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Indirect Takes time

not based on beauty

in the grasp of everyone

Feminine Appearance

Masculine Language

Does not impose and offend



Pleasure is bait


Not acting rational

Surrender to will of loved one and desire to possess them

Takes time

plan and strategies aiming

at areas of penetration nothing is left to chance

the meeting of illusion and reality

people might secretly

envy your power
What about you is seductive?
Know you
if not, you will come of as mechanical and manipulative

What will penetrate their minds?

Know them
In not, you will make mistakes and limit your potential

The ability to radiate qualities within

you that attract people.

You can develop multiple characters to add more depth and character

providers of pleasure

sensitive to pleasure

Frame all of life is a theater and everyone is an actor

Assume whatever form that appeals to the other person

take pleasure in performance and not weighed down by identity

Every interaction is seen as a seduction

With each seduction you gain experience

Each person is a castle you are challenged to penetrate

See the world self absorption is a sign of insecurity, anti-seductive

through their eyes
gather information about what makes them tick
and how they can be persuaded

Seducers take pleasure in performing and are not weighed

down by their identity, or by some need to be themselves,
or to be natural

The harder you try to resist the lure of seduction as

an idea or a form of power, the more you will When someone loves you, there is power
find yourself fascinated.
Resonate in the memory and we want them back
Quotes What people lack in life is not more reality but illusion, fantasy and play

Offering endless pleasure

and a bit of danger
The intellectual is most susceptible because their life lacks it


people have dreams in their
youth that get shattered or worn
down with age. They find themselves disappointed
by people, events, reality, which cannot
match their youthful ideals. Ideal Lovers thrive
on people's broken dreams, which become lifelong
fantasies. You long for romance? Adventure? Lofty
spiritual communion? The Ideal Lover reflects your
fantasy. He or she is an artist in creating the illusion
you require, idealizing your portrait. In a
world of disenchantment and baseness,
there is limitless seductive power in
following the path of the
Ideal Lover

He had seemed to anticipate her thoughts had been so pleasant, and yet
so bold

His method was simple: on meeting a woman, he would

study her, go along with her moods, find out what was missing in her life,
and provide it

The key to following the path of the Ideal Lover is the ability to observe.
Ignore your targets' words and conscious behavior; focus on the tone
of their voice, a blush here, a look there—those signs that betray what
their words won't say.

Ideal Lovers
make you feel nobler, make the sensual and sexual seem spiritual and aesthetic

y. The key to the archetype

Ideal Lovers is a sense of absolute devotion. A man who will not let matters of
warfare, glory, or money intrude into the fantasy of courtship has limitless

: The
Portrait Painter. Under his eye, all of
your physical imperfections disappear. He brings
out noble qualities in you, frames you in a myth, makes
you godlike, immortalizes you. For his ability to create
such fantasies, he is rewarded with great power.

Never let matters of money or work intrude into the fantasy of courtship

Dig into your targets’ past and bring images and ideals that have been abandoned or repressed back to the surface

Make them feel elevated, lofty, spiritual, and your power over them will be limitless

To create this effect requires patience and attention to detail. Most people are so wrapped up in their own desires, so impatient, they are incapable of the Ideal Lover role. Let that be a source of infinite opportunity. Be an oasis in the desert of the self-absorbed; few can resist the temptation of following a person who seems so attuned to their desires, to bringing to life their fantasies

he main dangers in the role of the Ideal Lover are the consequences
Dangers that arise if you let reality creep in

of us feel trapped within the
limited roles that the world expects us to
play. We are instantly attracted to those who are
more fluid, more ambiguous, than we are—those who
create their own persona. Dandies excite us because they cannot
be categorized, and hint at a freedom we want for ourselves.
They play with masculinity and femininity; they fashion their
own physical image, which is always startling; they are mysterious
and elusive. They also appeal to the narcissism of each
sex: to a woman they are psychologically female, to a man
they are male. Dandies fascinate and seduce in large
numbers. Use the power of the Dandy to create
an ambiguous, alluring presence that
stirs repressed desires.

