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Universidad de Magallanes

Facultad de Educación y Cs Sociales

Depto. de Educación y Humanidades

Cultura de los Pueblos de Habla Inglesa

Prof. Patricia Díaz Aguilar



 A learning log provides a way for you to record your course related learning activities and
provides an opportunity for you to think about the ideas discussed in classes and reflect
on what you have learned during the lectures.
 A learning log is like a diary to keep a record of your reflections such as: what you are
learning and how you are going through the process of learning.
 Learning logs are useful because they promote metacognition. They are also useful tools
because they can reveal students' perceptions (and misperceptions) of the information.

1. Some useful hints to start you learning log:

I’ve been learning about…

Knowing about this topic helps me…

This topic reminds me of…

The part I remember the most is…

The part that is the most confusing is…

I’d like to be able to… so as to…

I’d like to know more about…

2. To go deeper into the subject, YOU can add learning log questions as well, such as:
What was the core idea of the writings analysed?

How does the writing intertwine with the author’s life?

What evidence can I offer to show my commitment to my learning?

How can I show persistence of my learning even when it was hard to do the task?

What did I notice about my thinking when working on the readings and assignments?

Am I just paraphrasing the material provided in class and in my readings or am I actually

demonstrating analysis, synthesis, interpretation and insight?

3. You can add your own creativity to make the learning log solid and unique.

‘Learning never exhausts the mind.’_ Leonardo Da Vinci

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