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1. The topic sentence of the paragraph is:
Urban people and rural people, regardless of their country, live quite differently
2. The first paraghraph do not have an introductory word, but we can see, that the paragraph
begins with an introductory sentence. It takes the reader into an imaginary life and it also
takes at 3 places at all, Tokyo, Egypt and a rural Japanese town. The paragraph focuses
on the differences between rural people’s and urban people’s lifestyle, which will be
detailed in the next paragraph, so this is an introductory for the next paragraph’s theme.
3. The topic sentence of the second paragraph is: One major difference between gorwing up
in the city and in the country is the degree of friendliness. T
The introductory construction: One major difference- help us to navigate through entire
text, because it suggests that it will be presented further differences.
The topic sentence of the third paragraph: Another different is the pace of life.
This paragraph starts with an another introductory word, which support a new idea, a new
difference. The reader can easily notice the main idea of the paragraph, because it is
separated following the 2 lifestyles: urban and rural.
The topic sentence of the fourth paragraph is: A third difference is lies in the way people
are able to spend their free time.

4. The last paragraph is designed to convince the reader about the author.s view and opinion
on the differences between the urban and rural lfestyle.It also has a conluding function,
because it recapitulates what he stated in the previous paragraphs/thesis.


A day at the forest

The memories of childhood ultimately become the life long memory which
always brings a smile on our faces. Only the grownups know the real value of childhood
because the children do not everytime understand these things.
I grew up in a little town, called Boiu, which is placed in the South part of Bihor
County. It’s a small village with 700 very goodhearted people. My parents just moved
there after that i was born, because their parent lived there too. It is a very quiet place, not
so far from the village it is a forest and the Crisul-Negru river. I used to know everyone
in the village and everybody helped each-other.
My grandparents house was a real playground for me, because me and my brother
explored every corner of the house. Their house was not so far from our house, so i went
to my grandparent very often.
Even if I was a little girl, I liked to explore alone the beauty of the nature, to go
out alone, my parents always were worried about me, because i didn’t tell them where
was i going. One day, my father took me and my brother to the forest, and let me see how
is it from the inside. There were a lot of small wild animals.
I can only remember the thing that we went here with bikes, and there everything
was green, and the trees were very tall. I don’t know exactly if we had a picnic here or
some activities, but i know i ate some dogberries. And i was really afraid, because I
didn’t knew if it is eatable or toxic. My father calmed and me and said that it is eatable. It
has a very good taste and we took some dogberries with us for my mom.
That place was really nice, even if I remember fondly, I remember that I felt here
very good. Maybe I’ll go back there someday.

Barna Gabriella
Anul 3

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