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Astrological Natal Chart

Prepared for: jennifer

January 15, 2003 at 10:10 (GMT +1 hours), 18e03, 59n20

Astrology is the study of the effects of planetary forces upon man. It is not fortune telling. It is
one of the best methods for man to learn about who he is, where he came from and where he
is going. Astrology reveals CHARACTER and character is destiny. If man can change his
character, then man will have changed his destiny. The main uses of astrology are diagnosis
of health and sickness, character analysis, vocational guidance, analysis of children's
horoscopes so as to give parents a better idea as to how best to raise their children, and
analysis of the compatibilities between people.

Astrology does not show anything but tendencies. A man can rule his stars by exerting his will.
If a man decides to flow with the tide of life, then the tendencies indicated in the birth chart will
at some time have their effect. The one thing a birth chart does not show is the WILL of the
individual and how he may exert it. The matter of exercising free will is left entirely up to the
individual. The wise man rules his stars, the fool is ruled by them. Astrology forewarns and
being forewarned, a man is thus forearmed to better cope with the struggles of life.

Remember that good or so-called evil configurations are not the result of chance or luck, but
are the product of our own past acts — the horoscope shows what we have earned by our
past living and therefore what we are entitled to in the present life. What we lack in this life can
be gained in the future by applying ourselves to the task at hand. The stars IMPEL but do not
COMPEL. As Goethe, the great mystic, said, "From every power that holds the world in
chains, Man frees himself when self-control he gains."

The Law of Consequence ("Whatsoever a man sows, that he shall also reap") works in
harmony with the planets. The spirit is born into the physical world at that opportune time
when the Law and the planets may operate in harmony with each other. The birth of an Ego is
so timed by the Lords of Destiny, that the horoscope, which is the clock of destiny, registers
the kind of debts which the Ego has incurred in its previous lives, and the time when these
debts come to fruition, when the harvest from the seeds which have been sown must be
garnered. However, the law of destiny is not a blind law, for it may be modified to a certain
degree in proportion to the amount of will power awakened and utilized by the Ego. "For be
not deceived, God is not mocked. The mills of the gods grind exceedingly slow, but they grind
exceedingly fine."

There are three factors which bring to us the mystic message of the stars — the houses, the
signs and the planets. Each house represents a department of life, the signs are divisions of
the heavens which by their placement relative to the houses indicate our basic temperament
and attitude towards life, and the planets are the messengers of God which by their motion
through the houses and signs bring to us the opportunities for soul growth which we need for
our individual development. Think of the planets as representing the players in a play. The
signs, then, would describe the role that each player has and how he expresses his character,

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the houses represent the various settings of the play and the angular relationships between
the planets, the aspects, represent the plot of the play. Each planet has a characteristic
energy. That energy can be expressed either positively or negatively. The way that energy is
expressed is determined by the aspects of the other planets to that particular planet.

The horoscope shows tendencies only. It is a matter for you to determine how any planetary
position will work itself out. That will be determined by the use you make of your own

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The sign that is on the eastern horizon at the moment of birth is called the Rising Sign or the
Ascendant. The Ascendant marks the difference in temperament, disposition, physical
appearance and personality of individuals. It is the lens through which everything else in the
chart is focused or looked through, thus coloring the way we look at everything. People see us
through our rising sign and we see the world through our rising sign.


PISCES rising
People with Pisces rising tend to be sensitive, compassionate, empathic, weak-willed,
long-suffering, day-dreamy, procrastinating, plastic, impressionable, impractical, indecisive,
psychic, sentimental, romantic, idealistic, affectionate, easy-going, lazy, not concerned with
the practical day-to-day affairs of life, absent-minded, and in search for the Holy Grail. At
times you are too absent from focused awareness of the present. You may dream through life
rather than live it. There may be involvement in music or dance or drugs. You may have a
lonesomeness that nothing in the outer world can remedy. Being alone at times is an absolute
necessity for you. The vibrations of this earth plane may be difficult at times for your sensitive
body and spirit to withstand. You are very sensitive to the conditions of your surroundings and
can be like a psychic sponge, absorbing all that is around you, for good or ill. You are very
likeable, but you need to learn how to be more practical and down-to-earth and how to
concentrate your energies on the here and now. You must serve others in this life, but must
learn not to be taken advantage of or fall for everyone's sob story. Spiritual lesson to learn:
Perseverance. Jupiter and Neptune both rule Pisces so Jupiter and Neptune will be important
in your chart.

