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ArcadeMode - sets up arcade mode scoring in sp, [0-off, 1-on]

BuildInfo - Display relevant build information.

BuildInfoToClipBoard - Copy build information to windows clipboard.
ClearHydraProfile - Clears the online saved MP data used by the profile.
DisableAutoMapFOW - Enables cheat on AutoMap to see the entire maps
Give - gives one or more items
GiveMaxedOutLoadout - gives maxedOutLoadout specified in player def
God - enables god mode. specify the player index for non-local players or -1 for
all players
LoadPreviousMapFromSaveGame - Restarts the previous map from the save game
PrintNetVersionChecksum - Display NetGetVersionChecksum value
RandomizePlayerCustomization - Randomizes player's customization based on.
ResetProfileControllerConfig - Will exec the active config stored in the
RestartMap - restarts the current map as if first time
RestartMapAsIs - restarts the current map
RestartMapAtCheckPoint - restarts the current map and teleports the player to the
position indicated by the checkpoint
RestartMapFromLvlBackup - restarts the current map as if first time
RestartMapFromMemoryCheckpoint - Restarts the map from the in-memory checkpoint
RestartMapFromSnapEditor - restarts the snap editor save and play map
RestartMapFromStart - Restarts the map from the start of the level for the end user
RestartMapHere - restarts the current map and teleports the player back to the
current position
SetNetVersionChecksum - Set or reset NetGetVersionChecksum value
ShowCoopGameHelp - Depending on game state, show appropriate in game help (Coop
StartAutomaticBackgroundSwaps - Will render a frame and start automatic renderer
StartMapWithSaveData - Starts the map from the start of the level for the end user
with all the save slot's progress
StepParticleTime - modifies a global particle 'timeline' to debug particles in game
TestFx - tests a fx impact
TestParticle - tests a particle impact
ToggleMainMenu - Toggle the main menu
aasLoad - load a particular AAS
aasStats - shows AAS stats
aas_findArea - teleport player to point over specified aas area num
aas_visCacheInfo - shows information about the AAS visibility cache
activateCheckPoint - triggers a checkpoint
activateConsole - forces the console down ( or up ) and the desired fraction.. 0.5
is normal 0.2 is shifted
addClamp - adds to a cvar, with clamping
addLight - adds alight with arguments use addLight -help for details
addWrap - adds to a cvar, with wrapping
addarrow - adds a debug arrow
addline - adds a debug line
addsphere - adds a debug sphere
aiCanOnlyBeGloryKilled - Gives the player all the weapons fully upgraded with
ai_Hide - hide any active AI in level
ai_ScriptCmd - Execute a script command.
ai_ScriptCmdEnt - Execute a script command.
ai_Show - show any hidden AI in level
ai_buildFlightMap - rebuild the current flight map with existing volumes
ai_destroyEntity - add targeted entity as a destroy relation on all AI
ai_forceAnim - force debug entity to play clamped or repeating anim state
ai_forceFreeze - force debug entity into / out of endless freeze state
ai_forceIdle - force debug entity into endless idle state
ai_forceMoveError - force AI to fail a move, to test recovery ability in behavior
ai_forceRole - force selected AI into group role
ai_miscTest - used for whatever
ai_printEntityPtrs - show total count of entity pointers in system
ai_printFactionTree - show faction tree topology and current data use
ai_printStringTokens - show contents of AI's atomic string token tree
ai_reloadBehaviorFSMs - flush fsm factories so decl changes can be seen when next
AI spawns
ai_runDiagnostics - run diagnostics on all AI
ai_setFactionName - set faction name on selected AI or all AI if none selected
ai_startfx - start FX condition on all spawned AI
ai_stopfx - stop FX condition on all spawned AI
ai_suggestInterest - give AI a transient interest point at reticle
ai_teleportToPlayer - tell debug target to teleport to view origin
ai_testPath - test inline A* pathfind
ai_testPath_show - test latent A* pathfind with one expansion per frame
ai_tryOverrideFBG - try to play override fbg defined in
bind - binds a command to a key