Seduction was and will always remain the female form of power and

a familiar,
pleasing, graceful presence

Mirroring feminine psychology, he displays attention

to his appearance, sensitivity to detail, a slight coquettishness

By showing them feminine charm, a man can mesmerize

and disarm them, leaving them vulnerable to a bold, masculine move.
The Feminine Dandy
The key is ambiguity: your sexuality is decidedly heterosexual, but your
body and psychology float delightfully back and forth between the two

A man's apparent independence,

his capacity for detachment, often seems to give him the upper
hand in the dynamic between men and women

Dandies seduce socially as well as sexually; groups form around them,

their style is wildly imitated, an entire court or crowd will fall in love
with them. In adapting the Dandy character for your own purposes, remember
that the Dandy is by nature a rare and beautiful flower. Be different
in ways that are both striking and aesthetic, never vulgar; poke fun at
current trends and styles, go in a novel direction, and be supremely uninterested
in what anyone else is doing. Most people are insecure; they will
wonder what you are up to, and slowly they will come to admire and imitate
you, because you express yourself with total confidence

The Masculine Dandy succeeds by reversing the normal pattern of

The Masculine Dandy male superiority in matters of love and seduction

Subtle and never try hard

difference in little touches

Be socially confident and sure of your taste

In society conformity is the norm but boring, ambiguity strikes interest

But a Dandy's style cannot be obvious, for

Dandies are subtle, and never try hard for attention—attention comes to

Dandies show their difference in the little touches that mark their disdain for convention
The Dandy has traditionally been defined by clothing, and certainly
most Dandies create a unique visual style If your visual style is totally
unfamiliar, people will think you at best an obvious attention-getter, at
worst crazy. Instead, create your own fashion sense by adapting and altering
prevailing styles to make yourself an object of fascination

The nonconformity of Dandies, however, goes far beyond appearances.

It is an attitude toward life that sets them apart; adopt that attitude and a They don't give a damn about other
circle of followers will form around you. people, and never try to please

since people are generally

oppressed by the obligation of always being polite and self-sacrificing, they
are delighted to spend time around a person who disdains such niceties.

if you simply seem socially confident and sure of your taste, people will
be drawn to you

Men do not understand how women think, and vice

versa; each tries to make the other act more like a member of their own
sex. Dandies may never try to please, but in this one area they have a pleasing
effect: by adopting psychological traits of the opposite sex, they appeal
to our inherent narcissism

the slightly
feminized male, the pretty boy, has always been seductive to women

The Dandy figure has a place in politics as well. John F. Kennedy was a
strange mix of the masculine and feminine, virile in his toughness with the
Russians, and in his White House lawn football games, yet feminine in his
graceful and dapper appearance

Do not be misled by the surface disapproval your Dandy pose may

elicit. Society may publicize its distrust of androgyny , but this conceals its
fascination. what is most seductive is often what is most repressed. Learn a
playful dandyism and you will become the magnet for people's dark, unrealized

The key to such power is ambiguity. In a society where the roles everyone
plays are obvious, the refusal to conform to any standard will excite interest.
Be both masculine and feminine, impudent and charming, subtle
and outrageous. Let other people worry about being socially acceptable;
those types are a dime a dozen, and you are after a power greater than they
can imagine.

Symbol: The
Orchid. Its shape and color oddly suggest
both sexes, its odor is sweet and decadent
—it is a tropical flower of evil. Delicate and highly cultivated,
it is prized for its rarity; it is unlike any other flower.

The greater
The Dandy's strength, but also the Dandy's problem dangers will often come from your own sex

Better to accept society's

occasional gibes with grace and insolence. After all, the Dandies' charm is
that they don't really care what people think of them.

Be pleasantly different, an amusement, rather than a person

who challenges the group's conventions and makes others feel insecure.

Childhood is the golden paradise we are always consciously or unconsciously trying to re-create.
The Natural embodies the longed-for qualities of childhood—spontaneity, sincerity,
In the presence of Naturals, we feel at ease, caught up in their playful spirit,
transported back to that golden age. Adopt the pose of the Natural to neutralize people's
defensivencss and infect them with helpless delight.

sense early on the power of their natural

charm to remedy their weakness in the adult world. They learn to play a
game: if their natural innocence can persuade a parent to yield to their desires
in one instance, then it is something they can use strategically in another
instance, laying it on thick at the right moment to get their way

natural has an uncanny effect on us. Since the beginning of time, natural
phenomena—such as lightning storms or eclipses—have instilled in human
beings an awe tinged with fear. The more civilized we become, the greater
the effect such natural events have on us; the modern world surrounds us
with so much that is manufactured and artificial that something sudden and
inexplicable fascinates us

Most people try to please, but the pleasantness of the child

comes effortlessly, defying logical explanation—and what is irrational is
often dangerously seductive

Because adult life is full of boredom and compromise, we

harbor an illusion of childhood as a kind of golden age, even though it can
often be a period of great confusion and pain.

as children we had a pleasurable

attitude to life

Natural seducers are people who somehow avoided getting certain

childish traits drummed out of them by adult experience

To do this successfully, you have to

be able to let go to a degree, since there is nothing less natural than seeming

People are much more forgiving of those who go all the

way, who seem uncontrollably foolish, than the halfhearted adult with a
childish streak

Remember who you were before you became so polite and


The weakness
of children elicits sympathy, their misunderstandings make us laugh,
and nothing is more seductive than a mixture of laughter and sympathy
The innocent.
Naturals must make it seem subtle and effortless—if they are
seen as trying to act innocent, it will come across as pathetic

Impish children have a fearlessness that we adults have lost. That

is because they do not see the possible consequences of their actions—how
some people might be offended, how they might physically hurt themselves
in the process.

