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English Pedagogy

University of Magallanes
Bulnes Avenue 01855, P.O. Box 113-D Punta Arenas, Chile – Phone: (56-61) 207136-207128- Fax: 207009, Website:

/ɛ/vs /ӕ/
The jaw is approximately half open, tip of the tongue is behind
the bottom teeth, the front of tongue coming to about approximately
three fourths the way up. The sound is pronounced in the front of the mouth

/ɛ e/

Look at the spelling variations of the /ɛ/ sound

Spelling Highlighted bold letters pronounced as / ɛ/

e sensible, wren, beg, bent, gentle, generosity

eo leopard, jeopardy
ea head, wealth, measure, pleasure, thread, leather, heather, sweat
ei leisure, Leicester,
ay or ai says, said
ie friend

1. Listen and repeat. Read each sentence aloud slowly at first, then, as if you were telling it to someone in
a natural way. Circle the letters with / ɛ/sound:

a. “It’s best for your pet’s health to rest” said an educated vet to a wealthy gentlemen.
b. Educated men have always measured every word they said.
c. Twenty-seven shepherds hesitated before entering the sheep-pen.
d. It’s a real pleasure to rest on a nice leather sofa.
e. A red leather jacket was well presented on the display.
f. The weather was wet and windy when the men were mending the fence.

2. Listen and copy the voice modulation from the audio.

Let us gaily tread the measure,

Make the most of fleeting leisure;
Every moment brings a treasure,
Of its own especial pleasure…
Let us gaily tread the measure.
English Pedagogy

University of Magallanes
Bulnes Avenue 01855, P.O. Box 113-D Punta Arenas, Chile – Phone: (56-61) 207136-207128- Fax: 207009, Website:

Open jaw, open loose lips, almost flat tongue at the bottom of the mouth and
think forward.

/ӕ ӕ ӕ/
Listen and repeat. Look at the mouth diagram to help you
Position your lips, tongue and jaw for the target sound

Cat, Japanese, barrage, nationalities, bad

Happened, land, understand, activity, prank
Miraculous, panther, ragged, man, actually

3. Listen and repeat. Read each sentence aloud slowly at first, then, as if you were telling it to someone in
a natural way. Circle the letters with /ӕ/sound:

g. A black fat cat was sad when he couldn’t grab a slice of ham.
h. It can be quite a challenge to manage a marriage.
i. A man who looked unhappy sang a sad bad mad romantic song.
j. As a habit I add some tomato to my hamburger.
k. Standing hand in hand, the man asked Jan for her hand in marriage.
l. Can you manage to carry those magazines back to the rack?

4. Transcribe the following words:

a. black: _________________________________
b. cat: _________________________________
c. grab: _________________________________
d. ham: _________________________________
e. habit: _________________________________
f. stand: _________________________________
g. carry: _________________________________
h. back: _________________________________

5. Choose between /ӕ/ or /ɜ/ in the words below:

a. beg ____ bag ____ d. breath ____ tread ____

b. kettle ____ candle ____ e. said ____ plaid ____
c. guessed ____ gassed ____ f. wren ____ rank ____

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