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September, 1936 THE WIRELESS ENGINEER 475

A Portable
Duplex Radio-Telephone*
By W. B. Lewis, Ph.D., and C. J. Milner, B.A.
SUMMARY.—A practical system of duplex radio-telephony on ultra-
short waves is described in which each set is made alternately transmitter and
receiver at a supersonic frequency. The interrupted oscillation provides super-
regenerative amplification which is so great that no additional amplification is
required, and the sets are therefore simple and may be light in weight. The
quench frequency must be selected according to the distance between the sets.
Telephony transmission is effected by modulation of the quench oscillator. Since
true duplex communication is obtained without appreciable "side tone," one or
both sets may be directly connected to an ordinary telephone line.
The theory of the super-regenerative receiver is reviewed and also some
practical aspects of the propagation of ultra-short waves.
Attention is directed to the remarkable facility of synchronisation of the quench
frequencies even when signals are weak.

T HE system to be described provides in

the strictest sense a duplex radio-
telephone; that is to say, conversation
may pass in both directions at the same time.
No manual or voice-operated switches or cut- The duplex
outs are employed. Further, the radio- radio-telephone
telephone may be directly connected at one or set up ready
both ends to ordinary line telephone circuits. for use
"Subscribers" on these telephone circuits .
might well be unaware that any radio link was
in use.


(a) Other Duplex systems

The great problem of duplex radio-telephony transmitter and receiver at a supersonic
is to prevent the sensitive receiver from being frequency. The receiver may then employ this
swamped by the local transmitter. Apart from interrupted oscillation for obtaining super-
the obvious methods of spacing the receiving regenerative amplification. This principle is
apparatus and the transmitting apparatus as far adopted in the system to be described.
apart as possible, and of using very different The idea of using a super-regenerative
wavelengths for the two directions of receiver for simultaneous transmission and
communication, it appears that two solutions reception seems to have been put forward first
have been put forward. The first is attributed in May, 1928, by G. A. Beauvais.2 Later in the
to C. E. Franklin.1 In this method the local same year a patent was taken out by Lorenz
transmitter is made to act as the oscillator of a A.G.,3 and in 1931 a similar system was
super-heterodyne receiver, the supersonic beat patented by the Marconi Company.4 These
frequency between this local oscillation and early systems appear not to have been ideal. In
the received signal being then amplified and the Lorenz system there seems to have been
detected in the usual way. In the second difficulty in maintaining synchronism between
method each apparatus is made alternately the quench oscillators at the two sets. From our
experiments we expect the Marconi system
* MS. accepted by the Editor, March, 1936.
476 THE WIRELESS ENGINEER September, 1936

was found to be liable to distortion and In one cycle of this quenching process three
background noise. consecutive states may be recognised, which
may conveniently be termed the “quenched,"
(b) The Modulated-Quench Duplex System "negatively damped" (or sensitive), and
The apparatus consists essentially of a super- "oscillating" phases. In the "quenched" phase
regenerative receiver employing a relatively the oscillation dies to zero or more strictly to a
powerful radio-frequency oscillator quenched residual E.M.F. in the circuit which is only that
at a supersonic frequency by a separate due to thermal agitation, shot effect, etc., and
oscillator. The two sets in communication are the received signal. This quenched phase is
exactly similar, and the quench frequencies are followed by the relatively short "sensitive"
synchronised. With a suitable circuit it is phase, in which an oscillation builds up
found that the two quench frequencies lock to increasing exponentially with time, and the
one another in a remarkably stable manner. amplitude may therefore be written as A0ekt. A0
For example, a signal produced by radiating a therefore comprises the random agitation
quenched oscillation of ⅛ watt average power E.M.F. together with the E.M.F. produced by
on 3 metres wavelength from a λ/2 aerial is the received signal. When in course of time ekt
sufficiently strong when received on a λ/2 has reached the value 10 or 100, the received
aerial at a distance of 25 miles, to lock the signal is such a small part of the oscillation
quench frequency of a similar oscillator with that any modulation of the received signal
sufficient stability for practical purposes. would be practically without effect on the

