottomVertOffset Bottom vertical offset of the bounding box relative to the
origin positioned in the upper left corner of the image.
ANFacePosition facePosition Head postion code value. ANFaceImageBoundingBox Properties ANFaceImageBoundingBox.BottomVertOffset Property

Gets or sets bottom vertical offset of the bounding box relative to the origin positioned in the upper left corner of the image.

public uint BottomVertOffset; ANFaceImageBoundingBox.FacePosition Property

Gets or sets head postion code.

public ANFacePosition FacePosition; ANFaceImageBoundingBox.LeftHorzOffset Property

Gets or sets left horizontal offset of the bounding box relative to the origin positioned in the upper left corner of the image.

public uint LeftHorzOffset; ANFaceImageBoundingBox.NativeType Property 9

Defines the native type of the object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public static NType NativeType; ANFaceImageBoundingBox.RightHorzOffset Property

Gets or sets right horizontal offset of the bounding box relative to the origin positioned in the upper left corner of the image.

public uint RightHorzOffset; ANFaceImageBoundingBox.TopVertOffset Property

Gets or sets top vertical offset of the bounding box relative to the origin positioned in the upper left corner of the image.

public uint TopVertOffset; ANField Class

Provides functionality for managing fields.

public sealed class ANField : NObject;
File: ANField.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

ANField Classes
ANField Class

Name Description
ItemCollection [ 884] Represent collection of items in field.
SubFieldCollection [ 886] Represent collection of subfields in field.

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag. 9
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object. 9
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ANField Class

Name Description
Data [ 887] Gets field data.
Header [ 888] Gets the header file of the current field.
Items [ 888] Gets particular item from the ANField.
Name [ 888] Gets ors sets the name of the current field.
NativeType [ 888] Defines the native type of the object.
Number [ 888] Gets or sets item value as number.
Owner [ 888] Gets ANRecord [ 939] object.
SubFields [ 888] Gets particular subfield from the ANField.
Value [ 889] Gets or sets item value.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. ANField Classes ANField.ItemCollection Class

Represent collection of items in field.

public sealed class ItemCollection : StringCollection;
File: ANField.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

ItemCollection Methods
Name Description
Add [ 884] Adds item to ItemCollection with initial count of items in it.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

GetData [ 885] Gets item data.

GetName [ 885] Gets item name and type name.
Insert [ 885] Adds item to ItemCollection with initial count of items in it.
SetName [ 886] Sets item name and type name. ItemCollection Methods ANField.ItemCollection.Add Method

Adds item to ItemCollection [ 884] with initial count of items in it.

public int Add(string name, string typeName, string value);

Parameters Description
string name String containing item's name necessary for user-defined
field if ANTemplate [ 980] is going to be serialied to XML file.
string typeName String containing item's type name necessary for
user-defined field if ANTemplate [ 980] is going to be
serialied to XML file.
string value Initial item value.

Item's index in ItemCollection [ 884]. ANField.ItemCollection.GetData Method

Gets item data.

public NBuffer GetData(int index);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the item.

NBuffer [ 1943] containing item's data. ANField.ItemCollection.GetName Method

Gets item name and type name.

public string GetName(int index, out string typeName);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the item.
out string typeName String containing item's type name.

String containing item's name.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANField.ItemCollection.Insert Method

Adds item to ItemCollection [ 884] with initial count of items in it.

public void Insert(int index, string name, string typeName, string value);

Parameters Description
int index Index to insert to.
string name String containing item's name necessary for user-defined
field if ANTemplate [ 980] is going to be serialied to XML file.
string typeName String containing item's type name necessary for
user-defined field if ANTemplate [ 980] is going to be
serialied to XML file.
string value Initial item value. ANField.ItemCollection.SetName Method

Sets item name and type name.

public void SetName(int index, string name, string typeName);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the item.
string name String containing item's name.
string typeName String containing item's type name.

String containing item's name. ANField.SubFieldCollection Class

Represent collection of subfields in field.

public sealed class SubFieldCollection : NObjectCollection<ANSubField>;
File: ANField.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

SubFieldCollection Methods

Name Description
Add [ 886] Adds subfield to SubFieldCollection with initial count of items in it.
Add [ 887] Adds subfield to SubFieldCollection with initial count of items in it.
Insert [ 887] Inserts subfield to SubFieldCollection at specified index with initial value.
Insert [ 887] Inserts subfield to SubFieldCollection at specified index with initial value. SubFieldCollection Methods


9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANField.SubFieldCollection.Add Method (string)

Adds subfield to SubFieldCollection [ 886] with initial count of items in it.

public ANSubField Add(string value);

Parameters Description
string value Initial subfield value.

ANSubField [ 973] object representing newly added subfield. ANField.SubFieldCollection.Add Method (string, string)

Adds subfield to SubFieldCollection [ 886] with initial count of items in it.

public ANSubField Add(string name, string value);

Parameters Description
string name String containing subfield's name necessary for user-defined
field if ANTemplate [ 980] is going to be serialied to XML file.
string value Initial subfield value.

ANSubField [ 973] object representing newly added subfield. ANField.SubFieldCollection.Insert Method (int, string)

Inserts subfield to SubFieldCollection [ 886] at specified index with initial value.

public ANSubField Insert(int index, string value);

Parameters Description
int index Index to insert to.
string value Initial value of subfield.

ANSubField [ 973] object representing newly added subfield. ANField.SubFieldCollection.Insert Method (int, string, string)

Inserts subfield to SubFieldCollection [ 886] at specified index with initial value.

public ANSubField Insert(int index, string name, string value);

Parameters Description
int index Index to insert to.
string name String containing subfield's name necessary for user-defined 9
field if ANTemplate [ 980] is going to be serialied to XML file.
string value Initial value of subfield.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ANSubField [ 973] object representing newly added subfield. ANField Properties ANField.Data Property

Gets field data.

public NBuffer Data;
Property value
NBuffer [ 1943] containing field data. ANField.Header Property

Gets the header file of the current field.

public string Header; ANField.Items Property

Gets particular item from the ANField [ 880].

public ItemCollection Items;
Property value
A ItemCollection [ 884] representing items from ANField [ 880]. ANField.Name Property

Gets ors sets the name of the current field.

public string Name; ANField.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; ANField.Number Property

Gets or sets item value as number.

public int Number;
Property value
Number containing item value. ANField.Owner Property

Gets ANRecord [ 939] object. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public new ANRecord Owner;
Property value
ANRecord [ 939] object. ANField.SubFields Property

Gets particular subfield from the ANField [ 880].

public SubFieldCollection SubFields;
Property value
A SubFieldCollection [ 886] representing subfield from ANField [ 880]. ANField.Value Property

Gets or sets item value.

public string Value;
Property value
String containing item value. ANFileFormat Structure

This structure defines file format.

public struct ANFileFormat {
File: ANAsciiBinaryRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Name Description
ANFileFormat [ 889] Initializes new instance of ANFileFormat structure.

ANFileFormat Properties

Name Description
DecodingInstructions [ 890] Gets or sets the decoding instructions used for decoding image file.
FileType [ 890] Gets or sets image file type.
NativeType [ 890] Defines the native type of the object. ANFileFormat.ANFileFormat Constructor

Initializes new instance of ANFileFormat structure.
public ANFileFormat(string fileType, string decodingInstructions);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards


Parameters Description
string fileType The image file type containing file suffix, if digital file, or
"ANALOG", for analog file. Otherwise contains "OTHER".
string decodingInstructions Free text for describing image file decoding instructions. ANFileFormat Properties ANFileFormat.DecodingInstructions Property

Gets or sets the decoding instructions used for decoding image file.

public string DecodingInstructions;
Property value
Free text for describing image file decoding instructions. ANFileFormat.FileType Property

Gets or sets image file type.

public string FileType;
Property value
File type containing image file suffix, if digital file, or "ANALOG", for analog file. Otherwise contains "OTHER". ANFileFormat.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; ANGeographicLocation Structure

This structure defines geographic sample acquisition location to specify location where biometric sample was collected.

public struct ANGeographicLocation {
File: ANAsciiBinaryRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

1st information item specifies coordinated universal time (UTC), when biometric data was collected. Information items from 2nd
to 7th are optional as group and specifies geographic coordinate Latitude/Longitude. Latidute and longitude degrees are treated
as pair and both are either present or absent. Latitude/Longitude minutes can be present only iftheir corresponding degree
values are present. By analogy, the latitude/ longitude seconds can be only present if their corresponding minutes are present. 9
Each of degree/minute/second value can be decimal or integer. If value is decimal then further adjusting items shall be not
specified (must be set as '-1'). For example if latitude degree is 60.12564, then latitude minute and second shall be set '-1'. 8th

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

information item is optional element elevation, specified in meters. If no elevation is given, then value must be set as '-1'. 9th
and 10th information item specifies coordinate system, which was used for caldulating values for 2nd to 7th information items.
Information items from 11th to 13th are optional as group and specifies location with a Universal Transverse Mercator
(UTM)coordinate. 14th element is optional and specifies geographic reference text. Information items 15th and 16th should be
used when alternate geographic coordinate system is used.


Name Description
ANGeographicLocation [ 891] Initializes new instance of ANGeographicLocation structure.

ANGeographicLocation Properties

Name Description
Elevation [ 892] Gets or sets elevation in meters.
GeodeticDatumCode [ 892] Gets or sets geographic coordinate system.
LatitudeDegree [ 892] Gets or sets latitude degree.
LatitudeMinute [ 892] Gets or sets latitude minute.
LatitudeSecond [ 892] Gets or sets latitude second.
LongitudeDegree [ 893] Gets or sets longitude degree.
LongitudeMinute [ 893] Gets or sets longitude minute.
LongitudeSecond [ 893] Gets or sets longitude second.
NativeType [ 893] Defines the native type of the object.
OtherGeodeticDatumCode [ 893] String containing other geographic coordinate system.
OtherSystemId [ 893] String containing geographic coordinate other system identifier to set
alternate geographic system.
OtherSystemValue [ 893] String containing geographic coordinate other system value to set
alternate geographic system.
ReferenceText [ 894] String containing geographic reference text.
UniversalTimeEntry [ 894] Gets or sets universal time entry, containing coordinated universal time
(UTC) value.
UtmEasting [ 894] Gets or sets universal transverse Mercator easting.
UtmNorthing [ 894] Gets or sets universal transverse Mercator northing.
UtmZone [ 894] String containing geographic coordinate universal transverse Mercator
zone. ANGeographicLocation.ANGeographicLocation Constructor

Initializes new instance of ANGeographicLocation structure.

public ANGeographicLocation(DateTime? universalTimeEntry, double? latitudeDegree, double
latitudeMinute, double latitudeSecond, double? longitudeDegree, double longitudeMinute,
double longitudeSecond, double? elevation, ANGeographicCoordinateSystem geodeticDatumCode,
string otherGeodeticDatumCode, string utmZone, int utmEasting, int utmNorthing, string
referenceText, string otherSystemId, string otherSystemValue);

Parameters Description
DateTime? universalTimeEntry Universal time entry, containing UTC value.
double? latitudeDegree Latitude degree.
double latitudeMinute Latitude minute.
double latitudeSecond Latitude second.
double? longitudeDegree Longitude degree.
double longitudeMinute Longitude minute. 9
double longitudeSecond Longitude second.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

double? elevation Elevation [ 892], specified in meters.

ANGeographicCoordinateSystem geodeticDatumCode Value of geodetic datum code.
string otherGeodeticDatumCode Other geodetic datum code, when geodeticDatumCode is
defined as "other".
string utmZone Geographic coordinate universal transverse Mercator zone.
int utmEasting Geographic coordinate universal transverse Mercator
int utmNorthing Geographic coordinate universal transverse Mercator
string referenceText Geographic reference text.
string otherSystemId Geographic system other system identifier.
string otherSystemValue Geographic coordinate other system value. ANGeographicLocation Properties ANGeographicLocation.Elevation Property

Gets or sets elevation in meters.

public double? Elevation; ANGeographicLocation.GeodeticDatumCode Property

Gets or sets geographic coordinate system.

public ANGeographicCoordinateSystem GeodeticDatumCode; ANGeographicLocation.LatitudeDegree Property

Gets or sets latitude degree.

public double? LatitudeDegree;
Degree value can be decimal or integer. If value is decimal then further adjusting items shall be not specified (must be set as
'-1'). For example if degree is 60.12564, then latitude minute and second shall be set '-1'. ANGeographicLocation.LatitudeMinute Property

Gets or sets latitude minute.

public double LatitudeMinute;
Latitude minute can be only set, if latitude degrees is set. Minute value can be decimal or integer. If value is decimal then
latitude second shall be not specified (set as '-1'). ANGeographicLocation.LatitudeSecond Property

Gets or sets latitude second.

public double LatitudeSecond; 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Latitude second can be only set, if latitude minute is set. Second value can be decimal or integer. ANGeographicLocation.LongitudeDegree Property

Gets or sets longitude degree.

public double? LongitudeDegree;
Degree value can be decimal or integer. If value is decimal then further adjusting items shall be not specified (must be set as
'-1'). For example if degree is 60.12564, then latitude minute and second shall be set '-1'. ANGeographicLocation.LongitudeMinute Property

Gets or sets longitude minute.

public double LongitudeMinute;
Latitude minute can be only set, if latitude degrees is set. Minute value can be decimal or integer. If value is decimal then
longitude second shall be not specified (set as '-1'). ANGeographicLocation.LongitudeSecond Property

Gets or sets longitude second.

public double LongitudeSecond;
Longitude second can be only set, if longitude minute is set. Second value can be decimal or integer. ANGeographicLocation.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; ANGeographicLocation.OtherGeodeticDatumCode Property

String containing other geographic coordinate system.

public string OtherGeodeticDatumCode; ANGeographicLocation.OtherSystemId Property

String containing geographic coordinate other system identifier to set alternate geographic system.

public string OtherSystemId; ANGeographicLocation.OtherSystemValue Property

String containing geographic coordinate other system value to set alternate geographic system. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public string OtherSystemValue; ANGeographicLocation.ReferenceText Property

String containing geographic reference text.

public string ReferenceText; ANGeographicLocation.UniversalTimeEntry Property

Gets or sets universal time entry, containing coordinated universal time (UTC) value.

public DateTime? UniversalTimeEntry; ANGeographicLocation.UtmEasting Property

Gets or sets universal transverse Mercator easting.

public int UtmEasting; ANGeographicLocation.UtmNorthing Property

Gets or sets universal transverse Mercator northing.

public int UtmNorthing; ANGeographicLocation.UtmZone Property

String containing geographic coordinate universal transverse Mercator zone.

public string UtmZone; ANHairColor Structure

Describes a general hair color and baldness information.

public struct ANHairColor {
File: ANType10Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Name Description
ANHairColor [ 895] Initializes a new instance of ANHairColor structure.

ANHairColor Properties

Name Description
BaldValue [ 895] Gets or sets baldness. 9
NativeType [ 895] Defines the native type of the object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Value [ 895] Gets or sets hair color. ANHairColor.ANHairColor Constructor

Initializes a new instance of ANHairColor structure.

public ANHairColor(BdifHairColor value, BdifHairColor baldValue);

Parameters Description
BdifHairColor value Hair color value.
BdifHairColor baldValue Baldness value. ANHairColor Properties ANHairColor.BaldValue Property

Gets or sets baldness.

public BdifHairColor BaldValue; ANHairColor.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; ANHairColor.Value Property

Gets or sets hair color.

public BdifHairColor Value; ANImage Class

Provides basic functionality for ANImageBinaryRecord [ 916] and ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord [ 896] logical records.

public static class ANImage;
File: ANImage.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

ANImage Properties

Name Description
ANBinaryImageCompressionAlgorithmNativeType Defines the native type of the binary image compression
[ 896] algorithm.
ANImageColorSpaceNativeType [ 896] Defines the native type of the image color space.
ANImageCompressionAlgorithmNativeType Defines the native type of the image compression
[ 896] algorithm. 9
NativeType [ 896] Defines the native type of the object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANImage Properties ANImage.ANBinaryImageCompressionAlgorithmNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the binary image compression algorithm.

public static NType ANBinaryImageCompressionAlgorithmNativeType; ANImage.ANImageColorSpaceNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the image color space.

public static NType ANImageColorSpaceNativeType; ANImage.ANImageCompressionAlgorithmNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the image compression algorithm.

public static NType ANImageCompressionAlgorithmNativeType; ANImage.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Provides basic functionality for ANType10Record [ 1025], ANType16Record [ 1130], ANType17Record [ 1146] and
ANFPImageAsciiBinaryRecord [ 850] logical records.

public class ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord : ANAsciiBinaryRecord;
File: ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

ANRecord Classes
ANRecord Class

Name Description
ConformanceTestResultCollection Represent collection of conformance test results in ANRecord [ 939].
[ 945]
FieldCollection [ 945] Represent collection of fields in record.

ANAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
AnnotationCollection [ 807] Represent collection of annotations.
AssociatedContextCollection [ 808] Represent collection of associated contexts.
SourceRepresentationCollection Represent collection of associated contexts.
[ 808] 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

ANRecord Class

Name Description
FieldData [ 949] Defines Image data (DATA) contained in logical record.
FieldIdc [ 949] This field is identifies the user-defined text information
contained in the record. The IDC (image designation
character) contained in field shall be the IDC of the
Type-2 logical record as found in the file content (CNT)
field of the Type-1 record.
FieldLen [ 949] Describes total count of the number of bytes in logical
FlagMergeDuplicateFields [ 949] Defines whether the duplicate fields should be merged.
FlagRecoverFromBinaryData [ 949]
MaxAnnotationProcessDescriptionLengthV50 [ 949] Defines minimum length of process description for
ANAnnotation [ 796] for version 5.0.
MaxAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmNameLengthV50 Defines maximum length of processing algorithm name
[ 949] for ANAnnotation [ 796] for version 5.0.
MaxAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwnerLength Defines maximum length of processing algorithm owner
[ 949] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
MaxFieldNumber [ 949] Defines maximal number of fields in logical record.
MaxIdc [ 950] Defines maximum value that image designation
character (IDC) can obtain.
MaxIdcV5 [ 950] Defines maximum value that image designation
character (IDC) can obtain for version 5.0 and above.
MaxMakeLength [ 950] Defines maximum make length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MaxModelLength [ 950] Defines maximum model length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MaxSerialNumberLength [ 950] Defines maximum serial number length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MinAnnotationProcessDescriptionLength [ 950] Defines minimum length of process description for
ANAnnotation [ 796].
MinAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmNameLength Defines minimum length of processing algorithm name
[ 950] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
MinAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwnerLength Defines minimum length of processing algorithm owner
[ 950] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
UnknownAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwner Defines unknown processing algorithm owner for
[ 950] ANAnnotation [ 796].

ANAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
FieldAnn [ 809] Defines ANN field number. Field referenced by this 9
number contains the annotations, presenting operations
performed on the original source.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

FieldAsc [ 809] Defines ASC field number. Field referenced by this

number contains the associated context to one or more
Record(s) Type-21.
FieldCon [ 809] Defines CON field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the capture organization name.
FieldDat [ 809] Defines DAT field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the date that the transaction was
FieldDui [ 809] Defines DUI field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the device or source of the data.
FieldEfr [ 809] Defines EFR field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the external file reference if the data is
not contained in Field 999.
FieldGeo [ 809] Defines GEO field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the geographic sample acquisition
location where sample was acquired (not where it is
FieldHas [ 809] Defines HAS field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the hash value of the data in Field 999.
FieldMms [ 809] Defines MMS field number. Field referenced by this
number contains make, model and serial number for the
image capture device.
FieldSan [ 810] Defines SAN field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the source agency name of the agency
referenced in Field 4.
FieldSor [ 810] Defines SOR field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the source representation to a
representation(s) in Record(s) Type-20.
FieldSrc [ 810] Defines SRC field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the administration or organization that
originally captured the latent image contained in the
record. Normally, the Originating Agency Identifier, ORI,
of the agency that captured the image.
FieldSub [ 810] Defines SUB field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the image subject condition.
FieldUdfFrom [ 810] Specifies starting number from which user defined field
FieldUdfTo [ 810] Defines end number of user defined field starts.
FieldUdfToV5 [ 810] Defines end number of user defined field starts for
version 5.0 and above.
GeoDefaultCoordinateSystem [ 810] Defines default geographic coordinate system value for
geodetic datum code of field referenced by FieldGeo
[ 809] field number.
MaxCaptureOrganizationNameLength [ 811] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldCon [ 809] field number.
MaxDecodingInstructionsLength [ 811] Defines maximal decoding instructions value length of
field referenced by FieldSft or FieldAft fields number.
MaxExternalFileReferenceLength [ 811] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldEfr [ 809] field number.
MaxFileTypeLength [ 811] Defines maximal file type value length of field referenced
by FieldSft or FieldAft fields number.
MaxGeoAlternativeCoordSystemIdLength [ 811] Defines maximal alternative geographic coordinate
system identifier value of field referenced by FieldGeo
[ 809] field number.
MaxGeoAlternativeCoordSystemValueLength Defines maximal alternative geographic coordinate
[ 811] system value value of field referenced by FieldGeo 9
[ 809] field number.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

MaxGeoElevation [ 811] Defines maximal elevation value of field referenced by

FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoElevationLength [ 811] Defines maximal elevation value length of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoLatitudeDegree [ 811] Defines maximal latitude degree value of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoLatitudeDegreeLength [ 812] Defines maximal latitude degree value length of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoLongitudeDegree [ 812] Defines maximal longitude degree value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoLongitudeDegreeLength [ 812] Defines maximal longitude degree value length of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoMinute [ 812] Defines maximal latitude/longitude minute value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoMinuteLength [ 812] Defines maximal latitude/longitude minute value length of
field referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoReferenceTextLength [ 812] Defines maximal geographic reference text value length
of field referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoSecond [ 812] Defines maximal latitude/longitude second value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoSecondLength [ 812] Defines maximal latitude/longitude second value length of
field referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoUtmEasting [ 812] Defines maximal UtmEasting value of field referenced by
FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoUtmNorthing [ 812] Defines maximal UtmNorthing value of field referenced by
FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoUtmZoneLength [ 813] Defines maximal UtmZone value length of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeodeticDatumCodeLength [ 813] Defines maximal elevation value length of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxHashLength [ 813] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldHas [ 809] field number.
MaxImageCaptureDateRangeLength [ 813] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldIcdr field number.
MaxQualityMetricScore [ 813] Defines maximal quality score value for record data.
MaxSourceAgencyLength [ 813] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldSrc [ 810] field number.
MaxSourceAgencyLengthV4 [ 813] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldSrc [ 810] field number for version 4.0 and above.
MaxSourceAgencyNameLength [ 813] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldSan [ 810] field number.
MaxSourceContextRepresentationNumber [ 813] Defines maximal number value of field referenced by
FieldSan [ 810] or FieldSor [ 810] field numbers.
MaxSourceContextRepresentationSegmentPosition Defines maximal segment position value of field
[ 814] referenced by FieldAsc [ 809] or FieldSor [ 810] field
MaxTimeIndexCount [ 814] Defines maximal time index count of field referenced by
FieldTix field number.
MaxTimeIndexHour [ 814] Defines maximal time index hour value of field referenced
by FieldTix field number.
MaxTimeIndexLength [ 814] Defines maximal time index value length of field
referenced by FieldTix field number.
MaxTimeIndexMillisecond [ 814] Defines maximal time index millisecond value of field
referenced by FieldTix field number. 9
MaxTimeIndexMinute [ 814] Defines maximal time index minute value of field
referenced by FieldTix field number.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

MaxTimeIndexSecond [ 814] Defines maximal time index second value of field

referenced by FieldTix field number.
MinCaptureOrganizationNameLength [ 814] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldCon [ 809] field number.
MinExternalFileReferenceLength [ 814] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldEfr [ 809] field number.
MinFileTypeLength [ 814] Defines minimal file type value length of field referenced
by FieldSft or FieldAft fields number.
MinGeoElevation [ 815] Defines minimal elevation value of field referenced by
FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeoLatitudeDegree [ 815] Defines minimal latitude degree value of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeoLongitudeDegree [ 815] Defines minimal longitude degree value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeoMinute [ 815] Defines minimal latitude/longitude minute value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeoSecond [ 815] Defines minimal latitude/longitude second value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeoUtmZoneLength [ 815] Defines minimal UtmZone value length of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeodeticDatumCodeLength [ 815] Defines maximal elevation value length of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinImageCaptureDateRangeLength [ 815] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldIcdr field number.
MinImageCaptureDateRangeLength51 [ 815] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldIcdr field number for version 5.1.
MinSourceAgencyLength [ 816] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldSrc [ 810] field number.
MinSourceAgencyLengthV5 [ 816] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldSrc [ 810] field number for version 5.0 and above.
MinSourceAgencyNameLength [ 816] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldSan [ 810] field number.
MinSourceContextRepresentationNumber [ 816] Defines minimal number value of field referenced by
FieldAsc [ 809] or FieldSor [ 810] field numbers.
MinSourceContextRepresentationSegmentPosition Defines minimal segment position value of field
[ 816] referenced by FieldAsc [ 809] or FieldSor [ 810] field
MinTimeIndexCount [ 816] Defines minimal time index count of field referenced by
FieldTix field number.
QualityMetricScoreFailed [ 816] Defines code when quality assessment algorithm failed to
asses record data quality.
QualityMetricScoreNotAvailable [ 816] Defines code when quality score has not been calculated
or provided for data contained in record object.

ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
FieldBpx [ 907] ... more [ 907]
FieldCga [ 907] Defines CGA field number. Field referenced by this number
specifies compression algorithm (CGA), the algorithm used to
compress the transmitted grayscale images.
FieldCom [ 907] Defines COM field number. Field referenced by this number
contains comments or other ASCII text information with the
image data
FieldCsp [ 907] Defines CSP field number. Field referenced by this number 9
contains color space used to exchange the image data.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

FieldDmm [ 908] Defines DMM field number. Field referenced by this number
contains device monitoring mode (DMM) value which provides
information describing the level of human monitoring for the
image capture device.
FieldHll [ 908] Defines HLL field number. Field referenced by this number
contain the number of pixels contained on a single horizontal
line of the transmitted image (horizontal line length - HLL).
FieldHps [ 908] Defines HPS field number. Field referenced by this number
contains horizontal pixel scale (HPS), the integer pixel density
used in the horizontal direction of the transmitted image.
FieldIqm [ 908] Defines IQM field number. Field referenced by this number
contains a quality score data for the image stored in record
FieldShps [ 908] Defines SHPS field number. Field referenced by this number
contains scanned horizontal pixel scale (SHPS) - the horizontal
pixel density used for the scanning of the original impression.
FieldSlc [ 908] ... more [ 908]
FieldSvps [ 908] Defines SVPS field number. Field referenced by this number
contains scanned vertical pixel scale (SVPS), the vertical pixel
density used for the scanning of the original impression.
FieldVll [ 908] Defines VLL field number. Field referenced by this number
contains contains vertical line length (VLL), the number of
horizontal lines contained in the transmitted image.
FieldVps [ 909] Defines VPS field number. Field referenced by this number
contains vertical pixel scale (VPS), the integer pixel density
used in the vertical direction of the transmitted image.
MaxCommentLength [ 909] Defines maximal length of textual information associated with
image contained in record
MaxCommentLengthV5 [ 909] Defines maximal length of textual information associated with
image contained in record for version 5.0 and above.
MaxLineLength [ 909] Defines the maximum value that field referenced by FieldHLL
and FieldVLL can have.
MaxLineLengthV5 [ 909] Defines the maximum value that field referenced by FieldHLL
and FieldVLL can have for version 5.0 and above.
MaxPixelScale [ 909] Defines maximal pixel scale value.
MaxPixelScaleV5 [ 909] Defines maximal pixel scale value for version 5.0 and above.
MaxRulerFpFormNumberLength [ 909] Defines maximal length of ANRuler [ 965]'s parameter
standard fingerprint form number.
MaxRulerMakeLength [ 909] Defines maximal length of ANRuler [ 965]'s parameter make.
MaxRulerModelLength [ 910] Defines maximal length of ANRuler [ 965]'s parameter model.
MaxVendorCompressionAlgorithmLength Defines maximal length of vendor compression algorithm
[ 910] description.
MaxVendorCompressionAlgorithmLengthV5 Defines maximal length of vendor compression algorithm
[ 910] description for version 5.0 and above.
MaxVendorCompressionAlgorithmLengthV52 Defines maximal length of vendor compression algorithm
[ 910] description for version 5.2 and above.
MaxVertexCount [ 910] Defines maximum number of boundary vertices.
MinCircleVertexCount [ 910] Defines minimal number of circle vertices.
MinEllipseVertexCount [ 910] Defines minimal number of ellipse vertices.
MinLatentPixelScalePpcm [ 910] Defines minimal pixel scale value per centimeter for latent
images for prior ANSI-NIST standard versions implemented in
ANTemplate [ 980].
MinLatentPixelScalePpi [ 910] Defines minimal pixel scale value per inch for latent images for
prior ANSI-NIST standard versions implemented in ANTemplate
[ 980].

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

MinLatentPixelScaleV4Ppcm [ 911] Defines minimal pixel scale value per centimeter for latent
images in current ANSI-NIST standard version implemented in
ANTemplate [ 980].
MinLatentPixelScaleV4Ppi [ 911] Defines minimal pixel scale value per inch for latent images in
current ANSI-NIST standard version implemented in
ANTemplate [ 980].
MinLatentScanPixelScalePpcm [ 911] Defines minimal scanned pixel scale value per centimeter for
latent images for prior ANSI-NIST standard versions
implemented in ANTemplate [ 980].
MinLatentScanPixelScalePpi [ 911] Defines minimal scanned pixel scale value per inch for latent
images for prior ANSI-NIST standard versions implemented in
ANTemplate [ 980].
MinLatentScanPixelScaleV4Ppcm [ 911] Defines minimal scanned pixel scale value per centimeter for
latent images in current ANSI-NIST standard version
implemented in ANTemplate [ 980].
MinLatentScanPixelScaleV4Ppi [ 911] Defines minimal scanned pixel scale value per inch for latent
images in current ANSI-NIST standard version implemented in
ANTemplate [ 980].
MinLineLengthV5 [ 911] Defines the minimum value that field referenced by FieldHLL
and FieldVLL can have for version 5.0 and above.
MinPixelScalePpcm [ 911] Defines minimal pixel scale value per centimeter.
MinPixelScalePpi [ 912] Defines minimal pixel scale value per inch.
MinPixelScaleV5 [ 912] Defines minimal pixel scale value for version 5.0 and above.
MinPolygonVertexCount [ 912] Defines minimal number of pollygon vertices.
MinScanPixelScalePpcm [ 912] Defines minimal scanned pixel scale value per centimeter.
MinScanPixelScalePpi [ 912] Defines minimal scanned pixel scale value per inch.
MinVendorCompressionAlgorithmLength Defines minimal length of vendor compression algorithm
[ 912] description.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
ANRecord [ 944] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class with current version and
unset IDC value.
ANRecord [ 944] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class.
ANRecord [ 945] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class.
ANRecord [ 945] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class with current version and
unset IDC value.

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.

This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values. 9
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.

Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
BeginUpdate [ 951] Begins ANRecord [ 939] update.
CheckValidity [ 951] Checks ANRecord [ 939] compliance with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1 standard
specified by version.
EndUpdate [ 951] Ends ANRecord [ 939] update.
Validate [ 951] Validates ANRecord [ 939]. ANRecord [ 939] can be validated only if
the ANValidationLevel [ 1604] is Standard.

ANAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
SetMakeModelSerialNumber [ 816] Sets make, model and serial number for the iris capture device.

ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
SetCompressionAlgorithm [ 912] Sets compression algorithm used to compress image data. 9
SetImage [ 913] Sets image contained in logical record to NImage [ 1831] format.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

SetImage [ 913] Sets image contained in logical record to NImage [ 1831] format.
ToNImage [ 913] Converts image contained in logical record to NImage [ 1831] format.
ToNImage [ 913] Converts image contained in logical record to NImage [ 1831] format.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
ConformanceTestResults [ 951] Gets particular conformance test results from the ANRecord [ 939].
Data [ 951] Gets or sets the the record data.
Fields [ 952] Gets particular fields from the ANRecord [ 939].
Idc [ 952] Gets or sets idc of record.
IsValidated [ 952] Checks if ANRecord [ 939] is compliant with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1
standard specified by version.
Length [ 952] Gets record size.
NativeType [ 952] Defines the native type of the object.
Owner [ 952] Gets ANTemplate [ 980] object.
RecordType [ 953] Gets record type.
ValidationLevel [ 953] Gets validation level of ANRecord [ 939].
Version [ 953] Gets record version.

ANAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
ANGeographicCoordinateSystemNativeType The native type of the geographic coordinate system.
[ 817]
ANSubjectBodyClassCodeNativeType The native type of the subject body class code.
[ 817]
ANSubjectBodyStatusCodeNativeType The native type of the subject body status code.
[ 817]
ANSubjectStatusCodeNativeType [ 817] The native type of the subject status code.
Annotations [ 817] Gets particular annotations from the ANAsciiBinaryRecord
[ 799].
AssociatedContexts [ 817] Gets particular associated contexts from the
ANAsciiBinaryRecord [ 799].
CaptureOrganizationName [ 817] Gets or sets capture organization name.
DataHash [ 818] Gets or sets the hash value of data.
Date [ 818] Gets or sets field referenced by FieldDat [ 809] field number.
DeviceUniqueIdentifier [ 818] Gets or sets device unique identifier.
ExternalFileReference [ 818] Gets or sets external file reference.
GeographicLocation [ 818] Gets or sets the ANGeographicLocation [ 890] structure.
Make [ 818] Gets make of image capture device
MakeModelSerialNumber [ 819] Gets or sets the MakeModelSerialNumber structure.
Model [ 819] Gets model of image capture device.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

NativeType [ 819] Defines native type of the object.

SerialNumber [ 819] Gets serial number of image capture device.
SourceAgency [ 819] Gets or sets source agency identification.
SourceAgencyName [ 819] Gets or sets source agency name.
SourceRepresenations [ 819] Gets particular associated contexts from the
ANAsciiBinaryRecord [ 799].
SubjectCondition [ 820] Gets or sets subject condition.

ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
ANBoundaryCodeNativeType [ 914] Defines the native type of the boundary code.

ANDeviceMonitoringModeNativeType Defines the native type of the device monitoring mode.

[ 914]
ANMeasurementUnitsNativeType Defines the native type of the measurement units.
[ 914]
ANOcclusionOpacityNativeType Defines the native type of the occlusion opacity.
[ 914]
ANOcclusionTypeNativeType [ 914] Defines the native type of the occlusion type.
BitsPerPixel [ 914] Gets or sets number of bits used to represent a pixel (BPP).
ColorSpace [ 914] Gets or sets color space used to exchange the image data
Comment [ 914] Gets or sets textual information associated with image located in
ANRecord [ 939] object.
CompressionAlgorithm [ 915] Gets compression algorithm used to compress image data.
DeviceMonitoringMode [ 915] Gets or sets device monitoring mode (DMM) value which provides
information describing the level of human monitoring for the image
capture device.
HorzLineLength [ 915] Gets or sets horizontal line length value.
HorzPixelScale [ 915] Gets or sets horizontal pixel scale of image.
NativeType [ 915] Defines the native type of the object.
ScaleUnits [ 915] Gets or sets scale units value.
ScanHorzPixelScale [ 916] Gets or sets scanned horizontal pixel scale (SHPS) - the horizontal
pixel density used for the scanning of the original impression
ScanVertPixelScale [ 916] Gets or sets scanned vertical pixel scale (SVPS) - the vertical pixel
density used for the scanning of the original impression.
VendorCompressionAlgorithm [ 916] Gets description of vendor compression algorithm, that has been used
to compress the transmitted images.
VertLineLength [ 916] Gets or sets vertical line length of image.
VertPixelScale [ 916] Gets or sets vertical pixel scale of image.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle. 9
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord Fields ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.FieldBpx Field

Defines BPX field number. Field referenced by this number contains bits per pixel (BPX), the number of bits used to represent a

public const int FieldBpx = 12; ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.FieldCga Field

Defines CGA field number. Field referenced by this number specifies compression algorithm (CGA), the algorithm used to
compress the transmitted grayscale images.

public const int FieldCga = 11; ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.FieldCom Field

Defines COM field number. Field referenced by this number contains comments or other ASCII text information with the image

public const int FieldCom = 20; ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.FieldCsp Field

Defines CSP field number. Field referenced by this number contains color space used to exchange the image data.

public const int FieldCsp = 13; ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.FieldDmm Field

Defines DMM field number. Field referenced by this number contains device monitoring mode (DMM) value which provides
information describing the level of human monitoring for the image capture device.

public const int FieldDmm = 30; ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.FieldHll Field

Defines HLL field number. Field referenced by this number contain the number of pixels contained on a single horizontal line of
the transmitted image (horizontal line length - HLL).

public const int FieldHll = 6;
9 ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.FieldHps Field
Defines HPS field number. Field referenced by this number contains horizontal pixel scale (HPS), the integer pixel density used

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

in the horizontal direction of the transmitted image.

public const int FieldHps = 9; ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.FieldIqm Field

Defines IQM field number. Field referenced by this number contains a quality score data for the image stored in record

public const int FieldIqm = 24; ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.FieldShps Field

Defines SHPS field number. Field referenced by this number contains scanned horizontal pixel scale (SHPS) - the horizontal
pixel density used for the scanning of the original impression.

public const int FieldShps = 16; ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.FieldSlc Field

Defines SLC field number. Field referenced by this number contains scale units (SLC) - the units used to describe the image
sampling frequency (pixel density).

public const int FieldSlc = 8; ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.FieldSvps Field

Defines SVPS field number. Field referenced by this number contains scanned vertical pixel scale (SVPS), the vertical pixel
density used for the scanning of the original impression.

public const int FieldSvps = 17; ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.FieldVll Field

Defines VLL field number. Field referenced by this number contains contains vertical line length (VLL), the number of horizontal
lines contained in the transmitted image.

public const int FieldVll = 7; ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.FieldVps Field

Defines VPS field number. Field referenced by this number contains vertical pixel scale (VPS), the integer pixel density used in
the vertical direction of the transmitted image.

public const int FieldVps = 10; ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.MaxCommentLength Field

Defines maximal length of textual information associated with image contained in record

public const ushort MaxCommentLength = 127; ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.MaxCommentLengthV5 Field

Defines maximal length of textual information associated with image contained in record for version 5.0 and above.
public const ushort MaxCommentLengthV5 = 126;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.MaxLineLength Field

Defines the maximum value that field referenced by FieldHLL and FieldVLL can have.

public const ushort MaxLineLength = 9999; ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.MaxLineLengthV5 Field

Defines the maximum value that field referenced by FieldHLL and FieldVLL can have for version 5.0 and above.

public const uint MaxLineLengthV5 = 99999; ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.MaxPixelScale Field

Defines maximal pixel scale value.

public const ushort MaxPixelScale = 9999; ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.MaxPixelScaleV5 Field

Defines maximal pixel scale value for version 5.0 and above.

public const uint MaxPixelScaleV5 = 99999; ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.MaxRulerFpFormNumberLength Field

Defines maximal length of ANRuler [ 965]'s parameter standard fingerprint form number.

public const ushort MaxRulerFpFormNumberLength = 99; ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.MaxRulerMakeLength Field

Defines maximal length of ANRuler [ 965]'s parameter make.

public const ushort MaxRulerMakeLength = 50; ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.MaxRulerModelLength Field

Defines maximal length of ANRuler [ 965]'s parameter model.

public const ushort MaxRulerModelLength = 50; ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.MaxVendorCompressionAlgorithmLength Field

Defines maximal length of vendor compression algorithm description.

public const ushort MaxVendorCompressionAlgorithmLength = 6; ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.MaxVendorCompressionAlgorithmLengthV5 Field

Defines maximal length of vendor compression algorithm description for version 5.0 and above.

public const ushort MaxVendorCompressionAlgorithmLengthV5 = 5;
9 ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.MaxVendorCompressionAlgorithmLengthV52 Field
Defines maximal length of vendor compression algorithm description for version 5.2 and above.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public const ushort MaxVendorCompressionAlgorithmLengthV52 = 266; ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.MaxVertexCount Field

Defines maximum number of boundary vertices.

public const byte MaxVertexCount = 99; ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.MinCircleVertexCount Field

Defines minimal number of circle vertices.

public const byte MinCircleVertexCount = 2; ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.MinEllipseVertexCount Field

Defines minimal number of ellipse vertices.

public const byte MinEllipseVertexCount = 3; ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.MinLatentPixelScalePpcm Field

Defines minimal pixel scale value per centimeter for latent images for prior ANSI-NIST standard versions implemented in
ANTemplate [ 980].

public const ushort MinLatentPixelScalePpcm = 195; ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.MinLatentPixelScalePpi Field

Defines minimal pixel scale value per inch for latent images for prior ANSI-NIST standard versions implemented in ANTemplate
[ 980].

public const ushort MinLatentPixelScalePpi = 495; ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.MinLatentPixelScaleV4Ppcm Field

Defines minimal pixel scale value per centimeter for latent images in current ANSI-NIST standard version implemented in
ANTemplate [ 980].

public const ushort MinLatentPixelScaleV4Ppcm = 390; ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.MinLatentPixelScaleV4Ppi Field

Defines minimal pixel scale value per inch for latent images in current ANSI-NIST standard version implemented in
ANTemplate [ 980].

public const ushort MinLatentPixelScaleV4Ppi = 990; ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.MinLatentScanPixelScalePpcm Field

Defines minimal scanned pixel scale value per centimeter for latent images for prior ANSI-NIST standard versions implemented
in ANTemplate [ 980].

public const ushort MinLatentScanPixelScalePpcm = 195;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.MinLatentScanPixelScalePpi Field

Defines minimal scanned pixel scale value per inch for latent images for prior ANSI-NIST standard versions implemented in
ANTemplate [ 980].

public const ushort MinLatentScanPixelScalePpi = 495; ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.MinLatentScanPixelScaleV4Ppcm Field

Defines minimal scanned pixel scale value per centimeter for latent images in current ANSI-NIST standard version
implemented in ANTemplate [ 980].

public const ushort MinLatentScanPixelScaleV4Ppcm = 390; ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.MinLatentScanPixelScaleV4Ppi Field

Defines minimal scanned pixel scale value per inch for latent images in current ANSI-NIST standard version implemented in
ANTemplate [ 980].

public const ushort MinLatentScanPixelScaleV4Ppi = 990; ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.MinLineLengthV5 Field

Defines the minimum value that field referenced by FieldHLL and FieldVLL can have for version 5.0 and above.

public const uint MinLineLengthV5 = 10; ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.MinPixelScalePpcm Field

Defines minimal pixel scale value per centimeter.

public const ushort MinPixelScalePpcm = 195; ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.MinPixelScalePpi Field

Defines minimal pixel scale value per inch.

public const ushort MinPixelScalePpi = 495; ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.MinPixelScaleV5 Field

Defines minimal pixel scale value for version 5.0 and above.

public const uint MinPixelScaleV5 = 1; ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.MinPolygonVertexCount Field

Defines minimal number of pollygon vertices.

public const byte MinPolygonVertexCount = MinEllipseVertexCount; ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.MinScanPixelScalePpcm Field

Defines minimal scanned pixel scale value per centimeter.
public const ushort MinScanPixelScalePpcm = 195;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.MinScanPixelScalePpi Field

Defines minimal scanned pixel scale value per inch.

public const ushort MinScanPixelScalePpi = 495; ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.MinVendorCompressionAlgorithmLength Field

Defines minimal length of vendor compression algorithm description.

public const ushort MinVendorCompressionAlgorithmLength = 3; ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord Methods ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.SetCompressionAlgorithm Method

Sets compression algorithm used to compress image data.

public void SetCompressionAlgorithm(ANImageCompressionAlgorithm compressionAlgorithm,
string vendorCompressionAlgorithm);

Parameters Description
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm compressionAlgorithm One of ANImageCompressionAlgorithm [ 1588] values.
string vendorCompressionAlgorithm Vendor defined compression algorithm.

If vendorValue is not empty, than parameter's ANImageCompressionAlgorithm [ 1588] value must be set as
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm.Vendor. ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.SetImage Method (NImage)

Sets image contained in logical record to NImage [ 1831] format.

public void SetImage(NImage image);

Parameters Description
NImage image NImage [ 1831] object

Before setting image, scale units, compression algorithm and for Type 10 record image type must be set. In other case, the
default values will be used - BdifScaleUnits.None, ANImageCompressionAlgorithm.None, ANImageType.Other respectively. ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.SetImage Method (NImage, uint)

Sets image contained in logical record to NImage [ 1831] format.

public void SetImage(NImage image, uint flags);

Parameters Description
NImage image NImage [ 1831] object
uint flags Must be zero.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Before setting image, scale units, compression algorithm and for Type 10 record image type must be set. In other case, the
default values will be used - BdifScaleUnits.None, ANImageCompressionAlgorithm.None, ANImageType.Other respectively. ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.ToNImage Method ()

Converts image contained in logical record to NImage [ 1831] format.

public NImage ToNImage();
NImage [ 1831] object. ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.ToNImage Method (uint)

Converts image contained in logical record to NImage [ 1831] format.

public NImage ToNImage(uint flags);

Parameters Description
uint flags Must be zero.

NImage [ 1831] object. ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord Properties ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.ANBoundaryCodeNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the boundary code.

public static NType ANBoundaryCodeNativeType; ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.ANDeviceMonitoringModeNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the device monitoring mode.

public static NType ANDeviceMonitoringModeNativeType; ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.ANMeasurementUnitsNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the measurement units.

public static NType ANMeasurementUnitsNativeType; ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.ANOcclusionOpacityNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the occlusion opacity.

public static NType ANOcclusionOpacityNativeType; ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.ANOcclusionTypeNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the occlusion type.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public static NType ANOcclusionTypeNativeType; ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.BitsPerPixel Property

Gets or sets number of bits used to represent a pixel (BPP).

public byte BitsPerPixel;
Property value
Number containing bits per pixel. ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.ColorSpace Property

Gets or sets color space used to exchange the image data

public ANImageColorSpace ColorSpace;
Property value
One of ANImageColorSpace [ 1587] values. ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.Comment Property

Gets or sets textual information associated with image located in ANRecord [ 939] object.

public string Comment;
Property value
String containing textual information. ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.CompressionAlgorithm Property

Gets compression algorithm used to compress image data.

public ANImageCompressionAlgorithm CompressionAlgorithm;
Property value
One of ANImageCompressionAlgorithm [ 1588] values. ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.DeviceMonitoringMode Property

Gets or sets device monitoring mode (DMM) value which provides information describing the level of human monitoring for the
image capture device.

public ANDeviceMonitoringMode DeviceMonitoringMode;
Property value
One of ANDeviceMonitoringMode [ 1579] values. ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.HorzLineLength Property

Gets or sets horizontal line length value.

C# 9
public int HorzLineLength;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Property value
Horizontal line length of image. ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.HorzPixelScale Property

Gets or sets horizontal pixel scale of image.

public int HorzPixelScale;
Property value
Horizontal pixel scale of image. ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.ScaleUnits Property

Gets or sets scale units value.

public BdifScaleUnits ScaleUnits;
Property value
One of BdifScaleUnits [ 1626] values. ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.ScanHorzPixelScale Property

Gets or sets scanned horizontal pixel scale (SHPS) - the horizontal pixel density used for the scanning of the original

public int ScanHorzPixelScale;
Property value
Number representing horizontal pixel scale. ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.ScanVertPixelScale Property

Gets or sets scanned vertical pixel scale (SVPS) - the vertical pixel density used for the scanning of the original impression.

public int ScanVertPixelScale;
Property value
Number representing vertical pixel scale. ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.VendorCompressionAlgorithm Property

Gets description of vendor compression algorithm, that has been used to compress the transmitted images.

public string VendorCompressionAlgorithm;
Property value 9
String containing vendor compression algorithm description.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.VertLineLength Property

Gets or sets vertical line length of image.

public int VertLineLength;
Property value
Vertical line length of image. ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.VertPixelScale Property

Gets or sets vertical pixel scale of image.

public int VertPixelScale;
Property value
Vertical pixel scale of image. ANImageBinaryRecord Class

Provides basic functionality for ANFImageBinaryRecord [ 843] and ANType8Record [ 1283] logical records

public class ANImageBinaryRecord : ANBinaryRecord;
File: ANImageBinaryRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

ANRecord Classes
ANRecord Class

Name Description
ConformanceTestResultCollection Represent collection of conformance test results in ANRecord [ 939].
[ 945]
FieldCollection [ 945] Represent collection of fields in record.

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

ANRecord Class

Name Description
FieldData [ 949] Defines Image data (DATA) contained in logical record. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

FieldIdc [ 949] This field is identifies the user-defined text information

contained in the record. The IDC (image designation
character) contained in field shall be the IDC of the
Type-2 logical record as found in the file content (CNT)
field of the Type-1 record.
FieldLen [ 949] Describes total count of the number of bytes in logical
FlagMergeDuplicateFields [ 949] Defines whether the duplicate fields should be merged.
FlagRecoverFromBinaryData [ 949]
MaxAnnotationProcessDescriptionLengthV50 [ 949] Defines minimum length of process description for
ANAnnotation [ 796] for version 5.0.
MaxAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmNameLengthV50 Defines maximum length of processing algorithm name
[ 949] for ANAnnotation [ 796] for version 5.0.
MaxAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwnerLength Defines maximum length of processing algorithm owner
[ 949] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
MaxFieldNumber [ 949] Defines maximal number of fields in logical record.
MaxIdc [ 950] Defines maximum value that image designation
character (IDC) can obtain.
MaxIdcV5 [ 950] Defines maximum value that image designation
character (IDC) can obtain for version 5.0 and above.
MaxMakeLength [ 950] Defines maximum make length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MaxModelLength [ 950] Defines maximum model length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MaxSerialNumberLength [ 950] Defines maximum serial number length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MinAnnotationProcessDescriptionLength [ 950] Defines minimum length of process description for
ANAnnotation [ 796].
MinAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmNameLength Defines minimum length of processing algorithm name
[ 950] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
MinAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwnerLength Defines minimum length of processing algorithm owner
[ 950] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
UnknownAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwner Defines unknown processing algorithm owner for
[ 950] ANAnnotation [ 796].

ANImageBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
FieldHll [ 922] Defines HLL field number. Field referenced by this number contain the
number of pixels contained on a single horizontal line of the transmitted
image (horizontal line length - HLL).
FieldIsr [ 922] Defines ISE field number. Field referenced by this number contains flag
of image scanning resolution.
FieldVll [ 922] Defines VLL field number. Field referenced by this number contains
vertical line length (VLL), the number of horizontal lines contained in the
transmitted image.
MaxLineLengthV5 [ 922] Defines maximal line length value in pixels for HLL and VLL for version
5.x of the standard.
MinLineLengthV5 [ 922] Defines minimal line length value in pixels for HLL and VLL for version
5.x of the standard.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
ANRecord [ 944] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class with current version and 9
unset IDC value.
ANRecord [ 944] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ANRecord [ 945] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class.

ANRecord [ 945] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class with current version and
unset IDC value.

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
BeginUpdate [ 951] Begins ANRecord [ 939] update.
CheckValidity [ 951] Checks ANRecord [ 939] compliance with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1 standard
specified by version.
EndUpdate [ 951] Ends ANRecord [ 939] update.
Validate [ 951] Validates ANRecord [ 939]. ANRecord [ 939] can be validated only if
the ANValidationLevel [ 1604] is Standard.

ANImageBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
SetImage [ 922] Sets an image for the ANImageBinaryRecord.
SetImage [ 923] Sets an image for the ANImageBinaryRecord.
ToNImage [ 923] Converts image contained in logical record to NImage [ 1831] format.
ToNImage [ 923] Converts image contained in logical record to NImage [ 1831] format.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
ConformanceTestResults [ 951] Gets particular conformance test results from the ANRecord [ 939].
Data [ 951] Gets or sets the the record data.
Fields [ 952] Gets particular fields from the ANRecord [ 939].
Idc [ 952] Gets or sets idc of record.
IsValidated [ 952] Checks if ANRecord [ 939] is compliant with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1
standard specified by version.
Length [ 952] Gets record size.
NativeType [ 952] Defines the native type of the object.
Owner [ 952] Gets ANTemplate [ 980] object.
RecordType [ 953] Gets record type.
ValidationLevel [ 953] Gets validation level of ANRecord [ 939].
Version [ 953] Gets record version.

ANBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
NativeType [ 830] Defines the native type of the object.

ANImageBinaryRecord Class
Name Description
HorzLineLength [ 923] Gets or sets horizontal line length value.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ImageResolution [ 923] Gets image resolution value.

ImageScanResolution [ 924] Gets flag which defines what type of image scan resolution was used.
ImageScanResolutionValue [ 924] Gets value of image scanning resolution.
NativeType [ 924] Defines the native type of the object.
VertLineLength [ 924] Gets or sets vertical line length of image.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. ANImageBinaryRecord Fields ANImageBinaryRecord.FieldHll Field

Defines HLL field number. Field referenced by this number contain the number of pixels contained on a single horizontal line of
the transmitted image (horizontal line length - HLL).

public const int FieldHll = 6; ANImageBinaryRecord.FieldIsr Field

Defines ISE field number. Field referenced by this number contains flag of image scanning resolution.

public const int FieldIsr = 5; ANImageBinaryRecord.FieldVll Field

Defines VLL field number. Field referenced by this number contains vertical line length (VLL), the number of horizontal lines
contained in the transmitted image.

public const int FieldVll = 7; ANImageBinaryRecord.MaxLineLengthV5 Field 9

Defines maximal line length value in pixels for HLL and VLL for version 5.x of the standard.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public const uint MaxLineLengthV5 = 65535; ANImageBinaryRecord.MinLineLengthV5 Field

Defines minimal line length value in pixels for HLL and VLL for version 5.x of the standard.

public const uint MinLineLengthV5 = 10; ANImageBinaryRecord Methods ANImageBinaryRecord.SetImage Method (NImage)

Sets an image for the ANImageBinaryRecord [ 916].

public void SetImage(NImage image);

Parameters Description
NImage image NImage [ 1831] object. ANImageBinaryRecord.SetImage Method (NImage, uint)

Sets an image for the ANImageBinaryRecord [ 916].

public void SetImage(NImage image, uint flags);

Parameters Description
NImage image NImage [ 1831] object.
uint flags Must be zero. ANImageBinaryRecord.ToNImage Method ()

Converts image contained in logical record to NImage [ 1831] format.

public NImage ToNImage();
NImage [ 1831] object. ANImageBinaryRecord.ToNImage Method (uint)

Converts image contained in logical record to NImage [ 1831] format.

public NImage ToNImage(uint flags);

Parameters Description
uint flags Must be zero.

NImage [ 1831] object. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANImageBinaryRecord Properties ANImageBinaryRecord.HorzLineLength Property

Gets or sets horizontal line length value.

public ushort HorzLineLength;
Property value
Horizontal line length of image. ANImageBinaryRecord.ImageResolution Property

Gets image resolution value.

public uint ImageResolution;
Property value
Number containing image resolution value. ANImageBinaryRecord.ImageScanResolution Property

Gets flag which defines what type of image scan resolution was used.

public bool ImageScanResolution;
Property value
true if native scanning resolution has been used and false if minimum scanning resolution has been used. ANImageBinaryRecord.ImageScanResolutionValue Property

Gets value of image scanning resolution.

public uint ImageScanResolutionValue;
Property value
Number containing image scanning resolution. ANImageBinaryRecord.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; ANImageBinaryRecord.VertLineLength Property

Gets or sets vertical line length of image.

public ushort VertLineLength;
Property value
Vertical line length of image. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANImageSourceType Structure

Type of the image source.

public struct ANImageSourceType {
File: ANType10Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Name Description
ANImageSourceType [ 925] Initializes a new instance of ANImageSourceType structure.

ANImageSourceType Properties

Name Description
NativeType [ 925] Defines the native type of the object.
Value [ 925] BdifImageSourceType [ 1623] value.
VendorValue [ 925] String containing vendor description. ANImageSourceType.ANImageSourceType Constructor

Initializes a new instance of ANImageSourceType structure.

public ANImageSourceType(BdifImageSourceType value, string vendorValue);

Parameters Description
BdifImageSourceType value BdifImageSourceType [ 1623] value.
string vendorValue String containing vendor description. ANImageSourceType Properties ANImageSourceType.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; ANImageSourceType.Value Property

BdifImageSourceType [ 1623] value.

public BdifImageSourceType Value; ANImageSourceType.VendorValue Property

String containing vendor description. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public string VendorValue; ANIrisImageProperties Structure

Defines iris image image properties. Properties consists of horizontal orientation, vertical orientation and scan type.

public struct ANIrisImageProperties {
File: ANType17Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Name Description
ANIrisImageProperties [ 926] Initializes new instance of ANIrisImageProperties structure.

ANIrisImageProperties Properties

Name Description
HorzOrientation [ 926] Gets or sets horizontal orientation of the iris.
NativeType [ 926] Defines the native type of the object.
ScanType [ 926] Gets or sets iris scan type.
VertOrientation [ 926] Gets or sets vertical orientation of the iris. ANIrisImageProperties.ANIrisImageProperties Constructor

Initializes new instance of ANIrisImageProperties structure.

public ANIrisImageProperties(BdifIrisOrientation horzOrientation, BdifIrisOrientation
vertOrientation, BdifIrisScanType scanType);

Parameters Description
BdifIrisOrientation horzOrientation Horizontal orientation of the iris.
BdifIrisOrientation vertOrientation Vertical orientation of the iris.
BdifIrisScanType scanType One of BdifIrisScanType [ 1625] values. ANIrisImageProperties Properties ANIrisImageProperties.HorzOrientation Property

Gets or sets horizontal orientation of the iris.

public BdifIrisOrientation HorzOrientation;
Property value
BdifIrisOrientation [ 1625] object representing iris horizontal orientation.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANIrisImageProperties.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; ANIrisImageProperties.ScanType Property

Gets or sets iris scan type.

public BdifIrisScanType ScanType;
Property value
BdifIrisScanType [ 1625] object representing iris scan type. ANIrisImageProperties.VertOrientation Property

Gets or sets vertical orientation of the iris.

public BdifIrisOrientation VertOrientation;
Property value
BdifIrisOrientation [ 1625] object representing iris vertical orientation ANMakeModelSerialNumber Structure

Provides functionality for managing make, model and serial number values of the device.

public struct ANMakeModelSerialNumber {
File: ANRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Name Description
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927] Initializes a new instance of ANMakeModelSerialNumber structure.

ANMakeModelSerialNumber Properties

Name Description
Make [ 927] Make of the iris capture device.
Model [ 928] Model of the iris capture device.
NativeType [ 928] Defines the native type of the object.
SerialNumber [ 928] Serial number of the iris capture device. ANMakeModelSerialNumber.ANMakeModelSerialNumber Constructor

Initializes a new instance of ANMakeModelSerialNumber structure.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public ANMakeModelSerialNumber(string make, string model, string serialNumber);

Parameters Description
string make The make of the iris capture device.
string model The model of the iris capture device.
string serialNumber The serial number of the iris capture device. ANMakeModelSerialNumber Properties ANMakeModelSerialNumber.Make Property

Make of the iris capture device.

public string Make; ANMakeModelSerialNumber.Model Property

Model of the iris capture device.

public string Model; ANMakeModelSerialNumber.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; ANMakeModelSerialNumber.SerialNumber Property

Serial number of the iris capture device.

public string SerialNumber; ANMedicalDevice Structure

This structure definesmedical device structure.

public struct ANMedicalDevice {
File: ANType21Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Name Description
ANMedicalDevice [ 928] Initializes new instance of ANMedicalDevice structure. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ANMedicalDevice Properties

Name Description
Comment [ 929] Gets or sets comment.
DeviceMake [ 929] Gets or sets make of the image capture device.
DeviceManufacturer [ 929] Gets or sets manufacturer of the image capture device.
DeviceModel [ 929] Gets or sets model of the image capture device.
DeviceSerialNumber [ 929] Gets or sets serial number of the image capture device.
DeviceType [ 930] Gets or sets device type.
NativeType [ 930] Defines the native type of the object. ANMedicalDevice.ANMedicalDevice Constructor

Initializes new instance of ANMedicalDevice structure.

public ANMedicalDevice(string deviceType, string deviceManufacturer, string deviceMake,
string deviceModel, string deviceSerialNumber, string comment);

Parameters Description
string deviceType The type of the image capture device.
string deviceManufacturer The manufacturer of the image capture device.
string deviceMake The make of the image capture device.
string deviceModel The model of the image capture device.
string deviceSerialNumber The serial number of the image capture device.
string comment The comment as free text. ANMedicalDevice Properties ANMedicalDevice.Comment Property

Gets or sets comment.

public string Comment;
Property value
The comment as free text. ANMedicalDevice.DeviceMake Property

Gets or sets make of the image capture device.

public string DeviceMake;
Property value
The make of the image capture device. ANMedicalDevice.DeviceManufacturer Property

Gets or sets manufacturer of the image capture device.

public string DeviceManufacturer;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Property value
The manufacturer of the image capture device. ANMedicalDevice.DeviceModel Property

Gets or sets model of the image capture device.

public string DeviceModel;
Property value
The model of the image capture device. ANMedicalDevice.DeviceSerialNumber Property

Gets or sets serial number of the image capture device.

public string DeviceSerialNumber;
Property value
The serial number of the image capture device. ANMedicalDevice.DeviceType Property

Gets or sets device type.

public string DeviceType;
Property value
The type of the image capture device. ANMedicalDevice.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; ANNistQualityMetric Structure

Represents NIST Fingerprint Image Quality (NFIQ) scores.

public struct ANNistQualityMetric {
File: ANType14Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

Structure contains two information items . The first item is the finger number between one and ten. 9
The second item is the quality score which is a quantitative expression of the predicted AFIS matcher accuracy performance of

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

the fingerprint image. The scores range from "1" for the best quality image, to "5" for the worst quality image. A "254" indicates
that no score was ever computed while an entry of "255" shall indicate a failed attempt to calculate the image quality metric.


Name Description
ANNistQualityMetric [ 930] Initializes new instance of ANNistQualityMetric structure.

ANNistQualityMetric Properties

Name Description
NativeType [ 931] Defines the native type of the object.
Position [ 931] Gets or sets fingerprint position code
Score [ 931] Gets or sets quality score representing the predicted AFIS matcher
accuracy performance of the fingerprint image. ANNistQualityMetric.ANNistQualityMetric Constructor

Initializes new instance of ANNistQualityMetric structure.

public ANNistQualityMetric(BdifFPPosition position, byte score);

Parameters Description
BdifFPPosition position One of BdifFPPosition [ 1612] values representing
fingerprint position code.
byte score Quality score which is a quantitative expression of the
predicted AFIS matcher accuracy performance of the
fingerprint image. ANNistQualityMetric Properties ANNistQualityMetric.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; ANNistQualityMetric.Position Property

Gets or sets fingerprint position code

public BdifFPPosition Position;
Property value
BdifFPPosition [ 1612] object representing fingerprint position code. ANNistQualityMetric.Score Property

Gets or sets quality score representing the predicted AFIS matcher accuracy performance of the fingerprint image.

public byte Score;
Property value
Number containing quality score assessment. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANOcclusion Structure


public struct ANOcclusion {
File: ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Name Description
ANOcclusion [ 932] Initializes a new instance of the ANOcclusion structure.

ANOcclusion Properties

Name Description
NativeType [ 932] Defines the native type of the object.
Opacity [ 932] Gets or sets the occlusion opacity value.
Type [ 932] Gets or sets the occlusion type value. ANOcclusion.ANOcclusion Constructor

Initializes a new instance of the ANOcclusion structure.

public ANOcclusion(ANOcclusionOpacity opacity, ANOcclusionType type);

Parameters Description
ANOcclusionOpacity opacity Occlusion opacity value.
ANOcclusionType type Occlusion type value. ANOcclusion Properties ANOcclusion.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; ANOcclusion.Opacity Property

Gets or sets the occlusion opacity value.

public ANOcclusionOpacity Opacity; ANOcclusion.Type Property

Gets or sets the occlusion type value. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public ANOcclusionType Type; ANOfrs Structure

Originating fingerprint reading system.

public struct ANOfrs {
File: ANType9Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Name Description
ANOfrs [ 933] Initializes a new instance of ANOfrs structure.

ANOfrs Properties

Name Description
Equipment [ 933] Gets or sets the equipment of the system.
Method [ 933] Gets or sets the method of the system.
Name [ 933] Gets or sets the name of the system.
NativeType [ 933] Defines the native type of the object. ANOfrs.ANOfrs Constructor

Initializes a new instance of ANOfrs structure.

public ANOfrs(string name, ANFPMinutiaeMethod method, string equipment);

Parameters Description
string name Name [ 933] of the system.
ANFPMinutiaeMethod method Method [ 933] of the system.
string equipment Equipment [ 933] of the system. ANOfrs Properties ANOfrs.Equipment Property

Gets or sets the equipment of the system.

public string Equipment; ANOfrs.Method Property

Gets or sets the method of the system.

C# 9
public ANFPMinutiaeMethod Method;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANOfrs.Name Property

Gets or sets the name of the system.

public string Name; ANOfrs.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; ANPatternedInjury Structure

Describes suspected patterned injury.

public struct ANPatternedInjury {
File: ANType10Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Name Description
ANPatternedInjury [ 934] Initializes a new instance of ANPatternedInjury structure.

ANPatternedInjury Properties

Name Description
Code [ 934] String containing reference code.
DescriptiveText [ 934] String containing additional descriptive text.
NativeType [ 934] Defines the native type of the object. ANPatternedInjury.ANPatternedInjury Constructor

Initializes a new instance of ANPatternedInjury structure.

public ANPatternedInjury(string code, string descriptiveText);

Parameters Description
string code String containing reference code.
string descriptiveText String containing additional descriptive text. ANPatternedInjury Properties ANPatternedInjury.Code Property

String containing reference code. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public string Code; ANPatternedInjury.DescriptiveText Property

String containing additional descriptive text.

public string DescriptiveText; ANPatternedInjury.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; ANPenVector Structure

Specifies a list of vectors describing the pen position and pen pressure of line segments within the signature.

public struct ANPenVector {
File: ANType8Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

Both the X [ 936] and Y [ 936] coordinates shall be expressed in units of .0254 mm (.001 inches) referenced from the bottom
leftmost corner of the signature. Positive values of X [ 936] shall increase from left-to-right and positive values of Y [ 936] shall
increase from bottom-to-top.

An unsigned binary number between "0" and "255" represents the pen pressure. This shall be a constant pressure until the next
vector becomes active. A binary value or pressure of "0" shall represent a "pen-up" (or no pressure) condition. The binary value
of "1" shall represent the least recordable pressure for a particular device, while the binary equivalent of "254" shall represent
the maximum recordable pressure for that device. To denote the end of the vector list the binary equivalent of "255" shall be
inserted in this entry.


Name Description
ANPenVector [ 935] Initializes new instance of ANPenVector structure.

ANPenVector Properties

Name Description
NativeType [ 936] Defines the native type of the object.
Pressure [ 936]
Gets or sets pen pressure value.
X [ 936] Gets or sets X coordinate of the pen position.
Y [ 936] Gets or sets Y coordinate of the pen position. ANPenVector.ANPenVector Constructor 9

Initializes new instance of ANPenVector structure.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public ANPenVector(ushort x, ushort y, byte pressure);

Parameters Description
ushort x X [ 936] coordinates of the pen position.
ushort y Y [ 936] coordinates of the pen position.
byte pressure Pen pressure value. ANPenVector Properties ANPenVector.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; ANPenVector.Pressure Property

Gets or sets pen pressure value.

public byte Pressure;
Property value
Number representing pen pressure value. ANPenVector.X Property

Gets or sets X coordinate of the pen position.

public ushort X;
Property value
Number representing X coordinate of the pen position. ANPenVector.Y Property

Gets or sets Y coordinate of the pen position.

public ushort Y;
Property value
Number representing Y coordinate of the pen position. ANPoseAngles Structure

Image pose angles.

public struct ANPoseAngles { 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

File: ANType10Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Name Description
ANPoseAngles [ 937] Initializes a new instance of the ANPoseAngles structure.

ANPoseAngles Properties

Name Description
NativeType [ 937] Defines the native type of the object.
Pitch [ 937] Gets or sets the pitch angle value.
PitchUncertainty [ 937] Gets or sets the pitch uncertainty.
Roll [ 937] Gets or sets the roll angle value.
RollUncertainty [ 938] Gets or sets the roll uncertainty.
Yaw [ 938] Gets or sets the yaw angle value.
YawUncertainty [ 938] Gets or sets the yaw uncertainty. ANPoseAngles.ANPoseAngles Constructor

Initializes a new instance of the ANPoseAngles structure.

public ANPoseAngles(int yaw, int pitch, int roll, int yawUncertainty, int pitchUncertainty,
int rollUncertainty);

Parameters Description
int yaw Yaw [ 938] angle value.
int pitch Pitch [ 937] angle value.
int roll Roll [ 937] angle value.
int yawUncertainty Yaw [ 938] value uncertainty.
int pitchUncertainty Pitch [ 937] value uncertainty.
int rollUncertainty Roll [ 937] value uncertainty. ANPoseAngles Properties ANPoseAngles.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; ANPoseAngles.Pitch Property

Gets or sets the pitch angle value.

public int Pitch; ANPoseAngles.PitchUncertainty Property 9

Gets or sets the pitch uncertainty.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public int PitchUncertainty; ANPoseAngles.Roll Property

Gets or sets the roll angle value.

public int Roll; ANPoseAngles.RollUncertainty Property

Gets or sets the roll uncertainty.

public int RollUncertainty; ANPoseAngles.Yaw Property

Gets or sets the yaw angle value.

public int Yaw; ANPoseAngles.YawUncertainty Property

Gets or sets the yaw uncertainty.

public int YawUncertainty; ANQualityMetric Structure

This structure defines quality score metric.

public struct ANQualityMetric {
File: ANAsciiBinaryRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Name Description
ANQualityMetric [ 938] Initializes new instance of ANQualityMetric structure.

ANQualityMetric Properties

Name Description
AlgorithmProductId [ 939] Gets or sets a numeric product code assigned by the vendor of the
quality algorithm.
AlgorithmVendorId [ 939] Gets or sets the ID of the vendor of the quality algorithm used to
calculate the quality score.
NativeType [ 939] Defines the native type of the object.
Score [ 939] Gets or sets the quality score defined by quality assessment algorithm 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANQualityMetric.ANQualityMetric Constructor

Initializes new instance of ANQualityMetric structure.

public ANQualityMetric(byte score, ushort algorithmVendorId, ushort algorithmProductId);

Parameters Description
byte score The quality score defined by quality assessment algorithm.
ushort algorithmVendorId The ID of the vendor of the quality algorithm used to
calculate the quality score.
ushort algorithmProductId A numeric product code assigned by the vendor of the
quality algorithm. ANQualityMetric Properties ANQualityMetric.AlgorithmProductId Property

Gets or sets a numeric product code assigned by the vendor of the quality algorithm.

public ushort AlgorithmProductId;
Property value
Number representing a numeric product code assigned by the vendor of the quality algorithm. ANQualityMetric.AlgorithmVendorId Property

Gets or sets the ID of the vendor of the quality algorithm used to calculate the quality score.

public ushort AlgorithmVendorId;
Property value
Number representing the ID of the vendor of the quality algorithm used to calculate the quality score. ANQualityMetric.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; ANQualityMetric.Score Property

Gets or sets the quality score defined by quality assessment algorithm

public byte Score;
Property value
Number representing quality score defined by quality assessment algorithm. ANRecord Class

Provides functionality for working with logical records of the ANTemplate [ 980]. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public class ANRecord : NObject;
File: ANRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

ANRecord Classes
ANRecord Class

Name Description
ConformanceTestResultCollection Represent collection of conformance test results in ANRecord.
[ 945]
FieldCollection [ 945] Represent collection of fields in record.

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

ANRecord Class

Name Description
FieldData [ 949] Defines Image data (DATA) contained in logical record.
FieldIdc [ 949] This field is identifies the user-defined text information
contained in the record. The IDC (image designation
character) contained in field shall be the IDC of the
Type-2 logical record as found in the file content (CNT)
field of the Type-1 record.
FieldLen [ 949] Describes total count of the number of bytes in logical
FlagMergeDuplicateFields [ 949] Defines whether the duplicate fields should be merged.
FlagRecoverFromBinaryData [ 949]
MaxAnnotationProcessDescriptionLengthV50 [ 949] Defines minimum length of process description for
ANAnnotation [ 796] for version 5.0.
MaxAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmNameLengthV50 Defines maximum length of processing algorithm name
[ 949] for ANAnnotation [ 796] for version 5.0.
MaxAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwnerLength Defines maximum length of processing algorithm owner
[ 949] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
MaxFieldNumber [ 949] Defines maximal number of fields in logical record.
MaxIdc [ 950] Defines maximum value that image designation
character (IDC) can obtain.
MaxIdcV5 [ 950] Defines maximum value that image designation
character (IDC) can obtain for version 5.0 and above.
MaxMakeLength [ 950] Defines maximum make length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MaxModelLength [ 950] Defines maximum model length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

MaxSerialNumberLength [ 950] Defines maximum serial number length value for

ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MinAnnotationProcessDescriptionLength [ 950] Defines minimum length of process description for
ANAnnotation [ 796].
MinAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmNameLength Defines minimum length of processing algorithm name
[ 950] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
MinAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwnerLength Defines minimum length of processing algorithm owner
[ 950] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
UnknownAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwner Defines unknown processing algorithm owner for
[ 950] ANAnnotation [ 796].

ANRecord Class

Name Description
ANRecord [ 944] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class with current version and
unset IDC value.
ANRecord [ 944] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class.
ANRecord [ 945] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class.
ANRecord [ 945] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class with current version and
unset IDC value.

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object. 9
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
BeginUpdate [ 951] Begins ANRecord update.
CheckValidity [ 951] Checks ANRecord compliance with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1 standard
specified by version.
EndUpdate [ 951] Ends ANRecord update.
Validate [ 951] Validates ANRecord. ANRecord can be validated only if the
ANValidationLevel [ 1604] is Standard.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
ConformanceTestResults [ 951] Gets particular conformance test results from the ANRecord.
Data [ 951] Gets or sets the the record data.
Fields [ 952] Gets particular fields from the ANRecord.
Idc [ 952] Gets or sets idc of record.
IsValidated [ 952] Checks if ANRecord is compliant with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1 standard
specified by version.
Length [ 952] Gets record size.
NativeType [ 952] Defines the native type of the object.
Owner [ 952] Gets ANTemplate [ 980] object.
RecordType [ 953] Gets record type.
ValidationLevel [ 953] Gets validation level of ANRecord.
Version [ 953] Gets record version. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. ANRecord.ANRecord Constructor (ANRecordType)

Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class with current version and unset IDC value.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and Add(ANRecordType) instead.")]
public ANRecord(ANRecordType recordType);

Parameters Description
ANRecordType recordType Record type object.

ANRecord's version is set the same as ANTemplate.VersionCurrent. If IDC is NOT set, then value is automatically assigned
when ANRecord is added to ANTemplate [ 980]. By default ANRecord is created as NOT validated. ANRecord.ANRecord Constructor (ANRecordType, NVersion, int)

Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and Add(ANRecordType) instead.")]
public ANRecord(ANRecordType recordType, NVersion version, int idc);

Parameters Description
ANRecordType recordType Record type object.
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANRecord.
int idc Image designation character value.

Remarks 9
ANRecord is created as NOT validated.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANRecord.ANRecord Constructor (ANRecordType, NVersion, int, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and Add(ANRecordType) instead.")]
public ANRecord(ANRecordType recordType, NVersion version, int idc, uint flags);

Parameters Description
ANRecordType recordType Record type object.
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANRecord.
int idc Image designation character value.
uint flags Should be zero.

ANRecord is created as NOT validated. ANRecord.ANRecord Constructor (ANRecordType, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class with current version and unset IDC value.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and Add(ANRecordType) instead.")]
public ANRecord(ANRecordType recordType, uint flags);

Parameters Description
ANRecordType recordType Record type object.
uint flags Should be zero.

ANRecord's version is set the same as ANTemplate.VersionCurrent. If IDC is NOT set, then value is automatically assigned
when ANRecord is added to ANTemplate [ 980]. By default ANRecord is created as NOT validated. ANRecord Classes ANRecord.ConformanceTestResultCollection Class

Represent collection of conformance test results in ANRecord [ 939].

public sealed class ConformanceTestResultCollection :
DisposableStructCollection<BdifConformanceTest, BdifConformanceTest_>;
File: ANRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] ANRecord.FieldCollection Class

Represent collection of fields in record.

C# 9
public sealed class FieldCollection : NObjectCollection<ANField>;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

File: ANRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

FieldCollection Methods

Name Description
Add [ 946] Adds field to ANRecord [ 939] object with value.
Add [ 946] Adds field to ANRecord [ 939] object specified by field number and with
specified value. Also gets added field index.
Add [ 947] Adds field to ANRecord [ 939] object with value.
Add [ 947] Adds field to ANRecord [ 939] object specified by field number and with
specified value. Also gets added field index.
Contains [ 947] Check if field specified by field number is in record.
GetByNumber [ 947] Gets field with specified number from record.
IndexOf [ 948] Returns field index in record.
Insert [ 948] Inserts a new field after the specified field.
Insert [ 948] Inserts a new field after the specified field. FieldCollection Methods ANRecord.FieldCollection.Add Method (int, string)

Adds field to ANRecord [ 939] object with value.

public ANField Add(int fieldNumber, string value);

Parameters Description
int fieldNumber Number representing field to add.
string value Field value.

ANField [ 880] object. ANRecord.FieldCollection.Add Method (int, string, out int)

Adds field to ANRecord [ 939] object specified by field number and with specified value. Also gets added field index.

public ANField Add(int fieldNumber, string value, out int fieldIndex);

Parameters Description
int fieldNumber Number representing field.
string value Initial field value.
out int fieldIndex Newly added field index.

ANField [ 880] object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANRecord.FieldCollection.Add Method (int, string, string)

Adds field to ANRecord [ 939] object with value.

public ANField Add(int fieldNumber, string name, string value);

Parameters Description
int fieldNumber Number representing field to add.
string name String containing field's name necessary for user-defined
field if ANTemplate [ 980] is going to be serialied to XML file.
string value Initial field value.

ANField [ 880] object. ANRecord.FieldCollection.Add Method (int, string, string, out int)

Adds field to ANRecord [ 939] object specified by field number and with specified value. Also gets added field index.

public ANField Add(int fieldNumber, string name, string value, out int fieldIndex);

Parameters Description
int fieldNumber Number representing field.
string name String containing field's name necessary for user-defined
field if ANTemplate [ 980] is going to be serialied to XML file.
string value Initial field value.
out int fieldIndex Newly added field index.

ANField [ 880] object. ANRecord.FieldCollection.Contains Method

Check if field specified by field number is in record.

public bool Contains(int fieldNumber);

Parameters Description
int fieldNumber Number representing field in record.

True if field is in record and false otherwise. ANRecord.FieldCollection.GetByNumber Method

Gets field with specified number from record.

public ANField GetByNumber(int fieldNumber);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards


Parameters Description
int fieldNumber Number of the field to return.

ANField [ 880] object. ANRecord.FieldCollection.IndexOf Method

Returns field index in record.

public int IndexOf(int fieldNumber);

Parameters Description
int fieldNumber Number representing field.

Field index. ANRecord.FieldCollection.Insert Method (int, int, string)

Inserts a new field after the specified field.

public ANField Insert(int index, int fieldNumber, string value);

Parameters Description
int index The field index.
int fieldNumber Number of the new field.
string value Value of the new field.

The new field. ANRecord.FieldCollection.Insert Method (int, int, string, string)

Inserts a new field after the specified field.

public ANField Insert(int index, int fieldNumber, string name, string value);

Parameters Description
int index The field index.
int fieldNumber Number of the new field.
string name String containing field's name necessary for user-defined
field if ANTemplate [ 980] is going to be serialied to XML file.
string value Value of the new field.

The new field.
9 ANRecord Fields

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANRecord.FieldData Field

Defines Image data (DATA) contained in logical record.

public const int FieldData = 999; ANRecord.FieldIdc Field

This field is identifies the user-defined text information contained in the record. The IDC (image designation character)
contained in field shall be the IDC of the Type-2 logical record as found in the file content (CNT) field of the Type-1 record.

public const int FieldIdc = 2; ANRecord.FieldLen Field

Describes total count of the number of bytes in logical record.

public const int FieldLen = 1; ANRecord.FlagMergeDuplicateFields Field

Defines whether the duplicate fields should be merged.

public const uint FlagMergeDuplicateFields = 0x00000100; ANRecord.FlagRecoverFromBinaryData Field

public const uint FlagRecoverFromBinaryData = 0x00000200; ANRecord.MaxAnnotationProcessDescriptionLengthV50 Field

Defines minimum length of process description for ANAnnotation [ 796] for version 5.0.

public const int MaxAnnotationProcessDescriptionLengthV50 = 64; ANRecord.MaxAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmNameLengthV50 Field

Defines maximum length of processing algorithm name for ANAnnotation [ 796] for version 5.0.

public const int MaxAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmNameLengthV50 = 64; ANRecord.MaxAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwnerLength Field

Defines maximum length of processing algorithm owner for ANAnnotation [ 796].

public const int MaxAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwnerLength = 64; ANRecord.MaxFieldNumber Field

Defines maximal number of fields in logical record.

public const int MaxFieldNumber = 999; ANRecord.MaxIdc Field 9

Defines maximum value that image designation character (IDC) can obtain.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public const int MaxIdc = 255; ANRecord.MaxIdcV5 Field

Defines maximum value that image designation character (IDC) can obtain for version 5.0 and above.

public const int MaxIdcV5 = 99; ANRecord.MaxMakeLength Field

Defines maximum make length value for ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].

public const int MaxMakeLength = 50; ANRecord.MaxModelLength Field

Defines maximum model length value for ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].

public const int MaxModelLength = 50; ANRecord.MaxSerialNumberLength Field

Defines maximum serial number length value for ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].

public const int MaxSerialNumberLength = 50; ANRecord.MinAnnotationProcessDescriptionLength Field

Defines minimum length of process description for ANAnnotation [ 796].

public const int MinAnnotationProcessDescriptionLength = 1; ANRecord.MinAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmNameLength Field

Defines minimum length of processing algorithm name for ANAnnotation [ 796].

public const int MinAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmNameLength = 1; ANRecord.MinAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwnerLength Field

Defines minimum length of processing algorithm owner for ANAnnotation [ 796].

public const int MinAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwnerLength = 1; ANRecord.UnknownAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwner Field

Defines unknown processing algorithm owner for ANAnnotation [ 796].

public const string UnknownAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwner = "N/A"; ANRecord Methods ANRecord.BeginUpdate Method 9

Begins ANRecord [ 939] update.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public void BeginUpdate(); ANRecord.CheckValidity Method

Checks ANRecord [ 939] compliance with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1 standard specified by version.

public bool CheckValidity();
If ANRecord [ 939] fails conform to standard, ConformanceTestResults [ 951] are filled with errors. Conformance to the
standard include both morphological (Level 1) and syntactical (Level 2) conformance. If errors are fixed, CheckValidity() should
be executed again to re-validate ANRecord [ 939] and update it's status as well as ConformanceTestResults [ 951].

Property value
Value is true if conform to the standard false otherwise. ANRecord.EndUpdate Method

Ends ANRecord [ 939] update.

public void EndUpdate(); ANRecord.Validate Method

Validates ANRecord [ 939]. ANRecord [ 939] can be validated only if the ANValidationLevel [ 1604] is Standard.

[Obsolete("Use CheckValidity() instead.")]
public void Validate();
Property value
Value is true if validated false otherwise. ANRecord Properties ANRecord.ConformanceTestResults Property

Gets particular conformance test results from the ANRecord [ 939].

public ConformanceTestResultCollection ConformanceTestResults;
Property value
A ConformanceTestResultCollection [ 945] representing conformance test results from ANRecord [ 939]. ANRecord.Data Property

Gets or sets the the record data.

public NBuffer Data; ANRecord.Fields Property

Gets particular fields from the ANRecord [ 939].

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public FieldCollection Fields;
Property value
A RecordCollection representing fields in ANRecord [ 939]. ANRecord.Idc Property

Gets or sets idc of record.

public int Idc;
Property value
Value of record idc. ANRecord.IsValidated Property

Checks if ANRecord [ 939] is compliant with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1 standard specified by version.

public bool IsValidated;
Unvalidated record may be if it contains errors or wasn't validated yet. If ANRecord [ 939] fails conform to standard,
ConformanceTestResults [ 951] are filled with errors. If errors are fixed, CheckValidity [ 951]() should be executed again to
re-validate ANRecord [ 939] and update it's status as well as ConformanceTestResults [ 951].

Property value
Value is true if validated false otherwise. ANRecord.Length Property

Gets record size.

public int Length;
Property value
Value record size. ANRecord.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; ANRecord.Owner Property

Gets ANTemplate [ 980] object.

public new ANTemplate Owner;
Property value
ANTemplate [ 980] object. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANRecord.RecordType Property

Gets record type.

public ANRecordType RecordType;
Property value
ANRecordType [ 953] object representing record type. ANRecord.ValidationLevel Property

Gets validation level of ANRecord [ 939].

[Obsolete("ANTemplate allows only Standard validation level")]
public ANValidationLevel ValidationLevel;
Property value
One of ANValidationLevel [ 1604] values. ANRecord.Version Property

Gets record version.

public NVersion Version;
Property value
ANVersion object representing standard version. ANRecordType Class

Provides functionality for retrieving types and values from logical records.

public sealed class ANRecordType : NObject;
File: ANRecordType.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

ANRecordType Classes
ANRecordType Class

Name Description
RecordTypeCollection [ 957] Represent collection of record types.

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

ANRecordType Class

Name Description
MaxNumber [ 958] Defines maximal allowed type number value.

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

ANRecordType Class

Name Description
GetFieldId [ 958] Gets identification of field by field number.
GetFieldName [ 958] Gets field name by number representing field.
GetFieldNumberById [ 958] Gets field number by id representing field.
GetFieldXmlElement [ 959] Gets field XML element name by number representing field.
GetMaxFieldNumber [ 959]
Get maximal field number value.
GetStandardFieldNumbers [ 959] Gets all standard field numbers.
GetTypeByNumber [ 959] Gets record type object by providing record number.
[ 960] Gets user defined field numbers available in record.
IsFieldKnown [ 960] Checks if field information in record is available for specified version.
IsFieldMandatory [ 960] Checks if field contained in record is mandatory.
IsFieldStandard [ 960] Checks if field contained in record is standard.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

ANRecordType Class

Name Description
ANRecordDataTypeNativeType The native type of the ANRecord [ 939] data type.
[ 961]
DataType [ 961] Gets ANRecordDataType [ 1595] object.
Name [ 961] Gets record name.
NativeType [ 961] The native type of the object.
Number [ 961] Gets number representing record.
Type1 [ 961] Defines Type1 record record type object.
Type10 [ 962] Defines Type10 record record type object.
Type13 [ 962] Defines Type13 record record type object.
Type14 [ 962] Defines Type14 record record type object.
Type15 [ 962] Defines Type15 record record type object.
Type16 [ 962] Defines Type16 record record type object. 9
Type17 [ 962] Defines Type17 record record type object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Type2 [ 962] Defines Type2 record record type object.

Type3 [ 962] Defines Type3 record record type object.
Type4 [ 962] Defines Type5 [ 963] record record type object.
Type5 [ 963] Defines Type5 record record type object.
Type6 [ 963] Defines Type6 record record type object.
Type7 [ 963] Defines Type7 record record type object.
Type8 [ 963] Defines Type8 record record type object.
Type9 [ 963] Defines Type9 record record type object.
Type99 [ 963] Defines Type99 record record type object.
Types [ 963] Defines collection containing all record type objects.
Version [ 963] Gets ANVersion object representing standard version.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. ANRecordType Classes ANRecordType.RecordTypeCollection Class

Represent collection of record types.

public sealed class RecordTypeCollection : NObjectReadOnlyCollection<ANRecordType>;
File: ANRecordType.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] ANRecordType Fields 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANRecordType.MaxNumber Field

Defines maximal allowed type number value.

public const int MaxNumber = 99; ANRecordType Methods ANRecordType.GetFieldId Method

Gets identification of field by field number.

public string GetFieldId(NVersion version, int fieldNumber);

Parameters Description
NVersion version One of ANVersion values.
int fieldNumber Number [ 961] representing field.

String containing field identification. ANRecordType.GetFieldName Method

Gets field name by number representing field.

public string GetFieldName(NVersion version, int fieldNumber);

Parameters Description
NVersion version One of ANVersion values.
int fieldNumber Number [ 961] representing field.

String containing name of the field. ANRecordType.GetFieldNumberById Method

Gets field number by id representing field.

public int GetFieldNumberById(NVersion version, string id);

Parameters Description
NVersion version One of ANVersion values.
string id Field identification string.

Number [ 961] representing field. ANRecordType.GetFieldXmlElement Method

Gets field XML element name by number representing field.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public string GetFieldXmlElement(NVersion version, int fieldNumber);

Parameters Description
NVersion version One of ANVersion values.
int fieldNumber Number [ 961] representing field.

String containing name of the field. ANRecordType.GetMaxFieldNumber Method

Get maximal field number value.

public int GetMaxFieldNumber(NVersion version);

Parameters Description
NVersion version One of ANVersion values.

Number [ 961] representing maximal field number value. ANRecordType.GetStandardFieldNumbers Method

Gets all standard field numbers.

public int[] GetStandardFieldNumbers(NVersion version);

Parameters Description
NVersion version One of ANVersion values.

Array of int containing standard field numbers. ANRecordType.GetTypeByNumber Method

Gets record type object by providing record number.

public static ANRecordType GetTypeByNumber(int number);

Parameters Description
int number Record number.

ANRecordType [ 953] object. ANRecordType.GetUserDefinedFieldNumbers Method 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Gets user defined field numbers available in record.

public NRange[] GetUserDefinedFieldNumbers(NVersion version);

Parameters Description
NVersion version One of ANVersion values.

Array containing NRange [ 339] objects. ANRecordType.IsFieldKnown Method

Checks if field information in record is available for specified version.

public bool IsFieldKnown(NVersion version, int fieldNumber);

Parameters Description
NVersion version One of ANVersion values.
int fieldNumber Number [ 961] representing field.

Returns true if information is available and false otherwise (if field is not supported for specified version). ANRecordType.IsFieldMandatory Method

Checks if field contained in record is mandatory.

public bool IsFieldMandatory(NVersion version, int fieldNumber);

Parameters Description
NVersion version One of ANVersion values.
int fieldNumber Number [ 961] representing field.

Returns true if field is mandatory and false otherwise. ANRecordType.IsFieldStandard Method

Checks if field contained in record is standard.

public bool IsFieldStandard(NVersion version, int fieldNumber);

Parameters Description
NVersion version One of ANVersion values.
int fieldNumber Number [ 961] representing field.

Returns true if field is standard and false otherwise.In case when record is not supported for specified version, false is also 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANRecordType Properties ANRecordType.ANRecordDataTypeNativeType Property

The native type of the ANRecord [ 939] data type.

public static NType ANRecordDataTypeNativeType; ANRecordType.DataType Property

Gets ANRecordDataType [ 1595] object.

public ANRecordDataType DataType;
Property value
ANRecordDataType [ 1595] object. ANRecordType.Name Property

Gets record name.

public string Name;
Property value
String containing record name. ANRecordType.NativeType Property

The native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; ANRecordType.Number Property

Gets number representing record.

public int Number;
Property value
Returns record number. ANRecordType.Type1 Property

Defines Type1 record record type object.

public static ANRecordType Type1; ANRecordType.Type10 Property

Defines Type10 record record type object.

public static ANRecordType Type10;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANRecordType.Type13 Property

Defines Type13 record record type object.

public static ANRecordType Type13; ANRecordType.Type14 Property

Defines Type14 record record type object.

public static ANRecordType Type14; ANRecordType.Type15 Property

Defines Type15 record record type object.

public static ANRecordType Type15; ANRecordType.Type16 Property

Defines Type16 record record type object.

public static ANRecordType Type16; ANRecordType.Type17 Property

Defines Type17 record record type object.

public static ANRecordType Type17; ANRecordType.Type2 Property

Defines Type2 record record type object.

public static ANRecordType Type2; ANRecordType.Type3 Property

Defines Type3 record record type object.

public static ANRecordType Type3; ANRecordType.Type4 Property

Defines Type5 [ 963] record record type object.

public static ANRecordType Type4; ANRecordType.Type5 Property

Defines Type5 record record type object.

public static ANRecordType Type5;
9 ANRecordType.Type6 Property
Defines Type6 record record type object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public static ANRecordType Type6; ANRecordType.Type7 Property

Defines Type7 record record type object.

public static ANRecordType Type7; ANRecordType.Type8 Property

Defines Type8 record record type object.

public static ANRecordType Type8; ANRecordType.Type9 Property

Defines Type9 record record type object.

public static ANRecordType Type9; ANRecordType.Type99 Property

Defines Type99 record record type object.

public static ANRecordType Type99; ANRecordType.Types Property

Defines collection containing all record type objects.

public static RecordTypeCollection Types; ANRecordType.Version Property

Gets ANVersion object representing standard version.

public NVersion Version;
Property value
ANVersion object. ANResolutionMethod Structure

Describes resolution method.

public struct ANResolutionMethod {
File: ANType13Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards


Name Description
ANResolutionMethod [ 964] Initializes a new instance of ANResolutionMethod structure.

ANResolutionMethod Properties

Name Description
Comment [ 964] String containing comment.
NativeType [ 965] Defines the native type of the object.
PointAX [ 965] Gets or sets X coordinate for point A.
PointAY [ 965] Gets or sets Y coordinate for point A.
PointBX [ 965] Gets or sets X coordinate for point B.
PointBY [ 965] Gets or sets Y coordinate for point B.
ResolutionDetermination [ 965] Gets or sets means means of determining resolution.
ScaleLength [ 965] Gets or sets length, from point A to point B, x 100.
ScaleUnits [ 965] Gets or sets scale units. ANResolutionMethod.ANResolutionMethod Constructor

Initializes a new instance of ANResolutionMethod structure.

public ANResolutionMethod(ANResolutionDetermination resolutionDetermination, int
scaleLength, ANMeasurementUnits scaleUnits, int pointAX, int pointAY, int pointBX, int
pointBY, string comment);

Parameters Description
ANResolutionDetermination resolutionDetermination One of ANResolutionDetermination [ 1595] value.
int scaleLength Length, from point A to point B, x 100.
ANMeasurementUnits scaleUnits One of ANMeasurementUnits [ 1593] value.
int pointAX X coordinate for point A.
int pointAY Y coordinate for point A.
int pointBX X coordinate for point B.
int pointBY Y coordinate for point B.
string comment String containing comment or description. ANResolutionMethod Properties ANResolutionMethod.Comment Property

String containing comment.

public string Comment; ANResolutionMethod.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; ANResolutionMethod.PointAX Property

Gets or sets X coordinate for point A.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public int PointAX; ANResolutionMethod.PointAY Property

Gets or sets Y coordinate for point A.

public int PointAY; ANResolutionMethod.PointBX Property

Gets or sets X coordinate for point B.

public int PointBX; ANResolutionMethod.PointBY Property

Gets or sets Y coordinate for point B.

public int PointBY; ANResolutionMethod.ResolutionDetermination Property

Gets or sets means means of determining resolution.

public ANResolutionDetermination ResolutionDetermination; ANResolutionMethod.ScaleLength Property

Gets or sets length, from point A to point B, x 100.

public int ScaleLength; ANResolutionMethod.ScaleUnits Property

Gets or sets scale units.

public ANMeasurementUnits ScaleUnits; ANRuler Structure

Ruler or scale.

public struct ANRuler {
File: ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards


Name Description
ANRuler [ 966] Initializes a new instance of ANRuler structure suitable for Type-10 and
Type-13 records.
ANRuler [ 966] Initializes a new instance of ANRuler structure suitable for Type-13

ANRuler Properties

Name Description
FPFormNumber [ 967] String containing standard fingerprint form number.
Make [ 967] String containing ruler or scale make.
Model [ 967] String containing ruler or scale model.
NativeType [ 967] Defines the native type of the object.
Units [ 967] Gets or sets measurement units of ruler or scale. ANRuler.ANRuler Constructor (ANMeasurementUnits, string, string)

Initializes a new instance of ANRuler structure suitable for Type-10 and Type-13 records.

public ANRuler(ANMeasurementUnits units, string make, string model);

Parameters Description
ANMeasurementUnits units Measurement units of ruler or scale.
string make String containing ruler or scale make.
string model String containing ruler or scale model. ANRuler.ANRuler Constructor (ANMeasurementUnits, string, string, string)

Initializes a new instance of ANRuler structure suitable for Type-13 record.

public ANRuler(ANMeasurementUnits units, string make, string model, string fpFormNumber);

Parameters Description
ANMeasurementUnits units Measurement units of ruler or scale.
string make String containing ruler or scale make.
string model String containing ruler or scale model.
string fpFormNumber String containing standard fingerprint form number. ANRuler Properties ANRuler.FPFormNumber Property

String containing standard fingerprint form number.

public string FPFormNumber; ANRuler.Make Property

String containing ruler or scale make. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public string Make; ANRuler.Model Property

String containing ruler or scale model.

public string Model; ANRuler.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; ANRuler.Units Property

Gets or sets measurement units of ruler or scale.

public ANMeasurementUnits Units; ANSegment Structure

This structure defines image segments for Type-20 and Type-21 records.

public struct ANSegment {
File: ANAsciiBinaryRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

This structure is dedicated for Type-20 and Type-21 records for defining source or asscociated context image segments.
Structure contains unique segment position, which can be referenced in other record types. This item is used in other biometric
type records, which biometric's sample were derived from source file (then references to Record Type-20 segment) or to link
with the context of the biometric data (references to Record Type-21 segment). The second item is internal file reference
pointer, containing the reference to the particular instance, such as video frame, page, slide number, which were used in other
record types to derive the images. If the file is single, the item value is set to 0.


Name Description
ANSegment [ 968] Initializes new instance of ANSegment structure.

ANSegment Properties

Name Description
InternalFilePointer [ 968] Gets or sets the internal file reference pointer.
NativeType [ 968] Defines the native type of the object.
SegmentPosition [ 968] Gets or sets segment position.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANSegment.ANSegment Constructor

Initializes new instance of ANSegment structure.

public ANSegment(byte segmentPosition, string internalFilePointer);

Parameters Description
byte segmentPosition Unique index to a segmentation.
string internalFilePointer Internal file reference pointer, containing the reference to the
particular instance, such as video frame, page, slide number. ANSegment Properties ANSegment.InternalFilePointer Property

Gets or sets the internal file reference pointer.

public string InternalFilePointer;
Property value
Internal file reference pointer, containing the reference to the particular instance, such as video frame, page, slide number. ANSegment.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; ANSegment.SegmentPosition Property

Gets or sets segment position.

public byte SegmentPosition;
Property value
Unique index to a segmentation. ANSmt Structure

Describes a general location of the captured scar, mark, tattoo, or other characteristic (including piercings) in the image.

public struct ANSmt {
File: ANType10Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards


Name Description
ANSmt [ 969] Initializes new instance of ANSmt structure.

ANSmt Properties

Name Description
Description [ 969] Gets or sets SMT description.
NativeType [ 969] Defines the native type of the object.
Source [ 970] Gets or sets SMT source.
TattooClass [ 970] Gets or sets tattoo class.
TattooSubclass [ 970] Gets or sets tattoo subclass. ANSmt.ANSmt Constructor

Initializes new instance of ANSmt structure.

public ANSmt(ANSmtSource source, ANTattooClass tattooClass, ANTattooSubclass
tattooSubclass, string description);

Parameters Description
ANSmtSource source One of ANSmtSource [ 1597] values representing SMT
ANTattooClass tattooClass One of ANTattooClass [ 1600] values representing tattoo
ANTattooSubclass tattooSubclass One of ANTattooSubclass [ 1600] values representing
tattoo subclass.
string description String containing SMT description. ANSmt Properties ANSmt.Description Property

Gets or sets SMT description.

public string Description;
Property value
String containing SMT description. ANSmt.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; ANSmt.Source Property

Gets or sets SMT source.

public ANSmtSource Source;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Property value
ANSmtSource [ 1597] object representing SMT source. ANSmt.TattooClass Property

Gets or sets tattoo class.

public ANTattooClass TattooClass;
Property value
ANTattooClass [ 1600] object representing tattoo class. ANSmt.TattooSubclass Property

Gets or sets tattoo subclass.

public ANTattooSubclass TattooSubclass;
Property value
ANTattooSubclass [ 1600] object representing tattoo subclass. ANSourceContextRepresentation Structure

This structure defines source represantation/associated context, defining sample records links to source represantation record
Type-20 or associated context record Type-21.

public struct ANSourceContextRepresentation {
File: ANAsciiBinaryRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

The first item contains representation number for concrete Type-20 record with the same source representation number or
Type-21 record with the same associated context number. The second item defines record's segment index, which corresponds
to segment position in Type-20 or Type-21 record's segment list.


Name Description
ANSourceContextRepresentation Initializes new instance of ANSourceContextRepresentation structure.
[ 971]

ANSourceContextRepresentation Properties

Name Description
NativeType [ 971] Defines the native type of the object.
ReferenceNumber [ 971] Gets or sets representation number to link with referenced Type-20 or
Type-21 record.
SegmentPosition [ 971] Gets or sets segment position.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANSourceContextRepresentation.ANSourceContextRepresentation
Initializes new instance of ANSourceContextRepresentation structure.

public ANSourceContextRepresentation(uint referenceNumber, uint segmentPosition);

Parameters Description
uint referenceNumber Representation number to Type-20 record's source
representation number or to Type-21 record's associated
context number
uint segmentPosition Unique index to a segmentation. ANSourceContextRepresentation Properties ANSourceContextRepresentation.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; ANSourceContextRepresentation.ReferenceNumber Property

Gets or sets representation number to link with referenced Type-20 or Type-21 record.

public uint ReferenceNumber;
Property value
>Representation number to Type-20 record's source representation number or to Type-21 record's associated context number. ANSourceContextRepresentation.SegmentPosition Property

Gets or sets segment position.

public uint SegmentPosition;
Property value
Unique index to a segmentation. ANSpectrum Structure

Defines specified spectrum with set lower and upper spectrum bounds. This property is uset when acquisition spectrum is set
as 'Defined'.

public struct ANSpectrum {
File: ANType17Record.cs
Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards


Name Description
ANSpectrum [ 972] Initializes new instance of ANSpectrum structure.

ANSpectrum Properties

Name Description
LowerBound [ 972] Gets or sets spectrum lower bound.
NativeType [ 972] Defines the native type of the object.
UpperBound [ 972] Gets or sets spectrum upper bound. ANSpectrum.ANSpectrum Constructor

Initializes new instance of ANSpectrum structure.

public ANSpectrum(ushort lowerBound, ushort upperBound);

Parameters Description
ushort lowerBound Spectrum lower bound.
ushort upperBound Spectrum upper bound. ANSpectrum Properties ANSpectrum.LowerBound Property

Gets or sets spectrum lower bound.

public ushort LowerBound;
Property value
Lower bound iris rounded to nearest 10 nm. ANSpectrum.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; ANSpectrum.UpperBound Property

Gets or sets spectrum upper bound.

public ushort UpperBound;
Property value
Upper bound iris rounded to nearest 10 nm. ANSubField Class

Provides functionality for managing subfields.

C# 9
public sealed class ANSubField : NObject;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

File: ANSubField.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

ANSubField Classes
ANSubField Class

Name Description
ItemCollection [ 976] Represent collection of items in subfield.

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not 9
intended to be used directly from your code.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

ANSubField Class

Name Description
Data [ 978] Gets subfield data.
Items [ 978] Gets particular item from the ANSubField.
Name [ 978] Gets or sets the name of the current subfield.
NativeType [ 978] Defines the native type of the object.
Owner [ 978] Gets ANField [ 880] object.
Value [ 979] Gets or sets item value.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object. 9
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. ANSubField Classes ANSubField.ItemCollection Class

Represent collection of items in subfield.

public sealed class ItemCollection : StringCollection;
File: ANSubField.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

ItemCollection Methods

Name Description
Add [ 976] Adds item to ItemCollection with initial count of items in it.
GetData [ 977] Gets item data.
GetName [ 977] Gets item name and type name.
Insert [ 977] Adds item to ItemCollection with initial count of items in it.
SetName [ 978] Sets item name and type name. ItemCollection Methods ANSubField.ItemCollection.Add Method

Adds item to ItemCollection [ 976] with initial count of items in it.

public int Add(string name, string typeName, string value);

Parameters Description
string name String containing item's name necessary for user-defined
field if ANTemplate [ 980] is going to be serialied to XML file.
string typeName String containing item's type name necessary for
user-defined field if ANTemplate [ 980] is going to be
serialied to XML file.
string value Initial item value.

Returns 9
Item's index in ItemCollection [ 976].

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANSubField.ItemCollection.GetData Method

Gets item data.

public NBuffer GetData(int index);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the item.

NBuffer [ 1943] containing item's data. ANSubField.ItemCollection.GetName Method

Gets item name and type name.

public string GetName(int index, out string typeName);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the item.
out string typeName String containing item's type name.

String containing item's name. ANSubField.ItemCollection.Insert Method

Adds item to ItemCollection [ 976] with initial count of items in it.

public void Insert(int index, string name, string typeName, string value);

Parameters Description
int index Index to insert to.
string name String containing item's name necessary for user-defined
field if ANTemplate [ 980] is going to be serialied to XML file.
string typeName String containing item's type name necessary for
user-defined field if ANTemplate [ 980] is going to be
serialied to XML file.
string value Initial item value. ANSubField.ItemCollection.SetName Method

Sets item name and type name.

public void SetName(int index, string name, string typeName);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the item. 9
string name String containing item's name.
string typeName String containing item's type name.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

String containing item's name. ANSubField Properties ANSubField.Data Property

Gets subfield data.

public NBuffer Data;
Property value
NBuffer [ 1943] containing subfield data. ANSubField.Items Property

Gets particular item from the ANSubField [ 973].

public ItemCollection Items;
Property value
A ItemCollection [ 976] representing items from ANSubField [ 973]. ANSubField.Name Property

Gets or sets the name of the current subfield.

public string Name; ANSubField.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; ANSubField.Owner Property

Gets ANField [ 880] object.

public new ANField Owner;
Property value
ANField [ 880] object. ANSubField.Value Property

Gets or sets item value.

public string Value;
Property value
String containing item value. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANSubjectCondition Structure

This structure defines subject's condition structure.

public struct ANSubjectCondition {
File: ANAsciiBinaryRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Name Description
ANSubjectCondition [ 979] Initializes new instance of ANSubjectCondition structure.

ANSubjectCondition Properties

Name Description
NativeType [ 980] Defines the native type of the object.
SubjectBodyClassCode [ 980] Gets or sets subject body class code.
SubjectBodyStatusCode [ 980] Gets or sets subject body status code.
SubjectStatusCode [ 980] Gets or sets subject status code. ANSubjectCondition.ANSubjectCondition Constructor

Initializes new instance of ANSubjectCondition structure.

public ANSubjectCondition(ANSubjectStatusCode subjectStatusCode, ANSubjectBodyStatusCode
subjectBodyStatusCode, ANSubjectBodyClassCode subjectBodyClassCode);

Parameters Description
ANSubjectStatusCode subjectStatusCode Subject status code as enum value.
ANSubjectBodyStatusCode subjectBodyStatusCode Subject body status code as enum value.
ANSubjectBodyClassCode subjectBodyClassCode Subject body class code as enum value. ANSubjectCondition Properties ANSubjectCondition.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; ANSubjectCondition.SubjectBodyClassCode Property

Gets or sets subject body class code.

public ANSubjectBodyClassCode SubjectBodyClassCode;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Property value
Subject body status class as enum value. ANSubjectCondition.SubjectBodyStatusCode Property

Gets or sets subject body status code.

public ANSubjectBodyStatusCode SubjectBodyStatusCode;
Property value
Subject body status code as enum value. ANSubjectCondition.SubjectStatusCode Property

Gets or sets subject status code.

public ANSubjectStatusCode SubjectStatusCode;
Property value
Subject status code as enum value. ANTemplate Class

Provides functionality for working with Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.ANRecord [ 939] and
Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.ANTemplate as it is described in ANSI/NIST-ITL standards.

public sealed class ANTemplate : NObject, ICloneable;
File: ANTemplate.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

ANTemplate Classes
ANTemplate Class

Name Description
RecordCollection [ 1000] Represent collection of records in ANTemplate.

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ANTemplate Class

Name Description
FlagAllowOutOfBoundsResolution This flag is used to allow friction ridge image (Type 13-15) records with
[ 1017] less than 500ppi scanning or transmitting resolution.
FlagConvertNotSupportedImages The flag indicating whether images, with not supported image type
[ 1017] and/or pixel format, should be converted to ANTemplate compatible
FlagLeaveInvalidRecordsUnvalidated This flag defines whether invalid records should be left unvalidated.
[ 1017]
FlagSkipNistMinutiaNeighbors The flag indicating whether ridge counts should be skipped.
[ 1017]
FlagUseTwoDigitFieldNumber This flag is used to set the number of decimal digits in field number to
[ 1017] two (e.g. 1.01 instead of default 1.001).
FlagUseTwoDigitFieldNumberType1 This flag is used to set the number of decimal digits in field number to
[ 1017] two (e.g. 1.01 instead of default 1.001). Works only for Type 1 Record.
FlagUseTwoDigitIdc [ 1017] This flag is used to set the number of digits in IDC fields to two (e.g. 01
instead of default 1).
MaxAnrecordCount [ 1017] Maximum number of records ANTemplate can contain from version 5.0
and above.
MaxType8RecordCount [ 1017] Maximum number of Type-8 records ANTemplate can contain from
version 5.0 and above.
Version20 [ 1018] This ANTemplate version implements "Data Format for the Interchange
of Fingerprint Information" standard (ANSI/NIST-CSL 1-1993) format.
Version21 [ 1018] This ANTemplate version implements "Data Format for the Interchange
of Fingerprint Information" standard (ANSI/NIST-ITL 1a-1997) format.
Version30 [ 1018] This ANTemplate version implements "Data Format for the Interchange
of Fingerprint, Facial, & Scar Mark & Tattoo (SMT) Information? that
carried the ANSI designation of ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2000
Version40 [ 1018] This ANTemplate version implements version of the standard that
carried the ANSI designation of (ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2007).
Version50 [ 1018] This ANTemplate version implements version of the standard that
carried the ANSI designation of ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011.
Version51 [ 1018] This ANTemplate version implements version of the standard that
carried the ANSI designation of ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 Update 2013
Edition 2.
Version52 [ 1018] This ANTemplate version implemets version of the standard that carried
the ANSI designation of ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 Update 2015.
VersionCurrent [ 1018] Defines the current version of standard that ANTemplate library
implements. Current version is Version52 [ 1018] (ANSI/NIST-ITL
1-2011 Update 2015).

ANTemplate Class

Name Description
ANTemplate [ 986] Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class with current version,
Standard validation level and not specified trancation's identifying data.
ANTemplate [ 986] Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class.
ANTemplate [ 987] Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class.
ANTemplate [ 987] Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class with Standard
validation level. BdifEncoding type is automatically detected.
ANTemplate [ 987] Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class.
ANTemplate [ 988] Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class.
ANTemplate [ 988] Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class. 9
ANTemplate [ 988] Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ANTemplate [ 989] Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class.

ANTemplate [ 989] Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class.
ANTemplate [ 989] Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class with Standard
validation level. BdifEncoding type is automatically detected.
ANTemplate [ 990] Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class with Standard
validation level. BdifEncoding type is automatically detected.
ANTemplate [ 990] Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class with Standard
validation level. BdifEncoding type is automatically detected.
ANTemplate [ 991] Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class.
ANTemplate [ 991] Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class.
ANTemplate [ 991] Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class.
ANTemplate [ 992] Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class.
ANTemplate [ 992] Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class with Standard
validation level. BdifEncoding type is automatically detected.
ANTemplate [ 992] Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class with Standard
validation level.
ANTemplate [ 992] Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class.
ANTemplate [ 993] Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class.
ANTemplate [ 993] Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class with Standard
validation level.
ANTemplate [ 993] Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class with Type-9 records
created from FMRecord [ 1467].
ANTemplate [ 994] Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class with Type-9 records
created from FMRecord [ 1467].
ANTemplate [ 994] Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class with Type-9 records
created from NTemplate [ 692].
ANTemplate [ 995] Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class with Type-9 records
created from NTemplate [ 692].
ANTemplate [ 995] Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class with Standard
validation level.
ANTemplate [ 996] Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class with Standard
validation level.
ANTemplate [ 996] Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class with Standard
validation level. BdifEncoding type is automatically detected.
ANTemplate [ 996] Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class.
ANTemplate [ 997] Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class with Standard
validation level. BdifEncoding type is automatically detected.
ANTemplate [ 997] Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class with Standard
validation level. BdifEncoding type is automatically detected.
ANTemplate [ 997] Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class.
ANTemplate [ 998] Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class.
ANTemplate [ 998] Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class.
ANTemplate [ 998] Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class.
ANTemplate [ 999] Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class with current version
and Standard validation level.
ANTemplate [ 999] Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class with current version
and Standard validation level.
ANTemplate [ 999] Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class with Standard
validation level. BdifEncoding type is automatically detected.
ANTemplate [ 999] Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class with current version,
Standard validation level and not specified trancation's identifying data.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ANTemplate Class

Name Description
CheckValidity [ 1019] Checks ANTemplate compliance with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1 standard
specified by version.
GetVersionName [ 1019] Gets standard version name to which template loaded to memory
GetVersions [ 1019] Gets versions of standard to which template loaded to memory conforms.
IsVersionSupported [ 1019] Checks if provided standard version is supported by ANTemplate library.
Save [ 1020] Saves the ANTemplate into a buffer.
Save [ 1020] Saves the ANTemplate into a buffer.
Save [ 1020] Saves the ANTemplate to the specified file.
Save [ 1020] Saves the ANTemplate to the specified file.
Save [ 1021] Saves the ANTemplate to the specified file.
Save [ 1021] Saves the ANTemplate to the specified file.
ToNTemplate [ 1021] Converts ANTemplate to Neurotechnology Template (NTemplate
[ 692]).
ToNTemplate [ 1021] Converts ANTemplate to Neurotechnology Template (NTemplate
[ 692]).

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

ANTemplate Class

Name Description
ANEncodingTypeNativeType The native type of the encoding type.
[ 1022]
ANValidationLevelNativeType The native type of the validation level.
[ 1022]
IsValidated [ 1022] Checks if ANTemplate is compliant with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1 standard
specified by version.
NativeType [ 1022] Defines the native type of the object.
Records [ 1022] Gets particular records from the ANTemplate.
ValidationLevel [ 1022] Gets validation level of ANTemplate.
Version [ 1022] Gets version of standard to which template loaded to memory conforms.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle. 9
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. ANTemplate.ANTemplate Constructor ()

Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class with current version, Standard validation level and not specified trancation's
identifying data.

public ANTemplate();
ANTemplate's version is set the same as ANTemplate.VersionCurrent [ 1018].Transaction's identifying data (type of
transaction, destination agency, originating agency, transaction control) is set as "Not specified". ANTemplate.ANTemplate Constructor (ANTemplate, NVersion)

Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class.

public ANTemplate(ANTemplate anTemplate, NVersion version);

Parameters Description
ANTemplate anTemplate ANTemplate from which ANTemplate would be initialized.
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANTemplate would be initialized.

The ANTemplate compliance with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1 standard specified by version is also checked. To check ANTemplate
status, use ANTemplate's IsValidated [ 1022] property. If ANTemplate is not valid, it means at least one of the records is not
valid too. To check ANRecord [ 939]'s status, use ANRecord [ 939]'s IsValidated [ 1022] property. If ANRecord [ 939] fails
conform to the standard, ANRecord [ 939]'s ConformanceTestResults are filled with errors. When errors are fixed, use
ANTemplate/ANRecord [ 939] CheckValidity [ 1019]() to re-validate ANTemplate/ANRecord [ 939] and update it's status as
well as ConformanceTestResults. ANTemplate.ANTemplate Constructor (ANTemplate, NVersion, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class.

public ANTemplate(ANTemplate anTemplate, NVersion version, uint flags);
Parameters Description
ANTemplate anTemplate ANTemplate from which ANTemplate would be initialized.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANTemplate would be initialized.

uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more ANTemplate flags.

The ANTemplate compliance with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1 standard specified by version is also checked. To check ANTemplate
status, use ANTemplate's IsValidated [ 1022] property. If ANTemplate is not valid, it means at least one of the records is not
valid too. To check ANRecord [ 939]'s status, use ANRecord [ 939]'s IsValidated [ 1022] property. If ANRecord [ 939] fails
conform to the standard, ANRecord [ 939]'s ConformanceTestResults are filled with errors. When errors are fixed, use
ANTemplate/ANRecord [ 939] CheckValidity [ 1019]() to re-validate ANTemplate/ANRecord [ 939] and update it's status as
well as ConformanceTestResults. ANTemplate.ANTemplate Constructor (NBuffer)

Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class with Standard validation level. BdifEncoding type is automatically detected.

public ANTemplate(NBuffer buffer);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer NBuffer [ 1943] object from which ANTemplate would be

The ANTemplate compliance with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1 standard specified by version is also checked. To check ANTemplate
status, use ANTemplate's IsValidated [ 1022] property. If ANTemplate is not valid, it means at least one of the records is not
valid too. To check ANRecord [ 939]'s status, use ANRecord [ 939]'s IsValidated [ 1022] property. If ANRecord [ 939] fails
conform to the standard, ANRecord [ 939]'s ConformanceTestResults are filled with errors. When errors are fixed, use
ANTemplate/ANRecord [ 939] CheckValidity [ 1019]() to re-validate ANTemplate/ANRecord [ 939] and update it's status as
well as ConformanceTestResults. ANTemplate.ANTemplate Constructor (NBuffer, ANValidationLevel)

Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class.

[Obsolete("Use ANTemplate(NBuffer) instead.")]
public ANTemplate(NBuffer buffer, ANValidationLevel validationLevel);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer NBuffer [ 1943] object from which ANTemplate would be
ANValidationLevel validationLevel Validation level of ANTemplate records.

The following validation levels are supported Minimal, Standard. ANTemplate.ANTemplate Constructor (NBuffer, ANValidationLevel,

Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class.

[Obsolete("Use ANTemplate(buffer) instead.")] 9
public ANTemplate(NBuffer buffer, ANValidationLevel validationLevel, BdifEncodingType

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards


Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer NBuffer [ 1943] object from which ANTemplate would be
ANValidationLevel validationLevel Validation level of ANTemplate records.
BdifEncodingType encodingType Encoding format for ANTemplate file.

The following validation levels are supported Minimal, Standard. ANTemplate.ANTemplate Constructor (NBuffer, ANValidationLevel,

BdifEncodingType, uint)
Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class.

[Obsolete("Use ANTemplate(buffer, uint) instead.")]
public ANTemplate(NBuffer buffer, ANValidationLevel validationLevel, BdifEncodingType
encodingType, uint flags);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer NBuffer [ 1943] object from which ANTemplate would be
ANValidationLevel validationLevel Validation level of ANTemplate records.
BdifEncodingType encodingType Encoding format for ANTemplate file.
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more ANTemplate flags.

The following validation levels are supported Minimal, Standard. ANTemplate.ANTemplate Constructor (NBuffer, ANValidationLevel,

BdifEncodingType, uint, out int)
Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class.

[Obsolete("Use ANTemplate(buffer, uint, out int) instead.")]
public ANTemplate(NBuffer buffer, ANValidationLevel validationLevel, BdifEncodingType
encodingType, uint flags, out int size);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer NBuffer [ 1943] object from which ANTemplate would be
ANValidationLevel validationLevel Validation level of ANTemplate records.
BdifEncodingType encodingType Encoding format for ANTemplate file.
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more ANTemplate flags.
out int size Number of bytes read from the buffer.

The following validation levels are supported Minimal, Standard. ANTemplate.ANTemplate Constructor (NBuffer, ANValidationLevel, uint) 9

Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

[Obsolete("Use ANTemplate(NBuffer, uint) instead.")]
public ANTemplate(NBuffer buffer, ANValidationLevel validationLevel, uint flags);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer NBuffer [ 1943] object from which ANTemplate would be
ANValidationLevel validationLevel Validation level of ANTemplate records.
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more ANTemplate flags.

The following validation levels are supported Minimal, Standard. ANTemplate.ANTemplate Constructor (NBuffer, ANValidationLevel, uint, out

Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class.

[Obsolete("Use ANTemplate(NBuffer, uint, out int) instead.")]
public ANTemplate(NBuffer buffer, ANValidationLevel validationLevel, uint flags, out int

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer NBuffer [ 1943] object from which ANTemplate would be
ANValidationLevel validationLevel Validation level of ANTemplate records.
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more ANTemplate flags.
out int size Number of bytes read from the buffer.

The following validation levels are supported Minimal, Standard. ANTemplate.ANTemplate Constructor (NBuffer, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class with Standard validation level. BdifEncoding type is automatically detected.

public ANTemplate(NBuffer buffer, uint flags);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer NBuffer [ 1943] object from which ANTemplate would be
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more ANTemplate flags.

The ANTemplate compliance with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1 standard specified by version is also checked. To check ANTemplate
status, use ANTemplate's IsValidated [ 1022] property. If ANTemplate is not valid, it means at least one of the records is not
valid too. To check ANRecord [ 939]'s status, use ANRecord [ 939]'s IsValidated [ 1022] property. If ANRecord [ 939] fails
conform to the standard, ANRecord [ 939]'s ConformanceTestResults are filled with errors. When errors are fixed, use
ANTemplate/ANRecord [ 939] CheckValidity [ 1019]() to re-validate ANTemplate/ANRecord [ 939] and update it's status as
well as ConformanceTestResults. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANTemplate.ANTemplate Constructor (NBuffer, uint, out int)

Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class with Standard validation level. BdifEncoding type is automatically detected.

public ANTemplate(NBuffer buffer, uint flags, out int size);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer NBuffer [ 1943] object from which ANTemplate would be
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more ANTemplate flags.
out int size Number of bytes read from the buffer.

The ANTemplate compliance with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1 standard specified by version is also checked. To check ANTemplate
status, use ANTemplate's IsValidated [ 1022] property. If ANTemplate is not valid, it means at least one of the records is not
valid too. To check ANRecord [ 939]'s status, use ANRecord [ 939]'s IsValidated [ 1022] property. If ANRecord [ 939] fails
conform to the standard, ANRecord [ 939]'s ConformanceTestResults are filled with errors. When errors are fixed, use
ANTemplate/ANRecord [ 939] CheckValidity [ 1019]() to re-validate ANTemplate/ANRecord [ 939] and update it's status as
well as ConformanceTestResults. ANTemplate.ANTemplate Constructor (NStream)

Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class with Standard validation level. BdifEncoding type is automatically detected.

public ANTemplate(NStream stream);

Parameters Description
NStream stream Stream from which ANTemplate would be initialized.

The ANTemplate compliance with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1 standard specified by version is also checked. To check ANTemplate
status, use ANTemplate's IsValidated [ 1022] property. If ANTemplate is not valid, it means at least one of the records is not
valid too. To check ANRecord [ 939]'s status, use ANRecord [ 939]'s IsValidated [ 1022] property. If ANRecord [ 939] fails
conform to the standard, ANRecord [ 939]'s ConformanceTestResults are filled with errors. When errors are fixed, use
ANTemplate/ANRecord [ 939] CheckValidity [ 1019]() to re-validate ANTemplate/ANRecord [ 939] and update it's status as
well as ConformanceTestResults. ANTemplate.ANTemplate Constructor (NStream, ANValidationLevel)

Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class.

[Obsolete("Use ANTemplate(NStream) instead.")]
public ANTemplate(NStream stream, ANValidationLevel validationLevel);

Parameters Description
NStream stream Stream from which ANTemplate would be initialized.
ANValidationLevel validationLevel Validation level of ANTemplate records.

Remarks 9
The following validation levels are supported Minimal, Standard. ANTemplate data is parsed in traditional-encoding format.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANTemplate.ANTemplate Constructor (NStream, ANValidationLevel,

Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class.

[Obsolete("Use ANTemplate(NStream) instead.")]
public ANTemplate(NStream stream, ANValidationLevel validationLevel, BdifEncodingType

Parameters Description
NStream stream Stream from which ANTemplate would be initialized.
ANValidationLevel validationLevel Validation level of ANTemplate records.
BdifEncodingType encodingType Encoding format for ANTemplate file.

The following validation levels are supported Minimal, Standard. ANTemplate.ANTemplate Constructor (NStream, ANValidationLevel,

BdifEncodingType, uint)
Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class.

[Obsolete("Use ANTemplate(NStream, uint) instead.")]
public ANTemplate(NStream stream, ANValidationLevel validationLevel, BdifEncodingType
encodingType, uint flags);

Parameters Description
NStream stream Stream from which ANTemplate would be initialized.
ANValidationLevel validationLevel Validation level of ANTemplate records.
BdifEncodingType encodingType Encoding format for ANTemplate file.
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more ANTemplate flags.

The following validation levels are supported Minimal, Standard. ANTemplate.ANTemplate Constructor (NStream, ANValidationLevel, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class.

[Obsolete("Use ANTemplate(NStream, uint) instead.")]
public ANTemplate(NStream stream, ANValidationLevel validationLevel, uint flags);

Parameters Description
NStream stream Stream from which ANTemplate would be initialized.
ANValidationLevel validationLevel Validation level of ANTemplate records.
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more ANTemplate flags.

The following validation levels are supported Minimal, Standard. ANTemplate data is parsed in traditional-encoding format. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANTemplate.ANTemplate Constructor (NStream, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class with Standard validation level. BdifEncoding type is automatically detected.

public ANTemplate(NStream stream, uint flags);

Parameters Description
NStream stream Stream from which ANTemplate would be initialized.
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more ANTemplate flags.

The ANTemplate compliance with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1 standard specified by version is also checked. To check ANTemplate
status, use ANTemplate's IsValidated [ 1022] property. If ANTemplate is not valid, it means at least one of the records is not
valid too. To check ANRecord [ 939]'s status, use ANRecord [ 939]'s IsValidated [ 1022] property. If ANRecord [ 939] fails
conform to the standard, ANRecord [ 939]'s ConformanceTestResults are filled with errors. When errors are fixed, use
ANTemplate/ANRecord [ 939] CheckValidity [ 1019]() to re-validate ANTemplate/ANRecord [ 939] and update it's status as
well as ConformanceTestResults. ANTemplate.ANTemplate Constructor (NVersion)

Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class with Standard validation level.

public ANTemplate(NVersion version);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANTemplate. ANTemplate.ANTemplate Constructor (NVersion, ANValidationLevel)

Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class.

[Obsolete("Use ANTemplate(NVersion) instead.")]
public ANTemplate(NVersion version, ANValidationLevel validationLevel);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANTemplate.
ANValidationLevel validationLevel Validation level of ANTemplate records. ANTemplate.ANTemplate Constructor (NVersion, ANValidationLevel, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class.

[Obsolete("Use ANTemplate(NVersion, uint) instead.")]
public ANTemplate(NVersion version, ANValidationLevel validationLevel, uint flags);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANTemplate.
ANValidationLevel validationLevel Validation level of ANTemplate records.
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more ANTemplate flags.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANTemplate.ANTemplate Constructor (NVersion, string, string, string,

Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class with Standard validation level.

public ANTemplate(NVersion version, string tot, string dai, string ori, string tcn);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANTemplate.
string tot String which contains transaction type identifier.
string dai String which contains destination agency identifier.
string ori String which contains originating agency identifier.
string tcn String which contains unique transaction control number,
assigned by the originating agency. ANTemplate.ANTemplate Constructor (NVersion, string, string, string,

string, FMRecord)
Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class with Type-9 records created from FMRecord [ 1467].

public ANTemplate(NVersion version, string tot, string dai, string ori, string tcn,
FMRecord fmRecord);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANTemplate.
string tot String which contains transaction type identifier.
string dai String which contains destination agency identifier.
string ori String which contains originating agency identifier.
string tcn String which contains unique transaction control number,
assigned by the originating agency.
FMRecord fmRecord FMRecord [ 1467] from which ANTemplate would be

For ANType9Record [ 1308], the minutiae format flag is automatically set as false and vendor specific block "INCITS 378" is
filled with data from FMRecord [ 1467].The ANTemplate compliance with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1 standard specified by version is
also checked. To check ANTemplate status, use ANTemplate's IsValidated [ 1022] property. If ANTemplate is not valid, it
means at least one of the records is not valid too. To check ANRecord [ 939]'s status, use ANRecord [ 939]'s IsValidated
[ 1022] property. If ANRecord [ 939] fails conform to the standard, ANRecord [ 939]'s ConformanceTestResults are filled with
errors. When errors are fixed, use ANTemplate/ANRecord [ 939] CheckValidity [ 1019]() to re-validate
ANTemplate/ANRecord [ 939] and update it's status as well as ConformanceTestResults. ANTemplate.ANTemplate Constructor (NVersion, string, string, string,

string, FMRecord, uint)
Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class with Type-9 records created from FMRecord [ 1467].

public ANTemplate(NVersion version, string tot, string dai, string ori, string tcn,
FMRecord fmRecord, uint flags); 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards


Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANTemplate.
string tot String which contains transaction type identifier.
string dai String which contains destination agency identifier.
string ori String which contains originating agency identifier.
string tcn String which contains unique transaction control number,
assigned by the originating agency.
FMRecord fmRecord FMRecord [ 1467] from which ANTemplate would be
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more ANTemplate and
ANType9Record [ 1308] flags.

For ANType9Record [ 1308], the minutiae format flag is automatically set as false and vendor specific block "INCITS 378" is
filled with data from FMRecord [ 1467].The ANTemplate compliance with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1 standard specified by version is
also checked. To check ANTemplate status, use ANTemplate's IsValidated [ 1022] property. If ANTemplate is not valid, it
means at least one of the records is not valid too. To check ANRecord [ 939]'s status, use ANRecord [ 939]'s IsValidated
[ 1022] property. If ANRecord [ 939] fails conform to the standard, ANRecord [ 939]'s ConformanceTestResults are filled with
errors. When errors are fixed, use ANTemplate/ANRecord [ 939] CheckValidity [ 1019]() to re-validate
ANTemplate/ANRecord [ 939] and update it's status as well as ConformanceTestResults. ANTemplate.ANTemplate Constructor (NVersion, string, string, string,

string, bool, NTemplate)
Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class with Type-9 records created from NTemplate [ 692].

public ANTemplate(NVersion version, string tot, string dai, string ori, string tcn, bool
type9RecordFmtStd, NTemplate nTemplate);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANTemplate.
string tot String which contains transaction type identifier.
string dai String which contains destination agency identifier.
string ori String which contains originating agency identifier.
string tcn String which contains unique transaction control number,
assigned by the originating agency.
bool type9RecordFmtStd Minutiae format flag value. NTrue if minutiae format is
standard NFalse otherwise.
NTemplate nTemplate NTemplate [ 692] from which ANTemplate would be

The ANTemplate compliance with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1 standard specified by version is also checked. To check ANTemplate
status, use ANTemplate's IsValidated [ 1022] property. If ANTemplate is not valid, it means at least one of the records is not
valid too. To check ANRecord [ 939]'s status, use ANRecord [ 939]'s IsValidated [ 1022] property. If ANRecord [ 939] fails
conform to the standard, ANRecord [ 939]'s ConformanceTestResults are filled with errors. When errors are fixed, use
ANTemplate/ANRecord [ 939] CheckValidity [ 1019]() to re-validate ANTemplate/ANRecord [ 939] and update it's status as
well as ConformanceTestResults.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANTemplate.ANTemplate Constructor (NVersion, string, string, string,

string, bool, NTemplate, uint)
Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class with Type-9 records created from NTemplate [ 692].

public ANTemplate(NVersion version, string tot, string dai, string ori, string tcn, bool
type9RecordFmtStd, NTemplate nTemplate, uint flags);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANTemplate.
string tot String which contains transaction type identifier.
string dai String which contains destination agency identifier.
string ori String which contains originating agency identifier.
string tcn String which contains unique transaction control number,
assigned by the originating agency.
bool type9RecordFmtStd Minutiae format flag value. NTrue if minutiae format is
standard NFalse otherwise.
NTemplate nTemplate NTemplate [ 692] from which ANTemplate would be
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more ANTemplate and
ANType9Record [ 1308] flags.

The ANTemplate compliance with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1 standard specified by version is also checked. To check ANTemplate
status, use ANTemplate's IsValidated [ 1022] property. If ANTemplate is not valid, it means at least one of the records is not
valid too. To check ANRecord [ 939]'s status, use ANRecord [ 939]'s IsValidated [ 1022] property. If ANRecord [ 939] fails
conform to the standard, ANRecord [ 939]'s ConformanceTestResults are filled with errors. When errors are fixed, use
ANTemplate/ANRecord [ 939] CheckValidity [ 1019]() to re-validate ANTemplate/ANRecord [ 939] and update it's status as
well as ConformanceTestResults. ANTemplate.ANTemplate Constructor (NVersion, string, string, string,

string, uint)
Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class with Standard validation level.

public ANTemplate(NVersion version, string tot, string dai, string ori, string tcn, uint

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANTemplate.
string tot String which contains transaction type identifier.
string dai String which contains destination agency identifier.
string ori String which contains originating agency identifier.
string tcn String which contains unique transaction control number,
assigned by the originating agency.
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more ANTemplate flags. ANTemplate.ANTemplate Constructor (NVersion, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class with Standard validation level. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public ANTemplate(NVersion version, uint flags);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANTemplate.
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more ANTemplate flags. ANTemplate.ANTemplate Constructor (byte[])

Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class with Standard validation level. BdifEncoding type is automatically detected.

public ANTemplate(byte[] buffer);

Parameters Description
byte[] buffer Byte array from which ANTemplate would be initialized.

The ANTemplate compliance with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1 standard specified by version is also checked. To check ANTemplate
status, use ANTemplate's IsValidated [ 1022] property. If ANTemplate is not valid, it means at least one of the records is not
valid too. To check ANRecord [ 939]'s status, use ANRecord [ 939]'s IsValidated [ 1022] property. If ANRecord [ 939] fails
conform to the standard, ANRecord [ 939]'s ConformanceTestResults are filled with errors. When errors are fixed, use
ANTemplate/ANRecord [ 939] CheckValidity [ 1019]() to re-validate ANTemplate/ANRecord [ 939] and update it's status as
well as ConformanceTestResults. ANTemplate.ANTemplate Constructor (byte[], ANValidationLevel)

Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class.

[Obsolete("Use ANTemplate(byte[]) instead.")]
public ANTemplate(byte[] buffer, ANValidationLevel validationLevel);

Parameters Description
byte[] buffer Byte array from which ANTemplate would be initialized.
ANValidationLevel validationLevel Validation level of ANTemplate records.

The following validation levels are supported Minimal, Standard. ANTemplate.ANTemplate Constructor (byte[], uint)

Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class with Standard validation level. BdifEncoding type is automatically detected.

public ANTemplate(byte[] buffer, uint flags);

Parameters Description
byte[] buffer Byte array from which ANTemplate would be initialized.
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more ANTemplate flags.
The ANTemplate compliance with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1 standard specified by version is also checked. To check ANTemplate

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

status, use ANTemplate's IsValidated [ 1022] property. If ANTemplate is not valid, it means at least one of the records is not
valid too. To check ANRecord [ 939]'s status, use ANRecord [ 939]'s IsValidated [ 1022] property. If ANRecord [ 939] fails
conform to the standard, ANRecord [ 939]'s ConformanceTestResults are filled with errors. When errors are fixed, use
ANTemplate/ANRecord [ 939] CheckValidity [ 1019]() to re-validate ANTemplate/ANRecord [ 939] and update it's status as
well as ConformanceTestResults. ANTemplate.ANTemplate Constructor (string)

Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class with Standard validation level. BdifEncoding type is automatically detected.

public ANTemplate(string fileName);

Parameters Description
string fileName Name of file from which ANTemplate would be initialized.

The ANTemplate compliance with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1 standard specified by version is also checked. To check ANTemplate
status, use ANTemplate's IsValidated [ 1022] property. If ANTemplate is not valid, it means at least one of the records is not
valid too. To check ANRecord [ 939]'s status, use ANRecord [ 939]'s IsValidated [ 1022] property. If ANRecord [ 939] fails
conform to the standard, ANRecord [ 939]'s ConformanceTestResults are filled with errors. When errors are fixed, use
ANTemplate/ANRecord [ 939] CheckValidity [ 1019]() to re-validate ANTemplate/ANRecord [ 939] and update it's status as
well as ConformanceTestResults. ANTemplate.ANTemplate Constructor (string, ANValidationLevel)

Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class.

[Obsolete("Use ANTemplate(string) instead.")]
public ANTemplate(string fileName, ANValidationLevel validationLevel);

Parameters Description
string fileName Name of file from which ANTemplate would be initialized.
ANValidationLevel validationLevel Validation level of ANTemplate records.

The following validation levels are supported Minimal, Standard. ANTemplate file is parsed in traditional-encoding format. ANTemplate.ANTemplate Constructor (string, ANValidationLevel,

Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class.

[Obsolete("Use ANTemplate(string) instead.")]
public ANTemplate(string fileName, ANValidationLevel validationLevel, BdifEncodingType

Parameters Description
string fileName Name of file from which ANTemplate would be initialized.
ANValidationLevel validationLevel Validation level of ANTemplate.
BdifEncodingType encodingType Encoding format for ANTemplate file.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

The following validation levels are supported Minimal, Standard. ANTemplate.ANTemplate Constructor (string, ANValidationLevel,

BdifEncodingType, uint)
Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class.

[Obsolete("Use ANTemplate(string, uint) instead.")]
public ANTemplate(string fileName, ANValidationLevel validationLevel, BdifEncodingType
encodingType, uint flags);

Parameters Description
string fileName Name of file from which ANTemplate would be initialized.
ANValidationLevel validationLevel Validation level of ANTemplate records.
BdifEncodingType encodingType Encoding format for ANTemplate file.
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more ANTemplate flags.

The following validation levels are supported Minimal, Standard. ANTemplate.ANTemplate Constructor (string, ANValidationLevel, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class.

[Obsolete("Use ANTemplate(string, uint) instead.")]
public ANTemplate(string fileName, ANValidationLevel validationLevel, uint flags);

Parameters Description
string fileName Name of file from which ANTemplate would be initialized.
ANValidationLevel validationLevel Validation level of ANTemplate records.
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more ANTemplate flags.

The following validation levels are supported Minimal, Standard. ANTemplate file is parsed in traditional-encoding format. ANTemplate.ANTemplate Constructor (string, string, string, string)

Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class with current version and Standard validation level.

public ANTemplate(string tot, string dai, string ori, string tcn);

Parameters Description
string tot String which contains transaction type identifier.
string dai String which contains destination agency identifier.
string ori String which contains originating agency identifier.
string tcn String which contains unique transaction control number,
assigned by the originating agency. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANTemplate.ANTemplate Constructor (string, string, string, string, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class with current version and Standard validation level.

public ANTemplate(string tot, string dai, string ori, string tcn, uint flags);

Parameters Description
string tot String which contains transaction type identifier.
string dai String which contains destination agency identifier.
string ori String which contains originating agency identifier.
string tcn String which contains unique transaction control number,
assigned by the originating agency.
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more ANTemplate flags. ANTemplate.ANTemplate Constructor (string, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class with Standard validation level. BdifEncoding type is automatically detected.

public ANTemplate(string fileName, uint flags);

Parameters Description
string fileName Name of file from which ANTemplate would be initialized.
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more ANTemplate flags.

The ANTemplate compliance with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1 standard specified by version is also checked. To check ANTemplate
status, use ANTemplate's IsValidated [ 1022] property. If ANTemplate is not valid, it means at least one of the records is not
valid too. To check ANRecord [ 939]'s status, use ANRecord [ 939]'s IsValidated [ 1022] property. If ANRecord [ 939] fails
conform to the standard, ANRecord [ 939]'s ConformanceTestResults are filled with errors. When errors are fixed, use
ANTemplate/ANRecord [ 939] CheckValidity [ 1019]() to re-validate ANTemplate/ANRecord [ 939] and update it's status as
well as ConformanceTestResults. ANTemplate.ANTemplate Constructor (uint)

Initializes a new instance of the ANTemplate class with current version, Standard validation level and not specified trancation's
identifying data.

public ANTemplate(uint flags);

Parameters Description
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more ANTemplate flags.

ANTemplate's version is set the same as ANTemplate.VersionCurrent [ 1018].Transaction's identifying data (type of
transaction, destination agency, originating agency, transaction control) is set as "Not specified". ANTemplate Classes


9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANTemplate.RecordCollection Class

Represent collection of records in ANTemplate [ 980].

public sealed class RecordCollection : NObjectCollection<ANRecord>;
File: ANTemplate.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

RecordCollection Methods

Name Description
Add [ 1001] Adds record with minimal validation level to ANTemplate [ 980].
AddType10 [ 1002] Initializes a new instance of the ANType10Record [ 1025] class.
AddType10 [ 1002] Initializes a new instance of the ANType10Record [ 1025] class.
AddType10 [ 1002] Initializes a new instance of the ANType10Record [ 1025] class.
AddType10 [ 1003] Initializes a new instance of the ANType10Record [ 1025] class.
AddType10 [ 1003] Initializes a new instance of the ANType10Record [ 1025] class and
automatically sets mandatory image parameters for record.
AddType10 [ 1003] Initializes a new instance of the ANType10Record [ 1025] class.
AddType13 [ 1004] Initializes a new instance of the ANType13Record [ 1072] class.
AddType13 [ 1004] Initializes a new instance of the ANType13Record [ 1072] class.
AddType13 [ 1004] Initializes a new instance of the ANType13Record [ 1072] class and
automatically sets mandatory image parameters for record.
AddType14 [ 1005] Initializes a new instance of the ANType14Record [ 1090] class.
AddType14 [ 1005] Initializes a new instance of the ANType14Record [ 1090] class.
AddType14 [ 1005] Initializes a new instance of the ANType14Record [ 1090] class and
automatically sets mandatory image parameters for record.
AddType15 [ 1006] Initializes a new instance of the ANType15Record [ 1113] class.
AddType15 [ 1006] Initializes a new instance of the ANType15Record [ 1113] class.
AddType15 [ 1006] Initializes a new instance of the ANType15Record [ 1113] class and
automatically sets mandatory image parameters for record.
AddType16 [ 1006] Initializes a new instance of the ANType16Record [ 1130] class.
AddType16 [ 1007] Initializes a new instance of the ANType16Record [ 1130] class.
AddType16 [ 1007] Initializes a new instance of the ANType16Record [ 1130] class and
automatically sets mandatory image parameters for record.
AddType17 [ 1007] Initializes a new instance of the ANType17Record [ 1146] class.
AddType17 [ 1008] Initializes a new instance of the ANType17Record [ 1146] class.
AddType17 [ 1008] Initializes a new instance of the ANType17Record [ 1146] class and
automatically sets mandatory image parameters for record.
AddType2 [ 1008] Initializes a new instance of the ANType2Record [ 1234] class.
AddType20 [ 1008] Initializes a new instance of the ANType20Record [ 1195] class.
AddType20 [ 1009] Initializes a new instance of the ANType20Record [ 1195] class.
AddType20 [ 1009] Initializes a new instance of the ANType20Record [ 1195] class and
automatically sets mandatory image parameters for record.
AddType21 [ 1009] Initializes a new instance of the ANType21Record [ 1218] class.
AddType3 [ 1010] Initializes a new instance of the ANType3Record [ 1241] class.
AddType3 [ 1010] Initializes a new instance of the ANType3Record [ 1241] class.
AddType3 [ 1010] Initializes a new instance of the ANType3Record [ 1241] class and
automatically sets mandatory image parameters for record.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

AddType4 [ 1011] Initializes a new instance of the ANType4Record [ 1249] class.

