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Leanza Dawson

Practicum 290

March 31, 2021



             As I sat and watched this video, I was already excited to learn a few tricks or
skills to use within the classroom. Of course, while I kept watching the interaction with the
teacher and students. I noticed a few things I loved and admired but I also saw a few things
which I think can be improved. Let me start by providing you with the positives.

             I loved and enjoyed watching the students being involved and to participate. I also
love how she involved all the students and had them provide their own opinions and answer as
she was teaching. She did not leave anyone out, which is something that is not done in most
classrooms. By her doing that the children will feel cared for and not left out or see any
favoritism as we do not want or need this. I also liked how she was very attentive, because she
noticed the child who was stepping out of the box while across the floor trying to deal with other
kids. The teacher spoke so clearly and loudly that they were able to hear and understand her. 
Whereby I once was a student, and anytime a teacher would speak softly, I’m only attentive at
first, then I would start drifting away and eventually dozing off about to sleep. Therefore, I
enjoyed her interaction with the children.

             Now as we move on to the downfalls, I must say I hope I will not make these
mistakes in my classroom in the future. First to begin with, the teacher asked them to gather
around the mat. However, she didn’t ask “please” she just demanded for that to be done. As a
teacher, students look up to you as a role mole so if manners are not displayed properly in the
classroom by the teacher the students will tend to not have any as well. This is because as a
young individual talking nice to others, especially with manners, takes them a long way in and
out of the classroom. Next, I did like when she mentioned to one of the students that he or she
was a “silly goose”. The name calling is just out right, wrong! This is a no, no because setting the
example starts with the teacher. I think that would only cause the students to do so with each
other and think it’s okay. Lastly, I did not like how the teacher did not compliment or motivate
the students after answering and reading. I believe by praising students it gives them motivation
as well as more participation and involvement from them.

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