The imp If you play the part,

do not worry about offending people now and then—you are too lovable
and inevitably they will forgive you

A wonder child has a special, inexplicable talent: a gift for

music, for mathematics, for chess, for sport. At work in the field in which
they have such prodigal skill, these children seem possessed, and their actions
9 Seducer types
their work
The Natural seems to spring from some inborn impulse, requiring remarkably little

Adult wonders are often former wonder children who have managed,
The wonder. remarkably, to retain their youthful impulsiveness and improvisational skills.
True spontaneity is a delightful rarity, for everything in life conspires to rob
us of it—we have to learn to act carefully and deliberately, to think about
how we look in other people's eyes. To play the wonder you need some
skill that seems easy and natural, along with the ability to improvise. If in
fact your skill takes practice, you must hide this and learn to make your
work appear effortless. The more you hide the sweat behind what you do,
the more natural and seductive it will appear.

As people get older, they protect themselves against

painful experiences by closing themselves off. The price for this is that they
grow rigid, physically and mentally.

But children are by nature unprotected

and open to experience, and this receptiveness is extremely attractive. In
the presence of children we become less rigid, infected with their openness.
That is why we want to be around them.

they are graceful, and seem to age less rapidly

The undefensive lover.
than other people

Defensiveness is deadly in seduction; act defensive and you'll

bring out defensiveness in other people.

A display of "natural" weakness

will make you instantly lovable, both lowering people's defenses and
making them feel delightfully superior to you.

People are drawn to those who expect a lot out of life, whereas they tend
to disrespect those who are fearful and undemanding.

the role you were given in life is not the role you have to accept.

Symbol: The
Lamb. So soft and endearing. At
two days old the lamb can gambol gracefully;
within a week it is playing "Follow the Leader."
Its weakness is part of its charm. The Lamb is pure innocence,
so innocent we want to possess it, even devour it.

childish quality can be charming but it can also be irritating

The best way to use the Natural character type is in

specific situations when a touch of innocence or impishness will help lower
your target's defenses

The best way to use the Natural character type is in
specific situations when a touch of innocence or impishness will help lower
your target's defenses

Similarly, the seductive traits of the Natural work best in one who is
still young enough for them to seem natural

To assume the role, position yourself in a relationship as the younger one.

Root out the fear and awkwardness that has built up in you over the years, become more
graceful with your approach and less defensive when others seem to resist

Learn to play with your image, never taking it too seriously. The key is to infuse your play with
the convention and feeling of a child, making it seem natural. The more absorbed you seem in
your own joy-filled world, the more seductive you become. Do not go halfway: make the fantasy
you inhabit as radical and exotic as possible, and you will attract attention like a magnet

The ability to delay satisfaction is the ultimate art of seduction—while waiting, the target is
held in thrall. Coquettes are the grand masters of the game, orchestrating a back-and-forth
movement between hope and frustration. They bait with the promise of reward—the hope of
physical pleasure, happiness, fame by association, power—all of which, however, proves elusive;
yet this only makes their targets pursue them the more. Imitate the alternating heat and
coolness of the Coquette and you will keep the seduced at your heels.

arousal to a proactive appearance or alluring attitude

grab people emotionally and keep them attached

The more you pursue someone, the more likely you are to chase them away

Perhaps they might not like us? So we try to prove it.

The emotional withdrawal


People try to control/tame them and become their slave

High self-esteem. The less you need other people, the more they will be drawn to you.

Hot & Cold breaking up and getting back together to build the bond

They start competitions to win their favour

Emotional and Physical distance

People are inherently perverse. An easy conquest has a lower value than
a difficult one; we are only really excited by what is denied us, by what we
cannot possess in full. Your greatest power in seduction is your ability to
turn away, to make others come after you, delaying their satisfaction.

people miscalculate and surrender too soon, worried that the other person
will lose interest, or that giving the other what he or she wants will grant
the giver a kind of power

Never be put off by your target's anger; it is a sure sign

of enslavement.

