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Greetings my beloved brothers and sisters,

It has been a while since I have written. I know that the times
that we are living in, we are all going through some emotions. As well as
trying to understand from a Christian point of view what is going on.
Just want to take a second to praise our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
for all the pastors at this moment. It is not easy trying to speak into a
camera and only have a few people in front of you and in some cases
the pastor by himself. During these difficult moments, God's word is
being preached and we are focused on one task: glorifying the name of
Christ through the preaching of his word.
Well to say that I have been trying to do the best that I could under the
circumstances. I have found myself in the position where I am in more
contact with the church members during the week, so that is a
blessing. Basically, that is what has been going on in ministry. And the
way things are going it seems that we will be able to congregate by July.
Until then, this is what ministry is looking like now, during this time of
Brothers and sisters, this newsletter is going to be short. At the
moment, personally there is a lot going on. I have lost two family
members to be more specific two uncles, to the COVID 19 and currently
I have 13 family members 2 aunts and 1 uncle and the rest, cousins
that are infected and are struggling to breathe at this moment. These
are uncles that I grew up with. Under these circumstances there is no
funeral and my aunt or any of my cousin cannot leave the house to
attend to my uncle’s death. They are in God's hands and my prayers is
that they can recover soon. A positive outcome that has come out of
this, is that they hear my sermons every week and I am able to share
the gospel with my family. So, I ask you to keep them in prayer they are
not out of the woods yet. I am trusting in the Lord, knowing that all this
is under his control. Us as Christians we must tell the people to look to
the salvation that is found in Christ. Sadly, our society does not look to
him. We are the light in the dark, we are the trumpets before the battle.
We must let people know their souls depend on how they respond to the

message of salvation found only in Christ. So, brothers and sisters
please take this time, as a great opportunity to share our message. that
consumes our lives, that guides us every single day; may we preach
Christ with passion.
One more topic and then I close this newsletter. Silvia at the
moment is having health issues. A few days ago she fainted and fell
face-first busting her lip landing on her right side of the face and she
has pain on the side of her eye, her nose which bled and lip; as well as
her teeth and as I turned her around she started going into convulsions
hitting the back of her head 1 time, before I was able to sustain it. It
was a scary moment and it took 30 minutes for her to become stabile
enough to move her to the bed. The next day I called our dear friend Dr.
Matt Hughes from Ohio, as we knew going to the clinic at this moment
was going to be impossible. Tijuana is infected right now, and our
health system is overrun with COVID cases.
So, on calling Matt, he told me, after hearing her symptoms, to get
an MRI and an EEG test, to start to see what is happening with Silvia.
So, I ask for your prayers as we see what is going on with Silvia and the
pain she is still experiencing from her fainting episode. She has been
feeling tired and has been sleeping more than usual. It has also affected
me; my sleep is light. Because I have been keeping an eye on her and
taking care of her. Cooking for her, cleaning and making sure she is
comfortable. It is a blessing, but at the
same time my heart is sadden, seeing her
in this condition. I want my wife to be fine,
this is in God's hands and I am just a
blessed man being able to serve my wife
during this time.
This is all that I could write at this
moment. So, I thank you all of you for your
support and for your prayers may the Lord
help us during these times. God bless you,
my beloved family.

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