AddType4 [ 1011] Initializes a new instance of the ANType4Record [ 1249] class.
AddType4 [ 1011] Initializes a new instance of the ANType4Record [ 1249] class and
automatically sets mandatory image parameters for record.
AddType5 [ 1011] Initializes a new instance of the ANType5Record [ 1260] class.
AddType5 [ 1012] Initializes a new instance of the ANType5Record [ 1260] class.
AddType6 [ 1012] Initializes a new instance of the ANType6Record [ 1268] class.
AddType6 [ 1012] Initializes a new instance of the ANType6Record [ 1268] class.
AddType7 [ 1013] Initializes a new instance of the ANType7Record [ 1277] class.
AddType8 [ 1013] Initializes a new instance of the ANType8Record [ 1283] class.
AddType8 [ 1013] Initializes a new instance of the ANType8Record [ 1283] class.
AddType8 [ 1013] Initializes a new instance of the ANType8Record [ 1283] class.
AddType9 [ 1014] Initializes a new instance of the ANType9Record [ 1308] class.
AddType9 [ 1014] Initializes a new instance of the ANType9Record [ 1308] class with data
from FMRecord [ 1467]. "INCITS 378" data block is filled with standard
data from FMRecord [ 1467]. Neurotec [ 220] proprietary data is set in
"Other feature sets" data block. This method is available from
ANTemplate [ 980] version 5.0.
AddType9 [ 1014] Initializes a new instance of the ANType9Record [ 1308] class with data
from FMRecord [ 1467]. "INCITS 378" data block is filled with standard
data from FMRecord [ 1467]. Neurotec [ 220] proprietary data is set in
"Other feature sets" data block. This method is available from
ANTemplate [ 980] version 5.0.
AddType9 [ 1015] Initializes a new instance of the ANType9Record [ 1308] class with
vendor specific "INCITS 378:2004" minutiae format.
AddType9 [ 1015] Initializes a new instance of the ANType9Record [ 1308] class with
vendor specific "INCITS 378:2004" minutiae format.
AddType9 [ 1015] Initializes a new instance of the ANType9Record [ 1308] class.
AddType9 [ 1016] Initializes a new instance of the ANType9Record [ 1308] class.
AddType9 [ 1016] Initializes a new instance of the ANType9Record [ 1308] class.
AddType99 [ 1016] Initializes a new instance of the ANType99Record [ 1295] class. RecordCollection Methods ANTemplate.RecordCollection.Add Method

Adds record with minimal validation level to ANTemplate [ 980].

[Obsolete("Use AddTypeX() instead.")]
public ANRecord Add(ANRecordType recordType);

Parameters Description
ANRecordType recordType Record type object.

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate [ 980]'s. IDC is sequentially assigned starting from zero and
incremented by one up to a maximum. ANTemplate.RecordCollection.AddType10 Method ()

Initializes a new instance of the ANType10Record [ 1025] class.
public ANType10Record AddType10();

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate [ 980]'s. IDC is sequentially assigned starting from zero and
incremented by one up to a maximum. ANTemplate.RecordCollection.AddType10 Method (ANImageType, string,

BdifScaleUnits, ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage)
Initializes a new instance of the ANType10Record [ 1025] class.

public ANType10Record AddType10(ANImageType imt, string src, BdifScaleUnits slc,
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga, NImage image);

Parameters Description
ANImageType imt One of ANImageType [ 1588] values.
string src String which contains identification of organization.
BdifScaleUnits slc One of BdifScaleUnits [ 1626] values.
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga One of ANImageCompressionAlgorithm [ 1588] values.
NImage image Facial image.

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate [ 980]'s. IDC is sequentially assigned starting from zero and
incremented by one up to a maximum. ANTemplate.RecordCollection.AddType10 Method (ANImageType, string,

BdifScaleUnits, ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage, uint)
Initializes a new instance of the ANType10Record [ 1025] class.

public ANType10Record AddType10(ANImageType imt, string src, BdifScaleUnits slc,
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga, NImage image, uint flags);

Parameters Description
ANImageType imt One of ANImageType [ 1588] values.
string src String which contains identification of organization.
BdifScaleUnits slc One of BdifScaleUnits [ 1626] values.
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga One of ANImageCompressionAlgorithm [ 1588] values.
NImage image Facial image.
uint flags The following flag is supported:

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate [ 980]'s. IDC is sequentially assigned starting from zero and
incremented by one up to a maximum. ANTemplate.RecordCollection.AddType10 Method (ANImageType, string, NBuffer)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType10Record [ 1025] class.

public ANType10Record AddType10(ANImageType imt, string src, NBuffer imageBuffer);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards


Parameters Description
ANImageType imt One of ANImageType [ 1588] values.
string src String which contains identification of organization.
NBuffer imageBuffer Image buffer.

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate [ 980]'s. IDC is sequentially assigned starting from zero and
incremented by one up to a maximum. ANTemplate.RecordCollection.AddType10 Method (ANImageType, string, NBuffer, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType10Record [ 1025] class and automatically sets mandatory image parameters for

public ANType10Record AddType10(ANImageType imt, string src, NBuffer imageBuffer, uint

Parameters Description
ANImageType imt One of ANImageType [ 1588] values.
string src String which contains identification of organization.
NBuffer imageBuffer Image buffer.
uint flags The following flag is supported:

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate [ 980]'s. IDC is sequentially assigned starting from zero and
incremented by one up to a maximum. Image width, height, color space, scale units, horizontal and vertical resolutions are set
from image buffer. ANTemplate.RecordCollection.AddType10 Method (uint)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType10Record [ 1025] class.

public ANType10Record AddType10(uint flags);

Parameters Description
uint flags The following flag is supported:

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate [ 980]'s. IDC is sequentially assigned starting from zero and
incremented by one up to a maximum. ANTemplate.RecordCollection.AddType13 Method ()

Initializes a new instance of the ANType13Record [ 1072] class.

public ANType13Record AddType13();
ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate [ 980]'s. IDC is sequentially assigned starting from zero and

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

incremented by one up to a maximum. ANTemplate.RecordCollection.AddType13 Method (BdifFPImpressionType, string,

BdifScaleUnits, ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage)
Initializes a new instance of the ANType13Record [ 1072] class.

public ANType13Record AddType13(BdifFPImpressionType imp, string src, BdifScaleUnits slc,
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga, NImage image);

Parameters Description
BdifFPImpressionType imp One of BdifFPImpressionType [ 1610] values.
string src String which contains identification of organization.
BdifScaleUnits slc One of BdifScaleUnits [ 1626] values.
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga One of ANImageCompressionAlgorithm [ 1588] values.
NImage image Facial image.

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate [ 980]'s. IDC is sequentially assigned starting from zero and
incremented by one up to a maximum. ANTemplate.RecordCollection.AddType13 Method (BdifFPImpressionType, string,

Initializes a new instance of the ANType13Record [ 1072] class and automatically sets mandatory image parameters for

public ANType13Record AddType13(BdifFPImpressionType imp, string src, NBuffer imageBuffer);

Parameters Description
BdifFPImpressionType imp One of BdifFPImpressionType [ 1610] values.
string src String which contains identification of organization.
NBuffer imageBuffer Image buffer.

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate [ 980]'s. IDC is sequentially assigned starting from zero and
incremented by one up to a maximum. Image width, height, bits per pixel, scale units, horizontal and vertical resolutions are set
from image buffer. ANTemplate.RecordCollection.AddType14 Method ()

Initializes a new instance of the ANType14Record [ 1090] class.

public ANType14Record AddType14();
ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate [ 980]'s. IDC is sequentially assigned starting from zero and
incremented by one up to a maximum. ANTemplate.RecordCollection.AddType14 Method (string, BdifScaleUnits, 9

ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage)
Initializes a new instance of the ANType14Record [ 1090] class.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public ANType14Record AddType14(string src, BdifScaleUnits slc, ANImageCompressionAlgorithm
cga, NImage image);

Parameters Description
string src String which contains identification of organization.
BdifScaleUnits slc One of BdifScaleUnits [ 1626] values.
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga One of ANImageCompressionAlgorithm [ 1588] values.
NImage image Facial image.

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate [ 980]'s. IDC is sequentially assigned starting from zero and
incremented by one up to a maximum. ANTemplate.RecordCollection.AddType14 Method (string, NBuffer)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType14Record [ 1090] class and automatically sets mandatory image parameters for

public ANType14Record AddType14(string src, NBuffer imageBuffer);

Parameters Description
string src String which contains identification of organization.
NBuffer imageBuffer Image buffer.

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate [ 980]'s. IDC is sequentially assigned starting from zero and
incremented by one up to a maximum. Image width, height, bits per pixel, scale units, horizontal and vertical resolutions are set
from image buffer. ANTemplate.RecordCollection.AddType15 Method ()

Initializes a new instance of the ANType15Record [ 1113] class.

public ANType15Record AddType15();
ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate [ 980]'s. IDC is sequentially assigned starting from zero and
incremented by one up to a maximum. ANTemplate.RecordCollection.AddType15 Method (string, BdifScaleUnits,

ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage)
Initializes a new instance of the ANType15Record [ 1113] class.

public ANType15Record AddType15(string src, BdifScaleUnits slc, ANImageCompressionAlgorithm
cga, NImage image);

Parameters Description
string src String which contains identification of organization.
BdifScaleUnits slc One of BdifScaleUnits [ 1626] values.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga One of ANImageCompressionAlgorithm [ 1588] values.

NImage image Facial image.

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate [ 980]'s. IDC is sequentially assigned starting from zero and
incremented by one up to a maximum. ANTemplate.RecordCollection.AddType15 Method (string, NBuffer)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType15Record [ 1113] class and automatically sets mandatory image parameters for

public ANType15Record AddType15(string src, NBuffer imageBuffer);

Parameters Description
string src String which contains identification of organization.
NBuffer imageBuffer Image buffer.

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate [ 980]'s. IDC is sequentially assigned starting from zero and
incremented by one up to a maximum. Image width, height, bits per pixel, scale units, horizontal and vertical resolutions are set
from image buffer. ANTemplate.RecordCollection.AddType16 Method ()

Initializes a new instance of the ANType16Record [ 1130] class.

public ANType16Record AddType16();
ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate [ 980]'s. IDC is sequentially assigned starting from zero and
incremented by one up to a maximum. ANTemplate.RecordCollection.AddType16 Method (string, string, BdifScaleUnits,

ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage)
Initializes a new instance of the ANType16Record [ 1130] class.

public ANType16Record AddType16(string udi, string src, BdifScaleUnits slc,
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga, NImage image);

Parameters Description
string udi String which contains type of user-defined image that will be
contained in record.
string src String which contains identification of organization.
BdifScaleUnits slc One of BdifScaleUnits [ 1626] values.
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga One of ANImageCompressionAlgorithm [ 1588] values.
NImage image Image.

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate [ 980]'s. IDC is sequentially assigned starting from zero and 9
incremented by one up to a maximum. Image width, height, color space, scale units, horizontal and vertical resolutions are set

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

from image buffer. ANTemplate.RecordCollection.AddType16 Method (string, string, NBuffer)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType16Record [ 1130] class and automatically sets mandatory image parameters for

public ANType16Record AddType16(string udi, string src, NBuffer imageBuffer);

Parameters Description
string udi String which contains type of user-defined image that will be
contained in record.
string src String which contains identification of organization.
NBuffer imageBuffer Image buffer.

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate [ 980]'s. IDC is sequentially assigned starting from zero and
incremented by one up to a maximum. Image width, height, color space, scale units, horizontal and vertical resolutions are set
from image buffer. ANTemplate.RecordCollection.AddType17 Method ()

Initializes a new instance of the ANType17Record [ 1146] class.

public ANType17Record AddType17();
ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate [ 980]'s. IDC is sequentially assigned starting from zero and
incremented by one up to a maximum. ANTemplate.RecordCollection.AddType17 Method (string, BdifScaleUnits,

ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage)
Initializes a new instance of the ANType17Record [ 1146] class.

public ANType17Record AddType17(string src, BdifScaleUnits slc, ANImageCompressionAlgorithm
cga, NImage image);

Parameters Description
string src String which contains identification of organization.
BdifScaleUnits slc One of BdifScaleUnits [ 1626] values.
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga One of ANImageCompressionAlgorithm [ 1588] values.
NImage image Image.

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate [ 980]'s. IDC is sequentially assigned starting from zero and
incremented by one up to a maximum. Image width, height, color space, scale units, horizontal and vertical resolutions are set
from image buffer. ANTemplate.RecordCollection.AddType17 Method (string, NBuffer)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType17Record [ 1146] class and automatically sets mandatory image parameters for

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public ANType17Record AddType17(string src, NBuffer imageBuffer);

Parameters Description
string src String which contains identification of organization.
NBuffer imageBuffer Image buffer.

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate [ 980]'s. IDC is sequentially assigned starting from zero and
incremented by one up to a maximum. Image width, height, bits per pixel, color space, scale units, horizontal and vertical
resolutions are set from image buffer. ANTemplate.RecordCollection.AddType2 Method

Initializes a new instance of the ANType2Record [ 1234] class.

public ANType2Record AddType2();
ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate [ 980]'s. IDC is sequentially assigned starting from zero and
incremented by one up to a maximum. ANTemplate.RecordCollection.AddType20 Method ()

Initializes a new instance of the ANType20Record [ 1195] class.

public ANType20Record AddType20();
ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate [ 980]'s. IDC is sequentially assigned starting from zero and
incremented by one up to a maximum. Source representation number is automatically assigned starting from one and
incremented by one for each Type-20 record. ANTemplate.RecordCollection.AddType20 Method (string, BdifScaleUnits,

ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage)
Initializes a new instance of the ANType20Record [ 1195] class.

public ANType20Record AddType20(string src, BdifScaleUnits slc, ANImageCompressionAlgorithm
cga, NImage image);

Parameters Description
string src String which contains identification of organization.
BdifScaleUnits slc One of BdifScaleUnits [ 1626] values.
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga One of ANImageCompressionAlgorithm [ 1588] values.
NImage image Image.

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate [ 980]'s. IDC is sequentially assigned starting from zero and
incremented by one up to a maximum. Image width, height, color space, scale units, horizontal and vertical resolutions are set
from image buffer. Source representation number is automatically assigned starting from one and incremented by one for each
Type-20 record.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANTemplate.RecordCollection.AddType20 Method (string, NBuffer)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType20Record [ 1195] class and automatically sets mandatory image parameters for

public ANType20Record AddType20(string src, NBuffer imageBuffer);

Parameters Description
string src String which contains identification of organization.
NBuffer imageBuffer Image buffer.

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate [ 980]'s. IDC is sequentially assigned starting from zero and
incremented by one up to a maximum. Image width, height, color space, scale units, bits per pixel, horizontal and vertical
resolutions are set from image buffer. Source representation number is automatically assigned starting from one and
incremented by one for each Type-20 record. ANTemplate.RecordCollection.AddType21 Method

Initializes a new instance of the ANType21Record [ 1218] class.

public ANType21Record AddType21();
ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate [ 980]'s. IDC is sequentially assigned starting from zero and
incremented by one up to a maximum. ANTemplate.RecordCollection.AddType3 Method ()

Initializes a new instance of the ANType3Record [ 1241] class.

public ANType3Record AddType3();
This record is deprecated since version 5.0 (ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011).ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as
ANTemplate [ 980]'s. IDC is sequentially assigned starting from zero and incremented by one up to a maximum. ANTemplate.RecordCollection.AddType3 Method (bool,

ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage)
Initializes a new instance of the ANType3Record [ 1241] class.

public ANType3Record AddType3(bool isr, ANImageCompressionAlgorithm ca, NImage image);

Parameters Description
bool isr Image scanning resolution flag. false if half the minimum
scanning resolution is used and true if half the native
scanning resolution is used.
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm ca One of ANImageCompressionAlgorithm [ 1588] values.
NImage image An image. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

This record is deprecated since version 5.0 (ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011).ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as
ANTemplate [ 980]'s. IDC is sequentially assigned starting from zero and incremented by one up to a maximum.Image should
be a grayscale. ANTemplate.RecordCollection.AddType3 Method (bool, NBuffer)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType3Record [ 1241] class and automatically sets mandatory image parameters for record.

public ANType3Record AddType3(bool isr, NBuffer imageBuffer);

Parameters Description
bool isr Image scanning resolution flag. false if half the minimum
scanning resolution is used and true if half the native
scanning resolution is used.
NBuffer imageBuffer Image buffer.

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate [ 980]'s. IDC is sequentially assigned starting from zero and
incremented by one up to a maximum. Image width, height, compression algorithm are set from image buffer. ANTemplate.RecordCollection.AddType4 Method ()

Initializes a new instance of the ANType4Record [ 1249] class.

public ANType4Record AddType4();
ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate [ 980]'s. IDC is sequentially assigned starting from zero and
incremented by one up to a maximum.Native scanning resolution and nominal transmitting resolution must be set in Type-1
record. ANTemplate.RecordCollection.AddType4 Method (bool,

ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage)
Initializes a new instance of the ANType4Record [ 1249] class.

public ANType4Record AddType4(bool isr, ANImageCompressionAlgorithm ca, NImage image);

Parameters Description
bool isr Image scanning resolution flag. false if half the minimum
scanning resolution is used and true if half the native
scanning resolution is used.
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm ca One of ANImageCompressionAlgorithm [ 1588] values.
From ANTemplate.Version50 [ 1018] only Wsq20
compression algorithm should be used. Otherwise images
should be uncompressed.
NImage image An image.

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate [ 980]'s. IDC is sequentially assigned starting from zero and 9
incremented by one up to a maximum.Image should be a grayscale.Native scanning resolution and nominal transmitting
resolution must be set in Type-1 record.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANTemplate.RecordCollection.AddType4 Method (bool, NBuffer)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType4Record [ 1249] class and automatically sets mandatory image parameters for record.

public ANType4Record AddType4(bool isr, NBuffer imageBuffer);

Parameters Description
bool isr Image scanning resolution flag. false if half the minimum
scanning resolution is used and true if half the native
scanning resolution is used.
NBuffer imageBuffer Image buffer.

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate [ 980]'s. IDC is sequentially assigned starting from zero and
incremented by one up to a maximum. Image width, height, compression algorithm are set from image buffer. ANTemplate.RecordCollection.AddType5 Method ()

Initializes a new instance of the ANType5Record [ 1260] class.

public ANType5Record AddType5();
This record is deprecated since version 5.0 (ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011).ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as
ANTemplate [ 980]'s. IDC is sequentially assigned starting from zero and incremented by one up to a maximum. ANTemplate.RecordCollection.AddType5 Method (bool,

ANBinaryImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage)
Initializes a new instance of the ANType5Record [ 1260] class.

public ANType5Record AddType5(bool isr, ANBinaryImageCompressionAlgorithm bca, NImage

Parameters Description
bool isr Image scanning resolution flag. false if half the minimum
scanning resolution is used and true if half the native
scanning resolution is used.
ANBinaryImageCompressionAlgorithm bca One of ANBinaryImageCompressionAlgorithm [ 1572]
NImage image An image.

This record is deprecated since version 5.0 (ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011).ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as
ANTemplate [ 980]'s. IDC is sequentially assigned starting from zero and incremented by one up to a maximum.Image should
be a monochrome. ANTemplate.RecordCollection.AddType6 Method ()

Initializes a new instance of the ANType6Record [ 1268] class.

C# 9
public ANType6Record AddType6();

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

This record is deprecated since version 5.0 (ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011).ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as
ANTemplate [ 980]'s. IDC is sequentially assigned starting from zero and incremented by one up to a maximum. ANTemplate.RecordCollection.AddType6 Method (bool,

ANBinaryImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage)
Initializes a new instance of the ANType6Record [ 1268] class.

public ANType6Record AddType6(bool isr, ANBinaryImageCompressionAlgorithm bca, NImage

Parameters Description
bool isr Image scanning resolution flag. false if half the minimum
scanning resolution is used and true if half the native
scanning resolution is used.
ANBinaryImageCompressionAlgorithm bca One of ANBinaryImageCompressionAlgorithm [ 1572]
NImage image An image.

This record is deprecated since version 5.0 (ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011).ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as
ANTemplate [ 980]'s. IDC is sequentially assigned starting from zero and incremented by one up to a maximum.Image should
be a monochrome. ANTemplate.RecordCollection.AddType7 Method

Initializes a new instance of the ANType7Record [ 1277] class.

public ANType7Record AddType7();
ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate [ 980]'s. IDC is sequentially assigned starting from zero and
incremented by one up to a maximum. ANTemplate.RecordCollection.AddType8 Method ()

Initializes a new instance of the ANType8Record [ 1283] class.

public ANType8Record AddType8();
ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate [ 980]'s. IDC is sequentially assigned starting from zero and
incremented by one up to a maximum. ANTemplate.RecordCollection.AddType8 Method (ANSignatureType, ANPenVector[])

Initializes a new instance of the ANType8Record [ 1283] class.

public ANType8Record AddType8(ANSignatureType st, ANPenVector[] penVectors);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards


Parameters Description
ANSignatureType st One of ANSignatureType [ 1596] values.
ANPenVector[] penVectors Vectors containing image data.

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate [ 980]'s. IDC is sequentially assigned starting from zero and
incremented by one up to a maximum. ANTemplate.RecordCollection.AddType8 Method (ANSignatureType,

ANSignatureRepresentationType, bool, NImage)
Initializes a new instance of the ANType8Record [ 1283] class.

public ANType8Record AddType8(ANSignatureType st, ANSignatureRepresentationType srt, bool
isr, NImage image);

Parameters Description
ANSignatureType st One of ANSignatureType [ 1596] values.
ANSignatureRepresentationType srt One of ANSignatureRepresentationType [ 1596] values.
bool isr Image scanning resolution flag. Up to
ANTemplate.Version40 [ 1018], the value was:false if half
the minimum scanning resolution is used and true if half the
native scanning resolution is used. From
ANTemplate.Version50 [ 1018], the value are: false if the
scanned and transmitted image resolution is of the 500 ppi
class (+-1% tolerance) and true is otherwise.
NImage image NImage [ 1831] object.

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate [ 980]'s. IDC is sequentially assigned starting from zero and
incremented by one up to a maximum. ANTemplate.RecordCollection.AddType9 Method ()

Initializes a new instance of the ANType9Record [ 1308] class.

public ANType9Record AddType9();
ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate [ 980]'s. IDC is sequentially assigned starting from zero and
incremented by one up to a maximum. ANTemplate.RecordCollection.AddType9 Method (FMRecord, byte)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType9Record [ 1308] class with data from FMRecord [ 1467]. "INCITS 378" data block is
filled with standard data from FMRecord [ 1467]. Neurotec [ 220] proprietary data is set in "Other feature sets" data block.
This method is available from ANTemplate [ 980] version 5.0.

public ANType9Record AddType9(FMRecord fmRecord, byte fingerViewIndex);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards


Parameters Description
FMRecord fmRecord FMRecord [ 1467] containing minutiae data according to
ANSI INCITS 378 standard.
byte fingerViewIndex Index, indicating which FmrFingerView [ 1527] object from
FMRecord [ 1467] should be set to Type-9 record.

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate [ 980]'s. IDC is sequentially assigned starting from zero and
incremented by one up to a maximum.Minutiae format flag is automatically set as false and vendor specific block "INCITS 378"
is filled with data from FMRecord [ 1467]. ANTemplate.RecordCollection.AddType9 Method (FMRecord, byte, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType9Record [ 1308] class with data from FMRecord [ 1467]. "INCITS 378" data block is
filled with standard data from FMRecord [ 1467]. Neurotec [ 220] proprietary data is set in "Other feature sets" data block.
This method is available from ANTemplate [ 980] version 5.0.

public ANType9Record AddType9(FMRecord fmRecord, byte fingerViewIndex, uint flags);

Parameters Description
FMRecord fmRecord FMRecord [ 1467] containing minutiae data according to
ANSI INCITS 378 standard.
byte fingerViewIndex Index, indicating which FmrFingerView [ 1527] object from
FMRecord [ 1467] should be set to Type-9 record.
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags.

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate [ 980]'s. IDC is sequentially assigned starting from zero and
incremented by one up to a maximum.Minutiae format flag is automatically set as false and vendor specific block "INCITS 378"
is filled with data from FMRecord [ 1467].The following flags are supported: from ANType9Record
[ 1308](FlagSkipRidgeCounts, FlagSkipSingularPoints, FlagSkipNeurotecFields) and FlagAllowOutOfBoundsFeatures. ANTemplate.RecordCollection.AddType9 Method (NFRecord)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType9Record [ 1308] class with vendor specific "INCITS 378:2004" minutiae format.

public ANType9Record AddType9(NFRecord nfRecord);

Parameters Description
NFRecord nfRecord The NFRecord [ 537] object.

Supported for ANTemplate [ 980] version 5.0 or higher. Vendor specific block "INCITS 378:2004" is filled with data from
NFRecord [ 537]. ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate [ 980]'s. IDC is sequentially assigned starting
from zero and incremented by one up to a maximum. ANTemplate.RecordCollection.AddType9 Method (NFRecord, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType9Record [ 1308] class with vendor specific "INCITS 378:2004" minutiae format.
public ANType9Record AddType9(NFRecord nfRecord, uint flags);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards


Parameters Description
NFRecord nfRecord The NFRecord [ 537] object.
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags.

Supported for ANTemplate [ 980] version 5.0 or higher. Vendor specific block "INCITS 378:2004" is filled with data from
NFRecord [ 537]. ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate [ 980]'s. IDC is sequentially assigned starting
from zero and incremented by one up to a maximum.The following flags are supported: from ANType9Record
[ 1308](FlagSkipRidgeCounts, FlagSkipSingularPoints, FlagSkipNeurotecFields) and FlagAllowOutOfBoundsFeatures. ANTemplate.RecordCollection.AddType9 Method (bool, NFRecord)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType9Record [ 1308] class.

public ANType9Record AddType9(bool fmtStd, NFRecord nfRecord);

Parameters Description
bool fmtStd [in] Minutiae format flag value. true if minutiae format is
standard false otherwise.
NFRecord nfRecord The NFRecord [ 537] object.

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate [ 980]'s. IDC is sequentially assigned starting from zero and
incremented by one up to a maximum.If minutiae format flag is true, the Type-9 record is created with standard minutiae data
for Type-9 record. These fields are not recommended to use from version 5.0, as it is only supported as legacy fields. If
minutiae format flag is false, then vendor specific block "INCITS 378:2004" is filled with data from NFRecord [ 537] (available
from version 5.0). ANTemplate.RecordCollection.AddType9 Method (bool, NFRecord, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType9Record [ 1308] class.

public ANType9Record AddType9(bool fmtStd, NFRecord nfRecord, uint flags);

Parameters Description
bool fmtStd [in] Minutiae format flag value. true if minutiae format is
standard false otherwise.
NFRecord nfRecord The NFRecord [ 537] object.
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags.

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate [ 980]'s. IDC is sequentially assigned starting from zero and
incremented by one up to a maximum.If minutiae format flag is true, the Type-9 record is created with standard minutiae data
for Type-9 record. These fields are not recommended to use from version 5.0, as it is only supported as legacy fields. If
minutiae format flag is false, then vendor specific block "INCITS 378:2004" is filled with data from NFRecord [ 537] (available
from version 5.0).The following flags are supported: from ANType9Record [ 1308](FlagSkipRidgeCounts,
FlagSkipSingularPoints, FlagSkipNeurotecFields), FlagAllowOutOfBoundsFeatures and FlagSkipNistMinutiaNeighbors
[ 1017](only when minutiae are encoded in standard minutiae format).

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANTemplate.RecordCollection.AddType9 Method (uint)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType9Record [ 1308] class.

public ANType9Record AddType9(uint flags);

Parameters Description
uint flags The following flag is supported:

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate [ 980]'s. IDC is sequentially assigned starting from zero and
incremented by one up to a maximum.The following flags are supported: FlagAllowOutOfBoundsFeatures and
FlagSkipNistMinutiaNeighbors [ 1017] (only when minutiae are encoded in standard minutiae format). ANTemplate.RecordCollection.AddType99 Method

Initializes a new instance of the ANType99Record [ 1295] class.

public ANType99Record AddType99();
ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate [ 980]'s. IDC is sequentially assigned starting from zero and
incremented by one up to a maximum. ANTemplate Fields ANTemplate.FlagAllowOutOfBoundsResolution Field

This flag is used to allow friction ridge image (Type 13-15) records with less than 500ppi scanning or transmitting resolution.

public const uint FlagAllowOutOfBoundsResolution = 0x00200000; ANTemplate.FlagConvertNotSupportedImages Field

The flag indicating whether images, with not supported image type and/or pixel format, should be converted to ANTemplate
[ 980] compatible format.

public const uint FlagConvertNotSupportedImages = 0x00800000; ANTemplate.FlagLeaveInvalidRecordsUnvalidated Field

This flag defines whether invalid records should be left unvalidated.

public const uint FlagLeaveInvalidRecordsUnvalidated = 0x00020000; ANTemplate.FlagSkipNistMinutiaNeighbors Field

The flag indicating whether ridge counts should be skipped.

public const uint FlagSkipNistMinutiaNeighbors = 0x00400000;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANTemplate.FlagUseTwoDigitFieldNumber Field

This flag is used to set the number of decimal digits in field number to two (e.g. 1.01 instead of default 1.001).

public const uint FlagUseTwoDigitFieldNumber = 0x00080000; ANTemplate.FlagUseTwoDigitFieldNumberType1 Field

This flag is used to set the number of decimal digits in field number to two (e.g. 1.01 instead of default 1.001). Works only for
Type 1 Record.

public const uint FlagUseTwoDigitFieldNumberType1 = 0x00100000; ANTemplate.FlagUseTwoDigitIdc Field

This flag is used to set the number of digits in IDC fields to two (e.g. 01 instead of default 1).

public const uint FlagUseTwoDigitIdc = 0x00040000; ANTemplate.MaxAnrecordCount Field

Maximum number of records ANTemplate [ 980] can contain from version 5.0 and above.

public const uint MaxAnrecordCount = 1000; ANTemplate.MaxType8RecordCount Field

Maximum number of Type-8 records ANTemplate [ 980] can contain from version 5.0 and above.

public const uint MaxType8RecordCount = 2; ANTemplate.Version20 Field

This ANTemplate [ 980] version implements "Data Format for the Interchange of Fingerprint Information" standard
(ANSI/NIST-CSL 1-1993) format.

public static readonly NVersion Version20 = (NVersion)0x0200; ANTemplate.Version21 Field

This ANTemplate [ 980] version implements "Data Format for the Interchange of Fingerprint Information" standard
(ANSI/NIST-ITL 1a-1997) format.

public static readonly NVersion Version21 = (NVersion)0x0201; ANTemplate.Version30 Field

This ANTemplate [ 980] version implements "Data Format for the Interchange of Fingerprint, Facial, & Scar Mark & Tattoo
(SMT) Information? that carried the ANSI designation of ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2000

public static readonly NVersion Version30 = (NVersion)0x0300; ANTemplate.Version40 Field

This ANTemplate [ 980] version implements version of the standard that carried the ANSI designation of (ANSI/NIST-ITL 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public static readonly NVersion Version40 = (NVersion)0x0400; ANTemplate.Version50 Field

This ANTemplate [ 980] version implements version of the standard that carried the ANSI designation of ANSI/NIST-ITL

public static readonly NVersion Version50 = (NVersion)0x0500; ANTemplate.Version51 Field

This ANTemplate [ 980] version implements version of the standard that carried the ANSI designation of ANSI/NIST-ITL
1-2011 Update 2013 Edition 2.

public static readonly NVersion Version51 = (NVersion)0x0501; ANTemplate.Version52 Field

This ANTemplate [ 980] version implemets version of the standard that carried the ANSI designation of ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011
Update 2015.

public static readonly NVersion Version52 = (NVersion)0x0502; ANTemplate.VersionCurrent Field

Defines the current version of standard that ANTemplate [ 980] library implements. Current version is Version52 [ 1018]
(ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 Update 2015).

public static readonly NVersion VersionCurrent = Version52; ANTemplate Methods ANTemplate.CheckValidity Method

Checks ANTemplate [ 980] compliance with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1 standard specified by version.

public bool CheckValidity();
If ANTemplate [ 980] is not valid, it means at least one of the records is not valid too. To check ANRecord [ 939]'s status, use
ANRecord [ 939]'s IsValidated [ 1022] property. If ANRecord [ 939] fails conform to the standard, ANRecord [ 939]'s
ConformanceTestResults are filled with errors. When errors are fixed, use ANTemplate [ 980]/ANRecord [ 939]
CheckValidity() to re-validate ANTemplate [ 980]/ANRecord [ 939] and update it's status as well as ConformanceTestResults.

Property value
Value is true if conform to the standard false otherwise. ANTemplate.GetVersionName Method

Gets standard version name to which template loaded to memory conforms.

public static string GetVersionName(NVersion version); 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards


Parameters Description
NVersion version Standard version

Standard version name. ANTemplate.GetVersions Method

Gets versions of standard to which template loaded to memory conforms.

public static NVersion[] GetVersions();
Array of ANVersion objects. ANTemplate.IsVersionSupported Method

Checks if provided standard version is supported by ANTemplate [ 980] library.

public static bool IsVersionSupported(NVersion version);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Version of standard.

Returns true if standard version is supported otherwise false. ANTemplate.Save Method (BdifEncodingType)

Saves the ANTemplate [ 980] into a buffer.

public NBuffer Save(BdifEncodingType encodingType);

Parameters Description
BdifEncodingType encodingType Encoding format for ANTemplate [ 980].

The destination NBuffer [ 1943]. ANTemplate.Save Method (BdifEncodingType, uint)

Saves the ANTemplate [ 980] into a buffer.

public NBuffer Save(BdifEncodingType encodingType, uint flags);

Parameters Description
BdifEncodingType encodingType Encoding format for ANTemplate [ 980].
uint flags Must be zero. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

The destination NBuffer [ 1943]. ANTemplate.Save Method (string)

Saves the ANTemplate [ 980] to the specified file.

public void Save(string fileName);

Parameters Description
string fileName String which contains file name where
ANTemplate [ 980] will be saved.

ANTemplate [ 980] is serialized in traditional-encoding format. ANTemplate.Save Method (string, BdifEncodingType)

Saves the ANTemplate [ 980] to the specified file.

public void Save(string fileName, BdifEncodingType encodingType);

Parameters Description
string fileName String which contains file name where
ANTemplate [ 980] will be saved.
BdifEncodingType encodingType Encoding format for ANTemplate [ 980]. ANTemplate.Save Method (string, BdifEncodingType, uint)

Saves the ANTemplate [ 980] to the specified file.

public void Save(string fileName, BdifEncodingType encodingType, uint flags);

Parameters Description
string fileName String which contains file name where
ANTemplate [ 980] will be saved.
BdifEncodingType encodingType Encoding format for ANTemplate [ 980].
uint flags Must be zero. ANTemplate.Save Method (string, uint)

Saves the ANTemplate [ 980] to the specified file.

public void Save(string fileName, uint flags);

Parameters Description
string fileName String which contains file name where
ANTemplate [ 980] will be saved. 9
uint flags Must be zero.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ANTemplate [ 980] is serialized in traditional-encoding format. ANTemplate.ToNTemplate Method ()

Converts ANTemplate [ 980] to Neurotechnology Template (NTemplate [ 692]).

public NTemplate ToNTemplate();
NTemplate [ 692] object. ANTemplate.ToNTemplate Method (uint)

Converts ANTemplate [ 980] to Neurotechnology Template (NTemplate [ 692]).

public NTemplate ToNTemplate(uint flags);

Parameters Description
uint flags Must be zero.

NTemplate [ 692] object. ANTemplate Properties ANTemplate.ANEncodingTypeNativeType Property

The native type of the encoding type.

public static NType ANEncodingTypeNativeType; ANTemplate.ANValidationLevelNativeType Property

The native type of the validation level.

public static NType ANValidationLevelNativeType; ANTemplate.IsValidated Property

Checks if ANTemplate [ 980] is compliant with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1 standard specified by version.

public bool IsValidated;
Unvalidated ANTemplate [ 980] may be if it contains errors or wasn't validated yet. If ANTemplate [ 980] was tried to validate,
but it is not valid, it means at least one of the records is not valid too. To check ANRecord [ 939]'s status, use ANRecord
[ 939]'s IsValidated property. If ANRecord [ 939] fails conform to the standard, ANRecord [ 939]'s ConformanceTestResults
are filled with errors. When errors are fixed, use ANTemplate [ 980]/ANRecord [ 939] CheckValidity [ 1019]() to re-validate
ANTemplate [ 980]/ANRecord [ 939] and update it's status as well as ConformanceTestResults.

Property value 9
Value is true if validated, false otherwise.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANTemplate.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; ANTemplate.Records Property

Gets particular records from the ANTemplate [ 980].

public RecordCollection Records;
Property value
A RecordCollection [ 1000] representing records in ANTemplate [ 980]. ANTemplate.ValidationLevel Property

Gets validation level of ANTemplate [ 980].

[Obsolete("ANTemplate allows only Standard validation level.")]
public ANValidationLevel ValidationLevel;
Property value
One of ANValidationLevel [ 1604] values. ANTemplate.Version Property

Gets version of standard to which template loaded to memory conforms.

public NVersion Version;
Property value
ANVersion object representing standard version. ANTimeIndex Structure

This structure defines time index containing the start and end times of segments within a video or audio file for Type-20 and
Type-21 records.

public struct ANTimeIndex {
File: ANAsciiBinaryRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

The first and second items contain time index start and end represented in ticks. Each of the item conforms to the
"hh:mm:ss.sss" format. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards


Name Description
ANTimeIndex [ 1023] Initializes new instance of ANTimeIndex structure.

ANTimeIndex Methods

Name Description
GetTimeIndexEnd [ 1024] Gets time index end within a video or audio file.
GetTimeIndexStart [ 1024] Gets time index start within a video or audio file.
SetTimeIndexEnd [ 1024] Sets time index end within a video or audio file.
SetTimeIndexStart [ 1024] Sets time index start within a video or audio file.

ANTimeIndex Properties

Name Description
NativeType [ 1025] Defines the native type of the object.
TimeIndexEnd [ 1025] Gets or sets time index end.
TimeIndexStart [ 1025] Gets or sets time index start. ANTimeIndex.ANTimeIndex Constructor

Initializes new instance of ANTimeIndex structure.

public ANTimeIndex(long timeIndexStart, long timeIndexEnd);

Parameters Description
long timeIndexStart Time index start represented in ticks.
long timeIndexEnd Time index end represented in ticks. ANTimeIndex Methods ANTimeIndex.GetTimeIndexEnd Method

Gets time index end within a video or audio file.

public void GetTimeIndexEnd(out int hour, out int minute, out int second, out int

Parameters Description
out int hour Hours of time index start.
out int minute Minutes of time index start.
out int second Seconds of time index start.
out int millisecond Milliseconds of time index start. ANTimeIndex.GetTimeIndexStart Method

Gets time index start within a video or audio file.

public void GetTimeIndexStart(out int hour, out int minute, out int second, out int

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards


Parameters Description
out int hour Hours of time index start.
out int minute Minutes of time index start.
out int second Seconds of time index start.
out int millisecond Milliseconds of time index start. ANTimeIndex.SetTimeIndexEnd Method

Sets time index end within a video or audio file.

public void SetTimeIndexEnd(int hour, int minute, int second, int millisecond);

Parameters Description
int hour Hours of time index end.
int minute Minutes of time index end.
int second Seconds of time index end.
int millisecond Milliseconds of time index end. ANTimeIndex.SetTimeIndexStart Method

Sets time index start within a video or audio file.

public void SetTimeIndexStart(int hour, int minute, int second, int millisecond);

Parameters Description
int hour Hours of time index start.
int minute Minutes of time index start.
int second Seconds of time index start.
int millisecond Milliseconds of time index start. ANTimeIndex Properties ANTimeIndex.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; ANTimeIndex.TimeIndexEnd Property

Gets or sets time index end.

public long TimeIndexEnd;
Property value
Time index end represented in ticks. ANTimeIndex.TimeIndexStart Property 9

Gets or sets time index start.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public long TimeIndexStart;
Property value
Time index start represented in ticks. ANType10Record Class

Provides functions for working with Type-10 Facial & SMT image record.

Type-10 tagged-field image records are used to exchange facial and image data from scars, marks, and tattoos (SMT) together
with textual information pertinent to the digitized image. The source of the image data is the image captured from scanning a
photograph, a live image captured with a digital camera, or a digitized "freeze-frame" from a video camera.

public sealed class ANType10Record : ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord;
File: ANType10Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

ANRecord Classes
ANRecord Class

Name Description
ConformanceTestResultCollection Represent collection of conformance test results in ANRecord [ 939].
[ 945]
FieldCollection [ 945] Represent collection of fields in record.

ANAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
AnnotationCollection [ 807] Represent collection of annotations.
AssociatedContextCollection [ 808] Represent collection of associated contexts.
SourceRepresentationCollection Represent collection of associated contexts.
[ 808]

ANType10Record Class

Name Description
FacialFeature3DPointCollection Represent collection of facial feature 3D points.
[ 1045]
FacialFeaturePointCollection [ 1046] Represent collection of facial feature points.

FeatureContourCodeCollection Represent collection of feature contours codes.

[ 1046]
FeatureContourVerticesCollection Represent collection of feature contour vertices.
[ 1046]
ImagePathVerticesCollection [ 1046] Represent collection of face image path vertices .

LightingArtifactCollection [ 1046] Represent collection of lighting artifacts.

NcicDesignationCodeCollection Represent collection ncic designation codes.
[ 1047]
OcclusionCollection [ 1047] Represent collection of occlusions. 9
OcclusionVerticesCollection [ 1047] Represent collection of occlusion vertices.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

OtherPhotoCharacteristicCollection Represent collection of other photo characteristics.

[ 1047]
PatternedInjuryCollection [ 1048] Represent collection of smt.
PhysicalPhotoCharacteristicCollection Represent collection of physical photo characteristics
[ 1048]
SmtCollection [ 1049] Represent collection of smt.
SmtColorsCollection [ 1050] Represent collection of smt colors.
SubjectFacialCharacteristicCollection Represent collection of subject facial characteristics.
[ 1050]
SubjectQualityScoreCollection Represent collection of subject quality scores.
[ 1050]

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

ANRecord Class

Name Description
FieldData [ 949] Defines Image data (DATA) contained in logical record.
FieldIdc [ 949] This field is identifies the user-defined text information
contained in the record. The IDC (image designation
character) contained in field shall be the IDC of the
Type-2 logical record as found in the file content (CNT)
field of the Type-1 record.
FieldLen [ 949] Describes total count of the number of bytes in logical
FlagMergeDuplicateFields [ 949] Defines whether the duplicate fields should be merged.
FlagRecoverFromBinaryData [ 949]
MaxAnnotationProcessDescriptionLengthV50 [ 949] Defines minimum length of process description for
ANAnnotation [ 796] for version 5.0.
MaxAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmNameLengthV50 Defines maximum length of processing algorithm name
[ 949] for ANAnnotation [ 796] for version 5.0.
MaxAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwnerLength Defines maximum length of processing algorithm owner
[ 949] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
MaxFieldNumber [ 949] Defines maximal number of fields in logical record.
MaxIdc [ 950] Defines maximum value that image designation
character (IDC) can obtain.
MaxIdcV5 [ 950] Defines maximum value that image designation
character (IDC) can obtain for version 5.0 and above.
MaxMakeLength [ 950] Defines maximum make length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MaxModelLength [ 950] Defines maximum model length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MaxSerialNumberLength [ 950] Defines maximum serial number length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MinAnnotationProcessDescriptionLength [ 950] Defines minimum length of process description for 9
ANAnnotation [ 796].

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

MinAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmNameLength Defines minimum length of processing algorithm name

[ 950] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
MinAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwnerLength Defines minimum length of processing algorithm owner
[ 950] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
UnknownAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwner Defines unknown processing algorithm owner for
[ 950] ANAnnotation [ 796].

ANAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
FieldAnn [ 809] Defines ANN field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the annotations, presenting operations
performed on the original source.
FieldAsc [ 809] Defines ASC field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the associated context to one or more
Record(s) Type-21.
FieldCon [ 809] Defines CON field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the capture organization name.
FieldDat [ 809] Defines DAT field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the date that the transaction was
FieldDui [ 809] Defines DUI field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the device or source of the data.
FieldEfr [ 809] Defines EFR field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the external file reference if the data is
not contained in Field 999.
FieldGeo [ 809] Defines GEO field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the geographic sample acquisition
location where sample was acquired (not where it is
FieldHas [ 809] Defines HAS field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the hash value of the data in Field 999.
FieldMms [ 809] Defines MMS field number. Field referenced by this
number contains make, model and serial number for the
image capture device.
FieldSan [ 810] Defines SAN field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the source agency name of the agency
referenced in Field 4.
FieldSor [ 810] Defines SOR field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the source representation to a
representation(s) in Record(s) Type-20.
FieldSrc [ 810] Defines SRC field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the administration or organization that
originally captured the latent image contained in the
record. Normally, the Originating Agency Identifier, ORI,
of the agency that captured the image.
FieldSub [ 810] Defines SUB field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the image subject condition.
FieldUdfFrom [ 810] Specifies starting number from which user defined field
FieldUdfTo [ 810] Defines end number of user defined field starts.
FieldUdfToV5 [ 810] Defines end number of user defined field starts for
version 5.0 and above.
GeoDefaultCoordinateSystem [ 810] Defines default geographic coordinate system value for
geodetic datum code of field referenced by FieldGeo
[ 809] field number.
MaxCaptureOrganizationNameLength [ 811] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by 9
FieldCon [ 809] field number.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

MaxDecodingInstructionsLength [ 811] Defines maximal decoding instructions value length of

field referenced by FieldSft or FieldAft fields number.
MaxExternalFileReferenceLength [ 811] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldEfr [ 809] field number.
MaxFileTypeLength [ 811] Defines maximal file type value length of field referenced
by FieldSft or FieldAft fields number.
MaxGeoAlternativeCoordSystemIdLength [ 811] Defines maximal alternative geographic coordinate
system identifier value of field referenced by FieldGeo
[ 809] field number.
MaxGeoAlternativeCoordSystemValueLength Defines maximal alternative geographic coordinate
[ 811] system value value of field referenced by FieldGeo
[ 809] field number.
MaxGeoElevation [ 811] Defines maximal elevation value of field referenced by
FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoElevationLength [ 811] Defines maximal elevation value length of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoLatitudeDegree [ 811] Defines maximal latitude degree value of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoLatitudeDegreeLength [ 812] Defines maximal latitude degree value length of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoLongitudeDegree [ 812] Defines maximal longitude degree value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoLongitudeDegreeLength [ 812] Defines maximal longitude degree value length of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoMinute [ 812] Defines maximal latitude/longitude minute value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoMinuteLength [ 812] Defines maximal latitude/longitude minute value length of
field referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoReferenceTextLength [ 812] Defines maximal geographic reference text value length
of field referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoSecond [ 812] Defines maximal latitude/longitude second value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoSecondLength [ 812] Defines maximal latitude/longitude second value length of
field referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoUtmEasting [ 812] Defines maximal UtmEasting value of field referenced by
FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoUtmNorthing [ 812] Defines maximal UtmNorthing value of field referenced by
FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoUtmZoneLength [ 813] Defines maximal UtmZone value length of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeodeticDatumCodeLength [ 813] Defines maximal elevation value length of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxHashLength [ 813] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldHas [ 809] field number.
MaxImageCaptureDateRangeLength [ 813] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldIcdr field number.
MaxQualityMetricScore [ 813] Defines maximal quality score value for record data.
MaxSourceAgencyLength [ 813] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldSrc [ 810] field number.
MaxSourceAgencyLengthV4 [ 813] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldSrc [ 810] field number for version 4.0 and above.
MaxSourceAgencyNameLength [ 813] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldSan [ 810] field number.
MaxSourceContextRepresentationNumber [ 813] Defines maximal number value of field referenced by 9
FieldSan [ 810] or FieldSor [ 810] field numbers.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

MaxSourceContextRepresentationSegmentPosition Defines maximal segment position value of field

[ 814] referenced by FieldAsc [ 809] or FieldSor [ 810] field
MaxTimeIndexCount [ 814] Defines maximal time index count of field referenced by
FieldTix field number.
MaxTimeIndexHour [ 814] Defines maximal time index hour value of field referenced
by FieldTix field number.
MaxTimeIndexLength [ 814] Defines maximal time index value length of field
referenced by FieldTix field number.
MaxTimeIndexMillisecond [ 814] Defines maximal time index millisecond value of field
referenced by FieldTix field number.
MaxTimeIndexMinute [ 814] Defines maximal time index minute value of field
referenced by FieldTix field number.
MaxTimeIndexSecond [ 814] Defines maximal time index second value of field
referenced by FieldTix field number.
MinCaptureOrganizationNameLength [ 814] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldCon [ 809] field number.
MinExternalFileReferenceLength [ 814] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldEfr [ 809] field number.
MinFileTypeLength [ 814] Defines minimal file type value length of field referenced
by FieldSft or FieldAft fields number.
MinGeoElevation [ 815] Defines minimal elevation value of field referenced by
FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeoLatitudeDegree [ 815] Defines minimal latitude degree value of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeoLongitudeDegree [ 815] Defines minimal longitude degree value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeoMinute [ 815] Defines minimal latitude/longitude minute value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeoSecond [ 815] Defines minimal latitude/longitude second value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeoUtmZoneLength [ 815] Defines minimal UtmZone value length of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeodeticDatumCodeLength [ 815] Defines maximal elevation value length of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinImageCaptureDateRangeLength [ 815] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldIcdr field number.
MinImageCaptureDateRangeLength51 [ 815] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldIcdr field number for version 5.1.
MinSourceAgencyLength [ 816] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldSrc [ 810] field number.
MinSourceAgencyLengthV5 [ 816] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldSrc [ 810] field number for version 5.0 and above.
MinSourceAgencyNameLength [ 816] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldSan [ 810] field number.
MinSourceContextRepresentationNumber [ 816] Defines minimal number value of field referenced by
FieldAsc [ 809] or FieldSor [ 810] field numbers.
MinSourceContextRepresentationSegmentPosition Defines minimal segment position value of field
[ 816] referenced by FieldAsc [ 809] or FieldSor [ 810] field
MinTimeIndexCount [ 816] Defines minimal time index count of field referenced by
FieldTix field number.
QualityMetricScoreFailed [ 816] Defines code when quality assessment algorithm failed to
asses record data quality.
QualityMetricScoreNotAvailable [ 816] Defines code when quality score has not been calculated
or provided for data contained in record object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
FieldBpx [ 907] ... more [ 907]
FieldCga [ 907] Defines CGA field number. Field referenced by this number
specifies compression algorithm (CGA), the algorithm used to
compress the transmitted grayscale images.
FieldCom [ 907] Defines COM field number. Field referenced by this number
contains comments or other ASCII text information with the
image data
FieldCsp [ 907] Defines CSP field number. Field referenced by this number
contains color space used to exchange the image data.
FieldDmm [ 908] Defines DMM field number. Field referenced by this number
contains device monitoring mode (DMM) value which provides
information describing the level of human monitoring for the
image capture device.
FieldHll [ 908] Defines HLL field number. Field referenced by this number
contain the number of pixels contained on a single horizontal
line of the transmitted image (horizontal line length - HLL).
FieldHps [ 908] Defines HPS field number. Field referenced by this number
contains horizontal pixel scale (HPS), the integer pixel density
used in the horizontal direction of the transmitted image.
FieldIqm [ 908] Defines IQM field number. Field referenced by this number
contains a quality score data for the image stored in record
FieldShps [ 908] Defines SHPS field number. Field referenced by this number
contains scanned horizontal pixel scale (SHPS) - the horizontal
pixel density used for the scanning of the original impression.
FieldSlc [ 908] ... more [ 908]
FieldSvps [ 908] Defines SVPS field number. Field referenced by this number
contains scanned vertical pixel scale (SVPS), the vertical pixel
density used for the scanning of the original impression.
FieldVll [ 908] Defines VLL field number. Field referenced by this number
contains contains vertical line length (VLL), the number of
horizontal lines contained in the transmitted image.
FieldVps [ 909] Defines VPS field number. Field referenced by this number
contains vertical pixel scale (VPS), the integer pixel density
used in the vertical direction of the transmitted image.
MaxCommentLength [ 909] Defines maximal length of textual information associated with
image contained in record
MaxCommentLengthV5 [ 909] Defines maximal length of textual information associated with
image contained in record for version 5.0 and above.
MaxLineLength [ 909] Defines the maximum value that field referenced by FieldHLL
and FieldVLL can have.
MaxLineLengthV5 [ 909] Defines the maximum value that field referenced by FieldHLL
and FieldVLL can have for version 5.0 and above.
MaxPixelScale [ 909] Defines maximal pixel scale value.
MaxPixelScaleV5 [ 909] Defines maximal pixel scale value for version 5.0 and above.
MaxRulerFpFormNumberLength [ 909] Defines maximal length of ANRuler [ 965]'s parameter
standard fingerprint form number.
MaxRulerMakeLength [ 909] Defines maximal length of ANRuler [ 965]'s parameter make.
MaxRulerModelLength [ 910] Defines maximal length of ANRuler [ 965]'s parameter model.
MaxVendorCompressionAlgorithmLength Defines maximal length of vendor compression algorithm
[ 910] description.
MaxVendorCompressionAlgorithmLengthV5 Defines maximal length of vendor compression algorithm
[ 910] description for version 5.0 and above. 9
MaxVendorCompressionAlgorithmLengthV52 Defines maximal length of vendor compression algorithm
[ 910] description for version 5.2 and above.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

MaxVertexCount [ 910] Defines maximum number of boundary vertices.

MinCircleVertexCount [ 910] Defines minimal number of circle vertices.
MinEllipseVertexCount [ 910] Defines minimal number of ellipse vertices.
MinLatentPixelScalePpcm [ 910] Defines minimal pixel scale value per centimeter for latent
images for prior ANSI-NIST standard versions implemented in
ANTemplate [ 980].
MinLatentPixelScalePpi [ 910] Defines minimal pixel scale value per inch for latent images for
prior ANSI-NIST standard versions implemented in ANTemplate
[ 980].
MinLatentPixelScaleV4Ppcm [ 911] Defines minimal pixel scale value per centimeter for latent
images in current ANSI-NIST standard version implemented in
ANTemplate [ 980].
MinLatentPixelScaleV4Ppi [ 911] Defines minimal pixel scale value per inch for latent images in
current ANSI-NIST standard version implemented in
ANTemplate [ 980].
MinLatentScanPixelScalePpcm [ 911] Defines minimal scanned pixel scale value per centimeter for
latent images for prior ANSI-NIST standard versions
implemented in ANTemplate [ 980].
MinLatentScanPixelScalePpi [ 911] Defines minimal scanned pixel scale value per inch for latent
images for prior ANSI-NIST standard versions implemented in
ANTemplate [ 980].
MinLatentScanPixelScaleV4Ppcm [ 911] Defines minimal scanned pixel scale value per centimeter for
latent images in current ANSI-NIST standard version
implemented in ANTemplate [ 980].
MinLatentScanPixelScaleV4Ppi [ 911] Defines minimal scanned pixel scale value per inch for latent
images in current ANSI-NIST standard version implemented in
ANTemplate [ 980].
MinLineLengthV5 [ 911] Defines the minimum value that field referenced by FieldHLL
and FieldVLL can have for version 5.0 and above.
MinPixelScalePpcm [ 911] Defines minimal pixel scale value per centimeter.
MinPixelScalePpi [ 912] Defines minimal pixel scale value per inch.
MinPixelScaleV5 [ 912] Defines minimal pixel scale value for version 5.0 and above.
MinPolygonVertexCount [ 912] Defines minimal number of pollygon vertices.
MinScanPixelScalePpcm [ 912] Defines minimal scanned pixel scale value per centimeter.
MinScanPixelScalePpi [ 912] Defines minimal scanned pixel scale value per inch.
MinVendorCompressionAlgorithmLength Defines minimal length of vendor compression algorithm
[ 912] description.

ANType10Record Class

Name Description
Field3df [ 1050] Defines 3DF field number. Field referenced by this number
contains 3D facial feature points used to exchange of facial
image data.
FieldCid [ 1051] Defines CID field number. Field referenced by this number
contains cheiloscopic image data. This field may be used when
image type is "Lip".
FieldCol [ 1051] Defines COL field number. Field referenced by this number
contains Color value.
FieldCom [ 1051] Defines COM field number. Field referenced by this number
contains comments or other Unicode text information with the
image data.
FieldCsp [ 1051] ... more [ 1051]
FieldDist [ 1051] Defines DIST field number. Field referenced by this number
contains distortion. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

FieldFec [ 1051] Defines FEC field number. Field referenced by this number
contains feature contours tos define specific countour of the
FieldFfp [ 1051] Defines FFP field number. Field referenced by this number
contains facial feature points (FFP) used to exchange of facial
image data.
FieldFip [ 1051] Defines FIP field number. Field referenced by this number
contains face image bounding box coordinates to indicate the
face of interest or it can be used for cropping the single facial
image. This field is an alternatetive to the field referenced by
FieldFpfi [ 1052].
FieldFpfi [ 1052] Defines FPFI field number. Field referenced by this number
contains face image path coordinates to indicate offset(s) to the
location of the path defining a region of face. This field is an
alternatetive to the field referenced by FieldFip [ 1051].
FieldIcdr [ 1052] Defines ICDR field number. Field referenced by this number
contains the image capture date range estimate.
FieldImt [ 1052] Defines IMT field number. Field referenced by this number
contains Image type (IMT) which is used to indicate the type of
image contained in this record.
FieldItx [ 1052] Defines ITX field number. Field referenced by this number
contains image transformations.
FieldLaf [ 1052] Defines LAF field number. Field referenced by this number
contains lighting artifacts, found in face images.
FieldOcc [ 1052] Defines OCC field number. Field referenced by this number
contains occlusions which partially or tottally blocks face in the
FieldPas [ 1052] Defines PAS field number. Field referenced by this number
contains photo acquisition source (PAS) value which specifies
the classification of the source of the image contained in record.
FieldPhd [ 1052] Defines PHD field number. Field referenced by this number
contains photo date (PHD) value which contains the date that
the facial or SMT image contained in the record was captured.
FieldPid [ 1052] Defines PID field number. Field referenced by this number
contains suspected patterned injury details.
FieldPoa [ 1053] Defines POA field number. Field referenced by this number
contains pose offset angle.
FieldPos [ 1053] Defines POS field number. Field referenced by this number
contains subject pose (POS) value.
FieldPxs [ 1053] Defines PXS field number. Field referenced by this number
contains photo description (PXS) that describes special
attributes of the captured facial image
FieldRsp [ 1053] Defines RSP field number. Field referenced by this number
contains ruler or scale which are present in the image.
FieldSap [ 1053] Defines SAP field number. Field referenced by this number
contains subject acquisition profile (SAP). Intent of this field is to
provide a general description of the criteria under which the
facial image was captured.
FieldSec [ 1053] Defines SEC field number. Field referenced by this number
contains subject eye color (SEC) value.
FieldShc [ 1053] Defines SHC field number. Field referenced by this number
contains subject hair color value.
FieldSmd [ 1053] Defines SMD field number. Field referenced by this number
contains SMT descriptors (SMD) which is used to describe the
content of the SMT image.
FieldSms [ 1053] Defines SMS field number. Field referenced by this number 9
contains SMT size (SMS) value which contains the dimensions
of the scar, mark or tattoo.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

FieldSmt [ 1054] Defines SMT field number. Field referenced by this number
contains NCIC designation code (SMT) which is used to identify
a general location of the captured scar, mark, tattoo, or other
characteristic (including piercings) in image.
FieldSpa [ 1054] Defines SPA field number. Field referenced by this number
contains subject pose angles.
FieldSqs [ 1054] Defines SQS field number. Field referenced by this number
contains subject quality score (SQS) which specifies quality
score data for facial images stored in this record.
FieldSxs [ 1054] Defines SXS field number. Field referenced by this number
contains subject facial description (SXS) which describes the
facial expression of the subject and other attributes associated
with the subject's captured facial image.
FieldT10 [ 1054] Defines T10 field number. Field referenced by this number
contains type-10 reference number used to relate different
Type-10 records of the same SMT or body part.
FieldT2c [ 1054] Defines T2C field number. Field referenced by this number
contains type-2 Record cross reference, which are IDC value of
related Type-2 record .
FieldTmc [ 1054] Defines TMC field number. Field referenced by this number
contains tiered markup collection to specify 2D facial feature
points referenced by FieldFfp [ 1051].
FieldVid [ 1054] Defines VID field number. Field referenced by this number
contains dental visual image data information. This field may be
used when image type is "ExtraOral" or "IntraOral".
MaxFacial3DFeaturePointCount [ 1055] Defines maximum number of 3D facial features count.

MaxFacialFeaturePointCount [ 1055] Defines maximum number of facial features count.

MaxFeatureContourCount [ 1055] Defines maximum number of feature contours referenced by

field number FieldFec [ 1051].
MaxFeatureContoursVertexCount [ 1055] Defines maximum number of feature contours vertices
referenced by field number FieldFec [ 1051].
MaxImagePathVertexCount [ 1055] Defines maximum number of images path vertices referenced by
field number FieldFpfi [ 1052].
MaxImageTransformCount [ 1055] Defines maximum number of image transform referenced by
field number FielItx.
MaxLightingArtifactCount [ 1055] Defines maximum number of lighting artifacts referenced by field
number FieldLaf [ 1052].
MaxLipPatalogyCount [ 1055] Defines maximum number of lip patalogies referenced by field
number FieldCid [ 1051].
MaxLipSurfaceCount [ 1055] Defines maximum number of lip surfaces referenced by field
number FieldCid [ 1051].
MaxLipprintCharacterizationCodeCount Defines maximum number of upper / lower lip print
[ 1056] characterization codes referenced by field number FieldCid
[ 1051].
MaxNcicDesignationCodeCount [ 1056] Defines maximum NCIC designation code (SMT) count value.

MaxNcicDesignationCodeLength [ 1056] Defines maximum NCIC designation code (SMT) length

MaxOcclusionCount [ 1056] Defines maximum number of occlusions referenced by field

number FieldOcc [ 1052].
MaxOcclusionsVertexCount [ 1056] Defines maximum number of occlusion vertices referenced by
field number FieldOcc [ 1052].
MaxOtherPhotoCharacteristicLength [ 1056] Defines other maximum physical photo characteristic length.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

MaxPatternedInjuryCodeLengthV52 [ 1056] Defines maximum patterned injury code length of the field
referenced by field number FieldPid [ 1052] for version 5.2 and
MaxPhotoDescriptionCount [ 1056] Defines maximum number of photo description attributes.
MaxPhysicalPhotoCharacteristicLength Defines maximum physical photo characteristic length.
[ 1056]
MaxQualityMetricCount [ 1057] Defines maximum number of quality metric.
MaxSmtColorCountV5 [ 1057] Maximum number of the Tattoo color (COL) for version 5.0 and
MaxSmtCount [ 1057] Maximum number of the NCIC designation codes (SMT).
MaxSmtDescriptionLength [ 1057] Defines maximum tattoo description length of the field
referenced by field number FieldSmt [ 1054].
MaxSmtSize [ 1057] Maximum size of the field referenced by field number FieldSmt
[ 1054]
MaxSmtSizeV5 [ 1057] Maximum size of the field referenced by field number FieldSmt
[ 1054] for version 5.0 and above.
MaxSubjectFacialCharacteristicLength Maximum subject facial characteristic length.
[ 1057]
MaxSubjectFacialDescriptionCount [ 1057] Maximum subject facial description count.

MaxType10ReferenceNumber [ 1057] Defines maximal Type-10 reference number value referenced by

field number FieldT10 [ 1054].
MaxVendorPhotoAcquisitionSourceLength Defines maximum photo acquisition source value.
[ 1057]
MaxVendorPhotoAcquisitionSourceLengthv5 Defines maximum photo acquisition source value for version 5.0
[ 1058] and above.
MinFeatureContoursVertexCount [ 1058] Defines minimal number of feature contours vertices referenced
by field number FieldFec [ 1051].
MinImagePathVertexCount [ 1058] Defines minimal number of images path vertices referenced by
field number FieldFpfi [ 1052].
MinNcicDesignationCodeLength [ 1058] Defines minimum NCIC designation code (SMT) count value.
MinOcclusionsVertexCount [ 1058] Defines minimal number of occlusion vertices referenced by field
number FieldOcc [ 1052].
MinSubjectFacialCharacteristicLength Defines minimum subject facial characteristic length.
[ 1058]
MinType10ReferenceNumber [ 1058] Defines minimal Type-10 reference number value referenced by
field number FieldT10 [ 1054].
SapAnsiFullFrontalFacialImage [ 1058] Defines ANSI full frontal facial image for the Subject Acquisition
Profile (SAP).
SapAnsiTokenFacialImage [ 1058] Defines ANSI token facial image for the Subject Acquisition
Profile (SAP).
SapBpaLevel30 [ 1059] Defines Best Practice Application - Level 30 value for the
Subject Acquisition Profile (SAP)
SapBpaLevel32 [ 1059] Defines Best Practice Application - Level 32 value for the
Subject Acquisition Profile (SAP)
SapBpaLevel40 [ 1059] Defines Best Practice Application - Level 40 value for the
Subject Acquisition Profile (SAP).
SapBpaLevel42 [ 1059] Defines Best Practice Application - Level 42 value for the
Subject Acquisition Profile (SAP).
SapBpaLevel50 [ 1059] Defines Best Practice Application - Level 50 value for the
Subject Acquisition Profile (SAP).
SapBpaLevel51 [ 1059] Defines Best Practice Application - Level 51 value for the
Subject Acquisition Profile (SAP).
SapBpaLevel52 [ 1059] Defines Best Practice Application - Level 52 value for the 9
Subject Acquisition Profile (SAP).

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

SapDriversLicenseImage [ 1059] Defines driver's license image for the Subject Acquisition Profile
SapIsoFullFrontalFacialImage [ 1059] Defines ISO full frontal face image.
SapIsoTokenFacialImage [ 1059] Defines ISO token face image.
SapLegacyMugshot [ 1060] Defines legacy mugshot value for the Subject Acquisition Profile
SapPivFacialImage [ 1060] Defines PIV facial image (NIST SP 800-76) for the Subject
Acquisition Profile (SAP).
SapSurveillanceFacialImage [ 1060] Defines Surveillance facial image for the Subject Acquisition
Profile (SAP).
SapUnknown [ 1060] Defines that the Subject Acquisition Profile (SAP) is unknown.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
ANRecord [ 944] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class with current version and
unset IDC value.
ANRecord [ 944] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class.
ANRecord [ 945] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class.
ANRecord [ 945] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class with current version and
unset IDC value.

ANType10Record Class

Name Description
ANType10Record [ 1042] Initializes a new instance of the ANType10Record class with current
version and unset IDC value.
ANType10Record [ 1043] Initializes a new instance of the ANType10Record class with current
version and unset IDC value.
ANType10Record [ 1043] Initializes a new instance of the ANType10Record class with current
version and unset IDC value.
ANType10Record [ 1043] Initializes a new instance of the ANType10Record class.
ANType10Record [ 1044] Initializes a new instance of the ANType10Record class.
ANType10Record [ 1044] Initializes a new instance of the ANType10Record class.
ANType10Record [ 1045] Initializes a new instance of the ANType10Record class.
ANType10Record [ 1045] Initializes a new instance of the ANType10Record class with current
version and unset IDC value.

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.

This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values. 9
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.

Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
BeginUpdate [ 951] Begins ANRecord [ 939] update.
CheckValidity [ 951] Checks ANRecord [ 939] compliance with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1 standard
specified by version.
EndUpdate [ 951] Ends ANRecord [ 939] update.
Validate [ 951] Validates ANRecord [ 939]. ANRecord [ 939] can be validated only if
the ANValidationLevel [ 1604] is Standard.

ANAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
SetMakeModelSerialNumber [ 816] Sets make, model and serial number for the iris capture device.

ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
SetCompressionAlgorithm [ 912] Sets compression algorithm used to compress image data. 9
SetImage [ 913] Sets image contained in logical record to NImage [ 1831] format.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

SetImage [ 913] Sets image contained in logical record to NImage [ 1831] format.
ToNImage [ 913] Converts image contained in logical record to NImage [ 1831] format.
ToNImage [ 913] Converts image contained in logical record to NImage [ 1831] format.

ANType10Record Class

Name Description
GetSubjectPoseAngles [ 1060] Gets subject's pose angle values from ANType10Record object.
SetPhotoAcquisitionSource [ 1060] Sets photo acquisition source value.
SetSubjectHairColor [ 1061] Sets subject hair color value.
SetSubjectPoseAngles [ 1061] Sets subject's pose angle values to ANType10Record object.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
ConformanceTestResults [ 951] Gets particular conformance test results from the ANRecord [ 939].
Data [ 951] Gets or sets the the record data.
Fields [ 952] Gets particular fields from the ANRecord [ 939].
Idc [ 952] Gets or sets idc of record.
IsValidated [ 952] Checks if ANRecord [ 939] is compliant with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1
standard specified by version.
Length [ 952] Gets record size.
NativeType [ 952] Defines the native type of the object.
Owner [ 952] Gets ANTemplate [ 980] object.
RecordType [ 953] Gets record type.
ValidationLevel [ 953] Gets validation level of ANRecord [ 939].
Version [ 953] Gets record version.

ANAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
ANGeographicCoordinateSystemNativeType The native type of the geographic coordinate system.
[ 817]
ANSubjectBodyClassCodeNativeType The native type of the subject body class code.
[ 817]
ANSubjectBodyStatusCodeNativeType The native type of the subject body status code.
[ 817]
ANSubjectStatusCodeNativeType [ 817] The native type of the subject status code.
Annotations [ 817] Gets particular annotations from the ANAsciiBinaryRecord
[ 799].
AssociatedContexts [ 817] Gets particular associated contexts from the
ANAsciiBinaryRecord [ 799].
CaptureOrganizationName [ 817] Gets or sets capture organization name. 9
DataHash [ 818] Gets or sets the hash value of data.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Date [ 818] Gets or sets field referenced by FieldDat [ 809] field number.
DeviceUniqueIdentifier [ 818] Gets or sets device unique identifier.
ExternalFileReference [ 818] Gets or sets external file reference.
GeographicLocation [ 818] Gets or sets the ANGeographicLocation [ 890] structure.
Make [ 818] Gets make of image capture device
MakeModelSerialNumber [ 819] Gets or sets the MakeModelSerialNumber structure.
Model [ 819] Gets model of image capture device.
NativeType [ 819] Defines native type of the object.
SerialNumber [ 819] Gets serial number of image capture device.
SourceAgency [ 819] Gets or sets source agency identification.
SourceAgencyName [ 819] Gets or sets source agency name.
SourceRepresenations [ 819] Gets particular associated contexts from the
ANAsciiBinaryRecord [ 799].
SubjectCondition [ 820] Gets or sets subject condition.

ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
ANBoundaryCodeNativeType [ 914] Defines the native type of the boundary code.

ANDeviceMonitoringModeNativeType Defines the native type of the device monitoring mode.

[ 914]
ANMeasurementUnitsNativeType Defines the native type of the measurement units.
[ 914]
ANOcclusionOpacityNativeType Defines the native type of the occlusion opacity.
[ 914]
ANOcclusionTypeNativeType [ 914] Defines the native type of the occlusion type.
BitsPerPixel [ 914] Gets or sets number of bits used to represent a pixel (BPP).
ColorSpace [ 914] Gets or sets color space used to exchange the image data
Comment [ 914] Gets or sets textual information associated with image located in
ANRecord [ 939] object.
CompressionAlgorithm [ 915] Gets compression algorithm used to compress image data.
DeviceMonitoringMode [ 915] Gets or sets device monitoring mode (DMM) value which provides
information describing the level of human monitoring for the image
capture device.
HorzLineLength [ 915] Gets or sets horizontal line length value.
HorzPixelScale [ 915] Gets or sets horizontal pixel scale of image.
NativeType [ 915] Defines the native type of the object.
ScaleUnits [ 915] Gets or sets scale units value.
ScanHorzPixelScale [ 916] Gets or sets scanned horizontal pixel scale (SHPS) - the horizontal
pixel density used for the scanning of the original impression
ScanVertPixelScale [ 916] Gets or sets scanned vertical pixel scale (SVPS) - the vertical pixel
density used for the scanning of the original impression.
VendorCompressionAlgorithm [ 916] Gets description of vendor compression algorithm, that has been used
to compress the transmitted images.
VertLineLength [ 916] Gets or sets vertical line length of image.
VertPixelScale [ 916] Gets or sets vertical pixel scale of image.

ANType10Record Class

Name Description
ANCheiloscopicCharacterizationCodeNativeType The native type of the cheiloscopic characterization code.
[ 1061] 9
ANColorNativeType [ 1061] The native type of the color.
ANDentalImageCodeNativeType [ 1061] The native type of the dental image code.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ANDistortionCodeNativeType [ 1061] The native type of the distortion code.

ANDistortionMeasurementCodeNativeType The native type of the distortion measurement code.
[ 1062]
ANDistortionSeverityCodeNativeType [ 1062] The native type of the distortion severity code.
ANFacePositionNativeType [ 1062] The native type of the face position.
ANFeatureContourCodeNativeType [ 1062] The native type of the feature contour code.
ANImageTypeNativeType [ 1062] The native type of the image type.
ANLPContactLineNativeType [ 1062] The native type of the liprint contact line.
ANLPMediumNativeType [ 1062] The native type of the liprint medium.
ANLPSurfaceNativeType [ 1062] The native type of the liprint surface.
ANLightingArtifactNativeType [ 1062] The native type of the lighting artifact.
ANLipPathologyNativeType [ 1062] The native type of the lip pathology.
ANSmtSourceNativeType [ 1063] The native type of the ANSMT source.
ANSubjectPoseNativeType [ 1063] The native type of the subject pose.
ANTattooClassNativeType [ 1063] The native type of the tattoo class.
ANTattooSubclassNativeType [ 1063] The native type of the tattoo subclass.
ANTieredMarkupCollectionNativeType [ 1063] The native type of the tiered markup collection.
BaldSubjectHairColor [ 1063] Gets bald subject's hair color.
CaptureDateRange [ 1063] Gets or sets capture date range.
CheiloscopicData [ 1063] Gets or sets cheiloscopic image data. fingerprint.
DentalVisualData [ 1064] Gets or sets dental visual image data information.
Distortion [ 1064] Gets or sets distortion. fingerprint.
FaceImageBoundingBox [ 1064] Gets or sets face image bounding box coordinates in full
image. fingerprint.
FacialFeature3DPoints [ 1064] Gets particular facial feature 3D points from the
FacialFeaturePoints [ 1064] Gets particular facial feature points from the
FeatureContourCodes [ 1065] Gets particular feature contour codes from the
FeatureContourVertices [ 1065] Gets particular feature contour vertices from
ImagePathBoundaryCode [ 1065] Gets or sets boundary code value.
ImagePathVertices [ 1065] Gets image path vertices from ANType10Record.
ImageTransformation [ 1065] Gets or sets transformation(s) for image.
ImageType [ 1065] Gets or sets subject's image type.
LightingArtifacts [ 1066] Gets particular lighting artifacts from the ANType10Record.
NativeType [ 1066] Defines the native type of the object.
NcicDesignationCodes [ 1066] Gets particular ncic designation codes from the
OcclusionVertices [ 1066] Gets particular occlusion vertices from ANType10Record.
Occlusions [ 1066] Gets particular occlusions from the ANType10Record.
OtherPhotoCharacteristics [ 1066] Gets particular other photo characteristics from the
PatternedInjuries [ 1066] Gets particular patterned injuries from the
PhotoAcquisitionSource [ 1067] Gets photo acquisition source.
PhotoAcquisitionSourceEx [ 1067] Gets or sets the acquisition source of the photo.
PhotoAttributes [ 1067] Gets or sets photo attributes. 9
PhotoDate [ 1067] Gets or sets date when subjects photo has been obtained.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

PhysicalPhotoCharacteristics [ 1067] Gets particular physical photo characteristics from the

PoseOffsetAngle [ 1067] Gets or sets pose offset angle (POA).
Ruler [ 1068] Gets or sets ruler or scale.
SmtSize [ 1068] Gets or sets SMT image size.
Smts [ 1068] Gets particular smt designation codes from the
SmtsColors [ 1068] Gets particular smt color codes from the ANType10Record.
SubjectAcquisitionProfile [ 1068] Gets or sets subject acquisition profile.
SubjectEyeColor [ 1068] Gets or sets subject's eye color.
SubjectFacialAttributes [ 1069] Gets or sets subject's facial attributes.
SubjectFacialCharacteristics [ 1069] Gets particular subject facial characteristics from the
SubjectFacialExpressionEx [ 1069] Gets or sets subject's facial expression.
SubjectHairColor [ 1069] Gets subject's hair color.
SubjectHairColorEx [ 1069] Gets or sets the hair color of the subject.
SubjectPose [ 1069] Gets or sets subject's pose value.
SubjectPoseAngles [ 1070] Gets or sets the pose angles of the subject.
SubjectPoseAnglesPitch [ 1070] Gets pose pitch angle in degrees.
SubjectPoseAnglesPitchUncertainty [ 1070] Gets uncertainty degrees of pitch of subject's pose.
SubjectPoseAnglesRoll [ 1070] Gets pose roll angle in degrees.
SubjectPoseAnglesRollUncertainty [ 1070] Gets uncertainty degrees of roll of subject's pose.
SubjectPoseAnglesYaw [ 1070] Gets pose yaw angle in degrees.
SubjectPoseAnglesYawUncertainty [ 1071] Gets uncertainty degrees of yaw of subject's pose.
SubjectQualityScores [ 1071] Gets particular subject quality score from the
TieredMarkupCollection [ 1071] Gets or sets feature points that shall be be contained in
Type-10 record's 2D facial feature points field.
Type10ReferenceNumber [ 1071] Gets or sets type-10 reference number.
Type2ReferenceNumber [ 1071] Gets or sets type-2 Record cross reference number.
VendorPhotoAcquisitionSource [ 1072] Gets vendor's photo acquisition source.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object. 9
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.

SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. ANType10Record.ANType10Record Constructor ()

Initializes a new instance of the ANType10Record class with current version and unset IDC value.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType10() instead.")]
public ANType10Record();
ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate.VersionCurrent. If IDC is NOT set, then IDC value is automatically
assigned when ANRecord [ 939] is added to ANTemplate [ 980]. ANType10Record.ANType10Record Constructor (ANImageType, string,

BdifScaleUnits, ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, string, NImage)
Initializes a new instance of the ANType10Record class with current version and unset IDC value.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType10(ANImageType, string,
BdifScaleUnits, ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage) instead.")]
public ANType10Record(ANImageType imt, string src, BdifScaleUnits slc,
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga, string smt, NImage image);

Parameters Description
ANImageType imt One of ANImageType [ 1588] values.
string src String which contains identification of organization.
BdifScaleUnits slc One of BdifScaleUnits [ 1626] values.
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga One of ANImageCompressionAlgorithm [ 1588] values.
string smt String which contains general location of the captured scar,
mark, tattoo, or other characteristic in image
NImage image Facial image.

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate.VersionCurrent. If IDC is NOT set, then IDC value is automatically
assigned when ANRecord [ 939] is added to ANTemplate [ 980]. ANType10Record.ANType10Record Constructor (ANImageType, string,

BdifScaleUnits, ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, string, NImage, uint)
Initializes a new instance of the ANType10Record class with current version and unset IDC value.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType10(ANImageType, string,
BdifScaleUnits, ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage) instead.")]
public ANType10Record(ANImageType imt, string src, BdifScaleUnits slc,
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga, string smt, NImage image, uint flags);

Parameters Description
ANImageType imt One of ANImageType [ 1588] values.
string src String which contains identification of organization.
BdifScaleUnits slc One of BdifScaleUnits [ 1626] values. 9
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga One of ANImageCompressionAlgorithm [ 1588] values.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

string smt String which contains general location of the captured scar,
mark, tattoo, or other characteristic in image
NImage image Facial image.
uint flags Must be zero.

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate.VersionCurrent. If IDC is NOT set, then IDC value is automatically
assigned when ANRecord [ 939] is added to ANTemplate [ 980]. ANType10Record.ANType10Record Constructor (NVersion, int)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType10Record class.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType10() instead.")]
public ANType10Record(NVersion version, int idc);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANType10Record.
int idc Image designation character value.

ImageType [ 1065] is set as Unspecified by default. ANType10Record.ANType10Record Constructor (NVersion, int,

ANImageType, string, BdifScaleUnits, ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, string, NImage)
Initializes a new instance of the ANType10Record class.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType10(ANImageType, string,
BdifScaleUnits, ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage) instead.")]
public ANType10Record(NVersion version, int idc, ANImageType imt, string src,
BdifScaleUnits slc, ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga, string smt, NImage image);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANType10Record.
int idc Image designation character value.
ANImageType imt One of ANImageType [ 1588] values.
string src String which contains identification of organization.
BdifScaleUnits slc One of BdifScaleUnits [ 1626] values.
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga One of ANImageCompressionAlgorithm [ 1588] values.
string smt String which contains general location of the captured scar,
mark, tattoo, or other characteristic in image
NImage image Facial image. ANType10Record.ANType10Record Constructor (NVersion, int,

ANImageType, string, BdifScaleUnits, ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, string, NImage,
Initializes a new instance of the ANType10Record class.

C# 9
[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType10(ANImageType, string,
BdifScaleUnits, ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage) instead.")]

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public ANType10Record(NVersion version, int idc, ANImageType imt, string src,

BdifScaleUnits slc, ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga, string smt, NImage image, uint flags);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANType10Record.
int idc Image designation character value.
ANImageType imt One of ANImageType [ 1588] values.
string src String which contains identification of organization.
BdifScaleUnits slc One of BdifScaleUnits [ 1626] values.
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga One of ANImageCompressionAlgorithm [ 1588] values.
string smt String which contains general location of the captured scar,
mark, tattoo, or other characteristic in image
NImage image Facial image.
uint flags Must be zero. ANType10Record.ANType10Record Constructor (NVersion, int, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType10Record class.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType10() instead.")]
public ANType10Record(NVersion version, int idc, uint flags);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANType10Record.
int idc Image designation character value.
uint flags Should be zero.

ImageType [ 1065] is set as Unspecified by default. ANType10Record.ANType10Record Constructor (uint)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType10Record class with current version and unset IDC value.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType10() instead.")]
public ANType10Record(uint flags);

Parameters Description
uint flags Should be zero.

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate.VersionCurrent. If IDC is NOT set, then IDC value is automatically
assigned when ANRecord [ 939] is added to ANTemplate [ 980]. ANType10Record Classes ANType10Record.FacialFeature3DPointCollection Class

Represent collection of facial feature 3D points.
public sealed class FacialFeature3DPointCollection : StructCollection<BdifFaceFeaturePoint>;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

File: ANType10Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] ANType10Record.FacialFeaturePointCollection Class

Represent collection of facial feature points.

public sealed class FacialFeaturePointCollection : StructCollection<BdifFaceFeaturePoint>;
File: ANType10Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] ANType10Record.FeatureContourCodeCollection Class

Represent collection of feature contours codes.

public sealed class FeatureContourCodeCollection :
File: ANType10Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] ANType10Record.FeatureContourVerticesCollection Class

Represent collection of feature contour vertices.

public sealed class FeatureContourVerticesCollection : StructArrayCollection<Point,
File: ANType10Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] ANType10Record.ImagePathVerticesCollection Class

Represent collection of face image path vertices .

public sealed class ImagePathVerticesCollection : StructCollection<Point>;
File: ANType10Record.cs
Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] ANType10Record.LightingArtifactCollection Class

Represent collection of lighting artifacts.

public sealed class LightingArtifactCollection : ValueTypeCollection<ANLightingArtifact>;
File: ANType10Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] ANType10Record.NcicDesignationCodeCollection Class

Represent collection ncic designation codes.

public sealed class NcicDesignationCodeCollection : StringCollection;
File: ANType10Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] ANType10Record.OcclusionCollection Class

Represent collection of occlusions.

public sealed class OcclusionCollection : StructCollection<ANOcclusion>;
File: ANType10Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] ANType10Record.OcclusionVerticesCollection Class

Represent collection of occlusion vertices.

public sealed class OcclusionVerticesCollection : StructArrayCollection<Point, ANOcclusion>;
File: ANType10Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] ANType10Record.OtherPhotoCharacteristicCollection Class

Represent collection of other photo characteristics. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public sealed class OtherPhotoCharacteristicCollection : StringCollection;
File: ANType10Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] ANType10Record.PatternedInjuryCollection Class

Represent collection of smt.

public sealed class PatternedInjuryCollection :
DisposableStructCollection<ANPatternedInjury, ANPatternedInjury_>;
File: ANType10Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

PatternedInjuryCollection Methods

Name Description
Add [ 1048] Adds patterned injury to PatternedInjuryCollection with provided
Insert [ 1048] Inserts patterned injury to PatternedInjuryCollection at specified index
with provided parameters. PatternedInjuryCollection Methods ANType10Record.PatternedInjuryCollection.Add Method

Adds patterned injury to PatternedInjuryCollection [ 1048] with provided parameters.

public int Add(string code, string descriptiveText);

Parameters Description
string code String containing reference code.
string descriptiveText String containing additional descriptive text.

Number of patterned injury in PatternedInjuryCollection [ 1048]. ANType10Record.PatternedInjuryCollection.Insert Method

Inserts patterned injury to PatternedInjuryCollection [ 1048] at specified index with provided parameters.

public void Insert(int index, string code, string descriptiveText);

Parameters Description 9
int index Position to insert to.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

string code String containing reference code.

string descriptiveText String containing additional descriptive text. ANType10Record.PhysicalPhotoCharacteristicCollection Class

Represent collection of physical photo characteristics

public sealed class PhysicalPhotoCharacteristicCollection : StringCollection;
File: ANType10Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] ANType10Record.SmtCollection Class

Represent collection of smt.

public sealed class SmtCollection : DisposableStructCollection<ANSmt, ANSmt_>;
File: ANType10Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

SmtCollection Methods

Name Description
Add [ 1049] Adds smt to SmtCollection with provided parameters.
Insert [ 1049] Inserts smt to SmtCollection at specified index with provided parameters. SmtCollection Methods ANType10Record.SmtCollection.Add Method

Adds smt to SmtCollection [ 1049] with provided parameters.

public int Add(ANSmtSource source, ANTattooClass tattooClass, ANTattooSubclass
tattooSubclass, string description);

Parameters Description
ANSmtSource source One of ANSmtSource [ 1597] values.
ANTattooClass tattooClass One of ANSmtSource [ 1597] values.
ANTattooSubclass tattooSubclass One of ANTattooSubclass [ 1600] values.
string description String containing smt description.

Number of smt in SmtCollection [ 1049]. ANType10Record.SmtCollection.Insert Method 9

Inserts smt to SmtCollection [ 1049] at specified index with provided parameters.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public void Insert(int index, ANSmtSource source, ANTattooClass tattooClass,
ANTattooSubclass tattooSubclass, string description);

Parameters Description
int index Position to insert to.
ANSmtSource source One of ANSmtSource [ 1597] values.
ANTattooClass tattooClass One of ANTattooClass [ 1600] values.
ANTattooSubclass tattooSubclass One of ANTattooSubclass [ 1600] values.
string description String containing smt description. ANType10Record.SmtColorsCollection Class

Represent collection of smt colors.

public sealed class SmtColorsCollection : ValueTypeArrayCollection<ANColor, ANSmt>;
File: ANType10Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] ANType10Record.SubjectFacialCharacteristicCollection Class

Represent collection of subject facial characteristics.

public sealed class SubjectFacialCharacteristicCollection : StringCollection;
File: ANType10Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] ANType10Record.SubjectQualityScoreCollection Class

Represent collection of subject quality scores.

public sealed class SubjectQualityScoreCollection : StructCollection<ANQualityMetric>;
File: ANType10Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] ANType10Record Fields ANType10Record.Field3df Field

Defines 3DF field number. Field referenced by this number contains 3D facial feature points used to exchange of facial image

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public const int Field3df = 32; ANType10Record.FieldCid Field

Defines CID field number. Field referenced by this number contains cheiloscopic image data. This field may be used when
image type is "Lip".

public const int FieldCid = 49; ANType10Record.FieldCol Field

Defines COL field number. Field referenced by this number contains Color value.

public const int FieldCol = 43; ANType10Record.FieldCom Field

Defines COM field number. Field referenced by this number contains comments or other Unicode text information with the
image data.

public new const int FieldCom = 38; ANType10Record.FieldCsp Field

Defines CSP field number. Field referenced by this number contains color space (CSP) value used to identify the color space
used to exchange the image data.

public new const int FieldCsp = 12; ANType10Record.FieldDist Field

Defines DIST field number. Field referenced by this number contains distortion.

public const int FieldDist = 18; ANType10Record.FieldFec Field

Defines FEC field number. Field referenced by this number contains feature contours tos define specific countour of the image.

public const int FieldFec = 33; ANType10Record.FieldFfp Field

Defines FFP field number. Field referenced by this number contains facial feature points (FFP) used to exchange of facial
image data.

public const int FieldFfp = 29; ANType10Record.FieldFip Field

Defines FIP field number. Field referenced by this number contains face image bounding box coordinates to indicate the face of
interest or it can be used for cropping the single facial image. This field is an alternatetive to the field referenced by FieldFpfi
[ 1052].
public const int FieldFip = 14;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANType10Record.FieldFpfi Field

Defines FPFI field number. Field referenced by this number contains face image path coordinates to indicate offset(s) to the
location of the path defining a region of face. This field is an alternatetive to the field referenced by FieldFip [ 1051].

public const int FieldFpfi = 15; ANType10Record.FieldIcdr Field

Defines ICDR field number. Field referenced by this number contains the image capture date range estimate.

public const int FieldIcdr = 34; ANType10Record.FieldImt Field

Defines IMT field number. Field referenced by this number contains Image type (IMT) which is used to indicate the type of
image contained in this record.

public const int FieldImt = 3; ANType10Record.FieldItx Field

Defines ITX field number. Field referenced by this number contains image transformations.

public const int FieldItx = 44; ANType10Record.FieldLaf Field

Defines LAF field number. Field referenced by this number contains lighting artifacts, found in face images.

public const int FieldLaf = 19; ANType10Record.FieldOcc Field

Defines OCC field number. Field referenced by this number contains occlusions which partially or tottally blocks face in the

public const int FieldOcc = 45; ANType10Record.FieldPas Field

Defines PAS field number. Field referenced by this number contains photo acquisition source (PAS) value which specifies the
classification of the source of the image contained in record.

public const int FieldPas = 23; ANType10Record.FieldPhd Field

Defines PHD field number. Field referenced by this number contains photo date (PHD) value which contains the date that the
facial or SMT image contained in the record was captured.

public const int FieldPhd = FieldDat; ANType10Record.FieldPid Field 9

Defines PID field number. Field referenced by this number contains suspected patterned injury details.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public const int FieldPid = 48; ANType10Record.FieldPoa Field

Defines POA field number. Field referenced by this number contains pose offset angle.

public const int FieldPoa = 21; ANType10Record.FieldPos Field

Defines POS field number. Field referenced by this number contains subject pose (POS) value.

public const int FieldPos = 20; ANType10Record.FieldPxs Field

Defines PXS field number. Field referenced by this number contains photo description (PXS) that describes special attributes of
the captured facial image

public const int FieldPxs = 22; ANType10Record.FieldRsp Field

Defines RSP field number. Field referenced by this number contains ruler or scale which are present in the image.

public const int FieldRsp = 51; ANType10Record.FieldSap Field

Defines SAP field number. Field referenced by this number contains subject acquisition profile (SAP). Intent of this field is to
provide a general description of the criteria under which the facial image was captured.

public const int FieldSap = 13; ANType10Record.FieldSec Field

Defines SEC field number. Field referenced by this number contains subject eye color (SEC) value.

public const int FieldSec = 27; ANType10Record.FieldShc Field

Defines SHC field number. Field referenced by this number contains subject hair color value.

public const int FieldShc = 28; ANType10Record.FieldSmd Field

Defines SMD field number. Field referenced by this number contains SMT descriptors (SMD) which is used to describe the
content of the SMT image.

public const int FieldSmd = 42; ANType10Record.FieldSms Field 9

Defines SMS field number. Field referenced by this number contains SMT size (SMS) value which contains the dimensions of

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

the scar, mark or tattoo.

public const int FieldSms = 41; ANType10Record.FieldSmt Field

Defines SMT field number. Field referenced by this number contains NCIC designation code (SMT) which is used to identify a
general location of the captured scar, mark, tattoo, or other characteristic (including piercings) in image.

public const int FieldSmt = 40; ANType10Record.FieldSpa Field

Defines SPA field number. Field referenced by this number contains subject pose angles.

public const int FieldSpa = 25; ANType10Record.FieldSqs Field

Defines SQS field number. Field referenced by this number contains subject quality score (SQS) which specifies quality score
data for facial images stored in this record.

public const int FieldSqs = FieldIqm; ANType10Record.FieldSxs Field

Defines SXS field number. Field referenced by this number contains subject facial description (SXS) which describes the facial
expression of the subject and other attributes associated with the subject's captured facial image.

public const int FieldSxs = 26; ANType10Record.FieldT10 Field

Defines T10 field number. Field referenced by this number contains type-10 reference number used to relate different Type-10
records of the same SMT or body part.

public const int FieldT10 = 39; ANType10Record.FieldT2c Field

Defines T2C field number. Field referenced by this number contains type-2 Record cross reference, which are IDC value of
related Type-2 record .

public const int FieldT2c = 992; ANType10Record.FieldTmc Field

Defines TMC field number. Field referenced by this number contains tiered markup collection to specify 2D facial feature points
referenced by FieldFfp [ 1051].

public const int FieldTmc = 31; ANType10Record.FieldVid Field

Defines VID field number. Field referenced by this number contains dental visual image data information. This field may be 9
used when image type is "ExtraOral" or "IntraOral".

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public const int FieldVid = 50; ANType10Record.MaxFacial3DFeaturePointCount Field

Defines maximum number of 3D facial features count.

public const int MaxFacial3DFeaturePointCount = 88; ANType10Record.MaxFacialFeaturePointCount Field

Defines maximum number of facial features count.

public const int MaxFacialFeaturePointCount = 88; ANType10Record.MaxFeatureContourCount Field

Defines maximum number of feature contours referenced by field number FieldFec [ 1051].

public const byte MaxFeatureContourCount = 12; ANType10Record.MaxFeatureContoursVertexCount Field

Defines maximum number of feature contours vertices referenced by field number FieldFec [ 1051].

public const byte MaxFeatureContoursVertexCount = 99; ANType10Record.MaxImagePathVertexCount Field

Defines maximum number of images path vertices referenced by field number FieldFpfi [ 1052].

public const byte MaxImagePathVertexCount = ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.MaxVertexCount; ANType10Record.MaxImageTransformCount Field

Defines maximum number of image transform referenced by field number FielItx.

public const byte MaxImageTransformCount = 18; ANType10Record.MaxLightingArtifactCount Field

Defines maximum number of lighting artifacts referenced by field number FieldLaf [ 1052].

public const byte MaxLightingArtifactCount = 3; ANType10Record.MaxLipPatalogyCount Field

Defines maximum number of lip patalogies referenced by field number FieldCid [ 1051].

public const byte MaxLipPatalogyCount = 13; ANType10Record.MaxLipSurfaceCount Field

Defines maximum number of lip surfaces referenced by field number FieldCid [ 1051].

C# 9
public const byte MaxLipSurfaceCount = 13;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANType10Record.MaxLipprintCharacterizationCodeCount Field

Defines maximum number of upper / lower lip print characterization codes referenced by field number FieldCid [ 1051].

public const byte MaxLipprintCharacterizationCodeCount = 5; ANType10Record.MaxNcicDesignationCodeCount Field

Defines maximum NCIC designation code (SMT) count value.

public const int MaxNcicDesignationCodeCount = 3; ANType10Record.MaxNcicDesignationCodeLength Field

Defines maximum NCIC designation code (SMT) length

public const int MaxNcicDesignationCodeLength = 10; ANType10Record.MaxOcclusionCount Field

Defines maximum number of occlusions referenced by field number FieldOcc [ 1052].

public const byte MaxOcclusionCount = 16; ANType10Record.MaxOcclusionsVertexCount Field

Defines maximum number of occlusion vertices referenced by field number FieldOcc [ 1052].

public const byte MaxOcclusionsVertexCount = ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.MaxVertexCount; ANType10Record.MaxOtherPhotoCharacteristicLength Field

Defines other maximum physical photo characteristic length.

public const int MaxOtherPhotoCharacteristicLength = 14; ANType10Record.MaxPatternedInjuryCodeLengthV52 Field

Defines maximum patterned injury code length of the field referenced by field number FieldPid [ 1052] for version 5.2 and

public const byte MaxPatternedInjuryCodeLengthV52 = 30; ANType10Record.MaxPhotoDescriptionCount Field

Defines maximum number of photo description attributes.

public const int MaxPhotoDescriptionCount = 9; ANType10Record.MaxPhysicalPhotoCharacteristicLength Field

Defines maximum physical photo characteristic length.

public const int MaxPhysicalPhotoCharacteristicLength = 11; 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANType10Record.MaxQualityMetricCount Field

Defines maximum number of quality metric.

public const int MaxQualityMetricCount = 9; ANType10Record.MaxSmtColorCountV5 Field

Maximum number of the Tattoo color (COL) for version 5.0 and above.

public const int MaxSmtColorCountV5 = 6; ANType10Record.MaxSmtCount Field

Maximum number of the NCIC designation codes (SMT).

public const int MaxSmtCount = 9; ANType10Record.MaxSmtDescriptionLength Field

Defines maximum tattoo description length of the field referenced by field number FieldSmt [ 1054].

public const int MaxSmtDescriptionLength = 256; ANType10Record.MaxSmtSize Field

Maximum size of the field referenced by field number FieldSmt [ 1054]

public const int MaxSmtSize = 99; ANType10Record.MaxSmtSizeV5 Field

Maximum size of the field referenced by field number FieldSmt [ 1054] for version 5.0 and above.

public const int MaxSmtSizeV5 = 999; ANType10Record.MaxSubjectFacialCharacteristicLength Field

Maximum subject facial characteristic length.

public const int MaxSubjectFacialCharacteristicLength = 20; ANType10Record.MaxSubjectFacialDescriptionCount Field

Maximum subject facial description count.

public const int MaxSubjectFacialDescriptionCount = 50; ANType10Record.MaxType10ReferenceNumber Field

Defines maximal Type-10 reference number value referenced by field number FieldT10 [ 1054].

public const ushort MaxType10ReferenceNumber = 255;
9 ANType10Record.MaxVendorPhotoAcquisitionSourceLength Field
Defines maximum photo acquisition source value.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public const int MaxVendorPhotoAcquisitionSourceLength = 7; ANType10Record.MaxVendorPhotoAcquisitionSourceLengthv5 Field

Defines maximum photo acquisition source value for version 5.0 and above.

public const int MaxVendorPhotoAcquisitionSourceLengthv5 = 64; ANType10Record.MinFeatureContoursVertexCount Field

Defines minimal number of feature contours vertices referenced by field number FieldFec [ 1051].

public const byte MinFeatureContoursVertexCount = 3; ANType10Record.MinImagePathVertexCount Field

Defines minimal number of images path vertices referenced by field number FieldFpfi [ 1052].

public const byte MinImagePathVertexCount = ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.MinCircleVertexCount; ANType10Record.MinNcicDesignationCodeLength Field

Defines minimum NCIC designation code (SMT) count value.

public const int MinNcicDesignationCodeLength = 3; ANType10Record.MinOcclusionsVertexCount Field

Defines minimal number of occlusion vertices referenced by field number FieldOcc [ 1052].

public const byte MinOcclusionsVertexCount = ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.MinPolygonVertexCount; ANType10Record.MinSubjectFacialCharacteristicLength Field

Defines minimum subject facial characteristic length.

public const int MinSubjectFacialCharacteristicLength = 5; ANType10Record.MinType10ReferenceNumber Field

Defines minimal Type-10 reference number value referenced by field number FieldT10 [ 1054].

public const ushort MinType10ReferenceNumber = 1; ANType10Record.SapAnsiFullFrontalFacialImage Field

Defines ANSI full frontal facial image for the Subject Acquisition Profile (SAP).

public const ushort SapAnsiFullFrontalFacialImage = 11; ANType10Record.SapAnsiTokenFacialImage Field

Defines ANSI token facial image for the Subject Acquisition Profile (SAP).

C# 9
public const ushort SapAnsiTokenFacialImage = 12;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANType10Record.SapBpaLevel30 Field

Defines Best Practice Application - Level 30 value for the Subject Acquisition Profile (SAP)

public const ushort SapBpaLevel30 = 30; ANType10Record.SapBpaLevel32 Field

Defines Best Practice Application - Level 32 value for the Subject Acquisition Profile (SAP)

public const ushort SapBpaLevel32 = 32; ANType10Record.SapBpaLevel40 Field

Defines Best Practice Application - Level 40 value for the Subject Acquisition Profile (SAP).

public const ushort SapBpaLevel40 = 40; ANType10Record.SapBpaLevel42 Field

Defines Best Practice Application - Level 42 value for the Subject Acquisition Profile (SAP).

public const ushort SapBpaLevel42 = 42; ANType10Record.SapBpaLevel50 Field

Defines Best Practice Application - Level 50 value for the Subject Acquisition Profile (SAP).

public const ushort SapBpaLevel50 = 50; ANType10Record.SapBpaLevel51 Field

Defines Best Practice Application - Level 51 value for the Subject Acquisition Profile (SAP).

public const ushort SapBpaLevel51 = 51; ANType10Record.SapBpaLevel52 Field

Defines Best Practice Application - Level 52 value for the Subject Acquisition Profile (SAP).

public const ushort SapBpaLevel52 = 52; ANType10Record.SapDriversLicenseImage Field

Defines driver's license image for the Subject Acquisition Profile (SAP).

public const ushort SapDriversLicenseImage = 10; ANType10Record.SapIsoFullFrontalFacialImage Field

Defines ISO full frontal face image.

public const ushort SapIsoFullFrontalFacialImage = 13;
9 ANType10Record.SapIsoTokenFacialImage Field
Defines ISO token face image.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public const ushort SapIsoTokenFacialImage = 14; ANType10Record.SapLegacyMugshot Field

Defines legacy mugshot value for the Subject Acquisition Profile (SAP).

public const ushort SapLegacyMugshot = 20; ANType10Record.SapPivFacialImage Field

Defines PIV facial image (NIST SP 800-76) for the Subject Acquisition Profile (SAP).

public const ushort SapPivFacialImage = 15; ANType10Record.SapSurveillanceFacialImage Field

Defines Surveillance facial image for the Subject Acquisition Profile (SAP).

public const ushort SapSurveillanceFacialImage = 1; ANType10Record.SapUnknown Field

Defines that the Subject Acquisition Profile (SAP) is unknown.

public const ushort SapUnknown = 0; ANType10Record Methods ANType10Record.GetSubjectPoseAngles Method

Gets subject's pose angle values from ANType10Record [ 1025] object.

public void GetSubjectPoseAngles(out int yaw, out int pitch, out int roll, out int
yawUncertainty, out int pitchUncertainty, out int rollUncertainty);

Parameters Description
out int yaw Pose yaw angle in degrees.
out int pitch Pose pitch angle in degrees.
out int roll Pose roll angle in degrees.
out int yawUncertainty Pose uncertainty degrees of yaw.
out int pitchUncertainty Pose uncertainty degrees of pitch.
out int rollUncertainty Pose uncertainty degrees of roll ANType10Record.SetPhotoAcquisitionSource Method

Sets photo acquisition source value.

public void SetPhotoAcquisitionSource(BdifImageSourceType value, string vendorValue);

Parameters Description 9
BdifImageSourceType value One of BdifImageSourceType [ 1623] values.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

string vendorValue String containing vendor description. ANType10Record.SetSubjectHairColor Method

Sets subject hair color value.

public void SetSubjectHairColor(BdifHairColor value, BdifHairColor baldValue);

Parameters Description
BdifHairColor value One of BdifHairColor [ 1622] values.
BdifHairColor baldValue One of BdifHairColor [ 1622] values. ANType10Record.SetSubjectPoseAngles Method

Sets subject's pose angle values to ANType10Record [ 1025] object.

public void SetSubjectPoseAngles(int yaw, int pitch, int roll, int yawUncertainty, int
pitchUncertainty, int rollUncertainty);

Parameters Description
int yaw Pose yaw angle value in degrees.
int pitch Pose pitch angle in degrees.
int roll Pose roll angle in degrees.
int yawUncertainty Pose uncertainty degrees of yaw.
int pitchUncertainty Pose uncertainty degrees of pitch.
int rollUncertainty Pose uncertainty degrees of roll. ANType10Record Properties ANType10Record.ANCheiloscopicCharacterizationCodeNativeType Property

The native type of the cheiloscopic characterization code.

public static NType ANCheiloscopicCharacterizationCodeNativeType; ANType10Record.ANColorNativeType Property

The native type of the color.

public static NType ANColorNativeType; ANType10Record.ANDentalImageCodeNativeType Property

The native type of the dental image code.

public static NType ANDentalImageCodeNativeType; ANType10Record.ANDistortionCodeNativeType Property

The native type of the distortion code.

public static NType ANDistortionCodeNativeType;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANType10Record.ANDistortionMeasurementCodeNativeType Property

The native type of the distortion measurement code.

public static NType ANDistortionMeasurementCodeNativeType; ANType10Record.ANDistortionSeverityCodeNativeType Property

The native type of the distortion severity code.

public static NType ANDistortionSeverityCodeNativeType; ANType10Record.ANFacePositionNativeType Property

The native type of the face position.

public static NType ANFacePositionNativeType; ANType10Record.ANFeatureContourCodeNativeType Property

The native type of the feature contour code.

public static NType ANFeatureContourCodeNativeType; ANType10Record.ANImageTypeNativeType Property

The native type of the image type.

public static NType ANImageTypeNativeType; ANType10Record.ANLPContactLineNativeType Property

The native type of the liprint contact line.

public static NType ANLPContactLineNativeType; ANType10Record.ANLPMediumNativeType Property

The native type of the liprint medium.

public static NType ANLPMediumNativeType; ANType10Record.ANLPSurfaceNativeType Property

The native type of the liprint surface.

public static NType ANLPSurfaceNativeType; ANType10Record.ANLightingArtifactNativeType Property

The native type of the lighting artifact.

public static NType ANLightingArtifactNativeType;
9 ANType10Record.ANLipPathologyNativeType Property
The native type of the lip pathology.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public static NType ANLipPathologyNativeType; ANType10Record.ANSmtSourceNativeType Property

The native type of the ANSMT source.

public static NType ANSmtSourceNativeType; ANType10Record.ANSubjectPoseNativeType Property

The native type of the subject pose.

public static NType ANSubjectPoseNativeType; ANType10Record.ANTattooClassNativeType Property

The native type of the tattoo class.

public static NType ANTattooClassNativeType; ANType10Record.ANTattooSubclassNativeType Property

The native type of the tattoo subclass.

public static NType ANTattooSubclassNativeType; ANType10Record.ANTieredMarkupCollectionNativeType Property

The native type of the tiered markup collection.

public static NType ANTieredMarkupCollectionNativeType; ANType10Record.BaldSubjectHairColor Property

Gets bald subject's hair color.

public BdifHairColor BaldSubjectHairColor;
Property value
One of BdifHairColor [ 1622] values. ANType10Record.CaptureDateRange Property

Gets or sets capture date range.

public string CaptureDateRange;
Property value
String containing capture date range. ANType10Record.CheiloscopicData Property

Gets or sets cheiloscopic image data. fingerprint.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public ANCheiloscopicData? CheiloscopicData;
Property value
ANCheiloscopicData [ 831] object representing cheiloscopic image data. ANType10Record.DentalVisualData Property

Gets or sets dental visual image data information. fingerprint.

public ANDentalVisualData? DentalVisualData;
Property value
ANDentalVisualData [ 835] object representing dental visual image data information. ANType10Record.Distortion Property

Gets or sets distortion. fingerprint.

public ANDistortion? Distortion;
Property value
ANDistortion [ 836] object representing distortion. ANType10Record.FaceImageBoundingBox Property

Gets or sets face image bounding box coordinates in full image. fingerprint.

public ANFaceImageBoundingBox? FaceImageBoundingBox;
Property value
ANFaceImageBoundingBox [ 879] object representing face image bounding box coordinates. ANType10Record.FacialFeature3DPoints Property

Gets particular facial feature 3D points from the ANType10Record [ 1025].

public FacialFeature3DPointCollection FacialFeature3DPoints;
Property value
A FacialFeature3DPointCollection [ 1045] representing facial feature 3D points from ANType10Record [ 1025]. ANType10Record.FacialFeaturePoints Property

Gets particular facial feature points from the ANType10Record [ 1025].

public FacialFeaturePointCollection FacialFeaturePoints;
Property value
A FacialFeaturePointCollection [ 1046] representing facial feature points from ANType10Record [ 1025]. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANType10Record.FeatureContourCodes Property

Gets particular feature contour codes from the ANType10Record [ 1025].

public FeatureContourCodeCollection FeatureContourCodes;
Property value
A FeatureContourCodeCollection [ 1046] representing feature contour codes from ANType10Record [ 1025]. ANType10Record.FeatureContourVertices Property

Gets particular feature contour vertices from ANType10Record [ 1025].

public FeatureContourVerticesCollection FeatureContourVertices;
Property value
A FeatureContourVerticesCollection [ 1046] representing feature contour vertices from ANType10Record [ 1025]. ANType10Record.ImagePathBoundaryCode Property

Gets or sets boundary code value.

public ANBoundaryCode ImagePathBoundaryCode;
Property value
One of ANBoundaryCode [ 1573] values. ANType10Record.ImagePathVertices Property

Gets image path vertices from ANType10Record [ 1025].

public ImagePathVerticesCollection ImagePathVertices;
Property value
A ImagePathVerticesCollection [ 1046] representing image path vertices from ANType10Record [ 1025]. ANType10Record.ImageTransformation Property

Gets or sets transformation(s) for image.

public BdifFacePostAcquisitionProcessing ImageTransformation;
Property value
One or more of BdifFacePostAcquisitionProcessing [ 1619] values. ANType10Record.ImageType Property

Gets or sets subject's image type.

public ANImageType ImageType;
Property value
One of ANImageType [ 1588] values.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANType10Record.LightingArtifacts Property

Gets particular lighting artifacts from the ANType10Record [ 1025].

public LightingArtifactCollection LightingArtifacts;
Property value
A LightingArtifactCollection [ 1046] representing lighting artifacts from ANType10Record [ 1025]. ANType10Record.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; ANType10Record.NcicDesignationCodes Property

Gets particular ncic designation codes from the ANType10Record [ 1025].

public NcicDesignationCodeCollection NcicDesignationCodes;
Property value
A NcicDesignationCodeCollection [ 1047] representing ncic designation codes from ANType10Record [ 1025] ANType10Record.OcclusionVertices Property

Gets particular occlusion vertices from ANType10Record [ 1025].

public OcclusionVerticesCollection OcclusionVertices;
Property value
A OcclusionVerticesCollection [ 1047] representing occlusion vertices from ANType10Record [ 1025]. ANType10Record.Occlusions Property

Gets particular occlusions from the ANType10Record [ 1025].

public OcclusionCollection Occlusions;
Property value
A OcclusionCollection [ 1047] representing occlusions from ANType10Record [ 1025]. ANType10Record.OtherPhotoCharacteristics Property

Gets particular other photo characteristics from the ANType10Record [ 1025].

public OtherPhotoCharacteristicCollection OtherPhotoCharacteristics;
Property value
A OtherPhotoCharacteristicCollection [ 1047] representing other photo characteristics from ANType10Record [ 1025]. ANType10Record.PatternedInjuries Property

Gets particular patterned injuries from the ANType10Record [ 1025].

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public PatternedInjuryCollection PatternedInjuries;
Property value
A PatternedInjuryCollection [ 1048] representing patterned injuries from ANType10Record [ 1025]. ANType10Record.PhotoAcquisitionSource Property

Gets photo acquisition source.

public BdifImageSourceType PhotoAcquisitionSource;
Property value
One of BdifImageSourceType [ 1623] values. ANType10Record.PhotoAcquisitionSourceEx Property

Gets or sets the acquisition source of the photo.

public ANImageSourceType? PhotoAcquisitionSourceEx; ANType10Record.PhotoAttributes Property

Gets or sets photo attributes.

public BdifFaceProperties PhotoAttributes;
Property value
One of BdifFaceProperties [ 1620] values. ANType10Record.PhotoDate Property

Gets or sets date when subjects photo has been obtained.

public DateTime PhotoDate;
Property value
DateTime object. ANType10Record.PhysicalPhotoCharacteristics Property

Gets particular physical photo characteristics from the ANType10Record [ 1025].

public PhysicalPhotoCharacteristicCollection PhysicalPhotoCharacteristics;
Property value
A PhysicalPhotoCharacteristicCollection [ 1048] representing physical photo characteristics from ANType10Record [ 1025]. ANType10Record.PoseOffsetAngle Property

Gets or sets pose offset angle (POA).

C# 9
public int? PoseOffsetAngle;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Property value
Number containing pose offset angle. ANType10Record.Ruler Property

Gets or sets ruler or scale.

public ANRuler? Ruler;
Property value
ANRuler [ 965] object representing ruler or scale presence. ANType10Record.SmtSize Property

Gets or sets SMT image size.

public Size? SmtSize;
Property value
Size object containing image size. ANType10Record.Smts Property

Gets particular smt designation codes from the ANType10Record [ 1025].

public SmtCollection Smts;
Property value
A SmtCollection [ 1049] representing smt designation codes from ANType10Record [ 1025]. ANType10Record.SmtsColors Property

Gets particular smt color codes from the ANType10Record [ 1025].

public SmtColorsCollection SmtsColors;
Property value
A SmtColorsCollection [ 1050] representing smt color codes from ANType10Record [ 1025]. ANType10Record.SubjectAcquisitionProfile Property

Gets or sets subject acquisition profile.

public int SubjectAcquisitionProfile;
Property value
Number containing criteria under which the facial image was captured. ANType10Record.SubjectEyeColor Property

Gets or sets subject's eye color. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public BdifEyeColor SubjectEyeColor;
Property value
One of BdifEyeColor [ 1606] values. ANType10Record.SubjectFacialAttributes Property

Gets or sets subject's facial attributes.

public BdifFaceProperties SubjectFacialAttributes;
Property value
One of BdifFaceProperties [ 1620] values. ANType10Record.SubjectFacialCharacteristics Property

Gets particular subject facial characteristics from the ANType10Record [ 1025].

public SubjectFacialCharacteristicCollection SubjectFacialCharacteristics;
Property value
A SubjectFacialCharacteristicCollection [ 1050] representing subject facial characteristics from ANType10Record [ 1025]. ANType10Record.SubjectFacialExpressionEx Property

Gets or sets subject's facial expression.

public BdifFaceExpressionBitMask SubjectFacialExpressionEx;
Property value
One or more of BdifFaceExpressionBitMask [ 1617] values. ANType10Record.SubjectHairColor Property

Gets subject's hair color.

public BdifHairColor SubjectHairColor;
Property value
One of BdifHairColor [ 1622] values. ANType10Record.SubjectHairColorEx Property

Gets or sets the hair color of the subject.

public ANHairColor? SubjectHairColorEx; ANType10Record.SubjectPose Property

Gets or sets subject's pose value.

C# 9
public ANSubjectPose SubjectPose;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Property value
One of ANSubjectPose [ 1599] values. ANType10Record.SubjectPoseAngles Property

Gets or sets the pose angles of the subject.

public ANPoseAngles? SubjectPoseAngles; ANType10Record.SubjectPoseAnglesPitch Property

Gets pose pitch angle in degrees.

public int SubjectPoseAnglesPitch;
Property value
Pose pitch angle in degrees. ANType10Record.SubjectPoseAnglesPitchUncertainty Property

Gets uncertainty degrees of pitch of subject's pose.

public int SubjectPoseAnglesPitchUncertainty;
Property value
Number representing uncertainty degrees of pitch. ANType10Record.SubjectPoseAnglesRoll Property

Gets pose roll angle in degrees.

public int SubjectPoseAnglesRoll;
Property value
Pose roll angle in degrees. ANType10Record.SubjectPoseAnglesRollUncertainty Property

Gets uncertainty degrees of roll of subject's pose.

public int SubjectPoseAnglesRollUncertainty;
Property value
Number representing uncertainty degrees of roll. ANType10Record.SubjectPoseAnglesYaw Property

Gets pose yaw angle in degrees.


9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public int SubjectPoseAnglesYaw;

Property value
Pose yaw angle in degrees. ANType10Record.SubjectPoseAnglesYawUncertainty Property

Gets uncertainty degrees of yaw of subject's pose.

public int SubjectPoseAnglesYawUncertainty;
Property value
Number representing uncertainty degrees of yaw. ANType10Record.SubjectQualityScores Property

Gets particular subject quality score from the ANType10Record [ 1025].

public SubjectQualityScoreCollection SubjectQualityScores;
Property value
A SubjectQualityScoreCollection [ 1050] representing subject quality score from ANType10Record [ 1025]. ANType10Record.TieredMarkupCollection Property

Gets or sets feature points that shall be be contained in Type-10 record's 2D facial feature points field.

public ANTieredMarkupCollection TieredMarkupCollection;
Property value
One of ANTieredMarkupCollection [ 1603] values. ANType10Record.Type10ReferenceNumber Property

Gets or sets type-10 reference number.

public int Type10ReferenceNumber;
Value -1 means, that type-10 reference number is not set. This is the default value.

Property value
Type-10 reference number. ANType10Record.Type2ReferenceNumber Property

Gets or sets type-2 Record cross reference number.

public int Type2ReferenceNumber;
Value -1 means, that type-2 cross reference number is not set. This is the default value.
Property value
Type-2 Record cross reference.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANType10Record.VendorPhotoAcquisitionSource Property

Gets vendor's photo acquisition source.

public string VendorPhotoAcquisitionSource;
Property value
String containing vendors photo acquisition source description. ANType13Record Class

Provides functions for working with Variable-resolution latent image record.

public sealed class ANType13Record : ANFPImageAsciiBinaryRecord;
File: ANType13Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

ANRecord Classes
ANRecord Class

Name Description
ConformanceTestResultCollection Represent collection of conformance test results in ANRecord [ 939].
[ 945]
FieldCollection [ 945] Represent collection of fields in record.

ANAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
AnnotationCollection [ 807] Represent collection of annotations.
AssociatedContextCollection [ 808] Represent collection of associated contexts.
SourceRepresentationCollection Represent collection of associated contexts.
[ 808]

ANFPImageAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
AmputationCollection [ 862] Represent collection of amputations.
PositionCollection [ 862] Represent collection of fingerprint positions.
PrintPositionCollection [ 862] Represent collection of print positions.
QualityMetricCollection [ 862] Represent collection of fingerprint quality metrics.
SegmentCollection [ 863] Represent collection of segments.

ANType13Record Class

Name Description
SearchPositionDescriptorCollection Represent collection of search position descriptors.
[ 1087]

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description 9
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

ANRecord Class

Name Description
FieldData [ 949] Defines Image data (DATA) contained in logical record.
FieldIdc [ 949] This field is identifies the user-defined text information
contained in the record. The IDC (image designation
character) contained in field shall be the IDC of the
Type-2 logical record as found in the file content (CNT)
field of the Type-1 record.
FieldLen [ 949] Describes total count of the number of bytes in logical
FlagMergeDuplicateFields [ 949] Defines whether the duplicate fields should be merged.
FlagRecoverFromBinaryData [ 949]
MaxAnnotationProcessDescriptionLengthV50 [ 949] Defines minimum length of process description for
ANAnnotation [ 796] for version 5.0.
MaxAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmNameLengthV50 Defines maximum length of processing algorithm name
[ 949] for ANAnnotation [ 796] for version 5.0.
MaxAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwnerLength Defines maximum length of processing algorithm owner
[ 949] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
MaxFieldNumber [ 949] Defines maximal number of fields in logical record.
MaxIdc [ 950] Defines maximum value that image designation
character (IDC) can obtain.
MaxIdcV5 [ 950] Defines maximum value that image designation
character (IDC) can obtain for version 5.0 and above.
MaxMakeLength [ 950] Defines maximum make length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MaxModelLength [ 950] Defines maximum model length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MaxSerialNumberLength [ 950] Defines maximum serial number length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MinAnnotationProcessDescriptionLength [ 950] Defines minimum length of process description for
ANAnnotation [ 796].
MinAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmNameLength Defines minimum length of processing algorithm name
[ 950] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
MinAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwnerLength Defines minimum length of processing algorithm owner
[ 950] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
UnknownAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwner Defines unknown processing algorithm owner for
[ 950] ANAnnotation [ 796].

ANAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
FieldAnn [ 809] Defines ANN field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the annotations, presenting operations
performed on the original source.
FieldAsc [ 809] Defines ASC field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the associated context to one or more
Record(s) Type-21.
FieldCon [ 809] Defines CON field number. Field referenced by this 9
number contains the capture organization name.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

FieldDat [ 809] Defines DAT field number. Field referenced by this

number contains the date that the transaction was
FieldDui [ 809] Defines DUI field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the device or source of the data.
FieldEfr [ 809] Defines EFR field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the external file reference if the data is
not contained in Field 999.
FieldGeo [ 809] Defines GEO field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the geographic sample acquisition
location where sample was acquired (not where it is
FieldHas [ 809] Defines HAS field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the hash value of the data in Field 999.
FieldMms [ 809] Defines MMS field number. Field referenced by this
number contains make, model and serial number for the
image capture device.
FieldSan [ 810] Defines SAN field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the source agency name of the agency
referenced in Field 4.
FieldSor [ 810] Defines SOR field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the source representation to a
representation(s) in Record(s) Type-20.
FieldSrc [ 810] Defines SRC field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the administration or organization that
originally captured the latent image contained in the
record. Normally, the Originating Agency Identifier, ORI,
of the agency that captured the image.
FieldSub [ 810] Defines SUB field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the image subject condition.
FieldUdfFrom [ 810] Specifies starting number from which user defined field
FieldUdfTo [ 810] Defines end number of user defined field starts.
FieldUdfToV5 [ 810] Defines end number of user defined field starts for
version 5.0 and above.
GeoDefaultCoordinateSystem [ 810] Defines default geographic coordinate system value for
geodetic datum code of field referenced by FieldGeo
[ 809] field number.
MaxCaptureOrganizationNameLength [ 811] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldCon [ 809] field number.
MaxDecodingInstructionsLength [ 811] Defines maximal decoding instructions value length of
field referenced by FieldSft or FieldAft fields number.
MaxExternalFileReferenceLength [ 811] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldEfr [ 809] field number.
MaxFileTypeLength [ 811] Defines maximal file type value length of field referenced
by FieldSft or FieldAft fields number.
MaxGeoAlternativeCoordSystemIdLength [ 811] Defines maximal alternative geographic coordinate
system identifier value of field referenced by FieldGeo
[ 809] field number.
MaxGeoAlternativeCoordSystemValueLength Defines maximal alternative geographic coordinate
[ 811] system value value of field referenced by FieldGeo
[ 809] field number.
MaxGeoElevation [ 811] Defines maximal elevation value of field referenced by
FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoElevationLength [ 811] Defines maximal elevation value length of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

MaxGeoLatitudeDegree [ 811] Defines maximal latitude degree value of field referenced

by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoLatitudeDegreeLength [ 812] Defines maximal latitude degree value length of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoLongitudeDegree [ 812] Defines maximal longitude degree value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoLongitudeDegreeLength [ 812] Defines maximal longitude degree value length of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoMinute [ 812] Defines maximal latitude/longitude minute value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoMinuteLength [ 812] Defines maximal latitude/longitude minute value length of
field referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoReferenceTextLength [ 812] Defines maximal geographic reference text value length
of field referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoSecond [ 812] Defines maximal latitude/longitude second value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoSecondLength [ 812] Defines maximal latitude/longitude second value length of
field referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoUtmEasting [ 812] Defines maximal UtmEasting value of field referenced by
FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoUtmNorthing [ 812] Defines maximal UtmNorthing value of field referenced by
FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoUtmZoneLength [ 813] Defines maximal UtmZone value length of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeodeticDatumCodeLength [ 813] Defines maximal elevation value length of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxHashLength [ 813] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldHas [ 809] field number.
MaxImageCaptureDateRangeLength [ 813] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldIcdr field number.
MaxQualityMetricScore [ 813] Defines maximal quality score value for record data.
MaxSourceAgencyLength [ 813] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldSrc [ 810] field number.
MaxSourceAgencyLengthV4 [ 813] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldSrc [ 810] field number for version 4.0 and above.
MaxSourceAgencyNameLength [ 813] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldSan [ 810] field number.
MaxSourceContextRepresentationNumber [ 813] Defines maximal number value of field referenced by
FieldSan [ 810] or FieldSor [ 810] field numbers.
MaxSourceContextRepresentationSegmentPosition Defines maximal segment position value of field
[ 814] referenced by FieldAsc [ 809] or FieldSor [ 810] field
MaxTimeIndexCount [ 814] Defines maximal time index count of field referenced by
FieldTix field number.
MaxTimeIndexHour [ 814] Defines maximal time index hour value of field referenced
by FieldTix field number.
MaxTimeIndexLength [ 814] Defines maximal time index value length of field
referenced by FieldTix field number.
MaxTimeIndexMillisecond [ 814] Defines maximal time index millisecond value of field
referenced by FieldTix field number.
MaxTimeIndexMinute [ 814] Defines maximal time index minute value of field
referenced by FieldTix field number.
MaxTimeIndexSecond [ 814] Defines maximal time index second value of field
referenced by FieldTix field number. 9
MinCaptureOrganizationNameLength [ 814] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldCon [ 809] field number.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

MinExternalFileReferenceLength [ 814] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by

FieldEfr [ 809] field number.
MinFileTypeLength [ 814] Defines minimal file type value length of field referenced
by FieldSft or FieldAft fields number.
MinGeoElevation [ 815] Defines minimal elevation value of field referenced by
FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeoLatitudeDegree [ 815] Defines minimal latitude degree value of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeoLongitudeDegree [ 815] Defines minimal longitude degree value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeoMinute [ 815] Defines minimal latitude/longitude minute value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeoSecond [ 815] Defines minimal latitude/longitude second value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeoUtmZoneLength [ 815] Defines minimal UtmZone value length of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeodeticDatumCodeLength [ 815] Defines maximal elevation value length of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinImageCaptureDateRangeLength [ 815] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldIcdr field number.
MinImageCaptureDateRangeLength51 [ 815] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldIcdr field number for version 5.1.
MinSourceAgencyLength [ 816] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldSrc [ 810] field number.
MinSourceAgencyLengthV5 [ 816] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldSrc [ 810] field number for version 5.0 and above.
MinSourceAgencyNameLength [ 816] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldSan [ 810] field number.
MinSourceContextRepresentationNumber [ 816] Defines minimal number value of field referenced by
FieldAsc [ 809] or FieldSor [ 810] field numbers.
MinSourceContextRepresentationSegmentPosition Defines minimal segment position value of field
[ 816] referenced by FieldAsc [ 809] or FieldSor [ 810] field
MinTimeIndexCount [ 816] Defines minimal time index count of field referenced by
FieldTix field number.
QualityMetricScoreFailed [ 816] Defines code when quality assessment algorithm failed to
asses record data quality.
QualityMetricScoreNotAvailable [ 816] Defines code when quality score has not been calculated
or provided for data contained in record object.

ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
FieldBpx [ 907] ... more [ 907]
FieldCga [ 907] Defines CGA field number. Field referenced by this number
specifies compression algorithm (CGA), the algorithm used to
compress the transmitted grayscale images.
FieldCom [ 907] Defines COM field number. Field referenced by this number
contains comments or other ASCII text information with the
image data
FieldCsp [ 907] Defines CSP field number. Field referenced by this number
contains color space used to exchange the image data.
FieldDmm [ 908] Defines DMM field number. Field referenced by this number
contains device monitoring mode (DMM) value which provides
information describing the level of human monitoring for the
image capture device. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

FieldHll [ 908] Defines HLL field number. Field referenced by this number
contain the number of pixels contained on a single horizontal
line of the transmitted image (horizontal line length - HLL).
FieldHps [ 908] Defines HPS field number. Field referenced by this number
contains horizontal pixel scale (HPS), the integer pixel density
used in the horizontal direction of the transmitted image.
FieldIqm [ 908] Defines IQM field number. Field referenced by this number
contains a quality score data for the image stored in record
FieldShps [ 908] Defines SHPS field number. Field referenced by this number
contains scanned horizontal pixel scale (SHPS) - the horizontal
pixel density used for the scanning of the original impression.
FieldSlc [ 908] ... more [ 908]
FieldSvps [ 908] Defines SVPS field number. Field referenced by this number
contains scanned vertical pixel scale (SVPS), the vertical pixel
density used for the scanning of the original impression.
FieldVll [ 908] Defines VLL field number. Field referenced by this number
contains contains vertical line length (VLL), the number of
horizontal lines contained in the transmitted image.
FieldVps [ 909] Defines VPS field number. Field referenced by this number
contains vertical pixel scale (VPS), the integer pixel density
used in the vertical direction of the transmitted image.
MaxCommentLength [ 909] Defines maximal length of textual information associated with
image contained in record
MaxCommentLengthV5 [ 909] Defines maximal length of textual information associated with
image contained in record for version 5.0 and above.
MaxLineLength [ 909] Defines the maximum value that field referenced by FieldHLL
and FieldVLL can have.
MaxLineLengthV5 [ 909] Defines the maximum value that field referenced by FieldHLL
and FieldVLL can have for version 5.0 and above.
MaxPixelScale [ 909] Defines maximal pixel scale value.
MaxPixelScaleV5 [ 909] Defines maximal pixel scale value for version 5.0 and above.
MaxRulerFpFormNumberLength [ 909] Defines maximal length of ANRuler [ 965]'s parameter
standard fingerprint form number.
MaxRulerMakeLength [ 909] Defines maximal length of ANRuler [ 965]'s parameter make.
MaxRulerModelLength [ 910] Defines maximal length of ANRuler [ 965]'s parameter model.
MaxVendorCompressionAlgorithmLength Defines maximal length of vendor compression algorithm
[ 910] description.
MaxVendorCompressionAlgorithmLengthV5 Defines maximal length of vendor compression algorithm
[ 910] description for version 5.0 and above.
MaxVendorCompressionAlgorithmLengthV52 Defines maximal length of vendor compression algorithm
[ 910] description for version 5.2 and above.
MaxVertexCount [ 910] Defines maximum number of boundary vertices.
MinCircleVertexCount [ 910] Defines minimal number of circle vertices.
MinEllipseVertexCount [ 910] Defines minimal number of ellipse vertices.
MinLatentPixelScalePpcm [ 910] Defines minimal pixel scale value per centimeter for latent
images for prior ANSI-NIST standard versions implemented in
ANTemplate [ 980].
MinLatentPixelScalePpi [ 910] Defines minimal pixel scale value per inch for latent images for
prior ANSI-NIST standard versions implemented in ANTemplate
[ 980].
MinLatentPixelScaleV4Ppcm [ 911] Defines minimal pixel scale value per centimeter for latent
images in current ANSI-NIST standard version implemented in
ANTemplate [ 980].
MinLatentPixelScaleV4Ppi [ 911] Defines minimal pixel scale value per inch for latent images in 9
current ANSI-NIST standard version implemented in
ANTemplate [ 980].

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

MinLatentScanPixelScalePpcm [ 911] Defines minimal scanned pixel scale value per centimeter for
latent images for prior ANSI-NIST standard versions
implemented in ANTemplate [ 980].
MinLatentScanPixelScalePpi [ 911] Defines minimal scanned pixel scale value per inch for latent
images for prior ANSI-NIST standard versions implemented in
ANTemplate [ 980].
MinLatentScanPixelScaleV4Ppcm [ 911] Defines minimal scanned pixel scale value per centimeter for
latent images in current ANSI-NIST standard version
implemented in ANTemplate [ 980].
MinLatentScanPixelScaleV4Ppi [ 911] Defines minimal scanned pixel scale value per inch for latent
images in current ANSI-NIST standard version implemented in
ANTemplate [ 980].
MinLineLengthV5 [ 911] Defines the minimum value that field referenced by FieldHLL
and FieldVLL can have for version 5.0 and above.
MinPixelScalePpcm [ 911] Defines minimal pixel scale value per centimeter.
MinPixelScalePpi [ 912] Defines minimal pixel scale value per inch.
MinPixelScaleV5 [ 912] Defines minimal pixel scale value for version 5.0 and above.
MinPolygonVertexCount [ 912] Defines minimal number of pollygon vertices.
MinScanPixelScalePpcm [ 912] Defines minimal scanned pixel scale value per centimeter.
MinScanPixelScalePpi [ 912] Defines minimal scanned pixel scale value per inch.
MinVendorCompressionAlgorithmLength Defines minimal length of vendor compression algorithm
[ 912] description.

ANFPImageAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
FieldAmp [ 863] Defines AMP field number. Field referenced by this number specifies if
one or more fingers or hand are amputated or bandaged (AMP).
FieldFct [ 863] Defined FCT field number. Field referenced by this number contains
friction ridge capture technology.
FieldFgp [ 863] Defines FGP field number. Field referenced by this number contains one
or more possible finger or palm positions that may match the latent image.
FieldImp [ 863] Defines IMP field number. Field referenced by this number indicates the
manner by which the latent image information was obtained.
FieldPD [ 863] Defines PD field number. Field referenced by this number is used to
narrow the search of the latent image in this record against a database.
FieldPpc [ 863] Defined PPC field number. Field referenced by this number contains
offsets to the locations for the bounding box of the EJI, each of the full
finger views, or segments within the EJI.
FieldSeg [ 864] Defines SEG field number. Field referenced by this number specifies
alternate approach to describing the locations for each of the image
segments of the individual fingers within a flat image.
MaxPositionCount [ 864] Defines maximum number of finger or palm position (FGP) in one record.
MaxPrintPositionCount [ 864] Defines maximum number of Print Position Coordinates (PPC).

ANType13Record Class

Name Description
FieldLcd [ 1087] ... more [ 1087]
FieldLqm [ 1087] ... more [ 1087]
FieldRem [ 1088] Defines REM field number. Field referenced by this number specifies
resolution method used for determining pixel scale of the image.
FieldRsp [ 1088] Defines RSP field number. Field referenced by this number contains ruler
or scale information.
FieldSpd [ 1088] Defines SPD field number. Field referenced by this number contains
search position descriptors (SPD). 9
MaxQualityMetricCount [ 1088] Defines maximum number of quality metrics.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

MaxQualityMetricCountV5 [ 1088] Defines maximum number of quality metrics for version 5.0 and above.
MaxResolutionCommentLength Defines maximum length of resolution comment for ANResolutionMethod
[ 1088] [ 963].
MaxResolutionCoordinate [ 1088] Defines maximum resolution coordinate value for ANResolutionMethod
[ 963].
MaxResolutionScaleLength [ 1088] Defines maximum resolution scale length value for ANResolutionMethod
[ 963].
MaxSearchPositionDescriptorCount Defines maximum number of quality metrics.
[ 1088]
MinResolutionScaleLength [ 1089] Defines minimum resolution scale length value for ANResolutionMethod
[ 963].

ANRecord Class

Name Description
ANRecord [ 944] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class with current version and
unset IDC value.
ANRecord [ 944] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class.
ANRecord [ 945] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class.
ANRecord [ 945] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class with current version and
unset IDC value.

ANType13Record Class

Name Description
ANType13Record [ 1084] Initializes a new instance of the ANType13Record class with current
version and unset IDC value.
ANType13Record [ 1084] Initializes a new instance of the ANType13Record class with current
version and unset IDC value.
ANType13Record [ 1085] Initializes a new instance of the ANType13Record class with current
version and unset IDC value.
ANType13Record [ 1085] Initializes a new instance of the ANType13Record class.
ANType13Record [ 1086] Initializes a new instance of the ANType13Record class.
ANType13Record [ 1086] Initializes a new instance of the ANType13Record class.
ANType13Record [ 1086] Initializes a new instance of the ANType13Record class.
ANType13Record [ 1087] Initializes a new instance of the ANType13Record class with current
version and unset IDC value.

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle. 9
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.

This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.

Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
BeginUpdate [ 951] Begins ANRecord [ 939] update.
CheckValidity [ 951] Checks ANRecord [ 939] compliance with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1 standard
specified by version.
EndUpdate [ 951] Ends ANRecord [ 939] update.
Validate [ 951] Validates ANRecord [ 939]. ANRecord [ 939] can be validated only if
the ANValidationLevel [ 1604] is Standard.

ANAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
SetMakeModelSerialNumber [ 816] Sets make, model and serial number for the iris capture device.

ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
SetCompressionAlgorithm [ 912] Sets compression algorithm used to compress image data.
SetImage [ 913] Sets image contained in logical record to NImage [ 1831] format.
SetImage [ 913] Sets image contained in logical record to NImage [ 1831] format.
ToNImage [ 913] Converts image contained in logical record to NImage [ 1831] format. 9
ToNImage [ 913] Converts image contained in logical record to NImage [ 1831] format.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
ConformanceTestResults [ 951] Gets particular conformance test results from the ANRecord [ 939].
Data [ 951] Gets or sets the the record data.
Fields [ 952] Gets particular fields from the ANRecord [ 939].
Idc [ 952] Gets or sets idc of record.
IsValidated [ 952] Checks if ANRecord [ 939] is compliant with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1
standard specified by version.
Length [ 952] Gets record size.
NativeType [ 952] Defines the native type of the object.
Owner [ 952] Gets ANTemplate [ 980] object.
RecordType [ 953] Gets record type.
ValidationLevel [ 953] Gets validation level of ANRecord [ 939].
Version [ 953] Gets record version.

ANAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
ANGeographicCoordinateSystemNativeType The native type of the geographic coordinate system.
[ 817]
ANSubjectBodyClassCodeNativeType The native type of the subject body class code.
[ 817]
ANSubjectBodyStatusCodeNativeType The native type of the subject body status code.
[ 817]
ANSubjectStatusCodeNativeType [ 817] The native type of the subject status code.
Annotations [ 817] Gets particular annotations from the ANAsciiBinaryRecord
[ 799].
AssociatedContexts [ 817] Gets particular associated contexts from the
ANAsciiBinaryRecord [ 799].
CaptureOrganizationName [ 817] Gets or sets capture organization name.
DataHash [ 818] Gets or sets the hash value of data.
Date [ 818] Gets or sets field referenced by FieldDat [ 809] field number.
DeviceUniqueIdentifier [ 818] Gets or sets device unique identifier.
ExternalFileReference [ 818] Gets or sets external file reference.
GeographicLocation [ 818] Gets or sets the ANGeographicLocation [ 890] structure.
Make [ 818] Gets make of image capture device
MakeModelSerialNumber [ 819] Gets or sets the MakeModelSerialNumber structure.
Model [ 819] Gets model of image capture device.
NativeType [ 819] Defines native type of the object.
SerialNumber [ 819] Gets serial number of image capture device. 9
SourceAgency [ 819] Gets or sets source agency identification.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

SourceAgencyName [ 819] Gets or sets source agency name.

SourceRepresenations [ 819] Gets particular associated contexts from the
ANAsciiBinaryRecord [ 799].
SubjectCondition [ 820] Gets or sets subject condition.

ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
ANBoundaryCodeNativeType [ 914] Defines the native type of the boundary code.

ANDeviceMonitoringModeNativeType Defines the native type of the device monitoring mode.

[ 914]
ANMeasurementUnitsNativeType Defines the native type of the measurement units.
[ 914]
ANOcclusionOpacityNativeType Defines the native type of the occlusion opacity.
[ 914]
ANOcclusionTypeNativeType [ 914] Defines the native type of the occlusion type.
BitsPerPixel [ 914] Gets or sets number of bits used to represent a pixel (BPP).
ColorSpace [ 914] Gets or sets color space used to exchange the image data
Comment [ 914] Gets or sets textual information associated with image located in
ANRecord [ 939] object.
CompressionAlgorithm [ 915] Gets compression algorithm used to compress image data.
DeviceMonitoringMode [ 915] Gets or sets device monitoring mode (DMM) value which provides
information describing the level of human monitoring for the image
capture device.
HorzLineLength [ 915] Gets or sets horizontal line length value.
HorzPixelScale [ 915] Gets or sets horizontal pixel scale of image.
NativeType [ 915] Defines the native type of the object.
ScaleUnits [ 915] Gets or sets scale units value.
ScanHorzPixelScale [ 916] Gets or sets scanned horizontal pixel scale (SHPS) - the horizontal
pixel density used for the scanning of the original impression
ScanVertPixelScale [ 916] Gets or sets scanned vertical pixel scale (SVPS) - the vertical pixel
density used for the scanning of the original impression.
VendorCompressionAlgorithm [ 916] Gets description of vendor compression algorithm, that has been used
to compress the transmitted images.
VertLineLength [ 916] Gets or sets vertical line length of image.
VertPixelScale [ 916] Gets or sets vertical pixel scale of image.

ANFPImageAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
ANFAmputationTypeNativeType The native type of the friction ridge amputation type.
[ 864]
ANFMajorCaseNativeType [ 864] Defines the native type of ANF major case.
ANFRCaptureTechnologyNativeType The native type of the capture technology.
[ 864]
Amputations [ 864] Gets particular amputation contained in record.
CaptureTechnology [ 864] Gets or sets friction ridge capture technology.
ImpressionType [ 865] Gets or sets fingerprint impression type.
NativeType [ 865] Defines the native type of the object.
Positions [ 865] Gets fingerprint positions contained in record.
PrintPositions [ 865] Gets fingerprint print positions contained in record.
QualityMetrics [ 865] Gets fingerprint quality metrics contained in record.
Segments [ 865] Gets particular friction ridge segment contained in record.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ANType13Record Class

Name Description
LatentCaptureDate [ 1089] Gets and sets date when latent image has been captured.
NativeType [ 1089] Defines the native type of the object.
ResolutionMethod [ 1089] Gets or sets resolution method for determining the pixel density.
Ruler [ 1089] Gets or sets ruler or scale. fingerprint.
SearchPositionDescriptors [ 1089] Gets particular search position description from ANType13Record.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. ANType13Record.ANType13Record Constructor ()

Initializes a new instance of the ANType13Record class with current version and unset IDC value.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType13() instead.")]
public ANType13Record();
ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate.VersionCurrent. If IDC is NOT set, then IDC value is automatically
assigned when ANRecord [ 939] is added to ANTemplate [ 980]. ANType13Record.ANType13Record Constructor (BdifFPImpressionType,

string, BdifScaleUnits, ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage)
Initializes a new instance of the ANType13Record class with current version and unset IDC value.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType13(BdifFPImpressionType,
string, BdifScaleUnits, ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage) instead.")]
public ANType13Record(BdifFPImpressionType imp, string src, BdifScaleUnits slc, 9
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga, NImage image);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards


Parameters Description
BdifFPImpressionType imp One of BdifFPImpressionType [ 1610] values.
string src String which contains identification of organization.
BdifScaleUnits slc One of BdifScaleUnits [ 1626] values.
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga One of ANImageCompressionAlgorithm [ 1588] values.
NImage image Facial image.

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate.VersionCurrent. If IDC is NOT set, then IDC value is automatically
assigned when ANRecord [ 939] is added to ANTemplate [ 980]. ANType13Record.ANType13Record Constructor (BdifFPImpressionType,

string, BdifScaleUnits, ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage, uint)
Initializes a new instance of the ANType13Record class with current version and unset IDC value.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType13(BdifFPImpressionType,
string, BdifScaleUnits, ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage) instead.")]
public ANType13Record(BdifFPImpressionType imp, string src, BdifScaleUnits slc,
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga, NImage image, uint flags);

Parameters Description
BdifFPImpressionType imp One of BdifFPImpressionType [ 1610] values.
string src String which contains identification of organization.
BdifScaleUnits slc One of BdifScaleUnits [ 1626] values.
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga One of ANImageCompressionAlgorithm [ 1588] values.
NImage image Facial image.
uint flags Must be zero.

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate.VersionCurrent. If IDC is NOT set, then IDC value is automatically
assigned when ANRecord [ 939] is added to ANTemplate [ 980]. ANType13Record.ANType13Record Constructor (NVersion, int)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType13Record class.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType13() instead.")]
public ANType13Record(NVersion version, int idc);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANType13Record.
int idc Image designation character value. ANType13Record.ANType13Record Constructor (NVersion, int,

BdifFPImpressionType, string, BdifScaleUnits, ANImageCompressionAlgorithm,
Initializes a new instance of the ANType13Record class.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType13(BdifFPImpressionType,
string, BdifScaleUnits, ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage) instead.")]
public ANType13Record(NVersion version, int idc, BdifFPImpressionType imp, string src,
BdifScaleUnits slc, ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga, NImage image);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANType13Record.
int idc Image designation character value.
BdifFPImpressionType imp One of BdifFPImpressionType [ 1610] values.
string src String which contains identification of organization.
BdifScaleUnits slc One of BdifScaleUnits [ 1626] values.
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga One of ANImageCompressionAlgorithm [ 1588] values.
NImage image Facial image. ANType13Record.ANType13Record Constructor (NVersion, int,

BdifFPImpressionType, string, BdifScaleUnits, ANImageCompressionAlgorithm,
NImage, uint)
Initializes a new instance of the ANType13Record class.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType13(BdifFPImpressionType,
string, BdifScaleUnits, ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage) instead.")]
public ANType13Record(NVersion version, int idc, BdifFPImpressionType imp, string src,
BdifScaleUnits slc, ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga, NImage image, uint flags);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANType13Record.
int idc Image designation character value.
BdifFPImpressionType imp One of BdifFPImpressionType [ 1610] values.
string src String which contains identification of organization.
BdifScaleUnits slc One of BdifScaleUnits [ 1626] values.
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga One of ANImageCompressionAlgorithm [ 1588] values.
NImage image Facial image.
uint flags Must be zero. ANType13Record.ANType13Record Constructor (NVersion, int, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType13Record class.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType13() instead.")]
public ANType13Record(NVersion version, int idc, uint flags);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANType13Record.
int idc Image designation character value.
uint flags Should be zero. ANType13Record.ANType13Record Constructor (uint) 9

Initializes a new instance of the ANType13Record class with current version and unset IDC value.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType13() instead.")]
public ANType13Record(uint flags);

Parameters Description
uint flags Should be zero.

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate.VersionCurrent. If IDC is NOT set, then IDC value is automatically
assigned when ANRecord [ 939] is added to ANTemplate [ 980]. ANType13Record Classes ANType13Record.SearchPositionDescriptorCollection Class

Represent collection of search position descriptors.

public sealed class SearchPositionDescriptorCollection :
File: ANType13Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] ANType13Record Fields ANType13Record.FieldLcd Field

Defines LCD field number. Field referenced by this number contains the date that the latent image contained in the record was

public const int FieldLcd = FieldDat; ANType13Record.FieldLqm Field

Defines LQM field number. Field referenced by this number contains latent quality metric (LQM) - one or more different metrics
of latent image quality score data for the image stored in this record.

public const int FieldLqm = FieldIqm; ANType13Record.FieldRem Field

Defines REM field number. Field referenced by this number specifies resolution method used for determining pixel scale of the

public const int FieldRem = 19; ANType13Record.FieldRsp Field

Defines RSP field number. Field referenced by this number contains ruler or scale information.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public const int FieldRsp = 18; ANType13Record.FieldSpd Field

Defines SPD field number. Field referenced by this number contains search position descriptors (SPD).

public const int FieldSpd = FieldPD; ANType13Record.MaxQualityMetricCount Field

Defines maximum number of quality metrics.

public const int MaxQualityMetricCount = 4; ANType13Record.MaxQualityMetricCountV5 Field

Defines maximum number of quality metrics for version 5.0 and above.

public const int MaxQualityMetricCountV5 = 9; ANType13Record.MaxResolutionCommentLength Field

Defines maximum length of resolution comment for ANResolutionMethod [ 963].

public const int MaxResolutionCommentLength = 99; ANType13Record.MaxResolutionCoordinate Field

Defines maximum resolution coordinate value for ANResolutionMethod [ 963].

public const int MaxResolutionCoordinate = 99999; ANType13Record.MaxResolutionScaleLength Field

Defines maximum resolution scale length value for ANResolutionMethod [ 963].

public const int MaxResolutionScaleLength = 99900; ANType13Record.MaxSearchPositionDescriptorCount Field

Defines maximum number of quality metrics.

public const int MaxSearchPositionDescriptorCount = 9; ANType13Record.MinResolutionScaleLength Field

Defines minimum resolution scale length value for ANResolutionMethod [ 963].

public const int MinResolutionScaleLength = 1; ANType13Record Properties ANType13Record.LatentCaptureDate Property 9

Gets and sets date when latent image has been captured.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public DateTime LatentCaptureDate;
Property value
DateTime object. ANType13Record.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; ANType13Record.ResolutionMethod Property

Gets or sets resolution method for determining the pixel density. fingerprint.

public ANResolutionMethod? ResolutionMethod;
Property value
ANResolutionMethod [ 963] object representing resolution method. ANType13Record.Ruler Property

Gets or sets ruler or scale. fingerprint.

public ANRuler? Ruler;
Property value
ANRuler [ 965] object representing ruler or scale presence. ANType13Record.SearchPositionDescriptors Property

Gets particular search position description from ANType13Record [ 1072].

public SearchPositionDescriptorCollection SearchPositionDescriptors;
Property value
A SearchPositionDescriptorCollection [ 1087] representing search position descriptions in ANType13Record [ 1072]. ANType14Record Class

Provides functions for working with Variable-resolution fingerprint image record.

public sealed class ANType14Record : ANFPImageAsciiBinaryRecord;
File: ANType14Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ANRecord Classes
ANRecord Class

Name Description
ConformanceTestResultCollection Represent collection of conformance test results in ANRecord [ 939].
[ 945]
FieldCollection [ 945] Represent collection of fields in record.

ANAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
AnnotationCollection [ 807] Represent collection of annotations.
AssociatedContextCollection [ 808] Represent collection of associated contexts.
SourceRepresentationCollection Represent collection of associated contexts.
[ 808]

ANFPImageAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
AmputationCollection [ 862] Represent collection of amputations.
PositionCollection [ 862] Represent collection of fingerprint positions.
PrintPositionCollection [ 862] Represent collection of print positions.
QualityMetricCollection [ 862] Represent collection of fingerprint quality metrics.
SegmentCollection [ 863] Represent collection of segments.

ANType14Record Class

Name Description
AlternateSegmentCollection [ 1106] Represent collection of alternate segments.
AlternateSegmentVerticesCollection Represent collection of alternate segment vertices.
[ 1106]
NistQualityMetricCollection [ 1106] Represent collection of NIST quality metrics.
SegmentationQualityMetricCollection Represent collection of segmentation quality metrics.
[ 1107]

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

ANRecord Class

Name Description
FieldData [ 949] Defines Image data (DATA) contained in logical record.
FieldIdc [ 949] This field is identifies the user-defined text information
contained in the record. The IDC (image designation
character) contained in field shall be the IDC of the
Type-2 logical record as found in the file content (CNT)
field of the Type-1 record.
FieldLen [ 949] Describes total count of the number of bytes in logical 9
FlagMergeDuplicateFields [ 949] Defines whether the duplicate fields should be merged.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

FlagRecoverFromBinaryData [ 949]
MaxAnnotationProcessDescriptionLengthV50 [ 949] Defines minimum length of process description for
ANAnnotation [ 796] for version 5.0.
MaxAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmNameLengthV50 Defines maximum length of processing algorithm name
[ 949] for ANAnnotation [ 796] for version 5.0.
MaxAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwnerLength Defines maximum length of processing algorithm owner
[ 949] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
MaxFieldNumber [ 949] Defines maximal number of fields in logical record.
MaxIdc [ 950] Defines maximum value that image designation
character (IDC) can obtain.
MaxIdcV5 [ 950] Defines maximum value that image designation
character (IDC) can obtain for version 5.0 and above.
MaxMakeLength [ 950] Defines maximum make length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MaxModelLength [ 950] Defines maximum model length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MaxSerialNumberLength [ 950] Defines maximum serial number length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MinAnnotationProcessDescriptionLength [ 950] Defines minimum length of process description for
ANAnnotation [ 796].
MinAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmNameLength Defines minimum length of processing algorithm name
[ 950] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
MinAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwnerLength Defines minimum length of processing algorithm owner
[ 950] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
UnknownAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwner Defines unknown processing algorithm owner for
[ 950] ANAnnotation [ 796].

ANAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
FieldAnn [ 809] Defines ANN field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the annotations, presenting operations
performed on the original source.
FieldAsc [ 809] Defines ASC field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the associated context to one or more
Record(s) Type-21.
FieldCon [ 809] Defines CON field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the capture organization name.
FieldDat [ 809] Defines DAT field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the date that the transaction was
FieldDui [ 809] Defines DUI field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the device or source of the data.
FieldEfr [ 809] Defines EFR field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the external file reference if the data is
not contained in Field 999.
FieldGeo [ 809] Defines GEO field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the geographic sample acquisition
location where sample was acquired (not where it is
FieldHas [ 809] Defines HAS field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the hash value of the data in Field 999.
FieldMms [ 809] Defines MMS field number. Field referenced by this
number contains make, model and serial number for the
image capture device.
FieldSan [ 810] Defines SAN field number. Field referenced by this 9
number contains the source agency name of the agency
referenced in Field 4.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

FieldSor [ 810] Defines SOR field number. Field referenced by this

number contains the source representation to a
representation(s) in Record(s) Type-20.
FieldSrc [ 810] Defines SRC field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the administration or organization that
originally captured the latent image contained in the
record. Normally, the Originating Agency Identifier, ORI,
of the agency that captured the image.
FieldSub [ 810] Defines SUB field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the image subject condition.
FieldUdfFrom [ 810] Specifies starting number from which user defined field
FieldUdfTo [ 810] Defines end number of user defined field starts.
FieldUdfToV5 [ 810] Defines end number of user defined field starts for
version 5.0 and above.
GeoDefaultCoordinateSystem [ 810] Defines default geographic coordinate system value for
geodetic datum code of field referenced by FieldGeo
[ 809] field number.
MaxCaptureOrganizationNameLength [ 811] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldCon [ 809] field number.
MaxDecodingInstructionsLength [ 811] Defines maximal decoding instructions value length of
field referenced by FieldSft or FieldAft fields number.
MaxExternalFileReferenceLength [ 811] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldEfr [ 809] field number.
MaxFileTypeLength [ 811] Defines maximal file type value length of field referenced
by FieldSft or FieldAft fields number.
MaxGeoAlternativeCoordSystemIdLength [ 811] Defines maximal alternative geographic coordinate
system identifier value of field referenced by FieldGeo
[ 809] field number.
MaxGeoAlternativeCoordSystemValueLength Defines maximal alternative geographic coordinate
[ 811] system value value of field referenced by FieldGeo
[ 809] field number.
MaxGeoElevation [ 811] Defines maximal elevation value of field referenced by
FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoElevationLength [ 811] Defines maximal elevation value length of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoLatitudeDegree [ 811] Defines maximal latitude degree value of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoLatitudeDegreeLength [ 812] Defines maximal latitude degree value length of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoLongitudeDegree [ 812] Defines maximal longitude degree value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoLongitudeDegreeLength [ 812] Defines maximal longitude degree value length of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoMinute [ 812] Defines maximal latitude/longitude minute value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoMinuteLength [ 812] Defines maximal latitude/longitude minute value length of
field referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoReferenceTextLength [ 812] Defines maximal geographic reference text value length
of field referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoSecond [ 812] Defines maximal latitude/longitude second value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoSecondLength [ 812] Defines maximal latitude/longitude second value length of
field referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoUtmEasting [ 812] Defines maximal UtmEasting value of field referenced by 9
FieldGeo [ 809] field number.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

MaxGeoUtmNorthing [ 812] Defines maximal UtmNorthing value of field referenced by

FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoUtmZoneLength [ 813] Defines maximal UtmZone value length of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeodeticDatumCodeLength [ 813] Defines maximal elevation value length of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxHashLength [ 813] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldHas [ 809] field number.
MaxImageCaptureDateRangeLength [ 813] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldIcdr field number.
MaxQualityMetricScore [ 813] Defines maximal quality score value for record data.
MaxSourceAgencyLength [ 813] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldSrc [ 810] field number.
MaxSourceAgencyLengthV4 [ 813] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldSrc [ 810] field number for version 4.0 and above.
MaxSourceAgencyNameLength [ 813] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldSan [ 810] field number.
MaxSourceContextRepresentationNumber [ 813] Defines maximal number value of field referenced by
FieldSan [ 810] or FieldSor [ 810] field numbers.
MaxSourceContextRepresentationSegmentPosition Defines maximal segment position value of field
[ 814] referenced by FieldAsc [ 809] or FieldSor [ 810] field
MaxTimeIndexCount [ 814] Defines maximal time index count of field referenced by
FieldTix field number.
MaxTimeIndexHour [ 814] Defines maximal time index hour value of field referenced
by FieldTix field number.
MaxTimeIndexLength [ 814] Defines maximal time index value length of field
referenced by FieldTix field number.
MaxTimeIndexMillisecond [ 814] Defines maximal time index millisecond value of field
referenced by FieldTix field number.
MaxTimeIndexMinute [ 814] Defines maximal time index minute value of field
referenced by FieldTix field number.
MaxTimeIndexSecond [ 814] Defines maximal time index second value of field
referenced by FieldTix field number.
MinCaptureOrganizationNameLength [ 814] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldCon [ 809] field number.
MinExternalFileReferenceLength [ 814] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldEfr [ 809] field number.
MinFileTypeLength [ 814] Defines minimal file type value length of field referenced
by FieldSft or FieldAft fields number.
MinGeoElevation [ 815] Defines minimal elevation value of field referenced by
FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeoLatitudeDegree [ 815] Defines minimal latitude degree value of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeoLongitudeDegree [ 815] Defines minimal longitude degree value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeoMinute [ 815] Defines minimal latitude/longitude minute value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeoSecond [ 815] Defines minimal latitude/longitude second value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeoUtmZoneLength [ 815] Defines minimal UtmZone value length of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeodeticDatumCodeLength [ 815] Defines maximal elevation value length of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number. 9
MinImageCaptureDateRangeLength [ 815] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldIcdr field number.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

MinImageCaptureDateRangeLength51 [ 815] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by

FieldIcdr field number for version 5.1.
MinSourceAgencyLength [ 816] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldSrc [ 810] field number.
MinSourceAgencyLengthV5 [ 816] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldSrc [ 810] field number for version 5.0 and above.
MinSourceAgencyNameLength [ 816] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldSan [ 810] field number.
MinSourceContextRepresentationNumber [ 816] Defines minimal number value of field referenced by
FieldAsc [ 809] or FieldSor [ 810] field numbers.
MinSourceContextRepresentationSegmentPosition Defines minimal segment position value of field
[ 816] referenced by FieldAsc [ 809] or FieldSor [ 810] field
MinTimeIndexCount [ 816] Defines minimal time index count of field referenced by
FieldTix field number.
QualityMetricScoreFailed [ 816] Defines code when quality assessment algorithm failed to
asses record data quality.
QualityMetricScoreNotAvailable [ 816] Defines code when quality score has not been calculated
or provided for data contained in record object.

ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
FieldBpx [ 907] ... more [ 907]
FieldCga [ 907] Defines CGA field number. Field referenced by this number
specifies compression algorithm (CGA), the algorithm used to
compress the transmitted grayscale images.
FieldCom [ 907] Defines COM field number. Field referenced by this number
contains comments or other ASCII text information with the
image data
FieldCsp [ 907] Defines CSP field number. Field referenced by this number
contains color space used to exchange the image data.
FieldDmm [ 908] Defines DMM field number. Field referenced by this number
contains device monitoring mode (DMM) value which provides
information describing the level of human monitoring for the
image capture device.
FieldHll [ 908] Defines HLL field number. Field referenced by this number
contain the number of pixels contained on a single horizontal
line of the transmitted image (horizontal line length - HLL).
FieldHps [ 908] Defines HPS field number. Field referenced by this number
contains horizontal pixel scale (HPS), the integer pixel density
used in the horizontal direction of the transmitted image.
FieldIqm [ 908] Defines IQM field number. Field referenced by this number
contains a quality score data for the image stored in record
FieldShps [ 908] Defines SHPS field number. Field referenced by this number
contains scanned horizontal pixel scale (SHPS) - the horizontal
pixel density used for the scanning of the original impression.
FieldSlc [ 908] ... more [ 908]
FieldSvps [ 908] Defines SVPS field number. Field referenced by this number
contains scanned vertical pixel scale (SVPS), the vertical pixel
density used for the scanning of the original impression.
FieldVll [ 908] Defines VLL field number. Field referenced by this number
contains contains vertical line length (VLL), the number of
horizontal lines contained in the transmitted image.
FieldVps [ 909] Defines VPS field number. Field referenced by this number
contains vertical pixel scale (VPS), the integer pixel density 9
used in the vertical direction of the transmitted image.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

MaxCommentLength [ 909] Defines maximal length of textual information associated with

image contained in record
MaxCommentLengthV5 [ 909] Defines maximal length of textual information associated with
image contained in record for version 5.0 and above.
MaxLineLength [ 909] Defines the maximum value that field referenced by FieldHLL
and FieldVLL can have.
MaxLineLengthV5 [ 909] Defines the maximum value that field referenced by FieldHLL
and FieldVLL can have for version 5.0 and above.
MaxPixelScale [ 909] Defines maximal pixel scale value.
MaxPixelScaleV5 [ 909] Defines maximal pixel scale value for version 5.0 and above.
MaxRulerFpFormNumberLength [ 909] Defines maximal length of ANRuler [ 965]'s parameter
standard fingerprint form number.
MaxRulerMakeLength [ 909] Defines maximal length of ANRuler [ 965]'s parameter make.
MaxRulerModelLength [ 910] Defines maximal length of ANRuler [ 965]'s parameter model.
MaxVendorCompressionAlgorithmLength Defines maximal length of vendor compression algorithm
[ 910] description.
MaxVendorCompressionAlgorithmLengthV5 Defines maximal length of vendor compression algorithm
[ 910] description for version 5.0 and above.
MaxVendorCompressionAlgorithmLengthV52 Defines maximal length of vendor compression algorithm
[ 910] description for version 5.2 and above.
MaxVertexCount [ 910] Defines maximum number of boundary vertices.
MinCircleVertexCount [ 910] Defines minimal number of circle vertices.
MinEllipseVertexCount [ 910] Defines minimal number of ellipse vertices.
MinLatentPixelScalePpcm [ 910] Defines minimal pixel scale value per centimeter for latent
images for prior ANSI-NIST standard versions implemented in
ANTemplate [ 980].
MinLatentPixelScalePpi [ 910] Defines minimal pixel scale value per inch for latent images for
prior ANSI-NIST standard versions implemented in ANTemplate
[ 980].
MinLatentPixelScaleV4Ppcm [ 911] Defines minimal pixel scale value per centimeter for latent
images in current ANSI-NIST standard version implemented in
ANTemplate [ 980].
MinLatentPixelScaleV4Ppi [ 911] Defines minimal pixel scale value per inch for latent images in
current ANSI-NIST standard version implemented in
ANTemplate [ 980].
MinLatentScanPixelScalePpcm [ 911] Defines minimal scanned pixel scale value per centimeter for
latent images for prior ANSI-NIST standard versions
implemented in ANTemplate [ 980].
MinLatentScanPixelScalePpi [ 911] Defines minimal scanned pixel scale value per inch for latent
images for prior ANSI-NIST standard versions implemented in
ANTemplate [ 980].
MinLatentScanPixelScaleV4Ppcm [ 911] Defines minimal scanned pixel scale value per centimeter for
latent images in current ANSI-NIST standard version
implemented in ANTemplate [ 980].
MinLatentScanPixelScaleV4Ppi [ 911] Defines minimal scanned pixel scale value per inch for latent
images in current ANSI-NIST standard version implemented in
ANTemplate [ 980].
MinLineLengthV5 [ 911] Defines the minimum value that field referenced by FieldHLL
and FieldVLL can have for version 5.0 and above.
MinPixelScalePpcm [ 911] Defines minimal pixel scale value per centimeter.
MinPixelScalePpi [ 912] Defines minimal pixel scale value per inch.
MinPixelScaleV5 [ 912] Defines minimal pixel scale value for version 5.0 and above.
MinPolygonVertexCount [ 912] Defines minimal number of pollygon vertices.
MinScanPixelScalePpcm [ 912] Defines minimal scanned pixel scale value per centimeter. 9
MinScanPixelScalePpi [ 912] Defines minimal scanned pixel scale value per inch.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

MinVendorCompressionAlgorithmLength Defines minimal length of vendor compression algorithm

[ 912] description.

ANFPImageAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
FieldAmp [ 863] Defines AMP field number. Field referenced by this number specifies if
one or more fingers or hand are amputated or bandaged (AMP).
FieldFct [ 863] Defined FCT field number. Field referenced by this number contains
friction ridge capture technology.
FieldFgp [ 863] Defines FGP field number. Field referenced by this number contains one
or more possible finger or palm positions that may match the latent image.
FieldImp [ 863] Defines IMP field number. Field referenced by this number indicates the
manner by which the latent image information was obtained.
FieldPD [ 863] Defines PD field number. Field referenced by this number is used to
narrow the search of the latent image in this record against a database.
FieldPpc [ 863] Defined PPC field number. Field referenced by this number contains
offsets to the locations for the bounding box of the EJI, each of the full
finger views, or segments within the EJI.
FieldSeg [ 864] Defines SEG field number. Field referenced by this number specifies
alternate approach to describing the locations for each of the image
segments of the individual fingers within a flat image.
MaxPositionCount [ 864] Defines maximum number of finger or palm position (FGP) in one record.
MaxPrintPositionCount [ 864] Defines maximum number of Print Position Coordinates (PPC).

ANType14Record Class

Name Description
FapLevel10 [ 1107] Defines Mobile ID Best Practice Recommendation - Level 10 value
for the Subject Acquisition Profile for Fingerprint (FAP).
FapLevel145 [ 1107] Defines Mobile ID Best Practice Recommendation - Level 145 value
for the Subject Acquisition Profile for Fingerprint (FAP).
FapLevel150 [ 1107] Defines Mobile ID Best Practice Recommendation - Level 150 value
for the Subject Acquisition Profile for Fingerprint (FAP).
FapLevel160 [ 1107] Defines Mobile ID Best Practice Recommendation - Level 160 value
for the Subject Acquisition Profile for Fingerprint (FAP).
FapLevel20 [ 1107] Defines Mobile ID Best Practice Recommendation - Level 20 value
for the Subject Acquisition Profile for Fingerprint (FAP).
FapLevel30 [ 1107] Defines Mobile ID Best Practice Recommendation - Level 30 value
for the Subject Acquisition Profile for Fingerprint (FAP).
FapLevel40 [ 1108] Defines Mobile ID Best Practice Recommendation - Level 40 value
for the Subject Acquisition Profile for Fingerprint (FAP).
FapLevel50 [ 1108] Defines Mobile ID Best Practice Recommendation - Level 50 value
for the Subject Acquisition Profile for Fingerprint (FAP).
FapLevel60 [ 1108] Defines Mobile ID Best Practice Recommendation - Level 60 value
for the Subject Acquisition Profile for Fingerprint (FAP).
FieldAseg [ 1108] ... more [ 1108]
FieldFap [ 1108] ... more [ 1108]
FieldFcd [ 1108] Defines FCD field number. Field referenced by this number contains
fingerprint capture date (FCD), the date that the fingerprint image
contained in the record was captured.
FieldFqm [ 1108] ... more [ 1108]
FieldNqm [ 1108] ... more [ 1108]
FieldPpd [ 1108] ... more [ 1108]
FieldScf [ 1109] ... more [ 1109]
FieldSif [ 1109] ... more [ 1109]
FieldSqm [ 1109] ... more [ 1109]

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

MaxAlternateSegmentCount [ 1109] Defines maximum number of alternate segments.

MaxAlternateSegmentCountV5 [ 1109] Defines maximum number of alternate segments for version 5.0 and
MaxAlternateSegmentVertexCount Defines maximum alternative segment finger describing polygon
[ 1109] vertex count.
MaxAmputationCount [ 1109] Defines maximum finger amputation count.
MaxAmputationCountV5 [ 1109] Defines maximum finger amputation count for version 5.0 and
MaxFingerprintQualityMetricCountV5 Defines maximum number of fingerprint quality metric for version
[ 1109] 5.0 and 5.1.
MaxFingerprintQualityMetricCountV52 Defines maximum number of fingerprint quality metric for version
[ 1110] 5.2.
MaxNistQualityMetricCount [ 1110] Defines maximum Fingerprint Image Quality (NFIQ) scores
evaluation count in one record.
MaxNistQualityMetricCountV5 [ 1110] Defines maximum Fingerprint Image Quality (NFIQ) scores
evaluation count in one record for version 5.0 and above.
MaxSegmentCountV5 [ 1110] Defines maximum finger segment count for version 5.0 and above.
MaxSegmentationQualityMetricCountV5 Defines maximum number of segmentation quality metric for
[ 1110] version 5.0 and 5.1.
MaxSegmentationQualityMetricCountV52 Defines maximum number of segmentation quality metric for
[ 1110] version 5.2.
MaxSimultaneousCaptureId [ 1110] Defines maximal simultaneous capture value referenced by filed
number FieldScf [ 1109].
MinAlternateSegmentVertexCount Defines minimum vertex count in finger describing polygon.
[ 1110]
MinSimultaneousCaptureId [ 1110] Defines minimal simultaneous capture value referenced by filed
number FieldScf [ 1109].
NistQualityMetricScoreExcellent [ 1110] Defines excellent NIST Fingerprint Image Quality (NFIQ) score.
NistQualityMetricScoreFailed [ 1111] Defines failed attempt to calculate NIST Fingerprint Image Quality
(NFIQ) score.
NistQualityMetricScoreFair [ 1111] Defines fair NIST Fingerprint Image Quality (NFIQ) score.
NistQualityMetricScoreGood [ 1111] Defines good NIST Fingerprint Image Quality (NFIQ) score.
NistQualityMetricScoreNotAvailable Defines that NIST Fingerprint Image Quality (NFIQ) score is not
[ 1111] available for the image.
NistQualityMetricScorePoor [ 1111] Defines poor NIST Fingerprint Image Quality (NFIQ) score.
NistQualityMetricScoreVeryGood [ 1111] Defines very good NIST Fingerprint Image Quality (NFIQ) score.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
ANRecord [ 944] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class with current version and
unset IDC value.
ANRecord [ 944] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class.
ANRecord [ 945] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class.
ANRecord [ 945] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class with current version and
unset IDC value.

ANType14Record Class

Name Description
ANType14Record [ 1103] Initializes a new instance of the ANType14Record class with current
version and unset IDC value.
ANType14Record [ 1104] Initializes a new instance of the ANType14Record class.
ANType14Record [ 1104] Initializes a new instance of the ANType14Record class.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ANType14Record [ 1104] Initializes a new instance of the ANType14Record class.

ANType14Record [ 1105] Initializes a new instance of the ANType14Record class.
ANType14Record [ 1105] Initializes a new instance of the ANType14Record class with current
version and unset IDC value.
ANType14Record [ 1105] Initializes a new instance of the ANType14Record class with current
version and unset IDC value.
ANType14Record [ 1106] Initializes a new instance of the ANType14Record class with current
version and unset IDC value.

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
BeginUpdate [ 951] Begins ANRecord [ 939] update.
CheckValidity [ 951] Checks ANRecord [ 939] compliance with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1 standard
specified by version.
EndUpdate [ 951] Ends ANRecord [ 939] update.
Validate [ 951] Validates ANRecord [ 939]. ANRecord [ 939] can be validated only if
the ANValidationLevel [ 1604] is Standard.

ANAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
SetMakeModelSerialNumber [ 816] Sets make, model and serial number for the iris capture device.

ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
SetCompressionAlgorithm [ 912] Sets compression algorithm used to compress image data.
SetImage [ 913] Sets image contained in logical record to NImage [ 1831] format.
SetImage [ 913] Sets image contained in logical record to NImage [ 1831] format.
ToNImage [ 913] Converts image contained in logical record to NImage [ 1831] format.
ToNImage [ 913] Converts image contained in logical record to NImage [ 1831] format.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
ConformanceTestResults [ 951] Gets particular conformance test results from the ANRecord [ 939].
Data [ 951] Gets or sets the the record data.
Fields [ 952] Gets particular fields from the ANRecord [ 939].
Idc [ 952] Gets or sets idc of record.
IsValidated [ 952] Checks if ANRecord [ 939] is compliant with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1
standard specified by version.
Length [ 952] Gets record size.
NativeType [ 952] Defines the native type of the object. 9
Owner [ 952] Gets ANTemplate [ 980] object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

RecordType [ 953] Gets record type.

ValidationLevel [ 953] Gets validation level of ANRecord [ 939].
Version [ 953] Gets record version.

ANAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
ANGeographicCoordinateSystemNativeType The native type of the geographic coordinate system.
[ 817]
ANSubjectBodyClassCodeNativeType The native type of the subject body class code.
[ 817]
ANSubjectBodyStatusCodeNativeType The native type of the subject body status code.
[ 817]
ANSubjectStatusCodeNativeType [ 817] The native type of the subject status code.
Annotations [ 817] Gets particular annotations from the ANAsciiBinaryRecord
[ 799].
AssociatedContexts [ 817] Gets particular associated contexts from the
ANAsciiBinaryRecord [ 799].
CaptureOrganizationName [ 817] Gets or sets capture organization name.
DataHash [ 818] Gets or sets the hash value of data.
Date [ 818] Gets or sets field referenced by FieldDat [ 809] field number.
DeviceUniqueIdentifier [ 818] Gets or sets device unique identifier.
ExternalFileReference [ 818] Gets or sets external file reference.
GeographicLocation [ 818] Gets or sets the ANGeographicLocation [ 890] structure.
Make [ 818] Gets make of image capture device
MakeModelSerialNumber [ 819] Gets or sets the MakeModelSerialNumber structure.
Model [ 819] Gets model of image capture device.
NativeType [ 819] Defines native type of the object.
SerialNumber [ 819] Gets serial number of image capture device.
SourceAgency [ 819] Gets or sets source agency identification.
SourceAgencyName [ 819] Gets or sets source agency name.
SourceRepresenations [ 819] Gets particular associated contexts from the
ANAsciiBinaryRecord [ 799].
SubjectCondition [ 820] Gets or sets subject condition.

ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
ANBoundaryCodeNativeType [ 914] Defines the native type of the boundary code.

ANDeviceMonitoringModeNativeType Defines the native type of the device monitoring mode.

[ 914]
ANMeasurementUnitsNativeType Defines the native type of the measurement units.
[ 914]
ANOcclusionOpacityNativeType Defines the native type of the occlusion opacity.
[ 914]
ANOcclusionTypeNativeType [ 914] Defines the native type of the occlusion type.
BitsPerPixel [ 914] Gets or sets number of bits used to represent a pixel (BPP).
ColorSpace [ 914] Gets or sets color space used to exchange the image data
Comment [ 914] Gets or sets textual information associated with image located in
ANRecord [ 939] object.
CompressionAlgorithm [ 915] Gets compression algorithm used to compress image data.
DeviceMonitoringMode [ 915] Gets or sets device monitoring mode (DMM) value which provides 9
information describing the level of human monitoring for the image
capture device.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

HorzLineLength [ 915] Gets or sets horizontal line length value.

HorzPixelScale [ 915] Gets or sets horizontal pixel scale of image.
NativeType [ 915] Defines the native type of the object.
ScaleUnits [ 915] Gets or sets scale units value.
ScanHorzPixelScale [ 916] Gets or sets scanned horizontal pixel scale (SHPS) - the horizontal
pixel density used for the scanning of the original impression
ScanVertPixelScale [ 916] Gets or sets scanned vertical pixel scale (SVPS) - the vertical pixel
density used for the scanning of the original impression.
VendorCompressionAlgorithm [ 916] Gets description of vendor compression algorithm, that has been used
to compress the transmitted images.
VertLineLength [ 916] Gets or sets vertical line length of image.
VertPixelScale [ 916] Gets or sets vertical pixel scale of image.

ANFPImageAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
ANFAmputationTypeNativeType The native type of the friction ridge amputation type.
[ 864]
ANFMajorCaseNativeType [ 864] Defines the native type of ANF major case.
ANFRCaptureTechnologyNativeType The native type of the capture technology.
[ 864]
Amputations [ 864] Gets particular amputation contained in record.
CaptureTechnology [ 864] Gets or sets friction ridge capture technology.
ImpressionType [ 865] Gets or sets fingerprint impression type.
NativeType [ 865] Defines the native type of the object.
Positions [ 865] Gets fingerprint positions contained in record.
PrintPositions [ 865] Gets fingerprint print positions contained in record.
QualityMetrics [ 865] Gets fingerprint quality metrics contained in record.
Segments [ 865] Gets particular friction ridge segment contained in record.

ANType14Record Class

Name Description
AlternateSegments [ 1111] Gets particular alternate segment from ANType14Record.
AlternateSegmentsVertices [ 1111] Gets particular alternate segment vertices from ANType14Record.
FingerprintCaptureDate [ 1112] Gets or sets fingerprint capturing date.
NativeType [ 1112] Defines the native type of the object.
NistQualityMetrics [ 1112] Gets particular NIST quality metric from ANType14Record.
PrintPositionDescriptor [ 1112] Gets or sets print position descriptor information for fingerprint.
SegmentationQualityMetrics Gets particular segmentation quality metric from ANType14Record.
[ 1112]
SimultaneousCaptureId [ 1112] Gets or sets simultaneous capture number.
StitchedImageFlag [ 1113] Gets or sets stitched image flag.
SubjectAcquisitionProfile [ 1113] Gets or sets subject acquisition profile for fingerprint.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle. 9
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. ANType14Record.ANType14Record Constructor ()

Initializes a new instance of the ANType14Record class with current version and unset IDC value.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType14() instead.")]
public ANType14Record();
ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate.VersionCurrent. If IDC is NOT set, then IDC value is automatically
assigned when ANRecord [ 939] is added to ANTemplate [ 980]. ANType14Record.ANType14Record Constructor (NVersion, int)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType14Record class.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType14() instead.")]
public ANType14Record(NVersion version, int idc);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANType14Record.
int idc Image designation character value. ANType14Record.ANType14Record Constructor (NVersion, int, string,

BdifScaleUnits, ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage)
Initializes a new instance of the ANType14Record class.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType14(string, BdifScaleUnits,
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage) instead.")]
public ANType14Record(NVersion version, int idc, string src, BdifScaleUnits slc,
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga, NImage image);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANType14Record.
int idc Image designation character value.
string src String which contains identification of organization. 9
BdifScaleUnits slc One of BdifScaleUnits [ 1626] values.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga One of ANImageCompressionAlgorithm [ 1588] values.

NImage image Facial image. ANType14Record.ANType14Record Constructor (NVersion, int, string,

BdifScaleUnits, ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage, uint)
Initializes a new instance of the ANType14Record class.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType14(string, BdifScaleUnits,
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage) instead.")]
public ANType14Record(NVersion version, int idc, string src, BdifScaleUnits slc,
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga, NImage image, uint flags);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANType14Record.
int idc Image designation character value.
string src String which contains identification of organization.
BdifScaleUnits slc One of BdifScaleUnits [ 1626] values.
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga One of ANImageCompressionAlgorithm [ 1588] values.
NImage image Facial image.
uint flags Must be zero. ANType14Record.ANType14Record Constructor (NVersion, int, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType14Record class.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType14() instead.")]
public ANType14Record(NVersion version, int idc, uint flags);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANType14Record.
int idc Image designation character value.
uint flags Should be zero. ANType14Record.ANType14Record Constructor (string, BdifScaleUnits,

ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage)
Initializes a new instance of the ANType14Record class with current version and unset IDC value.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType14(string, BdifScaleUnits,
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage) instead.")]
public ANType14Record(string src, BdifScaleUnits slc, ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga,
NImage image);

Parameters Description
string src String which contains identification of organization.
BdifScaleUnits slc One of BdifScaleUnits [ 1626] values.
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga One of ANImageCompressionAlgorithm [ 1588] values.
NImage image Facial image. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate.VersionCurrent. If IDC is NOT set, then IDC value is automatically
assigned when ANRecord [ 939] is added to ANTemplate [ 980]. ANType14Record.ANType14Record Constructor (string, BdifScaleUnits,

ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage, uint)
Initializes a new instance of the ANType14Record class with current version and unset IDC value.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType14(string, BdifScaleUnits,
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage) instead.")]
public ANType14Record(string src, BdifScaleUnits slc, ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga,
NImage image, uint flags);

Parameters Description
string src String which contains identification of organization.
BdifScaleUnits slc One of BdifScaleUnits [ 1626] values.
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga One of ANImageCompressionAlgorithm [ 1588] values.
NImage image Facial image.
uint flags Must be zero.

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate.VersionCurrent. If IDC is NOT set, then IDC value is automatically
assigned when ANRecord [ 939] is added to ANTemplate [ 980]. ANType14Record.ANType14Record Constructor (uint)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType14Record class with current version and unset IDC value.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType14() instead.")]
public ANType14Record(uint flags);

Parameters Description
uint flags Should be zero.

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate.VersionCurrent. If IDC is NOT set, then IDC value is automatically
assigned when ANRecord [ 939] is added to ANTemplate [ 980]. ANType14Record Classes ANType14Record.AlternateSegmentCollection Class

Represent collection of alternate segments.

public sealed class AlternateSegmentCollection : StructCollection<ANFAlternateSegment>;
File: ANType14Record.cs
Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] ANType14Record.AlternateSegmentVerticesCollection Class

Represent collection of alternate segment vertices.

public sealed class AlternateSegmentVerticesCollection : StructArrayCollection<Point,
File: ANType14Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] ANType14Record.NistQualityMetricCollection Class

Represent collection of NIST quality metrics.

public sealed class NistQualityMetricCollection : StructCollection<ANNistQualityMetric>;
File: ANType14Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] ANType14Record.SegmentationQualityMetricCollection Class

Represent collection of segmentation quality metrics.

public sealed class SegmentationQualityMetricCollection :
File: ANType14Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] ANType14Record Fields ANType14Record.FapLevel10 Field

Defines Mobile ID Best Practice Recommendation - Level 10 value for the Subject Acquisition Profile for Fingerprint (FAP).

public const ushort FapLevel10 = 10; ANType14Record.FapLevel145 Field

Defines Mobile ID Best Practice Recommendation - Level 145 value for the Subject Acquisition Profile for Fingerprint (FAP).

public const ushort FapLevel145 = 145; 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANType14Record.FapLevel150 Field

Defines Mobile ID Best Practice Recommendation - Level 150 value for the Subject Acquisition Profile for Fingerprint (FAP).

public const ushort FapLevel150 = 150; ANType14Record.FapLevel160 Field

Defines Mobile ID Best Practice Recommendation - Level 160 value for the Subject Acquisition Profile for Fingerprint (FAP).

public const ushort FapLevel160 = 160; ANType14Record.FapLevel20 Field

Defines Mobile ID Best Practice Recommendation - Level 20 value for the Subject Acquisition Profile for Fingerprint (FAP).

public const ushort FapLevel20 = 20; ANType14Record.FapLevel30 Field

Defines Mobile ID Best Practice Recommendation - Level 30 value for the Subject Acquisition Profile for Fingerprint (FAP).

public const ushort FapLevel30 = 30; ANType14Record.FapLevel40 Field

Defines Mobile ID Best Practice Recommendation - Level 40 value for the Subject Acquisition Profile for Fingerprint (FAP).

public const ushort FapLevel40 = 40; ANType14Record.FapLevel50 Field

Defines Mobile ID Best Practice Recommendation - Level 50 value for the Subject Acquisition Profile for Fingerprint (FAP).

public const ushort FapLevel50 = 50; ANType14Record.FapLevel60 Field

Defines Mobile ID Best Practice Recommendation - Level 60 value for the Subject Acquisition Profile for Fingerprint (FAP).

public const ushort FapLevel60 = 60; ANType14Record.FieldAseg Field

Defines ASEG field number. Field referenced by this number specifies alternate finger segment position(s) (ASEG).

public const int FieldAseg = 25; ANType14Record.FieldFap Field

Defines FAP field number. Field referenced by this number specifies subject acquisition profile for fingerprint.

public const int FieldFap = 31;
9 ANType14Record.FieldFcd Field
Defines FCD field number. Field referenced by this number contains fingerprint capture date (FCD), the date that the fingerprint

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

image contained in the record was captured.

public const int FieldFcd = FieldDat; ANType14Record.FieldFqm Field

Defines FQM field number. Field referenced by this number contains one or more different metrics of fingerprint image quality
score data for the image stored in this record.

public const int FieldFqm = FieldIqm; ANType14Record.FieldNqm Field

Defines NQM field number. Field referenced by this number contains the NIST Fingerprint Image Quality (NFIQ) scores for the
individual finger(s) derived from the slap impressions or individual rolled fingerprints.

public const int FieldNqm = 22; ANType14Record.FieldPpd Field

Defines PPD field number. Field referenced by this number contains Print Position Descriptors (PPD).

public const int FieldPpd = FieldPD; ANType14Record.FieldScf Field

Defines SCF field number. Field referenced by this number specifies simultaneous capture value.

public const int FieldScf = 26; ANType14Record.FieldSif Field

Defines SIF field number. Field referenced by this number specifies stitched image flag.

public const int FieldSif = 27; ANType14Record.FieldSqm Field

Defines SQM field number. Field referenced by this number contains a measure of estimated correctness regarding the
accuracy of the location of the segmented finger within the right or left four finger or two thumbs slap image.

public const int FieldSqm = 23; ANType14Record.MaxAlternateSegmentCount Field

Defines maximum number of alternate segments.

public const int MaxAlternateSegmentCount = 4; ANType14Record.MaxAlternateSegmentCountV5 Field

Defines maximum number of alternate segments for version 5.0 and above.

public const int MaxAlternateSegmentCountV5 = 5; 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANType14Record.MaxAlternateSegmentVertexCount Field

Defines maximum alternative segment finger describing polygon vertex count.

public const int MaxAlternateSegmentVertexCount = 99; ANType14Record.MaxAmputationCount Field

Defines maximum finger amputation count.

public const int MaxAmputationCount = 4; ANType14Record.MaxAmputationCountV5 Field

Defines maximum finger amputation count for version 5.0 and above.

public const int MaxAmputationCountV5 = 5; ANType14Record.MaxFingerprintQualityMetricCountV5 Field

Defines maximum number of fingerprint quality metric for version 5.0 and 5.1.

public const byte MaxFingerprintQualityMetricCountV5 = 5; ANType14Record.MaxFingerprintQualityMetricCountV52 Field

Defines maximum number of fingerprint quality metric for version 5.2.

public const byte MaxFingerprintQualityMetricCountV52 = 45; ANType14Record.MaxNistQualityMetricCount Field

Defines maximum Fingerprint Image Quality (NFIQ) scores evaluation count in one record.

public const int MaxNistQualityMetricCount = 4; ANType14Record.MaxNistQualityMetricCountV5 Field

Defines maximum Fingerprint Image Quality (NFIQ) scores evaluation count in one record for version 5.0 and above.

public const int MaxNistQualityMetricCountV5 = 5; ANType14Record.MaxSegmentCountV5 Field

Defines maximum finger segment count for version 5.0 and above.

public const int MaxSegmentCountV5 = 5; ANType14Record.MaxSegmentationQualityMetricCountV5 Field

Defines maximum number of segmentation quality metric for version 5.0 and 5.1.

public const byte MaxSegmentationQualityMetricCountV5 = 5;
9 ANType14Record.MaxSegmentationQualityMetricCountV52 Field
Defines maximum number of segmentation quality metric for version 5.2.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public const byte MaxSegmentationQualityMetricCountV52 = 45; ANType14Record.MaxSimultaneousCaptureId Field

Defines maximal simultaneous capture value referenced by filed number FieldScf [ 1109].

public const int MaxSimultaneousCaptureId = 255; ANType14Record.MinAlternateSegmentVertexCount Field

Defines minimum vertex count in finger describing polygon.

public const int MinAlternateSegmentVertexCount = 3; ANType14Record.MinSimultaneousCaptureId Field

Defines minimal simultaneous capture value referenced by filed number FieldScf [ 1109].

public const int MinSimultaneousCaptureId = 1; ANType14Record.NistQualityMetricScoreExcellent Field

Defines excellent NIST Fingerprint Image Quality (NFIQ) score.

public const byte NistQualityMetricScoreExcellent = 1; ANType14Record.NistQualityMetricScoreFailed Field

Defines failed attempt to calculate NIST Fingerprint Image Quality (NFIQ) score.

public const byte NistQualityMetricScoreFailed = 255; ANType14Record.NistQualityMetricScoreFair Field

Defines fair NIST Fingerprint Image Quality (NFIQ) score.

public const byte NistQualityMetricScoreFair = 4; ANType14Record.NistQualityMetricScoreGood Field

Defines good NIST Fingerprint Image Quality (NFIQ) score.

public const byte NistQualityMetricScoreGood = 3; ANType14Record.NistQualityMetricScoreNotAvailable Field

Defines that NIST Fingerprint Image Quality (NFIQ) score is not available for the image.

public const byte NistQualityMetricScoreNotAvailable = 254; ANType14Record.NistQualityMetricScorePoor Field

Defines poor NIST Fingerprint Image Quality (NFIQ) score.

C# 9
public const byte NistQualityMetricScorePoor = 5;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANType14Record.NistQualityMetricScoreVeryGood Field

Defines very good NIST Fingerprint Image Quality (NFIQ) score.

public const byte NistQualityMetricScoreVeryGood = 2; ANType14Record Properties ANType14Record.AlternateSegments Property

Gets particular alternate segment from ANType14Record [ 1090].

public AlternateSegmentCollection AlternateSegments;
Property value
A AlternateSegmentCollection [ 1106] representing alternate segments from ANType14Record [ 1090]. ANType14Record.AlternateSegmentsVertices Property

Gets particular alternate segment vertices from ANType14Record [ 1090].

public AlternateSegmentVerticesCollection AlternateSegmentsVertices;
Property value
A AlternateSegmentVerticesCollection [ 1106] representing alternate segment vertices from ANType14Record [ 1090]. ANType14Record.FingerprintCaptureDate Property

Gets or sets fingerprint capturing date.

public DateTime FingerprintCaptureDate;
Property value
DateTime object. ANType14Record.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; ANType14Record.NistQualityMetrics Property

Gets particular NIST quality metric from ANType14Record [ 1090].

public NistQualityMetricCollection NistQualityMetrics;
Property value
A NistQualityMetricCollection [ 1106] representing NIST quality metrics from ANType14Record [ 1090]. ANType14Record.PrintPositionDescriptor Property

Gets or sets print position descriptor information for fingerprint. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public ANFPositionDescriptor? PrintPositionDescriptor;
Property value
ANFPositionDescriptor [ 873] object representing print position descriptor. ANType14Record.SegmentationQualityMetrics Property

Gets particular segmentation quality metric from ANType14Record [ 1090].

public SegmentationQualityMetricCollection SegmentationQualityMetrics;
Property value
A SegmentationQualityMetricCollection [ 1107] representing segmentation quality metric from ANType14Record [ 1090]. ANType14Record.SimultaneousCaptureId Property

Gets or sets simultaneous capture number.

public int SimultaneousCaptureId;
Value -1 means, that simultaneous capture is not set. This is the default value.

Property value
Simultaneous capture number. ANType14Record.StitchedImageFlag Property

Gets or sets stitched image flag.

public bool StitchedImageFlag;
Property value
true if fingerprint images were captured separately and sticthed together to form single image. false otherwise. ANType14Record.SubjectAcquisitionProfile Property

Gets or sets subject acquisition profile for fingerprint.

public int SubjectAcquisitionProfile;
Property value
Number containing criteria under which the fingerprint image was captured. ANType15Record Class

Provides functionality for working with variable-resolution palmprint image record.

public sealed class ANType15Record : ANFPImageAsciiBinaryRecord;
File 9
File: ANType15Record.cs

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

ANRecord Classes
ANRecord Class

Name Description
ConformanceTestResultCollection Represent collection of conformance test results in ANRecord [ 939].
[ 945]
FieldCollection [ 945] Represent collection of fields in record.

ANAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
AnnotationCollection [ 807] Represent collection of annotations.
AssociatedContextCollection [ 808] Represent collection of associated contexts.
SourceRepresentationCollection Represent collection of associated contexts.
[ 808]

ANFPImageAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
AmputationCollection [ 862] Represent collection of amputations.
PositionCollection [ 862] Represent collection of fingerprint positions.
PrintPositionCollection [ 862] Represent collection of print positions.
QualityMetricCollection [ 862] Represent collection of fingerprint quality metrics.
SegmentCollection [ 863] Represent collection of segments.

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

ANRecord Class

Name Description
FieldData [ 949] Defines Image data (DATA) contained in logical record.
FieldIdc [ 949] This field is identifies the user-defined text information
contained in the record. The IDC (image designation
character) contained in field shall be the IDC of the
Type-2 logical record as found in the file content (CNT)
field of the Type-1 record.
FieldLen [ 949] Describes total count of the number of bytes in logical
FlagMergeDuplicateFields [ 949] Defines whether the duplicate fields should be merged.
FlagRecoverFromBinaryData [ 949]
MaxAnnotationProcessDescriptionLengthV50 [ 949] Defines minimum length of process description for
ANAnnotation [ 796] for version 5.0.
MaxAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmNameLengthV50 Defines maximum length of processing algorithm name
[ 949] for ANAnnotation [ 796] for version 5.0.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

MaxAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwnerLength Defines maximum length of processing algorithm owner

[ 949] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
MaxFieldNumber [ 949] Defines maximal number of fields in logical record.
MaxIdc [ 950] Defines maximum value that image designation
character (IDC) can obtain.
MaxIdcV5 [ 950] Defines maximum value that image designation
character (IDC) can obtain for version 5.0 and above.
MaxMakeLength [ 950] Defines maximum make length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MaxModelLength [ 950] Defines maximum model length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MaxSerialNumberLength [ 950] Defines maximum serial number length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MinAnnotationProcessDescriptionLength [ 950] Defines minimum length of process description for
ANAnnotation [ 796].
MinAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmNameLength Defines minimum length of processing algorithm name
[ 950] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
MinAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwnerLength Defines minimum length of processing algorithm owner
[ 950] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
UnknownAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwner Defines unknown processing algorithm owner for
[ 950] ANAnnotation [ 796].

ANAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
FieldAnn [ 809] Defines ANN field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the annotations, presenting operations
performed on the original source.
FieldAsc [ 809] Defines ASC field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the associated context to one or more
Record(s) Type-21.
FieldCon [ 809] Defines CON field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the capture organization name.
FieldDat [ 809] Defines DAT field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the date that the transaction was
FieldDui [ 809] Defines DUI field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the device or source of the data.
FieldEfr [ 809] Defines EFR field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the external file reference if the data is
not contained in Field 999.
FieldGeo [ 809] Defines GEO field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the geographic sample acquisition
location where sample was acquired (not where it is
FieldHas [ 809] Defines HAS field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the hash value of the data in Field 999.
FieldMms [ 809] Defines MMS field number. Field referenced by this
number contains make, model and serial number for the
image capture device.
FieldSan [ 810] Defines SAN field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the source agency name of the agency
referenced in Field 4.
FieldSor [ 810] Defines SOR field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the source representation to a
representation(s) in Record(s) Type-20. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

FieldSrc [ 810] Defines SRC field number. Field referenced by this

number contains the administration or organization that
originally captured the latent image contained in the
record. Normally, the Originating Agency Identifier, ORI,
of the agency that captured the image.
FieldSub [ 810] Defines SUB field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the image subject condition.
FieldUdfFrom [ 810] Specifies starting number from which user defined field
FieldUdfTo [ 810] Defines end number of user defined field starts.
FieldUdfToV5 [ 810] Defines end number of user defined field starts for
version 5.0 and above.
GeoDefaultCoordinateSystem [ 810] Defines default geographic coordinate system value for
geodetic datum code of field referenced by FieldGeo
[ 809] field number.
MaxCaptureOrganizationNameLength [ 811] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldCon [ 809] field number.
MaxDecodingInstructionsLength [ 811] Defines maximal decoding instructions value length of
field referenced by FieldSft or FieldAft fields number.
MaxExternalFileReferenceLength [ 811] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldEfr [ 809] field number.
MaxFileTypeLength [ 811] Defines maximal file type value length of field referenced
by FieldSft or FieldAft fields number.
MaxGeoAlternativeCoordSystemIdLength [ 811] Defines maximal alternative geographic coordinate
system identifier value of field referenced by FieldGeo
[ 809] field number.
MaxGeoAlternativeCoordSystemValueLength Defines maximal alternative geographic coordinate
[ 811] system value value of field referenced by FieldGeo
[ 809] field number.
MaxGeoElevation [ 811] Defines maximal elevation value of field referenced by
FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoElevationLength [ 811] Defines maximal elevation value length of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoLatitudeDegree [ 811] Defines maximal latitude degree value of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoLatitudeDegreeLength [ 812] Defines maximal latitude degree value length of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoLongitudeDegree [ 812] Defines maximal longitude degree value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoLongitudeDegreeLength [ 812] Defines maximal longitude degree value length of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoMinute [ 812] Defines maximal latitude/longitude minute value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoMinuteLength [ 812] Defines maximal latitude/longitude minute value length of
field referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoReferenceTextLength [ 812] Defines maximal geographic reference text value length
of field referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoSecond [ 812] Defines maximal latitude/longitude second value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoSecondLength [ 812] Defines maximal latitude/longitude second value length of
field referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoUtmEasting [ 812] Defines maximal UtmEasting value of field referenced by
FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoUtmNorthing [ 812] Defines maximal UtmNorthing value of field referenced by
FieldGeo [ 809] field number. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

MaxGeoUtmZoneLength [ 813] Defines maximal UtmZone value length of field

referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeodeticDatumCodeLength [ 813] Defines maximal elevation value length of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxHashLength [ 813] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldHas [ 809] field number.
MaxImageCaptureDateRangeLength [ 813] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldIcdr field number.
MaxQualityMetricScore [ 813] Defines maximal quality score value for record data.
MaxSourceAgencyLength [ 813] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldSrc [ 810] field number.
MaxSourceAgencyLengthV4 [ 813] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldSrc [ 810] field number for version 4.0 and above.
MaxSourceAgencyNameLength [ 813] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldSan [ 810] field number.
MaxSourceContextRepresentationNumber [ 813] Defines maximal number value of field referenced by
FieldSan [ 810] or FieldSor [ 810] field numbers.
MaxSourceContextRepresentationSegmentPosition Defines maximal segment position value of field
[ 814] referenced by FieldAsc [ 809] or FieldSor [ 810] field
MaxTimeIndexCount [ 814] Defines maximal time index count of field referenced by
FieldTix field number.
MaxTimeIndexHour [ 814] Defines maximal time index hour value of field referenced
by FieldTix field number.
MaxTimeIndexLength [ 814] Defines maximal time index value length of field
referenced by FieldTix field number.
MaxTimeIndexMillisecond [ 814] Defines maximal time index millisecond value of field
referenced by FieldTix field number.
MaxTimeIndexMinute [ 814] Defines maximal time index minute value of field
referenced by FieldTix field number.
MaxTimeIndexSecond [ 814] Defines maximal time index second value of field
referenced by FieldTix field number.
MinCaptureOrganizationNameLength [ 814] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldCon [ 809] field number.
MinExternalFileReferenceLength [ 814] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldEfr [ 809] field number.
MinFileTypeLength [ 814] Defines minimal file type value length of field referenced
by FieldSft or FieldAft fields number.
MinGeoElevation [ 815] Defines minimal elevation value of field referenced by
FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeoLatitudeDegree [ 815] Defines minimal latitude degree value of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeoLongitudeDegree [ 815] Defines minimal longitude degree value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeoMinute [ 815] Defines minimal latitude/longitude minute value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeoSecond [ 815] Defines minimal latitude/longitude second value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeoUtmZoneLength [ 815] Defines minimal UtmZone value length of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeodeticDatumCodeLength [ 815] Defines maximal elevation value length of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinImageCaptureDateRangeLength [ 815] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldIcdr field number. 9
MinImageCaptureDateRangeLength51 [ 815] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldIcdr field number for version 5.1.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

MinSourceAgencyLength [ 816] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by

FieldSrc [ 810] field number.
MinSourceAgencyLengthV5 [ 816] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldSrc [ 810] field number for version 5.0 and above.
MinSourceAgencyNameLength [ 816] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldSan [ 810] field number.
MinSourceContextRepresentationNumber [ 816] Defines minimal number value of field referenced by
FieldAsc [ 809] or FieldSor [ 810] field numbers.
MinSourceContextRepresentationSegmentPosition Defines minimal segment position value of field
[ 816] referenced by FieldAsc [ 809] or FieldSor [ 810] field
MinTimeIndexCount [ 816] Defines minimal time index count of field referenced by
FieldTix field number.
QualityMetricScoreFailed [ 816] Defines code when quality assessment algorithm failed to
asses record data quality.
QualityMetricScoreNotAvailable [ 816] Defines code when quality score has not been calculated
or provided for data contained in record object.

ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
FieldBpx [ 907] ... more [ 907]
FieldCga [ 907] Defines CGA field number. Field referenced by this number
specifies compression algorithm (CGA), the algorithm used to
compress the transmitted grayscale images.
FieldCom [ 907] Defines COM field number. Field referenced by this number
contains comments or other ASCII text information with the
image data
FieldCsp [ 907] Defines CSP field number. Field referenced by this number
contains color space used to exchange the image data.
FieldDmm [ 908] Defines DMM field number. Field referenced by this number
contains device monitoring mode (DMM) value which provides
information describing the level of human monitoring for the
image capture device.
FieldHll [ 908] Defines HLL field number. Field referenced by this number
contain the number of pixels contained on a single horizontal
line of the transmitted image (horizontal line length - HLL).
FieldHps [ 908] Defines HPS field number. Field referenced by this number
contains horizontal pixel scale (HPS), the integer pixel density
used in the horizontal direction of the transmitted image.
FieldIqm [ 908] Defines IQM field number. Field referenced by this number
contains a quality score data for the image stored in record
FieldShps [ 908] Defines SHPS field number. Field referenced by this number
contains scanned horizontal pixel scale (SHPS) - the horizontal
pixel density used for the scanning of the original impression.
FieldSlc [ 908] ... more [ 908]
FieldSvps [ 908] Defines SVPS field number. Field referenced by this number
contains scanned vertical pixel scale (SVPS), the vertical pixel
density used for the scanning of the original impression.
FieldVll [ 908] Defines VLL field number. Field referenced by this number
contains contains vertical line length (VLL), the number of
horizontal lines contained in the transmitted image.
FieldVps [ 909] Defines VPS field number. Field referenced by this number
contains vertical pixel scale (VPS), the integer pixel density
used in the vertical direction of the transmitted image.
MaxCommentLength [ 909] Defines maximal length of textual information associated with 9
image contained in record

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

MaxCommentLengthV5 [ 909] Defines maximal length of textual information associated with

image contained in record for version 5.0 and above.
MaxLineLength [ 909] Defines the maximum value that field referenced by FieldHLL
and FieldVLL can have.
MaxLineLengthV5 [ 909] Defines the maximum value that field referenced by FieldHLL
and FieldVLL can have for version 5.0 and above.
MaxPixelScale [ 909] Defines maximal pixel scale value.
MaxPixelScaleV5 [ 909] Defines maximal pixel scale value for version 5.0 and above.
MaxRulerFpFormNumberLength [ 909] Defines maximal length of ANRuler [ 965]'s parameter
standard fingerprint form number.
MaxRulerMakeLength [ 909] Defines maximal length of ANRuler [ 965]'s parameter make.
MaxRulerModelLength [ 910] Defines maximal length of ANRuler [ 965]'s parameter model.
MaxVendorCompressionAlgorithmLength Defines maximal length of vendor compression algorithm
[ 910] description.
MaxVendorCompressionAlgorithmLengthV5 Defines maximal length of vendor compression algorithm
[ 910] description for version 5.0 and above.
MaxVendorCompressionAlgorithmLengthV52 Defines maximal length of vendor compression algorithm
[ 910] description for version 5.2 and above.
MaxVertexCount [ 910] Defines maximum number of boundary vertices.
MinCircleVertexCount [ 910] Defines minimal number of circle vertices.
MinEllipseVertexCount [ 910] Defines minimal number of ellipse vertices.
MinLatentPixelScalePpcm [ 910] Defines minimal pixel scale value per centimeter for latent
images for prior ANSI-NIST standard versions implemented in
ANTemplate [ 980].
MinLatentPixelScalePpi [ 910] Defines minimal pixel scale value per inch for latent images for
prior ANSI-NIST standard versions implemented in ANTemplate
[ 980].
MinLatentPixelScaleV4Ppcm [ 911] Defines minimal pixel scale value per centimeter for latent
images in current ANSI-NIST standard version implemented in
ANTemplate [ 980].
MinLatentPixelScaleV4Ppi [ 911] Defines minimal pixel scale value per inch for latent images in
current ANSI-NIST standard version implemented in
ANTemplate [ 980].
MinLatentScanPixelScalePpcm [ 911] Defines minimal scanned pixel scale value per centimeter for
latent images for prior ANSI-NIST standard versions
implemented in ANTemplate [ 980].
MinLatentScanPixelScalePpi [ 911] Defines minimal scanned pixel scale value per inch for latent
images for prior ANSI-NIST standard versions implemented in
ANTemplate [ 980].
MinLatentScanPixelScaleV4Ppcm [ 911] Defines minimal scanned pixel scale value per centimeter for
latent images in current ANSI-NIST standard version
implemented in ANTemplate [ 980].
MinLatentScanPixelScaleV4Ppi [ 911] Defines minimal scanned pixel scale value per inch for latent
images in current ANSI-NIST standard version implemented in
ANTemplate [ 980].
MinLineLengthV5 [ 911] Defines the minimum value that field referenced by FieldHLL
and FieldVLL can have for version 5.0 and above.
MinPixelScalePpcm [ 911] Defines minimal pixel scale value per centimeter.
MinPixelScalePpi [ 912] Defines minimal pixel scale value per inch.
MinPixelScaleV5 [ 912] Defines minimal pixel scale value for version 5.0 and above.
MinPolygonVertexCount [ 912] Defines minimal number of pollygon vertices.
MinScanPixelScalePpcm [ 912] Defines minimal scanned pixel scale value per centimeter.
MinScanPixelScalePpi [ 912] Defines minimal scanned pixel scale value per inch.
MinVendorCompressionAlgorithmLength Defines minimal length of vendor compression algorithm
[ 912] description.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ANFPImageAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
FieldAmp [ 863] Defines AMP field number. Field referenced by this number specifies if
one or more fingers or hand are amputated or bandaged (AMP).
FieldFct [ 863] Defined FCT field number. Field referenced by this number contains
friction ridge capture technology.
FieldFgp [ 863] Defines FGP field number. Field referenced by this number contains one
or more possible finger or palm positions that may match the latent image.
FieldImp [ 863] Defines IMP field number. Field referenced by this number indicates the
manner by which the latent image information was obtained.
FieldPD [ 863] Defines PD field number. Field referenced by this number is used to
narrow the search of the latent image in this record against a database.
FieldPpc [ 863] Defined PPC field number. Field referenced by this number contains
offsets to the locations for the bounding box of the EJI, each of the full
finger views, or segments within the EJI.
FieldSeg [ 864] Defines SEG field number. Field referenced by this number specifies
alternate approach to describing the locations for each of the image
segments of the individual fingers within a flat image.
MaxPositionCount [ 864] Defines maximum number of finger or palm position (FGP) in one record.
MaxPrintPositionCount [ 864] Defines maximum number of Print Position Coordinates (PPC).

ANType15Record Class

Name Description
FieldPap [ 1128] ... more [ 1128]
FieldPcd [ 1128] ... more [ 1128]
FieldPlp [ 1128] ... more [ 1128]
FieldPqm [ 1128] ... more [ 1128]
MaxAmputationCount [ 1128] Defines maximum finger amputation count.
MaxQualityMetricCount [ 1129] Defines maximum number of palmprint image quality score metrics for
the palm image.
MaxQualityMetricCountV5 [ 1129] Defines maximum number of palmprint image quality score metrics for
the palm image for version 5.0 and above.
MaxSegmentCount [ 1129] Defines maximum segment count.
PapLevel170 [ 1129] Defines Level 170 value for the Subject Acquisition Profile for palm print
PapLevel180 [ 1129] Defines Level 180 value for the Subject Acquisition Profile for palm print
PapLevel70 [ 1129] Defines Level 70 value for the Subject Acquisition Profile for palm print
PapLevel80 [ 1129] Defines Level 80 value for the Subject Acquisition Profile for palm print

ANRecord Class

Name Description
ANRecord [ 944] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class with current version and
unset IDC value.
ANRecord [ 944] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class.
ANRecord [ 945] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class.
ANRecord [ 945] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class with current version and
unset IDC value.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ANType15Record Class

Name Description
ANType15Record [ 1125] Initializes a new instance of the ANType15Record class with current
version and unset IDC value.
ANType15Record [ 1126] Initializes a new instance of the ANType15Record class.
ANType15Record [ 1126] Initializes a new instance of the ANType15Record class.
ANType15Record [ 1126] Initializes a new instance of the ANType15Record class.
ANType15Record [ 1127] Initializes a new instance of the ANType15Record class.
ANType15Record [ 1127] Initializes a new instance of the ANType15Record class with current
version and unset IDC value.
ANType15Record [ 1127] Initializes a new instance of the ANType15Record class with current
version and unset IDC value.
ANType15Record [ 1128] Initializes a new instance of the ANType15Record class with current
version and unset IDC value.

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not 9
intended to be used directly from your code.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
BeginUpdate [ 951] Begins ANRecord [ 939] update.
CheckValidity [ 951] Checks ANRecord [ 939] compliance with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1 standard
specified by version.
EndUpdate [ 951] Ends ANRecord [ 939] update.
Validate [ 951] Validates ANRecord [ 939]. ANRecord [ 939] can be validated only if
the ANValidationLevel [ 1604] is Standard.

ANAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
SetMakeModelSerialNumber [ 816] Sets make, model and serial number for the iris capture device.

ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
SetCompressionAlgorithm [ 912] Sets compression algorithm used to compress image data.
SetImage [ 913] Sets image contained in logical record to NImage [ 1831] format.
SetImage [ 913] Sets image contained in logical record to NImage [ 1831] format.
ToNImage [ 913] Converts image contained in logical record to NImage [ 1831] format.
ToNImage [ 913] Converts image contained in logical record to NImage [ 1831] format.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
ConformanceTestResults [ 951] Gets particular conformance test results from the ANRecord [ 939].
Data [ 951] Gets or sets the the record data.
Fields [ 952] Gets particular fields from the ANRecord [ 939]. 9
Idc [ 952] Gets or sets idc of record.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

IsValidated [ 952] Checks if ANRecord [ 939] is compliant with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1
standard specified by version.
Length [ 952] Gets record size.
NativeType [ 952] Defines the native type of the object.
Owner [ 952] Gets ANTemplate [ 980] object.
RecordType [ 953] Gets record type.
ValidationLevel [ 953] Gets validation level of ANRecord [ 939].
Version [ 953] Gets record version.

ANAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
ANGeographicCoordinateSystemNativeType The native type of the geographic coordinate system.
[ 817]
ANSubjectBodyClassCodeNativeType The native type of the subject body class code.
[ 817]
ANSubjectBodyStatusCodeNativeType The native type of the subject body status code.
[ 817]
ANSubjectStatusCodeNativeType [ 817] The native type of the subject status code.
Annotations [ 817] Gets particular annotations from the ANAsciiBinaryRecord
[ 799].
AssociatedContexts [ 817] Gets particular associated contexts from the
ANAsciiBinaryRecord [ 799].
CaptureOrganizationName [ 817] Gets or sets capture organization name.
DataHash [ 818] Gets or sets the hash value of data.
Date [ 818] Gets or sets field referenced by FieldDat [ 809] field number.
DeviceUniqueIdentifier [ 818] Gets or sets device unique identifier.
ExternalFileReference [ 818] Gets or sets external file reference.
GeographicLocation [ 818] Gets or sets the ANGeographicLocation [ 890] structure.
Make [ 818] Gets make of image capture device
MakeModelSerialNumber [ 819] Gets or sets the MakeModelSerialNumber structure.
Model [ 819] Gets model of image capture device.
NativeType [ 819] Defines native type of the object.
SerialNumber [ 819] Gets serial number of image capture device.
SourceAgency [ 819] Gets or sets source agency identification.
SourceAgencyName [ 819] Gets or sets source agency name.
SourceRepresenations [ 819] Gets particular associated contexts from the
ANAsciiBinaryRecord [ 799].
SubjectCondition [ 820] Gets or sets subject condition.

ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
ANBoundaryCodeNativeType [ 914] Defines the native type of the boundary code.

ANDeviceMonitoringModeNativeType Defines the native type of the device monitoring mode.

[ 914]
ANMeasurementUnitsNativeType Defines the native type of the measurement units.
[ 914]
ANOcclusionOpacityNativeType Defines the native type of the occlusion opacity.
[ 914]
ANOcclusionTypeNativeType [ 914] Defines the native type of the occlusion type.
BitsPerPixel [ 914] Gets or sets number of bits used to represent a pixel (BPP). 9
ColorSpace [ 914] Gets or sets color space used to exchange the image data

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Comment [ 914] Gets or sets textual information associated with image located in
ANRecord [ 939] object.
CompressionAlgorithm [ 915] Gets compression algorithm used to compress image data.
DeviceMonitoringMode [ 915] Gets or sets device monitoring mode (DMM) value which provides
information describing the level of human monitoring for the image
capture device.
HorzLineLength [ 915] Gets or sets horizontal line length value.
HorzPixelScale [ 915] Gets or sets horizontal pixel scale of image.
NativeType [ 915] Defines the native type of the object.
ScaleUnits [ 915] Gets or sets scale units value.
ScanHorzPixelScale [ 916] Gets or sets scanned horizontal pixel scale (SHPS) - the horizontal
pixel density used for the scanning of the original impression
ScanVertPixelScale [ 916] Gets or sets scanned vertical pixel scale (SVPS) - the vertical pixel
density used for the scanning of the original impression.
VendorCompressionAlgorithm [ 916] Gets description of vendor compression algorithm, that has been used
to compress the transmitted images.
VertLineLength [ 916] Gets or sets vertical line length of image.
VertPixelScale [ 916] Gets or sets vertical pixel scale of image.

ANFPImageAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
ANFAmputationTypeNativeType The native type of the friction ridge amputation type.
[ 864]
ANFMajorCaseNativeType [ 864] Defines the native type of ANF major case.
ANFRCaptureTechnologyNativeType The native type of the capture technology.
[ 864]
Amputations [ 864] Gets particular amputation contained in record.
CaptureTechnology [ 864] Gets or sets friction ridge capture technology.
ImpressionType [ 865] Gets or sets fingerprint impression type.
NativeType [ 865] Defines the native type of the object.
Positions [ 865] Gets fingerprint positions contained in record.
PrintPositions [ 865] Gets fingerprint print positions contained in record.
QualityMetrics [ 865] Gets fingerprint quality metrics contained in record.
Segments [ 865] Gets particular friction ridge segment contained in record.

ANType15Record Class

Name Description
NativeType [ 1129] The native type of the object.
PalmprintCaptureDate [ 1129] Gets or sets palmprint image capture date.
SubjectAcquisitionProfile [ 1130] Gets or sets subject acquisition profile for palm print.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.

GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. ANType15Record.ANType15Record Constructor ()

Initializes a new instance of the ANType15Record class with current version and unset IDC value.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType15() instead.")]
public ANType15Record();
ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate.VersionCurrent. If IDC is NOT set, then IDC value is automatically
assigned when ANRecord [ 939] is added to ANTemplate [ 980]. ANType15Record.ANType15Record Constructor (NVersion, int)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType15Record class.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType15() instead.")]
public ANType15Record(NVersion version, int idc);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANType15Record.
int idc Image designation character value. ANType15Record.ANType15Record Constructor (NVersion, int, string,

BdifScaleUnits, ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage)
Initializes a new instance of the ANType15Record class.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType15(string, BdifScaleUnits,
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage) instead.")]
public ANType15Record(NVersion version, int idc, string src, BdifScaleUnits slc,
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga, NImage image);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANType15Record.
int idc Image designation character value.
string src String which contains identification of organization.
BdifScaleUnits slc One of BdifScaleUnits [ 1626] values.
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga One of ANImageCompressionAlgorithm [ 1588] values.
NImage image Facial image. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANType15Record.ANType15Record Constructor (NVersion, int, string,

BdifScaleUnits, ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage, uint)
Initializes a new instance of the ANType15Record class.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType15(string, BdifScaleUnits,
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage) instead.")]
public ANType15Record(NVersion version, int idc, string src, BdifScaleUnits slc,
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga, NImage image, uint flags);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANType15Record.
int idc Image designation character value.
string src String which contains identification of organization.
BdifScaleUnits slc One of BdifScaleUnits [ 1626] values.
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga One of ANImageCompressionAlgorithm [ 1588] values.
NImage image Facial image.
uint flags Must be zero. ANType15Record.ANType15Record Constructor (NVersion, int, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType15Record class.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType15() instead.")]
public ANType15Record(NVersion version, int idc, uint flags);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANType15Record.
int idc Image designation character value.
uint flags Should be zero. ANType15Record.ANType15Record Constructor (string, BdifScaleUnits,

ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage)
Initializes a new instance of the ANType15Record class with current version and unset IDC value.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType15(string, BdifScaleUnits,
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage) instead.")]
public ANType15Record(string src, BdifScaleUnits slc, ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga,
NImage image);

Parameters Description
string src String which contains identification of organization.
BdifScaleUnits slc One of BdifScaleUnits [ 1626] values.
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga One of ANImageCompressionAlgorithm [ 1588] values.
NImage image Facial image.

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate.VersionCurrent. If IDC is NOT set, then IDC value is automatically 9
assigned when ANRecord [ 939] is added to ANTemplate [ 980].

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANType15Record.ANType15Record Constructor (string, BdifScaleUnits,

ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage, uint)
Initializes a new instance of the ANType15Record class with current version and unset IDC value.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType15(string, BdifScaleUnits,
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage) instead.")]
public ANType15Record(string src, BdifScaleUnits slc, ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga,
NImage image, uint flags);

Parameters Description
string src String which contains identification of organization.
BdifScaleUnits slc One of BdifScaleUnits [ 1626] values.
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga One of ANImageCompressionAlgorithm [ 1588] values.
NImage image Facial image.
uint flags Must be zero.

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate.VersionCurrent. If IDC is NOT set, then IDC value is automatically
assigned when ANRecord [ 939] is added to ANTemplate [ 980]. ANType15Record.ANType15Record Constructor (uint)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType15Record class with current version and unset IDC value.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType15() instead.")]
public ANType15Record(uint flags);

Parameters Description
uint flags Should be zero.

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate.VersionCurrent. If IDC is NOT set, then IDC value is automatically
assigned when ANRecord [ 939] is added to ANTemplate [ 980]. ANType15Record Fields ANType15Record.FieldPap Field

Defines PAP field number. Field referenced by this number specifies subject acquisition profile for palm print.

public const int FieldPap = 31; ANType15Record.FieldPcd Field

Defines PCD field number. Field referenced by this number contains the date that the palmprint image contained in the record
was captured.

public const int FieldPcd = FieldDat;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANType15Record.FieldPlp Field

Defines PLP field number. Field referenced by this number contains the palmprint position that matches the palmprint image.

public const int FieldPlp = FieldFgp; ANType15Record.FieldPqm Field

Defines PQM field number. Field referenced by this number contains one or more different metrics of palm image quality score
data for the image stored in this record.

public const int FieldPqm = FieldIqm; ANType15Record.MaxAmputationCount Field

Defines maximum finger amputation count.

public const int MaxAmputationCount = 4; ANType15Record.MaxQualityMetricCount Field

Defines maximum number of palmprint image quality score metrics for the palm image.

public const int MaxQualityMetricCount = 4; ANType15Record.MaxQualityMetricCountV5 Field

Defines maximum number of palmprint image quality score metrics for the palm image for version 5.0 and above.

public const int MaxQualityMetricCountV5 = 9; ANType15Record.MaxSegmentCount Field

Defines maximum segment count.

public const int MaxSegmentCount = 17; ANType15Record.PapLevel170 Field

Defines Level 170 value for the Subject Acquisition Profile for palm print (PAP).

public const ushort PapLevel170 = 170; ANType15Record.PapLevel180 Field

Defines Level 180 value for the Subject Acquisition Profile for palm print (PAP).

public const ushort PapLevel180 = 180; ANType15Record.PapLevel70 Field

Defines Level 70 value for the Subject Acquisition Profile for palm print (PAP).

public const ushort PapLevel70 = 70; 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANType15Record.PapLevel80 Field

Defines Level 80 value for the Subject Acquisition Profile for palm print (PAP).

public const ushort PapLevel80 = 80; ANType15Record Properties ANType15Record.NativeType Property

The native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; ANType15Record.PalmprintCaptureDate Property

Gets or sets palmprint image capture date.

public DateTime PalmprintCaptureDate;
Property value
DateTime object. ANType15Record.SubjectAcquisitionProfile Property

Gets or sets subject acquisition profile for palm print.

public int SubjectAcquisitionProfile;
Property value
Number containing criteria under which the palm print image was captured. ANType16Record Class

Provides functionality for User-defined variable-resolution testing image record.

public sealed class ANType16Record : ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord;
File: ANType16Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

ANRecord Classes
ANRecord Class

Name Description
ConformanceTestResultCollection Represent collection of conformance test results in ANRecord [ 939].
[ 945]
FieldCollection [ 945] Represent collection of fields in record.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ANAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
AnnotationCollection [ 807] Represent collection of annotations.
AssociatedContextCollection [ 808] Represent collection of associated contexts.
SourceRepresentationCollection Represent collection of associated contexts.
[ 808]

ANType16Record Class

Name Description
UserDefinedQualityScoreCollection Represent collection of user-defined image quality scores.
[ 1144]

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

ANRecord Class

Name Description
FieldData [ 949] Defines Image data (DATA) contained in logical record.
FieldIdc [ 949] This field is identifies the user-defined text information
contained in the record. The IDC (image designation
character) contained in field shall be the IDC of the
Type-2 logical record as found in the file content (CNT)
field of the Type-1 record.
FieldLen [ 949] Describes total count of the number of bytes in logical
FlagMergeDuplicateFields [ 949] Defines whether the duplicate fields should be merged.
FlagRecoverFromBinaryData [ 949]
MaxAnnotationProcessDescriptionLengthV50 [ 949] Defines minimum length of process description for
ANAnnotation [ 796] for version 5.0.
MaxAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmNameLengthV50 Defines maximum length of processing algorithm name
[ 949] for ANAnnotation [ 796] for version 5.0.
MaxAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwnerLength Defines maximum length of processing algorithm owner
[ 949] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
MaxFieldNumber [ 949] Defines maximal number of fields in logical record.
MaxIdc [ 950] Defines maximum value that image designation
character (IDC) can obtain.
MaxIdcV5 [ 950] Defines maximum value that image designation
character (IDC) can obtain for version 5.0 and above.
MaxMakeLength [ 950] Defines maximum make length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MaxModelLength [ 950] Defines maximum model length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MaxSerialNumberLength [ 950] Defines maximum serial number length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927]. 9
MinAnnotationProcessDescriptionLength [ 950] Defines minimum length of process description for
ANAnnotation [ 796].

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

MinAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmNameLength Defines minimum length of processing algorithm name

[ 950] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
MinAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwnerLength Defines minimum length of processing algorithm owner
[ 950] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
UnknownAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwner Defines unknown processing algorithm owner for
[ 950] ANAnnotation [ 796].

ANAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
FieldAnn [ 809] Defines ANN field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the annotations, presenting operations
performed on the original source.
FieldAsc [ 809] Defines ASC field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the associated context to one or more
Record(s) Type-21.
FieldCon [ 809] Defines CON field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the capture organization name.
FieldDat [ 809] Defines DAT field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the date that the transaction was
FieldDui [ 809] Defines DUI field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the device or source of the data.
FieldEfr [ 809] Defines EFR field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the external file reference if the data is
not contained in Field 999.
FieldGeo [ 809] Defines GEO field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the geographic sample acquisition
location where sample was acquired (not where it is
FieldHas [ 809] Defines HAS field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the hash value of the data in Field 999.
FieldMms [ 809] Defines MMS field number. Field referenced by this
number contains make, model and serial number for the
image capture device.
FieldSan [ 810] Defines SAN field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the source agency name of the agency
referenced in Field 4.
FieldSor [ 810] Defines SOR field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the source representation to a
representation(s) in Record(s) Type-20.
FieldSrc [ 810] Defines SRC field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the administration or organization that
originally captured the latent image contained in the
record. Normally, the Originating Agency Identifier, ORI,
of the agency that captured the image.
FieldSub [ 810] Defines SUB field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the image subject condition.
FieldUdfFrom [ 810] Specifies starting number from which user defined field
FieldUdfTo [ 810] Defines end number of user defined field starts.
FieldUdfToV5 [ 810] Defines end number of user defined field starts for
version 5.0 and above.
GeoDefaultCoordinateSystem [ 810] Defines default geographic coordinate system value for
geodetic datum code of field referenced by FieldGeo
[ 809] field number.
MaxCaptureOrganizationNameLength [ 811] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by 9
FieldCon [ 809] field number.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

MaxDecodingInstructionsLength [ 811] Defines maximal decoding instructions value length of

field referenced by FieldSft or FieldAft fields number.
MaxExternalFileReferenceLength [ 811] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldEfr [ 809] field number.
MaxFileTypeLength [ 811] Defines maximal file type value length of field referenced
by FieldSft or FieldAft fields number.
MaxGeoAlternativeCoordSystemIdLength [ 811] Defines maximal alternative geographic coordinate
system identifier value of field referenced by FieldGeo
[ 809] field number.
MaxGeoAlternativeCoordSystemValueLength Defines maximal alternative geographic coordinate
[ 811] system value value of field referenced by FieldGeo
[ 809] field number.
MaxGeoElevation [ 811] Defines maximal elevation value of field referenced by
FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoElevationLength [ 811] Defines maximal elevation value length of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoLatitudeDegree [ 811] Defines maximal latitude degree value of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoLatitudeDegreeLength [ 812] Defines maximal latitude degree value length of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoLongitudeDegree [ 812] Defines maximal longitude degree value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoLongitudeDegreeLength [ 812] Defines maximal longitude degree value length of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoMinute [ 812] Defines maximal latitude/longitude minute value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoMinuteLength [ 812] Defines maximal latitude/longitude minute value length of
field referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoReferenceTextLength [ 812] Defines maximal geographic reference text value length
of field referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoSecond [ 812] Defines maximal latitude/longitude second value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoSecondLength [ 812] Defines maximal latitude/longitude second value length of
field referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoUtmEasting [ 812] Defines maximal UtmEasting value of field referenced by
FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoUtmNorthing [ 812] Defines maximal UtmNorthing value of field referenced by
FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoUtmZoneLength [ 813] Defines maximal UtmZone value length of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeodeticDatumCodeLength [ 813] Defines maximal elevation value length of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxHashLength [ 813] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldHas [ 809] field number.
MaxImageCaptureDateRangeLength [ 813] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldIcdr field number.
MaxQualityMetricScore [ 813] Defines maximal quality score value for record data.
MaxSourceAgencyLength [ 813] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldSrc [ 810] field number.
MaxSourceAgencyLengthV4 [ 813] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldSrc [ 810] field number for version 4.0 and above.
MaxSourceAgencyNameLength [ 813] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldSan [ 810] field number.
MaxSourceContextRepresentationNumber [ 813] Defines maximal number value of field referenced by 9
FieldSan [ 810] or FieldSor [ 810] field numbers.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

MaxSourceContextRepresentationSegmentPosition Defines maximal segment position value of field

[ 814] referenced by FieldAsc [ 809] or FieldSor [ 810] field
MaxTimeIndexCount [ 814] Defines maximal time index count of field referenced by
FieldTix field number.
MaxTimeIndexHour [ 814] Defines maximal time index hour value of field referenced
by FieldTix field number.
MaxTimeIndexLength [ 814] Defines maximal time index value length of field
referenced by FieldTix field number.
MaxTimeIndexMillisecond [ 814] Defines maximal time index millisecond value of field
referenced by FieldTix field number.
MaxTimeIndexMinute [ 814] Defines maximal time index minute value of field
referenced by FieldTix field number.
MaxTimeIndexSecond [ 814] Defines maximal time index second value of field
referenced by FieldTix field number.
MinCaptureOrganizationNameLength [ 814] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldCon [ 809] field number.
MinExternalFileReferenceLength [ 814] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldEfr [ 809] field number.
MinFileTypeLength [ 814] Defines minimal file type value length of field referenced
by FieldSft or FieldAft fields number.
MinGeoElevation [ 815] Defines minimal elevation value of field referenced by
FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeoLatitudeDegree [ 815] Defines minimal latitude degree value of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeoLongitudeDegree [ 815] Defines minimal longitude degree value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeoMinute [ 815] Defines minimal latitude/longitude minute value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeoSecond [ 815] Defines minimal latitude/longitude second value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeoUtmZoneLength [ 815] Defines minimal UtmZone value length of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeodeticDatumCodeLength [ 815] Defines maximal elevation value length of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinImageCaptureDateRangeLength [ 815] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldIcdr field number.
MinImageCaptureDateRangeLength51 [ 815] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldIcdr field number for version 5.1.
MinSourceAgencyLength [ 816] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldSrc [ 810] field number.
MinSourceAgencyLengthV5 [ 816] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldSrc [ 810] field number for version 5.0 and above.
MinSourceAgencyNameLength [ 816] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldSan [ 810] field number.
MinSourceContextRepresentationNumber [ 816] Defines minimal number value of field referenced by
FieldAsc [ 809] or FieldSor [ 810] field numbers.
MinSourceContextRepresentationSegmentPosition Defines minimal segment position value of field
[ 816] referenced by FieldAsc [ 809] or FieldSor [ 810] field
MinTimeIndexCount [ 816] Defines minimal time index count of field referenced by
FieldTix field number.
QualityMetricScoreFailed [ 816] Defines code when quality assessment algorithm failed to
asses record data quality.
QualityMetricScoreNotAvailable [ 816] Defines code when quality score has not been calculated
or provided for data contained in record object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
FieldBpx [ 907] ... more [ 907]
FieldCga [ 907] Defines CGA field number. Field referenced by this number
specifies compression algorithm (CGA), the algorithm used to
compress the transmitted grayscale images.
FieldCom [ 907] Defines COM field number. Field referenced by this number
contains comments or other ASCII text information with the
image data
FieldCsp [ 907] Defines CSP field number. Field referenced by this number
contains color space used to exchange the image data.
FieldDmm [ 908] Defines DMM field number. Field referenced by this number
contains device monitoring mode (DMM) value which provides
information describing the level of human monitoring for the
image capture device.
FieldHll [ 908] Defines HLL field number. Field referenced by this number
contain the number of pixels contained on a single horizontal
line of the transmitted image (horizontal line length - HLL).
FieldHps [ 908] Defines HPS field number. Field referenced by this number
contains horizontal pixel scale (HPS), the integer pixel density
used in the horizontal direction of the transmitted image.
FieldIqm [ 908] Defines IQM field number. Field referenced by this number
contains a quality score data for the image stored in record
FieldShps [ 908] Defines SHPS field number. Field referenced by this number
contains scanned horizontal pixel scale (SHPS) - the horizontal
pixel density used for the scanning of the original impression.
FieldSlc [ 908] ... more [ 908]
FieldSvps [ 908] Defines SVPS field number. Field referenced by this number
contains scanned vertical pixel scale (SVPS), the vertical pixel
density used for the scanning of the original impression.
FieldVll [ 908] Defines VLL field number. Field referenced by this number
contains contains vertical line length (VLL), the number of
horizontal lines contained in the transmitted image.
FieldVps [ 909] Defines VPS field number. Field referenced by this number
contains vertical pixel scale (VPS), the integer pixel density
used in the vertical direction of the transmitted image.
MaxCommentLength [ 909] Defines maximal length of textual information associated with
image contained in record
MaxCommentLengthV5 [ 909] Defines maximal length of textual information associated with
image contained in record for version 5.0 and above.
MaxLineLength [ 909] Defines the maximum value that field referenced by FieldHLL
and FieldVLL can have.
MaxLineLengthV5 [ 909] Defines the maximum value that field referenced by FieldHLL
and FieldVLL can have for version 5.0 and above.
MaxPixelScale [ 909] Defines maximal pixel scale value.
MaxPixelScaleV5 [ 909] Defines maximal pixel scale value for version 5.0 and above.
MaxRulerFpFormNumberLength [ 909] Defines maximal length of ANRuler [ 965]'s parameter
standard fingerprint form number.
MaxRulerMakeLength [ 909] Defines maximal length of ANRuler [ 965]'s parameter make.
MaxRulerModelLength [ 910] Defines maximal length of ANRuler [ 965]'s parameter model.
MaxVendorCompressionAlgorithmLength Defines maximal length of vendor compression algorithm
[ 910] description.
MaxVendorCompressionAlgorithmLengthV5 Defines maximal length of vendor compression algorithm
[ 910] description for version 5.0 and above. 9
MaxVendorCompressionAlgorithmLengthV52 Defines maximal length of vendor compression algorithm
[ 910] description for version 5.2 and above.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

MaxVertexCount [ 910] Defines maximum number of boundary vertices.

MinCircleVertexCount [ 910] Defines minimal number of circle vertices.
MinEllipseVertexCount [ 910] Defines minimal number of ellipse vertices.
MinLatentPixelScalePpcm [ 910] Defines minimal pixel scale value per centimeter for latent
images for prior ANSI-NIST standard versions implemented in
ANTemplate [ 980].
MinLatentPixelScalePpi [ 910] Defines minimal pixel scale value per inch for latent images for
prior ANSI-NIST standard versions implemented in ANTemplate
[ 980].
MinLatentPixelScaleV4Ppcm [ 911] Defines minimal pixel scale value per centimeter for latent
images in current ANSI-NIST standard version implemented in
ANTemplate [ 980].
MinLatentPixelScaleV4Ppi [ 911] Defines minimal pixel scale value per inch for latent images in
current ANSI-NIST standard version implemented in
ANTemplate [ 980].
MinLatentScanPixelScalePpcm [ 911] Defines minimal scanned pixel scale value per centimeter for
latent images for prior ANSI-NIST standard versions
implemented in ANTemplate [ 980].
MinLatentScanPixelScalePpi [ 911] Defines minimal scanned pixel scale value per inch for latent
images for prior ANSI-NIST standard versions implemented in
ANTemplate [ 980].
MinLatentScanPixelScaleV4Ppcm [ 911] Defines minimal scanned pixel scale value per centimeter for
latent images in current ANSI-NIST standard version
implemented in ANTemplate [ 980].
MinLatentScanPixelScaleV4Ppi [ 911] Defines minimal scanned pixel scale value per inch for latent
images in current ANSI-NIST standard version implemented in
ANTemplate [ 980].
MinLineLengthV5 [ 911] Defines the minimum value that field referenced by FieldHLL
and FieldVLL can have for version 5.0 and above.
MinPixelScalePpcm [ 911] Defines minimal pixel scale value per centimeter.
MinPixelScalePpi [ 912] Defines minimal pixel scale value per inch.
MinPixelScaleV5 [ 912] Defines minimal pixel scale value for version 5.0 and above.
MinPolygonVertexCount [ 912] Defines minimal number of pollygon vertices.
MinScanPixelScalePpcm [ 912] Defines minimal scanned pixel scale value per centimeter.
MinScanPixelScalePpi [ 912] Defines minimal scanned pixel scale value per inch.
MinVendorCompressionAlgorithmLength Defines minimal length of vendor compression algorithm
[ 912] description.

ANType16Record Class

Name Description
FieldUdi [ 1144] ... more [ 1144]
FieldUqs [ 1144] Defines UQS field number. Field referenced by this number contains
quality score data for the user-defined testing image.
FieldUtd [ 1145] ... more [ 1145]
MaxUserDefinedImageLength [ 1145] Defines maximum available user defined image length.

MaxUserDefinedQualityScoreCount Defines maximum number of user defined quality metric.

[ 1145]
MaxUserDefinedQualityScoreCountV5 Defines maximum number of user defined quality metric for version 5.0
[ 1145] and above.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ANRecord Class

Name Description
ANRecord [ 944] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class with current version and
unset IDC value.
ANRecord [ 944] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class.
ANRecord [ 945] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class.
ANRecord [ 945] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class with current version and
unset IDC value.

ANType16Record Class

Name Description
ANType16Record [ 1141] Initializes a new instance of the ANType16Record class with current
version and unset IDC value.
ANType16Record [ 1142] Initializes a new instance of the ANType16Record class.
ANType16Record [ 1142] Initializes a new instance of the ANType16Record class.
ANType16Record [ 1142] Initializes a new instance of the ANType16Record class.
ANType16Record [ 1143] Initializes a new instance of the ANType16Record class.
ANType16Record [ 1143] Initializes a new instance of the ANType16Record class with current
version and unset IDC value.
ANType16Record [ 1143] Initializes a new instance of the ANType16Record class with current
version and unset IDC value.
ANType16Record [ 1144] Initializes a new instance of the ANType16Record class with current
version and unset IDC value.

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
BeginUpdate [ 951] Begins ANRecord [ 939] update.
CheckValidity [ 951] Checks ANRecord [ 939] compliance with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1 standard
specified by version.
EndUpdate [ 951] Ends ANRecord [ 939] update.
Validate [ 951] Validates ANRecord [ 939]. ANRecord [ 939] can be validated only if
the ANValidationLevel [ 1604] is Standard.

ANAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
SetMakeModelSerialNumber [ 816] Sets make, model and serial number for the iris capture device.

ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
SetCompressionAlgorithm [ 912] Sets compression algorithm used to compress image data.
SetImage [ 913] Sets image contained in logical record to NImage [ 1831] format.
SetImage [ 913] Sets image contained in logical record to NImage [ 1831] format.
ToNImage [ 913] Converts image contained in logical record to NImage [ 1831] format.
ToNImage [ 913] Converts image contained in logical record to NImage [ 1831] format.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
ConformanceTestResults [ 951] Gets particular conformance test results from the ANRecord [ 939].
Data [ 951] Gets or sets the the record data.
Fields [ 952] Gets particular fields from the ANRecord [ 939].
Idc [ 952] Gets or sets idc of record.
IsValidated [ 952] Checks if ANRecord [ 939] is compliant with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1
standard specified by version.
Length [ 952] Gets record size.
NativeType [ 952] Defines the native type of the object.
Owner [ 952] Gets ANTemplate [ 980] object.
RecordType [ 953] Gets record type.
ValidationLevel [ 953] Gets validation level of ANRecord [ 939].
Version [ 953] Gets record version.

ANAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
ANGeographicCoordinateSystemNativeType The native type of the geographic coordinate system.
[ 817]
ANSubjectBodyClassCodeNativeType The native type of the subject body class code.
[ 817]
ANSubjectBodyStatusCodeNativeType The native type of the subject body status code.
[ 817]
ANSubjectStatusCodeNativeType [ 817] The native type of the subject status code.
Annotations [ 817] Gets particular annotations from the ANAsciiBinaryRecord
[ 799].
AssociatedContexts [ 817] Gets particular associated contexts from the
ANAsciiBinaryRecord [ 799].
CaptureOrganizationName [ 817] Gets or sets capture organization name.
DataHash [ 818] Gets or sets the hash value of data.
Date [ 818] Gets or sets field referenced by FieldDat [ 809] field number.
DeviceUniqueIdentifier [ 818] Gets or sets device unique identifier.
ExternalFileReference [ 818] Gets or sets external file reference.
GeographicLocation [ 818] Gets or sets the ANGeographicLocation [ 890] structure.
Make [ 818] Gets make of image capture device
MakeModelSerialNumber [ 819] Gets or sets the MakeModelSerialNumber structure.
Model [ 819] Gets model of image capture device.
NativeType [ 819] Defines native type of the object.
SerialNumber [ 819] Gets serial number of image capture device.
SourceAgency [ 819] Gets or sets source agency identification.
SourceAgencyName [ 819] Gets or sets source agency name.
SourceRepresenations [ 819] Gets particular associated contexts from the
ANAsciiBinaryRecord [ 799].
SubjectCondition [ 820] Gets or sets subject condition.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
ANBoundaryCodeNativeType [ 914] Defines the native type of the boundary code.

ANDeviceMonitoringModeNativeType Defines the native type of the device monitoring mode.

[ 914]
ANMeasurementUnitsNativeType Defines the native type of the measurement units.
[ 914]
ANOcclusionOpacityNativeType Defines the native type of the occlusion opacity.
[ 914]
ANOcclusionTypeNativeType [ 914] Defines the native type of the occlusion type.
BitsPerPixel [ 914] Gets or sets number of bits used to represent a pixel (BPP).
ColorSpace [ 914] Gets or sets color space used to exchange the image data
Comment [ 914] Gets or sets textual information associated with image located in
ANRecord [ 939] object.
CompressionAlgorithm [ 915] Gets compression algorithm used to compress image data.
DeviceMonitoringMode [ 915] Gets or sets device monitoring mode (DMM) value which provides
information describing the level of human monitoring for the image
capture device.
HorzLineLength [ 915] Gets or sets horizontal line length value.
HorzPixelScale [ 915] Gets or sets horizontal pixel scale of image.
NativeType [ 915] Defines the native type of the object.
ScaleUnits [ 915] Gets or sets scale units value.
ScanHorzPixelScale [ 916] Gets or sets scanned horizontal pixel scale (SHPS) - the horizontal
pixel density used for the scanning of the original impression
ScanVertPixelScale [ 916] Gets or sets scanned vertical pixel scale (SVPS) - the vertical pixel
density used for the scanning of the original impression.
VendorCompressionAlgorithm [ 916] Gets description of vendor compression algorithm, that has been used
to compress the transmitted images.
VertLineLength [ 916] Gets or sets vertical line length of image.
VertPixelScale [ 916] Gets or sets vertical pixel scale of image.

ANType16Record Class

Name Description
NativeType [ 1145] Defines the native type of the object.
UserDefinedImage [ 1145] Gets or sets type for user defined testing image value.
UserDefinedQualityScores [ 1145] Gets particular user-defined image quality score from the
UserDefinedTestingDate [ 1145] Gets or sets user defined testing image capture date.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. ANType16Record.ANType16Record Constructor ()

Initializes a new instance of the ANType16Record class with current version and unset IDC value.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType16() instead.")]
public ANType16Record();
ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate.VersionCurrent. If IDC is NOT set, then IDC value is automatically
assigned when ANRecord [ 939] is added to ANTemplate [ 980]. ANType16Record.ANType16Record Constructor (NVersion, int)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType16Record class.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType16() instead.")]
public ANType16Record(NVersion version, int idc);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANType16Record.
int idc Image designation character value. ANType16Record.ANType16Record Constructor (NVersion, int, string, string,

BdifScaleUnits, ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage)
Initializes a new instance of the ANType16Record class.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType16(string, string,
BdifScaleUnits, ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage) instead.")]
public ANType16Record(NVersion version, int idc, string udi, string src, BdifScaleUnits
slc, ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga, NImage image);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANType16Record.
int idc Image designation character value.
string udi String which contains type of user-defined image that will be
contained in record.
string src String which contains identification of organization.
BdifScaleUnits slc One of BdifScaleUnits [ 1626] values.
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga One of ANImageCompressionAlgorithm [ 1588] values. 9
NImage image Image.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANType16Record.ANType16Record Constructor (NVersion, int, string, string,

BdifScaleUnits, ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage, uint)
Initializes a new instance of the ANType16Record class.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType16(string, string,
BdifScaleUnits, ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage) instead.")]
public ANType16Record(NVersion version, int idc, string udi, string src, BdifScaleUnits
slc, ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga, NImage image, uint flags);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANType16Record.
int idc Image designation character value.
string udi String which contains type of user-defined image that will be
contained in record.
string src String which contains identification of organization.
BdifScaleUnits slc One of BdifScaleUnits [ 1626] values.
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga One of ANImageCompressionAlgorithm [ 1588] values.
NImage image Image.
uint flags Must be zero. ANType16Record.ANType16Record Constructor (NVersion, int, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType16Record class.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType16() instead.")]
public ANType16Record(NVersion version, int idc, uint flags);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANType16Record.
int idc Image designation character value.
uint flags Should be zero. ANType16Record.ANType16Record Constructor (string, string,

BdifScaleUnits, ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage)
Initializes a new instance of the ANType16Record class with current version and unset IDC value.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType16(string, string,
BdifScaleUnits, ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage) instead.")]
public ANType16Record(string udi, string src, BdifScaleUnits slc,
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga, NImage image);

Parameters Description
string udi String which contains type of user-defined image that will be
contained in record.
string src String which contains identification of organization.
BdifScaleUnits slc One of BdifScaleUnits [ 1626] values.
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga One of ANImageCompressionAlgorithm [ 1588] values. 9
NImage image Image.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate.VersionCurrent. If IDC is NOT set, then IDC value is automatically
assigned when ANRecord [ 939] is added to ANTemplate [ 980]. ANType16Record.ANType16Record Constructor (string, string,

BdifScaleUnits, ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage, uint)
Initializes a new instance of the ANType16Record class with current version and unset IDC value.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType16(string, string,
BdifScaleUnits, ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage) instead.")]
public ANType16Record(string udi, string src, BdifScaleUnits slc,
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga, NImage image, uint flags);

Parameters Description
string udi String which contains type of user-defined image that will be
contained in record.
string src String which contains identification of organization.
BdifScaleUnits slc One of BdifScaleUnits [ 1626] values.
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga One of ANImageCompressionAlgorithm [ 1588] values.
NImage image Image.
uint flags Must be zero.

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate.VersionCurrent. If IDC is NOT set, then IDC value is automatically
assigned when ANRecord [ 939] is added to ANTemplate [ 980]. ANType16Record.ANType16Record Constructor (uint)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType16Record class with current version and unset IDC value.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType16() instead.")]
public ANType16Record(uint flags);

Parameters Description
uint flags Should be zero.

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate.VersionCurrent. If IDC is NOT set, then IDC value is automatically
assigned when ANRecord [ 939] is added to ANTemplate [ 980]. ANType16Record Classes ANType16Record.UserDefinedQualityScoreCollection Class

Represent collection of user-defined image quality scores.

public sealed class UserDefinedQualityScoreCollection : StructCollection<ANQualityMetric>;
File 9
File: ANType16Record.cs

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] ANType16Record Fields ANType16Record.FieldUdi Field

Defines UDI field number. Field referenced by this number contains type of user-defined image contained in this record.

public const int FieldUdi = 3; ANType16Record.FieldUqs Field

Defines UQS field number. Field referenced by this number contains quality score data for the user-defined testing image.

public const int FieldUqs = FieldIqm; ANType16Record.FieldUtd Field

Defines UTD field number. Field referenced by this number contains the date that the user-defined testing image contained in
the record was captured.

public const int FieldUtd = FieldDat; ANType16Record.MaxUserDefinedImageLength Field

Defines maximum available user defined image length.

public const int MaxUserDefinedImageLength = 35; ANType16Record.MaxUserDefinedQualityScoreCount Field

Defines maximum number of user defined quality metric.

public const byte MaxUserDefinedQualityScoreCount = 1; ANType16Record.MaxUserDefinedQualityScoreCountV5 Field

Defines maximum number of user defined quality metric for version 5.0 and above.

public const byte MaxUserDefinedQualityScoreCountV5 = 9; ANType16Record Properties ANType16Record.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; ANType16Record.UserDefinedImage Property

Gets or sets type for user defined testing image value.
public string UserDefinedImage;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Property value
String containing type of for user defined testing image. ANType16Record.UserDefinedQualityScores Property

Gets particular user-defined image quality score from the ANType16Record [ 1130].

public UserDefinedQualityScoreCollection UserDefinedQualityScores;
Property value
A UserDefinedQualityScoreCollection [ 1144] representing user-defined image quality score from ANType16Record [ 1130]. ANType16Record.UserDefinedTestingDate Property

Gets or sets user defined testing image capture date.

public DateTime UserDefinedTestingDate;
Property value
DateTime object. ANType17Record Class

Provides functionality for managing iris image record.

public sealed class ANType17Record : ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord;
File: ANType17Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

ANRecord Classes
ANRecord Class

Name Description
ConformanceTestResultCollection Represent collection of conformance test results in ANRecord [ 939].
[ 945]
FieldCollection [ 945] Represent collection of fields in record.

ANAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
AnnotationCollection [ 807] Represent collection of annotations.
AssociatedContextCollection [ 808] Represent collection of associated contexts.
SourceRepresentationCollection Represent collection of associated contexts.
[ 808]

ANType17Record Class

Name Description
ImageQualityScoreCollection [ 1162] Represent collection of subject quality scores.
IrisPupilBoundaryVerticesCollection Represent collection of iris pupil boundary vertices.
[ 1162]

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

IrisScleraBoundaryVerticesCollection Represent collection of iris sclera boundary vertices.

[ 1162]
LowerEyelidBoundaryVerticesCollection Represent collection of lower eyelid boundary vertices.
[ 1163]
OcclusionCollection [ 1163] Represent collection of non-eyelid occlusions.
OcclusionVerticesCollection [ 1163] Represent collection of non-eyelid occlusion vertices.
UpperEyelidBoundaryVerticesCollection Represent collection of upper eyelid boundary vertices.
[ 1163]

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

ANRecord Class

Name Description
FieldData [ 949] Defines Image data (DATA) contained in logical record.
FieldIdc [ 949] This field is identifies the user-defined text information
contained in the record. The IDC (image designation
character) contained in field shall be the IDC of the
Type-2 logical record as found in the file content (CNT)
field of the Type-1 record.
FieldLen [ 949] Describes total count of the number of bytes in logical
FlagMergeDuplicateFields [ 949] Defines whether the duplicate fields should be merged.
FlagRecoverFromBinaryData [ 949]
MaxAnnotationProcessDescriptionLengthV50 [ 949] Defines minimum length of process description for
ANAnnotation [ 796] for version 5.0.
MaxAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmNameLengthV50 Defines maximum length of processing algorithm name
[ 949] for ANAnnotation [ 796] for version 5.0.
MaxAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwnerLength Defines maximum length of processing algorithm owner
[ 949] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
MaxFieldNumber [ 949] Defines maximal number of fields in logical record.
MaxIdc [ 950] Defines maximum value that image designation
character (IDC) can obtain.
MaxIdcV5 [ 950] Defines maximum value that image designation
character (IDC) can obtain for version 5.0 and above.
MaxMakeLength [ 950] Defines maximum make length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MaxModelLength [ 950] Defines maximum model length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MaxSerialNumberLength [ 950] Defines maximum serial number length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MinAnnotationProcessDescriptionLength [ 950] Defines minimum length of process description for
ANAnnotation [ 796].
MinAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmNameLength Defines minimum length of processing algorithm name
[ 950] for ANAnnotation [ 796]. 9
MinAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwnerLength Defines minimum length of processing algorithm owner
[ 950] for ANAnnotation [ 796].

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

UnknownAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwner Defines unknown processing algorithm owner for

[ 950] ANAnnotation [ 796].

ANAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
FieldAnn [ 809] Defines ANN field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the annotations, presenting operations
performed on the original source.
FieldAsc [ 809] Defines ASC field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the associated context to one or more
Record(s) Type-21.
FieldCon [ 809] Defines CON field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the capture organization name.
FieldDat [ 809] Defines DAT field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the date that the transaction was
FieldDui [ 809] Defines DUI field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the device or source of the data.
FieldEfr [ 809] Defines EFR field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the external file reference if the data is
not contained in Field 999.
FieldGeo [ 809] Defines GEO field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the geographic sample acquisition
location where sample was acquired (not where it is
FieldHas [ 809] Defines HAS field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the hash value of the data in Field 999.
FieldMms [ 809] Defines MMS field number. Field referenced by this
number contains make, model and serial number for the
image capture device.
FieldSan [ 810] Defines SAN field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the source agency name of the agency
referenced in Field 4.
FieldSor [ 810] Defines SOR field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the source representation to a
representation(s) in Record(s) Type-20.
FieldSrc [ 810] Defines SRC field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the administration or organization that
originally captured the latent image contained in the
record. Normally, the Originating Agency Identifier, ORI,
of the agency that captured the image.
FieldSub [ 810] Defines SUB field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the image subject condition.
FieldUdfFrom [ 810] Specifies starting number from which user defined field
FieldUdfTo [ 810] Defines end number of user defined field starts.
FieldUdfToV5 [ 810] Defines end number of user defined field starts for
version 5.0 and above.
GeoDefaultCoordinateSystem [ 810] Defines default geographic coordinate system value for
geodetic datum code of field referenced by FieldGeo
[ 809] field number.
MaxCaptureOrganizationNameLength [ 811] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldCon [ 809] field number.
MaxDecodingInstructionsLength [ 811] Defines maximal decoding instructions value length of
field referenced by FieldSft or FieldAft fields number.
MaxExternalFileReferenceLength [ 811] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by 9
FieldEfr [ 809] field number.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

MaxFileTypeLength [ 811] Defines maximal file type value length of field referenced
by FieldSft or FieldAft fields number.
MaxGeoAlternativeCoordSystemIdLength [ 811] Defines maximal alternative geographic coordinate
system identifier value of field referenced by FieldGeo
[ 809] field number.
MaxGeoAlternativeCoordSystemValueLength Defines maximal alternative geographic coordinate
[ 811] system value value of field referenced by FieldGeo
[ 809] field number.
MaxGeoElevation [ 811] Defines maximal elevation value of field referenced by
FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoElevationLength [ 811] Defines maximal elevation value length of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoLatitudeDegree [ 811] Defines maximal latitude degree value of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoLatitudeDegreeLength [ 812] Defines maximal latitude degree value length of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoLongitudeDegree [ 812] Defines maximal longitude degree value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoLongitudeDegreeLength [ 812] Defines maximal longitude degree value length of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoMinute [ 812] Defines maximal latitude/longitude minute value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoMinuteLength [ 812] Defines maximal latitude/longitude minute value length of
field referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoReferenceTextLength [ 812] Defines maximal geographic reference text value length
of field referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoSecond [ 812] Defines maximal latitude/longitude second value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoSecondLength [ 812] Defines maximal latitude/longitude second value length of
field referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoUtmEasting [ 812] Defines maximal UtmEasting value of field referenced by
FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoUtmNorthing [ 812] Defines maximal UtmNorthing value of field referenced by
FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoUtmZoneLength [ 813] Defines maximal UtmZone value length of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeodeticDatumCodeLength [ 813] Defines maximal elevation value length of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxHashLength [ 813] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldHas [ 809] field number.
MaxImageCaptureDateRangeLength [ 813] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldIcdr field number.
MaxQualityMetricScore [ 813] Defines maximal quality score value for record data.
MaxSourceAgencyLength [ 813] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldSrc [ 810] field number.
MaxSourceAgencyLengthV4 [ 813] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldSrc [ 810] field number for version 4.0 and above.
MaxSourceAgencyNameLength [ 813] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldSan [ 810] field number.
MaxSourceContextRepresentationNumber [ 813] Defines maximal number value of field referenced by
FieldSan [ 810] or FieldSor [ 810] field numbers.
MaxSourceContextRepresentationSegmentPosition Defines maximal segment position value of field
[ 814] referenced by FieldAsc [ 809] or FieldSor [ 810] field
MaxTimeIndexCount [ 814] Defines maximal time index count of field referenced by
FieldTix field number.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

MaxTimeIndexHour [ 814] Defines maximal time index hour value of field referenced
by FieldTix field number.
MaxTimeIndexLength [ 814] Defines maximal time index value length of field
referenced by FieldTix field number.
MaxTimeIndexMillisecond [ 814] Defines maximal time index millisecond value of field
referenced by FieldTix field number.
MaxTimeIndexMinute [ 814] Defines maximal time index minute value of field
referenced by FieldTix field number.
MaxTimeIndexSecond [ 814] Defines maximal time index second value of field
referenced by FieldTix field number.
MinCaptureOrganizationNameLength [ 814] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldCon [ 809] field number.
MinExternalFileReferenceLength [ 814] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldEfr [ 809] field number.
MinFileTypeLength [ 814] Defines minimal file type value length of field referenced
by FieldSft or FieldAft fields number.
MinGeoElevation [ 815] Defines minimal elevation value of field referenced by
FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeoLatitudeDegree [ 815] Defines minimal latitude degree value of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeoLongitudeDegree [ 815] Defines minimal longitude degree value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeoMinute [ 815] Defines minimal latitude/longitude minute value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeoSecond [ 815] Defines minimal latitude/longitude second value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeoUtmZoneLength [ 815] Defines minimal UtmZone value length of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeodeticDatumCodeLength [ 815] Defines maximal elevation value length of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinImageCaptureDateRangeLength [ 815] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldIcdr field number.
MinImageCaptureDateRangeLength51 [ 815] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldIcdr field number for version 5.1.
MinSourceAgencyLength [ 816] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldSrc [ 810] field number.
MinSourceAgencyLengthV5 [ 816] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldSrc [ 810] field number for version 5.0 and above.
MinSourceAgencyNameLength [ 816] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldSan [ 810] field number.
MinSourceContextRepresentationNumber [ 816] Defines minimal number value of field referenced by
FieldAsc [ 809] or FieldSor [ 810] field numbers.
MinSourceContextRepresentationSegmentPosition Defines minimal segment position value of field
[ 816] referenced by FieldAsc [ 809] or FieldSor [ 810] field
MinTimeIndexCount [ 816] Defines minimal time index count of field referenced by
FieldTix field number.
QualityMetricScoreFailed [ 816] Defines code when quality assessment algorithm failed to
asses record data quality.
QualityMetricScoreNotAvailable [ 816] Defines code when quality score has not been calculated
or provided for data contained in record object.

ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description 9
FieldBpx [ 907] ... more [ 907]

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

FieldCga [ 907] Defines CGA field number. Field referenced by this number
specifies compression algorithm (CGA), the algorithm used to
compress the transmitted grayscale images.
FieldCom [ 907] Defines COM field number. Field referenced by this number
contains comments or other ASCII text information with the
image data
FieldCsp [ 907] Defines CSP field number. Field referenced by this number
contains color space used to exchange the image data.
FieldDmm [ 908] Defines DMM field number. Field referenced by this number
contains device monitoring mode (DMM) value which provides
information describing the level of human monitoring for the
image capture device.
FieldHll [ 908] Defines HLL field number. Field referenced by this number
contain the number of pixels contained on a single horizontal
line of the transmitted image (horizontal line length - HLL).
FieldHps [ 908] Defines HPS field number. Field referenced by this number
contains horizontal pixel scale (HPS), the integer pixel density
used in the horizontal direction of the transmitted image.
FieldIqm [ 908] Defines IQM field number. Field referenced by this number
contains a quality score data for the image stored in record
FieldShps [ 908] Defines SHPS field number. Field referenced by this number
contains scanned horizontal pixel scale (SHPS) - the horizontal
pixel density used for the scanning of the original impression.
FieldSlc [ 908] ... more [ 908]
FieldSvps [ 908] Defines SVPS field number. Field referenced by this number
contains scanned vertical pixel scale (SVPS), the vertical pixel
density used for the scanning of the original impression.
FieldVll [ 908] Defines VLL field number. Field referenced by this number
contains contains vertical line length (VLL), the number of
horizontal lines contained in the transmitted image.
FieldVps [ 909] Defines VPS field number. Field referenced by this number
contains vertical pixel scale (VPS), the integer pixel density
used in the vertical direction of the transmitted image.
MaxCommentLength [ 909] Defines maximal length of textual information associated with
image contained in record
MaxCommentLengthV5 [ 909] Defines maximal length of textual information associated with
image contained in record for version 5.0 and above.
MaxLineLength [ 909] Defines the maximum value that field referenced by FieldHLL
and FieldVLL can have.
MaxLineLengthV5 [ 909] Defines the maximum value that field referenced by FieldHLL
and FieldVLL can have for version 5.0 and above.
MaxPixelScale [ 909] Defines maximal pixel scale value.
MaxPixelScaleV5 [ 909] Defines maximal pixel scale value for version 5.0 and above.
MaxRulerFpFormNumberLength [ 909] Defines maximal length of ANRuler [ 965]'s parameter
standard fingerprint form number.
MaxRulerMakeLength [ 909] Defines maximal length of ANRuler [ 965]'s parameter make.
MaxRulerModelLength [ 910] Defines maximal length of ANRuler [ 965]'s parameter model.
MaxVendorCompressionAlgorithmLength Defines maximal length of vendor compression algorithm
[ 910] description.
MaxVendorCompressionAlgorithmLengthV5 Defines maximal length of vendor compression algorithm
[ 910] description for version 5.0 and above.
MaxVendorCompressionAlgorithmLengthV52 Defines maximal length of vendor compression algorithm
[ 910] description for version 5.2 and above.
MaxVertexCount [ 910] Defines maximum number of boundary vertices.
MinCircleVertexCount [ 910] Defines minimal number of circle vertices.
MinEllipseVertexCount [ 910] Defines minimal number of ellipse vertices.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

MinLatentPixelScalePpcm [ 910] Defines minimal pixel scale value per centimeter for latent
images for prior ANSI-NIST standard versions implemented in
ANTemplate [ 980].
MinLatentPixelScalePpi [ 910] Defines minimal pixel scale value per inch for latent images for
prior ANSI-NIST standard versions implemented in ANTemplate
[ 980].
MinLatentPixelScaleV4Ppcm [ 911] Defines minimal pixel scale value per centimeter for latent
images in current ANSI-NIST standard version implemented in
ANTemplate [ 980].
MinLatentPixelScaleV4Ppi [ 911] Defines minimal pixel scale value per inch for latent images in
current ANSI-NIST standard version implemented in
ANTemplate [ 980].
MinLatentScanPixelScalePpcm [ 911] Defines minimal scanned pixel scale value per centimeter for
latent images for prior ANSI-NIST standard versions
implemented in ANTemplate [ 980].
MinLatentScanPixelScalePpi [ 911] Defines minimal scanned pixel scale value per inch for latent
images for prior ANSI-NIST standard versions implemented in
ANTemplate [ 980].
MinLatentScanPixelScaleV4Ppcm [ 911] Defines minimal scanned pixel scale value per centimeter for
latent images in current ANSI-NIST standard version
implemented in ANTemplate [ 980].
MinLatentScanPixelScaleV4Ppi [ 911] Defines minimal scanned pixel scale value per inch for latent
images in current ANSI-NIST standard version implemented in
ANTemplate [ 980].
MinLineLengthV5 [ 911] Defines the minimum value that field referenced by FieldHLL
and FieldVLL can have for version 5.0 and above.
MinPixelScalePpcm [ 911] Defines minimal pixel scale value per centimeter.
MinPixelScalePpi [ 912] Defines minimal pixel scale value per inch.
MinPixelScaleV5 [ 912] Defines minimal pixel scale value for version 5.0 and above.
MinPolygonVertexCount [ 912] Defines minimal number of pollygon vertices.
MinScanPixelScalePpcm [ 912] Defines minimal scanned pixel scale value per centimeter.
MinScanPixelScalePpi [ 912] Defines minimal scanned pixel scale value per inch.
MinVendorCompressionAlgorithmLength Defines minimal length of vendor compression algorithm
[ 912] description.

ANType17Record Class

Name Description
FieldAls [ 1164] ... more [ 1164]
FieldCom [ 1164] Is used to insert comments or other ASCII text information with the image
FieldDme [ 1164] Defines DME field number. Field referenced by this number contains
information if eye is damaged or missing. If eyey is missing or unable to
capture, the image data may be absent.
FieldDui [ 1164] Defines DUI field number. Field referenced by this number contains id of
the device or source of the data.
FieldEcl [ 1164] ... more [ 1164]
FieldFid [ 1164] ... more [ 1164]
FieldGaz [ 1164] Defines GAZ field number. Field referenced by this number contains
angle in degrees between optical axis of the eye and line connecting the
optical center of the eye and the optical center of the camera.
FieldGui [ 1164] ... more [ 1164]
FieldIap [ 1164] Defines IAP field number. Field referenced by this number contains
subject acquisition profile for iris.
FieldIcd [ 1165] ... more [ 1165] 9
FieldIpb [ 1165] Defines IPB field number. Field referenced by this number contains iris
pupillary boundary, between the iris and pupil.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

FieldIpc [ 1165] ... more [ 1165]

FieldIqs [ 1165] ... more [ 1165]
FieldIrd [ 1165] Defines IRD field number. Field referenced by this number contains the
expected iris diameter in pixels.
FieldIsb [ 1165] Defines ISB field number. Field referenced by this number contains iris
limbic boundary, between the iris and sclera.
FieldIsf [ 1165] Defines ISF field number. Field referenced by this number contains iris
storage format.
FieldLeb [ 1165] Defines LEB field number. Field referenced by this number contains
boundary, between lower eyelid and the eye.
FieldMms [ 1165] ... more [ 1165]
FieldNeo [ 1166] Defines NEO field number. Field referenced by this number contains
non-eyelid occlusions.
FieldRae [ 1166] ... more [ 1166]
FieldRan [ 1166] Defines RAN field number. Field referenced by this number contains
estimated distance from the lens of the camera to the iris. distance is
measured in centimeters.
FieldRau [ 1166] ... more [ 1166]
FieldShps [ 1166] ... more [ 1166]
FieldSsv [ 1166] Defines SSV field number. Field referenced by this number contains
specified spectrum values with lower and upper bounds.
FieldSvps [ 1166] ... more [ 1166]
FieldUeb [ 1166] Defines UEB field number. Field referenced by this number contains
boundary, between upper eyelid and the eye.
IapLevel20 [ 1166] Defines Level 20 value for the Subject Acquisition Profile for iris (IAP).
IapLevel30 [ 1167] Defines Level 30 value for the Subject Acquisition Profile for iris (IAP).
IapLevel40 [ 1167] Defines Level 40 value for the Subject Acquisition Profile for iris (IAP).
MaxEyelidVertexCount [ 1167] Defines maximal number of eyelid vertices referenced by field numbers
FieldUeb [ 1166] or FieldLeb [ 1165].
MaxFrontalGazeAngle [ 1167] Defines maximum frontal gaze angle value for field referenced by field
number FieldGaz [ 1164].
MaxIrisDiameter [ 1167] Maximum iris diameter in pixels.
MaxIrisPupilBoundaryVertexCount Defines maximal number of iris pupil vertices referenced by field number
[ 1167] FieldIpb [ 1165].
MaxIrisScleraBoundaryVertexCount Defines maximal number of iris sclera vertices referenced by field number
[ 1167] FieldIsb [ 1165].
MaxLowerSpectrumBound [ 1167] Defines maximum spectrum lower bound value for Specified Spectrum
Values field referenced by field number FieldSsv [ 1166].
MaxOcclusionVertexCount [ 1167] Defines maximal number of occlusions referenced by field numbers
FieldNeo [ 1166].
MaxQualityScoreCount [ 1168] Maximum number of the Image Quality Score (IQS).
MaxQualityScoreCountV5 [ 1168] Maximum number of the Image Quality Score (IQS) for version 5.0 and
MaxRange [ 1168] Defines maximum range value for field referenced by field number
FieldRan [ 1166].
MaxUpperSpectrumBound [ 1168] Defines maximum spectrum upper bound value for Specified Spectrum
Values field referenced by field number FieldSsv [ 1166].
MinEyelidVertexCount [ 1168] Defines minimal number of eyelid vertices referenced by field numbers
FieldUeb [ 1166] or FieldLeb [ 1165].
MinIrisDiameterV5 [ 1168] Minimal iris diameter in pixels for version 5.0 and above.
MinIrisPupilBoundaryVertexCount Defines minimal number of iris pupil vertices referenced by field number
[ 1168] FieldIpb [ 1165].
MinIrisScleraBoundaryVertexCount Defines minimal number of iris sclera vertices referenced by field number
[ 1168] FieldIsb [ 1165].

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

MinLowerSpectrumBound [ 1168] Defines minimum spectrum lower bound value for Specified Spectrum
Values field referenced by field number FieldSsv [ 1166].
MinOcclusionVertexCount [ 1169] Defines minimal number of occlusions referenced by field numbers
FieldNeo [ 1166].
MinRange [ 1169] Defines minimum range value for field referenced by field number
FieldRan [ 1166].
MinUpperSpectrumBound [ 1169] Defines minimum spectrum upper bound value for Specified Spectrum
Values field referenced by field number FieldSsv [ 1166].

ANRecord Class

Name Description
ANRecord [ 944] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class with current version and
unset IDC value.
ANRecord [ 944] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class.
ANRecord [ 945] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class.
ANRecord [ 945] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class with current version and
unset IDC value.

ANType17Record Class

Name Description
ANType17Record [ 1159] Initializes a new instance of the ANType17Record class with current
version and unset IDC value.
ANType17Record [ 1160] Initializes a new instance of the ANType17Record class.
ANType17Record [ 1160] Initializes a new instance of the ANType17Record class.
ANType17Record [ 1160] Initializes a new instance of the ANType17Record class.
ANType17Record [ 1161] Initializes a new instance of the ANType17Record class.
ANType17Record [ 1161] Initializes a new instance of the ANType17Record class with current
version and unset IDC value.
ANType17Record [ 1161] Initializes a new instance of the ANType17Record class with current
version and unset IDC value.
ANType17Record [ 1162] Initializes a new instance of the ANType17Record class with current
version and unset IDC value.

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle. 9
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.

This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream. 9
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.

SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
BeginUpdate [ 951] Begins ANRecord [ 939] update.
CheckValidity [ 951] Checks ANRecord [ 939] compliance with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1 standard
specified by version.
EndUpdate [ 951] Ends ANRecord [ 939] update.
Validate [ 951] Validates ANRecord [ 939]. ANRecord [ 939] can be validated only if
the ANValidationLevel [ 1604] is Standard.

ANAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
SetMakeModelSerialNumber [ 816] Sets make, model and serial number for the iris capture device.

ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
SetCompressionAlgorithm [ 912] Sets compression algorithm used to compress image data.
SetImage [ 913] Sets image contained in logical record to NImage [ 1831] format.
SetImage [ 913] Sets image contained in logical record to NImage [ 1831] format.
ToNImage [ 913] Converts image contained in logical record to NImage [ 1831] format.
ToNImage [ 913] Converts image contained in logical record to NImage [ 1831] format.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
ConformanceTestResults [ 951] Gets particular conformance test results from the ANRecord [ 939].
Data [ 951] Gets or sets the the record data.
Fields [ 952] Gets particular fields from the ANRecord [ 939].
Idc [ 952] Gets or sets idc of record.
IsValidated [ 952] Checks if ANRecord [ 939] is compliant with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1
standard specified by version.
Length [ 952] Gets record size.
NativeType [ 952] Defines the native type of the object.
Owner [ 952] Gets ANTemplate [ 980] object.
RecordType [ 953] Gets record type.
ValidationLevel [ 953] Gets validation level of ANRecord [ 939].
Version [ 953] Gets record version.

ANAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
ANGeographicCoordinateSystemNativeType The native type of the geographic coordinate system.
[ 817]
ANSubjectBodyClassCodeNativeType The native type of the subject body class code.
[ 817]
ANSubjectBodyStatusCodeNativeType The native type of the subject body status code.
[ 817]
ANSubjectStatusCodeNativeType [ 817] The native type of the subject status code.
Annotations [ 817] Gets particular annotations from the ANAsciiBinaryRecord
[ 799].
AssociatedContexts [ 817] Gets particular associated contexts from the
ANAsciiBinaryRecord [ 799].
CaptureOrganizationName [ 817] Gets or sets capture organization name.
DataHash [ 818] Gets or sets the hash value of data.
Date [ 818] Gets or sets field referenced by FieldDat [ 809] field number.
DeviceUniqueIdentifier [ 818] Gets or sets device unique identifier.
ExternalFileReference [ 818] Gets or sets external file reference.
GeographicLocation [ 818] Gets or sets the ANGeographicLocation [ 890] structure.
Make [ 818] Gets make of image capture device
MakeModelSerialNumber [ 819] Gets or sets the MakeModelSerialNumber structure.
Model [ 819] Gets model of image capture device.
NativeType [ 819] Defines native type of the object.
SerialNumber [ 819] Gets serial number of image capture device. 9
SourceAgency [ 819] Gets or sets source agency identification.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

SourceAgencyName [ 819] Gets or sets source agency name.

SourceRepresenations [ 819] Gets particular associated contexts from the
ANAsciiBinaryRecord [ 799].
SubjectCondition [ 820] Gets or sets subject condition.

ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
ANBoundaryCodeNativeType [ 914] Defines the native type of the boundary code.

ANDeviceMonitoringModeNativeType Defines the native type of the device monitoring mode.

[ 914]
ANMeasurementUnitsNativeType Defines the native type of the measurement units.
[ 914]
ANOcclusionOpacityNativeType Defines the native type of the occlusion opacity.
[ 914]
ANOcclusionTypeNativeType [ 914] Defines the native type of the occlusion type.
BitsPerPixel [ 914] Gets or sets number of bits used to represent a pixel (BPP).
ColorSpace [ 914] Gets or sets color space used to exchange the image data
Comment [ 914] Gets or sets textual information associated with image located in
ANRecord [ 939] object.
CompressionAlgorithm [ 915] Gets compression algorithm used to compress image data.
DeviceMonitoringMode [ 915] Gets or sets device monitoring mode (DMM) value which provides
information describing the level of human monitoring for the image
capture device.
HorzLineLength [ 915] Gets or sets horizontal line length value.
HorzPixelScale [ 915] Gets or sets horizontal pixel scale of image.
NativeType [ 915] Defines the native type of the object.
ScaleUnits [ 915] Gets or sets scale units value.
ScanHorzPixelScale [ 916] Gets or sets scanned horizontal pixel scale (SHPS) - the horizontal
pixel density used for the scanning of the original impression
ScanVertPixelScale [ 916] Gets or sets scanned vertical pixel scale (SVPS) - the vertical pixel
density used for the scanning of the original impression.
VendorCompressionAlgorithm [ 916] Gets description of vendor compression algorithm, that has been used
to compress the transmitted images.
VertLineLength [ 916] Gets or sets vertical line length of image.
VertPixelScale [ 916] Gets or sets vertical pixel scale of image.

ANType17Record Class

Name Description
ANDamagedEyeNativeType [ 1169] The native type of the damaged eye.

ANIrisAcquisitionLightingSpectrumNativeType The native type of the iris acquisition lighting spectrum.

[ 1169]
AcquisitionLightingSpectrum [ 1169] Gets or sets the lighting spectrum used in capturing the iris
DamagedEye [ 1169] Gets or sets damaged or missing eye.
EyeColor [ 1169] Gets or sets eye color information.
FeatureIdentifier [ 1170] Gets or sets subject eye identifier information.
FrontalGazeAngle [ 1170] Gets or sets frontal gaze angle.
Guid [ 1170] Gets or sets globally unique identifier.
ImageProperties [ 1170] Gets or sets iris image property code.
ImageQualityScores [ 1170] Gets particular image quality score from the ANType17Record. 9
IrisCaptureDate [ 1171] Gets or sets iris image capture date.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

IrisDiameter [ 1171] Gets or sets iris diameter in pixels.

IrisPupilBoundaryCode [ 1171] Gets or sets iris pupil boundary code.
IrisPupilBoundaryVertices [ 1171] Gets iris pupil boundary vertices from the ANType17Record.
IrisScleraBoundaryCode [ 1171] Gets or sets iris sclera boundary code.
IrisScleraBoundaryVertices [ 1171] Gets iris sclera boundary vertices from the ANType17Record.
IrisStorageFormat [ 1172] Gets or sets iris storage format.
LowerEyelidBoundaryCode [ 1172] Gets or sets lower eyelid boundary code.
LowerEyelidBoundaryVertices [ 1172] Gets lower eyelid boundary vertices from the
NativeType [ 1172] Defines the native type of the object.
OcclusionVertices [ 1172] Gets particular non-eyelid occlusion vertices from
Occlusions [ 1172] Gets particular non-eyelid occlusions from the
Range [ 1172] Gets or sets estimated distance from the lens of the camera to
the iris.
RotationAngle [ 1173] Gets or sets rotation angle of the eye
RotationAngleUncertainty [ 1173] Gets or sets the rotation angle uncertainty of the eye.
SpecifiedSpectrum [ 1173] Gets or sets specified spectrum values.
SubjectAcquisitionProfile [ 1173] Gets or sets subject acquisition profile for iris.
UpperEyelidBoundaryCode [ 1173] Gets or sets upper eyelid boundary code.
UpperEyelidBoundaryVertices [ 1173] Gets upper eyelid boundary vertices from the

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. ANType17Record.ANType17Record Constructor ()

Initializes a new instance of the ANType17Record class with current version and unset IDC value.

C# 9
[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType17() instead.")]
public ANType17Record();

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate.VersionCurrent. If IDC is NOT set, then IDC value is automatically
assigned when ANRecord [ 939] is added to ANTemplate [ 980]. ANType17Record.ANType17Record Constructor (NVersion, int)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType17Record class.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType17() instead.")]
public ANType17Record(NVersion version, int idc);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANType17Record.
int idc Image designation character value. ANType17Record.ANType17Record Constructor (NVersion, int, string,

BdifScaleUnits, ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage)
Initializes a new instance of the ANType17Record class.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType17(string, BdifScaleUnits,
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage) instead.")]
public ANType17Record(NVersion version, int idc, string src, BdifScaleUnits slc,
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga, NImage image);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANType17Record.
int idc Image designation character value.
string src String which contains identification of organization.
BdifScaleUnits slc One of BdifScaleUnits [ 1626] values.
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga One of ANImageCompressionAlgorithm [ 1588] values.
NImage image Facial image. ANType17Record.ANType17Record Constructor (NVersion, int, string,

BdifScaleUnits, ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage, uint)
Initializes a new instance of the ANType17Record class.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType17(string, BdifScaleUnits,
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage) instead.")]
public ANType17Record(NVersion version, int idc, string src, BdifScaleUnits slc,
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga, NImage image, uint flags);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANType17Record.
int idc Image designation character value.
string src String which contains identification of organization.
BdifScaleUnits slc One of BdifScaleUnits [ 1626] values.
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga One of ANImageCompressionAlgorithm [ 1588] values. 9
NImage image Facial image.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

uint flags Must be zero. ANType17Record.ANType17Record Constructor (NVersion, int, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType17Record class.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType17() instead.")]
public ANType17Record(NVersion version, int idc, uint flags);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANType17Record.
int idc Image designation character value.
uint flags Should be zero. ANType17Record.ANType17Record Constructor (string, BdifScaleUnits,

ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage)
Initializes a new instance of the ANType17Record class with current version and unset IDC value.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType17(string, BdifScaleUnits,
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage) instead.")]
public ANType17Record(string src, BdifScaleUnits slc, ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga,
NImage image);

Parameters Description
string src String which contains identification of organization.
BdifScaleUnits slc One of BdifScaleUnits [ 1626] values.
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga One of ANImageCompressionAlgorithm [ 1588] values.
NImage image Facial image.

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate.VersionCurrent. If IDC is NOT set, then IDC value is automatically
assigned when ANRecord [ 939] is added to ANTemplate [ 980]. ANType17Record.ANType17Record Constructor (string, BdifScaleUnits,

ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage, uint)
Initializes a new instance of the ANType17Record class with current version and unset IDC value.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType17(string, BdifScaleUnits,
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage) instead.")]
public ANType17Record(string src, BdifScaleUnits slc, ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga,
NImage image, uint flags);

Parameters Description
string src String which contains identification of organization.
BdifScaleUnits slc One of BdifScaleUnits [ 1626] values.
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga One of ANImageCompressionAlgorithm [ 1588] values.
NImage image Facial image.
uint flags Must be zero.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate.VersionCurrent. If IDC is NOT set, then IDC value is automatically
assigned when ANRecord [ 939] is added to ANTemplate [ 980]. ANType17Record.ANType17Record Constructor (uint)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType17Record class with current version and unset IDC value.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType17() instead.")]
public ANType17Record(uint flags);

Parameters Description
uint flags Should be zero.

