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Literature Map

What is Literature Map?

A literature map is a figure or drawing that displays the research literature (e.g., studies, essays, books,
chapters, and summaries) on a topic.

The visual map helps you see overlaps in information or major topics in the literature.

The visual map help you determine how a proposed study adds to or extends the existing literature
rather than duplicates past studies.

Purpose Literature Map

Helps you to visualize connection and relationship of ideas and findings.

Help to identify issues such as proximity and connections in terms of ideas and findings.

How To Constructing Literature Map?

1. Identify key term of your topic.

2. Sort studies into topical areas

3. Provide a label for each box, which will become a heading for the review.

4. Develop the map. Find more details.

5. Indicate your proposed study that will extend or add to the literature. Draw a box at the bottom of
the figure that says “my proposed study” or “need further study”.

6. Important step is to draw lines connecting your proposed study to other branches (boxes) of the
literature. In this way, you establish how your study adds to or extends the existing literature.
Sample of Literature Map?

Source: Used by permission of Scott Hovater, 2000.


Creswell, J. W. (2012). Educational Research: planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and (4
ed.). Nebraska, United States: Pearson Education, Inc.

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