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Amoroso, Hannah Marie CONEAP

Batang, Rhomarie B.
Flora, Shienna M.
Goyone, Limuel
Mesina, Patrick
Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) and its impact has been one of the most controversial topics in the world today.
Because of its advancement throughout the years, slowly taking over some of the tedious human jobs, some people see
artificial intelligence as a threat, however, artificial intelligence only becomes a threat if it is not utilized properly. Some
people may not see it but artificial intelligence offers a lot of benefits to society.

The healthcare industry continues to evolve because of Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI improves healthcare
through several ways like helping on the research and development of new drugs and other treatments for diseases. AI
also allows the doctors and patients to easily access their health records for a better diagnosis. Smart watches, seizure
detector bracelets and other wearable healthcare technology also uses AI. These technologies can analyze data to alert the
user and their healthcare professional on potential health issues and risks (Phaneuf, 2020). Through the development of
Artificial Intelligence, diagnosis and treatment of diseases are a lot easier which is really beneficial to everyone in the
society, especially to all the patients and healthcare professionals.

The way we uncover criminal activity and solve crimes will be enhanced with artificial intelligence. Facial
recognition technology is becoming just as common as fingerprints. The use of AI in the justice system also presents
many opportunities to figure out how to effectively use the technology without crossing an individual’s privacy.
Computer-driven evaluation frameworks are being used to inform custodial and sentencing decisions. The technology
offers both huge promise and the prospect of dark dystopia in seemingly equal measure. Perpetrators could easily be
caught with faster DNA analysis and faster processing times making it easier for authorities to work. This is a very
efficient way of helping authorities lessen criminal activities with also the least work needed. (Malik, 2018)

AI in education fills gaps, thus, offering a great opportunity for better education. The academic world is becoming
more convenient, personalized, and easily accessible because of the applications of AI in the field of education. Artificial
intelligence is likewise permitting the automation of authoritative errands, permitting organizations to minimize the time
required to finish difficult tasks (Pominici, 2017). Nowadays, the way of learning has changed considering that materials
are becoming more accessible to all through smart devices and computers. With AI, difficult tasks can be easily
simplified. Also, personalized and global learning can be easily accessed by every student which will benefit them.

With these, artificial intelligence should not be seen as a threat but an opportunity for mankind considering that it
helps in various aspects of life such as health care, security, and education. The development of such technology does not
only make tasks easier but also helps to eliminate risks that might affect the whole community either in the present or the
future, thus, development of AIs will continuously create positive effects that will outweigh negative effects.


Malik, N. (2018, November 27). How Can We Use Artificial Intelligence To Prevent Crime? Retrieved from

Phaneuf, A. (2020). Use of AI in healthcare and medicine is booming. Retrieved from

Pominici, P. (2017). Exploring the impact of artificial intelligence on teaching and learning in higher education. Retrieved

Use of AI in healthcare & medicine is booming. Retrieved from


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