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Graham Norton vs Jeremy Kyle

The Graham Norton Show is a British Comedy Chat show hosted by
Graham Norton on BBC One on Fridays at 9pm. The show is very
popular and consists of Norton getting many celebrities ranging from
singers to actors to comedians to have an entertaining chat with

The Jeremy Kyle show was a British Tabloid talk show hosted by
Jeremy Kyle which ran from 2005-2019 and was aired on ITV
weekdays at 9:25am. The show was very popular and consisted of
the host Jeremy attempting to help solve issues in the lives of the
guests, acting as a mediator when they talked it out.

First of all, The Graham Norton Show is a comedy talk show while the
Jeremy Kyle show is a tabloid talk show, the difference is that
Norton’s show focuses on a comedy aspect with a light hearted
approach and produces content appropriate for teens and older,
while on the other hand, The Jeremy Kyle show focuses on
controversial topics bringing light to how many people live with
these problem while also trying to solve them, this could be funny to
some while informative or even shocking to others, which is certainly
only appropriate for adults.

Secondly, the guests on both these shows are different and are
treated completely different, The Graham Norton show hosts guests
who are celebrities who are very popular in the media. Norton has a
comedic and informative chat with these guests, often asking them
about their past, their career, experience in their industry and their
plans while also poking fun at them, doing extensive research to find
out funny thing about them and bringing it up to have a laugh with
them without its offending them. On the other hand, The Jeremy
Kyle show hosts members of the public who apply to come on to
Kyle’s show in order to dispute an issue over a range of many things
including sex, abuse, addiction and family matters. Kyle acts as a
mediator between these people, he tries to help solve the problem
but can take the side of the person he feels is in the right and can be
quite insulting to someone he believes to be in the wrong.

Thirdly, The Graham Norton Show is broadcast weekly on a Friday

night at 9pm, to attract adults who are sitting watching TV going into
the weekend. The Show offers something to look forward to after a
long week of working and can be part of someone’s routine to watch
it after coming home from work, putting their children to bed,
getting food and watching the show. The Jeremy Kyle Show aired on
weekdays at 9:25am to attract members of the public who are at
home at that time, as it is a controversial show that covers fewer
mainstream topics and is not suitable for children, so it therefore is
broadcast when they are at school. Since the topics it focuses on can
be quite shocking it is aired at a time where many people won’t be
casually watching TV, so only people who are entertained by it are
going to tune in instead of someone unsuspecting of the shock factor
stumbling on it.

Finally, while the Graham Norton Show is semi scripted, meaning

that questions and conversations are prepared beforehand, the show
doesn’t have a specific script and can go somewhere unplanned, The
Jeremy Kyle Show has no script and everything seen in the show has
been the live reactions of all the people involved with no prior plan
on which direction the episode is expected to go.

While these shows are different in the majority of aspects, they do
share some similarities, such as they both are focused on
entertainment over information, as the Graham Norton Show is
meant to make people laugh at the subjects brought up and The
Jeremy Kyle Show is meant to shock viewer with the drama shown.

Firstly, both these shows air at times when children are usually not
present, as neither of them are appropriate for a younger audience.

Secondly, both shows are pre-recorded in a studio with a live

audience within the studio, with both shows showing the reactions
of the audience to what’s happening on stage. These recordings are
then edited and shown at the selected time slot on their channels.

Overall, these shows are very different shows with a very different
aim in mind during creation. Graham Norton presents his show in a
light-hearted manner, having a laugh with his guests and have
friendly chats about their experience in their life, career and time in
the spotlight. He has a good relationship with all his guests on stage
and presents his show to be a way to relax and have a laugh after a
week of hard work. On the other hand, Jeremy Kyle has no
relationship with his guests and is there to help them solve their
issue, he is known to be quite critical and won’t shy away from
sharing his honest thoughts even if it means insulting someone on
his show. The only real similarities between these shows is how they
are filmed and released to the public.

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