If the planets represent energies and cosmic forces that manifest in different ways, then the
planetary aspects show how these energies and forces tend to act and react, one with
another, if the will of the person is not brought into play to change them. It is the spiritual task
of each person to use the positive energies in such ways so as to change the negative
energies into positive energies. Negative energies are simply energies that are either
misdirected, misapplied, or applied in too great a quantity. One of our purposes in life is to
transform the negative energies into positive ones through the use of our Will.

Moon discordant to Pluto (power = 10.21 and this aspect is discordant = -10.21)
You have intense desires, emotions and feelings and your personal relationships are deeply
emotional, passionate, and often stormy and painful as well. You have a magnetic personality
that draws people to you. Your relationships with others tend to be obsessive and compulsive.
There is much jealousy and possessiveness and each of you tries to control the other in as
many different ways as possible. You are manipulative and not just in subtle ways. You resort
to guilt, innuendo and outright false accusations in order to keep your hold on others. Your
feelings can be so compelling at times that you do things that are not at all rational. You
undergo periodic upheaval where you must break all ties to people and things and begin

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everything new from the start. You are likely to be very set in your ways, opinionated and
inflexible. You have difficulty listening to the ideas and suggestions of others. You feel a need
to be right all the time. You find it hard to forgive and forget. You need to develop an
awareness so that you see others as they really are and not as you wish them to be. Your
emotions are especially strong and difficult for you to control. You may become obsessed over
security or money. Your challenge here is to learn how to control the emotional turmoil that is
inside you. It is difficult for you to totally trust those you love, because you fear you will
eventually be rejected due to your supposed unworthiness. Because of this, you are
constantly tested in your relationships in order to bring about an inner growth. These lessons
are designed to teach you to trust those you love and care for.

Mars harmonizing with Ascendant (power = 9.01 and this aspect is harmonious = 6.75)
You tend to be independent, courageous, strong-willed and self-assertive. You do not really
care what others think about you — you are your own person. You like and have active,
energetic friends. You have integrity and loyalty and will defend your beliefs and ideals. This
aspect benefits the physical body, increasing vitality and giving better than average
recuperative powers.

Mars discordant to Uranus (power = 6.11 and this aspect is discordant = -7.64)
You are dynamic, inventive, original, mechanically inclined, quick, alert, nervous, high-strung,
reckless at times, impatient, energetic, independent and unique. You have a temper that can
explode from out of the blue and lay waste to anything or anyone in its path. You are a rebel
at heart and you seek to reform, sometimes without regard for the consequences or whether
the new situation is better than the last. Sometimes you want change just to have change.
You are forever on the move because your restless nature won't allow you to stop and relax.
You get bored easily and are always on the lookout for excitement, adventure and danger.
You have no fear of taking risks and sometimes those risks are quite foolish. You want what
you want when you want it and you don't want to take 'no' for an answer. You often do what
you want regardless of the consequences for others. Many people see you as very
self-centered and egotistical. Your goals change so often that it is difficult for you to stick with
anything long enough to be good at it.

Cooperating with others is not your strong point, but you need to learn how to do so more
effectively or you will continue to be at odds with the people in your environment. You tend to
be brutally frank, abrupt and honest with people and you pull no punches. You say what you
mean and you mean what you say. Your temper can explode if you do not get your way. You
need a lot of personal freedom to do things in your own style and at your own pace. Perhaps
you should be self-employed because of this. You must learn patience and if you are unwilling
to do so on your own, then the Universe will send you the people and the situations necessary
so that you will learn. And that is not the pleasant of doing it, on the Universe's terms instead
of your own. You attract disruptive people to yourself in order to learn how to handle explosive
situations. You have intuition and can be quite creative if you would simply follow your
hunches. You are subject to accidents because you find it difficult to slow down and because
you act quite impulsively much of the time. Think before acting and plan your actions
beforehand. That is your mission with this aspect, along with trying to develop more
self-control and self-discipline.

