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Written by: Sawaira Abdulhaq

Roll no: 0170-BH-CHEM-16

Semester: 8th
Department of chemistry
The world after COVID-19
While treading on the streets and paths and visiting the places which we were supposed not to
visit for months ,I glanced on the sky and felt like this time the change is not just extraordinary,
rather that change has polished our souls.

Months before we “the soon decaying homo-sapiens” were trying to fly high and thought that
we were strong enough to fight any challenge we spent our money and lives to buy arms and
gaining nuclear power. Every country was busy in making nuclear weapons and was trying to
become the super power. We always thought that we could fight any problem by our power
and arms and all these things are important for our survival. Even everyone was trying to
become powerful in that race. we neglected the poor.

I was astonished to see that the streets of populated lands were silent. Everyone was scared by
the disease. There was a dreadful silence everywhere, people caged themselves in their houses.
Everyone was silent as if they are scared by a demon. There was lockdown situation in the
whole world. Education institutions were closed, everything was clogged, even the hospitals
were not enough to accommodate the patients. Medical staff was not enough. The public
health system across the world was poorly equipped, understaffed and was not able to cater to
such a large number of people.While the private sector could not provide free medical services
to the people in such a pandemic. Moreover the majority of the population could not afford
private health care due to exhorbitant costs. Even the super power United States’ one third of
the people had no health insurance same was the case with other developed countries.

Today, after our souls were drowned into a disease, we have realized that how fragile our
health and immigration policies were. We have realized that our power is nothing and how
ordinary our beings’ are.

Today even though there is a hustle and bustle in the streets horns of traffic can be heard .The
life has become normal .Educational institutions are open ,now everyone is free to go anywhere
they want. But there is a change in everything. people are fair in their dealings, there is justice
in Courts. The poor is not suppressed by the rich. The standard of living is not power. Firstly, it
can be seen that the states have adopted strict immigration policies secondly, it has
encouraged the sectarian nationalists and right wing populists in many countries including the
United States ,India ,UK, and brazil. The globalization is not ended but this time the
governments have reshaped their roles and policies in a different but better manner. The
governments have reshaped their policies in a good manner especially in public sector, the
economics are still Global while the politics are local.
Even if there is happiness, peace and calm everywhere. People are free to move, shops and
marts are open for us, I can go to my university and meet my friends and fellows just like I used
to do before that pandemic, still I can feel the silence after a storm. The smiling faces are hiding
their pain of losing their beloved ones .Children can play in the streets again and they are happy
to see their friends again even if some are missing from them. I can still the fear they are hiding
behind their smiles. There is an anxiety in this peace and happiness because after coming from
the mouth of disaster we have come to know the purpose of our living.

May be the one who is omnipotent wanted to teach us a lesson to bring change, and that
change can be seen clearly. We have come to know that our purpose of living is not to be in the
race of nuclear power, but the basic purpose of our live for which Allah make us better than any
living being ,is to serve humanity and keep balance in every field of life. He wanted to make us
understand the significance of real prosperity. However,

Real prosperity lies in the transformation of soul from negativity to


While going through all this I came across a poem written in 1869 that explains this situation very well.

And people stayed at home

And read books

And they rested

And did exercises

And made art and played

And learned mew ways of being

And stopped and listened More deeply

Someone meditated, someone prayed

Someone met their shadow and people began to think differently

And people healed and in the absence of people who Lived in ignorant ways

Dangerous, meaningless and heartless,

The earth also began to heal

And when the danger ended and people found themselves

They grieved for the dead

And made new choices

And dreamed of new visions

And created new ways of living

And completely healed the earth

Just as they were healed

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