Remember: seduction is a process of

drawing people in, making them want to pursue and possess you. Seem distant
and people will go mad to win your favor. Humans, like nature, hate a
vacuum, and emotional distance and silence make them strain to fill up the
Coquette empty space with words and heat of their own. Like Warhol, stand back
and let them fight over you

the essence of the Coquette lies not in the tease and temptation
but in the subsequent step back, the emotional withdrawal. That is the key
to enslaving desire.
To adopt the power of the Coquette, you must understand one other
quality: narcissism

To understand the peculiar power of the Coquette, you must first

understand a critical property of love and desire: the more obviously you
pursue a person, the more likely you are to chase them away. Too much attention
can be interesting for a while, but it soon grows cloying and finally
becomes claustrophobic and frightening. It signals weakness and neediness,
an unseductive combination. How often we make this mistake, thinking
our persistent presence will reassure

Self-esteem is critical in seduction. (Your attitude toward yourself is

read by the other person in subtle and unconscious ways.) Low self-esteem
repels, confidence and self-sufficiency attract.

The Coquette must first and foremost be able to excite the target of his
or her attention

Remember: obvious
flirting will reveal your intentions too clearly. Better to be ambiguous
and even contradictory, frustrating at the same time that you stimulate

Coquettes are never jealous—that would undermine their image of

fundamental self-sufficiency. But they are masters at inciting jealousy: by
paying attention to a third party, creating a triangle of desire, they signal to
their victims that they may not be that interested.

Symbol: The
Shadow. It cannot be grasped. Chase
your shadow and it will flee; turn your back on
it and it will follow you. It is also a person's dark side,
the thing that makes them mysterious. After they have given
us pleasure, the shadow of their withdrawal makes us yearn
for their return, much as clouds make us yearn for the sun.

Charm cannot exist without a hint of sexual tension

Talk to a man about himself and he will listen for hours

Make your target the center of attention

Make gestures of self-sacrifice, you share their pain

Be a source of pleasure, distract others from their problems Don't be boring

mirror them
The laws of charm
Lull you target into ease and comfort don't be overly persistent

never show anger, ill temper and vengefulness

never whine, never complain and never justify yourself

Follow through is key

Seduction on a mass level

Make crowds of people fall in love and then lead them along

they do not explain where the confidence comes from, but it can be felt by everyone

face is animated, full of desire, alertness

promise adventure and prosperity

The look in the eye

The inspiring words and smoothness with language

Direct communication to god, the word derives from

greek word for prophets and god himself

A sign of God's favor

Gives people something to belive in

Charismatics Purposeful, Mystery through polarity, psychic gifts, saintliness(you live what you believe)


Theatricality (calm instead of trying to hard)

You can't fake or flinch in what you believe in the depth in your conviction

open to the audience and feed of their energy

unconventional, adventure and risk

cowardness and timidity will ruin the charisma



The eyes Detachment

pearicing gaze
never show fear or nerves

Indirect communication

figures of myth come to life

A style or presence that makes you stand out from everyone else

They have to see you in their minds, when you're not there

The star draws in interpretations

In an image, stimulate fantasies

vocal inflection

Subtle touches a way of walking


We are unconsciously drawn to things that have no meaning beyond their fascinating appearance

make us want to know more about them

The Art Of Seduction (Power without the use of force) Weakness and misunderstanding Sympethic
of the world
The natural Makes us laugh

subtle and effortless


Do not see the possible consequences of their actions

The Imp Blissfully uncaring

Lighthearted spirit

Whatever you do, you do not take anything seriously

Other Notes
A gift for something

The Wonder They seem talented beyond their years

The work appears effortless

Don't close yourself off, you will grow

ridged, physically and mentally

Openness is extremely attractive

The undefensive lover
graceful and age less rapidly than others

defensive is deadly in seduction, you will bring

out the defensiveness in others

recognize which of the 9 strike a chord and let

that be the base for developing yourself

man is often
secretly oppressed by
The seductive character the role he has to
play—by always having to
be responsible, in control, and
rational. The Siren is the ultimate
male fantasy figure because
she offers a total release from the
limitations of his life. In her presence,
which is always heightened and
sexually charged, the male feels
transported to a world of pure pleasure.
She is dangerous, and in pursuing
her energetically the man can lose
control over himself something he
yearns to do. The Siren is a mirage;
she lures men by cultivating a particular
appearance and manner.
In a world where women are
often too timid to project such
an image, learn to take
control of the male libido
by embodying
his fantasy.

man is easily deceived by appearances; he has a weakness for the visual.
Create the physical presence of a Siren (heightened sexual allure mixed
with a regal and theatrical manner) and he is trapped. He cannot grow
bored with you yet he cannot discard you. Keep up the distractions, and
never let him see who you really are. He will follow you until he drowns

beaming sexual energy

Stand out from other women by having a highly feminine and sexual presence

She represents a powerful male fantasy of a highly sexual, supremely

confident, alluring female offering endless pleasure and a bit of danger.