Fig. 1. —
Diagram to
illustrate the
theory of the

When the relative phase of the two increasing oscillation, so we may say that we
synchronised quench oscillations is suitably have passed out of the sensitive phase into the
adjusted, telephonic communication may be oscillating phase. But it is important to note
established by a very slight modulation of the that the oscillation amplitude is still at any
quench oscillator. time proportional to A0, the small received
Before discussing the detailed working of signal and agitation E.M.F. A limit is however
this system, it seems advisable to review reached when A0ekt is the maximum oscillation
briefly the theory of the super-regenerative which the valve will maintain, Amax say.
receiver, 5, 6, 7, as no very satisfactory account Clearly the greater A0 the sooner this limit is
appears to have been published yet in English. reached and hence the oscillation persists at the
maximum for a longer time, assuming that it is
The Theory of the Super-Regenerative cut off at a definite phase of the quench cycle
Receiver corresponding to the onset of the quenched
The super-regenerative receiver consists phase. This is illustrated in Fig. 1. It should be
essentially of a radio-frequency oscillator, the noted that, if the function A0ekt is plotted
oscillation of which is periodically interrupted against time for different values of A0, all the
or quenched at some high-audible or super- curves appear of the same shape but displaced
sonic frequency. The oscillation is then on the time scale. The same proportional
allowed to build up again, and it is in this change of A0 produces the same displacement
building-up process that the amplification on the timescale whatever the absolute value of
occurs. A 0.
September, 1936 THE WIRELESS ENGINEER 477

Referring to Fig. 1, the increase of A0 to A0' nδi log (1 + m.sin ωt).

(which is a constant) +
(of the order of 10-6 cm. on the vertical scale k
of the diagram, and therefore quite invisible) The component due to the modulation is seen
due to change of amplitude of the signal
to be
nδi log (1 + m . sin ωt), which is
reduces the time t1, at which the oscillation
reaches its maximum, to the time t1'. k
1 independent of AS, the absolute signal strength,
Quantitatively, t1 = − log A0 + constant, but depends only on the depth of modulation
k m. Expressed another way, the loudness of the
1 received modulation depends only on the depth
and t1 ' = − log A0 ' + constant. of modulation and not at all on the amplitude
k of the received signal, and this is true provided
1 A' that the amplitude of the received signal is
Therefore t1 − t1 ' = log 0 .
k A0 considerably greater than the residual agitation
E.M.F. in the receiving circuit. It may be
Also the duration of the full oscillation may
noted that this perfect automatic volume
1 control is necessarily accompanied by a slight
be written as t 2 − t1 = log A0 + constant.
k distortion on normally modulated signals, for
This expression contains the explanation of nδi log (1 + m . sin ωt) may be expanded as
the remarkable automatic volume control k
action of the super-
regenerative re-
ceiver.5 For if the
current in the anode
circuit (i.e. through
the phones) changes
by δi in passing from
the sensitive phase to
the full oscillating
condition, then the
total current through
the phones may be

A close-up view of
the complete set.

log A0 .δi + constant, where nδi  m2 
written as  m. sin ωt + . sin 2 ωt + ... + ...  ;
k k  2 
n=quench frequency. The constant current
component produces no sound in the phones, if m is not greater than ½ (m ≤ ½), then the
the other component is proportional to log A0. distortion terms are ≤ (1 − cos 2ωt ) .
If the received signal is so large that the 8
residual agitation E.M.F. is negligible in It is only on short wavelengths that the
comparison, A0 is proportional to the amplitude behaviour of a super-regenerative receiver is in
of the received signal. If this received signal is accord with this theory. On longer
modulated we may have A0 = AS (1 + m.sin ωt) wavelengths (above about 300 metres) the
and the current through the phones due to the oscillation does not build up to the full value
signal is nδi log AS . (1+m.sin ωt) = nδi log AS during the quench cycle, unless the quench
k k frequency is in the audible range. If the
478 THE WIRELESS ENGINEER September, 1936

