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Colegio Heisenberg

“Hacia la formación de Hombres y Mujeres íntegros”

“Filosofía del Amor”


Docente: Jerson Colonia Tovar Área: Lengua extranjera Asignatura: inglés

Tema: Video comprehension and Writing skills Grado: UNDÉCIMO
Subtemas: Listening skills, writing skills, comprehension.
Objetivo: Realiza textos cortos a partir de información de algún tema en específico. También tiene la
capacidad de construir reflexiones tomando como punto de partida historias de la vida real.


1. Video comprehension: The video comprehension is a process you do when watching a
video and finally you create or produce something base on what you watched.
Sometimes you can express your idea as you want or you will have to follow some
instructions in order to complete some information about certain topic.

2. Watch the following videos about different topics and do what the teacher asks.

3. First you have to do is to watch the previous videos and take out the unknown
vocabulary from this, as the same the main ideas from it in order to make a general idea
to be capable of setting a speech with your Teacher and classmates.

4. Second, Watch the video again, try to understand what the people are saying on it. Write
the things you like the most, those that impact you in a big deal, or those that make you
feel humble.

5. Prepare a list of ideas that help you to argue with your classmates and teachers in a
virtual lesson. It is important you to prepare the questions the teacher is going to give you
during the classes in order to be ready and prepared for the final forum.

6. It is important you know that the final score depends on your participation in the class
and the way you express your ideas. (Teacher will facilitate a PDF with some
expressions you can use during the final forum and debate in class).

NOTE: Don’t forget to give your best, no matter if you make mistakes, the most important
is to have make the effort to be a little bit better.

1. ¿Entendió la temática trabajada fácilmente?
2. ¿Realizo alguna consulta extra para poder entender mejor la
estructura trabajada?
3. ¿Puede hacer uso de la estructura con facilidad?
4. ¿Son necesarios más ejercicios complementarios para una
mejor explicación y comprensión del tema?

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