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Moon blending with Saturn (power = 5.56 and this aspect is discordant = -2.78)
You tend to be serious and emotionally reserved. You perhaps did not have a happy early
upbringing where you were able to play a lot or express yourself in a spontaneous, childlike
manner. You are cautious about letting others get close to you and you sometimes feel a need
to withdraw from people altogether. You feel isolated and alone, even when you are with other
people. You have learned to appreciate your own company and to keep yourself busily
occupied with solitary activities in order to preserve your emotional well-being. You are an
ambitious person who wants to find some area of life to excel in. You take your responsibilities
very seriously and you work long and hard to finish what you have started. You have
tremendous organizational skills. You want some kind of position of control or authority and
that is what drives you. Perhaps this is your defense mechanism to show the world that you
are worthy of love and respect, the kind of love and respect that was perhaps missing as you
were growing up. Your emotions are inhibited by Saturn's cold, restrictive influence, so you
are somewhat shy with a tendency toward gloomy, melancholy and depressive moods. And
as thoughts are things, this attitude brings you just what you are thinking. You easily doubt
your own abilities and that is why you are striving so hard to prove something. Your constant
need for reassurance from others can drive friends and loved ones away. You must learn to
handle your fears and insecurities so that you do not make your situation worse. You are
extremely sensitive and worry much too much about what others think of you. You lack
self-esteem. On the positive side, though, this aspect helps to steady the emotional nature, it
deepens the mind and it gives greater power for concentration. You need to cultivate an
optimistic frame of mind. Strive to open yourself to others and to go out of your way to help
them instead of worrying about just your own little petty concerns.

Venus harmonizing with Neptune (power = 3.91 and this aspect is harmonious = 4.89)
You are a sensitive person with a lot of artistic imagination and a flair for creating beautiful
things or environments. You find peace in listening to good music and many times it will be the
catalyst for your trips of fantasy. You are romantic and would like to have a story-book kind of
life where you live in bliss with your one and only soulmate. These are indeed high ideals, but
it's okay for you to dream because at the same time you are dreaming, you are able to keep
your feet on the ground and not get carried away by it all. You are compassionate and seek to
help others who are in need. You are a natural "giver" and it makes you happy to serve. You
want what's best for all concerned and you do not have a problem with your ego getting in the
way. You find it difficult to be too assertive as you like peace and harmony, without making
waves. You are capable of great sacrifice for those you love and you do not necessarily need
to be recognized for that or receive anything in return. You have a mystical side to you and
you like being around artistic or mystical people. Church music stirs your soul and is as a
breath of fresh air from your true home, the heaven worlds. You may have real talent with
music or singing. You are devoted and devotional. You generally root for the underdog and
can sometimes be a sucker for a sob story. You will attract people in this lifetime who will help
you continue the soul growth you started in previous lives.

Moon harmonizing with Jupiter (power = 3.42 and this aspect is harmonious = 5.14)
You are cheerful, forgiving, optimistic, easy-going, tolerant and kind. You love to make other
people comfortable and happy, but sometimes you overdo your generosity. You have such a
firm faith that everything you do will turn out all right no matter what you do, that you
sometimes get lazy and apathetic. There are times when you simply take the easy way out of
things, especially emotionally. You may have the tendency to overindulge yourself with rich

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and sweet food, thereby gaining weight, especially in later years. You may overeat. This
aspect brings good character, an expansive mind, idealism, honor, luck and financial
assistance from family and others. You have a strong respect for honesty in others and in
yourself. You are upright, moral and have a well-defined sense of ethics. You are devotional
and philosophical, though not necessarily religious. You are self-confident and emotionally
secure. You have the ability to laugh at yourself and see the humor even in the worst of
situations. You want to help people move forward in life and are willing to give that help,
whether it be emotional, financial or spiritual. The biggest caution here is simply watch that
you do not become lazy or self-indulgent. People love you for your fine character.