oscillation does not build up fully, the The amplification provided by a super-
automatic volume control action is impaired. regenerative amplifier may be phenomenal, for
It is characteristic of the super-regenerative example a quenched oscillator dissipating from
receiver that, in the absence of a signal, a 1 to 4 watts provides amplification of the order
rushing noise is heard in the phones. This is of 5.108 expressed as the ratio of the audio-
clearly due to the oscillation building up from frequency output power to the radio-frequency
the random disturbance in the circuit. Quite a input power, for a wavelength of 3 metres. It
weak signal of the correct frequency is should be noted that this amplification is
however sufficient to swamp this disturbance obtained from a single triode valve.
and thus to quieten the background. It will be
realised that this effect is due to the automatic Mode of Operation of the Modulated
volume control action. An exactly similar Quench Duplex System
effect is commonly observed with modern
broadcast receivers employing automatic It has already been mentioned that the quench
volume control; in the absence of a signal the oscillators of the two sets are adjusted to a
receiver is most sensitive and brings in common frequency. This frequency and the
background noises. Under some phase relation between the two quench cycles
circumstances it might be desirable to apply a are so adjusted that the pulse transmitted by
system of quiet automatic volume control to one set reaches the other in its sensitive phase,
reduce the noise in the absence of a signal. and that the oscillation pulse which then builds
Any rational attempt to reduce the background up in this receiver and is transmitted, reaches
noise when receiving a signal must aim at the first set in its sensitive phase.
reducing the random E.M.F. in the oscillatory It will be clear that the adjustment will
circuit relatively to the received signal. depend on the distance between the two sets,
It is to be noted that no receiver can be more owing to the time taken by the pulses in
sensitive than a super-regenerative receiver transmission over the distance. For example,
unless the random disturbance in its first the performance of two actual sets may be
circuit is less than in that of the super- quoted. At distances up to 200 yards any
regenerative receiver. quench frequency in the tuning range, 50 to
Factors affecting the output of the super- 100 kc/s., might be used. At from 200 yards
regenerative receiver must be sharply to ¼ mile, only the lower quench frequencies
distinguished from those affecting its could be used. For distances of ¼ to ½ mile a
sensitivity. The output power is proportional high quench frequency is most suitable. For
only to the change of power dissipated in the still greater distances the correct frequency
anode load between the oscillating and the must be found by trial. Having selected the
sensitive conditions, and to the number of quench frequency according to these rules,
interruptions per second (the quench satisfactory duplex working may be achieved
frequency). It is not yet clear how the effective by adjusting quench oscillator anode supply,
random disturbance in the oscillatory circuit of and by a fine adjustment made at one set only
a super-regenerative receiver depends on the of the quench oscillator tuning, keeping within
maximum power which may be developed. the range over which the quench frequencies
But it appears that the disturbance does not remain locked.
increase very rapidly with the oscillator power: When the theory of operation is considered
a powerful oscillator may still be a sensitive more exactly, it will be realised that it is
receiver. (This is required for satisfactory necessary for a modulated part of the pulse
duplex working.) from each set to reach the other in its sensitive
From these considerations there is no reason phase. Now by the method of modulating the
why any audio-frequency amplifier should quenching oscillation, the maximum amplitude
follow a super-regenerative receiver. It may is only very slightly changed, but the duration
however be more economical to use a low- of each pulse is changed, i.e. the ends of the
power oscillator, followed by an audio- pulses are modulated. For, as was pointed out
frequency amplifier, than to use a more earlier, a displacement of the instant at which
powerful oscillator. the oscillation starts to build up is equivalent
September, 1936 THE WIRELESS ENGINEER 479

to a change of the initial amplitude of the evident that the instant R can only be made to
oscillation. The same is true of the ends of the coincide with a part of the dotted curve having
pulses: when the set passes from the oscillating a steep slope by suitably choosing the quench
to the quenched phase, the amplitude of the frequency with regard to the separation or
oscillation decays exponentially (and very propagation time-interval between the two
rapidly). A displacement on the time scale is sets. Duplex working is therefore only possible
therefore again equivalent to a fractional with certain quench frequencies, which, when
change of amplitude proportional to the time set A is being locked to set B, allow the
displacement. sensitive instants of set B to occur either at the
beginning or end of the
pulses received from set A.
The duration of the pulses
radiated is controlled not
only by modulation of the
quench oscillator, but also by

Fig. 2. — Diagrams indicating

performance of the two sets.