In the past, a man had

some outlets for these drives—warfare, the high seas, political intrigue

Sometimes a powerful man will do the most irrational

things, have an affair when it is least called for, just for a thrill, the
danger of it all

The Siren operates well on the rigid masculine type—the soldier

The effects of a SIren on seduction or hero

The intellectual is often the one most susceptible to the Siren call of pure
physical pleasure, because his life so lacks it

The notion of danger, challenge, sometimes death, might seem outdated,

but danger is critical in seduction. It adds emotional spice and is
particularly appealing to men today, who are normally so rational and repressed

If it is seductive power you are after, the Siren is the most potent of all.
She operates on a man's most basic emotions, and if she plays her role properly,
she can transform a normally strong and responsible male into a childish

The Siren does not have to

worry about finding the right target. Her magic works on one and all.

Be elusive, distant and don’t make it easy for men to pursue you

xude a touch of the dangerous, perhaps a daring or wild side that scares men

Adapt the tone of your voice so it hints at the erotic with an animal presence and suggestive

Once the Siren has made herself stand out from others, she must have
two other critical qualities: the ability to get the male to pursue her so
feverishly that he loses control; and a touch of the dangerous

But you must not resemble a

courtesan or whore, whom the male may pursue only to quickly lose interest
in her

From Cleopatra we learn that it is not beauty that makes a Siren but
rather a theatrical streak that allows a woman to embody a man's fantasies.
A man grows bored with a woman, no matter how beautiful; he yearns for
different pleasures, and for adventure. All a woman needs to turn this
around is to create the illusion that she offers such variety and adventure

Physical qualities—a scent, a heightened

femininity evoked through makeup or through elaborate or seductive
clothing—act all the more powerfully on men

The Siren must stimulate a generalized desire, and the best way to do this is
How to adopt the Siren Characteristics by creating an overall impression that is both distracting and alluring. It is
The Siren not one particular trait, but a combination of qualities:

And just when you

thought you had this fluid, larger-than-life woman, she would turn distant
or angry, making it clear that everything was on her terms.

The Sex Siren has a more urgent and immediate effect than the Spectacular
Siren does. The incarnation of sex and desire, she does not bother
to appeal to extraneous senses, or to create a theatrical buildup.

A highly feminine and sexual presence,

even to the point of caricature, will quickly differentiate you, since most
women lack the confidence to project such an image.

Clearly a critical quality, as the legend indicates, the Siren's

voice has an immediate animal presence with incredible suggestive power.

The Siren must have an insinuating voice that hints at the erotic,
more often subliminally than overtly

a deep and sultry voice like that of Marylin Monroe is what turns them on.

If the voice must lull, the body and its adornment

must dazzle
creating an overall impression that is both distracting and alluring. It is
everything must dazzle, but must also be harmonious, so that
not one particular trait, but a combination of qualities:
no single ornament draws attention

Your presence must be charged, larger

than life, a fantasy come true

The Siren can also use clothing to hint at the sexual, at times overtly but
more often by suggesting it rather than screaming it—that would make you
Body and adornment seem manipulative

The Siren moves gracefully and unhurriedly

Your air must be

languorous, as if you had all the time in the world for love and pleasure.

they hint at
something exciting, stirring desire without being obvious

Anything that cannot immediately be understood is

supremely seductive

The song of the Siren is liquid and

enticing, and the Siren herself is fluid and ungraspable.
Like the sea, the Siren lures you with the
promise of infinite adventure and pleasure. Forgetting past
Symbol: and future, men follow her far out to sea, where they drown

No matter how enlightened the age, no woman can maintain the image
of being devoted to pleasure completely comfortably. And no matter
how hard she tries to distance herself from it, the taint of being easy always
follows the Siren

Even so, men are often forgiving when it comes to the Siren's

danger often lies in the envy she stirs up among other


By playing up her innocence,

by making herself seem the victim of male desire, the Siren can somewhat
blunt the effects of feminine envy

But on the whole there is little she can

Dangers do—her power comes from her effect on men, and she must learn to accept,
or ignore, the envy of other women.

Finally, the intense attention that the Siren attracts can prove irritating
and worse. Sometimes she will pine for relief from it; sometimes, too, she
will want to attract an attention that is not sexual. Also, unfortunately,

physical beauty fades; although the Siren effect depends not on a beautiful
face but on an overall impression, past a certain age that impression gets
hard to project
Finally, the intense attention that the Siren attracts can prove irritating
and worse. Sometimes she will pine for relief from it; sometimes, too, she
will want to attract an attention that is not sexual. Also, unfortunately,
physical beauty fades; although the Siren effect depends not on a beautiful
face but on an overall impression, past a certain age that impression gets
hard to project

The Siren must prepare

for age by paying attention early on to the more psychological, less physical
forms of coquetry that can continue to bring her power once her beauty
starts to fade.