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate.VersionCurrent. If IDC is NOT set, then IDC value is automatically
assigned when ANRecord [ 939] is added to ANTemplate [ 980]. ANType17Record Classes ANType17Record.ImageQualityScoreCollection Class

Represent collection of subject quality scores.

public sealed class ImageQualityScoreCollection : StructCollection<ANQualityMetric>;
File: ANType17Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] ANType17Record.IrisPupilBoundaryVerticesCollection Class

Represent collection of iris pupil boundary vertices.

public sealed class IrisPupilBoundaryVerticesCollection : StructCollection<Point>;
File: ANType17Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] ANType17Record.IrisScleraBoundaryVerticesCollection Class

Represent collection of iris sclera boundary vertices.

public sealed class IrisScleraBoundaryVerticesCollection : StructCollection<Point>;
File 9
File: ANType17Record.cs

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] ANType17Record.LowerEyelidBoundaryVerticesCollection Class

Represent collection of lower eyelid boundary vertices.

public sealed class LowerEyelidBoundaryVerticesCollection : StructCollection<Point>;
File: ANType17Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] ANType17Record.OcclusionCollection Class

Represent collection of non-eyelid occlusions.

public sealed class OcclusionCollection : StructCollection<ANOcclusion>;
File: ANType17Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] ANType17Record.OcclusionVerticesCollection Class

Represent collection of non-eyelid occlusion vertices.

public sealed class OcclusionVerticesCollection : StructArrayCollection<Point, ANOcclusion>;
File: ANType17Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] ANType17Record.UpperEyelidBoundaryVerticesCollection Class

Represent collection of upper eyelid boundary vertices.

public sealed class UpperEyelidBoundaryVerticesCollection : StructCollection<Point>;
File: ANType17Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] ANType17Record Fields 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANType17Record.FieldAls Field

Defines ALS field number. Field referenced by this number contains the lighting spectrum used in capturing the iris image.

public const int FieldAls = 25; ANType17Record.FieldCom Field

Is used to insert comments or other ASCII text information with the image data.

public new const int FieldCom = 21; ANType17Record.FieldDme Field

Defines DME field number. Field referenced by this number contains information if eye is damaged or missing. If eyey is
missing or unable to capture, the image data may be absent.

public const int FieldDme = 28; ANType17Record.FieldDui Field

Defines DUI field number. Field referenced by this number contains id of the device or source of the data.

public new const int FieldDui = 17; ANType17Record.FieldEcl Field

Defines ECL field number. Field referenced by this number contains the subject's eye color.

public const int FieldEcl = 20; ANType17Record.FieldFid Field

Defines FID field number. Field referenced by this number contains an identifier for the eye represented by the image in the

public const int FieldFid = 3; ANType17Record.FieldGaz Field

Defines GAZ field number. Field referenced by this number contains angle in degrees between optical axis of the eye and line
connecting the optical center of the eye and the optical center of the camera.

public const int FieldGaz = 41; ANType17Record.FieldGui Field

Defines GUI field number. Field referenced by this number contains globally unique identifier.

public const int FieldGui = 18; ANType17Record.FieldIap Field

Defines IAP field number. Field referenced by this number contains subject acquisition profile for iris.
public const int FieldIap = 31;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANType17Record.FieldIcd Field

Defines ICD field number. Field referenced by this number contains the date that the iris image contained in the record was

public const int FieldIcd = FieldDat; ANType17Record.FieldIpb Field

Defines IPB field number. Field referenced by this number contains iris pupillary boundary, between the iris and pupil.

public const int FieldIpb = 33; ANType17Record.FieldIpc Field

Defines IPC field number. Field referenced by this number contains image property code.

public const int FieldIpc = 16; ANType17Record.FieldIqs Field

Defines IQS field number. Field referenced by this number contains a quality score data for the iris image stored in this record.

public const int FieldIqs = FieldIqm; ANType17Record.FieldIrd Field

Defines IRD field number. Field referenced by this number contains the expected iris diameter in pixels.

public const int FieldIrd = 26; ANType17Record.FieldIsb Field

Defines ISB field number. Field referenced by this number contains iris limbic boundary, between the iris and sclera.

public const int FieldIsb = 34; ANType17Record.FieldIsf Field

Defines ISF field number. Field referenced by this number contains iris storage format.

public const int FieldIsf = 32; ANType17Record.FieldLeb Field

Defines LEB field number. Field referenced by this number contains boundary, between lower eyelid and the eye.

public const int FieldLeb = 36; ANType17Record.FieldMms Field

Defines MMS field number. Field referenced by this number contains make, model and serial number for the iris capture device.

public new const int FieldMms = 19; 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANType17Record.FieldNeo Field

Defines NEO field number. Field referenced by this number contains non-eyelid occlusions.

public const int FieldNeo = 37; ANType17Record.FieldRae Field

Defines RAE field number. Field referenced by this number contains the rotation angle of the eye.

public const int FieldRae = 14; ANType17Record.FieldRan Field

Defines RAN field number. Field referenced by this number contains estimated distance from the lens of the camera to the iris.
distance is measured in centimeters.

public const int FieldRan = 40; ANType17Record.FieldRau Field

Defines RAU field number. Field referenced by this number contains the rotation uncertainty.

public const int FieldRau = 15; ANType17Record.FieldShps Field

Defines SHPS field number. Field referenced by this number contains scanned horizontal pixel scale (SHPS) - the horizontal
pixel density used for the scanning of the original impression providing the SLC field.

public new const int FieldShps = 22; ANType17Record.FieldSsv Field

Defines SSV field number. Field referenced by this number contains specified spectrum values with lower and upper bounds.

public const int FieldSsv = 27; ANType17Record.FieldSvps Field

Defines SVPS field number. Field referenced by this number contains scanned vertical pixel scale (SVPS) - the vertical pixel
density used for the scanning of the original impression providing the SLC field.

public new const int FieldSvps = 23; ANType17Record.FieldUeb Field

Defines UEB field number. Field referenced by this number contains boundary, between upper eyelid and the eye.

public const int FieldUeb = 35; ANType17Record.IapLevel20 Field

Defines Level 20 value for the Subject Acquisition Profile for iris (IAP).
public const ushort IapLevel20 = 20;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANType17Record.IapLevel30 Field

Defines Level 30 value for the Subject Acquisition Profile for iris (IAP).

public const ushort IapLevel30 = 30; ANType17Record.IapLevel40 Field

Defines Level 40 value for the Subject Acquisition Profile for iris (IAP).

public const ushort IapLevel40 = 40; ANType17Record.MaxEyelidVertexCount Field

Defines maximal number of eyelid vertices referenced by field numbers FieldUeb [ 1166] or FieldLeb [ 1165].

public const byte MaxEyelidVertexCount = ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.MaxVertexCount; ANType17Record.MaxFrontalGazeAngle Field

Defines maximum frontal gaze angle value for field referenced by field number FieldGaz [ 1164].

public const ushort MaxFrontalGazeAngle = 90; ANType17Record.MaxIrisDiameter Field

Maximum iris diameter in pixels.

public const ushort MaxIrisDiameter = 9999; ANType17Record.MaxIrisPupilBoundaryVertexCount Field

Defines maximal number of iris pupil vertices referenced by field number FieldIpb [ 1165].

public const byte MaxIrisPupilBoundaryVertexCount = ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.MaxVertexCount; ANType17Record.MaxIrisScleraBoundaryVertexCount Field

Defines maximal number of iris sclera vertices referenced by field number FieldIsb [ 1165].

public const byte MaxIrisScleraBoundaryVertexCount =
ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.MaxVertexCount; ANType17Record.MaxLowerSpectrumBound Field

Defines maximum spectrum lower bound value for Specified Spectrum Values field referenced by field number FieldSsv
[ 1166].

public const ushort MaxLowerSpectrumBound = 9990; ANType17Record.MaxOcclusionVertexCount Field

Defines maximal number of occlusions referenced by field numbers FieldNeo [ 1166].

public const byte MaxOcclusionVertexCount = ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.MaxVertexCount;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANType17Record.MaxQualityScoreCount Field

Maximum number of the Image Quality Score (IQS).

public const byte MaxQualityScoreCount = 1; ANType17Record.MaxQualityScoreCountV5 Field

Maximum number of the Image Quality Score (IQS) for version 5.0 and above.

public const byte MaxQualityScoreCountV5 = 9; ANType17Record.MaxRange Field

Defines maximum range value for field referenced by field number FieldRan [ 1166].

public const int MaxRange = 9999999; ANType17Record.MaxUpperSpectrumBound Field

Defines maximum spectrum upper bound value for Specified Spectrum Values field referenced by field number FieldSsv
[ 1166].

public const ushort MaxUpperSpectrumBound = 9990; ANType17Record.MinEyelidVertexCount Field

Defines minimal number of eyelid vertices referenced by field numbers FieldUeb [ 1166] or FieldLeb [ 1165].

public const byte MinEyelidVertexCount = ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.MinPolygonVertexCount; ANType17Record.MinIrisDiameterV5 Field

Minimal iris diameter in pixels for version 5.0 and above.

public const ushort MinIrisDiameterV5 = 10; ANType17Record.MinIrisPupilBoundaryVertexCount Field

Defines minimal number of iris pupil vertices referenced by field number FieldIpb [ 1165].

public const byte MinIrisPupilBoundaryVertexCount =
ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.MinCircleVertexCount; ANType17Record.MinIrisScleraBoundaryVertexCount Field

Defines minimal number of iris sclera vertices referenced by field number FieldIsb [ 1165].

public const byte MinIrisScleraBoundaryVertexCount =
ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.MinCircleVertexCount; ANType17Record.MinLowerSpectrumBound Field

Defines minimum spectrum lower bound value for Specified Spectrum Values field referenced by field number FieldSsv [ 1166].

C# 9
public const ushort MinLowerSpectrumBound = 500;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANType17Record.MinOcclusionVertexCount Field

Defines minimal number of occlusions referenced by field numbers FieldNeo [ 1166].

public const byte MinOcclusionVertexCount = ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.MinPolygonVertexCount; ANType17Record.MinRange Field

Defines minimum range value for field referenced by field number FieldRan [ 1166].

public const int MinRange = 1; ANType17Record.MinUpperSpectrumBound Field

Defines minimum spectrum upper bound value for Specified Spectrum Values field referenced by field number FieldSsv
[ 1166].

public const ushort MinUpperSpectrumBound = 510; ANType17Record Properties ANType17Record.ANDamagedEyeNativeType Property

The native type of the damaged eye.

public static NType ANDamagedEyeNativeType; ANType17Record.ANIrisAcquisitionLightingSpectrumNativeType Property

The native type of the iris acquisition lighting spectrum.

public static NType ANIrisAcquisitionLightingSpectrumNativeType; ANType17Record.AcquisitionLightingSpectrum Property

Gets or sets the lighting spectrum used in capturing the iris image.

public ANIrisAcquisitionLightingSpectrum AcquisitionLightingSpectrum;
Property value
One of ANIrisAcquisitionLightingSpectrum [ 1590] values. ANType17Record.DamagedEye Property

Gets or sets damaged or missing eye.

public ANDamagedEye DamagedEye;
Property value
ANDamagedEye [ 1576] value. ANType17Record.EyeColor Property

Gets or sets eye color information.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public BdifEyeColor EyeColor;
Property value
One of BdifEyeColor [ 1606] values. ANType17Record.FeatureIdentifier Property

Gets or sets subject eye identifier information.

public BdifEyePosition FeatureIdentifier;
Property value
One of BdifEyePosition [ 1607] values. ANType17Record.FrontalGazeAngle Property

Gets or sets frontal gaze angle.

public int FrontalGazeAngle;
Property value
Number containing angle in degrees between optical axis of the eye and line connecting the optical center of the eye and the
optical center of the camera. ANType17Record.Guid Property

Gets or sets globally unique identifier.

public Guid? Guid;
Property value
Guid object. ANType17Record.ImageProperties Property

Gets or sets iris image property code.

public ANIrisImageProperties? ImageProperties;
Property value
ANIrisImageProperties [ 925] object. ANType17Record.ImageQualityScores Property

Gets particular image quality score from the ANType17Record [ 1146].

public ImageQualityScoreCollection ImageQualityScores;
Property value
A ImageQualityScoreCollection [ 1162] representing image quality score from ANType17Record [ 1146].

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANType17Record.IrisCaptureDate Property

Gets or sets iris image capture date.

public DateTime IrisCaptureDate;
Property value
DateTime object. ANType17Record.IrisDiameter Property

Gets or sets iris diameter in pixels.

public int IrisDiameter;
Property value
Number containing iris diameter in pixels. ANType17Record.IrisPupilBoundaryCode Property

Gets or sets iris pupil boundary code.

public ANBoundaryCode IrisPupilBoundaryCode;
Property value
ANBoundaryCode [ 1573] value. ANType17Record.IrisPupilBoundaryVertices Property

Gets iris pupil boundary vertices from the ANType17Record [ 1146].

public IrisPupilBoundaryVerticesCollection IrisPupilBoundaryVertices;
Property value
A IrisPupilBoundaryVerticesCollection [ 1162] representing iris pupil boundary vertices from ANType17Record [ 1146]. ANType17Record.IrisScleraBoundaryCode Property

Gets or sets iris sclera boundary code.

public ANBoundaryCode IrisScleraBoundaryCode;
Property value
ANBoundaryCode [ 1573] value. ANType17Record.IrisScleraBoundaryVertices Property

Gets iris sclera boundary vertices from the ANType17Record [ 1146].

public IrisScleraBoundaryVerticesCollection IrisScleraBoundaryVertices;
Property value
A IrisScleraBoundaryVerticesCollection [ 1162] representing iris sclera boundary vertices from ANType17Record [ 1146].

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANType17Record.IrisStorageFormat Property

Gets or sets iris storage format.

public BdifIrisImageFormat IrisStorageFormat;
Property value
BdifIrisImageFormat [ 1624] value. ANType17Record.LowerEyelidBoundaryCode Property

Gets or sets lower eyelid boundary code.

public ANBoundaryCode LowerEyelidBoundaryCode;
Property value
ANBoundaryCode [ 1573] value. ANType17Record.LowerEyelidBoundaryVertices Property

Gets lower eyelid boundary vertices from the ANType17Record [ 1146].

public LowerEyelidBoundaryVerticesCollection LowerEyelidBoundaryVertices;
Property value
A LowerEyelidBoundaryVerticesCollection [ 1163] representing lower eyelid boundary vertices from ANType17Record
[ 1146]. ANType17Record.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; ANType17Record.OcclusionVertices Property

Gets particular non-eyelid occlusion vertices from ANType17Record [ 1146].

public OcclusionVerticesCollection OcclusionVertices;
Property value
A OcclusionVerticesCollection [ 1163] representing non-eyelid occlusion vertices from ANType17Record [ 1146]. ANType17Record.Occlusions Property

Gets particular non-eyelid occlusions from the ANType17Record [ 1146].

public OcclusionCollection Occlusions;
Property value
A OcclusionCollection [ 1163] representing non-eyelid occlusions from ANType17Record [ 1146].

9 ANType17Record.Range Property
Gets or sets estimated distance from the lens of the camera to the iris.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public int Range;
Property value
Number containing estimated distance from the lens of the camera to the iris in centimeters. ANType17Record.RotationAngle Property

Gets or sets rotation angle of the eye

public int RotationAngle;
Property value
Number representing rotation angle of the eye. ANType17Record.RotationAngleUncertainty Property

Gets or sets the rotation angle uncertainty of the eye.

public int RotationAngleUncertainty;
Property value
Number containing the rotation angle uncertainty. ANType17Record.SpecifiedSpectrum Property

Gets or sets specified spectrum values.

public ANSpectrum? SpecifiedSpectrum;
Property value
ANSpectrum [ 971] object. ANType17Record.SubjectAcquisitionProfile Property

Gets or sets subject acquisition profile for iris.

public int SubjectAcquisitionProfile;
Property value
Number containing subject acquisition profile for iris. ANType17Record.UpperEyelidBoundaryCode Property

Gets or sets upper eyelid boundary code.

public ANBoundaryCode UpperEyelidBoundaryCode;
Property value
ANBoundaryCode [ 1573] value. ANType17Record.UpperEyelidBoundaryVertices Property

Gets upper eyelid boundary vertices from the ANType17Record [ 1146].

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public UpperEyelidBoundaryVerticesCollection UpperEyelidBoundaryVertices;
Property value
A UpperEyelidBoundaryVerticesCollection [ 1163] representing upper eyelid boundary vertices from ANType17Record
[ 1146]. ANType1Record Class

Provides functions for managing Type-1 Transaction information record. A Type-1 logical record is mandatory and is required
for each transaction. The Type-1 record provides information describing type and use or purpose for the transaction involved, a
listing of each logical record included in the file, the originator or source of the physical record, and other useful and required
information items.

public sealed class ANType1Record : ANAsciiRecord;
File: ANType1Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

ANRecord Classes
ANRecord Class

Name Description
ConformanceTestResultCollection Represent collection of conformance test results in ANRecord [ 939].
[ 945]
FieldCollection [ 945] Represent collection of fields in record.

ANType1Record Class

Name Description
ApplicationProfileCollection [ 1181] Represent collection of application profile specification.
CharsetCollection [ 1182] Represent collection of character sets.

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

ANRecord Class

Name Description
FieldData [ 949] Defines Image data (DATA) contained in logical record.
FieldIdc [ 949] This field is identifies the user-defined text information
contained in the record. The IDC (image designation
character) contained in field shall be the IDC of the 9
Type-2 logical record as found in the file content (CNT)
field of the Type-1 record.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

FieldLen [ 949] Describes total count of the number of bytes in logical

FlagMergeDuplicateFields [ 949] Defines whether the duplicate fields should be merged.
FlagRecoverFromBinaryData [ 949]
MaxAnnotationProcessDescriptionLengthV50 [ 949] Defines minimum length of process description for
ANAnnotation [ 796] for version 5.0.
MaxAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmNameLengthV50 Defines maximum length of processing algorithm name
[ 949] for ANAnnotation [ 796] for version 5.0.
MaxAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwnerLength Defines maximum length of processing algorithm owner
[ 949] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
MaxFieldNumber [ 949] Defines maximal number of fields in logical record.
MaxIdc [ 950] Defines maximum value that image designation
character (IDC) can obtain.
MaxIdcV5 [ 950] Defines maximum value that image designation
character (IDC) can obtain for version 5.0 and above.
MaxMakeLength [ 950] Defines maximum make length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MaxModelLength [ 950] Defines maximum model length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MaxSerialNumberLength [ 950] Defines maximum serial number length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MinAnnotationProcessDescriptionLength [ 950] Defines minimum length of process description for
ANAnnotation [ 796].
MinAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmNameLength Defines minimum length of processing algorithm name
[ 950] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
MinAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwnerLength Defines minimum length of processing algorithm owner
[ 950] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
UnknownAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwner Defines unknown processing algorithm owner for
[ 950] ANAnnotation [ 796].

ANAsciiRecord Class

Name Description
MaxFieldNumber [ 825] Defines maximum quantity of fields in record of Type-1, Type-2 and

ANType1Record Class

Name Description
CharsetAscii [ 1183] Defines 7-bit Ascii characters set.
CharsetLatin [ 1184] Defines 8-bit Ascii Latin characters set.
CharsetUnicode [ 1184] Defines 16-bit Unicode characters set, used up to the version 4.0 of the
CharsetUserDefinedFrom [ 1184] User defined character set. Character set index starts at 128.
CharsetUserDefinedTo [ 1184] User defined character set. Character set index ends at 999.
CharsetUtf16 [ 1184] Defines 16-bit Unicode characters set, used from the version 4.0 of the
CharsetUtf32 [ 1184] Defines 32-bit UTF-32 characters set.
CharsetUtf8 [ 1184] Defines 8-bit UTF-8 characters set.
FieldAnm [ 1184] ... more [ 1184]
FieldAps [ 1184] ... more [ 1184]
FieldCnt [ 1184] ... more [ 1184]
FieldDai [ 1185] ... more [ 1185]
FieldDat [ 1185] ... more [ 1185] 9
FieldDcs [ 1185] ... more [ 1185]
FieldDom [ 1185] ... more [ 1185]

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

FieldGmt [ 1185] ... more [ 1185]

FieldGns [ 1185] ... more [ 1185]
FieldNsr [ 1185] ... more [ 1185]
FieldNtr [ 1185] ... more [ 1185]
FieldOri [ 1186] ... more [ 1186]
FieldPry [ 1186] ... more [ 1186]
FieldTcn [ 1186] ... more [ 1186]
FieldTcr [ 1186] ... more [ 1186]
FieldTot [ 1186] ... more [ 1186]
FieldVer [ 1186] ... more [ 1186]
MaxApplicationProfileCount [ 1186] Defines maximal application profile specifivcation count of field
referenced by FieldAps [ 1184] field number.
MaxCharsetEncodingCountV5 Defines maximal charset set count of field referenced by FieldDcs
[ 1186] [ 1185] field number.
MaxHighTransmittingResolution Defines maximal transmitting resolution for high-resolution records.
[ 1187]
MaxLowTransmittingResolution Defines maximal transmitting resolution for low-resolution records.
[ 1187]
MaxNativeScanningResolutionV50 Defines maximal Native scanning resolution (NSR) for version 5.0.
[ 1187]
MaxNominalResolutionV5 [ 1187] Defines maximal Nominal resolution (NTR) for version 5.0 and upper of
the standard.
MaxPriority [ 1187] Defines the urgency with which a response is desired. Earlier standard
defined that priority values would be from 1 to 4. Lower numbers
representing higher priority.
MaxPriorityV3 [ 1187] Defines the urgency with which a response is desired. Current standard
defines priority values from 1 to 9. Lower numbers represents higher
MaxResolution [ 1187] Defines maximal resolution value for NSR and NTR.
MaxResolutionV4 [ 1187] Defines maximal resolution value for NSR and NTR for version 4.0 of the
MaxTransactionTypeLengthV4 Defines maximal length of transaction type field value.
[ 1187]
MaxTransactionTypeLengthV5 Defines maximal length of transaction type field value. starting from
[ 1188] version 5.0.
MinHighTransmittingResolution Defines minimal transmitting resolution for high-resolution records.
[ 1188]
MinLowTransmittingResolution Defines minimal transmitting resolution for low-resolution records.
[ 1188]
MinNativeScanningResolution Defines minimal Native scanning resolution (NSR).
[ 1188]
MinNativeScanningResolutionV5 Defines minimal Native scanning resolution (NSR) for version 5.0 and
[ 1188] upper of the standard.
MinNominalResolutionV5 [ 1188] Defines minimal Nominal resolution (NTR) for version 5.0 and upper of
the standard.
MinResolutionV5 [ 1188] Defines minimal resolution value for NSR and NTR for version 5.0 and
upper of the standard.
MinScanningResolution [ 1188] Defines minimal Minimal scanning resolution which is 19.60 pixel points
per millimeter.
MinTransactionTypeLengthV4 Defines minimal length of transaction type field value.
[ 1188]
MinTransactionTypeLengthV5 Defines minimal length of transaction type field value starting from
[ 1188] version 5.0. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

UnknownDestinationAgency Defines unknown destination agency identifier for field referenced by

[ 1189] FieldDai [ 1185] field number.
UnknownOriginatingAgency [ 1189] Defines unknown originating agency identifier for field referenced by
FieldOri [ 1186] field number.
UnknownTransactionControl Defines unknown transaction control number for field referenced by
[ 1189] FieldTcn [ 1186] field number.
UnknownTypeOfTransaction Defines unknown type of transaction for field referenced by FieldTot
[ 1189] [ 1186] field number.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
ANRecord [ 944] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class with current version and
unset IDC value.
ANRecord [ 944] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class.
ANRecord [ 945] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class.
ANRecord [ 945] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class with current version and
unset IDC value.

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
BeginUpdate [ 951] Begins ANRecord [ 939] update.
CheckValidity [ 951] Checks ANRecord [ 939] compliance with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1 standard
specified by version.
EndUpdate [ 951] Ends ANRecord [ 939] update.
Validate [ 951] Validates ANRecord [ 939]. ANRecord [ 939] can be validated only if
the ANValidationLevel [ 1604] is Standard.

ANType1Record Class

Name Description
GetStandardCharsetDescription Retrieves standard description of the charset specified by an index and
[ 1189] version.
GetStandardCharsetIndexByName Gets charset index by charset name.
[ 1189]
GetStandardCharsetIndexes Gets all standard charset indexes.
[ 1190]
GetStandardCharsetName [ 1190] Gets standard charset name by charset index.
IsCharsetKnown [ 1190] Check if charset is known.
IsCharsetStandard [ 1190] Check if charset is standard.
IsCharsetUserDefined [ 1191] Check if charset specified by charsetIndex is user defined.
SetAgencyNames [ 1191] Sets destination and originating agencies names.
SetDomain [ 1191] Sets domain name of the ANRecord [ 939] for the user-defined Type-2
logical record implementation.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ANRecord Class

Name Description
ConformanceTestResults [ 951] Gets particular conformance test results from the ANRecord [ 939].
Data [ 951] Gets or sets the the record data.
Fields [ 952] Gets particular fields from the ANRecord [ 939].
Idc [ 952] Gets or sets idc of record.
IsValidated [ 952] Checks if ANRecord [ 939] is compliant with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1
standard specified by version.
Length [ 952] Gets record size.
NativeType [ 952] Defines the native type of the object.
Owner [ 952] Gets ANTemplate [ 980] object.
RecordType [ 953] Gets record type.
ValidationLevel [ 953] Gets validation level of ANRecord [ 939].
Version [ 953] Gets record version.

ANAsciiRecord Class

Name Description
NativeType [ 825] Defines the native type of the object.

ANType1Record Class

Name Description
AgencyNames [ 1191] The agency names.
AgencyNamesDestinationAgency Gets destination agency from AgencyNames [ 1191] attribute.
[ 1191]
AgencyNamesOriginatingAgency Gets originating agency from AgencyNames [ 1191] attribute.
[ 1192]
ApplicationProfiles [ 1192] Gets particular application profile specifications from ANType1Record.
Charsets [ 1192] Gets particular charset from ANType1Record.
Date [ 1192] Gets or sets date value.
DestinationAgency [ 1192] Gets or sets destination agency identifier.
Domain [ 1193] The domain
DomainName [ 1193] Gets domain name for the user-defined Type-2 logical record
DomainVersion [ 1193] Gets domain version for the user-defined Type-2 logical record
GeographicNameSet [ 1193] Gets or sets country code set.
Gmt [ 1193] Gets or sets Greenwich mean time.
NativeScanningResolution [ 1193] Gets or sets native scanning resolution.
NativeScanningResolutionPpi Sets native scanning resolution in pixels per inch.
[ 1194]
NativeType [ 1194] Defines the native type of the object.
NominalTransmittingResolution Gets or sets nominal transmitting resolution.
[ 1194]
NominalTransmittingResolutionPpi Sets nominal transmitting resolution in pixels per inch.
[ 1194]
OriginatingAgency [ 1195] Gets or sets originating agency identifier.
Priority [ 1195] Gets or sets priority - the urgency with which a response is desired.
TransactionControl [ 1195] Gets or sets transaction control identifier.
TransactionControlReference Gets or sets transaction control reference.
[ 1195] 9
TransactionType [ 1195] Gets or sets type of the transaction.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. ANType1Record Classes ANType1Record.ApplicationProfileCollection Class

Represent collection of application profile specification.

public sealed class ApplicationProfileCollection :
DisposableStructCollection<ANApplicationProfile, ANApplicationProfile_>;
File: ANType1Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

ApplicationProfileCollection Methods

Name Description
Add [ 1182] Adds acquisition source to ApplicationProfileCollection with provided
Insert [ 1182] Inserts acquisition source to ApplicationProfileCollection at specified
index with provided parameters. ApplicationProfileCollection Methods ANType1Record.ApplicationProfileCollection.Add Method

Adds acquisition source to ApplicationProfileCollection [ 1181] with provided parameters.

public int Add(string organization, string profileName, string version);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards


Parameters Description
string organization application profile organization.
string profileName application profile name.
string version application profile version number.

Number of application profile in ApplicationProfileCollection [ 1181]. ANType1Record.ApplicationProfileCollection.Insert Method

Inserts acquisition source to ApplicationProfileCollection [ 1181] at specified index with provided parameters.

public void Insert(int index, string organization, string profileName, string version);

Parameters Description
int index Position to insert to.
string organization application profile organization.
string profileName application profile name.
string version application profile version number. ANType1Record.CharsetCollection Class

Represent collection of character sets.

public sealed class CharsetCollection : DisposableStructCollection<ANCharset, ANCharset_>;
File: ANType1Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

CharsetCollection Methods

Name Description
Add [ 1183] Adds character set to CharsetCollection with specified name, version.
Contains [ 1183] Check if character set specified by charsetIndex is in CharsetCollection
Insert [ 1183] Adds character set to CharsetCollection with specified name, version.
and index. CharsetCollection Methods ANType1Record.CharsetCollection.Add Method

Adds character set to CharsetCollection [ 1182] with specified name, version.

public int Add(int charsetIndex, string name, string version);

Parameters Description
int charsetIndex Character set index.
string name String containing character set name.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

string version String containing character set version.

Number of character sets in CharsetCollection [ 1182]. ANType1Record.CharsetCollection.Contains Method

Check if character set specified by charsetIndex is in CharsetCollection [ 1182]

public bool Contains(int charsetIndex);

Parameters Description
int charsetIndex Character set index.

true if character set is in CharsetCollection [ 1182] otherwise false. ANType1Record.CharsetCollection.Insert Method

Adds character set to CharsetCollection [ 1182] with specified name, version. and index.

public void Insert(int index, int charsetIndex, string name, string version);

Parameters Description
int index _nt_
int charsetIndex Character set index.
string name String containing character set name.
string version String containing character set version. ANType1Record Fields ANType1Record.CharsetAscii Field

Defines 7-bit Ascii characters set.

public const int CharsetAscii = 0; ANType1Record.CharsetLatin Field

Defines 8-bit Ascii Latin characters set.

public const int CharsetLatin = 1; ANType1Record.CharsetUnicode Field

Defines 16-bit Unicode characters set, used up to the version 4.0 of the standard.

public const int CharsetUnicode = 2; ANType1Record.CharsetUserDefinedFrom Field

User defined character set. Character set index starts at 128.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public const int CharsetUserDefinedFrom = 128; ANType1Record.CharsetUserDefinedTo Field

User defined character set. Character set index ends at 999.

public const int CharsetUserDefinedTo = 999; ANType1Record.CharsetUtf16 Field

Defines 16-bit Unicode characters set, used from the version 4.0 of the standard.

public const int CharsetUtf16 = 2; ANType1Record.CharsetUtf32 Field

Defines 32-bit UTF-32 characters set.

public const int CharsetUtf32 = 4; ANType1Record.CharsetUtf8 Field

Defines 8-bit UTF-8 characters set.

public const int CharsetUtf8 = 3; ANType1Record.FieldAnm Field

Defines ANM field number. Field referenced by this number contains destination and originating agency names.

public const int FieldAnm = 17; ANType1Record.FieldAps Field

Defines APS field number. Field referenced by this number contains application profile specifications.

public const int FieldAps = 16; ANType1Record.FieldCnt Field

Defines CNT field number. Field referenced by this number contains file content (CNT). This mandatory field shall list and
identify each of the logical records in the file by record type. It also specifies the order in which the remaining logical records
shall appear in the file.

public const int FieldCnt = 3; ANType1Record.FieldDai Field

Defines DAI field number. Field referenced by this number contains destination agency identifier, the administration or
organization designated to receive the transmission.

public const int FieldDai = 7; ANType1Record.FieldDat Field 9

Defines DAI field number. Field referenced by this number contains the date that the transaction was initiated.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public const int FieldDat = 5; ANType1Record.FieldDcs Field

Defines DCS field number. Field referenced by this number contains directory of character sets.

public const int FieldDcs = 15; ANType1Record.FieldDom Field

Defines DOM field number. Field referenced by this number contains domain name. This optional field identifies the domain
name for the user-defined Type-2 logical record implementation.

public const int FieldDom = 13; ANType1Record.FieldGmt Field

Defines GMT field number. Field referenced by this number contains Greenwich mean time.

public const int FieldGmt = 14; ANType1Record.FieldGns Field

Defines GNS field number. Field referenced by this number contains geographic name set.

public const int FieldGns = 18; ANType1Record.FieldNsr Field

Defines NSR field number. Field referenced by this number contains native scanning resolution.

public const int FieldNsr = 11; ANType1Record.FieldNtr Field

Defines NTR field number. Field referenced by this number contains native transmitting resolution.

public const int FieldNtr = 12; ANType1Record.FieldOri Field

Defines ORI field number. Field referenced by this number contains originating agency identifier (ORI). This mandatory field
shall contain the identifier of the administration or organization originating the transaction.

public const int FieldOri = 8; ANType1Record.FieldPry Field

Defines PRY field number. Field referenced by this number contains priority (PRY). This optional field shall contain a single
information character to designate the urgency with which a response is desired.

public const int FieldPry = 6; ANType1Record.FieldTcn Field 9

Defines TCN field number. Field referenced by this number contains transaction control number (TCN). This mandatory field

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

shall contain the Transaction Control Number as assigned by the originating agency.

public const int FieldTcn = 9; ANType1Record.FieldTcr Field

Defines TCR field number. Field referenced by this number contains transaction control reference (TCR). This optional field
shall be used for responses that refer to the TCN of a previous transaction involving an inquiry or other action that required a

public const int FieldTcr = 10; ANType1Record.FieldTot Field

Defines TOT field number. Field referenced by this number contains type of transaction (TOT). This mandatory field shall
contain an identifier, which designates the type of transaction and subsequent processing that this file should be given.

public const int FieldTot = 4; ANType1Record.FieldVer Field

Defines VER field number. Field referenced by this number contains the current version number of the standard implemented
by the software.

public const int FieldVer = 2; ANType1Record.MaxApplicationProfileCount Field

Defines maximal application profile specifivcation count of field referenced by FieldAps [ 1184] field number.

public const int MaxApplicationProfileCount = 99; ANType1Record.MaxCharsetEncodingCountV5 Field

Defines maximal charset set count of field referenced by FieldDcs [ 1185] field number.

public const int MaxCharsetEncodingCountV5 = 1; ANType1Record.MaxHighTransmittingResolution Field

Defines maximal transmitting resolution for high-resolution records.

public const uint MaxHighTransmittingResolution = 20670; ANType1Record.MaxLowTransmittingResolution Field

Defines maximal transmitting resolution for low-resolution records.

public const uint MaxLowTransmittingResolution = 10340; ANType1Record.MaxNativeScanningResolutionV50 Field

Defines maximal Native scanning resolution (NSR) for version 5.0.

public const uint MaxNativeScanningResolutionV50 = 38570;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANType1Record.MaxNominalResolutionV5 Field

Defines maximal Nominal resolution (NTR) for version 5.0 and upper of the standard.

public const uint MaxNominalResolutionV5 = 20080; ANType1Record.MaxPriority Field

Defines the urgency with which a response is desired. Earlier standard defined that priority values would be from 1 to 4. Lower
numbers representing higher priority.

public const int MaxPriority = 4; ANType1Record.MaxPriorityV3 Field

Defines the urgency with which a response is desired. Current standard defines priority values from 1 to 9. Lower numbers
represents higher priority.

public const int MaxPriorityV3 = 9; ANType1Record.MaxResolution Field

Defines maximal resolution value for NSR and NTR.

public const uint MaxResolution = 99990; ANType1Record.MaxResolutionV4 Field

Defines maximal resolution value for NSR and NTR for version 4.0 of the standard.

public const uint MaxResolutionV4 = 999990; ANType1Record.MaxTransactionTypeLengthV4 Field

Defines maximal length of transaction type field value.

public const int MaxTransactionTypeLengthV4 = 4; ANType1Record.MaxTransactionTypeLengthV5 Field

Defines maximal length of transaction type field value. starting from version 5.0.

public const int MaxTransactionTypeLengthV5 = 16; ANType1Record.MinHighTransmittingResolution Field

Defines minimal transmitting resolution for high-resolution records.

public const uint MinHighTransmittingResolution = 19490; ANType1Record.MinLowTransmittingResolution Field

Defines minimal transmitting resolution for low-resolution records.

C# 9
public const uint MinLowTransmittingResolution = 9740;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANType1Record.MinNativeScanningResolution Field

Defines minimal Native scanning resolution (NSR).

public const uint MinNativeScanningResolution = 19490; ANType1Record.MinNativeScanningResolutionV5 Field

Defines minimal Native scanning resolution (NSR) for version 5.0 and upper of the standard.

public const uint MinNativeScanningResolutionV5 = MinResolutionV5; ANType1Record.MinNominalResolutionV5 Field

Defines minimal Nominal resolution (NTR) for version 5.0 and upper of the standard.

public const uint MinNominalResolutionV5 = MinResolutionV5; ANType1Record.MinResolutionV5 Field

Defines minimal resolution value for NSR and NTR for version 5.0 and upper of the standard.

public const uint MinResolutionV5 = 19300; ANType1Record.MinScanningResolution Field

Defines minimal Minimal scanning resolution which is 19.60 pixel points per millimeter.

public const uint MinScanningResolution = 19690; ANType1Record.MinTransactionTypeLengthV4 Field

Defines minimal length of transaction type field value.

public const int MinTransactionTypeLengthV4 = 3; ANType1Record.MinTransactionTypeLengthV5 Field

Defines minimal length of transaction type field value starting from version 5.0.

public const int MinTransactionTypeLengthV5 = 1; ANType1Record.UnknownDestinationAgency Field

Defines unknown destination agency identifier for field referenced by FieldDai [ 1185] field number.

public const string UnknownDestinationAgency = "Not specified"; ANType1Record.UnknownOriginatingAgency Field

Defines unknown originating agency identifier for field referenced by FieldOri [ 1186] field number.

public const string UnknownOriginatingAgency = "Not specified";
9 ANType1Record.UnknownTransactionControl Field
Defines unknown transaction control number for field referenced by FieldTcn [ 1186] field number.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public const string UnknownTransactionControl = "Not specified"; ANType1Record.UnknownTypeOfTransaction Field

Defines unknown type of transaction for field referenced by FieldTot [ 1186] field number.

public const string UnknownTypeOfTransaction = "Not specified"; ANType1Record Methods ANType1Record.GetStandardCharsetDescription Method

Retrieves standard description of the charset specified by an index and version.

public static string GetStandardCharsetDescription(NVersion version, int charsetIndex);

Parameters Description
NVersion version One of ANVersion values.
int charsetIndex Charset index.

String containing charset description. ANType1Record.GetStandardCharsetIndexByName Method

Gets charset index by charset name.

public static int GetStandardCharsetIndexByName(NVersion version, string name);

Parameters Description
NVersion version One of ANVersion values.
string name Name of the charset.

Charset index. ANType1Record.GetStandardCharsetIndexes Method

Gets all standard charset indexes.

public static int[] GetStandardCharsetIndexes(NVersion version);

Parameters Description
NVersion version One of ANVersion values.

Array containing standard charset indexes.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANType1Record.GetStandardCharsetName Method

Gets standard charset name by charset index.

public static string GetStandardCharsetName(NVersion version, int charsetIndex);

Parameters Description
NVersion version One of ANVersion values.
int charsetIndex Charset index.

String containing standard charset name. ANType1Record.IsCharsetKnown Method

Check if charset is known.

public static bool IsCharsetKnown(NVersion version, int charsetIndex);

Parameters Description
NVersion version One of ANVersion values.
int charsetIndex Charset index.

true if charset is known otherwise false. ANType1Record.IsCharsetStandard Method

Check if charset is standard.

public static bool IsCharsetStandard(NVersion version, int charsetIndex);

Parameters Description
NVersion version One of ANVersion values.
int charsetIndex Charset index.

true if charset is standard otherwise false. ANType1Record.IsCharsetUserDefined Method

Check if charset specified by charsetIndex is user defined.

public static bool IsCharsetUserDefined(NVersion version, int charsetIndex);

Parameters Description
NVersion version One of ANVersion values.
int charsetIndex Charset index. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

true if charset is user defined otherwise false. ANType1Record.SetAgencyNames Method

Sets destination and originating agencies names.

public void SetAgencyNames(string destinationAgency, string originatingAgency);

Parameters Description
string destinationAgency String which contains destination agency name.
string originatingAgency String which contains originating agency name. ANType1Record.SetDomain Method

Sets domain name of the ANRecord [ 939] for the user-defined Type-2 logical record implementation.

public void SetDomain(string name, string version);

Parameters Description
string name String which contains domain name of the ANRecord [ 939]
Type-1 record.
string version String which contains ANRecord [ 939] version. ANType1Record Properties ANType1Record.AgencyNames Property

The agency names.

public ANAgencyNames? AgencyNames; ANType1Record.AgencyNamesDestinationAgency Property

Gets destination agency from AgencyNames [ 1191] attribute.

public string AgencyNamesDestinationAgency;
Property value
String containing destination agency from AgencyNames [ 1191] attribute. ANType1Record.AgencyNamesOriginatingAgency Property

Gets originating agency from AgencyNames [ 1191] attribute.

public string AgencyNamesOriginatingAgency;
Property value 9
String containing originating agency from AgencyNames [ 1191] attribute.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANType1Record.ApplicationProfiles Property

Gets particular application profile specifications from ANType1Record [ 1174].

public ApplicationProfileCollection ApplicationProfiles;
Property value
A ApplicationProfileCollection [ 1181] representing application profile specifications from ANType1Record [ 1174]. ANType1Record.Charsets Property

Gets particular charset from ANType1Record [ 1174].

public CharsetCollection Charsets;
Property value
A CharsetCollection [ 1182] representing charsets from ANType1Record [ 1174]. ANType1Record.Date Property

Gets or sets date value.

public DateTime Date;
Property value
DateTime object. ANType1Record.DestinationAgency Property

Gets or sets destination agency identifier.

public string DestinationAgency;
Property value
String containing destination agency identifier. ANType1Record.Domain Property

The domain

public ANDomain? Domain; ANType1Record.DomainName Property

Gets domain name for the user-defined Type-2 logical record implementation.

public string DomainName;
Property value
String containing domain name.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANType1Record.DomainVersion Property

Gets domain version for the user-defined Type-2 logical record implementation.

public string DomainVersion;
Property value
String containing domain version. ANType1Record.GeographicNameSet Property

Gets or sets country code set.

public ANCountryCodeSet GeographicNameSet;
Property value
One of ANCountryCodeSet [ 1575] values. ANType1Record.Gmt Property

Gets or sets Greenwich mean time.

public DateTime? Gmt;
Property value
DateTime object. ANType1Record.NativeScanningResolution Property

Gets or sets native scanning resolution.

public uint NativeScanningResolution;
Native scanning resolution should be set to 0, if no Type-3 through Type-7 records are in the template. Otherwise value must
be not 0. Starting from Antemplate.Version50 only for Type-4 record native scanning resolution is mandatory as not 0 value.

Property value
Number containing native scanning resolution in pixels per millimeter x 1000. For Antemplate.Version50 images with scanning
resolution greater than or equal to the 1000 ppi class are not permitted for Type-4 record's. ANType1Record.NativeScanningResolutionPpi Property

Sets native scanning resolution in pixels per inch.

public float NativeScanningResolutionPpi;
Native scanning resolution should be set to 0, if no Type-3 through Type-7 records are in the template. Otherwise value must
be not 0. Starting from Antemplate.Version50 only for Type-4 record native scanning resolution is mandatory as not 0 value.

Property value
Number containing native scanning resolution in pixels per inch.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANType1Record.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; ANType1Record.NominalTransmittingResolution Property

Gets or sets nominal transmitting resolution.

public uint NominalTransmittingResolution;
Nominal transmitting resolution should be set to 0, if no Type-3 through Type-7 records are in the template. Otherwise value
must be not 0. Starting from Antemplate.Version50 only for Type-4 record nominal transmitting resolution is mandatory as not 0

Property value
Number containing nominal transmitting resolution in pixels per millimeter x 1000. Starting from Antemplate.Version50 only
values of the 500 ppi class (+-2% tolerance) are permitted for Type-4 records. ANType1Record.NominalTransmittingResolutionPpi Property

Sets nominal transmitting resolution in pixels per inch.

public float NominalTransmittingResolutionPpi;
Nominal transmitting resolution should be set to 0, if no Type-3 through Type-7 records are in the template. Otherwise value
must not be 0. Starting from Antemplate.Version50 only for Type-4 record nominal transmitting resolution is mandatory as not 0

Property value
Number containing nominal transmitting resolution in pixels per inch. Starting from Antemplate.Version50 only values of the 500
ppi class (+-2% tolerance) are permitted for Type-4 records. ANType1Record.OriginatingAgency Property

Gets or sets originating agency identifier.

public string OriginatingAgency;
Property value
String containing originating agency identifier. ANType1Record.Priority Property

Gets or sets priority - the urgency with which a response is desired.

public int Priority;
Property value
Number containing priority value. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANType1Record.TransactionControl Property

Gets or sets transaction control identifier.

public string TransactionControl;
Property value
String containing transaction control identifier. ANType1Record.TransactionControlReference Property

Gets or sets transaction control reference.

public string TransactionControlReference;
Property value
String containing transaction control reference. ANType1Record.TransactionType Property

Gets or sets type of the transaction.

public string TransactionType;
Property value
String containing type of the transaction. ANType20Record Class

Provides functionality for working with source representation record. Type-20 records are used to contain images/video file or
other signal from which other Record Types are derived. One Type-20 record may be used to derive one or more
representations in other biometric records. One of the Type-20 record examples may be group photo from which subject's face
is segment and image is stored in Type-10 record.

public sealed class ANType20Record : ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord;
File: ANType20Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

ANRecord Classes
ANRecord Class

Name Description
ConformanceTestResultCollection Represent collection of conformance test results in ANRecord [ 939].
[ 945]
FieldCollection [ 945] Represent collection of fields in record.

ANAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
AnnotationCollection [ 807] Represent collection of annotations.
AssociatedContextCollection [ 808] Represent collection of associated contexts.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

SourceRepresentationCollection Represent collection of associated contexts.

[ 808]

ANType20Record Class

Name Description
AcquisitionSourceCollection [ 1211] Represent collection of segments.
SegmentCollection [ 1212] Represent collection of segments.
SegmentVerticesCollection [ 1212] Represent collection of segment vertices.
TimeIndexCollection [ 1212] Represent collection of time indexes.

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

ANRecord Class

Name Description
FieldData [ 949] Defines Image data (DATA) contained in logical record.
FieldIdc [ 949] This field is identifies the user-defined text information
contained in the record. The IDC (image designation
character) contained in field shall be the IDC of the
Type-2 logical record as found in the file content (CNT)
field of the Type-1 record.
FieldLen [ 949] Describes total count of the number of bytes in logical
FlagMergeDuplicateFields [ 949] Defines whether the duplicate fields should be merged.
FlagRecoverFromBinaryData [ 949]
MaxAnnotationProcessDescriptionLengthV50 [ 949] Defines minimum length of process description for
ANAnnotation [ 796] for version 5.0.
MaxAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmNameLengthV50 Defines maximum length of processing algorithm name
[ 949] for ANAnnotation [ 796] for version 5.0.
MaxAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwnerLength Defines maximum length of processing algorithm owner
[ 949] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
MaxFieldNumber [ 949] Defines maximal number of fields in logical record.
MaxIdc [ 950] Defines maximum value that image designation
character (IDC) can obtain.
MaxIdcV5 [ 950] Defines maximum value that image designation
character (IDC) can obtain for version 5.0 and above.
MaxMakeLength [ 950] Defines maximum make length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MaxModelLength [ 950] Defines maximum model length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MaxSerialNumberLength [ 950] Defines maximum serial number length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MinAnnotationProcessDescriptionLength [ 950] Defines minimum length of process description for
ANAnnotation [ 796].
MinAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmNameLength Defines minimum length of processing algorithm name
[ 950] for ANAnnotation [ 796].

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

MinAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwnerLength Defines minimum length of processing algorithm owner

[ 950] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
UnknownAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwner Defines unknown processing algorithm owner for
[ 950] ANAnnotation [ 796].

ANAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
FieldAnn [ 809] Defines ANN field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the annotations, presenting operations
performed on the original source.
FieldAsc [ 809] Defines ASC field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the associated context to one or more
Record(s) Type-21.
FieldCon [ 809] Defines CON field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the capture organization name.
FieldDat [ 809] Defines DAT field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the date that the transaction was
FieldDui [ 809] Defines DUI field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the device or source of the data.
FieldEfr [ 809] Defines EFR field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the external file reference if the data is
not contained in Field 999.
FieldGeo [ 809] Defines GEO field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the geographic sample acquisition
location where sample was acquired (not where it is
FieldHas [ 809] Defines HAS field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the hash value of the data in Field 999.
FieldMms [ 809] Defines MMS field number. Field referenced by this
number contains make, model and serial number for the
image capture device.
FieldSan [ 810] Defines SAN field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the source agency name of the agency
referenced in Field 4.
FieldSor [ 810] Defines SOR field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the source representation to a
representation(s) in Record(s) Type-20.
FieldSrc [ 810] Defines SRC field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the administration or organization that
originally captured the latent image contained in the
record. Normally, the Originating Agency Identifier, ORI,
of the agency that captured the image.
FieldSub [ 810] Defines SUB field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the image subject condition.
FieldUdfFrom [ 810] Specifies starting number from which user defined field
FieldUdfTo [ 810] Defines end number of user defined field starts.
FieldUdfToV5 [ 810] Defines end number of user defined field starts for
version 5.0 and above.
GeoDefaultCoordinateSystem [ 810] Defines default geographic coordinate system value for
geodetic datum code of field referenced by FieldGeo
[ 809] field number.
MaxCaptureOrganizationNameLength [ 811] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldCon [ 809] field number.
MaxDecodingInstructionsLength [ 811] Defines maximal decoding instructions value length of 9
field referenced by FieldSft or FieldAft fields number.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

MaxExternalFileReferenceLength [ 811] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by

FieldEfr [ 809] field number.
MaxFileTypeLength [ 811] Defines maximal file type value length of field referenced
by FieldSft or FieldAft fields number.
MaxGeoAlternativeCoordSystemIdLength [ 811] Defines maximal alternative geographic coordinate
system identifier value of field referenced by FieldGeo
[ 809] field number.
MaxGeoAlternativeCoordSystemValueLength Defines maximal alternative geographic coordinate
[ 811] system value value of field referenced by FieldGeo
[ 809] field number.
MaxGeoElevation [ 811] Defines maximal elevation value of field referenced by
FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoElevationLength [ 811] Defines maximal elevation value length of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoLatitudeDegree [ 811] Defines maximal latitude degree value of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoLatitudeDegreeLength [ 812] Defines maximal latitude degree value length of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoLongitudeDegree [ 812] Defines maximal longitude degree value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoLongitudeDegreeLength [ 812] Defines maximal longitude degree value length of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoMinute [ 812] Defines maximal latitude/longitude minute value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoMinuteLength [ 812] Defines maximal latitude/longitude minute value length of
field referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoReferenceTextLength [ 812] Defines maximal geographic reference text value length
of field referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoSecond [ 812] Defines maximal latitude/longitude second value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoSecondLength [ 812] Defines maximal latitude/longitude second value length of
field referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoUtmEasting [ 812] Defines maximal UtmEasting value of field referenced by
FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoUtmNorthing [ 812] Defines maximal UtmNorthing value of field referenced by
FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoUtmZoneLength [ 813] Defines maximal UtmZone value length of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeodeticDatumCodeLength [ 813] Defines maximal elevation value length of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxHashLength [ 813] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldHas [ 809] field number.
MaxImageCaptureDateRangeLength [ 813] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldIcdr field number.
MaxQualityMetricScore [ 813] Defines maximal quality score value for record data.
MaxSourceAgencyLength [ 813] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldSrc [ 810] field number.
MaxSourceAgencyLengthV4 [ 813] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldSrc [ 810] field number for version 4.0 and above.
MaxSourceAgencyNameLength [ 813] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldSan [ 810] field number.
MaxSourceContextRepresentationNumber [ 813] Defines maximal number value of field referenced by
FieldSan [ 810] or FieldSor [ 810] field numbers.
MaxSourceContextRepresentationSegmentPosition Defines maximal segment position value of field 9
[ 814] referenced by FieldAsc [ 809] or FieldSor [ 810] field

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

MaxTimeIndexCount [ 814] Defines maximal time index count of field referenced by

FieldTix field number.
MaxTimeIndexHour [ 814] Defines maximal time index hour value of field referenced
by FieldTix field number.
MaxTimeIndexLength [ 814] Defines maximal time index value length of field
referenced by FieldTix field number.
MaxTimeIndexMillisecond [ 814] Defines maximal time index millisecond value of field
referenced by FieldTix field number.
MaxTimeIndexMinute [ 814] Defines maximal time index minute value of field
referenced by FieldTix field number.
MaxTimeIndexSecond [ 814] Defines maximal time index second value of field
referenced by FieldTix field number.
MinCaptureOrganizationNameLength [ 814] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldCon [ 809] field number.
MinExternalFileReferenceLength [ 814] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldEfr [ 809] field number.
MinFileTypeLength [ 814] Defines minimal file type value length of field referenced
by FieldSft or FieldAft fields number.
MinGeoElevation [ 815] Defines minimal elevation value of field referenced by
FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeoLatitudeDegree [ 815] Defines minimal latitude degree value of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeoLongitudeDegree [ 815] Defines minimal longitude degree value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeoMinute [ 815] Defines minimal latitude/longitude minute value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeoSecond [ 815] Defines minimal latitude/longitude second value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeoUtmZoneLength [ 815] Defines minimal UtmZone value length of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeodeticDatumCodeLength [ 815] Defines maximal elevation value length of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinImageCaptureDateRangeLength [ 815] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldIcdr field number.
MinImageCaptureDateRangeLength51 [ 815] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldIcdr field number for version 5.1.
MinSourceAgencyLength [ 816] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldSrc [ 810] field number.
MinSourceAgencyLengthV5 [ 816] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldSrc [ 810] field number for version 5.0 and above.
MinSourceAgencyNameLength [ 816] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldSan [ 810] field number.
MinSourceContextRepresentationNumber [ 816] Defines minimal number value of field referenced by
FieldAsc [ 809] or FieldSor [ 810] field numbers.
MinSourceContextRepresentationSegmentPosition Defines minimal segment position value of field
[ 816] referenced by FieldAsc [ 809] or FieldSor [ 810] field
MinTimeIndexCount [ 816] Defines minimal time index count of field referenced by
FieldTix field number.
QualityMetricScoreFailed [ 816] Defines code when quality assessment algorithm failed to
asses record data quality.
QualityMetricScoreNotAvailable [ 816] Defines code when quality score has not been calculated
or provided for data contained in record object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
FieldBpx [ 907] ... more [ 907]
FieldCga [ 907] Defines CGA field number. Field referenced by this number
specifies compression algorithm (CGA), the algorithm used to
compress the transmitted grayscale images.
FieldCom [ 907] Defines COM field number. Field referenced by this number
contains comments or other ASCII text information with the
image data
FieldCsp [ 907] Defines CSP field number. Field referenced by this number
contains color space used to exchange the image data.
FieldDmm [ 908] Defines DMM field number. Field referenced by this number
contains device monitoring mode (DMM) value which provides
information describing the level of human monitoring for the
image capture device.
FieldHll [ 908] Defines HLL field number. Field referenced by this number
contain the number of pixels contained on a single horizontal
line of the transmitted image (horizontal line length - HLL).
FieldHps [ 908] Defines HPS field number. Field referenced by this number
contains horizontal pixel scale (HPS), the integer pixel density
used in the horizontal direction of the transmitted image.
FieldIqm [ 908] Defines IQM field number. Field referenced by this number
contains a quality score data for the image stored in record
FieldShps [ 908] Defines SHPS field number. Field referenced by this number
contains scanned horizontal pixel scale (SHPS) - the horizontal
pixel density used for the scanning of the original impression.
FieldSlc [ 908] ... more [ 908]
FieldSvps [ 908] Defines SVPS field number. Field referenced by this number
contains scanned vertical pixel scale (SVPS), the vertical pixel
density used for the scanning of the original impression.
FieldVll [ 908] Defines VLL field number. Field referenced by this number
contains contains vertical line length (VLL), the number of
horizontal lines contained in the transmitted image.
FieldVps [ 909] Defines VPS field number. Field referenced by this number
contains vertical pixel scale (VPS), the integer pixel density
used in the vertical direction of the transmitted image.
MaxCommentLength [ 909] Defines maximal length of textual information associated with
image contained in record
MaxCommentLengthV5 [ 909] Defines maximal length of textual information associated with
image contained in record for version 5.0 and above.
MaxLineLength [ 909] Defines the maximum value that field referenced by FieldHLL
and FieldVLL can have.
MaxLineLengthV5 [ 909] Defines the maximum value that field referenced by FieldHLL
and FieldVLL can have for version 5.0 and above.
MaxPixelScale [ 909] Defines maximal pixel scale value.
MaxPixelScaleV5 [ 909] Defines maximal pixel scale value for version 5.0 and above.
MaxRulerFpFormNumberLength [ 909] Defines maximal length of ANRuler [ 965]'s parameter
standard fingerprint form number.
MaxRulerMakeLength [ 909] Defines maximal length of ANRuler [ 965]'s parameter make.
MaxRulerModelLength [ 910] Defines maximal length of ANRuler [ 965]'s parameter model.
MaxVendorCompressionAlgorithmLength Defines maximal length of vendor compression algorithm
[ 910] description.
MaxVendorCompressionAlgorithmLengthV5 Defines maximal length of vendor compression algorithm
[ 910] description for version 5.0 and above. 9
MaxVendorCompressionAlgorithmLengthV52 Defines maximal length of vendor compression algorithm
[ 910] description for version 5.2 and above.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

MaxVertexCount [ 910] Defines maximum number of boundary vertices.

MinCircleVertexCount [ 910] Defines minimal number of circle vertices.
MinEllipseVertexCount [ 910] Defines minimal number of ellipse vertices.
MinLatentPixelScalePpcm [ 910] Defines minimal pixel scale value per centimeter for latent
images for prior ANSI-NIST standard versions implemented in
ANTemplate [ 980].
MinLatentPixelScalePpi [ 910] Defines minimal pixel scale value per inch for latent images for
prior ANSI-NIST standard versions implemented in ANTemplate
[ 980].
MinLatentPixelScaleV4Ppcm [ 911] Defines minimal pixel scale value per centimeter for latent
images in current ANSI-NIST standard version implemented in
ANTemplate [ 980].
MinLatentPixelScaleV4Ppi [ 911] Defines minimal pixel scale value per inch for latent images in
current ANSI-NIST standard version implemented in
ANTemplate [ 980].
MinLatentScanPixelScalePpcm [ 911] Defines minimal scanned pixel scale value per centimeter for
latent images for prior ANSI-NIST standard versions
implemented in ANTemplate [ 980].
MinLatentScanPixelScalePpi [ 911] Defines minimal scanned pixel scale value per inch for latent
images for prior ANSI-NIST standard versions implemented in
ANTemplate [ 980].
MinLatentScanPixelScaleV4Ppcm [ 911] Defines minimal scanned pixel scale value per centimeter for
latent images in current ANSI-NIST standard version
implemented in ANTemplate [ 980].
MinLatentScanPixelScaleV4Ppi [ 911] Defines minimal scanned pixel scale value per inch for latent
images in current ANSI-NIST standard version implemented in
ANTemplate [ 980].
MinLineLengthV5 [ 911] Defines the minimum value that field referenced by FieldHLL
and FieldVLL can have for version 5.0 and above.
MinPixelScalePpcm [ 911] Defines minimal pixel scale value per centimeter.
MinPixelScalePpi [ 912] Defines minimal pixel scale value per inch.
MinPixelScaleV5 [ 912] Defines minimal pixel scale value for version 5.0 and above.
MinPolygonVertexCount [ 912] Defines minimal number of pollygon vertices.
MinScanPixelScalePpcm [ 912] Defines minimal scanned pixel scale value per centimeter.
MinScanPixelScalePpi [ 912] Defines minimal scanned pixel scale value per inch.
MinVendorCompressionAlgorithmLength Defines minimal length of vendor compression algorithm
[ 912] description.

ANType20Record Class

Name Description
FieldAqs [ 1213] Defines AQS field number. Field referenced by this number contains
the acquisition source(s).
FieldCar [ 1213] Defines CAR field number. Field referenced by this number contains
the srn cardinality.
FieldIcdr [ 1213] Defines ICDR field number. Field referenced by this number contains
the imagery capture date range estimate.
FieldSeg [ 1213] Defines SEG field number. Field referenced by this number contains
the segment(s).
FieldSft [ 1213] Defines SFT field number. Field referenced by this number contains
the source representation format.
FieldShps [ 1213] Defines SHPS field number. Field referenced by this number contains
the scanned horizontal pixel scale.
FieldSrn [ 1213] Defines SRN field number. Field referenced by this number contains
the source representation number. 9
FieldSvps [ 1213] Defines SVPS field number. Field referenced by this number contains
the scanned vertical pixel scale.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

FieldTix [ 1213] Defines TIX field number. Field referenced by this number contains the
time index.
MaxAnalogToDigitalConversionLength Defines maximal acquisition source analog to digital conversion value
[ 1214] length of field referenced by FieldAqs [ 1213] field number.
MaxAqcuisitionSourceCount [ 1214] Defines maximal acquisition source count of field referenced by
FieldAqs [ 1213] field number.
MaxRadioTransmissionFormatLength Defines maximal acquisition source radio transmission format value
[ 1214] length of field referenced by FieldAqs [ 1213] field number.
MaxRepresentationNumber [ 1214] Defines maximal value of field referenced by FieldSrn [ 1213] field
MaxRepresentationNumberLength Defines maximal value length of field referenced by FieldSrn [ 1213]
[ 1214] field number.
MaxSegmentCount [ 1214] Defines maximal segment count of field referenced by FieldSeg
[ 1213] field number.
MaxSegmentInternalFilePointerLength Defines maximal segment internal file pointer value length of field
[ 1214] referenced by FieldSeg [ 1213] field number.
MaxSegmentVertexCount [ 1214] Defines maximal segment vertex count of field referenced by FieldSeg
[ 1213] field number.
MaxSpecialCharacteristicsLength Defines maximal acquisition source special characteristics value length
[ 1214] of field referenced by FieldAqs [ 1213] field number.
MinAnalogToDigitalConversionLength Defines minimal acquisition source analog to digital conversion value
[ 1215] length of field referenced by FieldAqs [ 1213] field number.
MinRadioTransmissionFormatLength Defines minimal acquisition source radio transmission format value
[ 1215] length of field referenced by FieldAqs [ 1213] field number.
MinRepresentationNumber [ 1215] Defines minimal value of field referenced by FieldSrn [ 1213] field
MinSegmentCount [ 1215] Defines minimal segment count of field referenced by FieldSeg
[ 1213] field number.
MinSegmentInternalFilePointerLength Defines minimal segment internal file pointer value length of field
[ 1215] referenced by FieldSeg [ 1213] field number.
MinSegmentVertexCount [ 1215] Defines minimal segment vertex count of field referenced by FieldSeg
[ 1213] field number.
MinSpecialCharacteristicsLength Defines minimal acquisition source special characteristics value length
[ 1215] of field referenced by FieldAqs [ 1213] field number.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
ANRecord [ 944] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class with current version and
unset IDC value.
ANRecord [ 944] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class.
ANRecord [ 945] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class.
ANRecord [ 945] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class with current version and
unset IDC value.

ANType20Record Class

Name Description
ANType20Record [ 1208] Initializes a new instance of the ANType20Record class with current
version and unset IDC value.
ANType20Record [ 1208] Initializes a new instance of the ANType20Record class.
ANType20Record [ 1208] Initializes a new instance of the ANType20Record class.
ANType20Record [ 1209] Initializes a new instance of the ANType20Record class.
ANType20Record [ 1209] Initializes a new instance of the ANType20Record class. 9
ANType20Record [ 1210] Initializes a new instance of the ANType20Record class with current
version and unset IDC value.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ANType20Record [ 1210] Initializes a new instance of the ANType20Record class with current
version and unset IDC value.
ANType20Record [ 1210] Initializes a new instance of the ANType20Record class with current
version and unset IDC value.

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not 9
intended to be used directly.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
BeginUpdate [ 951] Begins ANRecord [ 939] update.
CheckValidity [ 951] Checks ANRecord [ 939] compliance with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1 standard
specified by version.
EndUpdate [ 951] Ends ANRecord [ 939] update.
Validate [ 951] Validates ANRecord [ 939]. ANRecord [ 939] can be validated only if
the ANValidationLevel [ 1604] is Standard.

ANAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
SetMakeModelSerialNumber [ 816] Sets make, model and serial number for the iris capture device.

ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
SetCompressionAlgorithm [ 912] Sets compression algorithm used to compress image data.
SetImage [ 913] Sets image contained in logical record to NImage [ 1831] format.
SetImage [ 913] Sets image contained in logical record to NImage [ 1831] format.
ToNImage [ 913] Converts image contained in logical record to NImage [ 1831] format.
ToNImage [ 913] Converts image contained in logical record to NImage [ 1831] format.

ANType20Record Class

Name Description
SetSourceRepresentationFormat Sets source representation format.
[ 1215]

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
ConformanceTestResults [ 951] Gets particular conformance test results from the ANRecord [ 939].
Data [ 951] Gets or sets the the record data.
Fields [ 952] Gets particular fields from the ANRecord [ 939].
Idc [ 952] Gets or sets idc of record.
IsValidated [ 952] Checks if ANRecord [ 939] is compliant with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1
standard specified by version.
Length [ 952] Gets record size.
NativeType [ 952] Defines the native type of the object.
Owner [ 952] Gets ANTemplate [ 980] object.
RecordType [ 953] Gets record type.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ValidationLevel [ 953] Gets validation level of ANRecord [ 939].

Version [ 953] Gets record version.

ANAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
ANGeographicCoordinateSystemNativeType The native type of the geographic coordinate system.
[ 817]
ANSubjectBodyClassCodeNativeType The native type of the subject body class code.
[ 817]
ANSubjectBodyStatusCodeNativeType The native type of the subject body status code.
[ 817]
ANSubjectStatusCodeNativeType [ 817] The native type of the subject status code.
Annotations [ 817] Gets particular annotations from the ANAsciiBinaryRecord
[ 799].
AssociatedContexts [ 817] Gets particular associated contexts from the
ANAsciiBinaryRecord [ 799].
CaptureOrganizationName [ 817] Gets or sets capture organization name.
DataHash [ 818] Gets or sets the hash value of data.
Date [ 818] Gets or sets field referenced by FieldDat [ 809] field number.
DeviceUniqueIdentifier [ 818] Gets or sets device unique identifier.
ExternalFileReference [ 818] Gets or sets external file reference.
GeographicLocation [ 818] Gets or sets the ANGeographicLocation [ 890] structure.
Make [ 818] Gets make of image capture device
MakeModelSerialNumber [ 819] Gets or sets the MakeModelSerialNumber structure.
Model [ 819] Gets model of image capture device.
NativeType [ 819] Defines native type of the object.
SerialNumber [ 819] Gets serial number of image capture device.
SourceAgency [ 819] Gets or sets source agency identification.
SourceAgencyName [ 819] Gets or sets source agency name.
SourceRepresenations [ 819] Gets particular associated contexts from the
ANAsciiBinaryRecord [ 799].
SubjectCondition [ 820] Gets or sets subject condition.

ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
ANBoundaryCodeNativeType [ 914] Defines the native type of the boundary code.

ANDeviceMonitoringModeNativeType Defines the native type of the device monitoring mode.

[ 914]
ANMeasurementUnitsNativeType Defines the native type of the measurement units.
[ 914]
ANOcclusionOpacityNativeType Defines the native type of the occlusion opacity.
[ 914]
ANOcclusionTypeNativeType [ 914] Defines the native type of the occlusion type.
BitsPerPixel [ 914] Gets or sets number of bits used to represent a pixel (BPP).
ColorSpace [ 914] Gets or sets color space used to exchange the image data
Comment [ 914] Gets or sets textual information associated with image located in
ANRecord [ 939] object.
CompressionAlgorithm [ 915] Gets compression algorithm used to compress image data.
DeviceMonitoringMode [ 915] Gets or sets device monitoring mode (DMM) value which provides
information describing the level of human monitoring for the image 9
capture device.
HorzLineLength [ 915] Gets or sets horizontal line length value.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

HorzPixelScale [ 915] Gets or sets horizontal pixel scale of image.

NativeType [ 915] Defines the native type of the object.
ScaleUnits [ 915] Gets or sets scale units value.
ScanHorzPixelScale [ 916] Gets or sets scanned horizontal pixel scale (SHPS) - the horizontal
pixel density used for the scanning of the original impression
ScanVertPixelScale [ 916] Gets or sets scanned vertical pixel scale (SVPS) - the vertical pixel
density used for the scanning of the original impression.
VendorCompressionAlgorithm [ 916] Gets description of vendor compression algorithm, that has been used
to compress the transmitted images.
VertLineLength [ 916] Gets or sets vertical line length of image.
VertPixelScale [ 916] Gets or sets vertical pixel scale of image.

ANType20Record Class

Name Description
ANAcquisitionSourceTypeNativeType The native type of the acquisition source type.
[ 1216]
ANSrnCardinalityNativeType [ 1216] The native type of the srn cardinality.
AcquisitionSources [ 1216] Gets particular time indexes from ANType20Record.
CaptureDateRange [ 1216] Gets or sets capture date range.
DecodingInstructions [ 1216] Gets source representation format's decoding instructions.
FileType [ 1216] Gets source representation format's file type.
NativeType [ 1216] Defines the native type of the object.
RepresentationNumber [ 1217] Gets or sets representation number.
Segments [ 1217] Gets particular segment from ANType20Record.
SegmentsVertices [ 1217] Gets particular segment vertices from ANType20Record.
SourceRepresentationFormat [ 1217] Gets or sets source representation format.
SrnCardinality [ 1217] Gets or sets srn cardinality.
TimeIndexes [ 1217] Gets particular time indexes from ANType20Record.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANType20Record.ANType20Record Constructor ()

Initializes a new instance of the ANType20Record class with current version and unset IDC value.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType20() instead.")]
public ANType20Record();
ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate.VersionCurrent. If IDC is NOT set, then IDC value is automatically
assigned when ANRecord [ 939] is added to ANTemplate [ 980]. ANType20Record.ANType20Record Constructor (NVersion, int)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType20Record class.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType20() instead.")]
public ANType20Record(NVersion version, int idc);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANType20Record.
int idc Image designation character value. ANType20Record.ANType20Record Constructor (NVersion, int, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType20Record class.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType20() instead.")]
public ANType20Record(NVersion version, int idc, uint flags);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANType20Record.
int idc Image designation character value.
uint flags Should be zero. ANType20Record.ANType20Record Constructor (NVersion, int, uint, string,

BdifScaleUnits, ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage)
Initializes a new instance of the ANType20Record class.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType20(string, BdifScaleUnits,
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage) instead.")]
public ANType20Record(NVersion version, int idc, uint srn, string src, BdifScaleUnits slc,
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga, NImage image);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANType20Record.
int idc Image designation character value.
uint srn Reference number of the source representation stored in this
record. 9
string src String which contains identification of organization.
BdifScaleUnits slc One of BdifScaleUnits [ 1626] values.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga One of ANImageCompressionAlgorithm [ 1588] values.

NImage image Source representation image. ANType20Record.ANType20Record Constructor (NVersion, int, uint, string,

BdifScaleUnits, ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage, uint)
Initializes a new instance of the ANType20Record class.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType20(string, BdifScaleUnits,
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage) instead.")]
public ANType20Record(NVersion version, int idc, uint srn, string src, BdifScaleUnits slc,
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga, NImage image, uint flags);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANType20Record.
int idc Image designation character value.
uint srn Reference number of the source representation stored in this
string src String which contains identification of organization.
BdifScaleUnits slc One of BdifScaleUnits [ 1626] values.
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga One of ANImageCompressionAlgorithm [ 1588] values.
NImage image Source representation image.
uint flags Must be zero. ANType20Record.ANType20Record Constructor (uint)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType20Record class with current version and unset IDC value.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType20() instead.")]
public ANType20Record(uint flags);

Parameters Description
uint flags Should be zero.

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate.VersionCurrent. If IDC is NOT set, then IDC value is automatically
assigned when ANRecord [ 939] is added to ANTemplate [ 980]. ANType20Record.ANType20Record Constructor (uint, string, BdifScaleUnits,

ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage)
Initializes a new instance of the ANType20Record class with current version and unset IDC value.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType20(string, BdifScaleUnits,
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage) instead.")]
public ANType20Record(uint srn, string src, BdifScaleUnits slc, ANImageCompressionAlgorithm
cga, NImage image);

Parameters Description
uint srn Reference number of the source representation stored in this 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

string src String which contains identification of organization.

BdifScaleUnits slc One of BdifScaleUnits [ 1626] values.
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga One of ANImageCompressionAlgorithm [ 1588] values.
NImage image Source representation image.

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate.VersionCurrent. If IDC is NOT set, then IDC value is automatically
assigned when ANRecord [ 939] is added to ANTemplate [ 980]. ANType20Record.ANType20Record Constructor (uint, string, BdifScaleUnits,

ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage, uint)
Initializes a new instance of the ANType20Record class with current version and unset IDC value.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType20(string, BdifScaleUnits,
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage) instead.")]
public ANType20Record(uint srn, string src, BdifScaleUnits slc, ANImageCompressionAlgorithm
cga, NImage image, uint flags);

Parameters Description
uint srn Reference number of the source representation stored in this
string src String which contains identification of organization.
BdifScaleUnits slc One of BdifScaleUnits [ 1626] values.
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm cga One of ANImageCompressionAlgorithm [ 1588] values.
NImage image Source representation image.
uint flags Must be zero.

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate.VersionCurrent. If IDC is NOT set, then IDC value is automatically
assigned when ANRecord [ 939] is added to ANTemplate [ 980]. ANType20Record Classes ANType20Record.AcquisitionSourceCollection Class

Represent collection of segments.

public sealed class AcquisitionSourceCollection :
DisposableStructCollection<ANAcquisitionSource, ANAcquisitionSource_>;
File: ANType20Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

AcquisitionSourceCollection Methods

Name Description
Add [ 1211] Adds acquisition source to AcquisitionSourceCollection with provided
Insert [ 1212] Inserts acquisition source to AcquisitionSourceCollection at specified
index with provided parameters.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards AcquisitionSourceCollection Methods ANType20Record.AcquisitionSourceCollection.Add Method

Adds acquisition source to AcquisitionSourceCollection [ 1211] with provided parameters.

public int Add(ANAcquisitionSourceType acquisitionSourceType, string analogToDigital,
string radioTransmissionFormat, string specialCharacteristics);

Parameters Description
ANAcquisitionSourceType acquisitionSourceType Acquisition source type as enum value.
string analogToDigital Analog to digital conversion, required when acquisition
source type is analog, and the data is stored in digital format.
string radioTransmissionFormat Radio transmission format description, required when
acquisition source type is "RadioTransmissionShortWave" or
string specialCharacteristics Acquisition special characteristics for description of any
specific conditions not mentioned in the table.

Number of acquisition source in AcquisitionSourceCollection [ 1211]. ANType20Record.AcquisitionSourceCollection.Insert Method

Inserts acquisition source to AcquisitionSourceCollection [ 1211] at specified index with provided parameters.

public void Insert(int index, ANAcquisitionSourceType acquisitionSourceType, string
analogToDigital, string radioTransmissionFormat, string specialCharacteristics);

Parameters Description
int index Position to insert to.
ANAcquisitionSourceType acquisitionSourceType Acquisition source type as enum value.
string analogToDigital Analog to digital conversion, required when acquisition
source type is analog, and the data is stored in digital format.
string radioTransmissionFormat Radio transmission format description, required when
acquisition source type is "RadioTransmissionShortWave" or
string specialCharacteristics Acquisition special characteristics for description of any
specific conditions not mentioned in the table. ANType20Record.SegmentCollection Class

Represent collection of segments.

public sealed class SegmentCollection : DisposableStructCollection<ANSegment, ANSegment_>;
File: ANType20Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANType20Record.SegmentVerticesCollection Class

Represent collection of segment vertices.

public sealed class SegmentVerticesCollection : StructArrayCollection<Point, ANSegment>;
File: ANType20Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] ANType20Record.TimeIndexCollection Class

Represent collection of time indexes.

public sealed class TimeIndexCollection : StructCollection<ANTimeIndex>;
File: ANType20Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] ANType20Record Fields ANType20Record.FieldAqs Field

Defines AQS field number. Field referenced by this number contains the acquisition source(s).

public const int FieldAqs = 14; ANType20Record.FieldCar Field

Defines CAR field number. Field referenced by this number contains the srn cardinality.

public const int FieldCar = 3; ANType20Record.FieldIcdr Field

Defines ICDR field number. Field referenced by this number contains the imagery capture date range estimate.

public const int FieldIcdr = 22; ANType20Record.FieldSeg Field

Defines SEG field number. Field referenced by this number contains the segment(s).

public const int FieldSeg = 16; ANType20Record.FieldSft Field

Defines SFT field number. Field referenced by this number contains the source representation format.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public const int FieldSft = 15; ANType20Record.FieldShps Field

Defines SHPS field number. Field referenced by this number contains the scanned horizontal pixel scale.

public new const int FieldShps = 17; ANType20Record.FieldSrn Field

Defines SRN field number. Field referenced by this number contains the source representation number.

public const int FieldSrn = 21; ANType20Record.FieldSvps Field

Defines SVPS field number. Field referenced by this number contains the scanned vertical pixel scale.

public new const int FieldSvps = 18; ANType20Record.FieldTix Field

Defines TIX field number. Field referenced by this number contains the time index.

public const int FieldTix = 19; ANType20Record.MaxAnalogToDigitalConversionLength Field

Defines maximal acquisition source analog to digital conversion value length of field referenced by FieldAqs [ 1213] field

public const int MaxAnalogToDigitalConversionLength = 200; ANType20Record.MaxAqcuisitionSourceCount Field

Defines maximal acquisition source count of field referenced by FieldAqs [ 1213] field number.

public const int MaxAqcuisitionSourceCount = 9; ANType20Record.MaxRadioTransmissionFormatLength Field

Defines maximal acquisition source radio transmission format value length of field referenced by FieldAqs [ 1213] field number.

public const int MaxRadioTransmissionFormatLength = 200; ANType20Record.MaxRepresentationNumber Field

Defines maximal value of field referenced by FieldSrn [ 1213] field number.

public const int MaxRepresentationNumber = 255; ANType20Record.MaxRepresentationNumberLength Field

Defines maximal value length of field referenced by FieldSrn [ 1213] field number. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public const int MaxRepresentationNumberLength = 3; ANType20Record.MaxSegmentCount Field

Defines maximal segment count of field referenced by FieldSeg [ 1213] field number.

public const byte MaxSegmentCount = 99; ANType20Record.MaxSegmentInternalFilePointerLength Field

Defines maximal segment internal file pointer value length of field referenced by FieldSeg [ 1213] field number.

public const byte MaxSegmentInternalFilePointerLength = 15; ANType20Record.MaxSegmentVertexCount Field

Defines maximal segment vertex count of field referenced by FieldSeg [ 1213] field number.

public const int MaxSegmentVertexCount = 99; ANType20Record.MaxSpecialCharacteristicsLength Field

Defines maximal acquisition source special characteristics value length of field referenced by FieldAqs [ 1213] field number.

public const int MaxSpecialCharacteristicsLength = 200; ANType20Record.MinAnalogToDigitalConversionLength Field

Defines minimal acquisition source analog to digital conversion value length of field referenced by FieldAqs [ 1213] field

public const int MinAnalogToDigitalConversionLength = 1; ANType20Record.MinRadioTransmissionFormatLength Field

Defines minimal acquisition source radio transmission format value length of field referenced by FieldAqs [ 1213] field number.

public const int MinRadioTransmissionFormatLength = 1; ANType20Record.MinRepresentationNumber Field

Defines minimal value of field referenced by FieldSrn [ 1213] field number.

public const int MinRepresentationNumber = 1; ANType20Record.MinSegmentCount Field

Defines minimal segment count of field referenced by FieldSeg [ 1213] field number.

public const byte MinSegmentCount = 1; ANType20Record.MinSegmentInternalFilePointerLength Field

Defines minimal segment internal file pointer value length of field referenced by FieldSeg [ 1213] field number. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public const byte MinSegmentInternalFilePointerLength = 1; ANType20Record.MinSegmentVertexCount Field

Defines minimal segment vertex count of field referenced by FieldSeg [ 1213] field number.

public const byte MinSegmentVertexCount = 1; ANType20Record.MinSpecialCharacteristicsLength Field

Defines minimal acquisition source special characteristics value length of field referenced by FieldAqs [ 1213] field number.

public const int MinSpecialCharacteristicsLength = 1; ANType20Record Methods ANType20Record.SetSourceRepresentationFormat Method

Sets source representation format.

public void SetSourceRepresentationFormat(string fileType, string decodingInstructions);

Parameters Description
string fileType File type containing image file suffix, if digital file, or
"ANALOG", for analog file. Otherwise contains "OTHER"
string decodingInstructions String for describing image file decoding instructions. ANType20Record Properties ANType20Record.ANAcquisitionSourceTypeNativeType Property

The native type of the acquisition source type.

public static NType ANAcquisitionSourceTypeNativeType; ANType20Record.ANSrnCardinalityNativeType Property

The native type of the srn cardinality.

public static NType ANSrnCardinalityNativeType; ANType20Record.AcquisitionSources Property

Gets particular time indexes from ANType20Record [ 1195].

public AcquisitionSourceCollection AcquisitionSources;
Property value
A TimeIndexCollection [ 1212] representing time indexes from ANType20Record [ 1195]. ANType20Record.CaptureDateRange Property 9

Gets or sets capture date range.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public string CaptureDateRange;
Property value
String containing capture date range. ANType20Record.DecodingInstructions Property

Gets source representation format's decoding instructions.

public string DecodingInstructions;
Property value
String containing source representation format's decoding instructions. ANType20Record.FileType Property

Gets source representation format's file type.

public string FileType;
Property value
String containing source representation format's file type. ANType20Record.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; ANType20Record.RepresentationNumber Property

Gets or sets representation number.

public uint RepresentationNumber;
Property value
Reference number of the source representation stored in this record. ANType20Record.Segments Property

Gets particular segment from ANType20Record [ 1195].

public SegmentCollection Segments;
Property value
A SegmentCollection [ 1212] representing segments from ANType20Record [ 1195]. ANType20Record.SegmentsVertices Property

Gets particular segment vertices from ANType20Record [ 1195].

public SegmentVerticesCollection SegmentsVertices;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Property value
A SegmentVerticesCollection [ 1212] representing segment vertices from ANType20Record [ 1195]. ANType20Record.SourceRepresentationFormat Property

Gets or sets source representation format.

public ANFileFormat? SourceRepresentationFormat;
Property value
ANFileFormat [ 889] object representing source representation format. ANType20Record.SrnCardinality Property

Gets or sets srn cardinality.

public ANSrnCardinality SrnCardinality;
Property value
One of ANSrnCardinality [ 1597] values. ANType20Record.TimeIndexes Property

Gets particular time indexes from ANType20Record [ 1195].

public TimeIndexCollection TimeIndexes;
Property value
A TimeIndexCollection [ 1212] representing time indexes from ANType20Record [ 1195]. ANType21Record Class

Provides functionality for working with associated context record. Type-21 is meant to use for contextual information. This
record do NOT contain information, used to derive biometric information contained in other records. One of the Type-21 record
examples may be the image where latent fingerprints were captured.

public sealed class ANType21Record : ANAsciiBinaryRecord;
File: ANType21Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

ANRecord Classes
ANRecord Class

Name Description
ConformanceTestResultCollection Represent collection of conformance test results in ANRecord [ 939].
[ 945]
FieldCollection [ 945] Represent collection of fields in record.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ANAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
AnnotationCollection [ 807] Represent collection of annotations.
AssociatedContextCollection [ 808] Represent collection of associated contexts.
SourceRepresentationCollection Represent collection of associated contexts.
[ 808]

ANType21Record Class

Name Description
MedicalDeviceCollection [ 1228] Represent collection of ANMedicalDevices.
SegmentCollection [ 1229] Represent collection of segments.
SegmentVerticesCollection [ 1230] Represent collection of segment vertices.
TimeIndexCollection [ 1230] Represent collection of time indexes.

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

ANRecord Class

Name Description
FieldData [ 949] Defines Image data (DATA) contained in logical record.
FieldIdc [ 949] This field is identifies the user-defined text information
contained in the record. The IDC (image designation
character) contained in field shall be the IDC of the
Type-2 logical record as found in the file content (CNT)
field of the Type-1 record.
FieldLen [ 949] Describes total count of the number of bytes in logical
FlagMergeDuplicateFields [ 949] Defines whether the duplicate fields should be merged.
FlagRecoverFromBinaryData [ 949]
MaxAnnotationProcessDescriptionLengthV50 [ 949] Defines minimum length of process description for
ANAnnotation [ 796] for version 5.0.
MaxAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmNameLengthV50 Defines maximum length of processing algorithm name
[ 949] for ANAnnotation [ 796] for version 5.0.
MaxAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwnerLength Defines maximum length of processing algorithm owner
[ 949] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
MaxFieldNumber [ 949] Defines maximal number of fields in logical record.
MaxIdc [ 950] Defines maximum value that image designation
character (IDC) can obtain.
MaxIdcV5 [ 950] Defines maximum value that image designation
character (IDC) can obtain for version 5.0 and above.
MaxMakeLength [ 950] Defines maximum make length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MaxModelLength [ 950] Defines maximum model length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927]. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

MaxSerialNumberLength [ 950] Defines maximum serial number length value for

ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MinAnnotationProcessDescriptionLength [ 950] Defines minimum length of process description for
ANAnnotation [ 796].
MinAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmNameLength Defines minimum length of processing algorithm name
[ 950] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
MinAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwnerLength Defines minimum length of processing algorithm owner
[ 950] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
UnknownAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwner Defines unknown processing algorithm owner for
[ 950] ANAnnotation [ 796].

ANAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
FieldAnn [ 809] Defines ANN field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the annotations, presenting operations
performed on the original source.
FieldAsc [ 809] Defines ASC field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the associated context to one or more
Record(s) Type-21.
FieldCon [ 809] Defines CON field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the capture organization name.
FieldDat [ 809] Defines DAT field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the date that the transaction was
FieldDui [ 809] Defines DUI field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the device or source of the data.
FieldEfr [ 809] Defines EFR field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the external file reference if the data is
not contained in Field 999.
FieldGeo [ 809] Defines GEO field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the geographic sample acquisition
location where sample was acquired (not where it is
FieldHas [ 809] Defines HAS field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the hash value of the data in Field 999.
FieldMms [ 809] Defines MMS field number. Field referenced by this
number contains make, model and serial number for the
image capture device.
FieldSan [ 810] Defines SAN field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the source agency name of the agency
referenced in Field 4.
FieldSor [ 810] Defines SOR field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the source representation to a
representation(s) in Record(s) Type-20.
FieldSrc [ 810] Defines SRC field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the administration or organization that
originally captured the latent image contained in the
record. Normally, the Originating Agency Identifier, ORI,
of the agency that captured the image.
FieldSub [ 810] Defines SUB field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the image subject condition.
FieldUdfFrom [ 810] Specifies starting number from which user defined field
FieldUdfTo [ 810] Defines end number of user defined field starts.
FieldUdfToV5 [ 810] Defines end number of user defined field starts for
version 5.0 and above. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

GeoDefaultCoordinateSystem [ 810] Defines default geographic coordinate system value for

geodetic datum code of field referenced by FieldGeo
[ 809] field number.
MaxCaptureOrganizationNameLength [ 811] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldCon [ 809] field number.
MaxDecodingInstructionsLength [ 811] Defines maximal decoding instructions value length of
field referenced by FieldSft or FieldAft fields number.
MaxExternalFileReferenceLength [ 811] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldEfr [ 809] field number.
MaxFileTypeLength [ 811] Defines maximal file type value length of field referenced
by FieldSft or FieldAft fields number.
MaxGeoAlternativeCoordSystemIdLength [ 811] Defines maximal alternative geographic coordinate
system identifier value of field referenced by FieldGeo
[ 809] field number.
MaxGeoAlternativeCoordSystemValueLength Defines maximal alternative geographic coordinate
[ 811] system value value of field referenced by FieldGeo
[ 809] field number.
MaxGeoElevation [ 811] Defines maximal elevation value of field referenced by
FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoElevationLength [ 811] Defines maximal elevation value length of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoLatitudeDegree [ 811] Defines maximal latitude degree value of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoLatitudeDegreeLength [ 812] Defines maximal latitude degree value length of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoLongitudeDegree [ 812] Defines maximal longitude degree value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoLongitudeDegreeLength [ 812] Defines maximal longitude degree value length of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoMinute [ 812] Defines maximal latitude/longitude minute value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoMinuteLength [ 812] Defines maximal latitude/longitude minute value length of
field referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoReferenceTextLength [ 812] Defines maximal geographic reference text value length
of field referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoSecond [ 812] Defines maximal latitude/longitude second value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoSecondLength [ 812] Defines maximal latitude/longitude second value length of
field referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoUtmEasting [ 812] Defines maximal UtmEasting value of field referenced by
FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoUtmNorthing [ 812] Defines maximal UtmNorthing value of field referenced by
FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoUtmZoneLength [ 813] Defines maximal UtmZone value length of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeodeticDatumCodeLength [ 813] Defines maximal elevation value length of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxHashLength [ 813] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldHas [ 809] field number.
MaxImageCaptureDateRangeLength [ 813] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldIcdr field number.
MaxQualityMetricScore [ 813] Defines maximal quality score value for record data.
MaxSourceAgencyLength [ 813] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldSrc [ 810] field number.
MaxSourceAgencyLengthV4 [ 813] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldSrc [ 810] field number for version 4.0 and above.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

MaxSourceAgencyNameLength [ 813] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by

FieldSan [ 810] field number.
MaxSourceContextRepresentationNumber [ 813] Defines maximal number value of field referenced by
FieldSan [ 810] or FieldSor [ 810] field numbers.
MaxSourceContextRepresentationSegmentPosition Defines maximal segment position value of field
[ 814] referenced by FieldAsc [ 809] or FieldSor [ 810] field
MaxTimeIndexCount [ 814] Defines maximal time index count of field referenced by
FieldTix field number.
MaxTimeIndexHour [ 814] Defines maximal time index hour value of field referenced
by FieldTix field number.
MaxTimeIndexLength [ 814] Defines maximal time index value length of field
referenced by FieldTix field number.
MaxTimeIndexMillisecond [ 814] Defines maximal time index millisecond value of field
referenced by FieldTix field number.
MaxTimeIndexMinute [ 814] Defines maximal time index minute value of field
referenced by FieldTix field number.
MaxTimeIndexSecond [ 814] Defines maximal time index second value of field
referenced by FieldTix field number.
MinCaptureOrganizationNameLength [ 814] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldCon [ 809] field number.
MinExternalFileReferenceLength [ 814] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldEfr [ 809] field number.
MinFileTypeLength [ 814] Defines minimal file type value length of field referenced
by FieldSft or FieldAft fields number.
MinGeoElevation [ 815] Defines minimal elevation value of field referenced by
FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeoLatitudeDegree [ 815] Defines minimal latitude degree value of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeoLongitudeDegree [ 815] Defines minimal longitude degree value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeoMinute [ 815] Defines minimal latitude/longitude minute value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeoSecond [ 815] Defines minimal latitude/longitude second value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeoUtmZoneLength [ 815] Defines minimal UtmZone value length of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeodeticDatumCodeLength [ 815] Defines maximal elevation value length of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinImageCaptureDateRangeLength [ 815] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldIcdr field number.
MinImageCaptureDateRangeLength51 [ 815] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldIcdr field number for version 5.1.
MinSourceAgencyLength [ 816] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldSrc [ 810] field number.
MinSourceAgencyLengthV5 [ 816] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldSrc [ 810] field number for version 5.0 and above.
MinSourceAgencyNameLength [ 816] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldSan [ 810] field number.
MinSourceContextRepresentationNumber [ 816] Defines minimal number value of field referenced by
FieldAsc [ 809] or FieldSor [ 810] field numbers.
MinSourceContextRepresentationSegmentPosition Defines minimal segment position value of field
[ 816] referenced by FieldAsc [ 809] or FieldSor [ 810] field
MinTimeIndexCount [ 816] Defines minimal time index count of field referenced by
FieldTix field number.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

QualityMetricScoreFailed [ 816] Defines code when quality assessment algorithm failed to

asses record data quality.
QualityMetricScoreNotAvailable [ 816] Defines code when quality score has not been calculated
or provided for data contained in record object.

ANType21Record Class

Name Description
FieldAcn [ 1230] Defines ACN field number. Field referenced by this number contains
the associated context number.
FieldAft [ 1230] Defines AFT field number. Field referenced by this number contains
associated context format.
FieldCom [ 1230] Defines COM field number. Field referenced by this number contains
the comment as free text.
FieldIcdr [ 1231] Defines ICDR field number. Field referenced by this number contains
the imagery capture date range estimate.
FieldMdi [ 1231] Defines MDI field number. Field referenced by this number contains
medical device information.
FieldSeg [ 1231] Defines SEG field number. Field referenced by this number contains
the segment(s).
FieldTix [ 1231] Defines TIX field number. Field referenced by this number contains the
time index.
MaxAssociatedContextNumber Defines maximal value of field referenced by FieldAcn [ 1230] field
[ 1231] number.
MaxAssociatedContextNumberLength Defines maximal value length of field referenced by FieldAcn [ 1230]
[ 1231] field number.
MaxCommentLength [ 1231] Defines maximal comment value length of field referenced by
FieldCom [ 1230] field number.
MaxMdiLength [ 1231] Defines maximal medical device information value length of field
referenced by FieldMdi [ 1231] field number.
MaxSegmentCount [ 1231] Defines maximal segment count of field referenced by FieldSeg
[ 1231] field number.
MaxSegmentInternalFilePointerLength Defines maximal segment internal file pointer value length of field
[ 1231] referenced by FieldSeg [ 1231] field number.
MaxSegmentVertexCount [ 1232] Defines maximal segment vertex count of field referenced by FieldSeg
[ 1231] field number.
MinAssociatedContextNumber [ 1232] Defines minimal value of field referenced by FieldAcn [ 1230] field
MinMdiLength [ 1232] Defines minimal medical device information value length of field
referenced by FieldMdi [ 1231] field number.
MinSegmentCount [ 1232] Defines minimal segment count of field referenced by FieldSeg
[ 1231] field number.
MinSegmentInternalFilePointerLength Defines minimal segment internal file pointer value length of field
[ 1232] referenced by FieldSeg [ 1231] field number.
MinSegmentVertexCount [ 1232] Defines minimal segment vertex count of field referenced by FieldSeg
[ 1231] field number.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
ANRecord [ 944] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class with current version and
unset IDC value.
ANRecord [ 944] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class.
ANRecord [ 945] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class.
ANRecord [ 945] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class with current version and
unset IDC value.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ANType21Record Class

Name Description
ANType21Record [ 1227] Initializes a new instance of the ANType21Record class with current
version and unset IDC value.
ANType21Record [ 1228] Initializes a new instance of the ANType21Record class.
ANType21Record [ 1228] Initializes a new instance of the ANType21Record class.
ANType21Record [ 1228] Initializes a new instance of the ANType21Record class with current
version and unset IDC value.

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
BeginUpdate [ 951] Begins ANRecord [ 939] update.
CheckValidity [ 951] Checks ANRecord [ 939] compliance with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1 standard
specified by version.
EndUpdate [ 951] Ends ANRecord [ 939] update.
Validate [ 951] Validates ANRecord [ 939]. ANRecord [ 939] can be validated only if
the ANValidationLevel [ 1604] is Standard.

ANAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
SetMakeModelSerialNumber [ 816] Sets make, model and serial number for the iris capture device.

ANType21Record Class

Name Description
SetAssociatedContextFormat Sets source representation format.
[ 1232]

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
ConformanceTestResults [ 951] Gets particular conformance test results from the ANRecord [ 939].
Data [ 951] Gets or sets the the record data.
Fields [ 952] Gets particular fields from the ANRecord [ 939].
Idc [ 952] Gets or sets idc of record.
IsValidated [ 952] Checks if ANRecord [ 939] is compliant with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1
standard specified by version.
Length [ 952] Gets record size.
NativeType [ 952] Defines the native type of the object.
Owner [ 952] Gets ANTemplate [ 980] object.
RecordType [ 953] Gets record type.
ValidationLevel [ 953] Gets validation level of ANRecord [ 939]. 9
Version [ 953] Gets record version.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ANAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
ANGeographicCoordinateSystemNativeType The native type of the geographic coordinate system.
[ 817]
ANSubjectBodyClassCodeNativeType The native type of the subject body class code.
[ 817]
ANSubjectBodyStatusCodeNativeType The native type of the subject body status code.
[ 817]
ANSubjectStatusCodeNativeType [ 817] The native type of the subject status code.
Annotations [ 817] Gets particular annotations from the ANAsciiBinaryRecord
[ 799].
AssociatedContexts [ 817] Gets particular associated contexts from the
ANAsciiBinaryRecord [ 799].
CaptureOrganizationName [ 817] Gets or sets capture organization name.
DataHash [ 818] Gets or sets the hash value of data.
Date [ 818] Gets or sets field referenced by FieldDat [ 809] field number.
DeviceUniqueIdentifier [ 818] Gets or sets device unique identifier.
ExternalFileReference [ 818] Gets or sets external file reference.
GeographicLocation [ 818] Gets or sets the ANGeographicLocation [ 890] structure.
Make [ 818] Gets make of image capture device
MakeModelSerialNumber [ 819] Gets or sets the MakeModelSerialNumber structure.
Model [ 819] Gets model of image capture device.
NativeType [ 819] Defines native type of the object.
SerialNumber [ 819] Gets serial number of image capture device.
SourceAgency [ 819] Gets or sets source agency identification.
SourceAgencyName [ 819] Gets or sets source agency name.
SourceRepresenations [ 819] Gets particular associated contexts from the
ANAsciiBinaryRecord [ 799].
SubjectCondition [ 820] Gets or sets subject condition.

ANType21Record Class

Name Description
AssociatedContextFormat [ 1233] Gets or sets associated context format.
AssociatedContextNumber [ 1233] Gets or sets associated context number.
CaptureDateRange [ 1233] Gets or sets capture date range.
Comment [ 1233] Gets or sets comment.
DecodingInstructions [ 1233] Gets associated context format's decoding instructions.
FileType [ 1233] Gets associated context format's file type.
MedicalDevices [ 1234] Gets particular time indexes from ANType21Record.
NativeType [ 1234] Defines the native type of the object.
Segments [ 1234] Gets particular segment from ANType21Record.
SegmentsVertices [ 1234] Gets particular segment vertices from ANType21Record.
TimeIndexes [ 1234] Gets particular time indexes from ANType21Record.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function. 9
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. ANType21Record.ANType21Record Constructor ()

Initializes a new instance of the ANType21Record class with current version and unset IDC value.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType21() instead.")]
public ANType21Record();
ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate.VersionCurrent. If IDC is NOT set, then IDC value is automatically
assigned when ANRecord [ 939] is added to ANTemplate [ 980]. ANType21Record.ANType21Record Constructor (NVersion, int)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType21Record class.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType21() instead.")]
public ANType21Record(NVersion version, int idc);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANType21Record.
int idc Image designation character value. ANType21Record.ANType21Record Constructor (NVersion, int, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType21Record class.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType21() instead.")]
public ANType21Record(NVersion version, int idc, uint flags);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANType21Record.
int idc Image designation character value.
uint flags Should be zero.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANType21Record.ANType21Record Constructor (uint)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType21Record class with current version and unset IDC value.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType21() instead.")]
public ANType21Record(uint flags);

Parameters Description
uint flags Should be zero.

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate.VersionCurrent. If IDC is NOT set, then IDC value is automatically
assigned when ANRecord [ 939] is added to ANTemplate [ 980]. ANType21Record Classes ANType21Record.MedicalDeviceCollection Class

Represent collection of ANMedicalDevices.

public sealed class MedicalDeviceCollection : DisposableStructCollection<ANMedicalDevice,
File: ANType21Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

MedicalDeviceCollection Methods

Name Description
Add [ 1229] Adds MedicalDevice to MedicalDeviceCollection with provided
Insert [ 1229] Inserts MedicalDevice to MedicalDeviceCollection at specified index with
provided parameters. MedicalDeviceCollection Methods ANType21Record.MedicalDeviceCollection.Add Method

Adds MedicalDevice to MedicalDeviceCollection [ 1228] with provided parameters.

public int Add(string deviceType, string deviceManufacturer, string deviceMake, string
deviceModel, string deviceSerialNumber, string comment);

Parameters Description
string deviceType The type of the image capture device.
string deviceManufacturer The manufacturer of the image capture device.
string deviceMake The make of the image capture device.
string deviceModel The model of the image capture device. 9
string deviceSerialNumber The serial number of the image capture device.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

string comment The comment as free text.

Number of MedicalDevice in MedicalDeviceCollection [ 1228]. ANType21Record.MedicalDeviceCollection.Insert Method

Inserts MedicalDevice to MedicalDeviceCollection [ 1228] at specified index with provided parameters.

public void Insert(int index, string deviceType, string deviceManufacturer, string
deviceMake, string deviceModel, string deviceSerialNumber, string comment);

Parameters Description
int index Position to insert to.
string deviceType The type of the image capture device.
string deviceManufacturer The manufacturer of the image capture device.
string deviceMake The make of the image capture device.
string deviceModel The model of the image capture device.
string deviceSerialNumber The serial number of the image capture device.
string comment The comment as free text. ANType21Record.SegmentCollection Class

Represent collection of segments.

public sealed class SegmentCollection : DisposableStructCollection<ANSegment, ANSegment_>;
File: ANType21Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] ANType21Record.SegmentVerticesCollection Class

Represent collection of segment vertices.

public sealed class SegmentVerticesCollection : StructArrayCollection<Point, ANSegment>;
File: ANType21Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] ANType21Record.TimeIndexCollection Class

Represent collection of time indexes.

public sealed class TimeIndexCollection : StructCollection<ANTimeIndex>;
File 9
File: ANType21Record.cs

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] ANType21Record Fields ANType21Record.FieldAcn Field

Defines ACN field number. Field referenced by this number contains the associated context number.

public const int FieldAcn = 21; ANType21Record.FieldAft Field

Defines AFT field number. Field referenced by this number contains associated context format.

public const int FieldAft = 15; ANType21Record.FieldCom Field

Defines COM field number. Field referenced by this number contains the comment as free text.

public const int FieldCom = 20; ANType21Record.FieldIcdr Field

Defines ICDR field number. Field referenced by this number contains the imagery capture date range estimate.

public const int FieldIcdr = 22; ANType21Record.FieldMdi Field

Defines MDI field number. Field referenced by this number contains medical device information.

public const int FieldMdi = 6; ANType21Record.FieldSeg Field

Defines SEG field number. Field referenced by this number contains the segment(s).

public const int FieldSeg = 16; ANType21Record.FieldTix Field

Defines TIX field number. Field referenced by this number contains the time index.

public const int FieldTix = 19; ANType21Record.MaxAssociatedContextNumber Field

Defines maximal value of field referenced by FieldAcn [ 1230] field number.

public const int MaxAssociatedContextNumber = 255; ANType21Record.MaxAssociatedContextNumberLength Field 9

Defines maximal value length of field referenced by FieldAcn [ 1230] field number.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public const int MaxAssociatedContextNumberLength = 3; ANType21Record.MaxCommentLength Field

Defines maximal comment value length of field referenced by FieldCom [ 1230] field number.

public const int MaxCommentLength = 126; ANType21Record.MaxMdiLength Field

Defines maximal medical device information value length of field referenced by FieldMdi [ 1231] field number.

public const int MaxMdiLength = 500; ANType21Record.MaxSegmentCount Field

Defines maximal segment count of field referenced by FieldSeg [ 1231] field number.

public const byte MaxSegmentCount = 99; ANType21Record.MaxSegmentInternalFilePointerLength Field

Defines maximal segment internal file pointer value length of field referenced by FieldSeg [ 1231] field number.

public const byte MaxSegmentInternalFilePointerLength = 15; ANType21Record.MaxSegmentVertexCount Field

Defines maximal segment vertex count of field referenced by FieldSeg [ 1231] field number.

public const byte MaxSegmentVertexCount = 99; ANType21Record.MinAssociatedContextNumber Field

Defines minimal value of field referenced by FieldAcn [ 1230] field number.

public const int MinAssociatedContextNumber = 1; ANType21Record.MinMdiLength Field

Defines minimal medical device information value length of field referenced by FieldMdi [ 1231] field number.

public const int MinMdiLength = 1; ANType21Record.MinSegmentCount Field

Defines minimal segment count of field referenced by FieldSeg [ 1231] field number.

public const byte MinSegmentCount = 1; ANType21Record.MinSegmentInternalFilePointerLength Field

Defines minimal segment internal file pointer value length of field referenced by FieldSeg [ 1231] field number.

C# 9
public const byte MinSegmentInternalFilePointerLength = 1;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANType21Record.MinSegmentVertexCount Field

Defines minimal segment vertex count of field referenced by FieldSeg [ 1231] field number.

public const byte MinSegmentVertexCount = 1; ANType21Record Methods ANType21Record.SetAssociatedContextFormat Method

Sets source representation format.

public void SetAssociatedContextFormat(string fileType, string decodingInstructions);

Parameters Description
string fileType File type containing image file suffix, if digital file, or
"ANALOG", for analog file. Otherwise contains "OTHER"
string decodingInstructions String for describing image file decoding instructions. ANType21Record Properties ANType21Record.AssociatedContextFormat Property

Gets or sets associated context format.

public ANFileFormat? AssociatedContextFormat;
Property value
ANFileFormat [ 889] object representing associated context format. ANType21Record.AssociatedContextNumber Property

Gets or sets associated context number.

public uint AssociatedContextNumber;
Property value
Reference number or the source representation stored in this record. ANType21Record.CaptureDateRange Property

Gets or sets capture date range.

public string CaptureDateRange;
Property value
String containing capture date range. ANType21Record.Comment Property

Gets or sets comment.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public string Comment;
Property value
String containing comment. ANType21Record.DecodingInstructions Property

Gets associated context format's decoding instructions.

public string DecodingInstructions;
Property value
String containing associated context format's decoding instructions. ANType21Record.FileType Property

Gets associated context format's file type.

public string FileType;
Property value
String containing associated context format's file type. ANType21Record.MedicalDevices Property

Gets particular time indexes from ANType21Record [ 1218].

public MedicalDeviceCollection MedicalDevices;
Property value
A TimeIndexCollection [ 1230] representing time indexes from ANType21Record [ 1218]. ANType21Record.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; ANType21Record.Segments Property

Gets particular segment from ANType21Record [ 1218].

public SegmentCollection Segments;
Property value
A SegmentCollection [ 1229] representing segments from ANType21Record [ 1218]. ANType21Record.SegmentsVertices Property

Gets particular segment vertices from ANType21Record [ 1218].

public SegmentVerticesCollection SegmentsVertices;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Property value
A SegmentVerticesCollection [ 1230] representing segment vertices from ANType21Record [ 1218]. ANType21Record.TimeIndexes Property

Gets particular time indexes from ANType21Record [ 1218].

public TimeIndexCollection TimeIndexes;
Property value
A TimeIndexCollection [ 1230] representing time indexes from ANType21Record [ 1218]. ANType2Record Class

Contain user-defined textual fields providing identification and descriptive information associated with the subject of the
transaction. Data [ 951] contained in this record conforms in format and content to the specifications of the domain name as
listed in Domain Name field found in the Type-1 record..

public sealed class ANType2Record : ANAsciiRecord;
File: ANType2Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

ANRecord Classes
ANRecord Class

Name Description
ConformanceTestResultCollection Represent collection of conformance test results in ANRecord [ 939].
[ 945]
FieldCollection [ 945] Represent collection of fields in record.

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

ANRecord Class

Name Description
FieldData [ 949] Defines Image data (DATA) contained in logical record.
FieldIdc [ 949] This field is identifies the user-defined text information
contained in the record. The IDC (image designation
character) contained in field shall be the IDC of the
Type-2 logical record as found in the file content (CNT) 9
field of the Type-1 record.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

FieldLen [ 949] Describes total count of the number of bytes in logical

FlagMergeDuplicateFields [ 949] Defines whether the duplicate fields should be merged.
FlagRecoverFromBinaryData [ 949]
MaxAnnotationProcessDescriptionLengthV50 [ 949] Defines minimum length of process description for
ANAnnotation [ 796] for version 5.0.
MaxAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmNameLengthV50 Defines maximum length of processing algorithm name
[ 949] for ANAnnotation [ 796] for version 5.0.
MaxAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwnerLength Defines maximum length of processing algorithm owner
[ 949] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
MaxFieldNumber [ 949] Defines maximal number of fields in logical record.
MaxIdc [ 950] Defines maximum value that image designation
character (IDC) can obtain.
MaxIdcV5 [ 950] Defines maximum value that image designation
character (IDC) can obtain for version 5.0 and above.
MaxMakeLength [ 950] Defines maximum make length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MaxModelLength [ 950] Defines maximum model length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MaxSerialNumberLength [ 950] Defines maximum serial number length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MinAnnotationProcessDescriptionLength [ 950] Defines minimum length of process description for
ANAnnotation [ 796].
MinAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmNameLength Defines minimum length of processing algorithm name
[ 950] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
MinAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwnerLength Defines minimum length of processing algorithm owner
[ 950] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
UnknownAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwner Defines unknown processing algorithm owner for
[ 950] ANAnnotation [ 796].

ANAsciiRecord Class

Name Description
MaxFieldNumber [ 825] Defines maximum quantity of fields in record of Type-1, Type-2 and

ANType2Record Class

Name Description
FieldUdfFrom [ 1240] Defines the starting position of the User-defined fields.
FieldUdfTo [ 1240] Defines the end position of the User-defined fields.
FieldUdfToV4 [ 1241] Defines the starting position of the User-defined fields.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
ANRecord [ 944] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class with current version and
unset IDC value.
ANRecord [ 944] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class.
ANRecord [ 945] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class.
ANRecord [ 945] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class with current version and
unset IDC value.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ANType2Record Class

Name Description
ANType2Record [ 1239] Initializes a new instance of the ANType2Record class with current
version and unset IDC value.
ANType2Record [ 1240] Initializes a new instance of the ANType2Record class.
ANType2Record [ 1240] Initializes a new instance of the ANType2Record class.
ANType2Record [ 1240] Initializes a new instance of the ANType2Record class with current
version and unset IDC value.

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
BeginUpdate [ 951] Begins ANRecord [ 939] update.
CheckValidity [ 951] Checks ANRecord [ 939] compliance with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1 standard
specified by version.
EndUpdate [ 951] Ends ANRecord [ 939] update.
Validate [ 951] Validates ANRecord [ 939]. ANRecord [ 939] can be validated only if
the ANValidationLevel [ 1604] is Standard.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
ConformanceTestResults [ 951] Gets particular conformance test results from the ANRecord [ 939].
Data [ 951] Gets or sets the the record data.
Fields [ 952] Gets particular fields from the ANRecord [ 939].
Idc [ 952] Gets or sets idc of record.
IsValidated [ 952] Checks if ANRecord [ 939] is compliant with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1
standard specified by version.
Length [ 952] Gets record size.
NativeType [ 952] Defines the native type of the object.
Owner [ 952] Gets ANTemplate [ 980] object.
RecordType [ 953] Gets record type.
ValidationLevel [ 953] Gets validation level of ANRecord [ 939].
Version [ 953] Gets record version.

ANAsciiRecord Class

Name Description
NativeType [ 825] Defines the native type of the object.

ANType2Record Class

Name Description
NativeType [ 1241] Defines the native type of the object. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. ANType2Record.ANType2Record Constructor ()

Initializes a new instance of the ANType2Record class with current version and unset IDC value.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType2() instead.")]
public ANType2Record();
ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate.VersionCurrent. If IDC is NOT set, then IDC value is automatically
assigned when ANRecord [ 939] is added to ANTemplate [ 980]. ANType2Record.ANType2Record Constructor (NVersion, int)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType2Record class.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType2() instead.")]
public ANType2Record(NVersion version, int idc);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANType2Record.
int idc Image designation character value. ANType2Record.ANType2Record Constructor (NVersion, int, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType2Record class.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType2() instead.")] 9
public ANType2Record(NVersion version, int idc, uint flags);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards


Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANType2Record.
int idc Image designation character value.
uint flags Should be zero. ANType2Record.ANType2Record Constructor (uint)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType2Record class with current version and unset IDC value.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType2() instead.")]
public ANType2Record(uint flags);

Parameters Description
uint flags Should be zero.

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate.VersionCurrent. If IDC is NOT set, then IDC value is automatically
assigned when ANRecord [ 939] is added to ANTemplate [ 980]. ANType2Record Fields ANType2Record.FieldUdfFrom Field

Defines the starting position of the User-defined fields.

public const int FieldUdfFrom = FieldIdc + 1; ANType2Record.FieldUdfTo Field

Defines the end position of the User-defined fields.

public const int FieldUdfTo = ANRecord.MaxFieldNumber; ANType2Record.FieldUdfToV4 Field

Defines the starting position of the User-defined fields.

public const int FieldUdfToV4 = MaxFieldNumber; ANType2Record Properties ANType2Record.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; ANType3Record Class

Provides functions and fields for managing low-resolution grayscale fingerprint image. Note. This record is deprecated since 9
version 5.0 (ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011).

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public sealed class ANType3Record : ANFImageBinaryRecord;
File: ANType3Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

This record requires that native scanning resolution and nominal transmitting resolution should be set in Type-1 record.

ANRecord Classes
ANRecord Class

Name Description
ConformanceTestResultCollection Represent collection of conformance test results in ANRecord [ 939].
[ 945]
FieldCollection [ 945] Represent collection of fields in record.

ANFImageBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
PositionCollection [ 849] Represent collection of fingerprint positions.

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

ANRecord Class

Name Description
FieldData [ 949] Defines Image data (DATA) contained in logical record.
FieldIdc [ 949] This field is identifies the user-defined text information
contained in the record. The IDC (image designation
character) contained in field shall be the IDC of the
Type-2 logical record as found in the file content (CNT)
field of the Type-1 record.
FieldLen [ 949] Describes total count of the number of bytes in logical
FlagMergeDuplicateFields [ 949] Defines whether the duplicate fields should be merged.
FlagRecoverFromBinaryData [ 949]
MaxAnnotationProcessDescriptionLengthV50 [ 949] Defines minimum length of process description for
ANAnnotation [ 796] for version 5.0.
MaxAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmNameLengthV50 Defines maximum length of processing algorithm name
[ 949] for ANAnnotation [ 796] for version 5.0.
MaxAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwnerLength Defines maximum length of processing algorithm owner
[ 949] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
MaxFieldNumber [ 949] Defines maximal number of fields in logical record.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

MaxIdc [ 950] Defines maximum value that image designation

character (IDC) can obtain.
MaxIdcV5 [ 950] Defines maximum value that image designation
character (IDC) can obtain for version 5.0 and above.
MaxMakeLength [ 950] Defines maximum make length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MaxModelLength [ 950] Defines maximum model length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MaxSerialNumberLength [ 950] Defines maximum serial number length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MinAnnotationProcessDescriptionLength [ 950] Defines minimum length of process description for
ANAnnotation [ 796].
MinAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmNameLength Defines minimum length of processing algorithm name
[ 950] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
MinAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwnerLength Defines minimum length of processing algorithm owner
[ 950] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
UnknownAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwner Defines unknown processing algorithm owner for
[ 950] ANAnnotation [ 796].

ANImageBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
FieldHll [ 922] Defines HLL field number. Field referenced by this number contain the
number of pixels contained on a single horizontal line of the transmitted
image (horizontal line length - HLL).
FieldIsr [ 922] Defines ISE field number. Field referenced by this number contains flag
of image scanning resolution.
FieldVll [ 922] Defines VLL field number. Field referenced by this number contains
vertical line length (VLL), the number of horizontal lines contained in the
transmitted image.
MaxLineLengthV5 [ 922] Defines maximal line length value in pixels for HLL and VLL for version
5.x of the standard.
MinLineLengthV5 [ 922] Defines minimal line length value in pixels for HLL and VLL for version
5.x of the standard.

ANFImageBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
FieldCA [ 849] Defines CA field number. Field referenced by this number specify the
type of compression algorithm used(if any).
FieldFgp [ 849] Defines FGP field number. Field represented by this number contains
possible finger positions.
FieldImp [ 849] Defined IMP field number. Field referenced by this number describes the
manner by which the fingerprint image information has been obtained.
MaxPositionCount [ 849] Defines maximum count of positions in fingerprint record.

ANType3Record Class

Name Description
FieldGca [ 1249] Defines GCA field number. Field referenced by this number contains
compression algorithm.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
ANRecord [ 944] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class with current version and
unset IDC value. 9
ANRecord [ 944] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ANRecord [ 945] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class.

ANRecord [ 945] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class with current version and
unset IDC value.

ANType3Record Class

Name Description
ANType3Record [ 1247] Initializes a new instance of the ANType3Record class.
ANType3Record [ 1247] Initializes a new instance of the ANType3Record class.
ANType3Record [ 1248] Initializes a new instance of the ANType3Record class.
ANType3Record [ 1248] Initializes a new instance of the ANType3Record class.

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object. 9
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
BeginUpdate [ 951] Begins ANRecord [ 939] update.
CheckValidity [ 951] Checks ANRecord [ 939] compliance with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1 standard
specified by version.
EndUpdate [ 951] Ends ANRecord [ 939] update.
Validate [ 951] Validates ANRecord [ 939]. ANRecord [ 939] can be validated only if
the ANValidationLevel [ 1604] is Standard.

ANImageBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
SetImage [ 922] Sets an image for the ANImageBinaryRecord [ 916].
SetImage [ 923] Sets an image for the ANImageBinaryRecord [ 916].
ToNImage [ 923] Converts image contained in logical record to NImage [ 1831] format.
ToNImage [ 923] Converts image contained in logical record to NImage [ 1831] format.

ANType3Record Class

Name Description
SetCompressionAlgorithm [ 1249] Sets compression algorithm used to compress image data.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
ConformanceTestResults [ 951] Gets particular conformance test results from the ANRecord [ 939].
Data [ 951] Gets or sets the the record data.
Fields [ 952] Gets particular fields from the ANRecord [ 939].
Idc [ 952] Gets or sets idc of record.
IsValidated [ 952] Checks if ANRecord [ 939] is compliant with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1
standard specified by version.
Length [ 952] Gets record size.
NativeType [ 952] Defines the native type of the object.
Owner [ 952] Gets ANTemplate [ 980] object. 9
RecordType [ 953] Gets record type.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ValidationLevel [ 953] Gets validation level of ANRecord [ 939].

Version [ 953] Gets record version.

ANBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
NativeType [ 830] Defines the native type of the object.

ANImageBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
HorzLineLength [ 923] Gets or sets horizontal line length value.
ImageResolution [ 923] Gets image resolution value.
ImageScanResolution [ 924] Gets flag which defines what type of image scan resolution was used.
ImageScanResolutionValue [ 924] Gets value of image scanning resolution.
NativeType [ 924] Defines the native type of the object.
VertLineLength [ 924] Gets or sets vertical line length of image.

ANFImageBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
ImpressionType [ 849] Gets or sets fingerprint impression type.
NativeType [ 850] Defines the native type of the object.
Positions [ 850] Gets fingerprint positions contained in record.

ANType3Record Class

Name Description
CompressionAlgorithm [ 1249] Gets compression algorithm used to compress image data.
NativeType [ 1249] The native type of the object.
VendorCompressionAlgorithm Gets vendor compression algorithm value used to compress image data.
[ 1249]

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANType3Record.ANType3Record Constructor (NVersion, int)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType3Record class.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType3() instead.")]
public ANType3Record(NVersion version, int idc);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANType3Record.
int idc Image designation character value.

This record is deprecated since version 5.0 (ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011). ANType3Record.ANType3Record Constructor (NVersion, int, bool,

ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage)
Initializes a new instance of the ANType3Record class.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType3(bool,
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage) instead.")]
public ANType3Record(NVersion version, int idc, bool isr, ANImageCompressionAlgorithm ca,
NImage image);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANType3Record.
int idc Image designation character value.
bool isr Image scanning resolution flag. false if half the minimum
scanning resolution is used and true if half the native
scanning resolution is used.
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm ca One of ANImageCompressionAlgorithm [ 1588] values.
NImage image An image.

Image should be a grayscale. This record is deprecated since version 5.0 (ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011). ANType3Record.ANType3Record Constructor (NVersion, int, bool,

ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage, uint)
Initializes a new instance of the ANType3Record class.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType3(bool,
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage) instead.")]
public ANType3Record(NVersion version, int idc, bool isr, ANImageCompressionAlgorithm ca,
NImage image, uint flags);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANType3Record.
int idc Image designation character value.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

bool isr Image scanning resolution flag. false if half the minimum
scanning resolution is used and true if half the native
scanning resolution is used.
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm ca One of ANImageCompressionAlgorithm [ 1588] values.
NImage image An image.
uint flags Should be zero.

Image should be a grayscale. This record is deprecated since version 5.0 (ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011). ANType3Record.ANType3Record Constructor (NVersion, int, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType3Record class.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType3() instead.")]
public ANType3Record(NVersion version, int idc, uint flags);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANType3Record.
int idc Image designation character value.
uint flags Should be zero.

This record is deprecated since version 5.0 (ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011). ANType3Record Fields ANType3Record.FieldGca Field

Defines GCA field number. Field referenced by this number contains compression algorithm.

public const int FieldGca = FieldCA; ANType3Record Methods ANType3Record.SetCompressionAlgorithm Method

Sets compression algorithm used to compress image data.

public void SetCompressionAlgorithm(ANImageCompressionAlgorithm value, byte vendorValue);

Parameters Description
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm value One of ANImageCompressionAlgorithm [ 1588] values
byte vendorValue Vendor compression algorithm. ANType3Record Properties ANType3Record.CompressionAlgorithm Property

Gets compression algorithm used to compress image data. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public ANImageCompressionAlgorithm CompressionAlgorithm;
Property value
One of ANImageCompressionAlgorithm [ 1588] values. ANType3Record.NativeType Property

The native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; ANType3Record.VendorCompressionAlgorithm Property

Gets vendor compression algorithm value used to compress image data.

public byte VendorCompressionAlgorithm;
Property value
Vendor compression algorithm. ANType4Record Class

Provides functions and methods for managing High-resolution grayscale fingerprint images.

public sealed class ANType4Record : ANFImageBinaryRecord;
File: ANType4Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

This record requires that native scanning resolution and nominal transmitting resolution should be set in Type-1 record.

ANRecord Classes
ANRecord Class

Name Description
ConformanceTestResultCollection Represent collection of conformance test results in ANRecord [ 939].
[ 945]
FieldCollection [ 945] Represent collection of fields in record.

ANFImageBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
PositionCollection [ 849] Represent collection of fingerprint positions.

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

ANRecord Class

Name Description
FieldData [ 949] Defines Image data (DATA) contained in logical record.
FieldIdc [ 949] This field is identifies the user-defined text information
contained in the record. The IDC (image designation
character) contained in field shall be the IDC of the
Type-2 logical record as found in the file content (CNT)
field of the Type-1 record.
FieldLen [ 949] Describes total count of the number of bytes in logical
FlagMergeDuplicateFields [ 949] Defines whether the duplicate fields should be merged.
FlagRecoverFromBinaryData [ 949]
MaxAnnotationProcessDescriptionLengthV50 [ 949] Defines minimum length of process description for
ANAnnotation [ 796] for version 5.0.
MaxAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmNameLengthV50 Defines maximum length of processing algorithm name
[ 949] for ANAnnotation [ 796] for version 5.0.
MaxAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwnerLength Defines maximum length of processing algorithm owner
[ 949] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
MaxFieldNumber [ 949] Defines maximal number of fields in logical record.
MaxIdc [ 950] Defines maximum value that image designation
character (IDC) can obtain.
MaxIdcV5 [ 950] Defines maximum value that image designation
character (IDC) can obtain for version 5.0 and above.
MaxMakeLength [ 950] Defines maximum make length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MaxModelLength [ 950] Defines maximum model length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MaxSerialNumberLength [ 950] Defines maximum serial number length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MinAnnotationProcessDescriptionLength [ 950] Defines minimum length of process description for
ANAnnotation [ 796].
MinAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmNameLength Defines minimum length of processing algorithm name
[ 950] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
MinAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwnerLength Defines minimum length of processing algorithm owner
[ 950] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
UnknownAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwner Defines unknown processing algorithm owner for
[ 950] ANAnnotation [ 796].

ANImageBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
FieldHll [ 922] Defines HLL field number. Field referenced by this number contain the
number of pixels contained on a single horizontal line of the transmitted
image (horizontal line length - HLL).
FieldIsr [ 922] Defines ISE field number. Field referenced by this number contains flag
of image scanning resolution.
FieldVll [ 922] Defines VLL field number. Field referenced by this number contains
vertical line length (VLL), the number of horizontal lines contained in the 9
transmitted image.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

MaxLineLengthV5 [ 922] Defines maximal line length value in pixels for HLL and VLL for version
5.x of the standard.
MinLineLengthV5 [ 922] Defines minimal line length value in pixels for HLL and VLL for version
5.x of the standard.

ANFImageBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
FieldCA [ 849] Defines CA field number. Field referenced by this number specify the
type of compression algorithm used(if any).
FieldFgp [ 849] Defines FGP field number. Field represented by this number contains
possible finger positions.
FieldImp [ 849] Defined IMP field number. Field referenced by this number describes the
manner by which the fingerprint image information has been obtained.
MaxPositionCount [ 849] Defines maximum count of positions in fingerprint record.

ANType4Record Class

Name Description
FieldGca [ 1259] Defines GCA field number. Field referenced by this number contains
compression algorithm.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
ANRecord [ 944] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class with current version and
unset IDC value.
ANRecord [ 944] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class.
ANRecord [ 945] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class.
ANRecord [ 945] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class with current version and
unset IDC value.

ANType4Record Class

Name Description
ANType4Record [ 1256] Initializes a new instance of the ANType4Record class with current
version and unset IDC value.
ANType4Record [ 1256] Initializes a new instance of the ANType4Record class.
ANType4Record [ 1256] Initializes a new instance of the ANType4Record class.
ANType4Record [ 1257] Initializes a new instance of the ANType4Record class.
ANType4Record [ 1257] Initializes a new instance of the ANType4Record class.
ANType4Record [ 1258] Initializes a new instance of the ANType4Record class with current
version and unset IDC value.
ANType4Record [ 1258] Initializes a new instance of the ANType4Record class with current
version and unset IDC value.
ANType4Record [ 1258] Initializes a new instance of the ANType4Record class with current
version and unset IDC value.

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag. 9
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object. 9
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
BeginUpdate [ 951] Begins ANRecord [ 939] update.
CheckValidity [ 951] Checks ANRecord [ 939] compliance with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1 standard
specified by version.
EndUpdate [ 951] Ends ANRecord [ 939] update.
Validate [ 951] Validates ANRecord [ 939]. ANRecord [ 939] can be validated only if
the ANValidationLevel [ 1604] is Standard.

ANImageBinaryRecord Class

Name Description 9
SetImage [ 922] Sets an image for the ANImageBinaryRecord [ 916].

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

SetImage [ 923] Sets an image for the ANImageBinaryRecord [ 916].

ToNImage [ 923] Converts image contained in logical record to NImage [ 1831] format.
ToNImage [ 923] Converts image contained in logical record to NImage [ 1831] format.

ANType4Record Class

Name Description
SetCompressionAlgorithm [ 1259] Sets compression algorithm used to compress image data.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
ConformanceTestResults [ 951] Gets particular conformance test results from the ANRecord [ 939].
Data [ 951] Gets or sets the the record data.
Fields [ 952] Gets particular fields from the ANRecord [ 939].
Idc [ 952] Gets or sets idc of record.
IsValidated [ 952] Checks if ANRecord [ 939] is compliant with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1
standard specified by version.
Length [ 952] Gets record size.
NativeType [ 952] Defines the native type of the object.
Owner [ 952] Gets ANTemplate [ 980] object.
RecordType [ 953] Gets record type.
ValidationLevel [ 953] Gets validation level of ANRecord [ 939].
Version [ 953] Gets record version.

ANBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
NativeType [ 830] Defines the native type of the object.

ANImageBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
HorzLineLength [ 923] Gets or sets horizontal line length value.
ImageResolution [ 923] Gets image resolution value.
ImageScanResolution [ 924] Gets flag which defines what type of image scan resolution was used.
ImageScanResolutionValue [ 924] Gets value of image scanning resolution.
NativeType [ 924] Defines the native type of the object.
VertLineLength [ 924] Gets or sets vertical line length of image.

ANFImageBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
ImpressionType [ 849] Gets or sets fingerprint impression type.
NativeType [ 850] Defines the native type of the object.
Positions [ 850] Gets fingerprint positions contained in record.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ANType4Record Class

Name Description
CompressionAlgorithm [ 1259] Gets compression algorithm used to compress image data.
NativeType [ 1259] Defines the native type of the object.
VendorCompressionAlgorithm Gets vendor compression algorithm value used to compress image data.
[ 1260]

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. ANType4Record.ANType4Record Constructor ()

Initializes a new instance of the ANType4Record class with current version and unset IDC value.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType4() instead.")]
public ANType4Record();
ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate.VersionCurrent. If IDC is NOT set, then IDC value is automatically
assigned when ANRecord [ 939] is added to ANTemplate [ 980].Native scanning resolution and nominal transmitting
resolution should be set in Type-1 record. ANType4Record.ANType4Record Constructor (NVersion, int)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType4Record class.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType4() instead.")]
public ANType4Record(NVersion version, int idc);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANType4Record.
int idc Image designation character value.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Native scanning resolution and nominal transmitting resolution should be set in Type-1 record. ANType4Record.ANType4Record Constructor (NVersion, int, bool,

ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage)
Initializes a new instance of the ANType4Record class.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType4(bool,
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage) instead.")]
public ANType4Record(NVersion version, int idc, bool isr, ANImageCompressionAlgorithm ca,
NImage image);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANType4Record.
int idc Image designation character value.
bool isr Image scanning resolution flag. false if half the minimum
scanning resolution is used and true if half the native
scanning resolution is used.
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm ca One of ANImageCompressionAlgorithm [ 1588] values.
From ANtemplate.Version50 only Wsq20 compression
algorithm should be used. Otherwise images should be
NImage image An image.

Image should be a grayscale.Native scanning resolution and nominal transmitting resolution should be set in Type-1 record. ANType4Record.ANType4Record Constructor (NVersion, int, bool,

ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage, uint)
Initializes a new instance of the ANType4Record class.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType4(bool,
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage) instead.")]
public ANType4Record(NVersion version, int idc, bool isr, ANImageCompressionAlgorithm ca,
NImage image, uint flags);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANType4Record.
int idc Image designation character value.
bool isr Image scanning resolution flag. false if half the minimum
scanning resolution is used and true if half the native
scanning resolution is used.
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm ca One of ANImageCompressionAlgorithm [ 1588] values.
From ANtemplate.Version50 only Wsq20 compression
algorithm should be used. Otherwise images should be
NImage image An image.
uint flags Should be zero.

Remarks 9
Image should be a grayscale.Native scanning resolution and nominal transmitting resolution should be set in Type-1 record.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANType4Record.ANType4Record Constructor (NVersion, int, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType4Record class.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType4() instead.")]
public ANType4Record(NVersion version, int idc, uint flags);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANType4Record.
int idc Image designation character value.
uint flags Should be zero.

Native scanning resolution and nominal transmitting resolution should be set in Type-1 record. ANType4Record.ANType4Record Constructor (bool,

ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage)
Initializes a new instance of the ANType4Record class with current version and unset IDC value.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType4(bool,
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage) instead.")]
public ANType4Record(bool isr, ANImageCompressionAlgorithm ca, NImage image);

Parameters Description
bool isr Image scanning resolution flag. false if half the minimum
scanning resolution is used and true if half the native
scanning resolution is used.
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm ca One of ANImageCompressionAlgorithm [ 1588] values.
From ANtemplate.Version50 only Wsq20 compression
algorithm should be used. Otherwise images should be
NImage image An image.

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate.VersionCurrent. If IDC is NOT set, then IDC value is automatically
assigned when ANRecord [ 939] is added to ANTemplate [ 980].Image should be a grayscale.Native scanning resolution and
nominal transmitting resolution should be set in Type-1 record. ANType4Record.ANType4Record Constructor (bool,

ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage, uint)
Initializes a new instance of the ANType4Record class with current version and unset IDC value.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType4(bool,
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage) instead.")]
public ANType4Record(bool isr, ANImageCompressionAlgorithm ca, NImage image, uint flags);

Parameters Description
bool isr Image scanning resolution flag. false if half the minimum 9
scanning resolution is used and true if half the native
scanning resolution is used.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ANImageCompressionAlgorithm ca One of ANImageCompressionAlgorithm [ 1588] values.

From ANtemplate.Version50 only Wsq20 compression
algorithm should be used. Otherwise images should be
NImage image An image.
uint flags Should be zero.

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate.VersionCurrent. If IDC is NOT set, then IDC value is automatically
assigned when ANRecord [ 939] is added to ANTemplate [ 980].Image should be a grayscale.Native scanning resolution and
nominal transmitting resolution should be set in Type-1 record. ANType4Record.ANType4Record Constructor (uint)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType4Record class with current version and unset IDC value.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType4() instead.")]
public ANType4Record(uint flags);

Parameters Description
uint flags Should be zero.

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate.VersionCurrent. If IDC is NOT set, then IDC value is automatically
assigned when ANRecord [ 939] is added to ANTemplate [ 980].Native scanning resolution and nominal transmitting
resolution should be set in Type-1 record. ANType4Record Fields ANType4Record.FieldGca Field

Defines GCA field number. Field referenced by this number contains compression algorithm.

public const int FieldGca = FieldCA; ANType4Record Methods ANType4Record.SetCompressionAlgorithm Method

Sets compression algorithm used to compress image data.

public void SetCompressionAlgorithm(ANImageCompressionAlgorithm value, byte vendorValue);

Parameters Description
ANImageCompressionAlgorithm value One of ANImageCompressionAlgorithm [ 1588] values
byte vendorValue Vendor compression algorithm. ANType4Record Properties ANType4Record.CompressionAlgorithm Property 9

Gets compression algorithm used to compress image data.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public ANImageCompressionAlgorithm CompressionAlgorithm;
Property value
One of ANImageCompressionAlgorithm [ 1588] values. ANType4Record.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; ANType4Record.VendorCompressionAlgorithm Property

Gets vendor compression algorithm value used to compress image data.

public byte VendorCompressionAlgorithm;
Property value
Vendor compression algorithm. ANType5Record Class

Provides functions and methods for managing Low-resolution binary fingerprint images. Note. This record is deprecated since
V5.0 version (ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011).

public sealed class ANType5Record : ANFImageBinaryRecord;
File: ANType5Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

This record requires that native scanning resolution and nominal transmitting resolution should be set in Type-1 record.

ANRecord Classes
ANRecord Class

Name Description
ConformanceTestResultCollection Represent collection of conformance test results in ANRecord [ 939].
[ 945]
FieldCollection [ 945] Represent collection of fields in record.

ANFImageBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
PositionCollection [ 849] Represent collection of fingerprint positions.

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

ANRecord Class

Name Description
FieldData [ 949] Defines Image data (DATA) contained in logical record.
FieldIdc [ 949] This field is identifies the user-defined text information
contained in the record. The IDC (image designation
character) contained in field shall be the IDC of the
Type-2 logical record as found in the file content (CNT)
field of the Type-1 record.
FieldLen [ 949] Describes total count of the number of bytes in logical
FlagMergeDuplicateFields [ 949] Defines whether the duplicate fields should be merged.
FlagRecoverFromBinaryData [ 949]
MaxAnnotationProcessDescriptionLengthV50 [ 949] Defines minimum length of process description for
ANAnnotation [ 796] for version 5.0.
MaxAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmNameLengthV50 Defines maximum length of processing algorithm name
[ 949] for ANAnnotation [ 796] for version 5.0.
MaxAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwnerLength Defines maximum length of processing algorithm owner
[ 949] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
MaxFieldNumber [ 949] Defines maximal number of fields in logical record.
MaxIdc [ 950] Defines maximum value that image designation
character (IDC) can obtain.
MaxIdcV5 [ 950] Defines maximum value that image designation
character (IDC) can obtain for version 5.0 and above.
MaxMakeLength [ 950] Defines maximum make length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MaxModelLength [ 950] Defines maximum model length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MaxSerialNumberLength [ 950] Defines maximum serial number length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MinAnnotationProcessDescriptionLength [ 950] Defines minimum length of process description for
ANAnnotation [ 796].
MinAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmNameLength Defines minimum length of processing algorithm name
[ 950] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
MinAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwnerLength Defines minimum length of processing algorithm owner
[ 950] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
UnknownAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwner Defines unknown processing algorithm owner for
[ 950] ANAnnotation [ 796].

ANImageBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
FieldHll [ 922] Defines HLL field number. Field referenced by this number contain the
number of pixels contained on a single horizontal line of the transmitted
image (horizontal line length - HLL).
FieldIsr [ 922] Defines ISE field number. Field referenced by this number contains flag
of image scanning resolution.
FieldVll [ 922] Defines VLL field number. Field referenced by this number contains
vertical line length (VLL), the number of horizontal lines contained in the 9
transmitted image.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

MaxLineLengthV5 [ 922] Defines maximal line length value in pixels for HLL and VLL for version
5.x of the standard.
MinLineLengthV5 [ 922] Defines minimal line length value in pixels for HLL and VLL for version
5.x of the standard.

ANFImageBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
FieldCA [ 849] Defines CA field number. Field referenced by this number specify the
type of compression algorithm used(if any).
FieldFgp [ 849] Defines FGP field number. Field represented by this number contains
possible finger positions.
FieldImp [ 849] Defined IMP field number. Field referenced by this number describes the
manner by which the fingerprint image information has been obtained.
MaxPositionCount [ 849] Defines maximum count of positions in fingerprint record.

ANType5Record Class

Name Description
FieldBca [ 1268] Defines BCA field number. Field referenced by this number contains
compression algorithm.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
ANRecord [ 944] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class with current version and
unset IDC value.
ANRecord [ 944] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class.
ANRecord [ 945] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class.
ANRecord [ 945] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class with current version and
unset IDC value.

ANType5Record Class

Name Description
ANType5Record [ 1266] Initializes a new instance of the ANType5Record class.
ANType5Record [ 1266] Initializes a new instance of the ANType5Record class.
ANType5Record [ 1267] Initializes a new instance of the ANType5Record class.
ANType5Record [ 1267] Initializes a new instance of the ANType5Record class.

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle. 9
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.

This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.

Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
BeginUpdate [ 951] Begins ANRecord [ 939] update.
CheckValidity [ 951] Checks ANRecord [ 939] compliance with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1 standard
specified by version.
EndUpdate [ 951] Ends ANRecord [ 939] update.
Validate [ 951] Validates ANRecord [ 939]. ANRecord [ 939] can be validated only if
the ANValidationLevel [ 1604] is Standard.

ANImageBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
SetImage [ 922] Sets an image for the ANImageBinaryRecord [ 916].
SetImage [ 923] Sets an image for the ANImageBinaryRecord [ 916].
ToNImage [ 923] Converts image contained in logical record to NImage [ 1831] format.
ToNImage [ 923] Converts image contained in logical record to NImage [ 1831] format.

ANType5Record Class

Name Description
SetCompressionAlgorithm [ 1268] Sets binary compression algorithm used to compress image data. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
ConformanceTestResults [ 951] Gets particular conformance test results from the ANRecord [ 939].
Data [ 951] Gets or sets the the record data.
Fields [ 952] Gets particular fields from the ANRecord [ 939].
Idc [ 952] Gets or sets idc of record.
IsValidated [ 952] Checks if ANRecord [ 939] is compliant with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1
standard specified by version.
Length [ 952] Gets record size.
NativeType [ 952] Defines the native type of the object.
Owner [ 952] Gets ANTemplate [ 980] object.
RecordType [ 953] Gets record type.
ValidationLevel [ 953] Gets validation level of ANRecord [ 939].
Version [ 953] Gets record version.

ANBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
NativeType [ 830] Defines the native type of the object.

ANImageBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
HorzLineLength [ 923] Gets or sets horizontal line length value.
ImageResolution [ 923] Gets image resolution value.
ImageScanResolution [ 924] Gets flag which defines what type of image scan resolution was used.
ImageScanResolutionValue [ 924] Gets value of image scanning resolution.
NativeType [ 924] Defines the native type of the object.
VertLineLength [ 924] Gets or sets vertical line length of image.

ANFImageBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
ImpressionType [ 849] Gets or sets fingerprint impression type.
NativeType [ 850] Defines the native type of the object.
Positions [ 850] Gets fingerprint positions contained in record.

ANType5Record Class

Name Description
CompressionAlgorithm [ 1268] Gets binary compression algorithm used to compress image data.
NativeType [ 1268] Defines the native type of the object.
VendorCompressionAlgorithm Gets vendor compression algorithm value used to compress image data.
[ 1268]

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. ANType5Record.ANType5Record Constructor (NVersion, int)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType5Record class.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType5() instead.")]
public ANType5Record(NVersion version, int idc);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANType5Record.
int idc Image designation character value.

This record is deprecated since version 5.0 (ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011). ANType5Record.ANType5Record Constructor (NVersion, int, bool,

ANBinaryImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage)
Initializes a new instance of the ANType5Record class.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType5(bool,
ANBinaryImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage) instead.")]
public ANType5Record(NVersion version, int idc, bool isr, ANBinaryImageCompressionAlgorithm
bca, NImage image);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANType5Record.
int idc Image designation character value.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

bool isr Image scanning resolution flag. false if half the minimum
scanning resolution is used and true if half the native
scanning resolution is used.
ANBinaryImageCompressionAlgorithm bca One of ANBinaryImageCompressionAlgorithm [ 1572]
NImage image An image.

Image should be a monochrome. This record is deprecated since version 5.0 (ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011). ANType5Record.ANType5Record Constructor (NVersion, int, bool,

ANBinaryImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage, uint)
Initializes a new instance of the ANType5Record class.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType5(bool,
ANBinaryImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage) instead.")]
public ANType5Record(NVersion version, int idc, bool isr, ANBinaryImageCompressionAlgorithm
bca, NImage image, uint flags);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANType5Record.
int idc Image designation character value.
bool isr Image scanning resolution flag. false if half the minimum
scanning resolution is used and true if half the native
scanning resolution is used.
ANBinaryImageCompressionAlgorithm bca One of ANBinaryImageCompressionAlgorithm [ 1572]
NImage image An image.
uint flags Should be zero.

Image should be a monochrome. This record is deprecated since version 5.0 (ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011). ANType5Record.ANType5Record Constructor (NVersion, int, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType5Record class.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType5() instead.")]
public ANType5Record(NVersion version, int idc, uint flags);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANType5Record.
int idc Image designation character value.
uint flags Should be zero.

This record is deprecated since version 5.0 (ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011). ANType5Record Fields


9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANType5Record.FieldBca Field

Defines BCA field number. Field referenced by this number contains compression algorithm.

public const int FieldBca = FieldCA; ANType5Record Methods ANType5Record.SetCompressionAlgorithm Method

Sets binary compression algorithm used to compress image data.

public void SetCompressionAlgorithm(ANBinaryImageCompressionAlgorithm value, byte

Parameters Description
ANBinaryImageCompressionAlgorithm value One of ANBinaryImageCompressionAlgorithm [ 1572]
byte vendorValue Vendor compression algorithm. ANType5Record Properties ANType5Record.CompressionAlgorithm Property

Gets binary compression algorithm used to compress image data.

public ANBinaryImageCompressionAlgorithm CompressionAlgorithm;
Property value
One of ANBinaryImageCompressionAlgorithm [ 1572] values. ANType5Record.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; ANType5Record.VendorCompressionAlgorithm Property

Gets vendor compression algorithm value used to compress image data.

public byte VendorCompressionAlgorithm;
Property value
Vendor compression algorithm. ANType6Record Class

Provides functions and methods for managing High-resolution binary fingerprint image. Note. This record is deprecated since
version 5.0 (ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011).
public sealed class ANType6Record : ANFImageBinaryRecord;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

File: ANType6Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

This record requires that native scanning resolution and nominal transmitting resolution should be set in Type-1 record.

ANRecord Classes
ANRecord Class

Name Description
ConformanceTestResultCollection Represent collection of conformance test results in ANRecord [ 939].
[ 945]
FieldCollection [ 945] Represent collection of fields in record.

ANFImageBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
PositionCollection [ 849] Represent collection of fingerprint positions.