Saturn discordant to Pluto (power = 3.36 and this aspect is discordant = -5.03)
You experience power struggles and roadblocks to your ambitions. Things or people always
seem to get in your way of doing things. You must examine then, your reasons for doing the
things you are doing. Do they help just you or are they beneficial for mankind in general?
Competition with and through others is designed to teach you how to better cooperate with
people. Great personal and soul growth can come about with this aspect, but you must be
willing to put others first instead of yourself.

In previous lives you have been too domineering and now you must learn to listen to other
people's viewpoints and opinions with an open mind. If you choose not to do this, then things
will go from bad to worse. Power must be used wisely, for the good of all, not just for the good
of self. This is why people are put into positions of power, so they can learn these lessons.
Great reform and regeneration is possible but your selfish nature must be put aside first.
Practice humility, patience and keep working hard.

Your revolutionary spirit needs to learn flexibility. You dislike change and want to be in a
position of authority over others. Perhaps with all the emotional turmoil this aspect can cause,
you will develop a hunger for the answers about life and this will lead you on the search for

Sun harmonizing with Mars (power = 2.96 and this aspect is harmonious = 2.22)
You are bold, daring, confident, active, vital, energetic and positive. You love friendly
competition and your initiative, self-esteem and self-confidence make you a winner at all you
undertake. You have learned how to control your desires by using your willpower and that
brings added power, for the person that can control themself can control the world. You have
wonderful physical vitality and excellent recuperative powers. You need to be involved in
some sort of physical exercise program or sports in order to release some of your excess
energy in a healthy way. You have a strong sense of fair play and do not resort to
underhanded means to get ahead. You have leadership skills and executive ability. You are a
tireless worker and command respect from those around you. You are self-assertive with
inborn courage and you will fight for your rights as well as the rights of others.

Jupiter discordant to Neptune (power = 2.67 and this aspect is discordant = -1.33)
You have the tendency to be way too emotional at times. Periodically you get excessively
sentimental, romantic and idealistic. Sometimes your imagination runs away from you.
Dreams and ideas are great but not when they interfere with reality and the practical,
everyday duties and responsibilities that must be faced in order to lead a productive life.

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People sometimes take advantage of you because you tend to be a sucker for sob stories.
Sometimes you enjoy playing the victim or the martyr in order to draw attention to yourself or
to get sympathy. You are periodically manipulated into doing what others want you to do even
if you would rather not be doing it. Or perhaps you are the one who is accomplished at lying,
manipulation or laying guilt trips on other people, especially those in your family. You may
have a distorted sense of the truth. What is in your head might be totally different than what is
in reality. All this suggests that you need to practice more mental and emotional discipline and
learn how to better keep your feet on the ground.

Be wary of speculative ventures or get-rich-quick schemes as your tendency is to suffer loss

through these because of fraud. Temper your optimism with realism. There ain't no such thing
as a free lunch. Everything has its cost. Learn to accept people, their faults and the world as
they are and not how you wish them to be. You are apt to view some people through
rose-colored glasses and others through jaundiced eyes. If you place people on pedestals,
and if they fall off, you become disillusioned, not only with the idolized individual, but with the
world. You have high ideals, but by accepting life and people as they are, you can release the
disappointments and disillusionments you suffer over human failings. Avoid negative psychic
influences such as Ouija boards, hypnosis, séances and mediums. These things could be
dangerous for you. Drugs and the excessive use of alcohol should also be avoided.

Jupiter harmonizing with Pluto (power = 2.63 and this aspect is harmonious = 3.95)
You have the opportunity and ability to take on positions of leadership that will help groups of
people rise to a higher standard of living, ethics and morality. You yourself probably have a
strong sense of ethics and people respond to this quality in you. Planning and managing large
group projects appeals to you. You can be the force for change and expansion of any group to
which you belong. In previous lives you have developed a sense of humility and a tolerance
and respect for other people's viewpoints. You have an inborn sense of right and wrong and
this makes it easy for you to try and reform what you feel needs modification. You enjoy the
challenge of helping yourself or others reach high and lofty goals. Other qualities which you
tend to display are generosity, penetrating insight, the ability to size up situations and people
quickly and correctly, and sympathy for the problems which others have.