A woman
never quite feels desired and appreciated
enough. She wants attention, but a man is too often
distracted and unresponsive. The Rake is a great female fantasy
figure—when he desires a woman, brief though that moment may be,
he will go to the ends of the earth for her. He may be disloyal, dishonest,
and amoral, but that only adds to his appeal. Unlike the normal, cautious
male, the Rake is delightfully unrestrained, a slave to his love of women.
There is the added lure of his reputation: so many women have succumbed
to him, there has to be a reason. Words are a woman's weakness,
and the Rake is a master of seductive language. Stir a
woman's repressed longings by adapting the Rake's
mix of danger and pleasure.

“A Rake’s greatest asset is his reputation. Never downplay your bad name, or seem to apologise for it. Instead, embrace it, enhance it. It is what draws women to you.

playing to women’s weakness for words that persuade, flatter and stir emotional turmoil

offers a mix of danger and pleasure, which the Rake will give in abundance.

His intentions are clear and her resistance only inflames him more

Do you see how carefree he is? How he appears unaffected by her resistance?

Show no hesitation, abandon all restraint and to let yourself go

The less your targets focus on what you say and the more on how it makes them feel, the more
seductive your effect
The Rake
Women are often oppressed by the role they are expected to play so offer them their female
fantasy, which is to meet a man who gives totally of himself and lives for her even if just for a

You must convey a sense of risk and darkness, suggesting to your victim that she is participating
in something rare and thrilling – a chance to play out her own rakish desires

Never worry about going too far: the Rake’s essence is that he goes further than anyone else

Among the Rake’s most seductive qualities is his ability to make women want to reform him –
when caught red handed in rakishness, fall back on your weakness – your desire to change, and
your inability to do so. Women will jump at the opportunity to reform you

your irresistible attractiveness to women, your uncontrollable devotion to pleasure, your disdain
for convention and a rebellious streak that makes you seem dangerous

people have dreams in their
youth that get shattered or worn
down with age. They find themselves disappointed
by people, events, reality, which cannot
match their youthful ideals. Ideal Lovers thrive
on people's broken dreams, which become lifelong
fantasies. You long for romance? Adventure? Lofty
spiritual communion? The Ideal Lover reflects your
fantasy. He or she is an artist in creating the illusion
you require, idealizing your portrait. In a
world of disenchantment and baseness,
there is limitless seductive power in
following the path of the
Ideal Lover.

“Most people have dreams in their youth that get shattered or worn down with age. They find
themselves disappointed by people, events, reality, which cannot match their youthful ideals.
Ideal Lovers thrive on people’s broken dreams, which become lifelong fantasies. You long for
romance? Adventure? Lofty spiritual communion? The Ideal Lover reflects your fantasy.” – Robert
Greene, The Art of Seduction

Be observant – ignore your targets’ words and conscious behaviour; focus on the tone of their
voice, a blush here, a look there – those signs that betray what the words won’t say

Work out what she is missing, what she is disappointed by, people will often reveal this in subtle
ways: through gesture, tone of voice, a look in the eye. By seeming to be what they lack, you
The Ideal Lover will fit their ideal

Never let matters of money or work intrude into the fantasy of courtship

Dig into your targets’ past and bring images and ideals that have been abandoned or repressed
back to the surface

Make them feel elevated, lofty, spiritual, and your power over them will be limitless

To create this effect requires patience and attention to detail. Most people are so wrapped up in
their own desires, so impatient, they are incapable of the Ideal Lover role. Let that be a source
of infinite opportunity. Be an oasis in the desert of the self-absorbed; few can resist the
temptation of following a person who seems so attuned to their desires, to bringing to life their

of us feel trapped within the
limited roles that the world expects us to
play. We are instantly attracted to those who are
more fluid, more ambiguous, than we are—those who
create their own persona. Dandies excite us because they cannot
be categorized, and hint at a freedom we want for ourselves.
They play with masculinity and femininity; they fashion their
own physical image, which is always startling; they are mysterious
and elusive. They also appeal to the narcissism of each
sex: to a woman they are psychologically female, to a man
they are male. Dandies fascinate and seduce in large
Seducer Types numbers. Use the power of the Dandy to create
an ambiguous, alluring presence that
stirs repressed desires

“The Dandy has a much more sinister effect. He lures the women in with exactly what she wants
– a familiar, pleasing, graceful presence. Mirroring feminine psychology, he displays attention to
his appearance, sensitivity to detail, a slight coquettishness – but also a hint of male cruelty.
Women are narcissists, in love with the charms of their own sex. By showing them feminine
charm, a man can mesmerise and disarm them, leaving them vulnerable to a bold, masculine
move.” – Robert Greene, The Art of Seduction

