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Beloved Saints,

A lot has been going on since the last time I wrote

you. It has been a difficult moment in our lives. In
ministry and as well as everyday living. In ministry it
has been trying to adapt to doing videos online and
learning editing in such a short period of time. And
now that the government are excluding children from
social gatherings, we have yet another ministry we
must do online. This time it involves organizing and
brainstorming how we are going minister to the
children. So, I am currently focusing in on this area.
We have had the opportunity to reopen our
church. But with the minimal capacity of only 25
people. With a lot of rules and regulations having
to do with hygiene. From checking temperatures,
to applying hand gel and disinfecting our shoes.
And on top of that, on any given Sunday we are
expecting an inspector to see if we are following
the rules and regulations. The religious
association that the church pertains to has given
us a heads up telling us that they are going to be
checking the building also.
So, we have started to investigate fixing up the church so
that we will not give the government a pretext to shut us down.
Because that is the threat that every Church is facing as well as
businesses. There are a few construction projects we already
started one. But being out of church for 4
and ½ months, has given us a lot of work to
do at church. The only thing being is that it
is a lot of small projects. And small projects,
it seems, take up more resources then doing a big project.
I guess it feels that way because we have different prices.
Projects that we were on the way of
knocking down one by one, but now
we must do it all at once. So please pray that the
inspector takes his time if he ever does come. So that we
can try to find solutions to the parts of the building that
we have to fix up. If you would like to help financially,
please get in contact with me and we have different
projects that I could explain what is needed as far as

resources to get it done. The hand labor is going to done by us the church. So
please pray as we try to fix, everything that needs to be fixed.
I have been very occupied at home. A couple of months
ago, Silvia fainted and hit her head hard on the floor.
After she fainted, she started convulsing, for about 40
seconds. Within that week, I took her to a neurologist
and after an MRI and EEG, the doctor diagnosed her with
a pre-epileptic condition, and she started on anti-epileptic
medication. She is going to be taking
this medication for one year. Next
month she has another EEG exam. She
has been recovering and during her
recovery I took on the cooking and the cleaning. Even
though at this point she helps on little task. I do most of the
work and let her rest. 2 things she deals with is tiredness
and forgetfulness. I trust the Lord will restore her
Also, my mother-in-law, due to her diabetic condition, was temporarily
blind. She had Lasik done and eye injection, to clean out the blood that
accumulated in her eye, which caused the blindness. Thank the Lord that she
has recovered a high percentage of her eyesight. She needs one more Lasik
treatment and Lord willing she will be able to see clearly. We have been taking
care of them, alongside the rest of the family. I have occupied myself helping
my family and ministry. Also, I had to take a break from school. I found myself
falling behind on my studies due to taking on other responsibilities and had to
take a break. 20 months of studying with no breaks, I got to the point where I
was just looking at letters. My brain was no longer accepting information. I am
continuing with theology but took a break from the teaching degree I am
pursuing. I told the school, what was going on and how I felt, and they gave me
the opportunity to take a break until January. And even though I took a break,
I still need to structure our new children’s online program. As well as
Wednesday night bible study. Marriage counseling has also become a big part
of ministry right now. Dealing with couples that are dealing with problems and
avoiding divorce in some cases. There is a lot to be done as far as discipling
and equipping for ministry and dealing with problems. It is ministry and I love
it. I am halfway done with school and I know that I am going to finish with the
Lord’s blessing. But in the meantime, I got to focus on ministry.
Please keep us in prayer, as we continue to get better in our health. Because,
sickness really takes its toll on the emotions and discouragement can set in,
but I appeal to the Apostle Paul´s words: “Not that I have already obtained it or
have already become perfect, but I press on so that I may lay hold of that for

which also I was laid hold of by Christ Jesus. Brethren, I do not regard myself
as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and
reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of
the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:12-14.” Everything that I
set out to do, is for God’s glory. Please continue to pray as I serve with the
desire that I hold dear in my heart, glorify Christ.
One last thing, I must share. As you all know, Silvia and I can´t have babies
naturally. And after years of prayer and meditation. Silvia and I have decided to
adopt. We talked about it for hours and then prayed after we made the decision
to do so. We have already gone to ask for information and are now looking at
the requirements and our options. Pray, because the social worker told us, it
takes time and it could be difficult and frustrating. But not to be discouraged.
We are not because we know God has the kids that we want to adopt. Off the
bat, we want to start with four children. That is the minimum, we want a big
family between 4 to 7, it is our desire. So, pray for us, that the Lord considers
the petitions of our hearts and that we can adopt 2 to 4 to begin with. Just
sharing this news, brings joy to my heart, in such strange and difficult times.
May the Lord bless us as all as we are all facing difficult times in our societies.
May the Lord´s will be done and may we embrace His will and continue to love
him overall things and may we continue to love one another with the fraternal
love he has given us. We love all of you and we have all of you in our prayers.
Take care Saints and keep pushing forward towards Christ, until we are united
with Him in Heaven, our home. God bless all of you.
With Love,
Fernando and Silvia

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