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

ANRecord Class

Name Description
FieldData [ 949] Defines Image data (DATA) contained in logical record.
FieldIdc [ 949] This field is identifies the user-defined text information
contained in the record. The IDC (image designation
character) contained in field shall be the IDC of the
Type-2 logical record as found in the file content (CNT)
field of the Type-1 record.
FieldLen [ 949] Describes total count of the number of bytes in logical
FlagMergeDuplicateFields [ 949] Defines whether the duplicate fields should be merged.
FlagRecoverFromBinaryData [ 949]
MaxAnnotationProcessDescriptionLengthV50 [ 949] Defines minimum length of process description for
ANAnnotation [ 796] for version 5.0.
MaxAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmNameLengthV50 Defines maximum length of processing algorithm name
[ 949] for ANAnnotation [ 796] for version 5.0.
MaxAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwnerLength Defines maximum length of processing algorithm owner
[ 949] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
MaxFieldNumber [ 949] Defines maximal number of fields in logical record.
MaxIdc [ 950] Defines maximum value that image designation
character (IDC) can obtain. 9
MaxIdcV5 [ 950] Defines maximum value that image designation
character (IDC) can obtain for version 5.0 and above.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

MaxMakeLength [ 950] Defines maximum make length value for

ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MaxModelLength [ 950] Defines maximum model length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MaxSerialNumberLength [ 950] Defines maximum serial number length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MinAnnotationProcessDescriptionLength [ 950] Defines minimum length of process description for
ANAnnotation [ 796].
MinAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmNameLength Defines minimum length of processing algorithm name
[ 950] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
MinAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwnerLength Defines minimum length of processing algorithm owner
[ 950] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
UnknownAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwner Defines unknown processing algorithm owner for
[ 950] ANAnnotation [ 796].

ANImageBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
FieldHll [ 922] Defines HLL field number. Field referenced by this number contain the
number of pixels contained on a single horizontal line of the transmitted
image (horizontal line length - HLL).
FieldIsr [ 922] Defines ISE field number. Field referenced by this number contains flag
of image scanning resolution.
FieldVll [ 922] Defines VLL field number. Field referenced by this number contains
vertical line length (VLL), the number of horizontal lines contained in the
transmitted image.
MaxLineLengthV5 [ 922] Defines maximal line length value in pixels for HLL and VLL for version
5.x of the standard.
MinLineLengthV5 [ 922] Defines minimal line length value in pixels for HLL and VLL for version
5.x of the standard.

ANFImageBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
FieldCA [ 849] Defines CA field number. Field referenced by this number specify the
type of compression algorithm used(if any).
FieldFgp [ 849] Defines FGP field number. Field represented by this number contains
possible finger positions.
FieldImp [ 849] Defined IMP field number. Field referenced by this number describes the
manner by which the fingerprint image information has been obtained.
MaxPositionCount [ 849] Defines maximum count of positions in fingerprint record.

ANType6Record Class

Name Description
FieldBca [ 1276] Defines BCA field number. Field referenced by this number contains
compression algorithm.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
ANRecord [ 944] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class with current version and
unset IDC value.
ANRecord [ 944] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class.
ANRecord [ 945] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class.
ANRecord [ 945] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class with current version and
unset IDC value. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ANType6Record Class

Name Description
ANType6Record [ 1275] Initializes a new instance of the ANType6Record class.
ANType6Record [ 1275] Initializes a new instance of the ANType6Record class.
ANType6Record [ 1275] Initializes a new instance of the ANType6Record class.
ANType6Record [ 1276] Initializes a new instance of the ANType6Record class.

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
BeginUpdate [ 951] Begins ANRecord [ 939] update.
CheckValidity [ 951] Checks ANRecord [ 939] compliance with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1 standard
specified by version.
EndUpdate [ 951] Ends ANRecord [ 939] update.
Validate [ 951] Validates ANRecord [ 939]. ANRecord [ 939] can be validated only if
the ANValidationLevel [ 1604] is Standard.

ANImageBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
SetImage [ 922] Sets an image for the ANImageBinaryRecord [ 916].
SetImage [ 923] Sets an image for the ANImageBinaryRecord [ 916].
ToNImage [ 923] Converts image contained in logical record to NImage [ 1831] format.
ToNImage [ 923] Converts image contained in logical record to NImage [ 1831] format.

ANType6Record Class

Name Description
SetCompressionAlgorithm [ 1276] Sets binary compression algorithm used to compress image data.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
ConformanceTestResults [ 951] Gets particular conformance test results from the ANRecord [ 939].
Data [ 951] Gets or sets the the record data.
Fields [ 952] Gets particular fields from the ANRecord [ 939].
Idc [ 952] Gets or sets idc of record.
IsValidated [ 952] Checks if ANRecord [ 939] is compliant with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1
standard specified by version.
Length [ 952] Gets record size.
NativeType [ 952] Defines the native type of the object.
Owner [ 952] Gets ANTemplate [ 980] object.
RecordType [ 953] Gets record type.
ValidationLevel [ 953] Gets validation level of ANRecord [ 939].
Version [ 953] Gets record version.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ANBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
NativeType [ 830] Defines the native type of the object.

ANImageBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
HorzLineLength [ 923] Gets or sets horizontal line length value.
ImageResolution [ 923] Gets image resolution value.
ImageScanResolution [ 924] Gets flag which defines what type of image scan resolution was used.
ImageScanResolutionValue [ 924] Gets value of image scanning resolution.
NativeType [ 924] Defines the native type of the object.
VertLineLength [ 924] Gets or sets vertical line length of image.

ANFImageBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
ImpressionType [ 849] Gets or sets fingerprint impression type.
NativeType [ 850] Defines the native type of the object.
Positions [ 850] Gets fingerprint positions contained in record.

ANType6Record Class

Name Description
CompressionAlgorithm [ 1277] Gets binary compression algorithm used to compress image data.
NativeType [ 1277] Defines the native type of the object.
VendorCompressionAlgorithm Gets vendor compression algorithm value used to compress image data.
[ 1277]

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. ANType6Record.ANType6Record Constructor (NVersion, int) 9

Initializes a new instance of the ANType6Record class.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType6() instead.")]
public ANType6Record(NVersion version, int idc);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANType6Record.
int idc Image designation character value.

This record is deprecated since version 5.0 (ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011). ANType6Record.ANType6Record Constructor (NVersion, int, bool,

ANBinaryImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage)
Initializes a new instance of the ANType6Record class.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType6(bool,
ANBinaryImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage) instead.")]
public ANType6Record(NVersion version, int idc, bool isr, ANBinaryImageCompressionAlgorithm
bca, NImage image);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANType6Record.
int idc Image designation character value.
bool isr Image scanning resolution flag. false if half the minimum
scanning resolution is used and true if half the native
scanning resolution is used.
ANBinaryImageCompressionAlgorithm bca One of ANBinaryImageCompressionAlgorithm [ 1572]
NImage image An image.

Image should be a monochrome. This record is deprecated since version 5.0 (ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011). ANType6Record.ANType6Record Constructor (NVersion, int, bool,

ANBinaryImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage, uint)
Initializes a new instance of the ANType6Record class.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType6(bool,
ANBinaryImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage) instead.")]
public ANType6Record(NVersion version, int idc, bool isr, ANBinaryImageCompressionAlgorithm
bca, NImage image, uint flags);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANType6Record.
int idc Image designation character value.
bool isr Image scanning resolution flag. false if half the minimum
scanning resolution is used and true if half the native
scanning resolution is used.
ANBinaryImageCompressionAlgorithm bca One of ANBinaryImageCompressionAlgorithm [ 1572]

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

NImage image An image.

uint flags Should be zero.

Image should be a monochrome. This record is deprecated since version 5.0 (ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011). ANType6Record.ANType6Record Constructor (NVersion, int, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType6Record class.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType6() instead.")]
public ANType6Record(NVersion version, int idc, uint flags);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANType6Record.
int idc Image designation character value.
uint flags Should be zero.

This record is deprecated since version 5.0 (ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011). ANType6Record Fields ANType6Record.FieldBca Field

Defines BCA field number. Field referenced by this number contains compression algorithm.

public const int FieldBca = FieldCA; ANType6Record Methods ANType6Record.SetCompressionAlgorithm Method

Sets binary compression algorithm used to compress image data.

public void SetCompressionAlgorithm(ANBinaryImageCompressionAlgorithm value, byte

Parameters Description
ANBinaryImageCompressionAlgorithm value One of ANBinaryImageCompressionAlgorithm [ 1572]
byte vendorValue Vendor compression algorithm. ANType6Record Properties ANType6Record.CompressionAlgorithm Property

Gets binary compression algorithm used to compress image data.

public ANBinaryImageCompressionAlgorithm CompressionAlgorithm;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Property value
One of ANBinaryImageCompressionAlgorithm [ 1572] values. ANType6Record.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; ANType6Record.VendorCompressionAlgorithm Property

Gets vendor compression algorithm value used to compress image data.

public byte VendorCompressionAlgorithm;
Property value
Vendor compression algorithm. ANType7Record Class

Provides functionality for managing User-defined image record.

public sealed class ANType7Record : ANBinaryRecord;
File: ANType7Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

This record requires that native scanning resolution and nominal transmitting resolution should be set in Type-1 record.

ANRecord Classes
ANRecord Class

Name Description
ConformanceTestResultCollection Represent collection of conformance test results in ANRecord [ 939].
[ 945]
FieldCollection [ 945] Represent collection of fields in record.

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ANRecord Class

Name Description
FieldData [ 949] Defines Image data (DATA) contained in logical record.
FieldIdc [ 949] This field is identifies the user-defined text information
contained in the record. The IDC (image designation
character) contained in field shall be the IDC of the
Type-2 logical record as found in the file content (CNT)
field of the Type-1 record.
FieldLen [ 949] Describes total count of the number of bytes in logical
FlagMergeDuplicateFields [ 949] Defines whether the duplicate fields should be merged.
FlagRecoverFromBinaryData [ 949]
MaxAnnotationProcessDescriptionLengthV50 [ 949] Defines minimum length of process description for
ANAnnotation [ 796] for version 5.0.
MaxAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmNameLengthV50 Defines maximum length of processing algorithm name
[ 949] for ANAnnotation [ 796] for version 5.0.
MaxAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwnerLength Defines maximum length of processing algorithm owner
[ 949] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
MaxFieldNumber [ 949] Defines maximal number of fields in logical record.
MaxIdc [ 950] Defines maximum value that image designation
character (IDC) can obtain.
MaxIdcV5 [ 950] Defines maximum value that image designation
character (IDC) can obtain for version 5.0 and above.
MaxMakeLength [ 950] Defines maximum make length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MaxModelLength [ 950] Defines maximum model length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MaxSerialNumberLength [ 950] Defines maximum serial number length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MinAnnotationProcessDescriptionLength [ 950] Defines minimum length of process description for
ANAnnotation [ 796].
MinAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmNameLength Defines minimum length of processing algorithm name
[ 950] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
MinAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwnerLength Defines minimum length of processing algorithm owner
[ 950] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
UnknownAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwner Defines unknown processing algorithm owner for
[ 950] ANAnnotation [ 796].

ANType7Record Class

Name Description
FieldUdf [ 1283] Defines UDF field number. Field referenced by this number contains
user-defined fields for Type-7 logical record.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
ANRecord [ 944] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class with current version and
unset IDC value.
ANRecord [ 944] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class.
ANRecord [ 945] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class.
ANRecord [ 945] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class with current version and
unset IDC value.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ANType7Record Class

Name Description
ANType7Record [ 1282] Initializes a new instance of the ANType7Record class with current
version and unset IDC value.
ANType7Record [ 1282] Initializes a new instance of the ANType7Record class.
ANType7Record [ 1282] Initializes a new instance of the ANType7Record class.
ANType7Record [ 1283] Initializes a new instance of the ANType7Record class with current
version and unset IDC value.

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
BeginUpdate [ 951] Begins ANRecord [ 939] update.
CheckValidity [ 951] Checks ANRecord [ 939] compliance with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1 standard
specified by version.
EndUpdate [ 951] Ends ANRecord [ 939] update.
Validate [ 951] Validates ANRecord [ 939]. ANRecord [ 939] can be validated only if
the ANValidationLevel [ 1604] is Standard.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
ConformanceTestResults [ 951] Gets particular conformance test results from the ANRecord [ 939].
Data [ 951] Gets or sets the the record data.
Fields [ 952] Gets particular fields from the ANRecord [ 939].
Idc [ 952] Gets or sets idc of record.
IsValidated [ 952] Checks if ANRecord [ 939] is compliant with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1
standard specified by version.
Length [ 952] Gets record size.
NativeType [ 952] Defines the native type of the object.
Owner [ 952] Gets ANTemplate [ 980] object.
RecordType [ 953] Gets record type.
ValidationLevel [ 953] Gets validation level of ANRecord [ 939].
Version [ 953] Gets record version.

ANBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
NativeType [ 830] Defines the native type of the object.

ANType7Record Class

Name Description
NativeType [ 1283] Defines the native type of the object. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. ANType7Record.ANType7Record Constructor ()

Initializes a new instance of the ANType7Record class with current version and unset IDC value.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType7() instead.")]
public ANType7Record();
ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate.VersionCurrent. If IDC is NOT set, then value is automatically
assigned when ANRecord [ 939] is added to ANTemplate [ 980]. ANType7Record.ANType7Record Constructor (NVersion, int)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType7Record class.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType7() instead.")]
public ANType7Record(NVersion version, int idc);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANType7Record.
int idc Image designation character value. ANType7Record.ANType7Record Constructor (NVersion, int, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType7Record class.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType7() instead.")] 9
public ANType7Record(NVersion version, int idc, uint flags);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards


Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANType7Record.
int idc Image designation character value.
uint flags Should be zero. ANType7Record.ANType7Record Constructor (uint)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType7Record class with current version and unset IDC value.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType7() instead.")]
public ANType7Record(uint flags);

Parameters Description
uint flags Should be zero.

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate.VersionCurrent. If IDC is NOT set, then value is automatically
assigned when ANRecord [ 939] is added to ANTemplate [ 980]. ANType7Record Fields ANType7Record.FieldUdf Field

Defines UDF field number. Field referenced by this number contains user-defined fields for Type-7 logical record.

public const int FieldUdf = FieldData; ANType7Record Properties ANType7Record.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; ANType8Record Class

Provides functions for working with signature image record.

public sealed class ANType8Record : ANImageBinaryRecord;
File: ANType8Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ANRecord Classes
ANRecord Class

Name Description
ConformanceTestResultCollection Represent collection of conformance test results in ANRecord [ 939].
[ 945]
FieldCollection [ 945] Represent collection of fields in record.

ANType8Record Class

Name Description
PenVectorCollection [ 1294] Represent collection of pen vectors.

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

ANRecord Class

Name Description
FieldData [ 949] Defines Image data (DATA) contained in logical record.
FieldIdc [ 949] This field is identifies the user-defined text information
contained in the record. The IDC (image designation
character) contained in field shall be the IDC of the
Type-2 logical record as found in the file content (CNT)
field of the Type-1 record.
FieldLen [ 949] Describes total count of the number of bytes in logical
FlagMergeDuplicateFields [ 949] Defines whether the duplicate fields should be merged.
FlagRecoverFromBinaryData [ 949]
MaxAnnotationProcessDescriptionLengthV50 [ 949] Defines minimum length of process description for
ANAnnotation [ 796] for version 5.0.
MaxAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmNameLengthV50 Defines maximum length of processing algorithm name
[ 949] for ANAnnotation [ 796] for version 5.0.
MaxAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwnerLength Defines maximum length of processing algorithm owner
[ 949] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
MaxFieldNumber [ 949] Defines maximal number of fields in logical record.
MaxIdc [ 950] Defines maximum value that image designation
character (IDC) can obtain.
MaxIdcV5 [ 950] Defines maximum value that image designation
character (IDC) can obtain for version 5.0 and above.
MaxMakeLength [ 950] Defines maximum make length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MaxModelLength [ 950] Defines maximum model length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MaxSerialNumberLength [ 950] Defines maximum serial number length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MinAnnotationProcessDescriptionLength [ 950] Defines minimum length of process description for 9
ANAnnotation [ 796].

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

MinAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmNameLength Defines minimum length of processing algorithm name

[ 950] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
MinAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwnerLength Defines minimum length of processing algorithm owner
[ 950] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
UnknownAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwner Defines unknown processing algorithm owner for
[ 950] ANAnnotation [ 796].

ANImageBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
FieldHll [ 922] Defines HLL field number. Field referenced by this number contain the
number of pixels contained on a single horizontal line of the transmitted
image (horizontal line length - HLL).
FieldIsr [ 922] Defines ISE field number. Field referenced by this number contains flag
of image scanning resolution.
FieldVll [ 922] Defines VLL field number. Field referenced by this number contains
vertical line length (VLL), the number of horizontal lines contained in the
transmitted image.
MaxLineLengthV5 [ 922] Defines maximal line length value in pixels for HLL and VLL for version
5.x of the standard.
MinLineLengthV5 [ 922] Defines minimal line length value in pixels for HLL and VLL for version
5.x of the standard.

ANType8Record Class

Name Description
FieldSig [ 1294] Defines SIG field number. Field referenced by this number contains
signature type.
FieldSrt [ 1294] Defines SRT field number. Field referenced by this number contains
signature representation type.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
ANRecord [ 944] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class with current version and
unset IDC value.
ANRecord [ 944] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class.
ANRecord [ 945] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class.
ANRecord [ 945] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class with current version and
unset IDC value.

ANType8Record Class

Name Description
ANType8Record [ 1289] Initializes a new instance of the ANType8Record class with current
version and unset IDC value.
ANType8Record [ 1290] Initializes a new instance of the ANType8Record class with current
version and unset IDC value.
ANType8Record [ 1290] Initializes a new instance of the ANType8Record class with current
version and unset IDC value.
ANType8Record [ 1290] Initializes a new instance of the ANType8Record class with current
version and unset IDC value.
ANType8Record [ 1291] Initializes a new instance of the ANType8Record class with current
version and unset IDC value.
ANType8Record [ 1291] Initializes a new instance of the ANType8Record class.
ANType8Record [ 1292] Initializes a new instance of the ANType8Record class.
ANType8Record [ 1292] Initializes a new instance of the ANType8Record class.
ANType8Record [ 1292] Initializes a new instance of the ANType8Record class.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ANType8Record [ 1293] Initializes a new instance of the ANType8Record class.

ANType8Record [ 1293] Initializes a new instance of the ANType8Record class.
ANType8Record [ 1293] Initializes a new instance of the ANType8Record class with current
version and unset IDC value.

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
BeginUpdate [ 951] Begins ANRecord [ 939] update.
CheckValidity [ 951] Checks ANRecord [ 939] compliance with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1 standard
specified by version.
EndUpdate [ 951] Ends ANRecord [ 939] update.
Validate [ 951] Validates ANRecord [ 939]. ANRecord [ 939] can be validated only if
the ANValidationLevel [ 1604] is Standard.

ANImageBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
SetImage [ 922] Sets an image for the ANImageBinaryRecord [ 916].
SetImage [ 923] Sets an image for the ANImageBinaryRecord [ 916].
ToNImage [ 923] Converts image contained in logical record to NImage [ 1831] format.
ToNImage [ 923] Converts image contained in logical record to NImage [ 1831] format.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
ConformanceTestResults [ 951] Gets particular conformance test results from the ANRecord [ 939].
Data [ 951] Gets or sets the the record data.
Fields [ 952] Gets particular fields from the ANRecord [ 939].
Idc [ 952] Gets or sets idc of record.
IsValidated [ 952] Checks if ANRecord [ 939] is compliant with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1
standard specified by version.
Length [ 952] Gets record size.
NativeType [ 952] Defines the native type of the object.
Owner [ 952] Gets ANTemplate [ 980] object.
RecordType [ 953] Gets record type.
ValidationLevel [ 953] Gets validation level of ANRecord [ 939].
Version [ 953] Gets record version.

ANBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
NativeType [ 830] Defines the native type of the object.

ANImageBinaryRecord Class
Name Description
HorzLineLength [ 923] Gets or sets horizontal line length value.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ImageResolution [ 923] Gets image resolution value.

ImageScanResolution [ 924] Gets flag which defines what type of image scan resolution was used.
ImageScanResolutionValue [ 924] Gets value of image scanning resolution.
NativeType [ 924] Defines the native type of the object.
VertLineLength [ 924] Gets or sets vertical line length of image.

ANType8Record Class

Name Description
ANSignatureRepresentationTypeNativeType The native type of the signature representation.
[ 1294]
ANSignatureTypeNativeType [ 1294] The native type of the signature type.
NativeType [ 1294] Defines the native type of the object.
PenVectors [ 1295] Gets particular pen vector from ANType8Record.
SignatureRepresentationType [ 1295] Gets or sets signature representation type.
SignatureType [ 1295] Gets or sets signature type.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. ANType8Record.ANType8Record Constructor ()

Initializes a new instance of the ANType8Record class with current version and unset IDC value.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType8() instead.")]
public ANType8Record();
ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate.VersionCurrent. If IDC is NOT set, then value is automatically
assigned when ANRecord [ 939] is added to ANTemplate [ 980].

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANType8Record.ANType8Record Constructor (ANSignatureType,

Initializes a new instance of the ANType8Record class with current version and unset IDC value.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType8(ANSignatureType,
ANPenVector) instead.")]
public ANType8Record(ANSignatureType st, ANPenVector[] penVectors);

Parameters Description
ANSignatureType st One of ANSignatureType [ 1596] values.
ANPenVector[] penVectors Vectors containing image data.

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate.VersionCurrent. If IDC is NOT set, then IDC value is automatically
assigned when ANRecord [ 939] is added to ANTemplate [ 980]. ANType8Record.ANType8Record Constructor (ANSignatureType,

ANPenVector[], uint)
Initializes a new instance of the ANType8Record class with current version and unset IDC value.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType8(ANSignatureType,
ANPenVector) instead.")]
public ANType8Record(ANSignatureType st, ANPenVector[] penVectors, uint flags);

Parameters Description
ANSignatureType st One of ANSignatureType [ 1596] values.
ANPenVector[] penVectors Vectors containing image data.
uint flags Should be zero.

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate.VersionCurrent. If IDC is NOT set, then IDC value is automatically
assigned when ANRecord [ 939] is added to ANTemplate [ 980]. ANType8Record.ANType8Record Constructor (ANSignatureType,

ANSignatureRepresentationType, bool, NImage)
Initializes a new instance of the ANType8Record class with current version and unset IDC value.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType8(ANSignatureType,
ANSignatureRepresentationType, bool, NImage) instead.")]
public ANType8Record(ANSignatureType st, ANSignatureRepresentationType srt, bool isr,
NImage image);

Parameters Description
ANSignatureType st One of ANSignatureType [ 1596] values.
ANSignatureRepresentationType srt One of ANSignatureRepresentationType [ 1596] values.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

bool isr Image scanning resolution flag. Up to

ANTemplate.Version40, the value was:false if half the
minimum scanning resolution is used and true if half the
native scanning resolution is used. From
ANTemplate.Version50, the value are: false if the scanned
and transmitted image resolution is of the 500 ppi class
(+-1% tolerance) and true is otherwise.
NImage image NImage [ 1831] object.

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate.VersionCurrent. If IDC is NOT set, then IDC value is automatically
assigned when ANRecord [ 939] is added to ANTemplate [ 980]. ANType8Record.ANType8Record Constructor (ANSignatureType,

ANSignatureRepresentationType, bool, NImage, uint)
Initializes a new instance of the ANType8Record class with current version and unset IDC value.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType8(ANSignatureType,
ANSignatureRepresentationType, bool, NImage) instead.")]
public ANType8Record(ANSignatureType st, ANSignatureRepresentationType srt, bool isr,
NImage image, uint flags);

Parameters Description
ANSignatureType st One of ANSignatureType [ 1596] values.
ANSignatureRepresentationType srt One of ANSignatureRepresentationType [ 1596] values.
bool isr Image scanning resolution flag. Up to
ANTemplate.Version40, the value was:false if half the
minimum scanning resolution is used and true if half the
native scanning resolution is used. From
ANTemplate.Version50, the value are: false if the scanned
and transmitted image resolution is of the 500 ppi class
(+-1% tolerance) and true is otherwise.
NImage image NImage [ 1831] object.
uint flags Should be zero.

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate.VersionCurrent. If IDC is NOT set, then IDC value is automatically
assigned when ANRecord [ 939] is added to ANTemplate [ 980]. ANType8Record.ANType8Record Constructor (NVersion, int)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType8Record class.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType8() instead.")]
public ANType8Record(NVersion version, int idc);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANType8Record.
int idc Image designation character value.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANType8Record.ANType8Record Constructor (NVersion, int,

ANSignatureType, ANPenVector[])
Initializes a new instance of the ANType8Record class.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType8(ANSignatureType,
ANPenVector) instead.")]
public ANType8Record(NVersion version, int idc, ANSignatureType st, ANPenVector[]

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANType8Record.
int idc Image designation character value.
ANSignatureType st One of ANSignatureType [ 1596] values.
ANPenVector[] penVectors Vectors containing image data. ANType8Record.ANType8Record Constructor (NVersion, int,

ANSignatureType, ANPenVector[], uint)
Initializes a new instance of the ANType8Record class.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType8(ANSignatureType,
ANPenVector) instead.")]
public ANType8Record(NVersion version, int idc, ANSignatureType st, ANPenVector[]
penVectors, uint flags);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANType8Record.
int idc Image designation character value.
ANSignatureType st One of ANSignatureType [ 1596] values.
ANPenVector[] penVectors Vectors containing image data.
uint flags Should be zero. ANType8Record.ANType8Record Constructor (NVersion, int,

ANSignatureType, ANSignatureRepresentationType, bool, NImage)
Initializes a new instance of the ANType8Record class.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType8(ANSignatureType,
ANSignatureRepresentationType, bool, NImage) instead.")]
public ANType8Record(NVersion version, int idc, ANSignatureType st,
ANSignatureRepresentationType srt, bool isr, NImage image);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANType8Record.
int idc Image designation character value.
ANSignatureType st One of ANSignatureType [ 1596] values.
ANSignatureRepresentationType srt One of ANSignatureRepresentationType [ 1596] values.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

bool isr Image scanning resolution flag. Up to

ANTemplate.Version40, the value was:false if half the
minimum scanning resolution is used and true if half the
native scanning resolution is used. From
ANTemplate.Version50, the value are: false if the scanned
and transmitted image resolution is of the 500 ppi class
(+-1% tolerance) and true is otherwise.
NImage image NImage [ 1831] object. ANType8Record.ANType8Record Constructor (NVersion, int,

ANSignatureType, ANSignatureRepresentationType, bool, NImage, uint)
Initializes a new instance of the ANType8Record class.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType8(ANSignatureType,
ANSignatureRepresentationType, bool, NImage) instead.")]
public ANType8Record(NVersion version, int idc, ANSignatureType st,
ANSignatureRepresentationType srt, bool isr, NImage image, uint flags);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANType8Record.
int idc Image designation character value.
ANSignatureType st One of ANSignatureType [ 1596] values.
ANSignatureRepresentationType srt One of ANSignatureRepresentationType [ 1596] values.
bool isr Image scanning resolution flag. Up to
ANTemplate.Version40, the value was:false if half the
minimum scanning resolution is used and true if half the
native scanning resolution is used. From
ANTemplate.Version50, the value are: false if the scanned
and transmitted image resolution is of the 500 ppi class
(+-1% tolerance) and true is otherwise.
NImage image NImage [ 1831] object.
uint flags Should be zero. ANType8Record.ANType8Record Constructor (NVersion, int, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType8Record class.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType8() instead.")]
public ANType8Record(NVersion version, int idc, uint flags);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANType8Record.
int idc Image designation character value.
uint flags Should be zero. ANType8Record.ANType8Record Constructor (uint)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType8Record class with current version and unset IDC value.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType8() instead.")]
public ANType8Record(uint flags); 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards


Parameters Description
uint flags Should be zero.

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate.VersionCurrent. If IDC is NOT set, then value is automatically
assigned when ANRecord [ 939] is added to ANTemplate [ 980]. ANType8Record Classes ANType8Record.PenVectorCollection Class

Represent collection of pen vectors.

public sealed class PenVectorCollection : StructCollection<ANPenVector>;
File: ANType8Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] ANType8Record Fields ANType8Record.FieldSig Field

Defines SIG field number. Field referenced by this number contains signature type.

public const int FieldSig = 3; ANType8Record.FieldSrt Field

Defines SRT field number. Field referenced by this number contains signature representation type.

public const int FieldSrt = 4; ANType8Record Properties ANType8Record.ANSignatureRepresentationTypeNativeType Property

The native type of the signature representation.

public static NType ANSignatureRepresentationTypeNativeType; ANType8Record.ANSignatureTypeNativeType Property

The native type of the signature type.

public static NType ANSignatureTypeNativeType; ANType8Record.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public static new NType NativeType; ANType8Record.PenVectors Property

Gets particular pen vector from ANType8Record [ 1283].

public PenVectorCollection PenVectors;
Property value
A PenVectorCollection [ 1294] representing pen vectors from ANType8Record [ 1283]. ANType8Record.SignatureRepresentationType Property

Gets or sets signature representation type.

public ANSignatureRepresentationType SignatureRepresentationType;
Property value
One of ANSignatureRepresentationType [ 1596] values. ANType8Record.SignatureType Property

Gets or sets signature type.

public ANSignatureType SignatureType;
Property value
One of ANSignatureType [ 1596] values. ANType99Record Class

Provides functionality for working with CBEFF biometric data record.

public sealed class ANType99Record : ANAsciiBinaryRecord;
File: ANType99Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

ANRecord Classes
ANRecord Class

Name Description
ConformanceTestResultCollection Represent collection of conformance test results in ANRecord [ 939].
[ 945]
FieldCollection [ 945] Represent collection of fields in record.

ANAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
AnnotationCollection [ 807] Represent collection of annotations. 9
AssociatedContextCollection [ 808] Represent collection of associated contexts.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

SourceRepresentationCollection Represent collection of associated contexts.

[ 808]

ANType99Record Class

Name Description
BiometricDataQualityCollection Represent collection of biometric data quality scores.
[ 1305]

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

ANRecord Class

Name Description
FieldData [ 949] Defines Image data (DATA) contained in logical record.
FieldIdc [ 949] This field is identifies the user-defined text information
contained in the record. The IDC (image designation
character) contained in field shall be the IDC of the
Type-2 logical record as found in the file content (CNT)
field of the Type-1 record.
FieldLen [ 949] Describes total count of the number of bytes in logical
FlagMergeDuplicateFields [ 949] Defines whether the duplicate fields should be merged.
FlagRecoverFromBinaryData [ 949]
MaxAnnotationProcessDescriptionLengthV50 [ 949] Defines minimum length of process description for
ANAnnotation [ 796] for version 5.0.
MaxAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmNameLengthV50 Defines maximum length of processing algorithm name
[ 949] for ANAnnotation [ 796] for version 5.0.
MaxAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwnerLength Defines maximum length of processing algorithm owner
[ 949] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
MaxFieldNumber [ 949] Defines maximal number of fields in logical record.
MaxIdc [ 950] Defines maximum value that image designation
character (IDC) can obtain.
MaxIdcV5 [ 950] Defines maximum value that image designation
character (IDC) can obtain for version 5.0 and above.
MaxMakeLength [ 950] Defines maximum make length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MaxModelLength [ 950] Defines maximum model length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MaxSerialNumberLength [ 950] Defines maximum serial number length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MinAnnotationProcessDescriptionLength [ 950] Defines minimum length of process description for
ANAnnotation [ 796].
MinAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmNameLength Defines minimum length of processing algorithm name
[ 950] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
MinAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwnerLength Defines minimum length of processing algorithm owner 9
[ 950] for ANAnnotation [ 796].

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

UnknownAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwner Defines unknown processing algorithm owner for

[ 950] ANAnnotation [ 796].

ANAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
FieldAnn [ 809] Defines ANN field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the annotations, presenting operations
performed on the original source.
FieldAsc [ 809] Defines ASC field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the associated context to one or more
Record(s) Type-21.
FieldCon [ 809] Defines CON field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the capture organization name.
FieldDat [ 809] Defines DAT field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the date that the transaction was
FieldDui [ 809] Defines DUI field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the device or source of the data.
FieldEfr [ 809] Defines EFR field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the external file reference if the data is
not contained in Field 999.
FieldGeo [ 809] Defines GEO field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the geographic sample acquisition
location where sample was acquired (not where it is
FieldHas [ 809] Defines HAS field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the hash value of the data in Field 999.
FieldMms [ 809] Defines MMS field number. Field referenced by this
number contains make, model and serial number for the
image capture device.
FieldSan [ 810] Defines SAN field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the source agency name of the agency
referenced in Field 4.
FieldSor [ 810] Defines SOR field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the source representation to a
representation(s) in Record(s) Type-20.
FieldSrc [ 810] Defines SRC field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the administration or organization that
originally captured the latent image contained in the
record. Normally, the Originating Agency Identifier, ORI,
of the agency that captured the image.
FieldSub [ 810] Defines SUB field number. Field referenced by this
number contains the image subject condition.
FieldUdfFrom [ 810] Specifies starting number from which user defined field
FieldUdfTo [ 810] Defines end number of user defined field starts.
FieldUdfToV5 [ 810] Defines end number of user defined field starts for
version 5.0 and above.
GeoDefaultCoordinateSystem [ 810] Defines default geographic coordinate system value for
geodetic datum code of field referenced by FieldGeo
[ 809] field number.
MaxCaptureOrganizationNameLength [ 811] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldCon [ 809] field number.
MaxDecodingInstructionsLength [ 811] Defines maximal decoding instructions value length of
field referenced by FieldSft or FieldAft fields number.
MaxExternalFileReferenceLength [ 811] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by 9
FieldEfr [ 809] field number.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

MaxFileTypeLength [ 811] Defines maximal file type value length of field referenced
by FieldSft or FieldAft fields number.
MaxGeoAlternativeCoordSystemIdLength [ 811] Defines maximal alternative geographic coordinate
system identifier value of field referenced by FieldGeo
[ 809] field number.
MaxGeoAlternativeCoordSystemValueLength Defines maximal alternative geographic coordinate
[ 811] system value value of field referenced by FieldGeo
[ 809] field number.
MaxGeoElevation [ 811] Defines maximal elevation value of field referenced by
FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoElevationLength [ 811] Defines maximal elevation value length of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoLatitudeDegree [ 811] Defines maximal latitude degree value of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoLatitudeDegreeLength [ 812] Defines maximal latitude degree value length of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoLongitudeDegree [ 812] Defines maximal longitude degree value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoLongitudeDegreeLength [ 812] Defines maximal longitude degree value length of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoMinute [ 812] Defines maximal latitude/longitude minute value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoMinuteLength [ 812] Defines maximal latitude/longitude minute value length of
field referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoReferenceTextLength [ 812] Defines maximal geographic reference text value length
of field referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoSecond [ 812] Defines maximal latitude/longitude second value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoSecondLength [ 812] Defines maximal latitude/longitude second value length of
field referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoUtmEasting [ 812] Defines maximal UtmEasting value of field referenced by
FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoUtmNorthing [ 812] Defines maximal UtmNorthing value of field referenced by
FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeoUtmZoneLength [ 813] Defines maximal UtmZone value length of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxGeodeticDatumCodeLength [ 813] Defines maximal elevation value length of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MaxHashLength [ 813] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldHas [ 809] field number.
MaxImageCaptureDateRangeLength [ 813] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldIcdr field number.
MaxQualityMetricScore [ 813] Defines maximal quality score value for record data.
MaxSourceAgencyLength [ 813] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldSrc [ 810] field number.
MaxSourceAgencyLengthV4 [ 813] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldSrc [ 810] field number for version 4.0 and above.
MaxSourceAgencyNameLength [ 813] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by
FieldSan [ 810] field number.
MaxSourceContextRepresentationNumber [ 813] Defines maximal number value of field referenced by
FieldSan [ 810] or FieldSor [ 810] field numbers.
MaxSourceContextRepresentationSegmentPosition Defines maximal segment position value of field
[ 814] referenced by FieldAsc [ 809] or FieldSor [ 810] field
MaxTimeIndexCount [ 814] Defines maximal time index count of field referenced by
FieldTix field number.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

MaxTimeIndexHour [ 814] Defines maximal time index hour value of field referenced
by FieldTix field number.
MaxTimeIndexLength [ 814] Defines maximal time index value length of field
referenced by FieldTix field number.
MaxTimeIndexMillisecond [ 814] Defines maximal time index millisecond value of field
referenced by FieldTix field number.
MaxTimeIndexMinute [ 814] Defines maximal time index minute value of field
referenced by FieldTix field number.
MaxTimeIndexSecond [ 814] Defines maximal time index second value of field
referenced by FieldTix field number.
MinCaptureOrganizationNameLength [ 814] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldCon [ 809] field number.
MinExternalFileReferenceLength [ 814] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldEfr [ 809] field number.
MinFileTypeLength [ 814] Defines minimal file type value length of field referenced
by FieldSft or FieldAft fields number.
MinGeoElevation [ 815] Defines minimal elevation value of field referenced by
FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeoLatitudeDegree [ 815] Defines minimal latitude degree value of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeoLongitudeDegree [ 815] Defines minimal longitude degree value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeoMinute [ 815] Defines minimal latitude/longitude minute value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeoSecond [ 815] Defines minimal latitude/longitude second value of field
referenced by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeoUtmZoneLength [ 815] Defines minimal UtmZone value length of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinGeodeticDatumCodeLength [ 815] Defines maximal elevation value length of field referenced
by FieldGeo [ 809] field number.
MinImageCaptureDateRangeLength [ 815] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldIcdr field number.
MinImageCaptureDateRangeLength51 [ 815] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldIcdr field number for version 5.1.
MinSourceAgencyLength [ 816] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldSrc [ 810] field number.
MinSourceAgencyLengthV5 [ 816] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldSrc [ 810] field number for version 5.0 and above.
MinSourceAgencyNameLength [ 816] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by
FieldSan [ 810] field number.
MinSourceContextRepresentationNumber [ 816] Defines minimal number value of field referenced by
FieldAsc [ 809] or FieldSor [ 810] field numbers.
MinSourceContextRepresentationSegmentPosition Defines minimal segment position value of field
[ 816] referenced by FieldAsc [ 809] or FieldSor [ 810] field
MinTimeIndexCount [ 816] Defines minimal time index count of field referenced by
FieldTix field number.
QualityMetricScoreFailed [ 816] Defines code when quality assessment algorithm failed to
asses record data quality.
QualityMetricScoreNotAvailable [ 816] Defines code when quality score has not been calculated
or provided for data contained in record object.

ANType99Record Class

Name Description 9
FieldBcd [ 1306] Defines BCD field number. Field referenced by this number contains the
date that the biometric sample was captured.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

FieldBdb [ 1306] Defines BDB field number. Field referenced by this number contains the
CBEFF Biometric Data [ 951] Block.
FieldBdq [ 1306] Defines BDQ field number. Field referenced by this number contains
quality score data for the biometric data stored in the BDB field of this
FieldBfo [ 1306] Defines BFO field number. Field referenced by this number contains the
vendor, standards body, working group, or industry consortium that has
defined the format of the biometric data (in the BDB).
FieldBft [ 1306] Defines BFT field number. Field referenced by this number contains the
value assigned by the format owner to represent the specific BDB format
as specified by the format owner.
FieldBty [ 1306] Defines BFY field number. Field referenced by this number contains the
type of biometric technology used.
FieldHdv [ 1306] Defines HDV field number. Field referenced by this number contains the
version of CBEFF specification that this record conforms.
HeaderVersion10 [ 1306] Defines older version of CBEFF specification.
HeaderVersion11 [ 1306] Defines current version of CBEFF specification (The current version of
CBEFF is INCITS 398-2005).
MaxBiometricDataQualityCount Defines maximum number of biometric data quality metric.
[ 1307]
MaxBiometricDataQualityCountV5 Defines maximum number of biometric data quality metric for version 5.0
[ 1307] and above.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
ANRecord [ 944] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class with current version and
unset IDC value.
ANRecord [ 944] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class.
ANRecord [ 945] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class.
ANRecord [ 945] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class with current version and
unset IDC value.

ANType99Record Class

Name Description
ANType99Record [ 1304] Initializes a new instance of the ANType99Record class with current
version and unset IDC value.
ANType99Record [ 1304] Initializes a new instance of the ANType99Record class.
ANType99Record [ 1305] Initializes a new instance of the ANType99Record class.
ANType99Record [ 1305] Initializes a new instance of the ANType99Record class with current
version and unset IDC value.

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order. 9
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.

FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject. 9
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.

Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
BeginUpdate [ 951] Begins ANRecord [ 939] update.
CheckValidity [ 951] Checks ANRecord [ 939] compliance with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1 standard
specified by version.
EndUpdate [ 951] Ends ANRecord [ 939] update.
Validate [ 951] Validates ANRecord [ 939]. ANRecord [ 939] can be validated only if
the ANValidationLevel [ 1604] is Standard.

ANAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
SetMakeModelSerialNumber [ 816] Sets make, model and serial number for the iris capture device.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description 9
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
ConformanceTestResults [ 951] Gets particular conformance test results from the ANRecord [ 939].
Data [ 951] Gets or sets the the record data.
Fields [ 952] Gets particular fields from the ANRecord [ 939].
Idc [ 952] Gets or sets idc of record.
IsValidated [ 952] Checks if ANRecord [ 939] is compliant with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1
standard specified by version.
Length [ 952] Gets record size.
NativeType [ 952] Defines the native type of the object.
Owner [ 952] Gets ANTemplate [ 980] object.
RecordType [ 953] Gets record type.
ValidationLevel [ 953] Gets validation level of ANRecord [ 939].
Version [ 953] Gets record version.

ANAsciiBinaryRecord Class

Name Description
ANGeographicCoordinateSystemNativeType The native type of the geographic coordinate system.
[ 817]
ANSubjectBodyClassCodeNativeType The native type of the subject body class code.
[ 817]
ANSubjectBodyStatusCodeNativeType The native type of the subject body status code.
[ 817]
ANSubjectStatusCodeNativeType [ 817] The native type of the subject status code.
Annotations [ 817] Gets particular annotations from the ANAsciiBinaryRecord
[ 799].
AssociatedContexts [ 817] Gets particular associated contexts from the
ANAsciiBinaryRecord [ 799].
CaptureOrganizationName [ 817] Gets or sets capture organization name.
DataHash [ 818] Gets or sets the hash value of data.
Date [ 818] Gets or sets field referenced by FieldDat [ 809] field number.
DeviceUniqueIdentifier [ 818] Gets or sets device unique identifier.
ExternalFileReference [ 818] Gets or sets external file reference.
GeographicLocation [ 818] Gets or sets the ANGeographicLocation [ 890] structure.
Make [ 818] Gets make of image capture device
MakeModelSerialNumber [ 819] Gets or sets the MakeModelSerialNumber structure.
Model [ 819] Gets model of image capture device.
NativeType [ 819] Defines native type of the object.
SerialNumber [ 819] Gets serial number of image capture device.
SourceAgency [ 819] Gets or sets source agency identification.
SourceAgencyName [ 819] Gets or sets source agency name.
SourceRepresenations [ 819] Gets particular associated contexts from the
ANAsciiBinaryRecord [ 799].
SubjectCondition [ 820] Gets or sets subject condition.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ANType99Record Class

Name Description
ANBiometricTypeNativeType The native type of the biometric type.
[ 1307]
BdbFormatOwner [ 1307] Gets or sets the identification of whom defined the format of biometric
BdbFormatType [ 1307] Gets or sets the format type assigned by the format owner to represent
specific biometric data.
BiometricCreationDate [ 1307] Gets or sets creation date of biometric sample.
BiometricDataQualities [ 1307] Gets particular quality scores of biometric data from the
BiometricType [ 1308] Gets or sets type of biometric technology.
HeaderVersion [ 1308] Gets or sets version of CBEFF specification that this record conforms to.
NativeType [ 1308] Defines the native type of the object.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. ANType99Record.ANType99Record Constructor ()

Initializes a new instance of the ANType99Record class with current version and unset IDC value.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType99() instead.")]
public ANType99Record();
ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate.VersionCurrent. If IDC is NOT set, then IDC value is automatically
assigned when ANRecord [ 939] is added to ANTemplate [ 980]. ANType99Record.ANType99Record Constructor (NVersion, int)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType99Record class.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType99() instead.")]
public ANType99Record(NVersion version, int idc);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANType99Record.
int idc Image designation character value. ANType99Record.ANType99Record Constructor (NVersion, int, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType99Record class.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType99() instead.")]
public ANType99Record(NVersion version, int idc, uint flags);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANType99Record.
int idc Image designation character value.
uint flags Should be zero. ANType99Record.ANType99Record Constructor (uint)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType99Record class with current version and unset IDC value.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType99() instead.")]
public ANType99Record(uint flags);

Parameters Description
uint flags Should be zero.

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate.VersionCurrent. If IDC is NOT set, then IDC value is automatically
assigned when ANRecord [ 939] is added to ANTemplate [ 980]. ANType99Record Classes ANType99Record.BiometricDataQualityCollection Class

Represent collection of biometric data quality scores.

public sealed class BiometricDataQualityCollection : StructCollection<ANQualityMetric>;
File: ANType99Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] ANType99Record Fields 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANType99Record.FieldBcd Field

Defines BCD field number. Field referenced by this number contains the date that the biometric sample was captured.

public const int FieldBcd = FieldDat; ANType99Record.FieldBdb Field

Defines BDB field number. Field referenced by this number contains the CBEFF Biometric Data [ 951] Block.

public const int FieldBdb = FieldData; ANType99Record.FieldBdq Field

Defines BDQ field number. Field referenced by this number contains quality score data for the biometric data stored in the BDB
field of this record.

public const int FieldBdq = 102; ANType99Record.FieldBfo Field

Defines BFO field number. Field referenced by this number contains the vendor, standards body, working group, or industry
consortium that has defined the format of the biometric data (in the BDB).

public const int FieldBfo = 103; ANType99Record.FieldBft Field

Defines BFT field number. Field referenced by this number contains the value assigned by the format owner to represent the
specific BDB format as specified by the format owner.

public const int FieldBft = 104; ANType99Record.FieldBty Field

Defines BFY field number. Field referenced by this number contains the type of biometric technology used.

public const int FieldBty = 101; ANType99Record.FieldHdv Field

Defines HDV field number. Field referenced by this number contains the version of CBEFF specification that this record

public const int FieldHdv = 100; ANType99Record.HeaderVersion10 Field

Defines older version of CBEFF specification.

public static readonly NVersion HeaderVersion10 = (NVersion)0x0100; ANType99Record.HeaderVersion11 Field

Defines current version of CBEFF specification (The current version of CBEFF is INCITS 398-2005). 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public static readonly NVersion HeaderVersion11 = (NVersion)0x0101; ANType99Record.MaxBiometricDataQualityCount Field

Defines maximum number of biometric data quality metric.

public const byte MaxBiometricDataQualityCount = 1; ANType99Record.MaxBiometricDataQualityCountV5 Field

Defines maximum number of biometric data quality metric for version 5.0 and above.

public const byte MaxBiometricDataQualityCountV5 = 9; ANType99Record Properties ANType99Record.ANBiometricTypeNativeType Property

The native type of the biometric type.

public static NType ANBiometricTypeNativeType; ANType99Record.BdbFormatOwner Property

Gets or sets the identification of whom defined the format of biometric data.

public ushort BdbFormatOwner;
Property value
Number containing identification of format owner. ANType99Record.BdbFormatType Property

Gets or sets the format type assigned by the format owner to represent specific biometric data.

public ushort BdbFormatType;
Property value
Number containing format type. ANType99Record.BiometricCreationDate Property

Gets or sets creation date of biometric sample.

public DateTime BiometricCreationDate;
Property value
DateTime object. ANType99Record.BiometricDataQualities Property

Gets particular quality scores of biometric data from the ANType99Record [ 1295].
public BiometricDataQualityCollection BiometricDataQualities;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Property value
A BiometricDataQualityCollection [ 1305] representing quality scores of biometric data score from ANType99Record [ 1295]. ANType99Record.BiometricType Property

Gets or sets type of biometric technology.

public ANBiometricType BiometricType;
Property value
One of ANBiometricType [ 1572] values. ANType99Record.HeaderVersion Property

Gets or sets version of CBEFF specification that this record conforms to.

public NVersion HeaderVersion;
Property value
One of ANVersion values. ANType99Record.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; ANType9Record Class

Provides functions for working with Minutiae [ 1335] data record.

public sealed class ANType9Record : ANAsciiRecord;
File: ANType9Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

Starting from version 5.0, Type-9 record do not maintain standard minutiae data fields (although they are supported as 'legacy
fields'). Vendor-defined data blocks should be used for minutiae data storing (please check ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 standard for
all defined vendor blocks). Neurotec [ 220] SDK provides high level API functions for minutiae data storing in 'INCITS 378'
vendor data block (defined by ANSI INCITS 378 standard) as well supports 'Other feature sets' data block for storing minutiae
data in proprietary format (if it is required). 'INCITS 378' data block is implemented by providing ability to set/get and validate
data in this block. Other vendor-defined data blocks could be used by operating with low level API functions to manipulate
records fields values. Therefore Neurotec [ 220] SDK do not provide validation for these vendor-defined data blocks.

ANRecord Classes
ANRecord Class

Name Description
ConformanceTestResultCollection Represent collection of conformance test results in ANRecord [ 939].
[ 945]

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

FieldCollection [ 945] Represent collection of fields in record.

ANType9Record Class

Name Description
AnnotationCollection [ 1320] Represent collection of annotations.
CoreCollection [ 1321] Represent collection of cores.
DeltaCollection [ 1321] Represent collection of deltas.
MinutiaCollection [ 1321] Represent collection of minutia.
MinutiaNeighborsCollection [ 1321] Represent collection of minutiae neighbors.
PatternClassCollection [ 1322] Represent collection of pattern classes.
PositionCollection [ 1323] Represent collection of fingerprint positions.
UlwAnnotationCollection [ 1323] Represent collection of ulwAnnotations.

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

ANRecord Class

Name Description
FieldData [ 949] Defines Image data (DATA) contained in logical record.
FieldIdc [ 949] This field is identifies the user-defined text information
contained in the record. The IDC (image designation
character) contained in field shall be the IDC of the
Type-2 logical record as found in the file content (CNT)
field of the Type-1 record.
FieldLen [ 949] Describes total count of the number of bytes in logical
FlagMergeDuplicateFields [ 949] Defines whether the duplicate fields should be merged.
FlagRecoverFromBinaryData [ 949]
MaxAnnotationProcessDescriptionLengthV50 [ 949] Defines minimum length of process description for
ANAnnotation [ 796] for version 5.0.
MaxAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmNameLengthV50 Defines maximum length of processing algorithm name
[ 949] for ANAnnotation [ 796] for version 5.0.
MaxAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwnerLength Defines maximum length of processing algorithm owner
[ 949] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
MaxFieldNumber [ 949] Defines maximal number of fields in logical record.
MaxIdc [ 950] Defines maximum value that image designation
character (IDC) can obtain.
MaxIdcV5 [ 950] Defines maximum value that image designation
character (IDC) can obtain for version 5.0 and above.
MaxMakeLength [ 950] Defines maximum make length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MaxModelLength [ 950] Defines maximum model length value for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].
MaxSerialNumberLength [ 950] Defines maximum serial number length value for 9
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927].

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

MinAnnotationProcessDescriptionLength [ 950] Defines minimum length of process description for

ANAnnotation [ 796].
MinAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmNameLength Defines minimum length of processing algorithm name
[ 950] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
MinAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwnerLength Defines minimum length of processing algorithm owner
[ 950] for ANAnnotation [ 796].
UnknownAnnotationProcessingAlgorithmOwner Defines unknown processing algorithm owner for
[ 950] ANAnnotation [ 796].

ANAsciiRecord Class

Name Description
MaxFieldNumber [ 825] Defines maximum quantity of fields in record of Type-1, Type-2 and

ANType9Record Class

Name Description
FieldAllFrom [ 1324] Defines the starting filed of a common block of tagged fields.
FieldAllTo [ 1324] Defines the ending filed number of a common block of tagged
FieldAnn [ 1324] Defines ANN field number. Field referenced by this number
contains annotation information (ANN).
FieldCrp [ 1324] Defines CRP field number. Field referenced by this number
contains core position (CRP) value.
FieldDlt [ 1324] Defines DLT field number. Field referenced by this number
contains delta(s) position (DLT).
FieldDtx [ 1324] Defines DTX field number. Field referenced by this number
contains other feature sets - contact information (DTX).
FieldDui [ 1324] Defines DUI field number. Field referenced by this number
contains the device or source of the data.
FieldFgp [ 1325] Defines FGP field number. Field referenced by this number
contains finger position (FGP) value.
FieldFmt [ 1325] Defines FMT field number. Field referenced by this number
contains minutiae format (FMT) value.
FieldFpc [ 1325] Defines FPC field number. Field referenced by this number
contains fingerprint pattern classification (FPC) value.
FieldImp [ 1325] Defines IMP field number. Field referenced by this number
contains impression type (IMP) value.
FieldM1Ada [ 1325] Defines ADA field number. Field referenced by this number
contains M1 additional delta angles (ADA).
FieldM1Cbi [ 1325] Defines CBI field number. Field referenced by this number
contains M1 CBEFF information (CBI).
FieldM1Cei [ 1325] Defines CEI field number. Field referenced by this number
contains M1 capture equipment identification (CEI).
FieldM1Cin [ 1325] Defines CIN field number. Field referenced by this number
contains M1 core information (CIN).
FieldM1Din [ 1325] Defines DIN field number. Field referenced by this number
contains M1 delta information (DIN).
FieldM1Fgp [ 1325] Defines FGP field number. Field referenced by this number
contains M1 friction ridge generalized position (FGP).
FieldM1Fmd [ 1326] Defines FMD field number. Field referenced by this number
contains M1 finger minutiae data (FMD).
FieldM1Fqd [ 1326] Defines FQD field number. Field referenced by this number
contains M1 friction ridge quality data (FQD).
FieldM1Fvw [ 1326] Defines FVW field number. Field referenced by this number 9
contains M1 finger view (FVW).

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

FieldM1Hll [ 1326] Defines HLL field number. Field referenced by this number
contains M1 horizontal line length (HLL).
FieldM1Nom [ 1326] Defines NOM field number. Field referenced by this number
contains M1 number of minutiae (NOM).
FieldM1Rci [ 1326] Defines RCI field number. Field referenced by this number
contains M1 ridge count information (RCI).
FieldM1Slc [ 1326] Defines SLC field number. Field referenced by this number
contains M1 scale units (SLC).
FieldM1Thps [ 1326] Defines THPS field number. Field referenced by this number
contains M1 transmitted horizontal pixel scale (THPS).
FieldM1Tvps [ 1326] Defines TVPS field number. Field referenced by this number
contains M1 transmitted vertical pixel scale (TVPS).
FieldM1Vll [ 1327] Defines VLL field number. Field referenced by this number
contains M1 vertical line length (VLL).
FieldMin [ 1327] Defines MIN field number. Field referenced by this number
contains number of minutiae (MIN)
FieldMms [ 1327] Defines MMS field number. Field referenced by this number
contains make, model and serial number for the image capture
FieldMrc [ 1327] Defines MRC field number. Field referenced by this number
contains minutiae and ridge count data (MRC).
FieldOfr [ 1327] Defines OFR field number. Field referenced by this number
contains originating fingerprint reading system (OFR) value.
FieldOod [ 1327] Defines OOD field number. Field referenced by this number
contains other feature sets - owner or developer (OOD).
FieldPag [ 1327] Defines PAG field number. Field referenced by this number
contains other feature sets - processing algorithm (PAG).
FieldRdg [ 1327] Defines RDG field number. Field referenced by this number
contains minutiae ridge count indicator (RDG) value.
FieldSod [ 1327] Defines SOD field number. Field referenced by this number
contains other feature sets - system or device (SOD).
FieldStandardFormatFeaturesFrom Defines the starting filed of a standard format features block.
[ 1328]
FieldStandardFormatFeaturesTo [ 1328] Defines the ending filed of a standard format features block.

FieldUla [ 1328] Defines ULA field number. Field referenced by this number
contains universal latent workstation annotation information (ULA).
FieldVendorDefinedFeaturesFrom [ 1328] Defines the starting filed of a vendor defined features block.

FieldVendorDefinedFeaturesTo [ 1328] Defines the ending filed of a vendor defined features block.

FieldVendorDefinedFeaturesToV5 [ 1328] Defines the ending filed of a vendor defined features block starting
from version 5.0.
FlagSkipNeurotecFields [ 1328] Defines the flag indicating whether singular points (cores and
deltas) should be skipped while creating ANType9Record from
NFRecord [ 537] or FMRecord [ 1467].
FlagSkipRidgeCounts [ 1328] Defines the flag indicating whether ridge counts should be skipped
while creating ANType9Record from NFRecord [ 537] or
FMRecord [ 1467].
FlagSkipSingularPoints [ 1328] Defines the flag indicating whether singular points (cores and
deltas) should be skipped while creating ANType9Record from
NFRecord [ 537] or FMRecord [ 1467].
M1CbeffFormatOwner [ 1329] Defines Cbeff format owner for 'INCITS 378' data block. Cbeff
Onwer is set as INCITS Technical Committee M1.
M1MaxCoreCount [ 1329] Defines maximal cores count in 'INCITS 378' data block of field
referenced by FieldM1Cin [ 1325] field number.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

M1MaxDeltaCount [ 1329] Defines maximal deltas count in 'INCITS 378' data block of fields
referenced by FieldM1Din [ 1325] and FieldM1Ada [ 1325] field
M1MaxLineLength [ 1329] Defines maximal line length value in pixels for HLL and VLL in
'INCITS 378' data block.
M1MaxRidgeCount [ 1329] Defines maximal ridge count information's count in 'INCITS 378'
data block of field referenced by FieldM1Rci [ 1326] field number.
M1MinLineLength [ 1329] Defines minimal line length value in pixels for HLL and VLL in
'INCITS 378' data block.
M1MinMinutiaeCount [ 1329] Defines minimal minutiae count in 'INCITS 378' data block of field
referenced by FieldM1Fmd [ 1326] field number.
M1MinRidgeCount50 [ 1329] Defines minimal ridge count information's count in 'INCITS 378'
data block of field referenced by FieldM1Rci [ 1326] field number
for version 5.0.
MaxFingerprintX [ 1329] Defines maximum fingerprint X coordinate.
MaxFingerprintY [ 1330] Defines maximum fingerprint Y coordinate.
MaxPalmprintX [ 1330] Defines maximum palmprint X coordinate.
MaxPalmprintY [ 1330] Defines maximum palmprint Y coordinate.
MaxUlwAnnotationLength [ 1330] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by FieldUla
[ 1328] field number.
MinUlwAnnotationLength [ 1330] Defines minimal value length of field referenced by FieldUla
[ 1328] field number.
MinutiaQualityBest [ 1330] Defines greatest confidence in minutia quality.
MinutiaQualityManual [ 1330] Defines that minutia has been encoded manually.
MinutiaQualityNotAvailable [ 1330] Defines that no method of indicating a confidence level is
MinutiaQualityWorst [ 1330] Defines worst confidence in minutia quality.
OfsMaxContactInformationLength [ 1330] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by FieldDtx
[ 1324] field number.
OfsMaxOwnerLength [ 1331] Defines maximal value length of field referenced by FieldOod
[ 1327] field number.
OfsMaxProcessingAlgorithmLength Defines maximal processing algorithm name value length of field
[ 1331] referenced by FieldPag [ 1327] field number.
OfsMaxProcessingAlgorithmVersionLength Defines maximal processing algorithm version value length of field
[ 1331] referenced by FieldPag [ 1327] field number.
OfsMaxSystemNameLength [ 1331] Defines maximal system name value length of field referenced by
FieldSod [ 1327] field number.
OfsMaxSystemVersionLength [ 1331] Defines maximal system version value length of field referenced
by FieldSod [ 1327] field number.
OfsNeurotecOwner [ 1331] Defines Neurotec [ 220] owner of the other feature set referenced
by FieldOod [ 1327] field number.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
ANRecord [ 944] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class with current version and
unset IDC value.
ANRecord [ 944] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class.
ANRecord [ 945] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class.
ANRecord [ 945] Initializes a new instance of the ANRecord class with current version and
unset IDC value.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ANType9Record Class

Name Description
ANType9Record [ 1317] Initializes a new instance of the ANType9Record class with current
version and unset IDC value.
ANType9Record [ 1317] Initializes a new instance of the ANType9Record class.
ANType9Record [ 1318] Initializes a new instance of the ANType9Record class.
ANType9Record [ 1318] Initializes a new instance of the ANType9Record class.
ANType9Record [ 1318] Initializes a new instance of the ANType9Record class.
ANType9Record [ 1319] Initializes a new instance of the ANType9Record class with current
version and unset IDC value.
ANType9Record [ 1319] Initializes a new instance of the ANType9Record class with current
version and unset IDC value.
ANType9Record [ 1319] Initializes a new instance of the ANType9Record class with current
version and unset IDC value.

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not 9
intended to be used directly from your code.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

ANRecord Class

Name Description
BeginUpdate [ 951] Begins ANRecord [ 939] update.
CheckValidity [ 951] Checks ANRecord [ 939] compliance with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1 standard
specified by version.
EndUpdate [ 951] Ends ANRecord [ 939] update.
Validate [ 951] Validates ANRecord [ 939]. ANRecord [ 939] can be validated only if
the ANValidationLevel [ 1604] is Standard.

ANType9Record Class

Name Description
SetFMRecord [ 1331] Fills "INCITS 378" data block with data from FMRecord [ 1467]. "INCITS
378" data block is filled with standard data from FMRecord [ 1467].
Neurotec [ 220] proprietary data is set in "Other feature sets" data block.
This method is available from ANTemplate [ 980] version 5.0.
SetFMRecord [ 1332] Fills "INCITS 378" and "Other feature sets" data blocks with data from
FMRecord [ 1467]. "INCITS 378" data block is filled with standard data
from FMRecord [ 1467]. Neurotec [ 220] proprietary data is set in
"Other feature sets" data block. If Neurotec [ 220] proprietary data
should not be set, the FlagSkipNeurotecFields [ 1328] should be used.
This method is available from ANTemplate [ 980] version 5.0.
SetHasMinutiaeRidgeCounts Sets if minutia has ridge counts indicator field and has ridge counts data.
[ 1332]
SetMakeModelSerialNumber Sets make, model and serial number for the finger capture device.
[ 1332]
SetOfrs [ 1332] Sets value for the originating fingerprint reading system.
ToNFRecord [ 1333] Transforms ANType9Record minutiae data record to NFRecord [ 537].
ToNFRecord [ 1333] Transforms ANType9Record minutiae data record to NFRecord [ 537].

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ANRecord Class

Name Description
ConformanceTestResults [ 951] Gets particular conformance test results from the ANRecord [ 939].
Data [ 951] Gets or sets the the record data.
Fields [ 952] Gets particular fields from the ANRecord [ 939].
Idc [ 952] Gets or sets idc of record.
IsValidated [ 952] Checks if ANRecord [ 939] is compliant with the ANSI/NIST ITL-1
standard specified by version.
Length [ 952] Gets record size.
NativeType [ 952] Defines the native type of the object.
Owner [ 952] Gets ANTemplate [ 980] object.
RecordType [ 953] Gets record type.
ValidationLevel [ 953] Gets validation level of ANRecord [ 939].
Version [ 953] Gets record version.

ANAsciiRecord Class

Name Description
NativeType [ 825] Defines the native type of the object.

ANType9Record Class

Name Description
ANFPMinutiaeMethodNativeType The native type of the fingerprint minutiae method.
[ 1333]
Annotations [ 1333] Gets particular annotations from the ANType9Record.
Cores [ 1333] Gets particular core from ANType9Record.
Deltas [ 1334] Gets particular delta from ANType9Record.
DeviceUniqueIdentifier [ 1334] Gets or sets device unique identifier.
FMRecordBuffer [ 1334] Gets the FMRecord [ 1467] buffer.
HasMinutiae [ 1334] Gets or sets if ANType9Record contains minutiae.
HasMinutiaeRidgeCounts [ 1334] Gets if minutia has ridge counts data.
HasMinutiaeRidgeCountsIndicator Gets if minutia has ridge counts indicator field.
[ 1334]
HasOtherFeatureSets [ 1334] Gets or sets if ANType9Record contains 'Other feature sets' data block.
ImpressionType [ 1335] Gets or sets impression type value.
Make [ 1335] Gets make of image capture device
MakeModelSerialNumber [ 1335] Gets or sets the MakeModelSerialNumber structure.
Minutiae [ 1335] Gets particular minutiae from ANType9Record.
MinutiaeFormat [ 1335] Gets or sets minutiae format values.
MinutiaeNeighbors [ 1335] Gets particular minutiae neighbors from ANType9Record.
Model [ 1336] Gets model of image capture device.
NativeType [ 1336] Defines the native type of the object.
Ofrs [ 1336] Originating fingerprint reading system.
OfrsEquipment [ 1336] Gets originating fingerprint reading system equipment name.
OfrsMethod [ 1336] Gets the method by which the minutiae data was read, encoded, and
OfrsName [ 1336] Gets originating fingerprint reading system name.
OfsContactInformation [ 1337] Gets or sets other feature sets - contact information.
OfsOwner [ 1337] Gets or sets other feature sets - owner or developer.
OfsProcessingAlgorithmName Gets or sets other feature sets - processing algorithm name. 9
[ 1337]

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

OfsProcessingAlgorithmVersion Gets or sets other feature sets - processing algorithm version.

[ 1337]
OfsSystemName [ 1337] Gets or sets other feature sets - system or device name.
OfsSystemVersion [ 1337] Gets or sets other feature sets - system or device name.
PatternClasses [ 1338] Gets particular pattern class from ANType9Record.
Positions [ 1338] Gets particular fingerprint position from ANType9Record.
SerialNumber [ 1338] Gets serial number of image capture device.
UlwAnnotations [ 1338] Gets particular ulwAnnotations from the ANType9Record.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. ANType9Record.ANType9Record Constructor ()

Initializes a new instance of the ANType9Record class with current version and unset IDC value.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType9() instead.")]
public ANType9Record();
ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate.VersionCurrent. If IDC is NOT set, then value is automatically
assigned when ANRecord [ 939] is added to ANTemplate [ 980]. ANType9Record.ANType9Record Constructor (NVersion, int)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType9Record class.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType9() instead.")]
public ANType9Record(NVersion version, int idc);

Parameters Description 9
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANType9Record.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

int idc Image designation character value. ANType9Record.ANType9Record Constructor (NVersion, int, bool,

Initializes a new instance of the ANType9Record class.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType9(bool, NFRecord) instead.")]
public ANType9Record(NVersion version, int idc, bool fmt, NFRecord nfRecord);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the FMRecord [ 1467].
int idc Image designation character value.
bool fmt [in] Minutiae [ 1335] format flag value. true if minutiae
format is standard false otherwise.
NFRecord nfRecord The NFRecord [ 537] object.

If minutiae format flag is true, the Type-9 record is created with standard minutiae data for Type-9 record. These fields are not
recomended to use from version 5.0, as it is only supported as legacy fields. If minutiae format flag is false, then vendor specific
block "INCITS 378" is filled with data from NFRecord [ 537]. ANType9Record.ANType9Record Constructor (NVersion, int, bool,

NFRecord, uint)
Initializes a new instance of the ANType9Record class.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType9(bool, NFRecord, uint)
public ANType9Record(NVersion version, int idc, bool fmt, NFRecord nfRecord, uint flags);

Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANType9Record.
int idc Image designation character value.
bool fmt [in] Minutiae [ 1335] format flag value. true if minutiae
format is standard false otherwise.
NFRecord nfRecord The NFRecord [ 537] object.
uint flags Must be zero.

If minutiae format flag is true, the Type-9 record is created with standard minutiae data for Type-9 record. These fields are not
recomended to use from version 5.0, as it is only supported as legacy fields. If minutiae format flag is false, then vendor specific
block "INCITS 378" is filled with data from NFRecord [ 537]. ANType9Record.ANType9Record Constructor (NVersion, int, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType9Record class.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType9() instead.")]
public ANType9Record(NVersion version, int idc, uint flags); 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards


Parameters Description
NVersion version Specifies the version of the ANType9Record.
int idc Image designation character value.
uint flags Should be zero. ANType9Record.ANType9Record Constructor (bool, NFRecord)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType9Record class with current version and unset IDC value.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType9(bool, NFRecord) instead.")]
public ANType9Record(bool fmt, NFRecord nfRecord);

Parameters Description
bool fmt [in] Minutiae [ 1335] format flag value. true if minutiae
format is standard false otherwise.
NFRecord nfRecord The NFRecord [ 537] object.

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate.VersionCurrent. If IDC is NOT set, then value is automatically
assigned when ANRecord [ 939] is added to ANTemplate [ 980]. ANType9Record.ANType9Record Constructor (bool, NFRecord, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType9Record class with current version and unset IDC value.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType9(bool, NFRecord, uint)
public ANType9Record(bool fmt, NFRecord nfRecord, uint flags);

Parameters Description
bool fmt [in] Minutiae [ 1335] format flag value. true if minutiae
format is standard false otherwise.
NFRecord nfRecord The NFRecord [ 537] object.
uint flags Must be zero.

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate.VersionCurrent. If IDC is NOT set, then value is automatically
assigned when ANRecord [ 939] is added to ANTemplate [ 980]. ANType9Record.ANType9Record Constructor (uint)

Initializes a new instance of the ANType9Record class with current version and unset IDC value.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate ANTemplate constructor and AddType9() instead.")]
public ANType9Record(uint flags);

Parameters Description
uint flags Should be zero. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ANRecord [ 939]'s version is set the same as ANTemplate.VersionCurrent. If IDC is NOT set, then value is automatically
assigned when ANRecord [ 939] is added to ANTemplate [ 980]. ANType9Record Classes ANType9Record.AnnotationCollection Class

Represent collection of annotations.

public sealed class AnnotationCollection : DisposableStructCollection<ANAnnotation,
File: ANType9Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

AnnotationCollection Methods

Name Description
Add [ 1320] Adds annotation to AnnotationCollection with provided parameters.
Insert [ 1320] Inserts annotation to AnnotationCollection at specified index with
provided parameters. AnnotationCollection Methods ANType9Record.AnnotationCollection.Add Method

Adds annotation to AnnotationCollection [ 1320] with provided parameters.

public int Add(DateTime gmt, string processingAlgorithmName, string algorithmOwner, string

Parameters Description
DateTime gmt UTC time when the proccesing occursed.
string processingAlgorithmName Processing algorithm name of the system.
string algorithmOwner Algorithm owner of the system.
string processDescription Process description of the system.

Number of annotation in AnnotationCollection [ 1320]. ANType9Record.AnnotationCollection.Insert Method

Inserts annotation to AnnotationCollection [ 1320] at specified index with provided parameters.

public void Insert(int index, DateTime gmt, string processingAlgorithmName, string
algorithmOwner, string processDescription);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards


Parameters Description
int index Position to insert to.
DateTime gmt UTC time when the proccesing occursed.
string processingAlgorithmName Processing algorithm name of the system.
string algorithmOwner Algorithm owner of the system.
string processDescription Process description of the system. ANType9Record.CoreCollection Class

Represent collection of cores.

public sealed class CoreCollection : StructCollection<ANFCore>;
File: ANType9Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] ANType9Record.DeltaCollection Class

Represent collection of deltas.

public sealed class DeltaCollection : StructCollection<ANFDelta>;
File: ANType9Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] ANType9Record.MinutiaCollection Class

Represent collection of minutia.

public sealed class MinutiaCollection : StructCollection<ANFPMinutia>;
File: ANType9Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

Impression type should be set before. ANType9Record.MinutiaNeighborsCollection Class

Represent collection of minutiae neighbors.

public sealed class MinutiaNeighborsCollection : 9
StructArrayCollection<BdifFPMinutiaNeighbor, ANFPMinutia>;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

File: ANType9Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

Impression type should be set before. ANType9Record.PatternClassCollection Class

Represent collection of pattern classes.

public sealed class PatternClassCollection : DisposableStructCollection<ANFPatternClass,
File: ANType9Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

PatternClassCollection Methods

Name Description
Add [ 1322] Adds fingerprint pattern class to PatternClassCollection.
Insert [ 1322] Inserts vendor pattern class to PatternClassCollection at specified index. PatternClassCollection Methods ANType9Record.PatternClassCollection.Add Method

Adds fingerprint pattern class to PatternClassCollection [ 1322].

public int Add(BdifFPatternClass value, string vendorValue);

Parameters Description
BdifFPatternClass value One of BdifFPatternClass [ 1616] values.
string vendorValue Sting containing pattern class description.

Number of pattern classes in PatternClassCollection [ 1322]. ANType9Record.PatternClassCollection.Insert Method

Inserts vendor pattern class to PatternClassCollection [ 1322] at specified index.

public void Insert(int index, BdifFPatternClass value, string vendorValue);

Parameters Description
int index Position to insert to. 9
BdifFPatternClass value String containing vendor pattern class description.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

string vendorValue Sting containing pattern class description. ANType9Record.PositionCollection Class

Represent collection of fingerprint positions.

public sealed class PositionCollection : ValueTypeCollection<BdifFPPosition>;
File: ANType9Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] ANType9Record.UlwAnnotationCollection Class

Represent collection of ulwAnnotations.

public sealed class UlwAnnotationCollection : DisposableStructCollection<ANUlwAnnotation,
File: ANType9Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

UlwAnnotationCollection Methods

Name Description
Add [ 1323] Adds ulwAnnotation to UlwAnnotationCollection with provided
Insert [ 1323] Inserts ulwAnnotation to UlwAnnotationCollection at specified index with
provided parameters. UlwAnnotationCollection Methods ANType9Record.UlwAnnotationCollection.Add Method

Adds ulwAnnotation to UlwAnnotationCollection [ 1323] with provided parameters.

public int Add(DateTime dateTime, string text);

Parameters Description
DateTime dateTime Date and time when the proccesing occured.
string text Unformatted text string describing a applied process or

Number of ulwAnnotation in UlwAnnotationCollection [ 1323]. ANType9Record.UlwAnnotationCollection.Insert Method

Inserts ulwAnnotation to UlwAnnotationCollection [ 1323] at specified index with provided parameters. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public void Insert(int index, DateTime dateTime, string text);

Parameters Description
int index Position to insert to.
DateTime dateTime Date and time when the proccesing occured.
string text Unformatted text string describing a applied process or
procedure. ANType9Record Fields ANType9Record.FieldAllFrom Field

Defines the starting filed of a common block of tagged fields.

public const int FieldAllFrom = FieldLen; ANType9Record.FieldAllTo Field

Defines the ending filed number of a common block of tagged fields.

public const int FieldAllTo = FieldFmt; ANType9Record.FieldAnn Field

Defines ANN field number. Field referenced by this number contains annotation information (ANN).

public const int FieldAnn = 902; ANType9Record.FieldCrp Field

Defines CRP field number. Field referenced by this number contains core position (CRP) value.

public const int FieldCrp = 8; ANType9Record.FieldDlt Field

Defines DLT field number. Field referenced by this number contains delta(s) position (DLT).

public const int FieldDlt = 9; ANType9Record.FieldDtx Field

Defines DTX field number. Field referenced by this number contains other feature sets - contact information (DTX).

public const int FieldDtx = 179; ANType9Record.FieldDui Field

Defines DUI field number. Field referenced by this number contains the device or source of the data.

public const int FieldDui = 903; 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANType9Record.FieldFgp Field

Defines FGP field number. Field referenced by this number contains finger position (FGP) value.

public const int FieldFgp = 6; ANType9Record.FieldFmt Field

Defines FMT field number. Field referenced by this number contains minutiae format (FMT) value.

public const int FieldFmt = 4; ANType9Record.FieldFpc Field

Defines FPC field number. Field referenced by this number contains fingerprint pattern classification (FPC) value.

public const int FieldFpc = 7; ANType9Record.FieldImp Field

Defines IMP field number. Field referenced by this number contains impression type (IMP) value.

public const int FieldImp = 3; ANType9Record.FieldM1Ada Field

Defines ADA field number. Field referenced by this number contains M1 additional delta angles (ADA).

public const int FieldM1Ada = 141; ANType9Record.FieldM1Cbi Field

Defines CBI field number. Field referenced by this number contains M1 CBEFF information (CBI).

public const int FieldM1Cbi = 126; ANType9Record.FieldM1Cei Field

Defines CEI field number. Field referenced by this number contains M1 capture equipment identification (CEI).

public const int FieldM1Cei = 127; ANType9Record.FieldM1Cin Field

Defines CIN field number. Field referenced by this number contains M1 core information (CIN).

public const int FieldM1Cin = 139; ANType9Record.FieldM1Din Field

Defines DIN field number. Field referenced by this number contains M1 delta information (DIN).

public const int FieldM1Din = 140;
9 ANType9Record.FieldM1Fgp Field
Defines FGP field number. Field referenced by this number contains M1 friction ridge generalized position (FGP).

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public const int FieldM1Fgp = 134; ANType9Record.FieldM1Fmd Field

Defines FMD field number. Field referenced by this number contains M1 finger minutiae data (FMD).

public const int FieldM1Fmd = 137; ANType9Record.FieldM1Fqd Field

Defines FQD field number. Field referenced by this number contains M1 friction ridge quality data (FQD).

public const int FieldM1Fqd = 135; ANType9Record.FieldM1Fvw Field

Defines FVW field number. Field referenced by this number contains M1 finger view (FVW).

public const int FieldM1Fvw = 133; ANType9Record.FieldM1Hll Field

Defines HLL field number. Field referenced by this number contains M1 horizontal line length (HLL).

public const int FieldM1Hll = 128; ANType9Record.FieldM1Nom Field

Defines NOM field number. Field referenced by this number contains M1 number of minutiae (NOM).

public const int FieldM1Nom = 136; ANType9Record.FieldM1Rci Field

Defines RCI field number. Field referenced by this number contains M1 ridge count information (RCI).

public const int FieldM1Rci = 138; ANType9Record.FieldM1Slc Field

Defines SLC field number. Field referenced by this number contains M1 scale units (SLC).

public const int FieldM1Slc = 130; ANType9Record.FieldM1Thps Field

Defines THPS field number. Field referenced by this number contains M1 transmitted horizontal pixel scale (THPS).

public const int FieldM1Thps = 131; ANType9Record.FieldM1Tvps Field

Defines TVPS field number. Field referenced by this number contains M1 transmitted vertical pixel scale (TVPS).

C# 9
public const int FieldM1Tvps = 132;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANType9Record.FieldM1Vll Field

Defines VLL field number. Field referenced by this number contains M1 vertical line length (VLL).

public const int FieldM1Vll = 129; ANType9Record.FieldMin Field

Defines MIN field number. Field referenced by this number contains number of minutiae (MIN)

public const int FieldMin = 10; ANType9Record.FieldMms Field

Defines MMS field number. Field referenced by this number contains make, model and serial number for the image capture

public const int FieldMms = 904; ANType9Record.FieldMrc Field

Defines MRC field number. Field referenced by this number contains minutiae and ridge count data (MRC).

public const int FieldMrc = 12; ANType9Record.FieldOfr Field

Defines OFR field number. Field referenced by this number contains originating fingerprint reading system (OFR) value.

public const int FieldOfr = 5; ANType9Record.FieldOod Field

Defines OOD field number. Field referenced by this number contains other feature sets - owner or developer (OOD).

public const int FieldOod = 176; ANType9Record.FieldPag Field

Defines PAG field number. Field referenced by this number contains other feature sets - processing algorithm (PAG).

public const int FieldPag = 177; ANType9Record.FieldRdg Field

Defines RDG field number. Field referenced by this number contains minutiae ridge count indicator (RDG) value.

public const int FieldRdg = 11; ANType9Record.FieldSod Field

Defines SOD field number. Field referenced by this number contains other feature sets - system or device (SOD).

public const int FieldSod = 178; 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANType9Record.FieldStandardFormatFeaturesFrom Field

Defines the starting filed of a standard format features block.

public const int FieldStandardFormatFeaturesFrom = FieldOfr; ANType9Record.FieldStandardFormatFeaturesTo Field

Defines the ending filed of a standard format features block.

public const int FieldStandardFormatFeaturesTo = FieldMrc; ANType9Record.FieldUla Field

Defines ULA field number. Field referenced by this number contains universal latent workstation annotation information (ULA).

public const int FieldUla = 901; ANType9Record.FieldVendorDefinedFeaturesFrom Field

Defines the starting filed of a vendor defined features block.

public const int FieldVendorDefinedFeaturesFrom = FieldMrc + 1; ANType9Record.FieldVendorDefinedFeaturesTo Field

Defines the ending filed of a vendor defined features block.

public const int FieldVendorDefinedFeaturesTo = MaxFieldNumber; ANType9Record.FieldVendorDefinedFeaturesToV5 Field

Defines the ending filed of a vendor defined features block starting from version 5.0.

public const int FieldVendorDefinedFeaturesToV5 = 225; ANType9Record.FlagSkipNeurotecFields Field

Defines the flag indicating whether singular points (cores and deltas) should be skipped while creating ANType9Record
[ 1308] from NFRecord [ 537] or FMRecord [ 1467].

public const uint FlagSkipNeurotecFields = FmrFingerView.FlagSkipNeurotecFields; ANType9Record.FlagSkipRidgeCounts Field

Defines the flag indicating whether ridge counts should be skipped while creating ANType9Record [ 1308] from NFRecord
[ 537] or FMRecord [ 1467].

public const uint FlagSkipRidgeCounts = FmrFingerView.FlagSkipRidgeCounts; ANType9Record.FlagSkipSingularPoints Field

Defines the flag indicating whether singular points (cores and deltas) should be skipped while creating ANType9Record
[ 1308] from NFRecord [ 537] or FMRecord [ 1467].
public const uint FlagSkipSingularPoints = FmrFingerView.FlagSkipSingularPoints;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANType9Record.M1CbeffFormatOwner Field

Defines Cbeff format owner for 'INCITS 378' data block. Cbeff Onwer is set as INCITS Technical Committee M1.

public const ushort M1CbeffFormatOwner = CbeffBiometricOrganizations.IncitsTCM1Biometrics; ANType9Record.M1MaxCoreCount Field

Defines maximal cores count in 'INCITS 378' data block of field referenced by FieldM1Cin [ 1325] field number.

public const byte M1MaxCoreCount = 9; ANType9Record.M1MaxDeltaCount Field

Defines maximal deltas count in 'INCITS 378' data block of fields referenced by FieldM1Din [ 1325] and FieldM1Ada [ 1325]
field numbers.

public const byte M1MaxDeltaCount = 9; ANType9Record.M1MaxLineLength Field

Defines maximal line length value in pixels for HLL and VLL in 'INCITS 378' data block.

public const ushort M1MaxLineLength = 65535; ANType9Record.M1MaxRidgeCount Field

Defines maximal ridge count information's count in 'INCITS 378' data block of field referenced by FieldM1Rci [ 1326] field

public const byte M1MaxRidgeCount = 99; ANType9Record.M1MinLineLength Field

Defines minimal line length value in pixels for HLL and VLL in 'INCITS 378' data block.

public const ushort M1MinLineLength = 10; ANType9Record.M1MinMinutiaeCount Field

Defines minimal minutiae count in 'INCITS 378' data block of field referenced by FieldM1Fmd [ 1326] field number.

public const byte M1MinMinutiaeCount = 1; ANType9Record.M1MinRidgeCount50 Field

Defines minimal ridge count information's count in 'INCITS 378' data block of field referenced by FieldM1Rci [ 1326] field
number for version 5.0.

public const byte M1MinRidgeCount50 = 1; ANType9Record.MaxFingerprintX Field

Defines maximum fingerprint X coordinate.
public const ushort MaxFingerprintX = 4999;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANType9Record.MaxFingerprintY Field

Defines maximum fingerprint Y coordinate.

public const ushort MaxFingerprintY = 4999; ANType9Record.MaxPalmprintX Field

Defines maximum palmprint X coordinate.

public const uint MaxPalmprintX = 13999; ANType9Record.MaxPalmprintY Field

Defines maximum palmprint Y coordinate.

public const uint MaxPalmprintY = 20999; ANType9Record.MaxUlwAnnotationLength Field

Defines maximal value length of field referenced by FieldUla [ 1328] field number.

public const ushort MaxUlwAnnotationLength = 300; ANType9Record.MinUlwAnnotationLength Field

Defines minimal value length of field referenced by FieldUla [ 1328] field number.

public const ushort MinUlwAnnotationLength = 22; ANType9Record.MinutiaQualityBest Field

Defines greatest confidence in minutia quality.

public const byte MinutiaQualityBest = 2; ANType9Record.MinutiaQualityManual Field

Defines that minutia has been encoded manually.

public const byte MinutiaQualityManual = 0; ANType9Record.MinutiaQualityNotAvailable Field

Defines that no method of indicating a confidence level is available.

public const byte MinutiaQualityNotAvailable = 1; ANType9Record.MinutiaQualityWorst Field

Defines worst confidence in minutia quality.

public const byte MinutiaQualityWorst = 63;
9 ANType9Record.OfsMaxContactInformationLength Field
Defines maximal value length of field referenced by FieldDtx [ 1324] field number.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public const ushort OfsMaxContactInformationLength = 1000; ANType9Record.OfsMaxOwnerLength Field

Defines maximal value length of field referenced by FieldOod [ 1327] field number.

public const ushort OfsMaxOwnerLength = 40; ANType9Record.OfsMaxProcessingAlgorithmLength Field

Defines maximal processing algorithm name value length of field referenced by FieldPag [ 1327] field number.

public const ushort OfsMaxProcessingAlgorithmLength = 100; ANType9Record.OfsMaxProcessingAlgorithmVersionLength Field

Defines maximal processing algorithm version value length of field referenced by FieldPag [ 1327] field number.

public const ushort OfsMaxProcessingAlgorithmVersionLength = 100; ANType9Record.OfsMaxSystemNameLength Field

Defines maximal system name value length of field referenced by FieldSod [ 1327] field number.

public const ushort OfsMaxSystemNameLength = 100; ANType9Record.OfsMaxSystemVersionLength Field

Defines maximal system version value length of field referenced by FieldSod [ 1327] field number.

public const ushort OfsMaxSystemVersionLength = 100; ANType9Record.OfsNeurotecOwner Field

Defines Neurotec [ 220] owner of the other feature set referenced by FieldOod [ 1327] field number.

public const string OfsNeurotecOwner = "Neurotechnology"; ANType9Record Methods ANType9Record.SetFMRecord Method (FMRecord, byte)

Fills "INCITS 378" data block with data from FMRecord [ 1467]. "INCITS 378" data block is filled with standard data from
FMRecord [ 1467]. Neurotec [ 220] proprietary data is set in "Other feature sets" data block. This method is available from
ANTemplate [ 980] version 5.0.

public void SetFMRecord(FMRecord fmrecord, byte fmrFingerViewIndex);

Parameters Description
FMRecord fmrecord FMRecord [ 1467] containing minutiae data according to
ANSI INCITS 378 standard.
byte fmrFingerViewIndex Index, indicating which FmrFingerView [ 1527] object from 9
FMRecord [ 1467] should be set to Type-9 record.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANType9Record.SetFMRecord Method (FMRecord, byte, uint)

Fills "INCITS 378" and "Other feature sets" data blocks with data from FMRecord [ 1467]. "INCITS 378" data block is filled with
standard data from FMRecord [ 1467]. Neurotec [ 220] proprietary data is set in "Other feature sets" data block. If Neurotec
[ 220] proprietary data should not be set, the FlagSkipNeurotecFields [ 1328] should be used. This method is available from
ANTemplate [ 980] version 5.0.

public void SetFMRecord(FMRecord fmrecord, byte fmrFingerViewIndex, uint flags);

Parameters Description
FMRecord fmrecord FMRecord [ 1467] containing minutiae data according to
ANSI INCITS 378 standard.
byte fmrFingerViewIndex Index, indicating which FmrFingerView [ 1527] object from
FMRecord [ 1467] should be set to Type-9 record.
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the method.

The following flags are supported: FlagSkipRidgeCounts [ 1328], FlagSkipSingularPoints [ 1328], FlagSkipNeurotecFields
[ 1328]. ANType9Record.SetHasMinutiaeRidgeCounts Method

Sets if minutia has ridge counts indicator field and has ridge counts data.

public void SetHasMinutiaeRidgeCounts(bool hasMinutiaeRidgeCountsIndicator, bool rdg);

Parameters Description
bool hasMinutiaeRidgeCountsIndicator true if record has ridge counts indicator field otherwise false.
bool rdg true if minutia has ridge counts data otherwise false.

Impression type should be set before ANType9Record.SetMakeModelSerialNumber Method

Sets make, model and serial number for the finger capture device.

public void SetMakeModelSerialNumber(string make, string model, string serialNumber);

Parameters Description
string make String containing make of the image capture device.
string model String containing model of the image capture device.
string serialNumber String containing serial number of image capture device. ANType9Record.SetOfrs Method

Sets value for the originating fingerprint reading system.

C# 9
public void SetOfrs(string name, ANFPMinutiaeMethod method, string equipment);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards


Parameters Description
string name String containing originating fingerprint reading name.
ANFPMinutiaeMethod method One of ANFPMinutiaeMethod [ 1582] values.
string equipment String containing the originating fingerprint reading system
equipment name. ANType9Record.ToNFRecord Method ()

Transforms ANType9Record [ 1308] minutiae data record to NFRecord [ 537].

public NFRecord ToNFRecord();
NFRecord [ 537] object. ANType9Record.ToNFRecord Method (uint)

Transforms ANType9Record [ 1308] minutiae data record to NFRecord [ 537].

public NFRecord ToNFRecord(uint flags);

Parameters Description
uint flags Must be zero.

NFRecord [ 537] object. ANType9Record Properties ANType9Record.ANFPMinutiaeMethodNativeType Property

The native type of the fingerprint minutiae method.

public static NType ANFPMinutiaeMethodNativeType; ANType9Record.Annotations Property

Gets particular annotations from the ANType9Record [ 1308].

public AnnotationCollection Annotations;
Property value
A AnnotationCollection [ 1320] representing annotations from ANType9Record [ 1308]. ANType9Record.Cores Property

Gets particular core from ANType9Record [ 1308].

public CoreCollection Cores;
Property value
A CoreCollection [ 1321] representing cores in ANType9Record [ 1308].

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANType9Record.Deltas Property

Gets particular delta from ANType9Record [ 1308].

public DeltaCollection Deltas;
Property value
A DeltaCollection [ 1321] representing deltas in ANType9Record [ 1308]. ANType9Record.DeviceUniqueIdentifier Property

Gets or sets device unique identifier.

public string DeviceUniqueIdentifier;
Property value
String containing unique device identifier information. ANType9Record.FMRecordBuffer Property

Gets the FMRecord [ 1467] buffer.

public NBuffer FMRecordBuffer; ANType9Record.HasMinutiae Property

Gets or sets if ANType9Record [ 1308] contains minutiae.

public bool HasMinutiae;
Property value
true if contains minutiae otherwise false. ANType9Record.HasMinutiaeRidgeCounts Property

Gets if minutia has ridge counts data.

public bool HasMinutiaeRidgeCounts;
Property value
true if minutia has ridge counts data otherwise false. ANType9Record.HasMinutiaeRidgeCountsIndicator Property

Gets if minutia has ridge counts indicator field.

public bool HasMinutiaeRidgeCountsIndicator;
Property value
true if record has ridge counts indicator field otherwise false. ANType9Record.HasOtherFeatureSets Property 9

Gets or sets if ANType9Record [ 1308] contains 'Other feature sets' data block.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public bool HasOtherFeatureSets;
Property value
true if contains 'Other feature sets' data block otherwise false. ANType9Record.ImpressionType Property

Gets or sets impression type value.

public BdifFPImpressionType ImpressionType;
Property value
One of BdifFPImpressionType [ 1610] values. ANType9Record.Make Property

Gets make of image capture device

public string Make;
Property value
String containing make of image capture device. ANType9Record.MakeModelSerialNumber Property

Gets or sets the MakeModelSerialNumber structure.

public ANMakeModelSerialNumber? MakeModelSerialNumber; ANType9Record.Minutiae Property

Gets particular minutiae from ANType9Record [ 1308].

public MinutiaCollection Minutiae;
Property value
A MinutiaCollection [ 1321] representing minutiae in ANType9Record [ 1308]. ANType9Record.MinutiaeFormat Property

Gets or sets minutiae format values.

public bool MinutiaeFormat;
Property value
true if minutia format is standard false otherwise. ANType9Record.MinutiaeNeighbors Property

Gets particular minutiae neighbors from ANType9Record [ 1308].

public MinutiaNeighborsCollection MinutiaeNeighbors;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Property value
A MinutiaNeighborsCollection [ 1321] representing minutiae neighbors in ANType9Record [ 1308]. ANType9Record.Model Property

Gets model of image capture device.

public string Model;
Property value
String containing image capture device. ANType9Record.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; ANType9Record.Ofrs Property

Originating fingerprint reading system.

public ANOfrs? Ofrs; ANType9Record.OfrsEquipment Property

Gets originating fingerprint reading system equipment name.

public string OfrsEquipment;
Property value
String containing originating fingerprint reading system equipment name. ANType9Record.OfrsMethod Property

Gets the method by which the minutiae data was read, encoded, and recorded.

public ANFPMinutiaeMethod OfrsMethod;
Property value
One of ANFPMinutiaeMethod [ 1582] values. ANType9Record.OfrsName Property

Gets originating fingerprint reading system name.

public string OfrsName;
Property value
String containing originating fingerprint reading system name. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANType9Record.OfsContactInformation Property

Gets or sets other feature sets - contact information.

public string OfsContactInformation;
Property value
String containing other feature sets - contact information. ANType9Record.OfsOwner Property

Gets or sets other feature sets - owner or developer.

public string OfsOwner;
Property value
String containing other feature sets - owner or developer. ANType9Record.OfsProcessingAlgorithmName Property

Gets or sets other feature sets - processing algorithm name.

public string OfsProcessingAlgorithmName;
Property value
String containing other feature sets - processing algorithm name. ANType9Record.OfsProcessingAlgorithmVersion Property

Gets or sets other feature sets - processing algorithm version.

public string OfsProcessingAlgorithmVersion;
Property value
String containing other feature sets - processing algorithm version. ANType9Record.OfsSystemName Property

Gets or sets other feature sets - system or device name.

public string OfsSystemName;
Property value
String containing other feature sets - system or device name. ANType9Record.OfsSystemVersion Property

Gets or sets other feature sets - system or device name.

public string OfsSystemVersion;
Property value
String containing other feature sets - system or device name.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards ANType9Record.PatternClasses Property

Gets particular pattern class from ANType9Record [ 1308].

public PatternClassCollection PatternClasses;
Property value
A PatternClassCollection [ 1322] representing pattern class in ANType9Record [ 1308] ANType9Record.Positions Property

Gets particular fingerprint position from ANType9Record [ 1308].

public PositionCollection Positions;
Property value
A PositionCollection [ 1323] representing fingerprint positions in ANType9Record [ 1308] ANType9Record.SerialNumber Property

Gets serial number of image capture device.

public string SerialNumber;
Property value
String containing serial number of image capture device. ANType9Record.UlwAnnotations Property

Gets particular ulwAnnotations from the ANType9Record [ 1308].

public UlwAnnotationCollection UlwAnnotations;
Property value
A UlwAnnotationCollection [ 1323] representing ulwAnnotations from ANType9Record [ 1308]. ANUlwAnnotation Structure

Defines universal latent workstation annotation information.

public struct ANUlwAnnotation {
File: ANType9Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Name Description 9
ANUlwAnnotation [ 1339] Initializes a new instance of ANUlwAnnotation structure.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ANUlwAnnotation Properties

Name Description
DateTime [ 1339] Gets or sets the Date and time when the proccesing occured.
NativeType [ 1339] Defines the native type of the object.
Text [ 1339] Gets or sets the text describing a applied process or procedure. ANUlwAnnotation.ANUlwAnnotation Constructor

Initializes a new instance of ANUlwAnnotation structure.

public ANUlwAnnotation(DateTime dateTime, string text);

Parameters Description
DateTime dateTime Date and time when the proccesing occured.
string text Unformatted text string describing a applied process or
procedure. ANUlwAnnotation Properties ANUlwAnnotation.DateTime Property

Gets or sets the Date and time when the proccesing occured.

public DateTime DateTime; ANUlwAnnotation.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; ANUlwAnnotation.Text Property

Gets or sets the text describing a applied process or procedure.

public string Text; BdifCaptureDateTime Structure

Provides properties for getting and setting capture date and time.

public struct BdifCaptureDateTime : IFormattable {
File: BdifTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards


Name Description
BdifCaptureDateTime [ 1340] Initializes a new instance of the BdifCaptureDateTime class.

BdifCaptureDateTime Methods

Name Description
ToString [ 1340] Returns a string that represents the current structure.
ToString [ 1340] Returns a string that represents the current structure.

BdifCaptureDateTime Properties

Name Description
Day [ 1341] Gets or sets the day.
Hour [ 1341] Gets or sets the hour.
Millisecond [ 1341] Gets or sets the millisecond.
Minute [ 1341] Gets or sets the minute.
Month [ 1341] Gets or sets the month.
NativeType [ 1342] Defines the native type of the object.
Second [ 1342] Gets or sets the second.
Year [ 1342] Gets or sets the year. BdifCaptureDateTime.BdifCaptureDateTime Constructor

Initializes a new instance of the BdifCaptureDateTime class.

public BdifCaptureDateTime(ushort year, byte month, byte day, byte hour, byte minute, byte
second, ushort millisecond);

Parameters Description
ushort year year.
byte month month.
byte day day.
byte hour hour.
byte minute minute.
byte second second.
ushort millisecond millisecond. BdifCaptureDateTime Methods BdifCaptureDateTime.ToString Method ()

Returns a string that represents the current structure.

public override string ToString();
String representation of the BdifCaptureDateTime [ 1339] object. BdifCaptureDateTime.ToString Method (string)

Returns a string that represents the current structure.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public string ToString(string format);

Parameters Description
string format String format.

String representation of the BdifQualityBlock [ 1354] object. BdifCaptureDateTime Properties BdifCaptureDateTime.Day Property

Gets or sets the day.

public byte Day;
Property value
Day. BdifCaptureDateTime.Hour Property

Gets or sets the hour.

public byte Hour;
Property value
Hour. BdifCaptureDateTime.Millisecond Property

Gets or sets the millisecond.

public ushort Millisecond;
Property value
Millisecond. BdifCaptureDateTime.Minute Property

Gets or sets the minute.

public byte Minute;
Property value
Minute. BdifCaptureDateTime.Month Property

Gets or sets the month.

C# 9
public byte Month;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Property value
Month. BdifCaptureDateTime.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; BdifCaptureDateTime.Second Property

Gets or sets the second.

public byte Second;
Property value
Second. BdifCaptureDateTime.Year Property

Gets or sets the year.

public ushort Year;
Property value
Year. BdifCertificationBlock Structure

Provides properties for getting and setting certification block.

public struct BdifCertificationBlock : IFormattable {
File: BdifTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Name Description
BdifCertificationBlock [ 1343] Initializes a new instance of the BdifCertificationBlock class.

BdifCertificationBlock Methods

Name Description
ToString [ 1343] Returns a string that represents the current structure.
ToString [ 1343] Returns a string that represents the current structure.

BdifCertificationBlock Properties
Name Description
CertificationAuthorityId [ 1343] Gets or sets the certification authority identifier.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

CertificationSchemeId [ 1344] Gets or sets the certification scheme identifier.

NativeType [ 1344] Defines the native type of the object. BdifCertificationBlock.BdifCertificationBlock Constructor

Initializes a new instance of the BdifCertificationBlock class.

public BdifCertificationBlock(ushort certificationAuthorityId, BdifCertificationSchemeId

Parameters Description
ushort certificationAuthorityId Authority id.
BdifCertificationSchemeId certificationSchemeId Scheme id. BdifCertificationBlock Methods BdifCertificationBlock.ToString Method ()

Returns a string that represents the current structure.

public override string ToString();
String representation of the BdifCertificationBlock [ 1342] object. BdifCertificationBlock.ToString Method (string)

Returns a string that represents the current structure.

public string ToString(string format);

Parameters Description
string format String format.

String representation of the BdifCertificationBlock [ 1342] object. BdifCertificationBlock Properties BdifCertificationBlock.CertificationAuthorityId Property

Gets or sets the certification authority identifier.

public ushort CertificationAuthorityId;
Property value
Certification authority identifier. BdifCertificationBlock.CertificationSchemeId Property

Gets or sets the certification scheme identifier.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public BdifCertificationSchemeId CertificationSchemeId;
Property value
Certification scheme identifier. BdifCertificationBlock.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; BdifConformanceTest Structure

This structure defines conformance test.

public struct BdifConformanceTest {
File: BdifTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

This structure is dedicated for biometric standard templates to get validation results.


Name Description
BdifConformanceTest [ 1344] Initializes new instance of BdifConformanceTest structure.

BdifConformanceTest Properties

Name Description
FieldIndex [ 1345] Gets field index.
FieldName [ 1345] String containing field name.
Level [ 1345] Gets conformance test level.
NativeType [ 1345] Defines the native type of the object.
Result [ 1345] Gets conformance test result.
ResultMessage [ 1346] String containing result message.
Test [ 1346] String containing test description. BdifConformanceTest.BdifConformanceTest Constructor

Initializes new instance of BdifConformanceTest structure.

public BdifConformanceTest(string test, int fieldIndex, string fieldName,
BdifConformanceTestLevel level, BdifConformanceTestResult result, string resultMessage);

Parameters Description
string test string containing test name.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

int fieldIndex field index.

string fieldName string containing field name.
BdifConformanceTestLevel level conformance test level.
BdifConformanceTestResult result conformance test result.
string resultMessage string containing conformance test result message. BdifConformanceTest Properties BdifConformanceTest.FieldIndex Property

Gets field index.

public int FieldIndex;
Property value
field index. BdifConformanceTest.FieldName Property

String containing field name.

public string FieldName;
Used to clarify list index, if list element contains error, or XML element, if ANTemplate [ 980] is 'read' from XML file. BdifConformanceTest.Level Property

Gets conformance test level.

public BdifConformanceTestLevel Level;
Property value
One of BdifConformanceTestLevel [ 1605] value. BdifConformanceTest.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; BdifConformanceTest.Result Property

Gets conformance test result.

public BdifConformanceTestResult Result;
Property value
One of BdifConformanceTestResult [ 1606] value. BdifConformanceTest.ResultMessage Property

String containing result message. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public string ResultMessage; BdifConformanceTest.Test Property

String containing test description.

public string Test; BdifFPAnnotation Structure

Provides properties for getting and setting fingerprint annotation.

public struct BdifFPAnnotation : IFormattable {
File: BdifTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Name Description
BdifFPAnnotation [ 1346] Initializes a new instance of the BdifFPAnnotation class.

BdifFPAnnotation Methods

Name Description
ToString [ 1347] Returns a string that represents the current structure.
ToString [ 1347] Returns a string that represents the current structure.

BdifFPAnnotation Properties

Name Description
AnnotationCode [ 1347] Gets or sets annotation code for finger.
FingerPosition [ 1347] Gets or sets the finger position.
NativeType [ 1347] Defines the native type of the object. BdifFPAnnotation.BdifFPAnnotation Constructor

Initializes a new instance of the BdifFPAnnotation class.

public BdifFPAnnotation(BdifFPPosition fingerPosition, BdifFPAnnotationCode annotationCode);

Parameters Description
BdifFPPosition fingerPosition One of BdifFPPosition [ 1612] values.
BdifFPAnnotationCode annotationCode One of BdifFPAnnotationCode [ 1608] values. BdifFPAnnotation Methods


9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards BdifFPAnnotation.ToString Method ()

Returns a string that represents the current structure.

public override string ToString();
String representation of the BdifFPAnnotation [ 1346] object. BdifFPAnnotation.ToString Method (string)

Returns a string that represents the current structure.

public string ToString(string format);

Parameters Description
string format String format.

String representation of the BdifFPAnnotation [ 1346] object. BdifFPAnnotation Properties BdifFPAnnotation.AnnotationCode Property

Gets or sets annotation code for finger.

public BdifFPAnnotationCode AnnotationCode;
Property value
One of BdifFPAnnotationCode [ 1608] values. BdifFPAnnotation.FingerPosition Property

Gets or sets the finger position.

public BdifFPPosition FingerPosition;
Property value
One of BdifFPPosition [ 1612] values. BdifFPAnnotation.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; BdifFPExtendedData Structure

Provides properties for getting and setting fingerprint extended data.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public struct BdifFPExtendedData : IFormattable {

File: BdifTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Name Description
BdifFPExtendedData [ 1348] Initializes a new instance of the BdifFPExtendedData class.

BdifFPExtendedData Methods

Name Description
ToString [ 1348] Returns a string that represents the current structure.
ToString [ 1349] Returns a string that represents the current structure.

BdifFPExtendedData Properties

Name Description
Code [ 1349] Gets or sets the vendor specific extended data code.
Data [ 1349] Gets or sets vendor specific extended data neighbor.
NativeType [ 1349] Defines the native type of the object. BdifFPExtendedData.BdifFPExtendedData Constructor

Initializes a new instance of the BdifFPExtendedData class.

public BdifFPExtendedData(ushort code, NBuffer data);

Parameters Description
ushort code Vendor specific extended data code.
NBuffer data Vendor specific extended data. BdifFPExtendedData Methods BdifFPExtendedData.ToString Method ()

Returns a string that represents the current structure.

public override string ToString();
String representation of the BdifFPExtendedData [ 1348] object. BdifFPExtendedData.ToString Method (string)

Returns a string that represents the current structure.

public string ToString(string format);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards


Parameters Description
string format String format.

String representation of the BdifFPExtendedData [ 1348] object. BdifFPExtendedData Properties BdifFPExtendedData.Code Property

Gets or sets the vendor specific extended data code.

public ushort Code;
Property value
The vendor specific extended data code. BdifFPExtendedData.Data Property

Gets or sets vendor specific extended data neighbor.

public NBuffer Data;
Property value
The vendor specific extended data. BdifFPExtendedData.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; BdifFPMinutiaNeighbor Structure

Provides properties for getting and setting fingerprint minutia neighbor.

public struct BdifFPMinutiaNeighbor : IFormattable {
public static readonly BdifFPMinutiaNeighbor Empty = new BdifFPMinutiaNeighbor(-1, 255);
File: BdifTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

BdifFPMinutiaNeighbor Fields

Name Description
Empty [ 1350] This field is used for an empty BdifFPMinutiaNeighbor object 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards


Name Description
BdifFPMinutiaNeighbor [ 1350] Initializes a new instance of the BdifFPMinutiaNeighbor class.

BdifFPMinutiaNeighbor Methods

Name Description
ToString [ 1350] Returns a string that represents the current structure.
ToString [ 1350] Returns a string that represents the current structure.

BdifFPMinutiaNeighbor Properties

Name Description
Index [ 1351] Gets or sets the index of minutia neighbor.
NativeType [ 1351] Defines the native type of the object.
RidgeCount [ 1351] Gets or sets the ridge count between the minutia and minutia neighbor. BdifFPMinutiaNeighbor.BdifFPMinutiaNeighbor Constructor

Initializes a new instance of the BdifFPMinutiaNeighbor class.

public BdifFPMinutiaNeighbor(int index, byte ridgeCount);

Parameters Description
int index Minutia index.
byte ridgeCount Ridge count. BdifFPMinutiaNeighbor Fields BdifFPMinutiaNeighbor.Empty Field

This field is used for an empty BdifFPMinutiaNeighbor [ 1349] object

public static readonly BdifFPMinutiaNeighbor Empty = new BdifFPMinutiaNeighbor(-1, 255); BdifFPMinutiaNeighbor Methods BdifFPMinutiaNeighbor.ToString Method ()

Returns a string that represents the current structure.

public override string ToString();
String representation of the BdifFPMinutiaNeighbor [ 1349] object. BdifFPMinutiaNeighbor.ToString Method (string)

Returns a string that represents the current structure.

public string ToString(string format);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards


Parameters Description
string format String format.

String representation of the BdifFPMinutiaNeighbor [ 1349] object. BdifFPMinutiaNeighbor Properties BdifFPMinutiaNeighbor.Index Property

Gets or sets the index of minutia neighbor.

public int Index;
Property value
The index of minutia neighbor. BdifFPMinutiaNeighbor.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; BdifFPMinutiaNeighbor.RidgeCount Property

Gets or sets the ridge count between the minutia and minutia neighbor.

public byte RidgeCount;
Property value
The ridge count between the minutia and minutia neighbor. BdifFaceFeaturePoint Structure

Provides properties for getting and setting face feature point.

public struct BdifFaceFeaturePoint : IFormattable {
File: BdifTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Name Description
BdifFaceFeaturePoint [ 1352] Initializes a new instance of the BdifFaceFeaturePoint class.
BdifFaceFeaturePoint [ 1352] Initializes a new instance of the BdifFaceFeaturePoint class. 9
BdifFaceFeaturePoint [ 1353] Initializes a new instance of the BdifFaceFeaturePoint class.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

BdifFaceFeaturePoint Methods

Name Description
ToString [ 1353] Returns a string that represents the current structure.
ToString [ 1353] Returns a string that represents the current structure.

BdifFaceFeaturePoint Properties

Name Description
Code [ 1353] Code.
NativeType [ 1354] Defines the native type of the object.
Type [ 1354] Gets or sets the type of the face feature point.
X [ 1354] Gets or sets X coordinate of the face feature point.
Y [ 1354] Gets or sets Y coordinate of the face feature point.
Z [ 1354] Gets or sets Z coordinate of the face feature point. BdifFaceFeaturePoint.BdifFaceFeaturePoint Constructor

(BdifFaceFeaturePointType, byte, uint, uint)
Initializes a new instance of the BdifFaceFeaturePoint class.

public BdifFaceFeaturePoint(BdifFaceFeaturePointType type, byte code, uint x, uint y);

Parameters Description
BdifFaceFeaturePointType type Face feature point's type.
byte code Code [ 1353].
uint x X [ 1354] coordinate of the face feature point
uint y Y [ 1354] coordinate of the face feature point.

Z [ 1354] coordinate is set as 0. BdifFaceFeaturePoint.BdifFaceFeaturePoint Constructor

(BdifFaceFeaturePointType, byte, uint, uint, uint)
Initializes a new instance of the BdifFaceFeaturePoint class.

public BdifFaceFeaturePoint(BdifFaceFeaturePointType type, byte code, uint x, uint y, uint

Parameters Description
BdifFaceFeaturePointType type Face feature point's type.
byte code Code [ 1353].
uint x X [ 1354] coordinate of the face feature point
uint y Y [ 1354] coordinate of the face feature point.
uint z Z [ 1354] coordinate of the face feature point. BdifFaceFeaturePoint.BdifFaceFeaturePoint Constructor (byte, uint, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the BdifFaceFeaturePoint class.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public BdifFaceFeaturePoint(byte code, uint x, uint y);

Parameters Description
byte code Code [ 1353].
uint x X [ 1354] coordinate of the face feature point
uint y Y [ 1354] coordinate of the face feature point.

Face feature point type is set as BdifFaceFeaturePointType.Point2D. BdifFaceFeaturePoint Methods BdifFaceFeaturePoint.ToString Method ()

Returns a string that represents the current structure.

public override string ToString();
String representation of the BdifFaceFeaturePoint [ 1351] object. BdifFaceFeaturePoint.ToString Method (string)

Returns a string that represents the current structure.

public string ToString(string format);

Parameters Description
string format String format.

String representation of the BdifFaceFeaturePoint [ 1351] object. BdifFaceFeaturePoint Properties BdifFaceFeaturePoint.Code Property


public byte Code;
Property value
Code. BdifFaceFeaturePoint.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards BdifFaceFeaturePoint.Type Property

Gets or sets the type of the face feature point.

public BdifFaceFeaturePointType Type;
Property value
Type of face feature point. BdifFaceFeaturePoint.X Property

Gets or sets X coordinate of the face feature point.

public uint X;
Property value
X coordinate. BdifFaceFeaturePoint.Y Property

Gets or sets Y coordinate of the face feature point.

public uint Y;
Property value
Y coordinate. BdifFaceFeaturePoint.Z Property

Gets or sets Z coordinate of the face feature point.

public uint Z;
Z coordinate is only supported when facial feature type is Anthropometric3DLandmark. For other types, Z coordinate mut be 0.

Property value
Z coordinate. BdifQualityBlock Structure

Provides properties for getting and setting quality block.

public struct BdifQualityBlock : IFormattable {
File: BdifTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards


Name Description
BdifQualityBlock [ 1355] Initializes a new instance of the BdifQualityBlock class.

BdifQualityBlock Methods

Name Description
ToString [ 1355] Returns a string that represents the current structure.
ToString [ 1355] Returns a string that represents the current structure.

BdifQualityBlock Properties

Name Description
NativeType [ 1356] Defines the native type of the object.
QualityAlgorithmId [ 1356] Gets or sets the CBEFF Quality Algorithm Identifier.
QualityAlgorithmVendorId [ 1356] Gets or sets the CBEFF Quality Algorithm Vendor Identifier (CBEFF
Biometric Organization Identifier).
QualityScore [ 1356] Gets or sets the quality score. BdifQualityBlock.BdifQualityBlock Constructor

Initializes a new instance of the BdifQualityBlock class.

public BdifQualityBlock(byte qualityScore, ushort qualityAlgorithmVendorId, ushort

Parameters Description
byte qualityScore Quality score.
ushort qualityAlgorithmVendorId Quality algorithm vendor id.
ushort qualityAlgorithmId Quality algorithm id. BdifQualityBlock Methods BdifQualityBlock.ToString Method ()

Returns a string that represents the current structure.

public override string ToString();
String representation of the BdifQualityBlock [ 1354] object. BdifQualityBlock.ToString Method (string)

Returns a string that represents the current structure.

public string ToString(string format);

Parameters Description
string format String format.

String representation of the BdifQualityBlock [ 1354] object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards BdifQualityBlock Properties BdifQualityBlock.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; BdifQualityBlock.QualityAlgorithmId Property

Gets or sets the CBEFF Quality Algorithm Identifier.

public ushort QualityAlgorithmId;
Property value
Quality algorithm identifier. BdifQualityBlock.QualityAlgorithmVendorId Property

Gets or sets the CBEFF Quality Algorithm Vendor Identifier (CBEFF Biometric Organization Identifier).

public ushort QualityAlgorithmVendorId;
Property value
Quality algorithm vendor identifier. BdifQualityBlock.QualityScore Property

Gets or sets the quality score.

public byte QualityScore;
Property value
Quality score. BdifTypes Class

Contains types and enumerations for biometric data interchange.

public static class BdifTypes;
File: BdifTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

BdifTypes Fields

Name Description
FlagAllowOutOfBoundsFeatures This flag is used to allow features that are out of bounds.
[ 1358]
FlagAllowQuality [ 1358] This flag is used to allow quality field to be used for standards.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

FlagDoNotCheckCbeffProductId This flag is used when Cbeff product Id should not be checked.
[ 1358]
FlagNonStrictRead [ 1359] This flag is used when greater error (deviation from standards) tolerance
is required.
IrisDeviceUniqueIdentifierLength Sets the iris device UID length.
[ 1359]
QualityComputationFailed [ 1359] Defines, that quality failed to compute.
QualityNotReported [ 1359] Defines, that quality is not reported.

BdifTypes Methods

Name Description
AngleFromRadians [ 1359] Converts the specified angle from radians to degrees.
AngleToRadians [ 1359] Converts the specified angle from degrees to radians.
AngleToString [ 1360] Gets a string representation of the specified angle.
AngleToString [ 1360] Gets a string representation of the specified angle.
GetFormatOwner [ 1360] Gets format owner from format.
GetFormatType [ 1360] Gets format type from format.
IsCertificationFlagValid [ 1361] Checks whether the specified BDIF certification flag is valid.
IsStandardValid [ 1361] Checks whether the specified BDIF standard is valid.
MakeFormat [ 1361] Makes a format from owner and type.
QualityToString [ 1361] Gets a string representation of the specified quality value.
QualityToString [ 1362] Gets a string representation of the specified quality value.

BdifTypes Properties

Name Description
BdifCertificationSchemeIdNativeType [ 1362] Defines the native type of the BDIF certification scheme Id.

BdifConformanceTestLevelNativeType [ 1362] The native type of the encoding type.

BdifConformanceTestResultNativeType The native type of the encoding type.

[ 1362]
BdifEncodingTypeNativeType [ 1362] The native type of the encoding type.
BdifEyeColorNativeType [ 1362] Defines the native type of the BDIF eye color.
BdifEyePositionNativeType [ 1362] Defines the native type of the BDIF eye position.
BdifFPAnnotationCodeNativeType [ 1362] Defines the native type of the BDIF finger annotation code.

BdifFPCaptureDeviceTechnologyNativeType Defines the native type of the BDIF finger capture device
[ 1363] technology.
BdifFPExtendedDataTypeIdNativeType Defines the native type of the BDIF finger extended data type
[ 1363] Id.
BdifFPImpressionTypeNativeType [ 1363] Defines the native type of the BDIF fingerprint impression.
BdifFPMinutiaRidgeEndingTypeNativeType Defines the native type of the BDIF fingerprint minutia ridge
[ 1363] ending type.
BdifFPMinutiaTypeNativeType [ 1363] Defines the native type of the BDIF fingerprint minutia type.
BdifFPPositionNativeType [ 1363] Defines the native type of the BDIF fingerprint position.
BdifFPSegmentationStatusNativeType [ 1363] Defines the native type of the BDIF finger segmentation
BdifFPatternClassNativeType [ 1363] Defines the native type of the BDIF finger pattern class.
BdifFaceExpressionBitMaskNativeType Defines the native type of the BDIF face expression bit mask.
[ 1363]
BdifFaceExpressionNativeType [ 1364] Defines the native type of the BDIF face expression. 9
BdifFaceFeaturePointTypeNativeType [ 1364] Defines the native type of the BDIF face feature point.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

BdifFacePostAcquisitionProcessingNativeType Defines the native type of the BDIF face post-acquisition

[ 1364] processing.
BdifFacePropertiesNativeType [ 1364] Defines the native type of the BDIF face properties.
BdifFaceSpatialSamplingRateLevelNativeType Defines the native type of the BDIF face spatial sampling rate
[ 1364] level.
BdifFaceTemporalSemanticsNativeType Defines the native type of the BDIF face temporal semantics.
[ 1364]
BdifGenderNativeType [ 1364] Defines the native type of the BDIF gender.
BdifHairColorNativeType [ 1364] Defines the native type of the BDIF hair color.
BdifImageSourceTypeNativeType [ 1364] Defines the native type of the BDIF image source.
BdifIrisImageFormatNativeType [ 1364] Defines the native type of the BDIF iris image format.
BdifIrisOrientationNativeType [ 1365] Defines the native type of the BDIF iris orientation.
BdifIrisScanTypeNativeType [ 1365] Defines the native type of the BDIF iris scan type.
BdifScaleUnitsNativeType [ 1365] Defines the native type of the BDIF scale units.
BdifStandardNativeType [ 1365] Defines the native type of the BDIF standard.
NativeType [ 1365] Defines the native type of the object. BdifTypes Fields BdifTypes.FlagAllowOutOfBoundsFeatures Field

This flag is used to allow features that are out of bounds.

public const uint FlagAllowOutOfBoundsFeatures = 0x00000008; BdifTypes.FlagAllowQuality Field

This flag is used to allow quality field to be used for standards.

public const uint FlagAllowQuality = 0x00000004; BdifTypes.FlagDoNotCheckCbeffProductId Field

This flag is used when Cbeff product Id should not be checked.

public const uint FlagDoNotCheckCbeffProductId = 0x00000002; BdifTypes.FlagNonStrictRead Field

This flag is used when greater error (deviation from standards) tolerance is required.

public const uint FlagNonStrictRead = 0x00000001; BdifTypes.IrisDeviceUniqueIdentifierLength Field

Sets the iris device UID length.

public const int IrisDeviceUniqueIdentifierLength = 16; BdifTypes.QualityComputationFailed Field

Defines, that quality failed to compute.

C# 9
public const byte QualityComputationFailed = 255;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards BdifTypes.QualityNotReported Field

Defines, that quality is not reported.

public const byte QualityNotReported = 254; BdifTypes Methods BdifTypes.AngleFromRadians Method

Converts the specified angle from radians to degrees.

public static int AngleFromRadians(double value, BdifStandard standard);

Parameters Description
double value Radian value.
BdifStandard standard BDIF conversion standard.

Degree value. BdifTypes.AngleToRadians Method

Converts the specified angle from degrees to radians.

public static double AngleToRadians(int value, BdifStandard standard);

Parameters Description
int value Degree value.
BdifStandard standard BDIF conversion standard.

Radian value. BdifTypes.AngleToString Method (int)

Gets a string representation of the specified angle.

public static string AngleToString(int value);

Parameters Description
int value The angle in degrees.

String representing the angle. BdifTypes.AngleToString Method (int, string)

Gets a string representation of the specified angle.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public static string AngleToString(int value, string format);

Parameters Description
int value The angle in degrees.
string format Conversion format.

String representing the angle. BdifTypes.GetFormatOwner Method

Gets format owner from format.

public static ushort GetFormatOwner(uint format);

Parameters Description
uint format Format

ushort representing format owner. BdifTypes.GetFormatType Method

Gets format type from format.

public static ushort GetFormatType(uint format);

Parameters Description
uint format Format

ushort representing format type. BdifTypes.IsCertificationFlagValid Method

Checks whether the specified BDIF certification flag is valid.

public static bool IsCertificationFlagValid(int value);

Parameters Description
int value BDIF certification flag.

NTrue if the certification flag is valid; else NFalse. BdifTypes.IsStandardValid Method

Checks whether the specified BDIF standard is valid. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public static bool IsStandardValid(BdifStandard value);

Parameters Description
BdifStandard value BDIF standard value.

NTrue if the standard is valid; else NFalse. BdifTypes.MakeFormat Method

Makes a format from owner and type.

public static uint MakeFormat(ushort owner, ushort type);

Parameters Description
ushort owner Format owner.
ushort type Format type.

uint representing format. BdifTypes.QualityToString Method (byte)

Gets a string representation of the specified quality value.

public static string QualityToString(byte value);

Parameters Description
byte value Quality value.

String representing the quality. BdifTypes.QualityToString Method (byte, string)

Gets a string representation of the specified quality value.

public static string QualityToString(byte value, string format);

Parameters Description
byte value Quality value.
string format Conversion format.

String representing the quality. BdifTypes Properties 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards BdifTypes.BdifCertificationSchemeIdNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the BDIF certification scheme Id.

public static NType BdifCertificationSchemeIdNativeType; BdifTypes.BdifConformanceTestLevelNativeType Property

The native type of the encoding type.

public static NType BdifConformanceTestLevelNativeType; BdifTypes.BdifConformanceTestResultNativeType Property

The native type of the encoding type.

public static NType BdifConformanceTestResultNativeType; BdifTypes.BdifEncodingTypeNativeType Property

The native type of the encoding type.

public static NType BdifEncodingTypeNativeType; BdifTypes.BdifEyeColorNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the BDIF eye color.

public static NType BdifEyeColorNativeType; BdifTypes.BdifEyePositionNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the BDIF eye position.

public static NType BdifEyePositionNativeType; BdifTypes.BdifFPAnnotationCodeNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the BDIF finger annotation code.

public static NType BdifFPAnnotationCodeNativeType; BdifTypes.BdifFPCaptureDeviceTechnologyNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the BDIF finger capture device technology.

public static NType BdifFPCaptureDeviceTechnologyNativeType; BdifTypes.BdifFPExtendedDataTypeIdNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the BDIF finger extended data type Id.

public static NType BdifFPExtendedDataTypeIdNativeType;
9 BdifTypes.BdifFPImpressionTypeNativeType Property
Defines the native type of the BDIF fingerprint impression.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public static NType BdifFPImpressionTypeNativeType; BdifTypes.BdifFPMinutiaRidgeEndingTypeNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the BDIF fingerprint minutia ridge ending type.

public static NType BdifFPMinutiaRidgeEndingTypeNativeType; BdifTypes.BdifFPMinutiaTypeNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the BDIF fingerprint minutia type.

public static NType BdifFPMinutiaTypeNativeType; BdifTypes.BdifFPPositionNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the BDIF fingerprint position.

public static NType BdifFPPositionNativeType; BdifTypes.BdifFPSegmentationStatusNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the BDIF finger segmentation status.

public static NType BdifFPSegmentationStatusNativeType; BdifTypes.BdifFPatternClassNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the BDIF finger pattern class.

public static NType BdifFPatternClassNativeType; BdifTypes.BdifFaceExpressionBitMaskNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the BDIF face expression bit mask.

public static NType BdifFaceExpressionBitMaskNativeType; BdifTypes.BdifFaceExpressionNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the BDIF face expression.

public static NType BdifFaceExpressionNativeType; BdifTypes.BdifFaceFeaturePointTypeNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the BDIF face feature point.

public static NType BdifFaceFeaturePointTypeNativeType; BdifTypes.BdifFacePostAcquisitionProcessingNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the BDIF face post-acquisition processing.

C# 9
public static NType BdifFacePostAcquisitionProcessingNativeType;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards BdifTypes.BdifFacePropertiesNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the BDIF face properties.

public static NType BdifFacePropertiesNativeType; BdifTypes.BdifFaceSpatialSamplingRateLevelNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the BDIF face spatial sampling rate level.

public static NType BdifFaceSpatialSamplingRateLevelNativeType; BdifTypes.BdifFaceTemporalSemanticsNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the BDIF face temporal semantics.

public static NType BdifFaceTemporalSemanticsNativeType; BdifTypes.BdifGenderNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the BDIF gender.

public static NType BdifGenderNativeType; BdifTypes.BdifHairColorNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the BDIF hair color.

public static NType BdifHairColorNativeType; BdifTypes.BdifImageSourceTypeNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the BDIF image source.

public static NType BdifImageSourceTypeNativeType; BdifTypes.BdifIrisImageFormatNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the BDIF iris image format.

public static NType BdifIrisImageFormatNativeType; BdifTypes.BdifIrisOrientationNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the BDIF iris orientation.

public static NType BdifIrisOrientationNativeType; BdifTypes.BdifIrisScanTypeNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the BDIF iris scan type.

public static NType BdifIrisScanTypeNativeType;
9 BdifTypes.BdifScaleUnitsNativeType Property
Defines the native type of the BDIF scale units.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public static NType BdifScaleUnitsNativeType; BdifTypes.BdifStandardNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the BDIF standard.

public static NType BdifStandardNativeType; BdifTypes.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers Class

Specifies CBEFF Biometric Data Block (BDB) Format identifiers registered with International Biometric Industry Association

public static class CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers;
File: CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers Fields

Name Description
BioLogicaSistemasIso19794_2BioUniStation [ 1374] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned to
BioLogica Sistemas Ltda ISO
19794-2/BioUniStation format.
BioLogicaSistemasIso19794_4BioUniStation [ 1374] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned to
BioLogica Sistemas Ltda ISO
19794-4/BioUniStation format.
BioLogicaSistemasIso19794_5BioUniStation [ 1374] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned to
BioLogica Sistemas Ltda ISO
19794-5/BioUniStation format.
FederalOfficeForInformationSecurityTRBiometricsXmlFace10 [ 1374] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned to Federal
Office for Information Security
(BSI) TR Biometrics [ 418]
XML-Face 1.0 format.
FederalOfficeForInformationSecurityTRBiometricsXmlFinger10 [ 1374] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned to Federal
Office for Information Security
(BSI) TR Biometrics [ 418]
XML-Finger 1.0 format.
Id3SemiconductorsCompactCardExtension [ 1374] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned to id3
Semiconductors compact card 9
extension format.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

IncitsTCM1BiometricsAviMedia [ 1374] The CBEFF BDB format

identifier assigned to INCITS
Technical Committee M1 -
Biometrics [ 418] AVI media
file format.
IncitsTCM1BiometricsBiometricFusionData [ 1374] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned to INCITS
Technical Committee M1 -
Biometrics [ 418] Biometric
Fusion Data Format.
IncitsTCM1BiometricsBmpImage [ 1375] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned to INCITS
Technical Committee M1 -
Biometrics [ 418] Microsoft
Windows bitmap image format.
IncitsTCM1BiometricsEbts [ 1375] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned to INCITS
Technical Committee M1 -
Biometrics [ 418] Electronic
Biometric Transmission
Specification (EBTS) format.
IncitsTCM1BiometricsFaceImage [ 1375] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned to INCITS
Technical Committee M1 -
Biometrics [ 418] Face Image
IncitsTCM1BiometricsFingerImage [ 1375] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned to INCITS
Technical Committee M1 -
Biometrics [ 418] Finger
Image format.
IncitsTCM1BiometricsFingerMinutiaeN [ 1375] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned to INCITS
Technical Committee M1 -
Biometrics [ 418] Finger
Minutiae format - no extended
IncitsTCM1BiometricsFingerMinutiaeU [ 1375] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned to INCITS
Technical Committee M1 -
Biometrics [ 418] Finger
Minutiae format - presence of
extended data unspecified.
IncitsTCM1BiometricsFingerMinutiaeX [ 1375] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned to INCITS
Technical Committee M1 -
Biometrics [ 418] Finger
Minutiae Format - with
extended data.
IncitsTCM1BiometricsFingerPatternN [ 1375] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned to INCITS
Technical Committee M1 -
Biometrics [ 418] Finger
Pattern format - no extended
IncitsTCM1BiometricsGenericFbiEftsRecord [ 1376] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned to INCITS
Technical Committee M1 -
Biometrics [ 418] Generic FBI
EFTS record format.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

IncitsTCM1BiometricsGif89aImage [ 1376] The CBEFF BDB format

identifier assigned to INCITS
Technical Committee M1 -
Biometrics [ 418]
CompuServe GIF89a image
IncitsTCM1BiometricsHandGeometryN [ 1376] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned to INCITS
Technical Committee M1 -
Biometrics [ 418] Hand
Geometry [ 1812] format - no
extended data.
IncitsTCM1BiometricsHandGeometryX [ 1376] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned to INCITS
Technical Committee M1 -
Biometrics [ 418] Hand
Geometry [ 1812] format -
with extended data.
IncitsTCM1BiometricsIrisPolar [ 1376] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned to INCITS
Technical Committee M1 -
Biometrics [ 418] Iris Format -
IncitsTCM1BiometricsIrisRectilinear [ 1376] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned to INCITS
Technical Committee M1 -
Biometrics [ 418] Iris Format -
IncitsTCM1BiometricsJpeg2000Image [ 1376] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned to INCITS
Technical Committee M1 -
Biometrics [ 418] JPEG2000
image format.
IncitsTCM1BiometricsJpegImage [ 1376] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned to INCITS
Technical Committee M1 -
Biometrics [ 418] JPEG
image format.
IncitsTCM1BiometricsMpeg1Part3Media [ 1376] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned to INCITS
Technical Committee M1 -
Biometrics [ 418] MPEG1
Part 3 media file format.
IncitsTCM1BiometricsMpegMedia [ 1377] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned to INCITS
Technical Committee M1 -
Biometrics [ 418] MPEG
media file format.
IncitsTCM1BiometricsNiem [ 1377] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned to INCITS
Technical Committee M1 -
Biometrics [ 418] National
Information Exchange Model
IncitsTCM1BiometricsNistItl1_2000Type10Record [ 1377] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned to INCITS
Technical Committee M1 -
Biometrics [ 418] NIST-ITL
1-2000 Type 10 record format.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

IncitsTCM1BiometricsNistItl1_2000Type13Record [ 1377] The CBEFF BDB format

identifier assigned to INCITS
Technical Committee M1 -
Biometrics [ 418] NIST-ITL
1-2000 Type 13 record format.
IncitsTCM1BiometricsNistItl1_2000Type14Record [ 1377] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned to INCITS
Technical Committee M1 -
Biometrics [ 418] NIST-ITL
1-2000 Type 14 record format.
IncitsTCM1BiometricsNistItl1_2000Type15Record [ 1377] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned to INCITS
Technical Committee M1 -
Biometrics [ 418] NIST-ITL
1-2000 Type 15 record format.
IncitsTCM1BiometricsNistItl1_2000Type16Record [ 1377] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned to INCITS
Technical Committee M1 -
Biometrics [ 418] NIST-ITL
1-2000 Type 16 record format.
IncitsTCM1BiometricsNistItl1_2000Type4Record [ 1377] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned to INCITS
Technical Committee M1 -
Biometrics [ 418] NIST-ITL
1-2000 Type 4 record format.
IncitsTCM1BiometricsNistItl1_2007Type10Record [ 1378] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned to INCITS
Technical Committee M1 -
Biometrics [ 418] NIST-ITL
1-2007 Type 10 record format.
IncitsTCM1BiometricsNistItl1_2007Type14Record [ 1378] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned to INCITS
Technical Committee M1 -
Biometrics [ 418] NIST-ITL
1-2007 Type 14 record format.
IncitsTCM1BiometricsNistItl1_2007Type17Record [ 1378] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned to INCITS
Technical Committee M1 -
Biometrics [ 418] NIST-ITL
1-2007 Type 17 record format.
IncitsTCM1BiometricsNistItl1_200XRecordCollectionForTenPrintCapture The CBEFF BDB format
[ 1378] identifier assigned to INCITS
Technical Committee M1 -
Biometrics [ 418] NIST-ITL
1-200x record collection for
TenPrint Capture format.
IncitsTCM1BiometricsPngImage [ 1378] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned to INCITS
Technical Committee M1 -
Biometrics [ 418] Portable
Network Graphics (PNG) data
IncitsTCM1BiometricsSignatureSignCommonFeatureDataN [ 1378] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned to INCITS
Technical Committee M1 -
Biometrics [ 418]
Signature/Sign format -
Common feature data - no
extended data.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

IncitsTCM1BiometricsSignatureSignCommonFeatureDataX [ 1378] The CBEFF BDB format

identifier assigned to INCITS
Technical Committee M1 -
Biometrics [ 418]
Signature/Sign format -
Common feature data - with
extended data.
IncitsTCM1BiometricsSignatureSignRawAndCommonFeatureDataN [ 1379] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned to INCITS
Technical Committee M1 -
Biometrics [ 418]
Signature/Sign format - both
Raw and Common feature
data - no extended data.
IncitsTCM1BiometricsSignatureSignRawAndCommonFeatureDataX [ 1379] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned to INCITS
Technical Committee M1 -
Biometrics [ 418]
Signature/Sign format - both
Raw and Common feature
data - with extended data.
IncitsTCM1BiometricsSignatureSignRawDataN [ 1379] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned to INCITS
Technical Committee M1 -
Biometrics [ 418]
Signature/Sign format - Raw
data - no extended data.
IncitsTCM1BiometricsSignatureSignRawDataX [ 1379] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned to INCITS
Technical Committee M1 -
Biometrics [ 418]
Signature/Sign format - Raw
data - with extended data.
IncitsTCM1BiometricsTiffImage [ 1379] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned to INCITS
Technical Committee M1 -
Biometrics [ 418] TIFF image
IncitsTCM1BiometricsVrml3DObjectData [ 1379] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned to INCITS
Technical Committee M1 -
Biometrics [ 418] VRML 3D
object data format.
IncitsTCM1BiometricsWavAudio [ 1379] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned to INCITS
Technical Committee M1 -
Biometrics [ 418] WAV audio
file format.
IncitsTCM1BiometricsWsqImage [ 1379] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned to INCITS
Technical Committee M1 -
Biometrics [ 418] WSQ
compressed fingerprint image
IsoIecJtc1SC27ITSecurityTechniquesBiometricReferenceTemplateCertificate The CBEFF BDB format
[ 1380] identifier assigned to ISO/IEC
JTC 1 SC 27 - IT Security
ertificate 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsFaceImage [ 1380] The CBEFF BDB format

identifier assigned to ISO/IEC
JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics
[ 418] face-image format.
IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsFingerImage [ 1380] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned to ISO/IEC
JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics
[ 418] finger-image format.
IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsFingerMinutiaeCardCompactN [ 1380] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned to ISO/IEC
JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics
[ 418]

IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsFingerMinutiaeCardCompactRH [ 1380] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned to ISO/IEC
JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics
[ 418]
IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsFingerMinutiaeCardCompactV [ 1380] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned to ISO/IEC
JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics
[ 418]

IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsFingerMinutiaeCardCompactVH [ 1380] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned to ISO/IEC
JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics
[ 418]
IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsFingerMinutiaeCardNormalN [ 1380] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned to ISO/IEC
JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics
[ 418]
IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsFingerMinutiaeCardNormalRNH [ 1380] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned to ISO/IEC
JTC 1 SC 37-Biometrics
[ 418]
IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsFingerMinutiaeCardNormalV [ 1381] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned to ISO/IEC
JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics
[ 418]
IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsFingerMinutiaeCardNormalVNH [ 1381] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned to ISO/IEC
JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics
[ 418]
finger-minutiae-card-normal-v- 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsFingerMinutiaeRecordFormat [ 1381] The CBEFF BDB format

identifier assigned to ISO/IEC
JTC 1 SC 37-Biometrics
[ 418]
IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsFingerMinutiaeRecordN [ 1381] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned to ISO/IEC
JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics
[ 418]
IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsFingerMinutiaeRecordX [ 1381] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned to ISO/IEC
JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics
[ 418]
IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsFingerPatternSkeletalDataCardCompact [ 1381] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned to ISO/IEC
JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics
[ 418]
IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsFingerPatternSkeletalDataCardNormal [ 1381] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned to ISO/IEC
JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics
[ 418]
IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsFingerPatternSkeletalDataRecord [ 1381] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned to ISO/IEC
JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics
[ 418]
IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsFingerPatternSpectralDiscreteFourierTransform The CBEFF BDB format
[ 1382] identifier assigned to ISO/IEC
JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics
[ 418]
IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsFingerPatternSpectralGaborFilter [ 1382] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned to ISO/IEC
JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics
[ 418]
IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsFingerPatternSpectralQuantizedCOSinusoidalTriplet The CBEFF BDB format
[ 1382] identifier assigned to ISO/IEC
JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics
[ 418]
format. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsHandGeometrySilhouette [ 1382] The CBEFF BDB format

identifier assigned to ISO/IEC
JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics
[ 418]
IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsIrisImagePolar [ 1382] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned to ISO/IEC
JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics
[ 418] iris-image-polar format.
IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsIrisImageRectilinear [ 1382] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned to ISO/IEC
JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics
[ 418] iris-image-rectilinear
IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsSignatureSignTimeSeriesCompact [ 1382] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned to ISO/IEC
JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics
[ 418]
IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsSignatureSignTimeSeriesCompression [ 1383] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned to ISO/IEC
JTC 1 SC 37-Biometrics
[ 418]
IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsSignatureSignTimeSeriesFull [ 1383] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned to ISO/IEC
JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics
[ 418]
IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsVascularImageData [ 1383] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned to ISO/IEC
JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics
[ 418] vascular-image-data
NeurotechnologijaNERecord1 [ 1383] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned by
Neurotechnologija for
NERecord [ 493] version 1
NeurotechnologijaNETemplate [ 1383] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned by
Neurotechnologija for
NETemplate [ 504] format.
NeurotechnologijaNFRecord1 [ 1383] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned by
Neurotechnologija for
NFRecord [ 537] version 1
NeurotechnologijaNFRecord2 [ 1383] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned by
Neurotechnologija for
NFRecord [ 537] version 2

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

NeurotechnologijaNFRecord3 [ 1383] The CBEFF BDB format

identifier assigned by
Neurotechnologija for
NFRecord [ 537] version 3
NeurotechnologijaNFTemplate [ 1383] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned by
Neurotechnologija for
NFTemplate [ 563] format.
NeurotechnologijaNLRecord1 [ 1384] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned by
Neurotechnologija for
NLRecord [ 613] version 1
NeurotechnologijaNLRecord2 [ 1384] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned by
Neurotechnologija for
NLRecord [ 613] version 2
NeurotechnologijaNLRecord3 [ 1384] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned by
Neurotechnologija for
NLRecord [ 613] version 3
NeurotechnologijaNLTemplate [ 1384] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned by
Neurotechnologija for
NLTemplate [ 620] format.
NeurotechnologijaNSRecord1 [ 1384] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned by
Neurotechnologija for
NSRecord [ 657] version 1
NeurotechnologijaNSTemplate [ 1384] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned by
Neurotechnologija for
NSTemplate [ 666] format.
NeurotechnologijaNTemplate [ 1384] The CBEFF BDB format
identifier assigned by
Neurotechnologija for
NTemplate [ 692] format.

CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers Properties

Name Description
NativeType [ 1384] Defines the native type of the object. CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers Fields CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.BioLogicaSistemasIso19794_2BioUniStation Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to BioLogica Sistemas Ltda ISO 19794-2/BioUniStation format.

public const ushort BioLogicaSistemasIso19794_2BioUniStation = 0x0002; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.BioLogicaSistemasIso19794_4BioUniStation Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to BioLogica Sistemas Ltda ISO 19794-4/BioUniStation format.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public const ushort BioLogicaSistemasIso19794_4BioUniStation = 0x0004; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.BioLogicaSistemasIso19794_5BioUniStation Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to BioLogica Sistemas Ltda ISO 19794-5/BioUniStation format.

public const ushort BioLogicaSistemasIso19794_5BioUniStation = 0x0005; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.FederalOfficeForInformationSecurityTRBiometricsXmlFace10
The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) TR Biometrics [ 418] XML-Face 1.0

public const ushort FederalOfficeForInformationSecurityTRBiometricsXmlFace10 = 0x0001; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.FederalOfficeForInformationSecurityTRBiometricsXmlFinger10
The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) TR Biometrics [ 418] XML-Finger
1.0 format.

public const ushort FederalOfficeForInformationSecurityTRBiometricsXmlFinger10 = 0x0002; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.Id3SemiconductorsCompactCardExtension Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to id3 Semiconductors compact card extension format.

public const ushort Id3SemiconductorsCompactCardExtension = 0x0001; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IncitsTCM1BiometricsAviMedia Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to INCITS Technical Committee M1 - Biometrics [ 418] AVI media file format.

public const ushort IncitsTCM1BiometricsAviMedia = 0x800B; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IncitsTCM1BiometricsBiometricFusionData Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to INCITS Technical Committee M1 - Biometrics [ 418] Biometric Fusion Data

public const ushort IncitsTCM1BiometricsBiometricFusionData = 0x0901; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IncitsTCM1BiometricsBmpImage Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to INCITS Technical Committee M1 - Biometrics [ 418] Microsoft Windows bitmap
image format.

public const ushort IncitsTCM1BiometricsBmpImage = 0x8002; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IncitsTCM1BiometricsEbts Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to INCITS Technical Committee M1 - Biometrics [ 418] Electronic Biometric
Transmission Specification (EBTS) format. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public const ushort IncitsTCM1BiometricsEbts = 0x8019; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IncitsTCM1BiometricsFaceImage Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to INCITS Technical Committee M1 - Biometrics [ 418] Face Image Format.

public const ushort IncitsTCM1BiometricsFaceImage = 0x0501; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IncitsTCM1BiometricsFingerImage Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to INCITS Technical Committee M1 - Biometrics [ 418] Finger Image format.

public const ushort IncitsTCM1BiometricsFingerImage = 0x0401; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IncitsTCM1BiometricsFingerMinutiaeN Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to INCITS Technical Committee M1 - Biometrics [ 418] Finger Minutiae format - no
extended data.

public const ushort IncitsTCM1BiometricsFingerMinutiaeN = 0x0201; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IncitsTCM1BiometricsFingerMinutiaeU Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to INCITS Technical Committee M1 - Biometrics [ 418] Finger Minutiae format -
presence of extended data unspecified.

public const ushort IncitsTCM1BiometricsFingerMinutiaeU = 0x0203; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IncitsTCM1BiometricsFingerMinutiaeX Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to INCITS Technical Committee M1 - Biometrics [ 418] Finger Minutiae Format -
with extended data.

public const ushort IncitsTCM1BiometricsFingerMinutiaeX = 0x0202; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IncitsTCM1BiometricsFingerPatternN Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to INCITS Technical Committee M1 - Biometrics [ 418] Finger Pattern format - no
extended data.

public const ushort IncitsTCM1BiometricsFingerPatternN = 0x0301; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IncitsTCM1BiometricsGenericFbiEftsRecord Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to INCITS Technical Committee M1 - Biometrics [ 418] Generic FBI EFTS record

public const ushort IncitsTCM1BiometricsGenericFbiEftsRecord = 0x8014; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IncitsTCM1BiometricsGif89aImage Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to INCITS Technical Committee M1 - Biometrics [ 418] CompuServe GIF89a
image format.
public const ushort IncitsTCM1BiometricsGif89aImage = 0x8006;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IncitsTCM1BiometricsHandGeometryN Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to INCITS Technical Committee M1 - Biometrics [ 418] Hand Geometry [ 1812]
format - no extended data.

public const ushort IncitsTCM1BiometricsHandGeometryN = 0x0801; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IncitsTCM1BiometricsHandGeometryX Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to INCITS Technical Committee M1 - Biometrics [ 418] Hand Geometry [ 1812]
format - with extended data.

public const ushort IncitsTCM1BiometricsHandGeometryX = 0x0802; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IncitsTCM1BiometricsIrisPolar Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to INCITS Technical Committee M1 - Biometrics [ 418] Iris Format - polar.

public const ushort IncitsTCM1BiometricsIrisPolar = 0x0602; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IncitsTCM1BiometricsIrisRectilinear Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to INCITS Technical Committee M1 - Biometrics [ 418] Iris Format - rectilinear.

public const ushort IncitsTCM1BiometricsIrisRectilinear = 0x0601; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IncitsTCM1BiometricsJpeg2000Image Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to INCITS Technical Committee M1 - Biometrics [ 418] JPEG2000 image format.

public const ushort IncitsTCM1BiometricsJpeg2000Image = 0x8004; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IncitsTCM1BiometricsJpegImage Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to INCITS Technical Committee M1 - Biometrics [ 418] JPEG image format.

public const ushort IncitsTCM1BiometricsJpegImage = 0x8003; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IncitsTCM1BiometricsMpeg1Part3Media Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to INCITS Technical Committee M1 - Biometrics [ 418] MPEG1 Part 3 media file

public const ushort IncitsTCM1BiometricsMpeg1Part3Media = 0x800A; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IncitsTCM1BiometricsMpegMedia Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to INCITS Technical Committee M1 - Biometrics [ 418] MPEG media file format.

public const ushort IncitsTCM1BiometricsMpegMedia = 0x8009; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IncitsTCM1BiometricsNiem Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to INCITS Technical Committee M1 - Biometrics [ 418] National Information
Exchange Model format. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public const ushort IncitsTCM1BiometricsNiem = 0x8015; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IncitsTCM1BiometricsNistItl1_2000Type10Record Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to INCITS Technical Committee M1 - Biometrics [ 418] NIST-ITL 1-2000 Type 10
record format.

public const ushort IncitsTCM1BiometricsNistItl1_2000Type10Record = 0x800E; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IncitsTCM1BiometricsNistItl1_2000Type13Record Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to INCITS Technical Committee M1 - Biometrics [ 418] NIST-ITL 1-2000 Type 13
record format.

public const ushort IncitsTCM1BiometricsNistItl1_2000Type13Record = 0x800F; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IncitsTCM1BiometricsNistItl1_2000Type14Record Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to INCITS Technical Committee M1 - Biometrics [ 418] NIST-ITL 1-2000 Type 14
record format.

public const ushort IncitsTCM1BiometricsNistItl1_2000Type14Record = 0x8010; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IncitsTCM1BiometricsNistItl1_2000Type15Record Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to INCITS Technical Committee M1 - Biometrics [ 418] NIST-ITL 1-2000 Type 15
record format.

public const ushort IncitsTCM1BiometricsNistItl1_2000Type15Record = 0x8011; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IncitsTCM1BiometricsNistItl1_2000Type16Record Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to INCITS Technical Committee M1 - Biometrics [ 418] NIST-ITL 1-2000 Type 16
record format.

public const ushort IncitsTCM1BiometricsNistItl1_2000Type16Record = 0x8012; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IncitsTCM1BiometricsNistItl1_2000Type4Record Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to INCITS Technical Committee M1 - Biometrics [ 418] NIST-ITL 1-2000 Type 4
record format.

public const ushort IncitsTCM1BiometricsNistItl1_2000Type4Record = 0x800D; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IncitsTCM1BiometricsNistItl1_2007Type10Record Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to INCITS Technical Committee M1 - Biometrics [ 418] NIST-ITL 1-2007 Type 10
record format.

public const ushort IncitsTCM1BiometricsNistItl1_2007Type10Record = 0x8016; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IncitsTCM1BiometricsNistItl1_2007Type14Record Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to INCITS Technical Committee M1 - Biometrics [ 418] NIST-ITL 1-2007 Type 14 9
record format.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public const ushort IncitsTCM1BiometricsNistItl1_2007Type14Record = 0x8017; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IncitsTCM1BiometricsNistItl1_2007Type17Record Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to INCITS Technical Committee M1 - Biometrics [ 418] NIST-ITL 1-2007 Type 17
record format.

public const ushort IncitsTCM1BiometricsNistItl1_2007Type17Record = 0x8018;
CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IncitsTCM1BiometricsNistItl1_200XRecordCollectionForTenPrintCapture Field
The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to INCITS Technical Committee M1 - Biometrics [ 418] NIST-ITL 1-200x record
collection for TenPrint Capture format.

public const ushort IncitsTCM1BiometricsNistItl1_200XRecordCollectionForTenPrintCapture =
0x8013; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IncitsTCM1BiometricsPngImage Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to INCITS Technical Committee M1 - Biometrics [ 418] Portable Network Graphics
(PNG) data format.

public const ushort IncitsTCM1BiometricsPngImage = 0x8007; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IncitsTCM1BiometricsSignatureSignCommonFeatureDataN Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to INCITS Technical Committee M1 - Biometrics [ 418] Signature/Sign format -
Common feature data - no extended data.

public const ushort IncitsTCM1BiometricsSignatureSignCommonFeatureDataN = 0x0703; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IncitsTCM1BiometricsSignatureSignCommonFeatureDataX Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to INCITS Technical Committee M1 - Biometrics [ 418] Signature/Sign format -
Common feature data - with extended data.

public const ushort IncitsTCM1BiometricsSignatureSignCommonFeatureDataX = 0x0704;
CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IncitsTCM1BiometricsSignatureSignRawAndCommonFeatureDataN Field
The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to INCITS Technical Committee M1 - Biometrics [ 418] Signature/Sign format -
both Raw and Common feature data - no extended data.

public const ushort IncitsTCM1BiometricsSignatureSignRawAndCommonFeatureDataN = 0x0705;
CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IncitsTCM1BiometricsSignatureSignRawAndCommonFeatureDataX Field
The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to INCITS Technical Committee M1 - Biometrics [ 418] Signature/Sign format -
both Raw and Common feature data - with extended data.

public const ushort IncitsTCM1BiometricsSignatureSignRawAndCommonFeatureDataX = 0x0706;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IncitsTCM1BiometricsSignatureSignRawDataN Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to INCITS Technical Committee M1 - Biometrics [ 418] Signature/Sign format -
Raw data - no extended data.

public const ushort IncitsTCM1BiometricsSignatureSignRawDataN = 0x0701; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IncitsTCM1BiometricsSignatureSignRawDataX Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to INCITS Technical Committee M1 - Biometrics [ 418] Signature/Sign format -
Raw data - with extended data.

public const ushort IncitsTCM1BiometricsSignatureSignRawDataX = 0x0702; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IncitsTCM1BiometricsTiffImage Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to INCITS Technical Committee M1 - Biometrics [ 418] TIFF image format.

public const ushort IncitsTCM1BiometricsTiffImage = 0x8005; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IncitsTCM1BiometricsVrml3DObjectData Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to INCITS Technical Committee M1 - Biometrics [ 418] VRML 3D object data

public const ushort IncitsTCM1BiometricsVrml3DObjectData = 0x800C; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IncitsTCM1BiometricsWavAudio Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to INCITS Technical Committee M1 - Biometrics [ 418] WAV audio file format.

public const ushort IncitsTCM1BiometricsWavAudio = 0x8008; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IncitsTCM1BiometricsWsqImage Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to INCITS Technical Committee M1 - Biometrics [ 418] WSQ compressed
fingerprint image format.

public const ushort IncitsTCM1BiometricsWsqImage = 0x8001;
The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 27 - IT Security techniques
biometric-reference-template-certificate format.

public const ushort IsoIecJtc1SC27ITSecurityTechniquesBiometricReferenceTemplateCertificate
= 0x0001; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsFaceImage Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418] face-image format.

C# 9
public const ushort IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsFaceImage = 0x0008;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsFingerImage Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418] finger-image format.

public const ushort IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsFingerImage = 0x0007; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsFingerMinutiaeCardCompactN Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418] finger-minutiae-card-compact-n format.

public const ushort IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsFingerMinutiaeCardCompactN = 0x0006; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsFingerMinutiaeCardCompactRH Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418] finger-minutiae-card-compact-r-h

public const ushort IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsFingerMinutiaeCardCompactRH = 0x001A; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsFingerMinutiaeCardCompactV Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418] finger-minutiae-card-compact-v format.

public const ushort IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsFingerMinutiaeCardCompactV = 0x0005; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsFingerMinutiaeCardCompactVH Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418] finger-minutiae-card-compact-v-h

public const ushort IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsFingerMinutiaeCardCompactVH = 0x0019; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsFingerMinutiaeCardNormalN Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418] finger-minutiae-card-normal-n format.

public const ushort IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsFingerMinutiaeCardNormalN = 0x0004; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsFingerMinutiaeCardNormalRNH Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37-Biometrics [ 418] finger-minutiae-card-normal-r-nh format.

public const ushort IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsFingerMinutiaeCardNormalRNH = 0x001C; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsFingerMinutiaeCardNormalV Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418] finger-minutiae-card-normal-v format.

public const ushort IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsFingerMinutiaeCardNormalV = 0x0003; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsFingerMinutiaeCardNormalVNH Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418] finger-minutiae-card-normal-v-nh
public const ushort IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsFingerMinutiaeCardNormalVNH = 0x001B;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsFingerMinutiaeRecordFormat Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37-Biometrics [ 418] finger-minutiae-record-format format.

public const ushort IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsFingerMinutiaeRecordFormat = 0x001D; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsFingerMinutiaeRecordN Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418] finger-minutiae-record-n format.

public const ushort IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsFingerMinutiaeRecordN = 0x0001; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsFingerMinutiaeRecordX Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418] finger-minutiae-record-x format.

public const ushort IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsFingerMinutiaeRecordX = 0x0002;
CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsFingerPatternSkeletalDataCardCompact Field
The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418]
finger-pattern-skeletal-data-card-compact format.

public const ushort IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsFingerPatternSkeletalDataCardCompact = 0x0013; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsFingerPatternSkeletalDataCardNormal
The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418]
finger-pattern-skeletal-data-card-normal format.

public const ushort IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsFingerPatternSkeletalDataCardNormal = 0x0012; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsFingerPatternSkeletalDataRecord
The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418] finger-pattern-skeletal-data-record

public const ushort IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsFingerPatternSkeletalDataRecord = 0x0011;
The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418]
finger-pattern-spectral-discrete-fourier-transform format.

public const ushort IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsFingerPatternSpectralDiscreteFourierTransform =
0x000C; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsFingerPatternSpectralGaborFilter
The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418] finger-pattern-spectral-gabor-filter

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public const ushort IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsFingerPatternSpectralGaborFilter = 0x000D;
The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418]
finger-pattern-spectral-quantized-co-sinusoidal-triplet format.

public const ushort
IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsFingerPatternSpectralQuantizedCOSinusoidalTriplet = 0x000A; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsHandGeometrySilhouette Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418] hand-geometry-silhouette format.

public const ushort IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsHandGeometrySilhouette = 0x0018; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsIrisImagePolar Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418] iris-image-polar format.

public const ushort IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsIrisImagePolar = 0x000B; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsIrisImageRectilinear Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418] iris-image-rectilinear format.

public const ushort IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsIrisImageRectilinear = 0x0009; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsSignatureSignTimeSeriesCompact
The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418] signature-sign-time-series-compact

public const ushort IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsSignatureSignTimeSeriesCompact = 0x000F;
CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsSignatureSignTimeSeriesCompression Field
The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37-Biometrics [ 418] signature-sign-time-series-compression

public const ushort IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsSignatureSignTimeSeriesCompression = 0x001E; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsSignatureSignTimeSeriesFull Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418] signature-sign-time-series-full format.

public const ushort IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsSignatureSignTimeSeriesFull = 0x000E; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsVascularImageData Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned to ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418] vascular-image-data format.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public const ushort IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsVascularImageData = 0x0014; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.NeurotechnologijaNERecord1 Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned by Neurotechnologija for NERecord [ 493] version 1 format.

public const ushort NeurotechnologijaNERecord1 = 0x0500; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.NeurotechnologijaNETemplate Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned by Neurotechnologija for NETemplate [ 504] format.

public const ushort NeurotechnologijaNETemplate = 0x0600; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.NeurotechnologijaNFRecord1 Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned by Neurotechnologija for NFRecord [ 537] version 1 format.

public const ushort NeurotechnologijaNFRecord1 = 0x0100; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.NeurotechnologijaNFRecord2 Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned by Neurotechnologija for NFRecord [ 537] version 2 format.

public const ushort NeurotechnologijaNFRecord2 = 0x0101; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.NeurotechnologijaNFRecord3 Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned by Neurotechnologija for NFRecord [ 537] version 3 format.

public const ushort NeurotechnologijaNFRecord3 = 0x0102; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.NeurotechnologijaNFTemplate Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned by Neurotechnologija for NFTemplate [ 563] format.

public const ushort NeurotechnologijaNFTemplate = 0x0200; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.NeurotechnologijaNLRecord1 Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned by Neurotechnologija for NLRecord [ 613] version 1 format.

public const ushort NeurotechnologijaNLRecord1 = 0x0300; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.NeurotechnologijaNLRecord2 Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned by Neurotechnologija for NLRecord [ 613] version 2 format.

public const ushort NeurotechnologijaNLRecord2 = 0x0301; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.NeurotechnologijaNLRecord3 Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned by Neurotechnologija for NLRecord [ 613] version 3 format.

C# 9
public const ushort NeurotechnologijaNLRecord3 = 0x0302;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.NeurotechnologijaNLTemplate Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned by Neurotechnologija for NLTemplate [ 620] format.

public const ushort NeurotechnologijaNLTemplate = 0x0400; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.NeurotechnologijaNSRecord1 Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned by Neurotechnologija for NSRecord [ 657] version 1 format.

public const ushort NeurotechnologijaNSRecord1 = 0x0700; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.NeurotechnologijaNSTemplate Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned by Neurotechnologija for NSTemplate [ 666] format.

public const ushort NeurotechnologijaNSTemplate = 0x0800; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.NeurotechnologijaNTemplate Field

The CBEFF BDB format identifier assigned by Neurotechnologija for NTemplate [ 692] format.

public const ushort NeurotechnologijaNTemplate = 0x0000; CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers Properties CbeffBdbFormatIdentifiers.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; CbeffBiometricOrganizations Class

Specifies CBEFF biometric organizations identifiers registered with International Biometric Industry Association (IBIA).

public static class CbeffBiometricOrganizations;
File: CbeffBiometricOrganizations.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

CbeffBiometricOrganizations Fields

Name Description
A4Vision [ 1389] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to A 4 Vision,
AOptix [ 1389] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to AOptix.
AcSysBiometrics [ 1390] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to AcSys 9
Biometrics [ 418] Corp.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ActivCard [ 1390] The CBEFF biometric organization

identifier assigned to ActivCard, Inc.
AntheusTechnology [ 1390] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to Antheus
Atmel [ 1390] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to Atmel.
AuroraWirelessTechnologies [ 1390] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to Aurora
Wireless Technologies, Inc.
AuthenTec [ 1390] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to Authen Tec.
Aware [ 1390] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to Aware, Inc.
BeijingTechshinoTechnology [ 1390] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to Beijing
Techshino Technology Co., Ltd.
BioKeyInternational [ 1390] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to BIO-key
BioKeyInternational2 [ 1391] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to Bio-Key
BioLinkTechnologiesInternational [ 1391] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to BioLink
Technologies International, Inc.
BioLogicaSistemas [ 1391] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to BioLogica
Sistemas Ltda.
BioWise [ 1391] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to Bio Wise, NV.
BiometricsIdentityManagementAgency [ 1391] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to Biometrics
[ 418] Identity Management
Bioscrypt [ 1391] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to Bioscrypt, Inc.
Biovision [ 1391] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to Biovision, Inc.
ChinaNationalInformationTechnologyStandardizationTechnicalCommittee The CBEFF biometric organization
[ 1391] identifier assigned to China
National Information Technology
Standardization Technical
CogentSystems [ 1391] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to Cogent
Systems, Inc.
CrossMatchTechnologies [ 1392] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to Cross Match
Technologies, Inc.
CryptoMetrics [ 1392] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to CryptoMetrics.
CyberSign [ 1392] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to Cyber SIGN,
DeltaID [ 1392] The CBEFF biometric organization 9
identifier assigned to Delta ID Inc.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

DermalogIdentificationSystems [ 1392] The CBEFF biometric organization

identifier assigned to DERMALOG
Identification Systems, GmbH.
Digent [ 1392] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to Digent Co.,
DigitalPersona [ 1392] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to
DigitalPersona, Inc.
ECryp [ 1392] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to eCryp, Inc.
EastShoreTechnologies [ 1392] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to East Shore
EasternGoldenFingerTechnologyBeijing [ 1393] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to Eastern
Golden Finger Technology Beijing
Co., Ltd.
FederalOfficeForInformationSecurity [ 1393] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to Federal Office
for Information Security (BSI).
FingerprintCards [ 1393] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to Fingerprint
Cards AB.
Fujitsu [ 1393] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to Fujitsu Ltd.
FutronicTechnology [ 1393] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to Futronic
Technology Co. Ltd.
GermanInstituteForStandardization [ 1393] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to German
Institute for Standardization
(Deutsches Institut fur Normung
GreenBitAmericas [ 1393] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to Green Bit
Americas Inc.
GriauleTecnologia [ 1393] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to Griaule
Tecnologia LTDA.
GuardwareSystems [ 1393] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to Guardware
Systems, Ltd.
Hitachi [ 1394] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to Hitachi, LTD.
HumanScan [ 1394] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to HumanScan
HutcabbConsulting [ 1394] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to HutCabb
Consulting Pte Ltd.
Id3Semiconductors [ 1394] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to id3
Identix [ 1394] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to Identix
Corporation. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Identix2 [ 1394] The CBEFF biometric organization

identifier assigned to Identix
[ 1394], Inc.
ImageWareSystems [ 1394] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to Image Ware
Systems, Inc.
IncitsTCM1Biometrics [ 1394] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to INCITS
Technical Committee M1 -
Biometrics [ 418].
InfineonTechnologies [ 1394] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to Infineon
Technologies, AG.
Innovatrics [ 1394] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to Innovatrics.
InternationalBiometricGroup [ 1395] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to International
Biometric Group.
InvestorsHelpers [ 1395] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to
InvestorsHelpers, Inc.
IridianTechnologies [ 1395] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to Iridian
Technologies, Inc.
Iritech [ 1395] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to IriTech, Inc.
IsoIecJtc1SC27ITSecurityTechniques [ 1395] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to ISO/IEC JTC
1 SC 27 - IT Security techniques.
IsoIecJtc1SC37Biometrics [ 1395] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to ISO/IEC JTC
1 SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418].
JFinger [ 1395] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to jFinger Co.,
JanusAssociates [ 1395] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to JANUS
Associates, Inc.
KPVti [ 1395] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to PJSC "KP
LGElectronicsUsa [ 1396] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to LG Electronics
USA, Inc.
LogicoSmartcardSolutions [ 1396] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to LOGICO
Smartcard Solutions, AG.
Lumidigm [ 1396] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to Lumidigm.
NecSolutionsAmerica [ 1396] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to NEC Solutions
America, Inc.
Neurotechnologija [ 1396] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Nist [ 1396] The CBEFF biometric organization

identifier assigned to National
Institute of Standards [ 786] and
Technology (NIST).
Nitgen [ 1396] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to NITGEN.
NotForUse [ 1396] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier which is not allowed to be
used by any of the biometric
Oasis [ 1396] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to OASIS.
OmniMotorola [ 1396] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to Motorola.
OmniPerception [ 1397] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to
OmniPerception Limited.
PreciseBiometrics [ 1397] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to Precise
Biometrics [ 418], AB.
PrecisionInfomatic [ 1397] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to Precision
Infomatic (M) Pvt Ltd.
Private [ 1397] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier for private use (not
uniquely assigned by IBIA).
RecognitionSystems [ 1397] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to Recognition
Systems, Inc.
Saflink [ 1397] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to SAFLINK
SagemMorpho [ 1397] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to Sagem
SecuGen [ 1397] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to SecuGen
SecureDesign [ 1397] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to Secure
SilexTechnology [ 1398] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to Silex
Technology, Inc.
SondaTechnologies [ 1398] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to Sonda
StarTekEngineering [ 1398] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to StarTek
Engineering, Inc.
Suprema [ 1398] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to Suprema, Inc.
Testing1 [ 1398] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier reserved for testing.
Testing2 [ 1398] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier reserved for testing.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ThalesIdenitfication [ 1398] The CBEFF biometric organization

identifier assigned to Thales
UltraScan [ 1398] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to Ultra-Scan
Upek [ 1398] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to UPEK, Inc.
Validity [ 1398] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to Validity, Inc.
VendorUnknown [ 1399] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to Vendor
Veridicom [ 1399] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to Veridicom, Inc.
Veridt [ 1399] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to Veridt.
Viisage [ 1399] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to Viisage.
WarwickWarp [ 1399] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to Warwick Warp
XTec [ 1399] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to
_123ID [ 1399] The CBEFF biometric organization
identifier assigned to 123ID, Inc.

CbeffBiometricOrganizations Properties

Name Description
NativeType [ 1399] Defines the native type of the object. CbeffBiometricOrganizations Fields CbeffBiometricOrganizations.A4Vision Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to A 4 Vision, S.A.

public const ushort A4Vision = 0x0010; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.AOptix Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to AOptix.

public const ushort AOptix = 0x0047; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.AcSysBiometrics Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to AcSys Biometrics [ 418] Corp.

public const ushort AcSysBiometrics = 0x0022; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.ActivCard Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to ActivCard, Inc. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public const ushort ActivCard = 0x0020; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.AntheusTechnology Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to Antheus Technology.

public const ushort AntheusTechnology = 0x0032; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.Atmel Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to Atmel.

public const ushort Atmel = 0x0041; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.AuroraWirelessTechnologies Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to Aurora Wireless Technologies, Inc.

public const ushort AuroraWirelessTechnologies = 0x0014; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.AuthenTec Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to Authen Tec.

public const ushort AuthenTec = 0x0042; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.Aware Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to Aware, Inc.

public const ushort Aware = 0x003B; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.BeijingTechshinoTechnology Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to Beijing Techshino Technology Co., Ltd.

public const ushort BeijingTechshinoTechnology = 0x0058; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.BioKeyInternational Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to BIO-key International.

public const ushort BioKeyInternational = 0x0030; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.BioKeyInternational2 Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to Bio-Key International.

public const ushort BioKeyInternational2 = 0x0039; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.BioLinkTechnologiesInternational Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to BioLink Technologies International, Inc.

C# 9
public const ushort BioLinkTechnologiesInternational = 0x001F;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards CbeffBiometricOrganizations.BioLogicaSistemas Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to BioLogica Sistemas Ltda.

public const ushort BioLogicaSistemas = 0x004C; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.BioWise Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to Bio Wise, NV.

public const ushort BioWise = 0x0024; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.BiometricsIdentityManagementAgency Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to Biometrics [ 418] Identity Management Agency.

public const ushort BiometricsIdentityManagementAgency = 0x0054; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.Bioscrypt Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to Bioscrypt, Inc.

public const ushort Bioscrypt = 0x0002; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.Biovision Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to Biovision, Inc.

public const ushort Biovision = 0x0045;
The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to China National Information Technology Standardization Technical

public const ushort ChinaNationalInformationTechnologyStandardizationTechnicalCommittee =
0x0056; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.CogentSystems Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to Cogent Systems, Inc.

public const ushort CogentSystems = 0x0017; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.CrossMatchTechnologies Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to Cross Match Technologies, Inc.

public const ushort CrossMatchTechnologies = 0x0018; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.CryptoMetrics Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to CryptoMetrics. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public const ushort CryptoMetrics = 0x002F; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.CyberSign Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to Cyber SIGN, Inc.

public const ushort CyberSign = 0x0007; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.DeltaID Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to Delta ID Inc.

public const ushort DeltaID = 0x0057; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.DermalogIdentificationSystems Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to DERMALOG Identification Systems, GmbH.

public const ushort DermalogIdentificationSystems = 0x000D; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.Digent Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to Digent Co., Ltd.

public const ushort Digent = 0x0048; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.DigitalPersona Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to DigitalPersona, Inc.

public const ushort DigitalPersona = 0x0033; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.ECryp Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to eCryp, Inc.

public const ushort ECryp = 0x0008; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.EastShoreTechnologies Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to East Shore Technologies.

public const ushort EastShoreTechnologies = 0x0036; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.EasternGoldenFingerTechnologyBeijing Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to Eastern Golden Finger Technology Beijing Co., Ltd.

public const ushort EasternGoldenFingerTechnologyBeijing = 0x004A; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.FederalOfficeForInformationSecurity Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to Federal Office for Information Security (BSI).

C# 9
public const ushort FederalOfficeForInformationSecurity = 0x004B;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards CbeffBiometricOrganizations.FingerprintCards Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to Fingerprint Cards AB.

public const ushort FingerprintCards = 0x0009; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.Fujitsu Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to Fujitsu Ltd.

public const ushort Fujitsu = 0x0046; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.FutronicTechnology Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to Futronic Technology Co. Ltd.

public const ushort FutronicTechnology = 0x004D; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.GermanInstituteForStandardization Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to German Institute for Standardization (Deutsches Institut fur Normung

public const ushort GermanInstituteForStandardization = 0x001A; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.GreenBitAmericas Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to Green Bit Americas Inc.

public const ushort GreenBitAmericas = 0x0040; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.GriauleTecnologia Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to Griaule Tecnologia LTDA.

public const ushort GriauleTecnologia = 0x003A; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.GuardwareSystems Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to Guardware Systems, Ltd.

public const ushort GuardwareSystems = 0x0026; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.Hitachi Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to Hitachi, LTD.

public const ushort Hitachi = 0x0037; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.HumanScan Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to HumanScan GmbH.

public const ushort HumanScan = 0x0021; 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards CbeffBiometricOrganizations.HutcabbConsulting Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to HutCabb Consulting Pte Ltd.

public const ushort HutcabbConsulting = 0x0053; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.Id3Semiconductors Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to id3 Semiconductors.

public const ushort Id3Semiconductors = 0x003F; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.Identix Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to Identix Corporation.

public const ushort Identix = 0x0003; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.Identix2 Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to Identix [ 1394], Inc.

public const ushort Identix2 = 0x000C; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.ImageWareSystems Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to Image Ware Systems, Inc.

public const ushort ImageWareSystems = 0x0043; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.IncitsTCM1Biometrics Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to INCITS Technical Committee M1 - Biometrics [ 418].

public const ushort IncitsTCM1Biometrics = 0x001B; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.InfineonTechnologies Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to Infineon Technologies, AG.

public const ushort InfineonTechnologies = 0x0004; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.Innovatrics Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to Innovatrics.

public const ushort Innovatrics = 0x0035; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.InternationalBiometricGroup Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to International Biometric Group.

public const ushort InternationalBiometricGroup = 0x0016;
9 CbeffBiometricOrganizations.InvestorsHelpers Field
The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to InvestorsHelpers, Inc.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public const ushort InvestorsHelpers = 0x0027; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.IridianTechnologies Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to Iridian Technologies, Inc.

public const ushort IridianTechnologies = 0x0005; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.Iritech Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to IriTech, Inc.

public const ushort Iritech = 0x004E; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.IsoIecJtc1SC27ITSecurityTechniques Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 27 - IT Security techniques.

public const ushort IsoIecJtc1SC27ITSecurityTechniques = 0x0102; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.IsoIecJtc1SC37Biometrics Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418].

public const ushort IsoIecJtc1SC37Biometrics = 0x0101; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.JFinger Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to jFinger Co., Ltd.

public const ushort JFinger = 0x0050; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.JanusAssociates Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to JANUS Associates, Inc.

public const ushort JanusAssociates = 0x002C; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.KPVti Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to PJSC "KP VTI".

public const ushort KPVti = 0x004F; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.LGElectronicsUsa Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to LG Electronics USA, Inc.

public const ushort LGElectronicsUsa = 0x002A; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.LogicoSmartcardSolutions Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to LOGICO Smartcard Solutions, AG.

C# 9
public const ushort LogicoSmartcardSolutions = 0x000E;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards CbeffBiometricOrganizations.Lumidigm Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to Lumidigm.

public const ushort Lumidigm = 0x0025; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.NecSolutionsAmerica Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to NEC Solutions America, Inc.

public const ushort NecSolutionsAmerica = 0x0011; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.Neurotechnologija Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to Neurotechnologija.

public const ushort Neurotechnologija = 0x0031; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.Nist Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to National Institute of Standards [ 786] and Technology (NIST).

public const ushort Nist = 0x000F; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.Nitgen Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to NITGEN.

public const ushort Nitgen = 0x001C; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.NotForUse Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier which is not allowed to be used by any of the biometric organizations.

public const ushort NotForUse = 0xFFFF; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.Oasis Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to OASIS.

public const ushort Oasis = 0x0052; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.OmniMotorola Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to Motorola.

public const ushort OmniMotorola = 0x002E; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.OmniPerception Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to OmniPerception Limited.

public const ushort OmniPerception = 0x002D;
9 CbeffBiometricOrganizations.PreciseBiometrics Field
The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to Precise Biometrics [ 418], AB.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public const ushort PreciseBiometrics = 0x000B; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.PrecisionInfomatic Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to Precision Infomatic (M) Pvt Ltd.

public const ushort PrecisionInfomatic = 0x0055; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.Private Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier for private use (not uniquely assigned by IBIA).

public const ushort Private = 0xFEFE; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.RecognitionSystems Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to Recognition Systems, Inc.

public const ushort RecognitionSystems = 0x0019; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.Saflink Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to SAFLINK Corporation.

public const ushort Saflink = 0x0001; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.SagemMorpho Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to Sagem Morpho.

public const ushort SagemMorpho = 0x001D; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.SecuGen Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to SecuGen Corporation.

public const ushort SecuGen = 0x000A; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.SecureDesign Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to Secure Design.

public const ushort SecureDesign = 0x003D; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.SilexTechnology Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to Silex Technology, Inc.

public const ushort SilexTechnology = 0x0023; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.SondaTechnologies Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to Sonda Technologies.

C# 9
public const ushort SondaTechnologies = 0x003C;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards CbeffBiometricOrganizations.StarTekEngineering Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to StarTek Engineering, Inc.

public const ushort StarTekEngineering = 0x002B; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.Suprema Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to Suprema, Inc.

public const ushort Suprema = 0x0044; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.Testing1 Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier reserved for testing.

public const ushort Testing1 = 0xFFF0; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.Testing2 Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier reserved for testing.

public const ushort Testing2 = 0xFFFE; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.ThalesIdenitfication Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to Thales Idenitfication.

public const ushort ThalesIdenitfication = 0x0015; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.UltraScan Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to Ultra-Scan Corporation.

public const ushort UltraScan = 0x0013; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.Upek Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to UPEK, Inc.

public const ushort Upek = 0x0012; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.Validity Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to Validity, Inc.

public const ushort Validity = 0x0028; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.VendorUnknown Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to Vendor Unknown

public const ushort VendorUnknown = 0x0103;
9 CbeffBiometricOrganizations.Veridicom Field
The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to Veridicom, Inc.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public const ushort Veridicom = 0x0006; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.Veridt Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to Veridt.

public const ushort Veridt = 0x003E; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.Viisage Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to Viisage.

public const ushort Viisage = 0x0029; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.WarwickWarp Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to Warwick Warp Ltd.

public const ushort WarwickWarp = 0x0049; CbeffBiometricOrganizations.XTec Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to XTec,Incorporated.

public const ushort XTec = 0x0034; CbeffBiometricOrganizations._123ID Field

The CBEFF biometric organization identifier assigned to 123ID, Inc.

public const ushort _123ID = 0x0038; CbeffBiometricOrganizations Properties CbeffBiometricOrganizations.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; CbeffPatronFormatIdentifiers Class

Specifies CBEFF Patron Format identifiers registered with International Biometric Industry Association (IBIA).

public static class CbeffPatronFormatIdentifiers;
File: CbeffPatronFormatIdentifiers.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

CbeffPatronFormatIdentifiers Fields

Name Description
IncitsTCM1BiometricsA [ 1401] The CBEFF patron format identifier assigned to INCITS
Technical Committee M1 - Biometrics [ 418] Patron Format
IncitsTCM1BiometricsB [ 1401] The CBEFF patron format identifier assigned to INCITS
Technical Committee M1 - Biometrics [ 418] Patron Format
IncitsTCM1BiometricsC [ 1401] The CBEFF patron format identifier assigned to INCITS
Technical Committee M1 - Biometrics [ 418] Patron Format
C - BioAPI [ 79] BIR.
IncitsTCM1BiometricsD [ 1401] The CBEFF patron format identifier assigned to INCITS
Technical Committee M1 - Biometrics [ 418] Patron Format
D - ICAO [ 116] LDS.
IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsBioApi [ 1401] The CBEFF patron format identifier assigned to ISO/IEC
JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418] BioAPI [ 79] format.
IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsBitOriented [ 1401] The CBEFF patron format identifier assigned to ISO/IEC
JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418] bit-oriented format.
IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsComplex [ 1401] The CBEFF patron format identifier assigned to ISO/IEC
JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418] Complex format.
IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsComplexWithAddElem The CBEFF patron format identifier assigned to ISO/IEC
[ 1401] JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418] Complex format with
additional elements.
IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsPresenceByteOriented The CBEFF patron format identifier assigned to ISO/IEC
[ 1401] JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418] presence-byte-oriented
IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsSimpleBitOriented The CBEFF patron format identifier assigned to ISO/IEC
[ 1402] JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418] simple-bit-oriented format.
IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsSimpleByteOriented The CBEFF patron format identifier assigned to ISO/IEC
[ 1402] JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418] simple-byte-oriented
IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsTlvEncoded [ 1402] The CBEFF patron format identifier assigned to ISO/IEC
JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418] tlv-encoded format.
IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsXml [ 1402] The CBEFF patron format identifier assigned to ISO/IEC
JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418] XML format.
IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsXmlWithAddElem The CBEFF patron format identifier assigned to ISO/IEC
[ 1402] JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418] XML format with additional
NistD [ 1402] The CBEFF patron format identifier assigned to NIST Patron
Format D - NIST PIV.
NistE [ 1402] The CBEFF patron format identifier assigned to NIST Patron
Format E - NIST-ITL Type 99.

CbeffPatronFormatIdentifiers Properties

Name Description
NativeType [ 1402] Defines the native type of the object. CbeffPatronFormatIdentifiers Fields CbeffPatronFormatIdentifiers.IncitsTCM1BiometricsA Field

The CBEFF patron format identifier assigned to INCITS Technical Committee M1 - Biometrics [ 418] Patron Format A.

public const ushort IncitsTCM1BiometricsA = 0x0001; 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards CbeffPatronFormatIdentifiers.IncitsTCM1BiometricsB Field

The CBEFF patron format identifier assigned to INCITS Technical Committee M1 - Biometrics [ 418] Patron Format B.

public const ushort IncitsTCM1BiometricsB = 0x0002; CbeffPatronFormatIdentifiers.IncitsTCM1BiometricsC Field

The CBEFF patron format identifier assigned to INCITS Technical Committee M1 - Biometrics [ 418] Patron Format C - BioAPI
[ 79] BIR.

public const ushort IncitsTCM1BiometricsC = 0x0003; CbeffPatronFormatIdentifiers.IncitsTCM1BiometricsD Field

The CBEFF patron format identifier assigned to INCITS Technical Committee M1 - Biometrics [ 418] Patron Format D - ICAO
[ 116] LDS.

public const ushort IncitsTCM1BiometricsD = 0x0004; CbeffPatronFormatIdentifiers.IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsBioApi Field

The CBEFF patron format identifier assigned to ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418] BioAPI [ 79] format.

public const ushort IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsBioApi = 0x0008; CbeffPatronFormatIdentifiers.IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsBitOriented Field

The CBEFF patron format identifier assigned to ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418] bit-oriented format.

public const ushort IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsBitOriented = 0x0004; CbeffPatronFormatIdentifiers.IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsComplex Field

The CBEFF patron format identifier assigned to ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418] Complex format.

public const ushort IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsComplex = 0x0006; CbeffPatronFormatIdentifiers.IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsComplexWithAddElem Field

The CBEFF patron format identifier assigned to ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418] Complex format with additional

public const ushort IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsComplexWithAddElem = 0x000A; CbeffPatronFormatIdentifiers.IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsPresenceByteOriented Field

The CBEFF patron format identifier assigned to ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418] presence-byte-oriented format.

public const ushort IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsPresenceByteOriented = 0x0003; CbeffPatronFormatIdentifiers.IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsSimpleBitOriented Field

The CBEFF patron format identifier assigned to ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418] simple-bit-oriented format.
public const ushort IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsSimpleBitOriented = 0x0001;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards CbeffPatronFormatIdentifiers.IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsSimpleByteOriented Field

The CBEFF patron format identifier assigned to ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418] simple-byte-oriented format.

public const ushort IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsSimpleByteOriented = 0x0002; CbeffPatronFormatIdentifiers.IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsTlvEncoded Field

The CBEFF patron format identifier assigned to ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418] tlv-encoded format.

public const ushort IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsTlvEncoded = 0x0005; CbeffPatronFormatIdentifiers.IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsXml Field

The CBEFF patron format identifier assigned to ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418] XML format.

public const ushort IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsXml = 0x0007; CbeffPatronFormatIdentifiers.IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsXmlWithAddElem Field

The CBEFF patron format identifier assigned to ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418] XML format with additional elements.

public const ushort IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsXmlWithAddElem = 0x000B; CbeffPatronFormatIdentifiers.NistD Field

The CBEFF patron format identifier assigned to NIST Patron Format D - NIST PIV.

public const ushort NistD = 0x0001; CbeffPatronFormatIdentifiers.NistE Field

The CBEFF patron format identifier assigned to NIST Patron Format E - NIST-ITL Type 99.

public const ushort NistE = 0x0002; CbeffPatronFormatIdentifiers Properties CbeffPatronFormatIdentifiers.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; CbeffRecord Class

Contains functionality for managing CBEFF records by ANSI INCITS 398-2008, ISO/IEC 19785 1:2006 with Amd. 1:2010,
ISO/IEC 19785-3:2007 with Amd. 1:2010 and ISO/IEC 19785-3:2015 standards.

public sealed class CbeffRecord : NExpandableObject, ICloneable;
File: CbeffRecord.cs 9
Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

Support of standards cover as much as Neurotechnology supports concrete patron formats defined in these standards.

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

CbeffRecord Class

Name Description
AddeIsoIecJtc1SC37TlvEncodedBiometricConfigurationData Additionally defined data element. ISO/IEC
[ 1415] JTC 1 SC 37 TLV-encoded patron format
additional data element "Configuration data"
introduced by ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 17 in
ISO/IEC 24787:2010.
FlagSkipDefaultValues [ 1415] The flag indicating whether to skip default
values while serializing CbeffRecord. It will
enforce skipping of those fields, which are
defined as mandatory, but can be absent if
default value applies, also optional fields,
which have default value. The fields
restrictions and possible default values are
defined by concrete patron format.
FlagTlvAllowNonBerTlvBdbData [ 1416] The flag is supported only for FINGERPRINT
biometric type and indicates whether BDB
data buffer for ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37
TLV-Encoded patron format, can be encoded
not in ISO/IEC 7816-4 BER-TLV format. In
such case BDB data buffer shall be encoded
as ISO/IEC 19794-2 compliant card compact
/ normal size minutiae series without any
BER-TLV headers present.
FlagTlvUseForOnCardMatching [ 1416] The flag indicating whether ISO/IEC JTC 1
SC 37 TLV-Encoded patron format record is
used for on-card matching.
FlagUseConfigurationData [ 1416] The flag indicating whether ISO/IEC JTC 1
SC 37 TLV-Encoded patron format record
shall support Configuration Data BER-TLV
data object (introduced since ISO/IEC
24787:2010 for on-card comparison only)
within Biometric Information Template (BIT)
BER-TLV data object.
PatronFormatIncitsTCM1BiometricsA [ 1416] The CBEFF patron format (owner and type)
INCITS Technical Committee M1 - Biometrics
[ 418] Patron Format A.
PatronFormatIncitsTCM1BiometricsB [ 1416] The CBEFF patron format (owner and type)
INCITS Technical Committee M1 - Biometrics
[ 418] Patron Format B.
PatronFormatIsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsComplex [ 1416] The CBEFF patron format (owner and type) 9
ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418]
Patron Format Complex.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

PatronFormatIsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsComplexWithAddElem The CBEFF patron format (owner and type)

[ 1417] ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418]
Patron Format Complex with additional
PatronFormatIsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsPresenceByteOriented The CBEFF patron format (owner and type)
[ 1417] ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418]
Patron Format Presence byte oriented.
PatronFormatIsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsSimpleByteOriented The CBEFF patron format (owner and type)
[ 1417] ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418]
Patron Format Simple byte oriented.
PatronFormatIsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsTlvEncoded [ 1417] The CBEFF patron format (owner and type)
ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418]
Patron Format TLV-encoded.
PatronFormatNistD [ 1417] The CBEFF patron format (owner and type)
NIST Patron Format D - NIST PIV.
PddeIsoIecJtc1SC37TlvEncodedAlgorithmReference [ 1417] Patron defined data element. ISO/IEC JTC 1
SC 37 TLV-encoded patron format owner
defined data element "Algorithm reference".
PddeIsoIecJtc1SC37TlvEncodedBiometricAlgorithmParameters Patron defined data element. ISO/IEC JTC 1
[ 1417] SC 37 TLV-encoded patron format owner
defined data element "Biometric algorithm
PddeIsoIecJtc1SC37TlvEncodedReferenceDataQualifier Patron defined data element. ISO/IEC JTC 1
[ 1417] SC 37 TLV-encoded patron format owner
defined data element "Reference data
PddeNistFascn [ 1417] Patron defined data element. NIST Personal
Identity Verification (PIV) patron format
defined data element "FASC-N".

CbeffRecord Class

Name Description
CbeffRecord [ 1409] Initializes a new instance of the CbeffRecord class from ANRecord
[ 939].
CbeffRecord [ 1409] Initializes a new instance of the CbeffRecord class from ANTemplate
[ 980].
CbeffRecord [ 1409] Initializes a new instance of the CbeffRecord class from ANTemplate
[ 980].
CbeffRecord [ 1410] Initializes a new instance of the CbeffRecord class from FCRecord
[ 1425].
CbeffRecord [ 1410] Initializes a new instance of the CbeffRecord class from FCRecord
[ 1425].
CbeffRecord [ 1410] Initializes a new instance of the CbeffRecord class from FIRecord
[ 1437].
CbeffRecord [ 1410] Initializes a new instance of the CbeffRecord class from FIRecord
[ 1437].
CbeffRecord [ 1411] Initializes a new instance of the CbeffRecord class from FMCRecord
[ 1451].
CbeffRecord [ 1411] Initializes a new instance of the CbeffRecord class from FMCRecord
[ 1451].
CbeffRecord [ 1411] Initializes a new instance of the CbeffRecord class from FMRecord
[ 1467].
CbeffRecord [ 1412] Initializes a new instance of the CbeffRecord class from FMRecord
[ 1467].
CbeffRecord [ 1412] Initializes a new instance of the CbeffRecord class from IIRecord [ 1545].
CbeffRecord [ 1412] Initializes a new instance of the CbeffRecord class from IIRecord [ 1545].

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

CbeffRecord [ 1413] Initializes a new instance of the CbeffRecord class.

CbeffRecord [ 1413] Initializes a new instance of the CbeffRecord class.
CbeffRecord [ 1413] Initializes a new instance of the CbeffRecord class.
CbeffRecord [ 1413] Initializes a new instance of the CbeffRecord class.
CbeffRecord [ 1414] Initializes a new instance of the CbeffRecord class.
CbeffRecord [ 1414] Initializes a new instance of the CbeffRecord class.
CbeffRecord [ 1414] Initializes a new instance of the CbeffRecord class.
CbeffRecord [ 1415] Initializes a new instance of the CbeffRecord class from IIRecord [ 1545].
CbeffRecord [ 1415] Initializes a new instance of the CbeffRecord class from IIRecord [ 1545].

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

CbeffRecord Class

Name Description
ToBerTlv [ 1418] Creates BerTlv [ 2253] object from CbeffRecord
ToBerTlv [ 1418] Creates BerTlv [ 2253] object from CbeffRecord

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

NExpandableObject Class

Name Description
NativeType [ 295] Defines the native type of the object.
Properties [ 295] Gets the property bag of the expandable object.

CbeffRecord Class

Name Description
BdbBuffer [ 1418] Gets or sets biometric data block (BDB) from specified CbeffRecord.
BdbCreationDate [ 1418] Gets or sets biometric data block (BDB) which is saved to CbeffRecord
creation date.
BdbFormat [ 1418] Gets or sets biometric data block (BDB) format.
BdbIndex [ 1419] Gets or sets biometric data block (BDB) index.
BdbValidityPeriod [ 1419] Gets or sets biometric data block (BDB) validity period.
BiometricSubType [ 1419] Gets or sets CbeffRecord subtype.
BiometricType [ 1419] Gets or sets CbeffRecord type.
BirCreationDate [ 1419] Gets or sets biometric information record (BIR) which is saved to
CbeffRecord creation date.
BirIndex [ 1420] Gets or sets biometric information record (BIR) which is saved to
specified CbeffRecord index.
BirValidityPeriod [ 1420] Gets or sets biometric information record (BIR) validity period.
CaptureDeviceId [ 1420] Gets or sets Id of capture device used to acquire the original
CbeffVersion [ 1420] Gets CBEFF record version.
ChallengeResponse [ 1420] Gets or sets the information used to formulate a particular challenge to
the user of a biometric type.
ComparisonAlgorithmId [ 1420] Gets or sets identifiers of the registered biometric organization that owns 9
the comparison algorithm.
CompressionAlgorithmId [ 1421] Gets or sets algorithm that was used in the creation of the BDB.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Creator [ 1421] Gets or sets a text string that identifies the organization that is
responsible for the application that created the CBEFF record.
Encryption [ 1421] Gets or sets encryption of CbeffRecord.
FeatureExtractionAlgorithmId Gets or sets algorithm which is assigned a feature extraction algorithm
[ 1421] identifier by a CBEFF biometric organization.
Integrity [ 1421] Gets or sets integrity of Cbeff record.
IntegrityOptions [ 1421] When CBEFF uses integrity, gets or sets whether Integrity [ 1421] uses
a Signature or Message Authentication Code (MAC).
NativeType [ 1422] Defines the native type of the object.
Owner [ 1422] Gets CbeffRecord object.
PatronFormat [ 1422] Gets header's patron format (owner and type).
PatronHeaderVersion [ 1422] Gets patron header version.
Payload [ 1422] Gets or sets arbitrary data stored in the SBH for convenient association
with the biometric information.
ProcessedLevel [ 1422] Gets or sets data element specifying the processed state of the data
encoded in the BDB.
ProductId [ 1423] Gets or sets product owner and type.
Purpose [ 1423] Gets or sets the intended use of the data in specified CbeffRecord.
Quality [ 1423] Gets or sets the quality of the data in the BDB. The biometric data quality
has several components: Value, Algorithm Owner [ 1422] and Algorithm
QualityAlgorithmId [ 1423] Gets or sets Id of the algorithm used to generate the biometric data
quality value.
Records [ 1423] When specified CBEFF record is complex, gets all records from it.
SbBuffer [ 1424] Gets or sets security block (SB) from specified CbeffRecord.
SbFormat [ 1424] Gets or sets format of security block (SB).

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. CbeffRecord.CbeffRecord Constructor (ANRecord, uint) 9

Initializes a new instance of the CbeffRecord class from ANRecord [ 939].

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public CbeffRecord(ANRecord anRecord, uint patronFormat);

Parameters Description
ANRecord anRecord ANRecord [ 939] object.
uint patronFormat One of patron format values

Patron format consists of owner (major 2 bytes) and type (minor 2 bytes) CbeffRecord.CbeffRecord Constructor (ANTemplate, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the CbeffRecord class from ANTemplate [ 980].

public CbeffRecord(ANTemplate anTemplate, uint patronFormat);

Parameters Description
ANTemplate anTemplate ANTemplate [ 980] object.
uint patronFormat One of patron format values

Patron format consists of owner (major 2 bytes) and type (minor 2 bytes) CbeffRecord.CbeffRecord Constructor (ANTemplate, uint, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the CbeffRecord class from ANTemplate [ 980].

public CbeffRecord(ANTemplate anTemplate, uint patronFormat, uint flags);

Parameters Description
ANTemplate anTemplate ANTemplate [ 980] object.
uint patronFormat One of patron format values
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the constructor.

Patron format consists of owner (major 2 bytes) and type (minor 2 bytes)

ANTemplate [ 980] flags are supported. CbeffRecord.CbeffRecord Constructor (FCRecord, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the CbeffRecord class from FCRecord [ 1425].

public CbeffRecord(FCRecord fcRecord, uint patronFormat);

Parameters Description
FCRecord fcRecord FCRecord [ 1425] object. 9
uint patronFormat One of patron format values

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Patron format consists of owner (major 2 bytes) and type (minor 2 bytes) CbeffRecord.CbeffRecord Constructor (FCRecord, uint, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the CbeffRecord class from FCRecord [ 1425].

public CbeffRecord(FCRecord fcRecord, uint patronFormat, uint flags);

Parameters Description
FCRecord fcRecord FCRecord [ 1425] object.
uint patronFormat One of patron format values
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the constructor.

Patron format consists of owner (major 2 bytes) and type (minor 2 bytes)

FCRecord [ 1425] flags are supported. CbeffRecord.CbeffRecord Constructor (FIRecord, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the CbeffRecord class from FIRecord [ 1437].

public CbeffRecord(FIRecord fiRecord, uint patronFormat);

Parameters Description
FIRecord fiRecord FIRecord [ 1437] object.
uint patronFormat One of patron format values

Patron format consists of owner (major 2 bytes) and type (minor 2 bytes) CbeffRecord.CbeffRecord Constructor (FIRecord, uint, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the CbeffRecord class from FIRecord [ 1437].

public CbeffRecord(FIRecord fiRecord, uint patronFormat, uint flags);

Parameters Description
FIRecord fiRecord FIRecord [ 1437] object.
uint patronFormat One of patron format values
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the constructor.

Patron format consists of owner (major 2 bytes) and type (minor 2 bytes)

FIRecord [ 1437] flags are supported.


9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards CbeffRecord.CbeffRecord Constructor (FMCRecord, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the CbeffRecord class from FMCRecord [ 1451].

public CbeffRecord(FMCRecord fmcRecord, uint patronFormat);

Parameters Description
FMCRecord fmcRecord FMCRecord [ 1451] object.
uint patronFormat One of patron format values

Patron format consists of owner (major 2 bytes) and type (minor 2 bytes) CbeffRecord.CbeffRecord Constructor (FMCRecord, uint, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the CbeffRecord class from FMCRecord [ 1451].

public CbeffRecord(FMCRecord fmcRecord, uint patronFormat, uint flags);

Parameters Description
FMCRecord fmcRecord FMCRecord [ 1451] object.
uint patronFormat One of patron format values
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the constructor.

Patron format consists of owner (major 2 bytes) and type (minor 2 bytes)

FMCRecord [ 1451] flags are supported. CbeffRecord.CbeffRecord Constructor (FMRecord, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the CbeffRecord class from FMRecord [ 1467].

public CbeffRecord(FMRecord fmRecord, uint patronFormat);

Parameters Description
FMRecord fmRecord FMRecord [ 1467] object.
uint patronFormat One of patron format values

Patron format consists of owner (major 2 bytes) and type (minor 2 bytes) CbeffRecord.CbeffRecord Constructor (FMRecord, uint, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the CbeffRecord class from FMRecord [ 1467].

public CbeffRecord(FMRecord fmRecord, uint patronFormat, uint flags);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards


Parameters Description
FMRecord fmRecord FMRecord [ 1467] object.
uint patronFormat One of patron format values
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the constructor.

Patron format consists of owner (major 2 bytes) and type (minor 2 bytes)

FMRecord [ 1467] flags are supported. CbeffRecord.CbeffRecord Constructor (IIRecord, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the CbeffRecord class from IIRecord [ 1545].

public CbeffRecord(IIRecord iiRecord, uint patronFormat);

Parameters Description
IIRecord iiRecord IIRecord [ 1545] object.
uint patronFormat One of patron format values

Patron format consists of owner (major 2 bytes) and type (minor 2 bytes) CbeffRecord.CbeffRecord Constructor (IIRecord, uint, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the CbeffRecord class from IIRecord [ 1545].

public CbeffRecord(IIRecord iiRecord, uint patronFormat, uint flags);

Parameters Description
IIRecord iiRecord IIRecord [ 1545] object.
uint patronFormat One of patron format values
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the constructor.

Patron format consists of owner (major 2 bytes) and type (minor 2 bytes)

IIRecord [ 1545] flags are supported. CbeffRecord.CbeffRecord Constructor (NBuffer, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the CbeffRecord class.

public CbeffRecord(NBuffer buffer, uint patronFormat);

Parameters Description 9
NBuffer buffer NBuffer [ 1943] which contains the CbeffRecord.
uint patronFormat One of patron format values

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Patron format consists of owner (major 2 bytes) and type (minor 2 bytes) CbeffRecord.CbeffRecord Constructor (NBuffer, uint, out int)

Initializes a new instance of the CbeffRecord class.

public CbeffRecord(NBuffer buffer, uint patronFormat, out int size);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer NBuffer [ 1943] which contains the CbeffRecord.
uint patronFormat One of patron format values
out int size The size of the record.

Patron format consists of owner (major 2 bytes) and type (minor 2 bytes) CbeffRecord.CbeffRecord Constructor (NBuffer, uint, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the CbeffRecord class.

public CbeffRecord(NBuffer buffer, uint patronFormat, uint flags);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer NBuffer [ 1943] which contains the CbeffRecord.
uint patronFormat One of patron format values
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the constructor.

Patron format consists of owner (major 2 bytes) and type (minor 2 bytes) CbeffRecord.CbeffRecord Constructor (NBuffer, uint, uint, out int)

Initializes a new instance of the CbeffRecord class.

public CbeffRecord(NBuffer buffer, uint patronFormat, uint flags, out int size);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer NBuffer [ 1943] which contains the CbeffRecord.
uint patronFormat One of patron format values
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the constructor.
out int size The size of the record.

Patron format consists of owner (major 2 bytes) and type (minor 2 bytes)

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards CbeffRecord.CbeffRecord Constructor (NStream, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the CbeffRecord class.

public CbeffRecord(NStream stream, uint patronFormat);

Parameters Description
NStream stream NStream [ 1977] which contains the CbeffRecord.
uint patronFormat One of patron format values

Patron format consists of owner (major 2 bytes) and type (minor 2 bytes) CbeffRecord.CbeffRecord Constructor (NStream, uint, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the CbeffRecord class.

public CbeffRecord(NStream stream, uint patronFormat, uint flags);

Parameters Description
NStream stream NStream [ 1977] which contains the CbeffRecord.
uint patronFormat One of patron format values
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the constructor.

Patron format consists of owner (major 2 bytes) and type (minor 2 bytes) CbeffRecord.CbeffRecord Constructor (uint)

Initializes a new instance of the CbeffRecord class.

public CbeffRecord(uint patronFormat);

Parameters Description
uint patronFormat One of patron format values

Patron format consists of owner (major 2 bytes) and type (minor 2 bytes) CbeffRecord.CbeffRecord Constructor (uint, NBuffer, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the CbeffRecord class from IIRecord [ 1545].

public CbeffRecord(uint bdbFormat, NBuffer bdbBuffer, uint patronFormat);

Parameters Description
uint bdbFormat Format of BDB data.
NBuffer bdbBuffer Buffer containing BDB data.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

uint patronFormat One of patron format values

Patron format consists of owner (major 2 bytes) and type (minor 2 bytes) CbeffRecord.CbeffRecord Constructor (uint, NBuffer, uint, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the CbeffRecord class from IIRecord [ 1545].

public CbeffRecord(uint bdbFormat, NBuffer bdbBuffer, uint patronFormat, uint flags);

Parameters Description
uint bdbFormat Format of BDB data.
NBuffer bdbBuffer Buffer containing BDB data.
uint patronFormat One of patron format values
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the constructor.

Patron format consists of owner (major 2 bytes) and type (minor 2 bytes)

CbeffRecord flags are supported. CbeffRecord Fields CbeffRecord.AddeIsoIecJtc1SC37TlvEncodedBiometricConfigurationData Field

Additionally defined data element. ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37 TLV-encoded patron format additional data element "Configuration
data" introduced by ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 17 in ISO/IEC 24787:2010.

public const string AddeIsoIecJtc1SC37TlvEncodedBiometricConfigurationData =
"ConfigurationData"; CbeffRecord.FlagSkipDefaultValues Field

The flag indicating whether to skip default values while serializing CbeffRecord [ 1402]. It will enforce skipping of those fields,
which are defined as mandatory, but can be absent if default value applies, also optional fields, which have default value. The
fields restrictions and possible default values are defined by concrete patron format.

public const uint FlagSkipDefaultValues = 0x00100000; CbeffRecord.FlagTlvAllowNonBerTlvBdbData Field

The flag is supported only for FINGERPRINT biometric type and indicates whether BDB data buffer for ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37
TLV-Encoded patron format, can be encoded not in ISO/IEC 7816-4 BER-TLV format. In such case BDB data buffer shall be
encoded as ISO/IEC 19794-2 compliant card compact / normal size minutiae series without any BER-TLV headers present.

public const uint FlagTlvAllowNonBerTlvBdbData = 0x00020000;
If flag is set and minutiae series data is not found, then BDB data is stored as SCardTags.CardholderBiometricData BER-TLV

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards CbeffRecord.FlagTlvUseForOnCardMatching Field

The flag indicating whether ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37 TLV-Encoded patron format record is used for on-card matching.

public const uint FlagTlvUseForOnCardMatching = 0x00010000;
If flag is not set, it is considered that ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37 TLV-Encoded patron format record used for off-card matching (i.e.
saved to memory record BIT BER-TLV data object will contain include private BDB (that is BDT BER-TLV data object). CbeffRecord.FlagUseConfigurationData Field

The flag indicating whether ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37 TLV-Encoded patron format record shall support Configuration Data
BER-TLV data object (introduced since ISO/IEC 24787:2010 for on-card comparison only) within Biometric Information
Template (BIT) BER-TLV data object.

public const uint FlagUseConfigurationData = 0x00040000;
If flag is not set, Configuration Data with tag SCardBitTags.ConfigurationData (if any) is simply ignored. CbeffRecord.PatronFormatIncitsTCM1BiometricsA Field

The CBEFF patron format (owner and type) INCITS Technical Committee M1 - Biometrics [ 418] Patron Format A.

public const uint PatronFormatIncitsTCM1BiometricsA = 0x001B0001; CbeffRecord.PatronFormatIncitsTCM1BiometricsB Field

The CBEFF patron format (owner and type) INCITS Technical Committee M1 - Biometrics [ 418] Patron Format B.

public const uint PatronFormatIncitsTCM1BiometricsB = 0x001B0002; CbeffRecord.PatronFormatIsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsComplex Field

The CBEFF patron format (owner and type) ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418] Patron Format Complex.

public const uint PatronFormatIsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsComplex = 0x01010006; CbeffRecord.PatronFormatIsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsComplexWithAddElem Field

The CBEFF patron format (owner and type) ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418] Patron Format Complex with additional

public const uint PatronFormatIsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsComplexWithAddElem = 0x0101000A; CbeffRecord.PatronFormatIsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsPresenceByteOriented Field

The CBEFF patron format (owner and type) ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418] Patron Format Presence byte oriented.

public const uint PatronFormatIsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsPresenceByteOriented = 0x01010003; CbeffRecord.PatronFormatIsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsSimpleByteOriented Field

The CBEFF patron format (owner and type) ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418] Patron Format Simple byte oriented.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public const uint PatronFormatIsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsSimpleByteOriented = 0x01010002; CbeffRecord.PatronFormatIsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsTlvEncoded Field

The CBEFF patron format (owner and type) ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418] Patron Format TLV-encoded.

public const uint PatronFormatIsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsTlvEncoded = 0x01010005; CbeffRecord.PatronFormatNistD Field

The CBEFF patron format (owner and type) NIST Patron Format D - NIST PIV.

public const uint PatronFormatNistD = 0x000F0001; CbeffRecord.PddeIsoIecJtc1SC37TlvEncodedAlgorithmReference Field

Patron defined data element. ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37 TLV-encoded patron format owner defined data element "Algorithm

public const string PddeIsoIecJtc1SC37TlvEncodedAlgorithmReference = "AlgorithmReference"; CbeffRecord.PddeIsoIecJtc1SC37TlvEncodedBiometricAlgorithmParameters Field

Patron defined data element. ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37 TLV-encoded patron format owner defined data element "Biometric
algorithm parameters".

public const string PddeIsoIecJtc1SC37TlvEncodedBiometricAlgorithmParameters =
"BiometricAlgorithmParameters"; CbeffRecord.PddeIsoIecJtc1SC37TlvEncodedReferenceDataQualifier Field

Patron defined data element. ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37 TLV-encoded patron format owner defined data element "Reference data

public const string PddeIsoIecJtc1SC37TlvEncodedReferenceDataQualifier =
"ReferenceDataQualifier"; CbeffRecord.PddeNistFascn Field

Patron defined data element. NIST Personal Identity Verification (PIV) patron format defined data element "FASC-N".

public const string PddeNistFascn = "Fascn"; CbeffRecord Methods CbeffRecord.ToBerTlv Method ()

Creates BerTlv [ 2253] object from CbeffRecord [ 1402]

public BerTlv ToBerTlv();
The BerTlv [ 2253] object. Default is for off-card matching, if flag is not used.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards CbeffRecord.ToBerTlv Method (uint)

Creates BerTlv [ 2253] object from CbeffRecord [ 1402]

public BerTlv ToBerTlv(uint flags);

Parameters Description
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the method.

The BerTlv [ 2253] object. Default is for off-card matching, if flag is not used.

Currently FlagTlvUseForOnCardMatching [ 1416] can be used. CbeffRecord Properties CbeffRecord.BdbBuffer Property

Gets or sets biometric data block (BDB) from specified CbeffRecord [ 1402].

public NBuffer BdbBuffer;
Property value
NBuffer [ 1943] containing BDB value. CbeffRecord.BdbCreationDate Property

Gets or sets biometric data block (BDB) which is saved to CbeffRecord [ 1402] creation date.

public DateTime? BdbCreationDate;
Property value
DateTime object containing the date. CbeffRecord.BdbFormat Property

Gets or sets biometric data block (BDB) format.

public uint BdbFormat;
Property value
BDB format owner and format type value. CbeffRecord.BdbIndex Property

Gets or sets biometric data block (BDB) index.

public NBuffer BdbIndex;
Property value 9
NBuffer [ 1943] object containing BDB index value.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards CbeffRecord.BdbValidityPeriod Property

Gets or sets biometric data block (BDB) validity period.

public CbeffTimeInterval? BdbValidityPeriod;
Property value
BDB validity period. CbeffRecord.BiometricSubType Property

Gets or sets CbeffRecord [ 1402] subtype.

public CbeffBiometricSubType BiometricSubType;
Property value
One of CbeffRecord [ 1402] sub-type values. CbeffRecord.BiometricType Property

Gets or sets CbeffRecord [ 1402] type.

public CbeffBiometricType BiometricType;
This data element value is assigned by the Product Owner [ 1422] and represents the specific type of product as specified by
the Product Owner [ 1422]. This value is specific to the product owner and can be registered using the same property as the
BDB Format (BdbFormat [ 1418]).

Property value
One of CbeffRecord [ 1402] type values. CbeffRecord.BirCreationDate Property

Gets or sets biometric information record (BIR) which is saved to CbeffRecord [ 1402] creation date.

public DateTime? BirCreationDate;
Property value
DateTime object containing the date. CbeffRecord.BirIndex Property

Gets or sets biometric information record (BIR) which is saved to specified CbeffRecord [ 1402] index.

public NBuffer BirIndex;
Property value
Memory buffer containing BDB index. CbeffRecord.BirValidityPeriod Property

Gets or sets biometric information record (BIR) validity period. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public CbeffTimeInterval? BirValidityPeriod;
Property value
BIR validity period. CbeffRecord.CaptureDeviceId Property

Gets or sets Id of capture device used to acquire the original CbeffRecord [ 1402]

public uint? CaptureDeviceId;
Property value
Capture device Id. CbeffRecord.CbeffVersion Property

Gets CBEFF record version.

public byte CbeffVersion;
Property value
CBEFF record version. CbeffRecord.ChallengeResponse Property

Gets or sets the information used to formulate a particular challenge to the user of a biometric type.

public NBuffer ChallengeResponse;
Property value
NBuffer [ 1943] containing challenge response value. CbeffRecord.ComparisonAlgorithmId Property

Gets or sets identifiers of the registered biometric organization that owns the comparison algorithm.

public uint? ComparisonAlgorithmId;
Property value
Comparison algorithm Id. CbeffRecord.CompressionAlgorithmId Property

Gets or sets algorithm that was used in the creation of the BDB.

public uint? CompressionAlgorithmId;
Property value
Comparison algorithm Id. CbeffRecord.Creator Property

Gets or sets a text string that identifies the organization that is responsible for the application that created the CBEFF record.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public string Creator;
Property value
Text [ 2416] string containing creator name. CbeffRecord.Encryption Property

Gets or sets encryption of CbeffRecord [ 1402].

public bool Encryption;
Property value
true, if specified record is encrypted; otherwise, false. CbeffRecord.FeatureExtractionAlgorithmId Property

Gets or sets algorithm which is assigned a feature extraction algorithm identifier by a CBEFF biometric organization.

public uint? FeatureExtractionAlgorithmId;
Property value
Feature extraction algorithm identifier. CbeffRecord.Integrity Property

Gets or sets integrity of Cbeff record.

public bool Integrity;
Property value
true if Cbeff record uses integrity; othewise false. CbeffRecord.IntegrityOptions Property

When CBEFF uses integrity, gets or sets whether Integrity [ 1421] uses a Signature or Message Authentication Code (MAC).

public CbeffIntegrityOptions? IntegrityOptions;
Property value
CbeffRecord [ 1402] integrity options. CbeffRecord.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; CbeffRecord.Owner Property

Gets CbeffRecord [ 1402] object.

public new CbeffRecord Owner;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Property value
CbeffRecord [ 1402] object. CbeffRecord.PatronFormat Property

Gets header's patron format (owner and type).

public uint PatronFormat;
Property value
Value of patron format. CbeffRecord.PatronHeaderVersion Property

Gets patron header version.

public byte PatronHeaderVersion;
Property value
Patron header version CbeffRecord.Payload Property

Gets or sets arbitrary data stored in the SBH for convenient association with the biometric information.

public NBuffer Payload;
It could contain data (e.g., a person-identification-number) attached in a secure way to the BDB and used by a service system
(e.g., access control system) in case that the biometric verification is positive.

Property value
NBuffer [ 1943] object containing payload of the SBH. CbeffRecord.ProcessedLevel Property

Gets or sets data element specifying the processed state of the data encoded in the BDB.

public CbeffProcessedLevel ProcessedLevel;
Property value
Processed level. CbeffRecord.ProductId Property

Gets or sets product owner and type.

public uint? ProductId;
Product Owner [ 1422] (e.g., the Biometric Service Provider (BSP) or Transforming Application) is that created or transformed
the biometric data object. This data element uses the same format and registration method as the BDB Format Owner [ 1422]
data element.

Product type is assigned by the Product Owner [ 1422] and represents the specific type of product as specified by the Product

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Owner [ 1422]. This value is specific to the product owner and can be registered using the same method as the BDB Format

Property value
Product owner and type. CbeffRecord.Purpose Property

Gets or sets the intended use of the data in specified CbeffRecord [ 1402].

public CbeffPurpose Purpose;
Property value
One of CbeffPurpose values. CbeffRecord.Quality Property

Gets or sets the quality of the data in the BDB. The biometric data quality has several components: Value, Algorithm Owner
[ 1422] and Algorithm Type.

public byte? Quality;
Property value
CbeffRecord [ 1402] quality value. CbeffRecord.QualityAlgorithmId Property

Gets or sets Id of the algorithm used to generate the biometric data quality value.

public uint? QualityAlgorithmId;
Property value
Algorithm Id. CbeffRecord.Records Property

When specified CBEFF record is complex, gets all records from it.

public RecordCollection Records;
Property value
CBEFF records collection. CbeffRecord.SbBuffer Property

Gets or sets security block (SB) from specified CbeffRecord [ 1402].

public NBuffer SbBuffer;
Property value
NBuffer [ 1943] containing SB value. CbeffRecord.SbFormat Property 9

Gets or sets format of security block (SB).

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public uint? SbFormat;
Property value
SB format value. CbeffSBFormatIdentifiers Class

Specifies CBEFF Security Block (SB) Format identifiers registered with International Biometric Industry Association (IBIA).

public static class CbeffSBFormatIdentifiers;
File: CbeffSBFormatIdentifiers.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

CbeffSBFormatIdentifiers Fields

Name Description
IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsGeneralPurposeDer The CBEFF SB format identifier assigned to ISO/IEC JTC 1
[ 1425] SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418] general-purpose-DER format.
IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsGeneralPurposeDerSO The CBEFF SB format identifier assigned to ISO/IEC JTC 1
[ 1425] SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418] general-purpose-DER
signature-only format.
IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsGeneralPurposePer The CBEFF SB format identifier assigned to ISO/IEC JTC 1
[ 1425] SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418] general-purpose-PER format.
IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsGeneralPurposePerSO The CBEFF SB format identifier assigned to ISO/IEC JTC 1
[ 1425] SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418] general-purpose-PER
signature-only format.
IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsGeneralPurposeXer The CBEFF SB format identifier assigned to ISO/IEC JTC 1
[ 1425] SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418] general-purpose-XER format.
IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsGeneralPurposeXerSO The CBEFF SB format identifier assigned to ISO/IEC JTC 1
[ 1425] SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418] general-purpose-XER
signature-only format.

CbeffSBFormatIdentifiers Properties

Name Description
NativeType [ 1425] Defines the native type of the object. CbeffSBFormatIdentifiers Fields CbeffSBFormatIdentifiers.IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsGeneralPurposeDer Field

The CBEFF SB format identifier assigned to ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418] general-purpose-DER format.

public const ushort IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsGeneralPurposeDer = 0x0001; CbeffSBFormatIdentifiers.IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsGeneralPurposeDerSO Field

The CBEFF SB format identifier assigned to ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418] general-purpose-DER signature-only

C# 9
public const ushort IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsGeneralPurposeDerSO = 0x0004;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards CbeffSBFormatIdentifiers.IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsGeneralPurposePer Field

The CBEFF SB format identifier assigned to ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418] general-purpose-PER format.

public const ushort IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsGeneralPurposePer = 0x0002; CbeffSBFormatIdentifiers.IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsGeneralPurposePerSO Field

The CBEFF SB format identifier assigned to ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418] general-purpose-PER signature-only

public const ushort IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsGeneralPurposePerSO = 0x0005; CbeffSBFormatIdentifiers.IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsGeneralPurposeXer Field

The CBEFF SB format identifier assigned to ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418] general-purpose-XER format.

public const ushort IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsGeneralPurposeXer = 0x0003; CbeffSBFormatIdentifiers.IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsGeneralPurposeXerSO Field

The CBEFF SB format identifier assigned to ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics [ 418] general-purpose-XER signature-only

public const ushort IsoIecJtc1SC37BiometricsGeneralPurposeXerSO = 0x0006; CbeffSBFormatIdentifiers Properties CbeffSBFormatIdentifiers.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; FCRecord Class

Contains functionality for managing face records by ANSI INCITS 385-2004, ISO/IEC 19794-5:2005 and ISO/IEC
19794-5:2011 standards. For ISO/IEC 19794-5:2011 standard only 2D face images are supported.

public sealed class FCRecord : NObject, ICloneable;
File: FCRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

FCRecord Classes
FCRecord Class

Name Description
FaceImageCollection [ 1433] Collection of FCRecords.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

FCRecord Class

Name Description
FlagProcessFirstFaceImageOnly Process first face image only.
[ 1435]
MaxFaceImageCount [ 1435] Maximum number of faces in FCRecord.
VersionAnsi10 [ 1435] FCRecord ANSI version 1.0.
VersionAnsiCurrent [ 1435] The current version of ANSI standard for FCRecord
VersionIso10 [ 1435] FCRecord ISO version 1.0.
VersionIso30 [ 1435] FCRecord ISO version 3.0.
VersionIsoCurrent [ 1436] The current version of ISO standard for FCRecord

FCRecord Class

Name Description
FCRecord [ 1429] Initializes a new instance of the FCRecord class.
FCRecord [ 1430] Initializes a new instance of the FCRecord class.
FCRecord [ 1430] Initializes a new instance of the FCRecord class.
FCRecord [ 1430] Initializes a new instance of the FCRecord class.
FCRecord [ 1431] Initializes a new instance of the FCRecord class.
FCRecord [ 1431] Initializes a new instance of the FCRecord class.
FCRecord [ 1431] Initializes a new instance of the FCRecord class.
FCRecord [ 1431] Initializes a new instance of the FCRecord class.
FCRecord [ 1432] Initializes a new instance of the FCRecord class.
FCRecord [ 1432] Initializes a new instance of the FCRecord class.
FCRecord [ 1432] Initializes a new instance of the FCRecord class.

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.

This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values. 9
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.

Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

FCRecord Class

Name Description
SetTemporalSemantics [ 1436] Sets temporal semantics in milliseconds.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

FCRecord Class

Name Description
CertificationFlag [ 1436] Gets FCRecord certification flag.
FaceImages [ 1436] Gets particular face images from the FCRecord.
NativeType [ 1436] Defines the native type of the object.
Standard [ 1437] Gets the FCRecord standard.
TemporalSemantics [ 1437] Gets or sets FCRecord temporal semantics.
TemporalSemanticsInMilliseconds Gets or sets FCRecord temporal semantics in millisecond.
[ 1437]
Version [ 1437] Gets FCRecord version.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. FCRecord.FCRecord Constructor (BdifStandard, NVersion)

Initializes a new instance of the FCRecord class.

public FCRecord(BdifStandard standard, NVersion version);

Parameters Description
BdifStandard standard Standard [ 1437] used in FCRecord.
NVersion version Version [ 1437] used in FCRecord. FCRecord.FCRecord Constructor (BdifStandard, NVersion,

FcrFaceImageType, NBuffer)
Initializes a new instance of the FCRecord class.

C# 9
public FCRecord(BdifStandard standard, NVersion version, FcrFaceImageType faceImageType,
NBuffer imageBuffer);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards


Parameters Description
BdifStandard standard One of BdifStandard [ 1626] values.
NVersion version FCRecord version.
FcrFaceImageType faceImageType One of FcrFaceImageType [ 1627] values.
NBuffer imageBuffer Image buffer. FCRecord.FCRecord Constructor (BdifStandard, NVersion,

FcrFaceImageType, NBuffer, uint)
Initializes a new instance of the FCRecord class.

public FCRecord(BdifStandard standard, NVersion version, FcrFaceImageType faceImageType,
NBuffer imageBuffer, uint flags);

Parameters Description
BdifStandard standard One of BdifStandard [ 1626] values.
NVersion version FCrecord version.
FcrFaceImageType faceImageType One of FcrFaceImageType [ 1627] values.
NBuffer imageBuffer Image buffer.
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the constructor. The following flag is supported:
FlagAllowOutOfBoundsFeatures. FCRecord.FCRecord Constructor (BdifStandard, NVersion, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the FCRecord class.

public FCRecord(BdifStandard standard, NVersion version, uint flags);

Parameters Description
BdifStandard standard Standard [ 1437] used in FCRecord.
NVersion version Version [ 1437] used in FCRecord.
uint flags Flags [ 320] used in FCRecord. The following flag is
supported: FlagAllowOutOfBoundsFeatures. FCRecord.FCRecord Constructor (FCRecord, BdifStandard, NVersion)

Initializes a new instance of the FCRecord class.

public FCRecord(FCRecord srcRecord, BdifStandard standard, NVersion version);

Parameters Description
FCRecord srcRecord FCRecord object.
BdifStandard standard One of BdifStandard [ 1626] values.
NVersion version Version [ 1437] name used by an FCRecord object.

Remarks 9
The following flags are supported: FlagProcessFirstFaceImageOnly [ 1435], FlagSkipFeaturePoints.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards FCRecord.FCRecord Constructor (FCRecord, uint, BdifStandard, NVersion)

Initializes a new instance of the FCRecord class.

public FCRecord(FCRecord srcRecord, uint flags, BdifStandard standard, NVersion version);

Parameters Description
FCRecord srcRecord FCRecord object.
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the constructor.
BdifStandard standard One of BdifStandard [ 1626] values.
NVersion version Version [ 1437] name used by an FCRecord object.

The following flags are supported: FlagProcessFirstFaceImageOnly [ 1435], FlagSkipFeaturePoints. FCRecord.FCRecord Constructor (NBuffer, BdifStandard)

Initializes a new instance of the FCRecord class.

public FCRecord(NBuffer buffer, BdifStandard standard);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer NBuffer [ 1943] which contains the FCRecord.
BdifStandard standard One of BdifStandard [ 1626] values.

The following flags are supported: FlagProcessFirstFaceImageOnly [ 1435], FlagSkipFeaturePoints,
FlagAllowOutOfBoundsFeatures. FCRecord.FCRecord Constructor (NBuffer, uint, BdifStandard)

Initializes a new instance of the FCRecord class.

public FCRecord(NBuffer buffer, uint flags, BdifStandard standard);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer NBuffer [ 1943] which contains the FCRecord.
uint flags Flags [ 320] compatible with FCRecord.
BdifStandard standard One of BdifStandard [ 1626] values.

The following flags are supported: FlagProcessFirstFaceImageOnly [ 1435], FlagSkipFeaturePoints,
FlagAllowOutOfBoundsFeatures. FCRecord.FCRecord Constructor (NImage, FcrFaceImageType,

FcrImageDataType, BdifStandard, NVersion)
Initializes a new instance of the FCRecord class.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public FCRecord(NImage nImage, FcrFaceImageType faceImageType, FcrImageDataType
imageDataType, BdifStandard standard, NVersion version);

Parameters Description
NImage nImage A NImage [ 1831] object.
FcrFaceImageType faceImageType FcrFaceImageType [ 1627]
FcrImageDataType imageDataType One of FcrImageDataType [ 1628] values.
BdifStandard standard One of BdifStandard [ 1626] values.
NVersion version FCrecord version. FCRecord.FCRecord Constructor (NImage, FcrFaceImageType,

FcrImageDataType, uint, BdifStandard, NVersion)
Initializes a new instance of the FCRecord class.

public FCRecord(NImage nImage, FcrFaceImageType faceImageType, FcrImageDataType
imageDataType, uint flags, BdifStandard standard, NVersion version);

Parameters Description
NImage nImage A NImage [ 1831] object.
FcrFaceImageType faceImageType One of FcrFaceImageType [ 1627] values.
FcrImageDataType imageDataType One of FcrImageDataType [ 1628] values.
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the constructor. The following flag is supported:
BdifStandard standard One of BdifStandard [ 1626] values.
NVersion version FCrecord version. FCRecord.FCRecord Constructor (byte[], BdifStandard)

Initializes a new instance of the FCRecord class.

public FCRecord(byte[] buffer, BdifStandard standard);

Parameters Description
byte[] buffer Byte array which contains the FCRecord.
BdifStandard standard One of BdifStandard [ 1626] values.

The following flags are supported: FlagProcessFirstFaceImageOnly [ 1435], FlagSkipFeaturePoints,
FlagAllowOutOfBoundsFeatures. FCRecord Classes FCRecord.FaceImageCollection Class

Collection of FCRecords.
public sealed class FaceImageCollection : NObjectCollection<FcrFaceImage>;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

File: FCRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

FaceImageCollection Methods

Name Description
Add [ 1433] Adds a new instance of the FcrFaceImage [ 1482] class.
Add [ 1433] Adds a new instance of the FcrFaceImage [ 1482] class.
Add [ 1434] Adds a new instance of the FcrFaceImage [ 1482] class.
Add [ 1434] Adds a new instance of the FcrFaceImage [ 1482] class.
Add [ 1434] Adds a new instance of the FcrFaceImage [ 1482] class.
Add [ 1435] Adds a new instance of the FcrFaceImage [ 1482] class. FaceImageCollection Methods FCRecord.FaceImageCollection.Add Method ()

Adds a new instance of the FcrFaceImage [ 1482] class.

public FcrFaceImage Add();
FcrFaceImage [ 1482]'s standard and version are set the same as FCRecord [ 1425]'s. FCRecord.FaceImageCollection.Add Method (FcrFaceImageType, FcrImageDataType,

Adds a new instance of the FcrFaceImage [ 1482] class.

public FcrFaceImage Add(FcrFaceImageType faceImageType, FcrImageDataType imageDataType,
NImage image);

Parameters Description
FcrFaceImageType faceImageType FcrFaceImageType [ 1627]
FcrImageDataType imageDataType One of FcrImageDataType [ 1628] values.
NImage image A NImage [ 1831] object.

FcrFaceImage [ 1482]'s standard and version are set the same as FCRecord [ 1425]'s. FCRecord.FaceImageCollection.Add Method (FcrFaceImageType, FcrImageDataType,

NImage, uint)
Adds a new instance of the FcrFaceImage [ 1482] class.

public FcrFaceImage Add(FcrFaceImageType faceImageType, FcrImageDataType imageDataType,
NImage image, uint flags);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards


Parameters Description
FcrFaceImageType faceImageType FcrFaceImageType [ 1627]
FcrImageDataType imageDataType One of FcrImageDataType [ 1628] values.
NImage image A NImage [ 1831] object.
uint flags The following flag is supported:

FcrFaceImage [ 1482]'s standard and version are set the same as FCRecord [ 1425]'s. FCRecord.FaceImageCollection.Add Method (FcrFaceImageType, NBuffer)

Adds a new instance of the FcrFaceImage [ 1482] class.

public FcrFaceImage Add(FcrFaceImageType faceImageType, NBuffer imageBuffer);

Parameters Description
FcrFaceImageType faceImageType FcrFaceImageType [ 1627]
NBuffer imageBuffer Image buffer.

FcrFaceImage [ 1482]'s standard and version are set the same as FCRecord [ 1425]'s. FCRecord.FaceImageCollection.Add Method (FcrFaceImageType, NBuffer, uint)

Adds a new instance of the FcrFaceImage [ 1482] class.

public FcrFaceImage Add(FcrFaceImageType faceImageType, NBuffer imageBuffer, uint flags);

Parameters Description
FcrFaceImageType faceImageType FcrFaceImageType [ 1627]
NBuffer imageBuffer Image buffer.
uint flags The following flag is supported:

FcrFaceImage [ 1482]'s standard and version are set the same as FCRecord [ 1425]'s. FCRecord.FaceImageCollection.Add Method (uint)

Adds a new instance of the FcrFaceImage [ 1482] class.

public FcrFaceImage Add(uint flags);

Parameters Description
uint flags The following flag is supported:
FcrFaceImage [ 1482]'s standard and version are set the same as FCRecord [ 1425]'s.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards FCRecord Fields FCRecord.FlagProcessFirstFaceImageOnly Field

Process first face image only.

public const uint FlagProcessFirstFaceImageOnly = 0x00000100; FCRecord.MaxFaceImageCount Field

Maximum number of faces in FCRecord [ 1425].

public const int MaxFaceImageCount = ushort.MaxValue; FCRecord.VersionAnsi10 Field

FCRecord [ 1425] ANSI version 1.0.

public static readonly NVersion VersionAnsi10 = (NVersion)0x0100; FCRecord.VersionAnsiCurrent Field

The current version of ANSI standard for FCRecord [ 1425]

public static readonly NVersion VersionAnsiCurrent = VersionAnsi10; FCRecord.VersionIso10 Field

FCRecord [ 1425] ISO version 1.0.

public static readonly NVersion VersionIso10 = (NVersion)0x0100; FCRecord.VersionIso30 Field

FCRecord [ 1425] ISO version 3.0.

public static readonly NVersion VersionIso30 = (NVersion)0x0300; FCRecord.VersionIsoCurrent Field

The current version of ISO standard for FCRecord [ 1425]

public static readonly NVersion VersionIsoCurrent = VersionIso30; FCRecord Methods FCRecord.SetTemporalSemantics Method

Sets temporal semantics in milliseconds.

public void SetTemporalSemantics(BdifFaceTemporalSemantics value, ushort

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards


Parameters Description
BdifFaceTemporalSemantics value One of the BdifFaceTemporalSemantics [ 1621] values.
ushort valueInMilliseconds The number of milliseconds between representaions. FCRecord Properties FCRecord.CertificationFlag Property

Gets FCRecord [ 1425] certification flag.

public bool CertificationFlag;
The returning value always will be 0.

Property value
FCRecord [ 1425] certification flag. FCRecord.FaceImages Property

Gets particular face images from the FCRecord [ 1425].

public FaceImageCollection FaceImages;
Property value
A FaceImageCollection [ 1433] representing the images in the FCRecord [ 1425]. FCRecord.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; FCRecord.Standard Property

Gets the FCRecord [ 1425] standard.

public BdifStandard Standard;
Property value
One of the BdifStandard [ 1626] values. FCRecord.TemporalSemantics Property

Gets or sets FCRecord [ 1425] temporal semantics.

public BdifFaceTemporalSemantics TemporalSemantics;
Property value
One of the BdifFaceTemporalSemantics [ 1621] values.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards FCRecord.TemporalSemanticsInMilliseconds Property

Gets or sets FCRecord [ 1425] temporal semantics in millisecond.

public ushort TemporalSemanticsInMilliseconds;
Property value
The number of milliseconds between representations. FCRecord.Version Property

Gets FCRecord [ 1425] version.

public NVersion Version;
Property value
FCRecord [ 1425] version. FIRecord Class

Provides functionality for managing FIRecord objects.

public sealed class FIRecord : NObject, ICloneable;
File: FIRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

FIRecord Classes
FIRecord Class

Name Description
FingerViewCollection [ 1445] Manages the FIRecord finger view collection objects.

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

FIRecord Class

Name Description
FlagProcessFirstFingerOnly [ 1446] The flag used to indicate to process only the first finger position in
fingers views collection.
FlagProcessFirstFingerViewOnly [ 1447] The flag used to indicate to process only the first finger view in 9
finger views collection.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

FlagProcessFirstFingerViewPerFingerOnly The flag used to indicate to process only the first finger view per
[ 1447] finger position.
MaxFingerCountV10 [ 1447] A maximum number of finger positions used in FIRecord object
version 2.0
MaxFingerCountV20 [ 1447] A maximum number of finger positions used in FIRecord object
version 2.0
MaxFingerCountV25 [ 1447] A maximum number of finger positions used in FIRecord object
version 2.5
MaxFingerViewCountPerFingerV10 A maximum number of fingers views per one finger position in
[ 1447] FIRecord object version 1.0.
MaxFingerViewCountPerFingerV20 A maximum number of fingers views per one finger position in
[ 1447] FIRecord object version 2.0.
MaxFingerViewCountPerFingerV25 A maximum number of fingers views per one finger position in
[ 1447] FIRecord object version 2.5.
MaxFingerViewCountV10 [ 1447] A maximum number of finger views used in finger views of
FIRecord object V1.0.
MaxFingerViewCountV20 [ 1448] A maximum number of finger views used in finger views of
FIRecord object V2.0.
MaxFingerViewCountV25 [ 1448] A maximum number of finger views used in finger views of
FIRecord object V2.5.
VersionAnsi10 [ 1448] FIRecord ANSI version 1.0.
VersionAnsi25 [ 1448] FIRecord ANSI version 2.5.
VersionAnsiCurrent [ 1448] The current version of ANSI standard for FIRecord
VersionIso10 [ 1448] FIRecord ISO version 1.0.
VersionIso20 [ 1448] FIRecord ISO version 2.0.
VersionIsoCurrent [ 1448] The current version of ISO standard for FIRecord

FIRecord Class

Name Description
FIRecord [ 1442] Initializes a new instance of the FIRecord class.
FIRecord [ 1442] Initializes a new instance of the FIRecord class.
FIRecord [ 1442] Initializes a new instance of the FIRecord class.
FIRecord [ 1443] Initializes a new instance of the FIRecord class.
FIRecord [ 1443] Initializes a new instance of the FIRecord class.
FIRecord [ 1443] Initializes a new instance of the FIRecord class.
FIRecord [ 1443] Initializes a new instance of the FIRecord class.
FIRecord [ 1444] Initializes a new instance of the FIRecord class.
FIRecord [ 1444] Initializes a new instance of the FIRecord class.
FIRecord [ 1445] Initializes a new instance of the FIRecord class.

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an 9
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.

Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object. 9
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.

ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

FIRecord Class

Name Description
CaptureDeviceId [ 1448] Sets or gets capture device of FIRecord object id.
CbeffProductId [ 1449] Sets or gets Cbeff product id.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

CertificationFlag [ 1449] Sets or gets certification flag of the FIRecord object.

FingerViews [ 1449] Returns finger views collection of the FIRecord object.
FirImageCompressionAlgorithmNativeType Defines the native type of the FIR image compression algorithm.
[ 1449]
HorzImageResolution [ 1449] Sets or gets horizontal image resolution of the FIRecord object.
HorzScanResolution [ 1449] Sets or gets horizontal scan resolution of the FIRecord object.
ImageAcquisitionLevel [ 1450] Sets or gets image acquisition level.
ImageCompressionAlgorithm [ 1450] Sets or gets image compression algorithm of the FIRecord object.
NativeType [ 1450] Defines the native type of the object.
PixelDepth [ 1450] Sets or gets pixel depth of the FIRecord object.
ScaleUnits [ 1450] Sets or gets scale units of the FIRecord object.
Standard [ 1450] Gets standard used in FIRecord.
Version [ 1451] Gets version used in FIRecord.
VertImageResolution [ 1451] Sets or gets vertical image resolution of the FIRecord object.
VertScanResolution [ 1451] Sets or gets vertical scan resolution of the FIRecord object.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. FIRecord.FIRecord Constructor (BdifStandard, NVersion)

Initializes a new instance of the FIRecord class.

public FIRecord(BdifStandard standard, NVersion version);

Parameters Description
BdifStandard standard Standard [ 1450] used in FIRecord.
NVersion version Version [ 1451] used in FIRecord.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards FIRecord.FIRecord Constructor (BdifStandard, NVersion, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the FIRecord class.

public FIRecord(BdifStandard standard, NVersion version, uint flags);

Parameters Description
BdifStandard standard Standard [ 1450] used in FIRecord.
NVersion version Version [ 1451] used in FIRecord.
uint flags Flags [ 320] used in FIRecord. FIRecord.FIRecord Constructor (BdifStandard, NVersion, ushort,

BdifFPPosition, ushort, ushort, NBuffer)
Initializes a new instance of the FIRecord class.

public FIRecord(BdifStandard standard, NVersion version, ushort imageAcquisitionLevel,
BdifFPPosition fingerPosition, ushort horzScanResolution, ushort vertScanResolution,
NBuffer imageBuffer);

Parameters Description
BdifStandard standard Standard [ 1450] used in FIRecord.
NVersion version Version [ 1451] used in FIRecord.
ushort imageAcquisitionLevel Image acquisition level.
BdifFPPosition fingerPosition Finger position.
ushort horzScanResolution Horizontal scan resolution of FIRecord object.
ushort vertScanResolution Vertical scan resolution of FIRecord object.
NBuffer imageBuffer Image buffer.

The following flags are supported: FlagProcessFirstFingerOnly [ 1446], FlagProcessFirstFingerViewOnly [ 1447]. FIRecord.FIRecord Constructor (FIRecord, BdifStandard, NVersion)

Initializes a new instance of the FIRecord class.

public FIRecord(FIRecord srcRecord, BdifStandard standard, NVersion version);

Parameters Description
FIRecord srcRecord The source of FIRecord.
BdifStandard standard Standard [ 1450] used in FIRecord.
NVersion version Version [ 1451] used in FIRecord. FIRecord.FIRecord Constructor (FIRecord, uint, BdifStandard, NVersion)

Initializes a new instance of the FIRecord class.

public FIRecord(FIRecord srcRecord, uint flags, BdifStandard standard, NVersion version);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards


Parameters Description
FIRecord srcRecord The source of FIRecord.
uint flags Flags [ 320] used in FIRecord.
BdifStandard standard Standard [ 1450] used in FIRecord.
NVersion version Version [ 1451] used in FIRecord.

The following flags are supported: FlagProcessFirstFingerOnly [ 1446], FlagProcessFirstFingerViewOnly [ 1447]. FIRecord.FIRecord Constructor (NBuffer, BdifStandard)

Initializes a new instance of the FIRecord class.

public FIRecord(NBuffer buffer, BdifStandard standard);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer NBuffer [ 1943] that contains FIRecord.
BdifStandard standard Standard [ 1450] used in FIRecord. FIRecord.FIRecord Constructor (NBuffer, uint, BdifStandard)

Initializes a new instance of the FIRecord class.

public FIRecord(NBuffer buffer, uint flags, BdifStandard standard);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer NBuffer [ 1943] that contains FIRecord.
uint flags Flags [ 320] used in FIRecord.
BdifStandard standard Standard [ 1450] used in FIRecord. FIRecord.FIRecord Constructor (NImage, ushort, BdifScaleUnits, ushort,

ushort, byte, FirImageCompressionAlgorithm, BdifFPPosition, BdifStandard, NVersion)
Initializes a new instance of the FIRecord class.

public FIRecord(NImage nImage, ushort imageAcquisitionLevel, BdifScaleUnits scaleUnits,
ushort horzScanResolution, ushort vertScanResolution, byte pixelDepth,
FirImageCompressionAlgorithm imageCompressionAlgorithm, BdifFPPosition fingerPosition,
BdifStandard standard, NVersion version);

Parameters Description
NImage nImage Variable of NImage [ 1831] type.
ushort imageAcquisitionLevel Image acquisition level.
BdifScaleUnits scaleUnits Scale units of FIRecord object.
ushort horzScanResolution Horizontal scan resolution of FIRecord object.
ushort vertScanResolution Vertical scan resolution of FIRecord object.
byte pixelDepth Pixel depth of FIRecord object. 9
FirImageCompressionAlgorithm imageCompressionAlgorithm Image compression algorithm of FIRecord object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

BdifFPPosition fingerPosition Finger position.

BdifStandard standard Standard [ 1450] used in FIRecord.
NVersion version Version [ 1451] used in FIRecord. FIRecord.FIRecord Constructor (NImage, ushort, BdifScaleUnits, ushort,

ushort, byte, FirImageCompressionAlgorithm, BdifFPPosition, uint, BdifStandard,
Initializes a new instance of the FIRecord class.

public FIRecord(NImage nImage, ushort imageAcquisitionLevel, BdifScaleUnits scaleUnits,
ushort horzScanResolution, ushort vertScanResolution, byte pixelDepth,
FirImageCompressionAlgorithm imageCompressionAlgorithm, BdifFPPosition fingerPosition, uint
flags, BdifStandard standard, NVersion version);

Parameters Description
NImage nImage Variable of NImage [ 1831] type.
ushort imageAcquisitionLevel Image acquisition level.
BdifScaleUnits scaleUnits Scale units of FIRecord object.
ushort horzScanResolution Horizontal scan resolution of FIRecord object.
ushort vertScanResolution Vertical scan resolution of FIRecord object.
byte pixelDepth Pixel depth of FIRecord object.
FirImageCompressionAlgorithm imageCompressionAlgorithm Image compression algorithm of FIRecord object.
BdifFPPosition fingerPosition Finger position.
uint flags Flags [ 320] used in FIRecord.
BdifStandard standard Standard [ 1450] used in FIRecord.
NVersion version Version [ 1451] used in FIRecord.

The following flags are supported: FlagProcessFirstFingerOnly [ 1446], FlagProcessFirstFingerViewOnly [ 1447]. FIRecord.FIRecord Constructor (byte[], BdifStandard)

Initializes a new instance of the FIRecord class.

public FIRecord(byte[] buffer, BdifStandard standard);

Parameters Description
byte[] buffer Pointer to memory buffer that contains FIRecord.
BdifStandard standard Standard [ 1450] used in FIRecord. FIRecord Classes FIRecord.FingerViewCollection Class

Manages the FIRecord [ 1437] finger view collection objects.

public sealed class FingerViewCollection : NObjectCollection<FirFingerView>;
File: FIRecord.cs

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

FingerViewCollection Methods

Name Description
Add [ 1445] Adds a new instance of the FirFingerView [ 1498] class.
Add [ 1445] Adds a new instance of the FirFingerView [ 1498] class.
Add [ 1446] Adds a new instance of the FirFingerView [ 1498] class.
Add [ 1446] Adds a new instance of the FirFingerView [ 1498] class. FingerViewCollection Methods FIRecord.FingerViewCollection.Add Method ()

Adds a new instance of the FirFingerView [ 1498] class.

public FirFingerView Add();
FirFingerView [ 1498]'s standard and version are set the same as FIRecord [ 1437]'s. FIRecord.FingerViewCollection.Add Method (BdifFPPosition, BdifScaleUnits, ushort,

ushort, byte, FirImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage)
Adds a new instance of the FirFingerView [ 1498] class.

public FirFingerView Add(BdifFPPosition fingerPosition, BdifScaleUnits scaleUnits, ushort
horzScanResolution, ushort vertScanResolution, byte pixelDepth,
FirImageCompressionAlgorithm imageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage image);

Parameters Description
BdifFPPosition fingerPosition Finger position.
BdifScaleUnits scaleUnits Scale units of FirFingerView [ 1498] object.
ushort horzScanResolution Horizontal scan resolution of FirFingerView [ 1498] object.
ushort vertScanResolution Vertical scan resolution of FirFingerView [ 1498] object.
byte pixelDepth Pixel depth of FirFingerView [ 1498] object.
FirImageCompressionAlgorithm imageCompressionAlgorithm Image compression algorithm of FirFingerView [ 1498]
NImage image Variable of NImage [ 1831] type.

FirFingerView [ 1498]'s standard and version are set the same as FIRecord [ 1437]'s. FIRecord.FingerViewCollection.Add Method (BdifFPPosition, NImage)

Adds a new instance of the FirFingerView [ 1498] class.

public FirFingerView Add(BdifFPPosition fingerPosition, NImage image);

Parameters Description 9
BdifFPPosition fingerPosition Finger position.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

NImage image Variable of NImage [ 1831] type.

FirFingerView [ 1498]'s standard and version are set the same as FIRecord [ 1437]'s. FIRecord.FingerViewCollection.Add Method (BdifFPPosition, ushort, ushort, NBuffer)

Adds a new instance of the FirFingerView [ 1498] class.

public FirFingerView Add(BdifFPPosition fingerPosition, ushort horzScanResolution, ushort
vertScanResolution, NBuffer imageBuffer);

Parameters Description
BdifFPPosition fingerPosition Finger position.
ushort horzScanResolution Horizontal scan resolution of FirFingerView [ 1498] object.
ushort vertScanResolution Vertical scan resolution of FirFingerView [ 1498] object.
NBuffer imageBuffer Image buffer.

FirFingerView [ 1498]'s standard and version are set the same as FIRecord [ 1437]'s. FIRecord Fields FIRecord.FlagProcessFirstFingerOnly Field

The flag used to indicate to process only the first finger position in fingers views collection.

public const uint FlagProcessFirstFingerOnly = 0x00000100; FIRecord.FlagProcessFirstFingerViewOnly Field

The flag used to indicate to process only the first finger view in finger views collection.

public const uint FlagProcessFirstFingerViewOnly = FlagProcessFirstFingerOnly |
FlagProcessFirstFingerViewPerFingerOnly; FIRecord.FlagProcessFirstFingerViewPerFingerOnly Field

The flag used to indicate to process only the first finger view per finger position.

public const uint FlagProcessFirstFingerViewPerFingerOnly = 0x00001000; FIRecord.MaxFingerCountV10 Field

A maximum number of finger positions used in FIRecord [ 1437] object version 2.0

public const int MaxFingerCountV10 = byte.MaxValue; FIRecord.MaxFingerCountV20 Field

A maximum number of finger positions used in FIRecord [ 1437] object version 2.0

public const int MaxFingerCountV20 = 42;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards FIRecord.MaxFingerCountV25 Field

A maximum number of finger positions used in FIRecord [ 1437] object version 2.5

public const int MaxFingerCountV25 = 42; FIRecord.MaxFingerViewCountPerFingerV10 Field

A maximum number of fingers views per one finger position in FIRecord [ 1437] object version 1.0.

public const int MaxFingerViewCountPerFingerV10 = byte.MaxValue; FIRecord.MaxFingerViewCountPerFingerV20 Field

A maximum number of fingers views per one finger position in FIRecord [ 1437] object version 2.0.

public const int MaxFingerViewCountPerFingerV20 = 16; FIRecord.MaxFingerViewCountPerFingerV25 Field

A maximum number of fingers views per one finger position in FIRecord [ 1437] object version 2.5.

public const int MaxFingerViewCountPerFingerV25 = 16; FIRecord.MaxFingerViewCountV10 Field

A maximum number of finger views used in finger views of FIRecord [ 1437] object V1.0.

public const int MaxFingerViewCountV10 = MaxFingerCountV10 * MaxFingerViewCountPerFingerV10; FIRecord.MaxFingerViewCountV20 Field

A maximum number of finger views used in finger views of FIRecord [ 1437] object V2.0.

public const int MaxFingerViewCountV20 = MaxFingerCountV20 * MaxFingerViewCountPerFingerV20; FIRecord.MaxFingerViewCountV25 Field

A maximum number of finger views used in finger views of FIRecord [ 1437] object V2.5.

public const int MaxFingerViewCountV25 = MaxFingerCountV25 * MaxFingerViewCountPerFingerV25; FIRecord.VersionAnsi10 Field

FIRecord [ 1437] ANSI version 1.0.

public static readonly NVersion VersionAnsi10 = (NVersion)0x0100; FIRecord.VersionAnsi25 Field

FIRecord [ 1437] ANSI version 2.5.

public static readonly NVersion VersionAnsi25 = (NVersion)0x0205;
9 FIRecord.VersionAnsiCurrent Field
The current version of ANSI standard for FIRecord [ 1437]

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public static readonly NVersion VersionAnsiCurrent = VersionAnsi25; FIRecord.VersionIso10 Field

FIRecord [ 1437] ISO version 1.0.

public static readonly NVersion VersionIso10 = (NVersion)0x0100; FIRecord.VersionIso20 Field

FIRecord [ 1437] ISO version 2.0.

public static readonly NVersion VersionIso20 = (NVersion)0x0200; FIRecord.VersionIsoCurrent Field

The current version of ISO standard for FIRecord [ 1437]

public static readonly NVersion VersionIsoCurrent = VersionIso20; FIRecord Properties FIRecord.CaptureDeviceId Property

Sets or gets capture device of FIRecord [ 1437] object id.

public ushort CaptureDeviceId;
Property value
Capture device of FIRecord [ 1437] object id. FIRecord.CbeffProductId Property

Sets or gets Cbeff product id.

public uint CbeffProductId;
Property value
Cbeff product id. FIRecord.CertificationFlag Property

Sets or gets certification flag of the FIRecord [ 1437] object.

public bool CertificationFlag;
Property value
Certification flag of the FIRecord [ 1437] object. FIRecord.FingerViews Property

Returns finger views collection of the FIRecord [ 1437] object.
public FingerViewCollection FingerViews;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Property value
Finger views collection of the FIRecord [ 1437] object. FIRecord.FirImageCompressionAlgorithmNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the FIR image compression algorithm.

public static NType FirImageCompressionAlgorithmNativeType; FIRecord.HorzImageResolution Property

Sets or gets horizontal image resolution of the FIRecord [ 1437] object.

public ushort HorzImageResolution;
Property value
Horizontal image resolution of the FIRecord [ 1437] object. FIRecord.HorzScanResolution Property

Sets or gets horizontal scan resolution of the FIRecord [ 1437] object.

public ushort HorzScanResolution;
Property value
Horizontal scan resolution of the FIRecord [ 1437] object. FIRecord.ImageAcquisitionLevel Property

Sets or gets image acquisition level.

public ushort ImageAcquisitionLevel;
Property value
Image acquisition level. FIRecord.ImageCompressionAlgorithm Property

Sets or gets image compression algorithm of the FIRecord [ 1437] object.

public FirImageCompressionAlgorithm ImageCompressionAlgorithm;
Property value
Image compression algorithm of the FIRecord [ 1437] object. FIRecord.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; FIRecord.PixelDepth Property

Sets or gets pixel depth of the FIRecord [ 1437] object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public byte PixelDepth;
Property value
Pixel depth of the FIRecord [ 1437] object. FIRecord.ScaleUnits Property

Sets or gets scale units of the FIRecord [ 1437] object.

public BdifScaleUnits ScaleUnits;
Property value
Scale units of the FIRecord [ 1437] object. FIRecord.Standard Property

Gets standard used in FIRecord [ 1437].

public BdifStandard Standard;
Property value
Standard used in FIRecord [ 1437]. FIRecord.Version Property

Gets version used in FIRecord [ 1437].

public NVersion Version;
Property value
Version used in FIRecord [ 1437]. FIRecord.VertImageResolution Property

Sets or gets vertical image resolution of the FIRecord [ 1437] object.

public ushort VertImageResolution;
Property value
Vertical image resolution of the FIRecord [ 1437] object. FIRecord.VertScanResolution Property

Sets or gets vertical scan resolution of the FIRecord [ 1437] object.

public ushort VertScanResolution;
Property value
Vertical scan resolution of the FIRecord [ 1437] object. FMCRecord Class 9

Provides functionality for loading, editing, saving and converting ISO/IEC 19794-2:2005 and ISO/IEC 19794-2:2011 card format

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

standard templates (FMCRecords) to and/or from Neurotechnology Finger Records (NFRecords).

public sealed class FMCRecord : NObject, ICloneable;
File: FMCRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

FMCRecord Classes
FMCRecord Class

Name Description
CoreCollection [ 1459] Represents the FmrCore [ 1518] collection.
DeltaCollection [ 1460] Represents the collection of the FmrDelta [ 1521].
MinutiaCollection [ 1460] Represents the collection of FmrMinutia [ 1540].
MinutiaEightNeighborsCollection Represents the collection of BdifFPMinutiaNeighbor [ 1349].
[ 1460]
MinutiaFourNeighborsCollection Represents the collection of BdifFPMinutiaNeighbor [ 1349].
[ 1461]

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

FMCRecord Class

Name Description
DefaultMaxEnrollMC [ 1461] Default maximal minutia count for enrollment.
DefaultMaxVerifyMC [ 1461] Default maximal minutia count for verification.
DefaultMinEnrollMC [ 1461] Default minimal minutia count for enrollment.
DefaultMinVerifyMC [ 1461] Default maximal minutia count for verification.
FlagSkipAllExtendedData [ 1461] The flag indicating whether all extended data should be skipped while
unpacking or packing FMCRecord. Extended data is all data except
finger minutiae.
FlagSkipCores [ 1461] The flag indicating whether cores should be skipped while unpacking
or packing FMCRecord.
FlagSkipDeltas [ 1461] The flag indicating whether deltas should be skipped while unpacking
or packing FMCRecord.
FlagSkipEightNeighborsRidgeCounts The flag indicating whether eight neighbors ridge counts should be
[ 1462] skipped while unpacking or packing FMCRecord.
FlagSkipFourNeighborsRidgeCounts The flag indicating whether four neighbors ridge counts should be
[ 1462] skipped while unpacking or packing FMCRecord.
FlagSkipImpressionType [ 1462] The flag indicating whether impression type should be skipped while
unpacking or packing FMCRecord.
FlagSkipRidgeCounts [ 1462] The flag indicating whether ridge counts should be skipped while 9
unpacking or packing FMCRecord.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

FlagSkipSingularPoints [ 1462] The flag indicating whether singular points (cores, deltas) should be
skipped while unpacking or packing FMCRecord.
FlagSkipStandardExtendedData The flag indicating whether standard extended data (ridge counts,
[ 1462] cores, deltas, impression type) should be skipped while unpacking or
packing FMCRecord.
FlagSkipVendorData [ 1462] The flag indicating whether vendor data type should be skipped while
unpacking or packing FMCRecord.
FlagUseBiometricDataTemplate The flag indicating whether FMCRecord should be packed as
[ 1462] biometric data template (tag '7F2E') regardless of the containing data.
The usage of this flag influences FMCRecord V3.0 serialization, when
no extended data exists - by default it would be serialized as biometric
data (tag '5F2E').
FlagUseStandardBiometricDataObjects The flag indicating whether should be used standard biometric data
[ 1463] objects (tag 'A1') while packing FMCRecord.
VersionIso20 [ 1463] FMCRecord ISO/IEC standard version 2.0.
VersionIso30 [ 1463] FMCRecord ISO/IEC standard version 3.0.
VersionIsoCurrent [ 1463] The current version of ISO/IEC standard for FMCRecord

FMCRecord Class

Name Description
FMCRecord [ 1456] Initializes a new instance of the FMCRecord class.
FMCRecord [ 1456] Initializes a new instance of the FMCRecord class.
FMCRecord [ 1457] Initializes a new instance of the FMCRecord class.
FMCRecord [ 1457] Initializes a new instance of the FMCRecord class.
FMCRecord [ 1457] Initializes a new instance of the FMCRecord class.
FMCRecord [ 1458] Initializes a new instance of the FMCRecord class.
FMCRecord [ 1458] Initializes a new instance of the FMCRecord class.
FMCRecord [ 1458] Initializes a new instance of the FMCRecord class.
FMCRecord [ 1459] Initializes a new instance of the FMCRecord class.
FMCRecord [ 1459] Initializes a new instance of the FMCRecord class.

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.

This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream. 9
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.

SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

FMCRecord Class

Name Description
GetMinutiaeBuffer [ 1463] Writes FMCRecord minutiae in compact or normal size ISO/IEC 19794-2
card format standard template to memory buffer.
SetMinutiaeBuffer [ 1463] Reads compact or normal size ISO/IEC 19794-2 card format standard
template minutiae from memory buffer and assigns to FMCRecord.
SortMinutiae [ 1463] Sorts minutiae in FMCRecord.
ToBerTlv [ 1464] Creates BerTlv [ 2253] object from FMCRecord.
ToBerTlv [ 1464] Creates BerTlv [ 2253] object from FMCRecord.
ToNFRecord [ 1464] Creates NFRecord [ 537] object from FMCRecord.
ToNFRecord [ 1464] Creates NFRecord [ 537] object from FMCRecord.
ValidateMinutiaeUniqueness Returns bool that indicates if FMCRecord minutiae are unique.
[ 1464]

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object. 9
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.

Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

FMCRecord Class

Name Description
Cores [ 1465] Gets cores collection.
Deltas [ 1465] Gets deltas collection.
FmcrFeatureHandlingNativeType Defines the native type of the feature handling.
[ 1465]
FmcrMinutiaFormatNativeType Defines the native type of the minutiae format.
[ 1465]
FmcrMinutiaOrderNativeType Defines the native type of the minutiae order.
[ 1465]
ImpressionType [ 1465] Gets or sets impression type of FMCRecord.
MinutiaFormat [ 1465] Gets minutia format used in FMCRecord.
Minutiae [ 1466] Gets minutiae collection.
MinutiaeEightNeighbors [ 1466] Gets minutia eight neighbors collection.
MinutiaeFourNeighbors [ 1466] Gets minutia four neighbors collection.
NativeType [ 1466] Defines the native type of the object.
Standard [ 1466] Gets of the BdifStandard [ 1626] value.
VendorData [ 1466] Gets or sets vendor data of FMCRecord.
Version [ 1467] Gets version used in FMCRecord.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. FMCRecord.FMCRecord Constructor (BdifStandard, NVersion,

Initializes a new instance of the FMCRecord class.

C# 9
public FMCRecord(BdifStandard standard, NVersion version, FmcrMinutiaFormat minutiaFormat);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards


Parameters Description
BdifStandard standard Specifies the standard of the FMCRecord.
NVersion version Specifies the version of the FMCRecord.
FmcrMinutiaFormat minutiaFormat Specifies the minutia format of the FMCRecord. FMCRecord.FMCRecord Constructor (BdifStandard, NVersion,

FmcrMinutiaFormat, uint)
Initializes a new instance of the FMCRecord class.

public FMCRecord(BdifStandard standard, NVersion version, FmcrMinutiaFormat minutiaFormat,
uint flags);

Parameters Description
BdifStandard standard Specifies the standard of the FMCRecord.
NVersion version Specifies the version of the FMCRecord.
FmcrMinutiaFormat minutiaFormat Specifies the minutia format of the FMCRecord.
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the constructor. This parameter is reserved, must
be zero. FMCRecord.FMCRecord Constructor (FMCRecord, BdifStandard, NVersion,

Initializes a new instance of the FMCRecord class.

public FMCRecord(FMCRecord srcRecord, BdifStandard standard, NVersion version,
FmcrMinutiaFormat minutiaFormat);

Parameters Description
FMCRecord srcRecord The FMCRecord object.
BdifStandard standard Specifies the standard of the FMCRecord.
NVersion version Specifies the version of the FMCRecord.
FmcrMinutiaFormat minutiaFormat Specifies the minutia format of the FMCRecord. FMCRecord.FMCRecord Constructor (FMCRecord, BdifStandard, NVersion,

FmcrMinutiaFormat, uint)
Initializes a new instance of the FMCRecord class.

public FMCRecord(FMCRecord srcRecord, BdifStandard standard, NVersion version,
FmcrMinutiaFormat minutiaFormat, uint flags);

Parameters Description
FMCRecord srcRecord The FMCRecord object.
BdifStandard standard Specifies the standard of the FMCRecord.
NVersion version Specifies the version of the FMCRecord. 9
FmcrMinutiaFormat minutiaFormat Specifies the minutia format of the FMCRecord.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls

behavior of the constructor.

Currently no flags are supported. FMCRecord.FMCRecord Constructor (NBuffer, BdifStandard, NVersion,

Initializes a new instance of the FMCRecord class.

public FMCRecord(NBuffer buffer, BdifStandard standard, NVersion version, FmcrMinutiaFormat

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer NBuffer [ 1943] that contains FMCRecord.
BdifStandard standard Standard [ 1466] used in FMCRecord.
NVersion version Specifies the version of the FMCRecord.
FmcrMinutiaFormat minutiaFormat Specifies the minutia format of the FMCRecord. FMCRecord.FMCRecord Constructor (NBuffer, BdifStandard, NVersion,

FmcrMinutiaFormat, uint)
Initializes a new instance of the FMCRecord class.

public FMCRecord(NBuffer buffer, BdifStandard standard, NVersion version, FmcrMinutiaFormat
minutiaFormat, uint flags);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer NBuffer [ 1943] that contains FMCRecord.
BdifStandard standard Standard [ 1466] used in FMCRecord.
NVersion version Specifies the version of the FMCRecord.
FmcrMinutiaFormat minutiaFormat Specifies the minutia format of the FMCRecord.
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the constructor. FMCRecord.FMCRecord Constructor (NFRecord, BdifStandard, NVersion,

FmcrMinutiaFormat, FmcrMinutiaOrder)
Initializes a new instance of the FMCRecord class.

public FMCRecord(NFRecord nfRecord, BdifStandard standard, NVersion version,
FmcrMinutiaFormat minutiaFormat, FmcrMinutiaOrder order);

Parameters Description
NFRecord nfRecord The NFRecord [ 537] object.
BdifStandard standard Specifies the standard of the FMCRecord.
NVersion version Specifies the version of the FMCRecord.
FmcrMinutiaFormat minutiaFormat Specifies the minutia format of the FMCRecord.
FmcrMinutiaOrder order Specifies the minutia order of the FMCRecord.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards FMCRecord.FMCRecord Constructor (NFRecord, BdifStandard, NVersion,

FmcrMinutiaFormat, FmcrMinutiaOrder, uint)
Initializes a new instance of the FMCRecord class.

public FMCRecord(NFRecord nfRecord, BdifStandard standard, NVersion version,
FmcrMinutiaFormat minutiaFormat, FmcrMinutiaOrder order, uint flags);

Parameters Description
NFRecord nfRecord The NFRecord [ 537] object.
BdifStandard standard Specifies the standard of the FMCRecord.
NVersion version Specifies the version of the FMCRecord.
FmcrMinutiaFormat minutiaFormat Specifies the minutia format of the FMCRecord.
FmcrMinutiaOrder order Specifies the minutia order of the FMCRecord.
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the constructor.

Currently no flags are supported. FMCRecord.FMCRecord Constructor (byte[], BdifStandard, NVersion,

Initializes a new instance of the FMCRecord class.

public FMCRecord(byte[] buffer, BdifStandard standard, NVersion version, FmcrMinutiaFormat

Parameters Description
byte[] buffer Pointer to memory buffer that contains FMCRecord.
BdifStandard standard Standard [ 1466] used in FMCRecord.
NVersion version Specifies the version of the FMCRecord.
FmcrMinutiaFormat minutiaFormat Specifies the minutia format of the FMCRecord. FMCRecord.FMCRecord Constructor (byte[], BdifStandard, NVersion,

FmcrMinutiaFormat, uint)
Initializes a new instance of the FMCRecord class.

public FMCRecord(byte[] buffer, BdifStandard standard, NVersion version, FmcrMinutiaFormat
minutiaFormat, uint flags);

Parameters Description
byte[] buffer Pointer to memory buffer that contains FMCRecord.
BdifStandard standard Standard [ 1466] used in FMCRecord.
NVersion version Specifies the version of the FMCRecord.
FmcrMinutiaFormat minutiaFormat Specifies the minutia format of the FMCRecord.
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls 9
behavior of the constructor.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards FMCRecord Classes FMCRecord.CoreCollection Class

Represents the FmrCore [ 1518] collection.

public sealed class CoreCollection : StructCollection<FmrCore>;
File: FMCRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

The range of core angle is between 0 and 255 regardless of specified minutia format. This range also applies for serialized
FMCRecord [ 1451] (it is not converted to [0,63] range as for minutia angle with compact size minutia format). FMCRecord.DeltaCollection Class

Represents the collection of the FmrDelta [ 1521].

public sealed class DeltaCollection : StructCollection<FmrDelta>;
File: FMCRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

The range of delta angle is between 0 and 255 regardless of specified minutia format. This range also applies for serialized
FMCRecord [ 1451] (it is not converted to [0,63] range as for minutia angle with compact size minutia format). FMCRecord.MinutiaCollection Class

Represents the collection of FmrMinutia [ 1540].

public sealed class MinutiaCollection : StructCollection<FmrMinutia>;
File: FMCRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

The range of minutia angle is between 0 and 255 regardless of minutia format. For compact size minutia format, while
serializing minutia's angle is converted to [0, 63] range. Also inserting minutia into minutiae list, for compact size minutia format
the minutia angle is recalculated to adapt rounding inaccuracies between different angle ranges.

After changes to the minutiae list, the collections of minutia four/eight neighbors must be updated (if minutia neighbors are
used). This can be done manually by resetting minutia neighbors or converting FMCRecord [ 1451] via NFRecord [ 537]. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards FMCRecord.MinutiaEightNeighborsCollection Class

Represents the collection of BdifFPMinutiaNeighbor [ 1349].

public sealed class MinutiaEightNeighborsCollection :
StructArrayCollection<BdifFPMinutiaNeighbor, FmrMinutia>;
File: FMCRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] FMCRecord.MinutiaFourNeighborsCollection Class

Represents the collection of BdifFPMinutiaNeighbor [ 1349].

public sealed class MinutiaFourNeighborsCollection :
StructArrayCollection<BdifFPMinutiaNeighbor, FmrMinutia>;
File: FMCRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] FMCRecord Fields FMCRecord.DefaultMaxEnrollMC Field

Default maximal minutia count for enrollment.

public const int DefaultMaxEnrollMC = 60; FMCRecord.DefaultMaxVerifyMC Field

Default maximal minutia count for verification.

public const int DefaultMaxVerifyMC = 60; FMCRecord.DefaultMinEnrollMC Field

Default minimal minutia count for enrollment.

public const int DefaultMinEnrollMC = 16; FMCRecord.DefaultMinVerifyMC Field

Default maximal minutia count for verification.

public const int DefaultMinVerifyMC = 12; FMCRecord.FlagSkipAllExtendedData Field 9

The flag indicating whether all extended data should be skipped while unpacking or packing FMCRecord [ 1451]. Extended

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

data is all data except finger minutiae.

public const uint FlagSkipAllExtendedData = FlagSkipStandardExtendedData |
FlagSkipVendorData; FMCRecord.FlagSkipCores Field

The flag indicating whether cores should be skipped while unpacking or packing FMCRecord [ 1451].

public const uint FlagSkipCores = 0x00000400; FMCRecord.FlagSkipDeltas Field

The flag indicating whether deltas should be skipped while unpacking or packing FMCRecord [ 1451].

public const uint FlagSkipDeltas = 0x00000800; FMCRecord.FlagSkipEightNeighborsRidgeCounts Field

The flag indicating whether eight neighbors ridge counts should be skipped while unpacking or packing FMCRecord [ 1451].

public const uint FlagSkipEightNeighborsRidgeCounts = 0x00000200; FMCRecord.FlagSkipFourNeighborsRidgeCounts Field

The flag indicating whether four neighbors ridge counts should be skipped while unpacking or packing FMCRecord [ 1451].

public const uint FlagSkipFourNeighborsRidgeCounts = 0x00000100; FMCRecord.FlagSkipImpressionType Field

The flag indicating whether impression type should be skipped while unpacking or packing FMCRecord [ 1451].

public const uint FlagSkipImpressionType = 0x00001000; FMCRecord.FlagSkipRidgeCounts Field

The flag indicating whether ridge counts should be skipped while unpacking or packing FMCRecord [ 1451].

public const uint FlagSkipRidgeCounts = FlagSkipFourNeighborsRidgeCounts |
FlagSkipEightNeighborsRidgeCounts; FMCRecord.FlagSkipSingularPoints Field

The flag indicating whether singular points (cores, deltas) should be skipped while unpacking or packing FMCRecord [ 1451].

public const uint FlagSkipSingularPoints = FlagSkipCores | FlagSkipDeltas; FMCRecord.FlagSkipStandardExtendedData Field

The flag indicating whether standard extended data (ridge counts, cores, deltas, impression type) should be skipped while
unpacking or packing FMCRecord [ 1451].

public const uint FlagSkipStandardExtendedData = FlagSkipRidgeCounts |
FlagSkipSingularPoints | FlagSkipImpressionType; 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards FMCRecord.FlagSkipVendorData Field

The flag indicating whether vendor data type should be skipped while unpacking or packing FMCRecord [ 1451].

public const uint FlagSkipVendorData = 0x00002000; FMCRecord.FlagUseBiometricDataTemplate Field

The flag indicating whether FMCRecord [ 1451] should be packed as biometric data template (tag '7F2E') regardless of the
containing data. The usage of this flag influences FMCRecord [ 1451] V3.0 serialization, when no extended data exists - by
default it would be serialized as biometric data (tag '5F2E').

public const uint FlagUseBiometricDataTemplate = 0x02000000; FMCRecord.FlagUseStandardBiometricDataObjects Field

The flag indicating whether should be used standard biometric data objects (tag 'A1') while packing FMCRecord [ 1451].

public const uint FlagUseStandardBiometricDataObjects = 0x04000000; FMCRecord.VersionIso20 Field

FMCRecord [ 1451] ISO/IEC standard version 2.0.

public static readonly NVersion VersionIso20 = (NVersion)0x0200; FMCRecord.VersionIso30 Field

FMCRecord [ 1451] ISO/IEC standard version 3.0.

public static readonly NVersion VersionIso30 = (NVersion)0x0300; FMCRecord.VersionIsoCurrent Field

The current version of ISO/IEC standard for FMCRecord [ 1451]

public static readonly NVersion VersionIsoCurrent = VersionIso30; FMCRecord Methods FMCRecord.GetMinutiaeBuffer Method

Writes FMCRecord [ 1451] minutiae in compact or normal size ISO/IEC 19794-2 card format standard template to memory

public NBuffer GetMinutiaeBuffer(); FMCRecord.SetMinutiaeBuffer Method

Reads compact or normal size ISO/IEC 19794-2 card format standard template minutiae from memory buffer and assigns to
FMCRecord [ 1451].

public void SetMinutiaeBuffer(NBuffer buffer);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards


Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer NBuffer [ 1943] that contains minutiae. FMCRecord.SortMinutiae Method

Sorts minutiae in FMCRecord [ 1451].

public void SortMinutiae(FmcrMinutiaOrder order);

Parameters Description
FmcrMinutiaOrder order Specifies the minutia order of the FMCRecord [ 1451]. FMCRecord.ToBerTlv Method ()

Creates BerTlv [ 2253] object from FMCRecord [ 1451].

public BerTlv ToBerTlv();
The BerTlv [ 2253] object. FMCRecord.ToBerTlv Method (uint)

Creates BerTlv [ 2253] object from FMCRecord [ 1451].

public BerTlv ToBerTlv(uint flags);

Parameters Description
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the method.

The BerTlv [ 2253] object. FMCRecord.ToNFRecord Method ()

Creates NFRecord [ 537] object from FMCRecord [ 1451].

public NFRecord ToNFRecord();
The NFRecord [ 537] object. FMCRecord.ToNFRecord Method (uint)

Creates NFRecord [ 537] object from FMCRecord [ 1451].

public NFRecord ToNFRecord(uint flags);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards


Parameters Description
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the method.

The NFRecord [ 537] object. FMCRecord.ValidateMinutiaeUniqueness Method

Returns bool that indicates if FMCRecord [ 1451] minutiae are unique.

public bool ValidateMinutiaeUniqueness();
Property value
true if FMCRecord [ 1451] minutiae are unique (determined by minutiae location and angle). FMCRecord Properties FMCRecord.Cores Property

Gets cores collection.

public CoreCollection Cores;
Property value
The FMCRecord.CoreCollection [ 1459] collection. FMCRecord.Deltas Property

Gets deltas collection.

public DeltaCollection Deltas;
Property value
The FMCRecord.DeltaCollection [ 1460] collection. FMCRecord.FmcrFeatureHandlingNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the feature handling.

public static NType FmcrFeatureHandlingNativeType; FMCRecord.FmcrMinutiaFormatNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the minutiae format.

public static NType FmcrMinutiaFormatNativeType; FMCRecord.FmcrMinutiaOrderNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the minutiae order.
public static NType FmcrMinutiaOrderNativeType;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards FMCRecord.ImpressionType Property

Gets or sets impression type of FMCRecord [ 1451].

public BdifFPImpressionType ImpressionType;
Property value
The impression type. FMCRecord.MinutiaFormat Property

Gets minutia format used in FMCRecord [ 1451].

public FmcrMinutiaFormat MinutiaFormat;
Property value
Minutia format used in FMCRecord [ 1451]. FMCRecord.Minutiae Property

Gets minutiae collection.

public MinutiaCollection Minutiae;
Property value
A FMCRecord.MinutiaCollection [ 1460] that contains minutiae. FMCRecord.MinutiaeEightNeighbors Property

Gets minutia eight neighbors collection.

public MinutiaEightNeighborsCollection MinutiaeEightNeighbors;
Property value
A FMCRecord.MinutiaEightNeighborsCollection [ 1460] that contains minutiae of eight neighbors. FMCRecord.MinutiaeFourNeighbors Property

Gets minutia four neighbors collection.

public MinutiaFourNeighborsCollection MinutiaeFourNeighbors;
Property value
A FMCRecord.MinutiaFourNeighborsCollection [ 1461] that contains minutiae of four neighbors. FMCRecord.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; FMCRecord.Standard Property

Gets of the BdifStandard [ 1626] value.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public BdifStandard Standard;
Property value
One of BdifStandard [ 1626] value. FMCRecord.VendorData Property

Gets or sets vendor data of FMCRecord [ 1451].

public BerTlv VendorData;
Property value
The vendor data. FMCRecord.Version Property

Gets version used in FMCRecord [ 1451].

public NVersion Version;
Property value
Version used in FMCRecord [ 1451]. FMRecord Class

Provides functionality for loading, editing, saving and converting ANSI INCITS 378-2004, ISO/IEC 19794-2:2005 and ISO/IEC
19794-2:2011 record format standard templates (FMRecords) to and/or from Neurotechnology Fingers Templates
(NFTemplates) and Neurotechnology Templates (NTemplates).

public sealed class FMRecord : NObject, ICloneable;
File: FMRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

FMRecord Classes
FMRecord Class

Name Description
FingerViewCollection [ 1475] Represents the collection of FmrFingerView [ 1527].

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description 9
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

FMRecord Class

Name Description
FlagProcessFirstFingerOnly [ 1476] The flag indicating whether only the first finger position should be
loaded or saved while loading or saving FMRecord.
FlagProcessFirstFingerViewOnly [ 1476] The flag indicating whether only the first finger view should be
loaded or saved while loading or saving FMRecord.
FlagProcessFirstFingerViewPerFingerOnly The flag indicating whether only the first finger view per finger
[ 1476] position should be loaded or saved while loading or saving
MaxFingerCount [ 1477] The maximum number of finger FMRecord can contain.
public const int MaxFingerCount = MaxFingerViewCount [ 1477];
MaxFingerCountV30 [ 1477] The maximum number of finger positions FMRecord can contain
in version 3.0.
public const int MaxFingerCount [ 1477] = MaxFingerViewCount
[ 1477];
MaxFingerCountV35 [ 1477] The maximum number of finger positions FMRecord can contain
in version 3.5.
public const int MaxFingerCount [ 1477] = MaxFingerViewCount
[ 1477];
MaxFingerViewCount [ 1477] The maximum number of finger views FMRecord can contain.
MaxFingerViewCountPerFinger [ 1477] A maximum number of fingers views per one finger.
MaxFingerViewCountV30 [ 1477] The maximum number of finger views FMRecord can contain in
version 3.0.
MaxFingerViewCountV35 [ 1477] The maximum number of finger views FMRecord can contain in
version 3.5.
VersionAnsi20 [ 1477] FMRecord ANSI version 2.0.
VersionAnsi35 [ 1477] FMRecord ANSI version 3.5.
VersionAnsiCurrent [ 1478] The current version of ANSI standard for FMRecord
VersionIso20 [ 1478] FMRecord ISO version 2.0.
VersionIso30 [ 1478] FMRecord ISO version 3.0.
VersionIsoCurrent [ 1478] The current version of ISO standard for FMRecord

FMRecord Class

Name Description
FMRecord [ 1472] Initializes a new instance of the FMRecord class.
FMRecord [ 1472] Initializes a new instance of the FMRecord class.
FMRecord [ 1472] Initializes a new instance of the FMRecord class.
FMRecord [ 1472] Initializes a new instance of the FMRecord class.
FMRecord [ 1473] Initializes a new instance of the FMRecord class.
FMRecord [ 1473] Initializes a new instance of the FMRecord class.
FMRecord [ 1473] Initializes a new instance of the FMRecord class.
FMRecord [ 1473] Initializes a new instance of the FMRecord class.
FMRecord [ 1474] Initializes a new instance of the FMRecord class.
FMRecord [ 1474] Initializes a new instance of the FMRecord class.
FMRecord [ 1474] Initializes a new instance of the FMRecord class.
FMRecord [ 1475] Initializes a new instance of the FMRecord class.
FMRecord [ 1475] Initializes a new instance of the FMRecord class.
FMRecord [ 1475] Initializes a new instance of the FMRecord class.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

FMRecord Class

Name Description
Save [ 1478] Saves the FMRecord into a buffer.
Save [ 1478] Saves the FMRecord into a buffer.
ToNFTemplate [ 1479] Creates NFTemplate [ 563] object from FMRecord.
ToNFTemplate [ 1479] Creates NFTemplate [ 563] object from FMRecord.
ToNTemplate [ 1479] Creates NTemplate [ 692] object from FMRecord.
ToNTemplate [ 1479] Creates NTemplate [ 692] object from FMRecord.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

FMRecord Class

Name Description
CaptureEquipmentCompliance [ 1480] Gets or sets Capture Equipment Compliance of FMRecord
CaptureEquipmentId [ 1480] Gets or sets Capture Equipment Id of FMRecord object.
CbeffProductId [ 1480] Gets or sets Cbeff Product Id from/to FMRecord object.
CertificationFlag [ 1480] Gets or sets certification flag of FMRecord object.
FingerViews [ 1480] Retrieves FMRecord.FingerViewCollection [ 1475] collection.
FmrCaptureEquipmentComplianceNativeType Defines the native type of the FMR capture equipment
[ 1480] compliance.
NativeType [ 1480] Defines the native type of the object.
ResolutionX [ 1481] Gets or sets horizontal resolution of scanned image of
ResolutionY [ 1481] Gets or sets vertical resolution of scanned image of FMRecord
SizeX [ 1481] Gets or sets horizontal size of scanned image of FMRecord.
SizeY [ 1481] Gets or sets vertical size of scanned image of FMRecord.
Standard [ 1481] Gets of the BdifStandard [ 1626] value.
Version [ 1481] Gets version used in FMRecord.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object. 9
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. FMRecord.FMRecord Constructor (BdifStandard, NVersion)

Initializes a new instance of the FMRecord class.

public FMRecord(BdifStandard standard, NVersion version);

Parameters Description
BdifStandard standard Specifies the standard of the FMRecord.
NVersion version Specifies the version of the FMRecord. FMRecord.FMRecord Constructor (BdifStandard, NVersion, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the FMRecord class.

public FMRecord(BdifStandard standard, NVersion version, uint flags);

Parameters Description
BdifStandard standard Specifies the standard of the FMRecord.
NVersion version Specifies the version of the FMRecord.
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the constructor.

The following flags are supported: FlagAllowOutOfBoundsFeatures, FlagDoNotCheckCbeffProductId. FMRecord.FMRecord Constructor (FMRecord, BdifStandard, NVersion)

Initializes a new instance of the FMRecord class.

public FMRecord(FMRecord srcRecord, BdifStandard standard, NVersion version);

Parameters Description
FMRecord srcRecord The FMRecord object.
BdifStandard standard Specifies the standard of the FMRecord.
NVersion version Specifies the version of the FMRecord. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards FMRecord.FMRecord Constructor (FMRecord, uint, BdifStandard, NVersion)

Initializes a new instance of the FMRecord class.

public FMRecord(FMRecord srcRecord, uint flags, BdifStandard standard, NVersion version);

Parameters Description
FMRecord srcRecord The FMRecord object.
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the constructor.
BdifStandard standard Specifies the standard of the FMRecord.
NVersion version Specifies the version of the FMRecord.

The following flags are supported: FlagAllowOutOfBoundsFeatures, FlagDoNotCheckCbeffProductId. FMRecord.FMRecord Constructor (NBuffer, BdifStandard)

Initializes a new instance of the FMRecord class.

public FMRecord(NBuffer buffer, BdifStandard standard);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer NBuffer [ 1943] that contains FMRecord.
BdifStandard standard Standard [ 1481] used in FMRecord. FMRecord.FMRecord Constructor (NBuffer, BdifStandard,

Initializes a new instance of the FMRecord class.

public FMRecord(NBuffer buffer, BdifStandard standard, BdifEncodingType encodingType);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer NBuffer [ 1943] that contains FMRecord.
BdifStandard standard Standard [ 1481] used in FMRecord.
BdifEncodingType encodingType Encoding format for FMRecord. FMRecord.FMRecord Constructor (NBuffer, BdifStandard,

BdifEncodingType, uint)
Initializes a new instance of the FMRecord class.

public FMRecord(NBuffer buffer, BdifStandard standard, BdifEncodingType encodingType, uint

Parameters Description 9
NBuffer buffer NBuffer [ 1943] that contains FMRecord.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

BdifStandard standard Standard [ 1481] used in FMRecord.

BdifEncodingType encodingType Encoding format for FMRecord.
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the constructor.

The following flags are supported: FlagProcessFirstFingerViewOnly [ 1476], FlagProcessAllExtendedData,
FlagSkipNeurotecFields, FlagSkipRidgeCounts, FlagSkipSingularPoints, FlagUseNeurotecFields. FMRecord.FMRecord Constructor (NBuffer, uint, BdifStandard)

Initializes a new instance of the FMRecord class.

public FMRecord(NBuffer buffer, uint flags, BdifStandard standard);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer NBuffer [ 1943] that contains FMRecord.
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the constructor.
BdifStandard standard Standard [ 1481] used in FMRecord.

The following flags are supported: FlagProcessFirstFingerViewOnly [ 1476], FlagProcessAllExtendedData,
FlagSkipNeurotecFields, FlagSkipRidgeCounts, FlagSkipSingularPoints, FlagUseNeurotecFields. FMRecord.FMRecord Constructor (NFRecord, BdifStandard, NVersion)

Initializes a new instance of the FMRecord class.

public FMRecord(NFRecord nfRecord, BdifStandard standard, NVersion version);

Parameters Description
NFRecord nfRecord The NFRecord [ 537] object.
BdifStandard standard Specifies the standard of the FMRecord.
NVersion version Specifies the version of the FMRecord. FMRecord.FMRecord Constructor (NFRecord, uint, BdifStandard, NVersion)

Initializes a new instance of the FMRecord class.

public FMRecord(NFRecord nfRecord, uint flags, BdifStandard standard, NVersion version);

Parameters Description
NFRecord nfRecord The NFRecord [ 537] object.
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the constructor.
BdifStandard standard Specifies the standard of the FMRecord.
NVersion version Specifies the version of the FMRecord.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

The following flags are supported: FlagAllowOutOfBoundsFeatures, FlagDoNotCheckCbeffProductId. FMRecord.FMRecord Constructor (NFTemplate, BdifStandard, NVersion)

Initializes a new instance of the FMRecord class.

public FMRecord(NFTemplate nfTemplate, BdifStandard standard, NVersion version);

Parameters Description
NFTemplate nfTemplate The NFTemplate [ 563] object.
BdifStandard standard Specifies the standard of the FMRecord.
NVersion version Specifies the version of the FMRecord. FMRecord.FMRecord Constructor (NFTemplate, uint, BdifStandard,

Initializes a new instance of the FMRecord class.

public FMRecord(NFTemplate nfTemplate, uint flags, BdifStandard standard, NVersion version);

Parameters Description
NFTemplate nfTemplate The NFTemplate [ 563] object.
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the constructor.
BdifStandard standard Specifies the standard of the FMRecord.
NVersion version Specifies the version of the FMRecord.

