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NAME: Tocas Nonones, Susana.

Watch this video about Dr. Jawa. What lesson can you learn from his talk and why is
it relevant.

I really enjoyed this video about how to become a better teacher. I must confess that when
I started to teach English for the first time it wasn’t as I expected specially because it was
difficult to me to have the “class control”. I used to think that the perfect class is when
students are in silent and the teacher has to talk and just teach but, as Dr. Jawa says,
there must be a connection between teacher and students so I searched for some tips and
advices on internet and asked some colleague about how to improve my performance
when teaching and I applied them so the students answers were positive, that’s why I am
totally agree about BE ORIGINAL because if I had copied the way a colleague teach I
wouldn’t have felt comfortable pretending to be a way I am not. I caught their attention
being authentic with new games to learn vocabulary or grammar not only inside the
classroom also out of it, I proposed some projects where they had to interact each other
and with me. I saw them so involved with it so they realized that all they had been learning
was applied in a real life situation. So, being original and creative is important for me, as
well as, renounce teaching and embrace learning that means let students participate in
their own learning and guide them so they can have a mistake (that become their
experiences as learners) but we will be there to support them.

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