blinkline - blinks a debug line
bot_add - Spawns a bot
bot_remove - If clientNum passed, removes bot with that clientNum, else removes all
buildSoundAmplitudeTable - builds wwise bank for a given map
campaign_giveAllWeaponsAndMods - Gives the player all the weapons with mods but not
upgraded or with masteries
campaign_giveUpgradedWeaponsAndMods - Gives the player all the weapons with mods
upgraded without masteries
cancelViewNotes - cancels takeviewnote and deactivates the manager if open
centerview - centers the view (set pitch to 0)
clear - clears the console
clearDebugPoints - empties the list of debug points
clearHistory - Clears the console history
clearLights - clears all lights
closeViewNotes - close the view showing any notes for this map
conDump - dumps the console text to a file
con_unwatch - removes the specified console watch. Specify 'all' to remove all
con_watch - adds a new console watch - displays per frame results of console
var/function printed output
configVersion - just a placeholder so we can exec config files that have versioning
in them
copy - copy a file
cvarAdd - adds a value to a cvar
cvarMultiply - multiplies a cvar by a value
cvarRandom - sets a cvar to a random value
cvar_restart - restarts the cvar system, defaulting all cvars
cvarsModified - reports cvars modified since the last call
damage - apply damage to an entity
demo_nextPerspective - goes to the next viewing perspective
demo_nextPlayer - goes to the next player when spectating
demo_previousPlayer - goes to the previous player when spectating
dir - lists a folder
dirtree - lists a folder with subfolders
echo - prints text
exec - executes a config file
gameError - causes a game error
getviewpos - prints the current view position
gibalicious - gib everything
giveAllMaxedOutWeapons - Gives the player all the weapons fully upgraded with
giveCheatCode - Gives a specific cheat code
givePlayerAllSuitMods - Gives the player all the suit mods
handsPlayAdditiveAnim - cause the first person player hands to play an additive
handsTestHitReaction - play a hit reaction anim on the first person hands
healAI - heals all AI in the level
healDebugEntity - heal debug target, including reverting gore
history - Displays the console command history
infiniteHealth - infiniteHealth for the masses!
keepTestModel - keeps the current testmodel around even if a new one is spawned
kill - kills the player
killAI - kills all AI in the level
killBreakables - removes all breakables in the level
killDeadAI - kills (removes) all AI that are dead.
killDebugTarget - kills the current debug target
killEntity - removes the entity with the given name, 'kill entityname' will remove
that single entity, 'kill all entityname' removes all entities matching the class
of the given name
killEverything - removes all entities besides player and worldspawn
killGore - removes all gore entities in the level
killMonsters - removes all monsters
killMoveables - removes all moveables
killPickups - removes all pickup items
killRagdolls - removes all ragdolls
killUnhiddenAI - kills all AI that are not currently hidden in the level
killshot - fire a shot guaranteed to kill any actor in the player's focus
listBinds - lists key bindings
listCmds - lists commands
listCvars - lists cvars
listDecls - lists all decls
listImages - lists images
listInventory - lists players inventory or inventory of actor player is targeting
with cursor, optionally takes in an arguement of a specific entity to list for
listLines - lists all debug lines
listspheres - lists all debug spheres
loadDevMenuOption - loads a map from a idDeclDevMenuList and sublist option
makeDeclTree - Generates declTree
messagemode - displays the message dialog box
moveTo - tell debug target to move to location under reticule, facing that
moveToFacingPlayer - tell debug target to move to location under reticule, facing
direction of player
moveToFacingReticule - tell debug target to move to location under reticule, facing
direction of reticule
moveToGoalPosition - tell debug target to move to tethered goal position under
net_remoteAvailability_PrintBestEndpoints - Print the best endpoints based on what
the game has sorted.
