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Should Parent Send Their Child to Preschool?

Written by: Aulia Oktaviana

Education is the most important thing that everyone needs to carry – starting from
early age to adult – because it clearly influences in the future. One of teaching processes
carried out early is preschool, which is particularly for children age 2 – 4 years. Some
people believe that it has so important roles for children that sending their children to
preschool is a must for them; however, the rest of them don’t.
Those who agree with sending toddlers to preschool argue that it gives more
advantages to them. Preschool will offer a wide variety of games and activities that will
help them acquire necessary not only academic but also social skills. Kids can do things
for themselves instead of always asking mommy to step in, such as dressing and feeding
themselves, being able to communicate their needs, and being able to follow simple
directions. Similarly, parents argue that preschool will help children develop
emotionally. Kids will learn how to compromise, be respectful towards other and solve
simple problems. Many parents also claim that children in preschool will find answer to
their numerous question that can’t be answered by theirs. Equally, toddlers will learn
letters and numbers in preschool through playing games, such as letting kids tell stories,
and playing with blocks. In addition, parents believe, small children preschool is all
about having fun and acquiring social skills, not achieving academic milestones. Kids
need to be imaginative and to socialize because that is what fosters creative and well-
rounded people; it’s not about whether they can read by age 3 or multiply by 4,
although they might.
On the other hand, a few parents disagree to send children to preschool. They
argue that it’s just a waste of time and money. They think that can do to further develop
children’s social and emotional skills freely at home. Besides, kids will be stress when
they have to pay attention in a structured setting, and do the task. Parents also feel that
children aged 2 – 4 years are not ready to receive an education and should be freely
allowed to play with family.
It is true that education is the most important thing in human life and it can be
carried out from an early age. The earlier education is implemented, the better its
impact on life in the future. Children learn by imitating, so give the best teaching to them
in the best curriculum. However, it remains to be remembered that education for
children is by playing and doing in preschool, not sitting on a bench and just listening.

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