Saturn harmonizing with Uranus (power = 2.47 and this aspect is harmonious = 1.24)
Difficult tasks can be completed because of your persistence, endurance, patience and hard
work. You combine the best qualities of idealism and practicality. The difficulties you
experience in life give you a chance to show your ability to persevere when the going gets
tough. Much learning and soul growth can come from these situations. Your ambitions take
you on unique, unusual and perhaps even eccentric paths. Unusual people come into your
environment to help you experience the things you need to experience to grow and mature.
You have the ability to balance your need for personal freedom and your sense of
responsibility. With this balance you can accomplish a great deal. Your organizational ability
and your ability to work with details help you to succeed and to come through for others. You
perhaps need to learn how to relax, though, as your ability to endure extra tension may be too
much for your physical body or your nervous system to withstand.

Sun harmonizing with Ascendant (power = 1.96 and this aspect is harmonious = 1.96)
You are sociable and energetic, self-confident and candid. You enjoy performing for others.

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This aspect aids your health and well-being.

Moon harmonizing with Neptune (power = 0.09 and this aspect is harmonious = 0.09)
You have a wonderful imagination and are very sensitive and intuitive. You are gentle,
kind-hearted, romantic, sympathetic and compassionate. You are always there to listen to
other people's problems and you never judge them for what they have done. You are idealistic
and inspirational and find great emotional fulfillment through the arts, whether it be painting,
music, drama or dance. You may take an interest in photography or anything having to do with
the sea. You are able to sacrifice your own needs if it will mean helping another. You are very
creative and need to express yourself this way to stay emotionally balanced. You have
interest in metaphysics or occult science, as well as ability, even if it is now only dormant. You
are particularly attuned to the vibrations in your environment so you should pay attention to
the people and situations with which you surround yourself. The beauty and harmony of your
surroundings has a very powerful effect on your emotions. You will go out of your way to keep
the peace, to avoid confrontation and to make everybody happy. You give unsparingly of your
time to help others and in this respect are completely selfless. You have a great need to be of
service to others. You may experience prophetic dreams.

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Sun in Capricorn
Capricorns have the desire to climb whatever mountains are necessary and to stand on their
own two feet in order to work out their ambitions and their salvation. They are conservative,
organized, methodical, traditional, responsible, honest, efficient, patient, practical,
authoritative, disciplined, serious and goal-oriented. On the negative side they can be worried,
pessimistic, retaliatory, suspicious, stubborn and intolerant. They are happiest in careers
calling for organizing ability, integrity and perseverance. They have a fear of failure.

Their quiet exterior makes Capricorns appear to be loners. They build a wall of reserve around
them in order to protect themselves from the ill winds of the world around them. Nothing gets
in the way of their plans and ambitions. They strive for security by holding fast to duty and
responsibility. Work is very important to them and they do not take it lightly. Many Capricorns
have an inferiority complex and this sometimes is what drives them so hard to succeed. They
want to look good in front of the world.

Capricorns like to plan their every move, weighing all the pros and cons of any issue in
advance. They are dependable, particularly in a crisis. When asked, they give sound, practical
advice. They are, as a rule, not aggressive people, and only express hostility as a defense
when attacked.

At times Capricorns can be very sensitive to hurts and feel alone as if no one understands
them. A negative Capricorn will seek retribution for wrongs done him. Capricorns need people,
but they have a tendency to isolate themselves from people due to their reserve and fear of
being hurt. They can be very loyal to close friends and people they care about. Respect and
recognition is important to them. Encouragement and praise are essential for motivating a

A fear of being without material things makes it mandatory that Capricorns have a regular
income. Their attainments in life are accomplished through steady progress rather than
through speculation or get-rich-quick schemes. They have strong self-discipline and nothing
turns them from their course if their mind is made up. They will give up many pleasures in
order to reach their goals. Hard work invigorates them. Capricorns are thrifty and like to collect
things. They abhor waste. This includes wasting a lot of talk in idle chatter. Capricorns speak
when they have something to say.