The diagrams of Fig. 2 show the sequence of the received signal. This also follows from the
events at the two sets, A and B. (It should be equivalence of a change of initial amplitude
noted that the dotted curves of the amplitude of and a time displacement of the sensitive
the received signal are greatly magnified, until instant. The resulting modulation appears to
they appear to be of the same order as those of be quite large, and we have found that it may
the local oscillation.) Since modulation is be used to provide a relay action between two
effected by displacing the ends of the pulses, sets out of range of one another. When a third
the condition for sensitive reception is that the set is placed halfway between them, and can
received amplitude should be changing rapidly "communicate" with each of the others
with time at the sensitive instant of the separately, and the quench frequencies of all
receiver. This is indicated in the diagrams, three are locked together, the three sets can all
where P and Q are sensitive instants of the set "hear" one another. Similar "conference"
A, and R such an instant for the set B. operation is also usually possible when all
A partial explanation of the mechanism of three sets are able to work to each other in
locking of the quench oscillators appears from pairs, but the necessary adjustment is difficult
this figure. As drawn, it shows the set A and impracticable for mobile sets.
receiving the beginnings of the pulses from set Modulation of the radiated pulses by the
B. Should the interval PQ be longer than the received signal is quite efficient compared
interval between the received pulses (i.e. the with that produced by modulating the local
quench frequency of set A be lower than that of quench oscillator. One incidental result of this
set B), then the amplitude at time Q, from is that the "side-tone" at the transmitter is
which the local oscillation starts to build up, is perceptibly increased by the re-radiated pulses
increased: and we have seen that this is from the distant station.
equivalent to its having started at an earlier Normally the sets are remarkably free from
time. The next pulse of set A is therefore “side-tone," that is to say the speaker scarcely
speeded up, and synchronism tends to be hears his own voice in his receiver. This fact
established. makes it possible to connect the sets to
The "local oscillation" of each set is radiated, ordinary telephone lines without any trouble
and becomes the "received signal" at the other: from acoustic instability. Alternatively it is
each dotted curve is therefore a replica of the possible to use a loud speaker instead of
solid curve of the other diagram, but occurs phones for reception without incurring
later by the time taken in transmission. It is microphone howl.
480 THE WIRELESS ENGINEER September, 1936

The Circuit quench oscillator and the radio-frequency

The circuit of the most successful apparatus oscillator be such that harmonics of the quench
used is shown in Fig. 3. The essentials are: frequency may be passed back efficiently from
(1) An ultra-short-wave oscillator quenched at the radio-frequency oscillator to the quench
a supersonic frequency. This in addition to oscillator. If this condition is not satisfied it is
providing the transmitted oscillation also acts in practice impossible to lock the quench
as a super-regenerative receiver. It therefore frequencies with a constant phase difference.
has a telephone transformer in the anode Quench oscillators of the multivibrator type
circuit and, also, in order to obtain a have been tried. These locked more readily, as
reasonably loud audio-frequency output, the would be expected, but it was found that they
grid circuit includes a resistance of about were also less stable against other disturb-
50,000 ohms. The automatic volume control ances, and modulation was not so satisfactory.
action characteristic of this type of receiver In other respects the circuit given may be
makes any additional volume control modified as may be convenient. One or two
practically unnecessary. points may however be mentioned. The radio-
(2) A speech-modulated supersonic quench frequency oscillator should be as efficient as
oscillator. If the quench oscillation is fed to possible. With ordinary valves the circuit
the grid circuit of the radio-frequency given seems very efficient. In this the filament
oscillator, the quench
oscillator may be of
lower power. Further,

Fig, 3. — Circuit diagram of

the duplex radio-telephone
finally adopted by the
authors as the most
successful tried. The
components of the circuit are
as follows :—

A, Radio-frequency tuning
0.0001 µF; B, Quench-
frequency tuning 0.0015 µF;
C, Quench Amplitude control
50,0000 Ω; D, Concentric
feeder to λ/2 antenna; E,
Ordinary Line connection or
L.R. Phones; F, Line con-
nection with series condenser
or L.R. Phones; G, Micro-
phone or Combination Hand-
set; H, Telephone Trans-
former ratio 10:1 ; I,
Microphone - Transformer
ratio 30:1; J, Microphone
Sensitivity Control.