The following flags are supported: FlagAllowOutOfBoundsFeatures, FlagDoNotCheckCbeffProductId. FMRecord.FMRecord Constructor (byte[], BdifStandard)

Initializes a new instance of the FMRecord class.

public FMRecord(byte[] buffer, BdifStandard standard);

Parameters Description
byte[] buffer Pointer to memory buffer that contains FMRecord.
BdifStandard standard Standard [ 1481] used in FMRecord. FMRecord.FMRecord Constructor (byte[], BdifStandard, BdifEncodingType)

Initializes a new instance of the FMRecord class.

public FMRecord(byte[] buffer, BdifStandard standard, BdifEncodingType encodingType);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards


Parameters Description
byte[] buffer Pointer to memory buffer that contains FMRecord.
BdifStandard standard Standard [ 1481] used in FMRecord.
BdifEncodingType encodingType Encoding format for FMRecord. FMRecord Classes FMRecord.FingerViewCollection Class

Represents the collection of FmrFingerView [ 1527].

public sealed class FingerViewCollection : NObjectCollection<FmrFingerView>;
File: FMRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

FingerViewCollection Methods

Name Description
Add [ 1476] Adds a new instance of the FmrFingerView [ 1527] class.
Add [ 1476] Adds a new instance of the FmrFingerView [ 1527] class. FingerViewCollection Methods FMRecord.FingerViewCollection.Add Method ()

Adds a new instance of the FmrFingerView [ 1527] class.

public FmrFingerView Add();
FmrFingerView [ 1527]'s standard and version are set the same as FMRecord [ 1467]'s. FMRecord.FingerViewCollection.Add Method (uint)

Adds a new instance of the FmrFingerView [ 1527] class.

public FmrFingerView Add(uint flags);

Parameters Description
uint flags The following flag is supported:

FmrFingerView [ 1527]'s standard and version are set the same as FMRecord [ 1467]'s. FMRecord Fields 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards FMRecord.FlagProcessFirstFingerOnly Field

The flag indicating whether only the first finger position should be loaded or saved while loading or saving FMRecord [ 1467].

public const uint FlagProcessFirstFingerOnly = 0x00000100; FMRecord.FlagProcessFirstFingerViewOnly Field

The flag indicating whether only the first finger view should be loaded or saved while loading or saving FMRecord [ 1467].

public const uint FlagProcessFirstFingerViewOnly = FlagProcessFirstFingerOnly |
FlagProcessFirstFingerViewPerFingerOnly; FMRecord.FlagProcessFirstFingerViewPerFingerOnly Field

The flag indicating whether only the first finger view per finger position should be loaded or saved while loading or saving
FMRecord [ 1467].

public const uint FlagProcessFirstFingerViewPerFingerOnly = 0x00001000; FMRecord.MaxFingerCount Field

The maximum number of finger FMRecord [ 1467] can contain.

public const int MaxFingerCount = MaxFingerViewCount [ 1477];

public const int MaxFingerCount = 11; FMRecord.MaxFingerCountV30 Field

The maximum number of finger positions FMRecord [ 1467] can contain in version 3.0.

public const int MaxFingerCount [ 1477] = MaxFingerViewCount [ 1477];

public const int MaxFingerCountV30 = 25; FMRecord.MaxFingerCountV35 Field

The maximum number of finger positions FMRecord [ 1467] can contain in version 3.5.

public const int MaxFingerCount [ 1477] = MaxFingerViewCount [ 1477];

public const int MaxFingerCountV35 = 25; FMRecord.MaxFingerViewCount Field

The maximum number of finger views FMRecord [ 1467] can contain.

public const int MaxFingerViewCount = MaxFingerCount * MaxFingerViewCountPerFinger; FMRecord.MaxFingerViewCountPerFinger Field

A maximum number of fingers views per one finger.

public const int MaxFingerViewCountPerFinger = 16;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards FMRecord.MaxFingerViewCountV30 Field

The maximum number of finger views FMRecord [ 1467] can contain in version 3.0.

public const int MaxFingerViewCountV30 = MaxFingerCountV30 * MaxFingerViewCountPerFinger; FMRecord.MaxFingerViewCountV35 Field

The maximum number of finger views FMRecord [ 1467] can contain in version 3.5.

public const int MaxFingerViewCountV35 = MaxFingerCountV35 * MaxFingerViewCountPerFinger; FMRecord.VersionAnsi20 Field

FMRecord [ 1467] ANSI version 2.0.

public static readonly NVersion VersionAnsi20 = (NVersion)0x0200; FMRecord.VersionAnsi35 Field

FMRecord [ 1467] ANSI version 3.5.

public static readonly NVersion VersionAnsi35 = (NVersion)0x0305; FMRecord.VersionAnsiCurrent Field

The current version of ANSI standard for FMRecord [ 1467]

public static readonly NVersion VersionAnsiCurrent = VersionAnsi35; FMRecord.VersionIso20 Field

FMRecord [ 1467] ISO version 2.0.

public static readonly NVersion VersionIso20 = (NVersion)0x0200; FMRecord.VersionIso30 Field

FMRecord [ 1467] ISO version 3.0.

public static readonly NVersion VersionIso30 = (NVersion)0x0300; FMRecord.VersionIsoCurrent Field

The current version of ISO standard for FMRecord [ 1467]

public static readonly NVersion VersionIsoCurrent = VersionIso30; FMRecord Methods FMRecord.Save Method (BdifEncodingType)

Saves the FMRecord [ 1467] into a buffer.

C# 9
public NBuffer Save(BdifEncodingType encodingType);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards


Parameters Description
BdifEncodingType encodingType Encoding format for FMRecord [ 1467].

The destination NBuffer [ 1943]. FMRecord.Save Method (BdifEncodingType, uint)

Saves the FMRecord [ 1467] into a buffer.

public NBuffer Save(BdifEncodingType encodingType, uint flags);

Parameters Description
BdifEncodingType encodingType Encoding format for FMRecord [ 1467].
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the method.

The destination NBuffer [ 1943].

The following flags are supported: FlagProcessFirstFingerViewOnly [ 1476], FlagProcessAllExtendedData,
FlagSkipNeurotecFields, FlagSkipRidgeCounts, FlagSkipSingularPoints, FlagUseNeurotecFields. FMRecord.ToNFTemplate Method ()

Creates NFTemplate [ 563] object from FMRecord [ 1467].

public NFTemplate ToNFTemplate();
The NFTemplate [ 563] object. FMRecord.ToNFTemplate Method (uint)

Creates NFTemplate [ 563] object from FMRecord [ 1467].

public NFTemplate ToNFTemplate(uint flags);

Parameters Description
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the method.

The NFTemplate [ 563] object. FMRecord.ToNTemplate Method ()

Creates NTemplate [ 692] object from FMRecord [ 1467].
public NTemplate ToNTemplate();

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

The NTemplate [ 692] object. FMRecord.ToNTemplate Method (uint)

Creates NTemplate [ 692] object from FMRecord [ 1467].

public NTemplate ToNTemplate(uint flags);

Parameters Description
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the method.

The NTemplate [ 692] object. FMRecord Properties FMRecord.CaptureEquipmentCompliance Property

Gets or sets Capture Equipment Compliance of FMRecord [ 1467] object.

public FmrCaptureEquipmentCompliance CaptureEquipmentCompliance;
Property value
The Capture Equipment Compliance. FMRecord.CaptureEquipmentId Property

Gets or sets Capture Equipment Id of FMRecord [ 1467] object.

public ushort CaptureEquipmentId;
Property value
The Capture Equipment Id. FMRecord.CbeffProductId Property

Gets or sets Cbeff Product Id from/to FMRecord [ 1467] object.

public uint CbeffProductId;
Property value
The Cbeff product id. FMRecord.CertificationFlag Property

Gets or sets certification flag of FMRecord [ 1467] object.

public bool CertificationFlag;
Property value
The certification flag of FMRecord [ 1467] object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards FMRecord.FingerViews Property

Retrieves FMRecord.FingerViewCollection [ 1475] collection.

public FingerViewCollection FingerViews;
Property value
The FMRecord.FingerViewCollection [ 1475] collection. FMRecord.FmrCaptureEquipmentComplianceNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the FMR capture equipment compliance.

public static NType FmrCaptureEquipmentComplianceNativeType; FMRecord.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; FMRecord.ResolutionX Property

Gets or sets horizontal resolution of scanned image of FMRecord [ 1467].

public ushort ResolutionX;
Property value
The horizontal resolution in pixels per centimeter of scanned image. FMRecord.ResolutionY Property

Gets or sets vertical resolution of scanned image of FMRecord [ 1467] object.

public ushort ResolutionY;
Property value
The vertical resolution in pixels per centimeter of scanned image. FMRecord.SizeX Property

Gets or sets horizontal size of scanned image of FMRecord [ 1467]. object.

public ushort SizeX;
Property value
The horizontal size of scanned image. FMRecord.SizeY Property

Gets or sets vertical size of scanned image of FMRecord [ 1467]. object.

public ushort SizeY; 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Property value
The vertical size of scanned image. FMRecord.Standard Property

Gets of the BdifStandard [ 1626] value.

public BdifStandard Standard;
Property value
One of BdifStandard [ 1626] value. FMRecord.Version Property

Gets version used in FMRecord [ 1467].

public NVersion Version;
Property value
Version used in FMRecord [ 1467]. FcrFaceImage Class

Face image by ANSI INCITS 385-2004, ISO/IEC 19794-5:2005 standards.

public sealed class FcrFaceImage : NObject;
File: FcrFaceImage.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

FcrFaceImage Classes
FcrFaceImage Class

Name Description
FeaturePointCollection [ 1487] Face image feature points collection.
QualityBlockCollection [ 1487] Represents the collection of BdifQualityBlock [ 1354].

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

FcrFaceImage Class

Name Description
FlagSkipFeaturePoints [ 1487] Skip feature points.
MaxFeaturePointCount [ 1488] Maximum number of feature points in FcrFaceImage object.

FcrFaceImage Class

Name Description
FcrFaceImage [ 1487] Initializes a new instance of the FcrFaceImage class.

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object. 9
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

FcrFaceImage Class

Name Description
GetPoseAngle [ 1488] Gets face pose angle in a face image.
GetPoseAngleRaw [ 1488] Gets face pose raw angle in a face image.
GetPoseAngleUncertainty [ 1488] Gets face pose angle uncertainty in a face image.
GetPoseAngleUncertaintyRaw Gets face pose raw angle uncertainty in a face image.
[ 1489]
SetExpression [ 1489] Sets vendor specific expression of a face in a face image.
SetImage [ 1489] Sets an face image for the FcrFaceImage.
SetImage [ 1489] Sets an face image for the FcrFaceImage.
SetImageColorSpace [ 1490] Sets image color space.
SetPoseAngle [ 1490] Sets face pose angle in a face image.
SetPoseAngleRaw [ 1490] Sets face pose raw angle in a face image
SetPoseAngleUncertainty [ 1490] Sets face pose angle uncertainty in a face image.
SetPoseAngleUncertaintyRaw Sets face pose angle uncertainty in a face image.
[ 1490]
SetSourceType [ 1491] Sets face image source type.
ToNImage [ 1491] Converts face image to NImage [ 1831].
ToNImage [ 1491] Converts face image to NImage [ 1831].

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

FcrFaceImage Class

Name Description
CaptureDateAndTime [ 1491] Gets or sets face image capture date and time.
CaptureDeviceVendorId [ 1491] Gets or sets face image capture device vendor id.
CrossReference [ 1492] Gets or sets cross reference of a face image.
DeviceType [ 1492] Gets or sets face image capturing device type.
Expression [ 1492] Gets or sets expression of a face in a face image.
ExpressionBitMask [ 1492] Gets or sets expression bit mask of a face in a face image.
EyeColor [ 1492] Gets or sets eye color of face in a face image.
FaceImageType [ 1492] Gets or sets face image type. 9
FcrFaceImageTypeNativeType Defines the native type of the FCR face image type.
[ 1493]

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

FcrImageColorSpaceNativeType Defines the native type of the FCR image color space.
[ 1493]
FcrImageDataTypeNativeType Defines the native type of the FCR image data type.
[ 1493]
FeaturePoints [ 1493] Gets facial feature points from a face image.
Gender [ 1493] Gets or sets gender of face in a face image.
HairColor [ 1493] Gets or sets hair color of face in a face image.
Height [ 1493] Gets or sets height of a face image.
ImageColorSpace [ 1494] Gets or sets color space of a face image.
ImageData [ 1494] Gets or sets the NBuffer [ 1943] representing the image data.
ImageDataType [ 1494] Gets or sets face image data type.
NativeType [ 1494] Defines the native type of the object.
Owner [ 1494] Gets owner of the object.
PoseAnglePitch [ 1494] Gets or sets face pitch angle in a face image.
PoseAnglePitchRaw [ 1495] Gets or sets face pitch raw angle in a face image.
PoseAngleRoll [ 1495] Gets face roll angle in a face image.
PoseAngleRollRaw [ 1495] Gets or sets face roll raw angle in a face image.
PoseAngleUncertaintyPitch [ 1495] Gets face pitch angle uncertainty in a face image.
PoseAngleUncertaintyPitchRaw Gets face pitch raw angle uncertainty in a face image.
[ 1495]
PoseAngleUncertaintyRoll [ 1495] Gets face roll angle uncertainty in a face image.
PoseAngleUncertaintyRollRaw Gets face roll raw angle uncertainty in a face image.
[ 1496]
PoseAngleUncertaintyYaw [ 1496] Gets face yaw angle uncertainty in a face image.
PoseAngleUncertaintyYawRaw Gets face yaw raw angle uncertainty in a face image.
[ 1496]
PoseAngleYaw [ 1496] Gets or sets face pose yaw angle in a face image.
PoseAngleYawRaw [ 1496] Gets or sets face pose yaw raw angle in a face image.
PostAcquisitionProcessing [ 1496] Gets or sets post-acquicition processing of a face image.
Properties [ 1497] Gets or sets facial properties of a face in a face image.
Quality [ 1497] Gets or sets face image quality.
QualityBlocks [ 1497] Gets the collection of BDIF quality blocks.
SourceType [ 1497] Gets or sets face image source type.
SpatialSamplingRateLevel [ 1497] Gets or sets spatial sampling rate level of a face image.
Standard [ 1497] Gets face image standard.
VendorExpression [ 1498] Gets vendor specific expression of a face in a face image.
VendorImageColorSpace [ 1498] Gets or sets vendor specific color space of a face image.
VendorSourceType [ 1498] Gets or sets vendor specific face image source type.
Version [ 1498] Gets face image version.
Width [ 1498] Gets or sets width of a face image.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object. 9
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. FcrFaceImage.FcrFaceImage Constructor

Initializes a new instance of the FcrFaceImage class.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate FCRecord constructor and Add()/Add(FcrFaceImageType,
NBuffer)/Add(FcrFaceImageType, FcrImageDataType, NImage) instead.")]
public FcrFaceImage(BdifStandard standard, NVersion version);

Parameters Description
BdifStandard standard Specifies the standard of the FcrFaceImage.
NVersion version Specifies the version of the FcrFaceImage. FcrFaceImage Classes FcrFaceImage.FeaturePointCollection Class

Face image feature points collection.

public sealed class FeaturePointCollection : StructCollection<BdifFaceFeaturePoint>;
File: FcrFaceImage.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] FcrFaceImage.QualityBlockCollection Class

Represents the collection of BdifQualityBlock [ 1354].

public sealed class QualityBlockCollection : StructCollection<BdifQualityBlock>;
File: FcrFaceImage.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

9 FcrFaceImage Fields

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards FcrFaceImage.FlagSkipFeaturePoints Field

Skip feature points.

public const uint FlagSkipFeaturePoints = 0x00010000; FcrFaceImage.MaxFeaturePointCount Field

Maximum number of feature points in FcrFaceImage [ 1482] object.

public const int MaxFeaturePointCount = ushort.MaxValue; FcrFaceImage Methods FcrFaceImage.GetPoseAngle Method

Gets face pose angle in a face image.

public void GetPoseAngle(out double yaw, out double pitch, out double roll);

Parameters Description
out double yaw [out] The yaw angle of face pose in a FcrFaceImage [ 1482].
out double pitch [out] The pitch angle of face pose in a FcrFaceImage
[ 1482].
out double roll [out] The roll angle of face pose in a FcrFaceImage [ 1482].

Face pose angle in a face image. FcrFaceImage.GetPoseAngleRaw Method

Gets face pose raw angle in a face image.

public void GetPoseAngleRaw(out byte yaw, out byte pitch, out byte roll);

Parameters Description
out byte yaw [out] The yaw raw angle of face pose in a FcrFaceImage
[ 1482].
out byte pitch [out] The pitch raw angle of face pose in a FcrFaceImage
[ 1482].
out byte roll [out] The roll raw angle of face pose in a FcrFaceImage
[ 1482]. FcrFaceImage.GetPoseAngleUncertainty Method

Gets face pose angle uncertainty in a face image.

public void GetPoseAngleUncertainty(out double yaw, out double pitch, out double roll);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards


Parameters Description
out double yaw [out] The yaw angle uncertainty of face pose in a
FcrFaceImage [ 1482].
out double pitch [out] The pitch angle uncertainty of face pose in a
FcrFaceImage [ 1482].
out double roll [out] The roll angle uncertainty of face pose in a
FcrFaceImage [ 1482]. FcrFaceImage.GetPoseAngleUncertaintyRaw Method

Gets face pose raw angle uncertainty in a face image.

public void GetPoseAngleUncertaintyRaw(out byte yaw, out byte pitch, out byte roll);

Parameters Description
out byte yaw [out] The yaw raw angle uncertainty of face pose in a
FcrFaceImage [ 1482].
out byte pitch [out] The pitch raw angle uncertainty of face pose in a
FcrFaceImage [ 1482].
out byte roll [out] The roll raw angle uncertainty of face pose in a
FcrFaceImage [ 1482]. FcrFaceImage.SetExpression Method

Sets vendor specific expression of a face in a face image.

public void SetExpression(BdifFaceExpression value, BdifFaceExpressionBitMask valueBitMask,
ushort vendorValue);

Parameters Description
BdifFaceExpression value One of the BdifFaceExpression [ 1617] values.
BdifFaceExpressionBitMask valueBitMask One of the BdifFaceExpressionBitMask [ 1617] values.
ushort vendorValue Vendor value. FcrFaceImage.SetImage Method (NImage)

Sets an face image for the FcrFaceImage [ 1482].

public void SetImage(NImage image);

Parameters Description
NImage image The face image. FcrFaceImage.SetImage Method (NImage, uint)

Sets an face image for the FcrFaceImage [ 1482].

public void SetImage(NImage image, uint flags);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards


Parameters Description
NImage image The face image.
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the method. FcrFaceImage.SetImageColorSpace Method

Sets image color space.

public void SetImageColorSpace(FcrImageColorSpace value, byte vendorValue);

Parameters Description
FcrImageColorSpace value One of the FcrImageColorSpace [ 1627] values.
byte vendorValue Vendor value. FcrFaceImage.SetPoseAngle Method

Sets face pose angle in a face image.

public void SetPoseAngle(double yaw, double pitch, double roll);

Parameters Description
double yaw The face pose yaw angle.
double pitch The face pose pitch angle.
double roll The face pose roll angle. FcrFaceImage.SetPoseAngleRaw Method

Sets face pose raw angle in a face image

public void SetPoseAngleRaw(byte yaw, byte pitch, byte roll);

Parameters Description
byte yaw The yaw raw angle of face pose in a FcrFaceImage [ 1482].
byte pitch The pitch raw angle of face pose in a FcrFaceImage [ 1482].
byte roll The roll raw angle of face pose in a FcrFaceImage [ 1482]. FcrFaceImage.SetPoseAngleUncertainty Method

Sets face pose angle uncertainty in a face image.

public void SetPoseAngleUncertainty(double yaw, double pitch, double roll);

Parameters Description
double yaw The face pose yaw angle uncertainty.
double pitch The face pose pitch angle uncertainty. 9
double roll The face pose roll angle uncertainty.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards FcrFaceImage.SetPoseAngleUncertaintyRaw Method

Sets face pose angle uncertainty in a face image.

public void SetPoseAngleUncertaintyRaw(byte yaw, byte pitch, byte roll);

Parameters Description
byte yaw The yaw raw angle of face pose in a FcrFaceImage [ 1482].
byte pitch The pitch raw angle of face pose in a FcrFaceImage [ 1482].
byte roll The roll raw angle of face pose in a FcrFaceImage [ 1482]. FcrFaceImage.SetSourceType Method

Sets face image source type.

public void SetSourceType(BdifImageSourceType value, byte vendorValue);

Parameters Description
BdifImageSourceType value One of the BdifImageSourceType [ 1623] values.
byte vendorValue Vendor value. FcrFaceImage.ToNImage Method ()

Converts face image to NImage [ 1831].

public NImage ToNImage();
A NImage [ 1831] object. FcrFaceImage.ToNImage Method (uint)

Converts face image to NImage [ 1831].

public NImage ToNImage(uint flags);

Parameters Description
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the constructor.

A NImage [ 1831] object. FcrFaceImage Properties FcrFaceImage.CaptureDateAndTime Property

Gets or sets face image capture date and time.

C# 9
public BdifCaptureDateTime CaptureDateAndTime;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Property value
Face image capture date and time. FcrFaceImage.CaptureDeviceVendorId Property

Gets or sets face image capture device vendor id.

public ushort CaptureDeviceVendorId;
Property value
Face image capture device vendor id. FcrFaceImage.CrossReference Property

Gets or sets cross reference of a face image.

public ushort CrossReference;
Property value
Cross reference of a face image. FcrFaceImage.DeviceType Property

Gets or sets face image capturing device type.

public ushort DeviceType;
Property value
Face image capturing device type. FcrFaceImage.Expression Property

Gets or sets expression of a face in a face image.

public BdifFaceExpression Expression;
Property value
One of the BdifFaceExpression [ 1617] values. FcrFaceImage.ExpressionBitMask Property

Gets or sets expression bit mask of a face in a face image.

public BdifFaceExpressionBitMask ExpressionBitMask;
Property value
One of the BdifFaceExpressionBitMask [ 1617] values. FcrFaceImage.EyeColor Property

Gets or sets eye color of face in a face image.

C# 9
public BdifEyeColor EyeColor;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Property value
One of the BdifEyeColor [ 1606] values. FcrFaceImage.FaceImageType Property

Gets or sets face image type.

public FcrFaceImageType FaceImageType;
Property value
One of the FcrFaceImageType [ 1627] values. FcrFaceImage.FcrFaceImageTypeNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the FCR face image type.

public static NType FcrFaceImageTypeNativeType; FcrFaceImage.FcrImageColorSpaceNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the FCR image color space.

public static NType FcrImageColorSpaceNativeType; FcrFaceImage.FcrImageDataTypeNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the FCR image data type.

public static NType FcrImageDataTypeNativeType; FcrFaceImage.FeaturePoints Property

Gets facial feature points from a face image.

public FeaturePointCollection FeaturePoints;
Property value
Facial feature points from a face image. FcrFaceImage.Gender Property

Gets or sets gender of face in a face image.

public BdifGender Gender;
Property value
One of the BdifGender [ 1622] values. FcrFaceImage.HairColor Property

Gets or sets hair color of face in a face image.

public BdifHairColor HairColor;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Property value
One of the BdifHairColor [ 1622] values. FcrFaceImage.Height Property

Gets or sets height of a face image.

public ushort Height;
Property value
Height of a face image. FcrFaceImage.ImageColorSpace Property

Gets or sets color space of a face image.

public FcrImageColorSpace ImageColorSpace;
Property value
One of the FcrImageColorSpace [ 1627] values. FcrFaceImage.ImageData Property

Gets or sets the NBuffer [ 1943] representing the image data.

public NBuffer ImageData; FcrFaceImage.ImageDataType Property

Gets or sets face image data type.

public FcrImageDataType ImageDataType;
Property value
One of the FcrImageDataType [ 1628] values. FcrFaceImage.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; FcrFaceImage.Owner Property

Gets owner of the object.

public new FCRecord Owner;
Property value
Object (owner) of FCRecord [ 1425] type. FcrFaceImage.PoseAnglePitch Property

Gets or sets face pitch angle in a face image.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public double PoseAnglePitch;
Property value
The pitch angle of face pose in a FcrFaceImage [ 1482]. FcrFaceImage.PoseAnglePitchRaw Property

Gets or sets face pitch raw angle in a face image.

public byte PoseAnglePitchRaw;
Property value
Face pitch raw angle in a face image FcrFaceImage.PoseAngleRoll Property

Gets face roll angle in a face image.

public double PoseAngleRoll;
Property value
The roll angle of face pose in a FcrFaceImage [ 1482]. FcrFaceImage.PoseAngleRollRaw Property

Gets or sets face roll raw angle in a face image.

public byte PoseAngleRollRaw;
Property value
Face roll raw angle in a face image. FcrFaceImage.PoseAngleUncertaintyPitch Property

Gets face pitch angle uncertainty in a face image.

public double PoseAngleUncertaintyPitch;
Property value
The pitch angle uncertainty of face pose in a FcrFaceImage [ 1482]. FcrFaceImage.PoseAngleUncertaintyPitchRaw Property

Gets face pitch raw angle uncertainty in a face image.

public byte PoseAngleUncertaintyPitchRaw;
Property value
Face pitch raw angle uncertainty in a face image. FcrFaceImage.PoseAngleUncertaintyRoll Property

Gets face roll angle uncertainty in a face image.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public double PoseAngleUncertaintyRoll;
Property value
The roll angle uncertainty of face pose in a FcrFaceImage [ 1482]. FcrFaceImage.PoseAngleUncertaintyRollRaw Property

Gets face roll raw angle uncertainty in a face image.

public byte PoseAngleUncertaintyRollRaw;
Property value
Face roll raw angle uncertainty in a face image. FcrFaceImage.PoseAngleUncertaintyYaw Property

Gets face yaw angle uncertainty in a face image.

public double PoseAngleUncertaintyYaw;
Property value
The yaw angle uncertainty of face pose in a FcrFaceImage [ 1482]. FcrFaceImage.PoseAngleUncertaintyYawRaw Property

Gets face yaw raw angle uncertainty in a face image.

public byte PoseAngleUncertaintyYawRaw;
Property value
Face yaw raw angle uncertainty in a face image. FcrFaceImage.PoseAngleYaw Property

Gets or sets face pose yaw angle in a face image.

public double PoseAngleYaw;
Property value
Face pose yaw angle in a face image. FcrFaceImage.PoseAngleYawRaw Property

Gets or sets face pose yaw raw angle in a face image.

public byte PoseAngleYawRaw;
Property value
Face pose yaw raw angle in a face image. FcrFaceImage.PostAcquisitionProcessing Property

Gets or sets post-acquicition processing of a face image.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public BdifFacePostAcquisitionProcessing PostAcquisitionProcessing;
Property value
Post-acquicition processing of a face image. FcrFaceImage.Properties Property

Gets or sets facial properties of a face in a face image.

public BdifFaceProperties Properties;
Property value
Facial properties of a face in a face image. FcrFaceImage.Quality Property

Gets or sets face image quality.

public ushort Quality;
Property value
Face image quality. FcrFaceImage.QualityBlocks Property

Gets the collection of BDIF quality blocks.

public QualityBlockCollection QualityBlocks;
Property value
The collection of BDIF quality blocks. FcrFaceImage.SourceType Property

Gets or sets face image source type.

public BdifImageSourceType SourceType;
Property value
Face image source type. FcrFaceImage.SpatialSamplingRateLevel Property

Gets or sets spatial sampling rate level of a face image.

public BdifFaceSpatialSamplingRateLevel SpatialSamplingRateLevel;
Property value
Spatial sampling rate level of a face image. FcrFaceImage.Standard Property

Gets face image standard.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public BdifStandard Standard;
Property value
Face image standard. FcrFaceImage.VendorExpression Property

Gets vendor specific expression of a face in a face image.

public ushort VendorExpression;
Property value
Vendor specific expression of a face in a face image. FcrFaceImage.VendorImageColorSpace Property

Gets or sets vendor specific color space of a face image.

public byte VendorImageColorSpace;
Property value
Vendor specific color space of a face image. FcrFaceImage.VendorSourceType Property

Gets or sets vendor specific face image source type.

public byte VendorSourceType;
Property value
Vendor specific face image source type. FcrFaceImage.Version Property

Gets face image version.

public NVersion Version;
Property value
Face image version. FcrFaceImage.Width Property

Gets or sets width of a face image.

public ushort Width;
Property value
Width of a face image. FirFingerView Class 9

Class for working with the FirFingerView objects.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public sealed class FirFingerView : NObject;
File: FirFingerView.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

FirFingerView Classes
FirFingerView Class

Name Description
AnnotationCollection [ 1503] Represents the collection of BdifFPAnnotation [ 1346].
CertificationBlockCollection [ 1504] Represents the collection of BdifCertificationBlock [ 1342].
FingerSegmentCollection [ 1504] Represents the collection of FirFingerViewSegment [ 1512].
QualityBlockCollection [ 1504] Represents the collection of BdifQualityBlock [ 1354].
VendorExtendedDataCollection Represents the collection of BdifFPExtendedData [ 1348].
[ 1504]

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

FirFingerView Class

Name Description
MaxAnnotationCount [ 1504] The maximum number of annotation count for FirFingerView.
MaxFingerSegmentCount [ 1505] The maximum number of finger segment count for FirFingerView.
MaxVendorExtendedDataCount The maximum number of vendor specified extended data count for
[ 1505] FirFingerView.

FirFingerView Class

Name Description
FirFingerView [ 1503] Initializes a new instance of the FirFingerView class.

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object. 9
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

FirFingerView Class

Name Description
SetImage [ 1505] Sets an finger view for the FirFingerview.
SetImage [ 1505] Sets an finger view for the FirFingerview.
ToNImage [ 1505] Converts the FirFingerView object to the NImage [ 1831].
ToNImage [ 1506] Converts FirFingerView object to the NImage [ 1831].

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

FirFingerView Class

Name Description
Annotations [ 1506] Gets the collection of FirFingerView annotations.
CaptureDateAndTime [ 1506] Gets or sets finger view capture date and time.
CaptureDeviceTechnology [ 1506] Gets or sets finger view capture device technology.
CaptureDeviceTypeId [ 1506] Gets or sets finger view capture device type id.
CaptureDeviceVendorId [ 1507] Gets or sets finger view capture device vendor id.
CertificationBlocks [ 1507] Gets the collection of BDIF certification blocks.
Comment [ 1507] Gets or sets finger view comment.
FingerSegments [ 1507] Gets the collection of finger segments.
HorzImageResolution [ 1507] Gets or sets finger view horizontal image resolution.
HorzLineLength [ 1507] Gets or sets horizontal line length.
HorzScanResolution [ 1508] Gets or sets finger view horizontal scan resolution.
ImageCompressionAlgorithm [ 1508] Gets or sets finger view image compression algorithm.

ImageData [ 1508] Gets or sets NBuffer [ 1943] that represents image data.
ImageQuality [ 1508] Gets image quality value.
ImpressionType [ 1508] Gets or sets impression type.
NativeType [ 1508] Defines the native type of the object.
Owner [ 1508] Gets owner of the object.
PixelDepth [ 1509] Gets or sets finger view pixel depth.
Position [ 1509] Gets or sets the FirFingerView position value.
QualityBlocks [ 1509] Gets the collection of BDIF quality blocks.
ScaleUnits [ 1509] Gets or sets finger view scale units.
SegmentationAlgorithmId [ 1509] Gets or sets finger view segmentation algorithm Id.
SegmentationFingerImageQualityAlgorithmId Gets or sets finger view segmentation finger image
[ 1509] quality algorithm Id.
SegmentationFingerImageQualityAlgorithmOwnerId Gets or sets finger view segmentation finger image
[ 1510] quality algorithm owner Id.
SegmentationOwnerId [ 1510] Gets or sets finger view segmentation owner Id.
SegmentationQualityScore [ 1510] Gets or sets finger view segmentation quality score.
SegmentationStatus [ 1510] Gets or sets finger view segmentation status.
Standard [ 1510] Gets finger view standard.
VendorExtendedData [ 1511] Gets the collection of vendor extended data.
Version [ 1511] Gets finger view version.
VertImageResolution [ 1511] Gets or sets finger view vertical image resolution.
VertLineLength [ 1511] Gets or sets vertical line length.
VertScanResolution [ 1511] Gets or sets finger view vertical scan resolution.
ViewNumber [ 1511] Gets a number of the FirFingerView object views.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. FirFingerView.FirFingerView Constructor

Initializes a new instance of the FirFingerView class.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate FIRecord constructor and Add()/Add(BdifFPPosition,
NBuffer)/Add(BdifFPPosition, BdifScaleUnits, ushort, ushort, byte,
FirImageCompressionAlgorithm, NImage) instead.")]
public FirFingerView(BdifStandard standard, NVersion version);

Parameters Description
BdifStandard standard Specifies the standard of the FirFingerView.
NVersion version Specifies the version of the FirFingerView. FirFingerView Classes FirFingerView.AnnotationCollection Class

Represents the collection of BdifFPAnnotation [ 1346].

public sealed class AnnotationCollection : StructCollection<BdifFPAnnotation>;
File: FirFingerView.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

9 FirFingerView.CertificationBlockCollection Class
Represents the collection of BdifCertificationBlock [ 1342].

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public sealed class CertificationBlockCollection : StructCollection<BdifCertificationBlock>;
File: FirFingerView.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] FirFingerView.FingerSegmentCollection Class

Represents the collection of FirFingerViewSegment [ 1512].

public sealed class FingerSegmentCollection : NObjectCollection<FirFingerViewSegment>;
File: FirFingerView.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] FirFingerView.QualityBlockCollection Class

Represents the collection of BdifQualityBlock [ 1354].

public sealed class QualityBlockCollection : StructCollection<BdifQualityBlock>;
File: FirFingerView.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] FirFingerView.VendorExtendedDataCollection Class

Represents the collection of BdifFPExtendedData [ 1348].

public sealed class VendorExtendedDataCollection :
DisposableStructCollection<BdifFPExtendedData, BdifFPExtendedData_>;
File: FirFingerView.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] FirFingerView Fields FirFingerView.MaxAnnotationCount Field

The maximum number of annotation count for FirFingerView [ 1498].

public const ushort MaxAnnotationCount = 4;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards FirFingerView.MaxFingerSegmentCount Field

The maximum number of finger segment count for FirFingerView [ 1498].

public const ushort MaxFingerSegmentCount = 4; FirFingerView.MaxVendorExtendedDataCount Field

The maximum number of vendor specified extended data count for FirFingerView [ 1498].

public const ushort MaxVendorExtendedDataCount = 0xFEFF; FirFingerView Methods FirFingerView.SetImage Method (NImage)

Sets an finger view for the FirFingerview.

public void SetImage(NImage image);

Parameters Description
NImage image The finger image.

Pixel type of image should be grayscale FirFingerView.SetImage Method (NImage, uint)

Sets an finger view for the FirFingerview.

public void SetImage(NImage image, uint flags);

Parameters Description
NImage image The finger image.
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the method.

Pixel type of image should be grayscale FirFingerView.ToNImage Method ()

Converts the FirFingerView [ 1498] object to the NImage [ 1831].

public NImage ToNImage();
Reference to the NImage [ 1831] object. This reference receives the newly created NImage [ 1831] handle. FirFingerView.ToNImage Method (uint) 9

Converts FirFingerView [ 1498] object to the NImage [ 1831].

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public NImage ToNImage(uint flags);

Parameters Description
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the function.

Reference to handle of the NImage [ 1831] object. This reference receives the newly created NImage [ 1831] handle. FirFingerView Properties FirFingerView.Annotations Property

Gets the collection of FirFingerView [ 1498] annotations.

public AnnotationCollection Annotations;
Property value
The collection of FirFingerView [ 1498] annotations. FirFingerView.CaptureDateAndTime Property

Gets or sets finger view capture date and time.

public BdifCaptureDateTime CaptureDateAndTime;
Property value
Finger view capture date and time. FirFingerView.CaptureDeviceTechnology Property

Gets or sets finger view capture device technology.

public BdifFPCaptureDeviceTechnology CaptureDeviceTechnology;
Property value
Finger view capture device technology. FirFingerView.CaptureDeviceTypeId Property

Gets or sets finger view capture device type id.

public ushort CaptureDeviceTypeId;
Property value
Finger view capture device type id. FirFingerView.CaptureDeviceVendorId Property

Gets or sets finger view capture device vendor id.
public ushort CaptureDeviceVendorId;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Property value
Finger view capture device vendor id. FirFingerView.CertificationBlocks Property

Gets the collection of BDIF certification blocks.

public CertificationBlockCollection CertificationBlocks;
Property value
The collection of BDIF certification blocks. FirFingerView.Comment Property

Gets or sets finger view comment.

public string Comment;
Property value
Finger view segmentation comment. FirFingerView.FingerSegments Property

Gets the collection of finger segments.

public FingerSegmentCollection FingerSegments;
Property value
The collection of finger segments. FirFingerView.HorzImageResolution Property

Gets or sets finger view horizontal image resolution.

public ushort HorzImageResolution;
Property value
Finger view horizontal image resolution. FirFingerView.HorzLineLength Property

Gets or sets horizontal line length.

public ushort HorzLineLength;
Property value
Horizontal line length. FirFingerView.HorzScanResolution Property

Gets or sets finger view horizontal scan resolution.

C# 9
public ushort HorzScanResolution;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Property value
Finger view horizontal scan resolution. FirFingerView.ImageCompressionAlgorithm Property

Gets or sets finger view image compression algorithm.

public FirImageCompressionAlgorithm ImageCompressionAlgorithm;
Property value
Finger view image compression algorithm. FirFingerView.ImageData Property

Gets or sets NBuffer [ 1943] that represents image data.

public NBuffer ImageData; FirFingerView.ImageQuality Property

Gets image quality value.

public byte ImageQuality;
Property value
Image quality value. FirFingerView.ImpressionType Property

Gets or sets impression type.

public BdifFPImpressionType ImpressionType;
Property value
Impression type. FirFingerView.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; FirFingerView.Owner Property

Gets owner of the object.

public new FIRecord Owner;
Property value
Object (owner) of FIRecord [ 1437] type. FirFingerView.PixelDepth Property

Gets or sets finger view pixel depth.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public byte PixelDepth;
Property value
Finger view pixel depth. FirFingerView.Position Property

Gets or sets the FirFingerView [ 1498] position value.

public BdifFPPosition Position;
Property value
FirFingerView [ 1498] position value. FirFingerView.QualityBlocks Property

Gets the collection of BDIF quality blocks.

public QualityBlockCollection QualityBlocks;
Property value
The collection of BDIF quality blocks. FirFingerView.ScaleUnits Property

Gets or sets finger view scale units.

public BdifScaleUnits ScaleUnits;
Property value
Finger view scale units. FirFingerView.SegmentationAlgorithmId Property

Gets or sets finger view segmentation algorithm Id.

public ushort SegmentationAlgorithmId;
Property value
Finger view segmentation algorithm Id. FirFingerView.SegmentationFingerImageQualityAlgorithmId Property

Gets or sets finger view segmentation finger image quality algorithm Id.

public ushort SegmentationFingerImageQualityAlgorithmId;
Property value
Finger view segmentation finger image quality algorithm Id. FirFingerView.SegmentationFingerImageQualityAlgorithmOwnerId Property

Gets or sets finger view segmentation finger image quality algorithm owner Id.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public ushort SegmentationFingerImageQualityAlgorithmOwnerId;
Property value
Finger view segmentation finger image quality algorithm owner Id. FirFingerView.SegmentationOwnerId Property

Gets or sets finger view segmentation owner Id.

public ushort SegmentationOwnerId;
Property value
Finger view segmentation owner Id. FirFingerView.SegmentationQualityScore Property

Gets or sets finger view segmentation quality score.

public byte SegmentationQualityScore;
Property value
Finger view segmentation quality score. FirFingerView.SegmentationStatus Property

Gets or sets finger view segmentation status.

public BdifFPSegmentationStatus SegmentationStatus;
If the value is bfssUnknown, it is considered that FirFingerView [ 1498] has no segmentation data, despite if other
segmentation data (for example segmentationOwnerId) is set.

Property value
Finger view segmentation status. FirFingerView.Standard Property

Gets finger view standard.

public BdifStandard Standard;
Property value
Finger view standard. FirFingerView.VendorExtendedData Property

Gets the collection of vendor extended data.

public VendorExtendedDataCollection VendorExtendedData;
Property value 9
The collection of vendor extended data.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards FirFingerView.Version Property

Gets finger view version.

public NVersion Version;
Property value
Finger view version. FirFingerView.VertImageResolution Property

Gets or sets finger view vertical image resolution.

public ushort VertImageResolution;
Property value
Finger view vertical image resolution. FirFingerView.VertLineLength Property

Gets or sets vertical line length.

public ushort VertLineLength;
Property value
Vertical line length. FirFingerView.VertScanResolution Property

Gets or sets finger view vertical scan resolution.

public ushort VertScanResolution;
Property value
Finger view vertical scan resolution. FirFingerView.ViewNumber Property

Gets a number of the FirFingerView [ 1498] object views.

public int ViewNumber;
Property value
FirFingerView [ 1498] object view number. FirFingerViewSegment Class

Class for working with the finger segment objects for FirFingerView [ 1498] object.

public sealed class FirFingerViewSegment : NObject;
File 9
File: FirFingerView.cs

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

FirFingerViewSegment Classes
FirFingerViewSegment Class

Name Description
CoordinateCollection [ 1515] Represents the collection of Point.

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

FirFingerViewSegment Class

Name Description
FirFingerViewSegment [ 1515] Initializes a new instance of the FirFingerViewSegment class.

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

FirFingerViewSegment Class

Name Description
Coordinates [ 1515] Gets the collection of coordinates.
FingerOrientation [ 1516] Gets or sets the finger orientation value.
FingerPosition [ 1516] Gets or sets the finger position value.
FingerQuality [ 1516] Gets or sets the finger quality value.
NativeType [ 1516] Defines the native type of the object.
Owner [ 1516] Gets owner of the object.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.

GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. FirFingerViewSegment.FirFingerViewSegment Constructor

Initializes a new instance of the FirFingerViewSegment class.

public FirFingerViewSegment(); FirFingerViewSegment Classes FirFingerViewSegment.CoordinateCollection Class

Represents the collection of Point.

public sealed class CoordinateCollection : StructCollection<Point>;
File: FirFingerView.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] FirFingerViewSegment Properties FirFingerViewSegment.Coordinates Property

Gets the collection of coordinates.

public CoordinateCollection Coordinates;
Property value
The collection of coordinates. FirFingerViewSegment.FingerOrientation Property

Gets or sets the finger orientation value.

public byte FingerOrientation; 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Property value
Finger orienation value. FirFingerViewSegment.FingerPosition Property

Gets or sets the finger position value.

public BdifFPPosition FingerPosition;
Property value
Finger position value. FirFingerViewSegment.FingerQuality Property

Gets or sets the finger quality value.

public byte FingerQuality;
Property value
Finger quality value. FirFingerViewSegment.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; FirFingerViewSegment.Owner Property

Gets owner of the object.

public new FirFingerView Owner;
Property value
Object (owner) of FirFingerView [ 1498] type. FmcrBdtTags Class

Provides constants for ISO/IEC 7816-11:2004 Biometric data template.

public static class FmcrBdtTags;
File: FMCRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

FmcrBdtTags Fields

Name Description
CellQualityData [ 1517] Tag for storing cell quality data in ISO/IEC 7816-11:2004 Biometric data
template. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

CorePointData [ 1517] Tag for storing core point data in ISO/IEC 7816-11:2004 Biometric data
DeltaPointData [ 1517] Tag for storing delta point data in ISO/IEC 7816-11:2004 Biometric data
FingerMinutiaeData [ 1517] Tag for storing finger minutiae data in ISO/IEC 7816-11:2004 Biometric
data template.
ImpressionType [ 1517] Tag for storing impression type in ISO/IEC 7816-11:2011 Biometric data
RidgeCountData [ 1517] Tag for storing ridge count data in ISO/IEC 7816-11:2004 Biometric data
template. FmcrBdtTags Fields FmcrBdtTags.CellQualityData Field

Tag for storing cell quality data in ISO/IEC 7816-11:2004 Biometric data template.

public static readonly BerTag CellQualityData = (BerTag)0x94; FmcrBdtTags.CorePointData Field

Tag for storing core point data in ISO/IEC 7816-11:2004 Biometric data template.

public static readonly BerTag CorePointData = (BerTag)0x92; FmcrBdtTags.DeltaPointData Field

Tag for storing delta point data in ISO/IEC 7816-11:2004 Biometric data template.

public static readonly BerTag DeltaPointData = (BerTag)0x93; FmcrBdtTags.FingerMinutiaeData Field

Tag for storing finger minutiae data in ISO/IEC 7816-11:2004 Biometric data template.

public static readonly BerTag FingerMinutiaeData = (BerTag)0x90; FmcrBdtTags.ImpressionType Field

Tag for storing impression type in ISO/IEC 7816-11:2011 Biometric data template.

public static readonly BerTag ImpressionType = (BerTag)0x95; FmcrBdtTags.RidgeCountData Field

Tag for storing ridge count data in ISO/IEC 7816-11:2004 Biometric data template.

public static readonly BerTag RidgeCountData = (BerTag)0x91; FmrCore Structure

Core structure of ANSI/INCIST 378 2004 standard template.


9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public struct FmrCore : IFormattable {

File: FmrFingerView.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Name Description
FmrCore [ 1518] Initializes a new instance of the FmrCore class.
FmrCore [ 1518] Initializes a new instance of the FmrCore class.
FmrCore [ 1519] Initializes a new instance of the FmrCore class.

FmrCore Methods

Name Description
GetAngle [ 1519] Gets angle of core.
SetAngle [ 1519] Sets angle of core.
ToString [ 1519] Returns a string that represents the current structure.
ToString [ 1520] Returns a string that represents the current structure.

FmrCore Properties

Name Description
AnsiAngle [ 1520] Gets or sets raw angle of core by ANSI.
IsoAngle [ 1520] Gets or sets raw angle of core by ISO.
NativeType [ 1520] Defines the native type of the object.
RawAngle [ 1520]
X [ 1521] Gets or sets the X-coordinate of the core.
Y [ 1521] Gets or sets the Y-coordinate of the core. FmrCore.FmrCore Constructor (ushort, ushort)

Initializes a new instance of the FmrCore class.

public FmrCore(ushort x, ushort y);

Parameters Description
ushort x The x - coordinate of the core.
ushort y The y - coordinate of the core. FmrCore.FmrCore Constructor (ushort, ushort, double, BdifStandard)

Initializes a new instance of the FmrCore class.

public FmrCore(ushort x, ushort y, double angle, BdifStandard standard);

Parameters Description
ushort x The x - coordinate of the core.
ushort y The y - coordinate of the core. 9
double angle The angle of the core.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

BdifStandard standard One of the BdifStandard [ 1626] values. FmrCore.FmrCore Constructor (ushort, ushort, int)

Initializes a new instance of the FmrCore class.

public FmrCore(ushort x, ushort y, int angle);

Parameters Description
ushort x The x - coordinate of the core.
ushort y The y - coordinate of the core.
int angle The angle of the core. FmrCore Methods FmrCore.GetAngle Method

Gets angle of core.

public double GetAngle(BdifStandard standard);

Parameters Description
BdifStandard standard One of the BdifStandard [ 1626] values.

Angle of core. FmrCore.SetAngle Method

Sets angle of core.

public void SetAngle(double value, BdifStandard standard);

Parameters Description
double value Angle of core.
BdifStandard standard One of the BdifStandard [ 1626] values. FmrCore.ToString Method ()

Returns a string that represents the current structure.

public override string ToString();
A string that represents the current structure. FmrCore.ToString Method (string)

Returns a string that represents the current structure. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public string ToString(string format);

Parameters Description
string format String format.

A string that represents the current structure. FmrCore Properties FmrCore.AnsiAngle Property

Gets or sets raw angle of core by ANSI.

public double AnsiAngle;
Property value
Raw angle of core by ANSI. FmrCore.IsoAngle Property

Gets or sets raw angle of core by ISO.

public double IsoAngle;
Property value
Raw angle of core by ISO. FmrCore.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; FmrCore.RawAngle Property

public int RawAngle;
The angle range depends on standard, used for FMRecord [ 1467] or FMCRecord [ 1451]. For an ANSI standard the range is
between 0 and 180. For an ISO standard the range is between 0 and 255 (for FMCRecord [ 1451] it is regardless of minutia

Property value
The row angle of the core. FmrCore.X Property

Gets or sets the X-coordinate of the core.

C# 9
public ushort X;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards FmrCore.Y Property

Gets or sets the Y-coordinate of the core.

public ushort Y; FmrDelta Structure

Delta structure of ANSI/INCIST 378 2004 standard template.

public struct FmrDelta : IFormattable {
File: FmrFingerView.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Name Description
FmrDelta [ 1522] Initializes a new instance of the FmrDelta class.
FmrDelta [ 1522] Initializes a new instance of the FmrDelta class.
FmrDelta [ 1522] Initializes a new instance of the FmrDelta class.

FmrDelta Methods

Name Description
GetAngle1 [ 1523] Gets first angle of this FmrDelta.
GetAngle2 [ 1523] Gets second angle of this FmrDelta.
GetAngle3 [ 1523] Gets third angle of this FmrDelta.
SetAngle1 [ 1523] Sets first angle of this FmrDelta.
SetAngle2 [ 1523] Sets second angle of this FmrDelta.
SetAngle3 [ 1524] Sets third angle of this FmrDelta.
ToString [ 1524] Returns a string that represents the current structure.
ToString [ 1524] Returns a string that represents the current structure.

FmrDelta Properties

Name Description
AnsiAngle1 [ 1524] First angle of this FmrDelta.
AnsiAngle2 [ 1525] Second angle of this FmrDelta.
AnsiAngle3 [ 1525] Third angle of this FmrDelta.
IsoAngle1 [ 1525] First angle of this FmrDelta.
IsoAngle2 [ 1525] Second angle of this FmrDelta.
IsoAngle3 [ 1525] Third angle of this FmrDelta.
NativeType [ 1525] Defines the native type of the object.
RawAngle1 [ 1525] First raw angle of this FmrDelta.
RawAngle2 [ 1526] Second raw angle of this FmrDelta.
RawAngle3 [ 1526] Third raw angle of this FmrDelta.
X [ 1526] X coordinate of this FmrDelta.
Y [ 1526] Y coordinate of this FmrDelta.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards FmrDelta.FmrDelta Constructor (ushort, ushort)

Initializes a new instance of the FmrDelta class.

public FmrDelta(ushort x, ushort y);

Parameters Description
ushort x X [ 1526] coordinate of the delta.
ushort y Y [ 1526] coordinate of the delta. FmrDelta.FmrDelta Constructor (ushort, ushort, double, double, double,

Initializes a new instance of the FmrDelta class.

public FmrDelta(ushort x, ushort y, double angle1, double angle2, double angle3,
BdifStandard standard);

Parameters Description
ushort x X [ 1526] coordinate of the delta.
ushort y Y [ 1526] coordinate of the delta.
double angle1 First angle of the delta.
double angle2 Second angle of the delta.
double angle3 Third angle of the delta.
BdifStandard standard One of BdifStandard [ 1626] values. FmrDelta.FmrDelta Constructor (ushort, ushort, int, int, int)

Initializes a new instance of the FmrDelta class.

public FmrDelta(ushort x, ushort y, int angle1, int angle2, int angle3);

Parameters Description
ushort x X [ 1526] coordinate of the delta.
ushort y Y [ 1526] coordinate of the delta.
int angle1 First angle of the delta.
int angle2 Second angle of the delta.
int angle3 Third angle of the delta. FmrDelta Methods FmrDelta.GetAngle1 Method

Gets first angle of this FmrDelta [ 1521].

public double GetAngle1(BdifStandard standard);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards


Parameters Description
BdifStandard standard One of the BdifStandard [ 1626] values.

The first angle of the delta. FmrDelta.GetAngle2 Method

Gets second angle of this FmrDelta [ 1521].

public double GetAngle2(BdifStandard standard);

Parameters Description
BdifStandard standard One of the BdifStandard [ 1626] values.

The second angle of the delta. FmrDelta.GetAngle3 Method

Gets third angle of this FmrDelta [ 1521].

public double GetAngle3(BdifStandard standard);

Parameters Description
BdifStandard standard One of the BdifStandard [ 1626] values.

The third angle of the delta. FmrDelta.SetAngle1 Method

Sets first angle of this FmrDelta [ 1521].

public void SetAngle1(double value, BdifStandard standard);

Parameters Description
double value First angle of this delta.
BdifStandard standard One of the BdifStandard [ 1626] values. FmrDelta.SetAngle2 Method

Sets second angle of this FmrDelta [ 1521].

public void SetAngle2(double value, BdifStandard standard);

Parameters Description 9
double value Second angle of this delta.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

BdifStandard standard One of the BdifStandard [ 1626] values. FmrDelta.SetAngle3 Method

Sets third angle of this FmrDelta [ 1521].

public void SetAngle3(double value, BdifStandard standard);

Parameters Description
double value Third angle of this delta.
BdifStandard standard One of the BdifStandard [ 1626] values. FmrDelta.ToString Method ()

Returns a string that represents the current structure.

public override string ToString();
A string that represents the current structure. FmrDelta.ToString Method (string)

Returns a string that represents the current structure.

public string ToString(string format);

Parameters Description
string format String format.

A string that represents the current structure. FmrDelta Properties FmrDelta.AnsiAngle1 Property

First angle of this FmrDelta [ 1521].

public double AnsiAngle1;
Property value
The first angle of the delta. FmrDelta.AnsiAngle2 Property

Second angle of this FmrDelta [ 1521].

public double AnsiAngle2;
Property value 9
The second angle of the delta.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards FmrDelta.AnsiAngle3 Property

Third angle of this FmrDelta [ 1521].

public double AnsiAngle3;
Property value
The third angle of the delta. FmrDelta.IsoAngle1 Property

First angle of this FmrDelta [ 1521].

public double IsoAngle1;
Property value
The first angle of the delta. FmrDelta.IsoAngle2 Property

Second angle of this FmrDelta [ 1521].

public double IsoAngle2;
Property value
The second angle of the delta. FmrDelta.IsoAngle3 Property

Third angle of this FmrDelta [ 1521].

public double IsoAngle3;
Property value
The third angle of the delta. FmrDelta.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; FmrDelta.RawAngle1 Property

First raw angle of this FmrDelta [ 1521].

public int RawAngle1;
The angle range depends on standard, used for FMRecord [ 1467] or FMCRecord [ 1451]. For an ANSI standard the range is
between 0 and 180. For an ISO standard the range is between 0 and 255 (for FMCRecord [ 1451] it is regardless of minutia
Property value
The first raw angle of the delta.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards FmrDelta.RawAngle2 Property

Second raw angle of this FmrDelta [ 1521].

public int RawAngle2;
The angle range depends on standard, used for FMRecord [ 1467] or FMCRecord [ 1451]. For an ANSI standard the range is
between 0 and 180. For an ISO standard the range is between 0 and 255 (for FMCRecord [ 1451] it is regardless of minutia

Property value
The second raw angle of the delta. FmrDelta.RawAngle3 Property

Third raw angle of this FmrDelta [ 1521].

public int RawAngle3;
The angle range depends on standard, used for FMRecord [ 1467] or FMCRecord [ 1451]. For an ANSI standard the range is
between 0 and 180. For an ISO standard the range is between 0 and 255 (for FMCRecord [ 1451] it is regardless of minutia

Property value
The third raw angle of the delta. FmrDelta.X Property

X coordinate of this FmrDelta [ 1521].

public ushort X;
Property value
X coordinate of the delta. FmrDelta.Y Property

Y coordinate of this FmrDelta [ 1521].

public ushort Y;
Property value
Y coordinate of the delta. FmrFingerView Class

Provides functionality for editing and converting ANSI INCITS 378-2004 and ISO/ IEC 19794-2:2005 record format standard
templates finger views (FmrFingerViews) to Neurotechnology Finger Records (NFRecords).

public sealed class FmrFingerView : NObject; 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

File: FmrFingerView.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

FmrFingerView Classes
FmrFingerView Class

Name Description
CertificationBlockCollection [ 1532] Represents the collection of BdifCertificationBlock [ 1342].
CoreCollection [ 1532] Represents the FmrCore [ 1518] collection.
DeltaCollection [ 1532] Represents the collection of the FmrDelta [ 1521].
MinutiaCollection [ 1532] Represents the collection of FmrMinutia [ 1540].
MinutiaEightNeighborsCollection Represents the collection of NFMinutiaNeighbor [ 535].
[ 1533]
MinutiaFourNeighborsCollection Represents the collection of NFMinutiaNeighbor [ 535].
[ 1533]
QualityBlockCollection [ 1533] Represents the collection of BdifQualityBlock [ 1354].

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

FmrFingerView Class

Name Description
FlagOldConvert [ 1533] The flag indicating whether to convert old values.
FlagProcessAllExtendedData For internal use.
[ 1534]
FlagSkipNeurotecFields [ 1534] The flag indicating whether fields of Neurotechnology should be skipped
while loading or saving FmrFingerView.
FlagSkipRidgeCounts [ 1534] The flag indicating whether ridge counts should be skipped while loading
or saving FmrFingerView.
FlagSkipSingularPoints [ 1534] The flag indicating whether singular points (cores and deltas) should be
skipped while loading or saving FmrFingerView.
FlagUseNeurotecFields [ 1534] The flag indicating whether fields of Neurotechnology should be used
while loading or saving FmrFingerView.
MaxCoreCount [ 1534] The maximum number of cores a FmrFingerView can contain.
MaxDeltaCount [ 1534] The maximum number of deltas a FmrFingerView can contain.
MaxDimension [ 1534] The maximum value for x and y coordinates of a minutia, core or delta in
a FmrFingerView.
MaxMinutiaCount [ 1534] The maximum number of minutiae a FmrFingerView can contain.
NeighborMinutiaNotAvailable Used for defining ridge count data. The neighbor minutia index value
[ 1535] when central minutia has no neighbor in given quadrant or octant.
RidgeCountNotAvailable [ 1535] Used for defining ridge count data. The ridge count value when ridge 9
count is not available for central minutia with neighboring minutia.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

FmrFingerView Class

Name Description
FmrFingerView [ 1531] Initializes a new instance of the FmrFingerView class.

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

FmrFingerView Class

Name Description
ToNFRecord [ 1535] Creates NFRecord [ 537] object from FmrFingerView.
ToNFRecord [ 1535] Creates NFRecord [ 537] object from FmrFingerView.
ValidateMinutiaeUniqueness Returns bool that indicates if FmrFingerView minutiae are unique.
[ 1535]

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

FmrFingerView Class

Name Description
CaptureDateAndTime [ 1536] Gets or sets finger view capture date and time.
CaptureDeviceTechnology [ 1536] Gets or sets finger view capture device technology.
CaptureDeviceTypeId [ 1536] Gets or sets finger view capture device type id.
CaptureDeviceVendorId [ 1536] Gets or sets finger view capture device vendor id.
CertificationBlocks [ 1536] Gets the collection of BDIF certification blocks.
Cores [ 1536] Gets cores collection.
Deltas [ 1537] Gets deltas collection.
FingerPosition [ 1537] Gets or sets finger position.
FingerQuality [ 1537] Gets or sets fingerprint quality.
HasEightNeighborRidgeCounts Gets or sets a value indicating whether FMRecord [ 1467] finger view
[ 1537] has ridge counts to eight neighbors of each minutia.
HasFourNeighborRidgeCounts Gets or sets a value indicating whether FMRecord [ 1467] finger view
[ 1537] has ridge counts to four neighbor of each minutia.
HorzImageResolution [ 1537] Gets or sets finger view image horizontal resolution.
HorzScanResolution [ 1538] Gets or sets finger view horizontal scan resolution.
ImpressionType [ 1538] Gets or sets the impression type of the finger record.
Minutiae [ 1538] Gets minutiae collection.
MinutiaeEightNeighbors [ 1538] Gets minutia eight neighbors collection.
MinutiaeFourNeighbors [ 1538] Gets minutia four neighbors collection.
MinutiaeQualityFlag [ 1538] Gets or sets minutiae quality flag.
NativeType [ 1539] Defines the native type of the object.
Owner [ 1539] Gets owner of the object.
QualityBlocks [ 1539] Gets the collection of BDIF qality blocks.
RidgeEndingType [ 1539] Gets or sets ridge ending type. 9
SizeX [ 1539] Gets or sets finger view size of scanned image in X-direction.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

SizeY [ 1539] Gets or sets finger view size of scanned image in Y-direction.
Standard [ 1540] Gets finger view standard.
Version [ 1540] Gets finger view version.
VertImageResolution [ 1540] Gets or sets finger view vertical image resolution.
VertScanResolution [ 1540] Gets or sets finger view vertical scan resolution.
ViewNumber [ 1540] Gets or sets view number to FmrFingerView object.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. FmrFingerView.FmrFingerView Constructor

Initializes a new instance of the FmrFingerView class.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate FMRecord constructor and Add()")]
public FmrFingerView(BdifStandard standard, NVersion version);

Parameters Description
BdifStandard standard Specifies the standard of the FmrFingerView.
NVersion version Specifies the version of the FmrFingerView. FmrFingerView Classes FmrFingerView.CertificationBlockCollection Class

Represents the collection of BdifCertificationBlock [ 1342].

public sealed class CertificationBlockCollection : StructCollection<BdifCertificationBlock>;
File: FmrFingerView.cs

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] FmrFingerView.CoreCollection Class

Represents the FmrCore [ 1518] collection.

public sealed class CoreCollection : StructCollection<FmrCore>;
File: FmrFingerView.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] FmrFingerView.DeltaCollection Class

Represents the collection of the FmrDelta [ 1521].

public sealed class DeltaCollection : StructCollection<FmrDelta>;
File: FmrFingerView.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] FmrFingerView.MinutiaCollection Class

Represents the collection of FmrMinutia [ 1540].

public sealed class MinutiaCollection : StructCollection<FmrMinutia>;
File: FmrFingerView.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

After changes to the minutiae list, the collections of minutia four/eight neighbors must be updated (if minutia neighbors are
used). This can be done manually by resetting minutia neighbors or converting FMCRecord [ 1451] via NFRecord [ 537]. FmrFingerView.MinutiaEightNeighborsCollection Class

Represents the collection of NFMinutiaNeighbor [ 535].

public sealed class MinutiaEightNeighborsCollection :
StructArrayCollection<BdifFPMinutiaNeighbor, FmrMinutia>;
File: FmrFingerView.cs
Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards FmrFingerView.MinutiaFourNeighborsCollection Class

Represents the collection of NFMinutiaNeighbor [ 535].

public sealed class MinutiaFourNeighborsCollection :
StructArrayCollection<BdifFPMinutiaNeighbor, FmrMinutia>;
File: FmrFingerView.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] FmrFingerView.QualityBlockCollection Class

Represents the collection of BdifQualityBlock [ 1354].

public sealed class QualityBlockCollection : StructCollection<BdifQualityBlock>;
File: FmrFingerView.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] FmrFingerView Fields FmrFingerView.FlagOldConvert Field

The flag indicating whether to convert old values.

public const uint FlagOldConvert = 0x20000000; FmrFingerView.FlagProcessAllExtendedData Field

For internal use.

public const uint FlagProcessAllExtendedData = 0x01000000; FmrFingerView.FlagSkipNeurotecFields Field

The flag indicating whether fields of Neurotechnology should be skipped while loading or saving FmrFingerView [ 1527].

public const uint FlagSkipNeurotecFields = 0x40000000; FmrFingerView.FlagSkipRidgeCounts Field

The flag indicating whether ridge counts should be skipped while loading or saving FmrFingerView [ 1527].

public const uint FlagSkipRidgeCounts = NFRecord.FlagSkipRidgeCounts; FmrFingerView.FlagSkipSingularPoints Field

The flag indicating whether singular points (cores and deltas) should be skipped while loading or saving FmrFingerView
[ 1527].

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public const uint FlagSkipSingularPoints = NFRecord.FlagSkipSingularPoints; FmrFingerView.FlagUseNeurotecFields Field

The flag indicating whether fields of Neurotechnology should be used while loading or saving FmrFingerView [ 1527].

public const uint FlagUseNeurotecFields = 0x80000000; FmrFingerView.MaxCoreCount Field

The maximum number of cores a FmrFingerView [ 1527] can contain.

public const int MaxCoreCount = 15; FmrFingerView.MaxDeltaCount Field

The maximum number of deltas a FmrFingerView [ 1527] can contain.

public const int MaxDeltaCount = 15; FmrFingerView.MaxDimension Field

The maximum value for x and y coordinates of a minutia, core or delta in a FmrFingerView [ 1527].

public const ushort MaxDimension = 16383; FmrFingerView.MaxMinutiaCount Field

The maximum number of minutiae a FmrFingerView [ 1527] can contain.

public const int MaxMinutiaCount = 255; FmrFingerView.NeighborMinutiaNotAvailable Field

Used for defining ridge count data. The neighbor minutia index value when central minutia has no neighbor in given quadrant or

public const int NeighborMinutiaNotAvailable = -1; FmrFingerView.RidgeCountNotAvailable Field

Used for defining ridge count data. The ridge count value when ridge count is not available for central minutia with neighboring

public const byte RidgeCountNotAvailable = 255; FmrFingerView Methods FmrFingerView.ToNFRecord Method ()

Creates NFRecord [ 537] object from FmrFingerView [ 1527].

public NFRecord ToNFRecord(); 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

NFRecord [ 537] object. FmrFingerView.ToNFRecord Method (uint)

Creates NFRecord [ 537] object from FmrFingerView [ 1527].

public NFRecord ToNFRecord(uint flags);

Parameters Description
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the method.

NFRecord [ 537] object. FmrFingerView.ValidateMinutiaeUniqueness Method

Returns bool that indicates if FmrFingerView [ 1527] minutiae are unique.

public bool ValidateMinutiaeUniqueness();
Property value
true if FmrFingerView [ 1527] minutiae are unique (determined by minutiae location and angle). FmrFingerView Properties FmrFingerView.CaptureDateAndTime Property

Gets or sets finger view capture date and time.

public BdifCaptureDateTime CaptureDateAndTime;
Property value
Finger view capture date and time. FmrFingerView.CaptureDeviceTechnology Property

Gets or sets finger view capture device technology.

public BdifFPCaptureDeviceTechnology CaptureDeviceTechnology;
Property value
Finger view capture device technology. FmrFingerView.CaptureDeviceTypeId Property

Gets or sets finger view capture device type id.

public ushort CaptureDeviceTypeId;
Property value
Finger view capture device type id.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards FmrFingerView.CaptureDeviceVendorId Property

Gets or sets finger view capture device vendor id.

public ushort CaptureDeviceVendorId;
Property value
Finger view capture device vendor id. FmrFingerView.CertificationBlocks Property

Gets the collection of BDIF certification blocks.

public CertificationBlockCollection CertificationBlocks;
Property value
The collection of BDIF certification blocks. FmrFingerView.Cores Property

Gets cores collection.

public CoreCollection Cores;
Property value
The FmrFingerView.CoreCollection [ 1532] collection. FmrFingerView.Deltas Property

Gets deltas collection.

public DeltaCollection Deltas;
Property value
The FmrFingerView.DeltaCollection [ 1532] collection. FmrFingerView.FingerPosition Property

Gets or sets finger position.

public BdifFPPosition FingerPosition;
Property value
One of the BdifPosition values. By default is BdifPosition.Unknown. FmrFingerView.FingerQuality Property

Gets or sets fingerprint quality.

public byte FingerQuality;
Property value
Fingerprint quality.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards FmrFingerView.HasEightNeighborRidgeCounts Property

Gets or sets a value indicating whether FMRecord [ 1467] finger view has ridge counts to eight neighbors of each minutia.

public bool HasEightNeighborRidgeCounts;
Property value
true if FMRecord [ 1467] finger view has ridge counts to eight neighbors of each minutia; otherwise, false. FmrFingerView.HasFourNeighborRidgeCounts Property

Gets or sets a value indicating whether FMRecord [ 1467] finger view has ridge counts to four neighbor of each minutia.

public bool HasFourNeighborRidgeCounts;
Property value
true if FMRecord [ 1467] finger view has ridge counts to four neighbors of each minutia; otherwise, false. FmrFingerView.HorzImageResolution Property

Gets or sets finger view image horizontal resolution.

public ushort HorzImageResolution;
Property value
Horizontal image resolution in pixels per centimeter. FmrFingerView.HorzScanResolution Property

Gets or sets finger view horizontal scan resolution.

public ushort HorzScanResolution;
Property value
Horizontal scan resolution in pixels per centimeter. FmrFingerView.ImpressionType Property

Gets or sets the impression type of the finger record.

public BdifFPImpressionType ImpressionType;
Property value
One of the NFImpressionType [ 717] values. The default is NFImpressionType.LiveScanPlain. FmrFingerView.Minutiae Property

Gets minutiae collection.

public MinutiaCollection Minutiae;
Property value
A FmrFingerView.MinutiaCollection [ 1532] that contains minutiae.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards FmrFingerView.MinutiaeEightNeighbors Property

Gets minutia eight neighbors collection.

public MinutiaEightNeighborsCollection MinutiaeEightNeighbors;
Property value
A FmrFingerView.MinutiaEightNeighborsCollection [ 1533] that contains minutiae of eight neighbors. FmrFingerView.MinutiaeFourNeighbors Property

Gets minutia four neighbors collection.

public MinutiaFourNeighborsCollection MinutiaeFourNeighbors;
Property value
A FmrFingerView.MinutiaFourNeighborsCollection [ 1533] that contains minutiae of four neighbors. FmrFingerView.MinutiaeQualityFlag Property

Gets or sets minutiae quality flag.

public bool MinutiaeQualityFlag;
Defines if minutiaes contains quality attribute.

Property value
Minutiae [ 1538] quality flag. FmrFingerView.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; FmrFingerView.Owner Property

Gets owner of the object.

public new FMRecord Owner;
Property value
Object (owner) of FMRecord [ 1467] type. FmrFingerView.QualityBlocks Property

Gets the collection of BDIF qality blocks.

public QualityBlockCollection QualityBlocks;
Property value
The collection of BDIF qality blocks. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards FmrFingerView.RidgeEndingType Property

Gets or sets ridge ending type.

public BdifFPMinutiaRidgeEndingType RidgeEndingType;
Property value
Ridge ending type. FmrFingerView.SizeX Property

Gets or sets finger view size of scanned image in X-direction.

public ushort SizeX;
Property value
Size of scanned image in X-direction. FmrFingerView.SizeY Property

Gets or sets finger view size of scanned image in Y-direction.

public ushort SizeY;
Property value
Size of scanned image in Y-direction. FmrFingerView.Standard Property

Gets finger view standard.

public BdifStandard Standard;
Property value
Finger view standard. FmrFingerView.Version Property

Gets finger view version.

public NVersion Version;
Property value
Finger view version. FmrFingerView.VertImageResolution Property

Gets or sets finger view vertical image resolution.

public ushort VertImageResolution;
Property value
Vertical image image in pixels per centimeter.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards FmrFingerView.VertScanResolution Property

Gets or sets finger view vertical scan resolution.

public ushort VertScanResolution;
Property value
Vertical scan image in pixels per centimeter. FmrFingerView.ViewNumber Property

Gets or sets view number to FmrFingerView [ 1527] object.

public int ViewNumber;
Property value
A view number. FmrMinutia Structure

Minutiae structure of ANSI/INCIST 378 2004 standard template.

public struct FmrMinutia : IFormattable {
File: FmrFingerView.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Name Description
FmrMinutia [ 1541] Initializes a new instance of the FmrMinutia class.
FmrMinutia [ 1541] Initializes a new instance of the FmrMinutia class.
FmrMinutia [ 1542] Initializes a new instance of the FmrMinutia class.
FmrMinutia [ 1542] Initializes a new instance of the FmrMinutia class.

FmrMinutia Methods

Name Description
GetAngle [ 1542] Gets the angle of the minutia.
SetAngle [ 1543] Sets the angle of the minutia.
ToString [ 1543] Returns a String that represents the current structure.
ToString [ 1543] Returns a String that represents the current structure.

FmrMinutia Properties

Name Description
AnsiAngle [ 1543] Gets or sets the angle of the minutia.
IsoAngle [ 1543] Gets or sets the angle of the minutia.
NativeType [ 1544] Defines the native type of the object.
Quality [ 1544] Gets or sets quality of the minutia.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

RawAngle [ 1544] Gets or sets the raw angle of the minutia.

Type [ 1544] Gets or sets the type of the minutia.
X [ 1544] Gets or sets x coordinate of the minutia.
Y [ 1545] Gets or sets y coordinate of the minutia. FmrMinutia.FmrMinutia Constructor (ushort, ushort, BdifFPMinutiaType,

Initializes a new instance of the FmrMinutia class.

public FmrMinutia(ushort x, ushort y, BdifFPMinutiaType type, byte angle);

Parameters Description
ushort x The x - coordinate of the minutia.
ushort y The y - coordinate of the minutia.
BdifFPMinutiaType type One of the NFMinutiaType [ 720] values.
byte angle The angle of the minutia. FmrMinutia.FmrMinutia Constructor (ushort, ushort, BdifFPMinutiaType,

byte, byte)
Initializes a new instance of the FmrMinutia class.

public FmrMinutia(ushort x, ushort y, BdifFPMinutiaType type, byte angle, byte quality);

Parameters Description
ushort x The x - coordinate of the minutia.
ushort y The y - coordinate of the minutia.
BdifFPMinutiaType type One of the NFMinutiaType [ 720] values.
byte angle The angle of the minutia.
byte quality The quality of the minutia. FmrMinutia.FmrMinutia Constructor (ushort, ushort, BdifFPMinutiaType,

double, BdifStandard)
Initializes a new instance of the FmrMinutia class.

public FmrMinutia(ushort x, ushort y, BdifFPMinutiaType type, double angle, BdifStandard

Parameters Description
ushort x The x - coordinate of the minutia.
ushort y The y - coordinate of the minutia.
BdifFPMinutiaType type One of the NFMinutiaType [ 720] values.
double angle The angle of the minutia.
BdifStandard standard One of the BdifStandard [ 1626] values.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards FmrMinutia.FmrMinutia Constructor (ushort, ushort, BdifFPMinutiaType,

double, byte, BdifStandard)
Initializes a new instance of the FmrMinutia class.

public FmrMinutia(ushort x, ushort y, BdifFPMinutiaType type, double angle, byte quality,
BdifStandard standard);

Parameters Description
ushort x The x - coordinate of the minutia.
ushort y The y - coordinate of the minutia.
BdifFPMinutiaType type One of the NFMinutiaType [ 720] values.
double angle The angle of the minutia.
byte quality Minutia quality.
BdifStandard standard One of the BdifStandard [ 1626] values. FmrMinutia Methods FmrMinutia.GetAngle Method

Gets the angle of the minutia.

public double GetAngle(BdifStandard standard);

Parameters Description
BdifStandard standard One of the BdifStandard [ 1626] values.

The angle of the minutia. FmrMinutia.SetAngle Method

Sets the angle of the minutia.

public void SetAngle(double value, BdifStandard standard);

Parameters Description
double value Minutia angle.
BdifStandard standard One of the BdifStandard [ 1626] values. FmrMinutia.ToString Method ()

Returns a String that represents the current structure.

public override string ToString();
String representation of the current structure. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards FmrMinutia.ToString Method (string)

Returns a String that represents the current structure.

public string ToString(string format);

Parameters Description
string format String format.

String representation of the current structure. FmrMinutia Properties FmrMinutia.AnsiAngle Property

Gets or sets the angle of the minutia.

public double AnsiAngle;
Property value
The angle of the minutia. FmrMinutia.IsoAngle Property

Gets or sets the angle of the minutia.

public double IsoAngle;
Property value
The angle of the minutia. FmrMinutia.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static NType NativeType; FmrMinutia.Quality Property

Gets or sets quality of the minutia.

public byte Quality;
Property value
The quality of the minutia. FmrMinutia.RawAngle Property

Gets or sets the raw angle of the minutia.

C# 9
public byte RawAngle;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

The angle range depends on standard, used for FMRecord [ 1467] or FMCRecord [ 1451]. For an ANSI standard the range is
between 0 and 180. For an ISO standard the range is between 0 and 255 (for FMCRecord [ 1451] it is regardless of minutia

Property value
The raw angle of the minutia. FmrMinutia.Type Property

Gets or sets the type of the minutia.

public BdifFPMinutiaType Type;
Property value
The type of the minutia. FmrMinutia.X Property

Gets or sets x coordinate of the minutia.

public ushort X;
Property value
The x coordinate of the minutia. FmrMinutia.Y Property

Gets or sets y coordinate of the minutia.

public ushort Y;
Property value
The y coordinate of the minutia. IIRecord Class

Contains functions for managing iris records.

public sealed class IIRecord : NObject, ICloneable;
File: IIRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

IIRecord Classes
IIRecord Class

Name Description
IrisImageCollection [ 1553] Provides methods and properties for adding new iris images to the

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

IIRecord Class

Name Description
FlagProcessIrisFirstIrisImageOnly The flag used to indicate to process only the first iris image for each iris.
[ 1554]
MaxIrisImageCountPerIrisV10 A maximum number of iris images per one iris position of IIRecord object
[ 1554] V1.0.
MaxIrisImageCountV10 [ 1554] A maximum number of irises images used in irises images collection of
IIRecord object V1.0.
MaxIrisImageCountV20 [ 1554] A maximum number of irises images used in irises images collection of
IIRecord object V2.0.
VersionAnsi10 [ 1554] IIRecord ANSI version 1.0.
VersionAnsiCurrent [ 1554] The current version of ANSI standard for IIRecord
VersionIso10 [ 1555] IIRecord ISO version 1.0.
VersionIso20 [ 1555] IIRecord ISO version 2.0.
VersionIsoCurrent [ 1555] The current version of ISO standard for IIRecord

IIRecord Class

Name Description
IIRecord [ 1549] Initializes a new instance of the IIRecord class.
IIRecord [ 1549] Adds a new instance of the IIRecord class.
IIRecord [ 1550] Initializes a new instance of the IIRecord class.
IIRecord [ 1550] Initializes a new instance of the IIRecord class.
IIRecord [ 1550] Initializes a new instance of the IIRecord class.
IIRecord [ 1551] Initializes a new instance of the IIRecord class.
IIRecord [ 1551] Initializes a new instance of the IIRecord class.
IIRecord [ 1551] Initializes a new instance of the IIRecord class.
IIRecord [ 1551] Initializes a new instance of the IIRecord class.
IIRecord [ 1552] Initializes a new instance of the IIRecord class.
IIRecord [ 1552] Initializes a new instance of the IIRecord class.
IIRecord [ 1552] Initializes a new instance of the IIRecord class.

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description 9
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.

CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously. 9
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

IIRecord Class

Name Description
CaptureDeviceId [ 1555] Gets or sets id of the capture device of the IIRecord object.
CbeffProductId [ 1555] Gets or sets the Cbeff product id of the IIRecord object.
DeviceUniqueIdentifier [ 1555] Gets or sets the unique device identifier of the IIRecord object.
Guid [ 1555] Gets or sets Guid of the IIRecord object.
IirImageFormatNativeType [ 1556] Defines the native type of the IIR image format.
IirImageTransformationNativeType Defines the native type of the IIR image transformation.
[ 1556]
IirIrisBoundaryNativeType [ 1556] Defines the native type of the IIR iris boundary.
IirIrisOcclusionFillingNativeType Defines the native type of the IIR iris occlusion filling.
[ 1556]
IirIrisOcclusionsNativeType [ 1556] Defines the native type of the IIR iris occlusion.
ImageFormat [ 1556] Gets the image format of an IIRecord object.
ImageTransformation [ 1556] Gets or sets the image transformation of the IIRecord object.
IntensityDepth [ 1556] Gets or sets the intensity depth of an IIRecord object.
IrisBoundaryExtraction [ 1557] Gets or sets iris boundary extraction status of the IIRecord object.
IrisDiameter [ 1557] Gets or sets the iris diameter of the IIRecord object.
IrisHorzOrientation [ 1557] Gets or sets horizontal iris orientation of the IIRecord object.
IrisImages [ 1557] Gets iris images in the IIRecord object.
IrisOcclusionFilling [ 1557] Gets or sets iris occlusion filling of the IIRecord object.
IrisOcclusions [ 1557] Gets or sets iris occlusion processing status of the IIRecord object.
IrisScanType [ 1558] Gets or sets iris scan type of the IIRecord object.
IrisVertOrientation [ 1558] Gets or sets a vertical orientation of an iris in the IIRecord object.
NativeType [ 1558] Defines the native type of the object.
RawImageHeight [ 1558] Gets or sets raw image height of the IIRecord object.
RawImageWidth [ 1558] Gets or sets raw image width of the IIRecord object.
Standard [ 1558] Gets or sets standard name used by the IIRecord object.
Version [ 1559] Gets or sets version of the IIRecord object.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. IIRecord.IIRecord Constructor (BdifStandard, NVersion)

Initializes a new instance of the IIRecord class.

public IIRecord(BdifStandard standard, NVersion version);

Parameters Description
BdifStandard standard Standard [ 1558] used in IIRecord.
NVersion version Version [ 1559] used in IIRecord. IIRecord.IIRecord Constructor (BdifStandard, NVersion, BdifEyePosition,

Adds a new instance of the IIRecord class.

public IIRecord(BdifStandard standard, NVersion version, BdifEyePosition irisPosition,
NBuffer imageBuffer);

Parameters Description
BdifStandard standard Standard [ 1558] name used by an IIRecord object.
NVersion version Version [ 1559] name used by an IIRecord object.
BdifEyePosition irisPosition Iris position.
NBuffer imageBuffer Image buffer.

IIRecord's standard and version are set the same as IIRecord's. IIRecord.IIRecord Constructor (BdifStandard, NVersion, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the IIRecord class.

public IIRecord(BdifStandard standard, NVersion version, uint flags);

Parameters Description
BdifStandard standard Standard [ 1558] used in IIRecord.
NVersion version Version [ 1559] used in IIRecord.
uint flags Any combination of flags compatible with the IIRecord object. IIRecord.IIRecord Constructor (IIRecord, BdifStandard, NVersion)

Initializes a new instance of the IIRecord class.

public IIRecord(IIRecord srcRecord, BdifStandard standard, NVersion version); 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards


Parameters Description
IIRecord srcRecord IIRecord object.
BdifStandard standard Standard [ 1558] name used by an IIRecord object.
NVersion version Version [ 1559] name used by an IIRecord object.

The following flags are supported: FlagProcessFirstIrisImageOnly. IIRecord.IIRecord Constructor (IIRecord, uint, BdifStandard, NVersion)

Initializes a new instance of the IIRecord class.

public IIRecord(IIRecord srcRecord, uint flags, BdifStandard standard, NVersion version);

Parameters Description
IIRecord srcRecord IIRecord object.
uint flags Any combination of flags compatible with the IIRecord object.
BdifStandard standard Standard [ 1558] name used by an IIRecord object.
NVersion version Version [ 1559] name used by an IIRecord object.

The following flags are supported: FlagProcessFirstIrisImageOnly. IIRecord.IIRecord Constructor (NBuffer, BdifStandard)

Initializes a new instance of the IIRecord class.

public IIRecord(NBuffer buffer, BdifStandard standard);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer NBuffer [ 1943] that contains IIRecord.
BdifStandard standard Standard [ 1558] name used by an IIRecord object. IIRecord.IIRecord Constructor (NBuffer, uint, BdifStandard)

Initializes a new instance of the IIRecord class.

public IIRecord(NBuffer buffer, uint flags, BdifStandard standard);

Parameters Description
NBuffer buffer NBuffer [ 1943] that contains IIRecord.
uint flags Any combination of flags compatible with the IIRecord object.
BdifStandard standard Standard [ 1558] name used by an IIRecord object.

The following flags are supported: FlagProcessFirstIrisImageOnly.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards IIRecord.IIRecord Constructor (NImage, IirImageFormat, BdifEyePosition,

Initializes a new instance of the IIRecord class.

[Obsolete("Use IIRecord(NImage, IirImageFormat, BdifEyePosition, BdifStandard, NVersion)
public IIRecord(NImage nImage, IirImageFormat imageFormat, BdifEyePosition irisPosition,
BdifStandard standard);

Parameters Description
NImage nImage NImage [ 1831] object.
IirImageFormat imageFormat Image format.
BdifEyePosition irisPosition Iris position.
BdifStandard standard Standard [ 1558] name used by an IIRecord object. IIRecord.IIRecord Constructor (NImage, IirImageFormat, BdifEyePosition,

BdifStandard, NVersion)
Initializes a new instance of the IIRecord class.

public IIRecord(NImage nImage, IirImageFormat imageFormat, BdifEyePosition irisPosition,
BdifStandard standard, NVersion version);

Parameters Description
NImage nImage NImage [ 1831] object.
IirImageFormat imageFormat Image format.
BdifEyePosition irisPosition Iris position.
BdifStandard standard Standard [ 1558] name used by an IIRecord object.
NVersion version Version [ 1559] name used by an IIRecord object. IIRecord.IIRecord Constructor (NImage, IirImageFormat, BdifEyePosition,

uint, BdifStandard)
Initializes a new instance of the IIRecord class.

[Obsolete("Use IIRecord(NImage, IirImageFormat, BdifEyePosition, uint, BdifStandard,
NVersion) instead.")]
public IIRecord(NImage nImage, IirImageFormat imageFormat, BdifEyePosition irisPosition,
uint flags, BdifStandard standard);

Parameters Description
NImage nImage NImage [ 1831] object.
IirImageFormat imageFormat Image format.
BdifEyePosition irisPosition Iris position.
uint flags Any combination of flags compatible with the IIRecord object.
BdifStandard standard Standard [ 1558] name used by an IIRecord object.

Remarks 9
The following flags are supported: FlagProcessFirstIrisImageOnly.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards IIRecord.IIRecord Constructor (NImage, IirImageFormat, BdifEyePosition,

uint, BdifStandard, NVersion)
Initializes a new instance of the IIRecord class.

public IIRecord(NImage nImage, IirImageFormat imageFormat, BdifEyePosition irisPosition,
uint flags, BdifStandard standard, NVersion version);

Parameters Description
NImage nImage NImage [ 1831] object.
IirImageFormat imageFormat Image format.
BdifEyePosition irisPosition Iris position.
uint flags Any combination of flags compatible with the IIRecord object.
BdifStandard standard Standard [ 1558] name used by an IIRecord object.
NVersion version Version [ 1559] name used by an IIRecord object.

The following flags are supported: FlagProcessFirstIrisImageOnly. IIRecord.IIRecord Constructor (byte[], BdifStandard)

Initializes a new instance of the IIRecord class.

public IIRecord(byte[] buffer, BdifStandard standard);

Parameters Description
byte[] buffer Memory buffer that contains IIRecord.
BdifStandard standard Standard [ 1558] name used by an IIRecord object. IIRecord Classes IIRecord.IrisImageCollection Class

Provides methods and properties for adding new iris images to the IrisImageCollection.

public sealed class IrisImageCollection : NObjectCollection<IirIrisImage>;
File: IIRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

IrisImageCollection Methods

Name Description
Add [ 1553] Adds a new instance of the IirIrisImage [ 1559] class.
Add [ 1553] Adds a new instance of the IirIrisImage [ 1559] class.
Add [ 1554] Adds a new instance of the IirIrisImage [ 1559] class.
9 IrisImageCollection Methods

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards IIRecord.IrisImageCollection.Add Method ()

Adds a new instance of the IirIrisImage [ 1559] class.

public IirIrisImage Add();
IirIrisImage [ 1559]'s standard and version are set the same as IIRecord [ 1545]'s. IIRecord.IrisImageCollection.Add Method (BdifEyePosition, NBuffer)

Adds a new instance of the IirIrisImage [ 1559] class.

public IirIrisImage Add(BdifEyePosition irisPosition, NBuffer imageBuffer);

Parameters Description
BdifEyePosition irisPosition Iris position.
NBuffer imageBuffer Image buffer.

IirIrisImage [ 1559]'s standard and version are set the same as IIRecord [ 1545]'s. IIRecord.IrisImageCollection.Add Method (IirImageFormat, BdifEyePosition, NImage)

Adds a new instance of the IirIrisImage [ 1559] class.

public IirIrisImage Add(IirImageFormat imageFormat, BdifEyePosition irisPosition, NImage

Parameters Description
IirImageFormat imageFormat Image format.
BdifEyePosition irisPosition Iris position.
NImage image A NImage [ 1831] object.

IirIrisImage [ 1559]'s standard and version are set the same as IIRecord [ 1545]'s. IIRecord Fields IIRecord.FlagProcessIrisFirstIrisImageOnly Field

The flag used to indicate to process only the first iris image for each iris.

public const uint FlagProcessIrisFirstIrisImageOnly = 0x00001000; IIRecord.MaxIrisImageCountPerIrisV10 Field

A maximum number of iris images per one iris position of IIRecord [ 1545] object V1.0.

public const int MaxIrisImageCountPerIrisV10 = ushort.MaxValue; 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards IIRecord.MaxIrisImageCountV10 Field

A maximum number of irises images used in irises images collection of IIRecord [ 1545] object V1.0.

public const int MaxIrisImageCountV10 = 2 * MaxIrisImageCountPerIrisV10; IIRecord.MaxIrisImageCountV20 Field

A maximum number of irises images used in irises images collection of IIRecord [ 1545] object V2.0.

public const int MaxIrisImageCountV20 = ushort.MaxValue; IIRecord.VersionAnsi10 Field

IIRecord [ 1545] ANSI version 1.0.

public static readonly NVersion VersionAnsi10 = (NVersion)0x0100; IIRecord.VersionAnsiCurrent Field

The current version of ANSI standard for IIRecord [ 1545]

public static readonly NVersion VersionAnsiCurrent = VersionAnsi10; IIRecord.VersionIso10 Field

IIRecord [ 1545] ISO version 1.0.

public static readonly NVersion VersionIso10 = (NVersion)0x0100; IIRecord.VersionIso20 Field

IIRecord [ 1545] ISO version 2.0.

public static readonly NVersion VersionIso20 = (NVersion)0x0200; IIRecord.VersionIsoCurrent Field

The current version of ISO standard for IIRecord [ 1545]

public static readonly NVersion VersionIsoCurrent = VersionIso20; IIRecord Properties IIRecord.CaptureDeviceId Property

Gets or sets id of the capture device of the IIRecord [ 1545] object.

public ushort CaptureDeviceId;
Property value
Capture device id of the IIRecord [ 1545] object. IIRecord.CbeffProductId Property

Gets or sets the Cbeff product id of the IIRecord [ 1545] object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public uint CbeffProductId;
Property value
Cbeff product id of the IIRecord [ 1545] object. IIRecord.DeviceUniqueIdentifier Property

Gets or sets the unique device identifier of the IIRecord [ 1545] object.

public string DeviceUniqueIdentifier;
Property value
Gets the unique device identifier of the IIRecord [ 1545] object. IIRecord.Guid Property

Gets or sets Guid of the IIRecord [ 1545] object.

public Guid Guid;
Property value
The Gui [ 780] of the IIRecord [ 1545] object. IIRecord.IirImageFormatNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the IIR image format.

public static NType IirImageFormatNativeType; IIRecord.IirImageTransformationNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the IIR image transformation.

public static NType IirImageTransformationNativeType; IIRecord.IirIrisBoundaryNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the IIR iris boundary.

public static NType IirIrisBoundaryNativeType; IIRecord.IirIrisOcclusionFillingNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the IIR iris occlusion filling.

public static NType IirIrisOcclusionFillingNativeType; IIRecord.IirIrisOcclusionsNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the IIR iris occlusion.

public static NType IirIrisOcclusionsNativeType; 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards IIRecord.ImageFormat Property

Gets the image format of an IIRecord [ 1545] object.

public IirImageFormat ImageFormat;
Property value
Returns image format used by the IIRecord [ 1545] object. IIRecord.ImageTransformation Property

Gets or sets the image transformation of the IIRecord [ 1545] object.

public IirImageTransformation ImageTransformation;
Property value
Returns or sets image transformation used by the IIRecord [ 1545] object. IIRecord.IntensityDepth Property

Gets or sets the intensity depth of an IIRecord [ 1545] object.

public byte IntensityDepth;
Property value
Returns image intensity depth of the IIRecord [ 1545] object. IIRecord.IrisBoundaryExtraction Property

Gets or sets iris boundary extraction status of the IIRecord [ 1545] object.

public IirIrisBoundary IrisBoundaryExtraction;
Property value
Returns or sets iris boundary extraction status of the IIRecord [ 1545] object. IIRecord.IrisDiameter Property

Gets or sets the iris diameter of the IIRecord [ 1545] object.

public ushort IrisDiameter;
Property value
Returns or sets iris diameter in the IIRecord [ 1545] object. IIRecord.IrisHorzOrientation Property

Gets or sets horizontal iris orientation of the IIRecord [ 1545] object.

public BdifIrisOrientation IrisHorzOrientation;
Property value
Returns or sets horizontal iris orientation of the IIRecord [ 1545] object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards IIRecord.IrisImages Property

Gets iris images in the IIRecord [ 1545] object.

public IrisImageCollection IrisImages;
Property value
Returns iris images collection of the IIRecord [ 1545] object. IIRecord.IrisOcclusionFilling Property

Gets or sets iris occlusion filling of the IIRecord [ 1545] object.

public IirIrisOcclusionFilling IrisOcclusionFilling;
Property value
Returns or sets iris occlusion filling value used in the IIRecord [ 1545] object. IIRecord.IrisOcclusions Property

Gets or sets iris occlusion processing status of the IIRecord [ 1545] object.

public IirIrisOcclusions IrisOcclusions;
Property value
Returns or sets iris occlusion processing status of the IIRecord [ 1545] object. IIRecord.IrisScanType Property

Gets or sets iris scan type of the IIRecord [ 1545] object.

public BdifIrisScanType IrisScanType;
Property value
Returns or sets the iris scan type value of the IIRecord [ 1545] object. IIRecord.IrisVertOrientation Property

Gets or sets a vertical orientation of an iris in the IIRecord [ 1545] object.

public BdifIrisOrientation IrisVertOrientation;
Property value
Returns or sets the vertical iris orientation of the IIRecord [ 1545] object. IIRecord.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; IIRecord.RawImageHeight Property

Gets or sets raw image height of the IIRecord [ 1545] object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public ushort RawImageHeight;
Property value
Returns the height of the raw image in the IIRecord [ 1545] object. IIRecord.RawImageWidth Property

Gets or sets raw image width of the IIRecord [ 1545] object.

public ushort RawImageWidth;
Property value
Returns the width of the raw image in the IIRecord [ 1545] object. IIRecord.Standard Property

Gets or sets standard name used by the IIRecord [ 1545] object.

public BdifStandard Standard;
Property value
Returns standard name value used in the IIRecord [ 1545] object. IIRecord.Version Property

Gets or sets version of the IIRecord [ 1545] object.

public NVersion Version;
Property value
Returns version value of the IIRecord [ 1545] object. IirIrisImage Class

Provides methods and properties for managing iris images.

public sealed class IirIrisImage : NObject;
File: IirIrisImage.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

IirIrisImage Classes
IirIrisImage Class

Name Description
QualityBlockCollection [ 1563] Represents the collection of BdifQualityBlock [ 1354].

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

IirIrisImage Class

Name Description
RangeFailed [ 1564] Indicates that an attempt to estimate the range has been made, but
RangeOverflow [ 1564] Indicates that estimated range in mm exceeds 2^16 - 2.
RangeUnassigned [ 1564] Indicates that no attempt has been made to estimate the range.

IirIrisImage Class

Name Description
IirIrisImage [ 1563] Initializes a new instance of the IirIrisImage class.

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

IirIrisImage Class

Name Description
SetImage [ 1564] Sets an iris image for the IirIrisImage.
SetImage [ 1564] Sets an iris image for the IirIrisImage.
ToNImage [ 1564] Converts IirIrisImage to the NImage [ 1831].
ToNImage [ 1565] Converts IirIrisImage to the NImage [ 1831].

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

IirIrisImage Class

Name Description
CaptureDateAndTime [ 1565] Gets or sets iris image capture date and time.
CaptureDeviceTechnology [ 1565] Gets or sets iris image capture device technology.
CaptureDeviceTypeId [ 1565] Gets or sets iris image capture device type id.
CaptureDeviceVendorId [ 1565] Gets or sets iris image capture device vendor id.
HorzOrientation [ 1566] Gets or sets iris image horizontal orientation.
ImageData [ 1566] Gets or sets NBuffer [ 1943] that represents image data. 9
ImageFormat [ 1566] Gets or sets image format.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ImageHeight [ 1566] Gets or sets iris image height.

ImageNumber [ 1566] Gets image number in the IirIrisImage object.
ImageType [ 1566] Gets or sets image type.
ImageWidth [ 1567] Gets or sets iris image width.
IntensityDepth [ 1567] Gets or sets iris image intensity depth.
IrisCenterLargestX [ 1567] Gets or sets iris center location largest X value.
IrisCenterLargestY [ 1567] Gets or sets iris center location largest Y value.
IrisCenterSmallestX [ 1567] Gets or sets iris center location smallest X value.
IrisCenterSmallestY [ 1567] Gets or sets iris center location smallest Y value.
IrisDiameterLargest [ 1568] Gets or sets largest iris diameter.
IrisDiameterSmallest [ 1568] Gets or sets smallest iris diameter.
NativeType [ 1568] Defines the native type of the object.
Owner [ 1568] Gets owner of the object.
Position [ 1568] Gets or sets eye's iris position in iris image.
PreviousCompression [ 1568] Gets or sets iris image previous compression.
Quality [ 1568] Gets or sets image quality value.
QualityBlocks [ 1569] Gets the collection of BDIF qality blocks.
Range [ 1569] Gets or sets iris image range.
RotationAngle [ 1569] Gets or sets iris rotation angle.
RotationAngleRaw [ 1569] Gets iris rotation Raw angle.
RotationAngleUncertainty [ 1569] Gets or sets iris rotation angle uncertainty.
RotationAngleUncertaintyRaw Gets or sets iris rotation raw angle uncertainty.
[ 1569]
Standard [ 1570] Gets iris image standard.
Version [ 1570] Gets iris image version.
VertOrientation [ 1570] Gets or sets iris image vertical orientation.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards IirIrisImage.IirIrisImage Constructor

Initializes a new instance of the IirIrisImage class.

[Obsolete("Use appropriate IIRecord constructor and Add()/Add(BdifEyePosition,
NBuffer)/Add(IirImageFormat, BdifEyePosition, NImage) instead.")]
public IirIrisImage(BdifStandard standard, NVersion version);

Parameters Description
BdifStandard standard Standard [ 1570] used in IirIrisImage.
NVersion version Version [ 1570] used in IirIrisImage. IirIrisImage Classes IirIrisImage.QualityBlockCollection Class

Represents the collection of BdifQualityBlock [ 1354].

public sealed class QualityBlockCollection : StructCollection<BdifQualityBlock>;
File: IirIrisImage.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218] IirIrisImage Fields IirIrisImage.RangeFailed Field

Indicates that an attempt to estimate the range has been made, but failed.

public const ushort RangeFailed = 1; IirIrisImage.RangeOverflow Field

Indicates that estimated range in mm exceeds 2^16 - 2.

public const ushort RangeOverflow = 0xFFFE; IirIrisImage.RangeUnassigned Field

Indicates that no attempt has been made to estimate the range.

public const ushort RangeUnassigned = 0; IirIrisImage Methods IirIrisImage.SetImage Method (NImage)

Sets an iris image for the IirIrisImage [ 1559].

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public void SetImage(NImage image);

Parameters Description
NImage image The iris image. IirIrisImage.SetImage Method (NImage, uint)

Sets an iris image for the IirIrisImage [ 1559].

public void SetImage(NImage image, uint flags);

Parameters Description
NImage image The iris image.
uint flags Sets an iris image for the IirIrisImage [ 1559]. IirIrisImage.ToNImage Method ()

Converts IirIrisImage [ 1559] to the NImage [ 1831].

public NImage ToNImage();
Structure to which IirIrisImage [ 1559] will be converted. IirIrisImage.ToNImage Method (uint)

Converts IirIrisImage [ 1559] to the NImage [ 1831].

public NImage ToNImage(uint flags);

Parameters Description
uint flags Bitwise combination of zero or more flags that controls
behavior of the function.

Structure to which IirIrisImage [ 1559] will be converted. IirIrisImage Properties IirIrisImage.CaptureDateAndTime Property

Gets or sets iris image capture date and time.

public BdifCaptureDateTime CaptureDateAndTime;
Property value
Iris image capture date and time.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards IirIrisImage.CaptureDeviceTechnology Property

Gets or sets iris image capture device technology.

public IirCaptureDeviceTechnology CaptureDeviceTechnology;
Property value
Iris image capture device technology. IirIrisImage.CaptureDeviceTypeId Property

Gets or sets iris image capture device type id.

public ushort CaptureDeviceTypeId;
Property value
Iris image capture device type id. IirIrisImage.CaptureDeviceVendorId Property

Gets or sets iris image capture device vendor id.

public ushort CaptureDeviceVendorId;
Property value
Iris image capture device vendor id. IirIrisImage.HorzOrientation Property

Gets or sets iris image horizontal orientation.

public BdifIrisOrientation HorzOrientation;
Property value
Iris image horizontal orientation. IirIrisImage.ImageData Property

Gets or sets NBuffer [ 1943] that represents image data.

public NBuffer ImageData; IirIrisImage.ImageFormat Property

Gets or sets image format.

public IirImageFormat ImageFormat;
Property value
Image quality format. IirIrisImage.ImageHeight Property

Gets or sets iris image height.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public ushort ImageHeight;
Property value
Iris image height. IirIrisImage.ImageNumber Property

Gets image number in the IirIrisImage [ 1559] object.

public int ImageNumber;
Property value
Image number in the IirIrisImage [ 1559] object. IirIrisImage.ImageType Property

Gets or sets image type.

public IirImageKind ImageType;
Property value
Image quality type. IirIrisImage.ImageWidth Property

Gets or sets iris image width.

public ushort ImageWidth;
Property value
Iris image width. IirIrisImage.IntensityDepth Property

Gets or sets iris image intensity depth.

public byte IntensityDepth;
Property value
Iris image intensity depth. IirIrisImage.IrisCenterLargestX Property

Gets or sets iris center location largest X value.

public ushort IrisCenterLargestX;
Property value
Iris center location largest X value. IirIrisImage.IrisCenterLargestY Property

Gets or sets iris center location largest Y value.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public ushort IrisCenterLargestY;
Property value
Iris center location largest Y value. IirIrisImage.IrisCenterSmallestX Property

Gets or sets iris center location smallest X value.

public ushort IrisCenterSmallestX;
Property value
Iris center location smallest X value. IirIrisImage.IrisCenterSmallestY Property

Gets or sets iris center location smallest Y value.

public ushort IrisCenterSmallestY;
Property value
Iris center location smallest Y value. IirIrisImage.IrisDiameterLargest Property

Gets or sets largest iris diameter.

public ushort IrisDiameterLargest;
Property value
Largest iris diameter. IirIrisImage.IrisDiameterSmallest Property

Gets or sets smallest iris diameter.

public ushort IrisDiameterSmallest;
Property value
Smallest iris diameter. IirIrisImage.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; IirIrisImage.Owner Property

Gets owner of the object.

public new IIRecord Owner;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Property value
Object (owner) of IIRecord [ 1545] type. IirIrisImage.Position Property

Gets or sets eye's iris position in iris image.

public BdifEyePosition Position;
Property value
Eye's iris position in iris image. IirIrisImage.PreviousCompression Property

Gets or sets iris image previous compression.

public IirPreviousCompression PreviousCompression;
Property value
Iris image previous compressionn. IirIrisImage.Quality Property

Gets or sets image quality value.

public byte Quality;
Property value
Image quality value. IirIrisImage.QualityBlocks Property

Gets the collection of BDIF qality blocks.

public QualityBlockCollection QualityBlocks;
Property value
The collection of BDIF qality blocks. IirIrisImage.Range Property

Gets or sets iris image range.

public ushort Range;
Property value
The ?Range? field shall specify an estimate of the distance between the optical centre of the camera lens and the subject iris,
measured in mm. IirIrisImage.RotationAngle Property

Gets or sets iris rotation angle.
public double RotationAngle;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Property value
Iris rotation angle. IirIrisImage.RotationAngleRaw Property

Gets iris rotation Raw angle.

public ushort RotationAngleRaw;
Property value
Iris rotation Raw angle. IirIrisImage.RotationAngleUncertainty Property

Gets or sets iris rotation angle uncertainty.

public double RotationAngleUncertainty;
Property value
Iris rotation angle uncertainty. IirIrisImage.RotationAngleUncertaintyRaw Property

Gets or sets iris rotation raw angle uncertainty.

public ushort RotationAngleUncertaintyRaw;
Property value
Iris rotation raw angle uncertainty. IirIrisImage.Standard Property

Gets iris image standard.

public BdifStandard Standard;
Property value
Iris image standard. IirIrisImage.Version Property

Gets iris image version.

public NVersion Version;
Property value
Iris image version. IirIrisImage.VertOrientation Property

Gets or sets iris image vertical orientation.

C# 9
public BdifIrisOrientation VertOrientation;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Property value
Iris image vertical orientation. Structs, Records, Enums Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.ANAcquisitionSourceType
Enumerates acquisition source types.

public enum ANAcquisitionSourceType {
Unspecified = 0,
StaticDigitalImageFromUnknownSource = 1,
StaticDigitalImageFromDigitalCamera = 2,
StaticDigitalImageFromScanner = 3,
SingleVideoFrameFromUnknownSource = 4,
SingleVideoFrameFromAnalogCamera = 5,
SingleVideoFrameFromDigitalCamera = 6,
VideoSequenceFromUnknownSource = 7,
VideoSequenceFromAnalogCameraInAnalogFormat = 8,
VideoSequenceFromAnalogSourceInDigitalFormat = 9,
VideoSequenceFromDigitalCamera = 10,
ComputerScreenImageCapture = 11,
AnalogAudioRecordingDeviceInAnalogForm = 12,
AnalogAudioRecordingDeviceInDigitalForm = 13,
DigitalAudioRecordingDevice = 14,
LandlineTelephoneBothSenderAndReceiver = 15,
MobileTelephoneBothSenderAndReceiver = 16,
SatelliteTelephoneBothSenderAndReceiver = 17,
TelephoneUnknownOrMixedSource = 18,
TelevisionNstc = 19,
TelevisionPal = 20,
TelevisionOther = 21,
Voip = 22,
RadioTransmissionShortWave = 23,
RadioTransmissionAmateurRadio = 24,
RadioTransmissionFm = 25,
RadioTransmissionLongWave = 26,
RadioTransmissionAm = 27,
RadioTransmissionAircraftFrequencies = 28,
RadioTransmissionShipAndCoastalStationFrequencies = 29,
VendorSpecificCaptureFormat = 30,
Other = 31
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Members Description
Unspecified = 0 Indicates unspecified acquisition source type.
StaticDigitalImageFromUnknownSource = 1 Indicates static digital image from unknown source.
StaticDigitalImageFromDigitalCamera = 2 Indicates static digital image from digital camera. 9
StaticDigitalImageFromScanner = 3 Indicates static digital image from scanner.
SingleVideoFrameFromUnknownSource = 4 Indicates single video frame from unknown source.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

SingleVideoFrameFromAnalogCamera = 5 Indicates single video frame from analog camera.

SingleVideoFrameFromDigitalCamera = 6 Indicates single video frame from digital camera.
VideoSequenceFromUnknownSource = 7 Indicates video sequence from unknown source.
VideoSequenceFromAnalogCameraInAnalogFormat = 8 Indicates video sequence from an analog video camera,
stored in analog format.
VideoSequenceFromAnalogSourceInDigitalFormat = 9 Indicates Video [ 2417] sequence from an analog video
camera, stored in digital format.
VideoSequenceFromDigitalCamera = 10 Indicates video sequence frame from a digital video camera.
ComputerScreenImageCapture = 11 Indicates computer screen image capture.
AnalogAudioRecordingDeviceInAnalogForm = 12 Indicates analog audio recording device, stored in analog
form (such as a phonograph record).
AnalogAudioRecordingDeviceInDigitalForm = 13 Indicates analog audio recording device, converted to digital.
DigitalAudioRecordingDevice = 14 Indicates digital audio recording device.
LandlineTelephoneBothSenderAndReceiver = 15 Indicates landline telephone ? both sender and receiver.
MobileTelephoneBothSenderAndReceiver = 16 Indicates mobile telephone ? both sender and receiver.
SatelliteTelephoneBothSenderAndReceiver = 17 Indicates satellite telephone ? both sender and receiver.
TelephoneUnknownOrMixedSource = 18 Indicates telephone ? unknown or mixed sources.
TelevisionNstc = 19 Indicates television ? NSTC.
TelevisionPal = 20 Indicates television - PAL.
TelevisionOther = 21 Indicates television - Other.
Voip = 22 Indicates voice-over-internet protocol (VOIP).
RadioTransmissionShortWave = 23 Indicates radio transmission: short-wave (specify single side
band or continuous wave in FDN).
RadioTransmissionAmateurRadio = 24 Indicates radio transmission: amateur radio (specify lower
side band or continuous wave in FDN).
RadioTransmissionFm = 25 Indicates radio transmission: FM (87.5 MHz to 108 MHz).
RadioTransmissionLongWave = 26 Indicates radio transmission: long wave (150 kHz to 519
RadioTransmissionAm = 27 Indicates radio transmission: AM (570 kHz to 1720 kHz).
RadioTransmissionAircraftFrequencies = 28 Indicates radio transmission: aircraft frequencies.
RadioTransmissionShipAndCoastalStationFrequencies = 29 Indicates radio transmission: ship and coastal station
VendorSpecificCaptureFormat = 30 Indicates vendor specific capture format.
Other = 31 Indicates other acquisition source type.
Describes binary image compression algorithms.

public enum ANBinaryImageCompressionAlgorithm {
Unspecified = -1,
None = 0,
Facsimile = 1,
Vendor = 255
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Members Description
Unspecified = -1 Indicates unspecified compression algorithm.
None = 0 Indicates uncompressed data.
Facsimile = 1 Indicates Facsimile ANSI/EIA 538-1988 compression
Vendor = 255 Indicates vendor provided compression algorithm. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.ANBiometricType Enumeration

Defines the type of biometric technology.

public enum ANBiometricType {
NoInformationGiven = 0x00000000,
MultipleBiometricsUsed = 0x00000001,
FacialFeatures = 0x00000002,
Voice = 0x00000004,
Fingerprint = 0x00000008,
Iris = 0x00000010,
Retina = 0x00000020,
HandGeometry = 0x00000040,
SignatureDynamics = 0x00000080,
KeystrokeDynamics = 0x00000100,
LipMovement = 0x00000200,
ThermalFaceImage = 0x00000400,
ThermalHandImage = 0x00000800,
Gait = 0x00001000,
BodyOdor = 0x00002000,
Dna = 0x00004000,
EarShape = 0x00008000,
FingerGeometry = 0x00010000,
PalmPrint = 0x00020000,
VeinPattern = 0x00040000,
FootPrint = 0x00080000
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Members Description
NoInformationGiven = 0x00000000 Indicates that no information is given.
MultipleBiometricsUsed = 0x00000001 Indicates that multiple biometrics are used.
FacialFeatures = 0x00000002 Indicates facial features.
Voice = 0x00000004 Indicates voice.
Fingerprint = 0x00000008 Indicates fingerprint.
Iris = 0x00000010 Indicates iris.
Retina = 0x00000020 Indicates retina.
HandGeometry = 0x00000040 Indicates hand geometry.
SignatureDynamics = 0x00000080 Indicates signature dynamics. 9
KeystrokeDynamics = 0x00000100 Indicates keystroke dynamics.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

LipMovement = 0x00000200 Indicates lip movement.

ThermalFaceImage = 0x00000400 Indicates thermal face image.
ThermalHandImage = 0x00000800 Indicates thermal hand image.
Gait = 0x00001000 Indicates gait.
BodyOdor = 0x00002000 Indicates body odor.
Dna = 0x00004000 Indicates DNA.
EarShape = 0x00008000 Indicates ear shape.
FingerGeometry = 0x00010000 Indicates finger geometry.
PalmPrint = 0x00020000 Indicates palm print.
VeinPattern = 0x00040000 Indicates vein pattern.
FootPrint = 0x00080000 Indicates foot print. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.ANBoundaryCode Enumeration

This enumeration defines type of boundary defining a region in image.

public enum ANBoundaryCode {
Unspecified = 0,
Circle = 1,
Ellipse = 2,
Polygon = 3
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Members Description
Unspecified = 0 Boundary code is unspecified.
Circle = 1 The boundary is circle and it is defined by 2 points: the
center and any point on the circle.
Ellipse = 2 The boundary is ellipse with 3 points: both endpoints of one
of the ellipse's axes and one endpoint from the other axis.
Polygon = 3 The boundary is polygon and it is defined as as a n-vertex,
where 'n' is between 3 and 99.
Enumerates cheiloscopic characterization codes.

public enum ANCheiloscopicCharacterizationCode {
Unspecified = 0x000000,
LeftVerticalGroove = 0x000001,
LeftPartialLengthVerticalGroove = 0x000002,
LeftBranchedGroove = 0x000004, 9
LeftIntersectedGroove = 0x000008,
LeftReticularGroove = 0x000010,
LeftOtherPattern = 0x000020,

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

CenterLipindicator = 0x000100,
RightVerticalGroove = 0x001000,
RightPartialLengthVerticalGroove = 0x002000,
RightBranchedGroove = 0x004000,
RightIntersectedGroove = 0x008000,
RightReticularGroove = 0x010000,
RightOtherPattern = 0x020000
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Members Description
Unspecified = 0x000000 Indicates unspecified cheiloscopic characterization code.
LeftVerticalGroove = 0x000001 Indicates left groove running vertically across the lip.
LeftPartialLengthVerticalGroove = 0x000002 Indicates left partial-length groove.
LeftBranchedGroove = 0x000004 Indicates left branched groove.
LeftIntersectedGroove = 0x000008 Indicates left intersected groove.
LeftReticularGroove = 0x000010 Indicates left reticular groove.
LeftOtherPattern = 0x000020 Indicates left other patterns.
CenterLipindicator = 0x000100 Indicates center of the lip.
RightVerticalGroove = 0x001000 Indicates right groove running vertically across the lip.
RightPartialLengthVerticalGroove = 0x002000 Indicates right partial-length groove.
RightBranchedGroove = 0x004000 Indicates right branched groove.
RightIntersectedGroove = 0x008000 Indicates right intersected groove.
RightReticularGroove = 0x010000 Indicates right reticular groove.
RightOtherPattern = 0x020000 Indicates right other patterns. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.ANColor Enumeration

Enumerates color code values used in the ANTemplate [ 980].

public enum ANColor {
Black = 1,
Brown = 2,
Gray = 3,
Blue = 4,
Green = 5,
Orange = 6,
Purple = 7,
Red = 8,
Yellow = 9,
White = 10,
MultiColored = 11,
Outlined = 12
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Members Description
Black = 1 Indicates black color code value.
Brown = 2 Indicates brown color code value.
Gray = 3 Indicates gray color code value.
Blue = 4 Indicates blue color code value.
Green = 5 Indicates green color code value.
Orange = 6 Indicates orange color code value.
Purple = 7 Indicates purple color code value.
Red = 8 Indicates red color code value.
Yellow = 9 Indicates yellow color code value.
White = 10 Indicates white color code value.
MultiColored = 11 Indicates multi colored code value.
Outlined = 12 Indicates outlines color code value. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.ANCountryCodeSet Enumeration

Enumerates country sets.

public enum ANCountryCodeSet {
Unspecified = 0,
ISO31661 = 1,
Genc = 2
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Members Description
Unspecified = 0 Indicates unspecified country code set.
ISO31661 = 1 Indicates the ISO 3166-1 country code set.
Genc = 2 Indicates the GENC (The Geopolitical Entities, Names, and
Codes) country code set. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.ANDamagedEye Enumeration

Defines missing or damaged eyes.

public enum ANDamagedEye {
Unspecified = 0,
Missing = 1,
UnableToCapture = 2
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Members Description
Unspecified = 0 Indicates unspecified illumination.
Missing = 1 Indicates missing eye.
UnableToCapture = 2 Indicates that eye exists, but unable to capture. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.ANDentalImageCode Enumeration

Enumerates dental image view codes.

public enum ANDentalImageCode {
ExtraOralFrontalNaturalState = 1,
ExtraOralFrontalWithIncisionsPresent = 2,
ExtraOralFrontalLipsRetracted = 3,
ExtraOralObliqueLeft = 4,
ExtraOralObliqueRight = 5,
ExtraOralProfileLeft = 6,
ExtraOralProfileRight = 7,
IntraOralFrontalJawsOpenUpperTeeth = 8,
IntraOralFrontalJawsOpenLowerTeeth = 9,
IntraOralFrontalJawsOpenBothTeeth = 10,
IntraOralFacialUpperRightTeeth = 11,
IntraOralFacialUpperLeftTeeth = 12,
IntraOralFacialLowerRightTeeth = 13,
IntraOralFacialLowerLeftTeeth = 14,
IntraOralFacialBothRightTeeth = 15,
IntraOralFacialBothLeftTeeth = 16,
IntraOralLingualUpperRightTeeth = 17,
IntraOralLingualUpperLeftTeeth = 18,
IntraOralLingualLowerRightTeeth = 19,
IntraOralLingualLowerLeftTeeth = 20,
IntraOralLingualBothRightTeeth = 21,
IntraOralLingualBothLeftTeeth = 22,
IntraOralLingualUpperFrontTeeth = 23,
IntraOralLingualLowerFrontTeeth = 24,
IntraOralOcclusalFullUpperTeeth = 25,
IntraOralOcclusalFullLowerTeeth = 26,
IntraOralOcclusalUpperRightTeeth = 27,
IntraOralOcclusalUpperLeftTeeth = 28,
IntraOralOcclusalLowerRightTeeth = 29,
IntraOralOcclusalLowerLeftTeeth = 30,
IntraOralOcclusalUpperFrontTeeth = 31,
IntraOralOcclusalLowerFrontTeeth = 32,
IntraOralPalate = 33,
IntraOralTongueUpperSurface = 34,
IntraOralTongueLowerArea = 35,
IntraOralCheekRightInterior = 36,
IntraOralCheekLeftInterior = 37,
IntraOralPharynx = 38,
IntraOralLipsInsideUpper = 39,
IntraOralLipsInsideLower = 40
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Members Description
ExtraOralFrontalNaturalState = 1 Indicates extra oral image type with frontal subject's position
and face without any incisions performed by medical
ExtraOralFrontalWithIncisionsPresent = 2 Indicates extra oral image type with frontal subject's position
and image is taken after incisions were made by medical
ExtraOralFrontalLipsRetracted = 3 Indicates extra oral image type with frontal subject's position
and image with device present that retracts the lips.
ExtraOralObliqueLeft = 4 Indicates extra oral image type with subject's head rotated
45? to the left.
ExtraOralObliqueRight = 5 Indicates extra oral image type with subject's head rotated
45? to the right.
ExtraOralProfileLeft = 6 Indicates extra oral image type and image with subject's left
ExtraOralProfileRight = 7 Indicates extra oral image type and image with subject's right
IntraOralFrontalJawsOpenUpperTeeth = 8 Indicates intra oral image type with frontal subject's position
and subject's jaw open, showing upper teeth.
IntraOralFrontalJawsOpenLowerTeeth = 9 Indicates intra oral image type with frontal subject's position
and subject's jaw open, showing lower teeth.
IntraOralFrontalJawsOpenBothTeeth = 10 Indicates intra oral image type with frontal subject's position
and subject's jaw open, showing full set of teeth.
IntraOralFacialUpperRightTeeth = 11 Indicates intra oral image type with facial (cheek side)
subject's position and subject's jaw open, showing upper
right teeth.
IntraOralFacialUpperLeftTeeth = 12 Indicates intra oral image type with facial (cheek side)
subject's position and subject's jaw open, showing upper left
IntraOralFacialLowerRightTeeth = 13 Indicates intra oral image type with facial (cheek side)
subject's position and subject's jaw open, showing lower
right teeth.
IntraOralFacialLowerLeftTeeth = 14 Indicates intra oral image type with facial (cheek side)
subject's position and subject's jaw open, showing lower left
IntraOralFacialBothRightTeeth = 15 Indicates intra oral image type with facial (cheek side)
subject's position and subject's jaw open, showing right
(upper and lower) teeth.
IntraOralFacialBothLeftTeeth = 16 Indicates intra oral image type with facial (cheek side)
subject's position and subject's jaw open, showing left (upper
and lower) teeth.
IntraOralLingualUpperRightTeeth = 17 Indicates intra oral image type with palatal side of the teeth
and showing subject's upper right teeth.
IntraOralLingualUpperLeftTeeth = 18 Indicates intra oral image type with palatal side of the teeth
and showing subject's upper left teeth.
IntraOralLingualLowerRightTeeth = 19 Indicates intra oral image type with palatal side of the teeth
and showing subject's lower right teeth.
IntraOralLingualLowerLeftTeeth = 20 Indicates intra oral image type with palatal side of the teeth
and showing subject's lower left teeth.
IntraOralLingualBothRightTeeth = 21 Indicates intra oral image type with palatal side of the teeth
and showing subject's right (upper and lower) teeth.
IntraOralLingualBothLeftTeeth = 22 Indicates intra oral image type with palatal side of the teeth
and showing subject's left (upper and lower) teeth.
IntraOralLingualUpperFrontTeeth = 23 Indicates intra oral image type with palatal side of the teeth
and showing subject's upper teeth.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

IntraOralLingualLowerFrontTeeth = 24 Indicates intra oral image type with palatal side of the teeth
and showing subject's lower teeth.
IntraOralOcclusalFullUpperTeeth = 25 Indicates intra oral image type with occlusal surfaces of the
teeth and showing subject's full upper teeth.
IntraOralOcclusalFullLowerTeeth = 26 Indicates intra oral image type with occlusal surfaces of the
teeth and showing subject's full lower teeth.
IntraOralOcclusalUpperRightTeeth = 27 Indicates intra oral image type with occlusal surfaces of the
teeth and showing subject's upper right teeth.
IntraOralOcclusalUpperLeftTeeth = 28 Indicates intra oral image type with occlusal surfaces of the
teeth and showing subject's upper left teeth.
IntraOralOcclusalLowerRightTeeth = 29 Indicates intra oral image type with occlusal surfaces of the
teeth and showing subject's lower right teeth.
IntraOralOcclusalLowerLeftTeeth = 30 Indicates intra oral image type with occlusal surfaces of the
teeth and showing subject's lower left teeth.
IntraOralOcclusalUpperFrontTeeth = 31 Indicates intra oral image type with occlusal surfaces of the
teeth and showing subject's upper front teeth.
IntraOralOcclusalLowerFrontTeeth = 32 Indicates intra oral image type with occlusal surfaces of the
teeth and showing subject's lower front teeth.
IntraOralPalate = 33 Indicates intra oral image type with occlusal surfaces of the
teeth and showing subject's palate.
IntraOralTongueUpperSurface = 34 Indicates intra oral image type and showing subject's upper
tongue surface.
IntraOralTongueLowerArea = 35 Indicates intra oral image type and showing subject's lower
tongue area.
IntraOralCheekRightInterior = 36 Indicates intra oral image type and showing subject's right
interior cheek.
IntraOralCheekLeftInterior = 37 Indicates intra oral image type and showing subject's left
interior cheek.
IntraOralPharynx = 38 Indicates intra oral image type and showing subject's back of
IntraOralLipsInsideUpper = 39 Indicates intra oral image type and showing subject's upper
inside lip.
IntraOralLipsInsideLower = 40 Indicates intra oral image type and showing subject's lower
inside lip. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.ANDeviceMonitoringMode
This enumeration contain information describing the level of human monitoring for the image capture device. Table "Device
monitoring modes" describes each enumeration value.

public enum ANDeviceMonitoringMode {
Unspecified = 0,
Controlled = 1,
Assisted = 2,
Observed = 3,
Unattended = 4,
Unknown = 255
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Members Description
Unspecified = 0 Monitoring level unspecified.
Controlled = 1 Operator physically controls the subject to acquire biometric
Assisted = 2 Person available to provide assistance to subject submitting
the biometric.
Observed = 3 Person present to observe operation of the device but
provides no assistance.
Unattended = 4 No one present to observe or provide assistance.
Unknown = 255 No information is known. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.ANDistortionCode Enumeration

Enumerates distortion codes.

public enum ANDistortionCode {
Barrel = 1,
Inflated = 2,
Pincushion = 3
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Members Description
Barrel = 1 Indicates that image appears to be spherized.
Inflated = 2 Indicates wide angle or fisheye distortion.
Pincushion = 3 Indicates that image is 'pinched' at the center or 'bowed
inwards. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.ANDistortionMeasurementCode
Enumerates distortion measurement codes.

public enum ANDistortionMeasurementCode {
Estimated = 1,
Calculated = 2
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Members Description
Estimated = 1 Indicates that distortion is estimated.
Calculated = 2 Indicates that distortion is calculated. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.ANDistortionSeverityCode
Enumerates distortion severity codes.

public enum ANDistortionSeverityCode {
Mild = 1,
Moderate = 2,
Severe = 3
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Members Description
Mild = 1 Indicates mild distortion severity.
Moderate = 2 Indicates moderate distortion severity.
Severe = 3 Indicates severe distortion severity. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.ANEncodingType Enumeration

Defines the encoding format used for ANTemplate [ 980].

[Obsolete("Use BdifEncodingType")]
public enum ANEncodingType {
Traditional = 0,
NiemXml = 1
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Members Description
Traditional = 0 Indicates tradinional binary encoding.
NiemXml = 1 Indicates NIEM-conformant XML encoding.

Encoding format can be specified while parsing or serializing ANTemplate [ 980]. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.ANFAmputationType
Defines injured finger status: amputated or bandaged.

public enum ANFAmputationType {
Amputation = 0,
UnableToPrint = 1,
Scar = 2
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Members Description
Amputation = 0 Indicates an amputation of the finger or palm.
UnableToPrint = 1 Indicates that the finger or palm is bandaged.
Scar = 2 Indicates that the finger has complete scar. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.ANFMajorCase Enumeration

Describes the portion of the EJI or tip image in the database to search.

public enum ANFMajorCase {
NA = 0,
Eji = 1,
Tip = 2,
FV1 = 3,
FV2 = 4,
FV3 = 5,
FV4 = 6,
Prx = 7,
Dst = 8,
Med = 9
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Members Description
NA = 0 Indicates full finger view or to the entire joint image location.
Eji = 1 Indicates Entire Joint Image.
Tip = 2 Indicates Rolled Tip.
FV1 = 3 Indicates Full Finger Rolled Image. 9
FV2 = 4 Indicates Full Finger Plain Image ? left side.
FV3 = 5 Indicates Full Finger Plain Image ? center.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

FV4 = 6 Indicates Full Finger Plain Image ? right side.

Prx = 7 Indicates proximal segment.
Dst = 8 Indicates distal segment.
Med = 9 Indicates medial segments. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.ANFPMinutiaeMethod
Represents the method by which the minutiae data was read, encoded, and recorded.

The following codes has been used:

0 - if coding method was not specified;

1- if the data was automatically read, encoded, and recorded without any possibility of human


2 - if human editing was possible but unneeded;

3 - if the data was automatically read but manually edited before encoding and recording;

4 - if the data was manually read.

public enum ANFPMinutiaeMethod {
Unspecified = 0,
Automatic = 1,
NotEdited = 2,
Edited = 3,
Manual = 4
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Members Description
Unspecified = 0 Indicates that coding method was not specified.
Automatic = 1 Indicates that the data was automatically read, encoded, and
recorded without any possibility of human editing.
NotEdited = 2 Indicates that human editing was possible but unneeded.
Edited = 3 Indicates that the data was automatically read but manually
edited before encoding and recording.
Manual = 4 Indicates that the data was manually read. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.ANFRCaptureTechnology
Describes friction ridge capture technology.

public enum ANFRCaptureTechnology { 9
Unknown = 0,
Other = 1,

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

ScannedInkOnPaper = 2,
OpticalTirBrightField = 3,
OpticalTirDarkField = 4,
OpticalDirectImagingNative = 5,
OpticalDirectImagingLowFrequency = 6,
Imaging3DHighFrequency = 7,
Capacitive = 9,
CapacitiveRF = 10,
OpticalDirectImagingElectroLuminescent = 11,
ReflectedUltrasonicImage = 12,
UltrasonicImpediography = 13,
ThermalImaging = 14,
DirectPressureSensitive = 15,
IndirectPressure = 16,
LiveTape = 17,
LatentImpression = 18,
LatentPhoto = 19,
LatentMoldedImpression = 20,
LatentTracing = 21,
LatentLift = 22,
Unspecified = 255
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Members Description
Unknown = 0 Indicates unknown friction ridge capture technology.
Other = 1 Indicates capture technology which can not be characterized
by other values.
ScannedInkOnPaper = 2 Indicates ink applied to friction ridge skin and then applied to
OpticalTirBrightField = 3 Indicates capture technology when that contact livescan
device captures ridge information such that ridges absorb
light, and absence of ridges reflects light back to the sensor
(dark ridges on a white background).
OpticalTirDarkField = 4 Indicates capture technology when that contact livescan
device captures ridge information such that ridges reflect
light, and absence of ridges absorb light (white ridges on a
dark background).
OpticalDirectImagingNative = 5 Indicates light reflected from the friction ridge is imaged,
resulting in a light gray on darker gray image.
OpticalDirectImagingLowFrequency = 6 Indicates light reflected from the friction ridge is imaged onto
one or more sensors and utilizes the low frequency 3D detail
to project the image texture onto a 2D grayscale image.
Imaging3DHighFrequency = 7 Indicates that high frequency friction ridge information is
collected and then ?unwrapped? to create a 2D image from
the 3D point cloud or mesh.
Capacitive = 9 Indicates capture technology when the capacitance of the
friction ridge skin is assessed via a conducted AC signal.
CapacitiveRF = 10 Indicates capture technology when the capacitance of the
friction ridge skin is assessed via a conducted RF signal.
OpticalDirectImagingElectroLuminescent = 11 Indicates capture technology when the ridges and an
alternating current (AC) signal cause an EL panel to emit
light which is captured by an imaging system.
ReflectedUltrasonicImage = 12 Indicates when the friction ridge reflects ultrasonic energy 9
which is assessed by the sensor.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

UltrasonicImpediography = 13 Indicates when absorption of ultrasonic energy is measured

by changes in the impedance of a piezo-electric material.
ThermalImaging = 14 Indicates when sensor measures the heat reflected from the
friction ridge skin in contact with the sensor.
DirectPressureSensitive = 15 Indicates when pressure of the fingerprint ridge skin against
a material is measured.
IndirectPressure = 16 Indicates when pressure of the fingerprint ridge skin against
a deformable material is assessed optically to produce a
friction ridge image.
LiveTape = 17 Indicates when tape is used on friction ridge skin to collect
friction ridge detail and the tape is then imaged by traditional
LatentImpression = 18 Indicates when the digital image of the latent impression is
acquired directly from the latent impression, using a scanner
or digital camera.
LatentPhoto = 19 Indicates when physical photograph of the latent impression
is scanned using a flatbed scanner or digital camera.
LatentMoldedImpression = 20 Indicates when a mold / cast is taken from a latent friction
ridge and then a ?duplicate? is generated from moldable /
printable material and imaged.
LatentTracing = 21 Indicates older legacy latent friction ridge capture process in
which a hand-drawn or computer-drawn tracing would
subsequently be imaged by a flatbed scanner or
LatentLift = 22 Indicates when chemical is applied to a latent friction ridge
print, subsequently transparent tape is applied to lift the print
from the latent surface, and the tape is then placed on paper
to be imaged.
Unspecified = 255 Indicates unspecified capture technology. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.ANFacePosition Enumeration

Enumerates face bounding box head position codes.

public enum ANFacePosition {
Unspecified = 0,
HeadAndShoulders = 1,
Head = 2,
Face = 3,
NonFrontalHead = 4,
PartialFace = 5
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Members Description
Unspecified = 0 Indicates unspecified face position.
HeadAndShoulders = 1 Indicates that face is full frontal with head and shoulders
within the image bounding box.
Head = 2 Indicates only head within the image bounding box. 9
Face = 3 Indicates only face within the image bounding box.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

NonFrontalHead = 4 Indicates non-frontal head within the image bounding box.

PartialFace = 5 Indicates partial face, containing less than two eyes, nose
and mouth. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.ANFeatureContourCode
Enumerates feature points that shall be be contained in Type-10 record's 2D facial feature points field, referenced by field
number FieldFfp.

public enum ANFeatureContourCode {
EyeTop = 1,
EyeBottom = 2,
UpperLipTop = 3,
UpperLipBottom = 4,
LowerLipTop = 5,
LowerLipBottom = 6,
RightNostril = 7,
LeftNostril = 8,
LeftEyebrow = 9,
RightEyebrow = 10,
Chin = 11,
FaceOutline = 12
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Members Description
EyeTop = 1 Indicates bottom of upper eye lid.
EyeBottom = 2 Indicates top of lower eye lid.
UpperLipTop = 3 Indicates top of upper lip.
UpperLipBottom = 4 Indicates bottom of upper lip.
LowerLipTop = 5 Indicates top of lower lip.
LowerLipBottom = 6 Indicates bottom of lower lip.
RightNostril = 7 Indicates right nostril.
LeftNostril = 8 Indicates left nostril.
LeftEyebrow = 9 Indicates curvature of top of left eye socket.
RightEyebrow = 10 Indicates curvature of top of right eye socket.
Chin = 11 Indicates chin.
FaceOutline = 12 Indicates face outline includes the entire head, all facial hair,
and ears. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.ANGeographicCoordinateSystem
Enumerates geographic coordinate systems.

C# 9
public enum ANGeographicCoordinateSystem {

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Unspecified = 0,
Airy = 1,
AustralianNational = 2,
Bessel1841 = 3,
Bessel1841Namibia = 4,
Clarke1866 = 5,
Bessel1880 = 6,
Everest = 7,
Fischer1960 = 8,
Fischer1968 = 9,
Grs1967 = 10,
Helmert1906 = 11,
Hough = 12,
International = 13,
Krassovsky = 14,
ModifiedAiry = 15,
ModifiedEverest = 16,
ModifiedFischer1960 = 17,
SouthAmerican1969 = 18,
Wgs60 = 19,
Wgs66 = 18,
Wgs72 = 19,
Wgs84 = 18,
Other = 255
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Members Description
Unspecified = 0 Indicates unspecified coordinate system.
Airy = 1 Indicates Airy coordinate system.
AustralianNational = 2 Indicates Australian National coordinate system.
Bessel1841 = 3 Indicates Bessel 1841 coordinate system.
Bessel1841Namibia = 4 Indicates Bessel 1841 (Namibia) coordinate system.
Clarke1866 = 5 Indicates Clarke 1866 coordinate system.
Bessel1880 = 6 Indicates Clarke 1880 coordinate system.
Everest = 7 Indicates Everest coordinate system.
Fischer1960 = 8 Indicates Fischer 1960 (Mercury) coordinate system.
Fischer1968 = 9 Indicates Fischer 1968 coordinate system.
Grs1967 = 10 Indicates Grs 1967 coordinate system.
Helmert1906 = 11 Indicates Helmert 1906 coordinate system.
Hough = 12 Indicates Hough coordinate system.
International = 13 Indicates International coordinate system.
Krassovsky = 14 Indicates Krassovsky coordinate system.
ModifiedAiry = 15 Indicates Modified Airy coordinate system.
ModifiedEverest = 16 Indicates Modified Everest coordinate system.
ModifiedFischer1960 = 17 Indicates Modified Fischer 1960 coordinate system.
SouthAmerican1969 = 18 Indicates South American 1969 coordinate system.
Wgs60 = 19 Indicates Wgs-60 coordinate system.
Wgs66 = 18 Indicates Wgs-66 coordinate system.
Wgs72 = 19 Indicates Wgs-72 coordinate system.
Wgs84 = 18 Indicates Wgs-84 coordinate system. 9
Other = 255 Indicates Other coordinate system.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.ANImageColorSpace
Describes color space of the image.

public enum ANImageColorSpace {
Unspecified = 0,
Gray = 1,
Rgb = 2,
SRgb = 3,
Ycc = 4,
SYcc = 5,
Unknown = 255
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Members Description
Unspecified = 0 Color space unspecified.
Gray = 1 Indicates Grayscale (monochrome) color.
Rgb = 2 Indicates undetermined color space for an RGB image.
SRgb = 3 Indicates sRGB (IEC 61966-2-1) color.
Ycc = 4 Indicates YCbCr (legacy) color.
SYcc = 5 Indicates YCbCr (JPEG 2000 compressed) color.
Unknown = 255 Indicates unknown color. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.ANImageCompressionAlgorithm
Describes image compression algorithms.

public enum ANImageCompressionAlgorithm {
Unspecified = -1,
None = 0,
Wsq20 = 1,
JpegB = 2,
JpegL = 3,
JP2 = 4,
JP2L = 5,
Png = 6,
Vendor = 255
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Members Description
Unspecified = -1 Indicates uncompressed data.
None = 0 Indicates uncompressed data.
Wsq20 = 1 Indicates WSQ Version 2.0 compression algorithm.
JpegB = 2 Indicates JPEG ISO/IEC 10918 (Lossy) compression
JpegL = 3 Indicates JPEG ISO/IEC 10918 (Lossless) compression
JP2 = 4 Indicates JPEG 2000 ISO/IEC 15444-1 (Lossy) compression
JP2L = 5 Indicates JPEG 2000 ISO/IEC 15444-1 (Lossless)
compression algorithm.
Png = 6 Indicates Portable Network Graphics compression algorithm.
Vendor = 255 Indicates vendor provided compression algorithm. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.ANImageType Enumeration

Enumerates code values which indicate type of image in the Type-10 Facial & SMT image record.

public enum ANImageType {
Unspecified = -1,
Face = 0,
Scar = 1,
Mark = 2,
Tattoo = 3,
FrontalC = 4,
RearC = 5,
Head = 6,
FrontalN = 7,
RearN = 8,
TorsoBack = 9,
TorsoFront = 10,
Condition = 11,
Missing = 12,
Chest = 13,
Feet = 14,
ExtraOral = 15,
IntraOral = 16,
Lip = 17,
HandsPalm = 18,
HandsBack = 19,
Genitals = 20,
Buttock = 21,
RightLeg = 22,
LeftLeg = 23,
RightArm = 24,
LeftArm = 25,
Other = 255
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Members Description
Unspecified = -1 Indicates unspecified image type.
Face = 0 Indicates face code.
Scar = 1 Indicates scar code.
Mark = 2 Indicates mark code.
Tattoo = 3 Indicates tattoo code.
FrontalC = 4 Indicates frontal and clothed.
RearC = 5 Indicates rear view and clothed.
Head = 6 Indicates head.
FrontalN = 7 Indicates frontal view and nude.
RearN = 8 Indicates rear view and nude.
TorsoBack = 9 Indicates torso back.
TorsoFront = 10 Indicates torso front.
Condition = 11 Indicates NCIC codes with special conditions.
Missing = 12 Indicates that body part is missing.
Chest = 13 Indicates chest.
Feet = 14 Indicates feet.
ExtraOral = 15 Indicates extra oral image type.
IntraOral = 16 Indicates intra oral image type.
Lip = 17 Indicates lips.
HandsPalm = 18 Indicates hands palm.
HandsBack = 19 Indicates hands back.
Genitals = 20 Indicates genitals.
Buttock = 21 Indicates buttock.
RightLeg = 22 Indicates right leg.
LeftLeg = 23 Indicates left leg.
RightArm = 24 Indicates right arm.
LeftArm = 25 Indicates left arm.
Other = 255 Indicates other characteristics.
Defines the lighting spectrum used in capturing the iris image.

public enum ANIrisAcquisitionLightingSpectrum {
Unspecified = 0,
Nir = 1,
Vis = 2,
Defined = 3,
anialsRed = 4,
anialsUndefined = 5,
Other = 255
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Members Description
Unspecified = 0 Indicates unspecified illumination.
Nir = 1 Indicates near-infrared illumination (~700-850nm).
Vis = 2 Indicates visible full spectrum illumination (~380-740nm).
Defined = 3 Indicates defined acquisition spectrum, in range of
nanometers rounded to the nearest 10 nm.
anialsRed = 4 Indicates red portion of visible full-spectrum illumination
anialsUndefined = 5 Indicates unknown or unavailable acquisition spectrum.
Other = 255 Indicates other illumination. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.ANLPContactLine Enumeration

Enumerates lip contact line descriptors of the two lips.

public enum ANLPContactLine {
Unspecified = 0,
LinearContactLine = 1,
CurvedContactLine = 2,
MixedShapeContactLine = 3
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Members Description
Unspecified = 0 Indicates unspecified cheiloscopic characterization code.
LinearContactLine = 1 Indicates linear contact line.
CurvedContactLine = 2 Indicates curved contact line.
MixedShapeContactLine = 3 Indicates mixed shape contact line. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.ANLPMedium Enumeration

Enumerates lip print medium codes.

public enum ANLPMedium {
Unspecified = 0x0000,
Lipstick = 1,
Moisture = 2,
FoodResidue = 3,
Other = 9
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Members Description
Unspecified = 0x0000 Indicates unspecified lip print medium.
Lipstick = 1 Indicates lipstick / lip balm.
Moisture = 2 Indicates water / sweat / natural moisture / other liquid.
FoodResidue = 3 Indicates food residue.
Other = 9 Indicates other lip print surface. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.ANLPSurface Enumeration

Enumerates lip print surface codes.

public enum ANLPSurface {
Unspecified = 0x0000,
GlassPhotographicMount = 0x0001,
HumanSkin = 0x0002,
Clothing = 0x0004,
Other = 0x0800
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Members Description
Unspecified = 0x0000 Indicates unspecified lip print surface.
GlassPhotographicMount = 0x0001 Indicates glass photographic mount.
HumanSkin = 0x0002 Indicates human skin.
Clothing = 0x0004 Indicates clothing.
Other = 0x0800 Indicates other lip print surface. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.ANLightingArtifact Enumeration

Enumerates lighting artifacts in the image.

public enum ANLightingArtifact {
FaceShadows = 1,
HotSpots = 2,
ReflectionsFromEyeGlasses = 3
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Members Description
FaceShadows = 1 Indicates face shadows.
HotSpots = 2 Indicates hot spots.
ReflectionsFromEyeGlasses = 3 Indicates reflections from eye glasses. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.ANLipPathology Enumeration

Enumerates lip pathologies and peculiarities.

public enum ANLipPathology {
Unspecified = 0x000000,
HerpeticLesions = 0x000001,
Scars = 0x000002,
SevereCracking = 0x000004,
BloodVaricosities = 0x000008,
IntenseWhirls = 0x000010,
Mole = 0x000020,
CutsAndScabs = 0x000040,
CleftLipUnilateralIncompleteLeft = 0x000080,
CleftLipUnilateralIncompleteRight = 0x000100,
CleftLipUnilateralCompleteLeft = 0x000200,
CleftLipUnilateralCompleteRight = 0x000400,
CleftLipBilateralIncomplete = 0x000800,
CleftLipBilateralComplete = 0x001000,
PiercingUpperLip = 0x002000,
PiercingLowerLip = 0x004000,
TattooUpperLip = 0x008000,
TattooLowerLip = 0x010000,
Other = 0x800000
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Members Description
Unspecified = 0x000000 Indicates unspecified lip pathologies and peculiarities.
HerpeticLesions = 0x000001 Indicates herpetic lesions.
Scars = 0x000002 Indicates scar(s).
SevereCracking = 0x000004 Indicates severe cracking.
BloodVaricosities = 0x000008 Indicates blood varicosities.
IntenseWhirls = 0x000010 Indicates intense 'whirls'.
Mole = 0x000020 Indicates mole.
CutsAndScabs = 0x000040 Indicates cut(s) and scab(s).
CleftLipUnilateralIncompleteLeft = 0x000080 Indicates unilateral incomplete left cleft lip (cheiloschisis).
CleftLipUnilateralIncompleteRight = 0x000100 Indicates unilateral incomplete right cleft lip (cheiloschisis).
CleftLipUnilateralCompleteLeft = 0x000200 Indicates unilateral complete left cleft lip (cheiloschisis).
CleftLipUnilateralCompleteRight = 0x000400 Indicates unilateral complete right cleft lip (cheiloschisis).
CleftLipBilateralIncomplete = 0x000800 Indicates bilateral incomplete cleft lip (cheiloschisis).
CleftLipBilateralComplete = 0x001000 Indicates bilateral complete cleft lip (cheiloschisis). 9
PiercingUpperLip = 0x002000 Indicates upper lip piercing.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

PiercingLowerLip = 0x004000 Indicates lower lip piercing.