nextAI - move debug target to the next monster
nextActiveAI - move debug target to the next active (alive and not hidden) monster
noClip - noClip for the masses!
noPlayerDeath - noPlayerDeath for the masses!
noPlayerKill - noPlayerKill for the masses!
noTarget - noTarget for the masses!
parse - prints tokenized string
path - lists search paths
playerTestBodyReaction - test a player body reaction
plog_disable -
plog_enable -
plog_toggle -
popClosestLight - removes the closest created light
popDebugPoint - removes a debug point from the list of debug points
popLight - removes the last created light
prevAI - move debug target to the prev monster
print - Prints the arguments to the console
printVOlog - Show recent history of AI voice controller
pushDebugPoint - adds a debug point to the list of debug points
randomTest - superficial test of random number generators
recordViewNotes - system record the current view position with notes
reexportDecls - reparses and saves decls of a specific type
reexportEntityDefs - reparses and saves entitydef decls with a specific classname
reloadDecls - reloads decl files that have changed
reloadEntity - reloads the specified entity
reloadWater - reloads all loaded dynamic water entities
removeAI - removes all AI in the level
removeCheatCode - Gives a specific cheat code
removeInventoryItem - removes an item from players inventory or inventory of actor
player is targeting with cursor
removeline - removes a debug line
removesphere - removes a debug sphere
reset - resets a cvar to it's default value
resetViewParms - Resets the current view renderParms
resourceExec - Execute a configuration file stored in the resource file
runEndOfGameCredits - Runs the end of game credits as though the player has
finished the narrative
s_buildBankInfos - reloads audio event data
s_gatherActiveStates - prints out the current active states for each state group
s_loadBanks - loads sound banks and reloads audio event data, use after you
regenrate sound banks
s_reloadAudioEvents - reloads audio event data
s_restart - restart sound system
s_unloadBanks - unloads sound banks, use before you regenerate sound banks
s_updateVoStrings - updates the string table with current vo events
saveFSM - saves out the AI's finite state machine to a file
saveWeaponFSM - saves out the AI's finite state machine to a file
selectDebugEntity - selects the player's focus entity as the debug entity
setplayerviewpos - sets the current view positon for a given player
setviewpos - sets the current view position
showVector - show a vector in world space, from AI origin
showViewNotes - show any view notes for the current map, successive calls will
cycle to the next note
snapEdit - DEPRECATED - this is only used by snap menus to return to the editor
from the game - DEPRECATED
spectator_changeLoadout - show change loadout screen
spectator_localPerspective - goes to the perspective of the local player
spectator_showHackModules - show hack module select screen
takeViewNotes - user record the current view position with notes
teleport - teleports the player to an entity location
teleportposition - teleports the player to a position(X, Y, Z) with
testDeath - tests death
testLight - tests a light
testMaterialTextures - Tests image file paths in material decls.
testParallelLight - tests a point light
testPointLight - tests a point light
testSound - tests a sound
testTranslation - fires off a reticule trace ( debugging )
testWeapon - test a weapon model
testmodel - spawns a test model
toggle - toggles a cvar
touchDecl - reparses a decl
trigger - triggers an entity
tw_save - writes current testweapon parameters to a config file
unbind - unbinds any command from a key
unbindAll - unbinds any commands from all keys
updateStringLengthFromGUIs - loads all gui decls and attempts to read any
localisation strings maximum length to update the string table
upgradeAmmoCapacity - Gives the max health, armor, ammo
upgradeArmorCapacity - Gives the max health, armor, ammo
upgradeHealthCapacity - Gives the max health, armor, ammo
vstr - inserts the current value of a cvar as command text
wait - delays remaining buffered commands one or more frames
where - prints the current view position
writeEntitiesFile - writes out a production build .entities file for the specified
writeEntitiesFileWithError - writes out a production build .entities file for the
specified map
writeImage - Writes a tga for a given image

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