since only a slight degree of modulation is current is led through a radio-frequency

required, this may be supplied by a choke in which the two wires are wound
microphone and transformer in its grid circuit. parallel on the same core and the wires are
The amplitude of the quench oscillation must bridged by a condenser at the end farthest from
be adjustable. This is conveniently done by the valve. The anode and grid circuit leads are
adjusting a variable resistance in the H.T. lead. fine wires suitably coiled and coupled to the
The frequency of the quench oscillator must oscillatory circuit to obtain maximum output.
also be adjustable over at least one octave, if The set is mounted in a screened box to avoid
communication is to be obtained at all hand-capacity effects, which are other-wise
distances. troublesome, especially on the quench tuning.
It is essential that the coupling between the It is very convenient to feed the λ/2 aerial at
September, 1936 THE WIRELESS ENGINEER 481

its mid-point from an untuned concentric type reasonably open flat ground. Up to this
feeder. The outer conductor of this feeder is distance a quench frequency of 50 to 60 kc/s.
"earthed" to the screening box, and the feeder may be used, and communication may be
is coupled to the oscillatory circuit by a few maintained with one set on a moving car with-
turns of thick wire adjusted by trial. When out any necessity for altering the adjustment.
connecting the microphone and telephone At greater distances the quench tuning
transformers to a common line, the correct adjustment depends on the distance between
interconnection should be adopted in order to the sets; and as the signal strength falls off
ensure absolute stability. It is also advisable to quality becomes marred by increasing back-
include a variable resistance in series with the ground hiss. This is, however, no worse than
microphone so that the sensitivity may be is observed with an ordinarily modulated trans-
increased when the set is worked from a long mitter of the same power. At the extreme limit
line. The radio-frequency oscillator valve of range, where it might be just possible to
should have a low impedance so that the catch familiar phrases using a straight trans-
necessary grid resistance does not cause it to mitter, it is found with the modulated quench
"squegg." system that the quench locking becomes
There is another important consideration difficult to maintain.
affecting the choice of this valve. It is found The range obtainable with these sets depends
that in general the radiated frequency is very markedly on the sites chosen. With
slightly higher than the frequency to which the aerials not reaching more than 6 feet high, the
set is most sensitive as a receiver. This seems effective range over flat ground is found to be
to be due to a change in the effective inter- about ⅝ mile. With favourable sites at the top
electrode capacities of the valve between the of steep slopes, however, a greater signal
oscillating and the sensitive conditions, and strength has been obtained over 25 miles, and
depends on the type of valve used. In this reasonably satisfactory duplex telephony has
respect the Cossor 230 XP has been found the been carried out at this range.
most satisfactory of the small-power valves The disparity between these figures is an
that we have tried. This valve is also instance of the surprising characteristics of the
convenient as the leads to the electrodes are propagation of waves of these wavelengths.
short and reasonably thick, so that the external The main features of the difference from
circuit for a wavelength of 3 metres is not longer wavelengths are explained on the gen-
inconveniently small. erally accepted hypothesis, 8 9 10 that (1) these
It will be clear that the reason for adopting waves are too short to be reflected at all from
the ultra-short waves is that this system the Heaviside layer, (2) strong reflection, with
occupies a wide frequency band. It is, reversal of phase, takes place from the surface
however, to be noted that as the overall of the ground. The earth behaves as a
modulation is very slight, the audio-frequency dielectric at these frequencies, and (for 3-metre
interference is small as long as the quench waves at approximately grazing incidence) as
frequency of the receiver is not locked to that practically smooth. If the transmitter and
of the interfering transmitter. receiver are situated at ground level, therefore,
The H.T. power supply to our sets is about the direct ray and the ray reflected at the
20 mA. at 150 volts (3 watts). The aerial ground are received almost exactly out of
current at the centre of the λ\/2 aerial is then phase and with equal intensity. There is thus a
about 40 mA. as indicated by a Weston type minimum of signal strength along the surface
425 thermo-milliammeter. of the ground. As the sets are raised above the
The total weight, including the batteries, ground, a path difference is introduced
need not exceed about 20 lbs. between the direct and the reflected rays, and
Performance the signal strength is increased. (The strength
The performance of the actual sets may be at a fixed height is proportional to the inverse
summarised as follows. Duplex telephony square of the distance, and not to the inverse
with first-class quality and silent background is of the distance, since the path difference is
obtainable with quite simple tuning adjust- smaller the greater the distance between the
ments up to a distance of about ¼ mile over sets.)
482 THE WIRELESS ENGINEER September, 1936