Capricorns can be creative but they must at times learn to overcome their own self-doubts and
lack of confidence. Pessimism in their own abilities can hold them back. They must learn to
believe in themselves and become optimistic. There is no mountain they cannot climb if that is
what they desire to do.

Capricorns have a lot of patience, which is good, because many of their plans meet with
delays, setbacks and obstacles. This teaches them obedience, which is thus helping them to
strive for spiritual attainment rather than material attainment. For them, work is therapeutic
and is probably the best medicine for whatever ails them, except overwork, which they are
prone to do. It is difficult for a Capricorn to really relax. They are happiest when busy, even in
their spare time.

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Capricorns are thoughtful, self-contained people. Lacking, perhaps, some of the personal
magnetism of some of the other zodiac signs, they are nevertheless quite tactful,
compassionate and warmhearted. Their own personal sufferings help them identify with the
sufferings of others. In love, Capricorns are as romantic and emotional as anyone else, but
usually they feel inhibited in expressing their emotions. They are cautious in making a total
commitment until they know that the traits and lifestyle of the possible partner are compatible
with theirs. Once married, they seldom divorce because they feel that any situation can be
worked out, if only worked at hard enough.

Moon in Gemini
You tend to intellectualize your feelings. Your moods come through your words. At times you
are totally unaware of your own or other people' deeper feelings and emotional needs. You
talk out your feelings and moods. Your primary need is to communicate and to share
knowledge. You tend to avoid heavy, emotional relationships and involvements because their
is some tendency to superficiality. Commitment scares you. You require plenty of mental
stimulation and you feel closest to people with whom you can share thoughts and mental
interests. You get turned on sexually through the mental side of things. You have a versatile
and receptive mind with a great desire for knowledge. You can be charming, witty and
warm-hearted. Nervous tension, anxiety, and stress may be a problem for you. You probably
dislike arguments and have a tendency to talk too much. You may tell people what they want
to hear rather than the truth. Mental control should be developed or else indecisiveness and
constant changing of your mind will become a way of life for you.

Mercury in Capricorn
Your mind is clear, disciplined, serious, practical, organizing, objective and realistic, and you
are unimpressed by exaggerated claims or promises. You want to know the facts behind any
statement or idea you hear. Your natural skepticism often borders on cynicism. You have a
rational approach to problems and are usually quite level-headed no matter what the
circumstances. Your are capable of working long hours with focused concentration and
attention on whatever interests you. You probably have a good memory and are very attentive
to details. At times you appear to others as lacking a sense of humor, boring, or depressed.
You simply have a lot on your mind. You are thorough, conscientious, and disciplined in your
thinking, and have an aptitude for business, organization, and administration. You are also a
good strategist, and will plan and patiently follow a realistic course which will lead to your
eventual success. Serious-minded and studious, you enjoy quiet time alone for thinking or
reading. You seldom indulge in foolish or silly chatter for you consider them a waste of
valuable time which is better spent on more productive things.

Venus in Sagittarius
In matters of love, you are looking for someone you can grow with, someone who can expand
your world and your consciousness. You are attracted to someone who is fun-loving, playful,
and open to adventure and new experiences. Traveling together, meeting new people and
exploring new vistas is particularly enjoyable. People of foreign background and cultures
enlarge your understanding of the world and yourself. You want to be able to share your
dreams, aspirations and ideals with your mate. It is very important to you that you have a
spiritual or intellectual rapport with your love partner, perhaps more important than the
emotional/physical relationship. You are not especially sentimental and your partner may feel
that you are too casual and not serious or romantic enough. You are sympathetic, kind,

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generous and optimistic. You idealize love. Always on the lookout for greener pastures, you
may not stay long with a partner who doesn't help you to grow or provide you with enough
excitement. You desire to share a love of God, expressed through religious devotion and a
love of man, expressed through philanthropy and charity with the one you choose to love.