The key is ambiguity: your sexuality is decidedly heterosexual, but your body and psychology
float delightfully back and forth between the two poles

The Dandy Be both masculine and feminine, impudent and charming, subtle and outrageous. Let other
people worry about being socially acceptable; those types are a dime a dozen, and you are after
a power greater than they can imagine

if you simply seem socially confident and sure of your taste, people will be drawn to you… your
ability to allevite boredom by making life an art will make your company highly prized

Hint at something for them to aspire to, reveal your faith in some untapped potential you see in
them, and you will soon have them eating out of your hand

This kind of mental transvestism – the ability to enter the spirit of the opposite sex, adapt to
their way of thinking, mirror their tastes and attitudes – can be a key element in seduction. It is
a way of mesmerising your victim

is the golden paradise we
are always consciously or unconsciously trying
to re-create. The Natural embodies the longedfor
qualities of childhood—spontaneity, sincerity, unpretentiousness.
In the presence of Naturals, we feel at ease,
caught up in their playful spirit, transported back to that
golden age. Naturals also make a virtue out of weakness, eliciting
our sympathy for their trials, making us want to protect
them and help them. As with a child, much of this is natural,
but some of it is exaggerated, a conscious seductive
maneuver. Adopt the pose of the Natural to
neutralize people's natural defensiveness
and infect them with helpless

“Childhood is the golden pleasure we are always consciously or unconsciously trying to re-create.
The Natural embodies the longed for qualities of childhood – spontaneity, sincerity,
unpretentiousness. In the presence of Naturals, we feel at ease, caught up in their playful spirit,
transported back to that golden age. Naturals also make a virtue out of weakness, eliciting our
sympathy for their trials, making us want to protect and help them.” – Robert Greene, The Art of

Root out the fear and awkwardness that has built up in you over the years, become more
graceful with your approach and less defensive when others seem to resist

The Natural Learn to play with your image, never taking it too seriously. The key is to infuse your play with
the convention and feeling of a child, making it seem natural. The more absorbed you seem in
your own joy-filled world, the more seductive you become. Do not go halfway: make the fantasy
you inhabit as radical and exotic as possible, and you will attract attention like a magnet

The best way to use the Natural character type is in specific situations when a touch of innocence
or impishness will help lower your target’s defences

Don’t play up to your vulnerability and helplessness too much or it will seem like you’re begging
for sympathy and are needy

Do not worry about offending people now and then – you are too loveable and inevitably they
will forgive you

ability to delay satisfaction is
the ultimate art of seduction—while
waiting, the participant is held in thrall. Coquettes
are the grand masters of this game, orchestrating a
back-and-forth movement between hope and frustration.
They bait with the promise of reward—the hope of physical
pleasure, happiness, fame by association, power—all of which,
however, proves elusive; yet this only makes their targets pursue
them the more. Coquettes seem totally self-sufficient: they do
not need you, they seem to say, and their narcissism proves devilishly
attractive. You want to conquer them but they hold the cards.
The strategy of the Coquette is never to offer total satisfaction.
Imitate the alternating heat and coolness of the Coquette
and you will keep the seduced at your heels.

“A Coquette will hold their victim in thrall by delaying their satisfaction, pulling them back and
forth between hope and frustration. They bait with the promise of reward – the hope of physical
pleasure, happiness, power – all of which, however, proves elusive; yet this only makes their
targets pursue them the more.” – Robert Greene, The Art of Seduction

The less you seem to need other people, the more likely others will be drawn to you

You must first be able to excite your target. The attraction can be sexual, the lure of celebrity,
whatever it takes. At the same time, the you must send contrary signals that stimulate contrary
responses, plunging the victim into confusion
The Coquette
Trap people emotionally and keep your victims in your clutches long after that first titillation of

Hint at coldness, absenting yourself at times to keep your victims off balance, surprised,
intrigued. Your withdrawals will make you mysterious, and will build you up in their imaginations

Your greatest power in seduction is your ability to turn away, to make others come after you,
delaying their satisfaction. Do not surrender too soon if you’re worried your victim will lose
interest. Make your targets afraid that you may be withdrawing….hot and cold, hot and cold –
such coquetry is perversely pleasurable, heightening the interest and keeping the initiative on
your side

Charm is seduction without sex. Charmers are consummate manipulators,

masking their cleverness by creating a mood of pleasure and comfort. Their
method is simple: they deflect attention from themselves and focus it on their
target. They understand your spirit, feel your pain, adapt to your moods.
In the presence of a Charmer you feel better about yourself. Charmers
do not argue or fight, complain, or pester—what could be more seductive?
By drawing you in with their indulgence they make
you dependent on them, and their power grows. Learn to
cast the Charmer's spell by aiming at people's
primary weaknesses: vanity and