The best site for an aerial is therefore at the position which in practice can only be
edge of a precipice facing the distant station, or determined by trial. The proximity of trees or
at the top of a high mast or building: not only buildings is, however, much less detrimental
(as is still commonly supposed) because a than that of open flat ground.
more distant horizon is obtained from a height,
but also because a path difference is introduced Conclusion
between the direct ray and the ray reflected
from the surface of the ground. We have been mainly concerned with the
It was stated by Beauvais in 193011 that it practical aspects of communication on ultra-
was most unfavourable for transmission if the short-waves with portable sets. Nevertheless, it
waves left the transmitter or arrived at the is hoped that this account may be of interest to
receiver at grazing incidence over the surface those concerned with other aspects, for
of the ground for even a short distance, while example the synchronisation of frequencies by
the path of the waves might pass for miles over radio, and the attainment of true duplex radio-
the surface of the earth or sea, midway telephony. It may be that the simplicity of the
between the transmitter and receiver, without system for working over a fixed range is of
much attenuation. The waves are, however, more account than its portability. In common
rapidly attenuated below the horizon. These with other portable ultra-short-wave apparatus,
conclusions have been substantiated by all it is at its best when used for temporary
subsequent workers. We may quote briefly the communication in mountainous districts. It
results of one or two of our experiments seems probable that it will be many years
bearing on these points. (It must be before mutual interference on ultra-short-
emphasised that the super-regenerative waves becomes a practical problem in the
receiver is so sensitive that these propagation remoter districts.
phenomena are in evidence even with the low
power radiated by our sets.) References
While signals cannot be received beyond a
1 L. S. Palmer, Wireless Principles and Practice,
range of about a mile over flat ground, we
p. 410, Longmans, 1928.
have received signals at a distance of 47 miles 2 G. A. Beauvais, L’Onde Elec., Vol. 7, p. 206
with the sets at the top of steep hills rising 500 (1928).
ft. from flat country, one near Folkestone and 3 Lorenz, Brit. Pat. No. 312,079 (1928).
the other near Eastbourne. In this case 4 Marconi, Brit. Pat. No. 388,213 (see also No.
intervening hills rose 300 ft. above the line of 389,225) (1931).
5 H. O. Roosenstein, Hochf:tech. u. Elec:akus.,
sight (allowing for atmospheric refraction) for Sept. 1933.
a distance of 2 miles. However, the 6 H. Barkhausen and G. Hässler, ibid. Aug. 1933.
atmospheric refraction may have been 7 G. Hässler, ibid. Sept. 1934, Vol. 44, p. 80.
abnormally strong during this test. It is much 8 Trevor and Carter, Proc. Inst. Rad. Eng., Vol. 21,
more certain that diffraction was important p. 387 (1933).
9 Schelleng, Burrows, and Ferrel, ibid. p. 427.
when a similar test was made on the Yorkshire
10 Englund, Crawford, and Mumford, ibid. p. 464.
moors. Fairly strong signals were received
11 G. A. Beauvais, Annales de P.T.T., April 1930.
when the transmitter and receiver were well
situated at the top of steep hills about 7 miles
apart. An intervening table-land rose more than
200 ft. above the line of sight for 3 miles.
Signals could not be received at the centre of
the table-land: it seems certain that this was
due to the destructive interference caused by
the ray reflected there from the ground.
Trees, buildings, and other objects of
dimensions comparable with a wavelength
produce very marked standing wave patterns.
When an aerial is set up inside a building, it is
almost essential to move it to a suitable

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