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剑桥雅思口语写作词汇灵活性 Flexibility(波波老

66 个有生命力的英语词汇(English Lexical Resource With Vitality)

雅思口语写作词汇灵活性 Full Flexibility

1. life/vitality 生命
an easy life 安逸的生活
start a new life 开始新的生活
social life 社交生活
come to life 变得更有趣
be full of life 充满活力
lifelong friend 一生的挚友
vitality 生命力
vitamin 维生素
vivid 生动的
vibrant 有活力的
Viva La Vida 生命万岁

2. enjoy
enjoy 喜欢/享受/享有
喜欢 音乐 :I enjoy listening to live music such as a concert or a singing performance.

享受 个人时光: It’s a good chance to enjoy some me time/quality family time.

历史建筑:I have a liking for DaYan pagoda that enjoys long history.

电影 :I am going to talk about a film called Inception that stars my favourite actor Leonardo
Dicaprio. The film is highly recommended. I mean, it enjoys really good reviews. I find it a deep
film that it allows me to think deeply.

擅长工作的人:Well, I am going to talk Liu Hong Bo who is my English teacher. He enjoys great
reputation because what he has been doing sets a good example for me and has a positive
influence on me.

衣服:Ok, I am going to talk about my outdoor jacket that enjoys great quality. I have been to
many different places in it before, such as snow-capped mountains in Tibet. Therefore, it has a
strong sentimental value to me.
健康:I enjoy good healthy because I try my best to work out on a daily basis.
人们 Part3: People in my country enjoy a high standard of living these days.

enjoyable 享受的
walking – I find it super enjoyable to go for a walk in a park.

Countryside – Every time I go to the country, I will go for a walk in the open fields because I feel
pretty enjoyable in the wild nature.

Spending time by myself –I tend to feel enjoyable whenever I stay at home on my own.

enjoyment – get a lot of enjoyment 快乐

童年的游戏 - When I was young, I used to play a game called Hide and seek, which gave me a
great sense of enjoyment. I am really filled with nostalgia for my childhood games.

蛋糕:A couple of days ago, I tried my best to make a cake for my family. It really made my day
and gave me a great sense of enjoyment when I saw how happy they were while eating the

孩子:Children like to share interests and enjoyments with their parents.

Young people seem to have lost their enjoyment in reading.

3. catch
catch a film 看电影
Whenever Hollywood films come out, I will catch them in a cinema because I am able to enjoy
better sound and visual effects.

catch my eye 吸引我

艺术 Art – I remember the first I saw the painting in an art gallery, it caught my eye deeply.

catch my fancy 让我中意

历 史 history – History films tend to catch my fancy because they allow me to reflect on my
present life.
电影/艺术 A classic film called Loving Vincent caught my fancy when I saw it a couple of years
ago because it was not only produced by more than a hundred painters around the world, but
also allowed me to have a better and deeper understanding of the great artist Van Gogh.

Part 2 纪念品
A couple of years ago, I went on a journey to HangZhou. One day, I did some sight-seeing in a
lovely street market where I bought a hand-made umbrella. It really caught my fancy because it
was cheap and cheerful.

catch up with someone 叙旧

节日:Spring Festival is my all-time favourite because it’s an important opportunity to have a
family reunion and catch up with them. Meanwhile, it helps a lot in bringing us closer together.

catchy lyrics and tunes 朗朗上口的歌词和曲调

音乐:I have a liking for old and classic songs with catchy lyrics and tunes because I am able to
sing along with them.

4. open
an open person 开朗的人
a family member – I am going to talk about my grandmother who is an open, outgoing and
loving person. Although she is much older than me, we have a good relationship. Also, I love
doing things together with her because my grandmother tends to have a good state of mind
and look things on the bright side.

open my mind 打开思路

Reading helps me open my mind. I mean, the more books I read, the more interested I am in
reading and the more open-minded I will become.

open my eyes 开阔视野

Going on a journey somewhere allows me to open my eyes. Let’s say, it leads to me having a
wider range of experiences and helps me gain an insight into different cultures, customs and
ways of living.

open the door to 打开通往…的大门

Reading allows us to open the door to all aspects of knowledge.

5. hit
v. 到达 hit the shops/ hit the gym/ hit the town /hit the street/ hit the market
As long as I have got some free time, I will hit the gym and do some exercise.

hit it off 投缘/相处的融洽

Describe a friend
Eric and I hit it off the moment we met each other. Since then, he has become my lifelong friend
because we have a lot in common and see eye to eye on many others. For example, both of us
believe that reading and travelling are most important things in life.

adj. 火
a hit film
As soon as the film came out, it became a hit film and enjoyed rave reviews.

a hit song
When I was young, I used to have a genuine liking for an English song named Hey Jude. It
seemed to be a hit song back then because all my friends used to sing along with the song.
6. fix
fix my mind on 专注
Ok, I am going to talk about a coffee shop named Sculpting in Time. It’s a lovely and peaceful
place where I can fix my mind on reading over a cup of coffee. Every time I hit the place, I will
settle down to read because I feel more focused, energetic and productive while reading there.
Meanwhile, it’s a perfect place for me to read the classics because it allows me to think deeply
and reflect on my life.