Strike at the things your target have the least control over: their ego, their vanity, and their self-

Make your target the center of attention, learn to listen and observe. Let your target talk,
revealing themselves in the process. As you find out more about them – most importantly their
weaknesses – you can individualize your attention, appealing to their specific desires and needs,
tailoring your flatteries to their insecurities. You can make them feel bigger and better,
validating their sense of self-worth. Make them the star of the show and they will become
addicted to you and become dependent on you

The Charmer Always be a source of pleasure, no one wants to hear about your problems and troubles

Never show anger, ill temper, or vengefulness, all disruptive emotions that will make people

Never criticize people overtly – that will make them insecure, and resistant to change. Instead,
plant ideas, insinuate suggestions

Lull your victims into ease and comfort. Charm is like the hypnotist’s trick with the swinging
watch: the more relaxed the target, the easier it is to bend him or her your will. The key to
making your victims feel comfortable is to mirror them, adapt to their moods. People are
narcissist – they are drawn to those most similar to themselves. Seem to share their values and
tastes, to understand their spirit, and they will fall under your spell

“Charisma is a presence that excites us. It comes from an inner quality – self-confidence, sexual
energy, sense of purpose, contentment – that most people lack and want. This quality radiates
outward, permeating the gestures of Charismatics, making them seem extraordinary and
superior, and making us imagine there is more to them than meets the eye: they are gods,
saints, stars, Charismatics can learn to heighten their charisma with a piercing gaze, fiery
oratory, an air of mystery. They can seduce on a grand scale. Learn to create the charismatic
illusion by radiating intensity while remaining detached” – Robert Greene, The Art of Seduction

Purpose – if people believe you have a plan, that you know where you are going, they will follow
you instinctively

Eloquence – a charismatic relies on the power of words. The reason is simple: words are the
quickest way to create emotional disturbance.

The Charismatic Theatricality – it is essential to be self-aware, to have the ability to see yourself as others see

Fervency – you need to believe in something, and to believe in it strongly enough for it to
animate all your gestures and make your eyes light up

Adventurous – charismatics are unconventional. They have an air of adventure and risk that
attracts the bored. Be brazen and courageous in your actions – be seen taking risks for the good
of others.

Daily life is harsh, and most of us constantly seek escape from it in fantasies and dreams. Stars
feed on this weakness; standing out from others through a distinctive and appealing style, they
make us want to watch them, At the same time, they are vague and ethereal, keeping their
distance, and letting us imagine more than is there. Their dreamlike quality works on our
unconscious; we are not even aware how much we imitate them. Learn to become an object of
fascination by projecting the glittering but elusive presence of the Star.” – Robert Greene, The
Art of Seduction

You are a blank screen. Float through life noncommittally and people will want to seize you and
consume you.

Learn to tune your face like an instrument, making it radiate a fascinating vagueness for effect.

Since you need to stand out from other stars, you need to develop an attention-getting style.
The Star
Keep your distance, let people identify with you without being able to touch you. They can only
watch and dream.

Make yourself into a cipher, a mix of the real and unreal

Hold yourself back, occasionally revealing a trait that makes people wonder whether they really
know you

Your words should be fascinating, diverse, strange, their meaning unclear.

become more like them, a mirror image of them

adapt to their moods, tastes and play along with whatever they send your way

validates them

Seduction Process Enter their spirit people love to see their ideas and tastes reflected in another person insecurity vanishes

they relax

Turn the dynamic around

hypnosis and the most effective form of persuasion

Draw people in
Step 1:
Tease the imagination

Step 2: lure from one world into another world

Step 3: reengage the pursuit

sometimes it's in
your control, sometimes not

Some will be interested, some won't a smile

look for the responses shyness



personal taboo
that excites you
The impact they have on you
When a person has such a deep effect on you, it
Process transforms all of your subsequent maneuvers. Your if they playfully resist you, you in turn
face and gestures become will be more creative, more motivated to
more animated. You have more energy overcome their resistance
Step 1 (Know who to connect with) Good seducers choose targets that
inspire them but they know how
and when to restrain themselves.

Never rush into the waiting arms of the first person

who seems to like you. That is not seduction but

Look at the types you have not considered

before—that is where you will find
challenge and adventure

A woman should never be put off by a man who

seems overly aggressive. It is easy, with a few
coquettish tricks, to turn that aggression around.
Such men actually enjoy being made to chase after a woman.

Step 2 (Approach Indirectly)


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