TattooUpperLip = 0x008000 Indicates right other patterns.
TattooLowerLip = 0x010000 Indicates right other patterns.
Other = 0x800000 Indicates right other patterns. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.ANMeasurementUnits
This enumeration defines units of measurement.

public enum ANMeasurementUnits {
Unspecified = 0,
Inches = 1,
Millimeters = 2,
InchesAndMillimeters = 3
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Members Description
Unspecified = 0 The measurement scale is unspecified.
Inches = 1 The measurement scale is inches.
Millimeters = 2 The measurement scale is millimeters.
InchesAndMillimeters = 3 The measurement scale is both inches and millimeters. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.ANOcclusionOpacity
This enumeration defines occlusion opacity.

public enum ANOcclusionOpacity {
Total = 1,
Interference = 2,
PartialLight = 3,
PartialShadow = 4
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Members Description
Total = 1 Image contains occlusion wirth no detail in the area of the 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Interference = 2 Occlusion contains interfering texture such as eyelashes,

hair etc.
PartialLight = 3 Image contains occlusion area that is lighter than the rest of
the face or iris.
PartialShadow = 4 Image contains occlusion area that is darker than the rest of
the face or iris. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.ANOcclusionType Enumeration

This enumeration defines type of occlusion.

public enum ANOcclusionType {
Lashes = 1,
HeadCovering = 2,
Specular = 3,
Shadow = 4,
Reflection = 5,
Other = 255
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Members Description
Lashes = 1 Eyelashes or reflections of eyelashes. Suitable only for iris
image type.
HeadCovering = 2 Various head coverings, such as hat, hair, burka etc.
Suitable only for face image type.
Specular = 3 Specularity, reflection of light.
Shadow = 4 Shadow.
Reflection = 5 Reflection of an object.
Other = 255 Any other occlusion. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.ANRecordDataType Enumeration

Defines the type of record contained in ANTemplate [ 980]. Record types can be one of the following: Binary, AsciiBinary, and

public enum ANRecordDataType {
Binary = 0,
Ascii = 1,
AsciiBinary = 2
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Members Description
Binary = 0 Binary data contained record.
Ascii = 1 Ascii data contained in record.
AsciiBinary = 2 Ascii - binary data contained in record. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.ANResolutionDetermination
Enumerates code values which indicate type of image in the Type-10 Facial & SMT image record.

public enum ANResolutionDetermination {
FlatbedScanner = 1,
FixedResolutionDevice = 2,
Ruler = 3,
StandardForm = 4,
Human = 5,
AutomatedProcess = 6
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Members Description
FlatbedScanner = 1 Indicates images was acquired from a flatbed scanner with a
fixed resolution and resolution is known.
FixedResolutionDevice = 2 Indicates that resolution is known and image was acquired
from a fixed-resolution capture device (but not flatbed
Ruler = 3 Indicates resolution was calaulated according to ruler,
present in the image.
StandardForm = 4 Indicates that resolution waas calculated according to
standard form with known scale.
Human = 5 Indicates resolution was estimated by human.
AutomatedProcess = 6 Indicates resolution was estimated by automated process. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.ANSignatureRepresentationType
Represents Signature representation type (SRT).

public enum ANSignatureRepresentationType {
ScannedUncompressed = 0,
ScannedCompressed = 1,
VectorData = 2
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Members Description
ScannedUncompressed = 0 Indicates that record contains the uncompressed scanned
binary image data for the signature. In uncompressed mode,
the data shall be packed at eight pixels per byte.
ScannedCompressed = 1 Indicates that record contains the scanned binary image data
for the signature in compressed form using the
ANSI/EIA-538-1988 facsimile compression algorithm.
VectorData = 2 Indicates that record contains a list of vectors describing the
pen position and pen pressure of line segments within the
signature. Each vector consists of five bytes. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.ANSignatureType Enumeration

Represents signature type values.

public enum ANSignatureType {
Subject = 0,
Official = 1
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Members Description
Subject = 0 This field contains a binary "0" for the signature image of the
Official = 1 The signature image value of the official processing the
transaction. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.ANSmtSource Enumeration

Enumerates SMT descriptor code values.

public enum ANSmtSource {
Scar = 0,
Mark = 1,
Tattoo = 2,
Chemical = 3,
Branded = 4,
Cut = 5,
Piersing = 6,
Birthmark = 7,
Zabiba = 8,
Implant = 9
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Members Description
Scar = 0 This value indicates healed scar tissue that was the result of
an accident or a medical procedure.
Mark = 1 This value is used for the pattern resulting from needle or
track marks.
Tattoo = 2 This field indicates a common tattoo or indelible image
resulting from the pricking of the skin with a coloring matter.
Chemical = 3 Indicates if the image was created by the use of chemicals to
burn the image into the skin.
Branded = 4 Indicates if the tattoo image was burned into the skin using a
branding iron or other form of heat.
Cut = 5 Indicates if the tattoo image was caused by incision of the
Piersing = 6 Indicates medical or quasi-medically induced hole in or
through the skin.
Birthmark = 7 Indicates birthmark, which is not the result of an accident or
medical procedure.
Zabiba = 8 Indicates a 'prayer bump' on the forehead.
Implant = 9 Indicates Sub-dermal implants that are visible as distinct
shapes in the skin. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.ANSrnCardinality Enumeration

Enumerates srn cardinality.

public enum ANSrnCardinality {
Unspecified = 0,
OneToOne = 1,
OneToMany = 2,
ManyToMany = 3
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Members Description
Unspecified = 0 Indicates unspecified cardinality.
OneToOne = 1 Indicates the representation in this Type-20 record is the
source of another Type-20 record.
OneToMany = 2 The representation in this Type-20 record is the source of
one or more biometric type records, excluding Type-4 and
Type-9, which have been derived from it.
ManyToMany = 3 A single biometric type record, excluding Type-4 and Type-9,
has been prepared from multiple Type-20 records.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.ANSubjectBodyClassCode
Enumerates subject body class codes.

public enum ANSubjectBodyClassCode {
Unspecified = 0,
NaturalTissue = 1,
Decomposed = 2,
Skeletal = 3
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Members Description
Unspecified = 0 Indicates unspecified subject body class code.
NaturalTissue = 1 Indicates natural tissue body class code.
Decomposed = 2 Indicates decomposed body class code.
Skeletal = 3 Indicates skeletal body class code. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.ANSubjectBodyStatusCode
Enumerates subject body status codes.

public enum ANSubjectBodyStatusCode {
Unspecified = 0,
Whole = 1,
Fragment = 2
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Members Description
Unspecified = 0 Indicates unspecified subject body status code.
Whole = 1 Indicates whole subject body status code.
Fragment = 2 Indicates fragment subject body status code. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.ANSubjectPose Enumeration

Enumerates subject pose code values.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public enum ANSubjectPose {
Unspecified = 0,
FullFaceFrontal = 1,
RightProfile = 2,
LeftProfile = 3,
Angled = 4,
Determined3D = 5
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Members Description
Unspecified = 0 Indicates unspecified face pose.
FullFaceFrontal = 1 Indicates full frontal face pose.
RightProfile = 2 Indicates right profile (90 degrees) of face pose.
LeftProfile = 3 Indicates left profile (90 degrees) of face pose.
Angled = 4 Indicates angled subject pose.
Determined3D = 5 Indicates determined 3D poses. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.ANSubjectStatusCode
Enumerates subject status codes.

public enum ANSubjectStatusCode {
Unknown = 0,
LivingPerson = 1,
NonLivingPerson = 2
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Members Description
Unknown = 0 Indicates unknown subject status code.
LivingPerson = 1 Indicates living person.
NonLivingPerson = 2 Indicates non living person. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.ANTattooClass Enumeration

Enumerates tattoo class code values.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public enum ANTattooClass {

Human = 0,
Animal = 1,
Plant = 2,
Flag = 3,
Object = 4,
Abstract = 5,
Symbol = 6,
Other = 7,
Unspecified = 255
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Members Description
Human = 0 Indicates human tattoo.
Animal = 1 Indicates animal and animal features tattoo value.
Plant = 2 Indicates plant on tattoo.
Flag = 3 Indicates flag tattoo value.
Object = 4 Indicates objects tattoo.
Abstract = 5 Indicates abstract tattoo value.
Symbol = 6 Indicates insignias and symbols on tattoo.
Other = 7 Indicates other images on tattoo.
Unspecified = 255 Indicates unspecified tattoo class. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.ANTattooSubclass Enumeration

Enumerates tattoo subclasses code values.

public enum ANTattooSubclass {
MiscHuman = ANTattooClass.Human*256+0,
MaleFace = ANTattooClass.Human*256+1,
FemaleFace = ANTattooClass.Human*256+2,
AbstractFace = ANTattooClass.Human*256+3,
MaleBody = ANTattooClass.Human*256+4,
FemaleBody = ANTattooClass.Human*256+5,
AbstractBody = ANTattooClass.Human*256+6,
Role = ANTattooClass.Human*256+7,
SportFigure = ANTattooClass.Human*256+8,
MaleBodyPart = ANTattooClass.Human*256+9,
FemaleBodyPart = ANTattooClass.Human*256+10,
AbstractBodyPart = ANTattooClass.Human*256+11,
Skull = ANTattooClass.Human*256+12,
MiscAnimal = ANTattooClass.Animal*256+0,
Cat = ANTattooClass.Animal*256+1,
Dog = ANTattooClass.Animal*256+2,
Domestic = ANTattooClass.Animal*256+3,
Vicious = ANTattooClass.Animal*256+4,
Horse = ANTattooClass.Animal*256+5,
Wild = ANTattooClass.Animal*256+6,
Snake = ANTattooClass.Animal*256+7,
Dragon = ANTattooClass.Animal*256+8,
Bird = ANTattooClass.Animal*256+9,
Insect = ANTattooClass.Animal*256+10, 9
AbstractAnimal = ANTattooClass.Animal*256+11,
AnimalPart = ANTattooClass.Animal*256+12,

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

MiscPlant = ANTattooClass.Plant*256+0,
Narcotic = ANTattooClass.Plant*256+1,
RedFlower = ANTattooClass.Plant*256+2,
BlueFlower = ANTattooClass.Plant*256+3,
YellowFlower = ANTattooClass.Plant*256+4,
Drawing = ANTattooClass.Plant*256+5,
Rose = ANTattooClass.Plant*256+6,
Tulip = ANTattooClass.Plant*256+7,
Lily = ANTattooClass.Plant*256+8,
MiscFlag = ANTattooClass.Flag*256+0,
Usa = ANTattooClass.Flag*256+1,
State = ANTattooClass.Flag*256+2,
Nazi = ANTattooClass.Flag*256+3,
Confederate = ANTattooClass.Flag*256+4,
British = ANTattooClass.Flag*256+5,
MiscObject = ANTattooClass.Object*256+0,
Fire = ANTattooClass.Object*256+1,
Weapon = ANTattooClass.Object*256+2,
Airplane = ANTattooClass.Object*256+3,
Vessel = ANTattooClass.Object*256+4,
Train = ANTattooClass.Object*256+5,
Vehicle = ANTattooClass.Object*256+6,
Mythical = ANTattooClass.Object*256+7,
Sporting = ANTattooClass.Object*256+8,
Nature = ANTattooClass.Object*256+9,
MiscAbstract = ANTattooClass.Abstract*256+0,
Figure = ANTattooClass.Abstract*256+1,
Sleeve = ANTattooClass.Abstract*256+2,
Bracelet = ANTattooClass.Abstract*256+3,
Anklet = ANTattooClass.Abstract*256+4,
Necklace = ANTattooClass.Abstract*256+5,
Shirt = ANTattooClass.Abstract*256+6,
BodyBand = ANTattooClass.Abstract*256+7,
HeadBand = ANTattooClass.Abstract*256+8,
MiscSymbol = ANTattooClass.Symbol*256+0,
National = ANTattooClass.Symbol*256+1,
Political = ANTattooClass.Symbol*256+2,
Military = ANTattooClass.Symbol*256+3,
Fraternal = ANTattooClass.Symbol*256+4,
Professional = ANTattooClass.Symbol*256+5,
Gang = ANTattooClass.Symbol*256+6,
Misc = ANTattooClass.Other*256+0,
Wording = ANTattooClass.Other*256+1,
Freeform = ANTattooClass.Other*256+2,
Unspecified = ANTattooClass.Unspecified*256+0
File: ANType10Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
MiscHuman = ANTattooClass.Human*256+0 Indicates miscellaneous human objects on tattoo.
MaleFace = ANTattooClass.Human*256+1 Indicates male face on tattoo.
FemaleFace = ANTattooClass.Human*256+2 Indicates female face part on tattoo.
AbstractFace = ANTattooClass.Human*256+3 Indicates abstract face on tattoo.
MaleBody = ANTattooClass.Human*256+4 Indicates male body on tattoo.
FemaleBody = ANTattooClass.Human*256+5 Indicates female body on tattoo.
AbstractBody = ANTattooClass.Human*256+6 Indicates abstract body on tattoo.
Role = ANTattooClass.Human*256+7 Indicates role. 9
SportFigure = ANTattooClass.Human*256+8 Indicates sport figure on tattoo.
MaleBodyPart = ANTattooClass.Human*256+9 Indicates male body part on tattoo.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

FemaleBodyPart = ANTattooClass.Human*256+10 Indicates female body part on tattoo.

AbstractBodyPart = ANTattooClass.Human*256+11 Indicates abstract body part on tattoo.
Skull = ANTattooClass.Human*256+12 Indicates skull on tattoo.
MiscAnimal = ANTattooClass.Animal*256+0 Indicates miscellaneous animal objects on tattoo.
Cat = ANTattooClass.Animal*256+1 Indicates cat on tattoo.
Dog = ANTattooClass.Animal*256+2 Indicates dog on tattoo.
Domestic = ANTattooClass.Animal*256+3 Indicates other domestic animals on tattoo.
Vicious = ANTattooClass.Animal*256+4 Indicates vicious animals on tattoo.
Horse = ANTattooClass.Animal*256+5 Indicates horse on tattoo.
Wild = ANTattooClass.Animal*256+6 Indicates wild on tattoo.
Snake = ANTattooClass.Animal*256+7 Indicates snake on tattoo.
Dragon = ANTattooClass.Animal*256+8 Indicates dragon on tattoo.
Bird = ANTattooClass.Animal*256+9 Indicates bird on tattoo.
Insect = ANTattooClass.Animal*256+10 Indicates insect on tattoo.
AbstractAnimal = ANTattooClass.Animal*256+11 Indicates abstract animals on tattoo.
AnimalPart = ANTattooClass.Animal*256+12 Indicates animal part on tattoo.
MiscPlant = ANTattooClass.Plant*256+0 Indicates miscellaneous plant objects on tattoo.
Narcotic = ANTattooClass.Plant*256+1 Indicates narcotic plants on tattoo.
RedFlower = ANTattooClass.Plant*256+2 Indicates red flower on tattoo.
BlueFlower = ANTattooClass.Plant*256+3 Indicates blue flower on tattoo.
YellowFlower = ANTattooClass.Plant*256+4 Indicates yellow flower on tattoo.
Drawing = ANTattooClass.Plant*256+5 Indicates drawing on tattoo.
Rose = ANTattooClass.Plant*256+6 Indicates rose on tattoo.
Tulip = ANTattooClass.Plant*256+7 Indicates tulip on tattoo.
Lily = ANTattooClass.Plant*256+8 Indicates lily on tattoo.
MiscFlag = ANTattooClass.Flag*256+0 Indicates miscellaneous flag objects on tattoo.
Usa = ANTattooClass.Flag*256+1 Indicates the USA flag on tattoo.
State = ANTattooClass.Flag*256+2 Indicates states flag on tattoo.
Nazi = ANTattooClass.Flag*256+3 Indicates Nazi flag on tattoo.
Confederate = ANTattooClass.Flag*256+4 Indicates Confederate flag on tattoo.
British = ANTattooClass.Flag*256+5 Indicates British flag on tattoo
MiscObject = ANTattooClass.Object*256+0 Indicates miscellaneous other object on tattoo.
Fire = ANTattooClass.Object*256+1 Indicates fire on tattoo.
Weapon = ANTattooClass.Object*256+2 Indicates weapon on tattoo.
Airplane = ANTattooClass.Object*256+3 Indicates airplane on tattoo.
Vessel = ANTattooClass.Object*256+4 Indicates vessel on tattoo.
Train = ANTattooClass.Object*256+5 Indicates train on tattoo.
Vehicle = ANTattooClass.Object*256+6 Indicates vehicle on tattoo.
Mythical = ANTattooClass.Object*256+7 Indicates mythical symbols on tattoo.
Sporting = ANTattooClass.Object*256+8 Indicates sporting objects on tattoo.
Nature = ANTattooClass.Object*256+9 Indicates nature scenes on tattoo.
MiscAbstract = ANTattooClass.Abstract*256+0 Indicates miscellaneous abstract objects on tattoo.
Figure = ANTattooClass.Abstract*256+1 Indicates figure on tattoo.
Sleeve = ANTattooClass.Abstract*256+2 Indicates sleeve on tattoo.
Bracelet = ANTattooClass.Abstract*256+3 Indicates bracelet on tattoo.
Anklet = ANTattooClass.Abstract*256+4 Indicates anklet on tattoo.
Necklace = ANTattooClass.Abstract*256+5 Indicates necklace object on tattoo.
Shirt = ANTattooClass.Abstract*256+6 Indicates shirt on tattoo.
BodyBand = ANTattooClass.Abstract*256+7 Indicates body band on tattoo.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

HeadBand = ANTattooClass.Abstract*256+8 Indicates head band on tattoo.

MiscSymbol = ANTattooClass.Symbol*256+0 Indicates miscellaneous symbols on tattoo.
National = ANTattooClass.Symbol*256+1 Indicates national symbols on tattoo.
Political = ANTattooClass.Symbol*256+2 Indicates political symbols on tattoo.
Military = ANTattooClass.Symbol*256+3 Indicates military symbols on tattoo.
Fraternal = ANTattooClass.Symbol*256+4 Indicates fraternal symbols on tattoo.
Professional = ANTattooClass.Symbol*256+5 Indicates professional symbols on tattoo.
Gang = ANTattooClass.Symbol*256+6 Indicates gang symbols on tattoo.
Misc = ANTattooClass.Other*256+0 Indicates miscellaneous objects on tattoo.
Wording = ANTattooClass.Other*256+1 Indicates words on tattoo.
Freeform = ANTattooClass.Other*256+2 Indicates freeform drawings on tattoo.
Unspecified = ANTattooClass.Unspecified*256+0 Indicates unspecified tattoo subclass. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.ANTieredMarkupCollection
Enumerates feature points that shall be be contained in Type-10 record's 2D facial feature points field, referenced by field
number FieldFfp.

public enum ANTieredMarkupCollection {
Unspecified = 0,
EyeCenters = 1,
EyesMounth = 2,
EyesNoseMouth = 3,
EyesNoseMouthHead = 4,
FeaturePointsAndFaceCountours = 5
File: ANType10Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
Unspecified = 0 Indicates unspecified tiered markup collection.
EyeCenters = 1 Indicates that only eye centers feature points are contained.
EyesMounth = 2 Indicates that feature points of centers of eyes and mouth
are contained.
EyesNoseMouth = 3 Indicates that feature points of corners of eyes, mouth and
bridge and tip of nose are contained.
EyesNoseMouthHead = 4 Indicates that feature points of eyes, nose, mouth, and head
are contained.
FeaturePointsAndFaceCountours = 5 Indicates that facial feature points and contours for eyes,
brows, nose, mouth and face outline are contained. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.ANValidationLevel Enumeration

Defines validation level of ANTemplate [ 980]/ANRecord [ 939] according to ANTemplate [ 980] standard versions.

C# 9
[Obsolete("ANTemplate/ANRecord is created with anvlStandard validation level by default")]

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public enum ANValidationLevel {

Minimal = 0,
Standard = 1
File: ANRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
Minimal = 0 Validation level anvlMinimal means that user can use low
level API functions to manipulate records fields values.
Standard = 1 Validation level anvlStandard means that user can use high
level API functions for record content management.

If Validation level of ANTemplate [ 980]/ANRecord [ 939] is anvlStandard, then user can use high level API functions for
record content management. ANRecord [ 939] can be validated to check that all mandatory fields are presented and fit

If Validation level of ANTemplate [ 980]/ANRecord [ 939] is anvlminimal, then user can use low level API functions to
manipulate records fields values. ANRecords is not validated in this case. User can remove mandatory fields or add fields to
records in ANTemplate [ 980] as wanted.

If MegaMatcher product is used all records will be validated using anvlStandard validation level.

If VeriFinger product is used following records would be validated using anvlStandard validation level: ANType3Record
[ 1241], ANType4Record [ 1249], ANType5Record [ 1260], ANType6Record [ 1268], ANType9Record [ 1308]. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.BdifCertificationSchemeId
Identifiers for certification schemes.

public enum BdifCertificationSchemeId {
AFISSystems = 1,
PersonalVerification = 2,
OpticalFingerprintScanners = 3
File: BdifTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
AFISSystems = 1 Image quality specification for AFIS systems.
PersonalVerification = 2 Image quality specification for personal verification.
OpticalFingerprintScanners = 3 Requirements and test procedures for optical fingerprint
scanners. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

See BdifCertificationSchemeId in Reference (C/C++) chapter. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.BdifConformanceTestLevel
Enumeratesconformance test levels.

public enum BdifConformanceTestLevel {
Unknown = 0,
Generic = 1,
NLevel1 = 2,
NLevel2 = 3
File: BdifTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
Unknown = 0 Unknown level.
Generic = 1 Generic.
NLevel1 = 2 Neurotec [ 220] level 1 that checks field and it's value.
NLevel2 = 3 Neurotec [ 220] level 2 that checks fields cross-validation. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.BdifConformanceTestResult
Enumerates conformance test' results.

public enum BdifConformanceTestResult {
Ok = 0,
Error = 1,
Warning = 2,
CriticalError = 3
File: BdifTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
Ok = 0 Test results passed.
Error = 1 Test failed.
Warning = 2 Test passed with issued warrant for further investigation.
CriticalError = 3 Test failed and error is critical that prevent further testing.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.BdifEncodingType Enumeration

Defines the encoding format.

public enum BdifEncodingType {
Traditional = 0,
Xml = 1
File: BdifTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
Traditional = 0 Indicates tradinional binary encoding.
Xml = 1 Indicates XML encoding. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.BdifEyeColor Enumeration

Enumerates eye color constants.

public enum BdifEyeColor {
Unspecified = 0,
Black = 1,
Blue = 2,
Brown = 3,
Gray = 4,
Green = 5,
Hazel = 6,
Maroon = 7,
MultiColored = 8,
Pink = 9,
Unknown = 255
File: BdifTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
Unspecified = 0 Unspecified.
Black = 1 Black.
Blue = 2 Blue.
Brown = 3 Brown.
Gray = 4 Gray.
Green = 5 Green.
Hazel = 6 Hazel.
Maroon = 7 Maroon.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

MultiColored = 8 MultiColored.
Pink = 9 Pink.
Unknown = 255 Unknown. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.BdifEyePosition Enumeration

Enumerates eye position constants.

public enum BdifEyePosition {
Unknown = 0,
Right = 1,
Left = 2
File: BdifTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
Unknown = 0 Unknown eye position.
Right = 1 Right eye.
Left = 2 Left eye. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.BdifFPAnnotationCode
Enumerates fingerprint annotations code constants.

public enum BdifFPAnnotationCode {
AmputatedFinger = 0,
UnusableImage = 1
File: BdifTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
AmputatedFinger = 0 Amputated finger.
UnusableImage = 1 Unusable image.

See BdifFPAnnotationCode in Reference (C/C++) chapter.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.BdifFPCaptureDeviceTechnology
Enumerates fingerprint capture device technology.

public enum BdifFPCaptureDeviceTechnology {
Undefined = 0,
WhiteLightOpticalTir = 1,
WhiteLightOpticalDirectViewOnPlaten = 2,
WhiteLightOpticalTouchless = 3,
MonochromaticVisibleOpticalTir = 4,
MonochromaticVisibleOpticalDirectViewOnPlaten = 5,
MonochromaticVisibleOpticalTouchless = 6,
MonochromaticIrOpticalTir = 7,
MonochromaticIrOpticalDirectViewOnPlaten = 8,
MonochromaticIrOpticalTouchless = 9,
MultispectralOpticalTir = 10,
MultispectralOpticalDirectViewOnPlaten = 11,
MultispectralOpticalTouchless = 12,
ElectroLuminescent = 13,
SemiconductorCapacitive = 14,
SemiconductorRf = 15,
SemiconductorThermal = 16,
PressureSensitive = 17,
Ultrasound = 18,
Mechanical = 19,
GlassFiber = 20
File: BdifTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
Undefined = 0 ndefined.
WhiteLightOpticalTir = 1 White light optical TIR.
WhiteLightOpticalDirectViewOnPlaten = 2 White light optical direct view on platen.
WhiteLightOpticalTouchless = 3 White light optical touchless.
MonochromaticVisibleOpticalTir = 4 Monochromatic visible optical TIR.
MonochromaticVisibleOpticalDirectViewOnPlaten = 5 Monochromatic visible optical direct view on platen.
MonochromaticVisibleOpticalTouchless = 6 Monochromatic visible optical touchless.
MonochromaticIrOpticalTir = 7 Monochromatic IR optical TIR.
MonochromaticIrOpticalDirectViewOnPlaten = 8 Monochromatic IR optical direct view on platen.
MonochromaticIrOpticalTouchless = 9 Monochromatic IR optical touchless.
MultispectralOpticalTir = 10 Multispectral optical TIR.
MultispectralOpticalDirectViewOnPlaten = 11 Multispectral optical direct view on platen.
MultispectralOpticalTouchless = 12 Multispectral optical touchless.
ElectroLuminescent = 13 Electro luminescent.
SemiconductorCapacitive = 14 Semiconductor capacitive.
SemiconductorRf = 15 Semiconductor RF.
SemiconductorThermal = 16 Semiconductor thermal. 9
PressureSensitive = 17 Pressure sensitive.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Ultrasound = 18 Ultrasound.
Mechanical = 19 Mechanical.
GlassFiber = 20 Glass fiber.

See BdifFPCaptureDeviceTechnology in Reference (C/C++) chapter. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.BdifFPExtendedDataTypeId
Enumerates fingerprint extended data types.

public enum BdifFPExtendedDataTypeId {
ReservedForFuture = 0,
Segmentation = 1,
Annotation = 2,
Comment = 3
File: BdifTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
ReservedForFuture = 0 Reserved for future.
Segmentation = 1 Segmentation.
Annotation = 2 Annotation.
Comment = 3 Comment.

See BdifFPExtendedDataTypeId in Reference (C/C++) chapter. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.BdifFPImpressionType
Enumerates fingerprint impression type constants.

public enum BdifFPImpressionType {
LiveScanPlain = 0,
LiveScanRolled = 1,
NonliveScanPlain = 2,
NonliveScanRolled = 3,
LatentImpression = 4,
LatentTracing = 5,
LatentPhoto = 6,
LatentLift = 7,
LiveScanVerticalSwipe = 8,
LiveScanContactless = 9,
LiveScanPalm = 10, 9
NonliveScanPalm = 11,
LatentPalmImpression = 12,
LatentPalmTracing = 13,

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

LatentPalmPhoto = 14,
LatentPalmLift = 15,
LiveScanOpticalContactPlain = 20,
LiveScanOpticalContactRolled = 21,
LiveScanNonOpticalContactPlain = 22,
LiveScanNonOpticalContactRolled = 23,
LiveScanOpticalContactlessPlain = 24,
LiveScanOpticalContactlessRolled = 25,
LiveScanNonOpticalContactlessPlain = 26,
LiveScanNonOpticalContactlessRolled = 27,
Other = 28,
Unknown = 29,
VerticalRoll = 30,
MovingSubjectContactlessRolled = 41,
MovingSubjectContactlessPlain = 42
File: BdifTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
LiveScanPlain = 0 Plain live scan.
LiveScanRolled = 1 Rolled live scan.
NonliveScanPlain = 2 Plain non-live scan.
NonliveScanRolled = 3 Rolled non-live scan.
LatentImpression = 4 Latent impression.
LatentTracing = 5 Latent tracing.
LatentPhoto = 6 Latent photo.
LatentLift = 7 Latent lift.
LiveScanVerticalSwipe = 8 Vertical swipe live scan.
LiveScanContactless = 9 Contactless live scan.
LiveScanPalm = 10 Palm live scan.
NonliveScanPalm = 11 Palm non-live scan.
LatentPalmImpression = 12 Latent palm impression.
LatentPalmTracing = 13 Latent palm tracing.
LatentPalmPhoto = 14 Latent palm photo.
LatentPalmLift = 15 Latent palm lift.
LiveScanOpticalContactPlain = 20 Optical contact plain live scan.
LiveScanOpticalContactRolled = 21 Optical contact rolled live scan.
LiveScanNonOpticalContactPlain = 22 Non-optical contact plain live scan.
LiveScanNonOpticalContactRolled = 23 Non-optical contact rolled live scan.
LiveScanOpticalContactlessPlain = 24 Optical contactless plain live scan.
LiveScanOpticalContactlessRolled = 25 Optical contactless rolled live scan.
LiveScanNonOpticalContactlessPlain = 26 Non-optical contactless plain live scan.
LiveScanNonOpticalContactlessRolled = 27 Non-optical contactless rolled live scan.
Other = 28 Other.
Unknown = 29 Unknown.
VerticalRoll = 30 vertical roll.
MovingSubjectContactlessRolled = 41 Finger(s) / palm / plantar move through the capture volume
of a sensor and sensor captures rolled equivalent. 9
MovingSubjectContactlessPlain = 42 Finger(s) / palm / plantar move through the capture volume
of a sensor and sensor captures plain equivalent.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

See BdifFPImpressionType in Reference (C/C++) chapter. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.BdifFPMinutiaRidgeEndingType
Enumerates minutiae ridge ending type constants.

public enum BdifFPMinutiaRidgeEndingType {
ValleySkeletonBifurcationPoints = 0,
RidgeSkeletonEndPoints = 1
File: BdifTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
ValleySkeletonBifurcationPoints = 0 Valley skeleton bifurcation points.
RidgeSkeletonEndPoints = 1 Ridge skeleton end points.

See BdifFPMinutiaRidgeEndingType in Reference (C/C++) chapter. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.BdifFPMinutiaType Enumeration

Enumerates fingerprint minutia type constants.

public enum BdifFPMinutiaType {
Unspecified = -1,
Unknown = 0,
End = 1,
Bifurcation = 2,
Other = 3
File: BdifTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
Unspecified = -1 Unspecified minutia type.
Unknown = 0 Unknown minutia type.
End = 1 Ridge end minutia type.
Bifurcation = 2 Ridge bifurcation minutia type. 9
Other = 3 Other minutia type.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

See BdifFPMinutiaType in Reference (C/C++) chapter. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.BdifFPPosition Enumeration

Enumerates fingerprint position constants.

public enum BdifFPPosition {
Unknown = 0,
RightThumb = 1,
RightIndexFinger = 2,
RightMiddleFinger = 3,
RightRingFinger = 4,
RightLittleFinger = 5,
LeftThumb = 6,
LeftIndexFinger = 7,
LeftMiddleFinger = 8,
LeftRingFinger = 9,
LeftLittleFinger = 10,
PlainRightThumb = 11,
PlainLeftThumb = 12,
PlainRightFourFingers = 13,
PlainLeftFourFingers = 14,
PlainThumbs = 15,
MajorCase = 19,
UnknownPalm = 20,
RightFullPalm = 21,
RightWritersPalm = 22,
LeftFullPalm = 23,
LeftWritersPalm = 24,
RightLowerPalm = 25,
RightUpperPalm = 26,
LeftLowerPalm = 27,
LeftUpperPalm = 28,
RightOther = 29,
LeftOther = 30,
RightInterdigital = 31,
RightThenar = 32,
RightHypothenar = 33,
LeftInterdigital = 34,
LeftThenar = 35,
LeftHypothenar = 36,
RightGrasp = 37,
LeftGrasp = 38,
RightIndexMiddleFingers = 40,
RightMiddleRingFingers = 41,
RightRingLittleFingers = 42,
LeftIndexMiddleFingers = 43,
LeftMiddleRingFingers = 44,
LeftRingLittleFingers = 45,
RightIndexLeftIndexFingers = 46,
RightIndexMiddleRingFingers = 47,
RightMiddleRingLittleFingers = 48,
LeftIndexMiddleRingFingers = 49,
LeftMiddleRingLittleFingers = 50,
PlainRightFourFingertips = 51,
PlainLeftFourFingertips = 52,
PlainRightFiveFingertips = 53,
PlainLeftFiveFingertips = 54,
UnknownSole = 60,
RightFootSole = 61,
LeftFootSole = 62,
UnknownToe = 63,
RightBigToe = 64,
RightSecondToe = 65,
RightMiddleToe = 66,

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

RightFourthToe = 67,
RightLittleToe = 68,
LeftBigToe = 69,
LeftSecondToe = 70,
LeftMiddleToe = 71,
LeftFourthToe = 72,
LeftLittleToe = 73,
RightFootFrontBall = 74,
RightFootBackHeel = 75,
LeftFootFrontBall = 76,
LeftFootBackHeel = 77,
RightMiddleFoot = 78,
LeftMiddleFoot = 79,
RightCarpalDeltaArea = 81,
LeftCarpalDeltaArea = 82,
RightFullPalmWithWritersPalm = 83,
LeftFullPalmWithWritersPalm = 84,
RightWristBracelet = 85,
LeftWristBracelet = 86
File: BdifTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
Unknown = 0 Unknown.
RightThumb = 1 Right thumb.
RightIndexFinger = 2 Right index finger.
RightMiddleFinger = 3 Right middle finger.
RightRingFinger = 4 Right ring finger.
RightLittleFinger = 5 Right little finger.
LeftThumb = 6 Left thumb.
LeftIndexFinger = 7 Left index finger.
LeftMiddleFinger = 8 Left middle finger.
LeftRingFinger = 9 Left ring finger.
LeftLittleFinger = 10 Left little finger.
PlainRightThumb = 11 Plain right thumb.
PlainLeftThumb = 12 Plain left thumb.
PlainRightFourFingers = 13 Plain right four fingers.
PlainLeftFourFingers = 14 Plain left four fingers.
PlainThumbs = 15 Plain thumbs.
MajorCase = 19 Major case.
UnknownPalm = 20 Unknown palm.
RightFullPalm = 21 Right full palm.
RightWritersPalm = 22 Right writer's palm.
LeftFullPalm = 23 Left full palm.
LeftWritersPalm = 24 Left writer's palm.
RightLowerPalm = 25 Right lower palm.
RightUpperPalm = 26 Right upper palm.
LeftLowerPalm = 27 Left lower palm.
LeftUpperPalm = 28 Left upper palm. 9
RightOther = 29 Right other.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

LeftOther = 30 Left other.

RightInterdigital = 31 Right interdigital.
RightThenar = 32 Right thenar.
RightHypothenar = 33 Right hypothenar.
LeftInterdigital = 34 Left interdigital.
LeftThenar = 35 Left thenar.
LeftHypothenar = 36 Left hypothenar.
RightGrasp = 37 Right grasp.
LeftGrasp = 38 Left grasp.
RightIndexMiddleFingers = 40 Right index/middle.
RightMiddleRingFingers = 41 Right middle/ring.
RightRingLittleFingers = 42 Right ring/little.
LeftIndexMiddleFingers = 43 Left index/middle.
LeftMiddleRingFingers = 44 Left middle/ring.
LeftRingLittleFingers = 45 Left ring/little.
RightIndexLeftIndexFingers = 46 Right index/Left index.
RightIndexMiddleRingFingers = 47 Right index/middle/ring.
RightMiddleRingLittleFingers = 48 Right middle/ring/little.
LeftIndexMiddleRingFingers = 49 Left index/middle/ring.
LeftMiddleRingLittleFingers = 50 Left middle/ring/little.
PlainRightFourFingertips = 51 Plain right four fingertips.
PlainLeftFourFingertips = 52 Plain left four fingertips.
PlainRightFiveFingertips = 53 Plain right five fingertips.
PlainLeftFiveFingertips = 54 Plain left five fingertips.
UnknownSole = 60 Unknown sole.
RightFootSole = 61 Right foot sole.
LeftFootSole = 62 Left foot sole.
UnknownToe = 63 Unknown toe.
RightBigToe = 64 Right big toe.
RightSecondToe = 65 Right second toe.
RightMiddleToe = 66 Right middle toe.
RightFourthToe = 67 Right fourth toe.
RightLittleToe = 68 Right little toe.
LeftBigToe = 69 Left big toe.
LeftSecondToe = 70 Left second toe.
LeftMiddleToe = 71 Left middle toe.
LeftFourthToe = 72 Left fourth toe.
LeftLittleToe = 73 Left little toe.
RightFootFrontBall = 74 Right foot front ball.
RightFootBackHeel = 75 Right foot back heel.
LeftFootFrontBall = 76 Left foot front ball.
LeftFootBackHeel = 77 Left foot back heel.
RightMiddleFoot = 78 Right middle foot.
LeftMiddleFoot = 79 Left middle foot.
RightCarpalDeltaArea = 81 Right carpal delta area.
LeftCarpalDeltaArea = 82 Left carpal delta area.
RightFullPalmWithWritersPalm = 83 Right full palm with writers palm.
LeftFullPalmWithWritersPalm = 84 Left full palm with writers palm.
RightWristBracelet = 85 Right wrist bracelet.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

LeftWristBracelet = 86 Left wrist bracelet.

See BdifFPPosition in Reference (C/C++) chapter. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.BdifFPSegmentationStatus
Enumerates fingerprint segmentation status constants.

public enum BdifFPSegmentationStatus {
Unknown = 0,
Successful = 1,
MultiFingerImpression = 2,
Failed = 3
File: BdifTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
Unknown = 0 Unknown.
Successful = 1 Successful.
MultiFingerImpression = 2 Multi finger impression.
Failed = 3 Failed.

See BdifFPSegmentationStatus in Reference (C/C++) chapter. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.BdifFPatternClass Enumeration

Enumerates fingerprint pattern class constants.

public enum BdifFPatternClass {
Unknown = 0,
PlainArch = 1,
TentedArch = 2,
RadialLoop = 3,
UlnarLoop = 4,
PlainWhorl = 5,
CentralPocketLoop = 6,
DoubleLoop = 7,
AccidentalWhorl = 8,
Whorl = 9,
RightSlantLoop = 10,
LeftSlantLoop = 11,
Scar = 12,
Amputation = 15,
Vendor = 128
} 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

File: BdifTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
Unknown = 0 Unknown.
PlainArch = 1 Plain arch.
TentedArch = 2 Tented arch.
RadialLoop = 3 Radial loop.
UlnarLoop = 4 Unlar loop.
PlainWhorl = 5 Plain whorl.
CentralPocketLoop = 6 Central pocket loop.
DoubleLoop = 7 Double loop.
AccidentalWhorl = 8 Accidental whorl.
Whorl = 9 Whorl.
RightSlantLoop = 10 Right slant loop.
LeftSlantLoop = 11 Left slant loop.
Scar = 12 Scar.
Amputation = 15 Amputation.
Vendor = 128 Vendor.

See BdifFPatternClass in Reference (C/C++) chapter. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.BdifFaceExpression Enumeration

Enumerates facial feature constants.

public enum BdifFaceExpression {
Unspecified = 0,
Neutral = 1,
Smile = 2,
SmileOpenedJaw = 3,
RaisedBrows = 4,
EyesAway = 5,
Squinting = 6,
Frowning = 7,
Vendor = 0x8000,
Unknown = 0xFFFF
File: BdifTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description 9
Unspecified = 0 Unspecified.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Neutral = 1 Neutral.
Smile = 2 Smile.
SmileOpenedJaw = 3 Smile with jaw open.
RaisedBrows = 4 Eyebrows raised.
EyesAway = 5 Eyes looking away.
Squinting = 6 Squinting.
Frowning = 7 Frowning.
Vendor = 0x8000 Vendor.
Unknown = 0xFFFF Unknown.

See BdifFaceExpression in Reference (C/C++) chapter. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.BdifFaceExpressionBitMask
Enumerates facial feature bit mask.

public enum BdifFaceExpressionBitMask {
Unspecified = 0,
Specified = 0x0001,
Neutral = 0x0002,
Smile = 0x0004,
RaisedBrows = 0x0008,
EyesAway = 0x0010,
Squinting = 0x0020,
Frowning = 0x0040,
Vendor = 0x8000
File: BdifTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
Unspecified = 0 Unspecified.
Specified = 0x0001 Specified.
Neutral = 0x0002 Neutral.
Smile = 0x0004 Smile.
RaisedBrows = 0x0008 Eyebrows raised.
EyesAway = 0x0010 Eyes looking away.
Squinting = 0x0020 Squinting.
Frowning = 0x0040 Frowning.
Vendor = 0x8000 Vendor.

See BdifFaceExpressionBitMask in Reference (C/C++) chapter.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.BdifFaceFeaturePointType
Enumerates face feature point type constants.

public enum BdifFaceFeaturePointType {
Point2D = 1,
Anthropometric2DLandmark = 2,
Anthropometric3DLandmark = 3,
Point3D = 4
File: BdifTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
Point2D = 1 2D point.
Anthropometric2DLandmark = 2 2D anthropometric landmark point.
Anthropometric3DLandmark = 3 3D anthropometric landmark point.
Point3D = 4 3D point.

See BdifFaceFeaturePointType in Reference (C/C++) chapter.
Enumerates face post-acquisition processing.

public enum BdifFacePostAcquisitionProcessing {
NoPostAcquisitionProcessing = 0x000000,
Rotated = 0x000001,
Cropped = 0x000002,
Downsampled = 0x000004,
WhiteBalanceAdjusted = 0x000008,
MultiplyCompressed = 0x000010,
Interpolated = 0x000020,
ContrastStretched = 0x000040,
PoseCorrected = 0x000080,
MultiViewImage = 0x000100,
AgeProgressed = 0x000200,
SuperResolutionProcessed = 0x000400,
AxisAngleCorrected = 0x010000,
ColorShifted = 0x020000,
DistortionCorrected = 0x040000,
Grayscale = 0x080000,
IlluminationTransform = 0x100000,
ImageLevelFusion = 0x200000, 9
SimulatedNearIR = 0x400000

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

File: BdifTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
NoPostAcquisitionProcessing = 0x000000 No posta-acquisition processing
Rotated = 0x000001 Rotated.
Cropped = 0x000002 Cropped.
Downsampled = 0x000004 Down sampled.
WhiteBalanceAdjusted = 0x000008 White balance adjusted.
MultiplyCompressed = 0x000010 Multiply compressed.
Interpolated = 0x000020 Interpolated.
ContrastStretched = 0x000040 Contrast stretched.
PoseCorrected = 0x000080 Pose corrected.
MultiViewImage = 0x000100 Multi view image.
AgeProgressed = 0x000200 Age progressed.
SuperResolutionProcessed = 0x000400 Super resolution processed.
AxisAngleCorrected = 0x010000 Off-axis image rectification / Angle correction.
ColorShifted = 0x020000 Color shifted.
DistortionCorrected = 0x040000 Distortion corrected.
Grayscale = 0x080000 Grayscale from color.
IlluminationTransform = 0x100000 Illumination transform.
ImageLevelFusion = 0x200000 Image-level fusion of two or more images.
SimulatedNearIR = 0x400000 Simulated Near IR.

See BdifFacePostAcquisitionProcessing in Reference (C/C++) chapter. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.BdifFaceProperties Enumeration

Enumerates basic face properties constants

public enum BdifFaceProperties {
NotSpecified = 0,
Specified = 0x000001,
Glasses = 0x000002,
Mustache = 0x000004,
Beard = 0x000008,
TeethVisible = 0x000010,
Blink = 0x000020,
MouthOpen = 0x000040,
LeftEyePatch = 0x000080,
RightEyePatch = 0x000100,
BothEyePatch = 0x000200,
DarkGlasses = 0x000400,
DistortingCondition = 0x000800,
HeadCoverings = 0x001000,
Hat = 0x01000000,
Scarf = 0x02000000,
NoEar = 0x04000000

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

File: BdifTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
NotSpecified = 0 Face properties not specified.
Specified = 0x000001 Face properties specified.
Glasses = 0x000002 Wearing glasses.
Mustache = 0x000004 Mustache.
Beard = 0x000008 Beard.
TeethVisible = 0x000010 Teeth visible.
Blink = 0x000020 Eye blink.
MouthOpen = 0x000040 Mouth is open.
LeftEyePatch = 0x000080 Left eye patch.
RightEyePatch = 0x000100 Right eye patch.
BothEyePatch = 0x000200 Both eyes patch.
DarkGlasses = 0x000400 Wearing dark glasses.
DistortingCondition = 0x000800 Distorting conditions.
HeadCoverings = 0x001000 Head coverings.
Hat = 0x01000000 Wearing a hat.
Scarf = 0x02000000 Wearing a scarf.
NoEar = 0x04000000 No ear.

See BdifFaceProperties in Reference (C/C++) chapter.
Enumerates face spacial sampling rate levels.

public enum BdifFaceSpatialSamplingRateLevel {
WidthOfHead180 = 0,
WidthOfHead181To240 = 1,
WidthOfHead241To300 = 2,
WidthOfHead301To370 = 3,
WidthOfHead371To480 = 4,
WidthOfHead481To610 = 5,
WidthOfHead611To750 = 6,
WidthOfHead751 = 7
File: BdifTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards


Members Description
WidthOfHead180 = 0 180 >= Width of Head
WidthOfHead181To240 = 1 240 >= Width of Head > 180
WidthOfHead241To300 = 2 300 >= Width of Head > 240
WidthOfHead301To370 = 3 370 >= Width of Head > 300
WidthOfHead371To480 = 4 480 >= Width of Head > 370
WidthOfHead481To610 = 5 610 >= Width of Head > 480
WidthOfHead611To750 = 6 750 >= Width of Head > 610
WidthOfHead751 = 7 Width of Head > 750

See BdifFaceSpatialSamplingRateLevel in Reference (C/C++) chapter. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.BdifFaceTemporalSemantics
Enumerates face spacial temporal semantics.

public enum BdifFaceTemporalSemantics {
OneRepresentationIsPresent = 0,
RelationshipUnspecified = 1,
IrregularIntervalsSingleSession = 2,
IrregularIntervalsMultipleSessions = 3,
NumberOfMilliseconds = 4,
RegularIntervalsExceedingFFFE = 0xFFFF
File: BdifTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
OneRepresentationIsPresent = 0 One representation is present
RelationshipUnspecified = 1 The temporal relationship between them is unspecified.
IrregularIntervalsSingleSession = 2 The representations are taken at irregular intervals during a
single session
IrregularIntervalsMultipleSessions = 3 The representations are taken at irregular intervals spanning
multiple sessions
NumberOfMilliseconds = 4 The number of milliseconds between sequential
RegularIntervalsExceedingFFFE = 0xFFFF The representations correspond to a temporal sequence but
are taken at regular intervals exceeding 0xFFFE

See BdifFaceTemporalSemantics in Reference (C/C++) chapter.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.BdifGender Enumeration

Enumerates gender constants.

public enum BdifGender {
Unspecified = 0,
Male = 1,
Female = 2,
Unknown = 255
File: BdifTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
Unspecified = 0 Unspecified gender.
Male = 1 Male.
Female = 2 Female.
Unknown = 255 Unknown.

See BdifGender in Reference (C/C++) chapter. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.BdifHairColor Enumeration

Enumerates hair color constants.

public enum BdifHairColor {
Unspecified = 0,
Bald = 1,
Black = 2,
Blonde = 3,
Brown = 4,
Gray = 5,
Red = 6,
Blue = 7,
Green = 8,
Orange = 9,
Pink = 10,
Purple = 11,
Sandy = 12,
Auburn = 13,
White = 14,
Strawberry = 15,
Unknown = 255
File: BdifTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786] 9

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards


Members Description
Unspecified = 0 Unspecified.
Bald = 1 Bald.
Black = 2 Black.
Blonde = 3 Blonde.s
Brown = 4 Brown.
Gray = 5 Gray.
Red = 6 Red.
Blue = 7 Blue.
Green = 8 Green.
Orange = 9 Orange.
Pink = 10 Pink.
Purple = 11 Purple.
Sandy = 12 Sandy.
Auburn = 13 Auburn.
White = 14 White.
Strawberry = 15 Strawberry.
Unknown = 255 Unknown.

See BdifHairColor in Reference (C/C++) chapter. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.BdifImageSourceType
Enumerates image source type constants

public enum BdifImageSourceType {
Unspecified = 0,
UnknownPhoto = 1,
DigitalPhoto = 2,
ScannedPhoto = 3,
UnknownVideo = 4,
AnalogueVideo = 5,
DigitalVideo = 6,
Unknown = 7,
Vendor = 128
File: BdifTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
Unspecified = 0 Unspecified.
UnknownPhoto = 1 Unknown photo.
DigitalPhoto = 2 Digital photo. 9
ScannedPhoto = 3 Scanned photo.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

UnknownVideo = 4 Unknown video.

AnalogueVideo = 5 Analogue video.
DigitalVideo = 6 Digital video.
Unknown = 7 Unknown.
Vendor = 128 Vendor.

See BdifImageSourceType in Reference (C/C++) chapter. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.BdifIrisImageFormat Enumeration

Enumerates Bdif iris image format.

public enum BdifIrisImageFormat {
Unspecified = 0,
Uncropped = 1,
Vga = 2,
Cropped = 3,
CroppedAndMasked = 7
File: BdifTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
Unspecified = 0 Undefined iris image format.
Uncropped = 1 Uncropped iris image format.
Vga = 2 Video [ 2417] Graphics Array (VGA) image format.
Cropped = 3 Cropped iris image format.
CroppedAndMasked = 7 Cropped and masked iris image format. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.BdifIrisOrientation Enumeration

Enumerates Bdif Iris orientation values.

public enum BdifIrisOrientation {
Undefined = 0,
Base = 1,
Flipped = 2
File: BdifTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards


Members Description
Undefined = 0 Undefined iris orientation.
Base = 1 Base
Flipped = 2 Flipped Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.BdifIrisScanType Enumeration

Enumerates Bdif scan type values.

public enum BdifIrisScanType {
Undefined = 0,
Progressive = 1,
InterlaceFrame = 2,
InterlaceField = 3,
Corrected = 4
File: BdifTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
Undefined = 0 Scan type undefined.
Progressive = 1 Progressive scan type.
InterlaceFrame = 2 InterlaceFrame scan type.
InterlaceField = 3 InterlaceFiled scan type.
Corrected = 4 Corrected scan type. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.BdifScaleUnits Enumeration

Enumerates scale unit constants.

public enum BdifScaleUnits {
Unspecified = -1,
None = 0,
PixelsPerInch = 1,
PixelsPerCentimeter = 2
File: BdifTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
Unspecified = -1 Indicates unspecified scale units.
None = 0 Default scale units.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

PixelsPerInch = 1 Pixels per pinch.

PixelsPerCentimeter = 2 Pixels per centimeter.

See BdifScaleUnits in Reference (C/C++) chapter. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.BdifStandard Enumeration

Enumerates standard constants.

public enum BdifStandard {
Unspecified = -1,
Iso = 0,
Ansi = 1
File: BdifTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
Unspecified = -1 Unspecified standard.
Iso = 0 Iso standard.
Ansi = 1 Ansi standard.

See BdifStandard in Reference (C/C++) chapter. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.FcrFaceImageType Enumeration

Enumerates face image type constants.

public enum FcrFaceImageType {
Basic = 0,
FullFrontal = 1,
TokenFrontal = 2,
Other = 3,
PostProcessedFrontal = 4,
Basic3D = 0x80,
FullFrontal3D = 0x81,
TokenFrontal3D = 0x82
File: FcrFaceImage.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards


Members Description
Basic = 0 Basic face.
FullFrontal = 1 Full frontal face.
TokenFrontal = 2 Token frontal face.
Other = 3 Other face.
PostProcessedFrontal = 4 Post processed frontal face.
Basic3D = 0x80 Basic 3D face. Currently is not supported.
FullFrontal3D = 0x81 Full frontal 3D face. Currently is not supported.
TokenFrontal3D = 0x82 Token frontal 3D face. Currently is not supported.

See FcrFaceImageType in Reference (C/C++) chapter. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.FcrImageColorSpace
Enumerates image color space constants.

public enum FcrImageColorSpace {
Unspecified = 0,
Rgb24Bit = 1,
Yuv422 = 2,
Grayscale8Bit = 3,
Other = 4,
Rgb48Bit = 5,
Grayscale16Bit = 6,
Vendor = 128
File: FcrFaceImage.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
Unspecified = 0 Unspecified color space.
Rgb24Bit = 1 RGB 24bit color space.
Yuv422 = 2 Yuv422 color space.
Grayscale8Bit = 3 Grayscale 8bit color space.
Other = 4 Other color space.
Rgb48Bit = 5 RGB 48bit color space.
Grayscale16Bit = 6 Grayscale 16bit color space.
Vendor = 128 Vendor color space. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.FcrImageDataType Enumeration

Enumerates image data type constants.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public enum FcrImageDataType {

Jpeg = 0,
Jpeg2000 = 1,
Jpeg2000Lossless = 2,
Png = 3
File: FcrFaceImage.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
Jpeg = 0 Jpeg image type.
Jpeg2000 = 1 Jpeg2000 image type.
Jpeg2000Lossless = 2 Jpeg2000 lossless image type.
Png = 3 Png image type. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.FirImageCompressionAlgorithm
Enumerates image compression algorithm constants.

public enum FirImageCompressionAlgorithm {
NotBitPacked = 0,
BitPacked = 1,
Wsq = 2,
Jpeg = 3,
Jpeg2000 = 4,
Png = 5,
Jpeg2000Lossless = 6
File: FIRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
NotBitPacked = 0 Not bit packed.
BitPacked = 1 Bit packed.
Wsq = 2 Wsq format.
Jpeg = 3 Jpeg format.
Jpeg2000 = 4 Jpeg2000 format.
Png = 5 PNG format.
Jpeg2000Lossless = 6 Jpeg2000 lossless format. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.FmcrFeatureHandling
Enumeration 9
Specifies additional fingerprint features that are supported by the card.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

public enum FmcrFeatureHandling {
None = 0,
RidgeCounts = 0x01,
CorePoints = 0x02,
DeltaPoints = 0x04,
CellQuality = 0x08
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Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
None = 0 None additional features are supported.
RidgeCounts = 0x01 Ridge counts supported.
CorePoints = 0x02 Core points supported.
DeltaPoints = 0x04 Delta points supported.
CellQuality = 0x08 Cell quality supported. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.FmcrMinutiaFormat Enumeration

Enumerates minutiae encoding format values.

public enum FmcrMinutiaFormat {
CompactSize = 0,
NormalSize = 1
File: FMCRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
CompactSize = 0 Compact size.
NormalSize = 1 Normal size. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.FmcrMinutiaOrder Enumeration

Specifies minutia ordering required by the card.

public enum FmcrMinutiaOrder {
None = 0, 9
Ascending = 0x01,
Descending = 0x02,
CartesianXY = 0x04,

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

CartesianYX = 0x08,
Angle = 0x0C,
Polar = 0x10,
XOrYCoordinateExtension = 0x20
File: FMCRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
None = 0 Specifies than no ordering is required.
Ascending = 0x01 Specifies that minutiae are sorted ascending by the specified
Descending = 0x02 Specifies than minutiae are sorted descending by the
specified order.
CartesianXY = 0x04 Specifies that minutiae are sorted by X coordinate. If X
coordinates of two minutiae are equal Y coordinate is
CartesianYX = 0x08 Specifies that minutiae are sorted by Y coordinate. If Y
coordinates of two minutiae are equal X coordinate is
Angle = 0x0C Specifies that minutiae are sorted by minutia angle.
Polar = 0x10 Specifies than minutiae are sorted by distance from minutiae
center of mass. If distance of two minutiae are equal minutia
angle is compared.
XOrYCoordinateExtension = 0x20 Specifies than minutiae X or Y coordinate extension is used
for compact format.
Enumerates capture equipment compliance values.

public enum FmrCaptureEquipmentCompliance {
None = 0,
Fbi = 0x80,
Iso = 0x01
File: FMRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
None = 0 No capture equipment compliance. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

Fbi = 0x80 The original capture equipment was certified to be compliant

with the specifications in the US Federal Bureau of
Investigations Image Quality Specifications.
Iso = 0x01 Reserved for a future ISO finger image capture equipment
certification. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.IirCaptureDeviceTechnology
Enumerates iris image capture device technology.

public enum IirCaptureDeviceTechnology {
Undefined = 0,
CmosCcd = 1
File: IirIrisImage.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
Undefined = 0 Iris capture device technology is undefined.
CmosCcd = 1 Cmos CCD. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.IirImageFormat Enumeration

Enumerates iris image format option values.

public enum IirImageFormat {
MonoRaw = 2,
RgbRaw = 4,
MonoJpeg = 6,
RgbJpeg = 8,
MonoJpegLS = 10,
RgbJpegLS = 12,
MonoJpeg2000 = 14,
RgbJpeg2000 = 16,
MonoPng = 18
File: IirIrisImage.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
MonoRaw = 2 Raw monochrome format.
RgbRaw = 4 Raw rgb format. 9
MonoJpeg = 6 Monochrome jpeg format.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards

RgbJpeg = 8 Rgb jpeg format.

MonoJpegLS = 10 Monochrome jpegLS format.
RgbJpegLS = 12 Rgb jpegLS format.
MonoJpeg2000 = 14 Monochrome jpeg2000 format.
RgbJpeg2000 = 16 Rgb jpeg2000 format.
MonoPng = 18 Monochrome png format. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.IirImageKind Enumeration

Enumerates iris image kind.

public enum IirImageKind {
Uncropped = 1,
Vga = 2,
Cropped = 3,
CroppedAndMasked = 7
File: IirIrisImage.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
Uncropped = 1 Uncropped image.
Vga = 2 VGA.
Cropped = 3 Cropped image.
CroppedAndMasked = 7 Cropped and masked image. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.IirImageTransformation
Enumerates iris image transformation option values.

public enum IirImageTransformation {
Undefined = 0,
Standard = 1
File: IIRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
Undefined = 0 Undefined image transformation.
Standard = 1 Standard image transformation. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.IirIrisBoundary Enumeration

Enumerates iris boundary option values.

public enum IirIrisBoundary {
Undefined = 0,
Processed = 1
File: IIRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
Undefined = 0 Iris boundary is undefined.
Processed = 1 Iris boundary is processed. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.IirIrisOcclusionFilling
Enumerates iris occlusion filling option values.

public enum IirIrisOcclusionFilling {
Zero = 0,
Unit = 1
File: IIRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
Zero = 0 Iris occlusion is filled with zeros.
Unit = 1 Iris occlusion is filled with some specific units. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.IirIrisOcclusions Enumeration

Enumerates iris occlusion option values.

public enum IirIrisOcclusions {
Undefined = 0,
Processed = 1
File: IIRecord.cs

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
Undefined = 0 Iris occlusion is undefined.
Processed = 1 Iris occlusion is processed. Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.IirPreviousCompression
Enumerates iris image previous compression.

public enum IirPreviousCompression {
Undefined = 0,
LosslessOrNone = 1,
Lossy = 2
File: IirIrisImage.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards [ 786]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
Undefined = 0 Previous compression undefined.
LosslessOrNone = 1 Previous compression lossless or none.
Lossy = 2 Previous compression lossy.

9.1.8 Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop Namespace

Provides supporting types for interoperation between standards and base class.


Name Description
ANAcquisitionSource_ [ 1635] Describes a acquisition source.
ANAgencyNames_ [ 1637] Represents application profile.
ANAnnotation_ [ 1639] Defines annotaton information.
ANApplicationProfile_ [ 1640] Represents application profile.
ANCharset_ [ 1642] Represents characters sets.
ANCheiloscopicData_ [ 1644] Describes cheiloscopic image data.
ANDentalVisualData_ [ 1648] Describes dental visual data.
ANDomain_ [ 1649] Represents domain.
ANFPatternClass_ [ 1651] Defines fingerprint pattern classification.
ANFileFormat_ [ 1652] Describes a image file format.
ANGeographicLocation_ [ 1654] Describes a geographic sample acquisition location to specify location 9
where biometric sample was collected.
ANImageSourceType_ [ 1658] Type of the image source.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop

ANMakeModelSerialNumber_ Provides functionality for managing make, model and serial number
[ 1659] values of the device.
ANMedicalDevice_ [ 1661] Describes a medical device.
ANOfrs_ [ 1663] Defines fingerprint pattern classification.
ANPatternedInjury_ [ 1664] Describes patterned injury.
ANResolutionMethod_ [ 1666] Describes resolution method.
ANRuler_ [ 1668] Describes ruler or other known scale, which is present in the image.
ANSegment_ [ 1670] Describes a image segments for Type-20 and Type-21 records.
ANSmt_ [ 1671] Describes a general location of the captured scar, mark, tattoo, or other
characteristic (including piercings) in the image.
ANUlwAnnotation_ [ 1673] Defines universal latent workstation annotation information.
BdifConformanceTest_ [ 1675] Describes conformance test.
BdifFPExtendedData_ [ 1677] Represents extended data.

.NET Reference [ 218] Classes ANAcquisitionSource_ Structure

Describes a acquisition source.

public struct ANAcquisitionSource_ {
public ANAcquisitionSourceType acquisitionSourceType;
public IntPtr hAnalogToDigital;
public IntPtr hRadioTransmissionFormat;
public IntPtr hSpecialCharacteristics;
File: ANType20Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop [ 1635]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

ANAcquisitionSource_ Fields

Name Description
acquisitionSourceType [ 1636] A handle to the acquisitionSourceType.
hAnalogToDigital [ 1636] A handle to the analogToDigital.
hRadioTransmissionFormat [ 1636] A handle to the radioTransmissionFormat.
hSpecialCharacteristics [ 1636] A handle to the specialCharacteristics.

ANAcquisitionSource_ Methods

Name Description
Create [ 1637] Creates ANAcquisitionSource_ object for ANAcquisitionSource [ 793]
Dispose [ 1637] Frees ANAcquisitionSource_ object.
ToStruct [ 1637] Converts the object to structure.
9 ANAcquisitionSource_ Fields

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop ANAcquisitionSource_.acquisitionSourceType Field

A handle to the acquisitionSourceType.

public ANAcquisitionSourceType acquisitionSourceType; ANAcquisitionSource_.hAnalogToDigital Field

A handle to the analogToDigital.

public IntPtr hAnalogToDigital; ANAcquisitionSource_.hRadioTransmissionFormat Field

A handle to the radioTransmissionFormat.

public IntPtr hRadioTransmissionFormat; ANAcquisitionSource_.hSpecialCharacteristics Field

A handle to the specialCharacteristics.

public IntPtr hSpecialCharacteristics; ANAcquisitionSource_ Methods ANAcquisitionSource_.Create Method

Creates ANAcquisitionSource_ [ 1635] object for ANAcquisitionSource [ 793] structure.

public static void Create(ANAcquisitionSource value, out ANAcquisitionSource_ v);

Parameters Description
ANAcquisitionSource value ANAcquisitionSource [ 793] structure.
out ANAcquisitionSource_ v ANAcquisitionSource_ [ 1635] object. ANAcquisitionSource_.Dispose Method

Frees ANAcquisitionSource_ [ 1635] object.

public static void Dispose(ref ANAcquisitionSource_ value);

Parameters Description
ref ANAcquisitionSource_ value ANAcquisitionSource_ [ 1635] object to be freed. ANAcquisitionSource_.ToStruct Method

Converts the object to structure.

public static ANAcquisitionSource ToStruct(ref ANAcquisitionSource_ value);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop


Parameters Description
ref ANAcquisitionSource_ value ANAcquisitionSource_ [ 1635] object.

ANAcquisitionSource [ 793] structure. ANAgencyNames_ Structure

Represents application profile.

public struct ANAgencyNames_ {
public IntPtr hDestinationAgency;
public IntPtr hOriginatingAgency;
File: ANType1Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop [ 1635]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

ANAgencyNames_ Fields

Name Description
hDestinationAgency [ 1638] A handle to destination agency name.
hOriginatingAgency [ 1638] A handle to originating agency name.

ANAgencyNames_ Methods

Name Description
Create [ 1638] Creates the ANAgencyNames_ object for ANAgencyNames [ 795]
Dispose [ 1638] Frees the ANAgencyNames_ object.
ToStruct [ 1638] Converts the object to structure. ANAgencyNames_ Fields ANAgencyNames_.hDestinationAgency Field

A handle to destination agency name.

public IntPtr hDestinationAgency; ANAgencyNames_.hOriginatingAgency Field

A handle to originating agency name.

public IntPtr hOriginatingAgency; ANAgencyNames_ Methods ANAgencyNames_.Create Method 9

Creates the ANAgencyNames_ [ 1637] object for ANAgencyNames [ 795] structure.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop

public static void Create(ANAgencyNames value, out ANAgencyNames_ v);

Parameters Description
ANAgencyNames value ANAgencyNames [ 795] structure.
out ANAgencyNames_ v ANAgencyNames_ [ 1637] object ANAgencyNames_.Dispose Method

Frees the ANAgencyNames_ [ 1637] object.

public static void Dispose(ref ANAgencyNames_ value);

Parameters Description
ref ANAgencyNames_ value ANAgencyNames_ [ 1637] object ANAgencyNames_.ToStruct Method

Converts the object to structure.

public static ANAgencyNames ToStruct(ref ANAgencyNames_ value);

Parameters Description
ref ANAgencyNames_ value ANAgencyNames__ object.

ANApplicationProfile [ 797] structure. ANAnnotation_ Structure

Defines annotaton information.

public struct ANAnnotation_ {
public long gmt;
public IntPtr hProcessingAlgorithmName;
public IntPtr hAlgorithmOwner;
public IntPtr hProcessDescription;
File: ANRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop [ 1635]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

ANAnnotation_ Fields

Name Description
gmt [ 1639] The gmt of the system.
hAlgorithmOwner [ 1639] A handle to the processing algorithm owner of the system. 9
hProcessDescription [ 1640] A handle to the process description of the system.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop

hProcessingAlgorithmName [ 1640] A handle to the processing algorithm name of the system.

ANAnnotation_ Methods

Name Description
Create [ 1640] Creates ANAnnotation_ object for ANAnnotation [ 796] structure.
Dispose [ 1640] Frees ANAnnotation_ object.
ToStruct [ 1640] Converts ANAnnotation_ object to ANAnnotation [ 796] structure. ANAnnotation_ Fields ANAnnotation_.gmt Field

The gmt of the system.

public long gmt; ANAnnotation_.hAlgorithmOwner Field

A handle to the processing algorithm owner of the system.

public IntPtr hAlgorithmOwner; ANAnnotation_.hProcessDescription Field

A handle to the process description of the system.

public IntPtr hProcessDescription; ANAnnotation_.hProcessingAlgorithmName Field

A handle to the processing algorithm name of the system.

public IntPtr hProcessingAlgorithmName; ANAnnotation_ Methods ANAnnotation_.Create Method

Creates ANAnnotation_ [ 1639] object for ANAnnotation [ 796] structure.

public static void Create(ANAnnotation value, out ANAnnotation_ v);

Parameters Description
ANAnnotation value ANAnnotation [ 796] structure.
out ANAnnotation_ v ANAnnotation_ [ 1639] object. ANAnnotation_.Dispose Method

Frees ANAnnotation_ [ 1639] object.

public static void Dispose(ref ANAnnotation_ value); 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop


Parameters Description
ref ANAnnotation_ value ANAnnotation_ [ 1639] object. ANAnnotation_.ToStruct Method

Converts ANAnnotation_ [ 1639] object to ANAnnotation [ 796] structure.

public static ANAnnotation ToStruct(ref ANAnnotation_ value);

Parameters Description
ref ANAnnotation_ value ANAnnotation_ [ 1639] object.

ANAnnotation [ 796] structure. ANApplicationProfile_ Structure

Represents application profile.

public struct ANApplicationProfile_ {
public IntPtr hOrganization;
public IntPtr hProfileName;
public IntPtr hVersion;
File: ANType1Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop [ 1635]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

ANApplicationProfile_ Fields

Name Description
hOrganization [ 1641] A handle to application profile organization.
hProfileName [ 1641] A handle to application profile name.
hVersion [ 1641] A handle to application profile version.

ANApplicationProfile_ Methods

Name Description
Create [ 1641] Creates the ANApplicationProfile_ object for ANApplicationProfile [ 797]
Dispose [ 1642] Frees the ANApplicationProfile_ object.
ToStruct [ 1642] Converts the object to structure. ANApplicationProfile_ Fields ANApplicationProfile_.hOrganization Field

A handle to application profile organization.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop

public IntPtr hOrganization; ANApplicationProfile_.hProfileName Field

A handle to application profile name.

public IntPtr hProfileName; ANApplicationProfile_.hVersion Field

A handle to application profile version.

public IntPtr hVersion; ANApplicationProfile_ Methods ANApplicationProfile_.Create Method

Creates the ANApplicationProfile_ [ 1640] object for ANApplicationProfile [ 797] structure.

public static void Create(ANApplicationProfile value, out ANApplicationProfile_ v);

Parameters Description
ANApplicationProfile value ANApplicationProfile [ 797] structure.
out ANApplicationProfile_ v ANApplicationProfile_ [ 1640] object ANApplicationProfile_.Dispose Method

Frees the ANApplicationProfile_ [ 1640] object.

public static void Dispose(ref ANApplicationProfile_ value);

Parameters Description
ref ANApplicationProfile_ value ANApplicationProfile_ [ 1640] object ANApplicationProfile_.ToStruct Method

Converts the object to structure.

public static ANApplicationProfile ToStruct(ref ANApplicationProfile_ value);

Parameters Description
ref ANApplicationProfile_ value ANApplicationProfile_ [ 1640] object.

ANApplicationProfile [ 797] structure. ANCharset_ Structure 9

Represents characters sets.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop

public struct ANCharset_ {
public int index;
public IntPtr hName;
public IntPtr hVersion;
File: ANType1Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop [ 1635]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

ANCharset_ Fields

Name Description
hName [ 1643] A handle to character set name.
hVersion [ 1643] A handle to character set version.
index [ 1643] Character set index.

ANCharset_ Methods

Name Description
Create [ 1643] Creates ANCharset_ object for ANCharset [ 830] structure.
Dispose [ 1643] Frees the ANCharset_ object.
ToStruct [ 1643] Converts the object to structure. ANCharset_ Fields ANCharset_.hName Field

A handle to character set name.

public IntPtr hName; ANCharset_.hVersion Field

A handle to character set version.

public IntPtr hVersion; ANCharset_.index Field

Character set index.

public int index; ANCharset_ Methods ANCharset_.Create Method

Creates ANCharset_ [ 1642] object for ANCharset [ 830] structure.

public static void Create(ANCharset value, out ANCharset_ v); 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop


Parameters Description
ANCharset value ANCharset [ 830] structure.
out ANCharset_ v ANCharset_ [ 1642] object ANCharset_.Dispose Method

Frees the ANCharset_ [ 1642] object.

public static void Dispose(ref ANCharset_ value);

Parameters Description
ref ANCharset_ value ANCharset_ [ 1642] object ANCharset_.ToStruct Method

Converts the object to structure.

public static ANCharset ToStruct(ref ANCharset_ value);

Parameters Description
ref ANCharset_ value The ANCharset_ [ 1642] object.

ANCharset [ 830] structure. ANCheiloscopicData_ Structure

Describes cheiloscopic image data.

public struct ANCheiloscopicData_ {
public int lpWidth;
public int lpHeight;
public int philtrumWidth;
public int philtrumHeight;
public ANCheiloscopicCharacterizationCode upperLpCharacterization;
public ANCheiloscopicCharacterizationCode lowerLpCharacterization;
public ANLPContactLine lpContactLine;
public IntPtr hLpCharacterizationDescription;
public ANLipPathology lipPathologies;
public IntPtr hLipPathologiesDescription;
public ANLPSurface lpSurface;
public IntPtr hLpSurfaceDescription;
public ANLPMedium lpMedium;
public IntPtr hLpMediumDescription;
public IntPtr hFacialHairDescription;
public IntPtr hLipPositionDescription;
public IntPtr hLpAdditionalDescription;
public IntPtr hLpComparisonDescription;
File: ANType10Record.cs 9
Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop [ 1635]

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

ANCheiloscopicData_ Fields

Name Description
hFacialHairDescription [ 1645] A handle to a string containing facial hair descriptive text.
hLipPathologiesDescription [ 1645] A handle to a string containing lip print pathologies descriptive text.
hLipPositionDescription [ 1645] A handle to a string containing lip position descriptive text.
hLpAdditionalDescription [ 1645] A handle to a string containing lip print additional descriptive text.
hLpCharacterizationDescription A handle to a string containing lip print characterization descriptive text.
[ 1645]
hLpComparisonDescription [ 1645] A handle to a string containing lip print comparison descriptive text.
hLpMediumDescription [ 1646] A handle to a string containing lip print medium descriptive text.
hLpSurfaceDescription [ 1646] A handle to a string containing lip print surface descriptive text.
lipPathologies [ 1646] ANLipPathology [ 1592] value.
lowerLpCharacterization [ 1646] ANCheiloscopicCharacterizationCode [ 1574] value.
lpContactLine [ 1646] ANLPContactLine [ 1590] value.
lpHeight [ 1646] Defines lip print height.
lpMedium [ 1646] ANLPMedium [ 1591] value.
lpSurface [ 1646] ANLPSurface [ 1591] value.
lpWidth [ 1646] Defines lip print width.
philtrumHeight [ 1647] Defines philtrum height.
philtrumWidth [ 1647] Defines philtrum width.
upperLpCharacterization [ 1647] ANCheiloscopicCharacterizationCode [ 1574] value.

ANCheiloscopicData_ Methods

Name Description
Create [ 1647] Creates a ANCheiloscopicData_ object for ANCheiloscopicData [ 831]
Dispose [ 1647] Frees the ANCheiloscopicData_ object.
ToStruct [ 1647] Converts the object to structure. ANCheiloscopicData_ Fields ANCheiloscopicData_.hFacialHairDescription Field

A handle to a string containing facial hair descriptive text.

public IntPtr hFacialHairDescription; ANCheiloscopicData_.hLipPathologiesDescription Field

A handle to a string containing lip print pathologies descriptive text.

public IntPtr hLipPathologiesDescription; ANCheiloscopicData_.hLipPositionDescription Field

A handle to a string containing lip position descriptive text.

public IntPtr hLipPositionDescription;
9 ANCheiloscopicData_.hLpAdditionalDescription Field
A handle to a string containing lip print additional descriptive text.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop

public IntPtr hLpAdditionalDescription; ANCheiloscopicData_.hLpCharacterizationDescription Field

A handle to a string containing lip print characterization descriptive text.

public IntPtr hLpCharacterizationDescription; ANCheiloscopicData_.hLpComparisonDescription Field

A handle to a string containing lip print comparison descriptive text.

public IntPtr hLpComparisonDescription; ANCheiloscopicData_.hLpMediumDescription Field

A handle to a string containing lip print medium descriptive text.

public IntPtr hLpMediumDescription; ANCheiloscopicData_.hLpSurfaceDescription Field

A handle to a string containing lip print surface descriptive text.

public IntPtr hLpSurfaceDescription; ANCheiloscopicData_.lipPathologies Field

ANLipPathology [ 1592] value.

public ANLipPathology lipPathologies; ANCheiloscopicData_.lowerLpCharacterization Field

ANCheiloscopicCharacterizationCode [ 1574] value.

public ANCheiloscopicCharacterizationCode lowerLpCharacterization; ANCheiloscopicData_.lpContactLine Field

ANLPContactLine [ 1590] value.

public ANLPContactLine lpContactLine; ANCheiloscopicData_.lpHeight Field

Defines lip print height.

public int lpHeight; ANCheiloscopicData_.lpMedium Field

ANLPMedium [ 1591] value.

C# 9
public ANLPMedium lpMedium;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop ANCheiloscopicData_.lpSurface Field

ANLPSurface [ 1591] value.

public ANLPSurface lpSurface; ANCheiloscopicData_.lpWidth Field

Defines lip print width.

public int lpWidth; ANCheiloscopicData_.philtrumHeight Field

Defines philtrum height.

public int philtrumHeight; ANCheiloscopicData_.philtrumWidth Field

Defines philtrum width.

public int philtrumWidth; ANCheiloscopicData_.upperLpCharacterization Field

ANCheiloscopicCharacterizationCode [ 1574] value.

public ANCheiloscopicCharacterizationCode upperLpCharacterization; ANCheiloscopicData_ Methods ANCheiloscopicData_.Create Method

Creates a ANCheiloscopicData_ [ 1644] object for ANCheiloscopicData [ 831] structure.

public static void Create(ANCheiloscopicData value, out ANCheiloscopicData_ v);

Parameters Description
ANCheiloscopicData value ANCheiloscopicData [ 831] structure.
out ANCheiloscopicData_ v ANCheiloscopicData_ [ 1644] object. ANCheiloscopicData_.Dispose Method

Frees the ANCheiloscopicData_ [ 1644] object.

public static void Dispose(ref ANCheiloscopicData_ value);

Parameters Description
ref ANCheiloscopicData_ value ANCheiloscopicData_ [ 1644] object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop ANCheiloscopicData_.ToStruct Method

Converts the object to structure.

public static ANCheiloscopicData ToStruct(ref ANCheiloscopicData_ value);

Parameters Description
ref ANCheiloscopicData_ value ANCheiloscopicData_ [ 1644] object.

ANCheiloscopicData [ 831] structure. ANDentalVisualData_ Structure

Describes dental visual data.

public struct ANDentalVisualData_ {
public ANDentalImageCode imageViewCode;
public IntPtr hAdditionalDescription;
public IntPtr hComparisonDescription;
File: ANType10Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop [ 1635]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

ANDentalVisualData_ Fields

Name Description
hAdditionalDescription [ 1648] A handle to a string containing visual image additional descriptive text.
hComparisonDescription [ 1648] A handle to a string containing visual image comparison descriptive text.
imageViewCode [ 1648] ANDentalImageCode [ 1576] value.

ANDentalVisualData_ Methods

Name Description
Create [ 1649] Creates a ANDentalVisualData_ object for ANDentalVisualData [ 835]
Dispose [ 1649] Frees the ANDentalVisualData_ object.
ToStruct [ 1649] Converts the object to structure. ANDentalVisualData_ Fields ANDentalVisualData_.hAdditionalDescription Field

A handle to a string containing visual image additional descriptive text.

public IntPtr hAdditionalDescription; ANDentalVisualData_.hComparisonDescription Field

A handle to a string containing visual image comparison descriptive text.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop

public IntPtr hComparisonDescription; ANDentalVisualData_.imageViewCode Field

ANDentalImageCode [ 1576] value.

public ANDentalImageCode imageViewCode; ANDentalVisualData_ Methods ANDentalVisualData_.Create Method

Creates a ANDentalVisualData_ [ 1648] object for ANDentalVisualData [ 835] structure.

public static void Create(ANDentalVisualData value, out ANDentalVisualData_ v);

Parameters Description
ANDentalVisualData value ANDentalVisualData [ 835] structure.
out ANDentalVisualData_ v ANDentalVisualData_ [ 1648] object. ANDentalVisualData_.Dispose Method

Frees the ANDentalVisualData_ [ 1648] object.

public static void Dispose(ref ANDentalVisualData_ value);

Parameters Description
ref ANDentalVisualData_ value ANDentalVisualData_ [ 1648] object. ANDentalVisualData_.ToStruct Method

Converts the object to structure.

public static ANDentalVisualData ToStruct(ref ANDentalVisualData_ value);

Parameters Description
ref ANDentalVisualData_ value ANDentalVisualData_ [ 1648] object.

ANDentalVisualData [ 835] structure. ANDomain_ Structure

Represents domain.

public struct ANDomain_ {
public IntPtr hName; 9
public IntPtr hVersion;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop

File: ANType1Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop [ 1635]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

ANDomain_ Fields

Name Description
hName [ 1650] A handle to domain name.
hVersion [ 1650] A handle to domain version.

ANDomain_ Methods

Name Description
Create [ 1650] Creates the ANDomain_ object for ANDomain [ 837] structure.
Dispose [ 1650] Frees the ANDomain_ object.
ToStruct [ 1650] Converts the object to structure. ANDomain_ Fields ANDomain_.hName Field

A handle to domain name.

public IntPtr hName; ANDomain_.hVersion Field

A handle to domain version.

public IntPtr hVersion; ANDomain_ Methods ANDomain_.Create Method

Creates the ANDomain_ [ 1649] object for ANDomain [ 837] structure.

public static void Create(ANDomain value, out ANDomain_ v);

Parameters Description
ANDomain value ANDomain [ 837] structure.
out ANDomain_ v ANDomain_ [ 1649] object ANDomain_.Dispose Method

Frees the ANDomain_ [ 1649] object.

public static void Dispose(ref ANDomain_ value);
Parameters Description
ref ANDomain_ value ANDomain_ [ 1649] object

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop ANDomain_.ToStruct Method

Converts the object to structure.

public static ANDomain ToStruct(ref ANDomain_ value);

Parameters Description
ref ANDomain_ value ANDomain_ [ 1649] object.

ANDomain [ 837] structure. ANFPatternClass_ Structure

Defines fingerprint pattern classification.

public struct ANFPatternClass_ {
public BdifFPatternClass value;
public IntPtr hVendorValue;
File: ANType9Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop [ 1635]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

ANFPatternClass_ Fields

Name Description
hVendorValue [ 1651] A handle to a string containing vendor pattern class description.
value [ 1651] BdifFPatternClass [ 1616] object representing standard pattern class.

ANFPatternClass_ Methods

Name Description
Create [ 1651] Creates ANFPatternClass_ object for ANFPatternClass [ 872] structure.
Dispose [ 1652] Frees ANFPatternClass_ object.
ToStruct [ 1652] Converts the current object to structure. ANFPatternClass_ Fields ANFPatternClass_.hVendorValue Field

A handle to a string containing vendor pattern class description.

public IntPtr hVendorValue; ANFPatternClass_.value Field

BdifFPatternClass [ 1616] object representing standard pattern class.

C# 9
public BdifFPatternClass value;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop ANFPatternClass_ Methods ANFPatternClass_.Create Method

Creates ANFPatternClass_ [ 1651] object for ANFPatternClass [ 872] structure.

public static void Create(ANFPatternClass value, out ANFPatternClass_ v);

Parameters Description
ANFPatternClass value ANFPatternClass [ 872] structure.
out ANFPatternClass_ v ANFPatternClass_ [ 1651] object. ANFPatternClass_.Dispose Method

Frees ANFPatternClass_ [ 1651] object.

public static void Dispose(ref ANFPatternClass_ value);

Parameters Description
ref ANFPatternClass_ value ANFPatternClass_ [ 1651] object. ANFPatternClass_.ToStruct Method

Converts the current object to structure.

public static ANFPatternClass ToStruct(ref ANFPatternClass_ value);

Parameters Description
ref ANFPatternClass_ value The ANFPatternClass_ [ 1651] object.

ANFPatternClass [ 872] structure. ANFileFormat_ Structure

Describes a image file format.

public struct ANFileFormat_ {
public IntPtr hFileType;
public IntPtr hDecodingInstructions;
File: ANAsciiBinaryRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop [ 1635]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop

ANFileFormat_ Fields

Name Description
hDecodingInstructions [ 1653] A handle to the decodingInstructions.
hFileType [ 1653] A handle to the fileType.

ANFileFormat_ Methods

Name Description
Create [ 1653] Creates ANFileFormat_ object for ANFileFormat [ 889] structure.
Dispose [ 1653] Frees ANFileFormat_ object.
ToStruct [ 1653] Converts the object to structure. ANFileFormat_ Fields ANFileFormat_.hDecodingInstructions Field

A handle to the decodingInstructions.

public IntPtr hDecodingInstructions; ANFileFormat_.hFileType Field

A handle to the fileType.

public IntPtr hFileType; ANFileFormat_ Methods ANFileFormat_.Create Method

Creates ANFileFormat_ [ 1652] object for ANFileFormat [ 889] structure.

public static void Create(ANFileFormat value, out ANFileFormat_ v);

Parameters Description
ANFileFormat value ANFileFormat [ 889] structure.
out ANFileFormat_ v ANFileFormat_ [ 1652] object. ANFileFormat_.Dispose Method

Frees ANFileFormat_ [ 1652] object.

public static void Dispose(ref ANFileFormat_ value);

Parameters Description
ref ANFileFormat_ value ANFileFormat_ [ 1652] object to be freed. ANFileFormat_.ToStruct Method

Converts the object to structure.
public static ANFileFormat ToStruct(ref ANFileFormat_ value);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop


Parameters Description
ref ANFileFormat_ value ANFileFormat_ [ 1652] object.

ANFileFormat [ 889] structure. ANGeographicLocation_ Structure

Describes a geographic sample acquisition location to specify location where biometric sample was collected.

public struct ANGeographicLocation_ {
public bool hasUniversalTimeEntry;
public long universalTimeEntry;
public bool hasLatitude;
public double latitudeDegree;
public double latitudeMinute;
public double latitudeSecond;
public bool hasLongitude;
public double longitudeDegree;
public double longitudeMinute;
public double longitudeSecond;
public bool hasElevation;
public double elevation;
public ANGeographicCoordinateSystem geodeticDatumCode;
public IntPtr hOtherGeodeticDatumCode;
public IntPtr hUtmZone;
public int utmEasting;
public int utmNorthing;
public IntPtr hReferenceText;
public IntPtr hOtherSystemId;
public IntPtr hOtherSystemValue;
File: ANAsciiBinaryRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop [ 1635]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

ANGeographicLocation_ Fields

Name Description
elevation [ 1655] Defines the elevation in meters.
geodeticDatumCode [ 1655] Defines the geodetic datum code.
hOtherGeodeticDatumCode [ 1655] A handle to the other geodetic datum code, when geodeticDatumCode
[ 1655] is defined as "other".
hOtherSystemId [ 1655] A handle to the geographic system other system identifier.
hOtherSystemValue [ 1655] A handle to the geographic coordinate other system value.
hReferenceText [ 1655] A handle to the geographic reference text.
hUtmZone [ 1655] A handle to the geographic coordinate universal transverse Mercator
hasElevation [ 1656] Defines if elevation [ 1655] is available.
hasLatitude [ 1656] Defines if latitude degree is available.
hasLongitude [ 1656] Defines if longitude degree is available.
hasUniversalTimeEntry [ 1656] Defines if universal time entry is available. 9
latitudeDegree [ 1656] Defines the latitude degree.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop

latitudeMinute [ 1656] Defines the latitude minute.

latitudeSecond [ 1656] Defines the latitude second.
longitudeDegree [ 1656] Defines the longitude degree.
longitudeMinute [ 1656] Defines the longitude minute.
longitudeSecond [ 1656] Defines the longitude second.
universalTimeEntry [ 1657] Defines the universal Time Entry.
utmEasting [ 1657] Defines geographic coordinate universal transverse Mercator easting.
utmNorthing [ 1657] Defines geographic coordinate universal transverse Mercator northing.

ANGeographicLocation_ Methods

Name Description
Create [ 1657] Creates ANGeographicLocation_ object for ANGeographicLocation
[ 890] structure.
Dispose [ 1657] Frees ANGeographicLocation_ object.
ToStruct [ 1657] Converts the object to structure. ANGeographicLocation_ Fields ANGeographicLocation_.elevation Field

Defines the elevation in meters.

public double elevation; ANGeographicLocation_.geodeticDatumCode Field

Defines the geodetic datum code.

public ANGeographicCoordinateSystem geodeticDatumCode; ANGeographicLocation_.hOtherGeodeticDatumCode Field

A handle to the other geodetic datum code, when geodeticDatumCode [ 1655] is defined as "other".

public IntPtr hOtherGeodeticDatumCode; ANGeographicLocation_.hOtherSystemId Field

A handle to the geographic system other system identifier.

public IntPtr hOtherSystemId; ANGeographicLocation_.hOtherSystemValue Field

A handle to the geographic coordinate other system value.

public IntPtr hOtherSystemValue; ANGeographicLocation_.hReferenceText Field

A handle to the geographic reference text.

public IntPtr hReferenceText;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop ANGeographicLocation_.hUtmZone Field

A handle to the geographic coordinate universal transverse Mercator zone.

public IntPtr hUtmZone; ANGeographicLocation_.hasElevation Field

Defines if elevation [ 1655] is available.

public bool hasElevation; ANGeographicLocation_.hasLatitude Field

Defines if latitude degree is available.

public bool hasLatitude; ANGeographicLocation_.hasLongitude Field

Defines if longitude degree is available.

public bool hasLongitude; ANGeographicLocation_.hasUniversalTimeEntry Field

Defines if universal time entry is available.

public bool hasUniversalTimeEntry; ANGeographicLocation_.latitudeDegree Field

Defines the latitude degree.

public double latitudeDegree; ANGeographicLocation_.latitudeMinute Field

Defines the latitude minute.

public double latitudeMinute; ANGeographicLocation_.latitudeSecond Field

Defines the latitude second.

public double latitudeSecond; ANGeographicLocation_.longitudeDegree Field

Defines the longitude degree.

public double longitudeDegree;
9 ANGeographicLocation_.longitudeMinute Field
Defines the longitude minute.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop

public double longitudeMinute; ANGeographicLocation_.longitudeSecond Field

Defines the longitude second.

public double longitudeSecond; ANGeographicLocation_.universalTimeEntry Field

Defines the universal Time Entry.

public long universalTimeEntry; ANGeographicLocation_.utmEasting Field

Defines geographic coordinate universal transverse Mercator easting.

public int utmEasting; ANGeographicLocation_.utmNorthing Field

Defines geographic coordinate universal transverse Mercator northing.

public int utmNorthing; ANGeographicLocation_ Methods ANGeographicLocation_.Create Method

Creates ANGeographicLocation_ [ 1654] object for ANGeographicLocation [ 890] structure.

public static void Create(ANGeographicLocation value, out ANGeographicLocation_ v);

Parameters Description
ANGeographicLocation value ANGeographicLocation [ 890] structure.
out ANGeographicLocation_ v ANGeographicLocation_ [ 1654] object. ANGeographicLocation_.Dispose Method

Frees ANGeographicLocation_ [ 1654] object.

public static void Dispose(ref ANGeographicLocation_ value);

Parameters Description
ref ANGeographicLocation_ value ANGeographicLocation_ [ 1654] object to be freed. ANGeographicLocation_.ToStruct Method

Converts the object to structure.
public static ANGeographicLocation ToStruct(ref ANGeographicLocation_ value);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop


Parameters Description
ref ANGeographicLocation_ value ANGeographicLocation_ [ 1654] object.

ANGeographicLocation [ 890] structure. ANImageSourceType_ Structure

Type of the image source.

public struct ANImageSourceType_ {
public BdifImageSourceType value;
public IntPtr hVendorValue;
File: ANType10Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop [ 1635]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

ANImageSourceType_ Fields

Name Description
hVendorValue [ 1658] A handle to a string containing vendor description.
value [ 1658] BdifImageSourceType [ 1623] value.

ANImageSourceType_ Methods

Name Description
Create [ 1658] Creates a ANImageSourceType_ object for ANImageSourceType [ 924]
Dispose [ 1659] Frees the ANImageSourceType_ object.
ToStruct [ 1659] Converts the object to structure. ANImageSourceType_ Fields ANImageSourceType_.hVendorValue Field

A handle to a string containing vendor description.

public IntPtr hVendorValue; ANImageSourceType_.value Field

BdifImageSourceType [ 1623] value.

public BdifImageSourceType value; ANImageSourceType_ Methods ANImageSourceType_.Create Method 9

Creates a ANImageSourceType_ [ 1658] object for ANImageSourceType [ 924] structure.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop

public static void Create(ANImageSourceType value, out ANImageSourceType_ v);

Parameters Description
ANImageSourceType value ANImageSourceType [ 924] structure.
out ANImageSourceType_ v ANImageSourceType_ [ 1658] object. ANImageSourceType_.Dispose Method

Frees the ANImageSourceType_ [ 1658] object.

public static void Dispose(ref ANImageSourceType_ value);

Parameters Description
ref ANImageSourceType_ value ANImageSourceType_ [ 1658] object. ANImageSourceType_.ToStruct Method

Converts the object to structure.

public static ANImageSourceType ToStruct(ref ANImageSourceType_ value);

Parameters Description
ref ANImageSourceType_ value ANImageSourceType_ [ 1658] object.

ANImageSourceType [ 924] structure. ANMakeModelSerialNumber_ Structure

Provides functionality for managing make, model and serial number values of the device.

public struct ANMakeModelSerialNumber_ {
public IntPtr hMake;
public IntPtr hModel;
public IntPtr hSerialNumber;
File: ANRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop [ 1635]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

ANMakeModelSerialNumber_ Fields

Name Description
hMake [ 1660] A handle to the iris capture device's make value.
hModel [ 1660] A handle to the iris capture device's model value.
hSerialNumber [ 1660] A handle to the iris capture device's serial number value. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop

ANMakeModelSerialNumber_ Methods

Name Description
Create [ 1660] Creates ANMakeModelSerialNumber_ object for
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927] structure.
Dispose [ 1660] Frees the ANMakeModelSerialNumber_ object.
ToStruct [ 1660] Converts ANMakeModelSerialNumber_ object to
ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927] structure. ANMakeModelSerialNumber_ Fields ANMakeModelSerialNumber_.hMake Field

A handle to the iris capture device's make value.

public IntPtr hMake; ANMakeModelSerialNumber_.hModel Field

A handle to the iris capture device's model value.

public IntPtr hModel; ANMakeModelSerialNumber_.hSerialNumber Field

A handle to the iris capture device's serial number value.

public IntPtr hSerialNumber; ANMakeModelSerialNumber_ Methods ANMakeModelSerialNumber_.Create Method

Creates ANMakeModelSerialNumber_ [ 1659] object for ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927] structure.

public static void Create(ANMakeModelSerialNumber value, out ANMakeModelSerialNumber_ v);

Parameters Description
ANMakeModelSerialNumber value ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927] structure.
out ANMakeModelSerialNumber_ v ANMakeModelSerialNumber_ [ 1659] object. ANMakeModelSerialNumber_.Dispose Method

Frees the ANMakeModelSerialNumber_ [ 1659] object.

public static void Dispose(ref ANMakeModelSerialNumber_ value);

Parameters Description
ref ANMakeModelSerialNumber_ value ANMakeModelSerialNumber_ [ 1659] object. ANMakeModelSerialNumber_.ToStruct Method 9

Converts ANMakeModelSerialNumber_ [ 1659] object to ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927] structure.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop

public static ANMakeModelSerialNumber ToStruct(ref ANMakeModelSerialNumber_ value);

Parameters Description
ref ANMakeModelSerialNumber_ value ANMakeModelSerialNumber_ [ 1659] object.

ANMakeModelSerialNumber [ 927] structure. ANMedicalDevice_ Structure

Describes a medical device.

public struct ANMedicalDevice_ {
public IntPtr hDeviceType;
public IntPtr hDeviceManufacturer;
public IntPtr hDeviceMake;
public IntPtr hDeviceModel;
public IntPtr hDeviceSerialNumber;
public IntPtr hComment;
File: ANType21Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop [ 1635]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

ANMedicalDevice_ Fields

Name Description
hComment [ 1661] A handle to the comment.
hDeviceMake [ 1662] A handle to the device make.
hDeviceManufacturer [ 1662] A handle to the device manufacturer.
hDeviceModel [ 1662] A handle to the device model.
hDeviceSerialNumber [ 1662] A handle to the device serial number.
hDeviceType [ 1662] A handle to the device type.

ANMedicalDevice_ Methods

Name Description
Create [ 1662] Creates ANMedicalDevice_ object for ANMedicalDevice [ 928] structure.
Dispose [ 1662] Frees ANMedicalDevice_ object.
ToStruct [ 1663] Converts the object to structure. ANMedicalDevice_ Fields ANMedicalDevice_.hComment Field

A handle to the comment.

public IntPtr hComment;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop ANMedicalDevice_.hDeviceMake Field

A handle to the device make.

public IntPtr hDeviceMake; ANMedicalDevice_.hDeviceManufacturer Field

A handle to the device manufacturer.

public IntPtr hDeviceManufacturer; ANMedicalDevice_.hDeviceModel Field

A handle to the device model.

public IntPtr hDeviceModel; ANMedicalDevice_.hDeviceSerialNumber Field

A handle to the device serial number.

public IntPtr hDeviceSerialNumber; ANMedicalDevice_.hDeviceType Field

A handle to the device type.

public IntPtr hDeviceType; ANMedicalDevice_ Methods ANMedicalDevice_.Create Method

Creates ANMedicalDevice_ [ 1661] object for ANMedicalDevice [ 928] structure.

public static void Create(ANMedicalDevice value, out ANMedicalDevice_ v);

Parameters Description
ANMedicalDevice value ANMedicalDevice [ 928] structure.
out ANMedicalDevice_ v ANMedicalDevice_ [ 1661] object. ANMedicalDevice_.Dispose Method

Frees ANMedicalDevice_ [ 1661] object.

public static void Dispose(ref ANMedicalDevice_ value);

Parameters Description
ref ANMedicalDevice_ value ANMedicalDevice_ [ 1661] object to be freed.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop ANMedicalDevice_.ToStruct Method

Converts the object to structure.

public static ANMedicalDevice ToStruct(ref ANMedicalDevice_ value);

Parameters Description
ref ANMedicalDevice_ value ANMedicalDevice_ [ 1661] object.

ANMedicalDevice [ 928] structure. ANOfrs_ Structure

Defines fingerprint pattern classification.

public struct ANOfrs_ {
public IntPtr hName;
public ANFPMinutiaeMethod method;
public IntPtr hEquipment;
File: ANType9Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop [ 1635]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

ANOfrs_ Fields

Name Description
hEquipment [ 1663] A handle to the equipment of the system.
hName [ 1663] A handle to the name of the system.
method [ 1664] The method of the system.

ANOfrs_ Methods

Name Description
Create [ 1664] Creates ANOfrs_ object for ANOfrs [ 932] structure.
Dispose [ 1664] Frees ANOfrs_ object.
ToStruct [ 1664] Converts ANOfrs_ object to ANOfrs [ 932] structure. ANOfrs_ Fields ANOfrs_.hEquipment Field

A handle to the equipment of the system.

public IntPtr hEquipment; ANOfrs_.hName Field

A handle to the name of the system. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop

public IntPtr hName; ANOfrs_.method Field

The method of the system.

public ANFPMinutiaeMethod method; ANOfrs_ Methods ANOfrs_.Create Method

Creates ANOfrs_ [ 1663] object for ANOfrs [ 932] structure.

public static void Create(ANOfrs value, out ANOfrs_ v);

Parameters Description
ANOfrs value ANOfrs [ 932] structure.
out ANOfrs_ v ANOfrs_ [ 1663] object. ANOfrs_.Dispose Method

Frees ANOfrs_ [ 1663] object.

public static void Dispose(ref ANOfrs_ value);

Parameters Description
ref ANOfrs_ value ANOfrs_ [ 1663] object. ANOfrs_.ToStruct Method

Converts ANOfrs_ [ 1663] object to ANOfrs [ 932] structure.

public static ANOfrs ToStruct(ref ANOfrs_ value);

Parameters Description
ref ANOfrs_ value ANOfrs_ [ 1663] object.

ANOfrs [ 932] structure. ANPatternedInjury_ Structure

Describes patterned injury.

public struct ANPatternedInjury_ {
public IntPtr hCode; 9
public IntPtr hDescriptiveText;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop

File: ANType10Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop [ 1635]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

ANPatternedInjury_ Fields

Name Description
hCode [ 1665] A handle to a string containing reference code.
hDescriptiveText [ 1665] A handle to a string containing additional descriptive text.

ANPatternedInjury_ Methods

Name Description
Create [ 1665] Creates a ANPatternedInjury_ object for ANPatternedInjury [ 933]
Dispose [ 1665] Frees the ANPatternedInjury_ object.
ToStruct [ 1666] Converts the object to structure. ANPatternedInjury_ Fields ANPatternedInjury_.hCode Field

A handle to a string containing reference code.

public IntPtr hCode; ANPatternedInjury_.hDescriptiveText Field

A handle to a string containing additional descriptive text.

public IntPtr hDescriptiveText; ANPatternedInjury_ Methods ANPatternedInjury_.Create Method

Creates a ANPatternedInjury_ [ 1664] object for ANPatternedInjury [ 933] structure.

public static void Create(ANPatternedInjury value, out ANPatternedInjury_ v);

Parameters Description
ANPatternedInjury value ANPatternedInjury [ 933] structure.
out ANPatternedInjury_ v ANPatternedInjury_ [ 1664] object. ANPatternedInjury_.Dispose Method

Frees the ANPatternedInjury_ [ 1664] object.

public static void Dispose(ref ANPatternedInjury_ value);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop


Parameters Description
ref ANPatternedInjury_ value ANPatternedInjury_ [ 1664] object. ANPatternedInjury_.ToStruct Method

Converts the object to structure.

public static ANPatternedInjury ToStruct(ref ANPatternedInjury_ value);

Parameters Description
ref ANPatternedInjury_ value ANPatternedInjury_ [ 1664] object.

ANPatternedInjury [ 933] structure. ANResolutionMethod_ Structure

Describes resolution method.

public struct ANResolutionMethod_ {
public ANResolutionDetermination resolutionDetermination;
public int scaleLength;
public ANMeasurementUnits scaleUnits;
public int pointAX;
public int pointAY;
public int pointBX;
public int pointBY;
public IntPtr hComment;
File: ANType13Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop [ 1635]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

ANResolutionMethod_ Fields

Name Description
hComment [ 1667] A handle to a string containing visual image additional descriptive text.
pointAX [ 1667] X coordinate for point A.
pointAY [ 1667] Y coordinate for point A.
pointBX [ 1667] X coordinate for point B.
pointBY [ 1667] Y coordinate for point B.
resolutionDetermination [ 1667] ANResolutionDetermination [ 1595] value.
scaleLength [ 1667] ANResolutionDetermination [ 1595] value.
scaleUnits [ 1667] ANResolutionDetermination [ 1595] value.

ANResolutionMethod_ Methods

Name Description
Create [ 1668] Creates a ANDentalVisualData_ [ 1648] object for ANResolutionMethod 9
[ 963] structure.
Dispose [ 1668] Frees the ANResolutionMethod_ object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop

ToStruct [ 1668] Converts the object to structure. ANResolutionMethod_ Fields ANResolutionMethod_.hComment Field

A handle to a string containing visual image additional descriptive text.

public IntPtr hComment; ANResolutionMethod_.pointAX Field

X coordinate for point A.

public int pointAX; ANResolutionMethod_.pointAY Field

Y coordinate for point A.

public int pointAY; ANResolutionMethod_.pointBX Field

X coordinate for point B.

public int pointBX; ANResolutionMethod_.pointBY Field

Y coordinate for point B.

public int pointBY; ANResolutionMethod_.resolutionDetermination Field

ANResolutionDetermination [ 1595] value.

public ANResolutionDetermination resolutionDetermination; ANResolutionMethod_.scaleLength Field

ANResolutionDetermination [ 1595] value.

public int scaleLength; ANResolutionMethod_.scaleUnits Field

ANResolutionDetermination [ 1595] value.

public ANMeasurementUnits scaleUnits; ANResolutionMethod_ Methods


9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop ANResolutionMethod_.Create Method

Creates a ANDentalVisualData_ [ 1648] object for ANResolutionMethod [ 963] structure.

public static void Create(ANResolutionMethod value, out ANResolutionMethod_ v);

Parameters Description
ANResolutionMethod value ANResolutionMethod [ 963] structure.
out ANResolutionMethod_ v ANDentalVisualData_ [ 1648] object. ANResolutionMethod_.Dispose Method

Frees the ANResolutionMethod_ [ 1666] object.

public static void Dispose(ref ANResolutionMethod_ value);

Parameters Description
ref ANResolutionMethod_ value ANResolutionMethod_ [ 1666] object. ANResolutionMethod_.ToStruct Method

Converts the object to structure.

public static ANResolutionMethod ToStruct(ref ANResolutionMethod_ value);

Parameters Description
ref ANResolutionMethod_ value ANResolutionMethod_ [ 1666] object.

ANResolutionMethod [ 963] structure. ANRuler_ Structure

Describes ruler or other known scale, which is present in the image.

public struct ANRuler_ {
public ANMeasurementUnits units;
public IntPtr hMake;
public IntPtr hModel;
public IntPtr hFPFormNumber;
File: ANImageAsciiBinaryRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop [ 1635]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

ANRuler_ Fields
Name Description
hFPFormNumber [ 1669] A handle to the standard fingerprint form number.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop

hMake [ 1669] A handle to the Ruler make.

hModel [ 1669] A handle to the Ruler model.
units [ 1669] Defines the Ruler measurement units.

ANRuler_ Methods

Name Description
Create [ 1669] Creates ANRuler_ object for ANRuler [ 965] structure.
Dispose [ 1669] Frees ANRuler_ object.
ToStruct [ 1670] Converts the object to structure. ANRuler_ Fields ANRuler_.hFPFormNumber Field

A handle to the standard fingerprint form number.

public IntPtr hFPFormNumber; ANRuler_.hMake Field

A handle to the Ruler make.

public IntPtr hMake; ANRuler_.hModel Field

A handle to the Ruler model.

public IntPtr hModel; ANRuler_.units Field

Defines the Ruler measurement units.

public ANMeasurementUnits units; ANRuler_ Methods ANRuler_.Create Method

Creates ANRuler_ [ 1668] object for ANRuler [ 965] structure.

public static void Create(ANRuler value, out ANRuler_ v);

Parameters Description
ANRuler value ANRuler [ 965] structure.
out ANRuler_ v ANSmt_ [ 1671] object. ANRuler_.Dispose Method

Frees ANRuler_ [ 1668] object.
public static void Dispose(ref ANRuler_ value);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop


Parameters Description
ref ANRuler_ value ANRuler_ [ 1668] object to be freed.s ANRuler_.ToStruct Method

Converts the object to structure.

public static ANRuler ToStruct(ref ANRuler_ value);

Parameters Description
ref ANRuler_ value ANRuler_ [ 1668] object.

ANRuler [ 965] structure. ANSegment_ Structure

Describes a image segments for Type-20 and Type-21 records.

public struct ANSegment_ {
public byte segmentPosition;
public IntPtr hInternalFilePointer;
File: ANAsciiBinaryRecord.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop [ 1635]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

ANSegment_ Fields

Name Description
hInternalFilePointer [ 1670] A handle to the internal File Pointer.
segmentPosition [ 1671] Defines the file type.

ANSegment_ Methods

Name Description
Create [ 1671] Creates ANSegment_ object for ANSegment [ 967] structure.
Dispose [ 1671] Frees ANSegment_ object.
ToStruct [ 1671] Converts the object to structure. ANSegment_ Fields ANSegment_.hInternalFilePointer Field

A handle to the internal File Pointer.

public IntPtr hInternalFilePointer;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop ANSegment_.segmentPosition Field

Defines the file type.

public byte segmentPosition; ANSegment_ Methods ANSegment_.Create Method

Creates ANSegment_ [ 1670] object for ANSegment [ 967] structure.

public static void Create(ANSegment value, out ANSegment_ v);

Parameters Description
ANSegment value ANSegment [ 967] structure.
out ANSegment_ v ANSegment_ [ 1670] object. ANSegment_.Dispose Method

Frees ANSegment_ [ 1670] object.

public static void Dispose(ref ANSegment_ value);

Parameters Description
ref ANSegment_ value ANSegment_ [ 1670] object to be freed. ANSegment_.ToStruct Method

Converts the object to structure.

public static ANSegment ToStruct(ref ANSegment_ value);

Parameters Description
ref ANSegment_ value ANSegment_ [ 1670] object.

ANSegment [ 967] structure. ANSmt_ Structure

Describes a general location of the captured scar, mark, tattoo, or other characteristic (including piercings) in the image.

public struct ANSmt_ {
public ANSmtSource source;
public ANTattooClass tattooClass;
public ANTattooSubclass tattooSubclass;
public IntPtr hDescription; 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop

File: ANType10Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop [ 1635]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

ANSmt_ Fields

Name Description
hDescription [ 1672] A handle to the SMT description.
source [ 1672] Defines the source of SMT.
tattooClass [ 1672] Defines tattoo class.
tattooSubclass [ 1672] Defines tattoo subclass.

ANSmt_ Methods

Name Description
Create [ 1672] Creates ANSmt_ object for ANSmt [ 968] structure.
Dispose [ 1673] Frees ANSmt_ object.
ToStruct [ 1673] Converts the object to structure. ANSmt_ Fields ANSmt_.hDescription Field

A handle to the SMT description.

public IntPtr hDescription; ANSmt_.source Field

Defines the source of SMT.

public ANSmtSource source; ANSmt_.tattooClass Field

Defines tattoo class.

public ANTattooClass tattooClass; ANSmt_.tattooSubclass Field

Defines tattoo subclass.

public ANTattooSubclass tattooSubclass; ANSmt_ Methods ANSmt_.Create Method

Creates ANSmt_ [ 1671] object for ANSmt [ 968] structure.

public static void Create(ANSmt value, out ANSmt_ v); 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop


Parameters Description
ANSmt value ANSmt [ 968] structure.
out ANSmt_ v ANSmt_ [ 1671] object. ANSmt_.Dispose Method

Frees ANSmt_ [ 1671] object.

public static void Dispose(ref ANSmt_ value);

Parameters Description
ref ANSmt_ value ANSmt_ [ 1671] object to be freed.s ANSmt_.ToStruct Method

Converts the object to structure.

public static ANSmt ToStruct(ref ANSmt_ value);

Parameters Description
ref ANSmt_ value ANSmt_ [ 1671] object.

ANSmt [ 968] structure. ANUlwAnnotation_ Structure

Defines universal latent workstation annotation information.

public struct ANUlwAnnotation_ {
public long dateTime;
public IntPtr hText;
File: ANType9Record.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop [ 1635]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

ANUlwAnnotation_ Fields

Name Description
dateTime [ 1674] The datetime of the system.
hText [ 1674] A handle to the string describing a applied process or procedure.

ANUlwAnnotation_ Methods

Name Description
Create [ 1674] Creates ANUlwAnnotation_ object for ANUlwAnnotation [ 1338] 9
Dispose [ 1674] Frees ANUlwAnnotation_ object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop

ToStruct [ 1674] Converts ANUlwAnnotation_ object to ANUlwAnnotation [ 1338]

structure. ANUlwAnnotation_ Fields ANUlwAnnotation_.dateTime Field

The datetime of the system.

public long dateTime; ANUlwAnnotation_.hText Field

A handle to the string describing a applied process or procedure.

public IntPtr hText; ANUlwAnnotation_ Methods ANUlwAnnotation_.Create Method

Creates ANUlwAnnotation_ [ 1673] object for ANUlwAnnotation [ 1338] structure.

public static void Create(ANUlwAnnotation value, out ANUlwAnnotation_ v);

Parameters Description
ANUlwAnnotation value ANUlwAnnotation [ 1338] structure.
out ANUlwAnnotation_ v ANUlwAnnotation_ [ 1673] object. ANUlwAnnotation_.Dispose Method

Frees ANUlwAnnotation_ [ 1673] object.

public static void Dispose(ref ANUlwAnnotation_ value);

Parameters Description
ref ANUlwAnnotation_ value ANUlwAnnotation_ [ 1673] object. ANUlwAnnotation_.ToStruct Method

Converts ANUlwAnnotation_ [ 1673] object to ANUlwAnnotation [ 1338] structure.

public static ANUlwAnnotation ToStruct(ref ANUlwAnnotation_ value);

Parameters Description
ref ANUlwAnnotation_ value ANUlwAnnotation_ [ 1673] object.

ANUlwAnnotation [ 1338] structure.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop BdifConformanceTest_ Structure

Describes conformance test.

public struct BdifConformanceTest_ {
public IntPtr hTest;
public int fieldIndex;
public IntPtr hfieldName;
public BdifConformanceTestLevel level;
public BdifConformanceTestResult result;
public IntPtr hResultMessage;
File: BdifTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop [ 1635]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

BdifConformanceTest_ Fields

Name Description
fieldIndex [ 1675] Defines field index.
hResultMessage [ 1675] A handle to the result [ 1676] message.
hTest [ 1675] A handle to the test description.
hfieldName [ 1676] A handle to the field name.
level [ 1676] Defines conformance test level.
result [ 1676] Defines conformance test result.

BdifConformanceTest_ Methods

Name Description
Create [ 1676] Creates BdifConformanceTest_ object for BdifConformanceTest [ 1344]
Dispose [ 1676] Frees BdifConformanceTest_ object.
ToStruct [ 1676] Converts the object to structure. BdifConformanceTest_ Fields BdifConformanceTest_.fieldIndex Field

Defines field index.

public int fieldIndex; BdifConformanceTest_.hResultMessage Field

A handle to the result [ 1676] message.

public IntPtr hResultMessage; BdifConformanceTest_.hTest Field

A handle to the test description.
public IntPtr hTest;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop BdifConformanceTest_.hfieldName Field

A handle to the field name.

public IntPtr hfieldName; BdifConformanceTest_.level Field

Defines conformance test level.

public BdifConformanceTestLevel level; BdifConformanceTest_.result Field

Defines conformance test result.

public BdifConformanceTestResult result; BdifConformanceTest_ Methods BdifConformanceTest_.Create Method

Creates BdifConformanceTest_ [ 1675] object for BdifConformanceTest [ 1344] structure.

public static void Create(BdifConformanceTest value, out BdifConformanceTest_ v);

Parameters Description
BdifConformanceTest value BdifConformanceTest [ 1344] structure.
out BdifConformanceTest_ v BdifConformanceTest_ [ 1675] object. BdifConformanceTest_.Dispose Method

Frees BdifConformanceTest_ [ 1675] object.

public static void Dispose(ref BdifConformanceTest_ value);

Parameters Description
ref BdifConformanceTest_ value BdifConformanceTest_ [ 1675] object to be freed. BdifConformanceTest_.ToStruct Method

Converts the object to structure.

public static BdifConformanceTest ToStruct(ref BdifConformanceTest_ value);

Parameters Description
ref BdifConformanceTest_ value BdifConformanceTest_ [ 1675] object.

BdifConformanceTest [ 1344] structure. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop BdifFPExtendedData_ Structure

Represents extended data.

public struct BdifFPExtendedData_ {
public ushort code;
public IntPtr hData;
File: BdifTypes.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Biometrics.Standards.Interop [ 1635]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

BdifFPExtendedData_ Fields

Name Description
code [ 1677] Extended data code.
hData [ 1677] Extended data.

BdifFPExtendedData_ Methods

Name Description
Create [ 1677] Creates BdifFPExtendedData_ object for BdifFPExtendedData [ 1348]
Dispose [ 1678] Frees the BdifFPExtendedData_ object.
ToStruct [ 1678] Converts the object to structure. BdifFPExtendedData_ Fields BdifFPExtendedData_.code Field

Extended data code.

public ushort code; BdifFPExtendedData_.hData Field

Extended data.

public IntPtr hData; BdifFPExtendedData_ Methods BdifFPExtendedData_.Create Method

Creates BdifFPExtendedData_ [ 1677] object for BdifFPExtendedData [ 1348] structure.

public static void Create(BdifFPExtendedData value, out BdifFPExtendedData_ v);

Parameters Description 9
BdifFPExtendedData value BdifFPExtendedData [ 1348] structure.
out BdifFPExtendedData_ v BdifFPExtendedData_ [ 1677] object

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Collections.ObjectModel BdifFPExtendedData_.Dispose Method

Frees the BdifFPExtendedData_ [ 1677] object.

public static void Dispose(ref BdifFPExtendedData_ value);

Parameters Description
ref BdifFPExtendedData_ value BdifFPExtendedData_ [ 1677] object BdifFPExtendedData_.ToStruct Method

Converts the object to structure.

public static BdifFPExtendedData ToStruct(ref BdifFPExtendedData_ value);

Parameters Description
ref BdifFPExtendedData_ value The BdifFPExtendedData_ [ 1677] object.

BdifFPExtendedData [ 1348] structure.

9.1.9 Neurotec.Collections.ObjectModel Namespace

Classes under this namespace provide methods and properties for working with collections and dictionaries.


Name Description
NArrayCollection [ 1678] Provides functionality for working with collections of arrays.
NCollection [ 1685] Provides functionality for working with collections.
NDictionary [ 1691] Provides information about tables, classes, extended data types, and
other items in the Application Object Tree.

.NET Reference [ 218]

Structs, Records, Enums

Name Description
NCollectionChangedAction [ 1697] Enumerates collection-changing actions. Classes NArrayCollection Class

Provides functionality for working with collections of arrays.

public sealed class NArrayCollection : NObjectPart, IList, ICollection, IEnumerable; 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Collections.ObjectModel

File: NArrayCollection.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Collections.ObjectModel [ 1678]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

NArrayCollection Methods

Name Description
Add [ 1679] Adds an item to the array.
AddRange [ 1680] Adds an array of item to the array.
AddRange [ 1680] Adds an array of item to the array.
Clear [ 1680] Clears the specified array.
Contains [ 1680] Checks whether the array contains the specified item.
CopyTo [ 1681] Copies the array into an array object.
CopyTo [ 1681] Copies the array into an independent array.
CopyTo [ 1681] Copies the array into an independent array.
CopyTo [ 1681] Copies the array into an independent two-dimensional array.
GetCount [ 1681] Gets the number of items in the array.
GetEnumerator [ 1682] Retrieves the enumerator of the collection.
IndexOf [ 1682] Retrieves the index of the specified item in the array.
Insert [ 1682] Inserts a value in the array.
InsertRange [ 1682] Inserts an array of values in the array.
InsertRange [ 1683] Inserts an array of values in the array.
Remove [ 1683] Removes the specified item from the array.
RemoveAt [ 1683] Removes the specified value from the array.
RemoveRange [ 1683] Removes a range of values from the array.
ToArray [ 1683] Converts the array into an independent array.
ToItemArray [ 1684] Converts the array into an independent array.
this [ 1684] Gets or sets the item specified by index.

NArrayCollection Properties

Name Description
Count [ 1684] Gets the number of items in the collection.
IsReadOnly [ 1684] Checks whether the collection is read-only.
NativeType [ 1684] Defines the native type of the object.
this [ 1685] Gets the array specified by index. NArrayCollection Methods NArrayCollection.Add Method

Adds an item to the array.

public int Add(int baseIndex, object item);

Parameters Description
int baseIndex Index of the array in the collection.
object item The item to add. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Collections.ObjectModel

Index of the item. NArrayCollection.AddRange Method (int, Array)

Adds an array of item to the array.

public int AddRange(int baseIndex, Array items);

Parameters Description
int baseIndex Index of the array in the collection.
Array items Array of item to add.

Index of the last added item. NArrayCollection.AddRange Method (int, object[])

Adds an array of item to the array.

public int AddRange(int baseIndex, object[] items);

Parameters Description
int baseIndex Index of the array in the collection.
object[] items Array of item to add.

Index of the last added item. NArrayCollection.Clear Method

Clears the specified array.

public void Clear(int baseIndex);

Parameters Description
int baseIndex Index of the array in the collection. NArrayCollection.Contains Method

Checks whether the array contains the specified item.

public bool Contains(int baseIndex, object item);

Parameters Description
int baseIndex Index of the array in the collection.
object item The item to find.
true if the array contains the item, else false.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Collections.ObjectModel NArrayCollection.CopyTo Method (Array, int)

Copies the array into an array object.

public void CopyTo(Array array, int index);

Parameters Description
Array array Array to copy items to.
int index IIndex in the array, at which the data will be inserted. NArrayCollection.CopyTo Method (int, Array, int)

Copies the array into an independent array.

public void CopyTo(int baseIndex, Array array, int index);

Parameters Description
int baseIndex Index of the array in the collection.
Array array The destination array.
int index Index in the destination array at which to insert. NArrayCollection.CopyTo Method (int, object[], int)

Copies the array into an independent array.

public void CopyTo(int baseIndex, object[] array, int arrayIndex);

Parameters Description
int baseIndex Index of the array in the collection.
object[] array The destination array.
int arrayIndex Index in the destination array at which to insert. NArrayCollection.CopyTo Method (object[], int)

Copies the array into an independent two-dimensional array.

public void CopyTo(object[] array, int index);

Parameters Description
object[] array Array to copy items to.
int index Index in the array, at which the data will be inserted. NArrayCollection.GetCount Method

Gets the number of items in the array.

public int GetCount(int baseIndex);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Collections.ObjectModel


Parameters Description
int baseIndex Index of the array in the collection.

The number of items in the array. NArrayCollection.GetEnumerator Method

Retrieves the enumerator of the collection.

public IEnumerator<object[]> GetEnumerator();
The enumerator. NArrayCollection.IndexOf Method

Retrieves the index of the specified item in the array.

public int IndexOf(int baseIndex, object item);

Parameters Description
int baseIndex Index of the array in the collection.
object item Item to retrieve index of.

Index of the item. NArrayCollection.Insert Method

Inserts a value in the array.

public void Insert(int baseIndex, int index, object item);

Parameters Description
int baseIndex Index of the array in the collection.
int index Index of value.
object item Value to insert. NArrayCollection.InsertRange Method (int, int, Array)

Inserts an array of values in the array.

public void InsertRange(int baseIndex, int index, Array items);

Parameters Description
int baseIndex Index of the array in the collection.
int index Index of the first value.
Array items Array of values to insert.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Collections.ObjectModel NArrayCollection.InsertRange Method (int, int, object[])

Inserts an array of values in the array.

public void InsertRange(int baseIndex, int index, object[] items);

Parameters Description
int baseIndex Index of the array in the collection.
int index Index of the first value.
object[] items Array of values to insert. NArrayCollection.Remove Method

Removes the specified item from the array.

public int Remove(int baseIndex, object item);

Parameters Description
int baseIndex Index of the array in the collection.
object item The item to remove.

Index freed by the removed item. NArrayCollection.RemoveAt Method

Removes the specified value from the array.

public void RemoveAt(int baseIndex, int index);

Parameters Description
int baseIndex Index of the array in the collection.
int index Index of the value to remove. NArrayCollection.RemoveRange Method

Removes a range of values from the array.

public void RemoveRange(int baseIndex, int startIndex, int count);

Parameters Description
int baseIndex Index of the array in the collection.
int startIndex Index of the first value to remove.
int count Number of values to remove. NArrayCollection.ToArray Method

Converts the array into an independent array. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Collections.ObjectModel

public object[] ToArray(int baseIndex);

Parameters Description
int baseIndex Index of the array in the collection.

The new array. NArrayCollection.ToItemArray Method

Converts the array into an independent array.

public Array ToItemArray(int baseIndex);

Parameters Description
int baseIndex Index of the array in the collection.

The new array. NArrayCollection.this Indexer

Gets or sets the item specified by index.

public object this[int baseIndex, int index];

Parameters Description
int baseIndex Index of the array in the collection.
int index Index of the item.

The item. NArrayCollection Properties NArrayCollection.Count Property

Gets the number of items in the collection.

public int Count; NArrayCollection.IsReadOnly Property

Checks whether the collection is read-only.

public bool IsReadOnly; NArrayCollection.NativeType Property 9

Defines the native type of the object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Collections.ObjectModel

public static new NType NativeType; NArrayCollection.this Property

Gets the array specified by index.

public object[][int baseIndex] this;

Parameters Description
baseIndex Index of the array in the collection.

The array. NCollection Class

Provides functionality for working with collections.

public sealed class NCollection : NObjectPart, IList, ICollection, IEnumerable,
File: NCollection.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Collections.ObjectModel [ 1678]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

NCollection Events

Name Description
CollectionChanged [ 1690] Adds or removes a handler for an event which occurs when collection is

NCollection Methods

Name Description
Add [ 1686] Adds an item to the collection.
AddRange [ 1686] Adds an array of items to the collection.
AddRange [ 1686] Adds an array of items to the collection.
Clear [ 1687] Clears the current collection.
Contains [ 1687] Checks whether the collection contains the specified item.
CopyTo [ 1687] Copies the collection to the specified array.
CopyTo [ 1687] Copies the collection to the specified array.
GetEnumerator [ 1687] Retrieves the enumerator of the collection.
IndexOf [ 1688] Retrieves the index of the specified item.
Insert [ 1688] Adds an item to the collection at specified index.
InsertRange [ 1688] Adds an array of items to the collection at specified index.
InsertRange [ 1688] Adds an array of items to the collection at specified index.
Remove [ 1688] Removes the specified value from the collection.
RemoveAt [ 1689] Removes the specified item from the collection.
RemoveRange [ 1689] Removes the specified items from the collection. 9
ToArray [ 1689] Converts the collection to an array.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Collections.ObjectModel

ToItemArray [ 1689] Converts the collection to an array.

this [ 1689] Gets or sets the item specified by index.

NCollection Properties

Name Description
Capacity [ 1690] Gets or sets the maximum number of items in the
Count [ 1690] Gets the number of items in the collection.
IsReadOnly [ 1690] Checks whether the collection is read-only.
NCollectionChangedActionNativeType [ 1690] Defines the native type of the "collection changed" action.

NCollectionCollectionChangedCallbackNativeType Defines the native type of the "collection changed"

[ 1690] callback.
NativeType [ 1690] Defines the native type of the object. NCollection Methods NCollection.Add Method

Adds an item to the collection.

public int Add(object item);

Parameters Description
object item The item to add.

Index of the item. NCollection.AddRange Method (Array)

Adds an array of items to the collection.

public int AddRange(Array items);

Parameters Description
Array items Array of items to add.

Index of the first item. NCollection.AddRange Method (object[])

Adds an array of items to the collection.

public int AddRange(object[] items);

Parameters Description
object[] items Array of items to add. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Collections.ObjectModel

Index of the first item. NCollection.Clear Method

Clears the current collection.

public void Clear(); NCollection.Contains Method

Checks whether the collection contains the specified item.

public bool Contains(object item);

Parameters Description
object item The item to find.

true if the collection contains the item; else false NCollection.CopyTo Method (Array, int)

Copies the collection to the specified array.

public void CopyTo(Array array, int index);

Parameters Description
Array array The destination array.
int index Index in the array at which to insert values. NCollection.CopyTo Method (object[], int)

Copies the collection to the specified array.

public void CopyTo(object[] array, int arrayIndex);

Parameters Description
object[] array The destination array.
int arrayIndex Index in the array at which to insert values. NCollection.GetEnumerator Method

Retrieves the enumerator of the collection.

public IEnumerator<object> GetEnumerator();
The enumerator. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Collections.ObjectModel NCollection.IndexOf Method

Retrieves the index of the specified item.

public int IndexOf(object item);

Parameters Description
object item Item to retrieve index of.

The index of the item. NCollection.Insert Method

Adds an item to the collection at specified index.

public void Insert(int index, object item);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the item.
object item The item to add. NCollection.InsertRange Method (int, Array)

Adds an array of items to the collection at specified index.

public void InsertRange(int index, Array items);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the first item.
Array items Array of items to add. NCollection.InsertRange Method (int, object[])

Adds an array of items to the collection at specified index.

public void InsertRange(int index, object[] items);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the first item.
object[] items Array of items to add. NCollection.Remove Method

Removes the specified value from the collection.

public int Remove(object item);

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Collections.ObjectModel


Parameters Description
object item The value to remove.

Index freed by the removed value. NCollection.RemoveAt Method

Removes the specified item from the collection.

public void RemoveAt(int index);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the item to remove. NCollection.RemoveRange Method

Removes the specified items from the collection.

public void RemoveRange(int startIndex, int count);

Parameters Description
int startIndex Index of the first item to remove.
int count Number of items to remove. NCollection.ToArray Method

Converts the collection to an array.

public object[] ToArray();
The new array. NCollection.ToItemArray Method

Converts the collection to an array.

public Array ToItemArray();
The new array. NCollection.this Indexer

Gets or sets the item specified by index.

public object this[int index];

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Collections.ObjectModel


Parameters Description
int index Index of the item.

The item. NCollection Properties NCollection.Capacity Property

Gets or sets the maximum number of items in the collection.

public int Capacity; NCollection.Count Property

Gets the number of items in the collection.

public int Count; NCollection.IsReadOnly Property

Checks whether the collection is read-only.

public bool IsReadOnly; NCollection.NCollectionChangedActionNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the "collection changed" action.

public static NType NCollectionChangedActionNativeType; NCollection.NCollectionCollectionChangedCallbackNativeType Property

Defines the native type of the "collection changed" callback.

public static NType NCollectionCollectionChangedCallbackNativeType; NCollection.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; NCollection Events NCollection.CollectionChanged Event

Adds or removes a handler for an event which occurs when collection is changed.

public event NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler CollectionChanged;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Collections.ObjectModel NDictionary Class

Provides information about tables, classes, extended data types, and other items in the Application Object Tree.

public sealed class NDictionary : NObjectPart, IDictionary, IList, ICollection,
IEnumerable, INotifyCollectionChanged;
File: NDictionary.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Collections.ObjectModel [ 1678]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

NDictionary Classes

Name Description
KeyCollection [ 1692] Represents a collection of value keys.
ValueCollection [ 1692] Represents a collection of values.

NDictionary Events

Name Description
CollectionChanged [ 1697] Adds or removes a handler for an event which occurs when collection is

NDictionary Methods

Name Description
Add [ 1693] Adds the specified item to the dictionary.
Add [ 1693] Adds the specified item to the dictionary.
Add [ 1693] Adds the specified value to the dictionary.
Clear [ 1693] Clears the dictionary.
ContainsKey [ 1693] Checks whether the dictionary contains the specified key.
CopyTo [ 1694] Copies the dictionary to an array.
CopyTo [ 1694] Copies the dictionary to an array.
GetEnumerator [ 1694] Retrieves the enumerator of the collection.
GetItemAt [ 1694] Retrieves the specified item.
Remove [ 1694] Removes a value specified by key from the dictionary.
RemoveAt [ 1695] Removes the specified item from the dictionary.
ToArray [ 1695] Converts the dictionary to an array.
ToItemArray [ 1695] Converts the dictionary to an array.
TryGetValue [ 1695] Attempts to retrieve a value specified by key. Return a Boolean value
indicating success.
this [ 1695] Gets or sets the item specified by index.
this [ 1696] Gets or sets the value specified by key.

NDictionary Properties

Name Description
Count [ 1696] Gets the number of items in the dictionary.
IsReadOnly [ 1696] Checks whether the collection is read-only.
Keys [ 1696] Gets the collection of value keys.
NativeType [ 1696] Defines the native type of the object.
Values [ 1696] Gets the collection of values. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Collections.ObjectModel NDictionary Classes NDictionary.KeyCollection Class

Represents a collection of value keys.

public sealed class KeyCollection : ObjectReadOnlyCollection;
File: NDictionary.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Collections.ObjectModel [ 1678]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

KeyCollection Methods

Name Description
ToItemArray [ 1692] Converts the key collection to an item array. KeyCollection Methods NDictionary.KeyCollection.ToItemArray Method

Converts the key collection to an item array.

public Array ToItemArray();
The new array. NDictionary.ValueCollection Class

Represents a collection of values.

public sealed class ValueCollection : ObjectReadOnlyCollection;
File: NDictionary.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Collections.ObjectModel [ 1678]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

ValueCollection Methods

Name Description
ToItemArray [ 1692] Converts the value collection to an item array. ValueCollection Methods NDictionary.ValueCollection.ToItemArray Method

Converts the value collection to an item array.

public Array ToItemArray(); 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Collections.ObjectModel

The new array. NDictionary Methods NDictionary.Add Method (KeyValuePair<object, object>)

Adds the specified item to the dictionary.

public void Add(KeyValuePair<object, object> item);

Parameters Description
KeyValuePair<object, object> item The item to add. NDictionary.Add Method (object)

Adds the specified item to the dictionary.

public void Add(object item);

Parameters Description
object item The item to add. NDictionary.Add Method (object, object)

Adds the specified value to the dictionary.

public void Add(object key, object value);

Parameters Description
object key Key of the value.
object value The value to add. NDictionary.Clear Method

Clears the dictionary.

public void Clear(); NDictionary.ContainsKey Method

Checks whether the dictionary contains the specified key.

public bool ContainsKey(object key);

Parameters Description
object key The key to find.
true if the dictionary contains the key, else false.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Collections.ObjectModel NDictionary.CopyTo Method (Array, int)

Copies the dictionary to an array.

public void CopyTo(Array array, int index);

Parameters Description
Array array The array to copy to.
int index Index in the array, at which the data will be inserted. NDictionary.CopyTo Method (KeyValuePair<object, object>[], int)

Copies the dictionary to an array.

public void CopyTo(KeyValuePair<object, object>[] array, int index);

Parameters Description
KeyValuePair<object, object>[] array The array to copy to.
int index Index in the array, at which the data will be inserted. NDictionary.GetEnumerator Method

Retrieves the enumerator of the collection.

public IEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, object>> GetEnumerator();
The enumerator. NDictionary.GetItemAt Method

Retrieves the specified item.

public object GetItemAt(int index);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the item.

The item. NDictionary.Remove Method

Removes a value specified by key from the dictionary.

public bool Remove(object key);

Parameters Description 9
object key Key of the value to remove.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Collections.ObjectModel

true if the value was removed successfully, else false NDictionary.RemoveAt Method

Removes the specified item from the dictionary.

public void RemoveAt(int index);

Parameters Description
int index Index of the item to remove. NDictionary.ToArray Method

Converts the dictionary to an array.

public KeyValuePair<object, object>[] ToArray();
The new array. NDictionary.ToItemArray Method

Converts the dictionary to an array.

public Array ToItemArray();
The new array. NDictionary.TryGetValue Method

Attempts to retrieve a value specified by key. Return a Boolean value indicating success.

public bool TryGetValue(object key, out object value);

Parameters Description
object key Key of the value to retrieve.
out object value [out] The retrieved value.

true if the value was retrieved successfully, else false NDictionary.this Indexer (int)

Gets or sets the item specified by index.

public KeyValuePair<object, object> this[int index];

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.Collections.ObjectModel


Parameters Description
int index Index of the item.

The item. NDictionary.this Indexer (object)

Gets or sets the value specified by key.

public object this[object key];

Parameters Description
object key Key of the value.

The value. NDictionary Properties NDictionary.Count Property

Gets the number of items in the dictionary.

public int Count; NDictionary.IsReadOnly Property

Checks whether the collection is read-only.

public bool IsReadOnly; NDictionary.Keys Property

Gets the collection of value keys.

public KeyCollection Keys; NDictionary.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; NDictionary.Values Property

Gets the collection of values.

public ValueCollection Values; NDictionary Events 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.ComponentModel Namespace NDictionary.CollectionChanged Event

Adds or removes a handler for an event which occurs when collection is changed.

public event NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler CollectionChanged; Structs, Records, Enums Neurotec.Collections.ObjectModel.NCollectionChangedAction
Enumerates collection-changing actions.

public enum NCollectionChangedAction {
Add = 0,
Remove = 1,
Replace = 2,
Move = 3,
Reset = 4
File: NCollection.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.Collections.ObjectModel [ 1678]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]


Members Description
Add = 0 Indicates that an item was added to a collection.
Remove = 1 Indicates that an item was removed from a collection.
Replace = 2 Indicates that an item was replaced in a collection.
Move = 3 Indicates that an item was moved in a collection.
Reset = 4 Indicates that the collection was reset.

9.1.10 Neurotec.ComponentModel Namespace

This namespace provides classes that are used to implement behavior of various components (parameters, descriptors,
members, types, properties).


Name Description
NCustomEventDescriptor [ 1698] Provides custom event descriptor management functionality.
NCustomMethodDescriptor [ 1702] Provides custom method descriptor management functionality.
NCustomParameterDescriptor Provides custom parameter descriptor management functionality.
[ 1706]
NCustomPropertyDescriptor Provides custom property descriptor management functionality.
[ 1710]
NDescriptor [ 1714] Provides descriptor management functionality. 9
NEventDescriptor [ 1718] Provides functions for getting information about property.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.ComponentModel Namespace

NMemberDescriptor [ 1722] Provides member descriptor management functionality.

NMethodDescriptor [ 1726] Provides functions for getting information about property.
NParameterBag [ 1731] A helper class that aids in implementation of PropertyBag for
ParameterDescriptor class.
NParameterDescriptor [ 1740] Provides functions for getting information about parameter.
NPropertyDescriptor [ 1744] Provides functions for getting information about property.
NTypeDescriptor [ 1750] Provides information about the characteristics for a component, such as
its attributes, properties, and events.

.NET Reference [ 218] Classes NCustomEventDescriptor Class

Provides custom event descriptor management functionality.

public class NCustomEventDescriptor : NEventDescriptor;
File: NCustomEventDescriptor.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.ComponentModel [ 1697]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects. 9
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.ComponentModel Namespace

FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.

This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values. 9
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.ComponentModel Namespace

Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.

Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetProperty<T> [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetProperty [ 318] Sets the value of the specified property.
SetString [ 319] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
ToHandle [ 319] Gets the representation of native API handle corresponding to the C#
ToObject [ 319] Creates a new object from the specified NObject [ 305].
ToString [ 319] Returns string representation of the object.
ToString [ 319] Retrieves a string representation of the object.
Unref [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called on returned objects when they are no
longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefArray [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.
UnrefElements [ 320] Decrements the reference count for an interface on specified array of
objects. This function should be called on returned objects array when
they are no longer used to prevent memory leaks.

NEventDescriptor Class

Name Description
AddHandler [ 1721] Binds the event to the component.
AsEventDescriptor [ 1722] Retrieves the event descriptor for the current event.
RemoveHandler [ 1722] Unbinds the delegate from the component so that the delegate will no
longer receive events from the component.

NDisposable Properties

Name Description
IsDisposed [ 289] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.

NObject Class

Name Description
Flags [ 320] Gets flags from object.
IsDisposed [ 321] Gets whether allocated resources were released previously.
NativeType [ 321] Neurotechnology framework type of the object.
Owner [ 321] Gets owner of the object.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.ComponentModel Namespace

NDescriptor Class

Name Description
Attributes [ 1717] Gets descriptor attributes.
Name [ 1718] Gets descriptor name.
NativeType [ 1718] Defines the native type of the object.

NMemberDescriptor Class

Name Description
ComponentType [ 1725] Gets the component type.
NativeType [ 1726] Defines the native type of the object.

NEventDescriptor Class

Name Description
EventType [ 1722] Gets the type of the event.
NativeType [ 1722] Defines the native type of the object.

NCustomEventDescriptor Class

Name Description
Data [ 1701] Gets custom property descriptor data.
NativeType [ 1702] Defines the native type of the object.

NObject Delegates
NObject Class

Name Description
EventInvoker [ 321] Creates a delegate to an event invoker function.
FromHandlePlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to FromHandlePlain function.
GetArrayPlain [ 321] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain array.
GetArrayWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an array with handle.
GetObjectPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function which returns a plain object.
GetObjectWithHandle [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which returns an object with handle.
GetOutArrayPlain [ 322] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain out array.
GetOutArrayWithHandle [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets an out array with a handle.
GetStringPlainN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a plain string.
GetStringWithHandleN [ 323] Creates a delegate to a function, which gets a string with handle.
SetArrayPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of a plain array.
SetArrayWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets values of an array with
SetObjectPlain [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of a plain object.
SetObjectWithHandle [ 324] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a value of an object with
SetStringPlainN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a plain string.
SetStringWithHandleN [ 325] Creates a delegate to a function, which sets a string with handle. NCustomEventDescriptor Properties NCustomEventDescriptor.Data Property

Gets custom property descriptor data.

public object Data;

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.ComponentModel Namespace NCustomEventDescriptor.NativeType Property

Defines the native type of the object.

public static new NType NativeType; NCustomMethodDescriptor Class

Provides custom method descriptor management functionality.

public class NCustomMethodDescriptor : NMethodDescriptor;
File: NCustomMethodDescriptor.cs

Namespace: Neurotec.ComponentModel [ 1697]

Module: .NET Reference [ 218]

NMethodDescriptor Classes
NMethodDescriptor Class

Name Description
ParameterCollection [ 1729] Collection of method parameters.

NObject Events
NObject Class

Name Description
PropertyChanged [ 325] Adds or removes a "Property Changed" event.

NObject Fields
NObject Class

Name Description
FlagRefRet [ 308] This flag indicates that an object should be returned with incremented ref

NDisposable Methods

Name Description
Dispose [ 288] Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting
unmanaged resources.

NObject Class

Name Description
CaptureProperties [ 308] Adds the properties of the specified object to the specified property bag.
Clone [ 308] Creates a copy of specified object.
CompareTo [ 308] Compares the current object with the specified version and returns an
integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
CopyProperties [ 309] Copies property values from one NObject [ 305] object to another.
DisposeArray<T> [ 309] Frees an array of objects.
Equals [ 309] Compares the objects.
FromHandle<T> [ 309] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code. 9

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.ComponentModel Namespace

FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.

This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromHandle<T> [ 310] Create C# object from native API objects handle.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
FromObject [ 310] Creates a new NObject [ 305] from the specified object.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetArray<T> [ 311] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetHashCode [ 311] Gets hash code (numeric value) representing the object. Is intended for a
hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in
hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNativeType [ 311] Retrieves native type of object.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObject<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 312] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjects<T> [ 313] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly.
GetProperty<T> [ 313] Retrieves the specified property of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSize [ 314] Returns the size of the current object.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetSizeMany<T> [ 314] Returns the size of objects in the array.
GetString [ 314] Helper function for getting data from the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
Ref [ 315] Increments the reference count for an interface on a specified object.
This function should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an
interface of HNObject.
Reset [ 315] Resets all NObject [ 305] parameters to default values.
ResetProperty [ 315] Resets the value of the specified property.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 315] Saves the current object into a buffer.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.

9.1 .NET Reference Neurotechnology Biometric SDK Neurotec.ComponentModel Namespace

Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.

Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a stream.
Save [ 316] Saves the current object into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SaveMany<T> [ 317] Saves an array of objects into a buffer.
SetArray<T> [ 318] Helper function for setting data of the native object.
This method supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code.
SetObject<T> [ 318]

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