fix a problem 解决问题

a person who taught you knowledge
I am going to talk about my father who is a wise, knowledgeable and supportive person. I think
highly of my father because he is not only ace at his job, but also a positive and helpful person
on a daily basis. For example, he tends to encourage me with words of wisdom like seize the
day, follow your heart and be yourself. Also, whenever I have got a problem in my life, he will try
his best to help me fix it.

fix the environment 治理环境

环境:What I think is that governments should pool resources to fix the environment.

fixed 固定的
I fancy Jay Chou not only because he’s a born singer, but also for reason that he doesn’t
create music in a fixed way. For example, he’s able to inject Chinese elements into his music.

I fancy Taylor Swift not only because of her wonderful singing voice, but also for the reason that
he doesn’t create music in a fixed way. For example, she’s able to inject her own love stories
into her music.

7. fancy
adj. 精致的/高级的
a fancy gift/ restaurant
a crowded place
I am going to talk about South Luo Gu lane because it’s a crowded, buzzing and vibrant place
where there are a lot of fancy shops, pubs and restaurants. Meanwhile, it enjoys long history
and great reputation. So, it’s easier to understand why lost of people flock to the street every
time they come to Beijing.

v. 喜欢
fancy someone
I fancy J. K. Rowling because he’s an amazing writer. What she has written down has a positive
influence on young children around the world. It not only helps them spark their imagination,
but also inspires them to be a more kind-hearted person.

catch my fancy
A cup of tea always catches my fancy.

8. star
look at the stars 星星
sky you want to see in the future
If possible, I wish I could go on a journey to Finland where I could not only see the amazing
northern lights, but also have chances to look at the mysterious stars at night. I mean, it must
be a once-in-a-lifetime experience for me.

a famous star 明星

v. star someone 由…出演

Tom Hiddleston is a famous film star from UK. Every time I see films that star him, I will be lost
in it. He’s not only a charming person, but also a born performer. Let’s say, he has a natural
gift in performing in films. He rose to fame many years ago and he still enjoys great reputation

9. fame
rise to fame 成名
famous 著名的

10. long
go on a long journey 长途旅行
I wish I could go on a long journey to the Antarctic because the wild nature really catches my
fancy. If I could be in the middle of the Antarctic, I would probably have more chances to think
about life.

enjoy long history 享有悠久的历史

long to do something 渴望做某事

water sports
I long to have a try to scuba-diving Maldives because it must be an important opportunity for me to
discover something new and fresh, such as marine animals and sea plants. As well as this, I want to
take up a new challenge and experience something thrilling. I mean, I will definitely get buzz out of it.

11. mind
have peace of mind 心平气和
My grandfather is person who is peace of mind. He always looks at things on the bright side.
beautiful mind 美丽心灵
Emma Watson is not only a pretty face, but also a person with beautiful mind because over the
past years, she has put all her heart and energy into supporting equality for both men and

fix my mind on 专注
I’d like to do meditation on a daily basis before I go to bed, because it allows me to calm
down and fix my mind on my life.

have a good state of mind 有好的心态

No matter what you do, you should have a good state of mind. That’s what I learned from the
film the Pursuit of Happiness.

have a keen mind 有敏锐的头脑

He’s a person with keen mind. For example, every time I talk with him, I have chances to pick
his brains.
a keen hiker
a keen swimmer

be in two minds about 纠结

After graduation from my uni, I was in two minds about my future. I mean, I was torn between
getting a job straight and getting further education. Finally, I made up my mind to study
overseas so that I could have a brighter future ahead of me.

make up my mind 决定
blow my mind 打动我的心
I fancy Adele because every time I listen to her songs, her music can blow my mind.

12. example
For example,
Take … for example,
a perfect example 一个典型的例子
set a good example for 树立好的榜样

13. build
build a house
build up confidence 建立信心

14. hang
hang out 出去玩
hang around 闲逛
get the hang of 熟练的运用

15. sense
language sense 预感
a sense of inner peace/excitement/happiness/security/freedom/humour 一种感觉
make sense 有道理

16. humour
a sense of humour 幽默感
humorous 幽默的
British Humour 英式幽默

17. keen
be keen on 喜爱
a keen hiker/reader/player/swimmer 热衷于…的人

18. chic
=fashionable 时尚的

19. a coffee shop = café


20. lie
lie at/on/in 位于
lie back = chill out 放松
tell a lie 说谎

21. pick
pick = choose 选择
pick and choose 精挑细选
pick some out 选出
pick up something 学习
pick up a skill 学习一个技能
pick one’s brains 学习某人的智慧
a picky person 挑剔的人
a pick-me-up 提神的饮料