Mars in Scorpio
You are extremely strong-willed and you pursue your goals and desires with passionate
dedication and determination. You are capable of total concentration and tremendous
discipline, and you are very difficult to influence once your mind is made up. When you want
something, you can be very one-sided and almost obsessed with it. You tend to be secretive
and you do not want others to know what your plans are. You tend to be instinctive,
perceptive, determined, strong-willed, stubborn and magnetic. You have deep emotions and
may occasionally show a primitive side. You need to learn self-discipline or your desire nature
will rule your life, probably causing great sorrow in the end. You must learn to control your
jealousy and possessiveness in matters of love. A certain amount of detachment in
relationships would probably be good and this, of course, would include your tendency to treat
loved ones as possessions. You are very forceful in a quiet and subtle way and others may
have difficulty in seeing or understanding your motives. You can manipulate people in a way
that is not obvious to them or others. Direct confrontation with others is not your preferred
style. You like operating behind the scenes. In any case, you are a formidable opponent when
riled. In matters of health, there may be a tendency towards hemorrhoids.

Jupiter in Leo
You are generous, kind, compassionate and altruistic. You have organizing and executive
abilities and crave positions of trust and responsibility, never being content to simply follow.
You have an abundance of energy and a strong constitution. You love anything that tends to
uplift society. On the negative side, though, you can become cruel, sensual, egotistical,
ostentatious, abnormally fond of pleasure and subject to loss through speculation and
gambling. You need to be admired for your generosity and warm-heartedness to all.

Saturn in Gemini
Your thinking is deliberate and serious and you possess organization skills, concentration and
mental stability. You can focus on deep and difficult matters and come up with practical
solutions to problems. You enjoy learning. But there may also be tendencies towards
cynicism, depression, and pessimism. Nervous tension can be a problem and the intake of air
into the lungs or the oxygenation of the blood can be restricted. Your lungs need plenty of
oxygen. It is best for you to sleep in a well-ventilated room. Saturn here steadies your mind
and helps control the natural flightiness of Gemini. This is a good position for Saturn, but you
may need to develop faith in the future. It will be important for you to discipline your mind and
learn to think and act methodically if you are to be successful in anything.

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Sun in 11th house

You probably possess a desire to raise goals to a higher level and to seek ideas which would
be of benefit for the group. Or you may desire to place your own goals and desires above the
wishes of the group. You have the ability to make friends, many who are influential and wield
power. You enjoy your work with groups. You are responsible, liberal and broad-minded. You
are a humanitarian who would rather be popular than powerful. You have organizing ability
and probably take the leadership role in group activities or friendly get-togethers.

Moon in 3rd house

You possess intellectual curiosity and may well express your true feelings through speech,
poetry or writing. Intellectualizing your feelings is probable. There is a strong need for
communication and for gathering information, which is later shared with people in general or
women in particular. You have a fine sense of humor and like to joke and play around. Travel
appeals to you because it affords new opportunities for learning. Routine of any kind probably
bores you and you are constantly looking for variety. Your ideas change at a moment's notice
and you are forever flexible and adaptable to any situation. Learning is perhaps better
accomplished through listening rather than reading. Your mind can be quite emotional at
times. Concerning vocation: the emphasis is on communication and information exchange.
Your personality gathers, shares and reacts to information. This position represents the
intermediary, the go-between, and the dissemination functions.

Mercury in 11th house

You have an original, comprehensive, adaptable and intellectual mind. Your goals are
obtained through the use of your mind. You choose friends who stimulate your mind, perhaps
younger friends. You find it stimulating to converse with those friends who share opposing
views. You could be the spokesman or secretary for your favorite group or organization.

Venus in 8th house

You may be enjoying physical comforts and prosperity perhaps due to your partner's efforts.
You may inherit money which allows you the luxury you seek. You may lack self-discipline and
there may be a tendency to laziness as well as a preoccupation with sex. Trouble may come
to you if you have a tendency to indulge your lower nature. You may be attracted to healing,
psychic endeavors or metaphysical subjects. Perhaps you have an interest in magic.

