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1. Choose the concept you want to understand

2. Take a blank piece of paper, write the name of that concept at the top of the page
3. Explain the idea to yourself as if you were teaching it to someone who does not
understand it at all
4. Whenever you get stuck, go back to the reference material, lectures or a teacher
assistant and re-read or re-learn the material until you get it enough that you can explain
it on the paper
5. Whenever you write down a wordy or a confusing explanation for something, try
either to simplify the language, or create an analogy to understand it better
(6. If you want to understand something even better or remember it even better, further
try to develop, simplify and improve the explanation)
(7. A good self-test of what you've learned is to go through your technique without
looking at any reference material at any point and see if you can explain it deeply)

Question: "How do you learn when you are learning efficiently, and how can you learn
in that way more often?"
- Debugging (hardest thing is figure out WHAT YOU DON'T KNOW):
What is it SPECIFICALLY that you don't understand?
- Don't randomly go over things. Pinpoint what exactly it is you need to learn.
Find the missing pieces.
-TECHNIQUES for figuring out what you don't know:
Holistic learning means learning by creating associations. It allows for better retaining
in comparison to repetition learning.
1) Use metaphors to associate abstract ideas to things you already know.
2) Study the history of the idea, because the backgrounds behind a specific
knowledge will increase your comprehension about it.
3) Create actors to enact a story about the subject. Practice it. Enjoy life.
Using practice questions also works well.
When you know what you don't know, you can start using other techniques to learn that
piece of information WELL:
 Analogies.
 Diagrams.
 Visualizations.
If you can't use analogies, diagrams or visual associations, you probably don't
understand that piece of information well.


1. Deep Processing: explain the intuition behind the material
a. for e.g, highlighting a textbook, you have just reach a shallow level of
processing, you recognize it but you dont really have the undertanding
b. what to do is take course-note, the flow base note-taking style, and
apply these learning techniques: metaphors, creating examples,
rewording things in your own words, explain it as if you are teaching
c. the goal of the notes is to promote a deep level of processing not to
transcript it down only
2. A tip for learning: since scott every time summarize the points at the end of the
video, from my experience it is also very good to write a summary structure for the
thing you learn per half day

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