22. favourite 最爱
n. a favourite of mine
old favourites
my all-time favourite
adj. favourite music
v. favour doing 偏爱某事
23. fit
fit me well 适合我
fit in with someone 和某人相处的很融洽
keep fit 保持健康
be fit as a fiddle 特别健康

24. photo
take a photo 照相
photography 摄影
photogenic 上相的

25. ace
hold all the aces 占据天时地利
be ace at 擅长
have an ace time 度过愉快的时光

26. shape
keep in shape 保持身材
shape the mind 塑造思想

27. reflect
reflect well on someone 给某人好的印象
reflect on my life 反思生活

28. lost
get lost 迷路
get lost 迷失
be lost in something 沉浸在其中
be lost to the world

29. deep
deep = profound 有深度的
be in a deep sleep 深度睡眠
deep conversation 有深度的交流
think deeply 深度思考
deep into the night 深夜
leave a deep impression on 留下深刻的印象

30. taste
a salty/bitter/sweet/spicy taste 味道
my first taste 第一次体验
have very good taste in 对…有很高的鉴赏力
be a matter of personal taste 个人爱好的问题
acquire a taste of 尝试
31. inspire
inspire someone 激励
inspire me with confidence 给我信心
inspiration 灵感
inspirational 鼓舞人心的

32. gift
gift = present 礼物=现在
have a great gift for

33. work
work 工作
work hard 努力
work for peace 努力取得和平
It works.
It doesn’t work.
work out 锻炼身体
art work 艺术品

34. genuine
a genuine art work 真迹
have a genuine liking for 真心喜欢
genuinely 真心地

35. approach 方法
approachable 平易近人的

36. down
feel down 感到不开心
be down-to-earth 脚踏实地
let someone down 让某人失望
have a down on sb/sth 差评
look down on my phone 看手机

37. gravity 重力
the gravity of the situation 问题的严重性
gravitate to someone 被…所吸引

38. share
share something 分享
share the bill =AA
shared bicycle 共享单车
39. freeze
freezing days 寒冷的天
freeze happy moments 定格快乐的时刻

40. muse 谬斯女神

muse = inspiration 灵感
a muse 艺术方面有造诣的人
amusement 愉悦
amusing 有趣的

41. interest
n. 好处/利益 promote /protect/ safeguard sb’s interests
have an interest in …有利益关系
show great interest in 特别感兴趣
show no interest in 没兴趣
interesting 有趣的
interested 感兴趣的

42. word
words 语言
words of wisdom 智慧的语言
give someone my word 承诺
keep my word 遵守承诺
have a word with someone 和某人私聊
In a word, 总之

43. book
a book lover 喜欢读书的人
a book of stamps 一套邮票
book hotels 预定酒店
an open book 开朗的人

44. energy
be full of energy 充满精力
put all his/her heart and energy into 全身心投入
give someone positive energy 给我正能量
energetic 有活力的

45. raise
raise salaries/prices/taxes 提高
raise money 众筹
raise our green awareness 提升我们的环保意识
raise someone up 抚养/培育
be born and raised 土生土长

46. pay
pay a bill 支付
pay me compliments 赞美我
pay good money for something 花很多钱
pay off 功不唐捐
pay attention to 关注

47. credit
credit cards 信用卡
give someone a credit 赞美某人

48. proud
be proud of
take a pride in someone 为某人感到骄傲自豪

49. worth
be worth doing 值得做某事
worthwhile 值得的
It is worthwhile to do 值得做某事

50. perform
perform well 表现地好
a singing performance = a gig 演唱会
a born performer 天生的演员

51. buzz
give someone a buzz 打电话
get buzz out of something 获得快乐感
a buzz of excitement / a buzz of expectation 十分兴奋/期待

52. bring
bring me a lot of fun 给我带来快乐
bring people closer together 拉近人们直接的距离

53. play
play sports
play games
play an important role in 扮演重要的角色
54. gain
gain benefits 获得好处
gain in confidence 增加信心
gain an insight into 深度了解

55. understand
have a better understanding of 更好的理解

56. engage
engage in 参加
engaging 有趣的

57. harbour
We should not harbour prejudice to cultures we do not understand.

58. pool
Only by pooling their resources can governments hope to overcome global warming.

59. mirror
Many of today’s social problems are not new but mirror similar dilemmas from the past.

60. bridge
Governments must improve social welfare in order to bridge the gap between rich and poor.

61. tailor
Each country needs to tailor a solution which meets their own particular situation.

62. harness 马具/利用

By harnessing solar and wind energy, we can help our societies become more “green”.

63. hook 钩子
be hooked on 着迷

64. have
have positive/negative effect on 有影响
have a direct impact on 有直接影响
have the great impact on 有重要影响

65. help
help a lot in doing 有助于做某事

66. end
come to an end 结束
at the end of the day 在最后
end up doing something 结果 …
end up becoming a teacher 结果成了一名老师

英语词汇的灵活性(意思和词性的灵活使用)用让你的语言 make a difference



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