Mars in 8th house

There may be energy, desire, and enthusiasm for research, for getting to the heart of things,
and for playing detective and uncovering secrets. There may be financial problems, probably
through a partner, in order to de-emphasize the importance of money. There may be financial
benefit through marriage or inheritance. There is a need to share willingly of personal
resources in any cooperative relationship. You must learn to control your desires (passions)
and your lower nature. There may be interest in healing or surgery.

Jupiter in 6th house

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This placement tends to give good health. Any health problems are usually caused by
extravagance and over-indulgence, too much of a good thing. You are helpful to others and
are a dependable worker with a sense of loyalty. You inspire cooperation and good will among
your fellow workers. You enjoy your work and give of your time willingly. Watch that you do
not overwork or overindulge in eating or drinking. There could be difficulties in the liver and
blood or poor circulation due to over-indulgence.

Saturn in 3rd house

Your mind is serious, exacting, patient and orderly plus you have the ability to concentrate on
deep subject matter. With this ability comes a tendency to depression, pessimism, loneliness
or despondency. You have organizational ability and are probably conservative and traditional
in your thinking. Mathematics and strategy games may appeal to you. Time consuming
projects do not bother you. You may feel a bit isolated from siblings and neighbors or they
may give you trouble. There may be issues of communication with either. Try to stay optimistic
in your thinking and in the meantime simply keep working hard. Your lungs need plenty of
oxygen, so try to sleep in a well-ventilated room.

Uranus in 12th house

You tend to be highly intuitive and secretive, with humanitarian ideals. You may have feelings
of loneliness. There may be nervous difficulties. There is interest in metaphysical subjects.
You may have unique psychic experiences which you keep to yourself for fear of being
ridiculed. You have a tremendous desire to feel free and a constant questioning of the
meaning of life and of the imperfections you see around you. Unresolved difficulties in your
subconscious mind need to be brought out and disposed of. You have a tendency to feel that
something is going to "get" you, to sneak up on you, if you are not careful. It is as though you
always have a sense of impending doom. You need to overcome this apprehension.
Self-control must be developed.

Neptune in 12th house

You are reflective and intuitive. You have psychic ability which operates unconsciously. You
may experience intense feelings of loneliness and of being held in bondage to a specific
person. You feel a need to connect with a higher Power and to be part of the oneness of all
life. There is interest in occult and mystical subjects. Serving those in some kind of
confinement is a possibility. Serve or suffer may be a keynote in your life. Secret enemies may
try to undermine you. Forgiveness, love and compassion need to be expressed and lived.

Pluto in 9th house

You are intuitive and may be clairvoyant. Travel in other dimensions is possible during sleep.
There is an inherent interest in religion and philosophy. You want to know why and how.
There can be the danger of such total belief in your own ideas that it borders on fanaticism,
with total disregard for the thoughts and beliefs of others. Develop tolerance for other's beliefs.
You search for Truth as a starving man looks for food. You want to know everything.
Metaphysical experiences are possible and transformation can occur through dreams, long
distance travel or philosophical insights and revelations. You can suffer mental strain from
studying too intensely. You must control your desire to always be right no matter what.

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The astrological interpretations in this report have been formulated with the assumption that
your birth date, time, and place are accurately given. This includes whether the birth time was
daylight savings time or standard time. Even a difference of one hour in birth time can
invalidate much of the interpretation given in this report, most notably 'HOUSE POSITIONS

By no means is this astrological analysis complete. Obviously, you are far more complex than
what a few pages of writing can depict. Hopefully, this short description of you and your inner
character will lead you on your way to really discovering who you are, what you can become,
and what you need to be doing in this life.

Created by:

Allen Edwall

1600 Resler Dr #201, El Paso, TX 79911

Copyright 2012-2018 by Allen Edwall. All rights reserved.

Phone: 760.666.9194

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